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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 5pm  FOX  April 19, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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and i'm greg lee, that firefighter was a captain in the department. >> he was arrested during a sting operation run by the sacramento county sheriff's department and now faces three felony charges of trying to arrange sex with a 13 year old girl. >> ktvu is mark sayer live in san jose tonight with a look at these charges. mark >> well, christina and greg, we should get full details on what they're calling operation spring cleaning during a scheduled news conference on monday in sacramento. but the city of san jose says it was notified earlier this month about the arrest of this fire. captain and that that individual is no longer employed by the city. when you need help in an emergency, every second counts. firefighters are some of the people you trust the most to help, and they often have access to your home and to your family. so in the city was notified that one of its own had been arrested on charges of soliciting sex from a minor. san jose mayor matt mehan says he was gravely concerned. >> i'm disgusted by the allegations. this individual no
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longer works for our department. we're working closely with law enforcement agencies to make sure a thorough investigation is done and justice is served, according to a felony criminal complaint filed by the sacramento county district attorney. >> former fire captain spencer parker is facing three felony charges. all involve a 13 year old only identified as jane doe. they include communicating with a minor and sending or soliciting explicit pictures, all with the intent of engaging in sexual acts. in a statement, city manager jennifer mcguire said on monday, april 1st, 2020, for the san jose fire department was notified of the arrest of an employee, a fire captain who is charged on april 3rd with serious crimes. this individual is no longer employed by the city. the arrest occurred in sacramento county. >> i'm just completely disgusted by these allegations and it's really important to me that that we get the truth and that justice is served. >> and this is only the most
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recent incident involving san jose fire. in october of 2022, a video posted on social media showed a bikini clad woman exiting a san jose fire truck, which was parked in front of an adult entertainment business. at the time, a nearby business owner told us he simply could not believe it, and she had no clothes on. >> i mean, what she did, i mean, and what she doing inside the fire truck? >> in june of last year, the city council received the results of that investigation, which said only that numerous city and fire department policies were violated and that a fire captain was demoted as a result. >> these kinds of incidents are, unfair. frankly to the rest of the public servants at city hall within our fire service and other departments who wake up every day and want to serve our community and work hard to do so . >> now, we did reach the attorney in sacramento who is representing spencer parker in these cases. he said neither he nor his client would have any comment on this case. as for
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this investigation in sacramento, all we know is that more than 20 individuals have been arrested as part of this sting, including, apparently, the former san jose police captain. again, we should get more details on this at a scheduled news conference in sacramento on monday. reporting live in san jose. i'm mark sayer, ktvu, fox two news. christina, back to you. >> thank you for that report. >> it was three years ago today when mario gonzalez died in the custody of alameda police. last night, alameda county da pamela price announced she's filed criminal charges against the officers involved in the confrontation. ktvu crime reporter henry lee is live in alameda with the latest henry. >> greg, we're at otis and park this is where mario gonzalez was restrained by alameda police and later died. we're here at a vigil where supporters and loved ones are gathering at this hour. this, as the three officers involved are now criminal defendants. mixed emotions on the third anniversary of the death of mario gonzalez in 2021, the 26 year old father died
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after he was restrained by three alameda police officers who have now been charged by alameda county da pamela price's office with felony involuntary manslaughter. >> it is important, as public officials that we do have a public accountability unit, that we do hold people accountable when there is harm and that we don't have a double standard. we got a pulse. >> price's predecessor, nancy o'malley, declined to charge officers eric mckinley, cameron lahey and james fisher, noting in part that gonzalez was under the influence of meth and was obese. but a second autopsy commissioned by his family says he died of restraint asphyxiation. the da also relied on the analysis by use of force expert seth stoughton, who concluded the use of force by officers fisher, lahey and mckinley to place and keep mr. gonzalez arenales in the prone position for an extended time after he had been secured in handcuffs, was unreasonable, excessive and contrary to generally accepted police practices. attorney michael haddad represents gonzalez's
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son. >> i really don't know why it took the da's office so long to come to this conclusion. it's obvious that these charges are appropriate under these facts. >> attorneys for the accused officers have blasted price for what they call a blatantly political prosecution, filed just before the statute of limitations. and just days after learning she would face a recall . >> the politics of all of this. what's going on in our society, the climate of it, this case has to go to trial and let the jurors of alameda county decide what they want. >> they called the police. he was dogpiled and he died. >> somebody needs to be held accountable for that. >> there's nothing that mario did that day that earned him a coffin. >> now, gonzalez's son and mother have each received settlements from the city of alameda. as far as the three officers, two are on paid leave, while a third has since joined the contra costa county sheriff's office. now, today, alameda police chief nishant joshi and alameda county sheriff yesenia sanchez issued statements saying they support
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the work that the officers and the coroner's bureau did and of course, the support the previous findings made by previous investigations that cleared those officers live in alameda. henry lee ktvu, fox two news. all right, henry, thank you. >> prosecutors and defense attorneys both say they are ready to move forward with the state trial against david depape. dbap has already been convicted of assault and attempted kidnaping in federal court for his attack on nancy pelosi's husband, paul. he attacked paul inside the couple's san francisco home in 2022. at a hearing this morning, a judge was named for his state trial. no date, though, was set for the beginning of the trial. he's scheduled to be sentenced for the federal conviction next week. >> highland hospital in oakland is asking for the public's help identifying a patient. hospital officials say this man arrived at the hospital on march 15th without any identification. they say he is stable but unable to give them any information. the patient was discovered near 49th avenue in international boulevard. he's described as a black male, five feet nine
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inches tall, 217 pounds, and about 60 years old. anyone with information is asked to call the alameda health system. >> demonstrators held a rally outside the federal women's prison in dublin today to call on the bureau of prisons to pause its plans to close the facility. >> attorneys filed an emergency injunction in federal court this morning, seeking to halt the transfer of incarcerated women to other facilities, as ktvu allie rasmus reports that request may have come too late. this justice. heed our call. >> a group of family members, friends and advocates for the women incarcerated at fci dublin federal prison gathered to call for their release. earlier this week, federal bureau of prisons officials announced abruptly they were closing this facility and moving out the more than 600 women incarcerated here to other federal prisons across the country. >> the children and the husbands of these women are going to be suffering immensely, right? because there's only one other federal correctional facility in
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the state, and it's not large enough to house all of these women. >> since 2022, seven corrections officers and the warden at the dublin prison have been convicted of sexually abusing and assaulting the women incarcerated here. earlier this month, a federal judge ordered a special master to come in and oversee operations and reforms. but in response on monday, the us bureau of prisons announced instead it was going to shut down the prison entirely and move everyone out. alexis verdugo says she's worried her mother will be transferred to a federal prison in illinois, or even farther away. verdugo and her husband and their young kids live in phoenix. her mother is in the middle of serving a 20 year sentence for drug related crimes. >> so it's been very chaotic. it's been a roller coaster of emotions. this last week she's called saying, you know, they're screaming at them. they're being asked to just up and pack all of their things into one small bag. you know, it just feels that they're being punished after they've already been victimized. and, and of course, like the
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unknown, they feel like in there, they don't have anyone advocating for them. >> the union representing the prison guards here is also upset. fci dublin is shutting down my officers and their families have suffered the most devastating news. >> this week that they have lost their jobs at fci dublin, and that most likely would be forced to abandon this community due to the closure. >> the president of the union read a pre-prepared statement and did not answer any of our questions, but said this fci dublin should not close. >> it was being rehabilitate with the world watching. >> at least on that point, the prison guards union and the advocates here are in agreement. supporters of the women in custody decried the bureau of prisons decision to shut down this facility. >> it feels like a really big evasion of accountability because, you know, they could have closed the prison down several years ago when the sexual abuse started coming out. >> all of this comes as just this morning, attorneys representing some of the women in the prison filed an emergency
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injunction to stop them from being moved to other facilities. a federal judge will review that request for an emergency injunction, but it may be too late. several sources tell ktvu that a vast majority of the 600 women incarcerated here at fci dublin have already been moved to other facilities in dublin. ali rasmus, ktvu, fox two news the california service corps is looking for new bay area recruits. >> state chief service officer josh friday was in san jose today with mayor matt mehan to announce the recruitment drive. they say there are nearly 2000 paid service corps positions available here in the bay area, including tutors and mentors for school students helping support communities affected by disaster , working with programs that fight hunger and connecting vulnerable people to vital resources and services. >> the skills that our corps members will learn through their training and experiences with the corps will prepare them not just for future careers, but for whatever they encounter in life.
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>> in the coming year, the 10,000 members of the california service corps are going to serve nearly 5,000,000 hours of service here in california alone, the california service corps consists of four paid service programs californians for all college corps, california climate action corps, californians for all youth jobs corps, and americorps california. >> for the first time in decades, giant pandas are coming to the san francisco zoo. mayor london breed announced their return in a statement from beijing, where she signed a memorandum of understanding with the chinese wildlife officials. the last time san francisco hosted giant pandas was for three months in 1984 and 85. they are expected to draw thousands of visitors to the zoo . the number of pandas coming has not yet been specified, though they are often sent to zoos in pairs. >> we have some cute, cuddly black and white beauties coming to our city. ladies and gentlemen, welcome pandas to san
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francisco. >> i think it's good for the tourist. i mean, we're local, so it's good for the tourists to come out and, you know, see all the different species. so it's nice that they were able to work because i know pandas are one of the harder ones to get. >> beijing zoo engineers met with san francisco zoo officials this week to talk about enclosures for the pandas. a date for their arrival has not yet been set, but it is expected to be sometime next year. >> the official gathering may be canceled, but that doesn't mean people won't celebrate all things cannabis coming up at 530. how san francisco is getting ready for 420. >> and a chaotic and disturbing scene unfolds outside former president trump's trial in new york city as a man sets himself on fire. what we're learning from new york police also ahead, it's been a growing problem in many parts of the bay area, what one school district is doing to reduce the dangers of kids on e-bikes? >> and i'm tracking a minor warm-up for your bay area
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weekend. we'll check in on the current conditions and show you what you can expec r your
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is taking place. >> the man is identified as 37 year old max azarello of florida. officials say he is in critical condition in a burn center. police say he tossed out a number of pamphlets, which reportedly contained anti-government conspiracy theories, before pouring a fluid over his head and igniting it. >> he's on fire. another area in the park where some of the accelerants spilled is also on fire. civilians caught officers.
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members of the police department . they run into the park. they make efforts to put him out. they use their coats. they use fire extinguishers. >> police say the man did not breach any checkpoints, but they will review their security protocols in light of this incident. >> early today, an appeals court rejected a last minute attempt to halt the so-called hush money trial of former president donald trump there in new york. >> that came just hours after the jury of seven men and five women was seated as fox's connor hansen tells us, this is the first of trump's four criminal indictments to go to trial. >> a jury has been finalized and chosen to decide whether or not former president trump broke the law and falsified business records. 12 jurors and six alternates were questioned by both sides before getting selected. trump stopped to say he should be on the campaign trail and complained about his gag order preventing him from speaking about certain people involved in the case. trump has
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been accused of violating that order. the gag order has to come off. >> i should be allowed to speak every time i come out to speak to you. i want to be open because we did absolutely nothing wrong. >> trump plans to attend a major campaign event in north carolina over the weekend to make up for his time in court. >> instead of being in pennsylvania or georgia or north carolina or lots of other places. today i'm sitting in a courthouse all day long. >> president biden spent most of the week campaigning in pennsylvania, a key battleground state. he told a group of union workers there he would let trump's tax cuts expire. one of the former president's proudest achievements. this is a different breed of cat. >> these maga republicans. now they want to repeal the climate law that would gut all those new jobs and industries we're creating here in america, opening arguments in the trial are expected to start monday in new york. >> connor hansen, fox news. >> tomorrow marks the 25th anniversary of the columbine
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high school shooting in littleton, colorado. a remembrance vigil will be held tonight for the 12 students and one teacher killed. former congresswoman gabby giffords will speak about gun safety, but organizers say this will not be a political event. colorado's governor proclaimed it as a day of recommitment, and he is asking people to perform an act of kindness in their community to remember the victims. organizers say the memorial site at a park near the high school is in need of repairs. that site includes a wall of healing, which honors all of those who were killed and injured, and a ring of remember fence that includes personal reflections of those who died. rick townsend contributed excerpts from his daughter lauren's diary for that memorial. >> a woman in the middle of a field of flowers kissing jesus wounds the lettering wears with the weather, the freezing, the melting, the hail. >> i guess the hailstorm did terrible damage last year. >> the two say it could cost more than $50,000 to repair the lighting alone. they're hoping to establish an endowment that will fund the upkeep of the
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memorial into the future for another somber anniversary. >> it has been 29 years since the oklahoma city bombings. a remembrance ceremony was held today at the site of what was the alfred p murrah federal building. the ceremony included 168 seconds of silence, one second for each victim killed when a bomb inside a truck was detonated outside the building, now to marin county, they are wrestling with a high tech problem, dangerous behavior with kids on e-bikes. >> as ktvu tom vacar reports, one school district is trying to protect students from themselves . >> the tamalpais union high school district is considered requiring students who ride their bikes to school to register their bikes with the schools, and those bikes must be of a speed class, legal for their age. also under consideration. banning modified e-bikes that would allow them to exceed the maximum legal speed
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of 20 miles an hour. >> we'll be working not only with our law enforcement partners, but i said across the county, this is something that a lot of districts are looking at doing in concert so we can be uniform in how we're addressing these concerns. >> we're not just working with tim high union district on this. we're working with our middle schools and our elementary schools to push out this messaging, because we don't want them being purchased in fifth grade or eighth grade. and then ending up at your campus. >> the marin county health department says the accident rate for children on e-bikes is nearly ten times the rate for older age groups. the u.s. national electronic injury surveillance system data shows that e-bikes are more than three times more likely to be involved in a collision with a pedestrian than powered scooters or regular pedal bikes. >> i live in a community of 55 and older, and we have a lot of issues with that. i've seen them go right down, doherty drive like they are a car without helmets. >> add to that often going the
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wrong way on a one way street, using their phones, ignoring stop signs and traffic lights, driving in the dark with no lights, making illegal turns and jumping in front of traffic when i drive and there's an e-bike nearby, i always wonder if they know what they're doing. that would be one thing if these e-bikes stuck to the rules, stuck to their lanes, and stuck to the speed limit. unfortunately, there have been enough shenanigans and enough places that finally it's getting to the level of considering restrict options or even outright bans. >> i do see that they do dangerous things sometimes, but i think that comes from the speed. mostly i think if they just were able to get it to slow down a little bit, it would be better. >> and though this is a case of a few causing problems for savvy bikers, prepare for more rules and restrictions. tom vacar, ktvu, fox two news. >> a lot of sunshine outside our doors at this hour following the
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cloudy start. the patchy drizzle tomorrow morning likely to wake up with a near repeat. we've got mid and high level clouds joining us as well. i'll show you here momentarily giving you a live look there over a plenty of sunshine and blue sky over monte pablo. temperatures fell off a little bit today, but we'll begin to rebound tomorrow. a little bit of cloud cover still along the coastline. partly cloudy skies for our coast and over the sierra. a little bit of activity going on there. very typical for this time of year. a time of year, i should say. we're down by five, even ten degrees. we're down by ten. in santa rosa, we're down by five in concord. so chances are you notice that little bit of drop in temperatures this afternoon. a little bit of a breeze for some as well. 59 degrees right now in san francisco if you go to see the giants play a little bit later today, it's going to be a cool one. 73 in walnut creek, 71 in san jose. our inland areas enjoying some very mild weather but still coming in cooler than where we were yesterday. at this time, upper 60s in lafayette, upper 60s still in danville, a beautiful 77 degrees in clayton.
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for folks that are thinking about getting outdoors, maybe for some outdoor dining. here's a view of the forecast for the giants a little bit later. oracle park 56 degrees. partly cloudy skies, a west breeze to 15mph. it's going to be a cool, brisk one at game time. 715 sun will set right about 749, getting into the evening hours, the low clouds redevelop along the coastline. begin to move inside the bay by about 10:00 or so tomorrow morning, we're joined by the possibility of some drizzle and notice all those mid and high level clouds that kind of swept in as well. that's how we begin the day. but as we get into the afternoon, plenty of sunshine and temperatures a smidge warmer. i'll have a look at what you can expect for tomorrow as well as the rest of the weekend. coming up. >> sounds good. rosemary see you then. turned away from the emergency room. newly released documents showing the impact of the overturning of roe v raid in emergency rooms. details on the spike in complaints coming up at 6:00, a string of car break ins in a short period of time in san francisco. >> how police were able to
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prevent the suspects from getting away. >> and a reminder you can now stream ktvu news on your smart tv. you can watch live newscasts and stories on demand on your amazon fire tv, roku, apple tv or android tv. just search for the fox local app and select ktvu. (♪) (♪) (♪)
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(♪) get exclusive offers on select new volvo models. contact your volvo retailer
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? complaints among pregnant women who say they were turned away from emergency rooms after roe v
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wade was overturned, the documents note. the spike in the year of 2022, the year the ruling was rolled back. the complaints include a case in texas where a woman miscarried in an e.r. lobby restroom after staff refused to admit her. one woman in north carolina gave birth in a car when an e.r. would not offer an ultrasound, and the baby later died. the case is among others, raise alarms about emergency pregnancy care, especially in states with strict abortion laws. >> scientists at ucsf are sharing today that they've discovered a new way to detect multiple sclerosis in the blood of some patients, years before symptoms appear. the findings were published today in the nature medicine journal. scientists say in about 1 in 10 ms. cases, the body produces a distinctive set of antibodies against its own proteins years before the onset of the disease. this discovery could start a path to earlier treatment, improving the lives of those who end up with an ms. diagnosis. >> a medical research team in
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miami is reporting a possible breakthrough in treating young cancer patients. doctors at florida international university say they have found a way to eliminate some of the time consuming trial and error methods in diagnosing a child with cancer. they're combining dna analysis with extensive drug testing to dramatically speed up this testing process. within days, doctors can see how small samples of a patient's cancer cells respond to many different types of treatment. >> one of his medications is very toxic to the heart, and what our testing showed us was that the regimen without that medication work just as well with the tumor cells as it did with it. >> i don't think my son would be here without this study. >> doctors say in the past, these same tests would often take several months to complete. researchers say their method also works in adults. they are conducting ongoing human trials with cleveland clinic. >> the official for 20 event may have been canceled, but the city of san francisco is still
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preparing for big crowds. we'll have details just ahead. >> plus, the white house responds after israel hits iran in retaliation for an attack against the jewish state just days ago. i'm trey yingst in tel aviv. i've got the details coming up, and another round of non-renewal notices are about to go out to california residents. >> the two new insurance companies refusing to insure california homeo ers
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in the city tonight, and christian, the so-called hippie hill that usually hosts a celebration, is going to see a different kind of celebration this year. >> yeah. as you guys said, there's no official party for 420 here in san francisco this year. but there are plans underway to make sure that the day is safe and sanitary for anybody who does turn out for cannabis use. in years past, robin williams meadow in golden gate park, also known as hippie hill, would be a flurry of activity preparing for 420 cannabis celebrations. but this year, the meadow is quiet. the organized event has been called off. instead, the city's recreation and parks department is planning on hosting a family friendly kickball and volleyball event here on saturday. rec and park say they've been working with emergency responders to make sure that if for 20 celebrants come to the park to party, the city will be ready. >> we've been coordinating with police, fire and several other
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city agencies, so we'll have extra staff on hand that day. and also we'll have extra porta potties, i believe more than ten in the immediate robin williams meadow area. >> well, april 20th is well known for cannabis celebrations in less well known is april 19th, known as bicycle day. to mark the anniversary of the first time someone ingested lsd. >> so every year on this year, people all over the world get together and organize commemorative bicycle day, bicycle parades. >> gilhooley refers to this as the high holy days, with 4.19 420 and earth day all happening back to back to back. she says, despite the fact that there is no organized 420 celebration planned, she has little doubt that a less formal event will still draw a different kind of crowd. >> i think that the massive event, with all the sponsorship and security and fences, has actually maybe been a turnoff for some people that like the more grassroots feeling and just want to get together with their friends, be in nature.
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>> pastor david hodges founded the church of ambrosia, adopting the use of cannabis and mushrooms as part of their faith. he's concerned that the city has only provided ten porta potties, and robin williams meadow. >> the concern is because this is not been planned. we're doing everything last minute to provide any resources we can. we just want to make sure that nobody gets hurt and it's the safest possible. >> the pastor says he felt like he had little choice, but to make sure that anyone choosing to celebrate could do it in a safe manner. but that should not, he says, be misinterpreted as an open invitation. >> we're hoping nobody shows up. you know, our best case scenario is we're just out there by ourselves, and we brought a bunch of water in. we don't use it all. >> in san francisco, police also releasing a statement today saying they would have increased staffing and be prepared for events surrounding 420 celebrations. the city also saying it will have dui patrols out looking for impaired drivers. greg mentioned people will find a way to celebrate regardless. >> christien kafton live in the city for us. christian. thank
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you. a reminder we will be streaming the unofficial 420 celebration live from hippie hill. you can watch it on the fox local app from 3 to 5 saturday afternoon, san francisco police say as christian just mentioned, that officers will be looking for impaired drivers this weekend. >> officers are expected to fan out starting saturday evening and continue with the saturation until early sunday morning. statistics also show that 30% of drivers in deadly crashes had one or more drugs in their systems. people caught driving impaired face jail time, along with more than $10,000 in fines, fees, dui classes and other expenses. >> now to the middle east, where israel overnight carried out a military strike inside iran. >> the strike is in response to iran launching as many as 300 drones and missiles toward israel earlier this week. fox's trey yingst has the latest from tel aviv, israel, taking aim and firing inside iran, hitting it in retaliation after iran fired
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300 missiles and drones at the jewish state last saturday, a us official says israel struck near a major iranian airbase and nuclear site about 200 miles south of tehran. >> iranian state media says there was no damage to their facilities. >> it's sending a message to iran. they iran knows full well that israel can strike any place inside of iran. >> israel's counterattack was a limited missile strike and did not involve manned aircraft. the us was not involved but was notified beforehand. >> i know there's a lot, a lot of interest in reports from the middle east overnight, and we understand that. we get that. i'm going to say it now, though. i know you all will will certainly ask me about it, that we do not have any comment on the reports at this time. >> meanwhile, dozens of activists denouncing israel's war in gaza at columbia university on friday. on thursday, police arrested more than 100 people at the campus on
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suspicion of criminal trespass during a pro-palestinian demonstration. students at several other schools are planning similar rallies in solidarity with the columbia university demonstrators. here in tel aviv. it's life as usual as people prepare for the passover holiday that starts on monday in tel aviv. trey yingst, fox news. >> as tensions rise in the middle east, here in the u.s. the fight over the international aid package for israel and ukraine is heating up. today, the house pushed forward a $95 billion package that is expected to be voted on tomorrow. some republicans are pushing back against the package, saying money should not be sent overseas without dealing with the crisis at america's border. while some democrats say it is time to make a decision. >> the world is watching. it is time for congress to act and act. we must. >> now we're on the floor under a rule to give another $100 billion to fund war unpaid for with zero border security. >> the biden administration is
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backing the bill, saying ukraine is running out of time in its fight against russia. president biden today courted union members during a campaign stop in washington. mr. biden delivered a speech to the international brotherhood of electrical workers, or ibd. w he pointed to an improved economy since taking office and said he knows the value of hard work. >> my opponent learned the best way to get rich is inherited. i can't argue much of that, but you know, they learned that paying taxes is for working people, not the super wealthy. they learn that telling people you're fired is something to be laughed about. not where i come from, not where i was raised. >> support from ibew members would be significant. the union represents nearly 1 million active members and retirees who work in many fields, including utilities, construction, broadcasting and manufacturing. the biden administration has
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announced expansions to title nine that provides protections for lgbt, q plus students and new safeguards for victims of campus sexual assault. the new rules, which will take effect august 1st, require schools to protect students from all sex based discrimination, including sexual violence and sex based harassment. it also prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. >> thousands more californians will have to search for new home insurance this summer, as two more insurers say they won't renew homeowner policies. tokio marine insurance company and trans pacific insurance company both say they are sending out non-renewal notices to customers starting july 1st. combined the two companies insure more than 12,000 homes in the state. they join a list of large and small insurers that have limited or stopped writing policies due to the risk of wildfires on the west coast, according to the monthly monthly realtors confidence index, the number of existing home sales decreased
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4.3% last month nationwide, but home sale prices rose. they were up 4.8% from march 20th 23 to $393,500. this is the ninth consecutive month of year over year home price increases, and the highest price ever for the month of march on wall street today. the markets were mixed after a sell off in the world's largest tech companies hit stocks. the dow rose 211 points, nasdaq was down 319 and the s&p finished the day down 43. >> the wife of the late russian opposition leader, alexei navalny has been presented with this year's freedom of prize or prize of the media. the press award was given today in germany to yulia navalnaya and posthumously to her late husband, alexei navalny. the award is in recognition of their nonviolent fight against russia's leadership. the organizers described navalny as, quote, the heroine of our time. in her speech, she said she would continue to fight for freedom of the press. so that, quote, russians who stand
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against putin and against war would have access to uncensored information they can trust and share. >> coming up, young people march in the streets of san francisco. their message and demands ahead of earth day and tesla is recalling hundreds of thousands of its new cybertrucks. >> we'll tell you why. plus, a near miss incident at an airport outside the nation's capital has an air traffic controller screaming for two planes to stop before they collide. the nation is seeing an increase in close calls on airport runways. i' caroline shively in as
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was allegedly allowed to sit in the cockpit of a plane flying from denver to toronto. it happened on april 10th on a charter flight for the colorado rockies. the moment was recorded and posted on social media. passengers have been prohibited from entering the cockpit since nine over 11. united says it's, quote, deeply disturbed by the incident and has placed the pilots on leave. >> the faa is also investigating a near collision. yesterday at reagan national airport outside washington, after a jetblue plane almost collided during takeoff with a southwest jet on the taxiway. >> fox's caroline shively has more on this frightening close call. >> southwest 2937 stop. >> the federal aviation administration, investigating another near miss. thursday
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morning. two commercial planes came within 300ft of colliding at reagan national airport just outside of washington, d.c. we stopped. >> we were cleared to cross runway four, and we stopped 1554. >> the faa says an air traffic controller instructed a southwest airlines flight bound for orlando to cross a runway, while a jetblue flight headed to boston was starting its takeoff roll on the same runway. >> the incident yesterday was a big warning light flashing red. the safety of the flying public must be our primary focus. >> it's the latest incident making passengers and pilots nervous. it comes just a day after alaska airlines had to ground flights for an hour because of issues, while performing an upgrade to one of their systems and just three months after a door plug panel blew off a boeing 737 max jetliner. >> this has to be detailed investigation, and the end result has to be toward helping boeing succeed by exposing the truth. >> the faa reports close call
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incidents have increased by almost 25% in the last decade. in washington, caroline shively, fox news. news at macy's would shutter its flagship san francisco store stunned many bay area shoppers. now there is a push underway to keep that store open. we'll have those details coming up. >> also ahead, we'll have details on the safety issue, prompting the recall of almost 4000 tesla cybertruck's and a mild weekend in store weather wise, even a little bit warmer as we head into your bay area sunday, i'll have better look at
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in union square, the chronicle reports. mayor london breed spoke with the ceo of macy's last week about the store staying longer than planned. the conversation follows a letter mayor barry sent to the ceo earlier this month, sharing the city's plan to create a more vibrant downtown. in february, macy's announced it would be closing its union square store in 2025 as part of a major restructuring effort. >> tesla is recalling nearly 4000 of its cybertrucks to fix a potentially dangerous issue with accelerator pedals. federal safety regulators announced the recall is for cybertrucks with manufactured h dating back to november. the defect can result in the pedal pad dislodging and getting stuck when high force is applied to the pedal. tesla says the brakes will still function if this happens. one driver
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shared how the issue affected him on social media. the cybertruck's owner post went viral after illustrating how his pedal gets stuck and the vehicle starts to accelerate on its own. >> young people gathered in san francisco today ahead of earth day on monday. the group rallied at embarcadero plaza before a march that took them by bank of new york and blackrock investments. they're calling on those financial institutions to divest from investments that they say harm the futures of children in sudan. congo in the middle east. they say environmental justice and human rights are intertwined. >> i think young people have this kind of moral clarity that people definitely see. and when they see it, like these little kids in the streets and giving speeches and reciting poems, that's really powerful in a way that like just adults saying these things wouldn't be. >> the young organizers say they also want to show solidarity with children around the world who face war and ecological destruction. >> a little bit of a change out
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there today started out with clouds, a little bit of drizzle, temperatures a little cooler as well. we will get to see a rebound for tomorrow and then a little warmer on sunday. right now, monday looks to be the warmest day before we transition once again, giving you a look there at mount diablo, a beautiful day, a little bit of a breeze in some areas. partly cloudy skies along the coast and mostly sunny for the rest of us. the low clouds and fog will return to the coast and inside the bay by tonight. and then tomorrow we are joined by a batch of clouds coming from the pacific northwest. so low clouds, patchy drizzle, mid and high level clouds for your morning and as we get into the afternoon, we'll break away to mostly sunny skies once again away from the coastline. here's a look at tomorrow morning. a little bit of a zonal flow there. you can see kind of a trough there. that's what's kind of hanging over us today. and then as we get into sunday, even a little bit of a bump there with a little bit of ridging trying to happen there on
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sunday, monday again will be even warmer outside around the bay area. a little bit of a breeze at oakland reporting northwest at 16mph. fairfield and onshore breeze at 18mph. off temperatures fell off five even ten degrees this afternoon, but still very mild and very nice, especially for our inland cities in the east bay. enjoying the 70s 73 right now in livermore, as well as concord in the north bay. a cooling off in novato at 6257, in san francisco. do expect mid 50s by game time there for the giants, starting at 715 and right now mid 50s at half moon bay. tomorrow morning. temperatures ranging from a mid 40s to low 50s. not too bad, but a chill in the air for some of our north bay locations like santa rosa, 46 for you there and for the inner east bay, 48 for livermore. afternoon highs will be above average for this time of year. 79 santa rosa upper 60s at san francisco. low 70. oakland. upper 70s. expected. livermore as well as san jose, but a look at some of these
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afternoon highs fremont go to 73. mountain view 71. if you're going to tahoe. beautiful weekend here. temperatures are in the low 60s right now. do expect mid 60s for tomorrow. upper 60s for sunday as well as monday. but the overnight lows still very, very cold. even freezing. expected to start tomorrow morning. your extended forecast getting into sunday monday. some of the warmer days, low 80s for our inland communities and then we transition. a cooling train kicks off on tuesday. upper 50s at the coast to low 70s inland. even a little bit cooler on wednesday for our inland communities. upper 60s expected for our inland areas and bay area communities. mid to upper 60s. back to you rouz mary. >> thank you. it has been three weeks since the bridge over baltimore harbor collapsed. coming up, we'll hear from the governor about where the cleanup operations are now. >> coming up at 6:00. a challenge to a homelessness ordinance in one town in oregon makes its way to the supreme
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court soon. and the ultimate ruling could have big implications for bay area cities. the key issue that's at play and a string of car break-ins in a short period of time in san francisco, how police were able to prevent those suspects from getting
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a few hours westbound, 37 will be shut down between vallejo and sears point starting at 9:00 tonight. it's scheduled to remain closed until 4:00 monday morning. the suggested detour involves traveling northbound on highway 29, west on highway 12, and south on highway 121, or taking the richmond-san rafael bridge. that same stretch of westbound highway 37 is due to shut down again next weekend. the eastbound direction will be closed for the first and second weekends of may. >> maryland's governor today gave an update on the cleanup at the site of the francis scott key bridge collapse in baltimore. >> fox's christina coleman explains how the massive operation is being organized. >> we've lifted over 120 containers off of the dolly we have now successfully removed around 1300 tons of steel from
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the water. >> maryland governor wes moore, trying to convey the enormity of the cleanup operation at the site of the francis scott key bridge collapse. >> you see here that it's almost difficult to assess what's what the dolly, a loaded container ship, struck one of the bridge's supporting columns on march 26th, causing the span to collapse, sending six members of a roadwork crew plunging to their deaths. >> the cleanup efforts now broken down into four areas. >> first, we need to give closure and comfort to these families. second, we need to clear the channel and open the vessel traffic to the port. third, we need to take care of all of the people who have been affected by this crisis. and fourth, we need to and we will rebuild the key bridge. >> the maryland department of labor is rolling out a worker support program to provide $430 in a weekly payment to individuals who regularly worked at the port before the bridge
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collapsed. >> our mission is to help as many people as we can during this difficult time. officials remain optimistic that part of the channel will reopen, according to plan. >> we are actively removing yet another large section from the waterway. it keeps us on track to open the limited access channel by the end of this month . >> both the fbi and ntsb are investigating what caused the collision in los angeles. christina coleman, fox news this is ktvu, fox two news at six. >> strong emotions tonight after alameda county district attorney pamela price announced her intent to file criminal charges against the officers involved in the death of mario gonzalez, it has been three years to the day since he died in alameda. police custody. good evening. i'm greg lee, and i'm cristina rendon, family and friends of mario gonzalez. >> gathered in the last hour for a memorial. ktvu crime reporter henry lee has the latest now in the case. >> mixed emotions on the third
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anniversary of the death of mario gonzalez in 2021, the 26 year old father died after he was restrained by three alameda police officers, who have now been charged by alameda county da pamela price's office with felony involuntary manslaughter. >> it is important, as public officials that we do have a public accountability unit, that we do hold people accountable when there is harm and that we don't have a double standard, you know, like happy, very, very happy, very thankful for gonzalez's mother, edith arenales. >> the day is bittersweet. >> first time, you know, they say no criminal charges, no nothing. you know, like i was thinking. but i never lose my faith. >> price's predecessor, nancy o'malley, declined to charge officers eric mckinley, cameron lahey and james fisher, noting in part that gonzalez was under the influence of meth and was obese. but a second autopsy commissioned by his family says he died of restraint asphyxiation. the da also relied


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