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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  April 30, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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coming through. all of a sudden 18-wheeler, boom. and everybody is fine. >> dana: wow. >> jesse: lo love it. tonight, "jesse watters primetime," get it together series continues with the latin king soldier, he will be 8:00. >> dana: i like that chapter. jonathan turley? >> john: there is an ohio man who received a gift of life from a stranger. you have a nate resident, who was shopping and saw a yard sign for a guy who needed a kidney and a phone number. i know greg is going to say this was organic lawn treatment. but, they actually got together and a life was saved. >> dana: fabulous. >> dana: fabulous. thank you for being here, professor have. a great night, everybody. >> bret: dana, thank you. >> dana: have a great show. >> bret: thank you. former president donald trump
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held in contempt of court and says the judge is taking away free speech rights. a fox news exclusive as the biden administration brings hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants into the country by passing the southern border. we will bring you that. ♪ but, first, breaking tonight, a major escalation in the stand off between anti-semitic, anti-israel protesters at clumsy university and the school administration. and the police at this hour demonstrators are occupying a building on campus. and have issued a list of demands as conditions for leaving. leaving. new york city mayor eric adams and the new york police commissioner plan to holding a briefing shortly. we will dip that that bring you some of that alexis mcadams is at columbia university tonight. good evening, alexis. >> bret, geographic from new york city. can you see here behind me, there are dozens of protesters right in front of the gates here at columbia university chanting and holding signs, demanding that the university divest from
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israel saying they are not going to clear out of here until they get the list of demands. this all comes after chaos at columbia last night where students smashed through glass with hammers and over a campus building. watch. now the university says students broke into and damaged property will be expelled. see the group breaking the glass, entering hamilton hall. telling the university they are not going to leave until possibly graduation. the nypd remains on stabbed by we will not go on to that property until we get a specific are request. this is where we stand root now. >> bret, although university cracking down. students seem pretty comfortable. comfortable. can you look here and see the group is using a rope this afternoon to pull up food and supplies in a create.
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there is also wooden chairs on the roof and student protesters are sitting on the balcony, even bringing up plywood boards. many students i talked to said the university and the president here need toe take action immediately. immediately. >> certainly the folks involved with the several felonies that occurred last night not only should be facing sanctions from the university but from the police. you can't assault people. you can't break into buildings. you can't do the things they were doing. the police have an obligation to step in. >> the protests here continue at columbia university, the school says they are going to take action and expel those students. we haven't seen it come just yet. they also talked about suspensions at this point. we don't have a number on that. you can see from the aerials this is going to continue for we don't know how many more days. bret? bret? >> bret: all right, alexis, thank you. again, we will dip into that live conch new york city mayor and police commissioner in a bit. schools across the nation dealing with protests in different ways. some are relying on negotiation. others are using force and
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ultimatums police began making arrests a short time ago at the university of florida south tampa. tampa. william la jeunesse at the ucla campus in los angeles. they are handling it differently there. there. good evening, william. >> good evening, bret. you know, you are right. uc berkeley, ucla taking a hands off approach. earlier today police did arrest a protester who raised a palestinian flag. a similar situation at the university of north carolina where they replaced an american flag with a palestinian one until police moved. in it's among the university's taking a more aggressive approach women women pro-palestinian protesters taking over campuses across the u.s. tag over buildings, blocking students from attending class. >> i'm a ucla student. i deserve to go here. we paid tuition. this is our school and they are not letting me walk in. [chanting from the river to the sea] sea] >> their demands do not involve
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hamas or the release of hostages. hostages. >> we have a clear set of demands that we want the university to respond to. the most bare minimum is releasing a statement that will publicly condemn the genocide. >> [chanting we won't be silent] >> students demand universities divest from companies doing business with israel. >> they won't tell us how our own tuition money is aiding a genocide across the world. >> at portland state, police removed 75 protesters who broke in and occupied a campus library. forcing officials to cancel classes. >> this has now become a criminal event. it's no longer considered to be a public order or free speech event. requires different type of response. response. >> in texas, police arrested 80 protesters monday, 44 at the university of denver. 13 at virginia commonwealth university. and ninety university of florida. officials there released a statement reading in part: this is not complicated. the university of florida is not
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a day care and we do not treat protesters like children. >> we're going to be here until our demands are met. >> as a condition for taking down tents, students at the university of north carolina want amnesty, no suspension, no prosecution. prosecution. >> to make it clear to the university that we do not want cops on our campus. [chanting israel has no right to stay] stay] >> some universities administrators have taken a hands-off approach, leading to clashes like this one at ucla. so because of those two incidents, the blocking of that jewish student and 50 jewish counter protesters trying to enter blockade last night, the university now says it will enforce policy against bullying and harassment. although these students will not be forced to leave although they violate policy as well. bret? >> bret: william la jeunesse live in los angeles. william, thanks. president biden trying to stay out of the spotlight as protests intensify. his team, however, is condemning some of the actions of the
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protesters, white house correspondent peter doocy joins us now live from the north lawn with that good evening, peter. >> peter: good evening, bret. these protests have popped up at both of president biden's alma maters, university of delaware and at syracuse and at the school where he was hand area professor, upenn but despite the personal connection, all of this week's official statements from people at the white house are from officials other than the president. president. >> mr. president,. >> president biden not speaking up against this week's campus chaos himself. we need the president of the united states to speak to the issue and say this is wrong president seems unable or willing to that. use of the term intifada. >> the president believes that forcibly taking over a building on campus is absolutely the wrong approach. >> the limits of the administration's response came into focus on capitol hill today. today. >> do you have people at columbia right now on the scene to see what is going on there?
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do you have staff there to watch? watch? >> i do not have staff at columbia. >> peter: top democrats having difficulty changing the subject getting called out on friendly turf economic numbers that need a big asterisk. >> donald trump has the first record of job loss of any president. so we just have to make sure people know. >> that was a global pandemic. >> he had the worst record of any president. you want to be an apologist for donald trump, that's -- that may be your role, but it ain't mine. >> peter: 18% of voters now say the israel, gaza war will determine their vote in november, according to a new monmouth poll. >> i think in chicago this year you are going to see protests like you have never seen before, that's what the democrats are petrified about. >> republicans keep calling on president biden to do more but, for now, he plans to leave control of the national guard with individual governors. >> there's no active effort to look at federalizing the
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national guard at this time. >> chuck schumer, the senate leader is, now speaking out about the property damage at columbia. he said those who did it should promptly face the consequences that are not merely a slap on the wrist. that is as president biden spent his day flying from here to delaware to a high school for a campaign event that was fully closed to press. usually at these campaign events, they will let a reporter in without a camera just so that people know what is going on. not the case today. bret? >> bret: interesting. >> bret: interesting. peter doocy, live on the north lawn. peter, thanks. former president donald trump has been fined $9,000, threatened with jail after a judge found him in contempt for violating the gag order surrounding his criminal trial in manhattan. that proceeding resumed today with the prosecution continuing its presentation. correspondent nate foy is outside the new york supreme court tonight. >> keith davidson, a los angeles based lawyer who represented adult film aches at the stormy daniels and former ploy boy
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model macdougall concerning alleged affairs with former president donald trump who received support in court today from his son eric and texas attorney general ken paxton. >> this is a trial that is nonsense. it should have never been brought. that's showing loud and clear. you have a judge who is totally conflicted. totally, absolutely conflicted. >> davidson said of the deal suppressing daniel's story, quote: the interest reached a crescendo. crescendo. after the release of the access hollywood tape leading up to the 2016 election. davidson called the sale of macdougall's story to american media frustrating and that he hated dealing with cohen. prior to davidson, two witnesses testified about the collection and accuracy of clips showing trump's deposition in the e. jean carroll case and various political events where trump disparaged his accusers. before that cohen's former banker gary farro testified cohen did not tell him of his affiliation with trump while urgently setting up an account
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to wire daniels $130,000. separately, judge juan merchan fined trump $1,000 for each of nine gag order violations but wrote if the violations continue, quote: jail may be a necessary punishment. >> there will be another gag order hearing on thursday morning where judge juan merchan will consider four additional examples where prosecutors claim trump violated the gag order. separately, the judge ruled this morning that the trial will not sit on may 17th. so trump can attend his son barron's high school graduation. bret? bret? >> bret: nate foy, outside the courthouse. nate, thanks. republican house speaker mike johnson is the beneficiary of unprecedented show of support from democrats. they are crossing the aisle to thwart possible effort by republican marjorie taylor greene to remove johnson from his speakership. senior congressional correspondent chad pergram has an update tonight live from
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capitol hill. good evening, chad. >> bret, democrats have johnson's back, top democratic leaders say if marjorie taylor greene tries to dump johnson, they will vote to block her. it's extraordinary for leaders of one party to protect a speaker from the other party. democrats seem like they have a piece of mike johnson beholden to democrats? >> we will continue to extend our hand to mike johnson and bipartisan. and hope that they will continue to learn a lesson. >> if greene moves against johnson democrats say, quote: she will not succeed. greene asked quote what slimy back room deal with johnson make for the democrats' support? johnson was not even aware that the democratic cavalry was coming. >> it's the first i have heard of it. look, i have to do my job. we have to do what we believe to be the right thing. >> for now, greene is silent
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about her next move. >> are you going to -- are your threats kind of a blank right now when you don't do anything with your resolution? >> greene speaks at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow. even members of the house freedom caucus give johnson a pass, for now. >> does that weaken the speaker if he has to rely on democratic votes. >> he has already been relying on democratic votes. it's just is what it is. >> johnson has relied on democrats to keep the government open and send money to ukraine. the g.o.p. is reluctant to bounce johnson, especially after last year's debacle following the ouster of former house speaker kevin mccarthy. breath? >> bret: we'll follow it all. chad pergram live on the hill. thanks. a rise in bond yield sent stocks tumbling today. the dow lost 570 today. the s&p 500 was off 80. the nasdaq fell 325. up next, what israel's prime minister is promising the families of hostages held by
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hamas. and, later, a bipartisan approach to china. that's the subject of our "common ground" segment tonight. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm todd. i'm a veteran of 23 years. ♪ ove i started noticing my memory was slipping. i saw a prevagen commercial and i did some research on it. i started taking prevagen about three years ago. i feel clearer in my thoughts, my memory has improved and generally just more on point. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription.
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>> bret: breaking tonight, new york city's mayor and police commissioner briefing reporters on the situation at columbia
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university. university. to say briefly sum up what we have heard so far. the mayor saying peaceful protests clearly co-opted by external actors, hijacking this protest. protest. they are going to show examples of these external actors who have no affiliation they say with columbia university. serious public safety issues at these protests, he tells the protesters to leave the area now. leave the area now. parents and guardians call your students, call them to tell them to leave now for their safety and the safety of others. he goes on to say external reactors are not students and they are trying to create chaos and discord. walk away now. it must end. that from the mayor. let's listen to the police commissioner. commissioner. >> these once peaceful protests are being exploited by professional outside agitators and the safety of all students, faculty, and staff are now a concern. the rights of protest and speak your mind is critical to our democracy and the nypd's job is
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to protect that right. we will never tolerate violence, property damage, or disruption with emergency services. and as we have said, once the university asks for our help, the nypd will be there ready to assist them. finally, to the parents, and i say this as a father of a college student myself. be aware of where your children are be aware of what they are involved in. if you don't know, reach out to them. the university and the nypd are taking the situation seriously. you should be taking the situation seriously, too. thank you. >> good evening, everybody. so, as the mayor and the police commissioner have just been outlining, we have observed and y'all have as well, a really concerning escalation of activity associated with campus protests broadly and, in
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particular, with columbia university over the past 24 hours. and this escalation presents a real threat to public safety. so i want to make two points. one is to reiterate what the mayor and the police commissioner have mentioned that these protests have been and are being influenced by external actors who are unaffiliated with universities. universities. some of whom have been known to our department and others for many years for their dangerous, disruptive and at times criminal activity associated with protests for years. so this is not about what's happening overseas. it's not about the last seven months. it's about a very different commitment to at times violent protest activity as an occupation. a number of university partners have reported to us in new york and also across the country that significant portions of their protests or populations are
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unaffiliated with their schools. they haven't got a right to be on campus and this violates policies. most importantly dangers to the students and university communities where it's happening. and, second, we see an escalation in tactics. and when we see what we saw last night, i'm going to show you a few examples and they exemplify some of the behavior seeing in a much more 408istic way. we think tactics are result of guidance being given to students from some of these external actors. so we see individuals in black behavior, scaling buildings, breaking into windows. barricades being made out of furniture or being dragged from the lawn into hamilton hall. cameras that have been destroyed and there is only reason to destroy a camera, it's certainly not something anyone is taught to do in school.
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the he dearresting tactics, property destruction. signs being fortified into shields. reports of physical altercations between individuals and other forms of intimidation. this has gone to the next level. and we have real cause for concern. and i want to pointed out that this is an escalation that while it began last night at columbia, we do expect it to continue beyond one building on one campus but to other protests, to other universities, potentially to other cities. we are in constant dialogue with columbia university officials, as well as other partners and we are, as always, fully prepared to respond so we want to reiterate that our priority is and always will be public safety for all. and i'm going to show you what is a two-minute video clip and, again, some of this may be a little bit hard to interpret, but it shows us, who have been looking at this stuff for quite
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some time, two things. one is the presence of some external folks who are not affiliated with school and the second is the evolution and the change in tactics that we witnessed last night. so, if we could go ahead and play the video. there's a little bit of sound, which i will try to narrate over. [chanting] [chanting] >> so this is two students who are trying to prevent the hall from being broken into. being intimidated by some others as well as some of the external actors that we have been talking about. making a barrier to be dragged into hamilton hall. here is an example of two individuals breaking into windows. again, the black block attire is something that we have seen in protest activity for quite some time. barricades that are being dragged in to hamilton hall.
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again, people unaffiliated with the school who are assisted in having -- allowing them entry. some training sessions that are occurring within the encampment itself. itself. you know, that is something that the university has been very clear that only university students are to be allowed within the encampment. and these are just some still shots of some of the property destruction that we saw within hamilton hall, the windows breaking, the barricading, using furniture to prevent ingress and egress and, you know, you can see quite obviously that this is a public safety concern for the students themselves, for the protesters themselves, for anybody else on campus. the broken windows, more barricades. human beings chained together to try to prevent entry into the buildings. so this is far beyond first amendment protected speech and
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peaceful protest, which has been, you know, a key element of some of these things over the last few months. a lot of people involved, some of them are known to us and others are reported by university officials to be unaffiliated with campus. so that is why we are urging people to take this opportunity to leave hamilton hall and just to reiterate that we are here to make things and keep things safe for our city. so, thank you. >> all right. so we will make this video available to you immediately after this press conference, but for now we will take just a few questions on topic. >> in the nypd were to go columbia, what charges would the students face and this is a
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message to leave columbia now have a time? >> you know, so we are in ongoing dialogue with officials and, of course, stand ready to come in if we are invited in and, of course, some of this activity we would need to review the specific facts to see what charges might be appropriate. but, in particular, for folks who are unaffiliated with the university, you know, it certainly looks to be like a trespass situation. and, depending on their involvement in the video will help us understand the full suite of their activity, there may be charges associated with the property destruction and the vandalism as well. >> and commissioner daughtry has been in touch with legal. good evening. for the individuals that are inside -- >> bret: okay, nypd officials, including the deputy commissioner, rebecca wiener for counter-terrorism and
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intelligence talking about and showing examples of how these external actors, who they do not believe to be students at columbia university are stoking some of the chaos and discord there. and getting students to do different things that they say are leading the protests. the message from the mayor and the nypd, get out now. this must end now. however, you just heard that the university has not yet invited the police department into breaking all of that up. it sounds like that may be coming soon. we will continue to follow it as you look like at columbia university and the university's, we should mention, all across the country dealing with this in different ways. live conch here on fox. ♪ >> bret: meantime overseas, israel's prime minister is promising his forces will eliminate hamas battalions in rafah. benjamin netanyahu speaking with families of hostages taken during the hamas massacre of october 7th. the statement coming as
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international negotiators were trying to keep the prime minister from launching that offensive. correspondent jeff paul has the latest tonight from tel aviv israeli israeli troops preparing themselves for the next phase of the war with hamas. despite ongoing talks, benjamin netanyahu insist as major ground operation in southern gaza is on the hoards. >> we will enter rafah because we have no other choice. >> the clock is ticking as regional mediators work to negotiate a deal that could at the very least delay an israeli mission in rafah where more than 1 million palestinians are sheltering from the war according to the u.n. >> any kind 6 attack for those people, it will help -- i cannot describe the word but it would be, of course, catastrophic measure u.s. secretary of state antony blinken reiterated that
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the biden administration can't support a ground operation in rafah while visiting saudi arabia and jordan. the focus getting a cease-fire and hostages home. >> the israelis have put a strong proposal on the table. they demonstrated they are willing to compromise and now it's on hamas. >> with resources running thin in gaza, the u.s. military continues to build this temporary pier in the mediterranean sea hoping it will soon help deliver much needed aid. but, for many in israel, who continue to protest, patience is running thin. >> sick of this government. we're sick of the whole process. we want hostage deal now. we want the hostages back home. >> so now we wait. israel has put its latest proposal on the table. hamas has yet to respond. in the meantime, u.s. secretary of state antony blinken has a full day ahead of himself tomorrow. tomorrow. he is going to be meeting with top israeli government officials as well as the families of the israeli-american hostages still
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being held by hamas. bret? >> bret: jeff paul live in tel aviv. jeff, thank you. ♪ ♪ >> bret: well, it's time for our "common ground" segment. we wanted to discuss a bipartisan approach to china. also want to deal with the breaking news tonight. joining us house select china committee chairman john molnar of michigan and ranking democrat raja krishnamoorthi of illinois. thank you very much for being here. obviously we are covering all of these things at once. we want to talk about china and your committee. we just heard that news conference out of new york and columbia university what they are dealing with universities across the country and obviously up on capitol hill you are all feeling that and talking about it. i just wanted to get some reaction to what you're seeing and hearing from these protests. first to you, mr. chairman. >> well, first of all, we support peaceful demonstrations and the opportunity for students' voices to be heard.
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this isn't anything like that. for students to be intimidated, threatened on campus. this really needs to end and have rationale and reasonable discussions on policy and my hope is that that can be restored throughout our country. >> bret: congressman christie ca more if i around the country getting money funneled from all kinds of different organizations far left. >> i agree with that i agree with john. peaceful protest is one thing. we believe in freedom of speech and people to be able to express their voices and concerns, but you can't engage in harassment, intimidation and certainly nothing bordering on violence. at the same time, i respectfully would urge authorities we want
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to keep things calm and make sure that everyone can express themselves but peacefully. >> bret: all right. we will continue to follow that i appreciate you weighing in on that. here is secretary of state antony blinken on the issue of china. >> we want china's economy to grow. so do the american businesses and investors here. but the way china grows matters. as i told my counterparts, that means fostering a healthy economic relationship where american workers and firms are treated equally and fairly. >> bret: now, talking about china and the economy, mr. chairman, the select committee has found that some american financial institutions are funneling billions of dollars to china and some of that money, a lot of it is being use ford military capabilities for china. >> well, you have to realize china is undergoing a massive arms build up. they are subsidizing the
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fentanyl that's coming across and killing american citizens. they are spying, they are doing all sorts of nefarious activities. and the chinese communist party is directly responsible for this. so, whereas we love the chinese people. we want a good relationship with all nations this did not continue and it is not a fair relationship when it comes to economics as well so we have a lot of work to do and that's what our committee is doing in a very bipartisan way. >> bret: you have a couple things strict chinese companies and subsidiaries. require public companies to disclose key risk related to the prc and resills yans to market uncertainty. it seems like kind of a heavy lift with all these companies doing their own things with china. >> that's right.
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but, on the other hand, i think that our constituents, stakeholders, the american public doesn't wanted investments going toward modernizing the people's liberation army. they also don't want our investments fueling the per at the trace of human rights abuses. some companies participating in the uyghur genocide in the northwest region of china. so, given that, there is a working group right now. looking at this particular issue, i'm hope of that we can fashion a bipartisan proposal on this, just like we did with tiktok last week, that has now become the law of the land. but, it's going to require a lot of stakeholders coming together and making sure that we do this in a way that is consistent with our values at the same time that we don't cause massive disruption in the markets. >> bret: yeah. mr. chairman, you mentioned the fentanyl issue in china
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funneling some of the substances in mexico. hearing recently on international narcotics control mentioned that take a listen. >> criminals based in the people's republic of china have emerged as the professional money launderers of choice for mexican drug traffickers seeking to move their funds around the world. the dea has witnessed the evolving trend of chinese money laundering organizations becoming the prominent criminal groups collaborating with the cartels to launder their dirty money. >> bret: at what point is that almost an act of war, mr. chairman, in attacking the u.s. u.s. is the administration doing enough to speak out about this particular action? >> i think it's got to be front and center, you know, when president biden met with president xi, they talked about fentanyl and president xi said that they wanted to cooperate. well, in this report that we
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had, we learned that they are actually, through their tax policy incentivizing the production of fentanyl precursors that are going to mexico and coming across our southern border. so, it's not simply their organized crime problem. it's not simply that they are turning a blind eye. they are actually subsidizing the death that's occurring over 100,000 people, americans a year. and this is simply not acceptable. it should be front amend center with these discussions or we cannot simply accept that xi jinping is trying to collaborate and work on this problem. needs to show concrete action. >> bret: yeah. well, thank you both for talking about this. i know you are working bipartisan efforts on this particular issue. but, quickly, congressman crish morphy, democrats look like they are ready to vote to save house speaker mike johnson should it come to that is
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that locked in stone. >> hakeem jeffries made a statement today that weaver going to be moving to table or kill any maneuver by marjorie taylor greene to remove speaker johnson. speaker johnson is my classmate. my congressional classmate. we came into congress together. i call him a friend. we don't agree on a lot of things but is he a patriot. and what he did last week was patriotic and making sure that we passed aid to ukraine, taiwan and israel and, of course, the tiktok bill. [singing in background] >> bret: you agree with that, mr. chairman? mr. chairman? >> i think it would be a serious mistake to oppose a speaker. we went through three weeks of chaos. speaker johnson is doing his job. congress is getting some things done. we're working in a bipartisan way to do it -- address the most urgent concerns of our country and that work should continue. >> bret: well, we appreciate you coming on and pass the word up there. thanks a lot. >> thank you. >> bret: can you see all these "common ground" segments on my podcast "common ground" and find that in the all-star panel
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podcasts at fox news fox news ppoft p up next exclusive on the biden administration's massive parole for illegal immigrants. later the panel, as much as we can get in. ♪ before you were preventing migraine with qulipta? do you remember the pain, the worry, the canceled plans? and look at me now. you'll never truly forget migraine but qulipta reduces attacks making zero-migraine days possible. it's the only pill of its kind that blocks cgrp and is approved to prevent migraine of any frequency. to help give you that forget you get migraine feeling. don't take if allergic to qulipta. most common side effects are nausea, constipation and sleepiness. learn how abbvie could help you save. qulipta, the forget-you-get migraine medicine. ♪ no. ♪ -no. -nuh-uh. ♪
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federal government is still working out the details but a biden administration official says marijuana will no longer be a schedule 1 restricted substance in the same class as heroin or lsd. officials say attorney general merrick garland has circulated a proposed recommendation to relax restrictions on marijuana. this process will likely take months. the biden administration official says it's unclear whether the new drug will reclassify as schedule ii or 3 health and human services
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designated potted as schedule 3 along with tylenol codeine or anti-bottom bowl lick steroids. the rescheduling would not bring state laws on recreational marijuana in line with federal law. some are already applauding the decision, senator elizabeth warren posted, quote: it's a big deal. i fought hard for this common sense and historic step. we need to fully legalize marijuana and begin to repair the harms of unjust war on drugs. though there is opposition. just last month republican senators mitt romney, jim rich and pete ricketts wrote d.e.a. administrator saying marijuana has dangers and wealth historic risks and, quote, any effort to reschedule marijuana must be based on proven facts and scientific evidence. not the favored policy of a particular administration. president biden called for a review of federal marijuana policy in october of 2022. ♪ bret? >> bret: all right. we will follow. this rich edson, thanks.
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>> bret: robert f. kennedy jr. and nicole shanahan have qualified for the ballot in california. california. the american independent party of california officially nominated them last weekend and filed paperwork with the california secretary of state today. california has the most electoral college votes in the nation come election time. ♪ tonight we have another fox news exclusive. newly obtained government data reveals the dozens of airports where the biden administration has flown in huge numbers of illegal immigrants. it's part of the government's massive parole program allowing migrants to bypass the southern border all together. correspondent bill melugin takes a look tonight. >> for the very first time internal dhs data reveals the u.s. cities that hundreds of thousands of cube began ban, haitian, nicaraguan and
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venezuelan migrants have flown into via controversial mass parole program created by the biden administration. the dhs data was obtained by subpoena by the house homeland security committee which provided it exclusively to fox news. the data revealed that from january through august, 2023, about 200,000 migrants flew into the u.s. via the biden parole program. program. this is a breakdown of the top 15 u.s. cities those migrants flew into and how many arrived. the destinations include multiple cities in florida. new york city, los angeles, dallas and houston, washington, d.c., atlanta, chicago, and las vegas more than 161,000 flew into florida's major airports, in miami, fort lauderdale, orlando, and tampa bay. that means florida received 80% of all the migrant flights during those eight months. in a statement to fox news, florida governor ron desantis'
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office reacted saying, quote: biden's parole program is unlawful and constitutes an abuse of constitutional authority. florida is currently suing biden to shut it down and we believe that we will prevail. house homeland security committee chairman mark green claims the migrants on these flights have no legal basis to be in the u.s. >> the laws passed by the congress have said these people are inadmissible. they have created a program to try to get around those laws by their own admission, they are breaking the law. >> and, bret, dhs has previously said that this parole program is a lawful use of executive parole authority. authority. so far, lawsuits challenging the program have not succeeded in court. and according to dhs data, as of last october, 1.6 million migrants were still waiting for approval to fly to the u.s. via this program. we will send it back to you. >> bret: fascinating stuff. bill melugin in l.a. bill, thanks. up next, the panel on the
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anti-semitic, anti-israel protests around the country. also the pressure on president biden and democrats to bail out the embattled house speaker. we will see what we can get to with the panel coming next. ♪ >> tech: does your windshield have a crack? trust safelite. this customer had auto glass damage, but he was busy working from home... he scheduled with safelite in just a few clicks. we came to his house... then we got to work. we replaced his windshield... ...and installed new wipers to protect his new glass. >> customer: looks great. thank you. >> tech: my pleasure. >> vo: we come to you for free. schedule now for free mobile service at ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ (restaurant noise) [announcer] introducing allison's plaque psoriasis. she thinks her flaky gray patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis.
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buildings is not free speech. it is lawlessness. >> we really need to make sure that we are allowing the -- the nonviolent and peaceful demonstrations to have their legitimate space. >> anti-semitism is a virus. and because the administration and woke university presidents aren't stepping in, we're seeing it spread. >> bret: well, it is spreading and it's spreading to campuses all over the country. but the focus has been on columbia university in new york as that building has been taken over as we brought you earlier in the show new york city's mayor eric adams said this must end and it may end soon in his words. words. take a listen. >> if you are a parent or guardian of a student. please call your child and urge them to leave the area before the situation escalates in any
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way. this is for the own safety and for the safety of others. >> bret: saying that external actors there. not getting into specifics who they are. someone else. let's bring in our panel, ben domenech editor-at-large for the spectator. host of the ben domenech podcast on fox news radio. leslie marshall. democratic strategist and "new york post" columnist marc thiessen. it has come to ain't bo where this is getting conch all over the place. it is making a difference, lawmakers are weighing in, democrats and republicans. >> yeah. according to there are 77 encampments across the country the one obviously most focus is one in new york at columbia university. university. i don't think mayor adams is going to have any success with these parents because if these parents had done their jobs their kids wouldn't be behaving in way and wouldn't be yelling at jewish students go back to poland and taking over buildings the way they are. the reason these protests are
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continuing is because they are working. working. joe biden, they are pressuring joe biden. they are having their effect on the ground and biden is in turn pressuring israel. tony blinken right now as we speak is in the middle east pressuring the israelis not to launch an offensive against rafah. so, if you are a protester and you are looking at what the effect you are having on the biden administration why would you stop? >> bret: leslie a poll out of monmouth says 34% of voters say the israel-hamas war will have significant impact on their choice for president. 18% say it will be determinative, they will determine their vote from that. tonight, there's breaking news, cbs is reporting that the biden administration is considering allowing palestinian refugees into the u.s. and providing them a path to become american citizens. we have not independently confirmed that, but cbs is citing sources saying that is under serious consideration tonight. this becomes a major issue in
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the presidential race, does it not? not? >> oh, yes. definitely. when you see the images at columbia. columbia. you are not seeing images at brown university where it's been peaceful and negotiated a deal between brown university and the protesters. there are some people who if they remember history in 1968, they saw images like this at columbia, at the same hall with people protesting with the vietnam war. which was successful eventually. even though that was very violent and even though authorities did have to come in and i think that's what we are going to see here with columbia. certainly this is becoming an issue that was more important to perhaps jewish communities museum communities and all community is definitely going up the food chain if you will on issues that matter to voters. and that's left and right. >> bret: yeah. but, ben, just to go back to the cbs news, and if it's true, and we, again, have not independently confirmed it, but if it's true, that would mean that the biden administration is
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doing something that arab countries have not wanted to do and that is accept palestinians from gaza into the country, egypt hasn't wanted to do that other countries in the region have not wanted to do that but we would be bringing them into the u.s. as refugees and then possibly providing them path to become american citizens in addition to, obviously, all that we have seen on the southern border. border. i think that seems startling if it is true. it does seem startling, the a&e approach the white house has made when it comes to this issue has been startling to me from the get go. rather than try to appeal to a significant portion of americans, and really, you know, the -- such a gettable group of people in the middle of this country, you know, people who might have been nikki haley voters, independent-minded voters, people who were open to voting for joe biden over donald trump in this coming election, instead of appealing to them,
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this white house has appealed time and again to this far left, radical group of people. it is appealing directly as marc said to the people who are smashing open these doors, who are keeping janitors hostage, who are making ridiculous demands about needing their food door dashed to them because they deserve it while they are hiding out in these different campus buildings, it's absolutely ridiculous. ridiculous. they are catering to their far left wing at exactly the moment that they should be pivoting to a general election in which they need the center in order to carry the day, in order to win in november and all these swing states. and it's the exact opposite of what they should be doing, politically. politically. >> bret: going to see where it falls politically. we will follow it all. sorry there wasn't more time. we took that news conference. we appreciate the time, panel. >> thank you. >> thank you. ♪ ♪
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>> bret: finally tonight, a special day. >> henry. thank you. very good. >> bret: therapy dogs gathered on the lawn outside congress for the annual meet the pets event held on capitol hill. the event, which was hosted by pet partners, pet advocacy network and pet food institute marked national therapy animal day in a time when congress members, lawmakers, surrounded by political chaos, the dogs provided them with a nice break, where they could experience the wonderful human animal bond firsthand. there you go. tomorrow on "special report," we will introduce you to this year's recipients of the dr. charles krauthammer scholarship. scholarship. we will talk with daniel krauthammer on the show, charles' son. thanks for inviting news your home tonight, fair, balanced and unafraid. unafraid. "the ingraham angle" is next. ♪ ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham. this is the is "the ingraham a" from washington tonight. my smack down angle in moments. but,