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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition Saturday 7am  CBS  April 20, 2024 7:00am-8:01am PDT

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the family of an east bay man praises a new decision to press charges in his police custody death, while others defend the actions the officers took during the confrontation back in 2021.
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it's the world-famous spot to celebrate 4/20, but with no official celebration at hippie hill, will people show up anyway? and an east bay theater is a little bit harder to see tonight, why the owner is cutting the lights on his entire business. good morning, it is saturday, april 20th, i'm kenny choi. we start with mario gonzalez , prosecutors have filed felony charges against three alameda police officers who have been previously cleared of wrongdoing. body camera video caught the encounter in an alameda park in 2021, officers were investigating a possible theft. they talked to gonzales for about nine minutes before attempting to restrain him, he appeared to be incoherent and resisted arrest. an officer pinned him on the ground for
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five minutes before he fell unconscious, the coroner's report ruled that gonzales died from the toxic effects of methamphetamine and the physical stress of the restraint. his family has insisted there is more to it. we spoke with them in alameda last night as they celebrated his life and praised the new decision to press charges. >> reporter: it has been three years since mario gonzalez died, but the vigil was filled with hope, that is because his family just got news from the d.a.s office that they will be filing charges. april 19th will always be a sad day for the gonzalez family, back in 2021, mario gonzalez died in police custody but for the family, it goes beyond tragedy, they always felt his death was a crime. his mother, edith says she thinks about him every day.
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>> my son is not here no more, but i'm here, i'm still fighting for him. my son jerry here and his son, seven years old, we are always missing him. >> reporter: the vigil was also a celebration with flowers, food and even traditional aztec dancing and drummers. she says this year she actually feels lighter, that is because she recently received a call from alameda county district attorney pamela price's office saying they will be filing involuntary manslaughter charges. >>'s thank god they opened the case again. >> reporter: she said it feels like a gift on the day that marks the hardest day of her life. >> this is my present today, when i received the phone call that they reopened the case. >> reporter: is convicted, the officers could face up to four
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years in prison. a family friend says it is a start. >> we all know that obviously we need more justice but that is a step in the right direction to hold the police officer accountable. >> reporter: his brother, jerry hopes these charges prevent other similar situations from ever happening again. >> it is definitely a step in the right direction, and like i said, after they get out, they should be forced to find another career. >> reporter: the family says they will continue to mourn his loss and remember his legacy forever. >> the alameda vice mayor telling us that he thinks those officers took meticulous care in how they approach to gonzales, much unlike the officers in the george floyd case. >> the police officers clearly in the video did not enter the situation in a state of anger,
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they were just trying to understand what happened. i feel that it was a tragic case but not necessarily a case in which are police officers acted in a way that requires this level of response by the d.a. i think it is a symbol that it might make are police officers hesitant. >> the alameda county sheriff said in a statement that she supports the findings that her office made in 2022 before she took over and says the former d.a. made an appropriate call determining that there was no criminal wrongdoing in this case. across the bay in san francisco, prosecutors say a woman was arrested for peddling drugs outside the main library. the d.a. office tells us investigators seized about a quarter pound of heroin and meth and they arrested her wednesday. it comes as the library workers have been demanding help dealing with the crime spilling into their workplaces. some are so
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frustrated that they took to the picket lines last week, one worker told us that she had to deal with a man walking around the library with a weapon threatening to stab people. >> he started threatening a large group of preschoolers who were sitting on the floor and he was cussing at them and threatening them with this weapon. i felt a strong sense of duty to protect the people, and stepped between the man with the weapon and the children. he was aiming it right at my chest and i said, no thank you. if he had not left, i may not be standing here today. >> library workers are asking the city for more security guards saying some people don't even want to bring their children to the library because of the conditions. today's weather is almost going to be a copy of yesterday, plenty of fog but we will break through to sunshine this afternoon with temperatures slightly above average, then a high-pressure
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will set up for sunday and monday that will suppress the influence of the marine layer and allow the temperatures to warm up. today is not going to be bad at all, along the coast, mid-50s and mostly mid-to-upper 70s with the warmer spots topping out around 80 degrees. today is 4/20, a holiday for cannabis lovers, hippie hill is a world-famous spot to light up on this day but this year the city will not be holding its official festival, organizers could not hash it out so to speak because of the funding shortfall but as wilson walker shows us, business owners around the park are still bracing for big prep -- crowds. >> everyone came from all around and they would shop and this was such a great thing and it has changed in the last 10 years dramatically, it is very
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different. >> reporter: alicia is always happy to see more foot traffic here but like a lot of merchants, 4/20 also brings uncertainty and this year's lack of an official event only means more questions like how many people might be coming. >> i really have no idea, the merchant association we all talked about it, and it looks like it is going to be sort of the same. >> i think it'll be good for the merchant corridor here. >> reporter: michael xavier knows a little something about the crowds, he runs the haight street fair and he says the scene tends to evolve year-to-year. >> a lot of people didn't like the fencing of the whole thing, they felt it disrupted the natural spontaneous gathering that it was. >> reporter: and in some years, the crowd, the weather and the
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drugs and alcohol added up to be a little bit too much for this neighborhood. >> that became a problem, too. like the alcohol and whatnot, it just becomes too crazy. >> reporter: if you have been following the saga over the years, you know it is not just haight street that this event descends upon, it includes the fashionable haight adjacent valley, which has a lot of problems. >> how long have you been sitting in this? >> for about 30 minutes, every year this happens. >> reporter: while there is no organized event in the park, there are still plans for parking and traffic enforcement as well as portable bathrooms, and she is optimistic for the crowds. >> i think i'm going to position myself here and sell blankets. >> reporter: as far as how many people show up for the unofficial party, that remains
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anyone's guess. >> so, i'm not sure how it's going to be. >> if you are thinking of using the golden gate ferry as your designated driver to san francisco, you might want a backup plan. service in and out of sausalito is suspended after a routine structure turned up a structural problem with the pier. coming up, it sounds contradictory but a familiar east bay theater is turning the lights off to keep the heat on. >> we haven't been turning on the beautiful marquee. >> the shock that is prompting the owner to dim the lights. and a volcano keeps erupting in indonesia, raising the possibility of a tsunami ,
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if part of the mountain collapses. and a look outside at san francisco before we go to the break. we will be
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with your life... which is pretty un-boring if you think about it. thank you, boring. welcome back, it is 7:12 as we take a look outside at the city of oakland. a well-known movie theater in the east bay is going dark two nights per week, so to keep the lights on, the owner of the orinda theatre tells andrea nakano he is hoping more customers come his way to help offset the skyrocketing power
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costs even though the place is now a bit harder to spot. >> reporter: normally this place would be lit up, but not anymore, as the pg&e bills go up, this place is turning off the light to save money. derek's love for movies blossomed at a young age, he tried a little acting, directing and producing but now he's the owner of the orinda theatre. >> one day i said i was going to own a movie theater. >> reporter: but it hasn't been about the glitz and glamour, it has been tough to keep the big screen turned on, first it was the pandemic, now it is pg&e bills. >> there was around 42 to 4800, then it jumped up last month. >> reporter: that averages out to $240 per day to pay for the electric and gas, he had one word to describe the shock of
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seeing the latest bill. >> wow! >> one of the expenses is to close the theater on monday and tuesday, days where they see less than 30 customers per day. >> a lot of people don't know it, but the studios take anywhere from 60% to 67% of ticket sales, so to cover $240, that would be at least 47 moviegoers to cover the bill. >> reporter: and like many of us are doing at home, derek is turning off the lights to see where he can save a few bucks. >> you know, we haven't been turning on the beautiful marquee because we want to see what we can do in terms of reducing electricity costs to see what the bill is. we need a month, before we realize what works and what doesn't.
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>> reporter: the dark marquee is something residents are having a hard time getting used to. >> it is kind of sad. >> reporter: derek has also added a very popular tiki bar that is connected to the theater to generate more revenue, he's trying everything he can to keep the doors open and says he has been overwhelmed by the communities support but whether theaters like his stay open ultimately depends on moviegoers. >> you want it to stay alive and keep the doors open, you have to go to the movies. you have to help at the concession stand or whatever you can do, if you want this art to stay. >> warmer weather may help him out as well, he says heating is his biggest expense for the 750 seat theater, also pg&e has reached out to offer ways to reduce costs. starting off with quite a bit of fog but that will
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dissipate and retrieved the coast, we will see plenty of sunshine this afternoon, maybe slightly above average today and a warmer trend does kick in for tomorrow and monday, enjoy that while it lasts, because cooler weather will return. if you're heading out to the giants game today against the arizona diamondbacks, temperatures at game time are going to be in the low 60s warming up into the mid-60s this afternoon, not bad for the middle of april. temperatures are going to be even warmer tomorrow. let's check out the high temperatures for the rest of the bay area this afternoon, we will reach basically where we were yesterday, temperatures in the mid to upper 70s in the santa clara valley, similar in the east bay. antioch close to 80 degrees but that will be the warm spot on the map. low 70s for fremont, peninsula and redwood city. a mix of upper 60s with mid-to-upper 60s in san francisco and oakland, about three degrees above average close to where we are supposed to be. the fog in the
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north bay valley is a little bit more persistent, slowing down how fast temperatures are going to warm up. they are about three to seven degrees above average but we will be farther above average for high temperatures tomorrow and again on monday. san jose, a spike in temperatures the next couple of days but then a big drop tuesday and wednesday, more of a drop on thursday and friday, that is associated with the next rain chance which is not going to be significant but this time of year that is what we expect. thursday night into friday is the most likely scenario at this point. let's take a look at the seven-day forecast, in the inland parts of the bay area, we have a few warm days and will drop to near normal tuesday and wednesday and slightly below by thursday and friday. we are not phrasing it as anything more than a chance of showers, probably more missed and hit which is typical for late april. around the bay, temperatures are up and down just not as much as
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inland but everybody settles into the below-average tempter pattern and continuing into the end of april. the ups and downs much more subtle along the coast but some coastal drizzle is going to be possible even before that chance of showers arrives thursday night into friday. another 2000 people have been evacuated in indonesia because of interrupting volcano. hot volcanic clouds spreading of ash and the possibility of a tsunami is putting people at risk on the island. more than 11,000 people were told to leave their homes the local authorities gathered residence and took them to safety by boat. they are worried that the volcano may collapse into the sea potentially triggering a tsunami which happened before back into -- in 1871 point an impressive night for atlanta braves catcher as he hits three home runs in a
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single game, and one of them a grand slam. ahead in sports, the giants try to win three games in a row for the first time this season, the diamondbacks had other plans tonight. plus, the kings knocked the warriors out of the tournament, but could sacramento make the before you consider drastic weight loss measures with dangerous side effects, try golo. (kevin) my doctor prescribed a weight loss drug, but as soon as i stopped taking it, i gained all that weight back. (joann) i lost 210 pounds with gastric bypass surgery, only to gain it all back. with golo, i have completely transformed
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if you are eager to see the giants pull off their third straight win, something they haven't done yet this season, you're not going to like these highlights. the giants have yet to hit a home run in seven games at oracle park this season, until this solo shot in the fourth. he got arizona's lead up to 2-1 point blake snell making his first start with san francisco, he gave up five runs in 4 2/3, he is
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allowed 15 runs this season. top of the eighth, it is 11-1, and it gets worse, alexander with a grand slam onto the arcade, the diamondbacks won 17-1, it is the most runs the giants have allowed in a game in almost five years. the a's in cleveland, facing the guardians, great start for oakland, the third pitch of the game, abraham tauro last one into the right-hand seats, that gave them the quick lead. bottom of the fifth, 2-1 cleveland, doubling into the right field corner to score two runs, that would start a five-run guardians inning, and they are tied for the best record in the american league. three days after knocking the warriors out of the playing tournament, the kings needed one more win to reach the
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playoffs in back-to-back years, it is something sacramento has not done in 18 years. the kings are facing the pelicans, a team without zion williamson. in the first half, keegan murray who made eight threes, slipping and leading to a breakaway dunk from marshall. jumping into the fourth, the pelicans swinging around, jose alvarado getting the three. new orleans wins, they eliminate sacramento, the pelicans will face number one seed oklahoma city in the first round. in the east, the heat without their star, jimmy butler, they hosted the chicago bulls. martin knocks down the jumper, and they clinch the eight seed, miami is going to take on boston, i'm sure the celtics don't love that matchup in the first round. that is going to do it for sports, have a great day. and last night, catcher
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travis d'arnaud of the atlanta braves hit his first three home runs of the season all in a single game, the power outburst came as the braves beat the rangers, and one of them included a grand slam in the sixth inning which put the braves in the lead for good, he entered with six rbis for the season before driving and another six last night. travis d'arnaud said after the game, it is better to be lucky . coming up, the jury is selected for the hush money trial, and what we know about a deadly incident outside the courthouse in new york. and it is the first unionization at a southern auto plant in about eight decades. and a look at san jose as we go
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to break. this is real rescue, traditionally with our grills, we are using brushes that have metal bristles, these fall off and can get in your food when you are cooking and you can ingest it. over 100 people per year end up in the e.r. so we should not be using these. firefighters have invented this, this material is firefighter material from the actual jackets they wear. you submerge it, and we are going to steam clean our grill. once this is wet, you put the grill on up to 400 degrees, then turn it off and simply rub it over and you will be able to clean your grill, $23.95, 20% off, look at the reviews online. everybody loves that brush and it works like a charm. scan the qr code on
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♪♪ ♪ you've got a friend in me ♪ ♪♪ ♪ you've got a friend in me ♪
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♪♪ ♪ you just remember what your old pal said ♪ ♪ boy, you've got a friend in me ♪ ♪♪ it's a celebration of friendship & beyond. from the new parade to together forever - a new nighttime spectacular fireworks show. pixar fest. at the disneyland resort for a limited time. starting april 26th. from a marriage on the rocks to a loving home filled with hope. dusty and kendra dean share how god healed their relationship and brought freedom from past pain.
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from cbs news bay area, this is the morning edition. >> welcome back, the time is 7:28, thank you for joining us, i'm kenny choi. we start with former president trump's hush money trial, jury selection has been finalized and opening arguments could begin on monday. but outside a new york courthouse, tensions were focused on a disturbing incident on friday in which a man set himself on fire and
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later died. a large number of police officers were nearby when it happened and authorities are reviewing security protocols. bradley blackburn has more. four as former president trump left the courtroom on friday, he again railed against the case and the judge overseeing it. >> this is very concerning, everything you heard is a witch-hunt, by numerous democrat judges. >> reporter: the appeals court friday judged to move the case outside of new york city, the jury includes a teacher, investment banker and corporate lawyer, six alternates are also on the panel in case jurors are dismissed. >> what kind of pressure are they under? >> the jurors are under much more pressure than a typical case, they understand they are weighing in on not just the facts presented to them in the law but a historic decision.
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>> reporter: outside the courthouse, a 37-year-old man from florida set himself on fire. authorities say he threw pamphlets into the air before dousing himself with accelerant. >> the pamphlets seemed to be propaganda based, almost like a conspiracy theory. >> reporter: police say the incident did not appear to have anything to do with the trial but has prompted them to reconsider security. >> with the magnitude of what is going on around here, we will assess our security with our federal partners. >> reporter: experts say opening arguments could take several days. former president trump says he intends to take the stand, the prosecution and defense wrangled over what topics he could be asked about. today's weather is going to be a copy of yesterday, plenty of fog out there this morning but we will break through this afternoon, and a
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warmer pattern takes over, a very high pressure will set up for sunday and monday, that will suppress the influence of the marine layer and allow the temperatures to warm up. today is not going to be bad at all, along the coast, mid 50s and 60s, mostly mid-to-upper 70s with the warmer spots topping out around 80 degrees. a breakthrough for the united auto workers late last night, employees and a volkswagen plant in chattanooga, tennessee voted to join the union, it is the first southern auto factory to vote in favor of unionization since the 1940s, the board announced that after the 72% of voters that cast ballots, there was an 84% yes vote. they are demanding better healthcare and retirement benefits. >> honestly, i think what changed the most is everybody started seeing what we could get when the big three went on
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strike and they said wait, hold on, if they can get all of this, we should, too. so i think that really helped us big-time. >> the union hopes to increase workers leverage at the plant and future contract negotiations. to the university of southern california, the school announced they will not be welcoming outside speakers at the 2024 commencement ceremony. this comes after they decided to not allow their valedictorian to deliver a speech due to security concerns. that is after she posted a link on instagram to a pro-palestinian website where there were comments that some consider anti-semitic. in a post, usc added that given the high level of publicity around the commencement program it was best to release the outside speakers from attending the ceremony. the university has declined to say what those concerns are. >> the decision to not let our
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valedictorian speak in the first place was already bad enough, i don't understand why they are doing this as well if it is to make it seem like it even is for safety concerns because frankly it is not. >> the local chapter of the aclu is looking to represent that student in a lawsuit against the university. pro-palestinian students are making their voices heard at columbia university in new york point 113 students were arrested on thursday for setting up an encampment on school grounds. the school president telling police that the protesters ignored the warnings to leave and they were trespassing. those students who were arrested remained peaceful and did not resist. taking a look at capitol hill, where the house has been discussing the approval of foreign aid bills to provide billions of dollars in security funding for ukraine, israel and taiwan. mike johnson scheduled a vote in the coming hours, and scott mcfarland has more on why
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the speaker may be putting his own job on the line in the process. >> reporter: the long wait for help in ukraine appears nearly over. >> the world is watching, it is time for congress to act. >> reporter: after a key vote today, the u.s. house is poised to approve billions of dollars to help ukraine and israel. >> i'm concerned that the speaker cut a deal with the democrats to support foreign wars. >> reporter: a third signed on to help mike johnson, the group has criticized johnson for pushing a major puzzle largely supported by democrats. other republicans told cbs news they are dissatisfied, too. >> do you think this is a tipping point for speaker johnson? >> i definitely sense that there is a souring to the republican leadership.
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>> reporter: they still won't say when they will force a vote against johnson. >> this is the best possible product we can get under these circumstances. >> reporter: democrats supported it overwhelmingly. >> this money was needed yesterday, i cannot emphasize enough, if we didn't step in sooner, we could be giving the whole show to vladimir putin. >> reporter: and democrats have ruled out voting keeping johnson in his job. >> if he works with us in an earnest way, they would be willing to vote on a motion to vacate. >> reporter: the white house is expected to vote midday tomorrow, the senate has indicated its support president biden has, too. scott mcfarland, cbs news the capital. and overnight, the senate passed the reauthorization of the foreign surveillance act, the final tally, 62-30, this is
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known as a pfizer act 702, it enables the government to collect large amounts of cell phone and internet data on foreign targets, supporters say it can be a critical tool to safeguard national security. the bill goes to president biden for his signature. still ahead, we are taking a look at the environmental disaster in california that touched off a global movement. plus, how one local woman is helping to curb a disturbing trend in local neighborhoods, we will introduce you to this week's
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welcome back, as we say good morning on this saturday morning to start the weekend, taking a look at coit tower, in the city of san francisco. earth day events are being held this weekend, earth day is april 22nd, an annual celebration to honor the beginnings of the modern environmental movement. elizabeth cook looks at how it all started with a california catastrophe. >> reporter: mother earth, it is your day , earth day, it began in 1969, that is when u.s. senator, gaylord nelson of wisconsin saw the damage caused by a massive oil spill off the
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coast of santa barbara. the following year, he called for a nationwide peaceful demonstration, an environmental teach in, that is how earth day took root. on april 22nd, 1970, from coast to coast, more than 2 million americans showed up to participate, including a die-in at logan airport in boston, massachusetts, a rally in manhattan where kids attended their very first protest, and a call-in in chicago, and at stanford university, a determined plea . >> it is important to involve ourselves in politics so we can turn this around. >> reporter: it secured the action that led to the creation of the u.s. epa. as well as the clean water and clean air acts. now, 54 years later, in 2024,
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earth day will focus on plastics. plastic production has grown to more than 380 million tons per year. that includes hundreds of billions of plastic bags and plastic beverage containers sold every year in the u.s. more than 95% of plastics in the nation won't be recycled. >> earth day, the most important day in the world. >> reporter: in the bay area, a three-time grammy award winner will host an earth day jam session and open-air sustainable market at thrive city, it'll be one of dozens of vents that plan to honor mother earth. >> celebrate your existence, get in harmony with the earth, the place that you live. the more you love it, the more it gives. >> reporter: there was enough public support, energy and commitment to change the environment. the hope that
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every day is earth day. >> you can find plenty of events on our website, kpix .com. and on monday, cbs news bay area presents earth day, a special look at how bay area scientist and everyday people are working together to protect the planet, the special airs on kpix .com, the free cbs news app and of course on pluto tv. tonight, we are bringing you back to back specials at 7:00 p.m. , we will take a look at this past winter, another year of wild weather that will leave a lasting impact around the bay area, then at 7:30, a climate watch special, we take a look at the species threatened by a changing planet and how scientists are protecting life on earth. starting off with quite a bit of fog and low cloud cover this morning, but that will retreat to the coast, we will
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see sunshine this afternoon, and a warmer trend will kick in for tomorrow and monday, enjoy that while it'll last because cooler weather will return by thursday. and even a chance of showers thursday night into friday. if you are heading out to the game, temperatures are going to be in the low 60s, warming up to the mid-60s this afternoon, not bad for the middle of april. temperatures are going to be even warmer tomorrow if you are heading out to the sunday afternoon game. the high temperatures for the rest of the bay area this afternoon, we will reach basically where we were yesterday, temperatures in the mid to upper 70s in the santa clara valley, some of the warmest spots around antioch eating close to 80 degrees, that will be the warm spot on the map. only in the upper 50s along the coast in half moon bay, a mix of mid-50s and lower 60s. mostly low 70s in the
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north bay, some of the warmer spots a little bit higher but the fog in the north bay valley is a little bit more persistent slowing down how fast the temperatures are going to warm up. we are going to be farther above average for high temperatures tomorrow and again on monday. looking at the 10 day temperature outlook for san jose, a spike in temperatures for the next couple of days, but then more of a drop by thursday and friday and that is associated with the next rain chance which is not going to be significant but this time of year that is what we expect. thursday night into friday is the most likely scenario at this point. it is a long way down the line. inland, we have a few warm days and that will drop, sending us to near normal temperatures tuesday and wednesday and slightly below normal temperatures by thursday and friday as the next rain chance moves in. they are probably going to be more miss than hit which is typical for late
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april, around the bay, temperatures go up and down, just not as much for inland parts of the bay area but everybody settles into below-average temperature pattern by the middle of next week, the ups and downs are much more subtle on the coast but it is going to be cool out there and some coastal drizzle is going to be possible even before that chance of showers thursday night into friday. a san francisco-based nonprofit helps low income and unhoused people feel good and healthy about themselves, the items they give away our small but they can still make a big difference. we are introduced to this week's bay area jefferson award winner. >> reporter: through megan's nonprofit, 3 million hygiene products have gone out to people in need. megan and her volunteers got expired -- inspired to pack toiletries to give away after she encountered a troubling trend three years
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ago. >> what was so telling to me is how many of the people calling in a crisis were not able to meet their very basic needs. >> reporter: megan launched simply the basics in 2016, a nationwide nonprofit that gives out hygiene products for free for people who are low income or unhoused, the hygiene bank considers that one size does not fit all, that children need different sized diapers and people with sensitive teeth need special toothpaste. >> it became very clear to us, we have this incredible food based system in the country, but we did not have that for hygiene. >> reporter: they send the items to more than 200 community partners to distribute. the san francisco-based nonprofit also works with public markets. and individuals can reach out like one woman who called herself beja, she got help choosing what she wanted.
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>> everybody needs hygiene stuff, basic stuff to take care of themselves, so it is a really good thing. >> reporter: megan said the privately funded donations fill more than just a physical need, people tell her that taking care of themselves means they can focus on other goals like sobriety, housing and relationships. >> tooth decay has reduced, which we know it leads to heart disease, so we are preventing things like that, all the way to somebody finding employment because they felt confident going to a job for the first time. and some of my favorite stories are the people who say i visited my grandchildren for the first time in months and i felt comfortable letting my grandkids climb on me and hug me. >> reporter: the hygiene products have reached 200 cities, a volunteer and board member jillian credits the growth to megan's compassion for others. >> she is a superwoman, doing
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amazing things, and she puts her heart into it, you can just tell. it is really insurmountable what a person is able to do when they are able to feel clean and healthy. >> reporter: for creating a national hygiene bank for better health, this week's jefferson award in the bay area goes to megan freebeck. >> they have sent hygiene kits to disaster zones and emergencies in honduras and ukraine, you can nominate your local hero or a jefferson award online at kpix .com/hero. still ahead, she started taking college classes in middle school, now this southbay scholar is heading across the pond to study at cambridge. >> i think the community colleges in california is one of those incredible
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organizations and systems that really changes somebody people's lives so i'm really glad to be able to say my journey started here. san francisco is about to become the next u.s. city to receive giant pandas from china, what it may signify about relations between the u.s. and china. a southbay student bound for england's prestigious college. ( ♪♪ )
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england in three days but made a quick home coming to her old community college. >> this has not changed, this is exactly how it was. >> reporter: this was a quiet home coming to a place that nurtured her love of learning, the library at evergreen valley college in san jose. >> i really liked the public policy section, i loved looking at books about history and about the world, experiencing that from inside the library. >> reporter: she was a high achieving student from a very young age and she enrolled in college when she was still in middle school. >> i remember being super young and intimidated by all of the cool college students around me, i came here for spanish class because i was interested in learning spanish and it wasn't available to me academically at the level i wanted to learn.
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>> reporter: she also wrote for the student newspaper including this editorial on why the college should save a service learning program from budget cuts. she went on to get a ba in political science from uc berkeley and a masters in international policy from stanford, this week she leaves for the university of cambridge in england where she will work on her phd focusing on nuclear policy and human rights. >> i absolutely love it, i was walking around earlier. >> reporter: but she wanted to give back and meet with the interim president, dr. denise and her staff. >> it is such an honor to know that evergreen valley college played a part in preparing her to go on to do the things she is doing now, she is an outstanding role model for us and staying in touch with us and letting other students know what is possible when you take advantage of the opportunities that are here. >> reporter: going to community college and taking the required courses for free gave her the credits and academic freedom to pursue bigger ideas when she
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would transfer to the top universities later. >> i think the community college system in california is one of those incredible organizations and systems that really changes so many people's lives, so i'm really glad to be able to say my journey started here. >> reporter: a love of learning and helping hands along the way. 2 million students are enrolled in california community colleges. guess what, i have some really exciting news. we have some cute, cuddly black and white beauty is coming to our city. >> london breed announcing during her trip to china on friday that giant pandas are coming to the san francisco zoo, visitors say they are eager to see them up close. >> it is super exciting honestly. i think it'll bring more people out, i haven't seen a panda ever, if i
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remember. it will be fun. >> pandas have served as an unofficial barometer of china and u.s. relations since 1972, that is when beijing gifted a pair of bears to the smithsonian national zoo in d.c. following president nixon's historic icebreaking trip to china, fewer than 2000 remain in the wild and remain a vulnerable species. the battle of man versus nature takes us to the coast of portugal, that is where a surfer is trying to break the record for writing the world's largest wave. >> a perfect storm brings big swells off the coast of portugal, and to the eyes of sebastian, he sees the potential to break the record. >> we don't really know what is going to happen.
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>> it is home to some of the world's largest waves, sebastian set the previous record, riding a wave in 2020. but today, the waves are even bigger. >> is very stormy and very big, so we have to be extra alert. >> reporter: sebastian will be using new technology that will let him reach speeds up to 60 miles per hour, a state-of-the-art drone that can measure a waves height will follow his every turn. a jet ski pulls him into position for the ride of his life. sebastian flawlessly navigates the enormous wave, measuring at nearly 94 feet, a potential world record that needs to be ratified later this year. >> the reality is, we are defining what is possible. it has been a decade hunting and
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with your life... which is pretty un-boring if you think about it. thank you, boring. thank you for watching kpix news this morning, don't forget, the news continues all day on cbs news bay area, we will be back tomorrow morning at 6:00.
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