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tv   NBC 10 News at 5pm  NBC  October 17, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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catch. nbc 10's renee chenault-fattah is monitoring developments from the digital operations center right now. what's the latest? >> keith and jacqueline, nbc 10 just learned that the hospital at the university of pennsylvania has agreed to care for any u.s. medical worker who contracts the virus, who might contract the virus in africa. just yesterday we learned that c.h.o.p. would take children who may become ineffected by ebola. no surprise when you consider our region is such a medical hub. back to those three plane passengers. governor corbett said if they decide to come back to pennsylvania, they will be monitored closely. right now they're in texas being self-monitored for the ebola virus. they were on the same frontier airlines plane as an infected dallas nurse. those three pennsylvaniaens have not shown any symptoms and their names and hometowns have not been released. we do know they are from northwestern pennsylvania. the three are not allowed to travel on a commercial flight until 21 days after the initial
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contact. >> one of the reasons to have this press conference is to say you need to have more than just a presence in the same airplane. you need to have some type of transference, touching and bodily fluids. we're trying to calm everybody down. >> philadelphia, city leaders also ask for calm today over any ebola threat. mayor michael nutter says this is a big collaboration between a number of different agencies. now, there are meetings and 9mq9q1e talk to about preparations. he says the city is used to handling health scares. >> we have experienced dealing with other infectious disease outbreaks such as sars and h1n1. from running practice exercises and updating emergency response plans to providing protective equipment and training to our first responders, the city is, in fact, taking all the necessary steps to train for any
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infectious disease emergency. >> the mayor is also reminding people not to target anyone from west africa or their family members just because of where they are from. now in pittsburgh, upmc, presbyterian hospital and allegheny general hospital have been chosen to handle potential ebola patients. senator bob casey as well as doctors and staff talked about the challenge posed by ebola. >> when it comes to a threat that the country is dealing with right now, we want to make sure that we can learn and i say this as a united states senator, to learn everything we can about hospitals be like upmc are preparing. >> first responders in the pittsburgh area are also being trained to screen patients. reporting live from the digital operations center, i'm renee chenault-fattah. back to you. >> local hospitals prepared, government officials easing fears. thank you, renee.
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tonight, the two nurses who contracted ebola while working at a dallas hospital are being cared for on the east coast. nina pham is said to be very tired but doing well at the national institutes of health in bethesda, maryland. doctors say she's in fair condition after arriving there last night. the second nurse to contract ebola, amber vinson is being treated at emory university hospital in atlanta. health officials have not released an update on her condition tonight. since news broke on the death of the first ebola victim, thomas eric duncan, the hospital that cared for them have been cast into the spotlight. >> it's been taking a big toll on hospital employees there. >> reporter: that's right. some hospital employees support the hospital, other employees criticize the hospital. now texas presbyterian hospital is firing back against criticism that it mishandled the ebola crisis since the beginning.
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but at the same time, hospital executives are now admitting fault. >> we made mistakes. we did not correctly diagnose his symptoms as those of ebola and we are deeply sorry. >> reporter: a hospital executive says no one knows how the two nurses who treated the first ebola patient caught ebola themselves. he apologized for sending the first patient home after he went to the emergency room. >> if you were to get sick knowing how close texas presbyterian is, would you go to that hospital? >> no, not right now. >> reporter: we talked to two women who used to go to this hospital but since the ebola outbreak they'll go elsewhere. >> if you ever got sick presby will be your hospital to go to. >> yes. had all my kids there. all my doctors were affiliated with it. >> if you needed to go to the doctor, would you go there now? >> no. i just don't think it's safe. >> we have a great team that makes sure we know the protocols. >> reporter: the hospital's new
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new york-based public relations team posted these two positive messages on youtube. >> i feel i work in a safe environment. >> reporter: this is not a concern just in dallas, this say concern for the whole country. >> this is an american problem. it needs american solution and american compassion. >> from the federal government? >> from the federal government and from all the people out there. we need not treatç these disea contacts, these health care workers as anything but the health care heroes that they are. >> reporter: there is a rally scheduled this afternoon here at the hospital. this rally is organized by nurses in support of texas presbyterian hospital. it's expected to start within the hour. we'll check out that location. it's on the other side of the hospital. we hope to bring that rally to you live as soon as it starts. reporting live in dallas, christine madella, nbc 10 news. our coverage of the nation's ebola concern continues. at 5:30, how a montgomery county drug company is working on a vaccine geared toward several
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different strains of ebola. at 5:45, ebola education, see how delaware school nurses are learning about the virus and how it's helping them protect students. is a great resource for ebola information that separates fact from fear. it's full of up to the minute news about ebola. now to a developing story from wall street. the dow jones gained 263 points after six straight days of losses. the s&p 500 also ended the week up. it rose 23 points. now your nbc 10 first alert weather. >> all right. nice tonight but a colder weekend in store. >> big changes on the way. nbc 10 first alert meteorologist sheena parveen is here now. what does tonight look like? we'll try to embrace the present. >> tonight looks good. it's not the whole weekend that will be cold, not the entire weekend. you will notice a day from saturday to sunday, big changes coming. in the meantime, though, it is pretty pleasant outside,
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especially if you have friday night plans. 72 degrees in philadelphia. through the lehigh valley, right around 70 degrees, still 69 in millville, atlantic city, pottstown upper 60s, trenton same thing, 70 degrees wildwood and dover. pretty uniform temperatures. we will, staying dry tonight but we'll have clouds around, too. by 6:00, this evening, 70 degrees. it will feel comfortable even by 8:00. mid-60s, partly cloudy skies. by 10:00 this evening, temperatures dropping into the low 60s. as we start off your weekend, it will still feel nice for your saturday. come sunday, much colder air will start to move in. coming up, i'll show you how cool it will be in our next stretch of rainy, chilly weather is on the way, too. that's coming up. >> a bucks county high school student is in jail tonight accused of pulling a knife on another student. and trying to rape her. pennridge high school student cody hendricks is being charged as an adult, which is why we are showing his face and revealing his name. police tell us he used this
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knife to chase the girl into a boys bathroom, help the weapon to her throat and tried to rip off her clothes. we are told a teacher was able to subdue hendricks after he, too, was threatened by the tenth grader. >> that could have happened to me. >> you want to be safe when you're at school. >> yes, pretty much. >> hendricks is charged with attempted rape and making terroristic threats. he's being held on $100,000 bail. new information on the fire outside this restaurant. it's been temporarily closed after this morning's dumpster fire. some of the smoke managed to make it inside the building and we're told it needs to close for cleaning. no one was hurt in the fire. the cause remains under investigation. do you know this man? gloucester township police say he robbed the target score on ber ling cross keys road.
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police believe the same suspect is responsible for similar thefts at other south jersey target stores. happening right now, danger i'ç paradise. we're monitoring the situation with this live camera here. wow. next, how conditions are quickly deteriorating in bermuda as a powerful hurricane churns closer. another chapter today in pennsylvania's ongoing e-mail scandal. the new allegations being leveled by one state supreme court justice and a fellow judge. and a softer side of a deadly disease? yes, there is an ebola plush toy. it comes with a serious message. this is ceo tom macarthur's world.
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in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message.
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this is nbc 10 news. today marks 25 years since a deadly earthquake shook northern california. the loma prieta quake was centered just south of san francisco and killed 63 people, injured more than 3700 others. and destroyed dozens of homes. world series viewers that year saw the quake knock out the live tv signal from candlestick park in san francisco. the fall classic between the giants and athletics was delayed for ten days. while repairs were made to the
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stadium. coincidentally, the giants are j @(t&háhp &hc& year. now to a developing story in the atlantic ocean, just listen to this live picture. as i mentioned, this is happening right now from the port of bermuda, category 3 hurricane gonzalo is churning towards the ilan. we're watching 115 mile per hour sustained winds. that's what you're hearing. the surf is really kicking up. it's hard to tell on this screen because of the conditions there. this is one of the strongest storms to ever threaten the island. people there are bracing, boarding up windows, stocking up on supplies as evidenced at this, at bermuda's only airport, extra flights were added to evacuate. in these conditions, i would presume no flights are taking off or landing at this point. 115 mile per hour sustained
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winds. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with meteorologist sheena parveen. >> and i will show you more on hurricane gonzalo in just a minute, too, as it continues to move into bermuda. here's a beautiful look up in the poconos. a lot of fall foliage here. the oranges, the reds, the yellows already happening in the poconos. it will stay nice the rest of the evening tonight, even as we go into tomorrow. we'll see sunshine with some cloud cover tomorrow. the cloud cover will be what we call a dry cold front moving through. we don't expect anything really in the way of rain with it. we'll be colder as we go into sunday once the secondary cold front swings by. of course we are watching hurricane gonzalo, a major hurricane nearing bermuda at the moment. more details on that in just a moment. here's a live look across the delaware river. the ben franklin bridge, nice conditions this evening. we will stay dry for tonight, too. if you have those friday night plans. temperatures staying around 70
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degrees. 72 in philadelphia. a little breezy out there, southwest wind at 15 miles an hour. lehigh valley, temperatures in about the upper 60s to low 70s. 6 in mt. pocono, 70 in mt. holly, millville, 70 degrees in mi -- we take a wider view, you see rain well up to our north. this is all part of a weather system with what we call a dry cold front. we're not going to see much in the way of rain. the colder air is getting ready to move in once this cold front swings through. much of the northeast is in the upper 60s to low 70s. look at the cold air that will try to move in as we go into sunday. we have 30s in parts of canada. it is slowly working its way down to the south. as some of you wake up monday morning you'll be dealing with
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temperatures in the 30s. now here is a live look at the hurricane we just showed you the live picture of bermuda. 115 mile-an-hour sustained winds with higher wind gusts that black dot is bermuda. the eye of the hurricane is getting close to bermuda, moving to the north/northeast at 16 miles an hour. it's expected to be a major hurricane at least as it hits bermuda. it's causing a lot of wind damage in some spots, possibly. also high surf. it will stay well away from the eastern seaboard as we go through the next several days. partly cloudy, staying cool 56 for the low in philadelphia. 49 degrees areas north and west. then tomorrow sunshine moving over to some cloud cover. will be a windy day. winds can be gusting as highs a30 miles an hour, 67 to 70 degrees. tomorrow is the great shredder event in the wells fargo parking lot.ç bring your documents to get them shredded for free. on sunday, in the morning we have the aids walk. that will be a chilly start to
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your day in the 40s. topping out only in the 50s. some areas will be in the 30s. look at the stretch of cool weather, also rainy and windy weather. we are watching the potential for a nor'easter by next week. the prosecutor in the oscar pistorius homicide trial wants the judge to sentence the double amputee olympic runner to ten years in prison. the south african track and field star was convicted last month of shooting his girlfriend. but was not found guilty of murder. pistorius's lawyer is asking for a three-year sentence of house arrest and community service. the judge adjourned the sentencing hearing after a week of arguments. it is in recess until tuesday. people in south africa are divided about the case. >> if he has to go to jail because he knew exactly who was behind that door. >> probably didn't do it on purpose or anything like that. only he knows the truth. we need to be sympathetic about this whole situation. >> pistorius's defense lawyer
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insist south african facilities cannot accommodate his disability or protect him from other inmates. >> general motors chief lawyer says he's stepping down. 66-year-old michael millican will retire early this year. milikin is actually going to step down next year. i should correct myself. over the summer, lawmakers dahled fdahl called for milikin to be fired. he said he did not learn of the problem until this year. at least 27 people died in crashes linked to the recall. general motors' ceo mary barra praised milikin as a man of integrity and loyalty. in washington, a group of wounded veterans take an oath to fight child predators and gain valuable skills for future employment. they're taking part in a program called hero corps, the human
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exploitation operative, h.e.r.o. they'll be trained in high-tech forensics and law enforcement. they'll work as interns with federal agents and will learn the skills to apply for full-time careers in the field. >> aim ready to go. i'm ready to start on monday, you know. i'm going to work. i can't wait to get at it. >> each class of hencroes can hp save the lives of thousands of children every year. two staffers inappropriately viewed t eed the mayor's health record. appropriate action has been taken against them. ford has been diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of cancer. he's suspended his re-election bid and is running for a council seat instead. this week's "meet the press" will focus on the ebola virus. >> there is concern about who's
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on charge on the national and local levels. host chuck todd joins us live from washington. there are real questions about preparedness and government accountability with ebola. whose direct responsibility will it be to ready the nation and calm fears? we know a czar was named. >> well, it was. it's still the president. what was interesting in the type of czar he named, mr. ron klain, is that the decision was made in the white house that their problem was behind the scenes and it was organizational. they've decided it was agencies, not talking to each other that was the problem, they don't believe they have a public communications issue, that they have a behind the scenes issue, because if they thought theyç d a public communications issue, i think you would have seen somebody perhaps with a medical background named offer somebody that is above politics that hadn't been a political operative in the past. instead they were looking for somebody who had organizational skills and that's certainly mr. klain. for instance, he's not going to
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be the public spokesperson on this. the administration already today told us if you're looking for somebody to comment publicly, talk to dr. anthony fauci of the national institutes of health. they still want the heads of the nih and the cdc to be the public health care faces on ebola while ron klain works things behind the scenes. >> there's less than three weeks before the midterm elections. how will ebola factor in with these races? >> well, we're seeing attempts, playly on the republican side of the aisle to lump the fear and anxiety of ebola with isis, with the border issue that we had, of course, a few months ago, involving the undoimted children from central america, lumping it into this, boy, are you feeling insecure in america? you know, do you need a more tough on national security type representative? similar, quite frankly, to the types of campaigns republicans
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ran in 2002, that first midterm election after 9/11. they were successful in that campaign, the country viewed the republican party as a party of, quote, security. whether that works this time is an unknown question. i can tell you democratic operatives, candidates, were very nervous that the white house was looking behind the eight ball. they were quietly behind the scenes pushing the white house, do something, name a czar, so it looks like the administration is reacting publicly in a more urgent manner. >> so many questions with ebola still top of mind. it will continue to be. >> that's for sure. >> chuck todd, moderator of "meet the press." we'll look forward to your full conversation this weekend. >> "meet the press" airs sunday morning right here at 10:30. and governor tom corbett is our guest on " @issue."
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that's sunday on nbc 10 @issue following "meet the press" at 11:30. speaking of the longest running tv series, an exhibit is honoring the late tim russert in his hometown of buffalo. he suffered a fatal heart attack in 2009 while recording voiceovers for his next show. russert was bureau chief for nbc news in washington. he began hosting "meet the press" back in 1991. it is a cup of coffee with a side of life skills. >> how this philadelphia coffee shop is doing more than brewing a cup of joe. it's preparing kids for future careers.
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a philadelphia coffee shop is spurring up more than your daily cup of joe. the monkey and the elephant cafe in kensington helps former foster children gain on the job training. they're hired as baristas with an hourly wage. founder lisa mccollis teaches them how to run a business and apply to college, many skills they don't have when they leave the foster system. >> going from the first day when
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i was trying to teach them how to make coffee, it's almost second nature. they know what they're doing, they know the drunks and they're able to take a lead in that. >> these young men are taught finance, computer list racy and customer service. >> a lot of valuable knowledge there. >> it is. >> people across the world have growing concerns over the ebola virus. >> a montgomery county company is working to calm those global fears. >> not just that, this hometown company could possibly be the first to come up with a vaccine to fight ebola. and get it on the market. we've got that story for you, straight ahead. >> and new fallout for pennsylvania's e-mail investigation. why this supreme court judge is pointing a finger of blame at a fellow justice. plus, coming up on nbc 10 news at 6:00, a little girl has inspired the nation with her cancer fight. and the love from her football playing father, how ellen degeneres is honoring philly's own devin still.
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with tom corbett, things keep getting worse. september 16th. budget deficits force pennsylvania to borrow $1.5 billion dollars just to keep the lights on. three days later, pennsylvania's unemployment rate goes up for the second straight month. under tom corbett, we've fallen from 9th to 47th in job creation. and on september 25th, pennsylvania's credit is downgraded for the fifth time in two years. why would we give tom corbett four more years? this is nbc 10 news. as west africa and the world grapple with an ebola outbreak, medical experts are hard at work at a cure for a deadly disease that's already killed thousands. that includes scientists from
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onovia farpharmaceuticals. >> deanna durante is live in plymouth meeting. complain h explain how this works were what they're developing is a vaccine, one they say they administered to animals last year. those who didn't have the vaccine died within days of being exposed to ebola. the president and ceo of the company tells me he hopes human tests will soon begin. >> we have to vaccinate all of the health care providers, the hospital doctors, nurses, janitors, flight attendants, policemen, the firemen, they need to be protected. they're the ones who will be protecting us. >> reporter: dr. joseph kim is hoping when it's time to begin vaccinations against ebola, the vaccines will be those developed by his plymouth meeting-based company. >> the first clinical studies will be in the u.s., in healthy volunteers. they will receive the vaccine which has zero chance of causing
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the disease. >> reporter: no chance of contaminating the public he says, because unlike his competitors, his vaccine developed in anovia's california lab, shown here in video provided bit company is a synthetra vaccine, manmade, base the off the dna of ebola and does not contain a live culture of the virus. already proven successful on animal testing last year, kim says he hopes to begin human testing soon. now that ebola is present in the united states, it is now time to act quickly to get a vaccine here approved. and dr. kim says that in times like these when a pandemic is present in the united states, the government acts quickly to try and get these vaccines to market. he also tells me that in other cases, the other vaccines, there are other companies that are developing them, a few steps ahead of this company. he says because his vaccine is synthetic, it can treat multiple or prevent multiple strains of the ebola virus.
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reporting live in plymouth meeting, deanna durante, nbc 10 news. health officials and health care workers are trying to prepare for a possible ebola outbreak. many school nurses are preparing, too, the brandywine school district has put out a facebook post telling parents its school nurses are studying up on ebola. the district's lead nurse now says her team knows what to look for in students and the questions to ask. >> we need a good health history when we see the students, looking at the health records of anyone who's newly registered in the district. making sure that we're aware of their travel history, their health history. >> the lead nurse says in delaware, she's far more concerned about the risks posed by the flu and enterovirus d68 but she's working on an ebola plan is time well spend. speaking of which, is a great resource for ebola information that separates fact
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from fear. it's full of up to the minute news about ebola. follow on twitter, too. find those stories using the hash tag ebola. now to breaking news from skyforce 10. police on the scene of a shooting in chester, delaware county. >> a female was shot in the chest in the 2900 block of west 11th street. she's being rushed to crozer-chester medical center. she's currently in critical condition. police are investigating. right now there are no arrests or motive at this time. new information about a pornographic e-mail scandal in harrisburg. a second pennsylvania supreme court justice is dealing with accusations and is pointing fingers at a colleague. the philadelphia "daily news" supports justice michael eken suggested that he received two e-mails. the court's chief justice said
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this week that mccafferty sent or received 234 e-mails with sexually explicit or pornographic content. late this afternoon, mccaffrey offered a statement saying i unequivocally deny the justice eken's allegations. what i did do was try to help him prepare him for for the same kind of media onslaught i have endured. judge eakin says he won't comment further until the investigation is over. first responders took part in a drill on railroad safety in philadelphia today. emergency crews practiced responding to a crude oil train derailment. the drill was held at the philadelphia fire academy in torresdale. the goal of the safety exercise was to educate first responders about possible hazards and best practices during a derailment. here's why. take a look at this.
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that kind of accident happened in center city lastç january. the aim of today's exercise was to be prepared for something like this. 42 people died, dozens of building were destroyed. u.s. troops could be headed overseas to help battle the ebola outbreak president obama signed an executive order. ahead within what nbc 10's military analyst says about the plan to deploy national guard forces to west africa. and it looks like the softer side of a deadly disease. this ebola plush toy has a serious purpose. but first, here's what's coming up tonight on nbc 10 news at 6:00. this atlantic county convenience store busted for running an illegal side business. and nbc 10 cameras were rolling when it all went down. new at 6:00, the full video and what police found inside. then, this texas hospital at the center of the ebola crisis,
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now their employees are speaking out. nbc 10's christine madella is in dallas with their message to the public. plus, a look at the company in our area, working on a vaccine to keep you safe from infection. women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message.
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president obama issued an executive order paving the way for the deployment of national guard and reserve forces to west africa. >> defense department officials said the executive order was needed to speed deployments and
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allow the president to send additional forces as needed. joining us to discuss a possible trip deployment is colonel rick kiernan. colonel kiernan's military resume includes 26 years of army experience. he's served our country in germany, vietnam, saudi arabia as well. he was also presented with two bronze stars. colonel, thank you for being here as always. first off, you're going back to the basics. what will these troops do in west africa? >> they've got a number of missions to do but i think the most important one, keith, is going to be over the next several months they're going to go to 17 sites and they're going to put in a center, if you will, and in each of those centers and sites there's going to be 100-bed hospital. we're all familiar with "m.a.s.h." mobile army surgical hospital. theyç will get the mobile site in at each one of those sites. it's quite an undertaking. >> how many troops are we
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talking about with this deployment, colonel kiernan? >> we have three components, the active force, the national guard and reserves. eventually we will have between 3,000 and 4,000 on the ground doing various skills. not all soldiers, not all service members are combat, if you will. they're folks that will run the airfields, be in supplies. they will be in construction. they will be doing all the things necessary to put these 17 centers together. >> and colonel with any deployment, family, friends, loved ones, they care about how long these troops might be out there. is there any time line established yet. >> they want the first center up by mid-october to late october. that work is already under way. at best guess we're looking at six months by the time we get it set, get it into operation and begin to assess the progress of what is being done in each one of these sites. >> responding quickly to what is
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much needed. colonel rick kiernan, thank you for your insight. >> my pleasure. meteorologist sheena parveen joins us now. nice night ahead. >> that's right. a nice night, a nice evening, even a nice start to your weekend. but parts of the weekend we'll see much colder temperatures moving in. i'll show you the numbers, coming up. ahead at 6:00, she survived being shot in the head. today, gabrielle giffords took a trip to our area. the message she brought to bucks county. q rrñ hospitals across o
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are getting ready just in case ebola appears. >> nbc 10 delaware bureau reporter tim furlong shows us what a wilmington hospital is doing right now to get prepared.
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>> this is st. francis hospital's emergency guy. he built this high-tech command center and wrote the book on ebola preparations for the hospital. other hospitals are using it now, too. >> ebola is a serious threat but if handled properly you can be completely safe. >> reporter: if a patient does get rushed to st. francis, they will be greeted by a team of doctors and nurses who look like this and they will go into a special area away from the other patients. >> i fell like if we have a team together and do a lot of practice, it would be a matter of minutes before our team could be ready to go. >> reporter: joe is most concerned with the ppes, he triple glove instead of double gloves and follows world health organizations for putting them on. he also follows the buddy system guidelines. >> i think they're a little bit better than the cdc's at this point. if i would say we're following something, it would be the w.h.o. guidelines.
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>> reporter: they are confident they are ready if an ebola patient shows up. >> ebola being one of the most dangerous severs in the world, we have to look at it that way and take the proper precautions. >> reporter: in wilmington, tim furlong, nbc 10 news. take a look at this. you can buy9ñsé an ebola plush . the website giantmicrobes sells it for 10 bucks. it's currently out of stock. it's also being marketed as a uniquely contagious, if you will, gag gift. the company sells toys representing everything from hiv to botulism. let's go back to the atlantic ocean. i want you to listen to what's happening there right now. a live picture from the port of bermuda as category 3 hurricane gonzalo churns toward the island. you can actually hear the 115 mile-per-hour sustained winds. the surf barely visible because
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of the wind and rain. really kicking up right now. this is one of the strongest storms to ever threaten that island. people are boarding up windows, stocking up on supplies. extra flights were added to evacuate people ahead of this category 3 hurricane. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with meteorologist sheena parveen. >> we'll talk more about hurricane gonzalo in just a minute. in the meantime, your friday evening is looking nice. here's a live look out across the delaware river. there's the ben franklin bridge. we have nice conditions, dry conditions and we'll even stay nice as we go into tomorrow. starting off the weekend, temperatures will still be staying on the mild side, kind of like today. as we go into sunday we have a secondary cold front move through and the colder temperatures will set in for the second half of your weekend. of course that major hurricane in the atlantic, i'll show you the track of that coming up in just a minute. temperatures through the lehigh valley are still like they were an hour ago.
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70 in allentown, 71 reading, 72 in philadelphia, also bensalem. some areas of new jersey are in the upper 60s. 70 in dover and wilmington. now, the average high this time of the year has dropped down to 66 degrees now. yesterday we hit 71. today we were still in the low 70s starting off the weekend tomorrow. we'll still be around 70 degrees. take a look at sunday. we will be dropping for the high temperature of 55 degrees. on monday we'll stay in the 50s for high temperaturer> monday morning we'll be waking up to temperatures in the 30s. later on next week, that will be coming with rain. off to our west lies another cold front. not much in the way of rain associated with this as it moves through tomorrow, we'll see passing clouds. wouldn't be surprised if there's a light shower the further north you go. colder air back behind it. that will set up to move in as we go in for sunday. this is a look at future air
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masses. as we go into saturday, the mild air is hanging around. then you see the cool air nudging in saturday night and the old air moving in by sunday morning, especially by monday morning. so for the second half of your weekend, we'll see much colder temperatures. here's a close-up look the hurricane gonzalo. it's a category 3. there's the eye and there's bermuda. the eye of this storm where the strongest winds are is approaching bermuda at the moment. their winds are increasing on the island. they're seeing a lot of storm surge, high risk of -- the higher storm surge and continuing with the heavy rain. it's moving to the northeast around 16 miles an hour. it should be moving at a good pace once it leaves bermuda, continuing offshore, staying in the atlantic. far away from us. it is certainly a very strong storm for the tiny island of bermuda. we'll keep watching it for you. partly cloudy, staying cool.
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upper 40s areas north and west. sunshine with increasing clouds as that second cold front tries to move by. winds gusting near 30 miles an hour. 67 to 70 for the high temperature. look what happens the second part of the weekend. 55 for the high on sun. it's going to be chilly for the aids walk sunday morning. for the shredder event on saturday in the wells fargo parking lot, that's when it will be fairly mild compared to sunday. next week we stay in the upper 50s, rain and wind move into the forecast. we could be look at a potential nor'easter. from our jersey shore bureau, it's been two years since superstorm sandy and one victim will soon be going home thanks to a one of a kind donation. nbc 10 was there as crews prepared to move this three-bedroom shore house several miles. it will be place d on an empty lot. red tape kept her from rebuilding. then an anonymous donor came to
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the rescue. he's building a larger home for his family and thought this place could be used by someone in need. >> incredible. they're incredible. there's no way in this world i could possibly say thank you enough. >> and the house is expected to be in place by 7:45 tomorrow morning. patterson hopes she'll be able to move in by christmas. we hope you're getting all your old personal documents gathered for tomorrow's great shredder event at the weldz fargo center. we've been providing this free community service to keep you safe from identity theft for ten years now. if tomorrow will be your first time, we do want to tell you how it all works. pack up your old documents and join us tomorrow starting at 9:00 in the morning. when you get to the front of the line, we have volunteers who will go to your car and load your documents into huge bins. that way you don't have to carry it yourself. then you can watch your documents get safely shredded into the shred-it trucks on a tv screen. after that's done we have all
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kinds of activities for you. plus, you can meet some of us from nbc 10. i'll be there at 11:00. hope to see you then. nbc 10 and telemundo 62 have teamed up with allstate for the great sh shredder event. in the lehigh valley, it is a major test tonight on çice. >> it's standing room only at the ppl center as phantom's hockey comes to its new home. what does this mean for all the new businesses popping up on hamilton street. plus, all new on nbc 10 news at 6:00, a developing story, a correctional officer found stabbed to death inside her home. the details we've learn coming up. in cases of rape,pposes aborin cases of incest,ions. and in cases where the mother's health is in danger.
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no woman should be forced to carry a pregnancy from a rape. mario scavello sponsored a bill to force women to have unnecessary and invasive ultrasounds. it's horrifying. women need to know that mario scavello wants to stand between them and their doctors in making decisions that aren't his to make.
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the nation's top principals will be honored tonight in washington. an educator from our area is among them. the group was chosen foretheir strong leadership and achievement. tonight they'll be recognized by the second of education at the 2014 national distinguished principal's award gala. tony spore anano is one of them. >> you don't expect to be rewarded for enjoying your job. to be here i feel very honored.
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>> the honorees have been in the nation's capital for two days, meeting and sharing ideas with each other. as stone crab season starts, get ready foodies. nbc 10 is there as theç region first stone crab claws arrived in center city. look at that. they are fresh from the florida keys. dozens were invited to a special tasting today. lucky people. you can sink your claws into these stone crabs beginning tonight through the middle of may. an exciting night for the lehigh valley. it's the home opener for the phantom's at the newly constructed ppl center. as randy gyllenhall reports, there's a lot riding on this team. >> reporter: at center ice inside allentown's new ppl center, a last-minute checklist, making sure the ice is deep and every single seat has a bright orange lehigh valley phantom's t-shirt. >> everything single seat in the
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building -- >> reporter: tonight is the first game here. they used to be based in upstate new york, now playing in their new lehigh valley valley home. >> you have to be part of the community that you hope will in turn support you. >> standing room only. >> reporter: at the box office tickets almost sold out. >> it tells you there are hockey fans here. >> we're anticipating standing room only every game. >> reporter: arena officials say they've worked out the parking and traffic kinks but admit the success of this hockey team is critical to the entire downtown economy. >> it does so much more for you than just the event that's going on. >> reporter: which means at places like this brand new bar which opened up across the street, a winning team and happy fans keep those drinks and dollars flowing. >> the crowd that comes in after the hockey match is always jacked up, they're always ready to go and they want to have a couple of cocktails. that's always good for business.
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>> reporter: the puck will drop here in just more than an hour. if you cannot get tickets, the next home game here in allentown is next friday. at the ppl center, randy gyllenhall, nbc 10 news. coming up next on nbc 10 news at 6:00, several big developments about ebola. we've just learned a second local hospital could be a designated place for ebola vicks. details are coming up. i'm tracking much colder temperatures for part of your weekend. also a stretch of rainy weather coming, too, that's next. plus, a story you'll see only on 10. a local grocery store busted. what police found inside. here's a hint. it wasn't produce. details coming up on nbc 10 news at 6:00.
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with tom corbett, things keep getting worse. september 16th. budget deficits force pennsylvania to borrow $1.5 billion dollars just to keep the lights on. three days later, pennsylvania's unemployment rate goes up for the second straight month. under tom corbett, we've fallen from 9th to 47th in job creation.
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and on september 25th, pennsylvania's credit is downgraded for the fifth time in two years. why would we give tom corbett four more years? nbc 10 news starts now. right now at 6:00, philadelphia says it's ready. the hospital at the university of pennsylvania says it has agreed to treat any medical workers who catch ebola in africa. this as ebola concerns strike three people from northwestern pennsylvania. they were on the same flight as a nurse who became infected with ebola. and although their risk is low, pennsylvania officials are closely watching them. good evening, i'm renee chenault-fattah. at any moment we are expecting nurses to rally near the hospital where two nurses were infected with ebola while caring for a patient who died there. president obama has appointed an ebola czar to deal with the
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nation's response. it's ran klaion klain. his official title is ebola response coordinator. meanwhile, the world health organization admits it made serious mistakes while trying to contain the ebola outbreak in west africa. tonight we have live team coverage of the ebola concerns with reports from philly to dallas. we begin with nbc 10's lu ann cahn who's live at hup. what can you tell us? >> this afternoon, the hospital at the university of pennsylvania said in addition to doing what every hospital in the area is doing to prepare for potential ebola patients, they will be doing something more. the hospital is now among those that have agreed to care for u.s. medical workers that may contract ebola while in africa. they will friday this service if needed. the hospital says it has the support of the city, state and federal agencies. the hospital in a written release stated we're confident that we have all the resources