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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 21, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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the power formula continues its story about largest and most authoritative international organizations. shanghai organization. sco cooperation is one of them; it is an authoritative and significant organization in the eurasian space. it is important to say here that one often hears the term “realpolitik”, this is when we are talking about pragmatism, practicality in politics, at the same time , there is still a place for spirit in politics, there is such a concept, the shanghai spirit, it is directly related here. sco shanghai spirit creates an atmosphere
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of community, co-creation, shanghai organization of cooperation there are no winners and losers. there is no pressure or coercion, everyone here is aimed at a joint result. the sco secretariat is the main executive, operating body of the organization, which turned 20 this year. the sco headquarters is located in beijing and today we are visiting sco secretary general zhang ming. such. a wonderful concept like the shanghai spirit, this is what the shanghai spirit means to you personally and how this, let’s say, shanghai spirit can help the world community in our difficult world, the concept of shanghai spirit was first introduced
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by the heads of six states following a meeting in shanghai in 2001. surprisingly, this phrase has been strengthened since then. shanghai cooperation organization terminology and its influence continue to grow. the principle of shanghai spirit, based on mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, consultation, respect for different civilizations and the pursuit of common development, has been the moral and ideological core of the organization for more than 20 years. it is the principle of the shanghai spirit that creates favorable environment. for the calm coexistence of a mutually beneficial partnership of countries with very different political and cultural traditions, economic and social levels. the sco has nine member states. india, iran, kazakhstan, china,
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kyrgyzstan, pakistan, russia, tajikistan, uzbekistan. three observer states: afghanistan, belarus, mongolia, 14 partners. dialogue: azerbaijan, armenia, bahrain, egypt, cambodia, qatar, kuwait, maldives , myanmar, nepal, uae, saudi arabia, turkey, sri lanka. initially, the sco included only six member states. in 2017, the republic of india and the islamic republic of pakistan joined the organization for the first time. the second expansion occurred in 2023 with the accession of the islamic republic of iran. at the summit in astana this year, the full admission of the republic of belarus into the ranks
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of member states of the shanghai cooperation organization is expected. according to world bank data for 2022, the share of member states. the sco accounts for 42% of the planet's population and 25% of sosha. their combined gdp is 24.5 trillion us dollars, 24% of the world economy. if we take into account the indicators of observer states and dialogue partners, the sco accounts for about 47% of the population, 31% of the world's territory and 28% of the total global economy. i am now with you in this beautiful building of the sco headquarters, i know that you have a multinational team, this is how your work is structured, as the secretary general with your secretariat, with the sco team. the office publication of
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the sco secretariat was provided to us free of charge by the chinese government, and we are very grateful to the chinese side for its contribution to construction and development. sco on january 15, 2004 , the sco secretariat opened its doors in beijing, designed to ensure the effective functioning of the organization, coordinate cooperation between its state and members, other countries and international organizations, and promote external contacts of the association. sco secretary general janmin kindly invited us, as if on a kind of tour through the corridors.
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here's a mosaic. yes, this is moscow. decoration from countries, member of autos. yes, yes, i understand. big important organization. the shanghai spirit is very important. yes. and this is the beijing hall. can we go inside? certainly. everything is open. open organization. open, especially to the media. in each hall i see many tables for a good dinner, a chinese dinner, a russian dinner,
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sometimes we organize receptions with dinner, yes, i understand, it turns out to be a competition to see who is better organized already, this is the astana hall, this is a meeting hall, a very serious hall, headquarters building. the sco is decorated with beautiful paintings that reflect the diversity of cultures and customs of the countries, participants and partners organizations. there is both nature and city landscapes. by the way, i found among these paintings my hometown, the city of my childhood, baku. and this is no coincidence. azerbaijan is one of the sco dialogue partner countries. and this is my hometown, baku. oh, this is baku. exactly, exactly. are you from baku? yes, i spent part of my life there. this is my house. is it true? that's very
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beautiful. have you been to baku? yes yes. this is part of the old city. old city? and the house is here. the secretariat consists of six departments. administrative-legal, political, economic. humanitarian, information and analytical, as well as the department of international cooperation. a mechanism for inspection activities has also been created. the secretariat staff consists of both young employees and experienced diplomats with many years of work experience. the average age of officials is 45 years. 2/3 of employees have more than 10 years of diplomatic experience. six employees have the diplomatic rank of ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary or
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envoy extraordinary and plenipotentiary. structure of the shs. first. council of heads of state. the highest body of the sco determines priorities , develops the main directions of the organization’s activities, resolves issues of its internal structure, interaction with other states and internationally. organizations, summits of leaders of sco member countries are held once a year. second, the council of heads of government adopts the budget and considers issues related mainly to economic areas of interaction. third. the council of foreign ministers considers issues of current activities, prepares meetings of the council of heads of state, holds consultations on international problems. fourth: meeting of heads of line ministries and departments, member states.
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fifth. council of national coordinators, snk. sixth. expert working groups. decisions in the sco bodies are made on the basis of consensus. in the lobby of the sco headquarters there is a memorial plaque with names carved on it.
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organization of cooperation summit a year after the formation of shanghai st. petersburg in 2002 , the sco charter, the basic document of the sco, was signed. which sets out the fundamental operating principles organizations, both internally and externally. since then there have been... more than 25 legal documents that have formed a full-fledged international legal framework for the functioning of the sco. the charter of the shanghai cooperation organization defined the goals , principles, main activities and bodies of the organization. laid down
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by the founding fathers of our organization. members of our association. shas goals: strengthening mutual trust, friendship and good neighborliness between member states, jointly ensuring and maintaining peace, security and stability in the region. joint counteraction to terrorism, separatism and extremism in all their
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manifestations, the fight against illegal drug trafficking, weapons, and others. types of transnational criminal activity, as well as illegal migration. encouraging effective regional cooperation in political, trade, economic, defense, cultural, educational, energy, transport, credit, financial and other areas. promoting a comprehensive balanced economic, social, cultural development in the region. then two permanent bodies of the sco were formed: the secretariat in beijing and the regional anti-terrorist structure with headquarters in tashkent. on august 16 , 2007, at the summit in beshka, an agreement on
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long-term good neighborliness, friendship and cooperation of the member states of the shanghai organization was signed. when at the beginning of 2020 the world faced the terrible challenge of the covid-19 coronavirus epidemic in the absence of regular face-to-face contacts, the institution of permanent representatives at the sco secretariat in beijing. during the acute period of the pandemic, the sco countries provided each other with moral and political support, and there was an exchange of epidemiological and organizational ones.
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the sco has been an observer at the united nations general assembly since 2004. we interact with the un in various areas: from the fight against terrorism and drug trafficking through the un counter-terrorism office and unodc, to environmental protection and climate change through the program. he is on the environment, unep. we actively maintain contacts with fao and iskato, we hold joint events at a high level. along with the un, we support.
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voluntary membership, equal rights for participants, a consensus model of decision-making, these are what actually created a positive image of the organization and gave it an attractive force. the sco experience can be considered the first experience in the history of building an equal partnership of states of different weights, different sizes, with different economic political potential, cultural and civilizational characteristics. in the modern world, the principle of shanghai spirit embodies the main content of a new type of international relations, their development towards a more just, equal and
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rational international order. non-governmental mechanisms of the sco: the sco interbank association, a mechanism for financing and banking services for investment projects supported by state governments. shoos. the sco business council promotes cooperation between member states in the fields of trade and economics, finance, credit, science and technology, energy, transport, communications and agriculture. the sco forum consists of national research centers and is designed to provide intellectual support to the development of the sco, as well as the sco university, youth council, and consortium.
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the secretariat is very busy, our team is quite small, my colleagues and i work every day, every second counts, as cooperation within the sco expands, our volume of work increases. has increased significantly, despite the workload, we still must find time for rest and entertainment, because only when we we relax, we work, after work i walk around the city, such a short walk, city walk. i insist on walking every day, and my hobbies include swimming,
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cycling, reading, listening to music and watching movies. due to my age, i have to give up tennis, but life is always good when life is full. we can work well, when the work is done well, our free time will be richer. new countries are applying to participate in the work of the shanghai cooperation organization. the sco has stepped beyond the boundaries of regional unification. the principles of the shanghai spirit are gaining more and more supporters. the main one of these principles is to act in all areas. cooperation in the interests of everyone. the basic principles of the shanghai spirit during this period were firmly established and laid the foundation. for
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the construction of a new type of international relations and a community of a common destiny for humanity. the sco has become a more influential and authoritative organization. the international organization has its own official symbols. this is an emblem, a flag. there is also its own anthem, which sounds to everyone official.
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thank you very much for coming to beijing to the secretariat to interview me. i thank tas for your interest in the sco and for the great work you have done over the years to popularize and promote cooperation within the sco. i am also ready to maintain close contact with you and my friends from tas. thank you very much and thank you. so that our affairs only get better and better, thank you, thank you very much,
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, let's look. in the application or on the website. this is russia-24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today. the decision of congress to provide assistance to kiev will further undermine the united states, further ruin ukraine, and increase the number of ukrainians killed due to the fault of the kiev regime. this is how the kremlin
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commented on the vote in the chamber of


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