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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 20, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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built railway troops. an important event was noted in the eastern section of bam. the duseolinsky tunnel came into operation. the first highway tunnel. when the army reached the duceolin tunnel, it found only old camp barracks, rickety guard towers, and an abandoned club with portraits of the leaders of the scene. and the secret burial place of the first builders of bam. there was a burial, well... they buried 50-60 cm, this is a small depth, when they began to level it with a bulldozer, they began to pull out these, which means, well, bones, and so on. then, that means, a large commission arrived, that means they put all this aside separately, what had been discovered, they reburied it, the restoration of the dusialinsky tunnel was entrusted to a special battalion, the ice was melted with jet engines, they tried it, it went very well, it began
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to melt, but the high temperature began to burst the tubes inside, the whole thing was canceled , they started to dig it out manually, well, within a year they cleaned it all out, hollowed it out, the water drained out of there, it was all gone, restoring the tunnel turned out to be a simple matter, permafrost made the approaches to it extremely difficult, it was here that the railway soldiers showed great tenacity, courage, ingenuity, unfortunately, it’s a shame that they are not remembered as often as the komsomol detachments, which from the kremlin, right by train, from here from the yaroslavl station, went to build this road. former minister of transport igor levitin, at that time an officer of the railway troops and military commandant of the urgal section, spent 3 years on bama. all the young people came
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and a school was built, in general there were a lot of children, who went to first grade, so they immediately had eight first grades, and my daughter went to first grade right there at school, but there were no flowers, well, how do you have to go to school, so there was colored paper like this, where the guys cut out flowers , everyone dug into the frosty ground with shovels and warmed themselves from the cold, shaggy, the iron road, the little ribbons stretching, those who are weak will not stand it, those who are strong will remain, it was a time of youth romance and komsomol songs, almost all famous soviet artists considered it their duty to come with concerts on pure the gift will remain.
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i went to build the severomushsky tunnel, and then my mother and i arrived, and so everything started spinning, spinning, and so i stayed here for half a century. entire bama dynasties appeared here, i was born on bama, my grandfather went to build the baikal-amur highway, my mother came on vacation when she was 17 years old, met my father, my father went to build, so bam, so i was born there, i grew up absorbing this culture, so to speak, atmosphere, absolutely true, volunteers came to build the bam even from socialist countries. these guys are from ukraine, some from the black sea, some from the carpathians, now they will have a new registration, ulkan station,
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if someone has a ukrainian wedding, the crowd, ukrainian songs are danced by gapka, the fool is coming, the same moldova. the construction of stations was divided between the union republics, for example, georgia patronized niya and armenia patronized tayura. we played on these feelings, it’s such a competitiveness, i come, for example, to
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the taiura station, i look, it means that there they are, there is a year left until completion, less than a year, and they are still just finishing the foundation.
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now bam, i think that bam is my whole bam, not just that section, that’s why i didn’t go anywhere, although they offered me to change my place of residence, here, friends, they still come to my apartment, i’m preparing a skit , i cook, well, i set the table, i cook myself, i meet people, my friends are here, my wife is buried here. “my daughter is here, my son is in khabarovsk, how can i leave? it was his brigade in september 1980 that met at the balbukhta junction with the komsomol brigade of alexander bonder
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and laid the last golden link, opening through traffic along the highway from baikal to amur. there were months of hard work. the kadar tunnel should lie under these mountains. treacherous mountain. just before the crash. there was a collapse, fortunately no one was hurt, but it became clear that the tunnel would not be ready on time, the tracklayer froze, then they decided to make a temporary bypass, this fell to ivan-varshavsky, well, the investor came, here is the tunnel, the tunnel is not ready, bypass not ready, we straighten the road through the pass over the ridge, they threw a pb-3 tracklayer on the other side, it
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was apparently far away, as they say, and then they drank bam’s signature cocktail straight from construction helmets, northern lights, hurray!
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alexander bondir, like his rival in socialist competition, ivan varshavsky, remained forever with his railway. sasha died, and his last words were to be cremated and his ashes to be scattered at the junction where our teams met. when the ashes were buried, again they poured vodka and... champagne, northern lights into the helmet and passed them around, whoever was present was remembered by this
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custom, and the trains passing through the balbukhta crossing commemorate alexander bondar with drawn-out blasts, but when the orchestra splashes with thunder, you will understand that... during the construction, 56 people died, 56 tunnel workers, mechanics,
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assemblers, i want to take a picture in memory about them, who died in the kingdom of heaven, but this mountain, this giant, he was conquered, although the guys gave their lives, but still the tunnel was built. this railway tunnel is the longest in russia, 15 km (in difficult conditions, faults, earthquakes, in the severomuisky ridge, they pierced for almost 26 years into radioactive gas, radon and hot geothermal water, which runs in streams underfoot . in 1979 , a floater broke out in the severomoisk tunnel; the miners encountered the ancient bed of the angarakan river; a stream of water and sand
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rushed into the tunnel with unprecedented force. half of them managed to escape, half of them came back to save them, they had already been killed. bama veteran and
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miner with many years of experience zeofet dzhungirov recalls that in his time alone there were about a dozen. collapses and emissions, how many there were some marching guys who were saved, they were climbing the shield, they were measuring there, it was at that very moment that they were thrown out, we ran away ourselves, and then we began to consider that whoever was left came back and rescued, i pulled a man out from under the rock, despite the heavy , dangerous situation work, zhungiri never returned to his sunny azerbaijan, he got used to the frosts, his heart became attached to the amazing baikal landscapes, which... now he carefully transfers it to canvas, there are tunnels around baikal, there is a tourist train running there, i often paint it, one life is not enough, here you have to draw and paint, there are such beautiful places.
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the severomushsky tunnel could only be built by 2003. it shortens the road through
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the angarakan pass by 50 km and saves the railway worker almost 2 hours. the tunnels are protected from freezing by strangers by special gates that open a few minutes before the train passes. in case of emergency situations, the gates are made of fragile composite material; the locomotive will simply demolish them without harm to the drivers. in november 2023 , ukrainian saboteurs tried to undermine this most complex and important facility in bam. here is the train that rushed up the mountain night. an explosive device was planted underneath. one of the tanks of the railway train with fuel, we were alerted, but the fire train could not enter the tunnel, since there was a train with burnt tanks there, and
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moving on... along the adit, it turned out that after the explosions, a fire started tanks, but it did not last long, an attempt to arrange another explosion on the bypass road to stop the baikal-amur highway was also unsuccessful, repair crews quickly eliminated the consequences of the terrorist attack and extinguished the burning tanks, ironically, once made in ukraine. one of the saboteurs was detained; he turned out to be a citizen of belarus. now the construction of the second severomuisk tunnel, which should begin this year, will become not only an economic, but also a strategic task, although the tunnel itself was not damaged as a result of sabotage, it was calculated for an earthquake with a magnitude of 9 points, the explosive device could not cause it the slightest harm,
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but... having put destinies and lives on the real people of the baikal-amur mainline, in the years perestroika, the builders learned that the country, it turns out, did not need the bam. literally, with the arrival of gorbachev , funding immediately abruptly stopped, and it was so difficult both morally and physically,
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because there was not enough left. about the disbandment of the baikalamush railway, i sat crying, my tears were flowing, they had already decided to plunder everything, you know, to plunder, they threw such a lozunsk that the road is going nowhere, you know that here there are trains, trains, not carriages, cargoes were sent by trains to china from this sbama, they sold everything there, loaded them, sleepers, rails, linings, linings, crutches, reinforced concrete structures, cars.
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earth-moving equipment, a terrible picture grew with the desire to liquidate the railway system. at that time there were about 100- odd people, advisers from america , england, everywhere, they saw how our state needed to be completely destroyed. for me it was an extremely difficult situation, and not to let the railways collapse, that’s the principle, specialists, bridge builders, tunnelers, but i don’t have the means to pay them, and not to build already they can’t, they started talking about the need to engage in folk crafts, that we
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should do them there. they somehow fed us with folk crafts, how they lived, they didn’t give wages, thank god, there were berries, mushrooms, people in the forests, then on lake baikal they caught omur, fish, all this was, in the nineties, many thousands of bamovsky... they have forgiveness so far no one has asked, i would like to personally meet with the author of this phrase in order to tell him, moreover, it was not even the team that was insulted, humiliated to the fullest, and to say, but to be brought to bamov’s rails and poke his nose into this road that leads nowhere,
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so that he... today there is a stop for the hero of social labor ivan varshavsky.


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