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tv   Zhivaya yeda s Sergeem Malozyomovim  NTV  April 20, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm MSK

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the latest news from the world of food science and, as always, at the end of the program, the recipe of the week, something beautiful and original that you will see very soon. you know, i always rejoice when i manage to solve someone’s problem or relieve anxiety with the help of scientific knowledge. today i decided to answer many questions that came from viewers at once. and relate to storing food in the refrigerator, yes, yes, there is a lot here that is not the most obvious, for example, did you know that some foods that are harmful to your figure become healthier after they lie in refrigerator, amazing metamorphoses occur in them, we’ll tell you about this later, but of course, there are also foods that the refrigerator seems to only spoil, here’s the first question: from
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my selection, leysan khabibulina from kazan asks if it’s true that there are vegetables and fruits in the refrigerator do they lose their taste or smell? science and a big fruit lover abu, aka busya, a beginner circus monkey, will help you figure it out, i'll fix my pants and sit like a star, the most difficult task, which for a monkey is to just sit still and not go anywhere. we know what will lure the monkey, trainer anna kranz has two plates with treats, bananas, pineapples and kiwi. one half of the day was stored at room temperature, the other was in the refrigerator. for the purity of the experiment, both cuts stood in the room for 30 minutes so that the taster would not be distracted by the contrast of warm and cold. what will the tailed artist like more? animals cannot be fooled, you see, he
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focused his attention on this particular plate, that is, he started with this one, but he does not continue, we confirm from busii that the plate not from the refrigerator takes first place. when everything delicious was over, abu made a nest out of a blanket and dozed off, but maybe the monkey was mistaken; before the tasting, anna also appreciated the aroma of the fruit. from these two presented options, i would determine that this one smells less, and this one smells more. anna also liked the portion from the refrigerator less, and not by chance. technologists confirm that at room temperature the fruits give off their aroma more intensely, the essential oils in them reveal brighter, in the refrigerator all processes slow down, you can use them again a little disperse if the product is returned to heat.
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true, it will take several hours, or better yet a day. this, by the way, even works with tomatoes, which inevitably turn into tasteless plastic ones as soon as you slam the door behind them. in general, it is often useful to keep fruits warm; for some, this helps them ripen. the same tomatoes, as well as bananas, avocados, pears, peaches, are mostly picked unripe so that they do not spoil on the way to the counter. at room temperature they are more likely to become soft. by the way, they are delicious in the refrigerator they can also harm their neighbors by releasing the plant ripening hormone, ethylene, causing, for example, the broccoli lying nearby to turn yellow and the potatoes to completely rot, so they need to be stored separately, although such fruits that are rowdy in the refrigerator get along well with each other and help their comrades ripen. cookbook author alena pyrkh loves to use this. we just put it in a paper bag or wrap it.
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apple and avocado with a paper napkin, or you can add a banana here in the same way, our avocado will ripen in 2-3 days. in the same way we can help our mango ripen. the next important topic: does it make a difference what you store food in? there are even family disagreements about this. andrey vasiliev from kirov writes: my wife and i are having an argument. she says that you need to store vegetables and fruits in a plastic bag, but i... i don’t think so, let’s conduct an experiment and check the advice on other products. we put a few cucumbers in a bag and the rest in a container with holes and paper towels at the bottom. this is what they advise on the internet. after 10 days with technologist elena myasnikova, we look at what has been preserved better. and look, sergey, they have a wet surface and literally one more.
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for 2 days the surface will be covered with mold, poke your finger here, it has already floated , of course, it’s not worth eating at all, maybe cucumbers will please you? from the container of the basket, they curled up monstrously, they became completely wrinkled, dry, unsightly, i think they lost their juiciness, and look, all the attachment points of the stalk have rotted, so among the people butts, it’s too dry in such a container, then how to store cucumbers? recipe from elena myasnikova, place them in a closed container with paper towels and toothpicks at the bottom. they will absorb excess moisture, but it will not be too dry, the vegetables will not wither, we then did this, and really saw an excellent result, we recommend, our number two product is oil, in one version we
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simply left it in the original packaging for 10 days, it, i ask you, has absorbed everything. pleasant smell of butter, no foreign odors, yes the following product - boiled sausage, we put one piece in a bag, the other in a container with a lid, the third was wrapped in a cloth soaked in beeswax, such reusable napkins are now popular, they can be bought for about 500
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rubles, some make it themselves, the queen of our banquet is sausage, sausage is not such a moist product in comparison. for example, with fruits and vegetables, so condensation does not accumulate. in general, all three methods: they preserved the sausage well, and it is better to really store it airtight, otherwise it will dry out and spread its aromas wherever it goes. necessary. the last experimental semi-hard cheese. we put the first piece in a bag, wrapped the second in parchment, and the third in the same wax napkin as the sausage. after 10 days it showed the worst results. parchment paper, which, by the way, is highly recommended on the internet, the cheese just dried out, it seems to me that it breathed quite well here, and even too much, the surface is oily, and pay attention, it is very hard, yes, well, you can see just a huge dry crust all over, cut it, let alone bite it
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it will be possible only with great, great difficulty, why then did the parchment work well with butter, but not so well with cheese, the fact is that the material adhered to the butter...
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we also asked elena mesnyakova to comment on popular tips from the internet on so-called aesthetic storage . a video where a person washes, cuts and artistically arranges food in beautiful identical containers on the shelves of the refrigerator receives millions of views. some people draw ideas from such videos, and some viewers write that just watching how someone works, calms you down. well, probably, the housewife just has too much free time, i, as a technologist, understand that washed products are stored much less, what outraged our expert most was the scene in which, before putting them in the refrigerator, vegetables and fruits are cut, even a watermelon,
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for example, sliced pieces, they cut them up, yes, they even stood there for a few, well, several hours, because they are already becoming unpleasant, ugly, this is what we... with the naked eye, but if we arm ourselves with a microscope, microbes love sweets, a sweet environment is an excellent breeding ground for microbes, it’s just some kind of illiteracy. elena myasnikova also criticized the idea of ​​pouring drinks from factory packaging and storing them in jugs. it’s beautiful, but the expiration dates indicated by the manufacturer lose their relevance, because microbes get into the drink when opened. putting milk on the door is also a bad idea; it is usually warmer there than on the shelves and the product will dry out faster, although some manufacturers have models with special door cooling. something the expert appreciated. high, for example, a rotating platform, which will allow you not to lose various little things in the depths of the refrigerator, and a bouquet of
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greenery in a glass of water, this is a combination of aesthetics and long-lasting freshness of herbs, and in general decorating the refrigerator, science, of course, does not prohibit, fresh research scientists from the university of liverpool even showed that travel magnets evoke fonder memories for many people than photographs, since these souvenirs are better embedded. everyday life is always before your eyes. and here is another practically important question from our viewer sofia derbanova from lyuban, leningrad region: is it necessary to transfer canned food from tin before putting it in the refrigerator. we answer. the main concern about tin cans is whether something harmful is released from the metal into the food. there was a time when this packaging was considered the culprit of many ills. so in the middle of the 19th century. franklin's expedition went missing in the arctic. the main food for seafarers was canned food, which was just beginning
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the production was considered a miracle of the food industry. in the production of cans, lead was used when soldering seams. according to the main version, it was he who poisoned the polar explorers. and the expedition turned into the biggest disaster in the history of arctic exploration. none of the 129 people returned. how are things now? in one of the episodes of the program, we tested canned saury for heavy metals, the laboratory did not find any excesses, experts say that now the tin is coated with food varnish, the product does not come into contact with the metal, so you can get poisoned there is nothing, also the cans are no longer soldered, they use special sealed seams, so now there is no lead in canned food, to be completely sure of this, we even beat one of the cans with a hammer, the analysis showed that in this case... there is nothing dangerous in the contents passes. by the way, as for the missing expedition,
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scientists recently refuted the version of lead poisoning, there were a lot of completely different reasons, so even the first tin cans were not so deadly, but as for storage, it’s still better to transfer the uneaten food to another container with a tight lid, so the canned food will simply last longer. without air access, the neighbors in the refrigerator will not begin to smell like sprats or mackerel in oil. what else do we often miss when storing in the refrigerator? we'll continue to look into this very soon. live food on air, i'm sergey molozyomov, see below. time-tested. five legendary meat recipes. and also what
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the townspeople can’t digest and who will warm up snakes so that they can eat them later, fresh news from the world of food science, but at the end of the program there is a traditionally beautiful recipe of the week and continuation of the main investigation of the issue: where is it better to store eggs, warm or cold ? is it dangerous to taste pour from the freezer? for exactly 12 months , aged cheese from the brestlitovsk brand matures on wooden shelves. i myself was at the production site, saw it with my own eyes and tasted it, so dense, with a spicy aroma and rich taste, it crumbles in my hands and is a sign of exceptional quality. add aged cheese to your dishes, their taste will become much richer. it's a real pleasure to taste coffee. jarddin colambia medecine is made from selected arabica beans, which have been uniquely roasted to reveal their aroma and
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are filled with colombian passion. pleasure to feel, genuine. jardin columbia medalin. makheev makes life brighter and more delicious. this is the show "stars". we continue the second stage of the duel. alexey chumakov. disgusting costume, he’s even angry, somehow it’s not a wolf against azomatam. today we need to find out who jokes funnier: azamat musagaliev or alexey chumakov? are you serious? how long ago has this question arisen? in order to defeat this azmat, you need to think like azamat earn some money. do i know how to beat them? i’ll just take it that when the jury announces the scores, i won’t announce them all. guys, i'm
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not bothering you, am i? ostana astana! alexey chumakov and the napoleons team will fight to reach the finals, i am for the matogoleevs, there is no other like them, and astana. today at 21:20 on ntv. general partner of the show, vtb bank. everything will work out. the boy's word, blood on the asphalt, the most anticipated premiere of the year from monday at 23:00. it’s high time to change your provider , get married three times, tele-2, include home in your tariff internet for 3 months there is no payment for it, it ’s easy to connect and you don’t even need to go anywhere connect your home internet tele2 it’s time to get zen and be aware of the latest events, zen trends every day, follow what’s trending in the fashion world, zen every day and
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the people's case against donald trump, this is an attack on a political opponent. that's all why the race for the presidency between biden and trump is really a battle for freedom for the winner and prison for the loser. who was on the hook for why, if one of these two militant political pensioners wins, the other will definitely spend the rest of his days behind bars. this will be your central television. today at 19:00 on ntv. this is not necessary. we need to eat less often, nutritionists constantly tell us. moderation, studies show, reduces the risk of a variety of diseases, even fatal ones. that’s all true, but
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an important conclusion follows from this: when you still occasionally allow yourself meat, you need to choose the most delicious option for preparing it. we decided to collect five meat masterpieces from different culinary cultures. maybe something will inspire you to do new things in the kitchen, but it will train your willpower so that you don’t want to eat meat more often. when you drive along the roads of cyprus, here and there you see unusual semicircular ovens, they are everywhere, in houses and restaurants, and people cook in them a real masterpiece, a calling card of the island, a bite.
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it shows large pieces of lamb on the bones, rubbed with herbs and olive oil, covered with foil and put into a hot but not too cracked oven for at least 4-4 hours, the result is worth the wait, this is lamb turned into art, the meat is so soft that it it has almost acquired the consistency of plum. found in russia food
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based on his motives, they produce something completely unusual, we, for example, were surprised for dogs with such taste, judging by the reviews, shaggy gourmets like kleftiko as much as i do. and if you find yourself in belarus, be sure to try the shin, in translation it means drumstick, and this is what the local version of pork knuckle is called here, this is how it is prepared, for example, by the owner of a gastro-estate from the minsk region, alla mazovka, several years ago i visited her , i tried lard and potato pancakes, it was delicious, but she first boils the shank, then seasons it with spices, coats it with marinade from... honey from her apiary, mustard and soy sauce, adds sauerkraut with lingonberries for sourness, bake everything together for 30-40 minutes. the main secret lies in our russian
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oven, which transfers all the heat to this knuckle, which becomes juicy and crispy, and a crust is obtained here. it takes about 5 hours to prepare, so alla starts this only on holidays, when the whole family gathers. so it 's ready. our belarusian traditional shank, we invite everyone to the table, it turns out fatty, juicy, crispy, the family is delighted, the meat classic of english cuisine is wellington beef, says the founder agricultural complex in the vladimir region john kapiski. he moved to russia from britain back in the nineties, married a russian, and founded a business in which the whole family works. son vasily, for example, is a brand chef in a restaurant on the territory of the complex.
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he also knows the traditions of his english ancestors. napoleon won the war. he probably saw how they cooked their meat there when they won this war, and then these are the english adaptations. in france there is a similar recipe for beef. deb ancrut baked in dough, is it true that the name of the english dish is related? with duke arthur wesley wellington, unknown, most likely this is just a beautiful legend, but the thing itself is tasty and unusual, according to vasily, the main thing in this recipe is a good beef tenderloin, he personally cooks from dry-aged meat, it is kept in special chambers , removing excess moisture, because if we have fatty meat, unfinished duxelle, yes, that is, which will have a lot of moisture, when we... cover it with dough, the product from it will give off the flag even more, if it’s all inside us will float when we cut it, most likely will fall apart and lose their presentation.
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vasily fries the cutout. and then lets it rest for 10-15 minutes, greases the meat with dejon mustard for piquancy, then puts it on cling film, pork belly ham, prosciutto, spreads mushroom pate on it, covers it with beef, wraps everything up to give shape, and then covers it this base with dough, the edge that we will have on top, or on the bottom, that is , we must grease one of the edges with yolk, because in cooking, when it comes to baking, it works like glue. will help our test grab tightly, then we repeat the procedure, make a whip, once we wrap it tightly, then again, i am usually a supporter of making a sausage in the same way , wrap it, then vasily removes the film, cuts out the decoration on the dough and puts it in the oven, first for 15 minutes at 200° , and then another 15 at 170. the finished dish should
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be medium-done, that is, pink inside. it’s difficult to achieve this when baking, so the famous chef gordon ramsay often lets wellington cook beef or lamb as a test, as a participant in his cooking show, hell's kitchen gets into a lot of fights when they don't do it right. at what temperature should it be cooked? at medium, this turned out raw, this is our first damn table, and i 'm going to throw it out. by the way, vasily says that he learned from ramsay’s programs, and as a result , he gets it cooked just right, and beef wellington tastes like a layered meat pie. another unusual and very appetizing meat dish from the english classic is oxtail soup. john's other son, stepan, showed us his recipe
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and daughter-in-law sophia. first of all, you need to prepare this unusual, but in fact containing very tender meat, part of the carcass, it is also called ax soup, because the piece is tough, it needs to be chopped, boiled for a long time, yes, so that the final product is tasty, well, step , then we’ll cut the meat, but no, we won’t cut it, we ’ll fry it whole now, bake it, when it ’s ready, we’ll separate the meat from the bones by hand, the tail is fried in... a mixture of butter and olive oil, in the same place send vegetables to soak in fat, then the meat is baked for 3 hours at 170°. stepan adds the finished tail, vegetables, tomato sauce and spices to the beef broth and cooks for about three more hours over low heat, at the end removes the meat from the bone and puts it back into the pan, after 10 minutes you can serve, due to such a long cooking, the soup becomes very rich, the soup itself is soft.
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pronounced meat taste. by the way, in russian establishments you can still try baked oxtail and jellied meat made from it. well , if you want something less unusual, but tasty, make veal cheeks. they are often prepared in restaurants, but they are rarely done at home. brand chef evgeny kuznetsov is sure that he knows the reason. with the wrong approach, the cheek turns out to be hard. it has a kind of tendon and when it is stewed, that is, it all disappears, that is, it’s like loose bones, maybe, there won’t be any fat there, because firstly, we are now in flour and frying it on both sides, the fat is rendered, and during the process of stewing itself, the fat will also come out, which is quite harsh, first he rolls the cheeks in the flour mixture, salt and pepper, so the juice does not leak out of them, then fry until golden brown over medium heat and cook in beef broth...
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2.5 hours, and serve with mashed potatoes, cilantro and meat sauce. well-cooked cheeks are soft, juicy and tender. try to do the same. all recipes from this story are on the website www.eda.shou. you may have to spend a lot of time, but the result will definitely be worth it. after all , we remind you that it is recommended to eat meat no more than two or three times a week, and this is a reason to every meeting with him was small. what food is alive and what is not, we will continue to find out immediately after a short break, a refrigerator full of bacteria, how to fight them, it is necessary to protect the respiratory system, what lives in the ice, why in different countries eggs are stored either warm or cold, and also anti-fruit wrinkle remedies and recipe of the week, video idea one long.
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brest-litovsk, traditions through the centuries. this is living food, a program in which i, sergey malozemov, find out what is harmful. and what is useful? how to properly store food in the refrigerator? did you get a lot of questions from viewers about this? now is the final block of answers. one of the most popular products is eggs. many people buy them in large quantities, especially if the family is large. and how to make sure that your favorite fried egg does not poison you later and pleases you with its taste. alexandra daineka from kalachensk, omsk region, asks: is it worth storing eggs in the refrigerator, because in the store keeps them warm. everything is really confusing here. different countries have their own rules. in the us, for example, supermarkets keep eggs in
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the refrigerator because they are washed first, which reduces protection from germs. and in the uk and europe, like here, the same product is sold unwashed from ordinary trays. according to russian standard, the shelf life is 25 days at a temperature of no more than 20°. however, a refrigerator is still preferable. recent studies say that already on the eighth day at room temperature, the quality of squirrel. this does not affect safety, but the value for the body is reduced. in addition, in the cold, microbes, salmonella and e. coli will not multiply as actively if the eggs are suddenly infected with them. it is no coincidence that, according to the rules for general food, eggs should be stored in the refrigerator. however, before cooking, it is better to get them in advance. this is what they do, for example, in this moscow restaurant, awarded by the michelin guide. pre-warmed, they will not burst in time. plus
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it’s more convenient to make fried eggs from room temperature eggs, chef konstantin krasnyuk shows clearly, the first portion is fried from warm ones, the second from those that were recently in the refrigerator, the second frying pan requires more attention, the egg warms up slowly and for an ideal result you need to select the temperature, cover from time to time, the chef uses the second one for this frying pan, in a cold egg the yolk is damp, the second egg, which we heated, as you can see, was cooked evenly, the yolk is hotter, therefore denser, the white is evenly cooked, excellent scrambled eggs, of course, the cook ended up making a successful fried egg with cold eggs, but at home many people end up with overcooked whites and at the same time a cold yolk, so i personally take out exactly as many eggs as i plan to cook in the warm evening. by the way, eggs can be stored for a very long time if they are frozen. for lovers of exotic foods, there is even
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a recipe for fried eggs made from such raw materials on the internet, we tested this option in one of our issues, you hear this sound, the eggs are ringing, hot water helped get rid of the shell water, but it was difficult to cut and it turned out well done not really, however, for the sake of variety and culinary experimentation, you can too. try this. the next question comes from ekaterina pronina from koluga. is it worth storing bread in the refrigerator, does it lose its properties? on the one hand, at room temperature, the aroma and texture of bread are better preserved, but the main disadvantage is mold. when warm, it will inevitably attack the loaf after a few days. mushrooms grow reluctantly in the refrigerator, so you can preserve the product for a long time. on the other hand, at low. what is more important, but to revive the bread from
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the refrigerator is also not difficult, just warm up a piece in the microwave, 20 seconds is enough in a toaster or in a dry frying pan, the aroma and even some softness will return, and as for the benefits, the cold in this case literally makes the harmful, useful. bread contains starch, which quickly turns into sugar in the body, but... if the loaf is well cooled or frozen, the starch takes on the so-called resistant form and is absorbed differently, without causing spikes in blood sugar. by the way, low temperature also has a good effect on potatoes, rice and pasta, they are also rich in starch, and if you do not serve these side dishes immediately, but keep them in the refrigerator, say, overnight, then in the morning they will be much healthier, even if you warm them up at home. and the last question, asked by natalya. drishova from derzhinsky near moscow, when i was a child,
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i wanted to eat everything poured from the freezer, i thought it was ice cream, now my child is trying to do the same, tell me, is it harmful? natalya, you are not alone, in our editorial office there were also those who in childhood tried to crunch this frost, let’s conduct examination, first we will take a sample of ice from a regular freezer. by the way, such growths in modern units are a reason to contact a specialist. in fact, something like this shouldn’t happen now, or maybe it’s just a freezer thing from childhood. olga sevitskaya, restorer. it gives a second life to furniture from the past. she has a real refrigerator zil, the previous owners wanted to throw it away, it looked terrible, but in the hands of professionals, the pet became prettier from the outside inside, they replaced the rubber seal, changed the compressor so that it would work, and it didn’t rattle so much, but all adjustment, everything mechanical remains, that
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is, everything is as it was in the old fashioned way, and it works, all the shelves, the tray, these wonderful inscriptions here for fruit, oil, all this remains. with the original one, something was tinted, somewhere the color was restored, the freezer works great, it seems to me that current refrigerators, but frost, do not allow you to freeze so quickly, ice, almost shock freezing, another interesting detail, this refrigerator has a key lock , that is, you can lock it, then no one except you will be able to eat your products, it was, probably relevant in the era of communal apartments, when people feared for their supplies, workshop employees store lunches and snacks in the refrigerator, there is also a minus: you have to defrost it about once every six months, during which time the old man grows a thick beard, we just arrived on the eve of the scheduled cleaning, in order to take an analysis, while we are waiting for the results, we will deal with one storage rule that appeared in the last century, when
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the first refrigerators were just starting to be produced, it is followed by the pensioner marina gagarina, but usually i think that the top shelf is colder. the next day i need to cook something, i usually put frozen meat or chicken on the top shelf. this made sense in single-compartment refrigerators. under the freezer was actually the coldest place, and perishable food could be stored longer. in modern models, the freezer is separated by a thick layer of thermal insulation and no longer affects the weather inside the main chamber. also, for different manufacturers, the direction of cold air supply may... differ, and the rule is than the higher the shelf, the colder it is, now it doesn’t always work, so it’s important to read the instructions for your unit, it may very well be that the frostiest place is located just below, there is also usually the so-called freshness zone, where it’s a couple of degrees colder or even more,
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especially for meat or fish, but what was found in the samples of ice that we sent to the laboratory in the new refrigerator as a whole... of course it’s not worth it, although there is no threat to hermetically packaged products, pathogens they simply won’t be able to get there, and of course, all refrigerator compartments must be washed periodically. leonid is a professional disinfector, he undertook to show us the basic rules of processing, and we further complicated the task, let’s say the owners
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left for a long time, the refrigerator turned off and rot and mold were raging in it. let's ask a specialist to help. almost yours is not very neglected, the first thing we will do about this is to protect the respiratory system, maybe an ordinary medical mask, a respirator, a gas mask, if you have one. protective equipment is needed to avoid inhaling fungal spores. leonid throws away everything that is spoiled and applies napkins soaked in cleaning agent to the areas of mold. an inexpensive antifungal effect will also work; they are sold in... hardware stores; an alcohol solution or vinegar will also work. the professional, by the way, is outraged by some recommendations from the internet on this matter. the wildest and most harmful thing for humans that i have seen from advice on the internet is the treatment of mold with omyak or boron, that is, these are the most dangerous poisons for human substances, when used
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, you can not only damage your skin surface, but burn the mucous membrane of your respiratory tract, it’s just a nightmare, it’s well... people poison other people, you know, this is generally terrible nonsense. after treatment , you need to wash off the chemical and let it dry, preferably 12 hours. then you can download the products, preferably using the tips from our today's episode. thanks to those who asked interesting questions, we are sending everyone one of my autographed books as a gift. we remind you that you can always ask through a special form on the website www.eda.shou. keep everything scientifically and you will see the result. you are watching live food, i am sergei malozemov. next in our issue. the silyans have retained a superpower that the townspeople lost: chickens will be replaced by snakes, and fruits are getting
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a second youth, the most interesting news from the world of food science and the recipe of the week, a traditionally beautiful minute-long video. all episodes of miracle technology, live food, as well as our scientific investigations can be viewed at any time on the website, as well as on ruble. subscribe immerse yourself in the world of interesting and useful stories, by the way, there are audio podcasts, watch, listen and read where it is convenient for you! so it’s ready, hostess, get to work,
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ours are doing it, for dinner, come in, i ’ll prepare my signature pastiches with pistiques and pickled cucumbers, and with your abilities, it’s time for you to become a culinary blogger, oh, come on, will you say the same? grandma and little danya, grandma will move here to a smaller room, i just want my own separate space, i want everyone
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here to be comfortable, in this room there will be mini children's room, we fenced off this space with a glass partition, in terms of functionality - this is probably my most intense project, a double renovation, a room for a young family and a bedroom for a grandmother, such a small room, but so much functionality, we have quite a lot left, we did it here in this room has a small redecor, this room looks, it seems to me, well, it’s just like a real, such a serious remodel, housing issue today at 12:00 on ntv, hot spot, new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv. catch a feather firebirds are not easy, but anyone can get a fire rate on a deposit at gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum. open a deposit with gazprombank. ru in any situation, open the application, watch vk video in a sofa situation or in
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advice from nutritionists, but also news from the world of food science. i personally collect for you all the most interesting things from around the world. city dwellers have almost forgotten how to digest fiber, but villagers have retained this ability. these are the conclusions reached by an international group of scientists who discovered previously unknown species of bacteria in the human intestine. capable of breaking down dietary fiber. such microbes, as tests show, are often found in the bodies of rural residents and are almost absent in the inhabitants of the megalopolis. scientists associate this with a decrease in fiber consumption in life, whatever one may say, people usually actually eat more cabbage, greens and the like, but fiber is needed for proper digestion, maintaining normal sugar and cholesterol levels. for this, doctors recommend eating about 400 g of vegetables and fruits per day, plus cereals and other whole grains products. another important component is protein. now it is proposed to receive from a new,
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unusual source. a group of australian scientists. published an article proving the benefits of breeding pythons for food. they write that raising snakes on farms is much less expensive than chickens, sheep or cows. reptiles require less food and water, and may even drink the dew that forms on their skin in the morning. in addition, they gain weight faster and 82% of their body weight is edible. they also hunt agricultural pests for food. exotic meat. it has actually been used for a long time, for example, in the countries of southeast asia, let's see if snake products reach russia. we are still solving other problems. scientists from novosibirsk state technical university have created a biogel that extends the shelf life of fruits. it can be used to process fruits on trees and after harvesting. the gel has already been tested on tangerines and apples. and he showed an excellent result. the shelf life
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of fruits has tripled to 3 weeks. biogel, it forms on the surface of the fruit a specific network of various polymer molecules that protects this fruit from environmental influences, thereby extending its shelf life. the substance is washed off with plain water and is non-toxic. additionally, the gel is completely biodegradable and releases fruit flavors, unlike a more traditional wax finish. in the future, scientists plan to use their invention to process sliced ​​vegetables.
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add flour, pour milk, simmer until butter, fry until cooked, thickened, add salt and pepper, apples cut off the cap and take out the core , stuff it, sprinkle cheese on top, bake for 20 minutes at 200°, ready, a tasty and unusual dish in which the sweet form perfectly complements the hearty content, and we praise it for its healthy fiber, although butter and bacon, which in general you should eat less often, they add calories, so we call for moderation, the yellow signal of our dietary traffic light, bon appetit and health, we and culinary specialist lena yartseva wish you, watch
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this next saturday. anxious about the curd mass, that experts find it dangerous, which is why the kreshnoite cosmonauts love it, we weigh all the pros and cons of sweet cottage cheese. buckwheat is not only porridge, five amazing dishes made from this grain and the secrets of its origin, whether it has greek roots, as well as the most interesting news from the world of food science. live food is broadcast, as always, on saturday at 11:00 am on ntv. and now the weekly quiz question is on your screens, just test yourself, or answer by reading the qr code with your smartphone and following the link. choose the right one answer option and win one of my books, which contain many interesting scientific discoveries about healthy food, safe life, health promotion, and delicious recipes.
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winners are determined every month among those who gave at least one correct answer, and the more hits, the higher the chances. draws and discussions of the correct answers on the pages of our program in popular social networks, and we will call those who win right away, so do not forget to enter your phone number after you answer, the voting is over, the correct answer to your screens, thanks to everyone who participated, next question in a week. hello, this is a housing issue and i, victoria panina. today we will remodel the bedroom for polina and leonid. now
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olga alexandrovna, grandmother and little dani live in this room. but at the family council, our heroes decided that the entire youth would move into this room, in which we would make not only a bedroom, but also an office, a nursery, and even a penthouse for a cat. ah... grandma will move here, to a smaller room, and we will also remodel it, which our heroes don’t even talk about guess. olga aleksandrovna’s energy will give young people a head start. at 77, she skis, goes on walking tours around the city and travels extensively. she mastered the computer and the internet, corresponds with friends, and edits videos. he does physical education using video lessons. rug in front of the mirror, i only started living like this in retirement, and in general i like living in retirement, a lot of time, free, sometimes, of course, there are some doubts like this, i think that
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my back is hurting and my legs are getting tired , well, i think, well i’m already so many years old, but i don’t feel like i ’m 30, maybe 35, like this, because i still want to go everywhere, i’m interested everywhere. olga aleksandrovna also pampers her family with goodies, they in turn are always ready to help, granddaughter polina, her husband leonid, little dani, the cat meowth, in such a company family life develops amicably and cheerfully, it turns out sweet, they moved in with nikulin’s grandmother when she i was left alone, it’s calmer and more fun, oh, when i invited, everyone said to me, are you crazy... you came in, if it’s bad for you alone, it will be very difficult for you with them, anyway, i went my way.


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