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Cornell University Library

The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library.

There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text.




Copyright, igoj By Dodd, Mead and Company

Published, January, igoj




Coliseum i

City Assembly Rooms i

Chinese Rooms i

Broadway Casino i

Buckley's Minstrel Hall 2

Melodeon 2

Barnum's New Museum 3

Washington Hall 8

Charley White's Opera House 8

National Hall 8

Art Union Rooms 9

Art Union Concert Hall 9

St. Nicholas Exhibition Room 9

Academy Rooms 9

NiBLo's Saloon 9

White's Varieties 14

St. Charles Theatre 17

Old Stuyvesant 18

Donaldson's Opera House 19

Canterbury 19

Franconi's Hippodrome 19

Empire Hall 21

Santa Claus 21

Maze Garden 21

Washington Circus 21

Crystal Palace 22

Broadway Museum and Menagerie 22

Washington Hall 23



Apollo Rooms 23

American Art Union 23

Franklin Museum 23

White's Opera House 23

American Varieties 24

Academy of Music 24

Broadway Athenaeum 115

Buckley's Hall 115

New Olympic Theatre 116

Academy of the Drama 118

Metropolitan Music Hall ii8

The Olympic 119

German Theatre 119

Canterbury Hall 119

Palace of Mirrors 119

Broadway Theatre 120

St. Nicholas Hall 120

Heller's Salon Diabolique 120

San Francisco Mdjstrels Hall 120

White's Athen^um 121

Metropolitan Theatre 121

Grand Central Theatre 122

Tony Pastor's Opera House 122

Laura Keene's Varieties 123

Jane English's Theatre 146

Mrs. John Wood's Olympic Theatre 146

Hitchcock's Summer Garden 169

Pete Morris' Varieties 169

Henry Wood's Marble Hall 169

The Adelphi 170

Hoym's Theatre 170

Tony Pastor's Theatre 171

People's Theatre 173

Palace Gardens 187



Nixon's Cremorne Gardens i88

New Bowery Theatre 189

New Santa Claus 222

Harry Whitby & Go's Circus 222

Joe Pentland's Circus 222

Irving Hall 222

Amberg Theatre 224

Irving Place Theatre 234

California Menagerie 244

Fifth Avenue Music Hall 244

Eustache's Theatre 244

Theatre Orieni'al 244

WALtACK's Theatre (Thirteenth Street) 244

Germania Theatre 303

Star Theatre 303

Dodworth Hall 343

Wood's Minstrel Hall 344

Wood's Theatre 345

German Thalia Theatre 347

Wood's Theatre Comique 347

Lingard's Theatre 348

Theatre Comique 348

Nixon's Alhambra 352

Hippotheatron 353

Lent's New York Circus 354

New Stadt Theatre '. 356

Windsor Theatre 360

Hebrew Theatre 376

Temple of Music 376

Grand Street Theatre 376

Chiarini's Circus 376


Broadway Athen^um 377

Lucy Rushton's Theatre 377



Worrell Sisters' New York Theatre 383

New York Theatre 379 and 386

Globe Theatre . 388, 393, and 396

Nixon's Amphitheatre 389

Broadway Theatre 390

Daly's Fifth Avenue Theatre 390

Daly's Broadway Theatre 391

Fox's Broadway Theatre 394

Heller's Wonder Theatre 394

Neil Bryant's Opera House 394

National Theatre 394

New York Circus 397

Broadway Novelty Theatre 397

New Theatre Comique 397

Old London Street 398

bunyan hjvll 399

Fifth Avenue Opera House 399

Brougham's Theatre 402 _

Fifth Avenue Theatre 403

Fifth Avenue Hall 414

Minnie Cummings' Drawing Room Theatre 414

Madison Square Theatre 415

Hoyt's Madison Square Theatre 436

Theatre Francaise , . 447

Lyceum Theatre 461

Haverly's Theatre . 476

Fourteenth Street Theatre 493

Lyric Hall 516

Steinway Hall 516

Chase's Hall 521

Eighth Avenue Opera House 521

Banvard's Museum 522

Wood's Museum and Metropolitan Theatre 523

Wood's Museum and Menagerie 526



Broadway Theatre 541

Daly's Theatre 545

Harlem Music Hall 590

Mount Morris Theatre 590

Harlem Hall 590

Alhambra 590

Hartz's Bijou Theatre 590

Haymarket 591

Newmarket 591

American Nickleodeon 591

Grand Street Museum 591

Chickering Hall 591

Bunnell's Museum 398, 592 and 593

Great American Museum 593

Huber's Museum , . . . 593

The Regent 593

Fifth Avenue Music Hall 594

Manhattan Opera House 594

Miner's Eighth Avenue Theatre 594

Vercelli's Theatre 594

The Grand Central 594

Chateau Mabille Varieties 594

Mead's Midget Hall 595

Brewster Hall 595

Columbia Opera House 595

American Alhambra 595

Folly Theatre 595

Central Park Garden 595

Hart's Summer Theatre 595

Jerome Theatre 596

Union League Theatre 596

Thirty- Fourth Street Theatre 596

Shay's Opera House 596

Berry's Opera House 596



Allemania Hall 596

Robinson Hall 596

The Bijou 597

Parisian Varieties 597

New York Parisian Varieties 597

The Criterion 597

Parisian Vaudeville 597

Sixteenth Street Theatre . 597

Mechanics' Hall 597

Old Skating Rink 597

American Institute 598

Pike's Opera House 599

Grand Opera House 599



HE minstrel hall known as The Coliseum was situated at 448 Broadway, near Grand Street, in the City Assembly Rooms building, and was originally a ball-room. It was occupied April 2, 1851, by White & Horn's Ethiopian Minstrels. Buckley's Serenaders appeared here May 29, 1854, in the burlesque opera, " Somnambula," with this cast:

Dan Tucker (Rodolphe) W. Percival Lazy Joe (Alessio) R. Bishop Buckley Gumbo (Elvino) G. Swayne Buckley

Liza J. J. Mullen

Aunt Sally (Thereses) T. S. Waddington Deam Darkley (a Notary) J. A. Lonsdale

This house was destroyed by fire Dec. 20, 1854.


A CONCERT hall known as the Chinese Rooms was situated at 539 and 541 Broadway, west side above Spring Street. The Bloomer company gave their first concert in this country here Sept. 1,1851. They consisted entirely of ladies. The entertainment com- prised gems from the opera, English, Scotch, Irish, and French songs, ballads, duets, and quartets, and several of the new Bloomer waltzes, polkas, etc., and they appeared in Bloomer costume. Mile. Nathalie Fitz James, a vocalist from Naples, appeared, and sang several songs in costume. The Bloomers closed Sept. 6.

In February, 1852, the name of this place was changed to The Broadway Casino. A " farewell " concert was given at this house by W. G. Dietrich, assisted by an orchestra of fifty performers. Robert Heller, the magician, made his first appearance in America here, Dec. 20, 1852. John E. Owens played here April 4, with his entertainment " John Owens' Alpine Rambles," an ascent of Mont Blanc, founded on events of his European tour, embodying sketches


of men and manners on the Continent, humorous impersonations, startling incidents and anecdotes, illustrated by scenery. Mr. Owens' appearance as a lecturer was a complete success.


THE Broadway Casino was, in June, 1853, leased by Buckley's Minstrels, who gave the place their own name. They con- verted it into an elegant theatre, and produced burlesque operas, elaborately mounted, handsomely costumed, and admirably sung. They remained here three years. G. Swayne Bucltley sang the leading tenor r61es, besides giving his specialties in the olio and singing in the first part. "Cinderella" had a run of six months. Perham's Seven Mile Mirror Panorama was seen here October, 1853, and afterwards went to Academy Hall. Donetti's acting Monkeys, Dogs, and Goats appeared May, 1854. A benefit to the Boone Children was given Nov. 2, 1854. Sunday concerts began Nov. 19, with Mons. V. Guerin conductor. The Buckleys pro- duced the comic opera " Le Chalet, or Swiss Cottage," Oct. 29, 1855, for the first time in America. Bishop Buckley acted Natz Teyk, W. Percival as Corporal Max, and Miss Miller as Lizette. Swayne Buckley sang his old laughing song. White's Serenaders appeared here Aug. 25, 1856. In the organization were W. Penn Lehr, T, Prendergast, Charley White, T. B. Isaacs, W. Vincent, and J. Sivori. The latter is still now living in this city and practising medicine. He is known as Dr. Wheeler. A company of Chinese jugglers appeared here Aug. 11, 1857. Sept. 13, 1858, Charles Gayler commenced a series of lectures on the history and progress of the French and Spanish Missions among the North American Indians.

This building became notorious as The Melodeon Concert Hall. Under the management of Frank Rivers and Geo. Lea, the Melodeon Concert Hall became one of the sights of New York. A benefit was given to Mike Norton, the special officer of the house, Aug. I, when, in addition to the regular concert-hall performances " Tom and Jerry " was presented. A number of professional boxers had " set-tos," including Mike Norton, Henry Gribbon, and Barney Aaron. Norton was afterwards one of our city aldermen, and later represented this city in the Assembly at Albany. Lea assumed the management Sept. 9, 1861, and opened with a specialty company, among whom were : J. H. Ogden, Annetta Galetti and her husband (Mons. Velarde), Ronzani, Eva Brent, Ernestine de Faiber, Kate Pen- noyer, Adele Calla (Mrs. Zeke Chamberlain), Clara Butler, Gustave Theo Bidaux, Ben Yates, C. McMillan, Bob Hart, Denzer Brothers, and others. The admission was 13 cents. At the time Mr. Lea took charge the place was losing upward of ;^3oo weekly, but by


introducing an array of performers far superior to those in any other similar establishment in the city, the tide of fortune soon turned in his favor, and in a short time the Melodeon was a money-making institution. Sam Cowell, who was then giving entertainments at the Art Union with poor success, was engaged by Lea at $1,000 for four weeks, a large salary in those days. The " Only Leon," after- wards of Kelly and Leon's minstrels, made his first appearance on the stage here. Gustave Bidaux, the baritone singer, also made his debut here. Notwithstanding the great success of this place, the " powers that be " enacted a law against the employment of waiter girls in concert halls, and the Melodeon was closed, and remained dark until P. T. Barnum leased it.

George Lea was one of the most successful managers and unsuc- cessful financiers ever connected with theatrical business. He had places of amusement going in Washington, Baltimore, New York, Brooklyn, and Detroit at the same time. Having accumulated a fortune, he dabbled in stocks, but Wall Street was too much for him, and he left it a loser by over $50,000. Mr. Lea opened a drug store in Port Jervis, N. Y. and was local manager of the theatre in that city for some time. He died in that city August 20, 1902, from infirmities due to old age. He was born in Paris, France, May 9, 1818. Gustave Bidaux died in Hatboro, N. H., March 5, 1886. After having remained unoccupied for some time, the Chinese Build- ing was opened in September, 1863, with Van Amburgh's Mena- gerie, a collection of wild animals, which remained here during the winter of 1863-64. After this it was untenanted until P. T. Barnum leased it, and, after making extensive alterations, opened it as Bar- num's New Museum. The building was taken down and rebuilt, and so promptly was the work accomplished that the establishment was ready for business on Wednesday, Sept. 6, 1865. In addition to the museum and menagerie, a dramatic company appeared daily. The staff of the establishment was as follows : Sole proprietor and manager, P. T. Barnum ; assistant manager, S. Hurd ; superinten- dent, Sylvester Bleecker ; stage manager, E. F. Taylor. The dra- matic corps was: H. F. Daly, T. Hadaway, J. Bridgman, W. L. Jamison, J. J. Collins, R. J. Johnson, E. Haviland, M. Vigotty, R. Anderson, T. S. Atkins, E. Stevens, and T. Soutain, Mrs. J. J. Prior, Mrs. G. Melville, Mrs. W. L. Jamison, Jennie Cleaver, H. Higbie, Emma Schell (danseuse), Addie Le Brun, Monell, Le Moyne, Fenton, Thompson, Walker, Henry, Hill, and Radford, and a corps de ballet.

On the opening afternoon and evening, P. T. Barnum delivered an address in the lecture room, followed by Marie Macarte in classical scenes, entitled "The Passions." W. B. Harrison, the extemporaneous singer, came next, followed by Master Timothy with a dance on stilts. " Children of Cyprus " was the dramatic offering, with this cast :


Zoe . . .



Noureddin .



Fair Star .

Mrs. W. L. Jamison . . T. Hadaway . , . Haviland . . R. J. Johnson Addie Le Brun . . Miss Keheo . . Jennie Cleaver

Sanquinberk H. F. Daly

Cherry Mrs. J. J. Prior

Mustapha J. Bridgman

Alexis W L. Jamison

Ariana (first appearance on any stage) H. Higbie

Inerine Emma Schell

Grumnigra .... Mrs. G. Melville

Among the curiosities in the Museum were Woodroffe's glass- blowers, and a mammoth turtle, said to measure 8 ft. and 4 in. tip to tip, 7 ft. and 9 in. across his back, and to weigh 1,280 pounds. Sept. 18, "Sadak and Kalasrade" was produced. John Hanks lectured there every day. "The Roll of the Drum" was given Sept. 25, and the infant Ravel appeared in a Spanish dance. Oct. 2 came "Asmodeus," with the first appearance of Sallie Parting- ton as Carlo, and the comedietta " Is He Jealous ? " Noah Orr, the giant; Andrew Hansen, the Union soldier giant; and John Patterson, born without arms, were added to the curiosities. Oct. 9 "The Jealous Philosopher" and the play "Wild Kate" were seen. On the programmes for the week commencing Oct. 16, appeared the following : " This establishment does not advertise in The New York Herald."

Leo Hudson played "Mazeppa" here a few nights, when she broke her engagement and Oceana Italia Judah assumed the r61e, and Kathleen O'Neil appeared in " An Object of Interest. " Oceana was the daughter of Mrs. Emanuel Judah, a celebrated actress who made her debut at the Richmond Hill Theatre. There were three daughters, Oceana, professionally known as La Belle Oceana; lone, a great spiritualistic medium ; and Mrs. Worrell, mother of the Worrell Sisters. Oct. 23 " Victorine " was seen ; Oct. 30, "Still Waters Run Deep," with C. W. Clarke as John Mildmay. This was Mr. Clarke's first appearance at this house. The farce " A Husband in Difficulties " was acted in the afternoons and even- ings of that week. " The French Spy " followed, with Oceana as the Spy, but it was withdrawn, as the musicians of the theatres of New York went on a strike, and proper music was necessary to the play. " Mazeppa " was substituted. For the afternoons, " All that Glitters is Not Gold," and in the evenings, "Married Rake" and "The French Spy;" Nov. 13, for C. W. Clarke's last week, " Don Caesar de Bazan. " The dwarf " Gen. Grant " was seen daily ; also Lizzie Reed, the midget, the two Albinos, and John Battersby, the skeleton. In view of the increasing popularity of the circus, Mr. Barnum decided to give both a circus and dramatic entertain- ment in his lecture room. A ring was cut in the stage (covered with boards during the dramatic performance), and on Nov. 20 a combination, including Mr. Master, and Mme. Chas. Sherwood, Eaton Stone, J. P. Foster, and Prof. Langworthy appeared.


Charley Sherwood did his act, "Pete Jenkins." Previous to the equestrian performance " The Cross of Gold " was acted.

The following week " The Lady of Munster " preceded the circus. Dec. 4 "The Trials of Life" was the opening bill, and Dec. 7, " The Queen's Page, or the Idiot of the Castle ; " Dec. 1 1, " Michael Erie;" Dec. i8"Darrell the Reprobate, or the Harvest Storm," and Eaton Stone, the bareback equestrian, were the attractions; Dec. 25, " Dwangee the Arab, or the Fairy Guardian of the Magic Well." For the week commencing Jan. i, 1866, an extra perform- ance was given, opening at 11 o'clock in the morning. "The Orphan Boys of Hungary" was the evening performance. The domestic drama, "The White Fawn," was done week of Jan. 8, followed, Jan. 15, by the Conklin Brothers added to the circus performances, and the comedietta "The Dumb Belle." Charles Devere, the slack-rope walker, commenced Jan. 22, with the drama " Jessie Gray. " " Elsie " had its first production Jan. 29. "Sons of the Republic " was acted Feb. 5, and the last week of the eques- trian performances commenced Feb. 12, when "Jessie Gray" was played. Feb. 19, the Scriptural historical drama, by Geo. L. Aiken, "Moses, or Israel in Egypt," was presented. The Aus- tralian Wild Children were on exhibition March 26. "The Sphinx " was first seen here April 2 ; the mythological spectacular drama, entitled "An Earthquake, or the Spectre of the Nile," was seen April 16. The infant drummer, Allie Turner, appeared April 30. "Claude Marcel, or the Idiot of Tarbes," was done May 14. "Bendito, or the Children of the Zincalli," was acted. May 21, " Uncle Tom's Cabin " was produced, with Mrs. G. C. Howard in her familiar r61e of Topsy.

Mrs. Howard closed her engagement June 16. " The Drunkard " was seen June 18, with C. W. Clarke as Edward Middleton. "Charlotte Temple" was played June 25. "The War of 1812" began the closing week of the season (July 2), under the sub-title of "She Would be a Soldier," by Major M. Noah. The season terminated July 7, A summer term commenced July 9, with Geo. L. Fox and a pantomime troupe in "Jack and Jill;" Kate Pennoyer, T. Cherry, Baily, Whitman, Jerrold, Goodwin, Geo. L. Stout, C. K. Fox, Master George Topack, J. L. Lewis, Hancock Myers, Odwell, the Misses Newman, Cranfield, and Follett in the company. " The Red Gnome and the Four Lovers," July 13 ; " The Golden Axe" and "The Frisky Cobbler" July 20. The season closed Sept. i, 1866, with "The Magic Barrel," for Geo. L. Fox's benefit. The next regular season began Sept. 3, and the following is a copy of the programme :


C. W. CLARKE Stage Manager

MONDAY, SEPT. 3, 1866. An Entirely New Dramatic Company.

M. Levick, H. G. Clarke, J. W. Norris, C. Wesley, G. Mitchell, H. D. Guion, R. White, J. Colson, Geo. Brooks, J. Folwell, W. Daly, T. Atkins, Mrs. J. J. Prior, Adele Clarke, Miss M. Livingston, Miss Atkins, Mrs. R. G. France, Mrs. Massen, Mrs. C. Newman, Mrs. G. Brooks, Miss J. Fenton, Miss Marks, Miss Walker. George Heilge, scenic artist; W. Demilt, machinist; R. H. Cutler, properties.

Afternoon at 2. " MONEY."

Alfred Evelyn . . . . C. W. Clarke Sir John Vesey . . George Mitchell Sir Frederick Blount . . M. Levick Captain Dudley Smooth

Harry G. Clarke

Graves George Brooks

Lord Glossmore . . . J. W. Norris

Stout H. D. Guion

Sharp Mr. White

Evelyn's Servant .... Mr. Colson Sir John's Servant . . . Mr. Atkins

Clara Mrs. J. J. Prior

Lady Franklin . . Mrs. R. G. France Georgiana Adele Clarke


Pascal de le Garde . . . M. Levick Baron de Forqueroles, Harry G. Clarke

Negretti George Mitchell

Clotilde de Presles Mrs. J. J. Prior

Eugenie de Garran

Mrs. George Brooks

Amadee Jovial Captain Roland Henri Dorville Countess . . Colette . . . Madeline . .


George Brooks H. D. Guion J. W. Norris R. G. France Adele Clarke Mrs. Massen

Previous to the Play, both Afternoon and Evening, FANNY TURNER, Female Drummer, will appear with Master ALLIE TURNER, the Infant Drummer. DANCE— By the Diminutive Dwarf, GEN. GRANT, JR.

Among the curiosities was the Gordon Gumming collection of several thousands of the heads, horns, tusks, and skins of the hippopotamus, rhinoceros, giraffes, elephants, lions, tigers, leop- ards and other African animal specimens; Miller's National Gallery, bronze portraits of all the Union generals ; Woodroffe's glassblowers. Gen. Grant, Jr., Master William Wallace, and Cora Ballard, diminutive specimens of humanity, and the Circassian girl. Sept. 10 and week, "The Orphan of Geneva" was acted in the afternoons, and in the evenings "The Lone House on the Bridge." Sept. 17 the domestic drama, byBayle Bernard, entitled "Mary Lockwood, or the Thirst for Gold," was seen afternoons and evenings. Sept. 24 "Footprints in the Snow" was acted afternoons, and " Old Folks at Home " in the evenings. Oct. i, G. A'Becket's comedy, "The Lady in Black," for the afternoons, and " Our American Cousin " at night. Milnes Levick was the Lord Dundreary; Asa Trenchard, Geo. Brooks; Abel Murcott,



Harry G. Clarke; Binney, W. H.Daly; Georgiana, Mrs. J. J. Prior; Florence, Mrs. George Brooks (now Mrs. Hart Conway); Mary Meredith, Adele Clarke. "Ten Nights in a Bar-room " was given the week of Oct. 15, followed by "The Sea of Ice" Oct. 22. " Rosina Meadows " was played Nov. 10.

The programme offered for Christmas (Dec. 25), 1866, was as follows :


Commencing at 10^ a. m.



Mary Stallings . . Mrs. J. J. Prior Mrs. Stallings . . Mrs. R. France

Kesiah Mrs. Massen

Caroline . . . Mrs. Geo. Brooks Dinah Miss Newman

Major Joseph Jones . George Brooks Dr. Peter Jones . . Harry G. Clarke

Crotchett J. W. Norris

Bill Simpson E. Milton

Bob Moreland . . . . C. Farwell Ned Mr. Chapman


MORTIMER WILLIAMS will appear in his great specialty, entitled Half Bushel Measure Jig, which will be danced on the INSIDE, OUTSIDE and ALL OVER a half bushel measure. Dance, by the Infant Phenomenon, EMMA FOSTER. Dance, by the Diminutive Dwarf, GEN. GRANT, JR.

MORNING. In the Arena, the Two Humped Bactrian Camel-Zebu, Three Horned Bull, Esquimaux Dog, will appear, with description by JOHN FOS- TER. The Learned Buffalo will astonish with his performance. The Trick Ponies and Performing Monkey will exhibit under the direction of MONS. DAVIS. The Modern Grimaldi, JOHN FOSTER, will introduce the EDU- CATED MULES. Professor HALL will introduce the performing Elephant, JENNY LIND. MONS. DAVIS, the Lion King, will enter the Den of Wild Animals.

"The Last Days of Pompeii" was played July 17. The season closed July 20, 1867, and July 22 G. L. Fox and company, from the Old Bowery Theatre, played the "Little Boy Blue" pan- tomime, remaining until Sept. 7. The season of 1867-68 opened Sept. 9, with the following company ; Milnes Levick (stage man- ager), C. W. Clarke, T. E. Jackson, G. Mitchell, W. Henderson, G. W. Malmberg, John C. Walsh, T. G. Roberts, T. Atkins, S. Wright, E. Chapman, R. H. Ellsworth, and L. F. Massen, Mrs. J. J. Prior, Mrs. R. G. France, Mrs. Massen, Jenny Walters, Irene Gay, Cassie Troy, Fenton, Connolly, Walker, Atkins, Sherman, and France. The opening production was " The Man of Destiny, or The Stranger's Grave," which ran for two weeks, and was fol- lowed for six days with "The Blacksmith's Wife, or the Lost Child." C. W. Clarke died Sept. 22, 1867. He made his first appearance on the stage at the National Theatre (corner of Leonard and Church streets) in 1838. He was at the Park Theatre the


seasons of 1840-43, and in 1843 went to the Bowery Theatre, where he remained for a number of years. Sept. 30, a drama, by Milnes Levick, called "Pale Janet," was produced, which ran until Nov. 4, when "The Earl's Daughter, or the Pride of Birth" took its place. "The Green Bushes," "Adam and Eve, or the Sailor's Dream," "The Union Prisoner," by Mr. Levick; "Emily Ware- ham," by W. C. Burton, and standard comedies were played until Dec. 23, when the pantomime of " Little Dewdrop " was produced. "Pale Janet" was revived Jan. 20, and Jan. 27 "Nobody's Son" Watts Phillips' play of " Nobody's Child," with another title was presented, with Milnes Levick as Joe.

Feb. 10 "Little Red Riding Hood, or the Wolf at the Door," by F. G. Maeder, was presented. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was revived Feb. 24, with Mrs. G. C. Howard as Topsy. This was the last play presented at the Museum. Half an hour after mid- night on the morning of Tuesday, March 3, 1868, a fire was dis- covered on the third floor, in the southeast corner of the building, in the apartment occupied by Van Amburgh's Menagerie. A few of the animals on the Broadway side, among them a kangaroo, a small leopard, a few monkeys, together with the pelicans and a variety of other small birds, were rescued. The cause of the fire was attributed to a defective flue. The building was valued at ;^ 1 50,000, and was insured for ;g62,ooo. The contents belonged to Barnum, were valued at 1^400,000, and were insured for one third of that amount. The basement of 539 was occupied by Charles Gray as a restaurant and oyster saloon. Sigler & Clinton occupied the basement of 541 as a sample room.



CONCERT room called Washington Hall was situated at

598 Broadway, three doors above Niblo's Garden, and was

used in 1851 for concerts, panoramas, and miscellaneous entertain- ments. In June, i860, Charley White opened with a specialty troupe, and called the place Charley White's Opera House. He had in his company Kate Partington, Emma Schell, Miss Le Claire, Miss Blondell, and others.


THE National Hall was situated at 29-31 Canal Street, three doors from Broadway, and was used in the spring of 1852 for miscellaneous entertainments.



THE Art Union Rooms were located on the west side of Broadway (495-497), between Broome and Spring streets, and were originally what the name implied, a place where artistic works were exhibited up to 1852, when it was called the Art Union Concert Hall. It was used for concerts and other light entertainments. Murphy & Peel's Campbell Minstrels appeared here March 12, 1854. Luke West, Matt Peel, and Joseph Murphy were in the company. Hi Rumsey, the banjo player, was heard here March 27. April 10 Charley White took possession with his Serenaders, and the place was called the St. Nicholas Exhibition Room. April 24 Dun Bowers, an old-time minstrel performer, appeared. Dan Emmett and Hugh Donnelly were in the company. After being unoccupied for some time, the place was reopened in July, 1857, as The Academy Rooms, by J. Herman of Henry Wood and Christy's Minstrels. In Ma)', 1858, it was occupied by a con- cert company who sang glees, madrigals, and solos on the same plan as Evans' Cider Cellars, a well-known London establishment. A great favorite here was Tom Watson, a popular English clown and comic singer. He came to this country late in 1857, and appeared at Laura Keene's Metropolitan Theatre. Early in i860 he joined Spalding & Rogers' New Orleans Circus, and, after a successful season there, visited the principal towns on the Missis- sippi River with the same company. It was while thus engaged that he became notorious by sailing at different points on the Mississippi in a wash tub, pulled by six real geese. He appeared at the Art Union Oct. 25, 1885. When in the height of his popu- larity he was considered the cleverest clown at that time in the country, and commanded the best of engagements and a good salary. He, like many others, was his own worst enemy. Gus Grant, Fanny Cole, and Julia Price appeared here Oct. 25. Robert W. Butler became manager in 1859. He continued for one season, and he sold out to R. Smith and Harrison in August, i860.


A SMALL concert hall called Niblo's Saloon was situated in the same building as Niblo's Garden. For a long time it was used for various exhibitions, including concerts, spiritualistic meetings, and lectures. M. Paul Jullien gave his first concert in America here July 2, 1852. Mr. Bunn, from Drury Lane Theatre, London, Eng., made his American debut Oct. 11, 1852, with his Pictorial Illustrations of the Genius and Career of Shakespeare. L. M. Gottschalk, the pianist, gave a concert Feb. 11, 1853, assisted by Rose De Vries, Hoffman, Kyrle, and Mr. Frazier.


Baroness Julie de Berg, a celebrated pianist, made her American debut Aug. 27, 1853. She was assisted by Amalia Patti Strakosch, Paul Jullien, and H. C. Timm. A concert for the relief of the sufferers by the epidemic at New Orleans, La., was given Sept. i, by Ole Bull, assisted by Adelina Patti and Maurice Strakosch. Mme. Sontag gave a concert Oct. 11, assisted by Carl Eckert, Gasparo Pozzolini, Badiali Rocco, Gasparoni, and Paul Jullien. Mme. Isadore Clarke, late from Cuba, made her d^but in New York Oct. 24, 1854, in concert, assisted by Giovanni Leonanndi, his first appearance in America, Henry Appt, solo violinist, Harry G. Timm, Jos. Noll, C. Besig, Bergner, P. Eltz, E. Boehm, and Bramner A. Herzog. Jan. 20, 1855, a concert was given for the poor of the city, by Paul Jullien, Adelina Patti, Sig. Rocco, Sig. Bernardi, and August Gockel.

On May 24, 1856, Signorina Vestvali made her first appearance in concert, under the direction of Allen Irving. Mile. Carioli gave her first concert in this city Sept. 15, assisted by Carl Anschutz and orchestra. Juliana May first appeared in concert Sept. 22. Mme. Anna De La Grange gave a concert Sept. 24, and was assisted by S. Thalberg and Henri Vieuxtemps. Frezzolini made her d6but as a concert singer Oct. 2, and her last concert took place here Oct. 30, with Vieuxtemps and Thalberg. Emma Stanley made her American debut Nov. 8. Her performance con- sisted of a drawing-room entertainment, entitled " The Seven Ages of Woman," the object being to exhibit the progress of female life, from babyhood to old age. Miss Stanley introduced all kinds of national airs, and put on the costumes of all sorts of countries, at once showing her own versatility and the abundance and costliness of her wardrobe. Her changes were effected with marvellous rapidity, so that it would seem as if a dozen persons were engaged in doing what she alone effected by her skill and ingenuity. She had a charming voice, and sang with admirable taste. She died at Bayswater, England, Dec. 11, 1881.

Stephen C. Massett (" Jeems Pipes of Pipesville ") appeared here Sept. 23, 1858. His entertainments consisted of songs, music, and chit-chat of travel in foreign land. Father Kemp's Original Continental Old Folks' concert company appeared March 30, 1859. Stephen Massett died in this city August 20, 1898, at St. Vincent's Hospital.

With many alterations and improvements, Niblo's Saloon was reopened Nov. i, 1859, by Hooley & Christy's Minstrels, among whom were S. C. Campbell (musical director), George Christy (stage manager), R. M. Hooley (business manager). Master Eugene, Cool White, J. A. Herman, Napier Lothian, J. C. Reeves, J. Hilliard, G. W. H. Griffin, J. K. Edwards, A. J. flobbs, J. Trique, Byron Christy, and Master Gus Howard. In


January, i860, Christy & Hooley dissolved copartnership. Hooley, with nearly every member of the company, went on a travelling tour, while Christy continued at this place with another party. Hooley & Campbell's Minstrels, who had been performing at 585 Broadway, appeared here Aug. 27, for the winter. Lloyd's Min- strels came here April i. The principals were Billy Birch, D. S. Wambold, Charley Fox, August Asche, Herman, Gustave Bidaux, H. Wilks, Eastmead, Lehman, Andrews, N. Oehl, W. Bruns, A. Breitkopf, C. Blass, Master Albertine, and Cool White. The Peak Family of bellringers, harpists, and vocalists made their first appearance in New York here Dec. 23, and remained until Jan. 8, 1862, the only other entertainments being concerts by Gottschalk, the pianist, and the artists of the Italian Opera company; magical seances, by Prof. Adrien, and French dramatic representations by M. Juignet's company. Oct. 25 C. Sage, former director of the French Theatre, took a benefit, assisted by Miles. Aline, Costa, Berthe Morel, and Maggie Andrews, and MM. Ardivani, Garibaldi, Vietoff, and Prosper. The entertainment was principally musical. Nov. 25 M. Edgard took a benefit, presenting the vaudevilles of " Qui se Disputent s'Adorent," and " A la Bastille," and a cpncert. Mr. De Cordova subseqently lectured here on several occasions.

On Dec. 6, Paul Juignet began a French comedy season, and his company included Miles. Marguerite Bouhelier, Anna Ham- burg, Natalie Dumas, and Aline Delange, and MM. Ernest Gravier, Julian Rosseau, Albert Mary, Dubois, Garton Grande, Edgard, and Juignet. The opening entertainment comprised a prologue in verse, Theodore Barrifere's " La Feu au Convent," and MM. Dupin and Delacour's "Deux Hommes du Nord." These representations were repeated every Monday and Saturday, with slight interruptions, when the company played in Boston until June 5, 1863. Among the most important pieces produced were Henri Conscience's "Un Pauvre Gentilhomme," Theodore Barriere and Jules Lorin's "Le Piano de Berthe," MM. Lambert-Thiboust and Girardin's "L'Onde et I'Ombre," Henri Rochefort's and Albert Wolf's "Un Homme de Sud," Dumanoir and Clairville's "Triolet a la Recherche d'un Pere," Dumanoir and Dennery's "Don Caesar de Bazan," "La Dame aux Cam^lias," "La M^sre de la Famille," "Un Tenor Leger," "La Code des Femmes," "Le Serment d'Horace," Dumanoir and Clairville's "L'Amoureux de Pontoise," About's "Risette, la Millionnaire," De Musset's "Les Cheveaux de ma Femme," Cogniard Fr^res' "Bruno le Fileur," Balzac's " Mercadet le Faiseur," " Le Chevalier du Guet," MoliSre's " Le Depit Amoureux," L6on Battu and Jaime fils' " Lucie Didier," " La Pline et le Beau Temps, " " Pas de Fumee Sans Feu, " Offen- bach's "La Rose de St. Fleur," and Octave Feuillet's "Peril en la Demeure." Jan. 20, 1863, the Brothers Schmid and Leute,


three Swiss singers, made their first appearance in America here.

Paul Juignet again essayed the direction of French comedy and vaudeville. His company consisted of MM. Ernest Gravier, Roche, Faye, Pelletier, Donatien, Edgard, Maillet, Duval, and Benjamin; Mmes. Angele Levasseur and Anna Hamburg, and Miles. Louise Maillet, Stephane Bergeon, Hdl^ne Donatien, Nathalie Dumas, Louise Pelletier, Graziella, and Estella Dumas. The season lasted, with slight intervals, from Oct. 27, 1863, till April 30, 1864, during which time the following works, with others, were presented : " Les Vivacitds du Capitaine Tic," by M. Labiche ; "Le Pour et le Contre," by Octave Feuillet; "Jean qui Pleure et Jean qui Rit," by M. Dumanoir; "Les 37 Sous de M. Mon- tourdin," by M. Labiche; "Je Dine chez ma Mere," by M. Thiboust; "Le Caporal et la Payse," by M. Varin; "LaFamille Lambert," "Les Noces de Jeanette," by Victor Masse; "Rue de la Lune," by M. de Kock; "Jeanne la Sotte," by MM. Julien and Pilates; " Tambour Battant ; " "Histoire d'un Sou," by M. Clair- ville; "La Chanoinesse," by Eugene Scribe; "Les Pantins de Violette," by Adolph Adam; "Le Gentilhomme Pauvre," by M. Dumanoir; "Les Femmes Revolt^es," by L. Lurine; "Un Duel sous Richelieu," by Lockrey and Mellesville; "La Dame de St. Tropez," byDennery; "Les etrennes de M. Poisson;" " Le Jour de I'An a New York," by MM. X. and Z. ; Les Deux Aveugles," by M. Offenbach; "La Bataille de Dames," by M. Scribe; "Le Voyage de Monsieur Perichon," by MM. Labiche and Martin; " Trombalcazar," opera bouffe, by Offenbach ; " La Joie Fait Peur " (the original of Boucicault's "Kerry," produced at Burton's old Theatre as "Sunshine Through the Clouds"), by fimile Girardin; "Les Affrontes," by Emile Augier; "Le Vicomte Girogee," by M. Labiche; "Le Cceur et 1' Argent," by MM. Morrier and Martin; "Les Filles Gavit," by V. Hugo; "Les Petits Oiseaux," by Labiche and Delacour ; " Le Mari a la Campagne " (the original of "The Serious Family"), by MM. Bayard and De Vailly; "Le Demi Monde," by Dumas p^re; "Le Mariage aux Lanternes," by Offenbach, first time in New York, Feb. 6, 1864; "La P"emme de Primrose," by Cormon; "Une Femme qui se Jette par la Fe- netre," by Eugene Scribe; "La Filles de Giboyer," by M. fimile Augier; "Les Erreurs du Bel Age, " by Xavier and Varin; "Ba- ta-clan," opera bouffe, by Offenbach; "On Demande un Gouver- neur," by Decoursette ; "Trente Ans, ou la Vie d'un Joueur," by Decanze and Dinaux; "La Marraine," by Scribe; "Les Filles des Marbres," by Barrifere and Thiboust; "Bianella, ou le Servanti MaJtresse," opera bouffe, by Frederic von Flotow; " La Diplomatie du Manage," by Mme. Berton-Samson ; "Jean Baudry," by Auguste Vercquerio; "La GrSce deDieu," by Dennery and Lemoine; "Une


Mauvaise Nuit est Bient6t Pass6," by H. Honore; "Le Medecin des Enfants," by Anicet Bourgeois, and "Montjoie," by Octave Feuillet.

The Harrison English opera company, under the management of Gabriel Harrison, with B. A. Baker as stage manager, began a season here Jan. 13, 1864. Mme. Comte Borchard, Mary Shaw, Wm. Castle, S. C. Campbell, Geo. Rea, and M. B. Pike were in the company, with Theodore Thomas as conductor. Jan. 13, 15, 19, and 21 " The Bohemian Girl " was rendered. A fortnight later the company returned, and on Feb. 3, 5, 10, and 12 sang "Mari- tana. " March 24 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Watkins and Carlotta Shaw presented an entertainment written for them by Charles Gayler, entitled " Photographiana. " This they repeated for several nights. Niblo's Saloon was leased June i by Mr. Crabtree, the father of Lotta, with Harry Jordan as his acting manager. Lotta was announced as "The California Pet," and appeared in the sketches "The Mysterious Chamber" and "Jenny Lind," singing, dancing, and playing on the banjo. This was her first appearance in New York. The audience was cold and indifferent, and did not appear to appreciate the abilities of this lady. She remained four nights, during which "The Wife's Lesson" and "The Maid of Munster" were also given. This lady was born in New York, at 750 Broad- way, Nov. 7, 1847. Her father was John Ashworth Crabtree, who kept a bookstore in Nassau Street. Her early life was spent in California, where, as a child actress, she was a great favorite. She has the reputation of being the richest actress in the world.

The following season concerts were given. The Thorpe Brothers took possession of the saloon Oct. 3, and occupied it for two weeks, giving a series of spiritualistic seances. Oct. 27 Mrs. O'Neill, nie Annie James, gave a concert, assisted by Castle, Campbell, Frank Gilder, and J. O'Neill. M. Juignet's French company occupied Niblo's Saloon Tuesdays and Saturdays during the sea- son from Oct. 29, 1864, until the end of April, 1865, with the exception of slight intervals, when visits were made to Philadel- phia and Boston. Concerts were given by Mrs. O'Neill Nov. 16, by J. E. Perring Nov. 23, by Madame Paravalli and pupils Dec. i, by Mile. Barnetchie Dec. 8, and by Frank B. Converse Dec. 29. On Jan. 4 and Jan. 6, 1865, an Italian opera company, under the management of M. Wertheimber and conductorship of Sig. Rosa, sang "L'Elisir d'Amore." The principal artists were Mile. Claudini Cairoli and Signori Mongiardini, Ardavani, and Fellini. A concert was given by Laura Harris Jan. 23. M. Wechsung, fliutist, made his American ddbut Jan. 24. The Davis family were heard in concert Jan. 26. Feb. 13 Max Strakosch's concert company appeared. Mile. Helene de Katow, Russian violinist,


Jas. M. Wehli, pianist, and Mile. Celestine Huntley, soprano, made their American debut. The other artists were Signori Lorenzo, Remi, Rosa, and Bendelari. The Strakosch concert company also gave concerts on Feb. 15, 16, 24, 25, and March i, 2, 13, 24, and 25, assisted by Laura Harris, Signor Paulicchi, and others.

Mile. Camille Urso, the violinist, gave a concert Feb. 27, and Mr. Cordova lectured March 6. March 22 the Benevolent Dramatic and Musical Association presented the drama of "Deceit, or Feel- ing and Fashion, " and a concert by Gustavus Geary, G. W. Brad- shaw, Mina Geary, and Celia Hoffheimer. L. M. Gottschalk, the pianist, gave a series of farewell concerts prior to his departure for California, with Sig. Muzio, March 29, 30, and 31. Niblo's Saloon was closed as a place of amusement May 9, 1865, and altered for the dining-room of the Metropolitan Hotel.


THE house known as "White's Varieties" was situated at 17- 19 Bowery, and was built by Edwin P. Christy, the minstrel manager. It was opened Sept. 13, 1852, by Charles T. White. " The Child of the Regiment " was presented here Nov. 2, when William R. Floyd made his first appearance on any stage, acting the Corporal. The following is the copy of a programme :

Proprietor and Manager C. White

Treasurer ' j. Simpson

Musical Director .- Herr Noll

Dramatic Director T. D. Yeomans


Dress Circle 25 cts. I Private Boxes $1.50

Parquet and 2d Circle . . . i2i^ | Stage Boxes 2.00

Part First.

The performance will commence with the farce,


Mr. Dulcimer jerry Merrifield

Jasper Cranky Bannister

DelemereLazytongs . C.Warwick

Molly Snaggs (m which she will sing a new song, called " Talking in My Sleep "

written by Mrs. Osgood) Rose Merrifield

Miss Myrtle Mrs. Isherwood

Kate Swynnerton Miss Pentland


Part Second. WHITE'S SERENADERS, AS DANDY NEGROES OF THE NORTH, introducing the following collection of new songs, glees, jokes, etc. :

Massa's in the Cold, Cold

Ground G. Rich

Farewell, My Lilly Dear, . C. White Dina's Serenade .... Corrister

Coon Hunt C. White

Quickstep Full Band

Overture, Full Band

Let 's be Gay, from the opera of " Rob- ert le Diable "... Company

Katy, Darling C. White

Melinda May Corrister

Old Folks at home .... Deaves The Darkey Blackberry Party


Part Third. Favorite Song by Mrs. Rose Merrifield


by Miss Lora Gordon, the wonderful prodigy, aged iive years, who will appear in fragments from " King Lear," assisted by her sister, Isabella Gordon.

Highland Fling by Miss E. Johnson

A new Comic Song, " The Bloomerees " Jerry Merrifield

Banjo Solo Dan Emmett

The whole to conclude with the


by John Diamond and Master Franks.

Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings will be performed the Musical Farce of " The Two Gregories."

No free list to this establishment. No orders received. Afternoon performance every Saturday, commencing at 3 o'clock.

Frank S. Chanfrau was the first dramatic manager of this house, and he took charge of it Oct. 18, 1852. He received from Christy a weekly salary of ;^ioo, and 25 per cent of the receipts when he acted. It was at this time that his acquaintance began with Miss Albertine. In the company were John (" that rascal Jack ") Dunn, A. H. ("Dolly") Davenport, Jerry Merrifield, Keeler, Miss Al- bertine, Rose Merrifield, Miss Isherwood, Mr. and Mrs. France, William R. Floyd, and others.

Mile. Albertine had a checkered career. Her right name was Hannah Manchester, and she was born at the Stone Bridge, Tiver- ton, R, I., in 1831. Her debut was at Augusta, Me,, as Sophia in "The Rendezvous," during the season of 1846-47, but she soon took to the art of dancing. When F. S. Chanfrau played at the Olympic Theatre, Washington, D. C, Albertine was engaged to support him. Her next appearance was at the Arch Street



Theatre, Philadelphia, as leading support to the elder Booth. This was in March, 1850. She travelled with F. S. Chanfrau for six seasons, commencing in the fall of 1850. In California she not only played Lize to Chanfrau 's Mose, but such characters as Clarisse Delville, in "Satan in Paris," and Dot, in "The Cricket on the Hearth," and danced to the great delight of old "Forty- niners." In 1852 she and Chanfrau returned to New York, and at Astor Place Opera House drew all Gotham to witness their com- panion pictures of the "Bowery B'hoy and His Gal." In 1857, Albertine severed her engagement with Mr. Chanfrau, and returned to California, starring there for two years with increasing popu- larity, when she was induced to accept an engagement to go to Australia with G. V. Brooke. While acting at Ballarat she caught a cold, which turned into the colonial fever. She recovered and commenced to dance, but became so blind that she could scarcely see the footlights, and was compelled to leave the stage. She was under the care of oculists for one year without receiving any benefit. At last, driven by poverty, all her jewelry and clothes having been parted with, she went into the Benevolent Asylum in Ballarat, where she learned to sew, knit, and read. For years she was considered dead by all who knew her in this country, a report to that effect having been printed in the Australian papers and copied in various American journals. One day the following letter was received by the editor of a New York paper and published.

Ballarat, Victoria, Australia, Jan. ii, 1875. In visiting the Benevolent Asylum in this city, I discovered a poor American lady, formerly a member of the profession, whose sad case at once enlisted my sympathies, and I take the liberty of calling the attention of my professional brothers and sisters in America, through your valuable journal, to a most worthy object of charity. I was introduced to a blind inmate, who, I was astonished to discover, was a Mme. Albertine, who, some years ago, I saw in the Celeste style of drama here, and thought her very good. She came to Australia thirteen years ago, playing in all the theatres. Through illness the poor woman became totally blind some seven years ago, and has been for a long time an inmate of this benevolent institution. She is about forty years of age, and of a most sen- sitive nature. Her only object now is to get back to her native place, where she would be among her own people. I do think this a case in which all mem- bers of our profession should unite in providing for her future, and as far as is in niy power I will do all I can to forward her to her friends. The expense of sending her to Boston would be about two hundred and fifty dollars. She is a poor, afflicted, sightless woman, and an American by birth. Yours truly,

Stuart O'Brien, Theatre Royal, Melbourne.

This was the first intimation her friends had of her existence. Through the extraordinary kindness of Mr. O'Brien, Mr. Adams, American consul, and Commander Chandler, of U. S. S. " Swatara " she reached America. Just before her arrival home her brother- in-law received the following communication :


Theatre Royal, Melbourne, Australia, March lo, 1875. Sir, Mme. Albertine, for some years quite blind, and an inmate of one of our institutions, left for New York per United States ship of war Swatara, hav- ing had a passage generously granted her by Commander Ralph Chandler. The ship will arrive in New York about the end of May next, and she desired me to write to you as to her reception on her arrival. She also suggested that I should ask you to write to Bessie and Susan Manchester. I shall be most happy to hear from you of her safe arrival at New York, and there is some hope of the restoration of her sight. I am, sir,

Your obedient servant, Stuart O'Brien.

To William Cannon, New Bedford, Mass.

The " Swatara " arrived here with Albertine on board June i, 187s, and for a brief period she resided at Hoboken, N. J., after which she went to New Bedford, Mass., where she remained till her death, Oct. 6, 1889, at the residence of her sister, Mrs. Wil- liam C. Cannon.

In February, 1853, this house was remodelled and opened as the St. Charles Theatre, with dramatic performances. James Pilgrim, the author-actor, was the manager, who began Feb. 2$, with a small stock company. "The Serious Family" was acted March 2, with Mr. Robinson as Aminadab Sleek. After it, came " A Husband at Sight, " with Miss Albertine as Cather- ine; a dance by Miss Sophie followed, after which Miss Mitchell played Joseph in " The Young Scamp. "

John R. Scott began an engagement March 16. He appeared as Sir Giles Overreach, in "A New Way to Pay Old Debts," and later in "The Stranger," "Virginius," on which occasion M. W. LefRngwell made his bow in the farce, "P. P., or The Man and the Tiger," "Don Caesar de Bazan," "The Willow Copse," "Rob Roy," "Richard IH.," "The Adopted Child," "Richelieu," "Damon and Pythias," and "Wallace." "Eveleen Wilson," a dramatization by Mr. Pilgrim, from the story of that name, was seen April 4. John R. Scott closed April 16. "The Momentous Question " was acted April 18, with J. M. Cooke as Robert Shelly, Miss Mitchell as Rachel Ryland. "Eveleen Wilson" followed, with Pilgrim, Robinson, Miss Mitchell, and Mrs. Mason in the principal characters, and the entertainment closed with "The Boys of Saratoga," Julia Pelby acting Caroline Grantley. April 20 Mrs. H. P. Grattan played Lady Randolph in "Douglas." May 9 was the anniversary of the New York Dramatic Society, and the performance consisted of "The Merchant of Venice," Harry Seymour as Shylock, Miss Grey as Portia, and Kate Hunter as Nerissa, " The Review, " with Welsh Edwards and Fanny Os- borne in the principal characters, Dutch readings by Sam Glenn, and the farce, "My Wife's Second Floor."

The next manager was Charles R. Thome, who opened Aug. t

VOL. U. 2


with "The Poor Soldier," "The Child of the Regiment," and "The Lady and the Devil." The company included Julia Pelby, Delia Norval (who was murdered at Windsor Locks, Ct.), Rose, May, Allen, Mesdames C. R. Thome, Brunton (formerly Helen Matthews), Barnett, Monell, Lewis, Mestayer, Brunton, John Winans, A. L. Vincent, Odell, Harry Seymour, Tom Wemyss, Holmes, J. B. Wright (stage manager). Mr. Thorne took a benefit Sept. 3 in "The Limerick Boy," which had this cast:

Coates Weaver

Remden Odell

Job Vincent

Paddy Miles . . . James Pilgrim Mrs. Fidget .... Mrs. Monell

Henry Holmes

Jane Miss May

A dance by Miss La Folle was done, after which came " Michael Erie": Michael Erie, Harry Watkins; Philip D'Arville, Griffiths; David Gilliflower, Weaver; Andrew, Holmes; Jackson, Thomas; Dame Stapleton, Mrs. Monell ; Julia Spring, Julia Pelby ; Stephen Gerard, Vincent; Miles, Seymour; Bates, Odell; Mary, Miss Allen. This was followed with a song, after which "The Widow's Victim " was played :

Jeremiah Clip . Jane Chatterly Mrs. Rattleton


Wm. Goodall C. R. Thorne . Miss Pelby

Podge Griffiths

Twitter Holmes

Mrs. Twitter .... Miss Allen

The performance closed with " The Ourang Outang. " George Lea bought this house from Charley White in 1854, and managed it for a few months as a novelty theatre, after which it became a German theatre until Jan. i, 1855. I* was then closed, and on March 11, 1855, was sold at auction and converted into stores.


THE " Old Stuyvesant " was situated at 663 Broadway, opposite Bond Street, and afterwards variously known as Academy Hall, Donaldson Opera House, and Mozart Hall. Mons. L. Poz- nanski appeared here in concert Dec. 20, 1852. R. H. Sliter, the clog dancer, was seen Sept. 11, 1852. John E. Owens began a summer season here July 25, 1853, with his polyphonic, myrio- graphic monologue, founded on his ascent of Mont Blanc. Sept. 28 there was exhibited what was considered a wonderful curiosity, Cornelius Vroman, aged 57 years, a native of Munroe County, N. Y., who had been in apparent pleasant and profound sleep for five years. Perham's "Seven Mile Mirror" was seen Oct. 31,

1853. Sam S. Sanford's Opera company were heard Aug. 28,

1854. Perham's Burlesque opera troupe appeared Oct. 16, 1854, in "The Rabble Family's" comic pantomime "Sam Patch," ar-


ranged by Edwin Marden, being a burlesque on the Ravel Family. The house closed Jan. 5, 1855, for two months. Perhara's same company returned in March, and remained until July. The next occupants were Christy's Minstrels, who commenced Dec. 10 for twelve nights. E. H. Pierce, J. B. Donniker, Ben Mallory, J. W. Raynor, Lewis Manns, W. P. Collins, N. W. Gould, T. Christian, H. Huntington, S. Condit, and Jos. Murphy were members of the company. The name of the theatre was now changed to Donald- son's Opera House. Tom Thumb and Dr. Valentine appeared April 28, 1856.

Mme. Anna de La Grange gave a concert here Nov. 10, 1857, for the benefit of Henrietta Simon. The name of the house was again changed, this time to The Canterbury, and was opened by Fox & Curran July 16, i860, as a variety theatre. Charley White appeared Aug. 27. J. H. Odgen, the English comic singer, made his American debut Sept. 3. Marietta Ravel, the tight-rope dancer, the Carlo Family, Cool Burgess, and Kate Pennoyer were added to the company Oct. 22. David Braham was the musical director. Adah Isaacs Menken appeared Dec. 17 as a singer and dancer. George Christy's Minstrels appeared June 10, 1861; the principals were George Christy, Cool White, George Fox, Ed. Haslam, W. Marks, J. A. Herman, W. Wrightman, J. Bayley, T. McNally, J. Clairville, F. Cardella, J. Kelk, F. Boniface, Blanque, Lynes, and Masters Bobby and Leon. Fox & Sharpley's minstrels took possession of the hall Oct. 7, and remained for three weeks. In this company were Sam Sharpley and Dave Reed. They were succeeded Oct. 28 by Hooley's minstrels, Hooley & Griffin, proprietors, who remained until May, 1862, during which time G. W. H. Griffin, Charles Fox, Billy Gray, Melville, Mar- lowe, Reed, Childs, J. C. Reeves, Rollin Howard, Asche, McNally, R. M. Hooley, Morley, Currie, and Smitze appeared. In May, 1862, the Alleghanians appeared.


DURING the winter of 1852-53 there was formed a syndicate of showmen (eight Americans), including Avery Smith, Richard Sands, Titus and Seth B. Howes, for the purpose of in- troducing the hippodrome to America. Corporal Thompson's lot, situated at the northwest corner of Twenty-third Street and Broadf way (now occupied by the Fifth Avenue Hotel) also once known as a hostelrie, a sort of stopping-place for turfmen and other sportive gentlemen, was secured, and a large structure erected. Although at that time the location was out of town, it was con- sidered the most convenient. It was a little yellow wooden hoyse, originally built as a country residence by Christopher Mildeberger.


At the time referred to, fast trotting horses and light wagons were very popular, and Corporal Thompson's house was a favorite stop- ping place for the gilded youth, the fast men, and the better class of sporting characters of the period. The land belonged to the Rowland estate. It did not bring in much income, and when Monnot made an offer for the property, his proposition was ac- cepted. The little yellow house soon disappeared to make room for the Hippodrome, where the sports of the Roman circus, the chariot races, and gladiatorial contests and other performances were presented. The structure was built of brick walls, two stories high, while the auditorium was covered with a tin roof, the inside of the walls being covered with canvas. The first exhibi- tion was given May 2, 1853. The performers were Mme. Franconi, Henry Franconi, Mme. Chiarini, Les Freres Siegrist, Mme. Sie- grist, Sylvester, Mme. Ricard, Mile. Mason, Angelina, Caroline Vidal, Leontine Geilhard, Adeline Pigett, Euggnie Maria, Mons. Ferdinand Maria, Eugenie Cerf, Mons. Mason, Mons. and Master Nicolo. H. Franconi was director of hippodrome. The prices of admission were: Boxes, 50 cts. ; reserved seats, $1; pit, 25 cts. ; season tickets, ^50. Long before the performance commenced the sale of tickets was stopped, and many thousand were disappointed in obtaining admission. The amphitheatre held an audience of 4,000, which was the capacity of the place. The circle was 700 ft. in circumference.

Franconi's Hippodrome was conducted in a style unknown in equestrian performances. It was a vast amphitheatre, having no stage, but enclosing a stadium, over which were run chariot races, and upon which other exciting displays were made. The contor- tionist, Mons. Deverne, and the Sylvester Family, in the spiral globe act (for the first time in America), were also seen. Franconi introduced his performing " manage " and race horses and racing ostriches. The latter were driven in harness and were rode under saddle by small boys around the race track. There were male and female characters, racing camels, elephants, and reindeers. The stag hunt was done with horses and hounds, leaping barricades and ditches filled with water, twelve feet wide. James M. Nixon was manager of the performance; he also did an act with two boys, on a platform on wheels, while being driven around the ring. Each performance commenced with "The Field of the Cloth of Gold." In the tournament knights on horseback fought a combat with battle-axes and spears, finishing the act with one horse and rider supposed to be killed. The entertainment was continued for about three weeks, when the American artists, with their horses, together with Chiarini and his performing horses, started for a summer tour.

J. A. Dumbolton took a benefit Aug. 12, 1853, when a trotting match took place between Lady Suffolk, entered by Hiram Wood-


ruff, and Mac, entered by William Whelan. The first season closed Nov. 26, 1853, and the company went to Boston. The second and last season opened June 26, 1854. The Fifth Avenue hotel was built on the Hippodrome's site and opened in 1859.


EMPIRE HALL was situated at 596 Broadway, and adjoined the Metropolitan Hotel. In February, 1853, it was occupied by Banvard's Pilgrimage to Jerusalem and Holy Land. May 12, 1856, the Keller troupe commenced with tableaux and musical soirees. Gustave Dedas appeared with regular dramatic perform- ances in September, with a French company. A series of paint- ings, representing scenes in Dr. Kane's Arctic voyages, were on exhibition Oct. 12, 1857. The place was afterward known as The Santa Claus, and R. W. Williams was the manager. He re- mained here until the lease expired, January, 1859, when he removed to 72 Prince Street.


WHAT was known as The Maze Garden was situated on Fifth Avenue, near Forty-second Street, opposite the entrance to the Croton Reservoir. The Garden occupied two acres of ground, covered with a large growth of deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs, adorned with arbors and fountains, and surrounded by glossy slopes, effectively combining the beauties of nature and art. In the main building were two refreshment saloons with commo- dious piazzas. The most attractive feature of the Garden was the maze or labyrinths, constructed after the plan of the one in Hamp- ton Court, London, formed in the early part of King William IV. 's reign, and the only one in the country. Ice cream and other re- freshments were served. No spirituous or intoxicating liquors were sold. It was open every day, commencing July i, 1853, from 8 A. M. until sunset. The entrance to the Garden was free. Mitchell & Co. were managers.


A CANVAS show known as the Washington Circus was situ- ated on the corner of Sixth Avenue and Thirty-ninth Street, in the immediate vicinity of the Crystal Palace. It was opened June IS, 1853, by Col. Alvah Mann, formerly manager of the old Broadway Theatre. Mme. Tourniaire, the Antonio Family, W. H. Carroll and Mrs. and Miss Carroll (afterwards Mrs. Ben Maginley) were in the company.



THE Crystal Palace was situated in Forty-second Street and Sixth Avenue, and was opened July 14, 1853. It covered five acres. Its sides were composed of glass, supported by iron. There were two military bands, Dodworth's and Bloomfield's U. S. Band, and an orchestra and Noll's Military Band, a grand chorus, and an immense organ. There were present about 20,000 people on the opening day. The U. S. Band struck up "Hail Columbia," and finished with "Yankee Doodle." This was fol- lowed by a prayer by Bishop Wainwright. Then came the hymn, "Old Hundred," by the Second Harmonic society, with Geo. Bristow as conductor; Mr. Timm was director of the musical ar- rangements. Theodore Sedgwick, president of the Crystal Palace association, then addressed Franklin Pierce, President of the United States. June 15, 1854, there was "a musical congress." M. Jullien was the conductor. This artist took a benefit here and made his last appearance in America June 26, being his first and only benefit in America. Oct. 31 the place was closed. f[ During the removal of the goods and the sales by auction, visitors were admitted at twelve and a half cents each. This edifice started in its delicate beauty from the earth like the " 'magining of happy vision." Viewed at a distance, its burnished dome resembled a half-disclosed balloon, as large as a cathedral, but light, brilliant, and seemingly ready to burst its bands and soar aloft. Nothing like this building, in shape or size, material or effect, was ever before seen in America. It was two stories high. The first was in the form of an octagon, the second of a Greek cross. The centre of this was a dome, 148 ft. high. The four corners of the octagon were furnished each with two towers, 70 ft. high. These towers supported flagstaffs. The construction of the building was similar to that of the original in London. The 29th annual fair of the American Institute was opened here Sept. 15, 1857. It was destroyed by fire Oct. 5, 1858. The site is now called Bryant Park. '


THE Broadway Museum and Menagerie was situated at 337 _ Broadway, and was opened Nov. 21, 1853, with a collection of living wild animals, including the rhinoceros, elephant Hanni- bal, lions, tigers, leopards, bears, and zebras, also Herr Driesbach, the lion king. The Siamese twins, Chang and Eng, and Mr. Nellis, the man without arms, were to be seen. This place closed April IS, 1854.



WASHINGTON HALL was situated at 103, 105, 107 Eliza- beth Street, near Grand Street, and was occupied Nov. 6, 1853, by a German opera company under the direction of Adolphus Liberati, who opened with the opera of "Das Nachblager in Grenada. "


APOLLO ROOMS were situated on the east side of Broadway, below Canal and opposite Lispenard Street. They were used for various exhibitions, such as concerts, lectures, and pano- ramas. It was at one time called the American Art Union. It was afterwards converted into a concert and ball-room, and so con- tinued until it was torn down.


A PLACE of amusement known as " World Hall " was situated at 377 and 379 Broadway, corner of White Street. Prof. Hart's panorama and diorama of the whole world was on exhibi- tion here April, 1854.


THE Franklin Museum was situated at 127 Grand Street, upstairs, one door from Broadway. It was owned by James Mulligan, who kept a liquor store next door. He also carried on horseshoeing in the basement of 127 Grand Street. The first floor was tenanted by a Mr. Parmelee, who kept a concert saloon. The entire upper part of the building was occupied by Geo. Lea, who leased the place at the close of his management of 53 Bowery (April, 1854), and named it the Franklin Museum. The princi- pal attractions were model artists. On Dec. 7, 1857, there were twenty-seven " ladies, " under the direction of Mme. Wharton, who appeared afternoon and evening each day in the week (except Sunday) in fourteen living representations of statuary. The ad- mission was : Orchestra seats, 50 cts. ; boxes, 25 cts. George Lea continued here until the close of the season of 1859-60. No entertainment of any nature was given here after Mr. Lea left, but the first floor was used as a restaurant.


WHITE'S OPERA HOUSE was situated at 49 Bowery, oppo- site the Old Bowery Theatre, and was opened Aug. 7, 1854, by Charley White. Here, also, R. M. Carroll made his d^but as


" Master Marks. " In fact, no similar place ever introduced one- third of the comic material during its whole existence as this same establishment. Dan D. Emmett, Frank Stanton, Billy Coleman, John Murray, Pic Butler, M. Turner, W. Roark, J. T. Huntley, L. Donnelly, M. Lewis, G. White, W. N. Smith, Master Juba, Boston Rattler, Wm. Donaldson, Wm. Quinn, J. Carroll, Tim Norton, Tom Briggs, Hi Rumsey, James Budworth, Wra. Bud- worth, Dan Gardner, Joe Brown, Mike Mitchell, T. D. Rice, John Mulligan, Luke West, Johnny Pell, Sam Wells, Billy Newcomb, Charley Fox, Dave Wambold, Ned Deaves, Pierce, and Warren, all appeared here. One of the favorites at this house was William N. Smith, the champion bone soloist. He was compelled to retire from the profession about 1866, in consequence of an abscess that formed in his right breast, which, after being operated upon, affected him in his right arm, drawing it up so that it was impos- sible for him to shake the bones any more. He went to the hospi- tal, and, while under the influence of ether, the doctors forced his arm back, making it straight, but in doing so snapped some of the tendons, from which up to his death (which occurred in this city Feb. 4, 1869) he suffered constant pain. Mr. White kept the house going for a short time, and was joined in the management by Geo. Lea. White's Serenaders was the entertainment presented until Mr. Lea, finding it was not the success anticipated, took possession of the entire building and converted it into a kind of a "sideshow," which paid better.

This theatre was destroyed by fire Jan. 20, 1857.


A LARGE room formerly occupied as an " American Ice Cream Saloon," at 7 Chatham Square, was refitted and opened by Prof. Leon Sept. 3, 1854, and called "The American Varieties." A stage was erected and performances were given in magic, per- forming canary birds, together with a negro minstrel troupe, con- sisting of J. M. Keese, guitar; H. Mestayer, violin; J. A. Flynn, bones; S. Coleman, tambourine; B. Herrmann, banjo; scenes in ventriloquism. The admission was 12% cts. ; reserved seats, 25 cts.


AN historical house in the annals of New York theatres is " The Academy of Music," located on the north side of Fourteenth Street between Third Avenue and Irving Place. It was estimated that ;^20o,ooo would be ample for building such a theatre. Of this amount, ;J! 195, 000 was subscribed and paid in. Instead of


;?200,ooo the house cost ;^335,ocx); $60,000 for the ground and ^^275,000 for the building. It was erected in 1854, in accordance with the plans and directions of Alexander Saeltzer, architect. There were 4,600 seats. The house and stage was one of the largest in the country. Max Maretzek was the first lessee, and he tented it to James H. Hackett, who gave the initial performance Oct. 2, 1854, of "Norma," by the Grisi and Mario opera com- pany. The prices of seats were considered exorbitant then. Three dollars was asked for parquet seats, and from ;^I2 to $40 for the boxes. The public resented these high prices, and the opening of the Academy was a failure in every sense of the word. Only fifteen hundred persons were present, and the next day the prices were reduced one half.

Oct. 9 " I Puritani " was sung, with the first appearance in this city of Bernardi, the baritone, as Ricardo. The house was closed Oct. 23, and continued dark for one week, in consequence of the illness of Mario, but he recovered to reopen Nov. 14 in " I Puri- tani." Dec. 14 "Norma" was sung, and Sig. Lorini, late first tenor of the Havana Opera company, made his first appearance in New York in four years. He sang the r61e of Pollione, Mario being again indisposed. The season, which had been a disastrous one, with a loss of ;?8,ooo, closed Dec. 29 with a benefit to J. H. Hackett. Grisi and Mario appeared in " La Traviata. " Previous to the opera, Mr. Hackett came before the curtain, thanked the audience for their generosity on the occasion of his benefit, and announced that Grisi and Mario, as well as other members of the company, had tendered their services for a benefit to be given in relief of the poor of this city. It took the form of a concert on Jan. II, 1855, at this house. Ole Bull was the next lessee who had silent partners. A prize of $1,000 was offered by them for the best original opera by an American composer, and upon a strictly American subject. Then the stockholders took a turn, with Chevalier Wikoff as manager, and lost about $28,000. Al- together the first year of the Academy cost about $50,000.

The reopening under the new management occurred Feb. 19, 1855, with "Rigoletto." The company consisted of Beagie Bol- cioni and Ettore Barili (their first appearance in America), Cesare Badiali, Domenico Lorini, Luigo Rocco, Bertucca Maret- zek, Patti-Strakosch, Coletti, Avogadro, Muller, Puinto, Leonardi, and Baratini. Max Maretzek was musical director. The prices were: Parquet, circle, and dress circle, $1; second circle, 50 cts, ; gallery, 25 cts. ; reserved seats 50 cts. " II Trovatore " was brought out for the first time in this country April 30, with Vestvali, Steffanone, Brignoli, and Amodio in the cast. A testi- monial benefit to James W. Wallack, Sr. , took place afternoon and evening of May 29. This was the programme :



Monsieur Jacques . . Morris Barnett

Melanie Kate Reignolds

Antonio Mr. Burke

Afternoon Performance. "MONSIEUR JACQUES." Vivid

Mr. Levere

Sequence J. Stoddart

After which came the following Concert.


HUNTING TOWER (Scotch ballad) Miss Pyne

DUETT, " Tornaine," from " Don Pasquale," by Louisa Pyne and W. Harrison ARIA QUI IDEGNO Borrani

This was followed by


Sir Edward Ardent F. B. Conway

Mrs. Chillington Mrs. F. B. Conway

SCENA Isidora Clark

SONG Marion Macarthy

SONG " La Seranata " Miss Duckworth

PAS DE DEUX Ducy Barre and G. W. Smith

After which came


Citizen Sangfroid . . CM. Walcot I Alphonse Grosvenor

Pauline Mrs. Hoey I

The whole concluded with a comic medley clog dance by Ben Yates.

Evening Performance. "DAMON AND PYTHIAS."

Pythias .... E. L. Davenport

Dyonisius John Dyott

Damocles Chippendale

Procles Bernard

Arria Miss Carman

Damon Edwiu Forrest

LucuUus Grosvenor

Philistius Wm. Norton

Calanthe Fanny Vining

Hermione Mrs. Buckland

Child Miss Wallis

PAS DE DEUX Mile. Zoe and Mons. WiethoflE

OVERTURE Orchestra, led by M. Chatel

This was followed by


compressed for this occasion, but the principal portions of the play retained.

Frederick Bramble Dr. Olapod . . Corporal Foss . . Lucretia Mac Tab

Lester (Wallack)

John Brougham


. . Mrs. Blake

Sir Robert Bramble . . W. R. Blake Frederick Bramble J.

Humphrey Dobbin . . . . H. Hall

Lieut. Worthington . . John Dyott

Sir Charles Cropeland . Mr. Stewart

Emily Worthington . . Rosa Bennett



The Gentleman VVm. Davidge

The Lady Mrs. Stephens

Mme. Jobarde Miss Carman




Mr. Wallack, on being called before the curtain, made a graceful speech, and closed by saying " this affair was a free-will offering to him by his company and others of his profession, and he accepted it, not as some journals had hinted, as a mendicant (it having been so represented in several of the newspapers of the day), but as a gentleman." In "The Poor Gentleman " Rosa Bennett was billed for Emily Worthington, but did not appear, owing to illness, and Mrs. John Hoey was substituted for the r61e. The prices of ad- mission were: For the afternoon, ^i ; no seats reserved. Evening, the prices were : Gallery, 25 cts. ; every other portion of the house $1, with 50 cts. extra for reserved seats. The private boxes were sold at auction.

Max Maretzek was the manager season of 1855-56. On Oct. 30 "Semiramide" was presented for the first time. A benefit was given to George H. ("Gentleman George") Barrett Nov. 20, being the final retirement from the stage of this veteran actor. The programme was as follows : Trial scene from " The Merchant of Venice," J. W. Wallack as Shylock (his first appearance in twelve months); Harry Placide as Launcelot Gobbo; Frazer as Lorenzo (in which character he introduced the serenade of " When Rosy Daylight Flies," and, with Georgiana Hodson, the duet, "I Love Thee ") ; Lanergan was the Bassanio ; A. W. Fenno, Grati- ano; Sandford, the Duke; H. B. Phillips, Antonio; Stoddart, Tubal; David Whiting, Old Gobbo; Cutter, Salanio; Hodges, Salarino; Ringgold, Balthazar; Walters, Leonado; Mme. Ponisi, Portia; Mrs. Stephens, Nerissa; and Georgiana Hodson, Jessica, with the song, " Scenes That are Brightest. " This was followed by a concert, in which Dodworth's Band gave several of their compositions. Henrietta Behrend and Borani sang several songs. The performance closed with the third, fourth, and fifth acts of " The School for Scandal, " cast as follows :

Sir Peter R. Blake

Moses T. Placide

Sir Benjamin C. Clarke

Crabtree D. Whiting

Trip Grosvenor

Charles J. Lester

Lady Teazle . . Julia Dean Hayne Mrs. Candour . . . Mrs. Brougham Maria Mrs. Warren

Lady Sneerwell . . Mrs. Thompson

Joseph C. Fisher

Sir Oliver .... John Brougham

Careless F. Lyster

Snake B. T. Ringgold

Sir Harry Walters

Rowley Henry

Joseph's Servant . . L. J. Vincent

Previous to the comedy Mr. Barrett appeared before the curtain having his children by the hand, and took leave of the public in a short and feeling address. He died in this city Sept. 5, i860. Who shall tell the privations he silently endured ? Who picture the anguish of his sensitive feelings as he gasped away his life, sometimes in actual want, and rarely in the possession of the com-



monest domestic comforts ? When the Dramatic Fund was com- pelled by its bad management to curtail its annuities, Barrett was thrown, with his interesting family, almost entirely upon the kind- ness of his friends. How few actors have the prudence to "lay up " in the sunshine a store for a rainy day ! How very few can get rid of the self-conceit which whispers, when they are making money abundantly, that they shall ever do it that the golden tide will never turn that no darkness of night shall ever follow the noonday of their prosperity. George Horton Barrett was familiarly known as "Gentleman George." He was born at Exeter, Devon, England, Jan. 9, 1794, and made his first appearance on the Amer- ican stage, 1796, as a child, in "Pizarro," at the Federal Street Theatre, Boston. In June, 1806, he appeared at the Park Theatre, New York, as Young Norval in "Douglas." In 1829 he was co- manager with Gilfert of the Bowery Theatre. In 1847, he returned to England for the purpose of engaging actors for the opening of the Broadway Theatre, and in September he became acting and stage manager of that theatre. On Feb. 15, 1858, he opened a school of acting at 213 Bleecker Street, New York. He had scarcely an equal as a light comedian in America. " Hamlet " was played here Nov. 27, with this cast :

Hamlet C. T. P. Ware

Ghost .... Isaac Clark Pray Polonius . . Thaddeus W. Meighan

Horatio Fredk. I. King

Marcellus A. Joceline

Bernardo . . . . W. J. Deloyne

Guildenstern . . . D. C. Morehead First Gravedigger . Jas. H. Cafferty Second Gravedigger . E. F. Underbill Queen . . . Emily P. Lesdernier Osric . . . i , . Fred M. Edge Ophelia Ada Clare

A season of Italian opera commenced March 12, 1856, under the direction of W. H. Payne, with "II Trovatore." The cast included Brignoli, Amodio, Mme. de La Grange, and Mile. Aldini, in the chief r6Ies. Adelaide Phillips was announced to appear, but was prevented by illness. "II Trovatore" was repeated March 17, when Adelaide Phillips made her dgbut as Azucena. The ninth annual benefit of the American Dramatic Fund occurred here Aug. 18, when the following was the programme:


Petrucio Robert Johnston

Biondello P. C. Byrne

Music Master McDouall

Katharina Mrs. Abbott

Bianca Miss Carman

Baptista Bowes

Hortensio Cranshawe

Grumio H. Jordan

The Tailor , Fuller

The Cook Church

H. L. Bateman read Schiller's "Hymn to Joy," and was followed by "The Widow's Victim," cast thus:

Clip F. S. Chanfrau

Mrs. Rattleton . . . Mrs. E. Place Jane Chatterly . . . Miss Albertine

Twitter C. Warwick

Tremaine S. Browne

Mrs. Twitter . . . Mrs. McDouall




After this came songs by Mrs. Duffield and Julia Miles, followed by " Faint Heart Never Won Fair Lady " : Mrs. McLean as the Duchess ; Mary Gannon as King Charles ; Robert Johnston as Ruy Gomez; John Ellsler as the Marquis; Leighton as Don Giovanni, and Mrs. Henry as the Duenna. After which came a dance by Ernestine and Annie Henrade, selections from "The Hunchback," with Annette Ince (first appearance in New York) as Julia; Fleming as Master Walter and Charles Loveday as Sir Thomas. The performance closed with " A Kiss in the Dark. " This was the first appearance, since his European tour, of Robert Johnston. James H. Hackett, with a dramatic company, appeared here Sept. 2 in "Henry IV."

FalstafE Hackett

Hotspur . . . . J. W. WaUack, Jr. Prince of Wales . . . Geo. Jordan

Hostess Mrs. Vernon

King Henry H. Farren

Prince John . . . Miss Duckworth Earl of Northumberland . C. L. Allen Earl of Worcester . . . H. Howard

Earl of Westmoreland F. C. Wemyss

Francis Geo. Holland

Ned Poins Reid

Bardolph J. B. Fuller

Lady Percy Kate Saxon

Sir Walter Blunt .... Haviland Sir Richard Vernon . . . H. Bland

On Sept. 4 a dramatic benefit performance took place for W. M. Fleming, the old manager, not the William Fleming at present before the public. The programme was :


(Second and Third Acts.)

Rob Roy Macgregor Campbell

John Dyott Rashleigh Osbaldistone G. K. Dickinson Bailie Nicol Jarvie . . Charles Hale

Dougal James Seymour

Major Galbraith . W. M. Leffingwell Francis Osbaldistone M. V. Lingham Captain Thornton . . A. A. Reed Sir Frederick Vernon, Mr. Cheesebrough

MacStuart .... Saunders Wylie . . Andrew Fairservice . Sergeant .... Helen Macgregor Diana Vernon . Mrs.


Jean McAlpine . .

. . Sam Ryan

. Mr. Jackson

Mr. Nicholson

. Geo. Edeson

. Mme. Ponisi

W. M. Fleming

Miss Wilson

Mrs. J. Seymour

Followed by the Musical Extravaganza,



Don Leander (first appearance in New

York) Mrs. John Wood

Blousabella . . . Mrs. Carpenter Don Moustachez de Harry Barbos

Mr. Cheesebrough Countess Cajola . . . Miss Ryerson Countess Caba ... Miss Wilson

Wink-i Mr. Ryan

Noo-del Thickhead . . Mr. Edeson

Sambo Mr. Nicholson

The Fairy Helen Minturn

Diego Mr. Henry

Marquis ..... T. E. Morris

Abricotina Fanny Deane

Stiletto Mr. Williams

Xquisitelittlepet . . . Mrs. Fleming Taxalatotittletattle . . Miss Jackson


After which, third act of


Pauline Jane Coombs I Widow Melnotte Mrs. H. P. Grattan

Claude Melnotte . . W. M. Fleming I Song " Annie Laurie " Mrs. Fleming


Diggory T. B. Johnston

Charles Stanley . Mr. Cheesebrough Sir Gilbert Pumpkin . . T. E. Morris Miss Bridget Pumpkin

Mrs. H. P. Grattan Scene from


Jane Chatterly . Mrs. James Seymour | Jeremiah Clip .

Harry Stukely .... A. A. Reed Miss Kitty Sprightly . Miss Minturn

Simon Chas. Parsloe

" Stick " James Seymour

M. W. Leffingwell

"The Merry Wives of Windsor" was acted Sept. 9, with Clara Fisher Maeder as Mrs. Page; Sept. 18, for the benefit of Hackett, and last appearance of the company, " Rip Van Winkle " and " The Kentuckian " were given. John Brougham and Henry C. Jarrett rented the house for one night, Nov. 20, for the purpose of present- ing "The Drunkard, or the Fallen Saved." The following an- nouncement was made: "One thousand children on the stage; a new quadrille by forty-eight lads and lasses, under ten years of age, and a Scotch Strathspey, by eight young ladies, under the direction of Ben Yates. " The cast of " The Drunkard " was :

Edward Middleton . Harry Watkins Lawyer Cribbs . . M. W. Leffingwell

Old Johnson Wilson

Arden Rencelaw .... T. Cline Mary Wilson .... Kate Saxon

Miss Spindle .... Eliza Place Mrs. Wilson .... Mrs. Hield Bill Dowton .... J. G. Burnett Julia Lora Gordon Boon

Mrs. McMahon, an amateur actress from Buffalo, N. Y., made her New York debut Jan. 17, 1857, as Juliet in "Romeo and Juliet," when Mrs. Coleman Pope acted Romeo for the first time in New York. Mrs. McMahon had made her debut in Buffalo, N. Y., Dec. 16, 1856, and the critics of that city were severe to her, but the critics of this city attacked her most unmercifully.

Marietta Gazzaniga made her American d6but at the Academy of Music, Philadelphia, Feb. 23, 1857, as Leonora in "II Trovatore."

She was first heard in this city April 13, following as Violetta in " La Traviata. " She sang in Havana, Cuba, in the winters of 1857 and 1858, during the first season sharing public favor with Mme. Frezzolini, and being overshadowed by Signora Gassier during the last. She then toured the country under the manage- ment of Jacob Grau and Don Diego de Vivo. May 21, 1866, she sang Rachel in "La Juive" at the Academy of Music, this


city. In 1877 she again sang Leonora in the Academy of Music, Philadelphia. She died in Italy in December, 1833. During the last few years of her public life she sang the contralto r61es in many of the operas in which she had previously been heard as a soprano. After retiring from the stage she taught music in this city for several years, assisted by Sig. Albites, her second hus- band, her first having died during one of her visits to Havana. In 1879 she returned to Italy. Gazzaniga was an admirable lyrical actress. There was in her voice a certain purity and sweetness of tone which charmed all. It was a clear, silvery, sonorous, power- ful voice, and of a capacity I have seldom heard in a soprano. She was a prima donna who never got a cold, and never disap- pointed the American public.

The season closed March 21, when Mme. D'Angri and Mme. Johannsen made their first appearance at this house. The occasion was the appearance of the Italian and German opera companies on the same night. The programme was: First act of "Norma," Teresa Parodi in the title r61e, followed by a concert in which Thalberg and Mme. d'Angri were heard. Second act of "Don Giovanni," with Teresa Parodi as Donna Anna; Cora de Wilhorst as Zerlina; Amelia Patti-Strakosch as Donna Elvira; Tiberini as Don Ottavio; Morelli as Don Giovanni; Dubreuil as Leporello, and Morinni as Musetto. This was followed by the second act of "Fidelio," Mme. Johannsen as Leonora; Beutler as Florestan; Weinlich as Pizarro, and Oehlin as Rocco. The last act of " II Trovatore" was given, with Teresa Parodi as Leonora; Mme. Patti- Strakosch as Azucena; Tiberini as Manrico, and Morelli as Count de Luna.

A benefit to John Lester occurred May 4, when " Rob Roy " was given with this cast :


Helen Macgregor Diana Vernon . Mattie .... Jean McAlpine .


Bailie Nicol Jarvie Blake

Dougal Brougham

Owen J. C. Whiting

Galbraith C. Walcot

Thornton Reynolds

Frederick G. S. Lee

Sergeant De Silveria

Rob Roy Wallack

Rashleigh Osbaldistone . . . Dyott Francis Osbaldistone A. H. Davenport

Kate Pennoyer

. Mrs. Hoey

Julia Daly

Mary Gannon

Mrs. Sylvester

This was followed by a new comedietta, by John Brougham, entitled "A Decided Case," after which Shelton's Cornet Band performed, succeeded by the farce " Jenny Lind, " with John Drew as Leatherlungs, and Mrs. John Wood in the title rdle. "Day After the Wedding " terminated the performance. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Davenport acted Col. and Lady Freelove.


The house was reopened May i8, by Sig. Morelli, .for three nights, in order to introduce Mr. Jacobi, a young American tenor, who had been studying in Italy. " II Trovatore " was sung, with Jacobi as Manrico and Cora de Wilhorst, her first appearance, as Leonora. May 20, "Lucia di Lammermoor; " May 22, "La Figlia del Reggimento," when Mile. Aldini sang the part of the tenor. A benefit was given to E. A. Marshall, manager of the Broadway Theatre, this city, June 3. The programme was the farce " Simp- son & Co. " : Mme. Ponisi as Mrs. Simpson, Lizzie Weston Davenport as Mrs. Bromley, A. H. Davenport as Bromley. "II Trovatore," with Gazzaniga as Leonora, Mile. Phillips as Azucena, Brignoli as Manrico, Amodio as Count de Luna, followed. Then came the French company (first appearance in this city), under the management of Gustave Debos, in the vaudeville, "Edgard Bonne," with Mons. Edgard, Sage, Victor, Mme. Gonthier, Dedos, Mme. D'Aire, and Mile. Victor in the cast.

Mme. Anna de La Grange leased this house for six performances of Italian opera. She commenced June 29 with "I Puritani," with herself, Brignoli, Amodio, and Coletti in the leading r61es. July I, 20, "Norma;" "Lucia di Lammermoor;" July 8, "La Som- nambula;" July 10, 17, "II Trovatore;" July 15, "I Puritani." The house was then leased by William Stuart and Dion Bourcicault for summer concerts. The season opened Aug. 6, and among the artists were Agnes Robertson, Mrs. John Wood, Mile. Spinola, M. Guilemette, Sig. Arnoldi, Henrietta Simon. Robert Stoepel was musical director. The prices of admission were 2$ cts., reserved seats 50 cts. Elder Hyde, "One of the Seventies" of Salt Lake City, Utah, related his personal and religious experi- ences of the Prophet Brigham Young and the Mormons Sunday night, Aug. 16. Annie Milner, soprano, and Henry C. Cooper, violinist, first appeared in America and at this house Aug. 17. Ermini Frezzolini made her American debut Sept. 7 as Amina in "La Somnambula." Also the same night Labocetta, Gassier, and Carl Anschutz were heard. Mme. d'Angri made her debut in opera Nov. 2, as Arsace in "Semiramide," with Mme. de La Grange in the title r61e. Sig. Bignardi, tenor, made his American debut Nov. 2, in "Rigoletto," then acted for the first time here. "II Trovatore" was sung Nov. 9, Mme. d'Angri as Azucena for the first time in America. Bignardi was Manrico, and Sig. Arda- vini (his American debut) was Count de Luna. The season closed Nov. 24 with " La Somnambula. "

The season was resumed Nov. 30, when Karl Formes made his American ddbut as Bertram, in "Robert le Diable." This opera was a success at the Astor Place Opera House in December, 1851, under the management of Max Maretzek. I give the casts then and as it was done here under B. Ulmann's direction:






Robert .




Dec, 1851. Dec, 1857.

Signora StefEanone Mme. de La Grange

Signora Bosio Mile. Cairoli

Sig. Bettini Sig. Bignardi

Sig. Vietti Sig. Labocetta

Sig. Marini Herr Formes

Mme. Celeste Signorina RoUa

Mme. Anna de La Grange and Karl Formes first appeared in oratorio in America, December 19, in Haydn's "The Creation." Mme. Anne Caradori first appeared in America, Christmas night, in "The Messiah," in conjunction with Karl Formes and Mile. d'Angri. Mme. Caradori first sang in opera in America, Decem- ber 30, as Leonora in "Fidelio." Thalberg's farewell took place Jan. 2, 1858.

B. Ulmann commenced a season of Italian opera Feb. 28, with "I Puritani," with this cast:

Elvira .... Anna de La Grange

Arthur Talbot Tiberini

Sir George .... Karl Formes Sir Brunno Baratini

Sir Richard Gassier

Henrietta Mme. Morra

Walter Walton Dubreuil

On Feb. 24 "Don Giovanni" was sung, and three orchestras were presented. The one on the right side of the stage played "La Gavote," while on the left another orchestra played "The Lander," and the regular orchestra executed "The Minuet;" the three different melodies composed in three different movements and played by the three orchestras at the same time. March i " Otello " was given for the first time here. Anna de La Grange sang Desdemona, Tiberini was the Otello, Labocetta, Roderigo; Gassier as lago ; and Karl Formes as Elmero. " The Huguenots " was presented for the first time here March 8, and the cast was :

Valentina . . . Anna de La Grange

Marguerita Siedenburg

II Conte Di San Bris . . . Gassier II Conte De Nevers . . . Taffanelli

Urbana Elena d'Angri

Raoul Tiberini

Marcel Formes

The performance commenced at 7.30. This opera was given once before in New York, at the Astor Place Opera House, in 1850, by the Havana Opera company, under the direction of Marty, when Salvi, StefEanone, and Bosio sang the principal parts.

Karl Formes took a benefit March 26, and made his last appear- ance but one this season. The great basso appeared as Marcel, in "The Huguenots." For the matinee, March 27, Karl Formes and Mme, Johannsen appeared in "Martha." Formes was a superb artist in every respect. He made many enemies among the Italians, who conspired and intrigued against him, but in vain. He was supported by the Germans and opera goers of all nations,

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and was a great favorite with the native portion of the opera audi- ence. " Leonora," a new American opera, by William Henry Fry, was produced for the first time March 29, De La Grange as Leo- nora, D'Angri as Tiberini, Rocco as Gassier, and Sig. Baratini were the principals. The opera was in the repertoire of the Seguins, who sang it in Philadelphia in 1845. "Leonora" was not altered from what it was in old times, except that it was trans- lated into Italian and a new air introduced for Elena d'Angri and a new duet for her and Sig. Tiberini. The casts of characters here and at the original representation were as follows :

Philadelphia, 1845.

Valdo Peter Richings

Mantalvo Edward Seguin

Alferez Mr. Brunton .

Julio Mr. Frazer . .

Leonora Mrs. Seguin .

Mariana Miss I nee .

New York, 1858.

. . . Sig. Rocco . . . Sig. Gassier . . . Sig. Baratini . . . Sig. Tiberini Mme. de La Grange . . Mme. d'Angri

The season closed April i, with the tenth performance of "The Huguenots." From the opening night over seventy performances took place, and several new operas were produced in grand style. "The Huguenots," "Robert le Diable," and "Don Giovanni" saved the season.

The first dal masque was given here April 12, under the direction of Bernard Ulmann. The orchestra consisted of one hundred and thirty performers directed by Musard. The rules were that ladies must be masked, and not admitted unless accompanied by a gentle- man not masked. The ladies could wear fancy costumes, or domi- nos. Gentlemen could appear in fancy costumes or plain clothes, as they chose. The price of admission was 50 cts., reserved seats so cts. extra. In concert Juliana May made her first appearance April 26. Carl Anschutz and M. Musard were^'the conductors. The Associated Artists began a summer season May 31. They consisted of Amodio, Brignoli, Gassier, Dubreuil, and Max Maretzek, conductor. " Sappho " was sung for the first time at this house June 21, with Gazzaniga, Adelaide Phillips, Brignoli, and Gassier in the cast. The opera was first produced in this city at Castle Garden, for the benefit of Signorina Tedesco. The season closed June 26, but the house continued open one week longer, when several of the artists took benefits. Theo. Moss had a benefit June 29, and a host of volunteers appeared, including Matilda Heron, as Medea.

The eleventh annual benefit of the American Dramatic Fund took place Aug. 2, and the bill was " The Rivals. " Sir Anthony Absolute, Mark Smith; Captain Absolute, George Jordan; Mrs. Malaprop, Mrs. Vernon; Bob Acres, T. B. Johnston; Sir Lucius




O'Trigger, George Boniface; Lydia Languish, Mary Gannon. A dance by Ben Yates ; a selection from " Richelieu " with Edwin Booth as the Cardinal; a selection from "The Love Chase," cast thus:

Widow Green . Mrs. H. P. Grattan

Constance Jane Coombs

Lydia Amelia Parker

Phebe Miss Francis

This was followed by a pageant, by John Brougham, entitled "Shakespeare's Dream": J. Prior as Chronas, H. Ryner as Genius. In the tableau many prominent professionals appeared. "The Review, or The Wags of Windsor," came next with this cast:

Sir William Fondlove . . S. W. Glenn

Wildrake C. Wheatleigh

Master Waller Hamilton

Trueworth .... J. W. Collier

Deputy Bill . . Looney McTwotter Caleb Quotem Grace Gaylove

W. R. Blake

. Brougham

. C. Walcot

Ada Clifton

John Lump John Sefton

Capt. Beaugard .... Jas. Dunn

Dobbs Lingard

Lucy Mrs. John Sefton

This was John Sefton' s first appearance in five years. "A Pleasant Neighbor " was also acted, with Cranshawe as Sir George Howard, Miss A. Cushman as Lady Howard, Fanny Herring as Nancy Strop, Geo. L. Fox as Christopher Strop, and Bruce as Thomas. " The Dumb Girl of Genoa " closed the entertainment :

Strappado F. Watkins

Justin W. Taylor

Moco H. Jordan

Count Corvosie Duncan

Desperetto E. F. Taylor

Julietta Julia TurnbuU

Max Maretzek began a season of opera Aug. 30 with "La Som- nambula " :

Amina Pepita Gassier

Lisa Goldoni

Count Rudolfo Gassier

Elvino Perring

Teresa Avogadro

The conductors were Angelo Torriani and Maretzek. This was the first appearance in America of Pepita Gassier. Sept. 3 " Rigoletto " was sung, with the first appearance in New York of Sig. Steffani, as the Duke. Sig. Garibaldi also made his New York debut singing Sparafucile. Adelaide Phillips appeared as Magdalen. Oct. 4 "La Traviata" was sung, and was the first appearance of Sig. Striglia. The annual benefit for the Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum of this city occurred afternoon and even- ing Oct. 14, under the direction of John Brougham. The pro- gramme was: Matinee "Swiss Swains" by the Wren Juvenile comedians, followed by "A Morning Call," in which Geo. C. Boniface and Mme. Ponisi had the principal r61es ; after this came a musical entertainment, in which Mme. Lovarney sang, Ed.



Mollenhauer executed a violin solo, Wood's Minstrels appeared, and James E. Dunn sang, the bill concluding with "A Conjugal Lesson," by A. W. Young and Mrs. W. G. Jones. In the evening, "A Pretty Piece of Business," introducing Chas. Walcot, John Brougham, Amelia Parker, Mrs. H. Bland, and Miss Miller. This was followed by Herr Cline on the tight-rope; duet by Walter Ralyea and Rosita Goldoni; "The Old Guard," with Mr. and Mrs. Mark Smith and Mr. Briggs in the cast; Mme. Lovarney sang "Kathleen Mavourneen;" the farce, "Sketches in India," by Geo. L. Fox, James Lingard, T. S. Cline, John Moore, Bruc- ciani, Mrs. H. Moore, Fanny Herring, and Mrs. Seymour; comic song by Little Fred Wren, the programme concluding with " The Irish Tutor," by J. Seymour, Bellamy, White, Mrs. Seymour, and Annie White.

B. Ulmann began a season of Italian opera Oct. 20, with the American debut of Piccolomini ; also Sig. Muzio, musical director. "La Traviata" was the initial performance, Piccolomini making her debut as Violetta. Senorita Soto, danseuse, appeared in the ballroom scene. The Academy was crowded to suffocation, and the receipts were four thousand dollars. Piccolomini took the house by storm ; she was petite, not absolutely handsome, but pretty, had a pair of dancing eyes, a charming naiveti of manner, a great talent for dramatic action of the most effective character, and a pure soprano voice, not very powerful, but sympathetic and sweet. On Oct. 27 Piccolomini and Karl Formes appeared as Marie and Sergeant Sulpizio, in "The Daughter of the Regiment; " Nov. 8, "Don Giovanni," with Gazzaniga as Donna Anna, Mile. Ghioni (her first appearance in America) as Donna Elvira, Piccolo- mini as Zerlina, and Karl Formes as Leporello. Mme. Laborde made her American debut Nov. 13, as Norma, Mile. Ghioni acting Adalgisa. The comic opera, "La Serva Padrona" ("The Domi- neering Housemaid "), with Piccolomini as the petulant housemaid, was sung on the same date. " Le Nozze di Figaro " was first sung in America Nov. 23. The English version of this opera was given in New Orleans, September 1836, with Charlotte Cushman as the Countess. This opera was also heard about the same time at the old National Theatre, Leonard and Church streets. The cast on the present occasion at the Academy was :

Susanna The Countess Cherubun . Marcelline . Don Curzio

. Piccolomini Mme. Ghioni Mme. Berkel . Mme. Mora Sig. Baratini

Figaro Herr Formes

The Count .... Sig. Florenza

Bartolo Weinlich

Don Basilic Mullet

^^ Gazzaniga took a benefit and her farewell Nov. 26 and 27. "Robert le Diable" was sung, with Laborde and Gazzaniga as




Isabella and Alice, Nov. 26, and " II Trovatore " Nov. 27, Picco- lomini as Leonora; also the second act of "La Somnambula," Laborde's first appearance as Amina. Mile. Poinsot made her American debut Dec. 3 as Valentine in " The Huguenots. " The season closed Dec. 8.

A mammoth series of entertainments took place Dec. 18-21, 22, in aid of the Mount Vernon Association for the Preservation of Washington's Home, composed of dramatic performances, operatic concerts, tableau vivants, a ball, and concert d la Musard. Prob- ably one of the greatest dramatic entertainments ever given in this country was that of Dec. 18, when the attraction was "Faint Heart Never Won Fair Lady": Wayne Olwine as Ruy Gomez, John Moore as Marquis de Santa Cruz, Ada Clifton as Charles II., Lawson as Pedro, James Ward as Guzman, Fanny Morant as the Duchess, and Mrs. H. Moore as the Duenna, followed by "Medea": Mrs. J. H. Allen as Creusa, Mrs. H. P. Grattan as lanthe, J. H. Allen as Jason, H. Howard as Creen, J. J. Prior as Orpheus, Viola and Adele Plunkett as Lycaon and Melanthus. This was succeeded by a musical tnilange, in which Pauline Col- son, Lucy Escott, Mme. Caradori and Arthur Napoleon appeared. "The Maid With the Milking Pail" followed, with Agnes Robert- son as Milly, W. Reynolds as Algernon, Whiting as Lord Phil- ander, Sloan as Diccon. " A Morning Call " came next, and introduced, for the first time in this city for six years, Catharine Sinclair Forrest, as Mrs. Chillington. Henry Sedley also made his first appearance in New York, acting Sir Edward Ardent. Then came John Brougham's burlesque of "Columbus," with additional lines appropriate to the occasion. After this came Brougham's "A Decided Case":

Capt. Dudley . . . Lester Wallack

Percival Levere

Mrs. St. Leger . . . Mrs. Reeves

Stubbs John Sloan

Lady Angela . . . Mrs. John Hoey

The Campbell Minstrels concluded the entertainment. On Tues- day, Dec. 21, the second day of the festival, a dress ball was given. Mons. Musard, with his orchestra, made his first appear- ance in America as conductor of a ball. On Wednesday, Dec. 22, the third and last day of the festival, a concert was given under the direction of Mons. Musard and Carl Bergmann.

Ulmann commenced a series of six performances of Italian opera Jan. 6, 1859, when "Martha" was given Jan. 7, with Brignoli, Laborde, and Formes in the cast; Jan. 8, "Don Giovanni," Picco- lomini as Zerlina, Poinsot as Donna Anna, and Ghioni as Elvira. "La Zingara" ("The Bohemian Girl") Jan. 10. " Martha" and " La Serva Padrona " (matinee), and evening, concert and oratorio of "The Creation." A version of "The Bohemian^Girl" was first



given at Her Majesty's Theatre, London, February, 1857. The casts in London and at the Academy, this city, were as follows:

Arline . . . Thaddeus . . Count Arnheim Devilshoot Gypsy Queen .

London. New York, 1859.

Piccolomini Piccolomini

. Guiglini Brignoli

Belletti Florenza

. Vialetti Coletti

Lannier Ghioni

In July the " Gypsy Queen " was sung by Alboni. The opera was originally produced at Drury Lane Theatre, London, in 1843, when Alfred Bunn was the manager. Piccolomini announced her farewell July 13, in "La Traviata," when Brignoli and Piccolomini appeared for the first time together in this opera. The season closed Jan. 15, but Piccolomini gave a performance of Norina in "Don Pasquale," matinee Feb. 12, stopping over in New York, en route for another city. March 7 a concert was given for the benefit of George F. Bristow. J. B. Brown took a benefit March ri, when he recited several pieces and appeared in scenes, assisted by Victoria Randolph, her first appearance in public. Prof. M. Colburn and a lady from private life, Mrs. Dr. J. J. O'Brien, gave gems from the opera. Geo. F. Bristow presided at the piano.

Gazzaniga reappeared April 11, as Violetta in "La Traviata." Mile. Caroline Alimo made her American d6but April 22 as Norma.

An amateur performance was given April 28, for the benefit of the American Dramatic Fund. It was an extraordinary theatrical performance, the scheme of which originated with John Brougham.

In the programme was a new play by Brougham and Goodrich, called "The Dark Hour Before the Dawn," cast as follows:

Alfred De Sonneville C. P. Rosenberg Vicomte De Rosierre . J. S. Keese

Laforce Alfred Carroll

Baron De Trop . . . . E. M. Curtis

Cecile Miss Elliott

Joseph . . . . J. H. Wainwright Papa Chauve .... Jas. CafEerty

There were also in the cast J. A. Page, J. Alstyn, Marsh, Dris- coU, Remsen, F. Bellew, Norton, Browne, and Addison. There were operatic selections, and a recitation by W. Taylor. Mme. La Comtesse Ferussac made her first and only appearance June 14, in grand opera, for the benefit of the Woman's Hospital Associa- tion. " I Puritani " was presented, with La Comtesse as Elvira, Brignoli as Antonio, Amodio as Riccardo, Sig. Junca as Geofgi, and Barili as the Gouverneur. One of the greatest drawbacks to the success of the Academy was the free stockholder seats. One share entitled the owner to one seat, and those who owned four shares or more were entitled to a box. For thirty years, almost without exception, the building was rented only upon condition


that the seats and boxes owned by the stockholders should belong to them for every performance. During the years from 1854 until 1 86 1 the rent demanded was 1^24,000 a year, to which must be added the cost of losing most of the best boxes and the best seats.

The next operatic season opened Sept. 10, 1859, with the nucleus of three Italian Opera companies, among whom were Mme. Gassier, Mme. Adelaide Cortes, Mme. Strakosch, Sig. Brignoli, Sig. Stefani, Sig. Amodio, and Sig. Junca. Max Maretzek was_ the director, and B. Ulmann general superintendent. "II Poliuto, or The Martyrs " was the opening opera, with Cortesi and Brignoli in the leading rSles. Mme. Gassier appeared Sept. 14 in "La Somnambula;" Brignoli, Elvino; Amodio, the Count. "Norma" was sung Sept. 15, Adelaide Cortesi in the title r61e. "Barber of Seville," Sept. 16, with Mme. Gassier, Rocco, Amodio, and Brignoli in the cast. In the lesson scene, Mme. Gassier sang the Venzane Waltz, also, with Sig. Gassier, a Spanish duet ; " Lucia di Lammermoor," matinee, Sept. 17, with Gassier in title r61e, Stefani as Edgardo, and Sig. Gassier as Ashton. This was fol- lowed by the second act of "Norma," with Cortesi, Strakosch, and Stefani in the cast. The last act of "II Trovatore," with Cortesi as Leonora, Brignoli and Amodio in the cast, closed the perform- ance. "II Poliuto" was sung Sept. 19, Brignoli, Cortesi, and Amodio in the principal r61es. "II Trovatore," Sept. 21, with Cortesi as Leonora, for the first time in America; "I Puritan i," Sept, 22, with Mme. Gassier as Elvira (first time in America), Brignoli as Arturo, Amodio as Riccardo; "Traviata," Sept. 23, Cortesi as Violetta ; Brignoli, Alfredo ; Amodio, Germont ; " Lucia di Lammermoor," matinee, Sept. 24. The fourth act of "II Tro- vatore," the fifth act "Barber of Seville," Mme. and Sig. Gassier as Rosina and Figaro, the duet from the second act of " I Puri- tani," Amodio as Riccardo, Sig. Junca as Georgio. Arthur Napo- leon, pianist, appeared, for the first time in this house. One dollar was the admission fee to all parts of the house. " II Tro- vatore" was sung Sept. 26; "Ernani," Sept. 28, Mme. Gassier as Elvira, Stefani as Ernani, and Amodio as Carlos. "Don Gio- vanni," Sept. 30, Cortesi as Anna; Mme. Strakosch as Elvira; Brignoli, Ottavio; and Sig. Mueller, Commandatore. "Ernani" was sung matinee, Oct. i, also third act of "II Poliuto," scenes from "The Barber of Seville," and a concert by Mr. Mills, the pianist, and others.

The regular operatic season opened Oct. 26, 1859, with "II Poliuto" cast thus: Pauline, Mme. Gazzaniga; Severus, Amodio; Nearous, Rubio; Polyutus, Brignoli; Felix, Shelo; Calisthenes, Mueller.

"La Traviata" was sung with Mile. Speranza as Violetta; Brig- noli, Alfredo; Amodio, Germont; Oct. 27, "Rigoletto;" Oct. 28,


Mme. Gazzaniga sang Pauline in "II Poliuto;" matinee, Oct. 29, also the first act of " La Traviata," with Adelaide Speranza in the chief r61e, and the fourth act of "Rigoletto," with Colson, Gaz- zaniga, and Speranza, and Ferri in the cast. " Maria de Rohan " was sung Oct. 31, with Gazzaniga in the title r61e for the first time in America. Sig. Beaucarde, tenor, made his American d^but Nov. 2, as Fernando in "La Favor ita," with Gazzaniga as Leonora, Amodio as Alphonso. " Lucrezia Borgia " was sung Nov. 4, with Beaucarde as Genaro, and Gazzaniga as Lucrezia. For the matinee, Nov. $, the fourth act of " La Favorita " was given with Gazzaniga as Leonora. The operetta "Never Judge by Appear- ances" was given Nov. 6, when Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dayton appeared, also "Rigoletto." "Sicilian Vespers" was sung Nov. 7, for the first time in America; Elena, Mme. Colson; Governor, Ferri; Arrigo, Brignoli; Procida, Junca.

Mme. Albertine made her American d^but Nov. 17, as Leonora in "II Trovatore," with Beaucarde as Manrico. For the matinee, Nov. 19, Albertine, Colson, and Gazzaniga, the three/irime donne, appeared in "Sicilian Vespers," and the fourth act of "La Tra- viata" was given. "The Magic Flute," first heard in America Nov. 21, with Queen of the Night, Mme. Colson; Papagena, Mme. Strakosch; Pamina, Gazzaniga. On Thanksgiving matinee, Nov. 24, Mme. Anna Bishop was heard in "Tancredi," and also sang Casta Diva from " Norma. " Mme. Albertine appeared as Leonora in " II Trovatore. " Adelina Patti sang Lucia in " Lucia di Lam- mermoor," with Brignoli as Edgardo; Patti also sang Lucia at matinee, Nov. 26, Amina in "La Somnambula," Dec. i. "The Huguenots" was sung Dec. 2, and the season closed Dec. 3, with Patti as Amina in " La Somnambula. " The house reopened Dec. 21, with "Lucia di Lammermoor," and "Ernani," Dec. 26; Adelina Patti sang Zerlina, Dec. 27, in "Don Giovanni," and for her farewell benefit, Dec. 29, was heard in "La Somnambula;" the first act of " La Favorita " was also sung, and the second act of " Lucrezia Borgia, " with Susini as the Duke, Gazzaniga as Lucrezia Borgia. The season closed Dec. 30 with "Don Giovanni," Gaz- zaniga as Donna Anna and Patti as Zerlina.

Adelina Patti was born at Madrid, Spain, on Feb. 19, 1843. The certificate of her baptism has been discovered, and has been published by the Spanish papers. It is dated April 8, 1843, and certifies that on that day Don Jose Losada, vicar of the Parish of Saint Louis, Madrid, baptized a child born in Fuencarral Street, in the same city, daughter of Salvator Patti, professor of music, a native of Catania, in Sicily, and of Caterina Patti, nh Chiesa, a native of Rome. The child's godparents gave her the name of Adele Jeanne Marie. The family settled in New York when Adelina was about a year old, which gave rise to the belief that


she is a native of this city. The father of Patti, Salvator Patti, was a tenor of repute in Italy. Probably Patti has received a larger salary than any living person. She was engaged for a tour of eight months in America, commencing in September, 1871, and was to sing either at concerts, in opera, or in oratorio one hundred times, receiving for each performance ;£400, or ;£40,ooo for eight months, exclusive of all the travelling expenses of her husband and suite, to be paid by Strakosch, who was to deposit with the Rothschilds in Paris ;£20,ooo as a guarantee.

Nilsson received ^1,000 a night in England, and when she came to America this was increased to ;?i,Soo a night. Mile. Tietjens (in America in 1875) had $800 a night guaranteed her, besides half the receipts over a certain sum. Mme. Patti, during her last visit to this country, was paid $5,000 a night, payable in advance at noon on the day she sang.

"II Poliuto" was sung Sept. 5, i860, with Cortesi as Paolina, Musiani as Polyutus, and Amodio as Severus.

" Lucia " was given Sept. 6, with Patti and Musiani ; " II Tro- vatore," Sept. 7, with Cortesi, Mme. Strakosch, Musiani, and Amodio, and at a matinee on Sept. 8, " La Somnambula " was re- peated. " II Barbiere " was sung Sept. 10, with Patti as Rosina, Brignoli as Count Almaviva, E. Barili as Figaro, Susini as Dr. Bartolo, and Mme. Fischer as Bertha ; " II Trovatore, " Sept. 1 1 ; "I Puritani," Sept. 12, with Patti as Elvira; Brignoli, Arturo; Amodio, Riccardo; and Susini, Georgio. Owing to a difificulty with Cortesi, she did not appear Sept. 1 3, in " La Traviata, " but withdrew, and, organizing a Cortesi company, appeared at Niblo's Garden. "Martha" was sung Sept. 14; "Norma," Sept. 15, with Parodi taking Cortesi's position. Mme. Inez Fabbri appeared Sept. 17, in "Lucrezia Borgia;" "Sicilian Vespers" was heard Sept. ig, with Pauline Colson (first appearance) as Princess Elena, Sig. Stigelli (first appearance) as Arrigo, Sig. Ferri as Governor, and M. Genebrel (first appearance) as John of Procida. Barili died in Philadelphia, 1885.

B. Ulmann opened a season Oct. 24, when Karl Formes reap- peared as Bertram in " Robert le Diable," with Fabbri as Alice, and Stigelli as Robert. " Martha " was sung Oct. 26, with Fabbri as Lady Henrietta, and Mme. Martini D'Ormy as Nancy. "Les Huguenots " was heard Oct. 29, by Mme. Fabbri, Mme. Maretzek, Mme. Fanny Natalie, and Signors Stigelli, Formes, Abelli, and Weinlich. Karl Formes sang Caspar in "Der Freischiitz," Oct. 31. The season closed Nov. i, with " Martha. " Another season commenced Nov. 26, with Sig. Stefani, tenor, Sig. Florenza, and Mme. Anna Bishop added to the troupe. " La Juive " was given. Fabbri was La Juive, Mme. Anna Bishop the princess Eudaxia, Sig. Stigelli, Eleazar, and Herr Formes the Cardinal. It was


repeated Nov. 28 and 30, Dec. i and 3, and was announced for the 7th, but on the latter day Mr. Ulmann published a card, announc- ing that, through want of public support, he was compelled to give up the management. Mme. Fabbri, Sig. Stigelli, and Herr Formes appeared Dec. 7 in "Masaniello," followed by "Stradella," Dec. 8, and "The Child of the Regiment," Dec. 12, when the theatre was closed. For the benefit of Karl Formes, Jan. i, 1861, "Martha" was sung, with Bertha Johannsen (first time in four years) as Lady Henrietta; Jan. 11, "La Juive" was heard for Stigelli's benefit.

Another season of Italian opera began Jan. 21, under the man- agement of the Associated Artists. Muzio was the conductor, Jacob Grau, director, and D. de Vivo, manager. The company included Pauline Colson, Isabella Hinckley, Mile. Elena, a dgbu tante, Adelaide Phillips, and Signori Brignoli, Ferri, Susini, Stefani, Ippolito, and Coletti. Their first production was "II Giuramento. "

Elgira Pauline Colson

Viscardo Signor Brignoli

[ Bianca .... Adelaide Phillips Manfredi Signor Ferri

Miss Hinckley made her debut Jan. 23, in "Lucia." Miss Hinckley was married to Sig. Susini, and gave birth to a daughter June 2, 1862. Her confinement, however, was followed by puer- peral fever, which, turning to typhoid, terminated fatally July 6, 1862. This lady sang twice at Court at The Hague, and received a most flattering mark of attention from Her Majesty the Queen of Holland, who took her by the hand, complimented her highly upon her voice, and shortly after presented her with a handsome bracelet. " II Trovatore " was given Jan. 29, with Miss Hinckley as Leonora and Miss Phillips as Azucena. Jan. 31, Signorina Elena made her d^but as Lucrezia Borgia. Feb. 2, the Philharmonic Society gave another concert. " II Barbiere " was sung Feb. 4, and "Martha," Feb. 6. Feb. 11, Verdi's opera, "Un Ballo in Mas- chera " was given for the first time in America, and with this cast :

Amelia Pauline Colson

Oscar Isabella Hinckley

Ulrica .... Adelaide Phillips

Riccardo Signor Brignoli

Renarto Signor Ferri

It was repeated Feb. 13, 16, 18, 20, when President-elect Lin- coln attended, and Feb. 22 and 25. Clara Louise Kellogg made her public operatic d6but in New York, Feb. 27, as Gilda in "Rigoletto." "Don Giovanni" was sung March i. Miss Kel- logg again appeared as Gilda, March 2 ; " Un Ballo " was repeated March 4-8; "II Poliuto," March 8. Miss Kellogg first essayed the r6le of Linda in "Linda di Chamounix," matinde, March 9. This closed the season. " Un Ballo in Maschera " had a greater




success than any opera since " II Trovatore. " While in the height of its popularity it was withdrawn in order to permit Miss Kellogg to make her ddbut in "Rigoletto," Stigelli making his rentr^e in the tenor part.

Clara Louise Kellogg began her professional career as a concert singer, and soon acquired the highest position in opera and in oratorio. As a singer she did not astonish you she delighted you. She was so natural, so sympathetic in voice and manner, so nearly faultless in method, and exquisitely happy in imparting the sentiment of a song, or in illustrating the dramatic purport of a scene.

The thirteenth annual benefit of the American Dramatic Fund took place March 21, when "Macbeth" was acted with this phe- nomenal cast :

Macbeth Edwin Booth

Macduff Charles Fisher

Duncan .... C. Kemble Mason

Malcolm O. B. Collins

Banquo A. W. Fenno

Lenox T. Wemyss

Rosse T. Hamblin, Jr.

Seward Haviland

Seton Jeffries

Physician Bridgman

First Officer Mr. Wine

Second Officer H. Daly

First Murderer . . J. C. Williamson

Second Murderer Cook

Bleeding Soldier . . F. L. Rodgers First Apparition . . Mr. Thompson

Donalbain Miss Cook

Fleance Miss Douglas

Hecate George Rea

Lady Macbeth . . Charlotte Cushman First Singing Witch Mme. Anna Bishop Second Singing Witch . Mrs. Reeves Gentlewoman .... Mrs. France First Witch .... Harry Pearson Second Witch .... John Sefton Third Witch . . . James W. Lingard

After the tragedy Mme. Anna Bishop sang " The Flag of Our Union," words by Gen. G. P. Morris. L. J. Vincent was stage manager. The receipts were $2,040, and netted to the Fund abbut ;$i,700, the largest benefit the Fund had ever received.

The Associated Operatic Artists returned April 8, for one week. "Moses in Egypt" was sung April 14, with Hinckley, Phillips, Stigelli, Ferri, and Susini in the cast. Mme. Anna Bishop took a benefit April 19, when " The Bohemian Girl " was given. Mons. and Mme. Blondin appeared, for the last time in America, April 20, Philharmonic concert; Thursday, April 25, benefit of Harry Pearson, prior to his departure for the war, when "Henry IV." was played by Messrs. Conway, Harkins, Hall, Chester, Martin, Andrews, and Pearson, and the Misses Beck, Taylor, Ellis, Gold- ing, and Le Brun. May 17, Military Festival of the First German Rifle Regiment; May 25, benefit of the Regiment Fund of the U. S. Guard; July 4, dramatic entertainments by Mr, and Mrs. Barney Williams, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Florence, and a host of as- sistants. This was the first time the Florences and the Williamses appeared together. The bill was "Customs of the Country," "The Irish Tiger," and "Irish Lion." Owen S. Fawcett made his first


appearance in New York, on this occasion as Mr. Wadd, in " The Irish Lion."

B. Ulmann assumed the management of this house Sept. i6, 1861, when Professor Herrmann, the prestidigitateuf, made his American debut. Theo. Thomas' Italian Opera Orchestra was also engaged. "Un Ballo in Maschera" was given Oct. 17-21, and matinee, Oct. 26, with Miss Kellogg, Miss Hinckley, Mme. Strakosch, and Signori Brignoli, Mancusi, Dubreuil, and Barili, in the cast, and Signor Muzio as director; Oct. 28, the opera, "Le Noces de Jeannette" (Jeannette's Marriage) was sung for the first time in New York; also Donizetti's opera, "Betly." The prin- cipal characters in " Betly " were sustained by Miss Hinckley and Signori Brignoli and Susini. " Les Noces de Jeannette " was sung in French, Miss Kellogg enacting the r61e of the heroine, sup- ported by Dubreuil, Elena, and Mazzini. Oct. 31, a grand union concert was given by the Mesdames Johannsen and Von Berkel, Messrs. Quint, Linsheim, Mueller, and Weinlich, and the members of the Harmonic Society. Nov. i, a concert was given by Carlotta Patti, Madame Strakosch, Signori Macaferri, Barili, Adam Tou- hay, and Theodore Thomas, in aid of the families of the volunteers. Dec. 7, the Twenty-second Regiment band concert took place, with Madame Johannsen, Madame Vollandt, S. C. Campbell, J. R. Thomas, Carl Berghman, Robert Goldbeck, and Messrs. Saul, Dietz, Gewait, and Deusch as the additional artists.

Geo. L. Fox and James W. Lingard leased this house and opened Dec. 9, with William Hanlon in his aerial act, entitled "Zampillaerostation," also a pantomime troupe. A short season of Italian opera was opened Jan. 15, 1862, under the management of Jacob Grau. The company was made up as follows : Miss Kellogg, Miss Hinckley, Madame Strakosch, Signori Brignoli, Manchesi, and Barili. The operas given were as follow: Jan. 15, "La Traviata;" Jan. 17, "Un Ballo in Maschera." Max Maret- zek, having returned from Havana, joined forces with Mr. Grau, and a two weeks' season commenced under their joint manage- ment, Jan. 29, with Miss Kellogg, Madame Strakosch, and Brig- noli, Susini, and Barili in "Martha." Jan. 31, "II Trovatore;" Feb. 3, was the dibut of Signor Ippolita as Germont, in " La Traviata;" Feb. 5, "Un Ballo in Maschera;" Feb. 7, "Linda di Chamounix;" Feb. 10, "La Somnambula;" Feb. 15, matinee, "Martha;" Feb. 21, military festival of the Regiment des Enfants Perdu ; Feb. 24, Prof. Adrien, the magician ; Feb. 28, Kellogg in "Lucia," and L. M. Gottschalk, the pianist; matinee, Feb. 28, " Betly " and Gottschalk.

Mr. Grau commenced another season March 19, with" Un Ballo in Maschera;" March 20, "Masaniello," with Isabella Hinckley as Elvira, Isabella Cubas as Fenella, Susini as Pietro, Brignoli as


Masaniello, and Barili as Bonello; March 21, "Martha;" March 22 (matinee) and March 24, "Masaniello;" March 26, Mme. de Lussan made her debut in "La Favorita". Her voice was a pure soprano, reaching from G to C in alt. March 28, Mme. Elena d'Angri appeared as Rosina, in "II Barbiere;" March 29, "Linda;" April 10, the Academy was given up to a reception to the officers of the frigates Cumberland and Congress, and on the three first nights of the following week the Brothers Lubin ap- peared in magical stances. "

Grau returned with his company April 21. Sig. Tombesi (tenor) sang the Duke in "Rigoletto." Kellogg was Gilda; D'Angri, Magdalen; Barili, Sparafucile; and Ferri, Rigoletto; April 23, "La Figlia del Reggimento," with Kellogg as Marie; April 25, D'Angri as Leonora in "La Favorita."

Billy Birch and Ben Cotton's minstrels took a benefit here May 13. Emilie J. Boughton, a society lady, made her debut May 22, as Violetta, in " La Traviata. "

Mme. Comte commenced a new opera season June 1 1, at popular prices, singing "Lucrezia Borgia." Ulmann had a benefit June 18, when the season closed.

Mme. Herrmann made her debut as a pianist Oct. 23, on which occasion Carlotta Patti made her first appearance at this house. William Fleming, formerly manager of the Winter Garden, took a benefit here Sept. 8, 1862. The programme consisted of "The Soldier's Return," "The Maid of Croissy," "A Conjugal Lesson," "A Rough Diamond," and a concert. Among those participating were W. M. Fleming, John T. Raymond, Harry Pearson, J. R. Thomas, Miranda, Willie Pape, Dr. C. W. Beames, Ada Clifton, Evelyn Lyon, Mrs. L. Hill, George Christy's minstrels, Mile. Annetta Galetti, and a ballet company. On Sept. 22, James M. Nixon took this house for the purpose of introducing Carlotta Patti in opera. She appeared as Amina, in "La Somnambula," supported by Sig. Sbriglia as Elvino, Susini as the Count, and Fanny Stockton as Lisa, the other parts being sustained by Messrs. Mancusi and Ximenes, and Mme. Arogardo. Sept. 24, " La Somnambula" was repeated; "Lucia," with Carlotta Patti in the title r61e, and Brignoli as Edgardo ; " Lucia " was repeated at the matinee, Sept. 27, when Isabel Cubas and Ximenes appeared in ballet. Patti 's last appearance was in the opera of "I Puritani," Oct. 3.

Jacob Grau commenced a season of Italian opera Nov. 10, 1862, introducing Mile. Genevra Guerrabella as Violetta, in "La Tra- viata," supported by Sig. Amodip and Barili. This lady's right name is Genevieve Ward. She is the daughter of Samuel Ward of this city. In 1858 she went to Paris, where she made her first appearance on the stage, in April, 1859, ^s Elvira, in the opera of


"Don Giovanni." She married a Russian count, who soon grew weary of his wedded bliss and abandoned her; but, on her appeal to the Czar, the marriage was legalized, and the faithless husband was banished to Siberia. In 1862 she returned to America and travelled as a dramatic star. She made her debut at Booth's Theatre, in the fall of 1878, and played a successful engagement under Jarrett & Palmer's management.

Mme. Lorini, daughter of David Whiting, reappeared Nov. 14-17 in the title r61e of "Norma," Mile. Morensi as Adelgisa, Sig. Macaferri as Pollione, Susini as Oroveso. "La Traviata," an act of " Norma, " and " The Star Spangled Banner " were sung matinee, Nov. 22. There were present Mrs. President Lincoln and Mrs. McClellan. "Dinorah" had its first performance in this city, Nov. 24.

Dinorah (first appearance) Mile. Cordier

Corenti Signer Brignoli

Hunter Signer Susini

Hoel Signer Amodio

First Goatherd . . . Mile. Morensi Second Goatherd . . Fanny Stockton

" Dinorah " was repeated Nov. 26 and 28, Dec. i, 6, and 8 ; Nov. 27, "Lucrezia Borgia;" Dec. 3-5, "La Favorita;" Dec. 9, "Norma;" Dec. 10 and 14, "Un Ballo in Maschera;" Dec. 12, "Ernani," fourth act of "La Favorita," and shadow song from "Dinorah." The season closed on Dec. 15, with "I Puritani." Dec. 4, 16, 18, Mason Jones, an English lecturer, occupied the Academy. Dec. 22, a benefit was given to the child pianist, Teresa Carreno, when Madame d'Angri, W. Castle, S. C. Campbell, Theodore Thomas, Signor Abilla, and Mr. Eben assisted.

After having been redecorated and improved this house was re- opened Sept. 12, 1864, by Leonard Grover, for a season of German opera. The company was a strong one, numbering in all no fewer than one hundred persons, many of the principals being artists of eminence. Carl Anschutz was the conductor, and among the singers were Mme. Marie Frederici-Himmer, Mile. Marie Hollman from the Royal Opera House, Berlin, Mme. Bertha Johannsen, Mile. Sophie Dziuba, Mile. Pauline Canissa, and Mmes. Ernest La Roche and Pauline Berger; Herr Franz Himmer, Theo. Habelmann, Arnot Quinta, Isidore Lehman, from the Royal Opera House, Berlin; Heinrich Steinecke, Joseph Herrmann, Joseph Kreutzer, Anton Graff, Edouard Haimer, Zinsheim, Otto Lehman, and Alphonse Urchs, with Adoph Neuendorff as chorus master. The opening opera was "Faust," given thus: Faust, Signor Tomaro; Mephisto, Herr Herrmann; Valentine, Herr Steinecke; Wagner, Herr Graff; Marguerite, Mme. Frederici- Himmer; Siebel, Mme. Bertha Johannsen. Signor Tomaro was called upon at short notice to take the place of Herr Himmer, who was announced to appear as Faust, but who was suddenly attacked




with a severe illness. Sept. 14, "Martha" was sung by Mmes. Johannsen and Frederici-Himmer, and Herren Habelmann, Stein- ecke, Graff, and Otto Lehman. Sept. 16, "Der Freischiitz" was given, with Joseph WeinUch as Caspar ; and " Faust " was repeated at a matinee, Sept. 17, with the same gentleman as Mephisto. Sept. 19, Karl Fbrmes made his first appearance in opera in this city in six years. The opera was "Robert le Diable," and the cast was a notable one:

Bertram Karl Formes

Robert Herr Himmer

Raimbaud .... Herr Habelmann Albert! , Herr Haimer

Alice .... Mme. Johanna Rotter Isabella . . Mme. Bertha Johannsen Elena (first appearance in New York) Theresa Wood

"Faust" was repeated Sept. 21; "Martha" was sung Sept. 22, with Herr Formes as Plunkett. Sept. 23, Halevey's "La Juive" was heard, and at a matinee the following day, " Robert le Diable " was repeated. " La Juive " was again given Sept. 26. On the last night of the season, Sept. 27, Mile. Sophie Dziuba made her American debut as Zerlina, in "Don Juan," and Isidore Lehman also appeared, for the first time in this country, as Don Juan. Presentation concerts were given Sept. 28, 29, and 30, under the auspices of the Jewellers' Association, the artists being William Castle and S. C. Campbell, Signor Abella, Madame d'Angri, Fanny Stockton, and an orchestra under John P. Cook.

Karl Formes died at San Francisco, of pneumonia, Dec. 15, 1889. His full name was Charles John Formes, and he was born at Muhlheim, Germany, Aug. 7, 18 10. He received his early musical education in Cologne and Vienna, and sang in church choirs until 1841, when he attracted attention in Cologne as a concert singer. Soon afterwards he appeared in opera. In 1843 he became a member of the Mannheim Theatre company, and in 1844 he joined the opera in Vienna. Unguarded expressions of sympathy with revolutionary movements caused his sudden retire- ment, and in 1849, after an engagement in Hamburg, he formed the German Opera company, at the Drury Lane Theatre, London. In 1850 he became a member of the Italian Opera company at Covent Garden, and in the same year he sang in the Philhar- monic concerts. His last appearance on the stage was on Dec. 12 (three days prior to his death), in "The Barber of Seville," at San Francisco, where he had resided for fifteen years, teaching vocal music.

Max Maretzek's new Italian Opera company commenced a season Oct. 3, 1864. The following were the artists: Carlotti Carozzi- Zucchi, Elvira Brambilla, Laura Harris, Jenny Van Zandt (her first appearance in opera), Signora C. Morensi, Mile. Freda di Gebel, Adeline Motte (first appearance in opera), Fanny Stockton,


Bernardo Massimilliani, Guglielmo Lotti, J. Reichardt, Fernando Bellini, Francisco Pierrini, Susini, Amati Dubreuil, Joseph Wein- lich, and W. Mullen The opening opera was "II Trovatore," in which Carozzi-Zucchi made her first appearance in America as Leonora. Massimilliani made his first bow to an American audi- ence in the part of Manrico. Oct. 4, Signora Elvira Brambilla made her first appearance in America as Violetta in " La Traviata " Mile. Ernestine appeared in the ballet incidental to " La Traviata." " Lucrezia Borgia " was given Oct. 5, when Susini reappeared as Alfonso. A jewellers' presentation concert was given Oct. 6, Master Richard Croker, of Trinity Choir, appeared, and the Maret- zek company gave "Lucia di Lammermoor," Laura Harris as prima donna. "II Trovatore" was repeated Oct. 10, and Oct. 12 Mile. Frederica di Gebel made her d^but as Ulrica in " Un Ballo in Maschera;" Oct. 14, "Lucrezia Borgia;" Oct. 18, matinde, "La Traviata;" evening. Jewellers' Association concert. Oct. 17-19- 26, Clara Louise Kellogg reappeared as Marguerita in "Faust." " Un Ballo " was again given Oct. 18, and on Oct. 20 representa- tives from the various places of amusement in town gave a benefit to the Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum. Oct. 21, "II Poliuto;" Oct. 22, jewellers' presentation concert; Oct. 24, "Martha," with Kellogg and Morensi; Oct. 25 and 28, "II Poliuto;" Oct. 31, "II Trovatore." Nov. 2, "Don Giovanni" with this cast:

Doana Anna Zucchi I Don Giovanni Bellini

Donna Elvira Kellogg Leporello ....... Susini

Zerlina Morensi Commendatore .... Weinlich

Don Ottavio Lotti | Massetto Dubreuil

Nov. 4, Jenny Van Zandt made her operatic debut as Gilda in "Rigoletto." Maretzek closed the season Nov. 5.

John B. Gough, the temperance lecturer, appeared here Nov. 10, followed by Maretzek, who commenced another season Nov. 14, with "II Poliuto;" Nov. 15, "Linda di Chamounix;" Nov. 16, "Lucrezia Borgia;" Nov. 17, James W. Lingard of the New Bowery Theatre took a benefit, when " The Wept of the Wish-ton- Wish," "Sketches in India," and Bryant's Minstrels formed the programme; Nov. 18-21, "Don Giovanni;" Nov. 22, "Rigoletto;" Nov. 23, "Martha." Thanksgiving night, Nov. 24, a dramatic performance, consisting of "All That Glitters is not Gold" Lawrence P. Barrett (his first appearance in fifteen months) as Stephen Plum, Thos. E. Morris as Jasper Plum, W. R. Floyd as Toby Twinkle, J. S. Wright, J. Whiting, J. C. Williamson, Madelaine Henriques, Mrs. W. R. Floyd, and Mrs. France in the cast— and "Handy Andy" were acted; Nov. 25, Maretzek's com- pany presented, for the first time in America, Donizetti's opera of "Don Sebastian," and with this cast:




Zaida . . . Signora Carozzi-Zucchi Sebastian . . . Sig. Massimilliani

Camoeno Sig. Bellini

Giovanni Sig. Susini

Danseuse Miles. Ernestine and Auriol

Abadialos . Don Selim Don Antonio Don Luigi Don Enrico

Sig. Lorini . Sig. MuUer Sig. Reichardt . . Ximenes . Sig. Lacion

Carl Bergmann was the conductor. The opera was repeated Nov. 28, 29, Dec. 2, 6, 9, 14, 17, 19, 24. Nov. 30, "Faust;" Dec. 5, "The Child of the Regiment;" Dec. 7, "II Poliuto."

Dec. 8, a matinde and evening benefit was given to Charles Peters, who had been disabled by being run over by a Third Avenue car. At the matinee, "London Assurance," was given with this cast:

Charles Courtley Sir Harcourt Courtley Dazzle . . . Mark Meddle Dolly Spanker Max Harkaway Cool . . .

Lester Wallack . C. Walcot Charles Fisher . G. L. Fox . W. Holston . J. G. Burnett W. H. Norton

James Harry Pearson

Martin W. R. Floyd

Isaacs C. T. Parsloe, Jr.

Lady Gay Spanker . Mrs. John Wood Grace Harkaway Madelaine Henriques Pert .... Mrs. Sedley Brown

In the evening, " The School for Scandal " was played, with this cast:

Joseph Surface . . J. Sir Peter Teazle . . Sir Oliver Surface . . Charles Surface . . .


Sir Benjamin Backbite



W. WaUack, Jr.

F. B. Conway

. Mark Smith J. K. Mortimer

J. W. Lingard B. T. Ringgold Harry Pearson

Edward Lamb

Careless . . Rowley . . , Snake ... Lady Teazle Mrs. Candour . Maria . . . Lady Sneerwell

. . J. E. Whiting . . G. F. Browne . . . Frank Rea . Mrs. F. B. Conway Mrs. George Farren Mrs. C. M. Walcot, Jr. Mrs. Emma Skerrett

Nearly every theatre in New York and Brooklyn was represented, and no less than six managers and lessees of theatres performed in the plays presented, viz. : Mr. and Mrs. Conway, of the Park Theatre, Brooklyn; Mr. J. W. Lingard, of the New Bowery; Lester Wallack, of Wallack's Theatre; Mrs. John Wood, of the Olympic; and G. L. Fox, of the Old Bowery. The benefit realized a very handsome sum. Dec. 21, Auber's opera of "Fra Diavolo," which had always previously been given in English, was now rendered, for the first time in America, in Italian, and with this cast :

Zerlina Miss Kellogg

Pamela Mile. Morensi

Fra Diavolo .... Signor Lotti Lord Rochbourg . . . Sig. Bellini

Lorenzo Signor Lorini

Beppo Signor Dubreuil

Giacomo Signor Weinlich

Matheo Signor MuUer

It was repeated Dec. 23, 26, and 28.

A jewellers' presentation concert was given Dec. 24. Carozzi- Zucchi presented " Norma " for her benefit, Dec. 27. " Fra Dia- volo " was sung for the benefit of the French Benevolent society,

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Dec. 29, and "Norma" was repeated on Dec. 30, the last night of the season. Feb. 2, 1865, Maretzek's company again returned

■■ '* Fra Dia- La La Forza Del Destino," for the first time in America, and thus cast:

Donna Leonora Signora Carozzi-Zucchi Preziosilla . . . Signora Morensi Don Alvaro . . . Sig. Massimilliani

Don Carlos Sig. Bellini

Abbot Sig. Susini

Militone Sig. Lorini

Marquis of Calatrava . Sig. Dubreuil

Trabucco Sig. Reichardt

Spanish Surgeon . . Sig. Ximenes Alcalde Sig. Muller

This opera was repeated Feb. 28, March 3, 6, 8, 10, 18, 1865. March 4, matinee, "Martha," evening, concert of pupils of National Con- servatory; March 11, matinee, "Ernani;" March 13, "Don Gio- vanni;" March 15, "Fra Diavolo;" March 16, "Norma;" March 17, "I Puritani;" March 20, "La Figlia del Reggimento," and fourth act of "Rigoletto;" March 21, last night of the season, "Don Sebastian," and March 23, matinee, and close of the season, "Fra Diavolo."

L. M. Gottschalk gave a matinee entertainment, April i ; April 1 1, Maretzek took a benefit, when " II Poliuto " was given, with selections from "La Forza." The beneficiary was presented with $7,000. The Theatrical Mechanical association had a matinee benefit April 12, and the companies of Wallack's, Winter Garden, Old and New Bowery, Barnum's, Olympic, Niblo's, Brooklyn Park, and Hooley's New York and Brooklyn Minstrels, and Theo- dore Moss, John McCul lough, the Dobson Brothers, and others, participated. The bill comprised " London Assurance, "" Shamus O'Brien," recitation, "Day After the Wedding," banjo duets and minstrel entertainments. A benefit was given April 12, for the soldiers and sailors, followed April 26 by Leonard Grover's German opera company, which in "Robert le Diable," "Faust," "Martha," "Fidelio," "The Magic Flute," "The Huguenots," closed May 8 with "La Juive." May 15, Juignet's French company appeared and remained until June 12, after which Prof. Macallister, magi- cian, was the attraction. A benefit was given, afternoon and eve- ning of July 21, to the company and attaches of Barnum's Museum, who were thrown out of employment by the fire there. Among those who assisted were Kate Reignolds, L. J. Mestayer, the San Francisco Minstrels, Emily Melville, W. Davidge, M. B. Pike, Carrie Moore, Jenny Engel, Mme. Martinetti, Mons. Baptistin, G. C. Davenport, Mitchell, Wm. Connolly, Mary Estelle, Hattie Walby, J. J. Prior, J. E. Nagle, Gustavus Geary, G. L. Fox, and his pantomime company from the Old Bowery Theatre, George Christy, M. Bryan, Kate Pennoyer, Mrs. H. Chapman, Jenny



Cleaver, Nannie Hook, W. P. Smith, Welsh Edwards, B. Porter, and the Hanlon Brothers. The entertainment comprised the " Jenny Lind" burletta, "A Morning Call," "Barney the Baron," "Handy Andy," "Mr. and Mrs. Peter White," an olio and a speech by P. T. Barnum.

Prof. Herrmann opened the season of 1865-66, Sept. 12. It was at this time that the trouble took place between the managers of the different theatres in this city, and The New York Herald. Maretzek was the prime mover in this battle. The Herald made a savage onslaught on him, saying that the company engaged was a very poor one, and that Maretzek cared very little about the New York public. Maretzek published a card in the other papers of this city, charging The Herald with interference in the arrange- ment of the opera, alleging that the editor and many of the staff of that journal were persistent " deadheads," and detailing many griev- ances too long endured, and pluckily refusing to be either dictated to or influenced by any such mode of procedure. The result was that at a meeting of the managers it was resolved to stop advertis- ing in The Herald, and several of the managers had at the top of all their advertisements, programmes, and posters the line : " This establishment does not advertise in The New York Herald. " The following named theatres were among those who did not advertise in The Herald: Academy of Music, Winter Garden, Olympic, New York Circus, Barnum's Museum, Fox's Old Bowery, Niblo's, Wal- lack's, and New Bowery. Those who did advertise were Wood's Theatre, opposite St. Nicholas Hotel (afterwards Josh Hart's Theatre Comique), Wood's (Broadway and Broome) Theatre, Lucy Rushton's (opposite New York Hotel), and Bryant's Minstrels. The fight lasted all through the season. Mr. Bennett then cried peccavi, sent to the several managers, promised to be a good boy in future if they would "return to the fold," and the consequence was that all resumed their advertising in The Herald.

Maretzek commenced the season, Sept. 25, with an admirable organization. The artists new to America were Enrichetta Bosisio, Bine de Rossi, Ettore Irfre, Guiseppa Mara, G. B. Antonucci, and Julius Sesselsberg. Of established favorites there were Carozzi- Zucchi, Clara Louise Kellogg, Ortalani-Brignoli, Adelaide Phil- lips, Fanny Stockton, Mrs. Reichardt, Massimilliani, Francesco Mazzoleni, Ardavani, Rovere, Dubreuil, Lorini, Herren Muller and Reichardt. Carl Bergmann, Max Maretzek, and Torriani were the conductors; Appy and Noll the leaders; Signor Dubreuil, the stage manager; Ronzani, mattre de ballet, and M. Calyo, scenic artist. The opening opera was " Faust " :

Marguerite Miss Clara Louise Kellogg

Siebel Madame Fischer

Martha . . Mile. Freda di Gebel

Faust (his first appearance in America) Sig. Ettore Irfre

Valentine Signor Bellini

Mephisto .... Signor Antonucci


Sig. Achilla Ardavani died in this city May 28, 1889, aged sixty- three years. He came here under engagement with Bernard Ulmann in the season of 1857-58, and made his d6but in "II Trovatore," as Count di Luna, with marked success. For twenty years he had been a music teacher in New York and Boston.

Sept. 27, " II Poliuto " was sung with Caro2zi-Zucchi, Massi- milliani, and Bellini as the principals ; Adelaide Phillips appeared, for the first time in four years, as Maffeo Orsini in "Lucrezia Borgia," the remainder of the cast including Zucchi, Irfre, and Antonucci. A " Faust " matinee took place Sept. 30. Herrmann, the magician, appeared. Petrella's opera, "lone," was revived Oct. 2, introducing to an American audience a pupil of the com- poser in the person of Mile. Bosisio, who sustained the title part, "lone" was repeated on the following night. Sig. Mara, bari- tone, made his first appearance in America, Oct. 4, as Don Carlos in "Ernani. " Oct. 9, Signora B. de Rossi, contralto, made her debut as Azucena in " II Trovatore. " " I Puritani " was given Oct. 10; "Martha" on Oct. 13; "La Traviata," Oct. 16. Carlotta Patti died in Paris, France, June 27, 1889. In Sept., 1890, a monu- ment was erected in Montmarte cemetery, that city, to Carlotta Patti de Munck. Her last appearance here in opera was Oct. 3 in "I Puritani."

A season of opera and concert began Oct. 17, when Mile. Parepa, Carl Rosa, and Mr. Danreuther made their first appear- ances in the Academy, and Jules Levy, the cornet player, his first appearance in America. Mile. Parepa sang " The Shadow Song " from "Dinorah," an aria from "Robert le Diable," and the ballad, "Five O'clock in the Morning." Carl Rosa performed violin solos; Mr. Danreuther, piano accompaniments, and Theodore Thomas conducted the orchestra. Mr. Levy performed "The Whirlwind Polka" and "Carnival de Venice" on the cornet, and the Maretzek company sang the entire opera of " Lucrezia Borgia. " Mile. Parepa was billed to appear Oct. 18, but sickness prevented her, and Miss Kellogg played her r61e in "Lucia." Oct. 20, "Norma;" Oct. 23. "II Trovatore;" Oct. 24, "Crispino e la Comare ; " for the first time here. The cast was : Annetta, Clara Louise Kellogg; Fairy, Madame Fischer; Crispino, Signor Rovere (first appearance in several years); Fabrizio, Sig. Irfre; Mirabo- lando, Sig. Bellini; Count, Sig. Mara. Nov. 3, "Roberto II Diavolo;" Nov. 8, "Rigoletto;" Nov. 10, "Fra Diavolo;" Nov. 20, "Don Giovanni;" Nov. 24, " La Somnambula ; " Dec. i, Meyer- beer's opera, "L'Africaine," was presented for the first time in America; Selika, Mme. Carozzi - Zucchi , Inez, Mile. Ortalani- Brignoli; Vasco di Gama, Sig. Mazzoleni; Don Pedro, Sig. An- tonucci; Nelusko, Sig. Bellini; Dec. 13, "I Puritani" was announced, but, in consequence of the death of Sig. Rovere, no


performance was given. Rovere came to this country with Alboni, in 1853. He died suddenly of affection of the throat, in this city, aged sixty years. Dec. 14, a memorial concert was given in aid of the widow and children of the composer, William Vincent Wallace. Among the artists who gave their services were Clara Louise Kellogg, Adelaide Phillips, W. Castle, S. C. Campbell, Richard Hoffman, S. B. Mills, G. W. Morgan, John A. Kyle, Wm. Berge, E. J. Browns, Theodore Thomas, and the members of the Liederkranz, Arion, Harmonic, Mendelssohn Union, and New York Singing Academy societies. Dec. 15 was the last night of the season, the opera being " L'Africaine," and at the close of the third act, Maretzek was called to the front and presented by L. W. Gerome, on behalf of many citizens, with a handsome service of silver and an address. The season closed with a matinee of "L'Africaine," Dec. 16. Fifty representations had been given, divided as follows: " Faust, " three ; "II Pol into," one; "Lucrezia Borgia," two; "lone," three; "Ernani," three; "Un Ballo in Maschera," two; "II Trovatore," three; "I Puritani," one; "Martha," one; "Traviata," one; "Lucia," one; "Norma," two; "Crispino," ten; "Roberto," two; "Rigoletto," one; "Fra Dia- volo," three; "Don Giovanni," one; "La Somnambula," one; "L'Africaine," nine.

Dec. 25, a concert was given by Clara M. Brinkerhoff, Mrs. J. H. Barclay, George Simpson, Signor Fosati, J. N. Patterson, G. W. Colby, and Grafulla's Seventh regiment band. Dec. 27, MM. P. Juignet and C. Drivet's French dramatic company played Scribe's "Bataille des Dames" and Villeneuve's "La Fille de Dominique." Dec. 30, the same company gave Bayard and Dumanoir's " Les Premiers Ans de Richelieu " and Fournier's "Le Partie de Piquet," well known since as "A Game of Cards."

Jan. 6, 8, g, 1866, the Bateman concert company, comprising Parepa, Carl Rosa, Levy, S. B. Mills, Carl Anschutz, and orches- tra were heard. Juignet & Drivet's French company sang Halevy's "L'ficlair " and Victor Masse' s "Les Noces de Jeannette," Mile. Naddie and M. Armand making their first appearance in America. The Bateman company were heard again Jan. 1 1 ; the French com- pany gave " La Ligne Droite " and " Les Domestiques Peints par Eux-m^mes," Jan. 13; "Nos Intimes," Jan. 17 and 19. The Philharmonic society gave a concert Jan. 27, and the Annual Charity Ball, Jan. 29. Feb. i, 1866, the Maretzek company sang "L'Africaine." "Don Sebastian" was revived Feb. 13, and at a matinee, Feb. 17, Sig. Brandini made his first appearance in New York as Don Carlos in "Ernani." Night of Feb. 17, Anna Lacoste appeared in a new play by Isaac C. Pray, entitled "Virginia of Rome." Mr. Clercpret, Archer, Isaac C. Pray, Hannah and H. C. Stuart were in the cast. Miss Lacoste's next appearance was



at the French Theatre, Aug. 30, as Deborah. She then devoted herself to dramatic readings. Without book or pamphlets, she recited the whole of "Julius Caesar," "King John," and "Romeo and Juliet," in a manner that not only attracted considerable atten- tion, but gave her a reputation for possessing a remarkable memory. In the height of her popularity she contracted a cold, which finally settled into rheumatism of the heart, and she died in this city, July 6, 1868.

Feb. 26, Carmelina Poch made her first appearance in New York as Leonora in "La Favorita." "Don Pasquale" was sung for the first time in seven years at a matinee, March 3, Sig. Sarto mak- ing his first appearance in the title r61e. Juignet & Drivet's French dramatic company played Dennery's "L'Aieule," "Le Gamin de Paris," and " Les Enfants Terribles" the evening of March 7. "L'Etoile du Nord " was revived March 9, with Kel- logg, Bosisio, Antonucci, Irfre, Sarta, and Barili in the cast. March 13, for her benefit, Zucchi presented " L' Africaine " and sang the Italian hymn, " II Garibaldino. " March 1 5, Mme. Larmet, of the French dramatic company had a benefit, presenting "Les Amours Maudit " and " Les Zuaves de Palestro. " March 23, the same company played " Les Enfer de Paris." April 5, a bal d' opera was given, the Academy being decorated with caricatures of promi- nent people, from the brush of Thomas Nast. The operatic season closed April 14, with a matinde of "Les Huguenots." During this second season " L' Africaine " had been represented nine times; "Crispino e la Comare," four times; "Norma," once; "I Puri- tani," once; "Faust," four times; "Martha," once; "Don Sebas- tian," three times; "Fra Diavolo," twice; "Ernani," once; "Poliuto," once; "lone," once; "La Favorita," five times; "La Somnambula," once; "Don Pasquale," twice; "II Trovatore," once; "L'fitoiledu Nord," six times; "Un Ballo in Maschera," once; "Don Giovanni," once; "Les Huguenots," three times, and "Lucrezia Borgia," twice ; in all fifty representations.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kean took their farewell of America, April 16, when " Louis XL " and " The Jealous Wife " were acted :

Louis XI Chas. Kean

The Dauphin . . . Miss Chapman Tristam Geo. Everett

Martha Mrs. C. Kean

De Nemours . . . . J. F. Cathcart

In "The Jealous Wife," Mr. and Mrs. Kean played Mr. and Mrs. Oakley.

Leonard Grover's German opera company began a season April 17, 1866, with "Faust," the cast embracing Himmer, Joseph Herr- mann, Heinrich Steinecke, Miles. Johanna Rotter and Sophie Dziuba. April 18, " William Tell " was given for the first time in eleven years, Wm. Formes making his first appearance in opera


in New York as the hero. Herr Himmer was the Arnold, Herr Habelmann the Jacques; Herr Weinlich, Gessler; Mile. Johanna Rotter, Mathilde. Several of the German societies aided in the chorus. April 19, " La Dame Blanche " was sung, with Bertha Johannsen as Anna and Mme. Berger as Margaret. " Fra Diavolo " was heard at amatinde, April 21, "The Huguenots," April 23, and " Tannhauser " was announced April 27, but, owing to the illness of Mme. Rotter and Herr Weinlich, only one act was sung, and " The Magic Flute " was substituted. This closed an unsuccessful season.

Jacob Grau came May 7, with his company from Havana and gave "La Traviata," with Leonilda Boschetti as Violetta; May 9, "II Trovatore " was sung, with Mme. Noel-Guidi as Leonora, Mme. Cash-PoUini as Azucena, Musiani as Manrico ; May 10, " Faust ; " May II, " Saffo, " for the reappearance of Mile. Gazzaniga; "Faust," "Un Ballo" and "La Juive " followed ; May 18, "L'Africaine;" matinee. May 19, "Emani" and "Faust" (third act). May 21, 1866, the last performance in the old Academy of Music was given, the opera being " La Juive," thus cast: Rachel, Mme. Gaz- zaniga; Eudoxia, Mile. Boschetti; Prince Leopold, Signer Anas- tasia; Eleazar, Signor Musiani ; Cardinal, Signor Milleri. Jarrett & Palmer had leased this house for the production of " La Biche au Bois," but early on the morning of May 22 the house was en- tirely destroyed by fire. Flames were discovered in the basement, fronting on Irving Place. The performance had been closed only a short time, and a number of persons attached to the theatre were still in the building. In the short space of thirty minutes the whole building was a massive sheet of flames. At half-past one o'clock the interior of the Academy had been totally destroyed. Shortly after the fire, a meeting of the shareholders was held, and it was resolved to reljuild on the same site. The foundations were put in condition in August, 1866, and the building was ready for occupancy in February, 1867. It cost 1^300,000. Thomas R. Jack- son was the architect and contractor.

The first entertainment of any nature given in the new house was a ball for the widows and orphans of the members of the Old Fire department, Feb. 28, 1867. A bal d'opera, directed by Max Maretzek, took place the following evening.

A season of Italian opera opened March 7 by Mr. Maretzek, with the following company: Miss Kellogg, Isabella Ronconi, Mile. Carmelina Poch, Fanny Stockton, Natalie Testa, Mile. A. M. Hauck, Isabella McCulloch (afterwards Mme. Brignoli), Ronconi, Baragli, Barili, Antonucci, Mazzoleni, Bernardi, Dubreuil, Fossati, Bellini, Mara, Fleury, Reichardt, Riccardi, Muller, Testa, and Bacelli, and Miles. Kruger and Theresa, dancers. The repertory consisted of "II Barbiere," "Fra Diavolo," "Lucrezia Borgia,"


"L'fitoile du Nord," "La Traviata," "Faust," "Crispmo e la Comare." "II Trovatore," "Norma," "Martha," "Don Giovanni, "Emani," "La Somnambula," and Petrella's new opera. La Carnival de Venice." Carl Bergmann and Sig. Torriani were the conductors. At the matinee, March i6, in addition to the opera, "Elisir d'Amore," Florence Noble read the balcony scene from "Romeo and Juliet." March i8, Parepa-Rosa made her first ap- pearance in opera in America, playing Leonore in " II Trovatore," and on the same evening Bacelli, a basso, made his first appear- ance in New York as Ferrando. Parepa-Rosa sang in "Norma," March 19 and 23. " Don Giovanni " was given March 26, with the following fine cast :

. . . Sig. Bacelli Miss C. L. Kellogg . . . Sig. Bellini . . Sig. Fossati

Comtnendatore Zerlina . . . Don Giovanni . Masseto . .

Donna Anna .... Parepa-Rosa Donna Elvira . . Isabella McCulloch Don Ottavio .... Sig. Baragli Leporello Sig. Ronconi

Parepa-Rosa closed with the matinde of "II Trovatore," March 30. April 3, for the first time in America, Petrella's opera, "La Carnival de Venice " was sung, and with this cast :

Orestes Sig. Baragli

Pylades Sig. Mara

Count Signor Bacelli

Master Cola .... Sig. Ronconi

Albina . . . Clara Louise Kellogg

Romella Signora Ronconi

Signora Muzio . . Mile. Natalie Testa

A benefit was given, April 4, for the sufferers by the burning of the Winter Garden Theatre. " Hamlet " was presented, with this cast:

Hamlet . . Gravedigger Player Kmg The Queen . Ophelia . . Player Queen

. . Edwin Booth . W. S. Andrews W. A. Donaldson . . Ida Vernon Mme. Scheller Miss Andrews

Laertes C. Barton Hill

The Ghost .... J. N. Gotthold The King . . . M. W. Leffingwell

Polonius W. Davidge

Horatio J. DuflF

Orlandini and Ortalani appeared in " L'Africaine " April 15, and Angela Peralta, a Mexican prima donna, made a most successful d6but April 25, in "La Somnambula." The season closed May 4, and May 6 Thomas Maguire & Richard Risley's company of Japanese contortionists, magicians, and balancing artists took possession of the Academy, remaining until June 15. A Masonic ovation was held June 27, in aid of the widows and orphans of the Masons of the South, the artists being Mile. Hauck, Sigs. Bellini and Mara, Edward Hoffmann, Henry Mollenhauer, D. L. Down- ing, and band. During the evening an address was delivered by Hon. James T. Brady. The Japanese company returned on July I, and remained until July 10. A new collection of Orientals,




under the same management, appeared July 15, for that night only.

Mr. Maretzek began an Italian opera season Sept. 23, with the following company; Parepa-Rosa, Angela Peralta, Minnie A. Hauck, Ronconi, Natalie Testa, Louise Kapp- Young, Jenny Kempton, Emilio Pencani, Baragli, Testa, Anastasia, Georgio Ronconi, Bellini, Orlandini, Antonucci, and Paulo Medini. Max Maretzek, Carl Bergmann, and A. Torriani were the conductors. " Don Giovanni " was the first opera sung, with this cast :

Donna Anna .... Parepa-Rosa Donna Elvira . . . Mile. Ronconi

Zerlina Miss Hauck Leporello Sig. Ronconi

Don Giovanni .... Sig. Bellini Donna Octavio . . . Sig. Baragli

"Otello" was heard Sept. 25, when Emilio Pencani made his American debut, acting the title r61e, with lago, Bellini ; Desde- mona, Parepa-Rosa; Roderigo, Baragli. Sept. 27, "II Barbiere" was sung, with Angela Peralta as Rosina ; Ronconi was the Figaro, and Paulo Medini made his American d^but as Barilio. Oct. 7, Orlandini was heard as Carlos in " Ernani. "

Oct. 9, Mme. Janauschek made her first appearance in America, acting "Medea." The version was Grillpainseu's translation. Francesca Roraana Magdalena Janauschek was supported by a company brought from Europe. " Medea " was presented with this cast: Jason, Herr Scherenberg; King of Corinth, Herr Kleinart ; Creusa, Miss Teitz; Herold, Herr Crelinger; Cora, Miss Singer; Medea, Janauschek. Oct. 12, Janauschek played "Deborah;" Oct. 17, "Mary Stuart." Oct. 18, Cagnoni's opera, "Don Bucef- alo, " was given, for the first time in America. Ronconi was the Don Bucefalo. Oct. 19, Janauschek played " Brunhild ; " and Oct. 24, "Adrienne;" Oct. 30, Louise Kapp- Young made her Ameri- can debut as Selika in "L'Africaine," Bellini as Neluska; Nov. 2, Janauschek was seen in the dual rSle of Emelia Galotti and Countess Orsini, in Lessing's drama of "Emelia Galotti," followed by "The Gladiator of Ravenna." "Don Carlos," Nov. 8; and Nov. II, selections were given from "Die Carisschueller," "Don Carlos," and other works; Nov. 14, Janauschek was seen as Mari- anna in "A Woman of the People." "Romeo e Giulietta" was sung, for the first time in America, Nov. 15, and with this cast:

Romeo Sig. Pencani

Mercutio Sig. Orlandini

Capulet Sig. Antonucci

Friar Lawrence . . . Sig. Medini

Tybalt Sig. Testa

Gregory Sig. Barili

Janauschek closed Nov. 30, with "The Gladiator of Ravenna." She had given twenty-two performances, appearing in "Medea," three times; "Deborah," three times; "Mary Stuart," twice;

Duke Herr MuUer

Paris Herr Velden

Benvolio .... Herr Reichardt Juliet .... Mile. M. A. Hauck Nurse Mme. Flurry


"Brunhild, "once; "Adrienne, the Actress, " three times ; "Emelia Galotti," twice; "Gladiator of Ravenna," twice; "Don Carlos," once; " Marianna, " twice ; "Romeo e Giulietta," and " Macbeth, " once, and "Egmont," once.

Dec. 6, "Linda di Chamounix" was sung. March 18, 1867, the sufferers by Barnum's Museum fire took a benefit afternoon and evening. The attractions in the afternoon were an address by Mr. Barnum and a performance of "Uncle Tom's Cabin," with Mrs. Howard as Topsy. In the evening " Pale Janet " was performed, and Mile. Diani and others contributed to the entertainment. The principal event of the following week occurred on Friday. It was the performance between the second and third acts of Brignoli's new symphony, "A Sailor's Dream," under the com- poser's direction.

"Un Ballo in Maschera," March 30, i868, was acted by the De La Grange and Brignoli company, Mme. de La Grange in the title r61e. Miss McCulloch, Stella Bonheur, Brignoli, and Orlandini in the cast. Mile. Bonheur sang Orsini in " Lucrezia Borgia ; " " Robert le Diable " was given on Friday, with Joseph Herrmann as Bertram.

The Artists' Union gave a week of Italian opera, commencing April 13, 1868, with Carl Bergmann as conductor. Janauschek returned with her German company and gave six performances, commencing April 22. E. L. Davenport took a benefit April 30, when he played "Hamlet," with the following people supporting him : D. H. Harkins, Lewis Baker, Harry Hawk, John Huntley, Ryer, George Clarke, F. G. Maeder, W. James, J. Wilson, H. H. Pratt, T. E. Morris, W. S. Higgins, Claude Burroughs, J. Turner, S. Drake, Irene Gay, Kate Ryner, and Isabella Preston. H. L. Bateman had a benefit May 2. At the matinee " La Belle H61fene " was given, and in the evening the first two acts of " La Grande Duchesse " were sung with the second act of " La Belle H61^ne " and the drama of "The Old Guard," in which Mr. Bateman appeared, for the first time in many years, acting Haversack.

Dan Bryant played "Handy Andy" and "The Irish Emigrant," May 7. The proceeds of the performance Mr. Bryant gave to the American Dramatic Fund. The opera season terminated May 6. During its progress the following operas had been sung: "Don Giovanni," three times; "I Puritani," once; "Otello," once; "II Barbiere," four times; "Norma," three times; "Crispino," three times; "II Trovatore," three times; "Faust," three times; "Ernani," once; "Lucia," once; "Huguenots," five times; "Don Bucefalo," threetimes ; " L'Africaine," twice;;" Romeo e Giulietta," four times ;" Don Pasquale," once, and "Linda," once; in all thirty- nine representations.

Dec. 3, De Pol's spectacular sensation, "The Golden Branch, or




the Devil's Auction" was transferred from Banvard's Museum to the Academy, and was played, with the exception of the opera nights, until Dec. 17. Guiseppina Morlacci, Eliza Blasina, Augusta Sohlke, Ermesilda Diani, Eugenie Lupo, Aurelia Ricci, L. Barretta, and Mons. Giovani Lupo, were the principal dancers, with Sig. D. Ronzani as maitre de ballet. In the dramatic com- pany were Annie Wood, Hattie Thome, and others. A. Pedigam was musical director. Auber's opera, "La Bayadere," was given Dec. 16, for the first time here in sixteen years. H. L. Bateman's Opera Bouffe company performed " La Grande Duchesse, " Dec. 20, for the benefit of the French Benevolent Society. Janauschek reappeared Dec. 23, in "Deborah;" Dec. 25, "Marianna" and "Come Here; " Dec. 27, "Faust" was sung; Dec. 28, Janauschek was seen in "Iphigenia in Tauris." The Caroline Richings Opera troupe began a season Dec. 30, in "Crown Diamonds;" Dec. 31, "Martha." Jan. i, 1868, for the first time in this city, Benedict's opera, "The Lily of Killarney," was sung, cast as follows :

Eily O'Connor . Anne Chute Mrs. Cregan . Hardress Cregan Danny Mann .

Caroline Richings

Mrs. E. Seguin

Mrs. James Arnold

. . Wm. Castle

S. C. Campbell

Myles-na-Coppaleen . Pierre Bernard Father Tom . . . . H. G. Peakes Bertie O'Moore .... Mr. Wylie Corrigan .... James A. Arnold

This opera was received so coolly that it had only one other re- production. " Maritana, " " The Doctor of Alcantara, " " The Bohe- mian Girl," " Fra Diavolo," " La Somnambula," and " Faust " were given in succession. W. Vincent Wallace's opera of "The Desert Flower " was sung, for the first time in America, Jan. 1 5 : Captain Maurice, W. Castle; Major Hector Van Pumpernickle, E. Seguin; Sergeant Peterman, J. A. Arnold; Casgan, Mr. S. C. Campbell; Oanita, Caroline Richings; Eva, Mrs. J. A. Arnold. "Fra Dia- volo " closed the season. The Hah Yah-Ta-Kee troupe of Japs commenced Jan. 24, and continued until Jan. 29. Feb. 12, the De La Grange-Brignoli Italian opera company, under the direc- tion of Max Strakosch, took possession of the Academy. In this company were Anna de La Grange, Adelaide Phillips, Isabella McCulloch, Rita Sangalli (danseuse), Brignoli, Massimilliani, Sarti, Coletti, Baragli, Susini, and Nicolao, musical director. They remained until Feb. 28, giving "La Traviata," "Lucia," "Un Ballo in Maschera," "Rigoletto," "La Favorita," "Norma," and "Roberto el Diavolo." This company returned March 16, Stella Bonheur having meantime joined them, and they remained for one week.

May II, Mme. Janauschek gave selections from "Mary Stuart" and " Deborah, " and the Italian artists were heard in a concert for the benefit of the American Dramatic Fund. Wendell Phillips


lectured on "Daniel O'Connell," May 12, and Camilla Urso, S. B. Mills, and Carl Bergmann gave a concert for the benefit of the widow of A. Hirschman, May 16. Jerome Hopkins directed the annual concert of the Orpheon Free choral schools, May 26.

The B. P. O. Elks gave their first matinee benefit enter* tainment June 8, when volunteers from all the variety and minstrel establishments in town assisted. Lucille Tostee had a farewell benefit June 25, presenting the first act of " La Grande Duchesse," the second act of " La Belle Hdlene," and the operetta of " Litschen and Fritzschen." This house was opened Sept. 21, 1868, for the production of a play called " 1868, or the Bride of a Politician," by George Marlow. It had two performances only. This was the cast :

Gay Eldred . . . . W. H. Meeker Davis S. B. Villa

Pierce Brown . . . Theo. Hamilton Florence .... Henrietta Irving

George Burke . . . . F. C. Bangs Maude Miss Noemie

Squire Fairfield . . . W. Hamblin Mme. Ven Kelmeyer . . Mrs. Wilkins

Lynn W. Harley Hans Ven Kelmeyer . S. W. Ashley

Janauschek, having returned from Europe, began a season of German tragedy, Oct. 6. Herren Guttman, Bennemann, Rhine- hardt, and Miss Kuchle were her principal supporters. Janauschek played seven times, and her repertory consisted of Donna Isabella in "Bride of Messina," Phaedra, Deborah, Mary Stuart, Katharina, in Albert Lindner's five-act drama, "Katharine, the Second, Em- press of Russia," first time in America, Oct. 14, and Medea.

Max Strakosch commenced a season of opera, Oct. 19. Clara Louise Kellogg was the star, having just returned from Europe. Mile. Freda de Gebel, Alida Topp (pianist), Sig. Lotti, Petrelli, Susini, Mons. Caesar Alard, Carl Bergmann, and Giorza; Oct. 29, M. Jules Leotard, trapezist, made his American d6but under the direction of Jerome Ravel. The farce " The Governor's Wife " was also acted. Leotard continued for three performances. Max Maretzek took possession Nov. 16, with "II Trovatore," sung in Italian by Agatha States, Cellini, Brignoli, Orlandini, and Barili; " Fidelio " was given in German, Nov. 17, by Miles. Johanna Rotter and Cellini, and Herren Habelmann, Reichardt, Formes, and Her- mann. Mme. de La Grange, Isabella McCulloch, Mile. Wes- mael, and Signori Brignoli, Habelmann, and Hermann sang "Roberto el Diavolo." "Der Freischiitz " was sung in German, Nov. 19, with De La Grange as Agatha and Karl Formes as Caspar. "Sicilian Vespers," "Ernani," and "Don Giovanni" were then given, Louise Durand making her debut as Zerlina, in the latter, Nov. 23. "Fra Diavolo" and "Un Ballo in Maschera" followed, and Alessandro Boetti made his first appearance as Al- fredo, in "La Traviata," Nov. 27, the season closing with a matinee, Nov. 28. Wm. Horace Lingard company, then occupying the Theatre Comique (Broadway and Spring Street), gave an en-




tertainment here Nov. 30. Grau's Opera Bouff6 company, from the French Theatre, gave "Barbe Bleue," Dec. 17, with Desclauzs as Bulotte, for the benefit of the French Benevolent society. "Genevieve de Brabant" was also sung.

Maretzek commenced an Italian opera season Feb. 11, 1869. The company consisted of De La Grange, States, Kellogg, McCul- loch. Rotter, Cellini, Durand, Wesmael, Brignoli, Orlandini, Antonucci, Boetti, and Habelmann. The operas given were "Sicilian Vespers," "Norma," "II Trovatore," "L'Africaine," "Belisario," "Robert le Diable," "L'fitoile du Nord," "Ernani," "La Favorita," "La Traviata," "Crispino," "Don Giovanni," "Faust," and "Fra Diavolo." Giovanni Reina made his d^but as Carlos in "Ernani," Feb. 24, and "Le Prophete " was produced March 1 1. It was repeated four times, the season closing March 27. On March 30, a bal d' opera was given.

Janauschek, with her German company, returned here March 29, in "Deborah." "Elizabeth" and "Marianna," filled out the first week. Sig. Susini had a matinee benefit, April 3, presenting " II Barbiere," with Adelaide Phillips as Rosina and Alida Topp, the pianist. Janauschek, during the remainder of her season, played in "Angelo," "Medea," "Mary Stuart," "Phaedra," "The Gladi- ator of Ravenna," "Iphyginia," and "The Bride of Messina," the latter being given for the benefit of the German hospital fund, April 21. She gave her farewell performance April 23, appear- ing in four different characters, viz., Lady Milford, in an act of "Love and Intrigue;" the Princess Eboli in "Don Carlos;" the Actress in Elzholz's "Come Here," and the Countess Orsini in "Emelia Galotti."

Rossini's "Messe Solennelle" was sung April 29 and 30, by Kellogg, Fannie Natalie Testa, Boetti, and Antonucci, Max Maretzek directing the orchestra. It was also repeated at a matinee. May 8. Tostee, the French singer, had a benefit. May I, when "Le Marriage aux Lanternes," an act from "La Belle H61^ne," and "Mons. Chouf Levry" were sung.

A combination of English and Italian opera singers appeared on alternate nights, beginning May 13, when "Lurline" was sung, for the first time in Italian ; May 1 5, it was given in English. The two casts were:


Lurline Agatha States

Ghiva Mile. F. N. Testa

Liba Mrs. Reichardt

Count Rudolph . . Herr Habelmann

Rhineberg Antonucci

Zelleck W. Formes

Baron Truenfels Barili

Wilhelm Reichardt

English Lurline .... Miss Mc.CuUoch Ghiva .... Anne Kemp Bowler

Liba Miss F. Kimball

Count Rudolph . Brookhouse Bowler

Rhineberg Orlandini

Zelleck G. F. Hall

Baron Truenfels Lorini

Wilhelm A. Mathison


Bonfanti led the ballet. Maretzek and Torriani were the con- ductors. The season closed May 26. A company of French artists, with Mile. Moreau, acted Sardou's "Seraphine," May 25. Tostee bid one farewell to the United States May 29, but made another at the Fifth Avenue Theatre, May 31. The Cuban patri- ots had a benefit July 20. The entertainment consisted of or- chestral performances directed by Carl Anschutz; ballets led by the Miles. Diana, Baretta, Lucille, Therese, and Mathilde; piano- forte solos by Harry Sanderson ; singing by Arthur Mathison, and French vaudeville by Francis, Benedick, Cellini, and Aberle. At the close of the performance the Marseillaise was sung by the com- pany and twenty Cuban soldiers in uniform. The affair was under the management of Starr Morrissey, Sam Genese, and Edmund Gerson.

Sept. 10, a benefit was tendered by Edwin Booth to the family of J. G. Hanley, formerly stage manager of the Winter Garden and Wallack's Theatre. The play was "Othello," John McCuUough, the Moor; Edwin Booth, lago; W. E. Sheridan, Cassio; Mrs. Emma Waller, Emilia; and Blanche de Bar, Desdemona; the other characters were sustained by Edward Lamb, W. R. Floyd, A. W. Fenno, and John L. Matthews. Prof. Herrmann, magician, appeared Sept. 15 (his first appearance in five years), the proceeds being for the benefit of the Avondale sufferers. Herrmann contin- ued for two evenings each week until Oct. 18. Dryane and company commenced a season of French opera Sept. 22, with "La Juive," cast as follows :

Eleazar M. Tabardi

Cardinal Brogni ... M. Tasson

Leopold M. Girrebeuck

Albert M. Mestre

Ruggiero M. Haesler

Officer M. Bles

Rachel . . . Mme. Faye-Fanschetti Princesse Edoscie Mme. G. Devillers

The ballets were led by Miles. Wesmael, Billon, and M. Van Hamme, and M. Van Ghele was the musical director. " Les Mous- quetaires de la Reine " was given Sept. 24, when Euphemie Bleau, from the Imperial Opera House, Paris, made her first appearance as Athenais De Solanges. " La Juive " was repeated on Sept. 29, and "Les Mousquetaires, " Sept. 27. The B. P. O. Elks had their annual benefit matin6e, Sept. 28, when most of the variety theatres and minstrel establishments in town were represented. "Robert le Diable" was announced for Oct. i, but the collapse of the season prevented its performance. It was, however, subsequently given by the French artists, for their own benefit, Oct. 8, and at a matinee, Oct. 9, " Lucia di Lammermoor " was sung in French. Nov. I, a variety entertainment for the benefit of the Ladies' Aid society and German hospital, among those assisting being Jim Mace, James Taylor, Tony Pastor, J. K. Emmet, Leopold and




Geraldine, Hutchinson, Abner S. Brady, Leggett, and Allen, and others.

Max Maretzek commenced an Italian opera season, Nov. 3, with "II Trovatore," in which Mile. Carolina Briol and Lefranc made their American debuts as Leonore and Manrico; Rose Cellini, Azucena; Reyna was the Di Luna, and Barili, the Ferrando. Nov. 5, " Linda di Chamounix " was sung, Miss Kellogg, Sig. Ronconi and Herr Habelmann sustaining the principal rdles ; and " II Tro- vatore" was repeated at a matinee, Nov. 6. Miss Kellogg and Sig. Ronconi were heard in "Crispino," Nov. 8; "II Trova- tore," Nov. 10; "Fra Diavolo," Nov. 12, and at a matinee, Nov. 13, "Linda." "Norma" was sung Nov. 15, with Mile. Briol in the title r61e, and Louise C. Treuer made her debut on the stage as Adelgisa; Massimilliani was the Pollio, and Coletti, Oroveso. Kellogg and Lefranc sang in "II Poliuto" Nov. 17 and 19, and at a matinde, Nov. 20. " William Tell " was given Nov. 23. Lefranc was Arnoldo, and Mme. Briol, Matilda; the remainder of the cast included Mme. Lami and Signori Reyna, Coletti, Barili, Fosatti, Reichardt, and Diehm. In the fourth act, the aria for the tenor, usually omitted, was sung by Lefranc. The trio in the second act was also sung for the first time in America. " William Tell " was repeated Nov. 24, 26, 29, Dec. i and 6. A concert was given Nov. 6, in aid of the American Dramatic Fund, by Mrs. Charles Moulton, Marie Putnam, Anna Mehlig, W. R. Augur, M. Tabardi, Sig. Gariboldi, J. Levy, Max Maretzek, and C. Van Ghele. " Crispino " was sung Nov. 27, and " Lucrezia Borgia," Dec. 3, Mile. Briol being the heroine, and Jenny Lands- man making her operatic debut as Orsini on the latter occasion, and Ronconi, for the first time, appeared as the Duke Alphonso. Errani was the Gennaro. " La Somnambula " was heard at the matinee, Dec. 4, and "William Tell" in the evening, for the benefit of the Ladies' Hebrew Benevolent society. Ferrari's opera, "Pipele," had its first American representation Dec. 10, and with this cast :

Rigoletto .... Clara L. Kellogg

Maddalena Mile. Lami

Pipele Sig. Ronconi

Cabrion Sig. Reyna

Jacques Ferrand Duresnel . . .

. . Sig. Barili Massimilliani Usher Sig. Reichardt

The ballets were led by Miles. Sand and Vestre, and M. Marwig. "Pipele" was repeated on Dec. 13 and 18. The other perform- ances were "William Tell," Dec. 11 (matinee); "Elisir d'Amore," Dec. 15, Mile. Pauline Canissa making her first appearance as Amina, in "Un Ballo" on Dec. 17, the season closing with the performance of Dec. 18.

Professor Herrmann, assisted by Mme. Herrmann and M. Leon,



reappeared Dec. 20 and continued Dec. 21, 23, 25, 27, 28, Jan. 3, 4, 5, 1870. "Der Freischutz," in German, Jan. 21 and 29, by W. Candidus, F. Remmertz, Dehnhoff, Herder, Ely, Schwickardy, Apfelbaum, Mmes. Frederici-Himmer, and Rotter-Dieffenbach, assisted by the chorus of the Arion and New York singing Academy Societies.

Maretzek's Italian company returned Feb. i, Eliza Lumley- Bath, being now with it, and gave "II Trovatore," "William Tell," "Masaniello," "Linda," "Un Ballo," "Fra Diavolo," "Faust," and "Rigoletto." In "Un Ballo," Feb. 11, Dr. Valen- tine, an amateur of this city, appeared as Renato. " Robert le Diable " was announced for Feb. 23, but the season came to an abrupt termination. "Der Freischutz" was again sung March 11, with Mme. Johannsen, Mile. Canissa, and the Arion and New York singing societies.

The Parepa-Rosa English Opera company, under the direction of Carl Rosa and C. D. Hess & Co., began a season May 14. This company embraced Parepa-Rosa, Mrs. Seguin, Mrs. Frank Boudi- not, Rose Hersee, Miss Isaacson, Nordblom, Laurence, Campbell, Castle, G. F. Hall, De Solla, Howard, and Edward Seguin. They sang "The Marriage of Figaro," March 14, 15, 16, 19, and 25; "Martha," March 18, and "Der Freischutz," in English, for the first time by them, March 21, Parepa-Rosa being the Agatha, Miss Hersee the Anna, Castle, Max, and Campbell, Caspar. "Fra Diavolo" was sung March 22, "II Trovatore," March 23, and "Martha," at a matinee, March 26. Geraldine Warren made her ddbut March 26 as the Gypsy Queen in "The Bohemian Girl." " Maritana " was heard March 28.

Carl Maria Von Weber's " Oberon " was sung for the first time in New York, in English, March 29, and with this cast :

Reiza Parepa-Rosa

Fatima Mrs. E. Seguin

Sir Huron W. Castle

Sherasmin .... Mr. Laurence

Almanzor Mr. Hall

Oberon Mr. De Solla

Puck Geraldine Warren

It was repeated April i. Rose Hersee took a benefit March 30, when an act of "II Trovatore" and "The Black Domino" formed the bill. "The Bohemian Girl" closed the season, matinee, April 2.

Max Strakosch commenced a season of Italian opera April 19, with Carlotta Patti as his prima donna. She appeared as the Queen of Night, in "II Flauto Magico," supported by Herr Habelmann, as Tamino, Herr W. Formes as Papageno, Canissa as Pamina, Mile. D'Zuiba as Papagena and Herr Weigan as Monostatos. Theo. Ritter was musical director. On April 22, 23, 25, 27, matinee, April 30, "II Flauto Magico" was repeated;


April 29, "Faust," with Herren Habelmann, Formes, Miles. Canissa and D'Zuiba in the cast. Patti closed the season April 30. The Parepa-Rosa company reappeared in "Don Giovanni April 13, 16, and matinde, April 17; "Oberon," evening, April 14; Sig. Albites commenced a season of Italian opera April 16. His principal artists were Miss Kellogg, Gazzaniga, Miss Freda di Gebel, Brignoli, Petrelli, Sarti, and Fossati, the opening opera being "II Trovatore." Isabella McCulloch reappeared as Lady Henrietta in "Martha," Clara Perl, contralto, from the Imperial Opera House, Vienna, on the same occasion making her New York debut as Nancy. " Lucia " was sung April 20 and " Trova- tore," (matinee), April 21. In the evening the American Musical Fund Society gave a concert. Miss Kellogg and Signor Lefranc appeared in " II Poliuto," April 23, and April 24 Mrs. Imogene Brown made her debut in opera in " Un Ballo. " Lefranc was ill, and his place was taken at short notice by Sig. Phillippe. " II Trovatore " was repeated April 25, and the season closed with a matinee April 28 of " Linda. " Jenny Willmore took a benefit April 28, when the following was the programme : "A Morning Call" C. Allerton as Edward Ardent (first appearance in America), Mrs. Chas. Ed- monds as Mrs. Chillington; Boucicault's drama, "The Mad Boy;" third act of "Camille," with Matilda Heron as Camille, Ida Ver- non as Nichette, Ed. Thome as Armand, and John Jack as Mons. Duval. Jenny Hughes sang Killarney, and the entertainment closed with Ada Harland as Pygmalion in the burlesque of " Pyg- malion," Lizzie Willmore as Cupid, Felix Rogers as Cambyses, Emily and Mary Pitt as Venus and Psyche, and Jenny Willmore as the Statue.

In May, 1870, I resigned my position as dramatic editor of TAe New York Clipper which place I held from May, 1863 to em- bark in the dramatic agency business. A complimentary benefit was tendered me by all the managers of the city theatres, also Charles A. Dana, editor of The Sun, Joseph Howard, Jr., and George Bartholomew, editor of The Daily News. The affair took place at this house afternoon and evening of May 31. The after- noon programme was this : Hooley's minstrels in a first part, fol- lowed by G. Swaine Buckley (his first appearance in New York in eight years), in his "Act of All Acts, or Musical Moments," in which he performed on twelve different instruments, viz. : violin, concertina, bones, cornet, banjo, Chinese fiddle, melophone, zolo- phone, guitar, flageolet, and piccolo; and many specialty actors, closing with a walk around by one hundred and twenty-three minstrel performers. The evening programme began with " Nan the Good for Nothing:" Nan, Lotta; Dribbles, Robert McWade; Mr. Simpson, W. Chapman, followed by an olio entertainment, many specialty acts, and the farce "Don't Judge by Appear- voL. II. 5



ances:" Diana, Rose Massey; John Plump, O. S. Fawcett; and others. There were more performers on the stage at one time than ever before or since witnessed in America in a first part minstrel scene. In the walk around in the afternoon there ap- peared Dan Bryant, Dave Reed, Eugene Unsworth, G. W. Rocke- feller, Little Mac, Frank Kerns, Nelse Seymour, Tony Pastor, Add Ryman, Cool White, Archy Hughes, Billy Rice, Cooper and Fields, John Mulligan, Billy Emmett, Johnny Queen, Bobby New- comb. Billy West, Johnny Wild, Sheridan and Mack, Frank Brower, Kelly and Leon, S. S. Purdy, and many other prominent per- formers. The entire orchestras of Kelly & Leon's, Bryant's and Hooley's minstrels appeared in the afternoon. The receipts were: Afternoon, ^632.50; evening, ;^9i8; from contributions, 1^285; making the gross receipts, 1^1,835.50.

Dan Bryant had a benefit June 2 and the programme was : First act of "The Colleen Bawn," with this cast:

Myles na Coppal Father Tom . Kyrle Daly . Eily . . . Anne Chute . Shelah . .

. Dan Bryant

W. D. Shiels

Fred Maeder

Effie Germon

Bella Pateman

Marion Mordaunt

Danny Mann Hardress Cregan Corrigan . . . Dennis . . . Mrs. Cregan

W. R. Floyd

.Oliver Byron

. Dan Myron

G. F. Carlisle

Carrie Jamison

Bryant's Minstrels were seen in a first part; Charles Brooke, the lawyer, recited "Shamus O'Brien," and the performance closed with "Handy Andy":

Handy Andy Squire Egan Mr. Murphy Dick Dawson Mr. Furlong .

. Dan Bryant W. D. Shiels

Willie Edouin . I. L. Street

Chas. Newton

Ed. O'Connor Barney . . Oonah . . Mad Nance . Fanny Dawson

. F. G. Carlisle . . Little Mac . Jennie Hughes Mrs. H. Godfrey . . Mary Sayers

A benefit occurred June 8, for the Masonic Hall and Asylum Fund, under the auspices of Raymond Lodge, No. 644 F.A.M. "Robert Macaire " was acted, with Chas. K. Fox as Robert Macaire, G. L. Fox as Jacques Strop; and Fox's pantomime company. This was followed by a musical entertainment, and concluded with "Sketches in India," cast thus:

Tom Tape .... Felix Vincent Sir Matthew Scraggs . . . John Jack Lady Scraggs . Mrs. E. B. Holmes Sallie Scraggs Mrs. Claude Hamilton

Milton jas. Tighe

Count Glorieaux . . Fred Maeder Capt. Dorrington . George A. Archer Poplin Lizzie Mahon

Clara Louise Kellogg gave a concert here Oct. 8, and was assisted by F. Filippi, tenor; A. Randolfi, baritone; James M. Wehli, pianist ; George W. Colby, conductor, and the members of the New York Philharmonic orchestra, under the conductorship of Carl Bergmann.


Janauschek began a season here under the management of Augustin Daly, Oct. 10, in "Deborah," which was repeated Oct. II, 12, and matinee, Oct. 15; Oct. 13, i4,"Mary Stuart," and Oct. 15, " Come Home. " In the company were Walter Montgomery, Fred- eric Robinson, Mark Smith, John B. Studley, Fanny Morant, George F. Devere, A. H. Davenport, James Dunn, Thomas J. Hind, T. F. Egbert, Fred Munroe, H. R. Rendle, lone Burke, Nellie Mortimer, Amy Ames, and Mme. De les Derniers. Oct. 17, "Macbeth" was acted, with Walter Montgomery as Macbeth, and Janauschek as Lady Macbeth. Montgomery's Macbeth was a great performance.

The Strakosch Italian Opera company began a season here in December, and closed Jan. 10, 1871, with "Lucia," Christine Nilsson in the title r61e. Barre sang Ashton ; Brignoli, Edgardo ; Coletti, Raimondo; and Richardt, Arturo. The George Holland Testimonial took place Saturday afternoon and evening, Jan. 21, and the entertainment was as follows: Recitation, "The Actor," Sidney WooUett; ballad, Emma Howson; recitation, Goethe's "Erl-King," Mme. Marie Seebach; piano recital, J. M. Wehli; romance, Alberto Lawrence; recitation, "The Poor Player at the Gate," Geo. Vandenhoff; song, "Loving Hearts," Sig. Ran- dolfi; recitation, "20, 30, 40," Mme. Seebach; polacca, from "Mignon," Clara Louise Kellogg; "A Model of a Wife," char- acters by Chas. Wheatleigh, James Rooney, Sol Smith, Helen Tracy, Georgie (Dickson) Rowe; song by Sig. Randolfi; "The Buzzards," by J. B. Curran and Wm. Davidge, J. C. Williamson, Louisa Eldridge, Marian Mordaunt. This constituted the after- noon performance. In the evening the programme was the curse scene from "Deborah," by Fanny Janauschek; the forest scene from "Ingomar," Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Conway as Parthenia and Ingomar; recitation, "The Vagabonds," by Frederic Robinson; " Lend Me Five Shillings," with Joseph Jefferson, Thos. E. Morris, James Dunn, Frank Chapman, J. W. Leonard, J. Peck, Effie Germon, and Blanche de Bar in the cast; scenes from " Hamlet, " by E. L. Davenport, Agnes Ethel, Mrs. E. L. Daven- port, and D. C. Anderson; sleep walking scene from "Macbeth," by Isabella Glyn (her first appearance in America), E. B. Holmes, and Mrs. L. E. Seymour ; " The Latest from New York, " by Mr. and Mrs. Barney Williams, Sol Smith, and Mr. Peck; "Box and Cox," by Harry Beckett, Geo. L. Fox, and Mrs. L. E Seymour. James Schonberg was the stage manager. The receipts were $1,270.

A season of English opera began Feb. 5, 1871, with "Un Ballo in Maschera " ("A Masked Ball "), sung for the first time in Eng- lish in New York. The artists were: Parepa-Rosa, Mme. Vanzini (Van Zandt), Clara Doria, Zelda Seguin, Mrs. Cook, Miss Scho-


field, Castle, Karl, Whiffin, Campbell, Cook, Seguin, Hall, Ryse, Bartleman. A. Dubreuil was stage manager. S. Behrens and Carl Rosa were conductors. This opera was translated expressly for the Parepa-Rosa company, and was produced with gorgeous scenery and costumes. The cast was :

Oscar Mrs. Van Zandt

Ulrica Mrs. Seguin

Samuel Hall

Amelia Parepa-Rosa

Ricardo Wm. Castle

Renato Aynsley Cook

Tom Ryse

Feb. 6, "La Gazza Ladra" ("Maid and the Magpie") was sung for the first time in English; Feb. 7, Mozart's "Marriage of Figaro;" Feb. 8 the company played in Brooklyn; Feb. 9 (matinee), "The Bohemian Girl," with Parepa-Rosa as Arline; Feb. 12, Charles Santley, the English baritone, made his operatic debut in Herold's "Zampa, or the Marble Bride." In the cast were Jennie Van Zandt, Mrs. Seguin, Aynsley Cook, Karl, and Whiffin; Feb. 13, "Don Giovanni;" Feb. 15 Santley and com- pany appeared in Brooklyn in "Zampa;" Feb. 16 Zelda Seguin took her first benefit in New York, when "Martha" was sung. The season closed Feb. 17. "II Trovatore" was sung Feb. ig, with Parepa-Rosa, Gazzaniga, Theo Wachtel, the famous German tenor, and Laurence in the cast. The receipts were ;^9,200. The prices of admission were: Orchestra and circle, ^5; boxes, $25; gallery, $2.

Madame Marie Seebach gave two farewell performances in America here. April 26 she played "Adrienne Lecouvreur," and " Mary Stuart " April 28. A season of ten subscription nights was announced May i. "The Martyrs" was revived for the reappear- ance of Clara Louise Kellogg, and the debut of Sig. Villani tenor; " Severus " was sung by Sig. Regna, baritone ; May 3, " La Travi- ata," when Sig. Caroselli, a new tenor, made his debut. He pos- sessed a voice of agreeable quality and pure when not forced, but of the most fragile timbre. Alberto Laurence, originally intro- duced here by Parepa, took the r61e of Germont; May 8, "Un Ballo in Maschera," with Mile. Tontanesi as Ulrica (her debut), Mme. States, Sig. Villani, and Sig. Laurence in the cast. "La Traviata " was sung (matinde) May 7 ; " Rigoletto," May 15, Parepa- Rosa as Gilda; "Martha," Kellogg as Lady Henrietta, Sig. Caro- selli as Lionel, Susini as Plunkett. Dan Bryant took his annual benefit June 8. "The Colleen Bawn " was played with this cast: '

Eily lone Burke

Father Tom Mark Smith

Danny Mann . . . . W. R. Floyd Corrigan .... J. C. Williamson Hardress Cregan . . Theo. Hamilton

Mrs. Cregan .... Mme. Ponisi

Anne Chute Ida Vernon

Sheelah Mary Wells

Kyrle Daly .... Owen Marlowe Myles Dan Bryant




This was followed by Bryant's Minstrels, after which "Barney the Baron " was acted.

Professor Herrmann, the magician, came Sept. 15; Wachtel appeared Sept. 18. Another season of English opera by Parepa- Rosa was commenced Oct. 2, 1871. The company consisted of Parepa-Rosa, Madame Vanzini, Clara Doria, Zelda Seguin, Mrs. Aynsley Cook, Miss Schofield, William Castle, Tom Karl, Thomas Whiffin, S. C. Campbell, Aynsley Cook, Gustavus Hall, Bartle- man, Edward Seguin, Ellis Ryse, A. Dubreuil, stage manager; Carl Rosa, conductor. Clara Doria was the daughter of the Eng- lish composer, John Barnett, who had made a reputation under a foreign name in Italy and Germany, independent of her father's celebrity. Tom Karl was the favorite tenor of Italy. His last engagement before coming to America was at the Theatre la Scala, Milan, where Petrelia, the composer of "lone," chose him for Renzo in his new opera, " I Promessi Sposi. " The following repertory was announced by the management: "Anna Bolena," "Gazza Ladra"("Maid and Magpie"), "Lucrezia Borgia," "Sa- tanella " (first time in America as an opera), " Un Ballo in Mas- chera," "Columella" (first time in America), "Lurline," and Cherubini's "The Water Carrier." The initial opera was "The Daughter of the Regiment," in which Tom Karl made his Ameri- can debut as Tonio. Aynsley Cook as the Sergeant ; Oct. 4, Clara Doria made her American debut as Arline in "The Bohemian Girl. " Oct. 9 " Satanella" was produced with this cast :

LeKa Clara Doria

Count Rupert .... Wm. Castle

Stella Mrs. Aynsley Cook

Hortensius E. Seguin

Pracacio G. Hall

Arimanes . . . . S. C. CampbeU

The opera was produced with a completeness of detail and mis- en-sckne quite unlooked for. I can recall no instance where an opera has been more richly and artistically mounted at the Acad- emy than in the case of " Satanella. " This was the first produc- tion this opera ever had in this city in its entirety.

" Don Giovanni " was sung Oct. 16, with Mme. Parepa-Rosa as Donna Anna, Mme. Vanzini as Zerlina, Clara Doria as Donna Elvira, Tom Karl as Don Ottavio, S. C. Campbell as Don Gio- vanni, Aynsley Cook as Leporello, E. Seguin as Masetto, Ellis Ryse as Commendatore; Oct 17, " Lucrezia Borgia ; " Oct. 18, " Maritana ; " Oct. 19, the company appeared in Brooklyn in "Satanella;" Oct. 20, "Don Giovanni;" Oct. 21 (matinee), " Satanella. " With the performance of Mozart's " Don Giovanni " the Parepa-Rosa company concluded the most brilliant and in every sense the most truly gratifying season of opera in English

Karl Thomas Whiffin

The Vizier .... Mr. Bartleman Bertha . . . Mrs. Frank Boudinot

First Pirate Mr. Kenross

Satanella .... Mrs. Van Zandt


whereof record has been made. Parepa-Rosa, aided by the scholarly taste, large experience and remarkable executive ability of her husband, accomplished a revolution in the operatic world. An extra performance of " II Trovatore " was given by the Parepa-Rosa company, Oct. 21, when Wachtel, who had been singing in opera at the Stadt Theatre, appeared here as Manrico, Parepa-Rosa as Leonora, Gazzaniga as Azucena, Laurence as Count de Luna, and Hall as Fernando. Some idea of the interest excited by the d^but of Wachtel at the Academy and the simultaneous appearance of Parepa-Rosa in "II Trovatore " may be gathered from the fact that the receipts were the largest ever represented at the Irving Place house, being but a trifle less than ;S!9,ooo, while the actual amount disbursed by the public can be surmised from the illustrative inci- dent that a well-known ticket speculator realized nearly one thou- sand dollars from taking the chances in balcony seats and boxes. Many private boxes commanded $y$ and upward. The prices of admission were: Boxes, $^, $4, $3 and $2, and gallery $1. At 7.30 o'clock the sale of admission tickets had to be suspended. The performance was listened to with profound attention, in spite of the uncomfortable pressure felt in every part of the house. A chorus of seventy and an orchestra of sixty, led by Carl Rosa, filled out the measure of an evening's enjoyment that must remain mem- orable to all who were lucky enough to experience it.

Carl Rosa commenced a spring season of Italian opera Oct. 25 with the debut of Mile. Christine Nilsson in " Lucia di Lammer- moor." It was boldly stated that the mantle of Jenny Lind had fallen upon the shoulders of her fair young countrywoman, and that Nilsson would renew the triumphs of the Swedish nightingale. As it turned out, Nilsson's genius was pent up in the narrow limits of the concert room. It needed the larger expanse of the lyric stage upon which its first efforts had been made its first victory achieved. Her voice, although it contained high notes of extraordinary sweetness, purity, and carrying power, was justly found somewhat wanting in strength. Her mechanism in florid passages was imperfect, and her style at times uneasy and vague, as if the idea had not fully ripened in the artist's brain. Strakosch paid her $1,000 a night, one-half the receipts in excess of $3,000 and all her expenses and her companion from the time she left Paris until her return thereto.

The annual benefit of the Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum oc- curred Oct. 24. It was under the direction of Augustin Daly, and the programme was as follows : Afternoon, the comedy called "California Diamonds," cast thus:

Kerr Mudgeon . . . Chas. Foster Danby Squires . . Harry Holmes

Mrs. Kerr Mudgeon Mrs. W. G. Jones Barney L. R. Willard

Mrs. Danby Squires . . Polly Booth Betsey Anna Mortimer




This was followed with a violin solo by Sig. Padovanni and an Irish ballad by Emma Howson. " London Assurance " (third act) followed :

Lady Gay Spanker . Mrs. John Wood Sir Harcourt Courtley W. J. Lemoyne Charles Courtley . . George Clarke Grace Harkaway . . . Mary Carr Max Harkaway . . Geo. H. GriflSths

Dazzle John Brougham

Cool Edmund Pierce

James W. Beekman

Dolly Spanker . . Owen S. Fawcett

The performance closed with Dan Bryant's Minstrels in a first part. The evening's performance commenced with "Taming of the Shrew," which had this cast:

Katharina Clara Morris Biondello Frank

Bianca .... Emma Rawlinson Music Master Chapman

Curtis Mrs. Le Brun Nathaniel Stevens

Petrucio Louis James Gregory Jones

Baptista Geo. F. Devere Adam Thompson

Grumio .... Owen S. Fawcett Ralph Williams

Hortensio Al. G. Enos The Cook Webster

Next came "The Day After the Wedding:"

Col. Freelove . Lady Elizabeth . Davies . . .

. . Neil Warner

Emma Rawlinson

Mrs. Le Brun

Lord Rivers . . . . S. C. France James .... Owen S. Fawcett Groom F. Chapman

This was followed by " The Returned Volunteer : "

Bill Williams . . . W. J. Florence Betsy Parsons . . | . . . Jenny Lee Amelia . . . . \ Fannie Hayward

Pickaninny . . James Smith Mrs. Pickaninny

. Welsh Edwards

Henry Montgomery

Phyllis Glover

Then came Tony Pastor, Jennie Yeamans, and Sheridan and Mack in songs, Blanche Selwyn in male personations; and the enter- tainment closed with "Box and Cox," W. Davidgeas Cox, Edward Lamb as Box, and Miss Griffiths as Mrs. Bouncer. Oct. 25 "II Barbiere " was given. " Faust " had been announced, but post- poned, in consequence of Mile. Nilsson's hoarseness. Mile. Duval appeared as Rosina, M. Capoul as Almaviva, Ronconi as Figaro, Barili as Basilio, and Coletti as Bartolo. The Amaranth ama- teurs, of Brooklyn, acted " She Stoops to Conquer " Oct. 30 :

Sir Chas. Marlow . . . Mr. Bestow Diggory G. H. Whipple

Young Marlow . . . . C. Bamburgh Kate Hardcastle . . . Miss Beadle

Hastings S. Edson Miss Neville .... Miss Allen

Old Hardcastle . T. E. Hardenburg Mrs. Hardcastle . . Mrs. St. George Tony Lumpkin . . . John Oakey

"Box and Cox" followed, with Pope as Cox, Whipple as Box, and Miss Hall as Mrs. Bouncer. The entertainment was given for charity, and tickets were sold at $2 each.

Nov. ^i "Martha" was sung, when Anna Louise Cary made her


Lothario 7 Laertes 3 Giarno CoUetti


ddbut. M. Jamet, basso, also made his American debut; Nov. 8 Christine Nilsson appeared as Marguerite, Capoul as Faust, Barre as Valentine, Miss Carey as Siebel, Jamet as Mephistopheles, Miss Cary as Martha, and Coletti as Wagner in the opera of "Faust." Nov. 17 "La Somnambula" was sung, with Mile. Cooney as Lisa, Miss Duval as Amina, Capoul as Elvino, and Sig. Buongiorno as the Count ; Nov. 22 " Mignon " was heard for the first time in this country. The cast was :

Mignon Mile. Nilsson

Filina Mile. Duval

Frederic Mile. Ronconi

Wilhelm Capoul

The Metropolitan ball, in honor of the Grand Duke Alexis of Russia, took place Nov. 29. "La Traviata " was sung Dec. 15, Nilsson as Violetta, Capoul as Alfredo; Dec. 14 "La Fille du Regiment " and fourth act of " La Traviata " were given for the benefit of the French Benevolent society; Dec. 15, "Lucia," and matin6e, Dec. 16, "Fra Diavolo;" Dec. 20, "II Trovatore," Nils- son as Leonora, Anna Louise Cary as Azucena, and Bartolini as the Count. The season closed Jan. 10, 1872, when Nilsson said farewell in the r61e of Lucia. Barre appeared as Ashton, Brignoli as Edgardo, Colletti as Raimonde, Reichardt as Arturo. Herr Johann Strauss made his New York debut March 4.

Christine Nilsson began her farewell season in New York with the Strakosch Italian Opera company . Since the days of Jenny Lind no singer so thoroughly and quickly won all hearts as Nils- son, and succeeded in fascinating large and brilliant audiences wherever she performed. Her matchless voice and lovely per- sonality gathered about her a host of friends, and not one admirer of standard music in this city but regretted her departure from our midst. In 1888 she acquired the title of Countess de Casa- Miranda by her marriage with a Spanish nobleman at Madrid. She possessed light blue eyes, flaxen hair, and a winning smile, with a high soprano voice.

On April i an Italian opera season opened for twelve subscription nights with "II Trovatore." It was the Parepa-Rosa-Wachtel com- bination, with Santley, Adelaide Phillips in the company. In eighteen performances, including one in Brooklyn, the receipts were ;^i22,ooo. De Vivo was the manager. Parepa-Rosa's last appear- ance in this city was April 30, 1872, as Valentina in "Les Hugue- nots," Herr Wachtel being the Raoul, and Santley, Conte De St. Bris. She died at Maida Vale, London, England, Jan. 22, 1874, after a brief illness. She was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1839. Under her mother's fostering care she became an apt student, and learned to speak English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish with fluency. When eighteen years of age she made her d^but in


opera at Malta, singing Amina in " La Somnambula. " In the early part of i860 she first sang in English opera with the Pyne & Har- rison troupe, with whom she continued three winters. In 1863 she was married to Captain Carril, an officer of the East India ser- vice, who had just then retired. Seven months after the bridal day he went to Lima, and his wife never saw him again, as he died there in April, 1865. The issue of this marriage died shortly after its birth, and the mother, to divert her mind, returned to the stage. In 1865 she was engaged by H. L. Bateman for a concert tour in America, and made her first appearance on this side of the water at Steinway Hall, Sept. 11, of that year. After two success- ful concert seasons in this country she married Carl August Nicolas Rosa. After this marriage she sang for two seasons in English opera, and for some weeks in Italian.

Carl Rosa came to America with Bateman 's company, as solo violinist, and during his first tour in the United States he met and married Mme. Parepa, who was the prima donna. In 1869 the company went to California over the Isthmus of Panama, return- ing by coach across the continent. Carl Rosa died at Paris, France, April 30, 1889.

This house was reopened Sept. 2, for the farewell of the Yokes Family. " Black Eyed Susan " and " Belles of the Kitchen " were acted. Among the volunteers were Charles R. Thorne, Welsh Edwards, and Harry Josephs. Mrs. Macready commenced a one week's engagement Sept. 9. She appeared as Shylock in "The Merchant of Venice," and acted it four evenings. Friday and Saturday evenings, Sept. 13 and 14, she played Cardinal Richelieu. In " The Merchant of Venice " she acted Shylock. She died at Marshall, near Utica, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1873.

Pauline Lucca made her American ddbut Sept. 30, 1872, singing Selika in "L'Africaine."

The dramatic agency business has been attempted by a great many disappointed actors, in New York; finding their "talent" not that way inclined, they soon gave it up. Wardle Corbyn was the pioneer dramatic agent. He died in England, Nov. 7, 1880. He was the father of " Sherry " Corbyn. Charles Thomas Parsloe, father of Charles Parsloe, Jr., was the next one. He had offices in or adjoining the Chambers Street Theatre in 1850. He after- ward smoved to 410 Broadway, between Walker and Canal streets. On May i, 1859, he removed to 429 Broadway, corner of Howard Street. In May, 1861, he removed to 15 East Houston Street. His next move was in the summer of 1863, to 14 West Bleecker Street, next to 566 Broadway, corner of Prince Street. He died in this city, Sept. 12, 1870. Thomas Grattan Riggs, George Thompson, and John Wild opened an agency on the second floor of Military Hall, Bowery, opposite Spring Street. Harry Cunningham was


the next one, situated on the east side of Broadway near Bleecker Street.

Harry Wall and " Sherry " Corbyn established a dramatic agency on the west side of Broadway, between Bleecker and Amity Streets. They called it the International Agency, which they conducted for about two years. Mr. Corbyn retired in 1867 and Morris Simmonds purchased from Wall the business, and with Ben Lowell opened offices at 609 Broadway. In 1874 they dissolved copartnership, and Mr. Simmonds removed to No. 10 Union Square, where he remained for five years.

The writer of this was the next dramatic agent. I leased the first floor of the building, northwest corner of Bleecker Street and Broadway, and began business May i, 1870. I removed to 718 Broadway, May i, 1871, where I remained until Nov. 28, 1872, when the building and Lina Edwin's Theatre (located directly in the rear), were destroyed by fire. I then opened at 9 West Fourth Street, and remained there until May i, 1877, when I left the business to go on the road as business manager for Dion Bouci- cault's "Shaughraun" company.

Matt. W. Canning and Ben Lowell established an agency on Broadway, near Amity Street, in the fall of 1871. J. Alexander Brown and James Barnes next came into the field, and opened an office at 854 Broadway (below Fourteenth Street), May 15, 1877. They continued nearly two years, when Mr. Barnes retired from the business, and Mr. Brown removed to Fourth Avenue and Fourteenth Street.

Mrs. Fernandez started an agency for children, east side of Broadway, below Thirtieth Street. She next moved to north side of Thirtieth Street near Broadway, and her next move was to the Holland Building, Broadway and Fortieth Street.

Charles R. Gardiner opened an agency for a brief term at 12 Union Square. John Sandford had a variety agency on the north- east corner of Amity and Mercer streets for several years. Harry Wall took a lease of an office in the Union Square Hotel, Union Square and Fifteenth Street, and Martin W. Hanley became asso- ciated with him for a few months.

J. J. Spies and Harry Smart bought out C. R. Gardiner's inter- est at 12 Union Square, and afterwards removed to Broadway, above Seventeenth Street. Mr. Smart withdrew from the business about two years afterwards, and Mr. Spies continued alone.

On May 7, 1879, I became a partner with Morris Simmonds and opened offices at 863 Broadway above Seventeenth Street, remov- ing May I, 1881, to 1,166 Broadway, above Twenty-seventh Street. Here we remained until April 25, 1889, when we removed to the Broadway Theatre building. Forty-first Street and Broad- way. We next removed to Broadway and Thirtieth Street, April


20, 1893. Morris Simmonds died in this city, May 20, 1896, and I moved to 1,358 Broadway, southwest comer of Thirty-sixth Street, April 27, 1898. The writer is at present the oldest dramatic agent living in point of service. Mrs. Beaumont Packard was the next, after whom came R. A. Roberts and Thomas Egbert ; then John Ince and R. A. Roberts, after whom came the Actors' Society, with a dramatic agency of their own. Maze Edwards opened a musical agency at 41 Union Square in the summer of 1887. The first "booking agency" was opened by Joseph Brookes and James Dickson, at 44 West Twenty-third Street. "Book- ing agents " are men who obtain " dates " for " combinations " and " stars " at the theatres throughout the country.

Charles Frohman and W. W. Randall opened a booking agency at 1,225 Broadway, below Thirtieth Street, summer of 1887. Mr. Randall withdrew in the winter of 1888-89, and Mr. Frohman continued alone, until he was joined by Arthur Miller.

Wm. R. Hayden, N. D. Roberts and James B. Dickson opened an agency at 1,162 Broadway, above Twenty-seventh Street, in the summer of 1887. The next to embark in the business was the Actors' Fund, which established a theatrical registry in 1885. J. L. Saphore was put in charge of the business.

Klaw and Erlanger bought out Harry Taylor, who had an agency on Fourteenth Street, between Fifth and Sixth avenues and established themselves in Thirtieth Street, near Broadway, and finally removed to the Holland Building, Broadway and For- tieth Street.

A benefit for the relief of the company and attaches of the Barnum Circus (which had been burned out) occurred Jan. 7, 1873. The Lydia Thompson Burlesque company began a week's engagement May 5. The following was the repertory: "Blue Beard," " Kenilworth, " "Lurline," "Robin Hood," and "Alad- din." A matinee performance for the benefit of the Foundling Asylum in charge of the Sisters of Charity was given on June 12, under the direction of Augustin Daly. " Hamlet " was played with this cast: Hamlet, C. Fechter; Polonius, Geo. Griflfith; First actor, Chas. Wheatleigh; Guildenstern, Geo. Devere; The Queen, Mrs. E. L. Davenport; King, Milnes Levick; Rosen- crantz, B. T. Ringgold. "As You Like It" followed, by Ade- laide Neilson and her company; "A Regular Fix" by E. A. Sothern, Davidge, and others; "Madelein Morel" (third act) by Daly's company; "Humpty Dumpty" by Geo. L. Fox and others, and Bryant's Minstrels. The receipts reached nearly ^10,000. At an auction sale of the private boxes, Albert Weber, the piano maker, bought one of the lower proscenium boxes, paying $800.

Tomaso Salvini, with an Italian company, made his Ameri- can debut Sept. 16, under the management of Maurice Grau,


in "Othello," supported by Alessandro Salvini as lago; Sept. 20-22 he played "Ingoraar;" Sept. 23, "La Morte Civile" was announced, but in consequence of not being ready the house was closed, and reopened Sept. 24, with "Othello;" Sept. 26 "La Morte Civile" was acted for the -first time in America; matinee, Sept. 27, "Othello;" Oct. 2, "Hamlet," for the first time in America; "Hamlet" was repeated Oct. 4; "Francesca da Rimini," with Salvini as Paoli, for the first time in America; "The Gladiator " was given Oct. 9; matinee, Oct. 11, he acted with his company at Wallack's Theatre (Broadway and Thirteenth Street) in "Othello;" Oct. 14, "The Gladiator" at the Acad- emy; Oct. 16, "Othello;" at Wallack's Theatre; matinee, Oct. 18, "David Garrick." Salvini gave four performances, as follows: Oct. 21, "David Garrick;" matinee, Oct. 22, Union Square Thea- tre; Oct. 23, Academy, "Othello;" matinee, Oct. 25, "Hamlet," at the Lyceum Theatre.

Strakosch commenced a season of Italian opera Sept. 29, with "La Traviata," Victor Capoul and Sig. Del Puente in the cast. Mile. Maresi made her American d6but Oct. i, as did Sig. Italo Campanini as Genarro in "Lucrezia Borgia." Anna Louise Cary appeared for the first time in the r61e of Maffeo Orsini, Sig. Nan- netti (first appearance in America) as the Duke. M. Maurel made his New York debut Oct. 3, as Valentino in " Faust. " Oct. 6 was the joint appearance of Christine Nilsson and Campanini in " Lucia di Lammermoor;" Oct. 8 Nilsson appeared in "II Trovatore;" Oct. 10 she sang Marguerite in "Faust." Oct. 13 she appeared in "Mignon," and the season closed (matinee) Dec. 6 with "Mignon."

Maurice Strakosch died at Paris, Oct. 9, 1887. He came to America in 1848, as manager of the Salvatore Patti company, and appeared in concert in this city Oct. 2 of that year. He married Amalia Patti, sister of Adelina. He was Adelina Patti 's manager in all her concert tours from that time until her marriage with the Marquis of Caux. His opera "Don Giovanni di Napoli " was sung in this city in 1857. He played in concerts throughout the United States with Ole Bull. He was the impresario of Chris- tine Nilsson, of Carlotta Patti, Mario, Mme. Gabrielle Kraus, and Marie Heilbron. He was manager at Paris, Vienna, and Rome, and with Albert Fischhoff "discovered" Sigfried Arnoldson, a Swedish singer, and Miss Nikita, fourteen years of age, whom he regarded as a second Patti.

Tomaso Salvini reappeared Dec. 8, 1873, and acted, for the first time in this city, Orosmanes in " Zaira. " " Samson " was given (first time here) Dec. 10; "David Garrick," Dec. 12; " Samson, " mati- nee, Dec. 13; and his fiftieth performance in America took place Dec. 15, for his benefit, when "Othello" was acted. "Samson,"




was given Dec. 17. Signorina Piamonti, Salvini's leading lady, took a benefit Dec. 19, when "Elizabeth, Queen of England," was given, Salvini as Robert, Earl of Essex, and Piamonti as Eliza- beth. This same bill was repeated (matinee) Dec. 20, when Sal- vini closed his engagement.

Max and Maurice Strakosch gave three evenings and one matinee of Italian opera, as follows: Dec. 24, "Les Huguenots," Christine Nilsson as Valentina, Anna Louise Cary, Campanini, and Del Puente in the cast; Dec. 25, "Aida;" Dec. 26, "Lucia di Lam- mermoor," Victor Capoul as Edgardo, for the first time in this city, and "Ai'da," matinee, Dec. 2T.

The Kellogg English Opera company, under C. D. Hess and Maurice Grau's direction, began an engagement here Jan. 21, 1874, in "Lucia," which they followed with "Martha," "Mari- tana," "The Bohemian Girl," "The Marriage of Figaro," "Rigo- letto," and "Faust," when the season closed.

The Strakosch Italian Opera company reappeared Feb. 23 with the announced farewell appearance in America of Christine Nils- son, Mile. Torriani, Maresi, Annie Louise Cary, Signors Capoul, Campanini, M. Maurel, Del Puente, Scolari, Nannetti ; E. Muzio, conductor. "Lucia" was sung Feb. 23-27; "Mignon," Feb. 25; "Ai'da" (matinee), Feb. 28; "Mignon," March 2, 7; "Aida," March 4; "II Trovatore," March 6; "Les Huguenots," March 9. The first representations in America of " Lohengrin " were given with this cast, March 23-25 :

Elsa Nilsson

Ortruda Anna L. Cary

Lohengrin Campanini

Frederick Del Puenta

Henry Nannetti

King's Herald Blum

On March 26 a charity benefit performance, "La Fille de Madame Angot " (" The Daughter of Mme. Angot ") was pre- sented with this cast:

Clairette Angot .... Marie Aimee

Mile. Lange Mile. Stani

Amaranthe .... Mile. Cantrelle

Javotte Mile. Gerzey

Cydalise Mile. Juteau

Mile, du Condray . . Mile. Duplan

Hersilie Mile. Vandame

Babet Mile. Perant

Manon .... Mile. Deschamps

Th^r&se Mile. Nardin

Herbelin Marie Nardin

Ange Pitou .... Mons. Juteau






Buteux .


Un Encroyable

Un Officier .

Un Cabaretier .

Musical Conductor

Mons. Duchesne

. Mons. Lecuyer

Mons. Deschamps

Mons. Duplan

Mons. Benedick

. Mons. Julien

Mons. Nardin

Mons. Salvator

Mons. Davalis

Mons. Perrault

. C. VanGhele

The lima Di Murska Italian Opera company commenced a week's stay April 6, when " La Somnambula " was given, Di Murska as Amina; April 8 "Linda di Chamounix " was sung; April 10,



"Dinorah;" and matinee, April 11, "Martha." Professor Herr- mann (the younger) reappeared in America May 11. A matinee performance, Oct. 20, was given for the Foundling Hospital and the attraction was " School for Scandal " (fourth act) ; Fred Maccabe, ventriloquist; the Bent Bros, in cornet solo; "The Sphinx," by the Union Square Theatre company; "Partners for Life," by Wallack's Theatre company; Harrigan and Hart, and "The Critic " by Daly's company. The season closed May 4, with a benefit to Capoul. Max Strakosch took a benefit May 5. Char- lotte Cushman gave a reading May 30 for the benefit of the Shelter- ing Arms. Salvini gave a performance of " Othello " June 22.

The regular season of Italian opera opened Sept. 28 with " La Traviata," Marie Heilbron as Violetta, Benfratelli as Alfredo, Del Puente as Germont ; " Aida " was sung Sept. 30 ; " Faust, " Oct. 2, 10; "II Trovatore," Oct. 5, Vittona Potentini as Leonora, Anna Louise Cary as Azucena, Carlo Carpi as Manrico, Del Puente as Count di Luna, Scolaroas Ferrando; "La Figliadel Reggimente," Oct. 7, and "Arda," Oct. 9. Emma Albani made her American debut Oct. 21, as Amina in "La Somnambula;" Nov. 9 she sang in "Ernani." Verdi's "Requiem Mass" was given for the first time in America Nov. 17.

C. D. Hess commenced a brief season of English opera Jan. 25, 187s, with Kellogg, in "II Trovatore," Miss Beaumond (first ap- pearance in New York) as Azucena, William Carleton as Count di Luna, Hamilton as Ferrando, Joseph Maas as Manrico. " Mignon " was rendered Jan. 29 for the first time in English. " The Talis- man," by Balfe, was given for the first time in America Feb. 10. E. Muzio took a benefit March 5, when " Lohengrin " and a con- cert were presented.

The Kellogg troupe reappeared March 29 for one week. Max Maretzek produced "L'Ombra" ("The Shadow") April 9, 10. The cast was: Adelaide Randall, Gina; Tagliapietra, Mironet; Miss M. Hoffman, Vespina; Benfratelli, Fabrizio. Mile. G. Morali made her d^but April 21 as Ernani.

The benefit for the family of the late Dan Bryant took place April 29, 1875, and the receipts were 1^1,918.50. The programme was:


Grip C. Collins

Gerald Fitzmaurice John Brougham Mr. Clover .... Welsh Edwards Hugh Savage . . . C. Burroughs Charles Clover . . . . C. Rockwell

Servant O. Montague

Agnes Clover .... Ada Monk Lucy Clover . . . Miss A. Leonard

This was foUowed by : " It is the Custom of the Country, or Yan- kee Help ' Melissa, with Yankee song, Mrs. Barney Williams : Mrs. Pliant Manners Mary Wells; MiUy Manners, Meta Bartlett; Mr. Pliant Manners, Welsh Edwards; Mortimer Sparkle, James J. Bartlett; Frank T. R. Davis After this was given ■* "<»v».



Mrs. Simpson . . Mrs. John Drew

Mrs. Bromley . . . Kitty Blancliard

Madame La Trappe . . Fanny Morant

Mrs. Fitzallen . . . Rose Massey

Mr. Simpson .... Frank Mackay

Mr. Bromley G. F. Rowe

Foster F. W. Sanger

Servant C. W. Collins

Followed by the second and third acts of Flotow's new opera, " L'Ombra " Gina, Adelaide Randall; Vespina, Miss M. HoSmann; Fabrizio, Sig. Benfratelli ; Miraut, Sig. Tagliapietra. The performance to conclude with a minstrel enter- tainment by Dan Bryant's Minstrels, in which W. Dwyer, Dave Reed, W. Ray- mond, J. W. McAndrews, C. Templeton and J. J. Kelly appear.

" Amos Clarke " was acted here June 10 by a dramatic company, and Mrs. Geo. Rignold (n^e Maria Henderson) made her American debut.

The Kiralfy Brothers appeared here Aug. 28, with " Around the World in Eighty Days." Owen Marlowe acted Phineas Fogg; Harry Rainforth, Passepartout; Minnie Conway, Aouda; John W. Jennings, Fix; Alex. Fitzgerald, O'Pake; Dora Goldthwaite, Nemea; and Kate Fraser Fox, Nakahira. Owen Marlowe made his last appearance on the New York stage Sept. 11, 1875, as Phineas Fogg. He then went to the Globe Theatre, Boston, and was a member of that company up to the time of his death. He made his last appearance on the stage in the Academy of Music, Chelsea, Mass., April i, 1876, acting Talbot Champneys in "Our Boys." He died May 19 of that year, in the Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston.

The opera season began Oct. 18, with "Les Huguenots," Wachtel as Raoul, and Mme. Pappenheim as Jeannette. Emma Kerster, Bruno Guenzburger, Adolph Fanosch, Josef Fassben- der, and Julius Milden were also in the cast. Wachtel appeared Oct. 20 as Chaplon in "Le Postilion de Lonjumeau;" Oct. 25, "The Jewess" ("La Juive") was sung; Nov. 4 benefit of the Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum was given. The season closed Dec. 4.

Mile. Terese Tietjens made her first appearance in Italian opera in America Jan. 24, 1876, as Norma, Miss Beaumont as Adelgisa, Sig. Baccie (first appearance in New York) as Pollio, Sig. Rajna as Oroveso. Brignoli (after an absence of three years) appeared Jan. 31, as Genarro in " Lucrezia Borgia. " Tietjens appeared as Leonora in "La Traviata," Feb. 11, for the first time in America; Feb. 14, "II Barbiere di Seviglia," with Adelaide Phillips as Rosina, Signorina Lamberti (first appearance) as Rosta, Tom Karl as Almaviva, Ferranti (first appearance) as Figaro. The season closed Feb. 19.

Clara Louise Kellogg commenced with an English opera com.


pany Feb. 28, 1876, in "Martha." "The Star of the North" had its first representation here in English, March 3, Kellogg as Cat- tarina; Mme. Julia Rosewald (first appearance), Miss Lancaster, Conly, Peakes, Allen, and Maas were in the company. They closed March 11, with "The Rose of Castile."

The French company opened for three nights March 21. Eu- genie Pappenheim made her debut in Italian opera April 7, as Violetta, in "La Traviata." Terese Tietjens took her farewell benefit April 10, when selections were given from Italian, Ger- man, and English operas. Anna de Bolocca made her American debut April 17, as Rosina, in "II Barbiere di Seviglia," with Tom Karl as Almaviva. "Cinderella," by children, for the benefit of the Women's Centennial Union, was given (matinee), April 20. The season closed April 26, when Anna de Bolocca appeared as Mignon for the first time in America. Fanny Kellogg then made her first appearance on any stage as Filina.

A performance of " Hamlet " took place April 24, with the Count Joannes as the melancholy Dane. The house was the scene of unprecedented confusion and excitement, noise, ridicule, and laughter. There were about one thousand persons present who were resolved to be amused, and although mischievous enough, they were good-natured, applauded ironically, condemned kindly, encouraged insincerely, recalled the Ghost cruelly. The house was convulsed with incessant laughter. Instead of bouquets, foot- stools were thrown on the stage. So exuberant were the auditors that Count Joannes advanced to the footlights, just before the fencing scene in the fifth act, and said : " Remember, this is the Academy of Music. Prove yourselves gentlemen." The com- pany was about the worst ever collected, and seemed to have per- sonal grievances against Shakespeare. So far as the Count was concerned, those that came to scoff remained to praise, for his performance of Hamlet possessed intelligence, sincerity, earnest- ness, and gentleness, and there was nothing in his personation that deserved ridicule. He acted as a scholar, and, in despite of much provocation, behaved himself as a gentleman. Blanche Osborne was the Ophelia.

A season of English opera commenced June 5, with Jeffries & Co. as the managers. The occasion was the debut of Gertrude Corbett as Norma. Alice Hosmer as Adelgisa, Christine Fritsch as Pollio, Alcain Blum as Oroveso ; Caryl Florio was conductor. The " season " terminated June 8. On July 8 a benefit was given for the Central Dispensary of this city. George Rignold came all the way from San Francisco, Cal., to play Romeo, and he returned to that city in time to sail July 16 for Australia. He travelled a distance of nearly 7,000 miles to keep his word for charity. "Romeo and Juliet" was acted, with this cast:




Romeo Geo. Rignold

Nurse Mary Wells

Balthazar H. J. Hayward

Mercutio Louis Aldrich

Friar Lawrence . . . . H. Weaver

Benvolio H. B. Bradley

Capulet G. B. Waldron

Juliet Sara Jewett

Lady Capulet . . Mrs. H. Weaver Apothecary .... Chas. Bansley

Page Kate Livingstone

Peter J. M. Herbert

Tybalt ^ E. K. Collier

Paris James H. McGee

A season of Italian opera commenced Oct. 2, with "Norma." Mme. Maria Palraieri made her New York debut, and it was also the first appearance in this city of Persiani as Adelgisa; Sig. Palmieri was the Pollione; Conly made his first appearance in Italian opera as Oroveso. The season terminated Oct. 7. Marie Aimee appeared Oct. 23 in "La Jolie Parfumeuse," which was repeated Oct. 24 and (matinee) Oct. 25. She also introduced her English song and dance, "Pretty as a Picture." "La Fille de Mme. Angot " was given Oct. 25. The Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum had a benefit, afternoon and evening, Nov. 26. The attrac- tion was "The Two Orphans," "Forbidden Fruit," "Jenny Lind," "The Irish Lion," Kelly & Leon's Minstrels, Harrigan and Hart and several specialty artists. A concert season opened Nov. 27, under the management of James W. Morrissey, withTheo. Thomas' orchestra; Emma Thursby, Mme. Gulager, Anna Drasdil, Brig- noli, Chas. Fritsch, Ferranti, Madeline Schiller, Carreno Sauret, Gustave Satter, and S. B. Mills were the artists. A performance on Thanksgiving night was for the benefit of the new Church of St. Agnes.

The Clara Louise Kellogg English Opera company commenced Jan. 23, 1877, in "The Bohemian Girl;" Jan. 24, "Faust;" Jan. 26, 27, (first times in English), "The Flying Dutchman;" Jan. 29, "Martha;" Jan. 31, "The Star of the North;" Feb. 6, "Lucia;" Feb. 9, "Mignon," and closed (matinee) Feb. 10, with "Faust." The organization consisted of Clara Louise Kellogg, Julia Rose- wald, Joseph Maas, Geo. A. Conly, C. H. Turner, Zelda Seguin, William Carleton, Henry Peakes, Edward Seguin, Cayla, Holland, Tams, Misses Lancaster and Howard. What was termed a Wagner festival commenced March 12, under the management of J. C. Fryer, with "The Flying Dutchman," Eugenie Pappenheim as Senta, Miss Cooney as Mary, Christine Fritsch as Eric, FelixT Preusser as Daland, A. Blum as the Flying Dutchman; March 14 " Lohengrin " was sung, with the American d6but in opera of G. Werrengrath as Lohengrin. Clara Pou joined the company. "The Flying Dutchman "was repeated March 16; "Lohengrin" (matinle) March 17; " Tannhauser " was sung March 19, 21, 23. " Die Walkiire " was given April 2 for the first time in America, and with this cast :

VOL. II. 6


Brunnhilde . . Eugenie Pappenheim Sleglinde .... Pauline Canissa

Siegmund A. BischofE

Wotan Felix Preusser

Fricka Mme. Listner

Gerhilde Frida de Gebel

Hundling A. Blum

The festival closed April 3. Adolph Neuendorff was musical conductor.

The Havana Opera company opened April 6, 1877, in "IlTrova- tore," under Albites & Palmieri. Mme. Palmieri, Mile. Rambelli, Signori Celado, Bartolasi, and D'Al Negro, and Mile. March were in the company. Max Maretzek was conductor. They closed April 21. Maurice Grau took a benefit June 18, when Aimee sang, in English, " Pretty as a Picture ; " the second act of Offenbach's " La Boulangere a des ficus ; " third act of " La Vie Parisienne " ("Life in Paris"), and second act of "La Fille de Mme. Angot," with an exceptionally novel and remarkable cast, all the characters being reversed. The female characters were performed by the gentlemen, the male characters by the ladies. The cast was :

Ange Pitou Aimee

Larivaudure . . . Mile. Gueymard The Officer .... Mile. Letillier Clairette Mr. Raoult

Pomponnet Dupan

Lonchard Desiree

Trenitz Vaudame

Mile. Lange Duplan

A testimonial matinee was given Oct. 12 for the benefit of the widow of Edwin Adams, and the following was the programme: Overture, "William Tell," Gilmore's Band; recitation by Regina Dace; comic songs, Tony Pastor; piano solo, S. B. Mills; "The School for Scandal " (screen scene) : Sir Peter Teazle, John Gil- bert; Charles Surface, Edward Arnot; Joseph Surface, Geo. F. Devere; Lady Teazle, Rose Coghlan; Joseph's servant, Mr. Peck. Musical selections by the Eagle Theatre orchestra, directed by Henry Wannemacher; duet, William Castle and Henry Peakes (orchestra directed by Sig. Operti); the midget. General Mite; imitations, Charles Backus; first act of "Struck Oil": John Stoffel, James C. Williamson; Lizzie Stoffel, Maggie Moore (Mrs. J. C. Williamson); Susan Stoffel, Mrs. Sol Smith; Eben Skinner, H. A. Weaver, Sr. ; Sergt. Flynn, J. J. Sullivan ; Cor- poral Sharp, Sol Smith. Popular airs of the period, by the Union Square Theatre orchestra, directed by H. Tissington ; " Chanson- ette Nouvelles." "Les Legons D'Anglais" (English Lessons); Marie Aimee's orchestra, conducted by M. Almeras; "Camille" (fourth act): Camille, Clara Morris; Armand Duval, McKee Rankin; De Varville, J. W. Carroll; Gaston, Wm. R. Floyd; Gustave, E. M. Holland; Prudence, Mrs. John Sefton; Olympe, Josephine Baker. Next came the third act of "Othello": the Moor, E. A. Sothern; lago, W. J. Florence; Cassio, H. Crisp; Desdemona, Lotta; Emelia, Mrs. John Drew. The sketch called


"The Crushed Actors," by Harrigan and Hart; Bryant's Min- strels, in a first part; Dutch sketch, songs and dances by Bobby Newcomb; the singing of "Auld Lang Syne" closed the enter- tainment. The treasurer was Theo. Moss; stage manager, Leon J. Vincent. The ushers were Henry E. Abbey, W. R. Deutsch, Jas. H. Meade, H. Wall, J. G. Peakes, Morris Simmonds, J. J. Sullivan, Chandos Fulton, S. F. McGraw, Thos. E. Morris, Louis Aldrich, and Stanley McKenna. The total amount received by the committee was 110,099.17; the amount of expenses paid by them, ^718.16; and the sum paid to Mrs. Adams, 1^9,381. 01. Mrs. Edwin Adams received the following donations: T. W. Davey's combination, ;^ioo; B. McCauley, Cincinnati, 1^250; J. W. Albaugh from benefit performance in Albany, $^2^. $0. Many of the New York newspapers advertised the benefit without charge. The Domestic Sewing Machine company sent to Mrs. Adams a sewing machine valued at ^70. It will be perceived that a fund of over ;^io,ooo, clear of all expenses, was raised for Mrs. Adams by this benefit. W. J. Florence, ;$ioo; E. A. Sothern, $560; box donated and resold for ;?I25, making a total of 1^685; Theo. Moss, $7$; E. Lanouette, 1^50; Maggie Mitchell, ^100; Judge Curtis, $SO; Dr. Charles Phelps, $2$; E. A. Buck, $$0; Tony Pastor, ^160; check from Elmira, ^100; Henry E. Abbey, $100; W. R. Deutsch, box donated and resold for ^55; E. G. Gilmore, ;gso;

check (an admirer, Mr. S ), $50; Robert Heller, box donated

and resold, $50; William Van Tassell, $■^0; eight hundred and eighty seats at $5 each, 1^2,640; thirty -one first row boxes at ;^20 each, ;^620; thirty-eight second and third row boxes at $15 each, and less exchanges and seats sold at $1 each, ;^ 187. 83; eighteen boxes at ;^ip, ;^i8o; fifty-two boxes at 1^2.50, $130; four hundred and fifty-eight gallery seats at ^1.50, ^687; eleven hundred and seventeen admissions, ^1,117; premiums on seats, $24; J. C. Williamson (two gallery seats), jjlioo; Arthur Cheney, ;^ioo; W. G. Fargo (four orchestra seats), |Sioo; Frank Mayo, ^50; E. L. Anderson, ^50; Mrs. Morrison's company, Toronto, Ont., ;^27; Charles E. Leland, $2$; Milton Nobles' combination, $2$; William Winter, $5; Mrs. J. W. Buckland, $$; "Luke Fielding," $S; "Donation," $2$; Chestnut Street Theatre benefit, Phila- delphia, Oct. 12, $722; Thomas B. McDonough, $2^; Dwight Amsden, Detroit, Mich., $s; Henry Ashley (one admission ticket), ;^20; Dominick Murray, ;jSio; Grand Opera House (C. J. Whitney), Detroit, Mich., 1^50.30; Flower-stand in Academy on day of performance, the Misses Jean Burnside and Nellie Morti- mer, ^^52.87; Alice Oates Opera Bouffe company, ;^ioo; satin pro- grammes, j^iSi; Pittsburg Opera House benefit, Oct. 17, 1^805.

"Bobby" Newcomb, who appeared at the Adams benefit, died at Tacoma, W. T., June i, 1888, of pneumonia. His right name was



Robert Hughes, and he was born in England in 1843. He took the name of Newcomb in i860, being the protege of William New- comb, the well-known minstrel performer. He wrote many popu- lar songs, among them " The Big Sunflower, " " Where the Tansies Grow," "The Ivy Leaf," etc., and he was the author of a poem called "Dorkin's Night."

On Oct. 13, 1877, there was presented for the first time in America, A. F. Leiss' American comedy, "Married and Not Married," with this cast.

Capt. Vander Smissen Walter Adrian

Frank Merit > ~ . R.-thprs J Mr. Carrington

Fred Merit ^ Twin Brothers | Geo. Talbot

Mimosa Vander Smissen Miss E. Sommers

Ching Cliung Frank Tannehill, Jr.

White Feather Geo. Fredericks

Lucy Daly Imogene Vandyke

The Hen Skeleton . Prof. Tapir Thomas . Pompy Crazy Male Maria . . Jane . .

A. G. Ford

John E. Ince

. J. W. Burton

. Geo. T. James

. . F. Thornton

Lizzie McCall

Miss L. Dickinson

Giocomo J. F. deGez

Benaventura . . . Thos. Whiffen Father Ortel . . . . T. E. Morris

Tuck Edwin Nalord

Sappho Kate Singleton

Katherine Georgie Lee

The play was a bad one, and one performance ended its career.

Emma Thursby gave a concert Oct. 29. Brignoli, S. B. Mills, Theo. Thomas' orchestra, and Geo. W. Colby, accompanist, appeared.

Nov. I the annual Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum benefit took place :

Benito . . . . Walter . . . Montgomery Isabella . . . Miss Montague Miss Frazer . . Miss Lippincott


C. J. FyfFe B. Bradley . . E. Locke . Kate Byron

Miss Ellis Miss Williams . Miss Telbin

Leonard . . . . ^ . Fred Percy Daniel Webster ... E. Marble Hero .... Oliver Doud Byron

Sallie Minnie Gray

Miss Casethire .... Miss Laird Miss Jenkins .... Miss Bogart

The evening performance commenced with Harry Clarke in Irish eccentricities, followed by Murphy and Shannon in Dutch specialties; Louise Murio, balladist; Clarke Bros, in musical act; Will H. Morton, comic songs; Harrigan, Hart, and Billy Gray in sketch of "The Bradys," with Dave Braham as leader of the or- chestra; Lotta in "Nan the Good for Nothing;" Tom Porter in comic songs, S. B. Mills, pianist; the farce of "The Rough Dia- mond," with Sydney Cowell as Margery and Ed. Lamb as Cousin Joe. Next came a pantomime, "Robert Macaire," Jas. F. Mafflitt as Robert, W. H. Bartholomew as Bertrand, and the other char- acters by the Olympic Theatre company. After this "A Regular Fix was done, with this cast :




Hugh de Brass Surplus . . Mrs. Carter . Abel Quick .

. E. A. Sothern

George Holland

. Alice Mansfield

. Ed. L. Marble

Emily . . . . Charles Surplus . Matilda Jane

This was followed by the first act of " Fanchon '

Fanchon .... Maggie Mitchell Father Barbeaud . . J. H. Stoddart Didier Geo. Becks

Mother Barbeaud Landry Barbeaud Mother Fadet .

Mabel Jordan

. Harry Lacy

Marie Bingham

. . Mary Wells

. . J. W. Collier

Mrs. T. J. Hind

The trial scene from " The Merchant of Venice " was given with this cast :

Shylock Edwin Booth

Salarino W. R. Floyd

Portia Agnes Booth

Salanio J. B. Polk

Nerissa Jeffries Lewis

Antonio John Gilbert

Bassanio Chas. Coghlan

The Duke .... John Parselle Gratiano James O'Neill

The third act of " Monte Cristo " was seen and cast thus :

Edmond Dantes Nortier . ^ . Caderousse . . Brigadier . . .

. Chas. Fechter . . F. B. Warde . Chas. Leclercq C. D. Bainbridge

Albert De MorcefE . B. T. Ringgold

Villefort W. G. Cogswell

Carconte Alice Gray

The balcony scene from " Romeo and Juliet " came next : Juliet, Modjeska; Romeo, W. F. Burroughs. Concluding with the farce "To Oblige Benson": Trotter Southdown, Harry Beckett; Mr. Benson, J. W. Shannon; Mrs. Southdown, EfSe Germon; Mr. Meredith, W. A. Eytinge ; Mrs. Benson, Stella Boniface. Lester Wallack was director, W. R. Floyd, stage manager, and Theo. Moss, treasurer.

The evening performance commenced with "A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing " :

Master Jasper Carew Col. Percy Kirke . Kester Chedzoy Col. Lord Churchill

Eben Plympton J. W. Shannon E. M. Holland W. J. Leonard

Corporal Flintoff . . . D. Vanderen

Anne Carew Ada Dyas

Dame Carew .... Mme. Ponisi Keziah Effie Germon

Next came the first act of " Jane Eyre " :

Jane Eyre Clara Morris

Prof. Brocklehurst . . J. C. Dunn Mrs. Reed .... Jenny Carroll

Bessie Helen Vincent

Capt. Whitfield . . . Geo. F. Browne John Reed . . . . H. Pearson, Jr.

Sig. Brignoli followed with a romanza from "Martha;" the Kernell Brothers and Watson and Ellis did specialty acts. The

third act of " Othello '

Othello .... John McCuUough

Cassio Eben Plympton

Emilia Rose Coghlan

lago Frank Mayo

Desdemona .... Maud Granger



First act of " Micawber " was the next attraction :

WUkins Micawber . . Geo. F. Rowe Traddles .... Geo. F. Giddens Betsy Trotwood Mrs. Julia Chapman

Uriah Heap . . David Copperfield Mrs. Micawber .

F. F. Mackay W. A. Eytinge . Mrs. Thorpe

The dagger scene from "The Wife" was seen: Julien St. Pierre, Frederic Robinson; Duke, Eben Plympton. After this was an olio, in which Prof. S. Murdoch recited (in costume) Burk's " Have at Ye All."

The tenth annual benefit of the B. P. O. Elks took place Thurs- day afternoon, Nov. 15; Frank Girard and Leon J. Vincent were stage managers. The programme consisted of Bryant's Min- strels; fourth act of "Camille;" Clara Morris as the heroine, James O'Neill as Armand; Lotta in the first act of "Musette;" Mary Anderson in the potion scene from "Romeo and Juliet." "The Toodles " closed the entertainment:

Toodles . . George Acorn Farmer Acorn Landlord . . Mary Acorn . Farmer Acorn

John T. Raymond . . Frank Mayo . W. H. Bailey John McCuUough . Lillie Eldridge . C.W.Couldock

Charles Fenton First Farmer Second Farmer Third Farmer Mrs. Toodles .

. G. F. Rowe D. H. Harkins J. W. Collier . J. B. Polk Sydney Cowell

Two performances were given Thanksgiving (Nov. 29) for the bene- fit of St. Cecilia church. Janauschek, Rose Eytinge, Rose Coghlan, James O'Neill and Emma Waller were among the volunteers.

John Brougham had a benefit afternoon and night of Jan. 17, 1878, which netted him ;^9,394.4i; another benefit occurred at Wallack's Theatre, (matinee), Feb. 14, which netted ;^ These amounts were invested in an annuity for Mr. Brougham, from which he received ;^28 per week, and of this sum he paid James Ship ^10 weekly, which left only ;^i8 to defray the weekly expenses of his household two persons besides himself. The annuity was payable quarterly, and the last quarter he did not receive, as he died before it had become due July i. He had been a poor man and in distress for some months prior to his death, but these facts he studiously concealed from his friends. It is generally thought that the investing of the ;^ 10,000 benefit fund in an annuity was an unwise proceeding considering Brougham's age. He received only about ;^2,ooo, and the remainder became the property of the New York Life Insurance company at his death, which occurred June 7, 1880.

A season of opera commenced Feb. 11, with Eugenie Pappen- heim, Chas. Adams, Miss Alexandre Human, Mme. E. Ruders- dorff, Adelaide Phillips, Miss E. Grimminger, Miss M. Cooney, C.^l<ntsch, A. Blum, H. Wiegand. and the Minzelli Sisters, pre- miere danseuses in the company. " Les Huguenots " was the first opera sung, Alexandre Human making her New York dgbut in the




r61e of the Queen, and Mme. Rudersdorff (first appearance) as Ortrud. "The Jewess," Feb. 15; " Lohengrin " (matinge), Feb. 16, 27, Pappenheim as Elsa; Feb. 18, " Tannhauser ; " "II Trova- tore," Feb. 20, 23, Adelaide Phillips as Azucena; "Der Flie- gende Hollander," Feb. 25; "Faust," March i; "Les Huguenots," matinde, March 2 ; " Rienzi, " March 4, with Pappenheim as Adrian Colonna, Miss Human as Irene, Chas. Adams as Cola Rienzi, A Blum as Paolo, H. Wiegand as Steffano, and the season closed March 9.

"The Wife's Appeal " was acted for the first time on any stage, April 29. Fred Chippendale, Archie Cowper, H. W. Mitchell, Marion Talbot (her debut), Madame Ivan Michels, and Clara Cole in the cast.

Eugenie Pappenheim gave a " farewell " concert May 30. Thomas Donaldson took a benefit June 25. J. H. Mapleson commenced a season of Italian opera Oct. 16, with "La Somnambula," Cam- panini as Elvino, Foli as Conte Rodolfi. Minnie Hauck appeared Oct. 18 as Violettain "La Traviata."

Bizel's "Carmen" was first sung in America Oct. 23, with Minnie Hauck in the title r61e.

Etelka Gerster, the Hungarian prima donna, made her Ameri- can debut Nov. 11 as Amina in "La Somnambula;" Nov. 9 "The Talisman " was presented, and the season closed Dec. 28. A matinee performance, Feb. 21, 1879, was for the benefit of Neil Bryant, and the following was the entertainment presented : The closet scene from "Hamlet," Master N. S. Wood as Hamlet, Harry Colton as the Ghost, Mrs. Louisa Eldridge, the Queen; the farce, "To Oblige Benson," with Effie Germon, Kate Bartlett, J. W. Shannon, and J. Farland in the cast. The San Francisco Minstrels came next, led by Wm. Birch, Charles Backus, and George Thatcher; "Her Majesty's Ship Pinafore": Josephine, Blanche Corelli; Little Buttercup, Miss Gurney; Hebe, Ida Foy; Sir Joseph, J. H. Burnett ; Captain Corcoran, J. H. Peakes ; Ralph Rackstraw, Henri Laurent; Dick Deadeye, A. D. Barber.

A season of opera commenced Feb. 24, with " Lucia di Lam- mermoor," Campanini as Edgardo, Etelka Gerster as Lucia. "Ruy Bias" was produced March 14. The season terminated April 5.

Max Maretzek reopened the house Sept. 25, for the production of his American opera, "Sleepy Hollow," with this cast:

Katrina . . Brom Bones . Ichabod Crane

Miss A. Montague

. . Chas. Turner

. W. C. Gardion

Frau Spuyten . . Mrs. Rice- Knox Van Ness H. Fink

This opera kept the stage until Oct. i, when Bianca Lablanche (Blanche Davenport) made her operatic d^but in America, " The


Two Peters" was first acted here Oct. 6, and the season terminated.

The season of 1879-80 opened Oct. 20, with "La Traviata" Runcio (first appearance) as Alfredo, Galassi as Germont, Monti as Medico, and Emilie Ambre (first appearance) as Violetta. " Carmen " was produced Oct. 27, with Selina Dolaro as Carmen (her first appearance in this city). This lady died in New York, Jan. 23, 1889, of consumption. "Fashion," the only play ever produced in this country by Mme. Dolaro, was first performed Dec. 19, 1887, at the Madison Square Theatre. It was played again at Wallack's Theatre, Dec. 28, 1887. In addition to being an opera bouffe singer, Mme. Dolaro was an authoress of considerable merit, and not only a singer of capacity and culture, but she was an effective and instructive actress.

The annual benefit of the B. P. O. Elks took place Nov. 13, 1879. The B. P. O. Elks, whose "benefits" are so often recorded here, came into existence in this simple manner. One stormy afternoon (early in 1868) a few friends met in the house of one of their num- ber, in the Bowery, and spent a pleasant afternoon. Among the party were John F. Poole, Thomas Grattan Riggs, George F. McDonald, Tony Pastor, Billy Sheppard, and Claude Goldie. When they separated they agreed to meet the following Sunday afternoon, at the same place. They met, and their number so increased with each succeeding meeting that they formed them- selves into an organization, and called it the Benevolent Pro- tective Order of Elks. On Feb. 16, 1868, the order was formally instituted. Among the earliest members were Henry P. O'Neil, Hugo O'Neil, Gen. Joseph Pinckney, and Thomas Gayner. It was decided that the sessions should be divided into two parts, the one business and the other social. The meetings were held Sunday evenings. The first presiding officer was Charles Vivian, the comic singer, formerly a member of " The Jolly Corks, " of Phila- delphia. Feb. 16, 1868, they received a charter from the New York Legislature as a corporate society. The order at that time held their meetings every Sunday evening at Military Hall, on the east side of the Bowery, near Spring Street. Their next place of meeting was over Helmbold's drug store, 594 Broadway, where they were burned out early in the summer of 1872. The writer of this tendered the order the free use of his two parlors in his private residence, 718 Broadway, and there the order held its meet- ings for some time. Their next rendezvous was Masonic Hall, in Thirteenth Street, near Fourth Avenue, and now known as Claren- don Hall. From there they went to the hall over Koster & Bial's, Twenty-third Street, a few doors west of Sixth Avenue. They took possession Sunday, Nov. 2, 1879. Their next move was to 1,227 Broadway, northeast corner of Twenty-seventh Street, and


next to Tuxedo Hall, Fifty-ninth Street and Madison Avenue, and in October 1902, to Pabst building, Fifty-eighth Street and Eighth Avenue, where they still remain.

Among the presiding officers of the New York Lodge have been Chas. Vivian, Geo. W. Thompson, Geo. J. Green, Henry P. O'Neil, Frank Girard, Louis C. Waehner, John J. Tindale, A. C. More- land, Michael Malone, John J. Spies, James J. Armstrong, Thomas P. Brogan, Henry P. Mulvaney, Edward Leach, and Champe S. Andrews. They purchased a large burial plot in Evergreens cem- etery, which they dedicated June i, 1879. The Elks' Mutual Benefit Association was organized Dec. 29, 187S. The objects of the order are the " relief of the sick and needy, and the burial of the dead."

Mme. Marimon, the French prima donna, made her American debut in opera at the Academy of Music, Dec. 3, and the operatic season closed Dec. 27, with " Faust. " The annual benefit of the Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum took place Dec. 11. The enter- tainment was under the management of L. J. Vincent, and was afternoon and evening. It consisted of the following: For the matinee, "Poor Jo," by N. S. Wood and others; J. K. Emmet and company, in " Fritz in Ireland ; " " Miss Multon " (third act), by Clara Morris; Harrigan and Hart in "The Mulligan Guards' Christmas;" the Merritt Bros., Wilkinson Bros. , and Flora Moore; "The Strategists," by Clinton Hall's company. The evening's entertainment was the farce of "Did You Ever.'" "Richelieu" (fourth act), by Edwin Booth and others ; " Camille " (fourth act), by Mme. Majeroni; recitation of "Shamus O'Brien," by George Clarke ; ballad by Ella Montezo ; balcony scene, " Romeo and Juliet," Helen Ottolengui (first appearance in New York), Juliet; Gus- tavus Levick, Romeo. Harry Osborne and wife in Irish sketch ; the Irish bagpipes by Thos. F. Kerrigan; reel dance by Wm. Cronin, concluding with " The Galley Slave " (second act), intro- ducing Emily Rigl, Maud Granger, and others.

P. S. Gilmore's new anthem, "Columbia," was first given here (matinee) Dec. 25. Emma Thursby was the soloist; Algernon S. Sullivan, orator; Geo. VandenhofE, elocutionist. There was the orchestra, composed of Mapleson's Opera company, Koster & Bial's, and Gilmore's Bands, together with a powerful chorus, Levy, solo cornetist, and others. After an encore Mr. Sullivan came forward and suggested that the last verse of "Columbia," "the prayer" should be sung by the entire audience, and in- stantly three thousand persons rose to their feet, and joining with the orchestra and chorus, rolled out with magnificent effect the stirring strain. The Martha Washington Reception of St. John's Guild, for the benefit of the Seaside Nursery occurred Jan. 20, 1880. The attraction was a historical representation of Benjamin


Franklin at the Court of France, in four tableaux, arranged by L. J. Vincent. P. S. Gilmore appeared with his band, and gave "Columbia."

A spring season of Italian opera commenced March i, with " Lucia di Lammermoor," Mile. Marie Marimon (first appearance in New York in the character) as Lucia. A dramatic and musical entertainment, organized by Edwin Booth and directed by Henry E. Abbey, took place March 4, in aid of The Herald Irish Relief Fund. Ole Bull, Annie Louise Cary, Campanini, Edwin Booth, (in third act of " Hamlet," third act of " Othello," and the whole of "The Taming of the Shrew ") was the programme. " II Trovatore" was given March 22, with Brignoli as Manrico, Mile. Alwina Valeria (first appearance in that character in New York) as Leonora. " La Forza Del Destino " was sung March 23, with Campanini as Don Alvaro (first appearance in that character) ; Mme. Marie Swift as Leonora (first appearance). " Dinorah " was given March 24, and the season closed April 17, with "Les Huguenots."

Maurice Grau's French Opera company reappeared May 3, in "Mignon," and closed May 28. "La Princesse de Trebizonde" was given May 7, for the first time in seven years. A final season of eight nights and one matinee commenced May 18, with "La Vie Parisienne." "Pomme D'Api " had its first production in America May 20, when "Les Chevaliers Du Pince-Nez," with Mile. Angele as Fauvette (first time), was also revived. "La Camaigo " was given (matinde) May 22 ; " Les Cloches De Corne- ville " was sung May 24. M. Capoul took a farewell benefit May 25, when was presented first act "Le Pr6s Aux Clercs," second act "Le Postilion de Lonjumeau" and second and third acts of "Mig- non." Constantine Sternberg, Russian pianist, assisted by Gott- hold Carlberg's orchestra, made his American debut Oct. 7.

Mapleson commenced a season of Italian opera Oct. 18, with "Lucia di Lammermoor." Ravelli made his debut as Edgar; Gerster (first appearance in two years) as Lucia. Oct. 22 " Faust " was sung, when Franco Novara made his New York debut as Meph- istopheles. "Carmen" was given Oct. 27. "Un Ballo in Mas- chera," Nov. 3, with the first appearance of Marie L. Swift in the character of Oscar, and the first appearance of Mme. Bianca Mon- tesini as Amelia. The season closed Nov. 24, with "Lucia."

The annual benefit of the Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum took place Nov. 16. The matinee performance consisted of Rice's Sur- prise Party in "Revels;" "The Mulligan Guard Picnic," byHarri- gan and Hart and company; Gilmore's Band; "As You Like It," by Wallack's Theatre company; Harry Kennedy, ventrilo- quist; violin solo, by Carl Langer; cornet solo, the Bent Bros.; the French Twin Sisters in songs and dances, and finished with the farce, "Two Gentlemen in a Fix," by W. F. Owen and W.




Davidge, Jr. The evening programme was " East Lynne " (fourth act), with Annie Ward Tiffany as Mme. Vine ; " Cool as a Cucum- ber;" recitation, "Mother and Poet," by Julia Evarts; "Marble Heart;" recitation by Harry Edwards; "Macbeth" (sleep walking scene), by Julia Evarts; recitation of "Lochinvar," by John J. Car- dan ; monologue entertainment by little Allie Dorrington ; humor- ous songs by S. A. L. Bentley, and the first act of "Tony O'Dowd," by Wm. J. Scanlan and company.

The house was now rented by Rial & Draper, for "Uncle Tom's Cabin," commencing at the matinee, Dec. 25.

The Shakespeare-Poe Festival was an entertainment given April 23, 1881, for the benefit of the Poe Memorial Fund. Blanche Roosevelt appeared , with song ; recitation of "At Poe's Grave," by Willie Winter, was given by Sara S. Rice, of Baltimore; "The Wonder," by Wallack's Theatre company; harp solo by Maud Morgan ; recitations by Miss N. V. Wickham, Mary F. Thompson, and Genevieve Stebbins, and an address by Algernon S. Sullivan.

Tomaso Salvini reappeared May 9 in "dthello;" May 11, "Mac- beth;" May 13, "The Gladiator;" matinee, May 14, "Othello." H. Weaver, Ellie Wilton, Marie Prescott, and Harry Crisp were members of his company. This house was reopened, Sept. 3, by the Kiralfy Bros., with "Michael Strogoff," which had this cast:

The Czar .... Harry Gwynette

Feofar Geo. Harmon

Grand Duke F. Munroe

Ezekiah .... Geo. R. Edeson

Harry Blunt A. Thomas

Dr. Massili S. Morton

Gen. Kissolf . . . H. Montgomery Sangarre Ada Neilson

Michael Strogoff . . . W. Rignold

Ivan Chas. Chappelle

Dombroosky . . . . A. H. Denham

Muravieff -J- Cox

Telegraph Operator . J. W. Bankson

Vladimir L. Steele

High Priest . . . . D. H. Adams

Nadia Ellie Wilton

Marfa Mrs. J. L. Carhart

This was the American d^but of William Rignold and Ada Neilson. Mapleson commenced his opera season Oct. 17, with "Lohengrin." In the company were Marie Varpot, Alvina Valeria, Virginia Ferri, Miles. Salviati, Dotti, Valerga, Ricci, Climence Kalas, Mme. Lablache, Mile. Lauri, Minnie Hauck (first appearance in three years), Signors Ravelli, Bielette, M. Prevost, Runcio, Rinaldini, Campanini, Del Puente, Morini, Glassi, Novara, Monti, Moro, Corsini, Costa, and Sig. Arditi, conductor. The B. P. O. Elks took a benefit matinde, Nov. 17. The opera season closed at the matinee, Dec. 24.

Sig. Rossi appeared Jan. 17, 1882, in "King Lear." He deliv- ered a portion of his lines in English for the first time in New York. Jan. 18 he was seen in a new version of "Edmund Kean," acted for the first time in New York by him :



Edmund Kean Rossi A Servant S. Jackson

H. R. H Leslie Gossin Helen Louise Muldener

Count Kcefeld ... H. A. Weaver Anna Danby . . . Carrie Turner

Lord Melville . . Harry Weaver, Jr. Amy .... Constance Hamblin

Solomon E. A. Eberle Gidsa .... Mrs. H. A. Weaver

Pistol W. J. Shea The Manager of Drury Lane

A Constable .... Chas. Kent Theatre . . . . W. V. Ranous Peter Patt T. F. Kelly

A professional matinee was given Jan. 24 of "Edmund Kean;" Jan. 25, "King Lear;" Jan. 26, "Othello;" Jan. 27, "Hamlet," when he closed his engagement. Rossi was unquestionably a great artist. The critics of this city differed as to his Othello. Some characterized his performance as brutal, others as a wonder- ful performance. Rossi's Hamlet was another great performance. For many years James E. Murdoch was considered the best Hamlet of the American stage. Edwin Forrest, though perhaps to the scholarly critic the greatest who ever played the part, never achieved popularity in it anywhere, save at Edinburgh, Scotland. In public favor, next to Mr. Murdoch, came Edwin L. Davenport, and next, in point of time and far greater in general appreciation, was Edwin Booth. Murdoch's Hamlet was a graceful and digni- fied •Prince. He was, however, a Hamlet whose scholastic affec- tions deprived him of anything like sympathy, and the pedantry of Mr. Murdoch's pronunciation did much to lessen the effect of his otherwise artistic elocution. It was a cold, courtly and gentle Hamlet.

The Hamlet of Forrest was gentle, but only by contrast with his more fiery moods of despair, doubt, hate, love, and anger. That E. L. Davenport's Hamlet was a wonderfully clever performance no one could deny. It had the grace of Murdoch's Hamlet, many of the traditionary beauties of that of Betterton and much of the fire of Kean. It was finished in execution. His interview with the grave-digger at Ophelia's grave has never been surpassed for easy, natural delivery of raillery and satire. Edwin Booth's Hamlet was scholastically accurate. The very ideal of the sad Prince was realized in his broad brow, bright yet thoughtful eye, his luxurious masses of dark hair, and figure of beautiful proportion and grace. The whole of his delineation of this character was gemmed with radiant beauties. He made the Prince a confiding, tenderly affec- tionate, amiable young man, with no strength of will and no par- ticular intentions, with all the keen perceptions of a sensitive heart, of liberal and refined culture, of noble and courteous breeding.

Henry Irving is one of the worst Hamlets I ever saw. He is nothing if not melodramatic. He is awkward, ungainly, and con- stantly on the verge of being grotesque. That he is a legitimate tragedian, as Americans understand the word, I deny. That he is


not such a tragedian as Shakespeare would have selected to play Hamlet, I affirm. Mr. Irving mutilated the text, rearranged sev- eral scenes, utterly and completely changed the order of certain passages, omitting lines of inestimable value as depicting the almost hysterical condition of the Prince after his first interview with the Ghost, and ending the "play scene" with a climax which I think would have astonished if not shocked Shakespeare.

E. S. Willard is another very poor representative of Hamlet. His Hamlet was fretful rather than melancholy, choleric rather than passionate. E. H. Sothern is among the latest who have attempted this wonderful part. With all his training and experi- ence as an actor Mr. Sothern cannot yet play Hamlet.

Mapelson commenced a season of Italian opera March 6, 1882, with " Mignon. " Campanini, Del Puente, Frederic, Corsini, Monti, Minnie Hauck, Emma Juch, and Mile. Lauri were in the company. "Les Huguenots" was rendered March 8; "Fidelio," March 10; "Carmen," matinee, March 11; when the subscription season terminated, a new term at popular prices commenced, which closed April 29, with "Lucia di Lammermoor. " Campanini took a farewell May 29, when, in addition to the melodrama of " The World," Campanini appeared in gems of Italian opera. There were several volunteers, including Eben Plympton and Jeffreys Lewis in the balcony scene from "Romeo and Juliet;" Minnie Palmer was seen in " My Sweetheart. " A benefit was given (matinee) June 10 for the family of George A. Conly, the baritone, who was drowned. Among those who appeared were Clara Louise Kellogg (her first appearance here in three years), Emma Juch, Emma Abbott, Sig. Tagliapietra, John T. Raymond, and Laura Don.

Mapleson commenced a season of Italian opera Oct. 16, with " I Puritani." Laura Zagury made her debut as Elvira. Ravelli acted Arturo and Glassi, Ricardo. Sig. Mierzwinski made his debut Oct. 18, as Rhadames in "A'ida. " Mile. Philomena Savio made her debut in the title rdle of "Lucrezia Borgia;" Oct. 21 "I Puritani" was sung; Oct. 23, "Rigoletto;" Oct. 27, "L'Afri- caine " (first appearance of Sig. Clodio as Vasco di Gama ; also first appearance this season of Paolina Rossini). Nov. i and matinee, " Les Huguenots " was given ; Nov. 3, 10, 20, " La Tra- viata;" matinee, Nov. 4, 8, "L'Africaine," and Nov. 6, "Lucia di Lammermoor," for the first appearance this season of Adelina Patti as Lucia, and Nicolini as Edgardo. Gabrielle Boema, mezzo soprano, made her first appearance Nov. 8. Patti acted Marguerite, in "Faust," Nov. 13. Olga Berghi and Jessie Bartlett made their debuts Nov. 18, in "Faust;" "II Barbiere di Seviglia" was sung Nov. 24, 27, and Dec. 8.

Mme. Fursch-Madi made her New York debut Dec. i as Valen- tina in "Les Huguenots." Her debut in opera was in 1871, at the


Grand Opera House, Paris, as Marguerite in "Faust." At the close of her second season at the Grand Opera, she was chosen by Verdi to create the title r61e in " Aida," in the French language. The management of the grand opera were afraid to attempt the opera, which was originally produced in Cairo, Egypt, and Verdi gave the work to the Theatre Royal, Brussels, where Mme. Fursch- Madi achieved one of the greatest triumphs of her career. The opera was given seventy-two times without interruption. In 1874 she came to this country and sang in French opera, but sang only in New Orleans, La. She reappeared in America at the Metro- politan Opera House, this city, in 1894. Her last appearance in opera was at the Metropolitan on Feb. 6, as Ortruda in " Lohen- grin. " She was married three times, her last husband surviving her, together with a grown son and a daughter fourteen years of age. She was directress of Mrs. Thurber's American School of Opera for two years, but at the end of that time she became in- volved in a dispute with the directors of that institution, and finally sued them for ;^io,ooo arrears of salary and recovered judgment. She was considered one of the greatest of dramatic sopranos. William Barry and Hugh Fay, engaged the Academy of Music for Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 30) and presented "Irish Aristocracy. "

Adelina Patti appeared (matinde) Dec. 2, in " La Traviata. " Dec. 4 " William Tell " was sung ; Dec. 6 " La Traviata," matinee, Dec. 9, 12; matinee, Dec. 23, Minnie Hauck in the title r61eof "Carmen," Galassi as Escamillo. " Dinorah " was acted Dec. 11; "LaSom- nambula," Dec. 13; "Ai'da," Dec. 15, Patti as Lucia; matinee, Dec. 16, "Lohengrin," Dec. 18, 20, 29; first appearance of Mme. Scalchi as Arsace in " Semiramide ; " Dec. 22, " Linda di Cha- mounix;" matinee, Dec. 30, " L'Africaine," and the season closed (evening) Dec. 30, with " II Trovatore. " Mme. Albani was an- nounced to appear at the matinee, Jan. 12, 1883, at the third public rehearsal of the New York Symphony Society, but she did not arrive from Europe until late that evening. She, however, sang the following evening.

Minnie Hauck was born in this city, Nov. 16, 1853, and made her debut at twelve years of age, in concert in New Orleans, La. She first sang in opera in this city, at the Union League Club Theatre. The French government conferred upon her the title and insignia of Officier de 1' Academic (March 4, 1887), in rec- ognition of her distinguished services for French musical art abroad. This refers principally to her interpretation of " Carmen," "Manon," "Mignon," and other French operas in a number of European and American capitals. She is the first American artist upon whom this distinction has been conferred. Tomaso Salvini reappeared Feb. 19, 28 and matinee, Feb. 24, in "Othello;" Feb.




21, 26, and matinee, March 3, "King Lear;" Feb. 23, March 2, "The Gladiator." He was supported by Marie Prescott, Lewis Morrison, and an English speaking company.

Mapleson commenced an opera season March 12, 1883, with Adelina Patti, Fursch-Madi, Paolina Rossini, Mme. Dotti, Sofia Scalchi, Galassi, Valerga, Mme. Albani, Signors Ravelli, Clodio, Bieletto, Frapolli, Rinaldini, Nicolini, Ciampeiellaj, Caravatti, Galassi, Monti, Ronconi, Corsini, Costa, and Durat. " Faust " was sung March 12; "Linda di Chamounix," March 14; "Lucia di Lammermoor," March 16; "Semiramide," March 19; "Rigo- letto," March 26; "La Favorita," March 28; "L'Africaine," March 30; "Semiramide," matinee, March 31; "Flying Dutch- man," April 2. Third act of " II Trovatore," first scene " Norma," second act "Dinorah," was the programme, for the benefit of the Washington and Lee University; "Semiramide," April 4; "Don Giovanni," April 5, with Patti as Zerlina, her first and only ap- pearance in the character; "Martha," matinee, April 7; "L'fitoile du Nord," April 9; "Lohengrin," April 11, Albini as Elsa, her first appearance in that character; April 13, "L'fitoile du Nord," and the season closed (matinee) April 14, with "Faust." A bene- fit was given to Mapleson, April 23, with Paolina Rossini in the title r61e of " Aida. " Albani was born in Montreal, and her par- ents were Canadian-French. Her name is Lajeunesse, She spent her early youth in Albany, N. Y. , from which city she took her name of Albani. A novel entertainment was given here June 26, consisting of "Romeo and Juliet," together with selections from Berlioz's dramatic smyphony of the same title. It was a so-called private performance, and was arranged by Sig. A. Carrano, the flute player, who made his first appearance on any stage as Romeo. This was the first time this dramatic symphony had ever been given in conjunction with the play. There was an orchestra of sixty and a full chorus. The cast was :

Romeo .... Sig. A. Carrano Mercutio .... Hamilton Harris

Benvolio Geo. S. Gray

Tybalt Harry Weaver

Peter W. J. Shea

Juliet Louise Muldener

Nurse Louisa Eldridge

Paris Harry Gale

Capulet .... John Sutherland

Apothecary L M. Schay

Page Laura Rose

Friar H. A. Weaver

Balthazar W. D. Stone

Lady Capulet . Mrs. H. A. Weaver

Mapleson commenced a season of Italian opera Oct. 22, with Adelina Patti, Eugenie Pappenheim, Raphela Pattini (first ap- pearance), Emilia Viannetti (first appearance). Mile. Dotti, Jose- phine Yorke (first appearance), Mme. Lablache, Valerga, Etelka Gerster, Signors Bettini, Perugini, Rinaldini, Nicolini, Vasselli, Sivori, Bellati, Del Puente, Galassi, Cherubini, Caracciolo, Monti', Griffanti, De Vaschetti, and Lombardelli. Mile. Brambilla was


premiere danseuse. " La Somnambula " was given Oct. 22, with Gerster as Amina. Gerster was in particularly good voice that night, and when she began to sing the house was absolutely silent. In fact, the stillness seemed to increase as she sang, and when she got to the higher notes people seemed to have stopped breathing. Clear as a bell her voice continued to mount, until finally it had struck the high F. It was such a wonderful feat that when she stopped the house remained silent. People were so overwhelmed that they could not recover in time to applaud. While this death-like stillness prevailed a German in the top gal- lery, aroused beyond his self-control, shouted out, "Gott in Himmel, dot vas der high F!" That brought down the house, broke the spell under which we were all enthralled, and a whirl- wind of laughter and applause followed. With her face wreathed in smiles Gerster ran off the stage.

That was not the climax, however, for, enthusiasm being now let loose, the entire audience arose and shouted and insisted upon the singer's return. She came back, flushed with triumph, and began to sing again. Again her voice mounted up as high as it had before, and this time the suspense was even greater, because it seemed impossible that she could accomplish such a wonderful performance twice in the same night ; but she was in magnificent voice and never faltered once. In fact, the second trial resulted in a greater triumph than the first; and the second high F was clearer, fuller, and more beautiful than the other.

Etelka Gerster now lives secluded from the world in a castle situated on the summit of a mountain near the city of Bologna. There she passes her days in superintending the education of her children, in reading and in needlework. Her voice is said to have lost none of its brilliant qualities, but the precarious condition of her health prevents her from even thinking of ever appearing again in public.

" Rigoletto " was sung Oct. 24. Mme. Eugenie Pappenheim re- appeared Oct. 26 in "Norma," with Sig. Falletti, a newcomer, as Pollione. Mme. G. Tiozzo made her first appearance here Oct. 31 as Azucena in "II Trovatore." Oct. 2 Mile. Pattini, Josephine Yorke, and Sig. Sivori were debutants, in "Faust," with Giovanni Perugini (Chatterton) in the title r61e. Patti made her first ap- pearance this season Oct. g. Ovide Muzin, violinist, made his debut here Oct. 17 at a symphony concert. Mme. Giglio Nordica made her debut here Oct. 26 as Marguerite in "Faust." Her right name was Lillian Norton. She went to Paris, France, and made her ddbut at the Opera House, that city, June 24, 1884, as Marguerite. She was married to Frederick A. Gower, a Providence, R. I., journalist, who went abroad for the Bell Telephone company. It is said that he lost his life by a balloon ascension in France.


An amateur performance of " lolanthe " took place March 29 by the Ladies' Dramatic Union. The proceeds were for the erection of a home for chronic invalids. Minnie Seligman appeared as lolanthe. Mapleson began another season April 14 with " Linda di Chamounix," Vicini as Carlo, Galassi as Antonio, Cherubini as Prefetti, Caracciolo as Marchese, and Adelina Patti as Linda, Arditi was conductor. "Elisir d'Amore," with Gerster as Adina, was sung April 16; " Romeo e Giulietta," April 18, Nicolini as Romeo and Patti as Giulietta. "Lucia di Lammermoor," matinee, April 19. The season closed with the matinee, April 26, when Gerster sang Marguerite in " Faust. " A second performance of "lolanthe," by the amateurs, was given May 8 for the benefit of the Sheltering Arms.

The season of 1884-85 was opened Nov. 10 by Mapleson, with Adelina Patti, Ida Ricetti, Dotti, Maria Calvelli, Emma Nevada, Emma Steinbach, Laruggia, Mme. Lablache, Scalchi, Signors Car- dinali, Bassetti, Bieletto, Vicini, Emile Engel, Rinaldini, Nicolini, De Anna Vaselli, Pruetti, De Pasqualis, Cherubini, Nazzaro Manni, De Vaschetti, and Caracciolo. Arditi was conductor; Malvina Cavallazzi and Guiseppina Baretta, premieres danseuses. Mile. Steinbach made her debut Nov. 17 as Violetta in "La Tra- viata. " The Thalia Theatre company appeared Nov. 18 in "Boc- caccio," for the benefit of the Kindergarten of the Hebrew Free Schools. The Astor Place colored tragedy company gave "Damon and Pythias" Nov. 20.

Emma Nevada made her American debut Nov. 24 as Amina in "La Somnambula." The Actors' Dramatic Fund took a benefit matinee Dec. 4, and the attraction was Joseph Jefferson and com- pany in "Lend Me Five Shillings," Henry Irving, Ellen Terry, and the London Lyceum company in the fourth act of " The Mer- chant of Venice," Fanny Davenport and company in "Fedora," and Henry E. Dixey and company in "Adonis." A benefit was given Dec. 18 to A. J. Murphy, the superintendent of the house, when an operatic concert was presented. Clara Louise Kellogg (her first appearance here in six years) and members of the Mapleson opera troupe, appeared. Patti closed her engagement Dec. 19 as Annetta in "Crispino e la Comare." In March, 1885, this house was leased by William Austin, and opened, with cheap prices, on March 23. In the evening the Corinne Opera company (without Corinne) sang "The Mascot." The balance of the week the troupe appeared afternoon and evening. Mayor Grace felt compelled to interfere with Mr. Austin's plans so far as to refuse Corinne per- mission to sing in the opera proper, while allowing her to appear between the acts. His season closed April 9.

Mapleson gave six extra performances, beginning April 20 with "Semiramide," Patti in the title rdle; April 21, "La Som-

VOL. II. 7


nambulaj" April 22, "Der Freischutz;" April 23, "Mirella," final appearance of Adelina Patti ; April 24, " La Figlia del Reg- gimento," Emma Nevada's last appearance here; matinde, April 25, "Lucia." Martha Morton's travesty on "May Blossom "was given May 4 by amateurs, for the benefit of the Montefiore Home for chronic invalids.

Edwin Booth and Madame Ristori appeared May 7 in " Macbeth " :

Lady Macbeth Macduff . . Duncan . . Gentiewoman First Witch . Second Witch Third Witch Lennox . .

. . . Ristori . Edmund Tearle Harry A. Langdon . . Kate Clinton . . Frank Little . Marion Clifton . Fanny Gillette Geo. GriflSth

Macbeth Edwin Booth

Banquo Walter Kelly

Drunken Porter . . Edwin Cleary

Malcolm Ivan Shirley

Donalbain . . . Katherine Linyard Fleance . . . Master Chas. Thropp

Rosse Chas. A. Norris

Seyton J. B. Kaye

Mecca Temple, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, the largest secret organization in America, took a benefit June 15 ; the following was the programme :

"Captain Mishler," with Gus Williams in title r61e; recitation, "The Wreck of the Hesperus," by Robert Mantell; piano solo by Henrietta Markstein; Gus Phillips in German eccentricities. Frank E. McNish in " Silence and Fun ; " recitation, Little Bertie Boswell, only three and a half years of age; "The Old Kentucky Home" (one act), with Frank Weston, EfBe Ellsler, and her company; recitation, Frank Mayo; song, Vernona Jarbeau; Henry T. Bryant, in scene of ventriloquism; George S. Knight, in " Dutch reminiscences ; " recitation, Harriet Webb ; tumbleroni- con and zither by D. W. Robertson and H. J. Schmalixl The receipts were $3,789. 50. '

James W. Collier was tendered a benefit afternoon and evening of June 24, and the following was the programme: afternoon, "A Conjugal Lesson," by John T. Raymond and Ida Vernon; Bar- tholdi Grand March, Solomon, orchestra conducted by the com- poser; Lillian Russell in song, "The Silver Line;" Charles T. Ellis in a selection of songs, assisted by Baby Blanche, followed by scenes from the fifth act of "Richard III.," N. C. Goodwin, Jr., Richard ; John A. Mackay as Richmond ; the trio, " Read the An- swer in the Stars," Digby Bell, Mathilde Cottrelly, and De Wolf Hopper; orchestra conducted by Sig. De Novellis; Lillian Con- way in musical morceaux. The performance concluded with a scene from "Adonis," introducing Henry E. Dixey. In the even- ing Maggie Mitchell appeared in " Fanchon ; " J. H. Stoddart in "The Long Strike;" the fourth act of "Richelieu," by Thomas W. Keene and company. During the summer many alterations were made in the house.




. . Sig. Ravelli

. . Del Puente

. . Mile. Dotti

Mile. Bauermeister

Minnie Hauck

II Dancairo Caracciolo

II Remendado Rinaldini

Zuniga De Vaschetti

Mercedes .... Mme. Lablache

The opera season was opened by Colonel Mapleson, Nov. 2, with " Carmen, " cast thus :

Don Jose Escamillo Michaela Paquita . Carmen .

This was Minnie Hauck's first appearance in three years. Felia Litvinoff made her American debut Nov. 6 as Leonora in "II Trovatore." Mile. Alma Fohrstrom first appeared on the Ameri- can stage Nov. 9 in the title r61e of "Lucia di Lammermoor." The season closed matinee of Nov. 28 with "Faust." Leonore Gordon Hussey, an amateur, appeared Dec. 10 in "Leah."

An Italian operatic entertainment was given Dec. 19 by Mme. Murio-Celli and several of her pupils, with the assistance of Mapleson's principal artists. Sig. Salvini and his company ap- peared Dec. 21 in "The Gladiator." The performance was to benefit the New York Exchange for Women's Work. J. H. Mapleson's benefit took place Dec. 23, when Jules Massenet's opera, " Manon, " was given for the first time in America.

The American Opera company under the conductorship of Theo. Thomas, commenced Jan. 4, 1886, with the first performance in America of "The Taming of the Shrew." In it Pauline I'Alle- mand made her American debut, and Kate Bensberg her operatic debut. This opera was repeated Jan. 6, and matinee, Jan. 9. Gluck's " Orpheus and Eurydice " was sung Jan. 8, for the first time in its entirety since 1863. It was repeated Jan. 18. "Lohen- grin " was sung Jan. 20 for the first time in English, when Wil- liam Candidus made his debut in opera; Myron Whitney appeared for the first time with this company. Emma Juch joined the organization as Elsa; Helen Hastreiter made her first appearance as Ortrud, Alonzo Stoddard (first appearance) as Telramund, and E. J. O'Mahony as the Herald. "The Magic Flute" was sung Jan. 27. "The Merry Wives of Windsor," Feb. 10-12.

" Lakme " was sung for the first time in America March i, with this cast:

Rose . . . Mrs. Benson Malika . . Hadji . .

Helen Dudley Campbell

. . . . May Fielding

Jessie Bartlett Davis

. . . W. H. Fessenden

Lakme .... Pauline I'Allemand Nilakantha .... A. E. Stoddard

Gerald W. Candidus

Frederick W. H. Lee

Ellen Charlotte Walker

"The Flying Dutchman " was heard March 17, with William Lud- wig as the Dutchman. Whitney Mockridge also made his d6but as Eric. The different operas given by the American Opera com- pany, and the number of times each was performed, are as follows : "The Taming of the Shrew," five times; "The Magic Flute,"


five; "Marriage of Jeannette," and "Sylvia," five each; "The Flying Dutchman," seven; "The Merry Wives of Windsor," nine; "Lohengrin," ten; "Lakme," eleven; and "Orpheus and Eurydice," thirteen.

John A. Mackay took a benefit afternoon of April 22, when H. E. Dixey appeared with the beneficiary in a travesty, by Sydney Rosenfeld, of the dagger scene in "Macbeth." Others who ap- peared were, Marie Aimee and her company, R. C. Hilliard, Frank Lincoln, Mae St. John, Francis Wilson, Tony Hart, Courtice Pounds, Rosina Yokes, Victoria Schilling, George Thome, and Elsie Cameron.

The Booth-Salvini company appeared April 26 in " Othello " :

Othello Tomaso Salvini

lago Edwin Booth

Emilia .... Mrs. D. P. Bowers Desdemona . . Marie Wainwright Brabantio . . . . C. W. Couldock The Doge of Venice . . Barton Hill Cassio Alexander Salvini

Montano John A. Lane

Roderigo G. W. Wilson

Lodovico James Wallis

Gratiano Alfred Hearn

Paulo E. E. Delamater

A Herald Stuart Clarke

A Messenger .... Royal Roche

Salvini's Othello showed the softness of the dove at one time, and the savagery of the tiger at the other. In its rage it was animal and African, and in its calm it was manly and human. The tragedy was given at somewhat greater length than usual here. Othello struck Desdemona in the face with the letter scroll, and the kill- ing of that lady was done first by smothering, and finished with the dagger.

" Othello " thus cast was a performance which must be recorded as one of the greatest dramatic events of the age. Edwin Booth was " incapacitated " while acting lago. May 5.

A musical and dramatic matinee was given May 6 in aid of the Bartholdi Fund to erect the Statue of Liberty. Among the volun- teers were Mrs. James Brown-Potter, Marie Wainwright, A. Sal- vini, Mme. Fursch-Madi, Louis James, Helen Dauvray, and Fanny Davenport. The latter lady sang the Marseillaise with the French choral societies.

"The Sultan of Zanzibar" was presented May 8 for the first time on any stage in French, by Chevalier De Kontski : Mme. Isadore Martinez, Mile. Ida Covani, Mr. Richard, M. Vicarino, P. Cleck, and H. Rykers in the dast. A " season " of Italian opera under the direction of Sig. Angelo opened Oct. 18 with "lone," an old opera by Petrilla. In the cast were Sig. Giannini, Mme. Mestres, Blanche Montaldo, Pogliano,and Sig. Pinto, basso. Nov. I " Un Ballo in Maschera " was sung by the same company. Nov. S the season closed prematurely. "Rigoletto" had been an- nounced for that night. It was not sung, nor was "La Juive" given Nov. 3 as billed. Business had been bad from the start,




and there was a quarrel between Angelo and Julia Valda, the backers of the venture. Adelina Patti appeared in concert Nov. 18. Sig. Guille, a new tenor, was among those who assisted her. At the second concert, afternoon of Nov. 20, Patti sang the jewel song from " Faust. "

A charity entertainment was given afternoon and evening, Feb. 17, 1887, in aid of a fund for the new La Salle Institute of the Christian Brothers. On the afternoon of April 21 William Dav- idge took a " testimonial benefit " to celebrate his fiftieth year of constant service upon the stage, thirty-seven years in America and thirteen years in Great Britain and Ireland. The following was the programme: Dockstader's Minstrels; Screen scene from "The School for Scandal," John Gilbert as Sir Peter Teazle, Kyrle Bellew as Charles Surface, Herbert Kelcey as Joseph Surface, Annie Robe as Lady Teazle; Mme. Janauschek and company in the death scene of "Meg Merrilies," with this cast:

Dirk Hattrick .

Meg Merrilies .... Janauschek Dandie Dinmont . . Geo. D. Chaplin Henry Bertram . . Alex. H. Stuart Colonel Guy Mannering James Garden Diiminie Sampson . . E. A. Eberle Bailie Bearcliff . . . . T. Beverly Gilbert Glosson .... Giles Shine

Beverly W. Turner

Jacob Tabos M. Brewer

Gabriel Louis Bresn

Julia Mannering . . . Marston Leigh Lucy Bertram . . . Lavinia Shannon Mrs. McCandlish . . Kate Fletcher Flora .... Josephine C. Bailey

After this came one scene from " The Love Chase " :

Sir William Fondlove

Charles Wheatleigh

Wildrake E. H. Sothem

Waller Frank Rodney

Trueworth . . . Joseph E. Whiting Humphries .... Henry Clayton

Lash Claude Brooke

Servant W. Pembroke

Widow Green Ida Vernon

Lydia Adeline Stanhope

Phoebe Percy Haswell

Constance .... Helen Dauvray

Next came second act of " Saints and Sinners " :

Letty Fletcher Jacob Fletcher Capt. Eustace .

Marie Burroughs

. J. H. Stoddart

Robert Hilliard

Ralph Kingsmill Jack Raddles . Leeson . . .

. . L. F. Massen

Henry J. HoUiday

. H. S. Millward

Mr. Davidge then addressed the audience and was followed by the second act of "The Golden Giant":

Alexander Fairfax . McKee Rankin I Jack Mason . . . Robert Hilliard Bixby Charles Stanley |

Bessie Fairfax . Mrs. McKee Rankin Ethel Gray Daisy Dorr

Then Loie Fuller and Carrie Coote gave vocal selections, and the performance concluded with the farce of "The Wandering Minstrel": ^

Jim Baggs . . Mr. Crincum . Herbert Carol . Mr. Tweedle .

William Davidge Henry Holliday . Henry Hallam

. C. P. Flockton

Mrs. Crincum . . Mrs. E. G. Phillips

Julia Vernona Jarbeau

Peggy Marie Greenwald


The Academy property was sold to W. B. Dinsmore April 27, 1887, for ^300,000. It was put up at the Real Estate exchange and knocked down to Director Dinsmore, subject to a mortgage of 1^195,000, because nobody else would make a bid. At that time Mr. Dinsmore stated that he bought the property on the impulse of the moment as an investment. It comprised about ten lots in the very heart of the city. A few weeks afterwards W. P. Douglas bought the property, paying ;^32S,cxdo for it. The deed was recorded in the Registrar's Office Aug. 31. The property was sold subject to a mortgage to secure the payment of ^195,000 to the executors of John Schenck. Mr. Douglas, by a mortgage re- corded Aug. 30 borrowed ^300,000 from the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance company, to enable him to buy the property.

This house was first opened as a combination theatre that is, it was rented to travelling companies for two or more weeks at a time Sept. 19 with the "Tank" play, "A Dark Secret," which had this cast :

James Norton .... Harry Ashton

Stephen Hudson Liston

Nat Chas. Cumraings

Arthur Loates .... Geo. Backus

Nelly . . Cecil Rayner May Joyce . Emilia . .

. Virginia Nelson . Clarence Heritage . Dora Goldthwaite Gabrielle du Sauld

Eugene Tompkins and Ed. G. Gilmore commenced as managers of this house Nov. 28. The spectacle of " The Arabian Nights " opened Dec. 5 for two weeks. Week of Dec. 19 the theatre was closed, but reopened Dec. 26 with the Booth-Barrett company in "Julius Caesar." Most of the orchestra seats sold for ;^, a few for $2, and all the balcony back of the first two rows for ;^i. 50. The cast was :

Brutus . . .

Decius . . .

Casca . . . Metellus Cimber

Trebonius . .

Cinna . . .

Calphurnia . .

. Edwin Booth Charles Collins

. B. G. Rogers

L. J. Henderson Chas. B. Hanford

. Edwin Royle Elizabeth Robbins

Cassius . . . Julius Caesar . Octavius CcEsar Popilius Lena . Titanius . . . Portia . . .

Lawrence Barrett . John A. Lane

Lawrence Hanley

Frederic Vroom

. J. L. Finney

Minna K. Gale

March 19 Bamay, the German tragedian, appeared as King Lear with this cast :

Koenig von Frankreich Carl Mueller Herzog von Burgund Alexis Schoenlank Herzog von Cornwall Heinrich Zilzer Herzog von Albanien . . Julius Metz Graf von Gloster . . Reinhold Bojok Graf von Kent . . . Gustav Kober Koenig Lear .... Herr Barnay Edgar Arthur Meyer

Edmund . Curan Der Narr Oswald . Goneril . Regan . Cordelia .

Hugo Ranzenberg . . . M. Hoppe . . Moritz Moritz . Hermann Haack . Antonie Ziegler Auguste Burmester Hermine Reichenbach

.i^ugcu niuiui ivieyer

Barnay's Lear lacked grandeur of conception and dignity of mien. It was neither picturesque nor pathetic. It did not




touch the heart, neither did it fill the imagination or satisfy the intellect. March 21, 22, an act each of "Richard III.," "Wil- liam Tell," and "Julius Caesar" were given; March 23 and 24, "Uriel Acosta;" matinee, March 24, "Othello." This closed Barnay's engagement at this house, also with Conreid & Herr- mann, his managers, and " Julius Cassar " was played during the engagement of two weeks. The pantomime of " Mazulm, or the Night Owl," Jan. 9, 1888:

Mazulm A. H. Denham

Spirits of Purity . . Hattie Grinnell

Clown T. S. Dare

Harlequin . . ... Albert Martinetti

Policeman Wm. Eunice

Pantaloon . . . W. H. Bartholomew Columbine Louise Allen

Ludwig Barnay, the German actor, was announced to make his debut March 12, under the management of Conreid & Herrmann. But the audience was so small that it was dismissed by the man- agement. The slim attendance was owing to the memorable bliz- zard— a snowstorm long to be remembered. Very few of the theatres were able to open their doors, as the streets were almost impassable. The following night there was another small sized house, occasioned by the storm, but March 15 Barnay appeared in "Kean," a play made familiar by him during his first American engagement at the Thalia, in 1883. The cast of "Kean" was as follows :

George, Prinz von Wales

Hugo Ranzenberg Graf von Coefeld . Hermann Haack Graefin Helena . . Antonie Ziegler Graefin Amy von Goswill

Auguste Burmester Lady Sarah Brighton, Eugenie Schmitz

Sir Arthur Neville Alexis Schoenlank Anna Danby . Hermine Reichenbach Edmund Kean . . Ludwig Barnay Lord Melvill .... Arthur Meyer Darius ...... Moritz Moritz

Salomon Gustav Kober

Pistol Lili Petri

On March 16 and 17 he appeared in "Othello," with this cast:

Der Doge von Venedig, Heinrich Zilzer Desdemona . Hermine Reichenbach Brabantio .... Reinhold Bojok

Gratiano Julius Metz

Lodovico . . . Alexis Schoenlank Othello Ludwig Barnay

Cassio Hugo Ranzenberg

Yago Gustav Kober

Roderigo Arthur Meyer

Montana .... Hernlann Haack Emilia Antonie Ziegler

This was his first performance of the character in this country. Barnay was wonderfully picturesque and romantic a little too much in color the negro rather than the Moor, perhaps, but a stalwart and impressive Moor.

Tony Hart had a benefit here matin6e of March 15, when the following programme was offered : Overture by an enlarged volun- teer band of fifty pieces, comprising members of the orchestras of the Fourteenth Street Theatre, the People's Theatre, and the


Grand Opera House by the courtesy of their respective leaders, under the direction of Wm. Lloyd Bowron of the Fourteenth Street Theatre; Ferguson and Mack in their specialties; Frank Mayo and company in the first act of " The Royal Guard ; " cast : D'Artagnan, a Gascon adventurer, Frank Mayo; Captain de Tre- ville, Ralph Howard ; Athos, Wm. Harcourt ; Porthos, D. Hanchett; Aramis, Robert Neil; Count Rochefort, a spy of Richelieu's, E. Parish; Brissac, Captain of Richelieu's Guard, L. Johnstone; Mons. Bonacieux of the Lion d'Or, D. Rivers; Jaques, J. Lori- mer; Perrott, T. H. Conly; Lady de Winter, Alice Fischer; Constance, Frances Graham; Nannette, Gladys Graves; peas- ants, guards, etc. Charles Reed, comic recitation; Arthur L. Oswald, aria, " Lend Me Your Aid ; " Marshall P. Wilder, origi- nal sketch (accompanied by Morris Phillips); W. J. Scanlan and company in the second act of "Shane-na-Lawn;" cast: Shane-na- Lawn, with songs, W. J. Scanlan ; John Power, C. H. Thompson ; Gerald Power, George W. Deyo; Harry Redmond, Charles Dade; Mat Kerwin, W. R. Ogden; Ronald, Thaddeus Shine; Buckley, C. R. Webster; Agent Dillon, Albert Morrell; Rose Redmond, Kate Blancke; Peggy O'Moore, Kitty O'Shea; Mrs. Powers, Millie Sackett; Marie Jansen, ballad; Harry Edwards, recitation, "A Manager's Story " (E. Collier); Warning and assassination scenes of "Julius Caesar;" cast: Julius Csesar, Charles Kent; Brutus, Wm. H. Crane; Marc Antony, N. C. Goodwin, Jr.; Cassius, Stuart Robson; Decius, Henry Bergman; Flavins, Francis Wilson; Soothsayer, J. B. Mason; Casca, Frank Mayo; Trebonius, Osmund Tearle; Metellus, Steele Mackaye; Popillius, Robert E. Hilliard; Calphurnia, Selina Fetter; senators, priests, lictors, guards, citizens, etc., by prominent professional people, assisted by the supernumerary forces from "Paul Kauvar; " Dave Reed, end man and bone soloist, assisted by Eugenie Reed, and Mrs. Dave Reed in "Hydrophobia, or a Dish of Reed Birds;" Mabel Stillman, whistling; Clarence Worrall, cornet solo; John and Edna Vidocq, in "Rehearsal." Stage director, Henry Flohr. Satin programmes were sold by Mrs. G. W. Floyd and Mrs. Louise Eldridge, who realized ^200 in this way. The total re- ceipts of the benefit were about ^10,500. An auction sale of seats for the benefit took place March 8, at the Madison Square Theatre. N. C. Goodwin, Jr., was the auctioneer. He was playing an en- gagement in Philadelphia that week, but came on to attend the sale, and returned in time for the evening show.

Daniel E. Bandmann began an engagement March 26, for one week, in " Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. " The National Opera com- pany was heard April 2 in "Nero;" April 3, Goldmark's "Queen of Sheba," with Chas. O. Bassett as Assad, Mme. Pierson as Sula- mith. Miss Fabris as Astaroth, and Mrs. Poole as the Queen.




The rest of the cast included Messrs. Vetta, Stoddard, and Merton ; April 4 "Tannhauser" was sung, for the first time in this city in English; April $, "Faust," with Barton McGuckin, the tenor, in the title r61e, Amande Fabris as Margherita, Vetta as Meph- istopheles, and Stoddard as Valentine; April 6, "The Flying Dutchman."

Campanini began a short season April 16 with Verdi's opera, "Otello," originally produced at La Scala, Milan, one year pre- viously. Here it had this cast:

Roderigo Barberis

Montano Maina

Desdemona (first appearance)

Signora Tertrazzini Emilia Signora Scalchi

Otello (first appearance in America)

Marconi Cassio (first appearance in America)

De Comis

lago Galassi

Lodovico Bologna

Marconi, the new tenor, was a failure, and did not sing after April 18. Campanini appeared as Otello April 20. The season closed disastrously matinee, April 28, with "Otello," and it is doubtful if a worse business was ever done at this house with Italian opera. Marconi, of whom so much was expected, disap- pointed every one. No opera that has ever been produced on this side of the Atlantic had received such an amount of gratuitous advertising as "Otello." Yet, even at the first performance here, the opera was a complete and melancholy failure.

The Howard Athenaeum Specialty company came for one week, commencing April 30.

"The Mystery of a Hansom Cab " was acted for the first time in New York city. May 7. It was originally produced in this country at the Amphion Theatre, Brooklyn. The cast here was :

Mark Fretelby Brian Fitzgerald Roger Moreland Kilsip . . . Gorby . . . Oliver Whyte . Felix RoUeston Mr. Calton Dr. Chinston . Inspector of Police Cabman No. 1,104 Policeman X No. 43

Frank C. Bangs

Wm. Morris

W. S. Harkins

. Henry Lee

E. D. Lyons

Wm. Lee

Herbert Ay ling

Edmund Grace

Henry Vernon

John Swinburn

Jos. Mitchell

Wm. Johnson

Ben Morgan . . ,


Newsboy . . . . Madge Fretelby . . Mother Guttersnipe , Mrs. Sampson . , Mrs. Felix RoUeston, Rosanna Moore, Sal

Mrs. Morgan . . . Eliza

. . . Littleton

. Mr. Sylvester

Chas. Delacker

Bijou Heron

. Marion Bond

. Carrie Jamison

Florence Windram


Helen Bancroft . Sallie Hinston . . Carrie Allen

Frank Mayo played here one week in "The Streets of New York," opening May 14. Week of May 21 the house was closed. Sunday night. May 27, a benefit for the New York Press Club building fund took place.

Louis James and Marie Wainwright, with their travelling com- pany, began a week's engagement May 28 in "Virginius":


Virginius Louis James Titus E. Y. Backus

Appius Claudius . . Wm. Harris Marcus ^^"7 Leighton

Caius Claudius . . . Erroll Dunbar First Soldier A. Clemens

Dentatus .... H. A. Langdon Servia Kate Meek

Icilius F. C. Mosley Female Slave .... Aurelia Samer

Numitorius . . . Edward N. Ho3ft Virginia .... Marie Wainwright

Lucius Willis Granger

"Othello" and "Ingomar" were also played during the week. John L. Sullivan, the pugilist, took a "benefit" June 4. The house reopened Aug. 30, with Eugene Tompkins and E. G. Gil- more as managers, and with Denman Thompson as the star, in "The Old Homestead," which had this cast:

Joshua Whitcomb Frank Hopkins John Freeman Rickety Ann . Annie Hopkins Cy. Prime . .

Den Thompson

Chauncy Olcott

Frank Thompson

Annie Thompson

Venie Thompson

. Geo. A. Beane

Happy Jack Walter Gale

Eb. Ganzey .... J. L. Morgan Aunt Matilda .... Louisa Morse Nellie Freeman . . . Lillian Stone Maggie .... Minnie Luckstone

A benefit for the German Press Club took place Sunday night, Oct. 28. Mme. Herbert -Foerster, Max Alvary, Bertha Ricci, Helen Von Doenhoff, Emil Fischer, Isabelle Urquhart, Alice Maydue, Conrad Ansorge, Max Bendix, Gus Williams, Richard Pitrot, and a number of German singing societies gave their ser- vices. Dockstader's Minstrels were heard in white face Sunday evening, Dec. 30. Jas. Blamphin, the harpist, and Jules Levy, cornetist, also appeared. A testimonial benefit was tendered May 26, 1889, to the family of the late Hon. Michael Norton, when a host of voluntary artists appeared, including Charles O. Bassett, Maud Powell, Georgine Von Januschowsky, Conrad Ansorge, Blanche Walsh, Alice J. Shaw, and others. The affair was given under the auspices of Mayor Hugh J. Grant and other city officials. The amount raised by the testimonial was about ^20,000. "The Old Homestead" terminated its first run Saturday evening, June i, 1889, when the house closed for one week, and reopened June 10 with Bartholomew's Equine Paradox. Their stay was very brief, and the house closed until Thursday evening, Sept. 25, when Mr. Thompson commenced another season of "The Old Homestead." The season closed May 10, 1890. James C. Duff's opera company appeared here May 12 in " Pinafore " : Sir Joseph Porter, Digby Bell; Captain Corcoran, W. H. Clarke; Ralph Rack- straw, Chauncey Olcott ; Dick Deadeye, Frank Pearson ; Boatswain, W. H. MacLaughlin; Josephine, Gertrude Sears; Hebe, Katie Gil- bert; Little Buttercup, Laura Joyce Bell. "The Mikado" was sung June 2 : Digby Bell, Ko Ko ; Chauncey Olcott, Nanki Pooh; Laura Joyce Bell, Katisha; Yum Yum, Gertrude Sears; and Pooh Bah, William MacLaughlin ; Jos. C. Fay, Leona Clarke.

The next dramatic season opened Aug. 23 with the following




English specialty company: The Montague troupe of acrobats, Stebb and Trepp, Rodo Leo Rapoli, equilibrist; Dan Emerson, vocalist; the Hulines, the Waterbury Family, the Hanlon Volters (not the original Hanlon Bros.), the Paul Martinetti pantomime company. The gymnastic act of Zampillaerostation was done by the Hanlon Volters, and the afterpiece was "A Terrible Night." All of the specialty acts had been performed, and when the Hanlon Volters had about finished their gymnastic act, while William was doing the "giant swing" on a single trapeze suspended from the dome of the theatre, one of the wire cables supporting the bar broke, and he fell head foremost to the parquet, striking one of the ropes holding the net, thus breaking his fall. He was taken to the New York Hospital, where he remained for several days. He reappeared Sept. 6, but took no part in the performance other than to bow his acknowledgments to the audience.

The B. P. O. Elks had a benefit afternoon Sept. 4, when the McCaull Opera company appeared in "The Seven Suabians." "The Nuptial Chimes" came next. Others on the bill were the Hanlon Volters, Selma Koert-Kronold, Carl Streitmann, and Gil- bert Sarony. William Hanlon reappeared Sept. 25 in his trapeze act. This company closed Oct. 2. Den Thompson returned Oct. 6 in "The Old Homestead." Edward Gilmore and Eugene Tomp- kins purchased Nilsson Hall in East Fifteenth Street, adjoining the Academy for ^78,000. "The Old Homestead" was revived Oct. 6 and closed Jan. 10, 1891. "Joshua Whitcomb " was pro- duced Jan. 12 for two weeks. "The Old Homestead" was revived Jan. 26 and continued until April 25. The house was closed week of April 27, except May 2, when the "Mask and Wig Club," of the University of Pennsylvania, appeared in the bur- lesque of "Miss Columbia" for the first time in this city.

"Home, Sweet Home," a rural play, was acted May 4, 1891, for the first time on any stage. In the company were Robert Fischer, George A. Beane, Louis R. Grissel, John R. Maner, Sidney Drew, Mason Mitchell, John Morgan, Louisa Morse, Louise Sylvester, Hattie Harvey, and Kate Chester. The theatre was closed May 9 and reopened Aug. 26 with "The Shaughraun," by amateurs. The next season began Sept. 3, 1891, with "The Soudan," which had this cast :

Captain Temple . . . Louis James Matthew Hawker . . S. E. Springer Paul de Vigne .... Frank Losee Stephen Mardyke . Stanislaus Stange Rev. Arthur Lul worth

Lawrence Eddinger Horatio Spofkins . . Dan Collyer Joe Lambkins .... Harry Hawk Father Donini . . Russell Hunting

Nellie Temple Cora Gray . . Maggie Wilkins Mrs. Lambkins Mrs. Lulworth Mrs. Buton Frank . Dick . .

. . Emma Vaders

Eleanor Moretti

. Kate Oesterle

. Mrs. W. G. Jones

Jeannie Harold

. . . . Marie Bellville

. . Master Jack Ferris

Master Wallie Eddinger


This closed Nov. 21, 1891. "Cinderella" was presented Nov. 24 and closed Dec. 26. On Dec. 29 " A Country Circus " was pre- sented. In the company were Nat. D. Jones, Mrs. Eugene A. Eberle, Chas. B. Hawkins, Frank A. Tannehill, Jr., Henry Lynn, Lottie Alter, Mrs. W. A. Sands, Lon Morris, and James A. Heme (stage director). There was a ring on the stage with reflecting mirrors. The circus performers were the Meers Sisters, Katie HoUoway, Wm. Conrad and dogs, Thos. S. Dare, Leon Morris and ponies, the Glinserettis and George Kline. The "Country Circus" closed March 26, 1892.

Adele Sandrock, announced as the German Bernhardt, made her American debut March 28, 1892, in "Eva," supported by a Ger- man company from the Thalia Theatre. " Marie Stuart " was given April 8 with Marianne Bedocovies in the title r61e. Sand- rock was to have acted that r61e, but at the last moment refused, stating that she had not sufficient time to study it. "Sophie Dorothea " was seen April 12 for the first time in America. Sandrock acted April 15 in "Die Hochzeit von Valeni." The house was closed week of April 18. Mme. Siseretta Jones, an- nounced as the Black Patti (who first appeared in New York, April 26 at the Madison Square Garden), sang here April 30 and May I. The burlesque "Blue Eyed Susan," by Sims and Pettit was done May 2 with a cast made up of amateurs. The Hi Henry burlesque company came May 9 in " Our Vassar Girls. " Princess Dolgorouky, solo violinist, made her American debut May 28. William Muldoon gave a boxing exhibition June 4.

The next season began Sept. 5, 1892, with "The Black Crook," and this cast : Count Wolfenstein, Geo. K. Robinson ; Rudolphe, Nestor Lennon ; Von Puffengruntz, W. H. Bartholomew; Hertzog, S. E. Springer; Greppo, Sam Collins; Dragonfin, James Marba; Zamiel, Russell Hunting; Stalacta, Elise Gray; Amina, Gertrude Wood ; Dame Barbara, Mrs. Selden Irwin ; Carline, Sadie Mac- Donald. In the ballet were Zole Tornaghi, Sig. Nicola Guerra, Amalia Maveroffer, and Marie Rizzi, their first appearance in America. The four French quadrille dancers from Paris made their American debut in the dance known as "The Split." The French equilibrist Kins-Ners made his American debut Sept. 10. Sig. Biancifiore, male dancer, and Elena Salmorraghi, premiere danseuse, first appeared March 24.

Mrs. Louisa Eldridge had a benefit afternoon, April 6, 1893. Rose Pompon, French eccentric dancer, made her American debut April 10. " The Black Crook " closed May 20, after three hundred and six consecutive performances. The Columbia College boys gave "Ivanhoe" May 26, 1893. Dr. Carver appeared here July 4 in "The Scout," and suddenly closed July 22. The house reopened Aug. 14 with " The Black Crook " Bartoletti, premiere




danseuse, made her American d6but. Leonella Staccione reap- peared, and Sig. Salvaggi, male dancer, made his American d6but, Aug. 21. "The Black Crook" closed Sept. 23. The Academy was dark until Oct. 23, 1893, when it was opened with "In Old Ken- tucky," which had this cast: Frank Layson, Wm. Courtleigh; Col. Sandusky Doolittle, Burt G. Clarke; Joe Lorey, George W. Deyo; Brutus, Scott Williams; Madge Brierly, Bettina Gerard; Alathea Layson, Ethel Graybrooke. This drama ran until March 12, 1894, when "The Girl I Left Behind Me" was presented. It was by David Belasco and Franklyn Fyles. The next season opened August 30 with " Shenandoah. " " The Cotton King " was acted for the first time in America Dec. 3, and the cast was :

Jack . . Shillinglaw Stockley Fonseca . Ponder .

Eben Plympton

. Dominick Murray

. Cuyler Hastings

Edward R. Mawson

. . . Edward See

Tupper Dan Collyer

Hetty May Wheeler

Mrs. Drayson . . . Mrs. Selden Irwin Kittie .... Amelia Summerville Elsie Bijou Fernandez

There was a benefit performance here and at the Grand Opera House afternoon of Jan. 17, 1895, for the relief of the families of the firemen who lost their lives on Dec. 29. "Rory of the Hills" was first played here Jan. 28, 1895, and had this cast:

Squireen Darley . . . Jos. A. Wilkes Barry L'Estrange . Emmet Corrigan Lawyer McSlime . . . Harry Hawk The Mask .... Henry E. Walton Con Cregan, a Madman J. F. Wheelock Corney IDelaney .... Ben Lodge The Hon. Percy WagstafE

Richard Ganthony Mr. Decourcy ... T. C. Hamilton

Adolphus . . Mike Dooley . Norry Cavanagh Decourcy . . Grace Darley . Esmond . . . Widow Kilduff Widow O'Mally Rory O'Mally .

Emmet Devoy Harry Scarborough . Patsy Brannigan . T. C. Hamilton . Nellie Braggins . . Kate Lester . May Thompson Mrs. Chas. Peters . James C. Roach

"Rory of the Hills" closed April 6, 1895. The house reopened April IS with Prof. Alex Herrmann, the magician, for a fortnight. " The Fatal Card " was presented April 29 and ran until June i, when the house closed, and reopened Aug. 29 with the first produc- tion in America of "The Sporting Duchess," called in England "The Derby Winner," by Augustus Harris, Cecil Raleigh, and Henry Hamilton. The drama had this cast :

Douglas E, J. RatclifFe

Harold Roy Richardson

Donnelly Alfred Fisher

Mostyn Francis Carlyle

Lord Chisholm . . W. D. Harbury

Bagot Francis Neilson

Guy Beamish .... Rhynas Jones

Rupert William Harcourt

Cyprian Streatfield . . R. A. Roberts

Joe Alymer . . . Maria . . . . Muriel . . . . Mrs. Donnelly Annette Donnelly May Aylmer Vivian Darville . Frances Collonby

. J. H. Stoddart . . Agnes Booth . . Cora Tanner Agnes Proctor . . Jessie Busley Margaret Robinson . . Alice Fischer . . Louise MuUer


J. H. Stoddart was the recipient of a loving cup Jan. 30, 1896, after the close of the performance of " The Sporting Duchess. " The cup was presented to him by the management of the play and the members of the company, and commemorated the sixty-third anni- versary of Mr. Stoddart's debut on the stage. The presentation speech was made by A. M. Palmer, to which Mr. Stoddart re- sponded. Mrs. Agnes Booth Schoeffel also presented him with a silver pitcher, a gift from Joseph Jefferson. In consequence of the illness of Cora Tanner Feb. 12, 1896, Agnes Booth acted Muriel, and Agnes Proctor appeared as Maria. This play con- tinued until Feb. 29.

Grand Opera was once more heard in the Academy on March 2, 1896. Mr. Damrosch's company began their season with " Fidelio," when Katharina Klafsky sang Leonora, and Gruening and Popovici were received with enthusiasm. " Lohertgrin " was sung March 5: Lohengrin, Wilhelm Gruening; Elsa, Milka Ternina; Ortrud, Katharina Klafsky; King Henry, Emil Fischer; Telramund, Demeter Popovici; Herald, Wilhelm Mertens. Frau Klafsky sang Ortrud as, perhaps, no one has ever sung it here before. What a magnificent voice hers was, to be sure! What a volume, what richness, beauty, and splendor of tone ! " The Scarlet Letter," composed by Walter Damrosch, was sung March 6 for the first time with this cast:

Hester Prynn . . . Johanna Gadski Arthur Dimmesdale . Baron Berthold Governor Bellingham Conrad Behrens

Rev. John Wilson . Gerard Stehman Roger Chillingworth . . W. Mertens Jailer Julius von Putlitz

"Siegfried" was sung matinee, March 7, introducing Max Alvary; " Tannhauser, " March 9; "Die Walkiire," March 11, with Katha- rina Klafsky as Brunhilde ; matinee, March 12, "Fidelio": Frau- lein Terulma as Leonora, Gruening as Florestan, Fischer as Rocco, Herr Popovici as Pizarro, and Behrens, the Minister; "Die Meistersinger " was sung March 13 with this cast: Hans Sachs, Emil Fischer; Veit Pogner, Conrad Behrens; Eva, Jo- hanna Gadski; Magdalene, Marie Maurer. "Tristan and Isolde" was heard matinee, March 14; "Lohengrin," March 16; "Sieg- fried," March 17; "Tannhauser," March 18; "Der Freischiitz, " March 20: Agatha, Johanna Gadski; Anna, Augusta Vollmar; Prince Ottokar, Wilhelm Mertens; Samiel, Julius von Putlitz; Hermit, Conrad Behrens. " Gotteidammerung " was heard matinee, March 21, and night, March 25; "Die Walkure," March 23; "Tristan and Isolde," March 27, and the season closed matinee, March 28, with "Die Meistersinger,"

" Cuba Free " was a play by James Arthur MacKnight, acted (March 26) for one night only. « Humanity " .was played March 30: Bevis Cranbourne, Joseph Grismer; Felix Cranbourne, John




S. Hale; Lady Cranbourne, Mary Davenport; Vera Cranbourne, Belle Bucklin; Fordyce Dangerfield, Hardee Kirkland; Baby Bembrose, Arthur Livingston; Matthew Penn, E. R. Mawson; Lesbia, Ramie Austin; Keziah, Julia Batchelder; Manassas, Dore Davidson; Alma Dunbar, Phoebe Davis. This was followed by "After Dark": Old Tom, Wm. A. Brady; Medhurst, Ross O'Neal; Chumley, E. R. Mawson ; Dicey Morris, Dore Davidson ; Belling- ham, Hardee Kirkland; Peter Small, Sadie Price; Eliza, Marie Rene ; Rose, Helen Robertson. " Trilby " was seen here May 9, and the house closed to reopen matinee and night of May 30, when " The Rivals " was acted by the same company that played it a few nights previously at the Herald Square Theatre.

The house was opened for the season Aug. 20, 1896, with the first performance of Clay Greene's "Under the Polar Star," which had this cast :

Rodman Charles Kent Doctor Bacon .... Neil Warner

Harry Carleton . . Francis Carlyle O'Regan Felix Haney

William Brandon . . Cuyler Hastings Helen Blaine - . Grace Henderson

Achille Rabon . . Leo Dietrichstein Mrs. Carleton . . . Mary Davenport

Washington Post . . . Theo Babcock Flora Heath . . . Bijou Fernandez

Alexy W. H. Thompson

There was a benefit afternoon of Oct. 8 for the Edwin Forrest Lodge, Actors' Order of Friendship. The performance began about noon and continued until nearly nightfall. Prominent among those who appeared were Joseph Jefferson as Mr. Go- lightly, in "Lend Me Five Shillings," Wm. H. Crane and Stuart Robson in the "quarrel scene" from "Julius Caesar," Francis Wilson in an act of "Half a King," and Georgia Cayvan, in a scene from "Mary Pennington, Spinster."

J. H. Mapleson began a season of Italian opera Oct. 26 with "Aida": Rhadames, Sig. Durot; Amonasro, Sig. de Anna; Ramfis, Sig. Pinto; the King, Sig. Dado; Amneris, Mme. Parsi; Sacerdotessa, Mile, du Bedat; Aida, Mme. Bonaplata-Bau. With the exception of one member of the cast, Sig. de Anna, there was not a singer upon the stage who was known to New York. " La Traviata " was announced for Oct. 28, but owing to the illness of Sig. Randaccio there was a change of bill, and " Aida " was again performed; also Oct. 30, the cast being the same at each perform- ance. "II Trovatore" was given matinee, Oct. 31. Mme. Bona- plata was announced for Leonora, but Mme. Dotti took her place. Mme. Scalchi was the Azucena; "The Huguenots" was sung Nov. 4; Sig. de Marchi sang Raoul in "The Huguenots," Mile. Pergozzi- Albini, Margherita de Valois.

"La Somnambula" was sung Nov. 6: Elvino, Sig. Betti; Conte Rodolfo, Sig. Dado; Alessio, Sig. Borelli; Un Notaro, Sig. Oli- ver! ; Lisa, Mme. du Bedat ; Theresa, Mme. Meysenheym ; Amina,


Mme. Huguet. This was the first appearance here of Mile. HugueL " Aida" was sung matinee, Nov. 7. The prices were reduced Nov. 9 from $4 to $s. " Faust " was heard Nov. 9 with Susan Strong as Margherita and Sig. Randaccio as Faust. This was Miss Strong's first appearance, and also the American debut of Randac- cio; "La Somnambula" was heard Nov. ii, with Huguet as Amina; Nov. 13, for the first time in America "Andrea Chenier " was sung, libretto by Luigi Illica and music by Umberto Giordano. The opera had this cast:

Andrea Chenier Carlo Gerard . Maddalena . .

. . . . Sig. Durot

. . . Sig. Ughetto

Mme. Bonaplata-Bau

La Mulatta Bersi . Mme. Meysenheym La Contessa di Coigny . . Mme. Parsi

" Faust " was sung matinee, Nov. 14; "Andrea Chenier," Nov. 16- 18; "Lucia di Lammermoor," matinee, Nov. 21; "Lohengrin," Nov. 20; the season closed Saturday night Nov. 21 with "II Tro- vatore." The matinde drew a large audience and in the evening the house was filled at the low prices which Mapleson tried as an experiment.

Nov. 23, 1896, was given, for the first time in this city, "Two Little Vagrants," adapted from the French of Pierre Decourcelle's " Les Deux Gosses," by Charles Klein. It had this cast:

George d'Armont Robert d'Albert St. Henri Le Renard Mulct . Fadart . Brisquet . Dr. Vernier Humbert

Edward J. Ratcliffe

Thomas Kingston

. . Giles Shine

Dore Davidson

George Fawcett

Eugene Sanger

Edward Morgan

Thaddeus Shine

William Farnum

Goguelin Thomas Story

Sexton .... Henry T. Harrison

Helen Annie Irish

Fan-fan Jessie Busley

Claude Minnie Dupree

Carmen Frances Gaunt

Zephyrine Alice Fischer

Sister Simplice . . . Mabel Eaton Marraine Goguelin . Lizzie Rochelle

On the afternoon of Dec. 17 there was an entertainment for the fund for the endowment of free hospital beds for members of the National Guard. An act of "A Milk White Flag," one of "My Friend from India," and a scene from "Two Little Vagrants," were given. Music was contributed by Bayne's Sixty-Ninth regiment band. Werner and Rieder, Williams and Walker, Donnelly and Girard, and Lew Dockstader furnished specialties. Miss Marget and Fred M. Marston sang, and Rose Coghlan, supported by W. H. Crompton and Bijou Fernandez, presented "Nance Oldfield." The house was closed Monday night, Jan. 25, 1897, and reopened Jan. 26 with the first performance in America of " Straight from the Heart," by Sutton Vane and Arthur Shirley. The play had this cast: ^ •'




David Walton . . Captain Nugent . Ventry Fox . . Frazer Fry - . . Louis Raymond Hawkshaw Dixon

George Paxton Charles A. Smiley . W. A. Whitecar Edward L. Walton . . Charles Kent . . . Bert Coote

Gloster Samuel Edwards

De Lorme . . . . De Witt Jennings

Harold }• Blanche Walsh Lalotte Bijou Fernandez

"In Old Kentucky" revived Feb. 22. "At Piney Ridge," pre- viously seen at the American Theatre, came March 29; "The Heart of Maryland," April 5; " Brian Boru," April 12; James Cor- bett, the pugilist, April 19, in "A Naval Cadet;" "The Sporting Duchess," April 26, and the season closed May i. It reopened August 26, 1897, with the spectacular play, "Nature," by William Deverna and James Schonberg, for the first time on any stage. It had this cast :

John Hampton Schultz . . . HughBassett . King Rap . .

. Edwin W. Ho£E

Joseph Cawthorne

Lloyd M. Bingham

. Frederick Clifton

Nature Amelia Bingham

Psyche Elaine Gryce

Katrina Merri Osborne

William Deverna died in this city two weeks before the play was produced. The production was a failure, and was followed Oct. II by James Corbett in "A Naval Cadet." Denman Thompson came Oct. 18 in "The Old Homestead."

Nov. 22 "The White Heather," by Cecil Raleigh and Henry Hamilton, was given, for the first time in America. It had this cast:

Lady Jane Rose Coghlan

Marion Amelia Bingham

Mollie Fanshaw .... Olive May Hermonie de Vaux . Madeline Bouton Blanche Rossiter . . . Alice Arnold

Donald Gray Scott

Mrs. Andrews .... Annie Adams Angus Cameron . . Francis Carlyle

Edgar Trefusis . Alec Maclintock . James Hume . . Dewar Gay . . Duke of Shetland Jackson

. Robert Cotton

Miller Kent

Harry Harwood

Lewis Baker

Frank Burbeck

P. A. Nannery

Craven Douglas Lloyd

Hudson E. Y. Backus

"The White Heather " ran until April 30, 1898. "Shenandoah" returned here May 17 and continued until June 11.

The next season began August 15, 1898, with Denman Thomp- son in "The Old Homestead," which ran until Sept. 26, when "Sporting Life," by Cecil Raleigh and Seymour Hicks was seen for the first time in America, and with this cast :

Reginald Molyneux . Charles Walcot

Braybourne . . . Beresford Webb

Dudley Stanhope . . H. G. Lonsdale

Isidore Frank Burbeck

Dan Doxey . . . . R. A. Roberts

Pilgrim R. Baton Gibbs

Joe Lee William Bonelli

Malet de Carteret . . Frazer Coulter

Jordan Fred Strong

Olive Elita Proctor Otis

Earl of Woodstock . Robert Hilliard

Hilliard withdrew from the cast after Oct. 16, but reappeared Nov 21. During his absence William Courtleigh acted the Earl of

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Woodstock. Andrew Mack appeared Jan. i6, 1899, in "The Ragged Earl," by Joseph Humphrey, for the first time in this city. The drama had this cast :

Gerald Fitzgerald . . Andrew Mack

Patrick W. J. Mason

Larry James Vincent

Maurice Thomas Jackson

Father Barry . . . John C. Fenton Henry Hardcastle . Henry Herman

Ralph Forester . . . Edwin Brandt Lord Wildbrook . . B. T. Ringgold Mrs. Fitzmaurice . . . Minnie Monk Kathleen Fitzmaurice, Josephine Lovett Una Fitzmaurice, Georgia Florence Olp Sarah McHugh . Annie Ward Tiffany

"Her Atonement," a war melodrama, was produced by Anson Pond Feb. 13, and had this cast:

Martha West . Mrs. Morton . Nora . . . Little Rose Mrs. Moriarty Colonel Swift . Charles Le Roy

. . . Annie Irish Kate Denin Wilson Nora Dunblane Ricca Scott . Ethel Bland . Louis Aldrich Richard Bennett

James Morton Louis Preterre James Doolittle . Patrick Mulligan . Johnny Springfield Mr. Phillips . . Henry Wright

. . Orrin Johnson

. Frederick Perry Thomas McGrath

. . Henry Dixey

. . Jessie Busley

. . John F. Cook

. . Harry Rose

Den Thompson came once more, March 27, with " The Old Home- stead." On May 8 "King of the Opium Ring" was seen, and the season closed June 3. The next season began Aug. 31 with " The Last of the Rohans," for the first time in this city. It had this cast:

Clifford Andrew Mack

Kerrigan .... B. T. Ringgold Neil McNeil .... Edwin Brandt Father Bernard . . George W. Deyo

McCarthy James Vincent

Kelly .... Thomas E. Jackson

Shelah Georgia Olp

Rosie Bantry . . . Jennie Satterlee

Den Thompson returned Oct. 9 in " The Old Homestead. " " Way Down East" was presented Nov. 13 and closed May 10, 1900, with the two hundred and sixth performance at this house, which, added to a hundred and fifty-five performances at the Manhattan Theatre, this city, made three hundred and sixty-one in New York. "Woman and Wine" was seen here May 12 and closed June 9.

The house reopened August 20 with "The Rebel," by James B. Fagan:

Jack Blake . . . Squire Bagenall . Bagenall . . . Captain Armstrong Father Teeling .

. Andrew Mack

George W. Deyo

John C. Ince, Jr.

. Edwin Brandt

John C. Fenton

Jimmy Keogh Michael . . Andy . . Lame Shann Bridget . .

Thomas Jackson . . Giles Shine

Ben T. Ringgold Charles Walton . Clara Knott

"The Rebel" ran until Sept. 20, and the house was closed Sept. 22, and reopened Sept. 23 with "Monte Cristo," James O'Neill playing Edmund Dantes; Nortier, Fred de Belleville. "Quo Vadis" was seen here Dec. 31, with Petronius, Wilton Lackaye; Vinicius, Aubrey Boucicault; Nero, Samuel Edwards; and Lygia, Bijou Fernandez. "Barbara Frietchie" came Jan. 28, 1901, with


Effie Ellsler in the title r61e. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was pro- duced March 4: Uncle Tom, Wilton Lackaye; Phineas Fletcher, Odell Williams; Simon Legree, Theo. Roberts; Geo. Harris, Wm. Harcourt; Marks, L. R. Stockwell; Eliza, Mabel Amber; Topsy, Maud Raymond; Cassie, Emily Rigl; Aunt Ophelia, Annie Yeamans; Mrs. St. Clair, Georgie Florence Olp; Eva, Alice Evans; Aunt Chloe, Dora Lane. There was a "cake walk," introducing Luke Pulley, B. H. Butler, and many others. John E. Kellerd commenced as Uncle Tom March 21. Sunday night, April 14, a miscellaneous performance was given for the benefit of the Actors' Fund. May 6 Frank Hatch commenced as Phineas Fletcher. Season closed May 18.


FIFTY years ago one of the most popular places of amusement in New York was the Broadway Athenaeum, situated at 654 Broadway, between Bleecker and Bond streets, originally the site of Astor mansion. It was a hall, fitted with stage and scenery, and performances of a light order were given. In August, 1856, Fanny Deane commenced a series of " Drawing Room Entertainments. " Each night's performance closed with "The Actress of All Work, or My Country Cousin. " This lady made her first appearance on the stage Dec. 12, 1853, at Wallack's Theatre (Broadway and Broome Street), in "The Game of Life." On April 26, 1857, she was married to Henry P. Halsey. Her body was found floating in New York Bay Sunday afternoon, June 5, 1859. The National American Historical Paintings were on exhibition here Dec. 15, 1856.


DIRECTLY opposite the Metropolitan Hotel and Niblo's Gar- den, at 585 Broadway, stood the house made famous by the Buckley Serenaders. It was called Buckley's Hall, and was opened by Buckley's minstrels Aug. 25, 1856. Negro minstrelsy and opera burlesques composed the entertainment. "II Trova- tore " was one of the most popular of the many travesties. In it George Swaine Buckley acted Man-nigger-o (Manrico). Encour- aged by the success which had attended their production of these burlesques, they gave them with uncorked faces. The novelty attracted for a time, but the absence of the negro dialect and "make up" rendered them spiritless; business fell off, and the company went on a travelling tour. They returned Jan. 5, 1857. The season closed June 27.


The house was then opened as a regular theatre, June 29, by Thaddeus W. Meighan, and called The New Olympic Theatre. The first company to appear here included F. S. Chanfrau, also A. F. Blake, T. Baker, T. Chandler, Mrs. H. P. Grattan, Mrs. Chas. Howard, J. Seymour, Mr. France, Harry Hall, Kate Pennoyer, Kate Connor, and Mrs. Stephens. The admission was twenty-five cents; orchestra seats, fifty cents. The opening pieces were " Grist to the Mill," "The Stage Struck Barber," and "Mother and Child are Doing Well." July 6 "Don Caesar de Bazan" was acted, with F. S. Chanfrau in the title r61e, and Mrs. Charles Howard as Maritana. July 13 Charles Gayler's extravaganza "Olympiana, or a Night with Mitchell " was seen for the first time on any stage, Mrs. Charles Howard, Kate Pennoyer, Sarah Howell, Harry Hall, Thomas B. Johnston, and James Seymour in the cast. July 27 " Rip Van Winkle " preceded " Olympiana," with Chanfrau as Rip, and Seymour as Knickerbocker. "The King of Coney Island" was played July 30, when the season closed. Buckleys' Sere- naders returned Aug. 1 1 for five nights. The next manager was Wm. B. Moore, who commenced Aug. 24 with " Lola Montez, or Catching a Governor," which had this cast :

Michael T. B. Johnston

KutsofiE Hays

Galopski Leslie

Gripenhoff Havelock

Stiffenbach Edson

Rathburn Julia TurnbuU

Mme. Kybosk . . . Miss Weaver

Mme. Volkerschaulks Mrs. J. R. Scott

Count Bellamy

Ryboski Wm. Denham

Hickwitz McDonald

Tittlebatz Miss Louise

Zepherine Miss Stanton

Lola Montez . . . Mrs. C. Howard

This was followed by a dance by Mile. Ernestine de Faibre, and " P. P. , or Man and the Tiger ; " James Canoll, Fanny France, and Mrs. Dixon were in the cast of the farce. After this came a dance by Ernestine de Faibre (this lady afterwards married Mr. Pougette, and died at Philadelphia, Feb. 24, 1875), and the bill concluded with "The Alpine Maid," in which Mr. Vincent, Mrs. Charles Howard, Young, and Julia Turnbull appeared. Tony Rieff was the musical director. Rose Thorn first appeared as Sally Scraggs, in "Sketches in India," Aug. 28. Kate Saxon in "Faint Heart Never Won Fair Lady," Sept. 5. Mrs. Charles Howard was seen Sept. 9 in "The Devil in Paris," assuming six characters. George Lea had now become the lessee of the house. Julia Turnbull took a benefit Oct. 2, when Fanny Herring acted Fanny Dribbles, in "An Object of Interest," and Julia Turnbull the title r61e in " Esmeralda."

The local musical extravaganza, "King Lager, or Ye Sons of Malt," written by Chas. T. P. Ware ("Sylvester Silverquill "), was acted for the first time on any stage Oct, 5, and had this cast :




Shampayne koktayl, Mrs Chas. Howard Brandesmasha . Mrs. T. B. Johnston Hopsydoodudo . . Mile. Ernestine

Eggnogg Sherriandyce Mornin kawl . Konyak . . Frothiana . .

Miss de Faibre

. Miss Hays

Miss Barnell

Miss Brindel

Julia TurnbuU

Mairfernando Sherri koblah. Monongahela Minjulipa Jinni koktayl . Absynthe . . King Lager

Geo. Brooks Mrs. J. R. Scott . Fanny France . Miss Wilkinson . Ida St. Clair Miss Murray T. B. Johnston

There was a line on the bill as follows: "Temptation of ye Metropolitan Magician, Mairfernando." Fernando Wood, who was at the time mayor of the city, threatened to stop the performance ; but nothing of the kind was done. Mrs. Howard sang a parody on the scene from "La Favorita," "Oh, Mio Fernando!" This was one of the features of the extravaganza, and no one enjoyed it more heartily than Mayor Fernando Wood himself, who was present at the first performance. Mrs. Charles Howard took her benefit Oct. 9 and appeared as Paul in "The Pet of the Petti- coats," and in "King Lager." Mrs. Howard closed her engage- ment Oct. 12. "The Honeymoon" was acted Oct. 12 when N. St. Clair made his first appearance in America as Rolando, and Kate Ludlow her d^but as Juliana; Oct. 13 came "The Lady of Lyons;" Oct. 14, "The Hunchback" and "King Lager." The theatre closed Oct. 15 with "The Rough Diamond," " Day After the Wedding," and "Stage Struck Barber." This ended Mr. Lea's management.

After being closed a few nights, the house was reopened by T. B. Prendergast, with a minstrel company, Oct. 19. The members were: T. B. Prendergast, Herr Stockel, W. W. Snow, R. Mont- gomery, H. Wilson, J. H. Budworth, Jas. Carroll, Wash Norton, Charley White, L. Donnelly, J. Bulkley, Tom Waddee, J. Wil- liams, M. Gallagher, and C. Rentz. This company closed Nov. 14. The house was reopened Dec. 7 for dramatic performances with "All that Glitters is not Gold," "Sketches in India," "A Kiss in the Dark," and a dance by Louise Taglioni and Ernestine. The company was : Kate Ludlow, Miss Flynn, Mrs. Geo. Jordan, Mrs. G. Lingard, Harry Jordan, L. P. Roys, H. McDouall, J. Herbert, George Brooks, Harcourt, and Louisa Eldridge; Dec. 14 Charles M. Walcot began an engagement in " Charles XII. " "The Man Without a Head," and "The Day After the Wedding.'" The Buckleys returned Dec. 21, producing their burlesque operas for a time; but they failed to attract, and old style minstrel per- formances were given. George Holland, the well-known come- dian, joined the minstrel profession at this time, appearing with Wood & Christy's minstrels at Wood's Marble Hall, Broadway and Prince Street, on the same night the Buckleys commenced their season. Holland published a "card," saying that legitimate managers were unable to give him a living salary, and in conse-


quence, he would hereafter be seen in such characters as he had been identified with; but, instead of coloring his face with red paint, he should blacken it with burnt cork, and hoped his friends and the public would appreciate his efforts to please them. R. Bishop Buckley published a "card" the following day which said: "In consequence of the high tariff put on champagne corks, he had been compelled to desert his family and join the Buckley Serenaders, and instead of using cork he would soil his face with lamp black, it being a much cheaper article, and, like our national flag, was warranted never to run. "

Buckleys closed in January, 1858, and went to >j/|/) Broadway, where they appeared Jan. 11. Pierce & Marston's Illuminated Panorama of the Arctic Regions was put on exhibition here Jan. 6, 1858. The Burton Dramatic Association took a benefit May 26, when " Othello " and " All That Glitters is not Gold " were played. The name of this house was changed June 19 to The Academy of the Drama when Mr. Fred Widdows became the manager, and presented M. Adonis, the magician. June 28 Kate Pennoyer took a benefit, when " Who Speaks First > " " Sketches in India," and "Richard III., " were played; John R. Scott was Richard. The French company occasionally acted here, commenc- ing May II. They opened a summer season July 27 and called the place The Metropolitan Music Hall. The Ronzani Ballet troupe joined the French company. Edgar Trelawney, son of the English author, and pupil of Charles Kean, appeared Aug. 31 in "The Raven," in costume, and with scenery. The French com- pany appeared Sept. 23. Agnes Sutherland and Cecile Rush were seen in a miscellaneous entertainment, the latter giving dramatic readings. Oct. 18, 1858, a dramatic company alternated with the French company, under the management of F. C. Wemyss. Mrs. John Sefton, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Smith, Mrs. Duffield (Kate Wemyss), Mrs. Archibald, Mrs. John R. Scott, Tom Wemyss, Cranshaw, Cunningham, Bruciani, Sol Smith, E. F. Taylor, and Briggs were of the company. "Simpson & Co.," "Ladies, Be- ware!" and "Box and Cox" were the opening plays. Nov. 12 Boothroyd Fairclough was seen in " Hamlet. " The afterpiece was " The Two Buzzards. "

On Dec. i Lizzie May, an amateur actress, made her debut as Lady Gay in "London Assiirance." T. S. Nims was Meddle, and Josephine Sinclair, Grace. Boothroyd Fairclough took a benefit Dec. 2, when he played Shylock in "The Merchant of Venice." The farce " The Two Queens " followed, with Miss E. Robinson as Christine of Sweden, and Millie Corey as Margaret of Denmark.

In January, 1859, the interior of the house was entirely re- modelled, and reopened by Fred Widdows and Sage, with French dramatic performances. In March it was leased by Josh Hart, and




called the Olympic, but his management lasted only one week, as his financial backer lost heart, and Hart lost his backer. Mr. Hart introduced Budworth's minstrels, and played "The Widow's Victim," acting Jerry Clip himself, and giving imitations of noted actors. Hart also gave the delirium scene from "The Drunk- ard," appearing as Edward Middleton.

On March 12 the French company reappeared in "Les Premiers Ans de Richelieu." July 11, 1859, Buckleys' Serenaders ap- peared. Oct. 12 Mr. and Mrs. Henri Drayton came with their parlor operas, " Never Judge by Appearances " and " Diamond Cut Diamond." H. L. Bateman presented Sam Cowell in comic draw- ing-room concerts, Nov. 28. The French company withdrew Dec. 17 and Sam Cowell continued. June 4, i860, Edmond Pillett took a benefit in "Richelieu." Pillett was the Cardinal; Wm. Hamblin, Baradas; and Mrs. Frank Drew, Julie de Mortimer. Hooley & Campbell's minstrels began here June 25. S. C. Campbell, Eugene, J. C. Reeves, A. J. Talbot, T. J. Peel, L. Condit, J. J. Hilliard, J. Unsworth, G. W. H. Griffin, John B. Donniker, Melville, A. J. Hobbs, G. V. Larkin, R. M. Hooley, Asche, and Louis Zwisler formed the company. Ben Cotton, Add Weaver, and Master Barney soon after joined them. Henry Wood's minstrels, from their hall, 561-563 Broadway (Wood hav- ing sold the building to the bank) appeared here Sept. 8 for a few nights only, as they went to 444 Broadway soon afterwards.

Hooley & Campbell's minstrels were heard here Aug. 13, i860 R. M. Hooley, S. C. Campbell, G. W. H. Griffin, Billy Birch. Unsworth, and Eugene, were in the company. On Oct. 16 this hall was opened as The German Theatre by Otto Hoym and E. Har- mann, from the Stadt Theatre. After being closed for several months the house was reopened Jan. 16, 1861, with "Our Union Saved, or Marion's Dream," with this cast:

President D. J. Maguire

Herbert A. L. Cooke

Jacob Jones .... A. Glassford Pat'k Morris . . . Robert McWade Lady Egerton . . . Mrs. J. R. Scott

Sir Edward E. S. Wise

Wm. Canning ... E. L. Mortimer

Marion Agnes Cameron

Miss L . . Mrs. A. Glassford

Kitty Miss A. Hayes

The old English play, "The Romp," was also acted, for the first time in this city in thirty years. Charles Dillon appeared here as Belphegor Feb. 11 for one night. Gerald O'Neil, an Irish

wizard, was seen for a few nights. A French company then played until April 15, when the establishment became known as The Canterbury Hall.

Robert Fox and Curran had been managing 663 Broadway but being burnt out, they took this place and expended considerable money in improvements. It was called The Palace of Mirrors


In the dramatic company were Lionel Goldsmid, Agnes Suther- land, J. H. Ogden, and Marietta Ravel. James Dunn, the well known actor, was seen here June 24. Hooley & Campbell's min- strels appeared all through the summer of 1862 and up to the end of November. In the company were Geo. Christy, Billy Arling- ton, Wm. Reeves, Cooper, Corwin, Moreland, Dick Sands, Eugene Florence, Jules Stratton, W. H. Lewis, Walter Birch, and Billy Allen; Professor Napoleon, prestidigitateur, was seen Jan. 14, 1863. He gave a miscellaneous entertainment, assisted by Hi Rumsey, banjoist; Mile. Camille, danseuse; Mile. Napoleon, vocalist; Edouville, pantomimist; J. C. Wallace, Irish comedian; Leon and John Allen, Ethiopian comedians.

The name of this house was again changed and it was known for a few months as The Broadway Theatre. It was reopened Sept. 7, 1863, under the management of Mrs. Emma Robertson (Mrs. John Brougham), formerly of Laura Keene's company. This lady, to quote her own words, "not being able to secure even a bench to work on elsewhere," concluded to take a theatre of her own, and opened this house with the following company: Stuart Robson, Owen Marlowe, Frank Gossin, F. Florence, C. H. Wilson, Mrs. Robinson, Kate Butler, Mary Pritchard, Clara Hil- ton, and Sadie Cole. The opening bill was Rodolphino Lacy's "Doing for the Best," and T. J. Williams' farce, "Ici on Parle Frangais." A second performance was given the following night, with such poor success that the house was closed. On the morn- ing of the third day a bill was posted in front of the theatre saying that owing to the severe indisposition of Mrs. Emma Robertson the house would be "closed for a short time." The place was leased by Richard M. Hooley, and opened March 9, 1864, by George Christy's minstrels, consisting of George Christy, E. Bowers, S. S. Purdy, R. Lindley, M. J. A. Keane, T. Simpson, J. Turner, J. C. Kempe, T. B. Stevens, D. L. Hargrave, E. Flor- ence, B. Thompson, F. Boniface, T. Trogg, W. Randolph, C. Hammond, P. Gillen, and T. B. Prendergast. The business be- came so very bad that they closed Jan. 4, 1865.

This unlucky house next got the name of St. Nicholas Hall, which was again changed, April 18, to Heller's Salon DlA- BOLIQUE, when Robert Heller took possession of it. The Wizard's season lasted until May 6, 1865. On May 8, Messrs. Billy Birch, Chas. Backus, Wm. H. Bernard, and David Wambold, with their company of San Francisco minstrels became lessees, and luck visited the house, and it was henceforth known by the title of its occupants, San Francisco Minstrels. The company consisted of: Billy Birch, Chas. Backus, W. H. Bernard, David Wambold, Cooper and Fields, W. S. Mullaly, Richard Sands, E. Haslam, Hays, Shattuck, W. H. Rice, J. B. Donniker, Ainsley,


Scott, and Templeton. The first season closed July 7, 1866. Their second commenced Aug. 12, 1867, and closed June 27, 1868. Their company was much the same as during the previous season, including D. S. Wambold, Charles Backus, William Birch, W. H. Bernard, W. H. Rice, Fowler, Templeton, W. P. Grier, Williams, and, at intervals afterward. Master George, Bobby Newcomb, Lew Brimmer, J. Ackerman, J. H. Hilton, Ainsley Scott, and Joe Brown. Their next season commenced Aug. 31, 1868, with the following company: Birch, Backus, Bernard, Wambold, W. H. Rice, Bobby Newcomb, E. Templeton, Ainsley Scott, J. B. Donniker, Cooper, and Fields. On Oct. 5 Mr. Harry Raynor joined; Dec. 7, Billy Emmett; Jan. 11, Master Jerry, jig dancer; and during the season Messrs. Fowler, Corrister, Claren- don, Williams, and Jukes also assisted. The season closed Satur- day, June 12, 1869. Their next season began Aug. 30, 1869, with the following company : Billy Birch, Charley Backus, W. H. Ber- nard, D. S. Wambold, John Mulligan, John Queen, Billy Emmett, Bobby Newcomb, Frank Kent, W. Richards, W. Blakeny, E. J. Hartigan, J. Juch, G. Clarendon, W. D. Corrister, Ainsley Scott, Ira Paine, William West, C. F, Shattuck, and J. Oberist. Leg- gett and Allen, two clog dancers on pedestals, from Europe, opened Sept. 19; Henry Norman, tenor, made his first appearance in America Feb. 21, 1870. Mr. Lavallee made his debut, and on the same night Rollin Howard and Master Fink, April 1 1. They closed May 14, 1870. J, B. Donniker died in Penn Yan, N. Y., July 17, 1902, aged sixty-six years.

George Swaine Buckley began here with his minstrels on July II, 1870, for a short season. The Satsuma Japanese company made their New York debut at this house in April, 1872.

Charles T. White was the next manager. He began a season Aug. 12 and christened the house White's Athen^um.

A minstrel and variety performance was given. In the company were Mons. Langlois, juggler; John Stewart, Andy McKee, Charles Henry, Wash Norton, Nelse Seymour, Sevey, Rodgers, Geo. H. Coes (stage manager), Sergeant Burke, Carl Rudolph, Chester Nichols, W. Schwicardi, E. Harding, Prof. E. Cornu (musical director), C. W. Schwab, J. K. Campbell, Joe Lang, Prescott, Charles Stevens, Frank Beeler, and T. Deverell. Venturoli, pre- miere danseuse, and Jennie Kimball, serio-comic singer, appeared Aug. 9. On March 10, 1873, the Worrell Sisters Sophie, Irene, and Jennie made their appearance in the burlesque, "Ernani." Charley White continued until June, when he closed. On Aug. 18 this house was opened by Robert W. Butler, and called The Metropolitan Theatre. He presented a company which in- cluded Nelse Seymour, Geo. F. Ketchum, Luke Schoolcraft, Geo. H. Coes, Add Ryman, J. F. Howard, Joe Lang, the Reynolds, the


Le Clairs, Harry Ward, Belle Howitt, Nully Pieris, and Marian Blande. No further change occurred until May 30, 1874. A summer season, with " Can-can " dancers, followed, and closed Octo- ber, 1874. Luke Schoolcraft died in Cincinnati, March 12, 1893.

On Nov. 9 Harry Clifton and James Campbell became man- agers. The nightly performance of what was termed the " Pari- sian Can-can " had for months been a disgrace to the city. During the first weeks of this performance the place was raided by Cap- tain Williams, then commanding the Eighth Precinct, and James Campbell was arrested. The result of this raid was that Samuel Shapter, lawyer, who held the lease of the theatre property, assumed the management. A real French dancer, who had the stage name of Mme. de Rochefoucauld, was engaged, and the Can-can developed in all its details. Numerous complaints were made to the police regarding the character of the place ; another raid was made Dec. 23, 1874. John Le Favre Manning took the management of this house Jan. 25, 1875. M. C. Campbell, the "old time" minstrel performer, assumed charge Feb. 15. During the week commencing March i James E. Smith gave vaudeville entertainments, and Chas. Shay opened the place as The Grand Central Theatre, with variety, closing early in April. It was reopened by Wally Ward on May 3 with a sketch entitled "The Female Bathers." The house was closed, and reopened as The Metropolitan Theatre.

The Society for the Relief of Juvenile Delinquents interfering on the ground of unpaid taxes, the house was closed, and on Aug. 2 was opened by Billy Pastor and M. B. Leavitt. Among the many attractions that appeared Aug. 16 were Kate Raymond and O. B. Collins, in "Dick the Newsboy."

N. D. Roberts' Pantomime company commenced Aug. 23, in "Jack and Jill." Fanny Herring, supported by Ed. Lay, appeared Aug. 30 in "The French Spy." Tony Pastor became manager Oct. 4, and presented a variety entertainment. He continued here until April 11, 1881, when he retired from active manage- ment of this hall. After a few weeks of very questionable enter- tainments the house was closed, and altered, June 20, 1883, into stores. The vicinity in which this house of many names was situ- ated has a peculiar and historical interest. Bill Poole, politician and pugilist, was murdered by Lew Baker in a saloon on the block. Harry Hill's was in Houston Street near by, and Harry Clifton's and the "House of Lords," famous for their roast beef and English glee singing, were opposite Hill's dance house. Fire- men's Hall was just back of the theatre, in Mercer Street.

Tony Pastor's reign at No. 585 will live in the dramatic annals of the town on account of the number of actors and actresses who started there and are now in the front rank of their profession.




The song and dance team of Mackin and Wilson appeared with great frequency then. Mackin is dead, but Francis Wilson is now the most famous of all the comic opera comedians.

Lillian Russell began her career as a singer by warbling " Kiss Me, Mother, Ere I Die," and kindred melodies on this stage, and Nat Goodwin made his metropolitan ddbut a year or so earlier, with imitations of Booth, Raymond, and other well-known actors. Evans and Hoey and the French twins played frequent engage- ments, and so did May and Flo Irwin.


THE theatre which Laura Keene managed so long and made so famous was situated on the east side of Broadway (624), above Houston Street. It had a handsome exterior and a seating capacity of eighteen hundred. When completed, it cost ;^ 74, 000. It was erected on ground leased by Mr. Trimble for a period of twenty-one years, and the theatre proper was leased by Laura Keene, at an annual rental of ;^ 12, 000, for seven years. H. Hall was stage manager , and Thomas Baker musical director. The open- ing occurred Tuesday, Nov. 18, 1856, with the following company: George C. Jordan, C. Wheatleigh (from the Princess Theatre, London), G. K. Dickinson, F. C. Wemyss, J. A. Smith (from the Boston Theatre), J. H. Stoddart, Napoleon W. Gould, H. Hayes, W. Reeve, Mr. Cecine, C. Young, H. Hall, Mr. Burnett, T. B. Johnston, M. V. Lingham, Mr. Alleyne, B. Ringgold, Mr. Mac- Rae, Mr. Harcourt, Mr. Evarts, Mr. Colfield, Mr. Andros, J. T. Austin, Mr. Chester, Mrs. W. H. Smith (her first engagement in this city), Julia Gould (her first appearance since her return from California), Mrs. J. H. Stoddart, Ada Clifton, Jessie McLean, Josephine Manners, Mrs. H. R Grattan, Mrs. Stephens, Mrs. Atwood, Mrs. T. B. Johnston, Cornelia Jefferson, Emma Hall, Miss Alleyne, Stella Mairs, Louisa Paine, Rose Archer, and Laura Keene. The performance commenced with "The Star Spangled Banner," sung by the whole company, followed by "As You Like It," which had this cast:

Duke in Exile . . . . F. C. Wemyss Duke Frederick . . . S. K. Chester

Le Beau J. A. Smith

Oliver M. V. Lingham

Jaques Mr. MacRae

Orlando Geo. Jordan

Adam Mr. Burnett

Lord H. Hayes

Touchstone ... C. Wheatleigh Corin J. H. Stoddart

Amiens Julia Gould

Jaques G. K. Dickinson

Charles the Wrestler . Mr. Harcourt

Silvius B. Ringgold

William W. Reeve

Rosalind Laura Keene

Celia Mrs. Stoddart

Phoebe .... Josephine Manners Audrey .... Mrs. H. P. Grattan


The performance concluded with "Ladies, Beware I" Colonel Vavasour, J. G. Burnett; Sir Charles, M. V. Lingham; Matilda, Josephine Manners; Lady Beauchamp, Mrs. H. P. Grattan; Grace Peabody, Mrs. W. H. Smith. Admission was : Dress Circle and Parquet, 50 cents; Balcony Seats, 75 cents; Family Circle, 25 cents; Orchestra Stalls, $1 each; Private Boxes, $6.

The house was crowded, and the receipts amounted to 1^940.

" Young New York " was acted, Nov. 24, for the first time, and kept the stage until Dec. 8. " Second Love " was played for the first time here Dec. 8. "Camille," Dec. 18, with Geo. Jordan as Armand, J. G. Burnett as Duval, and Laura Keene as Camille. Dec. 25. "The Love Chase" and the extravaganza, "First Night, or the Life of an Actress;" Dec. 26, "The Marble Heart;" Jan. S, 1857, for the first time "Young Bacchus, or Spirits and Water." This was a musical extravaganza, and had this cast :

Bacchus Laura Keene

Jupiter J. G. Burnett

Momus Chas. Wheatleigh

Hymen .... Cornelia Jefferson

Mars Mr. Hayes

Silenus H. McDouall

Pan B. Yates

Mercury . . . Josephine Manners

Apollo Miss Stella

Cadmus J. H. Stoddart

Ampuleas Mr. AUeyne

Vulcan Mr. Donelson

Juno Mrs. W. H. Smith

Ariadne Julia Gould

Venus Miss AUeyne

Dirce T. B. Johnston

Flora .... Mrs. T. B. Johnston

Hebe Miss Howell

Calliope Miss Minnie

Diana Miss Gray

Jola Mrs. J. H. Stoddart

Ceres Miss Mairs

Olio Mrs. Harry Wall

Cupid Clara Taylor

" Rachel the Reaper " was played for the first time Jan. 12. " She Stoops to Conquer " was given with " Young Bacchus " until Jan. 29. " Mary's Birthday " was first seen Feb. 2, and with this cast :

George Lordly . . . C. Wheatleigh Vernon Lordly . . . . J. A. Smith Beale Mr. Reeve

Mr. Hawthorne . . . J. H. Stoddart

Alice Ada Clifton

Mary Laura Keene

George Jordan took his first benefit Feb. 7 as Evelyn in "Money." For T. B. Johnston's benefit, Feb. 14, "David Cop- perfield" was presented with Johnston as Uriah Heep; Viola Plunkett, Wilkins Micawber, Jr. ; J. G. Burnett, Micawber; Mrs. H. P. Grattan, Betsy Trotwood; and Laura Keene, Martha. Camomille" was the afterpiece, with T. B. Johnston as Camo- mille. " Much Ado About Nothing " was played Feb. 19. E. G. P. Wilkins, the author of "Young New York" and "My Wife's Mirror," had a benefit Feb. 21, when those two plays were acted; Feb. 23, "Faust and Marguerite," for the first time here. The translation was by Jonathan Birch. "Love in '76" was also given for the first time Feb. 28. "Rose Elsworth " was acted by Laura Keene until March 3, when Kate Reignolds made her




first appearance in the character. " The Black Book " was first pro- duced in this country March 12; Fred M. Kent made his d^but here as Peter Zitterschenkel. The hit of the season was Charles Selby's fairy drama, "The Elves, or the Statue Bride," presented March 16, and thus cast:

Prince Pomp . . . . J. H. Stoddart Prince Lubin . . . Kate Reignolds Count Coldstreamer . . C. Wheatleigh

Toadyler J. A. Smith

Soft Sawder AUeyne

Chringis Hayes

Hyacinthe McDouall

Colin T. B. Johnston

Corin Jackson

Arcader Ben Yates

Colantha Harcourt

Melantha Miss Alford

Sylva Laura Keene

Princess Miss Manners

Phillis C. Jefferson

Eoline .... Mrs. T. B. Johnston Mme. Chloe . . Mrs. H. P. Grattan

Daphne Mrs. Stoddart

Phoebe Miss Alleyne

Ifis Julia Gould

" The Wicked Wife, or A Reign of Terror," was seen for the first time in America March 23. "Living Too Fast," first time here April 6. Charles Gayler's " Love of a Prince," for the first time on any stage, April 13. It had this cast:

Count Saxendorf . . . F. C. Wemyss Queen Sophia . . Mrs. H. P. Grattan

Stolbach McDouall

Jean F. M. Kent

Elizabeth Julia Manners

Louise Ada Clifton

Cristin C. Jefferson

Prince Charles . . . Laura Keene Baron Hoppen . . T. B. Johnston Count Gustave .... Lingham

Gen. Sturmer Stoddart

Gen. Baumer jBenson

Col. Brunner Harcourt

King Frederick . . . J. G. Burnett

April 27, for the first time in America, Alex. Dumas fils' comedy, "The Money Question," was seen, and with this cast:

R6ne De Charzay . C. Wheatleigh Jean Girdud .... Geo. Jordan

De Rencourt McDouall

Mme. Durieu .... Mrs. Grattan Mathilde Miss Manners

Durieu Burnett

De CayoUe Stoddart

Eliza Kate Reignolds

La Comtesse .... Ada Clifton

For the benefit of Laura Keene, May 2, " Like and Unlike " was given for the first time at this theatre. May 11, first time, a semi- burlesque, "Variety, or the Picture Gallery" was done, and the new comedy, " Nature and Art. " The season closed June i with a benefit to T. B. Johnston. A summer term began June 3 with "She Stoops to Conquer" and "Variety, or the Picture Gallery." "Life's Troubled Tides" was seen for the first time June 8. "Plot and Passion" had its first hearing here June 17. The cast was:

Fouchd Burnett

Mens. Desmarets . . C. Wheatleigh The Marquis .... J. A. Smith

Berthier Mr. Hayes

Cecile Miss Alleyne

Henri Lingham

Jabot McDouall

Grisboulle W. M. Reeve

Mme. De Fontaques . . Laura Keene


"Love's Telegraph," a new play, was seen June 24:

Princess Laura Keene

Alice .... Mrs. T. B. Johnston Marguerite . Josephine Manners

The Prince Lingham

Arthur C. Wheatleigh

Baron Burnett

Gentleman Usher .... Benson

"Where's the Police? " was played for the first time in America July 4, on the closing night of the summer season.

The Marsh Troupe Juvenile Comedians, under the management of R. G. Marsh, commenced Aug. 3. On their first appearance they were arrayed in their travelling costumes, in a tableau illus- trative of "Home Again." This was followed by the Marseillaise, sung by Master Alfred Stewart, his first appearance before the New York public; this was succeeded by a tableau and music entitled "Hail Columbia." Little Jennie followed with a dance, and " Toodles " closed the performance. " The Naiad Queen " was presented by the Marsh company Aug. 13 with this cast:

Sir Rupert Carrie

Schnapps G. W. Marsh

Rinaldo Georgiana

Carnelle Francis

Rodolphe Master Ames

Ronaldo Amelia

Manfredi Adelaide

The Naiad Queen .... Louise

Idex Mary Marsh

Fulvia Julia Melville

Sparkle Jennie

Dewdrop Selma

Spray Anna

Coral Shew Matilde

Sprinkle Proler

Limpid Rabauz

Amphibeo R. G. Marsh

Finbach Master Charley

Goggle Eye . . . Master Henry Phantom Face . . . . M. Frederick

The season of 1857-58 opened Aug. 31. "The Heir at Law" and "A Ghost in Spite of Himself " formed the programme. The comedy had this cast :

Lord Duberly . Dick Dowlas . Zekiel Homespun Dr. Pangloss . Mr. Stedfast . Henry Moreland

. J. G. Burnett

A. H. Davenport

C. Wheatleigh

. Jos. Jefferson

J. H. Stoddart

Carlton Howard

Kenwick C. Peters

John Harcourt

Waiter Brown

Lady Duberly .... Mary Wells Caroline . . . Charlotte Thompson Cicely Laura Keene

"A Ghost in Spite of Himself ":

Nicodemus Stoddart | Squire Aldwinkle Burnett

Capt. Vauntington . . . Duncan Diggory Jos. Jefferson

Paul Chas. Peters Georgiana .... Mrs. C. Peters

Lavinia . . . Charlotte Thompson

Joseph Jefferson's comic talent and powers of characterization were recognized from the first night of his engagement, and he left here two seasons later an established favorite. Sept. I "Ange- line " and " A Conjugal Lesson " were acted. In the latter Jeffer- son played Mr. Lullaby, Laura Keene being his long-suffering




wife. During this season some of Mr. Jefferson's other characters were Joshua Butterby in "The Victims," Major Lumley in "An Affair of Honor," Scout in "The Village Lawyer," Maximilian Muddle in "Nothing to Nurse," Camera Facsimile Catchmug in " The Siam Light Guard, " in which he danced in the lancers and imitated a tight-rope walker ; Pierre Rouge in " The Husband of an Hour," Barnaby Bibbs in "A Quiet Family," Diggory in "The Spectre Bridegroom," Golightly in "Lend Me Five Shillings," Septimus Smith in "My Son Diana," Barabas in "The Sea of Ice," Botcherby in "An Unequal Match," Dard in "White Lies," Clod Meddlenot in Durivage's burlesque, "The Lady of the Lions," Joliquet in "The Courier of Lyons," Graves in "Money," Colin in "The Elves" and Seth Hope in "Blanche of Brandywine."

Sept. 5 "Rachel the Reapsr," "A Conjugal Lesson," and the first act of " Robert Macaire " formed the bill. Charles Wheat- leigh was the Robert Macaire, and Jos. Jefferson, Jacques Strop. Sept. 7, for the first time in this country, Tom Taylor's comedy, "The Victims," was thus cast:

Mr. Merryweather . Mr. Rowley . . Herbert Fitzherbert Joshua Butterby . Mr. Curdle . . . Mr. Middlemist Mr. Homblower . Carfluffle ....

C. Wheatleigh . J. G. Burnett Geo. Stoddart . . Jefferson J. H. Stoddart Carlton Howard . Hardenbergh . . Harcourt

Skinner C. Peters

Mrs. Merryweather . . Laura Keene

Miss Crane Mary Wells

Mrs. Fitzherbert Charlotte Thompson

Satchell Annie Walters

Mrs. Sharp .... Mrs. Thompson Mary Bustle Miss Bell

Sept. 16 "Judith of Geneva " was presented :

Mons. St. Val . Frank Hardenbergh Henry St. Val . . . Carlton Howard Le Launy .... J. H. Stoddart La Vogue . . . . C. Wheatleigh

Nicholas Jos. JefEerson

Robert Harcourt

Footman Evans

Cook Numerett

Countess Laura Keene

Amy .... Charlotte Thompson

Rose Mary Wells

Gardener Burke

Sept. 21 "Eustache Baudin" was given here, with this cast:

Eustache Baudin . . C. Wheatleigh Alphonse .... F. Hardenbergh Mons. Poncelot ... C. Howard

Marcel Coulet JefEerson

Paul Jardin Burke

Gregory Frank Evans

Countess ...... Mary Wells

Louise (aged 4) . Little May Bullock Louise (aged 17) . Cornelia JefEerson

Delbois J. G. Burnett

Duke DeBrisac . . . J. H. Stoddart Henri De Brisac .... Duncan

Mons. Manclerc Brown

Sergeant C. Peters

Pierre Burke

Louise .... Charlotte Thompson Manon Annie Taylor

" She Stoops to Conquer " was played Sept. 24, with George Jordan as Young Marlowe; Sept. 28, "Living Too Fast," and, for the first time, E. G. P. Wilkins' "The Siam Light Guard," the latter having this cast :


Patchouli . . Cartevocha . Schako

. Charlotte Thompson

. . . . Mary Wells

Annie Taylor

Dodo . . . Dahlia . . .

. . Mrs. Chas. Peters . . . Mrs. Thompson

Sonofagongo ... J. G. Burnett Camera Facsimile Catchmug

J. Jefferson

Knappkin Chas. Peters

Mrs. Catchmug .... Laura Keene Babee C. Jefferson

Incidental to the piece was the quadrille "Les Landers," pre- sented for the first time on the American stage. C. M. Walcot's farce, "Nothing to Nurse," was the afterpiece. Falconer's drama, " Husband for an Hour " was acted Oct. 5.

"Splendid Misery," by C. T. P. Ware, was produced for the first time Oct. 19, and with this cast :

Chas. Glitter Hal Highflyer . Hon. Geo. Prindle Koskiusko . . Mrs. Chas. Glitter Mrs. Crinoline Hoopley

. J. Jefferson C. Wheatleigh J. H. Stoddart J. G. Burnett . Laura Keene Mary Wells

Silky George Jordan

Frank C. Peters

Bob Carlton Howard

Jenkins T. Duncan

Cabman Burke

Julia .... Miss C. Thompson

Angeline Annie Taylor

" Birds of Prey " was done for the first time Oct. 26. It was written by Mr. Wray for the Haymarket Theatre, London. Here it had this cast :

Charles de Rennepout . Geo. Jordan Viscount George Darmenonville

C. Wheatleigh Mons. Lalonette .... J. Burnett Henry De Clamarius Geo. W. Stoddart Mile. Th^rfese Bernard . Laura Keene

Duchess de Guerand . . Mary Wells Helen de Guerand . . Annie Taylor Mile. Georgina . Charlotte Thompson Mons. Maugiron . . . T. Duncan

Eustace . Brown

Gustave Burke

Nov. 5 " The Sea of Ice " was produced and thus cast :

Henri De Lascours Chas. Wheatleigh Louise De Lascours . . Laura Keene

Carlos Geo. Jordan

Medoc C. Peters

Pasquin Burke

Marie Mary Bullock

Horace G. W. Stoddart

Don Josd .... Carlton Howard Mile. Diana De Theringe

Charlotte Thompson

Barabas Jos. Jefferson

Jano F. Evans

Georges T. Duncan

Countess Mary Wells

Ice scenes were witnessed on the stage as early as 1818. There was produced at Birmingham, Eng., that year, "The North Pole, or the Arctic Expedition." The final scene was described on the bills as follows :

"A ship of immense size, fully rigged, with a crew of forty per- sons, commanded by a naval officer, will effect her passage through floating islands of ice, which, on separating, will show an expanse of ocean covering the whole stage. She will sail down to the foot- lights with her bowsprit over the pit, producing as novel and pow- erful an effect as can be exhibited on the stage."

Benjamin Webster produced a version of " The Sea of Ice " at




the Adelphi Theatre, London, Eng., in October, 1853, entitled "Thirst of Gold." The success of this piece evoked another adaptation early in 1854, at the Marylebone Theatre, London, in which a Danish vessel was brought on the scene, simultane- ously with the breaking up of the ice, to rescue the immersed. Although scenes of this nature are of comparatively recent date, ordinary nautical effects must be of very considerable antiquity. So far back as the year 171 3 a piece was produced at Paris, called "Les Amours Deguises," in which a fully rigged ship sailed on the stage with her decks covered with sailors and passengers.

"The Sea of Ice" ran until Dec. 21, when "The Corsican Brothers " was produced with this cast :

The Twin Brothers . George Jordan Chateau Renaud . . C. Wheatleigh Alfred Meynard . . Geo. Stoddart Le Baron De Montgiron . Duncan Le Baron Giordano Martelli . Howard Mme. Savila Dei Franchi Mary Wells Servants . . . Sadler and Churchill Emilia de Lesparre

Charlotte Thompson Orlando Wise

Colonna Burke

M. Beauchamp Munerett

M. Verner Dowton

Griffo E. K. Burke

Antonio Brown

Boissec C. Peters

Marie Mrs. Thompson

Coralie Miss Lang

Celestine Miss Walters

Estelle . . . Mrs. G. W. Stoddart

" Take Care of Dowb " was acted the same night, and Josephine Manners made her first appearance this season, as Mrs. Wallop. Henrietta Lang was the Fanny. Dec. 24, in addition to "The Corsican Brothers," the comic pantomime, " Harlequin Blue Beard, or the Good Fairy Triumphant over the Demon of Discord " was produced. Sallie Bishop was the Columbine ; Mons. Leon, Sprite; Ben Yates, Harlequin; W. Kennedy (his first appearance in this city in fifteen years). Pantaloon; C. Henry, Clown. Tom Taylor's comedy, " An Unequal Match " was played for the first time Jan. 4, 1858, and had this cast:

Harry ArnclifEe . . . Geo. Jordan Sir Sowerby Honeywood

G. W. Stoddart

Blenkensop C. Peters

Heyduk Burke

Miss Leech Miss Everett

Lady Honeywood . . Mrs. Thompson

"The Muleteer of Toledo," was acted Jan. 15, and Jan. 25 Wilkie Collins' drama, "The Lighthouse." For the benefit of Laura Keene, Jan. 30, "White Lies," dramatized from Chas. Reade's novel of that name, was produced. Feb. 4, the burlesque of " The Lady of the Lions, " Jefferson as Clod Meddlenot. " The Courier of Lyons " was done Feb. 6 for the benefit of George Jordan. Joseph Jefferson's first benefit in New York took place Feb. 13, when he played Toby Twinkle in "All That Glitters is not

VOL. II. 9

Bessie Hebblethwaite Miss Manners Hester Grazebrook . . Laura Keene

Dr. Botcherby Jefferson

Grazebrook Burnett

Chillingham .... Frank Hodges Mrs. Montressor . . . Mary Wells



Gold;" Mr. Brown in the farce "My Neighbor's Wife," and Diggory in "The Spectre Bridegroom." John Courtney's comedy "Double Faced People" was seen Feb. 26; "Mind Your Own Business " was done the same night. For Stage Manager J. G. Burnett's benefit, Feb. 27, "Mind Your Own Business," and an original sketch called " A Steamboat Disaster " were given. Polly Marshall first appeared at this house March i as Polly Crisp in the farce " Unprotected Female, " and as Captain Charlotte in the farce of that name. March 2 "The Heir at Law" was acted, when Virginia C. Howard made her d^but here as Caroline Dormer. " Green Bushes " was seen March 3, with H. F. Daly, his first ap- pearance, as Connor O' Kennedy. Harry A. Perry was added to the company March 13 and opened as Alfred Evelyn in "Money." March 15 "Flowers of the Forest" was done for the first time here. March 22, " Jonathan Bradford " : H. F. Daly played Jonathan; Harry Perry, Dan Macraisy; and Jos. Jefferson, Caleb Scrimmidge.

"The Elves, or the Statue Bride," March 27; "Flowers of the Forest " was revived April 7. " Plot and Passion " was revived April 12. s

The theatre was closed Wednesday evening, April 21, for a dress rehearsal of "Blanche of Brandywine," which had its first representation April 22. The scenery was painted by Minard Lewis (his first effort in this city). This was the cast:

General Washington . Edwin Varrey Col. Frazier J. Burnett

General Green McDouall Seth Hope .... Jos. Jefferson

Sampson W. Denham Krout C. Peters

Gilbert Gates (first appear- Clerewood .... Arthur AUeyne

ance in this city . . . Frank Bangs Rose Frazier .... Miss AUeyne

Blanche of Brandywine . Laura Keene Sally Miss Warde

Randulph H. F. Daly Gen. Howe Mr. Martin

John Walford . . . C. Wheatleigh Geo. Percy .... Milnes Levick

On this occasion a new drop-curtain was shown, painted by Del- amane, and representing a fac-simile of Leutze's picture of " Wash- ington Crossing the Delaware." "Blanche of Brandywine" was played for the last time May 12; also "An Unequal Match," for the benefit of Joseph Jefferson. E. A. Sothern made his first appearance here acting Harry ArnclifEe in "An Unequal Match." Geo. W. Stoddart died July 9, 1888, at the residence of his father- in-law, Neil Burgess, at Atlantic Highlands, N. J. He came to this country in 1853, and made his American debut in Boston at the National Theatre. His best work was as a leading comedian with the elder Booth, Edwin Forrest, Macready, Charlotte Cushman, and Chas. Kean. His last appearance on the stage was as the Elder in " The Widow Bedott. " Mrs. D. P. Bowers appeared May 17, 1858, in "The Lady of Lyons." In the company were: Sara




Hemple, F. B. Conway, George Boniface, L. R. Shewell, Fred Dubois, W. B. Chapman, W. Davidge, Anna Cruise, Sara Stevens, Mrs. Josh Silsbee, and Cornelia Jefferson. "Camille" was acted May 18. William Davidge first appeared here as John Small in "The Two Buzzards." May 20, "The Jealous Wife;" May 21, "Fazio, the Italian Wife;" May 22, "The Willow Copse;" May 23, 24, "Leap Year;" May 25, 26, "The Hunchback;" May 27, 28, "The King's Rival;" May 29, "Love and Loyalty," when Mrs. Bowers' engagement ended. J. H. Hackett com- menced May 31 as Sir John Falstaff, in "The Merry Wives of Windsor," which he repeated June i, 2. C. Walcot acted Sir Hugh Evans and Mrs. Walcot, Mrs. Page. June 3 Hackett acted Mons. Mallett in the comedy of that name, and O'Callaghan in "His Last Legs." Mrs. Bowers took a benefit June 5, and played Margaret Elmore in "Love's Sacrifice." Mrs. F. B. Conway acted Hermione; E. A. Sothern was also in the cast. Matilda Her- on's new play, "Mathiide," was seen June 7 for the first time in this city. The theatre closed very suddenly June 10. E. A. Sothern came before the curtain and said :

" Ladies and gentlemen I am under the painful necessity of announcing to you that there will be no performance this evening. (A voice ' Because of the smallness of the audience, I suppose.' ') No, sir, Matilda Heron and the rest of the company are dressed for their parts, but I have this moment been notified by two parties to pay the rent, both of whom claim it, and if I pay it to one party I am threatened with a prosecution by the other. Under these circumstances, therefore, I think it better to close the establish- ment, and the audience will receive their money at the box office."

It was rumored that a fracas took place in the greenroom between the respective allies of Laura Keene, Matilda Heron and Mrs. D. P. Bowers, and that during the mel6e Mr. Sothern rushed forward and made the above announcement to prevent an expose.

The next season opened Aug. 25, 1858, with "The Willow Copse," and this cast:

Sir Richard .... E. A. Sothern Luke Fielding . . C. W. Couldock Arthur Apsley . . . . W. Marden

Augustus Jos. JeSerson

Bubblemere H. Wharton

Fungus Mr. Clinton

Lucy Sara Stevens

Meg Mrs. Sothern

Col. Vanguard Dick Hulks . Staggers . . Lady Apsley . Rose Fielding Georgiana Miss Apsley .

J. G. Burnett Edwin Varrey . . C. Peters . Mary Wells . Laura Keene Eliza Couldock Lillie Marden

There were two additions to the company this season. Charles W. Couldock, who had not been in America for nine years, was one of them, and William R. Blake the other. After the drama Louise Lamoureux and George Smith did a dance. Sept. 2


Plunkett's drama, "The Advocate," was acted for the first time here, and in honor of the telegraph celebration " Love and Light- ning, or the Telegraph Cable " was played. In the cast were Kate and Maria Duckworth. " The Rivals " was seen Sept. 6, and in- troduced here Mr. and Mrs. William R. Blake :

Sir Anthony W. R. Blake

Falkland Frank Bangs

David Chas. Peters

Fag Milnes Levick

Mrs. Malaprop . . Mrs. W. R. Blake Lydia Languish . . . Laura Keene

Lucy . . . Capt. Absolute Sir Lucius Bob Acres Julia . . .

Mrs. Sothern E. A. Sothern J. G. Burnett Jos. Jefferson Sara Stevens

On Sept. 7, "Louis XI.," with Charles W. Couldock in the title r61e, and Laura Keene as the Dauphin. "The School for Scandal" had this cast Sept. 13:

Sir Peter Teazle Sir Oliver Surface Joseph Surface . Charles Surface Crab tree . . .

Wm. Rufus Blake

J. G. Burnett

C. W. Couldock

. E. A. Sothern

Joseph Jefferson

Sir Benjamin Backbite Charles Peters Careless Frank Bangs

Rowley William Marden

Moses Edwin Varrey

Trip Milnes Levick

Lady Teazle Laura Keene

Lady Sneerwell .... Mary Wells Mrs. Candour . Mrs. Wm. R. Blake Maria Sara Stevens

It will be seen that this comedy was revived with the smaller parts filled by excellent artists, while the principal characters were sustained by eight acknowledged stars. Sept. 20 " Old Heads and Young Hearts " was done; Sept. 27, "The Road to Ruin " and the farce " Jenny Lind, " in which Marion Macarthy appeared as " Jenny Leatherlungs. Oct. 4, "London Assurance," had this cast:

Sir Harcourt Courtley (first

appearance this season) J. S. Browne Dazzle (first appearance this

season) Chas. Walcot

Charles Courtley . . E. A. Sothern

Meddle Wm. R. Blake

Max Harkaway - . . J. G. Burnett


Solomon Isaacs . . Lady Gay Spanker Dolly Spanker . ,


Grace Harkaway .

. . B. Brown Mr. Wharton Laura Keene Chas. Peters

Milnes Levick Sara Stevens

Benjamin Brown died in this city Sept. 22, 1890, of consump- tion. He left a widow and one child. He was buried in the Actors' Fund plot. "She Stoops to Conquer" was revived Oct. 8, and, for the first time, the burlesque English opera " Fra Dia- volo," in which Effie Germon made her bow as Zerlina. Jefferson played Beppo.

"Our American Cousin," by Tom Taylor, was first produced Oct. 18, 1858. After the reading of the comedy to the company, and before the characters were cast, Charles W. Couldock was asked if he would play Coyle, the lawyer, or Abel Murcott, his clerk.




He declined to play either of them. Sothern was cast for Lord Dundreary, a fourth-rate old man, with only forty-seven lines to speak. He also refused the part, but he and Couldock finally agreed with Mr. Burnett, the stage manager, to play on the condi- tion that both Dundreary and Abel Murcott should be rewritten. In writing up Dundreary, Sothern threw into it everything that struck him as wildly absurd. He added " business " and words, and sneezes, and hops, skips and jumps, until it became the most attrac- tive part in the piece. He may really be said to have invented the part. He cut out the "cellar scene," a "drunken act," and so re- arranged the play that instead of seventeen scenes, which it had when it came from the hands of Tom Taylor, Sothern gave it in four acts of one scene each. On the first night no one knew what Sothern was going to do, and the reading of Sam's letter was a surprise to everybody, although the part was by no means a pro- nounced success. In fact, it was two or three weeks before the people began to understand what Sothern meant. " Our American Cousin " proved a great favorite with the public. Without having any particular merit as a literary work, it was the most successful comedy produced here in many years. This was the original cast:

Asa Trenchard . . Joseph Jefferson Sir Edward Trenchard, Edwin Varrey Lord Dundreary . . E. A. Sothern Lieut. Vernon . . . Milnes Levick

Capt. De Boots Clinton

Coyle Burnett

Abel IVIurcott . . C. W. Couldock

Binney Chas. Peters

Buddicombe McDouall

Rasper Wharton

John Whicker .... B. Brown Florence Trenchard . Laura Keene Mrs. Mountchessington . Mary Wells

Augusta Efifie Germon

Georgiana . . . Mrs. E. A. Sothern Mary Meredith . . . Sara Stevens

Sharpe Miss Flynn

Skillet Mrs. Levick

A matinde performance of " Our American Cousin " took place Dec. 25. Laura Honey became a member of the company Dec. 27, making her ddbut as Gertrude in "A Loan of a Lover." Laura Honey was afterwards known as Laura Church Honey Stevenson. She died at Oakland, Cal., Dec. 25, 1884. Wednesday, Dec. 29, a matinee performance was for the benefit of the Mount Vernon Fund. Feb. 5, 1859, a display of fireworks was given. In com- memoration of Washington's Birthday, a series of tableaux illus- trative of the life of the father of his country were given. They showed Washington as a surveyor, a farmer, a son, and as a gen- eral. Charles Peters' benefit took place March 12 when Master Fred W. Peters made his first appearance on any stage as Master Peter White in "Mr. and Mrs. Peter White." R. C. Carpenter was succeeded as prompter by F, S. Reignolds Dec. 6, who in turn gave way Feb. 17 to L. J. Vincent. 1 April i "The Heir at Law" was revived :


Zekiel Homespun Lady Duberly Caroline Dormer Cicely Homespun Lord Duberly

, . E. A.' Sothern

Mrs. W. R. Blake

Sara Stevens

, . Laura Keene

, . W. R. Blake

Steadfast Edwin Varrey

Henry Moreland Dick Dowlas Dr. Pangloss Kenrick James . . John . .

Wm. Harden

Milnes Levick

Jos. Jefferson

Chas. Peters

F. Evans

B. Brown

" Our American Cousin " was played for the last time April 15, 1859.

"La Femme Forte," produced in Paris in 1847, contained a character similar to that of Asa Trenchard. On the occasion of the appearance of Josh S. Silsbee in London, it occurred to Tom Taylor that " La Femme Forte " could be adapted to suit him. The adaptation was made by Taylor, according to the instructions of Mr. Josh Silsbee, and the piece was paid for by Benjamin Webster, manager of the Adelphi Theatre, London, where Mr. Silsbee was then playing. Finding it impossible to produce it during Mr. Silsbee's stay, Mr. Webster made it over, with all rights to Silsbee, who shortly afterwards returned to America and died in California, Dec. 22, 1855. On his death, Mrs. Silsbee disposed of the play to William Wheatley and John S. Clarke. Tom Taylor, although already paid for his work, had written another version, and disposed of it to Laura Keene for ;^i,ooo, and, during that lady's production of it, it had undergone many alterations and improvements, particulars of which had been furnished to John S. Clarke by Mr. Jefferson. On the production of the play in Phila- delphia Clarke had paid Laura Keene for the use of it, and therein alone was he in error, as the original had become his property, and imitations or adaptations of any kind could have been suppressed. The question occurs, what right had Tom Taylor to sell to Laura Keene the property of another? This play proved to E. A. Sothern the most successful of any he ever acted in. He played it about one thousand times in this country, and in London and the provin- cial towns over twenty-six hundred times. The great charm in his acting lay in the polished ease and finished style so peculiarly his own. In Lord Dundreary these attributes were more conspicuous than in any other of the long list of characters which he made famous, E. A. Sothern died in London, Eng., Jan. 20, 1881. In August, 1894, a memorial was erected over his grave in Southamp- ton cemetery by his son, E. H. Sothern. As nearly as possible it is a duplicate of the memorial erected to the memory of Ade- laide Neilson in Kensal Green cemetery. The inscription on the memorial says : " Edward Askew Sothern (comedian), born April I, 1826; died January 20, 1881."

Sothern made his American debut at Boston, Mass., in 1852, under the name of Douglas Stewart. He then came to New York and was a member of Barnum's Museum company. He next ap-




peared at the old Broadway; afterwards at Wallack's (Broadway and Broome Street), where Colin Stuart was a memher of the com- pany, and this caused Sothern to resume his real name. From Wallack's he came to this theatre.

The theatre was closed May 16 for a dress rehearsal of "A Mid- summer Night's Dream," which was given May 18 with this cast:

Theseus .... C. W. Couldock

Lysander E. A. Sothern

Demetrius Milnes Levick

Egeus Wm. Harden

Philostrate .... Frank Evans

Hippolyta Mary Wells

Hermia Sara Stevens

Helena Ada Clifton

Nick Bottom .... W. R. Blake Quince Edwin Varrey

Snug B. Brown

Flute Chas. Peters

Snout J. Henry

Oberon Marion Macarthy

Titania ..... Eliza Couldock

Puck Laura Keene

Peas Blossom . . . Miss J. Henrv

Moth Mrs. McDouall

Cobweb Miss Taylor

Mustard Seed . . . Mrs. Marden

C. W. Couldock's benefit occurred June 2, when Felix A. Vin- cent made his first appearance in this city in four years, acting Bobtail in "My Precious Betsy," and Mr. Ferment in "School of Reform." The season closed June 4 with a benefit to Laura Keene. The bill consisted of " All that Glitters is not Gold " and " Pet of the Petticoats. " A summer season was commenced June 6 with Adelaide and Josey Gougenheim as the stars in " Court and Stage." Adelaide Gougenheim played her farewell engagement at Louisville, Ky. ; the following season she left the stage and married Mr. Frisbie, a gentleman from London. Josey continued on the stage.

The season of 1859-60 commenced Aug. 29 with Laura Keene, Ada Clifton, Marion Macarthy, Mary Wells, Mrs. Mark Smith, Annie Deland, Miss C. Henry, Florence Bell, Miss Mortimer, Ada James, Mary Everett, Messrs. Jeffries, George Jordan, Mark Smith, Charles Wheatleigh, J. G. Burnett, Felix A. Vincent, H. F. Daly, Chas. Peters, J. A. Smith, Leon J. Vincent, Milnes Levick, Henry, and Mortimer, as the company. "House and Home, " by Tom Taylor, was acted with this cast :

Horace Chetwood . . . Geo. Jordan Gen. Witherington . . J. G. Burnett Fred Morton H. F. Daly

Lady Helen Ada Clifton

Harriet Wardour . . Laura Keene Hopwood Florence Bell

The afterpiece was "Our Clerks, or Suppose War were De- clared. " Mark Smith first appeared Sept. 5 as Joseph Ironsides in " Nine Points of the Law. " First time in America of Palgrave Simpson's comedy of "World and Stage" was Sept. 12. It had this cast:


Fanny Kelly .... Laura Keene Lady Castlecrag .... Ada Clifton

Miss Lipglue Mary Wells

Col. Gabble J. A. Smith

Trimmer Florence Bell

Buzzard F. A. Vincent

Harry Malpas .... Geo. Jordan Leonard Ashton . . . . H. F. Daly

Dazzey Browser . . . Chas. Peters Hon. Mrs. Cruickshanks Annie Deland Norman Castlecrag . . J. G. Burnett Hetty Stubbs . . . Marion Macarthy Daniel Dunlap (first appear- ance in New York) W. H. Stephens Lady Fanny Gabble Mrs. Mark Smith Morcea Chas. Wheatleigh

"The Sea of Ice" was revived Sept. 29. "A Midsummer Night's Dream" was given Oct. 21, with Mark Smith as Bottom. For the first time in America "The Election," by Tom Taylor, was seen Oct. 6, and with this cast:

Dodgson . Wapshott . Gathercole . Spatchcock Trundle James . .

Geo. Jordan

. H. F. Daly

J. G. Burnett

J. A. Smith

Milnes Levick

F. Evans

Honeybun Mark Smith

Peckover Chas. Peters

Topper Chas. Wheatleigh

Clara Annie Deland

Mrs. Honeybun . . . Laura Keene

The farce "Antony and Cleopatra" was also acted. "The Wife's Secret" was produced for the first time here Nov. 9 and cast thus :

Sir Walter Geo. Jordan

Richard Henry

James Evans

Robert Munerett

Neville Marion Macarthy

Maud Mary Wells

Lady Evelyn .... Laura Keene

Lord Arden H. F. Daly

Jabez Sneed . . . . J. G. Burnett

Brouillard C. Wheatleigh

Lieut. Harrington . . . M. Levick Harry Jeffries

This play was originally brought out at the old Park Theatre by Charles Kean and Ellen Tree.

Dec. I the burlesque of " Norma " was seen : Signora Markini Smitherini as Norma, Madame Felixcia A. Vincentio as Adelgisa. For Mark Smith's benefit, Dec. 10, "Still Waters Run Deep," with Mrs. Plunkett as Mrs. Mildmay; Charles Wheatleigh played John Mildmay, Mark Smith was the Potter, George Jordan, Capt. Hawksley; and the new American comedy "Distant Relations" was also given with this cast:

John Arkright .... Mark Smith Chas. Dashwell . . . . J. A. Smith Julian Fitz Glitter . . F. A. Vincent Edwin Modeville . . Milnes Levick

Tompkins C. Peters

Jemmy . . . Master Fred Wren

Search L. J. Vincent

Adam Henry

Mrs. Modeville . . Marion Macarthy John Arkright, Jr. . . Mary Bullock

Mrs. Dashwell . . . Annie Deland

Bridget Josephine Henry

Mrs. Dr. Rackendsack

Mrs. Mark Smith

Mrs. Dobbs . . Anna Maria Dobbs Geo. Arkright Tolly .... Paddy Murphy . Deacon Smooth .

. Mary Wells Laura Keene . H. F. Daly J. G. Burnett C. Wheatleigh Dan Leeson




" Green Bushes " was played Dec. 30, and continued until Jan. 9, i860i when, for the first time on any stage, Boucicault's "Jeannie Deans," a dramatization of Scott's "Heart of Midlo- thian," was seen. Dion Boucicault had been at the Winter Gar- den Theatre, but, having some difficulty, he and his wife, Agnes Robertson, left, and joined Laura Keene's forces.

The Duke of Argyle . Mark Smith David Deans (expressly engaged)

Charles Fisher Laird of Dumbiedikes

(expressly engaged) . Dan Leeson Geordie Robertson . . . H. F. Daly Reuben Butler . . . Milnes Levick Madge Wildfire . . Marion Macarthy Jeannie Deans . . Agnes Robertson

Counsel for the Crown

Chas. Wheatleigh Counsel for the Defence

Dion Boucicault

Ratcliffe J. G. Burnett

Archibald Chas. Peters

Meg Mary Wells

The Queen . . . Mrs. Mark Smith Effie Deans .... Laura Keene

This is the first cast in which Dion Boucicault's name ever ap- peared in this country without an r in it. From his first appear- ance in America, on all programmes, posters, advertisements, and on all of his play books, his name was spelled " Bourcicault. " So it was when "Jeannie Deans" was first announced (Jan. 7, i860), but when the above cast appeared the r was dropped from his name, and continued so till his death. " Vanity Fair, or Vain of their Vices" was next done with this cast:

Virginie Pate . Rose .... Edgar Lambert Old Lambert . Hector Pate . Chicken . . . Maxine Latour

. Laura Keene Agnes Robertson Dion Boucicault . J. G. Burnett . Felix Vincent . Chas. Peters Chas. Fisher

The Duke de Calatrava

Chas. Wheatleigh

Jerome Dan Leeson

Balaclava Annie Deland

Mile. Celeste .... Mary Wells Francine Mrs. Fox

The theatre was closed March 28 for a dress rehearsal of " The Colleen Bawn," which was acted for the first time on any stage March 29 and ran until the close of the season on May 12, having been performed thirty-eight nights. The following card appeared in the programme :

Laura Keene : My dear Madame, Here is another drama my last for this season. It was written in five days, and the labor has rather overtaxed me, as this makes the seventh I have written within the space of twenty-eight weeks one five act play, five three act dramas, and a burlesque. This piece is called " The Colleen Bawn," and is Irish to the backbone. It is the first time I have taken a subject from my native country, and, quickly as the work has been executed, I am not the less satisfied with it. 'T will be found to be, I think, the best constructed of any of my works. Whatever demerits it may liave, it is my happiest efEort in that particular. The public must determine the rest.

Dion Boucicault.


'The Colleen Bawn " had this cast:

Eily O'Connor . . Agnes Robertson Myles-na-Coppaleen . Dion Boucicault Mrs. Cregan (first appearance here)

Mme. Ponisi Ducie Blennerhassett Josephine Henry Kyrle Daly . . . Charles Fisher Danny Mann . . . . C. Wheatleigh

Hardress Cregan Corrigan . . Sheelah . . Father Tom . Hyland Creagh Bertie O'Moore Anne Chute .

. H. F. Daly J. G. Burnett . Mary Wells . Dan Leesoa . M. Levick . Mrs. Henry Laura Keene

The season of 1860-61 opened Sept. 10, with T. B. De Walden's drama, " The Monkey Boy," adapted from the," Le Petite Prologue." It had this cast :

Pierre Renaud . . C. W. Couldock Jacques Renaud . . . Laura Keene Joseph Rouquet . . . J. G. Burnett Hon. S. Spooner . . T. B. Johnston Lucien Girard . . . . H. F. Daly

Picket Charles Peters

Taupin Dan Leeson

Maurice Milnes Levick


Paul .

Raoul .

Le Noir



Madame Mignonette


Mr. Bernard . . Mr. Barton Geo. W. Lingard Josephine Henry . Polly Marshall Mrs. J. H. Allen Mrs. H. Vinine . Lotty Hough

James G. Burnett died in Chicago, 111., March 19, 1870. The company for this season consisted of : Laura Keene, Polly Marshall, Mrs. J. H. Allen, Mrs. H. Vining, Lotty Hough, Josephine Henry, Miss Oswald, Miss Francis, Miss Everett, Miss Bullock, Eliza Couldock, Miss Bleecker, C. W. Couldock, J. G. Burnett, H. F. Daly, T. B. Johnston, C. Peters, Dan Leeson, Milnes Levick, George Lingard, Henry, Wren, Clinton, Arthur, Markham, Wall, Gledhill, Bernard, Goodrich, Barton, Miss Melvin, Miss Willoughby, Miss C. Engel, Miss Hattie Engel, Lizzie Murphy, G. F. Browne, B. G. Rogers, Mr. de Little, and Mrs. W. H. Leighton. Laura Keene offered $1,000 to any American dramatist for the best three-act comedy, to be entitled " Our American Cousin at Home."

Oct. I, "Aileen Aroon, or the Lady of Glenmire," was acted for the first time here. It was founded on " La Dame de St. Tropez," and had this cast :

Father McPaudeen . Barnaby Blenkinsop Aileen Barradan . . Kathleen Barradan . Mrs. Blenkinsop

. . D. Leeson . . C. Peters Laura Keene Mrs. J. H. Allen . Polly Marshall

Milly Maginnis . . . Lotty Hough Gorman Barradan . . . . H. Daly Philip Warner . . . . M. Levick

Lang Mulligan Burnett

Nelly Eliza Couldock

On Oct. 9 B. A. Baker became prompter. " Physic and Fancy, or the Hypochondriac," an adaptation from Moliere's " La Malade Im- aginaire," by Charles Reade, was produced Nov. 5, with this cast :

Argan J. G. Burnett

Arnolde Harry Wall

Poinette Laura Keene

Louison .... Mrs. J. H. Allen

Belline Lotty Hough

Thos. Diaforius .... C. Peters

Bercalde, first appearance here

Geo. F. Browne Angelique, first appearance

on the stage . . Miss Willoughby Dr. Pargon D. Leeson




Gay's " Beggars' Opera," condensed into one act, was also sung. Miss Melvin making her first appearance as Captain Macheath. " The Unprotected Female " was seen Nov. 3, with :

. . Mr. Goodrich

Polly Crisp Tim Temple

Polly Marshall I Nicodemus Crisp . Harry Wall |

" Toodles a Father," a farce by T. B. De Walden, was first played Nov. 12. The theatre was closed for rehearsal, Nov. 24, of " The Seven Sisters," first acted Nov. 26. It was founded upon the old German play, " The Seven Daughters of Satan," and had this cast:


Arthur Stunner . . . . H. F. Daly 1 Catchem Mr. Wren

Snail Mr. Barton | Mary Springleaf .... Mrs. Allen


Pluto Dan Leeson

Astaroth T. B. Johnston

Demonos Milnes Levick

Cuffee J. G. Burnett

Mrs. Pluto Mr. C. Peters

Diavoline Laura Keene

Plutilla Polly Marshall

Farcinella .... Eliza Couldock Spirit of Arthur's Sister Miss Francis

Tartarina Lotty Hough

Sulphurina .... Mrs. H. Vining

During the spectacle a burlesque drama, entitled " The Murderous Mother," was acted. George F. Browne represented the remorseless tyrant Mrs. G. F. Browne (formerly Louisa Pray, sister of Mrs. Barney Williams and Mrs. Wm. J. Florence) danced. This pro- duction was so successful that it served to fill Laura Keene's Theatre for one hundred and seventy-seven nights. The transformation scene, painted by James Roberts, from the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, London, was "The Birth of the Butterfly in the Bower of Ferns." It was one of the most beautiful pictures ever attempted on the American stage. Ben G. Rogers was engaged Jan. 21, 1861, and a Yankee part was introduced for him, called Doubtful Towrail. Feb. 1 1 Mr. Miles, the author (of Baltimore), introduced a second act of national tableaux, entitled " Uncle Sam's Magic Lantern," and introduced the following new characters :

South Carolina . . . Polly Marshall

Ohio Miss Willoughby

Virginia Hattie Engel

Columbia .... Mrs. J. H. Allen Liberty Mrs. H. Vining

Uncle Sam . . Disunion . . Diogenes . . Massachusetts Maine . . .

. . B. G. Rogers . . G. F. Browne T. B. Johnston . . Lotty Hough Mrs. G. F. Browne

Feb. 27 was the one hundredth night of "The Seven Sisters;" a display of fireworks was seen in front of the theatre. April 22 Laura Keene made further alterations in the second act. Mrs. W. H. Leighton acted Laura Keene's r61e of Diavoline, while that lady went to the country. April 29 the receipts were devoted to the relief of the families of the New York Volunteers. J. G. Burnett took


his benefit May 4; Mrs. J. H. Allen, May 6; T.B. Johnston, May ri ; Thos. Baker, May 15; Charles Peters, May 18; and Lotty Hough, May 20. This was the last appearance on the stage of T. B. John- ston, an actor of great talent. He died May 27.

July 8 Mrs. J. H. Allen retired from the company and Mrs. W. H. Leighton " doubled " Columbia with Diavoline. After a run of eight months and fourteen days (consecutively), "The Seven Sisters" was played for the last time Aug. 10, i86r. When the season closed George Lingard retired from the theatre and went to his brother's New Bowery theatre, where he commenced July 15, 1861, and remained until the theatre was burned down. His last appear- ance on the stage was at the Arch Street Theatre, Philadelphia, in Oct., 1876, acting in " Davy Crockett." He died in this city Oct. 28, 1876.

The season of 1861-62 commenced Sept. 23. In the company were Mrs. J. H. Allen, Mrs. Owen Marlowe, Lotty Hough, Mrs.F. S. Chanfrau, Laura Keene, Sara Stevens, lone Burke, Francis Dillon, Robertson, J. G. Burnett, Milnes Levick, H. F. Daly, Owen Marlowe, J. H. Stoddart, C. Burnett, C. Peters, Richardson, and Bilby. The opening play was " The Seven Sons," and had this cast :

Diavoline Laura Keene

Columbia .... Mrs. J. H. Allen

Satanella Sara Stevens

Tartarus Lotty Hough

Asmodeus . . . Mrs. F. S. Chanfrau

Diavolus lone Burke

Molasses Miss Francis

Sulphurus . . . Mrs. Owen Marlowe Mephistopheles . . Miss Robertson

Pluto J. G. Burnett

Caesar Milnes Levick

Jake Butt H. F. Daly

Fred Flutter . . . Owen Marlowe Mrs. Pluto C. Peters

It proved to be a spectacular burlesque and had a run of nearly one hundred nights. Nov. 18 it was altered and rewritten. Dec. 24 " Little Tom, or a Christmas Carol," written expressly for this theatre by Mercer Morris, was produced. " Robinson Crusoe " was acted the same night. These plays continued until Jan. g, 1862, when "Our American Cousin " was revived, and the cast was : Asa Trenchard (first appearance in that character), John T. Raymond, Sir Edward, Owen Marlowe ; Lord Dundreary, Milnes Levick. This play held the boards until Feb. 22, when Laura Keene's adaptation, entitled " The Macarthy or Peep o' Day," was given with this cast :

The Macarthy Nelly Brady . Mary Kelly Father Peter . Peery Riordon Darby Kelly . The Babby . . Capt. Macneary

. . D. W. Waller Mrs. D. W. Waller . Laura Keene . J. G. Burnett . . . Dillon . J. H. Stoddart J. T. Raymond Owen Marlowe

This was Mr. and Mrs. Waller' Laura Keene was taken ill March

Terrence McGown Aleck Purcell . Capt. Howard . Larry Macdade John Gaul . . Helen Macneary Patsey Moore . Mrs. Mulrooney

s first appearance at this theatre. 17, and Sara Stevens acted Mary

. C. Peters . H. F. Daly Milnes Levick . lone Burke Miss Marks Mrs. J. H. Allen . . lone Burke Mrs. Owen Marlowe




Kelly, in "The Macarthy." March 24 Mrs. Allen was taken ill, when Mrs. Marlowe played Helen and Mrs. Dillon " doubled " Widow Mulrooney and Mrs. Molloy. This play ran until April 30, when the house closed until May 5, when "Reason and Folly," adapted from the French for this house, had its first production. In it Laura Keene played nine different characters, and Mrs. Waller enacted seven different r6Ies. May 26, " Half a Dollar " and the burlesque of " The Elves, or the Fairy Bride " was seen. May 29, John Nickinson appeared (for the first time in ten years) as Haversack, in " The Old Guard." Isabella Nickinson played Melanie. " The Post Boy " was played June 2, with Nickinson as Spurrit. Tom Baker had a benefit June 4, when Seiiorita Isabel Cubas and Don Ximenes appeared for the first time at this theatre.

A summer season began June 9 with the first production, under the direction of Maggie Mitchell, in New York, of " Fanchon," adapted from the German of Charlotte Birch-Pfeiffer by A. Wildeur. It had this cast :

Fanchon .... Maggie Mitchell Father Barbeaud . . . J. H. Stoddart

Landry J. W. Collier

Didier A. H. Davenport

Pierre C. T. Parsloe

Colin Bilby

July 7 " The Young Prince, or the Frolics of a King's Son," was presented with this cast:

Father Caliard . . . . T. J. Hind Old Fadet .... Mrs. T. J. Hind Mother Barbeaud, Mrs. H. P. Grattan Madelon . . . Mrs. J. H. Stoddart Marietta . . Adele Plunkett Grattan

. Maggie Mitchell

. . Mrs. Grattan

Mrs. J. H. Stoddart

King Frederick . . . J. H. Stoddart Prince Frederick .

Count RenderofF . . . . T. J. Hind Queen of Prussia

Captain Rosenberg . . J. W. Collier Dorothea . . .

Carl Aldeshott . . A. H. Davenport

" Katty O'Sheal " was played the same night, when Miss Nelson made her first appearance, acting Florence O'Connor. July 1 1 " Margot, the Poultry Dealer," was seen.

Margot Maggie Mitchell I Burgomaster . . . . J. H. Stoddart

Count de Newburg . A. H. Davenport | Herman J. W. Collier

" The Little Treasure " and " The Pet of the Petticoats " was seen July 13 ; July 18, for the benefit of Miss Mitchell, " Fanchon " was played, and the season closed July 19.

For the season of 1862-63 the company was thus composed: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Blake, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hind, Charles Wheat- leigh, Chas. Walcot, Jr., John T. Raymond, Walter Lennox, Stuart Robson, Mrs. Sedley Brown, Laura and Clara Leigh, Ada Clifton, Isabella Nickinson, Emma Taylor, Mary Everett, C. Peters, Bilby, B. A. Baker, Richardson, Lotty Hough, Mrs. F. S. Chanfrau, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Marlowe, Laura Keene, and lone Burke. The


season commenced Sept. 22, 1862, with " Old Heads and Young Hearts." Chas. Wheatleigh played Tom Coke ; W. R. Blake, Jessie Rural; Charles Walcot, Jr., Lyttleton Coke; Laura Keene, Lady Alice; Stuart Robson (first appearance in New York) as Bob. Sept. 24, John T. Raymond was seen as Tony Lumpkin, and W. R. Blake as Hardcastle, in " She Stoops to Conquer." Oct. 20, " No Rest for the Wicked," had its first performance in New York with this cast :

Genet W. R. Blake Madame Bidant

Fernand .... Chas. Walcot, Jr. Mrs. Robertson (Brougham)

Pomaire Stuart Robson Madame Clarie Genet . Laura Leigh

Courtaine .... J. H. Stoddart Montar Walter Lennox

Castelle Owen Marlowe Antoine Charles Peters

Mme. Fernand . . . Laura Keene

Nov. 12, " Rachel the Reaper," was acted at this theatre, Charles Wheatleigh resuming his original character of Corporal Patrick. Laura Keene as Rachel, and the remaining characters were distrib- uted as follows : Mr. Hathorne, J. H. Stoddart ; Robert Hathorne, H. F. Daly; Paddy, John T. Raymond; Dick Hickman, Milnes Levick ; Dame Hathorne, Mrs. Robertson ; and Rose Mayfield, lone Burke. Nov. 17, 18, 19, "No Rest for the Wicked" was repeated; Nov. 20 and 21 "Masks and Faces" was presented; Nov. 22 and 24 the house was closed for rehearsal, and Nov. 25 an extravaganza entitled " Blondette, or the Naughty Prince and the Pretty Peasant " was seen with this cast :

Lubln . . .

Cainbille . .

Trufio . . .

King Merlin .

Prince Merlin .

John T. Raymond Walter Lennox Stuart Robson J. H. Stoddart

. . Emma Taylor

Blondette Uria . . Rosette . Mignonette Rampage

Mrs. Sedley Brown

Isabella Nickinson

Mrs. J. H. Stoddart

. . . lone Burke

. Mrs. Robertson

Jan. 4, 1863, Mrs. John Wood appeared here as Victoire in "The Invincibles," and Jenny Leatherlungs in "Jenny Lind at Last; " Jan. 11, in " The Pride of the Market" and " Betsy Baker; " Jan. 26, in " The Pet of the Petticoats " and " Mr. and Mrs. White." Jan. 30 Mrs. Wood took a benefit in " The Pride of the Market " and "A Loan of a Lover." During the week commencing Feb. 2, " The Invincibles " and " A Loan of a Lover " formed the bill, and Feb. 9, the Planch^ extravaganza " The Fair One with the Golden Locks " was produced, with Mrs. Wood in the three parts of Lucidora, Pitchin, and the Original Jacobs. Chas. Walcot played King Lachrymoso, and Galiform was acted by the giant Col. Goshen. Mrs. John Wood closed March 14, and March 16 Laura Keene returned, and commenced a series of farewell appearances, prior to her withdrawal from the management of this house. The engagements of John T. Raymond and Walter Lennox had been abruptly terminated.




An original drama, written expressly for Laura Keene, entitled " Jessy McLane " was produced March 23 with this cast :

John McLane . Arthur Marsden Mrs. Gimp . . Marker . . . Martin . . .

Chas. Wheatleigh . Chas. Walcot Jr. Isabella Nickinson . . Charles Peters . . Milnes Levick

Doctor J. H. Stoddart

Jessy McLane .... Laura Keene Polly Wright . . . Mrs. Robertson Betsy Brown lone Burke

April 6 "Bantry Bay, or Ireland in 1798 "was presented cast thus:

Billy Bluff W. R. Blake

Bryce Farley . . . Chas. Wheatleigh

Maurice Milnes Levick

Nellie O'Donohue . . Laura Keene

Fennie Dorgan . Isabella Nickinson

Phadrig Chas. Peters

Judith Mrs. Rouse

Mr. Hammond . . . . H. F. Daly

This was a new version of the play known as " St. Mary's Eve." W. R. Blake took his farewell benefit April 16, and made his last appearance on the New York stage as Sir Anthony Absolute in "The Rivals," and Geoffry Dale in "The Last Man." April 29 " Our American Cousin " and " Our Gal " were seen for the benefit of Milnes Levick. The theatre was closed April 28 and 29. From April 30 until May 2 " Our American Cousin " was acted, and May 4 a new burlesque, entitled " Tib, or Our Cat in Crinoline," was produced with this cast :

Tib Laura Keene Molkees Wm. Rouse

Frederick H. F. Daly Alice Laura Leigh

Christian .... Stuart Robson The Donkey 7 j^j^g Burke

Hans Chas. Peters Jenny J

Duke Chas. Walcot Titania .... Isabella Nickinson

Fritz J. H. Stoddart Oberon Miss Tyrrell

May 8 marked the close of the season and of Laura Keene's man- agement. " Second Love " and "Nature and Art" formed the bill of the night. For her benefit May 9 Matilda Heron appeared for the first time in " Phaedra " (first time in English), with this cast :

Phsedra .



.Matilda Heron

. . T. E. Mills

Mrs. Clara Leigh

Hippolytus J. H. Allen

Obereve Mrs. T. J. Hind

The third and fourth acts of " The Merchant of Venice " followed, with Daniel E. Bandmann as Shylock, George Becks as Gratiano, Owen Marlowe as Bassanio, T. E. Mills as Antonio, and Matilda Heron as Portia (first time). Isabel Cubas, the Spanish danseuse, was seen, and " The Spectre Bridegroom " was the afterpiece.

Laura Keene seemed to have lost her hold upon the New York public. The war excitement had unsettled theatrical matters as well as every other branch of business. But from the first there had been no settled line of policy at Laura Keene's ; all sorts of plays had been given, and the random playgoer never knew just what to


expect. Shakespearean comedy, domestic drama, comic opera, and burlesque were jumbled together as if the hand that controlled the affairs of the house had been swayed by a capricious fancy. As for Laura Keene herself, she would undoubtedly have been a better artist if she had confined herself to a more limited field. The record of the theatre during Laura Keene's management is remarkable. Many players who have since won lasting fame wherever the English spoken drama has supporters played under her management, among whom were: Charles Couldock, Harry Perry, Thos. B. Johnston, James S. Browne, Chas. Walcot, Joseph Jefferson, Edward A. Sothern, John T. Raymond, Milnes Levick, Stuart Robson, Frank C. Bangs, Effie Germon, lone Burke, Ben G. Rogers, Walter Lennox, Charlotte Thompson, Eliza Couldock, and Rose Eytinge. During her managerial career Miss Keene determined to introduce the English style of running pieces for weeks, and possibly months a custom then unknown to the American stage. The idea was derided by other managers. She, however, was successful, and the completeness of detail as regards scenic mounting and costuming as well as acting seen at this theatre was due solely to her persist- ent efforts. She died at Montclair, N. J., Nov. 4, 1873, aged forty- three years. Her last appearance was at Tidioute, Pa., July 4, 1873, while with her own travelling company, as Mrs. Chillington and Jane Chatterley, in " The Morning Call" and " The Stage Struck Barber."

It is a part of our national history that Laura Keene was acting Florence Trenchard in " Our American Cousin," at the National Theatre, Washington, D. C, the night Abraham Lincoln was assas- sinated in one of the stage boxes of that house, April 14, 1865. Laura Keene came to America in 1852, and opened at Wallack's Theatre, Broadway and Broome Street. Some time in January, 1854, she left the theatre, and went with John Lutz to California. Some months afterwards intelligence reached her of her husband's death, and she gave Mr. Lutz her hand in marriage. She was unques- tionably the most refined and finished of the English-speaking actresses of her time. In appearance she bore a strong resem- blance to Sarah Bernhardt, possessing the same elegance and grace, the same nose, so touched with character, and the same wealth of hair, crowded in golden sheaves around her head. She had, too, strange to say, many of Mile. Bernhardt's peculiarities, especially the flutter of the eyelids, which is peculiarly French. Without being a person of high mental power, she was one of very agreeable presence and of great buoyancy and elasticity of temperament such a person as you would call a woman of cleverness, rather than a woman of genius. When Laura Keene played Camille, the lightness of her movements and grace of her appearance, made us admire the sinful Camille. At the time of her demise she was so terribly ema-


ciated that her most intimate friends would not have recognized her. Being painfully aware of that fact, she made a particular request, just before her death, that her funeral should be strictly private, and that no notice of her demise should be given to the newspapers until just before her funeral, so that her theatrical friends might not know of her death until she had been buried. On the morning of Nov. 7, about the hour of nine, a hearse and one carriage drove up to the little cot- tage on the outskirts of the town of Montclair, whence her spirit had winged its flight. The undertaker and his assistants bore the coffin to the hearse. Laura Keene's two daughters, accompanied by two friends, entered the carriage, and followed the remains to the little Catholic church. After the coffin had been deposited in front of the altar, and the few mourners had seated themselves, Father Joslin said a requiem mass, after which the remains were buried.

No braver, steadier, abler soldier ever battled in the ranks of art than Laura Keene ; no captain ever planned better or labored more perseveringly or with more success. Her inflexible energy and per- severance had few equals in any walk of life. It is a fact, not heretofore published, that she declined a public testimonial headed by General Sherman, purely from a self-sacrificing sensibility.

The following tribute to this lady I published in The New York Clipper November loth, 1873 :

" Obituary. In the death of Laura Keene there is a befitting occasion for a tribute of mournful respect. It is, indeed, difficult to realize the solemn fact that this lady is now so early numbered among the silent dead. She, who in life was so cheerful, and whose benign influence shed such a kindly radiance round the social circle, winning all hearts by her genial qualities, alas ! now ' sleeps the sleep that knows no waking.' Well may the monarch of the tomb defer his impartial work for a season, and recline beneath the laurels he has won, for he has robbed the stage of one of its brightest and most valued jewels, the profes- sion of one of its most sparkling gems. Hers was no ordinary character. She was gifted with a nature exquisitely rare and gentle of unusual delicacy and cul- tivation, to which were added the graces of a meek and quiet spirit. She possessed a character of mind peculiar from the many, in that it was always stern and inflexible for the right, unwavering and jealous of the prospects of the suc- cess of whatever she might be engaged in. It is only those who knew her well and intimately that could estimate and properly appreciate her. The world generally supposes that goodness is more frequently extolled and appreciated in the dead than in the living. In one sense ttiis is true, because we do not fully and plainly see the many noble and generous traits in the character and lives of our friends until they are taken from us. Laura Keene was a woman of fine person and superior conversational powers. Her intercourse was full of dignity, and remarkable for its constant display of intelligence, good sense, and judgment. She was animated, witty, and agreeable. She well understood matters of business, and upon questions of conduct, the line of rectitude, and the adaptation of the best means to the highest ends, she was expert. Indeed, her solid qualities and knowledge of the perfect workings of the stage equaled those of any other living professional. Her wisdom was not greater than her energy and tenacity of purpose. She was so strict in business, so decided and so candid with every one, that she could never be misunderstood.. The charms of mind and her firmness

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of purpose were crowned by a love of justice, and made acceptable by that nobleness and disinterestedness which ran throughout all her actions. As an actress, Laura Keene was possessed of great talent. Her voice was remarkably plaintive, yet capable of all the firmness and exertion which the intrepidity of fortitude or the impulse of sudden rage demands. Her eye was remarkably effective, her brow capable of disdain, or of dilating with the emotions of sympathy or pity. So entirely was she mistress of her art, so collected, and so determined in her gestures, tone, and manner, that she seldom erred. When she first appeared in this city, she soon was acknowledged as one of the most finished actresses that ever trod the boards. She was great in all her parts, and in her readings, perfect. Her natural talents were enhanced by diligent study. She not only comprehended, but she knew all the parts she undertook. She knew the old comedies and standard plays so thoroughly as to be enabled to prompt any one on the stage who needed momentary assistance. Her comedy was richly imbued with the essence which constitutes the principal charm of this delightful department of the drama. It would be difficult to select any one or two parts as being superior to others in the long range of characters she assumed; many, before considered unimportant, she elevated into respectability by the mere force of her acting. Her conceptions required not the fostering hand of study; they were not as the flower that grows in the dull earth, and matures by parts; they, indeed, owned a richer soil, and, while you looked, the peerless flower was up, consummate in the birth. Her style was different from that of other actresses it was marked by a noble simplicity, of that chaste and quiet character which, although critically correct, was neither cold nor artificial, dis- daining for the sake of mere effect to sacrifice sense and outrage propriety. Her personations were rich, buoyant, and racy never overstepping the modesty of nature, yet strongly drawn and marked as being entirely separate and char- acteristic portraits, and with an entire absence of mannerism."


MRS. JANE ENGLISH, the mother of Lucille and Helen Western, next rented this house for a summer season, which began May 11, 1863; and among her attractions were the St. Dennis troupe, Alex. Zanfretta, Mile. Rosita, Signors Agouste, Caron, Alexander, and Montevari, and Miles. Hortense, Donetti, Louise and Josephine, the child Angelo, August Muller, viohnist, and Mile. Zoe, and subsequently the Milner operatic company.

A dramatic company, with Mr. and Mrs. Chapman, was added to the attraction May 25, by Mrs. English. John Duff, the well-known restaurateur, then became the lessee, and, after spending considera- ble money in decorating the interior, as well as in many improve- ments behind the curtain, the theatre was reopened Oct. 8, 1863, under the management of Mrs. John Wood.


MRS. WOOD'S first company at her Olympic Theatre was com- posed of the following persons: Wm. Davidge, Sr., George Jamison, J. H. Stoddart, H. B. Phillips, George Becks, Thomas Owens, Frank Rea, G. H. Clarke, Charles Wyndham, C. T. Parsloe,




Jr., J. Hurley, Gledhill, Evans, Jones, Williams, Shields, Dale, Wells, Brogan, Taylor, Bruciani, and Charles Walcot; Mrs. John Wood, Mrs. Sedley Brown, Mrs. Wilkinson, Mrs. Walcot, Mrs. Frank Rea, Viola Plunkett Grattan, Adele Plunkett Grattan, Elsie Folsom, Louisa Carman, Jennie Walters, Morton, Elinore, Gilmer, Evans, Lloyd, A. Henrie, M. Henrie, Prestige, Augustin, Harris, and Jack- son. John H. Selwyn was stage manager and Thomas Baker musi- cal director.

The season opened Oct. 8, 1863, with " Married Daughters" and " Brothers and Sisters." This was the first performance of " Married Daughters," and it was cast as follows :

Mr. Gadbury . Mathew Fagg . Digby Spooner Alfred Vail . . Wee .... Mrs. Carey . . Mrs. Fagg . .

. . Geo. Jamison Wm. Davidge, Sr. . . . Geo. Becks . . G. H. Clarke . C. T. Parsloe Jr. . Mrs. Wilkinson Jennie Walters

Mrs. Spooner Anna . . . Sophia . . Jane . . . Mary . . . Mrs. Dander

Louisa Carman

Miss V. P. Grattan

Miss A. P. Grattan

. . Miss Morton

. Mrs. Frank Rea

. . Mrs. Wilmot

Mrs. John Wood acted Rosanthe, in the burletta of " Brothers and Sisters,"

Charles Wyndham, when he first came to this country, entered the Union army. After a brief military service, he came North, and was engaged at this theatre, but was discharged after the first week for incompetency. He then returned to the army, and remained until 1865, when he went back to England and reappeared on the stage. He was present at the battles of Chancellorsville, Fredericks- burg, Gettysburg, and all through the Red River campaign, under General Banks. He reappeared in America, at Wallack's Theatre, where he was for one season, after which he organized, and travelled as manager with, one of the first dramatic combinations on the road. It consisted of John Parselle, J. H. Fitzpatrick, Belvil Ryan, George Giddens and wife (Sydney Cowell), Florence Cowell, Margaret Young, and Anne Goodall.

Oct. 19, 1863, "Pocahontas" was revived, and the farce "My Preserver " was acted for the first time in America, cast as follows :

Philips Mr. Evans

Enoch Malable . . . J. H. Stoddart

Dolly Mrs. Frank Rea

Mrs. Banter .... Miss Harris Miss Banter .... Miss Carman

Estelle Fitzwater . . Mrs. John Sloan Mary Walker (first appearance here)

Mrs. Sedley Brown

Wm. Bury G. H. Clarke

Dr. Pulford .... Thos. Owens Bilberry Geo. Jamison

Nov. I, "Miles O'Reilly," a local absurdity, by Chas. Walcot, Jr., was acted for the first time. On Nov. 9 Byron's burlesque, " The Motto, I Am All There," was acted for the first time in America. It was cast thus :


Henri Lagadere . Duke Gonzagues . Duke de Nevers . Elderly Gypsy Party Carricicfergus

Mrs. John Wood

. G. H. Clarke

N. C. Lapaugh

. . Frank Rea

Miss Harris

Regent Jennie Walters

jEsop C. T. Parsloe Jr.

Blanche .... Mrs. Sedley Brown

Pepita Mrs. Frank Rea

Princess Wm. Davidge

On the same night Geo. Jamison's one act comedietta, " There Is No Such Word As Fail," was acted. Geo. Jamison played the Irishman, Arthur Fitzheron. After a long absence, Lotty Hough appeared Nov. 30, as Mehitable Ann in "The Yankee Legacy." Dec. 7, 1863, " As You Sow, So You Reap" was acted for the first appearance of John Dyott. Dec. 28 "Camilla's Husband" was played for the first time in America, and the cast was as follows :

Sir Philip Hailstone . . Geo. Jamison Captain Shrimpton . . G. H. Clarke Maurice Warner (his first

appearance) . . . J. K. Mortimer Lady Camilla Hailstone, Mrs. John Wood Miss Placida Poyntz . . Mrs. Howard

Chas. Mathew's farce, "A Bull in a China Shop," was given for the first time in America Jan. 11, 1864, and with this cast :

Lady Roseville Major Lumley . Hyacinth Jonquil Dogbrier . , Sloeberry . . Red Judy . .

. Jennie de Lacey . N. C. Lapaugh . . .Geo. Becks Wm. Davidge, Sr. . Jennie Walters . . Miss Harris

Mr. Bagshot . . . J. K. Mortimer Bellamy Brownsjohn . J. H. Stoddart Emily Tipthorpe . . Mrs. John Sloan Lucy Tipthorpe . . Jennie de Lacey Arabella Fitzkensington Miss Harris

Mr. Tipthorpe . . Wm. Davidge, Sr.

Mr. Flitter George Becks

Mr. Piper T. Owens

Susan Jennie Walters

Mrs. John Wood appeared the same evening as Cousin Cherry in the farce of that name. Jan. 18 Frank Drew made his reappearance in this city in Byron's burlesque, " Mazeppa," acting the title r61e, while Mrs. John Wood played Olinska. Feb. 8 Byron's burlesque " 111 Treated II Trovatore " was seen for the first time in America, with this cast :

Manrico Mrs. John Wood

Azucena Frank Drew

Count di Luna . . Wm. Davidge, Sr. Ferrando . . . . N. C. Lapaugh

The Kinchin . . C. T. Parsloe, Jr.

Ruiz Mr. Walton

Leonora .... Mrs. Sedley Brown Inez Miss Harris

Henrietta Irving made her first appearance on this occasion, acting the Duchess De Chartres in "The Follies of a Night; " Feb. 15 the farce " A Curious Case " and " The Pride of the Market " were acted. Feb. 24, for the benefit of the U. S. Sanitary commission, " The Pride of the Market " and " 111 Treated II Trovatore " were repeated.

" Taming a Butterfly " was acted for the first time on any stage Feb. 25. It was an adaptation from the French, by Aug. Daly and Frank Wood. It was cast as follows :




Constance .

. . Henrietta Irving

Finette . .

. Mrs. Sedley Brown

Elodie . .

. . Jennie Walters

Angelique .

. . Amelia Harris

Mignonne .

. . Fanny Prestige

Beau Beau-jolais . . . Frank Drew

Dandrey J. K. Mortimer

Riverol G. H. Clarke

Morlac J. H. Stoddart

Polydore .... Wm. Davidge, Sr. Jacmthe Mrs. John Wood

"Leap Year," was given March 21. "Our Wife" was produced April II. J. Maddison Morton was the author. The cast was :

Rosine (first appearance Count de Brissac . . J. K. Mortimer

in New York) . Mrs. E. C. Winter Marquis de Ligny . . G. H. Clarke

Mariette . . . Mrs. Sedley Brown Pomaret J. H. Stoddart

Mrs. Winter was the wife of William Winter, the dramatic editor of The New York Tribune. " Loyalina, or Brigadier General For- tunio and His Seven Gifted Servants," dramatized by A. Oakey Hall, was seen for the first time here April 1 1 and had this cast :

Princess Vindicta . . . Miss Harris

Florida Mrs. Young

Lightfoot ... C. T. Parsloe, Jr.

Strongback Mr. Neel

Boisterer . . . Harold Forsburg

Gourmand Mr. Boys

Sharpshooter .... Mr. Edwards 'Fineear Mr. Hill

Ex-Alderman Gotham Thomas Owens Loyalina and Fortunio Mrs. John Wood Emperor Shoddy . Wm. Davidge, Sr. Princess Violante (first appear- ance here) . . Mrs. G. F. Browne

Pertina Mrs. Grener

Flirtina Jennie Walters

Fairy Mrs. Sedley Brown

King Alwayryle . . . Frank Drew

April 23, 1864, being the three hundredth anniversary of the birth of Shakespeare, the occasion was duly celebrated at all the theatres. The foundation stone of the Central Park statue in honor of Shake- speare was laid by James H. Hackett, appropriate addresses being delivered by Judge Charles P. Daly, Mayor Gunther, William Wheatley, and others. Mrs. Sedley Brown's benefit (this lady is now known as Mrs. Sol Smith) took place May 11. May 23 " Paul's Return," Watts Phillips' play, was given for the first time in America with this cast :

Paul Goldsworthy . . Charles Barron Richard Goldsworthy George Jamison Beatrice Goldsworthy Henrietta Irving Blanche Wilton . Mrs. Sedley Brown Mrs. Clampit . . . Isabella Preston Mrs. Geoflfrey Goldsworthy

Miss Walters

Geoffirey T. Owens

Abel Honeydew . . . J. H. Stoddart Howard Flintskin .... Mr. Berry

Herbert G. H. Clarke

Beeswing Mr. Bruciani

Zenobia Mrs. Vining

" Aladdin " was revived June 6, and ran until the season closed July 2. Mrs. John Wood played the title role ; William Davidge was the magician ; J. H. Stoddart, the Widow ; and Miss Walters, the Princess. Annetta Galetti, danseuse, and Mons. Tophoff were added to the spectacle June 13.


A summer season commenced July 4, with the following English opera company : Mme. Comte-Borchard, Louisa Myers, Mrs. M. E. Burroughs, S. C. Campbell, Walter Birch, J. W. Neil, William Castle, Warren White, and J. Clark. Antony Reiff was the conductor. " Maritana" was the opening opera, followed by " Fra Diavolo," " The Bohemian Girl," and July 27 " Rose of Castile," for the first time given in its entirety, the following being the original cast in this country :

Elvira . . . Mme. Comte-Borchard Don Florio (his first appear- ance in opera) . . . W. H. Leak Donna Cormon . . . Louisa Myers Beatrice . . . Mrs. M. E. Burroughs

Manuel Wm. Castle

Don Pedro . . . . S. C. Campbell Don Fallust .... Walter Birch Pablo J. Clark

The season terminated July 30, 1864.

The season 1864- 5 commenced Sept. 5, with the following com- pany: J. K. Mortimer, J. H. Stoddart, W. Holston, Edward Lamb, C. T. Parsloe, Jr., T. B. Berry, A. Odell, Wm. Davidge, B. T. Ring- gold, C. H. Rockwell, Thomas J. Hind, Peck, Mrs. G. H. Gilbert, Mrs. John Wood, Eliza Newton, Henrietta Irving, Amelia Harris, Louisa Myers, E. Couran, Gorilla Young, and Gilmer. Craven's drama, " Miriam's Crime," was the opening play, cast thus :

Bernard B. T. Ringgold

Biles (first appearance

in America) .... W. Holston Miriam Henrietta Irving

Mrs. Raby Amelia Harris

Huffin T. J. Hind

Scumley J. H. Stoddart

" A Comical Countess" was the afterpiece, with this cast :

Chevalier de Vilbrac J. K. Mortimer I Countess L'Espalier . Mrs. John Wood Baron De Bergonce . . J. H. Stoddart |

Sept. 12, " Jenny Lind at Last," followed Sept. 19 with " Finesse," a comedy written by the Countess of Giffard, better known as Lady Duflferin, granddaughter of Richard Brinsley Sheridan. The cast was :

Baroness (her first appearance

in New York) . Mrs. G. H. Gilbert Laura Brandon . . Miss E. Couran Captain Mortimer . . T. B. Berry Baron J. H. Stoddart

Dr. Bertrant . . . . J. H. Selwyn John Poppleton . . . Edw. Lamb

Jules B. T. Ringgold

St. Clair T. J. Hind

Fillippi C. H. Rockwell

"Martin Chuzzlewit," a dramatization by Stephen Fiske from Dickens' novel, was given for the first time in America Sept. 26. The cast was as follows :




Old Martin Chuzzlewit

Wm. Davidge, Sr. Young Martin Chuzzlewit

B. T. Ringgold Jonas Chuzzlewit . . Humphrey Bland Anthony Chuzzlewit . . . Mr. Peck George Chuzzlewit . . C. P. Ashley Montague Tigg . . J. K. Mortimer Master Bailey . . . Mrs. John Wood Mrs. Ned Chuzzlewit Mrs. R. Adams Sairey Gamp . . Mrs. G. H. Gilbert John Westlock . . C. H. Rockwell Augustus Mobble . . J. H. Selwyn Pecksniff .... J. H. Stoddart

Oct 31 Eliza Newton made her first appearance in America, as Helen in the comedietta of " Marguerite's Colors." Nov. 2 the opera " The Rose of Castile," and " Middy Ashore," were given. Nov. 8 " Time Works Wonders " was acted for the first time in this theatre. The cast was :

Tom Pinch . Chivy Slyme Mark Tapley Spottletoe . Gandere . . Jenkins . . Mary Graham Mercy . . Charity . . Ruth Pinch . Mrs. Lupin . Mrs. Spottletoe Mrs. Todgers Betsy Prig .

. T. J. Hind

T. B. Berry

E. Lamb

. Mr. Gillett

. C. Nelson

. Mr. Otis

Miss E. Couran

Henrietta Irving

Amelia Harris

Miss Hendricks

. Gorilla Young

. Miss Elliott

Miss Mowbray

C. T. Parsloe, Jr.

Florentine . Bessy Tulip Chicken . . Miss Tucker Goldthumb . Bantam . . Clive t. . .

. Henrietta Irving . . Eliza Newton . . Louisa Myers Mrs. G. H. Gilbert . J. H. Stoddart . . . E. Lamb . . . Mr. Berry

Jugby .... Mrs. Goldthumb . Sir Gilbert Norman Clarence Norman . Felix Goldthumb . Professor Truffles .

C. T. Parsloe, Jr. Amelia Harris . Thomas G. Hind . B. T. Ringgold . J. K. Mortimer Wm. Davidge, Sr.

"Court Cards" was acted, for the first time here, Nov. 15, and the cast was the following :

Dowager Duchess of Altenfels

Mrs. G. H. Gilbert Princess Amelia . . Henrietta Irving Herminie von Waldeck Eliza Newton

"Milky White," a acted Nov. 21.

Prince Max . . . Baron von Babbelberg Conrad von Rosenthal

Mr. Ringgold Mr. Stoddart Mr. Mortimer

two-act drama, by H. T. Craven, was first

Daniel White . Dicky Dugs Archibald Good

. . W. Holston

C. T. Parsloe, Jr.

. . T. B. Berry

Mrs. Sadrip Anne White


G. H. Gilbert Louisa Myers

Mrs. John Wood appeared Nov. 28, as the Marquis St. George in the comedietta, by John Sefton, entitled " St. George and the Dragon." Dec. 12 "The Streets of New York" was revived, and ran until April i, 1865. April 3 a benefit was tendered to Mrs. John Wood, when she appeared as Lady Gay Spanker in "London Assurance." April 7 " The Honeymoon " was acted for the benefit of J. H. Selwyn. Chas. H. Morton made his debut as Duke Aranza. The theatre was closed from April 1 5 to April 26, in consequence of the assassination of President Lincoln. It reopened April 26, with the spectacular extravaganza, " The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood," with the following cast :


Thomas, King of Noland, Harry Pearson

Princess Isabelle Factotum . . Teetotum . . Larry O'Log Colin Clump Queen Serena . Fairy Antidota Dewdrop . .

Mrs. John Wood Wm. Davidge, Sr. C. T. Parsloe, Jr. . . £. Lamb . . E. Gillett Miss Mowbray . Corilla Young Miss Hendricks

Lady Abigail Gossamer . Eleganta Rosebud . . Philamel Choramusica Baneful . . Prince Perfect

Louisa Myers

Miss Elliott

Louisa Miller

. Miss Lord

Miss Busteed

Annie Wood

Amelia Harris

Eliza Newton

Lucia Deane, a young lady from Philadelphia, made her first appearance on the stage May 22, acting Kate O'Brien in " Perfec- tion." The theatre was closed June 20, and reopened June 22, with a revival of " Jessie Brown," cast as follows :

Nana Sahib . . . . C. H. Morton Randal McGregor . J. K. Mortimer Geordie (his first appearance)

G. W. Garrison Rev. David Blount . . J. H. Stoddart Sweeny H. Pearson

Cassidy . . . Achmet . . . Jessie Brown . Amy Campbell Alice . . . . Mary . . . .

E. Lamb

T. B. Berry

Eliza Newton

Lucia Deane

Louisa Myers

Miss Hendricks

" Jessie Brown '' ran until the close of the season, July 8, and the house remained dark for the summer months.

Mrs. John Wood commenced the third and last season of her management Sept. 14, 1865, with the following company: J. K. Mor- timer, J. H. Stoddart, James Lewis, G. W. Garrison, Harry Pearson, C. H. Morton, T. J. Hind, C. H. Rockwell, J. Blake, E. Gillett, G. F. Kenway, and Mr. Peck, Mrs. John Wood, Mrs. G. H. Gilbert, Kate Newton, Eliza Newton, Louisa Myers, Amelia Harris, Lucia Deane, Emma Hendricks, Lee, Warren, Sinclair, Fox, and Smith. John H. Selwyn was stage manager; Thomas Baker, musical conductor; James Hayes, scenic artist. "The Captain of the Watch " and the burlesque " Pocahontas," was the initial programme, with Mrs. John Wood as Pocahontas, Eliza Newton as Captain John Smith, Harry Pearson as Powhattan, and Charles H. Morton as Mynheer Rolff. James M. Lewis made his first appearance in this city Sept. 18, as John Strong, in " Your Life 's in Danger." " London Assurance " was seen Sept. 25. Mrs. John Wood acted Lady Gay, and James Lewis, Dolly Spanker. Lucy Rushton made her Ameri- can debut Oct. 2, in a drama called " Lolah," cast as follows :

Capt. Sternhold . . . . C. Morton

Rattlin E. Gillett

Splicer J. S. Brown

Martin J. Peck

Peter Pugnashus . . . . Jas. Lewis Miss Craven .... Lucy Rushton

Lucy Miss M. Phelps

Pololosko T. J. Hind

Oranko G. F. Kenway

Chiakee . . . Lieut. Osmond Mrs. Somerton Adele Craven . Lord Ravenscore Newell Bertam Godfrey Chattenbuck James . . . . \ .

... J. Blake

G. F. Fawcett

Mrs. G. H. Gilbert

. . Kate Newton

. . Chas. Morton

. C. H. Rockwell

G. W. Garrison

. . A. Odell




It was a very bad play, and it was found advisable to change the bill, Oct. 9, to " As You Like It," when Miss Rushton played Rosalind, with C. Kemble Mason as Jaques. " The Streets of New York " was revived Oct. 12, with J. H. Stoddart as Adam Fairweather; T. J. Hind as Gideon ; J. K. Mortimer as Badger ; G. W. Garrison, Paul; C. H. Rockwell, Mark Livingston; Harry Pearson, Puffy; C. H. Morton, Dan ; James H. Budworth (his first appearance in New York in nine years), Bob; and Amelia Harris as Mrs. Puffy. Nov. 13 "The Sleeping Beauty" was revived, and the cast was as follows : Thomas, Chas. Peters ; Queen Serena, Mrs. G. H. Gilbert ; Baron, C. Morton; Nurse, Miss Sinclair; Fairy Baneful, Amelia Harris ; Princess Is-a-Belle, Mrs. John Wood ; Lady Aurora, Louisa Myers, and Larry O'Log, James Lewis. Mile. Augusta executed several dances.

The first week in December " Monte Cristo " was acted with this


Edmond D antes . Andrea Benedetto M. De Boville Danglars Villefort . . Fernand . . Caderouse .

E. L. Davenport . J. H. Selwyn C. H. Rockwell . C. H. Morton . . T. J. Hind G. W. Garrison . . Jas. Lewis

Abbd Faria J. H. Stoddart

Morell Mr. Scott

Governor Mr. Stanley

Albert Louisa Myers

Mercedes Kate Newton

Haydee Eliza Newton

Giulietta Bronner and Elise Scott led the ballet, assisted by Cardella, Leon, and W. Conrad. Jan. 15, 1866, E. L. Davenport appeared as St. Marc, with J. B. Studley as Gismondo, and Kate Newton as Dianora. Mr. Davenport pjayed Sir Giles Overreach in " A New Way to Pay Old Debts," Jan. 25. "London Assurance " was presented Jan. 29, for the reappearance of Mrs. John Wood, after an absence of two months. It had this cast :

Sir Harcourt . Max Harkaway Chas. Courtley . Dazzle . . . Lady Gay . .

J. H. Stoddart

. . T. J. Hind

G. W. Garrison

E. L. Davenport

Mrs. John Wood

Grace Harkaway . . . Eliza Newton Dolly Spanker .... James Lewis Mark Meddle . . . . C. H. Morton

Cool C. H. Rockwell

Pert Amelia Harris

In consequence of severe indisposition, Mr. Davenport was unable to appear for several nights.

Feb. 5, " Who Killed Cock Robin .' " was acted for the first time in America, with " Black Eyed Susan." In the comedy E. L. Daven- port played Jack Raggett, and Mrs. John Wood, Miss Satanella Tinkle ; E. L. Davenport played William and sang " A Yankee Ship and a Yankee Crew," and " Columbia the Pride of the Ocean," in the drama. Louisa Myers enacted Blue Peter and sang the ballad " Black Eyed Susan." Mrs. John Wood played Dolly Mayflower. Feb. 26, Geo. Fawcett Rowe first appeared in America, and played Sir Charles Coldstream, in " Used Up," and Clorinda, in the burlesque


of " Cinderella e la Comare," Mrs. John Wood acting Cinderella. March 12 "Doing for the Best," by Lacy, was acted for the first time in America. Mr. Rowe was the Dick Stubbs ; Lewis, Bill Hawkins ; Mrs. Gilbert, Betsy Stubbs ; Alice Placide, Jane, and Louisa Myers, Emily.

Geo. C. Davenport and Geo. C. Boniface appeared March 16, in " The Married Rake," for Kate Newton's benefit. " The Foundling," by C. H. Morton, was produced for his benefit March 21. Mr. Hols- ton, of Wallack's Theatre, played Biles, in " Miriam's Crime," Feb. 23, for Eliza Newton's benefit. March 30, 1866, G. W. Garrison took a benefit, and presented, for the first time in New York, " Woodcock's Little Game," with Garrison as Mr. Woodcock, Amelia Harris, Mrs. Carver; H. L. Hinton, David; C. H. Morton, Adol- phus Swansdown ; Louisa Myers, Mrs. Woodcock, and Rockwell, Christopher Larkins. The burlesque " Cinderella " was also given. April 2, " The Three Guardsmen, or the Queen, the Cardinal, and the Adventurer," was produced with this cast :

Anne of Austria, Mme. Methua Scheller Constance .... Mrs. John Wood Lady Winter .... Kate Newton D'Artagnan .... G. F. Rowe Athos J. B. Studley

Porthos G. C. Boniface

Aramis C. H. Rockwell

Buckingham . . . . C. H. Morton

Fouchet James Lewis

De Treville .... Thomas J. Leigh

" David Copperfield," dramatized from Dickens by George Fawcett Rowe, was given May 2 1 with this cast :

David Copperfield Betsy Trotwood . Clara Peggotty Wilkins Micawber

. G. W. Garrison Mrs. G. H. Gilbert . . Amelia Harris

Steerforth . . Daniel Peggotty Ham ....

G. F. Rowe Uriah Heap

G. C. Boniface . J. B. Studley . C. H. Morton

J. H. Stoddart

May 28 another dramatization of Dickens by Rowe, entitled " Our Mutual Friend," was seen for the first time in America, and with this cast:

Rokesmith (his first appear- Mrs. Wilfer . .

ance here) . . J. W. Albaugh, Sr. Silas Wegg . .

Lavinia (her first appearance) Reginald Wilfer

Marie Glover Gaffer Hexham

Nicodemus Bofiin . . J. H. Stoddart Mr. Venus . .

Eugene Wrayburn . G. C. Boniface George Sampson

Mortimer Lightgood . C. H. Rockwell Bella Wilfer. .

Bradley Headstone . G. W. Garrison Lizzie Hexham

Rogue Riderhood . . . J. B. Studley Mrs. BofSn . . Charley Hexham . . . Louisa Myers

The last appearance of Mrs. John Wood at this house, and the closing night of her management, was June 30. The occasion was marked by the presentation by A. Oakey Hall, on the part of many admirers, of a splendid gold watch. Mrs. Wood was fairly embedded

Mrs. G. H. Gilbert . . G. F. Rowe . . G. S. Karnes . . C. H. Morton . . . T. J. Hind . . . E. Gillett Mrs. John Wood . . Kate Newton Amelia Harris




in bouquets, and the whole occasion was one not easily to be for- gotten and fitly closed this lady's memorable reign at the Olympic Theatre. Mrs. John Wood was a very pretty woman, possessing a fine figure and an attractive face. Her style was excellent in every- thing she attempted. She read well, had a melodious voice, was affecting in pathetic scenes and lively in those of a cheerful character, was a graceful dancer, and, although her voice was not very strong, it was melodious and well cultivated. She possessed the artistic talent which satisfied every demand that could be made by the most rigid stickler for a high degree of merit in a theatrical artist. Mrs. Wood sailed for London June 30, 1866. Her first appearance in America was at the opening of the Boston Theatre, Sept. 1 1, 1854, as Gertrude in " A Loan of a Lover."

Leonard Grover commenced a summer season here July 2 with " Aurora Floyd," which had this cast :

Mrs. Archibald Floyd

Mrs. Humphrey Bland Aurora Floyd .... Emily Jordan Archibald Floyd . . . A. W. Fenno

" The Octoroon " was acted July 7 for the first time at this house. " The Ice Witch," by Buckstone, was produced July 23. Emma and Ada Webb and Mark Smith were specially engaged. " The Ice Witch's" cast was thus:

John Mellish . Capt. Bulstrode Lieut. Walden . Grimstone . .

Frank Lawlor . G. H. Clarke C. H. Rockwell

E. T. Sinclair

Dame Margery . . Mrs. Saunders

Julia Ada Webb

Lady UUa Emma Webb

Elga Miss Bond

Edda Miss Glover

Finna Miss Powers

Druda Kate Newton

Hecia Therese Wood

Preyr Alice Harrison

Norno Georgie Telbin

Solden ,. Miss Browne

Telda Miss Carlysle

Magnus Snora .... Mark Smith

Harold G. H. Clarke

GruthiofE J. M. Ward

Tycho E. T. Sinclair

Sweno J. E. Whiting

Sterno Mr. Burke

Runic J. T. Ward

Edric Mr. Peck

Ice Fiend > Polar Bear )

Luke Mr. Henderson

Thrysa Mr. Mortimer

Frank Foster

The summer season closed Sept. i.

The fall and winter season opened Sept. 3 with Leonard Grover as manager. The company consisted of J. H. Stoddart, Charles Peters, W. Barron, M. C. Daly, T. J. Hind, E. T. Sinclair, Mrs. Saunders, Kate Newton, and others. " Rip Van Winkle " was the opening attraction, with Joseph JeflFerson as Rip Van Winkle. " Our American Cousin " was revived Oct. 4, with Jefferson as Asa Trench- ard and Charles Vandenhoff (his first appearance in America) as Lord Dundreary. " The Cricket on the Hearth " was produced Oct. 17, Jefferson as Caleb Plummer, Vandenhoff as John Perrybingle, and Blanche Gray as Bertha. This was her first appearance here.


" Woodcock's Little Game," Oct. 22, 23, 24, and 27, with " The Spit- fire," Jefferson as Tobias Shortcut. Jefferson terminated his engage- ment Oct. 27, and " Our American Cousin " was revived Oct. 29. Charles Wheatleigh played Asa Trenchard. Boucicault's drama, " The Long Strike," was acted for the first time in America Oct. 30, and with this cast :

Noah Learo3rd . . Charles Wheatleigh Johnny ReiUey (his first appear- ance here) . . . McKee Rankin Gentleman from headquarters

E. T. Sinclair Sir John Fairfield . . . Mr. Thomas


John O'Dick .

James Staley . Richard Radley Mr. Aspinall

Mr. Armitage .

Mr. Brook . .

Mr. Harmon Mr. Strasse Mr. Parshall Wm. Barron Mr. Kenway . T. J. Hind C. H. Burke

Jem Starke . Crankshaw . Moneypenny Mr. Wigley . Mr. Spurrier Slack . . Capt. Wolfe Jack O'Bob . Tom O'Bill . Jane Leaioyd Maggie . . Susan . . Betsy . . .

C. H



J. T. Ward

. H. Stoddart

John Moore

Mr. Preston

Alfred Becks

Mr. Gillett

M. C. Daly

Mr. Peterson

Kate Newton

Georgie Telbin

Alice Harrison

Therese Wood

Nov. 22 Robert Craig's burlesque, " Hamlet, or Wearing of the Black," with Stuart Robson and Amelia Harris as Hamlet and Ophelia ; Nov. 29 James M. Ward appeared in " Handy Andy." " The Bride of Lammermoor " was produced Dec. 10 under the title of "The Master of Ravenswood," with this cast:

Edgar of Ravenswood Sir William Ashton . Capt. Douglas Ashton Hayston of Bucklaw, Captain Craiggelt . . Lucy Ashton ^er first ance here) . . . Caleb Balderstone Lady Ashton . . .

George Jordan

. T. J. Hind

Wm. Barron

C. H. Vandenhoff

Stuart Robson


. Rose Eytinge

J. H. Stoddart

Caroline Carson

Henry Ashton . . . Therese Wood Bide the Bent . . . . E. T. Sinclair

Norman J. T. Ward

Robert Mr- Kenway

Ramsay J. M. Ward

Murray J. Daly

Melville C. H. Burke

Alice Mrs. Saunders

Mysie Florence Lee

Trouble was anticipated on the appearance of Geo. Jordan, who had, in the earlier days of the war, associated himself in New Or- leans with an organization known as " The Cocktail Guards," which expressed open sympathy with the Rebels ; and for this reason it was feared that his reappearance in New York would be attended with disturbance, and so a force of police was held in attendance ; but the good sense of the people prevailed, and the services of the authorities were not called upon. The drama was handsomely mounted and well acted, but it was played to empty benches. Its failure was attributed to the fact of Jordan joining the Cocktail Guards. He returned to England, but revisited America with Miss Bateman. He died of apoplexy in his dressing-room in London, Eng. He was playing Pygmalion in "Pygmalion and Galatea," Nov. 15, 1873.




The Cocktail Guards, about whom so much has been written, had this list of officers and other members :




Captain . . 1st Lieutenant 2d Lieutenant 1st Sergeant . 2d Sergeant . 1st Corporal . 2d Corporal . Surgeon . . Quartermaster Vivandiere .

John E. Owens Low Comedy

George Jordan Leading Business

Mark Smith First Old Men

E. Fenelon Utility

A. H. Davenport Juvenile Business

T. B. MacDonough .... Stage Manager

M. W. Leffingwell .... Utility

Dr. G. Collins Utility

W. H. Leighton Utility

Miss Francis Danseuse

Privates. W. H. Chippendale (treasurer), Oscar F. Amy (scene painter), L. Schoolcraft, L. Sharp, Paul Brillant (dancer), C. H. Morton, Alfred Howell, Frank Paige, Thomas Owens, W. H. Riley, W. A. Thomas, Carlo Patti, T. M. St. Clair, J. Biddies, R. McGuire, W. B. Douglas, J. M. Brucciani, Francis Lance, Harry Hawk, G. H. Wallack, D. F. Grove, Thos. M. Smith, Fred Maeder, T. Davey, John L. Phillips, J. Guerling, also very nearly all the scene shifters, musicians, and small people in the Varieties Theatre, New Orleans, La. During the secession excitement. New Orleans seems to have been infected with the fever, and, in anticipation of a brush with the North, military companies were organized in that city. January 21, 1861, a meeting was held on the stage of John Owens' Varieties Theatre to form a military company for the purpose of taking up arms in the cause of secession. Mark Smith was chief spokesman, W. H. Chippendale was called to the chair, and T. B. MacDonough acted as secretary. After the proper discussion, they proceeded to elect officers, Mr. Smith insisting on a viva voce vote, so that there should be no skulking. The election resulted as stated above.

The theatre was closed for rehearsal Dec. 24, and at a matinee, Dec. 25, " The Huguenot Captain " was first produced, with Charles Barron as Rene de Pardillon, Mr. Stoddart as Sergeant Locust. In the second act Young America, the pupil of Gabriel Ravel, ap- peared as Punchinello. E. de Mondion took a benefit Jan. 8, 1867, and appeared as Hamlet. A season of English opera commenced Jan. 14, with the Caroline Richings company as the stars. " Martha " was given for the first time here in English, and had this cast :

Lady Henrietta . Caroline Richings

Plunkett S.C.Campbell

Nancy Mrs. E. Seguin

Lionel W. Castle

Tristan H. C. Peakes

Sheriff W. Costello

This was followed by "Maritana," " Fra Diavolo," "Don Pas- quale," " La Somnambula," " The Daughter of the Regiment," " The Rose of Castile " and " Linda di Chamounix." For her benefit,


Feb. I, Caroline Richings offered "The Blind Man's Daughter," one act of " Martha," and the Druid scene from " Norma." Peter Rich- ings appeared on this occasion. The season closed Feb. 2.

A season of German opera opened Feb. 4, with the following artists : Mile. Elvira Naddi, Mile. Marie Frederici, Mile. Johann Rotter, Mile. Johannsen, and Herren Joseph Herrmans, Franz Himraer, Wilhelm Formes, Joseph Chandon, William Groschell, John Armand, Alphonse Urch, and Otto Lehman. Their repertory consisted of " William Tell," " Faust," " The Magic Flute," " The Marriage of Figaro," "Martha," "The Merry Wives of Windsor," " Tannhauser," " The Czar and Carpenter," " Der Freischiitz " and " Alessandro Stradella." Feb. 18 the dramatic season was resumed, with a revival of " The Streets of New York," with John K. Morti- mer as Badger. March 18 the Caroline Richings company re- turned for six weeks. Their repertory was : " The Bohemian Girl," " La Somnambula," " The Daughter of the Regiment," " Martha," "Doctor of Alcantara," " Fra Diavolo," "The Rose of Castile," " Linda," " Maritana," " The Crown Diamonds," and "The Enchant- ress." This last opera was given twelve times. W. S. Andrews, formerly of the Winter Garden Theatre, took a benefit April 26. The programme was : " Our American Cousin " and " Jenny Lind."

For John Brougham's benefit, Aug. 30, " The Serious Family " and " Pocahontas," were played. The season closed Aug. 31, and Leonard Grover retired from the management.

Jas. E. Hayes was announced as the new manager, but John A. Duff was in reality the director. The season opened Sept. 9, 1867, with Joseph Jefferson as Rip Van Winkle. Geo. L. Fox was stage manager, and Clifton W. Tayleure business manager. W. Davidge, J. J. Wallace, Harry Wall, Owen Marlowe, T. J. Hind, G. L. Fox, Willie Seymour, Mrs. Edmonds, the Misses McCormack, Alice Harrison, and Bessie Foote were in the opening play. For eight weeks "Rip Van Winkle" attracted crowded houses.

" A Midsummer Night's Dream " was revived Oct. 28, with this cast:

Lysander (his first appearance

in New York) . . . Fred Franks Hermia (first appearance in

New York) . . Mrs. J. J. Wallace Peasblossom (first appearance in

New York) .... Clara Fisher Puck (first appearance in New York)

Master Willie Young Singing Fairy . . . Alice Harrison

Theseus Harry Wall

Demetrius J. J. Wallace

Egeus T. J. Hind

Philostrate E. T. Sinclair

Hippolyta . . . Mrs. C. Edmonds Helena .... Louise Hawthorne

Oberon Fanny Stockton

Titania .... Cornelia JeflFerson

Bottom G. L. Fox

Quince W. Davidge, Sr.

Snug C. K. Fox

Flute Owen Marlowe

Snout Mark Quinlan

Starveling .... J. B. Howland


Dec. 15 Rosa Cooke played Oberon. The play ran until Feb. i, 1868, having been represented one hundred consecutive times. Feb. 3 Maggie Mitchell appeared, supported by James W. Collier.

This house was closed March 9, for rehearsal of " Humpty Dumpty," produced for the first time March 10. It was in seven- teen scenes, and engaged sixty persons. The opening burlesque prologue was written by A. Oakey Hall. In it Alice Harrison per- sonated Burlesque ; Mrs. C. Edmonds, Romance ; and E. T. Sinclair, New Jersey. The principal dancers were Rita Sangalli, Betty Rigl, and M. Baptistan, with the Miles. Schell, Laurent, Lillie Whiting, and Blake and M. Cellini as seconds. M. Jourbon was master of ballet. In the harlequinade, G. L. Fox was Clown, C. Fox, Pan- taloon, Frank Lacey, from the London theatres. Harlequin, and Emily Rigl, Columbine. Incidental to the pantomime, Carrie A. Moore, John Engle, and C. E. Lovett performed a skating act, and several other specialties were introduced.

Mile. Leah, dancer, appeared March 17, and March 31 Little Viola Rand, a child dancer, was seen. The next addition was that of Mr. Goodrich, champion skater. June 6 the one hundredth per- formance took place, and the season terminated. The summer season was commenced June 8, the pantomime still running, and June 15 it was reconstructed. A new ballet was introduced. June 18 Mr. Goodrich broke his arm, and his place was taken for a time by Mr. Swift. A new burlesque opening by A. Oakey Hall was substituted July 6, and July 20 Charles and Annie Austin, Zouave drill performers, appeared. M. Cochon, a tenor singer, appeared Aug. 3, and Louis Zanfretta, a gymnast and pantomimist, Aug. 31.

The summer season closed Sept. 4, and the fall and winter season commenced Sept. 6, " Humpty Dumpty " having reached its one hundred and ninety-eighth performance. Lena Edwin and Irene Gay now joined the company. Oct. 12, 1868, a new ballet corps, including M. Costa, the Miles. Pagani, Letto, Kurtz, the Sisters Negra, Betty Remmelsberg, and others were added. Oct. 26, Millie Sackett took the place of Irene Gay as Romance. The latter lady was afterwards known as Mrs. Fred Maeder.

The following I obtained from Clifton W. Tayleure: "The box office received ^1,406,000, during the run of ' Humpty Dumpty.' 'The Black Crook' was running at Niblo's Garden, and principal dancers were not easily to be found. A quarrel between Vestvali and Sangalli enabled me to secure the latter. Betty and Emily Rigl, who had previously seceded from Niblo's, were also secured. Sangalli received ;^i8o a week. The two Rigls received jointly the same amount. The entire ballet cost, with the extra music, cory- phees, and figurantes, ;^943 a week."

Mr. Tayleure retired from the business management of this house, Jan. 4, 1869, and was succeeded by Dan Symons. A litigation now


ensued as to the introduction of a comic railroad effect into one of the scenes of " Humpty Dumpty," which was objected to by Augustin Daly as a violation of his rights, and an injunction was obtained by that gentleman. The affair, however, was compromised by a modification of the scene and the payment of a fee to Mr. Daly.

The pantomime was finally withdrawn May 15, 1869, having been acted four hundred and eighty-three times ; matinees were given every Wednesday and Saturday. The house was closed May 17, for rehearsal of " Hickory Dickory Dock," which was produced May 18, with this cast:

Hickory Dickory Dock and Clown

G. L. Fox Mrs. Ancientry Spratt and Pan- taloon C. K. Fox

Jack of the Bean Stalk and Harle- quin Frank Lacey

Little Red Riding Hood and Col- umbine .... Mile. A. Laurent

The Kiralfy troupe of Hungarian dancers made their American ddbut May 31. There were in this party Imre, Bolossy, Haniola, Emelie and Katie Kiralfy, and others. Haniola was the principal, Emelie and Katie the seconds. Haniola (afterwards the wife of A. L. Parkes) died in this city Dec. 26, 1889. Emelie married a non-professional of this city and retired from the stage. Katie is the wife of Edmund Gerson the amusement agent. " Hickory Dickory Dock " was withdrawn after Sept. 4.

Edmund Falconer, the author and actor, made his American debut May 29, in his own drama, " A Noble Revenge." " The Peep 0' Day " was acted June 2, with the author, Mr. Falconer, as Barney OToole. Mr. Falconer closed June 4. John Brougham appeared June 6, in " O'Donnell's Mission," with Thos. E. Morris, George Clarke, Stuart Robson, A. W. Fenno, J. M. Boyd, H. Bland, Harry Wall, Kate Newton, and Lillie Eldridge in the cast. " Dombey and Son" was done June 9, " David Copperfield " and " Pocahontas" June 10, with Kate Reignolds as the heroine. " Treasure Trove, or Buried Gold," was acted for the first time on any stage June 22, and had this cast:

Allen Pierce .... George Clarke Miss Anne Matchieson Lillie Eldridge Vice President Board of Share- holders Chas. Foster

Mrs. Matchieson . . . Amelia Harris Hon. Mrs. Solicitous Louisa Eldridge Mrs. Harpaway . . Mrs. Mark Smith

Larry Barnes Hastings Mr. Suydam Mr. Jenkins Mr. Lindell Miles McCarthy

. Stuart Robson W. H. Whalley . . Mr. Fenno Belvil Ryan . . C. J. Fyffe . J. M. Ward

Thomas B. de Walden's " British Neutrality " was first seen here July I, and had this cast:




Admiral Farragut . . Charles Foster

Commandant of Fortress Monroe

C. J. FyfEe

Reuben Graydon (his first appear- ance here) . Chas. R. Thorne, Jr.

Vernon Birkwood (first appear- ance here) . . . Owen Marlowe

Nance Crane (her first appearance in New York) . . . Mrs. Williams

Pat Donnely Jack Hawser . Pierre Boncour John Benjamin Rose Graydon

. J. M. Ward Harry S. Murdoch . W. H. Bland . A. W. Fenno . Kate Newton

This play was taken from T. P. Cooke's prize drama, " True to the Core."

July 8 a band of Arabs, called the Beni Zoug Zoug, appeared in conjunction with the dramatic company; July 15 a Japanese com- pany appeared ; July 22 John Brougham was seen in " Columbus Re- constructed," assisted by Emily Thorne. " The Post Boy " was also played. " Dombey and Son " was seen Aug. 19. The cast was :

Capt. Cuttle Brougham Edith ...

Susan Nipper .... Emily Thorne Joe Bagstock 7

Carker H. S. Murdoch Jack Bunsby j

Dombey Chas. Foster

Mrs Kate Meek W. E. Sheridan

" Uncle Tom's Cabin " was produced Sept. 6, with this cast :

Topsy . . Aunt Ophelia Deacon Perry Geo. Harris Skeggs . . Uncle Tom

Mrs. G. C. Howard

Mrs. T. J. Hind

Geo. L. Fox

J. K. Mortimer

. E. T. Sinclair

. Asa Cushman

Eliza Ida Vernon

Eva Minnie Jackson

Lawyer Marks . . . . C. K. Fox Simon Legree .... J. B. Studley St. Clair Geo. Becks

Minnie Jackson was Mrs. Asa Cushman. This was succeeded Oct. 4 by " The Streets of New York," with John K. Mortimer and Eliza Newton as Badger and Alida Bloodgood ; J. B. Studley played Capt. Fairweather. Harry Hotto made his first appearance as Mr. Pufiy. This play had a run of five weeks and was followed, Nov. 8, for the first time in America, by F. W. Robinson's " Poor Hu- manity." The cast was :

Rev. Theobald Gifford J. Horace Essenden . . H.

Augusta GifEord George Carr Paul Essenden Dr. Rivers . Pottleton . Mr. Bates . Roger Hodge

K. Mortimer Cunningham

Florence Noble

. J. B. Studley

Geo. Becks

J. M. Charles

G. F. Ketchum

. . S. Wright

Mr. Bolton

Mrs. Wiseby .... W. Holston

Nella Carr Eliza Newton

Laura Gifford .... Lily Vining

Sallie Minnie Jackson

Mrs. Carr . . . Miss F. Andrews

Mary Miss E. Germaine

Banks' Widow .... Miss Fenton Mrs. Mudgeson . . Mrs. E. Wright

" Under the Gaslight " was presented Dec. 6, with J. K. Mortimer as Snorkey, and Chas. T. Parsloe, Jr., as Bermudas. There were also in the cast: J. B. Studley, M. C. Daly, George Becks, Harry Cunning- ham, J. M. Charles, Asa Cushman, Ketchum, Hotto, Conolly, Wright, Bolton, Masters Dan and Hearne, Ida Vernon, Lily Vining, Marie


Longmore, Peach Blossom (her first appearance here), Florence Noble, M. Andrews, S. Germaine, and Mrs. E. Wright.

Geo. L. Fox returned Jan. 3, 1870, as Ferguson Trotter, in " The Writing on the Wall." Harry C. Ryner first appeared on this occasion, acting Richard Oliver. Jan. 17, G. L. Fox was seen as Paul Pry and Jacques Strop, in "Robert Macaire;" Jan. 31, as Aminadab Sleek, in " The Serious Family," and Tobias Shortcut, in " The Spitfire." T. C. de Leon's burlesque of " Hamlet," was seen Feb. 14:

Hamlet G. L. Fox Marcellus G. A. Beane

Claudius Ben Maginley Bernardo Laura Queen

Polonius . . . Lester Cavendish Ghost Mrs. E. Wright

Horatio .... Blanche Bradshaw First Actor . . . . H. Cunningham

Laertes Marie Longmore Second Actor S. Wright

Rosencrantz ... J. M. Charles Actress Asa Cushman

Guildenstern . . . G. F. Ketchum Gravedigger .... Julia Queen

Osric Fanny Queen Gertrude .... Mrs. Bradshaw

Priest Mr. ConoUy Ophelia Belle Howitt

This was the first appearance at this theatre of Ben Maginley, Lester Cavendish, Blanche Bradshaw, Fanny, Laura, and Julia Queen, and Belle Howitt. The burlesque held the boards for several weeks, and was followed, April 18, by " Macbeth," a travesty, with all of Locke's original music.

Duncan J. M. Charles Lady Macbeth . . . Marie Longmore

Malcolm Julia Queen Gentlewoman . . . Sarah Germaine

Macbeth G. L. Fox Seward W. Eunice

Banquo . . . . , . H. Cunningham Seyton Lulu Prior

Macduff C. K. Fox Physician J. L. Lewis

Rosse Fanny Queen First Witch . . . G. F. Ketchum

Monteith Miss Newton Second Witch .... Mrs. Wright

Angus Miss Lawson First OfBcer . . . . G. A. Beane

Fleance Master Topack Second Officer .... Mr. Knight

First Singing Witch . . Laura Queen Hecate Herr Staudt

Second Singing Witch Mme. Pozzone

The house closed May 7, and reopened May 16, with One With the Golden Wig," which had this cast :

The Fair

Princess Ba-be-bi-bo-bu . H. T. Allen Prince Huckaback . . M. W. Fiske Marquis Very-so-so . . M. B. Snyder Count Prettilittleman . Jenny Gilmer Hon. Sambofromsingsing, J. H. Jones Queen Titum-tilly-silly . Hattie O'Neil Fairy Lucidora . . Pauline Hayden Graceful .... Mrs. Jas. A. Gates

Leander . Callposh . Drinkhard Eatquick Paynone . Graball . Sugarall . Honeydew

J. H. Chatterton . J. T. Walters W. R. Hayden . H. H. Pratt Mr. Renard . . P. Berger . Ida D'Soyer Miss H. Sloan

In addition to a ballet, there appeared A. M. (" Tony ") Hernandez, Leon Brothers, and Prof. M. O'Reardon, the tumbleronicon performer. June 6 G. W. Jester, ventriloquist, made his bow.




Stephen Miss Germaine

Valet Miss Watson

Little Corporal . . . Mile. D'Soyer Marchioness De Berkenfeldt

Mrs. J. J. Prior Duchess de Grandtete

Mrs. W. R. Hayden

" The Daughter of the Regiment, or the Eight Hundred Fathers," was produced June 13, with this cast :

Josephine . . . Mrs. Jas. A. Gates Sergeant Scalade ... H. T. Allen

Guillot J. H. Chatterton

Purapemickle . . . . M. W. Fiske Duke de GrandtSte . . H. H. Pratt

Bernard W. R. Hayden

Pierre J. H. Jones

£tienne P. Berger

Incidental to this was a comic ballet, in which Willie Edouin gave an imitation of Mile. Bonfanti, and H. H. Pratt of Sig. Novissimo, while the Hernandez troupe gave their " Boston Peace Jubilee " acts.

" The Field of the Cloth of Gold " was given June 20, with Alice Gates as Earl Darnley, Georgie Dickson, (her first appearance) as Lady Constance, Lulu Prior as Anne Boleyn, and J. Dunn (his first appearance) as Henry VIII. July 2 the season terminated.

The pantomime, "Wee Willie Winkle," was produced Oct. 5, 1870, and ran until Feb. 6, 1871, when Schonberg and T. B. de Walden's burlesque " G. L. Richelieu," was produced for the first time, with G. L. Fox as G. L. Armand Des Etats Unis (Riche- lieu) ; Ada Harland as Secretary of Hymen (De Mauprat) ; Lillie Eldridge as Secretary of Venus (Julie de Mortimer) ; Jennie Yeamans as Secretary of Momus (Frangois) ; Edward Coleman as Secretary of Hades (Baradas).

Daly's new play, "Horizon," was produced March 21, 1871. It had this cast:

Sundown Rowse . . . . G. L. Fox John Loder .... J. K. Mortimer

Rocks O. B. Collins

Mackenzie . . . . J. L. de Bonay Salaeratus Bill . . . . F. S. Wilbur Wannamucka . . . C. Wheatleigh

Wahcotah W. H. Pope

Alleyn Van Dorp . . . Hart Conway Heathen Chinee . . . Harry Pratt The Unattached . . H. R. Teesdale

Sergt. Crocker . . . . F. Chapman

Meddie Agnes Ethel

Big Spider Geo. Sands

Coke Ballen .... Chas. Warwick Wolf Van Dorp . . . J. B. Studley

Uncle Billy Geo. Beane

Judge Scott .... E. T. Sinclair

Guide Geo. Atkins

Ceephus John Pendy

There were also in the cast Jennie Yeamans, Mrs. Ed. S. Tarr, Mrs. J. J. Prior, Mrs. Annie Yeamans, and Lulu Prior.

After being in the courts for many years, the ligitation as to the ownership of this theatre was settled at this time. John Duff was sued by the heirs of Mr. Trimble, for the repossession of the Olympic Theatre property, valued at ;^400,ooo. It was argued by the claimants that Mr. Duff never bought the property, but that it was placed in his hands to pay certain claims due certain creditors of Mr. Trimble, while Mr. Duff as firmly protested that the property was his. This led to a litigation, and, the case being tried in this


city, Mr. Duff was beaten. He carried the case to the Court of Appeals. This court also decided in favor of the Trimbles. This ended the case, and gave the property to the claimants. By the will of Mr. Trimble, the entire property went to his four daughters. " Jack Sheppard " was produced on Feb. 15 : Geo. L. Fox as Owen Wood; John K. Mortimer, Darrell; J. B. Studley, Sir Rowland; Harry Pearson, Blueskin; Ada Harland, Jack; and Jennie Yeamans, Stimkid. Lucille Western appeared June 5, in " East Lynne," sup- ported by James A. Heme and Frank Mordaunt. "The Child Stealer " was seen June 19. Miss Western narrowly escaped being one of the great actresses of her generation, but escape it she did. Her emotional powers, her occasional characterizations were the offspring of intuition. The public saw in her a woman of great natural powers, lacking only great cultivation ; and yet it is possible that cultivation would have spoiled her altogether.

Rose and Harry Watkins appeared here June 26 in " Kathleen Mavourneen." A matinde performance was given June 29 for the benefit of the widow and family of Dan Symons. The programme was, "Delicate Ground," "Lend Me Five Shillings," and "State Secrets." Among the artists who appeared were, Joseph Jefferson, Mrs. James A. Oates, Blanche de Bar, Grace Rawlinson, Nellie Young, Mrs. Annie Yeamans, Neil Warner, Hart Conway, H. L. Bascomb, Frank Mordaunt, Geo. L. Fox, H. A. Weaver, Sr., Geo. A. Beane, and E. T. Sinclair.

" Under Two Flags, or Trodden Down," by Harry Watkins, was given July 3. Mrs. Watkins took a benefit July 14, when " It Takes Two to Quarrel " and " The Pioneer Patriot " were acted. Johnny Allen appeared July 17 in " Schneider, or Dot House Von der Rhine." He continued until Aug. 12, when the season closed.

" Humpty Dumpty " was revived Aug. 31 and was withdrawn June II, 1872, having been performed three hundred and thirty-three times. G. L. Fox, on that night, for his benefit and last night of the season, performed the title r61e for the one thousand ~ and first time. The Marie Aimee Opera Bouffe company appeared here Oct. 4. Nov. 1 1 the Lydia Thompson company commenced, and closed Dec. 7. Samuel Colville and Alex. Henderson were now the mana- gers of this house, but they retired Feb. 8, 1873. " Humpty Dumpty " was revived Feb. 17, and was withdrawn June 7, after one hundred and twenty-seven performances. This was followed by the Coleman Sisters, Clara and Louise, in a drama called " Driven from Home."

The next season commenced August 31, with the Lydia Thomp- son company in " Mephisto and the Four Sensations." John Duff was the sole lessee and manager, George Tyler, acting manager, J. J. McCloskey, stage manager. Sept. i M. Collodion, French cari- caturist, made his American d^but. He closed on Sept. 6. " Sinbad the Sailor " was revived Sept. 8, and during the performance Lydia


Thompson and Henry Taylor performed, for the first time in this city, a musical duet and dance entitled " The Dancing Quakers." Sept. 22, the first act of " Aladdin," preceded by " Sinbad." " Madame Angot's Child," an English version of " La Fille de Madame Angot," for the first time in America, Sept. 29, by Mrs. James A. Oates and her company. It was withdrawn after the performance of Oct. 11. "The Grand Duchess" was presented Oct. 13. " Mons. Choufleuri," preceded by " An Alarming Sacrifice," was seen Oct. 20, and ran until Friday, when on that and the following evening " Mons. Chou- fleuri " and the third act of " Mme. Angot's Child " were given, and the Oates company closed. Robert McWade commenced Oct. 27 in his own version of " Rip Van Winkle," which ran until Nov. 24, when Edwin Adams appeared in " Enoch Arden." Dec. 3 " The Marble Heart " was acted and ran until Dec. 1 1 , when " Richard III." was given, and repeated Dec. 13. "Enoch Arden" was repeated Dec. 12 and at the matinee Dec. 13. "The Dead Heart" was pro- duced Dec. 15, and acted during the week, save on Dec. 19, when " Dreams of Delusion " and " Wild Oats " were given.

Edwin Adams was the original in America of Robert Landry in " The Dead Heart," and of Ivan Khorvitch in " The Serf." This was his last engagement in this city. His last appearance on the stage as an actor was at the California Theatre, San Francisco, May 27, 1876, when he played lago, to the Othello of John E. McCuUough. His last appearance on the stage was in the California Theatre, Feb. 12, 1877, ^t a benefit yielding him about ;?2,700. He was unable to act, but occupied a chair in the centre of the stage. The song of " Auld Lang Syne " was taken up by little Alice Harrison, the com- pany joining in the chorus, when, during the singing, Mrs. Judah the oldest of San Francisco's actresses, and not then in good health, who was feebly standing with the rest was led by Barton Hill towards Mr. Adams. The actor arose, embraced and kissed the lady, and, in his fine, old, gallant way, offered her his chair. She declined with a simple movement of the hands, in motherly tenderness pressed him to his seat again, and, taking her place behind him, wept bitterly until the curtain fell. The scene was deeply affecting, and touched the heart more keenly than anything that has ever been seen in the fiction of the drama. After lingering for over three weeks at Phila- delphia, and having for the prior forty-eight hours been unable to take any nourishment whatever, Edwin Adams died Oct. 28, 1877. Mr. Adams was born in Medford, Mass., Feb. 3, 1834. His first appearance on the stage was August 29, 1853, as Stephen in "The Hunchback," at the National Theatre, Boston, Mass.

"Humpty Dumpty" was revived Feb. 17, 1873, and withdrawn June 7, after one hundred and twenty-seven performances. The total number of performances at this theatre was nine hundred and forty-three. It was revived at the Grand Opera House Nov. 25, 1873,


where it was acted seventy-nine times, and was withdrawn after Feb. 7, 1874. G. L. Fox performed " Humpty-Dumpty " in the Bowery one hundred and eighty-five times, making his total number of per- formances of that character, up to the date last mentioned, one thou- sand two hundred and seven. In all, then, " Humpty Dumpty" was played in New York alone, with Mr. Fox, one thousand two hundred and sixty-eight times.

Dec. 22 the theatre was closed, and on Dec. 23 "Gabriel Grub" was produced, preceded by "An Object of Interest," which gave place on Dec. 29 to " Family Jars." The house was reopened as a variety theatre Jan. 19, 1874, with George H. Tyler as manager, who continued until March 9, when he retired. The next season com- menced Aug. 21, 1874, under the management of John F. Poole. A specialty entertainment was presented. Howard Paul appeared Sept. 20, and during the season some of the best artists in the busi- ness were seen at intervals, including Sol Smith Russell, Nov. 15, in his original characterizations. Mr. Poole retired from the manage- ment July 8, 1876.

William E. Sinn was the next manager. He commenced Aug. 14, 1876, with specialty performances. He surrendered the lease Jan. i, 1877.

Augustin Daly was the next manager. He reopened the theatre Jan. 30, 1877, with "The Big Bonanza." Harry S. Sanderson was business manager. In the company were, Alice Grey, Julia Brutone, Ada Gilraan, Elsie Moore, Miss Post, Charles Leclercq, J. H. Ring, George Parkes, Owen S. Fawcett, Maurice Barrymore, and C. D. Bainbridge. " 'Round the Clock" was given Feb. 12. A. Tomasi's Juvenile English opera company appeared March 5, in "The Fairy and the Cobbler." N. D. Roberts' Pantomime troupe were seen in "Jack and Jill." Charles Almonte was Pantaloon ; Chas. H. Adams, Clown ; Louise Boshell, Columbine and wire walker ; William Eunice, Harlequin ; and Minnie French, Fairy Queen. The Almonte Bros., Frankie Howard, and the French Twin Sisters were among the "specialty" people.

The next manager was Thomas Canary, who opened the house Oct. I, 1877, as a variety theatre. Gus Williams was associated with the management. George H. Tyler was business manager. Billy Emerson assumed the management Jan. 14, 1878. Gus Phillips was business manager. Billy Emerson's California minstrels were the attraction. Gus Phillips, well-known as " Oofty Gooft," became manager Jan. 21, 1878. Emerson's minstrels continued the attrac- tion until Feb. 11. Then came a vaudeville company, after which Texas Jack's company for two weeks commencing Feb. 18. On March 4, the drama, "A Great Encounter, or Heenan and Sayers at Farnborough," was produced. John Dwyer, champion of America, and Joe Goss, champion of England, appeared during the play in a




fistic encounter. On March 11 Jenny Morton, with a company, acted "Idlewild," supported by R. C. Gardner. Charles Foster's play, " Saved at Seven," was done March 18, Imogene week of March 25, in "The Shepherdess of Jura." April i "Uncle Tom's Cabin," was seen, followed April 8 by George C. Boniface, Sen., in " The Soldier's Trust." The house soon afterwards closed, but was reopened Sept. 30, 1878, as a variety theatre, with Martin W. Hanley as manager.

On Dec. 23, Gardner & Hallock, who had been managing for a brief period Niblo's Garden, opened this house, with W. J. Fleming as the acting manager and leading man. The initial performance was "The Brides of Garryowen" ("The Colleen Bawn"), with W. J. Fleming as Danny Mann, supported by Florence Ellis and a full dramatic company. The curtain was rung up, and the play had proceeded but a few minutes, when, as the scene between Hardress Cregan and Danny Mann opened, a young man sprang from one of the stage boxes to the stage, and, walking up to Chas. A. Sted- man (mistaking him for W. J. Fleming), handed him the legal papers of a temporary injunction granted by the Supreme Court at the instance of Dion Boucicault, restraining Fleming from perform- ing the play. Learning his mistake, the young man handed the papers to Fleming, and in the midst of the confusion that followed the curtain was rung down and the audience dismissed.

" The Ticket of Leave Man " was played Dec. 25 and for the week, with Fleming as Bob Brierly and Florence Ellis as May Edwards. " Ingomar " was given Dec. 30, for the week, Fleming as Ingomar, Florence Ellis as Parthenia.

The Count Joannes appeared here Jan. 7, 1879, in " Richard III.," supported by Avonia Fairbanks.

"It's Never Too Late to Mend," was produced Jan. 20, with Geo. D. Chaplin in the cast.

A matinee performance was given March 1 7 for The Herald Irish Relief Fund. " The Ticket of Leave Man " was the bill. Martha Fairfield made her first appearance on any stage as Evadne, April 14, and repeated the performance April 15, 16, 17. "Evadne" had this cast:

Evadne Martha Fairfield

King of Naples . . . J. B. Browne Olivia Jennie Carroll

Ludovico J. B. Studley

Colonna . . Frank A. Tannehill, Sen. Vicentio Louis Barrett


' The Assommoir " (" Drink ") was produced April 30, with this

Mme. Boche Nina at fifteen Nina at eight

Mrs. Sedley Smith

Laura Thropp

. Belle Wharton

Nina, at four .... Jessie Story Daddy Bazouge . Edward Coleman Gervaise Maud Granger

Gouget . . .

. . Clinton Hall

Poissons . . .

Frank W. Sanger

Bee Sale . . .

. . Frank Drew

Bijald ....

. . John Moore

Lorilleux . .

. . E. M. Day

Virginie . . .

. . Emily Rigl

Big Clemence .

. . Ada Rehan

Mme. Lorilleux

. . Nina Freith


Corpeau Harry Meredith

Lantier B. T. Ringgold

My Boots Harry Hawke

Bibi C. H. Bradshaw

Pap S. B. Duffield

Pierre John Swinburne

Joseph Chas. Hogan

The play was a failure, and was withdrawn May 17. After the first week, Emily Rigl retired on account of illness, and her r61e was acted by Ada Rehan. " Benighted " was acted July 22, by Isadore Davidson. It was originally called " Grip, or the Moral Bootblack." S. B. Duffield, a member of the company died sud- denly at Jersey City Heights, N. J., May 5, 1879.

Mr. Hofele commenced his management of this house Sept. 8,

1879, with cheap prices, 50, 35 and 25 cts.

The attraction was Jennie Yeamans, supported by J. W. Summers, in a play called " Mitt," which had this cast : Mitt, Jennie Yeamans ; Alice Malvern, Helen Adell; Mrs. Ashcroft, Mrs. W. G. Jones; Ned Wilton, J. W. Summers; Luke Martin, Edwin Brink, Bob Ashcroft, Walter Fessler. Previous to the drama "The Young Widow" was acted.

" Uncle Tom's Cabin " was acted Oct. 20, with J. B. Studley as Uncle Tom; Jennie Yeamans as Topsy; Mrs. W. G. Jones as Aunt Ophelia.

On Jan. 17, 1880, two performances were given for the relief of the famine suffering Irish. "The Colleen Bawn" was seen, with William B. Cahill as Myles.

The next and last manager this house had was Frank Mayo, who began Jan. 31, 1880, and continued until Saturday evening, April 17,

1880, when the closing performance occurred. It consisted of " Richard III." The cast was :

King Henry . . . . F. Chippendale

Buckingham H. Colton

Tressel Tony Roache

Catesby John Swinburne

RatclifEe W. Richardson

Stanley R. C. White

Lord Mayor Oscar Wolf

Lieut, of the Tower . . . R. Brooks Blunt Joseph Howard

The building was soon after torn down and business houses were erected on its site.

Richmond . . Duke of York . Prince of Wales Duchess of York Richard . . . Oxford . . . Lady Anne . . Queen Elizabeth Norfolk . . .

Frank A. Tannehill Henry Bascombe Genevieve Mills Ray Alexander Frank Mayo . H. White Laura Don Mary Bryer Edwin Mayo



A LITTLE place of amusement known as Hitchcock's Summer Garden was situated at 172 New Canal Street, and opened June 5, 1857, with a variety show company consisting of James Fraser, comic singer ; M. Lyons ; T. Burns, Irish vocalist; T.Ellis; W. Hitchcock; Prof. Kennedy, pianist. The admission was six cents, which included refreshments. Celia Morley, vocalist, opened July 2 1 ; Jerry Merrifield, July 30. Eva Brent, soprano vocalist, made her American debut Dec. 13.


PETE MORRIS' VARIETIES was situated at 210 William Street, at what was formerly known as the Coliseum. It was opened June 27, 1857.


A FAMOUS Minstrel Hall forty years ago was " Wood's Marble Hall " situated on the west side of Broadway, near Prince Street, Nos. 561 and 563, built of white marble. The entrance was from Broadway. The auditorium had a parquet and two galleries, capable of seating 2,000 persons. The opening occurred Oct. 15, 1857, with the following company: Sylvester Bleecker, stage man- ager; Henry Woods, proprietor; Jack Herrman, Geo. Christy, G. Gardner, Chas. H. Fox, J. Whittaker, Master Eugene, G. W. H. Griffin, C. Keene, L. Meyer, M. Lewis, E. Bowers, Master Gus Howard, and C. Haslam. Geo. Holland, the comedian of Mitchell's Olympic and Wallack's theatres, became a member of this minstrel company, appearing Dec. 21 as Black George in the local farce " My Friend, Black George, from White Plains." He published the following card in the newspapers of the day :

George Holland respectfully informs his friends and the public that in conse- quence of the unfortunate state of the times which has prevented the managers of what are termed the legitimate theatres from fulfilling their contracts, and thus caused him to be unable to provide those comforts for his family as heretofore he has made an engagement with Wood & Christy's minstrels, which will not only enable him to support his family as usual, but also enable him, in a short time, to resume specie payments, and settle all his little accounts which have been rendered with so much kindness. He also begs to assure his friends and the public that he will appear before them in the same capacity in the same or similar pieces in the line of low comedy the only difference will be that instead of coloring his face with red paint it will appear black; which, when washed oflf, he hopes they will perceive the same honest countenance he has hitherto maintained.


The company closed the house week of March 15, 1858, and appeared at Brooklyn, as the entrance had to be considerably altered. It reopened March 22. Frank Brower, Charles Fox, James Budworth, and Charley White put in an appearance here May 17. T. D. Rice, Eph. Horn, and E. Bowers were added to the forces Aug. 2. Julia Daly joined the company Oct. 18, and appeared in the protean sketch, " In and Out of Place," in which she gave French, Irish, Dutch, and Yankee delineations. Frank Brower was seen here Dec. 13. Cool White came for the first time Jan. 3, 1859. The house closed Sept. 3, 1859, when the premises were altered to the Merchants and Manufacturers' bank.

The company went to 585 Broadway Sept. 8, for a few nights, then to 444 Broadway, Sept 12. The entrance by way of a long flight of stairs operated to its disadvantage, and the building was soon after taken possession of for the bank. Ths entire structure was torn down in July, 1877.


THE old medical college situated at the corner of Spring and Crosby streets was turned into a place of amusement and, called The Adelphi, was opened Jan. 4, 1858. " The Wizard of the North " appeared, with Viola, danseuse, and Frazer, vocalist. The admission was 12 cts., which included a refreshment ticket. This place was afterwards devoted to musical entertainments of various kinds.


AT 199 and 201 Bowery, nearly opposite to Spring Street, was a place of amusement called " Hoym's Theatre," named after its proprietor. Otto Von Hoym. It was opened August 5, 1858. In addition to a ballet corps with Louise Lamoureux, Geo. Smith and Mons. Szollosy as the principals, there was a vaudeville enter- tainment.

Aug. 14 Geo. W. Smith took a benefit, and had a host of volunteers. Sept. 13 the Zavistowski Juvenile Ballet troupe appeared. Mons. Zavistowski was the ballet master, Christine Ludlam (Mrs. Zavistowski) premiere, and Alice and Emeline Zavistowski were the stars. Robert Johnston and T. C. Steers were the next managers, with this company: J. W. Wallack, Jr., Robert Johnston, J. J. Prior, S. H. France, Joseph O. Sefton, Wall, Humphrey Bland, Wright, J. L. Wallace, Jones, M. B. Pike, Wray, Stevens, John Walsh, Ameha Parker, Sallie Partington, Nelse Waldron, and others. The initial play was " Werner," also " Rent Day." James Wallack acted Werner, and Robert Johnston Ulric in




the first play, and Amelia Parker was the Rachel Heywood in the latter; Oct. 4, "The Stranger," Wallack as the Stranger, and R. Johnston as Reuben Glenroy in "Town and Country;" Oct. 5, " King of the Commons ; " Oct. 6 " Macbeth " was given.

Macbeth Macduff Malcolm Ross .

. J. W. Wallack . . R. Johnston Humphrey Bland . . M. B. Pike

Lady Macbeth . . . Amelia Parker

Seyton John Sefton

Third Witch . . . . S. H. France Hecate .... Sallie Partington

" Paul Pry " was the afterpiece. Oct. 11" Lucrezia Borgia " was acted, with Amelia Parker as Lucrezia ; also, " The Cross of Gold," Robert Johnston as Austerlitz. J. M. Belmont took a benefit April 25, 1859, when "King Henry IV." was acted by amateurs. The French dramatic company, which had been playing at 585 Broadway, under Fred Widdow's management, came Dec. 26, 1859. This place remained untenanted for a long time, but was reopened by S. C. Camp- bell, June 27, 1864, with a minstrel company. On Jan. 16, 1865, R. M. Hooley became associated with Mr. Campbell in the manage- ment, Hooley's Brooklyn Opera House having been burned (May 16). James H. Bud worth, G. W. H. Griffin, Frank Hussey, Fred Abbot, Geo. Clinton, Geo. Parkinson, and J. Stanwood appeared, remaining until the close of the season. May 27, 1865. S. S. Sharpley, "who had a minstrel company known as the " Ironclads," became the manager June 12, 1865. He opened with his minstrels, and closed June 29.


SAMUEL S. SHARPLEY and Tony Pastor rented the house for two weeks and brought together the following company, open- ing July 31 : John Wild, Bertha, Sheridan and Mack, James Gaynor, Willis Armstrong, Bob Butler, Ernestine de Faber, Blanche Stanley, Amelia Wells, Ellen Collene and John Braham, leader of the orchestra. Among others who appeared during the season were, Alf Moe, the skater ; Charles Winter, the infant Ravel ; Sam Ryan ; Laura Taylor, an English vocalist ; El Nino Eddie, Bob Hart, Billy Reeve, Maggie Vernon, Lizzie Donaldson, Geo. Warren, Master Barry, Lew Brim- mer, T. G. Riggs, Jenny Engel, Milly Warren, Lottie La Point, and Josh Hart. Sharpley and Pastor's success was so great that Tony Pastor bought out Richard M. Hooley, who had a lease of the premises. The new manager gave a first-class variety performance, one to which ladies might go with their families, and which omitted the smoking and drinking features of the other variety houses. The first season closed June 9, 1866. Tony Pastor then made a short tour with a company, and Sam Sharpley took possession, opening with the following people : Sam Sharpley, Frank Kerns, Billy Pastor,


Johnny Thompson, Robert Butler, Amelia Wells, Carrie Byron, Walter Eaton, Frank Pell, and Robert Delany, gymnast. Sharpley closed July 7. Tony Pastor commenced his second season July 30, 1866, and in his organization were, Tony Pastor, T. G. Riggs, Mack, John Wild, G. F. McDonald, Masters Barry and Warren, King, Ford, Armstrong, Marcellus Szollosy, Jenny Engel, Florence McDonald, Bertha, Florence Wells, the Walby Sisters, Hattie Engel, the Gorenflo Sisters, Nellie Gray, Sallie Loudon, and Carrie Carner. During the season the following players appeared from time to time : Mrs. Frank McDonald, a troupe of Bedouin Arabs, Frank Hussey, Sig. Monteverde. Jenny Benson, clog dancer, from the Dublin theatres ; Mons. La Thorne, James Gaynor, Billy Emerson, Denny Gallagher, Senorita Lopez, and infant gymnasts, Harry Burchard, Eugene Martini, Herr Harl ; Dave Hawley, gymnast, Barry O'Neil, Irish comedian; G. W. Thompson, Billy Sheppard, Kate Partington, Sam Collyer and sons, J. W. Collins, Johnny Allen, Nellie Whitney ; Sig. Bueno Core, fire king; Naomi Porter, a Japanese troupe, Melinda Nagle, and Sig. Jos^ Bastiglioni, contortionist. The season closed June i, 1867.

A summer season opened June 3 with Walter Brown, the champion oarsman and athlete, Prof. Tanner and company of performing dogs, Lew Brimmer, Dick Carroll, Pete Lee, and others. They closed June 29. After having been reconstructed the house reopened July 29, 1 867, with the following attractions : Sam Collyer and sons, Sally Swift, Billy Emmett, J. A. Graver, Prof. Logrenia, John Pearce, Prof. Doebler, G. R. McDonald, John Collins, Jenny Engel, Billy Sheppard, John Wild, Robert Nickle, the Leon Brothers, Dave Hawley, and others. The house was then occupied for four weeks by Emerson, Allen & Manning's minstrels.

The next season commenced Aug. 3, 1868, with the company as follows: Tony Pastor, Johnny Thompson, Frank Kerns, G. W. Thompson, Billy Sheppard, T. G. Riggs, J. A. Graver, Billy Emmett, Robt. Delancey, Jas. Bradley, Pete Conners, J. W. Collins, Jenny Engel, Addie Le Brun, Helene Smith, Nellie Gray, and Marie Gorenflo. The season closed June 26, 1869.

Mr. Pastor's next season began Aug. 2 with the following com- pany: Frank Kerns, G. W. Thompson, T. G. Riggs, Bobby New- comb, Jas. W. Collins, D. L. Morris, Geo. Warren, J. A. Graver, R. Connors, H. Clifford, Sam Collyer and sons, J. W. McAndrews, and Tony Pastor, Mile. Irma, danseuse, the Gorenflo Sisters, Sallie Mason, Jenny Benson, Helene Smith, and Addie Le Brun. Harrigan and Hart made their first appearance here Sept. 16, 1872, in "The Little Fraud." The next week they played " The Big and Little of It." The next week they appeared in " After the War." On Oct. 7 they introduced an act called "Sweet Summer." They played until Nov. 3, 1872. Ladies were admitted free on Fridays. A


benefit for the Dan Bryant Fund occurred Aug. 29, 1875. In addition to the regular company engaged for the week, the following volunteered: Alvardo, Adah Richmond, Rickey and Barney, Nelly St. John, John Denier, the Devere Brothers, Jennie Hughes, King Sarbro, and Maggie Denier. Tony Pastor for ten years conducted ; this house as an attractive variety theatre, enjoying the utmost prosperity and popularity. In October, 1875, he retired. Paul Falk opened the house at cheap prices in the fall of 1875. Harry Miner was business manager. During the summer of 1883 the building was torn down, and Harry Miner at once commenced the erection of a theatre to be devoted to dramatic attractions, called The People's Theatre, which opened Sept. 3, 1883, with Shook and Collier's " The Lights o' London ; " Sept. 10, Roland Reed in " Cheek ; " Sept. 17, "Fun on the Bristol;" Sept. 24, J. B. Studley in "Rose Michel;" Oct. i, J. K. Emmet in "Fritz in Ireland;" Oct. 8, "Pop; " Oct. IS, "New Flying Dutch Man," with C. P. Flockton, Miss Helen Bancroft, and Thomas Glenney in the cast ; The Wilbur opera company came Oct. 22 in " lolanthe " for three nights ; " Pirates of Penzance," Oct. 25 ; Oct. 29, " The Silver King ; " Nov. S Ada Gray was seen in " East Lynne ; " Nov. 12, Frank Mayo in " Davy Crockett ; " Baker and Farren in the new play " Govern- ment House " Nov. 19, for four nights, and " Chris and Lena" Nov. 23 and 24 ; Nov. 26, " Her Atonement ; " Dec. 3 M. B. Curtis came in " Sam'l of Posen ; " Dec. 10, " The Silver King ; " Dec. 17, Haverly's minstrels ; Dec. 24, Charles Bowser in " A Bunch of Keys ; " Dec. 31, Kate Claxton in " The Two Orphans ; " Jan. 7, 1884, " In the Ranks ; " Jan. 14, Barry and Fay in " Irish Aristocracy ; " Jan. 21, Thatcher, Primrose and West's minstrels; Jan. 28, Buffalo Bill in "The Prairie Waif;" Feb. 4, "The Stranglers of Paris;" Feb. II, Dion Boucicault in "The Shaughraun;" Feb. 18, Agnes Booth in " Pique; " Feb. 25, " Esmeralda; " March 3, Hanlon Broth- ers with "Le Voyage en Suisse;" March 10, "Lights o' London;" March 17, B. Macauley in "A Messenger from Jarvis Section;" March 24, " Romany Rye ; " March 31," Black Flag ; " April 7, " Or- pheus and Eurydice; " April 14, Neil Burgess in "Vim ; " April 21, " The White Slave ; " April 28, " Only A Farmer's Daughter ; " May 5, "The Silver King; " May 12, " Hazel Kirke; " May 19, Wallack's company in " Lady Claire ; " May 26, " Devil's Auction ; " June 2, Chas. L. Davis in " Alvin Joslin ; " June 9, " The Stranglers of Paris;" June 16, "The Queen's Lace Handkerchief." The season closed June 20. The next season opened Aug. 16 with " The Silver King ; " Fred de Belleville playing Wilfred Denver ; Eleanor Carey, Nelly Denver; and John Jennings as Jaikes; Aug. 23, "The White Slave ; " Sept. i, " Siberia ; " Sept 8, Roland Reed in " Cheek ; " Sept. IS, Edwin Thorne in "The Black Flag; " Sept. 22, "The Pulse of New York ; " Sept. 29, " Hearts of Oak ; " Oct. 6, " Storm Beaten ; "


Oct. 13, Augustin Daly's company in "7.20-8;" Oct. 20, Lester Wallack's company in " Moths ; " Oct. 27, " The Galley Slave ; " Nov. 3, "Blue and Gray;" Nov. 10, "In the Ranks;" Nov. 17, "Her Atonement;" Nov. 24, "The Silver King;" Dec. i. The Wilbur opera company in " Girofle Girofla," " Little Duke," and " Estrella " for the week ; Dec. 8, " Shadows of a Great City ; " Dec. 15, The Bijou opera company in "Orpheus and Eurydice;" Dec. 22, " Called Back ; " Dec. 29, Barlow and Wilson's minstrels ; Jan. 5, 1885, "The Devil's Auction; " Jan. 12, Gus Williams in "Capt. Mishler;" Jan. 19, Lotta in "Little Detective;" Jan. 26, "Wages of Sin ; " Feb. 2, "A Bunch of Keys; " Feb. 9, " Michael Strogofif; " Feb. 16, "Romany Rye;" Feb. 23, Louis Aldrich in "My Part- ner;" March 2, "A Midnight Marriage;" March 9, "Hazel Kirke;" March 16, Boucicault in "The Shaughraun;" March 23, Salsbury's Troubadours ; March 30, " Youth ; " April 6, " May Blossoms;" April 13, Louis Harrison and Gourlay in " Skipped by the Light of the Moon ; " April 20, " Le Voyage en Suisse ; " April 27, " Only a Farmer's Daughter ; " May 4, Oliver Doud Byron in "Across the Continent;" May 11, "The Stranglers of Paris." Wm. E. Sheridan came May 18, 19, and 20 as King Lear, matinee May 20 as Ingomar, and balance of the week in " Louis XL ; " May 25, Milton Nobles in "Love and Law." Season closed May 30, and reopened Aug. 10, 1885, with Roland Reed, Alice Harrison, and others in "The Mikado;" Aug. 17, Barlow, Wilson, and Rankin's minstrels ; Aug. 24, " The World ; " Sept. 7, " Storm Beaten ; " Sept. 14, " Alone in London ; " Sept. 21, W. J. Scanlan in " Shane Na Lawn;" Sept. 28, "Michael Strogoff;" Oct. 5, "Nobody's Claim " was given ; Oct. 12, EfSe Ellsler came in " Woman Against Woman;" Oct. 19, Oliver Doud Byron in "Inside Track;" Oct. 26, Edwin Thorne in " Crimes of Paris ; " Nov. 2, Mme. Janish in " Anselma ; " Nov. 9, " Her Atonement ; " Nov. 16, Lizzie Evans in "Fogg's Fairy;" Nov. 23, F. C. Bangs in "The Silver King;" Nov. 30, Fanny Davenport in "Fedora;" matinee Dec. 2, Maud Granger in " American Marriage ; " Dec. 7, Evans & Hoey in " A Parlor Match ; " Dec. 13, Lillian Lewis in "Article 47;" Dec. 20, Standard Theatre company in " The Mikado ; " Dec. 25, Effie Ellsler, in " Woman Against Woman ; " Jan. 4, 1886, " A Bunch of Keys; " Jan. II, "The Wages of Sin;" Jan. 18, Kate Claxton in "The Sea of Ice;" Jan. 25, "Blackmail;" Feb. i the new play " A Great Wrong Righted," by John M. Morton, was acted with this cast :

Richard Bright Frederick . . Moses . . .

John A. Stevens

Harry Colton

W. P. Sheldon

Eliza Adelaide Stanhope

Milly Graham .... Emily L3rtton

Loudan McCormack and Maude Muller were also in the cast. Feb. 8 Gus Williams came, in "One of the Finest; " Feb. 15 Fred


Warde acted Virgihius; Feb. 16, "Othello;" Feb. 17, "Lady of Lyons; " Feb. 18, "Damon and Pythias; " Milton Nobles was seen in "Love and Law" Feb. 22 ; March i, "Romany Ryfe;" March 8, N. C. Goodwin in " Skating Rink ;" March 15, Wm. A. Mestayer and Theresa Vaughn, in " We, Us & Co. ; " March 22, " The World ; " March 29, J. B. Studley in "A Prisoner for Life;" April 5, Marie Aimee in "Mam'zelle;" April 12, " A Rag Baby;" April 19, "A Midnight Marriage," with Wm. Redmund and Mrs. Barry in the cast; April 26, Cora Tanner in "Alone in London ;" May 3, Tony Hart in "A Toy Pistol;" May 10, "Private Secretary" by the Madison Square Theatre company; May 17, Murray and Murphy in " Our Irish Visitor ; " May 24, George Clarke's new play, " A Strange Disappearance," for the first time; May 31, Barry and Fay in " Irish Aristocracy ; " June 7, " One of the Bravest ; " June 14, Milton Nobles.

"Zitka" was done for the first time June 21. Gustave Levick, John W. Jennings, Charlotte Behrens, Edith Crolius, A. H. Forrest, Henry Aveling, Percy Meldon, Matt Snyder, Rose Snyder, Edith Jordan, and Barbara Eyre were in the cast. " Zitka " was re- peated week of June 28, and the season closed July 3. Reopened Aug. 33 with " Zitka ; " Aug. 30, Edmund Collier in " Jack Cade ; " Sept. 6, first time in this city of James A. Heme's play, " The Minute Men;" Sept. 13, "Blackmail;" Sept. 20, "Shadows of a Great City; " Sept. 27, "A Rag Baby; " Oct. 4, Ada Gray in a "A Ring of Iron; " Oct. 11, Efifie EUsler in "Woman Against Woman;" Oct. 18, "A Wall Street Bandit;" Oct. 25, "A Great Wrong Righted."

Kate Claxton appeared Nov. i, 1886, in "The Two Orphans." In her company were C. A. Stevenson, Alice Leigh, Dollie Pike, Lillian Vance, James Edwards, Joseph A. Wilkes, Heaton Manice, Floride Abell, Emilie Edwards, G. S. Robinson, Gertrude Cameron, and others. Robson and Crane came Nov. 8, in " The Comedy of Errors;" "The Silver King," Nov. 15; Frank Mayo, Nov. 22, in "Nordeck; " Nov. 29, " Held by the Enemy; " Dec. 6, Gus Williams in " Oh, What a Night ! " Dec. 13, Tony Hart in " Donnybrook; " Dec. 20, Evans and Hoey in " A Parlor Match ; " Fanny Davenport Dec. 27, in "Fedora; " Edmund Collier Jan. 3, 1887, as Metamora; Jan. 10 and 17, " Hoodman Blind; " "Private Secretary" Jan. 24; "A Tin Soldier" Jan. 31; Feb. 7, "The Banker's Daughter;" Feb. 14, " We, Us & Co ; " " The Wages of Sin " Feb. 21 ; Robert L. Downing Feb. 28 in " The Gladiator ; " March 7, Milton and Dolly Nobles in " Love and Law ; " " Passing Shadows " March 14; Marie Aimee March 21, in "Mam'zelle." Mrs. D. P. Bowers appeared March 28-29, and April i in " Queen Elizabeth ; " March 30, "Mary Stuart; " March 31, "Macbeth;" for the Wednesday and Saturday matinees she acted " Lady Audley's Secret " and


"Mary Stuart;" " Hoodman Blind" April 4; "Gypsy Baron" April 11; Mrs. John Drew as Mrs. Malaprop in "The Rivals" April 18; The Madison Square Theatre company April 2$, in " The Main Line, or Rawson's 7 ; " May 2, Wm. J. Scanlan in " Shane Na Lawn ; " James O'Neill May 9, in " Monte Cristo ; " Lillian Olcott May 16, in " Theodora ; " Nat Goodwin May 23, in "Little Jack Sheppard ; " "On The Rio Grande" May 30; Frank Mayo June 6, for two weeks in " Royal Guard ; " June 20, Robert McWade in " Rip Van Winkle ; " and the season closed June 25 , to reopen Aug. 22, with Kate Claxton in " The Two Orphans ; " " The Dominie's Daughter " Aug. 29 ; J. K. Emmet, Sept. S, in " Our Cousin German;" Mrs. D. P. Bowers commenced Sept. 12, in " Mme. Croesus," for the first time in this city, cast as follows :

Pierre W. G. Beach

Maurice Sidney Bowkett

Nadia Mittens Willett

Mme. Desvarennes, Mrs. D. P. Bowers Mons. Rosenberg . Geo. W. Thompson

Mons. de Trembley Mons. Michaud

Percy Hunting . Carl Ahrend

Prince Henry Aveling

Anatole Arthur Giles

Clarice .... Alice Fairbrother

This same work of Ohnet had been previously produced in this city under the title of " Serge Panine." " Our Jennie " had its first New York representation Dec. 26, cast as follows :

Larry Fogarty . James Walton . Bridget Fogarty Our Jennie . .

John T. Burke

J. J. Macready

. Emily Stowe

Jennie Yeamans

Jinks J. W. Summers

Frank Farr Fred Mayer

Mrs. Farr Addie Eaton

Willie Wilkie .... Collin Varrey

This was the first appearance in this city of Eugenia Jennie Yeamans as a star.

Jan. 2, 1888, Thatcher and West's minstrels; Jan. 9, for two weeks, J. K. Emmet; Jan. 23, Kate Claxton was announced to open, but the death of her father prevented it. " The Two Orphans " was given for three nights, with Sadie Deane as Louise. Kate Claxton commenced Jan. 26, in Frank Harvey's melodrama, " The World Against Her." It had its first performance in New York, cast as follows :

Madge Carlton Lucy Dauvers Liz Markland . James Carlton , Simon Clegg Harold Vernon . Jenney Clegg , Sally Millet . .

. . . Kate Claxton . . . Leslie Tillson . . Maud Hosford Charles A. Stevenson . . Palmer Collins Payson Mackaye . . . Esther Lyon . . . Alice Leigh

Annie Little Daisey

Gilbert Blair ... A. H. Forrest Robert Danvers ... Ed. T. Hall Bob Millet . . . . Ed. E. Egleton Dick Markland . . . . R. Hickman

Heslop Theo. Williams

Thwaites Ed. Short

Ned .... Master Frank Dean

It was acted week of Jan. 30; Feb. 6, "Silver King"; Feb. 13, Frank Daniels in " Little Puck ; " Feb. 20, Maggie Mitchell in




"Jane Eyre" and "Little Barefoot;" Feb. 27, "A Tin Soldier;" March 5, James O'Neill in "Monte Cristo;" March 12, N. C. Goodwin in " Turned Up ; " March 19, " A Rag Baby ; " March 26, "Hoodman Blind; " April 2, Frank Mayo in "The Royal Guard; " April 9, " Harbor Lights ; " April 16, W. J. Scanlan.

Edwin F. Mayo's New York debut as a star was at this theatre April 23, in " Davy Crockett." Chas. T. Ellis made his New York d6but as a star April 30, in "Caspar the Yodler; " May 7, "Drift- ing Apart," by James Heme, for the first time on any stage, for two weeks, with this cast :

Jack Hepburne . . . James A. Heme Percy Seward .... H. M. Pitt

Silas C. W. Butler

Mary Miller - . Katherine C. Heme

Hestor Vic Reynolds

Harry James Oliver

Alec Phineas Leach

Josh Robert Alexander

Mrs. Seward . Miss Stanley Little Margaret . Miss Esterbrook Miss Fairchild .

Henrietta Bert

. Maude Jeffries

Little Dot Winters

. Lucille Pearson

Adelaide Nelson

" Among the Pines " was given for the first time in New York June II, with this cast:

Capt. Allen Heartly . Eben Plympton Mike Leggett . . P. Aug. Anderson

Hopgood Hettie . . . Howard Gale Pat Mahoney

Thos. J. Herndon . Maggie Fields Thos. L. Coleman . John F. Ward

John Dalton . . . R. F. McClannin

Joey Wallie Eddinger

Minnie Libby Noxon

Marion Helen Windsor

Jerusha Louisa Eldridge

Solon Sheridan Tupper

The next season commenced Aug. 20 with "Judge Not," E. H. Vanderfelt, F. C. Bangs, Frank Weston, Mme. Ponisi, Helen Ban- croft, and EflSe Ellsler in the cast. This was followed Aug. 27 by "The Golden Giant," Kate (Mrs. McKee) Rankin as the star; Sept. 3, F. A. Tannehill, Jr.'s musical comedy, " Struck Gas," with Carrie Tutein (Mrs. Harry Pepper) as the star; Sept. 10-17, t^e " tank play," " Lost in New York ; " Sept. 24 Kate Claxton appeared in « The World Against Her." The " tank " drama, " A Dark Secret," commenced a fortnight's stay on Oct. i. A benefit for the yellow- fever sufferers Sunday night, Oct. 7.

Sept. 3, Frank A. Tannehill's play, " Struck Gas," when Carrie Tutein made her debut as a star. This play was originally called "Nan's Acre." Sept. 10, for two weeks, "Lost in New York;" Sept. 24, Kate Claxton in "The World Against Her; " Oct. i, for two weeks, " A Dark Secret."

Frank Daniels began in "Little Puck" Oct. 15, followed Oct. 22 by F. B. Warde. Walter Standish's version of Sardou's " Theodora " was done Oct. 29, with Phosa McAllister as the star. " Shadows of a Great City" Nov. 5. The Gillette company Nov. 12, in "A Legal

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Wreck," followed Nov. 19 by " Paul Kauvar," with Steele Mackaye, Carrie Turner, Edmund Collier, and Charles Vandenhoff in the cast. The Madison Square Theatre company, in " Jim the Penman," Nov. 26; James O'Neill in " Monte Cristo," Dec. 3 ; Frank Mayo, in "The Royal Guard " and " Nordeck," week of Dec. 10.

Gillette's version of " She " was done Dec. 17, followed Dec. 31 by Johnson & Slavin's minstrels. "The Still Alarm" came Jan. 7, 1889 for two weeks; Jan. 21, Daniel E. Bandmann in "Austerlitz" (Tom Taylor's old play, " Dead or Alive ") ; " Paul Kauvar " Jan. 28, Joseph Haworth in the title r61e; Feb. 4, Robert Mantell, in " Monbars," followed Feb. 1 1 for two weeks by " The Tigress," Selina Fetter as the star:

Lord Noddy Servant . . . Count Beaudry Count Barrotti . Stella Barrotti .

. Eugene Sanger Joseph Conlyn Frank Karrington . Ramsay Morris . . Selina Fetter

Angela Romano . . Blanche Weaver Countess Beaudry . . Nellie Taylor Madame Lanine . . . Nina Freith Etienne Mamie Ryan

Minnie Palmer Feb. 25, in "My Sweetheart," R. A. Roberts as Tony. Mrs. Langtry March 11, in "Macbeth," repeated March 12 and 13, Duncan B. Harrison, who appeared here week of March 4, in "The Paymaster," returned March 15, as Mrs. Langtry had to retire in consequence of illness.

J. Charles Davis, business manager of the theatre, took a benefit afternoon of March 14. Louis Aldrich, Ida Mulle, Amy Lee, Minnie Palmer, R. A. Roberts, R. B. Mantell and his " Monbars " the Spanish Students, "The Paymaster" company, "The Cavalier" company, Florence Thropp, Dot Clarendon, Elsie Leslie, W. H. Gillette, and others appeared. " The Stowaway " was seen March 18 ; " Held by the Enemy " March 25.

April I E. H. Sothern came with " The Highest Bidder." April 8, the Lyceum Theatre company, in " The Wife." April ij, "The Cavalier," Henry Lee as the star. April 22, the "tank play," " Lost in New York." April 29 Thomas W. Keene began an en- gagement in " Richelieu," and during the week was seen in "The Merchant of Venice," " Othello," " Hamlet," " Richard III.," and "Julius Caesar." The season closed May 15.

The season of 1889-90 opened Aug. 17, with " Myrtle Ferns," Mai Estelle the star. The cast was:

Emma Myrtle .... Mai Estelle

Chick Mollie Thompson

Edith Lizzie Emerson

Mrs. Myrtle .... Kate Estelle

O'Grady Arthur Sprague

Nelson Oak . . . Frank De Vernon

Larry W. J. Russell

Robert Myrtle . . . Edwin Maynard

Jake Worth F. R. Butler

Dan Andrew Peterson

Morgan Geo. Caron




" Silver Age " was produced Aug. 26. The cast :

Capt. John Caton Harry Flint . Stephen Wray James Parker Dan Hyde . Lona Wilder

Edwin F. Mayo

Louis Hendricks

. James Blake

. Daniel Lacy

Harry Underbill

Jennie Williams

Barbara Wray Groggy . . McCartT Bill . . . Tender Foot

. Kitty Presser Marvin Ashley J. B. Donovan Harry Phillips . Luke Martin

The Redmund-Barry company played " Herminie " week com- mencing Sept 2, followed Sept. 9 by " She; " Sept. 16, " Mankind; " Sept. 23, John A. Stevens in " Wife for Wife ; " Sept. 30, " Paul Kauvar; " Oct. 7, "The Suspect; " its first New York production, and with this cast :

Duke de Pressles ^ Gaspard Simon >■ Lieut. Simon ) Jacques Fanon Count d'Assol Capt. Louis Robert

. . Henry Lee

Harry Mainhall . William Lee Alex. Kearney

Doctor Pajol ... De Loss King Gilbert d'Arrennes . Minnie Seligman

Blanche Helen Ottolengui

Gen. Robert .... Ferd. Hight Bonasse .... Charles Bradshaw

" Jim the Penman " was produced Oct. 14, by the Madison Square Theatre company; Oct. 21, " Sweet Lavender; " Oct. 28, " Captain Swift;" Nov. 4, "The Paymaster;" Nov. 11 "Almost a Life" had this cast:

Walter Osmond . Louis Miller . Joseph Daly W. J. Leonard J. F. Corrigan . DoUie Brooks

Avisie Doranche . . Maud Granger Collinet . .

Jules de Bonneval . David Murray Mons. Jerome

Monsieur Manuel Phillipe . .

Arthur Falkland Buchanan Doumat . .

Count Ernest Clairnot J. Clinton Hall Berincourt .

Dr. Saumaise . . . James Bradbury Francine . . Countess Melanie Clairnot

Judith Berrolde

" Ferncliff " was seen Nov. 18 ; "A Dark Secret " Nov. 25 ; " Fas- cination," Dec. 2 ; " The Tourists in a Pullman Car," Dec. 9. Geo. C. Staley made his New York debut Dec. 16, in "A Royal Pass." Dec. 23, " Hands Across the Sea ; " Dec. 30, " My Jack ; " Jan. 6, 1890, "After Dark; " Jan. 13, " The Still Alarm," for two weeks; Jan. 27, " Roger La Honte," by the Terriss-Millward company ; Robert Mantell Feb. 3, in "The Corsican Brothers;" Feb. 10, "Mr. Barnes of New York," with Emily Rigl in the cast.

" Held by the Enemy " company Feb. 24, followed March 3 by Prof. Herrmann; March 10, "The Stowaway;" March 17, "The Wife;" March 24, "The Exiles," with Ralph Delmore, Nestor Lennon, W. S. Harkins, Harry Bradley, Adele Belgarde, Keith Wakeman, and C. H. Bradshaw in the cast. March 31, "The Burglar ; " April 7, Effie Ellsler and company in " The Governess." The cast: Jarvis Coulter, Frank Weston; Jack Rogers, Orrin


Johnson ; Job Monckton, John A. Ellsler ; Adolph Honore Segrist, Paul R. Everton ; Jimmy Needles, Joseph Wheelock, Jr. ; Mr. Tate, G. H. Pickman; Mr. Jones, E. Legant ; Sam, T. A. Hetley; Mrs. Hamilton, Emma Butler; Lenny, Little Rica; Chrissy Rogers, Lucille La Verne; Helen Talbot, Pearl Means; Zorah Warden, Effie Ellsler.

" Hands Across the Sea " April 14. " Guilty Without Crime " April 21. This was an adaptation of "Aurora Floyd." Robert Mantell appeared April 28 in " Monbars," followed May 5 by " Bootle's Baby," in which Kate Claxton appeared. Mattie Vickers came May 12, in " Jacquine, or Paste and Diamonds." This was her stellar appearance in New York. " The Dead Heart," Walter H. Pollock's revised version of Watts Phillips' play, was done May 19 for the week. Adfele Payn, a lady who had had some little experience in acting, having been with George Miln, was the head and front of the spec- ulation. The cast was : Robert Landry, Joseph Wheelock ; The Abb6 La Tour, Henry Aveling; The Count de St. Valery, Thos. J. Branick ; Arthur de St. Valery (his son), Walter Pleugh ; Legrand, W. J. Hurley; Toupet, Harry N. Dowley; Reboul, J. H. Black; Michael, Floyd Minot; Jean, Edgar S. Mackay; Pierre, T. A. Richards; Jocrisse, J. J. Holland; Guiscard, M. Archer; A. Smith, Phil. Raynor; A Crier, Robt. V. Percy; A Woman, Miss Mont- gomery ; Cerisette, Lizzie May Ulmer ; Rose, Stella Bar ; Catharine Duvall, Adele Payn. The week's business was disastrous, financially. Mr. Wheelock had his salary of three hundred dollars deposited, and was secure. May 26, " One of the Bravest;" June 2, Frank Mayo opened in " Nordeck," and during the week played " Davy Crock- ett." " The Paymaster " followed June 9, for one week, and the company gave a performance June 16 for the benefit of Duncan B. Harrison.

The next season (1890-91) opened Aug. 18 with "Eugenie Le Tour." The cast : Pierre Le Tour, Elmer Grandin ; Louis Romaine, J. T. Burke; Maurice de Franco, Myron Leffingwell; Count de Treville, Chas. Mortimer ; Victor Le Croix, Martin Hayden ; Paul Bazinne, Thomas McGrath ; M. Gilberte, E. D. Tannehill ; Lucette Le Croix, Marion A. Earle; Mme. Roche, Mrs. May N. Drew; Alline Regey, Louise Van Linden ; Nannine, Marie Monck ; Eugenie Le Tour, Eva Montford.

Wm. Redmund opened Aug. 25 in "Herminie," followed Sept. i by " The Bottom of the Sea." The cast :

Alexis Banalli . Henri de Sartene Ernest le Brun . Barney Doyle . Admiral de Give Captain le Clair . Gibson, first officer

George W. Barnum . Adolph Jackson J. H. Fitzpatrick Eugene O'Rourke . Frederick Starr B. J. Murphy . James Bernard

Orderly for the Court Madame le Brun . Madame de Sartene James Norton . . Boatswain . . . Emile le Brun . . Denizette . . .

W. S. Weathers . Rita O'Neill Belle Douglass David Murray . J. W. Sibler Lillian Lee Fanny Cohen


J. K. Emmet commenced Sept. 8 in " Uncle Joe," followed Sept. 15 by "An Irish Arab;" Sept. 22, John A. Stevens in " Wife for Wife;" Sept. 29, "Paul Kauvar;" Oct. 6, "The Governess;" Oct. 13, "My Jack;" Oct. 20, " One of the Bravest;" Oct. 27, Oliver Doud Byron in " The Plunger." Nov. 3, Hallen and Hart came in "Later On; " Nov. 10, " Mask of Life;" Nov. 17, "Hands Across the Sea;" Nov. 24. M. B. Curtis and "The Shatchen;" Dec. i, Kate Claxton in " The Two Orphans ; " Dec. 8 Cora Tanner pro- duced " The Refugee's Daughter " for the first time in this city under that title, it having previously been acted by Clara Morris under the title of " Helene."

Amy Lee was seen Dec. 1 5 in " The Clipper," with Rose Watkins as Mother Ridlaw; " Money Mad" came Dec. 22 for two weeks ; "A Dark Secret" was done Jan. 5, 1891 ; "Mankind" Jan. 12; "Mr. Barnes of New York " Jan. 19 ; Effie Ellsler Jan. 26 in " Hazel Kirke," with Charles W. Couldock in the cast ; " After Dark" Feb. 2 ; Min- nie Palmer Feb. 9, in " A Mile A Minute ; " " Still Alarm " Feb. 16 ; " The Inspector " Feb. 23 ; " Clemenceau Case " March 2 ; Prof. Alex. Herrmann, magician, March 9; Kate Claxton March 16, in " A Woman's Glory ; " " The Burglar " March 23 ; Robert Mantell March 30, in " The Marble Heart," repeated March 3 1 and matinee April I ; " Monbars " and the " Corsican Brothers " filled out the week. J. K. Emmet came April 6, in " Uncle Joe ; " " Bottom of the Sea" April 13 ; "Ticket of Leave Man " April 20, with Joseph Wheelock as Bob Brierly ; W. J. Scanlan was seen in " Myles Aroon " April 27 ; "The Witch " came May 4, for the first time to this city ; Jane Coombs appeared May 1 1, in " Bleak House ; " " Kidnapped " came May 18 for two weeks, and the season closed May 30.

The house reopened Aug. 15, 1891, with " Fabio Romani ; " Agnes Herndon was seen Aug. 24 in " La Belle Marie ; " " Through by Daylight " Aug. 31, with James M. Ward as the star; " Danger Sig- nal " Sept. 7. This play was previously known as " The Main Line." Eva Montford came Sept. 14 in " East Lynne ; " John A. Stevens Sept. 21 in " Unknown ; " " Paul Kauvar " Sept. 28 ; " Patrol " Oct. 5 ; Cora Tanner Oct. 12, in " Will She Divorce Him .? " " My Jack " Oct 19; "A Fair Rebel " Oct. 26 ; Hallen and Hart, with " Later On," Nov. 2 ; " One of the Bravest " Nov. 9 ; Oliver Doud Byron Nov. 16, in "The Plunger;" "Jack Royal of the 92," with Harry Lacy as the star, Nov. 23 ; Carroll Johnson Nov. 30, in the " Gos- soon." Clara Morris appeared in " Odette " Dec. 7 ; " Power of the Press " came Dec. 14 for two weeks ; " After Dark " was done Dec. 28, in the fourth act of which James J. Corbett, the pugilist, appeared. "A Royal Pass" was given Jan. 4, 1892; Robert L. Downing Jan. II, also matinde and night of Jan. 16 in the " Gladiator ;" " Taming of the Shrew " and " French Marriage " (first time in this city) mat- inee Jan. 13; "Virginius" night of Jan. 13; "Damon and Pythias"


Jan. 14; "Julius Csesar," Jan. 15. Robert Mantell came Jan. 18, in " The Louisianian ; " Effie Ellsler Jan. 25, in " Hazel Kirke," C. W. Couldock as Dunstan ; " Mr. Barnes of New York " Feb. i ; Joseph Murphy Feb. 8, in " The Donogh " for three nights, and " Kerry Gow" the balance of the week ; Kate Claxton Feb. 15, in "Two Orphans ; " " Eight Bells " Feb. 22 ; " Still Alarm " Feb. 29 ; " The Bells " March 7, with Joseph Haworth as the star ; " Jack Royal " March 14; Katie Emmett March 21, in " The Waifs ; " " Clemenceau Case " March 28 ; "A Midnight Alarm " April 4, for the first time in New York ; Prof. Alex. Herrmann was seen April 1 1 ; Evans and Hoey came April 18, in " A Parlor Match ; " " Kidnapped " April 25 ; " Dangers of a Great City " May 2 ; " The Colleen " May 9 ; Mattie Vickers May 16, in " Edelweiss ; " " Irish Inspiration " was seen for the first time on any stage May 23. The season closed June 4 with " The House on the Marsh."

The next season began August 13, 1892, with "Fabio Romani;" Sadie Scanlan was seen Aug. 22, in " Nora Machree; " " The Ven- detta " Aug. 29 ; " Police Patrol " Sept. S ; " Paul Kauvar " Sept. 12 ; Eva Montford, in " East Lynne," Sept. 19 ; " Larry the Lord " Sept. 26, with R. E. Graham as the star ; " Wide, Wide World " Oct. 3 ; "My Jack" Oct. 10; " Power of the Press" Oct. 17; Carroll John- son Oct. 24, in "The Gossoon;" "The Black Detective" Oct. 31, with Wash Melville as the star ; Oliver Doud Byron Nov. 7 in "Across the Continent ; " " Fire Patrol " Nov. 14 ; " Gentleman Jack " Nov. 21, with James J. Corbett, the pugilist, as the star. "The Power of Gold" was given Nov. 28 for the first time in America. It was originally entitled " Man to Man." " Danger Signal " came Dec. 5 ; "The Silver King" Dec. 12; Evans and Hoey Dec. 19; "White Squadron " Dec. 26 ; " Eight Bells " opened with the matinee of Jan. 2, 1893. "At the Carnival" came Jan. 9, for the first time in New York. It was originally called " Beatrice." " The Span of Life " was seen Jan. 16, for the first time in New York. It was originally acted in America at Philadelphia the week previous. " Hazel Kirke " came Jan. 23 with Effie Ellsler and C. W. Couldock in the cast. " Midnight Bell " Jan. 30. " Across the Potomac " Feb. 6; "Flag of 'Truce" Feb, 13; "Blue Jeans" Feb. 20; "A Night at the Circus " Feb. 27, with Nellie McHenry as the star. " Killarney " came March 6, with Katie Emmett as the star. " Sport McAllister" was done March 13; "Power of Gold" March 20; " Operator " March 27, the Newell Brothers as the stars. " Ma- vourneen" was seen April 3, with Chauncey Olcott as the star. "The Planter's Wife" came April 10; John T. Kelly April 17, in " McFee of Dubhn." " Jane," preceded by " Chums," was seen April 24, with Johnstone Bennett as the star. Vernona Jarbeau appeared May I in "Starlight." "Lost Paradise" May 8; "Belle Marie" May 15, with Agnes Herndon as the star. " A Girl with a Temper"




was given May 17, for the first time in this city. " My Colleen" came May 22 ; " Uncle Tom's Cabin " May 29 ; and the season closed June 3.

The next season began Aug. 12, with Milton Nobles in "The Phoenix." " The Silver King " was seen Aug. 21:" McFee of Dub- lin" Aug. 28; "Eight Bells" Sept. 4; "Old Kentucky" Sept. 11; "Powerof Gold" Sept. 18; " Mavourneen " Sept. 25 ; "Blue Jeans" Oct. 2 ; " Across the Potomac " Oct. 9 ; " Power of the Press " Oct. 16; " Lost Paradise" Oct. 23 ; "Ensign" Oct. 30; Hallenand Hart in " The New Idea " Nov. 6 ; " The White Squadron " Nov. 13 ; " Police Patrol" Nov, 20; " Span of Life" Nov. 27; "Flag of Truce" Dec. 4; "A Nutmeg Match" Dec. 11; "Struggle of Life" Dec. 18; " Patent Applied For" Dec. 25 ; "New South" Jan. i, 1894; Oliver Doud Byron Jan. 8, in " The Hero of Africa." In England this play was called "The Dark Continent." Effie EUsler came Jan. 15, in " Doris." Gus Hegee Jan. 22, in " Yon Yonson ; " " District Fair " Jan. 29 ; " My Jack " Feb. S ; " Paul Kauvar " Feb. 12 ; J. K. Emmet Feb. 19, in "Fritz; " "Blue Grass" Feb. 26, with this cast;

Mary Brand . . . Mrs. Cjfril Norman John Brand .... R. A. Roberts Col. Nicholas Decatur Joseph Brennan Louis Berthelot . . . Emmett C. King J. Fitzclarence Jones . [Albert Roberts Hercules John Watson

SheriflF Brown . . . . J. H. Ready Deputy Jim .... H. A. Morton Mrs. Violet Raymond

Florence Ashbrooke Lydia Brand . . . Gerome Edwardy Aunt Dinah . . . Polly Poland King

March 5, Jennie Yeamans was the star; "Poor Girls" was seen March 12. Henry Chanfrau March 19, in "Kit;" "Lady Win- dermere's Fan " March 16 ; "A Man Among Men " March 23 ; " Hoodman Blind " March 30, with Frederick de Belleville, as the star. " The Rising Generation " came May 7. The theatre was closed May 11 and 12, owing to the death of Mrs. Henry Miner. "The Diamond Breaker" was given May 14; "Midnight Alarm" May 21. The season closed May 26.

The next season began August 20 with " Derby Mascot " for the first time in this city. " Men and Women " was played Aug. 27 ; "The Limited Mail" Sept. 3. "Fantasma" Sept. 10; J. K. Emmet, Jr., Sept. 17, in "Fritz in a Madhouse; " "Silver King" Sept. 24; Florence Bindley Oct. i, in "The Captain's Mate; " "The Girl I Left Behind Me" Oct. 8; "A Ride for Life" Oct. 15; "Steve" Brodie appeared Oct. 22, in "On the Bowery;" "Struck Oil" was done with this cast Oct. 29 :

John Stofel, Al. H. Wilson ; Lizzie Stofel, Jane Stuart ; Mrs. Susan Stofel, Emma Maddern Stevens; Eben Skinner, William Herbert; Flynn, George M. Brennan; William Pearson, Milton Lipman. Hallen and Hart came Nov, 5 in " Later On ; " Primrose and West's minstrels Nov. 12; "Paul Kauvar" Nov. 19; "Rose-


dale" Nov. 26, with Joseph S. Haworth as Elliot Grey; Isabelle Evesson, Rosa Leigh ; Louis Foy, Bunberry Kobb ; Charles Abbott, Miles McKenna ; and Charles B. Hanford as Matthew Leigh. " Old Glory " was seen Dec. 3 ; " The Rising Generation " Dec. 10 ; "In the Tenderloin" Dec. 17; " Man without a Country" Dec. 24 ; Chauncey Olcott Dec. 3 1, in " The Irish Artist ; " " Darkest Russia " Jan. 7, 1895 ; Effie Ellsler Jan. 14, in " Doris ; " " Shaft No. 2." Jan. 21 ; " Power of the Press" Jan. 28; "On the Mississippi," Feb. 4.

Oliver Doud Byron was seen Feb. 11, in " Ups and Downs of Life ; " " Yon Yonson " came Feb. 18 ; " Rush City" Feb. 25 ; " On the Bowery " with Steve Brodie as the star, March 4 ; " Charley's Aunt " March 11 ; " Cross Roads of Life" March 18, with Edmund Collier as the star. "The Cotton King" came March 25, "Spider and the Fly" April i; "Friends" April 8; "Police Inspector" April 15; " Fallen Among Thieves " April 22, for the first time in America, with Andrew Robson, Edward Maynard, John Bonnelli, John Gourlay, Margaret Feeley, Lillian Lamson, Nina Freith, and Nellie Sheldon in the cast. Walter Kennedy the " strong man " first appeared on the stage as an actor April 29, in " Samson." " Special Delivery" came May 6; Mme. Janauschek appeared with Kate Claxton in " The Two Orphans " May 13 ; " Two Sisters " were seen May 20 ; Agnes Herndon, May 27, in " La Belle Marie ; " " Logan's Luck" was done June 3, first time on any stage. The season closed June 8.

The next season began Aug. 10, with Walter Lawrence in "Fabio Romani;" "The Engineer" was seen Aug. 19; "The Great Brooklyn Handicap " Aug. 26 ; " Span of Life " Sept. 2 ; "Captain Paul" Sept. 9; "White Rat" Sept. 16; "Land of the Living " Sept. 23 ; " Slaves of Gold " Sept. 30 ; " Humanity " Oct. 7 ; "Ride for Life," Oct. 14; "Struggle of Life," Oct. 21; "Sons of the Night " Oct. 28 ; " In a Big City " was seen Nov. 4, with "Bobby" Gayler as the star. Florence Bindley came Nov. 11, in "The Captain's Mate; " Oliver Doud Byron Nov. 18, in " Ups and Downs of Life ; " " Old Glory " Nov. 25 ; " The Man-of-War's-Man " Dec. 2; "Eight Bells "Dec. 9; "Galley Slave" Dec. 16; Joseph Callahan in " Faust " Dec. 23 ; " Human Hearts " (previously called " Logan's Luck") was done Nov. 30; "The Cotton King" Jan. 6, 1896. "A Romance of Coon Hollow" was produced Jan. 13, with Lizzie Evans as the star. " In sight of St. Paul's " came Jan. 20 ; " Down on the Suawanee River " Jan. 27 ; " Bonnie Scotland " Feb. 3; "On the Bowery" Feb. 10; "Saved from the Sea" Feb. 17; « Arm of the Law" Feb. 24; " Silver King" March 2 ; " Tornado" March 9; "A Trip to Chinatown" March 16; A. H. Sheldon retired from the business management of this theatre March 9, and Thomas W. Miner succeeded him on that date. "Darkest Russia" was seen March 23; Prof. Herrmann came March 30;




" Lion's Heart " April 6, with Carl Haswin as the star. " The Trolley Party" came April 13; "The Diamond Breaker" April 20; "The White Slave" April 27; "Land of the Midnight Sun" May 4. " The World Against Her " May 1 1 ; and the season closed May 16.

The next season began Sept. 5, with " Saved from the Sea ; " "Sidewalks of New York" was seen Sept. 14; " Human Hearts" Sept. 21; "A Happy Little Home" Sept. 28; "Land of the Living" Oct. 5; " Hogan's Alley" Oct. 12; "The Great Train Robbery" Oct. 19; "A Temperance Town " Oct. 26; "The Great Northwest " Nov. 2 ; " Nihilists " Nov. 9, for the debut in this city of Theo Kremer the author. " Fatal Card " Nov. 16 ; " Turn of the Tide" Nov. 23, with Oliver Doud Byron as the star; " Down in Dixie " Nov. 30 ; " A Bowery Girl " Dec. 7 ; " When London Sleeps " Dec. 14; "Darkest America" Dec. 21; "Under the Polar Star" Dec. 28; " Fatal City " Jan. 4, 1897, for the first time on any stage with George C. Boniface, Sen. ; George M. Kidder, Geo. A. D. John- son ; Charles Charters, Lillian Harper, and Adelaide Fitz Allen in the cast. " The Power of the Press " was seen Jan. 11;" On the Bowery " Jan 18 ; " Sporting Duchess " Jan. 25 ; "A Night in New York" Feb. i, with Nelly McHenry as the star; "The Span of Life" came Feb. 8; " Midnight Bell" Feb. 15; " Eight Bells" Feb. 22 ; " Fallen Among Thieves " March i ; " A Boy Wanted " March 8; " Brother for Brother " March 1$ ; Maggie Cline in " On Broad- way " March 22 ; Edward Harrigan, March 29, in " Old Lavender ; " "Superba" April 5; "Hogan's Alley," April 12; and the season closed April 17.

The next season began Aug. 16, 1897, with A. H. Sheldon as lessee and manager. " Fabio Romani " was the opening attraction, with Aiden Benedict in the title r61e. " Side Tracked " was done Aug, 23 ; " New York Day by Day " Ai^g. 30 ; " The Indian " Sept. 6, with Al Lipman as the star. " The Great Train Robbery " came Sept. 13; Katie Emmett Sept. 20 in "Waifs of New York;" " McFadden's Row of Flats " Sept. 27 ; " The Sidewalks of New York " Oct. 4 ; " Coon Hollow " Oct. 11;" The Burglar " Oct. 18 ; Oliver Doud Byron Oct. 25 in " The Plunger " ; Lillian Lewis Nov. i in " For Liberty and Love." " Old Money Bags " Nov. 8 ; " Always on Time" Nov. 15 with this cast:

Dick Sturdy . . . . W. R. Walters Sidney Cuthbert . . Taylor Carroll Parson Dwight . . . . J. S. Stewart Jim Sawyer .... William Turner Larry Sullivan . . . . C. Jay Smith Jack Davis .... Mac M. Barnes

" Cherry Pickers " Nov. 22 ; "A Guilty Mother " Nov. 29 ; " Made- line of Fort Reno," with Adelaide Fitz Allen as the star, Dec. 6.

Ned Ballard . . . Daniel F. McCoy Ling Ling .... W. H. St. James Belle Cuthbert Laura Dacre St. James Miss Abigail Prince . Minnie Wilson Nell Anna Little


Charles Leonard Fletcher was seen Dec. 13, in "Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde ; " a pantomime show Dec. 20 ; " The Fast Mail " Dec. 27 ; " Shannon of the Sixth" Jan. 3, 1898 ; "Heart of Chicago" Jan. 10; " Humanity " Jan. 17; "The Tornado" Jan. 24; W. S. Hart, Jan. 31 in " The Man with the Iron Mask ; " Leon and Adelaide Herrmann, magicians, Feb. 7; " A Parisian Romance," also " The Violin Maker of Cremona" Feb. 14, with Charles Fletcher as the star. "The Last Stroke" was given Feb. 21; "A Midnight Trust" Feb. 28; Rachel Renard in "Leah " March 7; "Tennessee's Pardner" March 14 ; " The Inside Track " March 2 1 ; the Indian actress Go-won-Go- Mohawk, came in a play, with her own name March 28 ; Creston Clarke April 4, in " The Last of His Race " by Creston Clarke :

Prince Okolski > Ivan Okolski | ' ' Father Antoine Pascal Nicolai KarachefF Doctor Dimitri . Vassali DromirofF Niclovitch . . Petroff .... Lucien de Veaujour Emile de la Fallaise

Creston Clarke

. John Carter

G. D. Parker

J. J. Sambrook

R. Burton

. P. S. Barratt

L. D. Wharton

. W. Percival

G. Eversleigh

Baron de Floriac . . . L. B. Grey

Baptiste W. Chessman

Pol C. Yorke

Clovis Alice Gale

Madelon Lucy Stone

Melanie de Beaulieu, Jessie M. Fisher Louise de St. Cyr . . Bessie Gattlin Comtesse de Champcey . Edith Gale Marie de Neuville . . Adelaide Prince

" The Westerner " April 11;" Cruiskeen Lawn " April 18 ; " Gettys- burg " April 25 ; Jessie Mae Hall appeared May 2, in " Princess of Patches " by Mark Swan ; " At Fort Bliss " May 9 ; " A Spy of Spain " May 17, by Willis Arden ; " A Union Soldier " May 23, by David Higgins. This was the old play of " Burr Oaks " with a new title. The " Cuban's Vendetta " came May 30 ; " Shadows of the Past," an adaptation of Mark Twain's " Tom Sawyer," June 6. The season closed June 11.

The next season began August 15, with "The Midnight Flood; " "Gettysburg" August 22; "The Light on the Point" Aug. 29; " McSorley's Twins " Sept. S ; " A Factory Waif " Sept. 12 ; "A Daughter of Cuba " Sept. 19, by Jean Mawson, " Killarney and the Rhine" Sept. 26; "Cuba's Vow" Oct. 3; "The Secret Enemy" Oct. 10; "Down on the Farm " Oct 17; "The Sleeping City," by Octavius Cohen, Oct. 24 with this cast :

Jack Morton . . Lou Morton . . Charles Creston . Bill Wattles . . Michael Mulcahey Fritz Dinkewinkle Sam Harris . . Doctor Grubb Jim

. Rogers Barker

.Lester A. Davis

Randolph Murray

George T. Meech

. James F. Casey

. Fred Mendoza

. J. B. Boardman

Frank A. Auburne

. Edward Hurly

The Whistling Comedian

Harry F. Winsman

Foxey E. F. Tabor

Slim George Flint

Ethel Baintree . . Lazette Du Brock Cora Creston . . Florence Courtney Widow Riley . . Maggie Le Clair Maggie Riley .... Belle Gold


"A Celebrated Case " with Maja Spencer (May Nunez) as Madeline and Adrienne Oct. 31 ; "The Wheel of Fortune" was seen Nov. 7; "Tom Edison the Electrician " Nov. 14; "John Martin's Secret" Nov. 21 ; "Tempest Tossed" Nov. 28 ; "The Two Wanderers," by Wm. H. Rightmire, Dec. 5 ; "Under the Dome" Dec. 12; " Chain of Destiny " Dec. 19 ; a new version of " The Courier of Lyons." " Remember the Maine " was done Dec. 26 ; " When London Sleeps " Jan. 2, 1899; Jos. Callahan came in " Faust " Jan. 9 ; "Chattanoo- ga " Jan. 16 ; " The Shadow Detective " Jan. 23 ; " The Heart of Chi- cago " Jan. 30 ; " Knobs of Tennessee " Feb. 6 ; " Land of the Living " Feb. 13 ; " On the Wabash " Feb. 20 ; " The Dawn of Freedom," Feb. 27 ; "The Victorian Cross " March 6 ; " A High-born Lady " March 13; "The World Against Her" March 20; "Outcasts of a Great City " March 27 ; J. E. Toole, in " Rip Van Winkle " April 3 ; Murray and Mack in " Finnigan's 400 " April 10 ; " Kidnapped " April 17 ; " The Burglar " April 24 ; " An American Hero " May i ; " Police In- spector" May 8. The season closed May 13. The house reopened Sunday night, Aug. 6, 1899, under the management of Messrs. Adler, Edelstein, and Thomasch as a Hebrew theatre, and it con- tinues as such up to the present date.


A FAMOUS place of amusement forty-odd years ago was the " Palace Garden." It was situated on the north side of Fourteenth Street, between Sixth and Seventh avenues on the site now occupied by the 22d Regiment Armory, adjoining the lot in which the Fourteenth Street theatre is built. It was fitted up and opened July i, 1858, as a promenade garden. Miscellaneous con- certs were given nightly, and occasionally there was a display of fireworks. De, Forrest & Teesdale were proprietors. Thomas Baker had a large orchestra, and the establishment was popular in the summer months. Thomas Baker took his first benefit in America here Aug. 24. Carl Formes and several other singers appeared. During the summer months C. V. De Forrest was the manager, and concerts were given. Carl Bergman, Harvey Dod- worth, and G. F. Bristow were the musical directors. J. Van Am- burgh & Co's menagerie was on exhibition Nov. 21. The Holman Opera company commenced Aug. 27, i860.

Miscellaneous concerts and various entertainments were given during the season of 1860-61. From this building down to and including the Fourteenth Street theatre, was an open lot, running through to Fifteenth Street. Early in the summer of 1862, Mr. De Forrest leased the entire property for the purpose of converting it into a summer resort similar to the Cremorne Gardens, London


Commencing at the lot nearest to Sixth Avenue was a canvas top, beneath which a regular equestrian performance was given ; adjoining, to the west, was a fantastic edifice, called Floral Hall, furnished with trees, flowers, and shrubbery. The main garden itself was rich in flower-pots, fountains, statuary, pleasant walks, and tables and rustic chairs for the convenience of those who wished to revel in ices, creams, and refreshments, but no intoxicating drinks were permitted on the premises.


THE Garden was open at 7.30 every evening, and the enter- tainment commenced with a performance of about one and a half hours in the Palace of Music. This consisted of a pantomime, ballet, opera, or concert, a change being made every week. Then the visitor took a promenade in the Garden, and listened to the music of Baker's orchestra, or partook of some refreshments ; after about thirty minutes' concert, they repaired to Floral Hall, after which the equestrian performances of about one and one half hours took place. Frequently a brilliant display of fireworks was given at the close. The following is a copy of the opening programme:

Manager, James M. Nixon ; business manager, Col. T. AUston Brown.

A beautiful Chinese Pagoda adorns the centre, and the rear of the spacious area is ornamented with a magnificent Japanese tower scene ; beyond which is the Turkish Pavilion, under which will be given, every afternoon and evening, equestrian performances. First afternoon opening on Wednesday, June 9, 1862, and then every afternoon and evening, except Sunday, during the season. The miniature men. Com. Foote and Col. Small.

The musical department under the direction of Thomas Baker. The stage entertainments will consist of opera, ballet, and pantomime, for which the best artists in the country have been engaged. The opera will be led by Carlotta Patti. The ballet will be led by Isabel Cubas. In the operatic department are already engaged: Carlotta Patti, Sig. Sbriglia, Mme. Strakosch, Sig. Ardavani, and many others, under the direction of Sig. Debreuil. For the ballet, there will be, at present, Signorita Cubas, Sig. Ximines, Carolina Theleur. The Palace of Music will be open for evening performances at 7^ P. M., Mr. Baker leading a promenade concert. The opera and ballet will be given at 8 o'clock, after which the concerts in the Cremorne Gardens and equestrian performances in the Turkish Pavilion. Admission to Palace of Music, Cremorne Gardens, and Equestrian School, 25 cts. only; reserved armchairs in Palace of Music, 25 cts. extra; orchestra armchairs, 25 cts. extra.

Harvey Dodworth led the orchestra here Aug. 23. Several representatives of the Iroquois Indians gave exhibitions in dancing Aug. 30. Nixon & Kemp's Equestrian troupe appeared Oct. 25. James Melville and family, Rentz, Durand, Painter, Geo. Ross, Adelaide and Frank Nixon, G. W. Sergeant and Mons. Gregoire were the equestrians and acrobats, and the clowns were William Lake,




Sig. Blitz, Mons. Frangois, and Tom Linton. Performances were given afternoon and evening. " Cinderella " was presented Nov. 10, by children. On Nov. 16, William Pastor, equestrian, and Emeline Loyal, equestrienne, appeared. For the benefit of W. H. Kemp, Nov. 23, Tony Pastor, "The American Clown," appeared. Prof. Starr with his party of living animals were seen Nov. 25, and the season terminated Nov. 27. Stage and equestrian performances combined were given, the Checini troupe of juvenile pantomimists and dancers appeared. Among the circus performers were Philo Nathans, Tony Pastor, and W. Donaldson, the black clown.

Mrs. T. B. Phelps rented this place for one week for a Horticul- tural Festival, May 9. There were addresses by Henry Ward Beecher, Rev. Dr. Tyng, Wendell Phillips, and W. H. Fry.

The Garden was closed on the approach of cold weather. It failed to pay. It was started too soon. If it was in operation now, probably it would be a money-making place of amusement during the summer months. M. C. Campbell reopened the Palace Music Hall Nov. 10, 1862, with a minstrel company, but business did not warrant him continuing after Dec. 6. Buckley's Serenaders ap- peared Dec. 22, and closed Jan. 3, 1863, and that was about the last entertainment given there. The Sanitary Commission erected buildings on this site in April, 1864, and held a fair there. The ground is now occupied by the Fourteenth Street Theatre and the 22d Regiment Armory.


UNTIL the year 1859, the Old Bowery Theatre had practically the East side of the city as a field entirely of its own. But in that year a formidable rival appeared in the shape of the New Bowery Theatre, which was opened Sept. 5, 1859, by Geo. L. Fox and James W. Lingard. Its exterior dimensions were 75 feet on the Bowery, 204 feet in depth and 100 feet on Elizabeth Street. The auditorium was capable of seating 2,500 persons. The stage was 85 feet deep and 50 wide at the proscenium. The house was situated between New Canal and Hester streets, two blocks north of the Old Bowery, and on the same side of the way. The entrance on the Bowery was through a colonnade, supported by Corinthian pillars of iron. A full view of the stage was to be had from almost every seat in the auditorium. The programme with which this theatre opened consisted of " The Orange Girl of Venice " and " The Four Lovers." The cast of " The Orange Girl of Venice " was:

Visconti Galliano . . . J. E. Nagle Jacopi Foscari . . Welsh Edwards Leonard Foscari . . . .J- Nunan

Guido Uberini . Vasquez Spadillo Eugenia Coletti .

J. J. McCloskey . Chas. K. Fox Cordelia Cappell


Nicoletti G. L. Fox

Manuel Coletti .... D. Oakley

Genario James Dunn

Spoletti S. Bradshaw

Paulo M. B. Pike

Rugini Mr. Stanton

Odo W. Mitchell

Pietro Mr. Montgomery

Isabel Mrs. J. E. Nagle

Juanetta Kate Fisher

In " The Four Lovers," Asa Cushman acted Rithcraft, and Minnie Jackson was the Lauretto.

J. J. McCloskey remained here until the breaking out of the Civil War, when he enlisted and went South. The company, in addition to those seen in the above cast, included the following people : J. G. Hanley, James Pilgrim (dramatist), James Lingard, C. Wilkinson (who died at Worcester, Mass., March 2, 1888), Mrs. France, and others.

J. G. Hanley appeared Sept. 8, as Ben Bowling in " Ben the Boatswain." " Garibaldi, or the Invasion of Sardinia, " was acted for the first time on any stage Sept. 24. It ran until Oct. 6, when Boucicault's drama, " The Phantom," was done. " The Hunter Spy of Virginia, or the Ocean Martyr " was a new drama by Pilgrim, first acted Oct. 10. " New York and Brooklyn, or the Poor Sewing Girl," was produped Oct. 17. "The Man with the Iron Mask" was played Oct. 19, with J. E. Nagle as Gaston. " Stella Delorme, or the Comanche Chief," a dramatization by Pilgrim, was seen Oct. 24, when Mrs. W. G. Jones made her first appearance here, acting Ada McAlpine.

" Uncle Tom's Cabin " was done here Oct. 31, with J. W. Lingard as Uncle Tom, G. C. Howard as St. Clair, G. L. Fox as Phineas Fletcher, Mrs. G. C. Howard as Topsy, and Cordelia Howard as Eva. " Fast Women of the Modern Time, or Life in the City and Suburbs," was presented Nov. 14, when Fanny Herring made her first appearance in this theatre, acting seven characters. Mrs. W. G. Jones assumed six characters. Billy O'Neil first acted here Nov. 19 in " The Limerick Boy."

A. J. Neafie was seen Nov. 26, as Macbeth, Mrs. W. G. Jones as Lady Macbeth. Nov. 29 he acted in " Richard III. ; " Nov. 30, "The Corsican Brothers;" Dec. 5, in "Faust;" Dec. 10, in "Wil- liam Tell." ''''Harolde, or The Maniac's Leap," by Neafie, was first produced here Dec. 12. A. H. Purdy received a benefit Dec. 14. On Dec. 23 "The People's Lawyer," "Why Don't She Marry?" "Whirligig Hall," and "The Happy Man" made up the bill. " Pocahontas, or the Gentle Savage," was seen Dec. 24, with G. L. Fox as Powhatan, James Dunn as Capt. John Smith, Fanny Herring as Pocahontas. John Brougham's national drama, " The Miller of New Jersey," was done Dec. 28. Eph Horn and Charley White came Jan. 4, i860, and appeared between the pieces, giving "Old Bob Ridley " and Woman's Rights Lecture.

Geo. C. Boniface made his first appearance here Jan. 7, as Luke


Fielding in " The Willow Copse," Mrs. W. G. Jones as Rose Field- ing. " Lord of the Isles " was played Jan. 9. " Halvei The Un- known," Jan. 13, with Boniface in the title r61e. Jan. 16 "The Man of the Red Mansion " had its first representation. " The Octoroon, or Life in Louisiana," with lone Burke as Paul, Geo. Boniface as Wah-no-tee, was given Jan. 23. J. J. Prior took a benefit Feb. i, and acted Macduff to Boniface's Macbeth. " The Octoroon " was also played. Lucille and Helen Western first appeared here Feb. 6, in " The Three Fast Men." Johnny Forbes, the trick drummer, made his New York debut on this occasion. On Feb. 13 Lucille acted "Jack Sheppard;" Feb. 14, "The French Spy;" Feb. 15 " Polly Jordan, the Vermont Girl's Visit to New York," by W. B. English, was produced ; Feb 16, " Actress of Padua " with Lucille as La Tisbe, Helen as Catarina; Feb. 18, "Jack Sheppard," Lucille as Jack; also " Wept-of-the-Wish-ton-Wish," Helen as Naramattah. " Wolfgang, or The Wrecker's Daughter," by John F. Poole, was presented Feb. 20.

A. J. Neafie appeared Feb. 27, acting Wi-com-i-ket in Conway's Indian drama of that name, written expressly for him. Mons. Deruth K. Goshon, the giant, was first seen here March i, as Cousin Joe in " The Rough Diamond." " The Dancing Feather, or Amateur Freebooters," a melodrama, was first played March 5. Geo. C. Bon- iface acted the Dane, and Mrs. W. G. Jones Queen Gertrude, in " Hamlet," March 9. C. W. Tayleure's " Horseshoe Robinson " was first seen here March 12. C. W. Taylor appeared in "Belphegor" March 15. J. G. Arnold made his first appearance in this city in three years, acting Jerry Clip in " The Widow's Victim" March 16. Mrs. M. A. Farren and her daughter, Fanny Fitz-Farren, appeared March 19, in " Love's Venom, or the Heart's Mysteries ; " March 22, "Lucrezia Borgia; " March 23, "The Wrecker's Daughter;" March 24, " Jane Shore ; " March 26, " Venetian, or the Bravo's Oath ; " March 29, "Pizarro;" and March 30, "The Queen and the Mechanic," with Mrs. Farren as Mary Tudor. Cordelia Howard and her parents reappeared April 2, in "Dred, or the Dismal Swamp;" April 3, "Ida May;" April 5, "Uncle Tom's Cabin." C. W. Taylor as Uncle Tom, G. C. Boniface as Geo. Harris. For the benefit of Cordelia Howard, April 6, "Uncle Tom's Cabin," "Oliver Twist," Mrs. G. C. Howard as Nancy Sikes, Cordelia Howard as Oliver Twist, G. C. Boniface as Bill Sikes, and the trick pantomime " Magic Trumpet " formed the bill. The Howards terminated their engagement April 7, with "Little Katy, The Hot Corn Girl." A complimentary benefit was tendered Fox & Lingard, April II. In the afternoon "Uncle Tom's Cabin" and "Mother Goose " were given, and the evening bill was made up of " The Page of History; " "Betsy Baker," J. M. Ward as Crummy, and Chas. Hale as Marmaduke Mouser, the Denier Brothers in an act ; Anna


France with song ; " Fortune's Frolic," Harry Pearson as Robin Roughhead ; a dance by Minnie Jackson ; the farce, " Slasher and Crasher ; " song by J. A. Herman ; ballad by Kate Leslie ; the Ethio- pian farce, " Negro Blunders ; " and " The Bride of the Old Frontier." The testimonial was continued the following night, and the pro- gramme was: "The Page of History," "Lola Montez," "The Veteran and his Progeny," "The Maid of Munster," "Box and Cox," and "Tom Cringle's Log." In "Lola Montez," Caroline Chapman acted Katherine Kloper, Robert Johnston, Philip Gar- bois, in " The Veteran." Emily Mestayer was the Kate O'Brien, and C. W. Clarke the Charles, in " The Maid of Munster." Cordelia Howard reappeared April 13, in " Old and Young," in which she assumed three characters, and danced a hornpipe. " Robin Hood, the Bold Outlaw," was first acted April 16. " The Track in the Snow," April 28. "Harry Blake, the Man that Travels on his Muscle," dramatized by G. L. Aiken, had its first hearing May 7. " King of the Commons " with J. W. Wallack, Jr., as King James, and " Grand- father Whitehead " were played May 18, with Geo. Jamison in the title r61e.

J. W. Wallack Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Conway appeared May 21, in "Othello":

Othello .... J. W. Wallack, Jr.

lago F. B. Conway

Cassio J. G. Hanley

Roderigo G. L. Fox

May 22, " Macbeth " was given with Geo. Boniface as Banquo, Wallack as Macbeth, Conway as Macduff, and Mrs. Conway as Lady Macbeth. May 24, " London Assurance," was seen, with Conway as Sir Harcourt, Wallack as Dazzle, Boniface as Charles, Mrs. Conway as Lady Gay, and Mrs. W. G. Jones as Grace; May 25, "Romeo and Juliet," Wallack as Romeo, Conway as Mercutio, and Mrs. W. G. Jones as Juliet ; May 26, " Richard III.;" May 28, "Julius Caesar," Conway as Brutus, Wallack as Cassius, Boniface as Marc Antony, Mrs. Conway as Portia, and Kate Fisher as Calphurnia; May 29, " King of the Commons " and "Pizarro," Conway as Rolla in the latter play; May 31, " Ingomar," Conway as Ingomar; also, "Black Eyed Susan," with Wallack as William. For their farewell appearance, June 2, Wallack and the Conways played in " William Tell," " The Jealous Wife," and " El Hyder." " New York in i860, or a Hit at the Times," by W. Petrie, was seen for the first time June 18.

The season closed July 7, but a summer term began July 16, with Edward Eddy as the star. The company was Geo. C. Boniface, J. B. Howe, G. L. Fox, C. K. Fox, J. W. Lingard, Asa Cushman, J. Nunan, Harry Hotto, Wm. Marden, J. J. McCloskey, J. Newman,

Duke . . .

. . . J. W. Lingard

Desdemona .

. . Mrs. W. G. Jones

Emelia . . .

. Mrs. F. B. Conway




Pierre de Renais . . . . E. Eddy

Henricois G. L. Fox

Louise de Renais . Mrs. W. G. Jones

Mitchell, Wright, Mrs. W. G. Jones, Mrs. Henry, Josephine Henry, Fanny Herring, Lillie Marden (afterwards Mrs. Charles Wilkinson) and Minnie Jackson. Mr. Eddy remained two months, during which time he was seen in a round of his favorite characters. He played " Macbeth " July 16, and Fanny Herring appeared the same night as Sally Scraggs, in " Sketches in India," and Charles K. Fox as Gregory Thimblewell in " State Secrets." July 30, a new drama, " The Artisan of Lyons," was produced, with this cast :

Catherine de Marley . Fanny Herring

Valazy J. B. Howe

Count De Vandome ... J. Nunan

Aug. 24, Lee's tragedy of " Alexander the Great," was presented. The principal attractions of the season were the melodramas for Mrs. W. G. Jones, Geo. C. Boniface, and Mr. Howe, and farces and pantomime for G. L. and C. K. Fox and Fanny Herring. " The Cataract of the Ganges" was acted Jan. 5, 1861. Spalding & Rogers' circus troupe was added to the programme Jan. 7. F. S. Chanfrau appeared Jan. 21, in " The Mysteries and Miseries of New York." Feb. 4, the pantomime, " Harlequin Jack," was seen. Prof. J. H. Anderson, the " Wizard of the North," acted Rob Roy March 4. He was assisted by his three daughters Eliza, Flora, and Louisa Anderson. " The Cock of the Walk " was produced March 1 1 ; " Owlet, or the Royal Highwayman," March 18 ; Cordelia Howard and her parents appeared May 20, in " Ten Nights in a Barroom." Chanfrau returned June 1 7, as Mose in " A Glance at New York." Geo. L. Fox, who left with his regiment for the war, April 22, re- turned in July, and again appeared.

There was no material change of any kind in the company or the staff of the theatre during the season of 1861-62. G. L. Fox and J. W. Lingard were again the managers, but before the season closed their business connections were dissolved. The opening night was July 15, 1861, and the bill consisted of "The Pirates of the Savannah," " Hunting a Turtle," and a tight-rope dance by John Denier. Aug. 12 C. W. Clarke appeared, and during an engagement of twelve nights played in the dramas of "John Paulding," " Charlotte Temple," " The Lime Kiln Man," and others, supported by Mrs. W. G. Jones, George C. Boniface, J. Nunan, G . A. Lingard, James Dunn, G. L. Fox, and Fanny Herring.

Chas. Gayler's military drama " Bull Run, or the Sacking of Fair- fax Court House," was presented Aug. 15, with this cast :


Lieut. G. L. Fox of the 8th, C. K. Fox Hank Bunlcer . . Geo. C. Boniface

Gen. McDowell J. Nunan

Rolf Ironsides .... G. L. Fox

VOL. n. 13

Jupiter Geo. Beane

Col. Corcoran .... Bradshaw

Brownell Johnson

Col. Ellsworth . . . . M. B. Pike



Beauregard Ferden

Gen. Bunhatn .... W. Harden

Sergt. Bigelow Wright

Maj. Ebleigh Pyne

Col. Tompkins Magrath

Jackson Samuel

Mrs. Jackson . . . Miss Hathaway Juno Louisa Eldridge

The Eighth Regiment drum corps was engaged to appear in " Bull Run," which had an uninterrupted run of four weeks, and was frequently revived during the season. James Dunn appeared Sept. 30, as Frederick in " No." Oct. 7, Mr. Eddy returned, and at the close of his engagement with Fox & Lingard, leased the theatre for six nights, during which he played " Jack Cade," " Norman Leslie," " Robert Macaire," " Pizzaro," " The Happy Man," and other char- acters. The theatre was closed from Oct. 28 until Nov. 2, when a spectacular drama, by Charles Gayler, entitled " Hatteras Inlet, or Our Naval Victories," was presented. This was followed by " Fast Women of Modern Times," " A Sword of Honor, or a Father's Legacy," and " Mary Price."

Dec. 9, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. W. Wallack, Jr. and E. L. Davenport began an engagement that lasted until Dec. 21, during which time they played in " Othello," Davenport as the Moor, Mr. Wallack, lago; Mrs. Wallack, Emilia,and Mrs. W. G. Jones, IDesdemona,— " Macbeth," " Hamlet," and " Richard III." Dec. 13 they appeared in " Julius Caesar," with Davenport as Brutus, Wallack as Cassius, Boniface, Marc Antony, and Mrs. Wallack as Portia. " Damon and Pythias," " Black Eyed Susan," " William Tell," " Douglas," and " Brutus, or the Fall of Tarquin," were also played during this engagement.

C. W. Clarke appeared Jan. 13, 1862, as Adolph Hudson in " The Last Nail, or the Drunkard's Vision," when Annie Hathaway acted Patty, and Louisa Browne, the Dancing Fairy. Jan. 15 "The Old Folks at Home" was presented. Jan. 16 " Eustache Baudin," was seen, with C. W. Clarke in the title r61e. Robert Jones' drama, " Scotto, or the Scout and the Spy," was first acted Jan. 20. A bene- fit was tendered to Capt. Robert Johnston, the popular actor, Jan. 22, previous to his return to the seat of war. The programme was " The Iron Mask," R. Johnston as Gaston ; John Mulligan and Andy J. Leavitt did a negro sketch ; the drama " Rafaelle," and the farce " Rais- ing the Wind." " The Seven Escapes of Adelaide of Dresden " was given Jan. 27, also a medley duet and double cracovienne by Geo. L. Fox and Fanny Herring ; followed by " G. L. Fox worried by Geo. Boniface." « Dominique the Deserter," " Cherry and Fair Star," (first time in this theatre), and " The Seven Escapes," formed the bill Feb. i. " Mabel, or the Child of the Battle Field," was first seen Feb. 4.

Fox and Lingard took a benefit Feb. 5, when "Fox Worried by




Boniface," "Faint Heart Never Won Fair Lady," " Cherry and Fair Star," "Boots at the Swan," and "The Young Widow" made up the programme. Harry Pearson and James W. Collier appeared in " Boots at the Swan," and A. H. Davenport and Fanny Browne in " The Young Widow." Geo. C. Boniface and G. L. Fox were seen as Robert Macaire and Jacques Strop. Feb. 7 G. L. Fox acted Paddy Murphy in " The Happy Man ;" Feb. 17 " The Capture of Fort Don- elson," by Harry Seymour, was played for the first time Feb. 22. " Uncle Tom's Cabin," was revived Feb. 26, with James Lingard as Uncle Tom, S. Bradshaw (first time) as Tom Loker, Fanny Herring as Topsy, Fanny Beane as Eva, G. L. Fox as Deacon Perry, and C. K. Fox as Gumption Cute. On March 13, the burlesque, "Co-lean Borne " was produced with Fanny Herring as Miles, Nunan as Danny Mann, G. L. Fox as Eily. Fox and Lingard dissolved partnership March 22, and the latter gentleman became sole lessee of the house. Fox acted Solon Shingle in " The People's Lawyer," March 26, and retired March 29. Sam Ryan and Kate Denin Ryan appeared here March 31, in "The Hidden Hand," and "The New Footman." "The Fire Raiser, or the Prophet of the Moor," was first acted April 5. For S. Bradshaw's benefit, April 9, George Lingard appeared as Richard in " Vision of the Dead." W. Petrie had a benefit April 11, when Edward Lamb, Harry Seymour, James Dunn, J. J. Prior, and Rachel Denvil were seen. E. Eddy began an engagement April 14, in a play written for him by T. B. de Walden, entitled "The Man of Destiny," which had this cast :

Joseph Faveau E. Eddy

Anatole Decoomer .... J. Nunan Flageolet S. Ryan

Marie Mrs. W. G. Jones

Diana Kate Denin Ryan

"Faustus" was played April 21, with Eddy as Mephistopheles. An afternoon and evening performance took place April 25, for the benefit of James W. Lingard. The programme was : Afternoon "Cramond Brig," Prof. J. H. Anderson as Jock Howieson, and Miss L. S. Anderson as Marion ; accordeon solo by Prof. J. Jacobs, his first appearance in seven years ; dance by Louisa Browne, ballad by S. C. Campbell, comic song by Tony Pastor ; " Faint Heart Never Won Fair Lady," Harry Parson as Ruy Gomez ; song by James Dunn ; negro sketch, " Young Scamps," by Bob Hart, Lew Sim- mons, and Master Tommy, concluding with "The Villagers." In the evening the bill was, " La Tour De Nesle," Eddy as Capt. Buridan, Mrs. Farren as Margaret of Burgundy; dance by Fanny Beane, song by Lillie Eldridge, the nautical drama, " Anchor of Hope," Harry Seymour as Topreef ; Eph Horn with his Woman's Rights lecture, T. J. Peel, jig, accompanied on the banjo by Frank Converse, dance by Galetti and Mons. Tophoff", and concluded with " The Young Widow." Joseph E. Nagle as Mandeville, Geo. C.


Boniface as Splash, Mrs. J. J. Prior as Aurelia and Mrs. J. E. Nagle as Lucy. On May 10 Eddy acted Damon, to Boniface's Pythias, in "Damon and Pythias," Paddy Murphy, in "The Happy Man," and Casper in " Der Freischiitz." N. B. Clarke's original drama " Dare Devii Pete, or the Death of Tecumseh " was first acted May 12, with Eddy in the title r61e ; Geo. C. Boniface was Tecumseh, and Mrs. W. G. Jones, Kate Lane. May 14 Eddy played Claude Mel- notte, in " The Lady of Lyons," and Looney McTwolter, in " The Army Review ;" May 17 "Zanthe," and "Jack Sheppard " formed the bill. Louisa Browne danced between the pieces. Mrs. M. A. Farren appeared May 26, as did Tommy Peel the jig dancer, with Frank B. Converse on the banjo.

" Coriolanus," was first seen in this theatre May 30, with Eddy as Caius Marcius Coriolanus, Geo. Boniface as Tullus Aufidius, Mrs. M. A. Farren as Volumnia, Mrs. Howard Rogers as Virgilia. Mrs. Farren as Katharina, to Eddy's Petruchio, in " The Taming of the Shrew." Adah Isaacs Menken began an engagement June 9, assuming nine characters in " The Three Fast Women, or the Female Robinson Crusoes." In the minstrel scene she appeared on the " bones end ; " June 1 1 she was seen in " Joan of Arc," and " The French Spy;" June 12 she appeared as Sixteen String Jack, and in the burlesque, "Lola Montez." For her benefit, June 13, she acted in " The Whistler, or the Fate of the Lily of St. Leonard's," as Corinthian Tom in " Tom and Jerry," and Polly Crisp in " An Unprotected Female," in which she sang " The Captain with his Whiskers " and several French and Italian songs, in the tenor and soprano voice, also giving her imitations of Charlotte Cushman, Mme. Fabbri, Edwin Forrest, and Edwin Booth. On June 14 Menken personated five characters in " A Day in Paris," and acted Corinthian Tom in " Tom and Jerry ; " " Mazeppa " was produced June 16, with Menken as Mazeppa. For her benefit, June 20, in addition to " Mazeppa," she appeared in the fourth act of " The Three Fast Women," and the fifth act of " Richard III," with Harry Seymour as Richard, on horseback; Menken as Richmond. For her farewell benefit, June 27, she was seen as Mazeppa, and Jack Sheppard, on horseback. Her engagement terminated June 28, when, in addition to " Mazeppa," " The Happy Man " was played, with Thomas Donnelly as Paddy Murphy. The season closed July 5.

The next season opened with N. B. Clarke as stage manager, and Harvey Blessenherz as musical director. Edward Eddy presented July 14 " The Fighting Brothers of Rome," and " The Idiot of the Mountain ; " Thomas L. Donnelly appeared between the pieces, and sang Irish songs. For Eddy's benefit, Aug. i, Edward L. Tilton played Robert Emmet in the drama of that name. Mrs. M. A. Farren was seen as Margery, and John T. Raymond as Cousin Joe, in " The Rough Diamond." Mr. and Mrs. E. L.'Davenport appeared


Aug. 4 in " Hamlet," " Othello " Aug. 5, " St. Marc " Aug. 6, 7, " The Lady of Lyons " Aug. 8, when Mrs. Alford appeared as Mme. Deschapelles, and in " Black Eyed Susan ; " Aug. 9 " Richard IH." Aug. II, 12, 13. " The Scalp Hunters " was produced Aug. 14, when Geo. C Boniface acted Jack Sheppard for the first time; Aug. 15, " Damon and Pythias." For Lingard's benefit, Isabel Cubas and her corps de ballet apppeared in a Spanish ballet. Edward Lamb acted Granby Gag, and Mollie Williams, Jennie Leatherlungs, in " Jenny Lind at Last," Aug. 16.

Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Conway were seen Aug. 18, in " Peep o' Day," for the first time in New York. " The Sea of Ice " was done Sept. 2. Fanny Denham appeared Sept. 6 as Caroline Morton in " Our Gal." "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was given Sept. 10 for George C. Ryer's benefit, when he acted Uncle Tom, Lillie Eldridge being the Topsy. Menken reappeared Sept. 15 in James Pilgrim's drama, " The Warrior Shepherd," acting a shepherd boy. " Eagle Eye " was produced Sept. 22, with Menken as Otahontas. Harry Pearson had a benefit Sept. 29, when Mrs. Cool White acted Margery, and Harry Pearson Cousin Joe, in " The Rough Diamond," followed by the quarrel scene from "Julius Caesar," Thos. W. Keene as Brutus and E. S. Kean as Cassius.

Mrs. W. G. Jones took her benefit Oct. 3, and presented " Outlaw of the Adriatic, or the Female Spy and the Chief of the Ten," fol- lowed by Fanny Beane with a Highland Fling, and a comic song by Thomas Donnelly, after which came the minstrel scene from the " Three Fast Women," followed by " The Wizard Skiff" and " Jack Sheppard." There were three Jacks during the piece. In the first act, Mrs. W. G. Jones ; second act, Fanny Denham ; third act, Geo. C. Boniface. The performance was over at quarter to two A.M. Oct. 6 the Webb Sisters Emma and Ada made their debut here, Emma appearing as Parthenia in " Ingomar," and Ada in the farce "In and Out of Place," in which she sustained five characters, sang four songs, and danced a jig. " Raymond and Agnes " was the afterpiece. Ada Webb retired from the stage several years ago, marrying William Conner, who was once proprietor of the St. James Hotel, this city. Oct. 7 " Orphan of Dowray, or the Soldier's Trials," " Actress of All Work," and " Wizard Skiff " were acted ; Oct. 8 " Bride of Lammermoor " was presented, with Emma Webb as Lucy Ashton, " The Manager's Daughter," followed with Ada in five characters, and the farce " Milly ; " Oct. 9, Emma as Juliana in " The Honeymoon," Ada in " In and Out of Place," and the drama entitled "Incendiary;" Oct. 10, Emma as Smike, in "Nicholas Nickleby," to G. C. Boniface's Mantilini, and the first appearance of Miss M. Clare as Kate Nickleby. Ada Webb acted Mrs. Hardress Cregan, and Thomas Donnelly Myles-na-Coppaleen, in the farce of " The Colleen Bawn ; " Ada Webb also played six


characters in the protean farce, " A Day Too Late." " The Irish Doctor " was the closing farce. " Kitty, or Out of the Street," was a drama written for the Webb Sisters by Charles Gayler, and acted for the first time Oct. 13. " Jocrisse the Juggler," with Geo, Boniface in the title r61e, and " The Irish Doctor " made up the programme. Miss E. James, danseuse, made her d^but Oct. 17 in a national medley dance. The Webb Sisters, closed Oct. 18, when four pieces were offered, viz. : the protean farce, " Four in One," with Emma in four characters ; the burletta, " Woman's Whims," with Ada in five characters ; " The Blacksmith of Antwerp ; " and the nautical drama " Ben Bolt."

Oct. 20, the oriental spectacular drama entitled " The Armorer of Tyre " was produced, with Geo. Boniface as Gio ; the burlesque, " Beauty and the Beast," followed, with Fanny Denham as Beauty; and " The Limerick Boy " finished the bill. The performance was over at half-past twelve o'clock. Oct. 22 " Walter Brand, or the Mendicant of St. Paul's " was seen here for the first time ; Oct. 23 " The Three Guardsmen," was presented, with Boniface as D'Arta- gnan. Saturday night, Oct. 25, there were four pieces, as follows: the three act drama " Nautical Jack ; " Rosa Cerito, Parisian dan- seuse ; first and second tableaux of " The Sea of Ice ; " Irish songs, by Thos. L. Donnelly; "Robert Macaire;" and the comic drama "One Glass More." The historical drama, written expressly for this house by G. L. Aiken, entitled " Claude Duval," was first acted Oct. 27, Boniface as Claude Duval. The farce of " Our Girl " was the afterpiece, in which Fanny Denham acted Caroline Morton and sang " Annie Laurie " and " My Johnny was a Shoemaker." The melodrama, " The Monk, the Mask, and the Murderer " was given in addition to " Claude Duval " Nov. 3. " The Idiot of the Moun- tain " and the French drama " Halvei the Unknown " were acted for the first time Nov. 5. " Zincali's Revenge," " The Flying Dutch- man," and " The Irish Tutor " were played Nov. 6. Another half- past twelve o'clock bill was that of Nov. 7, " The Sea of Ice," " The French Spy," and, for the first time here, " The Bath Road." A pictorial advertising curtain, illustrating all professions and trades, was shown for the first time Nov. 7. " Blueskin," a new drama by John F. Poole, was first acted Nov. 8. Geo. Boniface played Jack Sheppard ; J. W. Lingard, Blueskin; J. Nunan, Jonathan Wild; Mrs. W. G. Jones, Edgeworth Bess. Nov. 10 Theodore Edward Hook's drama, " The Hungarian Chief, or the Heroine of Mootgatz," was given in addition to " Blueskin." " The Death Plank," a nautical drama by G. A. Somerset, was first acted Nov. 17. Julia Christine (afterwards Mrs. Harry Miner) commenced an engagement, dancing between the pieces. The spectacular drama, " The Naiad Queen," rewritten by Joseph C. Foster, was first acted Nov. 24, and cast as follows :




Colman D. Oakley

Rodolph W. Stanton

Farcuas J. Winter

Grimalkine Page

Baron Lanagan

Lady Una Mrs. Boniface

Flavia Louisa Eldridge

Cora Shell Miss Clare

Count Rupert .... Geo. Boniface

Rinaldo T. Donnelly

Winkleman G. Lingard

Schnapps Geo. Brooks

Amphibio .... Hernandez Foster

Lurline Mrs. W. G. Jones

Coraline .... Fanny Denham

Ibex Miss Adair

Bridget Miss Hathaway

" Knights of the Mist, or Jack Sheppard from His Cradle to His Grave," was acted Nov. 29. John F. Poole's dramatization, " The Scourge of Damascus," was first seen Dec. i. Tony Denier, the inimitable clown, appeared Dec. 8 in Joseph C. Foster's comic pantomime, " Harlequin Jack Sheppard, or All Right, My Covey." It was cast as follows : Jack Sheppard (afterwards Clown), Tony Denier; Jonathan Wild (afterwards Sprite), Hernandez Foster; Thames Darrell (afterwards Harlequin), W. Stanton; Winny Wood (afterwards Columbine), Julia Christine ; Joe Blueskin (afterwards Pantaloon), George Brooks.

Anthony (familiarly known as Tony) Denier is one of the oldest living representatives of the pantomimic art in America, and has been connected with the stage in an active and managerial capacity for more than half a century. Mr. Denier is a resident of Chicago, has lived in that city since 1876, and, aside from his profession, is known in the community as one of the few representatives of the stage who have devoted the results of theatrical enterprise to the substantial growth of the city. Endowed with a reputation that is national in his peculiar line, he also enjoys the distinction of being one of the richest retired actors in the West, and his varied career leading up to this histrionic and business success possesses many points of general interest. He travelled with the Ravel company for several years, and in 1855 went to England, and for two years played at European theatres. Returning to America in 186 1, he ap- peared in a star part at the Cremorne Garden, this city. At the Old Bowery Theatre, he met George L. Fox, and got up several panto- mimes with him. He then went to Barnum's Museum, and in 1866 removed to St. Louis, where he remained a year, engaged in manag- ing the spectacular play of " The Black Crook." He made his first appearance in Chicago at McVicker's Theatre, in 1867. Returning to this city, he and Mr. Fox constructed the great novelty of "Humpty Dumpty," which was first presented at the Olympic Theatre, on March 10, 1868. In July Mr. Denier went to Cleveland, and with John Ellsler organized a pantomime company, with which he travelled two years. He managed various enterprises until 1876, took " Grimaldi " on the road for two years, and, later, Charles W. Ravel, the clown. During these years he played not only in his own specidties of pantomime, but also, at Albany, under his own man-


ageraent of the Capital Theatre, took part in " Uncle Tom's Cabin," " The Octoroon," " Rob Roy," and appeared as the demon and other characters in spectacular and comic representations. After organizing a company for "Jack and Jill" in California, in 1876, Mr. Denier went to Chicago and began a permanent managerial career. Here he formed a partnership with J. H. Haverly, and was manager of the old Adelphi Theatre for one year. He then leased Wood's Museum, which was destroyed by fire in October, 1877. He purchased a residence at Englewood, but in 1876 returned to Chicago, and for three years managed a pantomime combination with George H. Adams, the clown. When that engagement ter- minated, Mr. Denier decided to take up a permanent residence at Chicago, and, having accumulated a fortune, set about its judicious investment. His shrewd business capacity made these ventures exceedingly profitable, and he now owns nineteen pieces of fine improved property and a large amount of unimproved real estate in that city. Tony Denier was married on Jan. 24, 1861, to Mile. Auriol, the danseuse, and niece of the noted French clown of that name. Mrs. Denier died in Chicago, June 6, 1899. As a panto- mimist Mr. Denier took rank with any in the country, and as a gymnast he had few superiors.

Wm. McFarland made his debut at this theatre in " The Stran- ger " Dec. 9, it being his first appearance in New York in eighteen years. " Robert Emmet " was also played, with Mr. McFar- land in the title r61e, and the first appearance on the stage of a young lady billed as Mary Curran, also occurred. Wm. McFarland was found dead in the County Jail at Minneapolis, Minn. Jan. 31, 1888. He was an old actor, and had supported Macready, the elder Booth, Edwin Adams, and Edwin Forrest. He had been confined in jail for intemperance. N. B. Clarke took a benefit Dec. 20, when five plays were acted, and the performance was over at 12.15. The entertainment Was as follows : " The Wraith of the Lake, or Brownie

of the Brig; " the drama "The King, the D ,and the Deserter,"

followed by the burlesque of " Othello," by Frank Brower and Eph Horn, scenes from " Harlequin Jack Sheppard," and the farce " The Illustrious Stranger." " Ivanhoe " was acted for the first time here Dec. 22. Tony Denier reappeared in the pantomime "Harlequin Jack Sheppard." Tony played Jack Sheppard, and Julia Christine, Winny Wood. Dec. 3 1 Tony Denier produced his Chinese pantomime, "Kim Ka." Jan. 6, 1863, Mons. Marzetti, Mme. Marzetti, and Mons. Tophoff began an engagement in "Jocko, or the Brazihan Ape." Jan. 12 was the first night of Harry Sey- mour's dramatization of Hugo's " Les Miserables," entitled " Jean Valjean," with Geo. C. Boniface in the title r61e. "The Two Drovers" and "The Dumb Belle" were also performed, and the performance was over at 12.30. Joseph C. Foster took his benefit




Jan. i6, and his drama of " Bob Covey, the Newgate Jester, or the Daring Housebreaker of 1798," was seen for the first time, cast as follows :

Norman Fitzhazard Stephen Stoneheart Dr. Thurston . . Bob Covey . . Robt. Kidman Martin Filewood .

G. C. Boniface M. Lanagan . D. Oakley Geo. Brooks . P. Connelly . J. Winter

Tim Meagles .... T. Donnelly Miles the Beylock . Hernandez Foster Dick the Tramper . . Frank Foster

Drag J. Nunan

Eaton Wm. Marden

Emily .... Mrs. W. G. Jones

Jan. 17 the bill offered was " Bob Covey, or Harlequin Jack Shep- pard," cast as follows :

Industry .... Mrs. W. G. Jones Knowledge . . . Mrs. Geo. Boniface

Idleness Miss Hathaway

Ignorance .... Louisa Eldridge Jack Sheppard, afterwards Clown

Tony Denier Thames Darrel, afterwards Har- lequin W. Stanton

Joe Blueskin, afterwards Panta- loon Geo. Brooks

Jonathan Wild, afterwards Sprite

Hernandez Foster Winny Wood, afterwards Colum- bine Julia Christine

Owen Wood .... M. Lanagan Sir Roland Trenchard . . G. Lingard

Mendez J. Winter

Mrs. Wood ... T. L. Donnelly Edgeworth Bess .... Miss Adair

" Olympia, or the Brigands of Alrizi " was the next production, with this cast : Olympia Cigniani, Mrs. W. G. Jones ; Spalatro, J. Nunan ; Salvator Rosa, W. Marden ; Corney Brady, T. L. Donnelly ; Tommaso, P. Connelly ; Bianca, Miss Adair ; and Glanina, Mrs. Boni- face. This was followed by the farce " Hide and Seek " : Quake, Mr. Lanagan ; Simon, George Brooks ; Charles, J. Winter ; Rose, Miss Hathaway; Lucretia, Mrs. Boniface; Sophia, Miss Denham. The engagement of Geo. C. Boniface for three years at this house, as leading man, terminated with a complimentary benefit Jan. 24, when the following bill was presented : the four act play, " Retribu- tion; " the petite comedy, " Married Rake ; " dance by Julia Chris- tine; first act of "Robert Macaire;" and the comic drama "The Sky Rocket."

Edward Eddy began an engagement Jan. 26, 1863, as Myles-na- Coppaleen, in " The Colleen Bawn," with Fanny Denham as Anne Chute and Mrs. W. G. Jones as Eily O'Connor. The burletta by John F. Poole, called " The Twenty-seventh Street Ghost," was also acted for the first time. Frank Brower, the old minstrel performer, had a benefit Jan. 30, when the programme consisted of " The Col- leen Bawn," an olio by Dan Bryant, Little Mack, RoUin Howard, G. W. H. Griffin, and W. W. Newcomb, followed by the negro extrav- aganza, " The Virginny Mummy," with Frank Brower as Ginger Blue, and " The Twenty-seventh Street Gho^t." " The Last Days of Pom- peii " was produced Feb. 7, with Mr. Eddy as Arbaces. Mr. Eddy


closed Feb. 14, 1863, with "Pizarro, or the Death of Rolla," cast thus:

Rolla E. Eddy

Pizarro J. Nunan

Alonzo W. Harden

Cora Miss Hathaway

Elvira .... Mrs. W. G. Jones

Atalba N. B. Clarke

Blind Man D. Oakley

Boy Lillie Eldridge

High Priest .... G. Lingard

The nautical drama " Paul Jones " followed, with this cast :

Griffith Geo. Lingard

Kate Plowden . . Mrs. W. G. Jones Cecelia .... Mrs. Geo. Boniface Irish Woman . . . Thos. Donnelly

Long Tom Coffin .... E. Eddy

The Pilot J. Nunan

Barnstable Marden

Sergt. Drill Geo. Brooks

Col. Hervaro . . . . M. Lanagan

This was succeeded by "The Happy Man," Eddy as Paddy Murphy, with the songs, "The True Born Irishman," and "The Bold Soldier Boy ; " and " Warlock of the Glen," with Fanny Beane as Adelbert, finished the night's bill. Geo. C. Boniface reappeared Feb. 16, in " The Idiot of the Mountain " and " Yankee Jack," and Tony Denier acted in the pantomime, " Kim Ka."

Tony Denier took a benefit Feb. 27, when he offered : " Hand- some Jack ; " trapeze act by the Delevanta Brothers ; " Michael Earle, the Maniac Lover," with Wm. McFarland as the hero ; James Mel- ville and his children in acrobatic performances ; " The Magic Flute," Tony as the Clown ; after which came the carnival scene from " Gus- tavus III." and the drama " Sky Rockets." " Pauvrette " was first seen here Feb. 28, with Boniface as Bernard. John F. Poole took a benefit March 6, when he offered a bill which began with " East Lynne ; " Charley White and Thos. G. Riggs in the sketch " Pilgrim Fathers ; " H. W. Penny, the gymnast ; trial scene from " The Mer- chant of Venice ; " followed by an olio introducing Frances Le Roy in a medley, Tony Denier with a comic dance on stilts, Thomas Donnelly, comic songs, Charles Gardner, song and dance; "Hop Lite Loo," the Foster Brothers, acrobatic act, Chas. E. Dobson, banjo solo, and Caroline Edgal in a dance, followed by the farce, " The Dry Goods Clerks," Master Gibbs in a song and dance, the protean farce " In and Out of Place," with Fanny Denham in five characters, and finished with " No Irish Need Apply." James W. Lin- gard, for his benefit, March 13, presented " Laugh When You Can," " The Colleen Bawn," " Binks the Bagman," " Der Freischutz," and an olio by Frank Brower, Cool White, J. W. Glenn, Charley Fox, C. Henry, and Nelse Seymour of Wood's minstrels. " The Chevalier de Maison Rouge, or the Man of the Red Mansion," was played March 18. Edward Eddy played Damon in "Damon and Pythias," for Geo. Lingard's benefit, March 31. Fanny Denham had her benefit April 3, when the following was offered : "The Greek's Revenge," dance by Little Amelia, the farce of Jenny Lind, fiutina .solo by




R. E. Clarke of Buckley's serenaders, " The Dumb Girl of Genoa," J. H. Budworth in negro acts, " B B, or the Benicia Boy," and " Jack Sheppard," with Mrs. W. G. Jones, Fanny Denham, and Miss Hath- away as Jack Sheppard (one act each). "Satanus, or the Spirit of Beauty," by Sterling Coyne, acted in Paris under the title of " La Diable Amoureux," was first seen here April 6; also "Delicate Ground," Helen Osgood making her first appearance on the stage in the latter piece as Pauline. E. Eddy commenced April 27 in the drama, "The Police Spy." "The Star Spangled Banner, or the Yankee Tar and Benevolent Jew," was first acted April 30. " Rienzi " was produced here May 5 , with this cast :

Cola de Rienzi E. Eddy

Randulto Stone

Luigi Geo. Brooks

Stephen Colonna ... J. Winter

Stephanello G. Lingard

Nina Mrs. W. G. Jones

Sir Walter J. Nunan

Benedette . . . Louisa Eldridge Cecco del Veechie . . N. B. Clarke

Angelo Mrs. Marden

Irene Mrs. Boniface

Adrian W. Marden

John D. Oakley

Teresa Miss Hathaway

Eddy acted Charles de Moor in "The Robbers," and Ben Bow- ling in " Ben the Boatswain " May 9. " La Tour de Nesle " was given, with the "Cribb" scene from "Tom and Jerry," May 11, in which Joe Coburn gave an exhibition of the " manly art of self-defence." " Richard III." was played May 23, with Eddy as Richard, Geo. Bon- iface as Richmond, and Kate Newton as Lady Anne. " Monte Cristo " was presented May 25, with Eddy as Edmund Dantes ; May 27 " The Three Guardsmen," Eddy as Athos ; May 29 " Jean Remy." "The Duke's Signal, or the Hunchback of Paris" ("The Duke's Motto"), for the first time in America, June i, with Boniface as Lagardere, Mrs. W. G. Jones as Blanche de Caylus, Kate Newton as Pepita, and Mrs. Geo. Boniface as Blanche de Nevers. A. M. Hernandez, Lizzie Whelply, Mons. Franklin, and Hugh Clarke ap- peared June S, for the benefit of R. S. Smith, the scenic artist. "O'Neal the Great" was played June 13. N. B. Clarke took his benefit June 26, and among the volunteers were Edward Eddy, Tony Pastor, A. H. Davenport, Geo. W. Thompson, Mickey Warren the jig dancer, J. M. Smith the bone player, and G. W. Fleming, banjoist. "The Colleen Bawn," "The Young Widow," "King and Free Booter," and " La Zingara " were acted. The season closed July 4.

A summer season opened July 6 with Campbell's minstrels. Ned Davis, Johnny Booker, and Geo. Gray were in the company. M. C. Campbell took a benefit July 24, when J. E. Greene made his first appearance in this city, and sang " The Mocking Bird " song.

The next season, of 1863-64, began Aug. i. J. W. Lingard con- tinued in the management, N. B. Clarke being stage manager. The company included Geo. C. Boniface, W. Marden, J. Nunan, Geo. Lingard, George Beane, George Brooks, Andrew Glassford, Mrs.


W. G. Jones, Kate Newton, and Emma Gardiner. The opening stars were E. Eddy and Mrs. M. A. Farren, who appeared in " Brutus, or the Fall of Tarquin," Eddy as Brutus, and Mrs. Farren as Tullia ; Aug. 3, 4, " Macbeth ; " Aug. 7, " Bertram ; " Aug. 11, 12, " Faustus;" Aug. 13, " Last Days of Pompeii; " Aug. 14, " Hamlet," Eddy as the Dane, Kate Newton as Ophelia; Aug. 15, " Richard III.," Mrs. Far- ren as the Queen, Eddy as Richard. Aug. 17, "The Temple of Death " was produced for the purpose of introducing the ghost illusion. " Macbeth " was given Aug. 22. Monk Lewis' super- natural drama, " The Spectre," was acted Aug. 26, with the ghost illusion. Aug. 27 " Hamlet " was done, with the illusion in ghost scenes. Aug. 29 " Vampire, or the Ghost of the Flood," another ghost drama, was seen, and Aug. 31 came another ghost drama, " Glencoe, or the Ghost of the Highlands." Sept. 4, for Mr. Eddy's benefit, twenty ghosts were introduced in the tableaux of "The Corsican Brothers." "Guy Fawkes" was done Sept. 7, 8. For Lingard's benefit, Sept. 11, "The Carpenter of Rouen," "The Jolly Cobbler," " Robert Macaire," " Love and Crockery," and " The Bedouin Arabs" constituted the entertainment.

Shakespeare's " Tempest " was acted Sept. 14, when all the char- acters but Prospero were given with the ghost effect. E. Eddy played Caliban for the first time, Boniface was Prospero, Kate Denin was Ariel. Sept. 21 another ghost drama, entitled "The Night Demon, or the Dream Spectre," was played for the first time in America. Mons. Verrecke, the trapeze performer, made his debut here on this occasion. Sept. 25 "The Wizard Priest," a ghost drama, was seen. " The Devil in the Bowery " was the title of a local ghost drama by John F. Poole, acted Sept. 28. A benefit was given to Thomas Hyer, the champion pugilist, Oct. 7, when Dan Bryant gave his stump speech, " Dat 's What 's de Matter." " The North Pole " and " The Devil in the Bowery " were also acted. " Eva, the Irish Princess," was played for the first time Oct. 12. Charles Collins, the comic singer, appeared in his act entitled " The Cure," and did a clog dance Oct. 16. For his benefit, Oct. 30, Boniface acted Mose in "A Glance at New York" for the first time. That same night he played The Stranger, Vapid, in " The Dramatist," and Paddy Murphy in "The Happy Man." Jackson Haines, the skater, appeared here Oct. 26, also at Christy's Minstrel Hall the same night. Oct. 31, first time in America, the new drama by Ed- ward Sterling, " The Jew of Southwark, or the Mendicant's Son." This was followed by "The Flying Dutchman," and Emma Gardiner did a dance between the pieces. John F. Poole's drama, " The Soap Fat Man," was given Nov. 7, with "The Angel of the Attic," "The Knights of the Mist," and " Robbers of the Heath." Leo Hudson made her first appearance in this city Nov. 9 in " Mazeppa," with this cast :




The Castellan Seabert

Count Premislaus . . . W. Harden

ReedzlofF D. Oakley

Drolinsko Geo. Brooks

Mazeppa Leo Hudson

Thamar Geo. Lingard

Zemba P. Connelly

Olinska .... Mrs. W. G. Jones Agatha .... Louisa Eldridge

Zemila Kate Newton

Abder Kahn .... N. B. Clarke Oneiza . . . Mrs. Geo. Boniface

For N. B. Clarke's benefit, Nov. 17, in addition to "Mazeppa" (for the first time in New York), " The New York Pilot of 1792," was presented. Leo Hudson took her benefit Nov. 20, when " Mazeppa," " Warlock of the Glen," " My Fellow Clerk," and an olio made up the bill. For the week commencing Nov. 23, in addition to Leo Hudson, Edwin Blanchard and his trained dogs. Carlo and Bruin, appeared in "The Rover and His Dog." Blanchard had just returned from Europe after an absence of five years. Leo Hudson, for her benefit, Nov. 27, acted " Jack Sheppard " and " The French Spy ; " Blanch- ard appeared in " The Rover and His Dog," and Fred Lubin, the magician, gave his entertainment. Mr. Lubin retired from the pro- fession many years ago, and managed Clarendon Hall, this city. He died in this city March 3, 1900. " The Carrier and His Dog " and " Rookwood " were given Nov. 30. Dec. 4 Leo Hudson acted Narramattah in " Wept of the Wish- ton-Wish," and Geo. Davenport made his first appearance here, as Content Heathcote. Mr. Blanchard continued the star the following week, and appeared in " The Dumb Boy, or the Dogs of the Ferry," " The Carrier and his Dog," and " Felon's Death." " Dog of the Old Stone Cross, or the Vision of Death " was played for the first time Dec. 14. " Paul Clifford " was also acted, with Geo. Boniface as the hero. For Blanchard's benefit, Dec. 18, there were given : " Dumb Man of Manchester," " Richard Cceur De Leon," " Tom and Jerry," a dance by Miss Gardiner and J. M. Smith, and Wm. Adams did a banjo and bone solo. The pan- tomime " Harlequin Almighty Dollar, or the Coins of America," was seen Dec. 21, for the first time in America. Dec. 28, "The Surgeon of Paris, or the Queen and Mask," " Idiot of the Shannon, or The Harper and His Dog," and " The Sky Rockets," were given. Boniface acted Mose in "A Glance at New York," Jan. i, 1864, for the matinee, and at night the bill was " The Devil in the Bowery," " Valentine and Orson," the local drama " Scamps of New York," and " A Balloon Ascension." Kate Fisher appeared in " Mazeppa " Jan. 4, and Blanchard entered upon the seventh week of his engage- ment, acting for the first time " The Dumb Boy." Kate Fisher took her benefit Jan. 15, on which occasion Yankee Robinson made his first appearance in this city as Darius Dutton in " The Unionist's Daughter, or Life in the Border States." Kate Fisher is at present living at Bath Beach, L. I., having retired from the profession some years ago. She is the wife of John G. Magle. She was born in Boston, Mass., April 16, 1840, and had been on the stage since 1852,


having made her d^but Oct. 6, as a danseuse, at Burton's Chambers Street Theatre. Her first husband was Gaines Clark.

" Cato, or a Slave's Revenge and the Dog of the Plantation," was acted Jan. 18 (for the first time in America), with " Mazeppa." Kate Fisher commenced her fifth week Feb. i, with " Rookwood," and Blanchard his sixty-first night, in " The Shipwrecked Mariner." The afterpiece was " The Three Fast Men, or the Female Robinson Crusoes," in which Kate Fisher assumed eight characters. J. W. Lingard had a benefit Feb. 5, prior to his departure for Europe, and the attraction presented consisted of " Rookwood," Campbell's minstrels in an olio by Eddy Hughes, Frank Gerard, Ned Davis, Johnny Booker, J. H. Whiting, E. Glover, and Mert Sexton, the drama of " Blueskin," Donovan and Charles A. Madigan in an acrobatic act, and "The Three Fast Men." The curtain dropped at one o'clock. Wm. B. English's drama, " Mike Martin, the Terror of the Highway," was given Feb. 8, with Kate Fisher as Mike Martin; Feb. 15 " The Ticket of Leave Man" was produced, with Edward Eddy as Bob Brierly, G. C. Boniface as Hawkshaw, Mrs. W. G. Jones as May Edwards, George Brooks as Green Jones, Kate Newton as Sam Willoughby, Wm. Marden as Dalton, Annie Hathaway as Emily St. Evremond, Andy Glassford as Melter Moss, and Louisa Eldridge as Mrs, Willoughby. Edwin Blanchard's engagement came to a close Feb. 17. "The Ticket of Leave Man" kept the stage until March 3, when " The Colleen Bawn " was revived, with this cast :

Myles-na-Coppaleen . . . E. Eddy Hardress Cregan . . . W. Marden

Corrigan A. Glassford

Hyland Creagh .... J. Winter Mrs. Cregan . . Miss Hathaway

Kyrle Daly G. Lingard

Ducie Blennerhasset . Miss Bowes

Eily O'Connor . Mrs. W. G. Jones

Sheelah Louisa Eldridge

Father Tom Geo. Brooks

Danny Mann .... D. Nourse

Dennis P. Connelly

Bertie Seabert

Anne Chute .... Kate Newton

Mrs. W. G. Jones sang " The Cruiskeen Lawn," and " The Pretty Maid Milking her Cow." " The Police Spy " was acted March 7. It was written expressly for Edward Eddy. March 18 Eddy played Rip Van Winkle, and Capt. Buridan in " La Tour de Nesle," for his benefit. " Jerry Ledrew, or the American Jack Sheppard," was the title of a drama by John F. Poole, first acted March 28. It was cast as follows :


Jerry Ledrew, a highwayman of Paris Geo. Boniface

Keggs, his companion Geo. Brooks

Rupert Northdale D Nourse

Welton F. Evans

Gabrielle Bertin, the Deserted Mrs. W. G. Jones





AMERICA, 1796.

Jack Keggs . . Van Driecks . . Francis Darrand . Florence . . . Jack Sheppard .

. Geo. Brooks G. Davenport . Jos. Winter Mrs. Boniface Gec.Boniface

Capt. Rupert . . . . D. Nourse

Skinner A. Glassford

Spight F. Evans

Gabrielle .... Mrs. W. G. Jones Mrs. Van Driecks . Louisa Eldridge

Marie Zoe, " The Cuban Sylph," began an engagement here April 4 in " The French Spy." The oriental tale of enchantment entitled " Thalaba the Destroyer, or the Burning Sword of Hodeisa," was given here the same night. For Geo. C. Boniface's benefit, April 8, the bill was : " The Iron Chest," Boniface as Sir Edward Mortimer ; the " Flying Dutchman," Zoe as Vanderdecken ; the nautical drama "Jack's the Lad," Boniface as the noble tar; Sailors' Hornpipe by Katie Glassford ; and the farce " Hibernian," with G. C. Davenport as Dennis Murphy. The performance was over at ten minutes past one. " Cudjo Cave," a drama by John F. Poole, was seen April 11. The three hundredth anniversary of Shakespeare's birth, April 23, 1864, was observed by a benefit for the American Dramatic Fund Asso- ciation. " The Sea of Ice " was presented April 27, with Geo. Bon- iface as Marquis del Monte, Mrs. W. G. Jones as Ogarita. Kate Vance appeared May 2, in " Mazeppa." For John F. Poole's benefit, May 6, Kittie Fyffe (wife of Charles J. Fyffe) made her debut here as Nancy Strap, in "A Pleasant Neighbor." " Rookwood " was played May 9, with Kate Vance as Dick Turpin. For James Clute's benefit. May 20, Kaite Vance appeared in " The Three Fast Men." "Tom and Jerry" was also acted, and John Heenan, the pugilist. Prof. Whitney, and Millage Cornell appeared in the " Cribb " scene, in a display of the art of self-defence. " Heme the Hunter " was acted May 23, with Kate Vance as Heme.

N. B. Clarke took his benefit May 24, 1864, when "Barney the Baron," Barney Williams in the title r61e ; " Happy Man," Barney Williams as Paddy Murphy ; Frank Brower, in his " Happy Uncle Tom" act, accompanied on the banjo by W. S. Budworth; the French drama " Duel in the Snow ; " and " The Lost Son " formed the bill. Edwin Blanchard reappeared May 30, with his dog, in " The Forest of Bondy." A benefit was given to Samuel P. Mills June 3, when " The Cattle Stealers," Aynsley Cook in a ballad, " Will Watch, or the Black Phantom of the ClifF," Masters Goodwin and Collins in a clog dance, the drama of the " Toodles," with Edward Lamb as Toodles, scenes from " The Lady of the Lake," by Frank Evans and T. W. Keene, and the farce " Your Life 's in Danger," made up the programme.

Edward Eddy returned here June 6, as Badger in " The Poor of New York." " The Old House on the Bridge " was seen for the first


time June 20. " Calderoni " was also acted, with Geo. W. Thompson (first appearance) in the leading character. George Boniface and Kate Newton took a benefit June 21, when " Laugh When You Can," Boniface as Geo. Gossamer ; recitation of " Shamus O'Brien," by James M. Ward ; " Toodles," with Edward Lamb in the title r61e ; a song by Marie Boniface ; Frank Brower and Cool White in a negro act ; Kate Newton as the French spy, for the first time, " Dolly " Davenport as Col. Bernelle ; and the farce " The Irish Doctor " were offered. James Lingard had another benefit June 28, with Eddy, as Capt. O'Brallahan in the "Irish Dragoon;" Bryant's minstrels in a first part; " The Married Rake;" Tony Pastor with comic songs; Charles E. Collins, " The Cure ;" " Slasher and Crasher ;" and " All the World 's a Stage " made up the bill. It was over at half-past twelve. "The Cataract of the Ganges" was presented July 11, with Kate Fisher as Zamine, Kittie Fyffe as Ubra, and Geo. W. Thomp- son as Mokarra.

J. Burdette Howe appeared July 18 as Phidias in "The Marble Heart." This was followed by "Ella Rosenberg," and "Young America;" July 20 "Wallace, the Hero of Scotland," and "Black Eyed Susan," formed the bill, with Howe as Wallace and William in the latter drama. July 21 "Don Caesar de Bazan," "Tom Cringle's Log House," and " The Artful Dodger," were given ; July 22, " Vision of the Dead ;" July 23, " The New York Fireman," with Howe as Frederick Jerome. Aug. i, for the first time in America, was seen " Such is Life, or a Glance at the Times." Frank Brower had a benefit Aug. 3, when the nautical drama " My Poll and ray Partner Joe;" the burlesque "Mazeppa, or the Untamed Rocking Horse," Frank Drew as Mazeppa, Robert H. Craig as Abder Kahn ; Mabel Giffert in a dance ; Henry Lockwood Glenn, and Schwicardi, of Wood's minstrels, in " Come Where my Love Lies Dreaming;" Cool White and Frank Brower in a negro act and " The Dumb Girl of Genoa," with Frank Mordaunt as Strapado ; and La Belle Oceana as Julietta, formed the programme, which closed at half-past twelve. The season ended Aug. 6, with " The Reprobate's Son," " Don Caesar de Bazan," "The Pirate's Legacy," and "The Mogul Tale."

Annie Hathaway made her last appearance on the New York stage with the close of this season. She was married to Harvey Blessenherz, leader of the orchestra of the theatre, and from this city she went West, and died in Indianapolis, Ind., Feb. 2, 1894.

J. W. Lingard had many important improvements effected in this theatre during the summer recess. N. B. Clarke was stage manager, and among the members of the company were : J. B. Howe, George Brooks, Geo. W. Thompson, Geo. Lingard, G. C. Davenport, W. Marden, A. Glassford, Phillips, Seabert, Mrs. W. G. Jones, Mrs. Geo. Boniface, Mrs. Alice Brooks, and Kittie Fyffe. The season began Aug. 20, 1864, with " The Surgeon of Paris," " A Glance at




New York," and " Young America;" Aug. 22 and 23, "The Sightless Bride;" Aug. 24 and 25, "The Iron Mask," with J. B. Howe as Gaston ; Aug. 26, " Richard HI. ; " Aug. 29, " Cartouche, the Great Highwayman of Paris;" Sept. 4, "Vidocq, the Thief Taker of Paris; " and Sept. 12, " Macbeth," E. Eddy as Macbeth, J. B. Howe as Macduff, Geo. W. Thompson as Banquo, and Mrs. W. G. Jones as Lady Macbeth. Sept. 15 "Hamlet" was played, with Eddy as the Dane ; Mrs. W. G. Jones, Ophelia ; J. B. Howe, the Ghost. Sept. 16, " Damon and Pythias," Eddy as Damon, and Howe as Pythias ; Sept. 17, "Nick of the Woods;" Sept. 26 and 27, " Monte Cristo," Eddy as Dantes; Sept. 28, "The Dead Heart," Eddy as Robert Landry. For his benefit, Oct. 7, Eddy acted Shylock in " The Mer- chant of Venice," O'Callahan in " His Last Legs," and Patrick Donovan in "The Greek Spy." "The Artful Dodger" was the afterpiece. " Bessy Wild, or the Thief Taker's Daughter," by J. B. Howe, was first given Oct. 10. J. B. Howe's drama " The Merry Wives of New York" was first seen Oct. 17; "The Convict Mar- quis," and " The Charcoal Burner, or the Dripping Well of Knares- borough," Oct. 24 ; Mollie Williams and Felix A. Vincent appeared Oct. 31 in "Cricket, or the Wild Flower of Normandy," and the farce "Jenny Lind at Last." Miss M. Douglass made her d^but here Nov. 7, as Nora O'Brien in " The Irishman's Heart." " Old Phil's Birthday," was presented Nov. 11, with Felix Vincent as Old Phil Stapleton, and Jenny Fisher as Marion Hardress.

Manager Lingard took a benefit at the Academy of Music Nov. 17. Felix Vincent and Mollie Williams closed their engage- ment Nov. 19 with " The French Spy," " The Wizard Skiff," and the farces "Honest John" and "The Two Buzzards." "Fabian the Serf, and Pauline of Bourbon" were first acted Nov. 21. Mr. and Mrs. William Gomersal made their first appearance in this theatre Nov. 28, as Blinkey Brown and Sarah Sawyer in " Waiting for the Verdict." The drama had this cast:

Lieut. Fleuville . . . . W. Marden Humphrey Higson .... Connelly- Lady Emily .... Mrs. Boniface Viscount Elmore . . G. W. Mitchell Martha Roseblade Mrs. W. G. Jones Sarah Sawyer Mrs. Wm. Gomersal Rev. Owen Hylton ... J. Winter

Dec. 7 " Rob Roy," was produced, with J. B. Howe in the title r6le, and Gomersal as Dougal. Dec. 9 " The Workhouse Boy, or the Scamps of the Seven Dials," was given, with Mrs. Gomersal as Oliver Twist, Gomersal as the Dodger ; also the same night " The Child of the Regiment," in which Mrs. Gomersal acted Josephine, the afterpiece was " Blondin on the Low Rope," with Gomersal as Blondin ; " The Charcoal Man," by John F. Poole, and " The Black

VOL. II. 14

Grafton G. Lingard

Jonas G. W. Thompson

Jonathan Roseblade . . A. Glassford Earl of Milford ... N. B. Clarke Mrs. Burnley .... Mrs. Bowes Jasper Roseblade . . . J. B. Howe


Bag" an extravaganza, by J. B. Howe, were seen Dec. 12. For William Post's (officer of the house) benefit, Dec. 22, " The Muleteer of Toledo ; " " Presumptive Evidence ; " " The Artful Dodger ; " Wal- lace's Brass Band ; Marietta Ravel on the tight rope ; songs by Tommy Shields and Fred Shaw ; Prof. Whitney and Millage Cornell in a set-to with the boxing-gloves; Francis Siegrist and Master George Siegrist, trapeze act; Nelse Seymour and Master Tommy in a song and dance; and John Engler in a skating act, made up the bill. Dec. 26 J. B. Howe's drama " Jerry Abbershaw " was pre- sented ; also " The Cross of Death," with G. W. Thompson in the leading rdle.

Addie Anderson commenced an engagement Jan. 30, 1865, in " Mazeppa." She died in Chicago, June, 17, 1884. Feb. 3, James M. Nixon had a benefit, and the same ring used at Niblo's Garden for Cooke's Royal Circus was brought into requisition. In addition to " The Steel Cap," an equestrian entertainment was given by the following: George Brooks appeared as a clown for the first time; James Melville and his Australian family ; Chas. Sherwood, Joe Pent- land, Madigan and Donovan, Mme. Louise Tourniaire, Robert Stickney, M. Carron, F. Siegrist, J. Barry, John Foster, F. Burt, J. Hawkins, T. Stewart, Young Chillian, H. Metcalf, Master George, Master Sherwood, Nat Austin, and others. Feb. 6 Mollie Williams and Felix A. Vincent reappeared. " The Organ Grinder, or Nannie the Street Singer," by Auguste Waldauer, was produced Feb. 13. Mrs. W. H. Leighton and Yankee Locke were seen Feb. 20 in " Little Devil," Sam Patch in " France " and " The Fool of the Family." J. B. Howe disappeared very suddenly Feb. 23, and was arrested on board the steamer just as he was about sailing for Eng- land. He was arrested at the suit of James Lingard for a debt of ^268, and was conveyed to Ludlow Street Jail. It appears that Mr. Howe was engaged in England by Mr. Lingard for three years at a salary of ^8 per week and two half-clear benefits. After signing the contract he discovered " dollars " inserted instead of " pounds," and having previously been here, he knew the difference, par- ticularly just after the war times. But he was assured by the agent (Lingard having left London) that the error would be rectified on his arrival in New York. Mr. Howe was also to be paid for what- ever dramas he should write and were produced here. He claimed that his salary was so small that he had to borrow the amount of money from Mr. Lingard; furthermore, that Lingard owed him ;^200 for two dramas. Mr. Howe secured a lawyer, and on the ground of false imprisonment he was discharged after being incar- cerated twenty-four hours. He was advised to arrest Mr. Lingard for false imprisonment, but he preferred getting to England as soon as possible, as he had a very good offer of a star engagement await- ing him. His salary here amounted to less than five pounds (in-




stead of eight), as " shin plasters " were worth about forty-five cents to the gold dollar.

George C. Boniface and Kate Newton began a round of Shake- spearian characters, Feb. 26. March 8 a complimentary benefit was given to T. B. De Walden, and March 13, Walter Grisdale made his first appearance in America as Virginius. William Marden acted Icilius ; Geo. W. Thompson, Appius Claudius ; and Annie Hyatt, Virginia. March 14, "A New Way to Pay Old Debts," " King Lear," "Mountaineers." March 18, "Richard III." March 20, " Gaelic Chief," which ran until April 7, when Geo. Brooks took a benefit, which was not over until 12.50 o'clock. Geo. C, Charles, and Emilie Melville March 10, in " Ireland and America," " Jenny Lind," and " The Irish Lion." In consequence of the assassination of President Lincoln, the house was closed from April 14 to April 25, inclusive. It reopened April 26, with Walter Grisdale as Ethel- wood, in "The Tomb! the Throne! and the Scaffold!" May i, "Hamlet," Grisdale as Hamlet. May 5, "Macbeth," Grisdale as the Thane. E. Eddy returned May 8, as Jean Remy. May 10, "The Last Days of Pompeii." May 11, the Indian tragedy, " Man- tinimo." May 22 Henry Leslie's play, " The Mariner's Compass," was acted for the first time in America, cast as follows :

Silas Engleheart . . . . E. Eddy Trafalgar Joe ... A. Glassford Jonathan Scoaley .... Seabert Raby Deverell . . . Wm. Marden

Hetty Arnold . . Mrs. W. G. Jones

Selina Annie Hyatt

Little Annie . . . Eliza Glassford

"The Mariner's Compass" after being transformed by James A. Heme into his " original " drama " Hearts of Oak " was acted by that gentleman for many seasons. Edward Eddy closed a six weeks' stay June 10, with " Pizarro," " The Greek Spy," and " Alice May." " The Accusing Sprit, or Three Travellers of the Tyrol," June 12. "The Mysterious Marriage, or Camilla's Husband," with Mrs. Jones as Lady Camilla, June 16, for the first time in New York. Lizzie Wood was the next " Mazeppa " star, who commenced June 26. Once more Manager James Lingard made a begging appeal, in the shape of a benefit, June 27. The regular season closed July 8, with "Jack Sheppard on Horseback," the national drama, " The Star Spangled Banner," " The King and Deserter," and " Fortune's Frolic."

A summer season commenced July 10, under the management of G. C. Boniface, Kate Estelle, and G. C. Davenport joining. " Ham- let" was the initial performance, with Boniface as the Prince, Kate Estelle as the Queen, Mrs. Geo. Boniface as Ophelia, Geo. C. Davenport as the Gravedigger, and N. B. Clarke the Ghost; July 11, Boniface played Claude Kate Estelle's Pauline; July 12, Romeo ; July 13, Richelieu ; July 14, Sir Harcourt Courtley in " Lon-


don Assurance " : F. A. Tannehill first acted in this city as Dazzle ; Kate Estelle was the Lady Gay ; Mrs. Boniface, Grace ; G. C. Daven- port, Mark Meddle; Marden as Charles Courtley; Seabert, Dolly Spanker ; and J. P. Winter as Cool. " The Widow's Victim," with G. C. Davenport as Jerry Clip, in which he gave imitations of Wm. Wheatley, Barney Williams, Barry Sullivan, and G. C. Boniface; July 15, "Wallace, the Hero of Scotland," with Boniface in the title r61e, "Yankee Jack" (Boniface as Jack), and "The Happy Man;" July 17, for the first time in five years, Boniface as Luke Fielding in "The Willow Copse; " July 13, "St. Mary's Eve" and " Lucrezia Borgia" were played; July 19, "The Sea of Ice; " July 20, "Wild Oats;" July 21, "Laugh When You Can; July 22, "La Tour de Nesle," " Tom Cringle," and " Ireland As It Was." Ellen Grey was specially engaged for Margaret of Burgundy her first appearance in five years. The summer season closed July 24, with a benefit to Geo. Boniface, when " Macbeth" was acted.

The theatre closed after this performance, and reopened July 29, 1865, with the following company: Walter Grisdale, Geo. Brooks, Geo. W. Thompson, Geo. Lingard, James W. Lingard, N. B. Clarke, J. Winter, Stanton, Seabert, DeMall, R. Smith, Wilson, Annie Hyatt, Marion Willis, Mrs. Harry Jordan, Mrs. Geo. Brooks (now Mrs. Hart Conway) and Mrs. W. G. Jones. The opening programme was " Kathleen Mavourneen," " The Wandering Minstrel " and " The King and Freebooter." Aug. 4 " Richard III." was played, Walter Grisdale as Richard; Aug. 5, " Claude Duval; " Aug. 7, first time, " Dream of Destiny." James C. Dunn took a benefit Aug. 9, and the bill was: " Pizarro," J. B. Studley as Rolla; " The French Spy" was acted, Kate Pennoyer as Mathilde (for the first time), Jas. C. Dunn as Col. Bernelle ; the fifth act of " Richard III.," Sam Glenn as the crooked-backed tyrant in Dutch ; and " Barney, the Irish Tinker," James M. Ward as Barney. It was just one o'clock when the perform- ance was over. Aug. 12, the old spectacle, " Gio, the Armorer of Tyre," "The Maid of Croissy," and "The Wandering Minstrel;" Aug. 19, " Hawk, the Highwayman," in which James W. Lingard acted Sir John Boyes, also the drama " Vampire," and (for the first time) " The Midnight Banquet ; " Aug. 21, an adaptation of Le Bossu, entitled " The Duke's Signal," the drama of " The Robber of Scio," and " The Jolly Cobbler " were played ; Aug. 26, " The Blue Dwarf, or Love and Crime," followed by " The Yankee Cobbler; " "Chain of Guilt " was played, and " Landsharks and Seagulls ; " Aug. 28 was the first night of " Money and Misery." In the first piece Little Lulu (Lulu Jordan) played Hester.

Geo. C. Boniface returned Sept. 4, in " Othello," Boniface as lago, Grisdale as the Moor; Sept. 5, "Macbeth," Boniface as Macbeth, Mrs. W. G. Jones as Lady Macbeth ; Sept. 6, " Julius Caesar," Boni- face as Marc Antony ; Sept. 7, " Macbeth," Grisdale as Macbeth,


Boniface as Macduff. There were also played the same night " Buried Alive," and " The Strike." For Geo. Boniface's benefit, Sept. 8, "Robert Macaire," Boniface in the title r61e; Geo. C. Davenport, with songs and dances ; the comedy " Perfection," Harry Pearson and A. H. Davenport as Sir Lawrence Paragon and Charles Paragon ; " Sketches in India," Florence La Fond (first appearance in New York) as Sally Scraggs, J. H. Jack as Sir Mathew Scraggs, and Nelly Taylor as Lady Scraggs ; also " Blueskin," in three acts and twenty tableaux, Boniface as Jack Sheppard, James W. Lingard as Blueskin, Mrs. W. G. Jones as Edgeworth Bess, composed the bill. Mr. Boniface's engagement closed Sept. 9, and the programme was : Louisa Medina's (Mrs. Thomas Hamblin) drama, "Nick of the Woods," Boniface as Jibbenainosay ; the new three-act drama " The Life and Adventures of Cartouche, the Great Highwayman of Paris," and "The Chain of Guilt." Sept. 11 Edward Eddy appeared in "The Wizard of the Wave ; " Sept. 15, in " Pizarro," Eddy as RoUa; Sept. i6, " William Tell," " Paul Jones," and " A Glance at New York," Eddy played William Tell and Long Tom Coffin. Sept. 18, the new historical five-act drama translated from the French by Fred Schwab, " The Life and Times of Richard IIL" The national drama, " False Colors " and " Buried Alive " were also played the same evening. Sept. 25, " The Six Degrees of Crime," " Blue Dwarf," and the farce " Brown and Smith." Sept. 26, " The Courier of Lyons," "Cartouche," and "The Robber of Scio;" Sept. 27 Eddy acted Robert Landry in " The Dead Heart; " Sept. 28, " The Rag Picker of Paris," " Blacksmith of Antwerp," and " Brown and Smith ; " Sept. 29 Eddy played Jacob Odet in the French drama of that name. A lengthy bill was that of Saturday, Sept. 30, viz., the Scotch drama, " Wallace," " The Game Cock of the Wilderness," "The Irish Haymaker," and the nautical drama " Larboard Fin." Mr. Eddy acted Wallace and Sampson Hardhead in the first two plays.

E. Eddy opened the last week of his engagement 1865, Oct. 2, with the spectacular drama, " Faustus," and " The Blue Dwarf." Oct. 5 Eddy did Damon, to the Pythias of Geo. W. Thompson, and Mrs. W. G. Jones was Calanthe. For his farewell benefit, Oct. 6, " Hamlet," " His Last Legs," and " A Glance at New York " were played. Mrs. W. G. Jones was the Ophelia. " La Tour de Nesle," "The Irish Dragoon," " The Greek Spy," and "The Dutchman's Ghost " were given for Mr. Eddy's farewell appearance Oct. 7.

A benefit performance took place Oct. 13 in aid of the widow and children of Francis B. O'Keefe. Three dramas were played Oct. 14: " Jerry Abershaw," " Ireland and America," and " The Soldier's return." Oct. 16 was the first night of " Orion the Goldbeater." " The Convict's Vengeance" Oct. 18, in addition to " Orion." Oct. 21, "Love, Ambition, and Retribution," with " Dick the Newsboy"


and "A Chain of Guilt " were given Oct. 23, with Walter Grisdale and Mrs. W. G. Jones in the leading r61es. " Vidocq," " Harry Blake," and " Cavaliers and Roundheads " Oct. 28. Kate Fisher appeared Oct. 30 in "Mazeppa;" "Shandy Maguire" and the " King's Gardener " were played the same night.

A strike took place among the musicians Nov. i. The following night there was no orchestra, the only music being from a piano. Kate Fisher in "The Female American Spy." "Vidocq" and " Brian O'Lynn " were also acted. The musicians in all the theatres had been getting ^14 a week, and struck for $20. The strike ended in a compromise. A new orchestra was secured for Nov. 15, when "The Octoroon," "Our Neighbors," and "Harry Blake" were played. The cast of " The Octoroon " was :

Wah-no-tee . . Mrs. Peyton . . Geo. Peyton . . Jacob McCluskey Salem Scudder .

Walter Grisdale

. Mrs. H. Jordan

Geo. Lingard

. . J. Winter

Geo. Brooks

Pete .... Geo. W. Thompson

Zoe Mrs. W. G. Jones

Dora Annie Hyatt

Paul .... Mrs. Geo. Brooks

Walter Grisdale took a benefit Nov. 17, when "Lavater or Not a Bad Judge," was acted, with Grisdale as Lavater, and James Lingard as Betman. " Never Too Late to Mend " was also acted, for the first time in America, with this cast :

Tom Robinson . , Isaac Levy . . The Rev. Mr. Eden

Walter Grisdale G. W. Thompson , . N. B. Clarke

Susan Merton . Mrs. W. G. Jones John Meadows .... J. Winter

After this drama Albert Braham sang " Vive L' America," J. Bogan danced an Irish jig, Jake Smith did a bone solo, and J. T. Collins executed a clog dance. N. B. Clarke's drama, " O'Neal the Great," "Sixteen String Jack," and "The Smuggler" were given Nov. 18. Harry Leslie, the tight-rope walker, appeared Nov. 20, and, in addition to playing Tom in " The Dumb Man of Man- chester," made an ascent and descent on a single rope from the back of the stage to the extreme height of the theatre, performing several tricks at the same time. " Yankee Jack " and " Sixteen String Jack" were also acted. The performance closed at one o'clock. "The Blue Dwarf" was played Nov. 22. For his benefit, Nov. 24, Leslie appeared as Mushapug, a monkey, in " Jack Robin- son." N. B. Clarke's drama, " Kenneth," was given Nov. 25. " Peep o'Day" Nov. 27, and thus cast:

Kathleen Kavanagh Mr. O'Cleary . . Mrs. Kavanagh . . Barney O'Toole . .

Mrs. W. G. Jones

Geo. Thompson

Mrs. H. Jordan

Geo. Brooks

Harry Kavanagh .... Grisdale

Stephen J. Winter

Mary Grace .... Annie Hyatt Widow Mrs. Johnson

Nov. 28, " Claude Duval, the Highwayman of 1666." Walter Gris- dale played Claude, and Mrs. W. G. Jones, Nell Gwynne. " Capt. Kyd"




was acted Dec. 2, followed by " The Three Cracksmen," and con- cluding with " The Wreckers of Normandy." Dec. 4, " Robin Hood, the Bold Outlaw." Dec. 7, for the afternoon performance, the spec- tacle of " The Forty Thieves," " War in China," and " Jack Sheppard on Horseback," with Mrs. W. G. Jones as Jack. In the evening, " George Barrington, the Gentleman Highwayman," " The Three Cracksmen," and " Yankee Tars in China." Saturday night, Dec. 9, for Robert Johnston's benefit, " The Rag Picker of New York," " Jacques Strop " (" Robert Macaire "), " Dick Turpin," and " Tom King." " Grant's Campaign, or Incidents of the Rebellion," by John F. Poole, Dec. 11. "The Death Plank" Dec. 15, for Geo. Brooks' benefit ; also " Le Solitaire," " Nora Creina," and " Robber of Scio." For Saturday night, Dec. 16, three dramas were given, viz. : " Knights of the Mint," " Blacksmith of Antwerp," and " Mid- night Banquet." " The Gunmaker of Moscow, or Valdimir the Monk," by Geo. L. Aiken, Dec. 18. The cast was :

Ruric Nevel . . . Walter Grisdale Olga Winter

Valdimir ... G. W. Thompson Count DamanofE Seabert

•Paul Annie Hyatt Rosalind . . . Mrs. W. G. Jones

Zenobia Mrs. Brooks

" The Spirit of the Fountain " and Yankee Hill's drama, " Hiram Dodge," Dec. 20. For Geo. Thompson's benefit, Dec. 22, " Capt. Kyd," " Calderoni," and " Jacques Strop." " Moll Pitcher," Yankee Tars in China," and " A Glance at New York," Saturday night, Dec. 23 ; Arrah na Pogue Dec. 25.

Major Coffin Seabert

Michael Feeny .... J. Winter Fanny Power . . . Miss Simmons

Katty Annie Hyatt

Secretary N. B. Clarke

Arrah Meelish . Mrs. W. G. Jones

Col. O'Grady . . G. W. Thompson

Beamish McCoul . . Geo. Lingard

Shaun the Post . . . T. H. Glenney

Jan. I, 1866, "Horseshoe Robinson," "Aladdin," and "Land- sharks and Seagulls," made up the bill, and for the evening, " Arrah na Pogue," " Turn Him Out," and " Bandit of the Blind Mine." Mr. Glenney took a benefit Jan. 5 : "Arrah na Pogue," Bryant's minstrels, including Nelse Seymour, Dave Reed, Little Mac, and Mickey War- ren; "The Colleen Bawn," with Glenney as Miles-na-Coppaleen (for the first time in America), was the programme. For Saturday night, Jan. 6, first act " Arrah na Pogue," " Jonathan Bradford," " Knights of the Mint," and " Poor John Smidt." " Blue Lights of the Devil HoU," by Edward Fitzball, was acted for the first time in America :

Mary Glastonbury Mrs. W. G. Jones

Ernest Walter Grisdale

Galen Fog Stanton

Lucy Annie Hyatt

Patience . Frank . . Dr. Aristotle

Mrs. H. Jordan

G. W. Thompson

Geo. Brooks


This was the coldest night that had been experienced in New York in thirty-five years. Steam could not be had in the theatre, the pipes being all frozen. Andrew Glassford made his first appearance this season Jan. 13, as Titus Oates in " Claude Duval." " Seven Poor Travellers" was given Jan. 15. William Post, officer of the theatre, had a benefit Jan. 18. Thos. Q, Riggs acted Bill Williams in " Home from the War," for the first time in New York. Harry Leslie, the rope walker, did his knee-dance ; the Twenty-second Regiment drum corps played ; John Barry, in a clog dance ; the comedy of " Perfec- tion," and a comic song by Billy Holmes ; jig dance by Mickey War- ren, accompanied on the violin by Larry Dunn ; Geo. Thompson and Little Mac in a sketch, and Prof. Heintz and his pupils L. Frederick and Emil Rosenbaum with the foils ; A. P. Walcott, roller-skating act ; Francois Siegrist and his son George, in a posturing act, and " Barney the Baron," G. C. Davenport acting Barney. The receipts were $1,2^2. " The Death Plank, or The Child of the Ocean," " The Persecuted Dutchman," and " George Barrington," were seen Jan. 19. " The Convict Marquis " was done Jan. 20, with " The Soap Fat Man ; " Jan. 22 " Captain Macheath, or the Black Rivers of Houn- slow Heath," the Scotch drama, " Gilderoy," and " Brian O'Lynn," were given. The new London burletta, " Mrs. Green's Snug Little Business," was acted Jan. 27. " Raoul the Knight, or the Magician of Grenada," was first seen here Jan. 29.

For James W. Lingard's next benefit, Feb. i, the bill was : "The Rival Dutchmen," W. J. Thompson as Bimblebeck, Geo. Thompson as Vatchell ; the Hanlon Brothers in gymnastic and acrobatic acts ; " The Hole in the Wall," J. W. Lingard as Thomas ; Billy Birch and Charley Backus, of the San Francisco minstrels, in their Othello and Macbeth sketch ; Little Mac in " The Essence of Ole Virginny ; " Rollin Howard, Nelse Seymour, Dan Bryant, Tony Pastor, in comic songs ; Harry Leslie, with his knee-dance ; A. P. Walcot, on roller skates ; song by Pat McGowan ; and the drama, " A Thumping Legacy.' For Saturday night, Feb. 3, "The Highwayman of 1776, or the American Jack Sheppard," by John F. Poole ; " The Charcoal Man, or New York Fast Life," and " False Colors," were seen. T. H. Glenney returned here Feb. 5 in " Arrah na Pogue." Geo. C. Boniface reappeared here Feb. 12, as Carlos in "The Sea of Ice," with this cast :

Carlos Boniface

Henri de Lascours G. W. Thompson Jean Stanton

Louise de Lascours and Ogarita

Mrs. W. G. Jones Barabas Geo. Brooks

On Feb. 15 Boniface acted Edward Middleton in " The Drunkard," and Jolly Jack in "Jack's the Lad." For Saturday night, Feb. 17, Boniface appeared as Julio Dormilly in " The Six Degrees of Crime," and Vanderdecken in " The Flying Dutchman." The farce of " The


Irish Doctor" was also acted. " Macbeth" was done Feb. 19, Boni- face as Macbeth, Mrs. W. G. Jones as Lady Macbeth ; Feb. 20, "Richelieu;" Feb. 21, "The Stranger;" and Feb. 22, "Jocrisse the Juggler." Mrs. W. G. Jones took a benefit Feb. 23, when " Medea," " Esmeralda," and " The Rival Dutchmen " were played. Matilda Heron was Medea. It was the first and only appearance of that actress at this house. Mrs. Jones played Creusa; Walter Gris- dale, Jason. Feb. 24, Boniface acted Sir WilUam in " Wallace the Hero of Scotland," and Jibbenainosy in " Nick of the Woods." " A Glance at New York " finished the bill. Feb. 27 the entertainments, afternoon and evening, were for the benefit of the sufferers by the burning of the American Theatre at No. 444 Broadway. A regular variety performance by the company from the late " /i/|/) " establish- ment, and " Home from the War," was the matinee bill. The even- ing show commenced with Charley White's farce, " The Mischievous Nigger," with Charley White, C. B. Reynolds, T. G. Rigg, A. Glass- ford, and Annie Hyatt in the cast. This was followed by a series of sketches and acts by Johnny Thompson, Frank Kerns, J. Morrissey, W. F. Bush, Florence Wells, Andy Leavitt, Charley White, Fanny Forrester, Emma Ross, Lucy and Sallie Clinetop, and concluded with the drama " Trial by Battle."

George Boniface took a benefit March 2 and presented "The Lady of Lyons." Agnes Perry (afterwards Agnes Booth) was the Pauline; Jas. Lingard, Col. Damas; and Mr. Boniface, Claude Melnotte. " Sketches in India " introduced Mrs. Geo. Boniface as Sally Scraggs. The legendary drama, " Der Freischiitz " (Boniface as Caspar), "Blueskin" (Boniface as Jack Sheppard), and "Le Solitaire," was the closing programme of Boniface's engagement, March 3. The company burned out at Butler's Theatre, 444 Broadway, commenced a two weeks' engagement in conjunction with "Brian Boroihme." "The Forest Keeper " was first acted in America at this house March 19. " The Sphinx Mystery " March 26. "The Bohemians, or the Rogues of Paris" was seen for the first time in America March 29. " Bessie Wild, the Thief Taker's Daughter, " March 31. Walter Grisdale was seen for the first time as Jack Sheppard ; andj. W. Lingard, Joe Blueskin. " Edgeworth Bess or Jack and His Bride, " was played April 2. A benefit was given to the Workingmen's Union April 3, when Bryant's and the San Fran- cisco minstrels, Tony Pastor's Opera House company, T. G. Nolan, jig dancer, and H. C. Dobson, banjoist, appeared, the dramatic company playing "The Rent Day." N. B. Clarke took a benefit April 6, and " The French Spy " was given. Marietta Ravel as the Spy, P. Connelly as Mohammed ; double song and dance, by John- son and Prendergast; "The Butcher Dog of Ghent;" double clog dance by the Lancashire Boys; and "Ireland As It Was." Frank Evans played Neil O'Carolan; Jenny Walters, Judy O'Trot; and Geo. Davenport, Pat.


At four years of age Marietta Ravel made her first appearance before the public, at Boston, Mass., in company with the Ravels, and gave a performance on the tight rope. She continued one of the principal features of the Ravel Family for several years, visit- ing France, England, and other countries. After several years of retirement she reappeared in public during the war, at the Palace Garden in this city (Fourteenth Street and Sixth Avenue), on the tight rope. She was next seen at the Canterbury Music Hall, where, as a premUre danseuse, she continued for some time. It was while here that she married Martin W. Hanley, at that time in the orchestra of that establishment, and who for some time has been the manager for Edward Harrigan and Robert Mantell. On March 13, 1865, she acted "The French Spy," at Pittsburg, for the first time.

George Davenport was an Irish comedian of great promise. He died in St. Luke's Hospital, this city, Jan. 25, 1884, when a little over forty years of age. He was married to Kate Newton (sister- in-law to George Boniface), Oct. 8, 1865. She afterwards became the wife of Charles Backus, the minstrel performer.

Leo Hudson appeared here in " Mazeppa " April 9, with George W. Thompson as Abder Khan. This lady was formerly the wife of Charles Backus. She appeared April 14 as Otapontas, in "Eagle Eye." Leo Hudson died at St. Louis, Mo., June 2, 1873. Her last appearance on the stage was at Wakefield's Opera House, that city. May 10, of the same year. While performing "Mazeppa" at a matinee performance, she received serious internal injuries by her horse. Black Bess, missing her footing, and falling to the stage, while Miss Hudson was bound to her back. She was bom at London, England, while her parents were on a visit to that country.

Imogene Tracy made her first appearance here April 9, as Eosetta in " The Swiss Swains. " " The Cataract of the Ganges " was pre- sented April 16, with Leo Hudson as Zamine, Walter Grisdale as Mokarra. For her farewell benefit, April 20, Miss Hudson acted Don Csesar, in "Don Caesar de Bazan," and Gen. Putnam, in "Putnam, the Iron Son of '^6." "Phorty Thieves, or ye Robbers on Basket Horses," by John F. Poole, was given April 23 for the first time. Prof. W. Tanner and his performing dogs and monkeys appeared April 30. "The Scottish Chiefs" was seen May 4 for Grisdale' s benefit. Among the volunteers were Albert Braham in songs, and Louise Carman (from Wallack's) in a dance. G. W. Thompson had a host of volunteers for his benefit May 1 1. They were as follows: Kathleen O'Neil, Albert Braham, R. W. Smith (tambourine solo), assisted by Tom Wadde, Johnny Mack, Master Morissey, Lew Brimmer, Georgina Tracy, Charles and George Dobson, Harry King, Profs. Whitney and Cornell, Mickey Warren,


and Cronin and Collins. Edward Eddy and Henrietta Irving ap- peared May 21 as Claude Melnotte and Pauline in "The Lady of Lyons." May 22 "The Merchant of Venice," Eddy as Shylock and Miss Irving as Portia, was played; May 23, "Hamlet" and "The Day After the Wedding;" May 24, "The Stranger," Eddy in the title r61e, Miss Irving as Mrs. Haller. Also " Black Eyed Susan," Eddy as William, and Miss Irving as Susan. "La Tour de Nesle," "Taming of the Shrew," "The Irish Haymaker," and "The Rendezvous" formed the bill for Eddy's benefit, May 25, when he acted Capt. Buridan, Petruchio, and Looney McTwolter. For Miss Irving's benefit. May 26, "Nick of the Woods," "Tam- ing of the Shrew," and "Ben the Boatswain " were given.

Mme. Celeste began an engagement May 28 in "The Woman in Red," which kept the stage all the week. June 4 Celeste acted the dual r61e in "The House on the Bridge of Notre-Dame," Mr. Grisdale playing Torquerolles.

Walter Grisdale died in England, Feb. 13, 1883, of inflamma- tion of the lungs, aged fifty-nine years. For Celeste's benefit and last appearance, June 8, the programme was: "The Child of the Wreck," Celeste as Maurice, followed by "Customs of the Coun- try," Barney Williams and George Becks as Melissa and Mortimer Sparkle; after which "Barney the Baron," Barney Williams in the title rdle, and concluded with "Green Bushes," Mme. Celeste as Miami. June 9 " Captain Macheath," " Yankee Jack," and " State Secrets," made up the bill, when the season closed, and George Brooks retired from the theatre. Probably no low comedian that has ever appeared in the Bowery enjoyed a more extended or better- earned reputation than Mr. Brooks. His widow is now known as Mrs. Hart Conway. Charles F. Seabert died in this city Oct. 29, 1887, aged fifty-one years. A summer season commenced June 16, with Sheridan Corbyn as manager, and James Schonberg as stage director. The attraction was the Buislay Family of acro- bats, pantomimists, and gymnasts, comprising fitienne, Adolphe, Auguste, Julio, Greuet, Justin, Joaquin Buislay, and Mile. Louise. With them was a dramatic company, for the presentation of come- dies and farces. It included Sallie A. Hinckley, Alicia Thorne, Fred Woodhull, L. R. Benneaux, George Roundy, J. W. Pember- ton, George and Alfred Becks, Wright, Williams, M. Grossi, Mme. Strebinger, Blanche Chapman, and Carrie A. Moore, skater (the latter' s first appearance in New York).

The last season of this house commenced Aug. 4, 1866. James W. Lingard was manager, N. B. Clarke, stage manager, and Ben- jamin Dean, musical director. Geo. W. Herbert was prompter, and had been so from the first night the theatre opened. The principals of the company were : James W. Lingard, N. B. Clarke, W. H. Whalley, G. W. Thompson, Belvil Ryan, George Lingard,


Stanton, Andrew Glassford, Violet Campbell (Mrs. Belvil Ryan),

A. Glassford, Jr. , E. and A. Powell, and Sarah Steele. The open- ing bill was "Damon and Pythias," "Wilful Murder," and "Bach- elor's Buttons." This was William H. Whalley's first appearance in this house (as Damon), Violet Campbell's (Mrs. Belvil Ryan) first appearance in the United States, and Belvil Ryan's American debut. Violet Campbell and Belvil Ryan played Sam Daisy and Fanny Wilton in "Bachelor's Buttons." Aug. 6 "Macbeth" was given, with Whalley as Macbeth, G. W. Thompson as Macduff, N.

B. Clarke as Banquo; Violet Campbell, Lady Macbeth; and Belvil Ryan, First Witch. " The Phantom of Tormenar " was seen for the first time Aug. 8. Saturday night, Aug. ii, "Six Degrees of Crime" "The Flying Dutchman," and "Brian O' Lynn," formed the bill. " The Mysteries of Carrow Abbey " was presented Aug. 13; "The Three Red Men, or the Brothers of Bluthaupt," Aug. 20. Edward Eddy and Henrietta Irving reappeared Aug. 27, in "The Jewess" and "Handsome Husband." Rachel Denvil made her first appearance here Aug. 27 as Rachel the Jewess. " Roc- ambole " was first seen here Sept. 3, cast thus :

Bacaret )

Mme. Charmetl Joseph Flippart > Rocambole i

Henrietta Irving .... Eddy

Andrea G. W. Thompson

Jean Belvil Ryan

Count A. Glassford

Valentine Asbury Dowd

Sept. 7 Eddy acted Chas. de Moor in "The Robbers," and Petruchio in " Taming of the Shrew. " He appeared as Belphegor Sept. 10. He was the original of this character in America. Sept. 13 Eddy was seen in "The Dead Heart;" Sept. 14, "The Streets of New York," Eddy as Badger, Henrietta Irving as Dan; Sept. 20, for Lingard's benefit, "The Serious Family," Eddy as Captain Murphy Maguire, Henrietta Irving as Widow Delmaine; Tony Pastor, in comic songs; "All the World's a Stage;" ballad by Charles Henry; Frank Brower and Eph Horn, in a negro sketch; bone solo by John Smith, and the Dutch farce, "Moses Wokkle." " The Last Days of Pompeii " was done Sept. 22. " Osanore " by Edwin F. de Nyse (who afterwards married Lulu Prior), was acted Sept. 24; Oct. I "Paul Clifford" was given, with William Whalley as Paul Clifford.

William H. Whalley died in St. Francis' Hospital, this city, April 7, 1876. He was born in County Donegal, Ireland, Aug. 28, 1837. He came to America at an early age, and made his debut on the stage at the Arch Street theatre, Philadelpha, Pa., acting a minor character in "Speed the Plough." His last public performances were at the Stadt Theatre, this city, during a brief season in November, 1875. His remains were interred in Calvary cemetery.




John F. Poole's " Gaelic Chief " was first acted Oct. 8. There were nearly two hundred "supers," and they made a lively scene at the gathering of the Clans of Scotland when Wm. Cleland and Peter Bowman, Scotch bagpipers, were first heard in this city. The Irish drama, "Eva the Irish Princess," was first seen Oct. 27. John F. Poole's prize drama, "Captain Heron, or the Highwayman of Epping Forest," Oct. 31 ; "The Gunmaker of Mos- cow," and " Jonathan Bradford " were acted Nov. 3. " The Black Cat of Coventry "was done Nov. 12. "Mazeppa." Nov. 23, " Cataract of the Ganges;" Nov. 24, "Jack Sheppard on Horseback;" Nov. 26, "The Three Fast Men," with Kate Fisher in eight characters; Nov. 30 she appeared in "The French Spy on Horseback," and "The Young American Actress." Dec. i, "Handsome Jack on Horseback;" Dec. 4 the pantomime of "Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son" was acted for two weeks. Harlequin, W. Stanton; Clown, Little Mac ; Pantaloon, Andrew Glassford ; and Columbine, Katie Glassford. " Crohoore na Bilhoge " was played Dec. 14. Augus- tin Daly's "Griffith Gaunt" was first seen here Dec. 17 with the following cast :

Griffith Gaunt . . W. H. Whalley Geo. Neville . . G. W. Thompson The Attorney General . . Ashbury Lawyer Houseman . . . G. Lingard Manager of the Royal Timbuctoo

Pearson Manager of the Royal Princess Baker Prof, of Royal Game .... Hall

Crier of the Court Kate Peyton . Mercy Vint . Caroline Ryder A Pretty Gypsy Squire Peyton

, . Wilson

. Rachel Denvil

Violet Campbell

Mrs. A. Glassford

Miss Francis

A. Glassford

Father Francis Wright

Brother Leonard Dowd

Chief Justice Seabert

Ned Galton Wheeler

Tom Leicester .... Belvil Ryan

Paul Carrick Stanton

Old Vint J. B. Mason

John Noakes Davis

Thos. Styles Starr

Hayes Pearson

Dame Vint Mrs. Bowes

Jane Frost Miss Farwell

Betty Miss Fenton

Meg Miss Davenport

" The Middy Ashore " was also acted. The same bill was an- nounced for Dec. 18, but on the afternoon of that day the house was destroyed by fire. The scenery in the theatre at the time of its destruction came from the old Broadway, Burton's Chambers Street theatre, the Chatham and Old Bowery theatres. The property was owned by ex-Judge James R. Whiting, and was leased for several years by James W. Lingard. In general appearance the house resembled the Old Bowery theatre. Messrs. Fox and Lingard held it at an annual rental of ;jS7,ooo, with the privilege of purchasing it at ;^i6o,ooo, with the term of lease ten years. The fire broke out about half-past four o'clock in the afternoon, and was discovered under the stage. In twenty minutes after the fire was seen the rear wall in Elizabeth Street fell out with a terri- ble crash. The loss was ^150,000, partly covered by insurance.



THE NEW SANTA CLAUS was a place of amusement located at 72 Prince Street, opposite the Metropolitan Hotel, three doors east of Broadway. It was opened Jan. 15, 1859. The man- ager (H. Williams) had been running a Santa Claus at 596 Broad- way, but his lease expired, and he located here. Josephine West, Eva Brent, Miss Franklin, Ed. Warden, Jerry Merrifield (stage manager), and Julia Barton were among the attractions of the place.


THE vacant lots at the southwest corner of Sixth Avenue and Fifteenth Street were often used for open air entertainments, and here Harry Whitby & Go's circus appeared under canvas for a season beginning June i, 1859.


AT the junction of Broadway and Thirteenth Street were other open spaces, and here Joe Pentland's circus began a season under canvas June 6, 1859. Mons. De Bach, Richard Hemmings, Tom King, Painter, and Durand were in the organization. Sam Long was clown, Frank Whittaker ringmaster, and John G. Sloat proprietor and manager.


A HOUSE with a varied and picturesque career is Irving Hall, situated on the west side of Irving Place, at the cor- ner of Fifteenth Street. The first entertainment here was a ball on Dec. 20, i860. George Christy's minstrels opened May 21, 1861. For a long time the house was used for balls, lectures, concerts, and miscellaneous entertainments of a high character. It had no stage, but a flat floor with a small gallery. Nully Pieris gave a concert here Sept. 10, 1864, assisted by Mme. d'Angri, Barnetchie, Sig. Abella, Sher. C. Campbell, and William Castle. Fallon's stereopticon was on exhibition Sept. 12 to Oct. i. Mr. Oscanyan lectured here Oct. 3; concerts by Jerome Hopkins Oct. 11, and Gustave Geary Oct. 13. Cordova gave his series of lectures for one week, commencing Nov. 19, 1865; Theodore Thomas' concerts took place Dec. 3, Jan. 3, 7, 17, 1866, and March 30; Strakosch gave a concert April i. Artemus Ward commenced a series of lectures Aug. 28, and his last appearance here was Sept. 5. Mme. Parepa (afterwards Parepa-Rosa) made her American d^but

1866] IRVING HALL 223

here Sept. 1 1 in concert under the management of H. L. Bateman, Carl Rosa, violinist, and E. Danreuther, pianist, made their American debut at the same time. Theodore Thomas' orchestra also appeared. Parepa sang an aria from "Ernani," "The Night- ingale's Trill," and the waltz, "II Baccio. " For three weeks in September, 1866, Prof. M. Hartz, the magician, appeared here. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Paul came Oct. i, making their American debut in an entertainment consisting of a sketch, " Ripples on the Lake ; " the song, " Ship on Fire ; " " The Dream of the Reveller ; " and imitations of Sims Reeves. This was Mrs. Paul's part of the programme. Howard Paul sang "When George III. was King" and " Napoleon III." After a few months they returned to Europe. They revisited this country in October, 1869. Mr. Paul has visited America frequently since then, but not professionally. Mrs. Paul did not return after her second visit. These artists danced the Can-can in an entertainment at Philadelphia, at Concert Hall the first time it was ever done in this country.

Mrs. Paul was formerly Miss Featherstone. One of her great- est successes was achieved as Capt. Macheath, in "The Beggar's Opera," at the Strand Theatre, London, in 1853, and she repeated it in the same r5le at the Haymarket Theatre, in 1854. In that year she married Howard Paul. A prominent feature in their en- tertainment, called " Patchwork, " was the " Living Photograph of Sims Reeves," given by Mrs. Paul, which was an astonishing re- production of that great tenor's voice, style, manner, and personal appearance, without any degree of caricature. Her voice was a pure contralto, with a compass of three octaves, ranging from A in the bass clef to A in alt, and her lower tones were very rich and powerful. Mrs. Paul returned to the dramatic stage in 1869, at Drury Lane, London, Eng., acting in "Macbeth," Mr. Phelps and Charles Dillon playing Macbeth on alternate nights. She died at London, England, June 6, 1879. Howard Paul was born at Phila- delphia, and made his first appearance on the stage at Bath, Eng- land, in 1854, in a farce written by himself, entitled " My Neighbor Opposite." As an actor and mimic, he hits off his characters with a ready liveliness and ease of manner that at once places him on good terms with his audience. He has written various plays of a light character for the stage.

During this season Irving Hall was occupied by H. L. Bateman with a series of concerts, and among the artists who appeared were Richard Croker, the Formes Brothers, Jehin Prume, A. H. Pease, Mrs. Emma Gillingham Bostwick, Zelda Harrison, Mme. La Comtesse de Ferussac, St. Ann's Sunday-school, Maria Brain- erd, Blind Tom, Mme. De Lussan, George Simpson, Theodore Thomas, Kate McDonald, G. W. Morgan, W. R. Johnston, Trinity Choir, Robt. Elder, the Beethoven society of Yale


College, the Mendelssohn Union, Olive Logan, and De Cordova in lectures.

During the season of 1867-68 concerts were given by Charles Henry, the minstrel performer, Budworth's minstrels, Lafayette Harrison, Mrs. Agnes de Vere, Mme. Eugenie de Lusan, Ignatz Pollak, Wenzel Kapta, Mrs. Anna Payne, Mrs. Jenny Busk, J. H. Warwick, Mina Geary, Fred Bergener, Mile. Ghioni, W. J. Hill, the Mendelssohn Union, Blind Tom, Fanny Landsman, and Henry Sanderson, and other entertainments by Arthur Sketchley, Walter Hope Wallack, Mrs. Theresa Yelverton, and George VandenhofE. Kinney's diorama, illustrative of Lincoln's funeral ceremonies, was unrolled Aug. 31, 1868, and continued for three weeks. Dur- ing this season concerts were given by Ignatz Pollack, Edward Hoffman, Jenny Kempton, the Mendelssohn Union, C. Henry, Signora Filomena, W. K. Bassford, Mina Geary, Henry Sander- son, and Sig. Manzocchi. Professor Cromwell gave his lecture here with success. A Lodge of Sorrow was held here Sunday afternoon, March 14, 1875, by the B. P. O. Elks. The committee of arrangements were: Geo. J. Green, Henry P. O'Neil, Tony Pastor, Frank Gerard, Charles T. White, Joseph F. Waring, Robert J. Martin, and the writer of these pages. Nothing of note occurred here until Oct. i, 1877, when the hall was opened by John Wild as a variety theatre. It was christened the Grand Central, but business was so bad that it existed just one week. As a concert hall this place lost caste as soon as Steinway Hall was opened, and Irving Hall gradually fell into disuse. The hall was demolished in July, 1888, in order to erect a new German theatre. Gustav Amberg, who had been managing the Thalia (Old Bowery) Theatre, with German dramatic performances, was the builder. The first performance in the new house, which was called "The Amberg Theatre," occurred Dec. i, 1888.

Theodore G. Stein designed, and John and L. Weber built the Amberg Theatre. It has a total seating capacity of twelve hundred and fifty. The stock company consisted of one hundred and twenty members. " Ein Erflog " was the initial performance, repeated Dec. 3. " Tilly " was done Dec. 4, 5. " Farinelli " had its first American production Dec. 20, with Ferdinand Schultz in the title r81e. Max Lube was seen as Don Coschambo, Herr Friese as Pancho, Fraulein Englander as Manuela, and Frau Habrich as Donna Elvir.

Jan. I, 1889, "Prince Methusalem " was seen. August Junker- mann opened Jan. 4 in "Onkel Braesig." "Unser Doctor" was sung. Jan. 28 Sadie Martinot made her first appearance on the German stage, when she acted Bettina in " La Mascotte." August Junkermann appeared Jan. 29, 31, and evenings Feb. 2, 4, 6, 7, in "Unser Doctor." For Junkermann's benefit, Feb. 7, "Aus der




Franzosenzeit," "Vorn Juristentag. " Sadie Martinet appeared as Bettina Feb. 5, 8. A professional matinee of " The Mascot " oc- curred Feb. 7. Mathilde Cottrelly made her debut here Feb. 9 in "Die Salon Tyrolerin. " On Feb. 13, the "Grand Opera," by Tannhauser, music by Binder. Junkermann closed his engage- ment Feb. 27. Thessa Klinkhammer made her American debut Feb. 28 as Cyprienne, in the German version of "Divorcons;" March i and 2 she appeared in Benedix's " Aschenbroedel. " The season of 1889-90 opened Sept. ig with "Hans Fourchambault. " On Sept. 20 Karl Streitmann, the Vienna tenor, made his Ameri- can debut in "The Gypsy Baron," and on Sept. 21 Ling Bendel, a new soubrette, was seen in " The Seamstress. "

Henrik Ibsen's drama, "Die Stuetzen der Gesellschaft " ("The Pillars of Society "), was given for the first time in America Oct. 26. This was the cast :

Consul Bernick . . . Frl. Weinert

Oscar Frl. Sterneck

Johann Tonnsea . . Herr Eisfeld Ailmar Tonnsen . . . Herr Walter Oberleh Lund . . . Herr Ottbert

Rummel Herr Meyer

Wigland Herr Rauk

Sandstadt Herr Linnhold

Krapp Herr Bach

Auner .... Fraulein Bernick Dina Dorp . . Frau Rummel Frau Dr. Lange . Fraulein Rummel Fraulein Holt Frau Holt . . . Fraulein Lonahesse!

Herr Kierschner . Frl. Christien . . Frl. Burg . Frl. Schmitr Frl. V. Varndal . Frl. Schroeder . . Frl. Bella . . Frl. Kuhn Frl. Leithner

It was repeated Oct. 27 and 28. The week was otherwise filled by Ernst Possart, who gave a performance Oct. 25 in "Drei Braeute auf Einmal," and by matinees Oct. 25, 26, 27, and 28, of "Snow White," and "Cinderella," etc. The house was dark Oct. 23.

Herr Possart reappeared in America Oct. 29 in Lindau's sombre tragedy, " Die Bluthochzeit ; " Oct. 30, in " Friend Fritz ; " Nov. r, as Shylock, in "The Merchant of Venice." He appeared every evening, except Nov. 5, of the week of Nov. 4, as follows: Nov. 4, "Bluthochzeit;" Nov. 6, "The Merchant of Venice;" Nov. 7, 9, " The Judge of Zalamea ;" Nov. 8, " Friend Fritz. " Possart acted "Drei Braeute auf Einmal" ("Three Brides at Once").

The first American performance of " Der Richter von Zalamea " was given Nov. 17 with this cast: Pedro Crespo, Ernst Possart; the King, Herr Meyer; Don Lope de Figuersa, Herr Kierschner; Don Alvaro, Herr Hillman; Don Mendo, Herr Friese; Juan, Herr Eisfeld; Nuno, Herr Rauk; Isabel, Frl. Christien; Ires, Frl. Schroeder ; Chispa, Ling Bendel. " Martha " was sung Dec. 3 when Herr Goosky made his American debut as Lionel. Otto Hegner, the pianist prodigy, gave recitals afternoon of Dec. 9 and II assisted by members of Mr. Amberg's company. On the night of Dec. 8 Johann Strauss' three-act comic opera, " Venetianische

VOL. II. 15


Nachte," was sung. Its English version, "A Night in Venice," was made familiar to New Yorkers by the Duff opera company at Daly's theatre a few years before.

Mme. Hermine-Claar-Della, wife of the director of the opera and theatre at Frankfort on the Main, a favorite actress of Berlin, made her American d^but on the night of Jan. i6, 1890, as Coun- tess d'Autreval, in "Der Damenkrieg" (Herr Olfers' German translation of Scribe's "Une Bataille des Dames "), known to us as "The Ladies' Battle," and as Frangoise Dumesnil, in "Die Schauspielerin " (W. Friedrich's adaptation of M. Fournier's one- act comedy, "The Actress"). "Fernande," the German version of Victorien Sardou's drama of that name, was acted Jan. 22, with Mme. Claar-Della as Clotilde, and Else Hoffmann in the title r61e.

"Der Fall Clemenceau " was presented Jan. 27. Feb. 12 was the first American performance of Carl Millocker's three-act comic operetta, " Die Sieben Schwaben " (" The Seven Suabians "), cast as follows :

Junker Otmar . . Karl Streitmann

Stickel Herr Meyer

Kathchen . . Fraulein Zimmermann Emerenzia .... Frau Habrich

Bombastus Herr Rotter

Spakle Herr Schmitz

Hannele . . . Fraulein Englaender

Nicodemus . . Erasmus . . . AUgauerle . . . Gelbfukle Schwab Knopfle Schwab . Spiegle Schwab . Blitz Schwab . .

Herr Sinnhold Herr Horwitz . Herr Friese . Herr Korn Herr Walter Herr Ceroid . Herr Rauk

On Saturday night, Feb. 15, Herr Schubert's German version of "Belle-Maman," called "Die Gute Mama," was acted for the first time in this country.

Herr Possart and Frau Claar-Della were the stars for the week commencing March 3. For his benefit, March 5, Herr Possart played "King Lear." Evening of March 8 saw the first perform- ance in this city of "Familie Meyer," a four-act musical farce, by F. Berent, with music by Herr Wegirn. Herren Walter Friese, Ottbert, and others were in the cast. Ernst Possart did not appear March 10, though billed in "King Lear." "The Meyer Family" was substituted. On March 12 was presented for the first time in America, " Die Ehre " (" Honor "), a four-act drama by Hermann Sundermann.

On April 10 Franz von Suppe's comic opera, " Die Jagd Nach dem Glueck, " for the first time in America in its original German form. The English version of it is known as "Clover." Karl Streitmann sang the r61e of Rudolf; Fraulein Zimmermann, Stella; Fraulein Englaender, the Foster Sister; Herr Friese, Jr., Casimir; and Fraulein Von Varndal, Florine. On April 17, for August Walter's benefit, "Die Nachbarinnen " and "Im Puppenladen" were given, and were also seen April 18 and 19. "Die Nach- barinnen " is from the French, and was here played for the first




time in this country. " Die Amazone," by Von Moser and Thurn, was given April 29 for the benefit of Herr Ottbert. It had this cast : Plumicke, Herr Rauk ; Grunlich, Herr Friese, Sr. ; Arthur Prinz, Herr Ottbert; Vorberg, Herr Horwitz; Julie, Frl. Kuhn; Rika, Frl. Burg; Marie, Frl. Bella; Frau Schnabel, Frl. Schmitz. " Morilla " was sung for the first time here on May 2, for the bene- fit of Carola Englaender. "Der Verschwender " was given May 7. "Der Zigeuner Baron" was seen May 8, in which Herr Streit- mann appeared. At the beginning of the performance, Carola Englaender, cast for Arsena, became suddenly ill. As it was too late to replace her, the young singer volunteered to appear, though unable to sing. After the first act, Herr Friese, the stage man- ager, appeared in front of the curtain and requested the audience's indulgence. At the matinee May 10 "Morilla" was presented. The week's novelty was found in "Das Gefaehrliche Maedchen," which was done for the first time in this country May 9 as a benefit to Ellen Burg, and was repeated May 10. Ernst Possart made his last appearance in this city May 19, as "King Lear."

The next season commenced Sept. 18, with "Das Bild des Sig- norelli," by Richard Jaffe, performed for the first time in America:

Oscar Waede .... Herr Tauber Fritz Waede .... Herr Stengel

Dr. Keil Herr Meyer

Professor Waede . Herr Kierschner Kammerherr von Grothe Herr Morway

Ella von Seeben . . . Frl. Leithner

PfeifEer Herr Walter

Frau Waede .... Frl. Schmitz Kaethe Frl. Burg

" Der Fall Clemenceau " was given Sept. 19 with Fraulein Neumann as Iza her first appearance in America. Frau Moser- Sperner and Walter Heydt also made their American debut on this occasion. Paula Loewe made her American debut Sept. 20 as "Drei Paar Schute." On Sept. 24 Karl Streitmann made his reappearance in "Der Zigeuner Baron," and Sept. 25 he was heard in "Die Fledermaus." On that date also, Emma Seebold appeared, after a long absence in Germany. " Der Bethel Student," Sept. 27, was the other opera of the week. The comedy performances were Sept. 26 and matinee of Sept. 27, when Paula Loewe, the new sou- brette, was seen. "Der Bethel Student," night of Sept. 27, served to introduce Mr. Amberg's new tenor, Adolph Phillip, to the New York public. "Die Novize," a musical comedy by F. Zeil, was given Oct. i for the first time in America, with this cast :

Gustav Herr Horwitz

Timoethea Frl. Schmitz

Dr. Mobius von Ingenhof Herr Walter Frau von Giesback Frau Trautmann Severin Holberg, Kapellmeister

Herr Friese, Sr.

Frau Langhofer .... Frl. Werner Fraulein Schneitzhofer . Frl. Varndal Fraulein Reitzenbeck . Frl. Blanche Fraulein Sivori . . Frl. Englaender

Kuhne Herr Rauk

Leontine .... Frl. Paula Loewe


Carl Schultz and three other members of the company which bears his name made their first bow in America Oct. 6 in " Ham- burger Pillen." Those who made their d^but here were Carl Schultz, Herr Mansfield, Fraulein Schultz, and Fraulein Hell- wig. Night of Oct. 9, for the first time in America, Julius Ernst's musical farce, " Hamburger Leiden " was played. Fraulein Leith- ner was unable to appear. Her part was taken at the last moment by Fraulein Werner. Oct. 15 "Villa Friedrichsrue," by Herren Hirschel and Schreirer, was performed for the first time in America. It was repeated Oct. 16, when the Schultz company made their farewell appearance. Night of Oct. 17 Ludwig Fulda's "Die Wilde Jagd," was seen for the first time in America. Oct. 21 " Urial Acosta " was acted, with Herr Morrison in the title r61e, his second appearance, his American debut having occurred Oct. 20 in "Kean." Oct. 23 "Froment, Jr., and Risler, Sr.," trans- lated from the French, was produced. " Das Verwunschene Schloss " ("The Haunted Castle"), a comic opera, was sung Oct. 28 for the first time in nine years, in this city. "Eva," a drama by Voss, was done Oct. 31, for the first time in America, and with this cast:

Graf Duren . . . Herr Kierschner

Elimar Herr Ditrichstein

Hartwig Herr Kruger

Past Schoeller . . . Herr Stengel

Hempel Herr Rauk

Braun Herr Braun

Wolf Herr Morway

Dr. Weller . A Doctor . . Frau Hartwig Frau Schoeller Frau Hempel Toinette . . Eva . . .

Herr Walter Herr Ei chert Frl. Schmitz Frl. Werner Frl. Varndal Frl. Neumann Frl. Leithner

The Muenchener, Munich's Germany company of actors and actresses, arrived in America Oct. 31. The company numbered thirty-four. Its best known members were Herr Amand Kolbe, Herr Sageder, Fraulein Amelie Schoenchen, Herr Karl Swoboda, Herr Adolph Ernst, Fraulein Kathie Thaller, Fraulein Bertha Weber, Fraulein Marie Nebauer, Herr Baleither, Herr Fischer, and Herr Weyrauther. Their first American performance occurred Nov. 5 in "Der Herrgottschnitzer von Ammergau." This con- tinued until Nov. 24, when "Almonrausch und Edelweiss" was presented, with this cast :

Der Buhelbauer . . . Amand Kolbe

Mentl Karl Ernst

Reinthaler Max Selus

Gaberl Franz Ressner

Der Hies von Buhel . Max Hofpener Der Brigadier . . Alois Weyrauther

Quasi Robert Balatha

Der Prugel Peterl . . Karl Swoboda

Evi Betty MuUer

Kordi Kathie Thaller

Vroni Marie Nebauer

Margareth . . . Amelie Schoenchen

"Der Pfarrer von Kirchfeld " had its first American perform- ance Dec. 4. " In Austragetubschen " was presented Dec. 8 for




the opening of the last week of the Muenchener company. It was its first American representation. The play translated into Eng- lish would be "The Old Homestead." The cast was:

Der Alte Lehurhofbauer, Karl Swoboda Waterl .... Amelie Schoenchen

Mattl .




Der Stiglschuster

. . . Karl Ernst . . Betty Muller . . Emil Hoefer Alois Weyrauther Max Hofpener

Die Schusternaudle . Kathie Thaller Der Lercheubauer . . Karl Meyer

Evi Leni Scheller

Veri Max Selus

Moni Emma Grimm

Girgl Alfonse Fischer

Michl Karl Paschner

"Der Prozesshaus'l " was given for the first time in America. The Muenchener closed Dec. 13. "Die Beste Kur" was played Dec. 15, in which the regular company of the Amberg made their re-entree. "The Lost Paradise" was seen Dec, 18 for the first time in America. The cast was :

Kraus Herr Rauk

Franke Herr Meyer

Frau Bernardi . . . Fr. Trautmann

Frau Heideck Frl. Bella

Reeke Fr. Dobers

Edith Frl. Neumann

Julius Bernardi . . Herr Kierschner Richard von Ottendorf,

Herr Ditrichstein Hans Arndt .... Herr Kruger Dr. Heideck . . . Herr Reischert

Weber Herr Morway

Muhlberg Herr Walter

"The Lost Paradise " was repeated Dec. 22, 23, " Cinderella " was given Dec. 25. Dec. 28 Josef Brackl, tenor, from Munich, Bav., made his American debut in "The Haunted Castle;" Dec. 29, "Nanon" was sung; Dec. 30, "Belle H61^ne;" Dec. 31, " Fledermaus ; " Jan. i, 1891, "Three Pair of Shoes," with Paula Loewe in the cast, was presented.

Matinees were given every afternoon (except Friday) during the week of Dec. 29. " Poor Jonathan " (called here " Der Arme Jonathan ") was sung in its original German form, for the first time in America, Jan. 2 and had this cast:

Vandergold Jonathan Tripp Tobias Quikly . Catalucci . . Prostolone . . Prof. Dryander Graf Nowalsky Holmes . . .

, Herr Philipp

Herr Brakl

. . Herr Rauk

Herr Geleng

Herr Meyer

Herr Sinnhold

. Herr Horwitz

. Herr Morway

Billy Herr Gerold

Franpois Herr Hirsch

Molly Frl. Loewe

Big Frl. Koenig

Hunt Frl. Hecht

Grant Frl. Lina

Arabella Frl. Kuhn

Harriet Frl. Seebold

On Jan. 21 "Oh, Diese Maenner!" was given for the benefit of Fraulein Eugenie Schmitz. The Muenchener ensemble reap- peared Jan. 22.

Karl Streitmann reappeared Jan. 26, when " Der Doppelgaenger, " a comic opera, had its first performance in America, " Der Huet- tenbesitzer" ("The Iron Master") was produced Feb. 3. "Ul-


timo" was given Feb. 5. "Hanns in Glueck," by Max Grube and Franz Koppel-Ellfeld, Feb. 12. "Der Meineidfauer," Feb. 17; "Der Verschwender " ("The Spendthrift") Feb. 23; "Der Kriegeplan," Feb. 25. The German Press Club had a benefit Feb. 27. The performance began with "Die Journalisten," in which Herr von der Osten played the principal part. After the first act of the play Frau Herbert Forster sang "Gestaudniss," Fraulein Jahn gave "Meine Liebist grun wie de Fliederbusch, " and Herren Ruchmann, Gudehus, and Behrens sang selections. An act of " Einlagen " was also given by Herren Streitmann and Philipp and Fraulein Loewe.

"Das Maedel Mit Geld," for the first time in America, March 16. "Sodom's Ende" ("the End of Sodom") was produced March 20, first time in America, with Herren Preschtler, Frau Janikow, and Frl. Burg in the principal r61es.

Adele Epstein made her d^but March 24 as Harriet in "Der Arme Jonathan;" "Gespenster" ("The Ghost") March 27; Frau Trautmann, Fraulein Burg, Herr Kierschner, Herr Walter, and Herr Preschtler were also in the cast. "Silly Wives" (Flotte Weiber) was seen March 31. "Die Hauben-lachen " was given April 4, for the first time in America. Langenthal, Herr Kruger; Herrmann, Herr Ditrichstein ; Schmalenbach, Herr Rauk; Paul Ihlefeld, Herr Reischert; Juliane, Frl. Leithner; Schmalenbach, Frl. Schmitz; Lene, Frl. Burg. The final performance of the Muenchener company was on April 11 in " Der Meineidfauer^ " "Die Sonne," April 16, first time in this country. Clemens, Herr Meyer; Arnold, Herr Sinnhold; Gregor, Herr Kruger; Victor, Herr Ditrichstein; Mathilde, Frl. Leithner; Mariette, Frl. Marie Vetti; Sabine, Frl. Burg; Dora, Frau Trautmann. "Das Alte Lied" ("The Old Story") was presented April 24, for the first time in America: Eduard Rahden, Herr Ditrichstein; Wehlan, Herr Sinnhold; Fritz Nicolai, Herr Stengel; Luckhard, Herry Meyer; Anna Nowack, Frl. Paula Loewe. " Girofle-Girofla" was sung April 30. The season closed May 9 but the house re- opened May 16 for a benefit to Amberg, when " Gasparone " was produced.

In June, Mr. Amberg was adjudged bankrupt, and his creditors met to discuss his affairs. After considerable negotiation a deci- sion was reached on July 14. Papers were signed by Gustav Am- berg on one side and Leo Von Raven and Max Mansfield on the other, by which Amberg made over to the other gentlemen all his rights, title, and interests in the lease of the Amberg Theatre, and all the equipment and personal property in payment of the entire arrears of rent and taxes up to Aug. i. The new lessees attended to the financial arrangements and Mr. Amberg was left as the man- ager. The theatre reopened Oct. i, 1891, with "Romeo and



Juliet. " This was the American debut of Josef Kanitz as Romeo. "Die Ehre" (" Honor") was given Oct. S ; "Der Huettenbesitzer " was seen Oct. 7, when Seraphine Detschy made her American d6but. " Galeoto " was played Oct. 9 for the first time in America with Kanitz as Ernesto ; " Die Shone Ungarin " was given Oct. 19; "Der Menonete," Oct. 22; "Kabaleund Liebe "(" Love and Intrigue"), Oct. 26, 27, and matinee, Oct. 31; Kanitz as Ferdi- nand; and "Falsache Helige," Oct. 29, 31. Emma Moerdes first appeared here Nov. 2 in " The Gypsy Baron ; " " The Beggar Stu- dent " was sung Nov. 3 ; and " Fledermaus, " Nov. 4.

Herr Adalbert Matkowsky, of the Court Theatre, Berlin, first acted in America Nov. 5 in " Die Raeuber " (" The Robbers "), as Karl Moor. "Das Lebeneen Traum " ("Life's Dream "), Nov. 7, Matkowsky as Sigismund; "Maria Stuart," Nov. 9, Matkowsky as Mortimer; "Anna Lisa," Nov. 11 and matinde, Nov. 14; "Uriel Acosta," Nov. 12; "Othello," Nov. 13; "Die Karlsochueler," Nov. 14; "Die Schauspieler des Kaisers," Nov. 16-17, ^^^ the first time in this city. The afterpiece was " Cavalleria Rusti- cana ; " " Anna Lise " and " Cavalleria Rusticana " were given Nov. 18; "Taming of the Shrew" and "Cavalleria," Nov. 19-20, and matinde, Nov. 21; "The Emperor's Players," Nov. 21; "Clarigo," Nov. 23; Matkowsky and Kanitz acted in "Julius Caesar," Nov. 24; and "Der Neue Herr" was seen Nov. 27, for the first time in America. "The Emperor's Players" was repeated Dec. 2. Herr Kirch, was cast for the part of Maurice Bernard Dec. 2, but he did not appear, although his name was on the programme. At the last moment Herr Weigel was substituted for him. This was the culmination of a dramatic breeze which had been blowing around the Amberg Theatre stage ever since Fraulein Moerdes, whose name in private life is Frau Kirch, failed to meet the man- agerial expectations of her work in " The Gypsy Baron. " She had an opportunity, however, to redeem herself as Lola in " Cavalleria Rusticana," but she did even worse then than before. "Hamlet" was given Dec. 4, and "Pension Schoeller," Dec. 5. Herr Mat- kowsky took his farewell Dec. 7, when " Katchen Von Heilbronn " was acted. " Am Tage des Gerichts " was seen Dec. 14, when Fraulein Brentano first acted here. " Die Carbonari " was done Dec. 16-17; "Von Stufe Zu Stufe," Dec. 18. The theatre was closed Dec. 24. "The Seven Ravens" was given Dec. 25, when the Excelsior ballet and pantomime company, also Maxoli and the Olivier' s Gypsy dancers appeared. Matindes were given Dec. 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, and Jan. i, 1892. Mile. Amelia Bossignang was premihe danseuse. Joseph Kanitz reappeared Dec. 26 in "The Juedin Von Toledo." Von Raven and Mansfield now bought the lease of the property. Kanitz closed Dec. 31 with "Sodom's Ende. " Mr. Amberg was able to cast the play with three of the


artists who " originated " their parts when the play was first given in Berlin Herr Kanitz as Willy Janilsow, Herr Ranzenberg as Kramer, and Frl. Detschy as Adah.

Frl. Marie Barkany appeared here Jan. 4, 1892, for the first time in America, acting Fedora in the play of that name. " Die Waise Von Lowood" ("Jane Eyre") was given Jan. 6; "Fedora," Jan. 7; "Taming of the Shrew," Jan, 8; "Francilla," Jan. 9; "Der Vereins Praesident," first time, Jan. 11; "Adrienne Le- couveur," Jan. 13, Frl. Barkany in title r61e, one of her strongest parts. "Faust" was given Jan. 14; "Dora," Jan. 16; "Mary Stuart," Jan. 18; "Die Schulreiterin " (" The Circus Rider"), and "Taming of the Shrew," Jan. 19; "Die Jung Frau Von Orleans," was seen Jan. 20; "Fifi," Jan. 29. This was a German version of MM. Meilhac and Halevy's "La Boule." The play had been seen in English in this city under the title of " Husbands and Wives." "Phillipine Welser," was produced Feb. 4; "Deborah," Feb. 10; "Die Bluthochzeit, " Feb. 12, for A. Eggeling's benefit. Marie Barkany closed her engagement Feb. 13, in "Alexandria."

Anna Haverland made her d^but Feb. 16 as Brunhilde. " Hedda Gabler" was first acted here Feb. 17. Paula Loewe had a benefit Feb. 19 in "Poor Jonathan," when Marie Forrest made her d^but as Harriet. Herr Emil Thomas appeared March 2 in " Mein Leo- pold." " Der Kunst-Bacillus " was given March 3 for the first time in America. "Der Milliened-Bauer " ("Millionaire Peasant") was played March 10. It was written for Emil Thomas. A bene- fit for the widow of Richard Koenig was given March 14. The programme was: The Standard Quartet. "The Salt Cellar," "Little Tuesday," Jennie Yeamans, Emil Thomas, Lydia Yea- mans, Judith Berolde, a scene from "Blue Jeans," Loie Fuller, the second act of " Die Fledermaus," and a new one-act play by Eleanor Merron, "The Last Rehearsal," then acted for the first time on any stage, with Miss Merron (Mrs. Archie Cowper) in the cast; "Unruhige Leiten oder Litze Memoiren," a farce by Emil Poht, was first acted in America March 17; "Der Compagnon" was seen March 24; "Die Himmelsleiter," April 6; "Der Volksfeind," April 8; "Georgette," April 15. Week of April 18 the house was closed. Frl. Brentone first acted in this city April 2$ in " Der Bethel Student ; " " Sein Bester Freund" (" His Best Friend ") was done May 7; "Der Ratzenf anger, " an operetta by A. Neuen- dorf? was sung May 10. The season closed May 14, with a benefit to Gustav Amberg. Among the attractions were a one-act comedy, "Ein delikater Auftrag," in which Herr Ditrichstein appeared, and Loie Fuller, in dances; Frl. Georgine v. Janauschousky's singing in "Der Freischiitz" was the feature of the evening. "Der Arme Jonathan," in which Herr Phillip, Herr Lube, Herr Sinnhold, and Frl. Paula Loewe were seen, closed the programme.




For Neuendorff's benefit, May 16, his opera "Der Ratzenfanger von Hamoln " was presented. Neuendorf! himself led the orches- tra. The first performance on any stage of a three-act operetta, "Der Minstrel," the music by Herr Neuendorf! and the libretto by Heinrich Urban, also took place with this cast :

Meredith, Graf von Aberdeen

Herr Ceroid Lady Cathaleen .... Frl. Boner Nancy . Georgine von Janauschousky

Betsy Frl. Schmitz

Duncan Herr Phillip

Sir Tom TuUamore . Herr Sinnhold

Hiram McFarland . . . Herr Lube

Mawdlin Frl. Reichardt

Barnaby Herr Runk

Robin Peabody . . . Herr Walter

Mey Frl. Schlag

Owen O'Neale .... Herr Gelleng

Paula Loewe was seen in the title r61e of "Nanon," May 27. Loie Fuller did her serpentine dance. " The Black Hussar " was sung June 3 for the benefit of Ludwig, who in consequence of ill health had retired from the stage. Mathilde Cottrelly appeared June 13 in "Di Nabterin " ("The Seamstress").

The next season opened Saturday night, Oct. i with "Die Cameliendame " (" Camille "). A benefit was given Oct. 3 for the Hamburg sufferers from the cholera. " Hamlet " was presented Oct. 4 with this cast: Claudius, Herr Sinnhold; Hamlet, Herr Morisson; Polonius, Herr Walter; Horatio, Herr Weigel; Laertes, Herr Hillman; Ghost, Herr Meyer; Queen, Frl. Burmeister; Ophelia, Frl. Leithner. "Die Memoiren des Teufels," Oct. 6. Emil Thomas with his company from Berlin commenced Oct. 10 in"Unsere Don Juans," cast thus: Hugo Schwalbe, Emil Thomas; Clarchen, Olga Walburg; Lena, Margarethe Gallus; Krewitz, Fritz Behrend. " Leute von Heute " (" People of the Day ") was seen Oct. 21, for the first time in America. " Ein Verdachtiger Schwie- gershon" ("A Suspected Son-in-law") was played Oct. 27, first time in America. It is well known in English as " The Family Circle." " Schmitterlinge " ("Butterflies") was first acted in America Nov. 3 with this cast:

Kuntze Siefried Basch

Martha .... Hermine Heinrich

Foppel Max Walden

MuUer Adolf Alfredo

Jacob Karl Koenig

Muthing .... Franz von Metsch Ella Heta Lange

Hector Kanaper . . . Emil Thomas

Emmeline Sofie Urban

Flora Margarethe Gallus

Petrowitsch Lasarowitsch, Emil Berla

Salina Willy Walden

Naschka Olga Walburg

Hans Heller . . . Richard Georg Leo Lerche Fritz Behrend

"Goldfische" ("The Railroad of Love") was played Nov. 10; "Lachelnde Gesichter " ("Smiling Faces") was given Nov. 14- 15, also "We Take in Foreigners Too," and "Viennese in Berlin." "Die Kinder der Excellenz" was seen Nov. 16, for the first time in America. "Mam'zelle Nitouche" was presented



Nov. 18, and "Heisses Blut," Dec. 2, also for the first time in America.

"Die Reise Durch Marchenland" ("A Trip Through Fairy- land ") was given Dec. 14 with Doctor Gotthard Hansen as Otto Meyer. Lucier Veidler, first soprano, from the Theatre an der Wien, Vienna; Charlotte Tischler, first soprano from the Royal Opera House, Vienna; Julia Wallner, first soprano, from Berlin Opera House; Mathilde Severin, Helen Land, and Mina Agte, sopranos; Wilhelm Bauer, first tenor, from the Theatre an der Wien ; Carl Schulz, comedian and first tenor, from the Friedrich Wilhelm Stadt Theatre, Berlin; Joseph Greven, first tenor, Carl Bartl, first baritone, from Berlin; Leopold Deutsch, first come- dian, from the Wallner Theatre, Berlin, and Ernst Peterson, with a chorus of twenty-four women and twenty-four men, made their debut Dec. 26 in the comic opera "Der Vogelhaendler. " The fiftieth performance occurred Feb. 13, 1893. "Das Sonntags- kind " followed, March 2. This opera was heard at the Casino as "Under the Child of Fortune." The German Press Club benefit took place March 20 when Manager Conried appeared as "Gringoire." "Die Fledermaus " was sung March 21-22, and " Gasparone " March 23, 24, 25. Ludovica Wallner made her American d6but in " Fledermaus ; " " Der Vogelhaendler " was given March 27; "Madame Angot," April 7; "Poor Jonathan," April 10; " Die Sorglosen," April 13 ; Carl Grube made his Ameri- can d^but April 15 in "Die Sternschuppe " ("The Shooting Star"). " The Man in the Moon " was presented April 26. The season closed April 29. On May i the management changed hands and the name of the theatre was changed to The Irving Place Theatre.


THE Columbia College dramatic club opened, their spring per- formances May 8 at the house now known as the Irving Place Theatre, with "Ivanhoe," by Benj. Aymar and John Regi- nald Blake, Columbia Law School, '92. The burlesque had this cast:

Sir Brian . . Albert La Montague Cedric . . George Newell Hamlin

Ivanhoe William F. Wall

Isaac of York Giles Augustus Taintor

Wamba Joseph G. Lamb

Oswald . . . John Reginald Blake King Richard

Richard Stockton Emmet, Jr.

Prince John . Arthur Middleton Balke De Bracy .... John B. Brazier

Athelstane Torre Bueno

Rowena .... Edward Rush Duer Rebecca . . Melvin Henry Dalberg Premifere Danseuse, Louis Fitzgerald, Jr. Second Danseuse

Bertram de Lancey Drake

The regular season opened Oct. 2 with Heinrich Conried as manager. The programme contained an open letter in which Mr.


Conried philosophized over past failures in the attempt to success- fully maintain in this, "the third German city of the world," a permanent German theatre. " Grosstadtluft " (" The Air of the Metropolis"), adapted by Augustin Daly and called "A Test Case," was the initial performance. "Heimath" was produced Oct. 9; "Die Strohwittwe" ("Grass Widow") was given, fol- lowed by the farce "Der Sechste Sinn;" "Lolo's Father" came Oct. 26; "Der Lebemann," Nov. 2; "Gefallen Engel," Nov. 9; "Unser Frauen," Nov. 16, for the first time in America; "Gefal- len Engel " (" Fallen Angels "), Nov. 20. " Der Vogelhaendler " was sung Dec. 4 by the Ferenczy opera company. The cast was the same as before except that Ernst Monti appeared as Stanislaus ; "Matteo Falcone," a one-act comic opera was done Dec. 18; and was followed by " I Pagliacci. " " Gasparone " was given for the balance of the week. " Lachelnde Erben " (" Laughing Heirs ") was played Dec. 25 for the first time in America.

The Ferenczy company commenced the last week of their stay on Jan. i, 1894, with "Lachelnde Erben." " Das Letzte Wort " ("The Last Word") was presented Jan. 8 for the first time in America in German. "Schuldig" ("Guilty") was seen Jan. 15 for the first time in America. " Weilchen Presser " was given matinee and night of Jan. 26. " Gefallen Engel " was seen Jan. 22, and matinee Jan. 27; "Wohlthatige Frauen" ("Charitable Women ") Jan. 3, and matinee, Feb. 3, for the first time in four- teen years. " Der Schwabenstreiche " (7-20-8) and Feb. 3. " Der Talisman," by Ludwig Fulda, was given Feb. 7; "Zwei Glueck- liche Tage" ("Two Happy Days");Feb. 22. "The Perjurer," for the matinee, Feb. 22. Heinrich Conried appeared March 8 in "Der Prozesshansel. " " The Crucifix-Carver of Ober-Ammergau " was seen March 15, 20, 21, with Herr Strausmann in the title r61e. " The Talisman " was repeated March 23 ; " Cyprienne " ("Divorcons"), March 25; "Sauvian Pranks," March 26; "Two Happy Days," March 27-30 and April 2; "Tender Relations," March 28, and matinee, March 31; "Fallen Angels," March 29, and "Dr. Klaus," March 31; Grete Gallus first appeared here April 3 in "A Night Off;" Conried's last appearance was April 4 in "Dr. Klaus." "Die ArmeLowin" (" Les Lionnes Pauvres") was given April $, for the first time in America. An American version of this comedy called " Our Country Cousins " was seen at the Lyceum Theatre ; " Die Arme Lowin " was repeated April 9, 10, 11; "Das Heirathsnest " was seen April 12, 13, 14, for the first time in America. " Ein Schritt Vom Wege " (" A Step from the Road "), April 26. The season closed April 30 with " Das Stiftungfest."

The next season opened Saturday night, Sept. 29, with "Die Karlschueler," Oct. i. "Der Andere"("The Other Man") was


played for the American d6but of Max Bira as Dr. Hallers. " Mauerbluemchen " (" A Wall Flower ") was seen Oct. 4 for the American debut of Max Hanseler as Justus Woermann. " Heimath " was given Oct. 11, when Lucie Freisinger made her American d^but as Magda. "Wohlthaet er der Menscheit " ("Mankind's Bene- factor ") was produced Oct. 18, for the first time in America. Its author was Felix Phillippi. The fourth centennial Hans Sachs celebration was arranged by Manager Conried for Nov. $. Anton Seidl led the orchestra, strengthened for the occasion. Emil Fisher, William Stephens, Paul Siegel, Ida Klein, and Marie Maurer sang solos. The overture of "Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg," opened the festival. "Von der Lisabetha, Eines Kaufherrn Tochter," was presented. The solos from " Die Meister- singer" were rendered by Messrs. Fisher, Stephens, and Siegel and the Misses Ida Klein and Marie Maurer. "Der Fahrende Schueler " was produced in the original, and with the same early methods: Rudolf Senius playing the title r61e; Max Hanseler, the farmer; and Adolph Link, the farmer's wife.

" Der Compagnon " was given Nov. 8 with Adolph Link as August Voss. Nov. 9 was Schiller's birthday, and it was cele- brated by a performance of his " Marie Stuart. " " Der Herr Sen- ator," by Schoenthan and Kadelburg, was seen Nov. 19, and ran all the week, except Nov. 20, when Minna von Barnhelm appeared in "Die Karl Schuler," matinee, Dec. i. "Der Veilchen Presser" was given at the matinde, Nov. 29 and " Der Unglaubige Thomas " (" Doubting Thomas ") was played Nov. 29. " Das Zweite Ge- sicht" ("The Second Farce"), the original of "Miss Million," was seen Dec. 6 for the first time in America. "Jugend," by Max Halbe, Dec. 13, also for the first time in America; "Die Kleine Frau " (" Little Wife "), by F. Phillippi, was played Dec. 27, for the first time on any stage. It had this cast : Robert Larum, Max Bira; Charlotte, Charlotte Durand; Lothar von Roggenbach, Herman Schmelzer; Martin Schluter, Adolf Link. "Heimath" was repeated Dec. 28 at popular prices; "Blau," Dec. 31, also " Der Hofmeister in One Thousand Aengsten " (" The Headmaster in a Thousand Difficulties "), and " Eine Verkommene Frau " (" An Ideal Wife"). "Mit Vergnuegen," by Gustav von Moser, was seen Jan. 7, 1895; "Die Kleine Frau," Jan. .8; "Jugend," Jan. 9; "Die Orientreise," ("Trip to the East"), by Blumenthal and Kadelburg, was played Jan. 10, first time in America; as "The Orient Express " this comedy was produced by Augustin Daly at his theatre here. " Wilhelm Tell " was given Jan. 1 1 and matinee Jan. 12 at popular prices; " Vasantasena, " from Emil Pohl's "King Sudraka " was presented Jan. 24 for the first time in America. "Papageno," by Rudolf Kneisel came Feb. 7; "Goldfische" ("Railroad of Love"), Feb. 21; "Ein Palast Revolution" ("A


Home Rebellion") was given Feb. 28, for the first time in America.

"Ohne Geleut" ("Without Bellringing "), March 7, 1895; "Niobe," a German version of that play, March 21 ; Hilma Schue- ten made her d^but March 29 in " Die Waise Von Lowood " ("Jane Eyre"). "Sedan Friedrichsrul, " by John Weiman, was seen April I for the first time on any stage : Wilhelm I., Emil Otto; Napo- leon III., Mathieu Pfeil. "Liebe Vonhuete " ("The Love of a Day "), by Robert Misch, was acted April 1 1, and " Die Librente," by Gustav von Moser, April 22 ; the season closed April 30 with " Die Journalisten. " During the evening news came that the author of this play had died in Wiesbaden. The Metropolitan amateur club, together with the Metropolitan amateur orchestra, gave a performance of the opera of " Patience " here May 14.

The next season began Oct. i with "Graf Essex," when Bruno Geidner first acted in America; "Der Herr Senator" came Oct. 2, and " Der Schmetterling-krieg " (" Battle of the Butterflies "), Oct. 6. This was the American debut of Gusti Forst ; " Ferreol " was seen Oct. 10. An adaptation of this play was seen at the Lyceum Theatre in this city as "The Marquis;" "Graf Essex" was repeated Oct. 11; "Ferreol" Oct. 12, with the American d^but of Marie Reichardt ; " Barfuessige Fraulein " was seen Oct. 17; and "Der Hexenkessel" ("Wizard's Ravine"), Oct. 24, for the first time on any stage. Franziska Huss then made her first appearance on any stage. " Zwei Waff enschilder " (" Two Coats of Arms") was presented Nov. 7, for the first time in America; "Die Rauber " came Nov. 9, with the reappearance of Heinrich Conried as Franz Moor; "Zwei Waffen" was given Dec. 2 for the twenty- fifth time, and "Die Sternschnuppe " ("The Shooting Star"), by G. von Moser and O. Girndt, with Max Bird as Dr. West, Frl. Von Romanowsk as his wife, and Hubert Reusch as Hugo. " Ge- fallen Engel" was seen Dec. 7; "Drei Engel im House" ("A Home with Three Angels "), Dec. 12, for the first time in America.

"Zum Wohlthaetigen Zweck" ("For Charity's Sake") was pre- sented Dec. 19, for the first time in America. Amateurs acted " Heinrich Heine " Dec. 20, for the benefit of the Heine Monument Fund; "Die Fledermaus" was sung Dec. 25, 26, and 28. Adolf Link, who was the original Franke in Vienna, was in the cast here; "Fernan's Ehecontract" ("Fernand's Marriage Contract") was given Dec. 31; "Der Dornenweg " ("Thorny Path"), by Felix Phillippi, was seen Jan. 9, 1896, for the first time in America. "Glueck Bei Frauen " ("Luck in Love") was played Jan. 16; "William Tell" was done Jan. 17 at popular prices, with Mathieu Pfeif in the title r61e; " Sie Wird Gekuesst " (" She Gets a Kiss ") was seen Jan. 23; "Die Ueberzaehligon " ("Superfluous Ones"), Jan. 30. "Nachruhm," Feb. 6, for the first time in America;


"Comtesse Gucki," Feb. 27, with Adolf Link as Alois. This was its first performance in America in German. "Der Grosse Komet" ("The Great Comet"), came March 19; "Das Hunger- loos" ("Starvation") was given March 26, for the first time in America; "Romeo and Juliet" was played March 27; "Lottery Ticket," March 28. " Die Weber " (" Weavers ") was acted April i; "Der Militaerstaat," April 2; "Der Herr Senator," April 9, when Geo. Engels made his American debut in the title r61e. " Die Kinder der Excellenz " came April 13 ; " Krieg Im Friesden," April 14; and "College Crampton," April 20, for the first time in America. Geo. Engels gave his last performance here May 2, in " Dr. Klaus. " The season closed May 9.

The next regular season began Oct. i, 1896, with "Die Offizielle Frau," an adaptation of " My Official Wife." Adele Hartwig made her American ddbut on this occasion. " Goldregen " (" Gold Rain ") was seen Oct. 15;" Seine Gewesene " (" His Late Wife") was played Oct. 22, for the first time in America. " Maria Stuart " was seen Oct. 23; "Die Erste," Oct. 29; and "Papa Nitsche," Nov. $, for the first time in America; "Die Beruehmte Frau" ("Famous Woman "), Nov. 19. This play had been done in English as "The Great Unknown." "Gebildete Menschen" ("Educated People") was done Nov. 25, for the first time in America; "Der Weg Zum Herzen" ("The Way to the Heart"), by Adolph L. Aronge, was seen Dec. 17; "Love and Intrigue" came Dec. 18; "Der Rabenvater" ("His Absent Boy"), Dec. 31; "Das Einmal- eins," by Oscar Blumenthal, was presented Jan. 14, 1897, for the first time in America, with Adolf Link, Hubert Reusch, and Jenny Loibel in the cast. Heinrich Conried appeared Jan. 15 in " Die Raueber. " " Wer War s " (" Who was it ? "), by Felix Phil- lippi, was produced Jan. 21 ; " Das Eigene Blut " (" His Own Flesh and Blood "), by F. von Zobelitz, was done Jan. 28; " Das Lampen- gesindel" ("Bohemians"), by Ernst von Wolzogen, Feb. 4, and " Tata-Totoa, " adapted from the French by Victor Leon, with music' by Banes. "Die Wilde Jagd" ("The Wild Chase"), by Brentano and Tellheim, had its first American production March 6; "Graefin Fritz," by Blumenthal, came March 13, for the first time in this country; "Neues Leben" was seen March 16, for the first time on any stage; " Brockspruenge " ("Funny Capers") came March 25 for the first time in America.

Frau Agnes Sorma made her American debut at this theatre April 12, in "Nora" ("Doll's House"); "Liebelei" ("Flirta- tion") followed; "Dora" ("Diplomacy") was played April 19; "Chic" was seen April 22 for the first time in America; "Die Versunckene Glocke" (" The Sunken Bell "), by Gerhart Haupt- raann, was presented April 29, with Rauteuderlein, Agnes Sorma; Heinrich, Herman Schmelzer, and Magda, Auguste Burmeister.


Frau Sorma took her farewell May 4, as Lorle in "Dorf und Stadt."

The next season began Sept. 30, 1897, with "Die Goldene Eva" (" The Golden Eva "), in rhymed verse, by Franz von Schoenthan and F. Koppel-Ellfeld. Camilla Marbach as Eva, and Herr Hanno as Von Schwetzingen made their New York ddbut. " Kabale und Liebe" ("Love and Intrigue") was played Oct. 8; Oct. 11 " Jourfix " (" A Day at Home "), an old German play, was produced. In the second act of this play Manager Conried introduced the members of his comic opera company, consisting of Milla Barry, Olga D'Estree, Martha Glueck, Riesa Stella, Jean Felix, Edmund Hanno, and Alfred Liehan, all of whom were heard here for the first time. "Jane Eyre" was seen Oct. 13, Ednard Posanski mak- ing his American debut as Lord Rochester; Oct. 14, and balance of the week " Mme. Sans Gene " was given, with Anna Braga in the title r61e, and Emil Marx, as Napoleon ; " Die Mutter " (" The Mothers") was presented Oct. 26 for the first time in America. Heinrich Conried appeared Oct. 30 as Murzelsepp in " Der Pfarrer ; " Nov. 4, " Die Lachtaube " (" The Cooing Dove "), an operetta by Eugen von Taund, libretto by Alexander landesberg and Leo Stein, was sung for the first time. In this Julie Kopacsy, Adolf Perius, and Riesa Stella made their first appearance in America. Nov. 10 "Die Lachtaube" was given with Kopacsy as Helena and Perius as Marjau; " Waldmeister," by Gustave Davis, music by Johann Strauss, was sung Nov. 29.

On Dec. 20 "Die Einzige" ("The Only One"), by M. Petzold, was presented; "Hans Huckebein," by O. Blumenthal and G. von Kadeburg, which is the original of " Number Nine, or the^, Lady of Ostend," was played Jan. 6, 10, 12, and 14, 1898; "Die Fleder- maus" was sung Jan. ii, 13, and 15, with Julie Kopacsy as Adele; "The Passing Regiment" was seen matinee, Jan. 15; "Die Giger- -lin von Wien " (" The Vienna Dudes ") was done Jan. 20; " Ascher- mittwoche " (" Ash Wednesday ") was played first time in this city Feb. 8; "Die Bruder" ("The Brothers"), by Paul Lindau; "Die Logenbruder " (" Lodge Members "), by Lauss and Kraatz, were given Feb. 17 for the first time in America. Conried's benefit and twenty-fifth anniversary of his stage debut took place Feb. 23, when he acted De Banville in " Gringoire ; " also appearing in the second act of " The Bat " and " The Strike of the Smiths ; " "Die Rothe Brieftasche " ("The Red Wallet"), by Franz Csep- reghgi, German adaptation by Alex. Rosen, was produced March 9. Agnes Sorma reappeared March 14 in "The Doll's House," and March 17, for the first time in America, in " Madchentraum " ("A Maiden's Dream"), by Max Bernstein; "Untreu," by Roberto Bracco, German version by Otto Eisenschultz, was given March 21. Sorma acted Rauteuderlein March 24 in "Die Versunckene


Glocke " (" The Sunken Bell ") ; " Divorcons " was acted March 28, with Sorma as Katherine; March 31, "Taming of the Shrew;" "Die Kleinen Laemmer " ("The Little Lambs"), for the first time in America, April 2. "Die Wettshwimmer " was offered April 20 for the first time in America ; " The Sunken Bell " was repeated April 26; "Konigs Kinder" ("King's Children ") was seen April 29 for the first time in America. Agnes Sorma took her farewell May 9 as Jane Eyre in Charlotte Birch-Pfeiffer's dramatization of Charlotte Bronte's novel.

The next season began Sept. 15, 1898, with "The Golden Horse- shoe," by Robert Breitenbach, and thus cast:

Harry Tall Max Walter

Will B. Gay . . . Selma Goemer

Rosa Toni Meister

Sharpe Herrmann Ring

Eva .... Mrs. Elise Ebert Lau

McKee Kraft Walton

Rob Adolf Zink

Bob Franz Ebert

Eulailie Bertha Jaeger

Tootsie Helene Linder

" Circusleute " ("Circus People"), by Franz'^von Schoenthan, was played Nov. 14; "Im Weissen Roess'l," by Blumenthal and Kadelburg, was also produced, and Dec. 26 " Bruder Martin, " by Carl Costa, was given. Dec. 26 the Tegernseer peasant players, a company from the Swiss mountains, made their first appearance in this country. They presented "Der Herr Gottschnitzer von Ammergau " (" The Crucifix Carver of Ammergau "), by S. Gang- hofer and Hans Neuert. Jan. 5, 1899, "Das Erbe" ("The Inheri- tance) " was seen, when Eugene Schady made his American debut. On Jan. 9 " Jaegerblut, " by Benno Rauchenegger, was presented. The Bavarian peasant actors were seen Jan. 20 in "Almenrauch und Edelweiss," by Hans Neuert. " Im Schwarzen Roess'l " ("At the Black Horse Tavern Inn "), a dramatization of Fred. Hilpert's novel, and "Berghexen," by Gustav Amberg, were produced Jan. 24 by the company of peasant actors. On Feb. 2 "Busch und Reichenbach," by Heinrich See and Wilhelm Meyer Forster, was given for the first time in America; "Der G'sunde Kern," by Jos. Kellerer, was acted Feb. 3. " Jugenf reunde " (" Comrades"), by Ludwig Fulda, was presented Feb. 9; "D'Z'widerwurzen," a peasant play, with singing and dancing, was given by the Tegern- seer peasants, Feb. 17. "Auf Der Sonnenseite " ("The Sunny- side"), by Blumenthal and Kadelburg, was seen Feb. 21 ; " Freiwild" (" Free Game "), by Arthur Schnitzler, was done Feb. 16, for the first time in America. "Cyrano de Bergerac," the German ver- sion of Rostand's play, by Ludwig Fulda, was presented March 13, with Eugen Schady as Cyrano.

Adolph von Sonnenthal reappeared in America April 6 in Les- sing's "Nathan der Weise," at increased prices; Larder's "Alte Junggesellen " was acted April 8; " Wallenstein's Death," April 11; "The Daughter of Fabricius," and "Fuhrmann Henschel,"




by Gerhard Hauptmann, April 25. Marie Geistinger returned to this country April 3 and was seen as Rose in Ferdinand Ray- mond's " Verschwender j " " Die Kindsfrau, " a musical farce adapted from the French, was played April 25 with Geistinger as Kathe. The stock company appeared May 11 in "Der Veilchenfresser " ("The Flatterer"). Sonnenthal appeared in "The Iron Master" April 29. His last appearance here was May i in the same r61e, when the Hungarian societies of New York bestowed a silver laurel wreath upon him, and Heinrich Conried presented him with a silver toilet set.

The next regular season began Sept. 30, 1899, with Schiller's "Maria Stuart," cast as follows:

Elizabeth .... Slava Roberts Maria Stuart . . . Martha Schiffel

Dudley Paul Faber

Talbot Carl Bender

Cecil A. Meyer-Eigen

Kent F. Hitzigrath

Davidson Julius Strobi

Amias Paulet . . . Max Hanseler Mortimer . Rudolph Klein-Rhoden Aubespine .... Jacques Horwitz Drugeon Drury . . . Carl Frischer

Melvil George Le Bret

Hanna . . . Wilhelmine Schluter Margarethe . . . Ruscha Michaelis

Oct. 3, "Renaissance," by Schoenthan and Koppel-Ellfeld was played. On this occasion Anna Leonard! and Emma Schroth made their American ddbut. On Oct. 16 " Maedel als Rekrut " (" The Girl Recruit "), by Kurt Kraatz and Heinrich Stobitzer, was pro- duced. On Nov. 8 " Das Opferlamman " (" The Scapegoat ") was acted and was also played at the Germania Theatre in this city on the same night. It had already been done at the Bijou Theatre in this city as "The Purple Lady;" on Nov. 21, "Die Herren Sohne," by Oskar Walther and Leo Stein, was produced with this cast:

Lotte Meta Buenger

Else Frida Brandt

Roschen Himmer . . . EUy CoUmer

Jettchen Marie Corti

Jerome Jacques Lurian

Ein Schlachtergeselle . . Carl Frischer

Friedrich Rommel . . Max Hanseler Johanna . . . Wilhelmine Schluter

Wilhelm Gustav Olmar

Gusti Anna Leonardi

Gimpem C. Bender

Rudolf Rudolph Senius

Range A. Meyer-Eigen

Nov. 30 "Hofgunst" ("Court Favor"), by Thilo von Trotha, which had a run of more than three hundred nights in Berlin, was presented here. Dec. 1 1, " Das Recht Auf Sich Selbst " ("The Right of the Individual"), by Friedrich von Wrede, was given with this cast :

Dr. Philipp Paul Faber

Karl Kleiner Wilke

Anina Martha Schiffel

Hans Lutz . . . Franz Kierschner Fritz Hart . Rudolph Klein-Rhoden Professor Brause . . Fritz Hitzigrath VOL. 11. 16

Professorin Brause

Wilhelmine Schluter Ein Hauptmann . . George Le Bret Der Pastor . . . Semmy Herzmann Ein altes Fraulein . . Lina Hanseler


"Haubenlerche," Dec. 14; "Ein Blitzmaedel" ("A Telegraph Girl "), by Costa and Millocker, was also given, when Herr Felix Schweighofer, the German character comedian, made his Ameri- can d^but, as Leo Bruller. This bill was repeated Jan. i, 2, 3, 1900. " Pension Schoeller " (" Schoeller's Boarding House "), by Carl Laufus, was also acted, with Schweighofer as Philipp Klapp- roth. He appeared Jan. 4, 5, and 6, as Stocker in " Die Gypsfigur " ("The Statuette"). On Jan. 11 Schweighofer varied his enter- tainment by appearing as a monologuist in a series of descriptive stories illustrating every-day life in Vienna. He was alone on the stage for forty-five minutes. He gave three sketches, in which he impersonated various widely different characters with remarkable skill. The remainder of the performance consisted of a one-act comedy " Unter Vier Augen, " in which Anna Braga was the prin- cipal figure, and " Ein Vereinsschwester " ("A Female Lodge Mem- ber"), a musical comedy in which Herr Schweighofer again displayed his skill. Jan. 15 "Mathias Gollinger" was played with Schweig- hofer in the title r61e; Jan. 18, "Gebildete Menchen" ("Educated People "), Schweighofer as Adolf. He appeared Jan. 23 in a one- act comedy "Scheu vor dem Minister" ("Timidity Before the Minister"), a short farce called "Othello's Erfolg" ("Othello's Success"), and the second act of "Blitzmaedel," for his farewell. On Jan. 22 "Eine Karnevals-Posse, " arranged by Gustav von Seyffertitz, was produced with this cast:

Carl Rogler . Gustav von Seyffertitz

Ludmila Meta Buenger

Melan Frida Brandt

Fritzi Yona Grahn

August Linde . Eugen Hohenwarth Arthur Bogen . Vladimir Schamberg

Resi Gussie Frankel

Marie Eugenie Lehmann

Frau Bernauer . . . Anna Sander Frau Artner Johanna Claussen-Koch

Clara Adele Sauer

Mucki Ida Frey

JuUer, Concipient . . Adolf Teleky

Hubler Emil Sievert

Ein Sicherheitswach-Inspektor

Heinrich Habrich

Janker Jacques Lurian

Simon Dalles . . . Herr Kronau Jakob Reis .... Julius Ascher

Sali Adele Liansky

Prokop Janitschek . . . Willy Frey Dovidl .... Ferdinand Ries Moritz Jacques Horwitz

Jan. 31, "Am Spieltisch des Leben" ("Game of Life") was given for the first time in America. Feb. 6 "Als Ich Wiederkam" (" When I Came Again "), by Von Blumenthal and Kadelburg, and sequel to "Im Weissen Ress'l" was produced. The other part of the programme was " Der Tugendhof " (" The Court of Virtue ").

Oct. 2 Goethe's "Egmont" was produced, with the American d^but of Karl Emmerich and Adolph Zimmerman ; Oct. 8 was the d6but of Marie Eisenhart as Lominie in "Wildfeuer," by Frederic Halm; Oct. 11 was the first time of "Der Probepfeil " ("The Trial Shot"), by Blumenthal; "Der Probekandidat " ("The Trial Can- didate "), by Max Dreyer, was seen Oct. 25. Nov. 5 " Von Stufe


Zu Stufe " (" From Step to Step "), by Hugo Mueller, was given. "Das Vermaechtriss " ("The Legacy"), Nov. 10; "Die Gold- grube " (" The Gold Mine "), by Karl Lauf and Wilhelm Jacoby, was given for the first time in America Nov. 14; "Die Gypsfigur " was played Jan. 4, 1901 ; "Am Spieltisch des Leben" ("The Game of Life "), by Klaus Arsen, repeated its original success at this house Jan. 31 ; and " Als Ich Wiederkam " Feb 7. " Ultimo " was also presented Feb. 7, "Der Letzte Brief" ("The Last Letter "), by Victorien Sardou, was produced Feb. 14. This play is well known in America as "The Scrap of Paper;" Feb. 18, "Der Goldbauer." by Charlotte Birch-Pfeiffer, was played. Miss Hedwig Lange took a benefit Feb. 20 in "Fedora;" Feb. 26 "Die Falscher," by Barriere and Capender, translated into German by Heinrich Laube, was seen; Feb. 28 "Der Herr Im Hause," by Paul Lindau, had its first presentation.

On March i " Hans, " by Max Dreyer, was seen for the first time in America; Karl Wagner first appeared in this country as Hein- rich in "Die Versunckene Glocke," March 5; March 12, for the first time in America, " Der Goldene Kafig " (" The Golden Cage "), by Felix Phillippi, was played; March 19 Karl Wagner appeared in "Maria Stuart;" March 21 the one hundred and fiftieth anni- versary of the birthday of Goethe was celebrated with " Iphigenie auf Tauris," Karl Wagner as Orestes, and Martha Schiffel as Iphigenie; March 22 "Das Funfte Rad"("The Fifth Wheel"), a very light comedy by Hugo Lubliner, was seen ; March 28, " Cor- nelius Voss," by Franz von Schoenthan; and April 3, "The Journalists," by Gustav Freytag; Mme. Schumann Heink ap- peared April 14, in "Das Verspricken Hinter'm Herd;" April 16 Fraulein Leonardi sang the title r61e in Meilhac and Millaud's comic opera, "Mile. Nitouche." The season closed April 30 with scenes from "Maria Stuart," third act of "Die Ehre," third act of "Dr. Klaus," third act of "Kreig und Frieden," and second act of "Maedel als Rekrut."

The next season began Sept. 29, with Heinrich Conried as man- ager, and "Die Sittliche Forderung " ("A Moral Demand") as the opening play, in which Fraulein Lange and Herr Ottbert ap- peared. " Der Hochzeitstag " (" The Wedding Day "), by Herren Walters and Konigsbrunschaup, was produced March 5. " Frauen von Heute " (" Women of To-day "), by Benno Jacobson, was seen for the first time in America, March 18, for the benefit of Herr Von Seyfifertitz, who appeared as Herr Ottbert; Fraulein Merito as his wife. " Faust " was given March 26, with Karl Emmerich in the title rdle. The second part of " Faust " was acted March 29, when Ada Merito appeared as Marguerite. "Die Bernehute Frau" ("A Celebrated Woman") was given here April 8 as a sub- stitute for " The Battle of Froschweiler," which had been announced,


but had to be abandoned, owing to the sudden illness of Ada Merito. Helen Odilon, a Viennese "star," made her American ddbut April 15 in"Lona Ladinser;" she appeared April 18 for the first time in America as Camille. On April 22 " Die Zwillingsschwester " ("The Twin Sister"), by Ludwig Fulda, was produced, with Otto Ottbert as Orlando della Torre. May 8, for her farewell and the last night of the season, Madame Odilon appeared in a " curtain raiser," "A Modest Wooing," by Otto Erich Hartleber; Mme. Odilon as Rita Revera, brought down the house by singing " I love you, honey, yes I do," in fairly good English. Roberto Bracco's " Untreu " (" Faithless ") followed, in which the famous Vienna actress appeared in the r61e of Countess Sangiorgi.


ONE of P. T. Barnum's little experiments was an exhibition known as the "California Menagerie," which was given under canvas at the corner of Fourth Avenue and Thirteenth Street. It was managed by P. T. Barnum and James M. Nixon. The initial performance took place April 30, i860. In addition to a collection of wild beasts, J. C. Adams, styled " The California Trapper of '49," exhibited a collection of trained wild animals.


SITUATED at the southeast corner of Twenty-third Street and Broadway was the "Fifth Avenue Music Hall." The en- trance for gentlemen was 954 Broadway; for ladies, 948. It was opened Dec. 25, i860. Its name was changed to Union MusiC Hall " Jan. 16, 1867, and it was opened with a panorama of Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress." Griffin & Christy's minstrels took possession July 29, 1867. E. Perceval, George Christy, and Otto Burbank were in the organization. They closed on Aug. 10.


A HALL known as "Eustache's Theatre" was situated on Fourth Street, near First Avenue. Miscellaneous enter- tainments were given here during the season of 1860-61. On Feb. 18, 1861, E. L. Malhaban gave performances in magic, and the place was called "The Theatre Oriental." It passed out of existence in a few months.


FOR something more than twenty years the most famous theatre in the United States was that of James W. Wallack, situ- ated on the northeast corner of Broadway and Thirteenth Street.




It was erected in i86r. Thomas R. Jackson was the architect. It was in this house the name of Wallack won its proudest laurels. J. W. Wallack was its first manager, but he never played there, and to all intents and purposes J. Lester Wallack, with Theo. Moss in the business department, was from the first head and front of the theatre. In this house there appeared at intervals Charles Fisher, John Sefton, Mark Smith, John Gilbert, James William- son, J. W. Wallack, Jr., E. L. Davenport, Wm. Holston, Frederic Robinson, J. B. Polk, J. H. Stoddart, Owen Marlowe, George Clarke, Chas. Mathews, George Boniface, Sen., Harry Becket, E. M. Holland, Edward Arnot, Eben Plympton, H. J. Montague, Dion Boucicault, Steele Mackaye, Charles Coghlan, Charles Barron, Harry Edwards, Maurice H. Barrymore, Gerald Eyre, Osmond Tearle, William Elton, Harry Pitt, Fanny Morant, Mrs. John Sefton, Mary Gannon, Mrs. John Hoey, lone Burke, Mrs. Clara Jennings, Rose Eytinge, Emily Mestayer, Effie Germon, Mrs. Thomas Barry, Helen Tracy, Katharine Rogers, Rose Coghlan, Mme. Ponisi, Jeffreys Lewis, Ada Dyas, Rose Wood, Stella Boni- face, Maud Granger, Adelaide Detchon, and Mrs. Vernon and Madeline Henriques.

The company engaged consisted of Lester Wallack, W. R. Blake, W. R. Floyd, G. F. Browne, Norton, Reynolds, Chas. Parsloe, A. W. Young, Charles Fisher, Winters, Hardy, Willis, St. John, Charles, Parkes, John Sefton, Geo. Holland, Mrs. John Hoey, Mrs. Vernon, Mrs. Reeves, Mrs. John Sefton, Mrs. Sloan, Mary Gannon, Fanny Morant, Madeline Henriques, Viola Crocker, Mary Miller, and Carman. The musical director was Robert Stoepel, treasurer, Theo. Moss; scenic artist, Mr. Hillyard.

The initial programme was "The New President," by Tom Taylor, Sept. 25, 1861, with this cast:

De La Rampe . . . Lester Wallack Grand Duke Kleinstadt Charles Fisher Count Wetterhaum . . W. H. Norton Landgrave of Braunsback

Mr. Reynolds Baron Von Dampfnoodel W. R. Blake General Fraunsback . Chas. Parsloe Mile. Von Gridenheim . Mrs. Vernon Colombe . . . Madeline Henriques Mile Gironnette . . . Viola Crocker Princess Wilhelmina . Mary Miller Baronness Von Dampfnoodel

Mary Gannon

Fraulein Von Pfeffier


Vaubelle .

Ragoutin .


Linda . .


Col. Krebs


La Jaconde

Mile. Roncoulle

Miss Carman

W. R. Floyd

Mr. Winters

Mr. St. John

Geo. Browne

. Mr. Hardy

. Mr. Willis

A. W. Young

. Mr. Charles

Mrs. John Hoey

Mrs. Reeves

Previous to the comedy, James W. Wallack addressed the audi- ence. This was the last time he ever appeared on any stage. "The King of the Mountains " was produced here Oct. 15 :


Hadji Stavrus . . Sophocles .... Capt. Pericles . . Christophonos . . Capt. Walter Harris John Joseph Jerramis Herman Schultz . .

Chas. Fisher

A. W. Young

W. R. Floyd

Mr. Browne

Lester Wallack

W. R. Blake

Mr. Reynolds

Miss Porcupine . . . Mrs. Vernon Mary Ann Melton . Miss Henriques

Dimitri Chas. Parsloe

Tambouris Mr. Parkes

Vasili Mr. Hardy

Photini Mrs. Hoey

Nov. 21, "The Magic Marriage," for the first time on any stage, and the cast was :

Count Faletti . . . Mr. Reynolds Signor Malfridi .... Mr. Fisher

Foscolo Mr. Floyd

The Chevalier Monte Celleni

Lester Wallack

Marchioness de Volterra . Mrs. Hoey

Barettri Mr. Parkes

Belmonte Mr. Parsloe

Zillah Fanny Morant

' The Scapegoat " was given the same evening, cast thus :

Old Eustace (first appearance here)

Geo. Holland Master Frederick . . Master Reeves Molly Maggs . . Mrs. John Sefton

Charles Eustace ... W. R. Floyd Ignatius Polyglot . . W. R. Blake

Robin Mr. Young

Harriet Viola Crocker

Tom Taylor's drama, "Up at the Hills," was presented Dec. 19, with this cast :

Major Stonehurst . Mrs. Colonel McCann Mrs. Eversleigh . . Captain Black . . Lieut. Greenway. . Tunstall .... Dr. Macrivet . . .

Chas. Fisher . Mrs. Hoey Fanny Morant . Mr. Norton . Mr. Floyd Mr. Reynolds . John Sefton

NabishuU Kharmmah Dheva Singh Kate Neil . Margaret . Monee . . Mahlee

Geo. Browne . Mr. Parkes C. Parsloe Viola Crocker . Mary Miller Madeline Henriques . . Miss Carman

"You Can't Marry Your Grandfather" was seen for the first time in addition to " Up at the Hills." It had this cast :

Sir Rose Bloomly . . W. R. Blake Algernon Bloomly . . Wm. Reynolds Emma Melville (first appear- ance here) . . . Mrs. John Sloan

Tom Small Ready . . Susan Trim Mrs. Pickle

Geo. Holland . Mr. Young Miss Gannon Miss Carman

Standard comedies were produced from Dec. 30 to June 9, 1862, and included "She Stoops to Conquer," given Dec. 30:

Young Marlowe . . Lester Wallack

Richard Johnston

Hardcastle Blake

Aminadab C. Parsloe, Jr.

Mrs. Hardcastle . . Mrs. Vernon Miss Hardcastle .... Mrs. Hoey

Miss Neville Mrs. Sloan

Tony Lumpkin . . George Holland Diggory A. W. Young

Sir Charles .... Geo. Browne

Roger Converse

Mat Muggins Burke

Hastings Wm. Reynolds

Jeremy John Sefton

Stingo Parkes

Ralph Smith

Tim Twist Smith

Dolly Mrs. Reeves




John Brougham's "Playing with Fire" was seen Dec. 31, with this cast:

Dr. Savage . . Herbert . . . Mrs. Dr. Savage Widow Crabstick Perkins . . .

Lester Wallack

W. H. Norton

Mary Gannon

Mrs. Vernon

Viola Crocker

Uncle Timotliy Pinchbeck Mrs. Waverly Richard . . Mary Ann

. . . Blake

W. R. Floyd

. Mrs. Hoey

C. Parsloe Jr.

Miss Carman

Jan. I, 1862, "The School for Scandal" was presented, with Lester Wallack as Charles, Blake as Sir Peter, Norton as Oliver, Chas. Fisher as Joseph, Geo. Holland as Moses, Mrs. Hoey as Lady Teazle, Madeline Henriques as Maria, Mrs. Sloan as Lady Sneerwell, and Mrs. Vernon as Mrs. Candour. On Jan. 2 " She Stoops to Conquer" was repeated; Jan. 6 "London Assurance" was played, with this cast:

Charles Lester Wallack Dazzle Reynolds

Sir Harcourt .... Chas. Fisher Max Norton

Cool Young Dolly Spanker .... W. Floyd

Pert Mrs. John Sefton Lady Gay Mrs. Hoey

Meddle Blake Grace Mary Gannon

On Jan. 7 "Love for Love" was seen; Jan. 8, "The Road to Ruin;" Jan. 21, "A Cure for the Heartache;" Jan. 22, "A Bold Stroke for a Husband;" Jan. 23, "The Honeymoon;" Jan. 24, "A Cure for the Heartache; " and Feb. 5, "The Poor Gentleman," with this cast :

Sir Robert Blake

Dr. OUapod Young

Sir Charles Floyd

Valet Parkes

Emily Mrs. Hoey

Humphrey Dobbins . . . G. Holland Lieut. Worthington . . . C. Fisher Lucretia MacTab . . Mrs. Vernon Frederick .... Lester Wallack Corporal Foss Moore

" Town and Country " was given Feb. 5 with the following cast :

Cosey Blake

Capt. Glenroy C. Fisher

Trot Geo. Holland

Taffline Viola Crocker

Rosalie Somers Madeline Henriques

Reuben Lester Wallack

Plastic Wm. Floyd

Mrs. Glenroy Mrs. Hoey

Mrs. Trot . . . Mrs. John Sefton

Mrs. Moreen

Mrs. Vernon

"Speed the Plough" was played Feb. 6; Feb. 12, "The Irish Heiress;" Feb. 13, "The Wonder;" Feb. 24, "Wild Oats;" Feb. 26, "The Belle's Stratagem; " and March 17 "The Love Chase" was presented with this cast:

Sir William (first appearance

here) Mark Smith

Wildrake .... Lester Wallack

Constance Mrs. Hoey

Widow Green .... Mary Gannon Lydia .... Madeline Henriques

Alice Mrs. Reeves

Phoebe Miss Green

Amelia Miss Carman

Master Waller C.Fisher

Trueworth Reynolds

Humphries Geo. Browne

Neville Parkes

Lash Parsloe

George Turner


"The Way to Get Married" was done March 20; March 29, "The Jealous Wife;" March 31, the first time here, "Old Heads and Young Hearts," with this cast :

Jesse Rural W. R. Blake

Earl of Pompion Moore

Charles Roebuck Floyd

Col. Rocket Norton

Lady Alice Mrs. Hoey

Miss Rocket . . . Mary Gannon

Littleton Coke C. Fisher

Tom Coke Mark Smith

Bob Young

Stripe Parkes

Russel Turner

Countess Mrs. Vernon

April 2, "The Rivals;" April 7, " Secrets Worth Knowing;" and April 14, "Love and Money," cast thus:

Lord Fipley .... Lester Wallack The MacDunnun of Dunnun

C. Fisher

Helen Mrs. Hoey

Rose Mary Gannon

Mrs. Fox Mrs. Vernon

Matilda Viola Crocker

Sally Mrs. John Sefton

Claude Mark Smith

Sykes Norton

Craven Acton Reynolds

Withers Young

William Turner

Mrs. Warren . . . Miss Carman

" The Lady of Lyons " was presented April 21, with Wallack as Claude, Mark Smith as Col. Damas, Fisher as Glavis, and Mrs. Hoey as Pauline ; " Everyone Has His Fault " was seen April 28 ; May 5, " Love in a Maze," for the benefit of Lester Wallack ; and May 19, " The Romance of a Poor Young Man " was acted for the first time and with this cast:

Manuel Lester Wallack

Dr. Desmarets .... Mark Smith

Marguerite Mrs. Hoey

Mad. Aubrey . . . Mary Gannon Mad. Laroque .... Mrs. Vernon

Alain Young

Louise Van Berger Mrs. John Sefton

Mile. Helouin . . . Fanny Morant

M. Nouret '. Browne

Bevannes Reynolds

Caspar Chas. Fisher

Yvionett C. Parsloe

Christine Fanny Reeves

May 24, "John Bull" was seen, with Blake as Job Thornberry; May 26, " Everybody's Friend ; " June 2, " The Love Chase " was given, with Smith as Sir William Fondlove. Fanny Morant took her benefit June 4, and the season closed June 9, with a benefit to Theo. Moss, when "The Little Treasure" and "Rural Felicity" were acted.

A summer season opened June 10, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Florence as the "stars." " Orange Blossoms " was played July 2, and cast thus :

Septimus Symmetry Isabel Clarence

W. J. Florence Emma Skerrett Clarence Wm. Davidge

Violet Hope . Louisa Dudley Falcon Hope

Mrs. D. Myron Viola Crocker . J. L. Barrett

"Dombey and Son" was acted July 7, with Florence as Capt. Cuttle and Mrs. Florence as Susan Nipper. The Florences had a benefit




July 21, when Mr. and Mrs. Barney Williams and Geo. F. Browne appeared. " Eily O'Connor," a burlesque on the " Colleen Bawn," was given Aug. 6, for the first time in America.

Myles-na-Coppaleen . W. J. Florence Danny Mann . William Davidge, Sr. Sergeant O'Tooralooral G. F. Browne Eily O'Connor . Mrs. W. J. Florence Kyrle Daly J. L. Barrett

Hardress Viola Crocker

Corrigan J. Martin

Ann Chute .... Emma Skerrett Mrs. Cregan . . . Mrs. Dan Myron

The summer season closed Sept. 6. Mrs. John Sloan retired from the stage about this time.

The second regular season opened Sept. 18, with the following company: Mrs. Hoey, Mrs. Vernon, Fanny Morant, Mrs. Reeves, Miss Green, Miss Schlemm, Mary Gannon, Madeline Henriques, Mrs. John Sefton, Miss Carman, Miss La Forrest, Miss Gimber, Lester Wallack, Charles Fisher, Mark Smith, Young, W. Norton, Reynolds, Geo. Browne, Parkes, John Gilbert, Geo. Holland, Wm. Floyd, John Sefton, Moore, C. Parsloe, Jr., and Turner. The opening play was " The Love Chase." Sept. 19, " London Assurance " was given ; Sept. 20, " The Wonder ;" and Sept. 22, for the d6but of John Gilbert, "The School for Scandal," in which he played Sir Peter Teazle ; Sept. 23, " Money " was produced. The old comedies were continued until Oct. 20, when " Bosom Friends," an adapta- tion of Sardou's " Nos Intimes," was acted with this cast :

Mr. Union . . Mr. Yielding . . Frederick Fervid Mr. Borrowwell . Capt. Donoghue Theodore . . . Mrs. Meanley .

. Lester Wallack . . John Gilbert William Reynolds . . John Sefton . W. H. Norton . Miss F. Reeves . . Mrs. Vernon

Gimp . . Dr. Bland . Mr. Meanley Doyley . . Mrs Union Amy . .

. . Mrs. Reeves

. Charles Fisher

A. W. Young

. . Mr. Turner

Mrs. John Hoey

Madeline Henriques

"The Jealous Wife" was played Nov. i; "Speed the Plough," Nov. 4, when Mary Barrett, daughter of G. H. Barrett, made her debut as Miss Blandford. Lester Wallack's comedy, " Central Park," was played here Nov. 12, with this cast:

Wyndham Otis Wallack

Mrs. Kerr Flamberry . Mary Gannon Flora .... Madeline Henriques Bridget .... Mrs. John Sefton

Dobson Hudson

Kerr Flamberry .... John Gilbert Myrtle Norton

Robert Young

Skeesicks C. Parsloe, Jr.

Mittens Mrs. Reeves

Graffles George Browne

Harry Reynolds

Bayley Parkes

William Turner

Jan. 5, 1863, "Pauline" was presented; Jan. 17 "The Pro- voked Husband, or A Journey to London," was given, with this cast:


Lord Townley . . . Chas. Fisher Sir Francis Wronghead, John Gilbert Lady Wronghead . . Fanny Morant

John Moody Mr. Manly. . Squire Richard Count Basset . Poundage . . Constable . .

Geo. Holland Mr. Reynolds . Mr. Young . Wm. Floyd Chas. Parsloe George Browne

James W. H. Pope

Williams Mr. Turner

Lady Townley . . Mrs. John Hoey Miss Jenny .... Mary Gannon Lady Grace . . . Miss Henriques

Trusty Mrs. John Sefton

Myrtilla Miss Barrett

Mrs. Motherly . . . Miss Carman

" The School for Scandal " was revived Jan. 27 with this cast :

Charles Surface . . . Lester Wallack Lady Sneerwell . . Mrs. John Sefton

Sir Peter John Gilbert

Sir Oliver Mark Smith

Sir Benjamin Reynolds

Joseph Charles Fisher

Lady Teazle Mrs. Hoey

Maria .... Madeline Henriques Mrs. Candour . . . Fanny Morant

Crabtree John Sefton

Moses Geo. Holland

Trip Young

Careless Floyd

Rowley Browne

Snake Parker

Richard C. Parsloe

William Turner

Feb. 10 a translation from the French by E. G. P. Wilkins called "Henrietta" was produced. For Mrs. Hoey's benefit, Feb. 17, " Magic Marriage," " Captain of the Watch," and " Masl^ and Faces" formed the bill. Feb. 21, "Ernestine" was played; Feb. 24, "Americans in Paris; " Feb. 27, " The Fine Old English Gentle- man;" March 2, " Faint Heart Never Won Fair Lady" and " The Youthful Queen " were presented. March 9 " A Wonderful Woman " and "Blue and Cherry" were acted; March 13, "Spring and Autumn " and " Sketches in India." On April 7 " My Noble Son- in-Law," an adaptation from the French, was given for the first time, and with this cast :

Lord de Vere . . . Lester Wallack Hector, Duke de Myran, Charles Fisher Mr. Thomas Tompkins John Gilbert Mr. Tony Wilkins . . . Mark Smith

Lady Isabella de Vere . . Mrs. Hoey

Vatel A. W. Young

Solomons G. F. Browne

"Follies of a Night" was presented April 18 for the benefit of Theo. Moss, also "Sweethearts and Wives." "Lost and Won" was first seen here May 4, and had this cast:

Marquis de la Tour . Marshal Gaucher . Marquis Cinq Mars

Chas. Fisher . Mark Smith W. R. Floyd

Hdloise de la Tour . Mrs. John Hoey Duchess de Villers . . Fanny Morant Jdreme W. H. Pope

" The Stranger " was played May 9 for Lester Wallack 's benefit. The Wife " was first seen here May 26, and cast thus :




Julian St. Pierre . Leonardo Gonzaga Ferardo Gonzaga Antonio Lorenzo Bartolo . . Count Flurio Hugo . .

Advocate Mr. Browne

Courier Mr. Turner

Cosino Mr. Charles

First Officer Mr. Halford

Second Officer .... Mr. Harris

Carlo Mr. Williams

Marianna Mrs. Hoey

Floribel Miss Barrett

June II" Knights of the Round Table " was presented, with this cast:

Lester Wallack . Charles Fisher . W. H. Norton . John Gilbert William Reynolds George Holland . . Mr. Parkes . . . Mr. Pope

TomTittler Wallack

Capt. Cozens C. Fisher

Leonard Floyd

Count Livenwertz .... Browne

Peggy Mary Gannon

Perdita Miss Henriques

Smith Mark Smith

Sir Ralph W. Norton

Gen. Grantley .... John Moore

Baron C. Parsloe

Chevalier Parker

Vernon Turner

Landlord Pope

The season closed June 22.

On Aug. 6 a summer season opened under the management of Theo. Moss with the ghost illusion brought to this country several years before by Harry Watkins, who introduced it in " The Bride of an Evening" at Barnum's Museum. At Wallack's the title of the play was changed to " True to the Last," and was thus cast :

Honora Paul . . Godfrey Dulaine Mme. Auderly . Agnes Darke . . Dr. Henry Haws Col. Shahanon . Mr. Willoughby . Wardom . . .

Mrs. Harry Watkins . Harry Watkins Mrs. John Sefton Mrs. W. R. Floyd . . H. F. Daly . W. H. Norton . W. R. Floyd . Geo. Holland

Gov. Sterne J. F. Hagan

Hugh Farquier . . . . T. J. Hind Ernest Stern . . . Jas. Williamson Kurrubabel .... Chas. Parsloe Mr. Harrison .... Geo. Browne

Tom Turner C. Pope

Lily Auderly M. Green

The regular season of 1863-64 commenced Sept. 30 with the fol- lowing company: Lester Wallack, John Gilbert, Charles Fisher, Mark Smith, Geo. Holland, Young, Wm. R. Floyd, John Sefton, H. F. Daly, W. H. Norton, John Moore, Geo. Browne, J. C. Williamson, Parkes, W. H. Pope, Palmo, Mrs. John Hoey, Mary Gannon, Mrs. Vernon, Madeline Henriques, Fanny Morant, Mrs. John Sefton, lone Burke, Clara Jennings, Misses M. Barrett, Green, Carman, and Gimber. " Rosedale, or the Rifle Ball," was the opening bill, and had its first performance on any stage. This was the cast :

Elliot Grey .... Lester Wallack Sir Arthur May Matthew Leigh . . . Chas. Fisher Sarah Sykes . Col. Cavendish . . . . H. F. Daly Dicksy . . .

Romany Rob John Sefton Robert . . .

Lady Adela .... Fanny Morant Lady May . . Farmer Green . . . Geo. Browne Rosa Leigh . Corporal Daw ... W. H. Pope Tabitha Stork Miles McKenna . . . John Gilbert Primroe . . Bunberry Kobb . . . Geo. Holland Mother Mix .

Emma Le Brun

Mrs. John Sefton

. . Parkes

. . . Palmo

. Mrs. Hoey

Mary Gannon

Mrs. Vernon

Mary Barrett

Miss Carman


It had one hundred and twenty-five performances during the season.

The author of " Rosedale " was not Lester Wallack, as the play- bills always said. At a dinner given in this city in 1890 it was stated by Charles Gayler that Fitz James O'Brien (who was killed in the war of the rebellion) was paid $100 by Lester Wallack to write it. For a quarter of a century Lester Wallack was credited with the authorship of that drama. As a matter of fact, neither of these gentlemen wrote it. It is a close dramatization of the novel, " Lady Lee's Widowhood," which appeared in Blackwood's Maga- zine. Even the names of the characters are retained.

"The Clandestine Marriage" was played Nov. 17; Dec. i "A Bachelor of Arts " was seen ; Dec. 23 " The Invisible Husband " had its first presentation here, with this cast :

Gil Perez Geo. Holland

Don Japhet Mark Smith

Giralda Mary Gannon

Don Phillip Wallack

Isabella Fanny Morant

Don Manuel .... Chas. Fisher Captain of the Guard . . . Parkes

Mrs. Marie Wilkins made her American d6but Dec. 17, 1863, as the Widow Green in " The Love Chase." " Married Life " was produced Dec. 19, with the first appearance on any stage of Clara Jennings as Mrs. Lynx. lone Burke appeared Jan. 6, 1864. " Rosedale " was given tri-weekly, the other nights being set apart for old comedies. On Feb. 2 the gross receipts of the house were given to the Sanitary Commission. " Pure Gold " was acted for the first time in America on Feb. 9. " Rosedale " received its one- hundredth representation March 11. J. C. Williamson (now a man- ager in Australia) joined the company in February, and was here continuously until 1871, when he went to San Francisco and married there charming Maggie Moore, with whom, as an artistic as well as a domestic partner, he quickly found wide fame and substantial fortune.

Jane Coombs made her debut here as leading lady (Mrs. John Hoey having retired) April 27, as Lady Teazle in " The School for Scandal;" April 29 she played Lady Gay Spanker in " London Assurance," and, April 30, Mrs. Haller in " The Stranger." The features of her acting were ease, grace, and refinement; a clear, distinct, and judicious enunciation, and an accurate appreciation of character. The season closed June 3, but the house was opened for a summer term July 5 with Fillmore's play, " The Winning Suit," produced for the first time in America, and thus cast :

Don Pedro Chas. Fisher

Josef Geo. Holland

Don Alphonso ... W. H. Norton

Sebastian H. F. Daly

Hostess .... Mrs. John Sefton

Count Roderic . A. H. Davenport Villa Nober . . . J, C. Williamson

Orelia Avonia Jones

Francesco lone Burke




This was the first appearance in this theatre of Avonia Jones and A. H. Davenport.

The next season commenced Sept. 19, with the following com- pany : Lester Wallack, Mark Smith, John Gilbert, John Sefton, G. F. Browne, George Holland, Wm. R. Floyd, J. E. Whiting, J. C. Will- iamson, A. W. Young, W. Parkes, Charles Fisher, J. S. Wright, Nicol Mclntyre, James McGee, Wayne, Mrs. John Sefton, Mrs. Clara Jennings, Mrs. W. R. Floyd, Mrs. Maurice, Mary Gannon, Madeline Henriques, Fanny Morant, lone Burke, Mary Barrett, Carman, A. Maurice, and Green. Boucicault's comedy, " The Fox Chase " was the first production, and had this cast :

Tom Waddy Mr. Mordaunt Mr. Twining Mr. St. Leger Link . . . Dr. Peawit . Dr. Cavil . Laura St. Leger

Lester Wallack . Chas. Fisher

John Gilbert . Mark Smith . A. W. Young

John Sefton . C. W. Parkes . Mary Gannon

Mrs. Reckless . Madeline Henriques Athenia Verdita . . Fanny Morant

Call Boy G. Browne

Face J. C. Williamson

Dryden W. H. Pope

Brown James McGee

Miss Peawit .... Mrs. Maurice

This comedy had been originally produced at Burton's Chambers Street Theatre, but was rewritten for this house. " Look Before You Leap," was given Sept. 28, with this cast :

Mr. Oddington . Jack Spriggs . . Tom Tilley . . Charles Rashlugh Henry Brandon . Fanny Hardman .

, John Gilbert , Charles Fisher A. W. Young . W. R. Floyd . J. E. Whiting . Mary Gannon

Clara Oddington, Elenor Mortimer Richard . . . Miss Brown . . Mary Oddington , Mrs. Noggs .

Madeline Henriques . . Mrs. Jennings . . W. H. Pope . . Mrs. Vernon . . . Mrs. Floyd . . Miss Carman

This was the first appearance of J. E. Whiting, Mclntyre, and Wright. " She Stoops to Conquer " was next done, with Geo. Hol- land as Tony Lumpkin and Mary Gannon as Miss Hardcastle. Oct. 3 " Money " was seen ; Oct. 5 " Follies of a Night " and " My Wife's Maid " made up the bill. The farce had this cast :

Captain Crackthorpe Mr. Pottles, Sr. . . Lysimachus Pottles .

Mark Smith Geo. Holland A. W. Young

Master Sprouts . Barbara Perkins . Lucinda Whiffleton

" Look Before You Leap " was repeated Oct. 6 ; Stoops to Conquer;" Oct. 12, " Money;" Oct. 13, " for the first time, and cast thus :

J. C. Williamson . . lone Burke . Mary Barrett

Oct. II, "She The Compact,"

Juan Ravages . . . Don Manuel Velasco, Josef de Galvan Gil Zote . Marco . . Lope Mendez Don Carlos . Roque . .

Lester Wallack

Charles Fisher

John Gilbert

George Holland

A. W. Young

. W. R. Floyd

. J. E. Whiting

John Moore

Pepe .... Marquis de Luna Pequillo . . . Donna Isabella Margarita . . Captain Perez . Jacinta . . .

. . John Sefton . . Geo. Browne . J. C. Williamson

Fanny Morant Mrs. W. R. Floyd . . W. H. Pope

Mary Gannon


Oct. 24, 29, and Nov. 3 "The Busybody" was played; Oct. 25 and 28, "The Compact;" Oct. 26, "Follies of a Night" and " My Wife's Maid ;" Oct. 27, " Look Before You Leap ;" Oct. 31, "Rosedale ; " Nov. i, " Wonder, a Woman Keeps a Secret ; " Nov. 5, "Americans in Paris " and " My Wife's Maid ; " Nov. 16, " The School of Reform," with Gilbert as Gen. Tarragon, Chas. Fisher as Fer- ment, Mark Smith as Robert Tyke, Mary Gannon as Mrs. Ferment, Mrs. Vernon as Mrs. Nicely, Mrs. Jennings as Julia, and lone Burke as Shelah. Nov. 28 " To Marry or Not to Marry " was given ; Dec. 7, " Masks and Faces," with Chas. Fisher as Triplet, Madeline Henriques as Peg Woffington, and Mrs Jennings as Mabel Vane. " Rural Felicity " and " To Marry or Not to Marry " were seen Dec. 13. Boucicault's " How She Loves Him " was acted here for the first time Dec. 12, and with this cast :

Vacil .... Dick Heartly . . Capt. Yawley . . Diogenes . . . Dr. Minimum Dr. Zkwertz . . Sir Ricliard English

Lester Wallaclc

. Chas. Fisher

. W. R. Floyd

W. H. Norton

John Sefton

John Moore

. John Gilbert

Sir Jericho Maximum . Geo. Browne Atalanta Cruiser . . . Mary Gannon Mrs. Vacil . . . Madeline Henriques Lady Selina RafiBeticket, Fanny Morant Dr. Sparks . . . . J. C. Williamson Handicap W. H. Pope

" Married Life " was played Dec. 24. James W. Wallack died in this city Dec. 25, 1864.

The theatre was closed until Dec. 28, when it was reopened with Lester Wallack as manager, John Gilbert as stage manager, J. S. Wright, prompter. " The Wife's Secret " was acted, with John Gilbert as Jabez Sneed, Charles Fisher as Sir Walter Amyot, Fanny Morant as Launcelot, Madeline Henriques as Lady Amyot, and lone Burke as Maud. " The Clandestine Marriage " was seen Dec. 30, with Gilbert as Lord Ogleby.

Lester Wallack made his first public appearance since the death of his father, Jan. 3, 1865, acting Alfred Evelyn in " Money," with Madeline Henriques as Clara Douglas.

Edmund Falconer's " Men of the Day " was produced here Jan. 23, with this cast :

Frank Hawthorn . Sir Lionel Norman Robin Wildbriar . Jenny Wildbriar . Lucy Vavasour Mrs. Wildbriar .

Charles Fisher

W. H. Norton

. A. W. Young

Mary Gannon

Madeline Henriques

Mrs. John Sefton

Dr. Playfair .... Mark Smith

James Geo. Holland

Everard Digby . . . J. E. Whiting Augustus .... Nichol Mclntyre Euphemia Mary Barrett

It had been played at Wallack's Broadway and Broome Street Theatre, May 6, 1859. Charles Walcot took a farewell prior to his European tour, Feb. i, and played Major Wellington De Boots in "Everybody's Friend." "The Game of Life" was seen Feb. 17; " Still Waters Run Deep " was given Feb. 2 1 for the benefit of




Chas. Fisher, when he acted John Mildmay, and Mr. Graham appeared here for the first time as Langford. Miss Henriques acted Julia in " The Hunchback," Feb. 24, for her benefit. John Gilbert was the Master Walter, and Charles Fisher Sir Thomas Clifford. " The Ticket of Leave Man " was presented here Feb. 27 with this cast :

Bob Brierly Hawkshaw . Green Jones Melter Moss James Dalton Mr. Gibson Sam Willoughby

Charles Fisher

A. W. Young

, W. R. Floyd

Geo. Holland

W. H. Norton

, . . Wright

Mrs. W. R. Floyd

Emily St. Evremond . Mary Gannon

May Edwards . Madeline Henriques Mrs. Willoughby . Mrs. John Sefton

Maltby Browne

Burton Graham

Sharpe W. H. Pope

Joe Mr. Ward

Henry Mr. Quigley

Spriggins Mr. Caslin

" The Man of Many Friends " was first seen here March 7 for the benefit of Fanny Morant. " An Unequal Match " was played March 14 for Mrs. John Sefton's benefit, and had this cast:

Hester . . . Madeline Henriques

Arncliff W. R. Floyd

Bessy .... Mrs. John Sefton

Mrs. Monfressor . . Fanny Morant Herr Dummkoff . . J. C. Williamson Grazbrook Mark Smith

The assassination of President Abraham Lincoln occurred April 14. At a meeting of the managers of the New York theatres, the following day, it was decided to close all places of amusement until Wednesday, April 26. This house reopened with " Bosom Friends." William Holston made his first appearance here May 3 in " The Black Sheep," which had this cast :

Lady Barbican . . Fanny Morant Tom Shorter . . . . A. W. Young Smithers . . . . J. C. Williamson

Bunny Holston

Herbert Whiting

Ethel Madeline Henriques

Mrs. Todhunter . Mrs. John Sefton

" A Prisoner of War " was acted April 28. Lester Wallack made his first appearance in four months March 9, and acted Don Felix in "The Wonder;" March 10 " How She Loves Him" was seen; March 11, "She Stoops to Conquer;" March 15, "To Marry or Not to Marry," Lester Wallack as Sir Oswin; March 23, "Central Park." " To Marry or Not to Marry " was repeated March 24 ; March 26, "Love and Money;" March 29, "How She Loves Him;" March 31, "Heir at Law; " June i, "The Game of Life;" June 2, " Leap Year ; " June 6, " Everyone Has His Fault ; " June 7, " Still Waters Run Deep ; " June 8, " The Poor Gentleman ; " June 9, " The Irish Heiress." The season closed June 10 with " All that Glitters is Not Gold," and the farce, " High Life Below Stairs."

A summer season was opened June 12 by the Wallack-Davenport combination, consisting of J. W. Wallack, Jr. ; E. L. Davenport, and Rose Eytinge. The company was : Joseph Whiting, W. C. Forbes,


Chas. Warwick, Geo. Holland, Stanton, Geo. Browne, James William- son, Graham, Maxwell, Pope, Ward, Quigley, Benschoten, Mrs. John Sefton, Mrs. W. R. Floyd, Mrs. Maurice, and Miss Green. They opened in "The Iron Mask," played for two weeks, followed June 26 by " Oliver Twist," with Wallack as Fagan, Davenport as Bill Sikes, lone Burke as Oliver, and Rose Eytinge as Nancy Sikes. This combination appeared July 15, and Dan Bryant commenced July 17 in " Handy Andy " and " The Irish Emigrant." Charles Fisher and Clara Jennings now reappeared. "The Colleen Bawn" was produced July 29, when Mrs. M. A. Farren and John Nunan were added to the company. " Shamus O'Brien" was announced to be acted, but the success of the " Colleen Bawn " prevented it from being produced. The season closed Aug. 26.

The fifth regular season opened Sept. 21, 1865. John Gilbert continued as stage director. The initial performance was Tom Taylor's drama, " The Serf," which had this cast :

Ivan E. L. Davenport

Khor John Gilbert

Steinhardt .... George Holland Count Fedor KaralofE, W. H. Norton Prince Vladimir Khovalenski

J. C. Williamson

Mistigris .... Countess De Mauleon, Princess Bariatinski .



Charles Fisher Miss Henriques . Mary Barrett

G. F. Browne . W. H. Pope

Acoulini lone Burke

This drama was not first played in America on this occasion, as announced on the bills, but was acted some days before at Philadel- phia by Edwin Adams. The company consisted of Lester Wallack, John Gilbert, Mark Smith, Young, B. T. Ringgold, W. Norton, Geo. Browne, W. H. Pope, Ward, Mary Gannon, Mrs. Vernon, lone Burke, Mrs. John Sefton, Miss Green, Kate Bartlett, Miss St. Clare, Miss Day, E. L. Davenport, Chas. Fisher, W. Holston, Geo. Holland, John Sefton, J. S. Wright, J. C.Williamson, Graham, Eugene, Made- line Henriques, Fanny Morant, Clara Jennings, Mary Barrett, Miss Carman, Mrs. Timony, Miss Vale, Miss Edwards. Stage director, John Gilbert ; prompter, J. S. Wright ; musical director, Edward Mollenhauer. " The Double Gallant," by Colley Cibber was acted for the first time in America Sept. 2 9:

Atall .... Careless . . . Clerimont . . Saunter . . . Capt. Strutt . . Sir Harry Atall Finder . . . Supple . . . Dr. Bolus . . Sir Solomon Sadlife Old Mr. Wilford .

E. L. Davenport Charles Fisher B. T. Ringgold . John Sefton W. H. Norton G. F. Browne

J. C. Williamson . W. H. Pope . Mr. Graham . John Gilbert George Holland

Sir Squabble Splithour . Mr. Wright Maid to Clarinda . . . Kate Bartlett

Apothecary Mr. Ward

Clarinda .... Miss Henriques Lady Dainty .... Miss Morant

Sylvia Miss Burke

Wishwell . . . Mrs. John Sefton Lady Sadlife . . . Clara Jennings

Situp Miss Green

Messenger Miss St. Clare




" Miriam's Crime " was presented Oct. 9, with this cast ;

Scumley .... Charles Fisher

Biles W. Holston

Berrard B. T. Ringgold

Huffin W. H. Norton

Daniel J. C. Williamson

Miriam Miss Henriques

Mrs. Raby . . . Mrs. John Sefton

" King and Comedian " was given the same night, and thus cast :

Stolbach Mark Smith

Brochette A. W. Young

Aide-de-camp .... W. H. Pope Frederick the Great . . John Gilbert Baron Kirserwasser . W. H. Norton

Capt. Niddermaunersteinchuean-

choningen . . . B. T. Ringgold Countess Plotzen . . Mrs. Jennings

Kreutzner Mr. Ward

Camilla lone Burke

"Still Waters Run Deep" was seen Oct. 16, with E. L. Daven- port as Capt. Hawksley, Charles Fisher as John Mildmay, Mark Smith as Potter, Williamson as Gimlet, Miss Henriques as Mrs. Mildmay, and Fanny Morant as Mrs. Sternhold. On the same evening Mr. Holston appeared as Spriggins in " Ici on Parle Frangais." Craven's comedy of " The Needful " had its first Amer- ican representation Oct. 26, with this cast :

Abraham Store . . . Mark Smith Mr. Meek .... George Holland

Job Lax A. W. Young

Jacob Scriplie . . . John Sefton

Ester Miss F. Green

Amelia McHaughty . Clara Jennings Mrs. Tabitha Store Mrs. John Sefton

Ernest Otway . . . J. C. Williamson Capt. Feargus Daly E. L. Davenport Ensign McHaughty . B. T. Ringgold Yellowchase . . . . W. H. Norton Kate Harley .... Mary Gannon Mrs. Meek .... Mrs. Vernon Anna Meek lone Burke

"The Needful" was acted until Nov. 11, when Mr. Davenport appeared as Sir Giles Overreach in "A New Way to Pay Old Debts." His engagement closed Nov. 22, and Nov. 23 J. W. Wallack, Jr., appeared for the first time this season, as Job Armroyd in " Lost in London," which had this cast :

Mary Barrett Fanny Green G. F. Browne

Mr. Graham . Mr. Ward

W. H. Pope

Job Armroyd . James W. Wallack, Jr. Florence . . .

Gilbert Featherstone, Charles Fisher Signori Simondi .

Sir Frederick Loader, Charles Roberts Topps ....

Benjamin Blinker . . A. W. Young Dick Raine . .

Jack Longbones . . J. C. Williamson Noah Moorhead .

Nelly Armroyd . . Miss Henriques Thomas . . . Tilly Dragglethorpe . . Miss Morant

Frederic Robinson made his American ddbut Dec. 12 as Sir Bernard Harleigh in "Dreams of Delusions," and Francis Fron- tignac in " A Wonderful Woman." The cast of " Dreams of De- lusion " wa^ :

Sir Bernard Harleigh . F. Robinson Lady Viola . . Madeline Henriques Lord Arthur ... B. T. Ringgold

Maunder W. Norton

'vol. II. 17

Bobby J. C, Williamson

Dr. Pungent .... John Gilbert Amabel lone Burke


" Secrets Worth Knowing " was given Dec. 26, with Frederic Robinson as Rostrum. Jan. 4, 1866, "A Poor Gentleman" was seen ; " Henry Dunbar," a dramatization of Miss Braddon's novel by Tom Taylor, was first acted in this country Jan. 10, and had this cast:

Henry Dunbar The Major Henry Carter . Jerrams . . . Arthur Lovell Balderly . .

J. W. Wallack Chas. Fisher . A. W. Young . Geo. Holland . W. H. Norton . G. F. Browne

Clement Austin . . B. T. Ringgold Margaret Wentworth, Miss Henriques Hartogg . . . . J. C. Williamson Mary Tighty .... Mary Gannon Laura Dunbar .... lone Burke

Jas. M. Wehli, the pianist, Mme. Fleury Urban, R. HofFman, and S. C. Campbell gave matinee concerts here Jan. 17, 20, and 24. " The Rivals " was presented Jan. 24. Jas. Wehli and Mme. Agosta gave a matinde concert Jan. 31. Feb. 6 "The King of the Commons " was acted for the first time in this house, and with this cast :

King James . . . . J. W. Wallack

Mungo Small . . . A. W. Young

Malcolm .... B. T. Ringgold

George Weir . . . Charles Fisher

Madeline . . Madeline Henriques

Lord Seton W. Norton

Sir Adam John Gilbert

Said Small .... Mark Smith

"The Iron Mask" was done Feb. 13 for the benefit of J. W. Wallack. Robertson's comedy, " Society," was acted Feb. 22 for the first time in America, and had this cast :

Tom Styles . John Chodd, Jr. O'SuUivan Moses Aaron . Mac Usquebagh Sidney Daryl . Lord Ptarmigant John Chodd, Sr.

. . Charles Fisher

. . . W. Holston

. . W. H. Norton

. . G. F. Browne

. . W. H. Pope Frederic Robinson

. . Mark Smith

. . Geo. Holland

The Swiffel Lamb . Maud Hetherington, Lady Ptarmigant Little Maud . . . Mrs. Churton . . . Dr. Makores . . . Scargill

J. C. Williamson Miss Henriques Mrs. Vernon Emma Le Brun . Mrs. Timony . . Mr. Ward . James McGee

Several members of the company took benefits as follows : John Gilbert's was Feb. 26, when " The Clandestine Marriage " was given with this cast:

Lord Ogleby J. Gilbert

Canton John Sefton

Lovewell C. Fisher

Sterling Mark Smith

Sir John Melville . B. T. Ringgold

Mary Gannon's benefit took place Feb. 28, when " Romance and Reality " was given with this cast :

Mrs. Heidelberg . . Mrs. Vernon Miss Sterling . . . Miss Henriques

Fanny Clara Jennings

Betty lone Burke

Asper Manley Tom Badger . Oliver . . . Rosabella . . Blossom . .

. John Gilbert . A. W. Young . W. H. Norton . Mary Gannon Miss Henriques

Frank F. Robinson

Jack Charles Fisher

Lavender .... B. T. Ringgold

Barbara Mrs. Vernon

Betty Miss Clark




March 2 was Mark Smith's benefit night, when " The Old English Gentleman " and " Americans in Paris " were seen. Frederic Rob- inson offered " The Rent Day " March 6, with this cast :

Martin Heywood Silver Jack . . Bullfrog . . . Polly . . . .

F. Robinson

Chas. Fisher

A. W. Young

Mary Gannon

Toby B. T. Ringgold

Hyssop W. Norton

Grantley . . . . J. C. Williamson

Rachel M. Henriques

Old Crumbs .... John Gilbert

For her benefit, March 8, Madeline Henriques presented " An Unequal Match " in which she acted Hester Grazebrook. Fanny Morant gave " Married Life " and " The Eton Boy " March 12 ; Charles Fisher acted Tom Tittler in " Knights of the Round Table " March 14 for his benefit ; and " The Serious Family " was played March 19 for Mr. Young's benefit, with this cast :

Aminadab Sleek ... A. W. Young

Charles B. T. Ringgold

Capt. Murphy Maguire, F. Robinson Mrs. Ormsby Dalmaine, Mary Gannon

Mrs. Charles Torrens, M. Henriques Emma Torrens . . . Mary Barrett

Frank J. C. Williamson

Lady Creamly . . . Mjrs. Vernon

"The Laughing Hyena" was also given. For the benefit of Clara Jennings " Second Love " and " High Life Below Stairs " were produced March 21. "Paul Pry" and "Deaf as a Post" for George Holland's, March 23, and March 26 Mrs. John Sefton pro- duced " Dombey and Son " with this cast :

Dombey Capt. Cuttle Toots . . Joe Bagstock Jack Bunsby Carker . . Walter Gay Susan Nipper

Chas. Fisher

Mark Smith

. W. Holston

W. H. Norton

John Sefton

B. T. Ringgold

J. C. Williamson

Mrs. John Sefton

Flowers Miss Clarke

Bob Graham

Sol Gills W. H. Pope

Brozley Ward

The Native Cashin

Mrs. Skewton . . . Mrs. Vernon

Edith Fanny Morant

Florence Miss Barrett

For his benefit, March 28, W. Norton offered " John Bull." For Mrs. Vernon's benefit " Single Life " was produced March 31, with this cast :

David Damper Charles . . . Kitty Skylark . Maria Macaw . Caroline Coy .

. John Gilbert J. C. Williamson

. Mary Gannon

Mrs. Vernon

Mrs. John Sefton

John Niggle Peter Pinkey Narcissus . Sarah Snare Jessy . .

lyiark Smith . A. W. Young B. T. Ringgold . Fanny Morant . Clara Jennings

"Ladies at Home" was also acted. For lone Burke's benefit " The Wife's Secret " was revealed ; W. Holston, for his appeal, presented "The Porter's Knot," never before acted here, and the farce, " Boots at the Swan." The cast of the first piece was : Stephen Scatter . . . Chas. Fisher

Smoothly Smirk . . . A. W. Young Augustus .... B. T. Ringgold Mrs. Burr Mrs. Vernon

Samson Burr .... W. Holston

Oakhum Geo. Holland

Alice Clara Jennings


April 9 Lester Wallack made his first appearance in twelve months in " She Stoops to Conquer," which had this cast :

Young Marlowe Hardcastle . . Charles Marlowe Tony Lumpkin Diggory . . . Hastings . . Jeremy . . .

Lester Wallack

John Gilbert

. Geo. Browne

. Geo. Holland

. A. W. Young

B. T. Ringgold

J. C. Williamson

Stingo . . . Roger . . . Tim Twist Miss Hardcastle Miss Neville . Mrs. Hardcastle

W. H. Pope . . Graham . . . Ward Mary Gannon M. Henriques Mrs. Vernon

"The Wonder " was given April 11 ; "How She Loves Him" March 12 ; and April 16, " Don Caesar de Bazan," when Linda Windell, danseuse, with Louise Carman, appeared in a pas de deux. A matinde performance of " Norma," in Italian, was sung April 21 for the benefit of Sig. Massimilliani. It had this cast :

Norma . Adelgisa

Miss McCuIlough I PoUione , . . Mile. Stella ' Oroveso

Sig. Massimilliani , . . Sig. Bellini

Chas. Reade's " It 's Never Too Late to Mend " had its first per- formance in America May 7, and with this cast :

George Fielding . . . F. Robinson Thomas Robinson . . Chas. Fisher William Fielding . J. C. Williamson Little Savage . . Master McCormick Susan Merton , . Miss Henriques Mr. Meadows . . . Mark Smith

Josephs Mary Barrett

Evans Mr. Graham

Terry Mr. Leonard

Black Bill Mr. Barnes

Ralph Mr. Wilson

Sarah Miss Barrett

Jackey A. W. Young

Peter Crawley ... W. Holston Mr. Eden .... B. T. Ringgold Gable Girton .... Mr. Wilkinson

Mr. Merton Mr. Pope

Hitchen Mr. Ward

Josh Mr. Cashin

Isaac Levi John Gilbert

The first version of " It's Never Too Late to Mend," by Charles Reade, was played at Drury Lane Theatre, London, under the title of " Gold/' on Jan. 10, 1853. The cast was:

Geo. Sandford William Sandford Henry Winchester Isaac Levi . . .

Mr. Davenport . . Moorhouse . . . Hughes Edward Stirling

Tom Robinson Crawley . . Susan Merton

Henry Wallack

Chas. Selby

. Fanny Vining

The season closed June 9, and the summer term commenced June 1 1, with Dan Bryant in " Born to Good Luck," and " Handy Andy." July 28 the theatre closed for rehearsal of " Shamus O'Brien, the Bould Boy of Glengall, or A Tale of '98," written by Thomas B. Mac- donough and Fred G. Maeder, and produced July 30 for the first time on any stage, and with this cast -




Shamus O'Brien "l

Owney Dugan 1

Denny Doyle [ '

Higheen O'LearyJ

Sir Derry Downs

Lieut. Lovell Kennedy,

Miles O'Halloran

Mrs. Kate O'Connor, Mrs. Mark Smith

Dan Bryant

, W. R. Floyd B. T. Ringgold W. J. Leonard

Widow O'Brien Father Malone Col. Tarleton . Corney Ryan . Capt. Darcy . Darby the Blast Mary Kennedy

Mrs. John Sefton

Chas. Fisher

Geo. Holland

J. F. Hagan

C. Williamson

G. F. Browne

Rosa Cooke

The season of 1866-67 commenced Sept. 18. The company was composed of J. W. Wallack, John Gilbert, Geo. Holland, B. T. Ring- gold, J. S. Wright, C. H. Rockwell, Frederic Robinson, Charles Fisher, A. W. Young, W. H. Norton, J. C. Williamson, Geo. Browne, W. H. Pope, Mr. James, Roberts, W. J. Leonard, Lester Wallack, Madeline Henriques, Mrs. Vernon, Fanny Morant, Mrs. John Sefton, Fanny Green, Mary Gannon, Clara Jennings, lone Burke, Mary Barrett, Miss Carman, Mrs. and Miss Timony, Misses Day, Clarke, and Chapman. Edward Mollenhauer was leader of the orchestra ; John Gilbert, acting manager ; John Selwyn, stage director ; J. S. Wright, prompter ; and Theo. Moss, treasurer. " The Fast Family," an adaptation of Sardou's " Le Famille Benoiton," by Benj. Webster, was the initial play, and had this cast :

Mons. Benoiton . Mons. Didier . . Francois . . . M. de Vicompte . Prudent Fomichel Blanche Didier .

John Gilbert

Chas. Fisher

C. H. Rockwell

F. Robinson

. A. W. Young

. M. Henriques

Fanfan Benoiton . Rose Benoiton Camille Benoiton Clotide .... Adolphine . . . M. Fornichel . .

. Ella Chapman Clara Jennings . Fanny Green . Fanny Morant Mrs. John Sefton . Geo. Holland

This was Mr. Rockwell's first appearance here. Dr. Westland Marston's comedy, " The Favorite of Fortune," was first presented in America Oct. 8, and thus cast :

Frank Annerly . Tom Sutherland . Mr. Fox Bromley Lucy Dorrington Hester Lorington Mrs. Lorington .

Frederic Robinson Chas. Fisher . A. W. Young . Mary Gannon . M. Henriques . Fanny Morant

Euphemia Witherby (first appear- ance here) . . Mrs. Sedley Brown Mrs. Witherby . . Mrs. John Sefton Camilla Price .... Fanny Green Major Price .... John Gilbert

" The Fast Family " was repeated Oct. 10. H. J. Byron's comedy, " ;^ioo,ooo," was acted for the first time in America Oct. 22, and with this cast:

Joe Barlow Mr. Fluker Pyefinch . . Gibbons . . Gerald Goodwin Mr. Pennythorne

. . John Gilbert . . A. W. Young . J. C. Williamson . . W. H. Pope Frederic Robinson . . Chas. Fisher

Sir Rumsey Waters Maj. Blackshaw Mrs. Barlow . Alice Barlow . Jane Plover Arabella Pell .

, G. F. Browne W. H. Norton , Mrs. Vernon . M. Henriques . Mary Barrett Mary Green


A musical matinee was given Oct. 30, when Mme. Marietta Gazzaniga, Adelaide Phillips, Sig. Anastasi, Herr Mollenhauer (vio- linist), and Geo. W. Colby appeared. Nov. 5 " The Rivals " was played, with the first appearance this season of B. T. Ringgold. The comedy had this cast :

Sir Anthony Absolute . John Gilbert Capt. Absolute . Frederic Robinson Sir Lucius O'Trigger . W. H, Norton

Acres Chas. Fisher

Faulkland .... B. T. Ringgold

David Geo. Holland

Fag A. W. Young

Thomas Mrs. Pope

Boy Mr. Cashin

Lydia .... Mrs. Sedley Brown

Julia Madeline Henriques

Mrs. Malaprop . . . Mrs. Vernon Lucy Mrs. John Sefton

Mme. Gazzaniga gave a second and last matinde Nov. 7. " The Double Gallant" was acted Nov. 12. "Dreams of Delusion" and "Rural Felicity" was the programme Nov. 24. "Married Life," Nov. 27; "Dreams of Delusion" and "Poor Gentleman," Dec. i. Lester Wallack first appeared this season Dec. 3 as Young Marlowe in "She Stoops to Conquer;" "The Wonder" was seen Dec. 4; Dec. S, "Central Park;" Dec. 10, "To Marry or Not to Marry" and "Rural Felicity;" Dec. 11, "Irish Heiress;" Dec. 12, " She Stoops to Conquer ;" Dec. 15, "To Marry or Not to Marry" and "Deaf as a Post." "Ours," T. W. Robertson's comedy, with Artemus Ward as joint author for copyright purposes only, was seen for the first time in America Dec. 19, with this cast :

Bradley .... Benson .... Hugh Chalcote . Angus McAllister Sir Alex. Shendryn

. W. H. Pope

. . Mr. Ward

Lester Wallack

B. T. Ringgold

John Gilbert

Prince Perovsky Sergeant Jones Blanche Haye Lady Shendryn May Netley

Chas. Fisher . W. H. Norton Miss Henriques . Fanny Morant . Mary Gannon

Jan. 21, 1867, a benefit was given for the families of the seamen who were lost in the ocean yacht race. " A Dangerous Game," an adaptation of Sardou's " Nos Bon Villageois," by A. W. Young, was given Feb. 4, with this cast :

Gringoire .... George Holland

Floupin A. W. Young

Mons. Boutille . . . . T. Graham

Dr. Piver T. Ward

Courtcuisse E. Cashin

Jean W. H. Pope

Baron De Villepreux

Jas. W. Wallack, Jr. Monsieur Morrison . . John Gilbert Henri Morrison . Frederic Robinson

Mons. Grandmeul . W. J. Leonard Madame Boutille . . Mrs. Timony Tetillard . . . . J. C. Williamson

Genevieve M. Henriques

Pauline Clara Jennings

Mariotte .... Miss M. Barrett

Maguelon Fanny Green

Yveline Miss M. Scott

Perrette Miss Day

The Southern Relief Association had a matinde benefit March 2, and " Ours " was acted. Watts Phillips' new comedy, " Invest- ment," was seen March 5, with this cast:




Sir Arthur Plynlimmon, J. W. Wallack Mr. Jonathan Garroway . C. Fisher Sir Paul Pantile . . . Geb. Holland Owen Percival . . B. T. Ringgold Alderman Fungus . . G. F. Browne Blanche Plynlimmon, Clara Jennings

William Kite . . . . A. W. Young

Flimsey J. C. Williamson

Transfer W. J. Leonard

Mrs. Chicane . . . Fanny Morant

Tawdry Mrs. John Sefton

Jane Mrs. Timony

" Henry Dunbar, or the Outcast," was revived March 12. A concert was given March 16 by Parepa-Rosa, Carl Rosa, W. J. Hill, Sig. Fosati, Herr Honig, and Wm. Dressier. John Gilbert offered "The Fast Family" for his benefit March 18; Mary Gannon pre- sented "Paul Pry" and "Rural Felicity" March 20; for his benefit, March 22, Chas. Fisher gave " The Wife's Secret ; " for Madeline Henriques' benefit, March 25, "Masks and Faces" was done, with this cast :

Colley Cibber ... Geo. Browne Hernsdown . . . W. J. Leonard

CoUander T. Graham

James Burdock ... W. H. Pope

Call Boy E. Cashin

Pompey . . . Master McCormack Mabel Vane . . . Clara Jennings

Kitty Clive Mary Barrett

Maid Miss Carman

Sir Charles Pomander, B. T. Ringgold Lysimachus Triplet, Miss E. Le Brun Peg WofBngton , . . M. Henriques Mrs. Triplet . . . Miss F. Green Roxalana . . Miss D. McCormack

Triplet Chas. Fisher

Quin Geo. Holland

Ernest Vane ... W. H. Norton

Snarl A. W. Young

Soaper J- C. Williamson

Frederic Robinson acted Sir Giles Overreach in " A New Way to Pay Old Debts," March 27, for his " appeal." Fanny Morant had a benefit March 29, and played Mrs. Ormsby Delmaine in "The Serious Family ; " " High Life Below Stairs " was also given. Geo. Holland took his benefit April i, when " Paul Pry" and "The Secret " were acted. Boucicault's " Hunted Down, or the Two Lives of Mary Leigh," was seen April 2 for the first time in America, and with this cast:

Porter T. Ward

Roberts E. Cashin

Clara Clara Jennings

Fanny Miss M. Barrett

John Leigh . . Frederic Robinson Rawton Scudamore . . Chas. Fisher

Lady Glencarrig . . . Fanny Morant Mary Leigh . . . . M. Henriques

Eliza Miss M. Scott

Jane Mrs. Timony

Willie . . . Miss Emma Le Brun Maud . . . Miss D. McCormack

"The Laughing Hyena" was given the same night. Clara Jennings, for her benefit, April 3, played Mrs. Charles Bromley in " Simpson & Co.," and Emily Worthington in " The Poor Gentle- man." A. W. Young acted Billy Lackaday and sang "Sure, Mortal Man was Born for Sorrow," in " Sweethearts and Wives," for his benefit, April 5. " Americans in Paris " was also acted. " An Unequal Match " and " Simpson & Co." were played April 8 for Mrs. John Sefton's benefit. Madeline Henriques took her "fare- well " April 20, as Peg Woffington in " Masks and Faces." This


was announced as her last appearance on the stage, but she reappeared here in September, 1869. Boucicault's "Flying Scud, or a Four- Legged Fortune," was first acted April 24, and with this cast:

Tom Meredith . Frederic Robinson Capt. Grindley Goodge, B. T. Ringgold

Colonel Mulligan Bob Buckskin Fred Lanaghan Julia Latimer . Lady Woodbie Sam Wobbler . Mo Davis . . Nat Gosling . Lord Woodbie Quail . . . Chouser . . Dorling . . .

W. H. Norton

J. C. Williamson

. Miss Talfourd

Clara Jennings

Mrs. John Sefton

. Joseph Curran

Charles Fisher

. A. W. Young

. Mary Barrett

. G. F. Browne

. W. J. Leonard

Mr. Graham

Tittums Mr. Ward

Jenkins W. H. Pope

Bailiff Mr. Roberts

Dicky Brush E. Cashin

Neb Compo .... Fanny Green

Harry Stofel Miss Scott

Jim Titler Miss Day

Hall Hoffer . . . Mrs. M. Timony Tom Butler . . . Miss Williams

Jack Lyle Miss Clark

Joe Hiram Miss Timony

Jerry Lemon .... Miss Graham Tony Grimsaw . . . Miss Thomas Katey Rideout . . . Agnes Elliott

This was Agnes Elliott's American debut. This sporting drama closed the season June 8. Agnes Elliott retired from the stage and married John W. Keller, a gentleman connected with the New York press, and also Commissioner of Charities and Correction. Dan Bryant began a summer season June 10, during which " The Irish Emigrant," " Handy Andy," " Born to Good Luck," " How to Pay the Rent,'' "Barney, the Baron," " Shamus O'Brien," and "The Bells of Shandon " were played. This last drama was written for him by John Brougham and Henry L. Morford. Bryant closed his engagement July 27, and was followed July 29 by Lotta.

Charlotte Crabtree (Lotta) had been engaged by Clifton W. Tayleure. The following account of her appearance was given to me by Mr. Tayleure :

"Lotta had no specialty, and selected as the opening bill 'The Pet of the Petticoats ' and the farce of ' Family Jars.' In both pieces she played the banjo and danced a jig. ' Little Nell,' a dramatization of ' Old Curiosity Shop,' by John Brougham, was first acted Aug. 14. Lotta played the title r61e. Edward Coleman was the Quilp; J. C. Williamson, Dick SwiveUer; W. J. Leonard, Brass; and Mrs. E. C. Winter, Mrs. Quilp. The engagement lasted seven weeks (ter- minating Sept. 12), and was broken off to receipts averaging nearly $1,100 each performance. Lotta realized for her share about |io,ooo. Matindes were not in order in 1867. The two matindes a week custom of the present time would then have paid her, upon the usual terms, nearly $6,000 more. The understanding was that the engagement, which was simply verbal, should continue for two years. For personal reasons I was extremely anxious to terminate it at the end of the New York term. One afternoon I hastened to the little house on Amity street which Lotta had recently purchased for a residence, to interview her upon the subject. To my astonishment, and equally to my delight, the little lady met my opening hint with the laughing assertion that she had looked upon the two years ' suggestion ' simply as a joke of mine, and had made other arrangements. She does not to this hour know that I was prepared to pay very liberally for a release from that ' joke.' "




The regular season of 1867-68 commenced Sept. 25, with the following company: Lester Wallack, John Gilbert, Jas. W. Wal- lack, Mark Smith, J. H. Stoddart, Geo. Holland, Charles Fisher, J. B. Polk, J. C. Williamson, G. F. Browne, W. H. Pope, A. W. Young, Chas. H. Rockwell, B. T. Ringgold, W. J. Leonard, T. Ward, J. Curran, C. Sherman, E. Cashin, J. S. Wright, B. Durand, Mrs. Clara Jennings, Mrs. Vernon, Mrs. Wm. Winter, Mrs. John Sefton, Mary Gannon, Annie Ward (now Tiffany), Emily Mes- tayer, Fanny Morant, Mary Scott, Fanny Green, Mary Barrett, Jennie Day, T. Timony, Carman, Homer, Monell, Kate Ranoe. Thos. Baker, musical director; John Gilbert, acting manager; J. G. Hanley, stage director; J. S. Wright, prompter; Theo. Moss, treasurer. The following was the opening bill : " Meg's Diver- sion," and Burnand's burlesque, "The Latest Edition of Black- Eyed Susan, or the Little Bill that Was Taken Up," both of which were produced for the first time in America. " Meg's Diversion " was cast as follows :

Jeremy Crow .... John Gilbert Margaret .... Clara Jennings

Ashley Merton . . B. T. Ringgold Cornelia .... Mrs. W. Winter

Jasper Pidgeon . . . A. W. Young Mrs. Netwold .... Annie Ward Roland Pidgeon . . . . J. B. Polk

This was J. B. Polk's debut at this theatre. In the burlesque Kate Ranoe made her American d6but, and the cast was :

William Kate Ranoe

Capt. Crosstree . . . Mark Smith Doggrass .... George Holland Hatchett G. F. Browne

Shaun Ploughshare J. C. Williamson Black Eyed Susan . . Mary Gannon Dolly Mayflower - . . Fanny Green Raker Mary Barrett

Oct. 14 " The Rent Day " and the petite comedy, " 40 and 50," were played. E. L. Davenport and Fanny Morant appeared Oct. 21 in "Still Waters Run Deep." Rose Eytinge made her first appearance Oct. 28, as Margaret Wentworth in " Henry Dunbar." "A New Way to Pay Old Debts," Nov. i, introduced for the first time in this theatre J. H. Stoddart as Marrall. "The Honeymoon " was given Nov. 7, and " Belle's Stratagem " was seen Nov. 14. Watts Phillips' new play, " Maud's Peril," was given for the first time in New York Nov. 25, and with this cast:

Toby Taperloy . James W. Wallack James Burrell . . . G. F. Browne Sir Ralph Challoner . J. H. Stoddart Susan Taperloy . . Mrs. John Sefton Gerald Gwynn . . B. T. Ringgold

" Dr. Dilworth," by John Oxenford, was seen Dec. 4, with this cast:

Mr. Paddington . . . G. W. Browne Second Officer .... Mr. White Mrs. Dilworth . . . Mrs. Vernon Zoe Miss Ranoe

Dr. Dilworth .... John Gilbert

Syntax Mr. Young

First Officer Mr. Ward

Terentius O'Loughlin, J. C. Williamson


"Town and Country" had this cast Dec. 9, being the first time it was acted here in five years :

Reuben Glenroy Jerry Hawbuck Rosalie Somers Goody Hawbuck Cosey . . . Trot .... Capt. Glenroy Plastic . . . Owen Glenroy Armstrong . .

J. W. Wallack

A. W. Young

Clara Jennings

Miss Carman

John Gilbert

Mark Smith

. J. B. Polk

B. T. Ringgold

W. J. Leonard

. W. H. Pope

Ross . . . Williams Evans . . Robin . . Dwindle Waiter . . Mrs. Glenroy Mrs. Moreen Mrs. Trot . Taffline . .

Fagin J. W. Wallack Charley E. Cashin

Bill Sikes . . . . E. L. Davenport Policeman G. White

Oliver Twist .... Mary Barrett Tailor W. H. Pope

Bumble Geo. Holland Barney B. Durand

Brownlow G. F. Browne Officer C. Sherman

Monks C. H. Rockwell Nancy Sikes .... Rose Eytinge

Artful Dodger ... A. W. Young Mrs. Corney .... Mrs. Vernon

Fang J. C. Williamson Rose Maylie Mary Scott

Noah Claypole Leonard Mrs. Baldwin .... Miss Carman

Vellum T. Ward Charlotte .... Mrs. T. Timony

Toby Crackett . . E. M. Holland Susan Mrs. Monell

Butcher Boy J. Curran

Lester Wallack, after an absence of twelve months, appeared Jan. 13, 1868, as Viscount de Ligny in "The Captain of the Watch," and in " Woodcock's Little Game " (produced for the first time in this theatre). " Ours " was revived Jan. 27, and cast as follows :

George Browne

E. Milton Holland

. T. Ward

. E. Cashin

. G. White

. B. Durand

Fanny Morant

Mrs. Vernon

Mrs. John Sefton

. . Mary Scott

Hugh Chalcote . . Lester Wallack Col. Sir Alexander Shendryn

John Gilbert Lieut. Angus McAllister

B. T. Ringgold The Prince Perovsky . . J.B.Polk Major Samprey . . . W. J. Leonard

Lady Shendryn Sergeant Jones Bradley . . . Benson . . . Mary Netley . Blanche Haye . Ellen . . .

Fanny Morant

A. W. Young

W. H. Pope

. T. J. Ward

Mary Gannon

Kate Ranoe

. Mary Scott

This was Mary Gannon's last appearance on the stage. "Pauline" was revived Feb. 11, with Lester Wallack as Count Horace de Beauval, Rose Eytinge as Pauline, and Kate Ranoe as Gabrielle. " Rosedale " was revived March 9.

April 6 J. W. Wallack and E. L. Davenport reappeared in "Oliver Twist;" "The Honeymoon" was played April 13 with J. W. Wallack as Duke Aranza, E. L. Davenport as Rolando, and Rose Eytinge as Juliana. "The Belle's Stratagem" was given April 14 with J. W. Wallack as Doricourt, Davenport as Flutter, John Gilbert as Hardy, and Rose Eytinge as Letitia Hardy ; " Still Waters Run Deep," April 15: J. W. Wallack as John Mildmay,




E. L. Davenport as Capt. Hawksley, Fanny Morant as Mrs. Stern- hold, and Kate Ranoe as Mrs. Mildmay. Charles Fisher made his first appearance this season April 20, as the Major in " Henry Dunbar." J. W. Wallack played Henry Dunbar. "Love's Sac- rifice" was played April 30; May i, "The Rivals;" May 6, "Town and Country ; " May 11" Masks and Faces " was acted, with Rose Eytinge as the heroine.

"Town and Country" was given May 12; "The White Cock- ade" was seen May 14 for the first time, and with this cast:

Sir Andrew Silverton J. W. Wallack Capt. Hector Kilruddock

B. T. Ringgold Sergt. GufEoge . . J. C. Williamson Sir Wm. Ashford . W. J. Leonard Corporal Weatherspoon B. Durand Isabel Ashford . . Clara Jennings

Enoch Flicker Evan Mcjan . Cyril Silverton Chasseloup . . Highland Kate Hanover Bess . Jessie McLeod

J. H. Stoddart Chas. Fisher . J. B. Polk Jas. McGee Kate Ranoe Annie Ward Mary Barrett

" The Stranger " was played June i for the first time in four years. Clara Fisher made her first appearance here as Annette, Rose Eytinge was Mrs. Haller, and J. W. Wallack, the Stranger. The season closed June 6.

A summer term began June 8 under the direction of Theo. Moss. Brougham's " Lottery of Life " was presented for the first time, and with this cast:

Terry John Brougham

Bob IVtawley . . . Edward Lamb Sir Wm. Downe . . . . T. J. Hind Oil Tommy .... B. T. Ringgold

Dodgers W. J. Leonard

Dummy Dennis .... J. Quigley

DufEy E. Cashin

Hawkeye E. Menturn

Sam G. White

Mordie Solomons . . Chas. Fisher

Robert Mordaunt . C. H. Rockwell

Frank James McGee

Polly EfRe Germon

Miss Tartar .... Fanny Morant

Judy George Holland

Emily Miss M. Barrett

Marx Miss F. Carman

Biddy Miss C. Carman

Lucy Miss E. Monell

Jenny Miss J. Day

Lotta commenced on Aug. 10 in the new drama, by Edmund Falconer, "Fire Fly, or the Fiend of the Flag":

Fire Fly .

Harold Cecil

Rake . . .

Sadrick Levi



The Duke of Lyonnaise

. . . Lotta Chas. Fisher E. Lamb T. McWade W. J. Leonard W. H. Pope

Berkley Cecil . Ben Arslan . . Col. Chateauroy

B. T. Ringgold

C. H. Rockwell George Holland Theo. Hamilton

Marshal McDonald . . . T. J. Hind Marquise de Renardire, Mary Barrett

Venetia Laura Phillips

Barbe Grise H. George

Arab Sheik . . . . L. J. Williams

1st Arab P. H. Wilson

Officer H. Jacobs

Orderly J. McGee

Aide-de-camp .... J. F. Quigley Tata Leroux J. T. Ward

"Little Nell and the Marchioness" was given Sept. 6 with Lotta as the two heroines, and Chas. Fisher as Dick Swiveller.


The next regular season opened Sept. 23. The company con- sisted of J. W. Wallack, Charles Fisher, A. W. Young, J. B. Polk, J. L. Matthews, Geo. F. Browne, C. H. Rockwell, W. J. Leonard, E. Cashin, J. Curran, John Gilbert, J. H. Stoddart, J. G. Hanley, Geo. Holland, B. T. Ringgold, J. S. Wright, E. M. Holland, J. Sherman, T. Ward, B. Durand, Lester Wallack, Rose Eytinge, Mrs. Vernon, Clara Jennings, Emily Mestayer, Annie Ward Tiffany, Mrs. Sedley Brown, Fanny Green, Mrs. John Sefton, Mary Barrett, Misses Carman, Clayton, A. Clarke, J. Engel, E. Monell, Jenny Day, and Mrs. Timony. " Simon Bernard " was given, with this cast:

Corporal . . . E. Milton Holland Mary Betrand . . Mrs. E. Fisher

Luzanne Fanny Green

Lizette Miss E. Monell

Simon Bernard Crux . . . George Bernard Matthew Dorvel

. J. W. Wallack . Charles Fisher B. T. Ringgold . G. F. Browne

This was Mrs. E. Fisher's first appearance here. ' Life " was also played this night, and was thus cast:

Dearer than

Michael Garner .... J. Gilbert Uncle Ben .... J. H. Stoddart Bob Gasset . . . . A. W. Young Old Bolter (first appearance

here) J. L. Matthews

Mr. Kedgely . . . . W. J. Leonard Mr. Armstrong .... J. Sherman

Mrs. Garner (first appear- ance here) . . . Emily Mestayer Mrs. Bridget Pellet, Annie Ward Tiffany Mrs. Mingle . . . Miss E. Carman Charley Garner .... J. B. Polk

Lucy Clara Jennings

Mrs. Chigley . . . Miss E. Monell

"Love's Sacrifice" was presented Oct. 8, with Rose Eytinge as Margaret Elmore, J. W. Wallack as Mathew Elmore, Chas. Fisher as Paul Lafont, and Clara Jennings as Herminie. "Masks and Faces " was done Oct. i; "The Stranger," Oct. 13. "The Lan- cashire Lass " was first acted Oct. 26, and had this cast :

Kate Garston . . . Clara Jennings Fanny Danville . Mrs. Sedley Brown Mr. Danville . . . . C. H. Rockwell

Kirby G. F. Browne

Milder J. L. Matthews

Ruth Kirby .... Rose Eytinge

A Party by the Name of

Johnson . . . . J. W. Wallack Robert Redburn . . Chas. Fisher

Jellick Geo. Holland

Spotty A. W. Young

Neb Clayton J. B. Polk

Sergeant Donovan . . W. J. Leonard

Lester Wallack made his first appearance this season Dec. 14, in " Two Can Play at That Game, " which, acted for the first time here, had this cast :

Howard Leslie . . . Lester Wallack I Charles Arundel . . B. T. Ringgold Lucy Clara Jennings |

"Follies of a Night " was done the same night, with this cast:

Mile. Duval . . Count De Brissac Pierre Palliott .

Mary Barrett E. M. Holland Lester Wallack

Dr. Druggendraft . Duchess de Chartres Duke de Chartres .

, John Gilbert

Rose Eytinge

. Chas. Fisher




"Speed the Plough" was presented Dec. 15, and thus cast:

Bob Handy . . Sir Abel Handy- Farmer Ashfield Henry .... Morrington . . Gerald . . .

Lester Wallack . .J. Gilbert . G. Holland

B. T. Ringgold

C. H. Rockwell John L. Matthews

Sir Philip Blandford Miss Blandford Evergreen . . . Dame Ashfield Susan . . . Lucy Handy

. . Chas. Fisher Mary Barrett . . Geo. F. Browne . . . Mrs. Vernon Annie Ward Tiffany . . Mrs. J. Sefton

" Captain of the Watch," "Woodcock's Little Game," " Two Can Play at That Game," "The Wonder," and "Follies of a Night" were played until Dec. 28, when "Money" was given with this cast:

Dudley Smooth . . . . J. B. Polk Sir Frederick . . . B. T. Ringgold Servant to Sir John . . . T. Ward Servant to Evelyn .... J. Curran

Stout John Gilbert

Graves Chas. Fisher

Alfred Evelyn . . . Lester Wallack

Lord Glossmore Clara Douglass Lady Franklin . Georgina Vesey Sir John . . . Sharpe . . .

. C. H. Rockwell Clara Jennings . Emily Mestayer Mrs. Sedley Brown . John Matthews . Geo. F. Browne

The theatre closed Jan. 30, 1869, for a rehearsal of "Much Ado

About Nothing," presented Feb. Benedick .... Lester Wallack

Dogberry Leonato Verges . Don Pedro Don John Claudio . Antonio .

. John Gilbert Charles Fisher J. H. Stoddart . . J. B. Polk C. H. Rockwell B. T. Ringgold G. F. Browne

I, with this cast :

Borachio J. L. Matthews

Margaret . . . Mrs. Sedley Brown Conrade . . . . E. Milton Holland The Friar .... W. J. Leonard

The Sexton E. Cashin

Beatrice^ Rose Eytinge

Hero Clara Jennings

Ursula . . . Annie Ward Tiffany

Incidental to the second act the madrigal, " Sigh No More, Ladies," sung by Carrie Spier, Mrs. L. Dallimore, W. Dallimore, G. How- ard, and H. HoUoway. The comedy was played continuously for seven weeks. During its "run" Rose Eytinge was ill for a few nights, and Clara Jennings played Beatrice, March 13.

"School" was first acted in this country here March 15, and had this cast :

James E. Cashin

Noami Tighe .... Effie Germon

Bella Clara Jennings

Mrs. Sutcliffe .... Mrs. Vernon

Jack Poyntz . . . Lester Wallack Dr. Sutcliffe .... John Gilbert Beau Farintosh . . . . C. Fisher Mr. Krux .... J. H. Stoddart Lord Beaufoy . . . Owen Marlowe

Mrs. Vernon made her last theatre April 5, 1869, as Mrs. stage until May i.

"Caste" was acted May 3, for the first time here

appearance on the stage at this Sutcliffe. "School" kept the

Hon. George d'AIroy . Chas. Fisher Sam Gerridge . . . . A. W. Young Capt. Hawtree . . . Owen Marlowe Marquise de St. Maur, Emily Mestayer

Eccles . . Esther Eccles Polly Eccles

J. H. Stoddart . Rose Eytinge . Effie Germon


It was played for one month. The season closed on June 4.

"Old Mother Hubbard, or Harlequin Bo Peep and Boy Blue," was the attraction for the summer season, which began June 5 under the direction of the Lauri Pantomime company. It had this cast :

Boy Blue Rose Massey

Bo Peep EfiSe Germon

Pipsy Emily Lewis

Wipsy Miss E. Geddes

Fairy Queen .... Lizzie Mahon Virtuous Rustic . . E. M. Holland Mother Hubbard . . . Henri Lauri

Betsy Jane . Baron Wolf Chickaleary . Her Dog Her Monkey Her Cat . .

Fanny Prestige . . G. Beckett Graham Elliott . Charles Lauri Edward Lauri Master Martinetti


Harlequin John Lauri I Policeman Edward Lauri

Clown Charles Lauri Columbine Mile. Lauri

Pantaloon Henri Lauri |

The burlesque of " Coralline " followed June 26 for one week, and was succeeded July 5 by the Selwyn dramatic and burlesque company, in "Dora" and "Black Eyed Susan." H. F. Daly, Frederic Robinson, C. H. Vandenhoff, Stuart Robson, Harry Pear- son, Lizzie Price, Kitty Blanchard (Mrs. McKee Rankin), and Jacobs were in the organization. " The Long Strike " was played June 26. W. R. Floyd, J. H. Stoddart, Ringgold, C. H. Morton, Matthews, Rockwell, Cashin, Porter, Curran, Leonard, Holland, Germon, Carman, and Clayton were in the cast. This was the debut here of C. H. Morton, and the first appearance of W. R. Floyd in two years. John E. Owens appeared Aug. 2 as Unit, in Mrs. H. L. Bateman's " Self. " " Self " was played for three weeks, and was followed by "Solon Shingle," "The Live Indian," and "The Victims." The season closed Sept. 11 with a matinee per- formance for the benefit of the family of J. G. Hanley, formerly stage manager here.

The next regular season opened Sept. 15, i86g, with "The School for Scandal," which had this cast:

Chas. Surface . . Sir Benjamin . . Sir Harry Bumper Lady Teazle Mrs. Candour . . Lady Sneer well Maria

Sir Peter John Gilbert

Joseph J. W. Wallack

Sir Oliver Chas. Fisher

Crabtree .... J. H. Stoddart

Careless C. H. Rockwell

Moses J. C. Williamson

Trip E. M. Holland

This was the debut here of Chas. Wyndham, and the first appear- ance in two years of Madeline Henriques. The first production in America of Robertson's comedy, "Progress," took place Sept. 27, with this cast :

. Chas. Wyndham

Owen Marlowe

. . A. Mathison

Madeline Henriques

. Emily Mestayer

. Mrs. J. Sefton

Laura Phillips




John Feme .... J. W. Wallack

Dr. Brown John Gilbert

Lord Mompesson .... W. Hield Hon. Arthur Mompesson . C. Fisher Mr. Bunnythome . . J. H. Stoddart Bob Bunnytliorne . J. C. Williamson

Eva (her first appearance

at this theatre) . . . Louisa Moore Mrs. Myrnie . . . Mrs. John Sefton Mr. Danley ... E. M. Holland Wykham .... W. J. Leonard

Oct. II " An Unequal Match " was revived with Madeline Henriques as Hester Grazebrook. Charles Hale made his bow here as Sam Gerridge in "Caste," Oct. 12; "The School for Scandal " was done Oct. 13; "The Heir at Law" was played Oct. 23; Nov. I, "Still Waters Run Deep;" Nov. 2, "The Heir at Law." "Home" was done Nov. 8 for the first time in America, and had this cast :

Colonel John White . Lester Wallack Capt. MountrafEe . . J. H. Stoddart Bertie Thompson . . B. T. Ringgold Mrs. Pinchbeck . Madeline Henriques

Lucy Dorrison Dora Thornbaugh Mr. Dorrison . .

Effie Germon

Laura Phillips

John Gilbert

"Home" was originally called "Across the Atlantic." Joseph Jefferson got it from T. W. Robertson, intending to produce it in this country. He put it in rehearsal at the Varieties Theatre, New Orleans, La., during the season of 1867, but being dissatisfied with the r61e of Col. White (which he was to play), he returned the play to Mr. Robertson with a draft for £100, and Mr. Robert- son, after slightly altering it, sold it to Edward A. Sothern, who produced it at the Haymarket, London. On Nov. 20, "Henry Dunbar " was revived ; Dec. 6 " The Wonder " was seen ; Dec. 7, "Captain of the Watch" and "Woodcock's Little Game;" Dec. 13, " Ernestine " and " Trying It On ; " Dec. 23, " Wild Oats ; " and Dec. 27, "Central Park, or the House with Two Doors."

Jan. 10, 1870, "Ours" was presented, with Louisa Moore as Blanche, originally played by her in London. Boucicault and Byron's drama, "Lost at Sea," was first acted in America Feb. 28, and was thus cast:

Mr. Franklyn Mr. Hield

Walter Coram . . . J. W. Wallack

Mr. Rawlings C. Fisher

Jos. Jessop . . . . J. H. Stoddart

Smyly EfEe Germon

Griffiths .... E. M. Holland Farmer Green . . . J. F. Quigley Lord Alfred Colebrooke, Owen Marlowe Laura Franklyn . . . Laura Phillips

McKay . . Bidder . . Dr. Thorpe Newsboy . Katey . . Mrs. Jessop Mrs. Pybus Miss Bruce Child . .

. . . Leonard . . . Durand . . . Bowen . . Miss Rowe Miss M. Henriques . Mrs. J. Seiton Miss Fowler Miss Clayton Jennie Timony

It was withdrawn April 6, and Tom Taylor's Old Acres" was acted, with this cast:

'New Men and


Mr. Vavasour Samuel Brown Mr. Bunter . . Seeker .... Gantry .... Bertie Fitz Urse . Berthold Blasenburg,

C. H. Rockwell . J. W. Wallack . J. H. Stoddart E. M. Holland . . Mr. Peck B. T. Ringgold J. C. Williamson

Lady Matilda Vavasour

Emily Mestayer Lilian Vavasour . Miss M. Henriques Mrs. Bunter . . . Mrs. John Sefton Fanny Bunter . . . Laura Phillips Mrs. Brill Miss Rowe

For the matinee April 16 Lester Wallack reappeared in "Ours." A special matinee performance occurred April 20 for the benefit of Mrs. Sedley Brown, when was acted " A Gentleman from Ire- land," with John Brougham as Gerald Fitzmaurice (his first ap- pearance in New York this season); Laura Phillips as Lucy; Edmund Falconer recited his own poem, "Anne Hathaway;" " The Robgh Diamond " followed, with John S. Clarke as Cousin Joe, Mrs. Sedley Brown as Margery, Owen Marlowe as William Evergreen, and T. J. Hind as Lord Plato; Clara Fisher sang; A. Sedgwick did a concertina solo, and the entertainment closed with " The Debutante " : Charles Wheatleigh as Mons. Achille, Blanche Gray as Arabella.

May 6 " The Love Chase " and " Married Life " were presented ; May 9 Leicester Vernon's drama, "The Lancers," was given for the first time in America with this cast :

Col. Frank Epee .... C. Fisher Estelle Duvernay . . Louisa Moore

Blanquet . . . . . J. H. Stoddart Mme. d' Aplomb . . Emily Mestayer

Eugene B. T. Ringgold Mme. Pomponne . Mrs. John Sefton

Victor de Courcy . . C. Wyndham Jeanette Fanny Green

Troop Sergt. Major Mustache

J. C. Williamson

May 23 " The Rent Day " and " Is He Jealous .' " were given ; May 24, 28, "The Love Chase;" May 25, 27, "Americans in Paris" and "Trying It On;" May 30, "The Honeymoon;" and May 31, "Married Life;" June i "Love's Sacrifice" was revived; June 3, "The Rent Day" and "Is He Jealous.? " matinee June 4, "Americans in Paris" and "Trying It On." The season closed evening June 4 with "Love's Sacrifice." June 6 John Brougham began a summer term under Theo. Moss' management, in "The Red Light, or the Signal of Danger," which had this cast:

Edmund Macdermot, John Brougham Paul Maynard (first appearance

here) C. W. Barry

Dr. Bayne Chas. Fisher

Jehoshaphat Sharkey . J. H. Stoddart John Steele (first appearance

here) Joseph Sefton

Martin W. J. Leonard

Annie Steele Lizzie Price

Lady Arlington . . . Annie Deland Mrs. Holmes . . . Emily Mestayer

Servant J. Peck

Mary Steele . . . Carrie Jamison

A matinee performance was given June 7 for the benefit of Edmund Falconer, dramatist and actor. The bill consisted of the




second act of "Hamlet," with Chas. Fechter as the Prince, John Brougham as Polonius, Falconer as the First Actor, Milnes Levick as the King, Mrs. Melinda Jones as Gertrude, and Carlotta Leclercq as Ophelia; "Customs of the Country," by Mrs. Barney Williams, Marion Mordaunt, John Jack, C. H. Vandenhoff , and Fred Maeder ; a scene from "As You Like It," by J. W. Wallack, George Clarke, Alex Fitzgerald, and James Dunn; a recitation, "Anne Hathaway," by Mr. Falconer, and "A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing." The last named was cast as follows: Percy Kirk, Milnes Levick; Lord Churchill, M. W. Haviland; Jasper Carew, L. R. Shewell; Kester Chedzoy, Robert Pateman; Corp. Flintoff, E. T. Sin- clair; John Hayland, M. Daly; Anne Carew, Carlotta Leclercq; Keziah Mapletop, Emma Skerrett. "Minnie's Luck, or the Ups and Downs of City Life," by Brougham, written for Leona Cav- ender, was first acted June 27, and had this cast :

Horatio Pryer . . Melchezedeck Moggs, Barney O'Flynn . . Clara Willoughby Mrs. Horatio Pryer - Mrs. Willoughby Cleopatra . . Lawyer Goodwin Philip Wrexford Inkey Dick

John Brougham

J. H. Stoddart

. Joseph Sefton

Leona Cavender

. Annie Deland

Emily Mestayer

Marion Mordaunt

. . C. Fisher

. C. W. Barry

Lizzie Price

Comey Ryan Leonard

Mike Mulligan Quigley

Denis Doolan Blankman

Bart HoUigan Josans

Mat Maguffin Williams

Hans Wiegleman . , . Gambring

Matthew Peck

Patrick Curran

The Kitten .... Miss Fowler

Jane Miss Hayden

Bridget Miss Rowe

Leona Cavender closed July 9, and was followed July 11 by Joseph K. Emmet, who began his first New York engagement as a dramatic star. He was under engagement to Charles Gayler, who wrote a play for him called "Fritz, Our Cousin German." It had the following cast: Col. Crafton, Chas. Fisher; Robbit, B. T. Ringgold; Bloker, J. C. Williamson; Smasher, W. J. Leonard ; Adolphus Jenkins, E. M. Holland ; Judge Griffin, J. C. Padgett ; Lawyer Grim, Charles Rockwell ; Emmet as Fritz Van- derblinkinsloffen, Minnie Maddern as Little Fritz, Georgie Langley as Katrina, Gussie Chambers as Moppy, and Emily Mestayer as Metzler.

The season of 1870-71 commenced Sept. 20. The company was John Brougham, John Gilbert, George Clarke, Chas. Fisher, J. H. Stoddart, Owen Marlowe, B. T. Ringgold, Chas. Rockwell, J. C. Wiliamson, M. Lanagan, W. J. Leonard, J. Curran, E. M. Hol- land, J. Peck, Lester Wallack, Madeline Henriques, Effie Germon, Mrs. John Sefton, Annie Deland, Mrs. Thomas Barry, Emily Mestayer, Helen Tracy, Flora Clayton, the Misses Rowe, McCor- mack, James Fowler, Hayden, and Blaisdell. " The Rivals " was given for the opening bill of the season with this cast :

VOL. II. 18


Sir Anthony Absolute . John Gilbert Capt. Absolute (first appearance

here) Geo. Clarke

Lydia Languish . Madeline Henriques Mrs. Malaprop . . Emily Mestayer Julia (first appearance at this

theatre) Helen Tracy

Faulkland Boy . . Lucy . . Sir Lucius Acres David Fag . .

B. T. Ringgold

. Master Heme

. Annie Deland

John Brougham

J. H. Stoddart

J. C. Williamson

E. M. Holland

'The Two Roses," was produced Oct.

James Alberry's comedy, 10, and thus cast:

Our Mr. Jenkins . . . J. H. Stoddart Ida (first appearance in this

city) .... Mrs. Thomas Barry Furnival (first appearance

here) M. Lanagan

Mrs. Jenkins . . . Emily Mestayer

This play proving a failure, gave place, Nov. 2 to " The Serious Family, " with this cast :

Mrs. Cupps Digby Grant John Wyatt Caleb . . Lottie . .

Mrs. John Sefton

. Chas. Fisher

Geo. Clarke

Owen Marlowe

. EfiSe Germon

Capt. Murphy Maguire

John Brougham Chas. Torrens . . . George Clarke Aminadab Sleek . . . J. H. Stoddart Widow Dalmaine, Madeline Henriques

Lady Sowerby Creamley

Mrs. John Sefton Mrs. Chas. Torrens, Mrs. Thos. Barry

Frank C. Rockwell

Emma Helen Tracy

Mme. Seebach gave a matinee performance, Nov. 5 of "Adri- enne Lecouvreur;" "The Road to Ruin" was done Nov. 14; Nov. 21, " The School for Scandal ; " and Nov. 28, " Caste. " The comedy, " croquettes," was acted for the first time in America Dec. 7. It was originally produced in England as "The Two Thorns;" the cast here was :

Sir Kid Parkhouse Arthur Minton Bates Curling . . Frank Parkhouse Mrs. Minton . . Lord Leyton . . Adolphus . . . Jones ....

. . E. Coleman

John Brougham

B. T. Ringgold

Chas. Rockwell

Miss Henriques

M. Lanagan

Chas. Fisher

Owen Marlowe

Servant J. Peck

Charmian Miss Hayden

Mrs. Crome .... Miss Fowler

Lillian Helen Tracy

Fanny Effie Germon

Gardner J- F. Quigley

Rogers W. J. Leonard

It was a failure, and was shelved Dec. 27 and the old comedies resumed. "The Heir at Law" was given Dec. 27. "War" (T. W. Robertson's play) was first acted in this country Jan. 3, 1871, and had this cast :

Col. de Rochevannes Herr Karl Hartmann Lotte Hartmann . .

Chas. Fisher

John Gilbert

Miss Henriques

Oscar Geo. Clarke

Capt. Sound . . . John Brougham Blanche Helen Tracy

Lester Wallack's first appearance this season was made Jan. 16 as Ruy Gomez in "Faint Heart Never Won Fair Lady," and Sir Charles Coldstream in " Used Up. " This little comedy was first




produced by William Mitchell at the Old Olympic, in 1846, Charles Walcot playing Sir Charles as it never has since been played in this country, excepting, of course, by Mr. Charles Mathews.

Jan. 19 a benefit matinee performance was given for the widow and children of George Holland. " The Clandestine Marriage " was played Feb. 4. Geo. Clarke retired from the theatre Feb. 8. "Home" was revived Feb. 21, and "Blue Devils" was given the same night ; March 2 " Romance and Reality " was presented with M. Lanagan as Oliver; John Gilbert, Asper; Owen Marlowe, Frank Meredith; Brougham, Jack Swift; Mrs. Thos. Barry, Rosabel; Emily Mestayer, Barbara, and Effie Germon, Blossom. Robertson's comedy, "Birth," was first acted in this country March 27, and had this cast:

Earle of Eagledyffe . . . C. Fisher Adeliza Stormont . . Helen Tracy

The Duke . . . . J. C. Williamson Sara Hewitt . . . Mrs. Thos. Barry

Stanton W. J. Leonard Jack Randall . . . Lester Wallack

Paul Hewitt ... B. T. Ringgold

"The Nervous Man " was produced April i, with this cast:

Aspen John Gilbert McShane .... John Brougham

Capt. Burnish . . . C. Rockwell Vivian M. Lanagan

Lord Lounge ... B. T. Ringgold Biggs . . . . ., . E. M. Holland

Emily Flora Clayton Mrs. Clarkett .... Annie Deland

Lady Leech . . . Mrs. John Sefton

This comedy at one time was very popular, but of late years is seldom acted. Its popularity was due chiefly to that of the comedian personating McShane, the Man of Nerve, who generally was a star Irish comedian. It is associated in the memory of the old playgoer with the names of Tyrone Power, Leonard, John Collins, Hudson, and John Drew. When these artists played in it, the part of Aspen, the Nervous Man, was secondary, and I be- lieve it was reserved for Wm. Rufus Blake to make it the one of primary importance, in spite of the talent of Mr. Brougham, who played McShane.

Foote's comedy, "The Liar," was first seen here April 13 and had this cast :

Sir James . . Papillion . . Miss Grantham Miss Godfrey .

This was followed

Old Wilding .... John Gilbert Young Wilding . . Lester Wallack William J. F. Quigley

Owen Marlowe

J. C. Williamson

Clara Jennings

Emily Mestayer

by "His Last Legs," with John Brougham as

O'Callaghan. W. S. Gilbert's "Randall's Thumb," was first seen here May 8, and thus cast :

Scantlebury .... John Gilbert

Randall Chas. Fisher

Flamboys .... Owen Marlowe Joe Bangles ... J. H. Stoddart Mrs. Flamboys . . . Effie Germon

Superintendent . Edith Temple Miss Scantlebury Reginald . . . Miss Spin . . .

W. J. Leonard

Clara Jennings

Mrs. John Sefton

B. T. Ringgold

Emily Mestayer


Brougham's "Playing with Fire" was produced May 22, and had this cast :

Herbert Waverly . . . C. Rockwell Doctor Savage . . John Brougham Mrs. Waverly . . . Mrs. Thos. Barry Mrs. Doctor Savage . . Effie Germon

Uncle Timothy . . . John Gilbert

Pinchback J. H. Stoddart

Widow Mrs. John Sefton

Perkins Miss Blaisdell

' Rosedale " was revived May 29, and thus cast :

Elliott Gray . Miles McKenna Bunberry Cobb Mathew Leigh Cavendish May Sir Arthur . . Romany . . Farmer Green Corporal Daw .

Lester Wallack

John Gilbert

. J. H. Stoddart

B. T. Ringgold

C. H. Rockwell . Nellie Kurd J- F. Quigley . W. J. Leonard . E. M. Holland

Tabitha Stork Sarah Sykes Lady Adelia Primrose . Docksey . Robert . . Rosa Leigh Lady Mary Mother Mix

Emily Mestayer Mrs. John Sefton Annie D eland Miss Benton . . . Peck . . Danvers EiEe Germon Clara Jennings Miss Blaisdell

"The Long Strike" commenced the summer season June 21, with Mr. Stoddart as Moneypenny and Effie Germon as Jane Lea- royd. " Elfie, or the Cherry Tree Inn " was first seen here July 10, and had this cast :

Aircastle (first appear- ance here) . . . .C. Wheatleigh Ledley Deepcar . . . C. Rockwell Bob Evans (first appear- ance here) Teesdale

Warkinshaw .... W. J. Leonard

Elfie Effie Germon

Rose Aircastle . . . Lizzie Price

Filey B. T. Ringgold

Sadlove J. H. Stoddart

Joe Chirrup C. Fisher

Shelby Quigley

Parker J. Peck

Pemberton Jones

Blacksmith Princeps

Aug. 14 witnessed the first appearance at this house of the Lydia Thompson burlesque company, consisting of Hetty Tracy, Camille Dubois, Carlotta Zerbini, Tilly Earl, Lotta Mira, Kate Egerton, Kate Heathcote, Nellie Cooke, Harry Beckett, Willie Edouin, H. Montgomery, John Edouin, John Bryer, and Lydia Thompson. Michael Connolly was the musical director. Sept. 11" The Princess of Trezibonde " was produced, and was followed by "Bluebeard," Sept. 18, for Lydia Thompson's benefit. "Lur- line, or the Knight and the Naiads " and " A Day in Paris " were acted Sept. 22. The same bill was repeated Sept. 23, when the season closed.

The next regular season opened Sept. 30, 1871. The company consisted of Charles Mathews, Lester Wallack, John Brougham, Chas. Fisher, J. B. Polk, John Gilbert, J. H. Stoddart, W. H. Montgomery, Chas. Rockwell, W. J. Leonard, J. Peck, J. Curran, B. T. Ringgold, Geo. F. Browne, E. M. Holland, J. F. Quigley, Plessy Mordaunt, Clara Jennings, Emily Mestayer, Helen Tracy, Effie Germon, Mrs. John Sefton, Mary Lenoyle, Estelle Rowe,




Blanche Hayden, Flora Clayton, Miss L. McCormick, and Miss Langdon. John Gilbert was acting manager, and James Schonberg stage director. " The Rivals " was the initial performance.

Sir Anthony Bob Acres David . Fag . . Thomas . Sir Lucius

. . John Gilbert . . J. H. Stoddart W. H. Montgomery . E. M. Holland W. J. Leonard . John Brougham

Mrs. Malaprop . . Emily Mestayer Lydia Languish . . . Clara Jennings Captain Absolute ... J. B. Polk Faulkland .... B. T. Ringgold

Julia Helen Tracy

Lucy Estelle Rowe

Oct. 3 "The Heir at Law" was played, and Oct. 4, "The Serious Family." Miss Plessy Mordaunt, leading lady, made her American d6but Oct. 9 as Mrs. Oakley, in "The Jealous Wife." Charles Mathews' first appearance in this theatre oc- curred Oct. 16 in "A Curious Case," the cast of which was: Twiggleton, Chas. Mathews; Mr. Aubrey, Chas. Fisher; Charles Stanton, Charles Rockwell; Edward, E. M. Holland; and Mrs. Aubrey, Clara Jennings. "A Game of Speculation," by Chas. Mathews, was also played, with Mathews as Affable Hawk. " Ag- gravating Sam" and "The Nervous Man" were seen Oct. 23. "The Busybody" was given Oct. 30 for the first time in many years, and had this cast:

Marplot Chas. Mathews Miranda .... Plessy Mordaunt

Sir Jealous Troffick . John Brougham Sir George J. B. Polk

Sir Francis Gripe . . John Gilbert Charles B. T. Ringgold

Isabinda (her first appearance Whisker .... E. M. Holland

at this theatre) . Henrietta Osborne Patch Effie Germon

Nov. I a matinee performance took place for the benefit of those suffering from the Chicago fire. " The Lady of Lyons " was acted, and thus cast :

Claude Melnotte . Mme. Deschapelles Widow Melnotte . M. Deschapelles . Col. Damas . .

. Chas. Fechter

Mrs. John Sefton

Mme. Ponisi

. W. J. Leonard

John Gilbert

Pauline Lizzie Price

Beauseant C. Rockwell

Glavis B. T. Ringgold

Gaspard . . . W. H. Montgomery Landlord .... Geo. F. Browne

"The Critic, or A Tragedy Rehearsed" was presented Nov. 6, and thus cast :

Sir Fretful and Puff . Chas. Mathews

Tilburina Effie Germon

Confidante .... Mrs. John Sefton

Sneer C. Rockwell

Sir Christopher . W. H. Montgomery

Earl of Leicester Mrs. Dangle . Dangle . . . Governor . . Beefeater . .

. . W. B. Polk . Miss Blaisdell B. T. Ringgold Geo. F. Browne E. M. Holland

"A Nice Firm" was acted Nov. 7 and continued throughout the week. "Rosedale" was revived Nov. 13, with Mme. Ponisi as Tabitha Stork, and Isidore Cameron as Lady Adela Gray, and


her first appearance at this house. " John Garth, " by John Brougham, founded on T. W. Robertson's novel, "True to Herself, "was acted for the first time Dec. 12, and had this cast:

Gregory Deerham Hester Deerham . Minnie Garth . . Mere Charmarante, John Garth . . .

, . John Gilbert

, Plessy Mordaunt

Clara Jennings

Mrs. John Sefton

Lester Wallack

Maria . . Paulo . . Bartholomew Owen . .

Lillie McCormack . . . C. Fisher . . . J. B. Polk . E. M. Holland

During the first week of January, 1872, John Gilbert had an attack of the gout, and his r61e was played by John Brougham. In a few days Brougham was similarly attacked, and the r61e was taken by Chas. Rockwell. This play was taken off on Feb. 12 and after a long and elaborate preparation Lester Wallack' s drama, in six tableaux, entitled "The Veteran," was revived for the first time in thirteen years. It was thus cast :

Eugene Leslie J. B. Polk

Capt. Belmont Jenson

Lieut. Morton Thomas

Lieut. Lorimer Barton

Sergt. Simpson Peck

Seyd Arnold

Osman James

Ogion W. J. Leonard

Mustapha Geo. Browne

Zaida Miss Burroughs

Leon Delmar . . . Lester Wallack The Emir Mohammed . . C. Fisher Col. Delmar .... John Gilbert

Blanche Effie Germon

Mrs. McShake . . . Mme. Ponisi

Amineh Clara Jennings

The Sultan C. Rockwell

Off-an-Agan .... J. Brougham

Hassan E. M. Holland

Gulnare Helen Tracy

Bison . . . Master Geo. Goodwin

Sir Harcourt .... John Gilbert

Dazzle Chas. Mathews

Spanker J. B. Polk

Mark Meddle . . . . J. H. Stoddart Lady Gay .... Plessy Mordaunt

Charles Mathews reappeared April 18 in "London Assurance:"

Grace Helen Tracy

Max John Brougham

Charles Lester Wallack

Cool E. M. Holland

Pert Mrs. John Sefton

May 8 a matinee benefit was given in aid of the Homoeopathic Surgical Hospital fund; Fanny Foster made her first appearance on any stage May 9 as Grace Harkaway. " London Assurance " was kept on the boards to large audiences until May 27, when "Home" and "The Critic" were acted. For his farewell benefit Charles Mathews presented " The Captain of the Watch " and "Not Such a Fool as He Looks." He acted Simple Simon in the latter play. This closed the season.

The manner in which Charles Mathews was engaged to play in the regular company is worthy of mention. While acting at Daly's Fifth Avenue Theatre he came to Wallack and said : " I want an appearance at your theatre." " But you know we never star people at our house," replied Mr. Wallack. "I don't care; I want to appear, and I atn willing to go in your regular company. Make




me an offer," persisted Mathews. "Oh, I can't do that," said Wallack. " How much do you want ? " " I will leave it entirely to you," replied Mathews, and subsequently it was arranged that he should be paid a salary of ^500 a week. This salary was paid him a number of weeks before it was possible to give him an ap- pearance. It is memorable that in " London Assurance, " he, Lester Wallack, and John Gilbert appeared together on one stage.

June 3 a summer season was opened with "The Long Strike," J. H. Stoddart as Moneypenny, Welsh Edwards as Crankshaw, and Efifie Germon as Jane Learoyd. Watts Phillips' "On the Jury" was first seen here June 17, and had this cast:

Dexter Sanderson . . . Brougham Robert Sanderson . . . Ringgold Edith (first appearance here)

Ella Burns Miss Nippingale . . Mrs. John Sefton Miss Winch (first appearance at this theatre) . . . Carrie Martin

Rosa (first appearance here)

Frankie McClellan Tibbetts .... Charles -Fisher

Prof. Schmidt Stoddart

Curlett Rockwell

Waterman Holland

Tilda Effie Germon

"The Last Trump Card" had its first hearing here July i, and with this cast :

Vicompte De Noirmount . C. Fisher Sir Slingsby Sorrell, W. H. Montgomery Lady Sorrell . . . Mrs. John Sefton Alice Walsingham . . . Ella Burns Cecillia Thornton . Mrs. Thos. Barry Cecil Seagift ... B. T. Ringgold

Rebecca Beak . . . Eflie Germon Jabez Jubal . . . . J. H. Stoddart

Sykes C. Rockwell

Chickweed . . . . E. M. Holland

Hopper W. J. Leonard

Martha Miss Blaisdell

"The Long Strike" July 15, 1872, and continued throughout the week. A summer season commenced July 22 with the Lydia Thompson burlesque company, consisting of Harry Beckett, Willie Edouin, Eliza Weathersby, Amy Sheridan, Louise Beverly, Camille Dubois, Tilly Earle, Harriet Courtney, Pauline Leslie, Mrs. Brier, Fanny Leslie, and Lydia Thompson. Michael Con- nolly was musical director. " Robin Hood " was the opening bur- lesque. " Ixion " was revived Sept. 2, with the first appearance of Rose Coghlan as Jupiter. The comedietta, "A Happy Pair," pre- ceded the burlesque, in which Rose Coghlan made her American ddbut, acting Mrs. Honeyton, with Edmund Leathes as Mr. Honeyton. "Kenilworth" was done Sept. 21, and the season closed Sept. 28.

The regular season of 1872-73 opened Oct. i. The company was: Geo. Boniface, J. H. Stoddart, J. B. Polk, E. M. Holland, Geo. F. Browne, Katharine Rogers, Edith Challis, Mrs. Fanny Foster, Mme. Ponisi, E. A. Sothern, W. J. Leonard, J. Peck, John W. Carroll, C. E. Edwin, Rose Coghlan, Miss Blaisdell, Miss McCormack, John Gilbert, Efifie Germon, Mrs. John Sefton, Thomas Baker, musical director, John Gilbert, acting manager, James


Schonberg, stage director, J. S. Wright, prompter, and Theo. Moss, treasurer. W. S. Gilbert's "Pygmalion and Galatea," given for the first time in America, was the opening bill, and had this cast:

Pygmalion (first appearance

at this theatre) . . . G. Boniface Galatea (first appearance

in this city) . . Katharine Rogers Cynisca (first appearance at

this theatre) . . . Edith Challis

Chrysos J. H. Stoddart

Myrine Fanny Foster

Leucippe J. B. Polk

Agensimos . . . . E. M. Holland

Mimos Geo. F. Browne

Dophine Mme. Ponisi

This was not Katharine Rogers' d6but in America, as she had appeared at Philadelphia as Georgina, in "Our American Cousin," Sept. 2, 1872, at the Walnut Street Theatre, in E. A. Sothern's company. Max Maretzek commenced a series of concerts Sunday evening, Nov. 3. "Pygmalion and Galatea" was played until Nov. II, when E. A. Sothern appeared in "Our American Cousin," which had this cast:

Lord Dundreary . Asa Trenchard . Lieut. Vernon Capt. De Boots . May Meredith Sir Edward Trenchard Florence Trenchard

. . Sothern . J. B. Polk

E. M. Holland . . J. Peck Rose Coghlan

W. J. Leonard Fanny Foster

Mrs. Montchessington . Mme. Ponisi

Coyle John W. Carroll

Abel Murcott . . . . J. H. Stoddart

Binney Geo. F. Browne

Buddicombe .... C. E. Edwin Georgina .... Katharine Rogers

Dec. 21 "Brother Sam " was produced:

Hon. Sam Slingsby .... Sothern Jonathan Rumbelow . John Gilbert Trimbush J. B. Polk

Mrs. Trimbush Alice . . .

EfBe Germon Rose Coghlan

"David Garrick " was seen Feb. 8, 1873 :

Ada Ingot . . . Katharine Rogers Araminta Brown . . . Mrs. Sefton

David Garrick Sothern

Mrs. Smith .... Mme. Ponisi

Simon Ingot .... John Gilbert Squire Chivey .... J. B. Polk

Smith Geo. F. Browne

Jones E. M. Holland

April 3 " David Garrick " and " Dundreary Married and Settled " were presented. The latter play had this cast :

Lord Dundreary .... Sothern D. R. Boots . . . . E. M. Holland

Buggins G. F. Browne

Abel Murcott (first appear- ance here) .... C. B. Bishop

Sir Edward . . Lady Dundreary- Lady Trenchard Asa Trenchard .

J. W. Carroll

Rose Coghlan

Mme. Ponisi

. J. B. Polk

" David Garrick " was acted for the eighty-fifth time (matinee) May 3. At night "The Squire's Last Shilling" was first played, and with this cast :




Charles Chuckles . . E. A. Sothern Roderick Gresham ... J. B. Polk Jabez Grindrod . . . . C. B. Bishop Farnier Hodges . . G. F. Browne Malvina (first appearance here) .... Imogene Vandyke

Rachel Grindrod . Katharine Rogers

David Brandon J- Carroll

Clinch E. M. Holland

Polly Greville . . . EflSe Germon Lady Logwood .... Mme. Ponisi

After May 2 1 there was a constant change of bill, as follows : May 22, "Our American Cousin," which had eight performances; May 29, "Brother Sam" and " Dundreary Married and Settled," four times, and Sothern closed his engagement May 31. "Mora, or the Golden Fetters, " by Boucicault, was acted June 3 for the first time on any stage, and had this cast :

Mora Katharine Rogers

Paul Schuyler Allerton

Bella Guppy .... Efiie Germon Judge Cutts .... O. S. Fawcett Philo Guppy (d^but here), A. D. Bradley Ex-Judge Conover . . . W. H. Pope

Chancey Sickfold . . Milnes Levick Larry Suydam ... G. H. Griiifith

Sally Miss Blaisdell

Ophelia Mary Wells

Lisha Joseph Wheelock

"Mimi," one of Boucicault's "emotional" plays, was produced for the first time early in July, and was thus cast :

Maurice Boucicault

Durosel A. D. Bradley

Max Porleson . . . . W. H. Crisp Schneider .... John Howson

Collinet B. T. Ringgold

Clicot Ed. Lamb

Mme. Darblay . . . Fanny Foster

Second Officer G. Clarke

Mimi Katharine Rogers

Rigolette Effie Germon

Salope Miss Vandyke

Rosalie Mary Wells

This was the first appearance at this theatre of W. H. Crisp and John Howson.

The season of 1873-74 opened Sept. 15. The company was as follows: John Gilbert, W. R. Floyd, J. W. Carroll, T. E. Mills, W. J. Leonard, J. Peck, Harry Beckett, J. B. Polk, E. M. Hol- land, George Browne, C. E. Edwin, J. Curran, Mrs. John Sefton, Mme. Ponisi, Rose Coghlan, Dora Goldthwaite, Kate Bartlett, McCormack, Burroughs, Effie Germon, Blaisdell, Estelle Rowe, Everette, Jeanie Ross, Clara Bate; acting manager, John Gilbert; stage director, W. R. Floyd; prompter, J. S. Wright; treasurer, Theo. Moss; and musical director, Thomas Baker. Mr. Sothern was the star attraction, and the opening plays were "Barwise's Book" and "The Burrampooter. " Oct. 11 Salvini and his Italian company performed "Othello" at the matinee. Salvini appeared in "Francesca da Rimini" at the matinee, Oct. 18. In the even- ing " Our American Cousin " was revived, and ran until Oct. 27, when Lester Wallack made his first appearance in two years, act- ing in "She Stoops to Conquer," which gave place on Nov. 10 to


"Ours," in which Edward J. Arnott, from the Haymarket Theatre, London, made his American d6but, playing Lieut. Angus McAl- lister. " Ours " was withdrawn after the matinde of Nov. 22, and in the evening " The Liar " was revived, and Miss Jeffreys Lewis, who had been added to the company, made her first appearance as Miss Grantham. The comedy was preceded by " To Oblige Ben- son." On the evenings of Nov. 9, 16, and 30, concerts were given by members of the Strakosch Italian opera company.

On Dec. 8 "Home" and "Ici I'On Parle Frangais" were seen, and ran throughout that week ; Dec. 15, 19, "She Stoops to Con- quer;" Dec. 16, "Ours;" Dec. 17, "The Liar;" Dec. 18, "Home" and "Ici I'On Parle Frangais." Boucicault's new comedy of " A Man of Honor" had its first hearing Dec. 22. On Jan. 17, 1874, "The Man of Honor" was withdrawn, and Jan. 17 "Money" with the gambling scene restored was revived, in which John Brougham made his first appearance in two years. March 7 " The Heir at Law" was announced, for the reappearance of John Gil- bert after a long illness; but, owing to the indisposition of John Brougham, " Money " was continued, and John Gilbert acted Stout. "The Heir at Law" was produced March 9, and acted during the week. "The Rivals " was seen March 16, and ran during the week. " Central Park " was revived March 23, and ran until April 4, when at the matinee " The Veteran " was revived. John Brougham was taken ill April 11, and on that night and until April 20, when Mr. Brougham reappeared, Harry Beckett acted Off-an-Agan. " School " was produced April 30 and ran until May 22, when "The Clandestine Marriage" was revived, which gave way May 26 to " Woodcock' s Little Game " and " The Nervous Man. " These comedies were repeated May 28, 29, and matinee. May 30. " Money " was revived May 27 and repeated May 30, when the season closed.

J. L. Toole, the English comedian, made his American debut Aug. 17 in "Wig and Gown," written expressly for him by James Alberry, and a comic drama by Thomas Haynes Bayley, called " The Spitalfields Weaver. " " Wig and Gown " had this cast :

Hammond Coote . . . J. L. Toole Sorbyson Siel . . . . W. Herbert Dr. Dallet . . Q. C. H. Westland Fred Fairfoot . . . E. M. Holland Mr. Justice Jones . . H. A. Weaver Edward Albert Wellington

Coote Agnes Michell

Edward Albert Nelson

Coote .... James Strickett . . Samuel Marigold . Decimal Two-five . Hon. Miss Kenruetie Mrs. Coote . . .

Sadie Vivian

Eben Plympton

W. J. Leonard

J. F. Josephs

. Mme. Ponisi

Eliza Johnstone

The cast of " The Spitalfields Weaver " was :

Simmons J. L. Toole

Brown H. Westland

Darville Eben Plympton

James J. F. Josephs

Adele Minnie Bell




The performance was a lamentable failure, the peculiar talent of Mr. Toole not being appreciated by an American audience. Toole was announced as having met with " an accident " ; and four nights of his engagement were filled by Dan Bryant, who acted in " Handy Andy " and "Irish Emigrant." This was Dan Bryant's last engagement in Irish comedy.

The next season commenced Tuesday, Oct. 6, 1874, with Byron's comedy, "Partners for Life," which had this cast:

Horace Mervyn Tom Gilroy . Goppinger Fanny Smith Priscilla . . Emily . . .

. John Gilbert H. J. Montague W. J. Leonard Jeffreys Lewis . Mme. Ponisi Dora Goldthwaite

Darbyshire . Muggles . . Ernest . . . Major Billeter Sir Archibald

Kate Bartlett Harry Beckett . J. B. Polk

J. W. Carroll G. F. Browne

The company engaged] was: H. J. Montague (first appearance in America), John Gilbert, Harry Beckett, J. B. Polk, John W. Car- roll, Geo. F. Browne, W. J. Leonard, Jeffreys Lewis, Mme. Ponisi, Dora Goldthwaite, Kate Bartlett, Mrs. John Sefton, E. M. Hol- land, C. E. Edwin, J. Peck, J. F. Josephs, Thos. Atkins, Ada Dyas, Effie Germon, lone Burke, Mabel Leonard, Dion Bouci- cault, Edward Arnott, and Miss C. Bate. John Gilbert was the acting manager; W. R. Floyd, stage director; J. S. Wright, prompter; and Theo. Moss, treasurer.

"The Rivals" was revived Oct. 14, with Edward Arnott as Cap- tain Absolute. " The Romance of a Poor Young Man " was seen Oct. 21, with this cast:

Marguerite (first appear- ance at this theatre) . Ada Dyas Manuel .... H. J. Montague

Louise Mrs. John Sefton

Caspar J. W. Carroll

Alain E. M. Holland

M. Nouret . . . . G. F. Browne

Mme. Laroque Christine . . Mme. Aubrey Mile. Helouin Dr. Desmarets M. De Brevannes

Mme. Ponisi Mabel Leonard Effie Germon . lone Burke . John Gilbert . J. B. Polk

Nov. 14 Boucicault's "The Shaughraun " was played for the first time on any stage, and had this cast :

Capt. Molineux Arte O'Neale Robert Ffolliott Father Dolan Corry Kinchela Harvey Duff . Conn . . .

H. J. Montague Jeffreys Lewis . J. B. Polk . John Gilbert E. Arnott . H. Beckett

Dion Boucicault

Sergt. Jones . . . . W. J. Leonard

Reilly E. M. Holland

Claire Ffolliott .... Ada Dyas Mrs. O'Kelly .... Mme. Ponisi

Moya lone Burke

Bridget Mrs. Sefton

"The Shaughraun" was withdrawn on April i, 1875, for "The Romance of a Poor Young Man ; " April 10 " Rafael " was seen for the first time. This was a new adaptation of "Les Filles de


Marbre " (" The Marble Heart "). " The Romance of a Poor Young Man" was revived April 17; "The Road to Ruin," with H. J. Montague as Harry Dornton, was seen April 24.

A matinee benefit was given April 29 for the Dan Bryant Benefit Fund. The following is a copy of the programme :

Mr. Honeyton . . After which

"A HAPPY PAIR." H. J. Montague | Mrs. Honeyton


Sir Anthony Absolute . John Gilbert Sir Lucius O'Trigger . W. R. Floyd Capt. Absolute .... E. Arnott

Bob Acres H. Beckett

Faulkland J. W. Carroll

David . . . Lydia Languish Mrs. Malaprop Julia .... Lucy ....

Ada Dyas

. E. M. Holland . . Jeffreys Lewis . . Mme. Ponisi Dora Goldthwaite . . Kate Bartlett

The following is the Treasurer's report of the several benefits and donations in behalf of the family of the late Dan Bryant :


Wallack's Theatre .

. $1,305.50

Union Sq. Theatre .


Booth's Theatre . .


Theatre Comique

. . 801.75

Olympic Theatre


Lyceum Theatre . .


Park Theatre .... Bowery Opera House . San Francisco Minstrels Academy of Music . .

FROM BENEFIT GIVEN AT Chicago, under auspices of Danl. O'Hara, City Treasurer FROM SALE OF PICTURE Donated by Lysander Thompson, Jr


W. J. Florence . Thos. J. Creamer Dion Boucicault A. Oakey Hall J. J. O'Donohue J. T. Raymond L. L. L. . .

Arthur Cheney (Globe Theatre, Boston) . Wright Sanford . . Miss Neilson . . . H. J. Montague . . Richard O'Gorman . J. Murphy, Comedian J. L. Toole . . .

$250.00 200.00 150.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

100.00 100.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00

Geo. A. Dickerson . Dan's friend " M." . Miller, Morrison & Co. Dominick Murray . " Mark Twain " . . George Loveday - . George Tyson . . W. A. Seaver . . . Dan Shelby, Buffalo Anonymous, by Mr. H. J. Montague . Count Joannes . . A Friend ....

$148.50 44.80 71.00


$6,903.30 $652.00 $128.00

$50.00 50.00 30.00 30.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00



1. 00






W. R. Travers $100.00

C. J. Osborn George George S. V. White . H. A. Patterson M. S. Prentiss

50.00 50.00 25.00 25.00 25.00

W. S. Neilson $25.00

C. F. Woerishoffer .... 25.00 Soutter & Co z5-oo


George Wilkes $100.00

Harry Hill 100.00

Samuel Wilkeson .... 20.00


G. VandenhofE $25.00

L. J. Jennings 25.00

Mrs. J. H. Dykers .... 10.00

G. C. Martin 10.00

M. T. P 5-00

A Friend Plus . .

BY L. J. JENNINGS. F. Navarro . . .

Jos. " F." F. C.



$9.00 1. 00


$5.00 5.00 5.00

From sale of boxes $168.84

From sale of general admission tickets 4^1 5-95

From J. C. Williamson, comedian, Australia 56.00

From John McCuUough, proceeds of benefit given at California

Theatre San Francisco, Cal 948.90

Grand total $16,163.99

New York, July 21, 1875.

This is to certify that Messrs. Josh Hart, W. R. Floyd, and A. M. Palmer have this day paid to me, as trustee for myself and Marie Bryant, Jeremiah Bryant, Daniel Bryant, and Teresa Bryant, the children of the late Daniel Bryant, sixteen thousand one hundred and sixty-three 99-100 dollars, being the proceeds realized and received by the said Josh Hart, W. R. Floyd, and A. M. Palmer, as the com- mittee of the associated managers of the City of New York, from individual dona- tions, and from the performances given by the theatres of New York, Chicago, and San Francisco, for the benefit of myself and children.

$16,163.99 ^^^- ^^^ Bryant.

Witness: Fred A. Lovecraft.

" A Happy Pair " and " The Rivals " were played May 8 ; " The Irish Heiress," May 12, matinee, May 22, and the rest of the week. The season closed May 29, when " The Lady of Lyons " was given :

Claude Melnotte . Mons. Deschapelles Mme. Deschapelles Widow Melnotte . Col. Damas

H. J. Montague

. J. W. Carroll

. Mme. Ponisi

Mrs. John Sefton

John Gilbert

Glavis J. B. Polk

Beauseant E. Plympton

Pauline Ada Dyas


Landlord .

Major . . Capt. Dupont

Gervais . .

Notary . .

Jeannette .

Marian . .

C. E. Edwin G. F. Browne J. F. Josephs . . J. Peck . T, Atkins G. Comstock . Clara Bate Miss J. Francis


A summer season began May 31 by Harrigan and Hart, in "The Donovans," with the following company: W. E. Sheridan, Welsh Edwards, J. W. Jennings, Geo. L. Stout, John W. Norton, Walter Eytinge, C. E. Edwin, J. Curran, Mme. Ponisi, Bessie Vivian, W. J. Leonard, J. Peck, E. M. Holland, J. F. Josephs, Ada Monk (first appearance at this theatre), and Alice Clayton. The Peak Family of Bellringers, Charles and Carrie Austin, the "Zoua^e Drill" artists, Nellie St. John, balladist, and Baby Bindley appeared in the play.

The next regular season commenced Oct. 5, 1875, with this company : H. J. Montague, Harry Beckett, Chas. Stevenson, Wm. Herbert, Harry Gwynette, W. J. Leonard, Geo. C. Jordan, Jr., J. Peck, John Gilbert, W. R. Floyd, E. M. Holland, J. W. Shannon, Chas. Rosene, C. E. Edwin, T. Atkins, J. F. Josephs, EfEe Ger- mon, Mrs. John Sefton, Nina Varian, Miss C. Blaisdell, Miss Foster, Miss C. Bate, Kate Bartlett, Geraldine Maya, lone Burke, Mme. Ponisi, and Ada Dyas. Thomas Baker was musical con- ductor; John Gilbert, acting manager; W. R. Floyd, stage di- rector; J. S. Wright, prompter; and Theo. Moss, treasurer. " The Overland Route " was the opening play, and had this cast :

Tom Dexter . Solomon Frazer Lovibond . . Moleskin . . Capt. Smart Mrs. Lovibond Mrs. Colepepper Miss Grimwood

H. J. Montague . John Gilbert . Harry Beckett E. M. Holland . H. Gwynette . Effie Germon Geraldine Maye . Kate Bartlett

Colepepper Major McTurk Capt. Clavering Hardistry . . Tottle . . . Mrs. Seabright Mrs. Rabbits .

. . W. Herbert J. W. Shannon . . C. Rosene Geo. Jordan, Jr. . W. J. Leonard . . Ada Dyas Miss C. Blaisdell

This was the first appearance at this theatre of J. W. Shannon, C. Rosene, Harry Gwynette, Geo. C. Jordan, Jr., and Geraldine Maye's first appearance on any stage. " Caste " was played Nov. 8, with the first appearance in New York of George Honey, in his original character of Eccles :

George D'Alroy . . H. J. Montague Capt. Hawtree . . C. A. Stevenson Sam Gerridge . . E. M. Holland Eccles Geo. Honey

Dixon . . . Esther Eccles Polly Eccles . The Marquise

J. F. Josephs

. Ada Dyas

Effie Germon

Mme. Ponisi

Dec. 9 " Bosom Friends, " adapted by Horace Wigan from Sardou's "Nos Intimes," was given, with this cast:

Doctor Bland ... H. J. Montague

Yielding John Gilbert

Donoghue Harry Beckett

Union Edward Arnott

Mrs. Meanley . . . Mme. Ponisi Amy Geraldine Maye

Gimp Miss Thornton

Frederick . . . . C. A. Stevenson

Meanley W. Herbert

Barravell E. M. Holland

Mrs. Union Ada Dyas




"Caste" was repeated Dec. 31: 1876, and had this cast:

"Home" was revived Jan. 3,

Col. John White . . Lester Wallack Capt. MountrafEe . . J. W. Carroll

Dorrison John Gilbert

Dora Kate Bartlett

Bertie Willie Seymour

Mrs. Pinchbeck .... Ada Dyas Lucy Geraldine Maya

This was Lester Wallack's first appearance in two years. " A Quiet Family" was also acted on this occasion. Byron's comedy, "Married in Haste," was first seen in this city Jan. 12, and had this cast:

Gibson Greene . . Lester Wallack Percy Pendragon . . . John Gilbert Augustus Vera . . C. A. Stevenson Josiah Grainger . . J. W. Shannon Mrs. Grainger (first appear- ance at this theatre) . . Rose Lisle

Ethel Ada Dyas

Rackstraw W. Herbert

Pritchard .... Ethel Thornton

Baffles J. W. Carroll

Munchance . . . . G. F. Browne

Feb. 7 " John Garth " was revived, with Alex. Fitzgerald as Paulo Barretti and Nina Varian as Minnie Garth, their first ap- pearance at this theatre. "She Stoops to Conquer," Feb. 21; March 3, " Caste ; " matinde, March 4, " The Romance of a Poor Young Man;" March 13, "The Wonder;" March 28, "The Cap- tain of the Watch" and "Woodcock's Little Game," matinee and evening ; April g, " Tears, Idle Tears, " with H. J. Montague in his original character of Wilfred Cumberledge. A new comedy drama by A. C. Wheeler and J. Steele Mackaye, entitled "Twins," was produced April 12, and had this cast:

Chester Delafield / Mark Delafield S Magnus Rounse . Hubert Vince . . Doctor Puddiphat Victoria Golden .

Lester Wallack

. John Gilbert C. A. Stevenson . . W. Herbert . Effie Germon

May Delafield Mrs. Amiable Richard Wylde Wolfe . . . Mrs. Delafield Mrs. Clift . .

Geraldine Maye Miss C. Blaisdell . W. R. Floyd . E. M. Holland . . Ada Dyas Mrs. John Sefton

" London Assurance " was given April 26 :

Charles (first time) Dazzle .... Sir Harcourt . . Mark Meddle . . Dolly Spanker

H. J. Montague

Lester Wallack

John Gilbert

. Harry Beckett

. W. R. Floyd

Lady Gay Ada Dyas

Pert Effie Germon

Max J. W. Shannon

Cool E. M. Holland

Grace lone Burke

May 16 "How She Loves Him" was revived, and the season closed May 27. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Florence began a summer term May 29 with "The Mighty Dollar," which had this cast:


Roland Vance . . . Frank Weston Lord Clairngorm . . W. J. Ferguson Washington Skidmore, E. M. Holland Senator Hogwhistle . G. C. Sherman Bardwell Slote . . W. J. Florence Charley Brood . . . W. R. Floyd

Arthur J. W. Carroll

Tom Dart .... J. W. Shannon

Geo. Saville . . . W. A. Whitecar

Libby Josephine Baker

Laura Ethel Thornton

Lafayette C. E. Edwin

Tarquinious . . . . C. Townsend Mrs. Gilflory .... Mrs. Florence

Clara Dart May Howard

Blanche lone Burke

The season closed Sept. 30, when "The Mighty Dollar" was acted for the one hundred and eighteenth time at this theatre, and the two hundred and twenty-second time in this city.

On Oct. 3, 1876, the next regular season opened with Harry Beckett, H. J. Montague, Ed. Arnott, Wm. Herbert, Joseph Shannon (right name Sendlebeck), Walter Eytinge, C. E. Edwin, T. Wilson, J. Peck, W. J. Leonard, C. A. Stevenson, John Gil- bert, Dion Boucicault, E. M. Holland, Ada Dyas, Rose Wood, Mme. Ponisi, Josephine Baker, Mrs. John Sefton, Miss Blaisdell, Effie Germon, Clara Bate, Ethel Thornton, and Florence Villiers. "Forbidden Fruit" was the initial performance, and was thus cast:

Sergeant Buster Cato Dove Capt. Derringer Dodd. . . . Swalbach . . Victor . . .

. Harry Beckett H. J. Montague . . E. Arnott . W. Herbert J. W. Shannon W. Eytinge

Joseph . . . Mrs. Cato Dove Mrs. Buster . Zulu .... Julia Cripps .

C. E. Edwin . Ada Dyas Mme. Ponisi Effie Germon Miss Blaisdell

Nov. g " The Shaughraun " was revived, with Boucicault as Conn, Montague as Molineax, Rose Wood as Arte O'Neale, and Josephine Baker as Moya. A benefit for the Brooklyn Theatre fire sufferers was given Dec. 21, when "Caste" was^ acted, and also "Forty and Fifty." Jan. 8, 1877, "Forbidden Fruit" was revived; Palgrave Simpson and Herman Merivale's drama, "All For Her," was produced Jan. 22, and.had this cast:

Richard Radford (first appearance at this theatre) . Steele Mackaye

Hugh Trevor Capt. Mervale Alice . . Mary Rivers

Lester Wallack

. George Clarke

. . Ada Dyas

Rose Wood

Geystone .... Mrs. John Sefton

Col. Darner E. Arnott

Maurice C. A. Stevenson

Laurence .... E. M. Holland

Donald C. E. Edwin

Edgar J. W. Shannon

Feb. 7 "A Morning Call" and "Married Life" were seen, and Feb. 12 "Wild Oats" was played, with this cast:

Sir George Thunder Ephraim Smooth Harry Thunder . Jennie Gammon . Rover .... John Dory . . Tim

John Gilbert

. Harry Beckett

C. A. Stevenson

. Effie Germon

Lester Wallack

Edward Arnott

E. M. Holland

Farmer J. W. Shannon

Banks W. J. Leonard

Lamp C. E. Edwin

Trap James Curran

Lady Amaranth . . . Rose Wood Amelia Mrs. John Sefton




" She Stoops to Conquer " was given Feb. 26 ; March 6, " The Rivals;" "My Awful Dad" had its first American presentation March 10, and was thus cast :

Adonis Evergreen . Lester Wallack Mrs. Biggs

Dick Evergreen . . . Harry Beckett Evangeline

Baron Kotcliberg . J. W. Shannon Matilda . .

Humphrey E. M. Holland Emma . .

Dibs C. Edwin Charlotte .

Cruets W. J. Leonard

In consequence of the indisposition of Lester Wallack, "The Rivals " was revived the second week in April. " Rosedale " was revived May 14, and had this cast :

Mrs. John Sefton

Ethel Thornton

Rose Wood

Josephine Baker

. . Clara Bate

Miles McKenna . Bunberry Cobb . Mathew Leigh Col. Cavendish May Farmer Green Lady Adela . . Corporal Daw Romany Robb Robert ....

John Gilbert

Harry Beckett

Edward Arnott

Cyril Searle

W. J. Leonard

Florence Villiers

W. Eytinge

C. Edwin

. T. Atkins

Doxy . . . Sir Arthur . . Lady Florence Rosa Leigh Tabitha Stork Sarah Sykes . Mother Mix . Primrose . . Elliot Grey

... J. Peck

AUie Dorrington

Ada Dyas

Effie Germon

Mrs. Farren

Mrs. J. Sefton

Miss Blaisdell

. Miss Bate

Lester Wallack

Ada Dyas took a benefit June 7, when "A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" was acted, with this cast:

Jasper Carew Dame Carew Sybil . .

. H. J. Montague Mrs. G. H. Gilbert . AUie Dorrington

Kester Chedzoy . . . . W. Herbert

Ann Carew Ada Dyas

Keziah Effie Germon

This was followed by a recitation of "The Bridge of Sighs," by Jeffreys Lewis; and the quarrel scene from "The School for Scandal," John Gilbert as Sir Peter Teazle and Fanny Davenport as Lady Teazle.

The fourth act of " Love's Sacrifice " was next given by Marie Wainwright and Frederick B. Warde, and the performance closed, with the fourth act of "The Lady of Lyons," George Rignold as Claude and Ada Dyas as Pauline. A summer season commenced June II with Lettie Allen, in a drama called "Waves," which had this cast :

Arthur Leslie . Hubert Leslie Leonard Gordon Garner . . . Caroline Shirley Mrs. Brightless Kittie Brightless Alphonso Howard

J. B. Atwater

Cyril Searle

W. Eytinge

W. J. Leonard

Effie Germon

Mrs. A. F. Baker

Blanche Galton

. W. R. Floyd

Capt. Walton . Jerry Timpkins Sidney Morton Edna Gordon . Mrs. Leslie Mrs. Stacey . Mrs. Warren .

Theo. Hamilton

. Thos. WhifEen

Lewis Baker

Lettie Allen

Mme. Ponisi

Marion P. Clifton

Ethel Thornton

This was the first appearance here of Thomas Whiffen, Mrs. Alexina Fisher Baker, and Blanche Galton (Mrs. Thomas Whif- fen), also the New York debut of Marion P. Clifton.

VOL. II. 19


June 28 Henry Morford's play, " Crabbed Age " was given, and introduced for the first time at this theatre May Roberts and May Gallagher, who acted Mme. Dumonlin and Juliette. July 2, Philip Stoner's drama, "Woodleigh," introducing for the first time at this theatre Marie Bates, who acted Abigail Wildron. For J. B. Atwater's benefit, July 20, "The Stranger" was played, with Atwater as the Stranger, Lettie Allen as Mrs. Haller, Mary Davenport as Countess Wintersen, and E. B. Holmes as Solomon. Aug. 20 the Lydia Thompson company appeared in "Bluebeard," with this cast :

Selim Lydia Thompson

Bluebeard Fred Marshall

Abrahim Horatio Saker

Fatima Alice Burville

O'Shacabac .... Ella Chapman Corporal Zoug Zoug . Willie Edouin

Hassan Marie Williams

Sister Anne .... Lina Merville

Fez Emily Duncan

Zaid Kate Everleigh

Beda Marion Elmore

Reece and Farnie's burlesque of "Oxygen" was seen Aug. 27:

Prince Fritz Van Fricasse Gretchen . Nilclause . Franz . . Van Blazen Hermance

Lydia Thompson . Fred Marshall . Marion Elmore . Wm. Forrester . Willie Edouin . Kate Everleigh . Alice Atherton

Hanserl Emily Duncan

Otto Marie Williams

Dr. Ox Horatio Saker

Tarantula Ella Chapman

Suzel Alice Burville

Lotchen Lina Merville

Alexander Henderson, husband of Lydia Thompson, and man- ager of this company, died at Cannes, France, Feb. i, 1886. Sept 12, "Robinson Crusoe," with Lydia Thompson in the title r61e. The next regular season opened Oct. i, 1877, with Bouci- cault's play "Marriage," which had this cast:

Silas Auldjo .... John Gilbert Walter Auldjo . . Eben Plympton Constant Tiffe . . . Edward Arnott Mrs. Constant Tiffe . Rose Coghlan Mrs. Tarbox .... Mme. Ponisi

Fannie Stella Boniface

Archibald .... H. J. Montague

Persimmons H. Beckett

Virginia Effie Germon

Mudgeon E. M. Holland

Josephine Meta Bartlett

Rosalie Pearl Eytinge

Miss SnifEe . . . Mrs. John Sefton Celia Miss Thornton

A matinee benefit was given Nov. 8 for the Custer Monument fund, when "Jane Eyre" was acted with this cast:

Judith J. L. Carhart

Rochester .... McKee Rankin Mrs. Reed .... Jenny Carroll Lady Clarens Emily Rigl

Grace Miss Watson

Adele Grade Wade

Bessie Emily Lewis

Jane Eyre (first time) . Clara Morris

Frank Marshall's comedy drama, "False Shame," was first seen here Nov. 12, and had this cast:




Earl of Dashington Hon. Chas. Ewart Arthur .... Ernest Bragleigh Col. Howard . . Lieut. Gray . .

J. W. Shannon

C. E. Edwin

H. J. Montague

. . E. Arnott

. John Gilbert

W. A. Eytinge

Mary . . Philip . . Magdalen . Mrs. Howard Constance .

. Meta Bartlett

E. M. Holland

. Rose Coghlan

. Mme. Ponisi

Stella Boniface

" Won at Last, " by Steele Mackaye, was first played here Dec. 10, when Gabrielle du Sauld made her first appearance at this theatre. It was thus cast :

John Fleming . . Major Bunker Sophie Bunker . Baron Von Spiegel Prof. Tracy . . Dr. Sterling . .

. H. J. Montague . . E. M. Holland Gabrielle du Sauld J. W. Shannon . . John Gilbert . . W. R. Floyd

Will Eben Plympton

Mrs. Tracy .... Mme. Ponisi

Mandle W. A. Eytinge

Driscol G. F. Browne

Grace Rose Coghlan

Flora Mrs. John Sefton

Lester Wallack's first appearance this season was Jan. 14, 1878, as Adonis Evergreen in "My Awful Dad." "School" was acted Jan. 25, and continued for two weeks. For John Brougham's benefit (matin6e Feb. 14). "A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing," the third act of "School," and "Kerry" were given. In the latter play Katharine Rogers acted Blanche Desmond; George Clarke, Captain Desmond; and Dion Boucicault, Kerry. "Money" was revived Feb. 18, when John Brougham made his first appearance here in four years, acting Benjamin Stout; Lester Wallack as Alfred Evelyn; H. J. Montague, Capt. Dudley Smooth, and John Gilbert (for the first time in this city). Sir John Vesey. "London Assurance" was done March 18. "Diplomacy" had this cast for its first production April i :

Henry Beauclercq . Lester Wallack Julian Beauclercq . H. J. Montague Countess Zicka . . . Rose Coghlan Lady Fairfax (first appearance

at this theatre) . . Sara Stevens Dora (first appearance at this

theatre) Maud Granger

OrlofF . .

Marquise .

Algie . . Baron Stein

Craven . .

Antoine . .

Minon . .

Frederic Robinson

Mme. Ponisi

. W. R. Floyd

J. W. Shannon

W. A. Eytinge

. . H. Ayling

. Pearl Eytinge

This comedy ran until the close of the season, June 16, and the next season commenced Sept. 10, 1878. The company consisted of John Gilbert, C. F. Coghlan, J. A. Kennedy, Charles Rock- well, Charles Barron, Wm. R. Floyd, Harry Beckett, J. W. Shan- non, E. M. Holland, W. J. Leonard, Mme. Ponisi, Rose Coghlan, Mrs. William Lindsay (Mrs. John Sefton), Effie Germon, Miss Blaisdell, John Brougham, C. E. Edwin, W. A. Eytinge, H. Pearson, Meta Bartlett, Stella Boniface, Nellie Bingham, Vin- cent Hogan, Pearl Eytinge, Mamie and Alice McCOrtttack, and Miss E. Grant. " Clarissa Harlowe " was the opening bill, and received this cast:


Col. Harlowe . Lovelace . . The Professor Chaffinch . . James . . . Mrs. Harlowe . Clarissa . .

John Gilbert . C. F. Coghlan J. W. Shannon . E. M. HoUand . W. J. Leonard

Mme. Ponisi . Rose Coghlan

Capt. Solmer Geo. Harlowe Jack Belcher Sir Giles Jacob Budd Gurtha . . Jennie . .

Chas. Rockwell

J. A. Kennedy

Chas. Barron

W. R. Floyd

Harry Beckett

Mrs. Lindsay

Effie Germon

This was the first appearance at this theatre of C. F. Coghlan, J. A. Kennedy, and Charles Barron. The Mrs. Lindsay who played Mrs. Gurtha, was formerly Mrs. John Sefton, who had been married to William Lindsay, turf reporter of The New York Clipper. "The School for Scandal " was presented Sept. 21, and had this cast:

Lady Sneerwell . . . Pearl Eytinge

Rowley W. J. Leonard

Trip C. E. Edwin

Lady Sneerwell's Servant,

Harry Pearson

Sir Peter John Gilbert

Sir Oliver .... John Brougham

Charles Chas. F. Coghlan

Sir Benjamin .... Chas. Barron

Oct. 7 " The Road to Ruin " was seen, when Genevieve Rogers appeared as Sophia Freelove; Oct. 21, "The Jealous Wife;" a matinee performance Oct. 23 of "The Road to Ruin," for the benefit of the yellow fever sufferers; Oct. 28, "The Rivals," with Chas. Coghlan as Capt. Absolute; matinee, Nov. 11, Burnand's comedy, " Our Club, " was first acted, and had this cast :

Crabtree . . .

. W. R. Floyd

Moses ....

E. M. Holland

Careless . . .

. Harry Beckett

Sir Harry . . .

Vincent Hogan

Snake ....

W. A. Eytinge

Lady Teazle . .

. Rose Coghlan

Mrs. Candour . .

. Mme. Ponisi

Maria ....

Stella Boniface

Stanislaus . Alphonse . Henry . Capt. Ranger Baffley . . Doctor Stanmore Capt. Farrborough Tom Rippendale .

. W. R. Floyd . C. F. Coghlan . Chas. Barron

W. A. Eytinge . W. J. Leonard

J. W. Shannon Chas. Rockwell

E. M. Holland

Richard Frobisher Mrs. Dubuisson Nellie Gourdon Amanda . . Lady Ethel Mrs. Wray Polly . . .

. Harry Beckett . Effie Germon Stella Boniface . Minnie Vining . Rose Coghlan . Mrs. Lindsay Nellie Bingham

Dec. 4, an adaptation from the German of "Mein Leopold," by Dr. F. Harris and Fred Williams, entitled "My Son," had its first representation, and was thus cast:

Herr Mehlmeyer HerrWillner . . Herr Schwalbach Herr Weigel . . Leopold . . . Rudolph . . . Sandor . . . .

. . H. Beckett John Brougham

J. W. Shannon John Gilbert

Chas. Rockwell . Chas. Barron

E. M. Holland

Hemple W. J. Leonard

Clara Rose Coghlan

Mina Effie Germon

Frau Willner .... Mme. Ponisi

Emma Stella Boniface

Anna Meta Bardett

Marie Pearl Eytinge




A matinee benefit was tendered John Gilbert Dec. 5, in honor of the completion of his fiftieth year upon the stage. The pro- gramme was: Third act of "Almost a Life," with this cast:

. Maud Granger Phillipe B. Maginley

Eben Plympton Jerome Gus Levick

. Rose Osborne Manuel B. T. Ringgold

Henry Eytinge Colinet Chas. Leclercq

Carlotta Evelyn M. Doranche . . . . E. H. Stevens

. H. A. Weaver Madelaine Sadie Bigelow

A recitation by George S. Knight came next, and was followed by "Kerry," with this cast:

Avisie Doranche . Jules De Bonneval Countess Clairnot Count Clairnot . Frincine . . . Dr. Saumire . .

Blanche Desmond Gerald Desmond Capt. Coldham

Agnes Booth

A. Stevenson

C. Rockwell

Kerry Dion Boucicault

Dr. Mellish ... J. W. Shannon Kate Stella Boniface

"A Morning Call," with Lester Wallack as Sir Edward Ardent and Ada Dyas as Lady Chillington, was the next item on the pro- gramme, and was succeeded by the screen scene from " The School for Scandal " :

Sir Peter . Lady Teazle

John Gibbs Gilbert . . Rose Coghlan

Charles C. F. Coghlan

Joseph Chas. Barron

The third act of

Count Vladimer Anna . . .

W. Ramsey . Sara Jewett

After this Mr. Gilbert addressed the audience. "The Danicheffs" was next seen, with this cast:

Ossip . . . Chas. R. Thome, Jr.

Nickifor H. F. Daly

Countess Danichefii Mrs. E. J. Phillips

Then came the "bagatelle " called "The Chinese Question " :

Billy J. C. Williamson

Kitty . . . Mrs. J. C. Williamson Nellie Leonore Bigelow

Harry . . . Fred . . . , Mrs. Freewell

W. S. Harkins

. A. H. Stuart

Miss A. Eaton

The entertainment closed with the negro sketch, "Society Actors," by Billy Birch and Charley Backus.

John G. Gilbert was born at Boston, Mass., Feb. 27, 1810, and was one of the few American-born actors connected with Wallack's Theatre. His first appearance on the stage was at the Tremont Theatre, in his native city, Nov. 28, 1828, as Jaffier, in "Venice Preserved." His first appearance in this city was at the Old Bowery Theatre in June, 1839, as Sir Edward Mortimer, in "The Iron Chest." He had prior to this been in the Southern theatres. It was at the old Camp Street theatre, New Orleans, La. , that he played small business. Being cast for Sir Frederick Vernon, in "Rob Roy," he resolved to make his mark. Just before going on for the part that night (he was letter perfect at rehearsal) he was anxiously waiting for his cue; but when it came and took him on


the stage he grew faint, dizzy, hot, and cold, by turns; in fact, he was taken with "stage fright," and was speechless. He was roundly hissed, which brought him to his senses, and he managed to get through the performance after a fashion. In April, 1847, he went to England, and appeared at the Princess' Theatre, London, as Robert Bramble, in "The Poor Gentleman." He returned to this country, and appeared at the old Park Theatre here, Sept. 30, 1848, in "The Rivals." He remained at that theatre until its de- struction by fire, Dec. 16, 1848. He spoke the "tag" in "Naval Engagements," the last piece performed there, and had the last word on the stage. He first appeared at Wallack's Theatre (Thirteenth Street and Broadway) Sept. 22, 1862, as Sir Peter Teazle, and continued with Mr. Wallack until the end of that gentleman's management. His first wife died in this city, Oct. 27, 1866. His second wife (a non-professional lady) was Sarah H. Gavett, to whom he was married in June, 1867. He was one of the best representatives of old men ever seen on the American stage. He died at Boston, Mass., June 17, 1889, where he had been lying ill since May 22. Mr. Gilbert's ailment was Bright's disease of the kidneys. He had long been troubled with that malady, but had concealed the fact from his most intimate friends. He was con- scious until within three minutes of the end. On his seventy- eighth birthday, Feb. 27, 1888, he was given a dinner at the Lambs' club, this city. His last appearance on any stage was made with Joseph Jefferson's company, which concluded a two weeks' engagement in "The Rivals," at the Fifth Avenue Theatre, this city, on Nov. 10, 1888, Mr. Gilbert playing Sir Anthony; Mr. Jefferson, Bob Acres; and Mrs. John Drew, Mrs. Malaprop.

Some of Mr. Gilbert's greatest impersonations were: King John, Hubert, King Philip, Cardinal Pandulph, Sir Peter Teazle, Sir Oliver Surface, Crabtree, Rowley, Sir Anthony Absolute, Kit Cosey, Sir William Dorrilon, Lord Pleony, Sir William Fondlove, Sir John Falstaff, Justice Woodcock, Malvolio, Polonius, the Ghost of King Hamlet, Dogberry, Adam, Leontes, Antigonus, Autoly- cus, Mr. Simpson, Lord Duberly, Tom Noddy, Captain Copp, Colonel Hardy, Governor Heartall, Sir Bashful Constant, Lord Ogleby, Dr. Cantwell, Sir Robert Bramble, Sir Francis Gripe, Squeers, Mr. Dombey, Justice Greedy, Colonel Damas, Admiral Kingston, Don Manuel, Old Hardcastle, Shylock, Sir Edward Mortimer, Dr. Dilworth, Sir Paul Pagoda, Sir Paladin Scruple, Sir Harcourt Courtley, Sarcasm, Dominie Sampson, Bailie Nicol Jarvie, Sir Alexander Shendryn, Penruddock, Adrastus, lago, Master Walter, Matthew Elmore, Henry VIII., Cardinal Wolsey, Jacques, Adam Brock, Old Norval, Job Thornberry, Jesse Rural, Menenius, Adam Winterton, Old Rapid, Mr. Aspen, and Coddle. He completely identified himself with his many characters, whether




as the choleric Sir Anthony Absolute, the polished old fop, Sir Harcourt Courtley, sturdy and tender Job Thornberry, or the aged and tottering Lord Ogleby, in "The Clandestine Marriage," which was a faultless performance. Roderick Penruddock, in "The Wheel of Fortune," was another capital impersonation of his. His Caleb Plummer, in "The Cricket on the Hearth," was a perfect gem, a thoroughly artistic realization of the part, and his Col. Damas, in "The Lady of Lyons," was a fine dramatic pic- ture of the bluff and brave old soldier.

The first time on any stage of Paul Merritt's play, "At Last," was Dec. 30, and with this cast :

John Garlan . . . Lester Wallack

Richard Roxby . . . C. F. Coghlan

Austin Granby . . Chas. Rockwell

Fitzroy Smith . . . , W. R. Floyd

Magnum .... J. W. Shannon Mrs. Sharkleigh . . . Effie Germon Cissy Granby . . . Stella Boniface Annie Rose Coghlan

"Ours" was revived Jan. 13, 1879. -^ matinee benefit was given Feb. 14 for the farewell of Sig. Brignoli, when the opera "Don Pasquale" was sung; Mile. lima De Murska as Norina, Brignoli as Ernest, Ferranti as Dr. Malatesta, Susini as Don Pasquale.

Boucicault's adaptation from Dumas' " Spellbound " was first acted Feb. 24, The cast:

Louis De La Roche . . Henry Lee Mariette .... Miss E. Blaisdell

Remy C. E. Edwin

Notary G. C. Sherman

Gabrielle Rose Coghlan

Mrs. Robinson . . . Mabel Jordan

Suzanne Pearl Eytinge

Marthe Minnie Vining

Count Raoul . . . Lester Wallack

Victor W. R. Floyd

Charles Joseph Holland

Ali Chas. Rockwell

Mondor W. A. Eytinge

Brissac W. J. Leonard

George De Sonneval . E. M. Holland Mme. De La Roche,

Mrs. G. C. Boniface

This was the first appearance at this theatre of Henry Lee and Mabel Jordan, and the New York debut of Joseph Holland. " A Scrap of Paper" was first played at this house March 10, and re- ceived this cast:

Prosper Couramount, Lester Wallack Louise^ de La Glaciere, Stella Boniface M. Brisemouche . . . John Gilbert Baron de La Glaciere, Chas. Rockwell Suzanne de Ruseville . Rose Coghlan Mile. Mathilde de Merival,

Kate Bartlett Mme. Dupont . . Miss E. Blaisdell

"The Snowball" had its first hearing here April 28, and was thus cast:

Mile. Zenolie . .

. . EiBe Germon

Anatole ....

. . N. S. Wood

Baptiste . . .

. . C. E. Edwin

Frangois . . .

. . . . J. Peck

Pauline ....

. . Pearl Eytinge

Felix Featherstone . Harry Prendergast . Arabella Featherstone

C. F. Coghlan

W. R. Floyd

Rose Coghlan

Uncle John .... John Gilbert

Ethel Stella Boniface

Penelope Effie Germon


" Delicate Ground " preceded the comedy, with Katharine Rogers as Pauline, and Mr. Coghlan as Citizen Sangfroid. A novel and unique representation of "Pinafore" in miniature commenced May 5 by a company of juvenile actors. They gave a series of family matinees. The company was under the management of John T. Ford and E. E. Zimmerman. The performances were given each day in the week. " Pinafore " had this juvenile cast :

Sir Joseph Porter . Harry Davenport Phoebe Ida Gallagher

Ralph Rackstraw . . Miss Jennie Bill Bobstay R. Schmidt

Tom Tucker . Baby Belle Goodman Bob Becket C. Minchin

Tom Bowline . . . Ijarry Wagner First Marine . . . B. C. Anderson

Dick Deadeye . . F. W. Haedrich Buttercup .... DoUie Williams

Capt. Corcoran . . . . J. B. Smith Hebe Lillie Parslow

Josephine NeUie Everest

The season closed May 17, and a summer term commenced May 19 with "As You Like It," Miss Ada Cavendish being the star:

Rosalind . . Duke Frederick Jaques . . Orlando Adam . . Touchstone Oliver . . Corin . . Amiens . . Celia . . Le Beau

Ada Cavendish

F. A. Tannehill Fred. Robinson

. Jos. Wheelock John Gilbert

. Harry Gilbert Chas. Rockwell E. M. Holland

. . Jas. Peakes Stella Boniface W. A. Eytinge

Banished Duke . . . H. A. Weaver

Sylvius J. A. Kennedy

William C. E. Edwin

Jaques De Bois . . . . M. Wilson

Charles R. Warren

Denis J. Peck

Louis Frank Lull

Eustace J. Carter

Audrey Effie Germon

Phebe Laura Wallace

"The Hunchback," Miss Cavendish as Julia, June 4; "Miss Gwilt," dramatized from Wilkie Collins' novel of "Armadale," was acted for the first time in America June 5, with this cast :

Allen Armadale Midwinter Major Milroy Police Detective Mr. Darch . ,

. Henry Lee Jos. Wheelock E. M. HoUand

. . F. LuU C. Rockwell

Francis . . . Miss Milroy . . Dr. Downward . Tradesmen's Boy . . Louisa (first appearance

here) . . . Miss Gwitt . .

C. E. Edwin

Stella Boniface

H. A. Weaver

H. Pearson

Helen Vincent Ada Cavendish

Captain Manuel (first appearance here) F. Hardenbergh

" Woolfert's Roost, or a Legend of Sleepy Hollow," by George Fawcett Rowe, was first acted on the stage here August 18, with this cast:

Dolf Haverstraw Katrina . . John . . . The Ghost . . Phoebe . . . Ichabod Crane

. . . Henry Lee . . Kate Forsyth . E. M. Holland . P. A. Anderson Connie Thompson John T. Raymond

Brom Van Brunt . . F. Hardenbergh Baltus Van Tassel . J. W. Shannon Dame Haverstraw . . Mme. Ponisi

Emma Courtney Barnes

Mrs. Perkins .... Josie Myers

The Maurice Grau French opera company began a short season Sept. 15, in "La Fille de Mme. Angot," which had this cast:




Clairette Amaranthe Javotte . . Therese Manon . . Babet . . Cydalise Delaunay . Herbelin . Hersilie Mile. Lange

Paola Marie

Mile. Delorme

. Mile. Sylla

Mile. Berthe

Mile. Armand

Mile. Duparc

. Mile. Sylla

Mile. Estradere

Mile. J. Debray

Mile. A. Bazin

. Mile. Angele

Pomponnet Larivaudiere Louchard Trenitz . Cadet . Guillaume Buteux . Un Incroyable Un Garcon Ange Pitou (first French opera)

. Mr. Juteau . Mr. Jouard Mr. Duplan Mr. Vilano Mr. Terancle Mr. Dupuis . . Mauriez . Mr. Terbel Mr. Moreau appearance in . . M. Victor Capoul

The next regular season opened Oct. 4, 1879, when "Contempt of Court " was seen for the first time, and with this cast :

Clicquot Fanny . Louise . ClairviUe Galouette Mizas

Harry Beckett

. . Ada Dyas

Rose Wood

. W. R. Floyd

E. M. Holland

j. W. Shannon

MarioUe .... Miss E. Blaisdell Leopold .... W. J. Leonard Mr. Delacour . Frank Hardenbergh Col. Lucenay . . . Chas. Rockwell Giraud (first appearance at this theatre). . . . J. H. Gilmour

After thirty-two consecutive performances, it was withdrawn -Nov. 6, when Byron's "Our Girls" was acted for the first time, receiving this cast :

Josiah Clench Lord Aspland Tony Judson . Clara Merton Plantagenet

. Henry Edwards

. . J. H. Gilmour

Maurice Barrymore

Stella Boniface

Harry Beckett

Thomas C. E. Edwin

Mallet W. J. Leonard

Mrs. Clench .... Mme. Ponisi Mabel Clench . . . Rose Wood Jane Emma Loraine

This was the first appearance in this theatre of Harry Edwards, Maurice Barrymore, and Emma Loraine. Albert Lancaster's "Estelle, or False and True," followed. It was founded on Cherbuliez's novel, "Samuel Brohl and Company," and cast thus:

Barwood Beech Blair . . Lord Milroy Dr. MoncrifE Millington . Nicolo . . Giacomo

. . H. Beckett . E. M. Holland , J. H. Gilmour . W. J. Leonard G. C. Sherman . . T. Morgan H. Pearson

Count Petrovsky . . Gerald Eyre Arthur Morton . Frederic Robinson Horace Chantrey . Harry Edwards Levi Rosenthal . . . C. E. Edwin

Estelle Ada Dyas

Princess Rose Wood

Mrs. Blair EfBe Germon

" Old Heads and Young Hearts " was presented Dec. 24, with the first appearance this season of John Gilbert, who had been ill for a long time. He acted Jesse Rural; J. H. (jilmour, Charles Roebuck; Maurice Barrymore, Littleton Coke; and Ada Dyas, Lady Alice. " She Stoops to Conquer " was given Dec. 29, with Lester Wallack as Charles Marlowe. Con. T. Murphy made his ddbut here, acting Jeremy. Lester Wallack had but just returned from a Western starring tour. This comedy was acted for one week, and the receipts were ;^io,ooo; for the matinee, ^1,589.


"A Scrap of Paper" was acted Jan. 5, 1880, when Thomas Jeffer- son (son of Joseph Jefferson) made his first appearance here. "London Assurance" was given Jan. 12; "She Stoops to Con- quer," Jan. 19; "My Awful Dad," Jan. 26. "The Shaughraun " was revived Feb. 2, and had this cast:

Capt. Molineux .

Robert Ffolliott .

Claire Ffolliott , Bridget Madigan

Father Dolan . .

Corry Kinshela .

Harvey Duff . .

Maurice Barrymore . J. H. Gilmour . . Ada Dyas Miss £. Blaisdell John Gilbert Gerald Eyre . Harry Beckett

Conn . . .

. Dion Boucicault

Moya . . .

Stella Boniface

Reilly . . .

. Con. T. Murphy

Arte O'Neal .

. . Rose Wood

Mrs. O'Kelly .

. . Mme. Ponisi

Nancy . . .

. . . Minnie Vining

"The Colleen Bawn " was produced Feb. 24; March 8 "The Liar " was revived, with this cast :

Young Wilding . . Lester Wallack Sir James Elliott, Maurice Barrymore Old Wilding .... John Gilbert Papillion Harry Beckett

John". . . . Miss Grantham Miss Godfrey .


Pearson, Jr.

Ada Dyas

Mme. Ponisi

"How She Loves Him " was produced March 15, with this cast:

Tom Vacil . . Diogenes . . Dr. Maximum Dr. Skwertz . Sir Richard Hotspur

Lester Wallack Dion Boucicault . W. J. Leonard

J. W. Shannon John Gilbert

Dick Hartley . . Maurice Barrymore Capt. Yawley . . . . J. H. Gilmour Dr. Minimum . . . Harry Edwards

Atalanta Cruiser . . Stella Boniface Lady Selina Raffleticket, Mme. Ponisi Mrs. Tucker . . . Annie Myrtelle C. E. Edwin Rose Wood Minnie Vining

Dr. Sparks Mrs. Vacil . Tippet . . Miss Dilwyn

Jenny Boyd

This was the first time Lester Wallack and Dion Boucicault were seen together in the same play. A matinee benefit was given March 1 7 in aid of The Herald Relief fund for the famine-stricken people in Ireland, when " How She Loves Him " was played to ;^S9i.50; "Old Heads and Young Hearts" was seen March 29; April 5 " To Marry or Not to Marry " was played, and thus cast :

Sir Oswin Mortland, Mr. Willowear . . Lady Susan Courtly Lord Danberry . .

Lester Wallack

. Harry Beckett

. Effie Germon

John Gilbert

Thomas H. Pearson, Jr.

Hester Stella Boniface

Sarah Mortland . . . Mme. Ponisi

George Hoey's drama, "A Child of the State," had this cast for its first production April 21 :

The Count Maurice de Lancy,

Maurice Barrymore Frederich Von Helmich, John Gilbert Louise Von Helmich . . Rosa Rand

Christian Gerald Eyre

Heinrich .... Harry Edwards Gros Ren^ .... Lester Wallack

Fritz W. J. Leonard

Bidoche George Ulmer

Hans Verner . . . . C. E. Edwin

Carl H. Pearson

Gertrande Emily Rigl

Marie Marion Booth

Carline Stella Boniface




" My Awful Dad " was revived May 24

Adonis Evergreen Baron Kotchbery Fibs . . . . . Emma .... Charlotte . . . Evangeline . .

Lester Wallack

J. W. Shannon

Con. T. Murphy

. Kate Bartlett

Minnie Vining

. Miss K. Smith

Dibs Nibs . Cruets Matilda Mrs. Biggs

. C. E. Edwin . . H. Pearson . W. J. Leonard Stella Boniface . Mme. Ponisi

Geo. F. Devere, who was in the cast, made his debut here. The closing performance of the season was May 31, for the benefit of W. R. Floyd, when the following bill was offered: "To Oblige Benson," the third act of "Othello":

John E. McCuUough . . . Marion Booth

Othello . . Desdemona

lago Edwin Booth

Cassio Chas. Rockwell

Emelia .... Genevieve Reynolds

After this came "A Morning Call," Lester Wallack as Sir Edward and Ada Dyas as Mrs. Chillington. This was succeeded by the third and fourth acts of " London Assurance," Rose Coghlan as Lady Gay Spanker, and the entertainment closed with "The Irish Lion," EUie Wilton playing Mrs. Fitzgig. A special per- formance occurred June i for the farewell benefit of Harry Beckett. "The Household Fairy," one act of "She Stoops to Conquer," one act of "The Lady of Lyons," "Married," and Professor Herrmann made up the programme.

A summer season commenced June 5, with F. S. Chanfrau in "Kit," which had this cast:

Kit Chanfrau

Judge Snuggs .... Leslie Allen Major Squigs . . . . H. A. Weaver Washington Stubbs . . S. H. Verney Manuel Bond . . . Fulton Russell Lord Fitzfoley . . . J. H. Gilmour James Temple . . . B. F. Horning

George Conquest, with a burlesque and pantomime troupe, ap- peared Aug. 5, in "Grim Goblin," a two-act extravaganza, with this cast:

Caesar Smith . Capt. Wheeler Alice Redding Mrs. Stubbs . Mrs. Temple . Frau Pedders . Sir Parker . .

. Geo. Woodward

W. J. Leonard

Stella Boniface

, . Marion Booth

Victoria Cameron

. . J. McDonald

. W. V. Ranous

Hie Hac

Prince Pigmy

Nix y . George Conquest


The Vampire Bat _

The Widow Grizzlegrief, Harry Allen

Tallbones . . George Conquest, Jr.

The Fairy Honeydew . Mile. Etheria

Princess Melodia . Laura Conquest

Shakeigh Shank . . . R. H. Nichols

Boohbeigh M. W. Fiske

Hopeful .... Maude Stafford Gobble A. W. Maflin

Guzzle Ed. Chapman

Waspino .... Lillian Lancaster

Venomio H. Ricketts

Poisano . . . ' . . . . G. Ricketts

Agonus W. Elliott

Stingono E. Havens

Beppo Elsie Deane

Peppo Bessie Temple

Leppo Alice Wright

Zeppo Louise Loring

Sancho Susie Parker

Pedro Sophie Hummel


On the opening night, while doing his act, the " Flying Fairy and Phantom Flight," in taking the flight, Geo. Conquest fell from the flies to the stage and sustained a compound fracture of his left leg. He did not afterwards perform in this country, and his characters were played by his son. This feat of the Flying Fairy consisted of the performer flying from floor to ceiling, where he grasped a swinging trapeze, to which a rope was thrown, and by which he descended to the stage as quickly as possible. The ac- cident was caused by the breaking of a rope. The engagement of this troupe was a failure, and it terminated Sept. ii.

The twenty-ninth season, and the last of Wallack's company at this house, opened Sept. 30, 1880, with the following company: Osmond Tearle, Wm. Elton, Harry M. Pitt, John Gilbert, W. R. Floyd, Gerald Eyre, W. J. Leonard, W. H. Pope, Rose Coghlan, Stella Boniface, Adelaide Detchon, Kate Bartlett, Misses E. Blaisdell, M. Vining, and A. Elliott, Emma Loraine, Marion Booth, Mme. Ponisi, Effie Germon, Harry Pearson, Jr., C. E. Edwin, J. H. Gilmour, John W. Jennings, and Harry Edwards. John Gilbert was acting manager; W. R. Floyd, stage director; J. S. Wright, prompter; Theo. Moss, treasurer; and Thomas Baker, musical director. " As You Like It " was the opening production :

Jaques Osmond Tearle

Adam John Gilbert

Orlando Harry M. Pitt

Oliver Gerald Eyre

Le Beau J. H. Gilmour

Amiens James G. Peakes

Corin W. J. Leonard

Sylvius Albert Roberts

Touchstone .... William Elton

The Banished Duke, Harry Edwards Duke Frederick . . James Harrison Charies, the Wrestler . J. M. Laflin

Denis H. Pearson, Jr.

Rosalind Rose Coghlan

Celia Stella Boniface

Audrey Effie Germon

Phebe Marion Booth

Harry Pitt, William Elton, and Osmond Tearle made their American d^but on this occasion. It was also the first appear- ance at this theatre of James Harrison and Albert Roberts.

"The Guv'nor" was first acted Oct. 19, and marked the first ap- pearance here of Conway, Adelaide Detchon, and W. L. Gleason. "The Guv'nor" had this cast:

Butterscotch .... John Gilbert

Freddy Osmond Tearle

Gregory .... W. L. Gleason

Cantle Albert Roberts

Aurelia EiHe Germon

Theodore Macclesfield, William Elton Mrs. Macclesfield . . Mme. Ponisi

The MacToddy . . . Gerald Eyre Carrie .... Adelaide Detchon

Theodore Harry M. Pitt

Cab Driver .... C. E. Edwin

Ullage George Conway

Kate Stella Boniface

"Forget Me Not" was first seen here Dec. 18, and was thus cast:




Sir Horace Welby . Osmond Tearle Prince Malleotti . . Harry Edwards

Stephanie Rose Coghlan

Rose, Vicomtesse de Brissac,

Agnes Elliott

Alice Verney Barrato . . Roberts . . Luigi . . Mrs. Foley

Stella Boniface

Gerald Eyre

Harry J. HoUiday

H. Pearson, Jr.

. Mme. Ponisi

Extra matinees on Wednesday of "The Guv'nor" commenced Dec. 22 and continued for four weeks. " The School for Scandal " was revived Jan. 24, 1881. "Forget Me Not" had to be withdrawn in obedience to an order of the Superior Court, an injunction having been applied for by Genevieve Ward, who claimed the sole right to the play. The last performance was Jan. 13. "Where 's the Cat.' " a comedy by James Alberry, was first seen here Feb. 5, when Rose Wood made her first appearance this season. It was thus cast :

Garroway Fawn Scott Ramsay Geo. Smith Stella . . . Nan ....

Osmond Tearle

. Horatio Saker

. . Wm. Elton

Rose Wood

Emma Loraine

Percival Gay First Guide Mrs. Smith Dagmar Madge . .

. . . H. M. Pitt

Harry HoUiday

. . EfBe Germon

Adelaide Detchon

Stella Boniface

Byron's comedy, "The Upper Crust," was heard Feb. 23, and had this cast :

Lord Hesketh . . Harry Edwards

Robert Boobleton . Osmond Tearle

Barnaby Doublechick . Wm. Elton

Kate Stella Boniface

Lady Boobleton . . . Mme. Ponisi

Walter H. M. Pitt

Nora .... Adelaide Detchon

March 1 1 " The Rivals " was given ; March 24, " Old Heads and Young Hearts; " " A Scrap of Paper " was given March 29 and ran until April 11, when Lester Wallack made his last appearance at this house as Prosper Couramount. " The World " was first pro- duced in America under the management of Samuel Colville, April 12, at this house, and cast thus :

Mo. Jewell William Elton

Blackstone .... Wilmot Eyre

Lumley D. Leeson

Owen W. J. Leonard

Ned Emma Loraine

Dr. Wyndham ... C. E. Edwin Clement Huntingford Osmond Tearle Harry Huntingford . . Harry M. Pitt Martin Bashford . . . Gerald Eyre

Dr. Hawkins . . George W. Conway Commissioner in Lunacy,

H. Pearson, Jr.

Detective . . . Mabel Huntingford Mary Blythe . . Locksley . . . Lawrence . . . Joe

Robert Warren

Stella Boniface

Adelaide Detchon

. Harry Gwynette

Albert Roberts

. H. HoUiday

The lime light has proved an important factor in all melodramas produced of late years. I have searched many authorities to as- certain when it was first used in a theatre. When Charles Kean revived "Henry VIH." at the Princess' Theatre, London, in 1855, this mode of lighting the stage was said to be its first adoption. But it had already been used by James R. Anderson in the Drury


Lane Theatre spectacle of "Azrael the Prodigal." Desiring to obtain "further light" on this subject, I wrote to Mr. Anderson, who says that the lime light was very much improved in 1851-52, when " Azrael " was brought out, but that within his own personal knowledge it had been used so far back as the season of 1837-38.

At that time it was the exclusive property of Fred Gye (after- wards the Italian opera manager). It was secured by Wm. Macready to give effect to certain views in the Covent Garden pantomime of " Peeping Tom of Coventry. " Notwithstanding its great effect in the moonlight views, Mr. Macready thought the expense of hire (^7.25 a night) too great, and he did not use it after the first week.

Rose Coghlan's first benefit in America took place on the after- noon of June I, when "Camille" was acted. The season closed July 2, and Mr. Lester Wallack retired from the management of the theatre. Some of the notable performances in the old days, not only on account of their artistic quality, but on account of the then large receipts, were "The Poor Gentleman," which drew on its opening night $6$^ 5 "The Provoked Husband," which averaged ^553 for several performances; "She Stoops to Conquer," which played seven times in one season to an average of 1^780; "Still Waters Run Deep," which averaged ;^8oo; "School for Scandal," the same; and "Captain of the Watch," ;^500. Many of the habitues of the old Wallack's will recall a favorite play entitled "Central Park." That was down to average receipts of 1^480. Five performances of "The Belle's Stratagem," another old time Wallack's favorite, averaged ^450. The first performance of "The Rivals," during the season of 1863, was a red letter night, the re- ceipts having been ;^900. But the great run of those days was made by "Rosedale," in which Lester Wallack was a singularly graceful, handsome, and attractive hero. The r61e fitted him ad- mirably. The play ran in 1863 for one hundred and twenty-five nights, something almost unprecedented, and brought in average receipts of $710, which at present theatre prices for seats would be ;^i,482. When the play was revived in 1865, it had nineteen performances to average receipts of ^900. The most phenomenal run at the house occurred during the following decade, when Dion Boucicault produced " The Shaughraun, " which had one hundred and forty-three performances, with total receipts of $220,076.50. The evening performances averaged $1,617; the matinees, $1,390. "The World," an English melodrama, made one of the "runs" of the old house. It was given eighty-four times to a total of $65,000. "Youth," another English melodrama, was produced the following season, and made even a better run, seventy-seven performances to $73,000. As in 1861, the trend was again up town, and if Lester Wallack resorted to melodrama to attract his patrons, it was because the old comedies which had been so delightfully




given at his house were no longer potent enough to draw audiences like those of its earlier days.

After Lester Wallack's retirement the name of this house was changed to "The Germania Theatre," Sept 15, 1881. The manager was Adolph Neuendorff.

Feb. 23, 1882, Henry E. Abbey commenced a brief season of Italian opera, with Adelina Patti in "La Traviata." "II Bar- biere," Feb. 27; "Faust," March 2-6; "II Trovatore," March 9, Patti as Leonore; "Lucia," March 13; and Patti's last appearance March 16, in "La Traviata," when the season closed. The prices of admission were: Orchestra, ;^8; first three rows in balcony, $8; remaining rows, ;^5; first three rows second balcony, $4; remain- ing rows, ^3. On the " off " nights German plays were seen. An extra performance was given prior to Patti's departure for Europe, April 3, when she sang "Lucia." German performances were then resumed by Mr. Neuendorff

A season of English opera commenced May 8, by the I. W. Norcross company, with "The Mascot," which ran for over a month. "The Merry War" was produced, for the first time on any stage in English, June 26, and had this cast:

Umberto Spinola Fortunato Franchetti Violetta . . , Riccardo Surraza Van Scheelen Biffi . . . . Artemisia . . Theresa . . Gioranini . .

W. T. Carleton

Mr. Ross

. Dora Wiley

. Mr. Jones

Mr. Schmidt

Mr. Canard

. Bella Cole

Miss Arlington

Miss Lincoln

Bettina Miss Power

Carlo Spuizzi Mr. Hunt

Balthasar Groot .... Mr. Adolfi

Gini Rose Wilson

Elsa Louise Paullin

Camilla Miss Elbon

Agnese Miss Wisdom

Francesca Campbell

Lester Wallack resumed possession of this house Jan. 10, 1883, it having failed as a German theatre. It was reopened March 26 as the " Star Theatre, " by which name it was known until it ceased to exist.



HE first production at the Star Vice Versa, " and the cast was :

Theatre was Boucicault's

Phenix O'Flattery . Dion Boucicault Mrs. Clingstone Peach, Sadie Martinot Angelina Hyde . . Therese Waldron Jeremiah Dodge . . Owen S. Fawcett

Madge Sara Von Leer

Count Popoir .... J. J. Wallace Count Kickemoff . . . . D. Ellis

Baron Jugowiski ... P. S. Cooke John Hyde . . . Benj. Maginley

Alexander G. Gilmore

Isidor Mr. Bland

Joe Reynolds

Wilkinson G. Clarke

Mrs. Cudley .... Miss Bowen

The house was closed April 11 for a rehearsal of "The Shau- ghraun," produced matinee of April 12 for the Actors' Fund benefit. The cast was :


Capt. Molineux . . . Wm. Herbert Corry Kinchela . . P. A. Anderson

Nancy Miss Myers

Robert FfoUiott . . . . C. W. Day Harvey Duff .... Wm. Elton

Reilly G. Reynolds

Sullivan King

Donovan Newton

Claire FfoUiott Biddy . . Father Dolan Sergt. Jones Arte . . . Mrs. O'Kelly Moya . .

. EUie Wilton

Miss L. Langdon

Ben. Maginley

. . J. E. Bland

Therese Waldron

Mme. Ponisi

Sadie Martinet

Boucicault's play, "The Amadan," was seen April 19, with this cast:

Colley . . . Michael O'Leary Owen Darrell Boyle Carew Ted Carew Dr. Fogarty Elfie Carew

Dion Boucicault, Jr.

. Dion Boucicault

. . Wm. Herbert

. . Chas. Foster

. . Arthur Forrest

. . Ben. Maginley

. . Lillian Cleves

Rooney Walton

Foxey Joseph A. Wilkes

Col. O'Keefe Clarke

Clancey Reynolds

Mulligan King

Dora Sadie Martinot

Miss Dodd . . Mrs. Mary Barker

"The Colleen Bawn" was revived, with Dion Boucicault as Myles ne-Coppaleen, Dion Boucicault, Jr., as Danny Mann, Sadie Martinot as Eily, and Lillian Cleves as Anne Chute. Matinee, May 31 William Elton took a farewell benefit, when "Hamlet" was acted, with Osmond Tearle as Hamlet, Rose Coghlan as Ophelia, and Mr. Elton as the First Grave-digger. The next season commenced Aug. 27, 1883, with Lawrence Barrett in "Francesca da Rimini," which had this cast:

Lanciotto .... Lawrence Barrett Cardinal Malespini . . Errol Dunbar Lodovico . . Master Eugene Sanger Marco .... Herman Groneberg Francesca . . . Marie Wainwright Count Paolo .... Otis Skinner

Malatesta B. G. Rogers

Beppo Pepe .... Louis James

Oct. 18 a matinee performance of " Richelieu "was given for the benefit of the St. Vincent's Hospital. Oct. 29 was the American debut of Henry Irving and his London company in "The Bells," cast as follows :

Rene Lucentio Vicentio TorelU . Captain . Officer . Ritta

. . Percy Winter Wilton A. Lackaye . W. F. Gerald . A. T. Riddle . . S. Du Bois . W. S. Ward Addie Plunkett

Mathias Mr. Irving

Walter Mr. Carter

Hans Mr. Johnson

Christian Mr. Terriss

Dr. Zimmer .... Mr. Haviland Notary Mr. Harbury

Mesmerist Catherine Sozel Annette

President of the Court Clerk of the Court .

. . Mr. Archer

. Mrs. Pauncefort

Miss Harwood

Miss A. Coleridge

. Mr. Tyars Mr. Harwood

The prices for this engagement were fixed as follows : Orchestra and balcony, ^3 each; back balcony, $2; family circle, reserved, ^1.50, and general admission, $1. Speculators were asking from $7 to $8 for the best orchestra seats. Mr. Irving was called before




the curtain several times after each act. "Charles I." was pro- duced Oct. 30, and in it Ellen Terry, Mr. H. Howe, Mr. Lyndall, Miss De Sylva, and Miss F. Holland made their first appearances. The entire organization was brought to this country from Europe by Mr. Irving. H. J. Loveday was stage manager; J. Meredith Ball, musical director. Bram Stoker was the acting manager. "Charles I." was acted Oct. 30 for one week, except evening Nov. 3, when "The Bells" was first given, with Mr. Irving as Mathias ; Nov. 5, " Louis XL ; " Nov. 6, 7, 8, 9, matinee Nov, 10, "The Merchant of Venice;" Nov. 12, 13, "The Lyons Mail;" Nov. 14, IS, 16, 17, "The Merchant of Venice;" Nov. 19, 20, "The Belle's Stratagem."

A professional matinee was given Nov. 20, when "Louis XI." had this cast :

Due de Nemours

. W. Terriss

Sieur de Commines .


Jacques Coitier . .

T. Wenman

Monseigneur de Lude

. . Dwyer

The Count de Dunois

. . Marion

Louis XI

Henry Irving

The Dauphin . . .

A. Andrews

Tristan I'Ermite . .

. . . Tyars

Oliver de Dain

. . Archer

Francis de Paule

. T. Mead

Cardinal D'Alby - . . . Helmsley

Count de Dreux Louther

Montjoie Lyndall

Marcel Johnson

Richard Harvey

Didier Epitaux

Marie Millward

Jeanne Harwood

Martha Payne

"Louis XL" was repeated Nov. 21; Nov. 22, "The Lyons Mail;" Nov. 23, "The Merchant of Venice;" matinee Nov. 24, "The Bells" and "The Belle's Stratagem;" and Mr. Irving and company closed evening Nov. 24, with the first act of " Richard IIL," Irving as Gloster, "The Belle's Stratagem," and Mr. Irving recited Hood's poem, "The Dream of Eugene Aram."

Robson and Crane followed commencing Nov. 26 in " The Board- ing House." Their company was composed of A. S. Lipman, Chas. S. Dickson, M. B. Snyder, Herbert Ayling, J. K. Morti- mer, Jr., Frank E. Ambrose, Mainswaring, Swift, Sam Wright, Emily E. Baker, Mary Myers, Leonora Bradley, Georgie Dickson, Flora May Henry, Mattie Snyder, Belle Chapman, Rose Snyder.

Edwin Booth commenced an engagement Dec. 10, in " Riche- lieu." Dec. 12, 13, 14, "Leah." Evening Dec. 15, W. E. Sheri- dan acted Sir Giles Overreach in " A New Way to Pay Old Debts." He died at Sydney, Aus., May 15, 1887. His first wife was Sarah Hayes, who was drowned by the sinking of the propeller Metis in Long Island Sound, in the fall of 1872. She was on her way to join her husband. Mr. Sheridan's last appearance in this city was at the People's Theatre. During the war he served with the Sixth Ohio Regiment, and with the Signal Corps. He held the rank of captain, and was severely wounded in the arm at the battle of

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Resaca, Ga. His determination to die rather than submit to ampu- tation preserved to him that important member of his body. On Dec. 17, 18, matinee, Dec. 22, Booth appeared as Hamlet; Dec. ig, 20, 21, Bertuccio in "The Fool's Revenge;" Saturday even- ing, Dec. 22, W. E. Sheridan acted " Louis XI. ; " Dec. 24 Booth acted lago; Christmas matinee and night, Sheridan repeated " Louis XL ;" Dec. 26, 29, Booth as lago, Sheridan as Othello; Dec. 27, 28, "The Merchant of Venice" and "Taming of the Shrew," Booth as Shylock and Petruchio; matinee Dec. 29, "Othello;" evening Dec. 29, Sheridan as Louis XI.; Dec. 31, Jan. i, and matin6e, Jan. s, 1884, "Macbeth," Booth as the hero, Eben Plympton as Macduff; Jan. 2, 3, 4, "Hamlet;" matinee, Dec. 5, "Macbeth;" evening Jan. 5, Sheridan as Ingomar, Louise Daven- port (Mrs. W. E. Sheridan) as Parthenia; Jan. 7, 8, Booth as Richelieu; Jan. 9, 10, "The Fool's Revenge;" Jan. 11, matinee, Jan. 12, "King Lear;" evening, Jan. 12, D. H. Harkins as Richard III. ; Jan. 14 and matinee, Jan. 19, Booth as Hamlet; Jan. 15, "King Lear;" Jan. 16, "The Merchant of Venice" and Petruchio in "Taming of the Shrew;" Jan. 17, "Macbeth;" Jan. 18, "Richelieu," and Booth closed with "Hamlet," matinee, Jan. 19; evening, Jan. 19, D. H. Harkins as Richard III.

Emma Latham made her debut Jan. 21 as Constance in "The Love Chase." The cast:

Wildrake Barton Hill

Waller Wilmot Eyre

Trueworth .... J. C. Buckstone

Neville John Germon

Lash Mr. Johns

Widow Green .... EfRe Germon

Alice Miss E. Blaisdell

Phcebe .... Miss C. Edgerton

Lydia Anita Fallon

Sir William Fondlove, Harry Edwards Humphreys . . . Marcus Moriarty

This lady closed her engagement Jan. 26 with this programme : I. Hunting scene from "The Love Chase." 2. The murder scene from "Macbeth." 3. Recitation, "The Old Church Organ," W. Carleton. 4. Curse scene from "Leah." 5. Recitation, "The Polish Boy." 6. Balcony scene from "Romeo and Juliet." 7. Potion scene from "Romeo and Juliet." Jan. 28, Mestayer & Barton's company, consisting of Harry Bloodgood, Robert E. Graham, John Gilbert, James B. RadclifEe, C. A. Steadman, H. A. Cripps, W. A. Mestayer, Kate Foley, Lisle Riddell, Helen Lowell, and Sophie Hummel, appeared Jan. 28 in "Wanted, a Partner." Feb. 11, Modjeska began an engagement in "Nad- jezda," by Maurice H. Barrymore:


Nedjezda Modjeska

Praxeda . . Mrs. M. A. Pennoyer Khorvitch .... Frank Clements

lanoush Edwin Cleary

Little Nadine . . Little Winnie Reed





Khorvitch, under the name of

Baron Barsh . . Frank Clements Prince ZabaroufF - . .Ian Robinson Lord Alsager ... T. L. Coleman Paul Devereux, Maurice H. Barrymore

lanoush Bolski . . . Edwin Cleary Honorable Miles O'Hara

Forbes Dawson Eureka Grubb . . . Georgie Drew Nadine Modjeska

Feb. 23 Modjeska acted Viola in "Twelfth Night;" Feb. 25, 28, "Nadjezda;" Feb. 26, and matinee, Feb. 30, "Camille;" Feb. 27, 30, "As You Like It;" Feb. 29, " Frou Frou."

During the season of 1884-85, the name of Lester Wallack was removed from the programmes of this theatre, and Theo. Moss' appeared as manager and proprietor.

John E. McCullough commenced his last New York engagement March 3, in " Virginias " :

Lucius Frank Little

Marcus William Haworth

Titus . . 1 . . Edward Wilson

Servius John V. Dailey

Cneus Edward Spencer

Soldier Edward Goodwin

Virginia Viola Allen

Virginius .... John McCullough

Servia Augusta Foster

Female Slave .... Cora Leslie

Icilius Joseph Haworth

Appius Claudius .... Mark Price Caius Claudius . . . H. C. Barton Dentatus .... H. A. Langdon Numitorius . . . . J. H. Shewell

Two weeks were devoted to "Virginius," which was followed, March 17, by "The Gladiator" for one week. During the week beginning March 24, "Brutus, or the Fall of Tarquin," "Othello," "Virginius," "The Gladiator," and "Richard HI.," were given. McCullough's last appearance on any stage was made Sept. 29^ 1884, as Spartacus in "The Gladiator," at McVicker's Theatre, Chicago. His acting on his last night clearly showed his great physical and mental weakness. He required frequent prompting, and in the death scene he nearly broke down. Some of the audience hissed and jeered. Mr. McCullough came before the curtain at the close, and, looking around ironically and with a half-dazed expression that would have moved to pity a more intelligent gathering, fal- tered out: "This is the best-mannered audience I ever saw. If you had suffered as I have, you would not have done this." On June 27, 1885, he was placed in Bloomingdale Insane Asylum, this city. He remained there until Oct. 2$ of the same year, when he was removed to his home in Philadelphia, where he died Nov. 8, 1885. His remains were taken to Monument cemetery, and temporarily buried.

An autopsy was made Nov. 17 and the physicians found that there was a disease of the blood vessels of the brain, diie to blood poison.

John E. McCullough was not a great actor. But off the stage he was a favorite a man of genial temperament and warm heart.


His kindness of disposition knew no limits, and his many chari- ties, unostentatious and sincere, will keep his memory green for years to come. His list of parts and plays was as follows: Virginius, Othello, Lucius Brutus in "Brutus, or the Fall of Tarquin," Brutus in "Julius Caesar," lago, Macbeth, King Lear, Coriolanus, Spartacus in "The Gladiator," Benedick in "Much Ado About Nothing," Shylock in " The SlVlerchant of Venice," Petruchio in "Taming of the Shrew," Faulconbridge in "King John," Richard IH., Cardinal Wolsey in "Henry VIH.," Hamlet, Pierre in "Venice Preserved," Richelieu, Jack Cade, The Stranger, St. Pierre in "The Wife," Damon, Metamora, Claude Melnotte in "The Lady of Lyons," Duke Aranza in "The Honeymoon," Ingo- mar, Rolla in "Pizarro," Alfred Evelyn in "Money," Master Walter in "The Hunchback," and Febro in "The Broker of Bo- gota." Mr. McCullough went to Europe three times. He sailed from this city, June 5, 1880, on a pleasure trip in company with E. A. Sothern, John T. Raymond, and Rose Coghlan. He did not act that time, but when he revisited England in April, 1881, he opened at Drury Lane Theatre, London, in " Virginius. " The engagement continued till May 21, and he was seen also in "Othello." Pecuniarily it was not successful. He again crossed the water June 29, 1884, and went to the Springs of Carlsbad, Germany, for his health. It was while acting at Cincinnati, O., at the Dramatic Festival, that he began to show signs of serious illness. He acted Brutus, Othello, and Master Walter. This was from April 29 to May 4, 1884. The will of John E. McCullough proved that he was worth ;^28,ooo. His widow died at Philadel- phia in July, 1888. A monument to his memory was unveiled at Mount Moriah cemetery, near Philadelphia, Nov. 28, 1888. It represents in bronze McCullough as Virginius. On the face of the base is a design of crossed foils and fasces of the Roman lictors with the masks representing Tragedy and Comedy. It cost $2, 200, and the total cost of the monument and grounds was 589,300. The inscriptions upon the monument are as follows :

His life was gentle, and 'the elements

So mixed in him, that Nature might stand up

And say to all the world : " This was a man."

Manliness and weakness in him were so allied that they who judged him by his strength or weakness saw but a single side.

Erected to the memory of the eminent tragedian, John E. McCullough, by his friends John W. Mackey, William H. Thomson, William M. Conner, William F. Johnson, John B. Carson, W. J. Florence, Mary Anderson, and others.

Henry Irving and company reappeared March 31 in "Much Ado About Nothing." April 22, "Louis XI.;" April 23, 24, "The Merchant of Venice;" April 25, "Charles I.;" April 26,




the trial scene from "The Merchant of Venice," fourth act of "Louis XL," third act of "Charles I.," and fourth act of "Much Ado About Nothing," with Irving in all these plays, and his en- gagement closed. Mme. Janauschek came April 28 for two weeks. " Zillah, the Hebrew Mother " was the opening piece, and her com- pany was: Geo. D. Chaplin, Jas. H. Taylor, Ogden Stevens, Henrietta Irving, Lavinia Shannon, Alex H. Stuart, Joseph Adelman, Giles Shine, Louis Bresn, Frank McDonald, Geo. Conner, Emmie Wilmot, Virginia Brooks, and Evelyn Cooke. Janauschek acted Lady Dedlock in "Bleak House" May 5 and all the week.

"The Pulse of New York," by R. G. Morris, had its first per- formance May 10, and the cast was :

Fanny Gainsborough Walter Harding, Jr. . Walter Harding, Sr. Charles Howard . . Hannibal Pinetop . Van Renssalaer . . Mr. Minthorne . . Inspector Barnes Sergeant O'Malley . Adelina Murphy > Kitty McGonigle J * Judge Brandenburg - Clerk Toppins . . Doorman Mahone .

. Caroline Hill

. A. S. Lipman

Edw. S. Coleman

. L. F. Massen

Frank Lane

. Henry Tarbon

W. L. Denison

Geo. Clarke

. H. D. Clifton

Ada Deaves

. Max Freeman

Edw. Pancoast

. Frank Green

Edward Golden Tramp . . . Joe Simpson . Martin Adams Youth . . . Pete .... Turnkey Farr . Lucy Golden . Thomas Smith Peter Hannock Patrolman . . Mrs. Friery Crier Hogan . Deputy Feilly -

Gerald Eyre

. Nick Long

Fred'k Barry

Oscar Todd

John March

. Chas. Frew

. Rich. Fox

. Viola Allen

Jas. Maxwell

J. C. Arnold

Stanley Macy

. Lida Lacy

Geo. Mathews

. Wm. Rose

Edward H. Sothern appeared May 26 in a farce called " Whose Are They? " which had this cast :

Theophilus Pocklinton

Melchisidec Flighty, Peter Maudlin . .

Joseph Haworth Edward Sothern . J. R. Shewell

Gertie Mooney Amelia . . . Mrs. Griffin . Seraphina . .

. Lizzie Jeremy

Eva Sothern

Annie Douglas

Eva Barrington

A matinee performance took place May 29 for the benefit of Professor Goldberg, the magician, when "Leah, the Forsaken" was acted, with this cast:

Lorenz Thomas Morris

Pastor Geo. Jordan

Peter Gus Reynolds

Abraham .... John Matthews Little Leah . . . Tommy Russell

Reuben Walter Bronson

Schoolmaster . . J. Winston Murray

Joseph Arthur Forrest

Leah Sara Neville

Anna Anna Boyle

Martha .... Mrs. Geo. Jordan A Jewess .... Marie Hilforde Rose Bettie Frobescher

Aug. 18 the spectacle "Sieba" was produced in elaborate style, and with this cast :


Sieba Odette. Tyler

Puck Vernona Jarbeau

Sybilla Amy Lee

Savanta Olga Brandon

Electra Ethel Brandon

Theora .... Mrs. Selden Irwin

Prince Harold . . A. S. Lipman Countess Ruperta . Emmie Wilmot Nicodemus ... M. A. Kennedy

Cadmo John Jack

Surtur .... Frank Tannehill, Jr.

The Cambaggio-Sieni Italian opera company opened Oct. 21 for two weeks. Henry Irving returned with Ellen Terry and his company Nov. 10 in "The Merchant of Venice; " Oct. 13, "Much Ado About Nothing;" Oct. 15, "Louis XI.;" Oct. 17, "The Lyons Mail;" Oct. 18, for the first time in New York, "Twelfth Night ; " Oct. 26, first time in this city, " Hamlet ; " Dec. 4, " Shy- lock;" Dec. 5, "Charles I.;" Dec. 6 Irving closed. Charlotte Thompson appeared Dec. 8 in "Jane Eyre," and Dec. 10, "East Lynne;" Adelaide Ristori opened Dec. 22 in "Elizabeth," the cast of which was:

Elizabeth .... Adelaide Ristori Lady Sarah Howard, Augusta Foster Lady Anna Burleigh, Marion P. Clifton Marquis . . . G, Herbert Leonard Sir Francis Drake . Walter C. Kelly

Lord Hudson Robert . . James VI. . Cecil . . . Lord Howard

Walter Granville

Edmund Tearle

Ivan Shirley

. Louis Grissel

. John A. Lane

"Mary Stuart" was played Dec. 28 and "Marie Antoinette" Dec. 29. Jan. 5, 1885, Lawrence P. Barrett reappeared in "Julius Caesar," which had this cast:

Cassius Lawrence Barrett

Brutus Louis James

Marc Antony . . . . F. C. Mosley Julius Caesar . . . . S. E. Springer

Decius Chas. M. Collins

Casca Ben G. Rogers

Titinius . . . Trebonius . . Octavius Caesar Popilius Lenas Portia . . . Calphurnia

. . James Watson J. M. Sturgeon Charles Hawthorne . . Percy Winter Marie Wainwright . . Minnie Monk

"A Blot on the 'Scutcheon," by the poet Robert Browning, was first acted in this city Feb. 9; also "The King's Pleasure," an adaptation by Alfred Thompson, for the first time in America. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Florence came Feb. 16 in "Our Governor":

Pinto Perkins . . W. J. Florence Victor Newman . . . T. L. Coleman Hon. Beverly Outram . Earle Stirling Robert King . . . Davenport Bebus Miss Matilda Starr Mrs. W. J. Florence

Emma Kingsley . . Mrs. Munro Jennings

Stella Perkins

Hattie Russell

Nellie Fitzpatrick Minnie Radcliffe

Henry Irving and company reappeared March 9 in "Eugene Aram" first time in New York, Irving in the title r61e, and Ellen Terry as Ruth Meadows.

Mary Chippendale, the first old woman of Irving's company, died in London, Eng., May 26, 1888. This lady was the second wife




of W. H. Chippendale. Helen Dauvray, whose right name is Ida Louisa Gibson, appeared April 27 in "Mona," adapted from a novel called "Mrs. Geoffrey." It had this cast:

Paul Rodney . . . Frederick Bryton

Arthur Broome . . C. P. Flockton

Geoffray Rodney, Clarence Handyside

Frank Rodney . . . Hart Conway

KnoUy Cameron . . . E. H. Sothern

Job Sterling . . . Charles Rosene

Violet Cameron . . Leonora Bradley

James Luke Martin

I. Nobles J. B. HoUis

Lady Rodney Ida Vernon

Baines Ada Oilman

Lady Mona . . . Helen Dauvray

Helen Dauvray's first appearance on the stage was as Eva in "Uncle Tom's Cabin," at Maguire's Opera House, San Francisco, Cal. She afterwards played Topsy to John E. McCullough's Uncle Tom. She afterwards travelled as a star and was known as " Little Nell, the California Diamond. "

A benefit given to Gustavus Levick and Eben Plympton, March


The forum scene from "Julius Cassar " was done:

Brutus . . Marc Antony

E. Plympton 1 First Citizen T. W. Keene I

Ben Maginley

The following ladies and gentlemen appeared as citizens : Edwin Thorn e, Fred Bryton, Ben Ringgold, J. W. Norton, A. S. Lipman, John Matthews, Harry Lacy, Alex Salvini, John Mitchell, Kate Forsyth, Selina Dolaro, and Louisa Eldridge.

This was followed by the comedietta, "Reading a Tragedy," written for Mme. Dolaro:

Edith De Lisle . . . Selina Dolaro

Jane Annie EUsler

Arthur Brown, F, McCuUough Ross

Doctor Smith .... Harry Clarke Mr. Jones J. W. Pigott

This was succeeded by the third act of " King Lear " :

King Lear Fool . .

. Geo. Edgar I Edgar Eben Plympton

Chas. Coote Duke of Gloster .... Frank Rea

A scene from " The Hunchback " came next, with Kate Forsyth as Helen and W. J. Ferguson as Modus, and finished the pro- gramme. F. McCullough Ross died in New York Aug. 21, 1890.

A Mexican band of musicians called the Typical Orchestra commenced June ig, but was a failure. Adelaide Moore rented the house for two weeks, and appeared as Juliet June 17, with Atkins Lawrence as Romeo and Joseph Wheelock as Mercutio; "The Hunchback" was given, Atkins Lawrence as Sir Thomas Clifford, Loduski Young as Helen, and Adelaide Moore as Julia; " As You Like It " was played June 27, with this cast :


Orlando Adam Oliver . Le Beau Celia Audrey . Rosalind

. Atkins Lawrence W. J. Constantine . . Fred G. Ross Walter Eytinge Loduski Young . . Effie Germon . Adelaide Moore

Jacques . . . Duke in Exile . Touchstone Amiens . . . Corin . . , Phoebe . . .

. . E. L. Tilton G. H. Leonard . . Chas. Stanley . . . Jas. Dunn Fred Chippendale . Josephine Bailey

Robson and Crane began a season Sept. 7, 1885, with "The Comedy of Errors," which had this cast:

Dromio of Syracuse . Stuart Robson Dromio of Ephesus . . W. H. Crane Antipholus of Ephesus . Wm. Harris Antipholus of Syracuse

Clarence Handyside

Solinus C. H. Riegel

yEgeon .... Chas. B. Hanford Angelo .... Harry A. Langdon Balthazar Wm. Haworth

Doct. Pinch Officer . Cleon Adriana . Luciana Phryne . Emilia . Blousabella

Wm. H. Young . George Clare . Chas. Wilton . Selina Fetter Kate McKinstry Carrie Reynolds Annie Douglas Mrs. F. C. Wells

Mary Anderson reappeared in America Oct. 12 as Rosalind in "As You Like It." J. Forbes Robertson as Orlando; Henry Vernon, F. H. Macklin, Zeffie Tilbury, Sidney Harris, Arthur Lewis, Mrs. John Billington, F. A. Gaytie, T. C. Bindloss, Kenneth Black, C. Stewart, I. Gillespie, and H. Salisbury all made their American debut on this occasion. Gilbert's "Comedy and Tragedy " was acted Oct. 22 for the first time in America by Mary Anderson and her company ; " Pygmalion and Galatea " was played the same night, and had this cast :

Pygmalion Leucippe Chrysos Mimos . Agesimos

J. Forbes Robertson . . Jos. Anderson . . J. G. Taylor . Arthur Lewis . Rudolph Strong I

Cynisca Zeffie Tilbury

Daphne .... Mrs. J. Billington

Myrine Miss M. Ayrton

Galatea Mary Anderson

"As You Like It" was played Oct. 31 and Nov. 6; Nov. 2, 3, 4, 7, " The Lady of Lyons ; " Nov. 5, and matinee, Nov. 7, " Pygma- lion and Galatea," and "Tragedy and Comedy." The house was closed Nov. 10 for a dress and scenic rehearsal of " Romeo and Juliet," produced Nov. 11, and played two weeks.

Frederick Mitterwurzer, an actor of much distinction in Ger- many, and a fellow player of Sonnenthal in the Imperial Theatre at Vienna, made his American debut Nov. 23 under the manage- ment of Gustav Amberg, and was supported by the dramatic divi- sion of the Thalia Theatre's forces. Herr Mitterwurzer appeared in the one-act play, "Tabarin," the one-act comedy by Bernstein, " Mein Neuer Hut " (" My New Hat "), and the farce by Pulitz, called " Das Schwert des Damocles " (" The Sword of Damocles ").

The Russian drama "Iwan," by B. Alexegew, was played Nov.




24, 25, 28, for the first time in this country, Herr Mitterwurzer appearing as Iwan Prokopowitsch ; Nov. 26, 27, 28, " Kean ; " Nov. 30 and all the week, " Die Leibrente. " McCauU's " Black Hussar " company opened a four weeks' engagement Dec. 7. Mark Smith sang Friedrich; Geo. C. Boniface, Jr., Piffkow; Lilly Post, Minna; Marie Jansen, Rosetta; and Mme. Mathilde Cottrelly, Barbara.

Modjeska appeared Jan. 4, 1886, in "Camille," when E. H. Vanderfelt made his New York debut as Armand. " Marie Stuart " was acted Jan. 5 for the first time in this city, by Modjeska ; Jan. 6, 7, 9, " As You Like It ; " Jan. 8, " Mary Stuart ; " matinee Jan. 9, "Camille." Modjeska appeared Jan. 11, in " Adrienne Lecou- vreur;" Jan. 12 and 13, "Mary Stuart;" Jan^ 14, "Donna Diana," for the first time. She used Westland Marston's version of the old Spanish comedy by Moreto. It had this cast:

Donna Diana Modjeska

Don Caesar . . . E. H. Vanderfelt

Perin Frank Clements

Don Gaston .... James Cooper Don Luis .... L. J. Henderson

Don Diego Donna Fenisa Donna Laura . Floretta . .

ErroU Dunbar

Evelyn Shaw

Daisy Dorr

Kitty Wilson

Modjeska also played in "Twelfth Night" and "Odette," which closed her engagement Jan. 30. Frank Clements was killed by being run over by a railway train at Newark, N. J., May 8, 1886.

Lawrence Barrett and company opened Feb. i in "Hernani," which was acted until Feb. 17, when "Francesca da Rimini" was done. A matinee performance Feb. 18, of "As You Like It," with Modjeska and company, was for the benefit of the Polish exiles. "Julius Caesar" was played by Barrett and company Feb. 22 with Barrett as Cassius and W. E. Sheridan (specially en- gaged) as Brutus; Feb. 25, "The King's Pleasure " and "The Wonder;" Feb. 26, "Yorick's Love" and "David Garrick;" matinee, Feb. 27, "Hernani;" evening, Feb. 27, "Julius Caesar." Mme. Judic and company opened March 2 in " La Femme a Papa ; " March 3, " La Grande Duchesse ; " March 4, " La Cosaque ; " March 5, "La Mascotte;" matinee, March 6, "La Grande Duch- esse;" and evening, March 6, "Divorgons."

The "Guv' nor" March 8 was revived for one week by the Wal- lack's Theatre company, with this cast:

Theodore Macclesfield Butterscotch Freddy . . Theodore . MacToddy Jellicoe . .

Cab Dnver Mrs. Macclesfield

. Wm. Elton

John Gilbert

. George Clarke

, Fred Corbett

, . C. E. Edwin

Harry Gwynette

Roland Buckstone

. James Holbroke

, . . Mary Hill

Cantle Edward White

VuUem W. H. Pope

Ullage W. L. Dennison

Gunnel E. A. Bigelow

Carrie Theresa Butler

Kate Kate Bartlett

Aurelia Josephine Bailey

Barbara Lillie Walter

Susan Miss Mathews


Boucicault's comedy, "The Jilt, or. Thundercloud's Year," was seen March 15 first time in this city, and had this cast:

. . Helen Bancroft Mrs. M. A. Pennoyer . . John P. Sutton . . Mary E. Barker . . . Bijou Heron

Myles O'Hara . . Dion Boucicault Lady Millicent

Sir Budleigh Woodstock, Henry Miller Mrs. Pincott .

Lord Marcus Wylie . . F. M. Burbeck Colonel Tudor

Mr. James Daisy . . Frank Wright Mrs. Welter .

Rev. Mr. Spooner Donald Robertson Phyllis Welter Kitty Woodstock . Louise Thorndyke

The farewell appearances in America of Mme. Judic commenced April 5 and continued for two weeks, and her repertory was : April S, "La Belle Hdlene;" April 6, "La Roussotte " (first time in America); April 7, "La P6richole;" April 8, "Niniche;" April 9, "La Mascotte;" matinee, April 10, "La Belle H61^ne;" evening, April 10, "La Cosaque;" April 12, "La Vie Parisi- enne;" April 13, "La FemmeaPapa;" April 14, "Divorgons;" April 15, for the benefit of A. Durand, the business manager, "La Grande Duchesse," and the monologue, "Clary vs. Clary;" April 16, for the benefit of Judic the second act of "Lili," the one-act operetta, "Josephine," and the second act of " La Femme a Papa; " matinee, April 17, "La Perichole," and Judic closed her unprofit- able engagement evening of April 17 with "La Jolie Parfumeuse." Judic was brought to this country by Maurice Grau, and pecuni- arily she was a failure, but artistically a great success. She was not only a very great artist, but one of the most delightful of ac- tresses ever heard on the American stage. Her manner was re- fined, and her voice sweet, cl^ar, and well modulated.

Dion Boucicault returned April 19 in "The Jilt." Fanny Davenport followed April 26 in "Fedora," with this cast:

Loris Ipanoff . . . . R. B. Mantell Gretch .... Eugene O. Jepson Jean .... Melbourne McDowell Doctor's Assistant ... A. Aktar The Swiss R. F. Loom

Dimtri . Baroness Nicolas . Cyrille . TichbefF

. . Nettie Irving . . Alma Aiken Sheldon Kinnecon . . W. J. Hurley Frank Willard

Dr. Loreck K. Sheldon

Dr. MuUer E. Pembroke

Basile J. Williams

Ivan P. Drake

Marka Jennie Shore

Fedora Fanny Davenport

Mons. Rouvrel . . Frank McDonald Countess Olga . . . Marie Sheldon Mme. De Fourne, Miss A. V. Kindrop Desire . . . Edgar L. Davenport

May 10 W. S. Gilbert's burlesque comedy "Engaged" was pro- duced, and thus cast :

Agnes Herndon Ethel Douglas John Matthews

Belinda . . . Mrs. McFarlane Symperson . .

Cheviot Hill .... Cedric Hope

Minnie Alice Butler

Maggie Addie Cummings

Belvawney Henry Dalton

Mary Anderson began an engagement May 17 in "Pygmalion and Galatea," and "Comedy and Tragedy;" May 18, 20, "Ingo-




mar;" May 19 and matinee, May 22, "The Lady of Lyons;" May 21, "As You Like It;" May 22, "Pygmalion and Galatea." May 31 Harry Edwards took a benefit. June 3 a benefit was given to the widow and children of the late Bartley Campbell, dramatist, under the auspices of B. P. O. Elks and the Actors' Fund. The entertainment consisted of the Japanese scene from "The Little Tycoon," Myra Goodwin in specialty, Helen Hooker (first appear- ance in New York) and C. G. Craig in "Ingomar," W. J. Scanlan in Irish songs, a party of "Coon Jubilee" singers, Frank Mayo and company in the second act of "Nordeck," W. Henry Rice in burlesque ballads, Mrs. D. P. Bowers and company in " Elizabeth " (first act), F. F. McNish in "Silent Fun," and the second act "The Whiteslave."

On June 24, Millocker's opera, "The Maid of Belleville," for the first time in English, was advertised with Mile. Aimee (first ap- pearance in English opera) as the star. George W. Lederer and Charles Byrne were the managers. As this lady was under con- tract to Simmonds & Brown for the season of 1886-87, ^^'^ was to open her season in this city, those gentlemen refused to allow her to appear, and the consequence was that Roberta Crawford ap- peared in the r61e announced for Aimee. In it Frank David made his New York d6but; the opera was a failure. The orchestration was bad, the chorus was weak, save as to numbers, and only one or two of the principals sang well. Charles J. Gould and Berry Jarrett took a benefit Sunday evening, Aug. 15. Lester & Allen's minstrels commenced Aug. 16. Lawrence Barrett's company ap- peared in " Yorick's Love," Aug. 30, with this cast:

Master Yorick . .

Lawrence Barrett

Thomas . . .

. . J. M. Sturgeon

Master Heyward .

- Newton Gotthold

Philip . . .

. . . J. L. Finney

Master Edmund .

Charles Welles

Tobias . . .

. . Kendall Weston

Master Walton . .

S. E. Springer

Alice ....

. . Minna K. Gale

Master Woodford

Chas. M. Collins

Dorothy . .

. . Miriam O'Leary

Gregory ....

. Ben. Rogers

Sept. 2 Barrett acted " Richelieu ; " Sept. 3, "Hamlet;" matinee, Sept. 4, "Yorick's Love;" eyening, "Julius Caesar;" Sept. 6, 7, and matinee, Sept. 11, "Francesca da Rimini;" Sept. 8, "Ham- let;" Sept. 10, II, "The Merchant of Venice" and "David Gar- rick;" Sept. 13, 14, IS, 16, and matinee, Sept. 18, "Harebell, or the Man o' Airlie;" Sept. 17, "Yorick's Love" and "David Gar- rick;" evening, Sept. 18, "Richard III. ;" Sept. 20, "Richelieu;" Sept. 21, "The Merchant of Venice " and' "The King's Pleasure; " Sept. 22, and matinee, Sept. 25, "Francesca da Rimini;" Sept. 23, " Julius Cassar ; " Sept. 24, " Hamlet. " The Barrett company closed Sept. 25 with "Yorick's Love" and "David Garrick." Genevieve Ward appeared here Sept. 27 in "The Queen's Favorite":


Henry St. John Queen Anne . Officer . . ,

W. H. Vernon

Gertrude Kellogg

, . Percy Winter

Duchess .... Genevieve Ward

Marquis John Wilks

Abigail Eleanor Tyndale

This was Mr. Vernon's and Eleanor Tyndale's American debut. Genevieve Ward was formerly known as Genevra Guerrabella, a popular opera singer. Since 1873 she has been on the dramatic stage. "The Queen's Favorite" was an adaptation of Scribe's "Le Verre d'Eau." "Forget Me Not" was produced by Miss Ward Oct. 4, with this cast:

Prince Maleotti Alice Verney . Horace Welby Barratto . . .

J. W. Summers

Eleanor Tyndale

W. H. Vernon

. D. G. English

Porter Mr. Edwards

Stephanie .... Genevieve Ward

Servant Percy Winter

Mrs. Foley . . . Gertrude Kellogg

Wilson Barrett made his American d^but Oct. 11, in ' supported by his English company. The cast was :



Claudian The Holy Theorus . Zosimus Therena Volpas .

Wilson Barrett

Charles Fulton

H. Cooper-ClifFe

A. H. Bernage

. Alice Belmore

Langley Russell

Symachus S. M. Carson

Sesiphon W. A. Elliott

Demos H. Evans

Caris Evelyn Howard

Captain of the Scythians, Mr. Aubrey


Claudian Andiates . Wilson Barrett Officer of the Herculeans, G. Maxwell Goths of the Tetrarch's Guards

Howard and Belton

Almida Miss Eastlake

Alcardes .... Austin Melford

Belos George Barrett

Eddessa Lily Belmore

Threne Miss Medway

Clia Miss Thompson

Galena Alice Cooke

Thareogalus .... Chas. Hudson

Agaziel J. H. Clynds

Rhamantes Warren

Hera Lila Garth

Sabella Miss Woode

Gratia ...... Miss Wilde

Cloris Mr. Percyval

The prices of admission were raised to: Orchestra seats and front rows of the balcony, $2; a portion of the gallery, $1. At nine o'clock the speculators were offering those seats at less than half price. Mr. Barrett saw spaces in the house every night dur- ing his first week, which ended Oct. 16. One actor in the cast Charles Hudson astonished some and incensed others of the audi- ence because he strongly suggested Henry Irving in his voice, gait, and actions. Hisses finally broke forth, not because the man was incompetent, but rather because it seemed to be understood by the house fhat his imitation purposely sought to ridicule Mr. Irving. This demonstration of disapproval was renewed Tuesday night. A special matinee of " Claudian " was given Oct. 20, the proceeds of which went to the Charleston, S. C, sufferers. Barrett's three




weeks' engagement terminated Oct. 30. Matinee 30, " The Color Sergeant," "A Clerical Error," and "Chatterton" formed the pro- gramme. For the evening, " Claudian " was acted for the farewell of Mr. Barrett.

Considerable talk was caused by the "wonderful" earthquake scene in "Claudian," as if it had never before been witnessed in this country. It was much better done many years ago at the Old, Bowery Theatre and by Bartley Campbell in his play " Clio." This " sensation " was introduced four centuries ago by the Italians in 1480. They had intricate machinery for the simulation of such phenomena as thunderbolts, earthquakes, falling stars, and angels descending in clouds. As early as 1692, the first attempt in Eng- land to mimic an earthquake was made at Southwark, London. Early in December, 1828, Fitzball's melodrama of "The Earth- quake, or the Phantom of the Nile," was produced at the Adelphi Theatre, London. It was founded on Moore's strange tale of "The Epicureans," which bears a remarkable resemblance in general structure to "She." In fact, Rider Haggard has been accused of plagiarism in writing his novel. About the first stage earthquake ever witnessed in England, however, was at Covent Garden Theatre, London, in 18 12, in Reynolds' opera of "The Virgin of the Sun." The walls and columns of the temple scene in the first act were arranged in cubical forms, and when thrown down by the violent agitation of the ground rolled over the boards with the illusion of solidity.

Edwin Booth appeared Nov. 3, with the following company: Charles Barron, John T. Malone, Carl Ahrendt, John T. Sullivan, Chas. Hanford, H. C. Barton, Edwin Royle, Chas. Abbe, John Doud, F. K. Harte, J. Brown, Thos. L. Coleman, Walter Thomas, Owen S. Fawcett, L. J. Henderson, Volney Streamer, Mrs. Augusta Foster, Emma Vaders, and Kate Maloney. " Hamlet " was the opening play, with this cast:

Hamlet Edwin Booth

Ghost Charles Barron

Ophelia Emma Vaders

Bernardo .... Francis K. Harte

Osric C. S. Abbe

Polonius Carl Ahrendt

Laertes John T. Sullivan

King Claudius .... J. T. Malone

Horatio . . Rosencrantz Guildenstern Marcellus . First Actor Queen Gertrude Player Queen . First Gravedigger

Chas. B. Hanford . . H. C. Barton . . E. M. Royle . . . John Doud

Thos. L. Coleman . Augusta Foster . . Kate Maloney . . O. S. Fawcett

The prices of admission were not advanced, the best seats being 1^1.50, fifty cents less than for Wilson Barrett and ;^i.So less than for Irving. Nov. 6 "The Fool's Revenge " was presented. Booth did not appear the second week after Monday night. His inabil- ity to act was announced late on the afternoon of Tuesday, when a physician's certificate was sent out to the press. Booth reappeared


Florus W. D. Ingram

Enomaus T. F. McCabe

Gellius Harry Willard

Centurion G. D. Farnum

Scropha E. W. Hillard

Artificer P. A. Clinton

Child Master Dinnie

The Fighting Gaul . Wm. Muldoon

Nov. 15, acting lago in "Othello;" Nov. 18, 20, "Richelieu;" Nov. 23, 26, "Fool's Revenge;" Nov. 24-27, "Merchant of Venice " and " Taming of the Shrew ; " matinee, Nov. 27, as lago.

Joseph Jefferson began an engagement Nov. 29, in "Rip Van Winkle." In his company were Edwin Varrey, Geo. W. Den- ham, Lin Hurst, Geo. W. Lynch, Joseph Warren, Lizzie Hudson, Gertie Foster, Bessie Leslie, Charlie Duval, James McCann, W.^ A. Whitecar, May Woolcott, and Dora Leslie. Dec. 13, "Cricket on the Hearth " and " Lend Me Five Shillings " were acted, with Jefferson as Caleb Plummer in the first play and Golightly in the other. Robert Downing made his New York debut as a star Dec. 20, as Spartacus in "The Gladiator," which had this cast:

Spartacus R. Downing

Phasarius .... Henry Aveling

Crassus Frank Lane

Bracchius .... John Swinburne

Lentulus Chas. Nevins

Jovius Royal Roche

Senona Mittens Willett

Julia Gail Forrest

Crixus L. A. Wagenhalls

Lillian Olcott appeared here Jan. 3, 1887, as the heroine in Sardou's "Theodora." J. H. Gilmour played Andreas. John Howson took a benefit matinee, Jan. 13, and the programme was composed of songs by Ada Melrose, Willis Sweatnam in a negro act, Fred Warde and company in the forum scene from "Vir- ginius," recitation by Helen Marr, assault at arms by Alex. Sal- vini and Mens. Regis Senac, N. C. Goodwin and company in the first act of "Turned Up," violin solo by Michael Banner; Francis Wilson and Mark Smith in the Thieves' Duet from "Erminie," the idyllic play "The Violin Maker of Cremona," for the first time in this city, acted by Hudson Liston, J. H. Gilmour, Marie Jansen, and John Howson; imitations of actors, by John M. Young; the pool scene from "The O'Reagans," with John Wild and mem- bers of Harrigan's company; song by Victor Dangon; the curse scene from "Deborah," by Sarah Neville; and Frank Richmond in cowboy stories.

John Howson died suddenly at Troy, N. Y., Dec. 16, 1887. He was born at Hobart Town, Tasmania, Nov. 17, 1844. In 1864, he, two sisters (Emma and Clelia), and his brother (Frank), came to the United States, and travelled as the Howson Family. The company disbanded in San Francisco about 1866. In 1872 he came to this city to play in "Mimi," at this theatre (then Wal- lack's). In 1883 he joined Lester Wallack's stock company, remaining two seasons. At the time of his death he was with Lotta's travelling company




Jan. 17 "Indiana" was given for the first time in New York, when the John A. McCaull company opened a season of comic opera. This was the cast:

Nan ....

Maud . . . Matt o' the Mill Lord Dayrell . Philip Jervaux . Sir Mulbery MuUit Annette ....

Annie Meyers Adine Drew . DigbyBell . Geo. Olmi

E. W. Hoff . Ellis Ryse

Ida Eissing

Madge Celie Eissing

FoUiet C. Blanchard

Cosmo G. HoUingsworth

Indiana Greyfaunt . . . Lilly Post Lady Prue .... Laura Joyce Bell Capt. Hazzard . . . Bessie Fairbairn

The second annual benefit concert in aid of the Sick Relief Fund of United Council American Legion of Honor took place Jan. 30. Salsbury's Troubadours appeared here Feb. 7, in "The Humming Bird," acted for the first time in this city. The cast was:

Sally Nellie McHenry

Fanny Leonora Bradley

Matilda Marie Beckel

Biddy Emma Gilbert

Joseph Brass . . . Nate Salsbury Honeymoon .... Geo. Backus

Rackett John Webster

McLaughlin F. B. Blair

Tramp F. Bowman

Feb. 28 was the first production here of the opera "Lorraine," by the McCaull Opera company. Sig. Perugini gave way to a bad cold, and retired after night of March 3, Herndon Morsell singing his r61e the rest of the week, and E. T. Steyne (stage manager) taking Mr. Morsell's part. Gertrude Griswold (the Madelaine), also on account of illness, was out of the cast after March i. Josie Knapp sang the Madelaine r61e March 2. On March 3 Alida Varna, from McCaull's "Black Hussar" company, took the part. " Lorraine " was first produced by this company at Chicago.

Sarah Bernhardt, after an absence of six years, reappeared in this city March 14 in "Fedora;" March 15, 19, matinee, March 26, "La Dame aux Camelias;" March 16, 18, matinees, March 19, 22, "Fedora;" March 17, 23, "Frou Frou;" March 21, "Le MaJtre de Forges ; " special matinee, March 24, " Fedora ; " even- ing, March 24, "Adrienne Lecouvreur;" March 25, "Fedora;" evening, March 26, "Le MaJtre de Forges;" March 28, "Theo- dora." April 4 Wilson Barrett commenced a return engagement in " Hamlet," which he repeated April 5. " Clito " was done April 6 for the first time here; April 13, 14, "Claudian;" April 15 and matinee, April 16, "Hamlet;" evening, April 16, "The Lady of Lyons." Dion Boucicault appeared April 18 with "Kerry" and "Fin MacCool." His company consisted of Louise Thorndyke, Julia Stuart, J. C. Padgett, Fred Corbett, H. J. Lethcourt, l5ion Boucicault, Georgia Cayvan, Helen Bancroft, Lulu Pendleton, W. J. Ferguson, Dan Maguinnis, Fritz Williams, Walter Treville, Herbert Colby, Joseph W. Walsh, Marion Elmore, and Mary


Barker. It is doubtful if, in all his New York engagements, Dion Boucicault had ever met with a more discouraging reception from the critics than that which greeted " Fin MacCool " during his opening week. The drama was assailed almost brutally, in at least one instance, and in no case was it received with favor. The audiences naturally were small, and on April 23 the actor changed his bill to "The Jilt." Owing to Boucicault's illness the house was closed the week of April 28. He played the following week in "The Shaughraun."

Charles W. Couldock had a benefit the afternoon of May 10, the fiftieth anniversary of his first appearance on the stage. The programme was as follows: Third act of "Hamlet":

Hamlet . . The Ghost . Polonius Horatio . . Rosencranz . Guildenstern Marcellus .

. Edwin Booth Charles Barron . Carl Ahrendt Charles Hanford . H. C. Barton . Edwin Boyle . . John Doud

Bernardo First Actor . Ophelia . . King Claudius Second Actor Queen Gertrude Player Queen .

. F. K. Harte T. L. Coleman Emma Vaders John T. Malone Walter Thomas Augusta Foster . Kate Malony

The screen scene from " The School for Scandal " : Lady Teazle, Fanny Davenport; Sir Peter Teazle, John Gilbert; Charles Sur- face, R. B. Mantell; Joseph Surface, J. H. Barnes; recitation, Trowbridge's "Vagabonds," C. W. Couldock. The quarrel scene from "Julius Caesar": Cassius, Lawrence Barrett; Brutus, John Malone; Decius, C. M. Collins; Casca, B. G. Rogers; Trebonius, E. Springer; Metellus, K. Weston; Pindarus, J. Albaugh, Jr.; the third act of "The Rivals": Bob Acres, Joseph Jefferson; Sir Lucius O'Trigger, James O'Neill; Captain Absolute, Kyrle Bel- lew; David, G. W. Denham; Mrs. Malaprop, Mrs. John Drew; Lydia Languish, Annie Robe. The prices of admission were: Orchestra and dress circle, reserved seats, $^; family circle, re- served seats, $2; general admission, $1.

May 16 an opera called " The Pyramid " had its first representa- tion on any stage, and with this cast :

Albert Leroy . . . Harry Hilliard William Dodge . . . Paul Arthur

Ramses Frank David

Rhea Addie Cora Reed

Tai Helen Standish

Natasu Rosa Cook

Sabako Ellis Ryse

Sarah Bernhardt returned here June 1 5, appearing as Fedora ; June 16, "Theodora;" matinee, June 17, "Theodora;" night of June 17, "Hernani," in which she acted Dona Sol for the first time in this city.

This house opened under the management of Henry Abbey, John Schoeffel, and Maurice Grau, Aug. 22, with McNish, John- son & Slavin's minstrels. The dramatic season began Aug. 27,




1887, with Gillette's "Held by the Enemy." French Opera com- pany made their American debut Sept. 19. "Le Grand Mogul," by Audran, was heard for the first time in this country in its original French form. "Fatinitza" was sung Oct. 14, for the first time in this country in French.

Joseph Jefferson appeared Oct. 17 as Bob Acres, in "The Rivals," with Mrs. John Drew as the Mrs. Malaprop.

Henry Irving reappeared in America Nov. 7, in G. W. Wills' version of "Faust," which had this cast:

Faust G. Alexander

Valentine . . . . . . C. Glenney

Frosch Harbury

Bessy Miss Mathews

The Witch of the Kitchen

Thomas Mead

Mephistopheles . . . Henry Irving Martha .... Mrs. Chippendale

Altmayer Haviland

Brander Harvey

Siebel Johnson

Margaret Ellen Terry

The programme for Nov. 12 was "The Bells" and the farce "Jingle," taken from "Pickwick Papers," with this cast:

Alfred Jingle .... Henry Irving

Wardle S. Johnson

Tupman Harbury

Nupkins Wenman

Perker ^ . J. Carter

Sam Weller . . . Martin Harvey Miss Arabella . Miss F. Harwood

Nathaniel Winkle . Augustus Snodgrass Pickwick . Job Trotter Fat Boy Miss Rachel Miss Emily

Mr. Emery Haviland H. Howe Mr. Archer Mr. Gurner Mrs. Pauncefort . Miss Mathews

The last performance of " Faust " by Mr. Irving's company was given Dec. 5. "The Merchant of Venice" was played Dec. 6, 7, 8, 9, and matinee of Dec. 10; night of Dec. 10, "Jingle" and three acts of " Louis XI. " closed the Irving engagement.

Julia Marlowe began an engagement here Dec. 12 in "Romeo and Juliet" :

Romeo Joseph Haworth Nurse .... Elizabeth Andrews

Friar Leslie Allen Mercutio Chas. Norris

Tybalt Howard Kyle Prince Chas. J. Fyffe

Benvolio E. J. Radcliffe Capulet John Sutherland

Peter Geo. Gaston Paris Nestor Lennon

Lady Capulet . . . Blanche Weaver Juliet Julia Marlowe

Miss Marlowe was seen as Parthenia in "Ingomar" Dec. 13, and Viola in " Twelfth Night " Dec. 14. Joseph Haworth acted Mal- volio; Leslie Allen, Sir Toby Belch; Blanche Weaver, Olivia. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Florence returned here Dec. 19 in " Our Governor. "

Frau Hedwig Niemann-Raabe made her American debut Jan. 2, 1888, as Lorle and Lenore in "Dorf und Stadt." Her support in- cluded the following, all save Ottilie Genee making their Ameri- can bow on this occasion : Arthur Meyer, Adolph Meyer, Antonie Ziegler, Auguste Burmester, Julius Metz, Hermann Haak, Hugo

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Ranzenberg, Alexis Schonlank, Gustav Kober, Karl Muller. The same bill was repeated Jan. 3; " Ein Tropfen Gift," Jan. 4, 5; "Cyprienne" (" Divorgons "), Jan. 6, 7, and matinee, Jan. 7; the lady acted "Dora," Jan. 9, 10; Richard Voss' "Alexandra," Jan. II, 12, for the first time in America. This is the German ver- sion of Sardou's drama, known variously in English as "Agnes," "Andrea," "Anselma," and "In Spite of All." Frau Niemann- Raabe closed her engagement Jan. 14. The cast of " Alexandra " was: Frau Prasidentin v. Elberti, Ottilie Genee; Erwin, Hugo Ranzenberg; Alexandra, Hedwig Niemann-Raabe; Dr. Andrea, H. Haak; Anton Moell, Gustav Kober; Bauer Gerland, Moritz Moritz; Frau Lemm, Auguste Burmester. Her engagement may be briefly summed up as a complete artistic success and a financial disappointment to her manager, who was compelled to increase the price of seats owing to his expensive contract with his star.

William Mestayer's company was seen in "Check 44" Jan. 16, and"Francillon," by Alex. Dumas, had its first American hearing Feb. 13: Marquis De Riverolles, Gustav Kober; Lucien, Hugo Ranzenberg; Franziska, Hedwig Niemann-Raabe ; Annette, Lilli Petri ; Stanislas de Grandredon, Hermann Haak ; Henry De Symeur, Alexis Schonlank; Jean De Carillac, Moritz Moritz; Therese Smith, Antonie Ziegler; Colestin, Karl Muller; Ein Anderer Diener, Heinrich Zilzer; Elise, Auguste Burmester; Pinguet, A. Meyer. Hedwig Niemann-Raabe' s return engagement, and her final one in America, opened Feb. 17 with "Die Hagelstolzen " and one act of "Jane Eyre." For her return engagement the best seats were reduced in price to ^1.50. Heinrich Conreid, her manager, made his reappearance on the stage, matinee and even- ing, Feb. 18 (Hedwig Niemann-Raabe having sailed for Germany that day), in the title r61e of " Dr. Klaus" (known in English as "Dr. Clyde," "The Doctor," "Dr. Klaus," etc.). This was his first appearance on the stage since January, 1883.

Henry Irving and company began a five weeks' engagement Feb. 20 in W. G. Wills' "Olivia." This play, which is a dramatiza- tion of Goldsmith's "Vicar of Wakefield," had been done in this city in 1878 by Fanny Davenport and her company. The cast here was:

Dr. Primrose Moses . . Mr. Burchell Sophia . . Squire Thornhill Farmer Flamborough Polly Flamborough .

. Henry Irving

. . Haviland

. . Wenman

Miss D. Harwood

. Alexander

H. Howe

Miss Coleridge

Gypsy Woman . . . Miss Barnett Mrs. Primrose . . Mrs. Pauncefort

Olivia Ellen Terry

Leigh Tyars

Phoebe Miss Mills

Dick Miss M. Holland

"The Lyons Mail" was given Feb. 25-27, with Linda Dietz as Jeannette; March 3, "Olivia;" March 5, "Faust" was revived



and continued up to March 10, when Ellen Terry took a brief rest and "Louis XI." was presented. The Star was one of the few theatres open in this city on what was known as "The Blizzard Night," March 12. Irving and his company paid a visit to West Point afternoon of March 19, 1888, and gave a fully costumed per- formance of " The Merchant of Venice " in the cadets' mess hall of the Military Academy. The Star Theatre was closed that night.

March 24 Mr. Irving closed his engagement with "Olivia," and the company sailed for England after the performance. Mr. Irving did not leave New York until the following week. Henry Irving was at his best in melodrama, for his cunning and rare knowledge of stage artifice enabled him to focus upon himself the strength of his admirably drilled company. As far as his individual methods as an actor go, Mr. Irving is as old-fashioned and conventional as were the players of a half-century ago. The mouthings, the strut- ting, the ranting, the mad tearing of passion into tatters, are we not familiar with them all, either by hearsay or through the work of some derelict of good old-time tragedy ? Prof. Alexander Herr- mann was the attraction week of April 2.

James Owen O'Connor appeared here April 9 in "Hamlet," hav- ing rented the house for two weeks. This was the New York debut of Jessie Villars as Ophelia, also that of Emmie Young, a daughter of Brigham Young, as the Queen. During the two weeks, O'Connor was seen in the "Marble Heart," "Merchant of Venice," "Riche- lieu," and "Othello," as well as in "Hamlet." His engagement closed April 21. A professional matinee occurred April 19. No stage exhibition that I have seen has possessed all the disagreeable features of the O'Connor engagement. His audiences were almost exclusively composed of males, who were to be amused as the Count Johannes and Dr. Landis once amused this city. They found no excuse too trifling for their merriment, no jest too coarse, no uproar too loud. A dozen or more auditors were ejected by the police at various times. O'Connor's Hamlet was so indescribably bad in speech, action, and appearance that his audience burst into laughter before he had been on the stage five minutes. In his interview with Rosencrantz, he was so absurd that the audience broke through all restraint and the dialogue was lost in peals of laughter. He made a speech to his audience telling them that he would furnish them with a hilariously insane Hamlet if they would give him a chance. This was received with three cheers for O'Connor. His perform- ance of Shylock in "The Merchant of Venice " nearly brought about a riot in the theatre. All through the performance the audience "talked back" to Shylock. Every time the curtain went down, there were torrents of cheers, howls, " cat-calls, " roars, screeches, whistling, and Indian war-whoops. A posse of police stopped the


disturbance for a time. In the trial scene, when Shylock begins to scrape his knife on the floor, Bassanio asks, " Why dost thou whet thy knife so keenly?" A voice in the gallery answered, "He's going to shave off them whiskers," referring to the absurd hirsute ornaments O'Connor wore about his face. He finished the play by making Shylock commit suicide at the end of the trial scene. He was seen in " Hamlet " at the professional matinee. On the night he played "Richelieu," an enthusiastic admirer threw a bouquet of pie-plant upon the stage. The play was stopped short, the curtain rung down, and O'Connor made the following speech :

"I hereby offer a reward of $ioo cash, to be paid behind the scenes, to any person who detects another in the act of throwing missiles upon the stage. I have some dignity as a man, as a lawyer, and as the star of this company. There is nobody in this house that can play Richelieu as well as I can, and yet you deride me. I have a loaded musket behind the scenes which you may force me to use. At the next performance I shall have a sufficient force of policemen behind the scenes to preserve order. You can- not drive me from this theatre." When as Phidias in "The Marble Heart " he fell dead at the end of the first act, some one cried, "No fall; bring an ambulance." On his closing night two large cabbages were thrown at him.

James Owen O'Connor's father was a cousin of Charles O'Connor, the distinguished jurist. There can be no doubt of the fact that some mental derangement induced him to adopt the stage as a profession. He was taken to an insane asylum at Morris Plains, N. J., August 25, 1893, where he died March 31, 1894. His last engagement was in a variety theatre in Jersey City in the winter of 1891. His audience pelted him with decayed fruit and vegetables so unmercifully that he abandoned the stage. At a variety theatre in the West, where he performed, a wire curtain was used to pre- vent his being struck by flying missiles. Two weeks prior to his confinement in the asylum he wandered away from his home and was found in a vacant lot, three-quarters of a mile from the house.

Appropriately enough Brockman's Monkey show followed, April 24, but business was so bad that the house soon closed for the sea- son. Reopened for the season with Johnson & Slavin's minstrels, on Aug. 27. Robert Downing, with his dramatic company, fol- lowed. He played Spartacus in the " Gladiator " Sept. 3, 4, and 8, " Virginius," matinee of Sept. 5 and evening of Sept. 7, and "In- gomar," Sept. 6 and matinee of Sept. 8. "The Paymaster" came Sept. 17 for two weeks. "Zigzag," a musical comedy, came Oct. I. Lydia Thompson, with her burlesque company, opened Oct. 15 in a very weak "sketch," called "Penelope," which had this cast:




Icarius . . Charles Horace Kenny Agrippa .... Master Fritz James Hermes .... Christine Blessing Philander .... Brenda Harper

Arctos Minnie Sannon

Carthos Vivian Bromley

Nevera Lillie AUiston

Tektoe Louis Kelleher

Glaucus Harry Starr

Ulysses Lydia Thompson

Endymion .... Marie Williams

Penelope Aida Jenoure

Cupid Millie Marion

Daphne Ella Carrington

Glyke .... Florence Brandon

Hamax Rose Newham

Calypso .... Florence Bankhardt Mr. Waiter . Miss Belle Raymond Cymon .... J. Bolton RadclifEe

Gustav Amberg presented his German company in " Mit Fremden Federn," by C. Schoenfeld, Oct. 22 and 23; "Sie Weiss Etwas," Oct. 24 and 25 ; and "Tilli," by F. Stahl, Oct. 26 and 27. Among the American d6buts made were those of Fraulein Herrman, Frau- lein Sandow, Herr Becker, and Herr Schoelermann. " A Midsum- mer Night's Dream " was produced Oct. 29 by John W. Albaugh's travelling company, and had this cast :

Theseus .... William Morris Lysander .... Edw. J. Henley Demetrius .... Chas. H. Sutton

Egeus Adolph Bernard

Oberon Carrie Daniels

Titania Lillie Post

Puck Hattie Harvey

Singing Fairy .... Ada Somers

Flute William Lee

Snout Charles Rosene

Peas Blossom . . Bertie Sutherland

Nick Bottom . .

Edmund D. Lyons

Starveling . .

John H. Mitchell

Philostrate . .

. Chas. Kaufman

Hippolyta . .

. . Harriet Ford

Hermia . . .

Minnie Seligman

Helena . . ,

Katharine AlVord

Cobweb . . .

Louie Stevens

Moth ....

Mustard Seed .

Walter Lewis

. . Ferd. Hight

Snug ....

. . Louis R. Grisel

This ran two weeks, and was followed Nov. 12 by H. E. Dixey in "Adonis," for two weeks; then came "The Crystal Slipper, or Prince Prettiwitz and Little Cinderella. " The new text was by Capt. Alfred Thompson and Harry B. Smith. The cast: Baron Anthracite, R. E. Graham; Yosemite, Edwin Foy; Cinderella, Marguerite Fish; Prince Prettiwitz, May Yohe; Mardi Gras, Daisy Remsden; Fairy Graciosa, Homie Weldon; and Fiorde- fuma, Topsy Venn. Sig. Novissimo, the ballet master of this company, died in Bellevue Hospital, Aug. 16, 1890. May Yohe retired from the cast after the first night, and the Prince was acted by Mamie Cerbi.

Annie Pixley appeared here Dec. 24 in " The Deacon's Daughter," and "Zara," Dec. 31. The Louis James-Marie Wainwright com- pany came Jan. 7, 1889, with "As You Like It," which had this cast:

Banished Duke . . Erroll Dunbar Duke Frederick . . Harry Leighton

Orlando Louis James

Jaques F. C. Mosley

Adam H. A. Langdon

Oliver H. E. Chase

Touchstone E. Y. Backus

Charles J. M. Laflin

Rosalind . . . Marie Wainwright

Celia Anita Harris

Audrey Kate Meek

Phebe Alma Aiken


This play was repeated Jan. 8, 9; "Virginius" was given Jan. 10-12; "Much Ado About Nothing," Jan. 11, and matinee, Jan. 12, with Marie Wainwright as Beatrice and Louis James as Bene- dick. They were followed Jan. 14 by Fanny Davenport and com- pany in "La Tosca," which was thus cast:

Le Baron Scarpia,

Melbourne MacDowell Mario Cavaradossi,

F. McCullough Ross Cesare Angellotti . Theodore Roberts Schiarone .... Joseph Weldon Le Marquis Attavanti . Bruce Hayes

Vicomte de Trevillac, Arthur A. Lotto Colonetti . . . Jean H. Williams Reine Marie Caroline, Eleanor Merron Princess Orlonia .... May Diel Gennarino .... Marie Merriam

Luciana Olivia Warren

Floria Tosca . . Fanny Davenport

An entertainment was given Sunday evening, Jan. 20, in aid of the Sick Relief Fund of United Council 1,035 Legion of Honor.

John Wild first appeared in this city as a dramatic star Jan. 21 in "Running Wild," which had this cast:

Cardamon Moxie . . Will H. Dietz Dollie Gertrude Fort

D'Oily Float ) t u -iii-u The Lady who does the clean-

Joe King I John Wild ing ..... . St. Geo. Hussey

Barry Cassidy . . Theo. M. Brown Penelope Podd . . . Adele Bray

Daniel Dodge . . . F. M. Kendrick Flora Julia Mackey

The Gentleman who removes Dora Ada Jones

the ashes .... Harry Brinsley L Malone T. B. Butler

The Howard Athenaeum specialty company came Jan. 28 for one week. The Lyceum Theatre company appeared Feb. 4 in "The Wife," by Bilasco and De Mille, which was thus cast:

John Rutherford . Nelson Wheatcroft Matthew Culver . . Henry Hermon Major Homer Q. Putnam,

James O. Barrows John Dexter . . Charles S. Dickson Robert Gray .... Frank Carlyle

Silas Truman .... John Flood Helen Truman . Mrs. Berlan-Gibbs Lucile Ferrant . Adeline Stanhope Mrs. Belamy Ives, Adelaide Thornton

Kitty Ives Hattie Schell

Mrs. Amory .... Eliza Logan

"Later On" was seen Feb. 11, "The Stowaway," Feb. 18; Richard Stahl's comic opera, "Said Pasha," was sung for the first time in this city Feb. 2, and had this cast:

Said Pasha . . . . Francis Gaillard Hassan Bey ... R. N. Dunbar

Hadad Edwin Stevens Terrano Hubert Wilke

Nockey Stanley Felch Rajah .... Jos. Greensfelder

Serena Helen Dingeon Queen Alti .... Carrie Godfrey

Balah Sojah .... Alice Gaillard

"Evangeline" was seen March 11 for two weeks, followed by M. Coquelin for one week, commencing March 25, in " Le Mariage de Figaro;" March 26, "Le Juif Polonais;" matinee, March 27, " Le Mariage de Figaro ; " evening, " Les Surprises du Divorce ; " March 28, " Le Voyage de M. Perrichon " and monologues ; matinee, March 30, "Le Juif Polonais;" evening, "LeGendrede M. Poirier;" for Coquelin's benefit, March 29 "Jean Dacier "




and "The Silent System" received their first public performances in this country. The cast of the first play was:

Jean Dacier .... M. Coquelin

Berthaut M. Duquesne

Baudru .... M. Jean Coquelin Le Comte M. Abel

De Puylaurens . . . . M. Mayer

Antonia Mme. Kerwich

La Comtesse .... Mme. Patry

In "The Silent System" Coquelin acted wholly in pantomime the part of a henpecked husband who did not even get a chance to utter a word.

M. Coquelin's first American tour closed March 30 with a re- vival of "Le Gendre de M. Poirier."

Rose Coghlan began a two weeks' engagement April i, in "Jocelyn," a play by her brother, Chas. Coghlan, produced for the first time in New York. The cast was:

Louis Xin. . . Chas. F. Gotthold Prince Saviani . . Wilton Lackaye Philip de Boissac . Frank Lander Charles de Boissac, Conway Carpenter Henry de Boissac . Albert Roberts Gaston Marcel . . James E. Wilson

Agenor Harry Gwynette

Marfiso .... Charles W. Morgan

Volatil Albert Roberts

Narcisse . . . Charles E. Edwin

Captain William Ranous

Michael E. Tom Webber

Blaisois Verner Clarges

Mme. de Mortaigne,

Mrs. Charles Watson Jocelyn Rose Coghlan

Mrs. Chas. Watson died in this city May 4, 1889.

Robson and Crane appeared in "The Henrietta," April 15, and closed May 1 1, which was also the date of the termination of their partnership as joint stars. They had been together for twelve years. Ullie Akerstrom made her metropolitan d^but May 13, act- ing in "Annette the Dancing Girl," which had this cast:

Pete Frank Hewitt

Richard James Homer

Cuban Guard ... T. H. Tolway Mrs. Weldon . . . Maggie Harold Madge Hattie Morris

Annette Ullie Akerstrom

Sanford Weldon . . Alfred Hudson Herbert Ashton . . . Frank Lander Dandy Dick . . J. K. Applebee, Jr. Florence Markley . Jennie Nichols

The season of 1889-90 opened Sept. 9 with Theo. Moss as man- ager. Bronson Howard's war play "Shenandoah" was acted for the first time in New York, and was thus cast:

Gen. Haverill . . . Wilton Lackaye Col. Kerchival West . Henry Miller Capt. Heartsease . . Morton Selton Lieut. Frank Bedloe . G. W. Bailey Maj. Gen. Francis Buckthorn,

Harry Harwood Sergt. Barket . . James O. Barrows Col. Robert EUingham,

Lucius Henderson Capt. Thornton . . John E. Kellard Lieut, of Signal Corps . Harry Thorn Lieut, of Infantry . . Geo. Maxwell

Mrs. Constance Haverill, Dorothy Dorr Gertrude EUingham . . . Viola Allen Madeline West . Nanette Comstock Jenny Buckthorn . . . Effie Shannon Mrs. Edith Havferill . Alice B. Haines Hardwick . . . . W. L. Dennison Capt. Lockwood . . . C. C. Brandt Corp. Dunn . . . W. J. Cummings

Benson Wm. Barnes

Old Margery .... Mrs. Haslam Jannette Esther Drew


On Oct. 14 the Jefferson-Florence company appeared in Rivals," with this cast:


Sir Lucius O'Trigger, W. J. Florence Sir Anthony Absolute . Edwin Varrey Captain Absolute . Frederick Paulding Faulkland . . Geo. Frederick Nash Mrs. Malaprop . . Mrs. John Drew

Bob Acres .... Joseph Jefferson David .... Geo. W. Denham

Fag Joseph Warren

Lydia Languish . . . Viola Allen Lucy Agnes Miller

W. J. Scanlan was seen here Nov. 11 in "Myles Aroon." The Redmund-Barry company appeared Dec. 9 in "Herminie;" "Twelve Temptations" was seen for two weeks beginning Dec. 16. A special matinee performance took place Dec. 19 of "A Fair Rebel." On Dec. 30 Fanny Davenport returned with "La Tosca" for a fortnight. William H. Crane produced "The Senator," by David Lloyd, for the first time in this city, Jan. 13, 1890, and with this cast :

Senator Hannibal Rivers,

Alex Armstrong . Count Von Strahl Baron Ling Ching Richard Vance Lieut. Schuyler . Isaiah Sharpless .

William H. Crane George F. Devere . . H. Bergman . . . H. Braham . . James Neill . T. D. Frawley Wra. Herbert

Mabel Denman, Lizzie Hudson Collier Mrs. Schuyler - . . Augusta Foster Mrs. Armstrong . . Jennie Karsner Josie Armstrong . . . Jane Stuart Mrs. Hilary, Georgia Drew Barrymore Silas Denman . . . . J. C. Padgett Erastus .... John J. Gilmartin

Jane Stuart was the daughter of Maurice F. Hollahan, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Public Works of this city. Her first appearance on the stage was made in April, 1886, in the "Lily of Yeddo," at the Criterion Theatre, Brooklyn, N. Y. Her New York d^but was made Oct. 24, 1887, at the Fourteenth Street theatre, as Ernestine in "Baron Rudolph." She next appeared as Sylvaine in "Helene," Oct. 18, 1888. She joined Crane's com- pany at Decatur, 111., in September, 1889, acting Sallie Harmony in "On Probation." During the season of 1891-92 she was in Aug. Pitou's company. She retired from the stage and married Gen. Louis Auer at Milwaukee, Wis., Feb. 25, 1895. On Thurs- day afternoon, Feb. 9, an entertainment was given for the benefit of the Horace Greeley statue fund. "Bill Nye," James Whitcomb Riley, the Courtney Quartet, and others, appeared.

The one hundredth performance of "The Senator" took place April 22 ; Stuart Robson, who was playing " The Henrietta " at Proctor's Twenty-third Street theatre, this city, rode from there to the Star in order to congratulate Mr. Crane. The second act was on when Mr. Robson entered the theatre, but he went down the aisle, mounted the stage, and in a humorous speech, assured Mr. Crane of his delight at the success of "The Senator."

Georgie Drew Barrymore was ill the night of May i, and her place in the cast was filled by Lizzie Hudson Collier, while




Leonora Bradley played Mabel. Mrs. Barrymore, resumed her part on the afternoon of May 3.

Georgie Emma Drew Barrymore died at Santa Barbara, Cal., July 2, 1893, of consumption. She was the daughter of Mrs. John Drew, and wife of Maurice Barrymore, to whom she was married Dec. 31, 1876.

"The Senator" closed May 10. "The Shatchen," written by Henry Doblin and his brother for Charles S. Dickson, was pro- duced May 12, for the first time in this city. The cast was: Joseph Lewis, Lewis Morrison; Meyer Petowsky, M. B. Curtis; Jack Ransome, Charles Dickson; Leo Lewis, Russ Whytal; James Nickerson, C. F. Montaigne; Edith, Florence Roberts; Alice, Rosabel Morrison; Fanny Morton, Sophie Eyre.

In consequence of the illness of Mr. Morrison, Geo. Osborne acted Joseph Lewis, and Mr. Montaigne, Nickerson, commencing matinee. May 24.

This theatre was the only one that did not give a matinee on Decoration Day, May 30. Lewis Morrison did not appear week ending May 31. Rosabel Morrison retired from the cast May 29, and her r61e was played by Gertrude Dawes. Stanislaus Stange replaced Russ Whytal June 2, and the house closed June 7. It was reopened for a brief season Aug. 4, under the management of Joseph Brooks, with "A Woman of the World," which had this cast:

Mr. Ten Broek Mr. Kavana Mr. Deane . . Miss Prentiss .

. Geo. F. Devere . . Wm. Herbert Livingstone Morse . Lillian Florence

Mrs. Wakefield,

Georgie Drew Barrymore Mr. Wakefield . . . Edwin Bethel Mrs. Copeland Ada Crisp

This was followed by the farcical comedy, "The Balloon," cast thus:

Dr. Glynn .... Robt. Hilliard Dr. Boyton . . . Geo. F. Devere

David Wm. Herbert

Miss Vera Jane Stuart

Mr. Aubrey Fitzjohn (first appear- ance in America) . . Alfred Maltby

Captain Cameron . . . Sidney Drew Policeman . . . John J. Gilmartin Mrs. Ripendale,

Georgie Drew Barrymore Mrs. Fitzjohn . Mrs. Augusta Foster Grace Wentworth, Katharine Florence

The next season began Sept. 8 with Wm. H. Crane as the star, in "The Senator."

A matinee performance was given Sept. 4 for the benefit of the Grand Lodge, B. P. O. Elks. An entertainment the same after- noon took place at the Academy of Music. The result was a great disappointment, as the attendance at both theatres was very bad. The price fixed for orchestra seats, and the best seats in the or- chestra circle and balcony, at the testimonial performances, was


$2.50 each, with an admission charge of $1. One ticket, however, admitted the holder to both the Academy and the Star. Each performance began at one o'clock, and the curtains in both houses were rung up on probably the smallest audiences that ever greeted such elaborate programmes.

At the matinee performance of Nov. 15 W. H. Crane fainted and fell to the stage during the third act. The last act was played with Geo. F. Devere in Crane's r61e. Mr. Crane played that night. " On Probation " had its first New York production matinee, Nov. 19. It was originally acted Sept. 9, 1889, at Decatur, 111. The cast here was :

Jonathan Silsbee . . Wm. H. Crane Maurice Fitzmaurice,

William Harcourt Prince Ivan KaroskofE, T. D. Frawley Senhor Pedro Oliveira, Henry Bergman Dr. Benj. Cox . . . Henry Braham

Eugene William Herbert

Lady Frank Brooke . Hattie Russell Mary Marlowe . . . Esther Lyon Mrs. Harmony, Mrs. Augusta Foster Sadie Harmony . . . Jane Stuart Senhora Oliveira . Katharine Florence

The two-hundredth performance of "The Senator" occurred Nov. 26.

An author's matinee took place Dec. 11, when was produced, for the first time on any stage, three one-act plays " The Haunted Room " :

Captain Packenham Walsh,

Wilton Lackaye Col. Robert Benton . Henry Bergman

"A Woman":

Peter . . . . Lady Carrolton

George Morrison . . Caroline Hill

Godsend . . . Jennie O'Neil Potter I Edward Livingstone, Henry Bergman John Harper . . . George F. Devere |

" Grimsby's Dilemma " :

Caleb Grimsby Helen . . . Sidney Brown . Dr. Campbell .

. Wra. Herbert

Minnie Palmer

F. L. Sylvester

Louis B. Darling

Wm. Waley . . . Cecil Kingstone

Jane Mrs. Britton

James Geo. Morrison

Mrs. Maraquita Hewitt, who wrote the three plays, was the wife of a well-known newspaper writer of this city. Jennie O'Neill Potter, who made her first appearance on any stage on this occa- sion, was a well-known reader of Western dialect stories, and the niece of James O'Neill, the actor. "The Senator" closed its stay here Jan. 31, 1891.

"Mr. Potter of Texas" was presented, first time in this city, Feb. 2, and had this cast :




The Hon. Sampson Potter,

Frank Mordaunt Baron Lincoln . . . Henry Holland The Hon. Arthur Lincoln,

Hugo Toland The Hon. Teddy Lincoln, Louis Haines B. Sydney Van Cott . . Sidney Drew

Doctor Von Lambrith . Franz Reinau Lady Sarah . . Minnie Seligman

Charlie Errol Ralph Errol Lubbins . . Brackett . . Ethel Lincoln

Louis Massen . King Hedley Thos. Jackson Cecil Kingston . May Haines

Hugo Toland played Sampson Potter; P. S. Reynolds, Brackett; Cecil Kingston, Sir Arthur, Feb. 7. Louis Massen withdrew from the cast Feb. 9, and Charles Errol was played by Clarence Handy- sides. Frank Mordaunt resumed his original r61e Feb. 11, and continued until the closing week, except the matinee of Feb. 14. " Mr. Potter of Texas " was played for the last time evening of Feb. 14.

Henry Holland died at Bellevue Hospital March 26. He was thirty-nine years of age, and an Englishman by birth.

"The Power of the Press," by Geo. Jessop and Aug. Pitou, was seen for the first time on any stage March 16, and had this cast :

Stephen Carson . Turner Morgan . De Witt Norwood Harold Norwood . Sam Freeborn . , Sidney Varian . . Mr. Hosford . . Joe Hawes . . .

. Wilton Lackaye . . Myron Calice . . C. G. Craig . John E. Kellerd . Charles Dickson Lorimer Stoddard William Davidge . . Gus Frankel

Tom Wyatt . . Mike O'Callaghan Mr. Warner Dan . . . Annie Carson May Hosford Julia Seymour

. C. H. Leonard

John Matthews

. . Charles Dade

Josie Wilmere

Minnie Seligman

Madeline Lucette

AdeUne Stanhope

Maximillian . . . William Friend

Wilkins Julian Reed

MoUie .... Genevra Ingersoll

Mabel Edna Wallace

Filbert Roland Reed

Mrs. O'Callaghan, Mrs. John D.Findlay

The play was withdrawn after the forty-ninth performance. "The Envoy" was produced for the first time May 4 with James O'Neill as the star. The next season began Aug. 31, 1891, with Roland Reed in "The Club Friend," for the first time in this city:

Percival George F. Nash

Abraham Oaks . Charles S. Smiley

Evelyn Isadore Rush

Sylvia Percy Haswell

Makepeace . . . William Davidge Margaret . . . Mrs. Mary Myers

Mr. and Mrs. Kendal reappeared in America Oct. 12 in "Still Waters Run Deep " : John Midmay, Kendal ; Captain Hawksley, Mr. Bucklaw; Potter, J. E. Dodson; Dunbilk, A. M. Dennison; Langford, H. Nye Chart; Mrs. Mildmay, Violet Raye; Mrs. Sternhold, Mrs. Kendal. The comedy was originally produced at the Royal Olympic Theatre, London, May 14, 1855, with George Vining as Capt. Hawksley, Alfred Wigan as John Mild- may, Miss Maskell as Mrs. Mildmay, Mrs. Alfred Wigan joined the cast May 28 to play Mrs. Sternhold. It was first seen in America Feb. 10, 1855, at Barnum's Museum this city. Two


evenings after this, it was acted at Burton's Chambers Street theatre. Its next production was at Cincinnati, at the National Theatre, Oct. 15, 1855, with Harry Watkins as John Mildmay, Benj. Maginley as Gimlet, Marcus Elmore as Hawksley, and Mrs. Elmore as Mrs. Mildmay. It was acted at Niblo's Garden, this city, Oct. 13, 1858, with Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Conway as Mr. and Mrs. Mildmay. It was produced at Wallack's Theatre, Oct. 16, 1865, with E. L. Davenport as Hawksley, Charles Fisher as John Mildmay, Mark Smith as Potter, J. C. Williamson as Gimlet, Madelaine Henriques as Mrs. Mildmay, and Fanny Morant as Mrs. Sternhold. Laura Keene produced this comedy at her own theatre, acting Mrs. Sternhold herself, with George Jordan as Hawksley, and Chas. Wheatleigh as John Mildmay.

"Home" was played Oct. 19 with W. H. Kendal as Col. White, and Mrs. Kendal as Mrs. Pinchbeck; A. M. Dennison was to have played Dorrison, but had intermittent fever. " The Iron Master " was given Oct. 26. There was no performance Oct. 27, owing to the sudden death that day of Mr. Dennison. " Still Waters Run Deep " was done Oct. 28 ; "A Scrap of Paper " was played Oct. 29-30, and matinee, Oct. 31. The theatre was closed night of Nov. 2 and reopened Nov. 3, with "Miss Helyett," which had this cast: Paul Grahame, Mark Smith; Todder Bunnythorne, M. A. Kennedy ; Bonnefoy, Gilbert Sarony ; Senora Carmen, Kate Davis; Manuela, Laura Clement; Miss Helyett, Mrs. Leslie Carter. The fiftieth performance occurred Dec. 17. Laura Bellini appeared Dec. 28 as Manuela, and George Lyding was seen Dec. 28 as Shaughnessy. The theatre was closed Jan. 11, 1892, and reopened Jan. 12 with "For Money," for the first time in this city, and with this cast :

Wilfield Farragut Gurney,

William H. Crane

Newton Stow James Neil

Norman Stewart . . . T. D. Frawley Hilton Willard . . Adolph Jackson Mr. Redfern-Bell, George F. Devere Otto Bruning . . . Henry Bergman

Mr. Choate . . . William Herbert Mrs. Rittinghouse-Webb

Hattie Russell Beverly Dale . . Katharine Florence Winona Gurney . . . Anne O'Neill Mrs. Redfern-Bell . Augusta Foster Violet Bell Gladys Wallis

"The American Minister," by Paul M. Potter, was seen for the first time on any stage April 4. The cast :

Major Philpot Wart, William Herbert Pietro di Ferrara, Mr. Joseph Shannon General Cristoforo Colombo,

George F. Devere

Hon. Benjamin Franklin Lawton,

William H. Crane Thomas Jefferson Lawton . Jas. Neil Quincy Adams . . Adolph Jackson Dr. Pierre Carondglet . J. C. Padgett

Harry Braham and Gus Devere were also in the cast. The next season began August 22, 1892, with "Killarney," for the first time in this city, in which Katie Emmet played Kitty




Burke, and Terry Doyle. Roland Reed appeared Sept. 5 in "Lend Me Your Wife." The Howard Athenseum specialty or- ganization came August 28. The members of this company who made their first appearance in America were Cain and Abel, trapeze artists; Kate Cohen, vocalist; and Albert Christian, balladist. Lottie Collins reappeared in America in the musical sketch "A Naughty Substitute," singing for the first time in America "Mar- guerite." The Fred Warde-Louis James combination began an engagement of two weeks Sept. 11 in "The Lion's Mouth," with this cast :

Paul di Novara . . Frederick Warde

Julio H. A. Langdon

Claudio H. C. Barton

Bonatesta .... Charles Charters

Marco Howard Kyle

Gregorio Charles Clark

Francesco Louis James

Ugolini CD. Herman

Dionysio James Cooper

Solomon John Hickey

Ghetto R. V. Percy

"Julius Caesar" was presented Sept. 25, 26, 27, and Oct. 2 and 8; " Othello " was seen Sept. 29, 30, and Oct. 6. " Virginius " was done Oct. 3 and matinee, Oct. 7.

Mr. and Mrs. Kendal returned Oct. 9 in "The Second Mrs. Tanqueray," by Arthur Pinero, for the first time in America, and with this cast :

Simon .

. G. A. Watson


. . H. D. Bird

Antonio .

. . R. Willing

Caredo .

Robert Harland


. Miss Everett

Linora .

Edythe Chapman


Fanny Bowman


Dora Grundman

Julia . .

. Flora Gaines


Miss Raymond

Aubrey Tanqueray . Sir George Orreyd . Captain Hugh Ardale Cayley Drummle . . Frank Misquith . .

. Mr. Kendal

G. P. Huntley

Oscar Adye

J. E. Dodson

. James East

Gordon Jayne . Lady Orreyd . Mrs. Cortelyou Ellean . . . Paula . . .

George H. Gray

Nellie Campbell

. Mary Talbott

Annie Irish

Mrs. Kendal

" The Silver Shell " was presented Oct. 30 for the first time in America, and was thus cast :

Gen. Prince Karatoff . . . Kendal Sir Richard Stanhope . Oscar Ayde

Valdor Cecil M. York

Banham James East

Herr Schmidt ... G. P. Huntley

MourofE C. Walker

Borrs Ivanitch .... George Gray

Vasili Howard Sturge

Juge d'Instruction .... Walters Agent of Police ... A. Howton

Constantin Harrison

Vladimir Gaysford

Joseph Jefferson appeared Nov, 6 in "Rip Van Winkle," with this cast: Rip, Joseph Jefferson; Derrick von Beekman, Edwin

Adolf I. Deane

Andre A. White

Ivan Petrovitch Daly

Ladislas H. Walford

Lady Armytage . . . Annie Irish Mrs. Ladd . . . Florence Bennett Mrs. Verl .... Barbara Huntley Lucille .... Adrienne Dairolies

Jack I Maggie f Katherine Vail .

. Valentine Mrs Kendal


Varrey; Cockles, Joseph Warren; Hendrick, George F. Nash; Gretchen, Annie Mack; Meenie, Blanche Bender; Little Hend- rick, Nanon Fowler. Alex. Salvini began an engagement of two weeks Nov. 27, in "The Three Guardsmen," with this cast:

Louis XIII. . . . Paul Cazeneuve Cardinal Richelieu . . Ben Johnson George Villiers . . . John A. Lane Count de Rochefort, Elmer Delamater De Treville . . . Clement St. Martin

Aramis J. D. Murfree

Athos .... William Redmund Porthos William Harris

Pouchet . . . Captain de Jussac Seadrift . . . Anne of Austria Lady de Winter Constance . . Philippe d'Artagnan,

. . George Clare Charles Richards Max Mazzanovich . Eleanor Moretti . Augusta Forrest . . Maud Dixon Alexander Salvini

"Zamar," by Paul Kester, was first acted in this city Dec. 11. "Ruy Bias" was played Dec. 18, with William Harris as Don Salluste; Wm. Redmund, Don Caesar; Eleanor Moretti, Marianne; and Alex. Salvini in the title r61e. " Don Caesar de Bazan " was seen Dec. 20-21 ; "Zamar," Dec. 22, and matinee and night, Dec. 23. "Africa" Dec. 25, with this cast:

Maurice Merrill . Matthew Miller . Moses Merrill . . Menander Mudge . Maggs

John A. Coleman

Chas. H. Hopper

Chas. J. Stine

. H. W. Frillman

R. J. Jose

Miggs Thos. Lewis

Muggs John Daly

Menelaus McAllister . Wm. Vidocq Mike Milligan . . . E. C. Jobson

Marion Morton Mabel Merrill . Maude Merrill . Millicent Merrill Minerva Mudge Melissa Maddox Mark Mansfield Mr. Merkus

. . Hilda Rollins . . Helen Byron . Henrietta Byron . Blanche Hayden Florence Raymond . . Madge Ellis . . Otis Harlan . George Thatcher

Mrs. John Drew appeared here as Widow Warren Jan. 15, 1894, in "The Road to Ruin," with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew as Mr. Oakley and Harriet Russet. " The Jealous Wife " was played Jan. 22 for one week except the night of Jan. 27, when " The Rivals " was given. W. H. Crane returned Jan. 29 in "The Senator." Agnes Booth was Mrs. Hillary, and Fred de Belleville, Count von Strahl; "On Probation," March $; and Mr. Crane's engage- ment closed March 10. " Rosedale" was presented March 21, with this cast :

Elliot Gray . . Bunbernr Cobb . Miles McKenna . Matthew Leigh Col. Cavendish May

. Joseph Haworth

William Mestayer

. Frank J. Keenan

Howard Gould

Mark Price

Lady Florence May Rosa Leigh . . . Tabitha Stork . . Lady Adela Gray . Sarah Sykes . .

. Annie Clarke Isabella Evesson . . Kate Ryan . Belle Stokes . Helen Dayne

Mr. and Mrs. Kendal reappeared April 2 in "The Second Mrs. Tanqueray," for one week; "The Iron Master " was seen April 9-1 1, and matinee, April 14; "Still Waters Run Deep," April 10-12; "A White Lie," April 13; and the Kendals closed April 14, with "A Scrap of Paper," "The Mouse Trap," and "A Pair of




Lunatics." " A Play in Little," and " Faithful James " were given afternoon April 13 by the Kendals and other volunteers for the benefit of the Actors' Fund. Joseph Jefferson returned April 16 for two weeks in " Rip Van Winkle ; " " The Crust of Society " was played April 30 ; " Musotte, " by de Maupassant, was first acted in America May 7, and had this cast : John Martinel, Nelson Wheat- croft ; Leo de Petitpre, Edward J. Radcliffe ; M. Martinel, Joseph W. Shannon ; Madame de Ronchard, Sarah McVicker ; Ruth Mar- tinel, Carrie L. Keeler.

The next season began Aug. 27, with Edmund Collier in " The Cross Roads of Life," for the first time in this city. "Rosedale" followed Sept. 10 for two weeks with Joseph S. Haworth, Elliot Gray; M. A. Kennedy, Bunberry Cobb; Chas. Abbott, Miles MciCenna; and Charles B. Hanford, Matthew Leigh. William H. Crane produced "The Merry Wives of Windsor," Sept. 24, with this cast:

Sir John Falstaff . . Wm. H. Crane

Fenton William Lewers

Justice Shallow H. A. Weaver, Sen. Master Slender . Jos. Wheelock, Jr. Sir Hugh Evans . James O. Barrows Dr. Caius Percy Brooke

Bardolph Gus Devere

Pistol Geo. F. Devere

Mistress Ford . . . FfoUiott Paget Mistress Page . Lizzie Hudson Collier

Anne Page Anne O'Neill

Dame Quickley . Kate Denin Wilson

Joseph Jefferson appeared Oct. 10 in "Rip Van Winkle," and remained for two weeks.

Rose Coghlan presented a revival of " Diplomacy " Oct. 24, which had this cast: Henry Beauclerc, Charles Coghlan; Captain Julian Beauclerc, John T. Sullivan ; Count Orloff, Frederic Rob- inson; Baron Stein, Robert Fischer; Algie Fairfax, Grant Stew- art; Markham, John S. Marble; Antoine, Edwin James; Shepard, E. R. Lester; Francois, Ernest Auporz; Dora, Sadie Martinot; Marquise de Rio Zares, Ida Von Trautman ; Lady Henry Fairfax, Beatrice Moreland; Mion, Mabel Eaton; Countess Zicka, Rose Coghlan. E. S. Willard was seen here Nov. 21 in "The Middle- man;" "Judah" Dec. S; "John Needham's Double," Dec. 8; and "A Fool's Paradise," for the first time in this city Dec. 12; the farce, "My Wife's Dentist," was played the same night; "The Professor's Love Story" was produced Dec. 19, for the first time in this city, and was thus cast :

Goodwillie Mr. Willard

Agnes Goodwillie . . Ethel Douglas Sir George Gilding . . Louis Massen Lady Gilding . . . Maxine Elliott

Dowager Lady Gilding

Nannie Craddock

Dawson Arthur Tiffany

Lucy White . . Marie Burroughs

Minna Gale Haynes appeared as a " star " for the first time in New York, and played Julia in "The Hunchback," Dec. 26, with John Malone as Clifford, Milnes Levick as Master Walter, Eben


Plympton as Modus, Owen S. Fawcett as Fathom, and Mary Shaw as Helen. "As You Like It" was seen Jan. 2, 1893, with Eben Plympton as Orlando; Milnes Levick, Jaques; Owen S. Fawcett as Touchstone; and Minna Gale Haynes as Rosalind. "Romeo and Juliet " was played Jan. 9 for two weeks : Romeo, Eben Plympton ; Mercutio, Milnes Levick ; Nurse, Mrs. Sol Smith; Lady Capulet, Lizzie Goode; Juliet, Minna Gale Haynes. Eben Plympton was out of the cast Jan. 10, 11, 12, when Arthur Lewis acted Romeo and Frederick Vroom was the Tybalt. "The Hunchback" was repeated, Jan. 23; "Ingomar," Jan. 24-28, with Miss Haynes as Parthenia, and Plympton as Ingomar; "As You Like It," Jan. 25; "The Lady of Lyons" was given Jan. 26 and matinee, Jan 28; "Romeo and Juliet," Jan. 27.

Wm. H. Crane reappeared Jan. 30 in " On Probation " : Jona- than Silsbee, William H. Crane; Lady Brooke, Hattie Russell; Senhora Olviera, Anne O'Neil; Mary Marlow, Amy Busby; Mrs. Harmony, Augusta Foster. "Brother John," by Martha Morton, was produced March 20, for the first time on any stage. It had this cast:

Hettie Rolan . Lizzie Hudson Collier Maggie Rolan . . . Gladys Wallis Mrs. Van Sprague . . Marie Dantes Helen Van Sprague . . Amy Busby Maria Idalene Cotton

John Hackett . . William H. Crane Bobby Hackett, Joseph Wheelock, Jr. Henry De Ruyter . J. H. Gilmour Wolf Hopkins ... J. C. Padgett Beckey Hackett . . Augusta Foster Sophie Hackett . . . Anne O'Neil

George F. Devere took a benefit afternoon of April 18 to cele- brate his fiftieth year upon the stage. Mrs. Harriet Holman took a benefit the afternoon of April 25. The first act of "The Grand Duchess " was given, with Wm. H. Crane as Gen. Boum, Villa Knox as the Grand Duchess, Madge Lessing as Wanda, Frederick Solomon as Baron Puck, Max Figman as Nepomuc. " The Open Gate" was played by Eugene Ormonde, Fritz Williams, Maude Harrison, and Bessie Tyree; and "Old Love Letters" by Agnes Booth, Eugene Ormonde, and John Findlay. H. E. Dixey, J. T. Powers, Harry Conor, May Robson, and May Irwin also appeared. James T. Powers appeared here in "A Bad Bargain," May i: Arthur Jones, James T. Powers; Albert Jones, Peter F. Dailey; Rose Robinson, Rachel Booth; Mrs. Timothy Tracey, Louise Sylvester.

The season of 1893-94 opened August 14 with "The Player," by Blanche Marsden, with Lawrence Hanley as Hamlet and Russ Whytall as Claudius. On August 21 Lawrence Hanley changed his programme to two acts of "Romeo and Juliet," and "Othello," acting the title r61e in the latter play. "The Pacific Mail," an adaptation by Paul M. Potter from Tom Taylor's " Overland Route," was given Oct. 22, first time on any stage, and thus cast :




Sylvanus Urban Mrs. Urban Capt. Weatherby Colin-Croft . . Sir Barnaby Bruce

Wm. H. Crane Ffolliott Paget Orrin Johnson

. Boyd Putnam H. A. Weaver

Ida Bruce Anne O'Neill

Mr. Winks ... G. F. Devere Humphrey Cossett

Joseph Wheelock, Jr. Lucilla Cossett Lizzie Hudson-Collier

Judge Yancey . . . Geo. F. Devere Amoret Yancey . . Mary Saunders Mrs. Chiverly .... Ida Burrows Harvey Packlemerton H. A. Langdon Euphemia Packlemerton

Kate Denin Wilson

Milly Vallie Egar

Major Fogarty . . . Percy Brooke Montague Carlton. . D. J. Fingleton Coolidge Brothers, James O. Barrows

An afternoon performance Oct. 25 was for the benefit of Little Ruby the child dancer. "To Nemesis, or Love and Hate," by Mrs. Romaldo Pacheco, was played Dec. 3 for the first time on any stage:

Count Ogareff . Frederick de Belleville Marquis d'Aramale . Henry Jewett Hon. Tom Abington Smythe

Cecil M. York Sr. Stuyvesant Smith J. W. Shannon Henri d'Alembert . . Mason Mitchell Dr. Marteau . H. W. Montgomery Capt. Renaud . . Franklyn Roberts

Nikifor Harry Courtaine

Mile. WalanofE . . Rose Coghlan Baroness de la Bruyere Maxine Elliott

Alixe Flaubert Mme. Froissart Mme. Ipanoff . Mme. Grangelieu Nadine . . .

Eifie Shannon

Hattie Russell

Ida Von Trautman

. Blanche Burton

Gertrude Elsmere

f "London Assurance" was produced Dec. 20, 21, 22, and matinee, Dec. 25, 26, also night of Dec. 28, with Fred de Belleville, Sir Harcourt; John T. Sullivan, Dazzle; Harry Jewett, Charles Court- ley; Rose Coghlan, Lady Gay Spanker; and Maxine Elliott, Grace Harkaway. " Diplomacy " was repeated Dec. 24-27, and matinee, Dec. 29. "Forget Me Not" was given the nights of Dec. 25-29. Harry Hawk acted Mark Meddle in "London Assurance," matinee, Dec. 25, and nights of Dec. 26-28. Denman Thompson appeared here Dec. 31 in "The Old Homestead," and continued until April 27, 1895. On Saturday night, Jan. 6, 1895, Den Thompson's en- tertainment of songs, illustrated and illuminated, was seen for the first time in this city. Den Thompson was too ill to appear Jan. 15-16, andhisr61e in "The Old Homestead " was assumed by Odell Williams. Afternoon of April 19 a performance was given for the benefit of the Manhattan Hospital and Infirmary. An English opera company commenced April 27, in "The Bohemian Girl," with this cast: Count Arnheim, Arthur Seaton; Arline, Helen Bertram; Buda, Leona Cardona; Queen of the Gypsies, Lucille Saunders; Devilshoof, Albert McGuckin; Florestein, Maurice Abbey; and Thaddeus, Charles O. Bassett. This opera was re- peated May I ; "II Trovatore " was sung April 30 and May 3, with Mile. Lindh, Leonora; Clodio, Manrico; McGuckin, Ferrando; Seaton, Count di Luna; and Miss Mattfield as Azucena. "Faust" was given May 2. Shortly after the audience had assembled Sat- urday night. May 4, they were informed that there Would be no

VOL. II. 22


performance and that their money would be returned at the box office. The cause was a strike of the orchestra for salaries. Elita Proctor Otis appeared here May 13 in "Oliver Twist" for a few nights, after which the theatre was closed, when Neil Burgess be- came lessee.

The Star Theatre was now extensively altered, particularly behind the curtain. The old stage which sloped perceptibly to the foot- lights, a relic of the days when the ballet had to be considered, was taken out and a new stage built. A new and elaborate system of electric lighting was introduced, which operated two thousand incandescent lamps. Twenty-two new dressing-rooms were built beneath the stage.

The theatre was reopened Saturday night, Nov. 2, 1895, with "The Year One," by Charles Barnard, with this cast: Caesar Oc- tavius Augustus, Emperor of Rome, Neil Burgess ; Curius Cinna, John A. Lane ; C. Manlius Gallius, Edgar L. Davenport ; Geth- airius, Cuyler Hastings;. Startori, Percy Smith; Gabbylaria, Neil Burgess. It was a great failure. On Nov. 14 the play was re- vised, and given at a professional matinee. The house was closed Dec. 5 and continued dark until Dec. 9, when Neil Burgess ap- peared in "The County Fair," and remained until Jan. 25, 1896.

The next manager of this house was Walter Sanford, who took charge Jan. 27, and presented Joseph Murphy as the star in " Shaun Rhue " for the first week, and in " Kerry Gow " the second week. "The War of Wealth" came here Feb. 10; "The Last Stroke," March 23 ; " Law of the Land," April 27. The season closed May 2 and reopened Saturday night, August 29, 1896, with cheap prices of admission, under the management of R. M. Gulick, Henry M. Bennett, Wm. T. Keogh, and Thos. Davis, managers of the Bijou Theatre, Brooklyn, the Bijou in Pittsburg, the National in Phila- delphia, and the Columbia in Boston. The opening attraction was "Northern Lights," which ran for two weeks. Cleveland's minstrels were seen Sept. 14; "In the Heart of the Storm," Sept. 21; "The Liliputians," Sept. 28, in "The Merry Tramps," for five weeks ; Mme. Sissierretta Jones, the colored singer known as the "Black Patti," gave a concert Sunday night, Oct. 11; The Liliputians gave a professional matinee, Oct. 22; "Black Patti's Troubadours " were heard Nov, 2 ; Frank Bush came Nov. 9 in " A Girl Wanted ; " " An Innocent Sinner " Nov. 16. Andrew Mack was seen Nov. 23 in " Myles Aroon ; " "A Happy Little Home " came Nov. 30 for two weeks, also a farce called "The Yellow Kid ; " " The Bells of Shandon " was to have been played Dec. 14, but " Brother for Brother " was given instead. The Liliputians came Dec. 21 for two weeks; "Fallen Among Thieves," by Frank Harvey, was acted Jan. 4, 1897; "A Trip to Chinatown," Jan. 11; "A Boy Wanted," Jan. 18, for two weeks; "On the Missis-




sippi," Feb. i; "Cuba's Vow," by J. J. McCloskey, was produced Feb. 8 for the first time on any stage by professional players, and had this cast :

Cuba Varona . . Adelaide Cushman Donna Dolores Vazquez,

Etelka WardeU Delphine Varona, . Louise Sydmeth Patria Little Mona

Lieut. Percival Grant

Harrington Reynolds Narciso Vazquez . . Frank Opperman Maximo Gomez . . W. L. Buchanan Antonio Maceo . . Hamilton Harris Felipo Varona . Frederick Lander

It was repeated for a second week. Kate Claxton came Feb. 22, in "Two Orphans." Ward and Yokes were seen in "A Run on the Bank," March i; "The Great Diamond Robbery" was done March 8; "The Boys of Kilkenny," by Townsend Walsh, March 15; Kate Claxton, March 22, in "The World Against Her;" Hi Henry's minstrels, March 29; "A Texas Steer," April 5; Carl A. Haswin was seen April 12 in "A Lion's Heart;" "Chimmie Fadden " came April 19; "The Land of the Living" was produced April 26, with Kid McCoy, the prize fighter, in the cast.

A new version of " Uncle Tom's Cabin," by Edwin Barbour and Harkins, was given May 3, and ran for three weeks. The season closed May 21. The house reopened May 31 for one week, with Robert Fitzsimmons, another prize fighter, and a vaudeville company.

The next season began Aug. 21, 1897, with "The Privateer," by Harrison G. Fiske, for the first time on any stage, with Chas. H. Riegel, Lorimer Johnstone, Henry Bagge, Edward Eisner, Dora Goldthwaite, and others in the cast. " The Captain of the Non- such" was presented Sept. 13 for the first time. This was an adaptation from the French of Hennequin, by J. F. Milliken and John M. Morton. The Liliputians came Sept. 20 in "The Fair in lyiidgettown," a spectacular play in four acts, by Robert Breiten- bach, with incidental music by Victor Hollaender. It was thus cast: Stockfellow, Wilke; Mary, Elsie Lau; Dr. Brown, Hart- wig; Fatman, Herrmann Ring; Alice, Toni Meister; Joe, Max Walter; Freelunch, Franz Ebert; Soap, Bertha Jaeger; Annie, Selma Goerner; General Grant, Helene Linden "The Heart of the Klondike," by Scott Marble, was seen for the first time Nov. 8. The opera "Shamus O'Brien" was sung Dec, 6. On and after Dec. 13 the prices of admission ranged from $1 to 15 cts. "Chimmie Fadden" came Dec. 13; a vaudeville company, Dec. 20; "Miss Philadelphia " (previously called "Miss Manhattan"), Dec. 27, with Elva Croix Seabrooke, Queen Vassar, Jessie Villars, and others in the cast. -- -



Check," Feb. 14, with Maggie Cline in her songs. Kate Clax- ton returned Feb. 21 in "The Two Orphans;" "East Lynne " was played Feb. 28, with McKee Rankin, Wilton Lackaye, Nance O'Neil, and Rose Eytinge in the cast. "At Piney Ridge" was played March 7; Joseph Murphy came March 14, in "Shaun Rhue;" John A. Stevens, March 21, in "Unknown;" Elita Proc- tor Otis and Charles Barron were seen March 28 in " Oliver Twist ; " "The Electrician" was done April 4.

Louis James April il, in "Hamlet;" "Julius Csesar," April 12; and other plays during the week. " Northern Lights " was done April 18; "Uncle Tom's Cabin," April 25; "The White Squad- ron," May 2. A summer opera season commenced May 9 with a matinee each day except Monday. The "Mikado" was the first opera sung. "The Bohemian Girl " was heard May 16; " Olivette," May 23, with Corinne in title r61e. Corinne retired from the cast after May 26. " Pinafore " and " Trial by Jury " were given May 30, and the season closed June 4. The house reopened Aug. 13, with "In Atlantic City," Frank M. Wells being the star; "A Hired Girl" was seen Aug. 22; "The Maine Avenged," by Ham- ilton Harris, Aug. 29; "Hazel Kirke" was seen Sept. $ with this cast:

Dolly Dutton . . Mercy Kirke . . Lady Travers . . Clara .... Arthur Carringford Aaron Rodney

Mary Stuart

Lizzie Duroy

Clara Gisiko

Edith Gibbons

. Basil West

Clifford Pembroke

Pittacus Green . . A. Law Gisiko

Met J. H. Vernon

Barney O'Flynn . William H. Cahill

Joe Charles Marriott

Dunstan Kirke . . C. W. Couldock

This was C. W. Couldock's last appearance on the stage. "The Lost Paradise" was played Sept. 12, with Harrison J. Wolfe the star; "John Martin's Secret," by Sutton Vane, was given for the first time in America, Sept. 19; "A Sure Cure" came Sept. 26. Oct. 3 "Have You Seen Smith.'" by Scott Marble, was offered; "A High Born Lady," Oct. 10, by Herbert Hall Winslow; "The Two Little Vagrants," Oct. 17; "On Land and Sea," Oct. 24; "Shall We Forgive Her.'" Oct. 31, for two nights, with Marie Wainwright the star, who also appeared in "East Lynne," matinee Nov. 2, and the rest of the week. " The Finish of Mr. Fresh " was produced Nov. 7; "My Friend from India," Nov. 14; "The Two Orphans," Nov. 21, with Kate Claxton as the star; "A Grip of Steel," Nov. 28; "A Spring Chicken," Dec. 5; "Devil's Island," Dec. 12; Clara Morris was seen in "Miss Multon," Dec. 19; "A Female Drummer " came Dec. 26, with Johnstone Bennett as the star.

Jan. 2, 1899, "Red, White, and Blue" by James Schonberg, was seen; "Down in Dixie," Jan. 9; "Daughters of the Poor,"'


Jan. 16; "Cumberland '61," Jan. 23; "The Girl from Paris," Jan, 30; "Two Little Vagrants," Feb. 6; "Heart of the Klondike," Feb. 13; "A Female Drummer" returned Feb. 20 for two weeks; "McFadden's Row of Flats" was seen March 6; "The Silver King," March 13; "King of the Opium Ring," March 20; "Side- walks of New York," March 27, with Tom Sharkey the prize fighter in the play. " At Piney Ridge " returned April 3 ; " A Stranger in New York" came April 10; "A Parlor Match," April 17; "Prodigal Daughters," April 24; "White Heather," May i; "Uncle Tom's Cabin," May 8; "Yon Yonson," May 15; "Gettys- burg," May 22; Paul Gilmore appeared May 29 in "The Three Guardsmen;" "Too Much Johnson," by William Gillette, June 5; and the season closed June 10.

The next season began Saturday night, Aug. 19, with "The Queen of Chinatown," by James Jarrow, with Harry Mainhall and Jeffreys Lewis in the leading r61es. Howard Hall appeared here Aug. 28 in his own play, "A Soldier of the Empire;" the melodrama, "The City of New York," by Walter Fessler, was done Sept. 4, and "A Trip to Chinatown," Sept. 11. Harrison J. Wolfe appeared in "Corsican Brothers," Sept. 18 and repeated it during the week, and was also seen in "David Garrick," preceded by the balcony scene from "Romeo and Juliet," matinee Sept. 20 and night of Sept. 22; "Hamlet," with Wolfe in the title r61e was done the night of Sept. 20 and matinde, Sept. 23 ; " Courted into Court" came Sept. 25; "When London Sleeps," Oct. 2; "Through the Breakers," Oct. 9; Williams and Walker's negro specialty show, Oct. 16; "Two Little Vagrants," Oct. 23; "The White Heather," Oct. 30, with Rose Coghlan as the star; "The Great Train Robbery" was seen Nov. 6; "The Evil Eye," Nov. 13'; Joseph Murphy played in "Kerry Gow," Nov. 20; "The Queen of China- town " came Nov. 27, with Will Harkins and Laura Biggar in leading r61es; "Kidnapped in New York," came Dec. 4; West's minstrels, Dec. 11; "Under the City Lamps," Dec. 18; "Bowery After Dark," Dec. 25 ; " Superba," Jan. 8, 1900; '* A Female Drum- mer," Jan. 15; "A Guilty Mother," Jan. 22; "King of Rogues," Jan. 29; "Man's Enemy," Feb. 5; "The Great Train Robbery," Feb. 12; "Around New York in Eighty Minutes," Feb. 19; " King of the Opium Ring," Feb. 26; "Gunner's Mate," March 5; "Uncle Tom's Cabin," March 12; "Across the Paciiic," March 19; "On the Stroke of Twelve," April 2; "Hearts of Oak," April 9; "McFadden's Row of Flats." April 16; "A Dangerous Woman," by Fred Scudamore, April 23; "Caught in the Web," April 30; "Yon Yonson," May 7; Williams and Walker's colored show. May 14; Julia Morrison in "A Day of Reckoning," May 21; "Devil's Mine," May 28. The season closed June 2. The next season opened Aug. 11, with Aiden Benedict's version



of "Quo Vadis; " Aug. 20 was the first presentation on any stage of "The Angel of the Alley," byTheo Kremer, with this cast:

Walter Bennett Harry Morgan Father Newman Willie Brummell Pat Mulligan . Sam Smalley . Bob Turner . Warden . . .

. Gus. A. Stryker Arthur E. Sprague Chas. E.Bunnell Joseph P. Carey . Mr. P. C. Foy Ernest J. Mack . Harvey King . W. C. Lang

. Philip Wilson Ed. A. Cromwell . Carina Jordan Florence Gerald . Lillian Harper Katrina Katzenmayer

Marie Le Roy Sally Slide . . Tessie Lawrence

Policeman . . Jake . . . . Ethel Sheriden Mrs. Bennett . Nancy Oliver Mrs

Aug. 27, first time on any stage of "The Slaves of the Orient," also by Theo. Kremer:

. . . Abdallah Oshan Ben Saleem . Hadji Hammed . Edward Fenton Joseph Dudley . James Coppinger George Considine . . Lucia Moore . . Adele Palmer . . . LiUieHall

Abu-Arisch Fakih-Ali . Hodhaifah . Abd'allah . Scheddah . Khaled . . Selim . . Alice Palmer Fatima . . Marguerite .

Abdul Hamid .... M. J. Jordan Gen. Fiske .... James R. Garey Lieutenant Howard Ward

Geo. A. D. Johnson Ensign George Winters, Harold Crane Osmar Pasha .... Howard Lang

Hassan George Seybolt

Agah Ahmed

Abdul Nazami Rahlman

Hamal Abachi

El Chahin .... Carlos Fernandez

Sept. 3, "Uncle Sam in China," Sept. 10, "M'liss," with Nellie McHenry in the title rdle; Sept. 17, "Reaping the Whirlwind," by Owen Davis; Sept. 24, "Bowery After Dark," with Terry McGovern the prize fighter as the star ; Oct. i, "Man's Enemy;" Oct. 8, "A Wise Guy;" Oct. 15, Williams and Walker; Oct. 22, "Siberia;" Oct. 29, "King of the Opium Ring;" Nov. 5, "The Great White Diamond " by Walter Fessler; Nov. 12, "Two Little Vagrants;" Nov. 19, first time on any stage, "The African King," by Madelaine Merle; Nov. 26, "Great Train Robbery;" Dec. 3, "Through the Breakers;" Dec. 10, Gus Hill's Lilipu- tians; Dec. 17, the Indian actress, Go-Won-Go-Mohawk in "The Flying Arrow;" Dec. 24, "Eight Bells;" Dec. 31, "Superba;" Jan. 7, 1901, "County Fair," with Neil Burgess as the star; Jan. 14, "Lost in the Desert;" Jan. 21, Robert Fitzsimmons, the prize fighter, in "The Honest Blacksmith;" Jan. 28, "McFad- den's Row of Flats;" Feb. 4, "A Guilty Mother;" Feb. 11, "Across the Pacific;" Feb. 18, "Lost Paradise," with Harrison Wolfe as the star; Feb. 25, "Shenandoah;" March 4, "Uncle Tom's Cabin;" March 11, "Bowery after Dark," with Teddy McGovern, the prize fighter, as the star; March 18, "The Con- vict's Daughter;" March 25, Cole and Johnson's colored com- pany; April I, "A Young Wife;" April 8, "On the Stroke of Twelve;" April 15 Thomas E. Sh'ea opened in "The Man-o'- War's Man," and during the week he presented "Dr. Jekyll and




Mr. Hyde." The last performance given here was "The Man-o'- War's Man." The attendance was very poor, owing, no doubt, to the bad weather. The cast of "Man-o'-War's Man "was:

Capt. Jack Conway . Thomas E. Shea Capt. Basillo Havilando, Henry Testa Lieut. Herman Schiller . . Jas. Irving Ensign Barry Hanlay, Jas.J. Cassady Senor Enrique Candenas

Geo. L. Kennedy Gen. Ivan Pietrovitch, Wm. J. Carnes Gen. Raposo . . J. Irving Southard Baron Adamantofi . John E. Gilbert

Prince Septine Barenski. John R. Pauly Lieut. Victor Leontine, Wm. Johnson Hon. Cyril Denleigh . George West Gen. de Mercier . . James Irving Russian Jailer . . . John Wilton Elinore Denleigh . . Josephine Morse Jessie Denleigh . . Charlotte Burkett Rose Leontine . Bessie B. Beardsley

R. M. Gulick, H. M. Bennett, and Wm. T. Keogh, the firm of R. M. Gulick & Co., were the last managers of the house. At the close of the performance the audience dispersed, while the orches- tra, standing, played "Auld Lang Syne." About two hundred persons lingered in the auditorium and called for a speech. The raising of the curtain disclosed the stage hands clearing the stage. Mr. Shea asked for some representative of the management to make a farewell address, but none was forthcoming. He instructed a stage hand to place a " bunch light " in the centre of the stage, and the few remaining people gathered about the house.

"It's characteristic," said an actor. "The lemon's squeezed. Throw it away, and there's an end to it."

George G. Rockwood, the photographer, then ascended to the stage and made a few remarks. Then some one asked that the or- chestra play something for old times' sake. " The orchestra has gone, " remarked Bessie Beardsley, the soubrette of the company, "but if there's a piano I'll do what I can." Finally a piano was wheeled upon the stage and Miss Beardsley played "Auld Lang Syne," which was sung by the other members of the company, the stage hands, and all who were present ; and thus ended the history of this famous old house. It was soon after demolished and busi- ness premises were erected on its site.


ADJOINING Grace Church at 806-808 Broadway was " Dod- worth Hall " devoted to lectures and light entertainments. During the latter part of 1861 a series of "soirees dramatiques" was given under the direction of M. Juignet. Artemus Ward lec- tured here from Oct. 17 to Dec. 24. His subject was "Mormon- dom. " Augusta L. Dargon made her debut as a reader June 8, 1863. Alfred Burnett appeared Feb. 27, 1865, for three weeks. His last appearance in this city was at Harry Miner's Theatre in the fall of 1883. He died at Cincinnati, Ohio, April 4, 1884, of


apoplexy. He was born at London, Eng., Oct. 2, 1824, and was brought to this country when seven years of age. He went into the confectionery business at Cincinnati in 1844-45, and Lawrence P. Barrett, the afterwards famous actor, was employed in his store for some time serving ice cream. He made his first appearance on any stage in 1847, at Wood's Theatre, Cincinnati, as Hamlet. A short time prior to this he had been on tour with Prof, de Bonneville, reciting "The Maniac." He afterwards played Ed- ward Middleton in "The Drunkard," at Wood's Theatre, Cincin- nati. In 1851 he visited England as correspondent of The Cincin- nati Daily Globe. He served in the army during the Civil War in 1861, and received a severe wound in one of his legs, from which he suffered until his death. In November, 1865, he returned temporarily to the stage, sailed for California Oct. 5, 1868. In his monologue entertainments he impersonated young and old women, Dutch, French, Scotch, Irish, and Yankee characters.

Zelda Harrison made her first appearance in New York at this hall Aug. 25, 1865, in concert, in company with Mme. Anna Bishop, Stephen Massett, and others. A bullfrog exhibition opened here Sept. 11 followed Oct. 9 by Blind Tom. Prof. Hartz, the magician, began a three months' season here in October. The Georgia minstrels were here in the summer of 1867. James Taylor, the English comic singer, appeared Aug. 26, 1868. Kelly and Leon gave a minstrel entertainment Aug. 29, 1870, and produced the burlesque, "Le Petit Faust," with Leon as Marguerite, Kelly as Faust, S. S. Purdy as Valentine, Sam Price as Lizette, and J. H. Surridge as Altmeyer. The comic opera, "Babies of the Period," was done Sept. 12. On Oct. 24 for the first time in America, the comic opera "La Rose de Saint Fleur" was sung. This company terminated its stay here Dec. 3. The building was afterwards occupied by the Herts Brothers, as a fur- niture warehouse, and in July, 1887, the structure was torn down.


THE old Jewish synagogue, situated at 514 Broadway, east side, below Spring Street, was turned into a place of amuse- ment July 7, 1862, and called "Wood's Minstrel Hall." The first occupant of the place was Henry Wood and his minstrel company consisting of Eph Horn, Frank Brower, Cool White, R. Abecco, Chas. Fox, H. Schwicardi, C. Harcourt, H. Hartley, David Bra- ham, Joseph Braham, W. Patterson, E. Stigler, J. Leis, G. Stew- art, Leopold St. John, Walter Manning, Pierre Ballou, S. Clark Mortimer, J. Carney, R. Bevington, M. Stanwood, Gustave du Barre, Master Samuel, and Master Eddy.

For the season of 1863-64 the company was D. S. Wambold,




Frank Brower, Charles Fox, A. J. Talbot, Cool White, Charles Henry, G. C. Lockwood, J. W. Glenn, H. Schwicardi, the Isaacs Brothers, E. Haslam, J. Leis, M. Lewis, Master Wood, and Eph Horn. Lew Brimmer, Johnny Boyce, and Siegrist and his per- forming dogs appeared during the season.

A. H. ("Dolly") Davenport made his first (and only) appear- ance on the Ethiopian stage on July i. The announcement of Dan Bryant's appearance on the dramatic stage was an incentive for "Dolly," who had been bantered by a few intimate friends, and a wager of $^o had been made that he would not put on the burnt cork.

The " Ghost illusion " was done Aug. lo. The hall was closed Feb. 18, 19, 20, in consequence of the death of Mrs. Henry Wood. The next season there appeared Cool White, stage manager, S. S. Purdy, Archie Hughes, F. L. Mollenhauer (violinist). Penny and Goldie, gymnasts, Edward Haslam, flutist, Frank Brower, Sam Sharpley, S. S. Sanford, Cal Wagner, Hughey Dougherty, A. C. Stone, Little Archie, Jules Stratton, Dick Escott, Frank Bowles, E. T. Blackmer, Thomas Sears, Elvin French, Wm. Chambers, Gil Pond, John Williams, J. Ambrose, and John Masterson. The establishment was closed from April 14 till April 26, 1865, on account of the assassination of President Lincoln. On its reopen- ing, a solemn dirge, words by Cool White, music by F. L. Mollen- hauer, was chanted by the company.

The season closed Sept. 9 and reopened Sept. 1 1. Henry Wood continued as manager, and his company was composed of the fol- lowing : Cool White, J. Garatagua, E. Haslam, T. Simpson, Frank Brower, J. W. Glenn, W. D. Corrister, T. McNally, S. S. Purdy, H. T. Mudge, Charles Henry, H. Schwicardi, and J. Bergness, Frank Moran, and John Clarke. John Clarke was afterwards known as Sig. Broccolini, and sang in opera with great success. In 1893 he became musical editor of the Brooklyn Eagle, and left the stage. Sig. Vallo, bird imitator, came here Oct. i ; Don Manuel Donato, one-legged dancer, C. Harris, and James H. Budworth, Oct. 8.

The season closed Dec. 25, when Henry Wood retired from the management, having sold all his interest in the house to George Wood (then managing the Broadway Theatre, formerly Wallack's, Broadway and Broome). Mr. Wood had the house reconstructed and converted into a regular theatre with a seating capacity of about thirteen hundred. It was known as "Wood's Theatre" and as such was opened Jan. 15, 1866. The first performance given in Wood's Theatre was T. B. de Walden's local extrava- ganza, "The Balloon Wedding":

Paul F. S. Chanfrau

Reuben . . . . G. C. Davenport Windbag W. Scallan

Tom Eugene Eberle

Jenny .... Henrietta Osborne Widow Mrs. E. Wright


Henry, James, John Walsh, Newton, Sallie Tray, Anne Merry, Frances Ullman, Gilmore, and Gardner were also in the cast. Previous to this, the Hanlon Brothers Thomas, George, Wil- liam, Edward, Alfred, and Frederick appeared in gymnastic and acrobatic acts. Samuel Colville was acting manager and Ben A. Baker, stage manager. F. S. Chanfrau appeared Jan. 22 as Jerry Clip in "The Widow's Victim;" Jan. 29. "Mose" and "The Model of a Wife": C, T. Parsloe, Jr., Welsh Edwards, N. Mcln- tyre, and S. L. Goodwin; Feb. 5, "Mose," "The Debutante," and "The Irish Tutor." Mr. Chanfrau closed Feb. 10 in "A Glance at New York."

Frank Drew began Feb. 12 as Rip Van Winkle and as Lady Isabel in a burlesque called "East Lynne, or the Great Western." Lucille Western and Barton Hill began Feb. 19 in Charles Gayler's "Atonement, or the Child Stealer;" the cast was:

Madge the Cadger, Margaret

Rookley .... Lucille Western Richard Craddock . . . Barton Hill Simon Niphem . M. W. Leffingwell Lord Lansdale . . Welsh Edwards

Jemmy Tables . . . G. C. Davenport Maud Lansdale . Henrietta Osborne Molly O'Mayne . . Mrs. E. Wright Jenny Grant .... Alice Seidler Lester Young . . . . T. W. Keene

Charles Barras began April 16 in his own play called "The Hypochondriac," cast thus:

Vertigo Morbid . Dennis McCorkle Martha SniflFkins

. . Charles Barras . G. C. Davenport . Mrs. J. G. Saville

Charles J. G. Saville

Alice Alice Seidler

M. W. Leffingwell was seen the same evening as Romeo Jaffier Jenkins in "Too Much for Good Nature." Mr. Barras acted, April 23, Aminadab Sleek in " The Serious Family. " Mrs. J. G. Saville was afterwards the wife of Charles Brooke, the lawyer.

The Worrell Sisters Sophie, Irene, and Jennie were seen here April 30 in "The Elves." "The Invisible Prince" was pro- duced June 4; the Nicolo company of pantomimists, gymnasts, and dancers appeared the same night. " The Three Sisters " was an extravaganza in which the Worrell sisters sustained six charac- ters each, on June 18. Thos. L. Donnelly was in the cast. "Fra Diavolo"was presented July 2. Barton Hill acted "Lord Dun- dreary," a one-act sketch by Oxenford. On July 16, "The Elves " and "Too Much for Good Nature." "Cinderella," the one-act sketch, "Mrs. Smith," and a skating act by Alfred Moe formed the programme July 20. "The Fair One with the Golden Locks" and "The Maid with the Milking Pail" were given July 27. Yankee Locke acted in " The Fool of the Family " Aug. 3. Ben A. Baker took a benefit Aug. 9, when Mary Provost and Claude Hamilton were seen in "The Young Widow's Stratagem;" "The Old Guard," Ira H. Moore as Haversack; the burlesque, "The


Fair One with the Golden Locks ; " comic songs by Tony Pastor ; and Professor Walsh in instrumental solos made up the bill. The season closed Aug. 10.

The Hanlon Brothers Thomas, Frederick, and Edward were the next managers of this theatre, and opened Aug. 13, 1866, with a miscellaneous entertainment. The company engaged, in addi- tion to themselves, were the Siegrist Family of gymnasts, the Caron Family of pantomimists and gymnasts, Signora Stella, and Master George, trapeze performer ; Mile. AnnettaGaletti, danseuse; G. W. Smith, ballet master; Charles E. Collins, Tom, Dick, and Harry, infant prodigies, and a corps de ballet. Kathleen O'Neil and the Cuban Brothers, Espinoza, and the Roderigues appeared Aug. 27. James M. Ward took a benefit Sept. i, when Major Pauline Cushman acted Cynthia in "The Flowers of the Forest," and Kate Newton played Starlight Bess. This closed the Hanlon Bros, management of this house.

The next managers were J. Guido Methua and Edward Haert- ing, who changed the name of the place to the " German Thalia Theatre." The company included Herren Haerting, Lederer, Ponner, Fietz, Lapwitz, Pelosi, Lohmann, Ahlfeldt, Mme. Methua- Scheller, Mme. Ahlfeldt, Mme. Pelosi, Mme. Riedel, and the Misses Hedwig-Hesse, Hand, Royal, and Fillman. The opening play was "Der Best Ton," by Dr. Carl Toepper, and a prologue was spoken by Mr. Haerting. On Sept. 8, Mile. Sophie Dzuiba appeared in the operetta of "Der Kappelmeister von Venedig," by Schneider, and as Nancy in "Love in the Kitchen," and on Sept. 17, Julius Ascher made his debut as Adam in "Der Winkleschreiber," and Nitsckie in the "Gebildete Hausknecht."

Methua withdrew from the theatre early in October, and on Oct. 22 Oscar Guttmann became associated with Mr. Haerting in the management. On Oct. 30 Mina Koch made her first appearance, and on Nov. 9 Kronfeldt joined the company. Bogumil Dawison appeared here Dec. 3 and continued until Dec. 29, when a German opera season commenced, and continued until the last of January, 1867, when the house closed.

The next manager was W. O. Bowers, who reopened the house March 2 as a variety theatre, and called it "Wood's Theatre COMIQUE." His company consisted of James Wambold, George H. Coes, S. S. Purdy, and Billy Emmett, negro comedians; Bunnell Runnells and sons, gymnasts; Prof. Hutchison, with performing dogs; Charles Austin, Zouave drill performer; Tom Vance, comic vocalist; Robert Butler, pantomimist; and a corps de ballet. Napoleon Gilles was the musical director. On March 11 Fanny Morgan Phelps, an Australian actress, made her first ap- pearance in New York, in "The Wild Irish Girl," and as Maggie McFarlane in "The Bonny Fishwife." She was supported by Sol


Smith, Belvil Ryan, C. J. Fyffe, Ogden, and Mary Wells. March 14 she appeared in "The Ladies' Battle" and "Kitty O' Shell." On April 18 "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was produced, with W. L. Jamison as Uncle Tom, Violet Campbell (Mrs. Belvil Ryan) as Eliza, and Little Eliza Glassford as Eva.

Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Bates made their New York debut April 25 in Schonberg's play, "Oscar the Half-Breed." Stuart Robson, George Becks, Harry Wall, A. W. Fenno, C. J. Fyffe, Sol Smith, Jr., Pemberton, Campbell, Mrs. Mark Smith, Mrs. Harry Wall, Mrs._ Burroughs, Mrs. Monell, Mrs. King, Hattie Thorne, and Sallie Steele were in the company. Mrs. Bates acted Lady Isabel in "East Lynne " April 3. The theatre closed April 13.

James W. Lingard was the next lessee of this house, who opened it as "Lingard's Theatre" on April 29, with a vaudeville com- pany: A. M. Hernandez, Harry Leslie, Billy Pastor, John Allen, W. K. Lingard, Monte Video, Parkhurst, Stewart, Dick Berthelon, Mile. Devere, Lina Windel, Fanny Forrest, Emma Fowler, Lizzie Whelpley, Augusta Walby, Julia Melville, and a ballet.

Fanny Herring appeared here May 28 in "Lysiah, the Aban- doned." Mr. Lingard acted Aminadab Sleek in "The Serious Family" June 2, and the season terminated abruptly June 7.

As the "Theatre Comique" this house was opened on Aug. 26, 1867, by Charley White and Sam Sharpley. In the company were: Ben Cotton, Sam Sharpley, Charley White, Eva Brent, Mile. Augusta, Ella La Rue, Mile. Lodowski, Mile. Devere, the Caron Family, and Miss Reynolds. Later on there appeared the Buisley Family, D. L. Morris, Anna Gibbons, the Leon Brothers, Frank Lacy, and others.

On Dec. 31 Ed. James, then the sporting editor of the New York Clipper, took a benefit. The season closed June 27, 1868, but shortly before Sharpley sold out his interest to Sandy Spencer. The house was reopened Aug. 17, by Charley White and Spencer, with W. Horace Lingard as manager, and David Braham, musical director. In the company were Alice Dunning, vocalist (her first appearance in America), Lizzie Wilmore, Lucy Edgerton, Ettie Romer, Prof. Hilton, ventriloquist; Joseph K. Emmet, Dutch and negro comedian, and E. B. Holmes.

At half-past three o'clock on the morning of Dec. 4, 1868, the theatre was partially destroyed by fire. _ It was at once rebuilt and opened Feb. i, 1869, with "The Mar- ried Rake," Lingard's sketches and a version of Byron's burlesque of " Orpheus and Eurydice. " On Feb. 8 G. C. Boniface appeared in "Two Can Play at That Game," Lillie Hall (now Mrs. Milt. Barlow), also appearing on the same evening. In the company were Irene Gay (Mrs. Fred Maeder), Carrie Olden, Flora Kruger, A. Hind, Rose Sinclair, Harry St. Leon, C. E. Newton, J. K.




Kruger, J. M. Warwick, J. M. Kennett, F. Carlyle, C. W. Kemble, J. P. Kilbourne, J. Elmore, Masters Ford and Strepo, Lina Edwin, Emma Laton, Annie Wood, Loudell, Hall, Jones, and Hanley.

James C. Williamson appeared May 3 in "The Silent Pro- tector." John Jack was seen May 17.

Edward Righton made his American d^but May 31, as John Duck in "The Jacobite." Mary Wells acted in the same play. The season closed June 5. The theatre reopened June 14, with the Mercer-Simpson English company in "Turn Him Out," with Joseph Irving, Robert Pateman, J. L. de Bonay, Bella Pateman, and Eunice Irving in the cast; Joseph Emmet's Dutch specialties and H. J. Byron's burlesque of " Mazourka, or The Stick, the Pole, and the Tartar," here called "Tiddlewinki," were given the same night. The burlesque had this cast :

Count Tiddlewinki . Lizzie Wilmore Countess Tiddlewinki . Joseph Irving Baron Bosh .... Miss Chapman Ivan Robert Pateman

Blind Fiddler .... Mr. Wallace Mazourki .... Maria Longmore Mazourka .... Bessie F. Foote Yelva Bella Fatemaa

Barton Hill and Celia Logan acted Sam and Alice in " Brother Sam" June 25. Robert McWade appeared June 26 in "Handy Andy" and a burlesque in Dutch on "Richard III."

On July 12 Fred G. Maeder was acting and stage manager.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Watkins appeared July 12, in "Caught at Last," for the first time on any stage, with this cast:

Frank Harry Watkins

Theophilus . . . F. Chippendale

Janson John de Bonay

Eugenia . . . Florence La Fond

Cleopatra Rose Watkins

Lawrence Edwin Thorne

Hardtak .... John Matthews

Scriven Gus Mortimer

This was the first appearance in New York of Florence La Fond. "It Takes Two to Quarrel," a farce by Mr. Watkins, was also acted. In it Florence Stanley played Kitty her first appearance in New York. The season closed July 31.

The next season began on Aug. 16, with Charley White and "Sandy" Spencer as managers. B. A. Baker, stage manager. " David Garrick " was played for the first time in America. The cast was : George C. Boniface as David Garrick, George Mitchell as Simon Ingot, Harry Hotto as Squire Chivy, Lillie Eldridge as Ada Ingot, Georgie Langley as Araminta Brown, M. B. Pike as Mr. Smith, Charles Webster as Mr. Brown, and Louisa Eldridge as Mrs. Smith. H. J. Allen, Emily Bell, Charles Jackson, Lane, and Hicks were also members of the company. Mile. Diana danced and Lizzie Wilmore played in the farce of "The Pretty Horse- breaker." Daniel E. Ralton and Tito Cellini, dancer, joined the company Aug. 30. " Blow for Blow " was acted Sept. 6, for the first time in New York : Geo. Boniface, John Drummond ; Harry



Hotto, Charley Spraggs; Lillie Eldridge, Alice and Mildred; and Miss Wilmore, Kitty. The Queen Sisters were seen Sept. 13. "Jocrisse the Juggler" and "An Object of Interest" were acted. The season closed Sept. 18, when Charley White withdrew from the management.

The theatre was reopened Sept. 27, under the management of Edward G. Gilmore and Robert W. Butler, as a variety house, with the following company : Miles. Venturoli and Augusta, pre- mikres danseuses ; Rita Percy, statuary artist ; Annie Hindle, male impersonator; Annie Cornforth, Maud Alaska, the Clinetop Sisters, Lizzie Whelpley, Hattie Engel, Lottie La Point, Sheridan and Mack, Dick Ralph, Bob Hart, J. Gaynor, Bob Smith, Lew Brim- mer, J. H. Carton, J. F. McDonald, M. B. Pike, D. L. Morris, and Master Jerry.

J. H. Milburn appeared March 20. Harry Jackson was seen April 24 with his " Living Photographs. " Robert Butler with- drew April 30, and the new manager was Samuel Shapter. Josh Hart was the next manager, beginning Oct. 16, 1871, and con- tinuing until the close of the season of 1874-75. ^^ established it as a first-class variety theatre, and paid larger salaries than were ever before known in a variety house. Among those who appeared under his management were Harrigan and Hart, Johnny Wild, Charley White, Adah Richmond, Sam Rickey, Master Barney, Billy Carter, James Bradley, Kitty O'Neil, Jno. Gilbert, John Queen, Billy West, John Hart, Wm. Courtright, John Allen, Little Mac, Billy Barry, William Scanlan, Luke Schoolcraft, Geo. Coes, Hughey Dougherty, the Garnella Brothers, Harry Kernell, and many others.

June 3, 1872, the spectacular drama "Chicago Before the Fire, During the Fire, and After the Fire " was produced, with this cast:

Zeke Manford . . C. R. Thome, Jr. Jimmy Nickerson . . Lizzie Maddern Nick Nickerson . . . . J. Z. Little

Skaley Harry Hotto

Gus Farley .... Charles Norris Skyblue John Wild

Skeleton Jim ... E. D. Gooding

Bill James Bradley

DoUie Minnie Maddern

Bridget Nellie Sandford

Hettie Emma Maddox

This was the first appearance at this theatre of Charles R. Thome, Jr., Charles Norris, Lizzie Maddern, and Nellie Sandford.

On Aug. 19, 1872, John F. Poole and Thomas L. Donnelly were announced as managers. Josh Hart, lessee, and the house opened for the fall season entirely refitted and decorated.

On Dec. 2 Harrigan and Hart made their first appearance here, in "The Day We Went West" and "The Big and the Little of


It." On Nov. 20, 1873, Mr. Hart gave a benefit for the poor of the Fourteenth Ward of this city.

Marie Zoe commenced Jan. 19, 1874, in "The French Spy." In the olio were the Snow Brothers (acrobats), Kate O'Connor, Royal Jeddo Japs, John Williams, Harrigan and Hart, and James McKee. On Jan. 26, Nully Pieris first appeared at this theatre. Prof. R. Nelson and sons also were seen, and J. F. Poole's drama, "Rent Day, or Hard Times," was acted. Early in February Ella Wesner, Mackin and Wilson, and Liza Weber appeared.

The season of 1874-75 opened Aug. 23, with the writer of these pages as manager of the house. The company was : Hughey Dougherty, John Allen, Little Mac, John Wild, Wm. Barry, Larry Tooley, James Bradley, Wm. Scanlan, W. Cronin, D. H. Kelley, J. F. Crossen, J. A. Graver, Geo. L. Stout, stage manager. " The Doyle Brothers " was the opening play. On Sept. 6 Jolly Nash, Harry Kernell, Ella Wesner, the Girards, the Garnellas, Wm. Harris and Carroll, Walters and Morton, Geo. Coes, and Luke Schoolcraft, the Majiltons, Jenny Engle, E. D. Davies, ventrilo- quist, and Master Barney appeared. " Night and Day " was also produced.

The season closed on July 5, 1875, with Johnny Allen and Alice Harrison in "Schneider." Harrigan and Hart withdrew from the house at the close of the season.

Many of the best variety performers in the business appeared here during this season, and the salaries paid to some were very large. The Boissets got ^300 per week. Little Mac, negro per- former, ^125, John Wild, minstrel, $12$, Delehanty and Cum- mings, song and dance, ^125, John Allen, $7$, Larry Tooley, $60, the Garnellas (two), acrobats, ^300, Walters and Morton, song and dance, ^125, Schoolcraft and Coes, minstrel performers, 1^150, Billy Barry, negro comedian, $7^, Barney and Rickey, ^250, Alf. Burnett, gioo, D. L. Morris, Dutch comedian, $60, the Ainsleys, ^80, and Cool Burgess, negro performer, $i$o. The expenses of running a first-class variety theatre like this were never less than ^3,200 on the week, which included the rent of the house; and frequently the expenses exceeded that amount, while the receipts averaged for many months over $4, 500 weekly.

On April 29, 1875, ^ matinee performance was given for the Dan Bryant benefit fund. In December Matt Morgan leased the house and opened with his living tableaux. A variety show was also given. On April 8, 1876, M. Campbell appeared with a sen- sational show of the Parisian " can-can " order, similar to one he managed at 585 Broadway, and which was stopped by the police. A dramatic season commenced May 29, with Milton Nobles as the star, in "The Phoenix."

Harrigan and Hart were the next lessees, with Martin Hanley as


manager. They began Aug. 7, 1876, with Adah Richmond, Billy- Carter, Alice Bennett, Fanny Bert, Ada Boshell, Billy Barry, Billy Gray, Larry Tooley, Almonta Brothers, John Williams, Quilter and Goldrich, J. A. Graver, Sam Holdsworth, P. E. Merritt, Alfred Beverly, Lizzie Henrie, Hannah Berch (Mrs. Tooley), G. W. H. Griffin, May Stuart, Delancy Barclay, and Minnie Wells, as their company.

On Oct. 23 N. C. Goodwin, Jr., appeared here as a mimic. The first appearance of Delehanty and Hengler and Louise Franklin (Louise Searle) took place Oct. 2. Ira Paine appeared Oct. 30. Harrigan's comic drama, "Darby and Lanty," was done Nov. 13, followed Nov. 20, by Harrigan's Irish drama, " Iscaine," introducing Welsh Edwards, J. Leslie Gossin, Chas. J. Fyffe, W. M. Ward, and Mrs. J. J. Prior. On Dec. 11 "St. Patrick's Day Parade" was seen; Dec. 18, "Ireland vs. Italy" and "Who Owns the Clothes Line ? " Charles T. White appeared in the sketch " The Happy Couple." The season closed May 26.

The next season began Aug. 11, 1877. Will H. Morton was heard in comic songs. Mr. Morton was manager for Mr. McCauU at the Broad Street Theatre, Philadelphia, season 1885-86; also manager of the Columbia Theatre, Chicago, 111., season 1887-88; and manager of Herrmann's Theatre, this city, i8go. On July 17, 1893, Mr. Morton was taken to Bloomingdale Asylum, suffering with paresis. His wife was Lily Post, the comic opera singer. He died in Pittsburg, Pa., November, 1895.

" Old Lavender " was first produced Sept. 3. The cast :

Dick Tony Hart

John T. G. Egbert

Smoke Billy Gray

Sally Millie Sackett

Old Lavender .... E. Harrigan

Phillip F. Chippendale

Pop G. W. H. Griffin

Laura Annie Mack

Mrs. Crawford . . Annie Yeamans

Alf. Burnett and Helen Nash opened Oct. 8. The season closed April 27, 1878.

"The Mulligan Guards" was produced Jan. 13, 1879. The "Mulligan Guard Ball" was first seen Feb. 9, 1879. The season closed May 24. The next season opened Aug. 11, 1879, "^^^^ "Mulligan Guard Chowder." Harrigan and Hart closed April 30, 1 88 1, and the house was soon after torn down and a large store erected on its site.


A PAVILION erected by James M. Nixon, in August, 1863, on the south side of Fourteenth Street, between Third and Fourth avenues, directly opposite the Academy of Music, was known as "Nixon's Alhambra." It was a temporary affair, with


board sides and canvas top. The "house" was divided off into two parts, pit and dress circle, the charges of admission being twenty-five cents, and fifty cents. James Reynolds commenced Sept. 14 as clown. M. Verrecke, who had been one of the attrac- tions, left Sept. 12, and he appeared at the New Bowery Theatre Sept. 21. Young Nicolo appeared Sept. 23 in the Zampillaerosta- tion act. Mme. Macarte, the English equestrienne, made her American d^but Oct. 12. The place closed Oct. 17, the weather getting too cold to sit under canvas.


ON the same lot previously occupied by Nixon's Alhambra was built "The Hippotheatron." The building was heated by steam. It was opened Feb. 8, 1864, with the following equestrian company: Mme. Marie Macarte, the Sherwood Family, Nat Austin (clown), Dan Gardner (clown), Sam Lathrop (clown), Wm. Kin- cade, Chas. Conrad, Richard Hemmings, C. W. Parker, Horace Nichols (ring master), James Cooke clown and manager, Eliza Gardner, Mr. Denzer. Mme. Denue also appeared the first night. Eaton Stone appeared here Feb. 15. Henry Cooke and his per- forming dogs and monkeys came Feb. 22. This was announced as the first appearance of the company in America, which was in- correct, as they were travelling through the country with a circus and were here the previous summer. Eaton Stone was the first bareback rider in this country and was the first equestrian to in- troduce somersaulting backwards, through hoops and over poles and banners, from the back of his horse while it was under full speed. M. , Verrecke (first appearance in America), gymnast, Mary Carroll (afterwards Mrs. Ben Maginley), who died Aug.' 18, 1874, and a company of Arabs were in the organization. The building was constructed of corrugated and ridged iron, and was fireproof. It was built after the model of the Champs Elysees, Paris. The main building was one hundred and ten feet in diameter, and the dome rose to the height of seventy-five feet, surmounted by a cupola. The iron roof was affixed to heavy- timber posts. The main supports of the dome were a series of columns surmounted by richly ornamented caps. These columns were also cased with corrugated iron. There were three distinct places for the auditors the orchestra seats, dress circle, and the pit, with a wide promenade in the rear, around the entire circle of seats. The orchestra seats were composed of arm sofas for which seventy-five cents was charged. There were six hundred of these. In the rear was the dress circle, in which there was seating capacity for five hundred persons. The pit could accom- modate, comfortably seated, six hundred people. In addition to VOL. ir. 23


this, there was standing room in the promenade and other parts of the house capable of accommodating six hundred men, making standing room for fourteen hundred persons, and, when crowded, two thousand could be packed away. The ring was the largest (with the exception of a travelling show) ever used in the United States, being forty-three feet six inches, which is one foot six inches larger than Astley's in London, and six inches bigger than the Cirque Napoleon at Paris. There were two ring en- trances exactly opposite one another ; this item alone was a great improvement, both for spectacular pieces and for battoute leaping. There were two entrances to the building, the chief one being a beautiful portico in the shape of an Italian arch twenty-three feet high and twenty-two feet in width ; within was an interior vesti- bule twelve feet in depth, with wreathed columns and four niches, in which statues were placed. Over this entrance was the band, which was the dividing line between the twenty-five and fifty centres.

Spalding & Rogers' Circus Co., just returned from a two years' cruise in the seaports of Brazil, Buenos Ayres, Montevideo, and the West Indies, etc., took possession of this house April 25, 1864. A new roof was built, and they continued for four weeks, closing May 21. On Oct. 3 James M. Nixon commenced as man- ager, but he closed June 10, 1865. Was reopened for the winter season Sept. 25, 1865. Lewis B. Lent was manager, and Nat Austin director of amusements. In the company were El Nino Eddie, the Delevanti Brothers, G. F. Batchelor, T. Carpenter, Master Ashton, H. Bernard, R. Rivers, Nat. Austin, Frank Whit- taker, W. H. Young, F. Ashton, Ed. Croueste (clown). Miles. Ellsler, Minnie Grey, Soyer, Flora, H. Soyer, Mr. Hankins, and Mr. Carpenter. Dick Piatt (who was the owner of the establish- ment) disposed of it to Mr. Lent in October, who changed the title of it to "Lent's New York Circus," Nov. 6. He con- tinued the season until May 27, 1866. It was reopened by Mr. Lent Sept. 24, 1866. It had been announced to open on Sept. 1 1, but the epizootic prevailed to such an extent among the horses that he was compelled to defer it. During the summer recess many improvements were made in the building. The earth had been excavated, the ring and surrounding seats lowered, and a hanging gallery added, thereby materially increasing the seating capacity of the auditorium. Underneath the raised seats the dens of animals and museum curiosities were placed. The front en- trance was materially improved by alterations, and a large false front, entirely concealing the iron building from view, was erected and covered with large oil paintings, characteristic of the enter- tainments within, and the season terminated May 4, 1867. Dur- ing this period Carlotta De Berg, James Robinson, Ed. Croueste,


Joe Pentland, Nat Austin, Richard Rivers, Robert Stickney, El Nino Eddie, James Melville and his family, Frank Conrad, the Levantine Brothers (one of the Levantine Brothers is now known as Frederick F. Proctor, manager of the many popular priced theatres, and formerly partner with H. R. Jacobs), the Runnells Family, James Madigan, and others appeared. Lewis B. Lent died in this city. May 26, 1887.

This place was reopened as "The Hippotheatron, " April 17, 1869, by Professor Risley, with a specialty company consisting of the Spanish ballet dancers, Azella Agouste, G. W. Jester, W. Hamilton, Lelia and Florence, Emma Alford, Clara Vernon, Sydney Franks, and Prof. Tanner. A benefit for the George Holland Fund took place Jan. 9, 1871. The receipts were $113.75.

George Kelly, for a long time considered the champion leaper of America, made his first appearance in this city here Feb. 6. He has " cleared " fifteen horses from the spring board on many oc- casions. As soon as Mr. Kelly was announced to appear, a "job" was put up among a few forming a clique at this establishment that he should not have a fair show. On the evening of his debut, the leaping act had commenced, and one of the leapers made his "run," when the wildest kind of applause rent the air, and he was cheered again and again. Mr. Kelly had no sooner commenced his "run " than he was njet with hisses and other marks of derision. He was naturally nervous on a first night, and, in consequence, made several misses. The crowd continued to hiss him, and he retired, closing his engagement that night.

Jule Kent, the clown, made his debut March 20. The season closed April 22.

Mr. Lent continued as manager until the summer of 1872, when it was sold to P. T. Barnum, who opened it Nov. 18 of that year. It was destroyed by fire Tuesday, Dec. 24, 1872. Fire was first discovered at four o'clock in the morning. The walls of the build- ing, which were of thin corrugated iron, became quickly heated by the fierce flames at their base, and helped not only to spread flames, but engendered so great a heat that the firemen could not enter the building. The animals in their cages began to show signs of fear, and their excitement increased with the noise and heat of the fire. They dashed with terrific force against the sides of their cages, vainly endeavoring to regain their liberty. There were three elephants in the building, confined by chains fastened to the floor. As the fire grew hotter the bears, lions, and leopards were seen with their paws endeavoring to wrench the iron bars of their cages asunder, and, as the flames or heat prevented their keepers from rescuing them, they were abandoned to their fate. None of the keepers had the keys of any of the cages, other-


wise some of the animals could have been saved. All the per- formers lost their wardrobes, and all the dresses which had been made for " Bluebeard " were likewise consumed. A number of val- uable trained dogs belonging to Charles White were also burned.


AT 43, 45, 47 Bowery, east side, directly opposite the Old Bowery Theatre, was the "New Stadt Theatre." It was erected in 1864 by a company of Germans, and opened Tuesday, Sept. 6, 1864. It was five stories high, used as a hotel, with a wide entrance to the theatre, which was in the rear of the hotel. The auditorium was the largest of any theatre in the country, hav- ing a parquet and three tiers, with a capacity for thirty-five hundred persons. Otto von Hoym was the acting manager, with Mme. Steglich, Fuchs, Mme. Otto von Hoym, Miss Petersen, Miss Hesse, Otto von Hoym, Knorr, and others in the company. The stars who appeared during the first season were Daniel E. Band- mann, Mme. Methua-Scheller, Chas. Pope, and others of note, including Mme. Ottilie Genee, Becker-Grahn, Mertzke, Walter- Goerner, and the operatic singers, Johanna Rosser, and Rosins Reiss, Edward Haerting, Alphonse Zerboni, all of whom made their first American successes under Hoym's management. Charles Pope played Othello in German, to Mme. Methua-Scheller's Des- demona, Dec. 23, 1864. For two weeks in July, 1865, a magician called the " Fakir of Vishnu " occupied the house. The season of 1865-66 was Hoym's last complete one in this city. Bogumil Dawison made his American debut Sept. 20, 1866, supported by Otto von Hoym. He acted in "Othello," "Narcisse," "The Robbers," "The Merchant of Venice," "The King's Lieutenant," "Three Winters of a Poet," " Faust," " Richard III.," "The Miser," "The Unfortunate," "Hans Juerge," "The Viennoise in Paris," and "Two Days in the Life of a Prince." He closed his engage- ment Nov. 5.

Otto von Hoym began a star engagement Nov. 6, in the r61e of Narcisse, and played for four weeks, and his last important pro- fessional act in this country was the production, for his benefit on Nov. 27, of the tragedy of "Maximilian," written by Dr. Krack of this city, and commanding an abnormal attention, on account of having for its basis the life of Emperor Maximilian, the hap- less temporary ruler of Mexico. He returned to his native land (Saxony) in 1868. While on his way to Auerbach, he died at Darmstadt, Oct. 29, 1870, of internal hemorrhage. In 1861 he was instrumental in raising the Forty-second Regiment of N. Y. Vol- unteers, and as captain of Company H he accompanied it to the seat of war, his partner, Herr Hamann, meanwhile conducting


the theatre. At White Oak Swamp, Va., June 30, 1862, in the "Seven Days' Fight," he was wounded and taken prisoner. Hav- ing been exchanged he reappeared at the Old Stadt, and his recep- tion was one of the events of the season of 1862-63.

Ottilie Genee was the next star at this house, followed Dec. 19 by Eugenie Schmitz in "Therese Kroners." Bogumil Dawison acted the Duke of Alba, Jan. i, 1867. Among those who appeared here during this season were Herren Theo. L'Arronge, Julius Herrmann, Kaps, Dombrowsky, Colmer, Lange, Knorr, Stemmler, Klein, and Fortner, and Miss Magda Irschink, Miss Rhode, Mme. Becker-Grahn, Mme. Augusta Steglich, and Mile. Laura Haffner.

Bogumil Dawison opened his second engagement Feb. 25, and appeared in "Don Carlos," "The Marquis de Maillefort," "Uriel Acosta," " Wallenstein's Death," " Dr. Robin " (" David Garrick "), and "The Rag Picker of Paris." He closed March 25. Theodore L'Arronge made his initial bow April 5, as Windmiller in "The Father of the Debutante, " and as Herbert Levy in " Paris in Pom- mem." D. E. Bandmann reappeared April 23. Dawison com- menced his third and farewell engagement May 7. He made his last appearance in America May 21, when the season closed. The theatre was reopened Aug. 3, 1867, for one week, by B. F. Dugan and Caroline Hayes. Geo. C. Davenport, James H. Budworth, Frank Evans, D. C. Ralton, John Jack, James M. Ward, Blanche Chapman, and others were in the company. " The Streets of New York" and "The Peep o' Day" were acted. Mme. Hedwig L'Ar- ronge-Sury made her American debut Sept. 6, 1867, in "Die Schone Galathee." Three German dwarfs Jean Petit, Jean Pic- colo, and Kis Jozsi appeared Oct. 5. Olga de Plittersdorf made her New York d6but Oct. 30 as Marie Stuart.

Edward Eddy appeared here June 8, 1868, with the following company : J. B. Studley, James M. Ward, Sam Ryan, M. B. Pike, Haviland, E. L. Tilton, Henrietta Irving, Millie Sackett, and Mrs. Dan Myron. "The Phantom Captain" and "The Rose of Ettrick Vale" were given, followed by "Damon and Pythias," "The Irish Haymaker," "The Irish Schoolmaster," "The Men of Sicily," "Brian Boroihme," "Jack Sheppard," "Pizarro," "Monte Cristo," "The Mountain Outlaw," and "The Billboard Grabber, or the Marquis of Tweedyville." James W. Lingard acted Blueskin in "Jack Sheppard" June 27, for Sam Ryan's benefit.

The following season Hamann & Rosenberg were the managers, who opened Aug. 31 with Mosenthal's play, "Der Schultze von Altenbueren." Singer, Irschink, Schermann, Haffner, Schmitz, Mme. Becker-Grahn, and Herren Jendersky, stage manager, Dom- browsky, Herrmann, Knorr, and Kohnar were of the company. Hermann Hendrick made his American debut Sept. i in the title rdle of " Duke Albrecht. " This was followed by " William Tell "


and "Julius Caesar," in which he played Marc Antony. Mile. Augusta de Baerndorff made her American d^but Nov. 6. She acted until Dec. 14, but reappeared in February, 1869.

Frederick Haase first appeared before an American audience March 4, 1869, as Lord Harleigh, in "Sie ist Wahnsinnig," and as Rath Fein in "Ein Hoefecher Mann." Haase and Mile. Baern- dorff appeared in " Nacht und Morgen " May 6. The season closed May 15. Risley's Japanese troupe had a short summer season; Carl Bergman gave two performances June 4, 5, of German opera, with Frederici-Himmer, Johannsen, Herren Himmer, Weinlich, Steinecke, and others in "Faust" and "Der Freischiitz." A sea- son of German opera was opened Sept. 17. "Der Zauberflote," "La Juive," "Faust," "Fidelio," "Don Juan," "Masaniello," "Fra Diavolo," and "Der Freischiitz" were sung by Johanna Rotter-Dieffenbach, Mme. Frederici-Himmer, Mile. Bertha Jo- hannsen, Mile. Sand, Herren Himmer, Wilhelm Formes, Joseph Weinlich, Steinecke, Joseph Herrmann, Armand, and Groeschel. The manager was H. Grau. This company closed Oct. 10. The Franko Family gave Sunday evening concerts. Opera bouffe was inaugurated about the middle of October, and continued until March, 1870. For Joseph Weinlich's benefit April 8 was sung "La Juive," with Beethoven's Maennachor chorus, in addition to the regular chorus.

A season of German opera opened Oct. 5 with "The Merry Wives of Windsor." Marie Seebach appeared here in October. On Jan. 9, 1871, she was seen as Mary Stuart. This lady's en- gagement continued until March 11, when the season closed. The productions were: "Love and Intrigue," Jan. 12; "Faust," Jan. 13-28; "Deborah," Jan. 14; "Romeo and Juliet," Jan. 16 and Feb. i; "Lorle," Jan. 17; "Robbers," Jan, 18; "Taming of the Shrew," Jan. 19; "Adrienne Lecouvreur," Jan. 20; "Griselda," Jan, 21-27; "Egmont," Jan. 23; "Marianne," Jan. 24; "Ma- thilde," Jan. 25; "Taueschung auf Taueschung," Jan. 26; "Joan of Arc," Jan. 30; "Einen Jux Will Er Sich Machen," Feb, 2; "Dorf Und Stadt," Feb. 3; "Emilia Gallotti," Feb. 7; "Ann Eliza," Feb. 8; "Katchen von Heilbroun," Feb. 11; "Uriel Acosta," Feb. 14; "Hamlet," Feb. 15, for Seebach's benefit, Seebach as Hamlet; "Jane Eyre," Feb. 18; "Die Grille" ("Fan- chon"), Feb. 20, 21 ; "Tears and Laughter" and "After the Battle of Sedan," Feb. 25, for Mme. Seebach's benefit; March 6, 7, "Isabella Orsini."

The season closed March 10, with the farewell appearance here of this actress. This lady's work was more finished in detail, and complete in conception than that of any foreign actress who has visited America since Rachel.

A season of German opera began March 1 1 with " The Merry


Wives of Windsor." "Lohengrin" was sung March 12 for the first time in America.

Carl Rosa and A. NeuendorfE reopened this house Sept. 18 with German opera and the American debut of Europe's greatest tenor, Theo. Wachtel, in "The Postillion of Lonjumeau." The prices of admission were, according to location: $4, $s, $2, $1.50, ^i, 75 cts., and 50 cts. The night of his debut the house was crowded as it never was before, by an audience that nearly burst out the walls of the theatre. Wachtel was idolized by his countrymen as the possessor of a phenomenal voice, an organ of the rarest beauty, strength, and compass ; as a singer whose method charmed the ear and heart, and as an actor whose ability would have secured to him honors on the dramatic stage. He died in Berlin in November, 1893, sixty-nine years of age. He was the first German singer to sing in Paris; this was in 1869. He came to America in 1871, also in 1875.

Oct. 14-16, "Lucia" was sung; Oct. 18, "Der Freischiitz;" Oct. 20, "Martha;" matin6e, Oct. 28, "The Postillion De Lonjumeau;" matinees, Nov. 3-14, "II Trovatore. " Wachtel closed Nov. 15 with "The Postillion." Marschner's "The Templar and the Jewess" was produced Jan. 29, 1872, with Mme. Fabbri-Mulder as Rebecca, Mr. Bernhard as Ivanhoe, Karl Formes as Friar Tuck, Habelman as Wamba. Miss Rosetti and Mr. Mueller, baritone, were also in the cast. W. H. Martin bought this house Aug. 21, 1872, for ^122,000. "The Secrets of New York, or the Jesuits of America," a new German play, was advertised to be performed (Sunday evening) Jan. 19, 1873, but the performance was stopped by the police.

Mile. lima di Murska commenced a series of German operatic performances May 7, 1874, as Isabella in "Robert the Devil." Lina Meyr appeared Feb. 6, 1875, in the opera "Der Freischiitz."

P. S. Gilmore, with his Twenty-second Regiment Band, ap- peared at a concert Sunday evening, Feb. 7, assisted by Lina Meyr, prima donna; M. Arbuckle, cornetist; E. A. Lefebre, saxophone soloist, and others.

The Grau and Chizzola French Opera Bouff6 company appeared Oct. 15, 187s, in "La Fille de Madame Angot." Mme. Geoffrey was seen Oct. 22, it being her first and only appearance in " Girofle Girofla. " The United North German Military Band first appeared Nov. 14 and repeated the concert Nov. 21.

This theatre was opened Nov. 22, 1875, by B. F. Dugan. Wil- liam H. Whalley, J. B. Studley, Rachel Denvil, Geo. C. Daven- port, and Belle Wallace were in the company. The opening bill was "The Robbers" and "Black Eyed Susan." German perform- ances were shortly afterwards resumed and continued for some time.


The Pappenheim German Opera company, under the conductor- ship of Carl Bergman, appeared in "Faust," with Eugene Pappen- heim as Margaretha. For one night only Feb. 22, 1878 the Pappenheim-Adams Opera company appeared in "Lohengrin."

Robert W. Butler leased the house July 4, 1878, and opened it with a specialty performance, but only continued a short time as business was bad. He reopened the house for the regular season, Aug. 19, with a dramatic company, in conjunction with specialty people. Charles L. Farwell was stage manager. John Thomp- son opened in "On Hand," Sept. 2; "Moses Abraham, the Old Clothes Dealer," Sept. g. This house was christened "The City Theatre" on Sept. 16, and opened with Wm. J. Fleming in "The Drunkard." Its name was changed to the "WINDSOR Theatre" Nov. 11. The first business manager of the house was Bobby Newcomb, and his opening attraction was a specialty and dramatic company and Sid. C. France in the drama " Marked for Life. " After having remained without a permanent manager for some months, it was reopened March i, 1880, John A. Stevens and Frank J. Murtha as managers. Frank Murtha's was the only name used for some time as manager, as John A. Stevens, for obvious reasons, abstained from having his announced. From the first night the theatre was a very great success, and in a few months Murtha & Stevens were the announced managers. Their first attraction was Buffalo Bill and his company of Indians in "The Scout of the Plains." Joseph Proctor was the attraction week of March 29, followed April 5 by "A Celebrated Case;" April 12, Tony Denier's "Humpty Dumpty" company, with George H. Adams as Grimaldi; April 19, Oliver Doud Byron, in "Across the Continent," for one week; and April 26, in "One Thousand Miles Away," for six nights; May 3 John A. Stevens did " Unknown ; " May 10 and 17, Maude Forrester, for two weeks, in "Mazeppa;" May 24, Harry Richmond and Von Boyle, in "Our Candidate;" May 31, George C. Boniface in "Soldier's Trust;" June 7, Sprague's Georgia minstrels; June 14, James A. Heme in "Hearts of Oak;" June 21, " Inshavogue, " with J. F. Peters the star; June 28, William H. Leake in "The Three Guardsmen;" July 5, Kate Claxton and Chas. A. Stevenson in "The Double Marriage," for three nights and matin6e; "The Two Orphans," for three evenings and matinee; July 12, Norcross' Opera company in "Trial by Jury" and "Pinafore." The house was closed week of July 19, and reopened for one week July 26, with N. S. Wood in "Jack Sheppard."

The next season began Aug. 16, 1880, with "A Celebrated Case," Edmund Collier and Anna Boyle in the cast; Aug. 23, Buffalo Bill in "The Prairie Waif; " Aug. 30, Ada Gray in "East Lynne," supported by Isidore Davidson. This bill was given Aug. 31 and


Sept. I, followed for three nights and matinee with "A Friend Indeed;" Sept. 6, Annie Ward Tiffany was seen in "Prejudice," three evenings and matinee, and " The Child Stealer " balance of the week ; Oliver Doud Byron acted " Across the Continent " Sept. 13, 14, 15, and "One Thousand Miles Away" the rest of the week; Mrs. F. S. Chanfrau, with Harry Courtaine as principal support, appeared Sept. 20, in "Christie Johnstone;" Sept. 27, Frank I. Frayne came in " Si Slocum ; " Oct. 4 " Unknown " was done with John A. Stevens, Lottie Church, W. F. Bailey, Angle Griffith, Geo. F. Ketchum, Mamie Wilson, Charles Abbott, and Spencer Pritch- ard in the cast; "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was given Oct. 11, with bloodhounds, donkeys, and colored jubilee singers ; Geo. C. Boni- face and Ada Cavendish appeared Oct. 15 in "The New Magda- len ; " " The Four Seasons " came week Oct. 25 ; J. B. Studley in "Monte Cristo," Nov. i; Charlotte Thompson, Nov. 8, in "The Planter's Wife;" Nov. 15, F. S. Chanfrau in "Kit;" Kate Clax- ton in "The Snow Flower," Nov. 22, 23, 24, and "The Two Orphans," Nov. 25, 26, 27; Marie Wellesley, Nov. 29, in "The Old Cross," for six evenings; Dec. 6, N. S. Wood in "Jack Shep- pard," with Mrs. W. G. Jones, Joseph Winter, and Maggie Weston in the cast. Nellie Holbrook opened Dec. 13 in "Hamlet," sup- ported by Daniel Waller. This was her first appearance in this city. " Hamlet " was repeated Dec. 14, followed by " East Lynne " Dec. IS, 16, 17; and matinee and evening, Dec. 18, "East Lynne" and "Hamlet;" Dec. 20, N. D. Roberts' "Humpty Dumpty " company came; Dec. 27, Katharine Rogers was seen in "Led Astray," with Harry Meredith and Lottie Church in the cast.

On Jan. 3, 1881, J. B. Studley appeared here in "The Bells;" Jan. 10, Mr. and Mrs. McKee Rankin in "The Danites;" Jan. 17, Buffalo Bill in "The Prairie Waif;" Jan. 24, Oofty Gooft (Gus Phillips) in "Under the Gaslight;" Jan. 31, Salsbury's Troubadours in "The Brook." "Uncle Tom's Cabin," Feb. 7, followed Feb. 14 by the Rentz-Santley company in "Don Juan, Jr.;" Feb. 21, Gus Williams in "Our German Senator;" Feb. 28, "The Legion of Honor," with Sara Piercy, Annie Graham, and Lewis Morrison as the stars; March 7, "Boccaccio," by H. B. Mahn's opera company, with Jennie Winston as the star; Lester Wallack appeared March 14 for one week in " Rosedale ; " March 21, Frank Frayne in "Mardo the Hunter." James O'Neill and Lillian Glover were seen in "Richelieu," March 28, 29, 30, and "Lady of Lyons," March 31, April i, 2; Tony Denier's "Humpty Dumpty" company came April 4 for a week; Prof. Herrmann with magic April 11; Goesche & De Wolf Hopper's company in "One Hundred Wives," April 18; Annie Pixley, April 25, in "M'liss," with John E. Macdonough as Yuba Bill; May 2, Joseph Murphy in "Kerry Gow;" May 9, Neil Burgess in


"Widow Bedotte;" May 16, Mr. and Mrs. George Knight in "Otto;" May 23, Baker and Farron in "The Emigrants," and the season closed May 28. Anna Boyle, supported by William Stafford, began a summer season May 30 in "The Lady of Lyons," repeated May 31 ; "The Merchant of Venice," June 2, 3, 4, $. As Bassanio John T. Malone made his New York d^but. "Fan- chon," week June 6; "Othello" for six nights, opening June 13, Stafford as the Moor, Anna Boyle as Desdemona, and Fred Warde as lago. "Romeo and Juliet," matinee, June 18, and nights of June 22, 23, 24; "Hamlet," June 20, 21, 22.

The next season began Aug. 15, 1881, with "The Galley Slave," Maud Granger, Gussie De Forrest, Frank Evans, and Thomas H. Burns in the cast; Aug. 22, "Evangeline" was seen with Eliza Wethersby and Nellie Larkelle in the cast ; Aug. 29, Baker and Farron in "Up Salt Creek;" Sept. 5, James Heme with "Hearts of Oak;" Sept. 12, George Hoey and James M, Hardie's company in "A Child of the State;" Sept. 19, "The Legion of Honor," with Sam'l Piercy, Lewis Morrison, and Annie Graham in the principal characters ; Sept. 26, Oliver Doud Byron in "Ten Thousand Miles Away;" Oct. 3, Geo. Clarke was the star in "Connie Soogah;" Oct. 10, the Kiralfy Bros.' spectacular, "Around the World in Eighty Days," in which De Rosa and Carnis were the premikre danseuses. Oct. 17, George S. Knight in "Baron Rudolph;" Oct. 24, "My Partner," with Louis Aldrich and Chas. T. Parsloe as the stars; Oct. 31, the Madison Square Theatre travelling company in "Hazel Kirke;" Nov. 7, "One Hundred Wives," by Goesche and De Wolf Hopper's company; Nov. 14, Barney Macauley in " A Messenger from Jarvis Section ; " Nov. 21, "Two Nights in Rome," with Jeffreys Lewis as the star; Nov. 28, Ben Maginley in "Deacon Crankett;" Dec. S, "Uncle Tom's Cabin;" Dec. 12, Mestayer & Co. 's " Tourists ; " Mme. Janauschek opened Dec. 19 in "Marie Stuart," repeated Dec. 22; "Deborah," Dec. 20, 23; "Bleak House," Dec. 21; "Macbeth," Dec. 24; "Mother and Son," matinees, Dec. 21, 24. John A. Stevens appeared Dec. 26 in "Unknown," supported by Lottie Church. There were three matinees this week, viz., Mon- day, Wednesday, and Saturday.

Jan. 2, 1882, Tony Denier' s company were seen in the panto- mime, "Humpty Dumpty;" Jan. 9, Joseph K. Emmet, the star; Jan. 16, "Buffalo Bill" (Wm. F. Cody) appeared in "The Prairie Waif;" Jan. 23, "The Two Orphans," with Kate Claxton, Chas. A. Stevenson, Marie Wilkins, and Edwin F. Thorne in the cast; Jan. 30, Joseph Murphy in "Kerry Gow; " Feb. 6, Sol Smith Russell, in "Edgewood Folks;" Feb. 13, Mr. and Mrs McKee Rankin in "'49;" Feb. 20, "The Banker's Daughter-" Feb 27, Milton Nobles in "The Phoenix;" March 6, "All the Rage-"


March 13, "The Jolly Bachelors; " March 20, "The Galley Slave," with Emily Rigl, Frank Evans, Gussie De Forrest, Thomas H. Burns, and Junius Brutus Booth in the company ; March 27, Den Thompson in "Joshua Whitcomb;" April 3, M. B. Curtis in "Sam'l of Posen;" Maggie Mitchell appeared here April 10 in "Fanchon," which was repeated April 11 and 12; "Pearl of Savoy," April 13, 14, 15; "Fun on the Bristol," John F. Sheri- dan as the star; April 24, Frank S. Chanfrau in "Kit;" May i, Annie Pixley in "M'liss;" May 8, Lotta in "Musette or Little Bright Eyes;" May 15, James O'Neill in "A Celebrated Case;" May 22, "The Professor;" May 29, James O'Neill as Ossip in "The Danicheffs;" June S for two weeks Charles L. Davis pre- sented " Alvin Joslin ; " June 19, " The Maid of Arran ; " June 26, "The Mascot," with George Olmi, Pauline Hall, W. M. Fuller, and May Templeton in the cast; July 3, N. S. Wood in "The Boy Scout of the Sierras," with Mrs. W. G. Jones and Joseph P. Winters in the cast. The season closed July 8.

The next season began Aug. 14, 1882, with Mr. and Mrs. McKee Rankin in "The Danites." McKee Rankin claims the distinction of being the first actor and manager to take a complete American company to Europe. He took the following people with him: Cora Tanner, Lillian Cleves Clark, Mrs. E. M. Holland, Isabella Waldron and daughter, Ed. Marble, Mrs. W. H. Sheridan, Matt Lingham, George Waldron, E. M. Holland, Lin Hurst, James Peakes, Jerry Stevens, William and Harry Lee, Harry Hawk, and Mrs. McKee Rankin. They opened at Sadler's Wells Theatre, London, April 2, 1880, shortly after their arrival, and played eight weeks ; thence to the Globe Theatre in the same city, for balance of the summer. After playing three weeks at the Standard Theatre, London, they made a provincial tour, returning to New York the following December. "The Danites" was the play presented.

Aug. 21, Charlotte Thompson appeared here in "Jane Eyre;" Aug. 28, James A. Heme, in "Hearts of Oak;" Sept. 4, "The Gal- ley Slave;" Sept. 11, Salsbury's Troubadours in "Green Room Fun," with Nellie McHenry and N. Salsbury as the stars. Alice Dunning Lingard and William Horace Lingard appeared Sept. 18 in "Divor9ons," which was repeated Sept. 19 and matinee, Sept. 20; "Pink Dominos," Sept. 20, 21, 23; "Camille," Sept. 22 and matinee, Sept. 23 ; Minnie Palmer came in " My Sweetheart " Sept. 25; Oct. 2, Joseph Murphy in "Shaun Rhue;" Oct. 9, "Lights of London;" Oct. 16, William J. Scanlan in "Friend and Foe;" Oct. 23, "The World," with Robert Mantell, and M. B. Pike in the cast ; Oct. 30, Geo. S. Knight in " Baron Rudolph ; " Nov. 6, "Mankind," by Aug. Daly's travelling company; Nov. 13, Oliver Doud Byron in "Across the Continent;" repeated Nov.


14, IS; "Ten Thousand Miles Away," Nov. 16, 17, and 18; Mme. Janauschek appeared Nov. 20, in "Marie Antoinette," which was repeated Nov. 21; "Bleak House," Nov. 22, 23; "Mary Stuart," Nov. 24, 25; and "Mother and Son," matinees, Nov. 22, 25; "Hazel Kirke" was seen Nov. 27; Dec. 4, Callender-Haverly's minstrels; Dec. 11, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Florence in "The Mighty Dollar;" Lawrence R Barrett, Dec. 18, in "Richelieu;" Dec. 19, "Hamlet;" matinee, Dec. 20, "Yorick's Love;" Dec. 21, "Othello;" Dec. 22, "The Merchant of Venice" and "David Garrick;" matinee, Dec. 23, "The Marble Heart;" evening, Dec. 23, "Richard III.;" John A. Stevens came Dec. 25 in "Unknown."

On Jan. i, 1883, Tony Denier's company were seen in "Humpty Dumpty," with Alfred Frisbie Macio as the clown; Jan. 8, the Hanlon Bros., in "Le Voyage en Suisse;" Jan. 15, Buffalo Bill in "Twenty Days, or Buffalo Bill's Pledge." John A. Stevens' new play, "Passion's Slave" was produced Jan. 22, with Ellie Wilton, Gabrielle du Sauld, Frankie McClellan, Lilla Vane, John Jack, Wm. J. Ferguson, Welsh Edwards, Henry Holland, Harry Colton, Thaddeus Shine, and John A. Stevens in the cast; B. McAuley (who had changed the spelling of his name in consequence of some family difficulty) came Jan. 29, in " A Messenger from Jarvis Section;" Feb. 5, "Jesse James;" Feb. 12, "Esmeralda," by the Madison Square Theatre travelling company, including Kate Denin Wilson, John E. Owens, Annie Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Walcot, and Charles B. Welles; Feb. 19, "My Partner," with Louis Aldrich and Charles T. Parsloe; Feb. 26, Lester Wallack played his first engagement in the Bowery in two years, opening in "Rosedale," which was continued all the week. For the matinee, Feb. 28, Jerome Hopkins' new operetta "Taffy" was presented by the little girls of the Twentieth Street Grammar School; March 5, "The Long Strike," with Joseph Wheelock, Sara Jewett, J. H. Stoddart, Mabel Leonard, and Edward L. Tilton in the cast; March 12, John T. Raymond in "In Paradise;" March 19, M. B. Curtis in "Sam'l of Posen;" March 26, "The Corsican Brothers," F. C. Bangs as the twin heroes; April 2, Frank Mayo was seen in " The Streets of New York ; " April 9, " The Pro- fessor;" April 16, Prof. Herrmann and his specialty company; April 23, Mr. and Mrs. McKee Rankin in "'49;" April 30, Annie Pixley in "M'liss," Geo. C. Boniface as Yuba Bill; May 7, Edwin F. Thorne in "The Black Flag;" May 14, Tony Pastor's specialty company; May 21, first production of John A. Stevens' drama, "Her Second Love," with Maud Granger, Geo. C. Boni- face, John Jack, Chas. B. Welles, and M. C. Daly in the cast; May 28, Harry Meredith in "Ranch 10;" June 4, Ada Gray in "East Lynne;" June ir, "Alvin Joslin;" June 18, "A Wife's




Honor," for the first time, with George F. Learock, Marston, Lizzie Fletcher, Sydney Armstrong, Edith de Belleville, J. E. Nagle, and W. Arthur Giles in the cast; June 25, "Kentuck," with Henry Colton, Frank Mordaunt, Abbie Pierce, Annie Ward Tiffany, and Bobby Newcomb in the company; July 2, "Uncle Tom's Cabin;" July 9, Charles B. Bishop, in "Strictly Busi- ness;" July 16, Ignatius O'Byrne in "The Leprachaun." The season closed July 21.

The next season began Aug. 13, 1883, with "The White Slave;" Aug. 20, James H. Wallick in "The Bandit King;" Aug. 27, " Carrots," by Adah Richmond, R. E. Graham, and company; Sept. 3, J. J. Dowling in "Nobody's Claim;" Sept. 10, "The Tourists;" Sept. 17, "Lights o' London;" Sept. 24, "The Devil's Auction;" Oct. I, "Hearts of Oak;" Oct. 8, Oliver Doud Byron in "Hero;" Oct. IS, F. S. Chanfrau in "Kit," repeated Oct. 16 and 17; "The Octoroon," Oct. 18, 19, and 20; Joseph Murphy in "Shaun Rhue," Oct. 22, supported by Belle Melville; Oct. 29, " Siberia;" Nov. S, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Florence in "The Ticket of Leave Man;" Nov. 12, Augustin Daly's company in "The Passing Regiment;" Nov. 19, W. J. Scanlan in "Friend and Foe." "My Partner" was put on Nov. 26, for the week, but the house was totally destroyed by fire Thursday, Nov. 29, 1883. The fire began at the entrance of the theatre. The performance of " My Partner " had terminated, and the audience had left the theatre about an hour before the fire broke out.

Nothing was done towards rebuilding the theatre for over two years. Finally Mr. Martin, the former owner of the property, erected a new theatre much smaller than the other. It was leased to Frank Murtha, who opened it Feb. 8, 1886, on a five years' lease. The opening star was Clara Morris in " Miss Multon," re- peated Feb. 8, 9, 10. The cast was :

Miss Multon .... Clara Morris Gravesand . . . . L. W. Browning

Mathilda Bijou Heron

Arabella . . . Mrs. M. A. Farren

Kitty Ada Crisp

Maurice Eben Plympton

M. Belin J. L. Carhart

Dr. Osborne .... Carl Ahrend

Paul Clara Ogden

June Viva Ogden

Louise Marion Lester

On the opening night Judge David McAdam read an address. After the second act of the play Frank Murtha came before the curtain, led by A. H. Hummel, and was presented with a diamond- studded watch and chain. "Article 47," Feb. 11, 12; "Camille," Feb. 13, Affie Weaver acting Camille, supported by the Clara Morris' company. The next attraction was the Madison Square Theatre company, including Agnes Booth, Maud Harrison, Annie Russell, Frederic Robinson, and Walden Ramsay, in "Young Mrs. Win-


throp." Louis Aldrich commenced Feb. 22 in "My Partner/' and was succeeded March i by James O'Neill in " Monte Cristo ; " March 8, Frederic Bryton in " Forgiven ; " March 15, " The Planter's Wife," with Louise Balfe and Harry Lacy in principal r61es ; March 22, Oliver Doud Byron in "Hero;" March 29, " The Ivy Leaf/' April 5, Georgia Cayvan and Ben Maginley in " May Blossoms ; " April 12, Ed. Collier in " Stormbeaten ; " April 19, J. H. Wal- lick's "Bandit King;" April 26, Rose Coghlan in "Our Joan;" May 3, Minnie Maddern, "In Spite of AH;" May 10, W. J. Mestayer with "We, Us & Co.;" May 17, Annie Pixley in "M'liss;" May 24, Joseph Murphy in " Shaun Rhue," for three evenings, and "Kerry Gow" balance of the week; May 31, Baker and Farron in " A Soap Bubble ; " June 7, " Peck's Bad Boy ; " June 14, "Colleen Bawn;" June 21, "Confusion;" June 28, "Tourists in a Pullman Car;" July 5, 6, 7, "Leah;" July 8, 9, 10, " Romeo and Juliet;" July 12, "Brother Against Brother; "and the season closed with N. S. Wood as Jack Sheppard, July 24.

The next season began Aug. 16 with Fred Warde and his com- pany in "Virginius," repeated Aug. 17, 20; "Ingomar," Aug. 18; Aug. 21, "Damon and Pythias;" Aug. 19, "Richard III.;" matinee, Aug. 21, "The Lady of Lyons;" Aug. 23, "Youth" was seen ; Aug. 30, " A Prisoner for Life ; " Sept. 6, " The White Slave;" Sept. 13, Fred Bryton in "Forgiven;" Sept. 20, J. New- ton Beers in " Lost in London ; " Sept. 27, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Knight in "Over the Garden Wall." Janauschek appeared Oct. 4 in "Mother and Son," repeated matinee, Oct. 6; "Bleak House," Oct. 5; "Marie Antoinette," evening, Oct. 6; "Henry VIII.," Oct. 8; "Mary Stuart," matinee, Oct. 9; evening, Oct. 9, "Mac- beth." Clara Morris came in "Article 47," Oct. 11, 12; "The NewMadgalen," Oct. 13, 14; "Miss Multon," Oct. 15; "Camille," matinee, Oct. 16. Evening Oct. 16, Mary Shaw acted "Camille," supported by Henry Miller and the Clara Morris' company; Oct. 18, "Our Boarding House;" Oct. 25, Ben Maginley as Uncle Bartlett in " May Blossom ; " Nov. i, Oliver Doud Byron in " The Inside Track;" Nov. 8, "Taken from Life," with Phosa McAllister as the star ; Nov. 15, " Stormbeaten ; " Nov. 22, " A Bunch of Keys ; " Nov. 29, Annie Pixley in "M'liss." Louis James commenced his first engagement in New York as a star Dec. 6, in "Virginius," which he repeated Dec. 7 and 11; "Hamlet" was given Dec. 8; "Othello," Dec. 9; "Merchant of Venice" and "Taming of the Shrew," Dec. 10; and "Romeo and Juliet," matinee of Dec. 11; Dec. 13, "Siberia; "Dec. 20, James O'Neill with "Monte Cristo;" Dec. 27, Tony Denier's "Humpty Dumpty " company. Fred Warde played "Galba" for the first time in this city Jan. 10, 1887. "False Steps" by Joseph Nunez was seen, for the first time in New York, June 27, and had this -cast:



Mr. Fielding . Therese . . . Bertha . . . Mrs. Bounceford Geraldine . .

Harry Rich

. Hattie Russell

Belle Shreve

. . Amy Ames

Frances Summer

Dr. Bonum Simon . . Henri Conde Oscar Stanley Maggie . .

[J. H. Fitzpatrick

C. H. Bradshaw

. Lester Victor

. Gus Henessey

Ada Deaves

The next season opened Aug. 15 with "Gwynnes' Oath," which had this cast :

Sir Pearce Parker . R. F. McClannin Jim Richards . . . Geo. R. Edeson Richard Welbeck . Nelson Wheatcroft Miss Willoughby Parker,

Emma Skerrett

Gilbert Archer . Adeline Stanhope

Harry Herbert Archer

Gussy Ernest Tarlton

Bessy Smith . . . Isabella Irving

"The White Slave" was seen Aug. 29. Sept. 5, "Zozo, the Magic Queen," came, with George H. Adams and Pauline Monte- grippa as the stars; Sept. 12, Newton Beers, in "Lost in Lon- don;" Sept. 19, "Two Roads, " by James Garden, was given, with this cast:

Allen Van Dome Jerome Madden . Herbert Reardon . Jessie Van Dome Alice Van Dome

. James Garden E. Murray Day . Ivan Peronet . Belle Stokes Marston Leigh

William Wolf Susan Buck Arthur . . Billy Buck .

Malcolm Bradley

Joey Sutherland

W. S. St. Clair

Will H. Mayo


. Joseph A. Ransom


. Walter H. Edwards


. Charles B. Charters


. . . Eugene Blair

Natalia . .

. . Margaret Pierce

Fred Warde returned in "Galba," Sept. 24, 28, 29; "The Gladiator," Sept. 25 and matinee, Sept. 26; "Virginius," Sept. 26 and matinee, Sept. 29. " Gaston Cadol " was acted Sept. 27 for the first time in this city. It was an adaptation from the French by Celia Logan. The cast was :

Gaston Cadol . . . . F. B. Warde Landrol .... Clarence Handyside Count De Tevenne . . . L. F. Rand Eugene De Villeray, Thos. E. Garrick De La Tour . . . William Stuart

" Damon and Pythias " was played Sept. 29.

Minnie Palmer was seen Oct. 31 in "My Sweetheart;" Nov. 7, Hanlon's "Fantasma;" Nov. 14, Clara Morris in "Article 47," repeated Nov. 15, 16; "Ren6e," Nov. 17, 18; "Alixe," matinee and evening, Nov. 19; "Our Regiment," matinee, Nov. 16; "The Ivy Leaf," Nov. 21 ; Phosa McAllister, Nov. 28, in "Taken for Life;" Dec. 5, "Pavements of Paris;" Dec. 12, the Madison Square Theatre company in "Jim the Penman," with Ada Dyas as Mrs. Ralston; Dec. 19, James H. Wallick in "The Cattle King;" Dec. 26, Tony Denier's "Humpty Dumpty" company.

Jan. 2, 1888, Oliver Doud Byron appeared in "The Inside Track;" Jan. 9, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Knight in "Baron Rudolph," for three nights; "Over the Garden Wall," Jan. 12, 13, 14; the Hanlons came Jan. 16 in "Le Voyage En Suisse;" Jan.' 23,


Jeffreys Lewis in " La Belle Russe ; " repeated Jan. 24, 25 ; " For- get Me Not," Jan. 26, 27; "Clothilde," Jan. 27, 28. This was Lewis' first appearance in this city in four years. Jan. 30, " Michael Strogoff," with Atkins Lawrence in the cast; Feb. 6, "Lights o' London;" Feb. 13, Annie Pixley in "Deacon's Daughter;" Feb. 20, Evans and Hoey in "A Parlor Match;" Feb. 27, the Dalys in "Upside Down;" March 5, "Evangeline;" March 12, Cora Tanner in "Alone in London;" March 19, Daniel Sully in "Daddy Nolan;" March 26, J. B. Studley in "A Great Wrong;" April 2, Salsbury's Troubadours in "The Humming Bird;" James M. Hardie and Sarah von Leer April 9 in " On the Frontier ; " first time this city "The Boston Howard Athenaeum specialty company " April 16, followed by "The Main Line, or Rawsons' Y," April 23; "Passion's Slave," April 30; Charles E. Verner in "Shamus O'Brien," May 7; Kate Purssell in "Queen of the Plains," May 14. "Rookwood" was presented May 21 with this cast:

Lady Rookwood . . Edna Courtney Ranulf Rookwood . . Louis Glover Dick Turpin . . . . O. B. Collins

Luke A. H. Hastings

Jerry Ed. Chapman

M. Coates S. Drake

Barbara Nellie Sandford

Peter Bradley ... T. J. Herndon

Titus G. H. Whitman

Tom King Louis Monico

Eleanor Rosita Worrell

Sybil Nelly Donald

O. B. Collins did not act after the second night, as he was in- jured by falling from his horse, and W. H. Hamilton played Dick Turpin during the rest of the week. Charles L. Davis in " Alvin Joslin," May 28; June 4 Geo. C. Boniface in Charles Foster's drama, "Under Cover," produced for the first time on any stage, with this cast :

James Charles Williams

Officer S. Hallet

Hack Driver H. Cotter

Stella Helen Corlette

Zoe Louise Rial

Jerry Jummel . . . Geo. C. Boniface Jasper Elliott . . Henry Weaver, Jr. Dr. Albert Chester, Ed. A. Tannehill Iva EUiott . . . Stella Boniface Mrs. Chester . . . May F. Stetson Abel Stanley .... Carl Smith

Edmund Collier opened June 11 in "Virginius," repeated matinde June 16; "Jack Cade," June 12; "Damon and Pythias," matinee and evening June 13; "Julius Caesar," June 15; "Rich- ard in.," June 16. "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," with Percy Hunt- ing as the star, came June 18 for one week. " Dollars and Hearts," June 25, closed the season, but a benefit was given July 2 to Theo. Myers and D. J. Shelley, treasurers of the house.

The next season opened Saturday, Aug. 11, 1888, with "Lights and Shadows," which remained the following week. It had this cast:




Mary Bland, Mabel Milburn

May Newman Edith Broughton . . Agnes Herndon Mark Milburn . . . Sheridan Block Judge Broughton . . D. A. Hanchett

Mother Meg Rufus Milburn Mat Wilton Claude Maul Tom . . .

. Ida Jeffreys . W. T. Doyle H. S. Duffield C. F. Gotthold W. L. Gleason

" Fate " came Aug. 20, with Russell Bassett and Rose Osborne in the principal r61es ; Aug. 27, " In His Power ; " Sept. 3, "Around the World in Eighty Days," by W. J. Fleming's com- pany; Sept. 10, "A Cold Day;" "Herminie, or the Cross of Gold," week of Sept. 17, by the William Redmund-Mrs. Thomas Barry company; Sept. 24, "Her Husband," with Florine Arnold as the star, and W. A. Whitecar, Luke Martin, E. L. Walton, Louise Muldener, Georgie Reignolds, and Mrs. Wallace Brittan in the cast; James M. Hardie and Sarah von Leer came Oct. i with "On the Frontier," and a band of Indians; Oct. 8, "Alone in London;" Oct. 15, Charles Davis in "One of the Old Stock," first time in New York; "Gwynne's Oath," Oct. 22, with May Wilkes as the star. It had this cast :

Gwynne Archer . . . May Wilkes Richard .... Harold Courtnay

Gussy Ernest Tarlton

Willoughby Parker . Emelie Boswell Sir Pearce Parker . . A. C. Deltwyn

Bessy Smith . . . Isabelle Irving Harry Vesey . . Davenport Bebus

Pepe Gertie Boswell

Gilbert Evelyn Evans

Jim L. R. Willard

Estelle Clayton appeared Oct. 29 in "A Sad Coquette," for four performances, and finished the week with "The Quick or the Dead .' " " Siberia " came for a week Nov. 5, followed by " Uncle Tom's Cabin," Nov. 12, with Milt G. Barlow as Uncle Tom, Alice Harrison as Topsy. The Boston Howard Athenaeum company filled the week of Nov. 19; Nov. 26, "The Ivy Leaf." Dec. 3 "The Fugitive" was seen for the first time in this city and had this cast:

Hester Malyon John Levitt .

. . Lisle Leigh , W. A. Whitecar

Master Corley Corderoy Eliza Long Crackles .... William CuUington Arthur StoUery . . Harry Dalton

"The Twelve Temptations" came Dec. 10; "One of the Bravest," Dec. 17; "The Little Tycoon," Dec. 24. This was the first comic opera that had been heard at this theatre. Gen. Knickerbocker was played by Thos. Q. Seabrooke, and Alvin Barry by J. Aldrich Libby; Teddy, Joseph Mealey; Marie Sanger, Elvia Crox, and Catherine Linyard were also in the cast. This was Catherine Linyard's first appearance in comic opera in this city. Oliver Doud Byron filled the week of Dec. si with "The Upper Hand."

Clara Morris returned Jan. 7, 1839, with "Ren6e de Moray,"

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which she acted all the week except Wednesday matinee. For the Wednesday matinee "The Lady of Lyons" was played, with Mittens Willett as Pauline. In "Ren^e de Moray" Fred de Belleville acted Count de Moray ; Julius Kahn, Antonio. Evans and Hoey produced "A Parlor Match" Jan. 14. "The White Slave" came Jan. 21; "The Two Sisters," Jan. 28; Haverly & Cleveland's minstrels, Feb. 4; Annie Pixley in "The Deacon's Daughter," Feb. 11; Salsbury's Troubadours in "Three of a Kind," Feb. 18; the Madison Square Theatre company in " Part- ners," Feb. 25. In the company were Alexander Salvini, Louis F. Massen, C. P. Flockton, Fred Corbett, Maud Harrison, Katha- rine Rogers, Nannie Craddock, and Virginia Buchanan. March 4 the musical comedy of "Zigzag;" March 11, William Redmund and Mrs. Thomas Barry in "Herminie;" March 18, "Lights and Shadows;" March 25, Hallen & Hart's "Later On;" April i, McKee Rankin, with his play, "The Runaway Wife ; " April 8, a farce called "Reuben Glue;" April 15, the musical comedy, "Katti;" April 22, Mrs. J. B. Potter and Kyrle Bellew ap- peared in "Romeo and Juliet;" April 23, 25, and 27, "Camille;" matinee, April 24, 27, " Romeo and Juliet ; " April 24, " She Stoops to Conquer;" April 26, "The Lady of Lyons." Gus Williams, April 29, in "Keppler's Fortunes." A clever Chinese dramatic company took the house July 6 for two weeks but they collapsed after two nights. On Sunday evening, July 9, they gave a sacred concert; Treasurers Shelley and Myers took a benefit Julv 8. The house was reopened July 10, with "The Bohemian Girl"

The season of 1889-90 opened Aug. 12, with "La Belle Marie," Agnes Herndon the star. " A Hoop of Gold " followed Aug. 19, cast as follows :

Mr. Bullion "Scotty" . . Doctor Hartland Richard Wrench Welcher Humm Sammy Witherwick

. . John Howland . John H. Maher . . . John Burke James L. Edwards . Drew A. Morton

Mortimer Murdoch

Jack Littleben ... A. Armstrong The Warbler . . . Charles Crolius Ruth Bullion . . . Josie Robinson Lizzie Lovegrove . . Ruth Aylmer

Tilly Annie Clybourne

Mick Brady R. King

Young Nanty Davis

Lizzie Evans came Aug. 26 in "The Buckeye," for the week. Aug. 30, 31, "Fine Feathers;" J. C. Stewart and company Sept. 16 in "The Fat Men's Club."

Louis James was the next attraction, with his Shakesperian com- pany. Their repertory was : Sept. 23, matinees Sept. 25 and 28, "Virginius;" Sept. 24, 27, "Hamlet;" Sept. 25, "Othello." "Evangeline" came Sept. 30, followed Oct. 7 by Annie Pixley in "Zara; " Oct. 14 " Spider and Fly," was given with this cast:




Progressia . . Ignorance . . Idleness . . Industry . . Gloriana Sand Knowledge Lord Spooner .

Bessie Cleveland

. . Ada Dare

Louise Allen

. Lulu Reddan

. . Kitty Hill

Marguerite Wood

P. H. Thurber

Jake Hessian . . . Auguste Siegrist

Dorothy Mile. Dorst

Spider James R. Adams

Fly Thomas S. Dare

Sands Carl Anderson

Twirletti Mens. Oreste

" The Great Metropolis " was seen Oct. Well;" Nov. 11, "Duvar." The cast:

28; Nov. 4, "Fairy's

Duke D'Alberte . . George Dalton Viscount Herbley . Charles M. Hally

Duvar Tom Ricketts

Louis Little Ethel

Cozette Little AUie

Lagrange .... James Edwards Gobert J. L. Simonds

Dr. Lane . Jaques . . Marguerite ArieUe Pas Suzanne Mile. Marvotte Yorick . . .

. Harry White . . A. James . Lillian Wood Velma Rice Edith Herrington . Leila Dressier Arthur Ricketts

Clara Morris was the attraction Nov. 18, opening in "Renee de Moray." She remained a second week, and produced Nov. 25, "Helene." In consequence of illness she did not appear night of Nov. 23, but the company played "The Lady of Lyons." Dec. 2, "Siberia;" Dec. 9, "Shadows of a Great City;" Dec. 16, Hal- len and Hart's company in " Later On." With the exception of Jos. J. Sullivan and Carrie E. Perkins the company was the same as that which appeared at the Bijou a few weeks previous. " The Bells of Haslemere," Dec. 23, for the first time in New York. The cast was:

Frank Beresford . , John Silkstone Matthew Brookfield . Reuben Armstrong Evelyn Brookfield

John E. Kellerd Walter C. Kelly Charles Brandt Frank B. Hatch . . MaudHaU

Mary Northcole Norah Desmond Capt. Vere Dorothy . .

. Jessie Busley

Katherine Price

. Howard Kyle

Sally Williams



13, Chas. T. Ellis was seen in "Caspar the Yodler;" "A Tin Soldier," Jan. 20; "The Two Sisters," Jan. 27; "A Parlor Match," Feb. 3; Robert Downing week of Feb. 10 in reper- toire; Fred Warde, Feb. 17, as Spartacus in "The Gladiator;" Feb. 24, "The Galley Slave;" March 3, "Greenroom Fun," Nellie McHenry the star.

"The Shanty Queen," for the first time in this city, March 10, and had this cast :

Mike Brannigan . Robert Gould . . John Branscombe James Strathmore, Bridget Brannigan

. . T. J. Farron . . Frank Kilday . . Fred Mayer Edmund Mortimer . Fannie Osborne

The Shanty Queen . . . Amy Lee Jack Daily .... W. T. Melville

Staggs Robert Boucheir

Scotty John Wood

Annie Gould .... Marion Keith


Barry and Fay opened March 17 in "McKenna's Flirtation." On Sunday night, March 16, a Chinese theatrical company gave a performance to a big audience of their countrymen. It purported to be a "sacred concert," but was really a heavy tragedy, entitled "Li Khi Han Kan." None but Chinamen were admitted. Louis James appeared March 24 in "Othello." James played "Ingo- mar " for the first time in New York Wednesday matinee, March 26. "Uncle Tom's Cabin," March 31, Milt G. Barlow as Uncle Tom, Carrie Webber as Topsy. April 7, "The Ivy Leaf;" April 14, "Master and Man;" April 21, "My Aunt Bridget;" April 28, James Heme in "Hearts of Oak;" May 5, "Lost in New York;" May 12, Alex. Salvini in "A Child of Naples," with this cast:

Baron Delia Rocca Count Sant Elmo, Cirillo .... Judge Martelli

. Elma Delameter

Lucius Henderson

Alexander Salvini

. Carl Ahrendt

Dr. Bellotti .... Benj. Horning

Maresco Ben Johnson

Carlino Edmund Day

Lucia Belle Archer

May 19, "Knights of Tyburn;" May 26, "True Irish Hearts;" June 2, "The Black Flag;" June 9, "The Donkey Party;" but one night of it was enough, as the show was so bad that Manager Murtha terminated its engagement after one performance. The house was closed night of June 10. On June ii "The Mikado" was sung with this cast :

Katisha . . The Mikado Nanki Pooh KoKo . .

Sylvester Cornish James A. Nunn . Jules Cluzetti Ed. A. Eagleton

Pooh Bah . . . . W. McLaughlan

Yum Yum Carrie Tutein

Pitti Sing May Jordan

The season closed June 15. A Chinese company gave a per- formance June 15 to raise funds to get them back to San Fran- cisco. The next season opened Aug. 11 with "The Banker," George Edgar the star. This play was a dramatization of Miss M. E. Braddon's "Henry Dunbar."

"Christopher Columbus, or the Discovery of America," by Webster Edgerley, was produced Aug. 18. The cast was:

Christopher Columbus

Edmund Shaftesbury Wanita, the Indian Captive

Mabel Forrest Isabella, Queen of Spain

Pauline Markham Beatrix, the Witch Wife of Columbus .... Stella Rees

Ferdinand . . . Graham Crawford

Bobadilla M. J. Jordan

Talavera Frank J. Keenan

Ortiz John E. Ince

Pinzon Ed. Eagleton

Friar Deza .... Herbert Jones Diego E. Edward Brandt

"The Blue and the Gray" was seen Aug. 25; Rose Osborne appeared at a special matinee, Sept. i (Labor Day) in "Satan." This drama was derived from the old play "Satan in Paris." Edwin Arden commenced Sept. 8 in "Raglan's Way," followed




Sept. IS by " Inshavogue ; " Sept. 22 Louis James was seen in "Richelieu;" Sept. 29, Dan Sully appeared in "The Million- aire." "My Aunt Bridget" came Oct. 6, with Frank Holland in the r61e made vacant by the withdrawal of Bernard Dyllyn. "Money Mad" opened Oct. 13; "The Limited Mail," Oct. 20. This play had a sawmill scene and a railroad train; Oct. 27, " Held by the Enemy ; " Nov. 3, Annie Ward Tiffany was seen in her new play, "The Stepdaughter;" Nov. 10, "The Great Me- tropolis;" Nov. 17, Ullie Akerstrom in "Annette, the Dancing Girl;" Nov. 24, Evans and Hoey in "A Parlor Match;" Dec. i, "Only a Farmer's Daughter," with Minnie Seligman as Justine. "The Fast Mail," Dec. 8, for the first time in New York. "One of the Finest " came Dec. 15 ; " Good Old Times," Dec. 22 ; "The Charity Ball," Dec. 29; "A Tin Soldier," Jan. 5, 1891; Jan. 12, "McKenna's Flirtations," by the Barry & Fay's company. Mr. Fay did not appear, as he was compelled through illness to leave the stage several weeks previously. His r61e was acted by Frank Keenan. Emma Maddern (Mrs. R. E. Stevens) and Florence Ashbrooke were in the company. The "Fairy's Well" came Jarj. 19, with Carroll Johnson as the star; Jan. 26, "A Midnight Bell ; " Feb. 2, " Master and Man ; " Feb. 9, " Grimes' Cellar Door." On Feb. 16, " Sin and Shadow" was given, with this cast:

Marion Vernon Ellen Brander . Sarah Tippitts . Henry Vernon .

. . Isabel Morris

Helen Beaumont

Laura Lorraine

. Wm. Yerance

Alfred Davager . Edwin Middleton Toby Welsh . . . George Holland Marks Frank Drumeir

This drama was produced at the Old Bowery Theatre, June 9, 1873. It was rewritten, and served to give George Holland an opportunity to play in this city, after an absence of five years ; Feb. 23, " Siberia ; " March 2, the MacLean-Prescott company were seen in " Cleopatra," Rider Haggard's novel of that name. MacLean played Harmachis ; John D. Craig, Anthony ; and Marie Prescott, Cleopatra ; March 3, " Gladiator."

Annie Pixley, March 9, in " M'liss," followed March 16, by " The Wife," by the Lyceum Theatre travelling company; March 23, " The Stowaway; " March 30, " Daniel Boone ; " April 6, " Shenan- doah ;" April 13, Minnie Palmer, in " A Mile a Minute; " April 20, " O'Dowd's Neighbors," for the first time in this city. The cast : O'Dowd, Mark Murphy ; McNab, Sam J. Ryan ; Artie, J. Thornton; Algernon, Charles Lawlor; Honora, David Warfield; O'Brien, Charles Eastwood; William Freeze Up, William Bel- knap; Mrs. Katie Reilly, Hattie Delaro Barnes; Kittie, Minnie Cunningham; Belinda Fitzmorris, Helen Rainsley; Birdy Duffy, Jennie Eddy; Mable McGuire, Jennie Reynolds; Fannie Dolan, May Jordan; Clara O'Brien, May Thomas. One of the Fin-


est, Fritz Kettler. Lydia Thompson came April 27 with "The Dazzler." " Spider and Fly " occupied the house week of May 4. In the cast were Hilda Thomas, Irene Vernona, Thomas W. Ryley, Alex, and Leo Zanfretta, Auguste, Will, and S. Siegrist, Victoria North, and the Four Lyten sisters. " Little Lord Fauntleroy," was acted for the first time on the east side with this cast : Mr. Havi- sham, Frank Opperman ; Mr. Higgins, George W. Morrison ; Minna, Florence Foster; Mary, Mrs. Ada Maskell ; Lord Fauntleroy, Ray Maskell. McKee Rankin opened May 18, in "The Canuck;" May 25, "The Fugitive." The season terminated May 30. A season commenced June i, with " Oliver Twist," J. B. Studley being the Bill Sikes, and Henrietta Vaders, Nancy. " Apple Orchard Farm," the last production of the season, was presented June 8, and the house closed June 13, but was reopened for one night, June 16, for the benefit of the treasurers, Myers and McCabe.

Season of 1891-92 opened August 10, with "Rose Michael." " She Could n't Marry " came Aug. 17, with Lillian Kennedy as the star. "Fire Patrol" was done Aug. 24; "Money Mad "Aug. 31; " Work and Wages " Sept. 7 ; " Inheritance " Sept. 14, Maud Granger the star. This play had been seen at the Madison Square Theatre, this city, afternoon of Dec. 23, 1890, and was then called " Helen's Inheritance." It was originally acted in Paris, under the title of " L'Heritage d'Helene." " A Hole in the Ground " came Sept. 21 ; " A Knotty Affair " Sept. 28; Dan Sully Oct. 5, in the "Million- aire; " "Two Old Cronies" Oct. 12; "All the Comforts of Home" Oct. 19 ; " The Wolves of New York " Oct. 26 ; " The Two Sisters " Nov. 2; "The Struggle of Life" Nov. 9; "McKenna's Flirtation" Nov. 16 ; " Our Irish Visitor " Nov. 23 ; Annie Ward Tiffany Nov. 30, in "The Stepdaughter;" "Dark Secret" Dec. 7; "Zigzag" Dec. 14; "Fantasma " Dec. 21 ; " Led Astray " Dec. 28, with Rose Ey tinge the star.

"Baby" was presented Jan. 4, 1892; " O'Dowd's Neighbor" Jan. 11;" Twelve Temptations " Jan. 18 ; " Limited Mail " Jan. 25 ; " Natural Gas " Feb. i ; J. K. Emmet, in " Fritz " Feb. 8 ; " White Slave " Feb. 15 ; " Mr. Wilkinson's Widows " Feb. 22 ; " Ole Olson " Feb. 29 ; " Westerner " March 7. This play was originally acted at the Old Bowery Theatre this city for one night July 12, 1890, and called " Jim The Westerner ; " " Dr. Bill " came March 14 ; " Sam'l of Posen " March 21, with Frank M. Curtis as the star ; " Hands Across the Sea " was done March 28 ; Gorman's minstrels appeared April 4; "Uncle Tom's Cabin" April 11; "The Struggle of Life "April 18; "The Golden Ladder " April 25 ; with Edwin F. Thorne as the star. Mme. Janauschek was seen here May 2, in " The Harvest Moon." " The Nabobs " came May 9, with Henshaw and Ten Broeck as the stars. "Kit" was given May 16, with Henry Chanfrau as the star; "Blacksmith's Vow" came June 6; Ada Gray June 13, in "East


Lynne". A sparring match took place the night of June 20. " Shamus O'Brien " came June 21 for the rest of the week and the season closed June 25.

The next season began Saturday night Aug. 13, 1892, with "Jerry;" Gracie Emmet and J. W. Summers being in the cast. " The Colonel " came Aug. 22.

"The Shamrock" was seen Aug. 29; J. K. Emmet, Jr. appeared Sept. s in " Fritz in Ireland." " The White Slave " was played Sept. 12. The company was as follows: Carrie Radcliffe, Ida Rob- inson, Anna Mortland, Mrs. Elizabeth Vanderen, Mabel Stone, Mrs. Milt G. Barlow, (better known as Lillie Hall) Maurice Drew, D. L. Lacy, Milt G. Barlow, Frank Drew, Andy Collom, Harry Bar- low, and J. H. Ferris. "The Struggle of Life" was done Sept. 19; "The Kid" Sept 26; "Dr. Bill" Oct. 3. In the company were: Celia Ellis, Ida Bell, Mary Breyer, Grace M. Harper, May Miller Farnum, Ernest Bertram, and Eric Pollock. " Eagle's Nest " appeared Oct. 10; acted by Edwin Arden, Frank Losee, W. H. Stuart, Harry Mack, J. P. Loughney, Jos. W. Holland, Robert East- man, Delia Sawyer, Marion Elmore, and others.

"The Wide, Wide World" Oct. 17, with John Flood, Daniel Kelly, J. J. Fitzsimmons, Fanny Mclntyre, Edythe Totten, Nettie Bourne, and Mrs. Wallace Brittan in the company. The " Fairy's Well " was seen Oct. 24; "The Dark Side of a Great City" Oct. 31, with Chas. E. Fisher, E. F. Eberle, Walter Osmund, Chas. T. Nichols, Cassie Fawcett and others in the cast. " Shadows of a Great City " Nov. 7 ; " A Hole in the Ground " Nov. 14 ; " Aunt Bridget's Baby " Nov. 21. " Friends" was playedNov. 28, with this cast:

Marguerite Otto . . . Selena Fetter

Hans Otto E. D. Lyons

Harold Hunting . . C. F. Handyside John Paden, Sr. . . Theo. Hamilton John Paden, Jr., Edwin Milton Royle

Adrian Karje . . Lucius Henderson Mrs. Merryweather, Bertha Livingtone Jennie Merryweather, Louise Wakelee

Miss Wolfe Katie Baker

Miss Hartman . . . Fay Waterman

" Mr. Wilkinson's Widows" was seen Dec. 5, followed, Dec. 12, by " The Soudan," with James F. Home, Horace Lewis, Alexander Kearney, Frank Herrick, Charles J. Jackson, Jos. C. Callahan, E.J. Mortimer, Ben Ryer, Annie Mayer, Annie Lockhart, Jean Harold, Carrie Treat, Master Sidney Hunt, and Alice Hunt in the company. "Wife for Wife "was given Dec. 19; John L. Sullivan appeared Dec. 26, in " That Man from Boston ; " "A Fair Rebel " came Jan. 2, 1893; "The Leaves of Shamrock" Jan. 9; "The Hustler" Jan. 16; "Lights O' London" Jan. 23. In the company were Marcus Moriarty, George Learock, Harry Trader, Wm. Pippin, Walter Osmond, Wm. Shea, Margaret Macdonald, Thomas Atkins, Master Lear, Fanny Mclntyre, Helen Corlette, and Ella Mayer. "Nabobs "was seen Jan 30; "A Dark Secret" Feb. 6; "The Diamond Breaker" Feb. 13. Harry Colton of this company was


found dead in bed Feb. 15, and Eugene Florence acted Sugg for the rest of the week except the nights of Feb. 17, 18, when L. P. Hicks played the part. " Siberia " came Feb. 20 ; " Glen-da-Lough " Feb. 27; " The Country Circus " March 6 ; "The Outsider" March 13; " Current Cash " March 20. The season closed March 25. The theatre was reopened March 27, 1893, as a Hebrew theatre under the management of Sigmund Magulesko, Isidore Lindeman, and Joseph Levy.


AT the corner of Grand and Crosby streets was a hall called " The Temple of Music." It was opened Nov. 27, 1865, by " Thorpe & Overin's minstrels of All Nations ; " Geo. Guy was stage manager ; Joseph Braham, musical director. The party comprised twenty-two performers, who appeared in the costumes of various nations, and their entertainment consisted of solos, duets, trios, and choruses. It was successful for only a fortnight, as the house was closed on Dec. 13, and was reopened Dec. 23 by the Thorpe Bros., but for three days only, as it closed Christmas day. It was again opened on Jan. i, 1866, as " The Grand St. Theatre," with J. Thorpe as lessee and manager. " The Drunkard " was the initial perform- ance, with Inery Lantz in leading r61e. The house again closed Jan, 8, to reopen Jan. 13, but the manager gave up the struggle in a few nights, and the house ceased to exist as a place of amusement.


CHIARINI'S circus was situated in Bleecker Street, on the block bounded by Charles and Perry. It was opened on July 23, 1866, but closed at the end of the summer.


IN the year 1838 "The Church of the Messiah " was built for the Unitarian Minister, Orville Dewey, who moved from Stuyvesant Institute in 1839. The church was known as 724 Broadway, and later as 728 Broadway. It was a gray stone edifice on the east side of Broadway opposite Waverly Place. In 1854 the Rev. Dr. Samuel Osgood became pastor, and continued there until 1864, when he removed to Park Avenue and Thirty-fifth Street. This church was afterwards used for entertainments of various kinds. There was a tradition that at a school exhibition held there, A. Oakey Hall, afterwards Mayor of New York, recited a poem and in it was this prophetic couplet :

"E'en in some future age This pulpit may be a stage."



After the exhibition Dr. Pennington remarked to Mr. Hall, " If your prophecy about this church ever prove true, I hope the house will be cursed." In the summer of 1865 the old church was in a dismantled condition ; hucksters' stalls were built against the front of it ; a pasteboard sign on one of the big doors bore the inscription, " Diisseldorf Gallery." The pews had been removed from the in- terior, and instead of the pulpit there was an auctioneer's platform, from which oil paintings were sold. It was then used for giving out work to poor sewing-women.

A. T. Stewart purchased the building and named it the ' ' Athe- naeum." It was first opened for a public entertainment Jan. 23, 1865, by James H. Hackett, who called it the "Broadway Athe- NiEUM," the performance consisting of readings, anecdotes, and recita- tions. The receipts were given to the Shakespeare Statue Fund. Mr. Hackett continued only a few nights, as the speculation was a losing one. On Feb. 23 a concert was given by the Metropolitan Musical Association, and during a few nights in May, Sinclair Mason's War Panorama was exhibited here.

The building was then leased by H. H. Davis, who came to this country with Lucy Rushton, an actress who had appeared with indifferent success at the Olympic Theatre in this city. In sixteen days it was completely transmogrified. It was a brick structure, and above the entrance, offices, and vestibule appeared the stone towers of the old church. The staff of the theatre was: propri- etress and manageress, Lucy Rushton; acting manager and treasurer, H. H. Davis ; stage manager, James Schonberg. The house was open for the inspection of the press on Dec. 22, 1865, and the formal opening to the public took place Dec. 23, when it became known as "Lucy Rushton's Theatre." The performance com- menced with the singing of " The Star Spangled Banner," after which " The School for Scandal " was played, with this cast : Sir Peter Teazle . . .CM. Walcot Sir Oliver Surface . Harry Pearson Joseph Surface . . D. W. Waller

Rowley . Careless . Snake Trip . . Sir Toby Sir Harry Lady Teazle Mrs. Candour

Harry Cunningham

W. S. Higgins

T. C. Gourlay

. . . Daveys

. . Thompson

. . Mr. Jones

Lucy Rushton

Clara Maeder

Charles Surface . . J. K. Mortimer Sir Benjamin Backbite W. A. Mestayer Lady Sneerwell . Mrs. Mark Smith Maria .... Mrs. A. W. Young

Crabtree Thos. Placide

Moses John Moore

This was the first time Mr. Walcot ever played Sir Peter Teazle in New York. This bill continued until Jan., 1 866, when " The Honey- moon ' was acted, with this cast :

Duke Aranza . . . J. K. Mortimer

J"ljana Lucy Rushton

Jojando C. W. Clarke

Balthazar . . . . W. S. Higgins Zamora .... Mrs. A. W. Young

Lopez Harry Pearson

Mock Duke . . . Thos. Placide Volante .... Mrs. Mark Smith Count Montalban . . W. A. Mestayer


" A Man Without a Head " was also acted, with W. A. Mestayer, C. M. Walcot, Mrs. Mark Smith, and Mrs. A. W. Young in the cast.

" The Lady of Lyons," was played Jan. 4, with John K. Mortimer as Claude, T. Placide as Col. Damas, C. W. Clarke as Beauseant, Chas. Walcot, Sr., as Glavis, Lucy Rushton as Pauline, and Clara Fisher Maeder as Mme. Deschapelles. January 12 " A Phenome- non in a Smock Frock " followed " The Honeymoon," with Harry Pearson as Buttercup. This programme was repeated Jan. 17. "The School for Scandal" was given Jan. 19; Douglas Jerrold's drama " The Prisoner of War," and " The Day after the Wedding" were played Jan. 22. " The Black Domino " was seen Jan. 29, cast thus:

Horace . . Count Julian Jacintha . .

. J. K. Mortimer . . C. W. Clarke Mrs. Clara Maeder

Bridget .... The Black Domino

Mrs. Mark Smith . . Lucy Rushton

The same night was acted for the first time James Schonberg's burlesque, "Between You and Me and the Post," founded upon " Arrah Na Pogue." Rosa Cooke made her first appearance here as Arrah Meelish ; Mrs. Mark Smith was Fanny Power ; Harry Pearson, Shaun; W. S. Higgins, Feeny; and Wm. A. Mestayer, Beamish McCoul.

The burlesque was acted until Feb. 26, when " A Phenomenon in a Smock Frock," and " The King's Gardener " were presented. On March i " Geralda, or Love and Mystery," was produced. " The Child of the Regiment," with Rosa Cooke as Josephine, and "The Appointment" were given March 12; "Dominique, the Deserter," March 19. The house was closed March 26, for a rehearsal of Schonberg's burlesque, " Valiant Valentine," produced for the first time March 27. It had this cast :

Valiant Valentine . Premifere Danseuse King Pippin . . Henry ....


Agramont . . .

. Lucy Rushton . Lina Windell . C. W. Clarke . G. L. Parkes W. S. Higgins Harry Seymour

Blandiman . .

T. C. Gourlay

Orson . . .

. . Harry Pearson

Eglantine . .

. . . Lucia Deane

Belisanta . .

. . Mrs. C. Maeder

Agatha . . .

. . Annie Mosten

Puck ....

. Mrs. Mark Smith

Wednesday and Saturday matinees were given during this week. The season was announced to terminate April 14, but the house closed abruptly April 10.

It was reopened April 18, for a complimentary benefit to Lucy Rushton, when " As You Like It," was played by W. Holston, W. M. Foster, James Dunn, W. S. Higgins, John Moore, Woodruff, Holhwell, Garland, George Farren, Geo. Parkes, Russell, Gourlay, Flynn, Mellinger, Mrs. Maeder, Mrs. Smith, and Lucy Rushton, the latter lady acting Rosalind.




This house was reopened by Lewis Baker and Mark Smith, after several alterations, on Sept. 3.

In consequence of the revenue tax not having been paid, the house was again closed by order of the Government.


ON Sept. s, 1866, Messrs. Smith and Baker were able to open the house again as the " New York Theatre " with the following company: Mark Smith, Lewis Baker, A. H. Davenport, McKee Rankin, W. Gomersal, Humphrey Bland, Geo. Metkiff, F. Percy, H. Vernon, Farley, King, Chapman, Newton, Williams, Mrs. W. Gomer- sal, Mrs. H. H. Wall, Mrs. Marie Wilkins, Mrs. H. Bland, Alicia Mandeville, Sadie Cole, Solado, Lewis, Cane, Henry. The initial performance was " Old Phil's Birthday " for the first time in New York, and also the extravaganza " Lola Montez." The cast of the first piece was : Phil Stapleton, Lewis Baker ; Frank Stapleton, A. H. Davenport; Mr. Hardress, Humphrey Bland; Lionel Hardress, Hardy Vernon ; Marion Hardress, Sadie Cole ; Blanche Howard, Alicia Mandeville. "The Debutante" and "Mr. and Mrs. Peter White " were acted Sept. 6, with a burlesque on " Lady Audley's Secret," Alicia Mandeville as Luke Talboys.

McKee Rankin made his bow Sept. 14, as Hugh de Bras in " A Regular Fix, " also Marie Wilkins as Lady Scragg in " Sketches in India." " Beauty and the Beast " had its first performance Sept. 17, with Mrs. William Gomersal as Beauty, and John Farley as the Beast.

Fanny Young, an Australian burlesque actress, made her New York d^but Sept. 24, as Lady Bell in " Rum-ti-Foo-zle, or the Loves of Lord Lovell and Nancy Bell." It was preceded by " A Fine Old English Gentleman." " The Doctor of Alcantara " was pro- duced Sept. 30, under the direction of Julius Eichberg. The cast was:

Inez Gomersal

Isabella Maria Norton

Carlos John Farley

Perez Mr. Caldwell

Donna Lucrezia . . Sophie Mozart

Doctor Paracellus . . Mark Smith Don Pomposa . . , Joseph Weinlich Senor Balthazar . . Wm. Gomersal Sancho Mr. Chapman

" A Night in Rome," a new opera by Eichberg, was heard Oct. 17. In the cast were Mrs. William Gomersal, John Farley, C. F. Shat- tuck, Caldwell, Chapman, and Percy. " Wanted, a Thousand Milli- ners," was also acted, with Mark Smith as Mme. Vanderpants. " The Married Rake," " Lady Audley " and " Lola Montez " was the bill October 26.


H. J. Byron's drama, " War to the Knife," was produced for the first time in America Oct. 29, and had this cast :

John Blunt Mark Smith

Capt. Thistleton . . . Geo. MetkifF

Mrs. Harcourt Sadie Cole

Mrs. Benson . . . Marie Wilkins Nubby Lewis Baker

Harcourt Percy

Shapers Chapman

Nabb Williams

Mrs. Delacour, Mrs. William Gomersal Jane Alicia Mandeville

" Perdita, or the Royal Milkmaid," a burlesque on " The Winter's Tale," by the Brough Brothers, was given Nov. 2, for the first time in this city, and was thus cast :

Hermione .... Marie Wilkins

Polixenes Lewis Baker

Florizel Mrs. Gomersal

Autolycus Mark Smith

Blocus H. Bland

Birthday" and " Perdita" were acted Nov. 6. " Grif- dramatization of Charles Reade's novel by Aug. Daly, 7 for the first time on any stage and had this cast :

Leontes Wm. Gomersal

Camillo Percy

Perdita .... Alicia Mandeville

Pauline Mrs. H. Bland

Time, as Chorus .... Sadie Cole

" Old Phil's fith Gaunt," a was seen Nov.

Griffith Gaunt Tom Leicester Chief Justice Father Francis Paul Carrick Doctor . . Mr. Vint . . Hayes . . Kate Peyton Mercy Vint . Dame Vint .

J. K. Mortimer Lewis Baker Mark Smith Mr. Taylor . Mr. Jones . Mr. Mack Mr. Williams . F. Newton Rose Eytinge Mrs. W. Gomersal . Mrs. H. Bland

Jane Frost .... A. Mandeville

Gypsey Sadie Cole

Meg Miss Lewis

George Neville . . George MetkifE Squire Peyton . . . Humphrey Bland Brother Leonard . . . Mr. Jamison Manager of Penny Show . Mr. Rose Manager of Zoological Caravan

Mr. Walker Caroline Ryder . Mrs. Marie Wilkins

In the course of the drama there was a scene representing the old sports at the Lancashire Fair, consisting of climbing the pole, jump- ing in sacks, a pig chase, and other diversions. Henry Tissington resumed the musical directorship Nov. 7, Dr. Eichberg retiring. " Griffith Gaunt " had a run of five weeks. On Dec. 3 there were several changes in the cast, Eliza Newton taking the place of Rose Eytinge, Sallie Hinckley that of Mrs. Wilkins, J. W. Lanergan that of J. K. Mortimer and L. H. Everett that of Mr. Metkiflf.

Aug. Daly took a benefit Dec. 11, when, in addition to "Griffith Gaunt," a miscellaneous concert was given by Stella Bonheur, Sig. Testa, Fossati, W. J. Hill, James Wehli and Theo. Thomas. The house then closed for the rehearsals of " Cendrillon," translated and adapted by L. R. Beneux, which was presented Dec, 13, with this cast :

Prince Charming . . Eliza Newton Queen of the Sun . . .Ida Devere

Urania de la HouspignoUe Queen of the Night . . Anna Kruger

Marie Wilkins King Hurieburly XIX. . Mark Smith

President of Cupid's Court Mons. de la Pinchonniere, Lewis Baker

Mrs. H. Bland Cendrillon . . . Mrs.'w. Gomersal




Javotte .... Blanche Chapman Madelon . . . Alicia Mandeville

Luciola Sallie Hinckley

Oculi Annie Yeamans

Aurora Rosa St. Clair

Jolicoco W. Gomersal

Rjquiqui Fred Percy

Farhulas H. Bland

Maclon Frank Chapman

Rosa St. Clair, afterwards known as Rosa Leland, died at Albany, N. Y., March 10, 1889. A benefit was given afternoon Jan. 22, 1867, for the Masonic Hall and Asylum Fund. " Still Waters Run Deep " was the first piece. Hawksley, Geo. Jordan ; John Mildmay, Lewis Baker; Potter, Mark Smith; Dunbilk, W. L. Jamison; Langton, William Chapman ; Mrs. Sternhold, Fanny Morant ; Mrs. Mildmay, Sadie Cole. " Mr. and Mrs. Peter White," with Wm. Gomersal as Peter White, C. H. Rockwell as Frank, Humphrey Bland as Major Pepper, Mrs. William Gomersal as Mrs. Peter White, Sadie Cole as Widow White, and Alicia Mandeville as Kitty, followed. " A Bird of Paradise " was produced Jan. 29, with this cast : Nikabar, Mark Smith; Karabout, W. Gomersal; Don Fernand, Sallie Hinckley; Shortboots, Lewis Baker; Mousseline, Mrs. W. Gomersal; D'Jina, the Bird of Paradise, Ida Devere. It had a run of two weeks, and gave place Feb. 1 1 to " The Ticket of Leave Man," cast thus :

Bob Brierly . , . Geo. H. Clarke Green Jones . . , Wm. Gomersal James Dalton .... Wm. Jamison May Edwards . Mrs. Wm. Gomersal Emily St. Evremond

Mrs. Wm. Jamison

Sam Willoughby - . . Mrs. Yeamans Mrs. Willoughby . Marie Wilkins Hawkshaw .... Lewis Baker

Melter Moss H. Bland

Gibson Mark Smith

On Feb. 18, Lady Don, widow of Sir William Don, made her New York debut as Peggy Green, in the farce of that name, and as the Earl of Leicester, in the burlesque, " Kenilworth, or Ye Queene, Ye Earle, and Ye Maydenne." The cast was :

Leicester Lady Don

Tony Chapman

Sir Walter Sadie Cole

Michael Williams

Queen Elizabeth . . . Mark Smith Amy Robsart . . . Mrs. Gomersal

Duke of Sussex . . . Mrs. Yeamans Wayland Smith . . . Lewis Baker

Tressillian James Dunn

Janet Mrs. H. Bland

Varney Gomersal

Giles Newton

Lady Don appeared Feb. 25 as Bella Sunnyside in " The Pretty Horsebreaker," in which she sang " I Love the Merry Sunshine " and "The Hour of Chase; " March 4, Brough's burlesque, " Perseus and Andromeda; " March 11, " Nine Points of the Law," also, " Brother Bob," a sketch written for her. She also acted Miles-na-Coppaleen in " The Colleen Bawn." " London Assurance " was acted matinee March 13, for the benefit of the Southern Relief Fund, and had this cast:


Dazzle . . . Meddle . . . Chas. Courtley Max .... Dolly Spanker

J. K. Mortimer

Lewis Baker

James Dunn

. . T. J. Hind

Wm. Gomersal

Grace Sadie Cole

Pert Marie Wilkins

Lady Gay Lady Don

Sir Harcourt .... Mark Smith

Lady Don had a benefit March 15, when she acted Milly in " The Maid with the Milking Pail," followed by selections of Scotch ballads, illustrated by tableaux vivants, and closing with the burlesque, " Per- seus and Andromeda;" March 18 she acted Kathleen Mavourneen. Lady Emilia Eliza Don, maiden name Emily Saunders, was married Oct. 19, 1857, to Sir William Henry Don, who died at Hobart Town, Tasmania, March 19, 1862. At the close of the season of her debut in this city she returned to England, and became manageress of the Theatre Royal, Nottingham, but was not successful, and played music hall engagements. Her last appearance on the stage was at the Gaiety Music Hall, Edinburgh, Scot. She died in that city of rapid consumption Sept. 20, 1875. Mrs. William Gomersal took a benefit March 25, and presented "The Little Treasure" and " Pocahontas." Florence Noble made her first appearance here March 26; also Richard d'Orsay Ogden, in " The Stranger."

" Jeanie Deans," dramatized from Scott's " Heart of Midlothian," was produced March 27, with this cast :

Jeanie Deans . . Effie Deans . . Queen Caroline . Meg Murdockson Madge Wildfire . Geordie Robertson

. . Rose Eytinge Mrs. W. Gomersal . . Mrs. H. Bland . Mrs. M. Wilkins Annie Yeamans George MetkifF

Duke of Argyle, . Lord Chief Justice Laird o'Dumbiedyk« David Deans . . Daddy Ratcliffe . Reuben ....

Mark Smith . H. Bland W. Gomersal Lewis Baker . T. J. Hind James Dunn

It was acted for two weeks, and was followed April 8 by " Griffith Gaunt," Daniel H. Harkins making his d^but here in the title r6le. On April 12 Mrs. Marie Wilkins took a benefit, and offered " The Love Chase," in which she played Widow Green. Lucie Keeler was Constance; Mark Smith, Sir William Fondlove; Lewis Baker, Wildrake ; and D. H. Harkins, Waller.

Annie Lacoste acted Pauline, in " The Lady of Lyons," April 12, for the benefit of Mark Smith. Humphrey Bland took a benefit April 15, in "The Ticket of Leave Man." With this performance the house closed, but reopened April 22, with " The Sacred Trust, or the Oath on the Battlefield." This proved to be the military drama, " Corporal Cartouche," formerly done at the Winter Garden Theatre. In the cast were : Mark Smith, Lewis Baker, Jas. Dunn, J. L. Gossin, Mr. and Mrs. Gomersal, Lillie Eldridge, Sadie Cole, and others. The farce of " Blondin on the Tight Rope," was also given. Phil Warren, the treasurer, took a benefit April 27, when "Perdita" and " Mr. and Mrs. Peter White " were acted. Mark Smith and Lewis Baker took a benefit April 29, when the house closed and Baker &


Smith's management ended. " Cool as a Cucumber," " Napoleon's Old Guard," and the farce, " Blondin," formed the closing bill.

The Worrell Sisters Sophie, Irene and Jennie then took a lease of this house, which they called "The Worrell Sisters' New York Theatre," and opened it May 6. M. L. Finch was the acting manager ; B. A. Baker, stage manager ; and H. Tissington musical director. The initial programme was " Aladdin " and " Cinderella." Thomas L. Donnelly, Welsh Edwards, James C Dunn, Mrs. Edward Wright and Lizzie Davey (mother of Minnie Maddern) were in the company. " The Elves, or the Statue Bride," and " Cinderella" were acted May 13. "Fra Diavolo"was played May 20. "The Invisible Prince," May 27; "The Elves" and "Aladdin," June 3. A burlesque by John F. Poole, called " Faust," was seen June 10, for the first time, Sophie as Faust; Jennie as Mephisto; Mrs. Annie Yeamans as Rosenkeim ; Thos.L. Donnelly as Marguerite; James C. Dunn as Siebel and Welsh Edwards as Valentine. "Arrah Na Pogue," burlesque, July i. The Worrell Sisters closed their season July 6. A summer season commenced July 8, with Marie Zoe as the star, supported by William H. Leake in " The French Spy."

"Black Sheep," a dramatization by Fred G. Maeder of Edmund Yates' novel of that name, was seen July 1 5, Rose Eytinge as Harriet Routh, Fred Maeder as George Dallas, D. H. Harkins as Stewart Routh, and Charles T. Parsloe, Jr., as Ira Swain. Welsh Edwards and Harry Ryner were also in the cast. It was withdrawn July 25, when Kate Reignolds appeared in " The Wonder " and " Antony and Cleopatra." La Fairee, an infant danseuse, was also seen. "Nobody's Daughter, or the Ballad Singer of Wapping," by Chandos Fulton and Fred G. Maeder, was produced July 29. It was originally called " Diavola." Kate Reignolds assumed ther61es of Jenny Milsom, Lady Eversleigh and Miss Brewer. J. K. Mortimer was engaged for Larkspur. Fred G. Maeder, Welsh Edwards, Jas. C. Dunn, Harry Ryner and Harris (a new comer from Boston) also had parts in the piece.

" Under the Gaslight," by Aug. Daly, was given for the first time on any stage Aug. 12, and had this cast :

Ray Trafford

Judge Bowling Counsellor Splinter Laura Courtlandt Pearl Courtlandt .

A. H. Davenport

Welsh Edwards

James Dunn

. Rose Eytinge

. Blanche Grey

Peachblossom, Mrs. Emma Skerrett Old Judas . . Mrs. Edward Wright Snorkey .... J. K. Mortimer

Byke J. B. Studley

Bermudas . . . . C. T. Parsloe, Jr.

This was the first appearance in New York, in three years, of A. H. Davenport. The sensation of the play was a railroad locomotive scene, wherein a man was bound to the track, and only saved from being run over by a passing train, through the heroism of a woman. Augustin Daly claimed this effort as original, and he owned the patent right to it for America. But it was done in England before


this. It was the great feature of a piece called " The Engineer, or the Life of George Stephenson," produced at the Victoria Theatre, London, in 1865. There was a locomotive, tender and coaches, and a man was run over. The play was a failure, notwithstanding it had all these effects, and the managers, to utilize the " props," had another drama written, and called it " The London Arab." In the London production the curtain drew up in the big scene on a stationary train standing outside a tunnel. Then the youngster who gave the piece its name was seen to crawl along the footboard and open the door of a carriage containing a prisoner and a police officer and his attendant. Escape of the convict, grand chase and struggle follow : capture is almost effected, when behold ! another train darts out of the tun- nel, and, while very conveniently ignoring the handcuffed one, satis- factorily contrives to bisect the unfortunate officer. The subsequent career of these elaborate railway scenes forms a curious morsel of stage history. After doing duty for two English pieces, they were purchased by a French manager, and duly made their appearance in a Porte St. Martin melodrama, specially written for the purpose. "Under the Gaslight" held the boards until Oct. 5. Marie Zee returned Oct. 7, and played " The French Spy " and " The Angel of Midnight " for two weeks. She was supported by John W. Al- baugh. Sen., T. L. Donnelly, Geo. Lingard, and Welsh Edwards. Zee took a benefit Oct. 18, in " Esmeralda," with Albaugh as Claude Frollo, E. D. Lay as Quasimodo, and she closed Oct. 19. Edmond D. Lay died in New York, October 16, 1902, aged 73 years.

Fanny B. Price made her New York debut Oct. 21, in a version of Dr. Mosenthal's " Deborah," entitled " Naomi, the Jewish Maiden." "Fanchon" was produced Oct. 28, and ran until Nov. 8. David Hanchett (her stepfather) made his first appearance in New York after an absence of twelve years, as Father Barbeaud. Miss Price closed Nov. 8. This lady was a niece of William Warren, of Boston. She made her first appearance on the stage as the child in " Pizarro," at Chicago, James E. Murdoch being the Rolla of the occasion. She was married at Houghton, Lake Superior, June 4, 1876, to H. P. Acker, and died Oct. 9, 1897. David Hanchett died in New York, April 20, 1902.

The house was closed Nov. 9 for a rehearsal of " Norwood, or Village Life in New England," a dramatization of Rev. Henry Ward Beecher's novel of that name. It was produced Nov. 10, with this cast:

Barton Cathcart . . . G. H. Clarke Deacon Marble . . . Geo. Lingard

Hiram Beers H. Ryner

Tommy Taft . . . . S. W. Glenn Tom Heywood . . . . S. B. Villa Frank Esel Mr. Reed

Mr. Turfmould . . T. L. Donnelly Judge Bacon .... Mr. Corrister Deacon Wentworth . . . Mr. Hurley The Boy from Hardscrabble

Jennie Worrell Peter SawmiU . . Welsh Edwards




Rose Wentworth . Sophie Worrell Alice Cathcart . . . Irene Worrell Lieut. Banks .... Mr. Sullivan

O'MuUigan Mr. Neal

Willie Maud

Cherub . . . Agate Bissell . Polly Marble . Mother Taft . Mother Blakely

. . Miss Villa

Celia Logan

Mrs. Ed. Wright

Miss Wakeman

. . Miss Dunn

"Under the Gaslight" was revived Dec. 5, Mortimer and Parsloe playing their original parts with George H. Clarke as Ray Trafford and Welsh Edwards as Byke. Irene Worrell was the Laura, Sophie Worrell, Pearl, and Jennie Worrell, Peachblossom. The one-hun- dredth performance took place Jan. 13, 1868.

" Pickwick Papers," dramatized by Aug. Daly, was produced Jan. 22 with this cast :

Alfred Jingle . . Nathaniel Winkle The Sleepy Judge Sam Weller . . Tracy Tupman . Mr. Pickwick . . Bob Sawyer . . Ben Allen . . .

J. K. Mortimer

William Carleton

- . . G. Lingard

C. T., Parsloe, Jr.

Chas. Peters

, . H. C. Ryner

. G. H. Clarke

T. L. Donnelly

Tony Weller . Mr. Nupkins . Mary . . . Arabella Allen Mrs. Bardell . Mrs. Cluppins Aunt Rachel .

. . E. Varrey W. H. Collings Jennie Worrell Celia Logan Mrs. E. Wright Mrs. H. Bland Mrs. H. Ryner

This was the first appearance here of William Carleton. Mr. Carleton committed suicide Tuesday, Aug. 18, 1885, in this city, by asphyxiation. He had been suffering from an attack of gastritis. His remains were interred in the cemetery of the Evergreens. " Pickwick Papers " continued until Jan. 29, when " Under the Gaslight " was given on alternate nights. M. L. Finch, the manager of the house, took a benefit Jan. 31, when, in addition to " Under the Gaslight" (one hundred and thirteenth time), Thomas, Frederick and Edward Hanlon did their triple trapeze act. " The Pickwick Papers " was the attraction the week of Feb. 3.

" The Streets of New York " was revived Feb. 10, with John K. Mortimer as Badger, Chas. T. Parsloe, Jr., as Bob, Geo. Clarke as Paul, and Irene Worrell as Lucy. Kate Reignolds reappeared Feb. 24 in " Nobody's Daughter," G. C. Boniface as Black Milsom, G. H. Clarke, Victor Carrington; W. Carleton, Dennis Weyman; Geo. Lingard, Reginald; Mr. Collings, Cobblestone; Harry Ryner, Sir Oswald ; and J. K. Mortimer as Larkspur. On March 16, a drama called " Light at Last," by Thomas Fitzgerald, of Philadelphia, was played for the first time in New York and had this cast :

Robert King . Ruth Fairlawn Dennis . . .

G. C. Boniface

Celia Logan

. Harry Hawk

Catharine Fairlawn . Kate Reignolds Mrs. Millstone . . Emma Lingard Squire Edward Fairlawn, H. C. Ryner John Wilkins Millstone, G. H. Clarke

"Camille" was played March 23, with Kate Reignolds as the heroine, Geo. Boniface as de Varville, and George Clarke as Armand. J. S. Schell, scenic artist, and John Denham, machinist, took

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a benefit March 30, when W. L. Jamison acted Wool in " The Hidden Hand." The farce," No," was also played. Geo. Clarke took his benefit March 31, with "Light at Last,^' and Fanny Mor- gan Phelps acted Anne Bracegirdle in " An Actress by Daylight." Geo. W. Thompson was seen as John Schmidt in " The Persecuted Dutchman," and Josie Harmon (her first appearance at this theatre), as Mary, in " The Little Sentinel," for Harry Ryner's benefit, April 1. For Geo. C.Boniface's benefit,April2,he acted Hamlet, with Ida Vernon as the Queen and Emma Lingard as Ophelia. M. W. Leffingwell played Romeo Jaffier Jenkins, in " Too Much for Good Nature," and John K. Mortimer was Bagshort, in " A Bull in a China Shop," for H. Tissington's benefit April 3.

The house closed April 6,for one week, for alterations, and reopened April 13 with Molyneaux St. John's adaptation of "La Belle H^ISne," called " Paris and Helen," for the first time in English in America. The Worrell Sisters appeared as Helen, Paris and Orestes. Leffingwell appeared as Romeo Jaffier Jenkins April 27. "Paris and Helen" was withdrawn June 17 for "The Grand Duchess of Gerolstcin," for the first time in this city in English. The version used was by Ben A. Baker, the stage manager. Sophie Worrell acted the Grand Duchess, Irene was the Wanda, Jennie the Prince Paul, Welsh Edwards the General Boum and James C. Dunn the Fritz. The season closed July 18. Ben Baker took a benefit July 23, when, besides other entertainments " Guy Mannering" was acted by John Nunan, Mrs. Sedley Brown, Mme. Ponisi, Louisa Eldridge, Lillie Eldridgc, Bella and Agnes Wallace, T. L. Donnelly, Frank S. Evans, J. J. Wallace, J. C Dunn, Welsh Edwards and S. B. Villa. Hogan and Hughes, song and dance men, were among the volunteers. " Betsy Baker " was also acted. The Worrell Sisters then retired from the management, and the house was closed until Aug. 3, when it was reopened as the "New Yokk Theatre." Mr. Alvin Lloyd was the new manager of this theatre, and was assisted by D. H. Harkins. The initial performance was " F'oul Play," dramatized from Chas. Reade and Boucicault's novel of that name, seen for the first time on the American stage and with this cast:

Arthur Wardlaw Michael Penfold Helen RoUeston Robert Penfold Joe Wylle . . Gen. Rollcgton John Wardlaw

McKce Rankin . Wcl»h Edwardd Louisa Hawthorne . D. H. Harking . . J. B. Studlcy . . J. G, Burnett . . M. Lanagan

Capt. Hud«on .... Wm. Harrii

Dawkins F. G, Maeder

Carbuncle Geo, Lingard

Welsh .... Edward Chajsman Nancy Rou«e .... Mary Welli Sarah Wilson .... Jane Fisher

In consequence of some difficulty between Harkins and Lloyd, the house was closed from Aug. 19 to 24, when it was reopened with " Foul Play," J. K. Mortimer as Robert Penfold, Mrs. Harry Watkin»


as Helen Rolleston, Hattie Hamilton as Nancy, William Harris as Hudson, J. B. Studley as Wylie. Edward L. Tilton, Claude Hamil- ton, Fred Chippendale, Charles Foster and Lizzie Edwards were also in the cast. " Foul Play " ran for nine weeks, and was withdrawn Oct. 5 for " Out of the Streets," by Chas. Gayler with Henrietta Irving, Rachel Denvil, Ella Chapman, Kate Ryner, Misses Harner, Mortimer, Johnson, Mrs. Reeves, Charles Foster, Frank C. Bangs, Edward Coleman, Chas. T. Parsloe, Jr., J. B. Studley, Edwin F. Thorne, Edward L. Tilton, Harry Ryner, William Hamblin and Charles Edmonds in the cast.

After considerable litigation, the Worrell Sisters regained posses- sion of this house, and reopened it Nov. 4, giving it their own name. Their first attraction was " Under the Gaslight," with Fred B. Con- way as Byke, Mrs. F. B. Conway as Laura, J. K. Mortimer as Snorkey, Viola Crocker as Peachblossom, Chas. T. Parsloe, Jr., as Bermudas, Rose Shewell as Pearl. James C. Dunn, John Leslie Gossin, Harry Ryner, Jenny Gilmore, Mrs. Edward Wright and Sadie Cole also appeared.

Mrs. Scott-Siddons made her New York ddbut as an actress Nov. 30, as Rosalind in "As You Like It;" she repeated it Dec. i and matinee, Dec. 5 ; "Romeo and Juliet" was given Dec. 2-5 ; "The School for Scandal," Dec. 3; "The Hunchback," Dec. 7-10; "Much Ado About Nothing," Dec. 8-12; "As You Like It ," Dec. 9; "King Rene's Daughter" and "The Taming of the Shrew," Dec. 11 and matinee, Dec. 12. She was supported by J. K. Mortimer, D. H. Harkins, C. K. Mason, J. C. Dunn, William Davidge, T. J. Hind and Blanche Grey. On Dec. 14 the prices of admission were changed to ^i, 75 cts., 50 cts., and 30 cts. A burlesque on " Barbe Bleue " was produced Dec. 14, with Sophie Worrell as Barbe Bleue ; Irene, Hermia ; Jennie, Boulotte ; C. H. Morton, Popolani ; Fanny Prestige, Prince Saphir; E. Chapman, Alvarez; Mrs. Wright, the Queen, and George Lingard, King Bobeche. " La Belle Helene " was given in addition to " Barbe Bleue " Dec. 28.

On Jan. 4, 1869, " The Field of the Cloth of Gold " was presented with Sophie Worrell as Earl Darnley ; Jennie, the Duke of Suffolk ; C. Morton, Henry VIII ; Geo. Lingard, Francis I; Rendle, Sir Guy; Mrs. Wright, Queen Katherine ; Agnes Wallace, Anne Boleyn, and Jenny Gilmore, Rose de la Tour.

Feb. I McKean Buchanan and his daughter, Virginia, appeared in " The Plebeian's Daughter, or A Father's Vengeance," written for them by Henry Morford. Mr. Buchanan acted Oden and his daughter Hilda. It was followed Feb. 4, 5, 6 by "Richelieu." "Richard III" was played Feb. 8, 9; "Hamlet," Feb. 10, 11, matinee, Feb. 13 ; " Othello," Feb. 12, I3 ; " London Assurance," Feb. 17, 18 ; "Used Up "and "The Merchant of Venice," Feb. 15, 16; "The Robbers," Feb. 19 and matinee, Feb. 20. On Saturday evening,


Feb. 20, Neil Warner, an Australian actor, made his American d^but as Othello, Buchanan as lago and Virginia Buchanan as Desdemona. "The Lady of Lyons" was seen Feb. 22; "Hamlet," 23, 25; " Othello," Feb. 24, and the season closed Feb. 25. This was the first appearance in New York of McKean Buchanan in twenty years, he having last acted here at the Old Broadway Theatre in 1849.

This house was reopened March 10, under the direction of M. L. Finch for the first appearance of Henry Moesinger, announced as a German-American actor. " Hinko, or the King and the Executioner," was acted. J. B. Studley, Harry Ryner, H. Williams, Marie Wilkins, Sallie Hunter and Mary Everett were in the cast. It was a trashy affair, and after three performances the house was closed, and remained dark until Dec. 6, 1869, when it was reopened by a company of French actors for two weeks. Mme. Gueretti, Mme. Bertrand, Mme, Daire, Mile. Ratou, MM. Edgard, Genot and Briol were in the party. Two weeks were sufficient for them after which the house closed Dec. 18. It was next leased by Sandy Spencer, who made extensive alterations in the building. A large portion of the stone tower was taken down, while the remaining portion was concealed under an ornamental wooden fagade. The house was now christened "The Globe Theatre" and reopened Oct. 3, 1870.

Josh Hart was the acting and stage manager. A variety enter- tainment was the first attraction given by the following company : Lisa Weber, Betty Rigl (danseuse), Mile. Denier, Bertha, Julia San- ford, Sallie Maddox (afterwards Mrs. Josh Hart, who died in this city May 22, 1880), Eloise Clyde, Agnes Sutherland, John Hall, Andy McKee, Add Ryman, Hughey Dougherty, Master Barney, Chas. Vivian and Mons. Caron and sons. The burlesque, " Ernani," was given on the opening night. Sandy Spencer subsequently with- drew from the management, and Josh Hart took his place. This was the first appearance in New York, in two years, of Mr. Hart. Edward Harrigan and Sam Rickey appeared Nov. 21 for the first time.

The " Walhalla troupe" appeared Jan. 23, 1871, and on the same evening " New York as It Was and Is " was seen with Josh Hart as Mose. Delehanty and Hengler came here Feb. 13. The Walhalla troupe closed a four weeks' stay Feb. 18. The De Lave family. Prof. Nelson and sons, and a drama, " After the War, or the Old Plantation," with John Hart as Uncle Antony, Josh Hart as the ex-Confederate and Bessie Sudlow as Laura, formed the attraction Feb. 20. Orville Parkes, mimic, appeared Feb. 27, which was also the first hearing of the drama, " Day and Night," with William Whalley in the leading r61e. Jerry Cohan, with his performing dogs, com- menced March 6. " Day and Night " was repeated March 27, with Josh Hart as Jim Nassau and W. H. Whalley as Daddy Grey. Johnny Tuers, champion big shoe dancer, first appeared in this city April 3.


The Kiralfy family Itnre, Bolossy, Haniola, Emilie and Kathie appeared March 10, in the ballet pantomime, " The Pearl of Tokay." Marie Boniface was added to the company March 17. Gus Williams was heard May 15, in comic songs, followed May 22 by Robert Nickle, prestidigitateur. The season closed May 27. The house reopened for a benefit to Add Ryman and John Hart, afternoon and evening June 3, when Hart, Ryman and master Barney's minstrels appeared, prior to their summer travelling tour. On June 5, E. T. Stetson came with "Neck and Neck," and Leslie Gossin, Harold Fosberg, Kate Meek, Loduski Young and Edward Locke in his support.

Edward Eddy was the next manager of this theatre. He appeared June 26 in " The Police Spy ; " July i (matinee), he acted Badger in "The Streets of New York; " evening, "Nick of the Woods" and " His Last Legs ; " July 3, 4, " The Corsican Brothers " and " The Avenger ; " matinee, July 4, " Nick of the Woods " and " The Avenger; " matinee, July S, "The Corsican Brothers; " evening July 5, J. J. McCloskey's drama, " Tramps ; " Mr. Eddy withdrew from the theatre on the 6th. " The Ticket of Leave Man" was acted mati- nee, July 8. Lizette Bernard was seen July 10 in " Oriana," assum- ing three characters. Kate Raymond came here July 17 in " Mazeppa," and continued one week. The house closed July 22, and reopened Aug. 21, with a variety company and continued until Oct. 4. John Stetson assumed the management Oct. 16. Harrigan and Hart and Adah Richmond appeared in burlesque, and a specialty company was engaged, but Mr. Stetson withdrew Oct. 28. Sam Ryan and Van Voorst took the house Oct. 30 and gave a variety show, but retired Nov. 2, leaving the company to fill out the week. J. H. Milburn and J. G. Ford made their American debut during Ryan & Co.'s management. Harry Cunningham assumed the man- agement Nov. 13, opening in "Bertha, the Sewing Machine Girl." Miss Ellis, known as " Sappho " (daughter of Wayne Ellis), appeared Nov. 20, in Brough's burlesque, " Prince Amabel." A minstrel company occupied the stage week of Nov. 27.

This theatre was opened by James M. Nixon Dec. 18 and called "Nixon's Amphitheatre." He put a ring upon the stage and gave a series of equestrian entertainments until Jan. 6, 1872, when he closed. The company consisted of James, Frank, George and Alex Melville, Henry Welby Cook, George Adams, Mme. de Berg ; Nat Austin and W. Herbert Williams, clowns ; Frank Whittaker, ring- master ; James M. Nixon, equestrian director ; Leona Dare, trapeze performer (her first appearance in New York); William Worrell, character clown, and Frangois Siegrest. "Cinderella" was the at- traction Feb. I, 1872.

William B. Freligh was the next lessee. He opened Feb. 5, with Charles Petrie as the star, in " Pedestin, or Cute the Reliable." Several


members of the Bowery Theatre company were in the cast, including Mrs. W. G. Jones, Polly Booth and Mrs. Connolly. But one week satisfied Mr. Freligh, as he closed the house Feb. 10, and published the following card : " In vindication of myself, I desire to say that I have been thus prematurely compelled to close this establishment in con- sequence of the various parties who assert their right of proprietor- ship to the building, and threaten me with injunction if I attempt to continue." It was reopened April 7, by Jean Burnside, as " The Broadway Theatre."

Miss Burnside spent $800 in refitting the house. " Gold," a melo- drama by herself and R. G. Morris, was the initial performance and had this cast :

Grace Jean Burnside

Bertie Laura Thorpe

Addie Hattie Thorpe

Harry Selden . . . . J. W. Thorpe

Mog L. W. Sherlock

Jule Annie Marshall

Ah Sin F. Oliver

Dealer in Faro J. Baker

Charles Torrence . Jas. H. Taylor

John Blessington . . D. E. Ralton

Polly Ivan Michels

Mary Mrs. D. E. Ralton

Phoebe Mattie Mitchell

Miss Pell Miss Gushing

Arthur H. W. Walker

Tom Thos. Walker

Larry W. C. Butler

The house was closed April 13, and remained without a manager until opened by Aug. Daly. The destruction by fire of the Fifth Avenue Theatre, in West Twenty-fourth Street, Jan. i, 1873, caused Manager Daly to lease this house. He refitted it in a sumptuous manner, and opened it under the title of " Daly's P'ifth Avenue Theatre."

The building was practically rebuilt and almost reshaped from the back wall to front door, within sixteen working days. The initial performance Jan. 21, was "Alixe," then acted for the first time in this country. It had this cast :

Duke de Mirondol . Marquis de Ceseranne Count de Somerine . Marquis de Ceseranne

Louis James . Jas. Lewis Chas. Fisher

Henry de Kerdrau

Fanny Davenport Geo. Clarke

Claudine .... Nellie Mortimer Mme. Valory . . . Fanny Morant Valentine . . . . W. H. Beekman

Joseph J. H. Burnett

Alixe Clara Morris

Lucienne Linda Dietz

" New Year's Eve " was played March 18, 20, 22 ; "Alixe," March 17, 19, 21, 24, 26, 28, " New Year's Eve," March 25, 27, 29, and all the week of March 31, except April 3, and matinee April 5, when " Alixe " was acted for the last time.

" Old Heads and Young Hearts " was presented April 8, 9, 11, 12, and had this cast :




Lady Alice Lady Pompion Earl Pompion . Lord Roebuck Littleton Coke Kate Racket . Tom Coke . .

. Fanny Davenport Mrs. G. H. Gilbert Geo. F. Devere B. T. Ringgold Geo. Clarke Linda Dietz Louis James

Col. Racket . . . David Whiting Jesse Rural ... G. H. Griffiths

William W. H. Beekman

Bob James Lewis

Stripe John A. Mackay

Russell C. Carroll

" New Year's Eve " and " Alixe " was the bill April 14, followed April 15 by A. R. Cazaraun's play of "Divorce." It was acted May 19 for the last time, for the benefit of Mr. Davidge.

" Madelein Morel " was acted May 20.

Julian Geo. Clarke

Frederic Louis James

Baron Henry Crisp

Riedel Emma Pierce

Lord Durley . . . W. J. Lemoyne

The Abbd Chas. Fisher

Blasmitz James Lewis

Pervenche Clara Morris

Mme. Wilhelmina . Nellie Mortimer

Margaretta . Stobel . . The Beadle Countess Lotta . . Marguerite . Merope . . Phoebe . . Martha . .

Mrs. G. H. Gilbert

. Frank Chapman

. . J. H. Burnett

Fanny Morant

. . Sara Jewett

. . Nina Varian

Fanny Davenport

Rosa St. Clair

Roberta Norwood

The season terminated June 28 with " Madelein Morel," and for the benefit of Joseph H. Tooker, business manager and Aaron Appleton, treasurer. The house was reopened by Mr. Daly Aug. 25. When Mr. Daly, reopened this house he changed its name once more and called it " Daly's Broadway Theatre." The first attrac- tion was Marie Aimee's Opera Bouffe company appearing in " La Fille de Mme. Angot," sung for the first time in America. The organization was under the management of C. A. Chizzola, and con- sisted of Marie Aimee, Rosine Stano, Marie Roland, Miles. Juteau, Cantrille, Gerzey, ViUiers Vandame, Marie Nardin, Deschamps, Benetti, Julien, Perraut and Nardin, MM. Emile Juteau, Duchesne, Lecuver, Eugene Duplan, Julian Deschamps, Benedick, Nardin, JuHen Salvator, Bray, Perraut and Davalis. " La Grande Duchesse" was given Sept. 15, 16, 19, matinee, Sept. 20, and 24; "La Peri- chole," Sept. 17, 18, 20, matinee, Sept. 27; "La Fille de Mme. Angot," Sept. 22, 23, 25, 27.

The dramatic season opened Sept. 29, with James W. Morrissey, treasurer; Joseph H. Tooker, business manager; Geo. F. Devere, stage manager. Bertie Vyse's comedy, " About Town," was acted for the first time in America, and had this cast :

Violet Minnie Walton

Lady Angelina .... Mary Carr Sir Walter .... M. A. Kennedy Charles D'Orsay Ogden

Salmon . Florence Jenny Dixon .

. Martin Golden Adelaide Lennox

. Cora Cassiday Geo. H. Griffiths

This was the first appearance in this theatre of Minnie Walton, who died at San Francisco, Cal. , July i, 1879. She was the wife of Fred Lyster. Her first appearance in America was made Oct. 17,


1868, at Maguire's Opera House, San Francisco, Cal., as Eily O'Conner in "The Colleen Bawn." She first appeared in New York Nov. 14, 1870, with the Lydla Thompson company at Wood's Museum (now Daly's Theatre), acting Venus in " Paris, or the Apple of Discord," and was seen at the Grand Opera House in this city, in " A Flash of Lightning."

Joseph K. Emmet, Sen., made his first appearance since his return from England Oct. 6, in a drama written for him by H. J. Byron, called " Max, or the Merry Swiss Boy," which had this cast :

Max . . Rockleigh Graham Bruno . Berthold Little Yosie Carline . . Schlopphausen

. J. K. Emmet

. G. F. Devere

. Geo. Griffiths

D'Orsay Ogden

Martin Golden

. Carrie Boshell

Minnie Walton

Jas. G. Peakes

Minna Miss E. Wood

Lieut. Herman . . . Geo. Gilbert

Hans Geo. E. Sands

Julius Frank Curtis

Ian Jones

Barbette Annie Deland

Amy Rosa St. Clair

" Fritz, Our Cousin German," was played Oct. 22. " Under the Gaslight " was revived Nov. 3, with this cast :

Ray TrafEord .... Jas. Peakes Pearl Courtlandt . . . Bella Golden

Demilt Geo. Gilbert Peachblossom . . Minnie Walton

Windel lUion Deveau Mrs. Van Dam . . Miss E. Wood

Byke Geo. Griffiths Bermudas Frank Curtis

Snorkey D. H. Harkins Peanuts Sadie Vivian

Justice Bowling . . . Jas. Taylor Sam J. J. Leonard

Counsellor .... D'Orsay Ogden Raflferdi .... Martin Golden

The Signal Man . . . John Jennings Old Judas Mrs. Yeamans

Laura Courtlandt . . Marie Gordon

" The Actress of Padua " was played in addition to " Under the Gaslight " Nov. 8, when Virginia Vaughan first appeared on the stage, acting Thisbe.

The " New Magdalen " was presented Nov. 10, with Carlotta Leclercq as Mercy Merrick; H. H. Wood (first appearance here), James Taylor, D'Orsay Ogden, Mary Carr and Bella Golden were also in the cast.

William Horace Lingard, Alice Dunning Lingard and Dickie Lingard opened Dec. i in "A Life's Dream." Mr. Lingard also did his sketches. " Diane," an adaptation of Dumas' comedy, was seen Dec. 9. The Lingards closed Dec. 13, and were followed Dec. 15 by Wybert Reeve, who made his American debut in "The Woman in White," which had this cast :

Count Fosco Sir Percival Walter . . Prof. Pesca The Matron


. Wybert Reeve Chas. J. Fyffe . Fred Maeder . Martin Golden Sidney Wilkins

Mme. Fosco .... Bella Golden

Mrs. Petherick . . . Miss Preston

Laura Helen Tracy

Marian Ida Vernon

The season closed Dec. 27, and Mr. Daly retired from the theatre.





STILL another name was given to this house when it reopened April 6, 1874, as " Fox's Broadway Theatre." G. A. Swalm was proprietor, Geo. H. Tyler acting manager and George L. Fox the principal feature. " Humpty Dumpty at Home " was produced with a prologue by Fred Lyster. It had this cast :

Humpty Dumpty . . . Geo. L. Fox Tommy Tucker . . C. Winter Ravel Goody Two Shoes . Louise Boshell Manahatta . . Marguerite Chambers Grandeur Dignity, C. T. Parsloe, Jr. Dr. Nitrous . . . W. H. Hamilton

Old One Two C. K. Fox

Peeler Coo A. G. Enos

Creamfaceloon . . . . G. Topack

Creamly Sophie Ravel

Bessie Minnie Parker

Aurora Ida Yearance

Nellie Daniels, Etta Morgan, Agnes Stanly, the Spaulding Swiss bellringers, including Georgie Dean Spaulding, harpist; Louise Boshell, the Orrin Bros., Mile. Sand, female gymnast ; Mile. Augusta La Bella, danseuse ; Mile. Venerini, Italian danseuse (first appear- ance in America) ; Prof. O'Reardon, tumbleronicon, and Prof. J. L. Davis and his trained dogs were the specialties. After a very brief season Mr. Swalm proved his claim to the title of " backer," by back- ing out and disappearing from the theatre. Geo. L. Fox, tried to keep faith with the public, but was compelled to succumb to adver- sity. The season closed May 16.

Charles Kemble Fox died in this city Jan. 17, 1875. His first performance in New York was July 18, 1853, as Gumption Cute, in " Uncle Tom's Cabin," at Purdy's National Theatre. His last appear- ance was at this theatre May 16, 1874, as the Pantaloon. He was considered to be the best Pantaloon on the American stage. He was married twice, first to the lady afterwards known as Mary Fiske, ("The Giddy Gusher," who died Feb. 4, 1889), and afterwards to the divorced wife of W. T. Dulaney.


ONCE again this house received a new title, when on August 3, 1874, it was reopened as " The Globe Theatre." Robert W. Butler was the manager and he presented a specialty company : Josephine de Rosa, danseuse; Phillis Glover, vocalist ; Alex. Davis, ventriloquist; John Hart, Bob Hart, Billy Courtright, Nelse Sey- mour, Geo. F. Ketchum, John Queen, J. P. Kilbourn, Billy West, Hugh Fay, George F. Macdonald, the Snow Brothers, Susie Starr and Mons. Grossi. The house closed Sept. 17.

The next managers were Jas. Campbell and Frank Murtha, who began a season Nov. 2, with a variety company, including Adah


Richmond, Jennie Worrell, Jennie Hughes, Winnetta Montague, Cora Adriana, the Weston Sisters, Nellie Young, Alice Daly, Harry Kernell, Harry Richmond, Barney McNulty, Andy Garland, Wm. Harris (now of the firm of Rich and Harris), Billy Garroll, Dick Sands, Erwin Thomas, and John Woodward.

James M. Ward and Winnetta Montague appeared here Dec. 21 in " Unmasked, or the Lone House on the Hook." E. T. Stetson came Dec. 24 with "Neck and Neck." Old Times Minstrelsy was the attraction Jan. 4, 1875, with a variety performance in which Harry Kernell, Harry Richmond, George Atkins, Waldron and Smith, Viola Clifton, Winnetta Montague, Adah Richmond, Jennie Hughes, Ned Fox, Walter Bray and William Devere appeared.

The next manager was Charles Shay, who took charge of the house Jan. 25, and presented his Quincuplexal troupe of variety artists. He closed Feb. 12. The house was reopened Aug. 2$ by Robert Butler, with a variety show, but he closed Sept. 11. The house was reopened Oct. 25. Tallmadge & Scofield were an- nounced as proprietors ; Robert W. Butler and C. W. Shafer as managers. The general admission was 25 cts. ; family circle, 15 cts. ; parquet 50 cts. ; reserved seats, 75 cts. Denman Thompson appeared here April 3, 1876 as Uncle Josh in " Joshua Whitcomb." Leonora Bradley was his chief support. Mr. Thompson continued for two weeks. On May 22, " Peep O' Day " was presented with Geo. F. Ketchum and Leonora Bradley in the cast. Mr. Butler's management terminated June 17, 1876. The theatre was leased by Robert Heller, the magician, who named the house " Heller's Won- der Theatre" and opened Nov. 15 and continued until May 31, 1877. The next manager was Charles E. Newton with Charles Warwick as stage director. " Unknown," by John A. Stevens, opened June 2 first time in this city. J. A. Stevens, R. C. White, G. W. Wessells, Lewis Baker, Chas. Foster, Nina Varian, Alice Newton, and Kate Livingston were in the cast.

George Wood opened the house July 30, as " Wood's Theatre," with Denman Thompson as the attraction, supported by May Nunez, Julia Wilson, Julie Coventry, Louise Dickson, Mrs. Dan Nourse, Mrs. Lew Barker, J. J. Wallace, Louis Mestayer, W. H. Fitzgerald, Geo. C. Charles, Harry Clifton, P. E. Sullivan and A. Cline. " Uncle Tom's Cabin" was given Aug. 13, with Laura Alberta as Topsy, Louis J. Mestayer as Uncle Tom and Leila Granger as Eva. Sawyer's jubilee singers appeared in the play. " The Two Orphans " was presented Aug. 20, with Laura Alberta as Louise and Alice Harrison as Henriette. George Wood retired August 22. The next lessee was Andrew Bleakley, who opened it Sept. 10 as " Neil Bryant's Opera House " and closed Dec. 8.

Once more was the name of this house changed when on Dec. 24 it was reopened as the " National Theatre."




Harry Watkins' successful drama, "Trodden Down, or Under Two Flags," was done for four weeks, commencing Jan. 7, 1878. Harry Watkins acted Fergus McCarthy, Welsh Edwards was Lord Desmond, Charles Webster as Dennis, Rose Watkins in the dual r81e, Mary and Blanche ; Amy Lee as Nell and Dora Stuart as Lady Desmond. " Trodden Down " was played until Jan. 30. A new local drama by Harry Watkins, entitled "Dick Drift, a Son of the Streets," was acted Jan. 31 for the first time. The cast:

Dick Drift . . Julian Stumer Hugh . . . Alice Stumer . Becky Fickle . London Bill . Judge Sturner Gilbert Blotter

Harry Watkins

G. Waite

A. C. Noyes

Kate Firmin

Dora Stuart

. J. J. Prior

Welsh Edwards

D. M. Murray

Miles Henley ... W. T. Dulaney Mme. Castile . . Annie von Behren

Jim Swipes C. Howard

Capt. Manton ... T. Hamblin

Rigor C. H. Kingsley

Pinchon R. Boothby

Mary Walton .... Rose Watkins Eve Walton Amy Lee

Mr. Watkins was born in New York, Jan. 14, 1825, and first appeared on the stage at Fort Snelling, Minn., as Jaffier in " Venice Preserved." He had enlisted in the army as a fifer, at fourteen years of age, and it was at Fort Snelling he was stationed, and where a dramatic club was formed. As there were no women in the camp, Watkins played the female r61es, and was seen as Ophelia, Desdemona, Pauline, and other heroines. He first acted in New York June 14, 1850, at the Chatham Theatre, as Edward Middleton in the " Drunkard," that being the first performance of that play in New York. In i860 he married Mrs. Charles Howard, and after a two years' starring tour of the United States, he visited England, and appeared at the Lyceum Theatre, London, in " The Pioneer Patriot." He remained abroad for three years, when, becoming possessed of Pepper's Ghost sensation, he returned home, and in August, 1863, first introduced his ghostship to the American public at Wallack's Theatre (Broadway and Thirteenth), during the sum- mer. His last appearance on the stage was Sept. 23, 1893, at the Girard Avenue Theatre, Philadelphia, as Fergus McCarthy in his own play, "Trodden Down, or Under Two Flags." He died in New York of apoplexy, Feb. 5, 1894, and was interred in the Actors' Fund plot in Evergreen cemetery. He was the author of many plays ; among them are : " Heart of the World," " Nature's Nobleman, or The Ship Carpenter of New York " (this play won the prize of ^1,000 for the best original American drama; it was subsequently changed to " Our Country's Sinews"), "Early Closing, or Clerks versus Merchants," " Where 's My Wife .' " " The Lawyer's Secret, or False and True Blood," " Victimizing," " Pioneer Patriot," " Bride of an Evening," " Jessie Wharton, or the Boy Martyrs of 1814," "A Game of Chess, or the Queen's First Move," "The Hidden Hand," " Harry Burnham, the Young Continental," " Quack


Martyr, or a Dyspeptic in Search of a Cure," with the title of " Laugh and Grow Fat," " Molly Bawn," " Wealth and its Tempta- tions," "Quicksands and Whirlpools," "As the Twig Is Bent," " It Takes Two to Quarrel," " A Cup of Tea," " Queen of the Brig- ands," " Mated Not Matched," " Cassy the Quadroon," " Right at Last," " True to the Last," " Love's Triumph," " Not Dead Yet," " Griffith Gaunt," " Dinorah, or the Demon's Treasure," " Diavolo, or Nobody's Daughter," " Norah the Pride of Kildare," " Foul Play," "New York After Dark," "Rebel's Doom," " Caught at Last," " Set in Gold, or the One Bright Spot," " Katey Darling," "Warrior's Wife," "How She Cured Him," "Norah O'Neal," "His Worst Enemy," " New Magdalen," " Our Daisy, or Only a Woman's Heart," "Temptation," and "A Race for Love."

" Dick Drift " was acted at this theatre until Monday evening, Feb. 25, 1878, when "Kathleen Mavourneen, or St. Patrick's Eve," was presented, with Rose and Harry Watkins as the stars, for two weeks. Marian Mordaunt was the next star, appearing March 10, in " The Workmen of New York." This actress began a second week in " Our Girl," March 17, but the house was kept open only a few nights. It was reopened March 26, with a comedy called " Remorse," with Wallace Grant the star, as Roscoe Clarendon. Grace Hall was in the cast. Five evenings was enough " Remorse " for manager and public.

The house reopened Sept. 9, 1878, for a fortnight, as " The Globe Theatre." Macallister, the magician, with a gift show, was the attraction, and Harry Weston was the manager.

Frank B. Murtha reopened the house, Saturday evening, Dec. 14, with " Only a Farmer's Daughter," produced for the first time in this city, and with this cast :

Justine Lillie Eldridge

Nance Aggie Wood

Mother Stark .... Mme. Michels

Nellie Hattie Naylor

Farmer Marion . . F. Chippendale

Sammy Green Harold Lennox Mme. Laurent Higgins . . . Joe Bates . .

E. W. Marston J. Leslie Gossin . . Laura Don . Archie Boyd . J. F. Dumont

This play ran until Jan. 6, 1879, when the Foy Sisters, Bertha and Ida, appeared in " Mischief," with W. Lytell, Florence Ellis, and Harry Allen in the cast. It was preceded by " Le Chalet, or Home from the War." John A. Stevens came Jan. 20, in "Un- known." In the cast were Wm. H. Bailey, Chas. Norris, Harry Colton, Frank Jamison, George F. Ketchum, Lottie Church, Angle Griffiths, Ada Ward, and Louise Oilman. It was acted for five weeks. " Nanette Labarre " was a melodrama by Chas. E. Newton, founded on the French commune, and presented for the first time at the raatinde Feb. 15. Florence Ellis, Walter Edmonds, E. D. Tannehill, J. L. Mason, J. Mulligan, H. Clausen, Jennie Ross and




Bessie Clifton were in the cast. On March 3 Miss Dickie Lingard appeared in " La Cigale." After being closed for three weeks, this house was reopened for one week on April 14, with Rose and Harry Watkins in " Trodden Down, or Under Two Flags," and the receipts, less the expenses, for the week, were given to Archbishop Purcell. A colored company appeared here April 28, in " Pinafore." They closed May 10. This house was reopened Oct. 20, 1879, by Lewis B. Lent, as " The New York Circus," with equestrian performances, which were continued until Dec. 4. During the same month the house was reopened as " The Broadway Novelty Theatre," with Prof. Nelson and J. Z. Little as the managers. "Nuggets, or Lost and Won," was interpreted by a dramatic company, and acrobatic feats were done by Prof. Nelson and sons. It kept open only a few nights. The house was unoccupied until leased by Edward Harrigan and Tony Hart, who made it one of the handsomest theatres in the city.


FOR the last time in its history the name of this house was changed and on Oct. 29, 1881, it was opened as 'The New Theatre Comique." The initial production was Harrigan's play, " The Major." Harrigan and Hart were the proprietors ; John E. Cannon, manager; William Harrigan, treasurer; Ed. Harrigan, stage director; George L. Stout, prompter; and David Braham, musical director. " The Major " had this cast :

Major Gilfeather Policeman Phineas Granville Spotem . Percival John Murphy Phadrig Murphy

. . E. Harrigan Eugene O'Rourke . John Wild . Ed. Burt Harry Fisher M. F. Drew John Queen M. Bradley

Caleb Wm. Gray

Grab Jas. Tierney

Henry Huxley .... Wm. West

Ephraim Fred Queen

Burnside Emil Huser

Arabella Annie Mack

Henrietta .... Gertie Granville Bridget Mary Bird

Ed. Mack is the correct name of Ed. Burt. Matin6es were given Tuesday and Friday. The one hundredth performance of " The Major," occurred Nov. 25, 1881, and it ran until Jan. 9, 1882, when " Squatter Sovereignty " had its initial performance.

Felix Mclntire . . . Ed. Harrigan Geo. Parker . . Maurice F. Drew Darwin Dauber .... John Wild Capt. Kline .... Harry Fisher

Denny John Queen

Horatio Wm. West

Bella Annie Mack

Paddy .... Eugene O'Rourke

Kitty Mary Bird

Tommy Geo. Merritt

Fred Jas. Tierney

Josephine .... Annie Yeamans

Emily Marie Gorenflo

Widow Nolan Tony Hart

Salem Wm. Gray

Chas. Parker Ed. Burt

Terrance M. Bradley

Pedro John Oberist

Nellie Gertie Granville

Louisa Emily Yeamans


Raymond .

De Wolf Hopper

Jones . .

. . Mark Price

Lady Helen

. Mattie Earle

Bide y . .

. Annie Ware

Mollie . .

. Ada Farwell

Katy . . .

. Sadie Morris

Gregory . .

Joseph Sparks

Mona . .

Gertie Granville

Peggy . .

Annie Scanlan

Fitzpatrick .

John Queen

Bartie . .

. Wm. Scallan

The first season was a brilliant one, and closed June 3. The next season began Aug. 26, 1882, with George L. Stout's drama, "The Blackbird," for the first time and with this cast :

Con Ed. Harrigan

Maurteen Tony Hart

Goslin John Wild

Dunleevy H. A. Fisher

Ned Wm. West

Capt. Chester . . . . M. F. Drew

Mary Susie Byron

Nelly Annie Langdon

Betsy Mary Langdon

Pierre Frank Budworth

Paddy John Sparks

" Mordecai Lyons " was first acted Oct. 26, and was the first failure Edward Harrigan made as an author. " McSorley's Infla- tion " was produced Nov. 27, followed, April 2, 1883, by "The Muddy Day." The season closed May 19.

This house reopened Aug. 6, 1883, with " The Mulligan Guard Ball." The company engaged for the season was : John Wild, Geo. H. Wood, James Fox, Harry A. Fisher, John Queen, M. J. Bradley, P. C. Goldrich, Richard Quilter, Wm. West, Joseph Sparks, Jas. Barlow, Christie Miller, John Sparks, Annie Yeamans, Gertie Granville, Jenny Christie, Ada Farwell, Lizzie Finn, Sadie Morris, Annie and Kate Langdon, and Annie Hall. " Cordelia's Aspira- tions," had its first production on Nov. 5, followed April 7, 1884, by " Dan's Tribulations." The season closed May 31.

The next, and last season opened Sept. i, with " Investigation," given for the first time. The theatre was entirely destroyed by fire Tuesday, Dec. 23, 1884. The money for the advance sales for Christmas day and evening, amounting to ;JSl,ioo, was lost. The cause of the fire has always been a mystery. The company had been rehearsing a new play nearly all the night previous, it being daylight before some of the people left the building.

The ground lay idle until leased by a company of speculators, who erected a massive stone structure called " Old London Street," which was opened Feb. 26, 1887. It was leased by George B. Bunnell, who opened it Oct. 7, 1887, as "Bunnell's Museum," and his first attraction was Woodward's performing seals. Business was bad, and Mr. Bunnell gave up in January, 1888. It was used as a retail clothing store for a few weeks, commencing in December, 1888. Shortly after that and for a long time the building was in absolute and inglorious disuse. In the winter of 1896 it was converted into a gymnasium, and a sparring exhibition was given Nov. 6, 1896. The building was demolished September, 1902.



CHEEVER'S church at the corner of Fifteenth Street and Broad- way was converted into a place of entertainment Oct. 14, 1867, and called " Bunyan Hall." The panorama " The Pilgrim " was exhibited here. It consisted of fifty large paintings, twelve feet high and from eighteen to twenty-six feet in length. These paintings consisted of " The Christian and his Family," " The Wicket Gate," "The Valiant Soldier," "The Judgment," "The Shining Ones and the Cross," " The Welcome," " The Delectable Mountain," " The Temptation," " The Fight with Apollyon," " The River of Life" "The King's Gardens," "The River of Death," " The Ascension," " The Angel Escort," " The Gates of Pearl," " The Shower of Gold," and " The Celestial City." The admission was fifty cents and one dollar.


WHAT was at first known as the Fifth Avenue Opera House and afterwards as the " Fifth Avenue Theatre " was situated on south side of Twenty-fourth Street, between Broadway and Sixth Avenue, and adjoined the Fifth Avenue Hotel. The building was first erected in 1 862 by Amos R. Eno, and was rented by Robert Gal- lagher and occupied as an evening stock exchange ; but it continued only a short time, as the members of the regular stock exchange passed a resolution, to close it. During the following year George Christy, Ethiopian comedian, secured a lease of it, and on Nov. 30, 1865, opened it as a ministrel hall. The front was of solid marble, and in chaste architectural style. The company was : W. S. Bud- worth, W. Birch (not Billy), J. E. Green, G. Hall, F. Abbott, J. Tan- nenbaum, C. Gardner, G. Wrightman, Hodgin, and George Christy. During the season the troupe was strengthened as follows: Dec. 11, Geo. Brant, Chas. Duval, and T. Donaldson; Dec. 18, Charles Mel- ville; Jan. IS, 1866, Frank Leslie; April 23, J. H. Surridge; April 30, Lew Myers; May 4, G. W. H. Griffin; and June 25, S. S. Purdy. Business, however, did not prove so remunerative as had been expected, but Mr. Christy managed to keep the hall open until July 4, 1866. Aug. 27 Budworth's minstrels, under the manage- ment of Wm. S. Budworth and J. Stohr, appeared and continued until January 19, 1867. Geo. Christy, who had then associated with him in the management G. W. H. Griffin, began a second term, with Griffin & Christy's minstrels Jan. 2 1 , which lasted until June 29 of that year. On Aug. 5 Ben Cotton and Sam Sharpley opened the house with Cotton & Sharpley's minstrels, but finding business unremu- nerative, the season was closed on Aug. 24. C. H. Garland then rented the premises and altered the auditorium and stage.



THE name of the house was now changed to the " Fifth Avenue Theatre," and it was opened with a burlesque company on Sept. 2. 1867. This was the first dramatic performance given in the building. The prominent members of the company were Mrs. Charles Howard (Mrs. Harry Watkins), Eugene A. Eberle, M. B. Pike, Sol Smith, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Leffingwell, Lina Edwin, Mary Maddern, Mrs. Sedley Brown, and Millie Sackett.

The burlesques of " Cinderella," and " Too Much for Good Nature," formed the opening bill; "Fra Diavolo, or the Beauty and the Brigands," was produced Sept. 9 : Leffingwell as Beppo, Mrs. Sedley Brown as Fra Diavolo, and Millie Sackett as Zerlina. " Aladdin," Sept. 17; " Cinderella," and " Fra Diavolo," Sept. 21; "The Mer- chant of Venice Preserved," by John Brougham, Sept. 28, for the first time on any stage :

Shylock . Gratiano . Antonio . Bassanio Tubal . . Lorenzo .

M. W. Leffingwell Mrs. Sedley Brown . . E. A. Eberle . Mary Maddern . J. J. McClosky . . M. B. Pike

Launcelot Sol Smith, Jr.

Portia Mrs. Leffingwell

Jessica Lina Edwin

Prince of Morocco . Jenny Wallace Prince of Arragon . . Jenny Gilmer

Nov. II" Too Much for Good Nature '' was added to the bill ; Nov. 14, "Aladdin" and "The Widow's Victim," when Blanche Chapman appeared; Nov. 18 Mrs. Harry Watkins was seen as Jason in the burlesque of " Medea," and as Francine in " Fit to Be Duchess." " Ye Grand Queen Bess," a burlesque by Falconer, was produced for the first time Dec. 9, with Leffingwell as Queen Bess and Mrs. Watkins as Essex. Burlesque performances were then comparatively novel, and an excellent business was done until the close of the season, on Jan. 2, 1868. The reason generally assigned for the abrupt termination was that the reputation of the theatre had been injured by a tragic encounter in front of the house, be- tween two well-known rival minstrel managers, by which one person lost his life and another was severely wounded, just after the close of a matinde performance of Dec. 11.

The real cause of this trouble was the fact that Delehanty and Hengler, song and dance men, who were with Sam Sharpley's minstrels, at Boston, had signed a contract to appear at New York with Kelly & Leon's minstrels. , This caused bad blood between the two managers.

Kelly, Leon, and Sharpley happened to attend the matinee at the Fifth Avenue Theatre on this afternoon. Leon came outside and was tapped on the shoulder by Sharpley, who said:

" You have been talking about me and saying that all the property I had is mortgaged. Now, I tell you you are a d d liar ! "


Leon replied in equally vigorous language, which Sharpley dared him to repeat, at the same time taking off his overcoat and assum- ing a fighting attitude. Leon repeated the words, and was struck by Sharpley. Kelly, as is claimed by his friends, attempted to pre- vent the quarrel, but the three got scuffling together. Sharpley's brother, Thomas Sharpe, had been at the matinee unknown to Samuel, and now appeared on the scene and proceeded to assist him by endeavoring to floor Kelly.

" You take care of him, Tom," cried Sam, " and I '11 settle this fellow," pointing to Leon.

The latter, seeing the fight unequal Sharpley being greatly his superior in strength endeavored to get away, and ran toward Broadway, with Sam Sharpley in close pursuit. Meantime, a shot was heard from where the other two were quarrelling. Tom Sharpe had knocked Kelly to the ground, and then kicked him violently. Kelly requested him several times to let him get up, which he re- fused to do, and, believing his life to be in danger, drew a revolver and shot his opponent, Tom Sharpe, killing him almost instantly. Sam Sharpley, seeing this, drew a revolver, and in turn shot Kelly, the ball striking him right behind the temple. Sharpley, wounded, let go his hold, and Kelly made his way as best he could to the nearest drug store. But when he reached it and saw in a mirror how he was bleeding and battered he returned to where Sharpe was lying on the sidewalk and fired a final bullet into him.

Kelly was arrested and taken to the Twenty-sixth Street station house, where he remained several days, his condition preventing his removal. Sharpley and Leon were held in custody until after the inquest, the verdict being "that deceased came to his death from a pistol shot wound at the hands of Edwin Kelly, on Dec. 11, 1867." It was this last bit of shooting that nearly hanged Kelly, for the Coroner's assistant, who was a medical student, handed in at the inquest a diagram showing that it was from this latter bullet wound that Sharpe died. Had this diagram been evidence there would have been no escape at Kelly's trial from a verdict of murder in the first degree. But Kelly's agent proved that this assistant had never received a diploma. At any rate, when the case came up for trial he did not appear as a witness.

So the jury in the Kelly case held it was by no means certain from which bullet wound Tom Sharpe really died, whether from the first firing in self-defence or the second shooting. They there- fore gave the prisoner the benefit of the doubt. When last heard of, in 1892, Kelly was living in Australia, keeping a sheep ranch and occasionally singing in comic opera at Sydney.

During the month of June, 1868, James Fisk, Jr., leased the prem- ises, and, save the exterior walls, entirely rebuilt the theatre.

VOL. II. 26



MR. FISK, the lessee, handed over the entire control to John Brougham, who opened it Jan. 25, 1869, as "Brougham's Theatre" with the following company: John Brougham, Geo. Stod- dart, Chas. Hale, Edward Lamb, C. Edmonds, W. J. Hurley, C. Hill- yard, Carrie Crosbie, A. Matthison, Mons. Grossi, Alex H. Peck, Mr. Gray, Eliza Newton, Mrs. William Winter, Mary Carr, Andrews, Mrs. J. J. Prior, Annie Firmin, Lizzie Mahon, Effie Germon, Wilson, Hal pin, Ames, Clara Fisher, Belle Fisher, and Lizzie Eckhardt. The seats and boxes for the opening performance were sold at auction, and at times during the sale Mr. Brougham officiated as auctioneer. The premiums paid for the seats and boxes amounted to $2,677, ^"d the proceeds of the entire sale, which included some admissions, amounted to ^3,300 over and above the amount which the theatre would hold at regular prices 1^725.

" Better Late Than Never " by John Brougham was the opening play, and had this cast:

Major Fergus O'Shaughnessy

John Brougham Reginald Wyndham . Geo. Stoddart Sir Malachi Weevyl . . Charles Hale Jacob Mellet . . Chas. J. Edmonds

Annabel Wyndham . . Eliza Newton Lady Nell Wycherlie, Mrs. W. Winter Tabitha .... Elizabeth Andrews

Squire Edward Lamb

Widow GrifHn Mary Can-

After the play John Brougham made a speech, and then came " The Dramatic Review of 1868," a burlesque of many plays which had been produced at other theatres in this city during that year.

On Feb. 8 " An Irish Stew, or the Mysterious Widow of Long Branch," derived by Brougham from the same source as " A Bull in a China Shop," was seen for the first time : Brougham played Bryan Magilder ; Hale, Timothy John Cadwallader ; Lamb, Mouser ; Stod- dart, Frederick Augustus Wilter; Lizzie Mahon, Lucy Cadwallader, and Annie Firmin, EfRe Germon, Mrs. Winter, and Chas. Edmonds in the remaining parts. " The Dramatic Review " continued until Feb. 22, when " Pocahontas " and " A Gentleman from Ireland " formed the programme. Jennie Kimball made her d^but March i, as Jenny Leatherlungs, in "Jenny Lind at Last." " An Irish Stew" and " Pocahontas " were acted March 4, followed March 8 by " Much Ado About a Merchant of Venice," Brougham's burlesque revised and rewritten. It had this cast :

Shylock John Brougham

Lorenzo Effie Germon

Bassanio ...... EHza Newton

Antonio .... Arthur Matthison

Tubal Chas. Hale

Gratiano Annie Firmin

Launcelot .... Miss E. Allen Chief Justice . . . Geo. Stoddart

Page .

Crier .




Associate Judges

Prince of Arragon

. . Clara Fisher . . W. J. Hurley . Mrs. J. J. Prior Miss L. Eckhardt . Miss Amy Ames Grossi and Crosbie . Chas. Edmonds

King Theodore of Abyssinia, F. Gough


Effie Germon closed here March 13, and Lizzie Mahon assumed the r61e of Lorenzo; March 15, "A Gentleman from Ireland" pre- ceded the burlesque. For Brougham's closing week, he appeared as O'Callaghan in " His Last Legs," followed by " Much Ado About a Merchant of Venice." Mr. Brougham withdrew from the man- agement April 3.

Charles Hale died at Wilton, N. Y., Feb. 11, 1876. He was born in England June 23, 18 19. He made his first appearance in America at the Old Broadway Theatre, this city. May 17, 1852, for Mme. Ponisi's benefit, performing Sam Warren in "The Poor Relation." When Wallack's Theatre, on Broadway near Broome Street, was first opened as such, Sept. 8, 1852, Mr. Hale was a member of the com- pany, and so continued for several seasons. He had not acted for some years prior to his demise, as the disease from which he was suffering caused a loss of memory at times, which prevented him from pursuing his profession.

The next title of this house was " The Fifth Avenue Theatre." On April 5, 1869, Mr. Fisk, the lessee, undertook the management of the house himself, and gave it its old name of the Fifth Avenue Theatre. His first offering was the opera bouffe company from the Grand Opera House this city. Adolph Birgfeld was the manager. The operas produced were : " La Perichole," with Irma and M. Aujac in the leading r61es, April 5, matinee April 10, 12, matinee April 17, 19, 26, May 3, and matinee May 8 ; " La Grande Duchesse," with Tostee and M. Aujac in the leading characters, April 6, 13, 20, 27, May 4, 1 1 ; " Barbe Bleu," with Irma and Aujac in the cast, April 7, 14, 21, matinde April 24, 28, matinee May 1,5;" Orphee Aux Enfers," by Tostee and Aujac, April 8, 15; " Les Bavards " and " La Chanson de Fortunio " April 9, 16, 23 ; " La Belle Helene," with Tostee and Decr6, April 10, 17, 22, 30, May 13. Two new operas were produced April 24 for the first time, " Mons. Landry " and " Le MaJtre de Chapelle," and repeated April 29.

The house was closed May i, and the company appeared at the Academy of Music, for the benefit of Tostee. " Le Mariage Aux Lanternes" was produced, with Irma and Tostee in the cast, May 6, 7, 8 ; " Mons. Choufleuri " and " Mons. Landry " were given May 15, with Tostee in both pieces. " Les Dragons de Villars " was sung May 10, for the first time in America, and repeated May 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, matinee May 22, June i, 2, 4. In the third act Marie Bonfanti the danseuse and a ballet appeared. The opera had this cast:

Rose Friquet .... Mile. Irma

Georgette Mile. Duclos

Sylvian M. Aujac

Belamy M. Tholer

Thibaat M. Lagriffoul

Pastor M. Hamilton

The manager of the company retiring, Mile. Irma held the reins for a brief period, and was succeeded by M. Benedick. Tostee re-


appeared May 18-22 as Boulotte in "Barbe Bleu." Tostee's fare- well occurred May 3 1 , when were presented " La Grande Duchesse " (2d act), "La Belle Helene" (2d act), "Barbe Bleu" (3d act). During the evening Marie Bonfanti, Mons. Novissimo, and a ballet were seen. The company appeared at Brooklyn on the " off nights " in June. " La Perichole " was sung, matinde and evening, June 5 ; " Barbe Bleu " June 7, 9, with Decr6 as Barbe Bleu, and Irma as Boulotte ; " La Perichole " June 8, 10, Irma as the heroine, and Aujac as Pequillo. Mile. Morlacchi, Miles. Letti, Duchaleau, Mazzeri and Malvina Evers appeared in a grand ballet.

M. Aujac made his last appearance June 11, as Barbe Bleu. Matinee June 12 Mile. Desclauzas made her first appearance at this theatre, acting Pequillo in "La Perichole," with Irma in the title r61e. The Morlacchi ballet company appeared in the " Can-can."

For the week of June 14, " La Perichole " was sung with Irma in the title r61e. The season closed June 19.

The Selwyn Boston Theatre company appeared June 21 in "Dora," with this cast :

Farmer Allen . . Frederic Robinson Luke Bloomfield . C. H. Vandenhoff Mary Morrison . . Kitty Blanchard Dora Lizzie Price

Willie Miss Timony

William Allen .... H. F. Daly Jim Blunt . . . . O. A. Dinsmore

This was followed by the burlesque "Black Eyed Susan," cast thus:

Capt. Crosstree Lord High Admiral Dolly Mayflower . Admiral of the Blue Dame Hatley . .

Stuart Robson Dan Maguinnis . Lillie Vining . J. B. Bradley

Harry Josephs

Hatchet . Doggrass Raker . William . Susan

. H. F. Daly

Harry Pearson

A. D. Billings

Kitty Blanchard

. . Mary Cary

This was Harry Josephs' first appearance in New York. The company closed July 3, and appeared at Wallack's Theatre July 5.

Augustin Daly was the next manager of this theatre. He fitted it up very handsomely, and opened Aug. 16, 1869, with the follow- ing company: Edward L. Davenport, D. H. Harkins (stage mana- ger), Geo. Holland, James Lewis, T. F. Egbert, W. Beekman, Frank Chapman, George Clarke, J. B. Polk, W. Davidge, H. C. Ryner, G. C. Jordan, H. Stewart, J. M. Cooke, Pierce, Peck, Mrs. F. S. Chan- frau, Mrs. Clara Jennings, Mrs. G. H. Gilbert, Mrs. Marie Wilkins, Fanny Davenport, Agnes Ethel, Marie Longmore, Emillie Kiehl, Emily Lewis, Amy Ames, Norwood, Tyson, and Rowland. James Fisk was still proprietor of the theatre; Robert Stoepel, musical director. Robertson's comedy, " Play," was the initial performance, and had this cast :




Hon. Bruce Farquhar, E. L. Davenport Chevalier Browne . . . Geo. Clarke Hauptman von Stockstadt, W. Davidge Graf von Staufenberg . W. Beekman Mr. Bodmin Todder . . Geo. Holland Mrs. Kinpeck . . Mrs. G. H. Gilbert

Frank Price J. B. Polk

Croupier H. C. Ryner

Teller J. Peck

Keller G. C. Jordan

Old Gray .... Frank Chapman Spendfast . . . ^. . J. M. Cooke

Amanda Clara Jennings

Rosie Agnes Ethel

Flower Girl Emily Lewis

" Dreams " was acted Sept. 6, with this cast :

The Rittmeister . . E. L. Davenport Earl of Loamshire . Wm. Davidge Lady Clara Vere de Vere

Clara Jennings Frau Harfthal . . Mrs. G. H. Gilbert

Lena Agnes Ethel

Rudolf Geo. Clarke

John Hibbs James Lewis

Earl Leo J. B. Polk

Old Gray Geo. Holland

This play was originally produced under the name of " My Lady Clara." " Old Heads and Young Hearts " was presented Sept. 27, 28, Oct. I, and was thus cast:

Miss Rockett . Lady Pompion . Jessie Rural Littleton Coke Earl Pompion .

. Marie Longmore Mrs. G. H. Gilbert . . W. Davidge . . Geo. Clarke . . H. C. Ryner

Lord Roebuck . . . . T. F. Egbert

Bob Jas. Lewis

Lady Alice .... Clara Jennings Tom Coke .... D. H. Harkins

"London Assurance" was seen Sept. 29, 30, and Oct. 2, with E. L. Davenport as Sir Harcourt Courtley (his first appearance in this city in that r61e). Fanny Davenport (first time) as Lady Gay, and Marie Wilkins (first appearance at this theatre) as Pert.

Mrs. Scott-Siddons appeared here Oct. 4 in " Twelfth Night," its first performance in New York in twelve years. It had this cast :

Geo. Jordan, Jr.

. T. F. Egbert

. F. Chapman

. H. C. Ryner

W. Beekman

Viola Mrs. Scott-Siddons

Olivia Agnes Ethel

Maria .... Fanny Davenport

Malvolio Geo. Clarke

Sir Toby Belch . . . W. Davidge Duke Orsini ... D. H. Harkins Clown Jas. Lewis



Fabian .

Antonio .


Sir Andrew Aguecheek . . J. B. Polk

" Twelfth Night " enjoyed a run of two weeks, and was followed, Oct. 18, 19, 20, by " As You Like It." Rosalind and Celia were played on alternate nights by Mrs. Scott-Siddons and Clara Jennings. " King Rene's Daughter " was produced Oct. 22 and matinde Oct. 23, with D. H. Harkins as Sir Tristan, Mrs. Siddons as lolanthe.and Miss M. Andrews (first appearance) as Martha.

The cast of " As You Like It " was this :

Rosalind, 18, 20, 23, Mrs. Scott-Siddons Rosalind 19, 21, 22 . Clara Jennings Celia, 19, 21, 22 . Mrs. Scott-Siddons Celia, 18, 20, 23 . . Clara Jennings Duke Frederick . . . J. M. Cooke

Banished Duke . . . . J. B. Polk

Le Beau Emily Lewis

Oliver Geo. Jordan, Jr.

Jaques de Bois . . . . M. Pierce Adam H. C. Ryner


Touchstone . . . . W. Davidge Orlando Geo. Clarke

Corin Frank Chapman Charles Peck

Phebe Emillie Kiehl Sylvanus T. F. Egbert

Hymen Miss Amy Ames William W. Beekman

Amiens H. Stewart Audrey Marie Wilkins

Jaques D. H. Harkins

Matinde Oct. 23, "The Love Chase" and "King Rent's Daughter." Oct. 25 " She Would and She Would Not " was acted for the first time in New York in eleven years. The cast was :

Hypolita . . . Mrs. Scott-Siddons

Don Phillip Geo. Clarke

Manuel Wm. Davidge

Octavio D. H. Harkins

Trippanti Jas. Lewis

Rosare Agnes Ethel

Violetta .... Fanny Davenport

Flora Marie Longmore

Diego Geo. Holland

Soto F. H. Evans

Nov. 8, " Much Ado About Nothing," was seen with Mrs. Scott- Siddons as Beatrice. She terminated her engagement Nov. 13, with " As You Like It " at the matinee, and " Much Ado About Nothing " in the evening.

" She Would and She Would Not " is derived from Spanish sources a Spanish novel translated into English, with the title of " The Trepanner Trepanned," which John Learnerd converted into a dramatic composition called " The Counterfeits," and performed Aug. 29, 1678, at the old Dorset Garden Theatre, with Betterton in the cast. Colley Cibber took the plot and made " She Would and She Would Not " out of it. Macklin, Bannister, Jr., Lewis, Fawcett, Mundon, and Harley became famous as Trippanti. Don Manuel has been sustained by Yates, Shater, Dowton, and W. K. Farren; Don Phillip by C. Kemble and Wallack, and Hypolita was Mrs. Jordan's favorite part. Among other celebrated exponents of this part was Peg Woffington.

I doubt if since the days of Ellen Tree so charming a Rosalind has trod the American stage as Mrs. Scott-Siddons. Nature, which seemed to have created this beautiful woman in her most aesthetic mood, denied her the necessary physique for those heavier tragic r61es which have so long been associated in the public mind with histrionic ability of the highest order. A cause of the slowness of the growth of her popularity is undoubtedly due to the fact that when she first appeared here she lacked stage experience, and did unfamiliar things in familiar parts. But in spite of all these impedi- ments to a perfect and immediate success, her undoubted talents, exquisite beauty, and high culture entitled her to far more considera- tion and praise than she received. She was a fine German and French scholar, having acted, and acted well, in both languages. She personated in French the heroines of Corneille, Moliere, and Racine, and played with fluent ease the Mary Stuart of Schiller in its original tongue.




Mary Frances Scott-Siddons died in Paris, France, Nov. 19, 1896, and was buried in Woking cemetery, London, Eng. She was born in India in 1844. At eighteen years of age she was married to a naval officer named Canter, who afterwards changed his name to Scott-Siddons. She made her debut in Nottingham Eng., in 1866 and first acted in London, April 8, 1867, at the Haymarket Theatre, as Rosalind in " As You Like It." She made her Ameri- can debut as a reader at Newport, R. I., during the summer of 1868. She first appeared in New York as a reader Oct. 26 of that year, at Steinway Hall. Her first appearance as an actress in America was at the Boston Museum, and she first appeared in New York on the dramatic stage, Nov. 30, 1868, as Rosalind at the Worrell Sisters' Theatre. Her last appearance in this city was Dec. 17, 1891, at Palmer's Theatre, in " What a Woman ! "

Mrs. Frank Chanfrau made her first appearance here Nov. 15, 1869 as Esther Eccles in " Caste."

D'Alroy Geo. Clarke

Hawtrey J. B. Polk

Dixon Pierce

Polly Fanny Davenport

Eccles W. Davidge

Gerridge Jas. Lewis

Marquise . . . Mrs. G. H. Gilbert

E. L. Davenport repeated his performance of Sir Harcourt, in " London Assurance," Nov. 22, followed by Sir Giles Overreach, in " A New Way to Pay Old Debts." Nov. 23 Theresa Shirk, a lady who had been heard in this city as a reader, at Steinway Hall, made her ddbut as Margaret Overreach. "Old Heads and Young Hearts," with Mrs. F. S. Chanfrau as Lady Alice, Nov. 24; " Every- body's Friend " Nov. 25, 26, and matinee Nov. 27; evening Nov. 27, " A New Way to Pay Old Debts." " Daddy Gray " was first acted here Dec. i, cast as follows :

Daddy Gray . . .EL. Davenport

Harry Geo. Jordan, Jr.

Johnny Master Heme

Jessie Bell Agnes Ethel

Mrs. Bell Marie Wilkins

Kitty Clatterby . . Marie Longmore

" Checkmate " was played the same night ; " Wives as They Were and Maids as They Are " was acted for the first time Dec. 6, and had this cast:

Peter Bell H. C. Ryner

Travers F. H. Evans

Augustus Jas. Lewis

Drudge F. Chapman

Lortie . . . Miss M. McCormack

Sir William Dorrillon, E. L. Davenport

Lord Priory Wm. Davidge

Sir George Evelyn . D. H. Harkins Norberry .... Geo. F. Devere Miss Dorrillon . . Mrs. Chanfrau

Oliver Geo. Holland

Bronzely Geo. Clarke

Lady Mary . . . Fanny Davenport Lady Priory .... Agnes Ethel

On Dec. 9 and matinde Dec. 10 and 11, "The Irish Heiress" was played. " Don Caesar de Bazan " (E. L. Davenport as the hero) was acted Dec. 13, 14, 18; also "A Poor Goose." James Lewis


acted Major De Boots in " Everybody's Friend " Dec. 16 and matinee Jan. i. 1870. " The Duke's Motto " was produced Jan. 20, with Edward L. Davenport as Lagadere.

" The Busybody " was presented Jan. 3, for the first time in New York in thirteen years. It was given all the week except at the matinee Jan. 5, when E. L. Davenport enacted Sir Giles Overreach in " A New Way to Pay Old Debts," for his benefit. James Lewis was the Marrall.

Olive Logan's comedy, "Surf," was first produced Jan. 12, and enjoyed a run of one month. It had this cast:


George Clarke

Miss Euphrosyne Noble, Lily Vining

Miss Alice Warren . . Emillie Kiehl

Mrs. Fanny Flipaway, Marie Wilkins

Madame Trfes Sal^e . Miss Norwood

Miss Tootsey Noble . . Miss Ryner

Mr. Barker Blunt . . W. Davidge

Mr. Jenkins . . . George Holland

General Madison Noble, G. F. Devere Lieutenant Arthur McKim

F. H Mr. Philip Varney, Peter Lepper,

Mr. Simon Schweinfleish, James Lewis Mr. Lothario Smasher, George Parkes Orinoko Virginia Smith, W. Beekman Smart Master Benny Flipaway Mrs. Ogle

Miss Cushman Arethusa Ogle General Grant . . George Jordan, Jr. Norah O'Rourke Mrs. Madison Noble, Fanny Davenport

"The Busybody" was repeated Jan. 14. Sardou's " Frou Frou " had its first representation Jan. 15, with this cast:


F. Chapman

G. H. Gilbert

Emily Lewis

. Amy Ames

in America

Henri Sartorys Brigard . Baron de Cambri Pitou

Vincent . . . Zanetto . . . Gilberte . . . Louise . . .

Geo. Clarke W. Davidge . Jas. Lewis

G. F. Devere H. Stewart

W. Beekman Agnes Ethel

Kate Newton

Pauline Amy Ames

Angelique Emily Lewis

Comte de Valreas . . Geo. Parkes Baronne de Cambri, Mrs. G. H. Gilbert The Governess . Roberta Norwood Georgia (Sartorys' child)

Gertie Norwood

This was Kate Newton's first appearance at this theatre, and the first appearance on any stage of Gertie Norwood.

L. F. Harrison assumed the business management April 11. Extra matindes of " Frou Frou " commenced Wednesday, April 20. " The Good Natured Man " was acted April 24, for the first time in this city in fifty-two years, and had this castj:

Sir Wm. Honeywood D. H. Harkins Miss Richland . Fanny Davenport Jas. Lewis

Mr. Twitch G. Jordan, Jr.

Little Flanigan . . . F. Chapman

Butler W. Beekman

Dubardieu Mr. Pierce

Olivia Emillie Kiehl

Mrs. Croaker Amy Ames

Garnett Miss Rowland

Dr. Johnson's original prologue was delivered prior to the play by D. H. Harkins,, and at the close of the performance William Winter's

Mr. Lofty . . Mr. Crocker Mr. Honeywood Leontine . . . Jarvis . . .

W. Davidge

Geo. Clarke

Frank Evans

G. F. Devere




epilogue was spoken by the company. Agnes Ethel had a benefit April 25, when "Frou Frou" began its tenth week and was played for the last time May 23.

On June 7, " Fernande " was acted for the first time, and had this cast:

The Marquis Andre . . Geo. Clarke Phillip Pomerol . . D. H. Harkins The Commander Jarbi . . Jas. Lewis The Countess Clothilda (her

first appearance here), Fanny Morant Georgette (first appearance on

the stage) .... Linda Dietz Madame Seneschal, Mrs. G. H. Gilbert Madame de la Brienne . . Amy Ames Peachbloom . Roberta A. Norwood

Roqueville G. F. Devere

Bracassin Geo. Parkes

The Baron F. Chapman

Santa Cruz Mr. Pierce

Alfred H. Stewart

Frederic . . . . W. H. Beekman

Fernande Agnes Ethel

The Baroness . . . Miss Rowland Gibralter .... Fanny Reeves Therese Emillie Kiehl

The season closed July 9.

The next season began Sept. 13, 1870, with the following com- pany: D. H. Harkins, Mortimer, Holland, Louis Barrett, James Lewis, William Davidge, Geo. F. Devere, Frank Chapman, Pierce, J. B. Polk, Parker, W. H. Beekman, Harry Bascomb, Brown, Agnes Ethel, Fanny Davenport, Clara Morris, Amy Ames, Nellie Morti- mer, Fanny Morant, Kate Newton, Mrs. William Winter, Kate Claxton, Gertrude Kellogg, Mrs. G. H. Gilbert, lone Burke, Emily de Lesdernier, Roberta A. Norwood, and Louise Volmer.

The opening play was Aug. Daly's dramatization of Wilkie Collins' novel, " Man and Wife," acted for the first time on any stage, when Clara Morris made her first appearance in this city, as Anne Syl- vester. This actress was engaged by Mr. Daly on the suggestion of James Lewis, not as leading lady, but to play such parts as he thought might fit her. Agnes Ethel declined to appear as Anne Sylvester, and lone Burke, who was the next actress in rank, had gone for her holiday. In this emergency Mr. Daly concluded to give the character to his " raw Western recruit." Having a quick study, Clara Morris did not delay the production of the play one day. She made an immediate success, being recalled in one of the earlier scenes of the play, before the act terminated. This drama had the most extended run of any produced up to that time. Her next suc- cessful role was Lucy Carter in " Saratoga " (loi performances). Clara Morris continued with Mr. Daly until the theatre was destroyed by fire, and she went to the Globe Theatre (Broadway and Eighth Street) with him Jan. 21, 1873. At the close of this season, June 28, she went to the Union Square Theatre, where she appeared Nov. 17, 1873, in " The Wicked World." Nov. 30, 1874, she was married to F. C. Harriott. Clara Morris is unquestionably a very remarkable actress within certain limitations. It is true that her range of expression is not large, and that her style is far from ver- satile; but at her best and in her peculiar vein she is without a


rival on our stage. At times she reveals flashes of decided genius, especially in her portrayal of phases of intense feeling arising out of mental suffering. In the lighter and less demonstrative aspects of her art, however, she is not so happy. At times, in her passion for intensity of style, she approached dangerously near the verge of melodrama. It has long been held by many that Clara Mor- ris reached her highest standard of dramatic art as Cora in " L' Article 47."

After a run of eight weeks, " Man and Wife " was withdrawn Nov. 19, and Nov. 21 " The Hunchback " was acted, with the first appear- ance this season of Agnes Ethel, who played Julia ; Mrs. William Winter made her first appearance here Nov. 22 as Caroline Dormer in " The Heir at Law." " Fernande " was revived Nov. 24, when Amy Ames first appeared this season as Therese. Fanny Morant and Nellie Mortimer (Mrs. G. F. Devere) also made their first ap- pearance this season. " The Heir at Law" was played Dec. 6 ; " The Hunchback " Dec. 8 ; " London Assurance " Dec. 9, 10, and 19, with William Davidge as Sir Harcourt Courtley. It was announced as his first appearance in that character in New York, but this was a great mistake, as I saw him play it again and again at the Old Broadway Theatre. He acted it with Charlotte Cushman as Lady Gay, with Julia Dean as Lady Gay, and with several other famous actresses. " Twelfth Night," with Mr. Davidge as Malvolio, was played Dec. 12, 13 ; " Man and Wife " Dec. 14, 20; " Fernande " Dec. 16, 17. Sunday evening, Dec. 18, Kate Fields delivered a lecture on Charles Dickens. " Saratoga " was acted for the first time Dec 21. It was magnificently put on the stage, and the drawing-room scenes were marvels of stage setting. David Whiting first appeared at this theatre on this occasion.

On Jan. 19, 1871, a matinee performance was given for the Geo. Holland fund. " Saratoga " was acted for the one hundred and thirty-third time on March 27, for Mrs. G. H. Gilbert's benefit.

Boucicault's adaptation of Lessieri's story, " LaFille du Sud," was produced March 28, under the title of " Jezebel." It proved a failure, and was withdrawn after April 8. It had this cast :

Geo. D'Artignes . Capt. Breitman Mme. D'Artignes Alfred Ravel . . Gertrude . . .

D. H. Harkins W. Davidge, Sr. . Clara Morris .George Parkes . Mrs. Devere

Cristol Jas. Lewis

Halma ., Geo. Devere

Margaret Linda Dietz

Laicele .... Miss. R. Norwood

Charles Mathews began an engagement here April 10 in " Married for Money" and "Patter vs. Clatter." "The Critic" and "A Thousand a Year " were acted April 24. As Don Whiskerando in the first piece Mr. Davidge made a great hit. Mr. Mathews ap- peared May 8 in his original character of Sir Charles Coldstream in "Used Up;" May 10, 12, "The Bachelor of Arts" and the farce,




" Mr. Catherwood, or Out of Sight, Out of Mind ; " May 15, Byron's comedy, " Not Such a Fool as He Looks," was produced.

The season closed May 27, and a summer term commenced May 29, with " The Golden Fleece," and " The Comical Countess," when Charles Mathews took a benefit, and Mrs. Charles Mathews made her first appearance in this city in thirteen years. She acted Medea in the first piece. Fanny Davenport took a benefit June S, and played Lady Gay in " London Assurance," with E. L. Davenport as Sir Harcourt Courtley and Julia Gaylord (^first appearance in this city) as Grace. Julia Gaylord was Mrs. Fred Packard. She died in Brooklyn, N. Y., April 18, 1894. Wilkie Collins' "No Name" was seen June 7 for the first time on any stage. Clara Morris was the Magdalen. The play was withdrawn after thirteen performances. " Delmonico's, or Larks Up the Hudson," was done June 20, with Clara Morris as Constance. It ran until July 10, when it was taken off, and Wm. Davidge, for his benefit, July 10, acted Crummies in " The Savage and the Maiden ; " also an original two-act comedy called " An Angel." This bill was presented all the week. The season closed July 19.

The next season was opened Sept. 5, 1871. The company was: W. Davidge, Jas. Lewis, George Parkes, D. H. Harkins, Beekman, Pierce, Fanny Morant, Fanny Davenport, Linda Dietz, Clara Mor- ris, Mrs. Gilbert, Miss Carston, Louise Volmer, Geo. F. Devere, W. J. Le Moyne, Geo. H. Griffiths, H. Crisp, Owen S. Fawcett, Mary Cary, David Whiting, J. G. Burnett, Frank Chapman, Kate Newton, Louis James, Nellie Mortimer, Ida Yearance, Maria Fane, Kate Claxton, Kate Firm in, Roberta Norwood. D. H. Harkins, stage manager ; John Moore, prompter, and R. Stoepel. " Divorce " was the first production of the season. This "play of contempo- raneous interest," as Mr. Daly called it, was a dramatization of Anthony Trollope's novel, " He Knew He Was Right." It ran two hundred nights, and had this cast :

Alfred Adriance Templeton Jitt Fanny Ten Eyck Mrs. Ten Eyck Lulu Ten Eyck Judge Kemp . Mrs. Kemp Burrit . . . Henry Duncan De Witt . . Christmas . .

. D. H. Harkins . . James Lewis . . Clara Morris . . Fanny Morant

Fanny Davenport

David Whiting

Mrs. G. H. Gilbert

. W. J. Le Moyne

. . Henry Crisp

Wm. Davidge, Sr. . Frank Chapman

Kitty^ Ida Yearance

Nellie Kate Claxton

Pam John Burnett

Capt. Lynde .... Louis James

Dr. Lang Geo. Devere

Jim Owen S. Fawcett

Molly Nellie Mortimer

Flora Mary Cary

Grace Linda Dietz

Jenny Louise Volmer

A special matinee of "Divorce" was given Jan. i, 1872, when Jules Levy executed a cornet solo.

The company left Jersey City Feb. 22, at 8.03 a. m. for Philadel- phia, arriving there at 10.15 A. m. They commenced a performance


of " Divorce " at i p. m. which terminated at 4.20. At 4.45 they left for New York, arriving in Jersey City at 6.5S, and performed the play at the Fifth Avenue the same night.

" Old Heads and Young Hearts " was acted March 19, with Geo. H. Griflfiths (first appearance here) as Jesse Rural.

"Fernande" was revived March 20 for the benefit of Fanny Morant. " Wives as They Were, and Maids as They Are " was played March 21. " The Provoked Husband " March 22-23 ; " Frou Frou" March 25.

" Article 47 " had its first production here April 2, and Clara Mor- ris' acting of Cora made it the sensation of the day. The cast was :

Count De Rives . George Duhamel M. Chatelard . . Mme. Duhamel . Dr. Paul Combes Henry Delille . . Foreman of Jury - Baroness . . . Victor . . . .

. Geo. H. Griffiths

. . Harry Crisp

. Owen S. Fawcett

Mrs. G. H. Griffiths

. . W. Davidge

. . Louis James

... J. Burnett

Fanny Davenport

George Parkes

Potain James Lewis

Old Simon . . . . W. J. Le Moyne

Marcelle Linda Dietz

Countess . . . Roberta Norwood President .... D. H. Harkins

Lauristot Geo. Devere

Cora Clara Morris

Lizette Ida Yearance

Marie Louise Volmer

Clara Morris took a benefit May 15, and " Article 47" was acted for the forty-seventh time. It was acted for the seventy-seventh and last time, June 15, when the season closed.

The next season opened Sept. 3, 1872, with the following company : Fanny Davenport, Mrs. G. H. Gilbert, Kate Claxton, Rosa Deerham, Clara Morris, Linda Dietz, Mary Cary, Roberta Norwood, Miss Grif- fiths, Fanny Morant, Sara Jewett, Nellie Mortimer (Mrs. G. F. De- vere), Mrs. C. Abbott, Chas. Fisher, James Lewis, Charles Rockwell, J. F. Davens, Frank Chapman, Louis James, W. J. Le Moyne, James G. Peakes, Edmond Pierce, Georgie Langley (Mrs. Charles Furbish), Miss Deane, W. Beekman, Wm. Davidge, Henry Crisp, Owen S. Fawcett, D. Whiting, J. G. Burnett, Mrs. Barnes, George Clarke, B. T. Ringgold, G. H. Griffiths and G. Godfrey. The initial per- formance was Bronson Howard's comedy " Diamonds," which had this cast:

Hamilton WyckofiE Dr. Shuttle worth 'Enery Thomas . Mrs. Skidmore Mrs. Plunkett Mrs. Vandyke Reddington . . Uncle Ned . . Truesdell . . .

. . H. Crisp

W. Davidge

. O. S. Fawcett

Nellie Mortimer

Georgie Langley

Fanny Morant

C. H. RockweU

W. J. Le Moyne

B. T. Ringgold

Jerome G. H. Griffiths

Plunkett J. G. Burnett

The Todd . . . Mrs. G. H. Gilbert

Percival Geo. Clarke

Todd James Lewis

Judge David Whiting

Nelly .... Fanny Davenport

Herminie Clara Morris

Mabel Sara Jewett

" Diamonds " was withdrawn Oct. 28, for " The Road to Ruin " when Charles Fisher made his first appearance as Dornton, H. Crisp as Harry Dornton, George Clarke as Charles Goldfinch, O. S. Fawcett




as Jacob, Mary Gary as Jenny, Mrs. G. H. Gilbert as Widow Warren, and Linda Dietz as Sophia. Oct. 30, and matinee Nov.2, " The Belle's Stratagem," was played, with Louis James as Doricourt, Mr. Davidge as Old Hardy, Geo. Clarke as Flutter, Fanny Davenport as Letitia, Fanny Morant as Mrs. Rockett and Linda Dietz as Lady Frances.

" Everybody's Friend " was seen Nov. 4 for the first time in three years and had this cast :

Felix Featherly . Major De Boots . Mrs. Swansdowne

Louis James

James Lewis

Fanny Morant

Mrs. De Boots Icebrook . . Mrs. Featherly

Mrs. G. H. Gilbert . B. T. Ringgold . . . Sara Jewett

On Nov. 6-9, for the first time in seventeen years, " The Incon- stant, or Wine Works Wonders," was produced, with this cast :

Old Mirabel . Duratette . . First Bravo Bissarre . . . Young Mirabel

G. H. Griffiths

B. T. Ringgold

, . . J. Burnett

Fanny Davenport

. . Geo. Clarice

Lamerce .... Georgie Langley

Petit O. S. Fawcett

Oriana Clara Morris

Maid Miss Deane

" The Inconstant " is taken from " The Wild Goose Chase," by Beaumont and Fletcher. Several of the names of the characters were copied, and the language of whole scenes altered from blank verse to simple prose. In 1 807, the scene in the fourth act, between Duretette and Bisarre, was hissed for its grossness, portions of which have been retained by managers ever since.

"The Road to Ruin" was given Nov. 11; "The Belle's Strata- gem" Nov. 12, 13.

" The Merry Wives of Windsor " was revived Nov. 19, with this cast:

Sir John FalstafF . . . Chas. Fisher Mrs. Ford . . . Fanny Davenport Dr. Caius .... W. J. Le Moyne

Ford Geo. Clarke

Anne Page Sara Jewett

Mrs. Page Fanny Morant

"The School for Scandal" was presented Dec. 9, 11, 13, and cast thus:

Shallow . . . Hugh Evans . Dame Quickly Slender . . . Page . . .

. D. Whiting W. Davidge Mrs. Gilbert James Lewis Louis James

Sir Peter Teazle . . . Chas. Fisher Charles Surface . . Geo. H. Clarke Sir Benjamin Backbite, B. T. Ringgold Lady Teazle . . Fanny Davenport Mrs. Candour . . . Fanny Morant Lady Sneerwell . . Nellie Mortimer Sir Oliver .... G. H. Griffiths Joseph Louis James

Crabtree W. Davidge

Rowley D. Whiting

Moses James Lewis

Trip O. S. Fawcett

Snake J. G. Burnett

Careless Geo. Devere

Sir Henry J. G. Peakes

Maria Linda Dietz

Thomas de Walden's drama, " The Baroness," was seen Dec. 10-12 and Dec. 14, with this cast :


Count de Lavenay . . G. H. Griffiths Ralph Yarley .... C. Rockwell

Roland Harry Crisp

Simonet D. Whiting

John Carroll

Baroness . . . Mrs. C. D. Abbott

Genevieve Kate Claxton

Julie Nellie Mortimer

This was the first appearance on any stage of Mrs. C. D. Abbott. On Dec. 16, 19, 20, " Married Life," was presented; Dec. 17, 18, 21, " A Bold Stroke for a Husband." " New Year's Eve, or False Shame," by Frank Marshall, was presented Dec. 23, for the first time in this country, and with this cast :

Frank Percy ... B. T. Ringgold

Phillip Owen S. Fawcett

Magdalen Clara Morris

Constance . . . Fanny Davenport Mary Nellie Mortimer

Earl of Dashington . . . D. Whiting Hon. Chas. Ewart . . John Burnett Mrs. Howard . . Mrs. G. H. Gilbert Lord Chilton .... Geo. Clarke Capt. Earnest . . . C. H. Rockwell Col. Howard .... W. Davidge

This comedy was performed on the afternoon of January i, 1873. A few hours later the theatre was in ashes. The wardrobe, scenery, and furniture were all destroyed, as well as many valuable books and papers. It was first discovered to be on fire at five o'clock Wednesday, 4.45 P.M., Jan. I. The fire broke out in the furnaces underneath the box office, in the front of the theatre. The almost simultaneous bursting out of the flames all over the house looked so strange that numbers felt convinced that some malicious persons had set fire to the theatre.

Mr. Daly leased the Worrell Sisters' New York Theatre (Broadway, near Eighth), and opened it as the " Fifth Avenue Theatre," Jan. 21, 1873, with "Alixe."


THIS theatre was not rebuilt until Dec. 10, 1877, when it was called " The Fifth Avenue Hall." Robert Heller, the magi- cian, took possession of it and closed May 18, 1878. On Nov. 19, several members of the French opera bouffe troupe, gave a concert here. The programme embraced a number of selections, from works of French composers. Zelie Weil, soprano; M. Mialet, baritone; Mile. Cecilia, imitations of singing birds ; a duet by Mile. Weil and M. Doria; and a violin solo by M. Kapp formed a portion of the entertainment.

On Dec. 23 the name of the house was changed to " Minnie CuMMiNGs' Drawing Room Theatre." It was an open hall with a miniature stage. The entertainment was " an operatic lark in two escapades," entitled " Manhattan Beach, or Love Among the Breakers " : Russell G. Glover, Thomas Bartlemann, Julian Francisco, Kate Goodall, Vernona Jarbeau, Mira Lucas.




" In and Out of Place " was also given, with Frank Drew as Clod his first appearance in New York since his European tour Sol. Smith, Jr., as Etiquette and Minnie Cummings as Letty. Louise Beaudet and Adelaide Cherrie also appeared in the farce " Monsieur Jacques." Frank Drew acted The Irish Emigrant. The house was then closed by an injunction.


STEELE MACKAYE was the next manager of the house, which he called "The Madison Square Theatre," and opened on April 23, 1879 with "Aftermath, or Won at Last," originally pro- duced at Wallack's Theatre in Dec. 1877. The cast here was:

Grace Fleming Mrs. Bunker . Major Bunker Flora Fitzgiggle John Fleming . Dr. Sterling .

. Agnes Loring Gabriel du Sauld . Edward Lamb Genevieve Rogers Steele Mackaye Joseph Frankau

Mrs. Tracy Jane . . . Prof. Tracy Will Tracy . Baron . . Jack . . .

Laura Le Claire Helen Sedgwick C. W. Couldock . Frank Aiken . J. C. Padgett Geo. F. Browne

A benefit was given May 19 to Steele Mackaye. The season closed May 20. This theatre was reopened June 2, by John Saville and Lee with a production of " Pinafore."

This theatre may be said to have taken a new lease of life when Steele Mackaye, backed by the Messrs. Mallory, rebuilt the interior, furnished it sumptuously, and provided it with a double stage. Mackaye gathered an unusually large and competent company. The practically new theatre was opened Feb. 4, 1880, with a slightly altered version of " An Iron Will," entitled " Hazel Kirke," which had this cast :

Dolly Dutton . Dun Stan Kirke Barney O'Flynn Lord Travers . Aaron Rodney Pittacus Green Hazel Kirke .

Gabriel du Sauld C. W. Couldock

Edward Coleman Eben Plympton

Dominick Murray . Thos. WhiHen . Effie Ellsler

Clara Annie Ellsler

Dan Geo. Grey

Lady Travers .... Cecile Rush Mercy .... Mrs. Thos. Whiffen

Met Jos. Frankau

Joe F. Barton

Thomas Henry Jones

Besides those who appeared in the cast of " Hazel Kirke," the regular company included Rose Coghlan, Ada Oilman, Genevieve Stebbins, Josephine Craig, Frank Weston, B. T. Ringgold and Richard Brennan. Daniel Frohman was business manager of the house, and Bernard MoUenhauer, musical director. A series of Easter concerts commenced Thursday afternoon, April i, by mem- bers of the Italian opera company, including Marie Marimon, Anna de Bolocca, Campanini, Galassi, and Emilie Ambre. The second


concert took place April 8. Emma Thursby, Julia Christin (first appearance in New York), Ch. Fritsch, Sig. Angelo Torriani, Sig. Lencioni, Bernard Mollenhauer, A. H. Pease, and Geo. Colby were the artists.

Edwin Booth made his appearance prior to sailing for Europe, at a matinee June 28, for the benefit of the fund to erect a statue to Edgar Allan Foe in Central Park. Among the volunteers were Clara Morris, Ole Bull, Frank C. Bangs, Bianca Lablanche (Blanche Davenport), the Swedish Ladies' Quartet, Nellie Summers, Harry Edwards, B. Mollenhauer, J. Steele Mackaye, Maud Morgan, Effie Ellsler, Geo. Clarke, Thomas Whiffen and Geo. A. Conly. The pro- gramme consisted of dramatic scenes and recitations, a concert, and " The Taming of the Shrew," which had this cast :

Petruchio Edwin Booth

Gremio T. WhifEen

Pedro Geo. C. Jordan

The Tailor T. F. Brennan

Music Master . . . John Matthews

The Cook . . . Lysander Thompson

Katharina EflSe Ellsler

Baptista J. Daveau

Biondello Murry Woods

Curtis Louisa Eldridge

Clara Morris did the sleep-walking scene from " Macbeth."

" Hazel Kirke " was put on for a run of six weeks, and during the first week of its performance " Masks and Faces" was put in rehearsal. Rose Coghlan was the leading lady of the theatre. " Hazel Kirke" did not seem to make a strong impression. The critics condemned the piece, and the business gradually declined. During the rehearsals of " Masks and Faces " " Hazel Kirke " all at once took a sudden change, and the houses became much larger. By the time " Masks and Faces " was ready for production, " Hazel Kirke " was crowding the theatre. All the country managers came to see the play, but none of them thought it would succeed out of New York. Its suc- cess prevented the appearance of Rose Coghlan, and she drew her ^8,000 that season without doing a night's work for the theatre. The business continued very large, and authors who had contracts for the production of other plays were bought off for an entire year. After two years the cast was almost entirely changed. Charles W. Couldock was sent out on the road with a " Hazel Kirke "company. Steele Mackaye made his debut Nov. 9, as Aaron Rodney, in place of Dominick Murray, on alternate nights, and Georgia Cayvan made her New York d6but, acting Dolly Dutton. At the matinee Nov. 13, Dorah Leigh made her dramatic debut, acting Dolly Dutton. The new cast continued nearly 200 nights more. Effie Elsler, having a slight misunderstanding with the management, withdrew, and Carrie Wyatt played the r61e of Hazel with the travelling company for a few weeks. She was succeeded by Carrie Turner, Bijou Heron, Maud Osborne (Mrs. Gustave Frohman), and Annie Russell. The original Lord Travers in the first production of " Hazel Kirke " was




Lord Maguay, a real English nobleman, who had been engaged in England. He " acted " the part one night, and was paid to cancel his contract. He was succeeded by Ben Ringgold, and he was suc- ceeded at this theatre by Eben Plympton, who in turn gave way to Gus Levick and Geo. Clarke, who alternated between the parts of Travers and Rodney. Steele Mackaye played at different times Travers, Dunstan, Barney, and Rodney. Later on Henry Miller acted Travers on the road, as did Edwin Arden, Henry Lee, Charles B. Welles, and J. G. Grahame.

On the evening of Feb. 26, 1880, a few moments prior to opening the doors for the performance, the gas man, while lighting up, brought his torch in contact with the drop-curtain, and it was quickly destroyed. The steam ventilating apparatus of the theatre quickly dispelled the smoke, the doors were thrown open, the public admitted, and about twenty minutes later than the usual time the performance commenced. A drop-curtain was extemporized.

The one hundredth performance of this play occurred May i r, 1880, and the three hundredth on Nov. 29. Jean Burnside appeared Dec. 7 as Hazel, and acted during the illness of Jeffreys Lewis. During the spring of i88i trouble occurred between Steele Mackaye and the Mallory Bros. His name was removed from the bills as manager. He applied to the courts to rescind the contract he had made with Marshall H. Mallory, and to restore his property in " Hazel Kirke " : etc. He had agreed to give his services as author, actor, and manager for ;^S,ooo per year, but evidently believed that when he ceased to serve the Messrs. Mallory & Co., he would retain the rights of his own plays. The courts decided otherwise, and " Hazel Kirke " re- mained the property of the Mallorys after Mackaye left the theatre.

The Mallory Brothers never produced anything foreign at this theatre. Neither did they encourage foreign actors to come to them, but found talent among their own countrymen and countrywomen. Dr. Mallory is a clergyman and editor of The Churchman, the organ of the Episcopal Church. Marshall H. Mallory attended to the busi- ness interests of the firm.

This theatre was closed April 15 (Good Friday). " Hazel Kirke" was withdrawn May 31, 188 1, after its four hundred and eighty-sixth consecutive representation. "The Professor," written by W. H. Gil- lette, was produced June i with this cast :

Prof. Hopkins . Mrs. Elliott . Daisy Brown . Henry Marston Estelle . . . Grace Gay . . Thomkins . . Gustavus . . Annie Timms . VOL. ir. 37

W. H. Gillette

. Nellie Taylor

Georgia Cayvan

Harry Lacy

Nellie Moran

Marie Chester

Leslie Allen

C. W. Butler

Josephine Bailey

Molly Merry . Moses Brown . Susy Sundown Fred Bangs Jack Topley . Dotty Pinney . Minnie Moss . Thomas . . Sheriff . . .

Helen Ottolengui . E. L. Tilton . Belle Melville . D. H. Chase A. Waldron . Belle Jackson . Maude Stuart Chas. Eldridge . Harry Hogan


On account of the attempted assassination of President James A. Garfield, no performance was given matinee or night of July 2. The one hundredth representation of "The Professor" occurred Sept. 8. The theatre was closed evening of Sept. 20, in consequence of the death of President Garfield, also on Monday night, Sept. 26, the day of the funeral.

"The Professor" had a run of 151 consecutive performances, and was acted for the last time here at the matinee Oct. 29. "Esme- ralda," by Mrs. Burnett, was first acted here Oct. 29. It had already been produced at the Grand Opera House, Newark, N. J. by the company which presented it here. The cast was :

Lydia Ann . . . Kate Denin Wilson Dave Hardy . . . Eben Plympton Jack Desmond . . E. A. McDowell Nora Desmond . . . Agnes Booth Marquis de Montessin

Davenport Bebus

Kate Desmond George Drew . Elbert Rogers Esmeralda Estabrook . .

. May Gallagher

Edwin Knowles

Leslie Allen

. Annie Russell

Thomas WhifFen

Sophie Clara Hyatt

The one hundredth performance of " Esmeralda" took place Feb. 3, 1882; on Feb. 26 John E. Owens appeared in the r61e of Elbert Rogers, and Mrs. Thomas Whiffen in that of Lydia Ann. The one hundred and fiftieth performance occurred March 24 ; the two hun- dredth on May 12, and the two hundred and fiftieth July i. A matinee performance was given on April 3 for the benefit of the Actors' Fund. On July 4 E. J. Buckley, Viola Allen (first appear- ance on any stage), Mrs. Leslie Allen, Fanny Reeves (Mrs. E. A. McDowell), and Louise Dillon appeared in the cast. Viola Allen succeeded Annie Russell as Esmeralda. She made a pronounced success, and was at once engaged for 1882-83. " Esmeralda" was acted for the three hundred and fiftieth and last time Saturday, Oct. 7.

" Young Mrs. Winthrop," by Bronson Howard, had its first per- formance Oct. 9, with this cast :

Douglass Winthrop . . Constance Winthrop . Ruth Winthrop . Mrs. Mrs. Dick Chetwyn . . Buxton Scott . . . .

Geo. Clarke

Carrie Turner

Thos. Whiffen

Agnes Booth

Thos. Whiffen

Dr. Mellbanke . . W. J. Le Moyne Herbert Winthrop . . Henry Miller

Jeanette Delia Stillwell

Edith Maude Stuart

The one hundredth performance took place Jan. 12, 1883. The one hundred and fiftieth March 5. On Feb. 5 Ada Dyas acted Mrs. Dick Chetwyn ; Agnes Booth, Young Mrs. Winthrop (for the first time); E. H. Stephens, Dr. Mellbanke; Jean Clara Walters, Ruth. Edwin Arden and L. F. Massen were also in the cast. " Young Mrs. Winthrop" was played for the last time April 7.

" The Russian Honeymoon," by Mrs. Burton N. Harrison, was produced April 9, and thus cast :




Alexis Fred Bryton Micheline .... Estelle Clayton

Poleska Agnes Booth KenlikofI Max Freeman

Baroness Ada Dyas Osip Edwin Arden

Ivan W. J. Le Moyne

It had been previously played here by amateurs in December, 1882. A matin6e for the benefit of the Actors' Fund, was given Thursday, April 12. Geo. W. Cable, the novelist, gave readings afternoon of April 23. "The Russian Honeymoon " was acted until June 4, when the theatre closed for the regular season. The fourth summer season commenced June S, with William Young's play, " The Rajah, or Wyncot's Ward," which had this cast :

Harold Wyncot . . . Geo. Clarke

Gladys Rillie Deaves

Joseph Jekyll . . . W. J. Le Moyne

Emilia Jekyll Enid Leslie

Richard Jocelyn . . . Thos. Whiffen

Mrs. Pringle . . Mrs. Thos. Whiffen

Buttons Alfred Klein

Cragin Max Freeman

Job Jekyll J. Frankau

Saturday matindes were omitted during the summer, but Wednes- day matinees were commenced June 13. August 20 H. M. Pitt acted Harold Wyncot ; Carrie Turner, Gladys ; Esther Lyon, Mary ; and J. O. Barrows, Richard. Marion Elmore first appeared Sept. 10, as Emilia.

The one hundredth night was Sept. 1 1. Geo. Clarke reappeared as Harold Oct. 8, Dominick Murray was seen as Cragin, Marie Burroughs as Gladys, and E. M. Holland (first appearance at this theatre) as Job Jekyll.

"The Rajah" reached its one hundred and fiftieth performance Oct. 31. An extra matinee on Nov. 6 (Election Day) was given. The play was withdrawn Dec. 10, when Henry C. De Mille's drama " Delmer's Daughter, or Duty," was produced with this cast :

Esther Enid Leslie

Rhoda Marie Burroughs

Dr. West Geo. Clarke

Paley Thos. WhifEen

Dr. Van Arnem John Delmer . Martha . . . Margaret . .

. Walden Ramsay

. W. J. Le Moyne

Mrs. Thos. Whiffen

. . Fanny Reeves

Proving a failure, it was withdrawn Dec. 17, and " The Rajah " was revived. "The Rajah" was acted for the last time Jan. 29, 1884. The theatre was closed Jan. 30, and Boyesen's play, " Alpine Roses," was seen for the first time Jan. 3 1 and thus cast :

Ilka Georgia Cayvan

Irma Marie Burroughs

Uberta .... Mrs. Thos. Whiffen Count Von Dornfield, Richard Mansfield Countess Von Dornfield

Mme. Liska Von Stamwitz

Herr Von Steinegg . Thos. Whiffen Julius Hahn . . . W. J. Le Moyne

Hansel Geo. Clarke

Wimple W. H. Pope

Roudel Harry Hogan

Mme. Modjeska appeared in "Adrienne Lecouvreur," afternoon of March 6, for the benefit of the Polish school. " Alpine Roses " was


played for the last time Thursday, April lo. The theatre was closed April II (Good Friday). There was no matinee April 12, and in the evening " May Blossom, or Two Loves," by David Belasco had its initial representation, and was thus cast :

May Blossom . . Tom Blossom . . Steve Harland Richard Ashcroft " Uncle " Bartlett Owen Hathaway Capt. Drummond


Georgia Cayvan Benj. Maginley Jos. Wheelocic Walden Ramsay W. J. Le Moyne . Thos. Whiffen Henry Talbot

Master Tommy Russell

Lulu . . . Deborah . . Hank Bluster Hiram Sloane Eph . . . . Millie . . . Little May

. . . Little Belle Mrs. Thos. Whiffen King Hedley Jos. Frankau . I. N. Long Etta Hawkins Carrie Elbert

The one hundredth performance of " May Blossom " took place July 21, the one hundred and fiftieth Sept. 9, and the last perform- ance Sept. 27. Dion Boucicault gave a lecture on " The Art of Acting " afternoon May 8. Benj. Maginley died at Westchester, N. Y., June 3, 1888, from heart disease.

On September i A. M. Palmer entered into partnership with the Mallory Brothers, and the policy of the theatre was entirely changed. The "Sunday School" drama was abandoned and Mr. Palmer pro- duced on Sept. 29 " The Private Secretary," with this cast :

Mr. Cattermole . . W. J. Le Moyne Douglas .... Herbert Kelcey Rev. Robert Spaulding, Frank Thornton Marsland .... M. A. Kennedy

Harry Walden Ramsay

Gibson Thos. Whiffen

John M. Morton

Knox J. Delamater

Thomas Harry Hogan

Edith Olga Brandon

Eva Daisy Hodgkinson

Miss Ashford . . Mrs. T. Whiffen Mrs. Stead .... Lizzie Duroy

It was a screaming farce, with a low comedy clergyman as the hero. Its success was prodigious and Dr. Mallory offered no protest to it.

Harriet Jay made her debut at a matinee on Nov. 24 as Lady Clancarty in the drama of that name, supported by Charles Glenney, Adeline Stanhope, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Whififen, E. J. Henley, J. W. Pigott, Charles Coote, M. Morton, A. Lindsay, Charles Sea- bert, and Miss Hodgkinson. Edward M. Holland acted Gibson Dec. 22. "The Private Secretary" had its one hundredth perform- ance Jan. 2, 1885.

Frank S. Thornton took a benefit matinee Feb. 12, when "Broken Hearts," by W. S. Gilbert, was produced, with this cast :

Prince Florian Mousta . . , The Lady Hilda

L. F. Massen F. S. Thornton Maud Harrison

Lady Melusine Lady Vavir Lady Amanthis

Marie Greenwald

. Annie Russell

Sarah Ester

" The Private Secretary " was acted for the one hundred and fif- tieth time Feb. 20.




A. M. Palmer assumed exclusive control of the theatre March 13. On the i6th Enid Leslie played Eva; Walden Ramsay, Douglas; Harry Allen, Marsland ; and John H. Browne, Harry. The two hun- dredth and last performance here of " The Private Secretary " took place April 11. " Sealed Instructions," by Mrs. Julia Campbell Ver Planck, was seen, for the first time on any stage, April 13, and had this cast :

Lord Dorchester

Mons Gervais . .

Guy Dunbar . . .

Gerald Dunbar . . Mrs. Houghton


Capt. Lionel . . .

. Fred Robinson

W. J. Le Moyne

Herbert Kelcey

Walden Ramsay

Madison Dennison . . H. M. Pitt

Benton Thos. Whiffen

Servant Harry Hogan

Ada Annie Russell

Katharine .... Jessie Millward

Susanne Lena Langdon

Appleby Fred Ross

This was the debut here of Frederic Robinson.

Shortly aflerwards J. H. Stoddart acted Benton, Maud Harrison Katherine, and Jessie Millward Ada. The play's run closed June 6, after fifty-six consecutive performances.

John T. Raymond began a summer season June 8, with " In Chancery," which had this cast :


. John T. Raymond

Mrs. Smith . .

. . Olga Brandon

Dionysius . .

. . T. H. Glenney

Marmaduke . .

. . Bessie Hunter

Dr. Titus . .

. Chas. M. Collins

Patricia . . .

. . Emily Stowe

Hinxman . .

C. P. Flockton

Amelia ....

. . Katie Wilson

Gawge . . .

Harry HoUiday

Walker . . .

. . Adele Clarke

John . . .

. . E. H. Sothern

Kittles ....

. . Etta Hawkins

Buzzard . .

Lysander Thompson

" For Congress " was produced by Mr. Raymond July 6, and his engagement closed July 25. For the first time in its history, this house was closed for one week, commencing July 27, but was re- opened Aug. 3 with " The Willow Copse," C. W. Couldock being the star. The cast was :

Rose Fielding . . Sir Richard Vaughan BUI Staggers . . Arthur Apsley Colonel Vanguard Lucy Vanguard . Lynx ....

. Carrie Turner . A. S. Lipman Samuel Hemple Walden Ramsay John Woodard Kate V. Tousey Sidney Couldock

Meg . . .

Mrs. Charles Walcot

Dick Hulks .

. . Charles Walcot

Augustus . .

. . Thomas Whiffen

Lady Apsley .

. . . Mary Myers

Joe ... .

. . W. L. Dennison

George . . .

. . . Charles Carey

Mme_. Janish was announced to appear in " Anselma " Aug. 31, but was enjoined from producing the same, as it was a version of Sar- dou's " Andrea," otherwise " Agnes," the sole American right of which belonged to Agnes Ethel. The theatre was closed until Sept. 7, when a compromise was made, and " Anselma " was acted for the first time on any stage, and thus cast :


Count Marcelin . Count de Brionne Dr. Brazilos . Henry Clay Stella . . . Basil . . . Oroide . . . Sidonie . . .

. Henry Miller

. Max Freeman

Leslie Edmunds

G. H. Leonard

Gabriel du Sauld

W. J. Ferguson

John G. McDonald

Jenny Karsner

Joseph . Anselma Lambert Graffit . Kraft . Celine . Pierre .

Genevra Ingersoll . . . Janish M. B. Hoffman H. S. MiUward . . M. Morton . Nettie Abbott . Harry Hogan

" Sealed Instructions " was revived Oct. S, owing to the failure of " Anselma."

There was no matinee performance on Nov. 7, but " Saints and Sinners " was first acted that night, and had this cast :

Captain Eustace Samuel Hoggard Peter Greenacre Jack Raddles . Letty Fletcher Fanny Parridge Jacob Fletcher Ralph Kingsmill

Herbert Kelcey W. J. Le Moyne William Davidge Walden Ramsay Marie Burroughs Marie Greenwald . J. H. Stoddart . L. F. Massen

Lot Burden . .

Prabble . . . Uncle Bamberry

Leeson . . .

Tom Marks . .

Porter . . . .

Lydia . . . . Mrs. Parridge

. . E. M. Holland C. P. Flockton . . Frank Drew Herbert S. MiUward . .- Alfred Becks . . Henry Hogan Mrs. F. J. Phillips . . Lizzie Duroy

A triple performance for the Actors' Fund took place Feb. 4, 1886, under the management of Aug. Daly, and with the co-operation of A. M. Palmer and Lester Wallack. The plan of entertainment, a novel one, was thus arranged : Mr. Wallack's company appeared at two o'clock on that day at Wallack's Theatre in the second act of " The Rivals," at three o'clock they appeared at Daly's Theatre in the fourth act, and at four o'clock they appeared at the Madison Square Theatre in the last act of " The Rivals." Mr. Palmer's com- pany appeared at two o'clock at the Madison Square Theatre in the first act of " Engaged," at three o'clock they appeared at Wallack's Theatre in the second, and at four o'clock at Daly's Theatre in the last act of " Engaged." Mr. Daly's company appeared at Daly's Theatre at two o'clock in the first act of " Love on Crutches," at three o'clock they appeared at the Madison Square Theatre in the second act, and at four o'clock they appeared at Wallack's Theatre in the last act of " Love on Crutches." Mr. Wallack addressed the audience at Daly's, Mr. Palmer at Wallack's, and Mr. Daly at the Madison Square. Reserved seats were $2, and were good for either theatre.

" Saints and Sinners " had its one hundredth performance here Feb. 12, 1886, and was acted for the last time Feb. 22.

" Engaged," was presented Feb. 23, with this cast:

Mr. Symperson Angus Macalister . Major McGillicuddy Belinda Treherne Cheviot Hill . .

W. J. Le Moyne

. L. F. Massen

Frank Drew

. Agnes Booth

Herbert Kelcey

Mrs. Macalister . Mrs. E. J. Phillips Belvawney .... C. P. Flockton

Minnie Maud Harrison

Maggie Annie Russell

Parker .... Marie Greenwald




It was acted until March 30, when " Broken Hearts " and " Old Love Letters " were produced. The cast of " Broken Hearts " was:

Lady Melusine Lady Amanthis Prince Florian

Marie Greenwald . . Lulu Esther . . L. F. Massen

Lady Hilda .... Maud Harrison

Lady Vavir Annie Russell

Mousta W. J. Le Moyne

In " Old Love Letters," Agnes Booth and Herbert Kelcey played Mrs. Brownlee and Warburton. This bill continued until April 19, when " Our Society " was seen for the first time, and with this cast:

Philip Van Pelt . . Herbert Kelcey Ferdinand C. Tapper, Walden Ramsay Reginald Rae . . . W. J. Le Moyne Socrates Browning . E. M. Holland Senator Montgomery, William Davidge Hon. Reuben Gary . . Frank Drew Mrs. Katharine Spencer

Mrs. E. J. Phillips Sylvia Spencer . . Annie Russell

Mrs. Ferdinand C. Tupper

Maud Harrison Miss Constance Grey . May Robson Mrs. Van Pelt . . Virginia Buchanan Mrs. Athburton . . . Lizzie Duroy Mrs. Darlington Browne

Marie Greenwald Mr. Starling ... C. P. Flockton Williams . . . . H. S. Millward

May Robson is the wife of Dr. Brown, medical examiner of the police department of this city.

The season closed May i, and a summer season commenced May 3, R. M. Field, manager of the Boston Museum, having rented the house for the purpose of presenting Richard Mansfield in A. C. Gunter's comedy, acted for the first time, called " Prince Karl." It received this cast :

Karl Von Arhmien, Spartan Spotts Algernon Briggs . Sylvio Salvolio Pippo di Monti Mrs. Daphne Lowell

Richard Mansfield . . Charles Kent . . A. R. Whytal . C. E. Boardman . William Malley

Mrs. J. R. Vincent

Mrs. Florence Lowell, Miss Alicia Lowell . J. Cool Dragon . . Markey Davis . . . Gustavus . . . H.

Maida Craigen , Helen Dayne Wm. Seymour . James Nolan P. Whittemore

Guiseppi G. B. Bates

The one hundredth performance of " Prince Karl " occurred July 20. During the warm weather ladies were served with free ices. On Aug. 2 these changes were made in the cast :

Florence Lowell . Beatrice Cameron Alicia Lowell . . . Emma Sheridan Mayor of Karlshopp . . . Mr. Bell Karl Von Arhmien, Richard Mansfield Daphne Lowell . . . Effie Germon

Cool ' Jos. Frankau

Markey Harry Gwynette

Spotts Cyril Scott

Algernon .... Albert Roberts Gustavus Mr. Malley

" Held by the Enemy," W. H. Gillette's military drama, was first acted here Aug. 16. It had been previously done at the Criterion Theatre, Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 22 of the same year. It was thus cast here :


Maj. Gen. Stamburg, Chas. W. Stokes Col. Charles Prescott . Geo. R. Parks Lieut. Gordon Hayne . J. E. Kellerd Brigade Surgeon Fielding

Melbourne McDowell Asst. Surgeon Hathaway, H. A. Moran Thomas Henry Bean, Chas. S. Dickson Uncle Rufus . . . Harry Woodson

Capt. Woodford . . . D. J. Sullivan Hinton .... Jean H. Williams Euphemia McCreery

Mrs. M. A. Farren Rachel McCreery . . Kathryn Kidder Susan McCreery . . . Louise Dillon

Sentry Hugh Fuller

Clerk W. H. Pope

It terminated its run Oct. 23. '~~

This house was closed for one week commencing Oct. 25, and reopened Nov. i, with" Jim the Penman," by Sir Chas. Young, with this cast:

James Ralston Baron Hartfeld Captain Redwood Lord Drelincourt . Jack Ralston . . Mr. Chapstone Mr. Netherby . .

Frederic Robinson . W. J. Le Moyne . E. M. Holland . Louis F. Massen . Walden Ramsay . C. P. Flockton Harry HoUiday

Dr. Pettywise . Agnes Ralston Lady Dunscombe Louis Percival . George . . . Mrs. Ralston . Mrs. Chapstone

William Davidge

Maud Harrison

Mrs. E. J. Phillips

H. M. Pitt

Herbert Millward

. Agnes Booth

. May Robson

" Jim the Penman " was originally acted at Chicago, 111.

A special performance took place on the afternoon of Nov. 18, for the trial of a dramatization of W. D. Howells' novel, " A Foregone Conclusion," with this cast :

Don Ippolito .... Alex Salvini

Henry Ferris . . . . L. F. Massen

Veneranda .... May Robson

John Billings . . . E. M. Holland

Mrs. Verbrain . Mrs. E. J. Phillips The Cononico ... H. Millward

Florida Marie Burroughs

Nina Marie Greenwald

Sidney WooUett gave six morning poetic recitals as follows : Jan. 3, 1887, Tennyson's " Elaine; " Jan. 10, " Guinevere; " Jan 19, "The Passing of Arthur;" Jan. 24, "Philip Van Artevelde;" Jan. 31, Shakespeare's " King John ; " and Feb. 7, " The Tempest."

The production of Brander Matthews' " Margery's Lovers " was the second in the series of Authors' Matinees, and given for the first time in America Jan. 11, with this cast:

Commodore Brevoort .C. P. Flockton

Lieut. John Alden . . Louis Massen

Mr. Lewis Long . . . E. M. Holland

Wm. Blackwall . . . J. H. Stoddart

Margery Blackwall . Marie Burroughs

Mrs. Webster. . Mrs. E. J. Phillips Bobby Webster . . Walden Ramsay Miss Sara Webster . . Lena Langdon Count de Sarazue ... A. Salvini Sophy Marie Greenwald

Sidney Woollett gave four afternoon recitals on March 10, 17, 24, and 31.

Annie Mayer made her New York debut March 28, as Mrs. Ralston in " Jim the Penman." Agnes Booth and Annie Mayer both falling ill the night of April 4, there was no performance, and the run of " Jim the Penman " was broken.

There was no performance at this theatre, Monday evening, April 18, as the company appeared at the National Theatre, Washington,




D. C, in " Jim the Penman," when the President (Grover Cleveland) and many ofificials were present. The receipts are said to have been ;?3,ioo, and were given to the Actors' Fund. The company reap- peared Tuesday evening. The house was occupied Monday even- ing, by Charles Roberts, who gave a reading of the Indian poem, " Onnalinda," for the benefit of the Masonic Asylum Fund. " Elaine," a dramatization, by George Parsons Lathrop and Harry Edwards, of Tennyson's poem, was acted for the first time on any stage the afternoon of April 28. It had this cast :

King Arthur H. M. Pitt The Dumb Servitor . C. P. Flockton

Sir Torre L. F. Massen The Harper .... H. HoUiday

Lavaine .... Walden Ramsay Queen Marie Burroughs

Gawain ..... Robert Hilliard Elaine Annie Russell

Hermit Friar .... H. Millward Llaynd May Robson

Lord of Astolat . . Harry Edwards Roselle Marie Greenwald

Sir Lancelot .... Alex Salvini

The season terminated April 30, with "Jim the Penman."

" Our Society," was revived May 2, for a month's run. It was an adaptation of " Le Monde ou Ton s'Ennuie," and was cast thus :

Sylvia Annie Russell

Reginald Frank Rodney

Katherine . . . Mrs. E. J. Phillips Mrs. Tupper . . . Maud Harrison

Ferdinand .... Walden Ramsay Mrs. Van Pelt. . Virginia Buchanan

Phillip E. H. Vanderfelt

Constance .... Jennie Eustace

This was the first appearance of E. H. Vanderfelt in this theatre. " Fashion," by Selina Dolaro, was seen for the first time on any stage, afternoon of May 19 with this cast :

Capt. Denalgnez . . Eben Plympton Philip Valnay . . . . J. T. Sullivan Baron Sarcy .... E. J. Henley M. Pierson . . . Harry Edwards

Dora Valnay . . Marion Pierson . . Adelaide Lapierre ) Mathilde Madison \

Annie Robe Belle Archer

Mrs. C Dennison

The season closed May 28, with " Our Society."

Richard Mansfield began an engagement May 30, with " Prince Karl." Clara Fisher Maeder, Johnstone Bennett, Anne O'Neill, Beatrice Cameron, Joseph Frankau, Cyril Scott, John Parry, Harry Gwynette, and Charles Eldridge were in the cast. This was Anne O'Neill's first appearance on any stage. She afterwards became Mrs. Henry C. Miner.

" Monsieur," by Richard Mansfield, was presented for the first time on any stage July 11, and with this cast:

Alice Beatrice Cameron

Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Golden

Josephine Laurens Mrs. Mary Pettygow . Anne O'Neill Mrs. Morton .... Helen Glidden

Sally Johnstone Bennett

Tom Vanderhuysen, John T. Sullivan

Ezra J. Golden . . . D. H. Harkins Morton Saunders . Joseph Frankau

Popples Harry Gwynette

Hon. Charles Mt. Vernon, John Parry Andre Rossini Mario de Jadot

Richard Mansfield


" Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde " was first acted in this city Sept. 12, and its run terminated Oct. i. The original cast of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was-:

Inspector Newcomen, C. E. Eldridge

Mrs. Lanyon . . Katharine Rogers

John T. Sullivan Rebecca Moor . . Helen Glidden

D. H. Harkins Agnes Carew . . Beatrice Cameron

H. B. Bradley Poole Harry Gwynette

Dr. Jekyll > Mr. Hyde ; " Gabriel Utterson . Dr. Lanyon . . Sir Danvers Carew

Richard Mansfield

The regular season opened Oct. 3, 1887 with "Jim the Penman," and the original cast. The company was composed of Charles Coghlan, Frederic Robinson, J. H. Stoddart, Alex Salvini, H. M. Pitt, L. F. Massen, E. M. Holland, Walden Ramsay, C. P. Flockton, William Davidge, Herbert Millward, Agnes Booth, Mathilde Madi- son, Maud Harrison, Annie Russell, Marie Burroughs, May Robson, Blanche Curtisse, Minnie Seligman, Marie Greenwald, Mrs. E. J. Phil- lips and Mrs. E. L. Davenport.

" Angela," adapted by Henry Lee and L. Ottomeyer, was seen for the first time on any stage, afternoon of Oct. 18. Harry Lee, Genevieve Lytton, Alex Salvini, and others were in the cast.

Alex Salvini created a sensation by appearing on the stage bare- footed, as befitted his character.

" Jim the Penman " was withdrawn Nov. 10, for " The Martyr," which had this cast :

Alex Salvini . L. F. Massen E. M. Holland Wm. Davidge . J. H. Findlay . Annie Russell Herbert Ayling

" The Martyr " was withdrawn Thursday evening, Dec. 6, and " Elaine " had its first evening production, with this cast :

Due di San Lucca . C. P. Flockton Mme. de la Marche, Mrs.^E. J. Phillips

Gen. Moray H. M. Pitt

Admiral Fred Robinson

Ellis Drake ... J. H. Stoddart Mme. Moray .... Agnes Booth Duchess Mrs. Madison

Anibal . . Robert Bruel Corporal . . Mons. Smith Giacomo Pauline . . Footman

King Arthur . Lancelot . . . Lord of Astolat Sir Lavaine . . Dumb Servitor Queen Guinevere .

. Charles Overton Alexander Salvini Frederic Robinson . Walden Ramsay . C. P. Flockton . Marie Burroughs

Sir Torre Sir Gawain . Hermit Friar Elaine . . Llanyd . . Roselle . .

. Louis Massen

E. M. Holland

Wm. Davidge

. Annie Russell

Minnie Seligman

Marie Greenwald

This was Miss Seligman's first appearance on the professional stage. Jan. 16, 1888, " Heart of Hearts " was first acted, with this cast :

. . Louis Massen Lady Clarissa Fitzralph

Frederic Robinson Mrs. E. J. Phillips

E. M. Holland Miss Wilhelmina Fitzralph

C. P. Flockton Mrs. E. L. Davenport

J. H. Stoddart Lucy Robbins . . . Marie Burroughs

. John Findlay Sibyl Latimer . . . Blanche Curtisse

. W. H. Pope Barton .... Marie Greenwald George S. Stevens

Harold Fitzralph Marcus Latimer Dr. Chettle . . Daniel Robins . James Robins . Murch . . . Jeweller's assistant John




Its run ended March 21. This was Blanche Curtisse's first appear- ance here.

Thomas Whiff en reappeared here Feb. 13 as Marcus Latimer.

Henry Irving was tendered a reception by the Goethe Club at this theatre afternoon of March 15. President Parke Godwin introduced Mr. Irving, who delivered an address on the dramatic art in general, and Goethe in particular. Geo. William Curtis made the final speech.

" Partners," by Robert Buchanan, had its initial performance April 2, and with this cast:

Henry Borgfeldt . Alexander Salvini Charles Derwentwater, Walden Ramsay Algernon Bellair . . E. M. Holland Mrs. Harkaway's Husband

Herbert Ayling Dr. Somerville . . . Wm. Davidge

Claire Marie Burroughs

Lady Silverdale . Mrs. E. J. Wiillips Mrs. Harkaway . Mathilde Madison

"A Possible Case" by Sydney Rosenfeld commenced a summer season April 30, and was thus cast :

Mr. Parr .

J. H. Stoddart

Dickinson .

C. P. Flockton

Boker . .

. John Findlay

Smith . .

. W. H. Pope

Servant . .

Geo. S. Stevens

Alice Bellair

. May Robson


Gertie Homan

Mary . . .

. Kate Malony

Otto BrinckerhofiE Lawrence Gould . Violet Mendoza . Mrs. Cyrus Wishton Seiior de Vidas Cyrus .... Ethel Sorrero . . ,

M. A. Kennedy

Frank Burbeck

Genevieve Lytton

Louisa Rial

W. H. Thompson

. Geo. Devere

Daisy Dorr

Juniata Kate Oesterle

Allan Weeks .... Robt. Hilliard Dick Hertel . . . . E. Tannehill

Aurelio Dan Leeson

Boy Ernest Hughes

Gladys Lelia Wolstan

Kitty Carrie Jackson

" A Possible Case " was withdrawn June 4.

A matinee performance of Mrs. Charles A. Doremus' drama, " A Fair Bohemian," took place May 1 1, for the benefit of the Post Gradu- ate Hospital. It had this cast :

Kate Lorain e Mrs. Ironton Guy Lyndon

. Kate Forsyth

Annie Ware

Frank Burbeck

Alice Desmond Mr. Morton Col. Loraine .

. . . Lilla Vane . John T. Sullivan W. H. Thompson

" Fair Fame," by Clinton Stuart, was originally acted afternoon May 24, when Linda Dietz made her American reappearance. It proved to be a version of Alexander Dumas' " Denise." It had this cast:

Lord Elsmere . Hugh Stanton . Capt. Eustace John Preston . Sir Thomas . Lady Clara . .

. E. H. Vanderfelt . Walden Ramsay . . Frank Rodney . J. H. Fitzpatrick Roland Buckstone Mathilde Madison

Lady Dry . . . Virginia Buchanan

Ada Denison Lilla Vane

Mrs. Preston . . Mrs. E. J. PhilHps

Thompson H. Hogan

Margaret Linda Dietz


On June 4, Richard Mansfield began a summer season with " Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." The cast was :

Dr. Jekyll > Mr. Hyde f

Rich. Mansfield

Dr. Lanyon ... D. H. Harkins General Sir Danvers Careiy

Henry Holland Gabriel Utterson . John T. Sullivan

Inspector Newcomen, Joseph Frankau Rebecca Moore , . Emma Sheridan Agnes Carew . . . Beatrice Cameron

Poole James Barrows

Jarvis Thos. Goodwin

Mrs. Lanyon . . . Helen Glidden

" A Parisian Romance " June 25, with this cast ;

Baron Chevrial . Henri de Targy . Signor Juliana M. Labouniere Madame de Targy Madame de Valraary

Madame De Luce,

Richard Mansfield

John T. Sullivan

Joseph Frankau

W. H. Crorapton

Mrs. Sol Smith

Johnstone Bennett Beverly Sitgreaves

Estelle de Paignac, Adelaide Emerson Dr. Chesnel . . . . D. H. Harkins

M. Tirandel John Parry

Therese .... Emma Sheridan Rosa Gewrin .... Maude White

Maria Helen Glidden

Marcelle . . . Beatrice Cameron

Mr. Mansfield's season terminated June 30.

" The Keepsake," Clinton Stuart's adaptation of " Antoinette Rigaud," was first seen on the American stage July 2. It was thus cast:

General de Prefond . Captain Philippe . . Robert Lambertin . Max Bernardet . . Marcelle de Prefond

F. C. Bangs

E. H. Vanderfelt

Walden Ramsay

Harry Eytinge

. May Woolcott

Madame Bernardet, Mrs. Hart Jackson Jules Leroy .... Frank Weston

Pierre John Findlay

Jacques Harry Hogan

Christine Leroy . . . Effie Ellsler

" Irene " was seen for the first time on any stage afternoon of July 3, cast thus :

S. Miller Kent

Frangois Casine >

Count Henri Casine \

Sergeant of Police, Lawrence Manning

Lady Irene Harcourt, Grace Henderson

Marguerite .... Lillian Chantore

Maurice Chas. Bowser

Dagrion Chas. B. Welles

Dr. Disillai H. M. Pitt

Vesillian Cyril Scott

Balzac Chas. Dade

Pierre Luke Martin

Mestage G. S. Stevens

Manette Evelyn Campbell

Effie Ellsler appeared here July 30, in Frank Harvey's play, "Judge Not," with this cast:

Phillip Vane . . Frank Brightside Rupert Derwent . Little Philip . . Lady Chalmers .

. E. H. Vanderfelt . . Frank Weston . . Fred Corbett Master Vanderfelt Mrs. Hart Jackson

Katherine Clare Lord Ferndale Servant . . . Lady Moreland Ethel . . .

. Efiie Ellsler . F. C. Bangs . Harry Hogan . Mme. Ponisi Helen Bancroft

William Gillette produced his new play " A Legal Wreck," August 14, and the cast was :




Captain Edward Smith, Alfred Hudson

Jonathan Mazey Henry B. Leverett . Richard Merriam Mrs. Perrin Kimball Olive Gray . . .

Sidney Smith . Boyd Putnam . Sidney Drew . . Ida Vernon Nina Boucicault

Edith Kimball . . Francis Graham Nancy Ann Dunks

Fanny Denham Rouse

Ed. Smith Geo. Fawcett

Mary Elsie Lombard

An extra matinee performance was given Oct. 18 of "A Legal Wreck " for the benefit of The Ladies' Jacksonville Relief Society.

"Beauty Abroad," by Clinton Stuart, was acted matinee Nov. i, cast thus :

Lord Ronold Airlie Baron de Beaurain Millicent Beresford Alma Ashley . . Geofirey Lyman . Prince Gloria

Walden Ramsay Paten Gibbs

Nina Boucicault

Isabelle Evesson

Wm. Morris

. Ed. J. Henley

Samuel Cronise Cyrus Budd Lady Beresford Mrs. Cronise . Paola Almagia Mrs. Budd . .

. Cyril Scott

Joseph Wilkes

. Mary Shaw

. Lilla Vane

Linda Dietz

Mrs. Mary Barker

The theatre was closed Nov. 12, 13, and the regular season com- menced Nov. 14, with a revival of " Partners."

" Captain Smith " had its first presentation in America Dec. 4, with this cast :

Mr. Wilding . Mr. Seabrook Harry Seabrook Mr. Gardiner . Stella Darbisher Mabel Seabrook

Maurice Barrymore Frederic Robinson . Henry Woodruff . E. M. Holland . Marie Burroughs . . Annie Russell

Lady Stanton . . Mrs. E. J. Phillips

Marshall J. H. Stoddart

Ryan Walden Ramsay

Bates Reuben Fax

Mrs. Seabrook . . . Agnes Booth

The pupils of the Palmer-Boucicault School of Acting gave their first public performance Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 5, and the enter- tainment consisted of: " Kerry " Gerald, E. S. Brousse ; Dr. Hel- lish, Jos. McHugh ; Coldham, Francis Livingston ; Mrs. Desmond, Ray Rockman ; Kate, Nannette Comstock ; Kerry, Dion Boucicault. Scene from "King John" Pandulph, Gordon Emmons; King Philip, Clarence Taylor; Lewis, John Dempsey; Constance, Cora Deane. "Hunted Down" John Leigh, Walden Ramsay; Mary, Nannie Craddock ; Lady Glencarrig, Kate Lester ; Mrs. Bolton Jones, Viola Whitcomb ; Clara, Cora Deane ; Fanny, Evelyn Malcolm ; Rawdon Scudamore, George St. Mar. " Honor Bright," a comedy by Mrs. Allan Arthur, had its first production on the afternoon of Dec. 21, at an authors' matinee. The cast :

Honor Bright Madeleine Bright Molly Bright Lloyd Stuyvesant

. . . Emily Rigl . . Dorothy Dorr .Johnstone Bennett . . Louis Massen

Mark Field . . George Scott . . Joey B. Bonanza Howell Rivingston

. Henry Miller

Henry Woodruff

George Parkhurst

Walden Ramsay

A matinee performance in aid of the Actors' Fund took place April 5, 1889, arranged through the assistance and co-operation of


M. Coquelin, Aug. Daly, Abbey, Schoeffel & Grau, and Mr. Palmer. The programme comprised : M. Coquelin and his company in " Les Pr^cieuses Ridicules," Mr. Daly's company in act three of " The Railroad of Love," M. Coquelin in monologues, and M. Coquelin and Agnes Booth in " The Silent System" (English). This was the last appearance of M. Coquelin.

" Captain Swift " reached its one hundred and fiftieth performance April 27. The season closed May 4, and a summer term began May 6, with " Featherbrain," which had this cast :

Don Stephano Ruy Gomar

Wilton Lackaye Ferdinand Pettigrew . Thos. Burns Valentine Day . . Wm. Faversham Eurydice Mole . Adeline Stanhope Mrs. Pettigrew . . Ethelyn Friend Mrs. Coney (Featherbrain)

Minnie Maddern

Samuel Coney . . . J. O. Barrows

Tipper Augustus Bruno

Cabman Master Chico

Boy Odette Tyler

Nellie Emma Maddern

^m^"} ^"^^^^^^-^

On June i, 2, Emma Maddern was out of the cast in consequence of illness. On June 4, Emma Maddern took the r61e of Mary Ann for the balance of the season. Adeline Stanhope then withdrew from the cast, and May Roberts acted Eurydice Mole. The season closed June 30. " Editha's Burglar " was acted for the first time in this city July i. The cast:

Alice .... Emma V. Sheridan

Fanny Minnie Dupree

Martha Louise Homan

Editha .... Little Gertie Homan

Wm. Lewis . . Maurice Barrymore Edward Bainbridge . . Sidney Drew Paul Benton . . . . J. T. Sullivan John Hamilton . . . Gus Thomas James J. H. Shewell

This was followed Aug. 5, by " Booties' Baby," first time in America, and cast thus :

Capt. Algernon Ferrers (Booties)

Chas. A. Stevenson Capt. Gavor Gilchrist, Wilton Lackaye Lieut. P. Miles . . Augustus Cook Private Philip Saunders, Frederick Kerr Mignon .... Little Gertie Homan Lora Norris . . Nannette Comstock

Humpty Dumpty Helen Grace Capt. Lucy Lieut. Gray Dr. Blantyre Mrs. Smith

. . Alice Leigh

. Kate Claxton

C. W. Garthorne

W. G. Regnier

W. H. Crompton

Blanche Weaver

Augustus Cook retired from the cast Sept. 14, and on Sept. 16 Mr. Joyce assumed the r61e of Lieut. Miles, acted for the last time here Oct. 26.

The theatre was dark Oct. 28 and 29. "Aunt Jack" had its premier in America, Oct. 30; also a new one-act curtain raiser, by Aug. Thomas, called " A Man of the World," was done with " Aunt Jack." The cast of " Aunt Jack " :




Foreman of the Jury . . E. Emmons Mrs. Ephraim B. Van Streak

Eugenie Tabor

Usher Percy Winter

Joseph H. Millward

Joan Bryon .... Agnes Booth Mildred Maud Harrison

Caleb Cornish . . . Edward Bell Mr.Juffin .... Chas. W. Butler

Swoffer H. HoUiday

Associate Justice .... R. Fax S. Berkeley Brue . . E. M. Holland Colonel Taveno . Frederic Robinson Lord St. John Brompton, Louis Massen Mr. Justice Mundle . . J. H. Stoddart

The first of this season's Authors' Matinees was given Dec. 23, when " Helen's Inheritance " was seen for the first time in America. Agnes Booth was absent from the cast of " Aunt Jack " Feb. 17, 1890, and Maud Harrison played her part. Mrs. Booth returned Feb. 18.

On Monday morning, March 3, A. M. Palmer and the company went to Washington, D. C, to give a matinde performance of " Aunt Jack " at Albaugh's Theatre, for the benefit of the Actors' Fund. A special train was furnished by the Pennsylvania Railroad for the excursion. This train was made up of a combination baggage and smoking car, a passenger coach, and a dining car. It left Jersey City at 7.29 o'clock, A. M., with Palmer, his company, and his guests on board, the party numbering sixty-two people all told, no stop being made until Philadelphia was reached, the distance, ninety miles, being covered in ninety-four minutes, which is faster than the former record. The train arrived in Washington at 1 1.47. The total distance of 227 miles had been travelled in four hours and eight minutes. The pre- vious record was five hours and thirteen minutes, and it was made when New York physicians were taken to Washington to attend President Garfield after he was shot by Guiteau. The curtain of the Grand Opera House was rung up promptly at i o'clock. The final curtain was rung down a little before 3 o'clock, and the actors made a lightning change from their stage apparel to their street clothes. The return train started for New York exactly at 3.15 o'clock. Jersey City was reached at 7.33 o'clock. This timing would make the time of the return trip four hours and eighteen minutes, exactly that of the out- ward trip. J. P. McWilliams, another representative of the road, made the time of arrival in Jersey City 7.34 o'clock. This would add another minute to the time. The passengers, however, agree that four hours and eighteen minutes was the actual time. On dis- embarking at Jersey City the actors went directly to the Madison Square Theatre, where they arrived by 8 o'clock, in ample time for the regular evening performance. Maurice Barrymore, whose ser- vices had not been required at Washington, held the stage and the audience, as Captain Bradley in " A Man of the World," until 9 o'clock. After the usual orchestral selection, the curtain went up on schedule time for the first scene of "Aunt Jack." Each member of the cast was greeted with applause on his or her first entrance.

A Delsarte matinee took place on the afternoon of March 26.



Mrs. Genevieve Thompson Stebbins and Mary S. Thompson were the features of the entertainment.

The run of " Aunt Jack " and " A Man of the World " closed April 26, having lasted since Oct. 30, 1889. The theatre's regular stock season also closed April 26.

" The Blue Officer " was a drama first acted April 28. It was an English translation or adaptation of " L'Officier Bleu," a drama that had been tried at the Th^Stre de la Renaissance, Brussels, after the Paris officials had interdicted it at the Gymnase. The cast :

Nadia Genevieve Lytton

Countess Delcroff . . Rose Eytinge De Janson .... Wm. Spencer Wourashkine . . . A. L. Rankin

Tobeleff Thomas Joyce

Ivan William Hatter

Prince D'Oblansky . . . Henry Lee Count Henkendorff . Henry Holland Count Jassy . . Clarence Handysides Dr. Periskoff . . George Osborne General Wourapoff . . Evelyn Evans Princess Sistoff . . Donna Madixxa H^lfene, Countess Jassy, Selina Fetter

Richard Mansfield opened his summer season May 5, with " A Parisian Romance."

" Beau Brumraell " was presented May 19. The cast was :

The Prince of Wales . D. H. Harkins Mariana Vincent

Richard Brinsley Sheridan Lady Farthingale,

A. G. Andrews Mrs. St. Aubyn .

Reginald Courtney . . F. W. Lander Kathleen . . .

Beau Brummell . Richard Mansfield A Nurse . . .

Bailiffs A French Lodging

Messrs. B. W. Turner and Norton

Prince's Footman . . Mr. Graham Lord Manly . .

Oliver Vincent . . . J. B. Everham Mortimer . . .

Duchess of Leamington Abrahams . . .

Mrs. Julia Brutone A Lady . . .

. . Agnes Miller

Beverly Sitgreaves

. . Adele Measor

Johnstone Bennett

Constance Neville

House Keeper

Alice Leigh

J. C. Buckstone

W. J. Ferguson

. W. H. Crompton

. . Susie Drake

A matinee performance May 22 was for the benefit of the Babies' Ward of the Post Graduate Hospital. The fiftieth performance of " Beau Brummell " occurred July 7. The theatre was closed Aug. 3, but reopened Aug. 11, when " Beau Brummell" was resumed. The seventy-fifth performance occurred Aug. 12. Nellie Lingard joined the cast Sept. i, replacing Johnstone Bennett. The one hundredth performance occurred Sept. 6, when Robert S. Taber joined the company, taking Frank Lander's place. Helen Glidden, then took Beverly Sitgreaves' position, and Beatrice Cameron assumed the r61e of Miss Vincent, Agnes Miller retiring. Nellie Lingard retired from the cast Sept. 16, and the r81e of Kathleen was assumed once more by Johnstone Bennett. Richard Mansfield gave a performance of " Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," afternoon of Oct. 8. As a curtain raiser, there was a novelty in the first American presentation of R. W. Davey's " Lesbia," with this cast : Lesbia, Beatrice Cameron ; Sybilla, Mrs. Brutone ; Affra, Ethel Sprague (first appearance on any stage) ; Claudia, Edith Day; Catullus, Robert S. Taber. Mr. Mansfield




closed Oct. 25. "Prince Karl" was given by Mansfield, at the matinee Oct. 22. The theatre was closed evenings Oct. 27, 28, and 29. The next season opened Oct. 30, with " A Pair of Spectacles," Sydney Grundy's adaptation of " Les Petits Oiseaux," seen for the first time in America. It had this cast:

Benjamin Goldfinch Gregory Goldfinch Lorimer . . . Mrs. Goldfinch . . Lucy Lorimer . .

. J. H. Stoddart

E. M. Holland

Frederic Robinson

Maud Harrison

Nannie Craddock

Percy Walden Ramsay

Dick Harry Woodrufi

Bartholomew . . . . F. H. Tyler Joyce H. Millward

An amateur theatrical performance took place on the afternoon Nov. 21, for the benefit of the Fresh Air Home. Alice and Rita Lawrence, Gladys Ansel, Robert L. Cutting, Robert Lee Morrell, Palmer Coolidge, Rudolph de Cordova, and Geo. M. Anderson, all well-known amateurs, appeared in the one-act comedietta, "The Nettie," followed by Jerome's play, " Sunset," the entertainment concluding with "A Corsican Legacy," a funny farce, which was made funnier by the introduction of McAllister's " Society As I Have Found It," with an animated discussion as to its fitness for the Corsican Four Hundred. "Afterthoughts" a one-act play by Augustus Thomas, was first presented Nov. 24, preceding "A Pair of Spectacles " in place of " Old Love Letters," which had been the curtain raiser from Nov. 3. The cast of " Afterthoughts " was :

Mrs. " Frank " Fairfield, Agnes Booth I Martha, a maid . . . May Buckley Donald Barclay . . . Louis Massen |

Franz Rummel, the pianist, gave a recital here the afternoons Dec. 2 and 4. " A New Year's Call," a one-act play, was produced on Dec. 29, and ran to Jan. 3, 1891, and had this cast:

Joe Spencer . Harry Hume Nellie Clark .

Harry Woodruff

Walden Ramsay

Nannie Craddock

Mr. Clark .... Charles Harris

Mercury Fred Wilton

Clara Dallas McLean

"A Pair of Spectacles " was played for the last time Jan. 3. No matinee was given New Year's Day. The theatre was closed Jan. 5, for a rehearsal of " The Silver Shield," produced for the first time in this city Jan. 6, when the Rosina Yokes company appeared :

Sir Humphrey Chetwynd, Charles J. Bell Ned Chetwynd . . . Grant Stewart Dodson Dick . Ferdinand Gottschalk Tom Potter . . . Courtenay Thorpe Lucy Preston . . . Emily Bancker

Alma Blake .... Rosina Yokes Rev. Dr. Dozey . . Felix Morris

Mrs. Dozey Miss Wood

Wilson Marion Kilby

Susan Eleanor Lane

A matinee benefit (Jan. 8) was given for the organization known as " The Little Mothers ; " " Esther Sandraz," was seen for the first time in New York, with this cast : VOL. n. 28


Henri Vandelle . . Olivier Deschamps Boisgommeux . . Esther Sandraz . .

Arthur Dacre

Edward Bell

Mervyn Dallas

Amy Rosalie

Madame Fourcanade

Mrs. E. J. Phillips

Fourcanade Fred Tyler

Henriette Jennie Eustace

Amy Roselle was the second wife of Arthur Dacre, and this was announced as her American d6but, which was not true, as she ap- peared at Niblo's Garden, this city, on Oct. 23, 1871, in "Our American Cousin." That was her American ddbut. E. A. Sothern was Lord Dundreary. Amy Roselle and her husband Arthur Dacre committed suicide in Sydney, Australia, Nov. 17, 1895. " Esther Sandraz " was first acted in America June 3, 1889, at Chi- cago, 111., by Mrs. Langtry. It was an adaptation of Adolphe Belot's "La Femme de Glace." Rosina Yokes finished her engage- ment Jan. 31. The theatre was closed evening of Feb. 2.

The stock company reopened Feb. 3 in " Sunlight and Shadow," preceded by " Social Fiction." The cast of the first piece was :

Mark Denzil . Dr. Latimer . Janet Felton . George Addis

Maurice Barrymore

Frederic Robinson

. . Jennie Eustace

. . Edward Bell

Mr. Bamfield . . . E. M. Holland

ScoUick F. H. Tyler

Helen Maud Harrison

Maud Agnes Miller

This was Mr. Harris' first appearance at this theatre. Sidney Woollett gave a series of six poetic recitals on Monday afternoons which began Feb. 9.

" The Pharisee " was presented the first time in America Feb. 16, and had this cast :

Geoffrey Landon Lord Helmore . Captain Foster . Graham Maxwell Miss Maxwell .

. . Edward Bell Maurice Barrymore . Charles L. Harris . Harry Woodruff Mrs. E. J. Phillips

Mr. Pettifer . Maud Landon Katy . . . Kate Landon

. . Fred Robinson

. . Agnes Miller

Juliette de Grignan

. . May Brookyn

It was preceded by " Dinner at Eight," for the first time on any stage and cast thus : Ribston Pippin, E. M. Holland, Hodkins, F. H. Tyler; Dorothy Dimple, Maud Harrison. This house was closed Good Friday night, March 27.

" The Pharisee," for the last time, March 31. " Alabama," by Aug. Thomas, was presented for the first time on any stage April i, and had this cast :

Colonel Preston Colonel Moberly Squire TUcker . Captain Davenport, Lathrop Page Raymond Page .

. J. H. Stoddart

. E. M. Holland

Charles L. Harris

Maurice Barrymore

Harry Woodruff

Walden Ramsay

Mrs. Stockton . Adanta Moberly Mr. Armstrong . Decatur . . . Mrs. Page . . Carey Preston .

. Annie Gregory Nannie Craddock . . Edward Bell . . Reuben Fax May Brookyn Agnes Miller

Walden Ramsay went with the company to Chicago, where he played Raymond Page in " Alabama " until the last week of Septem-




ber, when he retired from the stage to accept a position in Prof. Kayzer's Chicago conservatory. This gentleman made his first public appearance at the Union Square Theatre. His first success was as Herr Linderin"The Danicheffs," at the Union Square, Feb. 5, 1877. His real name was Walden Pell Roser. He died in New York Oct. 6, 1895. [The company of this house closed evening April 18, and went on tne road. " Alabama " was continued with nearly a new cast on April 20: Col. Preston was~playe3"by C. W. Couldock; Col. Mobefly by Burr Mcintosh; Capt. Davenport by E. J. Henley; Lathrop Page by Foster Piatt ; Decatur by Geo. Ober, and Atlanta by Marion Russell. Ht was the first American play Mr. Palmer had produced in several years, fit was a simple little story, quietly and naturally told, provoking a tear now and then in a pleasantly sym- pathetic wa^

Albert Morris Bagby, pianist, assisted by Herr Friedheim, ap- peared afternoon of April 21. On the afternoon of April 24 a Del- sarte performance was given, when Genevieve Stebbins, Mary Thompson, and Mildred Ewer were seen. " A Delsarte Letter to a Child " was presented. Afternoon of April 27, a performance was given for the benefit of the New York Kindergarten association. " In Honor Bound," with Mrs. Charles A. Doremus, Josephine Mack, Rose Dalrymple (first appearance), Courtenay Thorpe, and Miss Mack in the cast. "Mistress Dorothy," for first time, with Eugene Ormond in a leading part. "Sunset" closed the entertain- ment.

" The Merchant," by Martha Morton, originally produced at the Union Square Theatre afternoon of June 26, 1890, and which was awarded the prize of ^1,000, by The New York World as the best American play by an American author, was produced on May 4 :

Fred Dupree ... E. J. Henley Mr. Price .... Daniel Jarrett Mr. Gresham . . . Alfred Becks

Mr. Roberts J. P. Clarke

Prof. Higgins ... R. F. Cotton Carroll Cotton Vanderstyle

Henry Miller Lord Dudley Northwicke, C. S. Dickson

Will Robbins . . Myrtle Vanderstyle Miss Van Osten, Helen Marchmont . Mr. Edwards . .

Seymour G. Hess

. . Viola Allen

Virginia Buchanan

Henrietta Lander

N. C. Forrester

Tubbs Frank Drew

The Chef W. H. Pope

Jess Morgan .... Mary Hampton

A benefit performance was given afternoon of May 19 for the Washington Arch fund, when was acted" "A Game of Cards," Jerome's "Fennel," scenes from "The Rivals" and a drawing room entertainment by Richard Mansfield. In " A Ganje of Cards " Alice Cleather, Evert Jansen Wendell, of the Amateur comedy club; Ferdinand Gottschalk, of Rosina Yokes' company, and Grenville James appeared. Joseph Jefferson, W. J.Florence, Mrs. John Drew, Viola Allen, Frederick Paulding, Geo. Denham, Joseph Warren, and Nelly Lingard appeared in scenes from " The Rivals."


" The Lousianian " had its first hearing on the afternoon June 4, and with this cast :

Gen. St. Armand . N. C. Forrester Louis St. Armand . . E. J. Henley Alphonse Dumondville, Frank Lander Capt. Howard . Wright Huntington Marquis de Gazon . . R. F. Cotton Mrs. Claiborne . . Virginia Buchanan Ruth Claiborne . . . Mary Hampton Marquise de Gazon

Mrs. Henry VandenhofF

" Meadowbrook Farm " was produced on the afternoon of June 8, for the first time on any stage. It was thus cast :

Coratesse Marguerite Delluc

Henrietta Lander Gov. Claiborne .... J. F. Brian Lieut. Lee .... Chas. Halleck

Gerot Daniel Jarrett

James Chas. Drake

Surgeon J. P. Clarke

Jean Seymour G. Hess

John Stevenson . . Arthur Ransome Don Pedro Cordova James Mason . . J. Pickering Pick .

. . Luke Martin

Chas. D. Herman

. . Ed. Mack

. Harry Leighton

Robert Benedict

Betsy Stevenson, . Mrs. Annie Sutton Tabez Peabody . . . . H. D. Byers Mr. Osgood .... W. L. Payne

Marjorie Leha Woolston

Rose Evelyn Pollock

Mr. Kershaw William . . Claude . . Pixton . . .

. . . M. C. Daly

. . R. F. Cotton

Master Louis Haines

. E. Snitz Edwards

The season closed June 27. A summer term commenced Aug. 3 with " Jane," given for the first time in America, and cast thus :

Chas. Shakleton . . . Paul Arthur Lucy Norton . . . Katherine Grey Mrs. Chadwick . Jennie Weathersby Mrs. Pixton . . Amelia Summerville Jane Johnstone Bennett

The house passed out of Mr. Palmer's hands and it became known as " Hoyt's Madison Square Theatre " when Hoyt and Thomas secured the lease, Sept. 15, 1891.

"Jane" continued the attraction under the new regime. Jennie Weathersby withdrew from the cast early in September, and Louise Sylvester assumed the r61e of Mrs. Chadwick. Elaine Ellison suc- ceeded Katherine Grey in the r61e of Lucy Norton. " The Better Part" was played Oct. 16, preceding "Jane" with Paul Arthur as Tom Rayner, Herbert Fortier as Arthur Wright, and Fanny Ellison as Mildred. " A Trip to Chinatown " was first seen at this theatre Nov. 9, and had this cast :

Welland Strong Ben Gay . . Tony Gay Rashleigh Gay Willie Grow . Normon Blood Noah Heap .

. . Harry Conor

Geo. A. Beane, Jr.

. . Lillian Barr

Lloyd Wilson

Blanche Arkwright

. . Arthur Pacie

Harry Gilfoil

Hoffman Price . . Frank E. Morse Slavin Payne . . . Harry Gilfoil Isabella Dame . Geraldine McCann

Cora Fay Maggie Daly

May Wing Lucy Daly

Flirt OUie Archmere

Mrs. Guyer Anna Boyd

Ollie Archmere retired Dec. 15, and "Flirt" was acted by Lucy Daly. Lilhan Barr was seen as Tony Gay Dec. 16-17-18-19. Patrice commenced as Flirt Dec. 21. Lillian Barr retired Dec. 22 and


Eleanor Beebe appeared Dec. 23. Eileen Coghlan, sister of Rose Coghlan, was seen Dec. 14 as Isabella, for one night only. Jennie O'Neil Potter appeared afternoons of Dec. 28, 30, 31 in a monologue entertainment. " His Toast" was acted for the first time on any stage afternoon of Jan. 15, 1892, by amateurs. In the cast were Rita Lawrence, Laura Sedgwick Collins, Robert L. Cutting, Jr., and James K. Hackett. This was followed by " The Electric Spark " with Rita Lawrence, Alice Lawrence, and Robert L. Cutting, Jr., in the cast. " The Dead Shot " closed the entertainment. Loie Fuller appeared here in her serpentine dance Feb. 29.

On the afternoon of April 8, the programme was : " The Deacon," by Henry Arthur Jones, with this cast : Abraham Boothroyd, W. T. Wood; Tom Dempster, Eugene Ormonde; Tibbitts, W. A. Pease, Jr. ; Rosa Jervoise, May Middleton ; Mrs. Bolinbroke, AHce Law- rence. " Jean Marie," from the French of Andre Theuriet, rendered into English verse by Alice Lawrence, was also acted : Jean-Marie, Nelson Wheatcroft ; Joel, Gustav Frankel ; Therese, Rita Lawrence. A monologue by Rudolph de Cordova was heard ; also " The Electric Spark," from the French by Bolton Rowe, with Robert L. Cutting, Jr., as Captain Crichton, Rita Lawrence as Mary Durant, and Alice Lawrence as Mrs. Templeton. This was the first time in America of " The Deacon." Three of the plays sent by contestants in the New York Herald competition, and selected by Messrs. Pratt and Ogden, were presented at a trial matinee April 20. They had these casts :

" That Cowboy," by Mary Adelaide Keeler :

Paul Par- Venue . Claude H. Brooke Mrs. Paul Par- Venue . Mrs. A. Ober Paul Par- Venue, Jr. L. W. Woodworth Gladys Par-Venue, Grace Huntington

Reginald Gaston . . Henry J. Bagge Man-afraid-of-a-sneeze, . W. Baker Tom Thorpe . . . Robert Edeson

" The Charms of Music," by Alex. H. Laidlaw, Jr. :

Walter Thorne . . Henry J. Bagge Violet Thorne . . Grace Huntington Eva Thorne .... Lillian Leach Richard Douglas . . Robert Edeson

" A Modest Model," by Ida Carpenter :

John W. Baker

Hamilton Hirsute Hamilton

^ Claude H. Brooke

Fred Leland . . . Robert Edeson Drumbold . . . Claude H. Brooke Colville . . . . L. W. Woodworth Percival W. Baker

Mrs. Harriet Storey . . Mrs. A. Ober

Servant Mr. A. Doubla

Josephine Beauchamp

Grace Huntington

On the afternoon of April 27 three more were given, with these casts :

"An American M.D.," by J. Mont Pleyer, M.D.


Dr. Green Myron Calice

Count Adolph d'Houtinet

Claude H. Brooke Baron von Waldersee, Henry J. Bagge

James . . ^ . Mrs. Dolly Green Beatrice Green Emily Vincent

Willis Baker

Lillie Alliston

Lillian Leach

Marie Stuart

"Roses and Thorns," by Geo. Moore.

Uncle Ephram Robert Dare . Captain Newton

Claude H. Brooke . Henry J. Bagge . . Myron Calice

Burton Willis Baker

Marie Dare . . . Elizabeth Garth

' A Mere Pretence," by W. J. Berry.

Henry Lay ton . . Mrs. Henry Layton Mrs. Bella Belle .

Robert Edeson Elizabeth Garth . Lillie Alliston

Frizzles Annie CliiFord

Servant A. Doubla

" As You Like It " was produced on the afternoon of May 26, with this cast :

Orlando Otis Skinner

Jaques .... Charles B. Hanford

Oliver F. L. Sylvester

Duke Frederick . Wadsworth Harris Banished Duke . . Robert Benedict

Adam Howard Kyle

Touchstone .... Tom E. Webber

Le Beau James Fiske

Corin WilHam Evans

Sylvius TuUy Marshall

William Edward Mackay

Amiens John Savage

Jaques de Bois . . Frank Andrews

Celia Annie Lockhart

Audrey Eleanor Merron

Phebe Lulu Carpenter

Rosalind .... Alberta Gallatin

Bessie Clayton, a child dancer, appeared in " A Trip to China- town " June 27. Loie Fuller closed her engagement here June 25. Patrice retired July 25, and Queenie Vassar appeared as Flirt, while Lillian Swaine acted Willie Grow. "The Chan- cellor's Wife" was acted on the afternoon of Nov. 11. It was originally played at the Boston Museum April 18, 1892. The cast here was: Ted Horton, William Morris; Jack Medbury, Orrin Johnson ; Theo. Travers, Cyril Scott ; Ben Dixon, James 0. Barrows; Adam Cherry, W. H. Crompton; Nelly Horton, Sidney Armstrong; Mrs. Ben Dixon, Odette Tyler; Mrs. Weedles, Kate Denin Wilson. The McCoy Sisters, nine and ten years of age, danced here May 15 in "A Trip to Chinatown," for one week. The six hundred and fiftieth and final performance of this farce took place Aug. 17. This was the longest consecutive number of performances of any play in America. The theatre was closed on Tuesday night, Jan. 24, 1893, the day of the funeral of Mrs. Charles Hoyt (Flora Walsh), who died January 22.

"The New South" was first acted at this theatre Aug. 14:

Capt. Harry Ford . Joseph Grismer Georgia Gwynne

Phoebe Davies (Mrs. Grismer) Gen. Houston Gwynne, Scott Cooper Jefierson Gwynne . . Holbrook Blinn Kate Fessenden . . . Eve Acklom Bessie Fessenden . . Bebe Vining

Dr. Tom Lincoln . . Charles Mackaye Mrs. Abigail Newport

Ella Hugh "Wood Paul Fitzhugh . . . Frank Lander

Sampson Geo. Fawcett

Sol Ben Cotton


" A Temperance Town, " by Charles Hoyt, was first acted in this city Sept. 18, and had this cast:

Ernest Hardman . Launcelot Jones . St. Julien Jonesl, . John Worth . . Squire Belcher . Kneeland Pray Frank Hardman . Fred Oakhurst Dr. Caldwell Sawyer, Uncle Joe Viall . William Putnam . Was Perry .

Richard J. Dillon George Richards Eugene Canfield . W. H. Currie Wm, CuUington Joseph Frankau . Frank Russell . E. F. Nagle Frank A. Lyon . George Ober . . F. Russell

Herman A. Sheldon

Judge Graham Doe . . George Ober One of the Grossman children

Mabel Earle Learned Sprigg . Herman A. Sheldon

Sheriff Madison Corey

Tinker Hull .... Chas. Adams Will Peake . . Harry Luckstone

Ruth Caroline Miskel

Patience Hardman . . Laura Ayers

Roxana Dallas Tyler

Arabella Lulu Tabor

Mary Jane Jones . . . Marie Uart

It was withdrawn on Jan. 8, 1 894, after one hundred and twenty- five consecutive performances. Charles Thomas, of the firm of Hoyt and Thomas, died at Tucson, Arizona, Nov. 17, 1893, of consump- tion, aged thirty-three years. Early in December Frank McKee became the partner of Mr. Hoyt. " A Texas Steer " was seen for the first time in this theatre Jan. 8, 1894, and had this cast:

Maverick Brander . . Tim Murphy Capt. Fairleigh Bright, John Marshall

Major Yell Mat Snyder

Col. Bragg James Horan

Col. Blow C. L. Warren

Brassy Gall . . . Newton Chisnell Col. K. N. Pepper . . James Horan Christopher Columbus, Jr.

Will H. Bray Knott Innitt . . . Sumner Clarke Othello Moore . . John T. Craven Lieut. Green . . . Sumner Clarke

Sergeant-at-Arms . . John Deady G. Whittaker Bellows

Robert Mclntyre Green Woodhead . George A. Grace Lowe Dodge . . . Chas. Bradford

Crab Edw. Corbin

Mink Geo. Jennings

Sam, row boy .... Olney Griffin Mrs. Brander . . Mrs. Rose Snyder Mrs. Major Campbell, Gertrude Perry Dixie Style .... Stella Kenny Bossy Alice Evans

On Jan. 11, 1894, Hoyt & McKee took a lease of the theatre for nine years from October i, 1894. Heretofore Mr. Hoyt had leased this theatre from A. M. Palmer, who in turn had it from the Messrs. Mallory, who held the original lease from the owners of the property. An amateur performance was given on the after- noon of Jan. 23, by Amy Lionel's company of dramatic students, when an adaptation of a French three-act farce, " Les Petits Godines" was presented under the title of "A Full Hand." "A Trip to Chinatown" was revived Feb. 12, with Mark Smith as Rashleigh Gay. Eunice Vance was seen as Flirt, and Papinta did " The Myriad Dance " on March 5. The seven hundredth per- formance occurred March 26. The house was closed March 3 1 and also the week of April 2, but it was reopened April 9 with " The Rival Candidates, " seen for the first time on any stage, and with this cast :


John Douglas . . Richard Bashforth Vandebrugh Ogden Franz Vogel . Tom Dausoner .

Joseph Wheelock

Francis Carlyle

Henry Chanfrau

Geo. R. Edeson

John H. Browne

Tim Tipton . . . Janet Kendren . . Kitty Kendren . . Florence . . . . Mrs. Philetus Glegg,

. Louis Haines

Victory Bateman

Lottie Alter

Lillian Lawrence

Mary E. Barker

The theatre was closed May y-8 and reopened May 9 with " The Check Book," which was thus cast:

Lord Augustus Whiffle, Joseph Holland Colonel Simcox . . Augustus Cooke Tom Pringle . . . .CD. Marius Silas Vedder . . . Robert Fischer Saunders Grant Stewart

Commissionaire Servant . . . Mrs. Simcox . Ada Vedder . Mrs. Pringle .

. Edwin James William Kinney Isabelle Evesson . Effie Shannon . Rose Coghlan

" Forget Me Not " was played May 14, 15, 16 ; " Peg Woffington " ("Masks and Faces"), May 17, 18, 19, with Rose Coghlan as Peg, Joseph Holland as Sir Charles Pomander, Thomas Whiffen as Trip- let, Charles Bell as Ernest Vane, and Harry Courtaine as Snarl. The same bill was repeated for the week of May 21, with John T. Sullivan as Ernest Vane. Minnie Seligman appeared here May 28 in "Lady Gladys," for the first time on any stage. The season closed June 9. Many alterations were made in the theatre during the summer, and it was reopened Oct. 8.

The first attraction offered at this house, now called "HoYT's Theatre," for the regular season, was "A Milk White Flag," by Chas. Hoyt, seen for the first time in this city. The cast was:

The Colonel . . . Charles Stanley

The Major Lloyd Wilson

Surgeon Ed. Garvie

Dancing Master . . . Frank Lawton

y . . Lillian Markham Vivandieres ^ . . C. Rosa France

) . . Etta Williamson

Lieutenant . . Standard Bearer

The General .

Advocate . .

Piggott Luce . Lize Dugro

Aurora Luce .

John S. Marble

Clara Flagg

Frank J. Keenan

. Arthur Pacie

. R. A. Roberts

. Lillie Deaves

Isabella Coe

This play had its first production at Wilkesbarre, Pa., Dec. 23, 1893.

Percy Gaunt, musical director, retired Dec. 12, and Alex. Haigh took his place as leader, Dec. 17. Percy Gaunt, who had composed many successful songs, died Sept. 5, 1896. The one hundred and fiftieth performance of "A Milk White Flag" occurred Feb. 21, 189s, and the play was withdrawn after Feb. 23.

"The Foundling," by W. Lestocq and E. M. Robson was seen Feb. 25, for the first time in this city, and had this cast:

Major E. M. Robson

Dick Pennell ... S. Miller Kent Timothy Hucklebridge,

Jos. Humphreys Sir Nicholas Pennell . John J. Burke Jack Stanton . . . Charles Welles Alice Meynall .... Ida Conquest

Sophie Cotton . . . Georgia Busby Mrs. Cotton .... Helen Tracy Miss Ussher . . Maggie Holloway Tottie, with song . . Jane Stetson The Tricky Little Maybud,

Cissy Fitzgerald




It was preceded by A. C. Lancaster's play "Lethe": Lethe, Annie Russell; Mrs. Adelaide Van Vary, Madeline Bouton; and Edgar Atheling, C. J. Richman. "Lethe" was taken off after March 3 and " Keeping Up Appearances " took its place March 4, and was withdrawn for "Romeo's First Love" March 8. This little play was first acted at the Empire Theatre on the afternoon of Feb. 28. "The Man Up Stairs," by Augustus Thomas, was produced April 9, and had this cast: Ruggles, Charles Welles; Frisbee, Ferdinand Gottschalk; Mrs. Ruggles, Odette Tyler; Mrs. Frisbee, Georgia Busby; Mary Nolan, Maggie Fielding. The season closed May 25, but the house was reopened June 3 with the American debut of Janet Achurch, in "Forget Me Not," thus cast: Sir Horace Welby, William Harcourt; Prince Malleotti, Wallace Shaw; Mrs. Foley, Jennie Weathersby; and Stephanie de Mohrivart, Janet Achurch. "In the Season," a one-act play by Langdon Mitchell, was also seen, with Miss Achurch in the leading part. This bill was continued until June 6, when Ibsen's "A Doll's House" was given, with this cast:

Torwald Helmer . Wm. Harcourt Nils Krogstad .... Albert Gran Dr. Rank .... Wallace Shaw

Porter Hal Clarendon

Mrs. Linden . . . Eleanor Merron Anna Jennie Weathersby

Ellen Maude Carlisle

Emmy Ruby Bell

Bob Jack Gilroy

Einar Bonnie Delucie

Nora Janet Achurch

The house was closed June 8 and reopened Aug. 19, 1895, with Edward Owings Towne's play "Other People's Money," originally called "By Wits Outwitted," which was thus cast:

Oliver Starbird . Aubrey Boucicault Marcenas Clump . Thomas M. Hunter Josephus .... Gustave Yorke

Painter Alonzo Stevens

Tilka Van Sittart . Lillian Burkhart

Millicent Hopper . . . Helen Tracy Marjory Denton Stillwell Hopper

Georgie Welles Hutchinson Hopper . Charles Dickson

Robert Hilliard was the next attraction, and appeared Sept. 2 in " Lost, Twenty-four Hours, " by W. A. Tremayne and Logan Fuller, which had this cast:

Dick Swift . . . David Swift . . Adolphus Smiley . Solomon Goldstein Mrs. Bertha Dacre

Robert Hilliard

. Grant Stewart

Cecil Butler

. Harry Rogers

Madeline Bouton

Mildred Maud White

Mrs. Churchill . . Sydney Cowell Mary Churchill . . . Ethel Vallerie Susan Daisy Dixon

" The Littlest Girl " a curtain-raiser in one act was given the same night with Grant Stewart as Mr. Caruthers, Stuart Johnson as Davenport, Lillian Burkhart as The Littlest Girl and Robert Hilliard as Van Bibber.

"The Gay Parisians," by George Feydeau and Maurice Disval-


Here, was seen Sept. 23, for the first time in this city, and cast thus:

Joseph Pinglet . . W. J. Ferguson Angelique . . . Mrs. E. J. Phillips Paillard .... Charles Welles

Marcella Odette Tyler

Mathieu James Barrows

Hyacinthe . . . Margaret Gordon

Violet Clara Norton

Daisy Vergie Graves

Rose Winona Shannon

"A Black Sheep," by Chas. Hoyt, was produced Jan. 6, 1896, for the first time in this city, and cast thus :

Maxima . . .

. . W. R. Shirley . . Tully Marshall

Boulot . . .

Bastien . . .

. . George Backus

Earnest . .

Frank A. Connor

Botticelli .

. . Vaughan Glaser


. . Louis Hendricks

Victorine . .

. . Josephine Hall

Miss Connell .

. . MoUie Sherwood

Hot Stuff . . . Percy Vere . . Goodfellow Gunning Jarvis Field Jack Aspen . . Slater . . . Under Dog . . M. T. Sells . Count Smorltork Phil Glass . . Wetherbee Fowle Buffers Ryder . Old Subscriber

Otis Harlan

. Jos. Frankau

. Wm. Devere

Harry Luckstone

. . Jos. Natus

Wm. F. Mack

. Steve Maley

. Wm. Hatter

Snitz Edwards

John W. Mitchell

Chas. Bradford

John Gilroy

Chas. Diehl

Hyde Sinn . . . Jimmy Work . . John L. Fitz James Willcut Luce . . Miss Lida Skiddons Ada Steele . . . Daisy Singer . . Etta Mellon . . May Wing . . . Cora Fay . . . Nattie Stile . . Nora Marks . . Premiere Danseuse

, Herman Sheldon

Henry Sanger

Wm. F. Mack

John W. Mitchell

. . . Ada Dare

Agnes Rose Lane

Agnes Paul

, . Hattie Wells

, . Etta Gilroy

. . Nellie Buder

. Rose Sutherland

Frankie Bailey

Bessie Clayton

The season closed May 9, but the house was reopened Wednes- day, Sept. 2, with "The Liar," a play adapted by Clyde Fitch from the French:

Gustave Bravot . . Fritz Williams Geo. Manet . . W. H. Fitzgerald Louis Guerinot . . . Giles Shine Mons. Pasturel . . . Samuel Reed

Mulot Oscar Figman

Canard L. C. Massen

Philippe Francis Neilson

Elaine Rousseau . Katherine Florence Mme. Rousseau . . . Annie Clark Mme. Caroline Guerinot

Isabel Urquhart Rosalie Ina Hammer

This was preceded by two scenes from "The Long Strike," with J. H. Stoddart in his familiar part of Moneypenny.

The house was closed Sept. 13 and 14, and reopened Sept. 15 with "Sue," a Western drama by Bret Harte and T. Edgar Pemberton, which received this cast :

Ira Beasley Silas Prescott . Parson Davies Jim Wynd . . John Scott . .

Joseph Haworth . Horace Lewis . Louis Massen . Guy Standing Theo. Roberts

Jeff Bragg .... William Bonelli

Judge Lynch Sam Reed

Annie Olber .... Anita Rothe

Sue Annie Russell

No. 22 ... . Chas. H. Bradshaw

"A Florida Enchantment," by Archibald Clavering Gunter, was produced Oct. 12, and cast thus:




Lillian Cruger Travers . Marie Jansen f Frederick Cassadene

Jane Dan Collyer Clarence Heritage

Miss Oglethorpe . . . Efiie Germon Major Calhoun Benham Horton Bessie Horton .... May Haines W. Melville

Stella Lovejoy . Grace Huntington Charley Wilkes . . Albert Roberts Malvina Carrie Collyer

" My Friend from India " was transferred from the Bijou Theatre to this house Nov. 30, and was followed Jan. 4, 1897, by "A Con- tented Woman," written by Chas. Hoyt, acted for the first time in New York, and with this cast :

Benton Holme Cutting Hintz . . Aunt Jim . . . Uncle Tody . . Helen A. Wrangle Mrs. Watson Chinn Mrs. Ebbsmith .

William H. Currie Frank Lane . . Amy Ames . George Ober . Rose Snyder . Adelaide Ober . Grace Thorne

Rose Budd . . Phil Boyles . . Boyle Dowie . Vandyke Beard Mary Peete Grace Holme,

Frank J. Keenan

Gus Hennessy

. Will H. Bray

. Elenore Falk

. Emma Lewis

Caroline Miskel-Hoyt

"My Friend from India" was revived Feb. 22, 1897. "A Black Sheep " was seen again April 5 for one week. The theatre was closed the week of April 12 and reopened April 19 with "The Man from Mexico," by the author of "My Friend from India." It had this cast: Benjamin Fitzhugh, Willie Collier; Roderick Majors, M. A. Kennedy; William Loveall, Theo. Babcock; Clementina Fitzhugh, Louise Allen ; Sallie Grace, Nita Allen ; Nettie Majors, Lulu Taber; Miranda, Margaret Gordon. The season closed June 5. The house reopened Sept. 6, 1897, with "A Bachelor's Honeymoon," by John Stapleton, which had this cast:

Benjamin Bachelor




Phyllis .


M. A. Kennedy Isabel Waldron

Louise Galloway Helen Douglas

. Clara Hunter Eleonora Allen

Joe Jacques Martin

Percy .... Morgan E. Coman Stephen Howston . W. J. Ferguson Dr. Ludwig Schwartz, Albert Bruning Anthony Gumbug . . Max Figman Miss Arbuckle . . Berenice Wheeler

This was followed Oct. 4 by "The Proper Caper," from " Le Paradis" of Hennequin and Bilhaud, cast thus:

Casimir Beaujolais Immortelle Mignonne . . Paul Tricot . Elise . . . Heloise Vefour Robert Delangeville

Thomas Burns . . Kate Meek . May E. Wood Henry Bergman Blanche Burton Alice Fisher . Frank Doane

Achille Richard Bennett

Prof. Ziegenlieber . Charles Stanley Arpad Vilagos . . Robert F. Cotton

Ninette Amelia Bingham

Homraard .... Douglas Lloyd

Natalie Marion Berg

Minna Myra C. Brooks

"A Stranger in New York," by Chas. H. Hoyt, was transferred from the Garrick Theatre in this city to this house Nov. 8. The new association called "The Criterion Independent Theatre" gave its first presentation on the afternoon of Nov. 18. They


appeared in "John Gabriel Borkman," by Henrik Ibsen, which had this cast:

John Gabriel Borkman . E. J. Henley Mrs. Gunhild Borkman, Maude Banks Erhart Borkman . . . John Blair Ella Rentheim . . Ann Warrington

Fanny Wilton Wilhelm Foldal Frida Foldal .

Carrie Keeler Albert Bruning Dorothy Usner

The second performance of the " Criterion Independent Theatre " was given on the afternoon of Jan. 7, 1898. Three one-act plays were presented, namely: "The Rights of the Soul," an English adaptation of a "problem" drama, by Guiseppe Giacosa; "That Overcoat," by Augustus Thomas; and "From a Clear Sky," by Henri Dumay. The various characters in the three plays were acted by Elita Proctor Otis, Carrie Keeler, Kate Denin-Wilson, Dorothy Usner, E. J. Henley, and A. S. Lipman. "The Gov- ernors," a musical farce, was produced by Ward and Yokes on Jan. 3, 1898. Robert Hilliard appeared here Jan. 17 in "A New Yorker," previously called "Lost, Twenty-four Hours." The first matinee performance by the students of the Stanhope- Wheatcroft dramatic school took place on the afternoon of Jan. 20. Three one-act plays were presented, namely : " Renunciation," by Frances Aymar Mathews; "The Cup of Betrothal," by Charles Bradley; and "Higher Education," by Frances A. Hoadley.

" Oh, Susannah ! " by Mark Ambient, A. Atwood, and R. Vann was seen here Feb. 7, with this cast :

Flora Maud Harrison

Ruby May Wood

Pearl Blanche Burton

Mrs. O'Hara . . . Maggie Fielding Aurora Josephine Hall

John Shephard . . . Fritz Williams

Mr. Plant Robert Cotton

Andrew Merry . . . Frank Doane Hon. Waverly Vane, Alfred Hickman

Tupper Jessie Busley

Susannah Shephard . Marion Lester

The students of the Stanhope-Wheatcroft school gave a matinee performance Feb. 24, when four one-act plays were offered, namely : "The Sword of Remembrance," by Alice J. Grant; "A Bachelor's Wife;" "Jerry Burke, the Moonshiner ; " and "The Missing Mrs. Petti John." " Dangerfield, '95" was a curtain-raiser by Mildred DowHng, author, presented Feb. 28, with Annie Russell as Aunt Jane. The season closed April 2, but the house was reopened Sept. 7 with "A Brace of Partridges," by Robert Ganthony, given for the first time in America, and with this cast :

Lord Wallerton . Charles V. France Col. Rackett . . Gordon Thompson Hon. Arthur Partridge } H. Reeves- Alfred Partridge i Smith

Stubbs G. F. Leicester

Spiffins George Shelton

Snap Cecil Thornbury

Tom Ruston Fred Dark

James E. Ford

Lady Wallerton . . . Mabel Lane Evangeline Van Bock . Sybil Carlisle Peggy Stubbs . . Jessie Bateman




All of these players made their American debuts except H. Reeves-Smith, who came to America with the Hanlon Brothers. On Oct. 6 a curtain-raiser by A. C. Fraserwood called "Good- bye," was done in addition to "A Brace of Partridges." "On and Off," by Alex. Bisson was seen for the first time Oct. 17, and had this cast :

George Godfray . . . E. M. Holland Alfred Godfray . . . Fritz Williams

Bnimaire Samuel Reed

Du Patty de Clam . Byron Douglas

Martel James Kearney

Randolphe Reuben Fax

Madeline Godfray . Amelia Bingham

Madame Brumaire,

Maggie HoUoway Fisher Madame Martel . . . Anita Rothe Rosa Martel . . Katherine Florence

Lisette May Lambert

Julie May Gallyer

Alice Augusta Glose

Ralph Delmore appeared here Dec. 26 as Du Patty de Clam. "Because She Loved Him So," adapted from Bisson and Leclercq's "Jalouse" by Wm. Gillette, was produced Jan. 16, 1899, with this cast:

Oliver West .... Edwin Arden John Weatherby . . . J. E. Dodson Thomas Weatherby . . Arnold Daly Edward Marsh . . William B. Smith Rev. Lyman Langley . TuUy Marshall Albert Pritchard . . W. J. Constantine Jackson .... Charles Eldridge Breslin Roy Fairchild

Gertrude West . . . Ida Conquest Mrs. John Weatherby . . Kate Meek Donna Adelina Gonzales

Leonora Braham Margaret .... Maggie Fielding

Susan Margaret Mayo

Julie Langley . . . Edythe Skerrett Mrs. Jackson . . Frances Comstock

Annie Irish appeared May i as Gertrude West. The season closed May 20. The theatre reopened Saturday, Sept. 2, with "Why Smith Left Home," given for the first time in this city, and cast thus:

John Smith Gen. Billetdoux

Count von Guggenheim

Maclyn Arbuckle Fred. W. Peters

Major Duncombe Mrs. John Smith .

George Barnum . M. B. Snyder . Marion Giroux

Miss Smith Mrs. Billetdoux Rose Walton . Julia .... Elsie . . . Lavinia Daly .

Mrs. E. A. Eberle . . Rose Snyder Gertrude Roosevelt Dorothy Usner . Blanche Carlisle . Annie Yeamans

Dan Mason was seen Oct. 9 as Count von Guggenheim. " The Girl in the Barracks," lately at the Garrick Theatre, came Nov. 6 for one week:

Paul Roland .... Joseph Coyne

Aurelie Beatrice Bonner

Le Bardy Louis Mann

Claire Helen Harrington

Gaston Thornton Cole

Liane Tourbillion . . Clara Lipman Colonel Ravelin . . Geo. W. Barnum Blanche Vivian Edsall

Lieutenant Serignay Sergeant Dubois Corporal Benoit Charlotte Gendarme Milly . . Fifi . . A Sentry

Leighton Leigh Bert Flansburgh . Ben T. Dillon . Mary E. Post Bert Flansburgh Amy Lesser Mabel Frenyear Claude Yerkes


On Nov. 13 "Make Way for the Ladies," by Maurice Henne- quin and Albin Vallabreque, was presented, with this cast :

Rende Esther Tittell

Andr^e May Lambert

Mme. Pompon . . . May Robson

Adhle Nellie Butler

Malvina .... Louise Douglas

Analie May Gallyer

Victorie Anita Rothe

Camilla Marie Derickson

Mme. Penard . . Mildred Bowdrow Mile, de Marigny . . . Marie Harris

On. Dec. 11, for the first time in America, was seen "Wheels Within Wheels," by R. C. Carton, which was thus cast:

Mile. Berot .

. . . Etta Morris

Pompon . . . Girard . . .

. . . E. M. Holland . . . Fritz Williams

Gibaulet . . Beaulois . . Bouquet . . . Jean ....

. . . . Eric Hope . . . .Jay Wilson . . . . Sam Reed . . Frederick Hayes

Francois . . Gendarme . .

. . Tony Eddinger . . . . Theo. Earl

Lord Eric Chantrell . John B. Mason Sir Philip Curtoys . . Grant Stewart Edgerton Vartrey, Philip Cunningham

Eaves Edward Lester

Byam Charles Giblyn

Waiter C. W. Butler

Mrs. Onslaw Bulmer . Hilda Spong Lady Curtoys .... Grace EUiston Miss Curtoys .... Eva Vincent James Blagden . . Robert Hilliard

Feb. 12, 1900, "Coralie and Co., Dressmakers," by Albin Vala- breque and Maurice Hennequin, was presented, with this cast :

Henri Lavelle . Lucienne . . Stephen Coralie Coralie . . . Double Blanc . Joseph Pinglet

. Fritz Williams

. Esther Tittell

E. M. Holland

Marie Derickson

May Gallyer

. . Sam Reed

Clemence Nellie Butler

Laura . . Maggie HoUoway Fisher Andre Pilliard . . Brandon Hurst Ernest Thorel . George W. Howard

Poulet Jay Wilson

Boulet James Kearney

For the matinee Feb. 15, the pupils of the Stanhope- Wheatcroft Dramatic School appeared in "A House of Cards," by W. G. Van T. Sutphen; "Racine," by Dodson L. Mitchell, and "A Jolly Mix Up," adapted from the French by Mrs. Akerstrom Bernard. "Twelve Months Later," a translation from the German comedy, "Als Ich Wiederkam," by Blumenthal and Kadelburg, was pre- sented for the first time in English at this house on May 26. Its original production in New York occurred at the Irving Place Theatre, on Feb. 7, 1900. Proving a failure the "White Horse Tavern " was revived for one week April 9, with' Chas. H. Brad- shaw as Giesecke. The season closed April 28, and the next sea- son began Sept. 8 with "lb and Little Christina," a "picture in three panels," by Basil Hood. First Period: lb. Master Lores Grunn; Ib's father, Percy Lyndel; Old Heinrik, James Kearney; Christina, Violet Holliday; Ib's mother, Jennie Eustace. Second Period: lb, Holbrook Blinn; Old Heinrik, James Kearney; John, Jay Wilson; Christina, May Lambert; Ib's mother, Jennie Eustace. Third Period: lb. Holbrook Blinn; Ib's mother, Jennie Eustace; Little Christina, Violet Holliday. "The Husbands of Leontine,"




a comedy in three acts, by Alfred Capus, was produced the same night, and had this cast :

The Baron .... E. M. Holland Adolphe Dubois . . .Fritz Williams

Plantin Eugene Jepson

Leontine Isabel Irving

Oct. 8, " Self and Lady " by Pierre Decourcelle, was seen for the first time and thus cast:

The Marquise .... Ida Vernon Virginie . . Maggie HoUoway Fisher Hortense .... Marie Derickson Ernestine Anita Rothe

Paquita May Robson

Toinette .... Marie Derickson

Angela May Lambert

Sephora Nellie Butler

Madeline May Gallyer

Doctor Duplantin . E. M. Holland

M. Furet Fritz Williams

Messenger . . . Tony R. Eddinger Josephine Furet . . . Isabel Irving Colombe Duplantin

Maggie HoUoway Fisher

"Hodge, Podge & Co.," a musical comedy in three acts, adapted from the German by George V. Hobart, with music by John W. Bratton, and lyrics by Walter Ford, was produced Oct. 23, with this cast:

Rudolph Roastemsum, Peter F. Dailey Hiram Hodge . . . Geo. W. Barnum

Philip Podge Don Antonio . . Christopher . . I. Hyde .... Ledger d'Main A. Poze .... Capt. Kaufketchum Wm. Plantes . . Priscilla Hodge . Evangeline Hodge

Stephen Maley Wm. Broderick Robt. S. Pigott . Edw. Garvie Edw. Wonn Lawrence Sheehan . Wm. Strong Chas. Winters Christie McDonald . . Amy Lesser

Carmenita Hodge


Minnie .








Lucy . .

Jennie Hawley

Mamie Forbes

Georgie Lawrence

Frankie Bailey

Lea Amrose

. Mae Edwards

Frances Wilson

May Blanchard

Martha Steyne

. Mary E. Post

Winnie Kramer

"The House that Jack Built," by George H. Broadhurst, was pre- sented Dec. 24, introducing Thos. A. Wise, John Findlay, Fred W. Peters, Alexis Law Gissiko, Mrs. Annie Yeamans, Jennie Yea- mans, and others. The house was closed the night of Jan. 7, but reopened Jan. 8, 1901, with "My Lady Dainty," by Madelaine Lucette Ryley, with Herbert Kelcey, Richard Dillon, Guy Bates Post, William Boag, Effie Shannon, Winona Shannon, and Mrs. Isabel Waldron in the cast. Feb. 11 "On the Quiet," by Augus- tus Thomas, was seen for the first time, with William Collier as the star, and Helena Collier, John Saville, Louise Allen, and others in the cast. The season closed June 26.


THE house now known as the " Fourteenth Street Theatre" was originally called "The Theatre Fran^ais," and was erected on ground formerly occupied by the Palace Garden, other-


wise known as the Cremorne Garden. The parquet contained three hundred seats, and the dress circle had three rows of private boxes, separated from each other by high partitions. There were eight proscenium boxes. The stage was seventy-five feet in length and thirty in width, illuminated by sunken footlights.

The opening took place May 26, 1866, with "Nos Allies," and the opera bouffe "Les Rendezvous Bourgeois." M. Guignet and C. Drivet were the managers. M. and Mme. Larmet, Mmes. Bergeon, Potel, Hinry, and Delinge, and MM. Henry Fonteney, Charmonin, and Choi were in the company. Julius Eichberg's opera, "The Doctor of Alcantara," was sung May 28. Caroline Richings, Sophie Mozart, Zelda Harrison, William Castle, Ed- ward Seguin, Henry Peakes, Wiley, George Ketchum, Bartlett, and Danks were in the cast. This opera received twelve repre- sentations. On Tuesday and Saturday nights French comedy was presented. M. Fleury, basso, and Mme. Fleury, soprano, made their debut June 12, in " Le Vileneau " and " The Rose of Castile ; " June 22, " The Daughter of the Regiment ; " June 29, " A Night in Rome." The season of French opera closed June 26, and the English company closed July 3, with " The Two Cadis " and "The Doctor of Alcantara."

Paul Juignet died at San Francisco Feb. 8, 1889, aged fifty- seven years.

Jacob Grau next leased this house and opened it Aug. 25, 1866, under the direction of Henry Draper, with Italian opera. F. C. Burnand's burlesque of " Ixion " had been given on the previous evening, and at a matinee on the opening day. "II Barbiere " was the initial opera, with Leonilda Boschetti, Sig. Tomaso, Orlandini, Nicolai, Barin, F. Rosa (conductor), Carl Formes, Massimiliani, Signora de Rossa, and Freda de Gebele in the company. Anna Lacoste acted "Deborah" Aug. 30 and Sept. i, supported by W. H. Wilder, J. J. Prior, W. S. Higgins, G. C. Turner, C. T. Parsloe, Jr., C. Newton, S. E. Bloomingdale, R. L. Simpson, Mrs. H. Mills, and Mrs. Thos. Hind. "Martha" was sung Sept. 3; "II Trovatore,"Sept. 7, 8, 10, 12; "The Doctor of Alcantara," Sept. 13, with Fanny Stockton as Inez; Mina Geary as Isabella; and E. Duchesne as the Doctor.

Adelaide Ristori made her American ddbut Sept. 20, under the direction of Jacob Grau in "Medea," with the following support: Antoinetta Zammerini, Adele Giaumartini, Maria Malagoli, Mari- ette Bergonzoni, Maria Greppi, Luigia Glech, Virginia Casati, Annetti Buti, Graziosa Glech, Rosina Fontana, Giovanni Carboni, Giacomo Glech, Achille Cottini, Ludovoco Mamini, Giulio Buti, Giovanni Maria Borghi, Antonio Malagoli, Napoleone Mazzodolfi, Carlo Buti, Pietro Ferrari, Paolo Vega, Cesare Ristori, Francesca Lisara, Giovanni Tesero, Frederico Verzura, Luigi Trojani, Andrea


Balfani, Asdrubale Corsi, and Achille Gilbert!. She closed her engagement Sept. 27, having acted "Medea" twice; " Mary Stuart, " five times; "Elizabeth," six times; "Judith," twice; "Phaedra," three times, and Lady Macbeth, three times.

The Italian Opera company sang " Rigoletto, " Sept. 27-29, with Emily Boughton as Gilda. Oct. 9 a French comic opera company appeared, under the direction of Juignet and D. Drivet. " Les Mousquetaires de la Reine " was sung, and it introduced M. Anthelme, tenor (his first appearance in America), as Oliver Entragues; M. De Surmont, tenor, as Hector De Biron, and M. Jean Vert, basso, as Capt. Rowland ; Mile. Elvira Naddie as Athenias, and Mile. Jeanne Laurentes as Bertha. In the French dramatic company were MM. Scribot, Lucien, Feuilet, Albert, Edgard, Chandora, Francis, and Maret; Madame Rosa Saunier, Mme. Daire, and Miles. Dembrun, Camel, Thorey, and Alphon- sine. M. Wilhem, baritone, made his first appearance Oct. 1 1 in "Le MaJtre de Chappelle." "The Crown Diamonds "was heard Oct. 16, with MM. Choi and Walter in the cast.

"Le Toreador," by Adolph Adam, was presented Oct. 18; "Le Chalet," Oct. 23. Mile. Boucousiglio made her d6but Nov. 8 in " Le Cald ; " Nov. 10, M. and Mme. Deligue, and Mile. Solange were seen in "The Romance of a Poor Young Man."

Adelaide Ristori reappeared Nov. 12, and played on alternate nights with the French troupe. During her two weeks' engage- ment she acted " Adrienne Lecouvreur," twice; "Pia di Tolamei," once; "Elizabeth," twice; "Mary Stuart," twice; and "Medea," once. For her benefit, Nov. 23, Ristori appeared in the sleep- walking scene from "Macbeth," and as Medea; and during the evening a poem by Henry Tuckerman was presented to her.

" Zampa " was produced by the French company Nov. 22. Olive Logan acted in French " Cinq Cents Francs de Recompense." In consequence of some difficulty Juignet & Drivet withdrew from the management, but the company continued until Jan. 8, 1867. A sea- son of Italian opera commenced Feb. 11, under the direction of Antonio L. Morra. Signora Guidetta Atieri was the prima donna. Signors Barili, Fortuna, Adelaide Phillips and Elvira Naddie were in the company. " La Traviata " and " II Trovatore " were sung dur- ing a season of four performances. Mme. Larmet appeared Feb. 12, in French. The Pot-Philo dramatic association gave a performance April 17, for the benefit of the Ladies' Southern Relief Association.

Mrs. Barney Williams acted in French April 23, for Mme. Larmet's benefit. She appeared in " Le Mari Dans Du Coton." Ristori reappeared May 2. " Mary Stuart " was played three times, " Eliza- beth " five times, Victor Hugo's " Angelo the Tyrant," in which Ristori played Thisbe of Padua, once (May 6), " Macbeth " once, and " Medea " once. VOL. II. ?g


On May 15 a performance took place for the benefit of the Italian schools, after which a banquet was given to Ristori, when she was presented with a gold medal. A benefit was given May 16, to the Southern Relief Association. Ristori closed May 17, with " Medea," and at the end of the performance she was made the recipient of an Italian flag. On the following day she sailed for England, her sojourn in America having been one grand series of successes, out of which Jacob Grau made a fortune. The receipts on her closing night reached {83,000.

Bothroyd Fairclough appeared here May 20, in " Hamlet," followed by " Richelieu " and " Othello." He was supported by Ida Vernon, J. Newton Gotthold, and others. W. F. Leggett was seen June 17, in " Richard III.," followed by " Romeo and Juliet " and the " Merchant of Venice." Mr. Leggett bore a remarkable resemblance to Edwin Booth, but only in appearance, as his acting was atrocious. The Beni Zoug-Zoug Arabs occupied the house for a fortnight commenc- ing June 24. Farces were also given, in which Mr. and Mrs. Gomersal, Mrs. Mark Smith and Mrs. T. J. Hind appeared. C. F. Law made his d6but on the stage July 26, as Charles De Moor in " The Robbers," supported by O. B. Collins, W. H. Spencer, W. J. Ferguson, Mrs. Harry Ryner, and others.

Mrs. F. W. Lander (Jean Davenport) appeared Aug. 19, under the management of T. B. Pugh, in an English version of Giacometti's play " Elizabeth," which had this cast :

Lady Sarah Howard . . Jennie Gourlay Margaret Lamburn . . Ada Monck Earl of Essex . . . . J. H. Taylor

James VI W. J. Cogswell

Lord Howard C. J. FyfiEe

Lord Hudson ... N. W. Decker

Sir Francis Bacon Lord Burleigh . . Sir Francis Drake Marquis Mendoza Keeper of the Seal Queen Elizabeth . Lady Burleigh

. . Geo. Becks . Edwin Varrey . A. W. Fenno C. H. Rockwell . W. D. Shiels Mrs. F. W. Lander Minnie Monck

Her engagement terminated matinee Sept. 14. This lady has had an eventful life. She was married at San Francisco, Cal., on Oct. 13, i860, to Col. Frederick W. Lander, soon after which she retired from the stage. He was killed in battle in the Federal army in November, 1862, and soon afterwards Mrs. Lander went to the battlefield and became chief matron in the hospital at Port Royal, S. C. There she organized a corps of nurses, and day and night she visited the wounded, sick, and dying, bestowing cheery words on some, or de- cently composing the limbs of a dead hero ere the earth closed over him. She remained there a year, and then returned to her home in Massachusetts. After a brief retirement she returned to public life at Niblo's Garden, this city, Feb. 6, 1865, in her own translated play, " Mesalliance." Her four years' retirement from the stage had made little, if any, change either in her appearance or manner of acting. She first appeared on the London (Eng.) stage Dec. 18,




1869, as Queen Elizabeth, at the Lyceum Theatre. Her last appear- ance on any stage was Jan. i, 1877, at the Boston Theatre, in a dramatization by herself of " The Scarlet Letter." This lady ranked among the most accomplished of the tragic actresses of her day. She was the original (in America) Camille (John Wilkin's version) pro- duced by her at the Walnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia, and the original in America of Peg Wofifington, Adrienne Lecouvreur, Char- lotte Corday, Mary Stuart, Maid of Marendorff, Medea, Parthenia, the Czarina, the Countess (in " Love ") Joan of Arc, Marie Antoi- nette and Elizabeth (in English). The chief charm of her acting was its finish of detail, and it was seen to best advantage in " Czarina," " Medea," and " Queen Elizabeth." She achieved her early reputa- tion in original parts; she earned her latest fame in rivalry of Ristori. Long before that great actress appeared in America, when she was the pet of the Parisian critics, and was playing " Medea " after its refusal by Rachel, Mrs. Lander acted the part here. As an actress Mrs. Lander had no peer ; as a woman, her life has been characterized by purity, gentleness and humanity . Her voice was sweetly modulated and she touched the heart, gratified the intellect, pleased the eye, and left a charming impression, through her sim- pUcity of style, agreeability of manners, and unaffected elocution.

Adelaide Ristori returned here Sept. 18, and played her usual repertory until Oct. 7, when " Marie Antoinette " was played for the first time in this city. Her engagement continued until Oct. 19, during which time she acted " Medea " once, " Francesca da Rimini," its first production in America, once, " Mary Stuart " once, " Elizabeth " four times, " Myrrha," for the first time in New York, twice, and " Marie Antoinette " eight times. Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, were Ristori nights.

H. L. Bateman, with a French opera bouffe troupe, opened Oct. 24, 1867, with " La Grande Duchesse." Tostee was the prima donna, and the opera had this cast :

La Grande Duchese . . Lucille Tostee Officer M. Chopin

Wanda .... Mile. De Felcourt Charlotte Mile. Susanne

Olga Mile. Mathilde Fritz M. Guffroy

Amelia Mile. Monier General Bourn . . . . M. Duchesne

Iza Mile. De Bongars Prince Paul M. Leduc

Baron Grog M. Valter Baron Puck . . . . M. LagrifEoul

Nepomuc M. Monier

This was its first performance in this city in its entirety. " La Grande Duchesse " was played on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Satur- days, and at matinees on Wednesdays during Ristori's season. When Tostee chose to be indisposed a weakness which the lady frequently indulged in her place was taken by Mile. De Felcourt, save in December, when Mile. Fleury Longchamps took her place for a few nights. Up to Dec. 25, when the first opera bouffe


season closed " La Grande Duchesse" had been played sixty-four times.

M. Leduc was a very great actor. Joseph Jefferson said that he was more like Charles Burke than any comedian he had ever seen. He was the perfection of grace, and through all the gentle drollery of his seemingly unconscious action there ran a vein of reticent, wistful sensibility, which, without being sadness itself, produced upon others the momentary effect of sadness.

At the close of Ristori's season H. L. Bateman introduced, on the alternate nights of opera bouffe, a French dramatic company, who appeared Oct. 22, headed by M. La Roche and Mile. Deborah. So great was the success of opera bouffe that the evenings were changed on Oct. 21 to Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, with a Saturday matinee, and the dramatic company ap- peared Tuesdays and Saturdays. The opening performance was " The Romance of a Poor Young Man," with Mile. Deborah as Mar- guerite and M. La Roche as Maxime. "Le Caprice " and "Les Amours de Cleopatre " were played Oct. 29, the latter introducing Mile. Reillez, a comedienne of unquestionable greatness, who sang, imitated birds and beasts, and generally exhibited great versatility and dramatic talent. On Nov. 2 " La Dame aux Camelias " was played, with M. La Roche as Armand and Mile. Deborah as Camilla. The farewell performances were given the week ending Dec. 28, and the company went to Boston. Throughout their engagement no opera but " La Grande Duchesse " was produced.

Ristori returned Dec. 30, and gave ten representations of " Marie Antoinette," two of " Elizabeth " and one of " Norma " during three weeks, the nights being Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and the matinees on Saturdays. Belle Boyd made her d6but in this city Jan. 9, 1868, as Juliana in "The Honeymoon" and in " Faint Heart Never Won Fair Lady." Bateman's opera bouffe company appeared Feb. 24, in " La Grande Duchesse," with Mile. Tost^e as the Du- chesse. This company played each evening during the week, except Saturday, when the dramatic company reappeared. "La Grande Duchesse " was continued up to March 25, when it was withdrawn, having enjoyed 156 consecutive performances. "La Belle Helene" was given for the first time in America, March 26.

Agamemnon . . . . M. Duchesne

Slave M. Perrigeur

Hdlfena Lucille Tostde

Orestes .... Mile. De Felcourt

Bacchis Mile. Juliana

Lasna Mile. Marguerite

Parthenis .... Mile. Mathilde

Paris M. Guffroy

Menelaus M. Leduc

Calchas M. Lagriffoul

Achilles M. Valter

Ajax I M. Benedick

Ajax 11 M. Monier

Philocomus M. Hamilton

Enthycles M. Fleury

It was repeated on every evening except Saturday, up to a matinee on Saturday, May 2, Mile. Fleury Longchamps taking the place of




Tostee. The French dramatic company May 4 and week of May 6 (except May 9) in " Sor Teresa," " Oscar " and " Riche d' Amour," May 9.

The Caroline Richings- English opera company May 11, for two weeks, during which they sang " Martha " twice ; " Maritana " once ; "La Somnambula" once; "The Crown Diamonds" once; " Fra Diavolo " once ; " The Doctor of Alcantara " twice ; " Faust " once ; and " The Bohemian Girl " twice. In the latter, Edith Abel made a debut as Arline May 13. Ristori dramatic company reappeared May 21, and acted eleven times.

Alhaizi and Calabresi, from New Orleans, with a French opera bouffe company, appeared June 4 in " Orphee aux Enfers," with this cast:

Eurydice .... Mile. Lambelle Orphde M. Deere

Diana Mile. Tholer Aristde M. Gougon

Cupid Mile. Esai Jupiter M. Edgard

Venus Mile. Cadic Public Opinion . . . . M. Tholer

This opera was presented until June 12. The season closed June 13, with "La Grande Duchesse."

A benefit for the American dramatic fund took place June 23, when Mme. Ristori and others appeared. Mme. Ristori, aided by children, gave a private entertainment June 24, for the benefit of an unfortunate lady of this city. Ristori made her farewell appear- ance as Elizabeth at a matinee on June 26. On the following day she sailed for Europe.

The theatre closed June 27, 1868, and reopened Oct. 5. Jacob Grau was the lessee and manager, and the company was : Rose Bell, Fontanel, Victoria Maurice, Rose Taillifer, Adrienne Ligny, Elsie Goueretti, MM. Julien Carrier, Beckers, Bourgoin, Goby, Genot, Mussay and Bataille. The initial performance was " La Grande Duchesse," with Rose Bell as the Duchesse, Mile. Fontanel as Wanda , Carrier as Fritz, Beckers as Bourn, Goby as Prince Paul, Genot as Puck, Bourgoin as Grog, and Mussay as Nepomuc. After the third night Mile. Goueretti took the place of Mile. Fontanel.

" La Grande Duchesse " was sung until Oct. 16, when the theatre was closed for a rehearsal of " Genevieve de Brabant," produced for the first time in America Oct. 22, and for eleven consecutive weeks attracted crowded audiences. Mile. Desclauzas became as great a favorite as Rose Bell. As the eccentric gendarme Pitou, M. Gabel made a great hit. Desclauzas appeared as Drogan Jan. 7, 1869, in consequence of the illness of Rose Bell, Mile. Rezarelli playing Genevieve. " L'OEil Creve," by Hervd, had its first American representation Jan. 9. Goueretti was the Dindonette, owing to the illness of Rose Bell. " Fleur de Th6 " was sung for the first time in this country Feb. i. Rose Bell was announced to take the part of Cesarine, but sickness prevented her. On the opening night the


curtain did not rise until nine o'clock, and then the part was taken at short notice by Desclauzas. Mile. Bell appeared as Cesarine on Feb. 13. After a run of two weeks " Fleur de The " alternated with " Genevieve de Brabant " the latter having its one hundredth repre- sentation on Feb. 22. Mile. Rose Bell had a benefit Feb. 26, presenting " Genevieve," and the second act of " William Tell " in French. Carrier had a benefit on March S, offering an act of " L'CEil Creve," the gendarme scene from " Genevieve," the third act of "Fleur de Th6," " Mons. Choufleury," and a ballet. After March 6, the house was closed until March 29, when Mr. Grau had a benefit, tendered him by the stockholders of the theatre, when was produced for the first time in America, Offenbach's " La Vie Parisienne."

M. Juignet, the stage manager, took a benefit April 7, when was given the first act of " La Grande Duchesse " with the following notable and remarkable cast: Fritz, Mile. Rose Bell; La Grande Duchesse, M. Carrier; Wanda, M. Deligne; Gen. Boum, Mile. Desclauzas; Prince Paul, Mile. Maurice; Baron Puck, Mile. Clementine, and Nepomuc, Mile. Goueretti. The comedietta, " Livre HI, Chapitre I," was also played, and " Cargouillada," a burlesque on Italian opera, was sung by MM. Carrier and Beckers and Mile. Goueretti, and a chansonnette by M. Bourgoin. The season closed with a benefit to M. Beckers on April 13, "La Vie Parisienne" and songs by Dora Harris comprising the bill.

When Tost^e first came to this country she was about forty years of age. She was a better actress than a singer. Her salary was ;SSi,ooo per month in gold, for a season of eight months. She was most popular behind the curtain. She grudged applause to no one, and never tried to monopolize the stage.

Irma (maiden name, Irma Marie) was the wife of M. Colonne, the leader. She is the sister of Mme. Galli-Marie and Paola-Marie. Their father's name is Marie-Delisle. Her salary in America was $1,200 in gold per month. Her Boullotte and La Perichole were her greatest successes. Mile. Lambelle (Mme. Alhaiza) was one of the most attractive ladies of opera bouffe. M. Aujac, the favorite tenor, was 52 years of age when he first appeared here. Rose Bell (real name Delapommeraye) was engaged for America at a monthly salary of ^1,000 in gold. She was the wife of Gambogi the chorus master. Mme. Desclauzas (right name Esclauzas) is the divorced wife of M. Sary, a literary gentleman of Paris. Mile. Fontanel was announced by Grau to make her American ddbut as Wanda, but she never appeared. From the hour of her landing in this country, she became ill, and remained an invalid until she left the country. Her place was filled by Mme. Goueretti, wife of M. Alard, the vio- loncellist. Fontanel was the wife of M. Goby, who appeared in " Genevieve de Brabant." M. Carrier had previously been seen and


heard in this city. He was here with Rachel as low comedian. He returned to France, and while at Bordeau, fell down stairs and was killed.

At the close of the season of 1869, in conjunction with M. Mercier, editor of Le Courier des Etats Unis, Duchesne opened a public house at Hoboken, N. J. Irma returned to Paris. During her stay in this country she became a large landed proprietress, the owner of certain title deeds to lands in the far West. She was very saving of her money, and made nearly ;^ 10,000 in gold during her eight months sojourn in this country. Gabel was killed at the storming of Sedan, Oct. 1870. At the opening of the Franco-Prussian war he rejoined the regiment to which he was originally attached before going on the stage, and fought to the last day of the reeling empire. Eugene A. Condrier, who was one of the Clodoche dancers, died at Long Branch, N. J., March 22, 1890, aged 44 years. He was familiarly known as " Frenchy," and his grotesque acting in " Genevieve de Brabant " created quite a sensation. He was buried at Mount Karmel, Long Branch.

On April 14 a benefit was given at the Theatre Frangais to the widow and children of Humphrey Bland. " Griffith Gaunt " was played, with a cast including Rose Eytinge, Blanche Grey, Sadie Cole, Mrs. H. Bland, Mrs. M. Wilkins, Mrs. Reeve, C. H. Rockwell, Dan Harkins, and Mark Smith. Eliza Newton had a benefit May 15, when "Asmodeus" was acted; a recitation by Arthur Mat- thison, the Rigl Sisters (Emily and Betty), in character dance, zouave drill exhibition by Sergt. John Burke, and the comedy of " Taming of the Shrew " formed the bill.

On May 19 John Brougham took a benefit, and the performance consisted of " The Little Rebel," " The Irish Lion," and " A Gentle- man from Ireland."

" La Vie Parisienne " was presented May 29, followed June i by " Chilperic." Mile. Desclauzas had a benefit June 7, when " Chil- peric " and the gendarme duet from " Genevieve " were given, with Rose Bell as Grabuge and Desclauzas as Pitou, and this closed the opera bouffe season.

The New Orleans French dramatic company combined with the New York dramatic (French) artists, comprising Miles. Moreau, Tholer, Silleys, Denvil, Briot, and Rosa, and MM. Moreau, Chamonin, Juignet, Rousseau, Guidon, and Francis appeared June 23 in a repre- sentation of Victorien Sardou's " Seraphine." Charles H. Morton took a benefit July 14, when he acted Bailie Nicol Jarvie in " Rob Roy." The French dramatic company played "Gavaut Minard et Cie" on August 5.

A season of English opera opened Sept. n, under the manage- ment of Carl Rosa and C. D. Hess, with the following company : Mme. Parepa-Rosa, Fanny Stockton, Rose Hersee, Mrs. E. Seguin


(Zelda Harrison), Wm. Castle, S. C. Campbell, Albert Lawrence, G. F. Hall, E. Seguin, De Solla, Howard, James, and Harrison. Sig. De Vivo was the business manager, and Carl Rosa and Antony Rieff the musical directors. The opening opera was Balfe's " Puritan's Daughter," given here for the first time in America, and with this cast:

Drake Mr. James

Ralph E. Seguin

Spiggott Mr. Harrison

Jessie Fanny Stockton

Mary Wolf Parepa-Rosa

Charles II G. F. HaU

Clifford Albert Lawrence

Col. Wolf .... S. C. Campbell Earl of Rochester . . Wm. Castle Ephraim Fleetwood . . Mr. De Solla Leyman Mr. Howard

This was Albert Lawrence's American d^but. On Sept. 17 Mr. Nordblom, German-English tenor, made his American debut as Thad- deus in " The Bohemian Girl." Rose Hersee's first appearance on the American stage was Sept. 18, singing Amina in "La Somnambula." " The Bohemian Girl " was given Sept. 20, " La Somnambula " Sept. 21; "Maritana" Sept. 22, with Mrs. E. Seguin as Lazarillo and Parepa-Rosa as Maritana; "Fra Diavolo" Sept. 25, for the first time; Sept. 27, " Maritana;" Sept. 29, " Martha; " Sept. 30 for the benefit of Parepa-Rosa ; matinee Oct. 2, " Martha." The season closed Oct. 2, with " The Bohemian Girl."

The house was now leased by Clifton W. Tayleure, who began Oct. II, with F. S. Chanfrau in De Walden's comedy of "Sam," supported by F. C. Bangs, C. T. Parsloe, Jr., H. B. Phillips, J. G. Boyd, C. Hamilton, and De Walden, Louisa Eldridge, Mrs. Rivers, Blanche Grey, Georgie Langley, Henrietta Irving, and Nellie Taylor. The season continued until Oct. 23, when it closed. Ger- man operas, " Faust," " Martha," " The Magic Flute " and " Robert Le Diable " were given three nights and one afternoon, from Oct. 27, by a German opera company comprising Herren Franz Himmer, Joseph Herrmanns, Weinlich, Steinecke, W. Formes, and Armand, Mme. Marie Frederici-Himmer and the Miles. Rotter, Dziuba, Johannsen, and Billon, Mr. Grau being the manager, and Carl Anschutz the musical director.

Clifton W. Tayleure opened another season Nov. 15, with a new drama by Henry Leslie, of London, called " London, or Lights and Shadows of the Great City," which had this cast :

Alice Heron Lady Euphemia Harold Forrester

Ralph Heron . Bob Austin . . Chalmers, Q. C. Job Forrester .

Clara Jennings

Mrs. Thos. Hind

. F. C. Bangs

J. Lewis Baker

Edward Righton

Geo. F. Devere

H. B. Phillips

Toby Mapletop . Chas. T. Parsloe, Jr. Policeman No. 1,059 Geo. Carlisle Jas. Diggens . . . . E. Dennison

Letty Emily Pitt

Aspinall Alex Fitzgerald

Chief Justice J. G. Boyd

Pliny Irene Ryner

A season of Russian opera opened Dec. 15, when M. Verstowskajo's " Ascold's Tomb " was given.




It held the stage for five evenings. " London, or Lights and Shadows of the Great City," was repeated Dec. 25.

On Jan. 3, 1870, a Bal de L'Opera Bouffe, under the direction of Eugene Duchalet and Mons. Henri Maseard, was given. Among the attractions was the Clodoche troupe, in the original Can-can. The tickets were $^ each.

"La Grande Duchesse" was revived Jan. 14. M. P. Juignet had a benefit Jan. 22, when the French artists acted " La Greve des Forgerons " ("The Blacksmith's Strike"), " La Supplice d'un Homme" (" A Victim of Circumstances "), and the farce, " Un Homme du Sud " (" A Man of the South "). A season of French opera bouffe commenced Jan. 24, under Byrne and Starr's management. Robert Stoepel was musical director. Mme. Moreau gave a French version of "East Lynne" Feb. 5.

" Genevieve de Brabant " was revived Feb. 7, with this cast :

Drogan .... Mrs. Howard Paul Genevieve Goueretti

Sifroy Girrebuck Brigette Briot

Golo Moreau Charles Duchesne

Grabuge Genot Bonigsemestu Rousseau

Nircisse Francis Pitou Edgard

The first act of " Barbe Bleue '' and the opera bouffe " Le Sourd " were given Feb. 18, for the benefit of M.Drivet. " Faust " a French extravaganza, was given Feb. 19, with " La Dame Blanche," for M. Girrebuck's benefit. In the latter piece Mme. Girrebuck appeared. On Feb. 22, for the benefit of Byrne & Starr, three acts of " Genevieve de Brabant," and the first act " La Grande Duchesse " were given. Mrs. Howard Paul also sang " La Marseillaise." " Robert Emmet " and " The Irish Emigrant " were played March 17. Mile. Briot pre- sented "La Perichole" March 18, for her benefit. " Frou Frou" was acted in French March 31 and April 2.

Charles Fechter appeared April 27, with Carlotta Leclercq his chief support. " The Lady of Lyons " was given with this cast :

Claude Fechter

Pauline Miss Leclercq

Beauseant L. R. Shewell

Glavis Geo. Becks

Col. Damas . . . . G. H. Griffith

Gaspard Milnes Levick

Deschappelles ... A. D. Bradley Widow Melnotte . . . Melinda Jones Madame Deschappelles

Mrs. Thos. Hind

" Don Csesar de Bazan " followed May 4, with Fechter as Don Caesar ; J. L. Cathcart as Don Jose ; Emily Pitt as Lazarillo ; and Miss Leclercq as Maritana. On May 9 and 10 " Ruy Bias " was played; " The Lady of Lyons " May 12, 13, matinee May 14, 16, 17, 18, "Hamlet" May 13, 14, " Plot and PaSsion" May 19, 20. There was no performance May 21, in consequence of a full scenic rehearsal of " The Corsican Brothers," produced May 23, with Fechter as Louis and Fabien, and Miss Leclercq as Emillie de Lesparre. " A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing" was played May 30, with Leclercq as Anne


Carew and Little Minnie Maddern as Sybil. " The Lady of Lyons " closed the season June 4. Fred Rullman was the manager.

Marie Seebach made her American debut here Sept. 22 as Gret- chen in " Faust." Among her company were Miles. Antoine Bes- singer, Edwin Bardenhauer, Herr Herrmanns, Harry, Herr Hugo, Edward, and Herr Lodovic, Geiger and Dombrowsky.

The next lessees of this house were J. H. Snyder and Charles Wheatleigh, who called it " The Fourteenth Street Theatre." Their first attraction was " Mary Stuart " presented Sept. 27 with Seebach as Mary, when Mathilde Venetta made her American d6but as Elizabeth. Seebach appeared Sept. 30 and Oct. i in drama and comedy " Valerie, or the Blind Orphan," and " Ein Tasse Thee " ("A Cup of Tea"). " Mary Stuart" was given Oct. 3, matinee Oct. 8, II, 22; no performance Oct. 4; "Jane Eyre," Oct. 5, 7, 10, matinee Oct. 15, 25 ; " Deborah," Oct. 6, 8, Mathilde Venetta in the title r61e ; "Narcisse," Oct. 12; "Love and Intrigue," Oct. 13, 14, Seebach as Louisa Muller ; " Mathilde," Oct. 17, 18, 19, Seebach in the title role; Oct. 20, 21, 24, " Adrienne Lecouvreur; " no matinee Oct. 22; " Mary Stuart " matinee Oct. 26. For the benefit of Seebach, Oct. 27, " Adrienne Lecouvreur," was played, after which she recited Schiller's poem, " The Song of the Bell," and at the conclusion she delivered a brief address ; on Oct. 28 she played " Valerie." The season closed Oct. 29 with " Taming of the Shrew." The engage- ment of this lady was at once the greatest success and the greatest failure in our dramatic annals.

She was without doubt one of the finest European actresses that had visited us since Rachel. She had more finish of detail, more delicacy of coloring, more feminine instinct, than Ristori, and lacked nothing but physical power to entitle her to rank with that artist. The cause of her pecuniary failure lay in the language in which she acted. Mrs. F. W. Lander (Jean Davenport) in " Elizabeth" Oct. 31. In the cast were James H. Taylor, George Becks, Edwin Varrey, Milnes Levick, Alex Fitzgerald, Geo. Metkiff, Fred Monroe, Wm. Struthers, Jennie Gourlay, Gregston, Mrs. M. A. Farren and Miss E. V. Proudfoot. On Nov. 5 Mrs. Lander appeared as Mrs. Haller in " The Stranger," Nov. 12, as Mary Stuart; Nov. 14, 15, 18, 19, 21, 22, " Charlotte Corday, or a Tale of the Reign of Terror," with Charles Wheatleigh as Marat ; Nov. 16, 17, " Adrienne Lecouvreur; " Nov. 23, 24, 25, 26, "Frou Frou, or Fashion and Folly," translated expressly for her. On Dec. 3 the French Dramatic Club De L'Har- monie appeared for a benefit of the victims of the Franco-Prussian war.

A season of Italian opera commenced Jan. 4, 1871, under the di- rection of D. De Vivo, with " II Trovatore," Rose Czillag as Leonora, Sig. Reyna as Count di Luna, Le Franc as Manrico, Gazzaniga as Azucena. This opera was repeated Jan. 6 and 7. " Un Ballo in



Maschera " Jan. lo. Carolina Viardi-Marti made her d^but and sang Amelia in place of Mme. Czillag, who was indisposed. Le Franc was the Ricardo and Miss Roselli (Rosa Cooke) was Oscar. This was this lady's first appearance in Italian opera. Friday, De Gebele sang Ulrica; Bacelli and Locatelli were also in the cast. The season closed with this performance. A series of performances were given at various theatres in this city, and throughout the country, for the benefit of the family of Geo. Holland, on Wednesday evening, Jan. 25. " The Lady of Lyons " was acted here, with this cast:

Claude Melnotte . . Charles Fechter Mme. Deschapelles . Mrs. J. Sefton Widow Melnotte . Mrs. L. E. Seymour Deschapelles . . . . E. B. Holmes Col. Damas .... Mark Smith

Beauseant . . . . C. H. Rockwell

Glavis Owen Marlowe

Gaspard Milnes Levick

Pauline .... Carlotta Leclercq Janet Miss Hayden

William M. Holland rented this house for the purpose of present- ing Edwin Forrest, who appeared Feb. 6. 1871.

This was Edwin Forrest's first appearance in this city in three years. He was seen in " King Lear," and was supported by William Harris as Edgar ; Miss Lillie, Alice Placide, O. B. Collins, T. E. Morris, Mark Bates and others were in the cast. Effie Johns (wife of William Holland) played " Fanchon " matinee and evening Feb. II. William Harris withdrew from the company after Feb. 10, giv- ing his reason for refusing the r61e of Landry Barbeaud in " Fan- chon" that he was engaged only to support Mr. Forrest. Mark Bates assumed the part. " King Lear " was continued a second week. C. Barton Hill played Edgar. " Fanchon " was given matinee Feb. 18. Forrest played " Richelieu " Feb. 20, with Barton Hill as de Mauprat, Arnold as Barradas, John Mathews as Huguet, and Thomas E. Morris as Joseph. Edwin Forrest closed Feb. 24; for the Saturday matinee, Feb. 25, Effie Johns repeated "Fanchon." Mrs. Ella Clymer (sister of Linda Dietz) made her debut the evening of Feb. 25, as Pauline in " The Lady of Lyons," to the Claude Melnotte of Barton Hill. With this performance the house closed.

Marie Seebach reappeared March 20, as Fanchon (in German) ; March 21, as Desdemona, to the lago of Herr Henry. Henry Wolf- sohn appeared as Othello. This was Mr. Wolfsohn's first appearance on any stage. Seebach was announced to appear March 22 in "Griselda," but owing to some misunderstanding, the manager of the Stadt Theatre refused to allow the members of the company to appear here, and " Love and Intrigue " was substituted, and played to almost empty benches, for a great many of the audience retired as soon as a change of programme was announced. " Dorf und Stadt," with Seebach as Lorle, was given March 23. " Educational, or City and Country Life," and " The Waiting Saloon," March 25. March 27, " Jane Eyre " was acted for the benefit of the artists who


had appeared with Seebach during her American engagement ; also the third act of " Hamlet," the third act of " Mary Stuart " and the last act of " The Gladiator of Ravenna."

Laura Keene appeared here April 11, as directress. "Nobody's Child " was played, with William Creswick as the star. The play had this cast :

Jack Adams Limping Dick . Mrs. Padston . Capt. Lazonby . Capt. Callington Patty Lavrock .

Milton Rainford W. Davidge, Jr. Miss L. Germon . F. Mordaunt . Geo. Holland . Laura Keene

Joe .... Sir Tregarvon . Bob ... . G. Peny . . . Peter Grace Lucy ....

. Mr. Creswick . W. J. Hurley L. Bateman M. A. Kennedy Harry Pearson . Alice Brooks

A great deal of money was expended in the way of advertising the performance, as well as the debut of the " star ; " but all in vain, for a bad house witnessed the initial performance, a worse one the second, a poor one the third, a bad one the fourth, and a beggarly array of empty benches during the rest of the week. " Hunted Down " was produced April 17, with Laura Keene as the star attraction. It was repeated April 18, when the house closed for the remainder of the week. Laura Keene withdrew " Nobody's Child" and Mr. Creswick, as she was satisfied the public did not want either. This action on the part of this lady was as a matter of business, and out of no disre- spect to Mr. Creswick, and he should have so looked at it, and not have appealed to the public in a moment of temporary excitement, as he did on his closing night, April 15, when called before the curtain.

David B. Vanderen died in this city April 15, 1871. He had played that night with Laura Keene, and on his way home fell sud- denly to the sidewalk. On being taken to the house he was found to be dead.

On June 26 a benefit was given to Owen Marlowe. The enter- tainment was : " A Pretty Piece of Business," by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walcot, Edith Challis, and Mr. and Mrs. Marlowe ; ballad, " Bright Eyes," by W. J. Hill ; " Loan of a Lover," Gertrude by Lucille Western, Peter Spyk by James Heme ; recitation of " Heathen Chinee," by G. B. Rowland ; " Widow's Victim " Robert Craig as Jeremiah Clip, with imitations of James Wallack, Joseph Jefferson, Stuart Robson, and his full dress representation of Charles Dickens as a reader. " Robert Macaire" was the afterpiece.

William Creswick died at London, Eng., June 17, 1888, aged seventy-five years. He was born in England Dec. 27, 1813, and from 1839 to 1843 ^^ starred in this country making his first New York appearance at the Old Park Theatre. Returning to England, he became manager of the Surrey Theatre, London. In 1871 he paid a second visit to this country, and acted while here with Charlotte Cushman and Edwin Booth at Boston. In 1877 he toured Australia,

1873] THE LYCEUM 461

and on Oct. 29, 1885, he took his farewell of the London stage at Drury Lane, playing a scene from " King Lear." He was not a great actor; his name is not associated specially with any famous parts or in any remarkable stage productions, but in whatever he attempted he was always intelligent and painstaking.

An amateur performance of " Don Csesar de Bazan " took place April 26, for the benefit of the Chapin Home. Charles Wheatleigh and Mr. Snyder surrendered their lease to Duncan & Sherman the bankers and the owners of the theatre on July i, 1871.

Charles Wheatleigh withdrew from the management, and Mr. Snyder continued up to the time Charles Fechter purchased the theatre and land. He tore down the old house during the summer of 1 871. Duncan & Sherman advanced Mr. Fechter a large sura of money to rebuild. He invested some ^50,000 of his own money in the enterprise. He entirely reconstructed the edifice, added the portico in front and introduced many novelties in the stage depart- ment. His reckless expenditure of money caused a breach between Duncan, Sherman & Co. and himself, and they took the theatre from him by legal process before he opened it. Consequently, what money he had invested of his own and borrowed from Carlotta Leclercq was lost.

Mr. Fechter announced the opening of this theatre, which he now called " The Lyceum," for Nov. 25, with " Monte Cristo," but it was not opened. It was again stated that the rehearsals of " Monte Cristo" would be commenced March 2, 1873. The opening was announced for March 31, but, during the previous week, Duncan, Sherman & Co. took possession of the theatre and ejected all of Mr. Fechter's workmen and agents. On April 28, 1873, Fechter ap- peared at the Grand Opera House, this city. Charles Fechter died on his farm at Richland Centre, Pa., Aug. 4, 1879. He was born at London, Oct. 23, 1824, and first appeared on the American stage Jan. 10, 1870, at Niblo's Garden, in "Ruy Bias," supported by Car- lotta Leclercq. He there failed to satisfy his audiences. He as- sumed the management of the Globe Theatre, Boston, Sept. I2, 1870, and retired from it Jan. 14, 1871, and on that day he received a ben- efit tendered to him by leading citizens of Boston.

His share amounted to ;^3,200, every cent of which he donated to various charities in that city. Returning to Europe, on March 2, 1872, he appeared at the Adelphi Theatre, London, as Ruy Bias. His last engagement in this city was at the Broadway Theatre (now Daly's), commencing Dec. 19, 1877, as Edmond Dantes in " Monte Cristo." He closed Jan. 26, 1878, as Ruy Bias. His last engage- ment on any stage was to have commenced April 7 at the Howard Athenaeum, Boston, but he was suffering from a gastric attack. He appeared before the curtain, stated the cause of his illness, and dis- missed the audience. He appeared April 8, as Lagardere in " The


Duke's Motto," and continued for the week. He was again too ill to act on April 14, but reappeared April 15 in "Black and White," which ran until the close of the engagement, April 19, when he made his last appearance on any stage. He died a very poor man. His remains were interred in Mount Vernon cemetery, Philadelphia. Mr. Fechter went through the round of characters in which the repu- tation of Frederick Lemaitre had been achieved. He had many gifts in common with Lemaitre, and no man on the English stage approached nearer to his level. In Shakespearian plays, certain passions were strikingly represented. The spectator was delighted, amused, and surprised. He mistook our actors, our public, and our press, and all three mistook him as man and as actor. During his management of the Globe Theatre, Boston, he got at loggerheads with James W. Wallack, Jr. and other popular artists, and this trouble created a powerful feeling against him all over the country, a feeling whose ill effects were felt more by the managers, who paid him large "certainties," than by Mr. Fechter himself. In several cities the papers wantonly and wickedly abused him. At Cincinnati, especially, they assailed him in a gross and brutal manner. The result of this was that managers feared to give him again the terms he required, and he would not abate a jot. He refused to accept from Mr. Booth an engagement on the same terms given to Joseph Jefferson.

This theatre was reopened Sept. 11, 1873, under the ostensible management of W. L. Mansen, assisted by Charles Wheatleigh as business manager. Mr. Hoffman, a wealthy gentleman and father of George Hoffman (who afterwards married the premiere danseuse Marie Bonfanti), was the financial backer.

The first attraction offered by the new management was Thomas C. King who opened in " The Hunchback of Notre Dame " :

Mme. Gondelaurier, Mrs. J. L. Carhart Fleur de Lys . . . Miss Henderson Claud Frollo . . Chas. Wheatleigh

Esmeralda Jeffreys Lewis

Quasimodo T. C. King

Phoebus Harry Dalton

Gringoire Sol Smith, Jr.

Gudule Miss Crawford

Clopin Dan Leeson

Ninette Maud Egerton

This was the American d^but of T. C. King, Harry Dalton, Miss Henderson, Jeffreys Lewis, and Miss Crawford. Espinosa was ballet master. Dan Leeson reappeared in America here after an absence of fourteen years in England. " The Hunchback of Notre Dame " was acted until Oct. 25, except on the matinde Oct. 25, when Salvini played Hamlet, and Piamonti, Ophelia. On Oct. 27 " Othello " was presented, with this cast :

Othello T. C. King

lago Chas. Wheatleigh

Desdemona . . . Jeffreys Lewis Emelia .... Mrs. J. L. Carhart

Cassio Henry Dalton

Brabantio Sol Smith

Roderigo .... Edward Coleman




" Ingomar " was billed for Oct. 28, but no performance took place, and the house closed, the season having been a losing one. On Nov. 24 the theatre reopened with Italian opera. Pauline Lucca and lima di Murska made their joint appearance as Azucena and Leo- nora in " II Trovatore ; " Sig. Mari was Count di Luna, and Sig. Tamberlik, Manrico. " Don Giovanni " was sung Nov. 26, with Pauline Lucca, Di Murska, Lichtmay, Tamberlik, Jamet, Lehman, Reina, and Ronconi in the cast.

" Notre Dame " was acted Thanksgiving night (November 27), and continued Nov. 28, 29, and Dec. i, with T. C. King as Quasimodo. The afterpiece was " The Debutante," Charles Wheatleigh playing Achile Talma Dufard. " Still Waters Run Deep " was acted one week, commencing Dec. 2, with Charles Wheatleigh as John Mild- may. T. C. King died at Kingscroft, Birmingham, Eng., Nov.,


" A Model of a Wife," was also seen. Charles Fechter appeared Dec. II in " The Lady of Lyons '' and continued it until Dec. 20. The theatre closed Dec. 22. The house reopened March 3, 1874, with T. C. King in "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" for the bene- fit of the central dispensary. Phillis Glover presided in the box office for the sale of tickets.

Bessie Darling, a pupil of Fanny Morant,made her first appearance on any stage March 4, as Juliana in "The Honeymoon." Stella Congdon (Mrs. Frank Chapman), Geo. Becks, Sol Smith, Charles Leclercq, Charles Wheatleigh, and Charles Loveday were in this cast. The proceeds were given to the Helping Hand Society.

A season of Italian opera commenced March 5, with " Lucia Di Lammermoor," Di Murska as Lucia, Sig. Vizzani as Edgardo. Max Maretzek was musical director. Mile. E. Sorel appeared March 6 in "Faust;" March 7, "Martha," and " Dinorah " (second act), Di Murska as Lady Henrietta, Natalie Testa as Nancy. Di Murska sang for the first time the " Shadow Song " in " Dinorah." On March 9 Charles Chamberlain Jr. was announced as the manager of this theatre, when Marie Aimee, with a French opera bouffe company appeared under the direction of C. Chizzola, in " La Fille de Madame Angot," with Aimee as Clairette. This was continued until March 20, when " Les Cent Vierges " was acted, followed March 21 by " Le Petit Faust," with Aim^e as Marguerite for the first time. Stani was the Mephisto and Juteau the Faust. " La Vie Parisienne" March 23, 24, 25, first times in five years.

On March 26 " Camille " was presented here, with this cast:

Camille Clara Morris

Prudence .... Marie Willcins

Nicliette Kate Claxton

Olympe .... Louise Henderson Monsieur Duval . . . F. F. Mackay

Mons. De Varville . W. B. Laurens

Nanine Kate Holland

Arraand Duval . . . Frank Mayo

Gaston Geo. F. Rowe

Gustave J. B. Polk


This was one of five performances given that afternoon, and was for the "Actors' Charity Benefit." The idea originated with A. M. Palmer. The captains and patrolmen of police, and the fire- men of the city sold tickets to the number of 24,835. The admis- sion tickets were good at any of the five theatres, viz. : The Academy of Music, Lyceum Theatre, Niblo's Garden, Booth's Theatre, and Union Square Theatre.

Marie Aimee closed here April 4, 1874, with " Madame An- got" (second act), " Les Pan tins de Violette " and " Mons. Chon- fleuri."

Schumann's Transatlantic combination of pantomimists and spe- cialty artists made their American d^but here April 6, in " A Parisian Folly." Among the performers were Brown's female velocipedists, with whom were Addie (afterwards the wife of Prof. Herrmann), Almonte ; Thos. Lovell, Mons. Elliott, Mile. Frederika, Mons. Francke, Mile. Corr^e, Don Ferreya, the man flute, Herr A. Schulze, Marie Bonfanti, the Russell Family, J. B. Johnson, champion swimmer, and Beckmann, juggler. The pantomime " The Phantoms " was pro- duced April 13, with a new ballet by L'Espinosa. This entertain- ment closed April 18, and was followed, April 20, by "La Marjo- laine," with F. F. Mackay, Fannie Foster, and Phillis Glover, in the cast. Jane Coombs appeared here May 4 as Lady Teazle in "The School for Scandal," with Frederic Robinson as Charles, Theo. Hamilton as Joseph, and Owen Marlowe as Sir Benjamin. This lady's engagement terminated very abruptly on May 9, and the house was closed until Aug. 24, when it was reopened by C. A. Chiz- zola and Maurice Grau, with the Marie Aimee French Opera Bouffe company, in "La Timbale d'Argent," presented for the first time in America, and with this cast:

MuUer Aim^e

Molda Mile. Minelly

Raab Mons. Dubouchet

Pruth Mons. Debeer

Wilhelra Mons. Perrant

Fitchet Mile. Guidon

Gaben Mile. Dubouchet

Pola Mile. Briot

Barnabe Mons. Guyot

This was the American d^but of Minelly, Guidon, Debeer, Guyot, and Mons. Dubouchet. This opera was sung for the last time Sept. 7, 8, 9, when Aim^e appeared as Molda and Minelly as MuUer.

" La Princesse de Trebizonde " was sung for the first time in America in French Sept. 10, and had this cast:

Le Prince Cassimir . . M. Duplan Le Prince Raphael .... Aim6e

Zanetta Minelly

Regina Mile. Guidon

Paola Mile. Kid

Cabriolo M. Dubouchet

Tremolini M. Debeer

Sparadrap M. Guyot




This was the American debut of Mile. Kid. " La Fille de Mme. Angot": was given Oct. 5. with this cast:

Ponponnet Debeer

Larivaudiere Dubouchet

Trenitz Genot

Louchard Duplan

Clairette Aimde

Mile. Lange Minelly

Amaranthe Mile. Kid

Ange Pitou M. KoUetz

Gadet Guyot

Ange and Trenitz were the original rQles of Kolletz and Genot at Paris. This was the American debut of Kolletz. For Aimee's bene- fit, Oct. 16, " La Perichole " was sung and the engagement closed Oct. 17.

Adelaide Neilson appeared here as Beatrice on Oct. 19, in " Much Ado About Nothing," supported by J. H. Barnes as Benedick.

Beatrice Miss Neilson

Benedick J. H. Barnes

Dogberry Vining Bowers

Hero . . Don Pedro

Rose St. Clair G. B. Waldron

This was the American debut of J. H. Barnes. " Romeo and Juliet," with Neilson as Juliet and Barnes as Romeo, was acted Oct. 22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 3 1 : " Much Ado About Nothing " Oct. 27, 29, 30, and matinee Oct. 31.

Emily Soldene made her American debut Nov. 2, with an Eng- lish opera company, as Drogan in " Genevieve de Brabant. "

"La Fille de Madame Angot" was given Nov. 16, with Soldene as Mile. Lange. "The Grand Duchess," Nov. 30, Soldene in the title r61e. " Chilperic " was presented, for the first time in America (in English), Dec. 9, with this cast :

Chilperic Soldene Divitiacus

Lenna E. Marshall Gatsuinda

Landry H. Laurent Brunchant

Fatout J. Wallace Alfred . .

Sigibert Lewens Clodomir .

Nervoso J. B. Rae Leucaste .

Fredegonde . . Miss A. Lyndhurst

This opera was repeated Dec. 20; " La Fille de Madame Angot," Dec. 22, 23; "Genevieve," Dec. 24-28; "The Grand Duchess," Dec. 26; and, for the first time in America, Dec. 29, (in English), "Madame L'Archiduc," with this cast:

. . . J. Quine Miss L. Robson Miss H. Traves . . Clara Vesey Miss L. Carthew . Miss St. Clair

Marietta Soldene

Fortunata .... Miss Robson Countess Miss Vesey

The Archduke Marshall

Giletti Beverly

Soldene closed Jan. 2, 1875.

Mrs. Rousby made her American d^but Jan. 4 in Tom Taylor's " 'Twixt Axe and Crown " :

VOL. II. -.-30


Lady Elizabeth . . Edward Courtney . Earl of Sussex . . Lord Puget . . . Lord Wm. Howard Sir John Brydges . Sir John Farrington Sir Thomas Wyatt

"As You Like Rosalind and Geo.

Mrs. Rousby

. Geo. Clarke

. James Dunn

. James Stark

W. A. Sands

D. Ralton

Vining Bowers

. Ed. S. Tarr

Simon G. B. Waldron

Gardiner .... Welsh Edwards

Queen Kate Meek

Duchess Mrs. Denvil

Rutter Frank Beresford

Parry E. J. Mack

Isabel Isabel Waldron

Cicely Annie Mack

Feb. 3, 4, with Mrs. Rousby as

It " was acted

Clarke as Orlando ; " Camille " was played Feb. 5, matinee and evening Feb. 6, with .Geo. Clarke as Armand, and Mrs. Rousby as the consumptive heroine.

Carlotta Leclercq appeared here Feb. 8, as Mercy Merrick, in "The New Magdalen," with Geo. Clarke as Julian Grey.

John L. Toole was seen Feb. 15 in "Off the Line," playing his original character of Harry Coke. " Domestic Economy " was the afterpiece, with Toole as Grumley. "The Great Trial of Bar- dell vs. Pickwick," Feb. 22; also " Domestic Economy " and "The Dodger," Toole as the Artful Dodger. "The Steeplechase, or Toole in the Pigskin," Feb. 24; "Sweethearts and Wives," Feb. 26, also imitations of actors, Toole as Billy Lackaday, followed by "Ici On Parle Franjais. "

Adelaide Ristori reappeared in America March 2, as Eliza- beth, Queen of England; "Mary Stuart," March 3, 8, 12, matinee March 13; "Elizabeth," March 4, matinee March 6, 12; "Medea," March 5, 15; " Lucrezia Borgia, " March 9, 11, 16; "Marie Antoi- nette," March 17, 19, 22. Ristori acted in Brooklyn, Thursday, March 18, and she terminated her engagement at the Lyceum, March 27, with "Marie Antoinette." Marie Aimee reappeared March 29, in "La Jolie Parfumeuse." Ristori reappeared April 13 in "Marie Antoinette" and the sleep-walking scene from "Macbeth" (in English); matinee, April 14, "Marie Antoinette."

Aimee was seen April 14, 15, 16, as Rose Michon in "La Jolie Parfumeuse." Mme. Gandon and Mons. Debeer were also seen. Ristori acted Elizabeth and the sleep-walking scene, matinee April 17. On May 3, 4, Ristori played in "Renata Di Francia, or the Huguenots ; " May 5, " Marie Antoinette ; " May 6, for the benefit of the Italian school building fund, Ristori appeared as Queen Elizabeth, also in French, " Les Adieux de Jeanne d' Arc ; " May 7 in " Medea " and " I Pazzi der Progette " (" Mad on Pur- pose"); matinee. May 8, Ristori closed in "Lucrezia Borgia." For the Dan Bryant Benefit Fund, April 29, the bill was " La Jolie Parfumeuse," cast thus:

Rose Michon .... Mile. Aim^e

Bavolet Mile. Nardynn

Clorinde Mile. Gandon

La Julienne .... Mile. Cantrelle

Arthemise Mile. Sivry

Madelon Mile. Vaudelet

Justine Mile. Delmas

Lise Mile. Coralgia

Mirette Mile. Defranz

Poirot M. KoUetz

La Cocardiere Debeer

Germain Arrigotti




The French comedy company appeared on May 8 in " Le Feu Au Convent," Mile. Girardin as Adrienne, also "La Petite Cousine," and "La Cravate Blanche." Aimee returned in "La Jolie Parfumeuse" May 10; "Le Petit Faust," May 11; "La Fille de Madame Angot," May 12; "La Pdrichole," May 13; "Lischen and Fritschen," "Jolie Parfumeuse" (second act), and "La Femme Aux .^ufs d'Or," matinee, May 14, with M. Juignet as Blanc Mignon, a ballet master, in the latter piece. With this performance Aimee terminated her engagement.

" Girofle Girofla " was produced here May 14, with this cast :

Girofl^ Mile. Geoffrey

Pedro Mile. Dorel

Paquita .... Mile. Vandamme Bolero M. Valaire




Mile. Minelly . Mile. Keil M. de Quercy

This opera was repeated the weeks of May 17 and 24, except evening May 28 and matinee May 29, when " La Fille de Madame Angot" was presented, Mme. Lange being acted for the first time here by Mile. Geoffrey. " Barbe Bleue " (third act) was also given, with M. de Quercy (first time here) in the title r61e. "Bagatelle" was done on the same nights.

Emily Soldene reappeared here May 31 in "Chilperic; " "Mme. L'Archiduc" was given June 1-4; "Genevieve de Brabant," June 2 ; " Madame Angot " June 3, and Soldene closed June 4.

This house was reopened Sept. 6 by Maurice Grau and Chizzola for a French opera bouffe season, with "Madame L'Archiduc," Mile. Coralie Geoffrey as Marietta, Mme. Duparc as Fortunato, Mme. Nardynn as La Comtesse, M. de Quercy as Giletti. This opera was continued until Sept. 27, when " La Fille de Madame Angot " was given, with Mile. Geoffrey (first time) as Clairette. " Girofle Girofla " was sung Oct. 6, with this cast :

Marasquin . . . Mons. Ludovici Chef des Pirates . . Mons. Valter

Girofle Mile. Geoffrey

Pedro Mile. Duparc

Paquita Mile. Hosdez

Aurore Mile. Kid

Mourzouk . . . Mons. Rogers Bolero Mons. Duplan

" Le Canard a Trois Bees '' (" The Wonderful Duck ") was seen for the first time Oct. 16, and repeated the week of Oct. 18; "Le Petit Faust," Oct. 24, Mile. Geoffrey (first time) as Marguerite, Nardynn as Mephisto, Mons. de Quercy as Faust, and Mons. Rogers as Valentin. "Mme. L'Archiduc" closed the engage- ment Oct. 25.

A season of French comedy and drama commenced Oct. 27, with "Le Gendre de M. Poirier;" Oct. 28, "Le Marquis de Vil- lemer; " Juliette Clarence made her ddbut Oct. 30 as Frou Frou.

The " Mexican Juvenile Troupe " commenced in " La Grande Duchesse" Nov. i, and repeated it Nov. 3, 5. Carman Moran,


eight years old, and Guadalupe Moran, six years of age, were the prima donnas.

" Dalila " had its first representation in America Nov. 2 ; " Les Lionnes Pauvres," Nov. 4; "Le Gendre de M. Poirier," Nov. 6. The Mexican Troupe appeared Nov. 8, 10, 12, in the sentimental opera, "Marina," Lenorina Carmen as Marina. The French com- pany appeared at the Union Square Theatre matinee, Nov. 11, in "Frou Frou." They returned here Nov. 11-13 in "The Sphinx" for the first time in America, with Juliette Clarence as Blanche de Cheller. The opera bouffe, "Robinson Crusoe," was acted by the Mexican Juveniles Nov. 17, and they closed with the matinee Nov.

20. The French company acted the week of Nov. 22 in "Les Deux Orphelines " (" The Two Orphans "), except Nov. 26, when an amateur performance was given. On Nov. 29, " Dalila " was seen; Nov. 30, " La Princesse Georges ; " Dec. i, "Nos Intimes" (" Bosom Friends ").

Charles Fechter reappeared in " No Thoroughfare " Dec. 2, act- ing, for the first time in French, Rischenbach, better known in English as Jules Obenreizer. This play was repeated Dec. 6, 7, 8; Fechter played Armand in " La Dame aux Camillas," to Juliette Clarence's Marguerite Gauthier, Dec. 9, 10, and matinee, Dec. 11. This lady took a benefit Dec. 11, when she acted for the first time in America in " La Maitresse Legitime. " Fechter repeated " La Dame aux Camelias " Dec. 13, 15, 17 and matinee, Dec. 18. The French company appeared on the alternate nights. The Charity Amateur dramatic association acted in " The School for Scandal " night of Dec. 18, Mrs. Sheridan Shook as Lady Teazle, Mr. Dyas as Sir Oliver, and J. H. Bird as Sir Peter Teazle. Mrs. McKin- ley, Mrs. B. Fox, Mrs. James Sykes, A. De Cordova, H. Leslie, Charles Bambergh, P. Coulter, and others were in the cast.

"Ici Medor" and "On Demande un Gouverneur" were acted by the French company Dec. 20; "Le Jocrisse de I'Amour," Dec.

21. "Le Chevalier du Pince-Nez" (Dec. 23) had its first repre- sentation in America for M. Meziere's benefit. "Le Homard" ("The Lobster") was also given. Sardou's "Seraphine" was pro- duced here Dec. 25.

The house now closed and continued dark until Jan. 13, 1876, when the French comedy company reappeared for one week. An athletic entertainment took place Jan. 24, with Greco-Roman and collar and elbow wrestling, club swinging, and sparring between John Dwyer and Steve Taylor. For the benefit of the New York Foundling Asylum, on Feb. 26, "The Shamrock" was acted by amateurs. Thomas B. Meagher was the Sergt. Kearney. "Un Ballo in Maschera" was sung Feb. 28, for the benefit of the Samaritan Home for the aged. The performance was under the direction of L. Albites, Gazzaniga-Albites as Ulrica, Mrs. E.




Hartz as Emelia, Clara Siegel as Oscar, Fritsch as Ricardo, Dr. Valentine as Renato, T. P. Wickes as Samuel, and T. R Fowler as Tomaso.

An amateur performance of " Hamlet " was given March 10, with this cast:

Hamlet Claudius Laertes Polonius Horatio Gliost . Osric . Priest . Rosencrantz First Actor

Master N. S. Wood

Augustus Frederic

. . S. S. Simpson

Dr. J.B. Cutter

. . Wm. B. Stover

Washington Barrows . . . Cora May . . . B. Everett . . Jerome Stevens

D. Featherstonbaugh

First Gravedigger Second Gravedigger Queen ... Guildenstern Second Actor Marcellus Bernardo . Francisco Ophelia . Actress .

L. P. Britt

D. Forrest

Miss H. R. Renney

Henry Lee

R. Kerwin

A. A. Britton

J. Bradyn

H. B. Morris

Blanche Osborne

. . Amy Wood

After being closed two nights the theatre was reopened March 13 by Matt Morgan, the scenic artist, with selections by Adolphine Estelle, Mary Tournurville, Julia and Vincent Hogan, Tom Bartle- man, and Joseph Danvers. A comedy entitled "Off the Stage," was acted with Walter Lennox, Minnie Palmer, Charles Villers, Eva West, Wm. A. Rouse, and Nellie Boyd in the cast. N. C. Goodwin, Jr., gave imitations of actors, and a burlesque called "The Pique Family," by Sydney Rosenfeld, closed the entertain- ment. The cast of the burlesque (which was a travesty on Daly's play of " Pique ") was :

Matthew Spanish Arthur Hawkins Jimmy Loose Inflation Tim Charley Ross Phanny Dazzlingport

W. A. Rouse

Chas. Villers

Minnie Palmer

Vincent Hogan

. Admiral Dot

Harry Josephs

Widow Lucille . Count DoUymonat Dr. Gastric . . Rainbow Blessing Johnny Droo

. Miss A. Estelle H. Wayne Ellis . Walter Lennox . . Eva West . Florence Ellis

This was Minnie Palmer's first appearance in New York. Her d^but on the stage was made June 8, 1874, at the Park Theatre, Brooklyn, in " Le Pavilion Rouge " (" The Red Flag "). The bur- lesque was pointless and fell flat. Walter Lennox made a hit in his make-up for John Brougham. Annie Mack joined the com- pany March 20, and the comedy, "The Wrong Man" was acted, in which Sidney Smith made his New York d^but. "The Day After the Wedding," with Minnie Palmer in the leading rdle was played March 27, followed by the farce, "The Goose with the Golden Eggs," and Burnand's burlesque "Black Eyed Susan," N. C. Goodwin, Jr., as Capt. Crosstree, Minnie Palmer as Susan, Annie Mack as William, and Harry Josephs as Dame Hatley. "Sketches in India," "The Little Rebel," and "Black Eyed Susan," were given April 3, when Lottie Angell, a London vocalist, made her American debut. " Sarah's Young Man," "The Little Rebel," and "Black Eyed Susan," April 10; "Love in


Livery," "The Merry Man," "Love's Dawn," April 17. "The Field of the Cloth of Gold," and the drama, "Old Salt," April

24. In the latter piece Bijou Heron made her debut. Bertha and Ida Foy appeared in their sketch, "Bal Masque." The house closed abruptly April 27.

Marie Aimee reappeared Sept. 25 for the first time in New York in "Girofle Girofla," playing the two heroines with M. Ranoult as Marasquin.

This was the New York debut of Ranoult and Reine. Miles. Kid, Duparc, MM. Duplan, Reine, and Ruiz were also in the cast. " La Grande Duchesse " was sung Sept. 27; "LaPerichole," Sept. 28; "La Fille de Madame Angot," Sept. 29; "Girofl6 Girofla," matinee, Sept. 30; Aim6e closed Sept. 30 with "La Timbale D' Argent," in which she was seen as Molda. Louise M. Pomeroy made her first appearance in this city Oct. 16 as Juliet in "Romeo and Juliet." M. V. Lingham was the Romeo, Mrs. Harry Jordan the Nurse, and J. B. Roberts, Mercutio. Welsh Edwards, Aug. Pitou, Charles Villers, Mrs. J. J. Prior, Will Sands, Joseph O. Sefton were also in the cast. " The Lady of Lyons" was played Oct. 19, 20, matinee Oct. 21, with Louise Pomeroy as Pauline, Mr. Lingham as Claude ; " Romeo and Juliet," Oct. 21, when the lady terminated her engagement. She was a pupil of J. B. Roberts, and was quite successful. She was then the wife of " Brick " Pomeroy, the journalist. She died in New York, June 7, 1893.

James H. McVicker was the next lessee of this house, and he presented Edwin Booth as the star, Nov. 20, in " Hamlet, " thus cast:

Hamlet Edwin Booth

King Milnes Levick

Polonius Frank Pierce

Ophelia Clara Jennings

First Gravedigger J. H. McVicker

" The Lady of Lyons " was played matinee, Nov. 25, Booth as Claude Melnotte; Nov. 27, and the week, "The Fool's Revenge." Matinde, Dec. 2, "The Stranger." Booth opened his third week, Dec. 4, with " King Richard II. " Matinde, Dec. 9, " Don Caesar de Bazan ; " " Othello " commenced the week of Dec. 1 1, Fred Eobinson as lago, Booth as Othello, Clara Jennings as Desde- mona, and Jennie Carroll as Emelia; Dec. 13, 14, 16, Booth acted Shylock in " The Merchant of Venice ; " matinee, Dec. 16, Booth played lago to Robinson's Othello. " Richelieu " was given Dec. 18, and all the week except matinee Dec. 23, when "Much Ado About Nothing" was seen; "Richard III." was acted Dec.

25, and all the week except matinee Dec. 30, when " Ruy Bias " was done.

Laertes .... James H. Hardie

Ghost Fred Robinson

Queen Jennie Carroll

Horatio Hart Conway




Edwin Booth appeared Jan. i, 1877, in "Brutus, or the Fall of Tarquin ; " matinee Jan. 6, " Much Ado About Nothing ; " Jan. 8, 9, 10, 13, as King Lear, with Clara Jennings as Cordelia, Jennie Carroll as Goneril, Alice Brooks as Regan, F. Robinson as Edgar, J. M. Hardie as Edmund, and Milnes Levick as Kent.

For Jan. 11, 12, " Ruy Bias " and "The Taming of the Shrew; " matinee Jan. 13, "The Merchant of Venice;" Jan. 15, 16, "Ham- let;" Jan. 17, "The Fool's Revenge;" Jan. 18, "Othello," Booth as Othello, Robinson as lago ; Jan. 19, matinee Jan. 20, " Riche- lieu;" evening, Jan. 20, "The Stranger" and "The Taming of the Shrew." For his farewell week "The Merchant of Venice," Jan. 22; "Brutus," Jan. 23; "Richard HI.," Jan. 24; "The Lady of Lyons," Jan. 25; "Ruy Bias" and "Don Caesar de Bazan," Jan. 26; "Hamlet," matinee Jan. 27; evening, Jan. 27, "Othello," Booth as lago.

After being closed for two weeks, the house was reopened March 12, for one week, by Geo. Wood, who introduced Alice Oates and an English comic opera company, consisting of Alice Oates, Emme Roseau (afterwards Mrs. Samuel Colville), Rose Temple, Julia Chapman, Venie and Laura Clancy, Susie and Annie Winner, Bessie Temple, Ella Caldwell, Susie Parker, Maud Bowman, Charles H. Drew, John Howson, Henry Laurent, J. H. Jones, A. W. MafHin, Ed. Horan, and Jesse Williams, musical and stage director. "La Fille de Madame Angot" was sung March 12, 13, 14; "Girofl6Girofla," March 15, matinee March 17, "LaJoliePar- fumeuse," March 16; "La Princesse de Trebizonde," March 17.

" Camille " was announced for April 16, with Adelaide Lennox as the heroine, but the house did not open until April 21. Henry Dalton acted Armand, and Mrs. Julia Brutone, Madame Prudence. The seventh annual operatic entertainment given by Mme. Murio Celli and her pupils took place on May 14.

This house was leased in July by Charles R. Thome, who opened Sept. 10, with "Under the Willows," which had this cast:

Albert . Antoine Jean Helene Duke .

Edwin F. Thome

. D. W. Waller

Wm. Henderson

Jennie Murdock

. Geo. Metkiff

Count de FavroUes . J. F. Crossen

Muracan Walter Lennox

Hortense Emma Waller

Marie Dollie Thornton

"Michael Strogoff" was played for the first time in America Sept. 24. This was a version by M. V. Lingham. Geo. B. Waldron acted Michael ; W. H. Collins was Ivan, and Mabel Jordan the heroine. This was this lady's first appearance on any stage.

Marie Aimee reappeared Dec. 14 in " La Reine Indigo " (" Queen Indigo"). It was repeated matinee and evening Dec. 15, 17, 18;


"La Jolie Parfumeuse," Dec. 19; "La Marjolaine," Dec. 20; "La P6richole," Dec. 21; "Les Cent Vierges" ("The One Hun- dred Virgins ") at a matinee Dec. 22, Aimee as Gabrielle.

Geo. Jones (Count Joannes), supported by his pupil, Avonia Fairbanks, and a dramatic company, appeared Feb. 4, 1878, and continued until Feb. 25. No more disgraceful scenes were ever witnessed in an American theatre. The initial performance was "Romeo and Juliet." The audience was a large one and disposed to scoff. Whenever the Count showed a weak point the audience was sure to make fun. For three hours there was genuine hi- larity, born of the spontaneous humor. In fact, few persons left the theatre without a sense of fatigue from sheer merriment aching sides and weary diaphragms that resulted from an involun- tary run of the gamut of laughter. The Count would occasionally walk down to the footlights and, when he could be heard, defend Miss Fairbanks from the gibes and laughter of the audience. From the beginning to the end of the play, Romeo and Juliet were under the fire of a blazing battery of ridicule. When Romeo kissed Juliet the house echoed with one prolonged osculatorial symphony, and cries of: "Brace up, old boy! Do it some more!" were heard. Then it was that the Count stepped indignantly to the front of the stage, and said : " If there are no policemen here, there ought to be. My contract with the theatre involves the preservation of perfect order, and I ask it not so much for my own sake as that of the lady who is now on the stage. " The answer to this was a howl. Alice Grey acted Lady Capulet, Florence Vincent, the Nurse, and Robert Johnston, Friar Lawrence. The audience attempted to " S^y " Robert Johnston, but he walked down to the footlights, and said : " Gentlemen of New York, I have been an actor for thirty years, and never before have been treated like a clown. I am reading the lines of Shakespeare to the best of my ability, and if you will let me alone I will go on ; if not, ray sense of manhood will compel me to retire." He was not thereafter annoyed. On Feb. 5 Frances Waldberg made her American debut in a play called "The Two Husbands." This lady had been heard of pre- viously as an amateur. The Count appeared Feb. 6, as Richard III. The boys in the gallery constantly requested him to pull up his boots, and suggested that he should " skip the gutter. " Miss Fairbanks, who supported the Count, was treated with little more consideration than was shown to him. After an unusually offen- sive interruption Miss Fairbanks turned fiercely upon the audience and said : " You are cowards, not men, and this annoyance is caused by the author of that coward's article in last night's Telegram, who, if he will send his name to me, I pledge myself before Heaven to cowhide on Broadway to-morrow." The performance continued in dumb show. During one of the intermissions the orchestra played

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"The Sweet By and By," and the entire audience taking up the song sang it twice to the end.

Miss Waldberg repeated " The Two Husbands " Feb. 7-9.

The Count acted " Hamlet" Feb. 8, and for the matinee Feb. 9, "Romeo and Juliet." In the balcony scene some one called out to the Count to "go around the corner and brace up." When Juliet appealed to the moon, some one told her to "cheese it." When one of the followers of the two houses of Montague or Capulet was killed some one exclaimed : " Harpooned ! Another murder in the Fourth Ward ! " Juliet was requested to pull down her vest. The Count was told to "shoot somebody's hat with a bow and arrow. " In the kissing scene he was advised to " put on a porous plaster." Juliet, when taking the poison, was told to "bite off a big piece of navy plug," and to "take it with seltzer or apollinaris. " The Count was requested in his love scene to "soften it up a little with corned beef and cabbage," and "when he was in doubt to play trumps." When Juliet died some one exclaimed: "It's going to be a cold night, put on an extra quilt." "The Two Husbands " was given once more Feb. 9.

The Count appeared as "Richard III." Feb. 11. Ada Gray made her debut as Lady Isabel in "East Lynne," and continued in the part Feb. 12, 14, matinee Feb. 16, evenings Feb. 19, 20, 21.

"Othello" was presented Feb. 13 by the Count, and the per- formance began by the Count appearing before the footlights and informing the audience that there were fifty policemen in the house, who, if they did their duty in front, would find that the actors would do theirs on the stage. The audience, which was a large one, came to "guy," and "guy" they did to their heart's content. A penny whistle and the bleating of stray sheep were occasionally heard. The Count was told to lift up his ulster aud dance a jig. When Miss Fairbanks kneeled and clasped her hands, some one shouted out : " Life size, two for a quarter ! " The handkerchief scene excited great interest. " What will you give for it .'' " said Emilia to lago. "Five cents," said the gallery. "Oh, give her a trade dollar!" said the parquet. "Send it to the laundry," said another. Frank Noyes, who played lago, was told to shoot the feather in his hat. The last act was entirely pantomime. Every time any of the actors crossed the stage the audience fell to beat- ing time, and shouting: "Debazan, Debazan!" "Halt!" "Shake- speare may be dead," said a man in the audience, as he put on his overcoat, " but he has been murdered here to-night. " As the audi- ence retired, they recited in concert : " First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen." "King Lear" was given Feb. 15, and there was little variation of former disgraceful scenes. " The Sweet By and By " was sung in chorus as well as


"Don't be Weary, Children, I Am Going Home." "Richard III." was put on Feb. 16, when there was the usual noisy crowd present. Richard was not permitted to cross the stage without a " left left left halt ! " In the tent scene he was reminded that it was nearly daylight, and "time to milk the cows," where- upon they mewed and crowed like an army of cats and roosters. The Count made a speech, in which he said: "Let those laugh who win ; there are more fools off the stage than on it. " For his benefit, Feb. 18, he acted "Hamlet." The house was crowded, and from beginning to end scarcely a word said on the stage was audible, so loud and continuous were the cat-calls, laughter, and sarcastic comments and advice given by the spectators to the players. When the Count came on as the Prince, he was greeted with three cheers and shrieks of laughter. He came to the foot- lights, and striking an attitude, exclaimed to the audience: "I thought that the jackasses would respect the lion." After the curtain fell upon the last act, the audience sang "John Brown's Body," "We'll Hang Count Joannes to a Sour Apple Tree."

" Romeo and Juliet " was repeated Feb. 20. On the Count ap- pearing a roar of laughter greeted him. Advancing to the foot- lights, when the noise had continued for a moment, he gritted his teeth at the audience, and cried: "Will you stop.? If you don't keep still, I'll keep you still. Order shall be kept if we have to call upon the police, and you are so few to-night that we can en- force order. Why can't you be quiet.'" The only response to this query was : " Give it up ! " and renewed cat-calls. " Othello " was played Feb. 22. The attendance, which had been very large from his opening night, began to grow small on Feb. 20. "The Drunkard's Child " was acted matin6e, Feb. 23, by the company. The Count's engagement closed Feb. 25, with a benefit to Avonia Fairbanks, when " The Lady of Lyons " was performed.

An amateur performance of the Dramatic Guild occurred March 2, 1878, when "Geo. Douglas," a drama by William Minturn, an amateur and well known society man, was presented. " Gold Mad," an American drama by a young Harvard student, was produced for the first time March 4. William H. Leake, Louis F. Barrett, Elmer Warner, J. B. Ashton, Avonia Phelps, and Miss Herbert were in the cast. It was withdrawn March 7. The French dra- matic company occupied the house weeks of April i, 8. " L'Ami Fritz" was acted April 13, for the first time in America.

The house was reopened April 17, for the one night, by Edwin Lawrence, teacher of elocution, with a number of his pupils, who appeared in " Romeo and Juliet. " Mr. Lawrence played Romeo ; Rose Kean, Juliet. At one time the performance threatened to break up into a general row, d la Count Joannes, but peace was fortunately restored. It was a ridiculous performance altogether.




The French company reappeared April 23, 25, 27 ; and May 9 an amateur performance, in aid of the Seaside Home for suffering children, when " Conscience " was given. In the cast were Gen- erals J. S. Owen, M. T. MacMahon, H. A. Barnum, P. H. Jones, Vickers, Col. H. C. King, Major J. Barclay Fassitt, Messrs. D. W. Gillette, De Wolf Hopper, Eugene Silvers, T. O. Crane, W. H. Harrison, Sara von Leer, and Mrs. J. W. Keanney. One of the most successful debuts on the dramatic stage which I have wit- nessed in a long time was that of Adelina Gasparini, who acted Juliet June 3. " Romeo and Juliet " was repeated June 4, 5, 8, and "The Lady of Lyons," with Miss Gasparini as Pauline, June 6, 7. J. Clinton Hall, Harry Duffield, W. Ward, J. B. Ashton, Harry Gale, Tom Owens, W. T. Dulaney, Little Dorritt (Ashton), and Mary Galyin were in the company.

J. M. Hill leased this house in August, and opened Sept. 2, 1878, with Denman Thompson as the star, in "Joshua Whitcomb," which had this cast:

Aunt Matilda . . . Mrs. D. Nourse

SherifE D. Nourse

Tot Julia Wilson

Roundy . John . . Cy Prime

Ignacio Martinetti

Eugene Jepson

Harry Wilson

Mr. Thompson closed Nov. 30. Kate Claxton assumed the management Dec. 2, when she presented " The Double Marriage, " cast thus:

Edouard Dard . . Perrin . Rambaut Lacroix . Dujardin

. . . A. Dacre . . Wm. Davidge

H. W. Montgomery Chas. A. Loveday M. W. LefBngwell

Chas. A. Stevenson

Baronesse . . Mrs. E. L. Davenport

Josephine Alice Lingard

Rose Kate Claxton

Jacintha Maggie Harold

Raynal Fred Robinson

D'Aubertin . . . . H. B. Phillips

Miss Claxton closed Jan. 4, 1879.

Charles A. Loveday died in the New York hospital, this city, April 28, 1 88 1, of hemorrhage of the brain. A few months pre- vious he had been stricken with apoplexy. " Evangeline " was seen Jan. 6, 1879, and "Pinafore," Jan. 13. Frederick Paulding made his first appearance on the stage Feb. 17 in "The Fool's Re- venge," which had this cast:

Guido Malatesta Francesca . Bertuccio . Manfredi . Del Aquilia Torrelli . .

Ordellaffi Geo. Gaston

Bernardo .... Ogden Stevens

Ascanis Miss Genevieve

Fiordelisa Laura Don

Brigita Louisa Eldridge

Ginevia Grace Logan

This bill continued throughout the first week and until Feb. 25, when Mr. Paulding played " Hamlet. " " The Lady of Lyons " was seen at the matinee March i, and "Hamlet" in the evening and

. . Frank Pierce Constance Hamblin . . Fred Paulding . Frank Mordaunt . . . O. H. Barr . . Jos. Frankau


for the following week (March 3), except matinee March 8, when "The Lady of Lyons" was repeated. On March 10 an opera com- pany appeared in "The Sorcerer" and "Pinafore," and continued a second week. Louise Leighton, Nellie Mortimer, Helen Corbyn, J. Graff, C. Dunham, G. Gaston, and W. Haydon Tilla were in the organization. March 24, a new comic opera, "The Mask Ball." Mr. J. H. Haverly from Chicago was the next manager of this house, and naming it "Haverly's Theatre," began a season March 31, 1879, with the Alice Oates comic opera company in "Le Petit Due," which had this cast:

Le Due Raoul La Duchess . . De Campvallier . The Governess De Navaisses Mile. De la Roche Mile De Champletre

. . Alice Oates

. Lulu Stevens

. . Ed. Horan

Agnes Halleck

C. McLaughlin

Pauline Hall

. . Ada Dow

De Montlandry . De Montchevrier

Maid of Honor .

Henri . . . .

Gerard . . . .

Frimouse . . .

Bernard . . .

. Edward Connell . . . Mills Hall Emma Duchateau Hattie Richardson . . Bessie Temple . . Jas. G. Taylor . . R. E. Graham

"Girofld Girofla" was sung April 14-18, and "Les Cloches de Corneville," April 16.

Haverly's Mastodon minstrels appeared here April 21. Haver- ly's Juvenile opera company commenced May i in "Pinafore." Their entertainments were given every day, beginning at two o'clock, except Wednesday and Saturday, when they appeared at half-past ten in the morning. On May 12 there were two "Pina- fore " companies at this house. In the afternoon a series of family matinees by the New York Children's Pinafore company was given. " Pinafore " was sung Saturdays, when their performance began at eleven in the morning. On the same evening, "Pina- fore," had this cast:

Ralph Rackstraw . . Wm. Castle Dick Deadeye . . . Henry Peakes Josephine .... Annie Montague Buttercup Laura Joyce

Sir Joseph Porter . . J. G. Taylor Capt. Corcoran . . . C. H. Turner

Hebe Adelaide Randall

Boatswain Ellis Ryse

The children appeared evenings. May 30 and June 6, also the following week. The Castle company closed June 7, and the children July 5. Haverly's colored minstrels appeared July 7.

Adele Belgarde made her first appearance on the stage Aug. 18 in "As You Like It" which she repeated throughout the week. The comedy had this cast:

Duke Frederick . . John Swinburne Banished Duke . . . J. R. Grismer

William C. W. Allison

Celia Helen Tracy

Oliver John V. Dailejr

Le Beau .... Clarence Merighi

Corin John Matthews

Phebe Mamie Sheridan

Rosalind . .

. Adele Belgarde

Jaques . . .

Wm. E. Sheridan

Orlando . . .

. . . Gus Levick

Adam . . .

. Thos. E. Morris

Sylvius . . .

. . . Geo. Reed

Charles . . .

. . . T. H. Davis

Audrey . . .

Emma Skerrett


. . Ben Maginley

Jacques Du Bois

. . E. Tannehill




"The Hunchback," Aug. 20, 21, Miss Belgarde as Helen; Aug. 22,' and matinee Aug. 23, "Ingomar," Miss Belgarde as Parthenia.

Clarence Merighi is now known as Clarence Montaigne.

The regular season commenced Aug. 25, with Samuel Colville's opera burlesque company in " The Magic Slipper. " The cast :


Her Imperial Highness, Rose Leighton The Hon. Miss Harebell, Annie Deacon The Hon. Miss Honeydew

Alice Wright DafFydowndilla . . . Susie Winner

Primrosa Bessie Temple

Violetta Elsie Dean

Daisyana Louisa Loring

Cloverina May Winner

Sweetcornia .... Laura Adams

Wheatina Nita Gerald

Heartseasa Annie Winner

Roseleafa . . . Theresa Lamborn


Baron Ed. Chapman

Seraph Roland Reed

Clorinda .... R. E. Graham

Thisbe Fannie Wright

Petitoe A. W. Maflin

Cinderella .... Emme Rouseau

Prince Alice Hastings

Hightoni Ella Chapman

Penotype Ada Lee

Swagger .... Carrie McHenry Huntsmen

H. Amberg, Horace, Frail, etc.

Jesse Williams was musical director. The Criterion comedy company, under the management of F. F. Mackay and J. Gosche, opened Sept. 15 in " Our Daughter," produced for the first time on the American stage. The cast :

Jacob Van Dale Alfred . . . Edward . . Peter . . . Phillip . . . William Knabe

F. F. Mackay T. F. Egbert W. A. Whitecar J. Ogden A. H. Canby De Wolf Hopper

Katrina .... Virginia Newbold

Rose Louise Sylvester

Emily Emma Fellman

Fanny Helen Gardner

Ann Mary Davenport

Margaret Mattie Earle

A. H. Canby has retired from the duties of the actor, and is now a business manager.

T. F. Egbert died at Lockport, N. Y., June 20, 1888. His right name was Egbert Fairchild Ten Eyck.

This company remained three weeks, and was followed Oct. 6, for four weeks, by N. C. Goodwin's Froliques in "Hobbies."

" The Tourists in a Pullman Car " commenced Nov. 3. The cast:

T. Henry Slum . Wm. A. Mestayer The Conductor .... Aug. Bruno

Miss Baby Rosa Cooke French Valet I. N. Long

Isabella Ethel Lynton Porter Will H. Bray

Pamelia .... Jennie ReifEarth Sir Henry Jas. Barton

Marie May Livingston

"The Octoroon, or Life in Louisiana," was rendered Nov. 17, and continued two weeks. The cast :


Jacob McCloskey . . Frank Losee Capt. Ratts Sid Hicks

Dora Sunnyside . . . Rena Maeder Col. Poindexter .... Jas. Boyd

Salem Scudder . . . J. N. Gotthold Judge Drew Morton

Uncle Pete . . . L. R. Stockwell Zoe Florence Elmore

Wah-no-tee . . . . H. S. Duffield Mrs. Peyton .... Sarah Baker

Paul Madge Butler Dido Nettie Hamer

Geo. Peyton .... Chas. Mason Grace Ella Williams

Sunnyside .... J. E. Kirkwood Minnie Maggie Peterson

J. Newton Gotthold died at Sewickly, Pa., Sept. 12, 1888. He made his first regular appearance on the American stage March 25, 1866, at the Winter Garden Theatre, this city, as Othello. Al- though an American, who had appeared previous to this as an amateur, his professional experience was gained in England. His full name was Isaac Newton Gotthold.

Bartley Campbell's play, "The Galley Slave," had its first pro- duction in New York Dec. i. The cast :

Cicely Blaine Francesca . Phoebe Gray Wellesley . Psyche . . Nichette Carot . .

Maud Granger . Signora Majeroni Mrs. M. B. Snyder . J. G. Henderson . Estelle Mortimer . Charlotte Neville

Chas. Webster

Phillipe . . . . H. W. Montgomery

Dolores Little Georgie

Sidney Frank Evans

Baron J. J. Sullivan

Fitts T. H. Burns

Oliver C. A. McManus

Sentinel Denny

This play was originally produced at the Chestnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia, at the opening of the season of 1879-80. First produced in England at Hull, Nov. 22, 1880; first acted at London, Feb. 8, 1886, at the Grand Theatre.

Charles A. McManus was found dead in bed, Dec. 11, 1888, at Big Rapids, Mich. He was with the Mile. Rhea travelling dra- matic company. He had played the previous night. He died of apoplexy.

" The Tourists in a Pullman Car " returned. They commenced Jan. 5, 1880, and remained for six weeks. A matinde Jan. 29 was given in aid of the family of Henry C. Mount, fireman, who was killed in the discharge of his duty. The entertainment was "The Galley Slave " (second act), " The Tourists " (second act), and " Fairfax " (third act). John A. Stevens, supported by Lottie Church, appeared here Feb. 9, in "Unknown."

Salsbury's Troubadours appeared here Feb. 23, in "The Brook, or a Jolly Day at the Picnic," which had this cast:

Percy John Webster

Rose Nellie McHenry

Tracy Thornton ... N. Salsbury

Festus John Gourlay

Blanche Helen Dingeon

It was preceded by the sketch called "Cross Purposes." Neil Burgess was seen here March 15, and continued for seven weeks, with "Widow Bedott," which had this cast:




Widow Bedott Tim Crane Dotty Sniffles Widow Jenkins Tom Follet .

. Neil Burgess . . Harry Rich Mary Taylor . . Nelly Peck E. D. Tannehill

Mr. Harriman Elder Shadrack Fred Harriman Melissa Bedott

. . W. H. Meeker . . Geo. Stoddart . Chas. S. Dickson Mrs. Geo. Stoddart

Professor Herrmann, magician, began an engagement here May 3, with a combination, among whom were the Onofri Brothers Achille, Charles, Fortune, and Oreste grotesque dancers (Ameri- can debut) Val Vose, ventriloquist, and the Loral las. They closed June 2, and " The Jolly Mariners " appeared June 3, for two weeks in "Trifles." This was their American debut. June 14, " Our Goblins, or Fun on the Rhine " was offered. The party consisted of William Gill, Francis Wilson, Aug. Bruno, Eleanor Deering, and Amy Gordon.

A comic opera company was billed to open July 12, in "The Bells of Normandy," but the house was closed until July 26, when "The Stewarts," a family from Australia, made their American debut in "Rainbow Revels." They consisted of Nellie, Maggie, Docy, and their father, Richard Stewart.

The next season commenced Aug. 9, with " Fun on the Bristol, or a Night on the Sound," which had this cast:

Mrs. O'Brien . . . John F. Sheridan Captain Cranberry . . Henry Saville Tom Cranberry . . Frank Tannehill Count Menaggio . . . Mark Smith Pinkerton Hawkshaw . Geo. Topack

Jerry Thompson . William Courtright

Dora Kate Castleton

Norah Agnes Halleck

Bella Marion Fiske

Dick Sparks .... Myron Calice

"Evangeline" reappeared Aug. 30, and remained for two weeks :

Evangeline . . Capt. Dietrich Lone Fisherman Hellosqueezer . Gabriel . . . Catherine . .

Vernona Jarbeau J. W. Ransone . Harry Hunter . Horace Frail . Louise Searle Geo. Fortescue

Eulalie Rose Dana

Felician Jennie Calef

Le Blanc .... Edwin Chapman

Bazil Max Figman

Hans Wagner . . . Pauline Hall Peter Papyrus . . . Chas. Groves

This was the American ddbut of Charles Groves. After having been in London, Eng., for several years, he reappeared in America during the season of 1886-87, ^s the comedian of Wallack's Theatre in this city.

Harry Hunter died of pneumonia in the hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio, Feb. 15, 1 88 1. His name was Charles Harrison Hunter. He was not the original Lone Fisherman, as has been frequently stated. Jacob W. Thoman originated that part. James S. Maffitt subse- quently played it. Hunter came next. He first acted it Nov. 13, 1876, at Philadelphia, and continued to play it for nearly four years.


M. B. Leavitt's English burlesque company made its American debut Sept. 13, in "Carmen, or Soldiers and Sevillians," which had this cast :

Carmen Selina Dolaro

Don Jos6 .... Marie Williams Zuniga .... Fanny Wentworth

Morales Daisy Ramsden

Pasquillo Alma Stanley

Fernandez .... Minnie Marshall

Juan Camilla d'Elmar

Michaela Mat Robson

Juanita . .

Camilla . .

Frasquita .

Mercedes . A Mad Bull

Escamillo .

Gomez . .

. Adelaide Praeger

. . Laurie Trevor

. . Minnie Leigh

Florence Beaufort

Toner and Lynch

. James A. Meade

Lizzie MulhoUand

On Oct. 4, "La Fille du Tambour Major," was sung for the first time in America in English, and had this cast :

Stella . . Griolet . . Claudine La Duchess Lorenzo . . Violetta Clampus Gregario The Abbess

. Selina Dolaro

Marie Williams

Fanny Wentworth

. Alma Stanley

. Alii 011yett€

Daisy Ramsden

Frank Hines

. H. C. Spiller

Adelaide Praeger

Henri Camille d'Elmar

Blancy Minnie Marshall

Gabriel Laurie Trevor

Raoul Louise Leighton

Monthabor .... James A. Meade Capt. Robert .... Lewis Finke Delia Volta .... Mat Robson

Marquis J. W. Bradbury

Sergeant C. W. Percivi

The Dudley Buck opera company appeared here Oct. Ii, 'Deseret," first performance on any stage. It had this cast:


Rosamond Julia Polk

Arabella Belle Cole

Sally Kate French

Major Clemm C. F. Lang

Elder Scram J. Evarde

Setting Hen . . Corporal Riley . Lieut. Montgomery Joseph Jessup

. E. F. Eberle . H. A. Stuart . W. D. Marks W. G. Cogswell

Rice's " Surprise Party " appeared here Oct. 25 in Dexter Smith's "Revels, or Bon Ton George, Jr." Topsy Venn, Marion Elmore, Lena Merville, Vic Reynolds, Carrie Perkins, Emma Burgess, John Gourlay, May Livingston, Henry Dixey, John A. Mackay, Geo. W. Howard, and many others were in the company. "Prince Achmet," a burlesque, was played on Nov. 29. "Hiawatha, a Long Song of the Longfellow," by the Surprise Party, was pre- sented Dec. 13. "Babes in the Wood," Dec. 27. Jan. 3, 1881, Salsbury's Troubadours reappeared in "The Brook," and stayed for a fortnight. Then came "Widow Bedott," Jan. 17, with Charles B. Bishop as the Widow.

"The Galley Slave" was revived Jan. 31, and stayed three weeks.

N. C. Goodwin returned here Feb. 21, in "Hobbies ":

Prof. Pygmalion Minnie Clover Euphemia . .

N. C. Goodwin . Daisy Ramsden Jennie Weathersby

Constance Elraa Delaro

Garroway Chas. Bowser

Arthur Frank E. Lamb




On March 9, for the first time in this country, "The Mari- onettes " was presented, with Will S. Harkins as Capt. Wilfred, De Loss King as Burke, Mme. Ivan Michaels as Seraphine, and Effie Vaughn as Georgiana. Haverly's Mastodon minstrels, hav- ing returned from their European tour, opened March 14. Billy Rice, Sam Devere, Billy Emerson, and J. W. McAndrews were in the company. March 28 " Our Goblins " came.

Hartley Campbell's "My Partner" was presented here April 11, with this cast :

Mary Brandon . . Dora Goldthwaite

Posie Pentland . . . Louisa Morse

Matthew Brandon . . . J. F. Deane

Sam Bowler . . . Walter Lennox

Wellington . . Chas. A. Sturgess

Grace' Brandon . . . Lizzie Goode

Joe Saunders . Ned Singleton Major Britt . Josiah Scraggs Jim .... Wing Lee . .

. Louis Aldrich . . O. H. Barr Frank Mordaunt . J. W. Hague N. O. Reynolds Chas. T. Parsloe

"Fun on the Bristol" followed April 18, for two weeks. May 2 and 9 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Knight were seen in " Otto, a Ger- man;" May 16, M. B. Curtis came in "Sam'l of Posen." Mr. Curtis continued until Aug. 6, when the season closed. The cast of " Sam'l of Posen " was :

Sam Flastrick Winslow . . Frank Kilday . Jack Cheviot . West Point . Con Quinn Uncle Goldstein

. M. B. Curtis

Welsh Edwards

Frank Losee

Nelson Decker

. . Ed Marble

. Chas. Rosene

Folliot Footlight . . Walter Eytinge

Fitzurse Gerald Elmar

Celeste Albina de Mer

Rebecca Gertie Granville

Ellen Carrie Wyatt

Mrs. Mulcahey . . . Fanny Rouse

Albina de Mer was Mrs. M. B. Curtis, and Gertie Granville was afterwards Mrs. Tony Hart.

The next season began Aug. 15, 1881, with "The Strategists," which had this cast:

Jack Rutledge Abijah . . . John Mildman Capsicano . . Nellie Howard

. J. B. Polk Harry Linden A. H. Canby . Harry Bell Katie Gilbert

Araminta ..... Lizzie Hight Arthur Rutledge . . Frank E. Aiken Sergt. Gumbleton . . L. F. Howard Mrs. Major Howard . Marie Bates Terrence O'Flam . . Sam E. Ryan

Harry Linden died in this city, Sept. 27, 1887, from injuries received from a fall. His first New York appearance was at the Old Bowery Theatre in February, i860, in "The Terror of the Road." Sam Ryan died in this city, Nov. 15, 1891. Jennie Lee reappeared in America, after an absence of many years, Aug. 29, in "Jo," an adaptation from Dickens' "Bleak House." It had this cast: VOL. 11.-31


Sir Leicester Tulkinghorn Snagsby Chadband . Guppy . . The Coroner Beadle . . Lady Dedlock

. . James Carhart . . J. A. HoweU . . E. L. Walton . Thos. E. Jackson . F. M. Hendrick . . J. E. Dodson . . T. F. McCabe Constance Murielle

Mrs. Rouncewell . . Ada Wright

Bucket J. P- Burnett

Esther Ethel Grey

Rosa Josie Langley

Mrs. Snagsby . . . Mrs. E. M. Post

Hortense Isabel Morris

Jo Jennie Lee

Oliver Doud Byron came Sept. 12 in "Across the Continent," followed, Sept. 19, by Mr. and Mrs. McKee Rankin, who pro- duced for the first time in America G. W. Wills' resetting of Douglas Jerrold's "William and Susan," which had this cast:

William Bowling . . McKee Rankin Dame Green . Mrs. F. A. Tannehill Master at Arms . . . W. B. Murray

An Old Man Tom Leigh

Susan .... Mrs. McKee Rankin Polly .... Lizzie May Ulmer The Admiral .... J. J. Holland

The theatre was closed Tuesday evening, Sept. 20, in conse- quence of the death of President Garfield ; also Monday evening, Sept. 26, the day of the funeral.

The new American play, "'49," had its first representation on any stage Oct. i. It had this cast:

Capt. Crosstree .

. . J. H. Barnes

Lieut. Pierce . .

. . William Lee

Slater ....

. . Archie Boyd

White ....

. . . Geo. Ulmer

Truck ....

. . Cyril Searle

Robert ....

. . Luke Martin

" 49 " McKee Rankin

Tom Bradshaw . . . J. J. Sullivan Soloman Kane .... E. Lamb

Bedrock Wm. Lee

Carrots . . . Mrs. McKee Rankin

Belle Lizzie May Ulmer

Colonel James . . . Geo. Ulmer

Mississippi Arthur Dennison Anthony Cousins Old Ned . . . Col. Broadstreet . Mrs. Dennison

Mrs. Wallace Brittan J. H. Barnes Luke Martin Archibald Boyd . J. J. Holland . Emma Marble

"Our Strategists" returned Oct. 17 and played two weeks. Haverly's Mastodon minstrels followed Oct. 31. "Deacon Cran- kett " was seen Nov. 7.

Deacon Crankett . . Benj. Maginley

Elinor Loduski Young

Mrs. Deacon Crankett . Annie Ware Joe Thatcher .... Jas. O'Neil

Egbert Gray Heatherton Polly . . Mazel . .

. E. J. Buckley

. Harry Ey tinge

Blanche Vaughan

T. F. Brennan

" Fun on the Bristol," with John F. Sheridan as the Widow, came Nov. 28, followed Dec. 5 by J. K. Emmet in " Fritz in Ireland." He continued with this play for three weeks and crowded the house at every performance. The gross receipts were a trifle over ^30,000, and it was undoubtedly the largest amount of money ever played to by any dramatic star in the same length of time at the prices pre-




vailing. Frank S. Chanfrau appeared Dec. 26 in " Kit, ihe Arkansas Traveler " which had this cast :

Kit Redding . Manuel Bond . Wash Stubbs . Lord Fitzfolie . James Temple Judge Suggs . Burt . . . . Jerry . . .

F. S. Chanfrau . O. H. Barr S. H. Verney Louis Atkins H. Mackeery F. M. Wills J. H. Alliger

Arthur Moulton

Cassar D. C. Longworth

Barkeeper J. Harris

Major Squiggs . . . Harry Barfoot Mrs. Temple . . . Victoria Cameron Capt. Wheeler . Clarence Heritage

Alice Regina Dace

Mrs. Stubbs . . . Ernestine Floyd Frau Pedders . . . W. B. Alexander

Louis Atkins died at Boston, Mass., April 3, 1886.

Mr. Chanfrau continued a second week. Mrs. F. S. Chanfrau acted in " East Lynne," matin6es Jan. 4-7, 1882. "The Tourists in a Pullman jCar " returned Jan. 9, for two weeks ; " All the Rage " was presented Jan. 23 with this cast :

Dr. Goodwin . De Witt Briggs Horatio Braney Chas. Granger Mrs. Goodwin De Clinton Briggs

Frank Hardenbergh . Wm. Davidge . J. C. Padgett Geo. N. Dalton Annie Douglas . S. P. Norman

Will Goodwin . . . A. Z. Chipman

Julie Lizzette EUani

Cleopatra .... Blanche Moulton

Sophromia Meta Bartlett

Annie Helen Coe

Gilbert and Sullivan's " Patience " was sung the week commenc- ing Feb. 6, with this cast :

Bunthorne . Grosvenor . Caverley . Patience Murgatroyd

W. H. Seymour . .CM. Pyke Lithgow James Emma Howson Richard Golden

Duke of Dunstable Lady Saphir . . Lady Jane . . . Lady Angela . .

. Alonzo Hatch

. Pauline Hall

Gertrude Orme

Louise Manfred

"Patience" was continued Feb. 13, 14, and 15, and "The Mascot " was presented Feb. 16 with this cast :

Bettina Emma Howson

Lorenzo . . . . L W. Norcross, Jr.

Frederic Alonzo Hatch

Rocco Richard Golden

Pippo J. T. Dalton

Parafante .... Wm. Redstone

Matheo Daniel Packard

Fiametta Pauline Hall

Angelo Annie Caldwell

Luidgi Emma Emerson

Marco Albertina Hall

Paola Hattie Delaro

Beppo Agnes Earle

Antonio Saide Verona

Paris Nellie Franklin

Rolla .... Eugene St. Aubyn

M. B. Curtis returned Feb. 20, in " Sam '1 of Posen." On March 13 he gave a matinee for the benefit of the Actors' Fund. His en- gagement terminated March 18. Haverly's Mastodon minstrels be- gan March 20 for two weeks.

" The White Slave," by Bartley Campbell, was first represented on any stage April 3 and had this cast :


Lisa Georgia Cayvan

Daphne Emmie Wilmot

Nance Etelka Wardell

Letty Frances Kemble

Martha Marie Bates

Clay Gus Levick

William Frank Roberts

Count Strain Jay Hunt

Job W. J. Scallan

Stitch M. C. Daly

Clem Chas. Webster

Jack De Vernon

Bancroft D. E. Ralton

Capt. Stryker - . . . . G. L. Kean

Natchez Scott Davis

Jamison W. H. Smith

Mrs. Lee . . . Mrs. G. C. Germon Little Jim . . . Master La Forrest Judge Hardin . . . Welsh Edwards

"The Professor" was presented May 8, with W. H. Gillette as Arthur, Nellie Taylor as Mrs. Elliott, Belle Jackson as Daisy Brown, Nellie Morant as Estelle, Harry Allen as Thomkins, Charles W. Butler as Gustavus, Charles W. Stokes as Moses, Ramsey Morris as Fred Bangs, Blanche Weaver as Minnie and Helen Ottolengui as Molly.

" Old Shipmates," with Frank Mordaunt as the star, was played here May 22, Mordaunt as Capt. Weathergauge, Georgia Cayvan as Little Hattie, Mrs. J. H. Rowe (Georgie Dickson), and Louise Dillon, Chas. B. Waite, and Frank Gilsey also in the cast. Gus Williams produced " One of the Finest," for the first time in New York, June 19, and with this cast :

John Mishler Eastman Officer . . Ruth . . . Katie . . Mrs. Mishler Edgar . .

. Gus Williams

Nelson Decker

Albert Paul

Isabel Waldron

. Rachel Booth

Dora Stuart

. . E. S. Tarr

Robert . . . Hugh Hickman Miss Livingston Fred Eastman Superintendent Miss Van Buren

Frank Rose Newton Gotthold . Jennie Harold . Sidney Drew . Harry Linden . Kate Durand

Mr. Williams continued with this play until Aug. 5, when the season closed. Dora Stuart died in this city Aug. 17, 1887. When sixteen she was married to Col. Charles Dreher, who is said to have been the first Confederate soldier to shed blood in the cause of the South. Afterwards he was killed in battle. Her second husband was Captain Bradford, a paymaster in the army.

The regular season commenced Aug. 21, with "Ranch 10," which stayed for two weeks. It had this cast :

Al. McClelland 7 « »^ j.^, Tom McClelland i " Harry Meredith

Theopolis T. M. Hunter

Peter Sid Smith

Pat Andrew Jackson

Lucretia .... Annie Douglas

Annie Emma Vaders

Silver Bud Marie Acosta

Marie Acosta has since been known as Marion d'Arcy. " Chispa " was produced Sept. 4, with Marion Elmore as the star. It had this cast :




Zeke Stephens Downey . . . Chispa . . . Doc. Jones . . Pike .... Chispa, in prologue

Frank Losee

W. W. Griffiths

Marion Elmore

Wash. Melville

. Jas. C. Dunn

Fanny Gonzales

Indian Jack .... Geo. Osborne Fairfax .... Randolph Murray

John Chas. James

Mary Annie Leigh

Sarah Kate Fletcher

Florence Lena Merville

Marion Elmore is Mrs. Frank Losee, and the sister of Lena Mer- ville. Minnie Palmer appeared here Sept. 18, in " My Sweetheart," with this cast :

Tony R. E. Graham Joe Shotwell . . . . T. J. Hawkins

Dr. Oliver John P. Sutton Farmer Hatzell .... Geo. Foos

Harold L. Marston Mrs. Hatzell .... Louise Morse

Dudley L . R. Willard Tina Minnie Palmer

Mrs. Fleeter . . . Maggie Arlington

Maggie Arlington died of pneumonia in this city Oct. 30, 1887.

Sam Hague's English minstrels opened their second visit to this country Sept. 25.

The Norcross Opera company produced "The Merry War" in English the weeks of Oct. 2-9, thus cast :

Artemesia .... Jennie Reiffarth

Umberto Lithgow James

Balthazar Max Freeman

Violetta Amy Gordon

Marquis W. H. Fitzgerald

M. Loe acted Balthazar the second week, also Chas. J. Ross as Fortunato, A. Bloomingdale as Von Sheelen ; and Edward Faxton was the Bif5S.

" Only a Farmer's Daughter" was seen weeks of Oct. 16-23, with this cast :

Lizzie Stark ) a n j

Mile. Laurent J Agnes Herndon

Justine Lillian Spencer

Mother Stark . . . Addie Wallace Higgins .... Joseph Adelman Keeper James Thornton

Molly .... Little Minnie Lenox Harold Edward Wodiska

PMipl Geo. W.Smith

Sammy Alfred Klein

Nelly Mamie Gllroy

Louis Aldrich and C. T. Parsloe, Jr., came Oct. 30 for two weeks, with " My Partner."

"The Black Crook" was presented Nov. 13, for a stay of three weeks. The specialists were the Garnella Bros., gymnasts ; Duncan, ventriloquist ; and the Martens Family, Tyrolean warblers. Will A. Sands was the Rudolphe; Welsh Edwards, Puffengruntz ; Nellie Larkelle, Stalacta; James F. Peters, Hertzog; Wm.F. Wallis, Count Wolfenstein ; and Arthur Moulton, Greppo.

M. B. Curtis played " Sam'l of Posen "for two weeks commencing Dec. 4, followed by Denman Thompson in " Joshua Whitcomb " Dec. 18, for a fortnight. J. K. Emmet opened Jan. i, 1883, in


" Fritz Among the Gypsies," for six weeks. " Her Atonement " came Feb. 12, for two weeks. This was its first performance in New York. It had this cast :

Martha Emily Rigl

Little Rose . . . Linda Da Costa

Louis Felix Morris

Mr. Phillips Wm. Dell

Mrs. Morton . . . Mrs. Chas. Poole

John Doolittle ... M. J. Jordan James Martin . M. W. Leffingwell, Jr.

Col. Swift L. R. Shewell

Chas. Le Roy Barton Hill

Patrick M. J. Gallagher


Siberia " was presented Feb. 26, and ran for five weeks ; the cast

Sara Georgia Cayvan

Marie .... Blanche Mortimer

Vera Mary Mills

Nicolia Gus Levick

JaracofE Geo. Hoey

Bertrand Max Freeman

Ivan W. S. Harkins

Peter W. H. Lytell

Sparta Geo. Thompson

The Governor .... Frank Foster

" The Planter's Wife " was seen April 2, for two weeks, with Harry Lacy and Maud Granger in the leading rdles.

" Around the World in Eighty Days " came April 16. The Madi- son Square Theatre company acted " The Professor " for two weeks, beginning April 30. Haverly's Mastodon minstrels appeared May 14, and were followed, May 28, by Roland Reed, in "Cheek" by Fred Marsden, which had this cast :

Dick Smyth . Walt Alton ? Moses )

Walter Sandford Ray Sandford . Albert Sandford

. Roland Reed

. Oliver Jenkins

Welsh Edwards

. Frank Foster

Frank Losee

Jas. Atwell Jane Atwell Policeman . Neil . . . Mrs. Rackett

H. Rees Davies Annie Mortimer . T. A. McCart Blanche Vaughan . Alice Hastings

C. B. Bishop was seen here June 25, in " Strictly Business," and remained two weeks. Rice's Surprise Party came July 9, in " Pop." In the company were Irene Perry, D. Gorman, May Stembler, Albert Murdoch, Lilly Grubb, Geo. K. Fortescue, R. E. Graham, H. L. Bartleman, Ella Vanderbilt, John A. Mackay, and Marie Vanoni. They continued another week, and the season closed July 21, the building inspectors having ordered the erection of a proscenium wall.

The next season began Aug. 18, 1883, with Samuel Colville as lessee and manager. The first attraction was " The Devil's Auction," which stayed for two weeks. It had this cast :

Toby . . Barberouse . Carlos . . Going Gone Pfere Andoche

. . Jas. S. Maffitt

Dor^ Davidson

. . A. W. Decker

. . Chas. C. Fish

W. H. Bartholomew

M&re Cazotte . . . Nellie Heywood

Madeline Annie Barclay

Janet Sallie Apt

Nanine Ella Sheldon




Frank Majilton made his reappearance in America after several years' absence, Sept. 3, with an English comedy company (few exceptions), in " The Frolics of a Day," which had this cast :

Bartle Burke . . Gabriel Gadforth. Mile. Salprunelle. Mrs. Gadforth . Georgiana Gewgaw, Mary Chattertoa .

Thomas Lisbourne . Herbert Gresham . . Fanny Temple . . Anneta Harris Ernestine Arnnam . Caroline Majilton

Denby . . Gewgaw Eripps . . Cabman . . Policeman . Bertie Kelvin

. Ed. Chapman

. Geo. E. James

. R. M. Roberts

John Lisbourne

Frank Majilton

Ettie Whyte

George Edgar appeared here Sept. 10, in " Othello " which was repeated Sept. 11, 15 ; " Richelieu" was given matinee and evening Sept. 12, 13, 14, matinde and evening Sept. 15. The cast of " Othello "


Othello . .

Brabantio . Gratiano

lago . . . Desdemona

Emilia . .

. . Geo. Edgar . L. H. Everett . E. A. Horton Lewis Morrison EUie Wilton Mrs. Wallace Brittan

Messenger .

. . . . E. Stevens

Lndovico .

. . . C. J. Birbeck

Cassio . .

. Leonard S. Outram

Roderigo .

. Wm. Davidge, Jr.


. . Geoffrey Hawley

" Romany Rye " was seen Sept. 17, with James M. Hardie as Jack Hearn, and Gussie De Forrest as Gertie Heckett.

"Her Atonement" was played Sept. 24. Fanny Davenport appeared here Oct. i, with "Fedora," for the first time on the American stage. It had this cast :

Loris . . . Pierre . . M. Vernet . Dr. Loreck Gretch . . Tchiliff Countess Dimitri . . Jean de Sirieox Mme. de Tournay

. . R. B. Mantell . . S. C. Dubois . . A. Del Campo . Louis R. Grissel

Eugene O. Jepson . . T. J. Herndon . . . Ada Monck . . Lucy Pixley

Eugene McDowell . . Marie Sheldon

Fedora . . Desire . . Cyrille . . Ivan . . . Dr. Mueller Zuric . . - Mons Ditche Baroness . Marka . .

Fanny Davenport

Edward Warren

. W. J. Hurley

L. S. Anderson

. James Miller

O. W. Dunn

. H. Williams

Helen Bertram

Annie White

No matinee was given on Wednesday during this engagement, but on Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 29) a matinee took place. " Fedora " was followed, Dec. 24, by Rice's Surprise Party in "Pop" for one week, and Dec. 31 John T. Raymond was seen, in "In Paradise." Mr. Raymond appeared Jan. 10, 1884, in "For Congress," which had this cast :

Josiah Limber . Jemima Grimm Julia Free . . Peter WooUey Horace Dexter Anna Molley .

JohnT. Raymond . Lizzie Creese Nannie Egberts Wm. CuUington Geo. F. Devere . Sadie Bigelow

Susan Muffin . . Mrs. G. F.Devere (Nellie Mortimer)

Charley Harry Pierson

Alfred John Marble

Merpail Jerry Lant

Pelham .... H. A. Weaver, Jr.


J. K. Emmet appeared Jan. 2 1, for the first time in New York in " Unser Fritz, the Bohemian." " Fritz in Ireland " was played Feb. 4; John T. Raymond returned Feb. 11, in "For Congress." Callender's Colored minstrels, headed by the Hyers Sisters, came Feb. 18. Mr. and Mrs. Nat Goodwin appeared Feb. 25 in "Those Bells;" and for the first time in this city "Warranted" was given with this cast:

Edward Seabrooke . . Wm. Herbert Emie Weathersby . Jennie ReifEarth . . Bart Wallace

Groot . Joshua . Vinnie . Geranium Mike

Ananius N. C. Goodwin

Bertha . . . Mrs. N. C. Goodwin

Jack Robert Coote

Trix Jennie Weathersby

Orlando .... Jacques Kruger

For the week commencing March 3, in addition to " Those Bells," G. R. Sims' comedy, " Member for Slocum " was given. " Hobbies" was done March 10, with Mr. Goodwin as Pygmalion, Mrs. Goodwin as Clover, and William Herbert as Garroway. "Confusion" came March 17, with Kate Davis as Lucretia and H. E. Dixey as Christo- pher Blizzard.

Edwin Booth began an engagement here March 24. His repertory was : March 24, 27, matinde March 29, April i, matinees April 2, S, "Hamlet;" March 25, "The Fool's Revenge;" March 26, " Othello," Booth as lago, D. H. Harkins as Othello ; March 28, " The Merchant of Venice " and " Taming of the Shrew; " March 31, " Richelieu ; " April 3, " Macbeth ; " April 4, " King Lear." The scale of prices were : Reserved seats, $2, ;^i.50, $1 ; gallery, 50 cts. ; general admission, $1. In " Hamlet" Eben Plympton acted Laertes; John A. Lane, the King; Affie Weaver, Ophelia; and Ida Vernon, the Queen. " The Pavements of Paris " came April 7, with John B. Studley as Bonneau, Minnie Monck as Mme. Peronne, J. E. Nagle as Fusch, and Florence Wood as the Housekeeper. Byron Douglas, T. F. Egbert, Ed. Chapman, Harry Mack, and Emily Bancker were also in the cast.

Milton Nobles appeared April 21, for two weeks, in "Love and Law," with O. H. Barr as Gasper, G. W. Barnum as Giovanni, Dollie Nobles as Ritta, Agnes Herndon as Helen, and Milton Nobles as Felix. Jennie Satterlee, Jennie Carroll, M. Leffingwell, Ben G. Rogers, Henry Rainforth, and Florence Vincent were also in the cast. Barry and Fay came here May 5, in " Irish Aristocracy."

" The Wages of Sin," by Frank Harvey, was given for the first time in America, under that title. May 12. The cast was :

Eben Plympton

Gilbert Elliott

. Hudson Listen

George Brand Harry Went worth Ned Drummond . Stephen Marler . Jemima Bloggs

Charles Overton Julia Brutone

Juliana . . Georgie Drew Barrymore Jenny Barford . . Edith Florence

Darby Blunt .... Robert Dillon

Judson Lover

Josiah Dean ... C. P. Flockton

Ruth Agnes Booth

Rose . . . Mrs. Charles Maubury Barbara Dale .... Elsie Moore Anna Grace Follard




This play had previously been acted in this country a few times under the title of " Truth."

The burlesque, " Penny Ante," came here for two weeks, com- mencing June 9. This was the cast :

Cleopatra .... Jennie ReifEarth Penny Ante . . . Chas. H. Drew Fairy Queen .... Carrie Godfrey Melinda Louise Searle

Bonifacio .... James Sturgess

Simon Ainsley Scott

Francis .... Fred W. Oakland

Lilly H indie Harrison

Jenny Carrie Wallace

This was the American d^but of Fred Oakland. The season ended June 21, and the house was closed until July 21, when it was leased for two weeks for the production of " Distrust," by C. F. Dunbar and Fred Wren. EUie Wilton, Henry Aveling, Horace Vinton, Oliver Wren and Francis Bates were in the cast. The house closed Aug. 2, and reopened Aug. 16 with Chas. Hoyt's " A Rag Baby," Frank Daniels as Old Sport, Chas. H. Drew as Tony Jay, and Mark Sullivan as the Policeman. H. Connors, E. A. Osgood, W. H. Stedman, Bessie Sansom, Rillie Deaves, Clara Lane and Tina Jackson were also in the cast. Eugene O. Jepson, as the star, appeared Sept. i in Walter Standish's play, " Fickle Fortune." Lizzie May Ulmer was seen here Sept. 8 in " Dad's Girl."

The next regular season commenced Wednesday, Sept. 17, with Mme. Janauschek in Harry Meredith's new play " My Life," which had this cast :

Mico Leben

Circe Encore Frederick . Lady Florence


. . Janauschek

Geo. D. Chaplin Virginia Nelson

Silvia Emma Hagger

Henri Frank Clements

Landers Geo. Connor

Arthur Henry Bergman

Lionel Alex. Stuart

Frank Clements was instantly killed at Newark, N. J., May 8, 1886, by being run over by a locomotive. He was at the time a member of Mme. Modjeska's company. His American d6but was made Sept. 16, 1878, at the Arch Street theatre, Philadelphia, as Armand to Modjeska's Camille. His New York debut occurred Sept. 30 following, at the Fifth Avenue Theatre (Broadway and Twenty-eighth Street).

Janauschek closed, in " My Life," Oct. 4.

Minnie Palmer reappeared Oct. 6, 1884, in " My Sweetheart."

Fanny Davenport returned Nov. 10, in "Fedora," with Henry Lee as leading man. She played for five weeks.

Louise Pomeroy appeared here Dec. 1 5, in " The Outcast," cast thus :

Mother Mason . Elizabeth Andrews Little Raynaud . . Gertie Boswell Due de Velasquez . . Arthur Elliott Margaret .... Louise Pomeroy Athole Louisa Balfe

Marquis . . . Mrs. Chas. Poole Dr. Valrois . . . Wm. N. Griffith Duchess .... Emilie Boswell Raymond Edwin Cleary


The Leopold Brothers (six) commenced Dec. 22, in an absurdity called " Frivolity." Prof. Cromwell appeared on Sunday night, Dec. 28, with his art entertainment, and again on Jan. 4. Barney McAuley commenced Dec. 29 in " The Jersey Man." The house was closed week commencing Jan. 5, 1885. Mr. Colville stated in a card to the public that he was obliged to close in consequence of the bad behavior of Mr. McAuley, who withdrew from the cast matinee Jan. i, and his place was filled by one of the company. The piece was played to poor business during the week, and it became evident to Manager Colville that Mr. McAuley could not be relied on to finish his date, so the remaining week was cancelled. " The Jersey Man " had this cast :

Gilderoy Punk . .


John Gripp . . . Archibald Goslyn Warren Meredith Capt. Bob Mayberry

B. McAuley W. C. Andrews E. S. Goodwin . H. T. Gibson . A. J. Thacher . D. Gilf ether

Simon Peter . . - J. J. Fitzsimmons

Joan Fell Wealthy AUyn

Tabitha Mayberry, Mrs. Owen Marlowe

Mr. Taggit L. Turner

Dot Lillian Chantore

"Chubb" Jessie West

Prof. Cromwell gave another entertainment Jan. 11. " The Wages of Sin" was acted for a fortnight, commencing Jan. 12, with Agnes Booth as Ruth.

" A Cold Day When We Get Left" was done Jan. 26. Cromwell lectured Sunday night, Feb. i. The Carleton English opera com- pany were seen here Feb. 2, in "The Drum Major's Daughter" ("La Fille du Tambour Major"), which had this cast:

Duchess Clara Wisdom Stella Dora Wiley

Claudine Rose Beaudet Monthabor . . . . W. H. Clarke

The Abbess .... Miss Bartlett Due Volta .... Richard Golden

Biancia Miss Young Marquis Frank Doud

Lorenza Miss Pettitt Clumpus F. Risdale

Sergeant Dixon Captain Robert . . W. T. Carleton

Griolet . . . Jessie Bartlett Davis

Cromwell gave " Ireland " for his lecture Feb 8. " The Mascot" was sung Feb. 9, with Dora Wiley as Bettina, Rose Beaudet as Fiametta, Jessie Bartlett Davis (first time) as Prince Frederic, and Carleton as Pippo. Cromwell gave " Jerusalem and the Holy Land," Sunday Feb. 15. "The Mascot" was repeated week Feb. 16, except Feb. 20, when Carleton took a benefit, and the programme was "Fra Diavolo " (first act), "The Drum Major's Daughter" (second act), and "The Mascot" (third act); "The Merry War," Feb. 21. Cromwell lectured on "America" Feb. 22. Willie Edouin and Frank Sanger's "Sparks" company came Feb. 23, in "A Bunch of Keys." On Sunday night, March i, Cromwell gave "Switzerland and the Alps."

Harrigan & Hart took possession of this theatre and opened it with " McAllister's Legacy," March 2. Cromwell gave " A Tour


of the World " March 8, and " Ireland " March 15. " The Major " was produced by Harrigan and Hart March 16. Cromwell, with " The Homes of the Monarchs," March 22 ; " St. Petersburg, Mos- cow, and Constantinople," March 29; " Paris," April 5 ; "London," April 12. "The Major" was withdrawn April 18, and "Cordelia's Aspirations " revived April 20.

The release of Harrigan & Hart from their arrangement with Samuel Colville was effected April 25. They paid a sum of money to the latter to get clear of their agreement. Harrigan & Hart's last week brought out large audiences, as might have been ex- pected from the publicity given to the proposed separation of the partners. Harrigan & Hart closed May 9 their last appearance in New York together. Mr. Harrigan reorganized, and went on the road travelling. For the weeks of June i and 8 Hart rejoined Har- rigan, and appeared with him at Sinn's Park Theatre, Brooklyn, making his farewell appearance there with Harrigan, June 13.

Bartley Campbell obtained the lease of the theatre on April 30, 1885. This lease expired on Sept. i, i88g, and to secure it Mr. Campbell agreed to pay Samuel Colville and E. G. Gilmore, who held it, ;^i7,ocX) bonus over and above the rent that the estate of Marshall O. Roberts obtained as owner of the theatre property. Mr. Campbell paid ;^S,ooo cash down, and made arrangements to pay the remainder in four quarterly instalments, giving endorsed notes as security. The theatre was then formally turned over to him, and he managed it for a few months. To meet his obligations Mr. Campbell sub-leased the theatre to E. E. Rice for the revival of " Evangeline," and gave Messrs. Colville & Gilmore the right to col- lect the profits of the sub-lease, and devote the money to paying the theatre rent and clearing off his arrears of the |! 17,000 bonus.

During the autumn of 1885, Campbell became involved in financial difficulties, and a receiver was appointed to take charge of his busi- ness. His teeming brain, which had been run on the high pressure principle for a dozen years, began to show signs of giving way in the following spring, and in May, 1886, his eccentricities were deemed so serious that he was placed under restraint for examination as to his sanity. It was found that he was suffering from paresis, and he was eventually placed in an asylum. He died at the State Homoeopathic Asylum for the Insane, Middleton, N. Y., July 30, 1888. He was admitted to the asylum Nov. 30, 1886. He was buried at Pittsburg, in which city he was born in 1842. Bartley Campbell's first attempt at play writing was in 1871 when he com- posed a sensation drama, entitled "Through Fire." His second effort was " Peril " (1872), a comedy of life at Long Branch ; " Fate " was the next, in 1873, followed by "Risks" (April, 1873); "The Virginian" (Sept., 1873); "On the Rhine" (1875); "Gran Uale " (1874); "The Big Bonanza," an adaption of the German comedy,


"Ultimo" (1875); "A Heroine in Rags" (1876); "How Women Love" (1876) (this play was afterwards called "The Heart of the Sierras." It was reconstructed, and renamed "The Vigilantes"); "Clio" (1878); "Fairfax" (1879); "My Partner" (1879); "The Galley Slave;" " My Geraldine " (December, 1880); " The White Slave" (April, 1882) ; "Friend and Foe," 1882 ; "Siberia" and "Sepa- ration," January, 1884; "Paquita," Aug. 31, 1885. "Fate" was pro- duced at the Olympic Theatre, London, by Carlotta Leclercq, August 6, 1884; "The Galley Slave" was acted at Hull, England, Nov. 22, 1880, and for the first time in London, Feb. 8, 1886, at the Grand Theatre ; " Siberia " was played Dec. 4, 1887, at the Princess Theatre, London. Mr. Campbell was several inches above six feet in height, slender, and with a face bearing a remarkable resemblance to that of Artemus Ward. He was an excellent conversationalist, always ready with an apt repartee, and possessed a rich fund of anecdote.

Martin W. Hanley occupied this house for two weeks, commencing May II, 1885 with a play called "Are You Insured ?" which had this cast :

Priscilla Bouncer Dorcas Bouncer . Charity Bouncer Caroline Bitterroot Miss Skaggs Jerry Jangles Hodge ....

. Fanny Wentworth Sophie Hummel . . Fanny Daboll . . Annetta Zelma . . Jennie Bajard . . W. S. Daboll . Edward Eggleton

Philander Dividend . Charles Stanley Sarsfield Per Annum, Wm. H. Fitzgerald Raymond Shadow . . Dan CoUyer Charles Bitterroot . . Geo. Merritt Sheriff Roger Bouncer . Dan Hart Timothy Bitterroot, Joseph M. Sparks Fanny Bouncer . . Jennie Yeamans

This comedy was originally acted under the title of " Love vs. Insurance." Prof. Cromwell commenced another series of lectures May 17, and continued through the week as follows: "The Rhine," May 17; "Italy," May 18; "Rome," May 19; "Paris," May 20. Minnie Palmer reappeared May 25 in " My Sweetheart," and the season closed May 30.

The house was leased for two weeks for the purpose of introducing to the New York public Myra Goodwin as a star, she having previ- ously appeared in variety theatres. She opened Aug. 3 in a comedy called " Sis," by E. E. Kidder, which had this cast :

Hickory Hawkins . . Geo. Richards Agnes Barrett . . Mrs. E. M. Post Warm Pepper . Elizabeth Andrews

Mabel Dickie Martinez

Delia Emma Maddern

Warren .... Byron Douglas

Granville W. A. Paul

Joe Barrett .... Harry Dalton Sis Myra Goodwin

Joseph B. Polk commenced Aug. 1 7, for two weeks, in " Mixed Pickles." Alex Fitzgerald, who had been engaged at this house as stage manager, died at St. Vincent's Hospital, this city, Aug. 31. 1855. He made his first appearance on the stage in 1852, at the National Theatre, Cincinnati. He was a favorite with Bowery




audiences of 1855-56-57. In 1858 he went to Australia, where he supported Avonia Jones.

Hartley Campbell again leased the house and opened it August 21 with " Paquita," its first performance in America. Under Camp- bell's second management this house returned to its old name " The Fourteenth Street Theatre." The cast of "Paquita" was:

Dr. Manuel . . . Fred de Belleville

Stephano Russell Bassett

Victor Ivan Shirley

Phillippe .... Jerome Stevens

Padre D. Vanderen

Paquita Mary Mills

Senora Maria .... Ida Vernon

Lucette Eloise Willis

Zinari Evelyn Granville

Jos^ Borosco H. M. Pitt

Hortense Kate Forsyth

Dr. Delponte . . . C. P. Flockton Le Petite Hortense Bijou Fernandez

Hartley Campbell closed his season Oct. 2, and retired from active management. Edward E. Rice closed the house Oct. 5 and 6 for a rehearsal of " Evangeline " and produced it in sumptuous style. Irene Verona (Mrs. Fred Darrell) made her American d^but, as Evangeline ; MoUie Fuller, Eulalie ; Geo. K. Fortescue, Catherine ; John A. Mackay, Le Blanc ; Fay Templeton, Gabriel ; Josie Hall, Felician ; James S. Maffit, the Lone Fisherman ; Fred Frear, Dietrich ; and Amelia Summerville, Hubert. The fiftieth performance took place Nov. 19, when Edward Rice conducted the orchestra; also for the one hundredth performance, Dec. 31, Henry E. Dixey came on the stage in full "Adonis" costume, and joined in the dance at the end of the first act.

On Feb. 22, 1886, Louise Montague appeared as Evangeline, and Irene Verona as Gabriel. Linda Nash (Mrs. Ed. Morris) made her debut on the stage March 15, as Marie. The two hundred and fiftieth performance took place April 30, and the two hundred and fifty- second and last was a benefit to Edward Rice. Fay Templeton, Irene Verona, and Mollie Fuller acted Gabriel ; Louise Montague, Annie Summerville, and Irene Verona played Evangeline.

Effie Ellsler appeared here May 3, in " Woman Against Woman," which had this cast :

John Tressider Phil Tressider Gilbert Craven Riter Crank . Rachel Westwood Deborah . Mary Pedley

. Frank Weston

. Charles Foster

Harry Davenport

W. C. Armstrong

_ . . Mattie Earle

Mrs. E. L. Davenport

Florence Fields

Sir Henry Dr. Grayson . Bessie ,. . . Melton' . . Dave Jackson Miriam . .

A. B. Howard Charles Lamb . Effie Ellsler H. Thompson S. J. Milliken Marjorie Bonner

Though business was fair during the week Miss Ellsler's manager concluded not to play the second week. The house remained closed until May 17, when Lydia Thompson was seen, with her burlesque company (her first appearance in seven years), in " Oxygen," with this cast :


Prince Fritz The Burgomaster Suzel .... Franz .... Herman ce . . Niklause . . .

Lydia Thompson

Louis de Lange

Addie Cora Reed

Richard F. Carroll

Lillie Alliston

Alexander Clark

Otto . . Hanserl . Lottchen . Gretchen Tarantula Dr. Ox .

Ruth Stetson

. . Leila Farrell

Virgie Graves

Marian Langdon

. Daisy Ramsden

Frederic Darrell

Annie Sutherland and Lucy Escott were also in the cast.

The season closed May 31, and Lydia Thompson sailed for Europe June I.

The next season began Sept. 6, with " Our Rich Cousin," which was acted two weeks. It had this cast :

Cynthia ' Georgia Cayvan

Florence .... Louise Muldener

Sim Wm. Richardson

Martha Mrs. Sol Smith

John Merrygold . . T. J. Herndon

Zed Milton Higgins

Will Styles . . . . A. S. Lipman Theodore .... W. J. Ferguson Winona Fanny Addison

Mrs. F. S. Chanfrau began an engagement here Sept. 20, in Sir Charles L. Young's melodrama, " The Scapegoat," cast thus :

Lord Parkhurst . . . Horace Vinton Victor Broughton, Myron LefHngwell, Jr. Sir Dennis Broughton

Harry Weaver, Jr. Captain Beaufort . . . Lewis Baker Policeman .... Alex Ramson

Priscilla Roval . . . Stella Boniface

Lady Broughton . . Helen Bancroft

Z. J Sidney Drew

Ashby Lewis Mitchell

Dean Harry Clifford

Maid Mary S. Baker

Samuel Colville died in this city Aug. 22, 1886, of heart dis- ease. He was born, 1825, at Castle Avery, County Down, Ire- land, and came to America in 1840. His first experience in the theatrical business was in 1853, in California. He was manager of three theatres in Australia, from 1858 to 1861. His first New York management was at Wallack's old theatre (Broadway and Broome Street), which he christened "Mary Provost's Theatre." Afterwards he managed the Theatre Comique (opposite St. Nicholas Hotel). With Geo. Wood he managed Wood's Museum (now Daly's, Thirtieth Street and Broadway). He visited Europe, and brought to America the Lydia Thompson burlesque company. He secured " Michael Strogoff " for America, and produced it at Booth's Theatre, this city, September, 1881; also brought over "The World." He became manager of this theatre late in 1883, in conjunction with E. G. Gilmore. His second wife, Emrae Roseau, he married Aug. 2, 1883. His remains were interred in Evergreen cemetery, Brooklyn.

Mrs. D. P. Bowers began an engagement Oct. 4, and continued four weeks. Her repertory was: "Mary Stuart," Oct. 4, 6; "Elizabeth," Oct. 5, 7, and matinde Oct. g; "Lucrezia Borgia" and "The Jealous Wife," Oct. 8; "Macbeth," evening Oct. 9. In " Mary Stuart " Mrs. Bowers acted the Queen ; Joseph Wheelock,




Douglas ; Fanny Gillette, Elizabeth ; Alberta Gallatin, Catherine ; John Lane, Mortimer; and Mark Lynch, Leicester. In "Eliza- beth" Mrs. Bowers played the title r61e; in "Lucrezia Borgia," Joseph Wheelock as Genarro, and John A. Lane, the Duke; in "Jealous Wife" Mrs. Bowers was Mrs. Oakley, and Wheelock, Mr. Oakley. In " Macbeth " Mrs. Bowers was Lady Macbeth ; Joseph Wheelock, Macbeth ; and Lane, Macduff. Mrs. Bowers opened her second week with "Lady Audley's Secret," Fanny Gillette as Alicia; this play was repeated the third week, until matinee, Oct. 23, when " Camille " was played. " Lucrezia Borgia" and "The Jealous Wife" were given the evening of Oct. 23. The repertory for the last week was: "Elizabeth," Oct. 25, 29; "Mary Stuart," Oct. 26, 28, matinee Oct. 30; "Camille," matinee Oct. 27; "Lady Audley's Secret," evening Oct. 27; "Macbeth," Oct. 30.

M. B. Curtis came here Nov. i, with "Caught in a Corner," for the first time in this city.

J. W. Rosenquest purchased E. G. Gilmore's interest in the theatre in November. Mr. Curtis continued the attraction until Dec. 27, when Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Knight opened in "Over the Garden Wall," for two weeks.

Denman Thompson appeared here Jan. 10, 1887, in "The Old Homestead, " for the first time in this city, and with this cast :

Fran9ois Fogarty . . Frank Martin Mrs. Henry Hopkins, Venie Thompson Nellie Patterson . Leonore Willard Reuben Whitcomb . T. D. Frawley Len Holbrook . .CM. Richardson


Joshua Whitcomb, Denman Thompson Frank Hopkins . Alfred T. Swartz John Freeman . . Frank Thompson Aunt Matilda Whitcomb, Louisa Morse Rickety Ann . . Annie Thompson Miss Annie Hopkins, Virginia Marlowe Miss Nellie Freeman . Lillian Stone Maggie O'Flaherty, Minnie Luckstone Henry Hopkins, Sr. . Walter Lennox Judge Patterson . . Gus Kammerly George Hopkins . . Albert Barnes

Mr. Thompson played this drama for twenty weeks, and closed June 4, followed June 6 with "The Hypocrite," for two weeks, with this cast:

Mrs. Murdoch Cy Prime Happy Jack . Eb. Ganzey . Pat Clancy .

Owen Marlowe Geo. A. Beane

. Walter Gale J. L. Morgan

. Frank Mara

George . . . Edith Walton . Edward Walton Richard Singleton Doctor Vernon

Newton Gotthold . . Annie Robe . Osmond Tearle . Herbert Kelcey Harry Courtaine

Barney Elliott . Charles S. Dickson Grace Contraire . Miriam O'Leary

Martha Marie Bates

Archibald Tony Farrell

This drama was by Lawrence Marston, but it was afterwards rewritten by John M. Morton and called "Wife for Wife." This house then closed for the summer. The next season commenced Aug. 30, 1887, with "The Still Alarm," for the first time on the stage, with this cast:


Jack Manley Harry Lacy

Jo Jones . . . . M. J. Gallagher

Nozzle Joseph Doane

John Bird . . . Nelson Wheatcroft Willie Manley . . Charles Dickson

Franklyn Fordham . . Eugene Eberle

Doc Wilbur . . . Jacques Kruger

Elinore Fordham . Blanche Thorne

Cad Wilbur . . . Blanche Vaughan

Mrs. Manley . . Mrs. Selden Irwin

Hoyt's "A Hole in the Ground" was given Sept. 12, for the first time in New York, and the cast was:

A Capitalist . . . William F. Mack A Romantic Young Man

W. Otis Harlan A Commercial Tourist

Alf. M. Hampton A Second Commercial Tourist

W. Mack A Station Agent . . . Frank Lawton A Roper-in for Centropolis Hotel

Alf. M. Hampton A Roper-in for Grand Union Hotel

W. Mack A Boy, anxious to be a R. R. Man

W. H. Jordan A League Base Ball Umpire

Julian Mitchell

A Tailor Made Girl . Dudie Douglass A Second Tailor Made Girl

Fannie Stevens A Third Tailor Made Girl

Irene Hernandez A Young Mother . . Helen Leslie A Telegraphic Operator

Nannette Comstock A Second Tarrier . . Alice Walsh A Third Tarrier .... Daisy Hall The Lady of the Lunch Counter

Flora Walsh

A Brat Daisy HaU

A Tarrier Helen Leslie

A Stranger .... Geo. Richards A Deaf Lady .... Alice Walsh

Minnie Palmer appeared here Oct. 10, in J. P. Wooler's ope- retta "The Ring and the Keeper;" and also in "My Sweet- heart." "Baron Rudolph," by Bronson Howard, was produced Oct. 24, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Knight as the stars. The cast was:

Rudolph .... Geo. S. Knight Whetworth .... Frank Carlyle

Rhoda Carrie Turner

Owen Lin Hurst

Sheriff Frank Colfax

Ernestine Jane Stuart

Gen. Metcalf . . Judge Merrybone Geoffrey Brown . Allen . . . . Nellie Dashwood

Charles Bowser

M. A. Kenne^

Henry Woodrufte

Geo. D. Fawcett

Mrs. Geo. Knight

" Baron Rudolph " was originally written by Bronson Howard for Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Florence, and was called " Only a Tramp." Mrs. Florence did not like the character of Nellie Dashwood the part written for her and the play was not accepted. While in London, during the summer of 1886, Mr. and Mrs. Knight met Mr. Howard and bought the play. Its first presentation by Geo. Knight was at the Academy of Music, Cleveland, Ohio (Mrs. Knight was not in the cast). The following year Mr. and Mrs. Knight revisited Europe, and Mr. Howard rewrote the play, and it was produced under the new name of "Baron Rudolph," at Hull, England, for two weeks, by Mr. and Mrs. Knight, supported by Wilson Barrett's London stock company.

They returned to America and for nearly two seasons played "Baron Rudolph," but the rage for farce comedy induced them to


lay it aside and produce "Over the Garden Wall." They were again induced to produce " Baron Rudolph " at the Fourteenth Street theatre under the direction of Charles Frohman. David Belasco made several alterations in the play, and it was produced as stated above. It was kept on the stage for four weeks to bad business. The play not only cost Mr. Knight considerable money, but broke his heart, as he had great faith in it. He had remarked prior to its production that if " Rudolph " failed it would break his heart, and it did. He then made a trip with his company through the West with "Over the Garden Wall," closing at the Grand Opera House, Chicago, 111. It was noticed during this engage- ment that he was not himself, and occasionally forgot a line. He complained of a pain at the back of his head, and his hands were cold. He was taken to Orange, N. J., and for twenty months was under treatment of the best brain specialists in the State. Not improving and getting no hope from the doctors, his wife had him removed to Asbury Park, where, in four weeks time, he had a slight stroke of paralysis, affecting his right side. During the summer of 1890 he had another slight stroke of paralysis, and became speechless. Before losing his voice, he expressed the wish that he might never become an object of charity, and, that his wish should be fulfilled, his wife concluded to return to the stage to enable her to provide him with the comforts of life. She reappeared at the Grand Opera House, this city, as Louise in "Dr. Bill," Sept. 7, 1891. There was a benefit for Mr. Knight at the Bijou Theatre, this city, afternoon Feb. 27, 1890, and ;^2,200 was raised, but Mrs. Knight refused to accept it, and it was placed as a fund for defray- ing the expenses incurred at the institution in which he was placed. In July, i8gi, Mrs. Knight had Mr. Knight removed from his retreat to his mother's home in Philadelphia, where he died Jan. 14, 1892. His right name was George Washington Sloan, and he was born Nov. 6, 1850.

Denman Thompson reappeared Nov. 21, and remained five weeks, in "The Old Homestead." On Dec. 25 (matinee) the Hanlons produced "Le Voyage en Suisse." Emily Bancker, Ethel Gray, T. H. Glenney, Harry Vaughan, Charles F. Walton, Richard Jones, Snitz Edwards, and Edward Hanlon were in the cast.

McNish, Johnson & Slavin's minstrels opened here Jan. 9, 1888. for one week, followed, Jan. 16, by Frank Daniels in " Little Puck, " its first New York performance. Annie Pixley came Jan. 23, with "The Deacon's Daughter;" Jan. 30, Modjeska appeared in "Camille," repeated Feb. i and 2; Jan. 31, and matinee, Feb. 4 "As You Like It" was given; "Donna Diana," evening Feb. 1-3; "Cymbeline" (first time in New York), evening Feb. 4. Plympton played Armand in "Camille;" Orlando in "As You Like It;" Leonatus in "Cymbeline," and William Harris played

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the leading part in "Donna Diana." In the company were Eben Plympton, William Harris, S. E. Springer, Charles Vandenhoff, Vincent Sternroyd, Robert Taber, William F. Owen, Tully Mar- shall, Charles B. Kelley, Mrs. M. A. Pennoyer, Clara Ellison, Grace Filkins, and Sara Blanche Gray. Modjeska's second and final week opened Feb. 6, with "Measure for Measure," which had this cast:

Tully Marshall . W. F. Owen . C. B. Kelley . . Modjeska . . Mary Shaw

Vincentio C. Vandenhoff

Angelo Wm. Morris

Escolus S. E. Springer

Claudio Robert Taber

Lucio .... Vincent Sternroyd

Provost T. L. Coleman

Elbow James Cooper

Froth . .

Pompey . .




Mistress Overdone

Mrs. M. A. Pennoyer

Modjeska appeared Feb. 6 as Beatrice in " Much Ado About Nothing," repeated matinee, Feb. 8; Eben Plympton was Bene- dick ; Mary Shaw, Hero ; and W. F. Owen, Dogberry. " Cymbe- line" was played Feb. 9; "As You Like It," Feb. 10, matinde and evening; Feb. 11, "Romeo and Juliet." N. C. Goodwin, Jr., opened a fortnight's stay Feb. 13 in "Lend Me Five Shillings" and "Turned Up." Roland Reed followed Feb. 27, presenting "The Woman Hater," for the first time in New York, and with this cast :

Samuel Roland Reed

Mulbridge .... Harry A. Smith

Dr. Lane Ferd Hight

Geo. Dobbins . . . . A. C. Deltwyn

Lucy Joy .

Alice . . . Tom Ripley Mrs. Walton

Alice Hastings

Annie Lewis

Wm. C. Andrews

. Bessie Hunter

Maggie Mitchell appeared here March 12 in Fred Williams' play, "Maggie the Midget." It was originally done in December, 1884, at Omaha, Neb. "Fanchon" was given matinle March 21, and "Jane Eyre," March 24.

" The Still Alarm " returned March 26, and had a run of one hundred and four consecutive performances. It had this cast:

Jack Manley Harry Lacy

John Bird .... Ralph Delraore Doc Wilbur .... Joseph Wilkes Willie Manley . Charles £. Lothian Franklyn Fordham . . E. A. Eberle Joseph Jones ... M. J. Gallagher

Elinore Fordham Cad Wilbur Mrs. Manley Jenkins . . Nozzle . . Tony . .

. . Lizzie Hudson Blanche Vaughan Mrs. Selden Irwin

. Thomas W. Ford

Benjamin Dean

George A. Palmer

A preliminary season commenced Aug. 27, with "Gwynne's Oath ; " the cast of which was :

Gwynne Archer . Bessy Smith . . Willoughby Parker Pepe Latour . . Sir Pearce Parker

. . May Wilkes . . Isabella Irving . EmUie J. Boswell Little Dot Winters . . A. C. Deltwyn

Harry Vesey . . . Davenport Bebus

Richard Welbeck . Harold Courtney

Gilbert Archer . . . Evelyn Evans

Gussy Lambton . . Ernest Tarleton

Jim Richards . . . . L. R. Willard




The next season opened Sept. lo, 1888, with "Fascination," cast thus:

Lady Slash ton >

Cora Tanner

Isabel Waldron Eleanor Carey Maggie Dean Lucy Escott Belle Waldron Clara Knowles

Duke of Hurlingham . Lionel Bland The Hon. Sam Slash ton

Augustus Cook Count La Grange . P. A. Anderson Mr. Isaacson . . Norman Campbell

Adel Helen Ten Broeck

Lord Islay Edward Bell

Rev. Mr. CoUey . . . Chas. Coote

Charles Marlowe Duchess of Hurlingham

Rosa Delemere . Arabella Armhurst Dottle D'Estrange Connie Hillmore . Mrs. Isaacson

This play attracted good houses until Oct. 29, when it was with- drawn for "A Hole in the Ground," in which Fanny Stevens acted the Telegraph Girl, and Nettie Lyford the Lunch Girl. "She," with Gillette and Hayman's company, was seen Nov. 12. Roland Reed came Nov. 26 in "The Woman Hater." Alice Hastings was taken ill at the close of the performance Nov. 26, and was conveyed to her hotel in a carriage and died of paralysis of the heart in this city Nov. 30. She was a native of Dublin, Ireland. She appeared at this theatre in 1881, with the Colville Folly com- pany, and was leading lady with Roland Reed's travelling company from 1882 to the day of her death. Her remains were interred in Mt. Vernon cemetery, Philadelphia. Prof. Herrmann occupied the house weeks Dec. 10-17. "A Tin Soldier" was presented Dec. 24.

M. J. Kelly, the baseball celebrity, made his debut here as a Thespian in "A Hole in the Ground," Dec. 31.

The Howard Athenaeum specialty company appeared Jan. 7, 1889, with the following performers : Alfred and Jackson, Poluski Bros., Tennyson and O'Gorman, Irwin Sisters, Lawlor and Thorn- ton, Wood and Sheppard, Paul Cinquevalli and the " Cinquevalli Troupe," Ida Heath, and James F. Hoey. "Fantasma" was the bill the week of Jan. 14.

W. J. Scan Ian, Jan. 21, produced, for the first time in this city, " Myles Aroon, " with this cast :

Myles Aroon Pat Phelan Joe Upton . Lady Glover Mrs. Farrell

. W. J. Scanlan Robert McNair . Charles Dade . Stella Teuton . Millie Sackett

Squire Raymond Thurston

Charles Mason Mike Carney . . Thaddeus Shine Maggie Farrell . . Mattie Ferguson Lucy O'Shea .... Mary Warner

Annie Pixley came Feb. 4, with "22 Second Floor," originally produced in San Francisco, Cal, by Marie Aimee, under the title of "Deceived." It had this cast:

Flora Featherstone . . Annie Pixley Mrs. Johnson . . Adelaide J. Eaton Amphytrion H. Smith . . M. C. Daly Jeremiah Jinkerson . Joseph Brennan

Barney Binney . . . B. F. Grinnell Mrs. Wynkoop . . . Elsie Gerome

Polly MoUie Ravel

John Ellis John T. Burke


Maggie Mitchell presented, Feb. 11, C. Wallace Walters' drama, " Ray," for the first time in this city, and with this cast :

Tom Rugby . . James B. Watkins Mrs. Vorell . . Marion P. Clifton Ray Golden . . . Maggie Mitchell Ellice Dean . . . Virginia Nelson Felicia Annie Chase

Gabe Wilden . Simon Stea Percy Vorell . Mark Walworth Ben Linden

Charles Abljott

R. F. McClannin

C. E. Boardman

. Geo. N. Deyo

Sheridan Tupper

"Le Voyage en Suisse" returned here Feb. 18, for two weeks. Chas. Hawkins played Dwindledown in it the second week. " Drifting Apart " came March 4, with Ida Mulle as Hester. "The Paymaster" began March 25, and stayed two weeks. It had this cast:

. . . Gertie Hart . . Annie Alliston May Holcombe Jeannette Randolph . . Neil O'Brien . . Beatrice Lieb

Francis Houghton . Frazer Coulter Moyna Sullivan

Capt. Hammersley . Hardee Kirkland Mrs. Harding .

Paymaster O'Connor Hettie Harding

Duncan B. Harrison Nettie Harding

Corporal Henley . . . W. A. Ralph Adj. Harding .

Nellie O'Connor . . Ethel Harrison Ethel Miller .

Mrs. O'Connor . . . Rene Perselle

Billy Birch took a benefit March 28. Birch & Moran's min- strels gave a first part. Then came Lester and Allen, Chas. McDonald, Eva French, Peter Goldrich, Dan Burke, James Decker, James Burke, Harry Guion, James Williamson, P. C; Shortis, Flora and May Irwin, the Steens, Baker, Jones, Man- ning and Davis, P^erguson and Mack, Frank Mordaunt, John Hart, and the Callahan Bros.

"An Iron Creed" was seen for the first time April 8, Stow, the author, having hired the house for two weeks, but the " play " was acted only one. It had this cast :

David Delmont . . . . J. F. Brien Dr. Sternlaw H. F. Snow- Ruth Marie Cross

Nanny Kate Foley

Jem Brazencraft Atkins

Brace Nighthawk . . . H. A. Carr Fitz-Masher de Puttipayte, H. Lynn

Anglice ApebuU Sam Boodlebang Locust Prompt Mrs. Boodlebang

Miss Angle Mrs. Arthur .

. . . . S. R. Barry

. W. H. Ceilings

. . . F. Livingston

Mary Wade Haihilton . . Rachelle Renard . . . Louise Halbee

The Madison Square Theatre company appeared in " Partners " April 15, followed April 22 by J. K. Emmet in his new play called "Uncle Joe, or Fritz in a Madhouse," which had this cast:

Uncle Joe Parker Edmond D. Lyons Richard Parker . . .CD. Bennett Baron Von Woelfenstein

Harold Hartsell Hon. Bob Penley . R. N. Hickman Mrs. Joe Parker . Ethel Greybrooke Lady Grace Howard, Mary A. Penfield Fritz Von Woelfenstein, J. K. Emmet 1st Keeper Insane Asylum C. St. Aubyne Mrs. Chumbley . Alice Mansfield

Charles O'Rielly Collie Parker Montague . Burrows Flora . . Dr. Mickett Brown . . Johnnie Johns Maria . . The Plant .

... J. Cody

Louise Balfe

Frank H. Dayton

G. R. Montgomery

. Alice Spencer

. A. R. Adams

H. W. Brinkley

. W. C. Utter

. Marie Carlyle

, Baby Spencer




The season of 1889-90 opened Aug. 19 with "Mankind," given with this cast :

Philip Warren Daniel Groodge . Peter Sharpley . Edmund Sharpley Richard Pinpool . Geo. Melton . .

. Forrest Robinson

W. H. Thompson

S. E. Springer

. Clarence Heritage

Herbert Ayling

. James L. Carhart

Alice Maitland . Arabella Bright . Constance Melton Keziah Beckerton Barnaby Bright . Jessie ....

Marjorie Bonner Maggie Hallo way . Esther Lyons . Emilie Boswell . . Alf Fisher . Gertie Boswell

"The Fairy's Well" was produced Sept. 9, for two weeks, and thus cast :

Larry Dee . . Andy Coogan . . Dan Carmody Mark Condon . . Eunice Beresford, Mona Carmody . Mary Ellen Brody Nellie Carmody .

Carroll Johnson . . John F. Ward . . . Chas. Frew

Alfred Fremont Florence Hamilton . . Daisy Temple

Fannie Osborne . . . Little Zella

Clara O'Grady Alice O'Grady Jennie O'Grady Kitty O'Grady Tracy Farrell Jonah Kelly . Patsey . . .

, . Gertie Boswell Little Nellie . . Little Amy . . Little Rosie . A. J. MuUer . . P. Toohey John McLaughlin

This was Carroll Johnson's first appearance in a white face part. Hallen & Hart's company appeared Sept. 23 in "Later On;" "Zig Zag " came Sept. 30 ; Cora Tanner appeared Oct. 7 in " Fascina- tion," followed Nov. 4 by James O'Neill in " Monte Cristo." The Howard Athenaeum specialty company began Nov. 1 1 and closed Nov. 29. Professor Cromwell lectured Nov. 30; Cleveland's minstrels, week of Dec. 2. Annie Pixley returned in "22 Second Floor," Dec. 9. Herrmann's Transatlantique vaudeville company, Dec. 16, followed by Prof. Herrmann, the magician. "Fantasma" was seen for two weeks, beginning Dec. 30.

Jan. 13, 1890, Robert Mantell was seen for the first time in New York, in "The Corsican Brothers," with this cast:

Fabien dei Franchi \

Louis dei Franchi ^

M. Chateau Renaud

M. Alfred Meynard .

Le Baron Montgiron,

Le Baron Giorcfino Martelli

Guy Lindsley Gaetano Orlando . . . Fred Lotto

William J. Scanlan appeared here Jan. 27 in " Myles Aroon ; " Feb. 3, " Shane na Lawn." "A Midnight Bell" was heard Feb. 10; Thomas W. Keene came Feb. 17, in "Louis XL":

Robert Mantell

. . Mark Price Kendall Weston B. T. Ringgold

Marco Colonna . . . Murry Woods M. Beauchamp . . . Martin Clark Emilie de Lesparre, Charlotte Behrens Mme. dei Franchi . . Minnie Monck

Celestine Marie Sheldon

Estelle Clara Flagg

Coralie Annie Weaver

Louis XI T. W. Keene

Richard J. B. Peters

Due de Nemours . . Geo. Learock Charles, the Dauphin

William Humphrey Jacques Coitier . . . Frank Hennig

Philip de Commines . Geo. Gaston Tristan I'Ermite . . Willard Newell Oliver Le Dain . . Henri de Lusson Fran9ois de Paule . . John Griffith Marie Lavinia Shannon


Mr. Keene's repertory for the week was: Tuesday and Wednes- day nights and Saturday matinee, "Louis XI.;" Wednesday matinee, "The Merchant of Venice;" Thursday night, "Julius Ccesar;" Friday night, "Richelieu;" Saturday night, "Richard III." Rose Coghlan appeared here Feb. 24 in "Jocelyn," with this cast:

Prince Saviani . . Philip de Boissac Charles de Boissac Henry de Boissac Gaston Marcel . . Mme. de Montaigne, Georgette . . . . Agenor

John T. Sullivan

G. H. Leonard

. . H. A. Carr

. . Geo. James

. Frank Lander

Helen Bancroft

Alice Fairbrother

James Dunn

Marfiso Narcisse Captain . Michael . Blaisois Boy . . Jocelyn .

Chas. W. Morgan Chas. E. Edwin F. W. McClellan E. Tom Webber Luke Martin . Violet Black . Rose Coghlan

" Peg Woffington " (" Masks and Faces ") was acted week of March 3 by Rose Coghlan. " The Still Alarm " returned March 10 for two weeks. Monroe and Rice's company were seen March 17 in "My Aunt Bridget;" "A Long Lane, or Pine Meadows," March 31. It was seen for the first time in New York, under the title of "Pine Meadow," June i, 1889, at a Madison Square Theatre authors' matinee, and the first performance on any stage under its new name took place at Albany, N. Y., March 27. The cast at this house was :

John Nettleton . . Charlie Cupid . . . Frank Findley . . Colonel Rollingstone, Reuben Meadows

. David Murray Charles Dickson Byron Douglas Harry Courtaine . A. C. Deltwyn

Margaret Meadows . . Judith Berolde Daisy Meadows . . Ethel Harrington Florence Featherly . Virginia Earned Dorothy Meadows . Mrs. W. G. Jones Jim Herding .... Frank Foster

" A Brass Monkey " was seen here April 21 ; " My Aunt Bridget," April 28; Joseph Murphy, May 5, in "Shaun Rhue," and May 12, in "Kerry Gow;" May 19, J. B. Polk opened in "The Silent Part- ner," for three weeks, and was followed by Agnes Herndon, June 9, in " La Belle Marie, " with this cast :

Jean Ingleside > Marie Du Bois ) Earl Leighton George Leighton . Mr. Leighton . . Jack Ingleside Edith Mathews . Mary Ingleside .

Agnes Herndon

Clarence Handyside

Frank Karrington

Charles A. Smiley

Theo. Hudgens

. . Elsie Lombard

. . Grace Gayler

John Ingleside Rev. M. Mason Andrew Stub . Grace Leighton Suzette . . . Typewriter . . Patsy Walsh . Newsboy . .

. L. P. Hicks . J. Havlin Geo. Neville Alma Strong Ethel Elliott . Mrs. White Vevie Niobra Harry O'Lynn

Week of June i. Alma Strong and Frank Karrington retired from the cast. Ralph Bell appeared as Earl Leighton, and Marian Reed as Grace. The house closed for the season June 21. J. T. Maguire, treasurer of the theatre, took a benefit Monday evening, June 23.




The next season opened Aug. 18, with Fay Templeton as the star. " Hendrik Hudson " was produced, with this cast :

Hendrik Hudson . . Fay Templeton Christopher Columbus, Eva Randolph Kill von KuU . . . Edwin Stevens Marquis Perfecto del Cabanas

Alf C. Wheelen

GafE Ensign . . Fritz von Twinkle Miss Manhattan . Don Abattoire .

Harry N. Dowley . Rose Newham . Toma Hanlon

Chas. McClelland

McParlan Snitr Edwards

Mina . . . Geraldine McClelland

Quireata Nellie Russell

Ysabel Alice Earle

Hans John W. Ince

Abigail Estelle Mortimer

Emmelina .... Florence Barry Alicia Jessie Bond

Alice Earle and Florence Barry withdrew from the cast during the first week. Anna P. Caldwell joined the company matinle, Aug. 23, as Emmelina. Cleveland's minstrels, Sept. i, for two weeks. " Good Old Times " by Wilson Barrett and Hall Caine was presented Sept. 15, with this cast:

John Langley . . . Atkins Lawrence Crosby Grainger . John Glendinning Inspector Braithwaite . James Cooper Nat Latrigg . . Norman Campbell Rev. Mr. Moore . . Robert Edeson

Mary Langley Lucy .... Mrs, Martha Troutbeck


Amos Drew . . Coldbath Joe . . The Fiddler . .

. Eleanor Carey

John Glendinning

Emily Maynard

. Charles Coote

C. T, Nichols

. . Alf. Fisher

Fred Brooks

Cupid . . . The Oysterman Sandy . . Nick Baker Col. Wayne Hans . . Jake Mooney Mr. Horricks Mr. Chard . Mr. Jenkins Biddy . .

John R. Cumpson

. . W. Blake

. . Chas. Diehl

R. Newman

Alfred Burnham

Thomas de Pui

Chris Williams

. A. G. Smith

L. Meadows

. . R. Weldon

Maggie HoUaway

"Blue Jeans," by Joseph Arthur, was seen for the first time on any stage Oct. 6, and had this cast :

Perry Bascom .... Robt. Hilliard Col. Henry Clay Risener

Geo. D. Chaplin

Nell Tutewiler > Beleena Kicker ) Bascom's Child Ben Boone Seth Igoe . . June .... Sue Eudaly

. . Laura Burt

Grade Sherwood . Geo. Fawcett . . Ben Deane Jennie Yeamans . Judith Berolde

Jacob Tutewiler . . . J. J. Wallace Jim Tutewiler . . Jacques Kruger Isaac Hankins . . . W. J. Wheeler Cmdy Tutewiler .... Alice Leigh Samanthe Hinkins

Marion Mordaunt Strickland

Jennie Yeamans withdrew from the cast after Oct. 21, and Laura Burt acted June. Grace Sherwood enacted the r61es of Nell and Beleena. The fiftieth performance was Nov. 17, when Jennie Yeamans returned and Laura Burt resumed her original r61e. The one hundredth consecutive performance took place Dec. 29.

" Blue Jeans " was acted for the one hundred and fiftieth time Feb. 13, 1891. Robert Hilliard withdrew from the cast Feb. 14, and William Harcourt assumed his r61e Feb. 16. "Blue Jeans" was withdrawn after the evening of March 7, and was followed by


William J. Scanlan, in "Myles Aroon," for one week, and "The Irish Minstrel " for the second week. Robert B. Mantell com- menced March 23 in "Monbars;" March 30, "After Dark," with Harry Meredith as Old Tom, was given. Rose Coghlan came April 6, in "Masks and Faces;" April 13 Joseph Murphy came in "Kerry Gow." Mr. Murphy produced "Shaun Rhue " week of April 27. For his last week, May 4, " The Donagh " was played, followed May 11 by "McCarthy's Mishaps;" May 18, Annie Fix- ley was seen in " Kate ; " May 25, Hallen & Hart appeared in "Later On;" June 1, "Miss Manning" was produced, with Effie Ellsler the star. It had this cast :

Theocrites Kneezer . . Frank Weston Lawrence Manning . . John A. Ellsler Arthur Manning . . D. M. Murray Rev. Charles Chasuble, Adolphe Lestina Roland Cozzens . . . Gerald Griffin

Dr. Ernest Deer . . John A. Holland Master Thomas Radway

Chas. E. Lothian Cecil Radway . . . Jennie Kennark Maggie Manning . . EiEe Ellsler

The play was a failure, and the house closed June 6.

The next season began Aug. 3, with "A Fair Rebel," originally played in this city at a trial matinee (Dec. 19, 1889). "The Still Alarm" came Aug. 31 for two weeks, with Geo. Fawcett as Jack Manley, and Nellie Yale Nelson as Elinor. This lady was of the Brooklyn Amaranth amateurs, and this was her first appearance on the professional stage. "Aunt Bridget's Baby," with Geo. W. Monroe as the star, was seen Sept. 14, followed Sept. 21 by Clara Morris in "Odette." W. J. Scanlan appeared here Sept. 28 in "Mavourneen," for the first time in New York. It had this cast:

Terrence Dwyer . . . W. J. Scanlan Georgie Dwyer . . Dot Clarfendon

John Dwyer . . . Frank Burbeck Mark John Findlay

Captain Marchmont . Frazer Coulter Colonel Frank Peters

Abbe Maloney . Charles M. Collins Cusack J. O. Le Brasse

Shatnus Corrigan . . Thaddeus Shine Kate Morris .... Grace Thorne

Lady Caroline Dwyer . Helen Tracy Susie Morris .... Ray Maskell

Lady May Tyrrell, Nannette Comstock Kitty Morris .... Dot Clarendon Mrs. Dwyer, Emma Maddern Stevens

The one hundredth performance took place Dec. 24. At the Christmas matinee Wm. J. Scanlan could scarcely finish his part, but rallied on Christmas night, which was his last performance.

On Saturday, Dec. 26, his disease took such a serious turn that for his own safety and for that of others, he was removed to the home of his manager, Augustus Pitou. He shortly afterwards be- came so violent that he was taken to Bloomingdale Asylum for the Insane, Jan. 7, 1892. He died at the Asylum, White Plains, N. Y., Feb. 18, 1898. He was born of Irish parents in Springfield, Mass., Feb. 14, 1856. With William Cronin he did an Irish "turn" in variety theatres. In 1877 he travelled with Minnie Palmer as joint star. The next season he travelled as a star in




"Friend and Foe," under Bartley Campbell's management. In 1881 he was under the management of Augustus Pitou, and con- tinued with that gentleman until his retirement from the stage. Although he could not read a note of music he composed over fifty songs. From "Peek-a-Boo" he drew ^20,000 in royalties in less than six weeks.

The theatre was closed Dec. 26, also week of Dec. 28, and re- opened Jan. 4, 1892, with "Blue Jeans," which closed April 9, when Laura Burt acted June, and Lawrence Hanley, Perry Bascom. Lydia Thompson came April 11 in " Uncle Dan," "A Bad Penny," and "A Bric-a-Brac Shop." Annie Pixley appeared here April 18 in "Polly Middles," for the first time. Polly Middles, Annie Pixley; Mark Antony, Geo. C. Boniface; Hon. Cecil Howard, Charles J. Campbell ; Max von Settenbach, Charles Allison ; Lady Cornelia, Yolande Wallace; Amy Battledown, Lucy Coote; and Belinda, Rosa Cooke. " Imagination " was played for the first time here, May 23, with this cast:

Harry Jelliman Martha Jelliman Mebel Jelliman Tom Dawson Dick Brennan Henderson Hoodley

Harry Hotto

Georgia Dickson

Bijou Fernandez

W. W. Wilson

Wilton Lackaye

Alf Hampton

Rev. Calvin Gilder Solomon Ricketts Caroline Ricketts Madge .... Prof. Schmid . . Popsey . . . Flanagan . . .

. Lindsay Hurst

Charles Stanley

Helen Kinnaird

. Marion Elmore

Frank Hatch

Lizzie May Ulmer

Harry Tansy

Minnie Matlock, Lizzie Hudson Collier

The season closed June 4, but the house reopened Aug. IJ, 1892, with "The White Squadron," seen for the first time on any stage. It had this cast :

Victor Staunton . . Demetiro de Romacio . Francisco de Romacio, Paulo da Silveria . . Deodoro da Fonseca

Robert Hilliard

. Henry Lee

Byron Douglas

Wm. Harcourt

Oscar Eagle

Sanois Elmer Grandin

Horatio Doolittle Fritters

Graham Henderson

Harry Marlinspike . Eugene Sanger Judge Smith . . H. W. Montgomery

Jacko J. J. Coleman

Commander Robertson, Oscar Eagle Onesta da Silveria . . Alice Fischer Terese de Romacio, Nellie Yale Nelson Hope Blossom . . . Katie Pearson Martha Higginbotham, Louisa Eldridge

"The Still Alarm" revived Monday afternoon (Labor Day) Sept. 5. "The City Directory" was seen Sept. 12; "A Fair Rebel," Sept. 19; Hallen & Hart Sept. 2 in the "New Idea;" "Blue Jeans" was revived Nov. 14; "My Aunt Bridget's Baby" was seen Nov. 28; "The Ensign," Dec. S, for the first time in New York, when it had this cast:

The President . Gideon Welles . Admiral Farragut Capt. Wilkes . Lieut. Allen . . Lieut. Blythe Ensign Baird Midshipman Watson,

. Logan Paul Howard Scott Charles Sidney . Wilson Deal Hardy Vernon Benj. Horning . James Neill George A. Wright

Sergeant Black Bill Bowlin . . Coxs'wn Dudley Mrs. Baird Mrs. Wilkes Alice Greer Dot . . Mary . .

Paul Gilmore . Charles Parsloe

Geo. Fawcett Mrs. W. G. Jones

Nora Yaeger . Ruth Carpenter Maribel Seymour . Edith Wright


"Superba" came Dec. 26 for two weeks; "Blue Jeans," Jan. 1893; " Glen-da-Lough " was produced Jan. 30, with this cast:

Terence O'Toole . . J. K. Murray- Lord Montgomery . Chas. A. Smiley Hon. Percy Dudley, W. H. Power, Jr. Sandy Nagle ... E. L. Walton Bride Nagle . . Adelaide Cushman

Mary O'Toole . Martha Foley . Kate Kearney . Mary Desmond Lady Beresford

. . Helen Kemp

Ethelyn Strickland

. Hattie Dellwood

Grace McConnell

Madge Mortimer

Annette de RiveroUes, Annie Sutherland Berthe de Brissac . Perdita Hudspeth

Elisa Mildred Dennison

Francine de Riverolles

Mrs. Brown Potter Eliza Marion Erie

A feature of this engagement was the presence of the venerable F. Nicholls Crouch in the conductor's chair of the orchestra during the singing of his famous ballad, " Kathleen Mavourneen. " Mrs. James Brown Potter and Mr. Kyrle Bellew were seen here in "The Marriage Spectre" Feb. 13, with this cast:

Lucien de Riverolles . . Kyrle Bellew Le Marquis de Riverolles

Verner Clarges Stanislaus de Grandredon

Henry Chanfrau Henri de Symeux . Laurence Courtley Celestin John F. Ward

" A Nutmeg Match " came Feb. 27 : Robert Lucas, E. A. Eberle ; William Hartley, Earl Brown ; George Washington Littlehales, David Warfield; Tom Stoddard, Henry Herman; Rev. Dr. Os- good, William Lee; Belle Mason, Helen Weathersby; Elizabeth Ann, Mrs. E. A. Eberle ; Cinders, Annie Lewis. The house was closed night of March i and reopened March 2 with Lizzie Evans in the place of Annie Lewis. "Niobe" was given March 6; "The Dazzler," March 13, with Anna Boyd as Kitty Starlight for a fort- night. " Natural Gas " came March 27 ; " The Span of Life," April 3; Carroll Johnson appeared May i in "An Irish Statesman;" "The Potter-Bellew combination returned May 15, in "Theresa Raquin." "Blue Jeans" came back May 22; "A Flag of Truce" was seen June 12, and the season closed June 17, to reopen Aug. 28, 1893, with "Glen-da-Lough": W. T. Sheehan was Sandy; Ida Glenn, Bride Nagle; and Clara Lane, Kathleen. Hallen & Hart began Sept. 25 for two weeks in the " New Idea. "

"The Corncracker" was seen for the first time on any stage Oct. 10. It had this cast:

David Buclthardt . William Ingersoll

John Strange . . . Walter Edwards

Mel McCargo . . . Geo. D. Chaplin

Bill Sparr Percy Brooke

Hiram Price . . . . H. M. Morse

Sam Shady } t u /-

Casey ; " J°^^P^ Conyers

Tom Ax >

Gunn J Helen Strange Mme. Bell . Maria Nail . Nancy Nail

Wallace Bruce

. Judith Berolde

Eleanor Carey

Jennie Goldthwaite

. . Mattie Earle

"Maine and Georgia" was presented Nov. 17, for the first time in this city; the theatre had been closed four nights this week as the play was not ready. The cast was :




Carroll Snow . Patrick Cork . General Golden Maurice Danzier Capt. Maitland Lieut. Howe . Lucy Snow

. Harry Mainhall T. D. Frawley

. Louis Hendricks

Clarence T. Arper Theo. Babcock

. W. J. Lonergan Elsie Lombard

Abby . .



Sister Claire j

Sister Therese

Absalom J. Bates

Louise Sylvester

Polly Stockwell

. Beryl Thorn L. R. Stockwell

The original title of this play was "A Man from Maine," acted in San Francisco, Cal., Sept. 20, 1890. At this theatre it was a great failure. During the last week of its stay here James Corbett, the pugilist, appeared in it. " The Power of Gold " was seen Dec. 4; "A Flag of Truce," Dec. 18. On this date the prices of admission were reduced, the highest charge being one dollar.

Mrs. John Drew appeared here Dec. 25 in "The Road to Ruin," with this cast :

Silky Al. Harris

Milford . . . Charles Erin Verner Footman . . . Lionel Barrymore Jenny . . Helen Mason Osbourne Mrs. Ledger .... Kate Horan

Widow Warren . . Mrs. John Drew

Goldfinch Sidney Drew

Sophia Freelove . Mrs. Sidney Drew Mr. Dornton . . George Osbourne Harry Dornton . . Clarence L. Holt Sulky . . . William R. Bernard

"The Rivals " was played the week of Jan. i, 1894, by this com- pany : Sidney Drew as Bob Acres, and Mrs. John Drew as Mrs. Malaprop. " Darkest Russia " came Jan. 8, and stayed for six weeks. It had this cast :

Ida Barosky . . . Selma Herman Countess KarsicheS . Louise Rial Baroness von Rhineberg, Carina Jordan Olga KarsichefE . . . Emma Field Alexis NaximoflF . Edgar L. Davenport

Paul Count Nazimoff . M. J. Jordan Ivan Barosky . . . Sheridan Block Constantine KarsichefF, Daniel Gilfether Nicholas Karsicheff . . Charles Dade General Septimus Cobb, Harry Hawk Omnisky . . . George W. Lynch

"The Land of the Midnight Sun" was seen Feb. 19; "A Man Among Men," March $; Corinne came March ig in "Hendrik Hudson;" Clara Morris appeared in "Camille," April 2, 3; "Claire," a version of Voss's "Eva," was presented for the first time April 4, and had this cast :

Clara Baker Rust

Grace Gayler Clark

Katherine Mars

. . Mamie Ryan

. . Clara Morris

John Hartner . . John Glendinning Dora Hemple

August Hemple . . . F. C. Harriott Mother Hartner

Alfred von Salten . . W. C. Kelly Mrs. SchoUer .

Carl Benton . . . J. K. Hutchinson Mrs. Benton .

Toinette Harriet Ford Claire . . .

"The New Magdalen" was seen April 6; "Camille," matinee April 7, and "Rende," night of April 7; "Hoodman Blind" came April 9, with Fred de Belleville as the star; " Rory of the Hill" was given April 23, and stayed two weeks, with James C. Roach as the star ; Chauncey Olcott appeared May 7 in " Mavourneen ; "


"A Trip to Chinatown" was done May 14; "Mavourneen," May 21; Callender's Georgia minstrels came May 28; "Tennessee's Pardner " was acted for the first time here June 5, with Cora van Tassell as the star. The season closed June 16, but the house was reopened June 27 for the benefit of T. J. Maguire, the treasurer.

The season of 1894-95 opened Aug. 27 with "Coon Hollow," which had this cast:

Philip Maury . . Jared Fuller > Ben Clark | Lem Stock well . Uncle Bob White Jean Bechmyer .

. C. E. Dudley

Roydon Erlynne

Lester Lonergan

Geo. W. Nichols

Louise Arnot

Clyde Horrod Rosie White Phoebe . . Chloe . . Dido . . Georgia

. This was Floy Crowell's New York d^but. with Steve Brodie, the "bridge jumper," as Sept. 10, and had this cast :

Jack Hobart . . . Thurlow Bleekman . Isidore Michelowsky ) Danny Gibbs J

Dismal Delaney . .

Geo. A. Wright Mark Lynch

. Frank Bush

. . Lew Bloom

Alice Drayton Mame Clancy

Floy Crowell

Ella Spencer

Alice Bushong

. Effie Smith

Lizzie Casselle

Louise Hamilton

"On the Bowery," the star, was seen

Helen McGregor

Blanche Livingstone ) Valprie Berp-ere Mag Driscoll ; ^^'^"^ iiergere

Bridget Carmody ) Hallelujah Jane |

Isabel Ward

This was not the first appearance on the stage of Steve Brodie, as was stated at the time. He was seen at Niblo's Garden in this city Feb. 22, 1892, in "Money Mad;" "Struck Oil" came Sept. 17 for two weeks, with this cast : John Stofel, Al. H. Wilson ; Eben Skinner, William Herbert; Flynn, Geo. M. Brennan; William Pearson, Milton Lipman; Sheriff, Geo. Howard; Lizzie Stofel, Jane Stuart; Susan Stofel, Emma Maddern Stevens. Chauncey Olcott first acted the " Irish Artist " Oct. i, and the cast was :

Maurice Cronin . . Chauncey Olcott Sir Robert Dean . . Daniel Gilfether Edmund Dean . Chas. F. Gotthold Cormac Cronin . . Harry Meredith Father Denis Mahone . J. W. Hague Jerry Sweeney . . . Luke Martin Paddy Blake .... Louis Haines

Mike Frank Peters

Kate Mahone Lotta Lynn

(now known as Lotta Linthicum) Lady Katharine Dean

Etta Baker Martin The Widow Blake . . Effie Germon

On Nov. 12 " The Brownies," a spectacle in three acts by Palmer Cox and Malcolm Doulgas, was presented for the first time in New York, and had this cast :

Queen Titania . Marie Louise Day Dame Brusilda . Maude Thompson

Daffodil Ida MuUe

Violet Louise Endicott

King Stanislaus . . . Charles Drew

Prince Florimel . . . Alice Johnson J. Chappie Goodform, Eugene Sanger Count Ronaldo . . Grace Hamilton Tom Binnacle . . Fred R. Runnells Reginald Mortarboard . A. W. Maflin

1 895]



Miss Zelma Rawlston appeared Dec. 12 as Titania. Mme. Nelson's aerial ballet was introduced in "The Brownies," Dec. 6. "Humanity," by Sutton Vane, was first seen here Feb. 4, 1 89s, and had this cast:

Manasses Marks Ikey Marks . Jerry Gratton . Paul Vosloo . Hans Kruger . Alma Dunbar .

Dord Davidson . . Sadie Price . J. E. Sullivan Ross D. O'Neal James E. Vinton . Phoebe Davies

Lieut. Bevis Cranbourne, J. R. Grismer

Sir Felix Cranbourne Lady Cranbourne Vera Cranbourne . Major Dangerfield Lieut. Bembrose . Keziah Penn . .

. Scott Cooper

Mary Davenport

. Bella Bucklen

Frazier Coulter

Chas. J. Jackson

Agnes Rose Lane

" The Shaughraun " was seen here March 4. William Hoey came March 25 in "The Flams." The house was closed April i, and "The Pace that Kills," by Geo. Hoey, was seen April 2 for the first time on any stage. Just before the curtain rose on the first night an injunction obtained by Sir Augustus Harris, of London, was served upon the manager restraining him from producing the piece on the ground that portions of it had been taken without per- mission from "The Run of Luck," a play written by Sir Augustus and the late Henry Pettitt.

There was a matinee, April 3, when the house closed until April 13, and "Queen of Night," by John C. Dixon, was acted for the first time here, and had this cast :

Anita de Lucca . Isabelle Pitt Lewis Eunice Beaudesert . Martha Ashdown

Susette Julia Lafler

Little Alma . . . Beatie Vaughan Alma Ferra .... Floy Crowell

Henri Derolois . . John C. Dixon Pierre St. George . . Chas. Hagar Victor St. George . Stephen Wright Alphonse de Montmorency

Eddie Heron Leon Rouge . . Alexander Kearney

This drama was originally called "The Victor." Its failure closed the house from April 16 until April 22, when "Captain Paul," by Edward E. Rose and Alfred M. de Lisser, was seen for the first time in this city. The cast was :

Captain Paul . . Ben Ironsides Philip Breville . Emanuel d'Audray Viscount Ormonde Marquis d'Audray

. Robert Hilliard Alfred M. de Lisser

Charles Sutton . Stanley Rignold . . Frank Dayton

Robert Ran son

Romany . . . William Humphrey Andy Moran .... Felix Haney

Jean William Fairbanks

Marquise d'Audray . Hattie F. Nefflen Marguerite Cecil Morris

Dan Sully came here May 20, in "The Corner Grocery." The theatre closed abruptly on Saturday, May 25, owing to the extreme heat. It reopened June 12 for T. J. Maguire's benefit.

The next season began Aug. 19, 1895, with the " Wicklow Post- man," with Eugene O'Rourke as the star, and Bettina Gerard in the soubrette's r61e. It was repeated a second week. " In Old Ken- tucky" came Sept. 2; Clara Morris appeared in "Camille," Sept. 15, 16, 17, and matinee Sept. 21, with J. M. Colville as Armand;


"Raymonde" was given matinee Sept. 18 and night of Sept. 21; "Miss Moulton" was seen Sept. 18, 19, 20; "Article 47," Sept. 23, 24, 27; "Miss Moulton," matinee Sept. 25, and night of Sept. 28. "Raymonde," Sept. 25, and matinee Sept. 28, when Clara Morris closed her engagement. Chauncey Olcott revived " Mavour- neen," Oct. 14. The policy of this house was changed on Oct. 21, when John D. Doris introduced the "continuous performance" scheme, giving vaudeville and drama each day from 12 M. until 1 1 p.m. The experiment lasted one week as the business was very bad. " The Celebrated Case " was acted the week by the dramatic company. Then vaudeville was dropped and "Lights O' London" was done Nov 4; " The Black Flag " came Nov. 1 1. Before the second week commenced, Doris withdrew and J. Wesley Rosenquest resumed the management. "A Merry World" was seen Nov. r8; Geo. W. Munroe appeared Nov. 25 in "A Happy Little Home;" "The Sidewalks of New York," by Scott Marble came Dec. 2 for two weeks; "The Twentieth Century Girl" was seen Dec. 30; "A Girl Wanted" was given Jan. 6, 1896, with Frank Bush as the star; "Saved from the Sea" was done Jan. 13; Chauncey Olcott came Jan. 20, in " Mavourneen " for four weeks. Olcott produced "The Irish Artist," Feb. 24; "The Minstrel of Clare," originally acted by Wm. J. Scanlan as the "Irish Minstrel," was played on March 2; Clara Morris appeared in "Camille" April 6-9, and matinde April 11; "Article 47," April 7-10; "Raymonde," matinde April 8, and night of April 11; and "Miss Moulton," night of April 8. "The Village Postmaster," a rural play by Alice E. Ives and Jerome H. Eddy, was first produced here April 13, and had this cast:

Seth Huggins ... M. A. Kennedy John Harper . . . Forrest Robinson Ben Deane . . . Edw. J. Morgan Ebenezer Todd . . James R. Smith Thomas Jefferson Huggins

Louis Wesley Caleb Springer . William Humphrey Rev. Charles Gibbs . Joseph L. Mason Silas Toner . . George K. Henrey

Jim Pennel . . Luther Schenck . Miranda Huggins Mary Barden . . Hatie Burley . . Samantha Huggins Letitia Bean

. Frank Russell

. John S. Terry

Bertha Creighton

Amelia Bingham

. Harriet Tord

Sadie Stringham

Rose Tiffany

Louisa Queenie Vassar

Mrs. Charles Gibbs . Blanche Weaver

"The Sunshine of Paradise Alley," by Denman Thompson and Geo. W. Ryer, was seen for the first time in New York May 11, and had this cast :

Jimmie Powers . . . John Walsh Huntington .... Frank Currier Eddie Duke .... Ben D. Ryer Nellie McNally (Sunshine), Julie Ring Widow McNally . Mrs. Charles Peters Helen Rich .... Marie Carlyle Uncle Dan .... Walter Lennox John O'Grady . . . John D. GriflSn

Eddie Ben Ryer

Danny Master Mara

Mrs. Pat Mara . . . Emma Chase

Pat Mara Frank Russell

Shorty Bob Frank Mar

Mrs. O'Grady . . . Emily Stowe Jenny Miss Mara




The theatre closed June 13, and the next season began Aug. 31, 1896, with "When London Sleeps," a melodrama in four acts, by Charles Darrell, seen for the first time in America. It had this cast:

Rodney Haynes . David Engleheart Furnaby Fuller . Roberti Jonesio . Sammy Blyth . . Bertie Broomhead Mark Blackwood .

. Edwin Walter Leander Blanden Geo. W. Murray Delancy Barclay . Harry Bewley Geo. C. Murphy Dwight Gaylor

P. C. Stone .... Arthur Barnes Hilda Corrode . Florence Ashbrooke Signora Roberti Jonesio . Ceni Havre

Carrie Jones Ella Baker

Maudie de Frere . . Vera de Noie

Leila Little Lillie Havre

Queenie Carruthers . Perdita Hudspeth

"A House of Mystery," by Frank Harvey, followed on Sept. 14; "The Black Crook," Sept. 21; "The Great Diamond Rob- bery," Sept. 28; George W. Munroe, Oct. 5, in "A Happy Little Home;" Joseph Arthur's new play "The Cherry Pickers," was seen Oct. 12, for the first time in this city, and continued until Jan. 25, 1897. The cast was:

John Nazare .

Col. Brough .

Brown . . . Lieut. York Corporal Jones

Smitty . . .

The Viceroy .

Mr. Guest . .

William Harcourt Ralph Delmore R. V. Ferguson W. P. Carleton Edward Poland Benjamin Dean . . Nat Jones Verner Clarges

Ayoob Geoffrey Stein

The Kansahma . . . Joseph Mason

Sygee Frank Inslee

Nourmallee .... Roselle Knott Mrs. O'Donnell-Duleep

Jennie Satterlee Rada . . . Ethel Knight Morrison

Chauncey Olcott followed Jan. 25, with his new play, Inniscarra," by Augustus Pitou, which had this cast:

Gerald O'Carroll . . Chauncey Olcott Lawrence Eyre . . . Paul Gilmore Squire O'Donoghue, Daniel Gilfether Capt. Robert O'Donoghue

Charles Riegel Squire Creswick .... W. J. Bean Pat Quinn Luke Martin

' Sweet

Michael W. H. Burton

Dennis Roach . . . . J. C. Hickey

Pat Imogene Washburn

Mike Ada Gilbert

Kate O'Donoghue . Georgia Busby

Bridget Lizzie Washburn

Nora Roach . . . Kitty Coleman

The house closed week of April 12, and reopened April 19 with a new third act written for " Inniscarra." "Mavourneen " was re- vived May 10 for one week. "Widow Goldstein," by Lillian Lewis, was produced May 17, with this cast: Sam Brittle, W. J. Ferguson; Cyrus Russell, R. F. Cotton; Jay Simpkins, George W. Wessells; Carl Donnerwetter, Sol Aiken; Hettie Goldstein, Jennie Reiffarth; Iza Simpkins, Laura Burt; Cora Arabella, Gertie Reynolds; Judith Simpkins, Sarah McVicker.

"The Alderman" was presented May 24, with Odell Williams as the star. The theatre closed May 29. The next season began Aug. 30, 1897, with "Shall We Forgive Her?" which ran four weeks. The cast was:


Oliver West . Paul Elsworth James Stapleton Neil Garth . Reggie Walton Dr. McKerrow

. . W. H. Elwood . . John J. Farrell . . Edwin Arden . . E. T. Stetson Harry P. Webster . Thomas A. Wise

Jerry Blake Grace . . Joanna . . Nellie West Aunt Martha

. . James Lackaye Hannah May Ingham . . Gertrude Whitty . . Madeline Lack . . . Annie Wood

"The Sign of the Cross," by Wilson Barrett, came Sept. 27, and had this cast :

Marcus Superbus . . Charles Dalton

Nero W. E. Bonney

Tigellinus G. R. Peach

Lucinius, CEdile ... J. Monkhouse

Glabrio Hubert Druce

Philodemus . . . Harry Burcher

Servillius Harry Child

Strabo H. T. Harris

Virturius E. de Corsia

Poppea Marion Grey

Berenis Ettie Williams

Dacia Marjorie Cavania

Ancaria Agnes Scott

Daones Reba Isabel

Julia Lilian EUam

Cyrene L. Glashon

Edoni Lily Child

Mytelene ....■■ Helen de Corsia

Zoma Edith PauUin

Catia RitaTrekelle


Favius Basil Gill

Titus E. Williams

Melos J. Howard

Stephanus Mercia .

Gertrude Boswell Irene Rooke

Oct. 18 saw the first production on any stage of "Cumberland, '61," by Franklin Fyles, which had this cast:

Benner Ainsley John Lennox . Leslie Murdoch Gordon Grayne Adolphus . . Dirk Kanett . Mr. Manning .

. . C. G. Craig . W. J. Ferguson . . Frank Losee Edgar L. Davenport . Lionel Barrymore . John E. Kellerd . . S. K. Chester

Zeb . . . Ranee . . Absolom Alice Ainsley Mrs. Victor Pink . . . Mammy Han

. Richard Malchien . . Alvin Drehle . Richard Webster Florence Rockwell Amelia Summerville . . Violet Black . . Millie Sackett

Andrew Mack appeared here Nov. 29 in " An Irish Gentleman," by Ramsay Morris. The play had this cast :

Jack Shannon Stephen Tyrell Clifford Sherlock Lady Sherlock > Edwin Brandt > Father Lawler )

. Andrew Mack

Adolph Jackson

Richard J. Dillon

George W. Deyo

Hugh Dillon . Maura Sherlock Mrs. Fairleigh Easter . . . Peggy . . .

. Thomas Jackson . . Olive White

Florence Ashbrooke . . Marie Bates

Little Florence Opp

Jan. 24, 1898, Ward and Yokes were seen in "The Governor;" Chauncey Olcott came Jan. 31, in "Sweet Inniscarra;" Olcott closed his engagement March 5; "In Gay New York," was seen March 7; "A Hired Girl," March 14; "The Electrician," March 21; "The Pacific Mail," March 28; "The Girl from Paris," April 4, for two weeks; "The Hoosier Doctor," by Augustus Thomas, was produced April 18, with this cast: Dr. Willow, Digby Bell; Higgins, Frank Monroe; Parson Moss, Harry S. Robinson; Tom


Bunce, Herman Hirschberg; Fred Dalrymple, Arthur Hoops; Grandma, Laura Joyce Bell ; Mrs. Bunce, Emma Butler ; Martha, Mabel Strickland; Harriet, Margaret Dale Owen; Alvira, Viola Miles; Little Rosie, Ethel Vance. "The Man-o'-War's Man " was seen April 25. The house was closed April 28, and the next season began Aug. 29, 1898, with "Devil's Island," by Arthur D. Hall, for the first time in this city. The cast was :

Maurice de La Tour, William Harcourt Prince Boris OrlofE . Ralph Delmore

General Regaud George Maxwell Victor Duvernay , Oscar Astor . ,

Emile La Croix

Warren Conlan

. Carlton Wells

Ernest Tarlton

Countess Emily Rigl

Pauline Adelyn Wesley

Gay Huntress .... Vera de Noie Elizabeth . . . Dorothy Rossmore Babette FoUiote . . Christie Maclean

"The Dawn of Freedom," by Miron J. Leffingwell, was produced Sept. 19, and stayed two weeks, with Laura Alberta as Paquita, Ethel Barrington as Julia Rodriquez, and Ida Glenn as Jane Fortune. J. H. Haverly's minstrels came here Oct. 3; "The Sign of the Cross " returned Oct. 10 for two weeks ; Chauncey Olcott reappeared Oct. 31 for two weeks in "Sweet Inniscarra;" "The Village Postmaster" was revived Nov. 14, and stayed seven weeks.

Hanlon's "Superba" was given Jan. 2, 1899; Chauncey Olcott appeared Jan. 9 in "A Romance of Athlone," by Aug. Pitou, acted for the first time, and with this cast :

Sir Philip Ronyane . Daniel Gilfether Margaret Ronyane, Etta Baker Martin Francis Ronyane . Dustin Farnum Dick Ronyane . . Chauncey Olcott Bessie Ronyane .... Tottie Carr Dick O'Brien .... Luke Martin Major Martin Manning, Paul Everton Rose Manning . . . Olive White Eleanor McBride . Grace Freeman

Hon. Standish Fitzsimmons

Richard Malchien

Stephen O'Grady Ann Shea . . . Robin MacMahon Molly MacMahon Mary MacMahon Ruth ....

J. C. Hickey

Lizzie Washburne

Chas. R. Gilbert

. Argyle Gilbert

Louise Marcelli

Marguerite Diamond

Bill Frank Bonn

The house was closed March 27, and reopened March 28 for two weeks with "Report for Duty," by J. K. Tillotson:

Earl Golden . . Hardin Dowling . General Golden . Clarence Fitzwell, Harry Weston Rodney Morton . General Robert E.

. . A. S. Lipman . . O. B. Thayer . Leslie Matthews Charles J. Jackson . . Frank Monroe . . . Harry Rich Lee, Wilson R. Long

Sergt. Ford . . Rastus .... Blanche Morton . Wynette Dowling Mrs. Gordon . . Carrie Golden Virginia Dowling

. Charles Edwards

. John W. Burton

. . . Beryl Hope

. . Olive Porter

Frances Lincoln

lone Chamberlain

. Selma Herman

Mathews and Bulger appeared April 10 in "Sad Sea Waves;" "Mother Goose," a musical extravaganza by Edgar Smith and Louis de Lange, was seen May i. This was a failure and the

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theatre was abruptly closed May lo in consequence of unpaid salaries. It was reopened May 15 at reduced prices of admission with "The Victoria Cross," but it closed again in one week.

The next season began Aug. 31, 1899, with "A Young Wife," by J. K. Tillotson, which had this cast:

Hubert Douglass . . J. H. Gilmour Clarence Douglass, Malcolm Williams Judson Douglass, John L. Wooderson Mr. Marks . . . P. A. Anderson

Louis Frank Losee

Horace Greengage, Claude Gillingwater St. John .... Frank Sheridan

James Richard Quilter

Ethel Douglass . . Selma Herman Grace Douglass . . Charlotte Crane Mrs. Marks .... Sydney Cowell Stella . . . Margaret Dale Owen Newsboy Alma Earle

This play had been acted at Niblo's Garden and called "Dens and Palaces, or Two Lives. "

On Sept. II, Emmet C. King commenced as Hubert; Neil Florence opened Oct. 2 as Louis. "The Dairy Farm," by Eleanor Merron (Mrs. Archie Cowper) was produced Oct. 16, and continued until Dec. 25. The cast was : Squire Hurley, Percy Plunkett ; Sarah Newkirk, Jean Clara Walters ; Nathan Newkirk, Charles Hallock; Lucy, Grace Hopkins; Eunice Jane Perkins, Katherine Carlisle; Simon Krum, Arthur C. Saunders; Elias Pleugh, J. H. Hollingshead ; Deacon Shears, Seymour Stratton; Mrs. Shears, Melema Bardi ; Hanna Lize, Nelly Russell ; Old Pete, Harry Adams; Mary, Bertha St. Clair; Bob, M. M. Mur- ray; Dominie Cruikshank, Frank Richter; Hiram Cole, Richard Hinchcliff; Araminta, Eleanor Merron.

"The Village Postmaster" returned Dec. 25, with Archie Boyd as Seth Huggins; Chauncey Olcott returned Jan. 29, igoo, in "A Romance of Athlone. " Tim Murphy appeared here March 5, in " The Carpetbagger, " by Opie Read and Frank Pixley. The cast


Melville Crance . . . Tim Murphy Bob Willitts .... John J. Shaw Major Henderson Reynolds

J. R. Armstrong Roy Fairburn

Guy Lummers


Old John Reynolds Wiley Jones . . Capt. Poynter . .

James Manley

Olney J. Griffin

Joe Fitzpatrick

. Robert Gage

. John Henton

Edward Kingsley

Speaker of the House . Henry Wolf Auditor . . . . . . E. J. Stanley

Chairman .... Robert Dudley

Sheriff Eugene Thomas

Bulger A. Kanine White

Mrs. Fairburn . Nellie Yale Nelson Lucy Linford . . . Matilde Weffing Old Mrs. Reynolds . Grace Houston Nellie Crance . . . Dorothy Sherrod

March 19 "The Great Ruby "was presented, with Rose Coghlan as Lady Garnet; Minnie Seligman as the Adventuress; John T. Sullivan, the Detective ; Cuyler Hastings, the Indian Prince.

The house closed May 12. The next season began Aug. 30, with Dan Sully in Daniel Hart's play "The Parish Priest," which had this cast :




Rev. John Whalen Dr. Cassidy . . Dr. Welsh . . . James Welsh . . Michael Sullivan .

. . . Dan Sully

. Harry Gwynette

Theo. Babcock

Joseph L. Traicey

. . Gerald Griffin

Frank Dougher Agnes Cassidy Helen Durkin . Katherine Corrigan, Mildred Lawrence

Walter Horton

Agnes Rose Lane

Flora Fairchild

The theatre was closed Oct. i and 2 and reopened Oct. 3 with "Lost River," by Joseph Arthur, for the first time in New York. The cast was :

Robert Blessing . William Courtleigh Thomas Middleton . . John Winthrop Claude Middleton . . Hans Robert Gladys Middleton

Eugenie Thais Lawton Bill Loucks . . . P. A. Anderson Ezra Cookus .... Charles Abbe Gabriel Gates . . James Lackaye

Alexander Pickles Bard .... Big Jake Wolf Old Abe Levine Mother Wirtz . Ora .... Angle VoUner . Grandma Gates

. Dan Williams H. M. Anderson . . Frank Beal . Fred Watson . Mrs. Preston . Mary Sanders Mabel Taliaferro . . Ada Dwyer

On Nov. 12 the principals of the cast of "Lost River" went to Boston and acted the play at the Park Theatre for one night, and the principals of the " Lost River " company then playing in Boston, came to New York and were seen in the play here. Violet Rand of the Boston company remained here for the rest of the engagement, and Mary Sanders continued in Boston. Dec. 24 "The Village Postmaster" was revived; Jan. 7, 1901, Chauncey Olcott appeared in "Garret O'Magh," by Augustus Pitou, for the first time in this city, and with this cast:

Garrett O'Magh . . Chauncey Olcott Mrs. Mary Devlin

Margaret Fitzpatrick Roger Nagle . . . Charles Abbott Eileen Nagle .... Edith Barker

May Nagle Tottie Carr

Sir Horace Wilton . Daniel Gilfether Louise Wilton . . Louise Marcelli Alfred Spencer . Richard Malchien Rufus Hardy .... Paul Everton Josephine . . . Katherine Willard Jerry Quigly . . . George Brennan

Military Attach^ . . Henry Watson Darby Lynch .... Luke Martin Maggie Lynch . Elizabeth Washburne Old Mrs. Lynch . Etta Barker Martin Darby Lynch, Jr. . . Clara Cubitt

Pat Lynch Bert Buckley

Nora Lynch Gretta Carr

Mollie Lynch .... Pese Glaser

Dennis Ernest Havens

Annie Mable Andrews

Peasant Man .... Edward Smith Peasant Woman . . Jennie Buckley

On March 18 " A Romance of Athlone " was acted by Olcott, and continued for two weeks. The house was closed Holy Week (com- mencing March 25), and reopened April i with Olcott in "Mavour- neen." There was no performance April 11, as Olcott was ill. "Sweet Inniscarra" was revived May 6, and the theatre closed May 25, Olcott having acted here twenty weeks.



LYRIC HALL was situated at 723, 725, 727 Sixth Avenue, between Forty-first and Forty-second Street. It was opened Nov. 15, 1867, by Mr. Trenor, with a series of concerts by Theo. Thomas' orchestra. Minnie Hauck and Sig. Severini were among the vocalists. De Cordova lectured here Dec. 26; George Vanden- hoff gave readings Jan. 23, 24, 1868; De Cordova lectured Feb. 3, followed Feb. 11 by James E. Murdoch with a reading. Shortly after this it ceased to exist as a place of entertainment.


BEYOND doubt the most famous concert room in New York and the one richest in musical history was "Steinway Hall," erected by Steinway & Sons, immediately in the rear of their piano warerooms, 71 and 73 East Fourteenth Street, between Union Square and Irving Place. The hall, with its extension, ran clear through the block, from Fourteenth to Fifteenth Street, where the main hall had a frontage of one hundred feet, the entire ground floor, from street to street, being occupied by the salesrooms of the firm. The seating capacity was twenty-five hundred, with standing room for five hundred additional persons. Steinway Hall was opened Oct. 31, 1866, with a concert by the H. L. Bateman company, which was composed of Mme. Parepa, Carl Rosa, Signors Brignoli, Ferranti, Fortuna, S. B. Mills, J. L. Halton, with Theodore Thomas' orchestra. They gave forty- one Sunday concerts, under the direction of H. L. Bateman and L. F. Harrison. Mme. Ristori gave a reading from the Italian poets Nov. 13.

A musical festival commenced June 3, 1867, and continued one week, during which "The Messiah," "The Creation," "Elijah," and other classic musical works were interpreted by Mme. Parepa, Zelda Seguin, Theo. Thomas, E. J. Connolly, F. L. Ritter, Mme. Raymond Ritter, Mrs. Emmeline Reed, W. J. Hill, George Simp- son, Mme. Carman Poch, Baragli and Bellini, Herr Kopta, J. N. Pattison, G. W. Morgan, G. W. Colby, Mr. and Mrs. Dalimore, Miss Hutchings, Miss A. Harrison, Jules Lombard, Henry Tucker, Miss Gilbert, A. H. Pease, Mr. Matzka, the New York Harmonic society and a full orchestra. Anna Lacoste gave a reading June 13. Arthur Matthison made his American d^but on Sunday evening, Sept. 16.

The concert season of 1867-68 commenced Oct. i, under the direction of L. F. Harrison, The artists were Mme. Parepa, Carl


Rosa, Leopold de Meyer, pianist ; Jenny Kempton, Theo. Thomas and orchestra, and G. W. Colby. Concerts were then given on Thursdays and Sundays. In addition to those already meationed, the following singers were heard during the season : Anna Acker- mann, soprano, W. J. Hill, Mrs. Varian Hoffmann, J. R. Thomas, Sig. Randolfi, Mile. Eliza Lumley, Letchi, Adolph Hennig, Oscar Pfeiffer, Sig. Abella, G. Simpson, B. and G. F. Lister- mann, A. Dessane, S. P. Warren, Sig. Ferranti, W. R. Johnson, Antonia Henne, Michael Turner, Brookhouse Bowler, Mile. Gaz- zaniga, Sig. Ardivani, Clementine Bernard, Mile. Angiolina Ghioni, Mile. Gabriella Feninger, Mme. Natalie Testa. Among other concerts given were those by Theo. Thomas, Oscar Pfeiffer, Kennedy, Scottish vocalist; Jerome Hopkins, Fanny Landsmann, and Mme. Kapp-Young.

Readings were given by Charles Dickens, Frances Anne Kem- ble, Geo. Vandenhoff, J. E. Murdoch, Charles Eytinge, and lect- ures by Du Chaillu, De Cordova, etc. A series of oratorios were given by Mr. L. F. Harrison, the artists being Mme. Parepa- Rosa, J. R. Thomas, George Simpson, Theo. Thomas, F. L. Ritter, E. J. Connolly, and G. W. Colby.

Louise Kapp-Young is now known as Mme. Luisa Capparina, and is living in this city, teaching vocal music. She made her debut at the Court Opera, Munich, Bavaria, and afterwards sang at La Scala, Milan, and in Germany, Austria, and Russia. She appeared Oct. 30, at the Academy of Music, this city, under Maret- zek's management, as Selika in " L' Africaine. " She afterwards sang in concerts with Parepa-Rosa at this hall.

Charles Dickens' readings from his own works occurred Dec. 9, 10, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20, 26, 27, 30, 31, Jan. 3, 9, 10, 1868; April 13, 14, 16, 17, 20, when he took his farewell of the American public. Fanny Kemble gave readings in March and April. Mme. Ristori gave an entertainment Sunday, June 7, for the benefit of the widows and orphans of Italian soldiers.

The season of 1868-69 commenced Oct. 26 with the American debut of Mrs. Scott-Siddons in Shakesperian readings. She con- tinued for five nights and one matinde. Her American debut as an actress was made Nov. 14, same year, at the Boston Museum, in "As You Like It." L. R. Shewell appeared as Orlando, Wil- liam Warren as Touchstone, W. H. Smith as Jacques, and Miss Sherlock as Celia. Tickets to all parts of the house were fixed at $1.50 each.

She appeared Nov. 29 for the second time at that theatre as Lady Teazle, and the receipts were ^1,496. Her first appearance in this city as an actress was on Nov. 30 the same year, at the Worrell Sisters' Theatre, as Rosalind in "As You Like It."

The Kennedy Family, Scotch vocalists came Sept. 13, 1869.


The Franks Family, five in number, made their American debut Sept. 17. Carlotta Patti was heard in concert Sept. 25. De Cor- dova commenced a course of lectures Oct. 25. " Our New Clergy- man," "Wiffin vs. Sniffin," "Breach of Promise of Marriage," and "The Sham Family at Home," were the titles given to his discourses.

William H. Pope recited Byron's "Manfred," on the afternoons of Nov. 5, 17, 26. Mme. Anna Bishop and her company gave con- certs Nov. 10, 15, when M. Koualski, pianist, was heard. A con- cert by the Russian opera company was given Nov. 27. Olive Logan lectured on "Girls," Dec. 17.

E. Mollenhauer's cantata, "The Passions," was performed Sat- urday and Sunday evenings, Feb. 12, 13, 1870, and Edwin Booth read Collins' ode to "The Passions" (on Saturday evening), in connection with the musical composition. There was a chorus of two hundred singers and an orchestra of sixty performers ; Edward Mollenhauer, conductor.

Christine Nilsson made her American debut in concert March 14, and sang again March 22. Mme. Manzocchi first appeared here April 17, and during the month Mrs. Macready gave a series of drawing-room recitals. Her selections were : A religious alle- gory called "The Changed Cross," the opening scene from "A Midsummer Night's Dream," and the sleep-walking scene from "Macbeth." Her voice was singularly sweet, full, and pure. The Vienna Lady orchestra, with Mile. Anna Elzer (twelve years of age), soprano singer, and Jacob Muller, baritone, made their American d^but Sept. 11, 1871, under the management of Fred- erick Rullman, who brought them from Europe. They closed their engagement Sept. 23.

George Dolby gave a series of ballad concerts Oct. 9, 10, 11, 12, 18, 19, and the artists who appeared were: Edith Wynne, soprano; Mme. Patey, contralto; W. H. Cummings, tenor; J. G. Patey, bass; Charles Santley, baritone; Lindsay Sloper, pianist. Mendels- sohn's "Elijah" was sung Oct. 31. The Harmonic society, under Dr. Peck, rendered the choruses. Mme. Patey, Santley, and Miss Wynne were the soloists. The vocal numbers of " Faust " were sung Nov. I, with Nilsson in the leading r61e, James as Mephis- topheles, M. Capoul as Faust, M. Barre as Valentine, and Miss Carey as Siebel.

On Nov. 14-21, concerts were given by Prince George Nicholas Galitzen's Russia company. There were scenes from Glinko's opera, "The Life of the Czar." J. N. Pattison was announced as solo pianist, but his place was taken at short notice by Mr. Levy. The selections for the second concert were: "Emancipation Fantasie" also for chorus and orchestra; the "Troika" ("Coach- man's song"); the Polonaise from Glinko's opera, "The Life for


the Czar," Warlamoff's "Red Sarafan," and a wild, rugged, or- chestral product, "A Circassian March," founded on a local melody, arranged by G. Karlberg.

Edwin Forrest gave readings from Shakespeare and other poets, commencing Nov. 19 with "Hamlet," and Nov. 22, "Othello." The Dolby troupe reappeared in concert Nov. 28-30, and matinee Dec. 2. Carlotta Patti gave a concert September, 1872, assisted by Sig. Mario. J. M. Bellew, father of Kyrle Bellew, gave a reading Feb. 8, 1873. Charlotte Cushman gave readings March 17, of "King Henry VHL ;" March 19, selection.s from "Romeo and Juliet;" March 21, "Macbeth;" and March 22, miscellaneous readings. Mme. Anna Bishop was heard in concert May 10, 1873. Pauline Canassa, Drasdil, Mme. Feretti, Alfred Wilkie, J. R. Thomas, L. G. Gottschalk, A. H. Pease, and others appeared.

Charlotte Cushman gave readings Jan. 31, Feb. 2-4, 1874. Titiens made her American debut Oct. 4. She died Oct. 3, 1877. Frederic MacCabe made his American debut Oct. 14, in a "ventriloquial, musical, and saltatorial melange." Mile. lima di Murska began a season of concerts Sept. 26, 1875, under the management of D. De Vivo. Teresa Carreno, Ferranti, Sauret, and Gaetano Braga were in the company.

Annette Essipoff, Russian pianist, made her American debut Nov. 14, 1876. Martha Blanke, pianist, first appeared May 5, 1877. Master Herman Rietzel, pianist, made his ddbut May 10. George Jones, the Count Joannes, assisted by his pupil, Avonia Fairbanks, appeared Jan. 12, 1878, in scenes from "Othello," "Hamlet," "Richard HI.," and "Macbeth." August Wilhelmj, German vio- linist, made his first appearance here Sept. 26, 1878. The Red Hussar Band, of Hamburg, Germany, were first heard in America (in public) Nov. 2. Edouard Remenyi, Hungarian violinist, re- appeared in America, Nov. 1 1. Herman Linde, a German actor, made his ddbut here Jan. 8, 1879, as an English reader. He gave "Macbeth," which was repeated Jan. 11.

Mrs. Scott-Siddons reappeared here during the winter of 1879. This lady did not make what is called an " unequivocal success " until her return visit. Her beauty, of the highest and most intel- lectual type, and her dignity of demeanor, made her a welcome visitor. On April 23, 1888, this lady reappeared here, and intro- duced her adopted son, Henry Waller, pianist. In his childhood Mr. Waller was known in this country and in Europe as " Sera- phael," a boy musician of extraordinary precocity, In 1876 he met Mrs. Siddons, who was much impressed by his ability, and adopted him as her son. At her expense he was educated in Eng- land, and afterwards completed his musical studies on the conti- nent under the guidance of such masters as Von Biilow and Liszt. Mrs. Scott-Siddons read scenes from "Much Ado About Nothing,"


"Macbeth," and "Henry V." Mr. Waller played compositions by Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt, Grieg, and Weber-Tausig.

Berlioz's musically dramatic legend, "La Damnation de Faust," was given Feb. 14, 1880. Carrie Moses, contralto, made her debut April 14. Marie Schelle, mezzo-soprano singer, made her initial public appearance Oct. 21. The Franko Family appeared Dec. 8. Mme. Anna Bishop reappeared in this city Feb. 7, 1881. Louise Reynolds, soprano, made her New York d^but Feb. 28. Leslie Main English, vocalist and lecturer, was heard Sept. 27. Adelina Patti's reappearance in this country was made here Nov. 9. G. Magrath, pianist, first appeared in this city Nov. 10, and Marie Schelle sang the same night. Jennie Claus, violinist, first ap- peared in New York, Nov. 11. Alex. Lambert, Polish pianist, was heard Nov. 18. Mme. Caroline Zeiss, dramatic soprano, re- appeared in concert Nov. 27. Michael Banner, boy violinist, gave his first concert Feb. 4, 1882. The Royal Handbell ringers ap- peared Feb. 10. Eily Coghlan (sister of Rose Coghlan), soprano, sang in concert May 15. Miss Fairfax made her d^but as a dra- matic reader Nov. 27, 1883.

Mme. Christine Nilsson reappeared in New York Nov. 28. Her reappearance in America was made Nov. i, at Music Hall, Boston, Mass. Gounod's oratorio, "The Redemption," had its first production in America Dec. 6.

Helen Hopekirk, pianist, made her debut Dec. 20, 1883. Fanny Hunt d'Alma made her ddbut at a concert May 2, 1884. The first public rehearsal of Franz Der Stucken's Novelty Concerts took place Oct. 24, when was performed, for the first time in America, Brahms' third symphony in F major (op. 90).

Victoria Morosini Hulskamp made her professional debut as a concert singer Nov. 20. Paul McSwyney's " Irish Idyll " was sung for the first time Nov. 27. Amelia Goldberg-Brillanti made her American d^but in concert Dec. 5. Fairbanks & Cole gave a banjo concert Dec. 8. Master Jacob Friedberger, pianist, made his debut March 10, 1885. Clara Bernetta made her New York bow in concert March 23. The oratorio, "The Rose of Sharon," was sung for the first time in America April 16.

Master Bernhard Sisheimir, pianist, made his New York debut Jan. 14, 1886. Nothing of note took place here until Nov. 13, 1888, when Moritz Rosenthal, the Hungarian pianist, made his d6but and created a sensation. Sig. Campanini appeared Nov. 16, 1888. Clementina de Vere, soprano, made her American ddbut, on this occasion and sang arias from "Lucia," "Dinorah," and also " Home, Sweet Home." She possessed a soprano voice rang- ing as high as F, and the execution was more remarkable than her voice. In the company were Sig. Steple, tenor; Sig. Carbone, buffo; Sig. Bologna, basso cantante; Marie Groebel, contralto; Mile. Fabbri; and Sig. Ferrario, accompanist.


On April 23, 1890, Otto Hegner gave a piano recital (his last in America). On April 26 the last concert ever given in this hall occurred. Having of late years failed to pay, the Steinways decided to devote the building to commercial purposes solely. A lecture by H. E. Krehbie on May 2, 1890, on "The Precursors of the Pianoforte," illustrated by a famous collection of old instru- ments, was the closing performance. The Steinway organists in- clude Geo. F. Bristow, Geo. W. Morgan, Samuel P. Warren, and Dudley Buck ; its pianists, Anton Rubenstein, Annette Eissipoff, Rafael Joseffy, Theodore Ritter, Max Pinner, Teresa Carreno, Moritz Rosenthal, Anton Strelezka, Adele Aus der Ohe, Alexan- der Lambert, Richard Hoffman, Julia Riv6-King, Otto Hegner, Eugene d' Albert, and the Chevalier de Kontski; its violinsts, Dengremont, Wieniauwski, Vieuxtemps, Ole Bull, Wilhelmj, Sarasate, Camilla Urso, Musin, Richard Arnold, Remenyi, the Frankos, and Max Bendix; and its 'cellists, Gaetano Braga, Carl Werner, Frederick Bergner, Victor Herbert, and Adolphe Fischer.

The gentlemen who had conducted there include, besides Theo- dore Thomas, Carl Bergman, Luigi Arditti, Leopold and Walter Damrosch, Wilhelm Gericke, Anton Seidl, Max Spicker, F. Van der Stucken, Max Maretzek, Franz Abt, Adolph Neuendorfl, and Arthur Nikisch.


ON the southwest corner of Eighth Avenue and Thirty-fourth Street now occupied as a storage warehouse, was Chase's Hall. A large room on the second floor was fitted up with a small stage, and opened in May, 1867, with a minstrel company, under the management of H. A. Chase. It was not a success as such, and Josh Hart and Frank Kerns took a lease of it for a few months. They opened July 20, same year, with a first-class variety company. The name of the hall was changed to "The Eighth Avenue Opera House," and a good working company was secured, who did specialty acts, and finished with a farce. William B. Cavanagh was stage manager, and David Braham, leader of orchestra. In the dramatic company were : D. Oakley, Josh Hart, W. B. Cav- anagh, Frank Kerns, Geo. Warren, Dick Ralph, Fred Boniface, and Florence Wells. Among the specialty people were: J. W. Clarke, the Broadway Boys, Laura Le Claire (then Mrs. Josh Hart, now known as Mrs. Will Sands), Helene Smith (Mrs. Frank Kerns), Prendergast, Gardner, and Harry Bloodgood, and at inter- vals, some of the best to be found in the profession. " 444 " Broad- way was in the height of its popularity at this time, and quite a rivalry existed between Josh Hart and Bob Butler (manager of


"444"} to secure the best people. In consequence large salaries were paid. Mr. Hart gave Johnny Thompson ;^i5oaweek to do a song and dance, and Little Mac ;^ioo weekly. The place would not hold money enough to warrant this, as it was but a flat floor with no gallery, and so it closed in December of the same year.


THE building now known as "Daly's Theatre" was on its first appearance as a place of amusement called " Banvard's Mu- seum." It was situated at 1221 Broadway, west side, one door below Thirtieth Street. It was the first building erected expressly for museum purposes in this city and it covered forty thousand square feet of land. It contained rooms for curiosities, and an auditorium for a theatre. In the lecture room was Banvard's Panorama of the Mississippi. There were three tiers in the audi- torium, capable of seating about two thousand persons. The house was opened June 17, 1867, with S. B. Dufifleld, stage manager; John W. Albaugh, leading man; Julia Nelson, leading lady; Frank Evans, H. B. Phillips, Samuel Knapp, G. W. Metkiff, M. C Daly, Fanny Stocqueller, Mrs. M. A. Berrel (afterwards Mrs. Charles Nichols), Mrs. J. R. Scott, Marion Somers, Mrs. Howard, Mrs. Talbott, Miss Wyman, Miss Lewis, Miss Williams, J. B. Phillips, John Chatterton, D. W. Miller, Messrs. Williams, Mack, Murray, North, Melville, and Rikeman. It was open before noon, and two dramatic performances were given each day. ( The opening enter- tainments, afternoon and evening, were Banvard's Panorama of the Mississippi, an address written by Jonas B. Phillips and spoken by Harry B. Phillips; an operatic chorus, "The Hymn of Four Nations," Fanny Stocqueller as France, Ada Monck as England, Fred Williams as Russia, S. B, Duffield as America; the burlettaof "Jenny Lind at Last," and "A Husband for an Hour." Farces and a musical melange were given for the afternoons of the second week, while " Rob Roy " was the evening attraction. " The Postil- ion of Bonville " (which was " Eustache Baudin " under another name) was the bill for July i. Professor Logrenia, magician, commenced July 8. "Nobody's Daughter," a dramatization of Miss Braddon's novel, by Fred Maeder and Chandos Fulton, was produced Aug. 12, with John W. Albaugh, Fred Maeder, and Wm. Harris in the cast. This was withdrawn Aug. 31. When this house was reopened Oct. 3 it was called "Banvard's Museum AND Theatre." "The Devil's Auction," by Arthur Cuyas Armengol, was the opening attraction. John De Pol was the new manager ; he had brought from Europe a large corps de ballet. The dramatic company were Robert McWade, H. B. Phillips, M. C.


Daly, E. Mortimer, J. R Phillips, D. W. Miller, J. Thomson, S. B. Duffield, Fanny Stocqueller, Fanny Reeves, Ada Meyers, Emma Somers, and Hattie Thome. Sig. Ronzani superintended the ballets, and the premih'es danseuses were Miles. Elisa Blasina, Augusta Sohlke, Ermesilda Diana, Eugenio Lupo, male dancer, Eugenio Ricci, and M. Giovanni Lupo. Sig. Tomaro and Charles Lawrence were interested in the production. Giuseppini Mor- lacchi, premiere danseuse, made her American ddbut on Oct. 23. "The Devil's Auction" continued until early in December, when Mr. De Pol withdrew from the house, and took the spectacle to the Academy of Music. After being closed for three weeks, Ban- vard's reopened Dec. 21, with "Our Mutual Friend," dramatized from Dickens' novel. "The Willow Copse" was produced on Jan. I, 1868, with H. B. Phillips, M. C. Daly, John Matthews, J. Moore, D. Myron, J. D. Miller, J. Thomson, Claude Burroughs, J. R. Healey, Chas. Newton, Louisa Eldridge, the Misses Proud- foot, Lillie Eldridge, and Linne in the cast. "The Forest King" and "Day After the Wedding," Jan. 13; "Nobody's Daughter," Jan. 27, for a fortnight, with Dan Myron, John Matthews, Chas. Warwick, Chas. E. Newton, J. Ludlow, R. Knowles, J. Thomson, J. Hendricks, Miss Proudfoot, Miss A. Linne, and Lillie Eldridge in the cast. " The Ticket of Leave Man " was played Feb. 27, with Mary Mitchell as May Edwards ; John Albaugh, Bob Brierly ; Dan Myron, Hawkshaw; Lillie Eldridge, Sam Willoughby; and Louisa Eldridge, Mrs. Willoughby. "Round Heads and Cava- liers " was seen Jan. 24, with J. W. Albaugh as Marston, Welsh Edwards as Vermont, John Matthews as Anthony, D. Myron as Vemey, Mary Mitchell as Juliet, and Lillie Eldridge as Wilder- pate. Then came "The Octoroon," "Uncle Tom's Cabin," "Ten Nights in a Barroom," and "Oliver Twist," in succession. "Rip Van Winkle" and "Cousin Schneider" were acted March 25, and the season closed March 3a

John Banvard died at the house of his son, at Watertown, S. D., of heart failure. May 16, 1891.

Morlacchi died in East Billerica, Mass., July 23, 1886.

The following season opened Aug. 31, 1868, with George Wood as manager, who, after making extensive alterations, again changed the name of the house to "Wood's Museum and Metropolitan Theatre. "

The entertainments commenced at eleven o'clock A. M., with an exhibition of the living curiosities, among whom were the Siamese Twins, Sophia Ganz the dwarf, and General Grant, Jr. The theatrical performances began at two o'clock with an inaugural address by P. T. Bamum, after which he introduced Gea Wood, with Samuel Colville, who was interested in the management.j The operettas, "Married by Lanterns" and "Sixty-six," were sung


by Susan and Blanche Galton, Mary Pyne Galton, and Thomas Whiffen. This was the American debut of Blanche and Susan Galton and Thomas Whiffen. The Galtons are nieces of the once famous Louisa Pyne, their mother being Mary Pyne, sister of Louisa. Blanche is the widow of Thomas Whiffen, and Susan married Alfred Kelleher. Maggie Mitchell appeared Aug. 31, in the evening, as Lorle, supported by James W. Collier, Louis Mestayer, M. C. Daly, J. B. Curran (stage manager), George Mitchell, G. C. Davenport, Sol Smith, Mary Wells, Alice and Kate Logan.

The Lydia Thompson Burlesque company engaged in England by Samuel Colville, made their American debut Sept. 28, in "Ixion," preceded by "To Oblige Benson." In the latter Harry Beckett made his American debut as Trotter Southdown. " Ixion " had this cast:

Ixion Lydia Thompson

Jupiter Ada Harland

Mercury Lisa Weber

Ganymede . . . Geo. C. Davenport Bacchus .... Louis J. Mestayer Mars Sol Smith, Jr.

Venus .... Pauline Markham

Juno Alice Logan

Cupid Grace Logan

Minerva Harry Beckett

Queen Dia James Barnes

" Ixion " and " To Oblige Benson " were played every evening, and at matinees on Wednesdays and Saturdays, for three weeks, the farce being then changed to "The Water Witches." On Nov. 2, this in turn gave way to " Did You Ever Send Your Wife to Jersey.' " Colonel Small and Commodore Foote, dwarfs, M. Bihin, giant ; Mrs. Battersby, giantess ; Mr. Battersby, the skeleton ; Adah Briggs, fat woman ; and Zebodi Luti, Circassian girl, were added to the living curiosities on Nov. 9. On Dec. 14, "The Quiet Family" preceded "Ixion," and was continued until Dec. 26, when the burlesque was withdrawn, after its one hundred and second consecutive performance. During this period the matinde dramatic performances were "Asmodeus," "Perfection," "The Bonnie Fishwife," "The Giant of Palestine," and "My Neighbor's Wife." The next burlesque was Wm. Brough's "Ernani," pro- duced the evening of Dec. 28, preceded by "A Quiet Family." Lydia Thompson was Ernani; Miss Weber, Don Juan; Miss Har- land, Donna Elvira; Mr. Mestayer, Don Ruy; Mr. Beckett, Jago; W. J. Hill (his first appearance in America), Scampa; M. C. Daly, Roguey ; J. Barnes, Vagabondi ; Kate Mortimer, Ricardo, and Kate Logan, Juana.

On Jan. 18, 1869, "Ernani" and two scenes from "Ixion" were presented, which bill continued until Jan. 30, when the season closed, and the company went to Niblo's Garden. Lisa Weber died at Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 23, 1887. After a brief starring tour with various burlesque companies she became too stout to continue


in that business. She finally drifted into the variety theatres, and was married to W. S. Mullaly, the musical director.

This was the American debut of Rose Massey, a very handsome blonde and a clever actress. She died in this city July 23, 1883, of consumption, aged thirty-two years. Among those present at her funeral were her physician Dr. G. H. Wynkoop, Tony Pastor and wife, and two lady friends who had cared for her through her three years' illness. When H. J. Montague came to this country as leading man for Wallack's Theatre, Rose Massey instituted pro- ceedings against him for breach of promise. He died before the case came to trial. She returned to England, but soon afterwards revisited America, and lived here in retirement until her death, very few of her friends knowing that she was in the country.

" Ernani " and the second and third scenes of " Ixion " was the bill Jan. 21, 22, 1869; for the matinee, Jan. 21, "Kate Kearney" and a farce ; matinee and evening, Jan. 23, " Ernani " and " Ixion," which bill was repeated for the closing week of Jan. 25. There was no matin6e Feb. i and in the evening " Little Toddlekins " and Brough's burlesque, "The Field of the Cloth of Gold," was presented for the first time. The cast of the latter was :

Francis I. . . . Darnley. . . . Henry VIII. . . Duke of Suffolk . Von Scrascher Sir Guy, the Cripple Le Sieur de Boissy TSte de Veau . . Queen Katherine .

W. J. Florence . Rose Massey Louis Mestayer . . Rosa Cook J. de Bonay . Sol Smith, Jr. . Lillie Eldridge Fred G. Maeder . . M. C. Daly

Lady Constance English Herald French Herald Von Schlascher Von Mascher . Citizen . . . Anne Boleyn . Rose La Foix .

Mrs. W. J. Florence Alice Mortimer Aggie Wood . H. Stuart James Barnes . G. Mitchell Alice Logan . Kate Logan

On Feb. 8 Fanny Herring appeared as Ixion, at the matinees. On Feb. 15 the burlesque of "Fra Diavolo" was played, also "The Field of the Cloth of Gold," the Florences appearing in both. Between the pieces there was a ballet given by Miles. Morlacchi, Mazzeri, Baretta, and Albertini, Sig. G. Constantine, and La Petite Augustine, and ballet corps. The burlesque of "The Field of the Cloth of Gold " was withdrawn Feb. 27.

"The Ticket of Leave Man" was revived March i, with the Florences in the principal r61es, and Alex. Fitzgerald as Jim Dalton. "Aladdin" and the ballet of "Esmeralda" were pre- sented matinde March 15. The Florences took a benefit March 19; "The Colleen Bawn," March 22. Miss Alice Marriott ap- peared here March 29 as Hamlet, with J. F. Cathcart as the Ghost, G. F. Devere as the King, J. W. Albaugh as Laertes, and Rosa Cook as Ophelia.

This was the American d^but of Miss Marriott. At the close of this engagement she made a brief starring tour, returning to


England in December, 1869. She was the wife of Robert Edgar, a London manager. During her stay of three weeks she played Hamlet, Pauline in "The Lady of Lyons," Mrs. Haller in "The Stranger," Margaret Elmore in "Love's Sacrifice," and Bianca in "Fazio." During the week commencing April 19, "The Con- script," with Mr. Cathcart and Ada Harland as the principals, and " Aladdin " were played. At the matinees stock pieces were done until May 8. There were no performances from April 24 to May 8, when an English pantomime company, under the direc- tion of Mercer H. Simpson, of the Birmingham Theatre Royal, appeared in the burlesque pantomime of "Robinson Crusoe." Marie Longmore played Robinson Crusoe; Marion Taylor, Elf; Bella Pateman, Submarina; Joseph Irving, Will Atkins; J. Wal- lace, Kickaboo; R. Pateman, Friday and Harlequin; Chrisdee, Policeman; C. Abbott, Clown; T. Chapman, Pantaloon; Mile. Feder, Columbine ; and Miss Chapman, Harlequina. This panto- mime was played afternoon and evening until June 12.

The Gregory Combination came June 14, with Hooley's min- strels, from Brooklyn. They occupied the house for two weeks, appearing afternoon and evening. Edward Eddy began a five weeks' engagement on June 28. On Aug. 2 the Worrell Sisters jvere seen in "Lalla Rookh." The season closed Aug. 21.

The next regular season began Aug. 30, 1869, when the house was called "Wood's Museum and Menagerie." In the company were A. L. Parkes, business manager; Frank Evans, J. M. Ward, William Fleming, Thos. W. Keene, Charlotte Stanley, John Mor- ton, J. L. de Bonay, James Barnes, Collins and Rooney, Lizetta Bernard, Therese Wood, and Florence Noble. Performances were given every afternoon and evening, and for that purpose two sets of stars were engaged. During the afternoons of the first week of the season the bill consisted of " The Water Nymphs " and the burlesque of "Masaniello," in which the Zavistowski Sisters Emmeline, Alice, and Christine appeared respectively as the Prince, Alphonso, and Finella.

The Rand Sisters Olivia and Rosa made their New York debut Aug. 30 in "The Pearl of Savoy." These ladies came from California. They retired from the stage, Olivia some years since having married L. R. Shewell, and died at Mt. Vernon, N. Y., June 23, 1898. "The King's Musketeers" was acted Sept 13, when C. W. Barry made his first appearance here as D'Artagnan. This play was repeated all the week, and at the matinees of the following week, while on the evening of Sept. 20 and subsequent evenings the Zavistowski Sisters appeared in a burlesque written for them, called " Wip Wan Winkle. " It was supplemented with the farce of "The Irish Tutor." During the week commencing Oct. 4, "Wip Wan Winkle" and "A Rustic Prima Donna," were played in the afternoons, while in the evenings C. W. Barry ap-




peared in a drama of his own, called " Peril. " This play was re- peated at matinees during the following week, and in the evenings "Wip Wan Winkle" and the "Masaniello" burlesque was played, the Zavistowskis closing on Oct. i6. On Oct. i8 the afternoon bill was "The Pearl of Savoy," while in the evening was produced a spectacular sensational extravaganza, called " Flick Flock." The stage management was now in the hands of C. W. Barry, while Sig. Aberle directed the orchestra.

Charles W. Barry died in Columbus, Ohio, Jan. 28, 1889. Dur- ing the season of 1853-54 he was known at Chicago, 111., as Charles Whittle. He played Uncle Tom at that time, to the Eva of Little Mary Marsh. " Flick Flock " was the next attraction, with Rita Sangalli, the danseuse, in five r61es, viz. : those of the Queen of Dreams, Clotilda de Villamile, Stella, D'jina, and that of pre- mihe danseuse. She also sang a new valse composed for her by Sig. Giorza, and called "The Sangalli Valse." The remaining parts in " Flick Flock " were sustained by John Morton as Niko- bar; T. W. Keene, Don Fernand; Olivia Rand, Mousseline; James Barnes, Flick ; and J. M. Ward, Flock. At matinees dur- ing the week commencing Oct. 25 "The Drunkard" was played, and the following week "Nicholas Nickleby" was produced; Mile. Sangalli closing her engagement, and " Flick Flock " being with- drawn on the evening of Nov. i. Yankee Robinson then played for a week in the evenings, and another week in the afternoons, in "Darius Dutton. "

Clelia and John Howson appeared Nov. 15 in the burlesque of "Aladdin," and the following week were seen in "A Pretty Horsebreaker," for the afternoons, and "A Yankee in China" in the evenings.

"Kenilworth," burlesque, was acted afternoon and evening of the week of Nov. 29, with Olivia Rand as Leicester, Rosa Rand as Amy Robsart, J. M. Ward as Way land Smith, John Morton as Queen Elizabeth ; Bernard, Wood, Thompson, Charles, de Bonay, Barnes, and Collins were also in the cast. This burlesque was then played for three consecutive weeks at the matinees, making a total run of one month.

"Dora Bella, or the Minstrel, the Mission, the Miss, and the Misery," was a burlesque extravaganza, acted Dec. 13. It proved to be a version of " The Fair One with the Golden Locks. " The cast was:

Blubberoso J. M. Ward

Niceyoso Lisa Weber

Spiceyoso Ada Harland

Dora Bella Ed. Righton

Papillotina .... Lizzie Wilmore Count Pleniposo . . Therese Wood Captain Killingoso . . . Lillie Hall Hookandeyeina . . . Mr. Marsden

Mantelwrapina Hairpinfixina . Staylacepalina Queen Carp . An Owl . . . A Crow . . . A Monster . .

John de Bonay Mr. Florence Mr. Cook Alice Logan James Collins . Jas. Barnes G. A. Archer


"Dora Bella" had a month's run.

The farce of " Mr. and Mrs. Peter White " was also played by John Morton, J. S. Rooney, G. A. Archer, Olivia Rand, Lizette Bernard, and Connie Thompson.

For the afternoons of week commencing Jan. 3, 1870, a bur- lesque called "Without a Name," was produced, with Olivia Rand as Prince Ahmed, Rosa Rand as Princess Aldegonda, and John Morton as the King of Spain. It remained the afternoon attrac- tion for three weeks.

On Jan. 10 " Ixion " was revived, in which Lisa Weber, Ada Harland, Emily Pitt, Belle Howitt, Clara Fisher, Lillie Hall, Lizzie Wilmore, and Edward Righton appeared.

" Dora Bella " and " Ixion " were acted evenings of week com- mencing Jan. 24, and the burlesque " William Tell " was presented in the afternoon. This arrangement was repeated during the fol- lowing week. On the afternoon of Feb. 7 Byron's "Pilgrim of Love " burlesque was played, while in the evening a burlesque called " Little Faust," but which was in reality Burnand's " Alonzo the Brave, or Faust and the Fair Imogene," was presented. The cast was :

Alonzo Ada Harland

Mephisto Lisa Weber

Dr. Faust .... Lizzie Wilmore Brandt Clara Fisher

Siebel J. M. Ward

Wagner Emily Pitt

Valentine Lillie Hall

Marguerite E. Righton

Lisa Weber's costume caught fire from the lights, but other than from fright the lady was uninjured. " Faust " was played for two weeks nightly, and one week at the matindes. Brough's bur- lesque of " Lalla Rookh " was the matinee attraction from Feb. 14 until Feb. 26. The Weber company closed with the matinee of March 5.

Dominick Murray and Josephine Fiddes (Mrs. Dominick Mur- ray) commenced Feb. 28 (evening) in a drama called " The Golden Bubble, or a Change of Fortune," Mr. Murray playing Pierre La Croche, and Josephine Fiddes, Clairesse de Belle Maison. Louis J. Mestayer now joined the company, playing Jacques Sabot. The following week the same play was repeated in the afternoons.

The Rand Sisters reappeared March 14 for the afternoons in "William Tell." "Pygmalion" was the evening attraction. Dominick Murray played Paudeen O'Rafferty in "Born to Good Luck," for the afternoons of the week of March 21. "William Tell " was also acted. The burlesque of " Sappho " was the night attraction. The following week " Pygmalion " was presented in the afternoon, and the burlesque "The White Cat," in the evening.

" The Bohemian Girl " was a new burlesque, given on evening of April II, with this cast:




Arline . . . Devilshoof . . Count Arnheim

. Ada Harland Lizzie Wilmore . . Emily Pitt

Thaddeus .... Jenny Wilmore

Florestein Felix Rogers

Gypsy Queen . . . . L. J. Mestayer

M. W. Leffingwell and Marion Fiske commenced April 25, Mr. Leffingwell as Romeo Jaffier Jenkins in "Too Much for Good Nature," and both in a burlesque by H. B. Mathieson, en- titled " 1870." For the following week the afternoon and evening attraction was "Fra Diavolo" and "Too Much for Good Nature," except the night of May 6, when the Rand Sisters, for their bene- fit, acted " Kenilworth " and " The Pearl of Savoy. "

"The Field of the Cloth of Gold" was revived May 9, and acted afternoon and evening for two weeks. Alice Harrison and Mrs. Edward Wright (mother of James Melville, the equestrian) ap- peared in this burlesque. Albert W. Aiken appeared May 25 in his own drama, "The Witches of New York," in which he played Royal Keene, supported by Olivia Rand as Mile. Eloise, Rosa Rand as the heroine; T. W. Keene, G. C. Charles, Jas. Barnes, and Therese Wood. This ran until June 4.

The Martinetti company of pantomimists came June 6, in " Hop 0' My Thumb." T. W. Keene, L. J. Mestayer, Alice Logan, and Therese Wood played the farce of " The Young Widow. " On June 20 "Jocko, the Brazilian Ape," was the pantomime, and Little Nell (now known as Helen Dauvray) made her first appearance here in a farce by James Barnes called "Popsy Wopsy," in which she sang, danced, and played drum and banjo solos. On July 4 "The Green Monster" pantomime was produced; Little Nell played Andy Blake, and M. d'Atalie and Mme. Angela, strong man and woman, and a troupe of French wrestlers appeared. This was the first appearance in America of the wrestlers.

There was a change of bill July 18. Pierre Dubois, styled "The Samson of the Arena," appeared in his cannon act; "A Terrible Tinker " was acted and the Martinetti Family were seen in "Mons. Duchalumeau. " The burlesque, "East Lynne," was produced July 25, with Edward Lamb, Rosa Rand, Alice Harri- son, Therese Wood, James Barnes, J. S. Rooney, and G. C. Charles in the cast; also "The Magic Trumpet," by the Marti- nettis. For the matinee, Aug. i, "Robert Macaire" and "The Post of Honor " were given, while the evenings of that week were occupied by Albert W. Aiken, with " The Witches of New York. " "The Ace of Spades " was produced for the first time in New York Aug. 15, with Thos. W. Keene, Louis J. Mestayer, Rooney, Jas. Barnes, Therese Wood, Mrs. Harry Ryner, Alice Logan, Aiken, and Geo. C. Charles in the cast. Mr. Aiken's adaptation from the French of Dumas' " The Heart of Gold " was acted Aug. 22. The season closed Aug. 27.

The next season commenced Sept. 5, 1870, with Mrs. Scott-Sid- voL. ir.— 34


dons as the star, in " 'Twixt Axe and Crown," and for the matinee James Barnes' burlesque " The Golden Butterfly " was seen, preceded by a farce in which two young ladies made their first appearance on any stage. Charles R. Thorne, Jr., W. H. Whalley, McKee Rankin, George Metkiff, Claude Burroughs, Louis Mestayer, G. C. Charles, Thomas W. Keene, Henrietta Irving, Annie Sefton, Alice Logan, and Harry Stewart were in the cast of " 'Twixt Axe and Crown." Mrs. Siddons repeated this play a second week, and for her third week appeared as Rosalind to Charles R. Thome's Orlando in " As You Like It. " For her farewell week she played '"Twixt Axe and Crown," Sept. 26, 28; "As You Like It," Sept. 27, 29; "The Honeymoon" and "King Rene's Daughter," Sept. 30.

The Kiralfy Troupe Mile. Haniola, Imre, and Bolossy Kiralfy and others appeared Oct. 3 in ballet ; and Oct. 10, in " Humpty Dumpty, Jr. " The characters were played by the Saxon " Infant Troupe;" also " Guerrieres Sauvages." At the matindes, Thurs- day and Friday, the burlesque of " Rip Van Winkle " was acted, preceded by "The Suit of Tweeds."

The Lydia Thompson burlesque company commenced Oct. 17 in "Lurline," founded upon Wallace's opera of that name. In the organization were Lydia Thompson, Pauline Markham, Marie Longmore, Alice Atherton, Fanny Prestige, John L. Hall, W. B. Cahill, and Willie Edouin. At the matinees the burlesque, " Enoch Arden, the Sailor Boy" was seen. The Thompson company re- vived the drooping fortunes of the Museum. They attracted large audiences nightly; and, though but slightly noticed by the daily press, whose opposition they seemed to thrive on, they acted with the same spirit and gaiety which at this house won them their first American triumphs. For the matinees, week of Oct. 31, "The Rose of Castile " was given with Rosa Cook in the cast.

" Lurline " was acted four weeks. On Nov. 14 the company was reorganized, and "Paris, or the Apple of Discord," was produced, with this cast :

Juno Annie Firmin

Minerva Lillie Hall

Oenone Harry Beckett

Orion Alice Atherton

Castor W. B. Cahill

Paris Lydia Thompson

Venus Minnie Walton

Mercury . . . Eliza Weathersby

Jupiter Marie Longmore

Cupid Jennie Arnot

Pollux Willie Edouin

For the matinees this week a comic opera company under the direction of Fred Lyster appeared in "The Grand Duchess." For the matinees, weeks of Nov. 28 and Dec. 5, "The Beggar's Opera" was presented. "The White Cat," preceded by the farce. "A Woman's Stratagem," in which Lottie Grant made her first ap- pearance on any stage, was done at the matinee, Dec. 12. "Paris"


was reconstructed, and given Dec. 19. Ada Harland reappeared; also Nellie Henderson, who made her d^but. Johnny Thompson commenced matinee, Dec. 27 in " On Hand, or True to the Last."

"Paris" was withdrawn Jan. 2, 1871, after its eleventh week, for "The Forty Thieves," and Johnny Thompson continued at the matinees the weeks of Jan. 9-16. The Thompson company pro- duced "St. George and the Dragon, or The Seven Champions of Christendom." They began their last week Jan. 23, with "Deli- cate Ground," in which Fred Dewar, H. R. Teesdale, and Lydia Thompson appeared, followed by "St. George and the Dragon." For her benefit, Jan. 27, Lydia acted in "Meg's Diversion," and the principal scenes from " Ixion, or the Man at the Wheel. " They closed Jan. 28, with "Ixion," and "Meg's Diversion."

Lydia Thompson was the first person to sing "His 'Art Was True to Poll " in America. She told me, with plenty of laughable interruptions and imitations, how she "cribbed" the song from Mrs. John Wood, who had made a great hit with it in London Mrs. Wood never forgave her.

Lucy Rushton appeared Jan. 30 in "Red Hands," in which W. Barry made his first appearance this season, as did Annie Sefton. "The Spirit Avenger" was acted at the matinees.

The Coleman Children Louise, Alice, Clara, and Walter commenced at the matinee, Feb. 6, in "Milly, the Pretty Milk Maid," and "Nan the Good for Nothing." They introduced in- strumental and vocal solos, songs, and dances. For the evenings Lucy Rushton was the attraction, commencing Feb. 6, in " Glitter," done for the first time in America. Her engagement terminated Feb. II. The Colemans continued for the matinees week Feb. 13, in "The Loan of a Lover," "Nan the Good for Nothing," and "The Swiss Cottage." Louise Coleman played the banjo well, and her solos on the B-flat cornet were surprising. Louise died at Col- fax, Col., Oct. 6, 1874. Alice died in New York, August 16, 1894. The burlesque of " Lucretia Borgia" was presented Feb. 13 with William B. Cahill as the "Dook," Alice Harrison as Genarro, and Therese Wood as Orsini. Edward Eddy appeared Feb. 20 in "Monte Cristo." "Lucrezia Borgia" was the matinee bill. Mr. Eddy continued the week of Feb. 27; for the matinees, "Dearer than Life" and "Boots at the Swan" were played. March 6 Mr. Eddy acted in "The Dead Heart." Oliver Doud Byron appeared here March 13 in "Across the Continent." Annie Firmin, James M. Ward, Thomas W. Keene, W. B. Cahill, Louis Mestayer, Joseph Sefton, Alice Harrison, Therese Wood, and Alice Atherton were in the cast. For the matinees, every day except Saturday, " Lucrezia Borgia " and " Atchi " were given. " The Hidden Hand " was the matinee attraction the week of March 27.


"The Black Ape," with Sig. Canito (first appearance at this theatre), was seen April 3. " Fairies of the Enchanted Isle " was offered at the matinees, week of April 10. Oliver Doud Byron's sixth and last week of "Across the Continent" began April 17. For the matindes, "The Flying Dutchman" was given.

Geo. Francis Train lectured on Sunday evening, April 23. "The Streets of New York," with T. W. Keene as Badger, was presented April 24; for the matinee "The Flying Dutchman" continued. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was the matinee attraction May r; evenings. May 3, 4, "The Colleen Bawn " was played; May 5 was W. B. Cahill's benefit; May 8 was the first appear- ance as a dramatic star of Joseph Murphy, in " Help, " who con- tinued three weeks, appearing in his last week both afternoon and evening of every day. Alice Harrison took a benefit May 30, when "The Hidden Hand," the burlesque of "Kenilworth" (in which the Rand Sisters appeared), Tony Pastor in songs, and Johnny Allen were the attractions. James Barnes' benefit took place June 2, with " Inshavogue. " Charles Fox and Tony Denier's pantomime company commenced June 5 in "The Three Blind Mice," and continued for three weeks, afternoon and evening each day. On June 26 they presented " Humpty Dumpty. " James M. Ward appeared in "Through by Daylight," July 3. Geo. C. Davenport acted in " The Knights of Arva " afternoon July 10.

Geo. C. Boniface began an engagement July 17, in "Les Mis- erables," adapted from Victor Hugo's romance. It had this cast:

Jean Valjean . . . . G. C. Boniface Fantine . . . Gussie de Forrest

Thonadier J. J. Wallace

Javert Frank Evans

M. Myrel Harry Ryner

Mad. Magloire .... Nellie Jones

M. Heullant T. A. Dow

Cochchaille . . . . L. R. Willard

Cammathieu R. J. Lewis

Gavroche Alice Atherton

M. Gildenormand . . W. H. Wilder

Favorite .... Marion Holcombe

Dahlia Emma Mosher

Zephina . . . Miss M. Westberg

Thenadiess Kate Ryner

Cosette Mary Page

Baptistee .... Jennie Satterlee

Brebet Harry Stewart

Chemildieu .... Edward Coyle Fanchelevent . . . . G. C. Charles

Marius J. Leslie Gossin

Servant Wm. Major

At the matinees of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, "All That Glitters is Not Gold." "The Idiot of the Mountain," with Geo. C. Boniface as Claude, and Gussie de Forrest, J. J. Wallace, J. L. Gossin, and Frank Evans in the cast, was presented July 24. "The Chimney Corner" was the matinee attraction. "The Ticket of Leave Man" with Mr. Boni- face as Brierly, and Gussie de Forrest as May Edwards, was played July 31. "David Garrick" and "Robert Macaire" were given for the evenings, and John L. Hall's burlesque company in " Aladdih" and " My Turn Next " for the matinees.


Ada Harland returned here Aug. 21, acting the Will o' the Wisp in " Lola." " Lost in London " was played for the matinees. Miss Harland closed Sept. 2. Charles Foster appeared Sept. 4 in "Bertha, the Sewing Machine Girl," for the matinees. Lucille Western was seen in the evenings in " East Lynne," supported by James A. Heme. Charles Foster continued for three weeks. Lucille Western played "East Lynne" week of Sept. 11, except Saturday evening, Sept. 16, when she acted in "Lucrezia Borgia;" Sept. 18, "Leah, the Forsaken;" Sept. 25, Lucille Western pro- duced "The Mendicant, or Stricken Blind." Wm. J. Fleming was in the cast. For the matin6es John L. Hall appeared in "Our Nelly " and in " Cool as a Cucumber." " Oliver Twist " was done Oct. 2 by Lucille Western, who also played Mrs. Haller in " The Stranger," matinee, Oct. 7. The matinee attraction this week was J. J. Wallace, as Peter Probity in "The Chimney Corner."

"The Child Stealer" was acted all the week of Oct. 9 except Oct. 13, when "East Lynne" was given. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hall appeared at the matindes in "The Orphan's Dream, or the Servant Girl's Trials." Lucille Western terminated her engage- ment Oct. 14, and was followed Oct. 16 by "The Octoroon" for the evenings, and " The Gunmaker of Moscow " for the matindes. "The Octoroon" and "The Gunmaker of Moscow" was the night attraction the week of Oct. 23, while "The Gypsy Farmer" and the farce " Long Brother John " were done at the matinees.

Master Percy Roselle made his debut Oct. 30 in "The Boy Detective." T. S. Connor, Thomas Owens, and Mrs. M. A. Pennoyer were in the cast. H. J. Byron's burlesque, "Acis and Galatea," was acted at the matinees. Master Roselle (who was announced as only fifteen years of age) continued for three weeks. For the week of Nov. 13 the burlesque of " Masaniello " and " The Golden Farmer" were the matinee pieces.

Susan Denin first appeared at this theatre Nov. 20, supported by J. B. Studley, in "The Black Sheep." "Pale Janet" was the matinee bill. " Clairvoyance, or the Man with the Wax Figures " was seen Nov. 27, with Susan Denin, John W. Albaugh, and J. B. Studley in the cast. " Life in the Streets " was presented Dec. 4, and for the matinees "Colleen Bawn;" Dec. 18, "The Ticket of Leave Man," matinees, "Satan in Paris;" Dec. 25 saw a perform- ance of "Benedict Arnold."

On Jan. i, 1872, "The Forty Thieves" was the matinee bill, and for the evenings, "Out of the Fire." Pauline Markham and Belle Howitt were seen in "Little Red Riding Hood," week Jan. 29. Marian Mordaunt appeared Feb. 12 in "Darling, or Woman and Her Master." Charles T. Parsloe, with his pupil. Master SnifEen, played Feb. 26 in " Out at Sea. " Laura Keene appeared here April i in "Hunted Down," and stayed two weeks, followed


April 15-22 by "The Sea of Ice," and for the matinees "Forty Thieves," with Pauline Markham and Belle Howitt in the cast. " Ixion " was revived April 29, with Markham, Belle Howitt, A. H. Sheldon, and Rollin Howard in the principal rSles ; matinees, " Time and Tide " was presented, with Thos. W. Keene and Miss Markham in the cast.

Marietta Ravel (now Mrs. Martin W. Hanley) appeared May 6 in " The French Spy ; " " Ixion " was given for the matinees. "Jartine" was produced May 13 by Marietta Ravel, and for the matinees the burlesque "Eily O'Connor" was seen. Johnny Thompson appeared May 20-27 in " On Hand ; " for the matinee, May 20, " Dick Whittington and His Cat " was done, and May 27, "The Willow Copse" was played. Thompson acted June 3-10, for the first times in " Our Colored Brothers ; " matindes, June 3, "Black Eyed Susan;" June 10, "Maud's Peril," with Jennie Car- roll in the cast.

Albert Aiken appeared afternoon and evening of week of June 17 in the Indian drama, "Red Mazeppa;" June 24 Dominick Murray acted "Escaped from Sing Sing," afternoon and evening, supported by C. W. Barry. "Won Out" was produced the week of July I. Afternoon and evening July 8, J. J. McCloskey was seen in "Pomp, or Way Down South;" July 15 Harry Seymour came as Quasimodo in "Notre Dame," afternoons and evening; July 22, " Life in New York " for the matinees, and Baker and Farron in "Chris and Lena" was the night attraction. F. S. Chanfrau presented "Kit" July 29, Aug. 5; "Sam," Aug. 12; for the matinee, "Madge, or a Life of Crime;" "The Mariner's Com- pass " was done for the matinee Aug. 19, and Mr. Chanfrau played "The Ticket of Leave Man," for the evening; Aug. 26, "The Serious Family " was done at matinee, and " Swiss Swains. " In the evenings Mr. Chanfrau acted Old Pete in "The Octoroon." " The Lady of Lyons " was presented Sept. 2 for the afternoon, and " Kit " in the evening.

The next regular season began Sept. 9, 1872, with the burlesque of " Chow Chow, or a Tale of Pekin. " Lisa Weber, Belle Howitt, Emma Grattan (Mrs. Harry Courtaine), Aggie Wood, Charles Sturgess, Pauline Markham, L. J. Mestayer, A. H. Sheldon, Jennie Arnot, and Therese Wood were in the cast. George Atkins joined the company Sept. 16. Baker and Farron were seen at the matinees in " Chris and Lena. " " Chow Chow " was played Sept. 23, and for the matinee, "She Stoops to Conquer" was given; Sept. 30, Oct. 7, Dominick Murray came in "Escaped from Sing Sing;" matinee, Sept. 30, "Chow Chow;" Oct. 7, "Little Red Riding Hood;" Oct. 14, "A Gambler's Crime, or the Murder on the Hudson," by Dominick Murray, for the even- ings; matinees, "Dick Whittington and His Cat."


The burlesque, "The Three Musketeers," evening, Oct. 21; matinee, "The Corsican Brothers;" "The Musketeers" for the matinees, and Marie Zoe in "The Angel of Midnight," evenings of week commencing Oct. 28. On Nov. 4 Zoe appeared at the matinees, and the burlesque, " The Silver Demon " was done at night. James M. Ward commenced Nov. ii in "Buffalo Bill," followed Nov. 18 by John Thompson in "Our Colored Brother;" "Ixion" was seen matinee Nov. 25; evening, John Thompson ap- peared in " The Wandering Dutchman. " " The Golden Butterfly " was played matindes, Dec. 2-9, and Thompson was seen in the evening in " On Hand. " " The Palace of Truth " was the matinee attraction Dec. 16-23, and in the evening "Babes in the Wood," in which Delehanty and Hengler and Sheridan and Mack, song and dance artists, appeared, also Jacob Showles with his perform- ing mule; Dec. 29, "Jack, the Giant Killer," was done.

Marietta Ravel appeared Jan. 13, 1873, in "Jartine" for the evenings, while Moses W. Fiske occupied the stage the after- noons in " Poison ; " Jan. 20 Marietta Ravel presented " Wild Cat ; " Jan. 27, F. S. Chanfrau came in "Kit." Feb. 3-10 James M. Ward in " Buffalo Bill " for the matinees ; evenings of week Feb. 10 Chanfrau acted "Sam;" Feb. 17, J. Z. Little in "Saved from the Wreck," matinde; Chanfrau in the evenings acted " Mose ; " Feb. 24, J. Z. Little was seen at matindes ; evenings, Oliver Doud Byron appeared in "Across the Continent." J. Z. Little died in Brooklyn, N. Y., March 9, 1900. Week of March 3, " Daylight and Gaslight " for the matinees ; E. T. Stetson at night in "Neck and Neck;" March 10-17 James J. Bartlett in "The Devil's Crag;" March 24, Joseph Murphy played in "Help," for the evenings; matinee, March 31, W. S. Higgins in "Out of the Fire;" evenings. Murphy in "Maum Cre."

April 7 Stuart Robson appeared for the evenings in " Law in New York;" Minnie Foster acted in "Mad Cap," for the matinees ; April 14 Dominick Murray was seen in "The Gambler's Crime, or Murder on the Hudson;" April 21, Jennie Morton occupied the matinees with "Fanchon;" evenings, Murray in "Escaped from Sing Sing;" April 28, Murray in "Blood Money." Hernandez Foster appeared at the matinees May S in "Jack Harkaway;" Murray in the evenings in "Willy Reilly."

Yankee Locke began an engagement May 19 in "Trumps;" Louise Sylvester had the matindes, with " Nip, the Pretty Flower." Wm. H. Whalley appeared evening May 26 in " Captain Jack ; " Louise Sylvester in " Katy Did " for the matinee. Frank Mayo was seen June 2 in "Davy Crockett," while Edward Eddy was the afternoon attraction in " Monte Cristo. " James M. Ward and Winnetta Montague came June 16 in " Cuba, or Might Against Right," and for the matinees, John Jack offered "Wife of Two."


Thomas G. Riggs appeared June 30 in "Shin Fane." D. E. Ral- ton acted in "Wild Bill," afternoons week commencing July 7. In the evenings Harry Clifford was seen in "Pomp;" July 14 John Collins, the Irish comedian, was seen in "Rory O'More," and "His Last Legs" for the evenings, while Florence Noble oc- cupied the stage at the matinles with "Shadow Brook, or A Daughter's Oath;" July 21 J. J. "Wallace came in "Orin A'Chorra;" July 28, Geo. C. Charles in "The Skeleton Hand;" Aug. 4, Frank Evans in "Three Years in a Man Trap;" Aug. 11, for the matinees E. T. Stetson in "Struck Blind;" evenings, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Albaugh in "Watch and Wait; " Aug. 18, for the matinees, E. T. Stetson in "Pablo, or the Cuban Rider;" even- ings, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Albaugh in " Poverty Flat. " Edward Eddy acted in "Metamora" Aug. 25, 26, 27, and in "Jack Cade," Aug. 28, 29, 30.

The stock company for 1873-74 was composed of: William Marden, T. W. Keene, J. Z. Little, L. J. Mestayer, A. H. Shel- don, Welsh Edwards, Geo. O. Morris, Charles Sturgess, Harry Stewart, J. Partello, L. R. Birchler, Frank Langley, Charles Woodruff, L. R. Willard, Gussie de Forrest, Nellie Young, Hen- rietta Granger, Augusta Raymond (now Mrs. Edward Kidder), Therese Wood, Nellie Sandford (Mrs. A. H. Sheldon), Mrs. D. B. Vanderen, Mrs. Welsh Edwards, Katy Harrison, and Lizzie Andrews. James Barnes was stage manager. The season opened Sept. i with Elsie Holt in "Dick the Chevalier," for the evenings and Saturday matinees. The other matinees during the week were filled by Edmund Pierce in McCloskey's drama "For Lack of Gold." Edward Eddy appeared Sept. 8 in "The Wandering Jew," for the matinees; Elsie Holt in burlesque in the evenings. Oliver Byron followed, Sept. 15, in "Ben McCullough;" Sept. 22, "Across the Continent;" Sept. 29, T. G. Riggs in "Shin Fane;" for the matinees, "Jack the Giant Killer;" Oct. 6, E. T. Stetson in "Struck Blind." Frank Mayo and Rosa Rand began Oct. 20 and " Davy Crockett " was acted during the week. Dominick Murray commenced Oct. 27 in " Willy Reilly. " On Nov. 17 John E. Owens appeared in "The Victims." T. G. Riggs was seen Dec. 15 in "The Irish Detective," acted for the first time on any stage. It was supplemented on Friday and Saturday evenings, as well as the Saturday matinee, by " The Fastest Boy in New York."

Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Davenport began an engagement of two weeks, Dec. 22, in "Hamlet," followed by other Shakespearian standard plays. Jan. 5, 1874, "The Streets of New York" was given ^in the evening, while "A Husband to Order" was the matinee attraction; Jan. 19 Geo. H. Adams was seen in "Jack Robinson and His Monkey;" Jan. 26, for the first time on any




stage, "Nimble Jim" was done; matinee, Rollin Howard and Jennie Engel, in "The Naiad Queen;" Feb. 2, Yankee Locke in "Trumps." Jennie Engel was the matinee star in "Puss in Boots." Feb. 9, Amy Stone was seen in "Cigarette;" Feb. 16, J. A. Stevens in "Daniel Boone;" for the matinees, commencing Feb. 23, " Dombey and Son ; " March 2, Alice Harrison appeared in "The Boy Detective;" March 9, "Bertha, the Sewing Machine Girl," Alice Harrison in the title r61e; March 16, J. J. Wallace came in "The Man from Africa;" March 23, "Rum, or the Cru- sade of Temperance," came, with Robert Johnston as the star. On March 30, Alice Placide in "The Little Rifle," for the even- ings, and " Uncle Tom's Cabin " for the matinees.

Jennie Morton was seen April 6 in "Idlewild," for the matin6es, and C. W. Barry in " Escaped from Sing Sing " in the evenings. E. L. Davenport was the next star, in " St. Marc, or The Soldier of Fortune," April 13, 14; "Oliver Twist," April 15; April 16, "A New Way to Pay Old Debts." E. L. Davenport terminated his engagement April 18 with "Macbeth." Dominick Murray ap- peared April 20, in "The Gambler's Crime." For the benefit of Gussie de Forrest, April 27, "The Lady of Lyons," and "Female Blue Beard " were played. Sophie Miles acted in " East Lynne " for the matinees. T. W. Keene did "The Man of Mystery," for his benefit, April 28. "Uncle Tom's Cabin," April 29, 30. Sophie Miles came in "Aurora Floyd," May i. A. H. Sheldon and James Barnes had a joint- benefit afternoon and evening of May 2. Mr. Sheldon's drama, "Wealth and Crime, or Escaped from the Gallows," was acted for the first time. Marietta Ravel returned in "Jartine" May 4. "Wild Cat" was done May 11, and for the matinees, week of May 11, Sophie Miles in "Deborah." Marietta Ravel played "The French Spy," May 15, 16. Sid. C. France followed May 25 in " Marked for Life." Baker and Farron came June i in "Chris and Lena, or German Life on the Missis- sippi." J. W. Huntley was seen in "Wrestling Joe," June 8. Hernandez Foster for the afternoons and evenings, June 15, in "Jack Harkaway." June 22 was the first appearance of J. R. Grismer in "The Skeleton Hand." Friday and Saturday after- noons and evenings, June 26, 27, " Wealth and Crime " was pro- duced, with this cast:

Joe Green A. H. Sheldon District Attorney . . Christie Miller

Frank Carroll . . . Harry Colton Foreman of Jury . . Frank Langley

Gerald Welsh Edwards Girl of the Period . . May Kimball

Dick Kelly .... Harry Stewart Joan of Arc .... Maud Bobav

Cupid : Nellie Sandford Sheriff L. R. Willard

Mrs. Thome . . . Kate Harrison Moran Steele . . . . R. J. Lewis

Richard Rakeley . . Geo. O. Morris Metamora . . . Delancy Barclay

James Connor . . . W. H. Partello Lucy Gussie de Forrest

Judge Goodman . . G. C. Charles Jennie Therese Wood

Mrs. Green . Mrs. D. B. Vanderen America Miss E. Shaw


"Birthday of Freedom, or The Days of '^6 " was produced Mon- day afternoon, June 29. In the evening Buffalo Bill appeared in "The Scout of the Plains." On Saturday, July 4, there were three performances in the lecture room. July 6 J. P. Kilbourne played day and nights in Charles Foster's " Swamp Angels "and "Dar- ing Dick, the Detective;" July 13, Harry Clifford returned in "Pomp;" July 20, C. W. Barry in "Roped In;" Louis Aldrich was engaged as a stock star for the season; he opened July 27 in "The Streets of New York," with Sophie Miles as the night at- traction, and " The Dead Witness " for the matinees.

" The Sea of Ice " was presented evening, Aug. 3, with Aldrich, Sophie Miles, Therese Wood, W. H. Meeker, Florence Stratton,

D. B. Vanderen, J. R. Grismer, A. H. Sheldon, Welsh Edwards, and Harry Colton in the cast. The Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday matinees were filled with " Little Red Rid- ing Hood," Belle Howitt, Lizzie Kelsey, and Elsie Moore in the cast. "The Poor and Proud of New York" was done Aug. 10, and "Dick Whittington and His Cat "for the matinees. "The Dwarfs' Duel" for the nights, and "Puss in Boots," matinees, Aug. 17; "The Lancashire Lass" was seen Aug. 24, followed Aug. 31 by "The Last Nail, or Demon of Goblin Gap, "and "Blow for Blow;" Sept. 7, matinees, "Pride of the Market;" night, "Foul Play;" Sept. 14, "The Lady of Lyons," for the matinees, and nights, " Under the Gaslight. "

E. L. Davenport reappeared Sept. 21, 22, in "Richelieu;" Sept. 23, 24, in "Othello;" Sept. 25, 26, "Macbeth;" and matinee, Sept. 26, "The Stranger." M. W. Leiifingwell as Romeo Jaffier Jenkins was the matinee attraction for the week. " Hamlet " was played by Mr. Davenport Sept. 28, 29; "A New Way to Pay Old Debts," Sept. 30; "Damon and Pythias," with John

E. McCullough as Pythias, Oct. 2, and "Richard III.," Oct. 3; "A Flash of Lightning" was seen Oct. $; "Under the Gas- light," Oct. 12; Jennie Morton at the matinees in "Idlewild." Oct. 19 Lucille Western appeared in "East Lynne" and stayed two weeks ; " Oliver Twist " was done Oct. 30. Oliver Doud Byron came Nov. 2 in "Ben McCullough," for four evenings and " Across the Continent," for two evenings. " Uncle Tom's Cabin," matinees week of Nov. 16, Alice Placide acting "Little Rifle" in the evenings; Nov. 23 "Round the Clock" was given, in which Joe Coburn, the pugilist boxed with the "Unknown." Fred Rob- inson presented "Quarry Dell" Nov. 30; J. H. Vinton appeared Dec. 14 in "Quits," followed by "Arrah Na Pogue," Dec. 21; " After Dark " was done Dec. 28, and Wash T. Melville came Jan. 4, 1875, in "Smoke."

George Ciprico appeared the week of Jan. 11 in "Edmund Kean;" Johnny Thompson in "Dixie," Jan. 18; Albert Aiken




in "The Witches of New York," Feb. i ; S. C. France returned in "Marked for Life," Feb. 15; Johnny Allen came Feb. 22, in "Schneider, or Dot House Von Der Rhine;" "Diedrich" was done by Mr. Allen for the first time here, Feb. 25; the CarroUs, Richard and Dick, appeared March i, in " Kidnapped ; " March 15, Yankee Robinson in " Sas-sa-cus ; " Louis Aldrich played at the matinees in "Monte Cristo;" Rena (Mrs. Fred Maeder) was seen March 29, for the matinees in " Castle Garden ; " Frank Jones appeared April 5 in "The Black Hand;" Oliver Doud Byron returned April 12 in "Ben McCuUough;" April 26, Byron in "Thoroughbred;" May 10 Kate Fisher appeared in "Mazeppd;" May 17, Milton Nobles in "Jim Bludsoe;" May 31, Sheridan & Mack's variety company; June 14, Lillie Wilkinson for one week in "Little Sunshine;" June 21, E. T. Stetson in "The Black Doctor;" June 28, Charles Foster in his own drama, "201, or the Doctor's Oath."

On July S a summer season commenced. On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings and Wednesday matinee, " Blackwell's Island, Or Vice and Poverty," by W. A. Towers, was acted, with this cast:

Bobby Snooks . Walter Leroy Jasper .... Ed. Harrington . Dr. Gale . . . Policeman . . Manager Allbones Fred Farwell Stephen Stone . Frank Crossgill

A. H. Sheldon

Harry Lee

E. L. Mortimer

H. Harris

Harry Stewart

. C. Wilson

Harry Stewart

W. A. Gregston

Christie Miller

R. J, Lewis

Mary Colton Margaret . . Mrs. Mawley Thos. Curley Sentry .

Louise Sylvester

Mrs. M. L. Berrell

. . Fanny Laurent

, . G. C. Charles

, . . J. Golden

DoUman L. R. Birchler

Letter Carrier J. Reddy

Bootblack J. Mitchell

Lottie Therese Wood

Nellie Nellie Sandford

Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings and Saturday matinee, "Jack Sheppard " was given, with this cast:

Jack Sheppard . . . A. H. Sheldon Gay M. Christie

Jonathan Wild .... Harry Colton Figgs L. R. Birchler

Sir Rowland . . . Hamilton Harris Kittleby C. Wilson

Blueskin Harry Stewart Austin J. Reddy

Owen Wood . . . Christie Miller Rachel Kate Halpin

Thames Barrel .... Harry Lee Sally Nellie Sandford

Kneebone . . . . E. L. Mortimer Winny Emily Maynard

Mendez L. R. Birchler Mrs. Wood . . . Mrs. M. L. Berrell

Hogarth W. C. Turner Letty Fanny Laurent

Week July 12, evenings and two matinees, "Pomp" was played, and for Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday matinees, Gussie de Forrest was starred in "A Woman of the World." In the evenings and Wednesday and Saturday matinees of week of July 19, Oliver Doud Byron was seen in "Across the Continent." Dominick Murray appeared Aug. 26 in "The Spy," with the


author, C. W. Barry, M. V. Lingham, Gussie de Forrest, J. H. Burnett, and J. W. Shannon in the cast. Week of Aug. 2, "The Spy " was continued for the evenings, and for the daily matinees, except Wednesday and Saturday, " Wealth and Crime " was done. " The Spy " continued for a third week, and " Under False Colors," by A. H. Sheldon, was first acted matinee Aug. 9, and kept the stage during the week at the matinees.

Frank Frayne began an engagement of two weeks Aug. 16 in "Si Slocum." He appeared every evening and Wednesday and Saturday matinees, assisted by Frank Frayne, Clara Butler Frayne, F. R. Knight, J. W. Butler, and the regular company. For the matin^es,^ A. H. Sheldon's play, "The Black Avenger, or the Pirate's Last Shot," was done. During the second week's engagement of Mr. Frayne "A Duel in the Snow," and "The Fellow That Looks Like Me" were played. "Blow for Blow" was the matinee bill week of Aug. 30, and Johnny Thompson for the evenings. Mr. Thompson continued Sept. 6 in "Face to Face," while "Sin and Sorrow" was given at the matinees. The matinee attraction week of Sept. 13 was "The New York Fire- man, " and for the evenings, S. C. France, in " Marked for Life. " Two of the sensations of this drama were "a train of cars at full speed, running through a forest of fire," and a "rain storm of real water." S. C. France was seen Sept. 20 in "Dead to the World," with Jennie Morton, in "Neota, the Avenger," for the matinees; Sept. 27, F. S. Chanfrau came in "Kit," and stayed a fortnight, followed Oct II by Kate Fisher in "Mazeppa;" Oct. 18, "The French Spy;" Nov. i, Thomas W. Keene in "The Four Knaves;" Nov. 8, Keene as Badger, in "The Streets of New York;" and Nov. 13, Keene as Fagin, in "Oliver Tv^ist." Joseph Proctor appeared Nov. 15 after an absence of several years; Nov. 22 he acted "Rob Roy" for the week; Nov. 29, Geo. S. Knight was seen in "Karl Kline;" Dec. 6, F. S. Chanfrau came in "Rube, or the Wall Street Undertow," first time on any stage; Dec. 20, Mr. Chanfrau acted " Kit " for one week, and Dec. 27, Bob Brierly in " Ticket of Leave Man. "

On Jan. 3, 1876, James B. Roberts appeared here in "Faust and Marguerite;" Jan. 10, Belle Howitt came in "Jack the Giant Killer;" Jan. 14, C. W. Barry and Louis Aldrich played in "The Spy." During the winter of this season Geo. B. Bunnell and P. T. Barnum purchased a half interest in this establishment. On Jan. 21 Chas. T. Nichols was seen in "Sharkey, or the Shadow Detective;" Jan. 28 Kate Fisher came in "Schamyl" and "The French Spy; " March 13 Thomas G. Riggs appeared in " Suil Gair" and "Votes;" March 20 F. S. Chanfrau returned in "O'Flannigan and the Fairies." Robert Johnston came May 8 in "The Poor of the City;" John S. Norton was seen week of May 15 with "Under


the Galiows. " Then came a new burlesque company, consisting of Adah Richmond, Nellie Allen, Harry Allen, Harry Stewart, Violet Campbell (Mrs. Belvil Ryan), Marion Sackett, Nellie Sandford, A. H. Sheldon, Mamie French, and Lizzie Kelsey, who appeared May 22 in "The Fair One with the Blonde Wig." D'Orsay Odgen and Louise Sylvester were seen the same day in "Bamboozling."

George C. Boniface appeared May 29 in "A Life's Revenge;" July 10 E. T. Stetson was seen in "Neck and Neck;" July 17 Stetson acted in "Belphegor;" Aug. 14 Harry Seymour gave "Sitting Bull, or Custer's Last Charge." "The Ice Witch" was offered Sept. 4; "Under the Gaslight," Sept. 11; Oct. 2, "A Flash of Lightning," with Sophie Miles, Harry Colton, Polly Booth, Geo. C. Jordan, Bertie Maywood, Aggie Wood, and Harry Vaughan in the cast. " Round the Clock " returned Oct. 9. Joe Coburn and Joe Goss, the pugilists, were introduced in "The Lottery of Life " Oct. 16, and George Wood closed the season Oct. 21.

The house reopened Oct. 23 with W. E. Barnes as manager. J. B. Studley appeared in "Buffalo Bill," Monday, Tuesday, Thurs- day, and Friday matinees. " Rip Van Winkle " was the attraction, with Sophie Miles as Gretchen and Harry Wilson as Rip. James Barnes (stage manager) took a benefit Oct. 30. The attraction was C. W. Barry in " Escaped from Sing Sing " and " The Adopted Child." Louis Aldrich, Lisa Weber, Constance Ham- blin, Mrs. Harry Jordan, Mrs. W. G. Jones, Jennie Morton, and Phosa McAllister acted in " Don Caesar de Bazan " and " Neota, the Avenger." When W. E. Barnes became manager nearly all the curiosities were rerfioved from the house, and when he retired from the management John Banvard took possession, and reopened the house Dec. 26.

Mr. Banvard had evidently grown tired of " Museums " and kin- dred titles, and now named his house "The Broadway Theatre." His opening attraction was a play called "Coerinia," and his company consisted of May Hart, (Mrs. John G. Saville), Zelma Valdemir, Alice Alton, Constance Hamblin, May Decker, Mrs. Sylvester Post (mother of Louise Sylvester), Marie Le Brun, John B. Studley, Edwin F. Knowles, W. M. Ward, J. V. Melton, Chas. Webster, Arthur H. Forrest, John P. Cooke, Chas. E. Newton, Herbert Ayling, H. Pierson, H. Lovell, and J. Hall.

On Jan. i, 1877, Joseph H. Keane appeared in "Rip Van Winkle;" Jan. 15. 22, 29, Mrs. G. C. Howard was seen as Topsy in "Uncle Tom's Cabin." On Jan. 22 J. B. Ayres was announced as the manager. The musical comedy, " Marton, La Jolie Bouqu6tierre " was presented the week of Feb. 5. "Our Boys "was done Feb. 19, by the consent of Aug. Daly. In the


cast were Thos. Whiff en, Mark Bates, Chas. Loveday, J. G. Sa- ville, Annie Edmondson, Genevieve Stebbins, Mrs. Sol Smith, and May Gallagher. John T. Hinds began an engagement Feb. 26 in "Inshavogue." This was withdrawn after the second night, and "Trodden Down," with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Watkins, was substituted. Mr. Watkins had convinced Mr. Banvard that " In- shavogue " was a pirated version of " Trodden Down, or Under Two Flags." Mr. and Mrs. Watkins continued the following week, March 5, in "Trodden Down," and week of March 12 in "Kathleen Mavourneen." Mrs. J. H. Hackett appeared March 19 in "Medea." Marian Mordaunt began March 26, for two weeks, in "Our Girls." P. E. Sullivan, Louis Barrett, E. D. Walton, Harry Vaughan, Thomas Owens, and Chas. Allison were of the company. April 9, Marian Mordaunt produced "The Mechanic's Daughter, or The Curse of Drink." The house suddenly closed April II.

James Duff was the next lessee of the theatre. He took posses- sion April 18, and opened April 30, for two weeks, with "The Wonder Child, or the Follies of Earth, Air, and Sea. " The house was closed abruptly on May 16.

A summer season commenced on June 2, with Chas. E. Newton as the manager. John A. Stevens was the attraction in "Un- known," but he lasted only four days. Stevens, Nina Varian, J. J. Wallace, Chas. Foster, and W. M. Ward were in the company.

Fanny Louise Buckingham leased the house for two weeks, mak- ing her American debut July 2 in " Mazeppa. " Wm. H. Leake, James M. Hardie, Chas. Norris, R. C. White, John Germon, Oliver Wren, Gussie de Forrest, Isabella Preston, Lulu Jordan, and Louise Sylvester were in the company. The house closed July 14. John Germon died in New York, May 6, 1901. Oliver Wren died at Havre de Grace, Md., April 28, 1901. James Duff reopened the house Aug. 22, 1877, with the new play, "The Danites ; " Mr. and Mrs. McKee Rankin were the stars, and with this cast :

Alex. McGee . . . McKee Rankin Grasshopper Jake . . B. T. Ringgold

Bill Alex. Fitzgerald

Hezekiah Geo. Waldron

Washee Harry Pratt

Sallie Sloan Ida Jeffreys

Henrietta Ada Gilman

Charlie Louis Aldrich

Wm. Wise .... Wm. H. Lytell Thomas . . . . G. Vining Bowers Stubbs ..... W. G. Cogswell

Nancy Kitty Blanchard

Huldah Lillie Eldridge

Sept. 26 "Oliver Twist" was acted, with Mr. Rankin as Fagin, Kitty Blanchard as Nancy Sikes, and Louis Aldrich as Bill Sikes.

Marie Aimee appeared here Oct. i, with a French Opera Bouffe company, in "La Marjolaine" for two weeks. "Girofle-Girofla" was presented Oct. 15, 17, 19, and matinee, Oct. 20, with Aim6e




in title rdle. Oct. 16, 18, "La Grande Duchesse;" Oct. 22, 23, 24, 27, "Le Petit Faust," Aimee as Marguerite, Mile. Mario as Mephisto; Oct. 25, " La Fille de Madame Angot ; " Oct. 26, "La Marjolaine;" Oct. 29, "La Belle Helena; " Oct. 30, "Girofle- Girofla;" Oct. 31, for the benefit of Aimde, she appeared as Boulotte in "Barbe Bleue;" Nov. 3, she closed with "Barbe Bleue."

The regular season opened Nov. 5, 1877, with Mme. Janauschek in "Briinhilde." Fred Warde, Frederic Robinson, James Taylor, G. B. Waldron, W. G. Cogswell, Jeffreys Lewis, Alice Gray, Carlotta Evelyn, and Adelaide Cherrie were in the company. "Chesney Wold" was played Nov. 12, with Janauschek as Lady Dedlock and Hortense; Nov. 19, "Mary Stuart;" Nov. 20, 22, "Brunhilde;" Nov. 21, 23, "Chesney Wold;" matinee, Nov. 24, "Mary Stuart,"

" Antony and Cleopatra " was produced Nov. 26, Rose Eytinge as Cleopatra. There was an Egyptian ballet with Betty Rigl as premikre danseuse. It ran until Dec. 17, when Charles Fechter appeared in "Monte Cristo," which had this cast:

Dantes C. Fechter Faria Thos. J. Hind

Nortier F. B. Warde Old Dantes .... E. F. Taylor

Albert B. T. Ringgold Penelen R. J. Dustan

Villefort Jas. Taylor Gov. of Prison .... J. Deveau

Caderousse .... Chas. Leclercq Brigadier .... Delancy Barclay

Fernand Chas. Rockwell Mercedes Jeffreys Lewis

Morel W. G. Cogswell Carconte Alice Gray

Danglars G. B. Waldron Woman .... Adelaide Cherrie

Mad Danglars . . Carlotta Evelyn

^Mr. Fechter acted in "Monte Cristo" until Jan. 14, 1878, when he appeared in "No Thoroughfare," for the first time in this city, and repeated it all that week, also Jan. 21, 22, 26; Jan. 23, "Monte Cristo;" Jan. 24, "Hamlet;" Jan. 25 and matinee, Jan. 26, "Ruy Bias."

Alfred Dampier, the Australian actor, made his dibut here Jan. 28, in "The Lyons Mail." Feb. 4 "Helen's Babies" was presented.

Clara Morris appeared Feb. 11 in "Jane Eyre." On Washing- ton's Birthday " Pink Dominos " was acted, and continued all the next week.

"The Exiles," adapted from Sardou, by Geo. Fawcett Rowe, was first given in this city March 4. Emily Rigl, Ada Gilman, Minnie Cummings, Fred. Warde, Alfred Dampier, and Milnes Levick acted in it. It was played for the last time here April 20. The same play was produced at Booth's Theatre by Tompkins & Hill, April 9. Geo. C. Boniface appeared April 22 in "The Soldier's Trust;" April 29 Imogene was seen in "Gretchen;"


May 6 Minnie Doyle came in "Magnolia," supported by Louis Aldrich and Wm. J. Le Moyne. Hernandez Foster commenced May 13 in "Jack Harkaway," for the matinees, while C. W. Barry was the attraction at night in " Broken Fetters." For the matinee, May 20, Edwin Byron, in "The Fool's Revenge;" evening, C. W. Barry in "Escaped from Sing Sing." T. H. Morrell acted "Richelieu," and the senate scene from "Damon and Pythias," evenings. May 27, 28; Edwin Byron played "Richard III." May 29, 30, 31, June I, when the season closed.

A summer season commenced July i, with Imogene in the comedy of "Nature." The season was a brief one, and the house reverted to Mr. Banvard, who leased it to George Edgar and Chandos Fulton, who opened it Sept. 9, 1878, with Ada Caven- dish in " The New Madgalen." Joseph Wheelock was Julian Gray, and Julia Hanchett, Grace. Rose Eytinge followed Sept. 23, for two weeks, in "A Woman of the People." J. A. Kennedy, Jos. Wheelock, M. V. Lingham, Cyril Searle, W. H. Crompton, Eliza O' Conner, and Laura Le Claire (first wife of Josh Hart, now the wife of Will A. Sands) were in the cast. Rose Eytinge acted Nancy Sikes in "Oliver Twist," Oct. 7. John W. Albaugh appeared Oct. 14 as Louis XL, followed Oct. 21, by Elizabeth Von Stamwitz, for two weeks, as Messalina in the play of that name. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Knight came Nov. 4 in "Otto," and continued until Dec. 9, when Barney Macaulay made his metropolitan debut, acting Daniel in "A Messenger From Jarvis Section." Macaulay met with considerable success, and he con- tinued with this play until Jan. 13, 1879, when the Lingards William, Horace, Alice Dunning, and Dickie were seen in "Les Fourchambault. "

Geo. Edgar made his New York debut Jan. 27, acting "King Lear," with Joseph Wheelock as Edgar, and Marie Gordon as Cordelia. On Feb. 10, " Othello " was played, with Wheelock as lago, Edgar as the Moor, and Marie Gordon as Desdemona. " Enoch Arden " was given, matinees, Wednesday and Saturday, with Mr. Wheelock in the title r61e. The house was closed Monday, Feb. 17, and remained dark until Feb. 21, when Gil- bert and Sullivan's operetta, "The Sorcerer," was produced with Matilda Scott (her American debut) as Aline, Wm. Horace Lin- gard as John Wellington Wells, and J. F. Graff as Alexis. Flor- ence Wood, Annie Boudinot, Minnie Clive, Tom Bullock, and Crompton were also in the cast. " Pinafore " was sung March 10, by the Gorman Philadelphia church choir company, under the management of James Meade. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Knight re- appeared April 28 in "Otto." On May 12 the Gorman company reappeared in "Pinafore." A season commenced May 26, with Rose Lisle in "The Foundlings." Sam Deverc commenced a




fortnight's engagement June 2 in "Jasper." The season closed June 14.

The next manager of this house was Augustin Daly, who made many alterations in the building and called the theatre, from his own name, "Daly's Theatre." The company consisted of Charles Fisher, William Davidge, Chas. Leclercq, Harry Lacy, Geo. Parkes, Hart Conway, Geo. Morton, John Drew, E. P. Wilks, Frank Bennett, F. Ireton, Max Freeman, Walter Edmunds, Percy Hunting, E. Sterling, J. F. Watson, J. L. Solomons, J. D. Murphy, E. P. Smith, J. W. Walshe, N. S. Burnham, L. F. Laurence, W. H. Newborough, W. S. Edwards, J. Meridan, Mrs. Charles Poole, Helen Blye (afterwards known as Helen Blythe and now Mrs. J. F. Brien), Catherine Lewis, May Fielding, Ada Rehan, Margaret Lanner, Georgine Flagg, Anna Wakeman, Regina Dace, Mabel Jordan, Florence Cecil, Maggie Harold (Mrs. Wm. Davidge, Jr.), Estelle Clayton, Maggie Barnes, May Bowers, Sydney Nelson, Laura Thorpe, Sara Lascelles, Lillie Stuart, Blanche Weaver, Minnie Wharton, Emma Turner, Dora Knowlton, Fannie McNeil, Emma Hinckley (Mrs. James Clute), Ida Bruce, Ella Remetze, Grace Logan, and Isabelle Evesson. E. Mollen- hauer was musical director and James Roberts, scenic artist. Daly's Theatre opened Sept. 17, with "Love's Young Dream," which had this cast:

Jotham Dibble . . . Charles Fisher Fred Schemerhorn . . . Harry Lacy- Florence May Fielding

Nelly Beers .... Ada Rehan

Jack Beers Geo. Parkes

Nap E. P. Wilks

This was the first appearance on any stage of May Fielding. She was formerly in a church choir at Detroit, Mich. She was afterwards married to A. L. del Campo, an actor who travelled with Aim^e as leading man for two seasons. "Newport, or the Swimmer, the Singer, and the Cipher," was the afterpiece, and had this cast:

Hon. Peter Porter . Charles Leclercq Hon. U. B. Blode . . W. Davidge Capt. Chickering . . Geo. Parkes Crutch Reynolds . Walter Edmunds Hon. Mrs. Peter Porter,

Catherine Lewis Widow Warboys, Mrs. Charles Poole Miss Alex. Byrdde . Estelle Clayton Victoria Cattelle . . Blanche Weaver Ben Boulgate .... Hart Conway Tom Sanderson .... John Drew

Capt. Blackwell .... F. Ireton

Undo Frank Bennett

Toggs Maggie Barnes

Midget Laura Thorpe

Thompson E. Sterling

Ginger E. P. Wilks

OflScer P. Hunting

Belle Blode . . . Georgine Flagg (now Mrs. Mark Price)

Cosette Anna Wakeman

Eugenie Fyshhe . . . May Bowers

This was the first appearance on any stage of Blanche Weaver. Sept. 30 " Divorce " was revived, with this cast : VOL. II. 35


Alfred Adriance . Capt. Lynd . . Harry Duncan Lu Ten Eyck . . Fanny Ten Eyck De Wolf De Witt Mrs. Ten Eyck .

. . H. Lacy Geo. Parkes . John Drew . Ada Rehan . Helen Blye Wm. Davidge Mrs. Chas. Poole

Templeton Jitt . . Chas. Leclercq Mrs. Judge Kemp . Sydney Nelson

Burritt Chas. Fisher

Judge Kemp .... John Moore

Grace Margaret Lanner

Flora Regina Dace

Molly Maggie Harold

Oct. 1 8 "Wives," by Bronson Howard, was played; Nov. 29 " An Arabian Night " was produced with Catherine Lewis as the Wild Rose. A matinee performance was given Dec. 10, in aid of the Seventh Regiment new armory fund.

The cast of " An Arabian Night " was :

Alex. Sprinkle .... John Drew Herbert Rumbrent . . . Harry Lacy Lafayette Moodle . . . Geo. Parkes " Signor " Hercules Sermith,

Charles Leclercq Mrs. Louise Sprinkle, Maggie Harold Kate Sprinkle . . . Margaret Lanner

There was no performance Tuesday evening, Jan. 27, 1880, nor matinee, Jan. 28, in consequence of preparations for "A Royal Middy," produced for the first time on any stage, Jan. 28, and with this cast:

Mrs. Weebles . . Mrs. Charles Poole Rosa Maybloom . . Catherine Lewis

Uncle Major John Moore

John Frank Bennett

Peter Mr. Hunting

Portley Zelma Valdimer

Don Lamberto . . . Alonzo Hatch Don Januario Paragu, J. Macdonough Don Domingos Doming, Chas. Leclercq

Captain Norberto Francesco . . . Marie Francesca The Royal Middy Donna Antonina . Giovannio . . .

Chas. Fisher

Walter Edmonds

Lillie Vinton

Catherine Lewis

. . Ada Rehan

Emma Hinckley

Paulo Dora Knowlton

Enrico Isabelle Evesson

Carlo Nellie Howard

Jago Sara Lascelles

Fanchette May Fielding

Joaquino E. P. Smith

Sebastino Kitty Maxwell

Julio Georgine Flagg

A matinee performance March 17 was for The Herald Irish relief fund. "The Way We Live," a comedy of "contemporaneous interest," based on the German of L'Arronge, was presented April 10, for the first time, cast thus:

Maj. Sidney Lincoln . Charles Fisher Clyde Monograme . . . John Drew Fred Van Schaick . . . Harry Lacy Rutherford De Peck . Geo. Parkes Bryan O'Dodd . . Charles Leclercq Col. Remmerson ... P. Hunting Commissioner Schatz . W. Edwards Judge Stuttervent ... J. Watson Cherry Monograme . . . Ada Rehan Regina Van Schaick,

Mrs. Charles Poole Harriet Langley . . . May Fielding Teckle O'Dodd . . . Maggie Harold Fanny Martin . . Georgine Flagg Bella Remmerson . Margaret Lanner

Alpha De Jones Mrs. Stuttervent Miss Brevoort Mrs. Schimmer Mrs. De Smythe Jeanette Miss Hurd Miss Rensler Mrs. Schatz Miss Curd Georgie Gov. Rensler Mr. Beevoort Jack Sprint Maria . .

Isabelle Evesson

. Regina Dace Sallie Williams

Emma Hinckley

Miss Remetze

Kitty Maxwell

Lillie Vinton

Miss Knowlton

Miss Lascelles

Miss Howard

Lillie Waters

. J. F. Brien

. E. P. Smith

. E. Sterling

Blanche Weaver




"The Royal Middy" was revived on April 7, followed, April 30, by "An Arabian Night." The season closed on May i. There were played during the season "Newport" and "Love's Young Dream," fifteen times; "Divorce," three; "Wives," forty-eight; "Fernande," three; "Man and Wife," three; "An Arabian Night," seventy-six; "The Royal Middy," eighty-six; "Charity," three; "The Way We Live," twenty-one.

A supplementary season of four weeks commenced May 3, with Salsbury's Troubadours in "Cross Purposes," and "The Brook."

Mr. Daly commenced his second season Aug. 18, 1880. Among the new faces were: J. H. Swinburne, Geo. S. Robinson, W. H. Bokee, Emily Rigl, and Fanny Morant. "Tiote," adapted by Fred Williams, was the first production, and had this cast :

Sir Wm. Howden Sir Hugh Morgan Daddy Cadvan . Lady Normant . Dame Crofton . Sidney Ferrers ) Jaclc Ferrers j The Gul Eray f Darrel Crofton f Cecil Asper

. J. H. Swinburne . . W. H. Bokee . Charles Leclercq . . Fanny Morant Mrs. Charles Poole

. . . John Drew

. . . Harry Lacy Geo. S. Robinson

Owen E. Sterling

Gwendolen Emily Rigl

Nancy Blanche Vaughan

Gwillian .... Sallie Williams

Rosy Isabelle Evesson

Issopel Ada Rehaa

Sanpriel J. E. Brand

Syneye J. Macdonough

Crook Fin E. P. Wilks

Ursula MaySylvie

Jenksen W. H. Beekman

Girls of the Village : Emma Hinckley, EUie Vinton, Nellie Howard, Kitty Maxwell, Fanny McNeil, Ada Featherstone, Miss Hamilton, Miss Donaldson, Miss Porter, Miss Brooks, Miss Barton, Miss Kirwin, and Miss Kirkland.

" Our First Families " was seen here for the first time Sept. 23, and the cast was :

Leonardo Tompkyns . James Lewis Geofiirey Knickerbocker . John Drew Van Horn Knickerbocker,

Charles Fisher Rateal Ludovici . Charles Leclercq Grace Josselyn . . Georgine Flagg Mrs. Stanhope . . . Fanny Morant Mrs. Van Renselleer, Mrs. G. H. Gilbert Kitty Ludlum .... Nellie Howard Ellie Vandam . . . Emma Hinckley

This was the first appearance at this theatre of James Lewis, Laura Joyce, and Mrs. G. H. Gilbert. " Needles and Pins " had its first performance on any stage Nov. 9, with this cast :

Sue Murray . . . Virginia Brooks

Grigg Hart Conway

Van Cortlandt . . . F. V. Bennett

Ten Eyck E. Sterling

Rutgers J. Macdonough

Hebe Josselyn .... Laura Joyce

Eva Ada Rehan

Celestine Maggie Harold

Amelia Blanche Weaver

Christopher Vandusen . Chas. Fisher Sergeant Macdonald . Mr. Roberts Mrs. Vandusen . . . Fanny Morant Dosie Heffron . Mrs. G. H. Gilbert Silena Vandusen .... Ada Rehan

Blot Mr. Beekman

Box Mr. Lawrence

Mary Forest .... May Fielding Caroline .... Maggie Harold Nicholas Geagle .... Jas. Lewis

Kit Vandusen John Brand

Tom Versus John Drew

Jonah E. P. Wilks


Mr. Daly's adaptation of Gende's "Zamina, or the Rover of Cambaye," was done for the first time on any stage Jan. i8, 1881, when Digby Bell first appeared here. The cast was :

His Oriental Excellency Bomma

Poota Digby Bell

Captain Trafalgar . . . Harry Lacy Lumlini Strakoschini . James Lewis Simmondsino Rinaldo, Charles Leclercq Signorina Zamina . . Laura Joyce

Meada May Sylvie

Muttra Ada Rehan

Nauchida .... Maggie Harold

Frenchinini .... E. P. Wilks Africanus .... Thomas Hengler

Luna Delamanning

Montiel John Brand

Moro Khan ... J. Macdonough

AUabad Wm. Paul Bown

Morok Mr. Roberts

Panalon Mr. Lawrence

Nuna May Fielding

" Needles and Pins " was revived Feb. 14, and acted until March 4, when it reached its one hundredth performance.

" Cinderella at School " was produced March 5, for the first time on any stage. It was a musical comedy by Woolson Morse, para- phrased from Aukenbrodel's play, as was W. T. Robertson's comedy of " School. " The cast was :

Mrs. G. H. Gilbert . Miss A. Perring . . E. P. Wilks . . May Fielding . . Laura Joyce

Arthur Bicycle . . . Harry Lacy Zenobia Tropics

Jack Polo John Brand Miss Globes .

Syntax James Lewis Jenkinson . .

Lord Lawntennys . Charles Leclercq Niobe Marsh .

Professor Kindergarten . Paul Bown Merope Mallow Psyche Persimmons . . Ada Rehan

The season closed on April 30, with "Our First Families," " Needles and Pins " (third act), and " Cinderella at School " (third act). There were produced during the season : "First Families," fifty-six times; "Needles and Pins," one hundred and three; "Zamina," thirty; "Cinderella at School," sixty-five times.

A summer season commenced May 2 for four weeks, with Eaton's comedy, "All the Rage," and closed May 28.

The next season began Aug. 9, 1881, with "Cinderella at School." Among the newcomers to the theatre were Geo. Van- denhoff, Jr., W. J. Nowlan, and Mr. Bedell. Joseph H. Tooker was business manager. " Quits, or A Game of Tit for Tat " was seen Sept. 7, for the first time on any stage. W. J. Le Moyne and Helen Tracy appeared for the first time at this theatre, under Daly's management.

On Sept. 20 all of the theatres in New York, also in many other cities throughout the country, were closed in consequence of Presi- dent James A. Garfield's death at Elberon, Long Branch, N. J., Sept. 19. All save Daly's, the Windsor, and the variety theatres were again closed Sept. 26, when the final obsequies were per- formed at Cleveland, Ohio.

On Oct. 5 "Americans Abroad," by Edgar Fawcett, was first acted, and was a failure. "Royal Youth," for the first time in




America, Oct. 22. This was another failure. Helen Bancroft was in the cast.

" The Passing Regiment " was a comedy adapted by Mr. Daly from the German of G. Von Moser and Herr Schoenthan ; it was presented Nov. 10, with this cast :

Linthieum Winthrop, J. W. Shannon Milinda Winthrop, Mrs. Charles Poole Telka EssofE . . . Virginia Brooks Peregrine Bunker . . . E. Bartram Mathilda Bunker . . . May Sylvia Young Mr. Hoffmeister . E. P. Wilks Col. Van Kleek . . Chas. Rockwell Dolf Van Tassell, Harry Macdonough

Milly Merritt Scipio . . Mary Anne Sophie . . Solomon Linda . . Paul Exter Thorpe Sydam

Georgine Flagg . Mr. Eldridge Kate Gurney Miss Parkhurst . J. J. Douglass Marie Williams B. T. Ringgold . . Digby Bell

" Odette, " an adaptation from M. Sardou by Mr. Daly, was first acted Feb. 6, 1882, and cast thus :

Gen. Clermont . W. J. Le Moyne Duke de Meryan . . D. R. Young De Frontenac . Geo. VandenhofF, Jr. Anatole Morlzot . . Chas. Leclercq Sir Henry Pecock . . . H. Roberts Chevalier Carvani . . . W. Bedell The Infant Berangere, Little Angelica

Jeanne Miss Hapgood

Count Clermont . . . . H. M. Pitt

De Lahoche John Drew

Bechamel James Lewis

Cardailhan Geo. Parkes

Dr. Oliva John Moore

Eustache .... W. H. Beekman Jaques Mr. Hamilton

Baroness Conaro-Doria,

Madame Morizot . Princess de Gortz " Miss " Sarah Laurent . . . Narcisse . . Ignacio Esteban The Countess Berangere . Juliette . . Olga . . . Jeannette . Mile. Bertin

Mrs. G. H. Gilbert . Nellie Howard Emma Hinckley . Agnes Perring . . Mr. Saleon . . C. Jackson . . E. Sterling . . Ada Rehan Bijou Heron . May Fielding Isabelle Evesson . Emily Denin . Lillie Vinton

On April 3 a matinee performance of " Odette " was given in aid of the Actors' Fund. Henry Miller was in the cast.

"Gironetto the Weather Cock," adapted for this theatre by Robert Stoepel and Fred. Williams, was first acted April 13. The season closed May 20. There were acted during its course : "Cinderella at School," forty times; "Quits," twenty-seven; "Raven's Daughter," four; "Frou Frou," eight; "Americans "Royal Youth," eleven; "Passing Regi- and two; "Odette," seventy-seven; "Giro-

Abroad," seventeen; ment," one hundred netto," forty-four. The fourth season

commenced on Aug. 9, with "The Passing Regiment." "Mankind" had its first representation in America Sept. 5. In it Yorke Stephens (his first appearance here) acted Warren, Florence Elmore (first appearance here) played Maitland, Hattie Russell (her first appearance), and Helen Leyton made her American d6but, acting Melton. Among the first appearances here were Laura Le Claire, Ida Aubrey, and William Morris. The


theatre was closed evening, Oct. 9, for a dress rehearsal of Pinero's play, " The Squire," produced Oct. 10, for the first time in America. Virginia Dreher made her d^but with this company as Christie Haggerstone. This lady studied under John W. Norton of St. Louis, and was first seen in that city March 30, 1882, at the Grand Opera House, as Julia in "The Hunchback." She was married in 1882 to Mr. Dreher, a German music teacher, of Louisville, Ky. After his death she went on the stage and was Ada Rehan's only successful rival at this theatre. Miss Dreher had many suitors, but chose G. F. Postlethwaite, a young wealthy Englishman, whom she married. She is now living in retirement at Chicago. She retired from the stage after her return from Europe with Mr. Daly's company, September, 1887. The cast of "The Squire" was:

Rev. Mr. Dormer . . Chas. Fisher Lieut. Thorndyke . . . John Drew Gilbert Hythe . . . Yorke Stephens

Gunnison James Lewis

Ized Haggerstone . William Gilbert The Shabby Parson, E. Tom Webber

Rob Johns, Jr. . . W. H. Beekman Mr. Fell . . George Vandenhoff, Jr.

Kate Verity Ada Rehan

Christie Haggerstone, Virginia Dreher

Felicity May Fielding

Mrs. Fell Agnes Perring

"Our English Friend," by the author of "A Passing Regiment" and "An Arabian Night," was first acted here Nov. 25, when Clement Bainbridge made his first appearance here as Frederic. "She Would and She Would Not" was produced Jan. 15, 1883 (not as announced for the first time in New York in fourteen years). The cast here was:

Don Manuel .... Chas. Fisher

Don Philip John Drew

Don Octavio . . . Yorke Stephens

Trapanti James Lewis

Soto Wm. Gilbert

Donna Rosara . . Virginia Dreher

Violetta May Fielding

Flora Helen Leyton

Donna Hypolita .... Ada Rehan

An adaptation by Mr. Daly from the French of Georges Ohnet, entitled "Serge Panine," had its first performance Feb. 1, with this cast:

Serge Panine . Max Cayrol Tommy Diele . Jack Manning Parsons . . Baron Hertzog

. . John Drew . Chas. Fisher James Lewis Yorke Stephens E. Tom Webber Chas. Leclercq

Aga Mrs. Gilbert

Micheline May Fielding

Letty Belgew Mary Shaw

Mrs. Belgew .... Fanny Morant Jenny de Cernas . . . Ada Rehan

This was Fanny Morant's first appearance here this season, and also that of Mary Shaw. " Serge Panine " was a failure and was withdrawn Feb. 7 for "The Squire." On March 28 "Seven Twenty-eight, or Casting the Boomerang " was acted for the first




time. It was an adaptation by Mr. Daly from the German of Von Schoenthan. The season closed April 7, John L. Stoddard began art lectures April 9.

There were acted during the season: "Passing Regiment," twenty-four times; "Mankind," forty; "The Squire," sixty-three; "Our English Friends," fifty-eight; "She Would and She Would Not," twenty-nine; "Seven Twenty-eight," fifty-one.

Carrie Swain appeared April 23 with "Cad the Tomboy." The French opera company with Mile. Th6o and Capoul in " La Fille de Madame Angot. " Th^o took a benefit and made her last ap- pearance in America May 22, when the programme was " La Mas- cotte" (first act), "Cloches de Corneville" (third act), and, for the first time in America, "Pomme d'Api." This closed the season.

The season of 1883-84 opened Aug. 23 with James Duff's com- pany in the operetta " Heart and Hand, " and cast thus :

Prince George Sweet

Micaela Marie Conran

JosefEa Louise Paullin

Morales .... Wallace Macreary Donna Scholastica . . . Rosa Cook The King J. H. Ryley

The dramatic season commenced Oct. 2 with "Dollars and Sense," from the German of L'Arronge, by Daly. The company was: Ada Rehan, Mrs. Gilbert, May Fielding, Virginia Dreher, Helen Leyton, Lizzie Jeremy, Agnes Perring, Jean Gordon, Bell Brown, Maggie Marshall, Louise Crissy, May Irwin, Charles Fisher, James Lewis, John Drew, Chas. Leclercq, Wm. Gilbert, Yorke Stephens, Geo. Parkes, C. Bainbridge, W. H. Thompson, John Stapleton, Henry Saleon, Wm. Collier, and W. H. Beekman. The cast of "Dollars and Sense" was:

Pierre Tremont . . . Chas. Fisher Elipbalet Lamb .... Jas. Lewis Col. Jefferson Quincy Briggs,

C. Leclercq Harry Latimer .... John Drew Jack Stephens . . Yorke Stephens Groggles . . . . W. H. Thompson

Roberts W. H. Beekman

Sophie Lamb .... Mrs. Gilbert Sybilla Briggs . . Virginia Dreher Hope Hammerster . . Majr Fielding

Lizzie Lizzie Jeremy

Lyddy Miss Marshall

Phronie Ada Rehan

" Girls and Boys " was acted for the first time in America, Dec. S- Bijou Fernandez and Kitty Paterson were in the cast. It was withdrawn Dec. 12 for "Seven Twenty-eight," which had this cast:

Flos Ada Rehan

Hypato Mrs. Gilbert

Dora Virginia Dreher

Jessie Helen Leyton

Barges James Lewis

Carliss John Drew

Gasleagh . Hollyhock . Tamberidi . The Postman Jobebus . .

Chas. Leclercq

Yorke Stephens

. . Wm. Gilbert

W. H. Thompson

. . W. Beekman


"The Country Girl," altered from Wycherly's "Country Wife," was presented Feb. 16, 1884, for the first time in New York since 1839. The cast was:

Jacob Moody .... Chas. Fisher

Dick Melville John Drew

Ned Harcourt , . Yorke Stephens

Sharkish Geo. Parkes

Robin W. Beekman

Old Will J. Stapleton

Mrs. Althea . , . Virginia Dreher

Lucy Helen Leyton

Peggy Thrift Ada Rehan

"Red Letter Nights, or Catching a Croesus," an adaptation from the German, by Mr. Daly, was first acted March 12. The season closed April 10.

A summer season opened April 24, with the first production in America of Strauss' opera, "A Night in Venice," by James C. Duff's opera company. It had this cast:

Duke of Urbino . . Walter Temple Barthomeo Delacqua . . Aug. Bruno Stefano Barbaruccio, D. G. Longworth Georgia Testaccio . . E. P. Wilks

Pappacoda E. L. Connell

Constantia . . . Maude Waldemere Caramello . . . W. H. Fitzgerald

Centurio Ida Bell

Balbi Alex. Mair

Annina Louise Lester

Ciboletta Marie Hunter

Barbara Alice Vincent

Agricola Marie Bauman

Enrico .... Master Hampshire

There was a pigeon ballet, with Eugenia Cappalini as premUre. A charity matinee in aid of the Home of the Holy Family occurred May 26, when " Seven Twenty-eight " was given. This closed the season.

Lotta appeared here Sept. 15 in "Mamzelle Nitouche," which had this cast:

Celestin . Fern and Major Loriot . Gustave First Soldier Second Soldier

C. H. Bradshaw Frederick Darrell

. R. J. Dustan

. J. H. Stuart

Edgar F. Girard

C. Harrie Hopper

Charles Stevens

Director of Theatre Stage Manager . The Lady Superior Lydia Blette . . The Janitress . . Corinne .... Sylvia ....

. . W. St. Clair . Geo. Fredericks

Adelaide Eaton Bertha Livingstone . . Alice Brown

Josie Shepherd . . Dollie Delroy

Josie Shepherd is the daughter of Mrs. Wm. J. Florence.

Mr. Daly, having made a European trip with his company, began his regular season Oct. 7, 1884, with the German play of " A Wooden Spoon, " for the first time on any stage, by Franz Von Schoenthan, a young author of Vienna, whose "Der Schwaen- streich " furnished Mr. Daly with the material for " Seven Twenty -eight. " On this occasion Otis Skinner and Fred Bird first appeared at this theatre. Edith Kingdon made her New York debut acting Mysia. This young lady's beauty and talents speedily made her a favorite with the Daly audiences. A great future was predicted for her, but she evidently preferred the solid




comforts afforded by boundless wealth to the fleeting glories of the stage; and after a brief career at this theatre she married Mr. George Gould, the "multimillionaire," September, 1886, and re- tired into private life.

On Nov. 15 Pinero's comedy "Lords and Commons" was seen for the first time in America, thus cast :

Earl of Caryl . . . Lord Percy Lewiscourt Dr. Palnacott . Tom Jervoise Senee . . Chad . . . Tredger . . .

Otis Skinner Chas. Leclercq . Fred Bond . John Drew James Lewis . Ed Wilks W. H. Beekman

Pressenger . . . Countess of Caryl Lady Neil . . . Mrs. Deverish Mrs. Vince . . Miss Maplebeck .

J. Stapleton Mrs. Gilbert . . Ada Rehan Virginia Dreher . Miss Perring . May Fielding

"Love on Crutches," Daly's adaptation of a German comedy by Stobitzer, was originally acted Nov. 25, and was played for the ninetieth and last time at the matinde of Feb. 7, 1885. It had this cast:

Sidney Austin .... John Drew Guy Roverly .... Otis Skinner

Dr. Epenetus Jas. Lewis

Mr. Bitteredge . . . Wm. Gilbert Eudoxia Quattles, Mrs. G. H. Gilbert Margery Gwynn . . Edith Kingdon

Netty Jennie Trevor

Podd Fred Bond

Bells W. Beekman

Annis Austin Ada Rehan

Bertha Jean Gordon

A matinee performance Jan. 8, 1885, of "One Touch of Na- ture," by the Union Square Theatre company; "Seven Twenty- eight," by Daly's players; the screen scene from "The School for Scandal," by Wallack's company; and the "Private Secretary," by the Madison Square Theatre players, was for the benefit of the Actors' Fund.

"The Recruiting Officer" was produced evening, Feb. 7, and continued until March 23. This comedy had not been played in this city since March 24, 1843. Its first performance in New York was at the first Nassau Street Theatre Sept. 13, 1750. The cast here was :

Captain Plume Capt. Brazen . Justice Ballance Sergeant Kite Worthy . . . Bullock . . . Appletree . .

. John Drew Geo. Parkes

Chas. Fisher James Lewis Otis Skinner Wm. Gilbert

. Fred Bond

Pearman Ed Wilks

Stewart W. H. Beekman

Mistress Melinda . Virginia Dreher

Rose May Fielding

Lucy May Irving

Sylvia Ada Rehan

"She Would and She Would Not" was revived on Feb. 24, and "The Country Girl," Feb. 28. "A Woman's Won't" preceded the comedy, with this cast: The Father-in-law, Mr. Lewis; the


Husband, Mr. Skinner; the Man Servant, Mr. Gilbert; the Mother- in-law, Mrs. Gilbert; the Wife, Miss Fielding; the Maid Servant, May Irwin. It was an adaptation from the German ("Gott Sei Dank, Der Tisch 1st' Gedeckt") and although done on the road by Mr. Daly's company had never been played here. Under the title of "Dieu Merci! Le Convert Est Mis," it had long been a favorite French farce.

The first performance on any stage of Mr. Daly's adaptation from the German of Franz Von Schoenthan, entitled " A Night Off, or a Page from Balzac," took place March 4. The cast was:

Justinian Babbitt Harry Damask Jack Mulberry Lord Mulberry Prowl . . . Mrs. Zantippe Babbitt, Mrs.

James Lewis

Francis Carlyle

Herbert Gresham

Charles Leclercq

E. McLaughlin

G. H. Gilbert

Misbe Percy Haswell

Angelica Damask . . Laura Hanson

Susan Catherine Lewis

Maria Eugenie Upham

Marcus Brutus Snap . Henry Dixey

The season closed March 18; the comedy was supplemented by an original epilogue in verse, by Edgar Fawcett, and delivered by the members of the company, who had appeared in the play. The theatre was closed March 20, in order to give Clara Morris an opportunity for a final rehearsal of Dumas' "Denise." The first performance in America of this play occurred April 21. The cast was:

Denise ...... Clara Morris

Martha Bijou Heron

Clarisse Blanche Thome

Madame de Thasette . Effie Germon Madame Brissot, Mrs. Thomas Whiffen Madame de Pontferrand,

Agnes Perring

Fernand de Thasette . A. L. Lipman M. de Pontferrand . . George Parkes A Domestic .... E. P. Wilks

Andre Joseph Haworth

Thouvennin .... Frank Losee M. Brissot H. A. Weaver

This was Clara Morris's first appearance at this theatre. She played three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Florence began a month's stay Sept. 7, in "Our Governor." "The Mighty Dollar" was produced Sept. 28, with this cast :

Hon. Bardwell Slote . W. J. Florence Mrs. Gen'l Gilflory, Mrs. W. J. Florence Charley Brood . . . Earle Sterling Lord Cairngorme . Henry Holland Arthur Lemaitre . . . Edwin Nalod Hon. Geo. Saville . . J. H. Browne Geo. Washington Skidmore,

F. C. Wells Lafayette Berry . . . C. W. Parker Tarquinious Darwin . . W. Macready

Senator Weatherwax . H. Williams Hon. D. Hogwhistle . . Jas. Stanton Clara Dart .... Ethel Greybrooke Blanch Mossthorne . . Hattie Russell Miss Hopeful . . Mrs. Chas. Peters

Col. Dart James Dunn

Roland Vance Cyril Searle

Caesar R. Hastings

Libby Ray .... Minnie RadcliSe




The Florences closed Oct. 3.

The winter season opened Oct. 7, 1885, with Pinero's "The Magistrate." It was acted for the first time in America, and played for the seventy-fourth and last time, Dec. 9 (matinee). Hamilton Bell made his American debut in it. The cast was:

Agatha Ada Rehan

iEneus Posket . . . James Lewis

Col. Lukyn John Drew

Captain Otis Skinner

Cis Farrington . . . Hamilton Bell

Beatrice Edith Kingdon

Popham May Irwin

Police Inspector . . Augustus Yorke

Evening of Oct. 9 " A Night Off " was revived, and Mrs. G. H. Gilbert made her first appearance this season. "A Night Off" was played for the last time Oct. 13. On Oct. 14, "The Merry Wives of Windsor," arranged in four acts, was produced :

Sir John Falstaff Master Slender . Sir Hugh Evans . Doctor Caius Host of the Garter Mistress Page Mistress Quickly . Fenton .... Master Shallow . Francis Ford . .

. . Charles Fisher . . James Lewis . Charles Leclercq . William Gilbert Inn, Frederick Bond Virginia Dreher Mrs. G. H. Gilbert . E. Hamilton-Bell . . John Moore . . . John Drew

George Page . Ancient Pistol Corporal Nym Bardolph . . Robin . . . Simple . . . Rugby . . . Mistress Ford Anne Page

Otis Skinner

Geo. Parkes

. . John Wood

. . H. Roberts

Bijou Fernandez

William Collier

. E. P. Wilks

. . Ada Rehan

Edith Kingdon

This comedy was acted, for the thirty-fifth and last time, matinde Feb. 13, 1886. Night "She Would and She Would Not" was re- vived. The cast was nearly the same as that of the previous season, except that Edith Kingdon was the Donna Rosara. A trifle from the French, called "A Wet Blanket," was also done. On Feb. 15, 16, 17, it was repeated.

"The Country Girl " was revived Feb. 18, previous to which was played the farce, " A Sudden Shower. " A new comedy from the German, by Mr. Daly, entitled "Nancy & Co.," was produced evening of Feb. 24. The cast was:

Ebenezer Griffing . . James Lewis Captain Renseller . . Otis Skinner Tippy Brasher . . . Wm. Gilbert Young Sikes Stockslow, Geo. Parkes Mrs. Daugery . Mrs. G. H. Gilbert Keefe O'Keefe .... John Drew

A Bellboy Mr. Wood

Oriana Virginia Dreher

Daisey Edith Kingdon

The New Girl .... May Irwin Nancy Brasher .... Ada Rehan

John L. Stoddard commenced a course of illustrated lectures morning, March 15. The season closed May i, 1886, with "Nancy & Co." There were played during this season: "Nancy & Co.," seventy-seven times; "The Magistrate," seventy-five; "A Night


Off," forty-three; "Merry Wives," thirty-five; "She Would and She Would Not," five; "The Country Girl," eight; "A Wet Blanket," five; "A Sudden Shower, " eight ; "Love on Crutches," twice.

The Rosina Yokes company commenced on May 3 with "In Honor Bound," in which Courtenay Thorpe, W. G. Elliot, Leslie Chester, and Agnes Miller were seen; "My Milliner's Bill," with Brandon Thomas and Rosina Yokes in the two leading r61es; and "A Pantomime Rehearsal," in which Weedon Grossmith, Augustus Yorke, and Miss Yokes appeared. This company closed June 5.

Daly's company sailed for Europe May 15, and opened at the Strand Theatre, London, May 27, in "A Night Off."

The next regular season commenced Tuesday evening, Oct. 5, 1886, with the first performance on any stage of "After Business Hours," adapted by Daly from the German of Herr Blumenthal. The cast:

Tommy Chipper . Richard Brandegee Septimus . . . Peter Raritan . . ShoumofE . . .

James Lewis

. John Drew

Geo. Parkes

Chas. Fisher

J. Patten

Mrs. Tommy Chipper . Mrs. Gilbert

Angelina May Irwin

Mrs. Clive Kreesus . . Jean Gordon Arabella .... Nellie Liscomb Doris Brandegee . . . Ada Rehan

It was acted for the last time Nov. 15. On Nov. 16, the first per- formance of "Love in Harness, or Hints to Hymen," took place with this cast :

Julius Naggit . . Frederick Urguhart Jeremiah Joblots . Charley Hoffman Schlagg. . . . Keyes .... Mrs. Joblots . .

James Lewis . John Drew Chas. Fisher Otis Skinner Wm. Gilbert . Fred. Bond Mrs. Gilbert

Rhoda Naggit Jenny Joblots Antoinette . Myrtilla Susan . . Una . . .

Virginia Dreher

Miss Hadley

Jean Gordon

Miss St. Quinten

. Grace Filkins

. . Ada Rehan

It was acted for the seventy-third consecutive time Jan. 17, 1887. This was Lillian Hadley's, Grace Filkins', and Lizzie St. Quin- ten's first appearance here.

On Jan. 18 "Taming of the Shrew" was acted in its entirety for the first time in America by Daly's company. It was cast as follows :


A Lord Geo. Clarke

Christopher Sly . . . Wm. Gilbert A Page, representing a lady,

Master W. Collier

Huntsmen . Mr. Patten, Mr. Ireton, Mr. Murphy

Players . . Mr. Bond, Mr. Wood, Miss Hadley

The Hostess May Sylvie





Baptista Charles Fisher Gnimio .

Vincentio John Moore Biondello

Lucentio Otis Skinner Tranio

Petruchio John Drew Katharine

Gremio .... Charles Leclercq Bianca .

Hortensio .... Joseph Holland A Widow

A Pedant John Wood Curtis .

A Tailor Geo. Parkas

James Lewis . . E. P. Wilks Frederick Bond . . Ada Rehan Virginia Dreher Jean Gordon Mrs. G. H. Gilbert

Ada Rehan was out of the cast night of March i8 and matinee of March 19. Virginia Dreher played Katharine, and Jean Gordon, Bianca. Miss Rehan resumed March 20.

"The Country Girl" and the farce "A Woman's Wit" were acted afternoon of April i8, for the benefit of the Post Graduate Hospital Fund.

On April 30 " The Country Girl " was done for the last time, finishing a season that had probably exceeded in the wealth of its artistic and monetary value any in Mr. Daly's career. Lester Wallack's company opened here May 16, for a fortnight's revival of "The Romance of a Poor Young Man," Kyrle Bellew as Manuel, John Gilbert as Dr. Desmaret, E. J. Henley as Laroque, Mme. Ponisi as Mme. Laroque, Annie Robe as Marguerite, Helen Russell as Heloise, and Fannie Addison as Brevannes. Herbert Ayling, S. Dubois, Charles Herbert, Howard Perry, W. H. Pope, and Carrie Elberts were also in the company. This organization closed May 28, which marked the final appearance as a stock or- ganization of the Wallack Theatre company.

During the summer a brick proscenium wall, twenty-four inches thick, separated the stage from the auditorium.

Daly's company arrived from Europe Sept. 26, and the season commenced on Oct. 5, 1887, with Pinero's play, "Dandy Dick," for the first time in this country. The staff of the theatre for this season was: scenic, James Roberts; musical, Henry Widmer; stage, John Moore and E. P. Wilks.

"Dandy Dick" received its final performance Nov. i. "The Railroad of Love" (adapted by Atig. Daly from "Goldfische," by Herren Von Schoenthan and Kadelburg) was seen for the first time in America evening of Nov. 2, and had this cast :

General Everett . . Lieut Howell Everett

Phenix Scuttleby . Adam Grinnidge

Judge Van Ryker .

Benny Demaresq .

Valentine Osprey .

Chas. Fisher . John Drew

James Lewis

. Geo. Clarke

Chas. Leclercq

Otis Skinner . Ada Rehan

Viva Van Ryker . . Phoebe Russell Mrs. Eutycia Laburnam,

Mrs. G. H. Gilbert

Truffles E. P. Wilks

Crusty E. Ireton

Tom John Wood

Cherry . . 1 . . - Evelina Cooke


It received its one hundredth performance Jan. 23, 1888. It was acted for the last time Jan. 30. "A Midsummer Night's Dream" was produced Jan. 31 in lavish style and with this cast:

Theseus Joseph Holland

Egeus Charles Fisher

Lysander Otis Skinner

Demetrius John Drew

Quince Charles Leclercq

Snug Frederick Bond

Bottom James Lewis

Flute William Gilbert

Philostrate . . . Eugene Ormonde

Puck or Robin Goodfellow,

Bijou Fernandez

Snout John Wood

Starveling .... Edward Wilks

Hippolita Phoebe Russell

Helena Ada Rehan

Hermia Virginia Dreher

Oberon Alice Hood

Titania Effie Shannon

A Fairy .... Lizzie St. Quintan

Peas Blossom, Cobweb, Moth, Mustard Seed, fairies at the command of Titania, by Augustus Sohlke, Mamie and Kate O'Brien, and Master Yorer. Other fairies, attendant upon Oberon and Titania, by Misses Sears, Conron, Cooke, Flaire, Ferrell, Gaunt, Wharton, Helm, Bowers, and Page. Attendants upon Hippolita, by Misses Lee, Berner, Ratcliffe, Callard, CoUerd, Livingston, etc. Of the Court of Theseus : Messrs. Revell, Finney, Reglid, Keller, Murphy, Ireton, etc.

This was one of the new theatres open in New York the night of the terrible blizzard (March 12, 1888). The season closed April 7, and two hundred and twenty-nine performances were given in twenty-seven weeks. " Railroad of Love " had one hundred and eight representations ; " A Midsummer Night's Dream " held the stage to enormous business for seventy-nine, and "Dandy Dick" was played thirty-two times.

The theatre reopened April 16, with Rosina Yokes and her London comedy company. The programme was "A Pantomime Rehearsal," "A Game of Cards" (adapted from "Une Partie de Piquet "), and Mrs. C. A. Doremus' adaptation from the French, "The Circus Rider." The latter was originally acted by amateurs at the Lyceum Theatre. Those who gave Miss Yokes support here were Felix Morris, Morton Selten, Ferd. Gottschalk, Courtenay Thorpe, J. Rolfe, Mercedes Leigh, and Isabel Irving. The third and last week of the triple bill began April 30. For the week commencing May 7 the programme was " My Milliner's Bill" and "A Double Lesson." This company closed May 26.

Mr. Daly commenced his tenth regular season Oct. 9, 1888, with " The Lottery of Love, " an eccentric comedy adapted from "Les Surprises du Divorce," with this cast:

Adolphus Doubledot . . John Drew Benjamin Buttercorn . . James Lewis Captain Sam Merrimac . Geo. Clarke Tom Dangerous . . . Frederick Bond Mrs. Zenobia Sherramy,

Mrs. G. H. Gilbert

David E. P. Wilks

Rye John Wood

Grass Mr. Murphy

Diana Sara Chalmers

Ann Eliza .... Kitty Cheatham "Jo" Ada Rehan



Previous to the comedy was acted, for the first time on any stage, a classical study in one act, by Justin Huntley McCarthy (written expressly for this theatre), in imitation of a piece by Theo. de Banville, and entitled " The Wife of Socrates. " It had this cast :

Fhillina EfBe Shannon

Lysilla Jean Gordon

Xantippe Ada Rehan

Socrates .... Chas. Wheatleigh Charmides .... Jos. Holland

Agathon H. Revell

Strepsiades . . . Eugene Ormonde

This was the first appearance here of Charles Wheatleigh.

A series of comedy revivals began Tuesday evening, Dec. 4, and continued every Tuesday evening thereafter, with the exceptions of Christmas and New Year's days, which fell on Tuesday, until Feb. 19, 1889. The single seats for the ten subscription nights were: orchestra chairs, $2$; balcony chairs, ;^2o; dress circle chairs, $1$; second balcony chairs, ;^io; stage boxes, ;^20o, ^150, and Parisian, ;?I20 and ^100.

The run of " The Lottery of Love " was interrupted the night of Dec. 4, for a single representation of " Seven Twenty-eight, " the first in the series of subscription performances. It had this cast :

Dora Hollyhock . . Sara Chalmers The dog in the picture . " Phisto "

Flos Ada Rehan

Jessie Kitty Cheatham

Courtney Corliss . . . John Drew Launcelot Bargiss . . . James Lewis Prof. Gasleigh . . Charles Leclercq Mrs. Hypatia Bargiss

Mrs. G. H. Gilbert

The second subscription night was Dec. 1 1, when " She Would and She Would Not " was presented.

The third subscription night was Dec. 18, when "Needles and Pins " was acted for the first and only time in seven years. The cast was :

Christopher Vandusen, Charles Fisher Mrs. Vandusen . . . Rose Eytinge Dosie HefEron . Mrs. G. H. Gilbert Nicholas Geagle . . . James Lewis Kit Vandusen . . Fred'k Bond

Tom Versus John Drew

Selena Vandusen .... Ada Rehan Mary Forest .... Jean Gordon Caroline Isabel Irving

"A Tragedy Rehearsed" was played Dec. 26 in addition to "The Lottery of Love." It was based on Sheridan's "The Critic." Ada Rehan appeared as Tilburina, John Drew as Mr. Puff, and James Lewis as Don Ferolo Whiskerandos. Kitty Cheatham, Effie Shannon, Isabel Irving, Joseph Holland, George Clarke, Frederick Bond, E. P. Wilks, and John Moore were also in the cast.

The one hundredth performance of "The Lottery of Love" occurred Dec. 31.

"The Lottery of Love" and "A Tragedy Rehearsed" were


acted for the last time Jan. 7, 1889, having then run since Oct. 9. Tuesday evening, Jan. 8, Geo. Farquhar's old comedy, "The Inconstant, or Wine Works Wonders " was acted for the first time in New York in twelve years. It now had this cast :

Old Mirabel . . . Charles Fisher Young Mirabel . . . John Drew

Dugard Joseph Holland

Captain Duretette . . George Clarke

Lamorce Jean Gordon

The Maid to Oriana and Bisarre Louise Smith

Four Bravoes .


Two Gentlemen

. Ormonde, Wdod,

Revell, and Murphy

. . . Bosworth

and Murphy

Petit William Gilbert

Oriana Ada Rehan

Bisarre Kitty Chetham

At the end of the first act of " The Inconstant " the new act curtain by G. Gariboldi was exhibited.

For the fifth subscription night, Jan. 15, "Dollars and Sense" was revived, for the first time in five years. The cast :

Mr. Pierce Tremont, Charles Fisher Hope Hemmarsly . . Sara Chalmers Mrs. Saphira Lamb, Mrs. G. H. Gilbert Eliphalet Lamb .... Jas. Lewis Col. Jefferson .... Quincy Briggs

Effendi Chas. Leclercq

Jack Hemmarsly . . Fred Bond

Harry Lattimer Griggles . . Roberts . . . Phronie . . Lizzie Tremont Sybilla Briggs

. . John Drew Chas. Wheatleigh . Edward WUks . . Ada Rehan . . Alice Hood Jean Gordon

For the sixth Tuesday night subscription performance, Jan. 22, "Nancy & Co.," was revived, with Ada Rehan, John Drew, Otis Skinner, James Lewis, William Gilbert, and Mrs. G. H. Gilbert in their original rdles. Frederick Bond, Effie Shannon, Alice Hood, and Lizzie St. Quentin were also in the cast.

For the seventh subscription night, Jan. 29, "The Country Girl " and " A Woman's Wit " were played. " The Inconstant " was acted for the last time Feb. 4.

" An International Match " was seen Feb. $ for the eighth sub- scription night, and for the first time. It was an adaptation by Mr. Daly from the German of Franz Von Schoenthan. The cast was:

Duke of Portsmouth . Charles Fisher Clive, Lord Ravenstoke . John Drew Sir John Smith-Chumley

Charles Wheatleigh Quincey Caramel . . James Lewis Tom Middleview . . Eugene Ormonde

Mrs. Millicent Merriday

Mrs. G. H. Gilbert Mr. Selvidge .... Fred'k Bond

Griffiths Mr. Bosworth

Jenny Isabel Irving

Doris Ada Rehan

A benefit matinee for the Actors' Fund was given Feb. 14. The entire house, save the gallery, was sold at ;^2. 50 a seat. The following was the programme :

Madison Square Theatre company, in second act of " Engaged," Cheviot Hill, E. M. Holland ; Belvawney, Maurice Barrymore ; Mr. Symperson, C. P. Flock-




ton; Angus Macalister, L. F. Massen ; Belinda Treherne, Agnes Booth ; Minnie, Maud Harrison ; Mrs. Macfarlane, Mrs. E. J. Phillips ; Maggie, Annie Russell, Parker, Kate Maloney.

Mrs. Langtry and her company in the second act of " Pygmalion and Galatea." Pygmalion, Louis Calvert ; Leucippe, Sydney Herbert ; Chrysos, Frederick Everill; Mimos, Wm. Spencer; Cynisca, Hattie Russell; Daphne, Rose Roberts ; Myrine, Katherine Florence ; Galatea, Mrs. Langtry.

Mrs. Potter, Kyrle Bellew, and Mrs. Potter's company in the drama from the French of Delpit, entitled "Mile, de Bressier." Jacques Rosney, Kyrle Bellew; M. Henri de Guessiant, B. F. Horning; Georget, Chas. W. Butler; Mme. Rosney, Helen Bancroft ; Nelly, Lizzie Hudson ; Auralie, Alice Butler ; Mrs. Potter as Mile, de Bressier.

" A Tragedy Rehearsed," by Daly's company Mr. Puff, John Drew ; Mr. Dangle, Joseph Holland; Mr. Sneer, Hamilton Revell; Stage Manager, John Moore. Characters in the tragedy : Earl of Leicester, George Clarke ; Burleigh, Murphy ; Walter Raleigh, Frederick Bond ; Christopher Hatton, Edward Wilks ; Gov. of Tilbury Fort, Charles Leclercq ; Master of the Horses, John Wood ; a Benefactor, Eugene Ormonde; Two Sentinels, Bosworth, Smith; First Niece, Effie Shannon; Second Niece, Isabel Irving; Confidante, Kitty Cheatham; Don Ferolo Whiskerandoa, James Lewis ; Tilburina, Ada Rehan.

On Feb. 19 "The Squire" was revived for the tenth and last subscription performance. Ada Rehan, James Lewis, Charles Fisher, and John Drew had the r61es assumed by them in the first American production of the play at this theatre Oct. 10, 1882. Jean Gordon, Wm. Gilbert, Frederick Bond, Joseph Hol- land, and Kitty Cheatham were the new faces seen.

" An International Match " was acted for the last time March 6, and on March 7 "The Taming of the Shrew" was revived, and continued until March 28, when "Samson and Delilah," an adapta- tion by Mr. Daly from the French of A. Bisson, was acted for the first time. The cast was :

Goliah Puttybank . . James Lewis

Judge Suttle Geo. Clarke

Junius OUyphant . . Frederick Bond De Lancey de Loosey, Charles Leclercq Paul Raslem . . . Joseph Holland Audrey OUyphant . . . Ada Rehan Mrs. Raxalana Puttybank

Mrs. G. H. Gilbert

Angelina Jelateen . Kitty Cheatham Miss Lightbody . . . Louise Smith

Susan Evelina Cook

Jack Prynse John Drew

Maj Vortex . . . . C. Wheatleigh

Dr. Soothem W. Gilbert

Matthew Pulpey .... E. Wilks

John L. Stoddard commenced a series of Lenten matinees March 21. The first course was given on Mondays and Thurs- days, March 25, April i, 4, 8, and 11. The second on Tuesdays and Fridays, March 26, April 2, 5, 9, and 12. For the last week of Mr. Daly's season, " Samson and Delilah " was played April 22-24; "A Night Off," April 25; "The Squire" April 26, and matinee, April 27; and "Seven Twenty-eight," evening, April 27, when the tenth season terminated. It had lasted thirty weeks, and during that time seventeen different plays were presented. Counting the extra matinles for charity given, the season com-

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prised two hundred and forty performances. The number of performances given each play was : " The Lottery of Love, " one hundred and five; "The Inconstant," thirty-nine; "An In- ternational Match," thirty-four; "The Taming of the Shrew," twenty -four; "Samson and Delilah," thirty -two; "The Wife of Socrates," fifty-eight; "A Tragedy Rehearsed" and "Popping the Question," seventeen each; "Seven Twenty-eight" and "The Squire," three each; "A Night Off," and "Dollars and Sense," two each; and "Nancy & Co.," "Needles and Pins," "The Country Girl," "She Would and She Wouldn't," and " A Woman's Won't," once each.

A summer season opened April 29, with Rosina Yokes and her company in "A Game of Cards," "My Milliner's Bill," and "The Rough Diamond," Rosina Yokes in the chief r61e in each. In her company were Helena Dacre, Helen Standish, Felix Morris, Morton Selten, Courtenay Thorpe, F. Gottschalk, and J. Rolfe. This bill was continued up to May 9, when were produced " My Uncle's Will," "My Lord in Livery," and "The Old Musician," the latter an adaptation by Felix Morris from a French source. In none of these had Rosina Yokes previously appeared in this city.

The audience was dismissed on the evening of June 8, shortly after nine o'clock, owing to a sudden indisposition on the part of Rosina Yokes, and the season ended.

Sol Smith Russell began an engagement Aug. 26, 1889, with "A Poor Relation," produced for the first time in New York. The cast was:

Noah Vale . . . Roderick Faye . . Jasper Stenett . . . Sociable Smith . . Marmaduke O'Haley Rachael Worriner .

Sol Smith Russell Alfred Hudson . Charles Kent Louis Carpenter . R. F. Sullivan . Lillian Owen

Patch .... Little Hazel Chappel

Dolly Faye Grace Filkins

Eunice Faye .... Maud Hosford

Scollops Merri Osborne

Rip Master Richards

This piece was originally produced Oct. 5, 1888, at the Metro- politan Opera House, Columbus, Ohio.

Mr. Daly opened his regular season Oct. 2 with " The Golden Widow," adapted by him from Sardou's "Marquise." The cast was:

Marquis de Campanilla, James Lewis Tom de Camp .... John Drew Papa Bigelow . . Charles Wheatleigh Randolph Windrop . Frederick Bond Dick Chedney . . Sydney Herbert Lucky Silex . . . William Hamilton Baliron Charles Leclercq

Tryphena Magillicundy . Ada Rehan Mrs. Colorado Peck . Nina Freeth Miss Aurelia Brown

Mrs. Annie Yeamans

Lou Bigelow Kate Best

Kitty Kitty Cheatham

Mme. Coralie Coraline . Mrs. Gilbert



Mrs. Yeamans, Nina Freeth, Kate Best, Sydney Herbert, and William Hamilton were seen for the first time on Mr. Daly's stage. The play was a failure, and was acted for the last time Oct. 21.

"The Great Unknown" followed Oct. 22. It was adapted by Daly from " Die Beruhmte Frau " (by Franz von Schonthan and Gustav Kadelburg), and was acted for the first time on any stage. It had this cast :

Jeremiah Jarraway . . James Lewis

Cousin Ned John Drew

The O'Donnell Don, Wilton Lackaye Tom Prowde . . . Sydney Herbert

Patrick T. J. Cronin

Aunt Penelope . Mrs. G. H. Gilbert

Arabella Jarraway, Mrs. Annie Yeamans The Widow Munkittrick, Sara Chalmers

Miss Twitters Nita Sykes

Mile. Agathe . . . Adelaide Prince

Pansy Isabel Irving

Etna Ada Rehan

The original piece was acted at Amberg's Theatre a few nights before. Wilton Lackaye withdrew from the cast, after playing a few nights. Frederick Bond afterwards played the O'Donnell Don.

The first of the annual subscription performances of this season occurred Dec. 3, when " The Passing Regiment " was revived. The changes in the cast from the original production included Chas. Wheatleigh for W. J. Le Moyne, Mr. Ormonde for Digby Bell, Geo. Clarke for George Parkes, Frederick Bond for H. M. Pitt, and Adelaide Prince for May Fielding.

" A Night Off " was revived Dec. 10, with this cast :

Justinian Babbitt . . James Lewis Harry Damask . . Frederick Bond Lord Mulberry . Charles Wheatleigh Marcus Brutus Snap, Charles Leclercq Mrs. Zantippe Babbitt

Mrs. G. H. Gilbert

Angelina Damask . . Sara Chalmers

Susan Isabel Irving

Mulberry John Drew

Prowl E. P. Wilks

Nisbe Ada Rehan

Maria Miss Wharton

"The Great Unknown" was played for the sixty-fifth and last time Dec. 16. For the third subscription night, Dec. 17, "As You Like It," was presented for the first time by this company. The cast was :

The Duke .... Chas. Wheatleigh Frederick .... Geo. Middleton

Amiens Heinrich Koeke

Jaques Geo. Clarke

A Lord Wm. Hamilton

Le Beau .... Sydney Herbert

Charles Hobart Bosworth

Oliver Eugene Ormonde

A Person Representing

. Hymen .... Kitty Cheatham

Jaques James Wallis

Orlando John Drew

Adam Charles Fisher

Dennis Richard Knowles

Touchstone .... James Lewis

Corin Charles Leclercq

Rosalind Ada Rehan

Celia Henrietta Crosman

Phoebe Jean Gordon

Audrey Isabel Irving


This was Ada Rehan's first appearance as Rosalind, and the first appearance at this theatre of Henrietta Crosman. Geo. Clarke, although ill for several days, insisted on playing, and lay on a mattress in his dressing-room when off the stage.

"The Railroad of Love" was revived Jan. 7, 1890, for one night only. For the subscription night of Jan. 14 "Seven Twenty- eight " was repeated. In consequence of the death of her father Ada Rehan was unable to play the night of Jan. 18. The news of Mr. Crehan's (correct name) death was received at the theatre during the matinee performance, and Mr. Daly changed the bill for the evening, and substituted "A Night Off" for "As You Like It," Kitty Cheatham appearing as Nisbe, Miss Rehan's original r6Ie. " She Would and She Would Not " was revived Jan. 28. " As You Like It " was acted for the fiftieth time Feb. 3. Geo. Clarke, who had been ill, then returned to the cast as Jaques. "As You Like It" was acted Feb. 10, and repeated afternoons of Feb. 12 and 15. It was then withdrawn, with a record of sixty performances. For the usual Tuesday night sub- scription revival, Feb. 11, "The Country Girl" and "A Woman's Won't" were played.

The night of Feb. 12 saw the first performance on any stage of "A Priceless Paragon," adapted by Mr. Daly from Sardou's comedy, "Belle Maman." The cast was:

Victor Gerval John Drew

Daveneys .... Eugene Ormonde

Berard Sydney Herbert

Varoche Geo. T. Ulmer

Narcisse Bunnitrop . . James Lewis Dr. Poulot . . . Charles Wheatleigh Adhemar . . . Jerome Kingsbury Chevalier Rosamonde, Charles Leclercq

Mrae. Filoche . Mrs. G. H. Gilbert Victorine Rosamonde, Sara Chalmers Dina Faudelle .... Ada Rehan

Renaud Frederick Bond

Jolly T. J. Cronin

Susette Isabel Irving

Phemie Kate Best

This was the first appearance at this theatre of Geo. Ulmer.

" As You Like It " was repeated matinde, Feb. 22.

" A Priceless Paragon " was seen in a somewhat condensed form on Feb. 25, and was preceded by a one-act play, "The Prayer" put into English by Maurice F. Egan, from the French of Francois Coppee. The cast: Mile. Rose, Ada Rehan; Zellie, Adelaide Prince; Blanche, Miss Conron; Jacques Leroux, George Clarke; the Old Priest, C. Wheatleigh; an Officer, Eugene Ormonde.

The Stoddard morning lectures commenced Feb. 27. Afternoon of Feb. 28, Max O'Rell lectured for the benefit of the Bethlehem Day Nursery.

The last performance of " A Priceless Paragon " and " The Prayer" occurred at the matinee, March 5, and "A Midsummer




Night's Dream " was revived for the evening performance and continued until March 20.

Stoddard's lectures were given March 15, 17, 20, 24, 27. "A Midsummer Night's Dream " was repeated March 17, 20. On March 21, 22, and matinee, March 22, and nights March 24, 25, "The Taming of the Shrew" was played with nearly its former cast.

Sydney Grundy's comedy, "Haroun Alraschid and His Mother- in-law" ("An Arabian Night"), was produced March 26; also, on the same night, "Miss Hoyden's Husband," a one-act condensa- tion of Richard Brinsley Sheridan's old play, "A Trip to Scar- borough." This latter, in turn, is a modification of Sir John Vanburgh's "Relapse," which was intended by its author as a sequel to Colley Gibber's "Lovb's Last Shift." These are the casts of the two plays :


Lord Foppington . . Charles Leclercq Sir Tunbelly Clumsy

Charles Wheatleigh Colonel Townley . . Eugene Ormonde Mistress Coupler . . Adelaide Prince Miss Hoyden's Nurse . . May Sylvia

Young Fashion . . . Geo. Clarke

Lory Frederick Bond

Nicodemus . . . . H. Bosworth

Amanda Lillian Darley

Berinthia Maud Jeffries

Miss Hoyden Ada Rehan


Georgie Sara Chalmers

Ralph Onnerod . . . Geo. Clarke Barbara .... Lucille Neilson Dobson T. J. Cronin

Arthur Hummingtop . . John Drew Mrs. Gillibrand . Mrs. G. H. Gilbert Joshua Gillibrand . Frederick Bond Daisy Maitland . . . Isabel Irving Rosa Colombier . . Kitty Cheatham

There was no performance Good Friday night, April 4. On April 7, 8, 9, 10, " Haroun Alraschid " and " Miss Hoyden's Hus- band " were played, and at matinee April 1 1 and night of April 12, "Seven Twenty-eight." The season closed April 12.

Rosina Yokes began a spring term April 14. Her first week's bill consisted of "Percy Pendragon " (from H. J. Byron's "Mar- ried in Haste"); F. W. Sidney's comedietta, "Wig and Gown;" and B. C. Stephenson's "A Double Lesson." The first two were new to this city. The casts were :

Percy Pendragon Augustus Vere .

Frank Warburton, Phil Buffington .


. . Felix Morris 1 Ethel Grainger Vere . Emily Bancker . . Grant Stewart | Landlord Robert Rivers


Courtenay Thorpe I Edith Golding . . Emily Bancker . . Charles J. Bell | Polly Meadowleigh . . Rosina Yokes



Sir John Moncrieffe

Ferdinand Gottschalk

Primmer Felix Morris

Harry Fielding . Courtenay Thorpe

Lady Moncrieffe . Perkins . . . . Miss St. Almond .

Eleanor Lane

Elsie Lombard

Rosina Vokes

"Awakening," "The Circus Rider," and "My Lord in Livery" formed the programme April 28. " Awakening " was " Tears, Idle Tears " in a new form and title, and was here acted by Rosina Vokes' company for the first time in New York.

It had been previously acted in this city at a benefit performance by Mr. and Mrs. Kendal. " A Game of Cards " and " My Milliner's Bill " were revived on May 12; also "A Corsican Legacy," for the first time.

A matinde performance took place May 22 for the benefit of the Post Graduate Hospital. The Vokes' company appeared in "The Old Musician," "The Rough Diamond," and "A Pantomime Re- hearsal." The season terminated May 24, and the theatre was closed.

Sol Smith Russell returned here Aug. 14, with Boucicault's new play, "The Tale of a Coat," originally produced at Phila- delphia. The cast here was :

Jemmy Watt . . Sol. Smith Russell Richard Doubleday . John E. Kellerd William Burbank . Alfred Hudson Mrs. Cora Welby . . . Linda Dietz Mrs. John Carter, Mrs. Mary E. Barker

Jerry Frank Lawton

Otto Klootz . . . Chas. A. Krone Mr. Gerrish .... Walter Hale

John Carter . . . . R. F. Sullivan

Reporter J. H. Wilson

Mr. Wilcox . . . Geo. S. Stevens

Dozey H. S. Clark

Bobbie Merri Osborne

Dick . . . Master Alfie Hudson EfBe Little Hazel Chappel

This play was a failure, and was withdrawn Sept. 15, and "A Poor Relation" revived. Sol Smith Russell's engagement termi- nated Sept. 27, and the theatre was closed until Oct. 7, when the regular season began with Jerome K. Jerome's comedy, "New Lamps for Old," acted for the first time in America. The cast was:

Algernon Postlethwaite, Burr Mcintosh Edwin Honiton .... John Drew

Buster James Lewis

Jorkins Frederick Bond

Octavia Anna Franosch

Mrs. Sackett .... Mrs. Gilbert Elvira Ada Rehan

Others in Mr. Daly's company, not in this cast, but who ap- peared soon afterwards, were Isabel Irving, Edith Crane, Kitty Cheatham, Adelaide Prince, May Sylvie, Florence Conron, Lulu Smith, Grace Freeman, Marie Shotwell, Helen Bryant (daughter of Dan Bryant), Alice Crawford, Belle Wharton, Lucille Neil- son, Claire Phair, Ruby and Esther Tyrrell, Charles Wheatleigh,




Charles Leclercq, Sydney Herbert, Wm. C. Sampson, Sidney Bowkett, Hobart Bosworth, Wilfred Buckland, J. Macauley, Ralph Nisbet, and Albert Hope. "New Lamps for Old" was withdrawn after Oct. 27. "The Last Word," an adaptation by Mr. Daly from the German, was acted for the first time in Eng- lish, Oct. 28, and had this cast :

Prof. Richard Rutherell

Charles Wheatleigh Alexander Airey . . . James Lewis Boris Bouraneff . . Sydney Herbert Moses Mossop . . Frederick Bond Baron Stuwe . . . Sidney Bowkett

Baroness Vera von BouranefE

Ada Rehan Faith Rutherell . . . Isabel Irving Winny Rutherell . . Kitty Cheatham The Secretary . . . Geo. Clarke Harry Rutherell .... John Drew

A special charity matinee, Jan. 12, 1891, was for the Home of Deaf Mutes, when " The Last Word " was played.

"The Last Word " was acted for the one hundredth and last time Jan. ig, 1891. " The School for Scandal " was produced Jan. 20. It was stated to be " a novel arrangement of the comedy by Mr. Daly." The cast was:

Charles Surface .... John Drew Crabtree .... Charles Leclercq

Careless H. Bosworth

Moses James Lewis

Rowley John Moore

Trip Frederick Bond

Snake Sidney Bowkett

Maria Edith Crane

Sir Peter Teazle . Charles Wheatleigh Sir Oliver Surface . Henry Edwards Sir Benjamin Backbite, Sydney Herbert Sir Harry Bumper . James Macauley Mrs. Candour . . Mrs. G. H. Gilbert Lady Sneerwell . . Adelaide Prince

Ladv Teazle Ada Rehan

Sir toby Ralph Nisbet

Joseph Surface . . . Geo. Clarke

An extra matinee was given Jan. 26, for the benefit of the Actors' Fund. Daly's company gave three acts of "The School for Scandal ; " Harry Kernell, Maggie Cline, Tony Pastor, and Professor Abt did their specialties. Frederick Bond, who was under Mr. Daly's management for seven years, severed his con- nection with this theatre Feb. 18.

John L. Stoddard began his annual series of illustrated lectures morning, Feb. 23. " The School for Scandal " was played March 2, for the fiftieth and last time. "The Prodigal Son," arranged from the French "L'Enfant Prodigue," a pantomime play, with music, was seen for the first time March 3, and had this cast :

Pierrot . . . The Footman . Mons. Pierrot . Mme. Pierrot .

. . Ada Rehan

Wilfred Buckland

Charles Leclercq

Mrs. Gilbert

Phrynette , Virginie The Baron .

Adelaide Prince

Isabel Irving

Sydney Herbert

It was withdrawn after its seventh representation, having proved a failure. " A Night Off " was revived March 9. The theatre was closed Good Friday night, March 27, and reopened March 28 with "Love's Labor's Lost," the cast of which was:


The King of Navarre . . John Drew Longaville .... Hobart Bosworth Don Adriano de Armado

Sydney Herbert Sir Nathaniel . . . Charles Leclercq Holofernes .... Harry Edwards The Princess of France Ada Rehan Jacquenetta . . . Kitty Cheatham Biron Geo. Clarke

Boyet .... Charles Wheatleigh Mercade . . . Wilfred Buckland

Dull William Sampson

Costard James Lewis

Rosaline Edith Crane

Maria Adelaide Prince

Moth Flossie Ethel

Katherine Isabel Irving

A special matinee was given Monday afternoon, March 30, in aid of the House of the Holy Family. "Love's Labor's Lost" was the programme. J. L. Stoddard commenced a series of lectures Tuesday afternoon. " The Railroad of Love " was given evening of April II, when the twelfth season closed. "Love's Labor's Lost " was played for the last time matinee April 11.

Rosina Yokes opened with her company April 13, in "A Game of Cards," "Wig and Gown," and "The Rough Diamond." In the supporting company were Charles J. Bell, Eleanor Lane, Emily Bancker, Ferd. Gottschalk, Courtenay Thorpe, Marion Kilby, and others. "The Rough Diamond" and "A Game of Cards "were done April 20; "A Game of Cards," "Wig and Gown," and "The Rough Diamond," April 21; "Frederic Lemaitre," "Barbara," and "A Tinted Venus," April 22. The cast of "Frederic Lemaitre " was :

Frederic Lemaitre . . Felix Morris I Madeline Fleury . Pierre Ferd. Gottschalk

. Emily Bancker

These plays continued to be the attraction for the weeks of April 27 and May 4. Week commencing May 11 "Percy Pendragon," "My Milliner's Bill," and "My Lord in Livery" made up the programme.

"The Light that Failed," a one-act play, adapted from Rudyard Kipling's romance, was seen May 13, with this cast:

Dick Courtenay Thorpe I Bessie Eleanor Lane

Torpenhow . . . Charles J. Bell | Maisie Emily Bancker

" My Milliner's Bill " and "My Lord in Livery" were acted the same night. Rosina Yokes closed her season May 23. For her last week she presented "The Old Musician," "The Circus Rider," and " A Pantomime Rehearsal. "

Mr. Daly having obtained a sixteen years' lease, with privilege of renewals, of the theatre, fifteen feet were added to the depth of the stage. The old shanty in the rear in which were the dress- ing-rooms was torn down and a six-story building erected, and many other alterations and improvements were made.

The company, which had played a summer season in England returned, and the season opened Nov. 25, with "The Taming of




the Shrew," and a cast only slightly different from that of its previous production. This comedy was continued until Dec. 2. "The School for Scandal" was presented night of Dec. 2, and repeated Dec. 3, 4, matin6e and evening Dec. 5, 7, 8, and matinee Dec. 9.

"The Last Word" was revived Dec. 9, and continued until Dec. 22, when " As You Like It " was revived. Albert King first ap- peared here as Amiens :

A person representing Hymen

Marie Shotwell The Duke .... Eugene Jepson

Frederick Tyrone Power

Amiens Albert King

Jacques George Clarke

A Lord Thos. Bridgeland

Le Beau .... Sydney Herbert

Charles Hobart Bosworth

Oliver John Craig

Jaques Collin Kemper

Orlando John Drew

Adam .... Chas. Wheatleigh

Dennis Ralph Nisbet

Touchstone .... James Lewis

Corin Chas. Leclercq

Silvius .... Wilfred Buckland

William William Sampson

Celia Adelaide Prince

Phebe Lelia Wolstan

Audrey Isabel Irving

Rosalind Ada Reban

Thos. Bridgeland died in Newark, N. J. Feb. 10, 1902.

Matinee performances were given Christmas Day, Dec. 25, Saturday, Dec. 26, Wednesday, Dec. 29, and New Year's Day, Jan. I, 1892; "As You Like It," for the last time Jan. 11. "The Cabinet Minister," by A. W. Pinero, Jan. 12, for the first time in America. The cast was:

The Munkittrick . . . Wm. Sampson The Earl of Drumdurris . Geo. Lesoir Rt. Hon. Sir Julian Twombley

James Lewis Brooke Twombley . . Tyrone Power Mr. Joseph Lebanon

Valentine White Imogene . . Lady Macphail Angele . . .

Sydney Herbert . . John Drew . Isabel Irving . . May Sylvie Louise Sylvester

Dowager Countess of Drumdurris

Mrs. G. H. Gilbert Lady Euphemia Vibart . Lelia Wolstan Countess of Drumdurris, Percy Haswell Miss Munkittrick . . Miss Sinnott Hon. Mrs. Gavlustre . Edith Crane Lady Twombley . . Adelaide Prince Macphail .... Hobart Bosworth

Mitford Ayres

Probyn Ralph Nisbet

Sir Edwin Arnold, poet and editor of the London Daily Tele- graph gave lectures and readings on the mornings of Jan. 12, 14, and 15.

"The Cabinet Minister" proved a failure. It was acted for the last time Jan. 18, and "Nancy & Co." revived Jan. 19. The cast was:

Mr. Ebenezer Griffing . James Lewis Captain Paul Renseller, Sydney Herbert Young Mr. Sikes Stockslow

Herbert Gresham Tippy Brasher . . William Gilbert Mrs. Huldah Dangery

Mrs. G. H. Gilbert

Kiefe O'Kiefe Julius . . . Oriana . . . Daisy Griffing Betsey . . . Nancy Brasher

. . John Drew William Sampson Edith Crane . Isabel Irving Anna Franosch . . Ada Rehan


This marked the reappearance at this house, after a long ab- sence, of William Gilbert.

"Nancy & Co." was withdrawn Feb. 9, for "Love in Tandem," an eccentric comedy in three acts, adapted by Aug. Daly from the French of "La Vie a Deux," by Henry Bocage and Ch. de Courcy :

Donald Littlejohn . . . Geo. Clarke Bob Parker . . . Herbert Gresham Richard T. Dymond . . John Drew

Nadege Percy Haswell

Tetty Kitty Cheatham

Aprilla Dymond .... Ada Rehan Mme. Lauretta . . Adelaide Prince Mme. Miralesy Rosareina, Edith Crane Countess AltichefE . . . May Sylvie " Papa " Skinnastone . James Lewis Barry William Gilbert

F. Hopkinson Smith and Thomas Nelson Page gave readings mornings of Feb. 9, 11, 13, 16, and 18. On Feb. 16, prior to the performance of "Love in Tandem," Mr. Daly introduced the Violana Sisters, who played a piano concerto and afterwards a violin solo with piano accompaniment. Daniel Dougherty gave a lecture on "The Stage," afternoon of Feb. 25, in aid of the Actors' Orphan Asylum Fund. "Love in Tandem," March 14, IS, 16. "The Forresters," by Lord Tennyson, was produced March 17 for the first time on any stage, and had this cast:

Richard Coeur de Lion . . Geo. Clarke

Prince John John Craig

Robin Hood John Drew

Sir Richard Lee . Charles Wheatleigh The Abbot . . . Thomas Bridgeland The Sheriff of Nottingham

Charles Leclercq A Justiciary . . . William Gilbert

A Mercenary . . . Wilfred Buckland Friar Tuck . . . Eugene Jepson Will Scarlet . . . Hobart Bosworth

Old Much Tyrone Power

Kate Kitty Cheatham

Old Woman of the Hut . May Sylvie

Titania Percy Haswell

Maid Marian Ada Rehan

The piece had been twice named by its author before he chose its present title. He first called it "Robin Hood," and after- wards " Maid Marian. " It was originally in five acts. Mr. Daly, with Lord Tennyson's consent and approval, reduced it to four acts and fitted it to the stage. Stoddard began his course of morning lectures March 28. Mr. Daly's season closed April 23 with "A Woman's Won't" and "As You Like It." Stoddard now gave his lectures at night.

Rosina Yokes and her company began a spring season May 2 in "The Rose," by Minnie Maddern-Fiske :

Count Chateau de Rohan, Felix Morris

Frederick Grant Stewart

Baptiste . . . Ferdinand Gottschalk

Marie Flora Clitherow

Tilda Florence Wood

' That Lawyer's Fee, " by H. Beerbohm Tree :

Edwin . Mr. Crook

Courtenay Thorpe 1 Angelina Rosina Vokes

Ferdinand Gottschalk




"A Double Lesson," by B. C. Stephenson:

Lady Moncrieffe . . Flora Clitherow

Perkins Marion Kilby

Miss St. Almond . . Rosina Vokes

Sir John Moncrieffe

Ferdinand Gottschalk

Primmer Felix Morris

Harry Fielding . Courtenay Thorpe

This same bill was repeated until May 12, when "A Game of Cards," "The Circus Rider," and "A Pantomime Rehearsal " were given. The first American performance of "The Paper Chase" took place May 16:

Busby Felix Morris Dixon Walter Granville

Baskerville . Ferdinand Gottschalk Mrs. Baskerville . Flora Clitherow

Captain Kirby . Courtenay Thorpe Nelly Busby . . . Evangeline Irving

Wagstaffe . . . Jamesen Lee Finney Pedder Marion Kilby

Inspector Glimmer . . Grant Stewart Mrs. Pomfret . . . Rosina Vokes

Richard Mansfield began an engagement here Sept. 12 in "The Scarlet Letter," a play adapted from Hawthorne's famous novel, and continued until Oct. 2.

The regular season opened Oct. 6, 1892, with "Little Miss Million," adapted by Daly from Dr. Oskar Blumenthal's farce, "Das Zweite Gesicht," which had this cast:

Beverly Primrose . . James Lewis Rena Primrose .... Ada Rehan Ned Candid . . . Arthur Bourchier Salem Doublepenny, Herbert Gresham Venetia Primrose . Adelaide Prince

John Guthry Mr. Pfresh Dickers Tibbetts Tom Nervy

. . Geo. Clarke

William Gilbert William Sampson Wilfred Buckland

Sydney Herbert

This was the American debut of Arthur Bourchier. " Dollars and Sense" was revived Oct. 18. "A Test Case" was given Nov. 10, for the first time at this theatre and thus cast:

Jessekiah Pognip Sabina ... Rob Fleming . Ned Jessamine Juno Jessamine Natty Grinnell

James Lewis

Isabel Irving

Arthur Bourchier

Geo. Clarke

. . Ada Rehan

Herbert Gresham

Doctor Tinkey . . William Gilbert Mrs. Doctor Tinkey, Mrs. G. H. Gilbert Prof. Fox- Merry well, Charles Leclercq Mrs. Prof. Merrywell . Anna Cowell Dr. Gash .... Wilfred Buckland Tony Kitty Cheatham

"The Hunchback" was produced for the first time at Daly's Theatre Nov. 29, and had this cast:

Master Walter . . . Geo. Clarke Sir Thomas ClifEord, Arthur Bourchier Lord Tinsel . . . Sydney Herbert

Modus Creston Clarke

Master Wilford . . James K. Hackett Master Heartwell, Thomas Bridgeland Gaylove .... Hobart Bosworth

This was the first appearance here of Creston Clarke. A matinee in aid of the Polish residents of this city was given

Simpson . .

. . . Rankin Duvall

Fathom . .

. . William Gilbert

Thomas . .

. . William Sampson

Stephen . .

. . Wilfred Buckland

Helen . . .

. . . Isabel Irving

Julia ....

. . . . Ada Rehan


Nov. 29. Mme. Modjeska appeared in an act of "Mary Stuart," assisted by Beaumont Smith, Rudolph de Cordova, Geo. Hazle- ton, Anna E. Proctor, and Mrs. Hannah Sargeant; Daly's com- pany played "A Woman's Won't" and "The Good For Nothing;" in the former James Lewis and Mrs. G. H. Gilbert appeared with Adelaide Prince, Sydney Herbert, Florence Conron, and Edward Wilks. Kitty Cheatham played Nan in "The Good For Nothing," and the other parts were taken by Eugene Jepson, Hobart Bos- worth, J. K. Hackett, and Mr. Carleton. " As You Like It " was presented Dec. 20.

"The Belle's Stratagem " was revived Jan. 3, 1893, and had this cast:

Villers .... Wilfred Buckland Mrs. Rackett . . . Adelaide Prince

Miss Ogle Lotta Lynne

Letitia Hardy Ada Rehan

Doricourt .... Arthur Bourchier

Old Hardy James Lewis

Flutter Herbert Gresham

Saville Sydney Herbert

Courtall John Craig

It was preceded by " The Knave, " a one-act study of mediaeval life, by Miss Clo Graves, seen for the first time on any stage. The cast was :

Mockworld Ada Rehan

The Burgomaster . . Eugene Jepson The Parish Clerk, Charles Wheatleigh Hans Wirth .... Creston Clarke

EUmer .... Thomas Bridgeland Veil Klein .... William Gilbert

Gredel Miss Sterling

Margrete Percy Haswell

"The School for Scandal" was given Jan. 17, when Arthur Bourchier played Charles Surface for the first time here.

On the afternoon of Jan. 30 a performance was given for the benefit of Mrs. E. P. Bishop, when " The Forresters " was revived, with Arthur Bourchier as Robin Hood. " Taming of the Shrew " was seen Feb. 7, with Geo. Clarke as Petruchio. T. Marion Craw- ford gave readings afternoon of Feb. 20, 21, 23, 24.

"Twelfth Night" was produced Feb. 21, and had this cast:

Orsino . . . Sebastian . . Antonio . . A Sea Captain Valentine . . Curio . . . Sir Toby Belch

Creston Clarke

Sydney Herbert

Charles Wheatleigh

Eugene Jepson

James K. Hackett

. Wilfred Buckland

James Lewis

Malvolio Geo. Clarke

Sir Andrew Aguecheek

Herbert Gresham A Priest . . . Thomas Bridgeland Countess Olivia . . Adelaide Prince

Maria Catherine Lewis

Viola Ada Rehan

The Clown . . . Lloyd Daubigny

The house was closed Good Friday night (March 31) and the season ended April 8. "Little Miss Million" had been acted twelve times; "Dollars and Sense," twenty-nine times; "A Test Case," twenty-two; "The Hunchback," twenty-five; "As You Like It," sixteen; "The Belle's Stratagem," and "The Knave," seven-




teen ; " School for Scandal, " eight ; " The Forresters, " seventeen ; "Taming the Shrew," sixteen; and "Twelfth Night," fifty-seven times.

Rosina Yokes and her company began a spring season April lo in " A Lesson in Love, " by Charles S. Chelton, which had this cast:

Babblebrook .... Felix Morris Raymond Beaufield, M. C. D. Marius Captain Freeman . Walter Granville R. E. Porter . . Ernest A. Elton James . . . Ferdinand Gottschalk

Anastasia Winterberry, FfoUiott Paget Edith Leslie . . . Evangeline Irving

Susan Blanche Burton

Mrs. Sutherland . . Rosina Yokes

"Maid Marian, or Macfarren's Dream," was also played. This was an adaptation by MoUie Elliott Seawell of her story of that name. The cast was :

Macfarren . . . Kendall Weston

Wilkins Joseph Rolfe

Gladys Maitland . Evangeline Irving

Hobbs Ernest A. Elton

Van Tromp . Ferdinand Gottschalk Van Buskirk Jansen, Franclyn Reglid Major McPhilibeg . . . Felix Morris

Mrs. Von Tromp . . Ffolliott Paget Eleanor Von Tromp . Blanche Burton Mrs. Van Buskirk Jansen

Marie Hillyer Lady Marian de Winstanley

Rosina Yokes

On April 27 "The Rose," by Mrs. Fiske, was given, also "The Circus Rider," by Mrs. Charles Doremus, with this cast: Lord Weldon, Ernest A. Elton; Latimer, Ferdinand Gottschalk; Lord Merton, Walter Granville; Lady Lucille Grafton, Rosina Yokes; and the programme finished with "Maid Marian." On May 8 "Sunset," "Wig and Gown," and "A Pantomime Rehearsal" were played. This same bill was continued the week of May 15, and the Yokes' season closed May 20. Kellar, the magician, ap- peared here May 22 ; also a dramatic company in " The Loan of a Lover," cast thus: Gertrude, Catherine Lewis; Ernestine, Percy Haswell; Peter Spyk, William Gilbert; Capt. Amersfort, James K. Hackett; Old Snyzel, Eugene Jepson; Delve, Wilfred Buck- land. This was repeated the week of June 5, when Kitty Cheatham was Gertrude and O. S. Fawcett, Peter. "Nan the Good For Nothing" was seen June 12: Nan, Kitty Cheatham; Tom Dibbles, Eugene Jepson; Harry Collier, Owen S. Fawcett; Charley, James K. Hackett; Simpson, Wilfred Buckland; and Servant, Edward McLoughlin. The farce preceding Kellar was omitted after June 24, and the magician closed July 22.

The house reopened Aug. 2, 1893, with the first American appearance of Edwin Cleary's French company, and first perform- ance in this country by French players of the "Musical Play Without Words," "L'Enfant Prodigue," which had this cast:


Pierrot (Junior) . Madame Pierrot, Phrynette . . .

. Mile. Pilar Morin

Mme. Eugenie Bade

. Mile. Reine Roy

Pierrot (Senior) . . . M. Courtes

Le Baron M. Dalleu

Servant M. Buckland

Sol Smith Russell returned here Oct. 9 with "Peaceful Valley," by E. E. Kidder, thus cast: Hosea Howe, Sol Smith Russell; Jack Farquhar, Orrin Johnson ; Leonard Rand, J. F. Brien ; Jona- than Ford, Alfred Hudson ; Charley Rand, Charles Jackson ; Wilson, Stewart Allen; Virgie Rand, Annie Radcliffe; Niobe Farquhar, Annie Blancke; Phyllis Howe, Marion Lester; Martha Howe, Kate Blancke.

"A Poor Relation" was revived Oct. 31; "April Weather" came Nov. 13, with Sol Smith Russell as Raphael. This comedy was first acted (at this theatre) under the title of "A Tale of a Coat," by Dion Boucicault. Sol Smith Russell closed Nov. 24. "The Algerian," McDonough and De Koven's comic opera, that had been playing at the Garden Theatre, this city, was trans- ferred to this theatre and commenced Nov. 26, 1893. Marie Tempest was the star. "The Fencing Master" was seen weeks of Dec. II and Dec. 18. James A. Heme's "Shore Acres" was produced in New York Dec. 25, for the first time. It was first acted under the title of "The Hawthornes" in Chicago, 1892, and not favorably received. Shortly after it was acted at the Boston Museum as "Shore Acres," and ran for more than one hundred nights. The cast in New York was :

Martin Berry .... Chas. G. Craig Joel Gates .... Geo. W. Wilson

Josiah Blake F. Garland

Sam Warren . . . David M. Murray Capt. Ben Hutchins . . Ph. Leach Dr. Leonard .... James Burrows Squire Andrews .... Alden Bass Ann Berry . . Grace Gayler Clarke

Helen Berry . Liddy Ann Nye Mrs. Andrews Mrs. Leonard Perley . . . Millie Berry . Mandy Gates . Nathan'l Berry

. Katherine Grey

Helen Gould

. . S. Davidson

Mrs. C. G. Craig

Lizzie Corner

Daisy Stevenson

. Miss Florence

James A. Heme

On the afternoon of March 5, 1894, there was a benefit for the unemployed actors in the city, when "The Bride of Roses" and " Shore Acres " were acted. The season closed May 26 and the theatre reopened Aug. 27, with "A Night Off, " with this cast:

Justinian Babbitt . . James Lewis Harry Damask . . . Francis Carlyle Jack Mulberry . . Herbert Gresham Lord Mulberry . . Charles Leclercq

Prowl Charles Lesoir

Mrs. Zantippe Babbitt . Mrs. Gilbert

Nisbe Percy Haswell

Angelica Damask . . Laura Hansen

Susan Catherine Lewis

Maria Sophia Hoffman

Marcus Brutus Snap, Henry E. Dixey

This was Henry Dixey's first appearance with Daly's company. This play was repeated week of Sept. 3. " Seven Twenty-eight " was seen Sept. 13, with Francis Carlyle as Courtney, Catherine Lewis as Jessie, and H. E. Dixey as Sig. Palmiro Tamburini. Mr.




Daly now sent his company " on the road " and allowed " A Gaiety Girl " to take possession of his theatre. This musical comedy was seen for the first time in America Sept. i8, and had this cast : Charles Goldfield, Charles Ryley ; Major Barclay, Fred Kaye; Bobbie Rivers, W. Louis Bradfield; Harry Fitz Warren, Cecil Hope; Ronney Farquhar, Compton; Montague Brierly, Harry Monkhouse; Rose Brierly, Decima Moore; Lady Edytha Aldwyn, Marie Yorke; Gladys Stourton, Sophie Elliott; Hon. Daisy Orms- bury, Ethel Selwyn; Lady Grey, Mrs. Edmund Phelps; Alma Somerset, Blanche Massey; Ethel Hawthorne, Cissy Fitzgerald; Lady Virginia Forest, Maud Hobson; Mina, Juliette Nesville; Cissy, Florence Lloyd ; Haidee, Grace Palotta.

The first season of Mr. Daly's management in London with his own company began June 27, 1893, and ended July 18, 1894. The second season began on Sept. 10, 1894, with a reconstructed ver- sion of " A Gaiety Girl. "

"A Gaiety Girl," which had played at Daly's theatre in this city since Sept. 18, closed Nov. 24, and Mr. Daly's company re- turned after eighteen months' absence and reappeared Nov. 26 in "Twelfth Night," with this cast:

Viola Ada Rehan Valentine .... Gerald Maxwell

Countess Olivia ... Sybil Carlisle Curio William Stuart

Maria Percy Haswell Sir Toby Belch . . . James Lewis

Orsino Francis Carlyle Sir Andrew Aguecheek

Sebastian .... Sydney Herbert Herbert Gresham

Antonio .... Charles W^heatleigh Fabian Alfred Hickman

A Sea Captain . . Hobart Bosworth Malvolio .... Henry E. Dixey

"Twelfth Night" was reduced to four acts, and this was H. E. Dixey's first appearance in a Shakesperian r61e, also the first ap- pearance in eighteen months of Ada Rehan. " Love on Crutches " was revived Dec. 15, with this cast:

Annis Austin Ada Rehan Sydney Austin . . Frank Worthing

Eudoxia Quattles Mrs. G. H. Gilbert Dr. Quattles .... James Lewis

Margery Gwynn . . . Sybil Carlisle Guy Roverly . . . Sydney Herbert

Berta Ida Molesworth Bitteredge John Craig

This was the American dfebut of Frank Worthing. "Taming of the Shrew " was revived with a cast almost identical with that of its previous production, Dec. 27. It was acted afternoon of Jan. 7, 1S95, for the benefit of St. Agatha's Home for Destitute Children. "The Heart of Ruby," by Judith Gautier, was first seen here Jan. 15, when it had this cast:

The Voice of the poet . . Ada Rehan Prince of Maeda . . . George Clarke Lord Yamato . . . Sydney Herbert

Simabara John Craig

Ivahsita Alfred Hickman

Vayagaraa .... Gerald Maxwell Saboura William Stuart

Omaya . . . Chrysanthemum Attendant . . Landlady . . A Single Woman Tika ....

. Maxine Elliott . Percy Haswell Eugenia Upham . . May Sylvie Florence Conron Ida Molesworth


"The Railroad of Love" was revived Jan. 21, with this cast:

Gen. Everett . . Charles Wheatleigh Valentine Osprey . . . Ada Rehan

Lieut. Howell Everett, Frank Worthing Viva Van Ryker . . . Sybil Carlisle

Scuttleby James Lewis Mrs. Eutycia Laburnam, Mrs. Gilbert

Adam Grinnidge . . . George Clarke Cherry Florence Conron

Judge Van Ryker . William F. Owen

" The Orient Express " was seen for the first time in this coun- try Jan. 31: Odeuseus Dioskobobulus, George Clarke; Lina, Percy Haswell; Hettie Featherstone, Ada Rehan; Katrina, Maxine Elliott.

" A Tragedy Rehearsed " was acted the same night, with this cast :

Mr. PufE . . . Mr. Dangle . . Mr. Sneer . . . The Stage Manager Don Whiskerandos

Henry E. Dixey Gerald Maxwell Campbell Gollan . George Clarke James Lewis

Governor of Tilbury, Charles Lecleroq Earl of Leicester . Hobart Bosworth Sir Walter Raleigh . Herbert Gresham Confidante . . . Mrs. G. H. Gilbert Tilburina Ada Rehan

On Thursday afternoon, Feb. 7, Miss Oldcastle (Comtesse de Castelvecchio), a member of Daly's company, gave a special matinee, and appeared in costume recitation, with music. Miss Oldcastle was assisted by Henry E. Dixey, who told some funny stories. May Fielding, L. Daubigny, and Catterina Marco, who sang. " " Two Gentlemen of Verona " was first acted here Feb. 25, with this cast :

Valentine John Craig

Speed Herbert Gresham

Thurrio Sydney Herbert

Launce James Lewis

Julia Ada Rehan

Sylvia Maxine Elliott

Lucetta Sybil Carlisle

The Duke Geo. Clarke

Proteus Frank Worthing

This was the first performance in this city since Oct. 6, 1846, when Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kean acted it at the Old Park Theatre. "Nancy & Co." was revived March 19, with Dixey as Tippy Brasher, Worthing as Kiefe O'Kiefe, Maxine Elliott as Oriana; " Two Gentlemen of Verona " was seen matinees March 20-23, and night of March 22. March 28 "A Bundle of Lies," based on the German farce by Carl Laufs and Wilhelm Jacoby, was seen: Smiley, Junior, George Lesoir; Dolly, Percy Haswell; Alma Brinton, Maxine Elliott. "Nancy & Co." and "A Tragedy Re- hearsed " were played April i ; " The Honeymoon " was seen April 4, and had this cast :

Duke Aranza . . Count Montalban Captain Rolando . Balthasar . Jaques . . Dr. Lampedo Lopez . . Campillo

Frank Worthing

Sydney Herbert

. . Geo. Clarke

William F. Owen

James Lewis

Charles Leclercq

William Sampson

Thomas Bridgeland

Pedro Mr. Shepherd

Olmedo Mr. Wharnock

Juliana Ada Rehan

Volante Maxine Elliott

Zamora Percy Haswell

The Hostess . . Mrs. G. H. Gilbert The Wife of Lopez . Jeanne Vorhees




In this comedy Ada Rehan executed a dance. This theatre and the Lyceum were the only ones not open on Good Friday night (April 12). "A Midsummer Night's Dream " was revived April 13:

Theseus Egeus . Lysander Demetrius Philostrate Quince . Snug . Bottom . Flute .

. . Geo. Clarke

Tyrone Powers

. . Jolin Craig

Frank Wortliing

Hobart Bosworth

Charles Leclercq

Herbert Gresham

James Lewis

Sydney Herbert

Snout William Sampson

Starveling . . . Thomas Bridgeland

Hippolyta Laura Hansen

Hermia Maxine Elliott

Oberon Sybil Carlisle

Titania Percy Haswell

A Fairy Sophia Hoffman

Puck Ellen Burg

Helena Ada Rehan

The season closed April 20.

Stoddard commenced April 22 with his Illustrated Lectures for two weeks. " A Gaiety Girl " reappeared May 7, and closed June I. The theatre reopened Sept. 3, 1895, with "The Queen's Neck- lace," by M. Decourcelle, which had this cast:

Cardinal de Rohan Louis XVI . . . Count de Charny Cagliostro . . . Reteau de Villette

. . Kyrle Bellew William Redmund . James K. Hackett . . H. St. Maur . . E. Devonde

Beausire John Ward

M. de Breteuil . . . W. G. Warren Count de Provence . Edwin Holland Chevalier de Saint Landry

William Simpson M. de Crussol ... Mr. Auverne The Portuguese . . Campbell GoUan The Philosopher . . Guy Bates Post

Boehmer . . Bossauge . . Gamain . . . M. de Calonne Ducorneau . , Count d'Artois Dressmaker . Countess Andr^e

E. L. Mason Verner Clarges Eugene Jepson . . Mr. Hume Edmund Norris . . Mr. Lyon . . Mr. Wilson . Maud Hosford

Countess Diane de Polignac

Annie Stannard Marie Antoinette . Mrs. Brown Potter Princess Miss Heron

"Haensel and Gretel," a fairy opera by Englebert Humper- dinck, was given Oct. 8, under the direction of Augustus Harris, the London manager. It had this cast: Peter, Jacques Bars; Gertrude, Alice Gordon; Hansel, Marie Elber; Gretel, Jeanne Douste; The Witch, Louise Meisslinger; Sandman, Cecile Brani; Dewman, Edith Johnston.

Mile. Jane May, French pantomimist, made her American debut Nov. 18 in "Miss Pygmalion," by Michel Carre and Jean Herbert, with music by Francis Thome. N. D. Jones, Chas. Constantine, Charles Walton, and Alice Truesdell were in the cast. The house was closed night of Nov. 25 and the regular season began Nov. 26, with a revival of "The School for Scandal." "The Transit of Leo," from the German by Mr. Daly was given Dec. 10 for the first time on any stage. The cast was :

VOL. II. 37


Leo .... Timothy Placid Letitia Placid . Eric Aubrey . Dexter . . . Seba Barth

. . Ada Rehan James Lewis

. Mrs. Gilbert F. Worthing Geo. Clarke

. Maxine Elliott

Tom Raycer Recberg Dr. Douche Mrs. Douche Amanda Winifred

H. Gresham . Tyrone Power Thos. Bridgeland Elizabeth Garth . Fanny Morris . Helma Nelson

" Twelfth Night " was played again with the familiar cast, Dec. 20. For the benefit of the Seton Home for consumptives, there was a performance, the afternoon of Jan. 6, 1896, of "Twelfth Night." Archbishop Corrigan was in the audience. "The Two Escutcheons," an adaptation of Blumenthal and Kadelburg's "Zwei Wappen " (originally acted at Irving Place Theatre two months before), by Sidney Rosenfeld, was seen here Jan. 7, with this cast:

Franz Bridgeland

Count Darmstadt . Hobart Bosworth Countess Darmstadt . Fanny Morris Baroness von Wettingen

Mrs. G. H. Gilbert Widow Stevenson . . Maxine Elliott

Mary Foster Ada Rehan

Baron von Wettingen . Edwin Stevens Thomas Foster . . . James Lewis

Rudolf Sydney Herbert

Von Vinck .... Frank Worthing

This was the first appearance at this theatre of Edwin Stevens. There was a performance the afternoon of Jan. 23 for the benefit of Katie Mayhew, widow of Harry Widmer, the late musical director of this theatre. The programme was: "The Two Escutcheons" and a miscellaneous entertainment. "The Two Escutcheons" was acted until Jan. 28, when was given, for the first time upon any stage, "The Countess Gucki," adapted by Daly from the German of Franz Von Schonthan: Counsellor von Mittersteig, James Lewis; Clementina, Mrs. G. H. Gilbert; Bruno von Neu- hoff, Chas. Richman; Countess, Ada Rehan. This was the first appearance here of Charles J. Richman. John L. Stoddard com- menced his Lenten matinees on Feb. 24. The regular season closed Feb. 29. The house was closed March 2 and reopened March 3 with " Romeo and Juliet, " cast thus : Juliet, Mrs. Brown Potter; Romeo, Kyrle Bellew; Mercutio, William Redmund; Capulet, Verner Clarges; Peter, J. F. Ward; Tybalt, Warren Conlan; Friar Lawrence, Frank Currier; Benvolio, Carleton Wells; Paris, George Bryant; Nurse, Mrs. W. G. Jones; Lady .Capulet, Maud Hosford; Lady Montague, Eugenie Upham. "The Queen's Necklace" was revived March 23. Rose Coghlan appeared here April 6 for two weeks in "Madame." The house closed April 18, and there was a special performance April 30 of "Countess of Gucki " for charity, by Mr. Daly's company. Professor Kellar, the magician, began a long engagement May 25.

The next season opened Sept. 9 with, for the first time in America, "The Geisha," a musical comedy in two acts; the




book by Owen Hall and the music by Sidney Jones and Lionel Monckton, with lyrics by Harry Greenbank. The two numbers, "The Toy Monkey" and "Jack's the Boy" were by Lionel Monckton :

The Marquis Imari . . Edwin Stevens Lieutenant Katasna . . Neil McCay Police Sergeant Takemini

Robert Shepherd A Buyer . . . William Haieltine Wun-Hi .... William Sampson

0 Mimosa San Juliette . . . Nami . . . O Hana San . O kiku San . O Kinkoto San Komurasaki .

Dorothy Morton

. Helma Nelson

Sarina Alexe

Lila Convere

Mabel Thompson

Mabelle Gillman

. Maud Carter

Hon. Reginald St. Pancras, Eric Scott

Lieut. Reginald Fairfax

Van Rensselaer Wheeler Dick Cunningham, Herbert Gresham Arthur Cuddy . . . George Lesoir George Grinston . . Henry Gunson Tommy Stanley . . . Alice Winston Lady Constantine Wynne

Marie St. John Miss Marie Worthington

Pauline French

Miss Ethel Hurst Dorothy Sweet . Mabel Evant . . Molly Seamore .

. Gerda Wisner

Maym Kelso

Annette Spencer

. Violet Lloyd

James Lewis died in New York, Sept. lo, 1896. He was born in Troy, N. Y. in 1838. He first acted in New York at the Olympic Theatre in 1866; the next season he was at the Continental Theatre, Boston, and his next appearance in New York was at Lena Edwin's Theatre in i86g. He c'ommenced under Daly's management at the Fifth Avenue Theatre in Twenty-fourth Street, Sept. 6, 1869, as Hibbs, in "Dreams." He remained with Augustin Daly until his death. His remains were interred in Woodlawn cemetery, Brooklyn. Mark Smith replaced Edwin Stevens as the Marquis and Pauline French took Marie St. John's place as Lady Wynne in "The Geisha." The dramatic season opened Nov. 23, 1896, with Mr. Daly's company. Sydney Herbert, John Craig, Edward Varrey, William Sampson, Geo. Clarke, Charles Richman, Edwin Stevens, Herbert Gresham, Mrs. G. H. Gilbert, Maud Hoffman, Percy Haswell, Marie St. John, Carolyn Stevenson, Helma Nel- son, Mabelle Gillman, Gerda Wisner, Lila Convere, Hobart Bos- worth, Robert Shepherd, Henry Gunson, Geo. Lesoir, Eric Scott, Hans Roberts, Frederick Truesdell, William Hazeltine, George Wharnock, Tom Hadaway, Charles Bates, Maym Kelso, Sarina Alexe, Belle d'Arcy, Lena Loraine, Anne Caverly, Maud Carter, Claire St. Claire, Pauline French, Mabel Thompson, Alethe Craig, Mabel Strickland, Gertrude Bennett, Eugenie Taylor, and Mar- guerite Barre. " As You Like It " was the opening bill, and had this cast:

The Duke .... Edwin Stevens Frederick .... Sydney Herbert

Amiens Henry Gunson

Jaques George Clarke

Charles Hobart Bosworth

Oliver John Craig

Orlando Charles Richman

Adam Edwin Varrey

Sylvius Jefferson Winter

Touchstone . . . Herbert Gresham

Corin Tyrone Power

Celia Maud Hoffman

Audrey Percy Haswell

Phoebe Mabel Roebuck

Rosalind Ada Rehan


The programme for the week was : Nov. 24 and matinee Nov. 25, and nights of Nov. 26-28, "The Geisha;" "As You Like It," Thanksgiving matinee, Nov. 26, and matinee Nov. 28. An en- tirely new production of " The Geisha " was seen Nov. 23. There were some changes in the cast, the most important new-comers being Nancy Mcintosh, Virginia Earle, and Philips Tomes. " London Assurance " was played Nov. 30, Dec. 2-4, and matinee, Dec. 5, with this cast :

Lady Gay Spanker . . Grace Harkaway . . Sir Harcourt Courtley,


Max Harkaway . . ,

. Ada Rehan

Percy Haswell

Edwin Stevens

Geo. Clarke

Edwin Varrey

Dolly Spanker, . . Sydney Herbert

Meddle Herbert Gresham

Cool Frederick Truesdell

James .... William Hazeltine Solomon Isaacs . . Robert Shepherd

Mrs. Gilbert appeared in the third act and executed a dance to the intense delight of the audience. " The Geisha " was repeated Dec. I, matinee Dec. 2, and nights of Dec. 3-5. " London As- surance" was seen Dec. 7, 9, 11, and matinee Dec. 12; "The Geisha" Dec. 8, 10, 12; "The School for Scandal," Dec. 14, 16, 18 and matin6e, Dec. 19, with this cast:

Charles Surface Crabtree Moses . Rowley . Snake . Careless Trip . . Lady Sneerwell Mrs. Candour

. Charles Richman . Sydney Herbert William Sampson . . . Dean Pratt . Robert Shepherd . Hobart Bosworth Frederick Truesdell . . Marie St. John Mrs. G. H. Gilbert

Maria . . . . . Mabel Roebuck Sir Peter Teazle . . . Edwin Varrey Sir Benjamin Backbite

Herbert Gresham Sir Oliver Surface . William Griffiths Sir Harry Bumper (with original

song) Neil McCay

Joseph Surface . . . Geo. Clarke Lady Teazle Ada Rehan

This was the first appearance here of Wm. Griffiths and Dean Pratt. The one hundredth performance of " The Geisha " took place Dec. 17. On Dec. 21 a new and elaborate production of Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing" was seen, for which Henry E. Hoyt painted a new scenic outfit after models from the Od^on Theatre in Paris, and Frederick Ecke arranged the music, original and selected from various sources. It had this cast :

Don Pedro . Don John . Claudio . . Benedick . Leonato . . Antonio . . Borachio . Conrade Balthazar . A Messenger A Page . . Friar Francis Dogberry . Verges . .

. Herbert Gresham . Sydney Herbert . . . John Craig . Charles Richman . . George Clarke . . Tyrone Power William Hazeltine . Hobart Bosworth . . Neil McCay Frederick Truesdell . . Clara Emory . . Edwin Varrey . William Griffiths . William Sampson

Seacoal . . . . Oatcake . . . Sexton . . . .

Pages attending f Don Pedro f

Pages attending > Leonato |

Beatrice Hero . . Ursula Margaret Imogen .

. . Dean Pratt

Robert Shepherd

. George Lesoir

. Maud Carter

. Marion Stuart

. Rose Marston

Mabel Strickland

Alethe Craig, etc.

. . Ada Rehan

Nancy Mcintosh

Mrs. G. H. Gilbert

Marie St. John

Miss Hathaway





To the 1st act : A Saraband will be danced by the principal characters.

To the 2d act : The Serenade, " Sigh No More, Ladies," by Stevens, will be sung by Mr. Neil McCay : assisted on the lutes by Robert Shepherd, George Wharnock, Charles Bates, Miss Lena Loraine, Belle D'Arcy, Margeurete Barre, Lila Convere, Lulu Bosworth and Miss Mabelle Gillman.

A Dance of Gipsies accompanying the Serenade : by Miss Helma Nelson, Isadora Duncan, Mabel Thompson, and Gertrude Bennett.

To the 4th act : A Choral Hymn (of the ninth century) by a number of Boy Voices.

To the 5th act : " Pardon, Goddess of the Night," arranged to be sung as a solo by Miss Nancy McIntosh, with harp accompaniment by Mad. Inez Carusi.

The comedy concluding with a Mediaeval Dance, in which the principal char- acters take part.

" Much Ado About Nothing " was repeated Dec. 23, 25, 26, 29, and matinee Dec. 30, night of Dec. 31, matinee Jan. i, 1897, matinee and night of Jan. 2, matinee Jan. 4, evenings Jan. 5, 7, 9, and matinee Jan. 9. "The Geisha," Dec. 24, matinee Dec. 25, evenings Dec. 28, 30, Jan. i, 4, matinee Jan. 6, and night of Jan. 8. These plays continued until Feb. 8, when " The Mag- istrate, " by A. W. Pinero, was revived :

Eneas Posket . BuUamy . . Col. Lukyn . . Horace Vale . Cis Farringdon Achilla Blond . Isadore . . . Worringdon .

Edwin Stevens

. Wm. Griffiths

Herbert Gresham

Sidney Herbert

Geo. Lesoir

. Wm. Sampson

Robert Shepherd

. . Dean Pratt

Inspector . . Serg. Luk . . Constable Harris Wyke . . . Agatha . . . Charlotte . . Beatrice Tomlinson Popham. . . .

Hobart Bosworth Wm. Hazeltine Geo. Wharnock . . Geo. Heath . . Ada Rehan Pauline French . Percy Haswell . Silva Converse

" The Geisha " continued every Tuesday, Thursday, and Satur- day matinee, and "The Magistrate," Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday night, and Wednesday matin6e, until and including Feb. 27.

Edwin Stevens withdrew from the company on Feb. 22, and Tyrone Power took the part of Posket, and Damon Lyons played th- Marquis in "The Geisha." T. Hadaway replaced Robert Shepherd as Isadore on the same date. "The Magistrate" con- tinued afternoon and night of March i, 20-26, and March 31; "The Geisha," March 2, matinee and nights of March 3, 22, 24, 27, 30, and matinge March 31; "Meg Merrilies," dramatized from "Guy Mannering," by Robert W. Chambers, had an elabo- rate production here March 12. The cast was: Persons in the Prologue: Meg Merrilies, Ada Rehan; Godfrey Bertram, Wil- liam Hazeltine; Young Harry, Little Eddie Devere; Dominie Sampson, Tyrone Power; Duncan Kennedy, Hobart Bosworth;


Sebastian, Frederick Truesdell ; Ephra, Paul McAllister; Gabriel, Dean Pratt; Dirk Hatteraick, George Clarke. Persons in the Play: Meg Merrilies, Ada Rehan; Sir Robert Haslewood, Wil- liam Griffiths; Col. Guy Mannering, John Craig; Henry Bertram, Neil McCay; Gilbert Glossin, Sydney Herbert; Dominie Samp- son, Tyrone Power ; Dirk Hatteraick, Geo. Clarke ; Dandie Dinmont, Herbert Gresham; Jock Tobus, George Lesoir; Flora, Virginia Earle ; Lucy Bertram, Percy Haswell ; Mrs. McCandlish, Mrs. G. H. Gilbert ; Julia Mannering, Nancy Mcintosh. " Meg Merrilies " was withdrawn after March 18, and "The Wonder" was presented, for the first time in many years, March 23, matindes March 23 and 24, nights March 25, 26, and matinees March 27-29. The comedy had this cast :

Donna Violante Felix . . . Col. Britten . Isabella . . Flora . . . Iris ....

. . Ada Rehan Chas. Richman

. George Clarke Marie St. John

. Virginia Earle

. Grace Rutter

Don Pedro Don Lopez Frederick . Lissardo Gibby . . Vasquez

. Edwin Varrey . Wm. Griffiths . . John Craig Herbert Gresham . . Dean Pratt Thos. Hadaway

" The Tempest " was done April 6, 8, 10, with this cast :

Alonzo Sydney Herbert

Sebastian John Craig

Ferdinand C. Richman

Prospero Geo. Clarke

Antonio .... Wm. Hazeltine

Gonzalo Edwin Varrey

Trinculo Wm. Griffiths

Stephano .... Herbert Gresham

Adrian Fred Truesdell

Francisco .... Hobart Bosworth

Caliban Tyrone Power

Miranda .... Nancy Mcintosh

Ceres Percy Haswell

Iris Grace Rutter

Juno Mabelle Gillmah

Ariel Virginia Earle

A special performance of "The Tempest," with Ada Rehan as Miranda and Percy Haswell as Ariel, was given the afternoon of April 19, for the benefit of the Association for Befriending chil- dren and young girls.

" The Geisha " had its one hundred and sixty-first and last per- formance April 21.

"The Circus Girl," by James T. Tanner and W. Fallings, with music by Ivan Caryll and Lionel Monckton, lyrics by Harry Greenbank and Adrian Ross, was presented April 23, and had this cast:

Biggs James Powers

Titus Wemyss . . Herbert Gresham

Dick Capel Cyril Scott

Drivelli Samuel Edwards

Reginald Gower .... Eric Scott

Albertani Douglas Flint

Commissaire of Police, Augustus Cook Vicomte Gaston . . . Neil McCay

Toothick Pacha " La Favorita " Lucille . . . Mrs. Drivelli . Diana Wemyss Marie . . . Dora Wemyss

Hobart Bosworth Nancy Mcintosh Blanche Astley . Marie Sanger . Effie Germon . Helma Nelson . Virginia Earle




The season closed June 26. The house reopened Aug. 16, 1897. with "The Circus Girl;" the cast being the same as that of the last season. Mabelle Gillman first appeared here Oct. 25 as Lucille in "The Circus Girl." "The Geisha" was revived on Nov. 8. Julius Stieger was seen for the first time in the part of Lieut. Fairfax, Cyril Scott as Cunningham, James Powers as Wun Hi, Virginia Earle as Molly Seamore, and Nancy Mcintosh as Mimosa San.

Mr. Daly's nineteenth season opened Tuesday night, Nov. 30, 1897, with a production of "The Taming of the Shrew," cast thus :

Lawrence Skinner

Wilfred Clarke

JefEerson Winter

Joseph Herbert

Marie St. John

Virginia Navarro

Mrs. G. H. Gilbert

. . . Ada Rehan

A Lord Hobart Bosworth A Pedant .

Christopher Sly . . . Tyrone Power Grumio . .

The Hostess .... Nora O'Brien Biondello .

A Page ...... Henry Hyde Tranio . .

Huntsman Edwin Varrey Bianca . .

Baptista .... Paul McAllister A Widow .

Vincentio John Craig Curtis . .

Petruchio George Clarke Katharina .

Gremio William F. Owen

George Clarke and Herbert Gresham were stage managers this season. " The Taming of the Shrew " was acted matinees of Wednes- day and Saturday. On Tuesday, Dec. 7, " Number Nine, or The Lady of Ostend," a farcical comedy adapted from the German of Oscar Blumenthal and Gustave Kadelburg, by F, C. Burnand, was seen, with this cast :

Richard Whortles . . . Cyril Scott Edward Blake . . Charles Richman Joseph Carbury . . William F. Owen John Humbert . William Hazeltine Thompson Dean Pratt

Mrs. Matilda Carbury

Mrs. G. H. Gilbert Dorothy Whortles . . Irene Perry Milly Grace . . . Lettice Fairfax Jane Lila Convere

This was the American debut of Lettice Fairfax. "Number Nine" was given Dec. 20, 22, 24, matinees Dec. 22, 25, "The Geisha," the week of Dec. 27, with Miss Mcintosh, Miss Earle, Mr. Powers, Mr. Gresham, and Mr. Stieger in the cast. " As You Like It" was played Jan. 3, 1898, with Ada Rehan as Rosalind. "The Merry Wives of Windsor," was revived Jan. 11, for the first time in twelve years, with this cast :

Sir John Falstaff (his first appear- ance in this character), George Clarke

Fenton Neil McCay

. Edwin Varrey

Wilfred Clarke

Charles Richman

Charles Craig

Herbert Gresham

Joseph Herbert

Master Shallow

Master Slender

Francis Ford .

George Page .

Sir Hugh Evans

Doctor Caius .

Host of the Garter Inn, Tyrone Power

It was given in four acts.

Ancient Pistol Corporal Nym Bardolph Robin . . Simple . . Rugby . . Mistress Page Anne Page . Mistress Quickly Mistress Ford .

. Sydney Herbert

William Hazeltine

Hobart Bosworth

. . Little Vergie

Tom Hadaway George Wharnock . Catherine Lewis

Lettice Fairfax

Mrs. G. H. Gilbert

. . Ada Rehan


"Twelfth Night" was acted the week of Jan. 25. "The Coun- try Girl" was presented Feb. 11, with Ada Rehan in her familiar part of Peggy Thrift. Previous to the comedy was given " Coming Events," a farce by Edmond Pailleron, with Ada Rehan as Nell Yearance, Charles Richman as Paul Yearance, Irene Perry as Henrietta, and William Hazeltine as the Doctor. "Jealousy" was "the curtain-raiser" Feb. 14, 16; on Feb. 17, 22, 23, pre- vious to "The Country Girl," a new Japanese comedy by Wolf- gang Kirch back, with music by Franz Curti, entitled "Lilli Tse," was given with this cast: Kiki Tsum, Frank Rushworth; Lilli Tse, Marguerite Lemon; Ming-Ming, Arthur Cunningham; Taima, Belle Harper; Miss Whirlbottle, Marie St. John.

Mr. Burton Holmes began a series of Lenten lectures Feb. 24, and continued until March 12. "Lilli Tse" and "The Country Girl" were given March 12, and continued until March 15. On that date "School for Scandal " was produced, with this cast:

Sir Peter Teazle . . Edwin Varrey Sir Oliver Surface, William F. Owen Sir Benjamin Backbite

Herbert Gresham Sir Harry Bumper Frank Rushworth Joseph Surface . . George Clarke Charles Surface . Charles Richman

Crabtree Sydney Herbert

Moses Wilfred Clarke

Rowley .... William Hazeltine

Snake Paul McAllister

Careless .... Hobart Bosworth Sir Peter's Servant . Tom Hadaway Lady Sneerwell . . Marie St. John Mrs. Candour . . Mrs. G. H. Gilbert

Maria Gerda Wisner

Lady Teazle's Maid . . Belle d'Arcy Lady Teazle .... Ada Rehan

The nineteenth season closed with "As You Like It," April 13. During the season "As You Like It " was acted ten times; "Tam- ing the Shrew," fifteen; "Merry Wives of Windsor," sixteen; "Twelfth Night," eight; "School for Scandal," seven; "The Country Girl," fifty; "Number Nine," twenty; "The Subtleties of Jealousy," twenty; "Lilli Tse," thirty; "The Geisha," fifty- five; and "The Circus Girl," ninety -seven times. Ada Rehan made her last appearance in "As You Like It," when Blanche Bates first appeared here as Celia. Moving pictures were seen here for the matinees commencing March 14. A spring season began April 15, with " La Poupde, " in two acts; book by Maurice Ordineaua and Arthur Sturgess, music by Edmond Audran :

Master Hillarius Mme. Hillarius Henry . . . AUesia . . . The Baron . . Loremois . .

. . James Powers

. Catherine Lewis

Ethel Hornick

Virginia Earle

Herbert Gresham

. Joseph Herbert

Brother Maxime . . . Frank Celli Launcelot . . . Frank Rushworth Brother Sebastian, Frederick Truesdell Brother Basil . . . William Gilbert Pierre Aitken .... Jean Taylor Marie Grace Rutter

It proved to be a failure, and was withdrawn May 2, and " The Circus Girl " revived, with Irene Perry as the heroine. The theatre closed June 4 to reopen Aug. 25, 1898, with the first




American production of Seymour Hicks' "A Runaway Girl," with music by Ivan Caryll and Lionel Monckton, and lyrics by Aubrey Hopwood and Harry Greenbank. The cast was:

Guy Stanley Cyril Scott

Lord Coodle .... Wilfred Clarke Professor Tamarind, Herbert Gresham Signor PoUoni . . . Henry Stanley Hon. Bobby Barclay . . Eric Scott Sir William Hake . Paul McAllister

Mr. Creel Tom Hadaway

Leonello . . . Arthur Donaldson

Boccaccio Charles Bates

Doloroso Percy Smith

Flipper James T. Powers

Dorothy Stanley . . . Yvette Violette Lady Coodle . . . Catherine Lewis

Mrs. Creel Gerda Wisner

Fraulein Ehrenbreitstein, Belle Harper

Agatha Blanche Carlisle

. Marian Stuart

Beatrice Morgan

Mabel Thompson

. Violet Goodall

Edith Hutchins

. . Rosa Vera

. Hazel Pughley

Mabelle Gillman

Paula Edwardes

. Virginia Earle

Martha Dolly Dudley - Maude Brook . Grace Arlington Bertie Wales . Jessie Portman Eva Grosvenor Alice . . . Carmintia . . Winnifred Gray

On Nov. 19 "A Runaway Girl" was transferred to the Fifth Avenue Theatre, and "The Merchant of Venice" produced at Daly's on Nov. 19. The cast was:

Portia Ada Rehan

Shylock Sydney Herbert

Bassanio .... Chas. Richman

Antonio George Clarke

Gratiano .... Herbert Gresham Launcelot .... Wilfred Clarke Nerissa Mabel Roebuck

Tubal .... Gobbo .... Duke of Venice . Salarino . . . Solanio .... Prince of Arragon Lorenzo . . .

De Witt Jennings . Wm. F. Owen . Edwin Varrey . Joseph Greppo Wm. Hazeltine . Harold Lewis JefEerson Winter

Jan. 3, 1899, "Madame Sans GSne," by Victorien Sardou, was presented here, with this cast :

Napoleon Geo. Clarke

Lefevre Charles Richman

Fouchd Sydney Herbert

Comte de Neipperg, White Whittlesey

Savary William F. Owen

Despreaux .... Wilfred Clarke Saint-Marsan . . . Walter Howard

Roustan Harold Lewis

Mathurin Marie Murphy

Caroline May Cargill

Elsie Mabel Roebuck

Madame de Rovigo . . Hazel Pughley

Toinon Irene Perry

Catherine Ada Rehan

The matinee, Jan. 9, of "Madame Sans GSne" was for the benefit of St. Mary's church, Saugerties, N. Y.

"The School for Scandal " was revived Jan. 16, with Ada Rehan as Lady Teazle, Charles Richman as Charles Surface, George Clarke as Sir Peter Teazle; White Whittlesey, Joseph Surface; Miss Cargill, Lady Sneerwell ; and Mrs. Gilbert, Mrs. Candour.

" The Taming of the Shrew " was revived Jan. 23. On Feb. 9, for the first time in America, was seen "The Great Ruby," by Cecil Raleigh and Henry Hamilton. It had this cast:


Lady Garnett Ada Rehan

Countess Mirtza CharkofiE

Blanche Bates Mrs. Elsmere . . Mrs. G. H. Gilbert Brenda Elsmere . . . May Cargill Hon. Moya Denzil . Mabel Roebuck Hon. Kathleen Denzil, Beatrice Morgan Louisa Jupp . . . Paula Edwardes Flossie de Grosvenor . Louise Draper Millie Paget . . . Virginia Navarro Jane Slater .... Anne Caverly

Parsons Lucy Spinney

Mirtza's Maid . . . Katherine Clinton

Housemaid Laura Hill

Prince Kassim Wadia

Charles Richman Viscount Montyghal . Wilfred Clarke Sir John Garnett . . Herbert^ Gresham Lord George Hartopp, George Greppo Captain Clive Dalrymple

White Whittlesey

Cornish William F. Owen

Simon James Young

Brett Sydney Herbert

Jack Denis Fulton Russell

Hans George Howard

After the second night, Blanche Bates withdrew from the cast. Corona Riccardo played Lady Garnett when Ada Rehan left for Europe. Burton Holmes commenced his Lenten lectures the morning of Feb. 20. At the matinee performance of June 7, the company was notified of the death of Augustin Daly which occurred in Paris.

Mr. Daly's death removed the most distinguished figure among the dramatic managers of America, since the days of Lester Wal- lack. Mr. Daly was inspired by the highest ambition, and in all his relations with the stage he was animated by a serious sense of responsibility and was inspired by motives that were conscien- tious and noble. He died as he would have wished to die at the summit of his career. With a fine literary taste and untiring industry Augustin Daly explored every source of the drama for new and good plays. To his training many of the best actors and actresses in the country owe their professional standing. No American manager in the thirty years of his ascendancy made more money than Mr. Daly. It is true that none expended more on the production of plays, and that pecuniary profit was never the uppermost idea in his mind. With one accord the dramatic pro- fession gave Mr. Daly first rank as a stage manager and producer of plays. All recognized his influence as a directing genius of dramatic art. He was born in Plymouth, N. C, July 20, 1838. He was held in high esteem by many of the dignitaries of the Roman Catholic church in this city, and on Dec. 13, 1894, he was the recipient of the Laetare Medal of the University of Notre Dame, the presentation being made by Archbishop Corrigan, in the presence of a large number of Roman Catholic dignitaries. Mr. Daly's body was brought to America by the steamship New York, arriving here June 17, and taken to St. Patrick's cathedral the following day for funeral obsequies, when there were over five thousand people present. There was an orchestra of seventy-five pieces, the great organ, the full choir, and the soloists of the church. The pall bearers were Joseph Jefferson, Willie Winter, Roger A. Pryor, George Clarke, John B. Schoeffel, Theo. Moss,




St. Clair McKelway, John D. Crimmins, Nelson Goodwin Green, Joseph J. O'Donohue, and Richard Dorney. He was buried in the family vault in Calvary cemetery.

After being closed since June 7, Daly's Theatre was reopened Sept. 13 with Daniel Frohman as manager, whose first attraction was "The King's Musketeer," adapted by Henry Hamilton, from Dumas' novel. It had this cast :

Raoul d'Artagnan . , E. H. Sothern Louis XIII. . . . Morton Selten Cardinal Richelieu, Arthur R. Lawrence George Villiers . . H. S. Northrup Comte de Rochefort. C. P. Flockton M. de Treville, Rowland Buckstone

Athos Roydon Erlynne

Porthos Norman Conniers

Aramis Geo. E. Bryant

De Chemerault . . . Daniel Jarrett D'Estress .... Edward Belmar

Jussac R. S. Carrington

Bicarat Frank Raymond

Bemajoux Frank Greppo

Le Cahusac .... Edward Lester De Vieuville R. Neill

John Felton .

Planchet . .

Mousqueton . . De la Fauconiere

GaMihrh . .

Le Masle . .

Vernet . . . . Dujart

. Norman Parr

Ernest Tarleton

Owen S. Fawcett

. May Johnson

Bessie Johnson

. John J. Collins

Richard J. Pitman

Charles W. Giblyn

Servant to M. de Treville

Charles Martin

Clarice Virginia Harned

Anne of Austria . . . Adele Block Gabrielle ..... Irene Rooke Mother Superior, Kate Pattison Selten

A Nun Olga M'Arthur

Toinette Edna Phillips

On Oct. 24, for the first time in New York, "The Song of the Sword," by Leo Ditrichstein, was presented. On Nov. 27 "The Manoeuvres of Jane," by Henry Arthur Jones, was produced, with this cast :

Jervis Punshon . Philibert . . . Mr. Nangle . . George Langton . Bostock . . . Sir Robert Bowater Mr. Pawsey . . Williamson . . Trimble. . . . Jane Nangle . . Cons.tantia Gage .

Charles Walcot . Ferd. Gottschalk . Charles Harbury Wm. F. Courtenay . Geo. C. Boniface . . John Findlay . . William Eville . . H. S. Taber

John L. Weber . Mary Mannering

Elizabeth Tyree

Mrs. Beechinor, Mrs. Charles Walcot Pamela Beechinor . . Jessie Busley Lady Bapchild, Mrs. Thomas Whiffen

Miss Dodd Mrs. Bostock . Miss Bostock . Mrs. Pawsey . Miss Bowater . Trendell . . Maid. . . .

. Ethel Hornick . . Ethel Sanborn , Beatrice Morgan Mrs. Hart Jackson

Gertrude Lewis . Alison Skipworth . . Julia Devereux

On Feb. 5, igoo, "The Ambassador," by "John Oliver Hobbes" (Mrs. Craigie), was seen for the first time, and had this cast : Lord St. Orbyn, John Mason ; Sir William Beauvedere, Edward Morgan ; Vivian Beauvedere, William F. Courtenay; Major Hugo Lascelles, Charles Walcot; Lord Lavensthorpe, H. S. Taber; Juliet Gains- borough, Mary Mannering; Alice Gainsborough, Grace EUiston; Lady Beauvedere, Hilda Spong; Lady Gwendoline Marleaze, Elizabeth Tyree; the Princess Vendramini, Rhoda Cameron; Lady Basler, Mrs. Charles Walcot; Mrs. Whitcomb, Mrs. Hart Jackson; Katie, Beatrice Morgan; Miss Yolande, Blanche Kel-


leher; Miss Mamie, Gertrude Lewis; Mrs. Spearing, Eva Vincent; Tomkins, Julia Devereaux; Rorter, William Eville; the Duchess, Minnie Bowen.

March 20 "The Interrupted Honeymoon," by F. Kinsey Peile, had its first presentation here. The cast was ; Sir Charles, John Mason; Daniel Gordon, Edward J. Morgan; Kenneth Benyon, Grant Stewart; Christopher Trevor, William F. Courtenay; Penny, John Findlay; Violet Babington, Mary Mannering; Hon. Mrs. Daniel Gordon, Hilda Spong; Rachel Gordon, Mrs. Charles Walcot; Lady Pamela, Ethel Hornick; Agatha Vincent, Alison Skipworth; Georgina Percival, Eva Vincent. On the afternoon of March 23 there was a performance for the benefit of the Mothers and Babies' Hospital, arranged by Mrs. Robert Osborn, and it was such a success that the sum of ;^2,ooo was added to the treasury of the admirable charity.

Among the attractions were the Japanese players in one scene from "The Geisha and the Knight." Mrs. Kendal in Clement Scott's play "The Cape Mail," assisted by Rudge Harding, Athol Forde, P. F. Ames, Nellie Campbell, Mary Kilpack, and Mrs. A. B. Tappins; also a farce by George Grossmith, called "Winning a Widow," with Mrs. Clement Scott as Mrs. FuUabloom. Mrs. Scott had frequently appeared in London as an amateur actress. "Nannette," a one-act play by Ferdinand Gottschalk, founded on an incident of the Paris commune, was one of the surprises of the afternoon, with Edwin Arden and Margaret Anglin in the cast. William Gillette followed, with "A Little Talk to Sun- day School children," the programme concluding with "A Panto- mime Rehearsal."

"Trelawney of the Wells," by A. W. Pinero, was presented here April 9, with nearly the same cast it received originally at the Lyceum Theatre. Good Friday the house was closed, Mr. Frohman thus following the custom established by Mr. Daly. "Wheels within Wheels" was played April 16, 17, 18, 19, and matinee April 21. The cast was:

Lord Eric John Mason

Sir Philip Grant Stewart

Egerton . . . Philip Cunningham

Eaves Edward Lester

Byam Charles Giblyn

Waiter . . . Mrs. Bulmer . Lady Curtoys . Miss Curtoys . James Blagden

. C. W. Butler

. Hilda Spong

. Grace EUiston

Eva Vincent

Robert Billiard

"The Manoeuvres of Jane" was repeated April 20, and "Tre- lawney of the Wells," for the benefit of the mother of the late Ernest Tarleton, was given on the afternoon of April 17. The receipts amounted to over ;^2,8oo. The programme was "Col. Carter of Carterville." In the cast: E. M. Holland, Beatrice Morgan, Joseph Wheelock, Jr., William Courtenay, Samuel Ed-




wards, and John Findlay. Henry E. Dixey appeared in a mono- logue, and Blanche Bates, Frank Worthing, and William Harcourt in "An Affair of Hearts," by W. H. Post. Then came Mary Mannering and Mr. Hackett in the balcony scene from " Romeo and Juliet ; " Beatrice Herford in a monologue ; David Bispham sang "Danny Deever;" and finally Virginia Harned and E. H. Sothern in Sir Charles Young's "Drifting Apart." A spring sea- son opened April 23 with " A Runaway Girl " : James T. Powers, Flipper the Jockey; Marie Celeste filled Virginia Earle's r61e of Winnifred; Paula Edwardes was Carmintia; and Rachel Booth, Alice. This play was originally acted at this theatre one hundred times, then transferred to the Fifth Avenue Theatre, where it had one hundred and sixteen performances. The theatre closed June 2 to reopen Sept. 6, with "The Rose of Persia," written by Basil Hood, the music composed by Sir Arthur Sullivan.

On Oct. 21, "San Toy," a Chinese-English musical comedy in two acts, book by Edward Morton, music by Sidney Jones, lyrics by Harry Greenbank and Adrian Ross, was presented, with this cast: Li, James T. Powers; Captain Bobby Preston, Melville Stewart; Sir Bingo Preston, Wilfred Clarke; Sing-Hi, J. L. Weber; Lieut. Harvey Tucker, Henry Girard ; Fo-Hop, Joseph Gooderowe ; Hu-Pi, Joseph Cauto; Wai-Ho, Robert M. O'Neil; Li-Hi, W. W. Scott; Li-Lo, George A. Roarke; The Emperor, Sarony Lambert; Yen- How, George K. Fortescue; Wun-Lung, Florence Newcombe; Ko-Fan, Isobel Hall; Trixie, Carolyn Gordon; Rose Tucker, Frances Gordon; Hu-You, Elsie Thorne; Mrs. Streeter, Eva Randolph; San Toy, Marie Celeste.

The dramatic season opened Nov. 26, with "The Man of Forty," by Walter Frith, and was thus cast :

Frederick Lee-Fanshawe, John Mason Roger Dunster, his

secretary I Edward Morgan

Lewis Dunster, Roger ' "

Dunster's brother, Capt. Dennis Garner

William Courtenay Algie Portman . Jameson Lee Finney

Raymond Barker . Martin .... Mrs. Egerton . . Elsie .... Mrs. Bella Portman Claire Despencer Lillian Vachel . . Mrs. Jessop . .

. Grant Stewart Fred Courtayne

Hilda Spong

. Cecilia Loftus

Elizabeth Tyree

Beatrice Morgan

Alison Skipworth

Eva Vincent

This was his

Fred Courtayne is a brother of Wm. Courtenay. first appearance under Mr. Frohman's management.

"Lady Huntworth's Experiment," by R. C. Carton, was seen for the first tfme T)ec. 21, and cast thus: Dorvaston, John Mason; Audley Pillenger, Grant Stewart; Henry Thoresby, William Courtenay; Crayll, Jameson Lee Finney; Gandy, Wil- liam F. Owen; Caroline, Hilda Spong; Lucy, Cecilia Loftus; Hannah Pillenger, Mrs. Chas. Walcot; Keziah, May Robson.


The season ended March 2, 1901, but another season began the next night with a revival of "San Toy," which continued until the night of June i, when the theatre closed for the summer.


IN the new depot building of the Third Avenue railroad, corner of One Hundred and Thirtieth Street and Third Avenue, westerly side. It was occupied as a place of amusement and called "Harlem Music Hall." It was opened Dec. 12, 1870, with a vocal and instrumental concert. The first dramatic per- formance given here was Dec. 26, when Rose and Harry Watkins came, with "Trodden Down."

The hall continued to be occupied with various entertainments, until it underwent a complete transformation. It was opened as "The Mount Morris Theatre," Sept. 25, 1882, by Hamilton & Chandler, with a dramatic company, in " The Lights 0' London. " Hamilton continued to manage the house until May, 1885, when he retired. Of late it had been occupied with cheap dramatic entertainments.



ARLEM HALL, situated on One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Street and Fourth Avenue was opened May 4, 1871, with a concert.


A PLACE for vaudeville entertainments on the second floor of II 64 Broadway, east side, above Twenty-seventh Street was known as " The Alhambra." It was opened in June, 1871, by Mr. Burns, but continued only a few weeks.


HARTZ'S bijou theatre was a small room at 748 Broad- way, east side, between Eighth Street and Astor Place. It was opened by Professor Hartz, the magician, Feb. 21, 1870. It closed after a few nights.



SITUATED at the southeast corner of Sixth Avenue and Thirtieth Street, was a so-called place of amusement which has had a checkered career. A German built it and called it "Carlberg's baths." It was then a fashionable " natatorium. "

•In 1872 William McMahon rented the place and called it "The Haymarket." He fitted it up so that it looked like a theatre with a dancing floor in place of the parquet chairs.

When the town was "wide open" during the later '70's and the early '80' s, the Haymarket flourished like a green bay tree. McMahon lost his excise license, and with touching sorrow wrote on the front door: "Soft Drinks Did It."

The hall was vacant for some time. Then Worth set up a dime museum in it, and mermaids of papier machd took the place of self-possessed young women with yellow hair. But the museum languished. It was shortly after known as "The American NicKLEODEON, " and the admission prices ranged from five to twenty-five cents, according to the location of seats.

It was opened for free entertainments Sept 4, 1890, but it was soon closed, and was advertised for sale. After seven months of worry and constant endeavor a license was procured and the place opened. After having been closed for many months, it was re- opened as an all-night dance hall, and called "The Newmarket," in March, 1897, but was shortly afterwards called "The Hay- market." William McMahon, the manager of the place, died in New York in the season of 1899.


AVERY humble east side place of amusement was "The Grand Street Museum," situated at Nos. 345 and 347 Grand Street. It was opened Dec. 8, 1888, and besides the liv- ing and other curiosities to be seen there, dramatic performances were given, and all could be enjoyed for ten cents.


CHICKERING HALL was situated on the northwest corner of Fifth Avenue and Eighteenth Street, and was opened in November, 1875, with a concert. The stage or music platform is sixty-one feet wide by twenty-eight feet deep, with no proscenium.


scenery or other provision for theatrical effects. The hall itself is one hundred and seven feet and seven inches deep, furnished with opera chairs, and had a seating capacity of thirteen hundred. Vienna Demorest made her first appearance here, and was a failure. Emma Abbott made her formal American debut in concert, Feb. 7, 1877, when Sig. Brignoli, Ferranti, and William M. Case (first appearance in New York), and Charles E. Pratt accompanist, appeared. The B. P. O. Elks gave their second public social session Sunday evening, Dec. 14, 1879.

Since this hall was first opened some of the most popular readers of this country have appeared here, while many of the greatest singers, male and female, heard in this country, have been seen in concerts. Oscar Wilde made his American debut as lecturer, Jan. 9, 1892. On April 27, 1887, the first recital of Edgar S. Kelly's music to "Macbeth" was given, under the direction of McKee Rankin. Chas. Dickens, eldest son of the famous novelist, appeared here as a reader Oct. 25, 1887. Chas. Santley, English baritone, made his first and only appearance in this city, after an absence of twenty years, afternoon, May 4, 1891. Geo. Grossmith, the orig- inal interpreter of the leading r61es of many of the Gilbert and Sullivan operas, notably Bunthorne in "Patience," and Koko in "The Mikado," made his American d6but Nov. 15, 1892, in his humorous and musical recitals. Johannes Wolff, violinist, and Joseph Holman, violoncellist, gave their first concert in America, Dec. 9. Cyril Tyler, a boy soprano, twelve years of age, made his bow here Dec. 15.

In the fall of 1893 it was decided by the Chickerings to alter this hall in order that it might be used in the business purposes of the firm.


SITUATED at 103 and 105 Bowery was " Bunnell's Museum," which was opened in the fall of 1876, as the first popular museum at cheap prices. It has been stated that Charles A. Bradenburgh was the originator of the one-dime admission prin- ciple. This is not correct, as George Bunnell is the originator of the idea that is, of giving stage performances in connection with curiosities. Bradenburgh had a museum in Brooklyn as early as 1866, also one on Broadway, New York, opposite 444, one year later; but the attractions were wax figures, mechanical contriv- ances, and pictorial views, and it remained for Bunnell to originate the afterwards popular priced dime museum. The feature at Bun- nell's Museum was "Dante's Inferno" in the basement. There

1886] THE REGENT 593

was a stage erected in the main hall, where various entertainments of a light character order were given. There were three stories, all filled with curiosities. Bunnell remained here for two years, and the place is now occupied as a furniture store. When Bunnell left here he went to 298 Bowery, near Bleecker Street, and opened what he called "The Great American Museum," in March, 1879. He secured a lease of the property from Georgiana B. English, while the building was in progress, turned it into a museum, and managed it successfully. He then sold an interest in the place to H. R. Jacobs and his partner Tillerson, who had a museum, a block or so further down the Bowery. Bunnell finally sold out to Frank Uffner and Middleton, who in a short time sold out to Mr. Grimm, now known as Geo. W. Ryder. This place was destroyed by fire. May 25, 1880.


SITUATED at the northwest corner of Ninth Street and Broadway was found another "Bunnell's Museum." Geo. B. Bunnell had leased the building and fitted up six rooms with curiosities of every description. The opening took place Dec. 8, 1880, and the place was closed in 1883. From six to ten perform- ances were given daily from morning till night, and the attendance averaged over three thousand daily.


AT 106-108 East Fourteenth Street, south side and running through to and including Nos. 103, 105, 107 Thirteenth Street, covering nearly five city lots, is "Huber's Museum." The buildings previously occupying these lots were used for a concert hall, oyster-house and hotel. The place first opened as a museum Aug. 13, 1888, with "freaks" and variety performances. The building was enlarged in 1889. G. H. Huber is the manager.


THE old Horticultural Hall on the south side of Twenty- eighth Street, two doors west of Broadway, was fitted up by Everard, the brewer, as a music hall and opened June 8, 1886, by James Meade and John Cannon, who called it "The Regent." It was closed by the authorities in November, 1886, and reopened

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by John Cannon soon afterwards. The next manager was Wallace Williams, who called it "The Fifth Avenue Music Hall," but it lasted only a short time. James Everard then fitted it up as a Turkish bath, and opened it May 7, 1888, with James W. Collier, the actor, as manager.


AT 305 West Fifty-fourth Street, a few doors from Eighth Avenue, was "The Manhattan Opera House." It was fitted up for dramatic performances and was opened June 27, 1881, with May Roberts as the star in "The Two Orphans." J. E. Molloy, Jr., was the manager. It kept open only a brief time, after which it ceased to be a place of amusement.


ON the easterly side of Eighth Avenue, between Twenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh streets, is "Miner's Eighth Avenue Theatre." It was erected by Harry Miner and Thomas Canary, for a variety theatre, and opened Nov. 21, 1881, but was destroyed by fire Jan. i, 1902. It is being rebuilt.


SITUATED at 152 and 154 East Forty-second Street, between Third and Lexington avenues, was "Vercelli's Theatre." It had been used in 1880 for a variety of entertainments. On Aug. 29, 1881, Fannie Wallack and the "Wallack Tripologue Troupe" opened here in "Perfection" and the farce "Torturing Tame Turtles." Alf. Burnett opened here Oct. 17 with a vaude- ville entertainment, and called the house "The Grand Central." Burnett and Whittaker were managers. In a few months it went out of existence as a place for entertainments.


IN the upper story of the building located on the south side of Thirty-fourth Street, one door east of Third Avenue, was "The Chateau Mabille." It was once familiarly called "Glass Hall," and was raided by the police Feb. 2$, 1878. Soon after this it was closed and is now a tenement house.



ON the northwest corner of Fifth Avenue and Fourteeenth Street was "Meade's Midget Hall." In November, 1887, James Meade introduced General Mite and Minnie Aborn, two diminutive people, to the public. This place is now a carpet warehouse. It was known at one time as " Brewster Hall. "


SITUATED on the west side of Twelfth Street and Greenwich Avenue, was the " Columbia Opera House." A miscellane- ous entertainment of the sensational kind was given here in the fall of 1875. In January, 1876, it was known as "The American Alhambra." Cheap variety performers appeared. It was raided by the police Feb. 25, 1878. It was called " The Folly Theatre " on Nov. 25, 1878, and was opened with the fairy extravaganza, "Little Bo- Peep." In the company were: Sidney Nelson, Jennie Yeamans, W. C. Crosby, Harry Pratt, Lizzie Thorndyke, Emma Young, Albert Martinetti, Carrie Lewis, Susie Ulm, Bella Bent, Mattie Lewis, Julian Martinetti, Mary Gorenflo, Irene Carleton, Lizzie Clarence, Annie Yeamans, Jenny White, Daisy Moore, the Clinetop Sisters, Bertha Rupert, Bryant, and Williams. It is now used as a livery stable.


SITUATED on the west side of Seventh Avenue, between Fifty -eighth and Fifty-ninth streets, was "The Central Park Garden." It was used for summer concerts by Theo. Thomas and orchestra. It was opened May 17, 1875, having been remodelled by John Koch, the manager. Messrs, Appleby were the next managers, who opened the place August, 1875, with the Theo. Thomas' concerts. It was closed Sept. 16, with a bene- fit to Theo. Thomas. On Nov. 16, 17, 18, there was a walking match between Mary Marshall and Peter Van Ness. After being closed for some time it was reopened by Josh Hart, May 19, 1877, as "Central Park Garden and Hart's Summer Theatre." Max Maretzek was the musical conductor, Henry Wannamacher, leader of orchestra. Aug. 20 Mr. Hart retired from the manage- ment, and Thomas & Watson were the next lessees, but with the ap- proach of the cool weather it was closed as a place of amusement.



SITUATED on the southeast corner of Twenty-sixth Street and Madison Avenue was the "Jerome Theatre," It was used for amateur performances, and was known as the " Union League Theatre." Agnes Ethel here made her first appearance in public Oct. 10, 1868, in"Camille." On Sept. 19, 1872, Fechter appeared here as Frederick de Marsden in "On Demande un Gouverneur," supported by a French company. Mrs. H. P. Grattan made her last appearance in public here Oct. 10, 1876, as Mme. Prudence in "Camille," when Agnes Cherrie made her debut as Camille.

Helen Bancroft played one week here, commencing Jan. 22, 1883, in "The Hunchback." On April 9 Amy Lee was seen in the comedy called " Lillian, or Shades and Sunshine." Adelaide Fitz Allen made her first appearance on the stage here April 11, acting in "Love's Sacrifice."


SITUATED on the south side of Thirty-fourth Street, between Second and Third avenues was " The Thirty-Fourth Street Theatre." It was opened Nov. 27, 1871, by William M. Smith, with a variety performance. The next manager was William C. Mitchell, who took possession Feb. 5, 1872. Charley Shay was the next manager, he opening it Sept. 30, 1872, as "Charley Shay's Opera House," and closed Oct. 15.

It was reopened April 14, 1873, under the management of Mons. John La Thome. Aug. 31, 1874, its name was changed to "Jake Berry's Opera House." The next and last manager was C. S. Gray, who opened it for the season of 1876; W. W. Newcomb was stage manager and Ned Straight was leader of the orchestra.


AT 18 East Sixteenth Street, south side, between Fifth Avenue and Broadway, was "Allemania Hall," better known as "Robinson Hall." It was originally a private residence and was erected in 1840. It was afterwards a club house. It was shortly after that used as a ball room and subsequently fitted up for miscellaneous entertainments. It was opened Oct. 15, 1868, with Prof. Rhodes' geological exhibition, "Earth and Man."


Mr. Robinson soon afterwards secured the place and altered it into a regular place of amusement. He opened it with a vaudeville en- tertainment and managed the house for two seasons. The next name this theatre had was "The Bijou." It was opened Feb. 29, 1872, by a French comedy company in " Le Meurtrier de Theodore " (the original of "Who Killed Cock Robin .' "). On Sept. 8, 1873, Bul- lock's Marionettes appeared here. Owen Marlowe, who had just re- turned from California, was heard here Nov. 28, in readings. Prof. Cromwell was seen here April, 1874, with his Lectures and Stere- opticon views. The place was now called " The Parisian Varie- ties," and was opened Sept. 15, 1874. Fred Maccabe having closed an engagement at Steinway Hall, opened here Dec. 7. Callender's Georgia minstrels were seen here March 8, 1875. On May 19 " Girofle-Girofla " was sung. The next manager was G. A. Hender- son, who, Sept. 15, 1875, named the house "The New York Pari- sian Varieties." W. H. Woodbury was the next lessee. He rechristened it " The Parisian Varieties. " In December, 1 876, the place was known as " The Criterion. " It was reopened (hav- ing been closed for a few weeks) April 2, 1877, with the burlesque "Two Spheres." The place was then called "The Parisian Vaudeville." The next manager was A. H. Sheldon, who opened it May 15, 1877, as "The Sixteenth Street Theatre," with "Sarah's Young Man" and the burlesque "The Forty Thieves. " The property was finally turned over to the trustees of the Apprentices' Library, who purchased it in July, 1877, and after extensive alterations opened it as "Mechanics' Hall," June 21, 1878. It continued to be used as a Library until 1890, when the trustees moved to its present quarters. Forty-fourth Street.


SITUATED on the corner of Sixty-first Street and Third Avenue was the " Old Skating Rink. " It was opened June 13, 1870, with a musical jubilee and Beethoven festival. It had accommodations for twenty-two thousand persons. Among the artists on this occasion were Mme. Parepa Rosa, P. S. Gilmore, Clara Louise Kellogg, Caroline Richings, Mrs. Howard Paul, Mme. Marietta Gazzaniga, Rose Hersee, Isabella McCulloch, Zelda Harrison Seguin, Mile. Pauline Canissa, Rosa Cook, Mme. Johanna Rotter, Mme. Bertha Johannsen, Mile. Frida de Gebele, Mile. Sophie Dziuba, Anna Bishop, Sig. P. Brignoli, Sig. Ch. Lefranc, William Castle, Theo. Habelmann, Francesco Filippi, H. Nordblom, B. Massimilliani, M. Lotti, Joseph Hermann, W. W. Whitney, S. C. Campbell, Henri Drayton, Petrilli, G. Reyna,


A. Susini, Ad. Randolfi, Harry Peakes, and Wilhelm Formes. Gilmore's Band, including M. Arbuckle, Dodworth's Twenty- second Regiment Band, Downing' s Seventy-first regiment band, Carl Bergman, conductor of Philharmonic Society; Carl Zerrahn, conductor of the Handel and Haydn Societies; Max Maretzek, Carl Rosa, and Dr. James Pech, senior organist of Trinity Parish, were the musical directors.

The tenth and last concert was given June 18. The programme contained selections from the Ninth Symphony sung by five thou- sand Sabbath-school children, and a grand national finale, given with eight thousand voices, the immense orchestra, drum corps, military bands, the organ, and the electric artillery. The chorus was by the Handel and Haydn Society of Boston with nearly five hundred voices, over two hundred brass and reed instruments, a jubilee orchestra of five hundred and forty virtuosi, the anvil company, chime of bells, and electric artillery.

The American Institute held its fairs here for years. Originally these exhibitions were given in old Castle Garden, and were a distinguishing feature of New York's great functions. The Insti- tute was organized in 1828.

The Institute gave eighteen exhibitions of live stock from 1838 to 1859, several of them on the ground where the Fifth Avenue Hotel now stands, and then considered to be "out of town." In 1848 the Institute purchased for ;^45,ooo the brownstone front building, No. 351 Broadway, which A. T. Stewart erected for a store, but never occupied, having decided to erect the marble dry goods palace on Broadway, between Chambers and Reade streets. With strict economy the Institute paid for this new building and later sold it at a great advance and removed to the Cooper Union building. Still later the Institute had quarters in Clinton Hall.

The first fair was given in Masonic Hall in 1828, and at various times exhibitions were held in Niblo's Garden, Castle Garden, the Crystal Palace on Reservoir Square, Palace Garden, Academy of Music, then in this place, the Old Skating Rink. It was by the American Institute that the Morse system of telegraphy was first shown, and Col. Samuel Colt exhibited his revolving fire-arms. Col. Richard M. Hoe exhibited his lightning printing press under the auspices of the Institute, and the telephone, in its early crude state, also was given a hearing. In 1897 the American Institute fair went to Madison Square Garden. In April, 1899, the Insti- tute leased a large hall and three rooms in the Berkeley Lyceum building, Nos. 19 to 21 West Forty-fourth Street, for five years.



IT will, no doubt, surprise many even among the theatre-goers of the West Side to learn that the magnificent theatre at Twenty-third Street and Eighth Avenue was first dedicated to public uses as "Pike's Opera House." It was erected by Samuel N. Pike, of Cincinnati, Ohio. The property on which it stands orig- inally belonged to the estate of Clement C. Moore. In 1843 it was leased for twenty-one years to George C. Peters and Lent, proprietors of the old Knickerbocker line of stage coaches. In May, 1864, Mr. Pike bought off all the tenants, and the property in fee from the heirs of Mr. Moore. He at once commenced the erection of the magnificent building, now known as the " Grand Opera House," situated on the northwest corner of Eighth Avenue and Twenty -third Street.

The theatre itself is one hundred and eighty-five feet in length, eighty feet in breadth, and the height from the parquet to the dome is seventy feet. The auditorium consists of six proscenium boxes, parquet, parquet circle, dress circle, and family circle. The seating capacity of the house is one thousand, eight hundred and eighty-three, but over thirty-five hundred persons have gained admission at one performance. The entire cost of the building was about one million dollars.

The opening of the house was announced for Jan. 6, 1868, with Italian opera, but, in consequence of an accident to Sig. Brignoli, the initial performance was postponed to Jan. 9. The opera com- pany consisted of Mme. Anna de La Grange, Adelaide Phillips, Isabella McCulloch, Brignoli, Massimilliani, Orlandini, Susini, Coletti, Sarti, Nicolao (musical director), and Max Strakosch, manager. " II Trovatore " was given with this cast : Leonora, Anna de La Grange; Azucena, Adelaide Phillips; Manrico, Sig. Massimilliani; Count di Luna, Sig. Orlandini; Ferrando, Sig. Coletti.

H. L. Bateman was the next manager, and began Oct. 14 with an opera bouffe company, in " La Grande Duchesse," Miles. Tost6e and Lambele and MM. Aujac, Leduc, Lagriffoul, Duchesne, Daron, and Guidon in the principal r61es.

Mile. Irma appeared Nov. 16 in " Barbe Bleue. " Nov. 30 the two opera companies under Bateman's control joined forces and consisted of Tostee, Irma, Lambele, Duclos, Marie Tholer, Henri- etta Rose, Mathilde, Hamilton, and Louise, and MM. Aujac, Deere, Duchesne, Leduc, Lagriffoul, Tholer, Francis, Dardignac, Bene- dick, Hamilton, Guidon, and Edgard. " Lieschen and Fritschen " was given, with Tostee and Dardignac in the chief rSles, Dec. 7,


8 ; an act of " La Grande Duchesse " and two acts of " Barbe Bleue " made up the bill, with Tostee in the former and Irma in the latter. Dec. 9 " Les Bavards " was produced for the first time in America. The cast: Roland, Mile. Tostee; Beatrix, Mile. Duclos; Ines, Mile. Lambele; Sarmiento, M. Duchesne; Torribio, M. Leduc; Christoval, M. Francis. The second act of "Barbe Bleue" was given with it each evening until Dec. 21, when was presented, for the first time in America, "La Chanson de For- tunio": Valentin, Mile. Irma; Laurette, Mile. Lambele; Fortunio, M. Francis; Friquet, M. Leduc.

" La Perichole " was sung Jan. 4, 1869, for the first time in America, and had this cast:

Don Pedro de Hinoyosa . M. Edgard Le Marquis de Tarapote . M. Francis

Ninetta Mile. Anna

Mannefretta .... Mile. Carman First Notary . . . . M. Hamilton Second Notary . . . . M. Guidon

First Drinker M. Brabant

Second Drinker . . . . M. Brunet

La Perichole Mile. Irma

Guadelina Mile. Rose

Berginella Mile. Tholer

Mastrilla Mile. Cadic

Frasquinella .... Mile. Arsene

Brambilla Mile. Mathilde

Pequillo M. Aujac

Don Andreas de Ribeira . M. Leduc Le Comte de Pauatellas, M. Lagriffoul

Mr. Bateman closed his season Jan. 9, having sold his interest in the opera bouffe company to James Fisk, Jr. Irma took a benefit Jan. 29, when the third act of "II Trovatore " was given, with that lady as Leonora, M. Aujac as Manrico, and M. Tholer as the Count di Luna. "Les Deux Aveugles" was presented Feb. 5, for the first time in America, with Leduc as Giraffier, and M. Lagriffoul as Patachom. Irma and Aujac closed their engagement Feb. 6, when "La Perichole" was sung.

" Orph^e aux Enfers " had its first hearing here Feb. 8, and with this cast :

Orph^e M. Deere

Jupiter M. Duchesne

John Styx M. Guidon

Mercury M. Lagriffoul

PlSo'} M. Leduc

Eurydice Mile. Tostfe

Diane Mile. Duclos

Cupid Mile. Canadeau

Venus Mile. Cadic

Minerve .... Mile. Delphine Public Opinion . . . Mile. Arsene

The season closed Feb. 19, 1869.

The next proprietors of this place of amusement were James Fisk, Jr., and Jay Gould, who styled it "The Grand Opera House." Mr. Gould's name appeared only for a few days. The opera bouffe company continued in "La Perichole." On March 31 James Fisk's name appeared as proprietor, and Clifton W. Tayleure as manager. Wm. Davidge was stage manager, and Henry Tis- sington musical director. "The Tempest " was produced in mag- nificent style March 31, with this cast:




Prospero . . . . E. L. Davenport

Ferdinand Frank Mayo

Caliban W. Davidge

Alonzo F. C. Bangs

Sebastian T. F. Egberts

Gonzalo C. Loveday

Stepbano .... F. Chippendale

Antonio Jas. Carden

Adrien E. Gillett

Francisco N. Mclntyre

Trinculo. . . Walter Lennox, Sen.

Boatswain Geo. Johnson

Miranda .... Josephine Fiddes

Ariel Catherine Lucette

Juno Miss Oakley

Ceres Lilly Davenport

Iris May Saville

The Harpy . . . Nannie Egberts

The ballet was led by Mile. Morlacchi. This was the first ap- pearance in this city of Frank Mayo. The following salaries were paid: E. L. Davenport, ^300; Frank Mayo, 1^250; W. Davidge, $60; F. C. Bangs, ^40; T. F. Egberts, $2$; Walter Lennox, ^40; Chas. Loveday, ^30; F. Chippendale, ;^40; Jas. Carden, ^40; E. Gillett, $2^ ; Nichol Mclntyre, $2$ ; Geo. Johnson, $2$ ; Josephine Fiddes, $125; Catherine Lucette, ^75; Jenny Oakley, ^15; Lilly Davenport, ^30; May Saville, $30; Nannie Egberts, ;^io; the "Morlacchi Ballet," 1^525, comprising six premikres danseuses, ten coryphees, and fifteen figurantes.

Sardou's "Patrie" had its first performance in America, May 24. The play was purchased by Clifton Tayleure in Paris, and expressly translated and adapted for this theatre by A. de Lile. The scenery was painted by Marston, Duflocq, Seavey, Thome, and Smith. There were one hundred soldiers, supers, and aux- iliaries in the production. The total receipts of its twelve nights and two matinees were only $6, 323. 30. " Patrie " was thus cast :

Count Rysoor . . La Tremonville . William of Orange Cortadillo, a mute Donna Dolores Donna Rafaela Gudule . . . Capt. Karloo . Duke of Alva . Jonas . . .

C. W. Couldock

Geo. H. Clarke

J. Clinton Hall

W. H. Beekraan

Mary Gladstane

. Blanche Grey

Nannie Egberts

Frank Mayo

. F. C. Bangs

F. Chippendale

Noircarmes Capt. Reicon Vargas . . Alberti . . Miguel . . Navarra Von Strapen Cornelius . Galena . .

. . Jas. Carden . Chas. Loveday . . A. C. Enos . Geo. Johnson Nichol Mclntyre . H. W. Peck J. A. Burnes . . J. M. Cook . . J. D. Bilby

The " Morlacchi Ballet " was one of the features of the produc- tion. The play was a failure, and was withdrawn in two weeks, and the house was closed.

The theatre was reopened June 21, 1869, with Harry C. Page as business manager; H. B. Phillips, stage manager; H. Tissington, musical director. Lucille Western was the star, and the company engaged to support her were : McKee Rankin, J. Newton Gotthold, E. L. Tilton, W. E. Sheridan, J. A. Heme, A. W. Church, Vining Bowers, W. A. Donaldson, G. F. Devere, H. C. Barton, Mrs. M. A. Bradshaw, Mrs. Marie Wilkins, Mrs. F. Blaisdell, Alice Wren,


Blanche Bradshaw, Emma Maddern, Fanny Cave, and La Petite Wren. "East Lynne " was the opening play.

" Leah the Forsaken " was played July 2, followed by " Oliver Twist," July s; "The Child Stealer," July 19; July 26, "Satan in Paris ; " Aug. 2, " East Lynne " was repeated ; Aug. 7, " Lucrezia Borgia " and " Handy Andy ; " Aug. 9, " The Green Bushes ; " Aug. 14, " Rosina Meadows ; " Aug. 16, "The Spy of St. Marc;" Aug. 18, "Flowers of the Forest;" Aug. 21, "The Spy of St. Marc" and "The Robber's Wife;" and Aug. 23, "The Sea of Ice," with Lucille Western as Ogarita. Sept. 13 "Patrie" was revived, with Lucille Western as Donna Dolores, E. L. Tilton as Rysoor, and Claude Hamilton as La Tremonville. Lucille Western terminated her engagement Oct. 2. " The Tempest " was revived Oct. 4, with this cast :

Caliban .



Gonzalo .



Alonzo .

Chas. Wheatleigh J. H. Taylor E. L. Tilton Geo. Farren E. K. Collier S. W. Glenn

George F. Devere

Antonio Chas. J. Fyffe

Trinculo . . . Wm. Davidge, Sen.

Miranda Annie Deland

Ariel Lisa Weber

Juno Clara Fisher

Iris Blanche Bradshaw

Rita Sangalli was premiere danseuse. Oct. 13 Mr. Tissington had a matinee benefit, when a concert was given by Jules Levy, Henry Sanderson, B. Mollenhauer, Lisa Weber, Clara Fisher, and the orchestra; Sangalli danced, Geo. Clarke recited "Shamus O'Brien," and Charles Fisher, H. B. Phillips, and Mme. Ponisi played in " Masks and Faces. "

"The Tempest" was withdrawn Oct. 16, and Edmund Falconer's play, founded on Lever's novel, "Charles O'Malley, the Irish Dra- goon," was produced Oct. 18, and thus cast:

Mickey Free . . Edmund Falconer Charles O'Malley . . J. H. Taylor Sir George Dashwood . . E. L. Tilton Frank Webber . . . C. A. Loveday

Lucy Dashwood . . . Annie Deland Donna Inez . . . Emma Maddern

Mary Lisa Weber

Maid Miss Bradshaw

A troop of mounted dragoons was introduced in this drama.

Mr. Falconer took a benefit Nov. 12, and acted Tim O'Reilly in" The Fetches."

A season of English opera was begun Nov. 15 by the Caroline Richings-Bernard company, which included Henry Haigh, Brook- house Bowler, Henri Drayton, Henry Peakes, James Arnold, James Peakes, Pierre Bernard, Annie Kemp (Mrs. B. Bowler), Anna Muchka, Emma Howson, and others. " Maritana " was the initial performance, followed by " Crown Diamonds," Nov. 16, when Henry Haigh made his first appearance in this city ; matinee, Nov. 17, "Fra Diavolo" was sung; evening, Nov, 17, Emma Howson




Count San Bris

. . H. C. Peakes

Tavannes . .

. . J. G. Peakes

Cosse . . .

. . . W. Birch

De Retz . . .

. . Warren White

Meru . . . .

. . George Neil

Bois Rose . .

Pierre Bernard

made her first appearance in this city, singing the title r61e in "Maritana;" Nov. 19, "II Trovatore;" "The Bohemian Girl" was sung Nov. 22, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30; "La Sonnambula," Nov. 24; "Martha," Dec. i, with the debut of Blanche EUerman in the title rdle; Dec. 2, "Maritana;" Dec. 3, "Faust," for the benefit of Henri Drayton; matinee, Dec. 4, "The Bohemian Girl;" even- ing, Dec. 4, "Fra Diavolo;" Dec. 6 "The Huguenots" was sung in English for the first time in America, and thus cast :

Count de Nevers .... Jas. Arnold Margaret de Valois

Mrs. Henri Drayton Valentina . . Mrs. Richings-Bernard Urban .... Annie Kemp Bowler

Raoul Henry Haigh

Marcel Henri Drayton

The company closed Dec. 11, with "The Bohemian Girl." William Horace Lingard, with a combination, including Alice Dunning, appeared here Dec. 13, in "All That Glitters is not Gold," the Lingard sketches, and the burlesque, "Pluto, or The Magic Lyre." Edwin F. Thorn e, Edward Coleman, Geo. Parkes, and Amelia Harris were in the company. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Paul were added to the attraction Dec. 20, and appeared in their protean sketches ; " A Day After the Wedding " and " The Maid and the Magpie " were also played. Dickie Lingard and A. D. Billings appeared here Dec. 27. Nully Pieris, vocalist, joined the organization Jan. 10, 1870, when Lingard produced "Elvina, or I and the Other;" "Pluto" and "The Spitalfields Weaver" were also played. Geo. Boniface appeared Jan. 17, in "David Garrick," supported by Mrs. Boniface as Ada Ingot, J. H. Healy as Simon Ingot, and W. Davidge, Jr. as Squire Chivy. "Cool as a Cucumber" was seen Jan. 21. Jan. 24, "Jocrisse the Juggler" was acted. The house was closed from Jan. 27 until Feb. 7.

Joseph C. Foster and John E. McDonough's spectacle, "The Twelve Temptations" was presented Feb. 7, with this cast:

Ulric G. C. Boniface

Rudolph E. L. Tilton

Eric C. Maxwell

Petreuse Lewis Baker

Kalig W. Davidge, Jr.

Eblis J. Daly

Gnometol T. Ward

Scourgeall C. T. Wilson

Prince Banodin . . . . L. Sanders

Pietro Albert Enos

Sir Anthony .... C. La Forest Michael Braun . . C. W. Marcelles Emperor of Germany, Mr. Pendleton

Bishop of Flanders . . Mr. Gordon Executioner of the Ape T. Williamson Executioner of Fire . . J. W. Benton Niocell . . . Mrs. Geo. C. Boniface

Bedufor C. B. Douglas

Orchus M. B. Pike

Busirus J. Taylor

Metcalf M. C. Daly

Janette Mme. Ponisi

Margueretta .... Nully Pieris Princess . . . . Miss F. Claribel

Justice Miss F. Lovelace

Faith Nannie Egberts


It ran until July 9. The ballets were led by the Francesca Sisters, Rachel and Maria, and Miles. Josephine Strudel and Antonio Corsi, Sig. Costa being the ballet master. Cora Adriana and Eugenie Operti, premihres danseuses, appeared March 7, when a new ballet, entitled " The Demon Can-can " was done. Lupo and Albertina, danseuses, appeared March 21. Kathi Lanner's Viennoise ballet company, brought to this country by Mr. Fisk, made their American debut July 1 1. It included Kathi Lanner, Bertha Lind (said to be a niece of Jenny Lind), Albert Geroldini, director; Mons. and Mme. Alberti, De Francesca, and Van de Vergue, male dancers; ten premihes, eighteen coryphees; in all numbering over fifty people.

The entertainment commenced with a farce, by William E. Suter, entitled "Brother Bill and Me," in which Geo. Boniface, Sen., Harry Jackson, W. Davidge, Jr., and Mrs. Boniface sustained the principal characters. When the farce was finished, the " Ajax Parisian Troupe " appeared in the new ballet, " The Nations, or the Conscript and the Vivandiere." "La Giselle, or the Willis," was next presented. Mme. Weiss introduced this style of enter- tainment to America in 1846, combining ballet and pantomime, and our old theatre-goers need not be reminded of the extraordinary sensation their appearance created at the old Park Theatre.

The Opera House was closed July 23, 24, to prepare for one of the strongest attractions presented at this theatre an opera comique and opera bouffe company, consisting of Mile. Lea Silly, Celine Montaland, Susanne Thai, Juliette Jousse, Julia Hache, Constant Guisins, Paul Lermina, Mons. Varlet, Mons. Antony, Paul Hittemans, Emilia Beaumont, Louise Lesage, Victorine Legrange, Marie Vaudelet, Lisa Darlia, filoise Lasalle, Victor Brabant, Cayla, Esteppe Victer, Fidele Dubois, George Beaudis, Adrian Valter, Henri Flerimat, Piene Villa, Branche, Mons. Ch. Esteve, stage manager, and Sig. Carlo Patti, musical director. The first performance took place Sept. 26. " Les Brigands " was first produced in America Nov. 14. The company closed Dec. 20. Celine Montaland died in Paris, Jan. 8, 1891, aged forty- eight years. She was a native of Ghent in Belgium. In ,1853 she made her debut at the Palais Royal, Paris. In 1870 she first ap- peared here as Marguerite in Herve's "Petit Faust." After her American sojourn she returned to Paris, played in various theatres there, and made a sensation at St. Petersburg. In 1884 she became a member of the Comddie Frangaise, taking the place of the famous Madeleine Brohan. She was an artist with the pencil and brush, a woman of beauty and wit, and always a great favorite with the Parisian public.

Marie Aim^e appeared here Jan. 12 1871, as Boulotte in " Barbe Bleue. " " La Pdrichole " was sung with Aim6e in the title


r61e, Jan. 14, for the first time in America. Lea Silly acted Boulotte in "Barbe Bleue."

Aimee was seen again in " La Perichole," Feb. 3, 4. What was called an operatic carnival commenced Feb. 6. It consisted of four operas, four prime donne, and four tenors each night. It commenced with the second act of "Les Brigands," by Silly and Thai, second act of " Barbe Bleue, " by Silly, second act of " La Grande Duchesse," by Persini, and second act of "La Perichole," by Aimee. A benefit occurred Feb. 28 for the Geo. Holland fund.

Benefits were given the week of Feb. 27: "Les Brigands," Feb. 27, for M. Antony; Feb. 28, "La Perichole," for M. Girrebeuk; March i, "Barbe Bleue," for M. Hittemans; and March 2, "La Perichole," for M. Varlet.

" Les Georgiennes " had its first representation in America, March 6, with Aimee in the principal r61e. Aimee appeared as the Grande Duchesse April 3, and for her first benefit in America as the heroine in "La Belle Helena," April 13; the fourth act of " La Favorita " was also given. The Rigl Sisters (Betty and Emily), danseuses, closed their engagement here April 15. "Le Petit Faust " was revived May 3, with Aimee as Mephisto for the first time. Henry C. Page took a benefit May 4, when "Barbe Bleue " and " Sketches in India " were presented. Aimee termi- nated her engagement May 20, and the season of eight months closed.

Marie Aimee (right name Tronchon) must have been born for opera bouffe. She had the eye for it, the mouth for it, and the abandon for it. She always appeared to be carried away by the grotesque humor of the part. One of the most consummate and artistic bits of comedy acting ever witnessed in this country on the lyric stage was Aimee's singing of the drinking song in "La Perichole." Many other French stars of comic opera have visited us since Aimee's first appearance, but none have overshadowed her reputation. " Les Cloches de Corneville " was first played in New York in French by Aimee at the Park Theatre, May 25,^1878. In August, 1884, she revisited America, and made her debut in an English-speaking comedy called "Mam'zelle," by Geo. Jessop and William Gill, at Kingston, N. Y., Sept. 11. For two or three seasons previous Aimee had been singing in English " Pretty as a Picture." She first appeared in New York in "Mam'zelle" at the Fifth Avenue Theatre, Dec. 15. She died at Paris, Oct. 2, 1887. For two years prior to her death Aimee was a great sufferer from cancer. She went to Paris to undergo a surgical operation. She left property estimated at nearly ^40,000, nearly all of which was bequeathed to Ricardo Diaz Albertini, an actor, who travelled with her English company, and was known as Sig. del Campo. The pantomime, "The Three Hunchbacks," was produced May


22. Charles Abbott as Clown; James W. Sandford, Harlequin; Chas. Chrisdie, Pantaloon; and Mile. Emma, Columbine. Moe and Goodrich, roller skaters, Belle Howitt, Ethel Norman, La Petite Benson, the French Twin Sisters, and a large ballet, led by Marie Bonfanti, were among the features. C. Winter Ravel commenced as Harlequin, June 12; also the Deardon Sisters as Columbine and character danseuses. The last performance of " The Three Hunchbacks " was June 24, when, in addition to its per- formance, the opera, " The Bohemian Girl " was sung, with Henri Drayton as Count Arnheim, Brookhouse Bowler as Thaddeus, Arthur Matthison as Florestein, Arthur Howell as Devilshoof, Rose Hersee as Arline, and Fannie Goodwin as the Gypsy Queen. This closed the season. Aimee and her company gave an extra performance of " La P^richole " July 5, night.

The next managers of this house were John F. Cole and J. Lewis Baker, who opened a season Sept. 4, 1871, with the following com- pany: Thomas E. Morris, business manager; H. Tissington, musi- cal director; Edwin F. Thome, Mark Smith, Moses W. Fiske, T. J. Hind, W. H. Pope, C. T. Parsloe, Jr., J. W. Brutone, Geo. Johnson, J. McEvoy, Delancy Barclay, J. Jones, Henrietta Os- borne, Edith Challis, Emma Cline, Marion Fiske, Harry Eytinge, Emma Keough, Frances Jackson, Lena Thurber, and C. W. Barry. Daniel E. Bandmann appeared in "Narcisse." De Leon's play, "Jasper," an adaptation of Dickens' unfinished story of Edwin Drood was produced Sept. 11. "Narcisse" was reproduced with Bandmann as Narcisse and Mrs. Bandmann as Doris Quinault. Gus Phillips, well known as "Oofty Gooft," made his debut on the stage, Sept. 18, in a drama by Edwin F. de Nyse, entitled "Oofty Gooft." lone Burke, Mme. Ponisi, and J. B. Studley were in the cast. Mr. Phillips continued for two weeks. He died in this city, April 7, 1893. Oct. 2, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Florence were seen in "Eileen Oge, or Dark's the Hour before the Dawn." Oct. 1 7 a benefit took place for the Chicago fire relief fund. T. C. de Leon's drama, "Paris, or Days of the Commune," was pro- duced Nov. 27, with this cast :

Ada Gray

Adfele Dupr^ ) Theresa > ' ' '

Livingston C. W. Barry

Babot J. F. Hagan

Corporal Rdne . . W. H. Whalley Phillip and Paul . . Joseph Wheelock ^mile de Roule . . Moses W. Fiske

Mother I'Enfer . Henrietta Osborne Countess de Roule . . Edith Challis

Bautre C. W. Barry

Singe Chas. T. Parsloe

Mile. Flora .... Emma Cline Petit Cochon .... Marion Fiske

This was the first appearance at this theatre of William Whalley. Frank Mayo appeared Dec. 4 as D'Artagnan in "The Three Guardsmen." "Charles O'Malley," with a stud of twenty horses, was seen Dec. 18.




There was a performance of "The Postilion of Lonjumeau," Dec. 25, with Wachtel in the tenor r61e for the afternoon, and in the evening Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Florence were seen in " The Ticket of Leave Man," which had this cast:

Emily St. Evremond

Mrs. W. J. Florence Bob Briefly . . . W. J. Florence Hawkshaw .... J- F. Hagan Mr. Gibson T. J. Hind

Jim Dalton Green Jones . Melter Moss . Maltby . . . May Edwards

E. F. Thorne

M. W. Fiske

C. W. Barry

S. B. Duffield

. lone Burke

Mr. Florence acted Myles na Coppaleen, in "The Colleen Bawn," Jan. i, 1872. James Fisk, Jr., who was assassinated in the Grand Central Hotel, by Edward Stokes, died Jan. 17. Stokes was arrested, tried, and sentenced to Auburn State Prison, from which place he was liberated Oct. 28, 1876. This house was closed Jan. 8. " No Thoroughfare " was first acted Jan. 9, with Florence as Obenreizer, Moses Fiske as Joey Ladle. Avery Smith's circus company opened here Jan. 22. John J. Nathans and Lew June were also associated with Avery Smith. The arena was placed on the stage. The company continued until Feb. 17, and the three managers, who had been identified with circuses for some thirty-five years, retired into private life.

The Mulder-Fabbri opera company began a season Feb. 19, in "The Merry Wives of Windsor." They consisted of Carl Formes, Jacob Muller, Lehmann, C. Aves, Juniczko, Joseph Weinlich, Clara Perl, Anna Rosetti, and Inez Fabbri. " Ivanhoe " was sung Feb. 20. Sunday evening a concert was given by Fabbri, Mme. Anna Bishop, Levy, Clara Perl, and the Ninth regiment band. " Lalla Rookh " was announced for Feb. 26, but in consequence of the spectacle not being ready, the house was closed until March 18. " Lalla Rookh " was then produced, with this cast :

Clip Clap M. W. Fiske

Falladeen T. E. Morris

Pango J. J. Rainey

Liskar Emma Cline

Ziraftighan .... J. B. Studley

Aliris Geo. Becks

Arunzeba J. R. Healey

Pinion Susan Galton

Lalla Rookh .... Edith Challis

The season closed with " Lalla Rookh," May 4.

Mile, de Rosa, Mile. Albertine, Mile. Louisa Mazzeri, and Mile. Lusuardi led the corps de ballet.

Augustin Daly became manager of this house in August, 1872, and opened it Aug. 26, with the following company: Mrs. John Wood, Rose Hersee, Emma Howson, the Majiltons, Annie De- land, Ella Dietz, Miss C. Bronte, Helen Strange, Mary Stuart, Blanche Hayden, Annie Yeamans, John Brougham, Robert Craig, Stuart Robson, Lauri Family. J. W. Jennings, G. F. Ketchum. J. G. Peakes, Martin Golden, Julian Cross, J. A. Meade, and J. A. Mackay. A spectacular opera bouffe by Sardou and Offenbach,


adapted by Aug. Daly, entitled "Le Roi Carotte," was presented, and played until Nov. 23. The cast was :

Rose du Soir Robin Luson Cunegonde King Carrot

Rose Hersee

Mrs. John Wood

Emma Howson

John Brougham

Truck Stuart Robson

Fridolin Robert Craig

Baron Koffre . . . George Ketchum

The Majilton Family, eccentric dancers, and the Lauri Family, acrobats, were in the play.

Mr. Daly's local play, "Round the Clock," was first acted Nov. 24, and had this cast :

Juliana Mrs. John Wood Rascal Sue .... Annie Yeamans

Ernesta Emma Howson The Queen .... Helen Strange

Abraham . . . John W. Jennings Prince James Peakes

Mutton Martin Golden Roderick .... John Brougham

Alderman E. Pierce Joey Ella Dietz

The Manager .... J. G. Peakes Peter Dodd .... Jas. Meade

Billy Valters .... Chas. Lauri Zamiel A. G. Enos

Black Sal John Lauri Dusty Bob Harry Lauri

Lawyer Goddigott . G. F. Ketchum Rose Roberta Norwood

Mrs. Peter Dodd . . Annie Deland

In addition to "Round the Clock," a new pantomime scene was presented Dec. 23.

Robert Craig died at St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 9, 1872, of conges- tion of the brain. Mr. Craig was a member of the Winter Garden company, this city, season 1860-61. He acted Fridolin in"Le Roi Carotte," until Oct. 26. Mr. Craig left a widow, formerly Josephine Henry.

"The Cataract of the Ganges" was presented Jan. 20, 1873, for the first time in twenty years, with John H. Murray's stud of horses and ponies, and ran until Feb. 18. The cast was:

Ackbar .

Saheb .


Joan . .

Mohajer .

Jack Robinson

Tim Donovan

Sir Barnaby Bagbee

E. A. Pierce

J. A. Meade

G. F. Devere

J. G. Peakes

Julian Cross

Geo. Ketchum

John Brougham

Edwin C. Chapman

Sicoco Frank Chapman

Capt. Mannion . . W. J. Jennings Lieut. Templeton . . . J. A. Mackay Polly Persimmons . Mrs. John Wood Princess Dessa . . . Cora Cassiday

Matali Mrs. Yeamans

Ubra Roberta Norwood

Zamine Bella Golden

Augustin Daly's play "Roughing It" was acted Feb. 18. The cast included John K. Mortimer, John Brougham, Mrs. John Wood, Owen S. Fawcett, A. G. Enos, Louise Valmer, and Annie Yeamans. Sardou's prohibited comedy on American society, called "Uncle Sam," had its first performance on any stage March 17. Mary Cary, Bella Golden, Edwin Chapman, W. J. Le Moyne, Geo. Devere, and Henry Crisp were in the cast. "Under the Gaslight" was revived April 13, and this was Mrs.




John Wood's last engagement on the American stage. was:

The cast

Ray TrafEord Demilt . . Windel . . Byke . . . Snorkey Laura Courtland Pearl Courtland Judge Bowling Feachblossom .

. J. G. Peakes Edmund Pierce . A. G. Enos

W. J. Le Moyne . . H. Crisp . . Mary Gary . . Ella Dietz G. F. Ketchum

Mrs. John Wood

Mrs. Van Dam . . Miss C. Bronte Signal Man . . . John W. Jennings

Counsellor J. A. Meade

Bermudas John Burnett

Peanuts Jennie Yeamans

Sam Frank Chapman

Rafferdi Julian Cross

Sergeant Edwin Chapman

Old Judas .... Annie Yeamans

John Lewis Baker died at Philadelphia, Pa., March 22. He was the husband of Alexina Fisher; he was a talented actor, an able manager, and a gentleman.

" Monte Cristo " was produced here April 28, and had this cast :

Nortier .

Chas. Wheatleigh

Mme. Danglars .

. Josephine Henry

Albert .

. B. T. Ringgold

Danglars . . . .

. . J. B. Studley

Fernand .

, . C. H. Rockwell

Caderouse . .

. Chas. Leclercq

Morel .

. John W. Jennings

Abb6 Faria . . .

. . Geo. Devere


. . . Lizzie Price

Old Dantes . . .

Martin Golden


. . Ella Chapman


. . A. G. Enos

Villefort .

R. d'Orsay Ogden

Catalan . . .

. . Mr. Cassiday

Edmund Da



. . Chas. Fechter

This was Miss Chapman's and Josephine Henry's first appear- ance at this theatre, and the American debut of Charles Leclercq. "The Corsican Brothers " was acted June 2, and " Ruy Bias," June 9. The season closed June 14, with the farewell appearance of C. Fechter. The next season opened Aug. 19, 1873, under the management of Aug. Daly, and with the following company: Geo. L. Fox, D. H. Harkins (stage manager), Frank Harden- bergh, J. W. Jennings, James H. Taylor, Charles Manley, Charles Leclercq, M. A. Kennedy, C. K. Fox, Cyril Searle, Davenport Bebus (Bebus died in this city, July 11, 1896), W. H. Hamilton, E. Chapman, Howland, A. G. Enos, Katharine Rogers, Marie Gordon, Fanny Hayward, Nina Varian, Mary Carr, Marguerite Chambers, Alice Grey, Adelaide Lennox, Annie Kemp Bowler, Rosa St. Clair (afterwards Mrs. Rosa Leland. She died in Albany, N. Y., March 10, 1889), Lizzie Herbert, Agnes Lee, Cora Cassiday, Clifford, Stewart, Vivian, and Templeton. "A Midsummer Night's Dream " was produced, with this cast:

Frank Hardenbergh . Geo. L. Fox Chas. Leclercq

Hypolita . Puck . , Theseus . Egeus Lysander . Demetrius Philostrate Starveling Titania . VOL. II. 39

Marguerite Chambers Little May Templeton M. A. Kennedy Cyril Searle D. H. Harkins Jas. H. Taylor . . C. Manley W. H. Hamilton Fanny Hayward

Quince .

Bottom .

Flute . .

Snout . .

Snug . .

Hermia .

Helena .

Oberon . First Fairy

John W. Jennings Chas. K. Fox Adelaide Lennox . . Nina Varian Annie Kemp Bowler . . . Sadie Vivian


" The Wandering Jew " was first acted here Sept. 9, with Geo. L. Fox as Goliah, D. H. Harkins as Dagobert, F. Hardenbergh as Rodin, Chas. Leclercq as Jacques, Fanny Hayward as Cephise, and Marie Gordon (Mrs. John T. Raymond) as Blanche. Every evening during the drama Little Fay Templeton appeared in "The Spoiled Child." "Haunted Houses" was done Sept. 23.

Max Maretzek's opera company commenced Oct. 6, with "Po- liuto. " Pauline Lucca and Sig. Enrico Tamberlik were the stars, the latter making his ddbut in New York on this occasion. Sig. Resno sang Calisthenes, and Sig. Hauck, Felix. On Oct. 7 lima di Murska made her American d^but as Amina in "La Sonnambula. " She was announced as "The Hungarian Night- ingale." After her first air all her claims to distinction as a bravura songstress were acknowledged by an outburst of applause which, in spontaneity and enthusiasm, has had few equals on the American stage. Sig. Vizzani reappeared as El vino; anew basso, Sig. Rossi-Galli, made his debut as Count Rodolfo. Di Murska appeared Oct. 9-13 as Lucia di Lammermoor; matinee, Oct. 11, "La Sonnambula;" Tamberlik as Edgardo in "Lucia;" Oct. 16, joint appearance of Pauline Lucca and Di Murska in " The Magic Flute."

lima di Murska died at Munich, Jan. 18, 1889, in extreme pov- erty, and the same day her daughter (about twenty years of age) committed suicide by taking poison. Accounts differ as to the date of her birth some say 1838, others 1843. She studied under M. and Mme. Marchesi, and made her debut at the Pergola, Florence, in 1862, and after singing with great success at Pesth, Berlin, and Hamburg, obtained an engagement in Vienna, whence she went to London, where she made her debut May 11, 1865, at Her Majesty's Theatre. She carried the musical world by storm, and was commanded to appear before the Prince of Wales at Marl- borough House. When in the height of her professional lustre in Europe, kings, emperors, and princes were at her feet. She created an intense sensation at Monte Carlo by her magnificence and prodigality.

lima di Murska and Pauline Lucca appeared at the Fourteenth Street theatre, this city, Nov. 24, 1873, as Leonora and Azucena in "II Trovatore." Tamberlik was the Manrico. Di Murska sang in concert Sunday evening April 5, 1874. She commenced a sea- son of six nights of Italian opera at the Academy of Music, April 6, same year. On May 7, 1874, she appeared in German opera in "Robert the Devil" at the Stadt Theatre. On May 17 she ap- peared in concert under the management of Herman Grau at Terrace Garden, Fifty-eighth Street, between Third and Lexing- ton avenues, this city. On May 20 she appeared in the second act of "Dinorah," at the Fifth Avenue Theatre (Broadway and




Twenty-eighth Street), for the benefit of James W. Morrissey. She sang in costume the shadow song. She commenced a series of concerts under the management of D. De Vivo, Sept. 26, 1874, at Steinway Hall.

Di Murska's last appearance in opera was at Booth's Theatre, season of 1878, when the loss of voice was so marked that her friends advised her to retire from the stage before public favor deserted her. She had grown prematurely old and feeble, and her voice had lost its quality; but, acting under the extremely bad advice of injudicious friends, she gave a concert at Chickering Hall, which only demonstrated that she was no longer the brilliant Di Murska of old. Her last visit to this country was in 1888. She was engaged as an instructor by Mrs. Thurber for the Na- tional Conservatory at a salary of $10,000 a year, but was paid a sum of money by the management and " requested " to resign. She starred through the country in the lima di Murska opera company. In February of that year she broke down at Wilkes- barre. Pa., from a cold contracted at Scranton, and from that date her life was despaired of. She came on to New York, where her struggle against poverty was the theme of comment. A subscrip- tion was raised, her jewelry taken out of pawn, a ticket to Europe purchased, and just before the steamer was about to sail, the bal- ance of the subscription (nearly $300) was handed her, and in November, 1888, she left our shores. She was the greatest staccato artist of her day. Her voice was a pure soprano of nearly three octaves in compass, and of remarkable flexibility. Among her favorite parts were Linda di Chamounix, Amina in "La Sonnambula," Astraflammante in "II Flauto Magico," and Senta in "The Flying Dutchman." She was successful also as Dinorah, Isabella, Ophelia, Marguerite de Valois, Gilda, Marta, and Filina.

On Oct. 20 " Under the Gaslight " was produced ; Oct. 27, " Round the Clock ; " and Nov. 10, " A Flash of Lightning." This was the cast :

Mrs. Dewberry, Fred Chauncey

Nervous Passenger Garry Fallon . Jack Ryder Sam Pidge . . Rose .... Mrs. Fallon . Ann .... Daniel Doo .

Marguerite Chambers M. A. Kennedy

Chas. Fox

. G. A. Griffiths

D. H. Harkins

Geo. L. Fox

Minnie Walton

. Annie Deland

Fanny Hayward

Chas. Leclercq

Sis Lewell Agnes Lee

Molly Julia Bell

Bessie .... Mrs. C. M. Walcot Skiffley .... Frank Hardenbergh

Bob Davenport Bebus

Benedetto Cyril Searle

Jerry J. G. Peakes

Patsy Sadie Vivian

Ned A. G. Enos

" Hurapty Dumpty Abroad " was given Nov. 24, and ran nearly three months. George L. Fox appeared Feb. 9, 1874, as Tobias


Shortcut in "The Spitfire," and in "Humpty Dumpty at School." On Feb. ig a charity benefit for the poor of New York was given, when the following novel features were introduced: G. L. Fox superintended the sale of tickets in the box office, Jessie Vokes had charge of the ticket gate, Frederick and Fawdon Vokes acted as ushers, Victoria Vokes sold bouquets, and Rosina Vokes, pro- grammes. The performances commenced with the second and third acts of " London Assurance, " performed by the company of the Fifth Avenue Theatre; followed by the Martens in Tyrolean trios; "The Belles of the Kitchen," by the Vokes Family; "The Sculptor's Dream," by Betty and Emily Rigl, and coryphees; and the fifth act of "Richard IH.," with G. L. Fox as Richard, and Fred Vokes as Richmond. Fox retired March 14. The Martinetti Family appeared here March i6 in " Harvest Home, or The Four Lovers." The season terminated March 21.

The theatre reopened April 6, with Joseph H. Tooker, manager; Geo. F. Devere, stage manager. The Florences were the stars, in "Eileen Oge." lone Burke, Minnie Conway, Hart Conway, John W. Jennings, Owen S. Fawcett, and James Peakes were in the company. For the week beginning April 13" Eileen Oge" and "The Ticket of Leave Man," were played on alternate nights. " The Ticket of Leave Man " and " Inshavogue " were acted alter- nate evenings, week of April 20. Oliver Doud Byron appeared April 27 in "Donald McKay, the Hero of the Modoc War."

The season closed May 2, and the house remained dark until the Strakosch Italian opera company opened Nov. 4 in "La Traviata," with Mile. Heilbron as Violetta, Sig. Benfratelli as Alfredo, and Giovanni Tagliapietra as Germont. S. Behrens was musical di- rector. Sig. Tagliapietra is at present residing in this city, devoting himself to the cultivation of the voice and preparing pupils for the operatic stage.

The Kiralfy Bros, were the next lessees of this house, who opened it Nov. 23, with "The Black Crook." In the dramatic company were Eliza Weathersby, Kate Fellows, Julia Neuville, Geo. Atkins, Geo. Elliott, Annie Kemp Bowler, Carrie Pierson, Edmund K. Collier, William Street, and Master Martin. The ballet was led by Marie Bonfanti and Eugene Lupo; Kathi and Emilia Kiralfy character dancers; and the specialties were the Lenton Family, acrobats; Kynock and Smith, roller skaters; the Vadais Children, Ulm Sisters, Persian Twin Sisters, and Madrigal Boys. The Kiralfys retired Jan. 2, 1875.

This house was reopened March 29, under the management of Mrs. Julia E. Dunn, with her spectacular drama, " Ahmed." Kathi Lanner arranged the ballets. Guisseppina Morlacchi v^ss, premihe danseuse, with Galetti and Rachel Francesco. William Withers, Jr., was the musical director. Adah Richmond appeared as Ahmed




April 19, but had to withdraw in a few nights, in consequence of illness. Annie Kemp Bowler acted Nymphia. The play was with- drawn April 28, and the house closed to reopen May 15, with "The Twelve Temptations. " Joseph Wheelock, Henrietta Irving, Charles Stanley, and Lillie Andrews were in the company. Several spe- cialty acts were added May 17, including Fay Templeton in songs, "Prof." Nelson and sons, acrobats, and "Prof." Davis and his performing dogs. The play was a failure, and the house closed May 25.

The theatre reopened Aug. 16, 1875, with Pillet and Connolly's production of "Around the World in Eighty Days." The com- pany included Joseph Wheelock, R. D'Orsay Ogden, Louis J. Mestayer, Marion Sackett, Theo. Hamilton, J. J. Wallace, Robert Johnston, May Gallagher, and Hattie Arnold. "Around the World " ran two weeks, and the next managers were Joseph Wheelock, Theo. Hamilton, and Robert Johnston, who com- menced Aug. 30, with E. L. Davenport as the star. " Hamlet " was the initial performance, and was thus cast:

Hamlet E. L. Davenport

Laertes Joseph Wheelock

King Geo. F. MetkifE

Osric Theo. Hamilton

First Gravedigger . . L. J. Mestayer

Second Gravedigger Polonius . . .

Thos. Owens John P. Sutton

Horatio R. D. Ogden

Ghost Robert Johnston

Ophelia Laura Don

This was the first appearance in this city of Laura Don. Sept. r, 2, " Richelieu " was played ; Sept. 3, 4, 9, " Richard HI. ; " Sept. 6, "Macbeth; "Sept. 7, "Hamlet;" Sept. 8, "Othello;" Sept. 10, " The Merchant of Venice " and " Oliver Twist. " Harry Watkins, Sept. 13, in "Pioneer Patriots." Laura Don's right name was Anna Laura Fish. She was the first wife of Thomas B. Mac- Donough. She died at Greenwich, N. Y., Feb. 10, 1886. The drama, "Red and Black, or The Gambler's Life," was done Sept. 20, for the first time in this city, with Joseph Wheelock as Maurice, Angie Montague (first appearance at this theatre) as Pauline. The season terminated Sept. 21.

John P. Sutton died at Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 2, 1887, of pneu- monia. His last appearance in this city was in "The Jilt," at the Standard Theatre, a few weeks before his death.

After being closed one month the theatre was reopened Oct. 25, 1875, with "Uncle Tom's Cabin," and closed at the end of one week. After being closed for several months it was reopened Feb. 12, 1876, with Lucille Western as Nancy Sikes in "Oliver Twist," and J. B. Studley as Bill Sikes. "East Lynne " was played Feb. 14; "Child Stealer," Feb. 24; "Uncle Tom's Cabin," Feb. 28. Edward TuUidge's Jewish play, "Ben Israel, or From Under the Curse," was acted March 6 for the first time on any


stage, with J. H. Vinson in the title r61e, Amelia Waugh as Rachel, Jordan as Sir Walter, Harry Dalton as Charles H., and Mrs. W. G. Jones as Meg. Only two performances were given, and the house was again closed.

The next lessees were John F. Poole and Thomas L. Donnelly. The house was considered, in theatrical parlance, a "Jonah," and it was almost impossible to find any responsible manager to take it. Poole & Donnelly leased it with the understanding that if they made money a small percentage of the profits should go to the Erie Railway company, whose offices were in the Gra.nd Opera House building. They made the house popular from the start, by lowering the prices of admission and catering for the west side. They opened Sept. 18, 1876, with the Alice Oates company in " La Fille de Madame Angot ; " Alice Oates was Clairette. The organization consisted of Charles H. Drew, John Howson, Henri Laurent, Jos. H. Jones, A. W. Maflin, H. Amburg, R. H. Nichols, John Merritt, C. W. Decker, Rose Temple, Julia Chap- man, Venie Clancy, the Winner Sisters Gussie, Annie, and Carrie Ella and Jennie Caldwell, Susie Parker, Bessie Temple, Tracy White, and Jesse Williams, musical and stage director. " Girofle-Girofla " was sung Sept. 25, 26, and the company closed Sept. 30. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was presented Oct. 2, with Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Howard as St. Clair and Topsy, George Kunkel as Uncle Tom, and Gracie Wade as Eva. Slavin's Georgia min- strels (colored), donkeys, and blood-hounds were introduced in the drama, which had a run of five weeks. Buffalo Bill commenced for one week, Nov. 6, in a play called after himself. "Uncle Tom " was revived Nov. 13, and ran for three more weeks, when it gave way to Henry Morford's "Crabbed Age," Dec. 4, with Lettie Allen (first appearance in this city) and J. B. Atwater as the stars. In the supporting company were Ida Jeffries, May Gallagher, J. Clarke, J. Morrison, G. W. Reed, George Morris, William Scallan, and Thomas Owens.

"The Black Crook" was seen here Dec. 18, and the principal dancers were Mile. Morlacchi, Cora Adriana, Mile. Antonino and Malvina Evers. The specialty people were the Sawyer Family, bell-ringers ; Kynock and Smith, skaters ; and Crossley and Elder, athletes. " The Black Crook " had this cast :

Rudolph Mark Bates

Hertzog E.J. Mack

Zamiel Geo. Morris

Amina . . . . . Phosa McAllister

Stalacta Lulu Jordan

Dame Barbara . . . Genie Howard

Von Puffengruntz . . Hudson Liston

Greppo Louis Harrison

Count Shirley France

Dragonfin J. C. Frankhn

Rosetta Ida Lee

Carline Therese Wood

Guisseppina Morlacchi made her first appearance in America at Banvard's Museum (now Daly's Theatre), Broadway and Thirtieth


Street, with De Pol's company in "The Devil's Auction," Oct. 23, 1867. In 1873 she was married to J. B. Omohundro, profes- sionally known as "Texas Jack," who died at Leadville, Col., June 28, 1880. Mark Bates died at Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 15, 1879. His last appearance in this city was at Niblo's Garden. J. C. Franklin (real name J. C. Cobey) died of consumption in Phila- delphia, Pa., July 25, 1879. His last appearance on any stage was with Tony Denier's travelling pantomime company, January, 1879. Tony Denier was especially kind to him, sending him a remittance of ten dollars every week during his long illness, and the last words Mr. Franklin ever spoke were of affection and gratitude.

"Under the Gaslight" was produced Jan. i, 1877, by Aug. Daly's company. "Divorce" was revived Jan. 8, for two weeks, followed by "Man and Wife," Jan. 22; week of Jan. 29, "Man and Wife" and "Divorce;" Feb. 5, "Fernande;" Feb. 12, "Mon- sieur Alphonse." Charles Fisher, Frank A. Tannehill, J. B. Browne, J. H. Ring, J. B. Ashton, Wash. T. Melville, May Nunez, Amelia Waugh, Polly Booth, and Mrs. W. G. Jones were in the company. In " Under the Gaslight " D. H. Harkins acted Snorkey ; Georgie Drew, Laura Courtland ; and Mary Wells, Old Judas. "The Two Orphans" was produced Feb. 19, and ran for three weeks, with Kate Claxton, as Louise. " Miss Multon " was played, with Clara Morris in the title r61e, March 26, and the two following weeks. "Rose Michel," was given April 16, with the Union Square Theatre company, who occupied the stage for three weeks, excepting May 4 and 5. On May 4 there were afternoon and evening performances for the benefit of Poole & Donnelly. The programme was "The Good For Nothing," the Young Apollo club, balcony scene from "Romeo and Juliet," "St. Patrick's Day Parade," "David Garrick," "A Terrible Fix," sleep-walking scene from "Macbeth," by Bessie Darling; the first, fourth, and last act of "The Two Orphans." For the matinee and evening. May 5, Tony Pastor's company appeared.

"The Princess Royal" was seen for three weeks, commencing May 7; Fanny Davenport, Charles Coghlan, John Brougham, James Lewis, John B. Studley, and others were in the cast. The season closed May 26. The theatre reopened June 4, with John T. Raymond as Col. Mulberry Sellers, supported by his wife, Marie Gordon, and the Park (Abbey's) Theatre company. The Union Square Theatre company commenced June 18 in "Smike," for two weeks, when the theatre closed. It reopened for the sea- son Aug. 13, with Joseph Murphy in "Kerry Gow," for two weeks. He was supported by Annie Ward Tiffany and others. Frank S. Chanfrau appeared here Sept. 2 in "Kit." Geo. Boniface, Geo, Jordan, Jr., H. A. Weaver, Sr., H. B. Phillips, John T.


Craven, L. G. Barker, Charles Jordan, G. Harvey, H. Victor, Geo. Boniface, Jr., May Nunez, May Maurice, Nellie Maurice, and H. Weaver, Jr. , were in the support. " Kit " was acted two weeks, and was followed Sept. 17 by " Secret Service, or McParlan the Detective." Mark Twain's and Bret Harte's play, "Ah Sin," was done Sept. 24, with Charles T. Parsloe as the star. "The Danites " was played weeks of Oct. 1-8, by McKee Rankin and wife, Louis Aldrich, Lillie Eldridge, Dora Goldthwaite, and Ada Gilman. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was revived Oct. 15, and ran for five weeks. Mrs. G. C. Howard was the Topsy.

Lester Wallack appeared here Nov. 19 in "Rosedale," and con- tinued for two weeks. In the company were Lillie Eldridge, Meta Bartlett, Sefton, Vanderman, Weaver, Blaisdell, Frank Mordaunt, Alice Dorrington, J. W. Shannon, Alex. Fitzgerald, Benj. Magin- ley, Frank Tannehill, Sr., and Geo. F. Browne. Regina Dace was seen here Dec. 3, as Julia in "The Hunchback," followed, Dec. 10-17, by F. S. Chanfrau as Salem Scudder in "The Octo- roon." The week of Dec. 23 Chanfrau played "Kit." Dion Boucicault appeared Dec. 30, as Conn in "The Shaughraun," and continued for four weeks. Katharine Rogers, Edward Lamb, Alex. Fitzgerald, Harry Dalton, Ben Maginley, J. A. Kennedy, John Matthews, W. Birch, Henry Victor, Lizzie McCall, Lizzie Kelsey, Mrs, M. A. Farren, and Mrs. Frank Tannehill, were in the cast. Samuel Colville's "Folly" company came Jan. 28, in "The Babes in the Wood, or Who Killed Cock Robin?" The organization was : Marie Williams, Emme Roseau (afterwards Mrs. S. Colville), Willie Edouin, Lena Merville, Rose Temple, Ida Lee, Annie Deacon, Clara Gay, Bessie Temple, William Gill, J. H. Jones, William Forrester, L. de Smith, Eliza Lawson, Rose Leighton, Marion Elmore, Jennie Foster, Lavinia Hagan, Alice Atherton, Kate Everleigh, A. W. Maflin, H. Amberg, Harry Peck, and Wm. Harper.

James C. Williamson and wife (Maggie Moore), were seen here Feb. II, 1878, and stayed two weeks in "Struck Oil" and "The Chinese Question." George Rignold appeared here Feb. 24 in "Henry V." "Evangeline" made a visit March 18, with the fol- lowing company: Geo. S. Knight, Sol Smith Russell, Lizzie Webster, Florence Ellis, Lizzie McCall, Flora Lee, Richard Golden, H. E. Dixey, Harry Josephs, Ed. S. Tarr, Harry Hunter, Charles Rosene, and Geo. Ulmer. Rubens' English opera com- pany, consisting of Louise Oliver, Sallie Reber, Adelaide Randall, Annie Granger Dow (first appearance in New York), Vincent Hogan, Charles Lang, Thomas Whiffen, A. C. Stoddart, Stanley Felch, J. Montgomery, Carrie Burton, J. C. Padgett, William Dietrich, D. Lacy, and Isadore Martinez, with Augusta Sohlke, Adele Paglieri, and the Minzelli Sisters in the ballet, began a




season April i in "The Bohemian Girl," They continued for two weeks. The Williamsons returned April 15 in "Struck Oil."

John E. McCuUough appeared April 22 in "The Gladiator." The support was : Joseph Wheelock, Harry Langdon, Edwin Rice, Geo. Becks, M. J. Jordan, J, L. Mason, W. Greer, Marie Prescott, Russell Bassett, E. D. Tannehill, Henry Victor, Nellie Mason, and Stella Boniface. "Virginius" was repeated all the week, also April 29, 30; "Othello," May i, 2; "Richard IH.," May 3, 4; "King Lear," May 6; "Jack Cade," May 7 and matinee May 8; "Brutus," May 10; and "Macbeth," May 11. Tony Pastor and company were seen May 13, followed by the Union Square Theatre company, May 20-27, in "A Celebrated Case." "Our Boarding House" was presented June 3. The Hess English opera com- pany came June 10 in "The Chimes of Normandy." Emilie Melville, Zelda Seguin, William Castle, Henry Peakes, Edward Seguin, and H. Warren were in the cast. Bryant's minstrels came June 17 and stayed two weeks. Billy Sweatnam joined the company June 24, making his first appearance in New York. Bartley Campbell's "The Vigilantes" was first acted July i, with Rosa Rand, Estelle Mortimer, Alice Hastings, Louise Wells, Nina Crolius, Louis Aldrich, Wm. H. Leake, Charles Webster, M. C. Daly, and J. B. Ashton in the cast. The house closed July 6.

The next season began Aug. 26, 1878, with Mr. and Mrs. McKee Rankin in "The Danites." They remained two weeks, Louis Aldrich, Louis J. Mestayer, J. O. Sefton, Charles T. Parsloe, Jr., Lin Harris, Bessie Hunter, Emma Marble, and Maggie Arlington in the cast. Annie Pixley was advertised to make her New York debut Sept. 9 in "M'liss," but being en- joined, did not appear, and "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was acted for the week. Joseph K. Emmet Sen., in "Fritz," Sept. 16; Tony Pastor and company, Sept. 23, and the Florences, in " The Mighty Dollar," began two weeks' stay, Sept. 30. The play had this cast :

The Hon. Bardwell Slote Col. Tom Dart . . . . M. C. Daly

W. J. Florence Mrs. Gen'l Gilflory Charlie Brood . . . Frank E. Lamb Mrs. W. J. Florence

Roland Vance . . . Walter Dennis Clara Dart . . . Florence Noble

Arthur Lemaitre . . . Harry Dalton Blanche Mossthorne . Nellie Whiting

Lord Cairgorme . . W. J. Ferguson Libby Ray .... Josephine Baker

Maggie Mitchell began a two weeks' engagement Oct. 14, in "Fanchon." "The Pearl of Savoy" was played Oct. 28. The Williamsons returned Nov. 4 in " Struck Oil " and " The Chinese Question," which continued the bill for three weeks. " Yulie or Kindes-Liebe " was done by the Williamsons Nov. 25. "Our Boarding House " was acted for two weeks, commencing Dec. 2. John E. McCullough returned Dec. 16 in "Coriolanus," Katharine


Rogers supporting him. This tragedy held the stage for two weeks, followed, Dec. 30, by Boucicault as Conn in "The Shaughraun," for three weeks. In the cast were Ada Dyas, A. C. Dacre, J. A. Kennedy, Vincent Hogan, Joseph A. Wilks, John Matthews, Ben Maginley, Kate Gerard, Helen Houghton, Mrs. Boudinot, Mrs. Sol Smith, and Mrs. Wm. Scallan.

"The Colleen Bawn " was produced Jan. 20, 1879, and ran three weeks. Joaquin Millers's "Mexico" introduced Elizabeth von Stamwitz Feb. 10, for two weeks. This lady played " Leah," Feb. 24, supported by J. B. Studley. John T. Raymond came March 3 as Colonel Sellers, supported by J. M. Hardie, Sol Smith, Frank Tannehill, Laura Don, Courtney Barnes (daughter of Rose Eytinge, and afterwards wife of John T. Raymond), and Mrs. Sol Smith. Fred Williams' and Dr. F. A. Harris' play, "My Son," was produced March 10. Mark Smith was specially engaged for the cast, which also included Edeson, Agnes Elliott, Laura Don, Nellie Boyd, Mrs. Sol Smith, and John T. Raymond. "A Cele- brated Case " returned here March 17. E. K. Collier, Edwin Varrey, James W. Collier, William Thorne, E. L. Tilton, Emily Baker, Emma Markley, Mary Maddern, Emma Skerrett, Laura Bascomb, Bessie Turner, and Eva French were in the cast.

Frank Mayo began an engagement March 24, of two weeks, in "Davy Crockett;" April 7, "The Streets of New York" was played. Edward Lamb, Harold Fosberg, W. H. Lytell, John Clinton Hall, Josephine Laurens, Florence Noble, and Mary Barker were in the cast. Fanny Davenport appeared April 14 in "Pique." Charles Fisher, Edwin Price, Harry Hawk, Geo. F. Devere, John C. Walsh, Minnie Monck, Cora Tanner, Ada Rehan, and Frankie Kemble were in the cast. Helena Modjeska was seen April 28, in " Camille, " for one week, and " East Lynne " was played for one week. Tony Pastor and company commenced the summer season May 12. Boucicault was seen May 19 as Shaun the Post, in "Arrah Na Pogue," John Brougham acting his original char- acter of Col. O' Grady; Katharine Rogers was Fanny Power; EUie Wilton, Arrah; Joseph Wilks, Harry S. Duffield, James Taylor, and Mrs. Sol Smith were also in the cast. "Arrah Na Pogue" was played the following week, and for his closing night. May 31, Mr. Boucicault acted in "Kerry" and "Arrah Na Pogue."

The Park Theatre company appeared June 2 in "Engaged." Agnes Booth, Minnie Palmer, Sydney Cowell, Marie Chester, Mrs. G. H. Gilbert, James Lewis, Joseph Whiting, William F. Owen, Thomas G. Riggs, and William Cullington were in the cast. The season closed June 14. Catherine Marco (daughter of Mark Smith) made her first appearance here at a Sunday even- ing (April 27) concert with Gilmore's band. She reappeared in this city in May, 1888, at Wallack's Theatre (Thirtieth Street and




Broadway) with the McCaull opera company in " The Lady or the Tiger?"

This house reopened Aug. 25, 1879, with Joseph Murphy in "Kerry Gow," which had this cast:

Dan O'Hara . .

Serg. Bull . . .

O'Drive . . .

Major Gruff . .

Patrick Drew . .

Raymond Drew . Capt. Basil Sidney

Jos. Murphy

. F. J. Traynor

Luke Martin

H. Rees Davis

A. A. Armstrong

. Will A. Sands

Walter Bronson

Valentine Hay Dennis Doyle . Alice Doyle . Boy Bill . . Officer . . . Norah Drew .

J. Winston Murray . John S. Murphy Charline Weidman . . Belle Dickson R. Honey wood Emmie Wilmot

The Emma Abbott English opera company, consisting of Emma Abbott, Marie Stone, Zelda Seguin, Pauline Marcel, Tom Karl, Walter Temple, A. E. Stoddard, W. H. McDonald, Ellis Ryse, Edward Seguin, William Castle, Caryl Florio, musical director; Arthur Tams, stage manager, were heard Sept. 8, in "Paul and Virginia" its first production in New York. "The Bohemian Girl" was sung Sept. 15, with Edward Seguin (first appearance here) as Devilshoof, Tom Karl as Thaddeus, and Emma Abbott as Arline. Tony Pastor's company opened Sept. 22, followed, Sept. 29, by the Florences in "The Mighty Dollar," who stayed two weeks. Then came Joseph Jefferson in "Rip Van Winkle," Oct. 13, who also remained two weeks. Fanny Davenport was seen in " Pique " Oct. 27. Sunday evening Patrick S. Gilmore gave a concert, at which Victor Capoul and Cora Ellis appeared. Miss Ellis was announced as sixteen years old, and it was her first ap- pearance in public as a pianist. Nov. 3 " As You Like It " was produced, and Fanny Davenport closed Nov. 8, with "London Assurance" and "Oliver Twist."

Edwin Booth first appeared here Nov. 10 in "Hamlet." Gus. Levick, John Ellsler, L. M. McCormack, Charles Harkinson, Geo. O. Morris, John Daily, John Matthews, Louis Barrett, Kate Meek, Louise Muldener, and Kate Williams were in his company. Matinee, Nov. 15, "Hamlet;" evening, "Ruy Bias" and "Tam- ing of the Shrew," Booth in both plays. He acted "Hamlet" week of Nov. 17; matinee, Nov. 22, "Ruy Bias;" evening, "Hamlet." Week of Nov. 24, "Othello," Frederic Robinson alternating the r61es of lago and Othello with Mr. Booth as fol- lows: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday matin6e. Booth as lago, Robinson as Othello; the other nights Booth acted Othello to Robinson's lago. On Thanksgiving Day, an extra matinee was given, when Booth acted "Don Caesar," and in the evening, "Othello."

"Richelieu" was played Dec. i, 3, 4, matinee Dec. 6. Marion Booth, niece of Edwin Booth, appeared matin6e Dec. 3 as Kath- arina in "Taming of the Shrew." "The Merchant of Venice"


was acted Dec. 5, and "The Fool's Revenge," evening Dec. 6. E. A. Sothern came Dec. 8, in " Our American Cousin ; " "The Crushed Tragedian" was done Dec. 15, 16, 17; "David Garrick," Dec. 18, 19, 20. Sothern presented "Dundreary's Brother Sam " and " Dundreary Married and Settled " the week of Dec. 22. Frank Mayo was seen in "The Streets of New York" Dec. 29, and was followed Jan. 5, 1880, by Mr. and Mrs. McKee Rankin in " The Danites," who stayed two weeks. They were sup- ported by William E. Sheridan, Cora Tanner, Isabel Waldron, Emma Marble, Frank Budworth, William B. Murray, Jerry Stevens, and Lin Harris. " The New Magdalen " was presented Jan. 19, with Ada Cavendish as Mercy Merrick. This was con- tinued for one week. Samuel Piercy was the chief support.

A matinee performance, given Jan. 22, was for the benefit of the starving women and children in Ireland. Lady performers only appeared. Celia Logan and Mrs. Cynthia Leonard (mother of Lillian Russell) were managers. The ushers were all ladies, including Lillie Eldridge, Alice Chandos, Mrs. T. Allston Brown, and others.

Ada Cavendish commenced her second and last week on Jan. 26, with " Lady Clancarty," which was repeated the three following evenings and matinees. For her benefit, Jan. 30, she acted Juliet to Samuel Piercy's Romeo. Lester Wallack returned here Feb. 2 in "Rosedale," and continued until Tuesday, Feb. 24, when he acted for the rest of the week in " My Awful Dad. " This he fol- lowed March i with " A Scrap of Paper. " J. K. Emmet began a four weeks' engagement March 8 in "Fritz in Ireland." Maggie Mitchell came April 5, supported by William Harris, in "Fan- chon," and repeated it April 12, 13; "Little Barefoot," April 14, 15; for her benefit, April 16, "Jane Eyre," also April 17. An- other benefit for the Relief Fund for the suffering poor of Ire- land, under the auspices of the various managers of the New York and Brooklyn theatres, took place St. Patrick's day, matinee, March 17. The following is a list of the theatres that gave these matinee entertainments, and the receipts at each house: Grand Opera House, Joseph K. Emmet and company, ^900.50; Theatre Comique, Harrigan and Hart, $604; Wallack's, "How She Loves Him," ;jSS9i.S0; Union Square Theatre, "False Friend," $320.50; Frank Mayo's Olympic, "Ticket of Leave Man," $168.25; Daly's, "The Royal Middy," $165; Madison Square Theatre, "Hazel Kirke," $149.25; Miner's Variety Theatre (Bowery), $124; Stand- ard Theatre, Rice's "Surprise Party," $106; San Francisco min- strels, $60. 50; American Variety Theatre (Aberle's), $41 ; Madison Square Garden, Gilmore's concerts, $1,000; Brooklyn Park Theatre, Mary Anderson, $731, making the receipts $4,961.25. To this add previous amounts donated to the Fund, individually, $3,405,




and by benefits at various theatres in Boston, Washington, St. Louis, Cleveland, Baltimore, Albany, Newark, and several other minor theatres, amounting to $11,087.98; making a grand total of $19,454.14.

John T. Raymond appeared here April 19, as Ichabod Crane in "Wolfert's Roost," and for the week of April 26, Mr. Raymond acted Col. Sellers.

Samuel Colville's burlesque company, with Emme Roseau, Ella Chapman, Kate Everleigh, Rose Leighton (Mrs. Gus Kerker), Carrie McHenry, R. E. Graham, and others were seen May 3 in "The Magic Slipper." "Ill Treated II Trovatore" was played May 10, with Miss Roseau as Manrico. Tony Pastor and his combination commenced May 17, followed by James A. Heme in " Hearts of Oak," for two weeks. The season closed June 5. The house reopened June 21, with Pat Rooney and his company of variety performers.

Thomas Lester Donnelly died at Babylon, L. I., July 3, 1880. He travelled for several years with the Worrell Sisters, acting female r61es in burlesque. The widow of Mr. Donnelly con- tinued the partnership with Mr. Poole until May 31, 1882. Mrs. Donnelly died March 17, 1888.

The next regular season commenced Aug. 23, 1880, with J. K. Emmet in "Fritz in Ireland." John T. Raymond came Sept. 6 in "The Gilded Age." Ada Cavendish appeared Sept. 13. She played Mercy Merrick in " The New Magdalen " the first week, and for the second week played "The Soul of an Actress," sup- ported by Geo. Boniface. The play had this cast :

Josephine .... Ada Cavendish Gaston Lenoir . . . Hugh Fuller

Domestic Miss Dickens

The Chevalier Maurice de

Crevecoeur . . . . G. C. Boniface Charles de Moncrief, James F. Hagan Prince de Rohan . . . E. A. Eberle

Gerald Fitz Gerald . Harry Harwood Henri de Soubise . . J. H. Miller

Madelon Mrs. Harwood

Mimi Sara Stevens

Countess . . . Mrs. E. A. Eberle Julie Laura Bascomb

Tony Pastor and his company were seen Sept. 27, and were fol- lowed, Oct. 4, for two weeks, by Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Knight, in "Otto." H. B. Mahn's opera company were heard Oct. 18, in "Boccaccio," and stayed three weeks. "Fatinitza" was sung Nov. 5, for Jennie Winston's benefit. Herrmann, the magician, came Nov. 8 ; Joseph Jefferson was seen in " Rip Van Winkle " Nov. 15, and continued two weeks; Maggie Mitchell appeared in "Fanchon" week of Nov. 29; Dec. 6 she played "Jane Eyre;" matinee Dec. 8, "Little Barefoot." Annie Pixley began an en- gagement Dec. 13, in "M'liss," supported by John E. McDonough, as Yuba Bill. She remained two weeks, and was followed Dec. 27 by Mr. and Mrs. McKee Rankin, in "The Danites," for two


weeks. Gus Williams came Jan. lo, 1881, for two weeks, in "Our German Senator." Lester Wallack began a three weeks' engagement Jan. 24, in " Ours. " A performance took place after- noon, Jan. 26, for the benefit of Frank Whittaker.

Lester Wallack continued week Feb. 14, in "Rosedale. " "The Banker's Daughter" came Feb. 21, followed for two weeks by Den. Thompson in "Joshua Whitcomb." Lawrence Barrett acted "Richelieu" March 14, and matinee March 16; "Yorick's Love," March 16, 17, and matinee March 23; " Julius Caesar, " March 18, 19; "Hamlet," March 21, 22; "The Merchant of Venice" and "David Garrick," March 23, 24; "The Lady of Lyons," matinee March 26; " Richard IH.," March 25, 26. J. K. Emmet came here March 28, for three weeks, in "Fritz in Ireland." Joseph Murphy returned April 18 with " Kerry Gow," and April 25, " Shaun Rhue." Fanny Davenport came back with "Pique," commencing May 2; Alice and Louis Harrison gave "Photos " May 9; Tony Pastor and com- pany were seen May 16; "Evangeline," May 23, and the season closed the week of May 30, with "A Child of the State."

The next season began Aug. 15, 1881, with "The Banker's Daughter," which stayed two weeks. Among those in the cast were: Joseph Whiting, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walcot, W. S. Daboll, Edward L. Tilton, Joseph A. Wilkes, Archie Cowper, Adele Belgarde, and Rose Graham. "My Partner" was the at- traction for two weeks, commencing Aug. 29. Louis Aldrich and Charles T. Parsloe were the stars. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Knight came Sept. 12 for two weeks, it being their first appearance in America since their European tour. " Baron Rudolph " was the play. Julian Magnus, Alfred Becks, Lysander Thompson, James Dunn, Maud Granger, Ida Vernon, Mrs. M. A. Farren, Ida Jeffreys, and Virginia Buchanan were in the cast.

Tony Pastor returned Sept. 26, for one week, with his company, followed by Emma Abbott's English opera company in "Fra Diavolo," Oct. 3; they sang "Martha," Oct. 4; matinee Oct. 5, and evening Oct. 6, "Olivette;" "Lucia, the Bride of Lam- mermoor," Oct. 7; matinee Oct. 8, "Maritana;" evening, "The Bohemian Girl ; " " Olivette " was presented Oct. 10, 1 1, matinee and evening, Oct. 13; "The Bohemian Girl" and last act of "Olivette," Oct. 14; "The Chimes of Normandy" was given matinee Oct. 15; evening, "Faust." John T. Raymond com- menced Oct. 17 in A. C. Gunter's "Fresh, the American." Lotta came Oct. 31 in "Musette." Louis and Alice Harrison, with "Photos," Nov. 7, followed Nov. 14 and 21 by Joseph Jef- ferson in "Rip Van Winkle." Lester Wallack commenced a fortnight's stay Nov. 28, with "Rosedale." Herrmann and his specialty troupe, including the Lorellas, Dec. 12. Annie Pixley came Dec. 19 for two weeks in "M'liss." "The Danicheffs" was




presented Jan. 2, 1882, with James O'Neill, Walden Ramsay, Owen S. Fawcett, H. F. Daly, and others in the cast.

Mr. and Mrs. McKee Rankin began a two weeks' engagement Jan. 9, in "Forty-nine." "A Child of the State" was done Jan. 23, with James M. Hardie, Geo. Hoey, Mark M. Price, H. Rees Davies, Signorina Majeroni, Emma Pierce, Mrs. J. J. Prior, and Eva Barker in the cast. Mary Anderson, supported by J. B. Studley, William Harris, and others, acted " Romeo and Juliet " Jan. 30, 31. "The Bells" was played matinee Feb. i, with J. B. Studley as Mathias; "Ingomar" was played Feb. i, 2; "Evadne," Feb. 3, 4; "Pygmalion and Galatea," matinee Feb. 4; "The Lady of Lyons," Feb, 6; "Evadne," Feb. 7; "Pygma- lion and Galatea," matinee and evening, Feb. 8; "The Daughter of Roland" was produced Feb. 10, 11; matinee, Feb. 11, Miss Anderson played Pauline in "The Lady of Lyons." Denman Thompson commenced Feb. 13 in "Joshua Whitcomb," and con- tinued two weeks. Maggie Mitchell acted in " Fanchon " Feb. 27, 28, and March i; "Jane Eyre," March 2, 3, 4; "Pearl of Savoy," March 6, 7, and matinee March 8 ; and the rest of the second week, " Pearl of Savoy." The new play, " The Little Savage," was done March 13. L. R. Shewell, and R. Fulton Russell were in the com- pany. "The World " was seen March 20, and stayed two weeks.

A benefit for the Actors' Fund was given matinee, April 3, at the following theatres: Booth's, Abbey's Park Theatre (Twenty- second Street and Broadway), Daly's, Germania (the Star), Har- rigan & Hart's, Miner's Bowery and Eighth Avenue theatres, Madison Square Theatre, San Francisco minstrels. Standard, Tony Pastor's, Union Square, Wallack's, and Grand Opera House, also the Brooklyn theatres. The performance at this house con- sisted of Clara Morris in "Article 47," with A. Salvini, Walden Ramsay, Welsh Edwards, H. A. Weaver, Owen S. Fawcett, G. S. Robinson, Julian Magnus, W. Morse, Clifton Stuart, Robert War- ren, H. W. Montgomery, Thos. E. Morris, W. S. Quigley, John Swinburne, Clara Morris, Virginia Buchanan, Eleanor Carey, Mollie Revel, McKee, and Abbott in the cast. The tickets were $1 each, which admitted to any one of the above-mentioned theatres.

" Our Boarding House " was played here April 3, and stayed one week. It had this cast :

Joseph . Elevator Walter . Waltham Clarence Dr. Shouter Gregarious Mrs. Dalrymple

Leonard Grover . W. H. Lytell . J. C. Burrows Geo. W. Farren C. B. Burlap, Jr. J. M. Burke Leonard Grover, Jr. Virginia Buchanan

Annie .... Blanche Mortimer

Betty Nannie Egberts

Jack Julius Kahn

Maria .... Mrs. Fred Williams

Beatrice Mattie Earle

Florence .... Fanny Gonzales Violet Helen Ransom


Joseph Murphy, with "Kerry Gow," came the week of April 10, and was followed, April 17, by J. K. Emmet in "Fritz in Ireland" for three weeks. Fanny Davenport was seen as Lady Teazle in "The School for Scandal," May 8, 9; matinde, May 10, for the benefit of the Actors' Fund. " Leah " was played May 10, ii ; "London Assurance" and "Oliver Twist," May 12; matinee. May 13, "Lady of Lyons," and in the evening the bill of May 12 was repeated. Geo. Clarke, Charles Fisher, and Frederick Paulding were in Miss Davenport's company. Tony Pastor com- menced May 15, followed by Willie Edouin's company in "Dreams, or Bink's Photograph Gallery," from May 22 to May 31, when the season closed, and John F. Poole retired from the management.

The house was reopened Aug. 28, 1882, by Henry E. Abbey as manager, W. W. Tillotson, acting manager, with Shook & Collier's travelling company for two weeks, in "The Lights o' London." Clara Morris appeared Sept. ii in "Miss Multon;" Sept. 13 the Bijou Theatre opera company sang "Olivette," with Selina Dolaro as the heroine. "The World" began Sept. 18 and stayed for two weeks. The Strakosch English opera company appeared Oct. 2 in "The Bohemian Girl," with Katherine von Arnhem (first ap- pearance in English opera) as Arline, Zelda Seguin as the Queen, Perugini as Thaddeus, Geo. Sweet as Devilshoof, and Arthur Bowers as Florestein.

Lawrence P. Barrett appeared Oct. 9 in "Yorick's Love;" "Marble Heart," matinde, Oct. 11; evening, Oct. 11, "Ham- let ;" Oct. 12, "Richelieu;" Oct. 13, "The Merchant of Venice" and "David Garrick;" Oct. 14, "Richelieu." Gus Williams came Oct. 16, for one week, in "John Mishler." The Florences returned here Oct. 23 in "The Ticket of Leave Man," which kept the stage two weeks, and was followed, Nov. 13, by "The Mighty Dollar." "Patience" was sung matinee, Nov. 15, by the Bijou Theatre opera company. Joseph Jefferson returned Nov. 20, for two weeks in "Rip Van Winkle." Lotta was seen in "Zip," Dec. 4; matinee, Dec. 6, "The Sorcerer," by the Bijou company. Matinde, Dec. 7, was for the benefit of the B. P. O. Elks. " Musette " was produced by Lotta Dec. 1 1, for one week. Matinee, Dec. 13, "The Sorcerer," by Bijou company. Dec. 18, for two weeks, Lotta, in " The Little Detective ; " matinee, Dec. 20, " The Sorcerer. "

The Florences were seen here Jan. i, 1883, in "The Mighty Dollar," which was repeated Jan. 2, 3, 6; matinees, Jan. i and 3, "Dombey and Son;" evening, Jan. 4, 5, "The Ticket of Leave Man." Clara Morris was seen here Jan. 8, in "The New Mag- dalen." John T. Raymond began a two weeks' engagement, Jan. 15, with "In Paradise."




Annie Pixley appeared Jan. 29 in "M'liss," and continued a second week, producing Fred Marsden's new play, "Zara." Den- man Thompson returned Feb. 12, in "Joshua Whitcomb." McKee Rankin followed Feb. 19, in "Forty-nine." "The Streets of New York" was revived Feb, 26, with Frank Mayo as Badger. Lawrence P. Barrett acted March 5, 8, " Richelieu ; " March 6, " Don Caesar de Bazan ; " March 7, " Hamlet ; " March 9, and matinee March 10, "Yorick's Love;" and March 10, "Julius Csesar. " Edwin F. Thome and Nat Goodwin commenced March 12, in "The Black Flag." "The Corsican Brothers" followed March 19, with F. C. Bangs as the twin brothers. "The Romany Rye" came March 26, and had this cast:

Jack Heme Joe Heckett Mrs. Curley Dimily Lee Sol Lee . . Boss Knivett Edward Marsden Goliath Lee . . Kiomi Lee >

Mother Shipton |

Robert B. Mantell . F. F. Mackay . Angle Griffiths . Maggie Dean Frank Dean Chas. W. Butler Randolph Murray F. A. Tannehill

. Octavia Allen

Gertie Heckett Phillip Royston Ginger Bill . Laura Lee . Mrs. Knivett Jabez Duck Scragger . David . . Keziah . . Adrian . .

. . Fannie Reeves

Chas. Rockwell

. Winston Murray

Gussie de Forrest

Mrs. F. A. Tannehill

L. T. Lovering

. O. B. Collins

. . P. Nannary

. . Bertha Foy

. Marie Sheldon

Mary Anderson appeared April 2, 10, 14, in " Romeo and Juliet; " "TheDaughterof Roland," April II, 12; " Pygmalion and Galatea," April 13, and matinee April 14. J. B. Studley and Robert L. Downing were in her company. A matinee benefit, April 12, was for the Actors' Fund. Mary Anderson acted Parthenia in " Ingo- Performances were also given this afternoon in aid of this


fund, as follows : Bijou Theatre, Neil Burgess, in " Vim ; " Casino, Maurice Grau company; Cosmopolitan, "White Slave;" Aug. Daly's, " Seven Twenty-eight ; " Mount Morris, "Only a Farmer's Daughter;" Madison Square, "A Russian Honeymoon;" Niblo's, John E. McCuUough's company; Standard, Salsbury's Trouba- dours, "Greenroom Fun;" San Francisco Minstrel Hall, Willie Edouin, "Bunch of Keys;" Star, Boucicault, in "The Shau- ghraun;" Thalia, German company; Union Square, Charles Wyndham company, in "Brighton;" Windsor, "The Profes- sor;" Bamum's Circus, Theatre Comique, and Tony Pastor's; also Brooklyn Theatre, and houses in various other cities. Mary Anderson continued a third week as follows: "Love," April 16; "The Hunchback," April 17, 18; "Pygmalion and Galatea," matinee April 18; "The Lady of Lyons," April 19; "Ingomar," April 20, matinee April 21; "Fazio," evening, April 21. Louis Aldrich and Charles T. Parsloe came in "My Partner," April 23, for one week. Maggie Mitchell returned in " Fanchon," April 30,

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May I, 2, and matinee May 5; "Lorle," matinee May 2, even- ings May 3, 4; "Little Barefoot," May 5; "Jane Eyre," May 7, 8, matinee May 9; "The Little Savage," May 10, and matinee May 12; "Fanchon," May 11 ; "The Pearl of Savoy," May 12.

The Kiralfy Bros, produced "The Black Crook" May 14, with De Rosa and Mile. Asteggranio as premieres danseuses, the Gar- nella Bros., the Martens Family, and Duncan, ventriloquist, as specialty performers. Clara Morris appeared May 21, in "Article 47 ; " matinee. May 23, Annie Ward Tiffany acted Lady Isabel in "East Lynne." Clara Morris closed matinee. May 26. In the evening a benefit for the attaches of the house was given, and Annie Ward Tiffany acted in "The Child Stealer." Mestayer's Tourists came May 28, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Knight and Will Bray in the company. Callender's minstrels were heard weeks of June 4-1 1, and the house closed June 16. Manager Abbey introduced a novel entertainment June 25, 26, by the Continental Guards of New Orleans, La., in a series of tableaux representing the principal scenes and incidents of the War of the Revolution, from the Battle of Lexington, in 1775, to the sur- render of Cornwallis, in 1781.

The regular season commenced Aug. 25, 1883, with "The Lights o' London;" Sept. 3, "Her Atonement;" Sept. 10, "Greenroom Fun;" Sept. 17-24, "The Silver King;" Oct. i, the Florences in "Facts, or His Little Hatchet," by Geo. Jessop and William Gill; Oct. 8, the Florences in "Eileen Oge;" Oct. 15, the Flor- ences in "The Mighty Dollar;" Oct. 17, "Dombey and Son." Annie Pixley came Oct. 22 in "Zara," and Oct. 29, "M'liss;" Nov. s, "The Silver King;" Nov. 12, " The White Slave ; " Nov. 19, Janauschek in " Bleak House ; " Nov. 20, " Mary Stuart ; " matinee Nov. 21, "Mother and Son;" evening, Nov. 21, "Marie Antoinette;" Nov. 22, "Mariana," Nov. 23, "Zillah, the Hebrew Mother;" matinee, Nov. 24, "Mary Stuart." Janauschek closed Nov. 24, with "BJeak House."

Gus Williams, with "One of the Finest," was seen week of Nov. 26. Roland Reed and "Cheek" the week Dec. 3; Kate Claxton in "The Two Orphans," week Dec. 10; William J. Scanlan in "Friend and Foe," Dec. 17. The Madison Square Theatre travelling company commenced Dec. 24, in "Hazel Kirke."

L. P. Barrett and company, with Louis James as leading man, began Jan. 7, 1884, for two weeks, in "Francesca da Rimini." N. C. Goodwin and wife, Jan. 21, in "Those Bells" and "Hob- bies;" Jan. 28, Sol Smith Russell was seen as Tom Dilloway, in "Edgewood Folks;" Feb. 4, "Esmeralda, or Young Folks' Ways;" Feb. II, " Stormbeaten ; " Feb. 18, "The Rajah" was played, with this cast :




The Rajah H. M. Pitt

Gladys Rillie Deaves

Richard J. O. Barrows

Buttons Geo. Bruening

Emilia Jekyl . . . Marion Elmore

Cragin Dominick Murray

Mrs. Pringle DoUie Pike

Joseph Jekyl ... E. M. Holland Job Jekyl Hal. Warren

John T. Raymond appeared Feb. 25, for one week, in "For Con- gress;" Robson and Crane came March 3, in "Sharps and Flats," Robson as Cutler Sharp, W. H. Crane as Dullstone Flat. These comedians continued March 10 in "Our Boarding House," Robson as Gillypod, Crane as Elevator. James A. Heme was seen March 17 in "Hearts of Oak." March 24 the Madison Square Theatre company presented "Young Mrs. Winthrop," with Ada Dyas, Edward J. Buckley, William H. Gillette, Enid Leslie, Fannie Reeves, Edwin Arden, Jean Clara Walters and Frank Colfax in the cast. "Pique" was played the week March 31, with Agnes Booth as Mabel Renfrew. " In the Ranks " was seen April 7 ; " The Silver King," April 14; M. B. Curtis in "Samuel of Posen," April 21; Joseph Murphy in "Kerry Gow," April 28; "Siberia," May S; and Lester Wallack's company, May 12, in "Lady Clare." Osmond Tearle, Charles Glenney, Buckstone, Harry Gwynette, Effie Germon, Rose Coghlan, Livingston, Mrs. Sol Smith, and Blais- dell were in the cast. Tony Pastor and combination came May 19; Barry and Fay in "Irish Aristocracy," May 26; "The Stran- glers of Paris," June 2, and the season closed June 7.

The house reopened Aug. 16, 1884, with "The White Slave;" Aug. 2S,"Stormbeaten;" Sept. i, "Separation;" Sept. 8, "The Silver King," with Fred de Belleville, Eleanor Carey, and John W. Jennings in the cast; Sept. 15, "Pulse^ of New York," with Geo. Clarke, Gerald Eyre, Frank Rose, F. C. Cramer, L. F. Massen, Joseph Frankau, Caroline Hill (Mrs. Herbert Kelcey), and Helen Ottolengui in the company. On Sept. 22, " Hoop of Gold " was seen for the first time in this city ; Sept. 29, Kate Claxton in "Sea of Ice;" Oct. 6, "Hazel Kirke," with Charles W. Couldock, De Wolf Hopper, William Morris, Chas. Edmonds, Mrs. Edward L. Davenport, and Sydney Cowell in the principal r61es. "Her Atonement" was seen Oct. 13, and Oliver Doud Byron was seen in " Across the Continent " Oct. 20.

R. E. J. Miles and Barton's Bijou opera company were heard Oct. 27 in "Orpheus and Eurydice;" Marie Vanoni, Adelaide Langdon, Daisy Murdoch, Lillie Alliston, Harry Pepper, Harry Davenport, Belle Urquhart, Jennie McNulty, Louis de Lange, and Henry Leoni were in the company. "Moths" was given week of Nov. 3 by Wallack's Theatre company; Nov. 10, "A Bunch of Keys," by Willie Edouin and Frank Sanger's company; "Shadows of a Great City" came Nov. 17. A benefit for the B. P. O. Elks occurred matinee Nov. 17, and


the attractions were : Henry Irving and company in " Louis XI. ; " Union Square Theatre company in "French Flats," "Shadows of a Great City ; " Oliver Doud Byron in " Hero ; " Thompson's' opera company in "The Beggar Student," "Bunch of Keys;" Evans and Hoey in "A Parlor Match;" "Her Atonement" company, Harry E. Dixey, Kate Davis, Harrigan and Hart, Hilda Thomas, and the Olympic quartet. " Called Back " was played the week of Nov. 24, with Robert Mantell, W. J. Ferguson, C. P. Flockton, Bessie Cameron, and others in the cast. Harrison and Gourlay came Dec. i, with " Skipped by the Light of the Moon ; " Dec. 8, Minnie Maddern in "Caprice;" Dec. 15, John T. Raymond in "For Congress." Raymond continued Dec. 22, 23, 24, in "In Paradise;" matinee, Dec. 25, and the rest of the week as Colonel Mulberry Sellers. " Called Back " returned Dec. 29. Jacques Kruger and company appeared in "Dreams," Jan. 5, 1885; Lotta was seen, Jan. 12, in "Mam'zelle Nitouche ; " Jan. 19, "Michael Strogoff " came ; Jan. 26 N. C. Goodwin played in " Confusion " and "Those Bells, or Mathias Irving;" Feb. 2 Gus Williams re- turned in "Capt. Mishler;" Feb. 9, Salsbury Troubadours were seen in "Three of a Kind." Matinde, Feb. 12, Nelse Waldron, the theatrical machinist, took a benefit.

Maggie Mitchell appeared as Fanchon Feb. 16, 17, 18, and in " Little Barefoot " the rest of the week. Robson and Crane did "Forbidden Fruit," Feb. 23, 24, 25, and matinees Feb. 23, 25: Robson as Cato Dave, Crane as Sergeant Buster. They fin- ished the week with "The Cherubs." Louis Aldrich came in "My Partner," March 2, followed, March 9, by Fanny Davenport in " Fedora," with Harry Lee as leading man ; Joseph Murphy came March 16, with "Shaun Rhue;" "May Blossom," March 23, by the Madison Square Theatre travelling company, consisting of Georgia Cayvan, Joseph Wheelock, Benj. Maginley, Forrest Rob- inson, W. H. Crompton, Nick Long, Bijou Fernandez, and others. March 30, "Shadows of a Great City;" April 6, Hanlon's "Fan- tasma" was seen; April 13, "A Rag Baby;" April 20, "One Touch of Nature" and "Three Wives to One Husband" were done; April 27 Evans & Hoey's company came, in "A Parlor Match."

"Siberia" was played May 4, followed. May 11, by "The Private Secretary;" May 18, " Victor Durand ; " May 25, " Skipped by the Light of the Moon. " Rose Coghlan opened June i in " Our Joan," with this cast :

Joan Travenna Martin Travenna Arthur Meredith, Captain Brandon .

. . Rose Coghlan Harry Edwards

Nelson Wheatcroft Archie Cowper

George Travenna Joe Pengelly . . Alice Pengelly Lady Ruth Burnay

. George Paxton

Dan Leeson

. Helen Russell

Florence Worth

Ada Gray began a two weeks' engagement June 8, in "East Lynne," and the season terminated June 20.




The house reopened Aug. 24, with "A Brave Woman," played by James M. Hardie & Sara von Leer's company, followed by Shook & Collier's " Stormbeaten " company, Aug. 31; "A Pris- oner for Life "was seen Sept. 7; "Michael Strogoff," Sept. 14; "Shadows of a Great City," Sept. 21; "A Parlor Match," Sept. 28; "Alone in London," Oct. 5. Mme. Janish appeared in "Anselma" Oct. 12; Annie Pixley was seen in "M'liss," Oct. ig, and in Fred Marsden's comedy drama, "Eily," Oct. 26. Fanny Davenport played in "Fedora," with Robert B. Mantell as leading man, Nov. 2 ; " A Bunch of Keys " was done Nov. 9. Maggie Mitchell in "Jane Eyre," Nov. 16, 17, matinee Nov. 18. Maggie Mitchell in "Lorle, or the Artist's Dream," Nov. 18, 19, and closed with "Fanchon," Nov. 20, matinee, and evening Nov. 21. "May Blossom " was presented week of Nov. 23, with Georgia Cayvan as the heroine. Kate Claxton came with "The Two Orphans," Nov. 30; Marie Aim6e, in "Mam'zelle," Dec. 7; "Her Atonement" was seen Dec. 14; Johnson & Slavin's minstrels, Dec. 21; Gus Williams in "Oh, What a Night!" Dec. 28.

T. Henry French became lessee and manager Nov. 23. Jan. 4, 1886, Janauschek appeared in "Zillah." Sol Smith Russell was seen in "Felix McCusick," Jan. 11; N. C. Goodwin, Jr., played in "The Skating Rink" Jan. 18; W. H. Gillette Jan. 25 in "The Private Secretary." "The Wages of Sin," was offered Feb. i; Feb. 8 was the return of N. C. Goodwin in "The Skating Rink." Robert Eraser took a benefit afternoon Feb. 11; Salsbury's Trou- badours came in "Three of a Kind" Feb. 15; James O'Neill, in "Monte Cristo," appeared Feb. 22. "A Rag Baby" was done March i ; "Alone in London, or Woman Against the World," with Cora Tanner as the star, was seen March 8 ; Den. Thompson, in "Joshua Whitcomb," March 15; "Over the Garden Wall," by Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Knight, March 22; Lotta came in "Nitouche" March 29 ; matinee, April 3, she was seen as Musette ; April S. 6, 7, in "The Little Detective;" April 8, 9, 10, her new play, "Odd Tricks," by Chas. A. Doremus, was produced, with this cast:

Tom Chuckster . . C. Dr. Montague Shelton . Lothario Fitz Eustace . Uncle Peterhill . . P Aunt Jemimah Popp

H. Bradshaw . Mr. Hatch . Mr. Parker A. Anderson Miss Turner

Bertie Esmond

Emma Hinckley

Laura Laurens Joe Barnard Tramp . . Mrs. Bernard Lil Bernard Terry . .

. . . . Lotta Bertie Coote . Mr. Mahoney Adelaide Eaton . Elsie Gerome . Herbert Astey

James C. Duff's opera company were heard April 12, in "The Mikado, " which had this cast :

Nanki Poo . . . Harry S. Hilliard Yum Yum .... Vernona Jarbeau Petti Sing .... Sallie Williams

Ko Ko J. H. Ryley

Poo Bah Thos. WhifEen

The Mikado .... Gus F. Hall

Katisha Zelda Seguin

Pish Tush .... Frances Gaillard Peep Bo Carrie Tutein


Effie Ellsler appeared April 19, in "Woman Against Woman." Robson and Crane played the Two Dromios in " The Comedy of Errors," for two weeks, commencing April 26. Joseph Murphy did " Kerry Gow " week May 10. Then came "The Black Crook," by the Kiralfy Bros, May 17. Lester Wallack and company acted May 24, 25, and matinee and evening May 26, in " Home " and "A Happy Pair; " May 27, 28, and matinee and evening May 29, "She Stoops to Conquer." This was the last time Lester Wal- lack ever appeared on the stage as an actor. The Madison Square Theatre company did "The Private Secretary," week of May 31; " The Streets of New York " was produced by Geo. C. Boniface June 7; Schonberg's play, "Not One Word," was seen June 14, when Katherine Ware made her d^but ; " The Sea of Ice " was played June 21, with Rose Lisle and Frederick Paulding as the stars. Pat Rooney and his variety company closed the season week of June 28.

The house reopened Aug. 23, with Johnson & Slavin's min- strels; F. B. Warde, with his travelling company, acted "Vir- ginius " Aug. 30-Sept. 3; "Julius Caesar," Aug. 31; "Ingomar," evening Sept. i ; "Richelieu," "Damon andPythias," Sept. 2;"The Lady of Lyons," matinee Sept. 4; evening Sept. 4 "Richard III. ;" "A Rag Baby" returned Sept. 6; "Sieba," by the Kiralfy Bros, company, Sept. 13; James Heme, in his drama "The Minute Man," Sept. 20; "Hoodman Blind," Sept. 27. The company was: Aug. Cook, Sidney Howard, Geo. Conway, Geo. J. Fleming, Matt. B. Snyder, Conway Carpenter, Norman Campbell, W. J. Leonard, Geo. McClellan, Sydney Armstrong, Mrs. Jennie Elberts, Bessie Bernard, Rose Snyder, Ollie Stoddard, and Little Amy. Tony Pastor and company commenced Oct. 4, when Steff and Trepp, Viennese grotesque comedians, made their American debut. Oct. II "A Parlor Match" came for one week. Conreid's opera com- pany produced "The Gypsy Baron" Oct. 18; Laura Bellini, Lydia O'Neil, Jacques Kruger, and Gus Hall were in the cast. Gen- evieve Ward acted " Forget Me Not " Oct. 25, 26, 27, 28.

The Actors' Fund took a benefit matinee Oct. 29; the attrac- tion was : " Forgiven " (second act), by Frederic Bryton and com- pany, Conreid opera company in the march from "The Gypsy Baron," N. C. Goodwin and Maud Harrison in the third act of "The Hunchback," Genevieve Ward and members of her com- pany in "Nance Oldfield; " May Fortescue and her company acted "Moths," Dockstader's minstrels gave a short programme, and Wilson Barrett appeared in his one-act play, "Chatterton," sup- ported by Miss Eastlake, George Barrett, the Misses Belmore and Clarke. Miss Ward and W. H. Vernon acted in "The Queen's Favorite" evenings Oct. 29, 30; Gus Williams returned Nov. i in "Oh, What a Night!" Nov. 8 "The Silver King" came;


Nov. 15, "A Bunch of Keys;" Conreid's opera company re- turned in " The Gypsy Baron " Nov. 22 ; " Shadows of a Great City " was seen Nov. 29 ; Kate Claxton and Sara Jewett in " The Two Orphans," Dec. 6; "Around the World in Eighty Days," Dec. 13; Oliver Doud Byron in "The Inside Track," Dec. 20; Annie Pixley, with "M'liss," Dec. 27; "Saints and Sinners," by the Madison Square Theatre company, Jan. 3, 1887; Thatcher, Primrose & West's minstrels were heard Jan. 10; Lillian Olcott was seen in "Theodora" Jan. 17; Joseph Haworth and "Hoodman Blind," Jan. 24; "Alone in London," Jan. 31; Mme. Janauschek acted "Bleak House" Feb. 7-10, matinde Feb. 12; "Mary Stuart," Feb. 8-1 1; "Mother and Son," matinee Feb. 9; "Marie Antoinette," evening Feb. 9; "Macbeth," evening Feb. 12; "Lights o' London " was played Feb. 14; James O'Neill came, in "Monte Cristo," Feb. 21; "A Tin Soldier," Feb. 28; "The Ratcatcher " was seen March 7 ; Wm. J. Scanlan, in " Shane na Lawn," March 14; "The Wages of Sin," March 21 ; Fanny Daven- port acted "Fedora" March 28, 31, matinees March 30, April 2; "The Lady of Lyons," March 29; "School for Scandal," April i; evening, April 2, "London Assurance" and "Oliver Twist." Frederic Bryton produced "Forgiven" April 4; "Held by the Enemy" was played April 11; "Hoodman Blind," April 18; Rice's company came, in "Evangeline," April 25, with Vernona Jarbeau and Geo. Thorne in the cast ; Joseph Jefferson played " Rip Van Winkle" week May 2; Prof. Herrmann, magician, May 9. Joseph Murphy acted "The Kerry Gow," May 16, 17, and matinee May 18. "The Donagh," May 18, 19, 20, and matinee and even- ing May 21 ; "The Black Crook " returned May 23; Rose Coghlan was seen in "Masks and Faces" May 30, supported by Osmond Tearle; "The Streets of New York" was done June 6, with Geo. C. Boniface and his daughter Stella in the leading parts; Edwin Mayo appeared June 13 in "Davy Crockett;" C. W. Couldock, June 20, in "Hazel Kirke;" Henry Chanfrau, June 27, as "Kit, the Arkansas Traveller ; " and with this the season closed.

The house reopened Aug. 22, 1887, with Newton Beers, in "Lost in London;" "Jim the Penman " was played by the Madi- son Square Theatre company, Aug. 29. Robert Downing was seen in "Spartacus," week Sept. 5; Marie Wainwright and Louis James acted "Virginius," Sept. 12, 16, 17; " Ingomar," Sept. 13; "Hamlet," Sept. 15; "Gretchen," matinee, Sept. 17. "The Lights o" London" returned Sept. 19; "Harbor Lights" began Sept. 26. and stayed a fortnight; Mr. and Mrs. McKee Rankin were seen in "The Golden Giant" Oct. 10; Clara Morris, in "Article 47," Oct. 17, 18; "New Magdalen," Oct. 19; "Ren^e" (Clinton Stuart's version of "Le Martyre"), for the first time m this city, Oct. 20, 21; and "Alixe," matinee and evening, Oct.


22. Thatcher, Primrose & West's minstrels returned Oct. 24; "A Bunch of Keys," Oct. 31; Annie Pixley, in "The Deacon's Daughter," Nov. 7; Fred Warde acted "Virginius" Nov. 14; "Galba," Nov. 15; "Virginius," matinee Nov. 16; evening Nov. 16, and matinee Nov. 19, "Gaston Cadol;" evening Nov. 19, "Richard IH. ;" "A Parlor Match" came back Nov. 21; and "Held by the Enemy," Nov. 28.

One of the largest audiences that ever gathered inside the Grand Opera House assembled the afternoon of Dec. i, for the Actors' Fund benefit. The performance began at one o'clock, and for four hours the audience was delighted with one of the most noteworthy performances ever given in this city. Among those who took part were Henry Irving and his company, Ed. Harrigan's com- pany, Joseph Jefferson, Mrs. John Drew, Mrs. J. Brown Potter, and numerous others. The receipts amounted to $3,156.75, the largest sum ever received up to this date by the Fund at a benefit.

Joseph Jefferson and "Rip Van Winkle" came here the week Dec. 5; Mrs. Langtry followed Dec. 12, in "As In a Looking Glass," for two weeks; Nat Goodwin did "Turned Up" and "Lend Me Five Shillings," Dec. 26. Gus Williams appeared Jan. 2, 1888, in "Keppler's Fortune." Jan. 9, the Florences began a week's stay, and acted in "Husband Hunting," "Dombey and Son," "The Mighty Dollar," and "The Flirt." Kate Claxton returned Jan. 16, in "The Two Orphans;" Jan. 23 Oliver Doud Byron came, in " The Inside Track ; " Jan. 30, Fanny Davenport in "Fedora," for the week, except matinee Feb. i, when "The Lady of Lyons " was acted ; Feb. 6 Richard Mansfield played " Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," all the week, except matinee and night, Feb. 8, when "A Parisian Romance" was presented. Cora Tanner and "Alone in London" were seen week of Feb. 13; James O'Neill and "Monte Cristo" came Feb. 20; Frank Mayo and "Royal Guards," Feb. 27; "Harbor Lights," March 5; W. J. Scanlan in "Shane na Lawn," March 12; "Hoodman Blind," March 19, with Fred de Belleville and Viola Allen in the leading r61es ; March 26, "Evangeline;" April 2, Minnie Palmer, in "My Sweetheart;" April 9, Thatcher, Primrose & West's minstrels; April 16, James C. Duff's Comic opera company, in "Dorothy." In the cast, be- sides Lillian Russell, were Eugene Oudin, William Hamilton, Harry Paulton, and Agnes Stone. Clara Morris appeared April

23, and acted "Ren6e de Moray" all the week, except matinee April 25, when the company played "Our Regiment;" N. C. Goodwin returned with "Turned Up" and "Lend Me Five Shil- lings," week of April 30; "A Hole in the Ground" was seen May 7; Herrmann, the magician, came May 14; Kiralfys' spectacle, "Dolores," May 21; Robert B. Mantell in "Monbars," May 28; and the season closed June 2. A summer term commenced June




4, under the management of W. H. Mathews, with Mrs. J. Brown Potter as the attraction. "The Lady of Lyons" was acted June 4,

5, and matinee, June 6, with this cast :

Claude Melnotte . . . Kyrle Bellew Mons. Deschappelles . Geo. Conway

Pauline Mrs. Potter

Madam Deschappelles . Alice Brooks Widow Melnotte . Minnie Monck Colonel Damas . . . J. £. Kellerd

"Romeo and Juliet" was played June 7 and matinee June 9, and had this cast:

Beauseant Lewis Baker

Glavis Hart Conway

Gaspard C. Fredericks

Notary N. Harris

Landlord J. Martin

Romeo Kyrle Bellew

Mercutio Hart Conway

Benvolio Lewis Baker

Tybalt Frank Lander

Friar Laurence . . . J. E. Kellerd

Friar John R. J. Reynolds

Capulet Harry Allen

Paris Chas. Fredericks

Balthasar Harry Adams

Peter Jacques Martin

Apothecary Hugh Moss

Lady Capulet .... Alice Brooks

Nurse Minnie Monck

Juliet Mrs. Potter

" Loyal Love " was played June 8 and evening June 9. " Called Back" was seen June 11, with Fred de Belleville, W. J. Ferguson, C. P. Flockton, May Wilkes, T. G. Patton, Robert Eraser, H. W. Montgomery, Harriet Ford, and Carrie Elberts in the cast.

"The Banker's Daughter" was played June 18, with Herbert Kelcey, Frazer Coulter, Robert Hilliard, W. J. Ferguson, B. T. Ringgold, John W. Jennings, Geo. Woodward, Georgia Cayvan, and Ethel Greybrooke in the principal parts.

"Uncle Tom's Cabin" was offered matinees June 20, 23, and the week of June 25.

The next season opened Saturday night, Aug. 18, 1888, with "The World Against Her," cast thus:

Mr. Danvers . . . W. J. Constantine Harold Vernon . . Payson Mackaye Simon Clegg .... Palmer Collins Annie Madge's child . . Daisy Luby Sally Millet Alice Leigh

Madge Carlton Jenny Clegg . Lucy Danvers Liz Markland . Gilbert Blair . James Carlton .

, . Kate Claxton Judith Berrolde , . Leslie Tillson Kate M. Prothero . C. A. Stevenson . E. H. Vanderfelt

"Jim the Penman," by the Madison Square Theatre company, opened Aug. 27; "A Dark Secret" was seen Sept. 3, and stayed two weeks; "Lights o' London" came Sept. 17; "The Silver King," Sept. 24, Charles Haswin as Wilfred Denver. Wilton Lackaye, Raymond Holmes, M. B. Snyder, Harry Gwynette, M. B. Pike, Harry Pierson, Helen Cooper Parr, Grace Thorne Coulter, and Rose Snyder were also in the cast. Oct. i Clara Morris acted "Renge de Moray," which she repeated Oct. 2, 3, and matinee and night Oct. 6; Oct. 4, "Article 47;" Oct. 5, "New Magdalen." "The Lady of Lyons" was given matinee Oct. 3, with Mattie Earle as Pauline. F. H. Tyler made his


American d6but as Ernest Drake in "Renee de Moray," Oct. i. The Carleton Opera company commenced in "Nanon," Oct. 8, and repeated it until Ofct. 12, when "The Queen's Lace Handker- chief " filled out the week. " Alone in London " came Oct. 15, with Ada Dwyer as Nan; "The Kaffir Diamond," Oct. 22; Frank Mayo in "The Royal Guard," Oct. 29, 30, Nov. 3; "Davy Crockett," Nov. r, 2, 4; Margaret Mather opened Nov. 5 as Leah, which she repeated Nov. 7-9; "The Lady of Lyons," matinee Nov. 6; "Romeo and Juliet," matinee Nov. 7, night of Nov. 8, and ma- tinee Nov. 10; "Macbeth," evening Nov. 10. "Paul Kauvar" was presented Nov. 12, with this cast:

Paul Kauvar .

Edmund K. Collier

Dodolphe . .

. . . . C. Braham

Gen. Delaroche

Nestor Lennon

Carrac . . .

E. Hurd

Col. La Hogue

. . Harry Vernon

Bourdotte . .

. . . Ed. Coleman

Albert . . .

Chas. VandenhofE

Goujon . . .

. . . W. Hudson

Gen. Kleterre .

. . . E. R. Spencer

Diane . . .

. . . Carrie Turner

Nannette . .

. . . L. Rochelle

Scarlotte . .

. . Almira Strong

Marquis . .

. Steele Mackaye

Annie Pixley opened Nov. 19, with "The Deacon's Daughter;" Nov. 26, "A Parlor Match" returned; Dec. 3, "Still Alarm;" Dec. 10, the Lyceum Theatre company in "The Wife." Mrs. Berlan-Gibbs made her debut as Helen Truman. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was done week Dec. 17, with Henry C. Peajces as Uncle Tom, James G. Peakes as Legree, Gussie de Forrest as Eliza and Cassy, Jean Delmar as Topsy. Thatcher, Primrose & West's min- strels occupied the stage week Dec. 24, and were followed Dec. 31 by "Still Alarm;" Jan. 7, 1889, "Partners" was played by the Madison Square Theatre company ; Jan. 14, Roland Reed came in "Woman Hater." N. C. Goodwin, Jr., opened, Jan. 21, in "A Royal Revenge " (first time in this city) and "Confusion." The cast of "A Royal Revenge" was:

Louis XI R. G. Wilson I Nicole Audry . . . . Mattie Earle

Pierre Gringoire . . Nat C. Goodwin I

Louis James and Marie Wainwright appeared Jan. 28 in "As You Like It;" Jan. 29, 31, "Virginius;" matinee and evening Jan. 30, "As You Like It;" Feb. i, and matinde Feb.. 2, "The School for Scandal ; " evening Feb. 2, "Othello."

E. H. Sothern appeared Feb. 4 in "The Highest Bidder," which had this cast :

Lawrence Thornhill . Bonham Cheviot Sir Muffins Struggles Sir Evelyn Graine . Sergeant Downey . Rose Thornhill . . Mrs. Honiton Lacy .

W. B. Royston C. B. Bishop

R. Buckstone . H. Archer

E. K. Measer Belle Archer

Kate Pattison

Jack Hammerton. . . E. H. Sothern

Joseph Tully Marshall

Frank Wiggins .... Cyril Scott

Bill R. Pritchard

John J. T. Murphy

Solomons F. Richardson

Louisa Maude Adams




Minnie Palmer commenced Feb. 11 in "My Sweetheart." No performance took place Wednesday afternoon, as Miss Palmer refused to play more than one matinee each week. Mrs. James Brown Potter reappeared here, in '"Twixt Axe and Crown," Feb. 18, 20; "Lady of Lyons," Feb. 19, matinee Feb. 22; "She Stoops to Conquer," matinles Feb. 20, 23; "Romeo and Juliet," Feb. 21; "Mile, de Bressiere," Feb. 22. "Paul Kauvar " returned Feb. 25, with Joseph Haworth in the title rdle, and Carrie Turner as Diane. This was followed March 4 by Robert B. Mantell in " Monbars ; " March 11 "Held by the Enemy" was seen; March 18 William J. Scanlan came, in "The Irish Minstrel."

"The Corsair" burlesque was seen March 25, with this cast:

Conrad . . Birbanto Seyd Pacha Yussuf . . Ali . . . Ali Getthere

Carrie M. Perkins

Geo. A. Schiller

Edwin S. Tarr

. Alf Hampton

Maude Emerson

James S. Mafifit

Syng Smaul . . Richard O'Gorman Ahmed .... Helen Marlborough

Medora Frankie Kemble

Gulnare Lila Blow

Zuliema. . . . Geo. K. Fortescue Lelah Amelia Glover

Mrs. Langtry appeared in "Lady Clancarty," April i, 2, 6; "Pygmalion and Galatea," matinde April 3; "Lady of Lyons," evenings April 3, 5, and "As You Like It," April 4, and matinee April s; "Natural Gas" was seen April 8; April 15 Prof. Herr- mann, the magician, came. Prof. G. Cromwell gave his last lec- ture for the season Sunday evening, May 14. "The Paymaster" was produced May 27.

John L. Sullivan, the prize fighter, made his first appearance on the dramatic stage on this occasion, and appeared every night and at the matinles during the week. He had no acting to do, but had merely to go on the stage in one of the scenes and spar with one Lannon.

A summer season commenced June 3, under the management of J. W. Morrissey, with the opera of "Martha;" June 10 "The Bohemian Girl " was sung, with Mme. Pauline L'Allemand, Attalie Claire, Nina Bertini, Emma Berger, Annie Russell, Frank Baxter, Sig. Tagliapietra, Enrico Duzensi, Edward Connell, William Kammerer, and Harry Brown in the cast; June 17 "Chimes of Normandy" was heard. On July I "II Trovatore" was given, with this cast:

Leonora Alida Varenna Manrico Sig. Duzensi

Inez Kate Defossez Count di Luna . . . . W. H. Lee

Azucena .... Eugenie Boner Ferrando Thos. Guise

Ruiz F. Gerhardt

"The Bohemian Girl " was repeated July 4, 5. 6, 1889.

The regular season opened Aug. 26, with the Madison Square Theatre company in Haddon Chambers' "Captain Swift," with this cast:


Wilding .... Maurice Barrymore

Seabrook F. Robinson

Marshall J. H. Stoddart

Harry Seabrook . . . H. Woodrufi Mr. Gardiner . . . . E. M. Holland Stella Darbisher . . Marie Burroughs

Mabel Seabrook . . . Annie Russell Lady Staunton . Mrs. E. J. Phillips

Ryan W. Ramsay

Bates Reuben Fax

Mrs. Seabrook . . . Agnes Booth

"Paul Kauvar" returned Sept. 16; "Sweet Lavender" came Sept. 23; Clara Morris, Sept. 30, for two weeks; "Miss Multon," Sept. 30, Oct. I, and Oct. 4; "Camille," Oct. 2 and matinde Oct. S; "Alixe," Oct. 3 and Oct. 5. Fred Warde and company came Oct. 14, in "The Mountebank;" Oct. 21, "Held by the Enemy;" Oct. 28, Primrose & West's minstrels; Cora Tanner came Nov. 4 in "Fascination." J. K. Emmet, Nov. 11, in "Uncle Joe;" Nov. 18 "A Dark Secret" came; Nov. 25, Cleveland's consoli- dated minstrels ; Dec. 2, " Hands Across the Sea, " cast thus :

Jack Dudley . . Jean de Lussac . Tom Bassett . . Dick Melford . . Robert Stillwood , Capt. Land . .

Wm. G. Beach R. Paton Gibbs J. C. Buckstone Wm. H. Wallis . E. B. Tilton J. W. Atkinson

Polly . . . Paul de Renal Joseph Stillwood Lillian Melford Lucy Nettleford Mme. Vallerie

. Miss Vizetell . J. N. Furlong . . Jas. Otley Edna Carey Anna Bellmont Lizzie Scanlan

Mme. Janauschek appeared Dec. g in "Guy Mannering," fol- lowed, Dec. 16, by " After Dark. " The first American production of " My Jack " took place Dec. 23, with this cast :

Sir Edward Vanberg, W. A. Lackaye Peter Meredith . Lawrence Eddinger Jack Meredith . . . J. H. Gilmour Giro Panitza . . . W. J. Ferguson Solomon Prendergast . Dan Leeson Capt. Hereford . . . H. C. Stanley

Lieut. Smith . . . . B. W. Singer Mrs. Prescott . . Katharine Rogers Dorothy Prescott . Isabelle Evesson

Charles Prescott E. Rose

Sergt. Harker . . . . E. Marston

Annie Pixley appeared Dec. 30 in "22 Second Floor;" Jan. 6, 1890, "A Parlor Match " was sung; Jan. 13, "The Brigands" came back, by Carleton's opera company; Margaret Mather and company were seen in "Gretchen," Jan. 20-23; "Romeo and Juliet," Jan. 21, matinde, and evening Jan. 25; "Lady of Lyons," matinee Jan. 22; "The Honeymoon," night, Jan. 22; "Leah," Jan. 24. The Terriss-Millward company opened Jan. 27. Miss Millward being ill the night of Jan. 27, May Pierce filled her place. Miss Mill- ward appeared Jan. 28. The company closed their American tour here Feb. 3. "The Exiles" came Feb. 10; "Little Lord Faunt- leroy," Feb. 17, with Tommy Russell and Wallie Eddinger alter- nating the r61e of Cedric. N. C. Goodwin, Jr., commenced Feb. 24 in "A Gold Mine," followed, March 3, by "The Stowaway." "Master and Man" was produced March 10, with this cast:




Jack Walton . . Robert Carlton . Tom Honeywood Humpy Logan Jem Burleigh . . Crispin St. Jones Hester Thornbury

. J. H. Gilmour

. . M. Lynch

Russell Bassett

Dominick Murray

L. Eddinger

W. J. Ferguson

Isabella Evesson

Little Johnnie, Master Wallie Eddinger Kesiah Honeywood . Lillie Eddinger Letty Lightfoot . . Sybyl Johnstone

Jim Chas. Gibney

John Willett A. Barnard

Levano Chas. R. Gilbert

William J. Scanlan came March 17 in "Myles Aroon." A matinee was given St. Patrick's Day (March 17); "A Midnight Bell" opened March 24; Rose Coghlan, March 31, in "Peg Wof- fington," followed, April 7, hy R. B. Mantell in "The Corsican Brothers;" April 14, "The Great Metropolis;" April 21, the Howard Athenaeum specialty company; April 28, the spectacle, "Kajanka;" May 5, "Natural Gas;" May 12, Roland Reed in "The Woman Hater;" May 19, "The Paymaster," with John L. Sullivan, the pugilist. A season of English opera commenced May 26, with " Faust, " cast as follows :

Mephistopheles . . . . M. Maina

Wagner D. Mascotti

Martha Fanny Myers

Marguerite Siebel . Faust Valentine

Sophie Traubmann

. . Attalie Claire

A. Montegriffo

G. Tagliapietra

M. Manoury, the French baritone, sang Valentine May 28, and continued for the rest of the week. It was his first English- speaking r61e. Selma Kronold, formerly of the- Amberg Opera company appeared May 29, as Marguerite, being her first essay in English opera. " Martha " was sung June 2, with this cast :

Lady Henrietta . Sophie Traubmann Sir Tristan . . Sylvester Langlois Mayor Joseph Witt

Nancy Attalie Claire

Plunkett Myron Maina

Lionel F. Schultz

June 9 "The Bohemian Girl " was the bill for the week, and the cast was :

An Officer Wm. Schoels

A Peasant J. C. Kellogg

A Gypsy Chas. Wilson

Arline .... Sophie Traubmann Buda Lillian Swain

Count Arnheim . . Sig. Tagliapietra Captain of the Guard . . . Jos. Witt Queen of the Gypsies . Fanny Myers

Thaddeus F. Schultz

Florestein Robt. Delius

Devilshoof Ed. Connell

Lillian Swain sang the r61e of Arline June 13. " Carmen " was sung week of June 16. Attalie Claire appeared in the title r61e. Miss Claire took a benefit June 20, when Nina Bertini appeared as Michaela. The cast of " Carmen," June 16, was :

Carmen Attalie Claire

Michaela .... Selma Kronold

Frasquita Lillian Swain

Mercedes Fanny Myers

Don Jos^ Ferd. Schultz

Lillas Pastia


Jos. Witt

Escamillo . Doncario . Remendado Tumga . . Morales . .

G. Tagliapietra . E. R. Kellogg . Chas. Wilson , Wm. Schoels , H. T. Keady


For the closing week of opera " II Trovatore " was produced June 23, and the cast was :

The Count di Luua . G. Tagliapietra Azucena ...... Fanny Myers

Ferrando Ed. Connell Manrico Thos. Ebbets

Leonora Selma Kronold Ruiz Wm. Schoels

Inez Lillian Swain

Ferd. Schultz was announced for Manrico the opening night, but did not appear.

The next season began Aug. 25, 1890, with "The Private Secre- tary." Sept. I, " An Irish Arab " was played, with Bobby Gaylor as a star. It was a version of Lester Wallack's old play, "The Veteran." "Mask of Life" was seen Sept. 8, with J. H. Gilmour as the star; Sept. 15, "Hands Across the Sea;" Sept. 22, "Paul Kauvar," with E. J. Buckley in the title r61e; Sept. 29, "My Jack" was played, with this cast:

Sir Edward Vanburg . . Geo. Hoey Giro Panitza . . P. Aug. Anderson

Solomon Hewlitt Peter Meredith . Charles Prescott . Patrick Doolan .

. Alex. Fisher John E. Martin . Edgar Forrest . Charles Frew

Capt. Hereford . Dorothy Prescott Mary Ibbetson Jack Meredith . . Lieut. Wesby . . Mrs. Prescott . .

. Geo. C. Wood Ethel Harrington . Jennie Christie Walter Sanford Royce Alton . . Kate Meek

Primrose & West's minstrels appeared here Oct. 6, followed, Oct. 13, by "The Red Hussar." "Aunt Jack" was seen Oct. 20, and Oct. 27 Cora Tanner and company came in "One Error," fol- lowed, Nov. 3, by " Good Old Times ; " Nov. 10, Cleveland's min- strels; Nov. 17, "Shenandoah," for the first time at this house, and continued two weeks. Annie Pixley came Dec. i, with "The Deacon's Daughter." "Kate," J. C. Roach's war play, was seen for the first time in New York, Dec. 8, and had this cast :

Sergt. O'Tool . . . B. F. Grinnell Tim Sheridan . Master James Simpson Capt. Randolph . . W. F. Macnichol Mrs. Craven . Fanny Barry Sprague Mrs. Lawson . . . Annie Douglass

Kate Desmond . . . Annie Pixley Maj. Randall .... Jos. Brennan

Jack Randall J. T. Burke

Richard Craven . . Chas. C. Brandt Capt. Harmon . . Geo. R. Sprague Corporal Crabtree . . . M, C. Daly

M. C. Daly withdrew from the company Dec. 9, and Chas. H. Bradshaw took his place, and played the part of the Corporal after the first night. Hallen & Hart's company came Dec. 15, in " Later On ; " Dec. 22 the Pauline Hall opera company were seen in "Erminie;" Dec. 29, J. K. Emmet in "Uncle Joe;" Jan. 5, 1891, " Dr. Bill " and " Sunset " were played ; " Money Mad " was done the week of Jan. 12; "The Inspector," Jan. 19; "A Dark Secret," Jan. 26; Feb. 2 "The Two Orphans" was acted, with Mrs. McKee Rankin and Kate Claxton as the sisters, Adolph Jackson as Pierre, and Chas. Stevenson as the Chevalier. " My Aunt Bridget " came




Feb. 9, followed, Feb. 16, by "The Charity Ball;" Feb. 23, "A Pair of Spectacles," by the Madison Square Theatre company. It was preceded by "A Man of the World." March 2, "The Still Alarm;" March 9, "The Stowaway;" March 16, George Thatcher's minstrels ; March 23, Frank Daniels in " Little Puck ; " March 30, Margaret Mather opened in "Joan of Arc," repeated March 31, April I, and matin6e April 4; matinee April i, "Lady of Lyons;" April 2, "Cymbeline;" April 3, "Leah;" April 4, "Romeo and Juliet."

Neil Burgess appeared April 6 in "The County Fair," followed, April 13, by H. E. Dixey in "Adonis." Prof. Cromwell resumed his Sunday night lectures April 12. W. J. Scanlan appeared April 20 in "Myles Aroon;" April 27 came "Natural Gas." Prof. Cromwell lectured Sunday evening, April 26, on "The Great Salt Lake."

On May 4 "Work and Wages" was seen, for the first time in this country, and had this cast:

Tom Wentworth . Robert Dormer . Sam Crumpton . Second Workman Policeman 94 K . Justice Buckgrove

John E. Kellerd Jacques Martin Chas. Burbidge . . Jos. Healy . Wm. Janeway J. G. Carpenter

Counsel for the Prosecution, T. Willard Counsel for the Defence, Alfred Agnew Clerk of Arraigns . . T. R. Abbott Olivia Graham . . . Beatrice Lieb Adele Langlois . Beverly Sitgreaves

Sarah Woodleigh . . . Kate Foley Marchioness de Montador

Frankie Craig Paul Radford . . . Chas. G. Craig Victor Langlois ... R. Delmore Lord Arlingford ... F. E. Aiken Ephraim Moses . . . Chas. Coote

Adolphus Addle F. Perry

First Workman .... Hal Wilson

Usher R. Maxwell

Mrs. Maguire . . . Alice Rodman

Lydia Thompson was the star May 11, in " The Dazzler." Rose Coghlan appeared May 18, in "Forget Me Not; " May 19, "Masks and Faces; " May 20, "London Assurance; " May 22, 23, "Lady Barter." An English opera season commenced May 25, under the direction of J. W. Morrissey. "II Trovatore" was presented all the week, with this cast:

Azucena Bella Tomlins

Manrico A. MontegrifiEo

Ruiz B. K. Einstein

Ferrando W. H. Clarke

Leonora Louise Natalie

Inez Miss Linette

Count di Luna . . G. Tagliapietra

Sig. Tagliapietra was stage manager and Paul Steindorff, musical director. Eva Cumings sang the r61e of Leonora May 27, taking the place of Mme. Natalie. " Martha " was sung week commencmg June I :

Lionel F. Michelena

Plunket W.H.Clark

Mayor of Richmond . J. W. Williams

Lady Henrietta . . . Louise Natalie

Sir Tristan Joseph Kilduff

Nancy Bella Tomlins


Evening, June 4, there were several changes in the cast. Sig. Tagliapietra took the r61e of Plunket, Mme. Natalie that of Mar- tha, and Miss Linda, the Nancy. " The Bohemian Girl " was sung week of June 8. Sig. Tagliapietra retired from the company June 10. " Faust " was given June 15, for the week, and the cast was :

Marguerite .... Louise Natalie

Siebel Anna Russell

Faust F. Michelena

Mephistopheles ... W. H. Clark

Valentine Wm. Martens

Wagner F. Borneman

Martha Rosa Linda

" Carmen " was presented June 22, with Louise Natalie as the heroine ; June 29, " II Trovatore," repeated matinee July i ; " Faust," June 30. Sig. Tagliapietra took a benefit evening July i, when " The Bohemian Girl " and " Carmen " were given. " Fra Diavolo " was sung July 2, 3, matinee and evening, July 4. The season closed July 4.

The house reopened Saturday evening, Aug. 22, 1891, with Charles A. Gardner, the star, in " Captain Karl," for the first time in this city. It had this cast :

Karl Chas. A. Gardner

Bruno Henry Kingsley

Klinger Ignace Conradi

Boatman .... Alex. Johnstone

Gertrude Eva Byron

Baroness Marion May

Rudolph Royce Alton

Katz Frank Grauss

Rudolph Bandies . Ogden Stevens Adolphus Sigismund

Robt. V. Ferguson Father Baptist . . Wm. H. Leyden Wilhelmina .... Nellie Walters Little Otto . . . Little Hazel Regan

Christine Carrie Grauss

Margaret Bertie Alton

Daniel Sully in "The Millionaire" came Aug. 31, followed, Sept. 7, by " Dr. Bill " and " Sunset ; " Sept. 14 " The Fire Patrol " was seen; Sept. 21, "Shenandoah; " Sept. 28, Primrose & West's min- strels ; Oct. 5 " All the Comforts of Home " was played by Charles Frohman's company; Oct. 12, "My Jack; " Oct. 19, Oliver Byron in " The Plunger ; " Oct. 26 Clara Morris appeared in " Odette," repeated Oct. 28, 30, 3 1 and special matinee Oct. 28, in aid of the fund for the release of Mrs. Maybrick, confined in an English prison for having poisoned her husband; "Camille" was played Oct. 27, 29, and matinee Oct. 31. Cora Tanner followed Nov. 2 in " Will She Divorce Him ? " Prof. Cromwell began his annual series of Sunday illustrated lectures Nov. 8. " The Power of the Press " was seen Nov. 9; "Shenandoah," Nov. 16; Cleveland's minstrels appeared Nov. 23 ; " Later On," Nov. 30 ; Harry Lacy in " Jack Royal" Dec. 7. At the performance Dec. 12, a new version of "Jack Royal," by John M. Morton, was acted for the first time. " Mr. Wilkinson's Widows " was acted Dec. 14, followed by Richard Mansfield Dec. 21, 23, and matinee Dec. 26, in "Beau Brummell; " Dec. 22 and Christmas night Dec. 25 "A Parisian Romance;"


Dec. 24, 26, " Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ; " matinee Dec. 25, " Prince Karl." Dec. 28 "The Power of the Press " returned; Jan. 4, 1892, J. K. Emmet, Jr. was seen in " Fritz in Ireland ; " "A Parlor Match" came Jan. 11.

T. H. French signed a lease of this house on Jan. 10, for one year, at ^50,000, from May i. It is understood that the reason the lease was not signed earlier was because the rent had recently been in- creased, and also because there were many repairs necessary which Jay Gould wanted the lessee to make. Donnelly and Girard appeared Jan. 18, in "Natural Gas," followed Jan. 25, by "The Stowaway; " Feb. I Fanny Davenport played " Cleopatra ; " " Men and Women " was seen Feb. 8 ; " Hands Across the Sea," Feb. 15 ; " Mr. Barnes of New York," Feb. 22 ; " The City Directory," Feb. 29 ; •' Yon Yon- son," March 7 ; N. C. Goodwin, March 14, in " The Nominee ; " previous to which was given " Art and Nature " for the first time. The cast was :

Mile. Dumesnil . . . Mabel Amber 1 Louise Minnie Dupree

Pierre Duboisson . . R. G. Wilson | Adrien Wm. Beach

" Mr. Potter of Texas " was played here March 21 ; " Eight Bells " came March 28, followed, April 4, by " The Still Alarm." Rose Coghlan commenced April 11, in "Dorothy's Dilemma." "A Straight Tip" followed April 18. A sacred concert was given Sun- day night, April 17, by Gilmore's Band. Emma and Emilie Schnee- loch, Mme. Erminie de Rouvillain, Sig. Victor Clodio, Edward O'Mahony, and Herbert L. Clarke were the soloists. " Money Mad " was done April 25, with Emily Rigl as the star. Nellie McHenry appeared May 2 in " A Night at the Circus," followed, May 9, by Frederick Paulding in "The Struggle of Life," May 16, by Margaret Mather in " The Egyptian," and May 23, by " The Midnight Alarrn." Kate Claxton was seen May 30 as Louise in " Two Orphans," with Viola Allen as Henriette, and Chas. Stevenson as Jacques. " Uncle Tom's Cabin" was done June 6. The season closed June 11.

The house reopened Saturday Aug. 27, with " City Directory ; " " Power of the Press" returned Sept. 5 ; " Across the Potomac " came Sept. 12; Oliver Doud Byron, Sept. 19, in " The Plunger; " Primrose & West's minstrels, Sept. 26 ; " PoHce Patrol," Oct. 3 ; " Struggle for Life," Oct. 10; " White Squadron," Oct. 17; and "The Planter's Wife," Oct. 24, with Harry Lacy and Emily Rigl the stars. " A Dark Secret " was seen Oct. 31 ; James J. Corbett, the pugilist, ap- peared Nov. 7, in " Gentleman Jack ; " " The Soudan " was seen Nov. 14; " Eight Bells," Nov. 21 ; "My Jack," Nov. 28 ; "A Fair Rebel," Dec. 5 ; Dr. Carver, in " The Scout," Dec. 12; " Silver King," Dec. 19, and Annie Pixley, Dec. 26, in " Miss Blythe of Duluth."

" Power of Gold " was repeated Jan. 2, 1893; "A Night at the Circus," came Jan. 9, with Nellie McHenry the star. " A Midnight

VOL. II. 41


Alarm " was given Jan. 16; "Jane," Jan. 23; "Span of Life," Jan. 30; "Flag of Truce," Feb. 6; "Lost Paradise," Feb. 13; "The Diamond Breaker," Feb. 20; "Sport McAllister," Feb. 27; "Across the Potomac," March 6; and " Mavourneen," March 13, with Chauncey Olcott as the star. Minna Gale Haynes appeared in " Ingomar," March 20, and matinee March 22 ; in " As You Like It," March 21-24 5 " Lady of Lyons," March 22, and matin6e March 25 ; and in " Romeo and Juliet," the night of March 25. Robert J. Downing was seen in " Virginius," March 27 ; " Ingomar," March 28, and matinee March 29 ; and in " The Gladiator " for the rest of the week ; J. K. Emmet, Jr., came April 3, in " Fritz in Ireland." Maggie Cline was a feature of the entertainment. " Glendalough " was played April 10; "Jane "and "Chums" were seen April 17, with Lottie Collins in her songs and dances ; Fanny Davenport appeared here April 24, in " Cleopatra ; " The week of May i " Sweet Will " in one act was acted here for the first time and had this cast : Will Darby- shire, Frank Gilmore; Mrs. Darbyshire, Ada Curry; Judith Love- less, Evelyn Campbell. This was followed by " The Sportsman," thus cast:

Harry Briscoe Bob Briscoe Dr. Holroyd . Mr. Perkins . Inspector Roby

Joseph Holland . Charles Abbe M. A. Kennedy Robert Hickman T. C. Valentine

Mrs. Harry Briscoe, Evelyn Campbell Mrs. Fritchley . . . Minnie Tittell

Ada Ada Curry

Emily Margaret Craven

Prof. Alex Herrmann, the magician, was seen May 8. The lease of T. Henry French expired May 13. Edmund C. Stanton assumed the management May 15, 1893, and opened on that date with Gus- tave Heinrich's opera company in " II Trovatore ; " Leonora, Marie Tavary ; Azucena, Lizzie Macnichol ; Manrico, Payne Clarke ; Count di Luna, Aug. Montegriffo. "La Traviata" was sung May 16; " Maritana," May 17 ; " II Trovatore," May 18 ; "Cavalleria Rusti- cana " and the third act of " Ernani," May 19; " Maritana " matinee May 20; " II Trovatore," night of May 20; " Martha," May 22, and matinee May 27; with this cast: Lady Henrietta, Marie Tavary; Nancy, Lizzie Macnichol ; Lionel, Aug. Montegriffo ; Plunket, W. H. Clarke ; Lord Tristan, Richard Karl ; Sheriff, Charles Storey. " Ernani " and " Cavalleria Rusticana " were sung May 23 ; " Rigo- letto," May 24 and Junes; "Bohemian Girl," May 25-27; "Car- men," May 26, with Mme. Kronold as Carmen ; " Faust " was sung May 29 and June 3-6 and matinee June 10, with Marie Tavary as Marguerite. "La Gioconda" was produced June i, with this cast: La Gioconda, Selma Kronold ; Le Cieca, Katherine Fleming ; Al- vise Badoero, W. H. Clarke ; Laura, Lizzie Macnichol. The first pro- duction of this work in America was in Italian at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York, Dec. 20, 1883. Perry Averill sang


Valentine in " Faust " June 3 ; " The Daughter of the Regiment " was sung June 8 ; "II Trovatore," June 9 ; " Cavalleria Rusticana " and one act of "Ernani," June 10; " Lucia," June 12. "Carmen" was repeated June 13, with Ida Klein as Michaela ; " Cavalleria Rus- ticana" and the third act of " Ernani," matinee, June 14, with Natalie as Elvira and Santuzza.

Leoncavello's opera, " I Pagliaci," was heard for the first time in this country the night of June 15. It had this cast: Neddia, Selma- Koert-Kronold ; Canio, Angotino Montegriffo ; Tonio, Giuseppe Cam- panari; Beppo, Mangeri de Pasquali ; Silvio, Perry Averill. It had four representations, and the opera season closed June 17. "A Texas Steer " was seen here June 19 ; " The House on the Marsh " came June 26 ; " Held in Slavery," July 3, and the theatre closed July 8 for the summer.

The next season began Aug. 21, 1893, with "Span of Life." Leon J. Vincent was the stage manager; Edmond C. Stanton man- ager. " The Silver King " came Aug. 28 ; " The White Squadron," Sept. 4; " Mavourneen " was seen Sept. 11 ; " Spider and the Fly," Sept. 18; " Hands Across the Sea," Sept. 25 ; Primrose and West's minstrels appeared Oct. 2 ; " Power of Gold," Oct. 9 ; " A Midnight Alarm," Oct. 16; J. K. Emmet, Jr., was seen Oct. 23 in Sydney Rosenfeld's new play, " Fritz in Prosperity ; " "A Country Circus " was presented Oct. 30, " The Struggle of Life " returned Nov. 6, and " The Power of Gold," Nov. 13.

Edmond C. Stanton withdrew from the management in October, when Samuel Singleton, the former janitor of the house, was made director, and David T. Thompson business manager. Mr. Singleton had been connected with the theatre since 1869, when he was ap- pointed night watchman by James Fisk. He afterward became janitor and was made doorkeeper under Poole and Donnelly's man- agement. James O'Neill came here Nov. 20 in " Monte Cristo ; " "The Idea," was done Nov. 27; "A Nutmeg Match," was seen Dec. 4; "The Ensign," Dec. 11; "Maine and Georgia," Dec. 18; " New South," Dec. 25 ; " Hustler," Jan. i, 1894; " Police Patrol," Jan. 8; "Prodigal Father," Jan. 15; "Fencing Master," Jan. 22; "Mr. Potter of Texas," Jan. 29; "Nominee," Feb. 5; "Monte Carlo," Feb. 12 ; and " Blue Jeans " came Feb. 19 for a stay of two weeks ; " Lady Windermere's Fan " was presented March 5 ; Katie Emmett came in " Killarney," March 12 ; "A Texas Steer," March 19; and " A Parlor Match," March 26. " La Tosca " was produced April 2 and 7, and " Cleopatra " the rest of the week, with Fanny Davenport as the star. "A Brass Monkey" followed April 9; Kate Claxton came April i$ in " The Two Orphans ; " " Jane " was seen April 23; " 41abama,'- April 30; "One Touch of Nature," " Saints and Sinne^'""-A-'Pair of Spectacles," and " Jim the Pen- man " were seen the week of May 7 ; Harry Lacy came May 14 in


" The Planter's Wife ; " " An Arabian Night " was played May 21, with Belle Archer as the star; "Ruth's Romance" preceded "An Arabian Night." Milton Nobles was seen May 28, in "The Phoenix." A season of opera commenced June 4 with " II Trova- tore," repeated June 8, 12, 16 ; " Carmen," June 5, and matinee June 9, and night of June 13 ; "Bohemian Girl," matinee June 6, night of June 7, and matinee June 16 ; " Faust," June 6-9-14 ; " Martha," June II and matinee June 13; "Cavalleria Rusticana," and one act of "La Traviata," June 15; the season closed June 16. Conreid Beh- rens, Marie Severin, Sig. V. Bielleto, A. Blum, Amelia Harrison, Miss Goeltich, S. H. Dudley, Lizzie Annandale, Miss Walton, Mme. Tavary, Miss Olten, Perry Averill, Payne Clarke, and. H. S. Dudley composed the operatic company. The house reopened Saturday, June 23, for the benefit of Leon J. Vincent.

The next season began Aug. 25, 1894, with "Paul Kauvar ; " "A Flag of Truce " was done Sept. 3 ; Thomas W. Keene appeared as Richard III. Sept. 10 and 15 ; " Merchant of Venice," Sept. 12 ; " Richelieu," matinee Sept. 12; " Louis XL," Sept. 11 ; " Othello," Sept. 13; "Hamlet," Sept. 14 and matinee, Sept. 15; "The Great Brooklyn Handicap" was presented Sept. 17, and "The Black Crook," came Sept. 24 for two weeks ; " A Ride for Life " was given Oct. 8 ; Joseph Murphy appeared in "Kerry Gow " Oct. 15, 16, 17, and in " Shaun Rhue" Oct. 18, 19, 20. Primrose and West's min- strels came Oct. 22 ; " Eight Bells " returned Oct. 29 ; " The Girl I Left Behind Me " was seen Nov. 5 ; Lottie Collins' Troubadours came Nov. 12; " Rosedale," Nov. 19; Kate Claxton and Mme. Janauschek were seen in the " Two Orphans " Nov. 26 ; " Shaft No. 2 " came Dec. 3, with Frank Losee and Mrs. W. G. Jones in the cast ; and " McKenna's Flirtations " was done Dec. 10.

" The Road to Ruin " was presented Dec. 17, with Mrs. John Drew as Widow Warren. " My Partner " came Dec. 24, with Louis Aldrich the star and Theo. Hamilton as Clay Britt ; Barry O'Neil appeared Dec. 31, in "Irish Inspiration; " " Blue Jeans" was done Jan. 7, 189s ; "Superba" came Jan. 14. On the afternoon of Jan. 17 there was a performance here, and also one at the Academy of Music, for the relief of the widow and children of two firemen who lost their lives at a fire on Dec. 29. EfSe Ellsler came here Jan. 21, in "Doris; " Lewis Morrison Jan. 28, in "Faust; " William Hoey Feb. 4, in "The Flams;" "Darkest Russia" was seen Feb. 11; " Charley's Aunt," Feb. 18, and Marie Wainwright appeared Feb. 25 in " Daughters of Eve," by A. E. Lancaster and Julian Magnus. This play was given all the week except matinee Feb. 27, when " Camille " was presented. Donnelly and Girard came March 4, in " The Rain- makers ; " Primrose and West's minstrels, March 1 1 ; Oliver Doud Byron, March 18, in "The Ups and Downs of Life; " " The Derby Winner " was seen March 25 ; " Garry Owen," by Murphy O'Hea,




was done April i, with Tony Farrell the star, and Maggie Cline ap- peared in her specialties. " A Trip to Chinatown " came April 8 ; Agnes Herndon, April 15, in " La Belle Marie " all the week except April 18, 19, and matinee April 20, when "Married Not Mated," adapted from " Maud's Peril " was played. Alex Salvini commenced April 22 in the " Three Guardsmen" for the week except April 25, when " Hamlet " was acted for a professional matinee. Kate Clax- ton and Mme. Janauschek returned April 29 in " The Two Orphans ; " The Tavary opera company appeared May 6 in " Rigoletto " and " Cavalleria Rusticana." Verdi's opera had this cast : Gilda, Marie Tavary; Madelena, Lizzie Annandale; Duke of Mantua, Payne Clarke ; Rigoletto, William Mertens ; Sparafucile, William Hamilton. In " Cavalleria Rusticana," Santuzza was sung by Mme. Thea Dorre ; Turridu by Payne Clarke ; Lucia, Dora Escott ; Alfio, William Schuster ; and Lola by Sofia Romani. " II Trovatore " was given May 7, with Tavary as Leonora, Payne Clarke as Manrico, and Lizzie An- nandale as Azucena ; " Martha " was sung matinee May 8, with Nina Humphreys in title role. " Carmen " was heard night and matinde May II, also May 14, with Thea Dorre as Carmen; "Bohemian Girl " was sung May 9, and matinee May 15 ; " Cavalleria Rusticana " and "I Pagliacci," May 10; "II Trovatore," May 11, and matinee May 18 ; " Martha," May 13, and " Faust," night May 16, when Sig. Abramofif acted Mephistopheles. " Tannhauser " was presented May 17; "Cavalleria Rusticana," with portions of "Rigoletto" and "Carmen," May 18; "The Lily of Killarney," by Sir Julius Bene- dict, was heard May 20, 22, 25, with this cast:

Hardress Cregan . . Charles Bassett Myles-na-Coppaleen . Payne Clarke Danny Mann . . William T. Carleton

Eily O'Connor Anne Chute . Mrs. Cregan . Sheelah . . .

Helen Bertram . . Emma Siebert . Kate Michelena Katherine Griiifiths

This was the ddbut in opera of Emma Siebert. She had been singing in concerts previously. The first production of " The Lily of Killarney" in this city took place on Oct. 21, 1875, at Booth's Theatre. " Faust " was given May 21 with Mme. RoUa as Margue- rite ; " Cavalleria Rusticana " and the garden scene from " Faust " were sung May 23, with Helen Bertram as Santazza. AnnaLichter made her New York debut as Marguerite. " II Trovatore " was

given May 24, with Anna Lichter as Leonora, and Heinrich Meyn, his first appearance in opera, as Count di Luna ; " Lily of Killarney " apeated the week of May 27, except matinees May 30 and June „en the " Bohemian Girl " was sung. The ballet of " Copellia '' presented on the same night as "The Lily of Killarney; valleria Rusticana," also acts of "II Trovatore" were given

appearance was rej I, when the was

" Cavalleria

June I. , ^ t

The Kyrle Bellew-Potter company appeared here the week ot June 3, in " Charlotte Corday," which had this cast :


Charlotte de Corday d'Armont

Mrs. Potter Francois de Corday d'Armont

Verner Clarges Abb^ Fleuriot . . Henry Chanfrau Mason Mitchell

Monsieur David Adam Lux . . Potin Langlois Drouet . . .

Arthur Bawtree

. . John Ward

Mr. Hartley

Legendre .... George Barnes

Rebuillet Mr. Clarges

Rose de Corday d'Armont

Perdita Hudspeth Simmone Everard . . Helen Lowell

Marie Ida Ward

Marianne Miss Ardsley

Jean Paul Marat .... Mr. Bellew

The season closed June 8. The theatre was reopened Aug. 31,

1895, with Augustus Pitou as manager, when " The Passing Show " was given ; Lewis Morrison appeared Sept. 9, in " Faust ; " " Fan- tasma " came Sept. 16 ; " Sowing the Wind," Sept. 23 ; " The Twen- tieth Century Girl," Sept. 30, with Fred Hallen as the star ; Prof. Alex Herrmann, magician, was seen Oct. 7 ; " The Black Crook," Oct. 14; "The Foundling," Oct. 21; " Charley's Aunt," Oct. 28; and " Rory of the Hill," Nov. 4 ; Mr. and Mrs. Russ Whytal appeared Nov. II, in "Agatha Dean" and "For Fair Virginia;" Nellie McHenry came Nov. 18, in " The Bicycle Girl ; " " The Cotton King," Nov. 25 ; "A Bowery Girl," Dec. 2. Edward Clifford, the stage manager of the last named play, dropped dead upon reaching his home after the first performance. Clara Morris acted " Camille " Dec. 9, 12, and matinee Dec. 14 ; Armand Duval was played by James M. Colville, and Mons. Duval by F. C Harriott, husband of Clara Morris. " Article 47 " was seen Dec. 10 ; " Raymond " matinee, Dec. II and night of Dec. 14. " Miss Multon," Dec. 11-13 ; Oliver Doud Byron, Dec. 16, in " The Ups and Downs of Life ; " " Humanity," Dec. 23; " Superba," Dec. 30; and "The Masqueraders," Jan. 6,

1896. " A Milk White Flag " was seen Jan. 13 ; Peter Dailey came Jan. 20, in " The Night Clerk ; " Primrose and West's minstrels, Jan. 27; the burlesque of " Thrilby," Feb. 3; "Gay Parisians," Feb. 10 ; " In Old Kentucky," Feb. 17 ; and " A Midsummer Night's Dream " was seen Feb. 24, played by Aug. Daly's company. " Lit- tle Christopher " appeared March 2 ; " 1492 " came March 9 ; " Cruis- keen Lawn," March 16 ; Warde and Yokes, in " A Run on the Bank," March 23 ; " White Slave," March 30; " Fatal Card," April 6; Kate Claxton, April 13, in "The Two Orphans; "" Coon Hollow," April 20 ; The Whitney opera company, April 27, in "Rob Roy; " "Trilby" was presented May 4, with this cast :

TafEy . . The Laird . Little Billee Svengali Gecko . . Zou Zou

. . Charles Riegel

. John Glendinning

. Alfred Hickman

Wilton Lackaye

Robert Paton Gibbs

Ignacio Martinetti

Rev. Thos. Bagot, Edward L. Walton

Trilby Blanche Walsh

Mrs. Bagot Rosa Rand

Madame Vinard . Mathilde Cottrelly

Angele Alice Evans

Musette .... Josephine Bennett

The Tavary opera company began a two-weeks season May 11, opening in " Lucia di Lammermoor " and " Cavalleria Rusticana; "




"II Trovatore" was sung May 12; "Bohemian Girl," matinee May 13 ; " Martha," night of May 13 ; " Carmen," May 14, and mati- nee May 16 ; " Faust," May 15 ; " Bohemian Girl " and " I Pagliacci," May 16; Chauncey Olcott, May 25, in " Mavourneen." Carleton opera company came June i for one week in " The Chimes of Nor- mandy," at cheap prices. Business was bad and the season closed June 6.

The theatre was reopened Aug. 29, 1896, with Scott Marble's play, " The Cotton Spinner ; " " The War of Wealth " was given Sept. 7; "Chimmie Fadden," Sept. 14; "Land of the Living," Sept. 21 ; " The Last Stroke," Sept. 28 ; Sandow's Vaudeville com- pany appeared Oct. 5 ; Maggie Cline came, in " On Broadway," Oct. 12; "A Night at the Circus," with Nellie McHenry, Oct. 19; " Ex- celsior," Oct. 26 ; May Irwin was seen Nov. 2 in " Widow Jones ; " Primrose and West's minstrels came Nov. 16 ; " Power of the Press," Nov. 23 ; James Corbett, the pugilist, Dec. 7, in " The Naval Cadet ; " Peter F. Dailey, Dec. 14, in "A Good Thing," and "Fantasma" began a two-weeks stay Dec. 21 ; "In Old Kentucky" was played Jan. 4, 1897; "Eight Bells" was done Jan. ii; "The Sporting Duchess" came Jan. 18; Fields' minstrels, Jan. 25; "Under the Polar Star," Feb. i ; " Hogan's Alley," Feb. 8 ; " Woman in Black," Feb. IS ; " Siberia," Feb. 22 ; " Lady Slavey," March i ; " Jim the Penman," March 8 ; Maggie Cline appeared, in " On Broadway," March 15; "Prisoner of Zenda" was seen March 22; "Madame Sans-G^ne," March 29 ; Roland Reed came, in " The Politician," April 5; "Sowing the Wind" was done April 12; "Two Little Vagrants," April 19; "The Heart of Maryland," April 26; "The Cherry Pickers " May 3 ; and E. H. Sothern appeared May 10, in " An Enemy to the King." There was no Wednesday matinee this week. Harry Weber's " Uncle Tom's Cabin " company closed the season May 22.

The theatre was reopened Aug. 21, 1897, with "A Fight for Honor," by Frank Harvey, acted for the first time in America, and the cast was :

George Clive . James Rockley Charley Jessop Will Marvin . Richard Damer Joe Chevirs Dr. Mayne

M3T0n W. Leffingwell

Geo C. Robinson

Frederick Power

Joseph Conyers

John F. Webber

John McVeagh

John F. Bolger

Serg. Banks . Isabelle Damer Milly Price Polly Jessop . Mrs. Jessop . Marie Minks .

Maurice de Witt Annie Mortland . . Bessie Lee Fanny Gonzalez Mrs. Gonzalez Katherine Carlisle

"A Black Sheep" was seen Aug. 30; " A Contented Woman " came Sept. 6; "At Coney Island," Sept 13; and "The Man-of- War's-Man," by James W. Harkins, was presented Sept. first time in this city :

20 for the


Capt. Jack Conway . Thos E. Shea Capt. Basilio Havilando, Henry Testa Lieut. Herman Schiller

Lawrence Grattan Ensign Barry Hanlay, Frank Buoman Senor Enrique Candenas

H. Fletcher Havey Gen. Ivan Pletrovitch, William Games Gen. Raposo . . J. Irving Southard Baron AdamantofE . . . J. E. Gilber

Prince Septime Barenski

Richard Hutchins Lieut. Victor Leontine, WiUiam Johnson Hon. Cyril Denleigh . George West Count von Winterfelt, Charles Rollins Russian Jailer . . . John Wilton Elinore Denleigh. . . Louise Brooks Jessie Denleigh . Gertrude Roosevelt Rose Leontine . . . Rose Adelle

Primrose and West's minstrels were heard Sept. 27; "Eight Bells" came Oct. 4; Lillian Lewis, Oct. 11, in "For Love and Liberty;" "The Sporting Duchess" returned Oct. 18, with Rose Coghlan, Cora Tanner, Louis Massen, J. H. Stoddart, Ffolliot Paget, and Harry Lacy in the cast. " McSorley's Twins " were seen Oct. 25 ; Robert Ingersoll lectured Sunday night, Oct. 31 ; " Courted into Court" was done Nov. i, with Marie Dressier as the star; "McFad- den's Row of Flats " came Nov. 8 ; and Margaret Mather presented " Cymbehne " Nov. 15, with this cast :

Pisanio Lynn Pratt

Queen .... Augusta de Forrest

Helen Elsie Sturkow

Imogen Margaret Mather

lachimo Mark Price

Caius W. V. Ranous


. . . O'Kane Hillis

C oten . .

. . B. T. Ringgold

Posthumus .

Harrison J. Wolfe


. . . E. A. Eberle

Guiderius .

. . Conrad Cantsen

Arviragus .

. . . Fred Hartley

"What Happened to Jones.'" was seen Nov. 22; Carl Haswin appeared in " The Silver King " Nov. 29 ; Francis Wilson was heard in "Half a King" Dec. 6; Geo. W. Munroe came Dec. 13, in "A Happy Little Home." Between the second and third act, John Rice, one of the contestants in a recent six-day bicycle-race, appeared on his wheel. "The Secret Enemy" was seen Dec. 20, with Elmer Grandin as the star; the Rays, in "A Hot Old Time," were seen Dec. 27; " Capt. Impudence" appeared Jan. 2, 1898; "My Friend from India" came Jan. 9; "A Ward of France," Jan. 16; " In Old Ken- tucky," Jan. 23 ; " Cumberland '61," for a two-weeks stay, Ja'n. 30; " Never Again " came Feb. 14 ; Primrose and West's minstrels, Feb. 21 ; " Under the Red Robe," Feb. 28 ; and " Oliver Twist" was re- vived March 7.

Nancy Sikes . Fagin . . . Bumble . . . Artful Dodger Oliver Twist .

Elita Proctor Otis

H. G. Carleton

. Louis Hendricks

Charles Danby

Daisy Lovering

Mrs. Corney Rose Maylie Mrs. Bed win Bill Sikes .

Violet Campbell

Blanche Johnson

. EflSe Carleton

Charles Barron

Chauncey Olcott appeared in "Sweet Inniscarra" March 14; May Irwin was seen March 21 in "The Swell Miss Fitzwell; " March 28




" East Lynne " was played, with McKee Rankin, Wilton Lackaye, Nance O'Neil, and Rose Eytinge in the cast. " Eight Bells " returned April 4 ; " What Happened to Jones ? " was seen April 11;" Gettys- burg," April 18; Sol Smith Russell came April 25, in "A Bachelor's Romance ; " " Little Lord Fauntleroy " was acted May 2 ; E. H. Sothern appeared May 9, in " Lord Chumley ; " " That Man from Mexico" came May 16; "The White Squadron" was done May 23, with Robert Hilliard heading the cast ; and the season closed June 4. The theatre was reopened Sept. 5, 1898, with "When London Sleeps;" "A Trip to Coontown " was given Sept. 12; "Wine, Woman, and Song," Sept. 19; and the "Louis James-Katherine Kidder-Fred Warde Combination" acted "The School for Scandal" Sept. 26, and matinde Sept. 30, with Louis James as Charles Surface, Warde as Joseph Surface, and Miss Kidder as Lady Teazle. " Julius Caesar " was played Sept. 27, and matinee Sept. 28 ; " Hamlet," the night of Sept. 28 ; " Othello," Sept. 29 ; and " Macbeth," Sept. 30. " Going to the Races " was given Oct. 3, for the first time in this city, by the Byrne Bros. West's minstrels came Oct. 10; "Yankee Doodle Dandy," Oct. 17; "Cumberland 61," Oct. 24; "Tempest Tossed," Oct. 31 ; James O'Neill appeared Nov. 7 in " Monte Cristo ; " Nov. 14 came "A Stranger in New York; " Nov. 21, " In Old Ken- tucky; " Nov. 28 " Red, White and Blue," by James Schonberg, was seen for the first time in New York, and had this cast :

Bob Newton .... Chas. Stewart Guide Romero . . . M. J. Jordan Manrique .... Wm. J. Bowen

Pedro E. J. MacGregor

Lopez H. Morton

Miguel John Germon

Sanza John Ince, Jr.

Garcie A. S. Simpson

Werner C. Warrington

Blanche Wilson . . Miss McMillan Olivia Russell . . Miss Radcliffe Dora Russell .... Miss Bronson George Wilson, Miss Mattie Southwell Olive Wilson . . Miss Ella Southwell Hetty Hale . . . Miss G. Quinlan Walter Wilson . . Wm. G. Stewart Reginald Weaver . . . John Craig Rev. Father Savage . Mr. Keenan Pat. McSheedey . . . Mr. Sullivan

"The Sign of the Cross," Dec. 5, and repeated Dec. 12; "Lost in Siberia," Dec. 19; "The White Heather," Dec. 26, for two weeks; Jan. 9, 1899, "Have You Seen Smith?" Jan. 16, "The Evil Eye;" Jan. 23, "A Female Drummer;" Jan. 30, "Shenan- doah," for two weeks; Feb. 13, Primrose and Dockstader's min- strels; Feb. 20, "Hotel Topsy Turvy;" Feb. 27, Fanny Rice in "At the French Ball ; " March 6, " On and Off; " March 13 Delia Fox was seen in "A Little Host; " March 20 Herbert Kelcey and Effie Shannon appeared, in "The Moth and the Flame; " March 27 " The Air Ship " came ; April 3 May Irwin was seen m " Kate Kip Buyer- " April 10 Henry Miller played in "Heartsease; " April 17 "The French Maid" was given; April 24, "The Turtle; " May i, "A Female Drummer; " May 8, " Uncle Tom's Cabm; May 15,


Florizel Norman Hackett

Polixenes .... Barry Johnstone

Paulina Helen Singer

Emilia . . Mrs. Henry Vandenhoff Hermione . . . Katherine Kidder

" Black Patti's Troubadours ; " May 22 Stuart Robson appeared in " The Meddler ; " and May 29 Chauncey Olcott was seen in " A Romance of Athlone." The season closed June 3.

The theatre was reopened Saturday night, Sept. 2, 1899, with " The King of the Opium Ring," a Chinese play. Sept. 1 1 " Hearts of Oak" came; Thos. Shea returned Sept. 18 in "A Man-of-War's- Man," which was done all the week except Saturday night, when " Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde " was given. Kellar, the magician, appeared the week of Sept 25 ; "A Grip of Steel " was given Oct. 2 ; Louis James, Katherine Kidder, Chas. Hanford, and company appeared Oct. 9 in "The Winter's Tale," which was repeated Oct. 13, and matinee Oct. 14; the cast was:

Leontes C. B. Hanford

Autolycus Louis James

Camillo . . . Thomas Coffin Cooke Antigonus .... Harry Langdon

Shepherd John Ellsler

Clown Collin Kemper

" Macbeth " was played Oct. 10, matinee Oct. 1 1 and night of Oct. 14 ; Oct. II, "The School for Scandal ; " and "The Rivals," Oct. 12 ; " Eight Bells " returned Oct. 16 ; Miss Blanche Walsh, Melbourne McDowell, and company appeared Oct. 23, matinee Oct. 25, and night Oct. 28, in " La Tosca ; " " Gismonda " was played Oct. 24, 26, 27 ; and "Fedora," Oct. 25; "The Girl from Maxim's" came Oct. 30; " Mile. Fifi," Nov. 6; " Phroso," Nov. 13 ; " The Sorrows of Satan," Nov. 20; " Why Smith Left Home," Nov. 27 ; James O'Neill was seen Dec. 4, in "The Three Musketeers," and all the week except Dec. 9, when "Monte Cristo" was acted; on Dec. 11 "Sporting Life" was done; Dec. 18, for two weeks, came " Shore Acres," with Nat Jones in the principal part; Jan. i, 1900, "Because She Loved Him So; " Jan. 8 came, for two weeks, "The Gunner's Mate; " Jan. 22 " A Stranger in a Strange Land " appeared ; Jan. 29 Ward and Yokes came in " The Floor Walkers ; " Feb. 5 " The Girl in the Bar- racks" appeared; Feb. 12, "Shenandoah; " Feb. 19, "In Old Ken- tucky;" Feb. 26, "The Rogers Bros, in Wall Street;" March 5 Mathews and Bulger were seen, in "By the Sad Sea Waves;" March 12, Primrose and Dockstadter's minstrels; March 19 May Irwin came, in " Sister Mary ; " March 26 came " What Happened to Jones?" April 2 Herbert Kelcey and Effie Shannon were seen, in " The Moth and the Flame ; " April 9, Cole and Johnson's colored specialty company, in "A Trip to Coontown; " April 16 "A Guilty Mother" was seen; April 23, "Man's Enemy;" April 30, "A Young Wife;" May 7, Blanche Walsh and Melbourne McDowell appeared all the week in "Cleopatra," except at the Wednesday matinee, when " Fedora " was played. The cast of " Cleopatra " was:




Marc Antony . Melbourne Macdowell Demetrius .... Chas. W. Stokes Thyseus .... James E. Nelson

Dercetas Ellis Ryse

Kephren Sydney Booth

Olympus John T. Burke

Governor of Tarsus . . Frank Willard

Messenger Harry Hynes

Octavius Caesar .... F. Harris Amosis J. Frank Gibbons

Juba Antony's H. J. Serviss

Strepsiade officers Alex. Wynne

A Merchant of Geo. Clifton

A Noble Tarsus R. E. Barton

Octavia, Katherine Power

Charmian Cleo- Constance Williams Iras patra's Emily Baker

Mezga women Marie Knudsen

Cleopatra .... Blanche Walsh

On May 14 "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was seen; May 21 Willie Col- lier came in " Mr. Smooth ; " May 28 Chauncey Olcott appeared in "A Romance of Athlone; " and the season closed June 2, 1900, on which date Mr. Pitou's lease expired.

The theatre was reopened August 25, under the management of J. H. Springer, with " The Belle of New York ; " Sept. 3 Eugenia Blair was seen, in " A Lady of Quality ; " Sept. 10 Hope Booth came, in "A Wife in Pawn;" Sept. 17 "Why Smith Left Home" was done; Sept. 24 "Dairy Farm" came; Oct. i, "Telephone Girl;" Oct. 8 Louis James, Katherine Kidder, and company appeared in " A Midsummer Night's Dream; " Oct. 15 "Le Voyage En Suisse" was revived; Oct. 22 "Eight Bells" returned; Oct. 29 Mr. and Mrs. Ray were seen, in " A Hot Old Time ; " Nov. 5 Herbert Kelcey and Effie Shannon presented " My Daughter-in-Law ; " Nov. 12 James J. Jeffries, the pugilist, was seen in the drama " A Man from the West ; " Nov. 19 came " Woman_ and Wine ; " " Mme. Butterfly " and " Naughty Anthony '' were played Nov. 26 ; the former drama had this csSt^

Cho-Cho-San, Madame Butterfly

Blanche Bates Mr. Sharpless . Claude Gillingwater Lieut. B. F. Pinkerton, Frank Worthing Yamadori .... Albert Bruning Nakado E. P. Wilks

Suzuki Mary Barker

Kate Katharine Black

" Trouble " Little Kitty

..^ J . < Westropp Saunders

Attendants . j William Lamp

" The Girl from Maxim's," with May Hampton as Mme. Lautignol was seen Dec. 3 ; Andrew Mack came Dec. 10 in " The Rebel ; " " The Highwayman," Dec. 17; Denman Thompson came Dec. 24 and stayed for two weeks, in " The Old Homestead ; " Louis Mann and Clara Lipman appeared Jan. 7, 1901, in "All on Account of Eliza; " Ward & Yokes returned Jan. 14, in " The Floor Walkers ; " " Hearts are Trumps" was done Jan. 21 ; Harry Lacy came Jan. 28, in " Still Alarm ; " Feb. 4, "In Old Kentucky;" Feb. 11 Peter F. Dailey was seen, in "Hodge, Podge & Co. ; " Feb. 18, " Lost River" was done; Feb. 25 Marie Dressier was seen in "Miss Print;" March 4, "At the White Horse Tavern;" March 11, "Barbara Frietchie," with Effie Ellsler as the heroine; March 18 came ' Quo


Vadis ;" March 25, May Irwin, in " Madge Smith, Attorney ; " April I, The Rogers Brothers ; April 8, Frank Daniels in " The Ameer; " "Sapho," April 15, with Sadie Martinot in the title r61e; April 22, " Hodge, Podge & Co. ; " April 29, Williams and Walker's colored show ; " Papa's Wife " came May 6 for two weeks, with Anna Held as the star; May 20, Gus Hill's " Liliputians ; " May 27, Prof. Herrmann, the magician ; June 3 Carl Haswin came, in " The Silver King; " June 10 "A Wise Guy" was seen, with specialties including James Corbett, the pugilist. The season closed June 15.








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