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tv   Right This Minute  KICU  June 2, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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>> hello, everybody. i'm beth troutman. it's time to get this brand new week started with some brand if you videos "right this minute." >> they are in the house now. call 911. >> a woman sees her neighbor's house being robbed so she caught the suspects on camera. how she made a gutsy move to tr. when a rescue group reloects a young barn owl, we get the coolest shot. >> there you go. >> see the moment the babies headed back home. a pricey lamborghini can't get
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past. >> a guy holding a rock. >> how four friends couldn't believe what they were seeing. >> i was in shock. >> and the girlfriend surprised by a disney character and a flash mob. >> she's on to something because the tears are flowing. >> how an enterprising boyfriend pulled off one superhero proposal. >> everybody needs a nosy neighbor like this. this woman in orlando, florida, noticed there was some people going into her neighbor's home. >> they are in the house now, called 911. she turned on her camera phone and started filming and got the suspectsnra. one of them has a big screen tv that he's carrying and put into his back of his car. she got a good look at the guy and the driver. there were two suspects. they were able to get away. sheriffs office are still looking for them. she was able to get an imagine
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of the tattoo on one of the suspect's arm. that's a very zincative tattoo. she also got an image of the driver. hopefully somebody will recognize these guys or maybe the impala they are driving, even their license plate number. >> these guys got some balls too. >> she totally ignored her. >> the orange county sheriffs office posted this video hoping somebody can identify them. >> it's good for this woman though she was not armed in this but she did get some good footage. >> [ bleep ]. >> suppose you were out walking on a beautiful trail in canada and they noticed a baby owl perched really on not moving.
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the folks who were walking called in the mountain air aviation society. mars. look at this little fellow. it's so cute. >> this animal rescuer pulls the little owl from its perch, does an examination, realizes that this animal is damp so he's not quite as waterproof that he needs to be. this rescuer decides he's going to move the owl to a safer place. >> this is the fun part. we get to see him at work. you see the trees and the areas. area. >> the owl is not trying to get out of here. >> he literally climbs a tree in order to put this owl in a safe place. >> it's awesome people help you move and carry all your stuff to
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your new apartment. >> we get the coolest shot of that adorable little owl face. isn't that amazing? mama owl was nearby so undoubtedly mama came by to take care of her baby. >> we're lucky mom didn't dive bomb them. that's her baby. we've heard stories. >> got a video of a little bit of vigilante justice in a neighborhood called isla vista. we see a lamborghini. the car is met at the stop sign with a guy holding a rock. >> keep racing. keep doing it.
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[ bleep ]. >> oh. no, he didn't. >> yes, he did. >> the guy standing there at the stop sign, keep racing, go ahead, keep doing it. the car slowly pulls through that stop sign, the guy wings the rock at the car. the car puts open the breaks before the guy hurls another rock. who know what happened before? was the lamborghini racing in the neighborhood? call the police. hopefully we can get a couple of our questions answered because we have stephen zinn and his buddies. help us understand what happened open the street. >> we're in this little park that's right by the street and we heard it. he was doing doughnuts in the middle of the street.
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he did like two of them and he starts taking off and i start filming and this guy was mad and he got the rock and he just chucked it. >> do you know who that guy with the rock is? have you seen him before? >> i've never seen him in my life and neither have these people. >> are the -- is the driver of the lamborghini knows you got the video? >> i'm pretty sure he knows about it. he wasn't pressing charges, i guess. >> do you know if anybody called the cops? if so, who called the cops? >> yes, the guy who threw the rock call the cops. >> do you know why he called? >> he called because of noise complaint and reckless driving. >> did you speak to him afterwards? >> he was saying people driving those cars are just stupid. >> who is in the wrong here? >> i think the guy who threw the rock is wrong.
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he should have stopped the lamborghini and called the cops for reckless driving but he shouldn't have thrown a rock. >> wow, that semi-is about to get hit by a train. >> that's the voice of 15-year-old austin broaderic. he's right. that semi-has stalled out on the tracks. you heard the train horn. the train is coming my friends. >> oh! >> man. >> i'm happy to say the driver was already out of the truck. there were no injuries here, but austin and his dad, they go up and inspect the situation very carefully because it's a very serious accident but wait till you see what the truck was carrying. >> watermelons. >> they move up and get a close look at this wreckage.
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>> oh, all the pallets and everything. >> these are good watermelons. >> they were good watermelons, you hate to laugh. these two were on their home and stopped. before you know, it was cut up, exploded watermelons all over the place. >> is this real? >> a radio dj wants to help a holess woman and their young dauger so he dided to his life changing gift to get them back onheir feet. and see how a rider is tearing up the track until the track tears him. >> boom. oh, no. >> oh! xieúxieú, hou chiúarinin]] but like up to 90% of amamereri, jim falls short in gegettttining g imimpoportrtanam food alone. mamakikingng j jimim m moro. adadd d onone e a a daday y m, rich in key nutrtrieientnts sy need.
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our dog's fleas and ticks is staring you right in the face. nexgard, from the makers of frontline® plus. it's the only soft, beef-flavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. vets recommend it. and dogs, well, they're begging for it. nexgard is for dogs only. and hasn't been evaluated for use in pregnant, breeding or lactating dogs. reported side effects include vomiting, dry flaky skin,
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diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. recommended by vets. loved by dogs. from the makers of frontline plus. >> there are a lot of people in this world who do a lot of great things and it's fun to give them the attention they deserve. like this guy, he's a radio deejay for 101 the beat in phoenix, arizona. >> you know him from hash tag lunch bag. >> a very popular nonprofit in cities all across the country. he's very active in this organization. he saw a little girl who is five-year-old going through the trash. he stopped to see what was going on. as a family, they weren't allowed to stay in a shelter.
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children aren't allowed to be in the shelters. he decided to raise money on his own and in total raised nearly $2,000 to use that money to help get nala and her mom a home. >> we got some toys for the little girl so she won't be bored. >> this is life changing. >> the great thing about this video is we get to see her and her mom get this new home. >> there she is. there's the star of the show. >> she's so excited. part of this process, the volunteers also took her shopping to get job interview clothes. she was so moved and posted on the facebook page. thank you to everyone who has played a part in this.
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>> love quirkiness. ♪ >> i'm going to teach you guys a new term today. you know the term high side? no. okay. here we go. we're on a track day in the netherlands. we're riding with dei don't know and everything seems to be going fine. riders up above. here's what a high side looks like. he goes into this right-hand turn. the back tire slides out and
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then grips and catapults him up and over the bike. boom! >> oh, no. >> rides across the grass, tumbling, tumbling. comes to rest in the kitty litters there. he landed on the pavement first. he like bounced off the track. >> he hit hard. >> you see his helmet just crack on the ground. >> that had to hurt. is he okay? >> he's fine. believe it or not, even doctors say he's lucky. he bruised his hand and his foot. nothing broken. a testament to the safety gear he was wearing as well. >> it's good the bike didn't fall on him. >> it's amazing that the camera stay on him too. think about it, he separated from his bike but the camera stays on him. >> ben kingston loves to climb stuff.
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see it next "right this minute." and still to come, jamie is on a journey to happily ever after. how her heroulled off the ulmate gnd. >> plus the new way to chat with people across the globe. a skype translator. see how it is to get the conversation flowing.
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safeway understands you got to make every dollar count these days. that's why they have lots of ways for you to save.
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real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. this week, large, red seedless grapes are just $1.99 a pound. foster farms fresh whole chickens are only 99 cents a pound. and gatorade is just $3.99 an 8-pack. there's more savings to love... at safeway. ingredients for life. teacher layoffs. and a 60 billion dollar budget deficit. that's what john perez faced when he became speaker of the california assembly. so he partnered with governor brown to pass three balanced budgets, on time. for the first time in thirty years. today, the deficits are gone and we've invested an additional 2 billion dollars in education. now john perez is running for controller, to keep fighting for balanced budgets. democrat john perez for controller.
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it is tech time for people who don't speak other languages but want to talk to other people who do. >> rosetta stone. >> that would be one way. this is much quicker. >> with microsoft, we're on the verge of having a tool available to all that allows us to speak universally with anyone on the planet. >> a skype translator.
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you know what i would really like to do is talk to someone inside the area? we don't speak russian. >> we speak to the thing and out of the speaker comes russian. >> to tell us how the skype translator might work we're going to bring in our linguist zach. >> what is it and how does it work and does it work yet? >> this does work but it's not actually out for the public yet. they are going to release it sometime in the beta in 2014. by the end of the year, it will be out in some limited form. >> with the skype translator, the difference is the person you are calling doesn't have to speak your language. >> but i wanted to talk to you about the email that i sent you yesterday. >> is this going to be like
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google translate? it comes back. i really love cheese and it you get translated it said cheese was in my mouth at the time of conception. >> something strange. >> this is only being tested in some facilities. we can't see how accurate it is. what they have shown off has been really fantastic. >> that sounds great. i look forward to it. >> if that lady in yellow looks familiar that's because that's belle from beauty and the beast and she has a special mission. she is on her way to a coffee shop in cardiff, wales. she's looking for jamie lee johnson. she's handing her a scroll. why? because this is a very big day for jamie lee. matthew hill is her boyfriend. after she gets her scroll, belle is escorting outside into the
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promenade area. awaiting her is something we know as a flash mob. ♪ wow! >> that is a ton of people. >> look at the kids going with the choreography. i'm not going to lie, belle seems out of place like that. >> she's very much in place because matthew knows she's a big zis -- disney fan. >> they walk down aways and they are met by superheroes but there's one in particular who wants to see jamie lee. ♪ >> wow! that is a really legit batman. >> he's friends with the owner of party heroes. they helped supply all the superheroes. it was filmed and studio
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streetwise provided the dancers because they wanted to do something nice for the couple. to talk to them, we have them from wales via skype. welcome to the show. first of all, congratulations, second, jamie, when did you figure out i think he's going to propose? >> when bellealked in, i didn't even realize what was going on. when walked outside and saw the dancers, i realized the song was our song. >> how long did it take you to plan this? >> a few months of planning. >> what do you think about the fact that the video is so popular? >> it's absolutely mental. >> dude is looking for a new roommate so what better way to choose one. >> set up your brooklyn
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apartment as a makeshift talk show studio. >> see the surprise happened at the company picnic. oww, that's hot. that is hot! wow daddy like. owww, that is smoking hot! ahhh, hmmm, awww! hi georgia. hey georgia. man this is hot! try jack's hottest sandwich yet. his new blazin' chicken sandwich has spicy crispy chicken, ghost pepper ranch sauce, and sliced jalapeños.
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owww, that's hot! you better be holdin' a sandwich.
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>> or his brain would explode. >> actually, actually, most diamonds aren't made of coal. >> pets play with sticks.
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>> finding a roommate can be a really tedious task so what better idea than to set up your brooklyn apartment as a makeshift talking show studio and then invite the people who respond to your ad -- >> please welcome stephen johnson. [ applause ] >> that is what this guy scott did. he's a pretty well-known media personality. >> please welcome. >> hi. >> nice to meet you. >> nice to meet you. >> you have a talk show? >> oh, boy, welcome to apartment 3 r. >> okay. >> no talk show would be complete without celebrity guests. >> please welcome, mr. gilbert gottfried. >> oh, wow. >> you and gilbert go back a long time. >> we do. >> you guys did the chitlin
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circuit. >> he came up with the term you big dumby. >> andrew kay hanging out with this potential roommate. >> you interviewing to live here as well. >> i will rather not. >> that's an actual studio audience for the show. >> this situation were to occur, the mets game is on, big rivalry. you want to watch millionaire match maker. >> you guys can do what you want to do. >> do you do drugs? >> no. >> can you agree to do a urine test? >> i can't believe these guys would do this. >> you want to check out this entire series. let's head to that the running late show channel.
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>> that's going to do it for "right this minute." we'll see you next time, everybody.
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>> hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. the best videos from the web are on the way "right this minute." >> revving it through a red light was bone head move number one, and bone head move number two did it in front of this cop. see why it's bone head move number 3 that really got this bierk in trouble. it's mass chaos on a mass transit ride. >> sadly, that's when the clothes come off. >> what made two people a target of an ugly attack. >> the


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