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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 20, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the business dw news line from the in the us house of representatives process urgently needed aid for you, right? the 61000000000 dollar package is aimed at providing fresh weaponry and munitions to teach as it tries to stop russian forces from advancing on the front line. the . i'm gonna how those as welcome to the program,
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we begin in the united states. web lawmakers have just passed a crucial $61000000000.00 a package for you, for the final result was $311.00 in save up to $112.00 votes against the bill had been delayed by republicans for weeks to do cross party wrangling. washington has been ukraine's biggest back to its war against russia, but congress had, has not approved major funding since last year. democratic lawmakers in congress have been pushing for a major new weapons package for you print for months, spots we publish in hub line, as i've been reluctant to provide funding will be switching. now let's cross over to our report as to funds the ones who joins us from washington stuff. and how big was the support of for this bill? us on the democratic side, it was unanimously, i mean, the republic immediate republican leadership needed all democrats to vote for this
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bill, of course. and so that it's 210 in numbers against as you mentioned, that 112 may or no votes by republican representatives for this bill. and that constitutes a problem for the speaker of the house from the for the majority speaker of the house. even if it's just a slim majority of the republicans, mike johnson, because he knew that he needed the democrats and democrats votes to pass this bill . and there are a lot of republicans who are not very happy with that. mm hm. so what were the main points of the debate then made part of the debate before and i went to the for the bill, went to the floor for a vote. was this the united states willing and able to actually lead in the western world or for the free world for democracy? a lot of the representatives from the republicans as well. of course, from the democrats stress that the united states has to, in those times where we have conflict in the middle east, where we have conflict in europe,
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has to be willing and capable to lead. and that needs to support friends and allies with weapons with a packages, and therefore you have the 1st pass in a vote. parcel vote and on bills in this whole package. $8000000000.00 helpful in the pacific allies. now $61000000000.00 a package for ukraine, and as we speak, the house is voting on a $28000000000.00 package for a package for a 0. now, and what's going to happen next? how long will it take on to of ukraine can actually benefit from this a package? it's a relatively, immediately there is a lot of fun munition weaponry material. the ukraine needs in american ammunition and weapons, the post in europe actually. so they can be now unwrapped, put on a train and delivered to or however they with whatever means they go to your crane,
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but delivered to your crane. so there would be available within weeks either. so now there's other parts of this bill. okay, that takes the longer there is financial aid and the part a big part of this bill is actually to re stock the us shelves means weapon we emanation shells here in the us for the weapons. and ammunition us is now given to ukraine, stefan stevens that in a washington. thank you for now. we're going to come back to you a bit later in the program. now the delay and support from ukraine's allies has halted its progress on the battlefields and left civilians vulnerable and recent months. russian troops have been seizing more and more towns and villages on the front line. president, below them is the landscape and has repeatedly urged europe and the us to approve additional support to. so ukraine can turn the tide of the ukrainian forces on the front line,
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have long to rush and they run munition right now. they're being gunned by the russians in the eastern done yet, screeching president. law to me is that lensky scientists troops this week in the, in bottle of toner chests, if yacht, which you cranes as russia, asians to capture in the coming weeks. he could handle metals for that bravery, but not the tools to do the job. so landscape has long appealed for more military aid for front line forces and the defense systems to protect cities like hosses ukraine, 2nd largest city suffers almost daily attacks. we will create an image, it's a new current, and they've been waiting for months for this michael support package waiting for a button congress. as a result, the terrace confidence has been growing and mary style some of the families that at least see us as already given reco, it's sums to ukraine disposal. so for $75000000000.00 on crucially,
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maybe 2 thirds of it was ministry aid. the long awaited new package totals over 60000000000. whatever 3rd of it for the key of to buy advance weapon systems on for us forces to provide training. the c i a has wound ukraine could lose the war by the end of the year without additional aid. the pentagon says it could get shipments moving within days, as it has stopped piles in europe of just the weapons that ukraine so desperately needs the military unless maybe the mirror on told me earlier what she expects ukraine to spend the money on to. i expect some money to be spend on the things that you quite a needs most um above all, um, probably patry it uh, systems which cost 2000000000 a piece interest sapped or missiles for the systems that ukraine has and its both
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session right now. and we also know that president is a lensky, is going a how it, who's another mobilization. so he will need money to buy kit for the new soldiers to train them. and so, and of course the base salary. so i assume that part of money will be located this out, and as a part of the will of course be allocated to m munition purchases, specifically artillery ammunition. and perhaps the u. s. will give its ad accounts a long range for delivery missiles to ukraine. who do you think this package will make a significant difference in ukraine's fight against the russian invasion? very soon. all right, now i would have to think about short term effects. and the 1st a fact will of course, be under morale, also ukrainian people of those people who are trying to dodge the draft because they are afraid that there is no money they will be sent was nothing to the front
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was nothing to defend against the russian offensive, and so that will be a huge close to the ukrainian route and perhaps actually convinced the people who are trying to dodge the draft now to join the military because the united states will be backing them. and this is very important because ukraine has a personnel for jewish, so even if you have the munition and everything else, if the morales not there, then it doesn't really matter. so i think in the short term, this will be the most significant impact on ukraine. and of course, the fact that this money might be able to be converted into actual military equipment sooner or later will allow ukraine to plan for future operations. and was a woman russian offensive? ukraine is hoping to be able to fund it off and according to the general thursday. but the actually launched its own contra fence of say, this a package would actually enable the crane to make some planning. now what else do
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you think that ukraine's allies kind on need to do right now to support the country? the crime, the anomaly is wanting that a russian offensive is looming. the problem now is that we have to differentiate between the united states and its capabilities and its stockpiles of weapons and the european union. as we have seen, the european union has been scrambling to help ukraine to procure that you're munition necessary. so i think maybe part of this a given the fact that um the truck republic has located some 500155 millimeter jewelry shells, as those could be purchased and sent to you create in very quickly. and i think collaboration with the united states placing purchase orders for more immunization perhaps using the, the american defense industry instead of only relying on the slow, a counterpart in europe,
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might actually change the situation and help ukraine and help also, europe to build up its own defensive capabilities and to a plan should start files. remember on the thank you very much, marina. thank you for having me. we're going back to the west. well, oh my cause of also positive bill that could leads to a ban of take talks. the bi partisan legislation forces the po for up to the social media of thoughtful, to divest itself from its chinese power company. bytes done, you will face a nationwide by the bill gives take to one year to sell it steak to a us based entity, lawmakers both parties of raised national security and state to privacy concerns. so safety support is, are kicked off my question, the constitutionality of the bill. it's easy for you hope to the video app has an estimated 170000000 users in the us along with going back to our reports of stuff on z months. so at a very busy day,
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then washington stuff. and what does this decision mean? so that means that's a take talked or a bite to dance. the mother company off of take talk is now in the fight for their life in the united states, so to speak. what i mean by this is that they have to concentrate on any effort now to block this on the sentence because the senate has to of course, approve and forward to build a house pass just now on take talk and, and there is the last chance for by dance to a post space or to make any changes or to get any changes. but this is unlikely because you guys, lawmakers are unified in their desire to force by dance. the chinese companies to sell take, talk to a us company or to shut it down now or shut down as they all say. all politicians say that specifically, those were interested in change. the votes is unlikely,
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so there will be a time given a longer time, 678 months for bite dance to find a partner as they can self take, talk to and then all is good. if that's not happening, then we'll have another problem. but that's future step as the ones that we quoted from washington for us. thank you very much. different now, let's have looked at some of the other stories making headlines around the world today. turkeys president was a pipe at a while and has met with hamas leader east male here in east on the pulse of thoughts focused on reaching the seas. find the gaza strip in the wall that started with come off terror attacks against israel last october. they also want to get more humanitarian aid into the territory. a large explosions of hit the base of rocky. she i'm, unless i'm south of back. the local medical sources say at least one person was killed. the base belongs to a collection of groups linked to iran,
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cold the talk to the mobilization forces. united states has denied involvement. india tax us media reports say washington has agreed to withdraw its troops from these apps. the base that had been used in counter terrorism efforts in the saw hillary to protest against us. presidents have taken place in new jersey since a military coup. the last july it's just over 2 months to go before the starts of the games in paris. the olympic torch has reached its the 1st destination on its 12000 kilometer journey. it was carried to the acropolis high above the greek capital after this same is due to arrive at paris on july 26th. with a start feeling i didn't know you all, can i jerry and just play up has broken the dentist would record for the longest
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chess marisol can do when i call you played for more than 58 hours known stuff time square to support us. we see them all. trans mazda said the record is for the dreams of 1000000 of children across africa without access to education or career hopes, to raise $1000000.00 to provide just lessons on the privilege of children. in 90 other stuff as it passed in start now has conquered amongst the way the another a portugal wave was measured using drone technology. it was 28.57 meters. that could be a new world. reco. it's confirmed the monster way. what's the past?
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the germans own previous re quote of 26 point one meters and 20 this and that's it from me. adam's team. so now up next we have a report on the highway epidemic in cost and i will have a wordpress update for you at the top of the hour. and of course there's also a lot one use on our website, www. dot god office in berlin from me and the news team. thanks for watching the we are all set and we're watching closely in to bring you the story behind the news. we roll about unbiased information. we might do big companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest the letter will actually cost


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