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tv   Chasing News  FOX  March 2, 2018 3:00am-3:30am EST

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>> it is ther it is fair not ono call this a big storm but a monster storm. >> a nor'easter storm headed our way. snow, wind, rain, and a storm surge. how bad is it going to be? >> the power outages and coastal flooding threat of the biggest concern. >> appearance are suing because they say their kids are not getting the same education and opportunity as other kids. the issue is it racial discrimination. >> when my kids go and they are automatically tracked into a different class. >> i would not blame it on the education system. >> have a couple of drinks?
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call uber. don't drink and drive. but don't do it this kid did. got a neubert in $1600 later. >> i am bill spady and, this is chasing news. >> let's check in with dan. how bad is it going to be? >> it's fair to not only call this a major storm but a monster storm. with rapidly intensify and low pressure off the coast. weather impacts to talk about. rain and snow, but don't focus on that. i think the wind power outages and coastal flooding threat of the biggest concerns. things are getting ramped up. pockets of heavy rain overnight through friday morning. temperatures will plummet. a wintry mix and snow friday afternoon making trouble sloppy. when discussed up over 50 miles
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per hour. the most next four or five high tides will be the highest water level and moderate coastal flooding is expected. more details later on. >> a group of parents of the south orange maplewood school district are suing the school district over what they say is discrimination and segregation. they say black kids are not getting the same opportunities as white kids in the district. there five elementary schools. one is a high concentration of black students. the other four are mostly white. when the kids get high school the parents a the test scores are reflective of the lack of opportunity as they move through. as a result, brackets are being pushed into classes that do not challenge them.
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they are not getting the same opportunity at as their white counterpart. the attorney is robert. welcome to chasing news. >> thank you. >> let me understand this. the idea is that you are saying that the black students in the high school, their test scores are not comparable to the white student test scores. do you think there's some discrimination in regard to test scores? or does this go back to the root of the problem at the elementary school level? >> the fundamental thing is this. when black kids go through the front door of the high school, they are automatically tracked into a different type of class. that's a problem. automatic and discriminatory leveling and tracking. what we have proven is that this high school and school district tracks the black kids on one level and tracking my kids on another. it is not just us that said that. the district has ritually admitted that because they entered into a consent order.
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>> when you say the kid walks into the door and a black kid in a white kid, being put in these courses based on test score or color of their skin? >> not based on a test score. they're coming from the middle school where there is no test score in regards to the high school. it has to be based on some perceived tracking level. that's what we've had a problem with. there is a perception of a tracking level. >> will be a disadvantage to some of the black students if what they're saying from the elementary school level, that they would be putting classes they cannot handle because they have not been pushed to that level? they're not at that academic level yet? >> from what we have been able to see, many black kids have come to the district and said we are not challenged in these classes. we need to move up. the district said no were not letting you move up. >> okay. stay in touch. that's bring in the panel to
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break it down. i'm joined by the n republicans association, we have the muslim community representative, and peter brown, from the linden city council. peter, it's easy to paint with this broad brush, racism. there seems to be an issue here that maybe the kids are not getting the same level of instruction in the outliers of the kids prepared for tougher classes is that racism? >> it's not racism. is there an issue? it looks like there is. but when it comes to minority and education we see a difference in test scores. i wouldn't blame it on the education system. it also comes what's happening at home. when kids are coming home our
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parents sitting down and working with their kids? >> that's a great point. i would agree. your entire environment helps that an diagnostic testing is a huge factor. >> i beg to differ, the home and environment matters but what are the teachers receiving a what are they getting to make themselves effective and standardized's testing that allows for students to be treated equally. >> the worst test scores in the state of the highest cost per student. >> you look at the impairment these kids are raised in and you can help them a correlation. >> every year there's a tradition called the walked washington. the chamber of commerce joins with their members, politicians and lobbyists and head to d.c. this should the new governor decided he wasn't gonna take the train but he was going to meet people in washington. benson taxes on the agenda.
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>> it's a mix and mingle of the who's who in new jersey. i hopped on the annual chartered amtrak chain in trenton headed to the nations capital packed with more than 900 lawmakers, ceos, entrepreneurs, you name it. people her from phil murphy in the evening. >> people in here about his budget and he might preview that today. two things they want to hear about is how he plans on growing the economy and what he plans to take to prevent a tragedy like the one in florida. they had a daylong public hearing on wednesday. seven bills to strengthen the state's gun laws were debated. >> i'm looking forward to having them approve so we can move forward and let people know that we really care. >> i think schools need to be fully funded so they can have
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good security and resource offices in each school. >> murphy said they discuss projects including the gateway project property tax relief. >> that is the an important project for the northeast corridor in our national security and economic health. >> murphy s bob menendez to addresproperty tax relief. >> we stand together against the property tax deduction. were looking at ways to try to bring it back. >> thank you. let's bring back the a+ panel. the chamber train. i have been on it, don't miss it. >> what is their agenda? look at the website and there's
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no agenda. what are they going down therefore and how does it help us in new jersey? >> what gets accomplished when the politicians go down there. phil murphy has his attorney cheated general suing the federal government and talking about gun control. one of the big issues he's driving his gun control. the legislators picking up the very owners control that we have. what gets accomplished with politicians on the train? >> i don't think anything gets accomplished when includes a great deal of alcohol and does it seem to be the situation when you're on a train, drunk? >> have you been on the train? >> i have not. >> it's a mr. right of passage. how far is too far for this governor and attorney general? he was touted as a friend of law enforcement. we have seen a month of nothing
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but nonstop lawsuits against the trump administration. what are they doing to help make a new jersey more affordable? >> i think it is a clear agenda his operating on. nothing seems to be central to run new jersey. more towards his personal agenda. >> is a citizen and someone who pays taxes, is a disappointed to see that sewage emphasis of the show. how about the fact that there crammed together and trying to go party in d.c. >> i don't think we should tolerated. we need to be careful of where our tax dollars are going. as someone who is paying taxes i like to see that going to my local schools and businesses. >> 's is the smoke-filled back room without the smoke? >> when i was in the train he could still smoke and drink
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openly. >> this is nothing more than a party train. what i would like to see is the money that we send out to washington, d.c., getting money back. bring in jobs back. >> there something off against us when their lobbying against this the meadow the issue now you have the chamber same, and in and are paying for it. when your politician, we might be paying for some of it. >> it's an issue and one that needs to be addressed. it's a factor for other states as well. new jersey would get hit hard. >> don't go anywhere, more jason is coming up. including a local pastor you may recognize. he stepping into the immigration debate again. this time to warn undocumented immigrants when ice is headed to get them at the courthouse. how about this, for nightmare
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the guy drinks too much and ends up in an uber from west virginia to jersey. a 1600-dollar mistake. and the weather is going to get bad. >> heavy rain is a guarantee. snow and ice is the wildcard. power outages could be a big headache. our concern is coastal flooding. will break it down about this and talk about when it leaves us alone in your forecast, coming up.
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>> welcome back, we have a story for you about a college kid from new jersey. little bit too much to drink and gets in the uber and a 1600-dollar mistake. first, you might remember the pastor who ran for governor on the green party ticket. a few weeks ago he was in the middle of the debate over illegal immigration when he offered sanctuary to some undocumented immigrants. he's in the news again. this time saying he's going to fight the injustice of ice arresting for people for violations in new brunswick. >> he has talked about the fact
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that in places like north brunswick, schools, churches and hospitals were say places front documented workers. now they want volunteers to protect them from going into places like courthouses which should also be safe places. >> we want to make sure ice doesn't get away from it. we have volunteers who will stand in the parking and make sure we record ice as they carry out any tactics against people in the courthouse parking lot. >> how to see feel this will play into the overall debate? helping or hurting? >> he can look to california where the mayor was berated by ice by warning of an rate before it took place.
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it's going to be very interesting as we go forward with the debate. >> thank you. let's bring back our a+ panel to break it down. peter brown, councilman and lyndon. good to see you. >> it seems there is no way around the legal issue that there's a legal action being taken by a nice and these guys are standing in the way. how do they avoid getting arrested? >> two places where people can go in schools or churches seems like the list is further for people to avoid being arrested. we don't want to see families split apart but we shouldn't be interfering with the government
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doing their job. >> is he crossing the line? certainly it's emotional. but ice is not arbitrarily arresting people they have warrants out. >> they're not always committing crimes. should our courthouse be a safe place? i would think they should be. >> is a government down on the job and not solve the problem and you have private folks saying were going to do it. >> it is an issue. we cannot let emotion skewer the lines of the law. our elected officials are trying to hold it down. >> how far do they go? to arrest the mayor and the pastor and does that make them
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victims? >> i don't think their victims anytime they choose to break the law that's resides in their hands. >> i don't think it's a democrat or republican debate. during obama's turn people were arrested too. >> i'm sure many of you have taken a ride share service like uber before. you're about to meet a guy who took a $1600 uber ride. we have a few questions. >> let me understand what happened. you had a few drinks, maybe more. going to college in west virginia you wake up in an uber, $1600 later you're in new jersey. what happened? >> i had started drinking at my
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friends house and then we went to a fraternity party and then club. i spent $200 and drinks at the club. then i blacked out. the last thing he remembers being at the club. just imagine you're sit there there's a 38-year-old man in the driver seat with a funny smirk. >> 38 is not old. let's just clarify that. do you know what happened? do you think you did it yourself or one of your fraternity brothers played a joke on you? >> i'm sure i did it myself. but basically i don't remember doing it. >> where did you end up? back home?
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>> yes, five or six hours away. >> when he walked in the door what did your parents say? didn't play cool? >> i walked in the door with at 8:00 a.m. with no bags at all. so there like someone on. >> you paid the bill about right? your credit card or mom and dads? >> mine. >> you might need a third job with your drinking habits. this turned into a public service announcement about being careful as to how much you drink. don't drink and uber. >> our nor'easter is here. we have nasty weather and rough surf to talk about over the next 36 hour. the major concern is the title threat. two to 4 feet of water being pushed up against her coastline.
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that's enough to close roads and cause property damage. places like for jefferson and montauk are going to get smacked by the storm. even the jersey shore, 3 feet of searches enough to cause moderate to major flooding. thirty-five or 36 and the usual spots. even the guided state parkway might have some. temperatures fall friday afternoon. accumulating snow is in the higher elevation. along with 80 and up into the catskills. for to make it inches of snow expected. everybody will probably see messy driving conditions. let's run through the timeline. friday morning is wet and breezy. friday afternoon temperatures in the 30s. there's a combination of rain and snow. saturday, the storm departs i
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will have to deal with the coastal flooding threat. temperatures in the 40s to begin the weekend. >> don't go anywhere. marshall for you after the break. look at your headlines including donald trump junior's wife. remember when she said white
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>> welcome back to chasing news. let's take a look at the headlines were chasing including an arrest has been made in the case of the person who sent the white powder to donald trump junior's wife. >> a massachusetts man was in court charged with sending a
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netbook with white powder to donald trump junior. it was opened by his wife and she was hospitalized briefly. his current starch. >> vladimir putin is a break in about russians nuclear capability and how florida could be a target. his speech on thursday came after months of tensions between russia and the united states over increased military presence in syria. the average smoker spends the average of six days a year on cigarette breaks. almost half of non-smokers believe they should get 3 - 5 extra days the year. about the same number of smokers think non-smokers shouldn't have that time off. >> thanks for watching tonight. it is good to join you after a long day. we appreciate you being with us. i want to thank and congratulate my colleague, allison is headed off to florida and has a new job in fort myers and we wish her
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well. she has really been a strong partner and everything that we have done here in chasing news. good luck. you are going to do great. thanks for watching chasing news. i will see you tomorrow night. >> kick him off the subway, maintain order, that's ridiculous. spending taxpayer dollars. >> when it comes to covering today's controversy topic, you have to hit it from all sides. no matter how you see it, what's your
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live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 11:00. dangerous storm heading into our area rain already pounding the streets in wilmington and that's not all. we're talking about a nasty mix of heavy rain, powerful winds that can make your morning drive a rough one. this storm is something you'll want to keep an eye on. good evening and thanks for joining us at 11:00 tonight i'm iain page this storm is massive. no matter where you live, you will feel it. tonight our crews are everywhere for from you the shore where the surf is getting rough to the suburbs where neighborhoods are already bracing for what's coming and our meteorologists are on top of it all. let's get out to kathy orr and kathy it is coming down out there. >> pouring rain iain this is classic setup for major east coast storm. typically we associate it with massive snow not the case this time. this is the primary low tr


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