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tv   News  RT  April 20, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, and the night is way east wind corner residential building of the southern guns and city of ruffled hills. at least 9 people including 6 children, according to locals. ne, the at least 2 palestinians are killed during a 2 day id of rate in the west. stein committed an accelerating construction of is really specializes in the area the u. s. report to b sales to make a new deal with need to
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a degree to withdrawal troops from the west african country to 20. so while the nation was like russia is to help fight terrorism in this on how regions as well. sca condemns the ukranian drones like they killed a russian world. correspondents want to get the evidence. 50th terrace. nature, the hello and welcome you watching on see international with the latest. well, these update is good to have you with us on top story this. how is this? well, gaze up for an unexpected unexpected invasion of the southern most gauls and city of rasa. the area is coming on to an increasing number of strikes. one of the latest attacks hit a residential building came in the lives of at least 9 people, including 6 children,
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according to the gauze and civil defense agency. wow. the raised relatives in winning the loss of the schools of bodies have been taken to a local moke for identification civilians, also sifting through the ruins of buildings, destroyed, finding his way. these are these 2 as strikes have recorded the heads while fall since friday, around 1500000 palestinians are reports of these shows, rang and associates, which had previously been declared to save certain by the id s people on the ground, se there's no one left for them to hide the neighborhood, to the house and building about them, but it's in the symmetry was not sped from. the full name is rough off, which they say is safe police place to have to have no words. so striking them with 2 roll kids. why, why, what did these children do? what did they do is i won't mention, yeah, whenever of swans is it will be won't. all these,
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these done is targets. they were sleep safe and sound, all of the killed, the women and children. these are state crimes. there is no country in the world that is committed such crimes. nothing like what's happening here. this never happened in history. across it in the west bank at least 2 palestinians have been killed in clashes with these weighty forces. those according to the local health ministry. the 11 palestinians will also reportedly injured on several homes destroyed during the raid, which is where the forces launched on friday, close to the city of 2 comm, quoting it, a counter terrorism operation, the idea of se several militants were illuminated. well, 9 is where the soldiers were wounded, according to the palestinian prisoners society, and the people were detained by the way of these. and the last 2 days off of them was seized for my local refuge account,
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where crashes on going for the city and officials of coded and then press the down to the sold the rest of the day. what do you want? i think this is the 3rd day is being cushion in the notions camp in the city of to car i'm in general. the scale of it may be equivalent to or slightly more than the 2002 inc cushion. it seems that the israelis really wants to sign into the palestinian resistance in the west bank, specifically in the camps in northern west bank. well, the, it is a very difficult situation. siege on the new ships, camp is still ongoing. often more than 4 to 2 hours. there are large numbers of dead people line on the streets and many wounded, but ambulances have not been able to reach until this moment. i come to what people have told us, there is complete destruction of homes shops, electricity, greed, the huge. they want to network and the infrastructure. the reason cousin is unprecedented. even 2002 and compared to previous incursions. the russ, not this, on the rooftops death squads, especially forces deployed. it's a real war. no one knows what is happening in the camp until these moments. the u,
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as well has sped up settlement construction in east jerusalem after the war broke housing gauze that that's according to a recent guardian article. the publication came as 3 families in the shaken to around neighborhood in east jerusalem received eviction notice is ordered by the jerusalem. not just res cools off. a spoke to one of them. a highly yet highlighted with the renewal of a 9 and 48. they evicted $531.00 villages and most of their, our children, women and elders. unfortunately, there were no cameras, there was no such technology back that i met them. but today, the world watches guys are being killed live on here and does nothing about it. you owe me, there's no sense of security. every day we have a catastrophe, like not every day we have a sad back like the knox, a word 96 to 7 and day by day it gets worse. and i've been living here for 50 years, sounded from an a settler. com send, evict me from my home, and that's good byes. my blaze won't be. and then how should one's feel that they're taking our homes from and you won't be going out. children in front of the
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world. how should you feel? i mean, is there just a crating? i was saying to this like the i'll x a mosque and of the church of the whole, the simple car. that's very difficult to express the sadness inside me. believe it every day in the threats we're facing every day you especially meet with us part of the companions i started at the time of the day of, of creation of the i was always family me. and of course, when they threw them on the street in front of my children's eyes, the fear that every day they would rate my house for asked me in front of my children, my mother, my father, the bidding, so the insult and throwing me on the streets the cost of the day, the whole world, all eyes are turned towards, got them in the united nations and the speak world, this hypocrites talk about the security console. and then america comes them used to be to all the how do you feel when you see them raping all girls going women good entering hospitals? so let me go and doctors. yep. go into teams and i told your sales it is really government has a program for is 0. so with yeah,
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i'll just my house and all the how this is really government doesn't pull on piece order. 20 palestinian state is really government only wants a jewish state with well how to send me it. according to the article system and building it falls east. jerusalem has like celebrated with this way. the government standing behind all the launch is projects within 20 projects with thousands of houses are in the pipeline. the continuing expansion of his way. the settlements is regarded as a legal. busy and the international no, but is well disputes this early this week, the jerusalem not just raise cold old of the eviction of 3 palestinian families from the homes according to the ruling they're expected to vacate the house before july the port say the housing 2 to 3 apartments that 20 members of the 3 families live in spell out day of whose family also go to an eviction notice says he plans to appeal. i love to see despite all the pressure in jerusalem, i see from house demolition some of the past of our homes and the consist
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occasional lance before the taxes from all aspects, all were main stuff. their case didn't start recently when they started 50 years ago, and it's really rad, be clean. you bought this land in the year, 80 and 76. so you don't need an excuse to kill palestinians, and they don't need an excuse to expel palestinians from their homes. most of the students were ready, so they weren't under the table and today they brought them all the noise, our own garza, and today they explode their opportunity to do whatever they want and separate us from our land open at their convenience. we will appeal to the central port is the piece or cannot into fee after the supreme court decision. and god willing, we will confirm rolling to free is the decision until the ownership of the line is proven how cool minute they are. a government of extra minutes. so maybe there's nothing on them or unlikely for this govern as i got used to the little texting them to say into somebody else estimates, but things are changing in the world to them as the magic is strongly against them
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. additionally, or so all the claims that got their complete lives, they used to say are now exposed on the table. and so i thought of proving that we are pressed the head. we have been under oppression for a 100 years, and one on the saddle of terror is beautiful violence and foolishness of this page . and so i say the future is hours if he's good, while patients can be beautiful. during this times, we should not be able to show me when i moved was the one that i have in the us capital. lawmakers are expected to have those later on saturday on 3 separate for an 8 bills, including long for is while my country will get $26000000000.00. if the deal is approved on capital hill, early state departments spokesperson big lines to answer our question by the gray zone out the report was a liam calls grow they last about as well as they should push for raising change in a wrong. so benjamin netanyahu testified in the us congress in 2002. this is before we made interact and he said quote,
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there is no question whatsoever that saddam hussein is seeking and is working. and as advancing towards the development of new. ready weapons, he then went on to say he was hiding nuclear facilities under ground. we now know this was a lie. one that many us service members, an innocent iraqis paid the price for then yahoo! and that same congressional hearing goes on to say. obviously we'd like to see regime change, at least i would in a ran. the question now is, what is the best way to proceed? it's not a question of whether you'd like to see per diem changing around, but how to achieve it. so my 2 questions for you are one, how can we trust somebody who go to our country into war, interact based on false sites and to given this weekend's advance? why are we confident he won't do the same thing with a rand given he's been calling for us to an act resume, change in that country for 20 years? i'm sure i fully understand your question. a while we discussed this with the grazer know supposedly and called squared himself, who's a c on so he called was observed on the us. he's giving is around the blank,
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checks to respond to strikes on his territory while backing them in defense. his 1st response was kind of along the lines of well, there's many people in the israeli government, so we support israel. that doesn't mean we're necessarily endorsing a particular person. but obviously we're talking about benjamin netanyahu, who's not only the prime minister, but he's been on and off, but basically the prime minister for over the last 20 years. so he's clearly the most powerful and influential person in the israeli government. he's the top decision maker of these early government. um. so that answer was just kind of absurd at the end. he said, you know, we don't see more with a ran. so which i said, you know, what is a ran response to israel cause israel has values of striker randy might have just seen that happen. and then he said, well, we have an iron clad commitment to israel. so the us has said, you know, we're not getting back any sort of offensive attack, but we are going to fast um, any stripes on his rarely territory. but it's,
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but that's kind of meaningless because if israel is, has this blank check to do all these offensive attack because of the matter for us participates in those. if we give them this blank check for defense, it's like, eventually a rand is going to respond. the initial or rainy and a striking last weekend with the 300 drones and missiles where he is really intercepted, basically all of them. and the only once we hit the ground, we're kind of in the desert. it didn't really destroy any infrastructure, nor did it kill anybody. you know, the israel sort of taking that as a way, and i think a ran intentionally did not, you know, do an aggressive straight because it ran doesn't seem like it wants to award either . i, it seems like israel is the only one who really wants these wars. probably some factions, it within the us as well. and i, i'm sick of it. i mean, i'm sick. i was like getting dragged into these wars and, and having the us, having me in my country be blamed is the bad guy for, for these words. it, israel seems to like to drag us into us. the administration officials have reported
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the concern that more than a 1000 american troops packing up to leave nisha us off the washington's failed to agree on a new security deal with me on a nice area. and documents showed the americans the door last month, policies, awful good correspondence, and that of a category. how small on the basis of sources from princeton to buy those administration reports to just that more than a 1000 us troops will leave me here in the coming months. the withdrawal will, will begin in the next few days and will take months to complete. many of the u. s . military pop and pass are now posted in new z stationed at these 2. 0, one is the way they have been in acts of since the that's opposed to prison mohammed bassoon and installed the new leadership last year july. the decision to withdrawal follows the announcement last month by the medicaid government. often am the and the subsequent talks between the parties that we also learned from these
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developments is that according to a state department schools that the deputy secretary occurred to, campbell told the needs to be in prime minister. i need in the mean vain that the united states does not agree with. the country is turned towards russia and she runs to a possible the fund if you rainy and reserves and the failure to talk to a polk to return to democracy, it also remains. so that's on march. the 16th of this, yes, the military government in the j interrupted immediate effect of the military cooperation agreement, signed with the united states in 2012. the announcement was read in a speech broad costs of national television by calling in a month to add them on spokes person of the disappearing power. currently, the spokesperson defined the estimate of his presence as illegal and in violation of all constitutional and democratic rules. plus, i need to go see the,
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the american presence of the territory of the republic of new jersey. the legal violates all the constitutional and democratic rules which would require the silver and people, notably, so its elected officials to become solid as on the installation of a, for an army in its territory. the government of new year taken into account the aspirations and interest of its people, the size was full response ability to denounce was immediate. the facts of the agreements relating to the status of military person, all the united states and stimulant employees of the american department of defense in the territory of the republic of each year. not only that, according to them the, the agreement itself, which was the unit actively imposed by the united states that through a simple verbal note in july 2012 is, is it to me, it, it. and i'm just, and it's exactly from that kind of information where you can tell that to me is it has been a gains permanent, foreign military presence on its territories for quite some time. but the u. s. has been hanging on to the last and best contact. you have
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a risk outpost in west africa hoping for some sort of turn off events on why it's important. seeing you to, to blame russ. yeah. for the, for you to be racing on the african continent. the russian federation of narrative drowned out the us government in the past years. they were excel in the russian federation of stoked a lot of the instability across this a hell. they did this through misinformation this information campaigns. so i see how we will double down and our efforts is through our own information campaign, but mashed with our assurance efforts. the russian federation is really trying to take over the central africa as well as the ssl within africa. the russian federation wants to establish a ground game that resembles a start se partnership program, but it doesn't have the values. it doesn't have the values, the democratic values above what we bring sides. that is the intrinsic values for
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stability, security and security, security and prosperity with our african partners. but they, you is expect taishan to, to rebuild the relations. do that to say, yeah, as even with the you is, the pentagon has been criticized for a band and it's so just in shape. and it was previously revealed that to us senators from both the parties of congress, not even though with that to the us soldiers in the z. and they were not aware for quite some time. and in the move that for the risk, the presence of the u. s military in another country in the all region. chad authorities of 3 to need to cancel an agreement which dictates the rules off um us submitted to personnel inside a copy of one of the dates estates to the freight. they submitted feet around the defense embassy and had circulated on the ex apple outlining house seat of a stop. the monster you is to provide the rich an agreement and justification that
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to you is forces should be on the as you could say, database seems to me, not the stakes at the moment, a car venti, very high in every part of the african continent, even though the u. s. is that it is pushing to continue. it polices in africa and exploring options of scrolling you security agreements with as a, as picking countries. but also the climate on the african continent tells a very different story to that. a russian will correspond with coldwell performing his professional duties. filming the reports about the conflict in ukraine suddenly on every man's death, caused a reaction from many, including the united nations, which said it condemns the killing of journalists. russia's foreign ministry said the attack, lost in liberal arts and proves the terrace nature of the train. where we go, this target sits on cold blood. it's not the john list is another confirmation of the width service nature of visit landscape regime which has opened the real hand
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for russian representatives of the mass media military come on this public figures who with their reports, comments and publications reveal the truth to the world community present indisputable facts about the crimes of the militants, of the key of regime. sybil was a war correspondent from the 1st days of the special military operation. we. we med multiple times. we worked together with samuel and he was doing to us to build moves along the journalist who proved beyond a doubt. it's no small risk to themselves, but ukrainian soldiers, ukrainian military was talking to journalists specifically going all the way to target boston. done this and demonstrated this when i see his team, which i'll visit by you created and i'll tell him removed todd, and they would move away. the artillery would, would follow the last to the left to the right. we will to so the, for the publish whether you play the inside, you get it. so just on the crazy inside,
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joking and say that they knew that these were done less than that. they were targeted enough and they would correct thing artillery 5 to kill up off of that russian. john, this predominantly choose to dispense with blue, bought the almond, where a cab applies. try to melvin with a minute treat because that is less risk. the russian foreign ministry has come out and said that this incident again demonstrates the ugly terrorist data of the landscape regime, which has called this in journalist which has got out of its way to target active as women as well as men who never never held the weapon in their, in their hands saying that this is all in the interests of ukraine, and i justifying it as leads you to much as legitimate means of waging war. the russian prosecutor's office says that it will establish everyone
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responsible for this incident and will do everything to bring them to just to the balkans. now we're an anti government valley has turned violent into the albanian capital with multiple cox 1000 explosives being thrown. if it fits a whole entrance, the locals are demanding the resignation to be met of to rhonda. also, some of these closest associates would have changed on corruption charges. why police have called engulf the area around the building. protest is they've been trying to push back the offices with the clash is reportedly ongoing. the chinese leaders, agent bank, has announced a major military were phone creating a new ami information support. full switch will be responsible for high board full fed. the announcement was made to the ceremony and aging. on friday,
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the president stated that china must prioritize the developments of his armed forces. todd wenzel, j, soon as the creation of the information support force is a significant decision made by they c p. c central committee and the central military commissions as part of the broader effort to strengthen the military of this initiative, signifies a strategic advancement towards establishing a new service frameworks and enhancing the modern armed forces system tailored to the chinese attributes. it plays a crucial role in expediting the modernization of national defense and the military effectively enabling people's liberation army to fulfill its duties. in this new era, searches item is f, as commentator on a time during believe's. the chinese military reform is a direct response to reset to us bring lin ship and the pacific region. this is a support function that's there and it really is responding to this kind of higher
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hybrid warfare concern. there's a lot of changing tack in warfare. we seem to know how information needs to be coordinated and used in any kind of situation and how conflicts are now being uh, in a weapon. ised especially uh, from west. if you talk to people in washington and brussels, you know that they're absolutely convinced that they're right. that they're the last defenders of, you know, the free world and human rights and all this type of stuff. but you know, the divisions within the vast majority of the countries and i don't mean small divisions, you know, political deadlock inability to find leaders who can be effective and moving, move the ball forward. inability to address serious issues like in the us with the data issue which, you know, 34 trillion and growing. and no one has any idea of how they're going to solve it. other than sending yell into china and saying, hey, if you don't buy our bonds,
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the whole world is going to collapse. so you know, it's kind of a will take you down with us approach in those kind of circumstances. every country has is, you know, it has to be defensive. the problem is that, you know, the us is trying to play the game that they played with the ussr trying to get countries to put more into the military and disregard their economic rise. and i think it'd be that far more important for countries like russia and china in particular to pull their work resources to move together and try to you know, economically succeed in the end. this is what really matters because you can't pay for guns unless you have an economy that works. washington's post to spend whole billions on overseas conflicts is coming up against some fresh resistance on capital hill. yes, another republican congressman has called for the ousting of us house speaking like jones. and as critics say,
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he's failing to put america best. i have added my name in support of the motion to vacate the speaker. our border cannot be an after thought. we need a speaker who puts america 1st rather than bending to the reckless demands of the warmongers neo cons in the military, industrial complex making billions from a costly and endless war. half a world away pull goes is now the 3rd republican lo amaica. hey ones, mike jones and kicks from office, how speak i have previously closed for us domestic issues to take priority. but then made a u turn to promote the new aid bills for ukraine as well. and taiwan. mr. johnson has also use an explosive rhetoric to describe countries he sees, as i mean, this is a critical time right now, critical time in the real estate providing legal aid. you brain right now is critically important. i really do, i really do believe the intel and, and the briefings that we've gotten that is that, um the, i believe g and, and inviting rebooting and,
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and iran really are in excess of evil. i think during coordination on this, i think that phone number put and would continue to march through europe if he were allowed. i think he might go to the balkans next. i think he might have a show down with paul under one of our nato allies. american public pos host joe on wednesdays. mike johnson has completed a flip flops on his previous political pledges, and the team man with this problem is of hey, let's put this conflict the bed. let's try to come up with some piece agreements. let's try to do as much as we can to support the american people. there is no appetite for supporting proxy wars around the world. and quickly, either by turn, blackmail, or other means he found himself in the middle of how do we hand out more of the tax payer's money in the united states in order to kill innocent people. and the unfortunate part is that it typically is the year party, or it is the this, this group of people in the united states and around the world. and by the way, i want to be on a prep is, is by saying,
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i am not anti american. i am proud to be an american. but i think this is shameful . part of the embarrassment and all this is that we keep pushing towards, we not respecting the sovereignty of other nations, we keep pushing towards interfering with the different nations, not just knew united states, but then in this western come all that we see in, in europe. and the dangers of that is that it is causing mass death and casualties . to too many people who are innocent lives that are fighting for what can only be described with the class. bully on the we've, we've on the playground and everyone in that is united states in a statement actually the indian type of blossoming across many for on this, including film a king and indian crew is in most go to shoot scenes for his phone, which is due to come up as that send button on correspondence, visited the stair thing location in central mosca a with a high in the scenes of a field, let spring partly show tape in moscow. this is
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a hollywood production and if he's not heard of connie would leave it to just like fully would, but it's from south india and the film will know these trucks behind me head just for it is living up to its name already look races of full time the i was is that so i'm being watched 10 millions of times. the reason this guy v j who's the biggest access in indian, sitting them all the director is been cut, cut off who and he's also a huge tool. he told me most go is playing a starring role in the film multiple plays a very important part in the film. and so with the per diagnosis of the,
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some of those under major, you know, uh general events and ready to realize there's a lot of things and stuff happens here in moscow. so i wanted a very new blaze which most of the indian audiences have not seen before. so that's why i chose because every se, bollywood films income have proof of few movies is shocked to you. but if you go south of india, not lot of films of being shot in moscow or anywhere. and i shift this, he says, is this delta much more collaboration between russia and india? culturally? i think it's about time. i think a lot of collaboration is, will happen. because we have uh, russian cultures and they share name with, i'm from, you know, the so there are lot of indian kids who wants to learn russian and the language and the culture and stuff and that it is a so, so it's, it's always that it is always being that and uh, i think, i think from know on,
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i think slowly um, it'd be better dies the bit better collaborations and, you know, go through collaborations and collaborations in films, movies and detain when i think it will all happen now. i think it's it's, i think we've just started it and um, i'm sure it is good to go along with. i just want to give you a sneak peak of the things that shouldn't be taking place here in moscow. this is going to be one of the main parts of the movie. so many is due to wrap up shortly and the film is going to be out in september. it's going to be translated into several languages, including english. and i don't know about you, but i am ready to book my tickets right now. so let's even scheme for things on c, inlaw skin. many thanks, tony goes head on t international. that's all for me for today. but my colleague in internet will be here at the top of


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