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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 1, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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the president on this matter now. i think you can't speak out enough against what is happening on these college campuses and i think it is critical, and democrats and republicans around the country should speak out strongly. >> neil: congressman? >> i would say in just a few hours, the bipartisan group is going to be going to the holocaust museum to make clear that we do stand shoulder to shoulder and that we are standing in solidarity with jewish americans. but i do think the president needs to be very clear. i don't questions people intense, i question their motives. no daylight, we don't accept this on college campuses beard >> neil: understood. good to see you both working together and trying to be the adults in the room. this past 320-91. that will do it here. ♪ ♪ >> greg: hi i'm greg gutfeld along with judge jeanine pirro,
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kevin o'leary, jesse watters, dana perino. "the five." ♪ ♪ >> [bleep]. [indistinct shouting] >> [bleep]. [indistinct shouting] >> the radical extremists and far left agitators are terrorizing college campuses, as you possibly noticed, and biden is nowhere to be found. he hasn't said anything. >> greg: donald trump sounding off as the university's crackdown on anti-israel agitators nationwide. hundreds of nypd entering hamilton hall at columbia, clearing out the encampment and her resting hundreds of the radicalized hamas youth who took over the building by force. over in callie, it was the gangs of ucla pro-israeli, pro-palestinian protesters throwing punches and using sticks to beat the crap out of
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one another as others shut off fireworks. despite the enforcement, hamas university continues to launch new satellite campuses beard a students at fordham in new york set up tents today in the lobby. mayor eric adams is blaming outside agitators for the chaos and claiming there is a movement to radicalize the youth. >> there is a movement to radicalize young people. and i am not going to wait until it's done and all in all of a sudden acknowledge the existence of it. this is a global problem. young people are being influenced by those who are professionals and radicalizing our children. we saw that those who were never concerned about free speech, they were concerned about chaos. takeover buildings and put another flag up. it's despicable that schools will allow another country flag to fly in our country. >> greg: well said. cops arresting over 300 alone in new york. but since it is a liberal city, the agitators were bragging about how bragg will let them
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out. >> what will you do when the police come right in here and end up may be handcuffing people and arresting them? >> we will do what we have always done. we will get arrested, just like the criminals on the subway, they are always right back out in 24 hours. >> greg: [laughs] at least you get fed while locked up. students who are waging revolution at columbia complaining that they were starving. >> i guess it's ultimately a question of what kind of community and obligation columbia feels it has to its students. do you want students to die of dehydration and starvation? it's crazy to say because we are on an ivy league campus but this is basic humanitarian aid we are asking for. >> clearly she has never missed a meal. jesse, the mayor saying clearly professionals are behind this, and we have said this before, you see the well produced signs, the brand-new tents. there is a larger sponsor in this. why hasn't the media even asked alex soros, why haven't you threatened to come cut off
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funding to any of the groups tht are involved in this campus stuff? and how the media won't look into that but they want to know the identities of the counterprotesters. but not who is behind the protests. >> jesse: that's a good point. soros is definitely funding this financially. chris wray at the fbi says they don't even monitor protests. do you even believe that? of course they monitor protests. they monitor a half a dozen maga hat wearers. the history of protest is not like we are seeing now. they use to protest apartheid, vietnam, the iraq war. they were directing their anger at the government. now they are directing their anger at fellow students. they are intimidating them. they are harassing them. they are targeting them. sometimes ucla they are not even allowed to walk freely on campus. and now they are beating the pulp out of some people. if you are smart and if you are the biden administration you just slash funding because this
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is a title ix violation, this is a civil rights violation. they are discriminating against a religious minority, and that is how you cut it down. biden came out after three days of hiding and he says he is going to import more hamas refugees. and that we are going to pay off everybody student loans. it's like he wants to lose the election. the police came out last night and said they are outside agitators who are known to law enforcement, that have infiltrated this movement and they are training students on how to take dearrest tactics come on how to barricade themselves in. and for the woman that wants food, typical hamas, right? you attack and then you demand catering. this is what they are doing. i'm sick of it. i'm saddened by it. i've never seen anything like this before. and it's not just to put israel anymore. this is a marxist volcano. it's now anti-american, antiwhite, anticapitalism, antiman, and it's like every little grievance is all just
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coming out and you just forget it is actually over israel. they just hate everybody, and now they are looking for an opportunity to exploit it. >> greg: judge, i love all the media is already distorting the response to the protests. they are complaining, why aren't the police protecting the protesters from a counterprotesters -- and they said nothing while the protesters were escalating the physical confrontation by banning jews from entering the camp campus like they were guar. >> judge jeanine: the hypocrisy is amazing. what you have here are protesters who understand the criminal justice system in this country. like the people who commit crimes in new york, they will be let out in no time, there will be no consequences. alvin bragg is too busy going after donald trump for falsification of a business record to get involved in anything as significant as this, and this is significant, so significant that joe biden can't
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even comment about it. so significant that we don't even hear from the department of education, that is the one that is charged with enforcing and investigating title vi. violations. i haven't heard they are doing anything. and what happened at ucla was very telling. we have seen vigilante is on. we have seen it. we have seen people when the law enforcement doesn't respond, that is what happened in los angeles. the jewish people said we've had enough of those. if they are not sending the cops on campus, if the campus police are doing anything, we are going in ourselves, and do you expect gavin newsom to do anything? no! they took hours. three hours they were beating each other up before they did anything. and this minouche shafik in columbia, she's got to go. and now i understand there is a class action, i'm very happy to report, by students who said they were prevented from going to class because they were jewish. that is a lawsuit based on discrimination against columbia, and i hope they win it.
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and i have one more thing to say. you know, you are right, jesse. this isn't about anti-semitism anymore. it's about anti-western values. it's about being anti-american. and right now the polling confirms that. in the united states, the number is 38% of americans are extremely proud to be american. that's scary. >> greg: kevin, you know, what makes us different from all the other previous protests we keep hearing about is that you could see everything clearly. how is this going to shape up for the futures of these bigots? >> kevin: so, student protests have been with us hundreds of years. there is always the passion when you are young. what's different about this time is for the first time ever -- because you think about the protests in the '60s and up '70s, 60-millimeter film, very grainy, hard to get resolution particularly at night. not the case now appear of everything being shot now is 1080p or 4k, even the surveillance cameras. every single image, even at
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night now, goes into an ai generator and will tell you who that individual is, so i hire people. i have a lot of companies. i hire thousands of people. within weeks, i'm going to be able -- we are doing a background check, i'm going to find this, because it's going to be in there on the dark web, those are the services you buy, only $5,000 to do a deep dark check. here is your resume with a picture of you burning a flag. see that one? that goes into spiral. over here. because i can get the same person's talent in this pile that is not burning anything. i don't care what university, what you are burning or whose side you are on, you'll never know why you didn't get a mortgage purely on never know why you didn't get into college, never know why you didn't get the job because we see you now. and all you need is to have your eyes exposed with a new, 4k image, and for the rest of your life, you're in this pile. so there's plenty of consequences for all those
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people. even an image that far away, ai can generate who they are by the way the body moves. i can't believe the stuff i find in background checks now. these people are screwed. >> dana: what did jesse say? [laughter] >> greg: thank god they didn't have background checks back -- >> jesse: right under the wire. >> greg: dana, you have these delusional protesters claiming this situation is similar to gaza. >> dana: oh, it's so -- >> greg: maybe they are right that they are on the wrong side here. there just waiting for hang gliders beards before they are. the other thing they're asking for is amnesty on the job front. they wanted to know they would be protected and not put in any pile. you'll never have to say if you are an employer, and a couple other things that northwestern university apparently landed on this solution, to give muslim students their own segregated housing. so that is the goal? segregated housing? i don't know how that fits with the law and also how does that fit with furthering america, and what does that do for any
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palestinian student in gaza? also karine jean-pierre was asked today why biden hasn't said more about the protests and she said he's monitoring the situation. and i think that's almost worse than a nonanswer because he is seeing what is going on and choosing not to say anything. again, deputy press secretary 's are great, i was one, it's a great job, but that is definitely not the commander in chief. the terrible things they were pushing this morning before newsroom got started, talking but as a more gazan refugees in america and more student debt relief. so read the room, guys. >> greg: can't expect him to read a room when he cannot really tell a counter. pause. >> greg: pause. if you think these pro-hamas college kids are bad, wait until joe biden dumps the "real ones" in your neighborhood, exclamation point.
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♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: think these pro-hamas students are crazy? just wait until joe biden dumps the real thing in your town. the biden administration is considering welcoming certain palestinians to the u.s. as refugees. keep this in mind: egypt and other arab countries have been unwilling to take them in. here is the white house today. >> we are constantly evaluating policy proposals to further support palestinians who are family members of american citizens and may want to come to the united states. we are evaluating it.
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i don't have anything to announce at this time. >> judge jeanine: biden's plan to take in palestinian refugees is no doubt and appeasement to the squad. the merry band of radical lawmakers were outraged by the police crackdown on anti-semitic students at columbia. aoc was lobbing threats at mayor eric adams, saying "if any kid is hurt tonight, responsibility will fall on the mayor and university presidents." and her comrades are also seething. >> the state sanctioned violence, including the arrest and threatened felony prosecutions of students can only be seen as an explicit effort to silence students and take away their first amendment rights. >> the anti-semitism bill that was passed has a definition that is so broad that many of the jewish groups like j street and nexus and others cannot support, so why would you do that except if you want to weaponize
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anti-semitism and you want to use it as a political ploy? >> judge jeanine: you know, jesse, one of the biggest issues, one of the biggest two issues in this country right now is immigration, and joe biden believes that the way to solve it is to bring in more palestinians when their own, the people in egypt and jordan and saudi arabia and lebanon, will not refuse, actually, to take them in. >> jesse: have you seen the polling on palestinians? they support october 7th. they support 9/11. it's like a ticking time bomb. of course joe biden says come on in. now, judge, if someone steals my car and they go on a joyride, i call 911 and i say this is what the suspect looked like, this is what my car make and model is. this is the last date and time i saw the car. i don't call them and say, you know what, can you please not do any foot pursuits? please don't have any high-speed
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chases. and when you pulled a guy out of the car, he resists the rest, just let him go. no, i want my car back. i don't try to call the cop to de-escalate. these people are adults. they can vote. they can have abortions. they can have sacks changes, they can drive, they can own homes. all of a sudden they are saying no, no, they are snowflakes. they were arguing they want snowflakes. and all of a sudden they shape shifted and january 6th this building. they smashed windows. and our guest, piling and through windows and holding hostages. they should be treated like adults, not snowflakes. >> judge jeanine: kevin, you are a money guy. joe biden is going to have to throw a lot of money in if he is going to bring these palestinians income and the truth is we already know that the minority community, veterans, in those towns where t in, although these would be called refugees, the minorities are suffering. the veterans are suffering, subjugated to the illegals.
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>> kevin: i think this pushes back up to the election. both border security and immigration policy. there is no question, this is like another throw a log in the fire on this issue because in places like here in new york, you have seen what has happened with immigration, forced on these counties or in cities or hotels, in other states, as well, certainly san francisco, southern states, texas, they don't have the infrastructure to support -- you've got to have that in place first before you bring anybody anywhere because if you do not provide them a job and do not provide them social services and they have nowhere to live, they are not that happy and bad things happen. and so why do that to yourself until you have figured out how to solve for the existing problems this country has right now, and border security, i guarantee you, this will be a top three election issue. watch it happen. we are only months away. but this just adds fuel to that
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fire. >> judge jeanine: you know, dana, we just heard tlaib that arrest and threats of felony prosecution our efforts to silence them. these protesters. and take away their first amendment rights. this woman is in congress. does she understand what the law is in this country? >> dana: clearly not. the first amendment's first for a reason and it makes a lot of sense for that but as soon as you cross a line into making sure nobody else can go to class, then you have infringed on their first amendment rights. no, she doesn't understand that at all. the other thing is, last night i got home in time to watch bret baier's panel so he was doing the news come about to ask a question, goes, wait, this just in, let me see if i can read this right, the cbs news reporting the baidu administration is going to let in all of the gazan refugees. this is the day you were going to choose to say this? you never hear any of the protesters chant "free
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palestinians from hamas." most palestinians, yes, they believe all of those things but they do not want to be governed by hamas anymore. i also would say this. i think joe biden's decision-making and the slowness of it, hamstrung the israelis from doing what they needed to do to get this done more quickly. that is the same thing that happened in ukraine. then it gets that much harder and you are making them have to do everything much more slowly so than these protests continue. this could have been taken care of before but the administration was like, no, no, hold off. the last thing i would say, the pro-hamas folks are saying they want protection here in america from, they don't want to be infringed upon with their first amendment rights. they don't want to go to jail. they don't want to be penalized. but they also want to be free to say to jews, go back to poland, while the gazans get to come here. >> judge jeanine: you know what, greg? in axios today, there was an article that the dems are internally in panic mode because
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they know that bringing in the gazans, and they know that the silence of the administration as they were yelling "death to the jews" and "from the river to the sea," it's not just making the jews angry, it's making americans angry. >> greg: and also, you might have real asylum-seekers, but that doesn't matter because this country -- i don't trust this country, and i don't mean palestine, i mean america. we can't invent a paper bag. look at our border and look at the asylum process, which has been corrupted. you know, it's amazing that we are actually saying the phrase "pro-hamas movement," it is incredible, and when you talk about those phrases come almost everyone, i would say almost everybody was repulsed by october 7th, but over time, forces both seen and unseen have diluted it and changed it so you have pro-hamas protests, where israel supporters are called
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genocidal. if you want to see how october 7th was possible -- and i think this is the unintended consequence of these protests -- is that you are reminded of october 7th when you look at the faces of those protesters. there chants, the hate in their eyes. they are not raping or killing yet, but you look at it, you look at the blind ideological hate and you go, you know what, now i can see how this is possible. we have been told there is a global in infitada and we see highly organized and synchronized across the united states. when the patient jewish left-wingers going to speak out instead of sitting this out. when trump called out jewish leaders, they claimed he was attacking them. when protesters say kill the jews or go back to the ovens, they never use the word "attack." in fact, they rarely report it at all.
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remember if you said white lives matter? if you said lives matter, you were called a white supremacist by the adl. by the adl. yet if you say "death to the jews, death to the zionists," there is no brown supremacy. no one is saying that. this is a very telling discrepancy, and it tells you that there is a larger force at play. >> judge jeanine: the interesting thing is that biden's approval on the gaza war is 28%, 71% disapproval. so there you have it. up next, he's back! president trump out of court and hanging out with uncle sam on the campaign trail. ♪ ♪ of bringing textile manufacturing back to america. we're taking the best fibers our farm can produce, spinning it at one location, weaving it, then finally into a cut and sewn product.
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♪ ♪
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>> dana: donald trump breaking out of that freezing cold ice box also known as the america's newsroom studio this morning with bill hemmer, but back in ts supporters and putting uncle sam, you can see him there, the former president had a rare break from his criminal hush my trial today and he used that time off to campaign in battleground states wisconsin and michigan. a fox news head-to-head match up will michigan, tied with biden in wisconsin, where trump gave one heck of a show. a speaker uncle sam, look at him, he is in good shape. you think biden can bend down like that? i don't -- we are leading virtually every swing state by a lot and we are going to make america great again. biden has run the government like robin hood essentially in reverse, stealing from the poor and giving it to the rich.
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we are going to throw out bidenomics and we are going to replace it with maganomics. but isn't it nice to have a president who doesn't need a teleprompter? not that he can't read. >> dana: president biden trying to counter show man trump by going to hollywood. a new report he is working on videos in his home state of delaware. high-end video production and extras on the set, and if that doesn't sound hollywood enough, steven spielberg is going to help biden produce the entire convention that they will have in august in chicago. kevin, one of the things president trump decided to do today is have a big laser focus on the economic message. you mentioned border security and immigration is one of the top issues, but we also know the economy is, and he really talked about how biden is saying he would let trump's tax cuts expire and letting that settle
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into people's consciousness. your thoughts on maganomics and comparing that to biden? >> i love to have this narrative without getting to the partisanship of talking about who is running politically to win as president. taxes, when you raise them, slow growth. doesn't matter who you are or what party you are in and right now we have avoided a recession, had a soft landing which was engineered by the fed. it's amazing they did it. the last thing you want to do now while inflation is still above 3% is to whack it with more taxes. when you tax the middle class, that is a form of inflation. you leave them with less money to deal with an already inflated cost of food and energy and housing. that's a really, really bad idea. but i get the rhetoric of saying let's tax the rich, let's make them pay their fair share. you've been listening to that for 200 years. ever since the first tax came to america. but it doesn't work right now. i'm against changing anything that would cost more to the
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middle class because we keep forgetting all the time that 62% of jobs in america are created by small businesses, family businesses in america. they are already struggling with inflation. we've got to give them a break periods who's ever president, got to keep taxes the way they are, and there's one other aspect to think about. we are in the g20, we compete with other countries for capital. i go around the world and bring capital to america, that is what i do. we want to be in the middle in terms of taxation. and out of the top end, we don't need to be at the low end, in the middle where we are right now. pharma companies leaving for ireland two decades ago, because, the taxation was too high, it wasn't fair. let's not do that to ourselves again. let's stay exactly where we are. what i hope happens here, even if biden wins, somebody will talk sense into the policy and say not now. one, you are president, you are not going to do something stupid to our economy. but this should be an election issue. the reason the market it hangs
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inherent -- a small correction -- there is a 50/50 chance you are getting better policy for small business, and large business in america, and that is because trump policy is more a comedy of her business, e support for energy, better in terms of what you think about how you have to pay for it. i think that is why the market is waiting to see what happens. >> dana: trump look like the happy campaigner. 2020 was a weird campaign because of coca-cola, 2016 he was a happy campaigner, and he is back out there. how does what you saw today compare with a stephen spielberg production? >> greg: stephen spielberg is perfect for joe biden, he did make "jaws" so he is used to working with a dead fish. "e.t., and other shriveled feature that cannot work a phone. what is the message here? when you have no measurable success, you need a story.
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you can't tout the economy, the border, crime, the unity, so you hire a storyteller to create a narrative that cannot be measured and statistics or prices or body count, so that is what he is trying to do. i just hope steven spielberg weaves in the juicy bits, like how joe's grandfather was eaten by a cannibal or he saved six people from drowning or he was arrested the civil rights movement. joe biden makes forrest gump sound like a shut in. i just want to say one last thing about hollywood. where were they when the anti-semites were calling for genocide and celebrating octobe? think about this. quentin tarantino made the movie "inglourious basterds," starring brad pitt, my look alike, but a team of jewish soldiers taking out nazis. it was a fictional movie. in hollywood as long as the nazis are fictional they will fight them but just a few miles on the road, we will stay
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out of it. >> dana: judge, if present probably to the polls and all of these battleground states, he will have an electoral college wipeout that will be bigger than his 2016 and biden's in 2020. >> judge jeanine: there is no question i think america is ready to bring donald trump back. i think now more than ever americans are looking at everything from the economy to the state of this country, and they are saying we need someone who is going to fight for us because it's not happening with this guy in the white house. i have to tell you, greg, i never thought, you know, you and i overlap a lot on our thoughts but i'm talking about the same thing. you've got jeff katzenberg who ran disney and dreamworks in hollywood pictures and they orchestrated this event at radio city. you've got steven spielberg, rob reiner, and what are they doing? they have to create a movie because there was no substance to joe biden on his own. he can't do it on i his own.
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they are creating their own fiction because the truth of what joe biden is doing is not sustainable. he is saying we've got the best economy. he is saying the border was secure, america is back, americas respected on the world stage, it is all nonsense. al jazeera today is cheering about those kids on the universities. and then you've got putin bombing in the ukraine. we got the taliban running afghanistan with a weapons that we left there. israel having its hands tied behind his back and xi jinping is licking his chops. they have to create a fiction because the reality doesn't sell. >> dana: jesse, this morning when biden announced the additional student loans, like art students -- and i love art, but is biden trying to lose? >> jesse: you think so when you look at what he is doing. and the american people want certainty because when you have certainty in your life, it gives you confidence. and that gives you the ability to go out and do other things.
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right now, people aren't certain they are not going to get their head knocked off when they go on the subway. they are not certain that when they send their kid to school, they are not going to be targeted by haters. there is an expectation that we have always had in america, when you walk around, when you go to work, when you do business, when you go into the boy's room, there is not a girl in there. these things have been taken away from us. and what you see is what you get with donald trump. he's raw, he's uncut, we know what to expect with donal donald trump. joe biden is a mystery man. you don't ever know where he is. you don't know who is in charge. he has disappeared. delaware, with a hollywood movie producer. what are they doing to him? there is no certainty with joe biden. anything could happen at any time, and america is tired of living like that. >> dana: up next, president biden has high hopes
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for the youth vote with his latest big move on marijuana. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: joe biden throwing a hail mary jane to win over young voters. i'm sorry, greg. administration moving to reclassify marijuana as less dangerous drug, putting weed on the same level as tylenol with codeine. it's not full legalization so don't light up yet. judge,... >> judge jeanine: yes? >> jesse: do you think this is political? >> judge jeanine: actually, joe biden wants to be political because he is trying to get young people to vote for him, okay? abortion isn't enough. climate change isn't enough. student loan giveaway isn't
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enough. i think 6.1 billion additional student loan giveaway. so now he is doing this. here is the bottom line. i think it is about businesses. i think it is about the tax break, although kevin, i'm sure you could talk more about this. it is about their access to traditional banking. they don't have access to financial services. and in the end, i think it's really a business move. but what i'm concerned about our young people smoking grass, all right, i'm a prosecutor, i get it, i was a judge, i was a narcotics judge. my concern is that when you don't have your prefrontal cortex completely developed, and that's 24, 25, four boys and girls, or young men and women, it's a problem with impulse control. >> jesse: kevin? >> kevin: the process to do that takes forever. and so this will never happen before the election.
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in one of the reasons they have never been able to get capital from institutions, i do not mess with schedule one narcotics. is a federal mandate. sure you have states who have done this. the economics are not that attractive. massachusetts did it, california did it. all it does is that of the dealers, make them less hassle by the law because nobody wants to buy their drugs from the government because it is drugs. you get better drugs from the dealer. that happened in canada, too. a lot of these licenses, companies went bankrupt, paid millions for them, there's a lot of unintended consequences. not going to happen anytime soon. >> jesse: a dealer, dana. >> dana: it has certainly been my experience that you get better drugs from a dealer. that's my experience, indeed. this is been a move for a long time. i think obama said he was going to do it. i think they were asking trump to do it. biden promised in the 2020 campaign that he would do this and he was getting some flack because it is almost, what, three and a half years and he has not gone forward. they said they are studying it, we talked about commissions and
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studies, they are trying to kick it. i agree, i don't know if it will happen before hand but now he can say i'm trying. i'm trying to get it done. it is a great time to be a far left interest or group because whatever you need, just tell the white house and they will try to figure it out for you. i also think that because the states have voted in many places to legalize marijuana, they are trying to figure out a way to make it even. what this really needs is a congressional law. if the congress wants to get together and pass it and deal with this schedule one issue, they could do it. i don't see that necessarily happening, especially in this congress, but that would be the way to keep it out of the courts. >> jesse: greg gutfeld? >> greg: i assume this would have been a slam-dunk, but, you know, the drugs have changed. the availability of these intense, concentrated levels of thc has made pot even intimidating to regular users. it's not risk-free. but unfortunately the government only works in two modes. legalize it or ban it. there's got to be something kind of in between.
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i go back to the premise i made here many years ago. booz is worse, i just got their first. it put down its roots and we accepted the poisonous part of our daily lives, never mind the traffic fatalities, the cirrhosis, the spousal abuse, the aggression of its users. stoners aren't known for violence, although this new strand of stuff makes people pretty crazy, you can see it on the street. but we accepted the body count of alcohol as a trade-off for our daily oblivion. i don't see pot these days as being risk-free. and the jury is still out on the schizophrenic data. you know, it's a different part of fish. >> jesse: oh, i see what you did there. >> greg: i don't. [laughter] >> jesse: america is buzzing over its new national hero: b man. ♪ ♪ okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete,
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♪ ♪ >> kevin: i love this story. and welcome back. a swarm of bees dealing last night's baseball game between the diamondbacks and the dodgers, after thousands of little buzzers emerge from the
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nest behind home plate. all hope was lost! until the brave beekeeper came to the rescue to clear them out. and becoming a hero to nearly 30,000 fans in attendance. they gave him a huge ovation. after he stuck around to throw the ceremonial first pitch, which is tough to do after you have saved the world peer judge, what do you think? >> judge jeanine: well, i think he is a hero. and i think we should probably have a parade, a ticker tape parade and just make sure that there are no bees around. >> kevin: jesse? >> jesse: the man is a stud and he has a great arm. i think two hours to get there was too long. i have a beekeeper on standby on my property. i think it is like a maintenance contract, so within 30 minutes e there. >> kevin: i know you have a soft spot for little bees. >> dana: i thought he was a real character. the good news, there has been apocalyptic news about bees for several years but all but all of a sudden the bees are back. in a big way, going to see baseball games.
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pretty good. speeded greg, don't you love it? >> greg: i do, idea for "shark tank." sharks, it is a beautiful day at the winery and you are working on your buzz. then your day is strong by unwanted visitors. do you wing it or do you run and hide? no, you put on this portable beekeeper onesie. it's 100% biodegradable, made in america, 10% goes to the rain forest. are asking $10 million from 1%. who is willing to make money like bees make honey? i brought a sample -- i brought a sample of some bees. >> kevin: do not give up your day job. for that reason, i am out. [laughter] >> greg: i always wanted to do that. [laughter] >> kevin: "one more thing," okay, right after this. it's up next. ♪ ♪ ( ♪ ) look, things may seem fine down there,
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>> greg: one more thing, dana. >> dana: quick thing here fallen journalist memorial foundation announced last week the formation of a white house press secretary's committee in support of the memorial. i worked with dee dee myers. dee dee was the first woman press secretary she worked for bill clinton. we were able to get signatures from press secretaries dating from the johnson administration all the way through the biden administration. the foundation was launched on june 2 #th, 201. and there is going to be this memorial. you can see it there to honor fallen journalists and so it was fun to work with everybody there. >> greg: that's nice. >> dana: yeah. >> greg: mike turner, let's do this tonight one more time, kennedy, jamie lissow, kat timpf, lee zeldin. >> jesse: i think i saw this show. >> greg: it was bumped last night but it's a great one so watch it. let's do this.
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>> greg: guess the animal sounds. go around the table and, okay, we will start with dana. play it. >> judge jeanine: what? >> dana: oh, gosh, i think it's a wart hog. >> judge jeanine: that's it. >> greg: that's it. >> jesse: aunt eater. >> greg: kevin? >> kevin: wart hog. [laughter] >> judge jeanine: an emu? >> greg: let's roll the tape. it was a walrus at the zoo and aquarium in tacoma, washington. it was both making singing noises and farting at the same time. >> jesse: that was my second choice. >> greg: i love it when animals farther. >> jesse: shut up. >> judge jeanine: oh my gosh. >> greg: judge? oh, okay. ends zoe is a nevada police canine who was stabbed multiple times while helping take down a
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criminal. luckily the only blood bank for dogs in nevada was able to supply blood and plasma to safe his life. enzo was so happy to all the doggy owners who helped save him. is he home safe. i want you to to know tonight that i will be on "the ingraham angle." >> greg: no truth to the rumor that kristi noem was seen leaving the crime scene. kevin, you got 30 seconds. >> kevin: 37-year-old man struck gold and diamonds two pair of diamonds earrings 14 apiece. the french designer, which is cart yea, made a mistake and, of course, when they realized the error they tried to give him something free like a little leatherback no no than net i want the real thing. gave him 14 k. they understand brand management. >> greg: that's it for us, bret. >> bret: mr. wonderful is really, really good at one mor


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