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tv   Laura Coates Live  CNN  May 1, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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in the race? he is he is in fact helping joe biden because arcade junior voters say that their second choice is donald trump is very clear margin here, 40 he seven to 29% or recent quinnipiac university poll. and this matches a lot of the polling that we've seen where our k junior supporters preferred donald trump to joe biden tells you everything you need to know, including why donald trump is the wild, who wants rfk to drop out of the race. >> that's exactly right. and it's not really surprising to me, right? that we see rfk at only 10% of the vote because i want to go back through history, right? and just sort of say third party candidates who got at least 20% of the vote. whenever you put millard fillmore on a slide, you know, you have to go way back in history, back in 18 56, he was part of the no, nothing's or the american party teddy roosevelt progressive boom moles in 1912. he of course actually came in second place. but the truth of the matter is abby, third party cans in this country and may be
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entertaining, but they oftentimes really don't get out. >> they really don't go anywhere in the polls. harry enten, thank you very much. thank you. >> and thank you for watching news night. laura coes live starts right now cnn breaking news we are breaking night, waking news tonight out of los angeles police at ucla are preparing to order pro-palestinian protesters to end their encampment. >> we are seeing a massive police presence begin to arrive at the campus. and it seemed that might seem very familiar to all of us to the nypd show of force just last night at columbia class that ucla, we're already canceled today after a violent confrontation broke out between protesters and counter protesters overnight. and now we're told that classes will be remote for the rest of this week. i want to go right to cnn and nick watt on the ucla campus. nick, what are you seeing? we're seeing a crowd gathering right now and we're hearing chants. tell me what's going on what laura, we have
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just seen about dozen or two dozen more lapd officers coming out of a college building onto this sort of buffer zone? >> between the encampment, which is over there, and another group of pro-palestinian protesters who you can hear, they are behind me now, old de, we have seen the police presence, the law enforcement presence increase here. california highway patrol, lapd. we just saw about an hour ago filings of lapd officers wearing riot helmets carrying non-lethal weapons, and carrying flex cuffs or zip ties, which we have seen used in other encampments, sweeps to as handcuffs on the protesters. >> this is a another group of pro-palestinian protesters. as you can hear, chanting, jeering at the police waiting for what they think the rumor going around is that the police are going to go into the encampment tonight. now, we heard earlier in the de these the president
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say that they would go into the camp at the appropriate time. perhaps this is the appropriate time. now, remember, last night here on the ucla campus, there was a very light police presence, just a few college security officers. and then we saw pro-israel demonstrators charging at that barricade at that camp. there were fireworks, there were chemical sprays, door assaults. it was very, very ugly. the governor of california said he was basically decried the security response to that. and today, as i say hundreds more officers on this campus. so the watching. right now, nick, we're saying movement right now. yes. what appear to be getting in a line towards the entrance to a bill? they are reading themselves elbow length apart and seeming to be holding their belts, which i'm assuming they have there are various either zip ties or others on it and they're trying to space
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themselves out. >> what is the building that they seem to be forming around? >> is this the area of the encampment well they have been coming out at various college buildings. >> the officers, the i'm seeing right now. so i'm on the east, sayyed, there are another is another large group of pro-palestinian protesters on the west side of the encampment, where i'm laura, i'm not sure what pictures you're seeing, but where i am i am seeing the lapd officers lineup facing away from the encampment towards this group of other pro-palestinian potentials that are being held back by barricades. now, this has been declared an unlawful. >> let me get the wording. >> an unlawful assembly by these law enforcement officers that came down just within the last hour or so. and this encampment has been here for a week now, it is declared an unlawful assembly, which perhaps would suggest that they are about to take action against that unlawful assembly. now, the problem is going to be for them trying to clear out this encampment while they have hundreds of other
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pro-palestinian protesters on both sides of this encampment so you know, there's a possibility they might delay until this crowd thins out. we don't know, but they are looking right now as you just mentioned on the pictures, you're seeing, they are looking to be in i wouldn't say an aggressive posture, but in a posture of readiness right now, as i say though, from where i am, they are lined up facing towards the pro-palestinian that are protesters outside the encampment, rather than towards the encampment. >> i think we're seeing the same texture. and nick, what is concerning, i mean, i'm just looking at the number of officers who appear to be lined up. we don't necessarily have the full vantage point in the scope of what you may be seeing on the ground. but the amount of protesters that they are facing seem to be outnumbering even the huge number of police officers who are there. and i'm looking at bicycle barricades and orange cones. is that really the only thing standing between these officers and the protesters and hope
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that it will remain just chanting that is what they've been trying to do for the past week. just security personnel and bicycles and barricades trying to get between the sides. i don't see right now, by the way, any grote israel protesters here, any counter protesters, it is all pro-palestinian. so that is one headache that the security officials or not having to deal with, which is keeping both sides apart, which is what they've been having to deal with over the past week. so that doesn't seem to be an issue right now. >> but what they are having to deal with are the few hundred kids inside that encampment and adults and then these two large throngs of pro-palestinian protesters on either side. >> so it is unclear exactly what they are going to do and when i don't believe it looks eminent but it does look perhaps like something is going to happen tonight. now, listen to your, the governor of california made it very clear he wanted more security on this
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campus today. they've been trying to keep security very at an arm's length here because they didn't want to antagonize this security these and apd officers are clearly antagonizing this crowd. so to what end are they going to go into the encampment or not? we do not know for sure. >> but as i say, the fact that they just recently clear there's an unlawful assembly after a week would suggest that they are perhaps getting ready for some sort of action or a really quick nick, i want to clarify one point. >> you said the officers turns agonizing the crowd, are they communicating? are you mean their very presence is triggering those who are no node, just just by their very proud okay, i see that various campuses and that's what we're trying to avoid here at ucla. they really tried. we didn't see lapd all week. >> they were very much at an arm's-length because they didn't want to rile up the situation. >> they didn't want to see what happened. for example, at you at usc when armed officers
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went in and it just created a terrible, seedless it's a real dilemma here. we know they obviously don't want this encampment here for that much longer, but they also don't want the violence seems that he saw last night when they had a low police presence and they also don't really want the violence scenes that attentionally could happen if they go into this encampment heavy handed, it's i mean, i'd say it's a lose-lose situation, but it's a very difficult situation for law enforcement and for college administration a powder keg or a piece and little room in between, nick, thank you so much. >> standby. we're gonna get right back to you if those police move and we're going to be watching very closely, so everyone please stand by as the tension is rising, you can just feel it's almost palate football. what it is nick that is describing to all of us more than 400 protesters have been arrested at university campuses from coast to coast, over just the past 24 hours in gaza, eruptions of vandalism as well. and we're learning tonight that official at the city
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college of new york say that demonstrators smashed glass doors, graffitied one falls, and ransacked public property. and they say they found chains flares, a bolt cutter, and also box cutters, not what parents maybe have in mind when they send their kids off to get a college education, or students who are in fact they're trying to get a degree with. the goal is ultimately trying to get a job we will not be moved on rough by force. we have to actually put action two are worried if we don't do that, then who are we right? i care about that. i care about action. we have to do something you can't just believe things we have to take action. >> we're not going to stop. and i think what administration did last night was a huge mistake on them this one let me add more fuel to the movement now, it's true there appears to be a significant percentage of outsider agitators who were involved in the protests, less than half of those who were rested on nyu's campus last week, we're either students or staff what are some students
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about to get an education? >> they maybe didn't bargain for when the protests began. well, that's a question that some ceos are now appearing to answer. just listen for example, to this warning by exxon mobil ceo darren woods when he was asked if the term while on these campuses will actually impact who is company even hires what we're seeing on campuses today in some places is something very different from that. >> harassment and intimidation. i think there's no place for that, frankly, at those universities and certainly no place for that i kept me like exxon mobil so we wouldn't we wouldn't look to bring folks like that into our company. and if that action or those protests reflect the values of the campuses where they're doing it wouldn't be interested in recruiting students from those campuses. >> that might be surprising. we're not surprising to you. woods though, isn't alone. i mean, you have hedge fund founder daniel loeb, time, the new york post, quote, we're looking for high quality candidates, but we're going to be looking at different places
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the ceo of an executive search firm tells the post, quote, i'm hearing from people they don't want to send their kids to these places, but also from the banks that they're leery about recruiting now from these highly visible schools. and we'll look to places maybe in the midwest where you don't see this type of activity of course, you are seeing some of this on different campuses all across the nation. but is this just a bluff from corporate america or might they be serious this time, while joining me now shark tank, judge, kevin o'leary is also chairman of o'leary ventures. good to see you, kevin, as we are watching all of this unfold, and i want to leave sent to your experience as a longtime businessman, you've hired thousands of people over the course of your career. and i'm really intrigued about what corporate america response might be, what involvement in protests like these, for example? >> what did deter you from hiring some young adults from any of these schools so i make
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gnostic two brands. i would hire from ucla, i would hire from columbia. it doesn't matter the hiring decision is an individual decision. it's an individual basis and so what i don't think we're talking can you enough about is a tragedy occurring at the individual level right now when these protests occurred in the past and by the way, there have been student protests since america was formed, and we allow free speech and protests have been part of it. and you think about the 60s and 70s, vietnam war and all of the protests that have occurred most of those were shot on 16 millimeter film majority at 90% of that was a high grainy. you can't really get any resolution, but unfortunately for these participants in the last few weeks that's not the case. let me explain it. >> it's being shot on ten adp and four k video. >> and from surveillance cameras with extremely high resolution in low light
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conditions, including retinal scanning. this is what's happened with ai. so if you're burning down something you are taking a flag down, are fighting with police. i'm sorry. you're trashing your personal brand and let me explain how this works when i'm hiring somebody and i'm not different than any other corporation. you just heard for an s&p 500 ceos we do what's called a deep dark search. so if you're a candidate in the executive, an element of a company or any candidate of materiality, you do this, you look at their resume and you say, let's hire a firm, it's about $4,800 per search and go deep web, go dark web. all of this imagery that you're seeing tonight, all is unedited. film is going to be there in about two weeks. so if you're out there right now, even in the dark with no sunglasses on, even though you've got a mask on i'll see your eyes at fork a resolution. i know who you
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are, and unfortunately, what's going to occur to these young people have not thought this through i'll see your resume you may be a great candidate. then i'll find that you were doing this, are fighting the police or whatever it was. i'll put that resume on the left into the garbage because i know i can find someone else just as good as you of which there are tens of thousands of candidates that didn't participate in this. you are trashing your future and look, i'm not against you protesting, but you must understand in today's economy with ai technology, you just killed your career. i feel sad for them. i really want to ask you i mean, first of all it's daunting and really for boating way you describe just how accessible the information really could be in that people's anonymity when they intend it to be. >> anonymous, is compromised. but there are those who probably have two reactions. one is maybe take your job in, shove it. the priority is what
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i believe in in terms of what i stand for, that might be one response. the other might be, well, hold on. i'm i'm from a generation. i mean, not me. i'm i'm at his baby, but duration where my whole life has been documented on social media. and so join the club. it add it to my added to all the other things you're likely to find about me. it's unfair that you say you want me to protests and i get held accountable. can either be reconciled well, there's three ways this effect you, let's take the google situation. you broke company policy, you've got fired, you can sue google. good luck with that you're not hie rubble anymore. >> you're those who engaged in that in that sit in essentially of employees from google. i mean, there were dozens of them. >> i should probably about there were dozens who were fired or placed on administrative leave because they were participating in employees sit-ins inside of some of the offices last month and they have filed a complaint arguing that they had protected speech and that they were unlawfully fired. go ahead. >> as fine. you can litigate till the cows come home. you're
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not going to get hired again. you have to understand you have an employment contract in new breach that that's number one. number two, you broke the law. you're caught on a four k security camera for the rest of your life? you're there. i'm sorry. >> you just didn't think it through. and i understand the passion when you're in early 20s, were all there. everybody went through this in college, you have passion. i think it's great, but you've got to think about your future when you're starting a family today. all of these people, tens of thousands of them, won't know why they didn't get that job, won't know why they can't join a board or they couldn't get a loan, or they couldn't join a non-profit. it's because of what you did in the last 48 hours. i'm really sorry for them. and i teach at colleges and universities and i tell these young students were in a new era of ai high resolution imagery if it is what it is, i mean, i wonder what your opinion i've been as i mean, i
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know you've expressed feeling sorry for them, but might that translate to okay. >> i'm not i am not talking about people who have committed heinous acts and in, the course of. things. but there has been even a push for people who are returning citizens who have had felonies. and there was a push under the obama administration not to have to check a box every time you were trying to return to society, having been promised an opportunity, once rehabilitation occurs and all those are in deterrence and punishment, that something will consistently hang over your head for the rest of your life might be sorrow you feel translate to second opportunity to go beyond what has taken place in the last 48 hours or weeks i wish i could come by with you on this. i really do marshmallows for you and i obviously know i'm sorry, i'm sorry. >> life is hard. then you die. so you really have to think
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about the decisions you make and i urge young people today to understand the world they live in. there are hundreds of thousands of people competing for great jobs. and the minute you put yourself in this precarious position where you're filmed in ai for k ten adp, for ever for the rest of your life? you're tainted. i'm sorry. i actually i feel the weight. i feel so bad for these people. they have no idea what they're doing to their future. they are taking their personal brands for ever. >> but let me tell you what you're i'm not a guy, not against their passion i hear you, but i want to i want you to reach me. >> i know we have limited time. i just wanted to read if you a statement that you're former fellow shark tank member, mark cuban actually provided to our show, he said business is like dory it quickly forgets what is inconvenient. this suggests in some respects that there, there's more or less than
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bluster. and then if business wanted to overlook something for its own corporate benefit or otherwise if they wanted to lean into a movement or lean away from a movement, it's kinda there. bobbi brown prerogative what's reaction either way, bobbi brown was a great r&b singer i love this, and marc can hire them all. >> it's just because i won't be hiring any of them really okay, well, it's interesting to hear your perspective and i think it's one that we have not heard as a different way to approach the consequences of what has happened. >> i do wonder though, and the grand scheme of things, those who are as impassioned as we have, obviously scene. and i'm not going to comment are at the moment on on the nature of where that passion is directed. whether they're thinking in a way that you are describing and thinking as a potential employer. kevin o'leary, nice to talk. >> oh, go ahead. i can i say?
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>> no no no listen. >> tonight, let's come by. let's be a proud of these people and their passions. >> you hire them. i won't. thank you. >> all right. well, there you go. no marshmallows happening in this scene and studio. thank you. kevin o'leary take care police at ucla, or declaring an unlawful assembly assignment, they could be about to move in to clear the probe palestinian protesters there's live coverage ahead, plus new criticism for president biden shouldn't be doing more to speak out against these unruly protesters. and if so when should he do it? stay with us the whole myth has to be re-imagined. fee if you didn't know whether you were next they were both tied up yeah. >> i was called in make saw of what turned out to be the big stark heist in history he went
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is cnn i can to fall a breaking news tonight out of ucla. law enforcement has declared unlawful assembly for a pro-palestinian encampment. at the university is quiet and that's often the final step before ordering people to disperse. or even face arrest. and we're watching right now the footage we say officers on the left to have riot gear on the face, mass, et cetera, on the left or the right, we seem to see areas where there's a concentration of people and the encampment areas, they are presently not appearing to act and carrying out any specific orders. but of course, we are still watching right now and we've got cnn's nic want on the ucla campus nick, i want to bring you back in here because we're watching some of the footage you are actually on the campus. you are your all your senses. are there. tell me what you are seeing, what's going on, what is the atmosphere like? >> well, laura since we last spoke, even more lapd officers
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wearing riot gear, have staged in this buffer zone between the encampment and another group of pro-palestinian protesters these officers are facing outwards, not towards the encampment. they are facing towards the growing crowd of pro-palestinian protesters who know the rumor that there is going to be a raid on this campus? point now, the california highway patrol has also been here today. this of course, is state land. the california highway patrol is the agency that backs up campus security. so perhaps that might be the agency that actually moves into the encampment at some point i'm also hearing from my friend josh campbell that buses are being staged in a parking lot near here. we have seen that in other encampments, sweeps, where law enforcement stages, buses near the area in preparation for loading people who were arrested on to those vehicles? so right now, lapd, as i say, facing outwards, we have not
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seen any movement towards the encampment itself, but we are seeing this line of lapd officers being reinforced quite heavily, even just in a few minutes, laura, since you and i last spoke you are so right. we're watching that line. well, which began initially then trying to separate arm's length apart and now it seems to be doubled over and reinforcement there. i just wanted to clear the encampment itself there are people presently inside of those tense or in the area of the encampment as well. >> correct? i mean, we can't guess how many because they barrett put up barricades. we can't see in estimates that we've had earlier. we're of about 100 people. i would imagine it could be more at this point, yes. so there are distinct groups here. i mean, if told him if you pan over, you can't really see the incumbent because it's dark now. but in there, that is the core of the incumbent has been there a week. i estimate, 100 people or more in there, and
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then we now have seen over the evening as the rumors swirled, that there's gonna be a raid on that camp these crowds of other pro-palestinian protesters have gathered on the east side and on the west. sayyed on one side, they've actually linked arms as if to try and prevent any incursion to that encampment on this side, they're being kept back behind this barrier. so there's the barrier. and then as we've talked about many times, there is this line, this ever-increasing line of lapd officers just standing staring at those protesters they clearly do not want those protesters to get anywhere near the encampment. the problem here is going to be if they do go into that and cabinet to try and these crowds out of the equation. so that is i believe why we are seeing so many of these lapd officers lined up as we are all right laura, nick, really important to have your eyes and ears on the scene.
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>> i want to bring in former republican congressman joe walsh and cnn commentator and senior spokesperson for hillary clinton's 2016 presidential campaign. and actually ucla alum, right? karen, right. so i want first i'll take me into what this must be like. the tension to me he just hearing about this and watching this. yeah. but numbers seem to be in favor of the protest was compared to even the officers who are likely obviously armed. >> but what is what's happening in your mind? well, so ucla's an open campus, unlike columbia or harvard, you can't just close the gates and close everybody off. >> and so i imagined that part of of what they are dealing with this people coming from all over, not just and we were hearing reports of the earlier today the encampment. i think we're assuming is mostly students, but that quad. so there's this, there's a grassy part and then there's literally a quad it looks to me as though what they're trying to do is maybe preparing to push people out away from where the encampment is. and then perhaps they'll go in to the encampment so that they can
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deal with the encampment without having as nick said, to have to deal with the others on the outside. >> so we're seeing this play out. obviously in real bill time happening right now as we are watching this and attention ryzen, you also probably watching the white house. i mean, there are undoubtedly looking at this politicians across the spectrum and the aisle are looking at what's going on. everyone has an opinion about what ought to be done and what ought to be said, joe, you've been a member of congress watching what you're seeing. what do you think is going? on among your former colleagues? i think the president, i say this laura, as someone who wants joe biden re-elected we already each other's throats in this country right now the american people are afraid and they see unrest and chaos on their tvs and phones every single where is the president? >> this is not a normal time. the other guy running for president, donald trump is out there saying, i'm going to be a dictator. i'll be a dictator
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to stop this. i mean, trump wants the chaos biden's gotta get out there and step up in explain what's going on. >> what do you think about what biden biden has come oxidate something that's wrong. he's talked about netanyahu, but you see a tension between ways able to say what he is. >> i do i mean, look, i think part of the tension is he is also pretty much been the only person trying to get the hospital this is out trying to negotiate with netanyahu to prioritize releasing the hostages. and that is still a priority. we don't even know how many there may be left because it it includes american does well, it's correct but also he's trying to bring about a ceasefire and peace and trying to negotiate with the other neighbors in the middle east to try to come up if there can be a two-state solution, can we have peace in the middle east? >> it's, it fell so pollyanna to say that, but you've got to try. and then that's all behind closed doors, right. and that's very different than a public conversation. however,
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to joe's point, i earlier today, i said i didn't think he should get involved. i actually i changed my mind because i think an farah griffin made this point. he couldn't use these remarks next week to remind particular, it's going to be at the holocaust museum remind us of what happens when hate goes too far. we know that the nazis came to the united states of america to study jim crow when they were constructing the nuremberg laws so we know this is a global problem, and americans at each other's throats with a global hate problem talk about again, let's not lose the through line of what is happening. what we're trying to get to, why hate speech is not acceptable nor is violence, nor is this kind of what we've been subjected to under trump and others where we are, where it's violent rhetoric is sort of being normalized. so i do think that's the opportunity remind us, what are we trying to achieve here? we're trying to achieve peace.
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>> there's an opportunity here for, yeah, he should he needs to do it wait till next week to do it or if i would have done it a week ago, i would have been outside of columbia yesterday. i mean, i'm exaggerating, but he needs the american people need to see that he's up to it, and that he's not the guy who's saying i'm going to be a dictator but we have more and more about this and say the break and we'll talk about what trump has said to say about this. it's likely easier if you're the person criticizing as opposed to one who is trying to do joe karen stick around, are watching an ongoing situation unfolding at ucla of growing police presence tonight as an unlawful well assembly is declared at the campus we'll be right back trump hush money trial gavel to gavel coverage. >> the only cnn can bring it to you. legal insight expert analysis, and real-time updates live from the courtroom follow the facts, follow the testimony, follows cnn.
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we'd really haven't with jesse l. martin. sunday's at nine on cnn we're gonna tell you to follow up breaking news tonight out of los angeles, a tense standoff on the ucla campus where law enforcement has declared an unlawful assembly for a pro-palestinian encampment at the university is quiet. >> now, declaring a gathering unlawful is a step police typically take before ordering people to disperse or face arrest and just look at the presence of officers that you see on the campus where you would normally see students walking think back and forth, you see a heavy police presence. they are setting in the ready position. many of them looking at the crowds around them, i want to go back to cnn's nick watt on the ucla campus. nick, what are you learning? >> well, laura, i have heard from a source, the basics of the plan, the lapd, as we've been saying, is outward they are dealing with the crowds of pro-palestinian protesters who have gathered around the
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encampment the la county sheriff's department will also be brought in to help deal with this crowd. his crowd is bigger than was previously anticipated. the california highway patrol, a state agency, this is state land. they will actually be going into the encampment and there was a concern going into the encampment of biohazard. there is a lot of human waste. they believe in their, and they also believe that some of those people inside that encampment have bear spray. so i'm told it will be a very slow and a very methodical process. laura neck just hearing that is very reminiscent for so many people of january 6 and officers who were up against bear spray, officers who are up against tension. >> now, obviously the different circumstances are there is a distinction, but these officers now must be if they're aware of what you've described that takes on a very different tone about what they anticipate and the level of force that they may anticipate using again,
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this feels like a very, very surreal powder keg that might increase tensions. i want to bring in siena senior legal law enforcement analyst and former fbi deputy director andrew mccabe. and we'll come back to nicking just a moment. andrew mccabe, you're hearing this, the idea that they believed that bear spray and biohazard might be, their human waste i'm talking about that could be used against officers trying to wrap my mind around what the authors may have been briefed on. you've got coordination from different law enforcement entities. one that's going to actually go in and try to clear out an encampment that has people in it. and then on the other is trying to perhaps fend off what could be an impending reaction from those who are onlookers. tell me about your reaction to the strategy that nick just laid out for us. is it a sound strategy? >> well, i think we're about to find out, right? i mean, the tension is clearly unbelievably high unsure on both sides if
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this point laura. so i think the arrangement that nick walk for us is really what you would expect to find in a situation like this. it's basically the result holt of what we call a mutual aid agreements, which are basically understandings between different law enforcement agencies that will come in and essentially back each other up on one of them has a job or a crisis, or a response that overwhelms their personnel capacity. that's clearly what we have here in the case of the us doj police department. so there are being backed up by the state police, the los angeles county police, the la county sheriff's and i'm quite sure every other law enforcement entity they can find at this point. >> and so the way to run that logically and effectively is to to kinda divide up tasks in the way that nick described. >> so none of that really surprises me. >> but you have to put yourself in the minds of these men and
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women who are standing there in the dark in riot gear and masks facing this massive crowd, which probably outnumbers them by several fold. >> they have been briefed along the lines that we've heard. they've been briefed about the things that they are likely to encounter inside the camp or likely to encounter from the crowd that surrounds them that will potentially react aggressively and maybe even violently to their entry into the yep. all the hazards that nick spoke about potential bear spray, human waste bio hazards and let's not forget about aggressive people who are very passionate about what they're there for, who may want to not leave under any circumstances whatsoever, who may also be armed from doing any other sorts of weapons that police typically encounter day-to-day in law enforcement life in america. so the police officers are going into this thing at
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the dial is turned up to 11 as the expression goes and the tension itself can really put us on the precipice of some reactions that can that will likely be very hard to watch as you described that two things come to mind one is that the only thing that appears to be keeping the protesters are those who are onlookers away from these areas of the quad are bicycle racks. >> and it seems a level of willpower and restraint. and that can easily all disappear at the drop of a dime that causes me to consult any concern. the other part about it is we're talking about officers who are trained to meet resistance very differently than the average person we how many years have you and i've been talking about the use of force continuum than officer is instructed is trained is in
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many inches are required to use the idea of using that amount of force to repel the commensurate level of force used against you meeting lethal force with lethal force that often interpretation of what could be lethal or deadly, and then having it met and returned, there are real concerns about the training these officers have and what could happen if they feel over run by protesters. that's gotta be part of the consideration and what maybe a debriefing or a pre briefing must have anticipated absolutely and you know, in terms of your comments about the barricades, we all saw how wildly ineffective those barricades could be when on one side of them, you have a highly motivated passionate kind of inflamed, massive crowd, right? >> way. and you're, i'm here i want to i can hold on. i have some breaking news. andrew, the los angeles police department
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has just issued a citywide tactical alert and what that means that all lapd personnel there are now gonna be on notice that they could be called up to assist if needed throughout the night? that is hugely significant. and about what they anticipate the rest of this evening looking like. can you imagine a citywide and lapd department-wide tactical alert? tell me about the urgency of this well, the lapd is large law enforcement institution, about nine in thousand sworn officers. >> so what we know now from that alert is that they think they might need all of them i'm sure that law enforcement leaders in the lapd and among their colleagues across the law enforcement community in la are considering what could happen as a result. result of hostilities, not just here on the quad at the encampment, not
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just in the crowd that's surrounding the encampment, but they're anticipating the possibility of hostilities and aggression breaking out in other parts of the city. they are thinking forward to think, we might need more people to be able to respond to other places around the city that could, who knows, erupt in violence. we saw last night how toxic the interaction is between these kind of pro-palestinian protesters and the counter protesters, many of whom are there representing winning the interests of israel. and in this geopolitical geopolitically inspired conflict those are, those are hostilities that literally can break out any place around la as people watch this, they watched this standoff. they watch them will watch what happens happens. and they could react very strongly to that. so i think it's an appropriate
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move for the lapd to put their folks on notice to say be ready, you could be called in at any time i mean, we're talking about los angeles los angeles county. but most populous in the nation, it seems it's more than according to the data in census data. >> i think it's more than 9 million residents. and la county you just described 9,000 officers who are told to be at the ready. now, obviously, there is no indication that all of la county would be again to the police or pose any significant risk to the officers ability to maintain the public safety and calm. but just the sheer proportion and number is overwhelming to consider as we are continuing, as you and i are speaking to see a number of people that has grown from a size when we first began our broadcast, 46 minutes ago, a fraction of the people that we are now seeing, the
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actual pavement underneath the feet that was once able to be readily seen in the street. now, of course simi crowded with people and the same officers reinforcement and the lines looking at this crowd. but just think back america, as you were seeing 47 minutes ago, you saw more pavement. now you see civilians and you have officers with a tactical alert not to tune of 9,000 people. we have much more to come stay with us more live coverage and ucla, as police are preparing to order pro-palestinian protesters to leave, we've got a ucla professor joining us after this moment we're here to get your side of the store. >> a bribery, prostitution why do we he ending up you can't write this stuff. united states of scandal with jake tapper. now streaming on macs shout, let's see, until may 12th for up to 30% off special mother's
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this is cnn breaking news tonight out of los angeles, but tense standoff at the ucla campus between police and protesters, a source says the lapd has issued a citywide tactical alert why? because of an unlawful assembly, they've declared on the campus of ucla because of the encampment and that means this alert means that all all lapd personnel are now on notice that they could be called up to assist if needed it anytime throughout the night. i want to bring in ucla professor dove waxman, who is a professor of israeli studies. professor waxman thank you for being here with us. we are watching all this unfold. we are seeing more than 100 law enforcement officers poised to break up this pro-palestinian encampment tonight. and the number increasing, as well as the number of people outside of these bicycle and orange cone barricades, tell me what is
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happening there now well, it seems that the police are alive in your very large numbers, apparently, they're about to lay quite soon to try to clear this incontinent and i think there's a large number of online because many, many students who have come out to express solidarity with the protesters inside the encampment. >> other people from not from ucla are showing up on campus. it's a very tense situation that you use the word surreal earlier in your report. >> and i think that catches my feeling looking at these at a campus that is normally a place of quiet study and work to see swarms of police officers, to see these tense scenes. >> it's really deeply depressing i can't imagine what it's like in the tension and its teams palpable from my distance here in washington,
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dc, just looking at at it over our screens, i'm sure many americans are filling similarly as attention is rising and we know they were violence and clashes on campus just last night between pro-palestinian and pro israel groups has a university. >> do they anticipate this was happening? did they, did they wait too long to act? >> i think the university trying to ensure that this protest encampment could continue as long as it remained peaceful and distanced, didn't disrupt the university and the protest is within that largely abiding by that there were issues do you on the outskirts of the protest encampment. but what happened last night was really took things to a different level when large number of outside it looks like outside agitators masked men arrived and basically attack protest camp. that really sparked scenes of violence that
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were really shocking and as a result of that, the result of the attack against the protest in cabinet by these apparently outside agitator. they don't think they were members of ucla community. i don't think they were students, but that is really escalated eight attention and is now i think resulting in the situation where there isn't, there's no safety to the students inside the encampment or two students outside the encampment so i don't think this was something that the administration one, they wanted to avoid the scenes we've seen that columbia and other places. but their hand instead of being forced and here we are watching this unfold. >> many hearts in throats, waiting for what might come next professor dove waxman, thank you so much. >> thank you and thank you all for watching. >> we will continue to follow this developing intense situation at ucla. and it's an cooper three, 60 isn't it?
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