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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 21, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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or the . ready the hello, i'm r m i z. this is been use our life from doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. the agony and grief and southern guns are off. his radio strikes kill at least 10 palestinians in rough up most of them children the is there any forces can at least 14 policy names during a major right in our shops in the occupied westbank. thousands of for testing and
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television against prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and his government's handling of the one concept also the us house of representatives approves ministry. a packages was tens of billions of dollars, the ukraine, israel and taiwan. the that's 2200 g m t. this is 1 am in gaza, where grieving parents have bid farewell to the children killed. mine is riley, as strike earlier. funerals were held for the 10 palestinians who died in the attack on rafa with a knight full v is ready for involvement of the city has continued. we've had news in the past hour of the killing of a baby and a pregnant women. following the shelling of a home in the same area, the death toll since the war started has to pass 30 full 1000 palestinians, including 14000 children. tarik, i will assume begins al coverage and
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a warning that use might find some of the images here. distressing. this mother is it trying to accept the test on terms of gone is one of the children killed and that is really strike on the one family home in russell and southern guns. the, the other women and children were also killed. and this attack can tell us to neighborhood 12 year old plan as of to survive. then i mean that's nothing to us and that's what we were sleeping and all of a sudden i heard my sister shouting and crying. the roof was coming down on our heads. i thought i was dreaming, but when i opened my eyes, it was all black smoke. i was buried under the debris. 13 minutes later i was
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pulled out of the credit of the body of his daughter in disbelief to the on the was her back. elizabeth, and what is your home then? know how the album and button and them capital because they have an incentive despite international close to a band and plans for the ground. and the agent of rough off israel says it's going ahead with is offensive. the united nations has formed any operation that we're risk. the lives of more than a 1000000 people will have been sheltering in the 60 this is a state crime. there is no country in the world that has committed such crimes, but not even in syria or rock or ukraine. nothing like what's happening here. this
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has never happened in history. tell us city and parents and goes, i have been living with the dread of losing their children for months, but you can prepare them for the final good by the suffering he has not looked talk since it's been a launch. it's devastating gold back in october, and now here as it's on the protest and they draw fi, many palestinians of words about the likelihood of even more unbearable civilian ducks. target companies in just a rough, rough southern garza to at least 14 palestinians have been killed and on his writing re that starts at on the 1st day and the occupied westbank. is there any forces of use bulldozers to destroy homes shops and all of the critical facilities until currently it print reports from their shops, refuge account where many medic say they have also come on the is re file. it's a risk many here. see, the willing to take medic see is really forces injured one of their critics and
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fire warning shots towards some of their cars. but it's their job. they tell us, as they try to enter the news, some sort of few decals in the north of the, occupying the left bank land every time we don't need it, we try to reach a patients, but usually forces obstruct the work. now look how this is really cheap, is blocking the ambulances for mentoring since the war and cause of started. these really forces to being treated in the ambulance cause regular cause the ambulance was forced to return one of several failed attempts. during these read the rate of the camp, but started linked on thursday. we heard that bodies inside, but the army didn't even talk to us. they signaled with the hands that we couldn't answer being under, in this way, the siege. it's hard for palestinians to count their dead or injured. there was violence between the soldiers and palestinian fighters during the invasion.
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one is where the forces fired 3 needs. at some of the homes. they conducted field interrogation, route, detentions, and damage the camps. facilities. as well as the them know how this incursion is unprecedented, accepted even compared to the one in 2002 and previous incursions. the r snipers, uninstalled death squads and special forces deployed. and this is the north shams arm through the inside. the comp reports had said their lead the bushes out was killed in these way new weight, but they've denied that. we are all well and fine of issue john has just left us now. this is his rifle. we are in high spirits hymer all in service to the cause of god, which is out has been wanted by these really forces as a part of that crack down on armed groups. and some of the refugee camp cindy occupied westbank for more than a year. people in the north, some sort of pure jacob having to continue with this way. the ways we've seen this
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function, widespread destruction to its rose electricity lines on will through lines before it's hard for palestinians here to assess the damage from this read yet. but early signs indicate it's the worst the gap has seen in years, is that, but he just told kind of the, okay, if i to westbank is there any settlers of a type palestinians in the occupied westbank on a highway between ramallah and jericho? another attack took place in terms of iron, north, east of ramallah, cause and property were destroyed, and at least 3 palestinians were injured. and as a we a village when satellites shots at palestinian homes. same bus rami has more from ramallah in the occupied westbank. another state of attacks this evening. we know that a paramedic was killed in an attack south of nablus in the village of so we're when a group of about 20 settlers descended on the village begin shooting at palestinian
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host. when medics went in to try to assist the injured. their ambulance was fired on o is really soldiers opened fire on this ambulance. the driver, a medic, and the driver was shot in the abdomen home without the mussa. a married father of 6 and his 5th fifties died of his gunshot wounds. 2 of the palestinians were wounded in this attack, one with a gunshot wound to the face, another with a gunshot wound to the chest. they are stable, but these are very serious injury elsewhere today. there's currently ongoing settler violence on the outskirts of the village of caught a huge self nablus. there's been a tax on the village of who g east of nablus settlers of attacked palestinians on the highway as he said, between rubble and jericho. they've destroyed cars and property in the town of total messiah just northeast, northeast of where we are here in ramallah. so the soldiers is rarely soldiers have also been storming and reading homes in the village in the south for the yacht, the south of hebron. and today's attacks come just a week after a mob of $1500.00 israeli settlers,
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descended on the village of the northeast of remo, setting homes and cars on fire. and earlier this week, on monday, settlers carried out in the tax on the ton of october, to into posting and stare. so we're seeing this escalation consistently across the occupied westbank week on week. the us and israel media report saying that the by the ministration is due to impose sanctions on a particular unit of these riley on me for electric human rights abuses in the occupied westbank. this would be the 1st time the us has taken start. your step. we have 2 cars, one is on this story, i'm to salute is starting my 1st unoccupied east jerusalem 1st started. let's check in with shop or time. see because he's following this from washington dc. any more detail coming from from washington? nothing to state the problem, but it appears what they're doing or something. a little sneaky. we were told by turn your blanket in cap read last week the you've to expect some kind of, some kind of action against his right. the units always are the units the found to
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be committed, human rights abuses, but they haven't made any official balance or will they have done. there is leak to one of the favor john list and all referring to washington dc. press pool. the story that they will be sanctioning and is rarely unit b, the net. so who the human rights abuses under the implication that is look, biden's getting tough, but that isn't the case. in fact, the story is it would appear that the, by the administration and honestly blinking the secretary se in particular, as eventually imperative in breaking the law system, but by not getting tough over the last 4 months on this unit. so this is how this works. last thursday, per public or the watch gold agency here in washington got the leak from current and former members of the state department. several people which again shows how much discontent there is in the administration of policies, saying that under us not be as required by us or the state department. put together a panel the investigative this unit and found out that it was guilty of human
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rights abuses. and that concluded that in december they presented the report in december. human rights abuses like extra digital killing, even of a palestinian american ma'am. right. to sure. so that i'm in the words, one official since december. this report is just the state and blinking briefcase only means that we've off it off. what about these reports of human rights? all you investigate and we're always told by the state department. no, no, no those, those are still ongoing. now this was completed in december and we should because of this, these were human rights abuses in the westbank prior to october, october, the 7th by law blinking should have sanctioned well what least add to the gains will cut off military aids to this unit immediately, but he didn't, and the service isn't some executive x on the part of the, by the administration without saying enough is enough. we go off to these people were going to sanction. this is simply the lord of the land, and they haven't acted until now until probably they were killed. they were called
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breaking the last as an extra so that is the actual story. but they're allowing this framing now to develop in the coming days. and we'll get, we'll get the actual official announcement next week. i but all right, you have thank you very much. have her time to little bit i just from washington, also following the story home to salute isn't occupied, easter, some, might this be something that the is right is then are expecting present would be, that'd be some level of, of coordination of communication behind the scenes. but so what might these rating reaction be if and when this is approved as well, we've gotten quite a bit of as really reaction to light all the way from the top. these really foreign minister benjamin netanyahu slamming the saying that he and his government will act against the sanctions, saying that it was, quote, absurd and morally incorrect. also hearing from work habit administer benny gans, he's usually at odds with these really prime minister. they have had a history of disagreements throughout this war, but they are seemingly in consensus this time. but again saying, but quote,
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this unit is an inseparable part of the is really military. we're also hearing from members of the far right. like you to more bang very been based on a small, rich known old for national is who are saying that the move can not happen. but this is a unit of the army that is specifically in the occupied westbank that is for ultra orthodox, ultra nationalist men. they have certain religious guidelines and one american non profit called don, has documented their human rights abuses from the year 2015 onwards. and the list. 1 of violations is so long, but it would be impossible to read through it just during this report, but the is really is on the ground and of reports within is really media. say that to this unit of the army is directly with the settler enterprise. and the people who are involved in it are members of the hill top news movement and ultra nationalists, violent settler group in the occupied west bank, who often setup is
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a legal outpost on palestinian land. so the consensus within the is really government is that the sanctions against me is really army. 10 not happen. i'm just, i do thank you. is there any protest as took to the streets on saturday to demand elections in political accountability? they say not enough is being done to atomic captives held and gaza. stephanie deco is at the scene in tel aviv. this is a smaller part of the price. as you can see, people have been calling for the government to resign. you are in charge on october the 7th. so what is your responsibilities of this is? this is the chair uh we do to have the family of hostages and their supporters. this is how these protest started in 30 days for immediate deal to bring the whole over to now becomes much more difficult for our electron holding for accountability
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. people who are very disappointed in the band. why? because they believe that this government isn't doing enough to bring the whole degree in the last week. you've had the serious escalation with the wrong people here saying that they feel that the hostages is no longer and really hasn't been on the top of the agenda of this government, which is why it's now will to become increasingly political as time goes on. they want more john, they want and the media deals, most of the people who are saying whatever it takes, whatever it takes to deal with him as needs to be made to bring the whole to just thoughts. so these protests have been going on on a weekly basis and pretty much since the war started, and they feel that their voices are not being part of the audio. and i spoke to him how much of my 3 media studies, professor and political analyst at the don't minds issue for graduate studies. and he was explaining that despite the regular nature of these anti government protest,
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the war on guns a has a great deal of support among he is ready population. netanyahu got a very much needed distraction. right? um, everyone was focused a couple of weeks ago. and what was happening and guys, uh, and there were 8 workers killed and so on and so forth. and then attention shifted to the situation with iran. but now it's kind of back to the sort of day to day grind of the war or the focus is back on gaza and the sort of protests of have returned. now i think it's important to keep in mind is that as i've mentioned in other contexts, that these are not anti war protests. so the, the, the mood in israel is very much pro war. so while many people do not like nothing yahoo, in fact, he's unpopular at the moment in terms of just if you look at the opinion of pulling data, most is really is however, i agree with it and yahoo on the need to do what israel's doing in gaza and in fact
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most is rarely believe that israel's not using enough force in gaza and really important to make that distinction, isn't it? and even with regards to iran who is facing pressure from the more extreme response of his cabinet, to retaliate with much. tasha military strikes against iran, so he, you know, you have parts of the is there any government that want to i'm not charged response, but also important say that you have these protests against the war and actually even the, according for more elections, that position will probably make it easier for netanyahu to continue to drag out the will for his political survival. absolutely. and as has been noted by, by many analysts over the last few months, the longer this war goes on, the better it is for on. yeah. how you've even had american politicians comment on, on this right, that he has a self sort of interest. he has a hidden agenda in continuing this war and he said in december, remember,
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and at the time, i think many people sort of snickered when he said that this war was going to go through at least the end of 2024. and now it's looking here we are in, you know, middle towards the end of april. and it doesn't seem to be any uh and insight to take his present measure of type. i don't want his old talks with last, but let's go to it small. i mean, he and his stumble meeting came days of the cat tell us that it was reassessing his role as a mediator in the world. gaza are the ones office at the tools so focused on humanitarian aid, how to achieve a ceasefire, as well as efforts for palestinian unity as is there a center because of you has moved from is conbal. this is not the 1st time how much lead to respond to honey. i was told to buy a turkish present. friendship type are drawn and a stumble. a couple of months ago. prisons are gone and brought together how much later, and also to leader into care as well, according to turkish communications,
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direct rates as social media posts on a x, a president on a sir to add that and the of of the situation in golf. so i should be at the spotlight of the international community and at the latest tension between iran and israel shouldn't shadow what's going on and it causes the presence. ardon has always emphasized that he is taking issue in palestine and garza as a personal and until the end of his last breath, he will continue to fight for it. and also on saturday morning, a turkish, an egyptian foreign ministers have a buy in april meeting. and after that they had a joint press conference in which they emphasized the importance of the delivery of to who monetary and of relief to cause. so the continuation of this and also a $22.00 ministers emphasized that the solution to the problem and gaza is for stopping
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. they is very little can patient on oppression. and also a 2 state solution based on 196 to 7, a borders seeing i'm coastal elders are assembled. it doesn't watch most, those are bringing on the news are going to be checking out what is happening and equitable to mays have been killed in his many days. this is a head of a referendum, a fighting gang line, and the washington house of representatives has approved a huge military, a package for ukraine, taiwan, israel, and several other u. s. allies. the package has been held off for weeks because of divisions among republicans on aging. ukraine, but also being split into separate bills. it now goes to the senate on to which it'll be signed into law by president joe biden. terms of what is in the package itself. you have $61000000000.00 for you quite in the 1st bill. that includes
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defense, humanitarian aid, and cash to keep the government running. the 2nd bill give $17000000000.00 to israel, including there were punishments of its i'm done missiles and also be a vote on a $9000000000.00 a package for gaza. and us development efforts in the occupied westbank as also $8000000000.00 for defense of us allies in the west and pacific. mostly taiwan, algiers, pa, to call high rounds up developments for us from capitol hill. in word and deed, members of the us house of representatives, sending the message with ukrainian flags in the house for the day support sending 61000000000 dollars to ukraine. a huge number of republican members, 112 voted against giving money and weapons to ukraine. you know, we have the false choice about the same that ukraine doesn't matter to america or support ukraine was no question as was blank checks and bows. this position on
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the board in our national interest. the bill is past 17. 17000000000 to is really 9000000000 to the palestinians, prove divisive as well. its past, but 21 republicans voted no along with 37 democrats. gentlemen from texas is wrecking many criticising is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose actions have not led to the release of the remaining hostages. he's ignored the police of the families of hostages. he's ignored the police of the president of the united states. he's ignored his own people. he's engaged in self preservation. we should not be sending offensive weapons to israel right now. after this or warning president joe biden, that if he signs the legislation, he will pay a political price. this is taking away any leverage at present and buying might have to get and then yellow to pull back on and beating ra, offer or killed warning. some people
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a 1000000000 easily passed for taiwan. and so there's a bill that would allow us to increase sanctions on around allow the buying administration to seize russian assets and band tick tock in the us unless it's chinese owners. so the company now these bills go to the senate, which is expected to pass them and then the president is expected to sign it because you got officials tell me that once it is signed, they can start getting weapons in to ukraine. in a matter of days to go home al jazeera washington, or are you planning present loading the is that landscape has signed the us house for posting the a package. today we received a decision, we expected the package of american support that we thought so hard for. and it's a very significant package that will be felt by our soldiers on the front line as well as by our towns and villages suffering from russian. tyra list today. the us house of representatives voted. thank you to everyone who supported our package. this is a solution for saving lives. now is there is john holman centers this updates on
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the story from cave speak. ukrainian government was really waiting for this nervously. it was a very, very long wait to see if this would be put even to the vote in the house of congress and see if it would get free. the only take 5 minutes. and in the end, it was a fairly convincing vote. that meant that this a package of $61000000000.00 from ukraine will now be sent to the senate, where he is expected to pause at the ukrainian president told him, is the landscape had said, if the congress doesn't help you, cried ukraine, we'll lose this war at least publicly, that's how starkly he put it on his relief was evident. immediately afterwards, he treated that he was grateful to the us house of representatives, both partners and personally speaking, mike johnson, who might have put his job on the line. it seems to bring this to a boat. he said that it's a decision that keeps history on the right track,
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and that it will keep the will from expanding and save thousands and thousands of lives. i think that soldiers on the front lines of ukraine would echo dot sentiment . they towed it seems that, that dealing with a situation in which every 6 shows coming from russia, they're only able to send one back. and that they feel that that would only get was at least $14000000000.00 about $61000000000.00 a package. it's not all of it will deal directly with weapons. we've training. i'm with a operational capacities for the ukranian troops. now a question i guess is once it gets reset, it that happens once it's signed in by the us president job. i didn't how quickly can not get here. that was off to depends a good and a spokes person said that it could be a matter of days. so definitely the united states government seems to be treating this with a matter of urgency. and that's going to be music to the use of ukraine and the
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government here. don't home and out. is it a key? if you cry as well, the guy's house voted on the long delayed foreign a bills ukrainian troops fighting in the east are still struggling with a shortage of i'm munition charles dropping reports from near the front lines in eastern ukraine. this is a freight job to, to re system close to you grains eastern front line, one of thousands of pieces of heavy weaponry supplied by ukraine's native y license . the will began a soldier shows us the munition stock. just 12 shows left. hold on the 1000000 shells have been pledge by ukraine's back as in recent weeks, but they're not getting here fast enough to coordinate a tree say the rate of fire is at least 6 to one and the russian on these favor of the year. so the, the we are trying not to leave our position. yes, the enemy is advancing. but even with this little amount of sales,
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we are trying to hold the uh we hit towards the besieged small town of shots if your russian forces occupied the east announce goods russian pointed yet so being targeting ukrainian policies and along the crating on the supply routes taking advantage of what cube has been saying for months, it's critically short of a defense more no way to a stabilization point, just outside the village of just the view. all the soldiers tell us that the biggest concern traveling along least very expos roach, the circle, if you feel 1st person patient of drugs that the russians i'm few craniums were using to search devastating dangerous effect. please video shows the precision of the russian f t v. cam a cause you drive an attack on an on would you trade in vehicle? do you currently ministry estimate that can be up to a 100 various types of russian and ukrainian drawings operating at any one time in
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a given 10 columbus of radius from the eastern front line to service so called sugar. cuba used to detect drug and sound frequency, often comp, identify who's, who's an explosion close by. vitale is a medical, one of a number of so called stabilization points just outside chance if y'all were injured. so we'll just get emergency treatment before evacuation. accost expose, feels store hospital in a safe area and may be shown to the stucco producer to one of the biggest dangers is we can be hit by a k d, or artillery. at any time in the house nearby is completely destroyed. we are anxious all the time around 10 kilometers to the west of the east. announce goods of close then to meet the next town on the pulse of the russian army. slo, drones rushing policies are increasingly targeting the city which at a pre will population of $67000.00. but thousands of people remain the
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woods of clear on the destroyed railway station. who was this shows us that the enemy wants to capture, constantly difficult, in order to move forward. they want to scare the civilian, instead of destroying the town. we didn't, or we can to stop though. ukraine will spend $5000000000.00 producing its own weapons this year, including a 1000000 drones dropped in the ocean for what analysts say is, keeps most critical. charlene, since it's failed counter offensive last year to hold ground against russia's expected attempt at a concentrated summit of bonds. john strep. at alex's here, a new child safety on eastern new crime lab for you on the program. find out why us troops are abandoning a $100000000.00 base and leaving is yeah. right in floods displays more than a 100000 people in burundi stars. he's according to how
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the so but east coast is going to be the place to where you know, straight the weather turns a bit rough. i've say next 24 hours. please send to apply to your already. chris, going to be a bit of a focus. right on show breeze and the hold of something queens and then eventually move fed and also see some sort of shower you whether it's bit digital to be honest . i for the know for the sags and further west, it looks fine and it's still warm and sunny. in person about 30 degrees, but the 3 day for bruce, but is not good sunday being with carter when the day asking for was continues cloud cover with lightning and some rain. and then things improve quite rapidly. even share, i may even say 126 degrees is not bad and that sherry stuff the off shore does
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catch the edge of queens. and usually this weather is quite, quite as you might expect. the winds don't particularly strong and there's more sunshine than anything else. tempted in the high teams for the most part, the risk of flooding from big thunderstorms is still there anywhere in indonesia. i'm not sure i can fix that particular area, but in boeing. yeah, that seems to be the biggest likelihood or chef and they stretch up to what 7 times as well. my pu kits cool down a little bit from its recent 139 big showers, big, great potential flash, southern big highland southern china song which extends just to japan on the lower scale to growth has destroyed many the cities, water bodies in a race against india's booming water shortage, an engineer turn water conservationists takes on cities once it was one lake
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at the time. catching the rate in india. that takes a lot, a witness documentary on a jersey, the devastation finalizations usually in the top 5 countries as the most valuable country in the world displacement. if you look at tack of safety, it's unbelievable desperation, then leaving on a fringe of life and did the stock reality of climate change in a rapidly sinking country. you have the problem to day. the rest of the work will have it tomorrow, and they will have to learn from us, which is here is new series dying of life before land news . the
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al jazeera and look at the main stories. now, israel's latest as strikes and gaza have killed at least 10 palestinians and rough on most of them children. the policy and death tells us the worst. johnson has to pass 34000. the majority of this women and children elsewhere is 14 palestinians, have been killed and in his writing races started on the 1st day and the occupied westbank had been mass arrests and widespread damaging to a crime and no shuns refugee. and in all the developments his writing protests is of galvan and tell of these to them on the election and the release of captives held in gaza earlier on. saturday, thousands demonstrated outside of military prison while hundreds of palestinians are being held. we've also been following political developments and equitable millions of people that are going into polls on sunday to vote on a referendum put forward by president daniel and above. he's urging voters to
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approve new security measures to tackle the rise of violence in the country to raise a bow reports morning and grief by loved ones at the funeral. familiar closely, scientists. he was killed this week by a known assailants in the town of coming to bones hembry cuz he nick wild son just had been in office for less than a year. he's getting is just another example of this serious violence ecuadorian ser, facing days before voting on a security referendum precedent by the end of the war. he's asking voters to back the measure as a way to fight organized crime. when would you send to you send me was brother, he hope suppressed and we'll get the backing. he needs the colors and that's the, the label eco doors insecure because of a lack of lows and hopefully the yes but will when and the minute true. be on the streets. i hope that will be new laws to fight crime. my brother was executed and they didn't do anything. since taking office last year, president many and noble,
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i declared a state of exception and deployed the armed forces to find the drug cartels that have increase their control overlarge parts of the country. this town is one of them. security forces here are on high alert space. say there's room or is that there could be another attack? this is an area that is controlled by a criminal group. no, no, no, no. they are not only involved in drug trafficking, but also any legal mining. in the past decades, cocaine trade has expanded in latin america, and violence has transformed once quiet countries like white or. and that's why no boy says he wants the military to patrol with a police, expedite a tooth criminals among other measures to do that. he wants to reform the constitution. it does he, us one moment they'll have to click them. there are moments that will mark it before and after, and the history of our nation. as a quick dorians, we have a civic and moral duty to make the right choice,
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that all of these are seal. analysts say the voting on sunday is a test. and how much support the president has yet was have been to present the field around 70 percent of the country supports security measures, but only 40 percent support the president. according to our measures of the military on the streets is attached to a bigger problem because mafia is are controlling the dictionary. the police is businesses all across the country. while the funeral for me, your sanchez was taking place, we've heard about the killing of another mayor about an hour from where we, where it's another reminder of why so many people are affected by violence. wanted the government to do whatever is necessary to stop it. and make sure that what happened here won't happen again. police, i will just see this coming up on somebody gets a one on it's bringing and carlos let a professor of development studies at the center boulevard and in university joins is record to his capital key to tell us more about why there is such broad based
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public support for these measures by the president to tighten security in the country where the cause being in transport them is from being well the most peaceable countries being left in america to a situation in which their rate the company size rate is the i'm on the highest in the region and because of the, a big deterioration of security as a result of the expansion well, but not contract taking the last 2 or 3 years is in the country. it says nothing for the body is due to the fact it is. so the president teases, is, is calling and that's in a referendum to kind of a busy or a leader framework in to combine it to effectively combine him violence in boulder. is it mostly the, the army and the cord, the nation between the army,
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the police and the tradition system. but i suppose they, the vote goes beyond the security practices, right? there is concern about how such a broad referendum could affect human rights and also the economy. oh yes, he is effectively. if there is a very limited good librium in between being effective a binding, it did the floating of liquids or is it kind of find it in spades it and is the due respect for human and right in the government. it is so far in, at the beginning what was enjoying a very, very high level of popularity. we need to declare the states of admin syncing. however, in the last 2 or 3 months, but very deal of the government use when going to kind of declining as
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a result of economic crisis. a kind of taxes into ratio the. ready energy distribution, we've got the balance that's less winking in the country is so depressing. it needs to have a very strong supporter. aids because keys planning to become a candidate for the elections a yeah. but then that means that he's using. yeah. using this in some way to, to further his own political ambitions. yes. yeah. and then that is why these are put into is very, very important. not only in related to the tweets confidence in, but also as a kind of test of the popularity of the globe are men's and people who believe it is up in the war, the president. and to be really like the one year from now. and so as i
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understand what you're saying about this, these measures improving security in the country, creating a new sort of overall framework for the army to be able to come back this violence and this kind of transnational cartel take of the but what about the root causes of this crime, is the government looking at not as well it is very difficult to be successful in finding a knuckle traffic now. and actually they the, the area we cook, i could give a show in, in uh, our neighbor of columbia. more than doubled in the last 3 or 4 years. and most of these are expensive, what you speaking blazing that was already on board. the weather is, is a praise of traffic it from colombia to the developing countries, mostly in the united states and europe is. so the cocaine is consumption. the
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water is spending very quickly and it is, there's been a band boiler force force. obviously the quote is not provided for that, but the, the may have been, you know, the, the, the military means or lead me to it. so we need that much more of a body. see it to do it thing going to be be successful in a generating bro man team problem leaving conditions of the people is so that the young people are into popular sector of this. it is, it cannot continue enjoying a environmental illegal groups. as you say, it's a unemployment and poverty needs a lot of young people honorable to gain recruitment. thank you. thank you. profess yeah, carlos not a but joining us from key to thank you very much. united states has agreed to
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with drawers troops from new. yeah. also not the country's military government announced that it's ending its agreement with us describing it as profoundly on fact, june to support has came out on the street is demanding american troops leave. washington operates a major drug base and the city of august as and has around a 1000 soldiers in the country, could be a dom who is a security analyst and says the situation is unlikely to improve any time soon. a one of the 2 major drivers of this anti western and imperialism the sentiments of new quartet, including the failure of democracy. and then of course the united delete of the presence of um, you know, this a military with the military present been dis i helped to prevent or reduce the security challenge. if at the moment, if i had it's probably the most fix, you were to challenge redone of the wall despite the presence of width. and so it doesn't. and our region so see to them of those countries are asking the question we have, you know, i've missed, but yet you on hold for tech to not need unfortunately,
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doesn't look like it's going to be very different from a, for us, the russia, it's to replace the us on the front of the case may be the russians. they didn't do that in money where, where they've been bred present for more than 2 years. they didn't 2014 and 5. so at the moment, more than half of the territory of but you know, fossil is being controlled by them. they know to tar, we've done all the insurgent groups, you on security counselors, met to discuss the west and humanitarian situation. and so don, it's been more than a year since fighting started between the army and the power military rapids support forces you and humanitarian offices emphasize the profound impact to the conflict on children who enjoy last in trauma. schooled on all parties to exercise maximum restraint and avoid further bloodshed are in burundi. the government is appealing for international help. off the heavy rains, despise nearly a 100000 people and destroyed farmland. the countries been struggling onto the new weather event extend to the annual rainy season across the region. after some guns
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had reports on some of the worst effected areas in the east african country. consistent rains have some large parts of this church and the entire neighborhood along with it. these houses have got tuned in western burgundy cannot only be accessed by those flood waters have cut off this family from the world. oh, that's about the will to hit us and we have to look for a place to build a shelter, but we couldn't find any way because the water was already everywhere. we came here, but there wasn't not much water yet. we built a long platform according to the height of the water coveted with top holdings. dofer's village sits near lake don ganita, which has been overflowing. the resulting deluge put nearly a 100000 people on the move destroyed crops and critical facility. thousands of people has died in neighboring tens, in the more than 300 life stuff with lost in kenya in the past several days. it's
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all due to el nino and naturally occurring weather event hitting east africa, causing months of increased rainfall, land slides, and hail storms and environment, right for waterborne diseases. without a movie, we have a problem not only with housing, but with drinking water too. when we suffer from illness caused by unsanitary conditions, dissing the authorities in burgundy dealing with limited resources, are now calling for outside help. they say 300000 people are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance. if the some good food out to 0 to the sensor african republic now or a wooden boat capsized on friday, killing thousands of people. it happened near the capital. bunky video shows the boat carrying more than 300 passengers just moments before it started thinking. many of them seemed trying to send the show while others tried to reach the musing, smooth boats. at least 58 people. i'm drowned.
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ministry on has it been paid to can useful the chief defense forces who is killed in a helicopter crash on thursday 9. all the offices traveling with the ministry chief also died in the cross that went down shortly off to take coffee northwest. and can you, president william ruetta announced a 3 day morning period following general francis of gall is deaf investigations of looking into the cause of the crash. fighting between me and mazda on the and rebel fight is forced, at least 1300 people, to flee in to neighboring thailand. fighters from the ethnic current, rebel group recently captured the board. a town of my a y d time need here is reporting the latest red blood tank targeted a group of needy 200 soldiers in an area close to a major board, a trading post. 7 people have been confirmed in india's eastern edition. stay off to the boat, they were traveling in capsized victims of the accident into children and also women crews rescued. 48 other passengers in an overnight operation at the my not
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the river. such opperation is on the way to find at least one more person still missing, as well. so to bring on the program, turning our attention to tenerife, tens of thousands of taking to the streets in protest. i don't see about tourism the the latest news as it breaks around on as given a cause that people come out. but the guys are not as popular to the board with detailed coverage, but the reason prices and the reality, things are likely to get much worse before they get better, is driving some residents to the freight from around the world. people have told us the circumstances is even more important than usual to come together to share that so they have the killing of under the return. it is shooting of the hawk. there was
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not an isolated event. it highlighted the whole question of press freedom of turn in this killed one, doing their job. they were certainly aiming in the direction of the terms of the 0 world looks at the number of children, the skills into occupied palestinian territories, which has increased dramatically during the war on god and at the problems of holding any one accountable for 3rd task shooting the messenger one 0 to 0. the the in iraq is one post has been killed at 20 of those injured in a launch explosion. the bloss happen south of the capital bank that in the bible province,
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washington is saying that it was behind the explosion. sullivan job aid reports on this from baghdad. and this is the damage of the call. so military base between baghdad and bottled the explosion killed at least one feature of the patent, really popular mobilization forces and included as the us mp come on, denied reports that it was an american attack. an investigation is underway, but soldiers at the banks have the series of thought that many can not come off to the american forces with you to that they carried out. the bombings here is the often matter. this is what resulted from the huge exposure. and this is the crate to created by the last how my statement condemned the attack, calling you to a violation of the 70 from us as it was the bite in administration responsible for the escalation. but to interrupt the security officials that adamant that it was an accident. until now, i'm sure it's too much clearly to talking about what's going on. but we're talking
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about right now with the teams. the teams right now they worked 24 hours from yesterday night until now and i think maybe after a bit of time they can tell us and we can't tell the itself the problem every and i'm sure, and we try some of our courses. we kinda protect our country, our board, go on the people on our sensitive ton, the system war against hi. so many of the rocks fed amenities have been formalized into a sense of change among the umbrella group. a fight is called the popular mobilization forces works under the prime minister's office. but it only group, such as the islamic resistance, still have a major presence. they maintain, they'll attack us and is where you can trust the warrant. garza or the tax on the air on escalate. what, on average, of course, we do not want to embarrass the government with this issue. this is why we see ours is supportive rule. the rockies lumnick resistance have carried out more than $400.00 attacks. and we continued to target israel via drums and have the
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occupation expands worth russell. this logic resistant will escalate its operations to walk among the few confuse the wrong conformity displayed, its political and military influence. and that rule, iraq, the politics and security is a major challenge for leaders, will have to balance the of close partnerships with breast and allies, including the united states. the latest incident comes with height, intention in the region. rockies fear that they're on the united states, and israel could use it soil once again for the approximate and the tax, which is the one in bible's carriers, the risk of igniting was reaching incentive, the consequences that might be beyond your marketing. and so some of the driving down to 0 down hundreds of students have staged. and all this sitting in front of columbia university in new york and solidarity with palestine. police have dispatched the gathering on the university's grounds on thursday. thousands of students were arrested. the purchase started on wednesday of to the universities present, appeared before congress to testify on allegations of anti semitism on the campus.
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us news from 10 to reeves, thousands of people that are been out in protest that they are protesting against the effect of mass terrorism in the canary islands. they say the current model is damaging the areas ecology. so when i go explains it is a sector the canary islands has come to depend on while tourism has been approved for the economy. and many here at this, protested tennessee. it has also been detrimental anymore and everybody else. so this, i do know that we have the territory of a saturated with construction, as well as buildings that are being totally destroyed with no use within the tourism industry. this is land speculation and it's leaving the natural areas totally unprotected as well as the damage to its landscape activists say that the poll tourism is taking on residence is too heavy,
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too bad. rising prices designed for tourists and hikes and property prices mean so many life on these islands is too expensive. forcing them to leave the homes to find work elsewhere. this is the for you to look at is not the only the tourism projects. it is the fuse, it is the precarious work. it is an employment because the weariness of the people who are tired of it. several environmental organizations are back in the demonstrations demands for 2 and 3 holes in the items tourism sector. some protests have even taken parts in hunger strikes and a bit to force the government to tackle issues such as the impact of mass tourism and water supplies, waste management, and health services. that's the average wages betty able to cover the rising rents. i could be say it is leading to an increase in social exclusion with some lower paid workers resulting to sleeping in the vehicle.
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local authorities say that the rise of tension aimed at the tourism industry won't affect visited with the islands receiving a record number of holiday makers last year. the stray may proved too much for those who lived that sony diagonal. i'll just say era now a cooper student, these artists who lost everything in the war and found themselves in account for the displaced inside of school have been turning hardship into opportunity address . there is mom involved has the story from the northeast and city of policy done they were only able to bring a few of the musical instruments, say to him, 1st the type of thing and paid to escaped with colleagues from the fighting on vermont and ended up in port, so then after a long purchase journey from a classroom that serves us both home and workshop. they say the trying to do 5
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students last memory. good. and it can be either been moved or within. the last was huge. it least 5 of our colleagues have been killed. the majority of those to survive have left to dawn. so our numbers are diminishing and very few remain who mass are the skills required for a continuation of the cultural heritage. and then we try to preserve this quote, quote you on a group of 10 o'clock because of the house and educational play commission by a local and you that's why getting the government, i mean it's a large number of performance thing to give a we had either to sit idly by is displaced, individuals wasting for handouts, for as creative people in that stop doing something b. and these teams say they chose the 2nd option and began producing see it taking place inside the account. it allowed them to generate some income. and at the same time, to start the process of healing for themselves and the displays community, the impact on the throne that these people have to deal with all how to measure. i
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get a fighting between this within his army and that off. it's of both forces have to call tube and other cities into a wasteland, including all aspects of comfortable life. i'm headed. i would highly admit that the from that even the item the was up bruce of the office and lift them homeless and refugees is destroyed the entire quote for infrastructure of the country, including theaters, museums, and find out institutions for the. yeah, we lost everything and our belongings, our homes, our civil documentation, the war has stolen from us out beautiful memories and the best moments of our life and even our loved ones, including my own brother. but i mean a lot of artists have a way of coping with hardship, with other will victims, mental, tough. yeah. know how to set up. whether it's good to have the title of my paintings, quote fine and totally destroyed. but what's inside me is to hear my wishes that
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god helps our country and that i can contribute to the forming of a future generation that will take us in the right direction. but tonight it's about the time of the come, the acts of, of dissipation, 305 to 04 to the victims of the columbia in high school shooting 25 years ago, been remembered in the us state of colorado. so teen, people were killed in 21 injured in the incident when to teenagers went on a shooting spree before turning the guns on themselves. it was considered the was mass shooting in the us at the time. a lot set for this news out, but it's mohammed gems. you will be with you in a moment with much more as the days news overnight is coming up on the gaza developments in the west bank at also from washington with billions. more and assistance has been approved to is around the
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why have american evangelicals become this real strongest factor? is us president joe finding the right to stand with israel with no red line? as long as us support continues, is there anything that can stop is real, solve on gaza from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, the with leading eco friendly solutions to come back threats to offsets on our 20. so how is your vacation in this, the shelves, the
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chest? wow. the boss or a 10 year job, in which it has become the most important translation award from and into the how to rubik language world wide. shea come out award for translation and international understanding of notice is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024 starting march 1st. to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t, a dot q a forward slash e m. god promised abraham, the land that is going to belong to you and to your children for evermore right here in my backyard. recently that there is some realtors here just to make sure you know where you're accident from michigan. we have people here from united states, from russia, from india, from germany to junior findings for the idea of israel's foreign army on it.
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just like it's the, the more is really air strikes, follow a day of funerals and gaza. many of the dead are children. the i'm how much room this is allen does your life from don't also coming up. the israeli forces killed at least 14 palestinians during a major rate in north shuns and the occupied west banks. thousands protesting, tel aviv against prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and his government's handling
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of the war and goss plus the us.


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