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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 21, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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the decision of congress to provide assistance to kiev will further enrich the united states. will further devastate
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ukraine will increase the number of dead ukrainians due to the fault of the kiev regime, this is how the kremlin commented on the vote in the house of representatives, where congressmen on saturday approved the allocation of the final package to ukraine, a financial package of $61 billion, and the official representative of the russian foreign ministry maria zakharova emphasized that military assistance the kiev regime is directly sponsoring terrorist activities. regarding another scandalous decision congress on the transfer.
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they voted on a package of confiscation of russian assets, followed by taiwan, then there was ukraine, after the voting on ukraine ended, there were shouts of jubilation in congress, republicans, half of them voted in favor, most of the democrats were holding flags in their hands, shouting the word ukraine, well this was preceded by a rather tough debate today, it is clear that ukraine was in... a minority, hakeem jeffries, is the leader of his party, his democratic democratic minority in congress.
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ukrainians taught us that when people believe in freedom and democracy, they are able to overcome even the strongest armies, but the pro-putin confrontation that stopped the adoption of this law until this moment has jeopardized all of ukraine's progress, so it is important for us to support the ukrainian people, this moment of choice, you can choose democracy or autocracy, freedom or tyranny, zelensky or putin, we can choose a democratic ally or a sworn enemy, that is, such a familiar division of the world into... those who are with the united between the states and those who are against them, in this sense , of course, there is no division of party here and there cannot be, republican hawks speak in absolutely the same vein, today they are all together one common party, the goal of which is to master the gigantic military budget, which was carried through congress by speaker mike johnson, who changed his principle from... the failure in afghanistan sent
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a dangerous message to our adversaries that america is weak, almost immediately after that russia began to move towards ukraine, and as soon as the fii chairman met putin at the olympics and cemented their diabolical alliance, the invasion followed. president xi has become more aggressive in the pacific region. mark my words, he's looking at what's happening in ukraine to decide whether to invade taiwan. well, this is how the notorious rules-based world is described in general terms, where everyone has a label that is attached by the americans themselves, but not everyone here is happy with this, i already said that about half of the republicans in congress have spoken out against, but probably the most prominent opponent in recent days has been the congresswoman from... with
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the help of some of her colleagues, an attempt to dismiss johnson, but this did not work out, because johnson is here and... biden and the white house and the democratic party , in general, the entire american deepstate and nevertheless, the last attempt, so to speak, to prevent the adoption of this bill, meaning about ukraine, there were amendments from marjoy taylor greene, she proposed to completely reset all this money, well , of course, no one would do this didn't go, but she gave a very powerful moral rebuke to all those who continue to make money in the usa from the war, so let's listen to what she said. and american taxpayers have already sent $113 billion to ukraine, most of this money has not been accounted for, this is maintaining the sick business model that the american government is pursuing, it requires congress to continue to vote on the allocation of money, to continue to fund
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wars abroad, despite the fact that americans do not support this business model built on the blood, murders and warriors of other countries, yet the government does nothing to ensure the security of our own borders. that is. to use taylar green’s metaphors, since we are talking about business, no one will wait for the money, immediately after the vote in the house of representatives the bill will go to the senate, then for biden’s signature, well, the pentagon has already made it clear that they were preparing in advance for a positive outcome , the us department of defense, as they say, has already formed, the washington post writes about this today, has formed the first package of military aid to ukraine, it could include 150. five-millimeter shells for howitzers, shells for medium -range artillery and the necessary ammunition for air defense systems, and if biden does not delay, the senate does not delay, and the chances here are minimal, then most likely
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according to american military officials, the first bill, using the money approved today, will go to ukraine, well, in the next couple of weeks. valentin. usa, where are you from, from the eleventh b? no hello, i'm from the eleventh b, now 2.124 years old, this is not fantasy, this is love. lisa and i don’t seem to understand, you don’t mind, do you? 100 years ago . at bigfest chicken premiere for 109 rubles. and other offers at a very competitive price. and it’s even more profitable with 50 cashback
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the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage and speed. meet new limited designs of sbercards and stickers, apply for them on the website or in the sberbank online application and enjoy them every day. it's just space. 500,000 conscripts who will be forcibly dragged away by the ukrainian armed forces - is it a lot or a little. the answer depends on the number of graves, but the kiev regime prefers not to show huge graves, but willingly fantasizes about new terrorist attacks on the crimean bridge , while at the same time continuing to complain about the regular arrivals at its military facilities. we'll tell you more about everything directly. now in the stop fake program on russia-24. so, the number one topic in ukraine remains the visits of russian missiles to shevchenko street in chernigov. according to. garbage dumps, a harmless hotel was destroyed there, as a result of which, as specified, dozens
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of people were killed and injured, but who are they and why did they attract the attention of russian intelligence? zelensky and company, of course, have prepared a standard manual about innocent ordinary people, victims of some kind of terrorist state. however, a random photo in a building window metal barracks-style bunk beds flashed by. isn't it typical furniture for a standard hotel? but seriously, the interior is very... the typical guess was soon confirmed by a video from the local police. it’s easy to see that a crippled guy in military uniform is being loaded into an emergency vehicle; many of his colleagues are scurrying around, some of them showing all the signs of newly received injuries. here's a broken head with a gauze compress, here's a dramatic photograph, which would probably be made the main symbol. so-called crime: if the wounded did not end up on a stretcher, he would be wearing army combat
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boots and wearing tactical trousers with knee pads. kiev once again, as often happens, it gets caught making its videos quickly and sufficiently, making content quickly, but this does not mean quality. it was extremely important for kiev to say that this is civil infrastructure, this kiev narrative collapses quite quickly if you look at the background and look closely at the details that are there are located. moreover... none other than igor masiychuk added fuel to the fire. it would seem that an ideological ukrnazi should play along with the propaganda, but instead he immediately exposed it by writing on his telegram channel about the soldiers stationed in the ill-fated hotel. and, of course, against such a background , professional liars had to urgently forget about the hotel, switching to another chernigov development. from the shevchenkovsky residential complex with a slightly crumpled facade to the neighboring outpatient clinic with broken windows. both episodes cover trash, or something like that. as if the mentioned publication was similarly covered by iskander, but we understand everything, the fact
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is that now is a very important political moment for the ukrainian side, since the issue of allocating aid, allocating or not allocating aid, all media resources, everything means , sympathetic media, politicians are now trumpeting that ukraine needs to be given, which means help as soon as possible, because it has not been given for six months. and in this regard, any event that is happening now is presented in this vein. actually, it's time the enemy must get used to the fact that any infrastructure used for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, including energy, automatically ceases to be civilian. svidomo continue to mourn the destroyed thermal power plants and central lines, complaining about the harmful consequences of blackouts for the civilian population. and they curse our armed forces for creating a critical one. situation, stubbornly denying the ironclad validity of such attacks. judge for yourself, the trypillya tes in kiev provided
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the luch design bureau with electricity to the mayak plant. the first of these enterprises produced anti-tank missile systems, anti-ship missiles neptune and rszzo alha. the second produced small arms like gapak sniper rifles and molot mortars. in addition, the dnieper hydroelectric power station also fed the ukrainian defense industry. the city of zaporozhye depended on its capacity without... intermittent operation of the migremont aircraft repair plant, where su-27 fighters and su-25 attack aircraft were serviced. and in neighboring dnepropetrovsk, ges supplied electricity to the yuzhnaya design bureau, known as... the driver of rocket complexes grom. finally, the complete destruction of the kharkov power system made it possible to disrupt the functioning of the armored industry, be it the morozov bureau or the malyshev plant. all energy is work for the front, work for military equipment, work for the army, work for the continuation of hostilities. and here
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, unfortunately, for civilians we must admit that all these are objects of the military-industrial complex, now... there are no peaceful objects in ukraine, we have several tasks: denazification, demilitarization, and the destruction of the ukrainian energy, this goes through the point of demilitarization, then to the resonance around the article of the tabloid, which allegedly found out the plans of the ukrainian junta for the coming summer, they say a new counter-offensive in the southern direction is inevitable, it will begin, imagine with the destruction of the crimean bridge, in principle , the narrative itself is on. ..
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with dozens of missiles, into the supports, or they will launch a horde of sea drones, or they will drop some kind of huge bomb, you can’t argue, the script is spectacular, average for some blockbuster, but there is a problem with realism, the conflict has reached a dead end for western countries, it looks very complicated, so the reader needs to be given a simple recipe, like in our fairy tale, a needle in an egg, and like death in the end, this is exactly the option of a counter... attack, when in general the arrow looks very beautiful, the only problem with this arrow is that it does not take into account the resistance of the russian side, as if theoretically, of course, they can break through, but this requires a huge amount of aircraft and a significant part of which will have to be lost. however, there is an alternative option, according to which the ukranazis could use long-range stormshadow missiles without entering
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the range of our air defense. they are said to be capable of smashing the underground into dust. a bunker, and it can handle a bridge without any problems, but is it worth believing? let's start with the fact that the sky over crimea is controlled by s-400 air defense systems, they simultaneously lead and intercept 10 targets, and are supported by s1 missile and artillery shells, which can easily fire at four at once, and in the case of stormshadow, the targets will also be slow, after all, these missiles fly at a speed of less than 1.00 km/h, the same s-400 can work on objects almost five times faster. in addition, the design of the bridge itself is english: it can, well, perhaps damage, but is unlikely to collapse, the cumulative warhead of the stormshadow is essentially a chisel, it only punches a hole in the concrete, the accompanying explosion will be too weak for spans designed for a magnitude nine earthquake, and especially for tubular piles up to one and a half meters thick, driven into the ground to a depth of almost a hundred meters, well, we all
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we see very well that the modern war in ukraine is a training ground where you can show off your own weapons... this is nothing more than an information operation, which is called information inoculation, this is an attempt to show the public, and our public is not the military after all experts, and about the characteristics that this system has, sometimes it even comes to outright nonsense, on the one hand , witnesses of the impending ukrainian victory believe that f-16 fighters will be a huge help in the so-called liberation of crimea, with the other themselves admit that the above-mentioned storm shadow missiles are incompatible with american aircraft, and other theses. to the point that characters with the regalia of military experts propose to take the state of emergency in baltimore, america as a model and ram the crimean bridge with an entire vessel, be it a remote-controlled barge or a small container ship. it sounds funny, but at the same time, the mental state of those who come up with this is even somehow alarming. to be honest, i don’t
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even want to compare the crimean bridge and the bridge that was with the americans, because that bridge was in... and the bridge developed along the crimean bridge is much more complicated and difficult, because this is a serious object that cannot be demolished so easily by some barge, but this is the first, second, well, how do they they generally imagine that some kind of barge could sail there, it will not be liquidated, this is the case when material from a claim to strategic analysis quickly slides into an outright clown, but the yellow-bladed media do not... they are happy to broadcast the sun's stuffing to their own audience, that's exactly how it is will definitely happen, you just need to wait a little longer, and there will be nothing left of the crimean bridge, at the latest, by mid-july. well, we time the time until the stated deadline, the more pleasant it will be to remind the propagandists of their lies. well , let’s also not
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forget about the announcements of the counteroffensive from those who promised to drink coffee in the yalka last summer. in general, it’s time to think about why outdated horror stories about the attack on crimea are being revived now. they, of course, cannot go on the attack and attack crimea, but they can do it in the information space, just in order to disrupt that same holiday season, they accidentally do this right at the end of spring, which means... summer, in order to scare people so that they are susceptible to this panic attack and refuse holidays in crimea. however, whatever the plans of zelensky and syrsky for the coming summer, they are not giving up on the idea of ​​​​collecting more cannon fodder. the verkhovna rada has finally adopted a scandalous law on mobilization, which reduces the conscription age to 25 years, and also cancels demobilization and significantly affects the rights of those whom the ukrainian government considers draft dodgers. according to the people's deputies, this is my opinion. may attract the notorious half a million people into the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, which has long been called the necessary minimum for a successful confrontation with russia, but not everyone agrees with the figure. for example, the gauleiter
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of the nikolaev region, kim, is sure that 500,000 is too little, while the foreign agent medusa hints that the scale of the potential conscription only seems huge and frightening, in fact they are quite benign, since if necessary, kiev could put significantly more recruits under arms. but let's figure it out, is it fair? such calculations. the regime itself claims that about 11 million male citizens are of conscription age, but over a million of them are already listening. another million abroad. 1.5 million are disabled, and 3 million are registered as ukrainians, well, rather out of habit, because they live in new russian regions. as a result , there are about 4.5 million arcs that are truly accessible to catchers. although it will not be possible to drive everyone into the trenches. big some are taxpayers who, at the very least, fill the independent budget. this means a real mobresource. today does not exceed a million people, there are also continuous problems with them, proof of this is the current demographic graph of ukraine. the optimal candidates for the army are men between 18 and 30 years old, a virtually
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endangered species, the majority of the adult male population falls into the 40+ category. in general, people in these two generations are physically fit for the army, well, at this age, yes 3 years 25, 26, 27, more than 130,000 people, of which, naturally, some have reservations, many of whom will not be caught, some are already abroad, uh, in reality these three generations will give well 50-60,000 people, in case of very active catching. the more magical the note on the bbc website is, they write that ukrainians, quote, prefer not to wait for a summons, but to take fate into their own hands. it turns out that there is no end to some volunteers, but young people.
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we arrived, well, we have to go, they took everything and someone else there is trying to pay off, to the village sent to hostilities, no one thinks about the quality of the contingent, because the central committee is faced with the task of carrying out statistics, but in bandera, virtually. in reality , almost everyone wants to perform military duties, and the numerous stories about draft dodgers are not much, the russian information and psychological operation, such narratives are now being dispersed by the main
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directorate of ukrainian intelligence, referring primarily to the resonant flash mob in tiktok, the lad garni is young, songs of course not cunning, but logical. meaning, hide from tetskashniks is really much healthier than catching russian shells in the trenches near avdeevka. there are already hundreds, if not thousands, of such publications on social networks, the trend is obvious, but the leadership of the guru labels it artificially orchestrated, insisting that the popularity is pretentious. greatly exaggerated, well, someone might even believe it if the budanovo department did not forget to coordinate the temnik with the border service; in just a week it managed, well , firstly, to report on the channel for the mass
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transfer of draft dodgers abroad from transcarpathia. and secondly, she failed to detain a particularly zealous fugitive on the border with hungary, but thirdly, she missed another swimmer who overcame the tisza river to hide in romania, and fourthly, she stretched out barbed wire from the understandable ones on the shore of the same tisza considerations, videos that even the ukrainians themselves shoot, they often shoot them abroad, of course, they show how they relax, how they escaped this call, these shots, the kiev regime in no way...
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but svetlana petrovna included scout. seconds counted. urgently dictate your card number so that the money can be transferred to a secure account. i called the bank and hung up. scammers pretend to be all kinds of people to get money out of you. hang up without talking.
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