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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 20, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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says, wow, the, [000:00:00;00] the flow while i'm on the inside, this is the news line from dow hall coming up in the next 60 minutes. the mothers emotional 5 well to has some. he was one of 10 people killed and it is really as strong as himself. and i knew that, but i came in front of neutrons. refugee camp in the occupied the west bank with and it's really the has been ongoing for more than 40 hours on explosion out of military base and a rock housing,
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a pro and rainy and power ministry were killed. one pass and the group is accusing israel or the attack on ukraine faces assaulted just munition, while us politicians votes on sending ministry age 16 in sports, the winter of law sundays badging hop. larson has been stripped of his metal now soft and investigation, found 3 of the athletes deliberately slows down near the finish line, so that the chinese run a take victory. the we begin this news out in solving garza with parents have been emotional 5 wells to children killed and it is really as strike funerals were held for the 10 palestinians who died in the attack on rough uh most of the dead with young
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children. a warning view as may find some of the images in barbara and gulf as report distressing. and this mother is trying to accept hassan hamza is gone. his one of the children killed and, and miss really strikes and rough at southern casa the other women and children were also killed in the attack, the tao also tom neighborhood. 12 year old line as a cook survived that. i mean, that's not what we were sleeping and all of a sudden i heard my sister shouting and crying. the roof was coming down on our heads. i thought i was dreaming, but when i opened my eyes, it was all black smoke. i was buried under the debris, 13 minutes later i was pulled out and i followed the cradle as
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a bunch of his daughter in disbelief to the the, despite international close to abandon transfer randomization of rough or is process going ahead with it's offensive. the united nation says won't any operations at risk, but lots of more than the 1000000 people has been sheltering in the city. the most of the neighborhood, the house in the building were bummed. even the symmetry was not spit from the bombing. this is rough, which they say safe for the display to had to have know was polished and parents, and also have been living with dread of losing back children for months but little can prepare them for the final. good bye barbara and good. i'll just say right,
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a lot corresponding honey enough. mood is in rasa in southern gauze that honey, what is the nude of people the in rafa, including yourself? are you bracing yourselves now for an invasion from the israelis? the well, the situation so far getting very difficult by the hour right now, not only we're seeing a growing the threats of expanding the ground, his vision is up on. in fact, there are mobilization of israeli forces along the spring border rough i city, along with the ongoing nonstop constant. our dealer is sending an error, strikes the, the presence of attack and drones and surveillance of drawn all over the city itself. and just within the past half an hour, a new pressure talked me or they just shakes the guys a border. and agenda that came by like minutes after giving entire area of displace families any vac. the weasel setup there tends to evacuate. the area of this ward
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yet todd just happens though there no reports of injury so far, but what happened is the cause great deal of destruction today if it's gladly, the towns been being used by people to shelter and but caused further internal displacement within the city. itself and here near the community, a hospital where is the more people are born into, they are coming to from the border area. there is a sense of a deep, shattered sense of safety right now or of a has been a, the last refuge for the past 6 months. for old people come in all the way from the northern part on god the city. i've been sheltering here for the past 6 months, and some of them were killed here and others are, are our, are in, during the ongoing, a daily attack. here she is, a is state of panic, quite honestly, among people as the to keep asking the question, what is next? what are we going to be doing next? the people who have family members filtering with them are our suffering that most because for the past 6 months have been in constant move in and explained from
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place to another. right now they exhaust and just have, have taken. it's telling them to the point where they prefer just to stay in here and whatever happens, they will just embrace it. it's very difficult to choice right now because there's no safer place anywhere in gaza. no indeed a and from what i understand the attacks elsewhere in the south and con eunice and is there, those are also still taking place. so it's not why the people rasa can move back that way too, because through those strikes or what, what, what certainly understood here right now, there is really intense bombing camry and i've been literally hurting people from one place to another, including an over crowded roof. i city, but more recently in defense from the area where hundreds of 1000 of people have been forced to move it from one area to another. just do sick of protection on silt or elsewhere that is safe just only to find themselves. the victims of these on
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a predictable attacks almost southern moves by these really military operating aggressively in marietta. the use of other weapons including the quad, half. those are not only killing people, but also coughing, panic, a great deal of fear on mind civilian population because these attack a drones gonna fly at a very low level at a human level and give these fears, aggressive intimidating orders for civilians been literally shot or kind of traumatized by the ongoing world of doors, so evacuation, so like a mazda is on. it's not the 1st time it's getting got to talk. there was a talk repeatedly just of the last hours it was attacked and several injures were reported to the hospital in the central area after discriminatory. announce, completing its operations and in a renewed attacks. going back on targeted more residential homes and public facilities, making life very difficult to accept right now with what's going on on the
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unfolding of tragedies that keep going on to. okay, thank you so much for your reporting. honey must mood that for us and russia in southern gaza. meanwhile, at least 10 palestinians have been killed in a 2 day long is ready raid and the occupied westbank was you had that as been gun fi on explosions throughout the day south today until correct most arrests have been made at the north shines. refugee camp, is there any forces also right? and several homes on use bulldoze is to destroy them as well as shops and all the critical cities that abraham is in to come for us in the occupied westbank. so need a 2nd day now of this operation. this is riley ministry operation in took room and does sound like these rates have been particularly brutal and devastating. took us through what's been happening. yes. in this light and my name, the number you just mentioned,
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the 10 power sending and kill. this is the latest figured. we've gotten only from these reinforces side. no, i'm being says have been able to verify the number of the killed the even some of them according to local sources, have not been able to be carried out outside of that. a few, jake, i'm so maybe the number would be much higher. we really don't know because as the situation remains this key and intense, it's hard for us to know what's happening inside. and even the people who we've been speaking through that with us is inside the refuge account. they've been saying that they've also had difficulty to leave the halls to know what's happening outside as this operation in this assault on that of fiji. come on through more than a 40 hours now with palestinians say that they couldn't find that holes with these really forces have been reading one house after another, conducting ara and a field investigations. now these really forces say that they've arrested a palace,
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then he is and killed 10. but we've just seen a video, the basically and report of each a that is the members of the battalion saying that their own lives, including the head of the notions. but cindy and who has been deemed to someone who was wanted not just on a scale of tooth cut in, but also on the scale of the occupied to us bank as a whole. now, if indeed the members of the battalions are alive, this gives us an idea of the fact that the operation is continuing. these really wave is continuing. so maybe the failure of, let's call it if so, of a rush thing. those a one to palestinians could be related to the fact that this a sold on that as you can this read is continuing. it's not the 1st time that the refugee, that this refugee camp of lucian's and to cut him a are, is seeing those ways just in january. we've been here and we had
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a 4th of the 3 day rate. so that a few jacob, we've seen really a lot of colors to me is saying that they've been tortured the being beaten up during those field interrogation and at us. but from the videos we've been seeing coming out of that i've seen g comes, the level of destruction. seems to be much, much higher than anything we've seen before. and for some palestinians, they believe that this destruction of the infrastructure is one way is really forces is making life more and more difficult for palestinians, specifically those who decide to go through that out of armed resistance, such as the group here in to and cut in the north shams arms battalion, new to abraham. that for us into com and the occupied west bank. let's go to stephanie deca now. she's in tennessee for us. stephanie, what exactly is really sad about this very long raid until car. um and uh,
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also from what nita has been saying is this pretty devastating in terms of the infrastructure that is being deliberately destroyed? the yes, very little coming out from the israeli side. he's really are me tweeting, as you mentioned, you heard there from need the that they have killed 10. what they call a palestinian militants, arrested 8 of them. so 8 is where the soldiers injured and what the army is. cooling a broad scale raid over 40 hours involving soldiers border police, also members of these really internal security forces eviction that this is part of a wider ongoing campaign by these radius for what they say searching for minute tens for wanted man, you know, part of the on groups and not just how mass palestinian islamic jihad, as you heard me dot report there and also other armed groups across the west bank now is really raised have always been a reality of palestinian life in the occupied west bank. certainly there has been
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an uptick since october, the 7th. the one you're witnessing now is intense, but these ratings are kind of seeing is just part of an ongoing process and you're talking about the infrastructure. there are, well, how distinctions? say that that is collective punishment. these really say that this is necessary because they need to clear the area of i e d. the also what these really say is that they found a bomb making a make shift bomb making factories and the refugee camp. and that they've confiscated what they say multiple arms fire weapons including i'm 60 and so it is an ongoing situation over 40 hours. and as we're saying it's ongoing. stephanie, take care of that for us in tel aviv state foreign ministers of egypt and take a, a have cold on both as role in iran to exercise restraint. following tensions between the 2 countries take is hack on feed done. emphasize the focus should
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remain on garza model. those it is you started describing our 1st priority should be ending the israeli occupation and implementing the 2 state solution formula. unless this happens, the attacks and yemen yesterday, the tension between the iran and israel today. and another type of war tomorrow, all these will keep happening. we as took a with other friendly countries like egypt must have said the same thing from the beginning. if this crisis is not resolved in the way it deserves. if the state, the independence and the sovereignty that the palestinians deserve is not given on such crises, will continue increasingly in our region by the admin in that are less getting further military conflicts threatens countries around the world, threatens egypt that threatens to kia and al talks with the minister revolved around these developments in particular, and the importance of joint efforts to contain the negative impacts. at least one person has been killed and 20 others have been injured during
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a launch explosion in a rock. now it happened south of the capital by dad, in the bible province, got a a bass used by the rainy. in fact, popular mobilization forces was hit, the paramilitary group is accusing israel of conducting the attack. the us says it wasn't behind the explosion. meanwhile, the rocky ministry has cooled it an accident and said they will be investigating how it happens. let's go to some of the binge of aid his life for us in baghdad. so as we've been reporting different sources making different claims, do we actually know what happened and who was behind it? but what we know for sure, molly is that this incident took place in the early hours this morning where the bass was attacked. uh, this is home to not just the popular mobilization forces, but also the about the federal police and the shared by the documented fee is
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benefit. as you've mentioned, at least one person has died of the immediate optima videos if you've seen. and you've heard the sort of speaking saying that the, this was a us air strike on them. and as you can see in the crater that this was a projectile, which has probably got them. now that is data counts immediately after we heard from the us sent com, saying that it is not behind any of this in incidents. and it has given that clarification to the rocky security forces is very adamant that this was an incident. they are investigating it but so far, shying away from putting the blame on anyone. and as you see multiple statements trying for multiple sources. i us, the spokesman for the throughout the a joint operations. come on, why is there such confusion? no confuse us, but we're talking about the, what's going on or what's happening or we need to tell the truth. we should be analyzes everything we should be received on this in, on see,
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and also the pick up evidence they happen at that time until now. i'm sure it's too much early to talking about what's going on, but we're talking about right now with the teams. the teams right now they worked 24 hours from yesterday night until now. and i think maybe after the bits of time they can tell us and we can tell them something from every i'm sure. and we try some of our courses. we can to protect our country, our board, go on the people on the or sensitive ton. so some of what does this so mean? so the region, i mean, is already 10 soft to the back and forth that we've been seeing and recent weeks between iran and israel. where does this take it off the notes? well, absolutely does. because the fair here in iraq is that iraq is being used as a proxy theater for a lot of the forces in the regions where it has admissions,
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which are aligned with iran. there are groups which are aligned with iran. and obviously it has a large military presence from the united states and forward $1.00 to $2500.00 soldiers as well as multiple bases dotted around the country, including those that border the city in this city inside this when. so it's a complicated security theater in multiple forces have been using it, then that's what it off each vs that once again, this one will be used for those proxy was between those sides of it so far it is the in, in the last 48 hours you've seen the, the missiles, the israel and the american see they hit it on with. there were some reports that some of them landed on the rocky terrain. then this incident comes and then there is also a point of confusion around the fund. who did it, why did they do it and what the outcome for it. so all of this being watched by in the big bit, a bit of age addressed by your office, security and civilians who are afraid that as these test s gonna,
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as these tensions escalate. people will be caught in the crossfire, especially here in iraq because it has been embroiled. and so many wars in the last 20 years. and it does not want to repeat to it. and that's why expressive it's prime minister is in the united states right now. and talking to them about uh, foraging and alliance with them while walking a tightrope of but ties with iran in the region as well as the binge of a that for us in fact that thank you. the, the cleaning troops financing in the east of the country all struggling with an acute shows. a just munition president below them is that n sky has again urged weston allies to provide more and defense systems. as washing forces continue to make gains. charles traffic reports from near the front lines in east and ukraine. this is a freight job to,
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to re system close to you grains eastern front line, one of thousands of pieces of heavy weaponry supplied by ukraine's native. while i, since the war began, a soldier shows us the munition stock. just 12 shows left. holding the 1000000 shells have been pledge by ukraine's back as in recent weeks. but they're not getting here fast enough to courtney ministry say the rate of fire is at least $6.00 to $1.00. the russian on these favor of the year. so the, the we are trying not to leave our position. yes, the enemy is advancing. but even with this little amount of shelves, we are trying to hold we hit towards the besieged, small town of chance if your russian forces occupied the east announce goods rushing pointed yet so being targeting ukrainian policies and along the crating on the supply routes. taking advantage of what keith has been saying for months,
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it's critically short of a defense more no way to a stabilization point just outside the village of the chest. if you all the soldiers tell us that the biggest concern traveling along least very expose roach the circle. if you feel 1st person patient of drugs that the russians ukrainians were using to search devastating dangerous effect. please video shows the precision of the russian f t v. cam a cause you drive an attack on an on wood ukrainian vehicle. you currently ministry estimate that can be up to a 100 various types of russian and ukrainian drawings operating a any one time in a given 10 columbus of radius police in the front line. the so called sugar cube used to detect drug and sound frequency, often comp, identify who's, who's an explosion close by bits all is a medical, one of a number of so called stabilization points just outside chance if y'all were
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injured. so we'll just get emergency treatment before we evacuation across the expose field store hospital in a safe area and may be shown to the stucco partition to one of the biggest dangers is we can be hit by a k d or artillery at any time in the house nearby is completely destroyed. we are anxious all the time. around 10 kilometers to the west of the east amounts goods of course then to meet the next town on the part of the russian army. slo, drones rushing full, caesar increasingly targeting the city which had a pre will population of $67000.00. but thousands of people remained the woods a clear on the destroyed railway station, who the person who was this shows us that the enemy wants to capture constantly difficult in order to move forward. they want to scare the civilian, instead of destroying the town. we didn't,
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or we can to stop though. ukraine will spend $5000000000.00 producing its own weapons this year, including a 1000000 drones dropping the auction for what analysts say is, keeps most critical. charlene, since it's failed counter offensive last year to hold ground against russia's expected attempt at a concentrated summit of bonds, john strep it out to 0. and the chance if you all eastern new crime the us house of representatives is set to vote on 4 separate bills with $95000000000.00 and for an aid of to months of paul to set and deadlocks. the 1st bill is $61000000000.00 for ukraine that includes defense, humanitarian aid, and cash to keep its government running. the 2nd is $17000000000.00 for israel. that includes the replenishment of it's on the missiles. it will also be of those on $9000000000.00 and aid for gaza on us development efforts in the deployed west bank fund. these as
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a $1000000000.00 for defense of us allies in the western pacific, mostly tie one that's case as equal haine who is life for us in washington dc. so apache, they all full belts. uh, what is the likelihood of, oh, full bills going through? well, this has been a long and tomatoes process and you really never know what's going to happen when the votes start happening and an individual house members could offer amendments trying to make this just but it is widely expected that all of these funding bills will pass with bipartisan support, us that it was supposed to be in recess and they stayed this weekend. so if these votes pass, they will go right to the senate. and then it goes to president biden's desk presidential biden's desk and he should be able to sign it. and just a matter of days and when it comes to ukraine, i spent a lot of time at the pentagon this past week. and they said that once it's approved, they'll be able to start getting those what ukraine says they desperately need into the country within
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a matter of days. so that's going to be the process it is expected to pass. but by breaking up these bills, it's going to be really telling because sometimes and if it's like one big. busy numbers are less likely to send a message. they may be for israel support against ukraine's form. so this will allow all $435.00 of them to send a message and we're going to be watching when it comes to ukraine. just how big of a faction are the republicans who are against sending for an aid. as you know, the former president, donald trump, is railed against it, saying that at the very least it should be loans that you create has to pay back. and when it comes to the israel vote, we're going to get a real sense of just how many progressive democrats really started to stop supporting israel. so that's gonna be very interesting. they should devote start at 1730 g m t up 1st is the help for taiwan. the new crane, then a to israel, and then a 4th fail which would do things like band tick tock, and perhaps target russian assets in the united states. so that bill,
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the 4th bill might have, might be a little bit more controversial, but we do expect all 3 will pass. i'm gonna head up to the hill though, so i'll keep you posted. okay, thank you for that. and i think i'll have that 1st in, washed now as a by jones capital could be switching through record heat this weekend. jeff has a check of the world web. the hello theres been more flooding and southwest saudi arabia once again and ask for providence we get that much rate in that fast water logged roads here. still the thread of more rain falling along the huge as mountains here in southwest saudi arabia. also around you haven't seen some verse of rain, so there's been flooding in the capital sign out, for example, closer look at the radium peninsula. it shows us other than that, it is fairly calm. the winds are picking up though for the eastern province of saudi arabia. it's also a dusty and hazy pitcher inc. weight at 36 degrees. then we've got this triangle of heat from bako. ask about to tater on. in fact, for baku, this could be record heat for the month of april, the number to beat 27.8,
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and we've got the pennsylvanian for 28 on sundays, and showers move in on mondays. so that will press down your temperatures after that, what day and it's stumble on sunday. the weather is danced away, but still a few clouds and showers never really too far away from his stumble and with disturbed weather around the area. that strapping down rain in some morocco, i think phases for see quite a helping of rain. well, there has been some flooding, amber room date, more than a 100000 people displaced. there's still more rain to go on sunday. and for southern africa it's calm. but if you showers around the western and eastern cape provinces, the head on the al jazeera, find out why us troops are bound to being a $100000000.00 face and leave it news. yeah, the limits of group of display cities full list sort of trying to keep that cultural heritage alive despite the tool not good . and it seems as nice don't thing,
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not the stuff. and as the world champion was into 5 poll positions in a row, we'll see him in about a different one of the biggest elections of 2020 pools in the general election will administer now render movies be taking increase its food across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've some employment sway focused in key states? and will the media be able to cover the vote reading? i'm fairly ongoing coverage, but in the as an actions on out, is there a why have american evangelicals become his real strongest backer is us president joe finding right to stand with israel with no red line as long as us support continues? is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely
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a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line in the polls. what is known as a breaking stereotypes full while practicing the ancient mush allowed to come? it has made me physically very fit and meant to be very strong. the mission is to serve the community, helping or finish cleaning up the streets and educating young guns. 101 east beach to come food. nuns got man do oh no just 0. the, the, the, you're watching out is there a mind or thoughts held stories this hour? at least 10 people have been killed in southern gaza, often is riley, astro, i call the family home. children are among those who died in the israel continues to office in the city warehouse strips. populations is, shall,
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spring out. is there any rate in the occupied westbank has been to the 2nd day, and these 10 people have been killed in the operations and took room. thousands of palestinians have been arrested. the north shelves wrecked on the east one passed and that's been killed and 20 others injured. an explosion as in their rocky military base south all 5 that the base is used by the rainy and backed up to a mobilize ation forces, which has the keys israel off the attack. while we can speak now to rocks on from on. so main, she's a lecture on model in middle east and politics. the university of cambridge, she joins now from london. so let's start with that attack in iraq. what do you read into it? it's, it's allegedly they accusing israel of it. and it's a pro it raining in, minute, 3 base and a rock what. what do you think the thinking is here? well, i think it was very unclear whether the attacks that israel conducted against iran
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in the vicinity of his behind was going to be the last example of its retaliation for the runs april 1st attack um uh with all of the drones and other um, a direct assault on, on the israeli state. so i think it's not clear how far as well as willing to go. and this could well fit into a longer plan to hit a number of the partners slash proxies that iran works with. and the p. m. use are definitely among those right. the timing seems possible, but israel certainly not claiming responsibility. it rarely does. so that in itself is not significant. and the united states has definitely said that it was not involved. so just reading or just call it a reading into the fax it as well as attacking a in
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a radian proxy rather than iran directory. again, do you see that as a sign of the escalation? you know, i think that, that, that implies that there is a longer plan here of if that is as well that, that did that, that there could then be quite a few more of these because the ron has proxies up, were i prefer calling partners in various places and i think that would imply that there is a chapter to, to this process. and israel's mind. yeah, that's really interesting. you say that because we've had a lot of them this come on and say this is, this is, this is clearly a sign that the escalation is happening. people are breathing a sigh of relief. but when you look at the attack on the radian embassy a, that israel conducted in syria, i mean, they would have known it was stoking the flames of a why the regional war. so it's, it's interesting that you say there is no reason really to de escalate right now.
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well i, i would say that that was our, our understanding after the nature of the attacks that israel conducted on the run a couple of days ago in response to reprocess the attack. i think that we thought that was very contained and possibly at the urging of the united states, israel had decided to go very low key, indicate that it could reach key areas of iran's nuclear program, for example, deep inside the brawn. but nonetheless, it wasn't going to escalate if this is indeed a, a, a, the, a, the work of the israeli army and, and they've attach a p m u in a, in iraq that definitely indicates that the, the program of retaliation is not contained to that one act against the wrong in his behind. and i would say therefore it shows that there is an ongoing program which city signals to me that they're continuing to put further pressure on
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a ron and not responding the way you wrong. suggested that the whole of tit for tat was coming to an end. they'll uh reports that israel agreed to de escalate in iran in exchange for guessing the green lights on the rasa offensive from the united states. i mean, what, what, what, what do you make of those reports as well as possible? i think there probably was a deal. it may have, it included several things, and the language of the united states has definitely weakened visa, the rock thought it had been extremely negative. the vice president had spoken out indicating that there could even be various steps taken by the united states in terms of their support for israel. if israel went ahead and, and conducted this attack, now it seems that the united states has reduced the pressure and it very may well be as a result of
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a deal between israel and the united states as well. saying it won't attack iran in a way that would escalate the united states saying okay, then go ahead and do the rough uh we will look the other way. so it's very possible in briefly what do you think is a promising us now? who's in game is, is a complete destruction of rasa. at what point is he going to say, okay, the war and garza is over, it's been a success. well, it's very problematic because there are 1.2000001 to 1400000 palestinians that are in the rougher region there they are because they were told to go south. so it could be a real blood bass. there are certainly 4 almost units that are there, and clearly that is the goal of an yahoo to, to wipe them out, get to the tunnels, find the hostages and, and try to wrap this up. but with so many civilians there that is going to be
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a program that is very, very difficult to undertake without a huge loss of life. so i, i can't imagine that it would unfold in such a way that there would be an end for that. that would be considered a success a okay, really good to get your thoughts works on some on site. and electra model model and release politics. university of cambridge the united states has agreed to withdraw its troops from new just last month. the new sharon ministry. government announced it would end its agreement with the us describing it as profoundly on fast the dentist forces came out on the streets demanding american foods leave. washington operates major driven base and the city of good this has around a 1000 soldiers in the country. compare down to is a security on this and says
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a situation in new jersey is unlikely to improve the future. the 2 major drivers of this anti width and so on to imperialism the sentiments of the quarter to include the failure of democracy. and then of course, the united delete the of the presence of, um, you know, this military with the military of present. and if i help to prevent or reduce the security challenge, if at the moment if i had, it's probably the most think you were to challenge redone of the wall despite the presence of width. and so it doesn't in region. so citizens of those countries are asking the question, we have, you know, i've missed, but yet you're not protecting those need unfortunately doesn't look like it's going to be very different from a, for us, russia. it's to replace the us on, on the front of the case. maybe they, russia, they didn't do that in money where, where they've been break present for more than 2 years. they didn't 2014 and 5. so at the moment, more than half of the territory of but you know, 5 so it's being controlled by them. they know to tar. we've done all the insights
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and groups us for randy is appealing to international supports, off the heavy rains, the space, nearly a $100000.00 people and destroyed fall not or to say a total of $300000.00 people are in need of humanitarian aid. rain has full in without les up since attend the off to be on your weather event extended the annual rainy season across the region. oh, that's about stacy, the water hit us and we had to look for somewhere where we could build a shelter, right? but we couldn't find that anywhere because the water was over the everywhere. we came here, when there wasn't much water and we built a long platform according to the height of the water and surround it with tops. what asked can deal with ortiz to develop the river. so that's how it can be restored to its earliest states. so that we can be relieved because we are suffering great because of its waters. i'm, i'm, i forgot to tell you about the shelters. me see here are poorly constructed. the
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residents may do with the target and they had at home and came to building this area where they can sleep. the only drive patch of land is here. we have a problem and not only with housing on but also with the drinking water and we suffer from illnesses caused by the unsanitary conditions. it's about finding what i've done. ok to it's lee was 7 year long legal case against migrant rescue is has ended with all charges being dropped. they've been accused of ating illegal migration. active as cool. that's an attempt by the authorities to stop a work is from helping those at risk on the high seas. it just in getting fed reports, case dismissed, accused of polluting with human traffickers, these and you workers to face 70 years of criminal charges, wiretapping and under cover investigations. on friday, according sicily followed the prosecution surprise request for the case to be thrown out to defend and say, this is a victory and that saving lives is not
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a crime. today the court made it perfectly clear that our intervention, it's even not a crime. the only the duty but also right it's a lead began to crack down a migrant rescue missions back in 2016. at the height of the refugee crisis, police sees the event to ship after rescued. more than 14000 refugees in migrants in distress. the case which accused migrant workers of coordinating libyan smugglers lasted for years and cost more than $3000000.00. to be there. the 1st ship to be blocked into the series. but after us, um they have a lot of other ships blocked and they find always new metro us to do this. italian authorities have since band charities from performing several rescues in a row and often demand their ships. duckett, distant ports along the mediterranean, forcing cruise to decide between responding to distress calls or breaching the law
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. meanwhile, the e. u has outsourced parts of its border control, partnering with libyan coast guards sanctioned by the un for people trafficking and human rights violations. nearly 30000 people have died or gone missing in the last 10 years. according to the missing migrant, it's project on the greek island of less, both this cemetery pays tribute to those last it see a reminder of the perilous journey. thousands more, taking it to some good food. ultra 0 or the millions of vices have cost the ballots. at the start of india's elections, very thing is due to last. over 6 weeks, 5 minutes, the run, the movie seeking a said 5, you to the indian government has failed to get visas out there. as correspondence report the story, 54,
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we are covering the election from outside the country homes that mohammed has small . boat is the world's largest election. i'll start that costing the abundance. nearly a 1000000000 people will have this seat in the next 6 weeks. in the fall of the 7 face process which started on friday, 166000000 indians are registered to take part for many of them. the economy unluckily, jobs are the main issues. you know, the, the price rises should be controlled, and women and groceries feel safe. children in school should have double puts in a teeth once they finish college. thousands of security offices have been deployed across the country to ensure a smooth elections but voting in some areas of money. poor state capital, the northeast will stop up the allegations of people delighted piece that this became winning close, similar to that of the army and the police. when they went inside a guest or votes,
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we protested and broke the voting machine. oh, they have stolen our right to the run up to the boat was much better li just mentioned in some regions of the country on some boat is hoping to pulse. we bring people closer to him on or to vote on the 1st thing i came to vote for us to have a country without. and you would it just as harmony and tell me to not do were altogether conduce muslims, christians for the congress, probably b g piece that in the moody seeking effect. um and he's going up against mental position condition made up of 26 parties. they accuse him of cracking down on the st on silent some critics accusation. he's brought to nice democracy and the constitution. these were the type in the country by the, the gibby. i'd be, have proved, if the game in the country in the last 10 years of the government vote this we've
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continued to pass the bundle until june fos. the results due to be announced 3 days later. hands and i just need a reminder of the indian government has not granted visits to algebra journalists, so we're covering the election from outside the country. heavy rains of killed more than a 100 people in both afghanistan and i'm pockets. stone, injured many more has been widespread damage to homes and roads in both countries. come all hide to reports from it. some about heavy rains have left a trail of destruction and both of one is done and focused on and focused on the worst effected area that goes to the ground based of below, just on. and locus complain they have received no help so far. brought us on it, somebody months i did the reins of re habit, but the provincial disaster doroty is nowhere to be found that i got it. this is my home which is flooded with water. but for the last 3 days,
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no one has come to have besides the loss of life, it swept away at roads and damaged property and farm lands. as the weather department, there's warning of more heavy rain, $400.00 and his storms across the country and said the system where the board is, cynthia etheridge, under the end of the month. although the cleanup work is underway and the not targeted and focused on a basing for more land slides, liver leverage that. so and you are targeted that i've seen people have worked trevon and then the situation stabilizes them all. i that is your need all, it's not my body. so head on al jazeera, the last few places really, n b a playoff. have been some fun action. and those games coming off is for
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the reporting for the action. have you have a great winning hearing this box? how is 10 or airbag content has been removed or restricted understanding the reality for these demonstrators? if president lucky, self reckoning the stability of the country, i'll just say it was teens of across the world. when you click sensitive ponts at the store pod came in to be used as the i r c suffered casualties. we have not suffered states. pilots is thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house thought providing on to who they to say no double stand to all of us any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. it is troubling for you. it's very,
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very painful here. the story on talk to how does era the news the time before his stomach accumulated the winter of last sunday's a badging half mouse and has been stripped of his metal and prize money. often investigation confirmed a 3 other runners have slowed down to let to win the race inquiry concluded that 2 canyons and one is the 18 nationalist deliberately reduce the pace around time is due to take victory. the contrary has finished joint 2nd of all. so have them metals provides a special committee sets up to investigate the results can set the full run is had originally been hired as pacemakers by
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a sponsor box. the main organizes if the event had not known this. one of those pacemakers didn't finish the made organize that is also losing its right to host the race as punishment, the max of staff, and it will be the man's feet once again at the chinese ground. pray he won the 1st sprint race of the for me to one season, the full securing pulse position for sunday's main race. tom sizemore has the action they've done, and that's the next step in victoria in the sprint. right. so it's just another opportunity to create space between himself and the rest of the field and the drive, the standings, and not the right points in the bag. and a 15 point lead of a teammate associated perez and securing pool position and qualifying means it's difficult to see anyone stuffing him on sunday. the sprint raise a gave us a few more ideas for the car. and i think the call worked even better in, in qualifying also. yeah, definitely very happy with how the whole of qualifying when the car was really nice to drive. so 20 fine went to plan for red bull, but not mercedes and louis hamilton. he was knox house and key one for the 1st time
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in 2 years, despite finishing 2nd in that sprint race. i'll give him a message. i think it's pretty bad. but when i was making the changes, i'd like to comment anywhere. he's been the day for color signs. charles mccloud wasn't happy with him off of this move in the race, but then and then press if recovery for the mind, leaving ferrara at the end of the season sign spun off in q 2, which pro us out the red flag. he was able to replace his front wing and carry on to finish the 7th and qualifying one behind the cook. tell us what was that beat over the lead me to today? uh, in the past. uh, we've had all the fights with sometimes i was under the lead me sometimes he wasn't letting me today. i think it's uh on the side and we'll have to discuss like we always doing this kind of situation. we step into started imposing every right. so father season he becomes the 1st driver since make a heck of in 1999, could do that in all 5 races. his teammates, so here perez joins him on the front row. so he was disappointed not to take polls
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. i couldn't get a good rate to qualifying with it. i don't know if the setup changes to adjust accordingly and unfortunately they were not enough. that was red bulls $100.00 pole position the same venue. they got that 1st in 2009. they'll be expected to seal the $1.00 and $2.00 on sunday from size, and i was a 0 as a big game at wembley stadium in su hours with manchester city applicants, chelsea and the top semi finals and city all the holders and walls. that dream of a successive trouble may be either they want to keep alive. the hopes of indeed uncomfortable pep, gaudy at a side with knock sounds of the jump is lead by round madrid earlier in the week when a few, sorry for all this stuff. in football you lose games. so we perform in our best we grow, not able to in so what next? so we will have time to reflect, reflect in summer time with up and learning all the season. so
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football, if you we between that would have done but sometimes you in sometimes most of the times but lately and describe didn't happen in years, but sometimes you lose games. one chelsea plaza table be very wary off is coal palm and he left 50 to join ritz very fortunately you know side in september and his i'm also leaving chelsea stone mom the season. the 21 year old. his school 23 goals and it will competitions including 2 hot tricks in his last 3 games. he's very grateful . we much associated with the with, you know, the former coach. he always told very high levels, much of the cdn a bit. and it's not, it's not this type of play of the stuff. some see know inside the i think he knew he understood basically that's a you know, that maybe for different reason. wanted to prove himself in another class with msd paying the f a cup austin and we'll retake top spot in the primarily with
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a win against wills. it's been a tough week for me to cut all types of so i, they look round to the partial race by losing to ask them for the full being not south of the champions league by minute. you seem to please this time we're very lucky to have the week that we have because this is that we just and we want and we've been seeking for many years to how about us and that you have to do with that . do you want to be in this position? you have to go through, you're going to be tough. i guess those are part of the marketing are minimal and you have to go to compete and try to be better than them officially for your sales . you want to be here, be perfect. despite by minute progressing in the champions league, gas also, those expenses are still looking for a new coach and shelby alone. so on union novels with now off the table, who will they look to now? we spoke to de frantic sports correspondents to jem and drug costs at georgia that last to get his take the most recent learners that are really fine around are certainly around citizens of don. at $400.00 france player and we on the trip coach . and if they can get him,
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i think that would probably be the biggest to get the keys. one of the champions league 3 times straight. you know, a 100. he's also sort of the big name, a highly accomplished star player and codes that i think the buyer really see is who they should be looking for outside of the. so don, and they also remember to be interested in trend, austria and former outlets in manchester, united coach following on this, i think she only where it is typically successful and he's also supporting director, not just a coach. so that might not be a perfect fit. and asked him to approach and i every is awesome. and remember a base trying to have a long list of some of the biggest names and coaching that happened to be available or not as long, long as case not anymore. the line up to the n b a playoffs is now complete as the miami heats to the final state in the eastern conference with victory against the chicago peoples tyler here i lived with 24 in the play and told him his indignation
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game. he was one assistant short of a triple double, and this was one of the is not is this is the heat during controlled throughout the contests on our face. the best in the east, the boston celtics, in that 1st round, playoff series. and over in the west, the 8th, and the final seat is going to the noise power of goodness. these beats the sacramento kings and never lemonade. so i may just say without, in general, stop sign. williamson runs it in grim a, set up with 24 point satellite williams and recovers from a housing problem. and so i'm so that file series against the best in the west, sacramento. and i think it was in that as a wheel sport for me, but pizza will have more later. thanks for that. jenna has now been over a year since the conflict ensued on big down a group of office serv lost everything in the fighting and found themselves an account for the display spot. the been turning hardship into opportunity, but i'm, as val has the story,
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as they were only able to bring a few of the musical instruments, say to him, 1st the types and gotten paid to escape with colleagues from the fight to whom vermont and ended up in port so then after a long treacherous journey from a classroom that serves us both home and workshop, they say the trying to do 5, so that's lost memory for good. and if you, it can be either been moved within the last was huge. it least 5 of our colleagues have been killed. the majority of those to survive have left to dawn. so our numbers are diminishing and very few remain who mass are the skills required for a continuation of the cultural heritage. and then we try to preserve this quote, quote you on a group of to come to the house and educational play commission by a local and jo, that's why give them a company. i mean, it's a large number of performance thing to give a we had either to sit idly by is displaced, individuals wasting for handouts,
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for as creative people in that stop doing something b. and these teams say they chose the 2nd option and began producing see it taking place inside the account. it allowed them to generate some income. and at the same time to start the process of healing for themselves. and the displays community. the inbox on the throne that these people have to deal with all how to measure. i get a fighting between this within his army and the office of both forces have to call tube and other cities into a wasteland, including all aspects of comfortable life. i'm headed, i would highly admit that the from that even the item the was up roost at the office and lift them homeless and refugees is destroyed the entire coat full infrastructure of the country, including theaters, museums, and find out institutions for them. that's. yeah, yeah, we lost everything with our belongings, our homes, our civil documentation. the wall has stolen from us out beautiful memories, the best moments of our life and even our loved ones,
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including my own brother. but i mean, a lot of artists have a way of coping with hardship, with other will victims, mental, tough, you know how to set up, whether it's good to have the title of my paintings, quote fine engine oil destroyed. but what's inside me is to hear my wishes that god helps our country and that i can contribute to the forming of a future generation that will take us in the right direction. but tonight, it's about the time of the come, the acts of, of dissipation, $305.00 to 0. so that okay, that's it for this news, our lots more law stories on our website to check it out. alex's era don't come more news coming off the top of the out to stay with us here on
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the go to goes to the polls on april the 21st to vote on new plans to combat criminal gang and find tube and nice crime. can president daniel nibble a convinced ecuadorian to approve the constitutional performance to expand police and military power and follow the story. one now to sierra now is the time to be direct. creation of a humanitarian crisis is a tactic. we do not is it was the policy that we was from us, particularly that was very upfront on out of their 300 years ago, the found is the full season, the celebrated, the natural world in stages of the year. now his music has been recompose by alteration intelligence using projected 2050 weather data to reflect the global
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climate emergency. culminating in a disturbing like the full months in south korea. this nokia or of so on al jazeera the in the center. i bet you to
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the, the the, the model is the most show fi. well that has some, he was one of 10 people killed and it is really a strike and something dollars the low on money in sight. this is out of their life from the will. so coming up under that, but i came in front of neutrons,


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