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tv   FOX 29 News at 11  FOX  March 7, 2018 11:00pm-11:30pm EST

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live in center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 11:00. lears a look at the ben franklin parkway. our area getting blanketed in snow but that nor'easter has moved out of here. now it could freeze over while you're sleeping. that could make the morning commute kind of tricky and slippery but effects of this storm will be felt for little while. thanks for joining us tonight at 11 cooling. i'm iain page. we have plenty of school closings and delays you can see them scrolling at the bottom of your screen. among them philadelphia public and arch diocesan schools on two hour delay. meantime philly snow emergency is now over. all city offices will be open tomorrow. but septa is warning that a number of bus routes will likely be delayed because of all that snow. you want team coverage yeah, we got it team coverage for you let's begin tonight with kathy orr. kathy, this thing shaped up kind of like you said it would. >> we were looking at it last night, iain looked like a fast mover and it was. a strong storm dumping a lot of snow in that in had a short
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period of time and here it is. let's relive it one more time with that thundersnow and it's out of here. the winds out of the northwest right now and we're seeing temperatures that are above freezing in most locations with the exception of the poconos. some windy conditions will kick in overnight during the day tomorrow as well. anything you see out there that is wet on any untreated surfaces on sidewalks, on side streets or even in parking lots that is going to refreeze overnight when temperatures fall well below freezing. 30 in philadelphia. 23 in the poconos. 28 in allentown. 29 in millville. so the refreeze is coming. icy start to the day tomorrow. and even the chance of another storm in the seven day forecast. we'll talk more about that coming up with your seven day. are you ready? >> no, i'm not, kathy. thanks. right now the power outages are widespread. peco says it has more than 84,000 customers in the dark. the majority of them are in bucks county. fire officials are telling us that lower bucks hospital in bristol is in disaster mode. they got no power and no working
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generators. pse&g they say close to 47,000 customers. ac electric more than 16,000 customers with no power and all of those utility companies say they do have crews out there working to try and get those lights back on as soon as possible. let's get out now to chris o'connell who has been bracing the conditions in bucks county all day. he join us live from penn salem. chris? >> reporter: iain, there are two big concerns tonight. first of all, whatever snow that fell and the slush that remains on the roadways will freeze overnight and effect the morning commute. the other concern, power outages at last check bucks county residents about 70,000 people without power. here in bensalem we were touring around entire neighborhoods in the dark. another winter storm, another wild spread power outage. >> winter is reporter: richard s
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family were fed up with winter before this storm. then tonight, their power went out. >> this storm right away when i started hearing branches falli falling, that started to make me nervous. >> reporter: they're entire bensalem neighborhood is in the dark along with the wawa, the mcdonald's and the local liquor store. >> we have kerosene heaters so i think we'll be okay. um, and then candles so maybe some board games. >> reporter: in the meantime as the family truck is being used as a cell phone charging station, richie, jr., spent his snow day plowing the driveway. >> plowing the driveway better than going school? >> yeah arc little. >> reporter: as plows will work through the night to clear the freezing street vega house it's a night of board games and early to bed. they're just hoping power is back by morning. >> it is inconvenient, you know, you don't -- you don't get to do
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the things you normal dollar at nighttime. you know without power. >> reporter: what you're looking at now is a traffic light on street road and hulmeville road. that's the only electric that i can see from here. there are blocks and blocks that are completely in the dark at this point. you see, no street lights just the lights from the headlights from the cars coming by but it is that freezing temperatures and tomorrow morning's commute and then we're talking to residents they're hearing what kathy just told you. there may be another nor'easter come the weekend. they don't want to hear it here in buck county, iain. >> i can imagine, chris. thank you. let's head to south jersey now we take live look at wildwood. the shore really didn't get a whole lot of snow when you move closer inland the story changed quite a bit. let's get out to fox 29's shawnette wilson who's been talking to people left in the dark and dealing with fallen trees in cherry hill. shawnette. >> reporter: iain, a lot of people came out late tonight to
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clean off their cars, but, you know they found the situation like this. you can see the snow piled up surrounding the cars they didn't bother they clean the car and went back signed save that for tomorrow. on the other issue many people found themselves without power after they survived last week's storm. >> when i came out to shovel, everything was like sticking in clumps. like really hard to like get it off. >> reporter: denise tate and her 15-year-old daughter are relying on flashlight to them around the house. she woke up from a long nap snowed and in the dark. >> i was like, what's happening because it didn't look locate it was going to be that bad. because usually when it rains, it doesn't really stick as much. >> reporter: their entire neighborhood around hazel wood lane in evesham lost power. after making it through last week's storm with their lights still on. >> unbelievable. i can't even imagine. i mean because you kind of go through the house still turning on lights because you're used to turning on lights as you go in the different rooms and nothing is happening writ in you. >> reporter: people who live in willow ridge apartments came
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out to dig out and clean off their cars since they don't have pore either. >> i'm just cleaning off my power. >> reporter: residents or partridge lane in cherry hill have different problem. >> huge branches on our trees and they contracted and we heard them and we looked out. >> reporter: jean says the branches in the back aren't the biggest problem though. it's the tree in her front yard that came down during the storm blocking the road. she and her husband did their best to put out caution cones warning drivers. >> good thing it didn't fall on our house but i regret it's blocking the street. so i just don't want anybody to be hurt. >> reporter: slushy roads continue to be problem tonight as drivers struggle to good get through the mess it will be a bigger issue in the days once the mel begins in the coming days. >> reporter: a live look right now at some of those slushy roads here on haddonfield road. what drivers are going to be dealing with tonight into tomorrow and iain we actually drove by georgia and route 70 earlier this evening that slush because so many traffic had started to melt and turn over to
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water. and water was just spilling across the roadway. so that definitely be an issue in the coming days as we get into that big melt. back to you. >> absolutely, shawnette. thank you. stay safe out there. we tell you this guys every time it snows if you don't need to drive don't go out on the roads but some people still go out and this is what happens. penndot cameras caught a van that got stuck along the schuylkill and then our bob kelly was live on the air around 3:20 this afternoon when our cameras caught this disaster on 76 at koch hock ken looking ea east. this tree fell on 76. also our fox 29 crews got stuck out there today. among them our dave schratwies schratwieser. >> reporter: shovel in hand roger lucas was on the move wednesday night busy clearing snow from around his suv on airy street in norristown. lucas was anxious to get rid of what was left behind by this march snowstorm. >> coming along well. a little wet, heavy, but i get ready for the morning time so i won't like freeze up.
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>> reporter: earlier in the day this was the scene on germantown pike in chestnut hill. during the heart of wednesday's big snowstorm. wet fast accumulating snow got packed down quickly. and left dozens of drivers stuck on these slick hilly roads. >> they're pretty bad honestly as long as everyone gets home safely that's all we care about. >> people stuck all over. >> reporter: our fox 29 live truck was a casualty of the slippery roads we got stuck forearm 90 minutes. we joined other drivers as they shoveled, pushed and muffled their way up there the hills and out. bob breck came to our rescue together us out with his pickup truck. >> i live down the corner and i saw the backup. so, you know, keep the traffic moving. >> reporter: between six and 8-n nearby plymouth meeting montgomery county. that's where we found joe plowing parking lots. he'd been up sin the early morning hours. >> been out since about 3:00 a.m. we kind of thought it was going to be dud but it did hit us hard
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and we're glad it stopped when it did. >> reporter: forecasters get this kind of right or no. >> no, thumbs and for this one. >> reporter: road crews made quick work of the main highways in montgomery county and began attacking the side streets trying to get them clear by thursday morning. the roads are still wet and patches of back ice are possible come the morning rush. in plymouth meet dave schratwieser, fox 29 news. new jersey teacher doing okay right now after she was hit by lightning working bus duty earlier today. it happened in manchester, new jersey. that is in ocean county. she was apparently holding an umbrella when lightning hit that. also hit a house nearby. thankfully she never lost consciousness and she's going to be okay. as we mentioned the problem tonight will be that refreeze and that means trouble on the roads so you can join us at 4:00 a.m. for "good day philadelphi philadelphia". bob will have your traffic conditions, sue serio will have your forecast and all your days headlines. good day starts at 4am right
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here on fox 29. a chance to recreate a bit of philly history. the philly special. immortal live in the snow live on fox 29. you definitely want to see this. or perhaps you're dreaming of warmer locals. how you can take trip to disneyworld without open leaving your home. ♪
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♪ take a look at the blue mountain in the poconos. skiers is take a few more runs this season after all that fresh powder tonight out that. heading out to brad sattin live in broomall where many are still dealing with problems from both of these storms. brad ask? >> reporter: yeah, iain it is on going. we are in langford road here power was actually restored around 9:15 tonight. crews had work for hours for a lot of folks they had no power today. and for others they had no power for much of this week. it is the heavy snow weighing down trees like these pipes that are snapping power lines and leaving thousands in the dark. >> we heard cracking and it was the big trees in the back that came down.
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and then it went out. first my neighbor's house went out. then there was a crack down the street. then we lost and the rest of the block lost. >> reporter: many across delaware county lost power last friday. >> 2:30 on friday and we were out until 5:30 sunday morning. report roar even longer for so some. >> my girlfriend was out of the power for about five days she lives two blocks over. >> reporter: just as they were getting rei acquainted with warmth and light out went the power around noon today. >> hopefully it gets back soon. >> reporter: crews are making progress. the weight of all that snow that came down so fast not only snapped branches but uprooted entire trees leaving many close calls. this house just barely escaped and this car in kennett square was just grazed at least we think the car's owner heard something outside. >> it was snowing really hard so there was snow everywhere, and just saw the pole exactly how it is all leaning up against my car and all the wires were down and i look out my side door and all
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the wires were hanging by my back door. >> reporter: all we can do is think warm thoughts. spring can't be too far behind. >> you ready for spring? >> absolutely. absolutely. bring it on. the grass will have to be cut. >> reporter: i don't know about you but cut the grass right now sounds pretty nice in lieu of all this snow here. a lot of the outages are being blamed on trees getting into the power lines. so if you have that issue on your property you really should check with your power company to try to get that resolved and hopefully prevent some of these issues next time around. iain? in brad, thank you. things are slowly getting back to normal for public transportation tomorrow all septa regional rail will operate on regular weekday schedule. that goes for the broad street and market frankford lines as well. but some bus routes could still be impacted by this weather. for new jersey transit, bus service will resume at 4am it's its rail service getting back to in many tomorrow. that includes trains on the northeast corridor, north jersey coast and passaic valley lines.
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you can get all the latest status updates on our website at fox now to a story about some fun in all of this snow with little bit of eagles flavor. you heard about philly special by now. well our bruce gordon tried the famous eagles play with couple of guys in bucks county. take look. >> reporter: here goes philly special. all right. ready? we all set. >> nick foles you need a time out. >> talk to the coach doug pederson what do you say him. >> how about the philly philly. >> let's do it. >> all right. let's go. >> here we go. all set? all right. foles coming up the line moving right the ball is snapped to clemons he goes left to tray burton right, foles touchdown! unbeefable ladies and gentleen. nice work, fellas. go back to your game while i do a little chatting with the folk here at home. philly special. all right. ready.
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>> that was a great call by bruce. bruce came back to the station and praised their skills for pulling off the play although bruce did a pretty good job snapping the ball there, too. >> impressive stuff out there with all that stuff. let's head back outside take live look at doylestown. couple, york even want to say we're talking about the potential for snow again. kathy it's almost spring. >> iain. i know it's march. you know when we did our winter forecast back in november, we talked about march being potentially that busy month and it is. >> it is. >> wow. we don't want it this busy though. take look at ultimate doppler let's take you back in time to show the dynamics of this storm with thunder snow usually you see that in a blizzard it's got to be powerful storm to get thundersnow and we had a lot of it and has a lotted to witness vertical motion within the storm. a lot of heavy snow. we had a lot of heavy snow in that area of the thunder snow. princeton had thundersnow. look what they ended up 17.8-inches of snow. richboro, pa, 16-inches.
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broomall a foot. bryn mawr, 11-inches. cherry hill, 8.5. and philadelphia over 6-inches of snow. so the storm is gone. it's moving off the coast of long island. still seeing some wrap around moisture most of it though in new york and into new england. looking live on the parkway it sure is pretty little breezy out there but see how the roads are shiny. she's have been treated but the sidewalks that are shiny and those parking lots and those side streets are all going to refreeze overnight. if it look wet it's most likely black ice. please be careful tomorrow morning because everyone will be below freezing. right now we're not though. 35 in philadelphia. 34 in pottstown. 35 in wilmington and 29 in the poconos. wind chills are a factor. mount pocono feels like 19. 25 in wrightstown. twenty three in millville. we'll go hour by hour and show the temperatures come tomorrow morning in the 30s. and then by the afternoon, in the 40s but well below average. ranging from about 40 in allentown to 42, 43 through dover and millville.
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so not a warm day by any stretch. then by friday afternoon, heading tour the mid 40 40s philadelphia. 42 in doylestown. temperatures not warping all that much with that fresh snow cover everywhere. we'll look ahead at our computer models and one of our compute models in the long range that american model that has a decent reliability factor showing a storm late sunday into monday. two of our models are taking it off the cove this one taking it close enough to provide us with some snow. not a lot of snow but some snow. we'll connell to keep an eye on this and sue will the latest tomorrow morning on good day. no reason to panic but just the thought of snow again is ridiculous. isn't it? >> yeah. >> tonight 30 in philadelphia. 23 in the poconos. 31 in dover. 27 in pottstown. tomorrow the sun come out. we have some melling going on. temperatures around 41 degrees in philadelphia. so that will be pleasant day but we'll have some wind. so be aware of that. it will feel like winter. friday, 44.
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46 on saturday. sunday philadelphia saint patrick's day parade nice day. 44. chance of morning snow shower on monday that would be if the storm came close enough. then tuesday, 46. wednesday 41. spring is just around the corner. flower show is in town. got to get rid of this snow. >> exactly. not soon enough, cam. shredder what's coming up in sports? >> iain little math for you this eagles are nip million dollars over the salary cap they don't have high draft picks and today they sent a message by trading for michael bennett. why spending more and sending away picks makes perfect sense coming up next.
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last team to defend their super bowl title was -- you're not supposed to say this word in philadelphia patriots in 2005. defense the key word for our thoughts tonight. defend as in play defense. as in go acquire three time pro bowler michael bennett from seattle costs eagles fifth round draft pick and marcus johnson today. on the surface doesn't this look too easy smell a hill funny. 23 and a half sack over the last three years. three years left on his deal. and seattle shops him around doesn't mack sense but you dig deeper you realize, saw hawk are ready to unload to rebuild. eagles are building as an add to go layers of super bowl foundation. bennett fits this mold. adam, graham, cox, jurnigan. offensive coordinators won't get a lot of sleep on sat nights. bennett known to be little outspoken he can be a problem in the locker room. jay ajayi ya was last year when he came from miami as well.
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how did that work out? eagles do have work to do to get under the cap. but as the foreman house ho you wee roseman put op his hard hat and continued to build. to 31 other teams message sent, here we are. iain? >> all right tom thanks much disney fans you can now explore 11 disney parks from your computer. the parks are now on google street view. google used 360-degree camera mounted oh to backpack to capture parks like animal kingdom and epcot. visitor which is use the tool to help plan their trip. google street view is limbed to disney parks across the u.s. the company has yet to confirm if other parks will be included in the roster for other virtual tours. >> can we rewind to show the palm trees again. >> i'll be there in a few weeks. >> thanks. >> i'll let you know how it is. >> thanks. >> i'll let you know how it is. >> appreciate that, iain
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♪ gus, you are crushing it! just trying to shed those extra pounds. (giggles) me too. gettin' the beach body back... (sighs) is gonna take a lot of work. this will help you power through. one million dollar power payday, new from the pennsylvania lottery. yup, with top prizes of a million bucks. so, how do i look? like a winner. (they both laugh) keep on scratchin'!
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[captioning made possible by warner bros. domestic television distribution] >> today on tmz. harvey: we got a clip of the special on sunday, o.j. simpson if i did it. after watching it, he confesses. >> he is with judith reagan. she asks him hypothetically about the night nicole was killed. >> this is hypothetical. >> he says it is hard for me to a hypothetical. it is hard because it is you. >> stormy daniels is suing donald trump a confidentiality agreement regarding a 2006 affair. >> she is saying since you score this over, i am free to tell my story to everybody wants to listen. >> i want the judge to say she can talk. >> i want to see her one-man show. she will go to broadway. >> it is a multiple man show. >> every night a different man show.


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