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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 20, 2024 9:30am-10:00am MSK

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with the director's workshop of vladimir menshov presented a youth comedy worse than anyone else. ksyusha subbotina's school life is not without clouds. she failed the selection to perform at the prom, there were scandals with her mother at home, and bullying at school because of her excess weight. ksyusha starts a blog where she mocks herself, her teachers, and at the same time everyone around her. subscribers like this kind of content. and zurukha, as she calls herself, becomes the most popular girl in school. starring rimma latisheva, a jazz singer and saxophonist, her debut work in feature films is the worst of all, but the image of ksyusha turned out to be familiar and understandable, the filming itself became a kind of therapy, there are some patterns that i can say i stole, probably borrowed from some of my acquaintances, that is, it turns out that i i got a little bit of each, a little bit, and so this is a collective image, this is a collective image from... their friends, from me, from my
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childhood, then it really helped me, very, very, very, very, really, really helped me to realize what happened and how subsequently what happened bothered me for many years. alexandra karmaeva’s film raises important and relevant topics, bullying, generational conflict, the thirst for internet popularity, but reveals them in the language of youth, with their slang, jokes, provocations and sometimes explosive reactions. the film was released by the production center in its gig debut. the director spoke more about the film in an interview. i congratulate you on your premiere at the moscow international film festival, and also in the competition for russian premieres. thank you. where did you get this story from? how did you come up with it? i didn't come up with this. lika pankratova, a screenwriter, she said that she, ah, was looking for inspiration and found it on a website, on the youtube channel of a girl who had four subscribers, but... initially the script
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was a little different, we thought it was quite strong , i think they even reworked it, and now we have ksyusha more subscribers, she is so much more lively, active, cheerful, an absolutely amazing heroine and some incredible actress from rome who played her, how did this find even work out, i wrote to my a friend, a young guy, an actor, and i say, can you recommend someone to me? this is the type, and he recommended rima to me, i opened her social networks, saw one photo, wrote to him in just literally 10 seconds, that ’s it, that’s it, then we shot a teaser with her, then we approved her for a very long time, and very parallel we conducted, well, we checked my choice with a very large number of actresses, we looked, it seems to me, about 120 girls directly from video cards, this is quite a lot, we have a casting.
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stretched from moscow to kaliningrad and we watched young kvn players, bloggers, stand-up comedians, just plus models, so rimma still fell into my heart, the effect that you would like to achieve with your film, and i would like people to release this energy and they didn’t criticize themselves, but accepted their beautiful ears, eyes, weight, shoulders, waist, hips, legs, any part of the body, and directed the freed energy somewhere into the beautiful. well, of course, you also experienced first love, well, of course, this is a film about love too, that’s where your heroine is heading her freed energy into music, she dreams of singing, she is very shy in front of the public, of course because of her appearance, in principle, well, she seems to be afraid, worried, then in the final scene we see that she has opened up, that he is like that, i don’t know, roses are such a beautiful bud, and here’s a certain girl singing... as part
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of the international competition , the serbian-bulgarian film the forest king by goran radovanovic will be shown, and one of the most unusual premieres of the day is a documentary filmed in kamchatka, the fire fox by dmitry and anna shpelinok. the first one will take place on saturday screening of the main competition, it will be opened by the serbian-bulgarian film the forest tsar from the world-famous director gorn radovanovic, winner of international festivals. the plot is based on the story of an eight-year-old boy. sava, who, together with his mother, had to endure all the horrors of the nato bombing in 1999 and at the same time try to maintain his pure, unclouded view of the world. the cinematographer of the film was vladislav apelyans, who worked on the lessons of forsia and petrov in gripp, and played one of the main roles russian-serbian actor milos bikovich, star of the films "slave" challenge. as part of the documentary film program "free thought" there will be a premiere of the film "the fire
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fox, which critics call nothing less than the russian lion king. this story is about a brave little fox named the wind, who will go on amazing adventures across the picturesque peninsula in search of... in order to collect a sufficient amount of material for editing, the authors had to organize three expeditions to kamchatka, spend hundreds of hours behind the camera, while remaining unnoticed so as not to disturb the natural course of life. on sunday, the competition for russian premieres will continue with the phantasmogorical drama by viktor tikhomirov, evgeniy telegin.
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drama to survive in mo. the debut of director from moldova gregory beckett, son of boris beckett, honored artist of theater and cinema. it reflects the story of a young guy, damian, who, following a big dream, goes to work in moscow, but once there he is faced with a reality that is far from his rosy expectations. the film was created big international team. filmmakers from new york, switzerland and romania were involved in the production. in one of the supporting roles . actor of the state russian drama theater named after chekhov dmitry koev appeared. ivan kudryavtsev was with you, you watched the second edition of the diaries of the forty -sixth moscow international film festival. we open a new page tomorrow, see you at the miff. the real legend
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every month you can have one iota, you don’t need it like that, you have to do it like this, like that, okay, i understand , that's how there is a swimming pool at the megamarket. with cashback up to 50%. 5,000 conscripts who will be forcibly dragged away by the ukrainian armed forces - is that a lot or a little? the answer depends on the number of graves, but the kiev regime prefers not to show huge graves, but willingly fantasizes about new ones terrorist attacks on the crimean bridge , at the same time, continues to complain about the regular arrivals at its military facilities. we’ll tell you more about everything right now in the stopfake program on russia 24. so, topic number one in ukraine. visit of russian missiles to shevchenko street in chernigov, according to infopomoek, a harmless hotel there was destroyed, as a result of which,
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as specified, dozens of people were killed, but who are they and why did they attract the attention of russian intelligence? zelensky and company, of course, have prepared a standard a manual about innocent ordinary people, victims of some kind of terrorist state, but a random photo in the window of the building flashed metal bunk beds of a barracks type, isn’t it typical? furniture for a standard hotel, but seriously, the interior is very characteristic, the guess was soon confirmed by a video from the local police. it’s easy to see that a crippled guy in a military uniform is being loaded into an emergency vehicle, many of his colleagues are scurrying around, and some of them have everything signs of newly received wounds, at least a broken head with a gauze compress, here...
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remove the land and take a closer look at the details that are located there. in addition, it was none other than igor masiychuk who added fuel to the fire. it would seem that an ideological ukrnazi should play along with the propaganda, but instead he immediately exposed it by writing on his telegram channel about the soldiers stationed in the ill-fated hotel. and, of course, against such a background , professional liars had to urgently forget about the hotel, switching to another chernigov development, from the shevchenkovsky residential complex with a slightly crumpled facade to the neighboring outpatient clinic. with broken windows, both episodes are covered with rubbish, well, in the same spirit as if the mentioned publication was similarly covered
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with iskanders, but we understand everything, the fact is that now is a very important political moment for the ukrainian side, since the issue of allocating aid, about the allocation or non-allocation of aid, all media resources, everything means, sympathetic media, politicians, are now trumpeting about what needs to be given to ukraine, which means as soon as possible help because they haven’t been able to give it for six months. and in this regard, any event that is happening now is presented in this vein. in general, it’s time for the enemy to get used to the fact that any infrastructure used for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, including energy, automatically ceases to be civilian. those in the know continue to mourn the destroyed thermal power plants and central lines, complaining about the harmful consequences of blackouts for the civilian population. and curse our armed forces for creating a critical situation by stubbornly denying the ironclad
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validity of such attacks. judge for yourself: tripolskaya tes in kiev provided the luch design bureau with electricity to the mayakak plant. the first of these enterprises produced anti-tank missile systems, neptune anti-ship missiles and alha missile defense systems. the second produced small arms like gapak sniper rifles and hammer mortars. in addition , the dnieper hydroelectric power plant also fed the ukrainian defense industry. the uninterrupted operation of the mik repair aircraft repair plant, where su-27 fighters were serviced, depended on its capacity in the city of zaporozhye and su-25 attack aircraft, in neighboring dnepropetrovsk ges supplied electricity to the yuzhnaya design bureau, known as the manufacturer of grom missile systems. finally, the complete destruction of the kharkov power system made it possible to disrupt the functioning of the armored industry, be it the morozov bureau or the malyshev plant. all energy is work for the front, this is work for military equipment, work for the army, work for the continuation
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of hostilities, and here, unfortunately, for civilians it is necessary to recognize that all these are objects of the military-industrial complex, now there are no peaceful objects on ukraine, we have been assigned several tasks, denazification, demilitarization, and the destruction of ukrainian energy, this goes under the point of demilitarization. further to the resonance around the article of the tabloid the sun, which allegedly found out the plans of the ukrainian junta for the coming summer, they say, a new counter-offensive in the southern direction will inevitably begin, imagine the destruction of the crimean bridge, in principle, the narrative itself does not attract a sensation, a little zelensky previously shared identical forecasts in an interview with the german bilt. we are talking about the bridge in kirchi, which is all they mention other infrastructure facilities that are military targets, we really want to destroy them. but as they say, there is no harm in wanting, the question is in the methods, here the western media
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do not deny themselves their wildest dreams, according to the same zasan, ukrainian planes will fly over the waters without hindrance. they will literally shoot the bridge deck with dozens of missiles, into the supports, or they will launch a horde of sea drones, or they will drop some huge azov sea, as if at home, and a bomb, you can’t argue, the scenario is spectacular, for the sake of some blockbuster, but there is a problem with realism. the conflict has reached a dead end for western countries, it looks very difficult, so the reader needs to be given a simple recipe, like in our fairy tale, a needle in... an egg and like death , this is precisely the option of a counterattack, when in general the arrow looks very beautiful, the only problem with this arrow is that it does not take into account the resistance of the russian side, as if theoretically, of course they can break through, but this requires a huge amount of aircraft and a significant part of which will have to be lost, however, there is an alternative option, according to which
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the ukrainian nazis could use long-range stormshadow missiles without entering the range of our air defense ... defense, as stated, they are capable of smashing an underground bunker into dust, and they can cope with a bridge without problems , but is it worth believing? let's start with the fact that the sky over krim is controlled by s-400 air defense systems, they simultaneously lead and intercept 10 targets, and are supported by s1 missile and artillery shells, easily shooting at four at once, and in the case of stormshadow, the targets will also be slow, because these missiles fly at a speed of less than 1.00 km/h, the same s-400 can work on objects almost... five times faster. in addition, english weapons are capable of damaging the structure of the bridge itself, but it is unlikely to bring down the cumulative warhead stormshadow, in essence, it is a chisel, it only punches a hole in the concrete, the accompanying explosion will be too weak for spans designed for a magnitude nine earthquake, and especially for tubular piles up to one and a half meters thick, driven into the ground
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to a depth of almost a hundred meters. well, we all see very well that the modern war in ukraine is a testing ground where you can show off your own weapons. the publication in the sun is nothing more than an information operation, which is called information vaccination, it is an attempt to show the public, and our public is not military experts, but about the characteristics that this system has. sometimes it even comes to outright nonsense. on the one hand, witnesses of the coming ukrainian victors believe that the f16 fighters will be a huge help in the so-called liberation of crimea; on the other hand, they themselves recognize the above-mentioned missiles. are incompatible with american aircraft, and other theses are compatible. to the point that characters with the regalia of military experts propose to take the state of emergency in baltimore, america as a model and ram the crimean bridge with an entire ship, be it a remote-controlled barge or a small container ship. it sounds funny, but at the same time, for the mental state those who come up with something like this are even somehow
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alarming. to be honest, i don’t even want to compare the crimean bridge and the bridge that... was in the hands of the americans, because that bridge was in ruins, it was not maintained there, the glory of american corruption and the bridge was formed, on the crimean bridge everything is much more complicated and heavier, because this is a serious object that cannot be demolished so easily by some barge, but this is the first, second, well , how do they even imagine that some barge can swim up, they don’t liquidate it, the case when the material with with a claim to strategic analysis quickly... slides into outright clownery, but the zhefttoblakite media do not mind and are happy to broadcast the sun's stuffing to their own audience, saying that this is exactly how everything will definitely happen, you just need to wait a little longer, and there will be nothing left of the crimean bridge, the most late by mid -july, well, let’s mark the time before the stated deadline, the more pleasant it will be to remind the propagandists of their lies. well, about announcements
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of a counter-offensive from those who promised to drink coffee in yalta last summer, too. we forget. in general, it’s time to think about why... outdated horror stories about an attack on crimea have been revived right now, they, of course, cannot go on the attack to attack crimea, but they can do this in the information space, precisely in order to disrupt that same holiday season, they accidentally do this right at the end of spring, at the beginning of summer, in order to scare people, so that they are susceptible to this panic attack and refuse to vacation in crimea. however, whatever the plans of zelensky and syrsky for the coming summer from ideas to recruit more cannons. they don't refuse meat. the verkhovna rada has finally adopted a scandalous law on mobilization, which reduces the conscription age to 25 years, and also cancels demobilization and significantly affects the rights of those whom the ukrainian... authorities consider draft dodgers. according to the people’s deputies, this will help attract the notorious half a million people into the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, which has long been called the necessary minimum for a successful
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confrontation with russia. but not everyone agrees with the figure. for example, gauleiter of the nikolaev region kim is sure that 5000 is too little, while medusa’s foreign agent hints that the scale of the potential call only seems huge and frightening, in fact they are quite gentle, since if necessary, kiev could put significant numbers under arms. more recruits, but let's figure out whether such calculations are fair? the regime itself claims that about 11 million male citizens are of conscription age, but over a million of them are already serving, another million are abroad, 1.5 million are disabled, and 3 million are registered as ukrainians, well, more likely habit, because they live in new russian regions, as a result , about 4.5 million are truly available to soul catchers, although it will not be possible to catch everyone, most of them are taxpayers who at least ... poorly fill the independent budget, which means a real mobresource for today does not exceed millions of people, there are also continuous problems with them, proof of this is the current demographic graph of ukraine.
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optimal candidates for the army are men between 18 and 30 years of age, a virtually endangered species, the majority of adults the male population falls into the 40 plus category. in general , there are no more than 130,000 people physically fit for the army in these two but in this... 50-60 thousand people in the event of a very active catch, which makes the fantastic note on the bbc website write that ukrainians, quote, prefer not to wait for a summons, but to take fate. into their own hands, it turns out, there is no end to some volunteers, and young people are literally rushing into the military registration and enlistment offices, but then how can we explain the extremely resonant interviews of the invader, who recently returned from the contact line and
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gave a very derogatory description of the reserves, which systematically brings people to the front, physically fit, all people over 50, with complete confidence? drinking alcoholic drinks, the task is to perform statistics, however, in bandera’s virtual reality , almost everyone wants to perform military duties, and numerous stories about draft dodgers are not much, not little, but a russian
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information and psychological operation. such narratives are now being dispersed by the main directorate of ukrainian intelligence, referring primarily to the resonant flash mob in tiktok. orchestrated, insisting that the popularity of dodging is greatly exaggerated, well, someone might even believe it, if budanov’s department did not forget to coordinate the temnik with the border service, in just a week it managed, well,
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firstly, to report a channel for the mass transfer of dodgers abroad from transcarpathia, and secondly, failed to detain particularly zealous a fugitive on the border with hungary, well, thirdly , she missed another swimmer who crossed the tisza river to hide in romania, and fourthly, she stretched barbed wire on the bank of the same tisza. for obvious reasons, the videos that even the ukrainians themselves shoot, they often shoot them abroad, of course, they show how they relax, how they escaped this conscription, these are the shots that the kiev regime cannot block in any way, because it is out of range ukrainian law, in short, a clear picture of a story, of minimal losses of personnel savings, seems to have ceased to resonate even with a proven target audience, otherwise how... to explain a viral video from the ukrainian blasphere, this is a lawn near the stella of independence in kiev, where a tradition has emerged of planting a small flag when a resident of the capital dies at the front. in the summer of twenty-two there were
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relatively few such flags. as you see for yourself now, this is the price at which sobering up is given to those who for years they cynically lied and fed thousands of ridiculous fakes, which we will definitely continue to expose in the stopfake program on the russia 24 tv channel . with modern technology, confidence in sustainable operation, flexibility for use in any industry, reliability and efficiency, new quality for your success, electric drives tomzelle.
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scammers are inserted to extract money from you, hang up without talking, it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, take russian digital solutions to a new height, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions, and what about production, raw materials and exports in general? what is
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our product, democracy, glasnost, in general, in one word , perestroika, these guests came in, came out and between me they said, wow, what are you telling us, that everyone is equal, speed? which this reorganization took place showed that soviet society was, in principle, a capitalist society, democracy - it was a revelation that this is freedom, this is liberalism, i remember a great feeling of freedom among the people, but people did not know many things about the collapse of the soviet union, they were carried away by western ideas, we can be friends, the americans began to tell us how we need to democratize, they saw we have friends and partners who sincerely wanted to help, why should russia completely copy?
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american democracy is now also shaky, this scale of russia, there are you russians, something that europe does not understand. wait, who are they, new people, this is a passenger with me, reporter, director, i came as a brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign is trigger, everyone has call signs, i am adam, why? adama not adam chechen i'm an artist white rose can you sing sometime brusli is alive we don't need names and i'm not a trosh or whatever is not a trosh is not yours well you're a little girl god's light homer to the machine gun no what to do commander shoot call sign passenger call sign passenger i suggest changing to call sign rebin no call sign my brother.
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you remain a passenger, that's for sure. iran and israel exchanged blows, is there a risk of escalation in the middle east, attempts to find a compromise in the ukrainian crisis , donald trump was put on trial, for which the ex-president is accused.


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