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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 530  NBC  April 29, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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temporarily close. and it's not the first time this is happening. the series of closures, which is frustrating people in san jose. we'll show you why. so still waiting for an official decision to see who will be running in the district 16 congressional race to replace congresswoman anna eshoo. voters and candidates. they're frustrated. our political analyst, larry gerston is here laying out next steps. plus, the deadline is approaching to get your student loans canceled. everything you need to know before tomorrow. the news at 530 starts right now. thanks so much for joining us. i'm janelle wang and i'm raj mathai. big questions. and frustrations about an ongoing power problem at a major courthouse, the family justice center in san jose had to close today for at least the third time in the past few months because of an outage. so what's the fix here? here's nbc's damian trujillo. it's a growing frustration for people who need the services of family
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court, like filing restraining orders or seeking child custody. so today we went out looking for answers. miriam avalos runs a company that files legal paperwork for clients, and she found these signs on the front entrance on the santa clara county family justice center. again, the courthouse is closed. it's extremely frustrating. it's not the first time that's happened. spot the fourth time, actually, that i've been here and it's closed across the street. turn right and go to the apartment. 1616. yes, one six today, bilingual court staff stood outside the door, redirecting people to other courthouses where their cases can be addressed. i still have court date today. what did they tell you? i just sit tight and they'll be all right. after a major power failure in march, the court has not been able to reconnect to pg and e's system, so they've been bringing in large generators like this one. court insiders tell me this is the fifth generator since the march outage, saying others have
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blown up. on april 20th, we received the power bus component. and at this point, we're just waiting for pg and e to reconnect the power supply to the building. in a statement, the utility told me pg and e has been working with the customer to resolve all outstanding issues and is committed to getting the customer restored safely and as quickly as possible in san jose. damian trujillo, nbc, bay area news the recount in the race to replace an issue in congress is winding down. this recount taking place in two counties. san mateo county is finished. santa clara county officials expect they'll finish tomorrow morning. staff have been working on something called reconciling votes. basically since the votes are counted in batches, they're finding the votes for this election from those batches matching them to the correct precinct, and then recounting them. more than 180,000 votes were cast in the 16th congressional race. the first count determined the former san jose mayor, sam liccardo, will
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move on to november, and joe simitian and evan low tied exactly for second place. the man who requested the recount says he has challenged more than 30 ballots that had not previously been counted. let's bring in our political analyst, larry gersten, two months later. we still don't know the results of this election. how often does this problem occur with this recount never going on? never never around here? no, never. never. it's the first time. it's amazing. if you think about 182,000 votes, 11 candidates and tied for second with 30,429, the odds of this happening i got to tell you, are absolutely greater than winning the lottery. there's no question about it. it sounds like it the closest thing of any kind of magnitude for us would have been florida in 2000, when gore and bush went at it in 16 counties, recounted and finally the supreme court stopped it because they were running out of time. right. that's the kind of thing we're looking at now. okay. well,
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we're getting down to the wire. some ballots have been challenged. it's because of postmarks. shouldn't that be cut and dry? larry i mean, on or before election day, march 7th, i have learned so much about postcards, because what happens is postmarks about postmarks. excuse me? postmarks is there a postcard? sometimes they don't have a postmark. excuse me? they don't have a postmark on the ballot. sometimes there are two postmark x on the ballot. which one counts? sometimes it's only half of a postmark you can read. you need the usps, your postal service, to come in with their barcodes and go through all these things. and it's extremely tedious. there's 16 been left in san mateo county. they hope. i talk to the registrar's office. they hope to have this fixed. resolved, i guess is a better way of saying it later this week. it's macy san mateo county, santa clara county. the recount is going on. once all of the eligible ballots are opened, counted, what will the result
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be? could it be an exact tie? again could be the exact tie again, it could be. it actually could be. look, there's likely to be a second place winner. but for now, because you can bet at least i would think so. the third place person is going to say, well, i disagree with the way you interpreted some of those ballots. i'm taking you, san mateo county, in this case, to court, in which case a judge will be asked to decide what what's going to happen. maybe the judge will decide it himself, maybe the judge will accept the registrar's, opinions . maybe the judge will will hand it out to an independent observer. we don't know. this is not over yet. and it wouldn't surprise me. it wouldn't surprise me if at the end of the day, the judge says all three of you see in november, okay, to be a three man race, because usually it's a two man. the top two vote getters go to the november election facing off against mayor sam liccardo, former san jose mayor, but could be a three man race. could be okay, could be okay. larry thank
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you so much. and we want to let you know coming up at six, ian cull talks to the person who requested that recount, why he wanted this one done. and what his connection is to the first place vote getter, sam liccardo. we'll have all that coming up at six, roge. janelle. thank you. the biden administration is canceling federal debt for millions of students, but the deadline here is tomorrow in order to be considered, you'll have to consolidate your loans by midnight tomorrow. types of loans include commercially held federal education loans, parent plus loans, perkins loans, and health education assistance loans. those who missed the deadline may still receive some credit once they consolidate their loans, but the white house urges everyone to act now. san francisco is making it tougher on criminals to cover their license plates to evade police. today, city attorney david chu announced that amazon, ebay, etsy and walmart have agreed to ban or restrict the sale and shipment of illegal license plate covers. this comes after
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he sent cease and desist letters to those online retailers back in november. authorities in san francisco and across the country say the electronic or vinyl covers make it difficult for officers to identify cars involved in crimes like sideshows and robberies. they say the covers also allow drivers to avoid getting tickets from automated speed and red light cams, a data breach at kaiser permanente. kaiser is warning patients their private data may have been leaked to google, microsoft and x, the warning is going out to 13.4 million current and former members. it says the breach happened across its websites and mobile app. but kaiser says the leaked information does not include financial information on social security numbers or credit cards, and the company says it's not aware of any misuse of personal information at this point. kaiser has apologized, and it's also noting it's conducting an internal investigation in california will soon begin selling its own generic version of narcan.
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that's the drug that can save someone's life during an opioid overdose. governor newsom announced a deal today to make medication less expensive. a new jersey based pharmaceutical company will sell naloxone to california for $24 per pack. that's 40% cheaper than the market value. california plans to give many of those packs for free to first responders, universities and community organizations. however, it will also sell some of those packs at the discounted rate to california businesses and local governments. the usda is investigating the outbreak of bird flu in dairy products, and they're trying to figure out if ground beef could be infected, too. the agency is trying to contain the month long outbreak of bird flu in dairy cows across nine states. two people have been infected so far. now, the agency is testing samples of ground beef from stores in states where the flu has been found. but it is offering assurances, saying the testing,
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it's just a precaution and that most likely meat products are safe. up next, home prices continue to rise, so prospective buyers are considering becoming renters. our scott budman joins us with the state of the california housing market. i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri . your latest check on bay area reservoirs and throughout the state, plus rain chances coming on back to the
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housing prices are in and those prices are quite a bit higher than this time last year. let's bring in our business and tech reporter scott budman. so it's kind of the same thing, right? good news for sellers. not so good news for buyers right. any i mean we've been in this cycle for a while now. yeah. and yet we've still seen prices rise over the last year. the combination of mortgage rates hovering once again above 7% and
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housing inventory that is still low means bay area prices are still high. in fact, most counties saw pretty big price hikes even from last year. and check out the latest numbers county by county. we put this together for you. prices jumping by as much as 20% from last year. san mateo county now topping 2.1 million. that's for the average house in marin county and santa clara, very near $2 million each. san francisco county one and three quarters. even san francisco, up about 2. and with even a little more inventory on the market, it is, after all, the spring season. people are looking to buy and running into these prices. economists tell us it's scarcity, but it's also a lot of buyers over bidding because they have the money. the prices are going up. i believe more more than just the interest rate, the interest rate and the scarcity, it just feels like there's still a lot of money in the economy.
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part of the reason why there is now a 180% gap between the typical bay area mortgage payment and the typical bay area rent payment somewhere, rise from 3000 to 8000. lots of housing analysts now saying it's less expensive to rent in just about every category here. and they're saying this may just be your best bet. okay, so if this continues, we have this conversation, which we will in three months and nine months from now. will there be more people still trying to buy at these higher rates in, i think, for the next three months? the answer is yes. after all, we're seeing a couple of things. springtime a lot of people want to buy. they're moving there. traditionally, this is when the housing market picks up, right? also we're seeing some buyers loosen up because there's just so much money to be had by selling your house. so it's going to be tough because there are far more buyers than sellers, which means you're likely to see for every house and look in your neighborhood every house out there is getting multiple buyers, which means the prices are likely to stay high for a while. so we have to work at nvidia to afford a house
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basically. pretty much. yeah. thank you scott. janelle. thanks scott. thanks, raj. the port of oakland will get a $4 million boost from the federal government to fuel the port's transition to a zero emissions future. the grant is provided by the federal highway administration. it will go toward five heavy duty electric trucks, a pickup truck, a street sweeper and electric chargers. the equipment is planned to be operational by 2025. port leaders say it will help minimize environmental impacts on west oakland residents. all right. happy monday jeff ranieri is here to talk about our forecast. it was a windy but gorgeous last couple days. i know today man for a monday. felt pretty good to get outside and enjoy it. and so we are looking at more sunshine as we head through tomorrow. we're also talking about the wind and even yes, some rain chances hanging on in that 7-day forecast. let's go ahead and start it off though, with something a little bit different. i wanted to give you a check here of the reservoirs, just to let you know, you don't really have to feel too guilty about getting in on that sun, because our reservoirs are doing
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incredible. look at this east bay mud, 90% of capacity. lake sonoma 69. marin water 99. lexington 96.5. cheeseboro 99.8. coyote not as high. and that's because that's been lowered for seismic safety. so local reservoirs as we are doing, just incredible again, as we have been mentioning statewide, it's also looking excellent with some of the snowmelt now starting to happen ever. every single reservoir right now is 100% or more. when you compare it to the historical average to date. now, when you segment out the four largest reservoirs, they're now averaging 91% of capacity. so we have sufficient water storage. we should not be heading into any kind of a drought here. the way it looks now for at least the next six months. so this is a great assurance here as we look ahead towards the upcoming summer season, which is always dry for us as we take it into tomorrow's forecast. really, the next two days we have this area of high pressure developing over
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the pacific that keeps the storm track to the north for now, and that's going to allow some wind to move in for tomorrow and also some warmer temperatures. now, eventually we're going to get into some rain chances. coming up in my 7-day forecast. we'll detail that for you in a little bit. but let's take it into the wind forecast here tomorrow morning ten to about 20mph. not too bad. we'll see it pick up by tomorrow evening in the north bay mountains, 20 to about 40mph. but i really think some of the gusty winds going to get here as we head into wednesday morning, especially if you're doing any traveling through the central valley, 50 plus miles per hour, i think through the north bay napa mountains, we get anywhere from 30 to 50. wednesday morning, some of the east bay mountains, santa cruz mountains, also getting in that 30 to 50 mile per hour range. we start to see that wind trying to step down here, and certainly much calmer as we head into thursday morning. as we head through tomorrow morning's forecast, we're going to begin it like this. 48 here in the peninsula, south bay, down to 47 mostly sunny skies. and we'll also have you at 46, in the east
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bay and over to san francisco, 49 daytime highs for tomorrow. comfortable look at these numbers up to napa 75 degrees. concord 76. low to mid 70s for the south bay. get near the coastline. we still have that chilly ocean breeze that will put us in the 50s to 60s. so how about rain? chances ahead of this storm system looks like it's going to be developing to the north of us. so the big question right now, how much of this actually makes it towards us as we head into saturday's forecast? right now we're going with some spotty rain chances. but if the storm were to move just a little bit more to the south, we could be talking about heavy rain on saturday. so of course, more updates on this as we get closer to that weekend. but we can certainly tell you temperatures are going to be a lot colder from some upper 70s and low 80s. next couple of days. we're down into the 60s this weekend, and then we'll start to see it gradually warm up next week. okay, on the 7-day forecast, also up to 70 on
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wednesday here in san francisco. then you got a chilly 58 here on saturday. and look at this drop 81 on wednesday. we'll go to 63 saturday sunday. yes 68. that's almost a 20 degree drop. yeah okay. and just in time for the weekend there might be a lot of sick. there might be a lot of sick calls on thursday. that is kind of the sweet spot in the week. you're good at picking that up. no, no, no, we'll all be here thursday. speak for yourself. i'm just kidding. i'll be here. thanks. oh, no. actually i'm seeing an event. that's why she's not okay. and it's because i'm working at night. okay, okay. she started to explain it to us. we can't wait to see the pictures. they'll be proof up next. good news for the 40 niners. deebo samuel and brandon aiyuk still on the team, but for how much longer? our 40 niners inside buyers have some answers
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exciting. but still, questions remain for the 40 niners. how much longer will deebo samuel and brandon aiyuk be on this team? well, the niners didn't trade him, at least not yet. but their long term future with the 49ers might not be so long term. let's check in with our 49ers insiders. the parameters and the range for what the 49ers are going to pay brandon aiyuk. it's not pulling a number out of a
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hat. they know what the range will be for his talent level, his production level. once you've got those other receivers kind of on the table, it's kind of what happened with deebo samuel. it wasn't he wasn't the first wide receiver done. it took a while for them to get his deal done. it was after several other wide receivers had gotten their contracts. so then there was a ballpark that they had to hit. and then it was just kind of fine tuning the small details after that. okay. and then there's deebo samuel, you know, when you look at what happened with eric armstead this off season, this is going to become more of the norm, where the 40 niners have reached this level. they have a lot of high priced players. they're going to have to start making some difficult decisions. i think, you know, the writing's on the wall a little bit with deebo samuel. that this is probably going to be his last season under on his current contract. and so if i mean it's tough to say that unless they don't, you know,
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unless they're not able to keep brandon aiyuk around for the long term. so how does deebo samuel handle that? you know, how does he he knows he knows what's going on with you know, he knows what's happened with with eric armstead. you can watch more of our 40 niners talk on nbc sports bay or by downloading the podcast. still to come. bay area icon kristi yamaguchi has a new barbie. we chatted with the gold medalist about the barbie and what it represents norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year.
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i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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in greece, is on an 11 day journey aboard a three masted ship. that ship passed through the majestic corinth canal in greece today. there it is once it finally reaches france, 150,000 spectators are expected to attend a ceremony at the old port of marseille, which will host the olympic sailing competitions. that ceremony will mark the start of a 68 day torch relay around france. that relay will end in paris on july 26th and that's the big show. the lighting of the olympic cauldron during the opening ceremony, which of course, you can watch right here on nbc. and it's a
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huge honor. that's what olympian kristi yamaguchi is calling mattel's decision to make a yamaguchi barbie doll. speaking of olympic legends here, she spoke with nbc's gia vang about the new barbie. she's wearing a black leotard with gold accents. it's inspired by her own skating costume from the 1992 olympics, which is also in france. that's when she became the first asian american woman to win an olympic gold medal in figure skating. really meant a lot that they wanted to get an accurate, like likeness of me. we want kids to see themselves and to be able to identify with their heroes and she said even the hair was just like her hair. i know i want that barbie. i'm getting that barbie. the doll is part of the inspiring women line that includes civil rights activist maya angelou, chinese american actress anna may wong, and cuban singer celia cruz. congratulations for sure. one of the biggest names in pop music is heading back out on tour, and that will include a bay area
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stop. i went in there, i said, i bought you something rare and i left it under clear. billie eilish will kick off her next tour this fall. along the way, eilish will stop at the sap center in san jose on december 10th and 11th. a tour is named after her new album, titled hit me hard and soft. presale tickets for fan club members start tomorrow and general sales start on friday. tickets are expected to go incredibly fast. okay audrey asistio joins us now with what's coming up next on this monday. janelle and roger, right now at six, we have reported on a lot of freeway shootings, but new numbers actually provide some hope that things are getting better. our investigative unit is breaking down the new data on freeway shootings. we'll tell you what they found. also pro-palestinian demonstrations are spreading across the country at various universities. we have the latest demands at stanford from stanford students and a closer look at students calls to divest in israel and what that really
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means. plus plans to revive nightlife in san francisco. the special summit held today aimed at breathing more life into the city's entertainment scene. the news at six starts right now. good evening and thanks for being with us on this monday. i'm raj mathai and i'm audrey asistio. despite the frightening freeway shootings we've had in the bay area recently, state reports show the number is actually dropping. nbc bay area's velena jones breaks down the data obtained by our investigative unit. reporter new numbers show the commute is getting a little safer for bay area drivers. after a spike in freeway violence during the pandemic, new numbers show freeway shootings over the past two years are declining. and while that's good news, any number bigger than zero is still an issue when you're talking about, you know, freeway shootings, where we're talking about kids are being killed, you know, innocent victims. you know, even five shootings, one shooting is too much. california
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highway shootings more than doubled between 2019 and 2021, hitting a peak of 178. by contrast, so far this year, the bay area has seen 21 shootings. while the numbers are promising, cal state east bay criminal justice professor doctor lisa hill cautions more needs to be done to address root causes. das and police come in after there's been a victim. you know, our this is a bigger social issue. oakland highways along 80 and 580 are seeing the most gunfire. since 2023. san francisco has seen about a dozen freeway shootings. oakland has seen four times that amount for council member noel gayo. progress starts at the city level. numbers are one thing, but what i actually see on the street is another. chp says it's working to prevent crime before it gets to the highways. they know they've been on the streets of oakland since august, targeting violent crime, leading to dozens of recovered


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