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tv   News  RT  April 19, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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the the, the big day for india and the best. 1 new economic townhouse begins general election to know it's a good time and the country's leading policy, the next 5 days, special coverage off the race them to do this reflects not so much of religion to attitude as agony and history. they're not hiding it anymore to go to johnson. who said that blood pressure, when would be the end of working? jim rush's foreign minister addresses, wisdom politicians went to work most of my life to get an interview that russia prefers to king sufficing, but that the west is clear and it tends to get good seats. russia officials stay 3 drawings were sold down by a radiant that defense. that is fun city known. so having nuclear facilities,
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the a very well welcome to you. this is all the international coming to live from las go with the latest news uptake is great to have you with us on top story this our, the world's largest democracy goes to the post the general election. so that to be held for more than 6 weeks. early voting is already on the way in some parts of the country and we are as close bringing you all special coverage off the events the slow this year. india hasn't astonishing more than 969000000 eligible voters. that's more than 10 percent of the world's population. the elections ought to be held in several phases, will run through until june. the 1st with the results to be announced 3 days later
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. so india is mama selection requires more than a 1000000 polling booths and over $50000000.00 workers to oversee so probably will take place across the whole of india and even in the less successful areas. so some posting machines must be carried using pulses, and even elephants the world's highest opposing ways will be located as far as 4650 meters in the himalayan mountains. also, you correspond to rent and so on. the reports from all studio located in the heart of india, new jersey to dawn. so democracy has just started in india all. well, the next 6 weeks around, $1000000.00 people would be costing their world to choose the next government. in fact, to be the 1st day before around $10.00 to wants to do the seats on going to
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for that. this is across 21 states. it's the number. again, there are tools for all $543.00 constituency seats, envelopes about which is the lower house of development. the are at stake on whichever window, decal, faulty or a combination of political thought. these gets to 72, not that's the magic number. whoever gets that number will form the government and run in the off for the next 5 years, both the b, g, b, that's and everything there movies, political policy and congress, which has found in the lines of thoughts to come to a, b, b. they have been making promises that's their manifesto was in fact a congress came up with the amount of festal which stays basically it's a new i fostered that johnson. it's too pillar also to stop. and what they're saying is that the one justice for women, they want justice for firewalls, for the fuel. because of the 1st of all,
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this manifesto is the voice of the country. all that is written there is based on what people from different walks of life told the congress leaders. so this manifesto is actually document of the people of this country. and that is why i want to congratulate 140 corey people who are finally given a voice by your party, which brought this country to independence, which prepared this country's constitution, which always fonts for the progress of this country. and were determined to implement each and every point freedman from this manifesto and were fully confident that in the coming decades it is going to prove to be a historic document of this country. and then eventually as it goes through this, every hamlet of this country to every village, every village of this country as we are supposed to do as governors worker. i have a feeling that today i could i, the ability is much more because we have the height and then the u. p. a. rules. then it gives the right to education, right? 30 for emissions. i too, was a whole lot of nice. what the major
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b hallway were saying is that low congress has been and follow for the longest time in the indian history in india's independent history. so to say they haven't done anything. of course b, j b has promised a whole list of things essentially continuing what they've done for the last 2 tons of these domains under the reason congress manifesto, but extremely decent and contrived. and he has been repeating the same argument without any evidence for the last many, many months, or, or possibly a couple of years. broadly, if you're going to be in debt, all this phone has been invested in building is very clear. the congress wants to. it wants to lead scotch divisions in the country. so promises which may be many difficult to put into it. and the whole thing was unleashed by, i'm sure i'm not in the country to getting these virginia beach for the injury and
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buyer, somebody wanting to know the long as the issue of the press conference before like . ready evictions whether or not uh promised palm beach team over there, but there is no way will be will be a scheme that dispatch to say. things which has been mentioned is manifesto, virginia spending 3 going to be the one we brought on board. the most of these things have been that you buy them. what are you located in the last 10 years? the selection, not just selections in the history of mankind, is something that, in fact will be watched closely. not just an india off by the was to break that down. i have a very special guess. i can tell you the fact is that every number of those 1000000000 people, the view of this as a wonderful piece of the view with, with pride, that they are taking fox in their own democracy. and they are deciding who's going to be then for the next 5 years. and it doesn't matter which part of india you're
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from, which community, which region it doesn't matter or maybe rich, you may be 12, but to value this and to discuss it among them say they come to a decision, the what's, what's happening, and you're absolutely right today but i mean, it's entered into more these government has a huge, a huge vision for the country. i think this is what the government, the people of india valued, the most india under his leadership has become the fastest growing economy. and the one thing that's going to be perhaps so that when people go to work to do it is an important factor because in a fixed everybody's lives. if you are going to go up in the corner of the, for the fossils green going into boy and everybody gets a job. everybody gets a better income. the to production is going. it's facilitating a bigger income for the farmers. and i think that's where the exports of going defense exports ongoing. and d, d, a dickson potted developed model developed india is going to be based on your own
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spin spotwood middle part of thought. look, save, spend just a good. you're not going to depend on anybody a feel good. this is an important factor that has emerged in the last few years. you own ease of globalization, i think, is more or less global fuel coming to visual good. you're coming through, depending on your, you don't have supply chains which do in it, which depend on other confused, and didn't people to interpret at the time of need. and that's what the range of moody has fulton foreclosed over the years. he's only spoken about a multi point. i was no, like i said, nothing to moody. is the bible for fig? oh, somebody love him. somebody not. what do you think that if he comes to 5 or 4 tubs consecutive tom, what do you think that's going to mean for the wall dynamics? i think it will be a very long reaffirmation of is on vision for the country. that's number one. and
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this vision is based on economic development is based on a set of lines uh, not getting pulled up in the supply chain. and it's based on the unity of the country, except i saw you, but it should be to day that some public off developing for everybody except vos trust. why everybody, i'm some company asked everybody must put in the effort to go together for india becoming a powerful voice from the global platform on the global stage is also maybe perhaps our thing song does a lot of reports about foreign into fans and indian elections and so and so forth. he thinks of a fax id now in deals becoming so powerful and sort of leaking that had you many of the western heads, how many do you think that they could be some people who might be or 5 that well yes, a foster odd cynthia visit around at the seen them as being at the end of what was a browser, this, the media, you know, trying to see that to look what is this in the, at the computer is that confusing? a stable storm government. i'm talking about
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a black box that'd be with democracy to develop the demo democratic process based on individual choice by just 1902000000. that choice has brought forward to the last 10 years, stevens. i'm a judge, you read the government does not have to, you would have showed up to see who's with the political support them thinking you want to confuse, right? what can get into to this as such as the community, what? who's doing the needs, you know, open monday in a long getting something right? getting something wrong. and then we'll use the left used to be to the trying to present as long as we do. but i can tell you that nobody in india is being food by that me. the indian people do not anymore depends on the western who's doing what the think about then said yes, once it didn't, you know, one opinion of us is a country. we don't have to look to rest. so, i mean, you know,
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people who have what they want agenda is franky. well, india, and if it's installed both think of these thoughts phase at the, well, the largest selection, we continue to monitor how events are unfolding. and you can find the election schedule as many other useful information on our website. our team outcomes for these stay with us throughout this week on the coming model says we wouldn't do our special coverage of india's parliamentary elections that were run until june. the that was what the news now the russians arm and as a so again last off is given a live interview to russian radio stations on foreign policy and the cards. international agenda. i'll tell you that the show in chief, marguerite, assuming young aust of different amounts about the rising tensions between russia on the west, texas. a gosh,
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busy solution adds up of the every day we have from the west is that they will not come down until russia is strategically defeated. and every day, more and more does threaten become as it was mundane, more and more terrible to everyone tells us. johnson and the others that if we don't went on the battlefield on waste, any call. this will put an end to the head, germany of the west, which means and navies, the west in general as it is to under, for most it will smells like a big pool. i do not know what nuclear weapons and people who smell like god forbid . i find out what do you think about it, is there such a prospect of where you will get to it? those are, it is doing good. this reflects not so much of religion to attitude as agony and hysteria. they're not hiding it anymore. they quoted johnson cassette. thank you for let russel wins will be the end of our head geometry used as well. but this is just send that to you in, in the international court of justice. guilty, violate from the main principal of the un charter on the sovereign equality of state. and i think the international court of justice should pay attention to this
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or lot of statements in the same thing. we'll lose our influence in russia. we'll work with china around north korea and syria to make this work. this does not reflect yourself south, but quite the contrary. it reflects to our understanding of what is going on. they call it a battle to preserve their had germany no longer shining away from them. but this is simply the formation of a new multiple or will order an equal you just democratic world or the shape. let's get more details on this. now i'm doing the studio biology corresponded to shape both se lovely to see you. thank you for coming in. so i mean, it was an extensive interview who's speaking for almost 2 hours. could just break it down for us base. yeah, and of course when sort of a lover of this veteran diplomats, i remember he's been around a, at this type of work for over 50 years. he started in 1972 in sri lanka and incredible career. and he's at the center of some of the most important and a globally significant negotiations. and discussions right now given the situation that we should find stuff in and it's shifting signs on the geo political stage if
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you like. now, what are the 1st things that he was asked about, of course, was ukraine and, you know, russia's position to ukraine. but more importantly, we got some details about peace talks and peace talks that essentially talk going 2 to 3 weeks. according to the gala rule of, after the special military operation began at the diesel, offered that they were accepted by russia, there was negotiations of bell rocher. there was the negotiation to assemble formats, which is where your level of test was, you know, energetically engaged with them. ukrainian side at open to the point to basically that at the us and britain intervened. and certainly the thing is, the cold feet sort of the things he talks about where, what russia wanted from those, uh, negotiations. and they were things like removal of what she described as racist and discriminatory laws against the russian speaking populations and the bus and crime . yeah. and also a recognition, a rush of security concerns. very,
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very interesting stuff. and, and it's really, really fascinating to hear this directly from the mind himself. that's of a listen to a special let them keep sailing. first. let's talk about what goals and why. and then what terms we're ready to negotiate. first of all, as present, constantly remind us we're always prefer negotiations or fighting in wars. and yes, we had experience, we mediately agreed when ukrainians realizing that they had enough of playing with the bombing of don bus and with the promotion of direct methods of genocide against the russians on their own territory. they offered negotiations $2.00 to $3.00 weeks after the start of the special meals or operations to which we agreed. there were several rounds, but this is well known belarus that online and finally we arrived in simple where you creating splits or proposals on the table for the 1st time. after some discussion, these proposals were accepted. they also contained an obligation to repeat national laws to discriminate against minorities, especially russian ones, and to cancel support for movements that glorified and relied on the audiology of
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nazis and were condemned by the new in big trouble. as for the territorial side of the matter, just the day before yesterday, for in the 1st publish such memoirs, but they are very clearly aimed at just to find themselves. i'll explain why for the 1st wrote that the united states and britain details the landscape not designed but allegedly not because they wanted to continue the world with the hands of ukrainians and exhaust the russian federation and destroyed russian civilians. but because they solve that proposal contains information of a group of guarantors of ukraine security with the participation of russia and china. but also with the participation of the west state become wary. and there was an amazing reason why that became where if they sign it now, but then suddenly the agreements will not be fulfilled. the gap and someone will attack you. frank. maybe a rush itself will suddenly attack ukraine. and then we'll have to fight with russia as the guarantors of ukraine security. we don't want that or aligning, disregards is very simple, very clear. you didn't want to negotiate. honestly, we propose a treaty on european security in 2008 to 2009 when we offered one simple thing.
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friends, europe, at the highest level against the will at the time in $9099.00, the security is in device level and countries choosing their alliance as voluntarily have no right to do so. if by strengthening there's security, they undermined the security of others. and it has already been written clearly, all of us that always see participants, and these precedents, prime minister signed the document at the highest level, can meet that no country, no group of countries and no union in the o. c. c area will claim dominance. luxury here so, so again, fascinating insights from survey lab rather into the mechanism by which the military operation actually continued when russia was essentially ready at the end . as again, we get a view, an overview of russia's position at the idea of the knots invitation. the militarization and securing rushes international interests at the core of love. rob's position, they're gonna, i really appreciate that about life. obviously. such a straight talker isn't a doesn't mean this is was
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a positive knows what it's like. a lot of us have to say about the countries that russia does have a good relationship with me. well featuring very heavily following on from the discussions about the piece process in ukraine or the same piece process, which was a, if you like, stein e by the us. and by britain sort of talked about a china. he talked about china, of course, as a, as a, as a very warm i like we know, the biggest energy producer on the, in the, in the, in the world, the global at our house. that is russia, the biggest manufactured economy in the world, which is trying to, these are not to allies and friends that are easily dismissed for the west anymore . and that's at the center of a lot of the issues at that level discussed in his, in his, the discussions. he also said that the a chinese suggestions for a piece plan which will put forward by german uh, she present a sheet where uh, firm or amenable to the russian position. and that they respected the chinese
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because the position a part of the position from china is that the west would have binding this cold war rhetoric and centrally and crucially, it would recognize the historical of cultural, economic and uh, you know, historical ties between you find them you wish of the people to live there, the people who live in columbia and adopt a more realistic view of how this conflict we'll and i think we should have listened to a just around the, the chinese positions which we respect that can february last year. they formulated their 12 points, and now schultz went to seasoned team and not very decently set that session between supports the peace conference with i'm sure, with the chinese position is that we must 1st understand the root causes of the crisis. it is necessary to abandon the mentality of the cold war when we considered each other opponents academy sufficiently. it's necessary to clear a subscribe to the need to look for solutions. definitely take into account the balance of interest in the field of security and ensure the indivisibility of
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security. this is a completely different approach. china, the latest statement administer vangee and all the colleagues. and we also advocate the communing or conference that will be acceptable to russia and ukraine. this means that we must not start with the last of these formulas to be move decide if they want to. this is the great quality of the chinese people, the patients. yes, they have global and vision, so that's we're short of decision pain has come forward several initiative, the initiative of a common destiny of mankind, where it is necessary for everyone to south all develop coming, principals, coming approaches of the 1st level would to the so we can insight into the uh, the russian view that, you know, china is a trusted partner at from china. also understands and has a view which aligns with rushes. one when it comes to things like taiwan. of course, the pressure of a china finds itself on the russian trying to understand each shoulder as they face off against the western attempts to suppress and limit their growth as nations in the states. i think you're right there. i think the relationship between russia in
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china is, is one of understanding and respect state. they respect each other and what did love have to say about his was and tons of thoughts. now this was of course fascinating. i mean, when you, when you consider the, the machinations and the discussions that have gone on, you see, he essentially suggested that the west end paris of already pre determined their position that they're not really interested in discussions with russia to find a solution to the issue in ukraine, you also alluded to a reality that you find was basically a mechanism by which to undermine and destabilize bush. and he basically suggested that several times during his interview as well as he said, the most zealous advocates for the war and ukraine where people like aristotle on the line. and he called the prism of michael on the front of a militant. and he also just said they'd already cut off all parts of negotiation really with russia. and that was actually fascinating as well. that it seems that
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the russian side on level of, if anybody knows what the feeling and the central painting processes in russia is probably sort gayla rough. he also talked about things like at the celebration of the cutting off of russian energy. that's a place like usually in our, suggesting that they're desperate to completely cut off any energy reliance on russia. and that this is almost a delusional situation, that discounts the impact this has on your economies of these country. so a very pragmatic view from russia that in many ways, negotiations of the west, which rushes as said, it's open to and are in some ways few time. thank you so that some of this of this, the officer gave victor reach a question. let's go back to you were kind of explain this extreme hysteria. there were simply no other words to choose telling your pin countries, the trash was about to attack the recess. your threats. what do you think? what the use of the state?
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but um, i believe it is, you could say a paranoia and forget about it. but this, in my opinion, is more cuttings land it desperately need to get money out of their parliaments to continue the warrant in the united states. a can see how they have already cooled down. i don't know how the world will and now the drum with this weekend on the consideration of 3 different bills, including on the crate, but now the most cells wants to advocate the continuation of pumping ukraine with money and weapons are the europeans. charles, for example, who considered himself a leader in providing assistance to create him across is militants and all the small countries, the baltic states, the czech republic, and the state satellites from the state satellites. yes, there are several considerations here. firstly, the are being union believes that it has already all these burrell sholtes or so what wonder line. they're already so unequivocally rude. and in general, having already caught up a path declared that frustrates anatomy that it must be destroyed, not allowed to win to save ukraine. they will just be finished as politicians, if they change this rhetoric, the opposition will catch them right there. secondly,
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they need to get money to explain why they've already deprived their population of cheap gas cheap pipeline oil. why price of jump wide industrialization is taking place as a result of sanctions? german concerns are already going to move their production to the united states or china as has happened under shows, shows accompanied by businessman not to have some mutually beneficial projects, but in order to agree on moving on transferring their production to the people's republic of china and they went from their point of view, they conferences the conflict, they all have a choice in a month to 3 fourths or national elections to the european parliament and a huge number of you countries. but i think the opposition will not miss the chance . in any case, to show what their policy has led to in terms of social economic consequences. but if they suddenly stopped the stores about our plans through tech net owns but safety suddenly stopped the source about our plans to protect nato. now then the hope is to scare the voters and continue this course of business. so again, it seems that uh, sort of a lover of is uh, describing a reality where the west sees that the military operation from the western side is
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failing. that your claims in trouble, and all of these things are compounded, but it seems that the western partners associate level the calls them have done with or with a root out of this crisis. they don't seem to want to negotiate with russia, but they also seem to want to escalate the conflict, continue to follow the country a weapons despite the mass of losses that are being incurred in you find. and somebody stop exit went uncovered during they say 2 and a session and talking latest news levels to touch on the strikes, the tells us strikes. what do we saw this morning with as well? hating iran, what do they have to say about those? yeah, again, this was also fascinating and we seem to kind of as something of a shift in language from the russian side. and we saw in the un security council, the russian representative. they're suggesting that even sanctions are something that are on the table that potentially against the as well. and sort their level of language again,
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was very interesting in relation to the white or middle east conflict. the conflict which the americans that i'd say isn't happening at all, but there's, you know, 16 countries involved in really this is already a conflict which is bullying. and has been doing so for, for a long time. love are upset, something very interesting. you said that the goal of the western media and the western powers now is essentially to deflect from the brutal, brutal conflicts. if you would like to call it the conflict on the assault on gaza to take the world's view from there to distract from that and to cast around as the bad guys here. and that was really fascinating. i thought he also said that the conversations convey to the is realities where that's a run and is we'll have to find a peaceful reason why she has been at the center of calls. despite many of the western countries like the british and the french and the germans, and even the european parliament saying that we absolutely stand with you as well as wales, liked to defend itself. notably, it's china, and it's russia who are calling for de escalation. i'm for talks to and the
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conflict essentially, and some of this is what he said. but there was this try toner on last night. we were thinking, ever since that is happening, they all could lead to around thinking about nuclear wordpress, even if it's worth and thinking about them before. the key what the i've heard such arguments spread in these really media in the west, in russia, the desire and goal it seems to me is to switch the attention of the world community from what is happening in the gaza strip, where there is a few minutes here in disaster and many special rep or tours of the human rights council are already talking about genocide. district attention to iran is a threat. they want to attribute iran among any things and attack using nuclear weapons, which is does not have. this is confirmed by the i a e, a r n is the most inspected country among the parties to the treaty on the non proliferation of nuclear weapons, or is a law and even a thoughtful, you know, run the judgment statements. the pastoral of the supreme leader that it is prohibited in iran, and ron absolutely does not need to do this right now, runs response to an acceptable attack on the iranian counselor institution where
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people were killed or telephone contacts between the leadership of prussia and i run a representative and his rallies, and with made it very clear in these conversations and conveyed to these, or at least at our end, does not want an escalation and all the exports almost everyone. it regards our rents real response in this way. the or so i think the whole sense of the interview after listening to watching it live and how the questions were started on have engaged with the it was it was a great deal of honesty from sir gala ross. there's a, there's a sense of exasperation also that you know, all of which has efforts to end the compet can you find, have basically been reported by a western grouping for supporting you find it. but it seemed to want to continue the conflict, but don't seem to understand how they could even reverse out of it. i think there's a sense that rushes doors open for negotiation with those negotiations have to respect rushes, significant and genuine security concerns in the region. and globally, it seems that russia is looking to deescalate conflict while western powers are
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happy to continue the fluid and pump weapons and caution into warring partners around the world is always good to have lots of folks. so comprehensively about the state of the well, there's in it and many thanks for breaking it down. far as appreciate that thanks a lot of the shape as well. going to go over to the tensions between iran and as well now, a spokesman fully wrong civilian space program, phase 3, drones, we shut down or if it is for $150.00, which is known for having nuclear sites around was bracing for and is really response to is retaliatory large scale, well kitchen 12 in stock on the jewish state last week. and this was a wrong response to an audience to icon the rainy and cold. so that's in damascus, which results in the depths of 11 diplomats and 2 high ranking generals is well initially denied responsibility, but later in directly admitted it, targeted the building, planning to get stuff as a military base, co ordinating homicide operations. on the april, the 13th a wrong launch,
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hundreds of drones, cruise and ballistic missiles towards these ready tyrants re, with, as well, claiming the vast majority were intercepted is nomic. republics military said, it's ready to hit the box with much greater force if any of its nuclear facilities are attacked by the idea. the model is the enemy's new gear size have been identified and we have the necessary information about all targets we have on a finger on a trigger, a fighting storm this house to destroy the designated targets in response to a potential attack. monday morning, there are reports between just wanted to be a pass, they can a showing turn as discussions of new sub entered the fray forward it was reason retaliatory strikes against as well. so it would be, it has responded with a barrage of flags for optic debt. want to about even stronger towns or measures. however, the situation today dramatic twist. now when he's well began initially warnings about.


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