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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  April 19, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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other family members and friends for tonight's a memorial . you can see the ceremony going on behind me. this all started moments ago. tonight they hope this announcement made this week will the to what her and her family says is justice for her son. >> three years to the day she died while being restrained by alameda police officers. his mom feels it is the first time she could see accountability. >> i never lose my faith. i keep it in my mind that something is going to happen. i do not know when. >> current and former police officers are being charged with involuntary manslaughter brought by the district attorney's office.
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body camera footage shows the officers pinning him down while trying to restrain him for several minutes before he loses consciousness. >> we are trying to rebuild trust in a system that has not always been fair to folks. particularly in alameda county. >> the chargers reversed the decision by the former da clearing the officers of any wrongdoing. despite the death been ruled a homicide. an autopsy revealed he died from the effects of methamphetamine combined with the stress of the altercation, obesity, and alcoholism. the attorney representing the young son who won a civil lawsuit against the city in the case believes the criminal charges are overdue but wonders if it will stick as the da faces a recall election. >> my concern is that there can be a lot of delay by the
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offenders criminal defense lawyers a. there is a recall election that is going to happen with the das office be we do not know what is going to happen without. >> the police chief says after the fourth independent review he stands by the decision that alameda police officers did nothing wrong. in a statement the attorney calls the move a political prosecution. >> he is dead because he was murdered and they have to be accountable. >> they are in touch with gonzales's family as well. the organization's cofounder explains this is the first step in and long road for the family. >> this is a charge. it is not a conviction. there is a long road ahead of us. >> according to the officer who no worse for the sheriffs office the remaining two officers have been placed on administrative leave during these charges.
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the san francisco police officers who were involved in a deadly shooting two years ago will not face charges. the decision was made after an investigation by the state attorney general's office. police say they were called back and 2022 after receiving reports a man was armed and acting erratically. they ordered him to drop his weapons for about 45 minutes. they finally opened fire when he appeared to raise a gun at them. the firearms he brandished turned out to be replicon airsoft style pistols. this marks the first officer involved shooting of an unarmed suspect to be investigated by a law mandating such an investigation by the state department of justice. arrests have been made in connection with a homicide involving a cannabis delivery driver. in march police say thieves tried to rob the delivery driver near a condo complex.
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that is when a shootout started. the delivery driver in one of the robbers were killed. two suspects were found in sacramento and arrested yesterday. he is and if i to protect his neighborhood. that is how one describes his battle over what he says is contaminated soil . tonight he said he has won a key battle against a developer. >> the neighbors were flabbergasted when they saw the movers out here this week, so one in the area took on the developer and city hall. >> this used to be the old feed and fuel. >> we had white gas. we had pesticides. fungicides of. >> the president of the neighborhood association says over time those chemicals a
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seeped into the soil. the hope is to one day build affordable housing, but not until the ground is deemed safe and clean. county environmental health department ordered it to be treated appropriately before it is moved. they dumped the dirt into the trucks and sent potentially dangerous dust into the community. >> monday i was flabbergasted when it was parked here. >> he says he immediately sent an email to city hall. on thursday they shut the operation down until the developer against the proper permits. >> this is four days late, so this never should have been allowed to happen. >> it was determined it needed hazardous soil remediation before construction could begin. it's possible a developer was not aware in approved permit was required before starting the soil remediation. >> we reach out to the developer but have not heard back. they want to know what happened
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to the soil they hauled away and wants to know more about the particles that went in the air during excavation. it feels like he is taking on goliath, but he is not stopping. >> with the help of the community and the support we cannot lose. following developing news that could impact a lot of commuters. ferry service between san francisco and sausalito has been suspended indefinitely due to a structural issue. we were overhead late today. officials say it was discovered during a routine inspection this afternoon. the bottom line is it will remain closed until it can be fixed. the golden gate ferry says it will provide bus service during this closure. on activism had students rallying in san francisco today. middle and high schoolers gathered this morning for a
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rally in a march:activists are calling reclaim earth day. many carried signs with various demands including some that are not traditionally associated with earth day. for example, opposition to the amas war. organizers say they believe all of these issues are tied together. >> we believe that these are deeply connected. >> when we see genocide happening in other countries could we cannot ignore that and focus on climate change. we have to show solidarity. >> the goal is to make earth day bigger than the environment. it should also be about the right to live in a safe world. taking legal action to try to stop inmate transfers. that is what prisoner advocates upset with the decision are doing. you can hear them and see them. rallying outside the prison
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this morning. this is the women's prison. on monday the bureau of prisons announced it will immediately close this prison that has been grappling with a long history of sexual abuse. last night they filed a temporary restraining order aimed to stop the bureau of prisons from transferring inmates to other facilities across the country ahead of the closure. they are saying they are scared and afraid in the shipments of stopped so they are not receiving fresh food. >> advocates fear the proper procedures are not being followed. it would not comment on this issue saying the matter is tied up with the court. a big road closure expected to slow things down for thousands of drivers this weekend. it is closing all of highway 37 to repair the roads. it runs through sonoma county.
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it starts at 8:00 tonight in the roadway is not scheduled to reopen until 4:00 monday morning. these are some of the alternate routes. they say the project will take for weekend closures to complete. a lot of drivers use that highway to get to nap, so they are aiming to wrap up construction before their popular festival at the end of may. when you ask adults about this they will want to talk about profitability and promise and its risks, but what about when we talk about with kids? they will be living with all of this technology. today many came to learn about and to get to know a.i. our business in tech reporter went along to celebrate a.i. literacy day. it is our kids that will be living with it full time. >> 100%. we could all use some literacy when it comes to a.i. but we have to look to the
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future. about 8000 students came through where they got some hands-on experience. >> one of these photos is real. one created by a.i. one of many lessons they are learning. >> on the first national a.i. literacy day. a way to give young people an introduction to what is likely to be a huge part of their futures. >> it is exciting and also there is a cautionary tale to it. you want to make sure they are understanding the dangers of a lot of it. with technology advancing so quickly it can be hard to keep up with. >> from their future phones to future jobs it is likely to be
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there and organizers want the next generation to be prepared. >> it is teaching about the skills and policies that we need to put in place. the safeguards and all of the opportunities, but also the unintended consequences. we have to be on the lookout. >> about robots and how they work and it is super cool. >> the like science and technology? >> yeah. >> there you go. many of the groups participating in the event are moving things forward saying they are putting out literature and of course absurd to help young people figure out what is real on their screens. >> there actually should be an adult a.i. literacy thing like this because i have questions to ask . >> this is something i talk about with a lot of people every day. >> up next.
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an adorable win for san francisco. promising to send a two it pandas into the cities he. the dealer bringing the much loved animals back. a chance to see a rear engine to treasure right here in the bay area. people tell you where to find it before it all heads home. that weekend is just around the corner, and we are about to see something we have not seen that much of on our weekends this year, and that is sunshine. look at this bill we have only had four begins with sunny skies back to back. we will talk more about what you can expect on a saturday and sunday and how long this area of high pressure is going to stick around. a day after the frightening close call the new changes to combat fatigue among air
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traffic controllers.
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today in asian art museum opened an exhibition years in
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the making. interactive experience showcases recent archaeological finds focusing on a pair of kingdoms from china's bronze age. that ended over 2000 years ago. they hope to show how advanced societies were. >> this is a landmark exhibition. years in the making and in the most significant from china in recent years. celebrating wonderful ancient art and culture. >> should be pretty incredible. going to have to go to the exhibition to check it out and learn more. this has the bay area buzzing. giant pandas are coming to the san francisco zoo. a gift on loan from china and major bragging rights for the mayor running for reelection.>> pumped up about pandas. today visitors to the zoo were
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thrilled to hear the facility will soon include the wildly popular giant pandas from china. >> a couple of years ago we went down to the zoo. >> it is an opportunity for everyone to see something different. >> the mayor is in beijing and took to social media to help spread the news. >> i have some really exciting news. we have some cute and cuddly black and white beauties coming to our city. >> running for a second term in office. saying it comes after months long coordinated push to bring them to the city. >> not on the big news for the zoo but for our entire community. >> she is with the travel association. >> this will strengthen our ties with china which is really important. we could not be more
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excited. >> the san francisco zoo said we are thrilled for the return of the giant panda after all these years. the giant pandas symbolizes hope for conservation, collaboration, and bridges divides. >> that is exciting. we want more animals in the zoo , so i think it will be very exciting. >> the san francisco zoo lassos to the giant pandas as a part of a touring exhibit in 84 and 85. the timing of the arrival this time will be determined by the completion of a panda enclosure. we are told engineers from the beijing zoo came to san francisco to help ensure the enclosure meets the standards. we did not even need the audio for that. we could just watch the video. >> so cute. we have made it. i remember when you said is it
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only monday. it is friday now. >> it has been kind of a long week after last week with the rainfall and cold temperatures. coming in with sunshine and plenty of 70s. let me show you all of the details. if you are headed out on friday night we will take you across the bay. right now, 55 degrees. fog at the coastline. from our downtown view right now it is clear with blue skies. going to continue to see some fog rolling in. pretty strong by 10:00 and 11:00 with the seabreeze picking up. you will need a jacket here if you are headed out to san francisco tonight. 63 degrees with sunny skies. 56 and 9:00. holding onto some amazing weather across the inland valleys. 70 right now. sunny skies. high-pressure stays with us through the weekend and it is
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so close. that rainfall. up towards washington and oregon. high-pressure will ensure the dry weather this weekend. we will have some morning fog to deal with, but through the afternoon we are looking at blue skies. here is the fog to start off. 7:00 and 8:00 in the morning. everybody has a chance of low clouds mixing in with high clouds. just a little bit of a layer for the morning. through 11:00 we will start to see it clear back. for the afternoon sunny skies from santa rosa to gilroy. the biggest change will be the coastal areas that should get in on some sunshine even though it is cooler. still a beautiful day out there. across here going to dip down to 51 through the peninsula. over to the northbay. 50 as well. let's move it into the daytime highs. you can see we are back up to 78 in downtown san jose. ray near the bay. 72 in oakland.
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the coastal areas in the 60s here at half moon bay, but you will have the sunshine. san francisco, 66 in downtown. rain chances eventually will be with us through next week with some cooler 60s. it does not look like a whole lot when we roll into next thursday and friday. sing some on and off chances early estimates only show about a quarter inch or less. on the seven-day forecast we have been working hard all week to get to this. 78 on saturday. 80 on sunday. wow. and monday. i'm going to be so excited. >> you are always excited on mondays. >> 78.
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getting paid to make a difference. the largest paid service forces looking for 2000 new recruits to help address the bay area's most pressing issues. about announced the expansion of california service court today. they consist of four paid programs. combined it is larger
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than the peace corps. they take climate action, mentor students for success, and support those impacted by disasters. also working to end hunger and connecting vulnerable people to vital resources and services. back this weekend. the event on sunday that welcomes the cyclists and pedestrians on 26 miles of streets and roads in san jose. plenty of food trucks in music and tons of stuff for the kids. the fairgrounds is centrally located on the road will be one of the big activity hubs. the route has endpoints in downtown and marshall park in south san jose with monterey road and a few other streets between them closed to traffic. we have a programming alert. tomorrow our team of meteorologists are hosting a special show on climate change. showing you the problems and solutions when it comes to our climate in crisis specifically
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as relates to the bay area. here is tomorrow night at 6:30. also completed earth week coverage beginning next week. up next. have you ever sent an invite to the wrong person? how about 500 people? we are going to introduce you to the san jose mom going viable right now doing just that. getting ready for nightly news be one of the top stories getting closer. the vote coming up in congress that could lead to a ban of ti business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. see why comcast business powers more small businesses than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today.
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there is a little mistake here. >> just a little mistake. >> imagine planning your kids first birthday party and you accidentally invite 100 or more people including strangers. >> i have to quit or get a new identity. >> that is exactly what happened to this mom. the story when viral with over 23,000 comments so far on tik tok. she says that she just misunderstood her invite instructions, and that is hosey accidentally included all 487 people on her contact list. >> i get scared of those sometimes. two mears instrumental in bringing those pandas to san francisco. learning the role the late mayor played bringing them
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here. talking to the cal student about making history in berkeley. those stories and more coming up on our 7:00 news. the new rules just announced by the faa to combat tonight, the horror outside donald trump's hush money trial in new york just as the full jury panel is seated insidehimself on fi. is seated inside. a man outside the courthouse setting himself on fire. police and civilians running over desperately trying to extinguish the flames. witnesses saying he had thrown conspiracy theory pamphlets into the air. his condition tonight. just moments before the full panel of 12 jurors and 6 alternates officially seated, and when the judge says we'll hear opening statements. also tonight, new details on israel striking back at iran targeting an air base days after iran's massive drone and missile attack, and iran's foreign minister, his first interview since the israeli attack. his surprising comm


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