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tv   News  RT  April 20, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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the, the headline story, this our, the us congress green lights, another $16000000000.00 for ukraine, despite the majority of republic and highest members opposing the bill. most of us are the overnight just really strike on the residential building in the southern gas in the city of hold off kills at least 9 people, including 6 children, according to local authorities on the at least 2 palestinians are killed during
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a multi day i. d f rate in the westbank happening and made down accelerated construction of as really supplements in the area, the rest of your account team and use our from today. welcome to most go onto our t international to our top story. the us house of representatives has approve spending an excess of $60000000000.00 more dollars to keep the ukraine conflict going. notably, however, most republican congress members voted against that bill which being deadlocked on capitol hill and its previous iteration for months versus foreign ministry spokeswoman slammed the motion as well as other proposals which were passed on saturday, saying that i only feel more unnecessary violets across the world, in the us allocation of motor a to ukraine. these drilling tie one will aggravate global crisis mailed for
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a to the key of regime is a direct sponsorship of terrorist activities. males for a to tie one is the name to syrians in china's into and the list says those for a to israel is a direct pass to an unprecedented escalation in the region. so the us house of representatives, after months of gridlock, has finally passed the a deal to ukraine. $61000000000.00. now all amendments and there were some rather creative amendments that were proposed. all the amendments to the bill were rejected and the bill passed. now it's been passed with the intent to rebuild arsenals. the way the bill was ultimately passed. there was $95000000000.00 in total. that was given for 4 and 8 is they separated. the ukraine aid, the taiwan aid and the aid israel. $8100000000.00 was passed and aid to the government on tie $126400000000.00 was passed and aid for israel and the ukraine
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funding of $61000000000.00 was passed. now. mike johnson, who became the republican speaker of the house of representatives, had pledged, unlike his predecessor that he would not bring this bill up. you would not bring it to a vote, but he changed his mind. and i guess on the terms that this was alone, he was okay to go along with it not. busy democrats voted against the bill and, but the majority of republican congress members did. that's quite a divide when it came to grant. and there was a lot of outrage from, from republican members of congress. they felt that this was not in the united states interest now. leading the charge was marjorie taylor green, the representative of georgia, and she was seconded by many members of her party. rather intense speeches were given prior to the voting. you see the united states tax payer has already sent $130.00 team $1000000000.00 to ukraine. and a lot of that money is on,
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accounted for you. claim is not a member of nato, but the most important thing due here in washington dc is all we have to spend. americans harder and tax dollars over to ukraine and keep the money going to continue to murder ukrainians. wipe out an entire generation of ukrainian men, 2 and a half years into this war. we still don't know what success looks like. is it cry me a, is it all of the don't boss is a hold what you got? we don't know. we just can't afford it. this new spending. $60000000000.00 is designated as emergency spending. mean it go, meaning it goes straight to our national debt. a national debt that grows every single 2nd to the tune of $8000000000.00 every single day. and by the way, while i was speaking, we have added another $5500000.00 to the national debt. now, the democrats lined up very solidly with every democrat voting in favor of the
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spending on ukraine. however, some democrats did oppose giving aid to israel, and this is what we heard from those democrats who voted against aid to israel. all of us have seen the tragedy of gaza. we've seen how prime minister netanyahu, whose government has used american weapons to kill indiscriminately, to force famine over 25000 women and children dead. tens of thousands of missiles and bombs levied on innocent civilians. and when we see it, we have to decide what we're going to do about it. are we going to participate in that carnage or not? i choose not to prime minister netanyahu has been reckless. his actions have not led to the release of the remaining hostages. he's ignored the police of the families of hostages. he's ignore the police of the president of the united states
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. he's ignored his own people. now who doesn't support the united states position of a 2 state solution for peace. he doesn't respect urges now to invade rafa. he disputes with the us in a groups upset about famine taking over in gaza and he launched attack and i ran after the white house told him not to if he's not listening to us on matters of international security, how can he be trusted with more offensive weapons enough is enough now the previous speaker of the house kevin mccarthy was ousted when he made what man described as a secret or back room deal to try and go forward with funding for ukraine. and now thomas massey and marjorie taylor green to outspoken republicans who opposed a due grand say they want the same thing to happen to mike johnson. they, they say he was replaced a, he replaced kevin mccarthy and was brought into office to oppose this kind of deal . he made this kind of deal and they want him, alistair,
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so we shall see what happens next. i'm concerned that the speakers kind of deal with the democrats of fun for mores rather than to secure a border. how did a bill that was intended for veterans that came out of the house become a bill that may bring us to the brink of war, at least 3 places on the globe by sending a 100. ready $1000.00 to military contractors, how if you creating officials reacted to the bill being passed, the ukrainian president has already responded in kind with great, thanks the personally bank speaker of the house mike johnson for making the deal that he promised not to make. we had a message from zelinski that might have online, but let's also recall a statement made by the ukranian president a few days prior to what i thought that we suggest that this is not a secure lateesha. then this is pure politics and to be honest, it is a shameful. the world is just a shame for democracy for everyone who owns it, talks about democracy. well, if congress takes and divides the size of tool that has happened into his rod and
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you credit and puts, that means this is an election issue in the united states. now 23200000000 of the a will be used to restock ukrainian weaponry. 11.3000000000 of the aid will be provided for the training of ukrainian troops by the united states. and $61000000000.00 in total has been allocated by the us congress to provide to ukraine to continue the conflict at this point. uh, there's a lot of anger on the republican side. there's a lot of anger on the democratic side that took so long. uh, and it appears american politics is much more polarized than it has been in quite some time. the very big disagreements about u. s. foreign policy and how american taxpayer money ought to be spent. but we got reaction to the vote in congress from political level. as the filmmakers shown
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still, he sees it's disturbing to see so much us taxpayers money going to prop up in ukraine's war effort, especially after presidential and steve, who's term expires next month, recently refused to hold a democratic election. and there's the notion, there's the argument that can be made that because you create isn't the time of, of crisis that they don't need to hold the elections. um, you know, that they have to, they're basically they're trying to, there's a narrative that ukraine is fighting for its survival. and so in these times there's no, they don't have the, the, the ability to really held a fair election because of this crisis. and that's the mainstream argument of the us perspective, i can imagine that democracy is really concerned about it for, for why the aid needs to happen and why we have to support the, you know, the ukrainian side, let's say of the war a believe that the interest of course, in the us is,
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is multi folds the same way that us had been interested in new grain for decades. going back to the break up of the soviet union and the united states interest of basically all of the former soviet states in trying to, you know, basically let's say bring the more into the dollars own or at least into the euro zone economically. so trying to basically create more economic spheres of influence . countries like ukraine, obviously have a they have they, they don't necessarily have much industry. a lot of the industry has been stripped, but they certainly have, you know, have resources. they have their bread basket, they have oil and gas. these are major factors, right? why the us wants to uh, to have into that severe let's say it's for your available months. so i would suggest that it has much more to do with the re apology. then it does with the i deals like democracy versus what's out there is okay to another offer headlines. stories as is realty yourself for an expected invasion of the southern
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most gallon. and so they are put off by the area is coming under an increasing number of our strikes. one of the latest attacks at a residential building, claiming the lives of at least 9, including 6 children. that's according to the gals and civil defense agency. the, the re relative see here mourning the loss of loved ones with scores of bodies taken to a local them work right then to vacation. civilians are also sifting through the ruins of buildings destroyed by the idea of least 2 r strikes have reportedly head to rock 5 since friday. around one and a half 1000000 palestinians are reportedly sheltering in the city, which had previously been declared a safe. seldom bobby is really military people on the ground, se there's no or less for them to hide the neighborhood,
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to the house and building the problem. but it's in the cemetery was not sped from. the building is rough off, which they say is safe bodies place to have to have no words. so striking them with 2 roll kids. why, why, what did these children do? what did they do is that was sent in here when their ups one is it will be won't. all these, these done is targets. they were sleep safe and sound, all of the killed, the women and children. these are stay crimes. there is no country in the world that is committed such crimes. nothing like what's happening here. this never happened in history. when moving from cancer to the west spine corner, at least 2 palestinians helping killed in clashes with this really forces. according to the local health ministry, the around a dozen palestinians were also reportedly injured and several homes destroyed during
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the rate, which is really forces launched on friday close to the city of til caught them, calling it a culture terrorism operation. the idea of says several militants were eliminated, while 9 is really soldiers, wedgewood, according to the palestinian prisoner society, 13 people were detained by b as release over the past 2 days. half of them were seized from a local refuge account where clashes are ongoing. all the standing officials, i've called it an unprecedented this the what do you mean? i think this is the 3rd day as being cushion in the north shines camp in the city of til car i'm in general. the scale of it may be equivalent to or slightly moving the 2002 inc cushion. it seems that the israelis really wants to sign into the palestinian resistance in the west bank, specifically in the camps and northern west bank. well, the, it is a very difficult situation and siege on the new shops camp is still ongoing. often more than 40 to august, there are large numbers of that people line on the streets and many wounded,
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but ambulances have not been able to reach until based on in the country. what people have told us there is complete destruction of homes shops, the electricity grid, this huge, then what's a network and the infrastructure. the recent cousin is unprecedented. even in 2002 and compared to previous incursions. the russ, not this, on the rooftops. death squads, special forces deployed. it's a real war. no one knows what does happen in becomes until these moments the young israel sped all the construction of settlements in east jerusalem after the war broke out. in gal said that's according to a recent investigation in the guardian. the article was published as 3 families in the ship, jaren neighborhood of the holy city received eviction notice. as ordered by major was the magistrate's court. archie spoke to a member of one of a highly yet full house on the menu of a 9 and 48. they evicted, 531 villages and most of our children, women, and elders. unfortunately, there were no cameras. there was no such technology backed out and met them. but
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today the world watches guys have been killed live on here and does nothing about it. you owe me. there's no sense of security. every day we have a catastrophe, like not every day we have a sudden back like the knox, a word 96 to 7 and day by day it gets worse. and i've been living here for 50 years . 7 from a settler comes and evict me from my home and occupies my place, your internet hosted once filled out and they're taking our homes from us. you won't be going out children in front of the world. how should you feel on any sit or just a crating? i was saying to this like the i'll x a mosque and of the church of the whole, the simple car that's very difficult to express. the sadness inside me will leave it every day in the threats with facing every day you especially meet with us part of the companions. i started at the time of day of collation of the algo, a family, and of course they threw them on the street in front of my children's eyes. the fear that every day they would rate my house for asked me in front of my children.
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my mother, my father, the bidding, so the insult and throwing me on the streets, costs of the whole world. all eyes are turned towards, gotten them in the united nations and this fake world, this hypocrites talk about the security council that america comes and use that to me to all the how would you feel when you see them reaping all girls going women? good entering hospitals, let me go and doctors go into tennis and then how do you feel is really government has a program for is various along with yeah, i'll just my house all the how this is really government doesn't on piece or the 21st city and state is really government only wants a jewish state with well how to send me a i will according to the guardian supplement building across the east jerusalem house. accelerated with the is really government. something behind all the largest projects, more than 20 such construction efforts involving thousands of houses are in the pipeline, even as close as not like the u. s. saves they continue. an expansion of us really settlements as quote,
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inconsistent with international law. but israel disputes about earlier this week, they jerusalem magistrates courts ordered the eviction of 3 palestinian families from their homes. according to the ruling they are expected to vacate the premises . before july, the reports say the building includes 3 apartments that a total of 20 people live in. these really courtrooms about the families where a small thing in a property owned by jews and had no legal rights to a solid dap. again, who's lived there for decade, say's heat pumps to appeal the decision. i love to see despite all the pressure in jerusalem, i see i don't know how is demolition. some of the past of our homes and the consist occasional lance before the taxes, from all aspects, all were main stuff. their case didn't start recently when they started 50 years ago, and it's really rad, be clean. so he bought this land in the year 1876. isaac, so we don't need an excuse to kill palestinians and they don't need an excuse to expel post finance from their homes. how much of the citizens were ready,
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stuff they weren't under the table. and today they brought them all the noise, our own garza, and today they explore that opportunity to do whatever they want and separate us from our land open at their convenience. it will appeal to the central port. i cannot endure fee after the supreme court decision and god willing, we will confirm rolling to free is the decision until the ownership of the land is proven when they are a government of extra minutes. so maybe there's nothing on them do it or unlikely for this government as i got used to the little texting them to say into somebody else estimates, but things are changing in the world to them as the magic is strongly against them . additionally, or so all the claims that got their complete lives, they used to say are now exposed on the table. so i thought of proving that we are proud of my head. we have been under oppression for a 100 years and one on the saddle of terrors. beautiful silence, and foolishness of this page. and so i say the future is hours if he's good, while patients can be beautiful, we've been hearing this times,
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which is not good. we don't really, when i little was no one thing in the region to rallies, have converged into a mass protest in tel aviv 1st thousands of us readings, once again, cold on the prime minister to resign. the people are furious. benjamin netanyahu has failed to secure the return of the remaining from us, held hostages in dallas at those protesting also want this now election in the hope it will usher in the new government. police were quick to bar at kate street surrounding the wrong. it's the latest in a series of demonstrations against mister netanyahu, some of which have seen protesters under these flash. the u. s. administration officials have reportedly confirmed that more than
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a saw isn't the american troops are packing up on the parking this year. it follows washington and the failing to agree on a new security deal with the army on the latter's subsequent request for the foreign forces to leave archie africa correspond to a new level you convey how's the story on the basis of sources from prison to by those administration reports suggest that more than a 1000 us troops will leave music in the coming months. the withdrawal will, will begin in the next few days and will take months to complete. many of the u. s . military pop personnel posted in the z space and at the 2. 0, one is way they have a been an act of since the pool that to pose the prison mohammed presume and installed the new leadership last year july. the decision to withhold follows the announcement last month by the medicaid government. often i am the and the subsequent talks between the parties that we also learned from these developments
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is that according to a state department schools that the deputy secretary occurred to campo told the needs henry and prime minister i need in the mean vein that the united states does not agree with the country and turn towards russia and you run to a possible d fund if you rainy and reserves and the failure to talk to a pulse to return to democracy. it also remains, but that's on march. the 16th of this, yes, the military government in the z interrupted immediate effect. the military cooperation agreement signed with the united states in 2212. the announcement was read in a speech broad costs and national television. by calling in a month to optimize spokesperson avida supreme power. currently, the spokesperson defines the you estimate as his presence as illegal and in violation of all constitutional and democratic rules. plus, i need to go see the,
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the american presence in the territory of the republic of news here is the legal. it violates all the constitutional and democratic rules which would require the silver and people, notably, so it's elected officials to be consulted on the installation of a, for an army. and that's territory. the government of new year taking into account the aspirations and interest of its people, the size was full response ability to denounce was the meaning of the fact the agreement relating to the status of military person. all the united states and civilian employees of the american department of defense in the territory of the republic of new year. not only that, according to the army, the agreement itself, which was the uni, lots of really imposed by the united states that through a simple verbal note in july 2012 is illegitimate. and i'm just, and it's exactly from that kind of information where you can tell that to me is it has been a gains permanent foreign military presence on its territories for quite some time . but the u. s. has been hanging on to its last and base calling to tell her wrist
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. i'll post in west africa, hoping for some sort of turn off events on why it's taking you to, to blame russ. yeah, i'll probably put you to a racing on the african continent. the russian federation, a narrative drowned out the us government in the past years. they were excel on, the russian federation of stoked a lot of the instability across this, the hell they did this through misinformation this information campaigns. so i see how we will double down in our efforts is through our own information campaign. but mass flip our assurance efforts. a russian federation is really trying to take over the central africa as well as the ssl within africa. the russian federation wants to establish a ground game that resembles a start shape partnership program, but it doesn't have the values. it doesn't have the values, the democratic values of,
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of what we bring sides. that is the intrinsic values for stability, security, and security, security and prosperity with our african partners. but they, you is expect taishan as a to rebuild the relations. do the to say in the as even with the you. if the pentagon has been criticized for a band and it's so just in shape, and it was previously revealed that to you as senators from both the parties of congress and not even aware that the us soldiers in the z. and they were not aware for quite some time and in the move that for the risk, the presence of the u. s. military. in another country in the whole region. chad, authorities of threatening to cancel an agreement which dictates the rules off um us submitted to personnel inside a copy of one of the data states to the freight they submitted feet or rather the french embassy and had circulated on the ex apple outlining how seat of a stuff democracy you is to provide the,
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the rich an agreement and justification that to you is forces that should be on the edge. you could say it'd be in the mean not the stakes at the moment, a car going to very high in every parts of the african continent, even though the u. s. is that it is pushing to continue, is probation in africa and exploring options of who knew security agreements with as a, as picking countries. but also the climate on the african continent tells a very different story to that. the most school has blamed for a series of recent ruling strikes on this. i thought it was a nuclear power plant, the largest in europe. but the west is largely turning a blind eye to the attacks. we've got reaction to that on more from russia's own boy to the international organizations in vienna group a mika l. u leon of explained what could happen if the atomic facility is damaged
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still to do business into legal experts give different estimates. some say that almost all of europe will suffer. others believe there will be a local contamination. it depends on what would be damaged if it is a nuclear reactor. and then these would be clearly colossal consequences if let's say dry storage facilities for spence and nuclear fuel. our heads would be a smaller scale incidence. but i would prefer not to see such experiments at the extraordinary session of the i a no one disputed our position. that responsibility for the tax lies with the ukrainians. a part from the ukrainians themselves who claimed russia is the one responsible. everyone else seems to avoid the discussion . why are they silent? well, because western politicians and diplomats view ukraine as a sacred cow, a victim of so called
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a russian aggression. they cannot dare to say anything bad about ukraine, even when it commits very dangerous acts stops. and of course, there are always for i, a staff members at the power plant, they're rotated every month. they try to formulate recommendations for the russian operating organizations. if their recommendations coincide with our assessments, then they are accepted. if not, then we act in our own discretion. it is clear that the expertise of russian nuclear scientist is at least not lower than that of those people who work in the i a. e, a secretary at, and in fact, higher after all, russia and the soviet union have pioneered nuclear energy. but the most important thing for us in the presence of employees at the station is that they must record
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the attacks on the power plants. they do this, but they do not say who stands behind such attacks. they claim to lack sufficient evidence to directly name the culprits. beautiful. the new one is the v i. e. a performs different functions in iran and at this upper origin nuclear power plant. in iran, they operate under a routine safeguards agreement with the i e, a carrying out certain activities. their task is to ensure that nuclear material is not used for non peaceful purposes. but at those up arrows, you a nuclear power plant, their task is completely different. they are expected to record attacks. how are they supposed to do that if they are withdrawn? of course they should be there. this comes with certain risks. our people
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responsible for security are trying not to expose them to this risk. they are not allowed to go where it is dangerous, where they could become a target of ukrainian attacks. the secretary sometimes complains about this, but for us, the safety of the personnel is most important. a soldier for some reason, judging by the statements made by some israeli and american and politicians, a tax on iranian nuclear facilities cannot be completely ruled out. but in general, i must say that these upper ocean, nuclear power plant, is the 1st operating nuclear facility that has been attacked earlier. israel attacked nuclear facilities, but all of them as far as i recall, we're still under construction. now we're talking about operating nuclear facilities on a rainy and territory. so these are extremely,
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are responsible steps and statements. the consequences of strikes on nuclear facilities could be extremely severe. uncontrolled escalation could occur and everyone would be affected. ask for a former us senior security official, john bolton's calls to targeting to renew nuclear facilities. he is a famous person at one time he was in the diplomatic service, but he did not become a true diplomat. this is his mentality. he does not rely on diplomacy, but on the use of force. in this case, such statements are precisely an attempt to rely on forceful methods, which i repeat, could lead to complete chaos in the middle east. these are responsible and extremely dangerous statements, although to be honest, i know bolts and it's. i met him personally many years ago, but he is such a person being a diplomat.


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