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tv   President Biden Remarks on College Campus Protests  CSPAN  May 2, 2024 7:55pm-8:00pm EDT

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president biden? the president has barely managed to summon up a word on this most recent wave of anti-semitism. i understand that he was preparing for the white house correspondents dinner. but perhaps he could have taken a moment away from practicing his jokes to address the fact that there are jewish students right now in the united states of america who are afraid to walk across their campuses. i'm also waiting to hear the attorney general and the secretary of education's response to a letter i sent with a number of my republican colleagues regarding the administration's plans for enforcing federal law in relation to the anti-semitism and protests on our college campuses. no, i do not feel safe on campus. i've been called names. i've been spit at. it is a very visceral feeling in in me when someone tells me to
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go back to the gas chambers. something i repeat that olivia feldman, a student, has said. mr. president, it is time to take action, to close this disgraceful chapter, and to ensure that there are no more ensure that there are no more >> president biden spoke on the protest at campus. he said the rule of law must be held. he spoke before traveling to north carolina. this is about five minutes. president biden: good morning. before i head to north carolina i wanted to speak a few moments about what's going on on our college campuses here.
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we've all seen images and they put to the test two fundamental american principles, excuse me. the first is the right to free speech and for people to peacefully assemble and make their voice heard. the second is the rule of law. both must be upheld. we are not appear authorityian nation. the american people are heard. in fact, peaceful protest the is the best tradition of how americans respond to consequential issues. but neither are we a lawless countryful we're a civil society. and order must prevail. throughout our history we've often faced moments like this because we are a free, die version free thinking and freedom-loving nation. and moments like this are those who rush to score political points. but this isn't a moment for politics. this is a moment for clarity. let me be clear.
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peaceful protests in america, violent protest is not protected. peaceful protest is. it's against the law when violence occurs. destroying property is not a peaceful protest. it's against the law. vandalism, trespassing, breaking windows, shutting down campuses, forcing the cancellation of classes. none of this is a speasful protest. threat, people, intimidating people instilling fear in people is not a peaceful protest. it's against the law. dissent must never lead to disorder denying the rights over of students to finish a semester or their college education. it's a matter of fairness. it's a matter of what's right. there's the right to protest but not the right to cause chaos. people have the right to get an education, the right to get a degree. the right to walk across
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>> let's be clear, there should be no place in america that anti-semitism strikes violence against jewish students. there is no place for hate speech or violence or discrimination. it is simply wrong, there is no place for racism. in america we protect the right to express yourself but it does not mean anything goes. it needs to be done without violence, without hate, within the law. make no mistake, i will defend free speech and stand up for the rule of law, that is my
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responsibility and obligation, thank you very much. reporter: have you reconsidered any policies? president biden: no. thank you. >> the on c-span, trapoation secretary pete bleaches- teifies and then president bin spoke earlier today in wilmington regarding infrastructure, jobs and the economy. lawmakers froarona considered legislation to repeal an 14 ortion law and another hearingith veterans affairs secretary dennis talks


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