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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  April 20, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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is now warning that bird flu slesshas found in, quote, veryc high concentrations of raw milok ,while noting that milk soldting in major retailers is still safe. a top w.h.o. official has expresse is stitod great concern overn or the virus because of its high mortality rate among humans that have been infected soof hig far, two cases of birdd have been confirmed among humansr to in our country, and rest of the public remains low . so you decide. unfortunately, that's all the time we have left this evening.e thank you for being with us. thank you for making the show possibleveningk you u. please set your dvr soever you never, ever, ever, ever inss an episodevere of hannity. in the meantime, let not t your heart be troubled. greg gutfeldr mi a will a smile on your face next. >> have a great weekend.
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>>at it is. >> w welcome to the tigers edition of gutfeld. >> now excuse me while i whi wp these out. t oh, fofor those of you who don'o know and living under a rock, amm tyrus, in for greg, who's currently out with his friend. just playing. speaking of playing in jokeskin uber has released their annual list of unusual items left behind in the car over the past year, which includes a man' s toupee. but uber was able to return it l to its rightful owner.
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>> love you, jesse. i proposed train station was canceled because it's an embarrassing design. barras >> resembles a massive sanitary pad. ohsiresembled a ma. u >> unfortunately, the new design isn't much better better . told you that don't work, tom. all right. >> president biden said that the number one overall wnba pres, clarke, should be making more money. well, if she want to do that, she should probably get a real job in texas. >> say, one more and she can. the concession stands need to be cleaned up after games. >> another sexism force would say no more. >> just kidding. i like my job. mavericks of a 20 personperson polyamorous relationship,ng out
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are speaking out about their unconventional lifestyle. uncobut in america, we alreadye have a large group of people that everyon e congress. on this day in 1934, the first laundromat opened in fort worth, texas1934 t. >> and you'll never guesss an who was there to cut the ribbon . >> okay, let's get serious and let's do the monologue. tonight, i wan andt to talk about opinions. i'm going to share. y >> and you canou all yell at yor tv. these days. opinions are like genders. everyone has 50.ha which is about 48. more than you need. h is 4it's like doritos. >> you can have a million flavors, but we only really need bu two because when it comeso be to our national discourse, notca all are created equal. >> it's how dumb is drowneatdedu out the of reason. just because you're louder doesn't mean you're smarten r. >> otherwise, msnbc wouldherwis be full of geniuses.
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>> look to have a good opinion ,you got to do a little work. just having feelings is in facts. glancingt having information and freaking out. what's an opinion without facts? basically, it's a tantrum, a shouting match or worse, both . >> you can have an opinion and so can somebody else. and then two people argue over their opinion like both are spitting facts. and then just when you think the conversation couldn't get any worse, opinionfaxing wsk inbred cousins shows up feelings and feelings are lies that we tell ourselves to make ourselves feellies better about being a dumb. the facts. s ths notur feeour feeling the other way around. if you start with your othes irrelevant.our th and that's bad. we have tofe fo many people in charge who are just fact up. thy they don't know what the factth they're doing or talking about. >> here are some examples. it is simple. me >> you name the crime. did you watch him steal something? piracy
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corruption statutes, rico. and what is it? what is. what is the crime? sir, rico is not a crime. >> it is a category. we've got a solar eclipse. a we've got. also, i learned that the cicada leas are. >> all those things what? >> me?d want to believe that either climate change exists? that'smayb belie more is which are going to turn over 1,300,000,000 trillion trillion dollars billion trump cash tax00 quint.s we walk the walk. a full moo n is that complete rounded circle which is made up mostly of gasep mosts. n we how could we as humans live on the moon? the gas is such that we could do that. it is almost impossible to go near the sun, the s >> that's another planet which you're going to see shortlhorty >> so you see there are all this everywhere. >> even in art galleries. >> but they would tell you it's
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my. >> so it's my truth. 's ms r. you >> what these geniuses are missing is that you need knowledge and informatiowhy min. i'll say it again.ri kids experience. let's all say itence a. >> experience. but it's not jus itt famousus people. it's everywhere. think of all the dope famo eve tiktok as iff they they built jerusalem and fought in the crusades. buile i watchh a documentary on childbirth and started lecturing women about how they shouland thend cs the legs when they have the baby because nobody wants to seet ho that.g ch but then again, i'm not the one to talk about birth control. when i take a family photo, weoe have to book multiple days. my daughter got. >> daddy, who are all these people? >> oh, but this is how. and why we see no debates with the woke or the protesters for hama sees. the problem with those feelings is they don't have to be trueevl
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or even logical. that's how you end up with foor palestinupe, who i'd call hands- for chick-fil-a. now to be fair, i don't wantde to assume they're genders, but whenever are called on it,n' they can't answer or they get triggered. >> the good news is whenr ge with facts. most normal people can change their minds. remembert normal this doing a qk petition to help hamas free. palestine. you're all in. y ohou yeah, you're in. easy. i just have to read the terms and conditions. you knowyou know what you're sig by supporting hamas free palestine. you agree to the following. and you agree that every, christian and non-muslim in the world must be slaughterea chrid i know about that one. you endorse making homosexuality punishable by, h? >> youeat oh, you don't agree with that. you believe iran use palestinians as puppets to spread radical and destroy the wests ?
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>> no, no. i'm glad i read the terms of agreement. >> it's amazing. we do a little research, ing wh but people like that whoen are willing to listen are the exception these days . ay those are the ones we need to reach. instead of giving the spotlight to people ones neee who don't kw what the fact they're talking about. but that's jus spotlit my opinion. >> hashtag tag said. all right, let's welcome. all right. e let's welcome tonight's guests. like a nascar race, she's loud and loved by white people. "new york times" best selling author and fox newsd contributor, captain. he's picked up more men than heidi fleiss. actor, pro wrestler, co-host of tyrus and the wise men podcast, aaron hadad. she's named after favoritehi president and his favorite dance. favourite datar and lawyer reagan, charleston. she's been in more men's locker room ax body spray.
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former nfl sideline reporter, to the one the only legendary michelle tafoynea. >> oh, cat opinions versus, feelings versus facts. >> as a libertarian, what more frustrating for you because you guys are basically just the factyou're bs. yeah, just the althoughthough i also have a lot of feelings. yes. peo >>pl as most people as anyonee h who's ever had the displeasure of being closeo to me knows, lot i have a lot of feelings and is anve to share theman with the people around me. and i've said this before in my book, on my showi ha bs i've goo say it again right now that it's not bad to have feelings. havei have a lot of feelings. go i know it's true that facts don't care about your feelings, but sometimes feelings don't trues don' abo. e >> yeah, but you're able to do. you can separate the two, right? sometimes. but you' but you canaratd. for me, it often manifests as maybe caring, continuingtinu to care about people who don't care about me, who aren't good for me. careoplearen't a problem
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when what you're talking about is expectingand wh the woo to revolve around your feelings. >> right? which that's notrld to revolvege being sensitive any more. that's being selfish, that's being obsessed with yourself, and that's b eing where it becomes a problem. >> speaking of being obsessed with yourself and really openbot about your feelings, aaron, let me ask you, when it come feelins to look, i drove home on the road for what, seven years? >> he never drove once. put just want to put that out there. he's not lying about your truth when out therro you youve o trync tow a debate or a conversation with somebody and feelingshe get how different how frustrating is that when you're just trying to make a poin f t? >> it turns into everything else. it's like you're it's the is. it's hard to getse? people to listen to facts. oh, yes. i mean, especially nowadays whero facts.e the line between o and opinion has been blurred and we can loonsk to social meda as an excuse as to why. excuse abut, you know, the factt opinion, it is the lowest form of human thought because you can form an opiniolowest fn any information, as you said in your monologue to based ofasf o.
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and nowadays you have that combined with more wan people wanting to just simply win an argument, then arrive simp. thinth and i think that's really kind of at the nucleus of a lot of the issues nucs going on to. and it's just again, facts are facts and we need to admitting that again. >> reagan let me go to you now. you deal with factnen.s. >> you're a lawyer, trial lawyer. how is it easy when you're inrd the special warfare? it's called hearsay. right in court. i didn't y in c, take the bar or even open a book yet as a lawyer, how much do you have to deal with facts versus feelings when ha wituse soial or dealing with cases? >> because sometimes in some of the cases you have, you got a lot of feelings involved. yemes thos as. and of course, there are feelings involved. but you have to look at the you haveto loo is the evidence and what case can you make for yourself. and unfortunately, now yke for e people only think about their feelings. and there's a wall up. there's no rationalizingle the with people. there's no reasoning with people. you cannot get throughreng. the feelings are literally the only thing that matter nowsn
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mean you can lay out all of the facts and somebody will look at it and shake their head look and just be lik, yes, but none of it matters. and it's frustrating. >> and just to take a step back like, okay, there's a saying about opinions that i say on national television, but everyone has one and they all stink and none one wants to know your opinion. >> and i think it's and no egotistical thing for everyonett to feel like their feelings matter. soical one when there's literale the world of informationou is available to you, take a second to google it, look it up, open a boosecondlek researca what you're talking about. but unfortunately, no one wants to do that. talkiabout un onethey read it , instagram, tiktok, twitter, or anatever it maor ins oy be. >> and they've arrived at the conclusion and that's what they'll live and diarrivees >> and it's it's extraordinary. but it was extraordinary. i thought you were to say, opinions are like elbows. to you were has a legit sports journalistlist a and you interviewed hundreds of athletend
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s and you dealt with feelings when they won the game. but when you had to do angett interview with a loser and you're giving them the facts, how tough was that? in the tthey're going, oh, man, you guys lost my eye. is that difficult for you tos splithat dt that?o >> you know, it is amazing that no matter whot thatm you. >> oh, well, that's the way great word you, they they kind of want to wander in and out ju the and get you to just say or to answer the way they togenl answer, which is generally with their feelings. >> right. well thifeelins gets kind of sco is now in a high school debates across the country judges in high school debates will actually say if you are going to use the name trump ine your debate, you are not allowed in my debate. you ma imy debaty debate here. lo you will be you will be even lose. or if you arse oe going to argue that israel is a force for good, don't even bother showing up. this is true. and so there are some smallow debate organizations popping up for high schoolers so that the y
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can actually debate like facts instead worrying about what the judge feels about it. >> but that's how gone this lit is and that's what's so scary about it. >> why even call it a debatetl? >> what's the point? there is no point. you know, that's why we don't have it anymor t. e. exactly. before we go, quick reminder. i'm goinuickg tour all over the country, literally all over the country. b i'll be in california, ohio, texas, florida, and more. so go to my linknia ohioexas sir ticket information. okay, look, you guys know i hate those- to. s ast i do love music. so i asked our producer, gene nelson, to sing what's cominghie up next. >> hit a gan . this next story is a winner. oh, yeah. just about. it says his uncle was dead. i told you you'll be in the new
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our most premium colostrum harnesses over 400 nutrients unleashing transformation for your health. it's coming your way. hey, hey. it's day to day. hey, biden's lies include what his was food. inclu today's video of the day comes from us, from the big guy himself. joe implie thed his uncle, a wod war two pilot was eaten pl cannibals after his plane crashed in 1944. watcd inh got shot down in the
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a lot of we covered in 45 45 you got shot down in newr foun and they never found the body because it usedy becaud be a lot of cannibals from but the military says his uncle died after crashinga. into the oceana so it's another fairly another fairy taleno from for joe why da he keep making up this weird stuff since he grew up in a black churches, jewish temples and a puerto rican?nce he? n >> i don't know who to have to blame, but what's lost in this is that his uncle is a heroo wh who died for our country. a kat now we know as a child c that you dreamed of writing
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novels about shipwrecks. >> yes. are you willing to tell tallre to get that deal done? >> like, what's the wildest g stretch you've ever told?r >> oh, limited to ten. >> i mean, like, when i was a kid, i used to, like, i would pretend to be a dog, like, a lot like i wanted to be and a dog. i'd make my dad do pigtails in my hair or my dog years, whatever. >> i was a loser. it was weird child with imagination, i, i get it. >> yeah, but. so this is weird becauseit he also doesn't even seem h to understand how cannibalism workts because he couldn't find their bodies like, atethat's their bones too. that's like, it's like a ghost story in sandlot, right? that's what ththe dog did. adam bone and. all right, you guys have seen that movie. so it's like, not only is it a lie, it's not even a good one. >> yeah, i mean, like, how did he know if that a male involved said more?
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>> biden's are delicious. icious i mean, this and the the oil cancer i'm still not over i mean he's been through a lot the oil cancer and then he remember what he said all so many of his friends had oil cancer do know what's going around. yeah. where they say listen, speaking of embellishing stories and making up air and you if you lose a college class for that, you would have a masters in it, iu m a lot of my resumé to get here. yeah, exactly. huh. t. >> that' i lw. g vi well, this lie you ever told to get out of doing somethinvir >> i mean, i'll. i'll pull the sick thing, and maybe i was a little sick, right? maybe the thought of goingo wher to where i was going made me sick. so i guess there'ss a shred of truth there. but i likeshof tru with. look, when i first heardy the story, i went, oh, okay, so there's mermaid cannibals, because if you look at a mermaid, right, the upper torso, the digestive tract, that would constitute cannibalistorso thm. w
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mhm. right, right. yeah. yeah. human like that. but now that the white house has said right, like no this didn't happen, they announced an official statement, i think t ite housdidn't h reallyt the most disturbing thing is that he said it twice likhine you're in a conversation with someone and oh yeah, well and s ie was eaten by cannibal c but no, you said it twice. yeah, well, he was stickingck whth it. and that's what is really bothering me, to be fair. like any good liar.o be fai, hes on it because the first storywej he didn't get even what symbols around thereound were around. just. yeah, okay. shifty cannibals just hanging around . yeah, you know. yeah. nothing worse than you're trying to have a meal of food. there's cannibals on the windov and then there's mermaid kana. mermaid counts, you know, swirlingca>> the boat. >> i always thought if mermaids are really made for men, they'd be the way. >> but anyway.
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oh, high regard in court. when you hear somebody, how you at least get to yoo say objecti. at one point in this president's story, would you have objection pnesent ? >>i >> if i were his attorney, i would have died. let's just put it that way, i can't imagine what it's like to be his staffers on a daily basis, just whitbe e knuckling through the day, never knowing what's going to come out. ang , can't be too hard on him because everybody's goont that one uncle or familyfy member that everyone says wa ms eaten by cannibals and no one's right like somebody. >> there's a tall tale ther te. ou and like you said, maybe there's a shred of truth to ity, but can't imagine. >> i mean, it's just giving brian williams and i so bad for staffers just thinking about how they have to do damage controlys st all the tim. but i just want to watch w the clip over and over and ovear again. >> it's so good because damage control is one thing, but cannibal control>> damiss the hannibal. it's not on the bingo card, right? that's . u ime. >> can you imagine being in the back as a staffer or an aide? you're like cannibalag k ins.
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like, that's it. that's what he comes back with. yeah. and you got to figure out what the cannibals pronounnd ths are. i mean, that is it. diet >> it was a cannibal on the paleo diet or something. yeah. the >> all else fails. eat a human before we get too far field. >> i just want to congratulate kat's parents becausfiele i thee days, when young children say i'm a dog, put you my hair in te ponytail so they're like ears that you become a furry who areo 9 ou know, they give you a litter box and the whole bag, the whole nine yards. i was still usin was stisingg aa >> yeah. see, i had a girl. to be fair, i stil l had a girl. >> but here's the thing. if you g o that furry, the kid's living as a dog. >> yeah, you could probably put them down. ohd, god. oh, good. one cat down. oh, no, she. e she kicked out of it. she was clever. yeah, she kicked out of it. that's interesting. name she want to be a dog.t and the name is cat anyway.
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good boy to goo. >> yeah. so, biden, as you detailed has earlier, he's grown up in everye possible communityve that there is, from polish to scandinavian to puerto rican to african american. he's just got a little bit i wantst to say his 23 and me profile. >> i really do. but one of the things the that should bother people about thisthings is that if he so eas liveths and you notice he always says, for real, for real, i swear to god this is truys sas this is true. he's always underscoring his stories with these little t commissions. if he can do that so easily and has been doingha that so eal easily for 50 years, i think we can safely assume tyra's he does that on stuff too. afga afghanistan was great, the economy is greatniwas gr. biden-nomics works. how can you trust god?o if >> you can in the worst case scenario if you get too nosey getting by cannibal. before we we ge go, go see kat r
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book tour. tickets are stil tl available fr two songs show this sunday. go to the real kat timpf .com for more information and here's jean. take it away jean what's nexawa a student gets suspended because a snowflake got offended. offended. oh, it's parent, not me.out. >> nice going though.specia nothing likeli a little confidence boost. help ease you back into the dating. >> that includes having a smile. you feel good abouand with flexy fortunately, aspen dental specializes in dentures and implants madoue for you. and with flexible financing, you don't need to sacrifice qualit 18 monty for a price thas your budget and $0 down plus 0% interest if paid in full in 18 months, helping our patients put their best smile forward. >> it's one more way. ask and dental is in your corner. >> our pharmacy been
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his fellow students. meanwhila fee, i am so proud of myself. meanwhile, actual violenceactuav happening in our nation's high school. a student was arrested happening and after slapping his female teacher several times in the video that has gone viral on social media. the student also ran mouth and curse the teacher out. this also happened in north carolina the, leaving us to asks what the is going on in north carolina. also the, do we really needs? to carolinas? seems a bit much middle water on this one. how is it that they are putting the same on a student who says, are there illegal aliens and at hand student who actually put hands on the teacher? but th the big story is the words a as. >> as a parent, how does that meaw n as a parent? i
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i was horrified to see the video in north carolina. to sthe first thing i thought ws about his parents and just there must be parents at homeho that are paying attention because kids that will behavt an like that at school are not going home to face any consequences. go hom. makese that cares t and that made me sad, frankly. right. as it relates to the otherr inci incident with the illegal alien as an attorney, honest, i'm offended because that's a legal term of art. it's a legal definitio offendeum used by our supreme court. it's used in federal code. it's it is a definition. >> and for an educationalinitio system, a school official to say that you're suspended for usin ag the word in its appropriate context, it could have been a learning experience and it wasn't. this was just a total failure in that aspect wasotal for thatr school. what went on with that student is horrifyin wenth thag, and i i we've seen videos all over the country lately where , schoolacts of violence school. and so we really have to look at what's going on in public schools. but louisiano loa just reversedl the raise the age legislation. o
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so now they are chargingw 17 year olds as adults. and so i think we'll startseeing seeing things like that more likey. e frequentl but it really starts in the community. and like son of a saint, you've and with, son ofn ne a saint, new orleans. it's a program that reaches out to boys whose father outsrcerat are incarcerated and it's community work. they work to mentoed itsr. themi they get them involved in extracurricular activities. these guys are all graduatinnvdg from high school going on toip get scholarships and college. so you have to loos and gok at a holistic, you know, big picture thing. gad just to set as ae video, th, i mean, i like gasp. i mean, it's horrible. but, you knole butw we treate the students the same. it's you just have to it is what it is. it's ridiculouto is what the hea going on in our schools. >> i mean, it's weird scho not datingtudent students when i was growing up was the one creepy male teach you to stay away from outsids?ey like, what is going on in our education? >> i don't know. my mom was mng a secondary schor teacher for her entire career, and i think the worst thing that ever happenedschool to hert this one delinquent girl drew a really nasty picturehe of hern with my mom holding a knife. >> and so i remember seeing it
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like i was weird and i was horrified. but seeing video of peoplehave t have actually looked at this video where he's talking to the vir and you want me to hit you again? and she's saying, i really would prefer that you don' ait. i mean, we have the inmates running the asylum. i think when my mom was a teachehe asyluk whr, she was actually allowed to take someone by the ear and lead them out e ea of class. you are not allowed to touch students anymore, i guess, unless you're having ah studn as with them. but so there's that also not tha allowed frowned upon. >> at the very least, this is the illegal alien thing. n te you remember when the don't say bill came out and at the oscars, schumer and her gals got out there and went gagl . >> well, in honor of this young man who said, illegal alien, i'm just going wh to do this.lien >> illegal alien, illegal alien, illegal alien, illegaillm alien, illegal alien. it is a legal term of life that has a libertarian havinga e someone punished forrt it, bas
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basically. freedom of speech. yeah. that's insanity, right? yeahicfreedo speec i didn't understand how this was allowed allowed legall y happen. >> and just on a broader, i think that one of the issues we have is when started, not not me, not you, but whent people started saying that it doesn't matter what your intention was, if the person i is offended, then that's all that matters. and that's what we wait based on. and that's of course it matters ifne someone's just asking a question or making a joke versus someone saying something on purpose to hurt someone's feelings versusaying, they're a we all know that. and that's why we treat like murder manslaughter differently. we all know that intentions do matter. we all knomanslaug ww that. but we start pretending pre. that wasn't the cas >> that's when things kindt of got out of control overall, because, of course, attentioof n we have to start weighing things when it comes to speech based on intention. >> again thi it come, for the ws to fit, what actually happens, which to that point, no one's talking about aaron, the kidd.
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who threatened him with physical violence. he wasn't suspect like the kid who saidhphysic asked forth clarification and the kid who threatened violencd whe. we didn't hear anything about it. how is violence not threatened? the act of violence doesn't tht as justh weigh saying a trigger word, which it's not becauseeone. it does not subscribe to the particular ideology is attempted to. but really, i mean, being forced upon these children right, where che if yon illegal alien, you know, by definition we've gone overt that. and what are you supposed to call people who com oue into this country illegally and even worse, yes, illegal newcomers or is that the favorite term wha is undocumented immigrant i think is what people lik le to use. but there's like 13 different terms that are used interchangeably by the court li by the legislators. and this is one that's been discusses d. the supreme court still using it. so, i mean, it's really hard to say that it's necessarily stt
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a bad one. >> yeah. and what's even more disturbing is thabad one.hat's evt, you kns one of the students that the school that threatened violence wasss, hispanic and the term illegal alien is just for hispanic people. it is for anyone who comeshispac to our friend from outer space. he did have paperwork. somouter definition right but s that really is of not the best look for the carolinas on really both cases since you've been talking about the ugliness of it because i always someo thought newcomer was someone who lost her virginity so i was completely confuseirginityd. kasi take us away from the tension has grown because we're always checking off. >> oh, how does klein and specter get among the most
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>> our unhealthy addiction to phones. >> osh, cat, you are the guruu e of the phone. i lovear the my. the average person supposedly at their phone 144 times a day. >> i feel like that's an insult to you. >> that seems very low. but then i realized, like, what counts one time, because i do keep looking at it for sokp long that it might be about wha that. you know what i mean? i'm always like this. so much to see, right? >> i mean, there's social media, there's a reddit. you know, you don't want to miss any of the t you got emails. i mean, the e mails alone,ls how many e-mails you get today? like 7000. yeah. i open, you know, there's a lott of emails into the article suggesting things to do instead of your phonof youe. wiay, well, hang out with your family. okay. well, firsth your fa okat i'd ho start one right now, and then
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they're like, go outside over new york city. >> we don't have outside. soyork c i can look at outside h phone. know there's a lot on youron you can you can change your life for the worse usually though. >> but yes the amount of damage that i could do with just one text message, i could teach a clas texs. >> you can change your life for the worse. yeah. s.your phone, $0.99 a month. i was like, you have grown children now. do they have the phone? >> oh, my gosh. and then when they come downrni in the morning, i'm so tired. >> it's like, what time did you put your phoneani' down last night? that's the first thing i want to do. it's hard to dst thingo. and i get that. and i just wonder, you know, is this going to be so bad for s our health, mental health, health that someday people start suing these digital companies for makings st this stuff addictive? because you do get the dopamine. itaddictiv because and it's already start,
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right. >> so is this going to be the tobacco the nicotine, the cigarette of, you know, the next decade or you think it is. i work on that. absolutely. yeah ou. e that's that's going to be the problem. but i don't know how you pute this toothpaste back in the tube. >> i really don't i don't think but when we usedtube i rea the s is the tea you just dropped the tea. you got a court case. the t.. >> well, i work on the social media addiction litigation>> i' and the primary focus are children, and. and that's my case. childinbut for me, as i'm workg on it, yes, the products are designed to addictive.'s >> it's the dopamine head, it's the slot machine pool. auit's -- it's designed, al our phones, all of the apps and products specificallnt yes defendants are face will matter. tiktok you have youtube, tikt and these defendants have designed their productsok that children become addicted to them and there's documented harmm an that's associated with this continuous feed of content and tick tock pushes harmful content to children. the algorith
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m absolutelyabsolu directs harmful content to tick tock now because wel l, i'm i don't tiktok, tiktok or b but yes, it's absolutely to be addictive it's and ite an is harmful mean it's like brain rot. but while i'm working on it, i pick up my phone everyworkings 5 seconds while i'm looking at it and i'm like, i'm a hypocrite. this is terrible l at. i mean, i go straight to the and then i go right back to like, you know, going through discover y. s so it is what it is.u i'm with you. i love my phone and social media, but i'mon almost 40, so that's okay. >> you're on the wrong side of 40. wrong sidwhat do you think? all this. oh, thank you. that i appreciate you wereht you wonderful. host you really thought you were going to do the whole show? he broke my leg, w ladieserget and gentlemen. >> oh, i didn't. it was wrestling. my s supposedthroh th to. but. all right, i'm going to completely butcher quotein ta by pascal here. and that is humanity's problems stem from the inability to sit alone in a quiet room. and, you know, we just room ands said these devices are designed to be addictivces are.
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and our society now has grown t to the point where we almostmust feel a need for stimulation all the time. >> yeaedh, not all. both. yes. yeah. we're like, in and you could kind of correlate that with i guess maybe being productive of lik be we need to be doingan things constantly. >> but then there's also the flipsidethen where like at t point do we lose ourselves? and we're getting to that poin tt ca mean if there's already a court case like this? >> oh, it's huge. i mean, this is going to b s huge, es of of the biggest cases of our generation. it's absolutely the tobacco caseration of.ds are our lifetime and our kids are all impacted by it. kids are killing themselvetes. s >> they're doing these challenges that are harmful. l ther yso much that can be talked about when you talk about technology and big tectal how big tech evades liability, really. and so, yeah, it's a and major. >> so like to your opinion you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube. would temperance be a good way to combat that? >> just i'm sorry. excuse me. i'm the host that? .
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your health for life as it should be. should we be concerned? >> tonight on sorry. >> tonight on should we o concerned. boston dynamics showed off a new humanoidbe that's freaking people out with its creepy moves which raisess frea questin should we be concerned? cat does this concern you? maybe for other people, but i'mo not. i don't find myself attracted to the robot. and. yeahplt don't myseltracte i met of the word. i don't just mean you. purves. i mean, like, you know what i mean? if there's something not the nothing quite like getting validation from another human dt
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right? robots don't really do that for me. aaron here d, basically a coldcd blooded cyborg. what do you. are you excited about these robots like that?t on >> would you deal with it? absolutely not. one of the most disturbing thingshe about reading the article was that, oh, this model has a much more friendly u look at it. >> help me. that's not a laser beam on top of its head. s noa labeamn and they're braggw it can do a complete 360. i'm very concerned, i'. yeah. i mean, the cool yoga moves are awesome, but it's stil ovesl water and in all. yeah. oh, no. then it comes. cup of water. that's it. thn does it n thidoess. listen, if the robot apocalypse comes tomorrow as a lawyer, you goinrow as g to. >> you're going to represent humans of the robots. you gonna go the winning team and what's the plan. >> there's a law and i literally i had a knee reaction when i was like, oh an not. and then i started thinking about it and i was like, well,i how do i get one? >> yeah, because i was like, oh, i'm a single mom n th. my and i'm like, i could cut my grass, take my garbage out, walk me to my car late at nigh at night, like all the things that you could just have someone there to do that, n
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like sign me up for the robot, the scientific name for that. ed robot.'s called a man yeah, yeah.on't >> but the man walk in theret'so a lot of other. >> now, i've never dated one,d n so i really don't know. welldon', heard good things. i was thinking of that personal, actually. >> great. but you know what? the man won't fold the laundry or put away the disheshet. sorry, honey, but they just. so the robot could be good forbo that. t can goobut just like, you knl dishwashers and refrigerators and now alexa and they all listen to us and they kind control our lives. these things scare me. i think it'd great in themayb military maybe. >> i'm sure there's a use for them, but i don't know. it kind of gets me worried when now, instead of cloning this clg is like a way of cloning, isn't it? >> it's like, oh, and it's it's l a super flexible thing. >> did aaron, did hollywood rui robots? because every time we see one of these, there's a malformetsevery d shell and an
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>> hm.l well, that happens in real life too. i mean, likelife think you think about this, like one of those things is going to mess. maybe it's all will stop working. or maybe it will decid it's arme that humans got to go, right? i don't, i don't thinkdon' need to find out how one yeah. or it will be a man that messes it up it'll be a man who tried to a robot and it'll just be what, a robot? yeah. yeah, exactly. yeah. cats. look at the cat. not the amount of societal problems started by men. >> it ruins every call, every call a man start. a and then all of a sudden, he decidesn starts. did all his best friends wives. yeah. it's like the dwindling of men ruin bt s. it >> everything. it's besmirched. this robot's name hit ite , g. ] you're about to hit the sack. >> but don't go away, because we'll be right back. >> the people you know,
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