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tv   Documentary  RT  April 20, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EDT

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all to the village houses while the roads were still dry. now it's more difficult to do because the water has arrived and we just save them from the water. every day, more people are being evacuated from flooded areas. but the truth scale of the disaster is via to be full assessed. the man has warned for 40 kilometers long wave approaching the cd, but locals to remain calm and hope that with a joint effort they can overcome the biggest challenge they see that has faced in more than a history of them in which i've auntie, called them before we go. russian indian ties are blossoming across many fronts, including film making. an indian crew is here in moscow to shoot scenes for a new bollywood block buster coming out in the awesome r t. charlotte, do been sky got an exclusive look box age a with a high in the scenes of a film that spring partly short tape in moscow. this is a hollywood production. and if he's not heard of connie would leave it to just like
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fully would, but it's from south india and the film where all of these trucks behind me here just for it is living up to its name already look races of the and i was is that so i'm being watched 10 millions of times. the reason this guy v j who's the biggest access in indian, send them all the direct to is been cut off who and he's also a huge tool. he told me most go is playing a starring role in the film multiple plays a very important part in the film. and so with the per diagnosis of the, some of those under major uh, you know,
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uh donald events and ready to realize there's a lot of things and stuff happens here in moscow. so i wanted a very new blaze which most of the indian audiences have not seen before. so that's why i chose because every se, bollywood films income have proof of few movies is shocked to you. but if you go south of india, not lot of films of being shot in moscow or anywhere. and i shift this, she says, is this delta much more collaboration between russia and india? culturally? i think it's about time. i think a lot of collaborations will happen because we have uh, russian cultures and they share name with them from, you know, the so there are lot of immune kids who wants to learn russian and the language and the culture and stuff. and that it is a so, so it's, it's always that it is always being that and uh, i think i think from know on, i think slowly um it'd be better, dies the bit better collaborations and you know,
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uh, closer to collaborations and collaborations in films, movies and detain when i think a lot of happening now. i think it's it's, i think we've just started it and i'm sure it is going to go along with i just want to give you a sneak peak of the things that shouldn't be taking place here. most of these are gonna be one of the main parts of the movie. so many is due to wrap up shortly and the film is going to be out in september. it's going to be translated into several languages, including english. and i don't know about you, but i am ready to book my tickets right now. so let's even scheme for things on c. n laska. yeah. up to date and you're send them a calendar should be a good one. okay, coming right off the part to a foreign ministers circle of routes and wide ranging interview with a select number of prominent russian journalists, including ortiz, editor in the print conflict and tensions between around and israel. that's the
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focus next. and stick loves the see. what is your assessment of the following? official statements by the federal department of foreign affairs of switzerland, russian for administer, sergey love. ralph was the 1st person with whom swift minister cassius discussed the practical details of a planned peace conference on ukraine. a genuine peace process can only take place with the participation of both. what are the conditions for such talks to take place? there's just one word of truth in this that we had a meeting by. as i see, we took part in a new york meeting of the un security council on palestine. i have known him for a long time. he has been rotating in the group of 7 for quite
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a while and served as the chair actually the elect, a new chair from the members every year. so ignacio castle was at that meeting too and asked for a one on one meeting with me. so we never concealed to the fact that we were having a meeting, 2 pictures of the 2 of us were taken when the delegation is left. and this happens right after the demos world economic forum, where the copenhagen format was held by switzerland on its sidelines as requested by the ukrainians. so he asked me if i saw his media stake out after the meeting. i said i didn't, and he told me and then he stated to the media that after another ukrainian piece, formerly meeting, they came to the conclusion that there was no points intervening without rush. i want you to know. i said they didn't really need to meet up again to realize that given their experience. and if they didn't realize this, then why do they hold that meeting in dallas? i'm not betraying any secrets here really. and by revealing this information,
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i've told this to my colleagues on many occasions, even if you don't reveal us to chris, we won't be upset to school. so he said to me that he just wanted to make a smooth entry into the process in order to be able to adjusted from within the they wanted to prepare a 2 part conference which was any set. it might not be possible and to invite rush on to the 1st part of it. so only to the 2nd part. so i asked him what they were going to do at the 1st part of the conference, which she told me they were going to finalize the ssl lensky formula. as it had many things in is that the developing countries were interested in. and i told him, quite frankly, there were 3 things, units that zalinski and the west to we're after and rushes capitulation and withdrawal to its 1991 borders of the russian leadership and brought to justice will support marshal and reparations. okay, well, and in between the lines, there was an obligation to be imposed on russians regarding troops, so it could be deployed within the 200 kilometers border zone. as for energy before
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the security for nuclear security and cultural cooperation with exchange of po w's search for missing persons or, you know, those are just peripheral items put in place around this ultimatum of to win. the hearts of the global majority with these countries are being enticed in the following manner. all right, so you don't want to be enemies with russia. you don't want russia to pay reparations. you don't want to bring it to court. we understand how about you just take the food security issue that just supervisor good security or energy security . and these people are all just high class fraudsters. i mean high class in their own areas of responsibility areas they supervise and they're relevant governments, but they are frauds at the core, the schemes they offer, our fraud schemes they're doing so deliberately it is impossible not to see this and some of our partners, including several bricks, countries that attended previous meetings. we know for sure that at every meeting,
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they emphasize the need for having a conversation with russia. we appreciate the signal sense from their side. but if, as the west ones, the soleski formula is adjusted and fine tuned. and the west knows how to do that, for instance, by introducing meaningless language provisions about a quality security interests. while keeping the samsung changed. that is not the path that we should follow really take the chinese position. one that we respect to the formulated their own 12 items will last february. and recently german chancellor, all our shows paid a visit to chinese president fusion. paying right after that schultz announced quite honestly that she's been paying supports the peace conference in switzerland . we've got a question prepared on that subject, mr. law for all. so don't st. paul it for us yet. well, the point i wanted to get across is that according to china, the thing we need to do 1st is to get an insight into the root causes of the crisis . by the end of the cold war mentality must be dropped one where the parties see
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each other as adversaries were enemies. we need to have a clear cut obligation to look for solutions that were taken to account security aspects and ensure that security is indivisible. this is a very different approach. now, china with going back to the recent statement is by 4 administered one year and other chinese officials, china called for a conference that would be acceptable both to russia and ukraine. this effectively means it isn't the zaleski formula which should be starting with. in fact, his plan should be put aside, or if like our president said, they are willing to do that. then we can start discussing the basic foundations for talks upon which everything else will be built. as for switzerland's initiatives, the swiss are not covering our meetings with them properly. in fact, there were just one meetings at the end of january or an early february. we don't remember what exactly, and even if we forget about the ukraine aspect, switzerland is not a good platform for us. it is because they are no longer
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a neutral party. i'm sure. instead of being a neutral country, they hold in outright adversarial stance as they signed and joined in on every sanction against russia. without exception, some countries, those that are not part of the european union, wanted to add new ons to their activities on that front. however, switzerland eagerly joined in on every section imposed on russian. moreover, several months ago, they have adopted a doctrine where a strategy of national security, which says they should pursue security partnerships, not with russia, but against russia. so it's rather odd to see them presenting themselves as so hospitable, when all they hope to do is retain their relevance as mediators. because until recently, every one was fine with a meeting in geneva or in sienna. so that's, that's some, you know, some of the 10 for mr. lab rob, we've covered this lensky plan and we're all pretty clear about that. no
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discussions here as for the used on board agreement, it doesn't work as well because we have been double cross there as well. are there any other options? are there any alternatives? any 3rd option? if we look at the situation on the ground, we can see that russia control some parts of the heart of region, but god only knows what will happen tomorrow. the situation is evolving as we speak . are we fighting until the end, or is there something else we could formulate an agreement of sorts and present that to the world. but it's just sort of the little plus the president fruits and has already put forward his formula. after the assembled process was over. after the west winds beyond supplying long range munitions and arms to crime and also started to help them retrofit their equipments. yes, there are western specialists retrofitting many different types of missiles and ukraine to extend their range. and after these missiles started being used to attack civilian targets, and in fact, there was an episode when they use drones past with a lot of explosives and sent them to one of our strategic airfields. when we
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analyzed the equipment used, we saw that the drone itself was upgraded to extend its range significantly. after that came the crime in bridge attack. then they kept attacking the stuff estoppel hindering navigation in the black sea. attacking both warships and commercial vessels. and i'm not even talking about bold garage occurs and all the other terrorist attacks on the russian cities. at some point. and president putin spoke about this when answering a question as to how we can make our own land safe. he said, we need to move the line from which they can attack us. i believe that hark of place, an important role here. and what next? where do we move the line next? it's wells. i mean, if we move it to hard codes, the previous border will be safe, but then other territories will be under attack. so we still have to move forward. our position is that the special military operation must continue,
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but we signal clearly that we are ready to negotiate and these are not empty words . however, speaking to the landscape is useless. for many reasons, his master is upset and we quoted one of them earlier. all those words about losing our head gemini, about the geo political failure of the west. in fact it was you'll said barrell, who stated it would be very difficult for the west to accept such a defeat to pieces because their reputation is on the line. i personally don't think it would cost them much in that respect. after the us fled from vietnam after they fled from us again to stand or looking at how they are being driven from a rock or take syria where they're being pressured from different groups. is there a single case where the us remains involved? unless of course, the goal has been to sell chaos from the very start. but if their real objective was the same as the stated one, then it means they failed. they failed across the board. see, it takes 80,
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for example, a tiny nation with the americans have been in charge of it for more than 100 years since 1918. now there was rapids crime gangs running the place and some criminals came to power. the u. s. has been trying to deal with that, establish some agreements now there was ramp ins, crime gangs running the place, and some criminal came to power. the u. s. has been trying to deal with him and establish some agreements with triple a country right in the us back yard. they've been focusing a lot on heating, including at the human security council, but with no success so far or how about they just deal with that 1st rush that has to deal with ukraine because there is a threat opposed to us for the mere riggins, this thread coming from she is at the very least drug trafficking. all these drugs are go into the us. now i wanted to you to tell us about eugene pings initiates have, but you've already covered that. so i'm going to ask a broad the question,
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something that many people would also like to know, and we all agreed that it would be all, some a fresher remains in the course of independence from the west. i personally think that we should move towards not being dependent on anyone, but in the context of our relations with china. what do you see there is a risk now that we've moved away from the west of us be coming to a reliance on china? maybe we won't, but if we do, would that be a problem or not? after all? well now, best pals with trying to make it the, the china is a different civilization entirely and it has different principles at its core. now that doesn't mean they don't want to benefit from their relations with us. they want to develop their economy, their social sphere, their security, just like everyone else in that aspect of china is still a rather young country. yes, it's civilization is thousands of years old, but there came a point in his history when it suffered greatly under colonialism. colonizers came
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from all over from european countries from japan. and the chinese remember that very well. it is in their nature to buy their time. never to rush to quote things up being a journey of a 1000 miles starts with a single step. before speaking about china's dominant position in the modern global economy. they've arrived at it in a very discreet way, without people noticing 1st 20 years ago. the global chinese factory was making products for the west quotes to toys, and then step by step over time they came to their present position. so patients is one of the remarkable qualities of the chinese people that china now has emissions that spanned the entire planets. that is certainly true for choosing ping has presented several initiatives, like the community of common destiny, which says that we all need to work out some common principles. the belt and road initiative and economic project with the goal of chinese expansions, in
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a positive sense. the expansion of china is capital and industry there, logistics change. so there's a global security initiative to which has in many ways aligned with our own principals. i've visited badging recently and i spoke to the chinese leadership. we discussed the implementation of all these initiatives. you were clearly if we look at the global context and global security, our primary goal is to ensure security in your ration because the, your atlantic model on which security had been based since the creation of the o. c, which was during soviet times the same model that we relied on after the disintegration of the soviet union. i'm not going to name all the documents that we signed together to ensure our security. the west didn't want to honor these documents, so that you were atlantic security model, was embodied in nato, and the us, the games with nato. we even had the nato russia council, with the model in his present iterations, has become obsolete, which is why now we want to talk about your age and security,
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and it is more reasonable because this is all one continents. there are no outside is from across the ocean participating unit. the new model will be based on uniting all the existing projects, like the e, u. c. s t o c i s, and the s c o. china is built in road initiative, creates an economic foundation for future deals in terms of security. and we intend to keep the door open to the western parts of the continental to everyone. but your asia is our common home, our common temple. so everyone needs to act accordingly, instead of bringing the wants and desires of the americans into the new model, because they will absolutely try to interfere with them, like they always do. like they're now middling in the asia pacific region and indian ocean and other regions to go. but china is already a very powerful country machine. however, when china proposes its projects, it does not give out orders, it just says ok,
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this is what we can propose. an economic project to build a new railway in central asia or an africa or elsewhere. and the agreement is reached based on the balance of interest. the same is true for our relations with russia. last year we saw a record growth of trading over $240000000000.00, and it is going to get even bigger and major part of our investment cooperation is high tech, nuclear energy building, modern aircraft equipment. and i know you ask this question because we're seeing a lot of chinese products sold and russian. yeah, i don't see anything wrong with that. i just wanted to know your opinion about that . i don't see anything wrong with that to take chinese cars because they are competitive products and they will help us elevate our own car industry. little because you kind of grow without competition with in the soviet union. there was no competition, but people liked that. yes. i had a huge, equally car, for instance, no good, but we could have had better quality use had there been market competition today
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when i look at ours, equally factory until the other car factories like guys, they try to stay competitive. take the most of each brand to some say, well, how can you call it? and most of which is half of the parts are made in china. so what was content is own car industry also had to start somewhere to do this, the mr. law for off going back to europe. and how would you explain the over the top hysteria that we're hearing from heads of european states, saying that russia is about to attack them exposed to i could say that this is just paranoia and be done with it. but i feel this is more of a cunning plan for what your opinion leaders badly needed is to squeeze money out of their parliaments in order to keep the war going in the us, as you can see as lost, some of it z o in that respect we, we will see how the drama in the us is going to unfold with respect to the bills on the floor, some of which concern ukraine. but if we look into who is most active,
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most energetic when it comes to pumping ukraine with weapons. that is certainly the europeans, or look at all of shelves believes he's leading the charge for in terms of providing helps ukraine. we're a manual mat crone the war longer. we're the smaller nations select the baltic states for the check republic. so with the boldest states. yes, the limit truck states. now these are certainly things to consider. first of all, the you personified bubble rails sholtes were still of wonder line. they were so blatantly so transparent, so fixated on cutting off all ties and when they made their statements saying that russia is an enemy to be crushed, the crane was be saved. and now if they change anything about their rhetoric, their political careers will end, their own political opposition will make quick work of them. and secondly, the reason they want the money is because they will have to explain to their people . so why there can no longer be any cheaper gas of cheaper oil. why the prices are
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on the rise? why as a result of the sanctions, their countries are undergoing the industrialization. so why german factories have to move their production to the us or china. a recent example of the latter was one of shows visited china, accompanied by germany's business leaders. the reason they came was not to agree on some mutually profitable projects, which negotiate the movement of their manufacturing to china. even if everyone comes down and we freeze the conflicts, we have to understand that these guys are having elections and a few months times. and in many you countries, there will be national elections. and their opposition is going to use this chance to demonstrate the economic and social outcome of europe's policies. in any case, the opposition is not going to miss that opportunity. we will. but if you're a pain leaders suddenly stop telling tall tales about our so called plans to attack nato. then well, right now, they're hoping to scare the voters and continue with the same policies. but what
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amazes me is that at the start, when the special military operation 1st began, some people in the us and europe said that's how they accept a new crane into nato. cotton would not have been bold enough to attack it. and now they say ukraine must not be defeated because if it is put in, is going to immediately strike against nato. some logic, right? all the want to do was scare people, terrify them into a medians. i don't know how to comment on all that really. there is this commander from norway who's saying europe must prepare for and military confrontation with russia in the arctic. they expect us to attack everywhere. vladimir putin said many times, that there is no sense for us to attack them. if they would like to bring the needle boarders closer to ours, we will not allow it to do this in ukraine. i don't know what will happen to western ukraine. many politicians express their own ideas about it, but russian ukraine, that originally was russians that wants to be part of russia that wants to speak. russians wants to educate children, and russian wants to bring flowers to monuments commemorating people who shouldn't
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blood for this land. when it was russian or soviet, during the great patriotic war, this is not up to discussion. in my opinion, the, the there is no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case for the madness of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also a pursuit. this is 3rd world lunacy re washing press for so the funder line likes to say we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals. what are some of the living will not have very close propaganda. you know,
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price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. some more questions, ask the better. the answer is will be the job rally or my little story because the model girl that i got you, no problem seeing that i'm out of the thing 30 minutes us out in the drive. i showed my brother through he was sudden to help people for a lo so now i never look at searches as being the same. well, i guess i lost my list. that's the outcome of chicago. police. it'd be gang chicago is like, you'd be a photo that police you really think your life as another crap thing. another one could have been a doctor. a nurse could have been the next president, which i keep losing people out here. the
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on march, the 22nd 1943. during the great petrie, we'll take the shirts and munch fatality and 181 down the belly. mercy and village of cutting the ship of the new wish in luxury. is that or yes or no? this one, most of the rooms to pony it to you. 149 people died, including 75 children of age was practically wiped off the face of the long new blue loves of the orchard. could have charlie provide no noise. you will use to dispose oh, shoot. was hard really. i really usually don't. you feeling yes, so the infamous battalion responsible for the atrocity included over 100 ukranian nationalists from west and you write the picture,
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talk with them with you. right. and so i'm see what you guys so far as the new e phone looks a lot of those to you guys pursuing your up. assume um with them you as customers declassified criminal cases from the central archive of the k g b, a better rules shed light on the atrocity. and on so numerous questions that have remained an onset for many years. watch on it. see the take a fresh look around. there's a life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills,
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and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground? can the russian states never as one of the most sense be the best english i'll send, send up the speed . what else calls question about this? even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin machine, the state on the rush to day and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for the question,
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did you say even closer to the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the an overnight to is really strike on a residential building in this southern galvan city overall kills at least 9 people, including 6 children, according to local authorities. and also the police to palestinians are killed during a multi day idea rate in the west punk happening and made on the seller rated construction of this really settlements in the are going home. the us agrees to


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