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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  October 31, 2014 7:00am-9:01am EDT

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ds to go. blinds for life. good morning, america. breaking overnight, the most wanted person in america finally captured. the 48-day manhunt over for cop killer eric frein. found clean shachb with a bloody nose. >> they ordered him to surrender, get down on his knees and raise his hands. >> police cuffing him with the handcuffs of the officer he murdered. that cold blast sending temperatures down for frooigt fright night. snow on the way for the eastern half of the country. ginger is tracking it all. and take a look at this, his chute tangled on a radio tour. clinging to her harness for hours. the rescue overnight. >> and it's ghoul morning
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america. you have seen us dressed up, on a wrecking ball, and squoorj into space. but nothing will prepare you for this halloween. and what is strahan up to? frightening people. getting his scare on. it's our ultimate halloween scare-tacular live on "gma" this morning. from abc news live in times scare, this is ghoul morning america. happy halloween. happy halloween, it is our biggest ever. you are dressed for it, robin. we have a whole lot of surprises coming up. a huge crowd outside, and a lot of scares ahead. and wait until you see how we have transformed times sca square. we turned it into sometimes scare this morning. our crew worked overtime.
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we have an amazing crew. that's right here in times square. that's right. >> and the corn -- >> and this is our audience members. we didn't ask -- they came like this. really. yeah. we also have some very special guest stars. so many big reveals and you'll never guess. so you have to stay tuned. >> all that fun coming up. a lot of news to get to as well. beginning with the capture of eric frein. dramatic scene overnight, ending a massive manhunt that terrorized a community. tom llamas is outside the courthouse in pennsylvania. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. in just a couple of hours eric frein will face a judge at this courthouse behind me. people are celebrating. the alleged sniper and cop killer sitting in a jail. and prosecutors say they will seek the death penalty in this case. 48-day manhunt for alleged cop killer eric frein ending with
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him in cuffs. this showing frein driven off in a squad car with a bloody nose. handcuffed with the very same handcuff s belonging to dixon, the alleged trooper he killed. >> eric frein was dedicated to killing law enforcement. >> reporter: coming to an end after they surprised frein near an abandoned airport hangar. they found clothes, weapons and 90 rounds of ammunition. >> when they approached it, they saw an individual and ordered him to surrender, get down on his knees and raise his hands. >> reporter: the 31-year-old survivalist and military buff ambushed two pennsylvania state troopers. and he kills brian dixon and wounds the other, and then disappears into the forest. >> when i got here, the troopers were flying out of here.
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>> reporter: schools closed, hunting season postponed. because he knew the woods and was ready for a war. arming himself with a sniper rifle, ammunition and pipe bombs. >> individual is no longer a threat to the community. >> siren of cheers for the flashing lights. >> he is caught and we can finally rest again. >> reporter: for many people here, eric frein was a real-life monster. halloween was canceled, but this morning children have smiles, halloween is back on. >> that's great. everyone is breathing a lot easier. now to the halloween weather, snow, storms, freezing temperatures casting a cold spell on so many trick-or-treaters. ginger tracking it for us. >> that's how the cold air comes up. we have been so warm in so many places. trick-or-treat temperatures, 7:00 p.m. chicago, 38. let me tell you, winds on the lake could push some of the
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waves up to 20 feet later today. it's going to feel colder than that. even tulsa, indianapolis, mem memphis, 40s, 30s. freeze watches saturday morning, from colorado to ohio, virginia. even parts of alabama and mississippi. so this is no joke about the cold coming in. if you have the plants and the growing season, that's a serious part of it. it's going to affect it. ends a little sooner. with it comes snow in parts of the lake. it's already snowing in northern michigan. we have heavy snow awinter stor advisories, and windy and rain. and maine gets snow here. that's the look at the storm. but saturday is not pretty. even without a flake of snow. raw, my favorite word. >> couple extra layers. turn now to the fiery plane crash? kansas. a small jet killed four. we're learning about the pilot and what went wrong. ryan smith is on the scene with the latest. good morning, ryan.
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>> reporter: and good morning to you, george. the ntsb are investigating, but the building isn't structurally sound. they're waiting for the fire department to deem safe the building decimated by the crash. this morning a community reeling after a tragedy in the skies. it all started when a small plane taking off from wichita airport thursday morning quickly lost power. >> i need to declare an emergency, i lost engine. >> reporter: this mayday call, telling the horrific tale. veering to the left and crashing into this flight training building. >> we just lost the aircraft. >> reporter: about 100 people trapped inside the burning building. >> we were on a conference call. the building shook and rumbled. we saw the fuselage up on top on fire. >> reporter: only the pilot was on board. identified as mark goldstein, a former air traffic controller and navy veteran.
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he died along with three people inside the building which housed a flight similar layer to. five others to the hospital, one in serious condition. he earned top air traffic control safety awards. >> i would trust him with my life. >> reporter: the incident, the latest in a string of bad luck at the airport. one employee tried to fill an explosi explosive-filled van on to the tarmac. a man rammed his truck into the gate. but thursday's crash was not intentional, just a devastating misfortune. once authorities can saefly access the building, the harrowing part begins. determining the root cause and recovery of remains. people come from across the country to improve in the simulators in the building only to find themselves in the midst of an aviation tragedy. >> so tragic. thank you. now to the standoff over
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ebola. maine nurse kaci hickox, defying her quarantine, biking around the home town. they're trying to get her to take a test to prove she doesn't have the disease. good morning, linzie janis. >> reporter: good morning. she is inside her home where she remained after that ride. but tensions are rising here as she and state officials failed to reach an agreement on her quarantine. this morning, kaci hickox under fire for taking this bike ride with her boyfriend, disobeying the state's demand she stay quarantined inside her home. she was followed by police in an unmarked car as she tries to show the world she's healthy and isn't a risk to others. her defiance angering the governor. >> she told us she was going to do it. she's playing with my patience. >> reporter: the state now intends to ask a judge to force the nurse to take another ebola
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test, sounding off in a radio interview. >> if there's no signs of ebola on the 14th day, i would be comfortable to let her have more space. >> reporter: she's staying away from the general public. the police chief bringing her groceries, her favorite pizza place bringing her dinner. the owner of the moose shack said they were worried that she might show up at the restaurant and didn't want her making that delivery. >> we got a call back a few times saying don't touch her money. there could be germs on it. >> reporter: late thursday, her boyfriend telling reporters fear over ebola is keeping him away from nursing school. they told us you were voluntarily not coming to classes. >> you know voluntarily is one of those things that people might say when they tell you can't come to classes. >> reporter: extreme reactions. not just here. in new york, reports that health care workers treating ebola patient dr. craig spencer are
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being shunned. one denied a haircut by the stylist who's been cutting her hair for years. the mayor tweeting, we're new yorkers, we don't give into fear. especially when the facts show there's nothing to be afraid of. she has been in contact with the legal team about what move to make in the showdown. >> a lot more there. politics now. midterm elections, control of the senate and so much more at stake. i mod rate a debate in new hampshire. jeanne shaheen being challenged by scott brown. i asked how they would change the toxic politics in washington that's turned off the voters. >> you asked what i'd do, i'll be that independent senator. bring back that independent spirit. >> we need somebody who's going to work for new hampshire every day putting this state first. that's what i will do. my opponent supported corporate special interests in washington. >> jon karl for more. that disgust with washington
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defining so many of these. >> that's right, george. it seems all the elements are in place for a big change election. the president is about at his lowest popularity ever. there is discontent with both parties in congress. most people think the country is seriously on the wrong track. you have anxiety about the economy, terrorism, ebola. all the big names are out, both obamas campaigning, jeb bush, everybody who wants to run for president. they are trying to appeal to an elect rat fed up with everybody in power. >> and the biggest prize, control of the senate. the republicans need to pick up six states. >> reporter: you have a dozen states with seriously tight races. unfortunately for democrats most of them are seats controlled by democrats where republicans have a real chance of winning. so nate silver of the five thirty-eight blog says republicans have a 68.5% chance
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the taking over the senate. >> that's been creeping up. and finally the president is campaigning again. but staying away from the tight senate races. >> reporter: that's right. he's campaigning in reliable bleu democratic states, you won't see him standing next to a democratic candidate in a close senate race. >> don't want him there. much more sunday on "this week"week. and be here with the team on tuesday for full election coverage. our primetime special at 10:00 p.m. and now to amy. good morning. we begin with two stories breaking overnight. the first outside of st. louis. a deadly accident on the tracks. a train crashing into an suv carrying a family of five. it became trapped just as the halloween parade was getting under way. an 18-year-old woman and two children were killed. the gaits at the railroad crossing were working. the other and from overseas,
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israel is diffusing a standoff that palestinians compared to a declaration of war. the israelis have reopened a disputed holy site which they closed after the shooting of a jewish activist. it's noun to muslims as the noble sanctuary is among the holiest in islam. and deploying to the big island of hawaii as the lava threatens dozens of homes. rob marciano is there, and tells us about a new threat in the air. >> reporter: this morning, the molten lava even closer to dividing pahoa in half as that approaches the road. the national guard deploying 83 troops to ensure security. it's a symbol of the crisis residents are describing as a slow torture. the lava completely altering the landscape inch by inch. watch this time lapse video of
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this 2,000 degree lava engulfing a utility pole. we hiked back, looking at the devastation. trees being burned, touched by the lava. and beyond that, looks like a nuclear wasteland. and amid the destruction -- a new threat. officials worried about that smoke and those fumes becoming toxic. gases like sulfer dioxide and carbon dioxide, potentially fatal, leading to more anxiety as they prepare and wait. >> our thanks to rob. a spectacular explosion lit up a huge stockpile of fireworks. it was not deliberate. this was in england. take a look at that, igniting everything in sight. they were so intense, nearby residents were told to stay inside with their windows closed. one factory worker is missing,
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four were injured in the fire. back at home, a dramatic rescue overnight when a man's pair a chute got stuck. he was base jumping when his chute got tangled. he dangled 150 feet in the air for two hours before they lowered him to the ground. and this close call on the new york subway. that massive construction drill just missed that train on the left packed with passengers. the 10-inch drill bit was being used on another railroad project. no word on what caused that mishap. and finally, you should always dress for the occasion, right? this man from florida got the memo. he was arrested for marijuana possession. take a look at his shirt. it says go directly to jail. apparent lly he's a monopoly fa. too bad he didn't have a get out of jail free card. feels like he had a premonition.
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>> that's a fun holiday -- >> holiday edition. >> not full -- a special -- >> exactly. a little photo. the king has returned. >> oh, indeed. a little sports for you all this morning. and we talk about the return of the king. lebron james back on the court for cleveland last night. and the city gave him quite the hero's welcome. >> number 23. lebron james! >> reporter: an electric night in cleveland. king james holding court. his first game back with the cavs since leaving more than four years ago. and with that signature pregame chalk toss, the fans in his native ohio couldn't be happier. >> james for three, yes. >> reporter: our own michael strahan courtside with usher and justin beiber, and usher tweeting welcome home. it was a far cry from the not so
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warm sendoff in 2010 when he left to play for the miami heat. >> i'm going to go to south beach and join the heat. >> i hate lebron james. >> reporter: it's forgiven, if not forgotten. cleveland welcoming james back with open arms. >> everything we do on the floor, they're going to support us, man. but we have to give it back to them. >> reporter: nike releasing this ad on thursday. and the entire city rallying around the hometown hero. >> one, two, three! be. >> reporter: and with good reason, it's expected to bring a much-needed $250 million back to cleveland. >> cleveland is celebrating the return of a player like it's a championship. >> reporter: and while the knicks ultimately beat king james and the cavs in the final seconds of thursday night's game -- >> the best player on the planet struggle from the field. >> reporter: cleveland's favorite son says there's no place like home. >> that was a special night for not only myself, but for
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everybody. it was great. >> so far from the best game of his career. finished with only 17 points. but no one in cleveland seemed to care at all. >> it's a long season. and he just had a baby girl. he and his wife, savannah. they have to join their two sons. he is happy. >> he's a big boon to the city. >> you know how that is, that's right. now to heavy rain and snow disrupting halloween out west. you have more, ginger. >> very few getting away with a nice halloween. started in northwest. but someone said that rain isn't bad. it's just the wind that's making it rough in san francisco along the cold front. the rain in northern california, even los angeles, san diego. this overnight tonight. so maybe you'll have to have a little rain repellant in the west. the heavy mountain snow is coming up. one pocket of warmth in the southwest. but that's going to change by the end of the weekend. the local forecast in 30 seconds. first this morning's spooky
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cities brought to you by mazda. . >> reporter: hi everyone, david murphy here with an update from accuweather, nothing showing on storm tracker 6 live double scan. as we head outside we're dry and sun coming up always the clouds overtake us. it is chilly with the suburbs around the freezing mark. philadelphia close to ho. of the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast shows a high of 58. temperatures fall to 50 by 9:00 p.m. maybe drizzle by the shore. tomorrow windy and wet showers high of 53
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and stoil coill to come on tragedy in utah. what happened to this family of five. the family found in their own home. and a dramatic day in the retrial of jodi arias, fighting for her life, the mystery witness. and iggy azalea, calling out saturday night live for photo shopping moles off offer. and we are counting down to our halloween ball. check out the crowd in times scare. and you won't believe what made these people jump in the studio. not caused by a heart valve problem. that puts jim at a greater risk of stroke. for years, jim's medicine tied him to a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested. but now, with once-a-day xarelto®, jim's on the move. jim's doctor recommended xarelto®.
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newspapers speak out. tom corbett has been something of a disaster. tom corbett cut spending on education by a billion dollars... it's time for a change. elect tom wolf, and you'll get the type of governor we haven't seen for a while... who looks out for average, hard-working pennsylvanians. it's wolf who has solid ideas for bringing in new business and for boosting the economy. tom wolf for governor, a fresh start for pennsylvania. >> good morning i'm tamala edwards. it is 7:26 happy halloween. let's head over to karen rogers you've got an update on route 55. >> reporter: that's right, chopper 6 looking live 55 in gloucester county. this accident scene involving four vehicles a dump truck
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carrying sand and motorcycle. they have towed the vehicles off and got it pushed off on the shoulder. traffic is moving northbound on 55. it was shut down past route 40. watch for residual delays. let's go live to the scene on the ramp from the boulevard southbound to the schuylkill expressway westbound and city avenue. we have a disabled vehicle, westbound traffic is jammed because of this. watch for this accident scene causing problems. route 13 northbound still closed between penn valley and tyburn road. a multi-vehicle accident closed all morning as the accident investigation continues. >> eric frein will be arraigned in pike county pennsylvania. "action news" will be in the courtroom as "action news" first reported frein was captured near an abandoned airport hangar in
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the poconos. frein is suspected of shooting two troopers killing one of them back on september 12. let's go outside to david murphy. what can we expect, david? >> reporter: take a look tam, allentown in the 20s, now above the freezing mark. today, increasing clouds it will be dry with the exception of those over at the coast with
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♪ bang, bang into the room how about that crowd in times square this morning? everybody dressed up for halloween. we're going to call it times scare. so many people in the halloween spirit. and we have a lot of surprises in store for you this morning. special guests, big reveals. >> there's elsa. >> count down the scare-tacular on "good morning america." i love the guy in the portrait. happy halloween. >> they have us beat. the audience has us beat. they are so creative with their costumes. and take a look at this, michael strahan has been getting in the halloween spirit all week. he's turning our freight elevator into a fright elevator. no one's safe. oh, you'll see some of the
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biggest scares. that's genuine too. he wasn't faking. >> not dramatic at all. >> no. speaking of drama, in the jodi arias retrial, a mystery witness testifying. the judge clearing out the court. and the surfer getting the scare of his life. that is a shark just feet away. what he's saying now about that terrifying close encounter. >> look at that shot. and a murder mystery out of utah where five family members, mother, father, three children found dead in their home, apparently poisoned. abc's brandi hitt has the story. >> reporter: it was a devastating scene. three children and their parents found dead in the master bedroom of their home last month. and bizarre details say it may be murder. the police believed they died
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from accidental or intentional poisoning and someone positioned the body after they were deceased. >> this is the first time i have gone into a home and found an entire family dead in one room. >> reporter: relatives found the parents dead in their bed. their three children, benson, emory and zion lying around the bed covered with sheets. >> emory was beautiful and loved every little animal out there and was just amazing. zion was just sweet. and benson was just a giant goof ball. and it was awesome. >> reporter: family members describe the father, benjamin, as a jokester and the mother as a good mother. it's bizarre. they are finding trouble, evidence. 12 opened and empty boxes of cold, flu and allergy medication, and a baggy of marijuana. and a purple bucket with a yellow liksd and a pair of
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yellow slippers. they initially thought a carbon monoxide leak caused the deaths. but there was no carbon monoxide leak. adding she couldn't believe she would do this to the kids. but valerie wouldn't clarify to the police who she was talking about. investigators now await autopsy and toxicology results to pinpoint what caused their deaths. brandi hitt, abc news, los angeles. >> it's just an unbelievable story. thank you. now to the dramatic day in jodi arias' death penalty retrial. the convicted killer is fighting for her life. and the judge kicked out almost everyone in the court for a mystery witness. ryan owens has that story. >> reporter: jodi arias now has one final shot to convince the jury to spare her life. thursday, the 34-year-old's defense called a secret witness. >> it appears that the first
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defense witness does not want the media in the courtroom while he or she testifies. >> reporter: unlike the first sensational trial when every raunchy and riveting detail was live, the sentencing is controlled. no live tv coverage, just a series of pictures every day like these. before the mystery witness, they heard from travis alexander's family. just like in the first trial, travis' little brother went other the gruesome death he must have had when arias stabbed and shot him. >> how much did he suffer and scream? >> reporter: and heard from one of his tearful sisters. travis was our strength, our motivati motivation, and his presence has been ripped from our lives. they believe that arias should die for the 2008 murder. last year a jury convicted her but deadlocked on death.
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this new jury is seeing the picture s, hearing her lives. >> i would beg for the death penalty. >> reporter: to see if she will regret the words. and turn now to pop store iggy azalea, calling out saturday night live for photo shopping her life. showing the moles that saturday night live took out. mara schiavocampo has the story. >> reporter: she's featured on fancy. >> who dat. >> reporter: with her very unique features. platinum blond hair and signature mole. but this morning rapper iggy azalea speaking out over this picture. >> musical guest -- >> reporter: promoting her saturday night live stint over the weekend. the mole, nowhere in sight. ♪ the 24-year-old rapper posting
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on instagrainstagram, i love th pictures, but i wish they hadn't photo shopped the moles. >> she wanted to head off the masses before they blamed it on her. so before they said iggy took the moles off, she got to say no. >> reporter: celebs are often accused of photo shopping their own assets. but many cry foul when others digitally alter their appearance. from lena dunham to kate winslet have spoken out about being digitally downsized on these covers. >> smoothed a line and shaved off. >> reporter: and even cindy crawford faced beauty mark bash lash over her now iconic mole. >> my first english vogue cover there's no mole. and i look very different. >> reporter: snl isn't commenting on her post. photos making a mountain out of a, well, you know the rest. now some fans weren't thrilled
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about the missing moles either. one even did some photo shopping of their own, posting a pic online with the moles added back in. take that, snl. >> good for her. let's go to ginger now with the weather. >> we want to talk snow, george. all snow. crystal lake, illinois, an hour away from chicago. and that is snow. show you a little closer. flurries happening there. serious snow in other places into the weekend. point out a couple of them. mountain snow in the west, certainly in parts of california, the sierra. lake effect snow, chesterton, indiana, slammed with lake effect. with an advisory in place. and then the winter storm warnings, that's 3 to 6 inches in some of the pink. out west, getting excited. it's about that time. ski season. nobody is too upset. moisture for the drought. and why not check in on the spooky cities. we have frankenstein, missouri.
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yes. candy town, ohio, and witch lake,. >> reporter: thanks, ginger, david murphy on the terrace. we have sun up over the horizon, but it's chilly some suburbs in the 30s. philadelphia, 40s. dry tonight for trick >> this weather report has been brought to you by ashley furniture home store. and max said it best, the whole forecast giving us chills. >> when she is eshe says chills and boo. >> boo. >> i love it. >> ginger, thank you. coming up, a top baby food maker under fire, accused of making false claims. and big questions for mtv, showing people living on the edge. has it gone too far? and we are getting ready for the big halloween costume reveal. a lot of great surprises coming up. don't go anywhere. ♪
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we are back now at 7:42 with mtv under fire for the brand new reality show. it's called "sled necks." and features young people living on the edge in alaska. but critics say it's too similar to another show that was canceled last year after one of the stars died. gio benitez has the story. >> reporter: it's mtv's hot now
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show in freezing temps. >> everything is bigger in alaska. the lower 48's got nothing on us. >> people are harder and tougher than anywhere else in the country. >> reporter: "sled necks," pree mered thursday, has 19-24-year-olds living in rural alaska and going wild. >> people think of us as a little bit more red neck, a little bit more sled neck. >> reporter: but this morning that extreme show is drawing extreme criticism. with some noting it's basically the alaska version of "buck wild," a show they abruptly canceled after 21-year-old break youth star shane gandy died while mudding. carbon dioxide killing him. some say it proves mtv didn't learn their lesson.
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>> it's a dangerous game. you have young people engaging in high-risk behaviors, there's risk. >> reporter: just look at some of the stunts. barbecuing on glaciers, wake boarding in 12 degree lakes. going for a polar plunge. one of the stars telling dzi productions that's not just for the cameras. >> the way the show was shot, it's pretty much our lives as it is. >> reporter: mtv tells abc news it has no comment. for "good morning america," gio benitez, abc news, new york. >> all right, thank you. and coming up, a very close encounter with a shark caught on camera. what the surfer is saying now about that terrifying experience. and when diy goes so wrong. the epic fails people are having. and we are just moments away from revealing all and very special surprise guests as well. come on back, folks.
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. got off the line in the morning. getting ready here to celebrate halloween in a big way. but halloween can sometimes, well, get scary for all the wrong reasons. and some costumes just don't, well, let's say measure up. and people love sharing them on social media, don't they? t.j. holmes here in the
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social -- social scare? >> yes. >> this morning. >> we'll be back to normal next week. look at your screens right now and tell me what's wrong with this picture. this kid, i'm pretty sure, batman had black on, didn't have a t-shirt around his head and covered his eyes, pretty sure. this is what happens when the costume goes wrong. some have no one to blame but themselves for their epic halloween fails. with trick-or-treating just hours away, many halloweeners find themselves turning to the interwebs for costume inspiration. but following those do-it-yourself pinterest projects can be a real witch. >> i'm okay. >> reporter: from this botched iron man and this scarlet no han
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seven, and jacked up jack-o-lanterns and this guy who definitely needs to let it go. some halloween fails are just down right scary. >> what do you think? >> reporter: even for the kids at heart. and whatever this thing is. and look at this, somebody rescue this kid. the parents wanted to do the jurassic park thing. he's not agreeing. don't send us the cute stuff. send us your halloween fails. use #halloween on "gma," who can remember an epic fail. what did you not pull it off? >> my mom wanted me to be a tree. brown corduroys and a turtle neck and a half box. i was, like, told. >> i just hope we don't have any new entries coming up today. >> no more. what we do have coming up, check this out. who the devil is our superstar
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mystery guest making his way through the spooky corn maze. >> who is that? >> we have to guess that. and d.j. spinning us into the weekend. >> inside the "gma" fright elevator. find out what happens. when strahan was in there. come on back. ♪ [ male announcer ] lowe's presents how to shed pounds this winter. there. no more drafts. finally. [ male announcer ] this troy-bilt 24 inch electric start gas snow blower, now just $499.
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[ male announcer ] this troy-bilt 24 inch some phones aren't water resistant. some don't have replaceable batteries. and some don't have a kids mode that prevents the little fella from sending out that embarrasing photo to the whole company. the samsung galaxy s5 it takes a lot of things to be the next big thing. [phone rings] it takes a lot of things to be the next big thing. hey brian, you free for lunch? purchase a gs5 from any carrier or retailer in the us and get up to $200 for your trade-in. best buy customers redeem in store.
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oóña0qv!tct a snuggler, tand showing me that slobber... ha! just adds character. (male announcer) this holiday season, give thanks to the pets who inspire you! for 3 days only, at petsmart, save 30% on thousands of items! petsmart® oh wait, oyou got it?falling.... we need nails. with just five minutes' prep, campbell's slow cooker sauces help you cook a real dinner, right in the middle of real life.
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4 hundred million vacation days go unused every year. that's the stupidest thing i've ever heard. they're paid vacation days. if you guys agreed to travel more we'll all do better in school. we'll have a better understanding of other cultures. i will learn to parler français. oui oui. we're not asking for much we just want one more day. "one more day" for help planning your one more day, contact mastercard concierge services or download our new app. because one more day is priceless. in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard.
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aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message.
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>> good morning "action news" is in pike county p-a for this this morning's scheduled arraignment for cooled cop killer -- accused cop killer eric frein who was found near an abandoned airport hangar in the poconos. let's go over to karen rogers. >> reporter: 6 minute ride on the blue route northbound from i-95 with no delay it would be 18 minutes. in falls township bucks county 13 northbound has reopened it
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was closed since an overnight accident caused problems. all lanes back open in falls township in bucks county. burlington bristol bridge scheduled to go occupy 8:05. a multi-vehicle accident on 555 dump truck carrying sandy and four vehicles, it's reopened past route ho. tam. >> let's go outside to david murphy it looks warm, but that's not the case. >> reporter: it's cooler on the terrace. 41 degrees in philadelphia. the suburbs are climbing above the freezing mark so a very chilly start. the halloween afternoon call increasing clouds and high of 58. this evening, for trick or treating. 55 at dinnertime, 50 at 9:00 p.m. there's there could be a
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sprinkle or drizzle down the shore. wet tomorrow, tam. >> a fire forced dozens out of their apartment buildings in west philadelphia. a resident and firefighter were treated for injuries. a resident and firefighter were treated for injuries. 69 residents are in a here in york, pennsylvania we've built the largest distributor of kitchen cabinets in the nation. we've got american-made products that are beating out chinese imports. so, i know pennsylvania can be a leader in manufacturing and we can make things again. but we have to invest in education and a skilled workforce today. i'm tom wolf and i have a plan. we can do great things, but we have to think ahead. tom wolf for governor. a fresh start for pennsylvania.
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ghoul morning america. it's 8:00 a.m. and our scariest friday ever. you've seen robin rock out. george swing into space and lara have a ball. and now it's that moment that only comes once a year. you'll scream, you'll shout, you'll be amazed. and wait until you see how strahan gets his scare on. it's our spookiest, most scare-tacular halloween ever. as we say -- >> good morning, america. welcome to the halloween ball with amy, george, robin, ginger. >> and the times you can do with
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times square. it's a corn maze nut middle of manhattan. all full of spooky dancers. what a crowd dressed up for halloween. we have a lot of surprises. >> that's a great crowd. we are moments away from the biggest halloween show ever. you will not believe the costume this is year. top secret costumes under wraps for so long. wait until you see what we have in store for you. we're changing right now. you don't realize that. but we are. >> and under wraps perhaps because we should have been kept under wraps. and the mysterious devil. see the devil lurking in social scare. any idea who that mystery guest might be? a devil, one with a good rap. and d.j. reach also with us. oh, wow, d.y. reach has been working out.
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>> gladiator. >> i know. when i see that devil i realize it's getting hot in here. >> oh. okay. there's your last clue of the morning. news from amy now. george, good morning, everyone. we begin with the big story this morning, one of the fbi's most-wanted fugitives, accused cop killer, eric frein, facing a judge today after seven weeks on the run. he was near an abandoned airport hangar, and placed in the handcuffs the state trooper he is accused of murdering. prosecutors are seeking the death penalty. the ebola standoff is heating up in maine between kaci hickox, she's under fire for riding her bike around fort kent. they are going ask her to take another test to prove she is not infected with ebola. and new details on the
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deadly plane crash at the airport in wichita, kansas. the small plane lost power in the left engine, crashing into a building killing three people inside. the pilot, a retired air traffic controller was also killed. well, the first lawsuit has been filed in connection with the disappearance of malaysia airlines flight 370. this morning the family of a businessman who was on the plane sued the airline and malaysia's government for neglect. their lawyer saying, quote, a big plane missing in this age of technology is unacceptable. flight 370 disappeared from radar eight months ago. not a single piece of debris has been found. and the government is suing gerber over bogus claim of the good start gentle formula prevents or reduces allergies in children. but they say that's not true, it might help with a skin rash.
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gerber is standing by their claims. and surfer within a few feet of this shark. you see it behind him. this is off the coast of australia. the surfer had no idea how close it was until he saw the pictures later. he knew he had to stay calm and he did. the shark eventually swam away. and finally, when you're on live television, you learn to take it on the fly. but sometimes that fly can turn the table right on you. this is what happened to the newscaster overseas, the fly landing on the camera. a giant fly provided a very nice live backdrop in the studio. you think the station would have learned the lesson. on the same date a few years later, another visitor. a massive sea gull. you know, but the anchor, he just winged it, guys. oh, happy halloween, everyone. your pun edition. >> okay, to ginger. i am getting so scared out
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here in times scare. feels good to be in these costumes, right? happy halloween. we have a freeze watch for you. that is scary for some people wake up and going, oh, no, when we trick-or-treat it's going to be down right chilly. and then the cold blast doesn't end there. moves east. look at the numbers, 40s for d.c., and 30s by early monday morning. new york city, same thing. yeah, just above freezing. ralei raleigh, atlanta, no one escape this is chilly forecast. it gives you chills. okay. there's a look across the . >> reporter: thanks, ginger are david murphy on the terrace right now. we have sun digging through early coastal clouds. it's chilly with temperatures in the 30s in the suburbs. low 40s in philadelphia. this afternoon increasing clouds and 58. tonight for trick or treating we'll drop to 5 at 6:00 p.m.
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tomorrow, windy and wet. 53 the high showers and a lot of sun on sunday, but brisk and chilly. >> how is my mona lisa face, is it good? >> very good. >> it's like the original smize. let's go into lara. >> coming up on the "gma morning menu." we are in social square with d.j. reach spinning us into the huge halloween ball. wait until you see how we're dressing up. and there's a devil in fact midst. who is this special guest we're about to reveal. he's nasty. and then we are also going to see what's happening outside in times scare. you guys, we're coming out, i promise, i promise. happy halloween, don't go anywhere. "gma" is coming right back. ♪ s! we have the new iphone. how- cause everyone's coming in for the new iphone.
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wh-what... kind of service plan can you get? well right now if you select the 15 gig plan we'll double your data and make it 30 gigs for the same price. well that- great! you'll take it. in head * are you inside my mind right now? nope where was... albuquerque who was the porcupine what is my fave- hollandaise sauce no way... the new iphone is here and now you get 30 gigs of data to share starting at $160 dollars a month. not a halloween bag. box, rrrrr...a natural beauty. you're making me melt. shall we? mini babybel is 100% natural cheese and a whole lot of fun. mini babybel. snack a little bigger.
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credit karma dot com maria? some other credit site. good luck! ♪ game show music it won't give me my score until i put in a credit card. ♪ buzzer yes... credit karma is free, and you don't need a credit card. way to go sandy! at credit karma dot com you can check your credit score with no credit card needed. log on to credit karma dot com right now for your free credit score. credit karma dot com, where free is really free. hesomething awesome.dinner? cool. wisest kid, i need something awesome. to make it awesome, make it "mini." like campbell's® mini chicken pot pies. awesome, mom. get recipes at
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we have a serious hairball issue. we clean it up, turn around, and there it is again. it's scary. little bit in my eye. [ michelle ] underneath the kitchen table, underneath my work desk, we've got enough to knit a sweater. [ doorbell rings ] zach, what is that? the swiffer sweeper. the swiffer dusters. it's some sort of magic cloth that sucks in all the dog hair. it's quick and easy. pretty amazing that it picked it all up. i would totally take on another dog. [ kevin ] really? ♪ ♪ bang, bang into the room ♪ i know you want it ♪ bang, bang over you ♪ wait a minute happy halloween, everyone. i will be your franken-host for
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the "gma" halloween ball. we are about to reveal the most surprising star-studded cast of "dancing with the stars" ever. spectacular season. details kept underwraps for months. but first, take a look at the top secret audition tapes of hopefuls who didn't make the cut. ♪ >> twas the night before all hallows eve, a trick up their sleeve. a spooktacular worthy of count dracula. >> we have audition tapes. who is up first. >> a scary treat, but can they keep a wicked beat? >> i'm queen bey. >> and i am jay z. >> yes, you are. >> what's up, bey? you ready, bey? >> let's go get them.
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>> oh, lord. ♪ look for me, young cruising >> needs to drop it like it's hot. >> drop it, girl. >> my days -- >> that was good, that was good. >> oh, my knee. that was good. ♪ she rides with me but nobody ain't with me ♪ >> you do yours, i'll do mine. >> oh, yes, yes, yes. all right, thank you, miami. >> like a little twerking action would have been great. >> hope this girl from x men has what it takes. >> she can fright, but give us all a fright? >> hi, i'm mist teystique and i ready to dance. let's do this. ♪ >> oh. >> oh. >> okay. >> that'll work. ♪ you can cut you like a knife >> it's like flash dance with x
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men. yes. look at it. ♪ she's a maniac, maniac ♪ on the floor ♪ and she's -- >> i don't know about you, but that performance is going to haunt me. >> yeah. >> in my dreams. >> uh-oh. >> i think we need to keep looking, guys. >> from walking dead to dancing devil, are zombies that incredible? >> pick me. pick me. ♪ >> strahan. scary hands. ♪ ♪ it's close to midnight >> the undead shouldn't twirl. well, this one tries. work it, girl. ♪ let it go ♪ let it go ♪ can't hold it back anymore >> seriously, i think she's flirting with you. >> i think we should move on from this one. >> who do we have next, guys?
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>> i think we have groot. >> he says i am groot. >> let's take a look. >> maybe a tree will become this guardian from the galaxy. >> i am groot. >> thank you. ♪ >> oh. ♪ i can't stop this feeling ♪ deep inside of me ♪ girl you just don't realize what you do to me ♪ ♪ when you hold me in your arms ♪ >> she only has one leg, which is a trunk. so obviously there's not a lot of range of motion. ♪ i-i-i hooked on a feeling ♪ i'm high on believing ♪ that you're in love with me >> oh! >> oh. >> tree down. tree down. groot, groot, groot. >> i am groot.
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>> well, that was interesting. >> yeah, terrifying. >> interesting, yeah. little scary moves. scary moves. >> the pros kept on searching all through the night to lock in a cast and lock it up tight. so ready the ballroom for the dancing reveal, a fantasy cast to make you all squeal. [ cheers and applause ] that's right. and we can't wait to meet the stars who did make the cut for this brand new spooky season. and i love having my devilishly handsome mystery guest beside me to help out. are you ready for this? >> all these people yelling. >> stay with me, we'll be good. first up. let's hope that she can turn those frozen frackals into fancy footwork, welcome elsa and her
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partner tony. ♪ can't hold it back anymore >> wow. ♪ let it go ♪ let it go >> don't let it go. >> and olaf. olaf is here. >> elsa. >> yes. >> oh. >> yeah. >> olaf making the moves on the dance floor. elsa bringing it all out. >> it might get hot in here. >> it might get hot in here. just saying. next, a star with plenty of gravity who might start having some descendents now he's finally tied the knot. george clooney and special guest amal clooney. there they are. they love to make an entrance, those two. fantastic. >> oh -- >> beautiful couple. beautiful, beautiful, have a spot there on the step.
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>> we want to go back there. >> amal, you look beautiful. i love that. i love that. >> we're so excited to be married. >> it's so great to be back on "gma." third halloween in a row. time for a special honorary co-host. >> that's true. >> that's right. that's right. not just a dream. our next guest star had her wings stolen. see if she can fly across the dance room. a big round of applause, please, the one, the only maleficent is here. and her partner. >> lovely. >> look out. very nice. very nice. yes. >> got it going. >> yes, she's got her head in the clouds and no weight on her shoulders. this is our next guest i'm talking about of course. hope that serves her well in the
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ballro ballroom, let's bring in ariana grande and her partner. she's going to be tough to beat. tough to beat. look auto. busting the moves already. >> see that. >> woohoo! >> all right. ♪ >> she's okay, she's okay. she's recovering. >> i'd like to see her do that every and over again. >> yes, easy devil. take a deep breath now. now the next guest, our next competitor. the real prince. what a guy. ready to give the dance floor the royal treatment, give it up for prince george and his partner, karina smirnoff. wow. that is something else. ♪ ruler >> that's awesome. who knew? who knew? the baby.
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>> that's right. that's right. you stay away from that kid. devil you stay away from that kid. >> hey, little one. come and take a ride with me. >> no way, i'm keeping you far away. now, ladies and gentlemen, "dancing with the stars" spooktacular cast. and here we do. now's the time that we should get to know them a little bit better. elsa, i'm just curious, wondering, how you're going to do. you have to be careful. >> the devil back there. >> sneaking up. i'm worried about you getting cold feet next to maleficent with a little bit of a hot temper. >> don't worry, and olaf, we plan to ice the competition. >> throwing the ice around. like that confidence. very nice. and george and amal. congratulations. big deal. >> we're really, really excited to be married. >> as i can tell. you make an appearance here, fantastic stuff. devil, do you have a question
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for amal? >> hey, back off. >> what will be your signature move? >> signature move. >> what will be your signature move. >> i think -- >> whoa! look out, everybody. >> coming from the devil -- >> you know what, devil, i can't help but notice that maly if i sent's horns are bigger than yours. how do you think about that, sir? >> i think we're both a little horny. that's too far. too far. keep the devil away. >> fantastic. >> thank you very much. >> very fantastic. and now ariana. how are you going to break out and just sort of step above the competition here? >> i think all the stars have one more problem. all right? i'm going to dance them under the table. >> look at that confidence. look out. everybody. who's your cute little prince george. >> hello. >> that's right. >> hello. you're going to be bringing your royal guards with you on the dance floor?
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>> i've only just learned to walk, but i want to win the disco ball. >> good luck. >> thank you. >> devil, i'm going to keep you far away from the beautiful little prince. >> i'm just a little baby, please be nice, devil. thank you. >> little prince george. and now that we've met other cast, this is the moment that everybody at home wants to see. a sneak peek at what you all have to offer. shake it up, let's see it, everybody. ♪ ♪ i know you want it bang, bang over you ♪ ♪ i'll let you have it ♪ wait a minute let me take you there ♪ ♪ wait a minute ♪ bang, bang there goes your ♪ i know you want it ♪ wait a minute let me take you there ♪ ♪ wait a minute until ♪ you want to hear it's cool but i'm going to show you how to graduate ♪ ♪ no other lady -- show me that
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your ♪ ♪ >> olaf. olaf. ♪ everybody has been good to you ♪ >> woohoo! ♪ bang, bang into the room ♪ i know you want it bang, bang all over you ♪ ♪ wait a minute let me take you there ♪ >> woohoo! yeah! ♪ i know you want it ♪ bang, bang >> what was that? what was that? ♪ take you there ♪ wait a minute >> and right now our "gma" freight elevator turned into a fright elevator by michael strahan. this halloween prank on some unsuspected victims really pushed our but thens. take a look. >> "gma" taking halloween very
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seriously. that's why this year we converted the show's enormous freight elevator, used to haul staffing to the sets, to and from the studios into the fright elevator. that's right, a fright elevator. didn't stop with the decor, when no one was looking, tricked it out with scary treats. and a snow monster. a grim reaper statue with a mind of its own. and a stack of missy boxes that, well, not what it seems. with our gags in place, we opened the elevator for business. and look what happened. >> wow. have they done some redecorating in here? >> it's really nice. >> i love what you've done with the place. >> it's wonderful. [ screams ] >> of course the elevator looks like this.
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oh! what is it? what? would you stop it? >> oh. come on in. >> wow. okay. that one worked. >> getting the show on the air can often be a little scary. but the fright elevator took the level of fear to all new heights. just ask sherri shepherd. >> hi, did you see -- >> in the elevator. >> isn't this cute? >> this is very cute. >> eat it? >> it's got candy -- >> oh, no, oh, gosh. oh, my god. oh! >> check out what happened when robin's beauty team went for a ride. >> open it. >> i'm scared. >> do it together. [ screams ] ah! >> oh, god. >> but here's the ultimate test.
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could our fright elevator scare the 7'1" shaquille o'neal. how are you doing, man? >> good, good. >> oh! hold me tight. >> serving up some tricks in the fright elevator, shaq-tastic. from our elevator to yours, all of us at "gma" say have a scream this halloween. what a beautiful sight. such grace, such ghoulish charm. coming up, we will reveal the true identity of our mystery devil. who is behind that mask? >> we'll be right back. we'll be right back. >> we will. >> stay with us. ♪
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>> good morning accused cop killer eric frein is scheduled to be arraigned in 30 minutes in pike county p-a. frein was captured near an abandoned airport hangar in the poconos. police say he shot two troopers killing one on september 12. 8:27 on your halloween, happy halloween. let's go over to karen rogers who is looking at i-95. >> reporter: i-95 southbound trask is heavy from past cottman. this is a warning that the ben franklin bridge will be close sunday morning, stick to the walt whitman bridge or the betsy ross bridge instead. we have an accident germantown
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pike norristown road. burlington bristol bridge back down, but we have heavy traffic on both sides of the bridge. in hamilton township, an accident i-195 eastbound approaching south broad street. >> let's head over to david murphy, david a lot of people planning to be out trick or treating. what can we expect? >> reporter: it's mainly dry tonight, 41 in philadelphia. check out the spots in the 30s. allentown below the freezing mark, so coats this morning. high of 58 with clouds increasing during day. tonight falling from 55 to 50 did you work your trick or treating hours. there could drizzle down the shore, everybody else is dry. windy and damp, showers on and off on saturday, 53 uncomfortable. brisk and chilly, sunshine returning on sunday, tam. >> looking forward to that. well they will keep the halloween fun going on "g.m.a." we'll see you in 30 for the very
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debates ♪ ♪ ♪ the spooktacular. and d.j. spinning the hottest hits right now. celebrating "gma's" "dancing with the stars" scare-tacular. and we have more surprises. a special celebrity guest judge with us this morning. well, look who it is. none other than maverick is here joining us. maverick. he looks a little bit like he's itching to give one of our dancers the perfect score. look at that stare. look out. he's got what it takes. look out. and the surprises aren't over. they're not over yet. we still have one more very big
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reveal coming up here. the "dancing with the stars" spectacular season is not over. in addition to maverick as the celebrity judge, we have some musical guests we have. these guys, i'm telling you right now, they sing the best song ever. take a look. ♪ the story of my life ♪ i'll drive you all night to keep you warm ♪ >> wwoohoo! ♪ the story of my life i can't go home ♪ ♪ defend our loves until she's gone ♪ >> one direction is in the house, everybody. you guys got to work on the words of your own song a little bit. >> hey, enough. enough. >> no, it's funny. >> quit picking on us. >> you strike an unbelievable resemblance to the "gma" weekend
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crew. >> that's the story of our lives. >> oh! >> and freaking out right now. >> don't tell george. don't tell george. >> george, what's going on? >> can't stay away from her. >> no, sara -- >> easy, break it up. >> wait, where's amal? you got my number? you got my number? >> yeah. >> looking good. >> very well. all right. everyone, we're continuing on here, of course. i'm just curious, elsa, who's your biggest competition here? >> there's a lot of trash talking. but that little baby george has me so frightened. >> you ain't seen nothing yet, elsa. >> baby george. we have to stick around. we have had this devil hanging out all morning, sneaking around the corn fields. causing trouble with maverick. i think it's about time that we
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reveal -- we find out who is behind the mask. who is this devilishly handsome guest we have. go ahead. ♪ it's getting hot in here >> nelly. >> it's getting hot in here. >> it was getting really hot in there. i had that thing on for a long time. >> look it -- >> baby. >> yeah, it was great. awesome. we are so excited to have nelly here today. i was wondering who in the devil that was. please. help us. ♪ elsa, will you help me talk to nelly? i only know a few words. >> i would love to talk to ne y nelly. may i come over there? >> yes. >> you have a lot that is going on. >> i do. >> you have the show that's back
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on. what are you up to? >> nelliville, featuring myself and my four beautiful children. showing a single father actually being the guider that he needs to be. and also real husbands of hollywood, season three is on right now. make sure you check that out. >> were you big out halloween growing up? >> yeah, i love halloween growing up. i couldn't afford real costumes. but i made do with what i had. definitely. >> we're having a lot of fun. "nelliville" premiers november 25th on b.e.t. and now ginger. >> it's going to be hot. >> i have some marches. i'm not sure. i love this. okay, let's go ahead and do some weather. i have to smile now. i can't do the face any longer. there in los angeles, maybe some rain through the weekend. so good for california. we were talking about the drought. it's not going to break anything, at least some rain showers. but comes, wind up through the
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pacific northwest. fly across the nation, give you a trick-or-treat forecast going into the weekend. winter is making the first appearance. rain to snow, lake effect snow happening this morning. but it doesn't matter, snow on my boots >> reporter: thanks a million, ginger, happy hall wound everybody, we're off to a decent start with clouds filtering in from the south. it's chilly. 58 is the high, dry in most spots >> and all this weather has been brought to you by swifer. it's time to reveal the winner of "gma's" dog gone scary contest. you chose tales of mother goose worn by rena. she's a beautiful golden lab mix. come on. look at her little glasses from california. she's here with her owner, judy.
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judy, i have to get her to show off her glasses and little nose. she's such a sport. how was it getting into this? >> it's fine. she's good about costumes. as long as you clap and her tale will wag. >> congratulations to you both. >> thank you. >> we have a trophy too. look what you won. >> oh. >> can she even open her -- there's real bones in there. she can smell it. oh, my goodness. all right. george. okay, i'm holding my new wife close here. and solve a mystery this halloween. take a look at the social square right now. former child star of a classic horror film. we're giving you clues about the role onire and online. see if you can guess who it is. here is the first clue. his character dies twice in the film. what do you think? anybody know? >> i know. >> you know? >> i know.
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>> you have magic powers of course you know. okay. coming up, tim tebow puts the anchors, all of us through our paces in a race that will literally amaze you. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ we are standing just outside of tim tebow oes terrifying "gma" corn maze. and we have a bird's eye view of the action that's about to take place is tim tebow, aka maverick. and here's george facing off against the princess of pop, ariana grande. and we want to tell the contestants, hidden in the maze is the golden pumpkin. find it, and you are the win per tim, since you have the best view of the land, can you give the maze runners an idea what they need to do to win. >> first of all, don't get stuck. zig when you should zag. they'll figure it out. i'll help them. if you need questions, just throw it up to me. >> all right. thank you very much, maverick. i think you need the speed to get yourself through this horrifying corn maze. prince george, you have your royal guards with you, are you
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ready? >> i am -- i'm scared. but i will try. may i have my pacy? >> okay. >> she's got her pacy. and then ariana, you have your good friend olaf to lead the way. are you ready? >> i think he's going to freeze me out. >> very nice, ariana. tim, why don't you count us down? >> all right, may the best costume win. three, two, one, go! [ cheers and applause ] ariana definitely got a head start. we need to hold her back for like two seconds. >> and they're off. sneaking throughout corn maze. prince george looks mightily scared. ariana needs to stop dancing if she needs to find this golden pumpkin. i know they're looking and searching. prince george, you can do it. maybe he needs his blankie. i'm not sure. ariana, come on, this isn't a dance contest. you aren't singing.
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stop looking for the camera, heariana and look if the golden pumpkin. >> we're to close. >> tim, what are you seeing from your vantage point. >> ariana, you're close, turn left. the guards need help. we seven more guards to lift her. >> tim, guide our wayward friends, tell them which way to go, tim. >> prince george needs to turn right, and olaf and ariana need to stop dancing. >> i'm lost in the amaze. but i've found the golden pumpkin. >> oh. it is prince george with the golden pumpkin. >> seems to be stock -- >> congratulations. prince george. the lucky, lucky -- >> i might have cheated. >> we told you to stop dancing, and this is why you did not find the golden pumpkin.
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tim, can you tell us where ariana went wrong? do you agree? ens the dancing got in the way. >> they were solid dance moves, olaf was kicking it right behind her, but prince george, the determination led to the victory. >> maverick, what would you have done differently? >> cut back on the dance moves. and if i was prince george, stronger guards to lift me and take me through. >> yes, i know, the guards might have helped. prince george found his way. we're proud of prince george. and let's get in, now. i think we can talk to prince george now. can you tell us how you're feeling, prince george. you need to take the pacifier. >> thank you very much. it is a true honor to be here in the corn maze in the middle of times square. and we have done a fine job. thank you to the guards and ariana grande for helping me.
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my hands are full because i'm holding the golden pumpkin. >> ariana, how does it feel to lose to a baby? >> i'm not a loser. i don't know how this feels. >> you look quite nice in the dress. >> thank you. i have to take this back and process what's happening. but i'll dance the whole way. >> i'd like to dance with you on the cast of the new "dancing with the stars." >> i can't stop. all right. let's dance. >> we are going to dance now in a corn maze. feast your eyes on my dance moves. >> and prince george with the golden pumpkin. there is much more ahead. stay with us in times scare. ♪ ♪ only out of the woods ♪ are we in the clear yet >> the golden pumpkin. ♪ looking at
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are you busy? i'm just day-dreaming. about your dream trip to italy? yeah.
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with your sisters, to shop and see the sights. is it that obvious? you've been staring at that new instant game from the pennsylvania lottery. yeah, it's the new frankenbucks. with 10 top prizes of $50,000. is that painting crooked, or is it just me? [announcer] want to see your dreams come to life? you could scratch your way to instant winning. the pennsylvania lottery. bring your dreams to life.
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♪ back anymore let it snow, let it snow. look at the snow. look at it. oh, come on elsas. let's go outside. come on, babies. here we go. they're playing in the snow. look, come on, babies. elsa, let's go. there you go. come on. oh, olaf is right here. say hello to olaf. look at them all. oh. nice. come on. >> all right. >> come on, pretty. >> oh. let it snow. isn't that great? yes. ♪ to test the limits >> oh, that is so great. all those little elsas. and now we have lilly and audrey andrews. just 12 years old, cooking since they were 4.
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they have a brand new cook book, we heart cook. >> mad hatter and alice in wonderland. >> okay, mrs. pl and mrs. clooney. >> where did you get the recipes? >> it was two years, it was a whole summer we created the recipes. we got creative and thinking of things that families would love. >> you came up with it. >> we have a ghoulish pudding, right? >> yes. >> what's makes it so ghoulish. >> this is from our party section in the book. i think it's delicious -- it's a little bit of creepy look with the pimento peppers. and also the pepperjack cheese adds spice. >> so a nice main course pudding. >> yes. >> show us how to do it. i want to make this tonight. >> okay, so here is the sausage. it's just italian sausage. cut it out of the casing and just break it up in the pan.
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>> yes. >> and we're going to add green onions and garlic. >> oh, i love garlic. >> would you mind stirring for me? >> i would love to stir. okay. we have like three tablespoons. >> that's a lot of garlic. >> i love it. >> nice andsauteed. >> okay. >> once that's done cooking, cool off over here. and this is when we make our pudding, which is pepperjack cheese, cheddar cheese. >> you can use your fingers, go for it. >> with the garlic. >> uh-huh. >> two eggs. >> don't beat the eggs first, just beat it all together -- >> just beat it all together. and pimento peppers. that nice and combined. >> okay. >> and this goes in a two quart baking dish. >> how long do you cook it? >> this cooks for about 45 minutes. >> yes. >> at 350 degrees.
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>> perfect. okay, let's go down here. tell us about these meringues now. a little halloween meringues. >> over here are the spooky mering meringues. and you can add eyes. -- thank you. you can add eyes so they look like little ghosts and food coloring so they're orange and white to add to the halloween theme. >> that's delicious. >> these cook on 200 for two hours. >> i love it. >> it's too early to drink, what is this? >> this is our vampire punch. it has a beat sweet syrup. so it's naturally colored. >> wow. should we all cheers in. >> happy halloween, guys. happy halloween. get the recipes at our website, "good morning america" diegoodm yahoo!. and coming up, revealing the former child movie stair.
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ryan costello went into politics. in 2001, doctor manan trivedi joined the marines. trivedi served as a battlefield surgeon in iraq. costello served himself by voting to raise his own pay. and while trivedi cared for patients in pennsylvania, costello gave millions in government contracts to his campaign contributors -even as he cut funding for child abuse prevention. in congress, only trivedi will do what's right for you. i'm manan trivedi, and i approve this message.
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♪ it is time now to reveal the identity of our mystery horror movie star. but first, one final clue. his most famous line, "now i want to play with you."
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so who are you? >> i played gage in "pet cemetery." >> and i understand you're actually good friends with a famous actor from "chucky"? >> alex vin entitle sent. tried to get him out here. >> and you're still working. >> working on a couple of projects, a horror film and a drama. >> how scary is this? >>s that great. it's a mad house, but it's fantastic. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> george, i just -- >> do you need -- >> thanks to tim tebow for the need for speed. thank you. >> it was fun. tried to pull off maverick. >> tim, this is your first "gma" halloween. >> it is. >> what do you think? >> i love your outfit. it's amazing. and i have to give it up. prince george, i think that takes the cake, though. >> by far. >> and is this what you're going
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as tonight, tim, when you trick-or-treat? >> yes, i will be trick-or-treating. >> and thank you, t.j. holmes playing olaf with all the little elsas here. and go ahead. t.j., thank you. they were all asking, where's olaf. thank you for all our little beautiful elsas. adorable. >> they are so great. and thank everyone, it was fantastic today. and amal and thank you for being a special guest star. >> i love my george. >> whichever one it is. >> and everyone who made our halloween happen. what a great day it was. >> bye, bye. >> have a safe halloween. >> nicely done. >> enjoy. >> go, george. ♪ >> woohoo! ♪ hello
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♪ messed up with you ♪ hello ♪ o-o-o ♪ i want to try to hello ♪ o-o-o ♪ i'm getting busy -- >> good morning "action news" is in pike county pennsylvania
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right now for accused cop killer eric frein's arraignment. as we reported to you he was found near an old airport hangar in the poconos. we have a live report coming up on "action news" at noon we've seen a motorcade come up. a number of law enforcement personnel waiting for eric frein to arrive. we'll keep an eye on this. >> reporter: let's go over to karen rogers. >> reporter: live in delaware approaching the route 1 media bypass, the delays have cleared out. as we look now we have other issues in and around the area. we have an accident that's causing a problem. also the ramp from i-95 to 202 is reopened. better news there. here we're looking for you, the ben franklin bridge. the ben is close they have a run closing the bridge. stick to the walt whitman bridge or the betsy ross bridge
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instead. no problems or delays just yet. watch from this sunday 7:45 for the run the bridge race, tam. >> let's go now to david murphy with your last accuweather forecast. "good morning america." >> reporter: sunday is up early, tam with clouds increasing. suburbs in the 30s, philadelphia 41 grab the coat. 58 is the high. later tonight we'll see temperatures fall from 55 to 50 from dinnertime to 9:00 p.m. it will be cloudy and dry not a lot of wind. if you're down the shore a little drizzle is possible during trick or treating. tomorrow, windy and damp showers at times, strong gusty winds, chilly high of 53. sun comes back on sunday, but it's bluster and chilly. we want to go back to pike county, eric frein heading into the courtroom they are closing the doors there. we'll bring you any
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>> we're sorry the number you ave reached is not in service. please check the number or try your call again. >> i know it's hard to believe,