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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 20, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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rustic crossing in recent months. most of these bless and the bless i'm wheel turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the . ready ready ready the mothers side, well children are months, 9 people killed in as many as trying that hits a family home in southern garza, the color of 7 live from the also coming up is where the fault is conduct the ministry rates in the occupied wes. thing for a 2nd day,
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at least always people the thing to that explosion, that's a military base and a rock that house is a pro it raining power, minute to group kills one person. the us denies any responsibility. and the ukranian president, i just need to achieve speed of its military support and says it must decide if it's keeps along the welcome to the program. at least 9 people are being killed and is really strongly getting rough. uh, in southern garza, do is may find the following images distressing, not the majority of the dead or women and children. amongst them is this woman's son who was one of the 6 children killed in the attack on the astute on neighborhood. she said, a final good bye or the whole my child who had been so kind
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to obedience and generous, may rest in god's mercy. i commend your soul to god. i pray you join your brothers and sisters and the fire died. and then these are, the strike is a residential building and rough early on saturday morning residents, along with the rest of the work as have been digging through the rubble to try to find survivors. the name of that is, is rasa in southern garza for us. uh, just bring us up to speed. uh honey. um, what we know about these latest strikes of the hitting rock, but the yes, our people across the street are still living the out for math and the horrible experience of their late hours last night. the attacks across the city, whether in the eastern part of the city or over a crowded evacuations on, in the western parts of the telephone on a neighborhood that that was for part of the city with more people are still
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missing and a trapped under the rubble but literally equipment that improper machinery and the lack of pretty much the, the, the assistance needed to remove people from the bodies. the rest of these people losing their life is very high right now. but also the tragedy of the casualties of from last night, the man, the family, the remaining family members arrive to equate and hospitality. earlier hours today, taking the bodies of their children and other family members are wrapped in white cheese and transferring them to your house. but the preparing for it for burial. this is a step of the dominating since children. and for us the gaza strip are dying. got a record number as a result of the attacks of residential on these families who were killed inside the residential where shelter inside these buildings since the beginning of the war and the expansion of the ground invasions the parts of the gosh remaining, and han you into from the central area, just leaving the entire city or rather i in
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a fit of panic right now because that is in light of the growing it's rest of expanding the ground and vision. however, it's important to point out the best measure to people's things that growing the threats of expanding the ground and vision revised fully use as a distraction right now, because for the past 6 months, has your no sign of the slowing down a little bit? yeah, tops across the city, it has been targeted repeatedly. majority of buildings is more people are still missing a trap under the levels as terrible out what happened in the central area. and the northern part of the city this they believed is really monetize using that. * as a way to distract the attention from the ongoing relentless attacks across this, across the city itself. oh, that's cool. so honey. the focus of attention tens of attacks is con, used as an innocent refugee campus in pretty vicious that what's been happening.
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yes, that is right. and mainly, and they advise evacuation zone of what's been part of hon you and is definitely milwaukee area where the vast majority of people were ordered to evacuate to do in order to avoid being bombed by the end up being bom, been killed and maimed inside either the tennis or the vicinity, or the buildings at the vicinity of the evacuations on the reports or talking about an entire residential block with a 1000 of 10 surround, it had been targeted and destroyed with many people reported on the transfer. those are dangerous to it that you're feeling the guys are repeating hospital and then a job hospital. but what's really intimidating right now is the use of the quad cap . there is any drawings using intimidating language and also the kind of broadcast being intimidating. the voice is either crying babies or, or is that the dogs that are barking just in a way to cast. we're an intimate if people are in the area. how do you want to do
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that for us in roughly and southern gaza? thank you. or not in the occupied westbank, these wally ministry is conducting a raid for a 2nd day. the at least 5 people have been killed in the operation of the city of 2 can. at last, the rest have be made as the neutrons refugee camp is ready. full size also rated several homes and use both sizes to destroy home shop. some of the critical facilities that for humans are correspondent life is until trimming the occupied westbank. can we be keeping a very close eye on this is riley military operation need it's day 2, and that seems to be no sign that is about to end. yes, it's hard for palestinians even know when the is really forces are gonna leave the refugee camp specifically that some people expected after the news, the murders of the killing of one palestinian who has been deemed the one of the most wanted here in the occupied with the bank as the heads of the poor cut him
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battalion from this is like the armed group of product city and men fighting these really occupations. they thought maybe the is really a read will come to an end. but as we've been hearing now, it doesn't seem to be ending because with not only heating a sounds from these really thrown, but also of it bombs with heating from the battalion and to cut them. they just released the statement saying that they will continue be engaging in arms. confrontations with these really forces because of the situation and how risk it is . it's hard for us to go inside and from much of the media, but we've seen videos of destruction that is looking like something we have not seen before. and we've seen already a lot in thor cutting and in, nor some sort of few jacobs in terms of how much of these really forces are damaging the infrastructure. so we are looking at the very large destruction and demolition, and i'm just going to move away from that picture to show you elizabeth,
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the refugee camp. it's crowded. it has thousands and thousands of palestinians who have been saying that these really forces with going from one home to another. this is something we've seen before. also these mass detentions of palestinians. home is being turned into the tension centers. they would be evicted out of the residence when these reinforces arrived. they would stay there and sometimes they would do what we've been seeing a lot of lately, which is like the field interrogations of palestinians. so anyone who lives in the refugee camp is in during a lot and could be subjected to be taken off the russ and already when we, with reporting about the torture and the beating up in the okay, by the west bank. we've seen that in those large and long reads receive these really forces going from one house to another. in one incident, one of the witnesses was telling us that these really forces with it torturing him, asking him what he knows who he knows in the refugee camp. so it's seeing here as
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time of like as a way of intimidating processing is to get information out of them. sometimes the, this information simply does not exist with those people who are being tortured and the rest of the data. so i'm going situation of course will join you through the day. you need to bring the force into oakland tensions between their own and as well and dominate the final day with discussions of the piece of music. and it's really foreign minister schools to the escalation. well, so i think further sanctions against their own on call, so they won't against the full scale military operation in rough up general wraps up developments from the a tally an island of capri after israel struck targets in the round early on friday there was little chance of business, as usual among the 7 foreign ministers, their host on the island of capri confirming the us had received a prior warning from israel in order to establish and sort of mathematical i think it's already known. the us was informed at the last minute. but there was no
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sharing by the us, it was me a information. i mean, what am i to the secretary of state antony clinton refused to be drawn on the details. i'm going to be incredibly boring and not make your day by saying again, i'm not going to speak to what's been reported other than to say that the united states has not been involved in any offensive operations. setting out the main points of the final communicate, he said the g 7 was more, you know, to, than ever in working to de escalate tensions in the middle east were committed. his real security were also committed to, to deescalate, to trying to bring this tension to a, to a close. so you saw as well, or you'll see soon in the g 7 statement, a commitment to hold or on to account, to account for it's the stabilizing activities. holding into account by
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a degrading it's missile and drone capabilities. it's n a d like location in with d, 7 foreign ministers confronted a see of problems from iran and israel to gaza. ukraine to the in the pacific. the middle east dominated, of course, with ministers repeating the mantra of the escalation to be followed. they said by renewed efforts towards the sci fi in gaza. they were critical of israel's failure to allow the full flow of aid into gaza. talk 2nd margaret. yes. as did you 7 the underlying what? my colleague, david cumberland and i made clean jewels and i'm on wednesday despite was advisable, initial steps towards more human savvy and 8. this is not enough to is really call them and have a do to, to help. and that he may tell you in suffering of so many people and especially the children and garza and the big signs that these ro is still planning a large scale incursion into rough in the south of the gaza strip. the gym and foreign minister echoed secretary, blinking re stating that objection with up to 1400000 people sheltering that they
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said it would lead to catastrophic consequences. joe, the whole elder 0 could pretty good phase one person has died in 20 people have been injured during a large explosion in the wrong that happened south of the capital bank that and the bible province of march the ebay seized by the arabian, but to popular mobilization forces was hit, the power military group is accusing as well as conducting the attack. now the us says they will some behind the strength. the rocky military has cooled explosion an accident. and we'll be investigating how it happens, the sullivan java joins us now live from baghdad. we seem to have a little bit of a mystery on our hands here, a salma as to what exactly happened. but what we know for sure in the last few minutes, i've seen some pictures, some videos that have been uploaded, and then immediately deleted
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a by some soldiers who were inside that camp. but of a creature, a large creature which sort of indicate that there was a projectile which hit this place and this explosion must have caused the ground to give in and a form a crate to it. so it appears that this was a project time, but again, as you said, it off the document sources, the security media. so let's say that this was an incident that is being investigated and gives out details of popular mobilization forces base, which was the head of a at least one person was injured. at least 8 were wounded according to that statement. and this is a, it's significant base because it's just not only close the popular mobilization forces, but also iraq, the federal police as well as documented fee as well. so if this was an outside strike, if it was inactive beyond iraq's board, as this would be considered inactive regression, iraq, the prime minister is in the united states. and those statements that be so early on in the early hours of the morning put on the social media pages by popular
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mobilization forces barely accused. the united states has shipley being removed has been, and it comes at the backdrop of all of these tensions which are being symmetry as strikes and on the account of strikes have been continuing between iran and israel . and also some of the us has denied any involvement safe, not the us who would be the likely suspects because as you say, tensions of running high in the region. but it is, it is right now. it's a guessing game for everybody. and as people have been digging their heels on to various fronts that they hold, the rock you've got been seems to be on the back foot saying that they are investigating it, then not blaming any act as the popular mobilization forces. early on the cues, the united states, and it is interesting that another claim is coming from the is that make resistance in or something that operates beyond the population mobilization forces. i'm the document if the people who been accused of and have claimed various attacks inside
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iraq and silvia and other places. the latest statement says that they've hit a lot in israel with a drawing of use. the claim that we cannot cooperate and there will be no confirmation from these reading sites. so obviously this is the finger pointing is to words international forces, predominantly the americans who are here, and then obviously beyond that towards israel. but be, we still have to see a, why is it that they are trying to not point fingers directly at officially? because this is a direct attack on is on iraq, the forces who are here, who being a partner in the war against, i think. and now being seen up by international forces including the united states, which says that it is in iraq on the invitation of the rocky government. and believe whenever it wants to a sub job with that force. and i thank you. well, still ahead here on the opposite or find that while us troops are bundling a $100000000.00 base and leaving mission
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the the latest news as it breaks around on a given a cost that people have just come out. but galvanized public to the board with detailed coverage, but the reason prices and the reality things are likely to get much worse before they get better describing some residents to the brain from around the world who has told us the circumstances is even more important than usual to come together to share what they have on counting the cost germany is being gauging with china on trade. why consul in breakup with badging? materials? currency has rebounded all the economic reforms working, and we speak to the president of the un general assembly about has called action on sustainability council, the costs on alice's era. critical debate. punish farmers are angry. people are
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starving. and we actually have to experts all good because we want to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments politicians and may be often in the highest level they've been using games for the policy. let me cut out of the service to him, and course the arrivals inside story on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the book about to what you'll just bear with me. so robin into a reminder of all the top stories. at least 9 people have been killed in southern garza, after it is really as try and call the family and children of those that have done
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it in russia. israel continues to talk at the city. what are the strips population as shown swing? and is there any rate and the occupied westbank is end to the 2nd day? at least 5 people have been killed in the operations until 10 dozens of palestinians would be interested at the neutrons refugee to at least one person is being killed and 20 people injured in an explosion that's into the rocky military base of the captive backed up. the base is used on the radians popular localized station pulses to keep the trace, despite the boxes and accidents, the power military group has accused israel of theater joining us started students . i'm a company, it is an assistant professor, public policy of the doha institute for graduate studies could help you with a 2nd on the program if you thought tension had reduced in the region. i think we would be foolish to think so because the focus has not moved from iran and from
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that class with his royal to rossa. and this proposed is riley incursion into rafa, which is continually to worry washington and european capitals as well. correct. uh huh. and the problem is opposite to many independent what, what many the independent community i'm gonna think including is the only ones that goes as dom i mean, there is nothing more, but she even does a minute to leave because it has been investigated destroyed with the soonest that there was nothing else than stuck with this idea that she wants to achieve a full victory and an invasion and provides a muscle for him to send a big disability. those are the edited. so through the guys that has been taught 3, the best stated, are you still in system this and claims the most that has some military grades that are far, and they have to go off to be submitted to the gates. so we have the score and that would nothing else has been more than this. uh, add them in to, to, to go into the office and to demolish whatever capabilities, how much has the but the problem is you have 1200000,
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but the thing is the use of the people who fled from the north, the south. and if these are, is i've to invade with these people in delphi, it's going to be a mess. it goes a potent mess ago. so moving forward, of course you'll see is there as allies are very nervous and they don't want this a, but i'm not clearly rejecting it auto objecting. it's like close to that thing is that it was sex is i think the mortgage of the, of the image of another brutal but is it. and so the want a minimize the ration where the nothing else does not do the same. i mean, if we call it on saying minimize the operations for the last 6 months and every time that phrase is being used nets and yahoo and these way the governments of industry have gone in honda and it doesn't seem to matter what the european so the americans say nothing, you know who is doing what he wants to do. we've seen the width of the meeting recently between the gym and the,
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the british farm and assist before they went to the g 7. they went to tennessee, they sat down with and they told me, didn't listen to them. he still, he's still attacked their own. and that's spoken to correct as well. and the problem is with these allies of, of nothing. you know, so this was certainly, there's a key to stop, nothing l this the should start using w leverage, copying weapons, copying, financial supporters and also profiting with sentients. but they're not doing this . so just don't to present again. but, but, but something is happening. guess he has a history of violating and just bypassing all these advisors and it's going to happen this way unless they have the embrace on a new position and they said enough is enough and they wouldn't be consequences if you go into the ha, but not very and that's a problem. okay, well, we'll see what happens and we'll continue to analyze this as the day progresses. so that would come up to me. thank you. i think i feel as it states as agree to a drawers truth from the to the last month. the nigerian ministry government
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announced that it would end disagreement with the united states describing it as a profoundly unfair scenario. they went to supporters, came miles on to the streets to bundle american troops. leave. washington operates a major train base and the city of get this and is around that has about a 1000 soldiers in the country because there is a security on the list and says, the situation in your area isn't likely to improve in the near future. are the 2 major drivers of this anti width and so on to imperialism, the sentiments of new quartet. i'm good, the failure of democracy. and then of course, the united be lead to you over the presence of, um, you know, this a military with the military present and this will help to prevent or reduce the security challenges at the moment. if i had, it's probably the most. thank you with the challenge redone of the wall despite the presence of width and so it doesn't in region so see to them about those countries are asking the question we have, you know,
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i've missed but yet you on hold for tech to not need unfortunately, doesn't look like it's going to be very different from a for us, russia, it's to replace the us on, on the front of the case may be the russians. they didn't do that in money where, where they've been bred for them for more than 2 years. they didn't 2014 and 5, so at the moment, more than half of the territory of but you know, 5 so is being controlled by that. some, you know, to tar, we've done all the insurgent groups. the claims for the is and then skis is honest. west and allies will add defense systems full, the fight against russia. nice challenging nature to prove that it's an ally of keys by stepping up it's ministry, support. fortune must be brought down to us, and our sky mazda becomes safe again, and it sees the real. um,
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it depends fully on your choice. choice whether life is indeed equally valuable everywhere. choice whether you have an equal attitude toolbar, there's choice where that we these are lies troll stuff that has both and keys. it's following a virtual meeting of the nato ukraine council, nate, so chief un stalsen books that nato defense ministers had agreed to send ukraine more defense sisters. this of course, comes with the ukrainians. and many of the wisdom allies say is a critical time in ukraine. the country having faced in recent weeks and months, a huge escalation in miss all and drug and strikes by russian forces rusher. coal says that he doesn't deliberately target civilian areas, but we know that many civilians are being killed in these all, most unlikely attacks. and it has been literally billions of dollars worth of energy infrastructure destroyed in these attacks. but somebody sends to what the
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nights are chief had to say, you know, meeting today. mean this is also address and then the other pressing needs, including along the 55 minute met the nation, the position strikes the painters, drones each and they do all are and will decide what to provide. several lars made concrete commitments during the meeting on, on finalizing contributions that i expect will be announced soon. help is all the on the way. there was an emotional appeal by the ukrainian president below them. is the lensky during the meetings and lensky saying that in western age at the moment you train was very limits use any point you. there's an example to what's happened during the israel in recent days. he said, the west had not left israel to find for itself during those attacks by iran. the big question is,
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is how long is it going to take these weapon systems and this munition to get here to ukraine? because along the front lines, the situation is being described by many analysts as being very critical indeed, all eyes now towards the us where we expect on saturday. finally, for the to be a vote in the house of representatives. the could well release that long waited for $61000000000.00 worth of us a child stuff alger 0. keith look as, as a volkswagen blunt and the southern united states states of tennessee have voted to join a union. now the employee cited by 73 percent and save of joining the national national, united auto workers union. the decision defies a try and in the southern parts of the us where i phone ultimate because of benefits is from n t union lo, she hubbard, tennessee has moved from washington dc. this united older workers attempted to unionize. the volkswagen chattanooga apply twice before and failed, but this time it was in
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a landslide and it's an historic moment. the 1st time an auto pounds in the south is voted to unionize. since the 1940s, whereas the big free order and make is in the us, are unionized international companies have taken advantage. his life spread their operations in the us of the laws in the southern united states passed by politicians hostile to unions who have made it very attractive to join a union woman. i've discouraged joining a union, but things have been changing as workers in the south of seen, the benefits of the u. a. w is brought to the workers, the older workers in the north, particularly off to the recent round of strikes and the u. a. w. now says this is just going to be the beginning, mercedes and highland and alabama will be next. they're gonna start campaigns to try and get you those 2 funds, unionized and then toyota in missouri and i will coming up next according to the u
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. a. w, springing off this victory, she ever time see elder 0 washington. of course you can follow that story on the website itself. is that a top. com is updated through the day we are monitoring events in rough, fine across the costs and strip as well. and we'll be more news in hoffman counting . the cost is next to stay with us here on the the hey there, it's saturday, april the 20th. let's get going with your weather update through europe in africa will begin where the most effective stuff is. rank catches up to that western side of the turkey or from is stand bold to on talia. this is going to be quite a soggy forecast. we're not talking rain but snow around the else. we saw some snow through this with out. got some showers rolling across central europe industries. what is producing that active,
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whether we're seeing this northwind often or see here. so that's pushing disturbed weather north the south and it will be breezy for the netherlands, belgium, and northern france. really the best weather on the content, it can be found through portugal and spain. okay. a few showers here, but madrid looking good signs out 25 degrees for you. and now if we go to africa with that disturbed weather, override periods, also dropping down into morocco. so we've got periods of rain around robots, for example, series means temperatures have come down in bondsville, $34.00 and those temperatures will continue to slide over the next few days had been, some foggy, starts of the day for the west and south coast of south africa but check out what happens on monday. it's got some what weather just tugging the coast of the eastern cape probably. and so we'll see some showers slide in there, but shouldn't be anything major. but something i wanted to put on your radar. a
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unique perspective that plays students up to the palestinians to go to on heard voices through humor. i try to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, but upon proceed with the landscape. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day. this is going to unspeakable har as to really alone about what's happening because of the tasks and media attention the stream on out just the are the kind of them and they're gonna put on. and this is counting the cost on out. just see it right here. we can look at the world of business and economics this week. germany is re engaging with china and trade despite the east flexing as much as


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