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tv   [untitled]    April 20, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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the magnitude of what happened was the same as in the initial statements of his highness , many consequences can be enumerated in different fields for what happened. strategic messages that actually happened, naturally, when we talk about strategic messages for iran , the opposite is for the zionist regime and vice versa. one of the strategic consequences has happened it is about the increase of iran's deterrence power . this is for us to imagine this and to understand well. we can imagine the day before the sadeq operation . we can completely judge that the day
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before the sadeq operation, anyway, the international media atmosphere. anyway, iran 's embassy has been destroyed, it doesn't answer, it can answer , it can't answer. the day after the honest operation. that to all the experts who have a series of strategic tasks in their heads is that iran's deterrence power has not only been restored, but it has become a few steps higher compared to before . strategic power in the region, definitely and literally.
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some even at the global level changed the power balance between the power blocs that formed in the region . in fact, this event was a trend . this operation acted as a catalyst and suddenly the strategic balance accelerated he divided the power into conditions before and after him because of the importance of the leader's way.
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it was that he would beat him and then iran would not be able to advance in terms of jihad, and naturally we referred to it as strategic patience, but naturally, he did not take this as strategic patience. they attacked our nuclear weapons and our generals, in fact, they attacked syria many times, and they attacked iran and korat. anyway, considering that he did not intend to increase the tension, maybe because he was caught in an 8-year war, he already knew about it. the negative effects of the war were patient, but the strategic mistake made by the zionists caused this space to break, and from now on, this issue puts iran in a very offensive, very positive, and very innovative position. from
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other messages that can be mentioned, the increase in iran's self-confidence, yes, it had a great effect , and in relation to this, in any case, the breaking of self-confidence on the other side, just like you, iran and the resistance front, i actually wanted it. as an independent item, i can say that it is both a resistance front and another event that is a strategic issue the front of resistance creates a space in which a space is created. dini, the group of the resistance front, carry out the necessary operational coordination , that is, previously, if it was on paper or sporadically, one member, two members, three members would do the work. with other consequences that can be mentioned for iran, the rise of iran's social capital in the region and in the world , of course. in the same way, you
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should look at the iranians in the same way . basically, in my opinion, they are not considered in these equations. the non-iranians who are not common in the tradition and history of iran are showing a kind of self-sacrifice, which is a shame. especially among the masses of people and in the world , this actually caused the same thing. well , i would like to say one thing about the limited number that you mentioned. many of these accounts are raised and talked about in the virtual space. and now those illogical and undocumented objections that are being made are teams abroad with accounts that no one
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really knows the nature of . don't think that these are the people of iran . the people of iran are the ones we have seen in various reports who are proud of that sense of pride and dignity, this is a point that i think should be paid attention to, just as you said in hasali, in any case, we as iranians also we lived inside and outside of iran we lived in iran in a wide way , it is not exactly what you say, that is, what happened made many foreigners who did not have iran in their hearts to be happy, that is , it gave them a kind of self-esteem, but in the case of iran, well, by now, this is the list, of course , this is a long list, i'll stop with this . yes, mr. dr. enadi, please do what you want to do. yes, mr. khor ramshad
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mentioned a number of achievements. the period of time that we are at your service from 26 april until now multiple applications of these achievements yes. it has been said , in my opinion, one of the debates that the zionist regime has been following for a long time, that is, from the bad and perhaps its establishment, is the policy debate, the ambiguity in its military power , the ambiguity in the nuclear issue, it has always tried to keep this a secret, never clear and transparent. i don't know what the level and potential of its power is, in my opinion , this was one of the cases where it was hit, that is , the islamic republic of iran fired more than 300 ballistic missiles and cruise missiles from iranian soil. and it became clear that those advertisements are unclear keeping it here didn't work anymore, this
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was one point, i think it's very important. another issue is that the weapons that were used were all domestically produced. unlike the zionist regime , whose weapons are mostly imported, just today we were in the news that the us is going to provide israel with 1 billion dollars of new weapons , so iran has provided all of these by itself , as we all know in any case, during the imposed war, even wire khardar did not hand it over to him, and he gave us a scott missile that he wanted to get, not syria, then they brought some from libya and sent one to the title of reverse engineering is actually starting now , we have reached a point where one of the power. they are the missiles of the world, and the westerners themselves are aware of this in pehbadam , in the same way, and all the experts they taught tried to hide this in their interviews with the bbc and other channels, but they kept saying, sir, this is very bad. there was a precedent once, for example, the number of drones and chelyabinsk missiles
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ended up in the end, exactly in the end, and this was a very important issue. in this the battle that happened was not a surprise , iran had announced very clearly 72 hours ago that we want to do this action, of course the other side was fully prepared and it was not alone, america, france and england, 3 permanent members of the security council 3 as far as the nuclear power of the zionist regime itself, which in some way is not a member of the npt and does not declare it, but in any case they say it has more than 200 nuclear warheads. four nuclear powers with all their advanced technology and some arab countries who helped them, well, under such conditions, iran succeeded in actually carrying out this operation now. in their advertisements, they first said, sir , we hit 99%, then maarif came and said no, 84. now
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, whatever happens, bangbin himself finally came. and its reflection in the region and the world later, in terms of the equation , see the equation of power, in terms of the equation of power , that hierarchy is actually the classification of power , for example, where iran was in the region and the world . he ranks them in terms of strength because many of them say that they are quantitative for example, iran does not have an air force or, for example , its tanks are worn out and so on, but here it was practically completely reversed, and what happened and the blow that was inflicted, and with this size and dimensions, in fact , iran's position in the power equation, in my opinion , is regionally superior. . this is not something that now, for example , we can say that they are confessing and admitting to
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it, we see the set of these things that we put together , which is actually in terms of the power equation that is usually measured in international relations between countries , especially countries that actually they are on the same border, in terms of the dimensions of conflict and tension, it is a country with a distance oh, how many countries do its missiles and drones pass through, and this happens, and a country that either now has a regime that claimed to be a nuclear power, and in all the battles that have been fought in recent years, like the 33-day battle, or for example, for 22 days, gaza has been stuck for 6 months now, it has been stuck for 6 months now and this hymen was damaged, but it was not challenged in this way by a regional power. in my opinion , the combination of these in the power equation should be a serious redefinition should be accepted. after this, in fact, now
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the small bird operation happened in isfahan. their experts say that this balance has been established. by the way, it is the opposite, in my opinion , it is not comparable at all, what iran did and what the zionist regime did, now in this equation iran is definitely the winner and has the upper hand . do now, maybe it is less mentioned in the programs, we did not only have defense with drones and missiles, the discussion of the jungle itself, the electronic war that happened in this operation is an important point that the experts in this field should explain how despite all these events our missiles and drones in the occupied territories the landing of mr. even this bbc reporter, mr. dr. khorramshad, said that the day before, if iran launched an operation, even one rocket
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would pass through this iron dome and dawood's flakhan and arrows one two or three, that means israel would have lost a coma. now, there are a lot of images that you have, their bases have been attacked by gangs, not anywhere, so prepare the report and colleagues, let's see the next part of the program, we are at your service
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, the country and the world that we stand for liberation, freedom and equality. the river to the sea palestine will be free, make some notes for yourselves nation and the supporters of ours worldwide.
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well, after the consequences and effects of the true promise operation , we come to this part , what is the plan, what is the agenda of the zionist regime and its allies, what is the approach to put in their agenda , as seen from the american, western, hebrew, and arabic reports and media. comes to some kind of search. making achievements for the zionist regime in order to get this regime out of this passivity caused by the failure of the true promise operation, please explain more to the viewers, mr. dr. kharran. now, according to that, it was poured this and the problems and now the preparation that has been created for this regime by their own initiative , what approach do you think they have on the agenda from now on ? in the consequences, in my opinion
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, it is strategic and decisive, and it will affect the future . it is extremely important for iran to act intelligently in its reaction. smart in the sense of a special definition that we say, for example, the simultaneous balanced use of iran's hardware power and software power on the one hand, and on the other hand, acting in such a way that in if you are caught in a trap, act in such a way that you don't get caught in either the first trap or the second trap. in fact, the zionist regime, considering that it knew that iran's strategy was to not find a solution , had actually put iran's conflict in a situation where if it attacked , there was fear of the spread of the conflict; if it did not attack, it would have been defeated the deterrent was in a difficult situation : how to strike, when to strike, and with what quality, so that
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the war does not spread in that trap, and on the other hand. a suitable answer should be given . it was intelligently designed and from the forces that had actually participated in the assassination of our intellectuals and the mass of them had actually gathered , it had created some demands for iran and iranians on the one hand, and on the other hand , it was not the economic centers and the masses of the people. there should be no commercial centers and a collection of these and then also laying the groundwork for it to be a defense. it is legitimate to ask the united nations, which you gave , to close us, and then to wait, and contrary to all the typical operations that iran usually did in the past , when the principle of surprise was important for it, it took a lot of time and actually acted in a transparent manner. just as the war was combined , the responses were combined, and this is the intelligence, and we
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now see that in fact , both the zionist regime and its supporters are in a situation where they could not lead to the war at the foot of america and at the foot of others. and the war has not spread, and even one of its consequences could be that one of the medium-term consequences of this action is to return stability to the region, not only not to exacerbate the war, but on the contrary, in fact, to be a form of stabilization. the second point i wanted to point out is that we iranians should pay more attention to this school military. it was iran that acted, the opposite of the zionist military school, the opposite of the english and french school. what does it mean, mr. doctor, in the sense that you see the experts who designed this operation and according to many people are admirable anyway, these are the graduates of military schools. and the lack of military academies in the west and east, they
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were actually not educated in the american academies, not in france, not in many countries where now , in fact, the prominent military experts are graduates of this world . only indigenous weapons rather, this infantry was actually infantry and the design of this operation and the implementation of all this was the military school of iran. in a way, maybe in a way, what happened was similar to the operation of fatah al-mobin in the imposed war, which boosted the self-confidence of fatah al-mobin. which happened in the distance of a few months to jerusalem , maybe it can be said indirectly that if in fact the senses of the region are not gathered , after the conquest of al-mawbin, the truthful promise, the possibility of going to al-maqdis will increase, and that is possible. in fact, to repeat, it was this iranian military school that acted and got results here
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also, and now the approach that is on the agenda after the simple promise operation. for them, they are looking for that, especially after this incident that happened to them in the isfahan debate , the news line of the media they are following and their political positions is that somehow, in fact, in order to collect this and this shame. and it's awful to go on this line now that this was a very complicated operation and it was in a way that is still not clear . transparent military authorities and iranian politicians both show their pictures and announce that they themselves have not yet accepted. not the most accurate, perhaps the biggest words that the minister of national security of the zionist regime wrote in this operation . it is ridiculous and without character that they themselves have admitted this
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and now they are looking to make this an achievement, but it was not an achievement. it was an introduction, it could be that there is actually a wider operation behind him, which netan himself said, "we are not looking for war at all, we are now looking for the gaza issue , we are caught up in lebanon, we are not looking for a war with iran , that is, this story is solved here, from that minister." the national security said that , it was the second blow or the first blow that he inflicted on them in terms of psychological operations. the combination of these things has now caused them to maneuver hard in their news and media lines that the dimensions of what happened in iran have not yet been determined and its connection. i gave this discussion that happened about hasht and shaabi, when i said that it was actually hit by 5 missiles.
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yes, in my opinion, what happened here proved our defense capability against both the regime's vigilance and counterinsurgency operations, although they announce that we have, for example, the s-300 system. i don't know if i am going to raise any of these topics , but it seems that all of these are actually empty and have no basis and documents, because if there were, they should not have announced this, because cnn itself said that the satellite images showed nothing. an incident at the base. they challenge that, for example, the protection that should be
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there is not actually the cover that it should be, and in my opinion, these things are also in this story, like the missile issue, and what is happening now is a minimization with media seasoning and the psychological operations that these are now with this media environment that exists that we are human we have media and we have citizen journalists, and social networks are no longer the answer, in my opinion, a citizen of esfani can easily go there , take a picture with his cell phone, and we will show it to the whole world . again , it didn't work in this part, so we were actually successful in launching missiles and drones, and in defense, which was proven again, and in war. the electronic one that was there, very well, mr. doctor, was excellent in his speech, mr. doctor, he also mentioned these conversations between officials it is obvious that the zionist regime has become very strict
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, where their internal security minister ben goyer comes , he criticizes another vice president and the war system of the zionist regime with such intensity , this tension has increased a lot, and anyway this what is the main cause of this confusion and what do you think it is going in which direction? we may consider two points, so we can shed some light on this phenomenon that you mentioned. i may raise the first point with a question that if the zionist regime really has the upper hand in the upper position the events that have happened since seven. from october onwards, in gaza, in lebanon, in syria, in iran, in this, if he had the upper hand, these differences would appear, it is very
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clear that no, in other words, in victory and happiness , and in fact, he does not show his differences , the differences are when he is caught, in fact, he cannot. to put things together and to try to find out who was at fault in reality means nothing. a proof of how successful iran has been and the resistance front and the palestinians, despite the fact that 34,000 of their citizens, their women and children have been killed , they have the upper hand as much as you these differences. on the palestinian front, on the iranian front , you don't see this, on the resistance front, you don't see the counterpoint, which is actually happening, in fact, it is being created. another point is that because the nature of the current cabinet of the zionist regime and netanyahu is a combination of radicals and hardliners and
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this hardliner. the fact that both the events of october 7th and iran's response were the cause of the incident means you can imagine what would have really happened if israel had not attacked our embassy. and then continue the analysis based on that, it seems that this did not happen . by miscalculating and thinking that they are going this way and that, there must be a number of wise people inside who are against
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the events that have happened now. in a way , he is taking his last breath and he has been trying for so long in these six months because he has no history at all to bring the western front and the united states to support him and by his side. they are not in a situation where they want to enter and god bless them they have declared that they are not willing to do this anyway, that is, the conditions of europe itself, the conditions in ukraine, the conditions in our region and... anyway, it means that while they support israel, at the same time, they have so much sense. they have to weigh their own long-term interests anyway , and let me say that yes, this has caused the fact that as this goes on, it seems that these differences within them will increase because of this kind of blow that they received. in order to be able to understand, let's imagine that this happened in iran on the side of the zionist regime
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, it happened on the side of iran. what were the things that threatened us and what conditions did it create for us inside, this is also happening there now with a higher factor, well, we have less than two minutes. the zionist regime in iran, in this discussion of the sadiq operation, promised a coordination in different sectors, in the field of foreign policy, in the field of defense and media, that is, all three sides of the triangle should act in harmony. yes field and media that in fact all of these work in a coordinated way this itself was a strong point in the discussion where you mentioned that the zionist regime is looking for ward . this is really netanyahu, who is stuck in the spiral of the case. he has been trying to pull america's foot in the middle and in some way actually involve it. and in this discussion that happened about the consulship of the islamic republic of iran in syria
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, it was really thought that it would work, but this did not happen, of course, in the field of defense and full support of israel that night, they did this, not only america. england and france also came , but in the next phases, he said, in the offensive field we do not enter these things. somehow, now there is an analysis that the americans wanted to serve the israeli regime and it was the reason for the discussion of palestine's membership in the united nations, where 12 positive voting countries, england and switzerland, bought a full-fledged disgrace for themselves. in a way, in fact , show the zionist biden again that, sir, i am at least open with you in this area. if he does not do anything in that area, in my opinion, he has left all the stones , and he does not want to enter the interior of america. he allows it and knows that it will not achieve the necessary results for him it is not that he wants to continue more in the area of ​​middle east and west asia. thank you very much to
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every honorable teacher, mr. dr. khorramshad, and also to dr. inaiti, and i have a special thank you for joining us with the special news talk tonight. god bless you and make a difference. . no, it didn't make a difference, it made a difference, it didn't make a difference, it made a difference, it didn't make a difference, it made a difference .


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