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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 20, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm MSK

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raises the stakes. astana has increased its claims against foreign oil companies tenfold. the government calculated that for the kashagan megaproject alone, western corporations defrauded kazakhstan of $150 billion. bloomberg writes about the new lawsuit, citing its sources. to understand, the entire expenditure portion of the kazakhstan budget for the current year is just over 37 billion. and here 150 billion were actually stolen from the people by foreign corporations. read more about what this huge scam is? the amount announced is really quite large, it concerns lost revenue, lost profit of kazakhstan as a result of the fact that the ncoc consortium developing the kashagan field has repeatedly postponed deadlines, that is , the agreement has certain parameters for payments to the republic, scheduled by year, plus or minus prices somewhere, and so on, from this amount, now, according to its official data, according to... according to official
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data, about 60 billion dollars is the consortium’s investment in the project, while the authorized body that psa filed claims with the international arbitration on non-recognition of the amount of expenses in excess of $13 billion, that is, kazakhstan believes that these amounts were unreasonable, unagreed expenses, does not want them to be reimbursed from the oil received, oil sold, if an environmental fine of 5.1 is added to it billion dollars for excess protection of sulphur and other issues, plus this lawsuit, this is quite a... large amount, which can be so large, even on a global scale, it can be there, well, number one in terms of lawsuits filed. this week took place immediately several important high-level interstate visits. in astana, takaev received the kyrgyz leader sadyr japarov. the ceremony took place at the akarde presidential palace. following the meeting, an agreement was signed on deepening and expanding allied relations. the meeting
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also discussed issues of cooperation in the trade, economic, transport and logistics, water, energy, cultural and humanitarian spheres. and at the state residence palace of the nation in dushan be, president of tajikistan imali rahmon received the uzbek leader shavkat mirziyoyeva. the focus is on deepening political dialogue, increasing trade and economic cooperation, and expanding interregional contacts. as a result of the high-level negotiations , an agreement on allied relations was signed, which, according to the parties, symbolizes the transition. to a qualitatively new stage in uzbek-tajik relations, but another high-level visit stands out, even taking into account the difficult situation, when floods are raging in the country, president takaev, between the work of the operational headquarters and visiting the affected regions, finds time not to reschedule your visit to yerevan. it can be assumed that the negotiations in armenia were definitely not successful and seemed to require urgency. takaev arrived in yerevan just a month after he visited azerbaijan. on the one
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hand, kazakhstan, together with armenia, is a member of the csto and the eac, on the other, it actively cooperates with azerbaijan and turkey. at a joint press conference, takayev said that kazakhstan is ready to undertake a goodwill mission , in particular, to provide yerevan and baku with a platform for negotiations. and to others events. military personnel from 201 russian bases joined the tajik armed forces for an exercise in khatlon. region, they worked out the scenario of a counter-terrorist operation, according to the legend of which conditional gangs tried to break through the border of the republic in a mountainous region. participants in the maneuvers paid special attention to the use of reconnaissance drones and fpv drones, as well as tank shooting. the spring racing season has officially opened in turkmenistan. the first tournament of nine races was held in mary equestrian complex, where over 100 khaltik residents from all over the republic arrived. the best riders received prizes;
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during the competition, spectators were entertained by musicians and dancers. the astana branch of moscow state university hosted a scientific conference of clematis, which brought together students from fifty universities in kazakhstan, russia, kyrgyzstan, belarus, uzbekistan, china and other countries. they gave presentations on a very wide range of topics from trends in modern mathematics, economic analysis to the results of linguistic and sociocultural research, they said:
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this is something that needs to be developed, not something that needs to be created. and finally, a story from the 18+ category from kazakhstan. 05. unknown sodas literally blew up the internet, pitted comedians, moralists, freebies, those suffering from corrupt love , and even policemen against each other. in almaat, young people launched a challenge: young guys stand with a bottle near an elite shopping center in the hope that wealthy ladies will flock to the sweet drink. lemonade means that the horseman is ready for a lady in an expensive car to pick him up and how they say, she fed, warmed and provided comfort, mainly, of course, care. the term pepsi tutki has even appeared. however, it turned out that most of the videos that appeared on the internet were just for fun. but just in case, the police held preventive conversations with soda lovers. and then, really, nothing good comes from this soda. take care, see you as
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a country that is difficult to understand, hello, they call it the usa for a reason. the country of lawyers, no matter what high-profile trials american history has seen, it seems there is nothing to surprise, yet, right these days, here in new york, history is being written anew, in the room. 15:30 manhattan criminal court for the first time in 248 years of the existence of the united states, a former president, and maybe a future one, sat in the dock as a defendant in a criminal case. all attempts by trump’s lawyers and his legal team to move the case, move it to a later date, or even cancel it were unsuccessful, although such a strategy is within the legal framework. it hasn't failed them before. what's the matter here? the point here is that manhattan justice, in the person
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of district attorney alvin breg and judge juan merchin, are literally working for themselves, for that guy. the case of secret payments to porn star stormy daniels are the last frontier for liberals. all other cases against trump, which were supposed to be considered around the same time frame. in washington in the case of storming the capitol, in georgia in the case of election interference, in florida about secret documents in maralaga, all of them were postponed to a later date, here it all started almost on time, on april 15 from trump tower, his motorcade started, the path took a little more than 10 minutes, we got to the criminal court in manhattan and after some time donald trump appeared before.
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a positive attitude towards russian television, towards our tv channel, which on the one hand is not typical for america, but apparently, this is also a reaction to the pressure that trump and his supporters, as maga republicans call them, have been experiencing in recent years from the democrats. let's still go back to the courtroom and see what 's there. there is no television broadcast, but there are many photographs and countless details. main. classes in the coming days will be the selection of jury candidates, you need
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choosing a board of 12 people is a big problem, why? because new york is a democratic city, biden is supported here, the population sample itself is such that the majority of people who go through this election sieve, they may be biased towards trump, this is what the team is very attentive to his lawyers. by the way, one of the ideas of trump’s legal team was to transfer the case from the manhattan court, for example, to the court of the staten island district, this is also a district of new york, but electorally, the situation there is different, there is more support for the republicans, so they wanted to do it, they were not allowed to do it, and now they are trying to weed out biased jurors, so far they have managed to select only a few people, on the first day they brought in 96, 50, they were eliminated immediately. the selection is very strict, they look at the history on social networks,
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look at what comments were published. the jury selection process will be little different from other court proceedings, except that prosecutors will try to identify bias in them. towards donald trump. jurors will be asked questions about whether they attended trump rallies or volunteered for his company. they will be asked what news they watch and even what books. donald trump himself is already in court, he must be there 4 days a week, except wednesday, the only free day, he has wednesday, donald trump about this... i can’t go to my son’s graduation or to the supreme court , nor to georgia, florida or north carolina to do there is an election campaign, this is exactly
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what the radical democrats sought, this is interference in elections, that’s what it is, from the surroundings to the essence. trump faces 34 criminal charges, each with a maximum sentence of 4 years, 136 years in total. the point is that in 2016, trump's lawyers and his team, who participated in the us presidential election, feared publicity from the former porn actress stormy daniels, who, according to her , was with trump in 2006. there was an affair on lake taha at the golf club where they gathered celebrities, they decided to bribe stormi danials, there is nothing criminal in this procedure itself, she was paid 130 thousand dollars, but the questions are not about the payment, the questions are about how it was done, it was done through lawyer michael cowan, it
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was formalized in the quality of the legal services he provided to trump, that is, twice since... trump, now one of his main enemies, is happy to air all the dirty laundry that he knows in public. if i were trump, i would be very are concerned about this process, because in fact this is a very simple matter, it is based on documented facts, and the documents do not lie, they paint a very clear picture, which is not at all in favor of donald trump. this story has actually been circulating for a long time in the information space of the united states, there are even quite funny parodies, you can look at this one, what’s even doubly funny is that the role of trump is played by alex baldwin, who is now convicted of the unintentional murder of a television cameraman, and stormy daniels played by stormy daniels herself, this is cameo,
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stormy, this is michael coin, are you alone, yes, what are you wearing? i'm sorry, what? stormy daniels made waves when she gave her first interview, when she spoke in detail about how trump harassed her. he told me that i reminded him of his daughter, apparently in this way he expressed his sympathy for me. i thought it meant our mutual respect. that's why i was infuriated by the way he spoke to me. and even more so, i didn’t expect to be pressed against the wall when i got out of the shower. i remember how it turned out bed, it was terrible, but i didn't say no. stormy daniels herself is a fairly well-known character in certain circles, real name stephanie clifford. an interesting point is where her pseudonym came from, her father was a fan of the rock band motley crue, so the bassist motley crue named his daughter storm, she also took
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this pseudonym for herself, but daniels is the name of a type of whiskey, the fact is that she i come from the american south myself, that's it. there are other claims against trump; judge juan merchen agreed to listen to other witnesses, but in particular we are talking about the appearance in manhattan court of playboy model karen mcdougal, who was allegedly also paid money for silence, should appear there and the publisher who participated. in this scheme it worked like this: to a person who they wanted to silence, it was as if they bought this story from him, the publication was called the national inquirer, it bought this story and killed it, that is, it did not give progress to this story, it would never have been published, but here again everything is legal. $30,000 and
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the story will never be published, it's not it’s such an unusual thing for the media to provide services to politicians. well, to someone who doesn’t closely follow american politics or doesn’t fully understand how certain electoral mechanisms work, everything that’s happening may even seem funny, they say, it’s all a show, so what’s the big deal? the fact that trump paid some porn actress some money, even if there is a suspended sentence, is most likely nothing to worry about, because the american election machine is truly a model. designed in such a way that it extends into presidents can even sleep in a prison cell, they will also give you security guards from the secret service, then you can calmly move to the white house and pardon... yourself, but there is an interesting point here, firstly, this case is not being considered at the federal level, at the district level, that is, even trump, if he himself becomes president of the united states again, he will not
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be able to close this case, he will not be able to pardon himself, only the governor of new york can do this, and the governor of new york is kathy hochul, she's from the demo party, it's clear that she will not have mercy on him, and most importantly, what is the idea here, what is the cunning conspiracy from the outside. if i can say so, on the part of trump’s opponents. it's very simple: this is a story with piles of dirty laundry, it paints trump in a very unsightly light for a very important part of his electorate. if you look at the situation now, you can see that trump is quite seriously supported by women from the suburbs, as they are usually called. this is a very generalized characteristic; in general we are talking about white american women. family with level income above average, this is a woman like this, she can be a housewife or a working person, in principle, she chooses the american president,
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candidates for the presidency of the united states always fight for her votes, and this is the main electorate in the swing states, here is the story about trump cheated on his wife, about the fact that he secretly paid a porn actress, about the fact that he had extramarital affairs not only with her, but with other women, can... shake the respect on the part of the same white woman from the suburbs for the republican candidate, this is very seriously, this is especially serious in the sense that the current electoral picture is confusing, but it does not give any advantage to any of the candidates. the ratings of biden and trump were almost equal: 46% versus 45 in favor of trump. for biden the situation. the outcome of the last two presidential elections was
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determined by tens of thousands of votes in several states and this time is unlikely to be an exception, in a country that is so divided, even the slightest changes can be decisive. well, this leads to the second trap into which trump was literally led, trump has no time left for... a normal election campaign, it is clear that his electoral base is republicans, they will be for trump anyway, but of course they will be, there will be no more republicans by november 2024, that’s why he needs to travel to these swing states, there is meaning michigan, pennsylvania, georgia, ohio, arizona, in order to speak, in order to convince, in order to say that he is the best, trump was thus de-energized, he was turned off. from his constituents, but donald trump would not donald trump, if he had not found a way out of this difficult situation. the republican is always known for his ability
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to turn seemingly completely unwinnable situations in his favor, and trump once again demonstrated this skill; after the second day in court ended, he got into a motorcade and went to harlem, to the famous and the hosse shop, known to many new yorkers. albo, as they call it on 182nd street, it became famous due to sad circumstances in 2022, a robber, an african american, walked in and decided that the sixty- one-year-old salesman jose alba, who was behind the counter, would be an easy prey, he would not offer much resistance, he began to demand money, a fight broke out, jose alba turned out to be a man of no timid nature, he pulled out a knife and killed the attacker, there was a camera in jose alba’s shop. she withdrew everything, but no, jose alba was sent to jail, bail was demanded for $250,000, who did this, and this was done by the office of district attorney
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alvin breg, who is now the prosecuting party in the trump case, then there was such a bingo of its own, trump, of course, took advantage of this opportunity, staged a real election rally right there in harlem on... his supporters gathered on the sidewalk, television came, everything was semi-spontaneous, but this is american politics, for that some here appreciate and love her so much, it’s for this spontaneity, trump came out and said, as always , everything he thinks, all the tv channels, as always, broadcast what he says, this personally reminded me of the times of his first election campaign, back in 2015 -2016, when television followed on the heels, caught how... people want law and order,
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the crime situation is terrible, stores are being robbed, we will correct the situation, send a lot of money to new york, while the city is in a terrible state, and the whole world is watching it, at how ridiculous the judge is behaving towards me, because there is no crime in my case, crimes happen here once a week or even more often. you could say this is trump's new campaign strategy , or a tactic he was forced to do. implement due to those complex circumstances that arose around him, it is quite possible that it will bring him success, especially since there is a wide field here in new york for such spontaneous events, but look, firstly, you can go down to the new york subway almost every day, where there is crime and where traces of the policies of prosecutor alvin breg are also visible, there are plenty of stations in the new york subway, even though
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i went every evening. if you organize a rally, you can go to the migrant center, one of the largest in the united states, on randles island, under which there are playgrounds, football fields, now people from all over the world live there, you can talk about migration there, you can go to wall street to talk about the economy, that is, new york is such a model of america in miniature, and according to the reaction of people who listened to trump in garlime, you can’t say that he... causes irritation, such a personal observation, at the end i will share, imagine, for example, there 3-4 years ago, or 2020, when there was a wave of blm people in a hat, in a make cap america great again, worn by trumpists here in new york it was impossible, now such people appear, that is, even here in liberal new york, which of course will vote for the democrats again in november 2024, the attitude towards trump
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has changed greatly. this is also an important remark: every trial in which trump participates, he at least increases the rate of cash collections, when last year there was news about the opening of more and more criminal cases against him, the amount of donations grew, most likely it will be the same here, so even in case of indictment the verdict that trump may face at the end of this process, he may emerge from this process. the winner, it was america, all the best to you.
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i understood correctly, the future, yes, yeah, 24, 2124, that’s the situation. now i can
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jump to a century in the future and back, i see everything, space pirates are hunting for us, they were already there when i came here, we need to find my mother, what a meeting, maybe we can put the children to bed and now is the time to somehow fix everything, and it's time to act somehow, questions, suggestions, objections, right? what do you want? 100 years ago.


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