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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 20, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm MSK

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this is russia 24, we continue to tell. about the main thing for today, the decision of the congress to provide assistance to kiev will further enrich the united states, further ruin ukraine, and increase the number of ukrainians killed due to the fault of the kiev regime. this is how the kremlin commented on the vote in the house of representatives, where congressmen on saturday approved the allocation of the final package to ukraine, a financial package of $61 billion. and the official representative of the russian foreign ministry, maria zakharova, emphasized that military assistance to the kiev regime is direct.
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sponsoring terrorist activities. as for another scandalous decision by congress to transfer frozen russian assets to ukraine, according to presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, if this really happens, it will cause irreparable damage to the image of the united states. and america will have to answer for all this. our own us correspondent valentin bogdanov followed the voting process on the capitalist hill. speaker mike johnson divided this $95 billion in aid to foreign allies of the united states into several packages, the package was voted on first, confiscation of russian assets, followed by taiwan, then ukraine, after the voting on ukraine ended, there were shouts, rejoicings in congress, republicans, half of them voted in favor, most of the democrats, holding flags in their hands , they called out the word ukraine, well, this.
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he is the leader of the democratic minority in congress. ukrainians taught us that when people believe in freedom and democracy, they are able to overcome even the strongest armies, but the pro-putin confrontation that stopping the adoption of this law until this moment jeopardized all the progress of ukraine. therefore, it is important for us to support the ukrainian people, this is a moment of choice, you can choose democracy or autocracy, freedom or tyranny, zelensky or putin.
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we can choose a democratic ally or a sworn enemy, that is, such a familiar division of the world into those who are with the united states and those who are against them, in this sense there is no division, of course, there is no party division here and there cannot be, absolutely in the same republican hawks also speak out, today it is all together one common party, the goal of which is to master the gigantic military budget,
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with the help of some of their colleagues, an attempt to send johnson to resign, but this did not work out, because biden, the white house and the democratic party, in general, is the entire american deep state, and nevertheless, the latest attempt, so to speak, to prevent the adoption of this bill, refers to ukraine.
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in other countries, the government also does nothing to ensure security our own borders. if we use the metaphors of margery taylor greene, then since we are talking about business, then time is money, no one will wait, immediately after the vote in the house of representatives the bill will go to
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the senate, then for biden to sign, well, the pentagon has already made it clear that they were preparing in advance to a positive outcome, the us department of defense has already, as they say, formed about this. the washington post writes today that it has formed the first package of military aid to ukraine, which may include 155mm shells for howitzers, shells for artillery medium-range and the necessary ammunition for air defense systems, and if biden does not delay, the senate does not delay, and the chances are minimal, then most likely, according to american military officials, the first bill will already... the money approved today will go to ukraine, well, in the next couple of weeks. valentin bogdanov, ivan udkin, news. usa. a memorial dedicated to the deceased war correspondent semyon eremin appeared in the izvestia building. the day before he was fatally wounded during
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drone attack in the zaporozhye region. the investigative committee has already promised to identify everyone involved in this and expresses condolences in connection with the death of the military correspondent, presidential press secretary dmitry peskov expressed. from international organizations to condemn the murder of the military commander. eremin’s last report came out a few days ago; he worked in mariupol, at the fathers steel plant in marinka, and more than once risked his life. he is a very kind person, he is a romantic, and a reporter is his calling, it is his desire to do everything possible for his homeland
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at his post. semyon is the man who gave all his energy, all his strength to work and... show the whole country the strong side, the strong work of our fighters, the truth that we see in the trenches, on the front line, in dugouts, often in a very difficult situation.
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now the flood situation in the russian regions in the tyument region and kurgan is approaching the flood situation. to its peak, a difficult situation in the city of ishim, in the dark, the river level exceeded the critical mark by more than one and a half meters. he's already taller historical maximum, which was 7 years ago. more than 600 people have been evacuated; according to governor alexander moor, a gigantic volume of water is flowing downstream. the ministry of emergency situations reported that it was sending additional forces and equipment to the region. the tobol river in kurgan also rises. an alarming situation at the dam in the area of ​​the kirov bridge.
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release. the kagan gold rally raid started in astrakhan. already the thirteenth in a row. the starting point for the crew of the first race was the volga embankment. in total , more than 60 teams will take part in the competition. suvs, buggies and trucks, and another 30 people on motorcycle atvs. the race will last 4 days, during which time the athletes will cover more than a thousand km, including along high-speed, steppe and sandy routes. the race promises to be interesting, i want to wish everyone interesting roads and that emotionally and technically everyone corresponds to the level that is the meaning of the kagan gold race. once again, i congratulate everyone on this significant event, this holiday, this holiday. motorcycle and motorsport. april 20 was held throughout the country
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monthly all-russian reception of citizens by ldpr deputies, in moscow it was held by the chairman of the party, leonid slutsky. every month we hold an all-russian reception of citizens by ldpr deputies of all levels. every month more and more people turn to us, since the ldpr solves both simple and seemingly insoluble issues. hundreds and thousands of people now come to us, then we consider these issues, resolve them, personally call those who are not quite correct... people are treated like governors and officials of various calibers, who, in our opinion, did not fully fulfill their responsibilities to people, actors anna peresilt and markelshtein became laureates of the advance award for young artists,
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its award ceremony has been included in the program of the moscow international film festival for many years, anna peresilt received an award for the role... such spread of talents, opportunities, no, i think that everything is fine, on the contrary, i regard what is happening as some kind of huge benefit for our cinema, because we have opened names, production, well, everything industrialists, they gathered like that, in fact, it seems to me that it shows that it’s not that there’s nothing terrible there, on the contrary, everything is fine with us. bam is 50 years old this year,
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the baikal-amur mainline celebrates its anniversary in construction overalls after... the drilling rig is putting the finishing touches on the permafrost-bound rocks of the duseolinsky ridge. now it's up to the zornyaki, congratulations. behind this wall there is
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a 3 m thick lintel with an oncoming trunk. now the explosives experts will place tratil bombs in these drilled holes and powerful the explosion will connect the second dusialinsky tunnel into a single whole. the excavation of the second dusialinsky tunnel was carried out using the drilling and blasting method simultaneously for the western and eastern portals. it took 1,200 explosions. the final crash was carried out via video link with moscow, with the management of bamtunelstroy and ministers. attention, slaughter. perform repair work.
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there is light at the end of the tunnel. thank you very much, once again for your work. thanks everyone. pull up the gap the baikal-amur mainline celebrates its half-century anniversary. in the same work wearing overalls and a construction helmet, 50 years later this road continues to be built and expanded. today, the demand for transportation by rail in the eastern direction is many times higher than the capacity of the road, and it is necessary to build, start yesterday, as they say, when in 2 years
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the dusialinsky tunnel is finally commissioned, up to 50 trains will be able to pass through this section in different directions per day instead of twenty. the new tunnel will be built according to absolutely new standards, it will be completely waterproofed, there will be no this means that there are problems with the destruction of concrete from water, from groundwater, it is larger in size and there will still be a velvet path, the path will be very soft, there will be no vibrations, everything will lie on rubber mats. the old shaft, which is constantly flooded with groundwater, will undergo serious reconstruction. this tunnel is not the longest on bama, only 1,800 m, but construction of it... in the duseolinsky ridge began already in 1939, when the construction of the baikal-amur highway began for the first time in our country. and to design
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the railway began in the thirty- second year under the management and control of the ogpu, and then the nkvd. a special corps of railway troops was formed for survey work. it was commanded by the famous latvian shooter jan laces. in the foto. it is shown how a survey expedition descends along the buria river, the buria settlement, to the village of chikunda to study the buria and duseolinsky ridges. here it is shown how they cross a river ford, on the back - a trileg, on the shoulder, or rather a theodolite, a level. in the thirty-third year the chief for the construction of bama, navtaly frenkel is appointed, a man of amazing destiny, before the revolution he was a wealthy odessa timber merchant, owner of factories, newspapers, ships, introduced friendship with a japanese, together with him into civilian life, fought as part of a separate regiment of the red army, then arrested,
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a death sentence commuted to 10 years in solovki, from where frenkel returns early and becomes the head of the department of the baikal-amur forced labor camp bamlaga. trains with thousands of prisoners are sent to the railway. male prisoners worked in unbearable conditions, with a pick and a shovel, with primitive measuring instruments, and when
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the oncoming tunnels collided, the deviation from the axis was no more than 20 cm, but at the beginning of the war the work was stopped, the rails were dismantled and sent to stalingrad for the construction of a rockade along the volga to supply the city. these rails, which i hold in my hands, were removed from the pre-war bam and went to lay the stalingrad road in 1943. an interesting detail: during the construction of bama they used rails, which called all times, even the eighties came across pre-revolutionary ones from demidov factories. when we were joining and it was necessary to saw off, here you can see the cut, and sometimes we chopped. military railway workers have such a special device, so canadian rails, japanese rails were cut with two shots, and
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demidov rails could be cut with almost four shots, this is the quality of the steel. at the end of the forties, work on the veseyalinsky tunnel was resumed, then, on the rise after the great victory, even construction began underground passage to sakhalin, but after stalin the amur mainline was abandoned again to baikal, and the duseyalinsky tunnel was covered with ice.
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and, of course, strategic tasks were required to move this transport route 400 - 600 km from the border. bam truly became the construction site of the century. it was the most expensive infrastructure project in the soviet union. it cost the state almost 18 billion rubles. germany ordered about 10,000 magirus dump trucks and vir tunnel boring machines. from japan, kata cranes, bulldozers and kamatsu excavators, no expense was spared, because the highway provided access to the development of the world's largest mineral deposits
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. complexes in siberia in the bama zone, specifically for the development of deposits, these are complexes such as petrochemical, timber processing, fuel, coal, metallurgical, petrochemical and so on and so on, unfortunately, these 11 complexes have not yet been created, the only thing they managed to do was firstly coal, they started with nereningri, where they built a coal mine, built a processing plant, by the way, with the help of this coal we managed to pay off with japan and germany for the equipment supplied for the construction of the baikal sea mainline at that time, and of course, the timber processing complex was partially created, and those german dump trucks can still be found on the bama.
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when the bam ended, they cut a lot of them, a lot of them, but they thought that it was all the end, no, not the end, i found, i found this car in irkutsk, it was a little poor, but i saw potential in it, i here it reanimated, restored, and bam, as it turned out, did not end, continues to be built, the old mogirus is back in business, helping sergei anisovich earn a living, like his father once did, i fell in love with this car again... i was 9 years old, i was 9 years old, these were the first magiruses who came to brassk, to papani, papani got a new one a car, here’s a magirus, well , i started collecting fuel oil from garages, that is , well, that’s how love was instilled in me for him, since then i’ve been inseparable from them, over the course of all this time, it’s been 50 years now, bam, this is a car a lifesaver, they played weddings at them, took them for all occasions,
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so to speak. moscow, kremlin palace of congress. in april 1974, at the seventeenth congress of the komsomol, bam was declared an all-union shock komsomol construction site. they say that brezhnev said that the prisoners would not build this road, the party said: it is necessary, the komsomol answered there is. as a delegate to the congress, my native party, the government, the lenin komsomol, my comrades, seeing off the congress , punished me, we ask you to send us all to the baikal-amur mainline, straight from the congress , the komsomol members went to the yaroslavl station and from...
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60 cm they dug in, this is a small depth , when they began to level it with a bulldozer, they began to pull out this very thing, these means, well, the bones - so, then a large commission arrived, it means that all this was put aside separately, what was openly reburied, the restoration of the dusialinsky tunnel was entrusted to a special battalion, the ice was melted by engines from jet aircraft, they tried, went very well


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