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tv   Good Day Philadelphia at 9  FOX  August 4, 2014 9:00am-10:01am EDT

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she's one of the ones. >> yes, my six year-old likes katie perry. is that a good role model for her. >> avery sings roar and a couple of other songs. >> she's colorful and funny can let her do that. >> sure. >> miley cyrus. >> not so much. >> hanna montana period. >> kids love katie perry, keisha a and miley cyrus, like little ones. the the lyrics are not appropriate. >> with the frozen sound track. >> we've all heard that the way to the man's hearties through the stomach. it may be toughest specially right after we get married. >> this study shows research shows men change their eating habits after tying the knot. you guys tend to develop the sweet tooth, more cakes, cookies and other goodies after you walk down the aisle. comfort food is behind the weight gain. you eat a lot of comfort, apparently. married men they say, no, not
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really they are more at ease or eating out of sheer desperation. >> we needed a study to tell us this, come on. >> it cuts both ways. you start to relax after being married a little bit. when you are first courting you are going to the gym before the date and doing all that kind of thing. you are spending more time together, quality time. >> probably true. >> more regular meals together. >> yes, right. >> because before when you were single you ate on the run. >> yes. >> listen to us justifying it all. >> jenny, how is steve looking these days. >> stop it. >> well, you know, i complain about steve because he went on that ridiculous paleo diet, pizza is poison, fun food is poison so he is very thin. i should be jumping for joy but really i can not eat a pizza with my husband. basically, you know, i got a bad situation at home but i will say you are right.
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you want to sit on the couch, you want to hang out and veg. chris is right when you are single and in this stage of the game, you don't have time to eat because you are running kids to soccer practice or dropping them off at swimming camp or whatever it is but i do think there is that five to ten year window after you get married where franklin both sides look a little softer then they did before the wednesdaying. >> you bring up a good point about how your life gets so busy. you see 20 something year-old. they are going to the gym and work out. if i go to the gym i'm trying to squeeze in a half an hour if i can with everything else on your plate, no pun intended. >> well, i will say this, that is one of the reasons, ever since i had brody i have not belonged to any gym. there are ways, and i am the whacko at the playground who even when brody was a toddler i was doing push-ups on the bottom of the slide or pull ups. and then everyone has a stolen.
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walk baby behind the stroller. there are ways to stay active but certainly it is not going to a spinning class and yoga thing and training for a marathon all in one week. >> well, johnnies draining for one of those tough mudders, those mud runs, and he does triathlons. >> he is military don't they force them to stay in shape these guys that are still involved, for the most part, some sort of program. >> that or he doesn't like spend ago this much time with me so he find other things to do. >> yes. >> by the way, have you ever trade paleo breads, since we were talking about the pale o diet. >> here's the thing, paleo thing and please do not write me a letter, okay. i think it is dumb. it is not for me. paleo thing is not for me. >> food is so awesome and it is such a way to connect and have have passion and everything else. one person steps out of the equation it makes it odd on the other person.
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>> we don't like them. >> anyway. >> it is true. >> jen, we love you. >> i'm sedentary and i'm starving. having sisters make you more popular. >> are you a single. >> no, i have one brother. >> okay. according to the study done by researchers at duke university having a close one with your mother and circle of sisters around you makes you more popular. a group studying the family in kenya my goodness they found that power of sisters help rise of female on the social ladder, researchers suggested eory could explain the secret, to the kardashian family popularity. >> why are we bringing them into it. >> every show has to have the kardashian embedded. >> yes. >> well, they are close as sisters. you have to give them that. they are very close. >> they are. >> poor rob is kind of like where is he. he is just disappeared. >> he is having a hard time.
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you have brothers and sisters. >> i have two sisters and one brother. >> was it easier to be closer tour sisters or your brother. >> you love your younger brother, he is funny. and for your mom's birthday. >> my brother was cracking us up. he is youngest and i'm the oldest. i used to give him gentlemen lessons. here open the door for me. pull out my chair. >> so words to this day. >> quite show. >> he is very popular too. >> yes. >> speaking of friend, right. siblings can be friend, of course but when you think back to your social circle at what point did you have most friend and most happy socially. apparently a 29 years oldies the guy that has most friend. that age when you have most friend. >> according to the british research, some british research that shows that the age, that age, my goodness can i speak today? let me start this over again. >> no. >> this is according to british research that shows that age is when you are most
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in contact with people from work, social media and old friends thaw knew from college or even before that. the study shows that while closest confidents are usually people you know from school you most likely have the most in common with those that you work w study shows that high pressured environments and working with like minded people cause you to bond. okay. i'm trying to think back, you know, a couple years ago when i was 29. >> i remember when i had friends. >> hard thing has been moving around in this business when you get started. you develop such close bonds. you have same challenge, same hours. in this job we work strange hours but it is hard to move away. geography is kind of destiny. >> that is one positive about facebook because it keeps a connection to people you know in other cities. you may never see them very much, but at least you can find out what is going on in their lives, what kind of food as they are eating and taking
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pictures of. >> yes, yes. >> it all a kind of connects. >> yes, facebook thing is interesting, i got a budd hoy has a little kid. just to watch her grow up through facebook is neat. he is in portland, oregon. it is fun. have you ever taken your car to the repair shop and felt like the mechanic was not being honest, your suspicions may have been right. >> is there new evidence that shows women are more often lied too because of their gender. researchers at the university of pennsylvania, um, and uc berkley found that women are, easy mark, especially in negotiations. >> especially when they dress like that. >> yes. >> that is part of the problem. >> study found -- >> yes. >> she's not married. >> go ahead. >> a woman with the warm outing personality was more often expected to be easily fooled and it is not just men who deceived them, women we are our own worst enemy because we trick them as well. >> yes, you are vulnerable if
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you don't have the knowledge that the mechanic does in the auto repair shop. >> i don't know a thing about cars. they could lie and cheat and steel from me all day long. i should not add myth that. they could be watching. >> but i mean it is interesting too that as women, it says that we target other women that have kind of that outing, personality, we see them as someone we're likely to get one over honor someone we can bully, i don't know. >> it is not my nature to lie. i'm not a good liar. i don't have a poker face. i wouldn't even then to occur to me to try it. >> no. >> okay. >> i don't know, i cannot relate here. i don't know what you are up to. i know you are up to something though. >> more men then ever are getting their hair blown dry before a big meeting. new phenomenon is called board room blow-dry. >> hair dress their talk to the daily mail say blown dry look for men in office has
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gained popularity since wolf of wall street which if you recall was actually setback in the 80's. >> it was. >> more men are going for jordan bellford looked which looks slicked down to me but who am i. the guys are stopping in the salon before a big meeting, for a date. >> i know men are in general paying more attention to their grooming like you hear about men getting manicured, pedicures, skying their hair. >> yes. >> i need a haircut and my hair dyed because i'm fully gray and i just got a manicure. it feels so good. >> yes. >> you get those little hangnail things and they hurt. >> do i need a haircut, thanks. >> do you get a pedicure. >> that is the best part about that is the foot massage. >> yes, with the hot stone. >> great. >> you never get a second chance to make a first impression which is why single people are spending a small fortune on first dates. >> my goodness, from the haircuts to the spray tans,
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you have manicures, pedicures, singles are spending about 150 bucks on average before they are even out the door. that is for grooming. >> this goes back to the whole getting fat after marriage thing too though. >> yes. >> for the dudesy believe in the opposite because american have seen you at your worst and they still like you. >> this is what you will get. it won't get any worse then this ever, only better. >> possibly could. >> i'm sorry. >> 150 bucks i need to get this out because it doesn't include the drinks, the dinner, whatever you decide to do on your date. it doesn't include actual date. this is predate prep, if you will. apparently people that are young and dating are going on an average of about three days a months. so with different people i guess. that is $450, a good amount. >> gone through that ritual all three times. >> do you get spray tan and
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manicure. i don't know. >> i never had three dates a month. i wouldn't know. >> aren't you glad you ended dating before this whole phenomenon of the man grooming. >> it wasn't that way back in the 90's and 80's you tried to look your best but you didn't pay all that money. >> yes. >> laying in the bed. >> i have never done that. >> too claustrophobic. >> do you spend money on predate prep other than shower or a shave. >> i washed my car, that was the big thing with guys. >> that was the big thing. >> yes, vacuum the insides. >> that was a big thing. new reality show is helping singles navigate do's and don't's of dating. >> so next week bravo is beginning to air the single, based in new york city, first reality show where bachelors and bachelorettes will be date nothing real time. the twist is that the show allows viewers to offer dating advice to the couple's via social media.
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i don't know would you want somebody in your ear while out on the a date, by in your ear we meet you have your smart even if out and you are looking at the feedback and, you know, response and reaction that you are getting from people tweeting you say this, don't do that. >> yes. >> different dynamic. >> i was thinking of the same thingy don't know, the whole point is you have to read the person you air cross you know what i mean if you looking at social media and the not exhibit your true self. pick your nose just because somebody is telling you not to do it on twitter. >> yes. >> don't misrepresent yourself. >> that may be, that may be a step above. >> it may be who you are, not try to be somebody else. >> at least you are being real though. again this is the worst it will ever get. >> that is right. >> i get it. >> it only can get better from here. >> i'm not saying that is habit. >> but is there a hot college football coach who might have you taking a double look.
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texas tech university's head coach, this is the coach. >> he looks like ryan gosling. >> yes, thank you. how did you guess that is what we were going to say. >> i didn't even read ahead i swear to god. >> i saw the pictures, on toes god. >> dead ringer look at the abs. i need to get back in the gym. >> oh, man. >> he is 34 years old. he is an internet sensation. cliff takes it as a compliment. he has gotten pretty risque requests from female fans. >> from the looks of it, he is getting the girls. >> i guess he is. >> yes. >> bikini clad ladies, one on each arm. >> his shorts are low. >> what is most attractive part the abs is that what women go to first. >> you cannot see his eyes. it depend on what you are looking for. the wallet. >> yes. >> okay. it depend on what you are looking for. if you are going on line and looking at pictures of a hot
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guy you don't look at his face. if you are interested in him then you look at his eyes. i know i may seem old fashion. >> you go for eyes first. >> i like hands and feet. >> hands and feet. >> weird. >> for me i had to marry somebody who would make me laugh, and would laugh at my jokes. if they can laugh at my jokes they are in. if not, they are not in. >> you're hilarious. >> sue, lets talk about weather,. >> yes, see my jokes were always bad and they laugh anyway they are a keeper. >> yes. >> we will look at our weather today. it is looking better all the time with sunshine, burning through a lot of the clouds. we will start off cloudy and fog think morning but we are keeping an eye on this week is tropical storm berta, second one of the season. and, it is up to 70-mile an hour winds getting very, very close to hurricane status. it is in moving to the north at 16 miles an hour and it is pretty close to the boost
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hamas right now. this is the projected path of the storm. these are all different computer models we consult with the hurricane center does when they make their projections. so every single model has this storm staying off shore. it is a category one hurricane when it does beast come one. it does not strengthen any more than that. it comes close enough to the east coast that it will really affect rip currents this week. so if this is your week at the jersey shore just be careful swimming because today we have a moderate risk of rip currents but by tomorrow and wednesday i think those will be the worst days with rip currents we will have. sorry about. that high risk of rip currents, i better check pollen count, it is a nine with the uv index today, so some showers around to our south, for us, we're not seeing any rain and it is just very, very humid out there. so, we will look at temperatures which range from 07 degrees in pottstown to 72 in dover. down in wildwood it is 73.
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65 degrees in mount pocono. seven day forecast has 86 degrees for to day and tomorrow hot and humid with a high, close to or maybe making it to 90 degrees. wednesday a half and half day starting off with sunshine, thunderstorms late the in the day but pay off is thursday and friday. lower humidity and this weekend looks brighter, then last weekend did, so guys, there it is your seven day forecast. >> it looks so darn good later in the week. >> thanks, sue. >> that was a great weather weekend but not weather-wise. >> so who is every where all the time? hugh e dylan. we don't know how you are every where all the time but what a weekend to be out. thanks for being with us. >> great, it was fun. >> i rearranged my entire vacation around miley's schedule. she was in town this week. >> yes. >> so, was john legend. >> gentlemen, great week. >> lets start with miley. >> so on saturday i got a tip miley was staying at host tell monaco at fifth and chestnut. >> right across the street.
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>> so when her fiance liam was filming they lift at fifth and walnut. that makes sense she will walk around neighborhood. i ran over there. it was good sign that the new york photographer there and said she's definitely in here. >> you just staked outside. >> we were hiding in the car, hiding is a terrible word. we didn't want to disturb anyone. after a little while about an hour i looked up, someone came out. i thought it was miley. totally looked like her. it was her backup singer julia. >> she sent her out as a bee coy. >> i think she does. why else, she looks exactly like her. >> were you duped. >> totally tuned. >> thinking miley would come out, at some point miley tweeted she was still in new york and getting ready to go to wells fargo. >> were you buying that. >> it is hard. miley is honest with how shy puts out her instagram. >> what are we looking at here. >> miley went to the concert,
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she drove down from new york to wells fargo and then she went back on her way back, back to new york. >> yes. >> she went to the bathroom in the bushes and she took a picture. >> yes. >> look at her. >> this i think will be a big news story. >> where did she go. >> somewhere on the turnpike because i know she took jersey turnpike. >> i know,. >> but i heard she talk highly about philadelphia she had a meet and greet. i talked to one of the fans tallea but for this meet and breathe, it is between 500 a thousand dollars. >> yes. >> she said that she was super great because she was crying. she had been to three concert already. she's a true miley fan. when she got up to miley and said it is okay a, i'm happy to meet you too no one looked good crying in photos. i know. then she calms her down waited and then they took a great picture. that was very nice of miley. i was sad i didn't see her.
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>> miley is biggest name these days in town if you put her up against john legend and unfortunately billy joel. billy joel sold out the ballpark. >> yeah, i mean he is a bigger name, he has longevity in his career but miley is definitely the wave of the future. she really connect was her fans. >> wave of the future. >> and she's on social media. >> are you depressed, i am. >> john legend, did you see him at the mann. >> he was at the mann. he performed saturday night. he also connected with fans every where. really nice. great showing for him. he signed it. she was excited about that. afterwards he was hungry and took tour bus over to tony lukes right near the stadium. him and his wife christie was there. that is nickie luke, anyway, she is getting ready to throw out first pitch at l.a. dodgers game. >> christie his wife. >> they were caught by tmz on friday practicing because she
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says she's very prolific on her social media. she doesn't want make headlines 50cent did. he was unable to make it to the catchers. >> she has a good harm. >> lets talk about local fellow, m knight shame lon but tell me about him. >> he was over on friday night celebrating his daughter's birthday. she's heading off to college. he has a movie coming up, should start september, we should start having celebrity sight goes with bruce willis. >> labor of love. >> yes. i heard party was nice. thirty people went. he has been there a couple times. >> we need another good move friday him that would be great. >> labor of love, looking forward to that. >> hugh e dylan, thanks. >> i feel up to date and in the know. >> if you find yourself slumping around the office in the afternoon we have a solution, what you should do to recharge your brain after this. that is very nice.
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♪ >> nancy sinatra. well, you don't neat boots but bear feet on the beach. >> of course. >> richard nixon bad pr move he was walking on the beach in southern california in a full suit. that does not look good. >> yes. >> yes. >> uptight. >> 9:24. walk to work from 9:00 to 5:00. if you work from 9:00 to 5:00 you find yourself slumping around 2:00 p.m. scientists say take a walk. giving your brain a break recharges the mine. you always give me grief for walking around during commercial breaks during commercials breaks in the studio. >> you have this nervous
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energy. >> short attention span. >> yes, it is both. >> yes. >> we're still giving him grief. >> taking that little break, that chris takes repeatedly helps recharge his mind. it would be even worse if he didn't take them. >> yes. >> so, idea compress because i am working with kerry and they say they allow you to be more pro ducktive by even of the day. i'm gearing up when i walk out the door to be with the kids. >> what can make more sense than that, you go get a change of scenery. >> fresh air. >> change of air. >> yes, outside, coming in, inside, go out, and just change things up a little bit. >> i was fascinate todd read donald rumsfeld, former secretary of defense, he would stand all day. >> yes. >> he never sat at work. i'm in the sure if he had a back problem. >> those treadmills desk, people are really getting them people that work all day long in cubicles, they are raise up the desk and they just walk slowly but keeps them going
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and got to keep your energy up. >> keeps your blood flowing. >> they should have have a treadmill anchor desk for the news. >> it is already hot enough already in here. >> that is right. >> you ever notice there are some news folks who do an entire show standing up and that is why they do it. the desks are designed, we don't that have here we're sitting, with you keeps it going. i know. >> they are redoing the studio downstairs, suggestion box. >> if you are single or even if you are not do not miss this. daily news issue for sexy singleses out and a few philly finest will join us. there is one of them, coming up. >> yes.
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good morning, will the 29. live look at penn's landing, heading outside in just a minute, first, sue, giggeling up, what happened in in day in history, highlight for me 2006, will pharrell's best movie came out, talaga nights. >> oh, yes, i own that one. >> kind of dude movie. philadelphia daily news releases its sexy single picks for this year. >> the pain letter release new batch of singles over the next three days, kind of drag it out, keep the suspense going, and the first will be the swimsuit edition, so, kerry is outside right now, with few of those sexy singles, and kerrey, you are looking pretty sexy your yourself. >> thanks, i left my bathing suit at home. we'll introduce to you them. nonetheless denise armstrong with us. >> nice to be here. >> everybody's favorite edition, the one, that even if people are reading the papers
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they wait for this edition. >> right. they read the pape that's time of year, you know, we unveil the first group, monday, today. have another group tomorrow. and another group wednesday. then we have the big party thursday. at the sugarhouse casino, all are invited. >> so tell us what is up with the swimsuit edition? something new you are doing? >> yes there is year is the first time we've ever asked everyone to show up in swimsuits, want to up the sexy a little bit. i think we real day. tag line real people real bodies, real sexy. >> all right, well, without further a do, let's introduce you to some of the newest sexy singles, come on down, tell us little bit about this lovely laid. >> i packs, not only is she smoking hot, but she's also a positive psychologist, and we thought she was really cool. >> so tell us, i mean, who nominated you? do you know? >> i think that my good friends, garden welling ton, nominated me. then just went from there, virgin's i found out i was selected then found out week before we were going to be in swimsuits. so, yes, so what do you?
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because if somebody had told me that the week prior, i would have back out. >> you look fabulous. >> thank you. baseline every fitness, diet, exercise, meditation in my general day-to-day practice. so signing up the week before oh, okay. >> and you coast into this. >> and you're hot and smart. psychiatrist? >> i am a positive psychology expert. i study positive psychology at penn, went to pen undergrad, philly native, west philadelphia, born and raised, playground is where i spent most of my days then i study positive psychology, now just working on team wellness, started initiative about healthy eating for teens, so-called the challenge, funnel good food to teens with the idea diet is the first step to feed the body the right foods, and the minds. >> all right, looking strictly at your body here in this one. okay, let's bring down doctor matthew smith.
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percentage every men to women? >> about 50-ooh. >> who nominated you? >> denise. >> does ma mean you have a? >> not exactly but did excellent article on me, asked me to be in this. i said it would be a great thing to parities nature. >> tell us quick willingly about yourself. >> a foot surgeon here in philadelphia, practicing here for ten years, did my residency here, i love the city. originally from north jersey but i'm philadelphia guy now. >> jim, jessie, radio personality. >> all right, very good. do you know who nominated you? >> i think it was somebody at the daily news? i know lorraine wanted to, then you guys oh, nominated jesse all right. you're emerging out of the water very much like katie per. >> i from like the movie species, just coming out of the water.
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>> you look good. >> are you freaking out about the bathing suit thing? >> at first i was like, i don't know about. >> this but they made you really comfortable at the photo shoot. so cool, dope. >> can you guys reveal what you are wearing. >> south under top, fringe i, something i would totally wear, and yes, i think it was south moon under. that's what i wore. >> fabulous. we wish you the very best. >> thank you. >> all hot. i feel lowly sitting out here sitting next to them. of course i'm not single but thank you very much. i think it is a pitty you're hot but hot nonetheless. >> so introducing everyone with the gentleman, you know, sue said yes, attractive, good looking guy. then oh, you're hot. >> 's doctor. >> so as mike jerrick would say, good thing mike wasn't here for this. >> i don't know. not for him. >> jen, has been having adventures in the mountains, a loft stuff to do in the
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summertime. >> yes, and this guy is in charge every keeping me safe. i'm not looking up because i'm going up there. i'll dot jump, and i've already told you, part of this should not include kids do. >> this part of those should not do you have do it no matter what, you got a speech ready for me. >> i do. >> here is the speech after >> i do. >> here is the speech after the
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have you seen tom corbett's negative ad with this actress. it's just not true. and more of the same from corbett. tom wolf's company is headquartered and files taxes right here in pennsylvania. and it's tom wolf who'll be the governor we need. he'll make the gas companies pay up to fund our schools. build a 21st century infrastructure. and restore manufacturing for the jobs we need today. take a look at his plan for yourself. tom wolf. a fresh start for pennsylvania.
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>> we've been waiting all morning for jen here, and she said she will be hi, and she has safety experts with her at fernwood resorts in the poconos. >> high? that explains it.
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>> oh, natural hi, right, jen? >> i love when that happens. jenny? >> here we go. we're getting you now. >> high. >> starts over now. >> okay, they told me not to climb up. then wade for you guys up there, because that's when people really freak out. >> okay. >> we climb up live on tv. i don't know if you guys can tell, i'm already little winds dollars, not because of any activity, but sue knows this, i kind of hate these things. but dow it because i think that as a mom, as human, do you have stretch yourself all the time, right? do you have take risks, show your kids, you're like batman, and i bunji jump probably 15 years ago now, i didn't like it at all. but i'm changed that. today by the way at the fernwood resort right here in the poconos. hello, how are you? >> good, how are you? >> better than, you know? >> all right, don't look down
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yet. >> all right. >> you're here, only illusion. hold onto this tight. once i open that gate, you're ready to go. >> ready? >> i think definitely ready to go. stair into those trees, take nice step-off. >> here i go. >> oh, man! >> jen! >> so proud of you! >> yeah! >> scott is here. okay. is he let me say one thing, not just because i'm on television, because these lovely people are here. the stepping up is the hard part. >> yes, it is. >> am i alive? >> did you great. we saw you. >> do your legs feel like gel flow. >> it was a thrill, wasn't it? >> my legs feel like jello. i will say with regular bunji jumping, kerrey barrett, your legs do little more kicking, i think, stinks little more on live tv, you just have to go for t we're here at the
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fernwood -- (laughing) people do this every day? >> and people love it. >> we have showed people the real extreme stuff that you guys do. but i also want people to know, you can come here and play golf. owning? you can come here with your family. you guys even have, we have video of it, bumper boats. >> yes, we do. >> so really something for everyone? >> yes, it is, something here, everybody can pretty much do. >> okay. did you think i was going to do it? >> what's that? >> did you think i would walk back down. >> i knew would you jump off. >> is there any age, weight, or any kind of physical restriction for this thing? >> more of height and weight, minimum height 42 inches. >> i just made it. >> and the wait vair frist different -- different sections that we have. sampling is the least amount of weight, 20 pounds. >> okay. >> then hounds 30 for the rock wall, 40 for the quick jump. >> mom who said, they yell and be happy, it is cool. all of the moms are shush. as a par hasn't has five year old little inability, and nine year old, i like that you can can be young and do this, then you can like you have varying
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ages every kids, cousins, all of that kind of thing. >> yes, we do. >> my work here is done, ladies and gentlemen. as i said as i was going up, little nervous, you know, i want to kiss you, hug you. because epically when you go to the adventure sports things, the dude is such a dork. i just want to say thank you! >> oh! >> i want to make out with him. so you guys go back home now. >> yes, looks like you already became acquainted. >> you could tell, 1979, bunji jump has been around. >> not when you bunji jump. >> no. >> have you ever done it? >> i was 11 then. no, never tried it. >> i did high school prom. we were down the shore. >> prom? >> not at the prom, we went to the shore after the prom. >> and you jumped? >> i jumped, yep. >> prom gown? >> no, no, no. >> aim he never surprised.
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>> what a story this one has. >> many. some of the city's best chefs will be cooking up delicious food in rittenhouse square little later this week for very exciting event. we'll tell you how you can participate other than eating. >> i'm r ♪ come have fun at sesame place with everyone's favorite furry friends. enjoy rides where you can splash... and whirl. and, play in the all-new cookie's monster land.
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with 5 exciting rides, a monster clubhouse and more! buy your 2015 season pass and get the rest of this year free. ♪ meet me at sesame place!
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>> fancy pants restaurants around there, rittenhouse square, getting together to show some of the best chefs in the sit. >> i we do have some pretty good ones. >> chris murphy outside sampling some good east from couple of those restaurants that are participating. we saw some oysters, whole bunch of yummy cheese. >> yes, feast for the eyes already, guys. and smells great. look how pretty, this is, right here. speaking of pretty, cory moscow is here, executive director of rittenhouse row. >> thank you for having us. >> rittenhouse row will be fun. tell us what's going on. how many restaurants, are part of this? >> great. so kevin, one of our board members, came up with the idea for the rittenhouse road cullen area collection, which is four day event, august 4th, through 7. featuring amazing culinary talents, rittenhouse road shops. >> how much is it? >> it is all different, all different ranges, we have rittenhouse sushi role, one price, up to i think 135, our
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most expensive one. >> and the money goes towards? >> not benefit. just meant to be a feast for the sense. >> there we go. >> we have gregg, what do you have, gregg? >> doing five course menu at spraga. kind of down the shore theme. so real fun menu. so, couple of those dishes, couple of the examples we have here are oysters from new jersey, cape may salt. >> what did you put on the oysters? >> on top, tomato cucumber salad, little bit of mint to brighten everything up, make it nice, make the oysters pop. the second dish we have is spaghetti and clams. so, we have spaghetti, claims, nice white wine butter sauce, with pepper lobing tell a cheese, area regula to freshen it up, give us that pepper little peppy bite to it. >> how much? eighty bucks. >> yes. >> also optional beverage pairing. >> love that. >> yes. >> hey, chris. i'm chris: tell us what you
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brought from tavio? >> five course menu. doing something live different. >> we have a book that steve wrote. and, yes, copy of the book, and all of the recipes that you will be featured for the five courses, will actually be in the book. so if you like, you can go home, make it yourself. >> great idea. >> yes, absolutely. we also have -- comes with a pairing, we actually have the davio shards on a, and the cab err nay. >> where is your wine made? >> out of california. >> very good. >> nap a, so no, ma'am a? >> actually right near napa. >> out standing. >> yes, first course roasted tomato soup for the season, also recipes in the book, we have the gnocci. and third course will be the meatballs. >> do you larger meatball. you don't like the small one? >> , no the larger, tend to be more juicy inside. so we braze them for like two, three hours. >> love that. >> last, but not least, we
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have alex here, alex, welcome. what are we doing over here. >> well, this week we are doing our dinner with george peer a. >> okay. >> and doing seven courses. this is the cheese cart from le bec fin, and one of our courses will be cheese, so in honor of le bec fin, chef, we brought our cheese cart, and we have one of the biggest selections of cheese in the city, that's available all the time, not just during our day. >> any time do you cheese tasting sometimes they give you sleever of cheese. how we're pretty generous. give me anything to like eat with or whatever. so, i'm have a grape. eat and bring some up to you guys a little later. >> oh, buddy. >> we like it because it means you talk less. >> justices g. a curious bird ready for his close up becomes an internet sensation, so check this out. it is a two can -- too can
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taking video selfie in brazil. birds lands end on highway traffic camera, as you clearly see consideration not keep his beak out of the shot. but after couple of seconds he got board, and he flew off, and that was the last to ever see him. >> how amazing those birds. we have to go to the zoo to see those. >> i know, just what i was thinking, they fly around in the wild. beautiful. >> still ahead, beyonce, finally, addressing that, you know, that infamous elevator fight between she and her sister, jay-z, addressing it in song, though. what lee is singing i guess about how it all went down. >> ♪
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♪ the world famous fries you love, plus a shake of three new flavors you add. introducing mcdonald's shakin' flavor fries. and right now you can get a free medium sized shakin' flavor fries at mcdonald's when you purchase any large sandwich thursday august 7th through august 9th. so you better get shakin'.
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how big is acme's anniboy: it's huge! it's acme's anniversary sale. this week get hot or lean pockets, $0.99 each. pepsi 2 liters just $0.79. and frito lay party size chips, $2.99 each. don't miss our biggest sale ever! boy: hey mom! look what i found. acme. this sale is huge! >> wendy is up next here on fox 29. >> look at it out there. >> can't get rid of the clouds. >> what about this rain clouds
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hanging over beyonce and jay-z ever since the elevator fight? re mix to the song flawless, address that whole elevator incident. check it out. >> ♪ go down with billion dollars on the elevator ♪ go down with a billion dollars on the elevator ♪ >> so something goes down when there is a billion dollars on an elevator. essentially what she is saying. have been battling tons every rumors since this whole thing happened, according to page six, new york post, the couple staying in separate hotels, traveling with lawyers, although i don't know that that's entirely unique, source says that jay-z has banned beyonce from doing any tell-all interviews, that doesn't sound at all, also told the post the couple does not have a prenup, so a lot of people are wondering how long the whole tour thing, or is the whole thing fabricated, orchestrated to boost interest, right? last time the two were together -- >> they didn't seem like that couple though up until that point. that couple that kind of tried
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to stir things up to get the headlines all the time to be -- seem pretty squeaky clean i thought. >> yes, well, shutdown that hospital wing for the birth of blue ivy, remember that? that was a little scandelous. >> bit much. >> breaking in character. actress cheryle heinz ties the knows with rfk, jr., i didn't even know the two were dating, so this is news to me. the couple apparently said i do over the weekends at the kennedy compound, 300 people in attendance. robert, this is where it gets juicy, was wrapped up in cheating scandal with 42 year old socialite, not sure who. >> pre-cheryle. >> oh, was it pre-cherylement well, they put it behind them nonetheless. both been married two times prior. >> yep, now she plays larry david's wife in curb your entheusiasm, where cheryle behind is, now she a kennedy. >> we wish them the best. >> fascinating guy of course. >> rfk? >> yes, very involved with environmental issues, very
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focused dude, smart guy. don't know about the other ancillary stuff. >> bill murray, you all remember, been a while since bull murray has done anything. when is the last time he did anything? >> caddy shack. >> in franklin roosevelt movie couple of years ago. he shows up in things every once in a while, yes. >> okay, well, the thing that everybody does, really made it in hollywood apparently you lend your voice to some sort of animated flick. i think it started when shrek. remember? cameras diaz. >> give young aspiring voice actors a chance. you don't see their face anyway. >> true. but people like the familiar voice resonates with people. you know who it is, you know like when morgan freeman does something, you know, actually who it is. >> ann love chris rock. >> the barry tone. >> i love chris rock in mathis gas car. he makes that zebra, i think. >> not necessarily bill murray's voice that i think is so captivating shall but just his inch tony's cents,
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inflictions. >> and was going to be the jungle book. i don't know about you, but i've never heard bill murray sing. >> true. >> he's going to be the voice baloo. and christopher walkin. so, yes, all into this. it will be released in october. >> yes. >> okay. >> look forward to. that will finally we talked about this story. this is the best story of the day. tara recommendation the one thing sharknado could happen. capitalizing on the phenomena of sharknado. she is releasing a perfume in spine fit philadelphia many called shark. by tara. >> oh, it is a shark fin. >> she has a website, she is selling the stuff on, i think a little less than 25 bucks. although she has not told us what's in it, or what it smells like. but i will leave that to your imagination. >> that said, i'm retired, this chumnel fox 25.
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>> havav
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live from new york city, it's "wendy williams." today, honey boo-boo and mama june stop by for some good old-fashioned girl talk and to dish about the upcoming season of their show. plus, is ben affleck's gambling ruining his marriage to jennifer garner. radaronline gives wendy the inside scoop. plus, all the latest juicy "hot topics." now, here's wendy! ♪ >>