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tv   News  RT  May 2, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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of the the police arresting over a 100 pro palestinian demonstrate is r u c l a in california. as the us house of representatives approves an anti semitism, awareness veiled basically set to make it even harder for those protesters to speak out. this is not an issue into semitism, this is an, this is an attempt by the us government to complete the to, to confuse the public and to make it seem that any of the pretty sight of israel is anti semitic. also a few as new daily of carrying out of political assassination on its oil. but in the 5 spot with strong woods and st. candidates become a hot bed the separatism. an extreme is easy remarks to us illustrates once again the kind of political space that has been given in the country and
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canada to separate it as a to extreme is him. and he's still going forest. the french president, again raises the specter of putting french troops on the ground in ukraine, if indeed he of aust, board, background valley and russia must be still the with you on use and your top storage front and center, unfiltered, as always, wouldn't be getting any mainstream narrative on this channel, of course, it's not but you're not going to believe the scenes. we're going to show you from calculus american university campuses to kick off this hour. as israel continues to pound gaza, the pictures were going to show you basically it's chaos. and for now, 0 and you know, the police, so the university of california los angeles, as they moved into break up the demonstrators of the dozens of probably published
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a new demonstrated with the pain. while reports claimed the professor was also arrested. the extra police units were dispatched to the various campus demonstration sites over night. authorities ordered ordered them to leave threatening more arrests if they disobeyed. well, officers move in and enter the at least one of the campus buildings off of the students basically said no to an earlier order to vacate. and the following footage are showing how the demonstrate is at setup. barricades is a prepared to hold a ground. students are using mosques to help themselves in the face of tear gas and pepper spray and see what you see by the tents right here. people have been coming out and i'm messing on site for days. now the pro palestinian rallies have broken out across universities all across america. look at this, not can you believe there are so many hotspots, and most of them coagulating on the north, east coast, around new york. but the demonstrators have been courting for an immediate cease fire in gaza. it will say that israel's been committing a genocide,
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many of the stand offs between the police and the protest, as did boil over and provide the one of the protests organizes r u. c l, a alum this wrong got us. he took us through how the police cut down on what had been originally a peaceful demonstration. here in los angeles at the university of southern california usc about 93 students were arrested on the 1st day of the student protests this morning early this morning. more than 100 students were arrested at u
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. c. l. a. where the police came in and violently attacking the students, pepper the pepper spray the students and arresting them. they were not being violent. they were simply indian captain insurance of defending kent meant to continue to demand that you see how they stopped investing in dead stop giving their money to support the genocide being committed by israel. the students are steadfast, the students are now getting up and they have community support. you know, i'm an alumni, i'm a proud alumni, b, c, l a. and we've been going out there to see it to support the students. the process will continue at u. c. l a and many universities throughout the country just yesterday or may day may 1st more university started their, their camps. so this is something that is going to continue across the country. it's, we're not going to stop or divide and finally stepped up to address the protests. but his comment is not really helping. he said, he's not gonna change washington's policy in the middle east, despite widespread criticism. he said that the united states is not
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a place by the semitism, seemingly dismissing the fact that many jewish students were among the demonstrations. we are not in a far terry nation where we silenced people are squashed to send the american people or heard. let's be clear about this as well. there should be no place on any campus, no place in america for anti semitism or threats of violence against jewish students as well. the protests accomplish the us house of representatives, all of a sudden approves a so called anti semitism awareness act or wednesday. no, it still needs to be passed through the senate and signed off by the president. but the act would basically be wrote in the definition of what anti semitism means, but many who perhaps most switched on say it's an attempt to step out criticism, always railey atrocities in gaza, have only one more time built on. gotcha. we don't want anyone to be inside submitted and a lot of our brothers and sisters, jewish brothers and sisters, are indian companies across the country. many of the largest protests in the united
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states against the genocide, had been led by a courageous, jewish brothers and sisters. so this is not an issue of anti semitism, this is an, this is an attempt by the us government to complete the, to, to confuse the public. and to make it seem that anyone who criticizes israel is anti semitic. that is, they could not be further from the truth. they are hundreds of thousands of people inside of israel today, protesting against terrorism and yahoo, or demanding that he's step down from power. so they in israel are protesting against the government in israel. they're protesting against the genocide in israel . they are protesting the occupation of palestine. so unless the u. s. government wants to go say that those rallies are also anti semitic. well that's, that's their problem. but we know that we are not anticipating. we spend shoulder to shoulder with our jewish brothers and sisters or fighting against the occupation or fighting against genocide. and so if there is anyone who would anti semitic, who just hates jewish people,
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we would never work with someone like that because those type of people would hate us to as a latin american. they would hate me as well. and so to say that, that our movements have anything to do and this, and it isn't, it's completely in absolutely wrong. and, and we did notice that a while washington tackles of domestic protests with by songs and tear gas. the white house is now lecturing georgia on how it's treating its own demonstrate as in tbilisi over a so called for an agency bill. that story is coming up. but for the meantime, here on, on the tough, he has closed its ports to o is riley shipping. it comes as part of anchor as broad a response to the ongoing conflict in casa. the 2nd phase of the measures taken to the state level has been initiated. an export and import transactions with israel have been suspended, covering all products the key will strictly and decisively implement these new measures until the israeli government allows the uninterrupted and sufficient flow
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of humanitarian a to gaza. all right, let's buy more and i'll cross to all these yakking. who was in, is time bull? yes. and good evening to you. i mean, it's, well, i mean, last week to be able to struggle back on his trade with his relative it is that what we're seeing now, and any, any response from is regulatory. the incurs decision to ben old products. so the imports and exports and the transactions that i take part of the trade volume between church and israel is significant and it sets a precedent for the history between the 2 countries. we understand, of course, this is phase 2 of what could potentially speaking become a series or a multitude of other precautions that on kind of takes against it is really government. there have been responses, there's been no response from these really. so there's been a response from the target site as well. but what we're looking at right now, of course, is just looking at the numbers. of course, the trade volume between the 2 countries currently sits that are about $7000000000.00 and taking into consideration syracuse. one trillion dollar g,
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d p. uh, the trade volume does not amount to much. it's not necessarily significant, but this is of course a significant step provided by on could i because according to the is really builders. association is really important, roughly 70 percent of its iron, as well as 30 percent of its concrete and building materials from to to care. this comes at a time when israel's sector, the particularly the construction set sector is struggling after the onslaught of the war within the gospel, gaza strip. and israel laid off many workers as a result of that. so there has been a response. obviously these really 4 minutes, these are a cuts and took to twitter, i sorry, x, formerly known as twitter, to issue a statement issue with concerns and frustration on, on course decision to hold all transactions coming in and out of the country. this is how i dictated behaves disregarding the interest of the turkish people and businessman and ignoring international trade agreements. i'm instructed the
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director general of the as rating administrative for an advisor to immediately engage with all relevant policies in the government to create alternatives for trade with turkey, focusing on local production and inputs from other countries. that's what the minister has failed to explain and his statement is, of course, the fact that israel could potentially find alternatives for these products. but this also means that the alternative routes or products will result in higher construction costs. this will further strain the is really economy and this will also amount to more pressure within the big as rarely community as well. there's a lot of momentum building within the country as well, but the back and forth between church and israel does not end there on wednesday, turkish foreign minister, how countries on stated that and on color would be interested in intervening in south africa's genocide case against israel at the i, c j, and the international court of justice has articles 62 and 63. preparing and
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providing the legal framework for on corrupt to intervene and provide its case on if and when on cut us put 10 petition is accepted. this will provide on color with the position to provide a statements as well as provide its case on how the 1948 do. one convention on the prevention and punishment of genocide should be interpreted and if and one to which it does this. of course, it will become the 1st and only nation within the member of the organization of assign the cooperation to do so. this will set a precedent for many of the as not be countries that will set a precedent for many countries within the broader middle east. but it was, oh, it will also provide a great deal of pressure against these fairly government. particularly at a time when there was a great deal of pressure mounting and unrest growing within israel itself. right off the cars while then yes and i can in a stumble. thank now and what is our hope to be a big move to help alleviate the suffering of people in gaza? israel has opened a board across the northern edge of the enclave. a trucks packed with 8. i've
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already begun to pass through and the move came off the us demanded more to be done to address the worsening humanitarian crisis. as i'm at least bureau chief, knocked me after 7 months, it is finally re open. now that's off to the us secretary of state. so that's what is rarely liter shape rates are ranging that too many terry and assistance to guidance must be increased. blinking isn't as well for the 7th time since the worrying guys started last october and this current freeze, it comes just about to months. off the american president joe biden issued a blatant warning to prime minister in his own. yahoo! saying washington's policy could shift if israel fails to take steps to avoid civilian deaths and dress humanitarian suffering. it is expected that some such a trucks will be able to and to gaza through this crossing, carrying medical supplies from jordan wherever. it's on certain how much this will
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alleviate the doris situation in the guise of where the un reports widespread food and water shortage is affecting everyone in the population of over 2000000 heres different concerns from jordanians. they are saying that through air is the country's foreign ministry. he complains that to be a humanitarian vehicles were attacked by is really activists. jordan young governments condemned. the incident saying is really a 4 which is a fully responsible for ensuring the protection of a convoys and international organizations as well. blooming roughly invasion has been another burden issue on the agenda. during lincoln's visit to raise ro, washington has repeatedly made it clear. it will not support these rails large scale operation in a densely populated southern city of gaza. while on his middle listening for the us secretary of state, we're in the game. again, let's say can listen on roof itself looks our position is, is clear,
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it hasn't changed, it won't change, we cannot, will not support a major military operation. and we're off absent an effective plan to make sure civilians are not harm. and no, we have not seen such a plan and at the same time, there are other ways and in our judgment, better ways of dealing with uh they re, the, the real ongoing challenges from us fair as they are, that to washington will not be able to stop is around that has been said for weeks . that's rough for operation is imminent. the idea of has completed preparations. we here and, and is now waiting for the decision. and how's the government? earlier and it's on yahoo! said israel will enter rough uh, regardless of whether there is an exchange deal with him as to eliminates the last battalions of the militant group and to destroy the tunnel system. but a israel belize enables militants to replenish their supplies. the land has already war and it would be a catastrophe. locals in gaza,
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a fearful in the people who are looking for places to seek refuge away from this really invasion. but the real fear for the displaced is that there is no safe place in the gaza. strip north, south, east and west, unless the war stopped permanently. above on the east coast, we were afraid. but god winning. there will be a solution before the invasion begins. gotten in the will the people go for every one is in rafa, and rasa is full. and you can see the overpopulation people displaced from the north little bottom. where did they go to them in a lot of that noise fears were very scared. that any moment there will be an invasion, a for alpha. and even if the invasion happens, we don't not know where to go. there is no safe space left. i have a child and i don't know where to take him of what the voice is on. yahoo listen is to these really prime minister now finds himself between a rock and a hard place. we thought that the res pressure from within
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a is row with 3 families, as well as hawkish is rarely politicians like ben grid, old small storage origin. the government to invades rough far from the other hand, the res washington and international community are forest warning against the invasion. the next few days, i have to say will be crucial. a war of words as a rupture between new delhi and also over the death of a sick separatist leader with canadian citizenship. and it's a true, i was accused the indiana government of carrying out a political assassination. that has prompted quite the response from new to a u prime minister to those remarks. he has made those remarks, certainly it as well. so they have no, it's nothing new. his remarks to us, it illustrates once again the kind of political space that has been given in the country and canada to separate it to them,
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to exchange them and violent people to practice. while it's this not only impacts india canada relations, but also in kind of do the climate to violence and commodity in canada to the detriment of its citizens, context and timeline here justin photo wind store call saudi went recently, and toronto pod saw these new wheels celebrations, by the sea community, so religious event to call this donning slogans. war chanted at that particular event call this song on which he translates to demanding a separate homeland for the community hall by breaking up india. now, when these i'm teen, the slogans will be on to that, that particular riley, what just deed was nothing box, smile. and at this point it's hard to william that justin to doesn't know the meaning of these johns because he himself, on the stage will compete. you've been jobby himself, of course,
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and justin so will do, very openly has been sheltering. these extreme is set purchase elements on canadian sol, despise india, repeatedly requesting warning canada. i'm not to do so. india has very strongly reactive designs as well. and fox in depth, some mond, of talking diploma in canada, and set that this is not going to walk. justin toodle has not really understood what endows going to say, despite the very fact that the was it was federal jobs since the canadian history have also happened because of the call this size sept, which is a play in the in 1985 would be open up an avondale clean out of the $300.00 up passengers on board. 200 of them was canadian, but despite that, because of his political reasons,
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he's desperately trying to avoid a seat community that he has an alliance. remember with just me seem to see that was also protocol of sony recently in an interview with justin to to said was that despite relationships going be tough with india? he is helen on finding soon what the 2 of his one read us know. obviously there are real challenges right now between canada in india and, and to know that there are credible reasons to believe that the agents of the government of india were involved in the killing of a canadian citizen. i'm a canadian soil is a real problem. it's a problem for the rules based ordered and that, and that the principles of free open democracies and sovereignty that we stand for . it's also a problem in our relations with india. so using, you know,
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being involved in the killing or fish, seek separatist leader on canadian sword to now remember justin toodle has not provided any rules whatsoever, but it's not just limited to that. canada has constantly even altering india. there are several economists, sony referendums that have been held on the canadian soil. remember, canada or the other see are also lean to india for meddling in their internal elections. one of these allegations that justin to do is making one india. it's only supporting his relationship with the process going economy in the walls. he is coming across to somebody who at this point is ready to deal with extreme is with radical elements as long as it's serving his political interests. remember that in canada, there's a huge population of the community around $800.00 pals and have them look on some digital watch vines. and at this point, justin pseudo, in order to move them,
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is not only putting india extras but also canada. i'm the was by arguing by sheltering music scene is set for just elements just by his unilateral plan floated earlier this year that was eventually peddled back. the french president is now double down again, suggesting again, the french soldiers may have to be sent into ukraine. if russia wins in ukraine, there will be no security in europe who can pretend that russia will stop there. if the russians were to break through the front lines. if there were a ukrainian request, which is not the case today, we would legitimately have to ask ourselves this question. when macro on 1st floated the idea in february this year it seemed to serve heinrich among other european leaders who promptly ruined it'll allow the plan. the home didn't go down too well. either the new statement by
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a man on the chrome is extremely serious. the sending a french troops to greenville bows and existential threat to 65000000 french people, a new balance of they so madness for macro and the food who's just announced that he can once the game send ground troops, the games. russia stopped these totally irresponsible statements which could lead us to the worst. no soldiers, no weapons, not a single euro, and ukraine, enough is enough. we want peace. nobody, nobody is ready to go. for ukraine, those who are ready to go with that for you credit. our partner scenarios who are already over there. so i think when we start talking to people of yours, your sons, your cousins, your neighbors are going to go fight over new trains. again, people who are totally disapproval that we have a part of that i would say on the political spectrum, people with what the status is. those who believe that with washington has to be guiding the well, they're ready for the why the different are ready to,
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to go died for this for and if they were to see french bodies coming back in body bags, because of sign hands, cremmit or scar, didn't different other cities, i think a lot of people would definitely the disagree with this tend today the majority of the fresh population is believe me totally. i guess this why they don't see the utility of it. they want to speak about peace. they want to more to settle. they want us to do on your best for sure, but they don't want to go out to fight. so this is really the actually is counterproductive for knock on. we're heading towards your to actions. and this is the last thing i think defense would like to hear. so i think different in this and when in their voting turned out, we will see that this is going to damage to manual, not going back. he's like a come because he's still going forward with his idea and that he just doesn't care about the rest. it just wants to convince other countries that it would be have to put the needle, who's on the ground, but the french don't want more as well. as the western weapons continuing to pour into ukraine, mine power remains the critical issue of a key of and now the faith of ukrainian events that have yet to be mobilized as
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being discussed by the you. when asked about of residency permits will be extended to those who fled to poland. the published defense minister said the issue is on the table in brussels. if your grain asks for support or assistance will always provide support and assistance to that extends, it is very important when we talked about that the, the saw solutions are the repeating level. i know that source between ukraine and brussels between ki, from brussels, are ongoing on these topics. solutions said the repeating level and show full effectiveness of the section and the interested in saw solutions. well, this comes off and ukraine adopted a new mobilization law and find men of fighting age. i'm applying for any new passports abroad. and we were discussing this a bit earlier with alter and wolf correspondence. almost both of these suggests brussels may end up trumping on his own principles and naturally put tray and the very people who had no intention to join the conflict in the best thanks. it was
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told that the n s as was already mentioned, that came up with the idea to send it to your training and then back home. but then they said ok brussels here as to the decided this is interesting because when you remember the refugee prizes in 2015, everybody said hey, we can send the people back to wall. and this is against human rights. and so, and then if they know start to this, this will be an interesting topic, maybe even if the election of the to the you problem and which is and so. so, um, this is a complicated question. but in general brussels, i can decide this, which is why i should have schuman schuman law, because you can send somebody here, it was a refugee, it went back to walk. is this the legal from the, from the international law sort of you, but they can do it? why not? it's not the best way of national what the day off of, of martin and europe. there's no motivation in the population, whether they ukraine or in europe. national motivation do more any more to fight. so anyway, um, they will not be a very good model of these troops, which was to try to recruit. but this is something you we have since more than one
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year. we have these videos from your printer and people trying to, to get away from the mobilization. so nothing new under point georgia now where paul about his cancel the hearing to discuss the implementation of the so called foreign agents to build it as close an uproar among the off position a fires in the streets. water cannon deployed, bloodied faces as police clash would demonstrate as old lines remain on the lawmakers who have been set to hold a 3rd and final review of the bill before protest is tried to stone, the parliament building just the quickly a recap of the latest events that have sent the nation's capital into a state of pay. the
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you quickly chimed in on the developments and policing this commission and suggesting she knows best what the citizens of georgia trinity. i am falling into sedation and georgette with great concern and condemned to violence on the streets of billy c. the georgian, people went to europe in future for their country, georgia. is it across roads? it should stay the course on the road to europe. so let me get this straight here. the fact so queen erst live underlined the box top and elected bureau. crowded, sticking her nose and st. george, in your domestic affairs, to argue that georgia doesn't need a law to prevent for, and those is like hers be stuck into its domestic affairs. look, if she want to make a case for georgia law makers the wrong and then she got them at least pretended to find out instead of serving as exhibit a. but here's where you get so often figuring that they have a right to tell georgia what to do in the 1st place. it's one of the countries seated at the u. candidate city table. with paper plates, plastic works, animal balloons, and according to settling need for constant pair. and they apparently,
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you officials considered georgia to be good enough for an association agreement so you can sell it stuff, but not good enough to be admitted to the club right now. if ever, but the books leadership seems to think improve to that still gives them more than enough reason to dictate what georgia somebody should be doing domestically by dialing up the threat of eventual non welcome you had mentioned kind of like slapping little kids into line by denying the desert the blocks chief diplomat, joseph burrell, scolded georgia for ruining his disney princess, like vision of europe as his tranquil garden. i solely condemned to violence against protestants in georgia to a peaceful demonstrating against the law and foreign influence. georgia is in the candidate country i call, and it's a for the just to ensure that right the peaceful assembly use of for this oppressive is unacceptable. interesting to you. officials laying around borderline don't seem to be nearly as concerned with crackdowns on campus protesters right
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inside of europe right now. advocating for gases civilians against israel. they don't seem to be as interested not as they are with what's going on inside. non you, georgia. go figure that any quote unacceptable forces were also seems to always get causes that you just happens to support. and in this case that you really hate the george and governments idea of requiring organizations in the country to register as for an agents in cases where they get 20 percent or more of their funding from foreign sources. something that said george, in 5 minutes or actually consider to be fully in line with what you expect of the country. if it pass everything and we will certainly possibly slaugh, they'll be several days of discomforts. however, the long term will ensure the concept against polarization and brides of colors. and for us, if we do not break the close. so a couple of polarization and brides of colors, and it will be very difficult for us to become a member of the repeating union. all right, so why would the georgian prime minister be scratching his head over to use office
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vision to this particular law? maybe because the process itself unveiled similar legislation last december against foreign influence, citing the need to bolster democracy with the need for organizations and individuals to formally declare their activities and funding in a public register under financial pendants penalty for noncompliance. now, where does the you get this idea of something new? well, from washington's foreign ages, registration acts fair act. so of course, washington would be all in favor of the george in law. right. this legislation in georgia in dreams anti western rhetoric put georgia on a precarious trajectory of the statements and the actions of the georgian government are incompatible with the democratic values that underpin membership in the you and nato invest jeopardize georgia's path to euro. atlantic integration use of force to suppress peaceful assembly and freedom of speech is unacceptable. and we urge authorities to allow non violent protests.


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