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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 30, 2024 4:00am-5:01am PDT

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break it into buildings don't occur. you don't let it get to that flash mob scene, right? you'd nip it in the bud. >> there's a time and place you could protest. >> everybody. it's well-established. first amendment law you can go across the street protests at a certain area be as loud as you want, as long as you want. but you can't disrupt the world. >> we're seeing the outlines emerging of how the white house is thinking about it. they are not saying in a blanket way that you can't protest, but what they are saying very clearly is when this gets into the realm of anti-semitism, as they said about a case, a student at columbia who has been banned from campus for saying vile things, saying that zionists deserve to die. they said that turns the stomach second, it has no place in america because that's a line that the white house is willing videos of breaking windows are another one that right off the bat we have also seen these protesters today chanting from the river to the sea, hanging the intifada banner. >> we are in very troubling territory this morning. thank you so much for being with us this morning. morning as we've been covering this breaking
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news out of columbia university in protests across the country are breaking news is going to continue here on sienna anand don't go anywhere. i'm kasie hunt cnn news central it's right now breaking overnight here at columbia university, protesters breached an academic building. >> they are now inside barricading the doors as this protest here continues into a second week and back in core, donald trump returns to a manhattan courtroom just as there are new reports trump is mad at his lead attorney in lives shattered after four officers are killed in north carolina, we have new reporting on what put them in the line of fire i'm john berman with kate bolduan and sarah sinnner. >> this is cnn news central cnn
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breaking news what again, with breaking news here at columbia university where things have ratcheted up because dozens of students were able to reach an academic building that you're seeing there, just behind me that is hamilton hall with guns are inside at the moment occupy that building? all in their protests against for in gaza and against columbia university trying to get it to divest from any kind of investment that touches israel. we should also let you know, we've been seeing images that coming out from inside of those holes, inside of hamilton hall, where dozens of protesters have used everything from chairs, two desks, to vending machines to block doors, to restrict entry from any official coming in. and we also have been seeing this morning a huge banner that you'll see there that says free palestine hanging from the second or third floor of hamilton hall at this hour, we
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know that there are also some protesters that are blocking the front entrance. we have been four james watching this protests. it is clear that things have gotten even more tense between the students and the faculty and officials here at the university. let us bring in our polo sandoval, who has been following this for days now, wednesday, we'll mark right the second week of this protest. and now you've got this situation here. can you give us some sense of how this all happened? i think it's going so clearly going to be an escalation of the situation because of what took place we're night in the building that's directly behind us, sarah, i think this is certainly going to now r& up the pressure further on columbia university to see what they will do to actually respond because you i'll see the potential. >> actually we are seeing yet another layer of disruption for some of those students, especially those who have been observing what's been happening, as you mentioned, for two weeks now. but there's still a lot of questions since about who these people were. >> we been myself, my
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colleagues have been on campus for the last couple of weeks speaking to members of this in cabin, the encampment itself has been largely peaceful. >> they've done gatherings there and it's really been contained more than anything into the hedges. they're basically where they have been camped out. however, something happened last night as we saw in these pictures here and it is clearly going to be the reason why university officials sway. now have to calculate that next step. we know is that access now to the campus is now going to be further restricted. an opportunity speak to a couple of students a short while ago. unless you live on campus, it's likely that you may not be able to actually we make your way onto campus until we find out a little bit more about what might be the next step. but i'd like to go back to what happened yesterday, especially when you look at these extremely dramatic pictures of doesn't dozens of people, most of them with their faces covered, basically advancing on the building that you see behind us, which has a history of protests going back decades. and i want you to hear directly from jessica schwalb, who is a student at columbia as she describes what she saw
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during the overnight hours, she used her phone to capture it all. >> i think listen the people who are already inside hamilton hauled decided to smash the windows and then put bike locks like around each door handle and they also zip-tied the door handles. >> there's two sets of doors whereas for each doorway and hamilton hall. and so they they also zip-tied like the second what's also noteworthy, sarah, from our vantage point is, yes, you do see the nypd presence, but they're still not making their way on campus side of campus ceramic. >> the camp of it because it is private property as we saw almost two weeks ago. that is when the president university, while she was offering testimony before congress that she then saw an encampment that was that had popped up a pro-palestinian encampment turned to the nypd for assistance in clearing out that gathering. only of course, to see it pop up again. >> so now the question is, will they once again turned to the
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nypd for assistance? >> we don't have any indication yet, but again, it is very early and we do hope to hear from campus officials they know a little bit more about the people who occupied this building behind. things have definitely changed. i'm going from an encampment outside with tags to inside an occupying a building thank you very things. university looking at whether or not they're going to call in police or not. >> we do now have one of our colleagues who is on campus, julia vargas jones joins us now, live and i'm curious, julie, if you have any sense of who the protesters are inside of hamilton hall versus the ones who have stayed in the encampment if they are from the same group of protesters are still a couple of dozen is what i'm hearing from students camped out here. i'll try to get a look here. >> it's a pretty quiet seen so far, mostly people i spoke with they our undergrad students
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here at columbia, this is the fight. very quiet. people are just holding their breath what will happen next? i want to show you look like no windows and door that was used to get into the university building, chemical building last night, they blocked get it off. they're trying to protect the students who are in sight. they don't know what's going to happen. is a feeling of disability. the school as full eventually bring back the new york police department to help people. this is private property, after all last night, i'm sure you've seen those videos students went the columns. you think kong these spanish tried to rename crimes his hold after a palestinian girls six, we'll post kelvin kelvin in gaza. there's a lot of a lot of questions. sarah, people don't know what's going to happen next. color would just closed its doors to all students. i was very lucky. i
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am students here at columbia university and i was one of the last people allowed in with my columbia id. if you don't live on campus and you should not an essential member of staff. you can no longer come in to campus. so i'm not even sure how long we're going to be able to stay here to show you how the situation unfolding julia vargas jones. >> thank you so much for giving us a look. and as you said, you were columbia student, you've got on campus what your id and you were describing what you are seeing certainly the tensions have ratcheted way up because there was now this occupation of the building behind me, hamilton hall as you mentioned. thank you so much to you and pull it down two ball out for your reporting. i want to go now to texas to austin, texas where our ed lavendera is. there were clashes overnight between protesters and police. we were watching some of that unfold during the day. let us know what's happening now on campus and what you're hearing well it's quiet right now, but yesterday we saw dozens of protesters who were taken into custody by law
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enforcement official, state troopers, austin police, as well as the university of texas police department. >> and many of those protesters were taken away on buses because there was so many of them. so we saw people carried away refusing to leave the premises. these protesters were ordered to leave after they started setting up tents in the area behind me on the south mall of the university of texas campus, university of visuals have been saying for days that that would be the line in the sand that could not be crossed in terms of setting up an encampment of the idea of occupying any kind of space on this campus was not going to be allowed in that triggered in pence moments through for several hours yesterday on the campus. even as the buses full of state troopers were trying to leave the campus yesterday, they were pushed back by protesters which followed the buses throughout the campus for hours there were flash bangs
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tear gas sprayed so intense days now, we don't know the exact official number of people arrested yesterday, but the county attorney, which whose the official that prosecutes misdemeanor crimes here in austin is now saying a very different tone for what we heard last week. remember last week, there were 60, almost 60 protesters arrested in all of those charges were dropped the day after the protests here at the university kristi of texas, the county attorney is now saying that she is deeply concerned about the events here at the university escalating, and that she has begun discussions with university officials on how to best handle this situation. so a different tone reading between the lines there kind of alluded to the fact that perhaps these criminal charges will not be dropped this time around we will continue to monitor how that continues to play out ed lavendera. >> thank you so much for your reporting there in austin, texas for us, these protests test has ratcheted about across
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the country from california to ohio, to here in new york. this has really been the epicenter of the beginning of those protests, but they have spread out throughout the country. and now universities are trying to figure out what to do while the students here are very passionate about their cause, saying that they want these universities to divest from it from israel and any type of way also, they want to see ceasefire in gaza. i know all of those things are being discussed by the state department as well. but here, just reminding people that this has changed where we have seen dozens of students breaking into a building and now occupying hamilton hall somewhere that has a history historical value when it comes to protests, as has happened here before jonathan cape and sarah, it's great that we have that a producer, a cnn producer on campus as she was explaining, she is a student of columbia, why she's able to be in there. >> and we're going to have to get back to her as much as
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possible because this is really the first eyes on the ground right outside where it looks like they broke into the building that we've been able to get since this all started exploding overnight. you're gonna be back, sarah is right there and we're gonna go back to the producer on the ground. for sure. we're also following this today. welcome to week three of donald trump's first criminal trial. it's kicking off with new reports that trump is angry and complaining already about his own attorney, his lead attorney attorney defending him in this new york trial. and the usda is now testing ground beef at grocery stores. as concerns are growing over the bird flu spreading among dairy cows plus four officers killed while trying to serve a warrant at a home in north carolina. the police chief saying it was the most tragic shooting shooting he has been involved with in his 32 years in law enforcement will be back every piece of evidence
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get your first scrub set for just $19 at five legs. >> we're here to get your side of the store a fares library prostitution. why do we keep ending up here? >> you can't write this stuff. united states of scandal with jake tapper. now streaming on macs all right, this morning we are standing by for testimony to resume in the new york criminal trial of donald trump. >> he is accused of falsifying documents to cover up hush money payments to an adult film actress now a comes as the new york time reports that trump has complained his chief defense lawyer, todd blanche, has been quote insufficiently aggressive. maggie haberman, a jonathan swan report that sources say mr. trump wants him to attack witnesses attack with the former president sees as a hostile jury pool and attack the judge seen as brynn gingras, outside the court this morning, who are we expected to
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see on the stand? where are we yeah john you know, that report very interesting and possibly some of that iron that we're hearing about from maggie haberman and jonathan swan comes from last week, if you remember that gag order hearing now, we're todd blanche jackpot, his arguments against it, and the judge saying there that he was losing all credibility, so possibly it stems from now, but just quickly about blanche, of course, he is one are said to be one of trump's favorite. >> attorneys. he's representing him and two other criminal indictments. obviously, this is the first one to go to trial, but according to the new york times reporting he is saying that he's not being aggressive enough in this trial and actually complaining about how much his lawyers are costing him. but i have to tell you when i was inside the courtroom last week, they are talking to each other the entire time during testimony for this trial. so we'll see where that goes. but yes, trial pick back up. this is the third week of this criminal hush money trial. >> and it is going to resume a testimony of gary farro now
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that is that banker that michael cohen oh, and actually worked with to setup those shell companies in order to make the reimbursement back to stormy daniels? >> of course, that is at the heart of this case. he also took at a home equity credit line in order to make that reimbursement so the prosecutors in this case have always said john, as we talked about yesterday, that this is going to be a document-heavy case, and this is where we are in the trial getting those documents i admitted into evidence and seeing the paper trail that was made in order to lay out the argument for those charges of 34 counts of falsifying business records so we'll see him back on the stand. book, john, of course, we don't know who's coming up next. we know there's a long list of big names out there on the witness list, but we don't know the order because the prosecutors are not telling the defense or the public that because again, may have said in court that they worry about trump taking out on social media, anything? about the people who are about to take the witness stand so we'll see what comes next. >> bridge and grass outside the court has great to have you there, great to have your perspective from inside the
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courthouse as well. thank you so much. >> all right. we have new reporting this morning and the deadly shootout in north carolina were eight law enforcement officers were shot, four were killed and could there be good news? about gas prices on the way htm is a serious heart condition affecting as many as one in 200 people like me. >> and me, i was still short of breath on my beta-blocker. >> so i talked to my cardiologist and asked about treatment advances in hcm that talked made a real difference. it gave me new hope talk to your cardiologist today visit atm real to learn more not flossing well then add the wo of listerine to your routine. new science shows. listerine is five times more effective than floss ev, reducing plaque above the gum line for a cleaner healthier mouth this three, feel the wo
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follow the testimony, follows cnn this morning. >> the big question facing the federal reserve is, will they keep interest rates steady for the sixth time in a row? or will they start cutting the central bank is kicking off its two-day policy meeting this morning cnn's matt egan is here with a preview because he is inside the room with all of them which good exact dough. so many people are watching what comes out of these meetings so closely for the exact reason that i was just posing that question. what are the smart minds in the spar money saying is expected? >> we've all been waiting for some relief from these really high i borrowing costs, but unfortunately, it looks like we're going to be waiting a bit longer, at least a bit longer now there's almost no chance that the fed cut interest rates tomorrow. look, it's just a 3% chance. christ into the market, 97% chance that the fed does nothing keeps rate steady even the next meeting in june, just a 12% chance, and that's where a lot of people were for a while. i'll thinking june was that yeah. you're right. all of
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these numbers were much much higher just a month and two months ago, the problem of course, is inflation rate, inflation increasingly looks like a stubborn toddler or refusing to go to bad, right? no no offense to all your toddlers out there. clearly are watching. that's the problem here. how can the fed cut interest rates when inflation is actually moving in the wrong direction? this would be like giving that stubborn toddler candy. it's probably not going to work to give the toddler candy before bed. and so that's where things are and there's a lot of implications here for all of us borrowers, right? because interest rates are at two-decade high so that means it's a really expensive time to get a mortgage, a car loan, student debt pay off credit card debt. the hope is lower interest rates to make it easier for consumers, right? because this is all really adding to the cost of living challenges right now, it's not just housing and food and car insurance. >> this is everyone's like this is all aspects of your life leaving off maybe just food exactly, exactly case. >> so the main event tomorrow, jerome powell taking questions, he's going to answer why
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inflation is stuck, and how long it's going to take before it goes down that's going to be really interesting to hear. >> well, having back to explain it all it's good to see you. thank you so much. >> still had for us. >> the windows still broken protesters refusing to leave. cnn is on campus at columbia, right where protesters occupied university building and academic building there overnight, we're going to take you back. there were some new images. bring you back there live, also new image of king charles coming in this morning he's returning to official public duties for the first time since he announced he is battling cancer, will be back cnn business update is brought to you by pods trusted with more than 6 million moves, save up to 25%. >> now at bring into savings this moving season with pods. >> save up to 25%. >> now i'm moving and storage and cli pods. it's been trusted with over 6 million moves, but don't worry hey, save up to
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oraa ring this is a travel show visit my fans around the world by that kind of problem again that's what i do, is my gif conan o'brien must go now streaming exclusively on macs you are looking at pictures that happened just moments ago from the university of north carolina, chapel hill, where police are moving in trying to get students who have been pro-palestinian students protesting for a ceasefire, for divestment from the university to any type of ties with israel
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you are seeing those images right now as police are trying to remove some of those protesters there, this is happening on campuses across the united states. >> i am live here with breaking news at columbia university really the epicenter of where these student protests all really began. and now we're coming into so the end of the second week on wednesday, and what we have seen, things have ratcheted up here quite a bit. we have seen overnight protesters moving from one place which was the area where they were all gathered with their tents. and they have now breached this building here, this academic building here, hamilton hall, there are dozens of students now inside hamilton hall making the same demands using every day they can to block the doors it so that's to not let any officials, police, or anyone else inside and they have put some of their banners outside so that the public could see that they're in there. this one reads three
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palestine in both english and arabic. and so that is what we're seeing on the campus right now. the university will on, we're supposed to all at 2:00 there were supposed to be moving from the university telling students they had though 2:00 on monday to leave campus or face repercussions that 2:00 came and went. the students decided to stay put and now you are seeing them occupying a building here in on the columbia campus. now, i want to go straight to our julia vargas jones. she is on-campus. she is a student at columbia university and a colleague and reporter. julia julia i i'm sorry. what are you saying? okay. julia, i want to get some sense of what the scene what the scene looks like right now, as you are inside campus, you have been there since early this morning. you were one of the last students to be let in and now the university of saying, no more students coming onto campus unless you live there. all of
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the classes are online at this hour. what are you saying? seeing where you are that's right, sarah. >> all classes have been moved to online only essential staff is allowed on campus and students who live here, i want to give you a little bit of a look of what the vibe is here. it's very calm obviously, everything that happen overnight you saw those videos, all the craziness is right here. >> let me show you house on the doors are still very candid their barricading about a few dozen students is my understanding. >> that's what people here said. >> zip, tie, rope, all of these picnic tables from other parts of campus. this is all pushed here a little bit of damage to the property as well. they broke in the store unclear if this is how they how they got into the into this building, but it's simply it's pretty calm. right now. sarah, the great question that on everyone's mind here is, will the university kick these
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students out and call on the new york police department again to help them evict them out of hamilton hall. >> sarah we are seeing a police presence, of course, outside of the university on all sides near the gates. there is nypd present since but as you said, there is a question the university initially saying they were not going to call the police, but now you have a very different scene with students inside of hamilton hall can you give us some sense of the numbers? if you can tell the students yesterday, there was that deadline of 2:00 p.m. the students decided to stay do you know how many people? >> well are still in the encampment and who are already in the building. i think we have perhaps lost julia. i can tell you there there are dozens inside of the building, but not sure at this hour how many students remain in that encampment? so we've lost julia jones. we are going to go now to the chancellor of vanderbilt university, daniel
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dear meyer thank you so much, sir, for joy morning us. can you tell us what is happening on your campus here at columbia? we've had a breach of an academic building. give us some sense of what's going on on your campus well, thank you for having me. >> things have been very quiet over the last a few weeks, about a month ago, we had about 30 students, little bit less than that russian to one of our buildings and administrative building that was closed for construction. they're enjoyed a security guard that's stayed there for about 20 hours. we then i'm arrested. the students that have at injured and pushed our staff or the other students left. every student has been subject to student discipline subsequently, we had a few students expelled. some suspended, and some on probation okay. >> can you give me a sense of the numbers of students that are that are taking part in this and respond to the criticism from some of your the
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faculty members who have come out in an open letter and said that they believe these protests should be, people should be able to be able to protests on campus obviously, not with violence in criticizing the university a little short. so we have had a firm commitment to free speech and free expression. >> we also have a commitment to institutional mortality, which means that the university won't take a positions on political issues. and we also have a commitment to civil discourse. so in the students join on campus actually signed a community create to treat each other with respect. listen to each other and then use arguments that are based on facts our students have participated in discussions and vigils and protests adjust the week before they rushed into the building. and we had one group pro-palestine, the other one, and poor israel on the lawn with this place. there have been no issues at all with respect to students being able to express themselves freely. but rushing into a clothes
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building and injuring a security guard it's not an expression of free speech. it is just like a disruptive conduct. and when students or violate rules, that have to be consequences for that can you give me a sense of how some of the jewish students on campus are feeling. and if you've all right, in the, past some anti-semitic remarks that have been made or during any of these protests. what are you hearing on and doing for the protection of those students yes, so jewish life is alive and well on campus just last week, we had a passover seder celebrated by 400 students and members most of the community and on our main law and alumni, khan and a big tent, we have a vibrant hilal and about on campus it's a difficult time for all of the members of the jewish community, but they're doing fine we have, we have no tolerance for antisemitism. >> and if there are any
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concerns, there are being reported, and then they're being their responses to the appropriate process here on campus so that we don't have any incidents on antisemitism what is a university going forward, going to do in light of these protests? i'm assuming the protests are still hello, going on there yeah. >> we still have we still have protests. we still have discussions on campus things have been have been quiet over the last few weeks. but of course, we're seeing on the variety on campuses across the country that everybody will be tested on that the most important thing for us is to be very clear about our principals. to communicate clearly and then act accordingly.
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>> all right. i'm gonna take it. thank you so much. i think sarah is lost her communication real quick. we're gonna get back to sara sidner. obviously, she's covering all of this for us. we're also watching other news who would and bring for you king charles is back in the spotlight today. he is officially returning to his public duties for the first time. i'm since revealing he is battling cancer, the news of his diagnosis was revealed back in february. you probably remember and he's been undergoing treatment privately ever since cnn's max foster is more on this from london for us, he's joining us now, max, how we have the images up here, the video of the king and the queen. at this event he looks, well, what, what did we, what do we know about it yeah. >> well, yeah, she seemed like he was buzzing. he looked remarkably good form. i'm told it's been incredibly frustrated about not being allowed to do these public engagements. this is the first one since his diagnosis in february apart for a brief appearance over easter and it's significant because he's well enough to do it, that doctors have allowed them to go in there. he's not being seen
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as vulnerable. so this is a beginning of his coming out into public service. again, and he could see it written across his face also, a really strong reaction to patients. there are that cancer unit because this is not just the king, it's someone who's also suffering cancer. so he really had a great connection with the people there and it's very powerful appearance. i'm told he also took up the position addition stay of head of the biggest charity, cancer charity here in the uk, cancer research uk so this is a choice to go to cancel units, to show that he's trying to create a positive out of his diagnosis. and what he's really keen to do. he talked about it today was some patients he wanted to emphasize the importance of early diagnosis. so getting the cameras in, showing him at this cancer unit, showing him being out and about is actually designed to encourage people to get out there and diagnose and to be more aware of many of the issues around cancer but is
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clearly, as you can see, kate pretty happy to be out and about. and again, i think it was be searing seeing more of him as well no news on what cancer he's got were not being told, we're not we're being told that we're not going to find out with also not being told at what point in his treatment here is regardless, it is a very good use of the bright spotlight that he and queen carry with them to shine it on the great work. >> and the need for everyone to look for early detection when it comes to these diagnoses, it's great to see him out and about. it's great to see you, max, it's always thank you so much. >> jump right this morning, one 11 year-old has a big goal before he graduates that fifth grade, pay off all his classmates, school, lunch debt de can cramer's, missouri school district gives out free breakfast. the students that qualify, but it says that has led to lunch debt piling up, especially at the end of the school year. a dakin school alone that that is more than $3,000. so he decided to pitch in and help before he heads to middle school i just wanted to
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help my score while it's important for kids t0, like i don't think they can make it through the day without eating school one okay? that's a nice kid. >> daikon hopes he can raise at least $1,000 by the end of the school year, which for him is in two the case of the missing, are murdered we didn't see slide solved where the piece that fell off a delta flight forcing an emergency landing was finally found and bird flu cases popping up across the country. >> how the government is now testing for the virus good good stuff brought to you by the farmers dog, real fresh pet food delivered long live dogs
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the lactose delicious to just ask my old friend kevin. >> now going like enjoying the coal one while watching the game who's willing? >> we are my friend. we are. >> so this has pickleball with e-trade for morgan stanley. we're ready for whatever gets served up. >> didn't get a woman dressed, i'd rather work on saving for retirement college since you'd like to get schooled it's pretty good burn, right? five good things listen wherever you get your podcasts this morning we are getting new information about four law enforcement officers killed in a shootout in charlotte, north carolina sample oce, alden elliott from the department o of correction and joshua i or a six year veteran of the charlotte police department were killed along with a fourth law enforcement officer they were met with immediate gunfire while trying to serve warrant for possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, they returned fire, they kill the suspect for others
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were injured in the shooting with me now, is chief johnny jennings of the charlotte, police chief. we appreciate you being with us. we are sorry for the loss inside your department and your community. what new formation do you have about the injured officers this morning well, at this point we have a couple of officers that are still in the hospital. >> we did have some good news of at least one officer has been released from the hospital that was involved in the shooting. originally thought that injury is going to be worse than it was, but very very sad day. for charlotte, very sad de for question of law it is a sad day though we are grateful for that one bit of good news this morning, chief. >> what can you tell us about the investigation that led up to this incident and what you're learning about what happened well, we just we were just talking about that it was it was a simple something that everybody's this fugitive taskforce goes every single day. the us marshals fugitive
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task that we are part of that they went to go and serve a warrant is any other day to day with able to do and unfortunately, this individual decided to greet them with with gunfire and it just turned into a tragic event for the officers that were originally on the scene and then the officers responded all what information do you have about the weapon used in the shooting at this point yeah. this time we know it was an automatic high-powered rifle that was being used several several rounds were fired from both the individual that was shooting get the officers. the officers returned fire, and that went on for several minutes and it was just a very tense situation. and knowing that these officers that were responding, knowing that they had people officers that they had to get to to try and get out, rescue stress pressure that they were under, to try and save lives and eight
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active role, likley throughout that entire scene and there was the original suspect for whom the warrant was being served, the conduct believed to be in custody of a firearm at that point, are there other suspects in custody now? who may have been involved with the shooting itself well, we thought there might have been another person inside of the residents. we still or ironing through that. it could have possibly been that the individual was going from one side of the house to the other shooting at the officers on the front and the back and also at different levels of the floor. so we were we're going to iron do that and make sure that we get this accurate. but the individual that they went to serve the warrant on, he was he was deceased on the scene and as we go through the investigation, will determine if there were any one else that was shooting. there were two females that we're also a brought out of the house that were inside after we were able to secure the residents and quickly, i
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believe joshua i or work directly for your department, what can you tell me about him? >> yasser was just fantastic, officer. i just been on the department for six years, just a few weeks ago. i congratulated him and shook his hand for become an officer in a month. and that was because of his great work and getting guns off the streets and and going after the people that are that are preying on our citizens in charlotte and i just one of those officers that never seem to get tired and always wanted to do better for our community. and it's a great loss loss for charlotte, great loss for law enforcement profession our heart goes at teeter apartment to the city into his family. chief johnny jennings. thanks. thanks for being with us this morning. appreciate it okay. how fell on our radar this morning? a former employee of the nsa will now spend the next 22 years in prison for trying to sell secrets for russia. he was sentenced yesterday and
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prosecutors say the army veteran, jareh donkey worked for the nsa briefly and was reapplying for a job there in 20 in 20 when he shared classified information with an fbi agent posing as a russian agent, that included what's being described as sensitive us defense information that he shared. prosecutors say donkey told the fbi agent he was in debt and would sell all the information he had for $85,000 the female administrator is visiting oklahoma today because of this one of the states hardest hit by the deadly tornadoes that tore through over the weekend. she set to meet with local officials and also see the damage firsthand, four people were killed, including we can infant. they're from the storms, the national weather service says, one of the oklahoma tornadoes that had saturday was the nation's strongest in over a year in an emergency exit slide fell off a delta plane minutes after takeoff on friday. that slide has now been located floating in the atlantic. the
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way the airline describes it as this slide separated from the boeing 7607 as it was taking off from new york and headed to la, the flight crew reported feeling a vibration and then the flight turned around, returning safely to jfk officials. now say delta recovered the slide from a jetty and new york sunday, about ten miles from where the plane took off. john write this morning a new study suggests the bird flu outbreak in the united states, maybe more widespread that originally thought researchers say spikes of flu virus popped up across 18 different streets in weight point to the spread or bird flu currently infecting dairy cattle. >> this comes as the usda says they are testing beef, including ground beef from the grocery stores for the virus cnn chief medical correspondent, dr. sanjay gupta joins us now, look when you hear their testing ground beef at grocery stores for the virus that could spark concern among people. what does it mean, sanjay well, i think so far for, for humans, i think people are being cautious, but not
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overly worried at this point bird flu is the term, and there's been some 90 million birds since january of 2022 that have been affected by this but john, one thing i got to tell you is that it really seems to affect a broad array of mammals overall. >> some 200 different mammals, sea lions, and argentina, 24,000 them died from this h5n1. this highly pathogenic flu. and there's been all these other mammals hummels as well all over the world. and certainly in the united states, as you mentioned, cattle and these dairy cows in particular, or think what got everyone's attention. so some 34 herds in nine different states have tested positive. so that's, that's sort of the headline there. but what is interesting is when you look at these cows, they weren't necessarily getting sick the way that this was picked up was a dairy cows are milked twice a day and they noticed that they were making less milk and the milk was discolored and that triggered this of surveillance. so that's sort of how this started but one human this year
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has been affected and that human basically had pink guy that was the sort of symptoms the person had. so they weren't severe symptoms but again, in other mammals, there has been a lot of destruction as a result of this virus. i asked mike osterholm about this, you know, michael osterholm, the epidemiologists specifically about the question and the concern to humans well, virus has surely changed a lot since its first origins. and the one that we are dealing with now has become a virus that is readily killing mammals, over 200 mammal species have now been infected. it surely has been devastating and the bird population but in fact, if anything, i think it has gotten farther and farther away from being a serious human virus challenge. and that's why i think i very much support the who and the cdc is declaration that this is still low risk for humans so moving away, he thinks at least from the
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likelihood of causing widespread problems for humans. but we'll see john in terms of how these viruses behave in terms of the beef that we eat in the milk that we drank. >> what does it mean for that? >> well, the good news is if you look at the presence of the virus in the milk, for example, it was typically dead virus. it wasn't live virus. and then if you go through some of the procedures that have listed on the board there, it's it's pretty pretty likely to be safe. you got to make sure your milk is pasteurized. make sure you're not eating runny eggs. those are usually raw or undercooked eggs cooked meats to internal temperature. that's appropriate and avoid cross-contamination. all the basic things, not just for h5n1, but for e coli salmonella listeria as well those protocols stay in place so for right now, the food supply does not appear to be a problem. one thing i'll tell you that there are also testing for quite a bit, john pigs. so that's where we really got to keep the focus. pigs end up being heavy or animals that have receptors that are similar for humans and
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similar for birds so the virus can get into a pig and then the pig can mix those viruses together. and what comes out could potentially be more problematic. so we saw that with h1n1, for example, back in 2009 so that's where the epidemiologists sort of focusing their attention next. >> all right, sanjay. thank you so much, terrific explanation. great to see you this morning and just a reminder, sanjay has a special episode of his podcast, chasing life out today where he and dr. osterholm or you just heard there go even deeper into everything you need to know. you know, about the bird flu this morning as college campuses are grappling, grappling with the ongoing and growing protests over israel's war against hamas in gaza. >> it also highlights shifting public views on president biden's handling the us response to that war, pressure building on biden more questions coming at biden to respond further, it's as it's become a key issue for a group of voters that, of that president biden's campaign continues to court. and a group of voters that president biden continues to struggle with young voters. the latest cnn
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poll shows that more than 80% of americans under the age of 35 disapprove of how the president has handled the war joining us right now, a cnn political commentator and democratic strategist, paul begala and matt mauer is a former trump administration official paul, let's talk about this and also, this is another piece of it. it's not just about the about the the war. israel's war against hamas in gaza young voters, when you look at this latest poll, biden is actually 11 percentage points behind trump among young voters, 18 to 34 in the head-to-head national matchup. in this cnn pulled it, was released just this weekend. this is part in the war against and the war israel's war against hamas is part of his young voter problem. how you think it is serious but curable. why yes. his problem with young voters is real and it is serious it's not driven
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by the israel gaza crisis, is simply not harvard has, for decades done the best poll on young voters john della bowlby at harvard and hidden cranked 16 issues. >> and asked young people to say what's most important israel-gaza came in 15th right? his problem is the economy. it's inflation, it's stuff that i think he's done a very good job and he can make that case. but what he's really got to do is draw the contrast not just bragg, start bashing, draw the contrast to mr. trump. the other thing that he's got that is really driving young voters is abortion rights, right? mr. trump is the reason that roe versus wade was overturned. young voters are squarely on biden side of that issue. we've seen that all over the country, so he needs to not get wrapped around the axle of the politics of the israel-gaza crisis, but instead get back to the economy, abortion rights, the issues that are actually really driving youth vote here's a little bit, i found this
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context that was offered by cnn's political polling director agena jazzed about the context around young voters, matt, that i think is always worth noting in these conversations. >> and she highlights as well. she says, biden fares worse than seen as recent polling among young voters. then other recent cnn polling. but they also this many young voters don't vote. that's rt of obviously get out the vote operations that we've seen for what decades now, biden's deficit with young voters. it's driven largely by those who did not vote. it in 2020 with that group excluded voters between the ages of 18 and 34. this poll divide 46% for biden, 47% for trump overall. is this a group that republicans really think they can win over to support trump? >> what do you, what do you feel about this? >> do you ever remember every election is adjusted the two candidates, but it's also about the two candidates on the couch and, you paul will tell you because if you go back before
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2008, both parties have challenges engaging young voters and actually driving turnout up. president barack obama obviously changed that with his compelling candace c. in 2000 an their continued be engagement 2016 and 2020 we're beginning to see in some of these numbers is actually reversion to the norman. some ways were younger voters are less, more apathetic less engaged. >> and i'll tell you, i think the biggest determination who's going to win this election if it were held today, it wouldn't be donald trump but the biggest determination will be who defines rfk jr. you look at that cnn police have 16% is essentially a blank canvas. >> he's the only candidate with right-side-up approval ratings right now about 31 or so percent approval, high 20s on disapproval and whichever candidate define some is gonna be the one to win so you've seen donald trump in the last few days going off on truth social, calling him a far-left liberal, i would not be shocking. you begin to see joe biden's campaign serwer trying to pay rfk is the true outsider, and that's going to
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be the


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