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tv   News  RT  May 1, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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never going to change them on something and never change their minds about video. they think that was wrong. and that's it. the way they wanted to believe that the abrams tanks, the hard stuff. well, that was until the 1st machines like this, when appeared just outside the town of, of dave come from the west, the ukraine, and all the way to moscow township to holland was displayed in the russian capital . where something far and citizen was getting a chance to see how that governments have been spending that tax in their old, broken, burned, and destroyed. and these vehicles have no other way to come to moscow except in such a condition. and cry 9 says it's going to join the global life if it's so fast for chris, still states still petrol. so teasing calls us to a legal case before the international court of justice plus
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the new police way to columbia university building web protocol. the starting students were barricaded as stuff moved and the rest takes place on campus old. so it's our, the process, assuming the dates have been to didn't calling didn't to please see all of the central florida agents. bill passes a 2nd to ring by the knees and these with a most good flavor. this is all to international. a woman welcome to the boat. them this, those they made the 2nd well, nature's pipe dream of seeing it's tanks rolling to dealt most go has finally come true. but no totally in the way that the west to put play expected. some of the
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high tech hardware that the block had supply to crime is now on display in the russian capital. this is also being captured on the battlefield office. it goes down of went hands on with those trophies. so this stagg, i'm standing on top of it is actually the best in the world for either the united states. wanted everybody to believe that or they wanted to believe that the abrams tanks, the hard stuff. well, that was until the 1st machines like this $1.00 to pay a just outside the town of, of dave come for many, sadly for this one that became the final voyage. and now the united states, apparently they're pulling these banks away from the front line or rather they have the ukranian come on. do just that because they couldn't face the challenge of a simple come because the drone, some trophies here, mangled, others carry marius scratch. but every one of them carries the flag of the country
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that manufactured them. in the bold statements, nature was selling the equipment as an absolute game changer for ukraine. the united states will be sending $31.00 a room tax to ukraine. the equivalent of one ukrainian battalion in favor of science are the most capable tanks in the world. look, when it comes to the abrams tank, and we've said we're going to continue to talk to the cranes about their needs and we're going to wear and continue to meet them as best we can. and we'll do that. the abrams is a, a powerful system. there's no doubt about it, but this charge skeleton is inside a massive p out as us to for the inside and they to block. because as i'm spending a mid this graveyard of game changes, it's easy to see why the alliance was so reluctant to provide its equipment to ukraine. because, well, this is actually yet another pinnacle of nato military engineering. this is a, a german made lip, a tank, and one of its new a modifications. the 2 a $61.00. yet,
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it is here, a reminder that all these tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, um and personnel carriers. they did not live up to the expectation before the conflict in ukraine broke out. russia knows what it's doing here. a bold message in the heart of the exhibits office, the invoice of the us, britain, germany, france, and poland. a v i p pos to skip the line and visit the exhibition. now it's being only a couple of hours past noon on day one of the events you had already. thousands of people have showed up. in fact, the organizers have told me that they did not really anticipate this popularity, but they are going out of the way to make everybody feel welcome. like here they are preaching everybody willing to hold on the food that they prepare. here they even break read on the spot, just so that every visitor has something to fill the bellies with and it was just
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to add a touch of emotion to this exhibition. know is an interesting fact. some nato equipment that was provided to ukraine is not here, not because it is so invincible, but rather because it was simply an chord literally on fits for the ukrainian battle field. the challenge to prioritize is begun protection, so it's not with foss, this tank out there, but it is one of the most powerful claims to have the record for the longest range of killing destroying another time. just be southern just is full admittedly precise. actually, they've had real problems with it here and ukraine because of its mobility is actually even simple repairs of the equipment that they salvage from the front lines can become a challenge for the ukranian army before the stuff comes up on the i'm just looking
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at the with the supply of western weapons reduced to a minimum ukrainian army engineers are forced to improvise that. they call it cannibalization. collecting one serviceable artillery piece from the remains of many damaged ones. senior unexpected solutions can be useful here. where does this pipe is from a commercial excavator? not the solution is not provided in the instructions, but it works. so this will go to era mazda anti tank, gun sub nazi germany, and his infantry fighting vehicle, mazda service, ukraine. whatever you give key of will burn. there is not the only message of rushes sending him. makers done of reporting from moscow. odd sea. well, the number of citizens from nato countries also turned up a bass event. a most sca checking out how they governments of pipes being wasting their taxes on hardware. the failed to live up to expectations. we've been hearing
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from some of the west and this who in the russian capital there showing all the time sold the $0.99. we have saying and pay with our tax failures that we finally reached moscow. they did exactly what they want it. and now they're here exhibit for all of us to see how well we're, you know, taking care of it. so little bit controversial. what you say seeing what they supposed to do, grease must come south falsely that we see on the doing the france and russia are 2 nations that were created to get along with each other. and i'm very sad to see that the french government, instead of following history goes against it, does not take into account the mistakes of the past and continues to support ukraine by sending equipment to and i as a frenchman, once to tell natal representatives to see all this equipments, but is here, these dozens of combat vehicles, tanks and other military equipment. they're all broken, burned,
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and destroyed. and these vehicles have no other weight to come to moscow, except in such condition. that all my problems, we decided to visit the exhibition to all night a and paid tribute to all soldiers. what chief? all these for us? quite strongly impressions here, not only from the equipments, but also from the guy squash send and next to it with the military awards. tell the stories and just chatting with people. it's about a plus and the experience overall. how you all right, captured, relate to how do i will be staying on display in moscow until the end of may. so there is plenty of time if you found the visiting the russian capital. save yourself. but if you absolutely cannot make do, but we do have you covered on us, on the, on our website on the well us military trophies, our own show here in most go there's a different kind of show down and brewing in washington,
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a group of conservative american little make is pushing to, i've spell a republican mike johnson as the congressional have speaker, which also has become increasing unpopular with his own policy. this is also the he recently signed off on the mac, save for an a bills and democrats, and now racing to the republican speak is rescued and have also pledged to shoot down a no confidence vote. thompson's own policy accuses him of helping the democrats. well, putting of the key issue of us for the security on the back button, a part of unfortunately without border security, i can't go back to the people i represent and say, hey, we're doing nothing for you for the war. but, but here's a 100 and uh, now another $95000000000.00 for point 8. i can't, i can't support. this is basically a warning and it's time for us to go through through the process. take our time and
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find a new speaker of the house that will stand with republicans in our republican majority . instead of standing with them. we want him to resign to announce his resignation, so that we don't go speaker less for a period of time. mike johnson is not capable of that job. he has proven it over and over again. meanwhile, it's been revealed that one of my children's top advises actually happens to be a veteran lobbyist for some american corporations. don't since policy direct is done. ziegler had previously worked for the williams in jensen, law firm. his cons for, for to be included, some companies that have a vested interest in keeping the ukraine conflict. going. we've had some reaction from american legal and media list line. we have, in essence, not only what many people leave to be a betrayal of the basic conservative republican platform, whatever that means, what a skin, so frantic a 180. this isn't something steve ever
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a spouse before. so what give and i'm telling you is how things are, are stated, and the good people are saying, where are we getting this money when paul made it really and, and ask them the form to send. it's saying, we're not giving people money. we're basically borrowing money from china or rather to, to give to someone else and america into one account ability. where is this money going? is there an audit? is this going into somebody's pocket? does this go into the coffers of the military industrial complex? this is what people want to know. and again, it's a kind of a synergistic movement that's affecting all aspects and all their shoes, especially as the election approach in the columbia and presidents as announced. his country is cutting off ties with israel over the wall in garza. he before used to governments of change as the president of the republic of columbia
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announces the tomorrow diplomatic relations with the state to as well will be some of it because it's government discontinued genocide if co sign power says humanity purposes but will not allow palestine to die just as we will, not so long as you manage to die as it was for administer has hit back up, it goes to saying he is accusing the colombian precedent of nothing less than anti semitism relations between israel and columbia. have always been, boom, not even an anti semitic, and hateful president will be able to change that well, this comes as i was also the turkish foreign minister and on since the anchor is joining the south africa in case against israel at b, i. c, j a using the next and you all who government of committing and genocide in gaza deciding does it really solve the letter reason on the spot of the political decision, we decided to join the lawsuit, filed by south africa against israel. will complete legal work and work and what
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can be done with all friendly and allied countries. we met with a loyce to investigate the grounds in which would be possible for to to join the case. and we have also discussed the conditions for all the members of the international community to become involved. lawmakers are currently in the process of concluding everything that they have before they present it to the i c j to ensure that they apply pressure against israel in this respect for the timing is also a matter of great concern for a number of different reasons. it comes at a time when oncourse seems to be harding and it's hard. any is position against israel. it comes at a time when last week. church president richard type are the one announced that trade relations with israel will come to a halt. it also comes at a time when public nation or condemnation against is rose also at its highest. but what we're looking at as well is it coincides with a diminishing western stance, as well as public opinion is weighing in favor of palestinians and the general
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situation. and gaza as protests of it outbreak have been breaking out all across europe and the united states. but it also comes at a time when the south africa, one south africa, essentially took israel to the icy j. uh, to hold it responsible for its actions. and this is an important step as well, because as a result of the ruling, the south african side is essentially called up for the international community for everybody to take part in this and take part in this position to stand against israel and bring these really government to justice, can israel believes it has license to do as admissions? so the well does have to reflect this, this a center in the, imposes an obligation on all states to seize funding and facilitating israel's military actions. which as the quote as indicates said, a plausibly gentle cybill with respect to what south africa said. it's called out for other countries and nations to take part in its position. there have been some
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countries that have done so in nicaragua is a very important case as well. what's important here is they essentially put try to do the same. they try to apply pressure against israel by taking matters to the i c j. but on tuesday, the i c j said that it rejected nicaragua case because it says that there was not enough to provide a case or a file and that there was nothing much that they could do when the crowd was complained. and the minute post simply was that germany is providing israel with a german. he says that most of that aid was non military, whereas the crowd list suggests that the situation was otherwise. which is why uncle his current position is yes, we want to take is real and we want to hold them accountable at the i c j. but based on what, how can feed on said on wednesday, on correct is more gene ensuring that they have a case that is the steel type, something that cannot be rejected, something that can be pursued and in the long run actually hold is real accounts of, of of those there's also the reality that israel does not abide by these rulings, which will make it more difficult, not just for churches,
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but for other regional actors that are ensuring that peace and stability takes folder takes, takes all it's, which is why south africa target is also calling on other nations throughout the global community to take part in the stance against israel apply pressure and put them down to what's happening because of today. as well is also reported in trouble of the international criminal court, which is expected to issue arrest warrants. some is really officials 5 minutes the men doing next to now who could potentially be all not list has dismissed the possibility of becoming a woman said mine at the hey guy and he's being backed up by his allies in washington. we do not believe that the itc has jurisdiction over this issue. that being said, we work closely with the i c and a number of key areas. we think that they do important work important work as it relates to ukraine, dar for sudan. but again,
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on this particular incidents instance, in this particular instance, i'm sorry, they just do not have jurisdiction. clearly this drug by the i c c is not an attempt to enforce the law is real is not even subject to the court's jurisdiction . and it has an independent legal system that rigorously investigates all violations of the law. rather this icy c attempt is an attempt to paralyze is very ability to defend itself. but these really officials are forward to they said the hague tribunal could soon issue those arrest warrants based on investigations into alleged defences in goals, which dates back to 20. 14. this is during an early and that's and you all who time . and just a reminder that the white house supported a warrant against black may i pretend this was last year saying that the only c c has the right to condemn the russian president with ukraine conflict. jerusalem development, fun, chat show me it's in july. we says that washington decides on issues of legitimacy
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through a lens. it reflects its national interests. it might see how does that one different mission in washington dc. it's not showing that the us of the whole world, the mortality of the world is better than can measure on the national interest of the americans. they have permission, i think that is in something it becomes legitimate. if a, the on, from the national on things in this, it becomes a project. this is the way there are many students come, they have been doing this and they know that 3 or whatever and whatever they do, the whole world has nothing to respond. they, i get that on 400000 a rocket and they have committed much deeper to them and others where a lot of times in the past and nobody has ever decided to dig
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through digging processing. i see, and in i see you saw a form for them. you cannot call them prince the cumulative of yesterday that the, the few spend a minute or 2 days. remember the us how speak is also said that they arrest warrants. if the ration it against israel could directly undermine us national security, of course, leaving the door opening to issuing warrants that for the us. politicians potentially for the crimes you were just talking about. i mean, considering the russia is also know to member of b, i c. c. where would these concerns last year when the icpc was issuing its warrant for flock me, a proof to show him the loss items to national president is in line with the american symptoms. even if they are accurate or whatever
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doesn't matter for them, there is no model on the getting references. it's an emotional interest. they bring all of their kind of give them almost all the way it is trying to get us and as much as they want. and they finally, by the deadline goes to the high c c on the items. yeah. then based off of their wrong pressure, they've on top, i may be the get i'm following on and times on the call, but they try to put the pressure on the judges. they try to sort them by and then you know, uh is stopping the visa through use it for, for example, are stopping that are freezing their bank accounts, the means the direct color and directly to influence the decision makins within the inside the licensee. and also you do it, is it the it cannot continue like this
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the us house of representatives is expected to vote on a so called anti semitism away this act. supporters of the legislation claim it will help combat hate speech on college campuses. this of course, comes and made a mass wave of state and protests across america. oh, but the war in casa for the bill with monday. so when the department of education enforces federal anti discrimination laws, it uses a definition of anti semitism put forth by the international holocaust remembrance alliance. the motion has to a mixed reaction with politics, saying it would lead to a crack sound on free speech and democratic institutions in the u. s. that pro is waiting to make is on capitol hill group the bill of the claiming the raleigh's for going as a by american students all being driven by the symmetric sentiment for
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frankly, we've all been very clear of the international holocaust remembers alliance definitions that the state department has used for years to be able to define any semitism. the department of education has refused to use. it means university presidents have refused to use and less an ambiguous definition saying of course you can speak out against israel, of course you can. but even in the are a definition you can disagree with is really government, which can't call for genocide that moves into any semitism. and that should be something that we actually speak out on and making very clear on every single campus. eliza is probably palestine raleigh's, the sweeping, the us new york police force been to columbia university, a campus building that through a window to which the protest this will be barricaded inside offices and did off to the school administration, had authorized their access. this is following a successful negotiations that says classes were taking place outside.
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wow. we're in force windows, so blocked all approaches to the university and reportedly made dozens of arrests at the scene. columbia university is also off police to maintain its presence on the campus now until at least may 17th. what's the gas was also used to clear crowds at the university of california in los angeles? this is where steven protests is, was seen ruling, and also setting up the barricade for the police cracked down on raleigh's in the us is getting remarkably little criticism in the west and media. but those very same outlets had plenty of field days during some of the previous processing countries like russia and a wrong the main stream media quick to claim the authorities were stifling free speech, but the same outlet. so not asking if the us government is doing exactly that right
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now. how speak i'm mike jones and it has also weighs in on the, on going to more in the states. what's happening on the campuses though, especially these private and the i believe universities that are not allowing law enforcement to come in, they're not inviting them to do their job and bring orders, the chaos. those are the policy changes that were demanding. and if they don't, don't correct this quickly, you will see congress respond and kind. what are university officials waiting on? what do they need to see before they stand up to these terrorist sympathizers? and that is exactly what they are. well, international attorney cooling preston told us that the upcoming anti semitism awareness act in the us congress could become a to over prussian. i think it would be used as a tool to retard any kind of speech and present any kind of speech that would be anti is right in any sense. and so we have walls on the books that are,
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you know, the prohibit hate speeds and sort another types of speech we already have. and so there's no need unless it's for another purpose to pass a law. this specifically set out to protect the interest of a certain mon monitored group, such as another country, like israel. i mean, why not another nice, what about the anti ukrainian or gant rushing law for speech? i mean, that's not on the table because that's not it's, i don't think it has a legitimate purpose. i'm consistent with our constitution. frankly, i'll be surprised. bit past, but you know, i've been surprised a lot like the 2 to basing now with demonstrations of student the gates of the georgian parliament,
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as crowds flooded the streets to pro just the so called foreign agents bill off. it was passed during a 2nd hearing, a local journalist has been covering the traumatic events in the city for us. the . 7 the
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the . 7 the
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using the, the, the, i to africa now with floods plaguing 10 year old guessing more intense with the rain showing no signs of slowing down in the coming weeks to major hydro electric them. so now at risk of overflowing prompting the authorities to announce an urgent evacuation. and as a desk toll rises, some locals of accused officials of criminal negligence. the
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. so when you come across our design, i woke up at 3 am to help rescue people. i have made 5 trips and the police van carrying bodies of victims. in the last trip we took off the bodies of 4 children, 2 women, and one man. no food too much. water came gushing down from up there and has swept away people's tough families, have the lowest bads and most of their property cars to stop down streams. so we would appreciate any help we can get the youtube before you go. that tunnel began getting blocked on wednesday and the local governments knew about it. so i said the government was negligence because if they acted fast, they could unblocked the tunnel and all those debts would not have happened as
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a victim who is lost relatives and seeing children swept away by water. i strongly believe negligence by some people has cost us dearly. the we're asking a we can in such areas to leads because the full cost is that really is going to continue. and the likelihood of flooding and people losing lights is rich. and therefore we must take pre empties action the
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