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tv   Action News  ABC  August 28, 2014 11:00pm-11:36pm EDT

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>> big rigs, big mess. an accident isn't a tractor-trailer barreling into somebody's home and pupching a hole through the brick wall. thursday night monica malpass the big story on "action news" is accident of semi-smashing into a house and it happened 7:00 levick and barns worth street in mayfair section of
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philadelphia and that is where "action news" reporter annie mccormick is joining us live with the latest. any. >> reporter: and monica that big rig has now been moved down the street and look at the method it left behind and there's a lot of work to be done for the family and this is not clear the details of the accident and what we know is that an suv did clyde with the tractor-trailer pushing it into that home. chopper6hd over the scene where a tractor-trailer barreled into the side of a row home after colliding with suv levick and barns worth. crumbles brikd had the cap of the semi-and it shows untouched furniture in the family room including statue of a bud a. someone was looking out for the family tonight because no ones with home at the time. fire crews embraced this woman who neighbors identified as the home own owner as she collapsed after arriving on the scene. the track toyr trailer and sxingt uv collided at the intersection just after 7:00.
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>> she called me and told me the track toil trailer had hit him and then ran into the house. and i came running over. they took him to the hospital. it looks awful. >> mother of the driver of suv rushed to the scene before learning ambulance already took her son away. >> right now fire department is in the process of sduring the building to prevent any further collapse when they removed the truck from the building. >> initially firefighters worked quickly to evacuate nearby neighbor and turn offer ruptured gas line. l & i needs to assess the condition of the house. >> we're trying to secure the dwelling to remove the tractor-trailer and open up the street and then l & i has to do a study of the dwelling condition gene from there. >> taken was secure enough family members could go inside to get belongings and that trok tar troyler we're told was 25%
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full of paper and we're told this stretch of road tractor-trailers are not supposed to be traveling we're waiting to find out details from police as to who we're told they were both brought to the hospital in stable condition. for now live in mayfair, annie mccormick, "channel 6 action news," monica. >> thank you, annie. the stench was unbearable cleanup crews wore masks to start removing piles of trash from the north philadelphia home. they say it was piled from floor to ceiling in the house here in the 2600 block of north 12th street it was so bad a backhoe was needed to pull the garbage through the windows. neighbors watched with shirts pulled up to cover noses and they have been complying for years. today the department of licenses and inspections responded to this hoarder house and the opener was taken to the hospital for a mental hem ooe evaluation. >> begun nair in a north east philadelphia supermarket a man about to make a major cash department at the bank inside
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was robbed at gun point and shot. "action news" reporter dann cuellar has been on this one since it broke 6 p.m. live at the pathmark way and large streets high sglan how are you doing, monica, police say the northeast philadelphia businessman parked in the parking lot outside the pathmark. he was getting ready to go inside to citizen bank brand to much make a large deposit when ambushed. the victims gun on the grouptd and glass in the park the lot paint a dramatic picture of violence after 6:00 this evening. >> someone ran out to the vehicle and stuck a gun and tried robbing him. >> a northeast philadelphia businessman pulled into the parking lot getting ready to deposit 70,000 at the citizens bank branch inside the pathmark. that's when things suddenly wentz south. >> these two perpetrators both wearing masks then approach the victim's vehicle and we believe they broke out both of the
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windows. >> during the holdup the 37-year-old victim was shot. >> shots were fired it appeared he was hit in the shoulder. i seen the guy getting out of the car a lot of blood all over his klonling. witnesses say after gun shots rang out customers scattered. >> running into the store yes for safety. >> the bandits fled in this white dodge caravan with bag containing 70 grand surveillance shows victim was absolutely targeted. >> it appears the suspect vehicle was waiting in this parking lot for at least one hour prior to this robbery and shooting. >> authorities say the bandits were later seen trying to change the license tag on get away dodge caravan. meanwhile customers were startled by the dramatic crime scene in the parking sglot couple for a couple bags you see cop cars everywhere what's going on? >> we're lucky there was one person injured. it's a tragedy. an individual was shot and robbed. >> now the businessman is at
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aria torresdale area in stable condition and police are hoping someone may have spotted the white dodge caravan to see where it ended up or have other information relevant to this case. if you do you're asked to call 911. live in northeast philadelphia dann cuellar "channel 6 action news" monica. >> thank you, dap. surveillance captured yesterday's armed robbery of fish down food distribution center these posed as police and barged into trading corporation in delaware 2 a.m. even threatening employees at gun point and made off it $90,000 in cash and the crooks ripped surveillance before pleaing and didn't get all of it and police hope this video cam will help identify them. >> police are looking for a drug ring leader nonts stabbings of three mentor toured and thrown into the schuylkill. officers confiscated buckets of
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proofing cement today used to weigh down bodies of two victims stabbed and dumped in river and a third man not weighted down survived. two men gambled money and a friend brought money to save them however it was less than half the amount. searchers have found body of that student from ocean county new jersey that went missing in jerusalem. aaron of lakewood disappeared last week while hiking with a friend his body discovered in a shol owe ditch near the roadway. there were fears his disappearance might be related to tension in the region. folks back home in lakewood say that does not appear to be the case. >> we tend to believe that this was accidental and not in any way related to foul play. >> at least they know it was not where he was taken away and hurt terribly. >> orthodox jews are opposed to autopsy so an exact cause of death will be hard to determine.
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so he will be burried in israel. a half million more low-income pennsylvanians will be eligible for federally funded health insurance. today's announcement sets long running dispute between governor tom corbett and government. they will accept medicaid skangs part of landmark healthcare law. private insurers can administer that coverage by following medicade rules. governor wants sum changes incentives to reduce premiums and ability to deny coverage if copays are not paid on time. corbett has been under pressure since money available on new year's day toy accept expansion funds and enroll arement for new plan called healthy pennsylvania is expected top december 1 with coverage kicking in january 1. governor corbett will have to make significant inroads on voters to get connected according to the latest poll.
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the franklin and marshall college poll says 49% of registered voters favor tom wolff. corbett is backed by 24% and 25% remain undecided. results have really not changed much since june. >> drivers should prepare for significant detours around the made in america music festival starting with tomorrow morning's rush. crews were busy at work tonight setting up sames, lighting and speaker systems for two day concert on ben franklin parkway. this is third year for labor day weekend revent. many nearby neighbors are used to inconvenience though some tell us it's a hassling. as for what is new this year. >> if you bring a container in the container will have to be empty. i understand there's new thing called camel back and so we have decided we will allow you to have camel back come in but they have to be empty. if they're not empty they will
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not get in. >> upper lane to the parkway will be close todd traffic for the morning rush and full extent of road closures goes into effect 10 a.m. on our web site we have more to help you navigate detours and parking restrictions and for those folks going to concert there's a slide show of performance and list of set times for both day lineups. >> "action news" morning team will help you through the early morning commute 4 a.m. to 7 with traffic updates every 6 minutes to explain backups and closures. and still to come on "action news" president obama doesn't have a strategy to deal with isis militants yet and international outrage as russian troops and tanks crossed border. don't let ingredients fool you. a hidden ingredient in your foot. >> ducis rogers live from the linc after the jets game.
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>> final preseason game turns into battle of the kickers. we will hear from both alex henery and cody parkey later in sports, adam. >> temperatures dropped low normal upper 70s. low 0s. steam badge is coming back for the holiday. >> it was inevitable. the holiday. >> it was inevitable. "action news" continues tonight hey pal? you ready? can you pick me up at 6:30? ah... (boy) i'm here! i'm here! (cop) too late. i was gone for five minutes! ugh! move it. you're killing me. you know what, dad? i'm good. (dad) it may be quite a while before he's ready, but our subaru legacy will be waiting for him. (vo) the longest-lasting midsize sedan in its class. introducing the all-new subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru.
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>> crisis in ukraine is escalating to new heights as ukraine accused russia of invasion. tavrns and vehicles rolled into the country today a new property ft. conflict while missiles and shells were fired at a border post. on top of that nato says at
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least 1,000 russian troops crossed border and showed satellite photos of evidence of russian artillery. emergency session of un security council american and european ambassadors expressed outrage. president obama says russia is responsible for violence and would incur "more consequences consequences" but ruled out american military involvement. as for militant group isis president obama said he has no strategy yet for the steps u.s. will take. he did acknowledge terror group known as isil is growing well-funded organization that is constant nraet iraq and syria. >> isil has come to represent the very worst elms in the region rooting out a cancer like isil will not be quick or easy i'm confident we will quickly working with our partners.
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>> bombings destroyed a humvee, tank, four armed vehicles near musil dam and he has only authorized surveillance no air strikes. >> a scare for comedian joan rivers after suffering cardiac arrest. the 81-year-old was having a procedure done on her throat when she stopped breathing she's said to be in stable condition tonight. she's thanking everyone for out pouring of love and support. >> nfl issued strict new policy today regarding domestic violence. players face a 6 week suspension for first domestic violence offense and could be banished from the league for a second offense. tailgateers at tonight's eagles game approved the policy. >> people look up to them and children look up to them. they often set to right example.
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>> tougher penalties come in the wake of goodell acknowledge head did not get it right in the case. >> u.s. health officials are taking the next step in the fight against ebola. it will be tested on humans starting next week. the trial will involve 20 healthy volunteers. preliminary they'rey results on safety not effectiveness could be available in months. mean time a travel report was issued and restrictions will number place until february 27 of 2015. health check at 11 are food companies tricking you with labels. researchers say unhealthy ingredient may be hiding in your food.
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many folks know transfats are not good for your heart. food manufacturers are changing recipes advertising zero grams of fat and cdc researchers analyzed content and said 84% of product labeled transfat free actually contain them because fda has loophole allowing half a graham perceiving before transfat has been to be list todd find that hidden transfat read ingreedest list and look for partially hydrogenated oil. >> ice bucket on his head literally instead of water getting dumped on them they dove into a swimming fool with ice cubes. they each donated to the als foundation. it was called a too cool event.
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the general manager's father died of the disease. they are are still shivering sglont we say morning team was going on 4:30 that was correct our graphic said 4. don't want to make the morning team nervous you're not due in shortly. >> get an extra half our. >> that is big. >> i remember. >> and you know when you step out tomorrow morning it will be chilly for august standards as we look at double scan live quiet out. there lot of stars upstairs. murky is dropping especially in the suburbs. in fact right now we're at 62 allentown and 64 trenton and 63 in lancaster and poconos 52 degrees now dipping back into the 40s by tomorrow morning. 62 millville and warm spot along the shore because of the ocean of 76 bumping those numbers up a little from sea isle city to long beach island. high pressure in control now and supplying clear sky tonight and
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what will be another perfect day tomorrow with high pressure just to the north. squashing the clouds. lots of sunshine. low humidity. light breeze and temperature of just 830 degrees. but that same high will slip to the east and it's it pushes east we're on western side of high return flow from southwesterly direction that will pump in heat and humidity and worm front. we're back up to 82. by the afternoon you'll notice increase in humidity compared to today and tomorrow. 75 ocean temperature if you head to the shore for the holiday weekend. you got a jumpstart tomorrow. sunny, pleasant, 76, 78 saturday mixture of sun and clouds and more humid sunday with sunshine and hazy clouds at 82. poconos looking good as well. tomorrow refreshing air. 72 degrees for high temperature. if you head up there to do a little scam cameling especially tomorrow night on the chilly side and saturday starts to
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bring the humidity up a bit of 75 and afternoon thunderstorm is likely on sunday of 80. early tomorrow morning for that commute 6 degrees in philadelphia. 6:00, 50s most suburbs. mostly sunny and 8:00 in the morning our temperature coming in at 64. the exclusive accuweather 7-day forecast august beauty tomorrow of 80 and couple degrees warmer and humidity comes up here saturday afternoon and then it's down right uncomfortable surprised, hot, oppressively muggy, 90 and in the afternoon sunday by 5:00 we'll watch for downpours and thunderstorms coming in from the west on sunday and they will be hon and off here monday that extreme humidity and heat at 89 degrees and it's not a washout on labor day but there will be a few popping up at times. same tuesday steamy popups of 9. stays hot with still a chance of afternoon summerlike thunderstorms at 0 and well
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above normal thursday 88. we had two heat waves this entire summer season. >> not bad. >> and we could have another first week of september go figure. >> all right. thank you so much. well it was perfect night to head out to popup beer garden and food festival franklin square hosted finale of summer long sing or thursday's series tonight's food truck festival drou aa group to focus meals on wheels. >> and brand new supplies like a fresh backpack. handed out today achievebility community office 60 and arch and program helps parents pursued occasionsal goals. jimmy kimmel is live after "action news" and here's jim question with a preview of the show. >> thanks monday kaxt hello philadelphia. here's what is waiting for you after the news. this is now a run dmc emmy.
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if you one win next year we'll get you beatlees.
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to prove a point about internet speeds, we slowed down an up escalator this is crazy
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like i don't get it, this one is working ladies, shouldn't up be as fast as down? yeah. shouldn't internet speeds match as well? yes. do your socks match? my socks match. do your eyeballs match? yes. cable does not match the speeds. makes you want to go mad. erggggh. only verizon fios comes with speed match. upload speeds as fast as your download speeds. join now at verizon. >> six flags great adventure has riders for a loop literally the rendered of the next roller coaster called looping dragon 7 stories tall 24 people at a time rock around forward and back pendulum until suspended upside down and do it in reverse the
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ride is expect todd open in spring. jeff is here with sports. big eagles preseason finish up and backups are fightsing for jobs. >> alex henery has to be kicking himself. missed from 31 and 47 this preseason. while competition cody parkey shows off some major power with job on the line tonight in the finale of the preseason. before the game with jets michael vick saying hello to former team make nick foles, foles and starters not playing and vick about to join them after one snap to start the game. vick hands it offer and eagles fans give him a hand. vick out after one play. matt barkley starting finale looks good runs for touchdown and throws for one too. how about this. benn 34 yard score and linc leap. kicking job gets interesting cody parkey 54 yard field goal
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got. it wow, now remember henry missed from 47 and 31 this preseason and helpry was supposed to come in for attempt here in the third and they give it back to parkey. this time from 53. good as well. ut, oh henery could be in trouble. eagles not in trouble tonight they win 37-7. live to ducis rogers tough decisions to make for chip kelly with roster cuts coming henery career long 51 ducis parkey hit two longer than that tonight. >> jeff after the game chip kelly was not nameing a starter kirk but after what we saw from parkey tonight you have to believe this is parkey's job. >> i did good tonight there is room for improve. couple kickoffs i would love to have back i'm known for putting them in the end zone and i need to do that for this team. whatever happens happens i did a pretty good job today and we'll see what happens. >> it's out of my control it's whatever happens, happens
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everything happens for a reason. so, it's how you have to approach it . >> back to michael vick he spent five seasons here after the game he shared a moment with nick foles the man that took his job and coach kelly vick also shared a moment with jamie apody. >> what did it feel like being back, mike. >> it was great being back warm reception i love the fans here. >> and by the reaction there the fans still love michael vick. season opener in ten days here against jacksonville. live at the linc "channel 6 action news" jeff to you. >> ducis they have to get the rotor down to 5 3 by does. still to come in sports why phillies
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have you seen tom corbett's negative ad with this actress. it's just not true. and more of the same from corbett. tom wolf's company is headquartered and files taxes right here in pennsylvania. and it's tom wolf who'll be the governor we need. he'll make the gas companies pay up to fund our schools. build a 21st century infrastructure. and restore manufacturing for the jobs we need today. take a look at his plan for yourself. tom wolf. a fresh start for pennsylvania. >> phillies president david
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montgomery is tag a leave of abscess as he continues to recover from cancer and jaw surgery. montgomery had surgery back in may after he was diagnosed with cancer m the team says the 68-year-old will be back on the job as soon as he fully recovers. >> temple football open up the season tonight against vanderbilt open the road. hopefully this season goes done a different road. owls 2-10 last year. game delayed 90 minutes tonight look that because of lightning and rain. nobody want to go out there. temple is finally ready. end of first on fourth down. p j. walkerer brandon shipman 35 yards for touchdown. right now temple has early 7-0 lead to start 2nd quarter this could be a start for temple owl. >> thank you, jeff. a montgomery county high school
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band showcased their talent on the big stage ♪ marching through north penn high and lansdale perform half time show at tonight's eagles game how about that. 112 band members took over and gave fans a sneak peek of 014 competitive show titled these kingdoms united. "jimmy kimmel live" is next on channel 6. "action news" continues at 4:30 a.m. with tamala edwards, matt o'donnell, meteorologist david murphy and karen rogers with traffic. now for adam joseph, jeff skversky, for jim gardner, cecily tynan and ducis rogers and the entire "action news" team, i'm monica malpass, have a and the entire "action news" team, i'm monica malpass, have a great
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from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! [ cheers and applause ] tonight, aaron paul. and music from ed sheeran. with cleto and the cletones and and now, stay focused. here's jimmy kimmel. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hey, everyone. thank you. thanks for watching. [ cheers and applause ]