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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  May 2, 2024 10:00am-11:01am EDT

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stuart: where are you now. is that a hint, a question for president biden? where are you? why nothing on the student protests, 10:00 eastern, let's get to the money, the gains have moderated a little but still have the dow up a hundred points, nasdaq up 86. look at the dow 30. more winners than losers right there, the year treasury yield is at 4. 63% edging away from 47. the 2-year is under 5%. the price of oil below $80, 7883 and bitcoin is floundering around $58,000 a coin. that's the markets and now this.
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throughout the night, we've been watching shocking images from the ucla campus, at 2 am local time police officers stopping to take down the 45 protest encampments. the organizers shifted plywood to build those barricades, strobe lights to blind to the police, tends, bullhorns, food and all the women needed, it was organized by leftist groups. the new york times interviewed lisa pitkin, 6-year-old professional agitator, she's not a student but she was right in the middle of the columbia occupation, she's a trainer for left-wing protesters and tells them how to do it. the far left now has another platform for their anti-american, anti-western views and a strategy of disruption masquerading as free speech and they are going to take it to the democrat convention in chicago three months from now. the anarchists, they will join with the anti-semites to create
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mayhem. this is not going to be a plus for biden, he's not directly address the anti-semitism on college campuses, he defense free speech, but occupying get will things and harassing jews has nothing to do with free speech, democrats are in real trouble with this. in the face of blatant anti-semitism they've done nothing. donald trump is stuck in court under a gag order but made his views clear, because the protesters raging lunatics and wants them thrown out. one more issue trump gets in front in leads and biden retreats and abdicates. second hour of varney just getting started. [applause] >> molly hemingway with me this morning, the president hasn't said anything on anti-semitism, the protests, since april 27th and that was after one of our reporters shouted a question at
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him. how long can he avoid speaking? >> these protests whether they remain peaceful or become violent are based on lies but they are lies in this case about the country of israel and similar to what we've seen with other protests based on lies such as the anti-american protests, they gallon rights and things like that the democratic party has embraced lies about our country and professors versus victims. president biden can't reject they hate the to happening on campus without rejecting what his party has been doing, calling their political opponents racists and trying to get people into victimizer classes so that is why he's being so silent. stuart: stuart: the white house was pressed about this.
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>> the president has taken questions on this. he condemns those who don't understand what's going on with the palestinians. what do you say to critics who say he's trying to have it both ways, essentially trying to talk about anti-semitism and what's going on with the palestinians? >> i would say to those critics he's not doing both sides scenario here. stuart: i think kay jp just made your point, right? >> he clearly did a both sides situation which isn't the worst thing in the world for a president to talk about how there are people with differences of opinion that should be tolerated. the problem is the media and other people who push democrat messaging is when donald trump said there were good people who don't want to tear down statutes and good people who do want to tear down statues he was vilified for it for years.
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he was asked every day why didn't you say it in this way or that, here you have president biden being generous to people who are supporting hamas and the palestinians in gaza, they are pretending they didn't do both sides but it is because the democrat party has so embraced this ideology, marxist ideology of putting people in different classes of victim or victimizer, they do but is what are they going to do? stuart: victim ologies the story of the day, thanks for joining us, see you again soon. ucla protesters, this is before they were all cleared out overnight. ucla protesters were making wild requests. what were they asking for? >> gluten-free food, no bananas, no nuts, no bagels, no coffee, zip ties, shields, epipen this, aerosol toggles, elbow pads, utility gloves
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without reinforce knuckles, bright flashlights with strobes, scanner helmets and would to construct a barrier. they are being guided and advised and discussed what would we do, what would we need if the police eventually come in and read this camp that we set up, that is what they would need. blue one who supplied this? lauren: outside donors. this request came from students for justice in palestine. stuart: we've been through this in the first hour of the show. why no coffee? lauren: in don't know. stuart: why no bananas? >> they might have been inundated with them. some people say everyone is making so much about no bagels, not because of the israeli origin but they have a lot of bagels already. it is crazy stuff. stuart: on the market this morning, 36 into the session, still a little bit of green, we have some green, 50 on the dow, 42 on the nasdaq.
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gary, did the fed announcement yesterday end the market correction? >> i don't think so. it started march 8th and i don't think it has ended yet even though he did not lower interest rates, he duties monetary policy by slowing the on printing of all his money printing which supposedly is going to help, the big issue, i will tell you again, watch the 10 year yield, that is the free market. if it keeps going up it's going to be very tough for the market to get going again and interesting enough it was down markedly yesterday but is back up is backup markedly today and i think that is why the markets, they opened up and stock early in the day. i think there's more price, being very patient here. stuart: apple reports after the bell this afternoon. what was apple need to do to get it stock price moving? as you said it hasn't done much
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since late 2021. >> december of 2,020 one. the brilliant adam johnson gave the particulars. i give you a broad. they have to grow their sales again. the problem for apple, they do $375 billion a year revenues. the bad problem is they do $375 billion in revenues and it is tough to grow at that point so if they don't grow sales it is just stocks that stay down and not much, estimates for today could be down again about 3% year over year, that has got to change in the little worry is they do autos and they weren't going to do autos and now they are not doing it anymore and now all of a sudden it is a i this and a eyes and ai that. i want to see some real evidence of something new that will grow the business more and i will get back in the stock and it is not there yet. stuart: speculate for me.
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if biden wins in november, and if the democrats took back the house, just suppose those two things happen, what would happen to the market? >> as of now, biden pulling off one of the greatest financial scams on this country in history, he was raised deficits $2 trillion-$3 trillion a year while telling the country he is lowering them. he has raised the size of government 70% over the last five years and wanting to do even more and i keep this little sticky pad on my wall now. the second part of the scam, 20 to 44.65% long-term capital gains, this incentivizes holding long-term. and unrealized taxes he wants to put 25% on which is insane and incalculable and also wants to throw in a nice little wealth tax, scam on, the house, senate, keep the white house,
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we are in big trouble because -- the government, and item, squashing the economy. i hate what we are seeing and it is nightmarish if he gets away with it. rob: stuart: there is one big mover on the market and that will be carvana. lauren: $6,400, what they did is switched their strategy from growth to profitability, cost cutting, you're getting 33% of that today. stuart: during the pandemic that stock went to $3 a share. lauren: almost 0. we will now it is back to 150. i call this company the shotski people. lauren: the most i can say is a meaningful increase in their
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active buyers and they have a lot of competition a challenging environment from chinese companies that sell a lot of cheaper stock. blue one put palatine on the screen for me please, $3 a share down 6%. lauren: it had rallied on news that the ceo is stepping down and they are cutting jobs, losing their workforce by 15%, the stock went up as typically happens and palatine has a lot of problems, investors change their minds, $3 stock down 7%. stuart: the white house is considering putting palestinian refugees into the united states but arab nations have steal their borders, won't let them in. julian turner, anti-israel protesters from ucla turned violent as police in riot gear broke up the massive encampment. the admin attrition has been dodging questions why biden has yet to get directly involved, congressman russell fry on that next.
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stuart: 45 newton, dowser beatty, nasdaq up 58 points. some gains, not too solid. white house considering a plan to take palestinian refugees, bring them here from gaza. julian turner is with us. how will they that these refugees? >> reporter: officials are considering this plan that would grant refugee status to some palestinians, folks were trapped in gaza but have us citizen relatives. sources are telling us pushing the narrative that if this decision is made it wouldn't be something that is entirely new.
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>> we don't have anything to announce at this time but i want to lay out a little bit and take a step back of what we've been able to do since the beginning of the conflict. we have helped more than 1800 american citizens and their families leave gaza many of whom have come to the united states. >> reporter: the white house said in a statement tuesday, quote, the best path forward is to assist exchange a cease-fire that will stabilize the situation and pave the way to a 2 state solution. republicans are not happy with these leaked plans. senator josh valles accusing the botnet initiation of throwing the doors open to terrorism. >> we don't need anymore pro-hamas radicals in this country and we saw the images from these campuses, why would the american taxpayer paid to bring over more of these folks, we ought to be deporting radicals and terrorists, not importing them on taxpayers. >> reporter: this comes as 27%
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of americans say the most important problem facing the us right now is immigration, topping polling for the third consecutive month. in february president biden made some moves to extend the stay of palestinians already here in the united states delaying their deportation dates, the white house and the state department making the case that they've been trying to help palestinians since the beginning of the conflict. this is an extension if they do this of something they have been doing for several months. stuart: i think i understand that. thanks very much indeed. donald trump says biden's plan to take in these refugees is not feasible. watch this. stuart: >> they will be impossible to vet, as a result of chain migration the numbers will explode beyond control. it's going to be out of control because under chain migration they can bring everybody they
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ever touched. under no circumstances should we bring thousands of refugees from hamas-controlled terrorist epicenters, gaza to america, just can't do it. stuart: russell fry joins us this morning. is trump right, don't take them in? >> i think he is. 70% of the palestinians support hamas, how do you fat that in our country you are an area in which they continue to prop up this terrorist organization. it's impossible to vet that and the ridiculousness of this is we have american citizens that are hostages in gaza right now and this administration is prioritizing the palestinians over american citizens. it's absurd. stuart: so don't bring them in period, can you do anything about that in congress? >> we hope so. the pressure is there and what the american people are not
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happy about this announcement so we hope the biden administration keeps these people out that might want to do our country harm. of the one next one. according to a new report biden's aids believe the protests at these colleges will blow over. they don't think it is worth it for biden to weigh in. what do you say? >> in a time we need actual leadership in the white house we again have absolutely none. it is abhorrent when these jewish students can't go to school and jewish professors are barred from entering college campuses, canceling commencement's, we have no voice of rationality from the white house. it is patently ridiculous again that we are not waiting into this, you are seeing the actions on campus and the destruction being caused by these petulant children, we need real leadership in the white house to condemn these things.
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stuart: can you imagine what the response would be if black students were being run off campus, if gay students were being run off campus, anybody other than jews, what would the reaction be? outrage across the board. >> exactly right. the selective playing footsie with these radicals is not the way to go, you need to call it out for what it is, we don't need a neville chamberlain style approach to this where you just ignore it and think it goes away, you need to call it out for what it is, and resources and help, at least your megaphone to these universities that should be doing the right thing in shutting down these demonstrations. stuart: can't we hold these universities accountable? can't we hold these organizations which are providing the goods for these demonstrators, hold them accountable. stuart: i think you can. time to look at these foundations and endowments, the tax-exempt status under title vi, these are things i think
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congress can examine when they are allowing these very bigoted demonstrations to take place on college campuses. of the one all night long we have been watching what's going on at ucla. they have finally cleared it out. congressman russell fry, thanks for joining us, see you again soon. two taught house republicans my release stefanik and mike turner calling for perjury probe into michael cohen, the star witness in trump's, trial. what is congresswoman stefanik saying about this? ashley: she says the justice department is turning a blind eye toward cohen who admitted that he lied at an intelligence committee hearing in 2019 when testifying about allegations against trump. cohen worked as trump's lawyer and fixer before he turned against him. to fennec and congressman turner are urging the doj to take a cup a criminal referral against cohen, declined to follow-up, in a statement
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stefaniak said, quote, the biden administration's attempt to stonewall this investigation is another example of biden's lawfair against donald trump, it's time president biden stop weapon icing the federal government against his leading political opponents and as you said indeed cohen is one of the star witnesses against trump in the hush money trial so the doj doesn't want to do anything right now. stuart: polls show a growing number of people view trump's trial as purely political. brent brazil is going to join us on how the mainstream media is covering trump's legal troubles. more attention being put on those who are funding the anti-israel protests. the new york post reporter group funded by george soros has been encouraging protesters. madison alworth will have that story next.
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stuart: an hour into the trading session, the pickup for the dow up one hundred 50 points, nasdaq up 85, lauren is looking at the movers and we better start with moderna.
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lauren: up 8%, no one is getting the covid shot, not what about come to market, the fall target date for the launch of their rsv shot and also posted to than expected fiscal results. stuart: i thought vaccines were falling out of favor, all vaccines. lauren: the mra in a vaccine is being used for many things including cancer. stuart: michelle, oil company. >> 7. $7 billion profit because of everything going on in the middle east and the red sea and also announced 3. $5 billion share buyback, $72.62%. we won what with the greenys say over that? stuart: the stock is up. active customers, 22 million spending on average $537 each, better-than-expected numbers better for an 11% gain. stuart: officials are warning outside agitators funded the ongoing anti-israel protests.
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madison alworth joins me at new york university. tell me. do we know who these outside agitators are and who is funding them? >> reporter: we know some of the agitators and we have learned more about the funding of these protests across the country. back to monday night on columbia campus, one person was out of place. lisa has been described as a, quote, professional agitator. she has been involved in protests for decades with no clear ties to columbia but she was a monday night directing students on how to occupy hamilton hall. when two columbia students were trying to block the pro-palestine protesters from getting inside. watch. >> 5678. >> funding -- >> 1234. >> occupation no more.
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>> reporter: she has been charged in the past up to $300 per day for her activist training. she has said she was not to paid to be at columbia but she is a small piece of a larger problem. these anti-israel protests that have been disrupting colleges across the country are being supported by left-wing powerhouses giving millions of dollars to protest groups and at times paying individual protesters. since 2016 the open society foundations founded by george soros has given $15 million to pro palestine groups, family charities have given directly, sometimes indirectly to groups like students for justice in palestine. those groups have been pivotal in setting up the encampment and protests on college campuses like the ones at harvard, yale, and columbia. video from the group's page on instagram shows themselves burning the occupation of hamilton hall in columbia, the
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caption saying, quote, glory to all our martyrs but it also seems some of the protesters in the crowd are directly paid. the new york post reporting at least three colleges, yale, ut, and berkeley, there are protesters that are fellows of the soros funded, quote, us campaign for palestinian rights. that group pays protesters thousands of dollars to spend 8 hours a week organizing palestinian campaigns. we are down here at nyu where over my shoulder you can see the cam and is here. in the past it has been reestablished, very similar playbook if you will, encampment here, encampment at columbia, at yale. when you understand the similarities and understand the similarities in funding. we one great stuff, thank you very much. the president of the media research center, brent brazil, joined me now. brent studies the media and what they are up to so two questions for you.
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number one. how was the media covering the campus unrest and deal with how the media is covering trump trials, start with the campus unrest please. >> campus unrest. there's a normal rule which is the analysis before the event or after the event where you see real bias but when it is hard news of an event it tends to be pretty good. there are exceptions to the rule and we are talking an exception to the rule. there are three elements of this in the hard news phase that fox is covering, they should all be covering but are not. the agitators, the professional people who are causing trouble funded by radical left-wingers, house that not a story, second, the comments being made, the chants, hamas, we love you, we support you, putting up signs
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that say a final solution from the river to the sea, all these messages that say kill israelis. not political, kill israelis. the third, the big one, this is all couched under a pro-palestinian, it's not pro-palestinian, it is pro-hamas. they are not saying this is endorsing a radical terrorist movement that slaughters thousands of is raley's, donald trump, recent surveys showing why is donald trump going up in the polls? the public is seeing the puppet trials that are taking place, they are saying this is fundamentally unfair. he is being kept off the campaign trail through lawsuits that are being thrown at him. when he is going up, for 5 or 6
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points in the polls in a courtroom, that tells you the public is fed up with this and it is backfiring on the left. stuart: next one. i wanted to listen to what nicole wallace said about the threat trump poses to democracy. >> depending what happens in november seven months from now, i might not be sitting here, might not be a white house correspondents dinner or free press. will democracy fall apart immediately without it? the threat looms larger. a candidate with outward disdain not just for the free press but all our freedoms and the rule of law itself. stuart: wallace thinks trump will destroy democracy. do you think the media is destroying democracy? >> the same people that are chanting the trump is trying to end democracy have nothing to
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say when there were attempting 36 of 50 states of the united states to keep donald trump off the ballot, and the supreme court by a unanimous, 920 vote declared it was unconstitutional, that it was in fact an attack on democracy. it is the same hypocrites doing this. welcome to today's world. stuart: never changes, great stuff, come and see us again, don't be a stranger. just getting this coming at us, president biden will give remarks shortly. we will bring that to you when it happens. not sure what those remarks will be about. more varney after this.
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up 88 points. closing argument begin today in the justice department's antitrust case against google, grady trimble joins us from the dc courthouse. bring us up to speed. what exactly is the doj accusing google of. >> the department of justice alleges google achieved its search engine market dominance illegalld unfairly by striking deals to become default search engine. during this trial which wrapped up last november and culminates today and tomorrow with closing arguments we learned in 2020 one alone google paid $26 billion primarily to apple but also other companies to get that default placement on phones and various web browsers. in a posttrial prefiled by the doj it says by controlling search default google ensures it has and will always have more scale than any generals
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search engine, this gives google and impenetrable advantage which when coupled with their control of relevant advertising markets allows google to monetize its searches in ways that rivals cannot. during the 10 week trial the ceos of microsoft and other search engine companies made case they had no shot taking on google as a result of these deals. for its part lawyers for google have argued it's the dominant player for simple reason, it offers the best products. in his own testimony off about ceo said its partnership with other companies made it seamless and easy for users to use our service. 's words. some legal scholars are comparing this case and others the doj has brought against big tech companies like apple and matter to the doj's suit against microsoft in the 90s that led that company to change its business practices which some say alternately made way
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for these newer tech giants which ironically now are getting sued for antitrust. as far as next steps, closing arguments again today and tomorrow, the judge will make a decision in this case several months from now and after that there will be a separate hearing good to go over what they call remedies which could include, quote, breakup of google through forced sale or some other penalty but the bottom line is this case under this the doj brought against the big tech giant could change the landscape of tech and the internet as we know it. stuart: real action is a long way away. >> yes. stuart: senators ted cruz and brian schatz unveiled a bill to limit children's access to social media. here's what senator cruz said on this program. >> it stands for kids under 13 that cannot be on social media. there's no reason for an 8 or
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9-year-old to be exposed to all the negative pressures and attacks that occur on social media. for anyone under 17 it prohibits big tech companies from using algorithmic boosting to push addictive messages to any school that receives federal funding, you have to block social media at school. stuart: the american federation for children joins me now. you heard senator cruz, what he proposes. under 13, not on social media, teens change the algorithms and schools block it. doesn't go far enough? >> we have in society now where violence and hate is perpetuated, we see this on college campuses and everywhere. to limit the use of social media for children maybe it will cut back on some of these. we see even in the k-12 space where it is happening for students the go to private
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schools, they have a higher political tolerance and increase in civil society. maybe this will help in that too. stuart: you want to remove kids from this whole area because it is dangerous to them. it is dangerous. >> not dangerous but in society right now we have such, the algorithm is going to perpetuate violence and hate. if we do something about it we should. stuart: don't we have to get used to this technology? it is poured on us all of a sudden. it is brand-new. less than half a generation into this. how are we going to get used to it? we have to organize in some way so the kids can use this technology. >> kids are using it. kids are using it, 13 is already the limit where you get a disclaimer on social media say are you 13 to use this platform but to enforce that little more it is up to the parents. of parents choose to have kids on social media that is their right, their decision and we
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should do everything to promote what parents want for their kids. blue when you are very much in favor of school choice. >> very in favor. kick it to the union. stuart: if you went toward school choice would that help get this social media out of the schools? >> there's a new study that just came out that says students who attend private schools have increase in civil society, increase in political tolerance so they are going from hostile environments like public schools into environments where they are wanted, seen, engaged. this all helps with the outcomes we want. stuart: restrict their access to social media, kick out the union and go for school choice. that about does it. >> sounds right. stuart: thank you for joining us.
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the ncaa facing lawsuit over student-athlete contracts. what is this about? ashley: the suit is brought by a bipartisan group of us states claiming student-athletes have been restricted from getting a better cut from the commercial use of their names, images, including video games and merchandise, legal action is being brought by tennessee, florida, new york, virginia and the district of columbia. they are challenging our rule that was created in 2021 that prevents prospect of students from reviewing compensation details for the use of their image and likeness before they choose which school to attend. the states claim that reduces competition among universities. more portly keeps athletes in the dark about how much money they could make from each school they are considering and ultimately preventing them from getting the best deal. in a statement the ncaa said it's working with states to reach an agreement but added
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the current rules were, quote, overwhelmingly supported by schools. stuart: we will talk to riley gains about that lawsuit in the next hour. thanks. president biden will give remarks from the white house shortly, we will bring it to you when it happened. this could be a big deal. more varney after this. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. (♪) is bad debt holding you back? ♪ the only limit is the sky ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it ♪
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stuart: residents in nashville growing concerned about the number of people moving to their city. when residences she wished people would stop moving there. john rich lives in nashville and is joining us from his house in nashville. welcome back to the show. tell us how you feel about newcomers coming to your town? >> there's a lot of them. we see a lot of california, illinois, new jersey, new york, we have no state income tax so people really like that. friends of mine from california, get a 13% range the second across the state line. stuart: i didn't like the way you referred to new jersey, that was almost contemptuous,
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new jersey. is that how you feel? >> i don't mind folks many of those states coming as long as they don't coming into our state and try to make things happen that were happening in their states which made them run out in the first place in come to tennessee and vote for the things that are here that made you want to come here in the first place. you hear what i'm saying. stuart: i really do. i live in new jersey and i know what you are talking about. stuart: there's a group of fraternity brothers at the university of north carolina protecting the american flag from anti-israel protesters. i know you love the store, you've gotten in touch with them. tell me more. >> reached out to these guys and said thank you for protecting the flag and honoring the flag. anybody that knows anything about the american flag, you're never supposed to do let it touch the ground or neri circumstances. when i saw those young men holding the flag up and keeping it from touching the ground i
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was so impressed by that that i reached out and i said if you guys ever want to have a big celebration for the flag and people to love it give me a call because i would love to do a free concert for you. we started talking about an and i think that is in the works. i will hit you up for it. they should be recognized for that. i think patriotism is alive and well in this country and there's a lot more people that love this country than don't. stuart: i hope you can start a movement. i would like to see that on other campuses. >> flag stop is a great name. freedom of speech, it is in the wide-open. stuart: a new season, the pursuit with john rich.
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on saturday night, what is in store for us. >> the news is so negative. on the receiving end, they pursued happiness, all backgrounds and all stripes. it is vivek ramaswamy and wolfgang pack. i got to sit with a great chef and talk about his pursuit of happiness. if you are looking good for a break, tune in and watch the pursuit saturday night. stuart: that is 8:00 eastern time. i will watch because i am one of those people who came to america and really loves the place. good man, see you soon. back to the markets real fast, we are up 137, 82 points higher for the nasdaq, still ahead. we are awaiting president biden. he is expected to deliver
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remarks any moment now. we will bring it to you live, third hour of "varney and company" moments away. after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" bacon and eggs 25/7. you're darn right. solar stocks are up 20% with the additional hour in the day. [ clocks ticking ] i'm ruined. with the extra hour i'm thinking companywide power nap. let's put it to a vote. [ all snoring ] this is going to wreak havoc on overtime approvals. anything can change the world of work.
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from hr to payroll, adp designs forward-thinking solutions to take on the next anything. (ella) fashion moves fast. (jen) so we partner with verizon to take our operations to the next level. (marquis) with a custom private 5g network. (ella) we get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. (jen) that's enterprise intelligence. (vo) it's your vision, it's your verizon.
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♪ jacqui: i like news. i like this kind of push. know what i mean. what do you think of me now? that was his song. just like that. little aggressive. all right, sports fans, it is 10:59 here on the east coast of these united states. not quite 11:00 yet. it's thursday, may 2 and waiting president biden's remarks from the white house and we'll bring them to you when we get them. quick market check, please. dow is up nearly 200 points and nasdaq up 114. the rally is built since the opening bell. not bad. alphabet, $1.39 and microsoft
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shy at $


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