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  Campaign 2024 Fmr. Pres. Trump Holds Rally in Freeland MI  CSPAN  May 1, 2024 9:54pm-11:12pm EDT

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book curing disease syndrome is extremely rare, but a do not have to be. >> this is joe. >> wn you were connected to, you e not alone. announcer: cox supports c-span as a public service along with these other television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy. announcer: former president dona trump held a campaign rally in michigan where he was critical of the new york city hush money trial against him and the judge in the case. mr. trump touted his administration's role in returning the issue of abortion back to the states and thank the u.s. supreme court for the decision to overturn roe v. wade. this is one hour and 15 minutes. ♪ >> ♪ and i'm proud to be an american we at least i know i'm free
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and i won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me and i gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today because there ain't no doubt i love this land god bless the usa from the lakes of minnesota to the hills of tennessee across the plains of texas from sea to shining sea from detroit down to houston and new york to l.a. where there is pride in every american heart and it is time we stand and say that i'm proud to be an american
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where at least i know i'm free and i won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me and i gladly stand up next to you [cheers and applause] and defend her still today because there ain't no doubt i love this land god bless the usa and i'm proud to be an american where at least i know i'm free and i won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me and i gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today because there ain't no doubt i love this land
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god bless the usa [cheers and applause] mr. pres. trump: thank you, thank you. hello, michigan. hello, michigan. it is great to be back in this beautiful state with thousands of proud, hard-working, god-fearing american patriots like you are. with your help we are going to win michigan this november, we are going to elect mike rogers to the u.s. senate, and we are going to defeat crooked joe biden, and we are going to make america great again last week we saw numbers showing clearly that the economy is crashing with gdp growing and plunging and dulled over the
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place. nobody knows what is happening, especially biden, but gdp was plunging by more than 50% this year in the first quarter. it nobody has seen anything like that. we have a thing called stagflation. it is not good. it is worse than deflation and inflation.
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a typical which spells the death of the american dream and that doesn't even include some of the horrible numbers we're seeing flowing in from poor and crime ridden countries right across our southern border they're coming in by the millions, that's why this november the people of michigan are going to tell cook a joe biden, you are fired, get out of here. the worst president in our history has never been anybody like him in the past three years the average michigan family has
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lost $30,000. $30,000 thanks to the biden inflation tax we have a new term . it is called inflation tax. we call it the biden inflation tax that's what's happened record kinds of inflation and his price hikes are continuing to drain nearly $1,000 from the typical family each month loses $11,000 on other different taxes that's what he's done to you and by the way for the auto workers we'll talk about it later your cars are all going to be made in china. congratulations, it is the dumbest thing i have ever seen. it chicken is at 24%, baby food
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is up 30%, eggs are up 50%, gasoline is up 54%, airfares are up 33% and the 30-year mortgage rate just hit 7.6%. we will have tax hikes over and above what you are paying now but instead of a biden tax cut, i will deliver trump tax cuts, the biggest you have ever seen before. i have already given the largest tax cuts in history. we will throw out biden onyx -- bidenomics and start maganomics.
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i will terminate joe biden's radical plan to kill michigan's economy by repealing his insane electric vehicle mandate, it that's the craziest thing, everyone has to have an electric vehicle by 2030, he wants everyone to have an electric vehicle, that's the problem they are very expensive and they don't go far, it's not good. also they're not going to be made in michigan, they will be made in china, every single one going to be made in china. we are bringing cars back to
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michigan. the biden electric vehicle mandate will be an economic bloodbath. they like to use the word bloodbath now. crooked joe will rip out your auto jobs and send them immediately to china. under the trump administration we're going to take jobs out of china and bring jobs back to michigan. we're going to keep chinese cars the hell out of america, we don't want them. we don't want chinese cars. joe biden wants to take your gasoline powered cars and in six years make them electric. if you want an electric car, that's great, i am all for it. but if you want a gasoline
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combustion or a hybrid, whatever the hell you want you should be able to get. everything will go to very expensive a look at vehicles would to don't go and they just have such problems but they have one problem that is insurmountable, if i want to drive from michigan let's say to mar-a-lago, what do i have to do stop seven times? the whole thing is ridiculous. they want to turn army tanks all electric so that as we go into enemy territory shooting and shooting and killing and shooting and taking it over we keep their air nice and clean. where do they think, i said something for, i just left wisconsin, we had an incredible rally in wisconsin. i got to do two of these things a day, you know why, because i am in new york all the time with the biden trial.
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biden trial. state trial. all the legal scholars say it is a disgrace, a fake trial, they do it to try to take your powers away, your candidate a way that is killing them in the polls. if i did not run or if i was in like birthplace or fifth none of this trials would exist but we are beating them so big in the polls your heart is going to swell. we got to get them out. and remember this, they also want to take your gas stoves, they want to give you very little water in your dishwashers and your washing machines you know they want washing machines with very little water and i'm talking about in states like your state you don't have a water problem you do have a water problem you have too much water, they want to take your water out of your washing machines your dishwashers they want to put water restrictors on
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sinks and showers. i ended all of that. people would buy a new home and they were so proud and they'd say darling it's so good there's only one problem darling the sink, no water comes out. i have beautiful hair but i can't do anything because in the shower the water doesn't come out darling i want to get out of this house i hate it and i say to him take off the restrictor but now they made the restrictor where you can't take it off unless you have a blowtorch. they don't want you to have cars and windows because that is not good in many cases it is better i will end this ridiculous quality of life destroying bandit it's just like i did a three and a half years ago. and crooked joe biden finalized the radical rewrite of title ix education rules that will impose the most extreme left-wing
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gender ideology on every school in america. and i know you will be extremely happy to know that the new biden policy is to let men into every girls bathroom. that sounds reasonable. every bathroom, every locker room, ladies get ready because the men are coming in. they just in the actually signed it you know i said in wisconsin i just came out and i that the republican party really is the party of common sense, you know we are conservatives and were all that but whether you are conservative, you are liberal, it's about common sense. we want strong vote -- strong borders and low interest rates and powerful military and we want to have great by the way it is windy as hell appear. -- up here. i am getting very use out of
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these stupid teleprompters. can you imagine if bind -- if biden was up here on the teleprompters didn't work? he is no good even when they do work. if i blow off the stage i will be right back up, i promise. but the gender policy, the all of the different things that he's done they are so bad it is an attack on women and remember this they want to allow men to play in women's sports, ok? but i promise you i will defend american women like nobody has ever defended them before. and under the trump administration this lunacy will and on my first day back in the oval office, i promise you, it will end immediately.
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regarding the squatters where you have a problem and by the way you have a terrible governor, i hope you know that, terrible. remember during covid the only one that had any rights in your state was the governor's husband . he was sailing beautifully sailing and you are not allowed to sail for whatever reason they wanted to you in the house and that didn't work out too well and regarding the squatters going over the country who are trying to take over your apartments and homes under the trump administration they will be gone immediately, they will be gone into minute. -- in two minutes. joe biden is the worst president in the history of our country and crooked joe knows that in a fair election he is going down in a line slide. -- landslide. we are leaving big in michigan. we are leaving big.
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and why wouldn't we, who wouldn't be? i mean honestly who would not be leaving -- leading this guy is coming out of a helicopter the other day and he is falling, he is holding on his, can you imagine the foreign countries like i visited china they must have 100,000 soldiers there, president xi jinping is standing bear can you imagine falling out of an airplane or coming down the stairs as they have soldiers? that is why biden is trying to jail, he wants to jail his political opponents like they do in third world countries for banana republics, he wants to give her that shot and every single one of these fake cases is bold -- bullshit. every single one of them is terrible.
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and as you know i have come here today crowd i remember in 2020 -- i have come here today -- >> [crowd chanting we love trump] >> thank you. i remember in 2020 you know we got well i don't know if you know in 2020 we got more votes than any president, any sitting president in history by far and by the way there's no way he got 80 million votes in case you had any question. we got more votes than any sitting president by far, we had they said if i got the 63 , million that i got the first time which we won that there was no way i could lose. i got millions and millions of
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more votes. they nipped us. we are not letting that happen again. we are not letting that bullshit happen again. were not going to let it. i have come here today from new york city where i'm being forced to sit for days on end in a kangaroo courtroom with a corrupt and conflicted judge enduring a biden sideshow trial at the hands of a marxist district attorney who's taking orders from the biden administration.
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it is very stupid and very evil politics but here is the good news, it has driven the poll numbers up higher than we have ever had before because people get it, they get that it is a scam and they get it, the indictments are not just an attack on me they are an assault on the constant additional right of all american and. remember this. it has anyone ever heard of al capone? he would kill people if he looked at them and didn't like him. they'd be dead the next morning. they never find the body. he got indicted less than i did. can you believe it? scarface. i got so many indictments. it is an attack on a political opponent and a lot of political opponents wouldn't do too well under those circumstances but i have a relationship with the people and i explained it to them and they understand it's a
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scam and they understand it's the worst president in the history of our country who couldn't get elected dog catcher except that he's in a party that's really really good at cheating, that's one thing, they are not good at policy. there horrible. open borders, high interest rates, high taxes, bad military, everything is bad. they're great at cheating in elections that's the only thing. the ballot box and the american people are going to find crooked joe biden guilty of trying to destroy our country, he's destroying our country. he isn't destroying our -- he is destroying our country. what happens is incredible and we could have done something on
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hillary clinton, i thought it would be a terrible thing for the country, to be honest, we could have done but -- especially when there is nothing but you know it was very interesting when this happens and it happened very weakly i changed my tune, i said thank you very much because now i have great reverence for the presidency. president of the united states. and i used to talk about him fairly tough but not nearly as tough as he deserved because i have respect for the office, not for him but for the office and now i say he is the worst president in history, the most corrupt president in history, he is grossly incompetent and he does not know what the hell he is doing, he is a disaster for our country and i say it over and over again and i have no problem in saying it, he is the worst president in the history of our country and we got to get about because he is destroying
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america. he is destroying our great country. in the middle of a presidential election think of it the republican nominee for president is being attacked like nobody has ever been attacked before but all of that being done and all of that being said, the fake charges, the legal targets, everything, and you know we have had tremendous reviews from great people. andy mccarthy, greg jarrett, sean hannity, so many people, but great experts, great legal experts, alan dershowitz just came out saying there is no case, there is no crime, he didn't do anything wrong, what are you doing, these are people not everyone of them love me, these are people that just want to speak the truth they said there is no andy mccarthy today there is no case, it is a witch hunt and we are not going to
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take it, we are not going to take it come out they cannot do that to our country.
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the judge by the way is the most conflicted person in the history, i don't think there's ever been a more conflicted judge, crooked and conflicted and i'm unconstitutionally gagged he gagged me so i'm not even supposed to be i would say talking to you because he gagged me i'm the i'm think of it former president and a very popular we had the greatest economy in history we had we had the best safest border that we ever had in history i rebuilt the military, we created space force, we had the biggest tax cuts in history, the biggest regulation cut and then i run again and when in the fastest time in the history of the republican or democrat party i won the nomination somebody else would still be campaigning to try and when i won it two months ago took down some very talented people very quickly very precisely very easily and i have a judge politically appointed i have have a judge who gags me
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. i'm not allowed to talk about things. the judge says, you are rich, pay $500 million fine. $500 million. they do not do bonds of that amount. but he comes up on a perfect trial, great financial statements, i built a great company, he comes out and finds me $500 million and he found me guilty before the case even started he said he's guilty and the guy doesn't even the other day he did not know what cash was we said we are going to put up all cash and he didn't know what that meant and this is the gun that the ruling on me in new york and then we have another one in new york who gave someone $91 million because they said i defamed her because i said her story isn't true, i defamed her.
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$91 million. $91 million. so anyway, hopefully the appeal process works because if it doesn't you just don't have a country. $91 million because i defamed her. unbelievable and i didn't to -- did not defame any money. -- anybody. businesses all over the world are watching and fleeing new york state because of all of this crap that is going on, they are fleeing and not coming back they are not coming back and hopefully the court system will straighten out because all over the world they are watching this stuff, they are watching the trial and they are seeing what a scam it is and they don't like it, nobody likes it but hope we we will win all of that stuff easily on appeal. we should not allow this to happen in our country. but the fact is the important
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vote to me is the vote on november 5 because it is going to turn out to be the single most important day in the history of our country and we are going to get things straightened out. we are like in the soviet union, that is what has happened in this country, you know we are. ok, let's go, think of this, just think of this, joe biden failed on inflation, on gas prices, on every single thing including afghanistan the most vicious embarrassing day in the life of this country, afghanistan. remember that disaster?
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most embarrassing day, he fails on every single thing he touches turns to shit. every single thing he touches turns out to be no good. he is no good on policy, he is no good on military, he is no good on my net. our country is crashing, he is no good on inflation, inflation is a disaster, it is eating you alive. it's a wonder joe biden and his thugs are so desperate to stop us, they know we are the only ones, we are the only ones you know when i say we we have a big group of people like this all over the place and we have more voters, i say we have 250 million people, i say we have 250 million people that want to see our country be great again. in the new emerson poll just came out we are up four points in michigan, in another one we
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are up seven points and i so when we are we are 11 points up in michigan and why wouldn't we be? we are also leading in every single swing state, every one of them, that is why we have to watch the cheating. keep your eyes open. watch the cheating. the radical left democrats rigged to the presidential election in 2020 but we will not allow them to rake the presidential election, the most important day of our lives, in 2024. not going to allow it. we are going to protect the vote and i am pleased to this is the first time i've announced this actually announced that our campaign is going to be leading a historic effort in conjunction with the rnc, republican national committee, the state parties and a team of the most highly qualified lawyers and other professionals in the country to ensure that whatever
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-- what happened in 2020 will never happen again. we are not going to allow it to happen again. the only good thing about 20/20, it showed how bad they are. it showed what a rotten job they do. that is why we are more popular now than we were four years ago because you like trump and you know what i hate? when the guys get on television, they say the pundits you know the great pendants that never did it thing in their whole lives you know we have two very unpopular candidates, we have biden that we have trump. they are a very unpopular. i'm not unpopular. we had 95% popularity in the republican party. i'm not unpopular. amazing. i'm not unpopular. i'm unpopular with china, china doesn't like me.
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we took in hundreds of millions of dollars from china, no other president that intent sent. other countries, germany, other countries i did a lot i love that look at that young lady turn that around i love that. that is beautiful. i want to buy that from you. i want to wear that. thank you, darling. that's beautiful. really beautiful. no matter how you vote, whether it is early on election day by mail or in person it doesn't matter, we will make sure your ballot is secure. we are going to be sure your ballot is secure. you're not going to put it in and don't count, you're not going to put it and do things you are not going to have other people. they are but putting in a ballot like a couple of cases that you happen to heard about,
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i'm sure you heard about a little place called detroit where they had more ballots than they had voters. a little thing like that and then by the time the people got screamed at all night they said, they were called every name of the book and they sort of said they had more ballots than voters, were not going to let it happen again then you have to be very vigilant because you can see it happening better than anybody else, it's really a source were going to have to watch the radical left democrats, all these democrats we will watch like hawks because honestly i don't like saying this, they cheat like hell, they cheat like hell. in plenty of other places and we are going to make america great again very simple we are going to make our country great again. every time the radical left democrats marxists communists and fascist indict me i consider it a great badge of honor
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because i am being indicted for you. never forget our enemies want to take away my freedom because i will never let them take away your freedom and it is good. it's good. never. and it's good that i have a good memory, you know why? because this teleprompter is facing you, not me. these teleprompters. the teleprompters are gonzo. i don't like to use the word folks. you ever hear biden? every other word is folks. ok, folks, it's like a nervous
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habit. i don't use the word. they want to silence me because i will never let them silence you and in the end they are not after me, they are after you and i just happened to be standing in their way, standing in their way, and it is really an honor to have this crowded, this is a hell of a crowd. >> [crowd chanting usa] >> i ask this all this time and it never happens, it's very sad actually but i ask it all the time it never happens, i want the press to take their cameras and turn them around and write from the beginning from 2015 you know before we ran and we had these big crowds, never in mdc, but we had big crowds and i would ask them turn around and show the crowd and even the ones that are semi-friendly would not do it. and i thought it was a mechanical problem that they couldn't do it but i learned
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that they could, there you go. but i would like him to turn the camera backwards and see the crowd and see the people that can't even get in here. and i thought it was a mechanical, i figured it is steel and you cannot turn the camera and then in 2016 there was a very bad fight in the left-hand corner of the room and the cameras hardly had access to it and those cameras turned around like a pretzel and i realized they don't want to show our crowd. they don't want to show our crowds. but i love you and the fake news media to turn the cameras around and show the crowd, the cameras will be dead on, they never do it. because they're fake. that is why we call them the fake news. so we are pleased to be joined, makes no sense, you know it would be more exciting for somebody watching at home to see
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a big crowd but for some reason they just don't do it and i guess they are instructed by the boss not to do it but we are going to pick the boss's ass pretty soon. we're pleased to be joined tonight by a man who is going to be a warrior in the united states senate and more importantly he's just going to be a winner, he's going to win this race, this is going to be i think an easy race, he's highly respected. mike rogers will vote to secure our borders crack down on sanctuary cities support our police and stop the crime that is ravaging your communities and ravaging our countries, he'll vote to block the biden tax hikes he'll allow nothing to happen bad to our country, he's going to stop things from happening bad to our country, the michigan auto industry will be demolished if you don't have guys like him, but you're going to have me. i'm going to save your industry and we're going to make your industry much bigger because
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we're going to put tariffs on cars that are coming into our country. i don't know if you know it before i do with mike china is building some of the largest auto plants in the world along our border in mexico and they think they are going to take those cars and sell them into the united states and lose all your jobs in michigan and you want to tell the head of the auto workers as a union boss he stinks because what he is allowing to happen to you is union work workers and we are going to get 95% of autoworkers anyway but we are going to put tariffs on those cars and we are not going to let them sell those cars in the united states, we are not going to let it happen. mike will be facing off against a far left liberal lunatic name slotkin. she is terrible. she's terrible. not respected. not respected in washington, laughed at, gives everything
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away to the opponent, very big for china, she fully supports banning gas powered present trucks, she wants you get, by the way especially you somebody that's against gasoline powered cars, you can't have them in the state because if you told me you want to have her and if somebody wanted to fight me on gas power then we can't make your auto industry great because it is only going to be the hybrids in the gasoline powered cars that are going to turn around your state so you have no choice but to vote against slotkin. slotkin is an open borders extremists who repeatedly voted for mass amnesty. she is not, i don't think she is going to do, i tell you mike i think you're going to win this thing. a vote for slotkin is a vote to raise your taxes, kill michigan manufacturing jobs and flood your communities with illegal aliens and a lot of chinese built electric vehicles, i don't
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think we want them in michigan . that's why you must vote for mike rogers, highly respected no matter where he goes. come on up here, mike. >> they know this cracked -- this crowd is fired up because they know when you get into the white house, these folks have your back, too. and they know and they've been telling america and they're going to go door to door for you for me, for the republican party , and tell the rest of our state and our country that help is on the way. yeah. jen was -- just one last thing.
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i had a slight lead to show that you were a little bit popular in the republican party donald trump-endorsed me, two days later i was 60 points ahead of our opponents. thank you for what you are going to do. >> he is going to win. it was an honor to endorse him and i will tell you he is risk acted all over, respected by everybody, you have a rare choice here. normally you come in, people haven't heard he's a man who was tested on highly respected in washington and that's what you need, especially with the car industry and all of the other things. i thought that was china. that was a loud plane. that was an old one. those old ones, those old ones are a little loud.
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we are pleased to be joined by michigan gop chair ambassador and a good friend of mine pete hauer. he's fantastic. how we doing, pete? everything good? he was a congressman, an ambassador in everything he did he was really successful at, he was with me all the way. michigan senate republican leader eric nesbitt, thank you eric, great job, doing a great job. michigan house republican leader matt hall. great job. we have a lot of others in we have a woman who i think is a fantastic woman and she has become like a television star. she only says great things about me so i like her. if she didn't say great things i wouldn't like her but she does and i like her a lot.
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tudor dixon. great job you're doing. on day one of my administration i will seal the border, stop the invasion and send joe biden's illegal aliens back home where they belong. less than four years ago we had the most secure, the best scum of the safest border by far in u.s. history. we ended catch and release, built miles of border wall, we were getting ready to add another 200 miles, the wall was all built already to be put up and then we had a rigged election but it was already to be put up but we built more and i said we are going to build and we have another 200 miles coming, would have been filled up with the loops and they decided they didn't want to put it up but that's when i realized they are open border fanatics and that's the way it works out and remember this, i said to
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mexico, you gotta give us 28,000 soldiers, they laughed at me, they said what are we going to do that for and i like the president of mexico very much, he is a socialist but that's ok, he is a nice guy, i said you gotta give me 28,000 soldiers to protect the border because you are killing our border you are sending all these people in the caravan and i say you have to do that anyway i said i am putting a one hundred percent tariff on everything that you sent into the country from now on. they said we would be pleased to give you 28,000 soldiers. and they did. and we had the safest border in the history of our country and now we have the worst border in the history of the world there has never been a border like it, cook a joe biden in his horrible way it's just he's made our country a dumping ground. in venezuela violent crime is down 67% because they took their criminals on their gang members
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and their drug dealers and they moved them into the united states of america. and their crime is now down to 67%. that is a beauty and right here in michigan your state is being torn up to pieces with migrant crime. it is a new term. migrant crime. three months ago an illegal alien criminal was sentenced in kent county for executing a 22-year-old grand rapids woman while she was in the car with her one-year-old baby, shooting her at least five times, four times in the head with a rifle at point-blank range while the killer was that he was wanted all of the world, he couldn't get in during the trump administration but like everybody else he just walked in during the biden administration, killed this woman viciously and violently in oakland county organized to squads of illegal
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alien gang members and they are taking over, these, the only good thing about them is that they make are criminals look like nice people, ok, these are rough people, they are hiding in the bushes, breaking into homes after dark, leading them for jewelry, purses, electronic, watches, cash, you know better than i do because it is all over almost every state and last week in the st. joseph's county an illegal alien was charged with breaking into a michigan home and sexually assaulting two young girls while threatening to kill them if they screamed or tried to escape. when i returned to the white house we will stop the plunder, rape, slaughter, destruction of the american suburbs, cities and towns. we are going to stop it cold. we will immediately end all sanctuary and deadly sink she -- sanctuary cities, i will shift to massive portions of federal
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law-enforcement to immigration enforcement and we will impose a naval blockade on the cartels because when we clean up the land, they come in by c and they have plenty of money to do it. we will put the cartels out of business. they will be out of business and quickly. and on day one we will begin the largest domestic deportation operation in american history.
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all you need to know about joe biden is that every 100 days he adds a half a million illegal immigrants. they are coming in by the millions. i think the number in our country is already 15 million. traffickers, usually mostly in women, it means drug dealers, it means a lot of people in these people are coming out of jails and prisons, they are coming out of mental institutions, insane asylums, these are not people we want. they are coming from all over the world. they are not just coming from south america. last week they came 22 came out of prisons from the congo in africa. from the congo they came out rough rough people, they came out of prison in the congo. they have emptied prisons from self-care -- south america, africa, all over the world including places in europe, they have emptied from asia, they
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emptied their prisons into the united states of america, prison population all over the world is down and nobody knows why except for us, we know why, because the prisons are being emptied into the united states on the mental institutions are being emptied into the united states of america like we are a dumping ground because we have a president who is a stupid person or he hates our country or he hates our country. and this is not sustainable by any, no country can sustain this. nothing like this has ever happened on no country can sustain the spirit crooked joe with his insane border policies will destroy medicare and social security because they are going to go out of business and you know that illegal aliens coming into our country under biden are treated better than our vets. our vets aren't treated as well. they are not being treated as well as illegal aliens who occupying luxury hotels and
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cities, can you believe it? what is going on? so horrible. as president i was always protect social security and medicare for our great seniors 100%, and by the way while we are on it it was always the plan from the great legal experts of this country and even the world, everybody, democrats, republicans, liberals, conservatives, they wanted to get abortion out of the federal government, you know that, they have been trying to do it for 50 years then about 10 years ago people lost their way and started talking about how many months they have, how many months are we allowed, how many weeks are we allowed, where does it take place, how does it take place, who are the dock doors, they started getting into things that had nothing to do with the original discussion on roe v. wade they forgot the idea to take abortion out of the federal
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government that was the idea and to move it into the states and let the states make the decision, let the people decide. after 50 years we were able to do that and now you are seeing it done. some people will be happy, some people will be ok, some people will be quite unhappy, some people will be thrilled, some of the decisions there are really they vary quite a bit some are in conservative states and they are more livable than they would have liked to see them some are in more liberal areas and they are more conservative than they would have liked and some people are thrilled at the concept of exactly because everybody basically wanted to get it out, it is wrong to be in the federal government, they wanted to get it out, the states now decide on abortion and you go to the states and the states come out and they decide which is what everybody wanted for over 50 years and we got it done, this is different, remember from the standpoint of what is happening
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nobody wants to see abortion in the eighth month over the ninth month or nobody wants to see execution after birth. you have a situation where democrats in many cases will allow it. execution after birth. the seventh, eighth, ninth month and after birth execution. and if you remember the governor of virginia said it, i sit and talk with the mother along with the doctor, she has the baby, we put the baby aside and we decide what to do with the baby, meaning do we execute the baby. this is called radical politics. this is something they are far more radical but it's not even a question of that, it's question that we have to take care of the situation getting it back to the states was something that was very important to everyone. we had to take the radicalism out of the democrats because
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when you can do execution or a killing at a point in the lifecycle it just can't be allowed and were not going to allow it but now states are deciding and some people are very happy because it is a liberal policy and it is, it's a liberal policy or it is a very conservative policy but we brought it back to those states where everybody's been fighting to have it for 53 years and it's taken a lot of courage and a lot of controversy out, a lot of controversy has now been taken out, you have seen with taken place over the last couple of months, people are getting together and they are deciding within their own state and remember this as a politician you have to have heart, you have to have heart, your heart determines and you have to fight what is in your heart and what's the right thing to do but remember you also have to get elected. getting elected is also
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important, not only in this issue but on taxes and military and everything else, you have to get elected because if you don't get elected it goes back to the federal government, or you have many other things that can go wrong. so go with your heart, do what is right, everybody wanted this to be done, every legal scholar wanted this to be done. most democrats wanted it, liberals wanted it, this was a while ago and then they changed their mind, they viewed it as a political deal. a lot of bad things will happen be on the abortion issue if you don't and elections with your taxes and everything else so it's been very interesting and again some states have been right with it wanted to be an other states have gone more liberal than they wanted and some have gone more conservative but it's all working out and the votes are coming up now in certain cases and it's all starting to work out and it's going to ultimately bring our country together.
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it gets the vote down to the people. we did something that took courage, we did something that everybody wanted to see come up but now i say it is up to the state and i want to thank the supreme court justices for having the courage. clarence thomas, samuel alito, john roberts, brett kavanaugh, neil gorsuch, amy coney barrett come up for the wisdom and the courage to do this, this took a great deal of courage and a great deal of wisdom to do this and all we want to do is we have to get our country back together. it takes a very long forward over issue an issue that was never going to be resolved according to many it brings it back to the states where every legal scholar and where most people wanted to see it. and it is working out. so i just want to thank the supreme court for the wisdom and the courage and thank you very much.
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from the very first day that we take back the white house from crooked joe biden i believe we are going to have the four greatest years in the history of our country. i think we can do that. it's not easy. not easy with what they are giving us i will tell you. but the one thing that has been interesting about this joe years, it shows how bad their policies are. it shows their policies don't work. one of the reasons we are more popular than four years ago, we were very popular but more popular is because they are so bad, so incompetent, so people, so corrupt, and it makes us look that much better before he even arrived at the oval office shortly after we win the presidency, we win all of us together are going to win, i will have the horrible war between russia and ukraine settled. i know them both.
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we will demand that europe paid much more for the cost of defense. we are paying the lion's share to ukraine. and i keep saying why isn't europe paying more? if you out of the various countries the economy of europe is about the same size as the united states. they've got plenty of money. why are we paying and they pay very little by comparison? they have to equalize and they have to equalize fast. it's not right and remember it is more important to them, we have a thing called an ocean between us. much more important to them and they have to come with the money. i did it with nato. i said you were not paying your fair share. they said you're the only one that has ever said that. i was the only president. they would all make speeches and that was the end. i didn't not make a speech. i said what are you doing, i looked at the books, we are paying 90 percent maybe even
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100% of nato and we are defending you militarily and you are taking advantage of us on trade, how does that work, you have to pay. they ended up putting up more than $430 billion because i asked. i asked the right way. i remember during a meeting one of the president's of one of the european countries stood up and it was a closed-door meeting. he said, may i ask a question, yes. if we do not pay, if we are not paid up and we are attacked by russia, will you defend us? i said you mean you are delinquent, you haven't paid? no, i will not defend you. the next day the money came pouring in. i took a lot of heat from the fake news, they said you shouldn't treat allies like that and i said no allies shouldn't treat us like that, they should pay their bills. and it made nato much stronger. it made nato rich and strong and
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the head of nato, the secretary-general said that trump is amazing, he did something that nobody else has been able to do, it's incredible. i do not know if you'd say that today but he certainly set at them and i think he said it recently and another thing that was very good is a country hungry very strong leader victor or her they asked why is the world blowing up, why is it so bad, what do you recommend? he is a strong guyana tough leader, he runs the country very well, he allows no illegal immigrants in his country, he went against other european countries which are half destroyed and they asked what would you recommend and he said i would recommend one thing, get donald trump elected president again and you are going to have no problems anywhere in the world. get him elected president.
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that's true. thank you. thank you. now. it's true. i don't want to be the one to say it but if i don't say it, nobody else will. he used a word i wouldn't use but he used it. he said china was afraid of him. i don't like to use the word afraid. let's say they respected me. but he said china was afraid of him, russia was afraid of him. look what i did to russia nord stream 2, the biggest pipeline in the world going to serve europe and i said we are defending them against russia and yet they are paying russia billions of dollars a month for oil. how much -- how does that make sense? i close nord stream 2 and then i said i was friendly to russia.
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i got along with putin, that's a good thing, not a bad thing, but i closed nord stream 2 and putin said to me, if you are friendly to me i'd hate like hell to see if you were not friendly. he was not happy but i closed up the pipeline before he got finished. when biden came in one of the first things he did is approved nord stream 2, the biggest pipeline in the world, and then they said, trump was very soft. they are full of misinformation and disinformation, it is all they are good at, that and cheating on elections is all they are good at. biden's weakness has led the planet to the edge of nuclear war. i will bring the war -- the world glorious new piece and i will make the following statement. i am the only one that can say this, i believe. i know them all and they respect me. they don't respect our country anymore, the country in decline,
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but they respect me and we are going to have it back very soon, we are going to have a great country very soon but i will say this. i will prevent world war iii. i am the only one who was going to do it. if i were president, if i -- you never would've had russia attacking ukraine. even democrats admit this, it never happens, never did happen for four years, russia would not be attacking ukraine and on october 7 israel never would have been attacked by around. around was broke. -- iran was broke. i told china, if you iran buy one barrel of oil from iran your not going to do any business in the united states.
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i said that to many countries and they did very little. check it out. we would've had a deal that was fine for them but it would've had one thing iran. cannot have a nuclear weapon. very simple. and now they are 60 days from having one because these people have done nothing. i gave it to them on a silver platter. they were broke. and i heard this from a democrat congressman on this -- to face the nation. he said, i will admit that under trump iran was broke. they had no money for hamas, for hezbollah, no money for taylor and now they have -- terrorists. and now they have 230 billion dollars. they made it in three years. but we will get something done. it is a precarious position but i will prevent world war iii and we will have peace through
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strength. that is what we are going to have. we will build a great iron dome very much like israel has but even better. i am saying why don't we have that, we should have that, we have a lot of hostile people, we have a lot of bad act there is, we are going to build the greatest dome of them all, we are going to have it all made here in america, some of it will be made right here in michigan, state-of-the-art missile defense shield that will be entirely built in america and will create jobs, jobs, and we are going to have the greatest dome of the mall, we are going to have greater you saw how effective that was with israel last week, 300 rockets shot, every one of them knocked down, probably if they didn't have it they would not have israel right now if you think about it, virtually none of them got through, amazing, we are going to have a more
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sophisticated version. we are going to build a great iron dome and put a shield around our country and it is made here and it is going to be a great thing. we're also going to rebuild our cities and they are going to make them, we are going to make and beacons of hope and safety and beauty better than they have ever been before. right now they are crime-ridden, falling apart, run by democrats. i will work with the democrats to rebuild the city's. you see what is happening in your cities. you see detroit. for 35 years i've heard about this great comeback in detroit and we are still waiting. it is taking a long time. but we are going to make our cities great again, we are going to take over the horribly run capital in washington dc, clean it up, rebuild our capital city so that it will become the most beautiful capital in the world again and we are going to get
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rid of the horrible violent crime that's taking place there. you go there from michigan and you end up getting stabbed or shot and people are not even going, it's horrible. graffiti all over the place. we are going to take it back and make it beautiful and renovate it and build it and we are going to make it much more beautiful than it ever was, it will be the most beautiful capital city anywhere in the world and we have an obligation to do it. on day one i will sign a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory transgender insanity and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content onto the lives of our children. i will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a mass commander. i will keep men out of women
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sports, day one. day one. day one. how ridiculous is that. how crazy. that's like open borders. those are things that are so crazy. who the hell wants an open border where countries from all over the world are infiltrating and violating our country. it's the same with men playing in women's sports. take a look at what's happening. it's so disrespectful to women. take a look at what's happening to records. records that have stood for 18 years are being shattered by numbers that nobody has even thought of before. i will fully uphold the always under siege second amendment, guns. i will always uphold. [applause] we will protect innocent life and we will restore free speech. and we need free speech in this country. and i will do something that
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nobody else had the passion for like i do. i will secure our elections and make them real beautiful, safe elections. and our goal will be one day voting with paper ballots, proof of citizenship and voter id. very simple. voter id. but until then, republicans must win. we have to win. we have to win. that's why i say use your heart, go back to the abortion question. we have to win. but we have to go out, otherwise, it's going to be a very, very bad, bad period for this country. we have to win those elections. in the case of our election, our presidential election, we want a landslide that's too big to rig. too big to rig. we gotta make it so big. one thing we know, at a certain
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level they can't cheat. they can cheat, but it won't matter. we think we will have them stopped, but that's what they do best. we want to make our win too big to rig. if you took the 10 worst presidents in the history of the united states and added them up, they would not have done near the destruction to our country as cricket joe biden and the biden administration has done. i used to say, and you know that, a year ago, if you heard me at a rally, the rallies are bigger, better and stronger than ever before. the whole thing is ready for a big victory on november fifth. if you heard me, i used to say if you took the five worst presidents. now i said, that's not enough. now i say 10 wares. i have a feeling by the time we meet it will be the 15, the 20 worst. he's so bad, he's the worst president ever. it's pathetic. as a country we are left out all over the world. all over the world we are left out.
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he flies to saudi arabia to meet the king. he's in the plane for 24 hours. he stumbles out of the plane. he meets the king, finally. instead of shaking his hand he gives them a fist bump. in other words, don't touch me, i don't want to touch her hand. this is what we got negotiating for us. he can't negotiate, he can't do anything right, and everything he touches turns out bad and we just don't want it. we want to make our country great again. we are tired of watching this clown show. if you want to save america, get every common sense person you know, you go register and vote republican, you have to vote for us. you have to vote for mike and everybody else on the ticket. we will turn it around fast, mike, right. we will turn it around fast. he's going to be a great help. i'm so happy he's running, frankly. i'm so happy. so, in conclusion together we
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are taking on some of the most menacing forces and vicious opponents our people have ever seen. we have never seen anything like it. but no matter how hateful and corrupt the communists and criminals we are fighting against may be, you must never forget this nation does not belong to them, this nation belongs to you. it belongs to you. [applause] this is your home, this is your heritage, and our american liberty is your god-given right. this is your god-given right. from marquette to midland, from frank fortes of flints, and from detroit to saginaw, we stand on the soldiers of red-blooded michigan patriots who laid out the railroads, worked the factories, tilled the fields, fought the battles and won the victories that made america into the greatest and most powerful
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nation anywhere in the world, we love our nation. but now, we are a nation in decline, we are a failing nation, we are a nation that has lost its confidence, its willpower and has lost its strength. we are a nation that has lost its way, but we are not going to allow this horror. it's an absolute horror to continue any longer. three years ago we were a great nation and we will still be a great nation again. it was hard-working patriots like you, the people of michigan, who built this country, and it's hard-working patriots like you who are going to save our country. our country must be saved. our country is in big, big, very dangerous trouble. our country has never been in a position like this. we are laughed at all over the world. we are not respected by anybody. our economy is going to hell,
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inflation is eating everybody alive, everything is wrong with our country. there is nothing that's going right. we will fight for america like no one has ever fought before. 2024 is our final battle. with you at my side we will demolish the deep state, we will expel the warmongers from our government, we will drive out the globalists, we will pass out the communists, marxists and fascists. we will throw up the sick political class that hates our country, we will round out the fake news media, we will drain the swamp and we will liberate our country from these tyrants and villains once and for all. we will liberate our country. like those patriots before us, we will not bend, we will not break, we will not yield, we will never give in, we will never give up, we will never,
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ever, ever back down, we will never back down. [applause] with your support, we will go on to victory, the likes of which nobody has ever seen before. we will evict cricket joe biden from the white house and we will take back our country on november 5, 2024. [applause] the great silent majority is rising like never before and under our leadership, the forgotten man and woman will be forgotten no longer, and it wasn't forgotten man and woman for years ago was not forgotten. they were somebody, they were proud, they loved our country. we are one movement, one people, one family in one glorious nation under god, and together we will make america powerful again. [applause]
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we will make america wealthy again. we will make america strong again. we will make america proud again. we will make america safe again. and we will make america great again. thank you, michigan. thank you. god bless you all. god bless you. [applause] ♪
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>> c-span's washington journal, a live forum involving you to discuss the latest issues in government, politics and public policy, from washington, d.c. and across the country, coming up thursday morning, kevin of the anti-legalization group smart approaches to marijuana and paul from the national organization for the reform of marijuana law discuss dea plans to reclassify marijuana as a low risk drug. policy reporter maria talks about the u.s. potentially banning the social media apps tiktok. c-span's washington journal, joining the conversation live at 7:00 eastern thursday morning on c-span, c-span now are free mobile app or online at beck c-span is your unfiltered view of