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tv   Good Day Philadelphia at 5A  FOX  March 8, 2018 5:00am-6:00am EST

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>> digging out and working to get the power back on. >> there was huge bang, and everything went dead. and i look out, there was the telephone pole leaning up against my car. >> heavy snow, tearing trees from the roots and onto power lines, leaving hundreds of thousands of people in the dark. you're used to turning on lights as go into different rooms, and nothing is
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happening right now. >> the storm may be out of the area, but the clean up is just beginning. >> ready to resign? could the convicted mayor from allentown be stepping down, as soon as today? >> a horror move any your own home. why some alexia users actually believe their device could be possessed. good day philadelphia at 5:00 a.m. starts right now. >> wake to up that laughter. will there be school today, alexa? >> menacing laugh, no two hour delay. >> see the bottom of your screen all morning long, delays and concellations, good to have you with us, i'm thomas drayton with karen hepp. >> good morning, thank you for joining us. we will get through this one. maybe you've gotten out there, managed to shovel up your sidewalks and your driveways, sends us your pictures what's happening, also international women's day, all of the women you're celebrating in your life, show us pictures of them, as well.
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>> let's take you back outside, all across the delaware vale, live look from old city philadelphia, it is cents dry this morning, at least what's coming from the air on the grounds, ya, still dealing with the snow, and the ice, hopefully the warmer temperatures today will melt some of the stuff off. but keep in mind, we're dealing with downed power lines, and fallen trees, all across the area. so let's start our team coverage this morning. >> we got steve keeley, burlington county, jenny joyce in bucks county, but let's start with sue serio, in our weather center. morning, sue. >> yes. so this is clean up day. and dig out day for a lot of folks who got double digit accumulations cents, seven out of ten, you're going to do pretty well today i think with the sunshine it will be a little breezy. watch out. you that you with jenny joyce little earlier for slippery spots this morning, our actual temperatures are in the 30's, our windchills are in the 20's there is morning, so you may ends up slipping and sliding, specially walking because it in it looks wet it could be icy. our storm from yesterday, now bothering new england, so we don't have any more
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precipitation to show you at least at this point. and we will talk about what's going to happen of course next week, in a little while. let's just deal with today. 33 degrees as you walk out the door, feels like 25, sunrise time 6:24. so we've got early sunrise, at least earlier than it has been, and 44 degrees for a high temperature today, and sunset time of 6:01, so when you have these longer days in march, and you get a march snowstorm, that is sort of ac separates the melting process, but it still takes a while for a foot of snow to melt. and just when that's happening, when we will get the next storm probably, bob kelly. >> melting on the day, freezing on the overnight, slippery and slushy really over the next couple of days, live look, doylestown road and county line road. going to make the right or left turn. you're going to -- tires gripping on some of the slush, and instead of two lanes on an off ramp may only have one or one and a half. that will will naturally cause delays on our major roadways, down the shore, we got high tide, flooding again
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a.c. expressway. lights out. downed trees. power lines in mt. laurel. a lot of major roads closed. i know steve keeley take us there live in just a moment. i think the two hour delay and school closings will help here this morning. for the shaders, route 38, right at lenola, right by pj wheelihan's there, traffic light out. going to deal with that throughout the morning. all of septa's regional rail lines, they resume normal service, but expect delays, there is about half dozen pus route still suspended, and that will get better as we move through the morning. so go to the system status page, at, to find exactly what's going on with your bus route, because things will get better once the roads start to get opened up and cleared. amtrak, service suspended until 10:00 between new york and boston. because of residual wire problems, from yesterday, ac rail lines still suspended, new jersey transit, again, they are attempting normal service today, same deal with the bus route, impacted by
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downed trees, power lines, they are cross-honoring, that's good, patco, and dart, attempting regular service as well this morning, karen, thomas, good morning to you. >> it will take couple of hours to get up and going, time 5:05, talking about the power outages, we mentioned major problem all across the delaware valley. look at this right here, storm, knocked out power, sparking those lines in bridgewater, new jersey, people told in the area to take shelter, than is a good reason why. as you clear off the cars, and the property around your home with the trees and the power lines, you never know, what mother nature will bring. >> let's get through the power outages right now, because so many of are you in the dark, and struggling in the colds, as well, pse&g in new jersey, 90,000 people without power right now. ac electric, a lot of folks down the shore area, we've got about 8,000 people in the dark. in pennsylvania, peco says, it has cents 55,000 people without power, and so many of you are in bucks county, ppl is reporting about 3,000 people without power up there, allentown, lehigh county area.
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and then delmarva, reporting, we've only got, you know, small outages, 48 people without our in that area of section every delaware. >> spoke to the crews in pennsauken walking around the clock 16 hour shifts trying to get the power lines working again, so, new jersey part of it certainly hit hard, started with snow, switched over to rain, and then the heavy snow kept on falling. steve keeley knows all about this, took him a while to get home and a while to get out. good morning to you, steve. >> yes, nothing like finishing the 16 hour shift then having trouble just getting in your door, your car stuck, then all of the trees down. not trying to do a who is me, just remember couple of weeks ago, do i need any more firewood, because i am running low, enough for couple of more fires. now i have firewood probably for four years once i event lip get the chain saw to it. boy, just devestation again all over the place. and you get attached to your plants and your trees and everything and like wow that's gone now.
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anyhow, i don't have any problems compared to what i've seen over the last week, and here we go again. here is a interesting case, so power out all over mt. laurel. notice the house lights outside here are on. so they've got power. but the wires down here on hartford road, another one of the main drags, shut-down, and chris can see in his camera, piles of snow, you can see the lines down, police tape across the road, and if you're not getting the idea, once you wind down off of route 38, you see all of these barrels and these signs here, and amidst all of the deep slush, them people making the left turn into the rowan college former burlington county community college campus, and maybe they know their way around through that zig-zagging campus. see the lights none there. hopefully people can get back out either on the other side to marne highway or back out to route 38. interesting, we talked about the two hour delays, here at rowan college they know they've got wires down all over, power down all over,
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they're going to cancel everything until noon. so they're doing the four-hour late start, and they'll try to resume classes here at noon today. but everything before noon shutdown. and boy the road is just a mess, they plowed through here, main drag, but see we've got half foot deep slush all over the place. so, slop and slush combined, we call it slash, how about that? sounds like a guy's name, good name to have, slosh jones. >> sounds like a rock star, all rock stars getting out this morning, steve, thank you. and you are a rock star, 16 and a half hours of coverage yesterday. 5:08 is the time now. so many of do you not have power specifically bucks county just slammed. let's get right to jenny joyce, with some of the problems there. jenny? >> reporter: good morning, karen, good news hopefully. we just saw a power crew pull up here. they are working on the utility line. right across the roadway. in addition to the power crews, we've seen number of plow trucks, salt trucks, moving through, trying to get
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things back up and running in time for the morning rush, as is this intersection, we're right at street road and hulmeville road is very busy. so without power, conditions are even trickier. peco reporting 50,000 outages in this county right now. it is the result of downed trees, downed power lines, last night heavy snow on i95 was another big issue. we saw tractor-trailers, and average size vehicles, trapped in snow. wheels spinning. but cars stuck in place. it even happened to our news van. thankfully after a couple of hours, a group of nice guys stopped by. they helped out, our chris o'connell and photographer dave dig out. one family in bensalem tells us their power went out yesterday around 1:30, 2:00 while they were watching it. v. no power means you have to find some old school entertainment playing in the snow, playing board games. the family told us they're getting by just fine, but the husband and wife have some conflicting views on this winter weather. >> it's actually been okay for me, really has, i've been
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playing with my son, i enjoy the snow still. we have couple animals, couple of dogs, we play in the snow with, they love it. >> winter is getting rough, you know, it is enough. i mean, ou have enough, and you have fun, your kids have fun with the snow and all, but time for spring. yes, just time for spring. >> so not only this wawa in bensalem is without power and still is, several wawa's in our area spent a portion of the storm in the dark, no access to wawa, just not what we're used to in these parts. because of so many outages around town, the bensalem school district is closed today. we're live here, another live look at the utility crews right across the way trying to get the power restored here. but, to see full list of school closings, and school delays, head to our website karen, thomas? >> oh, because it is so long, all right, jenny, thank you so much. delaware county, lot of people there lost electricity for the second time, just got it back up, in time to lose it all
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over again, because we had all of the snow so heavy and thick, on our trees, pulling them down, on to the wires, this is broomall, specifically, with the branches down. we got a lot of homes in that area, they were in the dark, for nine hours, they are some of the lucky folks, they got their lights back on. and in camden county, there was a tree that came across partridge lane, in cherry hill. so people putting out some caution cones to warn other folks about the danger right ahead of them. so we know the snow melt right now creating a problem because you may not see lots of black ice. the road may look like it is totally dry and whatever, then just sheet of ice when stepping outside. >> talking about those caution cones, look at this right here. danger caused by yesterday's snow, still being felt this morning. the sidewalk around the lowe's hotel on market street, has been taped off. police lights were out overnight warning people of the falling ice. didn't want any danger out there. and certainly not injuries. so they put the sign, and they roped it off. it will stay that i way through the morning. yet a lot of us told us about
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the thunderstorm. pretty cool. it is cents a thunderstorm with snow instead of the rain. dawn timoney out there in hamilton township, which is mercer county. and it suddenly errupted. take a listen. >> there it is again. >> oh, my goodness, can you hear that? did you guys hear it? >> yes, we heard it. >> we did. >> wow. >> really? >> yes, we heard it. >> applauding over here. >> mike masco really freaking out right now. stay calm. >> all right, usually it -- you guys, it is still doing it. it is still doing it. >> come on up here. is that making a difference, mike? >> yes. shush. >> pretty cool. weather phenomenon there. >> mike masco, sue serio, they were pretty on the monday which this one, great predictions on that, but he's a total geek nerd, he followed that one. if you want to follow our weather development, download our app, just might be better
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than the other guys. it is really excellent. >> as well as free, free and easy to do. 5:13, this story is very cool. >> launching the wrinkle challenge. >> yes, still ahead here on "good day" philadelphia, we will tell but quest love from the roots. he's on a quest for kids to see a wrinkle in time for free. his efforts in we just moved in about four months ago,
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but the living room's pretty blank. it's really nice when clients come in and have done some of their own research. working with a bassett designer was really easy. just kind of ties in very well. we love it!
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>> let's talk about what happened yesterday, i know a lot of folks are waking up, well, how much did i get? and if you live in delaware, we will go state by state here. tally brooke, 6.9 inches, at the airport, new castle county, it was 6 inches measured there, newark, home of the university of delaware, got 4.2 inches, new castle, three, smyrna, 2.7, even down in dover almost 2 inches of snow. montgomeryville pennsylvania, 13.5 inches of snow. bethel township delco, 11.8. here is the poconos, east strads berg, 10 inches, boyertown, berks county 7.4, exton, 6.8. and at philadelphia international airport, official measurement of 6.1 inches. in new jersey, florence, new jersey, 5.7 inches. mt. holly, 5.3.
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pennington, 5.3. i think actually i need update the new jersey totals, because they're not entirely accurate. so, we've got a low pressure system from yesterday. it has moved away. but not that far away. it is snowing in new england. and we've got calm conditions for today. might get little breezy. the biggest problem this morning, may be some slippery spots with below freezing temperatures, especially, in the suburbs. okay, so, now here we are, it is saturday morning, all right? here is the gulf of mexico. here is a storm starting to form down there. so it will affect the gulf coast over the weekends, mississippi, louisianna, georgia, alabama. then it moves off shore. and that is about as far as we can go with that storm for now. but, it looks like it is forming a coastal storm, now it could stay largely off shore. and only give us little bit of precipitation it, could hug the coast, and give us a lot. what will the temperature be when it starts? a lot of questions still, but you need to be aware of the possibility, i would say the
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earlier it would start would be sunday night t would affect us monday. that's of course more to come on that. 33 degrees in philadelphia right now. so only agree above freezing here, right at freezing in wilmington, 31 in pottstown, 31 in reading. these are the places cents where it could be a little slippery. 37 degrees in wildwood. thirty-four atlantic city. those folks got little snow yesterday as well. just as it was exiting. we have a 9-mile per hour wind in philadelphia. so we have our windchills in the 20's, keep that that in mind. of course wear the winter coat, your snow boot, and offering keep you warm and dry as we recover from yesterday. 44 degrees today. forty-two tomorrow. breezy, on friday and saturday. we've got some sunshine for the parade sunday. high of 44. and then, a we mentioned, if we get this storm, it will be sunday night in monday probably, with if it start in the morning, we could start with snow, and then have it change-over to rain with the high of 42 degrees. that's the early call, bob kelly. >> i'm going to put a little plow on my schil alley so i
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can go from the parade. >> and take care all of us? >> and take care of everybody. by the way breakfast today, we're going to go to mckenna irish kitchen, in haverford, right there, along darby road. so we will be out there today from 9:00 to 10:00. having some good irish breakfast. as we get ready for the saint patrick's day paradement double shot for you here. here is a live look at route 202 and 100 in chester county. little fuzzy, pennsylvania turnpike near downingtown, slow going this morning, just give yourselves some extra time, factor in some slippery spot along the way, residual concellations left over from yesterday. not all of the planes are where they should be, not just here in philly but in new york and boston, so check with the airline on your particular flight. airports always open, it is the airline that makes the calls. and amtrak suspending service between new york and boston until 10:00. because of some left over power problems, from yesterday, and the rest of the big board, ac rail line still suspended, new jersey transit, cross-honoring some buses are still detoured or delayed.
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again, check with the website and it will get better as is we move through the morning here, patco and dart running a regular schedule. septa's regional rail lines, everything is running, but expect some delays, especially along like those tree lined routes on the main line, like the paoli thorndale line, still dealing with some downed treason branches, we got to get all of the steps and platforms all shoveled and plowed. all of the bus routes we got about half dozen still, suspended, but again that will get better as we move through the morning. hello to north wales. main and walnut, great example whatever we are dealing with here today. yes, everything pretty much plowed. but right here, that's wet, that could be icy. you get to the intersection, the slush could be slippery, and cause for some slippery sliding conditions. and maybe that left to right turning lane isn't as wide as it normally would be, maybe an on or off ramp instead of two lanes coming off the schuylkill. down to only one. rough go. but we will get through it this morning, karen, thomas, back to you. >> keep us updated. philadelphia fire department
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battling fire and ice, as crews knocked out early morning fire on the 6900 block of rising sun avenue in cheltenham. the flames errupted, about 3:30 this morning, firefighters doing amazing job getting the flames under control. in about ten minute. we know at least one person has been taken to the hospital. the conditions of the person not yet known. >> a developing story, we're following this morning, arrest has been made in a hit-and-run in mayfair. that left a three year old girl in critical condition. thirty-one year old zachary lauer right here facing charges for that hit-and-run on the 3200 block of tyson avenue, tuesday night. investigators say, lauer drove on to the sidewalk, hitting the mother and her two children. police say lauer just ran from the scene leaving the three year old pinned right under his car. resident, they rushed in the area, managed to lift the car off the little girl. the mom was hurt, she is going to be okay, though, the other child not injured. >> lauer is facing several charges, including aggravated assault with a dui. >> all right, coming up on
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5:22, lehigh county major development possible cents bridge today. the mayor of allentown, ed pull oust ski could be resigning as early as today. just a week after a jury found him guilty of 47 felony count. dollars morning call is report that he met with allentown city council president, roger mcclane, to discuss preparation because he would serve as the acting mayor at the time of the sentencing or resignation. pawlowski charged, no sentencing date has been set. >> we have a lot of headaches. we know that. dealing with a lot of problems, no matter where you are, in the entire viewing area. >> specially riding public transportation, so what's next? what's ahead for the day? we'll have an update from septa in just a moment.
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♪ gus, you are crushing it! just trying to shed those extra pounds. (giggles)
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me too. gettin' the beach body back... (sighs) is gonna take a lot of work. this will help you power through. one million dollar power payday, new from the pennsylvania lottery. yup, with top prizes of a million bucks. so, how do i look? like a winner. (they both laugh) keep on scratchin'! (clucking noises) everyone wants to be the cadbury bunny because only he brings delicious cadbury creme eggs. while others may keep trying, nobunny knows easter better than cadbury.
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>> your morning commute, all day yesterday, we'll update you on the roads coming up in just a moment. we do want to talk about septa, though, trying to get back on track, following that storm. >> let's check in with heather redfern, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> so we know a lot of the busses weren't going to start to run until 4:00. did they start already. >> yes, all of the services up and running right now, we are running on regular weekday
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schedule. so there is no special schedule in place for today. and all of our have woken up, up and running. >> how do you go assessing all of the roads here, making sure it is passable and safe? >> we have supervisors out, out when the roads, when the snow subsided yesterday, they started going out so we could start bringing back some of the route that were suspended. so starting today, with about ten, 11 routes, that are suspended. but we've had supervisors out for hours now, going around, and making sure we can bring those routes back. so what we have is a fluid situation. and justin to check our website. >> now, how about for the platforms? because one of my issues on my own driveway was cents that all of the snow melt had the runoff that's frozen, an and may not even realize it but sheet of black ice, how are the platforms for people getting on and off the trains? >> we've had crews out, as soon as the snow stops, our crews go out to start clearing ice and snow and put down any of the melt or salt that had
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washed away with the precipitation. we have a lot of stations to get to. there are some that still might be slippery this morning. so we tell everybody to please take their time. not only when they get to the station, but when on their walk, because there are people in the neighborhoods who might not have gotten back out to do their sidewalks. so take your time walking to and from the station, getting on and off all of the vehicles. >> you and your crews have done an amazing job, yesterday at the height of the storm, right around 12:00, 1:00. any imagine or issues you're dealing with, how did this compare to some of the other storms we've dealt with? >> we were very pro-active, constantly monitoring where the storm was, when we started seeing precipitation come heaviest between 11:00 and 12:00 yesterday, and the road conditions were getting worse, visibility was getting bad, that's when we started to suspending the bus route. we were able to run service on our trains, especially market frankford line overnight, but
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something where we continually monitored and in order to keep people from getting stuck, that's when we started pulling back on the service. >> well, great work. really just good day, hopefully we'll have a day where people can get to work again finally after the snow. heather, thanks so much. we roll i appreciate it. >> your welcome. >> it is 5:28. lots more continuing coverage of the storm. and all of the power outages, and situations in your neighborhood. >> we will check back in with steve and jen any just an employment. get an update on your forecast an
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in your noise cancelling trheadphones?ry maybe not. maybe you could trust you won't be next to a loud eater. (eating potato chips loudly) or you could just trust duracell. (silence) ♪
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>> oh, so frustrating, a creature of habit, you keep doing it over and over again, oh, maybe? no, no. so many of you, hundreds cents every thousands really still in the dark, right now, so many of you, for a second time, in just a week. also ahead this morning, boy, do we need this guy? give us a pep talk. phillies favorite mummers, jason kelce's speech at the wells fargo center don't you love him? so quiet. sus he will. >> you will get your electricity back on crunk crews will be out there, stay warm. he does it best. great to have you with us this thursday, here we are the day after, thomas, karen, bob and
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sue. >> dealing with the totals and stuff. >> nobody thought could you plow that driveway but you can! >> but take it east. >> i so, a lot of digging outgoing on today. as we've been talking about all morning, there could be slippery spots seven out every ten, bus top stop buddy bundled up, kids going in late to school today or they have off. whole list there, do watch out for the slippery spots, so free of precipitation. should see decent amount of sunshine, 33 degrees, enough of a breeze that our wind chills are in the 20's this morning. sunrise time 6:24. sunset is 6:01. with all of the sunshine, get a chance to clean up
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hopefully, get things taken care every. the road crews have more after chance to plow those back roads, and things that weren't taken care of yesterday. >> you know dad, two hour delay. it seems like why should we go? we get there, now just have to come back home. 533, south, 309, accident here, right near susquehanna, example of what could happen to you this morning. don't get the false sense of security, road wet, could be slippery, ice, maybe tires will pick up some of the slush. kissing the guards rail along 309. many roads close in the mt. laurel because of downed trees, power lines. steve keeley has got the latest, but what is good, the school district over there is closed. lenape regional high school kids got the day off. traffic light out.
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thirty-eight and len roam, a across from the mall, so again, where there is no power, there is no traffic lights, there is downed trees it will be a mess today, daylight, good day, full day of cleaning up here, kind of the crews are out moving some of the slush off some of the off and rap ups, leaving flood waters, at the a.c. expressway, residual concellations left over, from yesterday, so check with the airline, before you go down to the airport. they call this re staging, if the flight was canceled yesterday, to come into philly, it is not there this morning. check with the airline before you head down to the airport. amtrak suspending service from new york to boston, some power problems yesterday. here we are curbside time to make the donuts, crews moving a lot of the snow around, they've been doing it all night long, and will continue to do so through the morning rush hour, karen and thomas being back to you.
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>> just heard bob say, tricky spots if you are driving to work this morning, certainly plan ahead in some of the areas. >> a lot of those, wires still down, certainly, because you're in the dark right now, weaver trees down all over the place, we got an issue. so let's get right to the clean up coverage right now, team coverage on there one. we have steve keeley also jenny joyce we start with right now. >> stopping at this mcdonald's here on street road do you have find a place to go in the dark this morning, many of the many businesses cents on the block with no power. as you can see, this intersection, it is working, that's only because after back up generator. >> there is a with a washings a lot of activity usually happens here. not this morning. because it is so dark. peco reporting, 50,000 outages in bucks county right now. last night chris o'connell was with the vague a's of bensalem
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they used the family truck to charge the sale phones. of course clear the driveway of all of the snow, last night the i95 off ramp to street road shutdown after tractor-trailer got stuck. they were not the only ones. we saw multiple vehicles stuck in the snow, cars not moving until help arrived. says power outages don't happen often, while the outage is inconvenient, they were able to manage. watching it. v, 1:30, 2:00, right? >> the power went off. i've been here 18 years, i can't remember, we only lost it twice. >> so plowed worked through the night to clear the snow off the roadways ahead of the refreeze, our drive up, 95 to get here to bensalem, was real now issue at all. >> this is blacktop here. urned into black ice.
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we see cars getting by just fine, the roadways are still really wet. no snow covering the roads but wet. so do you have take it easy. back to you guys. >> be safe out there, jenny joyce bucks county, over in new jersey dealing with about total combined about 98,000 power outages, customers, without power this morning. >> let's get right to steve keeley out there. with the scene that he's dealing with. good morning, steve. >> reporter: divide the 98 by two, close to 45, right? if you do the math, actually, 49 but 45,000 of those 98, out just in burlington county alone. and one of the biggest towns is mt. laurel. boy, we've been driving around third hit in a row here mt. laurel. just devestation. but one thing i want to mention we started seeing was abandoned cars. this road here wasn't in great
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shape 12 hours ago, i can tell that you first-hand. even main roads like this weren't getting plowed, everything coming down so fast, so people breaking down and they would slide off the road. then they got plowed into here so probably got into the subdivision, and just said i'm just going to hoof it and walk. see seeing those around mt. laurel, even offer the highways, and i was taking still pictures, looks to the average joe people just park there. now you can see how this car just pulled off. and got stuck in the snow further down the street one of the schools bob kelly is talking about parkway elementary, i don't know if any of his kids ever went there, but the schools all lit and powered up the problem is when you got wires down all over town, you got the sidewalks all block by this thick heavy icy slush a lot of dangers for the kids, a loft
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troubles for the school bus drivers who can't get to the kids the kid can't get to school. another snow day in march for the kids. so, power out all over. i'm reminded of the bruce springstein albumn darkness on the edge of town, and a lot of spots darkness all over town instead of on the edge, guys so many years, school, i went to school in burlington county as you know, we have power outages all the time, schools out, wait a week or two. hopefully back up and going. talk about the power outages, certainly widespread pse&g reporting more than 90,000 customers without power, ac electric nearly 8,000 customers in the dark over in pennsylvania peco telling us more than 5,000 people are without power majority in bucks county ppl nearly 3,000 customers without power, outages in philadelphia, delmarva customers 48
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customers without power. >> 5:39. for penal had that had to go out, some of you got trapped, some sport teams, as women, made national news. how about northeastern university bass can he ball team. got out of the bus. they got stuck. and they're trying to push it back they got struck from practice right near st. joe's university, there in the snow, about five minute, these are hearty athlete right there, they manage to get it free. nicely done, ladies. and by the way, they're facing delaware today in the ncaa conference tournament. >> oh, no, we need to get back, get our rest. so we can give it our all. amazing job there, 5:40, flying up the flyers here. >> all right, so, our e-a-g-l-e-s, jason kelce, another epic outfit right here. wait until you see the hat that gets on his head and the speech that he gave to our flyp]
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life's bleachable moments need clorox bleach.
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mom, we got girl scout cookies to sell. the girl scout cookie inspired flavors you love. now in the dunkin' coffees you love. only at dunkin'. -ahh. -the new guy. -whoa, he looks -- -he looks exactly like me. -no. -separated at birth much? we should switch name tags, and no one would know who was who. jamie, you seriously think you look like him? uh, i'm pretty good with comparisons. like how progressive helps people save money by comparing rates, even if we're not the lowest. even if we're not the lowest. whoa! wow. i mean, the outfit helps, but pretty great.
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look at us. >> you know in other cities where they have teams, the athletes, they go back to arizona or florida? >> yes. >> our guys, they live here, they stay here, and they cheer on the other teams. >> because we all want to win. jason kelce, mychal kendricks, watch as the flyers hosted the penguins last night, of course asked to give fans, players, all fired up. >> if you love the philadelphia flyers, let me get a hell ya. >> hey, let's get these boys going, they just took the lead, division lead on the line, let's go flyers ♪
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>> let's go flyers. >> let's go flyers! >> let's go flyers! >> get your blood going there. sadly, though, the hype didn't seem to work herement the flyers lose to the penguins, five to two. >> we'll get them again. i'll go to the game saturday. so if you're going out there, i'll see you there, it will be fun. >> have you heard about this one, kind of interesting. it is the wrinkle challenge. >> coming up here on "good day" philadelphia, why the quest love from the roots is on a quest to pay for as many kids as he can to see this movie, and to hear it message. we will tell you more straight
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women are amazing. our bodies grow babies. we run marathons, companies, solve problems. how? we eat. we eat strawberries, almonds, and protein; chocolate, whole grains, and iron. we eat food that's made for us to power us, power our strength. we eat. and we own it. special k. and try new nourish berries & peaches with probiotics.
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>> susquehanna, ouch, think you're having bad start? roads are wet. all the sudden the tires, clip some of the slush, and he's spinning. he's sideways now, backed into the barriers. so that's an example whatever we're dealing with here this morning, the roads are wet, they're slushy. and definitely give yourselves some extra time, little extra caution, between you and the car in front of you there. the on and the off-ramps all slippery, and the crews are still out there, moving some
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of the snow all around. i mean, they'll be doing that all day long, here is a live look, in delco, the further south you go, on 95, the snow kind of disappears, and it is just wet, roadways, amtrak, service still suspended between new york and boston until 10:00. and then, as far as septa, everything everybody's going to give it a treatment all of the buses, trains, trolleys, attemptment normal service, still two dozen bus routes on detour but it will get better as the morning moves on. what's up with the parade forecast? sue has got it in 15 seconds. >> good riddance to yesterday's big red l. that's yesterday's storm, up in new england now, we don't have precipitation to talk about today, as the clean up begins. now, all anybody wants to know about is the next one.
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because perhaps you've heard do have storm brewing for early next week, starts over the weekend, and the gulf of mexico, it looks like, from the guidance that we have for now. starts to move off the coast, by sunday, and perhaps could start to affect us early as sunday night, into monday. and that's about all we got for you on that one, right now, so stay tuned for more on the next coming storm, possibly. >> 32 degrees in wilmington, you see how close our temperatures are to freezing, around where they were yesterday. but this means a good possibility of black ice, if you walk out the door, and something looks wet it, could be slippery. so watch out this morning. 9-mile per hour wind makes it feel like it is in the 20's. in fact, all of the windchills in the 20's this morning, we get to 44 today. lower four's tomorrow. mid 40's saturday. so, breitbart sunshine each day to help us dig out, and some of the snow to melt. so then we're parade day sunday, looking good, some
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sunshine, 44 degrees, we just might get a messy monday. more to come on that. as you know. >> thank you. dramatic pause. >> i know. >> to even talk about another storm system, how dare you, sue, we appreciate t5:50, quest love from the roots love this guy of course from philadelphia, helping kids experience all of the universe has to offer through the power of movies? so, he tweeted out: breaking news. i'm starting the wrinkle challenge. because it is important that children see this film. if you're able to donate ten bucks or ten cat trillion, please click here, so every $10 donated to the give the child the universe site, will grant one free ticket courtesy of amc for the movie premiers tomorrow. looks so good out there. his cam upon will run through the end of march, so apparently a thing, to go to different movies kids should watch. interesting. >> powerful message. all right, so hopefully you'll donate. 5:50, it is being called
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creepy, bone chilling. >> not mike injury glike what? >> he's been called all of those things. >> oh, ya. the new alexa, you have alexa in your house, do you notice it is doing this cackle weird laugh like hahaha. >> without being prompted. >> yes. >> he's being called. >> tee he. >> bone chilling? >> tee he. tee he. >> (laughing). >> so laughter, right? amazon now offering up an explanation saying that alexa can sometimes mistakenly hear the phrase alexa laugh, even when, well, you don't say a word. she then interrupts the phrase as it interprets it as a planned and laughs. but the company basically not really explaining why she is doing this or why she would laugh without people even talking. i want to know why they would choose that laugh though? >> (scary laugh). >> that should be the new one. >> i have alexa, that's never
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happened. >> no? >> no. >> my alexa doesn't think i'm funny at all. >> the same as many people watching right now. al election, a can you laugh? we'll try it out on the show today. >> karen, i love you. it is international women's day. >> oh, celebrating all of the women out there. >> every march 8th, let's celebrate, i'm celebrating my daughters jessica and jill, i know, i posted a picture on instagram this morning, i've been hearing from both of them. why do you chooses a picture we don't look good? if you swipe that little thing right there, i think they're connect today that particular thing. >> you'll tell your daughters i think you look beautiful in any picture. >> that's a nice picture. >> in fact all three of us look horrible. >> no that is that's a good one. >> why don't you get on stain gram, twitter, tell me who you are celebrating today. >> this lady right here, karen help help, gave her plastic flowers earlier. >> did you.
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>> yes. >> they'll last forever. >> see you in a few minutes. >> thank you there, mike. we have whole lot more on the show, continuing, we actually is some breaking news right now. >> bob kelly standing by. >> nasty accident. look at this vehicle fire here, 95 northbound, right at the cornwells heights park and ride. what i think happened, one accident happened. this guy slams into another car. burst into flames. i got one guy walking around on the roadway. this is again 95 northbound just north of woodhaven road. we will get more details and
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>> welcome back, 5:55, after marathon of weather coverage yesterday, so great you can join us, no doubt there were one and two moment we just can't get enough of watching. here's one. >> so they're going to play in the snow because why? they don't have school today. that's what you -- that's what you do when you're in school. oh, see? >> oh, you see? >> of course we had to put it in slow motion, once again, lauren johnson got pelted in the face with a snowball in upper bucks county. all during a snowball fight with a group of kids. happy to be home from school. the video by the way was posted just about everywhere from to "tmz." >> a lot of fun there, not so much fun in the dark, ahead on good day, the storm knocking out power, to hundreds cents of thousands of people all across the delaware valley. we will tell you how crews are working to get those lights back on. not even a snowstorm can slow down howie roseman.
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the eagles executive reportedly pulling off a huge trade, as he looks to build another super bowl roster. what the pro-bowler michael bennett means for the birds. "good day" continues, mike and please keep your shoes on!
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stop messing with your sister! hey! hey! don't make me come back there! so? feels really good.... yeah, i'm gonna buy it. (vo) customer service that goes the extra mile.
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enterprise makes it easy. >> after that nor'easter dumps more than foot every snow in
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some areas, i think the highest total 18 ends. we got a clean up today. >> and the power out for thousands in our region. many for the second time in less than a week, how they're dealing with life in the dark. >> and, crews working throughout the night to clear the streets. the bad news, listen to this: it may not be over. there may be another coastal storm coming our way, by the end of the weekends. >> what? >> who is excited? >> oh, yes, yes, yes, we got it, baby, we got it. we got it. wow. wow. we got it. >> some people love this weather. good day everybody, it is cents thursday march the eighth, 2018. it is international women's day, here one of my favorites. >> oh, thank you, mike. >> that's right. we celebrate alex, we celebrate sue serio, great job yesterday. >> we celebrate all of you. so what do you do after 12 hours of snow coverag


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