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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 20, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news. why? from berlin? ukraine awaits a long delayed vote. in the us house on a $60000000000.00 aid package. presidents and lensky warrens is allies that without the funds ukraine can't keep russian forces at the explosions hit the base of in a run back the luscious south of baghdad, killing one person. that the what do you say they don't know what caused the blacks? and that's one nor the by the german surfer believe to have broken his own record. for monster wave writing tells dw what it was like the
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and welcome to our viewers around the world. a michael to us lawmakers are preparing to hold a crucial vote on aid for ukraine. the u. s. has been ukraine's biggest backer in its war against russia, but congress has not approved major funding since last year. mainly because of bickering across the political. i am a credit law makers in congress have been pushing for a major new weapons package for ukraine for months. but republican hardliners have been reluctant to provide funding to keep in our 2020. now it appears to be a cross party support for a $61000000000.00 package for you. ok. of the ukrainian forces on the front line have long to rush and they run munition right now. they're being else gunned by the russians in the eastern done yet. screeching
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president low to me is and then ski signed his troops this week in the in bottle of tone of chest. if you out, which you cranes as russia, asians to capture in the coming weeks. he could handle metals for the bravery, but not the tools to do the job. so landscape has long appealed for more military aid for front line forces, and the defense systems to protect cities like causes ukraine. second largest cities suffers almost daily attacks. we will great and you me sits a new current and i've been waiting for months for this michael support package waiting for a vote in congress. as a result, the terrorist confidence has been growing very style, some of the families that at least the us has already given reco. it's sounds, do you claim the total? so for $75000000000.00 unconditionally, maybe 2 thirds of it was ministry aid. the long awaited new package totals over
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60000000000. whatever 3rd of it for the key of to buy advance weapon systems on for us both is to provide training the the c i a has wound. ukraine could lose the war by the end of the year without additional aid of the pentagon says it could get shipments moving within days. as it has stopped piles in europe of just the weapons that ukraine so desperately needs as a has slow to trickle ukrainians, have been forced to improvise to keep their front line troops supplied. the w is nit, conway takes a look at how they're coping in his exclusive report from a ukrainian military facility. their engineers make the most bypassing up damaged equipment. this leap of scrap was 10077 artillery gun. it's just
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a tiny part of the weapons graveyard that this ukrainian military facility, it's where west the military tech comes from the front lines to prove to west and donors, but it's being used as intended. but more importantly, to be salvaged. only so our american counterparts just can't keep their heads around it and when they see what we do, they don't have to words, let me know when they will. they wouldn't even think about sending this kind of stuff to scrap, let alone repairing it, easily. guns send to us that you could still recognizes artillery pieces. so that's not always the case anymore, but it's not like we have a choice with western arms deliveries which used to trickle these ukraine. you know me, engineers have to improvise. they call it cannibalism. hands making one function, while tillery gun from what's left of many damaged ones. the engineers who tell us, they know just to drop off and deliveries half way through 2023, even before the current funding delay by 10. initial western stockpiles were exhausted. after a year of war, new production, it's still
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a good job. slick is here are essentially putting together puzzles of different parts every single day, some new, some salvage, and some can provide for what are they coming with shrapnel injuries, but we managed to get them healthy again. you could think he was speaking to a doctor, but the fighting the front lines is so intense. this man's patients are often back in the repair shop within weeks posting to find out situations where the same gun comes back to me with a fresh damage or 2 or 3 of our even through the fall times was just one of the ones almost finished. and it's ready to go back to the front lines to the way it in the there's only so much that kind of blogging damaged equipment can do that. so i don't expect that solutions come in. this was stripped from a commercial digger. so to improve solution into guns manual, but it works. ukrainian firms and i also producing many of the simplest bags,
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the 3 me, well we don't need american built screws and whomever seals who can only for people if we can do all that ourselves. that's what we need or the big parts of we can't make ourselves less than what if we don't get them, i guess we'll find a way we'll put something together of that, the scrap that we have. but it's gonna cost a lot of time with several, like global posts of family chess time that you create new troops and the front lines don't have russia is already taking advantage of ukraine's declining fire power to push forward us a detailed up any longer. many here in ukraine worried that the slow retreat of recent months could soon turn into a route to the middle east. now, where large explosions have hit the base of an iraqi militia, south of baghdad. authorities say at least one person was killed in several or injured. it is on clear what caused the glass. the base belongs to a coalition of a wrong link groups called the popular mobilization forces. luxury officials say
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the blasts were caused by an air strike. the united states has denied involvement in the attack. for more on this, which cross over to simon mayben, middle east analyst at lancaster university, greeting simon. lots of questions surrounding those explosions near baghdad. there being called an air strike, but the us was saying it wasn't us. what do you make of this? you know, thank you for having me again. it looks like an ad strike. it looks like the sort of thing that has been conducted on more and more. and in recent days, chances are we know where it's come from. we know that it's not the united states, which is incredibly unwilling to escalate this precarious situation. any further. we know that israel has struck a number of different targets in recent days, in an attempt to try and tail it raining in games, but they've been trying to make in the past week or so. this is all part of
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a much bigger strategic game between israel and iran. and there's the latest incarnation of dot, increasing the leaks free as in hostile rival risk. and so, i mean, what about the drone attack on is fun, you know, ron, which is widely being attributed to israel runs, been careful not to directly attribute the attack to israel and the foreign minister reportedly compared attacking drones. toys is the caution into ron's rhetoric. something you expect as well what they're trying to do. and i think all of the parties that are involved in this or trying to spin the outcome of particular events in the most positive way for them. this is as much about strategic narratives about messaging and about claiming victory and that sort of p all struggle as much as best physical direct military strikes that are taking place
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. it's about telling the narrative that you are emerging from something and a stronger position to restore the radians during that after they struck israel last week, or indeed that the talk is what we say. it'd be as right. he's doing it after they thought it'd be a radiant attack, and now we see the radians doing it without blame me as well. but suggesting that they are still standing in the face of a truck, the child is, should talk a feeble a. talk is a some says, puts it, we only have half a minute. but i am curious, what's your sense of how israel is managing the threat of escalation with around and it's proxies. it's a really complex one. it doesn't necessarily want to escalate in light of having to deal with an incredibly devastating situation in gaza. it knows that if it does escalate with the run, it has to deal with this by law. it has to deal with proxies and allies in syria and in a rock. it knows that that type of escalation in
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a new threshold would for my typically increase the possibility the israel would face the serious attacks on multiple fronts. that's assignment may been middle east analyst at lancaster university. many, many thanks on it. thank you. of the war in guns i use overshadowing the start of the dentist being all a art festival. the artist representing israel, is refusing to open its national pavilion until a cease fire, and hostage deal are in place. the global south is in the spotlight at this year's festival, which showcases work for marginalized groups, especially indigenous artists to a 700 square meter. muriel of the amazon covers the entire facade of the central pavilion. it's the work of all to spend the when the queen indigenous people from brazil and peru and brings the spirit of the rain forest directly to the venice
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being all at this point, a history of persecution and displacement. they preserve that traditions and spiritual identity. the common and dodge being, the whole community paints what he's thinking. and he's thinking how to clean, which is the oldest language. if the who in the queen would not want it is very important to us because it's the continuation of our on substance of this price to re, to adriano pedrosa is well acquainted with the indigenous alt if he's native, brazil for the past decade, he's been the autistic director of the south polo museum of on this be another focus is on the office from the global south. the incentive rate's changing perspective. all calls change the world, but it can change how we view the how we feel, the world, how we see the world, how we interpret the world, how we can gauge with the world. and that indeed can be something that changes his chosen type. all foreign is everywhere, is inspired by
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a series of neil and sculptures by thought is collective clef on chain pedrosa expands the concept of florida to include the clear artist that faces persecution at home, or the indigenous painter who feels modularized. jeffrey gibson is the famous gay and native american artist ever to represent the us with a solo exhibition. while not to stoop, an artist showcases his native greenland in new and authentic ways in the danish pavilion. their work is based on the frustrations and confusions of the greenland take modern life, which has been made quite complex because of a greenland you being used to be a colony of denmark. the republic of the name is making it single appearance at this being on it with works that separate the spiritual power of you are the women
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and the deep roots of booty. yes, i'm very proud to be a long detail, a good deal because i was very important. important yet still lounge leon noon on the international stage by giving prominence to artists who have often been excluded from the great fix. the visions of the post. this being on it seems to us a new top to, to our history. even most car company, tesla has issued a recall for all of its cyber truck electric pickup trucks because its accelerator pedal can get stuck in the down position. cyber truck owners reported that the pad covering the accelerator pedal could come loose and get trapped by the vehicle's trim. that causes the truck to accelerate unintentionally raising the risk of a craft. the cyber truck is months later, spring shall be released just 5 months ago. after repeated delays,
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which is it tougher than bullets? surfer sebastian storage now has conquered a monster wave and as our portugal, the wave was measured at 28.57 meters, which could be a new world record wave was measured using drone technology. if confirmed the monster wave would surpass the german's own previous record of 26 point one meters back in 2020. and in new york, a nigerian chess player has broken the guinness world record for the longest chest . marathon a bar to do for you, please. within 58 hours, non stop times square filled with supporters who cheered him on the chest master said the record is with the dreams of millions of children across africa without access to education. when a toy of hoops to raise $1000000.00 to provide shifts,
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lessons to underprivileged children in nigeria, and we will end it there up next. how big cities are using, checked to combat the loneliness that's on shift. i'll be back with more news at the top of the next step. we are all set with what seemed closely for him to bring you the story behind the news. we wrote about unbiased information for fremont. driven by agreed in the 2000 and store to band engaged in various time risk business practice to each of our includes basically involved in every shady scandal
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in the banking sector worldwide. right.


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