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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  May 2, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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and then a person will happen. >> and also, did i see the house up on a crane? yeah, yeah. are you in the air? >> and do you start on the ground and then they. okay. we'll see you in two days. and you're like, what? >> i feel like i forgot my groceries. >> if it comes with a talking dog. dog. i'm in down squirrel girl, your best >> george: good morning america. clashes at ucla, campuses across the country. we're live on the scene. overnight a massive police presence on the campus of ucla. the l.a.p.d. declaring a city wide tactical alert. we're there live on the scene with the latest on the situation unfolding moments ago. plus 90 protesters arrested at dartmouth. violent clashes in wisconsin. now will the national guard be called in to defuse the violence across the country? donald trump back on the
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campaign trail, refusing to commit to accepting the 2024 election results. trump defends his record on abortion as the biden campaign goes on the attack. >> janai: possible school shooting thwarted. a 14-year-old alleged gun man forcing a middle school to lock down, as police and panicked parents race to get there and wait. >> whit: a massachusetts woman on trial accused of murdering her police officer boyfriend. but she claims it was all a cover-up by police. >> janai: abc news exclusive on the shortage of popular drugs used for weight loss. top executive from the maker of ozempic and wegovy on plans to lower prices. >> whit: baby reindeer. >> why did it take you so long to report it? >> whit: how the popular show about an alleged real life stalker turned fans into internet sleuths. >> janai: tipping point. >> 18% of $27 is not $7.
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18% of $27 is not $7. 20% is not $8. >> janai: are you doing your own math? the viral post raising questions about how much money to leave. ♪ stayin alive ♪ >> george: meet the stayin alive crew this morning. >> five six seven and eight. >> george: as we right and shine in atlanta. and beating the heat. >> the boston celtics advance to rounds 2! >> george: overnight the celtics stay alive, move on, while the series between the knicks and 76ers heats up. we're live in philly this morning with game 7 on the line. and a super fan surprise that will have you cheering. whit and his girls on the edge of their seats. >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> george: how was the game, whit? >> whit: i hesitated to share the pictures. the knicks lost. >> janai: you are a super fan of
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the knicks now? >> whit: i'm from the bay area, raising new york sports fans as kids. we had a great time. it was a great game. >> linsey: i'm sure the girls loved it. we are looking forward to that incredible surprise in philly. >> whit: plus ginger is tracking temperatures for parts of the country and the nearly 100 severe weather reports from texas to nebraska. that's all coming up. >> george: we begin with the turmoil on college campuses around the country. more protests amid the israel/hamas war. more arrests were made at universities like dartmouth and fordham and in california there were questions about the police response to violent clashes there. trevor ault is on the ground. what's happening now? >> reporter: good morning, george. what you're looking at is the remains of the encampment at ucla. this is all that's left. we saw hundreds of officers essentially restrict it. you see the barricade, the plywood. that was set up along the edge of the encampment.
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that was basically tossed aside by law enforcement. they restricted all of the demonstrators, pushed them back. we watched as they took them away in custody one by one in zip ties. the protesters said they did not have weapons. they largely did not resist. they also didn't give themselves up. they stood, arm in arm, for the most part, pushed up against here. finely, when they had nowhere else to go, taken into custody. it was some of the most intense hours we have seen play out in what has been a nationwide movement with campuses and encampments happening all over the country. we're watching as this continues to play out across membering. this morning 50 arrested during a police operation clearing the protest encampment at ucla. this massive police presence moving in earlier this morning. dismantling the encampment here. l.a.p.d. declaring a city wide tactical alert and california highway patrol officers in riot gear responded to the crowd,
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pushing back using batons. >> we plan to keep this encampment until the university agrees to our demands. >> reporter: the protesters eventually moving to the front of powell library, linking arm, refusing to budge. essentially taken away in zip ties one by one. it comes one night after that pro palestinian encampment came under at tack by pro israel activists. lack of police action that night called into question. university police responding to the criticism saying the campus leadership, not law enforcement, owns the results of their decision. classal the school now cancelled. in oregon, portland state university protesters barricading themselves inside the library since monday despite the school telling them to leave immediately. food and bedding was seen being delivered. university of new hampshire in durham, pro palestinian protesters clashing with police in riot gear. at dartmouth, police arresting
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90 protesters after an order to leave an encampment. violent clashes breaking out at the university of wisconsin in madison. four officers injured. dozens of pro palestinian protesters arrested. the dean of students escorted by police as she walked through the mall after encampments were taken down. protesters taking to the streets of new york city. the nypd arresting 300 across the city. police clearing out an indoor encampment at fordham university. if you fail to leave you will be placed under arrest. some republicans calling on president biden to use the national guard to dismantle encampments. he has yet to address recent con frontation on campuses. we are hearing 132 people were
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arrested at this encampment. it happened as police were coming in one week as to when this encampment was formed. two nights ago there was violent altercations between pro palestinian demonstrators and israeli counteder protesters. we saw them come up, try to rip away the barricade. the protesters pushed back against that. there was also criticism of the law enforcement because it took them a couple hours before they moved in. this is ucla campus. l.a.p.d. doesn't necessarily have jurisdiction. sources said that request didn't come in until hours after the skirmish. we want this to play out over the course of several hours there were flash bangs fired overhead. it does seem to appear all those arrests were happening without anyone seriously injured.
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george? >> george: overseas now and a possible cease fire and release of hostages. tom soufi burridge is on the scene in jerusalem. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, george. fate of the hostages and 1 million civilians in southern gaza hanging in the balance. hamas leaders saying their position on that high stakes u.s. brokered cease fire and hostage deal is negative but adding hamas is still studying the proposal and negotiations could continue. israel offering an initial six week pause in the fighting and the release of palestinian prisoners in exchange for 33 hostages. secretary of state blinken saying that israel has made important compromises urging hamas to accept the deal, adding there is no time for further haggling. blinken and netanyahu meeting wednesday for 2.5 hours with blinken reiterating u.s. opposition to an israeli military ground operation into southern gaza where more than 1 million palestinians are sheltering. israel doubling down saying it will root out hamas' remaining battalions with or without the deal.
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the u.s. warning peace in this entire warning is at stake. we are still waiting for hamas' official response to that proposed cease fire deal, with israel's war cabinet expected to meet tonight. janai? >> janai: tom, thank you for that. we turn here back at home to the nearly 100 severe weather reports from texas to nebraska and 16 tornado reports. ginger is tracking it all. good morning. you told us this was going to happen. >> ginger: unfortunately it's been day after day of these threats. they keep verifying. 16 reported. one in turkey, texas, in the panhandle. these were a bit more rural so we didn't see as much damage from them. the land spout there also in ft. austin texas. you can see that up to the sky. they form differently, but can also do some damage even though they're, most of the time weaker. here's what you need to know this morning. flash flood alerts around waco. you've got shreveport, alexandria. this is 2 to 5 inches. we'll see more storms today. wichita falls down to nearly san
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angelo. y'all, we had such a remarkable april when it comes to tornados. second most on record since the records started in 1950. but may is the month to watch. see that graphic and you say may sticks out. >> george: we know you will be watching. thanks. latest on donald trump, repeating lies about the 2020 election and refusing to commit to accept the results if he loses again in 2024. chief washington correspondent jon karl has the story. good morning, jon. >> reporter: good morning, george. in a reminder of what happened in 2020, donald trump is once again refusing to say whether he will accept the results of the presidential election. he is suggesting there could be violence if he loses. donald trump is making it clear he is only ready to accept the results of the election if he likes them, telling the milwaukee journal, quote, if everything's honest, i'll gladly accept the results. i don't change on that. if it's not, you have to fight for the right of the country. in another recent interview, trump dismissed threat of violence by his supporters saying, quote, i think we're
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going to have a big victory and i think there will be no violence. he suggested the lack of violence depends on who wins. i don't think we're going to have that. i think we're going to win. but he added, and if we don't win, it depends. it always depends on the fairness of an election. ending a speech overnight in michigan, trump recounted how he did, in fact, ask secret service to take him to the capitol on january 6. in an interview not long after the attack on the capitol, trump told me that if he had gone during the riot, he would have been well received. >> i was thinking about going back during the problem to stop the problem, doing it myself. secret service didn't like that idea very much. i could have done that. do you know what? i would have been very well received. >> reporter: trump's comments about the possibility of violence echo something that his former chief strategist steve bannon told me as trump was preparing for this presidential run. i asked bannon if he was worried
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about violence and he told me no because we're going to win. george? >> george: just to underscore this is not an isolated incident. this is a constant on the campaign trail for donald trump? >> reporter: absolutely. he has repeatedly refused to say that he would accept results. there's always this possibility of violence that floats in the background of what he is saying. >> george: jon karl, thank you very much. donald trump's criminal trial set to resume in manhattan. former president again faces accusations that he violated the judge's gag order. aaron katersky is at the courthouse. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. before the jury hears testimony here today, the judge will consider whether to hold trump in contempt again. prosecutors say four of his recent statements outside of court, hallway here, on the campaign trail or in an interview with our station ran afoul of the gag order, prohibiting swipes, verbal swipes at witnesses and the jury. the last time we had one of these hearings, when trump's attorneys argued his statements
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were permissible, the judge told him, you're losing all credibility with the court and he fined trump $9,000. today trump's defense will have a chance to cross-examine keith davidson, the attorney who brokered the $130,000 hush payment to adult film actress stormy daniels. the defense has said that payment was meant to protect trump's family from embarrassing stories but davidson has testified the only reason trump wanted to silence daniels was because the "access hollywood" tape had come out and his campaign couldn't take another sex scandal. whit? >> whit: thank you. former president trump also weighed in on the battle over abortion and defending his support of state based restrictions, as florida's six week ban takes effect, and arizona lawmakers vote to repeal their strict civil war era ban. rachel scott is in detroit this morning with the latest. rachel, good morning. >> reporter: hey, whit, good morning. donald trump has been focused on his criminal trial. this is the first time we've
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seen him on the campaign trail in weeks. he's tried to put this issue of abortion to rest. democrats not only seizing on his recent comments, but also his record, apointing three of the five supreme court justices that overturned roe. for the first time since his criminal trial began, donald trump returned to the campaign trail, forced to defend his record on an issue that could define this election. abortion. >> i always say it's up to the states. they'll ask me a question about it. i say that's up to the state. so i say to you, i think we did a very good job. lot of people are very happy with it. >> reporter: trump standing by his comments that he won't object if states monitor pregnant women to make sure they comply with abortion bans or prosecute women who violate them. the former president often brags about appointing three of the supreme court justices who overturned roe v. wade clearing the way for 21 states to severely restrict access to abortion. but now sensing police call vulnerability trump is warning republicans not to go too far. >> you have to have what your
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heart determines and you have to fight for what's in your heart and what's the right thing to do. but remember, you also have to get elected. >> reporter: both the trump and biden campaigns are well aware abortion rights has won in every state where it has appeared on the ballot. vice president harris visiting florida just hours after the state enacted a six week ban placing the blame on trump. >> as of this morning 4 million women in this state woke up with fewer reproductive freedoms than they had last night. this is the new reality under a trump abortion ban. >> reporter: virtually every state in the south has now banned or restricted abortion. one doctor telling us it will have a devastating impact. >> to not be able to provide that care that we are trained to provide for patients is terrible. it's horrible. >> reporter: some states are reversing course under growing
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public pressure. arizona lawmakers, including two republican stated senators, voteding to repeal an 1864 near total abortion ban passed a half century before women had the right to vote. abortion rights could be on the ballot in as many as 13 states this november including right there in arizona and florida where voters could ultimately have the final say either way, janai. >> janai: this will be one that we are watching. thanks for that. now a possible school shooting thwarted in wisconsin. police taking down a 14-year-old boy with what appeared to be a rifle before he was able to get inside the middle school. chief justice correspondent pierre thomas is in washington with details. good morning, pierre. the kid was just 14. >> reporter: janai, good morning. this story is tragic on so many levels. police suggesting they had no choice but to kill one of their own children. the suspect was a student from the area. this morning a small town
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in wisconsin is feeling traumatized as parents reflect on a day of grazed nerves and utter fear. >> somebody said run. they ran. i just wanted to hold them tight and not let them go. >> reporter: sherry mccarthy had an 8th grader at the middle school where reports of a shooter surfaced. sources telling abc news, police encountered a 14-year-old boy with what appeared to be a rifle outside of the school. >> while it was happening we just sat in the corner. >> reporter: the boy was killed in the confrontation. the incident forcing the school to lock down. police and panicked parents raced to get there. >> sounds like there is one injury. it's gonna be the suspect. >> reporter: late evening press conference, officials confirming the suspect, the boy killed, was a local student. >> this type of incident is any parents night mare. >> reporter: images all too familiar. nervous parents waiting, swat teams, pherpbl vehicles. >> i just got here. i have been waiting for the last 5 1/2 hours. >> reporter: police declined to offer any details on the circumstances of the shooting and the exact type of weapon involved.
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so many unanswered questions, but a town grateful that no one else was injured. guys? >> janai: something to be grateful for there. thank you. coming up here, this one's got everyone talking. the viral post raising questions about leaving tips and whether you should do your own math. >> whit: plus how baby reindeer has turned fans into internet sleuths. >> george: a massachusetts woman on trial charged with murdering her police officer boyfriend, but she claims she was framed. we're live at the courthouse in boston. first let's go back to ginger. >> ginger: philadelphia has been living in summer weather all week. today could tie another record or break it. upper 80s for highs. they are not alone. washington, d.c. down to raleigh, talking about heat through next week, with breaking records for a whole week next week in the south. look at some numbers. we have had that back door cool front that's kept others slightly cooler like boston at 67. trend is warmer. your local weather in 30 seconds.
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>> whit: we've got a special surprise in
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looks like this morning. hi, gloria. >> good morning. reggie yeah. right now we are tracking a three car crash. this is over in fremont. this is at southbound 880 at thornton avenue. and right now the two left lanes are blocked and traffic is stopped. industrial parkway, there's a 38 minute delay. and if you're driving in this area, the speeds are down at 11mph. reggie >> thanks, gloria. we're going to check join the millions who're feeling the power of osteo bi-flex®, the #1 pharmacist recommended joint care supplement. (♪) find our coupons in sunday's paper.
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warm sunshine. today and tomorrow. but rain is back in the forecast here on saturday. saturday morning it's a level one on the abc seven storm impact scale. the storm is out of here by saturday evening, and that will lead to a dry and sunny day on sunday. reggie thank you drew. >> if you're streaming us on the abc seven bay area app. abc seven at seven continues. everybody else is watching good morning america. >> no one can undo an accidental death, but we can help manage what comes next. justice takes more than a fighter. you need a champion walk, a personal injury law visit, walk up at precision garage door. >> spring breaks are one of our most common calls. we get all of our trucks are stocked with a large inventory of garage door springs, and all of the parts that fix your garage door fast. >> precision door service a name you can trust. >> it is no longer a question of whether the phenomena is real. it is now about what we are documenting at skinwalker ranch. >> this is unlike any experiment
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could suggest? what to cook? do less, live more. welcome to bespoke by samsung >> versace >> george: okay. looking live at the scene at the ucla campus. protesters across the country are not backing down. want to go back to trevor ault who is there in california. good morning, trevor. >> reporter: good morning george. these were some of the most intense hours we have seen since this nationwide movement university encampments. this is ucla right outside royce hall. you see all of the tents, hundreds who have been staying here for a full week. all of them cleared out this morning. what we've heard from law enforcement is that 132 people
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and counting, that number will probably go higher, have been arrested taken away in zip ties one by one. they were all across this encampment here. they had essentially barricaded themselves in at the edge. metal barricade, plywood boards. last night at 6 p.m. law enforcement declared this an unlawful gathering. they said everybody who stayed was violating the law, would be taken into custody. overnight law enforcement brought in hundreds of people. they approached, went back, formulated the strategy. up until about 3 a.m. this morning when it got really intense. was saw law enforcement firing flash bangs. it was very disorienting. there were some officers that had less than lethal rounds they would fire as they got close. you see all the barricade, the plywood. they basically pulled that apart, the edges of the encampment until they were face to face with the demonstrators. the demonstrators said they weren't going to have weapons or
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fight back. it also means they wouldn't give up. law enforcement kind of cut across with the building, pushed them in and restricted them as they pushed them back. and surrounded them so the demonstrator, who were trying to hold the line, they were basically spread too thin. eventually they pushed them back up against the library to what was a single file line. they broke them apart one by one, put them into zip ties and took them away individually. these demonstrators, for the most part, held that line up until the very final moment. basically all of them were steadfast. they did not seem to be surprised that they were being taken away. this has been a full week where they had been here. they were also prepared tporb for this eventual confrontation. they had been supplies that had been brought in. now that the encampment is over, it doesn't mean the
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demonstrations are completely over. over here, you can see this law enforcement presence. they barricaded this area where the encampment is. there are protestses on the other side, people who supported these demonstrator, that are still championing these causes as this continues to move forward. certainly not the ends of it here in ucla or across the country. george? >> george: trevor ault, thank you very much. we are going to turn to the trial of a massachusetts woman accused of murdering her boyfriend, a boston phrofrb, by running him over in her car. her defense team says she was framed. >> reporter: good morning, george. testimony resumes in just a matter of hours. the murder mystery just outside of boston sparking explosive accusations against law enforcement. prosecution says the evidence points to just one person. karen read, who they say killed her police officer boyfriend in cold blood. this morning a contentious murder case captivating and
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dividing a suburb of boston. karen read on trial, charged with killing her police officer boyfriend. but she claims it was all a cover-up. read supporters seen outside the superior court dressed in pink, claiming the 44-year-old is innocent. but prosecutors say all evidence points to a relationship gone wrong. they suggest after a heated argument and night of drinking in 2022, read ran over her boyfriend, former boston police officer john o keefe with her suv and left him to die in the snow in front of a fellow officer's house adding they found pieces of read's broken taillight at the scene. >> karen read guilty of murder in the second degree. >> reporter: but the defense said read is the victim of shoddy police investigation and a deep cover-up, claiming hours before o'keefe's death, she dropped him off at the officer's house. there he was beaten and killed. >> karen read was framed.
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her car never struck him. she did not cause his death. something somebody el did. >> reporter: read previously telling abc's matt gutman she believed she was framed. >> you're alleging law enforcement officers in the state kpheubted murder and they're covering it up. why would they want to be involved in this? >> because he's dead. i think things went too far. it was late. there was alcohol involved. but they're all family. there's many of them involved. >> reporter: dash camera video played in court showing officers and read both responding to the scene. read seen frantically running around. an officer testifying that she said, this was all her fault. >> she kept saying, this is all my fault. this is my fault. i did this. >> reporter: the defense pushing back. >> nowhere in your official report did you say that. >> that's correct. >> and nowherer in interview the next day did you say that.
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>> that's correct. >> do you think that was a pretty important omission on your part? >> it was an oversight. >> reporter: read maintains she's innocent. and read faces up to life in prison if convicted. it's not clear at this point whether she plans to take the witness stand in her own defense. but, janai, this could be a lengthy trial. there are 87 names just for the prosecution. >> janai: really interesting case there. thank you. now to what could be a tipping point in the debate over gratuity. viral video about one customer's experience, raising questions about how much to tip. our chief business correspondent rebecca jarvis is here with details. this video, rebecca, it makes you think. >> rebecca: these are deep questions we all need to ponder. this one's got everyone talking because of this instagram post. it's really making the rounds. marco brian shared his experience when he tried to
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leave a tip based on the restaurant's suggested tipping guidelines. you know the standard numbers the restaurant offers you at checkout. well, something wasn't adding up. take a look. >> $27. it's not $6. 18% of $27 is not $7. 20% is not $8. >> rebecca: you don't have to be a math genius to see that. prompting thousands of comments like, restaurants need to pay their employee, not us. another writing tipping is out of control. the payment device said it calculates after taxes and before discounts. he wasn't charged for a cost it was included in the typical que layings. the restaurant telling us this is not a scam. we have a disclaimer that alerts guests that the tip is calculated before discounts. we also allow for a customer tip for guest screen against. according to mark, that wasn't really made clear to him. do we really read the fine print
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on these things? this has prompted a whole debate about tipping cultures. so, guys, tip? what do you think? what do you guy doss? >> whit: i don't like the math, that's for sure. >> janai: 100% i'm with you. whatever that thing said, 20%, 25% was. [ laughter ] george? >> george: i did do it. >> janai: really? >> george: i'm not sure the restaurant's entirely wrong. >> whit: okay. >> rebecca: i'm not judging the restaurant. or mark in this case. for me it's like, it's how much eye contact am i getting at the time? i'm going to go up a bit. >> george: i think restaurants should pay a living wage. i applaud the restaurants add up the bills and don't have any tipping at all. but these people deserve tips. >> rebecca: in the '60s a law was passed so tips could account for more of people's pay checks so you really are helping people in that pay check by giving the tip.
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good service, recognize it. >> whit: former olive garden waiter, amen to that. >> george: i was a waiter all through high school and college. >> whit: absolutely. thank you, rebecca. apologize it. >> rebecca: thanks, guys. >> whit: coming up next the fire storm over the hit show "baby reindeer." fans trying to track down the real life people it's allegedly based on. i've struggled with generalized myasthenia gravis. but the picture started changing when i started on vyvgart. ♪ vyvgart is for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis who are anti-achr antibody positive. ♪ in a clinical trial, vyvgart significantly improved most participants' ability to do daily activities when added to their current gmg treatment. most participants taking vyvgart also had less muscle weakness. and your vyvgart treatment schedule is designed just for you. in a clinical study, the most common side effects included urinary and respiratory tract infections, and headache.
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to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. >> whit: back with the hit show
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baby reindeer. the creator said it is based on his real life experience with a stalker. now fans are trying to find the real people behind the story. eva pilgrim has the report. >> you said this woman is stalking you? >> six months maybe. >> what took you so long to report it? >> i think she needs help. she comes to my home, my work. >> reporter: this morning baby reindeer, the show about a man's relationship about a female stalker hitting number one on netflix with 22 million views in just one week. >> are you keeping her around? >> reporter: now the show's real life drama causing a commotion on social media. >> did you watch baby reindeer? >> i'm traumatized. >> reporter: the series creator and star says the show is based on his real life experience with an alleged stalker. the london comic saying a woman sent him more than 41,000e-mails, plus 350 hours of voice mails and mailed 100 pages
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of letters over several years. >> please let go! >> reporter: also part of the show, his character is groomed and later sexually assaulted by a tv writer. >> did somebody hurt you? >> reporter: now some viewers turned internet sleuths are on the hunt to figure out the real people behind the characters. >> there's just been a new rise of people trying to find out and uncover the real life identities. the show about stalkers turned the fans into stalkers. >> reporter: the daily mail trabing down a woman they claim is the alleged female stalker that inspired the show, but not identifying her. the woman reportedly saying, i'm the victim. he's written a bloody show about me. a uk actor saying he's been defamed by people believing he may have inspired a character who is accused in the show of sexual assault, posting on social media that police have been informed and are investigating all defamatory abusive and threatening posts
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against me. gadd taking to social media pleading with fans to stop the sleuthing writing, people i love, have worked with and admire are unfairly getting caught up in speculation. please don't speculate on who any of the real life people could be. that's not the point of our show. and here's the thing. while the series is based on some real life events he said it is not the exact truth going on to say you have to change things to protect yourself and protect other people. >> whit: yeah. >> eva: keep that in mind. >> whit: plenty of cringe worry moments in that show. >> janai: everyone is talking about it. >> whit: thank you, eva. appreciate it. coming up, will reeve is in philly for a special surprise. "play of the day" coming up. sur. ""play of the day"" coming up. . later chest congestion. hello 12 hours of relief.
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>> george: we've been silly for our play of the day. will, i saw you coaching your team there during the commercial break. >> i did. these are all 76ers fan. i am a knicks fan but we're all about the sixers. we're gonna get into it. i'm here with kareem and zach. we're outside the wells fargo center where game 6 is happening tonight. i want to talk to you. you've been through a tough time recently. you took a bad fall and for awhile you couldn't walk or talk or eat solid food. but here you are, recovered in so many ways.
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you're planning on running a 5k. describe your journey to me. >> it's been a tough journey. sometimes i thought i would never make it. through the support of friends and family, i am here today. excited for what the future holds. >> we are so glad to be with you. thank you so much for coming out here today. congratulations on the way you've been progressing. you're both -- you're best friends and you're sixers fans. what are you thinking? >> we're excited for the sixers to get the job done finish it out in new york. >> kareem, do you think the sixers -- do you agree with zach? do you think the sixers can get it done? >> absolutely. there's no doubt in my mind. >> before we go, we have a little surprise for you. we have the cheer squad. they have an announcement. let's see it. >> you're going to the game
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tonight! >> you're getting tickets! you're going to the game. you're sixers fans. we wanted to be part of this ticket give away. sixers ownership did a little of that for the community. here you go. kareem, zach, you're going to game 6. it's tonight. knicks/76ers in that building there. how's it feel? >> i can't believe it. i'm surprised. >> amazing. >> janai: fantastic. >> awesome. >> janail be rht back here on gma. will be right backn gma.
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yes. wow. >> ginger: coming up mother's day deals and steals starting at just $7. your local news and weather next.
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graton resort and casino. >> a 9-1-1 wedding you won't forget. >> where's my husband. >> it's complicated. >> i'm supposed to be somewhere new. >> 9-1-1 one tonight on abc. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. let's see what traffic looks like right now. >> good morning. reggie, we have an update for you on that crash in fremont. it is now cleared. this was a three car crash in fremont on the southbound 880. all lanes are open. however, traffic is stop and go from 238 to auto mall parkway. and looking live right now at our richmond-san rafael bridge camera, you can see traffic is a little slow right now. pretty much stop and go from harbor way to the mid-span drew. hey gloria , we'll go to our pier 39 camera, a live look at the sea lions up this morning with sunny
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skies. >> here's the forecast inland today. lots of sunshine, upper 70s to lower 80s. quite warm today around the bay shoreline. it is bright with temperatures on the mild side in the low 70s and then heading into the coastline, we'll find breezy conditions near 60 degrees now. warm sunshine continues today. tomorrow. but saturday morning rain and wind is back. it's a level one. we have a drier, sunny sunday on the way. reggie >> thank you drew. if you're streaming us on the abc7 bay area app, abc7 at seven is next. everybody else is watching gma. right exciting and new >> what we're expecting you the love for another run with love
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>> run! >> it's a game of truth. we're playing lie gets closer and closer. until it's no longer a lie >> find vetted local >> george: good morning america. it's 8 a.m. overnight a massive police presence on the campus of ucla. the l.a.p.d. declares a city wide tactical alert. we're there live on the scene with the latest on the situation unfolding moments ago. plus 90 protesters arrested at dartmouth. violent clashes in wisconsin. now will the national guard be called in to defuse the violence across the country? >> janai: one on one with the maker of ozempic and wegovy. the popular drugs used for weighted loss. what a top official is saying about keeping up with demand,
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bringing down prices, and how they're working on drugs to prevent obesity. it's an abc news exclusive. >> george: we're saying hello to brooke shields this morning. >> hello. i mean hello. >> george: she's here live talking about her new rom com and more. ♪ it's getting hot in here so take off all your clothes ♪ >> whit: and we're grooving in hot-lanta this morning. ♪ as we rise and shine with the hip hop dance group for people over 50 that's building communities and giving back to the city as they say -- >> good morning america! >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> george: nice crowd right there. good morning america. >> whit: great to be with you. gio, our friend, right there, stayin' alive with the crew in atlanta. >> janai: staying alive but not on beat. [ laughter ] >> whit: they're ready to rise and shine with us and teach gio
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a few of their moves. >> janai: they've been working on it this morning but still a ways to go. plus, with ten days until mother's day, tory johnson is here with deals and steals for mom. also ahead, two big headlines about menopause. we will break those down for you. >> repor >> george: first the top headlinesal 8 starting with tensions on college campuses across the country. trevor ault is on ucla's campus. law enforcement in riot gear facing protesters. what are you seeing right now, trevor? >> reporter: good morning again, george. we just spoke with law enforcement sources with the california highway patrol, who largely executed this wide sweeping law enenforcement action to clear out the encampment on ucla. you see what's left here. all of the tent, barricades that were set up on the edge. what we heard from law enforcement, at least 132 people have been arrested for staying
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here in what was declared an unlawful gathering. that's what happened last night. ucla police made that determination, calling in outside help from the l.a.p.d., chp who responded in riot gear. there were some very intense moments with flash bangs being shot over the top of these groups. law enforcement pushed them up against the library, then taking them away one by one in zip ties. >> free free palestine. >> reporter: overnight from coast to coast, tensions boiling over on college campuses as protests over israel's war in gaza grow more confrontational. this morning at least 50 arrested during a police operation clearing the protest encampment at ucla, this massive police presence moving in early this morning dismantling the encampment here. the l.a.p.d. declaring a city-wide tactical alert as officers in riot gear responded
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to crowds. it comes just one night after that pro palestinian encampment came under attack by pro israel activists. >> we plan to keep this until the university agrees to our demands. >> reporter: eventually linking arm, refusing to budge, eventually taken in zip ties one by one. it comes just one night after that pro palestinian encampment came under at tack by pro israel activists. university of new hampshire in durham, pro palestinian protesters clashing with police in riot gear. at dartmouth, police arresting 90 protesters after an order to leave an encampment. violent clashes breaking out at the university of wisconsin in madison. four officers injured, dozens of pro palestinian protesters arrested. protesters taking to the streets of new york city. the nypd arresting nearly 300 demonstrators across the city.
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police clearing out an indoor encampment at fordham university. >> if you refuse to leave you may be placed under arrest. >> reporter: officers ordering protesters to disperse immediately arresting at least 15 people. the protesters had said they had no weapons and they did not intends to fight back. this was largely peaceful as they stood arm in arm but didn't necessarily fight back. there are still some demonstrations just outside this encampment barricaded by police. those people who are supporting the demonstrators who have been taken away. george? >> george: thank you very much. janai? we do turn to two headlines about menopause, including new research that finds women approaching menopause may be at higher risk for depression. rhiannon ally is here with details. >> good morning, janai. the study in the journal of affective disorders found women in mid life who were approaching the average age when peri menopause start,
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around 40 were at 40% greater risk of depression compared to premenopausal women. it also found depression symptoms were twice as common in women versus men. now, the good news is researchers found no associated risk of depression in women after menopause. experts say if you are feeling signs of depression, sadness, anxiety or fatigue, you should see your health care provider. they suggest lifestyle changes like exercise, consuming less caffeine and sugar, getting better sleep and quitting smoking. all of those have been found to help with depression, janai. >> janai: it's important, those little things that can make a big difference. there's another menopause related study. this one about hormone replacement therapy. tell us about that. >> i'm glad you asked because this one may be some good news. research took another look at findings that were published 20 years ago that sugg jested an increased risk of cancer, stroke and heart attack with hormone therapy. these findings swayed some women
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and even doctors from using hormone therapy. this new study found that that reaction may have been overblown. experts now say hormone therapy can be safe to treat hot flash, trouble sleeping and other symptoms that come with menopause for women under 60. we know women have so much to deal with. hopefully, this can help some of them. >> janai: certainly good to be talking about this and getting it out there. >> whit: now to the birthday celebration for the third in line to the british crown. princess charlotte turned 9. her mother, princess kate, marked the occasion with a new photo. foreign correspondent james longman is at bucking ham palace with more. james, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, whit. princess charlotte turns 9 today. an official photograph was released showing charlotte in the gardens at home in windsor smiling. it was taken in the last few days. she's known officially as her royal highness princess charlotte of wales.
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she is the only daughter of kate and will. she is third in line to the british throne. there's a huge amount of interest in the young princess, from more formal moments to more informal moments with her brothers. kate said she is quote, the one in charge in the family and she's said to enjoy ballet and tap dancing. this is an abc news special report >> good morning. we're coming on the air because president biden is about to address the nation from the white house about campus protests across the country. the president's been under growing pressure to respond to those demonstrations. >> we've all seen images and they put to the test two fundamental american principles. the first is the right people t
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peacefully assemble and make their voices heard. the second is the rule of law. both must be upheld. we are not an authorityian nation where we silence people or squash dissent. the american people are heard. in fact, peaceful protests is the best tradition of how americans respond to consequential issues. but, but, neither are we a lawless country. we are a civil society. order must prevail. throughout our history, we've often faced moments like this because we are a big, diverse, free thinking and freedom loving nation. in moments like this, there are always those who rush to score political points. this isn't a moment for politics. it is a moment for clarity. so let me be clear. peaceful protests in america, violent protest is not protected. peaceful protest is. it's against the law when violence occurs.
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destroying property is not a peaceful protest. it's against the law. vandalism, trespassing, breaking windows, shutting down campuses, forcing cancellation of classes and graduations. none of this is a peaceful protest. threatening people, intimidating people, instilling fear in people is not peaceful protest. it's against the law. dissent is essential to democracy, but dissent must never lead to disorder or deny the rights of others so students can finish the semester and their college education. look. this is basically a matter of fairness. it's a matter of what's right. there's the right to protest. but not the right to cause chaos. people have the right to get an education, right to get a degree, a right to walk across campus safely without fear of being attacked. there's should be no place on any campus, no place in america, for anti-semitism or threats of
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violence against jewish students. there is no place for hate speech or violence of any kind, whether it's anti-semitism, islamaphobia or discrimination against arab americans or palestinian americans. it's all wrong. it's unamerican. i understand people have strong feelings and deep convictions. in america, we respect the right and protect the right for them to express that. but it doesn't mean anything goes. it needs to be done without violence, without destruction, without hate and within the law. make no mistake, as president i will always defend free speech and i will always be just as strong standing up for the rule of law. that's my responsibility to you, the american people. my obligation to the constitution. thank you very much.
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>> that's president biden responding to a crackdown on protests at ucla campus. the president saying we are not an authoritarian nation that squashes dissent and while peaceful protest is protected, violent protests are not. trevor ault is at ucla. this comes under pressure for the president to speak on this. what's been happening at ucla and what happened overnight to trigger the response? >> reporter: it was truly a chaotic night here at ucla, diane. what we saw was a massive law enforcement response after last night the ucla police declared what was an encampment. this was declared an unlawful gathering. california highway patrol came up here, hundreds of them. all of this debris behind me, this was set up as a barricade
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to the encampment. we watched law enforcement peel it apart piece by piece and basically restrict and shrink that encampment until they were one by one. i do want to specify from what we saw, this was a largely peaceful demonstration, at least in terms of the protesters not fighting back against law enforcement presence that was there. but they all didn't necessarily give themselves up. law enforcement basically pushed them up against that library until it was one on one. they pulled them apart, put them into zip ties and took them away. what we heard from california highway patrol so far is that at least 132 people have been arrested for this unlawful gathering. as we have seen in the past with a number of other encampments that have been broken apart by law enforcement, doesn't necessarily squash the movement. certainly, this is a nation wide movement. even here at ucla, there were already protests happening just outside it from people who were supporting the people who were just arrested here. so as you see, one encampment pushed out. more movements continue to spout
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up. that's been playing out across america. it likely will continue after today and after president biden's remarks. >> the president was asked if he thought the national guard should be brought in. he said no. i want to bring in mary bruce for a little more on that. mary, this also comes as the president is trying to encourage a cease fire deal between israel and hamas. how does this all pull together with that in the background? >> reporter: certainly the white house is watching very closely to see hamas' next move. the mood here is i would say cautiously optimistic. they have urged hamas to take the deal on the table. this would be for a temporary cease fire along with the release of the remaining hostages. what you saw today was the president trying to walk a fine line. he is, of course, backing the importance and need for free speech, while also coming out trying to condemn violence, hate speech, condemning anti-semitism. you heard the president say point blank, peaceful protest, of course, is allowed, but
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violent protests are not protected. the president saying there's not the right to cause chaos. this isn't a situation where anything goes. and then you heard the president also make a political point here because he is also well aware that he's been under pressure to speak out more forcefully. this is the firsted time we saw the president speak out in ten days. president biden saying this is not a time to score political points saying, this is not a moment for politics. as we saw yesterday, top rival, donald trump, has been out there on the campaign trail criticizing the president for not speaking out more about this and also painting a picture of real violence. he said new york is under siege. that certainly is not the case. he has seized on these protests to try and make a political point. the president trying to counter that as well. >> trevor, the president saying
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students have a right to free speech. they also have a right to get education, a degree, to walk across campus safely. any more from police on what they plan to do to protect people going forward? >> reporter: at this point it's not clear since this encampment has been cleared out. you can tell the university little bit had their hands tied. at the beginning when this encampment first began a week ago, the university was relatively hands off to what we've seen on other campuses. what i think ignited things was mainly two nights ago. ucla, maybe more than any other school, has had a prominent presence of counter protester, pro israeli demonstrators. we saw a few violent altercations between the groups where some pro israeli groups tried to tear down this barricade. we saw some people throw fireworks into the encampment. there was criticism toward law enforcement for not moving in more swiftly on that evening.
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clearly now the university has decided this has gone too far. it was university police that decided this was unlawful. i do think there's going to be concern that there will be another campus to replace this one. >> we will continue to monitor that and other campuses across the country. thank you. our coverage continues on abc news live and abc we'll have a complete wrapup on world news tonight with david muir. have a great day. 'm diane macedo in new york. have a great day. thisod morning, amer♪ >> now with brooke shields. abo actress, model. welcome back. great to see you. >> thank you. >> george: you are a producer as well. >> i am. >> george: tell us about the story. >> story is about a woman who is a single mom whose daughter surprises her and says she's getting married and it's a destination wedding. and when i get there i realize
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she's marrying the son of the man who broke my heart. >> george: oh my goodness. >> it's a perfect rom com. and we don't know how it ends. >> george: let's see a clip. >> remember the last time we had a day offast time we had a day off with nothing to do in >> sophomore year when we got to campus day before classes started. >> we bought fake id's and drove to santa may in will's van. >> can you believe i had a van? >> can you believe i had a fake i.d.? >> yes. there's a beautiful beach you can walk to at low tide. >> is anyone thinking what i'm thinking? >> george: pretty spectacular location. you filmed in thailand? >> i was there for almost three months and it was unbelievable in thailand. it sort of harkenned back to what i remember movie making, like blue lagoon or whatever. we were all just concentrated in one area. we had to kind of become a
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family. >> george: pretty good cast. >> miranda cosgrove is so lovely and sweet. benjamin bratt. literally like donald, it was. it was so lucky. i felt so lucky to be in that environment. >> george: i know you've resisted playing pickle ball. but they got you on the court? >> they did. they got me on the court. they had to have intense lessons. i was under the impression that i was a good player because it was all based on getting it to the shot until i came home and played against chris and realized i wasn't really that good. i would like to. my knees are actually good with it. >> george: you recently shared this throw back oven instagram. it's been 17 years since you were miley cyrus mom on hannah montana. is it true your oldest daughter, fantastic intern at gma, has an
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issue with this? >> she was a baby. she was in the audience. i call miley my baby girl. rowan stood up and said, no. miley brought her down on stage. it was very very sweet. made a huge impression on my daughter. >> george: you're about to join ali and i as an empty nester. >> i'm usually crying in your kitchen about this. [ laughter ] just get ready, george. get ready. you think you're ready for it and then people say you're going to have freedom. i don't know. i'm not prepared. >> george: the good news is they come back. they don't go too far. right? >> it's like a rubber band. definitely. our girls are so close to us. yours are, mine are.
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they're so -- they're attached in the right way. >> george: course we worked together on "pretty baby." it came out about a year ago. what's the experience been like since it came out? >> do you know what's been the most gratifying? it's that people are moved by the story for a myriad of different reasons. so it's not just my story. it's about women in america. it's about the sexualization. you know, we talked about this. it's about their experience. i'm just the conduit to it. it was, it's been very fulfilling to me because it's moved people. >> george: thank you for coming in today. >> thank you. >> george: it is out may 9th on netflix. let's go to janai. >> janai: fun conversation, george. time for deals and steals. tory johnson is here with seven fabulous mother's day gifts starting as low as $7. bombas.
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>> yes. let's get started with bombas. mama loves bombas. the whole family loves bombas. their comfort premium, these are for everybody. this is a company that mom loves because it has a heart. for every item they sell, they donate one to somebody in need. they're already up to over 100 million items donated to people in need in this country. today's the day to stock up for the whole family on their socks. we've got all the different styles for men, women and kids. plus also for mom, we love the tees and the pwotd toms. these are all half price starting at $7. >> janai: $7. >> making their deals debut, elizabeth arden. i'm so excited about this. we've got their serum capsules. these tiny capsules right here, the best part about capsules is potency, purity, precision. just the right amount. when you see this, this is for neck and dec, the whole area.
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you can do everything with just this. usually we put on too much. this help us with having just the right amount. we've got a variety of types. depending on your skin concerns. there's retinol which is their fan favorite for lines and wrinkles. hylauronic acid that's going to plump and high tkraeutd skin. there's an advanced ceramide to nourish. what i love about this, it's travel friendly, easy to use. you can incorporate this right into your own routine. don't give up whatever you're doing. add this in. everything slashed in half starts at $14. >> janai: good deal. these are so cute. >> they are so cute. this is wonderful. what's great about it, you get to put your own water bottle right into this bag to carry it without worrying about it spilling or messing up your own bag. two pockets here to allow you to put credit cards, key, cash, passport. whatever it is you're hauling around. you can wear it cross body style. they have a variety of different styles. colors are fabulous.
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pop for spring. these are slashed in half starting at $19. >> janai: all right. >> toga towel. i'm really excited about this. >> janai: a towel and wrap all in one? >> it's a towel, wrap, robe all in one. super luxurious fabric. wrapped around your body. that one arm slips in there so that you never have a towel slip. you can do everything in this. make coffee, dry your hair. help the kids get ready, put on your makeup. and the towel stays in place. it's a quick drying fabric that we love. this is one every woman in your life is going to want. they're 50% off, $35. >> janai: go ahead and get them. popcorn? theater popcorn at home? >> yes. this is pop smith making their deals debut. that's fresh from one of these poppers, just made. stainless steel popper that looks gorgeous. >> janai: really cute. >> plus they make these really awesome popcorn kits that are fabulous. it's precision, small bags. just they kind of thought of everything for you. i love these.
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i think you are going to love these, too. kits today are 50% off. >> janai: plus they're beautiful. >> works on any type of stove top. what i love about this, look at this. this is a weighted heart. when you just need a little hug, need a little love, need a li have their giving shawl. feel how soft that is? it's a very generous cut that kind of fits around the whole body. this is great to have. whether you're at work, at home, you know, sitting on the couch, sitting at your desk, or to keep in the car. it's also really great for travel because it folds up so nicely. this is just i love this because it's like giving gifting love. these are slashed in half. they start at $19. all right. you want to hang on to love. yeah it's giving all right. roses from the farmers. you can't go wrong with long stem roses. so with this you get 24
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long stem roses. we've got rose peach or white or there's an option online for mixed. what i love about long stem roses is that there's so much option to kind of make them your own, so you can keep them in a vase like this where you can keep them long. you can cut them short. this is my preference style. these are fabulous. again, two dozen $40 and free shipping from rose farmers. plus hard to beat bonus deals online as well. look at that. >> there's no reason to forget about mom these this mother's day. and we have partnered with all these companies on all these amazing deals. go to good morning to find all of these offers. and coming up we're rising and shining in atlanta. gio is there with the santa live dance crew. stick around tomorrow morning fire up your weekend with gma and sum 41 performing live. >> then tuesday get ready for dirks, dirks, bentley live and american on tour on gma.
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>> sponsored by live nation. presented by 9-1-1 is on abc tonight and stream on hulu. >> chief and i are doing everything we can to make sure you keep your job, but it's up to the mayor after hughes is terminated, you can allocate her salary any way you see fit. >> i should st tell her just the facts. it'll be easier. station 19, new abc, always abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm amanda delcastillo from abc. seven mornings. let's get straight to traffic with gloria. good morning. >> yeah, it's starting to get pretty busy out there. we're getting a live look right here at san mateo-hayward bridge camera. and you could see a lot of cars out there on the road this morning. pretty much bumper to bumper on westbound 92 from eight 8-80 to the mid span. right now, the drive time from the toll plaza to foster city is 19 minutes and over in the east bay in walnut creek, traffic is slow on southbound 680 heading towards highway 24.
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>> all right. thanks, gloria. meteorologist drew tuma has your accuweather forecast after the break. >> in the next 30s, 250 couples will need to make room for a nursery. 26 people will go all in. this family will get two bathrooms. and finally, one vacationer will say, yeah, who? >> i'm gonna live here. >> but as the euphoria subsides, the realization hits. >> i got to sell the house. >> don't worry. just sell and buy in one move. when you start with open door. wow. oh yes. start with an all cash offer at open door com. >> i was injured in a car crash. i had no idea how much my case was worth. i called the barnes ferm when the truck hit my son. >> i had so many questions about his case. i called the barnes ferm. it was the best call i could have made. >> your case is often worth more than insurance offers. call the barnes ferm to find out what your case could be worth. we will help you get the best result possible. the von sperm
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injury attorneys call 808,000,009. >> exciting and new. award expecting you. the love boat soon. we'll be making another one. it's like >> hey, bay area, live with kelly and marcus coming up. it's lives halfway to halloween. the air is version. stick around for never before seen skits and costumes. that's at nine on abc seven. >> we'll see you in 30 minutes. kelly will take you to our exploratorium camera. it is sunny out there. it is a lovely day. we'll have some breezy conditions this afternoon, but again, temperatures above average. another warm one on the way. we keep the warm sunshine
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tomorrow, but rain and wind is back saturday morning. it's a level one for those showers. briefly heavy dryer conditions prevail on sunday. amanda. all right. >> thanks so much drew. we will have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. and always on our news app and abc >> announcer: look who robin is with wednesday on gma. >> elmo! >> robin: hi there! >> miss robin's back! >> announcer: when elmo asks how's everyone doing, he went viral with over 217 million views and counting. now elmo's with robin, checking in on you, america. >> elmo is so glad you came to visit elmo on sesame street. >> announcer: wednesday on -- >> good morning america! >> robin: you heard elmo. >> janai: welcome back to gma. we are also glad robin went to sesame street for mental health awareness month.
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that post sparked an important conversation. we're going to keep it going. >> george: looking forward to that. time to go back to atlanta for rise an shine. gio is with some dancers who are showing him a step or two. hey, gio. >> gio: hey, george. yes, we are here at sandy springs. this is the stayin alive crew. i want to testimony you something. they are the definition of rise and shine. they are all dancers over the age of 50. don't get it twisted because they've got an ageless spirit. take a look. ♪ for the dancers in the stayin alive crew, age is just a number. >> five, six, seven and eight. many young people think we're bunch of little old ladies. when the music breaks out, their jaws drop. they cannot believe we can move like 20-year-olds.
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>> gio: atlanta native twin sisters along with friend connie core founded the crew in 2018. they wanted to build community with others over 50 years old. >> we wanted to have fun an exercise keeping our bodies and minds healthy. then we came up with the name stayin alive crew 'cause we wanted to stay alive as long as we could. >> gio: the group has become an atlanta favorite, performing at more than 60 events a year. at center court for halftime at an atlanta hawks game. and events that give back to their community. >> we do a lot of charity events to help raise money. but our favorite is to do senior homes. we go to senior homes and perform. we play games with them. they really appreciate us coming in. >> gio: what started out as 12, has grown to more than 60 dancers between 50 and 75. they call themselves a dance family. >> let me just be real clear. these women don't need men to spice things up.
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they are quite capable on their own. but the environment and attitude from everybody is so welcoming. >> i can't imagine myself not dancing, or not being involved with these ladies in some way or another. >> gio: for members and coach tony hayes, it's a second act through movement. >> if you had told me that at 58 years old i would be in a hip hop dance group, i would have laughed. i would have said, yeah. i'm gonna break a hip and hop off the floor. >> i have danced all my life and now here i am at 67 still dancing. who says you have to stop? >> good morning america! [ cheers ] >> gio: i mean, how can you not love them already? right? okay. joining me here josette perez, the founder of the group. we've also got penny davis, one of the dancers. welcome to you both. >> thanks for having us. >> gio: absolutely.
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you founded this, what was it, five years ago? what was your goal with this? >> well, some girls decided we wanted to have a group where we're going to have fun, dance. we want it to be nonprofit, give back to the community and we wanted to stay alive. >> gio: you're giving so much back. you're giving so much joy to people in the community. penny, tell me, because you started dancing here, what, two years ago? >> i did, yes. >> gio: what's it done for you, being part of this group? >> you mentioned joy. that's how i felt. pure joy, to be able to dance with a teammate like this. hopefully go out into the community and spread that joy and energy and inspire others to do the same. go after your dreams, go after your passions. passion has no boundaries. make the last part of your life the best part of your life. >> gio: i love that. passions have no boundaries. >> absolutely. >> gio: you made an exception for me. i got the stayin alive shirt. you promised to teach me a move. >> i'm gonna teach you a few moves. >> gio: all right. let's start the music.
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>> all right, gio. i need more swagger than michael strahan. >> gio: i don't know about that. i don't know. >> we're gonna go left, right, roll and down. >> gio: okay. all right. >> y'all ready? ♪ ♪ don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me ♪ ♪ don't you wish your girlfriend was a freak like me ♪ ♪ don't ya don't ya ♪ >> gio: yes! that was great. thank you very much. thank you all for joining us this morning. rising and shining. we're doing it, guys. back to you. [ laughter ] >> janai: gio, that did not count as you doing that dance. [ laughter ] >> gio: you've been on me all morning long. [ laughter ] >> george: gio, i never make fun of anybody's dancing. [ laughter ] coming up best selling author carley fortune is here to talk about her new book. to talk about
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her new book. carley fortune
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>> whit: we are back on gma. this morning is one for the books because we have number one new york times best selling author carley fortune here to talk about her latest novel "this summer will be different." just in time for your next vacation read. carley is here. great to see you. good morning. >> it's so wonderful to be here. >> whit: exciting time. the book is coming out in just a few days.
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>> yes. >> whit: let's talk about it. kind of a story about a forbidden summer fling. >> oh, yes. this is about lucy, who travels to prince edward island on vacation the first time and she meets a very charming oyster shucker. named felix. they have, let's say, a memorable night together, only to find out he is her best friend's younger brother and very off limits. they promised it's never going to happen again, except every time she returns to the island with her best friend, she cannot stay away from felix. "until this summer" her best friend flees to prince edward island days before her wedding, needs lucy to come out there. lucy is determined once and for all to keep her distance from felix and focus on her friend. of course, it proves very difficult. it's a romance, but also a love story between lucy and her best friend. >> whit: complicated in so many ways. >> yes. >> whit: i have to ask you about this. so interesting. so prince harry and meghan
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bought the rights to "meet me at the lake." i know much of that project is top secret, under wraps. what was that conversation like? there was like a zoom call with them? >> i had a zoom with meghan and tracy robinson. she heads up scripted content. it was surreal. also just wonderful. i felt like i was in the best possible hands. it was a wonderful conversation. >> whit: all right. if you could pick your dream cast, film, series, whatever it might be. who would the cast members be? >> will is a very tall dark haired complicated guy. i feel like jacob alodi. he is kind of a natural pick. fern is prickly on the outside but has a heart of gold. i'm kind of obsessed with the idea of zendaya playing, maybe florence pugh. i have to tell you my dream casting. there are two characters maggie and peter. what i want to do is reunite canadian sweethearts
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rachel mcadams and ryan gosling on the screen. >> whit: you heard it right here on good morning america. the plea is out. >> it's out there. >> whit: we'll see how it all comes together. i want to talk about this special place of yours. you do a lot of writing at a cottage by the lake. why is this so personal to you in terms of your process and how you write? >> yeah. so i grew up on the water where my first book "every summer after" was written. my parents sold that house. every year my family and i go back and rent a cottage by the water. i feel so nostalgic being there. the place has no wi-fi, no tv. i just stare at the water. it's where i get my best ideas. it's where i started all of my books. it's kind of the place of my soul. >> whit: no distractions, right? >> just the kids. >> whit: kids, of course. >> never mind them. >> whit: exactly. and you use the same artist for the covers of all three books. >> yes. >> whit: what is your connection with this artist? >> yeah. her name is elizabeth remy. she is also canadian.
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her paintings are very much inspired by cottage country. the last two covers she did for me were originals for the book. "meet me at the lake" was based on a photo that i took at the cottage where we stay. she just captures the romance and nostalgia of the books so well. >> whit: well, we do have some viewer and fan questions from social media. we want to see if we have time, we want to get to a few. first one comes from emmy. what advice would you give aspiring romance authors? >> my advice used to be in order to write a book you have to write a book. there's no trick to it. you just have to sit down and do it. it's changed. i think it's to protect your mental health. writing is full of self-doubt and challenges. anything you can do to protect your mindset and creativity, do it. >> whit: okay. love that. this one comes from kathy. anything you can tell us about the book you're working on now? not the one that's about to come
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out in a few days. your fourth book. >> yeah. i just submitted my second draft. it is -- i can't say much but it is a summery love story. it will be out next year. i'm loving working on it. it's so fun. >> whit: okay, all right. carley fortune, such a pleasure meeting you. thanks so much for coming in. remember "this summer will be different" is available everywhere next tuesday. thanks again. ginger, over you. >> ginger: carley had me at prince edward island and the handsome oyster shucker. i'm reading. it's on. thank you very much. it is that time of year again. the westminster kennel club dog show is back. take a look at last year's best in show. buddy holly. we'll have this year's winner wednesday may 15th. the 2024 westminster kennel club dog show takes place on may 13 and 14.
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>> janai: now to the first look at a new documentary on nicole brown simpson back in the headlines with the recent passing of o.j. simpson. life time's, the life and murder of nicole brown simpson premieres june 1st. take a look. >> who is nicole? who is she? she got lost in this whole thing. >> she wasn't a headline of a tragedy. she was so much more. >> hello! >> her children missed out. her family missed out on the woman that she was becoming. we are here to vindicate her. don't get in our way. i honestly believe that this world does not know who nicole brown was.
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>> mommy. where are you? >> a lifetime two night documentary event. the life and murder of nicole brown simpson premieres saturday june 1st and 2nd only on life time. >> janai: diane sawyer will be sitting down with nicole's family later this month. still coming up, it's national arthritis awareness month. we have some great ways to offer relief to those aching joints. stick around. relief get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. ♪ ♪
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it's your time to cache in... so don't just play... stay at northern california's premier casino resort. book your getaway now...
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we can tell you what it's capable of or you could find boo out for yourself.... how we get there matters. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. >> ginger: we are back with national arthritis awareness month. over 90 million adults in the u.s. have arthritis or joint symptoms consistent with arthritis. this segment sponsored by aleve. and the company's spokes person rick is here along with ceo of the arthritis foundation steve taylor. so happy to have you both. we will get to some exercises. i know you are a personal
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trainer. but let's do this first. tens of millions of people deal with arthritis. doesn't have to be of one age. >> exactly. one in five adults in the u.s. have a form of arthritis. there's more than 100 forms of arthritis. it's not just your grandmother's arthritis. it affects all ages. so the arthritis foundation is here for their journey no matter where they are in their diagnosis. beginning or if they happen to be ten years and need to have resources or tools to deal with their pain and symptoms of their arthritis. the arthritis foundation is there for them. >> ginger: i'm sure it is endless what your found eight does. what else do they provide for people? >> sure. so the arthritis foundation was founded 75 years ago. with the patient at the center of our organization. our mission has two folds. path way to cure, which talks about treatments and science advancements making sure we are unlocking the mystery of arthritis. path way to inform quality of life which is why we are here with aleve to talk about movement and get patients living the life they want to live. being able to say yes to more things and no to less things. be able to overcome their disease, the best that they can.
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the arthritis foundation has tools and resources for that. >> ginger: thank you. rick, you've got a helpful acronym that can help us learn what to do if you suffer with arthritis. >> yeah. it's a fun, quick, easy to remember thing for people with arthritis or joint pain. it is meats. so the m is for movement. your activities of daily living. keep doing what you're doing. e for exercise. maintain or increase your fitness level. a is for analgesics which is a big word. just to make the acronym work, for pain relief. you can take medications such as nsaids that will help. and t therapy. physical therapy, massage therapy, self therapy where you are using tools to loosen your muscles. and then finally, s is for stretch. loosen up some tight muscles with that. >> ginger: i love the analgesic. taught me something. how do we balance? that's a lot altogether. how do we balance those?
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>> that's a great point. i am working and partnering with aleve to help encourage people to start their morning with movements. starting with movement, i see it in my clients that maybe have arthritis or joint pain. we use those tips, the meats tips, to keep them moving and feeling their best. >> ginger: it was intentional to put move first. >> correct, yeah. that's exactly right. i also want to stress the importance that in addition to movements, that pain relief may be a necessary option for some people. so i personally use aleve. i will when use as directed, recommend it to other clients or people that i work with. it is the only branded otc that provides us 12 hours of uninterrupted pain relief with just one pill. it helps me move and feel and function better. i move a lot. it's very helpful. >> ginger: you have some moves for us that people can try, will they have arthritis or not. this is very helpful. go ahead and show us. >> i will. contrary to popular perceptions, movement is very good for people
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with joint and pain issues. we're gonna do a little bit of movement. if this bothers your knees, don't do this. if any of it bothers you, don't do it. we're going to do cats cow. remember that we do this to loosen up the joints, provide lubrication. motion is lotion. cat cow. we're going to arch the back and then go into the other direction. this creates a little bit of movement. this lubricates the joints in the spine. it can help. >> ginger: the second one, this one is big. >> correct, yeah. i like this one. this is called a bridge walkout. lift up into a bridge. get a nice stretch here. we're incorporating stretching into our movement. try to minimize any shift in your weight and just walk out and walk back up. >> ginger: that one is really hard. finally, we are tighter on time so i want to make sure to get this in. lunge with a twist? >> lunge with a twist.
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go into a lunge position. rotate. lunge. and rotate. >> ginger: great for plans, too. >> it is great for balance. if it is hard on your balance, hold on to something. >> ginger: rick, steve, thanks for being here. i know you've helped a lot of people. to learn more about these moves head to gma's instagram and facebook pages. we will be right back. thanks again. >> thank you. >> announcer: gma's relief report is sponsored by aleve
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>> monday on gma don't look down. >> wait until you see what we do from the top of the empire state building. it's never been done before. >> 103 floors above the streets of new york city. >> i'm gonna be way up there and you won't believe what i'm doing. >> the historic ev but you know, he's exactly right. we are going to prepare that promo. we do not want to use the word drop in that promo. you go. are you ready? >> i am so ready. hopefully it's a lot better than my dancing though. that goes. >> he's already talked to the most famous psychic medium in the country. oh, yeah? who said he's going to be just fine and gave his life insurance policy in order to. >> hey, gio, before we let you
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go, you and the stayin alive crew in atlanta, thank you so much for putting in the moves for us this morning. they're still going. >> go ahead gio. we'll give you another shot. >> shot at redemption. take us away gio. you got it. >> all right. there it is. have a great day. pretty good. >> tomorrow morning fire up your weekend with gma and sum 41 performing live with them tuesday. get ready for dirks dirks bentley live and american on tour on gma. >> sponsored by live nation. friday night a mother murdered. have you ever encountered a case like this as unexpected as her murder was, no one was prepared for what would happen next. the stunning, all new 2020 friday rock show ultimate hits. >> i just never felt that exact feeling before. >> my heart was like this. tippett cello. now we got to go on to league two. yep
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>> after my car accident, i wondered what my case was worth. so i call the barnes ferm. i'm rich barnes. >> is your accident case worth more than insurance offered? call the barnes ferm now to find out. you might be surprised >> i'm danger a gimmick in insurance ads used to scare you, but not triple a with affordable auto and home insurance. plus, america's most recommended roadside. they don't need fear tactics. instead, we offer a coverage confidence. >> so since we don't use gimmicks, why are you here >> outsmart scare tactics and choose coverage. confidence from triple a >> listening to people that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do. hi guys. so what are you guys
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drinking? >> constant comment when i'm drinking. bigelow tea. it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. >> that's what a cup of tea is. a moment for you. someone you love. oh, it tastes really great. >> yes, it was always bigelow tea. wow. >> that's what my family hopes for. >> cheers. cheers excellent let's go give it to you >> let's go. give it to you. for you to get it on your own. and go deliver to your. don't let it go. go let's go get it. i don't give it to you. don't give it to you. he goes, come two, three. i'm only here for fives. the sun have a good time. so don't make your move. make it
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happen. time like funny. cause it's been like this. going down tonight. you can't >> always live. abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm amanda delcastillo from abc seven mornings. let's go straight to gloria for a look at traffic. >> good morning. no major incidents to report this morning. so that's some good news. we have a live look right now at our bay bridge toll plaza. camera metering lights are still on right now, and traffic is backed up to the middle of the parking lot. but it is easy going after treasure island as you go into the city and looking live at our golden gate bridge camera, you can see not too many cars out here. you will have no issues getting in and out of the city here. >> and gloria, we'll go to our east bay hills. camera equally as delightful with that sunshine temperatures right now into the 50s and low 60s. so mild air
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currently will have some breezy conditions later on this afternoon. temperatures warm once again. above average rain returns to the forecast saturday morning. it's a level one. drier skies are back on sunday amanda. all right. >> thanks, drew. time now for live with kelly and mark. we'll be back at 11 for midday live. a have a great day. >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and mark!" ♪ ♪ today we are celebrating live's halfway to halloween. pop culture parodies. also unscripted reality stars totally scripted. plus cohost and costumes, art moore in wigs, gum danson, beach bachelors, big 'stashes, cowboys and clickers. on next


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