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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 21, 2024 12:00am-12:03am CEST

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a did the us government suddenly shut down project cassandra in 2016. so the opportunity was, was 1st our 3 pa documentary series on last day has paula starts may 4th on d, w. the . this is the, the, the news and these are our top stories. in a long delayed vote, us lawmakers have passed a $61000000000.00 aid package for ukraine. the funds have been held up because of divisions between democrats and republicans. between presently 40 minutes owen's case said she was grateful to both parties for the decision that he says keeps history on the right track. for the field and at the same session in washington, us house lawmakers also pass a landmark bill. effectively banning the popular social media platform, tick tock,
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that is, unless it divest itself from its chinese parent company by dance. the bill is tick tock, one year to sell. it steak to where us base entity, lawmakers and both parties raised national security and data privacy concerns. storms and flooding have killed at least 65 people in pockets on the state of emergency. it has been declared, the biggest city crunchy for infrastructure left people vulnerable, and experts say climate change looks set to make stream weather events in the region. even worse. you're watching the news from berlin. remember, you can find much more news on our website. that's the w dotcom, the
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and he tackled to this special hot spots in germany. dw extremely, were a bit driven by greed in the 2000 store to bag engaged in various time risk business practice storage. somebody who's basically involved in every shady scandal in the banking sector worldwide, raised for ever higher process. and then the demise of a german institution. the dodge event story starts may 2nd on d w, the
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