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tv   [untitled]    April 21, 2024 2:30am-3:00am EEST

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or simply, we have seen many treaties that, unfortunately, have not had their effectiveness in terms of security over time, for example , the budapest memorandum is a piece of paper and those who signed it should actually be responsible for the fact that it was signed in that in the form these agreements, this is not a piece of paper, uh, these are more serious things, so that you understand, in the agreement with great britain, there is an obligation of ukraine to help the great britain... in the event of an attack on great britain, this can be taken skeptically, but once very long great britain made a similar agreement with portugal, it was in the 14th century, that's how they still do it, so you understand how in this world civilized countries treat this kind of paper, as you say, it's not paper, it's very important, and today , an example is, you know, i have the utmost respect for all countries, to have these agreements, this agreement with the united states, which is today, says mr. yarmak. from the times magazine, we are to believe him
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that it is preparing to be signed, but at the same time , in the same congress of the united states , they are to vote for aid to ukraine, and what they say that aid to ukraine, most likely it will be voted on, so it will be tied to some kind of commitment to the white house to develop a strategy for helping ukraine, that is , there must be a certain plan, and most likely this will be announced, and if we have a certain plan, there should be what? pre-occupation integration, that's right, and here ukraine has to put something on the table, and when we held the second strategic forum on the future of crimea with mr. bariyev and many other experts, we gathered very different people, but then when we presented it in ukrinform, one important a person, it was not me who said it, but a former adviser to one of the prime ministers, currently he is a doctor of science, a professor, and it came out of him, you know, that we investigated this plan, we wrote there on 40 sheets of our comments, sent it to the relevant we didn't even publish it, because
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we can't publish it, sorry, under the conditions of war, but he said very well that this document is written in such a way that it is simply impossible to translate it into english, there is such ukrainian bureaucratic language, such constructions, they are simply not are translated, and it is, as they say, how tragically it went astray, it is good, because if it is translated and put on the table of our partners, it would be sabotage, you understand, because if they read it, and they should not provide assistance under these documents, and not funds only, sorry. this military component and the financial component for the assistance that ukraine vitally needs are important. we do not have the right to submit to our partners for consideration, sorry, with all due respect, any strategies about cognitive milioration, because these are the strategies that our partners read and they decide to give us for it funds that we vitally need in case of war or not to give? we all have to understand that such things cannot be treated, sorry, as things for collecting likes, as things for internal, sorry, use, this is a matter of life today.
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quality reintegration plans of the ukrainian state, regarding this, we just talked in sofia, well, my colleagues. well, have we already agreed on the strategy for ensuring the security of the black sea water area within the framework of this conference or not? there were a lot of different topics, and there are achievements, well, for example, this year russia was excluded from the danube commission by the aggressor powers, ugh, this is a very bumpy road, in fact, from many dimensions, starting with the fact that the danube is a vital artery for us today. i will not even discuss the trade and military component, but the international component is clear, because russia was sitting there as the legal successor of the ssr, not a danube state, they said: we are temporarily not a danube state, you understand what they said there, but a huge amount of work was done , and our association for the integration of crimea and others proved that there are violations, and hers expelled, this is important, this is the second organization that i know, the first was the council of europe, from which russia was excluded for violating international law, and we have to work further, we have a situation with the turkish language.
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turkey is a key player in the black sea region. turkey is vital for us and for further support of the crimean people's resistance against aggression and support of our efforts during the occupation of crimea. we have to work with this country. we have to prove that we have a common position regarding security in the region, regarding its various dimensions security well, as an example, you know, maybe there is such a thing as the syrian express. yes, when the aggressor transports cargo to syria, this is stolen grain and military. equipment and something in syria to the ports of the black sea, maybe you know, among other things, that syria is not just a regime that destroys its own population, what they build their budget on, the so-called, you know, they have little left there on the drug trade, syria has become a supplier of drugs for the entire arab world, for a large part of the limited so cautious eastern world, so and it is transported, in particular, to the occupied crimea, sorry bulkerami. by sea vessels, and this
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is already, excuse me, a dimension that even goes beyond the traditional security dimensions, and by the way, these nine agreements, he just mentioned it, they put there risks that come from our occupied territories, separate the risks we on... we hardly even discuss with an example, this is organized crime that uses the occupied territory as a gray zone, and this is precisely what worries many countries, and we have to share this concern with them and to give hints on how to help us with this, because for example the same occupation administrations, so-called in occupied crimea, and in melitopol, yevhenichisk, they are merged with the mafia, that's right, it's not just that, of course, the russians rely on criminals. not just , you know, on collaborators or on criminals against the state, this is a general criminal crime, for example, human trafficking, yes, pedophilia, sorry on an industrial scale, so that you understand the situation regarding crimea, and this issue we have to put on the table of our partners with with evidence and proof, and not just showing
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respect to talk about the cognitive impact on the population of the occupied territory. meanwhile , on the territory of the occupied peninsula, we see how russia violates and continues to violate. a criminal case against representatives of, for example, crimean solidarity, and this week we saw that russia opened the next criminal case administrative proceedings against lutvia, khanumzodieva and other crimean tatars, and also this week there was news that russia is planning in crimea, plans to call for 15,000 more of his army. this is how you assess this latest news and are there any recommendations for citizens of ukraine who... live in the territory of the temporarily occupied territory, how to escape from the ranks of the russian army of the russian federation? you know, here this problem is old, and there are always conflicting answers to it, why? because we have slogans and there is life, well, certain slogans,
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so not as an example, so go go to captivity, but they say, with an example, the general question of how to be crimean tatars in this situation, there are two options: wait and leave, someone says, respectable people are expected. the question is what can wait, you know? my advice to everyone who is at risk of leaving the occupied territories, you can return, it is tragic, this is a very tragic story, leaving the historical homeland, i understand it, but it is better to return alive, to return your own family, than to become another victim of the occupiers, this choice , it has to be, and today we see that directly, let's say, this may most likely, well, maybe there won't be a ukrainian one. above bakhchesarai, and in these situations , it is impossible to say that tomorrow, already tomorrow, everything will be fine, you know that, it is a certain, as they say, responsibility to say so, and therefore i would advise you to always evaluate the situation in the following way, if you are in a risk zone, and the risk zone is very broad, in fact this is any
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conscripted crimean tatar youth, this is any person who has done anything socially active in his life, this is a person of faith, yes, because we see how they painfully treat any- any really believing person, this applies not only to the crimean tatars, they persecute several religious groups, for them any unification, not simply, as they say from above, but any unification from below on the basis of the separation of certain spiritual values, for them it is a danger, ugh, and therefore such a person, to be there on the peninsula is a risk zone, and i have always said that, the number of political prisoners in crimea is determined only by the occupation system, how much they can digest, and i'm sorry, to fight them simply with help or there is help for families or promotion. attention to international platforms, all this should be done, but it will not solve the problem, it will drain the sea spoon, tomorrow we will free 20 people, we will exchange them, there will be some mechanism, they will put 100 new ones in jail the day after tomorrow, well, because the whole people are simply hostages, yes the whole people, and in order for the people not to be hostages, it is to reduce the number of hostages, it's sad,
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but it's the truth from which we have to start, that is, if i understand correctly, now we see that there are negotiations between ukraine and turkey regarding the release of crimean tatar... prisoners, but we saw the news in the meantime that russia does not really want to release the crimean tatars, namely crimean tatars, there are still agreements regarding prisoners of war, but if we are talking about political prisoners, russia simply does not want, what do you think, why? well, look, the problem is that there is a question of exchanging prisoners of war, often the aggressor is interested, as they say, in exchanges in order to get certain categories of their prisoners of war, this is not a secret, so they... go for it in general, yes, regarding civilian hostages, they have a standard position, it is very difficult, they are very reluctant to go for it, of course, you can always offer such, as they say, clients from whom they cannot refuse, but there are certain
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questions here, and whether we have these clients, that is a question for our law enforcement officers, we have a huge number of authorities regarding crimea, we see a lot of absentee certain decisions, this is a right. that's right, let something be done in 10 years, but let's say it directly, if we had more arrests of those collaborators who are not from the mainland, believe me, they are, here we should have uncertain, only legal knowledge, a certain political will, an example regarding those still the owners of the real beneficiaries of businesses in crimea, yes, if we had several such beneficiaries of businesses, well, we modeled them, but they are behind bars, like medvedchuk, would mr. putin or his crimean cronies agree to an exchange? it's a lot of money, it's the beneficiaries, they know a lot, believe me, they would exchange all the crimean tatar hostages, but for that political will is needed, and what about the role of turkey? and turkey is an intermediary that has its own interest, turkey has a lot of
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its own interests, treat them with respect, it is a sovereign independent state, it has democracy as the basis of governance, there are also democratic competitive processes, and a lot of interests in turkey depend on geostrategic interests, the political interest of the competition of political forces, we see the results of local elections, they are, let's say, special, for some painful, for others... joyful , but then there will be the next election, and in this, and it affects the politics of turkey, and the third situation, with all due respect to turkey, is an economic crisis, uh, there is an economic crisis, and today they have, well, they want, frankly, to have economic benefits from all sides, this is life, we have to take it into account, that's why we have to perceive such mediation taking into account these three, as they say, factors, and these three factors are objective and this is not it, we cannot criticize the turkish language for this, it.. life, of course, it is interesting that in occupied crimea, the russian
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authorities began to detain not only crimean tatars, not only ukrainians, yesterday there was news that they detained russian neo-nazis, who seemed to be organizing their activities with imperial flags, that's so interesting people are all wearing tattoos with different elements similar to the swastika, but they are connected to the special services of ukraine. they seem to be connected with ukraine, that is, for them there is not even a formal principle, that if you are a russian nationalist, then you are safe, if you are disloyal to putin, they will come to you anyway, that was all the time, what was b specifics until the 22nd year, look, i said about it many times, this is a mantra for some diplomatic ways, yes, yes , unfortunately, politics, with which someone tried to fight, then had problems because of it, yes someone just turned a blind eye to it, when we
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talk a lot about political prisoners, about crimea and allow the most powerful ukrainian beneficiaries to have business there, we do not punish collaborators, a person who just lives in crimea, as they say, who, excuse me, has a certain life experience, she sees it all, she perceives it critically, correctly, and she understands the situation until the 22nd year, which , unfortunately, the situation of this gray zone that was there, is for a long time. a person adjusts his life, the life of his children, he mostly does not perceives the occupiers as a just and legitimate government, and that is normal, but she understands that this is for a long time, and that is why there are many people, both crimean tatars and non-crimean tatars, this challenge is just general here, they until the 22nd year, as they say, did not show their public position, because it was them, as you know, like the soviet era, people always kept this muzzle, as they say, in their pockets, and then in 1991... it moved, although it seems that everyone voted as they say, for lenin, stalin and other such, as they say,
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strongholds. the question is different. what has changed? after the 22nd year, two things changed. first thing, yes, three. the first thing, everyone understood that this gray area, this gray zone, it is not, it is not endless, as they say, it will end. a great war cannot go on for centuries, now for 12 centuries. the great war will end in a few years with the defeat of russia in one form or another. this will definitely lead to a change in the situation in crimea. how is the second. question, but there will definitely be a change, and absolutely everyone understands this, from the crimean gauleiter to the last, as they say, the crimean bum, what will change is the first, second, second, this, secondly, this is important, this is the maximum total persecution of a ukrainian, that is, for the very fact that you are not just a citizen of ukraine there, that you are an ethnic ukrainian, that you simply know, you sing a ukrainian song, for that they began to persecute, and thirdly, these are crimes, whether war crimes are committed in controlled territory, murder. the murder directly, let's put it this way, the terrible things that the russian federation and the posipaks did, these three
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factors, they affect the consciousness of any crimean, people simply cannot remain silent physically, they have a normal person, she can no longer restrain herself, that's why it's a wave, and that's why these phenomena have become thousands, they see in two years about a thousand people will be punished, thank you very much, thank you, this is a signal that crimeans are already waiting for the liberation of crimea and understand that this whole system destroys everything. boris babin , former representative of the president of ukraine in the autonomous republic of crimea, as well as gulsum khalilova, yanitsky, were on our air. what can you feel when a piece of flesh is constantly being cut off from you, what can you feel, i understand that i am definitely not like that
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i expected to see, this is just hell on ... earth, they work as fabs, these are front-line aerial bombs that simply destroy, destroy buildings, factories of people, hello, men, what are you, all alive, put down your hands, yours, the city is raped by russian ammunition , the difficulties are such, the difficulties are such, and the residents who are nearby, no one is ready to help, almost all of them have left, somehow we come in, we see the picture. a person is lying, smoking, there is a hole in the roof of the ceiling, and there was a garden, oh my god, there was a very cozy yard, and two russian rockets hit the plane at the same time to this five-story building, it's really like someone took your past, your memories, there is hope that
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one day i will return there and hug again, hug with... hmm: ukrainian cities destroyed by the russian army are not just stones and ashes, these are the schoolyards where children played, these are the streets we adults used to go to work, these are the squares where lovers walked and grandparents and grandchildren rested, these are the places where life was boiling, and it ended on february 24, 2022, this donbas realities and i, olya terebynska, and today we will tell: about some cities of ukraine that no longer exist. the russian army in ukraine uses scorched earth tactics. artillery and aviation simply iron residential quarters, turning them into ruins. in this issue, we will talk about avdiivka, bahmud and marinka with those who lived there and who can compare what happened and what happened to these cities.
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very great sadness after i saw peaceful places, and i saw my place destroyed again, well, you are not surprised by sinkholes, you are not surprised by destroyed houses. unfortunately, probably because, i say, you get used to it, air bombs, which was very painful, when the sixth school burned down, where children studied, and my wife worked as a librarian, and we also started to hold some active
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activities there with the school community, now we will show you our school, and also the evil of educational classes. during the two years of russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine, russian forces razed avdiyivka to the ground. most of the life of our hero oleksiy is connected with this city. here he is sitting in the kitchen with his wife, but the kitchen is gone. the house was there when i last stopped by. without windows, without doors, but stood, well, that's it you also sadly go into your house, where you find something there, well, it’s still impossible to get everything out, there you find your daughters there , a rubik’s cube, which she thinks, oh, maybe they will have something there one day, took it away, the saddest thing was in her house, even if he was, well, more or less a survivor, but all
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the same, the same constant thoughts about how beautiful it was here, oleksiy took the family out of... the city back in february 22nd. he himself returned to the widow to help those who could not leave. the difficulties are as follows. and from those residents who nearby, no one is ready to help? almost everyone left, people sat until the last, then with such a bombardment. it was also a discovery for me that a lot of people had mobile phones in avdiivka, even i didn't, well , i couldn't even guess that there were so many, that is, there were nine of them. eighth floors, i don't even remember how many people, either without a leg, or there, well, who couldn't get close, we somehow enter, see a picture, lie down. a person smokes, there is a hole in the roof in the ceiling, and there is a garden there hanging during his trips to avdivka
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, oleksiy often visited arkady, who was working full-time at the local music school. arkady decided to stay in the city, in the winter of the 23rd he was killed by a russian shell. arkady, you can have the keys arkady, you can. please, the keys from the 26th and 27th, i'm going to the mountain to rehearse, get it, for the first time, russia occupied avvidka back in 2014, when the russian federation started a war against ukraine, but the city was liberated in three months. at that time , for example, i didn't have one i'm afraid that not, although i remember when i was going to donetsk through the checkpoint, i was a little afraid that now i will show what i don't want to do with my behavior. here you see, yes, something like that. since then, avdiivka has become a front-line town. there were signs of a close neighborhood with occupied donetsk. well, in avdiivka itself.
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avdiivka itself is basically safe until fellow separatists start shelling it with mortars. i remember how in the 17th year there was also a week, i think, in the winter, when there was also some intensification of hostilities in the city flew in, i don’t know, there, well, someone was killed, they flew in, and they made us such a headquarters at the stadium, the ministry of emergency situations, put up tents, heating, because there was a risk that the pipe was broken, not the pipe, but the heating from the factory, yes, we didn’t we don't want to go anywhere, we've already been to slovyansk, that 's enough of us, the widow in the recent past was an industrial city, there were more than a dozen here. enterprises, among which is the largest producer of coke, sulfuric acid and mineral fertilizers in europe, the avdiiv coke-chemical plant with a rather large industrial zone. its not for long was mothballed in 2015 during active
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hostilities, but soon resumed work. our factory is the best, our factory is the best, the best, and it is the best in the city, and our city lives because there is a factory. in 2018, avdivka began to turn into a city of festivals. oleksiy and his colleagues organized various creative events when famous ukrainian musicians, writers, and artists came. they, in turn , painted the walls of many floors. there was even an alley of murals. i remember, even, when serhiy eagerly asked me, says oleksiy, and he is any safety guarantees? hello everyone, we are zhadan the dog from kharkiv, and this saturday we will play in avdiivka at the art festival. it will be fun, it will be interesting, it will be creative. come, we'll see each other, we'll shake things up. in the fall of the 21st, the last festival was held in avdiivka, and by march 23rd, due to the russian assaults , almost nothing was left of the city. well, in my
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opinion, aviation is used to simply destroy a city, to simply wipe it off the face of the earth. they work as fabs, they are front-line air bombs that simply destroy. destroying buildings, factories and people, the enemy is concentrating its forces to push us away from the foothills of donetsk region. from a tactical point of view , it is very advantageous, there is also an iron interchange that goes from donetsk, supply of weapons, supply of bc, it is also at a height. in february 24, the ukrainian military came out for.
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who were involved in this battle, let's say this, the ratio of forces and means was one to five, one to seven, and if we say that 40-50 thousand stormed the russian bokivka, divided by 8 or 10, and it turns out that these are 5-7 of our troops, i.e. actually two brigades, two brigades against the background of dozens of brigades, can it be called such a large-scale battle based on quantitative data? well, i would say no, but according to the tension, according to the intensity of the battles, according to the desperation of these battles, you can talk about it, you can
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talk about it as about... one battle, which actually left its mark in the history of this war already definitively, in there was a big wooden table for us, and we were such a beautiful cherry, and in the spring there, when it was getting warmer, we already started to have breakfast or there dine at the table on weekends. and when we were with our children, we also had familiar journalists or friends come to us so often, and everyone really liked this kind of family family circle, sometimes they played the guitar in the evenings, well, i guess these family evenings probably won't come back in any case. and there are
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dozens of cities like avdiyivka in donetsk region alone, it is still impossible to calculate the exact number. if we are talking about the donetsk region, which was destroyed at the end of september 2023, according to the data of the donetsk regional military-civilian administration 41 settlement in full and according to the data of the ministry of community development, territories and infrastructure of ukraine. 18,121 objects of the housing stock were destroyed, but it should be said that these are objects that are fixed, which will need to be rebuilt, how many are not fixed, this is still work, well, for the future.
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a quiet, cozy, calm childhood, my grandfather made a tennis table out of metal in the yard, my grandfather worked at the then artemivsk non-ferrous metal processing plant, he made a tennis table out of metal, sometimes we were children when... it was already getting dark , lay down on this tennis table, we looked at these stars, the stars above bakhmut, they were so bright, so mysterious, sometimes something moved there, we thought that enlo was flying, but there was a very cozy yard, and two russian rockets
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hit the plane at the same time. .. just on this five-story building, it coincided so much that my colleague serhiy horbatenko, a journalist of donbas reality, comes from bakhmut. and he shared his memories and an exclusive video. serhiy himself filmed it in the city, which is now completely destroyed. before that, bakhmut was one of the most beautiful and of the oldest cities of donbas, its business cards are not mines and factories, but champagne and salt. in 1950 , the artemiv factory of champagne wines already existed. fighters use bottles lying idle. when bahmud was already
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being shelled, i went there, made stories from these arrivals, showed the deaths of people, and my mother kept saying: take the canning, because i was making it, something would be lost, and in the end it so happened that the only thing i took from of this apartment, these are my father's fishing rods and a bag of bakhmut salt. well, about five kilograms, and i like to cook borscht, soups, various dishes, me i know that bakhmut salt is the best, for this it was created simply by god himself, in order to cook delicious food, and currently here in kramatorsk, this bag is with me, it is about half empty.


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