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^History Of "The 



'Baltimore, 9rfaryCand 


&amiay rftfoaettwv. 


Ancestors & Relatives of Reverdy Learin Orrett, W 

This Boofi wiH document every direct line ancestor (137 identified back^ to 13 

generations) of 2(everdy Lewin Omit, W and will also spotlight sekcted cousins. 

Of interest to the Simmont family will be the Olenrickle, Coleman, gift, fHartlovt 

and Armstrong families which are all ancestors of Catherine Louise Simmont. 

Relatives of Reverdy Learin Orrett W 
Who fought in the War <Betioeen the States 

This book^ will document every relative of Reverdy Lewin Orrell, W who fought in 

the 'War Vkteveen The States. (Pedigrees will be provided for each person showing 

their relationship to 'Reverdy L. Orrell IV. Additionally this book^ will contain 

many of the soldier's military and/ or pension records as well as discussing the history 

of the soldier's particular Civil War unit. Thus far 100 relatives and/or spouses have 

been identified of which 74 are confirmed Confederate States of America, 

Relatives of Reverdy LeztHn Orrett W 
Who fought in the Revolutionary War 

This book^is similar in scope to the above cited book. Thus far 50 persons have been 
identified Additionally 24 persons have been located for the War of 1812, 2 persons 

have been located for the Spanish American War, and 9 persons have been located 
with Colonial Military Service. All persons will be thoroughly documented as above. 


This <Boofi Is 
(Dedicated To 

My Qrand Mother 
Catherine Louise Simmont 


My Qrand !Awit 
Theresa Rose Simmont 

who both despite years of 

physical afflictions always 

put their family first 

»>• -«ic<*g&3#>i* <• 

Mistary Of The 

Simmont family 

Of ^Baltimore, Maryland 

COPYRIGHT © 24 NOVEMBER 1994 (Thanksgiving) by 




No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any 

form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including 

photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval 

system without the written permission of the author. 






Books by 

(®rrHl jfamilij Assortahon j 
21 Ik Jftrsi if our ilffars 

I Ancestors & R eV erdy L. Orrell IV II 
KRejotiveso f " V^. ^|fe. 

\ Simmont^ Family of Baltimore. MD IL 


. Orrell Family Records at 
[rh<. l/^r^n/f State Archives! 

I Eckert "ft Werner Families 
Of Baltimore. 1864 - 1930 

Orrell Family Association - The First Four Years' 

Copyright ©23 June 1990 
(Library of Congress Catalog Number 90-61710) 

Co-Authored by: 

Reverdy Lewin Orrell, III (Catonsville, Maryland) 

Robert Stanley Orrell (South Daytona, Florida) 

Terence Anthony David Orrell (Bolton, England) 

Werner Family Listings in the Baltimore City Directory. 1864-1930 

September, 1990 
(Library of Congress Catalog Number 90-62752) 

Eckert Family Listings in the Baltimore City Directory. 1864-1930 

September, 1990 
(Library of Congress Catalog Number 90-62755) 

Palestine Lodge No. 189. 1891-1991 
'The First Hundred Years' 

Copyright © May 1991 (Hardback book) 
(Library of Congress Catalog Number 90-63399) 

Orrell Family Records at the M aryland State Archives 

Copyright ©20 June 1992 
(Library of Congress Catalog Number 92-93020) 

Orrell Family Association - The Second Four Years' 

Copyright© 18 June 1994 

(Library of Congress Catalog Number 94-92130) 

Co-Authored by Same Authors as The First Four Years' 

History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore. Maryland 

Copyright ©24 November 1994 (Thanksgiving) 
(Library of Congress Catalog Number 94-068596) 

Ancestors & Relatives of Reverdy Lewin Orrell. IV 

(Currently in progress -projected publication date -June 1995) 

Relatives of Reverdy Lewin Qrrell IV Who Fought in the 
War Between The States 

(Currently in progress -projected publication date - 1995-6) 
Co-Authored with Reverdy Lewin Orrell IV 

Relatives of Reverdy Lewin Qrrell IV Who Fought in the 

Revolutionary War 

(Currently in progress -projected publication date - 1995-6) 

Allied Lines of the Early Qrrell Family in Maryland 

(Currently in progress -projected publication date - 1995-6) 
Co-Authored with Robert Stanley Orrell 

Robert Stanley Orrell and Reverdy Lewin Orrell HI 

are currently considering several joint genealogical 
collaborations on various branches of the Orrell family 

Books by 



Orrell Family Association - The First Four Years' 

(See information on previous page) 

In Paddy's Footsteps 

(Collection of original poems inspired by Robert Lee Orrell) 

Copyright © 1991 

Daniel Black Orrell 

And His Descendants 

Wrth The Banks Family 

Copyright © 1991 
(Library of Congress Catalog Number 91-60316) 

Those Who Served 

Biographical Sketches of Orrell Soldiers 

Who Fought In 

The War Between The States 

Copyright © 20 June 1992 
(Library of Congress Catalog Number 92-93021) 

Orrell Family in the U.S. Federal Census 

Copyright © 18 June 1994 
(Library of Congress Catalog Number 94-92127) 

Orrell Family Association - 'The Second Four Years' 

(See information on previous page) 

Books by 

Orrell Family Association - 'The First Four Years' 

(See information on previous page) 

History Of The House Of Orrell 

Copyright © 1991 (Printed in England) 
ISBN: 9516308 6 

Orrell Family Association - 'The Second Four Years' 

(See information on previous page) 

Terence A D. Orrell is currently transcribing the indexes to 

the General Registry Office of Orrell births covering the period 

1839- 1920. It is anticipated that this project will lead 

to another fine book on the Orrell family in England 



I am very indebted to the staff of the Maryland State Archives located at 350 Rowe 
Boulevard, Annapolis, Maryland. They have been extremely helpful in assisting me to 
locate several elusive records. Even with their expert help and assistance there were still 
several Simmont Family Records which appeared in various indexes but which even 
collectively we were unable to locate. 

My sincerest gratitude goes out to Robert Stanley Orrell of South Daytona, Florida, for 
the great work which he has accomplished in tracing and coordinating the various branches 
of the Orrell family and for serving as Editor on this my seventh book. Bob has co- 
authored two of these books and has served as Editor on Orrell Family Records at the 
Maryland State Archives as well as this book. I also thank Terence Orrell of England. 

I would certainly be remiss if I did not thank Ella Priscilla Simmont, Sandra Marie 
Simmont and other various members of the Simmont family who have supplied me with 
much needed information on their branches of the Simmont family. 

Special thanks go out to my parents Reverdy Lewin Orrell, Jr. and Jean Catherine 

Malle who support me in all of my undertakings. My mom adds quite a bit more than just 
moral support and frequently accompanies me from one end of Baltimore City, Baltimore 
County, and Anne Arundel County to another in my research endeavors. She is an old pro 
in dealing with cemetery personal and in helping me locate tombstones and other 
information. We have spent many an afternoon in 100° heat and weeds up to our waist 
searching for 'lost' relatives. 

Another special thanks go out to Frank & Kim Malle who made a very generous donation 
to help underwrite the publication of this book. 

I have been extremely fortunate to have a supportive, loving family. My wife Carol has 
stood behind me in all of my Genealogical and Masonic pursuits. My son Reb, without 
complaint, has performed many of my family obligations, allowing me the time to research, 
write and complete this book. 

Lastly, I would like to thank my close friends Jerry Gavin and Norman G. Williams. 
Jerry has constantly assisted in solving my computer problems and Norman has always 
been willing to help in any way possible. I value their friendship immensely. 

Reverdy Lewin Orrell, III 
October, 1994 

Onuoul Family Association 
Robert Stanley Orrell 

Editor, Charter Member & Family Historian 

P.O. Box 4828 

So. Daytona, Florida, 32121 U.S.A. 

(904) 760-6009 


The book you now hold in your hands is a classic. The Simmont Family is a very small but 
unique family to the Baltimore area and Reverdy Lewin Orrell has done the family a great 
justice by his tireless research and putting this book together. Having done research at the 
Maryland State Archives for two summers, I was all too familiar with the task involved in 
reading and transcribing the old documents and microfilm. Not only is the old handwriting 
hard to read, but the wrinkles, stains, tears, and other marks make the job almost 
impossible. I have authored several genealogical books myself, and I am well aware of the 
time and expense involved in a project such as this. 

The book is in two sections. The first section is a chronological history of the Simmont 
Family using entries from the Baltimore City Directories from the earliest entry to date. The 
second section list all known descendants of David Simmont. Reverdy Lewin Orrell has 
taken great strides to document each event such as births, deaths, marriages and City 
Directory listings. Anyone can write a book and put in many facts, but without the proper 
documentation the facts become only fiction. Not only are the documents transcribed in the 
book, a copy of the actual document is shown. 

Each person has their own identification number after their name. This is the actual number 
used in the Simmont Family Database on the computer. Also, each person has their line 
of ascent listed by name and ID number giving the reader a look at the entire line of 
ancestors at one glance. 

Anyone with ties to this family will certainly want to own a copy of the History of the 
Simmont Family. 



We live in a world that is full of 'disclaimers'. Everyone knows what a 'disclaimer' is. Look 
at the fine print on any warranty, contract, lease that you may have. We even see 
disclaimers in books that we read and movies and TV shows that we watch. You've all 
seen them before. One common example is " fill characters are. fictitious. Siny resemblance 
to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental" 

This book contains no such disclaimer. Rather it is an attempt to completely document the 
Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland and identify every Simmont who has ever lived 
in the United States. It is the work of a family historian for the use of those of the Simmont 
name and their descendants and for other historians, who may find parts of it of use. It 
claims no great pretensions to scholarship, but is at least the most complete attempt at the 
history of the Simmont family so far written. Remember that you need not have the 
surname of Simmont to be a member of the Simmont family. As long as your parent, 
grandparent, great grandparent etc. had the Simmont surname -you are a member of the 
Simmont family. 

In a history as complex as that dealing with hundreds of individuals (many with the same 
name) there are bound to be errors and omissions. I hope that they will be minor and 
forgiven by my readers. The pedigrees here are printed for the first time - all the result of 
original research and drawn from various sources. All conclusions have only been reached 
after careful consideration of known facts. 

Genealogy is a branch of History. The word 'history' is actually a compound word "His & 
Story" - "His Story" which literally translated means "God's Story" which is the "Story of 
Mankind". Genealogy is much more specific and personal in nature. It is "Your Story" or 
"Your History". 

It is no coincidence that the copyright date for this book is 24 November 1994 which 
happens to be f^anfesigtomg Bap. That is a day when families draw close together and 
spend much of the day catching up with what's happening with the rest of the family 
members. It is only fitting that day be chosen as the copyright day for this family genealogy. 

We live today in a world of 'Political Correctness' where you dare not say or write anything 
that may be offensive to any 'group' of people with the exception of course, of heterosexual 
white Christian males. While they founded and built this country they are as low as you can 
get on the totem pole today. This book is full of heterosexual white Christian males of the 
Simmont family who looked after and cared for members of their family as well as the 
community in general. You need only read the will of Oliver C. Simmont to understand 
what I am saying. 

If I were to write a history of World War II, I would be a poor historian if I did not include the 
bombing of Pearl Harbor or the dropping of the Atomic bomb. History is the collection of 
names, dates, places and events. Yet today, even in our own country, we find 'politically 
correct' art exhibits. Recently a nationally funded art show featured photos of the 'History 
of World War II'. Surprisingly there were no photos of Pearl Harbor nor any of Japan after 
the A-Bomb was dropped. This it was felt might be offensive to the Japanese. 

History and genealogy should be properly and accurately reported. A 'politically correct' 
genealogy would not include any cases of divorce, remarriage or illegitimacy all of which 
are simply facts of life and death. Nor would it include persons who 'didn't want to be 
included in the book' for whatever reason. There is no attempt in this book to embarrass 
anyone and great care has been exercised not to make anyone feel uncomfortable. My 
desire is only to document the Simmont family as best as I can. 

I imagine that my cousin Frederick Simmont would be proud of me right now. He 
obviously did not concede to political correctness in the 1 860's. He was arrested for being 
a Southern sympathizer and imprisoned at Fort McHenry in the heart of Baltimore City. 

I have never met a member of the Simmont family who had any difficulty in speaking their 
mind. I am proud to be one of them. 

October, 1994 


During this project I used the following computer equipment and computer software: 

* 286-AT IBM Compatible Computer (Laptop) operating at 12 MHz, containing 1 meg 
RAM, 40 meg Hard Drive, and VGA Backlit Black and White Monitor. 

* 486-AT IBM Compatible Computer operating at 40 MHZ, containing 8 megs RAM, 
435 meg Hard Drive, 2 megs Video RAM, Super VGA Color Monitor and Double 
Speed CD-ROM. 

* Panasonic® 1 KP-P4420 Laser Printer with 1 / 2 meg RAM. 
it WordPerfect® 5. 1 2 - computer word processing program. 

* Publisher's Powerpak® 3 (Scalable soft fonts for WordPerfect). 

* PAF 2.3 (Personal Ancestral File)® 4 - computer genealogy database program. 

* Census db® 5 - computer genealogy database program for Census information. 

* Microsoft Windows <53 ® 6 - computer multi-tasking software . 

I would estimate that I have spent about 1,000 hours in researching and writing this book. 
Additionally, several hundred dollars were spent making copies of microfilm from microfilm 
reader-printers. Not all documents were available on microfilm. In those cases they were 
photostated by the Maryland State Archives at a cost of $ 2.00 per page. 

All books were xeroxed and bound by the author. Hardbound copies were professionally 
bound by Library Binding Services of Waco, Texas. 

Panasonic is a registered trademark of the Panasonic Communications and Systems Company. 

2 WordPerfect is a registered trademark of WordPerfect Corporation. 

a Publisher's Powerpak is a registered trademark of Atech Software. 

A Personal Ancestral File is a registered trademark of the Corporation of the President of The Church 
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 

Census db is copyrighted by Joseph J. Borrello, Covina, California. 

Microsoft, MS-DOS and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. 



It is unknown exactly where the Simmont Family originated or the origin of the derivative 
of the Simmont name. It would appear that the family is of European descent although it 
can not be determined from what country. The name could be English, Polish, Czech, 
Austrian, or Hungarian. The only clue I have is found in the 1920 Maryland Census. A 
James Simmont who was actually listed as James Simont was found living alone in 
Allegheny County, Maryland. He came to the United States in 1 91 2 from Hungary. Having 
settled in Allegheny County and not in Baltimore City or Baltimore County, it would appear 
that he is not related to our particular Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland. It is 
unknown if the Simmont name as we know it today was originally something else or if it 
was 'shortened' or 'Americanized'. The 'Americanization' of a name is very common. 
Persons arriving in this country, at any point in history, are generally not native to the 
American tongue. They do not understand correctly what the immigration official is asking 
them in regards to the spelling or pronunciation of their name. We must also consider the 
fact that the immigration official (or census taker, court clerk, etc.) recorded names as best 
they could. They wrote it phonetically the way it sounded to them. Thus we find many early 
records as Seamont or Seemont. My grandfather is Frank Anthony Malle, Sr. However 
research shows that the surname is not Malle but rather Mallej. It has also been recorded 
as Malley or Maly - all the same surname just recorded differently. 

My surname of Orrell has changed form several times over the years. Its derivative is 
Ore Hill meaning 'one that worked on a hill in the ore mining industry'. We have all heard 
of the great jockey Willie Shoemaker. You can easily determine what his ancestors did 
for a living. Remember that Adam and Eve had no last names. In fact, most persons of 
the Bible had no surnames. Some were known by more than one name such of Joseph 
of Arimathaea designating that Joseph was of the town called Arimathaea. Eventually 
as the world became more populated surnames were necessary to distinguish persons. 
In time middle names were also added as well as Sr., Jr., Ill, IV, etc to help distinguish 
persons of the same name within families. 

Extensive searches in various books on heraldry have been performed without finding any 
reference to the Simmont family or any derivative of the Simmont name. Heraldry is that 
branch of history which investigates 'family coats of arms'. It is not an American institution 
although Coats of Arms have been used by American families from early colonial times. 
George Washington, himself, used one. Coat of Arms came into general use about the 
time of the Crusades, as a matter of expediency to recognize armored warriors in battle. 
Horses and dogs also wore armor. A popular misconception is that coats of arms were only 
used by European nobility. This is not true. Another common misconception is that every 
family of respectable social standing must have a coat of arms somewhere. Actually, 
prominent families may have come from humble immigrants and a laborer may be a 


descendent of a family of prominence. 

It does appear that the Simmont family arrived in Baltimore before the 1800's. David 
Simmontthe progenitor of the Simmont family was born before 1790 and probably closer 
to 1 785. He is the first Simmont located in the United States. The family spent many years 
engaged in the brickmaking industry and Simmont descendants of today still remember 
seeing the brickmaking yards along what is currently Washington Blvd. 

The Simmont family appears unique to Maryland. While documented in this country for 
over 200 years they have constantly remained in Maryland concentrated in mainly 
Baltimore City, Baltimore County, and Anne Arundel County. They have rarely been 
located elsewhere in this country. I have spent hours at the Uaus&tmf of tfje American 
fteboluttott iffnrarp in Washington, D.C. searching census indexes from around the country. 
I have never located a Simmont outside of Maryland in any census record. Surprisingly 
there are few land records for the Simmont family and only a few recorded Last Will and 
Testaments. I could find no record of a Simmont in the War of 1812, nor in the War 
Between the States although Frederick Simmont was arrested for being a Confederate 

Genealogy research has been tremendously aided by the advent of CD-ROMs. These 
CD-ROMs containing data are exactly like the audio CD-ROMs which have replaced 33 1 /s 
record albums and are quickly replacing audio cassette tapes. I have a two CD-ROM set 
entitled 'Phone Disc USA' containing the equivalent of 5,600 - 5,800 residential phone 
books across the country and about 80 million names. I only find 15 listings of Simmont 
in this entire database. All are from Maryland and there are only 10 different addresses. 
Naturally this database only contains listings for published home numbers. I do find one 
SIMMOTT in Michigan, two SEMONT in Texas, one SEAMONT in West Virginia and two 
other SIMONT listings. There is another unrelated family by the name of SINNOTT which 
probably has over 1 ,000 listings. Therefore you will see that the Simmont family surname 
is very small and still limited to the State of Maryland. 

Another useful CD-ROM I frequently use is a two CD-ROM set entitled the Social Security 
Death Benefit Records which contains approximately 47 million names through June 1 992. 
It contains the records of those individuals for whom a lump sum payment was made by 
the Social Security Administration. The manufacture states that missing data may occur 
in some entries when it was not supplied by the local Social Security Administration Office 
to headquarters. Also some missing entries exist in the 1930's, 1940's, 1950's and 1960's. 
While the above cited Phone Disc USA only contains persons with listed phone numbers 
this database contains every Simmont with a Social Security Number who died and had 
a lump sum payment made to his family. Even so there are only 16 Simmonts located. 
I also show only one Simmot, one Seamont, and three Simonts. We are certainly dealing 
with an extremely small family. While the present day base of the Simmont family 

increases with the birth of every descendant of David Simmont, the actual number of 
persons with the Simmont surname continues to remain small. 

In nine generations David Simmont has 277 descendants. Counting spouses there are 
414 descendants. I have documented 137 persons born with the Simmont surname. 
Seventy two (72) have been males with the remaining sixty five (65) being females. 

I will now briefly attempt to discuss some of the various genealogical sources I have used 
in researching this book. In addition to my personal knowledge of persons herewithin, I 
have interviewed many persons who also have contributed names, dates, places and family 
relationships. Eventually you reach a point that you must turn to other avenues of research. 
I therefore will briefly talk about some of the sources cited in this book. 

Naturally we are all aware of birth and death certificates. For the most part birth 
certificates in Maryland started in 1875. In Maryland, birth certificates are restricted for 
about 1 00 years meaning the only birth certificates available for genealogical use are those 
covering the period 1875 - 1890. I have found no Simmont birth records from that period. 

Death certificates began about the same time as birth certificates. They are restricted in 
the State of Maryland for about twenty years. I have located several through many hours 
of research and have included them throughout this book. Pleased be advised they are 
very helpful but often times contain very inaccurate information. Information is given at a 
very stressful time and often the person supplying the information does not knowthe correct 

Newspaper obituary notices seem to be a better source of information but are sometimes 
difficult to locate. There is no 'running index' for the Baltimore Sunpapers containing names 
appearing in obituary notices. You must know the death date to begin your search in the 
newspaper. Often times an obituary notice was not published. 

The Baltimore City Directory is a tremendous source of information. The Maryland 
Historical Society in Baltimore City has copies of the actual Baltimore City Directories from 
about 1796 - 1964. While some years are missing they are very consistent from 1799 - 
1930 and also have directories from 1936, 1937, 1940, 1942, 1955, 1958, 1958, 1959, 
1961, and 1964. These directories are not allowed to be xeroxed. To date I have not 
located any Baltimore City Directories covering the years 1931 - 1935 and 1943 - 1954. 
The Baltimore City Directory typically listed a man's name, occupation, and home address. 
Sometimes his business address was listed. Starting about 1922 wives were also listed. 
I have found the City Directory to be one of the best research tools for Baltimore City and 
have created long lists for every direct line surname. Amazingly, I have discovered several 
of my ancestral families were living in close proximity to each other many years before they 


were joined by marriage. This was discovered by finding the addresses in the Baltimore 
City Directory and then using the Sanborn Fire Maps for the closest time period. 

The correct terminology is 'City Directory'. 'City Directories' contain listings for different 
locations. Thus the 'Baltimore City Directory' is actually a 'City Directory' for the greater 
Baltimore Area and is not entirely restricted to ' Baltimore City 1 . The term 'City' is used to 
describe a metropolitan area and does not necessarily limit it self to an 'incorporated city'. 
I need to stress that point because 'Baltimore City' while originally incorporated in 1796, 
was not separated from Baltimore County as a governmental unit until 1851. 

The following is a 'Brief History of the Federal Census' which I wrote as an introduction for 
Robert Stanley Orrell's book The Orrell Family in the U.S. Census 1 . It is reproduced, 
in part: 

The first federal census was taken in the United States in 1790asaiesultofa Constitutional provision that..,. 'Representatives and direct Taxes 
shall be apportioned among the several stats which may be included with this Union, according to their respective Numbers .. The actual 
Enumeration shall bemade within three Years alter the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term 
of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct..' 

Our first Federal Census ofl 790 did exactly what it was designed to do - count the population. It did this within limited age categories by sex 
and did go one step further by listing the namesofthe heads of families, a practice continued for several decades, up to and including the 1840 
Federal Census. 

The greatest changes in the Federal Census forms came about in 1850. The entire format was altered from previous years. In the preceding 
census's the family was the primary unit with each family given one line on the census form. Due to the efforts of Lemuel Shattuck of 
Massachusetts, this was changed in the 1850 census when each individual citizen became the primary unit. In the 1840 census a family of 
twelve would be recorded on lline with only the head f of household's name listed. In the 1850 census this same family would comprise 12 
lines with each family member's name listed. 

I should also report that some of the 1790, 1800 and 1810 Federal Census returns are missing as a result of the fire in Washington, D.C set 
by the British during the War of 1812. Also, sadly, most ol 'the 1896 ) Federal Census returns do not exist as a result of a fire in the Commerce 
Department building on January 21, 1921. While not all returns were burned in the fire, most were so badly damaged that Congress authorized 
their disposal. Some records have remained but dxey are few and far between. 


when counting the census. Theonewastheregularbookwtechwasdestmyedduringthefwofl921. The otherbook enumerated Union Amy 
VcteransoftheCrvilWar. However this enumeration is also incomplete. Those 14 states and 'territories alphabetically from A tfirough Kansas 
(and part of Kentucky) have been lost. However those that remain are very helpful and include the veteran 'sname (also the widow's name if 
theveteran was deceased), hisrank, company, regiment (or vessel), enlistment and discharge dates, length of service in days, months and years, 
post office address, nature of any disability, and other remarks. I believe that only such record thus documented for the Orrell family is my 
great great grandfather Edward V. QmB of Baltimore, Maryland, although it would appear that several other records should exist. 

You might question the fact that 'If the census is taken every ten years, why in the year 1994 do we only have information from 1920 and 
earlier** 'Surely it doesn't take that much work to release that census?' The answer deals not with the length oftimeneeckd to wlease the (^nsus 
but rather with the aspect of confidentiality of the information from within the census. A letter from the Bureau of the Census to the LDS 
GenealogicalSoeiety dated 12 January 1960 addressedthisquestbninpartby stating 'Atthepresent(1960)theieaieapproximately30million 
persons who were living at the time of the Census of 1900. Most of 'these people were living in the United f States at that time and, presumably 


were included in that census. Someot themnodoubtwerelivingin institutions atthetimeofthecensus; others were living in unusual family 
arrangements which they may prefer not to bedisclosed. The possibility that such facts would be revealed, even after a substantial period of 
years, might be a source of embarrassment to some families. ' 

At present (1994) the most current Federal Census available for research is the 1920 Census which was released during 1992-93. The 1930 
census will probably be released around the year 2002. 

Lastly, I would like to clear up a few common misconceptions regarding the concept of 
'cousins'. Siblings (brothers and sisters) have a common parent; first cousins have a 
common grandparent; second cousins have a common great grandparent; third cousins 
have a common great-great grandparent; fourth cousins have a common great-great-great 
grandparent. This procedure expands as you connect with families further back in time and 
are able to make the connection. To give you a more detailed explanation I will point out 
a cousin of mine whom you all have heard of - Pres. Harry S Truman. We are 8th 
cousins, both descending from Richard Cheney. My direct line goes Reverdy Lewin 
Orrell, III 10 , Reverdy Lewin Orrell, Jr. 9 , Reverdy Lewin Orrell, Sr. 8 , Florence E. 
Stewart 7 , Richard Benson Stewart 6 , Elizabeth Benson 5 , Elizabeth Cheney 4 , Isiah 
Cheney 3 , Charles Cheney 2 , and Richard Cheney 1 . President Harry S Truman's line 
is Harry S Truman 10 , John Anderson Truman 9 , Mary Jane Holmes 8 , Ann Drusilla 
Tyler 7 , Robert Tyler 6 , Edward Tyler. Jr. 5 , Elizabeth Duvall 4 , Elizabeth Ijams 3 , 
Elizabeth Cheney 2 , and Richard Cheney 1 . Richard Cheney is our great-great-great- 
great-great-great-great grandfather (7th great grandfather) making us 8th cousins. 

Nearly everyone, including many genealogists, make the mistake of calling their 
grandfather's brother their 'great uncle'. There is no such thing as a GREAT AUNT or 
GREAT UNCLE. Think about this very carefully. Your grandfather's brother or sister is 
on the same generation as your grandparent. Therefore this person is your GRAND 
AUNT or GRAND UNCLE, not great aunt or great uncle. Your great-grandfather's brother 
or sister is on the same generation as he is and is therefore your GREAT-GRAND AUNT 

The matter of 'once removed' 'twice removed', etc. is very confusing. Without going into 
a lengthy discussion of this particular subject the crux of the matter deals with different 
generations levels. You are not on the same generation as your children, your parents, or 
your grandparents. That is easily to comprehend but it gets very confusing when talking 
about cousins on different generations. It would take too much space, at this time to delve 
into the 'removed' area when dealing with cousins. 

In any event, it is not the purpose of this book to serve as a primer for genealogy principals 
and research methods. It is however necessary for the reader to understand a few of the 
minor principals as explained above. So sit back, relax, and enjoy reading about the 
History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland. 


Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 

The following represents a chronological history of the Simmont family in Baltimore, Maryland. This listing 
has taken several years to compile and includes all known entries from the Baltimore City Directory. The 
Baltimore City Directory is the forerunner to the modern day telephone book and was published from about 
1699 until about 1964. It was not published in every year, nor are all years available. All entries from the 
Baltimore City Directory are very easy to spot in the following list. Those entries list the person's name, 
occupation, and residence. Sometimes they also contain the name of their business and spouse's name. 
For instance: 

1880 Charles (Edward Simmont & Son), 90 N. Carrollton Ave 

1926 Charles W. (Margaret), packer, h. Foerster nr Hollins Ferry Rd, Mt Winans 

In the below listing you will find a year followed by '(No Simmont listings located) 1 . This indicates that a 
Baltimore City Directory has been located for that year but that no members of the Simmont family were 
found, hence the listing of '(No Simmont listings located)'. 

This list also consists of the various birth dates, marriage dates and death dates from members of the 
Simmont and its extended family. In many cases I have estimated the birth, marriage or death year. In those 
listings you will find the phrase 'Approximate year' listed. Listings under a given year are usually is the 
following order: Baltimore City Directory, Birth, Marriage, Death, and Census. Census records are only found 
in the years 1860, 1880, 1900 and 1920. I have tried to keep all of the type of listings separated by a blank 
line. In some cases you will see a birth, marriage or death listing followed by (Approximate year). This 
indicates that records point to an approximate year. 

Throughout this list when a person has clearly been identified their RIN {Random Identification Number} is 
added within (French brackets}. This is a randomly computer generated number (much like a random lotto 
number) and has no significance other than helping to keep the family members separated. For instance, 
the Simmont family contains persons by the name of William, David, and George and without such Random 
Identification Numbers they would be difficult to separate especially when given the fact that there were 
several William, David, and Georges living at the same time and engaging in the same occupation ! 

The following list brings many of family lines to the present date. In bringing any of the female Simmonts 
family lines forward the Simmont surname is lost and the husband's name is carried forth. When presenting 
births in such situations I list the child's name followed by the Simmont descendant and their spouse. In the 
sample below Rebecca Lynn Burr {1 76} is the daughter of Margaret Theresa Chick {58} who is a member 
of the Simmont family being the daughter of Theresa Rose Simmont {1 1}. 


20 June Birth - Rebecca Lynn Burr {176}, daughter of Margaret Theresa Chick {58} & Ronald 

Pierson Burr, Sr. {68} 

In addition to listings from the Baltimore City Directory and births, marriages and deaths I have also 
included listings from the Federal Census which is taken at the beginning of every decade starting with 1790 
and continuing to the present day. Unfortunately the collected information is only available for researchers 
from 1790 - 1920. Census data from 1930 to the present is restricted information at present. The 1930 
Federal Census will not be released to the public until about the year 2004. Actual information from the 1 840 
and earlier census is very limited with only the 'Head of Household' being listed by name. While there were 
Simmonts in Baltimore before 1850, (No Simmont listings located) were located in the Federal Census before 

Page I- 

Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 

that time. 

Throughout the listings of births, marriages, and deaths a woman's maiden name is carried forth. If her 
maiden name is not known, her name and {RIN} are followed by (Maiden name unknown). The listings from 
the Baltimore City Directory are as printed and in many cases contain the wife's married name. 

In the below listing the Baltimore City Directory entries are enumerated before the other entries. In some 
cases you will find a listing such as 1817-1818. This indicated that only one Baltimore City Directory was 
published covering a two year period. There were different publishers of the Baltimore City Directory and 
in some cases there were two different directories published in the same year. 

One thing to keep in mind when examining the following list is that the information printed in any Baltimore 
City Directory was collected in the previous year. For instance, the information found in the 1886 directory 
was collected sometime in 1885 which can sometimes cause confusion. Charles Melvin Simmont {287} 
died 21 October 1885; however he is found listed in the 1886 directory. 

1785 Birth (Approximate year) David Simmont {278}, parentage unknown, husband of Harriet 

{253} (Maiden name unknown) who was also probably born about this time. 

1807 (No Simmont listings located) 

1808 (No Simmont listings located) 

1810 (No Simmont listings located) 

. Marriage (Approximate year) David Simmont {278} & Harriet {253} (Maiden name 

1812 Birth - Frederick Simmont {217}, son of David Simmont {278} & Harriet {253} (Maiden 
name unknown) 

1813 Birth (Approximate year) Julia Ann Chapman {219}, wife of Frederick Simmont {217} 

1814 (No Simmont listings located) 

Birth (Approximate year) Samuel Simmont {251}, son of David Simmont {278} & Harriet 
{253} (Maiden name unknown) 

1816 Birth - John Simmont {279}, son of David Simmont {278} & Harriet {253} (Maiden name 

1817-18 (No Simmont listings located) 

1817 Birth (Approximate year) David Simmont {252}, son of David Simmont {278} & Harriet 
{253} (Maiden name unknown) 


Birth (Approximate year) - David Simmont {252}, son of David Simmont {278} and Harriet 

- Page 2 - 

Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 

{253} (Maiden name unknown) 

Birth (Approximate year) - Elizabeth {241}, parentage unknown, wife of David Simmont 
15 March Birth - William Simmont {261}, son of David Simmont {278} & Harriet {253} (Maiden name 


1819 (No Simmont listings located) 

1820 Birth (Approximate year) Mary A. Simmont {254}, daughter of David Simmont {278} & 
Harriet {253} (Maiden name unknown) 


1 1 November Birth - Betsy Ann Stallings {216}, wife of William Simmont {261} 

1822 (No Simmont listings located) 

1 822-23 (No Simmont listings located) 

1824 David Simmont {278}, brickmaker, Washington south side adjoining the run, 

Ridgely's Addition 

1827 (No Simmont listings located) 

1829 (No Simmont listings located) 

1830 Birth (Approximate year) David F. Simmont {172}, son of David Simmont {252} & 
Elizabeth {241} (Maiden name unknown) 

Birth (Approximate year) Elizabeth {241} (Maiden name unknown), wife of David F. 

Simmont {172} 

Marriage (Approximate year) - David Simmont {252} & Elizabeth {241} (Maiden name 



(No Simmont listings located) 


(No Simmont listings located) 


(No Simmont listings located) 


(No Simmont listings located) 



Marriage (Approximate year) 1 


(No Simmont listings located) 


- Page 3 - 

Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 

25 June Birth - Edward Simmont {218}, son of Frederick Simmont {217} & Julia Ann Chapman 


1 838 Birth (Approximate) - Maria Amelia Simmont {220}, daughter of Frederick Simmont {217} 

& Julia Ann Chapman {219} 

26 October Birth - Elizabeth M. Hollingshead {225}, wife of Edward Simmont {218} 


(No Simmont listings located) 


19 September Birth - Adelaide E. Simmont {221}, daughter of Frederick Simmont {217} & Julia Ann 
Chapman {219} 

1842 John Simmont {279}, laborer, corner Cross St & Washington Rd. 

1843 Marriage (Approximate year) - William Simmont {261} & Betsy Ann Stallings {216} 

17 August Marriage - Mary A. Simmont {254} & John Speights {255}, daughter of David Simmont 

{278} & Harriet {253} (Maiden name unknown) 

1844 Birth (Approximate year) Mary E. Speights {256}, daughter of Mary A. Simmont {254} & 
John Speights {255} 

2 January Birth - Julia Ann Simmont {324}, daughter of William Simmont {261} & Betsy Ann 

Stallings {216} 
August Birth - Julia {244} (Maiden name unknown), wife of William Simmont, Jr. {283} 

1845 Frederick Simmont {217}, brickmaker, 99 Columbia St. 


13 January 






1 1 August 

Death - Catharine Bell {257}, mother of William Simmont {258}, parentage & spouse 


Birth - Caroline Simmont {222}, daughter of Frederick Simmont {217} & Julia Ann 

Chapman {219} 

Birth - Birth William Simmont, Jr. {283}, son of William Simmont, Sr. {261} & Betsy Ann 

Stallings {216} 

Birth - William F. Simmont, Sr. {281}, son of David Simmont {252} & Elizabeth {241} 

(Maiden name unknown) 

(No Simmont listings located) 

Death - Mary E. Speights {256}, daughter of Mary A. Simmont {254} & John Speights 


16 March 

Death - Samuel Simmont {251}, son of David Simmont {278} & Harriet {253} (Maiden 
name unknown) 

- Page 4 - 

Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 

Frederick Simmont {217}, firm, Collins & Simmont 332 Light 

Birth (Approximate year) Louisa Haine {303}, wife of David F. Simmont {172} 

Birth (Approximate year) Laura W. Simmont {223}, daughter of Frederick Simmont {217} 

& Julia Ann Chapman {219} 

Birth (Approximate year) Samuel Simmont {284}, son of David Simmont {252} & Elizabeth 
{241} (Maiden name unknown) 

(No Simmont listings located) 

Birth (Approximate year) Caroline Simmont {452}, daughter of William Simmont {261} and 

Betsy Ann Stallings {216} 

Birth - Mary Jane Blackburn {230}, second wife of Jacob Henry Simmont {209} 

Birth - Georganna Stallings {52}, first wife of Jacob Henry Simmont {209} 

Frederick Simmont {217}, brickmaker, 146 Lee 

Marriage (Approximate year) - David F. Simmont {172} & Louisa Haine {303} 

Birth - Jacob Henry Simmont {209}, son of David F. Simmont {1 72} & Louisa Haine {303} 

Frederick Simmont {217}, brickmaker, 146 Lee 

Birth (Approximate year) - Sarah C. Simmont {453}, daughter of William Simmont {261} 
and Betsy Ann Stallings {216} 

Frederick Simmont {217}, brickmaker, 146 Lee 

Birth - Elizabeth {369}, parentage unknown, spouse of David Simmont {368} 


Frederick Simmont {217}, brickmaker, h. 146 Lee 

Birth - Charles Melvin Simmont {287}, son of Edward Simmont {218} & Elizabeth M. 
Hollingshead {225} 

18 January Marriage - Edward Simmont {218} & Elizabeth M. Hollingshead {225} 

19 December Birth - Samuel A. Simmont {285}, son of William Simmont {261} & Betsy Ann Stallings 



Edward Simmont {218}, provision dealer, 215 S. Eutaw, h. 146 Lee 
Frederick Simmont {217} brickmaker, Light extended, h. 146 Lee 

Census: Frederick Simmont {217} located in BaltimoreCity with wife Julia Ann Chapman 

Page 5- 

Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 

{219} and daughters Amelia Simmont {220}, Adelaide Simmont {221}, Caroline Simmont 
{222}, Laura Simmont {223}, & Emma Simmont {224} 


Birth (Approximate year) Jessie Simmont {280}, son of Edward Simmont {218} & 
Elizabeth Hollingshead {225} 

Birth (Approximate year) Julia Simmont {304}, son of Edward Simmont {218} & Elizabeth 
Hollingshead {225} 

Death (Approximate year) Jessie Simmont {280}, son of Edward Simmont {218} & 
Elizabeth Hollingshead {225} 

Death (Approximate year) Julia Simmont {304}, son of Edward Simmont {21 8} & Elizabeth 
Hollingshead {225} 


Birth (Approximate year) - Alfred T. Simmont {263}, son of David F. Simmont {172} & 
Louisa Haine {303} 


Birth (Approximate year) - Martha J. Simmont {454}, daughter of William Simmont {261} 

and Betsy Ann Stallings {216} 

Birth - Mary E. Simmont {353}, daughter of David F. Simmont {172} & Louisa Haine {303} 


Edward Simmont {218} brickmaker, 296 S. Charles 

Frederick Simmont {217}, brickmaker, Light extended, home: 146 Lee 

February Birth - Ida M. Simmont {334}, daughter of William Simmont {261} & Betsy Ann Stallings 

October Birth - Oliver C. Simmont {207}, son of Edward Simmont {218} & Elizabeth M. 

Hollingshead {225} 


Frederick Simmont {217}, brickmaker, Light extended, home: 146 Lee 


Birth - Caroline L. Bankard {208}, wife of Oliver C. Simmont {207} 

1867-8 Edward Simmont {218}, brickmaker, Light extended, home: 483 Light 

Frederick Simmont {217}, brickmaker, Columbia extended, home: 146 Lee 


25 June 


2 December 
12 December 

Birth (Approximate year) - Anne E. Simmont {450}, daughter of William Simmont, Jr. {283} 

and Julia {244} (Maiden name unknown) 

Marriage (Approximate year) - William F. Simmont, Sr. {28 1 }, son of David Simmont {252} 

& Elizabeth {241} (Maiden name unknown) 

Birth - Frederick H. Simmont {229}, son of Edward Simmont {218} & Elizabeth M. 

Hollingshead {225} 

Birth - Joseph Simmont {265}, son of William F. Simmont, Jr. {281} & Sarah {325} 

(Maiden name unknown) 

Birth - John Thomas Simmont {98}, son of David F. Simmont {1 72} & Louisa Haine {303} 

Birth - Mary C. Bosman {291}, wife of Harrison T. Simmont {290} 

Page 6 

Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 



Edward Simmont {218}, brickmaker, 208 S. Paca 

Frederick Simmont {217}, brickmaker, 208 S. Paca 

William Simmont {261} brickmaker, 96 St. Peter (next door to Clement Henrickle) 

25 December Birth - Margaret R. Henrickle {73}, wife of John Thomas Simmont {98} 


9 November 






Birth (Approximate year) - Agnes Simmont {451}, daughter of William Simmont, Jr. {283} 

and Julia {244} (Maiden name unknown) 

Birth - Harrison T. Simmont {290}, son of William F. Simmont, Sr. {281} & Sarah {325} 

(Maiden name unknown) 

Birth - George Washington Simmont, Sr. {7}, son of David F. Simmont {172} & Louisa 

Haine {303} 

Birth - Margaret {266} (Maiden name unknown); wife of Joseph Simmont {265} 

Edward Simmont {218}, brickmaker, 146 Lee 
Frederick Simmont {217}, brickmaker, 101 N. Republican 
William Simmont {261}, brickmaker, 94 St. Peter 
William Simmont, Jr. {283}, 96 St. Peter 

Census - William Simmont, Jr. {283} and wife Elizabeth {244} (Maiden name unknown) 
[We have her listed as Julia {244} (Maiden name unknown) with daughters Anne E. 
Simmont {450} and Agnes Simmont {451}]. Also living at this address was Susan Smith, 
possibly a sister to Elizabeth. 

Census - William Simmont {261} and wife Elizabeth A. Simmont who is Betsy Ann 
Stallings {216} with daughter Julia A. Simmont {324}, Caroline Simmont {452}, daughter 
Sarah C. Simmont {453}, daughter Martha J. Simmont {454} and son Samuel A. 
Simmont {285}. 

Edward Simmont {218}, brickmaker, 146 Lee 

Frederick Simmont {217}, brickmaker, Columbia ext - home: 101 N. Republican 

William Simmont {261}, brickmaker, 94 St. Peter 

William Simmont, Jr. {283}, 96 St. Peter 

David Simmont {172}, driver, 36 s. Paca 

David Simmont {252}, brickmaker, 365 Columbia 

Edward Simmont {218}, brickmaker, 18 Wyeth 

Frederick Simmont {217}, brickmaker, Columbia Ave ext - home: 101 N. Republican 

Jacob Simmont {209}, driver 

William F. Simmont {281}, police, 18 Wyeth 

William Simmont {282}, brickmaker, 18 Wyeth 

William Simmont {261}, brickmaker, 94 St. Peter 

William Simmont, Jr. {283}, 96 St. Peter 

Edward Simmont {218} brickmaker, 197 Barre 

Frederick Simmont {217}, brickmaker, Columbia ext - home: 101 N. Republican 

- Page 7- 

Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 

William Simmont {281}, brickmaker, 18 Wyeth 
William Simmont, Jr. {283}, 96 St. Peter 

1874 Edward Simmont {218}, brickmaker, 197 Barre 

Frederick Simmont {217}, brickmaker, Columbia ext - 217 N. Republican 
William Simmont {281}, brickmaker, 18 Wyeth 
William Simmont, Jr. {283}, 96 St. Peter 

October Birth - Margaret Simmont {231}, daughter of Jacob Henry Simmont {209} & Georganna 

Stallings {52} 


14 September Marriage - Jacob Henry Simmont {209} & Georganna Stallings {52} (1st Marriage) 

1875 David Simmont {252} brickmaker, 22 Washington Ave. 
Edward Simmont {218}, brickmaker, 197 Barre 

Frederick Simmont {217}, brickmaker, Columbia ext - 217 N. Republican 
William Simmont {261}, police, 96 St. Peter 
William Simmont {281}, brickmaker, 60 Wyeth 

Birth- Anna E. Simmont {354}, daughter of David F. Simmont {1 72} & Louisa Haine{303} 

1876 Frederick Simmont {217}, brickmaker, Columbia ext - 217 N. Carrollton Ave 
William Simmont {261}, turnkey, 96 St. Peter 

25 July Birth - Ellen Priscilla Henrickle {8} who married George Washington Simmont, Sr. {7} 

1877 Edward Simmont {218}, brickmaker, 523 Lexington 
Frederick Simmont {217}, brickmaker, 217 N. Carrollton Ave 
William Simmont {261}, turnkey, 96 St. Peter 

William Simmont {281}, brickmaker, 36 Wyeth 

8 June Birth - William F. Simmont, Jr. {282}, son of William F. Simmont, Sr. {281} & Sarah {325} 

(Maiden name unknown) 

1878 David Simmont {252}, watchman, 22 Washington Ave 
David F. Simmont {172}, brick moulder, 22 Washington Ave 
Edward Simmont {218}, brickmaker, 217 N. Carrollton Ave 
Frederick Simmont {217}, brickmaker, 217 N. Carrollton Ave 
Jacob Simmont {209}, brickmaker, Mt. Clair Junction 
Samuel Simmont {284}, laborer, 22 Washington Ave 
William Simmont {261}, turnkey, 160 Scott 

William Simmont {281}, brickmaker, 36 Wyeth 

Marriage - Samuel A. Simmont, Jr. {286} and Martha E. {289} (Maiden name unknown) 
Marriage (Approximate year) David Simmont {368}, son of David F. Simmont {172} & 
Louisa Haine {303} and Elizabeth {369} 

- Page 8 - 

Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 


Charles Simmont {287}, printer, 328 W. Lombard 
David Simmont {252}, brickmaker, 375 Scott 
David F. Simmont {172}, brick moulder, 375 Scott 
Edward Simmont {218}, brickmaker, 328 W. Lombard 
Frederick Simmont {217}, brickmaker, 217 N. Carrollton Ave 
Samuel Simmont {284}, laborer, 375 Scott 
William Simmont {261}, turnkey, 152 Scott 
William F. Simmont {281}, brickmaker, 105 Ridgely 

6 August Birth - Clarence Simmont {242}, son of David Simmont {368} & Elizabeth {369} 

18 August Death - Betsy Ann Stallings {216}, wife of William Simmont {261} 

October Birth - Bertha L. Simmont {347}, daughter of Samuel A. Simmont, Jr. {286} & Martha E. 

{289} {Maiden name unknown) 


Charles Simmont {287}, (Edward Simmont & Son), 90 N. Carrollton Ave 

Edward Simmont {218}, (Edward Simmont & Son), 90 N. Carrollton Ave 

Edward Simmont & Son, provisions, 76 Harlem Ave 

Frederick Simmont {217}, brickmaker, 217 N. Carrollton 

Jacob W. Simmont {209}, brickmaker, Washington Ave extended 

William Simmont {261}, turnkey, 152 Scott 

Census - Samuel A. Simmont, Jr. {286} with wife Martha E. {289} (Maiden name unknown 
- listed in the census as Emma Simmont), and daughter Bertha L. Simmont {347} 

Census - David Simmont {368} with wife Elizabeth {369} (Maiden name unknown) and son 
Clarence Simmont {242} 

Census - Jacob Henry Simmont {209} and wife Betsy Ann Stallings {52} (Listed in the 
census as Ann Simmont, and daughter Margaret Simmont {231} 

Census - David F. Simmont {172} and wife Louisa Haine {303} and children Alfred T. 
Simmont {263}, Mary E. Simmont {353}, John Thomas Simmont {98}, George 
Washington Simmont, Sr. {7}, and Anna E. Simmont {354} 


Charles Simmont {287}, printer, 78 Harlem Ave 

David F. Simmont {172}, brickmaker, 528 Cross 

Edward Simmont {218}, 78 Harlem Ave 

Frederick Simmont {217}, brickmaker, 217 N. Carrollton Ave 

Jacob Simmont {209}, brickmaker, 18 Washington Ave 

Jacob W. Simmont {209}, brickmaker, 18 Washington Ave 

Samuel Simmont {284}, brickmaker, 142 Scott 

William Simmont {261}, turnkey, 142 Scott 

William F. Simmont {281}, brickmaker, 11 Wyeth 

12 December Death - Samuel Simmont {285}, wife unknown, son of William Simmont {261} & Betsy 
Ann Stallings {216} 

- Page 9 - 

Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 


Charles Simmont {287}, printer, 78 Harlem Ave 

Edward Simmont {218}, 78 Harlem Ave 

Frederick Simmont {217}, brickmaker, 217 N. Carrollton Ave 

Jacob Simmont {209}, brickmaker, Washington Ave ext 

Samuel Simmont {284}, brickmaker, 142 Scott 

Samuel A. Simmont {285}, 496 Cross 

William Simmont {261}, turnkey, 142 Scott 

William Simmont {283}, brickmaker, 142 Scott 

Oliver C. Simmont {207}, clerk, 78 Harlem Ave 

Birth (Approximate year) John Betch {294}, husband of Annie Simmont {293} 
Marriage - Ida M. Simmont {334}, daughter of William Simmont {261} & Betsy Ann 
Stallings {216} & William F. Gauer {335}, parentage unknown 
April Birth - Mary J. {361} (Maiden name unknown), wife of William F. Simmont, Jr. {282} 

May Birth - Samuel A. Simmont, III {348}, son of Samuel A. Simmont, Jr. {286} & Martha E. 

{289} (Maiden name unknown) 
18 November Death - Clarence Simmont {242}, son of David F. Simmont {172} & Louisa Haine {303} 


Alfred Simmont {263}, brickmaker, Washington Ave ext 

Charles Simmont {287}, printer, 78 Harlem Ave 

David F. Simmont {172}, brickmaker, 522 Cross 

Edward Simmont {218}, 78 Harlem 

Frederick Simmont {217}, brick manufacturer, Washington Ave, Home: 217 N. 


Frederick Simmont {229}, clerk, 78 Harlem 

Jacob Simmont {209}, brickmaker, Washington Ave ext 

Joseph Simmont {265}, brick manufacturer, Washington Ave ext Home: 205 Scott 

Oliver C. Simmont {207}, clerk, 78 Harlem Ave 


Birth (Approximate year) - Jessie M. {363} (Maiden name unknown), spouse of Samuel A. 

Simmont, III {348} 

Marriage - Ida M. Simmont {334}, daughter of William Simmont {261} & Betsy Ann 

Stallings {216} and William F. Gauer {335} 

Birth - William H. Gauer {355}, son of Ida M. Simmont {334} & William F. Gauer {335} 

Birth - Jennie Simmont {349}, daughter of Samuel A. Simmont, Jr. {286} & Martha E. 

{289} (Maiden name unknown) 


Charles M. Simmont {287}, printer, 78 Harlem Ave 

Edward Simmont {218}, brickmaker, 78 Harlem Ave 

Frederick Simmont {217}, brick manuf N.side of Washington Ave W. of B & O RR, 

Home: 217 N. Carrollton Ave 

Frederick H. Simmont {229}, clerk, 359 W. Baltimore - Home: 78 Harlem Ave 

Oliver C. Simmont {207}, clerk, 359 W. Baltimore - Home: 78 Harlem Ave 

Samuel Simmont {284}, brickmaker, 389 Scott 

William Simmont {283}, brickmaker, 142 Scott 


Alfred T. Simmont {263}, brickmaker, boards 250 Washington Ave 

Page 10' 

Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 

Charles M. Simmont {287}, printer, boards 78 Harlem Ave 
David F. Simmont {172}, brickmaker, 568 Cross 
Edward Simmont {218}, brick manuf, 78 Harlem Ave 
Frederick Simmont {217}, brick manuf, 217 N. Carrollton Ave 
Frederick H. Simmont {229}, clerk, boards 78 Harlem Ave 
Jacob H. Simmont {209}, brickmaker, 250 Washington Ave 
Oliver C. Simmont {207}, clerk, 21 Hanover boards: 78 Harlem Ave 
Samuel A. Simmont {285}, brick layer, 522 Cross 
William Simmont {283}, boards, 142 Scott 
William F. Simmont {281}, boards 88 George 

April Birth - David Simmont {350}, son of Samuel A. Simmont, Jr. {286} & Martha E. {289} 

(Maiden name unknown) 

Marriage (Approximate year) Joseph Simmont {265} & Margaret {266} (Maiden name 

21 October Death - Charles Melvin Simmont {287}, son of Edward Simmont {218} & Elizabeth M. 
Hollingshead {225} 

1886 Alfred T. Simmont {263}, brickmaker, 250 Washington Ave 
Charles M. Simmont {287}, printer, 78 Harlem Ave 
David F. Simmont {172} brickmaker, 568 Cross 

David F. Simmont {172}, brickmaker, 250 Washington Ave 

Edward Simmont {218}, 78 Harlem Ave 

Frederick Simmont {217}, brick manuf., Washington Ave ext - Home: 217 N. 

Carrollton Ave 

Frederick Simmont {229}, clerk, 78 Harlem Ave 

Harry C. Simmont {290}, laborer, Clinton near Eleventh Ave 

Jacob H. Simmont {209}, brickmaker, 250 Washington Ave 

Oliver C. Simmont {207}, clerk Armstrong, Cator & Co, home: 78 Harlem Ave 

William Simmont {281} brickmaker, 108 W. Townsend 

William Simmont {283}, brickmaker, 142 Scott 

May Birth - Charles E. Gauer {356}, son of Ida M. Simmont {334} & William F. Gauer {335} 

1887 David F. Simmont {172}, brickmaker, 1 165 Nanticoke 
Edward Simmont {218} brickmaker, 1629 W. Lexington 

Frederick Simmont {217}, brick manuf., Washington Ave ext, home: 700 N. Carrollton 

Frederick H. Simmont {229} clerk, 1629 W. Lexington 

George W. Simmont {7}, laborer, 1149 Washington Ave 

Jacob H. Simmont {209}, foreman, 1 149 Washington Ave 

John T. Simmont {98}, driver, 1149 Washington Ave 

Louisa (Mrs.) Simmont {303}, 1 149 Washington Ave 

Oliver C. Simmont {207}, clerk, 1629 W. Lexington 

William Simmont {283}, brickmaker, 522 Scott 

Birth (Approximate year) Howard F. Simmont {210}, son of Virginia Catherine Carroll {88} 

- Page 11 - 

Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 


by a previous marriage. Adopted son of George Washington Simmont, Jr. {78} 

Birth - Emma Simmont {267}, daughter of Joseph Simmont {265} & Margaret {266} 

(Maiden name unknown) 


David F. Simmont {172}, grocer, 1155 Cleveland 

Edward Simmont {218}, brickmaker, 1629 W. Lexington 

Frederick Simmont {217}, brick manuf, Washington Ave ext - home: 700 N. Carrollton 

Frederick H. Simmont {229}, clerk, 1629 W. Lexington 

Harry T. Simmont {290}, driver, 1025 Clinton 

Jacob H. Simmont {209}, foreman, 1149 Washington Ave 

Oliver C. Simmont {207}, clerk, 1621 W. Lexington 

William Simmont {283} brickmaker, 522 Scott 

21 March 

8 December 

Marriage (Approximate year) Harrison T. Simmont {290} & Mary C. Bosman {291} 
Marriage (Approximate year) Alfred T. Simmont {263} & Margaret Henrickle {215} 
Death - Frederick Simmont {217}, husband of Julia Ann Chapman {219} & son of David 
Simmont {278} & Harriet {253} (Maiden name unknown) 
Birth - Addie M. Irving {246}, wife of William Francis Simmont {245} 


Alfred Simmont {263}, laborer, 1459 Washington Ave 
David F. Simmont {172}, grocer, 1155 Cleveland 
Edward Simmont {218}, brickmaker, 1603 W. Mulberry 
Frederick H. Simmont {229}, clerk, 1603 W. Mulberry 
Jacob H. Simmont {209}, laborer, 1 149 Washington Ave 
Julia A. (Mrs.) Simmont {219}, 700 N. Carrollton Ave 
Oliver C. Simmont {207}, clerk, 1603 W. Mulberry 
William Simmont {283}, brickmaker, 522 Scott 
William Simmont {281}, laborer, 1713 Division 

July Birth - Alfred T. Simmont {214}, son of Joseph Simmont {265} & Margaret {266} (Maiden 

name unknown) 
24 July Birth - Alfret T. Simmont {190}, son of Alfred T. Simmont {263} & Margaret Henrickle 



David F. Simmont {172}, laborer, 1092 S. Paca 
Edward Simmont {218}, brickmaker, 1603 W. Mulberry 
Frederick H. Simmont {229}, clerk, 1603 W. Mulberry 
Jacob H. Simmont {209}, brickmaker, 1149 Washington 
Julia A. (Mrs.) Simmont {219}, 700 N. Carrollton 
Oliver C. Simmont {207}, coal, 1023 W. Mulberry - Home: 1603 ? 
William Simmont {283}, brickmaker, 522 Scott 
William F. Simmont {281}, brickmaker, 1710 Division 
William F. Simmont, Jr. {282}, clerk, 1710 Division 


David F. Simmont {172}, brickmaker, 1229 Scott 
Edward Simmont {218}, brick manuf, 413 N. Gilmor 
Frederick H. Simmont {229}, clerk, 413 IM. Gilmor 

- Page 12 < 

Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 

Henry T. Simmont {290}, laborer, 423 Wehage 

Jacob H. Simmont {209}, brickmaker, 1 149 Washington Ave 

Julia A. (Mrs.) Simmont {219}, 700 N. Carrollton 

Oliver C. Simmont {207}, coal, 1025 W. Mulberry - Home: 413 N. Gilmor 

William Simmont {283}, brickmaker, 522 Scott 

William F. Simmont {281}, brickmaker, 1710 Division 

William F. Simmont, Jr. {282}, clerk, 1710 Division 

Birth (Approximate year) William Francis Simmont {245}, son of Harrison T. Simmont 
{290} & Mary C. Bosman {291} 
February Birth - Naomi Gauer {336}, daughter of Ida M. Simmont {334} & William F. Gauer {335} 

1 892 Edward Simmont {218}, brick manuf, 1 629 W. Fayette 

Frederick H. Simmont {229}, clerk, 1629 W. Fayette 

G.F. Frank Simmont {?}, clerk, 700 N. Carrollton (Only listing - could be incorrect) 
Henry T. Simmont {290}, mach, 423 Wehage 
Jacob H. Simmont {209}, brickmaker, 1149 Columbia Ave 
Julia A. (Mrs.) Simmont {219} 700 N. Carrollton 
Oliver C. Simmont {207}, ice, 34 N. Mount, Home: 1629 W. Fayette 
William Simmont {283}, 522 Scott 
William F. Simmont {281}, 522 Scott 
William F. Simmont, Jr. {282}, 522 Scott 

June Birth - Annie Simmont {293}, daughter of Harrison T. Simmont {290} & Mary Catherine 

Bosman {291} 
September Birth - Alfred Simmont {351}, son of Samuel A. Simmont, Jr. {286} & Martha E. {289} 

(Maiden name unknown) 


Edward Simmont {218}, brakeman, 1629 W. Fayette 

Frederick H. Simmont {229}, clerk, 1629 W. Fayette 

G.F. Frank Simmont {?}, clerk, 700 N. Carrollton Ave 

Harry T. Simmont {290}, laborer, 1 1 53 Riverside Ave 

Jacob H. Simmont {209}, foreman, 1149 Columbia Ave 

Oliver C. Simmont {207}, dairy lunch, 311 W. Baltimore & ice dealer 34 N, Mount home: 

1629 W.Fayette 

Samuel A. Simmont {285}, brickmaker, 1238 Stockholm 

William Simmont {283}, 522 Scott 

William F. Simmont {281}, brickmaker, 1415 N. Fremont Ave. 



Birth (Approximate year) Annie Simmont {293}, daughter of Harrison T. Simmont {290} 

& Mary C. Bosman {291} 

Birth -Virginia Catherine Carroll {88}, second wife of George Washington Simmont, Jr. 


Marriage (Approximate year) George Washington Simmont, Sr. {7} & Ellen Priscilla 

Henrickle {8} 

Birth - Lloyd Gauer {357}, son of Ida M. Simmont {334} & William F. Gauer {335} 

- Page 13 ■ 

Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 


Carrie Simmont {222}, 700 N. Carrollton Ave 

Edward Simmont {218} (Simmont Ice Co), 1625 W. Fayette 

Frederick H. Simmont {229}, clerk, 1625 W. Fayette 

Harry T. Simmont {290}, engineer, 206 O'Donnell ext 

Simmont Ice Company (Oliver C. & Edward Simmont), ice dealers, 34 N Mount 

Jacob H. Simmont {209}, brickmaker, 1149 Columbia Ave 

Misses Simmont {219}, 700 N. Carrollton Ave 

Oliver C. Simmont {207} (Simmont Ice Co), eating, home: 110 N. Howard home: 1625 

W. Fayette 

Samuel A. Simmont {285}, laborer, 1238 Stockholm 

William Simmont {283}, 522 Scott 

William F. Simmont {282}, clerk, 550 Wilson 

Birth (Approximate year) - Catherine M. {236} (Maiden name unknown), wife of Alfred T. 

Simmont {214} 
March Birth - Minnie Simmont {352}, daughter of Samuel A. Simmont, Jr. {286} & Martha E. 

{289} (Maiden name unknown) 
23 July Birth - George Washington Simmont, Jr. {78}, son of George Washington Simmont, Sr. 

{7} & Ellen Priscilla Henrickle {8} 
10 August Birth - Harrison Alex Simmont {243}, son of Harrison T. Simmont {290} & Mary C. 



Edward Simmont {218} (Simmont Ice Co), 1625 W. Fayette 

Frederick H. Simmont {229}, 1625 W. Fayette 

Harrison T. Simmont {290}, laborer, 1425 Henry 

Simmont Ice Company (Oliver C & Edward Simmont) 34 N. Mount 

Jacob H. Simmont {209}, foreman, 1 149 Columbia Ave 

Misses Simmont {219}, 700 N. Carrollton Ave 

Oliver C. Simmont {207} (Simmont Ice Co) lunchroom 19 St. Paul home: 216 N. Carey 

William Simmont {283}, whipmaker, 522 Scott 

William F. Simmont {281}, laborer, 550 Wilson 

January Birth - Alta Gauer {358}, daughter of Ida M. Simmont {334} & William F. Gauer {335} 

Marriage - Oliver C. Simmont {207}, son of Edward Simmont {218} & Elizabeth M. 
Hollingshead {225} & Caroline L. Bankard {208} 


David F. Simmont {172}, laborer, Joshua 
Edward Simmont {218}, brickmaker, 1625 W. Fayette 
Frederick H. Simmont {229}, clerk, 1625 W. Fayette 
Harrison T. Simmont {290}, acid burner, 21 Elliott ext 
Jacob H. Simmont {209}, foreman, 1 149 Columbia Ave 
Misses Simmont {219}, 700 N. Carrollton Ave 
Oliver C. Simmont {207}, lunchroom, 19 St. Paul 
William Simmont {283}, whip maker, 776 Columbia ext 
William F. Simmont {281}, brickmaker, 550 Wilson 

12 November Birth - George Vernon Simmont {211}, son of Harrison T. Simmont {290} & Mary C. 

Page 14' 

Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 
Bosman {291} 

1897 David F. Simmont {172}, laborer, Joshua 
Edward Simmont {218}, lunchroom, 609 Appleton 
Frederick H. Simmont {229}, clerk, 609 Appleton 
Harrison T. Simmont {290} laborer, 21 Elliott ext 
Jacob Simmont {209}, laborer, 1 149 Columbia Ave 
Misses Simmont {219}, 700 N. Carrollton Ave 

Oliver C. Simmont {207}, lunchroom, 19 St Paul home: 216 N. Carey 
William Simmont {283}, 776 Columbia Ave 
William F. Simmont {281}, brickmaker, 550 Wilson 
William F. Simmont {282}, driver, 776 Columbia Ave 

Birth - Harry W. Sadler {80}, husband of Lula May Simmont {10} 
Death (Approximate year) - Julia Ann Chapman {21 9}, wife of Frederick Simmont {217} 
April Birth - Fitzhugh Lee Gauer {359}, son of Ida M. Simmont {334} & William F. Gauer {335} 

1898 Adelaide E. Simmont {221}, 700 N. Carrollton Ave 
Carrie Simmont {222}, 700 N. Carrollton Ave 
David F. Simmont {172}, brickmaker, 801 Woodward 
Edward Simmont {218}, lunchroom, 609 Appleton 
Frederick H. Simmont {229}, clerk, 609 Appleton 
Harrison T. Simmont {290}, laborer, 17 1st Ave E. 
Jacob H. Simmont {209}, foreman, 1222 Columbia Ave 

Oliver C. Simmont {207}, lunch room, 19 St Paul home: 216 N. Carey 
Samuel A. Simmont {285}, laborer, 1238 Stockholm 
Samuel A. Simmont, Jr. {286}, laborer, 1238 Stockholm 
William Simmont {283}, 776 Columbia Ave 
William F. Simmont {281}, brickmaker, 550 Wilson 

July Birth - Annie Simmont {270}, daughter of Joseph Simmont {265} & Margaret {266} 

(Maiden name unknown) 
3 November Birth - Margaret M. Smith {232}, wife of Charles W. Simmont, Sr. {233} 

1899 Adelaide E. Simmont {221}, 700 N. Carrollton Ave 

Carrie Simmont {222} 700 N. Carrollton Ave 
David F. Simmont {172}, brickmaker, 801 Woodward 
Edward Simmont {219} lunch room, 609 Appleton 
Frederick H. Simmont {229}, clerk, 609 Appleton 
Harrison T. Simmont {290}, laborer, 17 1st Ave E. 
Jacob H. Simmont {209}, foreman, 1222 Columbia Ave 
John T. Simmont {98}, driver, 1200 Ward 

Oliver C. Simmont {207}, lunch room, 19 St. Paul home: 216 N. Carey 
Samuel A. Simmont {285}, laborer, 1238 Stockholm 
Samuel A. Simmont, Jr. {286}, laborer, 1238 Stockholm 
William Simmont {283}, 776 Columbia Ave 
William Simmont {282}, butcher, 1925 Pa Ave 

- Page IS - 

Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 

William F. Simmont {281}, brickmaker, 5 N. Poppleton 

Birth (Approximate year) - Eva B. Dan by {2 1 2}, first wife of George Vernon Simmont {211} 
August Birth - Ella May Gauer {360}, daughter of Ida M. Simmont {334} & William F. Gauer {335} 

Death - William Simmont {261}, husband of Betsy Ann Stallings {216} & son of David 
Simmont {278} & Harriet {253} (Maiden name unknown) 

1900 Adelaide E. Simmont {221}, 700 N. Carrollton Ave 

Edward Simmont {218}, lunchroom, 609 Appleton 
Frederick H. Simmont {229}, clerk, 609 Appleton 
Jacob H. Simmont {209}, foreman, 1222 Columbia 
John T. Simmont {98}, driver, 1200 Ward 
Oliver C. Simmont {207}, lunchroom, 37 S. Strieker 
Samuel A. Simmont {285}, brickmaker, 1238 Stockholm 
Samuel A. Simmont, Jr. {286}, brickmaker, 1238 Stockholm 
William F. Simmont {281}, brickmaker, 1412 Patterson Ave 

Census - Samuel A. Simmont, Jr. {286}, wife Martha E. {289} (Maiden name unknown) 
and children Bertha L. Simmont {347}, Samuel A. Simmont, III {348}, Jennie Simmont 
{349}, David Simmont {350}, Alfred Simmont {351}, and Minnie Simmont {352} 

Census - George Washington Simmont, Sr. {7}, wife Ellen Priscilla Henrickle {8} and 
son George Washington Simmont, Jr. {78} Listed as being in Anne Arundel County 
(Unable to locate actual census record for confirmation) 

Census - Maria Amelia Burnette (nee Simmont {220} with sisters, Caroline Simmont 
{222), Adelaide E. Simmont {221}, and Emma J. Simmont {224} 

Census - Edward Simmont {218}, wife Elizabeth M. Hollingshead {225} and son 
Frederick H. Simmont {229} 

Census - William F. Simmont, Jr. {282} and wife Mary J. {361} (Maiden name unknown) 

Census - Oliver C. Simmont {207} and wife Carrie L Bankard {208} 

Census - Jacob Henry Simmont {209}, wife Georganna Stallings {52} and daughter 
Margaret Simmont {231} 

Census - Joseph Simmont {265}, wife Margaret {266} (Maiden name unknown) and 
children Emma Simmont {267}, Alfred T. Simmont {214}, Charles W. Simmont, Sr. 
{233}, Annie Simmont {270} 

Census - Ida M. Gauer {334} (nee Simmont) with her husband William F. Gauer {335}, her 
sister Julia Ann Simmont {324}, her brother William Simmont, Jr. {283}, and her children 
William H. Gauer {355}, Charles E. Gauer {356}, Naomi Gauer {336}, Lloyd Gauer 
{357}, Alta Gauer {358}, Fitzhugh Lee Gauer {359}, and Ella May Gauer {360} 

- Page 16 • 

Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 


1 1 February Birth - Marie Helen Stockman {299}, wife of Harrison Alex Simmont {243} 


Adelaide E. Simmont {221}, 700 N. Carrollton Ave 

David F. Simmont {172}, laborer, Lansdowne 

Edward F. Simmont {218}, lunch room, 609 Appleton 

Frederick H. Simmont {229}, clerk, 609 appleton 

Harrison T. Simmont {290}, laborer, 410 E. Clement 

Jacob H. Simmont {209}, foreman, 1222 Columbia Ave 

Oliver C. Simmont {207}, lunch room, 110 St Paul, h: 216 N. Carey 

Samuel A. Simmont {285}, brickmaker, 1238 Stockholm 

Samuel A. Simmont, Jr. {286}, brickmaker, 1238 Stockholm 

Marriage (Approximate year) - John Thomas Simmont {98} & Margaret R. Henrickle {73} 


Adelaide E. Simmont {221}, 700 N. Carrollton Ave 
Carrie Simmont {222}, 700 N, Carrollton Ave 
Edward Simmont {218}, lunch room, 609 Appleton 
Emma J. Simmont {224}, 700 N. Carrollton 
Frederick H. Simmont {229}, clerk, 609 Appleton 
Harrison T. Simmont {290}, chemist, 410 E. Clement 
Jacob H. Simmont {209}, foreman, 1222 Columbia 
John T. Simmont {98}, laborer, 1200 Ward 
Oliver C. Simmont {207}, hunch room, 216 N. Carey 
Samuel A. Simmont {285}, laborer, 1238 Stockholm 
Samuel A. Simmont, Jr. {286}, laborer, 1238 Stockholm 
William F. Simmont {281}, brickmaker, 631 N. Paca 

Birth (Approximate year) - Harriet L. Simmont {101}, daughter of John Thomas Simmont 

{98} & Margaret R. Henrickle {73} 

Birth - William E. Simmont, [This appears to be William F. Simmont, III {292}] 


Adelaide E. Simmont {221}, boarding, 700 N. Carrollton Ave 

Edward Simmont {218}, clerk, 609 Appleton 

Frederick H. Simmont {229}, clerk, 609 Appleton 

George W. Simmont {7}, laborer, Morrell Park Addition 

Harrison T. Simmont {290}, laborer, 1039 Haubert 

Jacob H. Simmont {209}, foreman, 1222 Columbia Ave 

Oliver C. Simmont {207}, lunch room, 110 St. Paul, home: 216 N. Carey 

Samuel A. Simmont {285}, brickmaker, 1238 Stockholm 

Samuel A. Simmont, Jr. {286}, brickmaker, 1238 Stockholm 

William F. Simmont {281}, brickmaker, 1625 Pa Ave 

10 January Birth - Franklin B. Simmont {191}, son of John Thomas Simmont {98} & Margaret R. 

Henrickle {73}, and husband of Bessie M. Loney {288} 
10 July Birth - Frank Anthony Malle, Sr. {6} who married Catherine Louise Simmont {9} 

- Page J7- 

Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 

1904 Adelaide E. Simmont {221}, 700 N. Carrollton Ave 

Edward Simmont {218}, 609 Appleton 
Frederick H. Simmont {229}, lunch room, 609 Appleton 
George W. Simmont {7}, laborer, Morrell Park 
Harrison T. Simmont {290}, laborer, 7 Toone 
Jacob H. Simmont {209}, foreman, 1222 Columbia Ave 
John T. Simmont {98}, laborer, 1200 Ward 
Oliver C. Simmont {207}, lunch room, 216 N. Carey 
Samuel Simmont {286}, laborer, 1200 Stockholm 
William F. Simmont {281}, brickmaker, 1625 Pa Ave 
William F. Simmont {282}, laborer, 2037 Fairmount Ave E. 

1904 Birth (Approximate year) - Lillian Emma Simmont {83}, daughter of George Washington 
Simmont, Sr. {7} & Ellen Priscilla Henrickle {8} 

1 905 Adelaide E. Simmont {221}, 700 N. Carrollton Ave 
David F. Simmont {172}, laborer, Lansdowne 
Edward Simmont {218}, 609 Appleton 

George W. Simmont {7} laborer, Morrell Park 

Jacob H. Simmont {209}, foreman, 1222 Columbia Ave 

John T. Simmont {98}, laborer, 1200 Ward 

Oliver C. Simmont {207}, lunch room, 24 E. Fayette home: 216 N. Carey 

William F. Simmont {282}, laborer, 510 Otterbein 

Marriage - Samuel A. Simmont, III {348}, son of Samuel A. Simmont, Jr. {286} & Martha 
E. {289} (Maiden name unknown) & Jessie M. {363} (Maiden name unknown) 
5 April Birth - Sadie Helen Markell {79}, third wife of George Washington Simmont, Jr. {78} 

1906 Adelaide E. Simmont {221}, 700 N. Carrollton Ave 
Edward Simmont {218}, lunch room, 609 Appleton 
Frederick H. Simmont {229}, lunch room, 609 Appleton 
George W. Simmont {7}, laborer, Morrell Park 

Harry T. Simmont {290}, carpenter, 7 Toone ext 

Jacob H. Simmont {209}, foreman, 1222 Columbia Ave 

John T. Simmont {98}, laborer, 1200 Ward 

Oliver C. Simmont {207}, lunch room, 24 E. Fayette home: 216 N. Carey 

William F. Simmont {?}, laborer, 510 Otterbein 

Birth (Approximate year) - Margarete Simmont {192}, daughter of John Thomas Simmont 
{98} & Margaret R. Henrickle {73} 
1 1 May Death - William F. Simmont, Jr. {282}, spouse unknown, son of William F. Simmont, Sr. 

{281} & Sarah {325} 

1907 Adelaide E. Simmont {221}, 700 N. Carrollton Ave 
Edward Simmont {218}, lunch room, 609 Appleton 
Frederick H. Simmont {229}, lunch room, 609 Appleton 
Harrison T. Simmont {290}, laborer, 7 Toone ext 

- Page 18 ■ 

Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 

Jacob H. Simmont {209}, foreman, 1222 Columbia Ave 

Oliver C. Simmont {207}, lunch room, 24 E. Fayette home: 37 S. Strieker 

William Francis Simmont {245}, fireman, 1539 Division 

9 August Birth - Mabel W. Boone {202}, wife of Alfret T. Simmont {1 90} 

1908 Adelaide E. Simmont {221}, 700 N. Carrollton Ave 

Edward Simmont {218}, buyer, h. 609 N. Appleton 
Frederick H. Simmont {229}, caterer, 609 N. Appleton 
Harrison T. Simmont {290}, foreman, h. 7 Toone 
Jacob H. Simmont {209}, foreman, 1222 Columbia 

Oliver C. Simmont {207}, lunch room, 24 E. Fayette h: 4 Maine Ave, Forest Park 
William Francis Simmont {245}, fireman, 7 Toone 

22 February 
13 July 

15 November 


Birth (Approximate year) - Bertha Simmont {1 93}, daughter of John Thomas Simmont {98} 

& Margaret R. Henrickle {73} 

Death - Elizabeth -M-. Hollingshead {225}, wife of Edward Simmont {218} 

Birth - Catherine Louise Simmont {9}, daughter of George Washington Simmont, Sr. {7} 

& Ellen Priscilla Henrickle {8} 

Death - Georganna Stallings {52}, first wife of Jacob Henry Simmont {209} 

Adelaide E. Simmont {221}, 700 N. Carrollton Ave 

Edward Simmont {218}, clerk, h. 609 N. Appleton 

Frederick H. Simmont {229}, clerk, 609 N. Appleton 

Harry T. Simmont {290}, foreman, h. 3230 Toone 

Jacob H. Simmont {209}, foreman, h. 1222 Columbia Ave 

John Simmont {98}, laborer, h. 1306 Sargeant 

Oliver C. Simmont {207} manager, Court Lunch Room h: 4 Main Ave, Forest Park 

William Francis Simmont {245}, fireman, 3230 Toone 

Birth - Eunice Simmont {364}, daughter of Samuel A. Simmont, III {348} & Jessie M. 
{363} (Maiden name unknown) 
18 August Birth - John Edward Hutson, Sr. {338}, spouse of Ethel May Simmont {248} 

1910 Adelaide E. Simmont {221}, 700 N. Carrollton Ave 

Alfred T. Simmont {190} laborer, 1 152 Ward 
David Simmont {172}, laborer, 648 W. Lombard 
Edward Simmont {218}, waiter, h: 609 Appleton 
Frederick H. Simmont {229}, clerk, 609 Appleton 
Harry T. Simmont {290}, foreman, h. 3230 Toone 
Jacob H. Simmont {209}, foreman, h. 1222 Columbia Ave 
John T. Simmont {98}, laborer, h. 1 152 Ward 
Mamie (Mrs.) Simmont {266}, 2215 Orleans 
Oliver C. Simmont {207}, proprietor Court Lunch Room, 24 E. Fayette h: Waverly Apts 

Marriage (Approximate year) Jacob Henry Simmont {209} & Mary Jane Blackburn {230} 
(2nd Marriage) 

Page 19- 

Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 

8 April Birth - Robert E. Simmont {194}, son of John Thomas Simmont {98} & Margaret R. 

Henrickle {73} 

20 April Birth - Elva E. Koch {260}, second wife of George Vernon Simmont {21 1} 

21 November Birth - Michael Dale Chick, Sr. {54}, husband of Theresa Rose Simmont {11} 

191 1 Adelaide E. Simmont {221}, 700 N. Carrollton Ave 

Alfred T. Simmont {190} laborer, 1 152 Ward 
Edward Simmont {218}, waiter, h: 609 Appleton 
Frederick H. Simmont {229}, clerk, 609 Appleton 
George W. Simmont {7}, brickmaker, h: Spring, Morrell Park 
Harry T. Simmont {290}, foreman h: 3230 Toone 
Jacob H. Simmont {209}, foreman, h. 1222 Columbia Ave 
John T. Simmont {98}, laborer, h. 1 1 52 Ward 

Oliver C. Simmont {207}, proprietor Court Lunch Room, 24 E. Fayette h: The Lenox, 
Forest Park 
Mamie (Mrs.) Simmont {266}, 1501 Federal 

Marriage (Approximate year) - George Washington Simmont, Jr. {78} & Lillian Kaufman 
{84} (1st marriage) 

Marriage (Approximate year) - Alfred T. Simmont {214} & Catherine M. {236} (Maiden 
name unknown) 

1912 Adelaide E. Simmont {221}, 700 N. Carrollton Ave 
Edward Simmont {218}, waiter, h. 609 N. Appleton 
Frederick H. Simmont {229}, clerk, 609 N. Appleton 
George W. Simmont {7}, brickmaker, h: Morrell Park 
George W. Simmont, Jr. {78}, conductor, Morrell Park 
Harrison A. Simmont {243}, laborer, 3230 Toone 
Harrison T. Simmont {290}, foreman, h. 3230 Toone 
Jacob H. Simmont {209}, foreman, h. 2617 Wilkens Ave 
John T. Simmont {98}, laborer, h. 1 152 Ward 

Oliver C. Simmont {207}, proprietor Court Lunch Room, 24 E. Fayette h: The Lenox, 

Forest Park 

William Simmont {292}, fireman, 1300 N. Strieker 

William Francis Simmont {245}, foreman, 3230 Toone 

Birth (Approximate year) Clifton W. Simmont {237}, son of Alfred T. Simmont {214} & 

Catherine M. {236} (Maiden name unknown) 

Marriage (Approximate year) William Francis Simmont {245} & Addie M. Irving {246} 

1913 Adelaide E. Simmont {221}, 700 N. Carrollton Ave 
Alfred F. Simmont {190}, laborer, 1247 Columbia Ave 
Charles W. Simmont {233}, laborer, 1247 Columbia Ave 
Edward Simmont {218}, clerk, h. 609 Appleton 
Frederick H. Simmont {229}, clerk, 609 Appleton 
Harrison A. Simmont {243}, laborer, 3230 Toone 
Harrison T. Simmont {290}, superintendent, h. 3230 Toone 

- Paflre 20 - 

Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 

Jacob H. Simmont {209}, foreman, 2617 Wilkens Ave 

John F. Simmont {98}, laborer, h. 1247 Columbia Ave 

Mamie (Mrs.) Simmont {266}, 1435 Federal 

Oliver C. Simmont {207}, proprietor Court Lunch Room, 24 E. Fayette h: The Lenox, 

Forest Park 

William Simmont {292}, fireman, h. 151-4 N. Strieker 

19 May 

7 July 

16 December 

Birth (Approximate year) Alfred H. Simmont {238}, son of Alfred T. Simmont {214} & 

Catherine M. {236} (Maiden name unknown) 

Birth (Approximate year) Lula May Simmont {10}, daughter of George Washington 

Simmont, Sr. {7} & Ellen Priscilla Henrickle {8}, who married Harry W. Sadler {80} 

Marriage (Approximate year) Annie Simmont {293} & John Betch {294}, daughter of 

Harrison T. Simmont {290} & Mary C. Bosman {291} 

Birth - William Irving Simmont {247}, son of William Francis Simmont {245} & Addie M. 

Irving {246} 

Birth - Mary E. Jarrell {197}, wife of Robert E. Simmont {196} 

Birth - Edward Hartman Schmeltz, Sr. {102}, husband of Ella Priscilla Simmont {85} 


Adelaide E. Simmont {221}, 700 N. Carrollton Ave 

Alfred T. Simmont {190}, driver, 1253 Columbia Ave 

Edward Simmont {218} 609 Appleton 

Frederick H. Simmont {229}, clerk, 609 Appleton 

George Simmont {21 1}, broom maker, 3230 Toone 

George W. Simmont {7}, box maker, h. Morrell Park 

George W. Simmont, Jr. {78}, conductor, Morrell Park 

Harrison A. Simmont {243}, foreman, h. 3230 Toone 

Harrison T. Simmont {290}, broom maker, h. 3230 Toone 

Jacob H. Simmont {209}, foreman, h. 2617 Wilkens Ave 

John T. Simmont {98}, laborer, h. 1253 Columbia Ave 

Oliver C. Simmont {207}, proprietor Court Lunch Room, h: The Lenox, Forest Park 

William Simmont {292}, fireman, 1514 N. Strieker 

William Francis Simmont {245}, foreman, h. 1019 Bouldin 

Birth - Vera Betch {295}, daughter of Annie Simmont {293} & John Betch {294} 

Birth - Marion Simmont {365}, daughter of Samuel A. Simmont, III {348} & Jessie M. 

{363} (Maiden name unknown) 
1 3 May Birth - Ethel May Simmont {248}, daughter of William Francis Simmont {245} & Addie M. 

Irving {246} 
25 October Birth - Theresa Rose Simmont {1 1}, daughter of George Washington Simmont, Sr. {7} 

& Ellen Priscilla Henrickle {8} 


Birth - (?) Simmont {365}, son of Samuel A. Simmont, III {348} & Jessie M. {363} (Maiden 

name unknown) Unable to decipher this son's name from the 1920 Maryland Census. 

Birth (Approximate year) Mary M. Simmont {99}, daughter of John Thomas Simmont {98} 

& Margaret R. Henrickle {73} 

Marriage (Approximate year) George Vernon Simmont {21 1} & Eva B. Danby {212} (First 


- Page 21 

Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 


Adelaide E, Simmont {221}, 700 N. Carrollton Ave 

Alfred T. Simmont {190}, driver, 1224 W. Ostend 

Charles W. Simmont {233}, packer, 1224 W. Ostend 

Edward Simmont {218}, h. 609 Appleton 

Frederick H. Simmont {229}, lunch room, 609 Appleton 

Harry T. Simmont {290}, superintendent, h. 3230 Toone 

Jacob H. Simmont {209}, foreman, h. 2617 Wilkens Ave 

John T. Simmont {98}, laborer, 1224 W. Ostend 

Oliver C. Simmont {207}, proprietor Court Lunch Room, h. The Lenox, Forest Park 

William F. Simmont {292}, fireman, h. 1514 N. Strieker 

Birth Katherine Betch {296}, daughter of Annie Simmont {293} & John Betch {294} 
30 April Birth - Ella Priscilla Simmont {85}, daughter of George Washington Simmont, Jr. {78} 

& Lillian Kaufman {84} 
26 June Birth - Vernon George Simmont {213}, son of George Vernon Simmont {21 1} & Eva B. 

8 September Death - Edward Simmont {218}, husband of Elizabeth M. Hollingshead {225} & son of 

Frederick Simmont {217} & Julia Ann Chapman {219} 


Adelaide E. Simmont {221}, 700 N. Carrollton Ave 

Alfred T. Simmont {190}, driver, h. 1 156 Ward 

Frederick H. Simmont {229}, lunch room, h. 609 Appleton 

George Vernon Simmont {21 1}, printer, 3128 Elliott 

Harrison T. Simmont {290}, superintendent, h. 3230 Toone 

Harry A. Simmont {243}, machinist, 1021 S. Bouldin 

Jacob H. Simmont {209}, laborer, h. 2617 Wilkens Ave 

Margaret R. (Mrs.) Simmont {215}, 1 156 Ward 

Oliver C. Simmont {207}, proprietor Court Lunch Room, h. The Lenox Apts Forest Park 

William E. Simmont, student, 542 N. Carrollton Ave [This appears to be William F. 

Simmont, 111 {292}] 

William F. Simmont {292}, fireman, 1828 Pa Ave 

19 August Birth - Harry Theodore Simmont, Sr. {249}, son of William Francis Simmont {245} & 

Addie M. Irving {246} 



One Baltimore City Directory was printed covering both years 

Adelaide E. Simmont {221}, 700 N. Carrollton Ave 

Alfred T. Simmont {190}, driver, h. 1 156 Ward 

George Vernon Simmont {21 1}, printer, 3128 Elliott 

Harrison T. Simmont {290}, superintendent, h. 3230 Toone 

Jacob H. Simmont {209}, laborer, h. 2617 Wilkens Ave 

Margaret R. (Mrs.) Simmont {215}, 1 156 Ward 

Oliver C. Simmont {207}, proprietor court Lunch Room, h. The Lenox Aprts Forest 


William F. Simmont {292}, fireman, 1828 Pa Ave 

Birth - Viola Betch {297}, daughter of Annie Simmont {293} & John Betch {294} 

Page 22- 

Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 

Birth -Samuel B. Simmont {367}, son of Samuel A. Simmont, III {348} & Jessie M. {363} 

(Maiden name unknown) 

Marriage (Approximate year) Charles Clinton Simmont, Sr. {233} & Margaret M. Smith 


1919 Birth - Elvin Betch {298}, son of Annie Simmont {293} & John Betch {294} 

Birth (Approximate year) Margaret L. Simmont {239}, daughter of Alfred T. Simmont {214} 
& Catherine M. {236} (Maiden name unknown) 

Birth (Approximate year) Lillian Simmont {86}, daughter of George Washington Simmont, 
Jr. {78} & Lillian Kaufman {84} 

Birth (Approximate year) Charles W. Simmont, Jr. {234}, son of Charles W. Simmont, Sr. 
{233} & Margaret M. Smith {232} 
30 December Birth - Charles Clinton Simmont {12}, son of George Washington Simmont, Sr. {7} & 
Ellen PriscJIla Henrickle {8} 

1920 Adelaide E. Simmont {221}, 700 N. Carrollton Ave 
Albert T. Simmont {190}, chauffeur, h. 1 156 Ward 

Charles B. Simmont {233}, glass worker, h. Annapolis Ave near Hollins Ferry Rd 

Frank B. Simmont {191}, laborer, 1 1 56 Ward 

George Vernon Simmont {21 1}, weigher, h. 1316 S. 1st E. 

Harry A. Simmont {243}, laborer, 1331 S. Clinton 

Harry T. Simmont {290}, superintendent, 1331 S. Clinton 

Oliver C. Simmont {207}, lunch room, The Lenox Apartments 

William Simmont {250}, clerk, 542 N. Carrollton Ave 

William F. Simmont {292} 1331 S. Clinton 

William Francis Simmont {245} superintendent, h. 29 N. Linwood Ave 

Census - Samuel A. Simmont, III {348}, wife Jessie M. {363} (Maiden name unknown) and 
children Eunice Simmont {364}, Marion A. Simmont {365}, ? Simmont {366} (male son 
about 5 years old - unable to decipher name from census record), and Samuel B. Simmont 

Census - James Simmont {362}, living alone in Allegheny County, Maryland, parentage 
unknown, born in Hungary, emigrated to America in 1912, listed as James Simont 

Census - Adelaide E. Simmont {221} with sisters Caroline Simmont {222} and Emma J. 
Simmont {224} 

Census - Alfred T. Simmont {214} (Listed as Alfred C. Simmont), wife Catherine M. {236} 
(Maiden name unknown - listed as Carrie Simmont) and children Margaret L. Simmont 
{239} (Listed as Marie Simmont), Clifton W. Simmont {237}, Alfred H. Simmont {238} 

Census - George Vernon Simmont {211}, wife Eva B. Danby {212} and son Vernon 
George Simmont {213} 

Census - George Washington Simmont, Jr. {78}, wife Lillian Kaufman {84} and children 
Ella Simmont {195}, Ellen Priscilla Simmont {85}, and Lillian Simmont {86} 

Page 23 

Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 

Census - George Washington Simmont, Sr. {7}, wife Ellen Priscilla Henrickle {8} and 
children Lillian Emma Simmont {83}, Catherine Louise Simmont {9}, Lula May Simmont 
{10} (Listed as Lulie Simmont), Theresa Rose Simmont {11}, and Charles Clinton 
Simmont {12} 

Census - Harrison T. Simmont {290}, wife Mary C. Bosman {291} son Harrison Alex 
Simmont {243}, father William F. Simmont, Sr. {281}, daughter Annie Betch {293} (nee 
Annie Simmont {293}, her husband John Betch {294} and their children Vera Betch {295}, 
Katherine Betch {296}, Viola Betch {297}, and Elvin Betch {298} 

Census - Howard Simmont {210} boarder of George E. Bell 

Census - Julia A. Simmont {324} living with sister Ida M. Gauer {334} (nee Simmont) and 
Ida's daughter Ella May Gauer {360} 

Census - Margaret R. Simmont {73} (nee Margaret R. Henrickle {73}) and children Alfred 
T. Simmont, Harriet L. Simmont {101}, Frank B. Simmont {191} (Listed as Frank T. 
Simmont), Margarete Simmont {1 92}, Bertha Simmont {1 93}, Robert E. Simmont {1 94}, 
and Mary M. Simmont {99} 

Census - Oliver C. Simmont {207} and wife Caroline L. Bankard {208} 

Census - William Francis Simmont {245}, wife Addle M. Irving {246} children William 
Irving Simmont {247} (Listed as Irving W. Simmont), Ethel May Simmont {248}, Harry 
Theodore Simmont, Sr. {249} and Sue M. Andrews who was listed as an aunt 

Census - William F. Simmont, III (Listed as William E. Simmont) with his mother Mary 
J. {361} (Maiden name unknown) and his stepfather Lawrence C. Swain {250}. Also in the 
household were Lawrence C. Swain's father Frances Swain, his sister Fanny F. C rowel I 
and Lawrence C. Swain, Jr. which was probably a from a prior marriage to Mary J. 

Census - Jacob Henry Simmont {209} and his second wife Mary Jane Blackburn {230} 

Census - Charles W. Simmont, Sr. {233} with his wife Margaret M. Smith {232}, son 
Charles W. Simmont, Jr. {234}, daughter Ellen M. Simmont {235}, and Margaret's parents 
Frank J. Smith {305} and Hemil M. {306} (Maiden name unknown). Also living there was 
Margaret's sister Ellen M. Grimes {307} (nee Smith) and her son George Grimes {309}. 
It also appears that Frank J. Smith's {305} sister Margaret A. Smith was living with them 
as well as his nephew Theodore Smith. 

Birth (Approximate year) - Ellen M. Simmont {235}, daughter of Charles W. Simmont, Sr. 
{233} & Margaret M. Smith {232} 

Birth (Approximate year) - Erma A. Wroten {300}, wife of Harry Theodore Simmont, Sr. 

Death (Approximate year) - Caroline L. Bankard {208}, wife of Oliver C. Simmont {207} 
10 October Birth - Reverdy Lewin Orrell, Jr. {2} who married Jean Catherine Malle {3} 

Page 24- 

Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 

1921 Adelaide E. Simmont {221}, 700 N. Carrollton Ave 
Albert H. Simmont {?}, helper, 1243 Sargeant 
Albert T. Simmont {190}, chauffeur, h. 1 156 Ward 
Albert T. Simmont {190}, laborer, 1156 Ward 
Charles W. Simmont {233}, packer, 1 154 Ward 
Frank B. Simmont {191}, laborer, 1156 Ward 
George Vernon Simmont {21 1}, weigher, h. 3138 Elliott 
Harry T. Simmont {290}, superintendent, 1331 S. Clinton 
Howard Simmont {210}, Cabin Branch C B 

John T. Simmont {98}, laborer, 1207 S. Carey 

Oliver C. Simmont {207}, h. Uffington Road near Mt. Washington 

William Francis Simmont {245}, superintendent, h. 29 N. Linwood Ave 

2 February Birth - Charles Clinton Simmont {87}, son of George Washington Simmont, Jr. {78} & 
Lillian Kaufman {84} 

Marriage (Approximate year) Harrison Alex Simmont {243} & Marie Helen Stockman 

1922 Adelaide E. Simmont {221}, 700 N. Carrollton Ave 
Alfred T. Simmont {190}, chauffeur, 1 156 Ward 

Charles Simmont {?}, packer, Hollins Ferry Road, Mt Winans 

Charles W. (Margaret) Simmont {233}, packer, 1154 Ward 

George Vernon Simmont {21 1}, weigher, h. 3138 Elliott 

George W. (Ella) Simmont {7}, laborer, 1235 Spring Mt. Winans 

George W. (Lillian) Simmont {78}, laborer, h. 2203 Washington Road 

Harry (Mamie) Simmont {243}, laborer, h. 221 N. Madeira 

Harry T. Simmont {290}, superintendent, 1351 S. Clinton 

Margaret (Mrs) Simmont {73}, h. 1 156 Ward 

Oliver C. Simmont {207}, Uffington Road, Mt. Washington 

William T. Simmont {292}, 1331 S. Clinton 

William Francis (Addie) Simmont {245}, superintendent, h. 29 N. Linwood Ave 

16 May Birth - Michael James Simmont {339}, son of William Francis Simmont {245} and Addie 

May Irving {246} 
Marriage (Approximate) - Lillian Emma Simmont {83} & Louis Beck {189} 

1923 Adelaide E. Simmont {221}, 700 N. Carrollton Ave 
Ella Simmont {8}, h. 1409 Ostend 

George Simmont {7}, laborer, 1235 Spring, Morrell Park 

George Vernon (Eva) Simmont {21 1}, weigher, h. 3138 Elliott 

Harry A. (Marie) Simmont {243}, operator, h. New Pittsburgh Ave, Colgate 

Harry T. (Mamie) Simmont {290}, superintendent, 1331 S. Clinton 

Howard Simmont {210}, printer, 1235 Spring, Morrell Park 

William F. Simmont {292}, 1331 S. Clinton 

Marriage (Approximate year) - George Washington Simmont, Jr. {78} & Virginia 
Catherine Carroll {88} (Second marriage) 

- Pag* 25- 

Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 

29 January Birth- Leroy H. Stitz, Sr. {82}, spouse of Ruth A. Sadler {81} 

25 May Birth - Anna Marion Thompson {1 1 1), wife of Charles Clinton Simmont {87} 

Death (Approximate year) - Lillian Kaufman {84}, first wife of George Washington 

Simmont, Jr. {78} 
23 December Birth - John Daniel Yamber, Sr. {152}, spouse of Catherine Eleanor Simmont {89} 

1 924-25 One Baltimore City Directory was printed covering both years 

Adelaide E. Simmont {221}, 700 N. Carrollton Ave 
Albert (Mabel) Simmont {190}, chauffeur, 1701 Covington 
Bertha Simmont {193}, seamstress, 1 156 Ward 
Charles W. (Margaret) Simmont {233}, packer, h. 1154 Ward 
Frank B. Simmont {191}, chauffeur, 1 156 Ward 
George Vernon (Eva) Simmont {21 1}, weigher, 3200 Elliott 
Mabel Simmont {203}, confectioner, 1701 Covington 
Margaret C. Simmont {73}, h. 1 156 Ward 
Oliver C. Simmont {207}, floorman, Uffington Rd., Mt. Washington 

1924 Marriage (Approximate year) - Alfret T. Simmont {190} & Mabel W. Boone {202} 

22 January Death - George Washington Simmont, Sr. {7}, son of David F. Simmont {1 72} & Louisa 

1 August Birth - Virginia Catherine Simmont {90}, daughter of George Washington Simmont, Jr. 

{78} & Virginia Catherine Carroll {88} 
5 October Birth - Raymond Cyrus Kunsman {22} who married Dorothy Hope Malle {14} 


25 January Birth - Norman R. Leidig {204}, husband of Mabel W. Simmont {203} 

1 7 April Birth - Mabel W. Simmont {203}, daughter of Alfret T. Simmont {1 90} & Mabel W. Boone 

30 December Marriage - Catherine Louise Simmont {9} & Frank Anthony Malle, Sr. {6} 


7 February 
24 February 

Adelaide E. Simmont {221}, 700 N. Carrollton Ave 

Albert T. (Mabel) Simmont {1 90}, chauffeur, 1 1 54 Ward 

Charles W. (Margaret) Simmont {233}, packer, h. Foerster nr Hollins Ferry Rd, Mt Winans 

Frank B. (Bessie) Simmont {191}, chauffeur, 1 156 Ward 

George Vernon (Eva) Simmont {211}, weigher, 1327 S. Clinton 

George W. (Virginia) Simmont {78}, fireman, 1101 Ward 

Harry T. (Mary) Simmont {290}, laborer, 1331 S. Clinton 

Howard F. Simmont {210}, machinist, 856 St. Peter 

Samuel A. (Emma) Simmont {286}, 1207 S. Carey 

Marriage (Approximate year) - Franklin B. Simmont {191} & Bessie M. Loney {288} 
Death (Approximate year) - Samuel A. Simmont, Jr. {286}, husband of Martha E. {289} 
(Maiden name unknown), son of Samuel A. Simmont, Sr. {285} & (Mother unknown) 
Death - Oliver C. Simmont {207}, husband of Caroline L. Bankard {208} and the son of 
Edward Simmont {218} & Elizabeth M. Hollingshead {225} 

Birth - Frances L. Simmont {174}, daughter of George Washington Simmont, Jr. {78} & 
Virginia Catherine Carroll {88} 

Page 26 - 

Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 

16 April 


8 April Death - Frances L. Simmont {174}, daughter of George Washington Simmont, Jr. {78} 

& Virginia Catherine Carroll {88} 
3 October Birth - Dorothy Hope Malle {14}, daughter of Catherine Louise Simmont {9} & Frank 

Anthony Malle, Sr. {6} 

1927 Adelaide E. Simmont {221}, 700 N. Carrollton Ave 

Albert T. (Mabel A.) Simmont {190}, chauffeur, 1 154 Ward 

Charles W. (Margaret) Simmont {233} packer, Foerster near Hollins Ferry Rd, Mt Winans 

Frank B. Simmont {191}, chauffeur, 1160 Washington Blvd. 

George Vernon (Eva) Simmont {211}, weigher, 1327 S. Clinton 

Harry (Mary) Simmont {290}, foreman, 1325 S. Clinton 

Harry Simmont {?}, moulder, 1 152 W. Hamburg 

Margaret Simmont {?}, domestic, 1160 Washington Blvd. 

Martha E. Simmont {289} (widow Samuel A.), 1207 S. Carey 

Robert Simmont {194}, laborer, 1160 Washington Blvd. 

Birth - Catherine Eleanor Simmont {89}, daughter of George Washington Simmont, Jr. 
{78} & Virginia Catherine Carroll {88} 

Adelaide E. Simmont {221}, 700 N. Carrollton Ave 

Charles W. (Margaret M.) Simmont {233} chauffeur, Foerster Ave nr Hollins Ferry 

Rd, Mt. Winans 

Frank B. Simmont {191}, chauffeur, 1160 Washington Blvd. 

Harry (Mary) Simmont {290}, foreman, 1325 S. Clinton 

Howard F. Simmont {210} helper, 1811 Pennington Ave 

Margaret Simmont {73}, domestic, 1 160 Washington Blvd. 

Robert Simmont {194}, laborer, 1 160 Washington Blvd. 

Adelaide E. Simmont {221}, 3306 N. Hilton Apt 7 

Charles W. (Margaret) Simmont {233}, chauffeur, 2609 Foerster Ave, Mt Winans 

Frank (Bessie) Simmont {191}, chauffeur, 1160 Washington Blvd. 

Frederick Simmont {229}, 410 N. Greene 

George (Eva) Simmont {211}, weigher, 3101 O'Donnell 

George W. (Virginia) Simmont {78}, laborer, 523 Wyeth 

Harry (Mary) Simmont {290}, laborer, 1325 S. Clinton 

Howard F. Simmont {21 0}, laborer, 381 6 Pennington Ave 

Mamie Simmont {192}, seamstress, 1 160 Washington Blvd. 

Margaret (widow John) Simmont {73}, 1 160 Washington Blvd. 

Robert E. Simmont {194}, metal worker, 1160 Washington Blvd. 

NOTE: SISCOSKY, JOS (Ella TJ, laborer, 1209 W. Cross 

8 January Birth - William Carl Waldecker, Jr. {24} who married Frances Edna Malle {15} 

16 January Birth - Jean Catherine Malle {3} daughter of Catherine Louise Simmont {9} & Frank 

Anthony Malle, Sr. {6} 
27 October Birth - Ralph Edward Simmont, Sr. {91}, son of George Washington Simmont, Jr. {78} 

& Virginia Catherine Carroll {88} 


- Page 27- 

Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 


Adelaide E. Simmont {221}, 3306 N. Hilton Apt A7 

Charles W. (Margaret) Simmont {233}, chauf 2609 Foerster Ave (Lakeland) 

Emma J. Simmont {224}, 3306 N. Hilton Apt A7 

Ethel Simmont {248}, pkr, Trappe Rd & Vesper Ave 

Eva Simmont {212}, 3020 Hudson 

Frank (Bessie) Simmont {191}, driver, 1160 Washington Blvd. 

George (Virginia) Simmont {78}, laborer, 517 Wyeth 

Mary Simmont {99}, 1 158 Washington Blvd. 

Robert (Mary) Simmont {194}, carpenter, 1165 Washington Blvd. 

Birth (Approximate year) - George Washington Simmont, III {92}, son of George 
Washington Simmont, Jr. {78} & Virginia Catherine Carroll {88} 


5 January 

23 January 

Birth (Approximate year) - Catherine Simmont {93}, daughter of George Washington 

Simmont, Jr. {78} & Virginia Catherine Carroll {88} 

Birth - Harland Keith Rohde {386}, spouse of Eleanora May Hutson {383} 

Death - Julia Ann Simmont {324}, daughter of William Simmont {261} & Betsy Ann 

Stallings {216} 
3 July Birth - James Ma h Ion Cloud, Sr. {60}, husband of Shirley Elizabeth Chick {55} 

31 July Death - Emma J. Simmont {224}, daughter of Frederick Simmont {217} & Julia Ann 

Chapman {219} 
26 December Birth - Harry Simmont {94}, son of George Washington Simmont, Jr. {78} & Virginia 

Catherine Carroll {88} 

1932 Marriage - Theresa Rose Simmont {1 1} & Michael Dale Chick, Sr. {54} 

25 February Death - Mary Jane Blackburn {230}, second wife of Jacob Henry Simmont {209} 

15 August Birth - Ray Randel Watts {410}, spouse of Sandra Marie Simmont {400} (Second 


26 September Birth - Eleanora May Hutson {383}, daughter of Ethel May Simmont {248} and John 

Edward Hutson, Sr. {338} 
18 December Death - Harry Simmont {94}, son of George Washington Simmont, Jr. {78} & Virginia 
Catherine Carroll {88} 

25 March 

2 August 

Death - Jacob Henry Simmont {209}, husband of Mary Jane Blackburn {230} and son of 
David F. Simmont {172} & Louisa Haine {303} 

Death - Adelaide E. Simmont {221}, daughter of Frederick Simmont {217} & Julia Ann 
Chapman {219} 


Marriage (Approximate year) Vernon George Simmont {213} & Ruth M. Johnson {268} 

Charles W. (Margaret M.) Simmont {233} driver, h. 2612 Foerster Ave 
Frank B. (Bessie) Simmont {191} chauffeur, h. 1 156 Sargeant 
Frederick Simmont {229}, h. 506 N. Eutaw 

George Vernon (Elva E.) Simmont {21 1} weighmaster, h. 250 S. Bouldin 
George W. (Virginia) Simmont {78} sta fireman, h. 508 Otterbein 

Page 28- 

Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 

Harry Simmont {249}, laborer, r. 1315 Patapsco 

Harry A. Simmont {243}, stillman, Continental Oil Co. 

Lillian Simmont {84}, r. 508 Otterbein 

Margaret (Mrs.) Simmont {73}, r. 1 160 Washington Blvd 

Mary (widow Harry T.) Simmont {291} r. 132 S. Clinton 

Robert E. (Mary E.) Simmont {194} chauffeur, h. 2419 Lauretta 

Vernon G. (Ruth M.) Simmont {213} steelworker, h. 525 S. Newkirk 

William I. (Eleanor B.) Simmont {292} broom maker, 2559 Garrett Ave 

William Simmont {?}, supt. Acme Fertilizer Co., r. Brooklyn 

1936 Marriage (Approximate year) Robert E. Simmont {194} & Mary E. Jarrell {197} 

Marriage (Approximate year) Ella Priscilla Simmont {85} & Edward Hartman Schmeltz, 

15 July Birth - John Edward Hutson, Jr. {384}, son of Ethel May Simmont {248} and John 

Edward Hutson, Sr. {338} 
30 July Birth - Shirley Elizabeth Chick {55}, daughter of Theresa Rose Simmont {1 1} & Michael 

Dale Chick, Sr. {54} 
5 October Death - Annie Simmont {293}, wife of John Betch {294} and daughter of Harrison T. 

Simmont {290} & Mary Catherine Bosnian {291} 
7 December Birth - Frances Edna Malle {15}, daughter of Catherine Louise Simmont {9} & Frank 

Anthony Malle, Sr. {6} 


Charles W. (Margaret) Simmont {233}, ironworker, h. 2612 Foerster Ave 

Charles W. Simmont, Jr. {234}, checker National Carload ing Corp. r. 2612 Foerster 

Eleanora (Mrs.) Simmont {?}, packer, Hecker Products Corp., 2559 Garrett Ave 

Elva (Mrs.) Simmont {260}, clerk, Hecht's Bros, r. 305 S. East Ave 

Eva (Mrs.) Simmont {212}, seamstress, h. 637 Macon 

Frank B. (Bessie) Simmont {191}, chauffeur, h. 1156 Sargeant 

George Vernon Simmont {21 1}, weigher, 305 S. East Ave 

George W. (Virginia) Simmont {78} h. 812 Burgundy 

Harry A. (Marie H.) Simmont {243} laborer, h. 1309 Cambria 

Harry T. Simmont {249}, shipping clerk, r. 1315 Patapsco 

Mary C. (widow Harry T.) Simmont {291} r. 1325 S. Clinton 

Robert E. (Mary) Simmont {194} assembler, h. 1 1 17 Washington Blvd 

Vernon G. (Ruth) Simmont {213} laborer, 525 S. Newkirk 

1938 Marriage (Approximate year) Harry Theodore Simmont, Sr. {249} & Erma A. Wroten 

2 February Birth - Robert Lee Schmeltz {121}, son of Ella Priscilla Simmont {85} & Edward Hartman 

Schmeltz, Sr. {102} 
9 April Birth - Robert Wilson Lee {401}, spouse of Sandra Marie Simmont {400} (First husband) 

20 November Birth - Patricia Simmont {277}, daughter of Robert E. Simmont {194} & Mary E. Jarrell 

{197}. Robert was living at 519 Callender Street per daughter's obituary notice. 

21 November Death - Patricia Simmont {277}, daughter of Robert E. Simmont {194} & Mary E. Jarrell 



George Washington Simmont, Jr. {78} living at 791 Carroll Street per obituary notice of 

Page 29 > 

Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 

wife Virginia Catherine Carroll {88} (Second wife). 

5 March Birth - Michael Dale Chick, Jr. {56}, son of Theresa Rose Simmont {1 1} & Michael Dale 

Chick, Sr. {54} 

27 March Birth - Cindy Lee Zufall {123}, wife of Robert Lee Schmeltz {121} 

25 May Death - Virginia Catherine Carroll {88}, second wife of George Washington Simmont, 

Jr. {78} 
8 September Marriage - Michael James Simmont {339}, son of William Francis Simmont {245} and 

Addie May Irving {246} and Mary Margaret Ambrose {380} 
22 September Birth - Edward Hartman Schmeltz, Jr. {1 22}, son of Ella Priscilla Simmont {85} & Edward 

Hartman Schmeltz, Sr. {102} 

28 October Birth - Catherine Louise Malle {1 6}, daughter of Catherine Louise Simmont {9} & Frank 

Anthony Malle, Sr. {6} 


Alfred T. Simmont {190}, warehouseman, 2612 Foerster Ave 

Charles C. Simmont {12}, laborer, 847 Carroll 

Charles F. Simmont {234}, checker, Nation Carloading Co., 2612 Foerster 

Charles W. (Margaret M.) Simmont {233} mach operator, 2612 Foerster 

Elizabeth Simmont {probably 315}, 1118 Burgundy 

Ellen M. Simmont {235}, helper, 2612 Foerster 

Frank B. (Bessie) Simmont {191} driver, h. 1 156 Sargeant 

George Vernon (Elva E.) Simmont {21 1} clerk, Harry L. Stallings & Son h 3506 O'Donnell 

George W. Simmont {78}, h. 1118 Burgundy 

Harry A. (Marie H.) Simmont {243} h. 3615 Fairhaven Ave 

Harry F. Simmont {?}, r. 5728 Pennington Ave 

Harry T. Simmont {249}, r. 3619 Fairhaven 

Margaret R. (Mrs.) Simmont {73}, r. 1309 W. Ostend 

Robert E. (Mary E.) Simmont {1 94} h. 1121 Ward 

William Francis (Addie M.) Simmont {245} 3619 Fairhaven 

William I. (Barbara) Simmont {292} auto work, h. 2307 Robb 

18 May Death - Catherine Louise Malle {16}, daughter of Catherine Louise Simmont {9} & Frank 

Anthony Malle, Sr. {6} 
12 July Birth - Beatrice Ann Price {65}, wife of Michael Dale Chick, Jr. {56} 

5 September Birth - Sandra Marie Simmont {400}, daughter of Michael James Simmont {339} and 

Mary Margaret Ambrose {380} 

Marriage (Approximate year) - George Washington Simmont, Jr. {78} & Sadie Helen 

Markell {79} (Third marriage) 

Marriage (Approximate year) Charles Clinton Simmont {87} & Anna Marion Thompson 



2 May 

Birth - Harry Theodore Simmont, Jr. {301}, son of Harry Theodore Simmont, Sr. {249} 
and Erma A. Wroten {300} 

Birth - Frank Anthony Malle, Jr. {17}, son of Catherine Louise Simmont {9} & Frank 
Anthony Malle, Sr. {6} 

Page 30 « 

Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 


Anna Simmont {probably 1 1 1), 2537 Ashton 

Charles Simmont {234}, checker National Carloading Co., r. Baltimore & Virginia 

Ave, Baltimore Highlands 

Charles Simmont {?}, printer, 2537 Ashton 

Charles W. (Margaret) Simmont {233} helper, 2612 Foerster 

Edna (Mrs.) Simmont {?}, mach, 2537 Ashton 

Frank B. (Bessie) Simmont {191} driver, h. 1156 Sargeant 

Frederick Simmont {?}, 506 N. Eutaw 

George (Elva) Simmont {211} weigher, 3506 O'Donnell 

George W. (Sadie) Simmont {78} pumpman, 1008 Scott 

Harry A. (Marie) Simmont {243} h. 1326 Cambria 

Harry T. (Erma) Simmont {249} 5914 Greenhill Ave 

M. James (Mary M.) Simmont {339} burner, B.S. Co. h. 1333 Patapsco Ave 

Robert (Mary) Simmont {194} foreman, 1 164 Washington Blvd 

Vernon (Ruth) Simmont {213}, clerk Otto Wielitz, h. 618 S. Newkirk 

William Francis (Addie) Simmont {245} 1333 Patapsco 

William I. (Barbara E.) Simmont {292} clerk, 2307 Robb 

8 February Birth - son {173} of Charles Clinton Simmont {87} & Anna Marion Thompson {1 1 1} 

9 February Death - son {1 73} of Charles Clinton Simmont {87} & Anna Marion Thompson {111} 
14 June Birth - Carolyn Simmont {381} daughter of William Irving Simmont {247} & Eleanora 

Goldschmidt {378} (first wife) 
2 August Birth - Judith Elaine Birmingham {128}, wife of Edward Hartman Schmeltz, Jr. {122} 

23 November Death - Harry W. Sadler {80}, husband of Lula May Simmont {10} 

1943 Birth (Approximate year) Antoinette E. {302}, (Maiden name unknown), spouse of Harry 

Theodore Simmont, Jr. {301} 
26 January Birth - Margaret Amelia Warrington {38}, fourth wife of Frank Anthony Malle, Jr. {17} 
31 March Birth - William Edward Malle {18}, son of Catherine Louise Simmont {9} & Frank 

Anthony Malle, Sr. {6} 
20 December Birth - Emanuel Anderson Botto {158}, spouse of Mary Catherine Yamber {154} 


30 June Death - Frederick H. Simmont {229}, son of Edward Simmont {218} & Elizabeth 

Hollingshead {225} 
22 August Birth - Sandra Lee Ravel {30} first wife of Frank Anthony Malle, Jr. {17} 

25 September Birth - Mary Ellen Chick {57}, daughter of Theresa Rose Simmont {1 1} & Michael Dale 

Chick, Sr. {54} 


Robert E. Simmont {1 94}, son of John Simmont {279} living at 1 160 West Hamburg Street 
per obituary notice of his father. 

25 February Birth - Gail Gabell {36}, 3rd wife of Frank Anthony Malle, Jr. {17} 

23 August Birth - Ronald Paul Malle {19}, son of Catherine Louise Simmont {9} & Frank Anthony 

Malle, Sr. {6} 
7 November Death - John Thomas Simmont {98}, son of David F. Simmont {172} and husband of 

Margaret R. Henrickle {73} 

- Page 31 - 

Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 


25 January Marriage - Dorothy Hope Malle {14} & William R. O'Brien {20} 
13 March Birth - Michael Joseph Holman {49}, first husband of Dorothy Patricia O'Brien {21} 

20 November Death - Mary C. Bosman {291}, wife of Harrison T. Simmont {290}. She was living at 
1325 South Clinton Street at the time of her death. 


16 January 

16 September 

16 September 

25 October 

Birth - Ronald Pierson Burr, Sr. {68}, husband of Margaret Theresa Chick {58} 

Birth - Robert Lee Simmont {328}, son of George Washington Simmont, Jr. {78} & Sadie 

Helen Markell {79} (Third wife) 

Death - Robert Lee Simmont {328}, son of George Washington Simmont, Jr. {78} & 

Sadie Helen Markell {79} (Third wife) 

Marriage - Catherine Eleanor Simmont {89}, daughter of George Washington Simmont, 

Jr. {78} and Virginia Catherine Carroll {88} and John Daniel Yamber, Sr. {152} 

1948 Marriage - Ruth A. Sadler {81}, daughter of Lula May Simmont {10} & Harry W. Sadler 

{80}, marriage to Leroy H. Stitz, Sr. {82} 
18 June Marriage - Jean Catherine Malle {3} & Reverdy Lewin Orrell, Jr. {2} 

1 1 July Birth - Rene Cahill {44}, first & second wife of Ronald Paul Malle {19} 

15 November Birth - Dorothy Patricia O'Brien {21}, daughter of Dorothy Hope Malle {14} & William R. 

O'Brien {20} 

22 April 
2 June 

9 August 

12 August 

8 October 

Birth - Carol Lynn Gross {5} spouse of Reverdy Lewin Orrell, III {4} 

Birth - Reverdy Lewin Orrell, III {4}, son of Jean Catherine Malle {3} & Reverdy Lewin 

Orrell, Jr. {2} 

Birth - John Daniel Yamber, Jr. {153}, son of Catherine Eleanor Simmont {89} and John 

Daniel Yamber, Sr. {152} 

Birth - Margaret Theresa Chick {58}, daughter of Theresa Rose Simmont {1 1} & Michael 

Dale Chick, Sr. {54} 

Birth - Joann Marie Schultz {48}, third wife of Ronald Paul Malle {19} 


11 December 

Marriage - Eleanora May Hutson {383} & Harland Keith Rohde {386} 


7 July 

Birth (Approximate) - Henry Jay Simmont {319}, son of Harry Theodore Simmont, Sr. 
{249} and Erma A. Wroten {300} 

Birth - Mary Catherine Yamber {154}, daughter of Catherine Eleanor Simmont {89} and 
John Daniel Yamber, Sr. {152} 

6 August 

25 October 


Birth - Dennis Keith Rohde {387}, son of Eleanora May Hutson {383} & Harland Keith 

Rohde {386} 

Marriage - Dorothy Hope Malle {14} & Raymond Cyrus Kunsman {22} 

- Page 32 - 

Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 

1 March Death - Ellen Priscilla Henrickle {8}, divorced wife of George Washington Simmont, Sr. 

{7}. She was married to Joseph Siscosky {13} at the time of her death. 

1954 Harriet L. Simmont {101} living at 1 145 Washington Blvd per her mother's obituary. 

1 1 February Death - Margaret R. Henrickle {73} wife of John Thomas Simmont {98}. She was living 

at 1266 Sargeant Street at the time of her death. 

12 March Birth - Sharon Fehsenfeld {390}, spouse of Dennis Keith Rohde {387} 
27 March Marriage - Frances Edna Made {15} & William Carl Waldecker, Jr. {24} 

7 May Birth - Terri Lynn Rohde {388}, daughter of Eleanora May Hutson {383} & Harland Keith 

Rohde {386} 

1955 Baltimore Directory - Suburban Edition 

Alfred T. (Mabel W.) Simmont {190} inspector City Bureau of Highways, h. 1221 

Dulaney Valley Rd 

Alfred T. (Catherine M.) Simmont {214} mach opr, Western Electric, 3445 Yardley Dr 

George W. (Sadie H.) Simmont {78} 4601 Annapolis Rd., Halethorpe 

Mabel W. Simmont {203}, nurse, 1221 Dulaney Valley 

10 February Birth - Dennis Bernard Jester, Sr. {28}, spouse of Catherine Louise Waldecker {25} 


Alfred T. Simmont {190}, emp. City Bureau of Hwy, r. Towson 

Bob Simmont {?}, warehouseman, David Kaufmanns Sons, 1266 Sargeant 

Charles C. (Anna M.) Simmont {12} group leader Davidson Chem., 2229 Christian 

Eleanora B. Simmont {378}, mach opr, Cambridge Tailoring, h. 2307 Robb 

Elva E. (Mrs.) Simmont {260}, bookkeeper, Marcus & Farber, r. 3506 O'Donnell 

Erma A. (Mrs.) Simmont {300}, salesman, Herman Wockenfuss, h. 314 N. Ellwood Ave 

Frank B. (Bessie M.) Simmont {191} driver, Ry Exp, h. 1156 Sargeant 

George Vernon (Elva E.) Simmont {211} clerk, United Truck, 3506 O'Donnell 

George W. Simmont {78}, helper, Watson Bros. 2007 Christian 

Harry A. (Marie H.) Simmont {243} pumper, Am Bitumals, 906 Jack 

Harry T. (Erma A.) Simmont {249} emp General Mtr Parts Dept, 314 N. Ellwood 

Ralph E. Simmont {91}, helper, George W. Krill Inc., r. 2311 Frederick 

Robert E. (Mary E.) Simmont {194} shipping clerk David Kaufman Son, h. 120 N. Mt. 

Olivet Lane 

Vernon G. (Ruth) Simmont {213} grocery, 600 S. Newkirk 

4 May Birth - David Lee Chick {59}, son of Theresa Rose Simmont {1 1} & Michael Dale Chick, 


5 May Death - Michael James Simmont {339} husband of Mary Margaret Ambrose {380} and 

son of William Francis Simmont {245} and Addie May Irving {246} 
12 May Birth - Catherine Louise Waldecker {25}, daughter of Frances Edna Malle {15} & William 

Carl Waldecker, Jr. {24} 
28 September Birth - Caryle Lee Rohde {389}, daughter of Eleanora May Hutson {383} & Harland Keith 



Baltimore Directory - Suburban Edition 

Alfred T. (Mabel B.) Simmont {190} inspector City, 21 Dunmore Rd 

Page 33 - 

Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 

Alfred T. (Catherine) Simmont {214} maintenance Western Electric, h. 3445 Yardley 
Mabel Simmont {203}, nurse, 21 Dunmore Rd 

30 January Birth - Peter Gregory Staley {394}, second husband of Caryle Lee Rohde {389} 

19 May Death - Charles W. Simmont, Sr. {233}, husband of Margaret M. Smith {232} & son of 

Joseph Simmont {265} & Margaret {266} (Maiden name unknown) 
5 September Death - Alfret T. Simmont {190}, husband of Mabel W. Boone {202}. Living at 21 

Dunmore Road, Catonsville, Baltimore County, Maryland at the time of his death. 
23 October Death - William Francis Simmont {245}, husband of Addle May Irving {246} and son of 

Harrison T. Simmont {290} & Mary Catherine Bosman {291} 
19 November Birth - Donald Elmer Simmont {317}, son of Elizabeth Gertrude Simmont {421} & 

Richard F. Smith, Sr. {422} 


Frank B. (Bessie) Simmont {191} driver Ry Exp, 1 156 Sargeant 
George Simmont {78}, produce loader Frank's Produce, r. 2103 Christian 
George Vernon (Elba) Simmont {21 1} clerk United Trucking, 3506 O'Donnell 
Harry H. (Marie H.) Simmont {243} pumper Fairfield Chem, 906 Jack 
Harry T. (Erma A.) Simmont {249} truck op, Chev. Mtr. 314 N. Ellwood Ave 
Ralph E. (Dorothy) Simmont {91} driver Souther Mtrs., h. 2009 Ashton 
Ruth A. (Mrs.) Simmont {268}, clerk Simmont's Grocery, 600 S. Newkirk 
Vernon G. (Ruth A.) Simmont {213} Simmont's Grocery, h. 600 S. Newkirk 
Simmont's Grocery (Vernon G. Simmont), 600 S. Newkirk 

8 April Death - Donald Elmer Simmont {317}, son of Elizabeth Gertrude Simmont {421} & 

Richard F. Smith, Sr. {422} 
30 October Birth - Kathy Sue Belman {405}, first wife of Robert Jamey Lee {402} 
12 November Marriage - Sandra Marie Simmont {400}, daughter of Michael James Simmont {339} & 

Mary Margaret Ambrose {380} and Robert Wilson Lee {401} (First husband) 


Baltimore Directory - Suburban Edition 

Alfred T. (Catherine M.) Simmont {214} stock collector Western Electric, 3445 

Yardley Dr. 

Mary E. (Mrs.) Simmont {197}, clerk Eddie's Supermarket, 3181 Freeway, Halethorpe 

Perry Simmont {?}, mech North Point, Esso Station, Baltimore 

Robert E. (Mary E.) Simmont {194} driver, Cochran Trans, 3181 Freeway, Halethorpe 

8 January Birth - Melvin James Sandusky, Jr. {29} spouse of Dorothy Jean Waldecker {27} 

1 May Birth - Nancy Lee Schmeltz {124}, daughter of Robert Lee Schmeltz {121} & Cindy Lee 

1 3 July Birth - Robert Jamey Lee {402}, son of Sandra Marie Simmont {400} and Robert Wilson 

Lee {401} (First husband) 
7 November Birth - Stephen Mark Mills, Sr. {392}, spouse of Caryle Lee Rohde {389} 


25 January 

24 August 

Death - Marie Helen Stockman {299}, wife of Harrison Alex Simmont {243}. Living at 906 

Jack Street at the time of her death. 

Death - George Washington Simmont, Jr. {78}, son of George Washington Simmont, 

- Page 34 - 

Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 

Sr. {7} & Ellen Priscilla Henrickle {8}. Living at 2013 Christian Street at the time of his 
18 December Birth - Bonnie Lee Schmeltz {125}, daughter of Robert Lee Schmeltz {121} & Cindy Lee 
Zufall {123} 


Charles C. (Elizabeth A.) Simmont {12} pipefitter Beth Steel, 1819 Ramsey 
Constance Louise Simmont {96}, ofc sec Social Security, 2013 Christian 
Frank B. (Bessie) Simmont {191} driver Ry Exp, 1156 Sargeant 
George Vernon Simmont {211}, loader Frank's Produce, 2103 Christian 
Simmont's Garage & Service Station (Harry T. Simmont) 3101 Pulaski Hwy 
George Vernon (Elba) Simmont {21 1} salesman Home Laundry, 3506 O'Donnell 
George W. Simmont {92}, helper, W. Kelly Gregory Co, 2013 Christian 
Harry T. (Erma) Simmont {249} Simmont's Garage Simmont, 314 N. Ellwood Ave 
Peggy Simmont {?}, sales demonstrator Deller Dental Supply, Ellicott City, MO 
Ralph E. (Dorothy) Simmont {91} driver Southern Motor, 2009 Ashton 
Ruth A. (Mrs.) Simmont {268}, clerk Simmont's Grocery, 600 S. Newkirk 
Sadie Helen Simmont {95}, student, 2013 Christian 
Sadie H. Simmont {79}, (widow George), 2013 Christian 
Vernon G. (Ruth A.) Simmont {213} Simmont's Grocery, 600 S. Newkirk 
William F. Simmont {292}, mech, Replacement Parts Co., 2013 Christian 
Simmont Grocery (Vernon G. Simmont) 600 S. Newkirk 

Marriage (Approximate year) Gary Richard Hutson {385}, son of Ethel May Simmont 
{248} & John Edward Hutson, Sr. {338} and Blanche Fern Nelson {399} 

23 March Birth - Jeffery Wilson Lee {403}, son of Sandra Marie Simmont {400} and Robert Wilson 

Lee {401} 
1 1 April Death - Addie M. Irving {246}, wife of William Francis Simmont {245} 

22 July Marriage - Frank Anthony Made, Jr. {17} & Sandra Lee Ravel {30} 

24 September Birth - John Frederick Schmeltz {129}, son of Edward Hartman Schmeltz, Jr. {122} & 

Judith Elaine Birmingham {128} 

7 January 

19 March 
27 July 

16 September 
5 December 

Death - John Edward Hutson, Jr. {384}, son of Ethel May Simmont {248} and John 

Edward Hutson, Sr. {338} 

Marriage - Shirley Elizabeth Chick {55} & James Mahlon Cloud, Sr. {60} 

Birth - William Carl Waldecker, III {26}, son of Frances Edna Malle {15} & William Carl 

Waldecker, Jr. {24} 

Birth - Wendy Ann Brown {408}, second wife of Robert Jamey Lee {402} 

Death - Harry Theodore Simmont, Sr. {249}, wife of Erma A. Wroten {300} & son of 

William Francis Simmont {245} & Addie M. Irving {246}. Living at 314 North Ellwood 

Avenue at the time of his death. 


7 April 

Marriage (Approximate year) Harry Theodore Simmont, Jr. {301}, son of Harry Theodore 

Simmont, Sr. {249} & Erma A. Wroten {300} and Antoinette E. {302} (Maiden name 


Birth - Cheri Schmeltz {1 30}, daughter of Edward Hartman Schmeltz, Jr. {1 22} & Judith 

Elaine Birmingham {128} 

- Page 35 - 

Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 

28 May Birth - Donna Lee Malle {31}, daughter of Frank Anthony Malle, Jr. {17} & Sandra Lee 

Ravel {30} 
10 August Death - Margaret M. Smith {232}, wife of Charles W. Simmont, Sr. {233}. Living at 3443 

Yardley Drive, Dundalk, Maryland, at the time of her death. 
17 August Marriage - William Edward Malle {18} (1st marriage) & Florence Frame {39} 

21 September Marriage - Mary Ellen Chick {57} & James Backoff {66} 
17 October Birth - Brian Joseph Lee {404}, son of Sandra Marie Simmont {400} and Robert Wilson 

Lee {401} 
19 October Birth - Sharon Elaine Cloud {61}, daughter of Shirley Elizabeth Chick {55} & James 

Mahlon Cloud, Sr. {60} 


Carolyn J. Simmont {381}, clerk, Baltimore Gas & Electric, 3203 Mary Ave 

Charles C. (Elizabeth A.) Simmont {12}, loader A & P, 330 S. Smallwood 

Charles F. Simmont {234}, clerk, REA Exp, Glen Burnie, MD 

Constance Louise Simmont {96}, factory worker, JFW Dorman Co., 2013 Christian 

Erna A. (widow Harry T.) Simmont {300} 314 N. Ellwood Ave 

Frank B. (Bessie C.) Simmont {191} driver, REA Exp, 1156 Sargeant 

George Vernon (Elba) Simmont {21 1} salesman Home Laundry, 3506 O'Donnell 

George W. Simmont, Jr. {92}, helper, W. Kelly Gregory Co. 2013 Christian 

Harry T. (Antionette EL) Simmont {301} city policeman, 3726 Claremont 

Ralph E. (Dorothy T.) Simmont {91} helper A & P, 427 Furrow 

Sadie H. (widow George) Simmont {79} 2013 Christian 

Samuel B. (Camilla W.) Simmont, Jr. {?} U.S. Navy, 967 Stall 

Vernon G. (Ruth A.) Simmont {213} 600 S. Newkirk 

Simmont's Grocery (Vernon G. Simmont) 600 S. Newkirk 

7 March Birth - Sharon Lee Schmeltz {126}, daughter of Robert Lee Schmeltz {121} & Cindy Lee 


29 June Birth - Frank Anthony Malle, III {32}, son of Frank Anthony Malle, Jr. {1 7} & Sandra Lee 

Ravel {30} 
1 4 July Death - George Vernon Simmont {211}, husband of Elva E. Koch {260} & son of Harrison 

T. Simmont {290} & Mary C. Bosman {291}. Living at 3506 O'Donnell Street at the time 

of death. Confirmed in the above listing for 1964. 
22 July Birth - Lynn Marie Cooke {440}, daughter of Sadie Helen Simmont {95} and William 

Edward Cooke, Sr. {170} 
14 September Birth - Dianna Lynn Schmeltz {132}, daughter of Edward Hartman Schmeltz, Jr. {122} 

& Judith Elaine Birmingham {128} 

30 September Death - Dianna Lynn Schmeltz {132}, daughter of Edward Hartman Schmeltz, Jr. {122} 

& Judith Elaine Birmingham {128} 

8 December Birth - Lisa Marie Hansel {441}, daughter of Constance Louise Simmont {96} and 

Bernard Michael Hansel {171} (First husband) 

7 January 

20 March 

Death - Vernon George Simmont {213}, husband of Ruth M. Johnson {268} & son of 
George Vernon Simmont {21 1} & Eva B. Danby {212}. Living at 600 S. Newkirk Street 
at the time of death. 
Birth - Bonnie Louise Kunsman {23}, daughter of Dorothy Hope Malle {14} & Raymond 

- jRa ge 36 - 

Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 

Cyrus Kunsman {22} 

26 November Birth -Stephen James Backoff {67}, son of Mary Ellen Chick {57} & James Backoff {66} 


10 January Birth - Cheryle Lynn Simmont {382}, daughter of William Irving Simmont {247} & 
Maybelle Reidy {379} (Second wife) 

27 January Birth - James Mahlon Cloud, Jr. {181}, son of Shirley Elizabeth Chick {55} & James 

Mahlon Cloud, Sr. {60} 
12 March Marriage - Dorothy Patricia O'Brien {21} (1st Marriage) & Michael Joseph Hoi man {49} 

30 July Marriage - Ronald Paul Made {19} & Rene Cahill {44} (1st marriage by this couple) 

August Death - Harrison Alex Simmont {243}, husband of Marie Helen Stockman {299}, son of 

Harrison T. Simmont {290} & Mary C. Bosman {291} 
4 October Death - Sandra Lee Ravel {30}, wife of Frank Anthony Malle, Jr. {17} 

4 November Birth - Dorothy Jean Waldecker {27}, daughter of Frances Edna Malle {15} & William 

Carl Waldecker, Jr. {24} 
9 December Birth - William Edward Cooke, Jr. {438}, son of Sadie Helen Simmont {95} and William 

Edward Cooke, Sr. {170} 

1967 Approximate marriage year of Frank Anthony Malle, Jr. {17} (2nd Marriage) & Joyce 

Royer {35} 
12 December Birth - Robert Cooke {439}, son of Sadie Helen Simmont {95} and William Edward 

Cooke, Sr. {170} 

1 June 
30 August 

Marriage - Michael Dale Chick, Jr. {56} & Beatrice Ann Price {65} 

Marriage - William Edward Malle {18} (Second Marriage) & Susan Ann Dennis {40} 

7 March 

13 April 

3 May 

14 May 

30 July 
26 October 

Birth - Alvah Thomas Tharp, Sr. {64}, husband of Michele Lynn Cloud {62} 

Birth - William Brian Malle {41}, son of William Edward Malle {18} & Susan Ann Dennis 


Marriage - Margaret Theresa Chick {58} & Ronald Pierson Burr, Sr. {68} 

Birth - Lorie Ann Cooke {437}, daughter of Sadie Helen Simmont {95} and William 

Edward Cooke, Sr. {170} 

Birth - Jennifer Lynn Backoff {1 77}, daughter of Mary Ellen Chick {57} & James Backoff 


Birth - Mary Theresa Chick {178}, daughter of Michael Dale Chick, Jr. {56} & Beatrice 

Ann Price {65} 


20 February 

20 June 

29 June 

3 July 

Birth - Michele Lee Holman {50}, daughter of Dorothy Patricia O'Brien {21} & Michael 

Joseph Holman {49} 

Birth - Rebecca Lynn Burr {176}, daughter of Margaret Theresa Chick {58} & Ronald 

Pierson Burr, Sr. {68} 

Birth -Michele Lynn Cloud {62}, daughter of Shirley Elizabeth Chick {55} & James 

Mahlon Cloud, Sr. {60} 

Marriage - Reverdy Lewin Orrell, III {4} & Carol Lynn Gross {5} 

- JRa$re 37- 

Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 

29 August Marriage - Frank Anthony Malle, Jr. {17} (3rd Marriage) & Gail Gabell {36} 

3 October Birth - David Paul Malle {45}, son of Ronald Paul Malle {19} & Rene Cahill {44} 

3 October Birth - Duane Ronald Malle {46}, son of Ronald Paul Malle {19} & Rene Cahill {44} 

29 November Birth - Michael Dale Chick, III {179}, son of Michael Dale Chick, Jr. {56} & Beatrice Ann 
Price {65} 


1 January Birth - Bryan Paul Malle {42}, son of William Edward Malle {18} & Susan Ann Dennis 

29 September Birth - Michael Sean Malle {37}, son of Frank Anthony Malle, Jr. {17} & Gail {36} 

2 October Birth - Susan Lynn Schmeltz {131}, daughter of Edward Hartman Schmeltz, Jr. {122} & 

Judith Elaine Birmingham {128} 

Birth - Lydia Marie Napier {448}, spouse of Frank Anthony Malle, III {32} 

7 October 

Birth - Joseph Edward Pilkerton, III {164}, son of Patricia Anne Zang {162} & Joseph 
Edward Pilkerton, Jr. {163} 


9 April Birth - Ronald Pierson Burr, Jr. {69}, son of Margaret Theresa Chick {58} & Ronald 

Pierson Burr, Sr. {68} 
2 September Death - Frank Anthony Malle, Sr. {6}, husband of Catherine Louise Simmont {9} 
30 December Marriage - Ronald Paul Malle {19} & Rene Cahill {44} (Second marriage by this couple) 

7 January 

9 January 

12 January 

13 April 
12 June 

Death - William Irving Simmont {247} husband of Maybelle Reidy {379} and son of 

William Francis Simmont {245} & Addle May Irving {246} 

Birth - Jennifer April Yamber {157}, daughter of John Daniel Yamber, Jr. {153} and Jean 

Joseph {155} 

Birth - Reverdy Lewin Orrell, IV {1}, son of Reverdy Lewin Orrell, III {4} & Carol Lynn 

Gross {5} 

Death - Catherine Louise Simmont {9}, wife of the late Frank Anthony Malle, Sr. {6} 

Death - Michael Dale Chick, Sr. {54}, husband of Theresa Rose Simmont {11} 


23 July Birth - Jennifer Michele Malle {47}, daughter of Ronald Paul Malle {19} & Rene Cahill 

6 September Marriage - Catherine Louise Waldecker {25} & Dennis Bernard Jester, Sr. {28} 


18 January 

9 April 

8 July 

21 October 

9 November 

Death - Sadie Helen Marked {79}, third wife of George Washington Simmont, Jr. {78} 

Birth - Michael Joseph Pilkerton {165}, son of Patricia Anne Zang {162} & Joseph 

Edward Pilkerton, Jr. {163} 

Birth - Lisa Marie Chick {180}, daughter of Michael Dale Chick, Jr. {56} & Beatrice Ann 

Price {65} 

Birth - Crystal Dawn Yamber {156}, daughter of John Daniel Yamber, Jr. {153} and Jean 

Joseph {155} 

Birth - Toni Lynn Botto {159}, daughter of Mary Catherine Yamber {154} and Emanuel 

Page 38 

Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 
Anderson Botto {158} 


8 January 

5 June 

3 July 
22 July 

9 November 


1 1 January 


26 April 

2 August 

21 September 
29 November 

23 May 
26 June 

14 February 

22 April 

Marriage - Dennis Keith Rohde {387} and Sharon Fehsenfeld {390} 

Death - Elva E. Koch {260}, second wife of George Vernon Simmont {211} 

Death - Charles Clinton Simmont {12}, spouse of Elizabeth A. Ludwig {117} and son of 

George Washington Simmont, Sr. {7} and Ellen Priscilla Henrickle {8} 

Birth - Linda Lee Schmeltz {127}, daughter of Robert Lee Schmeltz {121} & Cindy Lee 


Marriage - Caryle Lee Rohde {389}, daughter of Eleanora May Hutson {383} & Harland 

Keith Rohde {386} and Stephen Mark Mills, Sr. {392} (First husband) 

Death - Ruth Marie Stitz {144}, wife of Edward J. Niedzielski, Sr. {149} and daughter of 

Ruth A. Sadler {81} & Leroy H. Stitz, Sr. {82} 

Marriage (Approximate year) - Robert Jamey Lee {402}, son of Sandra Marie Simmont 
{400} & Robert Wilson Lee {401} (First husband) and Kathy Sue Belman {405} (First wife) 
Birth - Kelly Merline Malle {43}, daughter of William Edward Made {18} & Susan Ann 
Dennis {40} 

Death - Franklin B. Simmont {191}, spouse of Bessie M. Loney {288}; son of John 
Thomas Simmont {98} and Margaret R. Henrickle {73} 

Birth - Laura Marie Lee {406}, daughter of Robert Jamey Lee {402} and Kathy Sue 

Belman {405} (First wife) 

Birth - Daniel James Botto {160}, son of Mary Catherine Yamber {154} and Emanuel 

Anderson Botto {158} 

Death - Raymond Cyrus Kunsman {22} husband of Dorothy Hope Malle {14} 

Marriage - Dorothy Patricia O'Brien {21} (2nd Marriage) & Michael Daines {53} 

Death (Approximate year) - Leroy H. Stitz, Sr. {82}, husband of Ruth A. Sadler {81} 
Death - Harland Keith Rohde {386}, husband of Eleanora May Hutson {383} 
Birth - Stephen Mark Mills, Jr. {393}, son of Caryle Lee Rohde {389} and Stephen Mark 
Mills, Sr. {392} (First husband) 

Death - Mary E. Jarrell {197}, wife of Robert E. Simmont {196} 

Marriage - Frank Anthony Malle, Jr. {17} (4th Marriage) & Margaret Amelia Warrington 


Death - Ethel May Simmont {248}, spouse of John Edward Hutson, Sr. {338} and 

daughter of William Francis Simmont {245} & Addie May Irving {246} 

25 November Birth - Chris Clark {136}, son of Nancy Lee Schmeltz {124} & Chris Clark {133} 


2 January Marriage - Terri Lynn Rohde {388} daughter of Eleanora May Hutson {383} & Harland 

Keith Rohde {386} and Bruce Garrett O'Heir {391} 
30 December Marriage - Ronald Paul Malle {19} (3rd Marriage) & Joann Marie Schultz {48} 


- Page 39 ■ 

Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 

Marriage - (Approximate) Donna Lee Malle {31} (1st Marriage) & John Superson {33} 
30 May Death - Charles Clinton Simmont {87} 

6 November Birth - Michael Edward O'Heir {395}, son of Terri Lynn Rohde {388} & Bruce Garrett 

O'Heir {391} 
26 November Birth - Lindsay Clark {137}, daughter of Nancy Lee Schmeltz {124} & Chris Clark {133} 


8 June Marriage - Sharon Elaine Cloud {61} & Walter Bennett, Jr. {63} 

25 June Death - Anna Marion Thompson {1 11}, wife of Charles Clinton Simmont {87} 

23 September Death - David Lee Chick {59}, son of Theresa Rose Simmont {11} & Michael Dale 
Chick, Sr. {54} 

7 October Birth-Sheena Marie Superson {34}, daughter of Donna Lee Malle{31}& John Superson 

7 October Birth - Stacy Nichole Lee {407}, daughter of Robert Jamey Lee {402} & Kathy Sue 

Belman {405} (First wife) 
10 December Death - Theresa Rose Simmont {1 1}, wife of the late Michael Dale Chick, Sr. {54} 
13 December Death - William R. O'Brien {20}, first husband of Dorothy Hope Malle {14} 


Death - Robert E. Simmont {194}, husband of Mary E. Jarrell {197} 

4 April 

16 May 

Birth - Erin Hutson O'Heir {396}, daughter of Terri Lynn Rohde {388} & Bruce Garrett 
O'Heir {391} 

Marriage - Constance Louise Simmont {96}, daughter of Sadie Helen Markell {79} and 
George Washington Simmont, Jr. {78} and William Lowe Freeman {443} (Third husband) 

10 June 

Marriage - James Mahlon Cloud, Jr. {181} & Karen Holtz {182} 


21 April Birth - Dwayne Richard Clark, Jr. {140}, son of Sharon Lee Schmeltz {126} & Dwayne 

Richard Clark, Sr. {139} 
3 June Marriage - Dorothy Jean Waldecker {27} & Melvin James Sandusky, Jr. {29} 

10 June Birth - Lauren Michele Combs {51}, daughter of Michele Lee Holman {50} 

5 October Birth - Erik Scott Walls {449}, son of Lisa Marie Hansel {441} 

14 October Marriage - Sandra Marie Simmont {400} & Ray Randel Watts {410} (Second husband) 
9 December Marriage - Michele Lynn Cloud {62} & Alvah Thomas Tharp, Sr. {64} 
25 December Birth - Dennis Bernard Jester, Jr. {76}, son of Catherine Louise Waldecker {25} & 

Dennis Bernard Jester, Sr. {28} 


2 February 

14 July 

24 July 
7 August 

Marriage - Frank Anthony Malle, III {32} & Lydia Marie Napier {448} 

Birth -Alvah Thomas Tharp, Jr. {183}, son of Michele Lynn Cloud {62} & Alvah Thomas 

Tharp, Sr. {64} 

Birth - Brittany Hope Nicole Mins {184}, daughter of Bonnie Louise Kunsman {23} 

Marriage - Robert Jamey Lee {402} son of Sandra Marie Simmont {400} & Robert Wilson 

- PaffB 40 

Chronological History of the Simmont Family of Baltimore, Maryland 


14 January 

5 January 

2 May 

3 June 

14 October 
24 October 

9 May 
6 June 
2 October 

4 October 
6 November 


2 January 

20 February 

3 July 


28 February 

Lee {401} (First husband) and Wendy Ann Brown {408} (Second wife) 

Birth - Brandon Richard Jester {175}, son of Catherine Louise Waldecker {25} & Dennis 

Bernard Jester, Sr. {28} 

Marriage - Caryle Lee Rohde {389}, daughter of Eleanora May Hutson {383} & Harland 

Keith Rohde {386} and Peter Gregory Staley {394} (Second husband) 

Death - Bessie M. Loney {288}, wife of Franklin B. Simmont {191} 

Birth - Frank Anthony Made, IV {205}, son of Frank Anthony Malle, III {32} and Lydia 

Marie Napier {448} 

Birth - Elisabeth Danielle Lee {409}, daughter of Robert Jamey Simmont {402} and 

Wendy Ann Brown {408} (Second wife) 

Death - Ralph Edward Simmont, Sr. {91}, spouse of Dorothy Timmons {97} and son of 

George Washington Simmont, Jr. {78} & Virginia Catherine Carroll {88} 

Marriage - Donna Lee Malle {31} (2nd Marriage) & Lawrence Robert Higdon {185} 

Marriage - William Carl Waldecker, 111 {26} & Catherine J. Betch {186} 

Birth - Ratlin Marie Higdon {187}, daughter of Donna Lee Malle {31} & Lawrence Robert 

Higdon {185} 

Death - George Zang {161}, husband of Virginia Catherine Simmont {90} 

Birth - Gabriella Nicole Sandusky {188}, daughter of Dorothy Jean Waldecker {27} & 

Melvin James Sandusky, Jr. {29} 

Birth - Jesse John Clark {418}, son of Sharon Lee Schmeltz {126} & Dwayne Richard 

Clark, Sr. {139} 

Birth - Skottiann Nicole Malle {206}, daughter of Frank Anthony Malle, III {32} and Lydia 

Marie Napier {448} 

Marriage - Rebecca Lynn Burr {176} & James Richard Hogan {198} 

Birth - Joshua Keyser Staley {397}, son of Caryle Lee Rohde {389} & Peter Gregory 
Staley {394} 

Page 41 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Genealogy or Family History books are generally set up either one of two ways. One way is to start with a 
particular person and trace their ancestors backward in time. This will be the method use in my next book 
which will start with my son, Reverdy Lewin Orrell, IV and document his parents, grandparents, great 
grandparents, great-great grandparents, etc. Thus far 137 direct line ancestors have been located, some 
going back 13 generations within the State of Maryland. The other is the more common type family history 
book which starts with a particular person and traces their descendants to the present day. This is that type 
book. We start with David Simmont {278} and try and document every descendant to the present day. 

This gets very complicated at times, especially when families use a name over and over. Within the Simmont 
family we find several Davids, Williams and Alfred (Alfret) and Georges. In some families I have seen a 
man have 5 sons and name one of them after himself. Then all 5 sons have each have a son that they name 
after the father. Thus you might have the grandfather John, a son John, and 5 grandsons named John - all 
living at the same time. 

As stated in the first section of this book, each person has a RIN (Random Identification Number) which 
appears after their name in French Brackets { }. The index at the back of this book is set up the same way 
and you are easily able to locate any person within this book through the index. (See the index starting on 

There are several ways of reading this section entitled Descendants of David Simmont The first is to just 
start with David Simmont and read everything page by page. Of course most people will want to see the 
section dealing with themselves first and their particular branch of the Simmont family. In that case merely 
turn to the index and locate yourself. Then turning to the page you are on you will see your particular 
ancestral line. All lines are documented back to David Simmont {278} so everyone will wind back up on his 
page eventually. You will notice, for instance, that I have included everyone's complete ancestral line directly 
after their name. This makes it easier for you to see your place in the Simmont family. For instance: 

Rebecca Lynn BURR {176} 7 (Margaret Theresa CHICK {58} 6 , Theresa Rose SIMMONT {1 1} 5 , George 
Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT{252} 2 , David SIMMONT 

{278} 1 ) 

This above listing documents Becky completely back to David Simmont {278}. We see that her Random 
Identification Number is {176}. The 7 in superscript form after her RIN indicates that she is 7 generations 
below her great-great-great-great grandfather David Simmont {278}. Becky can then find her mother 
Margaret Theresa CHICK {58} 6 in the index, and so on. 

David Simmont {278} had six children. This book is set up in a fashion that documents all of a person's 
descendants before moving on to the next child. All of Frederick Simmont {217} descendants are 
completely documented before the book moves on to John Simmont {279}. All of his descendants are 
completely documented before moving onto David Simmont {252}, etc. 

To assist the reader I would suggest that you: 

■ 1 . Locate yourself in the index. 

Pag* 42 

Descendants of David Simmont 

■ 2. Turn to that page in this section of the book that documents your ancestral line. 

■ 3. Read your ancestral line noting who is the second generation in your Simmont 

line. Note this person's RIN { }. 

■ 4. Return to this page and note the page number where your second generation 

descendancy line begins. 

■ 5. Read about the life and David Simmont and his wife Harriet which begins on page 


■ 6. Turn to the page where your second generation descendancy begins. At this point 

you will be placed in the section which deals with your particular Simmont branch. 
You can then start reading all about your particular branch of the family. Eventually 
you will come to the section which documents the descendants of the next child of 
David Simmont {278}. 

While I strongly advise that you read about all of the Simmont branches I'm sure that most people will want 
to start with their own branch first. Remember that you are related to all descendants of David Simmont, 
even those in the other branches. 

As promised (see #4 above), here is the list of the pages on which the descendants of David Simmont's 
children begin: 

Descendants start of page 
M i. Frederick SIMMONT {217} 45 

M ii. John SIMMONT {279} 83 

M Hi. David SIMMONT {252} 83 

M iv. William SIMMONT {261} 187 

F v. Mary A. SIMMONT {254} 200 

M vi. Samuel SIMMONT {251} 201 

As you can see there is quite a bit more information on Frederick Simmont {217}, David Simmont {252}, 
and William Simmont {261} then on John Simmont {279}, Mary A. Simmont {254}, and Samuel Simmont 


Frederick Simmont has 12 descendants in 3 generations. Counting spouses there are 17 persons total. 
David Simmont has 231 descendants in 8 generations. Counting spouses there are 355 persons total. 
William Simmont has 27 descendants in 5 generations. Counting spouses there are 33 persons total. 

While I have made an exhaustive attempt to locate and document everyone, unfortunately persons have been 
missed and others have not been identified. You will notice at certain places in this book that I have a name 
followed by a { ? } indicating I just didn't know where they fit into the scope of the family. There were several 
such occurrences of this type in the listings of the Baltimore City Directory. During the final phase of 
research letters were sent to all persons located in PhoneDisc USA. Most went unanswered. These present 
day Simmonts could have really helped 'filled in the blanks' and provided much need documentation but 
unfortunately couldn't care less about their Simmont family heritage. 

Page 43 

Descendants of David Simmont 

David SIMMONT {278} 1 was born before 1790. He married Harriet {253} (Maiden name unknown) about 
1810. She was born before 1790. 

They had 6 children: 

M i. Frederick SIMMONT {217} b. about 1812 d. 21 March 1888 

M ii. John SIMMONT {279} b. about 1816 

M iii. David SIMMONT {252} b. about 1818 d. after 1880 

M iv. William SIMMONT {261} b. 15 March 1818 d. 24 August 1899 

F v. Mary A. SIMMONT {254} b. about 1820 d. after 1847 

M vi. Samuel SIMMONT {251} b. about 1837 d. 16 March 1848 

In researching the Simmont family of Baltimore, Maryland, I was quickly able to see that the above mentioned 
David Simmont {278} was clearly the progenitor of the Simmont family. I could find no one before him or 
within his generation. The above cited 6 children are of the next generation and are placed together as 

Harriet {253} died after 16 March 1848. 

NOTES for Harriet {253} follow: Source: Obituary of son, Samuel Simmont {251} (see page 201). 

David SIMMONT {278} died after 16 March 1848. 

NOTES for David SIMMONT {278} follow: There are several listings in the Baltimore City Directory for 
various David Simmonts at different times. The first Simmont ever located in the Baltimore City Directory 
is David Simmont, brickmaker, Washington south side adjoining the run in Ridgely's Addition in 1824. As 
this David Simmont would have to be at least 24 years old to be listed as a head of household and in the 
Directory he would have had to be born before 1800. As he is believed to be the father of Frederick 
Simmont {217} born 1812 it is believed that this David Simmont was probably born before 1790. Marriage 
date is purely a guess. Son Frederick Simmont {217} was born in 1812 and another believed son, William 
Simmont {261}, was born in 1818. The others that are believed to be sons are placed between them and 
the marriage date was set about 1810. 

The 1824 listing for David Simmont {278} appears to be his only entry in the Baltimore City Directory. 

A complete listing of David Simmonts in the Baltimore City Directory follows: 

[Throughout this book names have been set in bold type with the exception of listings in the Baltimore City Directory in 
this section. This is due to the number of names in this section] 

1824 David, brickmaker, Washington south side adjoining the run, Ridgely's Addition. (This David 
Simmont would have had to be born about 1785-1790 to be listed in the 1824 Baltimore City 
Directory. As George W. Simmont, Sr. {7} was not born until November, 1 869 this David Simmont 
is too old to be the father. Notice that the occupation is a brickmaker in many of these entries as is 
the case for many of the Simmont males. 

1872 David, driver, 36 S. Paca 

David, brickmaker, 365 Columbia 

1875 David, brickmaker, 22 Washington Ave 

- Page 44 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

1878 David, watchman, 22 Washington Ave 
David F., brick moulder, 22 Washington Ave 

1879 David, brickmaker, 375 Scott 

David F., brickmoulder, 375 Scott (Also at this location on Scott Street is Samuel Simmont, laborer 
1881 David F., brickmaker, 528 Cross 
1883 David F., brickmaker, 522 Cross (Listing of 522 Cross Street appears as the address of the 3 year 

old child, Clarence Simmont who died on November 1882. 

1885 David F., brickmaker, 568 Cross 

1886 David F., brickmaker, 568 Cross 

David F., brickmaker, 250 Washington Ave (with Jacob H. Simmont) 

1887 David F., brickmaker, 1 165 Nanticoke 

1888 David F., grocer, 1 155 Cleveland 

1889 David F., grocer, 1 155 Cleveland 

1890 David F., laborer, 1092 S. Paca 

1891 David F., brickmaker, 1229 Scott (with Frederick H. Simmont) 

1896 David F., laborer, Joshua 

1897 David F., laborer, Joshua 

1898 David F., brickmaker, 801 Woodward 

1899 David F., brickmaker, 801 Woodward 
1901 David F., laborer, Lansdowne 

1905 David F., laborer, Lansdowne 

As David and Harriet are both mentioned in the obituary of their son Samuel Simmont {251} they were living 
as of 1 6 March 1 848. If either had been dead they would have been referred to as the late' David or Harriet 
(see page 201). 









Frederick SIMMONT {217} 2 (David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born about 1812, in Baltimore, Maryland. He 
married Julia Ann CHAPMAN {219} about 1836. She was born 1813. 

They had 6 children: 

Edward SIMMONT {218} b. 25 June 1837 d. 8 September 1916 

Maria Amelia SIMMONT {220} b. about 1838 d. after 1900 

Adelaide E. SIMMONT {221} b. 19 September 1840 d. 2 August 1933 

Caroline SIMMONT {222} b. June 1845 d. after 1920 

F v. Laura W. SIMMONT {223} b. about 1849 d. after 1888 

F vi. Emma J. SIMMONT {224} b. 9 December 1857 d. 31 July 1933 

Julia Ann CHAPMAN {219} died about 1897. 

NOTES for Julia Ann CHAPMAN {219} follow: Maiden nameobtainedfrom the death certificate of daughter, 
Adelaide E. Simmont {221} (see page 79). Maiden name could be Chapmas although Chapman appears 

Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 
1889: Julia A. (Mrs.) 700 N. Carrollton Ave. 
1890: Julia A. (Mrs.) 700 N. Carrollton Ave. 

- Page 45 ■ 

Descendants of David Simmont 

1891 : Julia A. (Mrs.) 700 N. Carrollton Ave. 

1892: Julia A. (Mrs.) 700 N. Carrollton Ave. 

1894: Misses, 700 N. Carrollton Ave. 

1895: Misses, 700 N. Carrollton Ave. 

1896: Misses, 700 N. Carrollton Ave. 

1897: Misses, 700 N. Carrollton Ave. 

The 1897 entry appears to be the last for Julia Ann Simmont (nee Chapman). Starting in 1898 we find 
entries at 700 N. Carrollton Avenue for daughters Adelaide E. Simmont {221} and for Carrie Simmont 
{222}, daughters of Julia Ann and Frederick Simmont. 

Frederick SIMMONT {217} died 21 March 1888, in Baltimore City, Maryland. 

NOTES for Frederick SIMMONT {217} follow: Frederick Simmont {217} is located with his family in the 
1 860 Maryland Census. He is located in the 1 6th Ward of Baltimore City and is listed as a 48 year old white 
male with an occupation of Brick Maker. His real estate value was $1,100.00 and the value of his personal 
estate was estimated at $7,000.00. He was listed as being born in Baltimore, Maryland. In his household 
was his wife Julia Simmont {219} age 47, and children Amelia Simmont {220} age 30, Adelaide Simmont 
{221} age 18, Caroline Simmont {222} age 16, Laura Simmont {223} age 1 1 , and Emma Simmont {224} 
age 4. Their son Edward Simmont {218} was not listed and was married in 1858 to Elizabeth M. 
Hollingshead {225} and was living elsewhere at that time. 

1860 Maryland Census Record for Frederick Simmont {217} 

Frederick Simmont {217} has not yet been located in the 1870 Maryland Census nor in the 1880 
Maryland Census. While the 1880 Maryland Census contains a Soundex which is a type of index only 
those families with children under the age of 10 years were included in the soundex. As all of the children 
were older than ten Frederick Simmont {217} was not in this soundex. While not impossible it is a difficult 
task to locate anyone in the voluminous census without an index or a soundex. 

Death certificate says he was 76 years old at time of death, that he was born in Baltimore and his duration 
of residence in the City of Baltimore was 65 years. This leaves an 1 1 year period unaccounted for which 
could just be an oversight or could lead to the assumption that he was born in Baltimore County and spent 
the last 65 years of his life in Baltimore City. This appears to be the case as stated in his obituary notice. 

Page 46- 

Descendants of David Simmont 


' ;J£tM~§twmt^0t 4 galHmort ■ 


Office of fii&istrar of y?tal Gtaffsffrs. f!tai..^42^ 

.« .iT 1 !? ^y^ who ^tended «ny pcnwn In « tat illnm r«K*p6c*tU» IbcUl* prestation >.T thU (VrMrsJ/., ^-^ MdJ$k 
^flUiHlertakcr or other |M-nwn «ipcrir»tendln|r the IwrUl, within h^y/ovr Wi aft, r lh« -loath .,1 *«M <!..-»•., I, or noc*»j38 
rcquwtcil *i_to <lr», titular pcnaltr of law. • ' , ^*» 

«o I'«H«iT } jroiv Burial cav bk Obtajwki) without a.Propwi Cnmrf;AT>i 

.AERtYbcatFof death. 

= v ^ fc * 

FullNameoJ Deceased, \ srSS*.^ SSS } /'5<»; r -' <' / ' ..>/...*. .^.f.-.../±iS 

OAT. Mill? -M^AjHtftvJia /CrpM oul the word net I 

^J3$ ; ^i : iw J)r ;. ;..,,; 

.. Months, 

*i r %* 

Married^ ShgUrlf &d tw vr ^ mdo*** {%« 

*'\ * "*'* "" % -j ( ^ 

Occupation, '.^ J..1 m t / <*~ I. W'^f^/^f^J ^ iMl^KHpi] 

tkrafonb f'liendencein the Citg 6/ Baltimore, & .-•' ' / / y* \ >__. 

^^ C. J FW (Primary) . . U„-J„J: / /« / „-rw .*_ ;, _ ^ . .. -'> ,- ^ A /_ 

7Lrta«.A.v«k m-T^- #■_&_■*. ft? TEL" it: ' ' t - *' "'"'"' "' *" — rrn — *- - * 


Iteration of La&t ^Sickness, ; j 

" >^Antbi *»»»'• {aMrfltttioajlMttld b* AnfaM 

*y U« fHyUeU*. 

i«Ja«rfM._. ... .. .„..^ fc „. , w .,„ 

wtrtU./our IwgM aft*r il»6 xf^lU, U» il»^ Ui»l<insk^t or ML^r p*r*>iw «up«ritii«ii4im< th." \Utn\l. •% »-mfi A;. « ait, • f>rt?» »* <*",» 3 j ."'!^' 
h _I_* m6 cw, l he «K*raH^*I ?j thi full lik'Jr, f^,***; *i»J <v~liiio« ^wbethur nurfirtj of wiiirlt-; irf th« f-n- m J ..-itv.,1 .»./ ,i *Un * "r^ "J ; ) 

.ft! j'*,«ii.. ». r ""* i'. . < i I • • R '"vl- ,< ft 

Death Certificate for Frederick Simmont {217} 

Obituary Notice from the Morning 
Sun -22 March 1888: 

Mr. Frederick Simmont, aged 75 
years, died yesterday at his 
residence, No. 700 Carrollton 
Avenue, of gradual paralysis, after 
a sickness of six weeks. He was 
born in Baltimore County and had 
lived nearly all his life in Baltimore. 
For the last fifty years he was a 
manufacture of bricks, and had 
extensive yards on the Washington 

*■ — w p — **-i> ■». »m ■ * i 

Mr. Frederick Slcnmont, aired 75 years, died 
yesierday at his residence. No. 7U0 Carrollton 
avboue, of gradual paralysis, after a sickness 
of six weeks. He was born In tialtlrnor* 
county, and bad lired nearly ail his life !u 
Hsiliiinore. For the last any years be was a 
manufacturer of bricks, and had oxtonslro 
yalrds on the Wa*hlu<rton road. Ha was a 
member oi|8t. Pauls M. E. Church 8outh. 
Darin* the late war he was a prisoner at 
Fcirt Mclfonry* ohargod with helping the 
Southern cause. His wife and six children 

sulrvive him. 

> » »— — 

Obituary Notice for Frederick Simmont {217} 

Road. He was a member of the St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal Church South. During the late war he was 
a prisoner at FortMcHenry, charged with helping the Southern cause. His wife and six children survive him. 

Page 47 > 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Frederick Simmont {217} is the only person in this particular family who has the title of C.S.A. This is a 
universally accepted title of a person who was engaged in the American Civil War (1861-1865) and sided with 
the Confederacy - hence the designationof "Confederate States of America" (C.S.A.). Technically Frederick 
Simmont was not a soldier with any Confederate outfit and is not 'officially 1 a true C.S.A. However in my own 
personal databases in addition to officially confirmed soldiers I also add persons who were volunteer prison 
guards for the Confederacy, spies for the Confederacy or in this case a Confederate sympathizer who was 
imprisoned for helping the Southern cause. I have written to United States Department of the Interior, 
National Park Service at the Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine in Baltimore City, Maryland 
regarding Frederick Simmont; however at this writing they are unable to locate any information on his being 
imprisoned at Fort McHenry during the Civil War as a state prisoner. It is possible that his name was spelled 
differently (Semont, Seemont, Seamont, Simont, etc) or that they just overlooked his record. 

Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 

1845 Frederick, brickmaker, 99 Columbia St. 

1849 Frederick, firm, Collins & Simmont, 332 Light 

1853-4 Frederick, brickmaker, 146 Lee 

1855-6 Frederick, brickmaker, 146 Lee 

1856-7 Frederick, brickmaker, 146 Lee 

1858 Frederick, brickmaker, h. 146 

1860 Frederick, brickmaker, Light extended, h. 146 Lee (listed at the same address was his son Edward) 

1864 Frederick, brickmaker, Light extended, home: 146 Lee (with son Edward) 

1865-6 Frederick, brickmaker, Light extended, home: 146 Lee 

1867-8 Frederick, brickmaker, Columbia Extended, home 146 Lee 

1868-9 Frederick, brickmaker, 208 S. Pace (with son Edward) 

1870 Frederick, brickmaker, 101 N. Republican 

1871 Frederick, brickmaker, Columbia ext - home: 101 N. Republican 

1872 Frederick, brickmaker, Columbia Ave ext - home: 101 N. Republican 

1873 Frederick, brickmaker, Columbia ext - home: 101 N. Republican 

1874 Frederick, brickmaker, Columbia ext - 217 N. Republican 

1875 Frederick, brickmaker, Columbia ext - 217 N. Republican 

1876 Frederick, brickmaker, Columbia ext - 217 N. Carrollton Ave. 

1877 Frederick, brickmaker, 217 N. Carrollton Ave. 

1878 Frederick, brickmaker, 217 N. Carrollton Ave. (with son Edward) 

1879 Frederick, brickmaker, 217 N. Carrollton Ave 

1880 Frederick, brickmaker, 217 N. Carrollton Ave 

1881 Frederick, brickmaker, 217 N. Carrollton Ave 

1882 Frederick, brickmaker, 217 N. Carrollton Ave 

1883 Frederick, brick manufacturer, Washington Ave, Home: 217 N. Carrollton 

1884 Frederick, brick manuf N. side of Washington Ave W. of B&O RR, home: 217 N. Carrollton 

1885 Frederick, brick manuf, 217 N. Carrollton 

1886 Frederick, brick manuf. Washington Ave. ext - Home: 217 N. Carrollton 

1887 Frederick, brick manuf. Washington Ave. ext, home 700 N. Carrollton 

1888 Frederick, brick manuf. Washington Ave. ext, home 700 N. Carrollton 

Frederick Simmont {217} is also listed in the Business section of the Baltimore City Directory under 'Brick 
Manufactors' for several years. In 1882 he had a display ad in this section. Also listed that same year 
(although no display ad) was Joseph Simmont of 205 Scott Street. 

- Page 48 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Manufacturer, Yard, Washingtoiij 
av, ext.,Office 217 N. Cairolltonlill 

■ ■ '■•• ■•-yfiyg 

Simmot Joseph, 205 Scott 

Brick Manufacturers. 

Simmont Edward, 197 Urn-re 
Simmont Frederick, Columbia ext 
8immopt;Wm; 18 Wjeth 

Display Ads from the Baltimore City Directory 

His last will and testament was written 1881 and was probated in 1888. He died 21 March 1888 in Baltimore 

Last Will and Testament of Frederick Simmont {217} 

I, Frederick Simmont of the City of Baltimore in the State of Maryland, being of sound and 
disposing mind memory and understanding and being desirous of having all my worldly affairs so 
arranged as shall be most advantageous to those near to me when the number of my days shall 
be fulfilled do make and publish this my Last Will and Testament as follows. 

First. I commit my Soul into the hands of Almighty God, who gave it to me. 

Second. After the payment of all debts by me owing at the time of decease and the expenses of 
settling my estate, I give, devise and bequeath to my beloved wife Julia Ann Simmont {219} all 
my property and estate of whatsoever nature or kind, real, personal and mixed and wheresoever 
the same may be situated to be held for her use and enjoyed by my said wife for and during the 
term of her natural life; and from and after the death of my said wife, then I will, devise and direct 
that my said Estate shall be divided into six equal parts or shares. 

Third. One of said equal parts or shares I will, devise and bequeath to my son Edward Simmont 
{218}, to him, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever. 

Fourth. Another and the second of said equal parts or shares I will, devise, and bequeath to my 
daughter Maria Amelia Burnett {220}, widow, to her, her heirs, executors, administrators, and 
assigns forever, and to be to her sole and separate use, free from the control of any husband or 
husbands she may hereafter marry, and not to be bound by or responsible for his or their debts, 

Page 49 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

contracts, engagements and to do with the same as she may please whether she be single or not. 

Fifth. Another and the third of said equal parts or shares I will devise and bequeath to my daughter 
Adelaide Simmont {221} to her, her heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever and to 
be to her sole and separate use, free from the control of any husband she may hereafter marry and 
not to be bound by or responsible for his debts, contracts or engagements and to do with the same 
as she may please. 

Sixth. Another and the fourth of said equal parts of shares I will devise and bequeath to my 
daughter Caroline Simmont {222} to her, her heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever; 
and to be to her sole and separate use, free from the control of any husband or husbands she may 
hereafter marry and not to be bound by or responsible for his or their debts, contracts or 
engagements and to do with the same as she may please. 

Seventh. Another and the fifth of said equal parts or shares I will devise and bequeath to my 
daughter Laura W. Frank {223}, the wife of Gerehart Frank {227} of the City of Baltimore to her 
heirs executors administrators and assigns forever and to be to her sole and separate use, free 
from the control of her present or any future husband, and not to be bound or responsible for their 
or either of their debts, contracts or engagements and to do with the same as she may please. 

Eighth. Another and the last of said equal parts or shares I will devise and bequeath to my 
daughter Emma Simmont {224} to her heirs executors administrators and assigns forever to be 
to her sole and separate use free from the control of any husband or husbands she may hereafter 
marry and not to be bound by or responsible for his or their debts contracts or engagements and 
to do with the same as she may please. 

Ninth. I hereby will and direct that any and all sums of money which I have advanced to any of my 
said children and which shall be found charged against them on my books at the time of my 
decease or for which I may hold their notes, shall be taken and considered as a part of their 
respective shares of my estate and shall be charges against and shall be deducted from their 
respective shares my object being to divide my whole estate, after the death of my said wife as 
aforesaid, fairly and equitably between my said children. But in case or in the event of the death 
of either or any of my said children leaving my said wife surviving them, and without leaving issue 
of his or her body living at the time of his or her death, then I will devise and direct that the share 
or portion of such child or children so dying as aforesaid without issue as aforesaid, shall pass to 
my surviving child or children and the issue of any child or children then dead the issue of my 
deceased child to stand in the place of its deceased parent and to take the same share its 
deceased parent would have taken if then living. 

Tenth. I will and direct that my executor herein after named shall close my business as soon after 
my decease as is practicable it being my will and wish that said business shall not be continued 
after my decease save only for the purpose of completing any unfinished work that may be on hand 
at that time. And I authorize and direct my executrix hereinafter named to sell and dispose either 
at public or private sale for cash all the materials, tools, stock, utensils used in the conduct of my 

- Page 50 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

business and all my horses, carts, wagons and generally everything in and about the premises used 
by me as a Brick Yard situated on the Washington Road or wheresoever I may conduct my 
business the proceeds of sale to be invested by my said wife in some safe and secure manner. 

Eleventh. It is my wish that such of my children are unmarried at the time of my decease shall 
have a home with my said wife, so long as they shall remain single and so long as they shall make 
themselves agreeable to my said wife and it is also my wish that Paul M. Burnett {228} my 
grandson the son of William and Maria Amelia Burnett {220} shall have a home with my said wife 
and receive his board until he arrives at the age of twenty one years, provided he shall make 
himself agreeable to my said wife. 

Twelfth. I will, devise and bequeath to my grandson Frederick Simmont {229}, the son of Edward 
Simmont {2 1 8} my gold watch if I shall have one at the time of my death. 

Thirteenth. I will and direct that if either of the devisees under this will shall reject and refuse to 
accept the provisions thereof or institute any proceedings or make any attempt to break, annul or 
set aside this will then such attempt or refusal shall render void the devise made to such devisee 
and the property devised to shall 
pass to and become the property of the other devisees. 

Fourteenth. I hereby authorize and empower my executrix hereinafter named to sell my real or 
leasehold estate either at public or private sale and on receipt of the purchase money to give good 
and valid deeds for the same the purchasers thereof not to be bound to see the application of the 
purchase money. 

Fifteenth and lastly I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my beloved wife Julia Ann 
Simmont {219} to be sole executrix of this my Last Will and Testament and I desire that she shall 
be allowed the highest commissions for settling my estate. 

In testimony that the foregoing is my Last Will and Testament I hereunto set my hand and affix my 
seal on this Twenty Second day of September in the year of Our Lord Eighteen Hundred and 

Signed .- Frederick Qimmont 

Witnessed by Thomas H. Ridgely, Charles Ridgely and William F. Roberts. On the 31st day of March 
1888, came Paul M. Burnett {228} and made oath on the Holy Evangel of Almighty God that he doth not 
know of any will or codicil of Frederick Simmont, late of said city deceased. 

[I am reprinting a photocopy of the actual will for Frederick Simmont even though it will be difficult to read. The actual 
will is slightly bigger than the pages of this book. It too is a little difficult to read One demoralizing aspect is genealogy 
is that fact that you might spend months looking for a document that you know exists. However after finding the 
document you discover that it is so faded, crumbed, mutilated, that you can f t even begin to read it. In many cases you 
discover that the handwriting is so bad or written so small that you are unable to decipher the document. I often must try 
and make a descent copy of the document and enlarge it several times before I even begin to try and read it] 

- Page 51 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 


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- Pasre 52 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 




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- Page S3 

Descendants of David Simmont 

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- Pa^re 54 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

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- Page SS - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Edward SIMMONT 3 {218} (Frederick SIMMONT {2 17} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was bom 25 June 1837, 
in Baltimore, Maryland. He married Elizabeth M. HOLLINGSHEAD {225} 18 January 1858, in Baltimore 
City, Maryland. She was born 26 October 1838, in Maryland, the daughter of John HOLLINGSHEAD {320} 
and Elizabeth RICHARDSON {321}. 











They had 5 children: 

Charles Melvin SIMMONT {287} 
Jessie SIMMONT {280} 
Julia SIMMONT {304} 
Oliver C. SIMMONT {207} 
Frederick H. SIMMONT {229} 

b. 1858 
b. about 1860 
b. about 1860 
b. October 1864 
b. 25 June 1867 

d. 21 October 1885 

d. 7 February 1926 
d. 30 June 1944 

Elizabeth M. HOLLINGSHEAD {225} died 22 February 1908, in Baltimore City, Maryland, and was buried 
24 February 1908, in Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore City, Maryland. 

NOTES for Elizabeth M. HOLLINGSHEAD {225} follow: The 1900 Maryland Census lists her birth as 
October 1841 , showing her as 58 years old in 1900. 

Elizabeth Simmont died in Baltimore City on 22 February 1908 (Death Certificate # C 9757). She was born 
26 October 1838 and was 64 years, 4 months old. She was married and the daughter of John Hollingshead 
born Maryland. Her mother was Elizabeth Richardson. Informant was Clevia {?} of 649 N. Appleton. This 
death certificate is very light and is not included in this book. It should be noted that Elizabeth is located in 
the 1870 Maryland Census with her husband and children. She is listed as a 32 year old white female 
confirming her birthdate. Also living in the household was Blanche Hollingshead a 59 year old white female 
and Roger Hollingshead a 23 year old boiler maker. Blanche was a school teacher. It is very possible that 
Blanche Hollingshead was her mother and that Roger was her brother. 

ELIZABETH M., ird M ynri, w)fe of Kdwani 
Shamotit, mpd daughter of the UU Capt John 

HeUUffft aod frtendi ar* lntlted to attend the 
funtraU from her late residence, Mo. 609 Appleton 
street, cm Monday, February *£ at 10 A., M. Inter- 
ment print*. * *» 

Obituary Notice for Elizabeth M. Simmont {225} 

Obituary notice found in the Baltimore Sun: 
On February 22, 1908, at 9:35 AM, ELIZABETH M. SIMMONT, aged 69 years, wife of Edward Simmont, and 
daughter of the late Capt. John Hollingshead. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral from her 
late residence, No. 609 Appleton Street, on Monday, February 24, at 10 AM, Interment private. 

Tombstone states: MOTHER - 1839-1908. 

Page 56' 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Below are several photographs of the Simmont Family Lot 
at Loudon Park Cemetery in Baltimore City, Maryland 

Page 57 > 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Photo of Footstone of Elizabeth M. Simmont (nee HoIIingshead) {225} 

Edward SIMMONT {218} died 8 September 1916, in Baltimore City, Maryland, and was buried 10 
September 1916, in Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore City, Maryland. 

NOTES for Edward SIMMONT {218} follow: Mentioned in will of his father (see page 49). 

Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 

1860 Edward, provision dealer, 215 S. Eutaw, h. 146 Lee {with Frederick, brickmaker, Light extended, h. 

146 Lee) 
1864 Edward, brickmaker, 296 S. Charles 
1867-8 Edward, brickmaker, Light extended, h. 483 Light 
1868-9 Edward, brickmaker, 208 S. Paca (with Frederick, brickmaker) 
1870 Edward, brickmaker, 146 Lee 

Edward, brickmaker, 146 Lee 

Edward, brickmaker, 19 Wyeth (with William F., police and William, brickmaker) 

Edward, brickmaker, 197 Barre (Edward is also listed in the Business section of the Baltimore City 

Directory for 1873 along with Frederick and William Simmont.) 

Edward, brickmaker, 197 Barre 

Edward, brickmaker, 197 Barre 

Edward, brickmaker, 217 N. Carrollton Ave (with Frederick, brickmaker) 

Edward, brickmaker, 328 W. Lombard (with Charles, printer) 

Edward, (Edward Simmont & Son), provisions, 90 N. Carrollton Ave. (with Charles) 

Edward, 78 Harlem Ave 

Edward, 78 Harlem Ave (with Charles, printer and Oliver C, clerk) 

Edward, 78 Harlem Ave (with Frederick, clerk and Oliver C, clerk) 

Edward, brickmaker, 78 Harlem (with Charles M., printer, Frederick H., clerk & Oliver C, clerk) 

Edward, brick manuf, 78 Harlem Ave (with Charles M. printer, Frederick H, clerk, & Oliver C, clerk 

Edward, 78 Harlem Ave (with Charles M., printer, Frederick, clerk & Oliver C„ clerk) 



Page 58 

Descendants of David Simmont 

1887 Edward, brickmaker, 1629 W. Lexington (with Frederick H., clerk, and Oliver C, clerk) 

1888 Edward, brickmaker, 1603 W. Mulberry (with Frederick H., clerk and Oliver C, clerk) 

1890 Edward, brickmaker, 1603 W. Mulberry (with Frederick H., clerk) 

1891 Edward, brick manuf, 413 N. Gilmor (with Frederick H., clerk) 

1892 Edward, brick manuf, 1629 W. Fayette (with Frederick H., clerk, and Oliver C.jce) 

1893 Edward, brakeman, 1629 W. Fayette (with Frederick R, clerk and Oliver C, dairy lunch) 

1894 Edward (Simmont Ice Co) 1625 W. Fayette (with Frederick H., clerk and Oliver C, eating) 

1 895 Edward (Simmont Ice Co) 1625 W. Fayette (with Frederick H.). Oliver C. is listed at another address 
but is also listed as Simmont Ice Company) 

1896 Edward, brickmaker, 1625 W. Fayette (with Frederick H., clerk) 

1897 Edward, lunchroom, 609 Appleton (with Frederick H., clerk) 

1898 Edward, lunchroom, 609 Appleton (with Frederick H., clerk) 

1899 Edward, lunchroom, 609 Appleton (with Frederick H., clerk) 

1900 Edward, lunchroom, 609 Appleton (with Frederick H., clerk) 

1901 Edward, lunchroom, 609 Appleton (with Frederick H., clerk). In this listing Edward is listed as Edward 
F. Simmont. This is the only time a middle name was associated with Edward and could stand for 
Edward Frederick Simmont.) 

1902 Edward, lunchroom, 609 Appleton (with Frederick H., clerk) 

1903 Edward, clerk, 609 Appleton (with Frederick H., clerk) 

1904 Edward, 609 Appleton (with Frederick H., clerk) 

1905 Edward, 609 Appleton 

1906 Edward, lunchroom, 609 Appleton (with Frederick H., clerk) 

1907 Edward, lunchroom, 609 Appleton (with Frederick H., clerk) 

1908 Edward, buyer, h. 609 N. Appleton (with Frederick H., caterer) 

1909 Edward, clerk, h. 609 N. Appleton (with Frederick H., clerk) 

1910 Edward, waiter, h. 609 Appleton (with Frederick H., clerk) 

191 1 Edward, waiter, h. 609 Appleton (with Frederick H., clerk) 

1912 Edward, waiter, h. 609 N. Appleton (with Frederick H., clerk) 

1913 Edward, clerk, h. 609 Appleton (with Frederick H., clerk) 

1914 Edward, 609 Appleton (with Frederick H., clerk) 
1916 Edward, 609 Appleton (with Frederick H., clerk) 

This is last listing for Edward Simmont {218} in the Baltimore City Directory which is consistent with the 
headstone showing him as dying in 1916. 

Edward Simmont {218} is located in the 1870 Maryland Census. He is found living in the 16th Ward of 
Baltimore City. He is listed as a 33 year old white male who was a Brickmaker. His real estate value was 
cited as $ 300.00. His place of birth is listed as Maryland. In his household was his wife Elizabeth Simmont 
{225} age 32 and children Charles Simmont {287} age 12, Oliver Simmont {207} age 6, and Frederick 
Simmont {229} age 3. Also listed were Blanche Hollingshead age 59 and Roger Hollingshead age 23 
who were obviously related to Edward Simmont's wife Elizabeth. All birthplaces for everyone in the 
household was listed as Maryland. 

He is again located in the 1900 Maryland Census living in Enumeration District 233 on Appleton Street. He 
is listed as a 62 year old white male who was born in June, 1837 in Maryland. In the household was his wife 
Elizabeth Simmont {225} age 58 born October 1841 and son Frederick H. Simmont {229} age 31 born 
June 1868. 

- Page 59 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Death Certificate # C98028 states that Edward Simmont was born 25 June 1 837 in Baltimore, Maryland the 
son of Fred Simmont. Edward is listed as a widower with an occupation of 'retired' brick manufacturer. His 
father is listed as Fred Simmont of Baltimore, Maryland and his mother is listed as 'Don't Know'. The 
informant was Oliver C. Simmont {207} of the Lenox Apartments in Forrest Park. 

3pe%.-4<24->4-— M.fcT.— 200GB1». i ' 






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(Residence in Baltimore ; No. 


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„ „_ ^ : 0-uwcxx, X-t-~ry-<* l*-DVTE OF DEATH, , ../ '*~ f 

♦-COLOR O^RAC*. **««». ; /^<*V*Se..* - - A^^/ "/ f Q J f f 

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widow «s, 

o» OtTOICtP. 

1 HEREBY CERTIFY Tfe.t I f tt<nd«d d«*«»*J from 

— —. I- I HtKtBT Lfc-KUrY 1 h*t I * ttcnd«d de-c«-«*<-i from 

..■£&...■ fa.? &U**C n4~»Vkf-r mi » 

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{b> Gesstnd eSwr* of ind: 
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caBciorrd far <aspk)T«i 

f fn<Juatrr. b-.-.m- ■«_,.* - . 

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Death Certificate for Edward Simmont {218} 

! Simmont. nn si-pt-tnbrr «. n^t€. 

| EDWARD, n^iil T^ vi-jir?*. 'busbnii'l -f 
tin* l;vl ** ICH/.iiIhmIy M /Simmon!. '•■ 

I-*iiiif*r:il will tnki* plftn- frc»m hi** lh*^ 
j r« siclnru'i*. No. <*i01> NortJi Appt^ffm 
iMn-rl, on Suiiclnv/ ni tt A. 5l, *!nfrrm^1»t 
I (privnir) in London P:irk'<**ftn»tfti\v. f t # 

Obituary Notice for Edward Simmont {218} 

His obituary notice was found in the 
Baltimore Sun - 9 September 1916 
On September 8 f 1916, EDWARD 
SIMMONT, aged 79 years, husband of 
the late Elizabeth M Simmont. 
Funeral will take place from his late 
residence, No. 609 North Appleton 
Street, on Sunday ai 9 A.M. Interment 
(private) in Loudon Park Cemetery. 

- Page 60 

Tombstone states FATHER 1837 - 1916. 

Descendants of David Simmonf 

Footstone of Edward Simmon! {218} 

Charles Melvin SIMMONT {287} 4 (Edward SIMMONT {218} 3 , Frederick SIMMONT {217} 2 , David 
SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 1858, in Baltimore, Maryland. Charles Melvin SIMMONT {287} died 21 
October 1885, in Baltimore City, Maryland, and was buried 23 October 1885, in Loudon Park Cemetery, 
Baltimore City, Maryland. 

NOTES for Charles Melvin SIMMONT {287} follow: Appears to have been unmarried. The death certificate 
for Charles Melvin SIMMONT {287} (No, 87329) is one of the earliest death certificates in my files. It states 
he was born in Baltimore, Maryland and lived there for his entire life. His place of death was 78 Harlem 
Avenue and his occupation was listed as a printer. His footstone states CHARLES M. 1858 - 1885. 

Footstone for Charles Melvin Simmont {287} 

- Page SI 

Descendants of David Simmont 

fcnifi !«. &*?,£.& $ Office, of^rr/istrar of JVa? >$faits£ic$ t 



Th* Pht.*rt-S«n who 4dv»ndwf -in? jyrwn In * ?n*t flh^r",.!* rr>«jK>! ( .*1M« for J&* prwfitttlis'Xff thi« (>rtl?.-«f«, >* v ^'-'y *Vt*£T* 
t, to- th*» UftdfH«kp&<(>r other jwrwa *tijv«rifttf»3tlm«f ifw burinl, within twer*- '—- * A — -■»■.»■■--».' ■ *- -'- 

. „ .1 Ittfnfy-f'Mtr hour* *ft*, l!>.t ,]f+th of *&M 

^f« »Jo, tind#r j^naily of law, 

N?> Pkrmit ro* Beaut ^.i mk Ortruicr; \rmi.-»*rr a. I'Roreii CrnTirjc^t. 

<••:.- A CERTIFICATE OF DEATH.-'-'".'- ^ 

'*+&***£]'_ rtfc xtr./"-: '/jffi ~ ' ?, m ? ' '■"■' ^ 

k ]Fulf flame of [Deceased , { SShTS j C>A~^^ „ P?t, *07& 

? Occupational.** 7 , „yys^^x^&<~:~ 

^llirth Place. {i«f*!Mh7 "-iW sil^l < J* j // ^*-^r~~£>^£"\ * , 

^Uhirati on of Residence in th* 0/.y p/ Ifattimorf C ^i <^j£-«-^_t_ 


\Chtist, of Death, 

•iV '"'r^-'u *J Ascend { I m»«iiat«},./. 

j'Duratim of Last SickncAs, 

: ,f '' *' ,Mi Uk« »btn (afar malign »1»^W t». fsrafc&yt *r *b* f"*if*i.!*i ^ 

; Place j?f£uriafi&it ft'lv *Zrfl4& 1 ' ....„ \ 
^Da^'ofyuiiap^C^: ^J/^Cz..: 




r^T ^^Z^-^^A^ 


v . Cxtract fr&n Regulation* of i>»« 8o»rd «f H«ilth to ««ctfr«» a full ind correct rfcor^ o' ths Vital sT?tV»tici'io ifi*"""'* 1 .; 

7 — : ;^.'.-^.-. „. 1 ? . .* .'__ Ctty.of^t!timor«. __.. __l .... . :__^vJ£ 

" / ?,t< ! rli>,< ^ "lit ^ *' f' irlS?r rw*4 *M «-tisW.That «ri#-n-TJ»r any p^r^'jn <haU ««.— \j t ( i- * 3 ii hi* «« *hitl ** !>.**« «\-5 
uf the I faisican wTui *u*»: i( W J^rsni bn rr hn h*i M-ktr 1 "-', <>r lb* On m r.^vh- n t'i. ,-i » .• »■.-* u- I. r h'« i- i '-». i • f .<v^CVl 

»ijbirM*«ity-fvur hu«r» nfii-rthe .i^**h.*u, tf.f Um!*ftak'r nr hiIpt jm«wjd« •njvTiiiiPfidti'i 

th^ Ms t,J t % r^':fir»f" * 

'; «**| 

Death Certificate for Charles Melvin Simmont {287} 

BtMMQNT.— KHl nilcen In J^us. tt mldnlirbt on 
October ^ CIIAULE5 M fcLVIN, if «a « vear*,oldcst 
anil belOTii ton of Edward and Eilxabeth M. Sim- 
mont. I | 

fill* jraneral will tak« i^lae^ on tomorrow (Krtdar) 
mornlncr, at ten o'clock from the rc*8ldrnce of hit 

frandfatlier, northwest eomer of Carroilton and 
I«r|*»m aventifjii. % ♦• 

Obituary Notice for Charles Melvin Simmont {287} 

From the Morning Sun of 
Thursday 22 October, 1885: 
Charles MeMn Simmont aged 27 
years, eldest son of Edward & 
Elizabeth M. Simmont His funeral will 
take place on tomorrow (Friday) 
morning, at ten o'clock, from the 
residence of his grandfather, northwest 
corner of Carroilton and Harlem 

Obituary notice confirms him as son of Edward Simmont and places him as the 'eldest son', it should be 
noted that the above mentioned grandfather was Frederick Simmont {217}. He is buried in the Simmont 
lot at Loudon Park Cemetery with rest of family. His tombstone reads Charles M. Simmont, 1858 - 1885. 

Located in the 1870 Maryland Census with family (see page 59). 

- Page 62 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 

1879 Charles, printer, 328 W. Lombard (with Edward) 

1880 Charles (Edward Simmont & Son) 90 N, Carrollton Ave (with Edward) 

1882 Charles, printer, 78 Harlem Ave. (with Edward and Oliver C.) 

1883 Charles, printer, 78 Harlem Ave (with Edward, Frederick and Oliver) 

1884 Charles M., printer, 78 Harlem Ave (with Edward, Frederick and Oliver) 

1885 Charles M., printer, boards 78 Harlem (with Edward, Frederick & Oliver) 

1886 Charles M., printer, 78 Harlem Ave. (with Edward, Frederick and Oliver) 

Jessie SIMMONT {280} 4 [Twin] (Edward SIMMONT {218} 3 , Frederick SIMMONT {217} 2 , David 
SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born about 1860. Jessie SIMMONT {280} died (probably about 1880), and was 
buried in Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore City, Maryland. 

NOTES for Jessie SIMMONT {280} follow: In the Simmon! family grave at Loudon Park Cemetery there 
is one grave with a headstone reading 'Jessie & Julia'. It would appear that they were two twins who died 
at birth and would also appear to be children of Edward Simmont {218}. 

Julia SIMMONT {304} 4 [Twin] (Edward SIMMONT {21 8} 3 , Frederick SIMMONT {21 7} 2 , David SIMMONT 

{278} 1 ) was born about 1860. Julia SIMMONT {304} died (probably about 1860), and was buried in Loudon 
Park Cemetery, Baltimore City, Maryland. 

NOTES for Julia SIMMONT {304} follow: In the Simmont family grave at Loudon Park Cemetery there is 
one grave with a headstone reading 'Jessie & Julia'. It would appear that they were two twins who died at 
birth and would also appear to be children of Edward Simmont {218}. 

Footstone for Jessie Simmont {280} & Julia Simmont {304} 

Page 63- 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Oliver C. SIMMONT {207} 4 (Edward SIMMONT {2 18} 3 , Frederick SIMMONT {21 7} 2 , David SIMMONT 

{278} 1 ) was born October 1864, in Baltimore, Maryland. He married Caroline L. BANKARD {208} in 1895, 
in Maryland. She was born January 1865, in Maryland. 

No children have yet been identified. 

It appears that their were either no children born to this marriage or that certainly no children were living at 
the time that Oliver C. SIMMONT {207} wrote his will as none are listed. 

Caroline L. BANKARD {208} died 1920, and was buried in Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore City, 

NOTES for Caroline L. BANKARD {208} follow: Listed in the census as Carrie L, Simmont (see page 64 
and page 65). Both parents born Maryland. Carrie L. Simmont is buried next to her husband Oliver C. 
Simmont {207} on the Simmont family lot at Loudon Park Cemetery. Her tombstone reads: Carrie L. 
Simmont, 1865 - 1920. Neither her death certificate nor obituary notice has yet been located. 

Footstone for Caroline L. Simmont (nee Bankard) {208} 

Husband's obituary lists him as the husband of the late' Caroline L. Bankard {208} setting her death before 
1926 (see page 66). The Baltimore City Directory started listing wives with their husbands in the 1922 
Directory. Oliver was listed in the 1922 directory (his last listing) without a spouse; therefore it is assumed 
that Caroline L. Bankard died before 1921 which would have been the year the 1922 directory would have 
been compiled. 

Oliver C. Simmont {207} died 7 February 1926, in Baltimore City, Maryland, and was buried 7 February 
1926, in Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore City, Maryland. 

NOTES for Oliver C. Simmont {207} follow: Oliver was located in the 1870 Maryland Census with his 
parents (see page 59). 

Located in the 1900 Maryland Census. He was living at 216 N, Carey Street in Enumeration District No. 

- Pag0 64 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

265 of Baltimore City. He is listed as Oliver C. Simmont {207} a 35 year old white male who was born in 
April of 1865 in Maryland. Both parents are also listed as being born in Maryland. He is shown as being 
married for 5 years. Located in his household was his wife Carrie L. Simmont {208} a 35 year old white 
female who was born in January, 1865. Also living in the house was Lula M. Garner a 19 year old servant 
born in Maryland who was not related. 






1900 Maryland Census Record for Oliver C. Simmont {207} 

Oliver C. Simmont {207} is next located in the 1920 Maryland Census. He is located at 3800 Edgerton 
Road in the 1 5th Ward of Enumeration District 471 of Baltimore City. He is listed as being a 55 year old white 
male who was renting his home. He is listed as being born in Maryland as was both of his parents. His 
occupation was listed as an owner of a lunch room. In his household was wife Carrie L. Simmont {208} who 
was listed as a 55 year old white female. She and both of her parents were bom in Maryland. 

1900 Maryland Census shows they were married for 5 years in 1900 setting marriage date about 1895. 

Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 

1882 Oliver C, clerk, 78 Harlem (with father Edward and brother Charles) 

1883 Oliver, clerk, 78 Harlem (with Edward, Charles, and brother Frederick) 

1884 Oliver C, clerk 359 W. Baltimore home: 78 Harlem Ave. (Frederick also listed as a clerk at the same 
business and home address and Edward and Charles M. at the same home address) 

1885 Oliver C, clerk, 21 Hanover boards: 78 Harlem Ave (w/ Edward and Charles) 

1886 Oliver C, clerk Armstrong, Cator & Co., home: 78 Harlem Ave (with Charles M., Edward, and 

1887 Oliver C, clerk, 1629 W. Lexington (with Edward and Frederick H.) 

1888 Oliver C, clerk, 1621 W. Lexington (with Edward and Frederick H.) 

1889 Oliver C, clerk, 1603 W, Mulberry (with Edward and Frederick H.) 

1890 Oliver C, coal, 1023 W. Mulberry - home 1603 W. Mulberry (with Edward and Frederick H.) 

1891 Oliver O, coal, 1025 W. Mulberry - home: 413 N. Gilmor (with Edward and Frederick H.) 

1892 Oliver C, ice, 34 N. Mount, Home: 1629 W. Fayette (with Edward and Frederick H.) 

1893 Oliver O, dairy lunch, 31 1 W. Baltimore & ice 34 N. Mount home: 1629 W. Fayette (with Edward and 
Frederick H.) 

1894 Oliver O, (Simmont Ice Co.), eating, 110 N. Howard, home: 1625 W. Fayette (with Edward and 
Frederick H.) 

1895 Oliver C, (Simmont Ice Co) lunchroom 19 St. Paul, home: 216 N. Carey 

1896 Oliver C, lunchroom, 19 St. Paul 

1897 Oliver C, lunchroom, 19 St. Paul home: 216 N, Carey 

1898 Oliver C, lunchroom, 19 St. Paul home: 216 N. Carey 

1899 Oliver C, lunchroom, 19 St. Paul home: 216 N. Carey 

Page 85 

Descendants of David Simmont 

1901 Oliver C, lunchroom, 1 10 St. Paul home: 216 N. Carey 

1902 Oliver C„ lunchroom, 216 N. Carey 

1903 Oliver C„ lunchroom, 110 St. Paul, home: 216 N. Carey 

1904 Oliver C M lunchroom, 216 N. Carey 

1905 Oliver C, lunchroom, 24 E. Fayette home: 216 N. Carey 

1906 Oliver C, lunchroom, 24 E. Fayette home: 216 N. Carey 

1907 Oliver C, lunchroom, 24 E. Fayette home: 37 S. Strieker 

1908 Oliver C, lunchroom, 24 E. Fayette h: 4 Maine Ave, Forest Park 

1909 Oliver C„ manager Court Lunch Room h: 4 Main Ave, Forest Park 

1910 Oliver C, proprietor Court Lunch Room, 24 E. Fayette h: Waverly Apts 

191 1 Oliver C, proprietor Court Lunch Room, 24 E. Fayette h: The Lenox 

1912 Oliver C, proprietor Court Lunch Room, 24 E. Fayette h: The Lenox 

1913 Oliver C, proprietor Court Lunch Room, 24 E. Fayette h: The Lenox 

1914 Oliver C, proprietor Court Lunch Room, h: The Lenox, Forest Park 

1916 Oliver C, proprietor Court Lunch Room, h: The Lenox, Forest Park 

1917 Oliver C, proprietor Court Lunch Room, h: The Lenox Apts - Forest Park 

1918 Oliver C, proprietor Court Lunch Room, h: The Lenox Apts - Forest Park 

1920 Oliver C, lunch room, The Lenox Apartments 

1921 Oliver C, h. Uffington Road near Mt. Washington 

1922 Oliver C, Uffington Road, Mt. Washington 

1925 Oliver C, floorman, Uffington Rd., Mt. Washington 

His obituary notice was found in the Morning Sun, Monday, February 8, 1926: 
On February 7, 1926, OLIVER C. SIMMONT, of Mount Washington, in his 62nd year, husband of the late 
Caroline Bankard Simmont Owing to cause of death being typhus fever, funeral private, Sunday, February 
7, as required by Health Board regulation. 

8iMMONT.--On February 7, 1021), OU 
VKlt C, of Mount Wfinhlnirton. In IiIk 
ffcM year, husband of the latt* Caroline 
I Bankard HlDimont. 

j owing to caune of death being typlm* 

I lever, funeral private, Sunday. lebru- 
j ury i, an required by Health Board 
| regulation. 1> 

Obituary Notice for Oliver C. Simmont {207} 

Death certificate states he was living on Uffington Road in Mount Washington which is also confirmed by the 
Baltimore City Directory. He is listed as being a 'widower' at the time of his death. He is shown as the son 
of Edward Simmont {218} and — Hollingshead. 

Tombstone states he was born in 1864. Death certificate states birth as October 1864, The census lists him 
as being born in April 1865. Tombstone reads Oliver C. Simmont, 1864-1926. 

Page 66- 

Descendants of David Simmont 


"l-PLACE 0r D£ATH 

-r»»-n -MAT !«•*,. I V^"" 


Is n CERTIFICATE OF DEA'liii* ' -" 

ncGisrcnro No. 

(If «li-:ith occurred In 

it hm^itaj or htitifti- 

tfivf if* NAMK 

y»f <t?r»-ef uml 

1 <|OLOR OR RACE I Slot Je, Married, Widowed. 
or Divorced, f»r$ie (he «oi 


LMale .... ,_ Whit 

NJ) of 

Caroline Ba,nkard 

• DATF OF H1HTH (nomli, d.r, and rear* Q{*t Q^Cr ?♦ iSd 

14 DAT!'. OF DKATt! 

1 ! 


>/,.y, >n,l inrl /" W \4- , 

i If rrttrried. wit) 
<oi» WIFE oil 

be Widower 

ir divorced 

( \ I N C PfM 9 Y C E O Tit T V^^Xl^r-! jM<-i»drd decreed «.«,m 

,y^~/*fr,.» : *ci....^tf..l7 ...?<:. 

' i$-m, S /^(/. ? xK 


• occur ation or nit ceased 

or dim 


tfe* CtMtll Mt*N of IkdMtrr, 
cHMiiMN*, W ««ts9H»tMB««l ia 

* fetch employ**. Cot cMploya*) 

| if I.F.SS tb*n 
! day, lira 
lor mirt. 

and thatdetit»,ofr/>irfed. rtt« 

J ^ t -. 

j I he CAUSK C|R Df. A I !I* w, 

7% !<>j!L^ fc* 

M N*m« of n*i|ttoy»r 

t mnTtin. ace *Jr *i™.. Baltimore. I4d. 

fStata or country) i 

it name of FATHeitSdward Simmont 


(State »f w 


(3««l* or cooalrr'; 

OF FATHER (cUr or «.«*» 

> Baltimore, Md f 

1« Where wai dlae'aae contracted 
if not at prace ol death? 

!| Did an operation precede dcmli, 

Wat there an au!op*y ? 

What teat corifltmrrSjllagnoaia-t 

, V MA!DE ^ NAM l L MOTHr V----HoUing8head '*• 

OF MOTHER (rfia 

•State the Dlfeaar CaMffng Or 
Male III Meana and Nairn- 
Suicidal, or llomlctdal. tS«-« 


■ede demit/ •* 



lEtulUshlngton, Md. 


Loudon Park Cemetery Feb,,! J t l'/c6„ 




itaiiatrar f^*»- -<*J~f~Zlt£je„r 




Death Certificate for Oliver C. Simmont {207} 

Footstone of Oliver C. Simmont {207} 

- Page 67 ■ 

Descendants of David Simmont 


j c*»« »«• 406 or 

j rsi« »•• 22f9 I onus c. SHIMOI?* 

1 .-4--~.~- ~~_. 

| I, Oliver <?. Simaont, of the City of Baltimore, Stat* of .Maryland, being of 

found and disposing mind, memory and understanding, do hereby make, publish and declare this 

m f last will and testament, in manner following, to wit i 

F1HSTJ I direct my executors hereinafter named to pay all my Just debts and funeral 


SirjOHP: I €*.▼« and bequesjth unto my brother, Frederick H. Simmont, if he survives me, 
j ■? watch and ohaia t ind unto my sister-in-law, Florence fU Bankard, if she survives me, my 
i diorrfonds anu other jewelry* s& 

fHIHD: 1 «ive and bequeath to Emma G. Davidson of Baltimore City, if she survives me, 

the sum of One Thousand Dollars C$1000.00) 

* FOUIOI: I give and bequeath unto St. Paul's and St. John's Methodist Episcopal Church, 
South, of Baltimore City, the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5000,00), 

■- FIFTH: I give and bequeath unto the Children's Hospital School, Incorporated, Green 
Spring Avenue and Forty-first Street, Baltimore, Maryland, the sum of Two Thousand Dollars 

j ($20UO.0O). I * 

;! SIXTH: I give and bequeath unto thC^ae for Incurables of Baltimore City, Maryland, 

^ the, sura of Two Thousand Dollars (£2000.00). 

I SEVEJITH: I give and bequeath unto the Hospital for Consumptives of Maryland, a corpora- 

5 tion, at Eudowood, Baltimore County, Maryland, the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00). 

' EIGHTH: I give and bequeath unto Mercantile Trust and Deposit Company of Baltimore, a 
corporation' of *the^ State of Maryland, and Webster Bell, of Baltimore City, Maryland, and' to '; 
the survivor of them, as trustees, with the powers, rights and duties hereinafter set ! j*Grth, 
the sum of Twenty-five Tho^Jid Dollars ($85,000.00), or securities of that value to be'se- 
lected and set over by my executors, to collect the income, rents, issues and profits there- 
of, and out of the net income to pay to my brother, Frederick H. Simmont, of Baltimore City, 
Maryland, the sum of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) per week, with the further right to said 
trustees, in their discretion, to pay and discharge in addition, out of any surplus or ae- 
eumulations of the net income of the trust property, my brother's necessary bills for hos- 
pital, physician's and nursing charges, in case my said brother shall at any time, or from 
time to time, be so ill as to necessitate treatment in a hospital, and with the further 
right in said trustees, in their discretion, to use any portion or the whole of the corpus 

{ of the trust property for the purpose of paying and discharging such hospital, physician's 

J and nursing charges. 

\ Upon the death of my brother, I desire that his body shaiy e buried in my lot 

* In Loudon Part Cemetery, (Section 4). in the. lower unoccupied grave, and that the atone, now 
"l »tandin« at sueh grave, shall be marked -1th his name, Frederiek H. Simmont, the date of his 
J ktth, June 25th, 1867 and the| date of his death, the necessary funeral and other expenses 

* »sins ptld out of the income oi corpus of the said trust estate, aa'the case may be. Upon 

5 th. death of my said brother, i direct my trustees to pay, transfer and deliver all the cor- 
*» or principal of th. trust propert/and estate, -hich shall remain in their hands, to- - 
«•*»« -1th any accumulations of income, if «r -* «»» be - «*• the 'borate Board of 
Wwno. of the Baltimore Annual Conference of the Hetbodist Episcopal Church, South, of B.l- 

iti««— *** ., , I _*... #*•« slear and discharged of all truat. 

ytiaox* Sitjv. for its general purposes, rrae- oj-«*^ , ..„ ** 

¥• V : *'- : |«v •/■■■•■"■OF f^ - : '$>:'■ ■''■'<'■ ! 

- Page 68- 

Descendants of David Simmont 

WWmt l ***• «■*.»•«■••«■ *ato *» id «w*ntU« Truet and Pepoult Company of Balti. 

sort aa* mIA Sa&eter B#H, «« to) tie twrrlw of then,, as trustees, with the pow«r t rtfh 

«a* tat It a hereinafter **t forth, tat sua of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ■ (§25,000,00) 
X ««#*riti«i of that value to be atliotad and set orer by iny executors, to collect the i 
f **mU, U*&9 and profit* taereof, [and to pay the net income thereof la approximately « 

{ »o»tiay iaatalaeati, unto wj eieter-in-law, Florence B. Baniard, of Baltimore ritv m» , 


90 loaf •• •&* »ay ilTe, and upoii the death of my said sister-in-law, to pay, transfer 8 4 
: j* ivlivtr all the eorpua or principal of the trust property and estate unto the Corporat 
j Board of Finance of the Baltiaore Annual Conference of the Kethodist Episcopal Church s 
*; «f Baltlaort City, for its general purposes, free, clear and discharged of all trust. 
j WBTRi I give and bequeath unto said Mercantile Trust and Deposit Company of Bolti- 

; acre and aaid febtter Bell, and to the survivor of them, as trustees, with the powers ritht 
,' and datiea hereinafter set forth, the sum of fen Thousand Dollars {§10,000.00), or seouri- 
j ties of that value, to be selected and set over by uy executors, to collect the rente, issues 
ead profits thereof, and to pay the net income thereof in approximately equally monthly la- 
•talaents, unto my sister-in-law, Ltarg.ret S. Bankard, of Baltimore City, Maryland, so l m 
as .he aay live, and upon the death of my said sister-in-lav., to pay,,, transfer and'deliTer 
all the corpus or principal of the trust property and estate 1 . Unto tfae Corporate jjiardof 
. Finance of the Baltimore Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, of Bal- 
•^ tiaore, City, for its general purposes, free^ear and discharged of all trust. 
■ mfBOT:- I give and beneath unto said Mercantile Trust and Deposit Company of Balti- 
*ore and said Webster Bell, an, to the survivor of the,, as trustees, with the power.,***. 
— duties hereinafter set forth, the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars (§10,000.00), or scuri. 
j lie. of that value, to be selected and set over by ffl y executors, to collect the rent..!.*, 
j "* P~fits thereof, and to pay the ne*t income thereof in approximately eou,ll .onth* in- 
•i-iff*^^ Stansbury, of Baltimore City. Wa* 

* *!*« 1Z " ^ ^ "" ^ dea " " " SQld — — to ^ tr.sfer an. 
1 BoaL fl 00IPUS ° r PrlaCiPal ^ ^ **"" '*»•** "* -«• «*• -he Corporate 

.J £^«*' - -s general purposes, free, clear and discharged of all ^U 

1 - «< .... ..: z ,zzzz ? •■" -•-"» — ■ - »""» •—» ••-"- 

< wwoi»ci- uexl, and to th* <;nrr1*n« «-p j.1. 

j Mft 4uti„ her i ft swlTor of them, as trustees, with the powers, rights 

j «*•• of ttat T .ll t" b7,eTt' ^ 8,m ^ rWelT9 Th ° U8an<l D0UarS ($12 ' 000 - 00) ' " M9 ^ 
i «d ,„nt. thereof, L't™*!! ^^ "" ^ " ^^^ *° 0olleet the «•»«.*•— 
' ~»t. «t» w «»»* „ , ° inC0Oe th8re0f in a PP'«imately equal monthly ImUI- 

•V aunt, Adelaide Simmont, of Baltimore "it, « -, 
Ml upon the d, t th of -"^ore -ity, Maryland, 8 o long as she may 11t«. 

. of the tt«t property Z*T* 7"' ^ ^^ tTanBU ' *** ^"^ EU the 0OrpuS 0T prln0iP * 1 
, property and estate unto the fn™«~,* ^ . 

"©■ferenee of the Itothodi t ft, ' Board of F^nce of the Boltimore AbwmI 

»'•". *m, .!.„ M4 dil.T'r' 1 ° ,ar0h ' SOTth ' ° f B «" i »°« "ty, for it. general pur- 
Tirr M „, aa aoaargt4 of t u trust. 

■»« •»» «.l. t „,, ttr Btu!^^ ** ** id K * reM,Mle I,,U,t •»* De P^" Company of Balti- 
«* *»«., hereiMft,, Mt'f.rth " ^ ,11TTlTOr °* theB ' as *»•*•••. »lth the powers.righti 

*!•• •* th«t w i„ t0 u nlMU ' '^ °* TW ' Ue Thou ««na Dollars ($12,000.00), or aeetiri- 

«*>«m. th.„ , „. '■ ' "* °* ° Ter by "" «»°utor S , to oolleot the rente, i***' 
* «uit 1,0 pay the >.•£ < 
j ■«»• «to m, , wt> Carrt< sijB ^^ ; ome ^weof in approottaately equal monthly lMt'tl- 

I «* *»<• »fc, tarth of " ' i * Baa "»«« City. M.m«4, 80 long a8 Bhe BEy lire, 

L^ the *«,* ,^. rty ^ #aut< ' P "' *»»<*« «d deu^r .11 the corpus or principal 
C— !■ .■> , »~ ~~^t ■ ^., *J-.^ C °T W ' te BMI * °* riaa ««« of th. Balt ia ore Ano^ 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Cmf9Ttnoe of the k'ethodiat rpliaopai Dttnh *««§>* *#»**., 

> ^^ ^ im ' Somih, of Baltiaor* City, for lit gtneral pur- 

poses, free, elta* and discharge* of all trust. 

| I 

i foam!tZBTKi I gi*e iad bequeath lute Mid ***a*»+4<i. «.—..* * ~ 

. iw ^ *»*» «» aereeatile Tmt and Deposit Company of Balti- 

i -jr . „a .aid ..b.t.r B.ii» •« ti «* ^^ of th , Bt as twwtMi> wm the power , >rlghti 

j «. dutie. hereinafter eet forth.[the *» of x.el„ Thouaand Boll .„ (^,000.00,. or ..our- 
j ,«.. of that rain, to be .eleeted and .* oxer by „y sectors, to eolleet the rent.,1..™. 
| and profit. tb.r.of, and to pay the ^t ineo.. thereof In approxiaately « q ual .onthly in- 
| .tal«nta nnto «y aunt. a»« SiBBOn t, of B.lti-or* City, Maryland, ao long aa she mj lire, 
| and upon the death of «y annt. to pay, tranefer and delirer all the oorpue or principal 
j of the trust property and eatate unto the Corporate Board of Finance of th. Baltimore Annual 
1 Conference of the ilethodiat Epiaoopal Church, South, of Baltimore City, for it, general pur- 
\ poses, free, clear and discharged! of all trust* /* 
I FIFTSam: I give and grant jtoj my said trustees, and their survivor, under each and all 

the trusts created by this my «U^. full power to inveet, to reinvest and to change the in- 
: vestments of said trust estate^ fjrom time to tine in their best discretion and Judgment, and 
for that purpose or for any otherj purpose deemed advisable by them, to sell or otherwise 
dispose of any part or all of tjhej property or securities, constituting the corpus of said 
trusts or any one or more of then, without the necessity for applying to any court for leave 
and authority so to do, and without the necessity on the part of any purchaser or other 
transferee to see to the application of the purchase money or other avails thereof. Out of 
the income of each trust .my said trustees sh^ll pay the expenses of said tru,st and.the ad- 
ministration thereof, including all taxes, and compensation Uo 'said trustee^ at the rate 
of five per cent |5^) of the income thereof. Ho successor in any of said trusteeships shall ' 
be appointed upon the death of Webster Bell* and from and after his deaths Mercantile Trust 
and Deposit Company of Baltimore shall continue as sole trustee of each and all of said 
trusts, ^with all the "powers fright o and duties hereby conferred upon both said trustees. 
5IXTE2HTH: I give, devise and bequeath unto the Corporate Board of Finance of the Balti- 
more Annua! Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, of Baltimore City, all the 
rest and residue of my property and estate, including therein the amount of any of the lega- 
j eies or bequeats, heretofore given by this my will, which may lapse by virtue of the death 
j of any of the beneficinries thereof in my lifetime. f \ 

] SEVENTEENTH: 1 do hereby constitute and appoint said Mercantile Trust and Deposit; Company 

of Baltimore, a body corporate, and said Webster Bell, of Baltimore City, Maryland^ to be 
1 the executors of this my last will and testament* I direct that my executors shall not be 
required to give bond for the faithful performance of their duties as such* I confer upon 
ay executors full power to make sale, for any purpose connected withjthe administration of 
: ay estate, of any part or the whole thereof, without applying to any court for leave and 
authority so to do, and without the necessity on the part of any purchaser to cc; U :;.. 
application of the purchase money thereof. 

UJ WJTHESS IffiERSOP; I hare hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 
**eond day yf July, in the year nineteen hundred and twenty-five* 1 

Page 70- 

Descendants of David Simmont 

01%T9T C. SifflBOBt CSMX) 
SIGISD, SSiHED, PUBLISH®) AH) DECLARE© l>y the sbOTt naned testator, OliTtr C, 
Siaaaont, to be his last will and testament, 1b the presence of ua, who, in his presence, at 
hls rtquest, and in the presence of each other aawe hereunto set our hands as witnesses 

JHLward P. Keech, Jr 
Sophia Howard Baker 

laltlaort Si*y» »e: 

Ob the $• day of February 1926, carae J. H. Millar of the Mercantile .Trust 4 Depo 8it 
£©. tad aade oath in dme fora of lt» f that he does not know of any Will or Codicil of oil m 
e. Mimmt late of Mid Sit/, deceased, other than the u bow instrument of ' writing, and that 
this fill has" been the custody of the said Co, Hotioe, Testator died on the 7 ? day f Febrs- 
•ry If 2i# 
Swti% to before the subscriber, 

Edwin R. Downes 

Register of Jfills for Baltimore City, 
Baltimore City, ssi { 

, 4 ..- Ob the 9* day of Februaryj 1926, came Edward P. Keech, Jr., and Ruth N. Callings two - 

of ihe subscribing witnesses to the aforegoing last Wil^., ^nd Testament of Oliver c Siaaont 
late of said City, deceased, and made oath in due form of law, that they did see Testator 
sign and seal this Will; that theyj heard him publish, pronounce and declare the same to be ' 
his last Will and (Testament; that {at the time of his so doing he was to the best of their 
apprehension of sound and disponing mind, memory, understanding; and that they together with • 
Sophia Howard Baker the other subscribing witness thereto subscribed their names as witness- I 
ea to this v/ill in his presence jai his request; and in the presence of each other. 
Sworn to beiore the subscriber.! j 

Ed#in R, Downes 

Register of Willi for Baltimore City. 
Baltimore City, ssj 

On the 9*» day of Februpry 1926, came Edward P. Keech, Jr., and made oath in due 
form of law, that he is familiar with the handwriting of Sophia Howard Baker one of the at- 
testing witnesses to the last V/ill and testament of OliTer C. Simmont late of said ftttfr «•- ' 
ceased, and he yerily believes .that the signature of the said Sophia Howard Baker a^^Ut 
ten is the true ^genuine" signature of said Sophia Howard Baker who is Low out' of Stale, 
Swom to before the subscriber. '* 

Edwin H. Downes 

Register of Wills for Baltimore City. 
In the Orphans* Court of Baltimore City: 

^ 0OUrt aft * r haTin * «wmiy examined the above last 'Will and Testament of 

OliTtr C. Simmont, late of Baltimore City, deceased, and also the evidence adduced as to it, 

^Hdlty, Orders and Decree*, this 9th day of February, 19E6, that the s*ne be admitted in 

* Court as the true and genuine last win and Testament of the said Oliver C. Simmont, 

! Judges Harry C. Galther 
Williao M. Dunn. 

- Page 71 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

His last will and testament was located in Baltimore City Wills Book No. 154, case #40, file #2279, folio 271 . 


I, Oliver C. Simmont, of the City of Baltimore, State of Maryland, being of sound and disposing mind, 
memory and understanding, do hereby make, publish and declare this my last will and testament, in manner 
following, to wit: 

FIRST: I direct my executors hereinafter named to pay all my just debts and funeral expenses. 

SECOND: I give and bequeath unto my brother Frederick H. Simmont, if he survives me, my watch and 
chain, and unto my sister-in-law, Florence R. Bankard, if she survives me, my diamonds and other jewelry. 

THIRD: I give and bequeath to Emma G. Davidson of Baltimore City, if she survives me, the sum of One 
Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00). 

FOURTH: I give and bequeath unto St. Paul's and St. John's Methodist Episcopal Church South, of 
Baltimore City, the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00). 

FIFTH: I give and bequeath unto the Children's Hospital School, Incorporated, Green Spring and Forty-First 
Street, Baltimore, Maryland, the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). 

SIXTH: I give and bequeath unto the Home for Incurables of Baltimore City, Maryland, the sum of Two 
Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). 

SEVENTH: I give and bequeath unto the Hospital for Consumptives of Maryland, a corporation at 
Eudowood, Baltimore County, Maryland, the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00). 

EIGHTH: I give and bequeath unto Mercantile Trust and Deposit Company of Baltimore, a corporation of 
the State of Maryland, and Webster Bell, of Baltimore, City, Maryland, and to the survivor of them, as 
trustees, with the powers, rights or securities of that value to be selected and set over by my executors, to 
collect the income, rents, issues and profits thereof, and out of the net income to pay to my brother, Frederick 
H. Simmont, of Baltimore City, Maryland, the sum of Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00) per week, with the further 
right to said trustees, in their discretion, to pay and discharge in addition, out of any surplus or accumulations 
of the net income of the trust property, my brother's necessary bills for hospital, physician's and nursing 
charges, in case my said brother shall at any time, or from time to time, be so ill as to necessitate treatment 
in a hospital, and with the further right in said trustees, in their discretion, to use any portion or the whole of 
the corpus of the trust property for the purpose of paying and discharging such hospital, physician's and 
nursing charges. 

Upon the death of my brother, I desire that his body shall be buried in my lot in Loudon Park Cemetery 
(Section Q) in the lower unoccupied grave, and that the stone, now standing at such grave, shall be marked 
with his name, Frederick H. Simmont, the date of his birth, June 25th, 1867 and the date of his death, the 
necessary funeral and other expenses being paid out of the income or corpus of the said trust estate, as the 
case my be. Upon the death of my said brother, I direct my trustees to pay, transfer and deliver all the corpus 
or principal of the trust property or estate, which shall remain in their hands, together with any accumulations 
of income, if any such there be, unto the Corporate Board of Finance of the Baltimore Annual Conference of 

- Page 72 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, of Baltimore City, for its general purposes, free, clear and discharges 
of all trust. 

NINTH: I give and bequeath unto said Mercantile Trust and Deposit Company and said Webster Bell, and 
to the survivor of them, as trustees, with the powers, rights and duties hereinafter set forth, the sum of 
Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00), or securities of that value to be selected and set over by my 
executors, to collect the income, rents, issues and profits thereof, and to pay the net income thereof in 
approximately equal monthly installments, unto my sister-in-law Florence R. Bankard, of Baltimore City, 
Maryland so long as she my live, and upon the death of my said sister-in-law, to pay transfer and deliver all 
the corpus or principal of the trust property and estate unto the Corporate Board of Finance of the Baltimore 
Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, of Baltimore City, for its general purposes, 
free, clear and discharged of all trust. 

TENTH: I give and bequeath unto said Mercantile Trust and Deposit Company of Baltimore and said 
Webster Bell, and to the survivor of them, as trustees, with the powers, rights and duties hereinafter set forth, 
the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) or securities of that value, to be selected and set over by my 
executors, to collect the rents, issues and profits thereof, and to pay the next income thereof in approximately 
equally month installments, unto my sister-in-law Margaret S. Bankard, of Baltimore City, Maryland, so long 
as she may live, and upon the death of my said sister-in-law, to pay, transfer and deliver all the corpus or 
principal of the trust property and estate unto the Corporate Board of Finance of the Baltimore Annual 
Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, of Baltimore City, for its general purposes, free, clear 
and discharged of all trust. 

ELEVENTH: I give and bequeath unto said Mercantile Trust and Deposit Company of Baltimore and said 
Webster Bell, and to the survivor of them, as trustees, with the powers, rights and duties hereinafter set forth, 
the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) or securities of that value, to be selected and set over by my 
executors, to collect the rents, issues and profits thereof, and to pay the net income in approximately equal 
monthly installments, unto my sister-in-law, Mrs. Elizabeth B. Stansbury, of Baltimore City, Maryland, so 
long as she my live, and upon the death of my sister-in-law, to pay transfer and deliver all the corpus or 
principal of the trust property and estate unto the Corporate Board of Finance of the Baltimore Annual 
Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, of Baltimore City, for its general purposes, free, clear 
and discharges of all trust. 

TWELFTH: I give and bequeath unto said Mercantile Trust and Deposit Company of Baltimore and Webster 
Bell, and to the survivor of them, as trustees, with the powers, right and duties hereinafter set forth, the sum 
of Twelve Thousand Dollars ($12,000.00), or securities of that value to be selected and set over by my 
executors, to collect the rents, issues and profits thereof, and to pay the next income thereof in approximately 
equal monthly installments unto my aunt Adelaide Simmont, of Baltimore City, Maryland, so long as she may 
live, and upon the death of my said aunt, to pay, transfer and deliver all the corpus or principal of the trust 
property and estate unto the Corporate Board of Finance of the Baltimore Annual Conference of the 
Methodist Episcopal Church, South, of Baltimore City, for its general purposes, free, clear and discharged 
of all trust. 

THIRTEENTH: I give and bequeath unto said Mercantile Trust and Deposit Company of Baltimore and said 
Webster Bell, and to the survivor of them, as trustees, with the powers, rights and duties hereinafter set forth, 
the sum of Twelve Thousand Dollars ($12,000.00), or securities of that value to be selected and set over by 
my executors, to collect the rents, issues and profits thereof, and to pay the net income thereof in 

Page 73 

Descendants of David Simmont 

approximately equal monthly installments unto my aunt, Carrie Simmont, of Baltimore City, Maryland, so 
long as she may live, and upon the death of my said aunt, to pay, transfer and deliver all the corpus or 
principal of the trust property and estate unto the Corporate Board of Finance of the Baltimore Annual 
Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, of Baltimore City, for its general purposes, free, clear 
and discharged of all trust. 

FOURTEENTH: I give and bequeath unto said Mercantile Trust and Deposit Company of Baltimore and said 
Webster Bell, and to the survivor of them, as trustees, with the powers, rights and duties hereinafter set forth, 
the sum of Twelve Thousand Dollars ($12,000.00), or securities of that value to be selected and set over by 
my executors, to collect the rents, issues and profits thereof, and to pay the net income thereof in 
approximately equal monthly installments unto my aunt, Emma Simmont, of Baltimore City, Maryland, so 
long as she may live, and upon the death of my said aunt, to pay, transfer and deliver all the corpus or 
principal of the trust property and estate unto the Corporate Board of Finance of the Baltimore Annual 
Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, of Baltimore City, for its general purposes, free, clear 
and discharged of all trust. 

FIFTEENTH: I give and grant to my said trustees, and their survivor, under each and all the trusts created 
by this my will, full power to invest, to reinvest and to change the investments of said trust estates from time 
to time in their best discretion and judgement, and for that purpose or for any other purpose deemed 
advisable by them, to sell or otherwise dispose of any part or all of the property or securities, constituting the 
corpus of said trusts or any one or more of them, without the necessity for applying to any court for leave and 
authority so to do, and without the necessity on the part of any purchaser or other transferee to see to the 
application of the purchase money or other avails thereof. Out of the income of each trust my said trustees 
shall pay the expenses of said trust and the administration thereof, including all taxes, and compensation to 
said trustees, at the rate of five percent (5%) of the income thereof. No successor in any of said trusteeships 
shall be appointed upon the death of Webster Bell, and from after his death, Mercantile Trust and Deposit 
Company of Baltimore shall continue as sole trustee of each and all of said trusts, with all the powers, rights 
and duties hereby conferred upon both said trustees. 

SIXTEENTH: I give, devise and bequeath unto the Corporate Board of Finance of the Baltimore Annual 
Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, of Baltimore City, all the rest and residue of my 
property and estate, including therein the amount of any of the legacies or bequests, heretofore given by this 
my will, which may lapse by virtue of the death of any of the beneficiaries thereof in my lifetime. 

SEVENTEENTH: I do hereby constitute and appoint said Mercantile Trust and Deposit Company of 
Baltimore, a body corporate, and said Webster Bell, of Baltimore City, Maryland, to be the executors of this 
my last will and testament. I direct that my executors shall not be required to give bond for the faithful 
performance of their duties as such. I confer upon my executors full power to make sale, for any purpose 
connected with the administration of my estate, of any part or the whole thereof, without applying to any court 
for leave and authority so to do, and without the necessity on the part of any purchaser to see to the 
application of the purchase money thereof. 

In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this second day of July, in the year 
nineteen hundred and twenty-five. 

Signed -ORver G Simmont 

- Page 74 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Witnessed by Edward P. Keech, Jr., Sophia Howard Baker, and Ruth N. Cullings. 
Will was proved on the 9th day of February, 1926 by Edward P. Keech, Jr. and Ruth N. Cullings. Also 
'came J.H. Millar of the Mercantile Trust and Deposit Company and made oath in due form of law, that he 
does not know of any Will or Codicil of Oliver C. Simmont late of said City, deceased, other than the above 
instrument of writing, and that this Will have been the custody of the said Company and that the testator died 
on the 7th day of February 1926/ 

It should be noted that Oliver C. Simmont {207} willed out $116,000.00 (One Hundred and Sixteen 
Thousand Dollars). This would not be all of his estate as he bequeathed the Methodist Episcopal Church, 
South, of Baltimore City 'all the rest and residue of my property and estate' not above mentioned. 

Frederick H. SIMMONT {229} 4 (Edward SIMMONT {218} 3 , Frederick SIMMONT {217} 2 , David 
SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 25 June 1 867, in Baltimore City, Maryland. Frederick H. SIMMONT {229} died 
30 June 1 944, in Baltimore City, Maryland, and was buried 3 July 1 944, in Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore 
City, Maryland. 

NOTES for Frederick H. SIMMONT {229} follow: Located in the 1 870 Maryland Census with family, (see 
page 59). Located in 1900 Maryland Census with parents. Listed as being born in June 1868 in the 1900 
Maryland Census (see page 59). 

Bequeathed his grandfather Frederick Simmont's gold watch (see page 49). Bequeathed money from his 
brother Oliver C. Simmont's will. Frederick H. Simmont's birth date (25 June 1867) is stated in the will of 
his brother (see page 72). 

Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 

1883 Frederick, clerk, 78 Harlem (with Edward and Charles) 

1884 Frederick H., clerk, 359 W. Baltimore - home: 78 Harlem Ave. (with Charles M., Edward, & Oliver C.) 

1885 Frederick H., clerk, boards 78 Harlem Ave (with Charles M. & Edward) 

1886 Frederick H., clerk, 78 Harlem Ave (with Edward and Oliver C.) 

1887 Frederick K, clerk, 1629 W. Lexington (with Edward and Oliver C.) 

1888 Frederick H., clerk, 1629 W. Lexington (with Edward and Oliver C.) 

1889 Frederick H., clerk, 1603 W. Mulberry (with Edward and Oliver C.) 

1890 Frederick H., clerk, 1603 W. Mulberry (with Edward and Oliver C.) 

1891 Frederick H., clerk, 413 N. Gilmor (with Edward and Oliver C.) 

1892 Frederick H., clerk, 1629 W. Fayette (with Edward and Oliver C.) 

1893 Frederick H., clerk, 1629 W. Fayette (with Edward and Oliver C.) 

1894 Frederick H., clerk, 1625 W. Fayette (with Edward and Oliver C.) 

1 895 Frederick H. 1 625 W. Fayette (with Edward) 

1896 Frederick H. clerk, 1625 W. Fayette (with Edward) 

1897 Frederick R, clerk, 609 Appleton (with Edward) 

1898 Frederick H., clerk, 609 Appleton (with Edward) 

1899 Frederick H., clerk, 609 Appleton (with Edward) 

1900 Frederick H., clerk, 609 Appleton (with Edward) 

1901 Frederick H., clerk, 609 Appleton (with Edward F.) 

1902 Frederick H., clerk, 609 Appleton (with Edward) 

1903 Frederick H., clerk, 609 Appleton (with Edward) 

Page 75- 

Descendants of David Simmont 































H., lunchroom, 609 Appleton (with Edward) 
H., lunchroom, 609 Appleton (with Edward) 
H., lunchroom, 609 Appleton (with Edward) 
H., lunchroom, 609 Appleton (with Edward) 
H. } caterer, 609 N. Appleton (with Edward) 
H., clerk, 609 N. Appleton (with Edward) 
H., clerk, 609 Appleton (with Edward) 
H., clerk, 609 Appleton (with Edward) 
H., clerk, 609 N. Appleton (with Edward) 
H., clerk, 609 Appleton (with Edward) 
H„ clerk, 609 Appleton (with Edward) 
H., lunchroom, 609 Appleton (with Edward) 
H., lunchroom, h. 609 Appleton 
410 N. Greene 
h. 506 Eutaw 

The 1936 entry is the last listing for Frederick H. Simmont {229} in the Baltimore City Directory. 

Death Certificate G18624 (CF 48,270) indicates that Frederick Simmont died at Church Home and Hospital. 
His usual address was 506 N. Eutaw Street. He was listed as a single white male being 77 years old and 
born in Baltimore, Maryland. His father is listed as Edward Simmont (born: Baltimore, Maryland) and his 
mother was listed as Elizabeth Hollingshead (born: Baltimore, Maryland). The informant was listed as 
'hospital record'. 

SIMMONT. -On June 30, 1944, at the 
Church Home and Infirmary, FRED- 
EFUCH H., »on of the late Edward 
and Kllzabeth Holing Shad Simmont, 
and brother of the late Oliver C. Sim- 

Funeral service* at H. W. Mears Si 
Bon, 805 North Calvert street, on Mon- 
day, Julv :i # at £ P. M, Interment in 
Loudon IPark Cemetery. 3e 

Obituary Notice for Frederick H. Simmont {229} 

His obituary notice was located in the Baltimore Sun - 2 July 1944: 
On June 30, 1944, at the Church Home and infirmary, FREDERICK H SIMMONT, son of the late Edward 
Simmont and Elizabeth Hollingshead Simmont and brother of the late Oliver O Simmont Funeral services 
at H. W. Mears & Son, 805 North Calvert Street, on Monday, July 3, at 2 PM. Internment in Loudon Park 

Page 76- 

Descendants of David Simmoni 


a) Bskimsr* Citj% Maryland 

b) Sa*« tddnm l ..%£ r ++* t .'a*A4y.'/..i ! 4ivT-*'>** rs t 
H —T* u o» iMHatvhon: 




«. State /7«| 

i«ii L*mg<'n *tf *i»r in koaprti 

(#) L»«iftb of«r*r «n Baltimore 'yr*,. mo*., er <j«y! 

nm. - jr»», mm. . or ii»y* ■ **~ *** *f 

* Ta -m? ft rwmfc 

•If ri|Ui«lt.>i"rKl«.|, 

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if yn» umi e«Mi»tfy , _., 

i <a) TOU. 


t . i -n 5oc**I Security Acemm 


■ H. UTS OF MATH J* ~~ 

19 '*?. « V/frtM 

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j 1 Du*u -**x YiS flffi it ^*^ /d— *• ' 

•lOpMUMA „... ....„ 

Mtkfot fndkmt* of openuicts „ _.. 


U - 

•h*ry#4 «■**. 

'^£5 ©«m4-££cLc, *7 ^L£^*»^-<?C^ j 2^ U ****** •*»• dhu* to *v t i«M.l turn f Ji i« tU* lolWw-i^p 

(a; /vae»i«BC »uir»<le, or hamicidt ____ 

(i; ClMB •/ «ocurr«iMM — ..„......„ at„ _.|| 

' if) Xtfatrm did iniury occur > 

IS ;* 

id) C«y i»i«rr «»ec«r 

"'*"*? \t) khm*m at *Pfhr- 

Death Certificate for Frederick H. Simmont {229} 

Footstone for Frederick H. Simmont {229} 

- Page 77- 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Maria Amelia SIMMONT {220} 3 (Frederick SIMMONT {2 17} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born about 
1838. She married William BURNETT {226}. 

They had 1 child: 

M i. Paul M. BURNETT {228} b. d. after 1888 

William BURNETT {226} died before September 1881 . 

NOTES for William BURNETT {226} follow: In his father-in-law's will, William's wife Amelia was listed as 
a widow. Will was written in September, 1881. (see page 49). 

Maria Amelia SIMMONT {220} died after 1900 as she was listed in the 1900 Maryland Census. 

NOTES for Maria Amelia SIMMONT {220} follow: Mentioned in will of father Frederick Simmont {217} (see 
page 49). 

Located in the 1 900 Maryland Census with her sister, Adelaide E. Simmont {221} (see page 78). However 
she was not living with her sister Adelaide E. Simmont {221} in the 1920 Maryland Census. 

Paul M. BURNETT {228} 4 (Maria Amelia SIMMONT {220} 3 , Frederick SIMMONT {217} 2 , David 
SIMMONT {278} 1 ). Paul M. BURNETT {228} died after 1888. 

NOTES for Paul M. BURNETT {228} follow: Paul was mentioned in the will of his grandfather Frederick 
Simmont {217} (see page 49). 

Adelaide E. SIMMONT {221} 3 (Frederick SIMMONT {217} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). was born 19 
September 1840, in Baltimore, Maryland. Adelaide E. SIMMONT {221} died unmarried 2 August 1933, in 
Baltimore City, Maryland, and was buried in Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore City, Maryland. 

NOTES for Adelaide E. SIMMONT {221} follow: Mentioned in will of her father Frederick Simmont {217} 
(see page 49). Mentioned in the will of her nephew Oliver C. Simmont {207} (see page 72). 

Located in the 1860 Maryland Census with her parents, (see page 46). 

Adelaide E. Simmont {221} is located in the 1900 Maryland Census. She is found living on N. Carrollton 
Avenue in Enumeration District 239 of Baltimore City and is listed as a 58 year old single, white female born 
in September 1841 in Maryland. Adelaide is enumerated as the Head of Household. Both of her parents 
are also listed as being born in Baltimore. Living in the household were her three sisters Amelia Burnette 
{220} a 60 year old female born in Maryland in July 1939; Caroline Simmont {222} a 54 year old single 
female born in Maryland in June 1845; and Emma J. Simmont {224} a 40 year old single female born in 
Maryland in December 1859. 

- Page 78- 

Descendants of David Simmont 

' ^QxgMjltx^ Wta. 





Pmw<^ \Ui\Y- 

(ku< \mi 


u^^i.i!^w^ \i\ j fr 


1900 Maryland Census Record for Adelaide E. Simmont {221} 

Adelaide E. Simmont {221} is next located in the 1920 Maryland Census. She is located as living at 700 
N. Carroliton Avenue in Enumeration District 265 of Baltimore City. Adelaide is listed as 78 year old single, 
white female born in Maryland. She is again enumerated as the Head of Household, Living in the household 
were her sister Caroline Simmont {222} a 75 year old single female and Emma J. Simmont {224} a 63 year 
old single female. Adelaide was apparently running a boarding house because also located at that address 
was Mary E. Hardingo age 60, Catherine Lynch age 31, and M. Elizabeth Bell age 61, all listed as 
'boarder 1 . 

Death certificate E 92600 reveals the following information. Claims she was a single white retired female. 
Birthplace listed as Baltimore. Father listed as Frederick Simmont, born Baltimore, Maryland. Mother listed 
as Julia A. Chapman. Unable to read the mother's birthplace. The informant was Mrs. Mary Frank of the 
Hilton Court Apartments which was also the residence of the deceased. 

Adelaide's sister Laura W. Simmont {223} married Gerehart Frank {227}. It is possible that the above 
mentioned Mrs. Mary Frank was a relative of his or was even possibly Laura W. Simmont. 

Obituary notice found in the 
Baltimore Sun - 3 August, 1933: 
On August 2, 1933, ADELAIDE E 
SIMMONT, daughter of the late Frederick 
and Julia Chapman Simmont Funeral 
from her home, Hilton Court Apartment, 
Liberty Heights A venue and Hilton Street, 
on Friday morning at 10 o'clock. 

SIMMONT.— On Auguti 2, 1083, ADE- 
LAIDE K* daughter of the late Fred- 
erick and Julia Chapman Simmont. 

Funeral from her homt, Hilton Court 
Apartment, Liberty Heights aventn? 
and Hilton street, on Friday morn* 
lng at 10 o'clock, 4 

Obituary Notice for Adelaide E, Simmont {221} 

It should be noted that she died on 2 August 1933 and her sister Emma J. Simmont {224} died on 31 July 
1933 (see page 82). 

- Page 79 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Located in the 

1898 Adelaide E., 700 N. Carroliton Ave 
(with sister Carrie) 

1899 Adelaide E., 700 N. Carroliton Ave 
(with sister Carrie) 

1900 Adelaide E., 700 N. Carroliton Ave 

1901 Adelaide E., 700 N. Carroliton Ave 

1902 Adelaide E„ 700 N. Carroliton Ave 
(with sister Carrie) 

1903 Adelaide E., boarding 700 N. Carroliton 

1904 Adelaide E., 700 N. Carroliton Ave 

1905 Adelaide E., 700 N. Carroliton Ave 

1906 Adelaide E., 700 N. Carroliton Ave 

1907 Adelaide E., 700 N. Carroliton Ave 

1908 Adelaide E., 700 N. Carroliton Ave 

1909 Adelaide E., 700 N. Carroliton Ave 

1910 Adelaide E., 700 N. Carroliton Ave 

191 1 Adelaide E., 700 N. Carroliton Ave 

Baltimore City Directory: 

1912 Adelaide E., 700 N. Carroliton Ave 

1913 Adelaide E., 700 N. Carroliton Ave 

1914 Adelaide E., 700 N. Carroliton Ave 

1916 Adelaide E., 700 N. Carroliton Ave 

1917 Adelaide E., 700 N. Carroliton Ave 

1918 Adelaide E., 700 N. Carroliton Ave 

1920 Adelaide E., 700 N. Carroliton Ave 

1921 Adelaide E., 700 N. Carroliton Ave 

1922 Adelaide E., 700 N. Carroliton Ave 

1923 Adelaide E, 700 N. Carroliton Ave 

1924 Adelaide E., 700 N. Carroliton Ave 

1926 Adelaide E., 700 N. Carroliton Ave 

1927 Adelaide E., 700 N. Carroliton Ave 

1928 Adelaide E., 700 N. Carroliton Ave 

1929 Adelaide E„ 700 N. Carroliton Ave 

1930 Adelaide E., 700 N. Carroliton Ave 



< >L. HfiALf H DEf ARTMENT-C1TY OF BALiyjUgggoO 
• J?£MJO I i ill. ~ I n J .\ 

• I j ItefUtirrd No. 


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nu. name \C f.Zi^L tlLt^x/. .. W.i.. ssjus/<c .t :j.£irZ£'Jr. 

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U.w»a„; J I 

J^ri.Ur.1. ,MtrW«. ,,.r tH.miri.UT t>.t^ of Injury .!»... 

Whff< dl.1 Injury «r«r ? 

!!|*-l(r *iMrih«r } ifijury wfiirwl ir» (nii.s 

ntnly. »».»! Ml«l 

< fy »*^5 S fr /! ^a» -^"-^^^^ -j-- - - ■■ 

. /j-yTTT. # ^.y^' / V M. W«. d!«»k injury in *»r *^V »«S«l* i «.. .k-,->.|..H,>„ .,f ,I«^^M 

■/MCW^- r ^,_ ff y , 

i-'i,^//^ A+-#**y '*££+-•■' ±' 

Death Certificate for Adelaide E. Simmont {221} 

- Pa^e SO 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Caroline SIMMONT {222} 3 (Frederick SIMMONT {217} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born June 1845, 
in Maryland. Caroline SIMMONT {222} died after 1920. 

NOTES for Caroline SIMMONT {222} follow: Mentioned in the will of her father Frederick Simmont {217} 
(see page 49). Mentioned in the will her nephew Oliver C. Simmont {207} (see page 72). Located in the 
1860 Maryland Census with family (see page 46). Located in the 1900 Maryland Census with her sisters 
Adelaide Simmont {221}, Amelia Burnette {220}, and Emma J. Simmont {224}, and was listed as being 
born in June of 1845 (see page 78). Located in the 1920 Maryland Census with her sister, Adelaide E. 
Simmont {221} (see page 79). 

Caroline Simmont {222} also went by the name of Carrie Simmont {222}. She is located in the Baltimore 
City Directory: 

1894 Carrie (Miss), 700 N. Carrollton (with her mother) 

1898 Carrie, 700 N. Carrollton (with sister Adelaide E.) 

1899 Carrie, 700 N. Carrollton (with sister Adelaide E.) 

1902 Carrie, 700 N. Carrollton (with sister Adelaide E. and Emma J.) 

The 1902 is the last listing in the Baltimore City Directory for Carrie or Caroline Simmont although it is 
known that she was living as late as the 1920 Maryland Census. It appears that she never married. 

Laura W. SIMMONT {223} 3 (Frederick SIMMONT {21 7} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born about 1849. 
She married Gerehart FRANK {227}. 

No children have yet been identified. 

Gerehart FRANK {227} died after September 1881 . 

NOTES for Gerehart FRANK {227} follow: Mentioned in the will of his father in law Frederick Simmont 
{217} (see page 49). 

Laura W. SIMMONT {223} died after 1888. 

NOTES for Laura W. SIMMONT {223} follow: Located in 1860 Maryland Census with family (see page 

Emma J. SIMMONT {224} 3 (Frederick SIMMONT {21 7} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 9 December 
1857, in Baltimore, Maryland. Emma J. SIMMONT {224} died unmarried 31 July 1933, in Baltimore City, 
Maryland, and was buried 2 August 1933, in Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore City, Maryland. 

NOTES for Emma J. SIMMONT {224} follow: Mentioned in the will of her father Frederick Simmont {217} 
(see page 49). Mentioned in the will of her nephew Oliver C. Simmont {207} (see page 72). 

Located in the 1860 Maryland Census with her family (see page 46). Located in the 1900 Maryland 

- Page 81 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Census with her sisters Adelaide Simmont {221}, Amelia Burnette {220}, and Caroline Simmont {222} 
(see page 78). Located in the 1920 Maryland Census with her sisters Adelaide Simmont {221} and 
Caroline Simmont {222} (see page 79), 

Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 

1902 Emma J., 700 N. Carrollton (with sisters Adelaide E. & Carrie) 
1930 Emma J., 3306 N. Hilton Apt A7 (with sister Adelaide) 
These are the only two listings for Emma J. Simmont {224}, 

From Death Certificate E92500 we find the following information. Living at the Hilton Court Apartments at 
the time of her death. She is listed as a single white retired female who was born in Baltimore City, Maryland. 
She is listed as the daughter of Frederick Simmont, born Maryland and Julia A. Chapman. Unable to 
decipher her mother's birthplace. 


PEtytftT MEkr— cit y of Baltimore 


»K^T»; f'V^" V '"i f ,;, y ' «*fi«tcr«l No. 

*?t*jfi)\R«iWi»m|«! NoIZ&<4*Tti L$fr^.jt/^E%* ~ St, ., wUd. . 

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«itr* iu NAME f «i**t»*4 

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*n «n«l 5H«t«J 

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«. PATH Q» 11HTW >rrw> n >k. 


- •• T«uW, proftMitm. or p*Hlc/*r , 

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.••<■ ,,work »«« 4mm, a* rftti mm. 
,> M ) -m» *U1, few*. «f, 



Oth«r r*»irt»tiUrr r*<**e* «f irofvjri 

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, <j«v. r**r) 

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11w prlnripaJ rusw »f i«*«fh .nil tfaUuA nuwt o? 
Imix>riainr« ««r« n* follow* • 

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?^l' P J 

t ennflVwd <X^jn<viN * 

S3. It rtMth w«« Uu<i to *Yi*rnnt - 

lowing: „ 

ArcWint. milrttU. or Jw«nirJd«T "~ f»< 

Whtr* <tkt Injury wctir? 

Sp««)fjr wh*tW Injury oce«T»-#<| in !«!»* 

Mfttintr of tnjurr . 
M*tr>r« of Injury 

. W«yi d!aMn* or Injury In »ny w«r «!»t«d to o*-«"vr*tlon of *-<««*ea! 

„,Jf bo. »f«cify~ .. ... *~~-» i' — 

(SlgiMd) 1^^0>/%^^t<C^^^^^>^^^^^<^', it. D 

Death Certificate for Emma J. Simmont {224} 

Her obituary notice was found in the Baltimore Sun - 1 August, 1933: 
On July 31 1933, EMMA J. SIMMONT, youngest daughter of 'the late Frederick and Julia Chapman Simmont 
Funeral from her home, Hilton Court Apartments, Liberty Heights Avenue and Hilton Street, on Wednesday 
morning at 10 o 'clock. 

- Page 82 

Descendants of David Simmont 

It should be noted that Emma J. Simmont 
died on July 31, 1933 and her sister 
Adelaide E. Simmont {221} died on 
August 2, 1933 (see page 79). 

AUGUST i, 1933=- 

'SJMMONT.— On July 31. I»:i3. KMMA 
J., yoiiugcKt daughter of the late 
FrcMlorhk and Julia Cluipmaii Sim- 

Funrntl from hor home, IHUon 
Tourt Apiirtmi'ittx, Mbf rf v IIHgtitH 
hv«*iiucv himI Hiiioii Htr«Ni oil Wednon- 
day nioriiihu: at 10 o>!ork. J 

Obituary Notice for Emma J. Simmont {224} 

John SIMMONT {279} 2 (David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born about 1816. He died after 1842. 

NOTES for John SIMMONT {279} follow: Located in the 1842 Baltimore City Directory, This is the only time 
John Simmont {279} is found. John Simmont is placed as the son of David Simmont {278} and the brother 
of David Simmont {252}, Frederick Simmont {217}, William Simmont {261}, Mary A. Simmont {254} and 
Samuel Simmont {251} due to probable age as a brother and also due to the fact that David Simmont {278} 
is the only Simmont found that could be the father for these persons. 

David SIMMONT {252} 2 (David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born about 1818, in Baltimore City, Maryland. He 
married Elizabeth {241} (Maiden name unknown) about 1830. She was born about 1818, in Maryland. 

They had 3 children: 

M i. David F. SIMMONT {172} 

M ii. William F. SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 

M Hi. Samuel SIMMONT {284} 

David SIMMONT {252} died after 1880. 

b. 1830 

b. September 1845 

b. about 1850 

d. after 1905 

NOTES for David SIMMONT {252} follow: Marriage date estimated from children's births. 

1872 David Simmont {252}, brickmaker, 365 Columbia 
1875 David Simmont {252}, brickmaker, 22 Washington Ave. 

1878 David Simmont {252}, watchman, 22 Washington Ave 

1879 David Simmont {252}, brickmaker, 375 Scott 
Last listing in the Baltimore City Directory was 1879. 

For a complete listing of the David Simmonts in the Baltimore City Directory see page 44. 

Page 83 

Descendants of David Simmont 

David F. SIMMONT{172} 3 (David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 1830, in Baltimore 
City, Maryland. He married Louisa HAINE {303} about 1853. She was born 1830, in Baltimore City, 

They had 7 children: 

Jacob Henry SIMMONT {209} 
David SIMMONT {368} 
Alfred T. SIMMONT {263} 
Mary E. SIMMONT {353} 
John Thomas SIMMONT {98} 
George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 
Anna E. SIMMONT {354} 















b. 8 July 1854 

d. 25 March 1933 

b. 1857 

d. after 1880 

b. about 1862 

b. about 1863 

b. 2 December 1867 

d. 7 November 1945 

b. 9 November 1869 

d. 22 January 1924 

b. 1875 

NOTES for Louisa HAINE {303} follow: Birth year obtained from 1880 Maryland Census (see page 84). 
Louisa's maiden name is discovered on the death certificate of her son, Jacob Henry Simmont {209} (see 
page 88). Jacob's father is listed as David F. Simmont and mother as Louisa Haines. 

There is a Mrs. Louisa Simmont located in the 1887 Baltimore City Directory. It is her only listing. 
1887 Louisa (Mrs.), 1 149 Washington Ave. In that listing she is located with George W. Simmont, Sr. {7}, 
Jacob H. Simmont {209} and John T. Simmont {98}. 

David F. SIMMONT {172} died after 1905. 

NOTES for David F. SIMMONT {172} follow: Information is found on the death certificate of George 
Washington Simmont, Sr. {7}. David Simmont is listed as father and as being born in Baltimore, Maryland. 
George Simmonts mother is listed as 'Don't know'. Marriage date estimated from children's births. Birth 
year obtained from 1880 Maryland Census (see page 84). 

David F. Simmont {172} is placed as the son of David Simmont {252} due to name association and based 
on the fact that there were two David Simmonts located at the same address in the 1 878 and 1 879 Baltimore 
City Directory. There are 4 straight generations of David Simmonts. 

For a complete listing of David Simmonts in the Baltimore City Directory (see page 44). 

David F. Simmont {172} is located in the 1880 Maryland Census. He is located in the 172nd Enumeration 
District of Baltimore City and is listed as a 50 year old white male who was born in Maryland as was both of 
his parents. His occupation is listed as a Brickmaker. Also in his house we find his wife Louise Simmont 
{303} who is a 50 year old white female who is Keeping House. The following children are listed: Alfred 
Simmont {262} an 1 8 year old brickmaker; Mary E. Simmont {353} who was either 1 7 or 1 4 years old; John 
Thomas Simmont {98} a 12 year old son who works in a brickyard; George W. Simmont {7} 10 years old; 
and Anna E. Simmont {354} who was 5 years old. The oldest son Jacob Henry Simmont {209} was 
already married and living on his own. 

Page 84 

Descendants of David Simmont 

1870 Maryland Census Record for David Simmont {172} 

Jacob Henry SIMMONT {209} 4 (David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT 

{278} 1 ) was born 8 July 1854, in Maryland. He married (1) Georganna STALLINGS {52} 14 September 
1874, in Baltimore City, Maryland. She was born 3 January 1851, in Baltimore, Maryland, the daughter of 
Louis STALLINGS {331} and Jeminah M. POTTER {332}. 

They had 1 child: 

F i. Margaret SIMMONT {231} b. October 1874 d. after 1933 

Georganna Stallings {52} died 15 November 1908, in Baltimore City, Maryland, and was buried 18 
November 1908, in Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore City, Maryland. 

NOTES for Georganna Stallings {52} follow: Listed as Ann Simmont in the 1880 Maryland Census (see 
page 86) and listed as Annie Simmont in the 1900 Maryland Census (see page 87). 



** C ^- r^- Sim gt^m tf f*mmm imnmm*t mi .; 

ruii Name 


Street aad Hm 

* £,£ jLtt-m^XtU 


Residence, Give Street and Number, ...*... 
Duration of Residence io Baltimore, .... 




/vr- -~;"/diLi:£^- 






_ ~ r~*. fS J- -rttEREBY CERTIFY, That 1^ attended deceased from 'Jg 

■ ■ **T . tiiat l list saw fc c £ alive on 

.J^/f aa4 that deatJt occurred, on Oie date stated a&ove, at. 


„ * ^^SjJl^X^O^O^bsCED,-- ~ $f/££~t^Lt ^ ~^ ^ l *T^ A4iSE ° F DEU ™ (Secondary of imm«diat*,> J 


f- (*t*.te of eaaatvJ_ 


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lataie or county; 


3 r s i K 

i>tste ar coast*} 

S-'oLJ, I ' I ' LL 

~?" — 'fc 

//^^ -.'. L. jJ-IH. "/< . 


/ . // / yfL 


.OLRATIO^. ■•...-. DAYS 3 

s^£&x^&£i*xJ. J—T'"| 

Contributory (Primary i 


(Signed) J V„ a^.-vyl^Jh- 

Address rO 1^& ^£^ «^v...iLlr<? 



Date..: . .^>t^l X4- ... r ~- - 



/X i 


Page 85- 

Undertaker -jc «- 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Death certificate (C17216) [see previous page] shows Georganna Simmont as living at 1222 Columbia 
Avenue and being a resident of Baltimore for her entire life. She is listed as a married white female. The 
informant was her husband of the same address. 

Jacob Henry SIMMONT {209} next married (2) Mary Jane BLACKBURN {230} about 1910. She was born 
January 1851, in Maryland, 

No children have yet been identified. 

Mary Jane Blackburn {230} died 25 February 1932, and was buried in Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore 
City, Maryland. 

NOTES for Mary Jane Blackburn {230} follow: Listed as Mary J. Simmont in the 1920 Maryland Census 
(see page 87), 

SIMMoNT.— On February i\ 1932, 
MARY J. (noe IMackhurn). ■jfe«l 84 
jvafr*. beloved wife of Jacob H. Slm- 

Funeral fwrvlfi-n at h«»r 
Fourth avenue, .Lanadowne 

home. 409 
Due notice 

Obit for Mary J. Simmont (Blackburn) {230} 

Obituary notice is found in the Baltimore 
Sun - 26 February 1932: 
On February 25, 1932, Mary J. SIMMONT 
(nee Blackburn), aged 84 years, beloved 
wife of Jacob H. Simmont Funeral 
services at her home, 409 Fourth A venue, 
Lansdowne. Due notice later. 

Her obituary confirms her husband was living at the time of her death or he would have been listed as the 
'late' Jacob H. Simmont. It should be noted that obituary points to a birth year of about 1848 (if she was 84 
years at the time of her death), not 1851. 

Jacob Henry SIMMONT {209} died 25 March 1933, and was buried 28 March 1933, in Loudon Park 
Cemetery, Baltimore City, Maryland. 

NOTES for Jacob Henry SIMMONT {209} follow: it appears that Jacob Henry Simmont was married twice. 
He is located in the 1880 Maryland Census (see page 86) with a wife Ann Simmont and in the 1900 
Maryland Census with a wife Annie (see page 87). This corresponds to the marriage license that was 
issued in Baltimore City on 14 September 1874 to Georganna Stallings. This information was taken from 
issue book 1FR 1873-1880, page 384. Birth date take from death certificate. He is located in the 1920 
Maryland Census (see page 87) with a his wife 'Mary J. 1 . Buried in Section R of Loudon Park Cemetery. 

Located in the 1880 Maryland Census. He is located in the 173rd Enumeration District of Baltimore City 
and is listed as a 27 year old married white male who was born in Maryland. Others in his household include 
his wife Ann Simmont a 29 year old female born in Maryland and Margaret Simmont their 5 year old 
daughter who was also bom in Maryland. 

x ~T^-d&^ S' 





/fat £& S^A^££y~ 

'1 4tytkky &ud*\k 

1880 Maryland Census Record for Jacob Henry Simmont {209} 

- Page 88 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Located in the 1900 Maryland Census. He is located living at 1222 Columbia Avenue in the 22nd Ward of 
the 281st Enumeration District of Baltimore City and is listed as being a 46 year old white male who was born 
in July 1853 in Maryland. His occupation was listed as a brickmaker and both parents were born in Maryland. 
Also in the household were his wife Anne Simmont a 49 year old female born in Maryland and their daughter 
Margaret Simmont who was a 25 year old seamstress. 


J*£cag)t £ r 


1900 Maryland Census Record for Jacob H. Simmont {209} 

Located in the 1920 Maryland Census. Jacob Is located living on Fourth Avenue in the 13th District of 
Baltimore County. He is listed as a 66 year old married male who is a homeowner. He and both parents are 
enumerated as being born in Maryland. His occupation was that of a foreman in a brick yard. The only other 
person in the household was his wife Mary J. Simmont who is listed as being 72 years old. This clearly 
indicates a second wife as the wife from the 1 900 Maryland Census would have only been 69 years old and 
had the name of Anne Simmont. 


1920 Maryland Census Record for Jacob Henry Simmont {209} 

Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 

The below listings showing a Jacob T/V/ Simmont are probably an error in the Baltimore City Directory. It 
would appear this person is the Jacob H. Simmont in question. He is placed as the son of David F. 
Simmont, having been located with him at the same address in 1886. This is confirmed by his death 
certificate which lists his father as David F. Simmont {172} (see page 88). 

1872 Jacob, driver 

1878 Jacob, brickmaker, Mt. Clair Junction 

1880 Jacob W., brickmaker, Washington Ave. extended 

1881 Jacob W. } brickmaker, 18 Washington Ave. extended (Along with Jacob, brickmaker) 

1882 Jacob, brickmaker, Washington Ave. extended 

1883 Jacob, brickmaker, Washington Ave. extended 

1885 Jacob H., brickmaker, 250 Washington Ave 

1886 Jacob H., brickmaker, 250 Washington Ave (with David F. Simmont) 

1887 Jacob H., foreman, 1 149 Washington Ave (with George W. Simmont, John T. Simmont & Mrs. Louisa 
Simmont at same address) 

1888 Jacob H., foreman, 1 149 Washington Ave 

1889 Jacob H. } laborer, 1 149 Washington Ave 

1890 Jacob H., brickmaker, 1 149 Washington Ave 

- Page 87- 

Descendants of David Simmont 

18.91 Jacob H., brickmaker, 1 149 Washington Ave 

1892 Jacob H., brickmaker, 1149 Columbia Ave 

1893 Jacob H., brickmaker, 1149 Columbia Ave 

1894 Jacob H., brickmaker, 1149 Columbia Ave 

1895 Jacob H., brickmaker, 1 149 Columbia Ave 

1896 Jacob H., brickmaker, 1 149 Columbia Ave 

1897 Jacob, laborer, 1 149 Columbia Ave 

1898 Jacob H., foreman, 1222 Columbia Ave 

1899 Jacob H., foreman, 1222 Columbia Ave 

1900 Jacob H., foreman, 1222 Columbia Ave 

1901 Jacob H., foreman, 1222 Columbia Ave 

1902 Jacob H., foreman, 1222 Columbia Ave 

1903 Jacob H., foreman, 1222 Columbia Ave 

1904 Jacob H., foreman, 1222 Columbia Ave 

1905 Jacob H„ foreman, 1222 Columbia Ave 

1906 Jacob H., foreman, 1222 Columbia Ave 

1907 Jacob H., foreman, 1222 Columbia Ave 

1908 Jacob H., foreman, 1222 Columbia Ave 

1909 Jacob H., foreman, 1222 Columbia Ave 

1910 Jacob H., foreman, 1222 Columbia Ave 

1911 Jacob H., foreman, 1222 Columbia Ave 

1912 Jacob H., foreman, 2617 Wilkens Ave 

1913 Jacob H., foreman, 2617 Wilkens Ave 

1914 Jacob H., foreman, 2617 Wilkens Ave 

1916 Jacob H., foreman, 2617 Wilkens Ave 

1917 Jacob H., laborer, 2617 Wilkens Ave 
1918-9 Jacob H., laborer, 2617 Wilkens Ave 
Last listing in the Baltimore City Directory 

Death certificate confirms David F. Simmont as father and shows Louisa Haine {303} as mother. The death 
certificate is very light and hard to reproduce. For that reason it is not included in this book. The informant 
was listed as Mrs. Margaret Hale of Washington Boulevard. 

To date no obituary notice has been found for Jacob Henry Simmont {209}. 

Margaret SIMMONT {231} 5 (Jacob Henry SIMMONT {209} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David 

SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born October 1874, in Maryland. She married 

HALE {310} before 1933, in Baltimore City, Maryland. 

No children have yet been identified. 
Margaret SIMMONT {231} died after 1933. 

NOTES for Margaret SIMMONT {231} follow: Located in 1880 Maryland Census with parents (see page 
86) and the 1900 Maryland Census with parents (see page 87). 

Mrs. Margaret Hale of Washington Blvd. was the informant for the death certificate on Jacob Henry 

- Page 88 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

David SIMMONT {368} 4 (David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) 
was born 1857, in Maryland. He married Elizabeth {369} (Maiden name unknown) about 1878. She was 
born 1856, in Maryland. 


They had 1 child: 
Clarence SIMMONT {242} b. 6 August 1879 d. 18 November 1882 

Elizabeth SIMMONT {369} (Maiden name unknown) died after 1880. David SIMMONT {368} died after 

NOTES for David SIMMONT {368} follow: David Simmont is placed as the son of David F. Simmont {172} 
and Louisa Haine {303} due to name association and the birth year. To this we add the tie in with the 1 880 
Ma ryland^Census s howing Simmonts and Henrickle on the same page. 

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1880 Maryland Census Record for David Simmont {368} 

- Pa$r# 55 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Located in the 1880 Maryland Census. David Simmont is found in the 172nd Enumeration District of 
Baltimore City and is listed as a 23 year old married white male who was born in Maryland. Also in the 
household was his wife Elizabeth Simmont {369} who is listed as being 24 years old and their son Clarence 
Simmont {242}. The family was living at 379 Scott Street. This particular 1880 Maryland Census listing 
is extremely interesting. David Simmont {368} is living next door to Clement Henrickle and his wife and 
family. The one Henrickle daughter Ellen Priscilla Henrickle {8} who was living next door married George 
Washington Simmont, Sr. {7} who was the brother of David Simmont {368}. Of additional interest is the 
fact that two doors away from Clement Henrickle we find the family of Alexander Coleman and his wife 
Margareta A. Coleman who was bom Margareta A. Hartlove. It was indeed a very small world on Scott 
Street in 1880. [NOTE: Both Clement B. W. Henrickle {70} and his father in law Alexander Cokman fought in the War 
Between the States on the Union Side from Maryland As they are direct line ancestors ofReverdyLewin Ormll, IV and 
of all descendants of George Washington Simmmt, Sr. {7} and his wife Ellen Priscilla Hmrickk {8} they will be 
thoroughly documented in the next two hooks J 

For a complete listing of the various David Simmonts in the Baltimore City Directory see page 44. 

Clarence SIMMONT {242} 5 (David SIMMONT {368} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT 
{252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 6 August 1879, in Maryland. Clarence SIMMONT {242} died 
18 November 1882, in Baltimore, Maryland. 

NOTES for Clarence SIMMONT {242} follow: Located in 1880 Maryland Census with his parents (see 
page 90). This appears to be the same Clarence Simmont that died on November 18, 1882 at the age of 
3 years, 3 months and 12 days. 

yfftwto ft* frZr&£i&OIIUi of jlejtsfmr of Vital SMbtics* wiidU }vP 

TJi* fttritcfftit who ftitemfw! srfjr p^s-win In ft Fail \ltuH» t to rtnp> n*tM« Ibr ifc* ptwtMAttnii nf tht« Ortftf&liji 

fW^tf,— --^*i^3^^ 

_«!./.. J„ ^^^C^ 

Married* Single, Widow or WMawerfZ^&fi&r*}. T! 

Oowpbtkmt\:l . J ;..L.l. ..' — . — - — rr. 

jnHhEiaQ&d fe*« m£» utift* tmu*x * — VT^ — r ^^^JZ—~£L, 

^Ji £ti"n*^jl liff«**lr*at*»4 i ; 1 /I. . 7 —^ **? -__ ■/""""^ 

Ht HwJThrjKlpi __ 

Death Certificate for Clarence Simmont (242} 

'Juration of JJatl Sichicsn, 

All the «ho? • informal! ^ 

Volt of BuriaL& 2 



3I^1ieft^^tl•ri'dlat. , : , 


- Page 90 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Alfred T. SIMMONT {263} 4 (David F. SIMMONT {172}*, David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT 

{278} 1 ) was born about 1862, in Maryland. He married Margaret HENRICKLE {215} about 1888. 

They had 1 child: 
M i. Alfret T. SIMMONT {190} b. 24 July 1889 d. 5 September 1957 

NOTES for Margaret HENRICKLE {215} follow: Mother's name obtained from death certificate of son 
Alfred T. Simmont. There were at least two other instances where members of the Henrickle and Simmont 
families married. All involved Henrickle women and Simmont men. In the other two instances it is very easy 
to determine the ancestry of the Henrickle women. Both were daughters of Clement B. W. HENRICKLE 
{70} and Emma J. COLEMAN {71} his wife. However at this point the ancestry of Margaret HENRICKLE 
{215} has not been determined. Clement B. W. Henrickle {70} had a sister Margaret J. Henrickle who was 
born about 1848. She would have been about 14 years old than Alfred T. SIMMONT {263} but could 
certainly be his spouse. 

It is believed the following Baltimore City Directory listings are for Margaret Henrickle {215} who married 

Alfred T. Simmont {263}: 

1917 Margaret R. Mrs., 1 156 Ward (with her son, Alfred T, driver) 

1918-9 Margaret R. Mrs., 1 156 Ward (with her son, Alfred T., driver) 

NOTES for Alfred T. SIMMONT {263} follow: Birth date obtained from 1880 Maryland Census where he 
was located with family (see page 84). Listed as a brickmaker in that census and was 18 years old. Marriage 
date estimated from son's birth date. The other Alfret Simmont son of Alfred Simmont were not born until 

Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 

1883 Alfred, brickmaker, Washington Ave ext (Frederick, Jacob H. and Joseph Simmont were also listed 
at Washington Avenue Ext.; however it believed that the Washington Ave Ext address was that of 
the brick manufacturing plant and not a home address. This is because the listing for Frederick also 
includes an address clearly listed as 'Home'. 

1885 Alfred T., brickmaker, boards 250 Washington Ave. (Jacob H. also at this address) 

1886 Alfred T., brickmaker, 250 Washington Ave. (David F. and Jacob H. Simmont also at this address) 
1889 Alfred, laborer, 1459 Washington Ave (Jacob H. Simmont at this address) {NOTE: This is the year 

the other Alfred and Alfret Simmont was born} 

Alfret T. SIMMONT {190} 5 [Mason] (Alfred T. SIMMONT {263} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David 
SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 24 July 1889, in Maryland. He married Mabel W. 
BOONE {202} about 1924. She was born 9 August 1907, in Maryland. He also went by the name of Alfred 
T. SIMMONT {190} and is referred to by that name on many occasions. 

They had 1 child: 

F i. Mabel W. SIMMONT {203} b. 17 April 1925 

Mabel W. SIMMONT {202} (nee BOONE) died 1978, and was buried in Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore 
City, Maryland. 

Page 91 

Descendants of David Simmont 

NOTES for Mabel W. BOONE {202} follow: Middle initial of W/ obtained from tombstone. Located in the 
Social Security Death Index: Social Security # 220-07-2564. Social Security Death Index shows death of 
June 1978. 

Alfret T. SiMMONT {190} died 5 September 1957, in Catonsville, Baltimore County, Maryland, and was 
buried 9 September 1957, in Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore City, Maryland, 

NOTES for Alfret T. SIMMONT {190} follow: For a discussion of the various Alfret T. Simmonts please 
see page 156. Mason: Member of Adherence Lodge # 88, Maryland. Birth and death dates obtained from 
tombstone in Loudon Park Cemetery. Located in the Social Security Death Index: Alfret Simmont, Social 
Security # 220-14-0705, born Maryland, died September 1957. Death certificate lists father as Alfret 
Simmont and mother as Margaret Henrickle. 


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Death Certificate for Alfret T. Simmont {190} 

Obituary notice found in the Baltimore Sun - 6 September, 1957: 
On Septembers, 1957, ALFRETT. SiMMONT, of 21 DunmoreRoad, Catonsville, beloved husband of Mabel 
Boone Simmont and beloved father of Mabel W. Simmont Friends may call at the Witzke Funeral Home, 
4101 Edmondson A venue on Friday after 1 PM. Due notice of services will be given. 

- Page 92 

Descendants of David Simmont 

S'IMMONT.— On September 3, 1957, 
ALFRET T. SIMMONT, of 21 Dun- 
more road, CatonsvHIe, beloved 
husband of Mabel Boone Simmont 
and beloved lather of Mabel W. 
Friends may call at the Wltzke 

; Funeral Home, 4101 Edmondson 
avenue, on Friday after 1 P.M. 

, Du^ notice of services will be 

I RiveiVf^ * 9e 

Obituary Notice for Alfret T. Simmont {190} 







-'^^fvxa^C' , 

"g^"-^-*^ ^ «f ^ ^■^^^S^'^^P' ^ 

Tombstone of Alfret T. Simmont {190} & Mabel W. Simmont (nee Boone) {202} 

Mabel W. SIMMONT {203} 6 (Alfret T. SIMMONT {190} 5 , Alfred T. SIMMONT {263} 4 , David F. SIMMONT 
{172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 17 April 1925. She married Norman 
R. LEIDIG {204}. He was born 26 January 1925. 

No children have yet been identified. 

Mabel W. SIMMONT {203} died, and was buried in Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore City, Maryland. 

NOTES for Mabel W, SIMMONT {203} follow: Cited in obituary of father (see page 92). 

Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 

1 955 Mabel W. f nurse, 1221 Dulaney Valley (with Alfred T. {Mabel W.} inspector City Bureau of Highways) 

Page 93 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

1957 Mabel, nurse, 21 Dunmore Rd (with Alfred T {Mabel B.} inspector City) 

Mary E. SIMMONT {353} 4 (David F. SIMMONT{172} 3 , David SIMMONT{252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) 

was born about 1863, in Maryland. 

NOTES for Mary E. SIMMONT {353} follow: Located in the 1880 Maryland Census (see page 84). Listed 
as being 17 years old and at home. 

John Thomas SIMMONT {98} 4 (David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT 

{278} 1 ) was born 2 December 1 867, in Baltimore City, Maryland. He married Margaret R. HENRICKLE {73} 
about 1901, in Baltimore, Maryland. She was born 25 December 1868, in Baltimore City, Maryland, the 
daughter of Clement B. W. HENRICKLE {70} and Emma J. COLEMAN {71}. 

They had 6 children: 



Harriet L. SIMMONT {101} 

b. about 1902 

d. after 1954 



Franklin B. SIMMONT {191} 

b. 10 January 1903 

d. December 1978 



Margarete SIMMONT {192} 

b. about 1906 

d. after 1929 



Bertha SIMMONT {193} 

b. about 1908 



Robert E. SIMMONT {194} 

b. 8 April 1910 

d. April 1986 



Mary M. SIMMONT {99} 

b. about 1915 

d. after 1954 

Margaret R. HENRICKLE {73} died 11 February 1954, in Baltimore City, Maryland, and was buried 13 
February 1954, in Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore City, Maryland. 

NOTES for Margaret R. HENRICKLE {73} follow: Located in the 1920 Maryland Census. She is found 
living at 1256 Ward Street in the 365th Enumeration District of Baltimore City. Margaret is cited as being a 
51 year old white female who owns her home free of mortgage. She and both parents are shown as being 
born in Maryland. No occupation is listed. In the household were Alfred T. Simmont age 29, truck driver 
in a brewery; Harriet Simmont {101} 18 years old; Frank T. Simmont age 16 who was a helper (This is an 
incorrect listing. It should be Franklin B. Simmont {191}); Margarete Simmont {192} age 14 and a marker; 
Bertha Simmont {193} age 12; Robert E. Simmont {194} age 9; and Mary M. Simmont {99} age 5. 

Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 

1922 Margaret (Mrs.), h. 1 156 Ward (with Alfred T.). (Charles W. (Margaret) at 1 154 Ward 

1924-5 Margaret (Mrs.) h. 1 156 Ward (with Bertha and Frank B.) (Charles W. (Margaret) at 1 156 Ward 

1927 Margaret, domestic, 1160 Washington Blvd. (with Frank B. and Robert) 

1928 Margaret, domestic, 1 160 Washington Blvd. (with Frank B. & Robert) 

1929 Margaret (widow John), 1 160 Washington Blvd (with Frank (Bessie, Mamie, and Robert E.) There 
is a Mary Simmont at 1 158 Washington Blvd in the 1930 Baltimore City Directory. Frank (Bessie) 
is at 1 160 Washington Blvd and Robert (Mary) is at 1 165 Washington Blvd. 

1936 Margaret Mrs., r. 1 160 Washington Blvd. 
1940 Margaret Mrs., r. 1309 W. Ostend 

Death certificate 54-1356. Death notice under the name of Margaret R. Simmont, living at 1266 Sargeant 
St. Informant was Mrs. Mary Wood, of same address. Father is listed as Clem Henrickle - no mother 

- Page 94 

Descendants of David Simmont 

listed. The box for single, married, divorced or widow is not filled in. 

£*jM* * 






?^rj x> /* . i *<$%Zu fc.. ; \ ^ 

5- C*".f i.^'-lM? 

P^ i <2<W '*-,<« -for 

Death Certificate of Margaret R. Simmont (nee Henrickle) {73} 

Obituary notice found in the 
Baltimore Sun - 12 February 1954: 
0/7 February 11, 1954, at her home, 1266 
Sargeant Street, Margaret R. (nee Henrickle), 
beloved wife of the late John T. Simmont 
Funeral from her daughter's residence, Mrs. 
Harriet L Holsey, 1 145 Washington Boulevard, 
on Saturday, February 13, at 2 PM. Interment 
in Loudon Park Cemetery, 

SlMMONT.~On February 11, 1954, at 
her home, 1266 Sargeant street, 
MARGARET R. inee Henrlelej. bi- 
loved wife of the late John T. Sim- 

Funeral frd'ift her .daughter's 
residence. '-Mrs. Harriet L, Holsey, 
1145 Washington boulevard, on Sat- 
urday, February 13, at 2 P.M. In- 
terment % in Loudon Park Cenii- 
tery. 13 

Obit of Margaret R. Simmont (nee Henrickle) {73} 

NOTES for John Thomas SIMMONT {98} follow: 

Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 

1887 John T., driver, 1 149 Washington Ave (with George W. Simmont, Jacob H, Simmont, and Mrs. Louisa 

Page 35- 

Descendants of David Simmont 

1899 John T., driver, 1200 Ward 

1900 John T. f driver, 1200 Ward 
1902 John T, laborer, 1200 Ward 

1904 John T., laborer, 1200 Ward 

1905 John T., laborer, 1200 Ward 

1 906 John T. , laborer, 1200 Ward 

1909 John, laborer, h. 1306 Sargeant 

1910 John T., laborer, h. 1 152 Ward 

191 1 John T., laborer, h. 1 152 Ward (with Alfred T. Simmont) 

1912 John T., laborer, h. 1152 Ward 

1913 John F. (sic), laborer, h. 1247 Columbia Ave. (with Alfred T, & Charles W. Simmont) 

1914 John T., laborer, h. 1253 Columbia Ave. (with Alfred T.) 

1916 John T., laborer, 1224 W, Ostend (with Alfred T. & Charles W. Simmont) 

1921 John T„ laborer, 1207 S. Carey (Alfred T. & Charles W. Simmont elsewhere) 

John T. Simmonts mother was the Mrs. Louisa Simmont mentioned with him in the 1887 Baltimore City 


Marriage date estimated from births of children. Placed as the husband of Margaret Henrickie per her 
obituary (see page 95). Middle name of Thomas obtained from 1 880 Maryland Census (see page 84). As 
he did not apparently died until 1945 it is unknown why he was not located with his wife and family in the 
1920 Maryland Census. The only possible explanation I can come up with is that he was in World War I 
and therefore not listed with them. 

Tombstone of John Thomas Simmont {98} & Margaret R. Simmont (nee Henrickie) {73} 

Death certificate G 33,973 gives the following information: Social Security # 216-12-6426. Place of death is 
2101 Cold Spring Lane (Cold Spring Nursing Home). His length of stay in Baltimore was 'life 1 . He is listed 
as a married white male. Married to Margaret B. Simmont. (Should be Margaret R. Simmont). He was 
77 years, 1 1 months and 5 days old. He is listed as being born in Baltimore, Maryland and a retired laborer 
and the son of John Simmont (b. Baltimore, Maryland). The information for his mother is unclear on the 
certificate. The informant was Mrs. Margaret R. Simmont of 1160 W. Hamburg Street. This death 

Page 96 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

certificate appears to be incorrect in that he is located with his family in the 1880 Maryland Census and is the 
son of David E Simmont {172}. 



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11. ! cmtiOy t*wM <U»» H aecarrccl an th« tiki* *b«v* •t»W*ii thai 1 aiHtti 

•d a«».«d i«»m>^v. .# 19J6I * J«*3/-Jl t*g£; 

! AMi^U*L<&^ 

Death Certificate of John Thomas Simmont {98} 

Obituary notice found in the 
Baltimore Sun - 8 November 1945: 
On November 7, 1945, JOHN T. SIMMONT, 
husband of Margaret R Simmont (nee 
Henrick/eJ. Funeral from his son's 
residence, Robert E Simmont, 1160 West 
Hamburg Street, on Saturday, November 
10, at 2 o'clock. Interment in Loudon Park 

SJMMONT.—On November 7. 1045 t 
John T. t beloved husband of Mar- 
garet R. Simmont (neo Henlckle). 

Funeral from hU aon's residency 
Robert E. Simmont. 1160 Woit Ham- 
burg street, on Saturday, November 
10, at 2 o'clock. Interment In Loudon 
Park Cemetery, Oe 

Obituary Notice of John Thomas Simmont {98} 

Harriet L. SIMMONT {101} 5 (John Thomas SIMMONT {98} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David 

SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born about 1902, in Maryland. She married 


No children have yet been identified. 
Harriet L. SIMMONT {101} died after 1954. 

NOTES for Harriet L. SIMMONT {101}foi!ow: Mentioned in her mothers obituary: 'Funeral from daughter's 

- Page 97 

Descendants of David Simmont 

- Harriet L. Holsey 1145 Washington Blvd. ' (See page 95). 

Franklin B. SIMMONT {191} 5 (John Thomas SIMMONT {98} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David 
SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 10 January 1903, in Maryland. He married Bessie 
M. LONEY {288} about 1 926. 

They had 4 children 



Bessie M. SIMMONT {274} b. 



June SIMMONT {273} b. 



Ronald SIMMONT {272} b. 



Donald SIMMONT {271} b. 

Bessie M. LONEY {288} died 2 May 1991, in Baltimore, Maryland, and was buried in Meadow Ridge 
Cemetery, Howard County, Maryland. 

NOTES for Bessie M. LONEY {288} follow: 

Obituary notice found in the Baltimore Sun: 

On May 2, 1991, BESSIE M. SIMMONT (nee LONEY), beloved wife of the late FrankMnB. Simmont, devoted 
mother of Bessie M. Klingmeyer, June Dennis, Ronald Simmont, and Donald Simmont. Also survived by 4 
sisters, ten grandchildren and ten great grandchildren. Mrs. Simmont rests at the Howard H Hubbard 
Funeral Home, Inc, 4 107 Wilkens A venue. Relatives and friends are invited to attend funeral services on 
Monday at 1PM. Interment Meadowridge Memorial Park. The family will receive friends Sunday , 3to5and 
7to9PM. The family requests those desiring make contributions to Joseph Ritchey Hospice, 820N. Eutaw 
Street, Baltimore Maryland 21201. 

Franklin B. SIMMONT {191} died December 1978, in Maryland. 

NOTES for Franklin B. SIMMONT {191} follow: Located in the 1920 Maryland Census with his mother 
(see page 94). Middle initial cited as T in the 1920 Maryland Census; however it is consistently listed as 
a B' in the Baltimore City Directory. This is the Franklin B. Simmont located in the Social Security Death 
Index under Social Security # 714-25-6699. The middle initial of B' is confirmed from his wife's obituary 
notice (see page 98). 

Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 

1920 Frank B., laborer, 1 156 Ward (with Albert T., chauffeur) 

1921 Frank B., laborer, 1 156 Ward (with Albert T., chauffeur; Charles W. Simmont living at 1 154 Ward 
1924-5 Frank B., chauffeur, 1156 Ward (with Bertha, seamstress) 

1926 Frank B. (Bessie) chauffeur, 1 154 Ward (with Albert T.) (Marriage date estimated from this entry) 

1927 Frank B., chauffeur, 1160 Washington Blvd. (with Margaret, domestic and Robert, laborer) 

1928 Frank B., chauffeur, 1160 Washington (with Margaret, domestic and Robert, laborer) 

1 929 Frank (Bessie) chauffeur, 11 60 Washington Blvd. (with Mamie, seamstress, Margaret (widow John) 
and Robert E., metal) 

1930 Frank (Bessie), driver, 1160 Washington Blvd. (with Mary at 1158 Washington Blvd and Robert 
(Mary) carpenter, 1 165 Washington Blvd.) 

1936 Frank B. (Bessie) chauffeur, h. 1156 Sargeant (No other Simmonts on Sargeant however Mrs. 

Page 98 • 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Margaret Simmont on Washington Blvd 

1937 Frank B. (Bessie), chauffeur, h. 1156 Sargeant 

1940 Frank B. (Bessie), driver, h. 1156 Sargeant 

1942 Frank B. (Bessie) driver, h. 1156 Sargeant 

1956 Frank B. (Bessie M.) driver, Ry Exp, h. 1 156 Sargeant 

1958 Frank B. (Bessie) driver, Ry Exp, h. 1156 Sargeant 

1961 Frank B. (Bessie) driver, Ry Exp, h. 1 156 Sargeant 

1964 Frank B. (Bessie C.) driver, REA Exp, 1 156 Sargeant 

Bessie 6 M. SIMMONT {274} (Franklin B. SIMMONT {191} 5 , John Thomas SIMMONT {98} 4 , David F. 

SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). She married 


No children have yet been identified. 

June SIMMONT {273} 6 (Franklin B. SIMMONT {191} 5 , John Thomas SIMMONT {98} 4 , David F. 

SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). She married DENNIS 


No children have yet been identified. 

Ronald SIMMONT {272} 6 (Franklin B. SIMMONT {191} 5 , John Thomas SIMMONT {98} 4 , David F. 
SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). 

Donald SIMMONT {271} 6 (Franklin B. SIMMONT {191} 5 , John Thomas SIMMONT {98} 4 , David F. 
SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). 

Margarete SIMMONT {192} 5 (John Thomas SIMMONT {98} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David 
SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born about 1906. Margarete SIMMONT {192} died after 

NOTES for Margarete SIMMONT {192} follow: Located in the 1920 Maryland Census with her mother 
(see page 94). 

There is one entry in the Baltimore City Directory which appears to be Margarete Simmont. 
1929 Mamie, seamstress, 1160 Washington Blvd. (with Frank, Robert E., and mother Margaret) 

Bertha SIMMONT {193} 5 (John Thomas SIMMONT {98} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT 
{252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born about 1908, in Maryland. 

NOTES for Bertha SIMMONT {193} follow: Located in the 1920 Maryland Census with her mother (see 
page 94). 

- Page 99 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 

19245 Bertha, seamstress, 1 156 Ward (with Frank B., and Margaret C.) 

Robert E. SIMMONT {194} 5 (John Thomas SIMMONT {98} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David 
SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 8 April 1910, in Maryland. He married Mary E. 
JARRELL {197} about 1936. She was born 7 July 1913, in Maryland. 

They had 1 child: 

F i. Patricia SIMMONT {277} b. 20 November 1938 d. 21 November 1938 

Mary E. JARRELL {197} died January 1981, in Pennsylvania. 

NOTES for Mary JARRELL {197} follow: Located in the Social Security Death Index - 
Mary Simmont, Social Security # 21 7-03-2087. 

Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 

1959 Mary E. (Mrs.), clerk Eddie's Supermarket, 3181 Freeway, Halethorpe (Husband Robert E. Simmont 
located at same address). 

Robert E. SIMMONT {194} died April 1986, in Pennsylvania. 

NOTES for Robert E. SIMMONT {1 94} follow: Located in the 1920 Maryland Census with his mother (see 
page 94). Located in the Social Security Death Index: Robert Simmont, Social Security # 216-03-4251. 
Mentioned in his daughter's obituary notice (see page 101). Living at 519 Callender Street at the time of 
daughter's death. (1938) 

Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 

1927 Robert, laborer, 1 160 Washington Blvd (with Frank B. and mother Margaret) 

1928 Robert E., metal worker, 1160 Washington Blvd (with Frank, Mamie, and Margaret) 
1930 Robert (Mary), carpenter, 1 165 Washington Blvd. 

1936 Robert E. (Mary E.) chauffeur, h. 2419 Lauretta. 

1 937 Robert E. (Mary) assembler, h. 1117 Washington Blvd. 

1938 Robert (Mary) living at 519 Callender St. per obituary notice of daughter 
1 940 Robert E. (Mary E.) h. 1 121 Ward 

1942 Robert (Mary) forman, 1 164 Washington Blvd. 

1 945 Living at 1 1 60 West Hamburg Street per the obituary notice of his father. 
1956 Robert E. (Mary E.) shipping clerk David Kaufman Son, h. 120 N. Mt. Olivet Lane 
1959 Robert E. (Mary E.) driver, Cochran Trans, 3181 Freeway, Halethorpe (also Mrs. Mary E., clerk 
Eddie's Supermarket at same address) 

Patricia SIMMONT {277} 6 (Robert E. SIMMONT {194} 5 , John Thomas SIMMONT {98} 4 , David F. 
SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 20 November 1938, in 
Baltimore City, Maryland. Patricia SIMMONT {277} died 21 November 1938, in Baltimore City, Maryland, 
and was buried in Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore City, Maryland. 

Page 100 

Descendants of David Simmont 

NOTES for Patricia SIMMONT {277} follow: Death certificate: E-52255. 


'kr'-Vl'l' 1 ; i < ? f — : i '- /<-)<* 

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mei'mcaL certificate of'dea uC 

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Th* principal ran.t of dt-aih m»<{ iel««*.J rL.-.** J,r > ,' 

Death Certificate of Patricia Simmont {277} 

Obituary notice found in the 
Baltimore Sun - 22 November 1938: 
On November 21, 1938, Patricia 
SIMMONT, infant daughter of Robert 
and Mary Simmont Funeral from her 
late residence, 519 Callender Street, 
on Wednesday at 10 AM 


1111 """ ' " ■ " ¥* in ii )r i 1 1 . ii i WpiT i I iw i f ii i ^»Wfrift 

, Fnnml i4rom her Ute'liNlMe^iltt^ 
^ -Callander j itrwt, ■'OB/:; ? WtaiM«4fc*f ; it* 

10 A. M. 


ill aj fc M« m ii**M>i«<it*fWi»)i 

ifcmi ■iifnif mWtf 


JS*i» J \/ 

Obituary Notice for Patricia Simmont {277} 

Mary M. SIMMONT {93} 5 (John Thomas SIMMONT {98} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT 
{252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born about 1915, in Maryland, She married WOOD {100}. 

No children have yet been identified. 

- Page 101 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Mary M. SIMMONT {99} died after 1954. 

NOTES for Mary M. SIMMONT {99} follow: Listed as the informant on her mother's death certificate (see 
page 94). 

There is one listing in the Baltimore City Directory which appears to be for this Mary M. Simmont. 
1 936 Mary, 1 1 58 Washington Blvd. Her brother Robert and his wife Mary was living at 1 1 65 Washington 
Blvd. and Brother Frank (Bessie) was at 1 160 Washington Blvd. 

Living at 1266 Sargeant Street in 1954. It is interesting to note that various members of the Malle Family 
lived on Sargeant Street at various times. William G. MALLE and Frank A. MALLE lived at 1348 Sargeant 
in 1920 and 1921 . William G. Malle lived at 1268 (next door) in 1922 and 1923. William continued to live 
in the area and is located at 1204 Sargeant in various directories from 1926 - 1942. 









George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 (David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David 
SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 9 November 1869, in Baltimore Gity, Maryland. He married Ellen Priscilla 
HENRICKLE {8} about 1893, in Baltimore, Maryland; they divorced. She was born 25 July 1876, in 
Baitimore, Maryland, the daughter of Clement B. W. HENRICKLE {70} and Emma J. COLEMAN {71}. 

They had 6 children: 

George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} b. 23 July 1 894 d. 24 August 1 960 

Lillian Emma SIMMONT {83} b. about 1904 

Catherine Louise SIMMONT {9} b. 13 July 1908 d. 13 April 1974 

Lula May SIMMONT {10} b. about 1913 d. 17 October 1977 

F v. Theresa Rose SIMMONT {1 1} b. 25 October 1914 d. 10 December 1985 

M vi. Charles Clinton SIMMONT {12} b. 30 December 1919 d. 5 June 1977 

Ellen Priscilla HENRICKLE {8} secondly married Joseph A. SISCOSKY {13}. Ellen died 10 March 1953, 
in Baltimore City, Maryland, and was buried 13 March 1953, in Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore City, 

NOTES for Ellen Priscilla HENRICKLE {8} follow: Birth year on her tombstone is incorrect. Ellen was 
always known as Ella. 

Death certificate (53-2580) shows her as being born 25 July 1875. She is listed as a married white female 
living at 633 Wyeth Street in Baltimore. Her father is incorrectly listed as Theodore Henrickle and her 
mother is listed as Emma Coleman. (This is Emma J. Coleman {71}). The informant was her daughter 
Theresa Chick of the same address. Ellen's father was Clement B. W. Henrickle {70} as proved in the 
1880 Maryland Census and in Clement's various Civil War pension application papers. There has never 
been any indication of a Theodore Henrickle at any time. 

From a genealogical point of view death certificates are one of the most unreliable sources of information 
available but in many cases that might be the only piece of information we locate. The information on a death 
certificate is given at a very stressful time and often times the person giving the information has no idea of 
the proper information. Also it is possible that the person writing down the information records it incorrectly 
as is the case with many of the Census records. In the above situation Ella's father Clement B. W. 

- Page 102 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Henrickle {70} died in 1881 which was 33 years before the informant Theresa Rose Simmont {11} was 

Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 
1923 Ella h. 1409 Ostend 

3 2580 


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Death Certificate of Ellen Priscilla Siscosky (Henrickle-Simmont) {8} 

Obituary notice found in the 
Baltimore Sun - 11 March 1953: 
On March 10, 1953, Ella P. SISCOSKY 
(nee Henrickle) the beloved wife of Joseph 
Siscosky (Washington DC papers please 
copy). The funeral services will he at the 
homeof her daughter, Mrs. Theresa Chick, 
633 Wyeth Street, on Friday at 11 AM. 
Interment in Loudon Park Cemetery. 



SISCOSKY.— On March 40, 1953 f ELLA 
P. {nm Henrickle), %h% beloved wlft 
of Joseph Siscosky, [Washington 
(DC) paper* please copy.] 12e 

The funeral services will be at the 
home of her daughter » Mrs.'Tfheresa 
Chick, «33 Wyeth street, on Friday at 
11 A.M. Interment in Loudon Park 

Obit - Ellen P. Siscosky (Henrickle-Simmont) {8} 

Page 103- 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Tombstone of Ellen P. Siscosky (Henrickle-Simmont) {8} 
NOTE; Joseph A Siscosky {13} not buried on this tot 

George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} died 22 January 1 924, in Baltimore City, Maryland, and was buried 
25 January 1924, in Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore City, Maryland, 

NOTES for George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} follow: 

I have been unable to locate a possible entry in the 1900 Maryland Census, The soundex card shows a 
George W. SEMONTS with wife Ella and son George in Anne Arundel County, in Enumeration District 159, 
sheet 8, line 45. The soundex card was difficult to read and I was unable to locate in actual census record. 
It does appear that census record would apply to George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 

Located in the 1920 Maryland Census, He is found in the 414th Enumeration District (Also on page is son 
George Washington Simmont, Jr. {78}). The page is extremely dark and a good hardcopy is impossible 
to make. He is listed as a 50 year old laborer in a brick yard, He along with both parents are listed as being 
born in Maryland. His wife Ella is listed as a 47 year old female born in Maryland. The following children are 
also listed: Emma Simmont {83}, daughter, 16 years old; Catherine Simmont {9}, daughter, 1 1 years old; 
Lulie Simmont {10}, daughter, 6 years old; Theresa Simmont {11}, daughter, 5 years old; and Charles 
Simmont {12}, son, 9 months old. 

Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 

1887 George W., laborer, 1 149 Washington Ave (with Jacob H„ foreman, John T, driver, and Louisa (Mrs) 

1903 George W., laborer, Morrell Park Addition 

1904 George W., laborer, Morrell Park 

1905 George W., laborer, Morrell Park 

1906 George W,, laborer, Morrell Park 

191 1 George W., brickmaker, h. Spring, Morrell Park 

- Page 104 

Descendants of David Simmont 

1912 George W., brickmaker, h. Morrell Park 

1914 George W., box maker, h. Morrell Park 

1922 George W. (Ella), laborer, 1235 Spring, Mt. Winans 

1923 George, laborer, 1235 Spring, Mt Winans 

Death certificate D 83,004 found on micro film reel CR 48,197 at the Maryland State Archives, George is 
listed as living at 1235 Spring St and as 54 years , 2 months and 1 3 days old at the time of his death. He was 
a laborer in brick manufacturing. His death certificate claims he was divorced. His birthplace is listed as 
Baltimore. The informant was George W. Simmont, Jr. of the same address. The cause of death is 
asphyxiation by accident. 



George Washington Simmont, Sr. {7} is buried on this lot at Loudon Park Cemetery. The tombstone 
appearing in the photo is that for Donald Elmer Smith who is his great grandson via George Washington 
Simmont, Jr. {78} (Donald's grandfather), and Elizabeth Gertrude Simmont {421} (Donald's mother). For 
information on Donald Elmer Smith {424} please see page 1 19. 

SIMMONT.— Suddenly, on January 22, 
1924, GEORGE' W. SIMMONT, aged 53 
years. * 

Relatives and friends are invited to 
attend the funeral services at the resi- 
dence of his daughter, Mrs- Louis Beck, 
1409 Ostend street, on Friday afternoon 
at 2 o'clock. Interment in Loudpn 
Park Cemetery. 25e 

Obituary of George Washington Simmont, Sr. {7} 

Obituary from the Baltimore Sun 23 January 1924: 

Suddenly, on January 22, 1924, George W. Simmont, aged 53 years. Relatives and friends are invited to 
attend the funeral services at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. LouisBeck, 1409 Ostend Street, on Friday 
afternoon at2o 'clock. Interment in Loudon Park Cemetery, 

- Page 105 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 




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Dtjath Certificate of George Washington Simmont, Sr. {7} 

George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 (George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT 
{172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 23 July 1894, in Baltimore City, 
Maryland. He married (1) Lillian KAUFMAN {84} about 191 1 , in Maryland. 


F i 

F ii 

M iv. 

F v. 

Ella SIMMONT {195} 
Ella Priscilla SIMMONT {85} 
Lillian SIMMONT {86} 
Charles Clinton SIMMONT {87} 
Catherine SIMMONT {93} 

They had 5 children: 
b. 1912 

b. 30 April 1916 
b. about 1919 
b. 2 February 1921 

d. after 1920 

d. 30 May 1984 

Lillian KAUFMAN {84} died 22 February 1923, in Baltimore City, Maryland. 

- Page 106 

Descendants of David Simmont 

NOTES for Lillian KAUFMAN {84} follow: Lillian was previously married. She had a daughter Ethel and 
a son Howard. 

George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} next married (2) Virginia Catherine CARROLL {88} about 1926, 
in Maryland. She was born 1893, in Baltimore City, Maryland. 

They had 8 children: 

















Howard F. SIMMONT {210} 
Elizabeth Gertrude SIMMONT {421} 
Virginia Catherine SIMMONT {90} 
Frances L SIMMONT {174} 
Catherine Eleanor SIMMONT {89} 
George Washington SIMMONT, III {92} 

b. about 1887 


b. 1 August 1924 

b. 24 February 1926 

b. 16 April 1927 

b. 10 September 1928 

d. 8 April 1926 
d. August 1994 

Ralph Edward SIMMONT, Sr. {91} b. 27 October 1929 d. 24 October 1991 

Harry SIMMONT {94} 

b. 26 December 1931 d. 18 December 1932 

Virginia Catherine CARROLL {88} died 25 May 1939, in Baltimore City, Maryland. 

NOTES for Virginia Catherine CARROLL {88} follow: Birthplace found on the death certificate of Frances 
L. Simmont {174}, daughter (see page 119). 

Obituary notice found in the 
Baltimore Sun - 26 May, 1939: 
On May 25, 1939, Virginia C. 
SIMMONT, beloved wife of George W. 
Simmont Funeral at her home, 791 
Carroll Street. Due notice later 


On May 23. 1030. VI R- 
beloved wife of George W. 

at her^ home, 791 

Btreot. Due notice later 


Obituary of Virginia Catherine Simmont {88} 

George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} next married (3) Sadie Helen MARKELL {79} about 1940, in 
Baltimore, Maryland. She was born 5 April 1905, in Maryland, the daughter of Frank MARKELL {426} and 
Lizzie DOUGHERTY {425}. 

F xiv. 
F xv. 
M xvi. 

They had 3 children: 
Sadie Helen SIMMONT {95} b. 1 1 October 1 942 

Constance Louise SIMMONT {96} 
Robert Lee SIMMONT {328} 

b. 27 June 1944 

b. 16 September 1947 

d. 16 September 1947 

Sadie Helen MARKELL {79} died 18 January 1976, in Baltimore City, Maryland, and was buried in Cedar 
Hill Cemetery, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. 

NOTES for Sadie Helen MARKELL {79} follow: Third wife of George Washington Simmont, Jr.. Living 
at 2013 Christian Street in Baltimore City in 1960. Maiden name and approximate marriage date obtained 
from the death certificate of her son Robert Lee Simmont {328} (see page 126). Birth date obtained from 
Social Security Death Index: Sadie Simmont, Social Security # 219-01-7705. Middle name of Helen 

Page 107- 

Descendants of David Simmont 

obtained from cemetery records. 

Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 

1961 Sadie H. (widow George) 2013 Christian 

1 964 Sadie H, (widow George) 201 3 Christian 


On January 18, 1978 SADIE 
H. (nee Marked), beloved wife 
of the late George W. Sim- 
mont, devoted mother of Ruth 
Scheppske, Bertha Nash, 
Madalyn Dukehart, Jennie 
Black, Dorothy Weigman, 
Sadie Cooke, Connie Mentzer, 
William Bruce and George 
Simnrvont. Also survived by 
several grand and great grand- 

Mrs. Simmont rests at the 
Howard H. Hubbard Funeral 
Home, Inc., 4107 Wilkens av- 
enue. Relatives and friends ere 
invited to attend services.on' 
Wednesday at 1 1 A.M. Inter- 
ment Cedar Hill Cemetery. The 
family will receive friends on 
Monday and Tuesday from 3 
to 5 and 7 to 9 P.M. Those 
desiring may make contribt>- 
tions to the Cancer Fund or 
the Association for the Men- 
tally Retarded. 

Obituary notice found in the 

Baltimore Sun - 19 January 1976: 

SIMMONT -BRUCE On January 18, 1976, SADIE H. 

SIMMONT (nee Market!), beloved wife of the late 

George W. Simmont, devoted mother of Ruth 

Scheppski, Bertha Nash, Madaly Dukehard, Jennie 

Blade, Domthy Weigman, Sadie Cooke, Connie 

Mentzer, William Bruce and George Simmont Also 

survived by several grand and great grandchildren. 

Mrs. Simmont rests at the Howard H Hubbard Funeral 

Home, Inc., 4107 Wilkens Avenue. Relatives and 

friends are invited to attend services on Wednesday at 

1 1 AM. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. The family will 

receive friends oh Monday and Tuesday from 3 to 5 

and 7 to 9 PM. Those desiring may make 

contributions to the Cancer Fund or the Association for 

the Mentally Retarded. 

Obituary of Sadie Helen Simmont {79} 

As the obituary notice states SIMMONT - BRUCE it is believed that Sadie had been previous married to 
a Mr. Bruce. 

It is believed that the George Simmont mentioned was the son of George Simmont and that Sadie was 
not the mother. George came from the 2nd marriage. The 2 daughters Sadie Cooke and Connie Mentzer 
are listed in the Baltimore City Directory as Sadie Simmont and Connie Simmont and are believed to be 
the children of Sadie H. and George Simmont. All other children mentioned in the obituary are believed 

to be children of Sadie H. when married to Mr. Bruce. (These would be Ruth Scheppski, Bertha 

Nash, Madaly Dukehard, Jennie Black, Dorothy Weigman and William Bruce 

Ella Priscilla SIMMONT {85} confirms that Sadie Helen MarkeH {79} had been previously married to a Mr. 
Bruce. They had a daughter Madalyn. Madalyn married Albert G. Greason and Lynn Marie Greason 
was their daughter who was born about 1950. She also confirms that Annie MarkeH (nee Lizzie Dougherty 
{425}) who died January 1955 was the mother of Sadie Helen MarkeH {79}. Sadie's father was Frank 

George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} died 24 August 1 960, in Baltimore City, Maryland, and was buried 
27 August 1960, in Cedar Hill Cemetery, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. 

NOTES for George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} follow: Marriage dates estimated from birth years of 

- PagB 108 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 


Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 

1912 George W. Jr., conductor, Morrell Park 

1914 George W. Jr., conductor, Morrell Park 

1922 George W. (Lillian), laborer, h. 2203 Washington Road 

1926 George W. (Virginia), fireman, 1 101 Ward 

1 929 George W. (Virginia), laborer, 523 Wyeth 

1930 George W, (Virginia), laborer, 517 Wyeth 

1 932 George & Virginia were living at 725 Ramsey St according to death certificate of son, Harry Simmont 

1936 George W. (Virginia), sta fireman, h. 508 Otterbein 

1937 George W. (Virginia), h. 812 Burgundy 

1939 George living at 791 Carroll St. per obituary notice of wife Virginia 

1940 George W. h. 1 1 18 Burgundy 

1942 George W. (Sadie H.), pumpman, 1008 Scott 1947 Living at 1 140 Ridgely St per death certificate 
of son Robert Lee Simmont 

1955 George W. (Sadie H.), 4601 Annapolis Rd., Halethorpe 

1956 George W., helper, Watson Bros., 2007 Christian 

1958 George, produce loader Frank's Produce, r. 2103 Christian 

The last two entries could be for his son. However in 1964 there is a George W. Simmont Jr. living at 2103 
Christian. He would in fact be George Washington Simmont, IN. 

Located in the 1900 Maryland Census with parents (see page 104). Located in the 1920 Maryland 
Census. He is located in the 25th Ward of the 414th Enumeration District of Baltimore City living at 8 Spring 
Street. He is listed as being a 25 year old married white male who was buying his home. He and born 
parents were born in Maryland. His occupation was listed as a Laborer in a Safe Factory. His wife was listed 
as Lillian Simmont who was 28 years old and born in Maryland as were all of the children. They were listed 
as Ella Simmont {195} age 8; Ellen Simmont age 4 (This is Ella Priscilla Simmont {85} age 4; and Lillian 
Simmont {86} age 1 . George Washington Simmont, Jr. {78} was living two houses from his father George 
Washington Simmont, Sr. {7} in this census. 

SIMMONT. — On August 24. 1960. 
Christian street, beloved husband 
if Sadie Helen Simmont tnee 
Markell}. 27e 

Services at the George L. Schwab 
Home, 2101 Frederick avenue, at 
Pulaski street, on Saturday morn- 
ing at 10 o'clock. Interment in 
Gedarhlll Cemetery. By request 
Plaiting hours from 2 to fi.30 PJM. 

Obituary notice found in the 

Baltimore Sun - 25 August 1960: 

On August 24, 1960, GEORGE WASHINGTON 

SIMMONT, of 2013 Christian Street, beloved 

husband of Sadie Helen Simmont (nee Markell). 

Services at the George L Schwab Home, 2101 

Frederick Avenue, at Pulaski Street, on Saturday 

morning at 10 o'clock. Interment in Cederhill 

Cemetery. By request visiting hours from 2 to 9:30 


Obit of George Washington Simmont, Jr. {78} 

Death certificate 60-08596. Residence at time of death 2013 Christian St., Baltimore City, Maryland. 
Occupation: laborer. Was not listed as a member of the Armed Forces on Death Certificate. 
Informant was Sadie Simmont, his 3rd and last wife, of same address. Social Security # 220-09-0198 

- Page 109 

Descendants of David Simmont 

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Death Certificate of George Washington Simmont, Jr. {78} 

Bronze gravemarker of George Washington Simmont {78} & Sadie Helen Simmont {79} 

- Page 110 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Charles Clinton SIMMONT {87} died 30 May 1984, in Maryland, and was buried in Cedar Hill Cemetery, 
Anne Arundel County, Maryland. 

NOTES for Charles Clinton SIMMONT {87} follow: Nickname: Buck*. Was an electrician by trade. 
Located in the Social Security Death Index: Charles Simmont, Social Security # 220-05-1322 

Oil May 30, 1984, 
CHARLES C. (Buck), be- 
loved husband of Anna 
M. Simmont imm Thomp- 
son), daar father of 
Joyca Bagrowski, Joan 
Taoak and Gary Sim- 
mont. Also survfvsd by 
fiva sisters, two 
brothars 9 and six grand* 

Funsral from the 
Gonce Homa f 4001 Rit- 
chie highway on Saturday 
at 10 A.M. Informant in 
Cedar Hill Cemetery. 
Family request frianda 
call 3 to 6 and 7 to 9 

Obituary notice found in the 
Baltimore Sun - June 1 1984: 
On May 30, 1984, CHARLES C (BUCK) SIMMONT, beloved 
husband of Anna M. Simmont (nee Thompson) dear father of 
Joyce Bagrowstd, Joan Tabak and Gary Simmont. Also 
survived by five sisters, two brothers, and six grandchildren. 
Funeral from the Gonce Home, 4001 Ritchie Highway on 
Saturday at 10 AM. Interment in Cedar Hill Cemetery. Family 
requests friends call 3 to Sand 7 to 9 PM. 

Residences: Christian Street in Baltimore City and 208 Linda 
Avenue in Linthicum, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. 

Obituary of Charles C. Simmont {87} 
Boy SIMMONT {173} 7 (Charles Clinton SIMMONT {87} 6 , George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , 
George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David 
SIMMONT {278} f ) was born 8 February 1942, in Baltimore City, Maryland. He died 9 February 1942, in 
Baltimore City, Maryland, and was cremated. 

NOTES follow: Death certificate F 89,626 (Hard copy in file) shows Baby Boy Simmont as living for 11 
hours. Cremation. 

(Death Certificate appears on next page) 

Joyce Elizabeth SIMMONT {112} 7 (Charles Clinton SIMMONT {87} 6 , George Washington SIMMONT, 
Jr. {78}* George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , 
David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 5 July 1944, in Baltimore City, Maryland. She married George 
BAGROWSKI {1 15} 1 February (year unknown). 

Two female children have been born to this marriage but have not yet been identified. 

NOTES for Joyce Elizabeth SIMMONT {1 12} follow: Mother of two female children. Mentioned in the 
obituary notice of her father (see page 116). 

Joan SIMMONT {1 13} 7 (Charles Clinton SIMMONT {87}*, George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , 
George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David 
SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 18 October 1947, in Baltimore City, Maryland. She married Raymond TABAK 
{1 16} 25 October (year unknown). 

Page US- 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Ella SIMMONT {195} 6 (George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} s , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. 
{7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 1912, in 
Maryland. Ella SIMMONT {195} died after 1920. 

NOTES for Ella SIMMONT {195} follow: Located in the 1920 Maryland Census with family (seepage 109). 

Ella Priscilla SIMMONT {85} B (George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington 
SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was 
born 30 April 1916, in Baltimore City, Maryland. She married Edward Hartman SCHMELTZ, Sr. {102} 
about 1936, in Maryland. He was born 16 December 1913, in Howard County, Maryland. 

They had 2 children: 

M i. Robert Lee SCHMELTZ {121} b. 2 February 1938 

M ii. Edward Hartman SCHMELTZ, Jr. {122} b. 22 September 1939 

NOTES for Ella Priscilla SIMMONT {85} follow: Listed in 1920 Maryland Census as Ellen, 4 years old 

(see page 109). Known to everyone as 'Aunt El'. Was born Ellen Priscilla Simmont but had name legally 

changed to Ella. Named after her grandmother, Ellen Priscilla Henrickle {8}. Living at 7712 Sharewood 

Drive, Jessup, Howard County, Maryland 20794. 

Robert Lee SCHMELTZ {1 21 } 7 (Ella Priscilla SIMMONT{85} 6 , George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , 
George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David 
SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 2 February 1938. He married Cindy Lee ZUFALL {123}. She was born 27 
March 1939. 

They had 4 children: 

Nancy Lee SCHMELTZ {124} b. 1 May 1959 

Bonnie Lee SCHMELTZ {125} b. 18 December 1960 

Sharon Lee SCHMELTZ {126} b. 7 March 1964 

Linda Lee SCHMELTZ {127} b. 3 July 1977 









Nancy Lee SCHMELTZ {124} 8 (Robert Lee SCHMELTZ {121} 7 , Ella Priscilla SIMMONT {85} 6 , George 
Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , 
David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278}') was born 1 May 1 959. She married Chris CLARK {1 33}. 




Infant CLARK {134} 
Infant CLARK {135} 
Chris CLARK {136} 
Lindsay CLARK {137} 

They had 4 children: 



b. 25 November 1981 

b. 26 November 1984 

Infant CLARK {1 34} 9 [Twin] (Nancy Lee SCHMELTZ {1 24} 8 , Robert Lee SCHMELTZ {1 21 } 7 , Ella Priscilla 
SIMMONT {85} 6 , George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , 

-Page 111 

Descendants of David Simmont 

David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). 
NOTES follow: Died at birth. Twin to Infant CLARK {135} 

lnfantCLARK{135} 9 rTwin](NancyLeeSCHMELTZ{124} 8 I RobertLeeSCHMELTZ{121} 7 ,EllaPriscilla 
SIMMONT {85} 6 , George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , 
David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). 

NOTES follow: Died at birth. Twin to Infant CLARK {134} 

Chris CLARK {136} 9 (Nancy Lee SCHMELTZ {124} 8 , Robert Lee SCHMELTZ {121} 7 , Ella Priscilla 
SIMMONT {85} 6 , George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , 
David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 25 November 

Lindsay CLARK {137} 9 (Nancy Lee SCHMELTZ {124} 8 , Robert Lee SCHMELTZ {121} 7 , Ella Priscilla 
SIMMONT {85} 6 , George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , 
David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 26 November 

Bonnie Lee SCHMELTZ {125} 8 (Robert Lee SCHMELTZ {121} 7 , Ella Priscilla SIMMONT {85} 6 , George 
Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , 

David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was bom 18 December 1960. She married 


No children have yet been identified. 

Sharon Lee SCHMELTZ {126} 8 (Robert Lee SCHMELTZ {121} 7 , Ella Priscilla SIMMONT {85} 6 , George 
Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , 
David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 7 March 1964. She married Dwayne Richard 
CLARK, Sr. {139}. 

They had 3 children: 

M i. Dwayne Richard CLARK, Jr. {140} b. 21 April 1989 

M ii. Jesse John CLARK {418} b. 2 January 1993 

M Hi. Adam CLARK {419} b. 

NOTES for Dwayne Richard CLARK, Sr. {139} follow: 

Dwayne Richard Clark, Sr. {139} is brother to Chris Clark {133} who married Sharon Lee SCHMELTZ 

{1 26} sister Nancy Lee SCHMELTZ {1 24}. 

Page 112 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Dwayne Richard CLARK, Jr. {140} 9 (Sharon Lee SGHMELTZ {126} 8 , Robert Lee SCHMELTZ {121} 7 , 
Ella Priscilla SIMMONT {85}°, George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington 
SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was 
born 21 April 1989. 

Jesse John CLARK {418} 9 (Sharon Lee SCHMELTZ {126} 8 , Robert Lee SCHMELTZ {121} 7 , Ella 


Priscilla SIMMONT {85}°, George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78}°, George Washington SIMMONT, 
Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 2 
January 1993. 

Adam CLARK {419} 9 (Sharon Lee SCHMELTZ {126} 8 , Robert Lee SCHMELTZ {121} 7 , Ella Priscilla 
SIMMONT {85} B , George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , 
David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). 

Linda Lee SCHMELTZ {127} 8 (Robert Lee SCHMELTZ {121} 7 , Ella Priscilla SIMMONT {85} 6 , George 
Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , 
David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 3 July 1977. 

Edward Hartman SCHMELTZ, Jr. {122} 7 (Ella Priscilla SIMMONT {85} 6 George Washington 
SIMMONT, Jr. {78} s , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 David 
SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 22 September 1939. He married Judith Elaine 
BIRMINGHAM {128}. She was born 2 August 1942. 

They had 4 children: 

M t. John Frederick SCHMELTZ {129} b. 24 September 1961 

F ii. Cheri SCHMELTZ {130} b. 7 April 1963 

F iii. Dianna Lynn SCHMELTZ {132} b. 14 September 1964 d. 30 September 1964 

F iv. Susan Lynn SCHMELTZ {131} b. 2 October 1971 

John Frederick SCHMELTZ {129} 8 (Edward Hartman SCHMELTZ, Jr. {122} 7 , Ella Priscilla SIMMONT 
{85} 6 , George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} s , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. 
SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252}*, David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 24 September 1961. 

Cheri SCHMELTZ {130} 8 (Edward Hartman SCHMELTZ, Jr. {122} 7 , Ella Priscilla SIMMONT {85} 6 , 
George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT 
{172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 7 April 1963. 

Dianna Lynn SCHMELTZ {132} 8 (Edward Hartman SCHMELTZ, Jr. {122} 7 , Ella Priscilla SIMMONT 

- Page 113 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

{85} 6 , George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. 
SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 14 September 1964. 
Dianna Lynn SCHMELTZ {132} died 30 September 1964. 

Susan Lynn SCHMELTZ {131} 8 (Edward Hartman SCHMELTZ, Jr. {122} 7 , Ella Priscilla SIMMONT 
{85} 6 , George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. 
SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 2 October 1971. 

She has 1 child: 

M i. Jake BALL {420} b. February 1992 

Jake BALL {420} 9 (Susan Lynn SCHMELTZ {131} 8 , Edward Hartman SCHMELTZ, Jr. {122} 7 , Ella 
Priscilla SIMMONT {85} 6 , George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, 
Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT{172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born February 

Lillian SIMMONT {86} 6 (George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. 
{7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT{172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born about 1919, 
in Baltimore City, Maryland. She married Raymond RUNKLES {103}. 

They had 7 children: 


M i 

M ii 

Bernie RUNKLES {104} b. 

David RUNKLES {105} b. 

Robert RUNKLES {106} b. 

M iv. Roger RUNKLES {107} b. 

F v. Shirley RUNKLES {108} b. 

F vi. Elizabeth Ann RUNKLES {109} b. 

F vii. Caroline RUNKLES {110} b. 

NOTES for Lillian SIMMONT {86} follow: 

There is one listing for a Lillian Simmont in the Baltimore City Directory: 

1936 Lillian, r. 508 Otterbein (with George W.) 

Lillian Simmont {86}, daughter of George Washington Simmont, Jr. {78} would have only been about 17 
years old and might be too young to be the Lillian mentioned in 1936. 

Bernie RUNKLES {104} 7 (Lillian SIMMONT {86} 6 , George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} s , George 
Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT 

{278} 1 ). 

David RUNKLES {105} 7 (Lillian SIMMONT {86} 6 , George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George 
Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT{252} 2 , David SIMMONT 

-Page 114 

Descendants of David Simmont 

{278} 1 ). 

Robert RUNKLES {106} 7 (Lillian SIMMONT {86}", George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George 
Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT{252} 2 , David SIMMONT 

{278} 1 ). 

Roger RUNKLES {107} 7 (Lillian SIMMONT {86} s , George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George 
Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F.SIMMONT{172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT 

{278} 1 ). 

Shirley RUNKLES {108} 7 (Lillian SIMMONT {86} 6 , George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} s , George 
Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT 

{278} 1 ). 

Elizabeth Ann RUNKLES {109} 7 (Lillian SIMMONT {86} 6 , George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , 
George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 David 
SIMMONT {278} 1 ) 

Caroline RUNKLES {1 10} 7 (Lillian SIMMONT {86} B , George Washington SIMMONT. Jr. {78} 5 , George 
Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT 

{278} 1 ). 

NOTES for Caroline RUNKLES {110} follow: Nickname: Peachie. 

Charles Clinton SIMMONT {87} 6 (George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington 
SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was 
born 2 February 1921, in Maryland. He married Anna Marion THOMPSON {111} about 1940. She was 
born 25 May 1923, in Baltimore City, Maryland. 

They had 4 children: 

M i. Boy SIMMONT {173} b. 8 February 1942 d. 9 February 1942 

F ii. Joyce Elizabeth SIMMONT {112} b. 5 July 1944 

F iii. Joan SIMMONT {11 3} b. 18 October 1947 

M iv. Gary Clinton SIMMONT {11 4} b. 31 January 1954 

Anna Marion THOMPSON {1 1 1} died 21 June 1985, in Maryland, and was buried in Cedar Hill Cemetery, 
Anne Arundel County, Maryland. 

NOTES for Anna Marion THOMPSON {111} follow: Located in the Social Security Death Index: 
Anna Simmont, born 25 May 1 923, Maryland; died June 1 985, Maryland. Her son's death certificate shows 
her as being born in Virginia (see page 1 16). 

- Page 115- 

Descendants of David Simmont 

One boy and one girl have been born to this marriage but have not yet been identified, 

NOTES for Joan SIMMONT {113} follow: Mother of 1 boy and 1 girl. Mentioned in the obituary notice of 
her father (see page 116). 



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Death Certificate for Baby Boy Simmont {173} 

Gary Clinton SIMMONT {1 14} 7 (Charles Clinton SIMMONT {87} 6 , George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. 
{78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , 
David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was bom 31 January 1954, in Baltimore City, Maryland. He married (1) Kathleen 
PHILLIPS {264} before 1975. 


They had 1 child: 
Clinton Phillips SIMMONT {373} b. 18 January 1975 

Gary Clinton SIMMONT {114} next married (2) Carla GASKILL {370} before 1977. 

They had 2 children: 
F ii. Anna Marie SIMMONT {374} b. 24 December 1977 

Page 117 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

F iii. Nori SIMMONT {375} b. 5 October 1978 

Gary Clinton SIMMONT {1 14} next married (3) Linda Alia LEONARD {371} 3 June 1989, in Anne Arundel 
County, Maryland. She was born 26 October 1953, in Manchester, Carroll County, Maryland. 

They had 1 child: 

F iv. Alexis SIMMONT {372} b. 20 September 1989 

NOTES for Gary Clinton SIMMONT {1 14} follow: Married 3 times. One son by 1st marriage, 2 girls by 2nd 
marriage, 1 girl by 3rd marriage. Residences: 208 Linda Avenue, Linthicum, Anne Arundel County, Maryland 
and 8096 Ventnor Road, Pasadena, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Mentioned in the obituary notice of 
his father (see page 1 16). 

Clinton Phillips SIMMONT {373} 8 (Gary Clinton SIMMONT {1 14} 7 , Charles Clinton SIMMONT {87} 6 , 
George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT 
{172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 18 January 1975, in Prince George Co, 

Anna Marie SIMMONT{374} 8 (Gary Clinton SIMMONT{1 14} 7 , Charles Clinton SIMMONT {87} 6 , George 
Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} s , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , 
David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 24 December 1977, in Baltimore, Maryland. 

Nori SIMMONT {375} 8 (Gary Clinton SIMMONT {114} 7 , Charles Clinton SIMMONT {87} 6 , George 
Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {!)*, David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , 
David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 5 October 1978, in Baltimore, Maryland. 

Alexis SIMMONT {372} 8 (Gary Clinton SIMMONT {114} 7 , Charles Clinton SIMMONT {87} 8 , George 
Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , 
David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 20 September 1989, in Baltimore, Maryland. 

Catherine SIMMONT {93} 6 (George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, 
Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). 

NOTES for Catherine SIMMONT {93} follow: Died young. 

Howard F. SIMMONT {21 0} 6 (George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington 
SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was 
born about 1887, in Maryland. 

NOTES for Howard F. SIMMONT {210} follow: Howard F. Simmont {210} was the son of Virginia 

■Page 118- 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Catherine Carroll {88} by a previous marriage. He was adopted by George Washington Simmont, Jr. {78} 
and took the Simmont name. 

Located in the 1920 Maryland Census. He is located living at 54 Remmington Avenue in the 423rd 
Enumeration District of Baltimore City and is listed as being a 33 year old white male born in Maryland. He 
was a boarder of George E. Bell. 

Elizabeth Gertrude SIMMONT {421} 6 (George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington 
SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) She 
married Richard F. SMITH, Sr. {422}. 

d. 1958 

NOTES for Elizabeth Gertrude SIMMONT {421} follow: 

Elizabeth Gertrude SIMMONT {421} was a daughter from Virginia Catherine Carroll {88} previous 

marriage. She was adopted by George Washington Simmont, Jr. {78} and took the Simmont name. 

They had 2 children: 

M i. 
M ii. 

Richard F. SMITH, Jr. {423} b. 
Donald Elmer SMITH {424} b. 1958 

Richard F. SMITH, Jr. {423} 7 (Elizabeth Gertrude SIMMONT {421} 6 , George Washington SIMMONT, 
Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , 
David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). 

Donald Elmer SMITH {424} 7 (Elizabeth Gertrude SIMMONT {42 1} 6 , George Washington SIMMONT, 
Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , 
David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 1958. Donald Elmer SMITH {424} died in 1958, in Baltimore City, 
Maryland, and was buried in Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore City, Maryland. For a photo of his tombstone 
please see page 105. He is buried on the same lot as his grandfather George Washington Simmont, Sr. 

Frances L. SIMMONT {174} 6 (George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 George Washington 
SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was 
born 24 February 1926, in Baltimore City, Maryland. Frances L. SIMMONT {174} died 8 April 1926, in 
Baltimore City, Maryland, and was buried 10 April 1926, in Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore City, Maryland. 

NOTES for Frances L. SIMMONT {174} follow: Death certificate E 09356. To date no obituary notice has 
been located. This is the same Francis L. Simmont that is buried in the same lot as George Washington 
Simmont, Sr. {7}. 

(Death certificate appears on next page) 

Page 119 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Virginia Catherine SIMMONT {90} 8 (George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington 
SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was 
born 1 August 1924. She married George F. ZANG {161}. 




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SUIOdai. nr ll.wnwi.Ull. • *»«■«• t 

ZANO. 0#or g*— 

On October 3, 1992. 
GEORGE F. (Joker), be- 
loved husband of Virginia 
(nee Simmont), dear fa- 
ther of Patricia Pilkerton, 
grandfather of Joseph III. 
and Michael Pilkerton, 
brother of Joseph Zang. 
Friends may call at the 
Gonce Homo 400 1 Rit- 
chie Hwy on Monday and 
Tuesday 3 to 5 and 7 to 
9 P.M. Services on 
Wednesday at 10 A.M. in 
.the Metropolitan Church 
of God, 48 IS Eastern 
avenue. Interment in Ce- 
dar Hill Cemetery. 

U ■ "^t^^%af» ,>^ "A^^ , ■ -- — V * '* PLKt * * Hi K,Al " CKfcMA-I »<»> <»" HF- UATl OF SU1UL 

I* • n ISpF.RTAKFJl C /^ AllOKF.SS 

* 1926 iJ tf AMPGC F x^^- ^ r4 ^ ;^J'~"*6~<4 **^ i<7Jj*~ 

Death Certificate for Frances L. Simmont {174} 

(Virginia Catherine SIMMONT {90} continued:) 

They had 1 child: 

F i. Patricia Anne ZANG {162} 


NOTES for Virginia Catherine SIMMONT {90} follow: 'Ginny'. 

Obit of George F. Zang {161} 

George F. ZANG {161} died 4 October 1992, in Baltimore, Maryland, 
and was buried in Cedar Hill Cemetery, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. 

NOTES for George F. ZANG {161} follow: Nickname: Joker. 
Obituary notice found in the Baltimore Sun - 4 October 1992: 
On Octoher3 f 1992, GEORGE E (JOKER) ZANG, beloved husband of 
Virginia (nee Simmont) dear father of Patricia Pilkerton, grandfather of 
Joseph III, and Michael Pilkerton, brother of Joseph Zang. Friends may 
call at the Gonce Home 400 1 Ritchie High way on Monday and Tuesday 
3 to 5 and 7 to 9 PM. Services on Wednesday at 10 AM in the 
Metropolitan Church of God, 4815 Eastern Avenue. Interment in Cedar 
Hill Cemetery, 

- Page 120 ■ 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Patricia Anne ZANG {162} 7 (Virginia Catherine SIMMONT {90} 6 , George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. 
{78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , 
David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). She married Joseph Edward PILKERTON, Jr. {163}. 

They had 2 children: 

M i. Joseph Edward PILKERTON, III {164} b. 

M ii. Michael Joseph PILKERTON {165} b. 

Joseph Edward PILKERTON, III {164}" (Patricia Anne ZANG {162} 7 , Virginia Catherine SIMMONT 
{90} 6 , George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. 
SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 15 November 1972. 

Michael Joseph PILKERTON {165} 8 (Patricia Anne ZANG {162} 7 , Virginia Catherine SIMMONT {90} 6 , 
George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT 
{1 72} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 9 April 1 976. 

Catherine Eleanor SIMMONT {89}° (George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington 
SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was 
born 16 April 1927, in Baltimore, Maryland. She married John Daniel YAMBER, Sr. {152} 25 October 1947, 
in Baltimore City, Maryland. He was born 23 December 1923, in Senior, Bedford County, Pennsylvania. 

They had 2 children: 

M John Daniel YAMBER, Jr. {153} b. 9 August 1949 

F Mary Catherine YAMBER {154} b. 7 July 1951 

NOTES for Catherine Eleanor SIMMONT {89} follow: Nickname: Cass. 

John Daniel YAMBER, Jr. {153} 7 (Catherine Eleanor SIMMONT {89} 6 , George Washington SIMMONT, 
Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , 
David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 9 August 1949, in Baltimore, Maryland. He married Jean JOSEPH 
{155}; they divorced. 

They had 2 children: 

F i. Jennifer April YAMBER {157} b. 9 January 1974 

F ii. Crystal Dawn YAMBER {156} b. 21 October 1976 

Jennifer April YAMBER {157} 8 (John Daniel YAMBER, Jr. {153} 7 , Catherine Eleanor SIMMONT {89} 6 , 
George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} s , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT 
{1 72} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 9 January 1 974. 

- Page 121 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Crystal Dawn YAMBER {156}* (John Daniel YAMBER, Jr. {153} 7 , Catherine Eleanor SIMMONT {89} 6 , 
George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT 
{172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 21 October 1976. 

Mary Catherine YAMBER {1 54} 7 (Catherine Eleanor SIMMONT {89} 6 , George Washington SIMMONT, 
Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , 
David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 7 July 1951, in Baltimore, Maryland. She married Emanuel Anderson 
BOTTO {158}. He was born 20 December 1943. 

They had 2 children: 

F i. Toni Lynn BOTTO {159} b. 9 November 1976 

M ii. Daniel James BOTTO {160} b. 2 August 1979 

Toni Lynn BOTTO {1 59} 8 (Mary Catherine YAMBER {1 54} 7 , Catherine Eleanor SIMMONT{89} 6 , George 
Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , 
David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 9 November 1976. 

Daniel James BOTTO {160} 8 (Mary Catherine YAMBER {154} 7 , Catherine Eleanor SIMMONT {89} 6 , 
George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} s , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT 
{172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 2 August 1979. 

Ralph Edward SIMMONT, Sr. {91} 6 (George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington 
SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was 
born 27 October 1929. He married Dorothy TIMMONS {97}. 

They had 4 children: 

M i. Ralph Edward SIMMONT, Jr. {166} b. 

F ii. Jeannette SIMMONT {168} b. 

M Hi. Ronald L. SIMMONT {167} b. 

F iv. Sharon SIMMONT {169} b. 

Ralph Edward SIMMONT, Sr. {91} died 24 October 1991, in Baltimore City, Maryland, and was buried in 
Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore City, Maryland. 

NOTES for Ralph Edward SIMMONT, Sr. {91} follow: 
Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 
1956 Ralph E., helper, George W. Krill, Inc., r. 231 1 Frederick 
1958 Ralph E. (Dorothy) driver Southern Motors, h. 2009 Ashton 
1961 Ralph E. (Dorothy) driver Southern Motors, h. 2009 Ashton 
1964 Ralph E. (Dorothy) helper, A & P, 427 Furrow 

Obituary notice found in the Baltimore Sun: 
On October 24, 1991, Ralph E. Simmont, ofS.W. Baltimore, beloved father of Sharon Voget, Jeannette 

- Page 122 ■ 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Lasiter, Ralph E. Simmont, Jr., and Ronald L Simmont Also survived by 6 sisters, two brothers, ten 
grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Mr. Simmont rests at the Howard 'H. Hubbard Funeral Home, Inc. 
4107 Wilkens Avenue. Relatives and friends are invited to attend Prayers on Monday at 11AM. Interment 
Loudon Park Cemetery. The family will receive friends Saturday 7 to 9 PM and Sunday 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 PM. 

Ralph Edward SIMMONT, Jr. {166} 7 (Ralph Edward SIMMONT, Sr. {91} 6 , George Washington 
SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David 
SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). He married Margie {428}. (Maiden name unknown) 


M ii 
M ii 

They had 3 children: 

Ralph Edward SIMMONT, III {429} b. 
Allen SIMMONT {430} b. 

Kevin SIMMONT {431} b. 

Ralph Edward SIMMONT, III {429} 8 (Ralph Edward SIMMONT, Jr. {166} 7 , Ralph Edward SIMMONT, 
Sr. {91} 8 , George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. 
SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). 

Allen SIMMONT {430} 8 (Ralph Edward SIMMONT, Jr. {166} 7 , Ralph Edward SIMMONT, Sr. {91} 6 , 
George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT 
{1 72} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). 

Kevin SIMMONT {431} 8 (Ralph Edward SIMMONT, Jr. {166} 7 , Ralph Edward SIMMONT, Sr. {91} 6 , 
George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT 
{1 72} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278}'). 

Jeannette SIMMONT {168} 7 (Ralph Edward SIMMONT, Jr. {166} 7 , Ralph Edward SIMMONT, Sr. {91} 6 , 
George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT 
{172} 3 , David SIMMONT{252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). She married (1) Wayne LASITER {200} before 
October 1991. 

They had 1 child: 

F i. Heather LASITER {432} b. 

Jeannette SIMMONT {168} then remarried. The name of her second spouse unknown at this time. 

They had 3 children: 




Kelly {433} 



Sharon {434} 



Ronald {435} 

Page 123 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Heather LASITER {432} 8 (Jeannette SIMMONT {168} 7 , Ralph Edward SIMMONT, Jr. {166} 7 , Ralph 
Edward SIMMONT, Sr. {91} 6 , George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington 
SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). 

Kelly {433} 8 [Surname unknown] (Jeannette SIMMONT {168} 7 , Ralph Edward SIMMONT, Jr. {166} 7 , 
Ralph Edward SIMMONT, Sr. {91} 6 , George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} s , George Washington 
SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). 

Sharon {434} 8 [Surname unknown] (Jeannette SIMMONT {168} 7 , Ralph Edward SIMMONT, Jr. {166} 7 , 
Ralph Edward SIMMONT, Sr. {91} 6 , George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington 
SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). 

Ronald {435} 8 [Surname unknown] (Jeannette SIMMONT {168} 7 , Ralph Edward SIMMONT, Jr. {166} 7 , 
Ralph Edward SIMMONT, Sr. {91}*, George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington 
SIMMONT, Sr. {7}*, David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). 

Ronald L. SIMMONT {167} 7 . (Ralph Edward SIMMONT, Sr. {91} 6 , George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. 
{78} s , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 
David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). He married Julia RITTENOUR {427}. 

No children born to this marriage. 
NOTES for Ronald L. SIMMONT {167} follow: No children. Nickname: Ronnie. 

Sharon SIMMONT {169} 7 (Ralph Edward SIMMONT, Sr. {91} 6 , George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. 
{78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , 
David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). She married VOGEL {199} before October 1991. 

NOTES for Sharon SIMMONT {169} follow: Sharon was previously married. Hadonegirl. Shehad3boys 
and 1 girl by second husband. 

George Washington SIMMONT, III {92} 6 (George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} s , George 
Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT 
{278} 1 ) was born 10 September 1928. George Washington SIMMONT, III {92} 8 died August 1994. 

NOTES for George Washington SIMMONT, Ml {92} follow: Never married. 

Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 

1956: George W., helper, Watson Bros. 2007 Christian 

1958: George, produce loader, Frank's Produce, r. 2103 Christian 

1961 : George W., helper W. Kelly Gregory Co, 2013 Christian 

- Page 124 

Descendants of David Simmont 

1964: George W., Jr., helper W. Kelly Gregory Co., 2013 Christian 

This George Simmont's father was George Washington Simmont, Jr. {78} who died in 1960. Therefore 
the 1964 entry is definitely for his son as both show the same employment at the same company. As the 
1961 and 1964 entry would have to be for George W. Simmont, son of George W. Simmont, Jr. it is 
strange they would list him as George W. Simmont, 'Jr.' in 1964. He would actually be George W. 
Simmont, III. 

Harry SIMMONT {94} 6 (George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. 
{7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT{172} 3 , David SIMMONT{252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 26 December 
1931, in Baltimore City, Maryland. Harry SIMMONT {94} died 18 December 1932, in Baltimore City, 
Maryland, and was buried 20 December 1932, in Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore City, Maryland. 

NOTES for Harry SIMMONT {94} follow: Death certificate: E 85584. This is the same Harry Simmont that 
is buried in the same lot as George Washington Simmont, Sr. {7}. To date no obituary notice has been 

> u. n. 9. 




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' "A 


Death Certificate of Harry Simmont {94} 

- Page 125 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Robert Lee SIMMONT {328} 6 (George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington 
SIMMONT, Sr.{7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 )was 
born 16 September 1947, in Baltimore City, Maryland. Robert Lee SIMMONT {328} died 16 September 
1947, in Baltimore City, Maryland, and was buried 17 September 1947, In Moreland Memorial Park. 

NOTES for Robert Lee SIMMONT {328} follow: Was only 13 hours old when he died. Information obtained 
from death certificate. 





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Death Certificate for Robert Lee Simmont {328} 

Sadie Helen SIMMONT {95} 6 (George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington 
SIMMONT, Sr. {7}\ David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was 
born 11 October 1942. She married William Edward COOKE, Sr. {170}. 

They had 5 children: 









Lynn Marie COOKE {440} 
William Edward COOKE, Jr. {438} 
Robert COOKE {439} 
Lorie Ann COOKE {437} 

b. 22 July 1964 
b. 9 December 1966 
b. 12 December 1967 
b. 14 May 1969 

Page 126- 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Joyce Helen COOKE {436} 

NOTES for Sadie Helen SIMMONT {95} follow: 
Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 
1961 Sadie E., student, 2013 Christian 

Lynn Marie COOKE {440} 7 (Sadie Helen SIMMONT {95} 8 , George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} s , 
George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David 
SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 22 July 1964. She married Isaac KITCHEN {445}. 

They had 2 children: 

M i. Stephen KITCHEN {446} b. 

F ii. Ashley Nicole KITCHEN {447} b. 

Stephen KITCHEN {446} 8 (Lynn Marie COOKE {440} 7 , Sadie Helen SIMMONT {95} 6 , George 
Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , 
David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). 

Ashley Nicole KITCHEN {447} 8 (Lynn Marie COOKE {440} 7 , Sadie Helen SIMMONT {95} 6 , George 
Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , 
David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) 

William Edward COOKE, Jr. {438} 7 (Lynn Marie COOKE {440} 7 , Sadie Helen SIMMONT {95} 6 , George 
Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , 
David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 9 December 1 966. 

Robert COOKE {439} 7 (Lynn Marie COOKE {440} 7 , Sadie Helen SIMMONT {95} 6 George Washington 
SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David 
SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 12 December 1967. He married Theresa {444} 
(Maiden name unknown). 

No children have yet been identified. 

Lorie Ann COOKE {437} 7 (Sadie Helen SIMMONT {95} 6 George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} s , 
George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David 
SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 1 4 May 1 969. 

She has 1 child: 

F i. Lauren Helwig {455} b. 

- Page 127- 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Lauren HELWIG {455} 8 (Lorie Ann COOKE {437} 7 , Sadie Helen SIMMONT {95} 6 , George Washington 
SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David 
SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). 

Joyce Helen COOKE {436} 7 (Sadie Helen SIMMONT {95} 6 , George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , 
George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David 
SIMMONT {278} 1 ). 

She has 1 child: 

F i. Daniel RITTENOUR {456} b. 

Daniel RITTENOUR {456} 8 (Joyce Helen COOKE {436} 7 , Sadie Helen SIMMONT {95} 6 , George 
Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , 
David SIMMONT {252} 2 David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). 

Constance Louise SIMMONT {96} 6 (George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} s , George Washington 
SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was 
born 27 June 1944. She married (1) Bernard Michael HANSEL {171}. 

They had 1 child: 

F i. Lisa Marie HANSEL {441} b. 8 December 1964 

Constance Louise SIMMONT {96} next married (2) Melvin Ellwood MENTZER {442}. 

No children were born to this marriage. 

Constance Louise SIMMONT {96} next married (3) William Lowe FREEMAN {443} 16 May 1987. He was 
born 26 November 1958. 

No children were born to this marriage. 

NOTES for Constance Louise SIMMONT {96} follow: Nickname: Connie 

Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 

1961 Constance, ofc sec Social Security, 2013 Christian 

1964 Constance, factory worker, JFW Dorman Co., 2013 Christian 

Lisa Marie HANSEL {44 1} 7 (Constance Louise SIMMONT {96} a , George Washington SIMMONT, Jr. 
{78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , 
David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 8 December 1 964. 

She has 1 child: 

M i. Erik Scott WALLS {449} b. 5 October 1989 

- Page 128- 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Erik Scott WALLS {449} 8 (Lisa Marie HANSEL {441} 7 , Constance Louise SIMMONT {96} 6 , George 
Washington SIMMONT, Jr. {78} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , 
David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 5 October 1989. 

Lillian Emma SIMMONT {83} 5 (George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , 
David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born about 1904, in Baltimore City, Maryland. She 
married Louis BECK {189} in 1924, in Maryland. 

They had 1 child: 

F i. Helen BECK {151} b. 

NOTES for Lillian Emma SIMMONT {83} follow: Located in 1940s in Washington, D.C. Listed as Emma 
Simmont in the 1920 Maryland Census (see page 104). Birth date calculated from 1920 Maryland 
Census. She possibly married a Louis Beck as her father's obituary stated he was being buried from his 
daughter's residence (see page 105). She was the only daughter old enough to be married in 1924. 

Helen BECK {151} 6 (Lillian Emma SIMMONT {83} s , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. 
SIMMONT {1 72} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). 















Catherine Louise SIMMONT {9} 5 (George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , 
David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 1 3 July 1 908, in Baltimore City, Maryland. She 
married Frank Anthony MALLE, Sr. {6} 30 December 1925, in Baltimore City, Maryland. He was born 10 
July 1903, in Baltimore City, Maryland. 

They had 7 children: 

Dorothy Hope MALLE {14} b. 3 October 1926 

Jean Catherine MALLE {3} b. 16 January 1929 

Frances Edna MALLE {15} b. 7 December 1936 

Catherine Louise MALLE {16} b. 28 October 1939 d. 18 May 1940 

Frank Anthony MALLE, Jr. {17} b. 2 May 1941 

William Edward MALLE {18} b. 31 March 1943 

Ronald Paul MALLE {1 9} b. 23 August 1 945 

Frank Anthony MALLE, Sr. {6} died 2 September 1 973, in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, and was buried 
5 September 1973, in Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore City, Maryland. 

NOTES for Frank Anthony MALLE, Sr. {6} follow: Born at 91 1 Leadenhall in Baltimore. Social Security # 
215-05-4602. Located in the 1920 Maryland Census with his mother, stepfather Edward Lindner and the 
following brothers and sisters Lillian Clara Malle age 16, Margaret F. Malle age 12, Harry E. Malle age 
13, and Ellwood Malle age 5. They were living on Alberton St (Ave) in Baltimore County at that time. Frank 
was listed as 18 years old and born in Maryland. He could not read but was able to write. He was listed as 
a laborer in a cotton mill. His stepfather was a florist in a cotton mill and his sister Lillian was a spinner in 
a cotton mill. The 1 920 Maryland Census reports shows that all of their neighbors were somehow involved 
in a cotton mill. 

Page 129 • 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Frank Anthony Malle, Sr. {6} divorced his first wife Otha E. (Maiden name unknown) on 29 December 
1925. Divorce decree granted by Baltimore City Circuit Court #2 during the November term, 1925. Case 
#25992B. Married Catherine Louise Simmont {9} the next day. Loudon Park Cemetery Deed for property 
in file. Paid $325 for Larch Lot 202 in 1942. 

Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 

1921 Frank A., metal worker, 1348 Sargeant 

1922 Frank A., metalworker, 3536 Benson, Mt. Winans 

1923 Frank, metal worker, 133 Maryland Ave, Westport 

1927 Frank A. (Catherine) sheet metal worker, 1414 Poplar Grove 

1928 Frank A. (Catherine) sheet metal worker, 1414 Poplar Grove 

1936 Frank A. (Catherine L.) liquors, 2601 Wilkens Ave 

1937 Frank A. (Catherine L.) liquors, 2601 Wilkens Ave 
1940 Frank (Catherine) beer, 1812 W. Pratt 

1942 Frank (Catherine) tavern, 1812-1814 W. Pratt 

Death certificate show address at time of death: 8107 Main Creek Road in Anne Arundel County. 

Frank A. Malle, Sr., 
retired sheet-metal ivorker 

Funeral services for Frank 
A.. Malle, Sr., a retired sheet- 
metal worker, will be held at 
11 A.M. tomorrow at the Ray- 
mond C. Fink funeral estab- 
lishment, Crain Highway and 
Fifth avenue in Glen Burnie. 

Mr. Malle died Sunday at 
North Arundel Hospital follow* 
ing a heart attack. 

A sheet-metal worker for j 48 
years, he had been employed 
20 years until his retirement p 
years ago, at the David iEi 
Crook, Inc. mechanical con- 
tracting company on Harford 
road. M 

A resident of Baltimore, Mrf 
Malle enlisted in the Navy at 
the age of 16, However, he was 
released after a month when 
his true age was discovered j 

He was married for almost 
48 years to the former Cather- 
ine Simmont, who survives 

Other survivors include three 
daughters, Mrs. Dorothy Kuns- 

man of Baltimore, Mrs. Jean 
Orrell of Halethorpe and Mrs. 
Frances Waldecker of Pasa- 
dena; three sons, William E. 
Malle and Frank A. Malle, 
both of Pasadena and Ronald 
A. Malle of Crownsville; 13 
grandchildren, and a great- 

Obituary of Frank Anthony Malle, Sr. {6} 

Obituary notice located in the 
Baltimore Sun: 
METAL WORKER Funeral services for 
Frank A. Malle, Sr., a retired sheet metal 
worker, will be held at 11 AM tomorrow at 
the Raymond C. Fink funeral 
establishment, Crain Highway and Fifth 
Avenue in Glen Burnie. Mr. Malle died 
Sunday at North Arundel Hospital following 
a heart attack A sheet metal worker for 48 
years, he had been employed 20 years 
until his retirement 5 years ago, at the 
David E. Crook, Inc. mechanical 
contracting company on Harford Road. A 
resident of Baltimore, Mr. Malle enlisted in 
the Navy at the age of 16. However, he 
was released after a month when his true 

age was discovered. He was married for 
almost 48 years to the former Catherine Simmont, who survives him. Others survivors include three 
daughters, Mrs. Dorothy Kunsman of Baltimore, Mrs. Jean Orr&ti of Halethorpe and Mrs. Frances Waldecker 
of Pasadena; three sons, Wttttam E Malle {18} and Frank A. Matte {17}, both of Pasadena and Ronald A 
Matte of Crownsville; 13 grandchildren, and a great grandchild. (NOTE: should be Ronald P. Malle {19}). 

Catherine Louise SIMMONT {9} died 13 April 1974, in Catonsville, Baltimore County, Maryland, and was 
buried 16 April 1974, in Loudon Parte Cemetery, Baltimore City, Maryland. 

NOTES for Catherine Louise SIMMONT {9} follow: Social Security # 215-56-8334. 

- Page 130 ■ 

Descendants of David Simmont 





Jhis certified that a certificate of birtk ha& been tiled with the 

J^tate ISoard of^Meattn and fffental^Jvugiene under the name of 

Catherine Louise Simmont f mx Female 

born on July 13, 1908 

County of Baltimore fffarutand. 

\\ flame of leather George W. Simmont 
. j : j Waiden name of WjotLr Ella P. Henrickle 

2U filed 1908 A . A 

SbaUtaiJ April 10,1970 l(M^^ 


Birth Certificate of Catherine Louise Simmont {9} 

In possession of a copy of a letter stating that she entered Brooklyn Elementary School # 203 on 6 January 
1919 and copy of another letter stating that she attended Morrell Park Elementary School #220 from 22 
September 1 91 9 to June 1 922 from Grade 3A to 5A. 

From a church bulletin from the Galilee Lutheran Church, Mountain Road, Lake Shore, Pasadena: 

Mrs. Frank Malle Sr. departed this life the day before Easter. Pastor conducted funeral services for her at 
Fink's Parlor in Glen Bumie last Tuesday morning. Also at graveside. We extend our sheerest condolences 
to her six children, 13 grandchildren, 2 great grand children, 2 sisters, and a brother. She was also our very 
dear neighbor on Main Creek Rd. Her husband of 48 years predeceased her into the Life Everlasting just 
7 months before. We say n Auf Viedersehn". 

(Death Certificate appears on next page) 

Dorothy Hope MALLE {14} 6 (Catherine Louise SIMMONT {9} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , 
David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 3 October 1926, 
in Baltimore City, Maryland. She married (1) William R. O'BRIEN {20} 25 January 1946, in Baltimore City, 
Maryland; they divorced. He was born 24 April 1920, in Baltimore City, Maryland 

They had 1 child: 
F i. Dorothy Patricia O'BRIEN {21} b. 15 November 1948 

Pag0 131 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

jGr ^&0^SbUU*ti€Ldru 

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^_-*_-___p , ' | Ht ADDRESS "~ , 

A.a»/g» iya/^ 


itavmond C. Fiink 


Burial li^/l6/7/t I Loudon Park Cem. I Baltimore. Mnr ylnnri 

Glen Biirnie, Md. 

APR I6i35 r 4 > :-'VV-'.;-.-Ji- f >:*-.i 

Death Certificate of Catherine Louise Made (nee Simmont) {9} 

Dorothy Hope MALLE {14} secondly married (2) Raymond Cyrus KUNSMAN {22} 25 October 1952, in 
Anne Arundel County, Maryland. He was born 5 October 1924, in Baltimore City, Maryland. 

They had 1 child: 

F ii. Bonnie Louise KUNSMAN {23} b. 20 March 1965 

Raymond Cyrus KUNSMAN {22} died 21 September 1 979, in Baltimore City, Maryland, and was cremated 
and buried in Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore City, Maryland. 

NOTE for Dorothy Hope MALLE {14} follow: Mentioned in obituary notice of father (see page 130). 

Dorothy Patricia O'BRIEN {21} 7 (Dorothy Hope MALLE {14} 8 , Catherine Louise SIMMONT{9} 5 , George 
Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT 

{278} 1 ) was born 15 November 1948, in Baltimore City, Maryland. She married (1) Michael Joseph 
HOLMAN {49} 12 March 1966, in Baltimore City, Maryland; they divorced. He was born 13 March 1946, in 
Baltimore City, Maryland. 

They had 1 child: 

F i. Michele Lee HOLMAN {50} b. 27 February 1970 

Page 132- 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Dorothy Patricia O'BRIEN {21} next married (2) Michael DAINES {53} 29 November 1980, in Anne Arundel 
County, Maryland. 

No children have been born to this marriage. 

Michele Lee HOLMAN {50} 8 (Dorothy Patricia O'BRIEN {21} 7 , Dorothy Hope MALLE {14} 6 , Catherine 
Louise SIMMONT {9} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David 
SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 27 February 1970, in Baltimore City, Maryland. 

She has 1 child: 

F i. Lauren Michele COMBS {51} b. 10 June 1989 

Lauren Michele COMBS {51} 9 (Michele Lee HOLMAN {50} 8 , Dorothy Patricia O'BRIEN {21} 7 , Dorothy 
Hope MALLE {14} 6 , Catherine Louise SIMMONT {9} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David 
F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 10 June 1989, in 
Baltimore City, Maryland. 

Bonnie Louise KUNSMAN {23} 7 (Dorothy Hope MALLE {14} 6 , Catherine Louise SIMMONT{9} 5 , George 
Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT 

{278} 1 ) was born 20 March 1965, in Baltimore City, Maryland. 

She has 1 child: 
F i. Brittany Hope Nicole MINS {184} b. 24 July 1991 

Brittany Hope Nicole MINS {184} 8 (Bonnie Louise KUNSMAN {23} 7 , Dorothy Hope MALLE {14} 6 , 
Catherine Louise SIMMONT {9} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr.{7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , 
David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 24 July 1991 , in Baltimore City, Maryland. 

Jean Catherine MALLE {3} 6 (Catherine Louise SIMMONT{9} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , 
David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT{278} 1 ) was born 16 January 1929, 
in Baltimore City, Maryland. She married Reverdy Lewin ORRELL, Jr. {2} 18 June 1948, in Maryland. He 
was born 10 October 1920, in Baltimore City, Maryland. He was the son of Reverdy Lewin ORRELL, Sr. 
and Mary MARTI NEK. 

They had 1 child: 

M i. Reverdy Lewin ORRELL, III {4} b. 2 June 1949 

NOTES for Reverdy Lewin ORRELL, Jr. {2} follow: Served in World War II - Sgt. U.S. Army 33373869. 
Stationed in Orlando, Florida for most of the time. Nickname: Reb. Member of the Masonic Fraternity. 
Member of Doric Lodge No. 124, Southern Gross Council No. 264 - Allied Masonic Degrees of the United 
States of America, Pride of Baltimore Royal Ark Mariner Lodge No. 7 (AMD). Member of the following York 
Rite Masonic Bodies: Baltimore Royal Arch Chapter No. 40, Hiram No. 5 Royal and Select Masters, Maryland 
Commandery No. 1. Member of Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Southern Jurisdiction, 

- Pag* 133 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

USA, Orient of Maryland (32° ), Tall Cedars of Lebanon, and Boumi Temple (Shriners). 

Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 

1937 Messenger, Nathan Cooper, 22 South Catherine Street 

1955 emp. Beth Steel, 100 S. Mount (Jean) 

1958 driver, Beth. Steel, 381 Marydell Road (Jean) 

1961 driver, Beth. Steel, 381 Marydell (Jean) 

1964 printer, 381 Marydell (Jean) 

NOTES for Jean Catherine MALLE {3} follow: Birth Certificate originally read "Catherine Jean Malle". 
Name was legally changed. 

Reverdy Lewin ORRELL, III {4} 7 [Mason] (Jean Catherine MALLE {3} 6 , Catherine Louise SIMMONT 
{9} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , 
David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 2 June 1949, in Baltimore City, Maryland. He married Carol Lynn 
GROSS {5} 3 July 1970, in Baltimore City, Maryland. She was born 22 April 1949, in Baltimore City, 
Maryland and is the daughter of Frederick Gottlieb GROSS, Jr. and Willabelle KYLE. 

They had 1 child: 

M i. Reverdy Lewin ORRELL, IV {1} b. 12 January 1974 

NOTES for Carol Lynn GROSS {5} follow: Certificate from Baltimore Community College. Affiliated with 
the Masonic Fraternity as was her grandfather, father, mother, and sister. Past Honored Queen, Bethel # 14, 
International Order of Job's Daughters (Installed June 4, 1968). Sunday School Teacher for over 19 years. 
Currently Education Chairman at Trinity United Methodist Church and member of choir. 

NOTES for Reverdy Lewin ORRELL, III {4} follow: Nickname: Reb. Graduate of University of Maryland, 
Baltimore County Campus with a double degree in Social Work and Sociology. Member of the Masonic 
Fraternity. Past Master of Palestine Lodge No. 189, Past Sovereign Master of Southern Cross Council No. 
264 - Allied Masonic Degrees of the United States of America and Past Secretary-Treasurer of the following 
Masonic Bodies: Maryland College, Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis; Old Line Council No. 234 
(AMD), Old Line Council 'A 1 No. 285 (AMD) and Pride of Baltimore Royal Ark Mariner Lodge No. 7 (AMD). 
Member of the following York Rite Masonic Bodies: Baltimore Royal Arch Chapter No. 40, Baltimore Council 
No. 18 Royal and Select Masters, Maryland Commandery No. 1 ; Columbia Commandery No. 2 (Washington, 
D.C.), and Maryland York Rite College No. 58 of the Sovereign York Rite College of North America. Member 
of Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Southern Jurisdiction, USA, Orient of Maryland (32°), 
Honorary Member of the Order of DeMolay, Member of Maryland Masonic Research Society, and Missouri 
Lodge of Research. 

Founder, Editor-Emeritus, and Family Historian of the Orrell Family Association. Author of several books 
on genealogy and the Masonic Fraternity (see listing in the beginning of this book). Part time Instructor of 
Genealogy and Computer Genealogy for Anne Arundel County Adult Education and Catonsville Community 
College. Member of the Maryland Genealogical Society, Anne Arundel County Genealogical, Upper Shore 
Genealogical Society, and Dorchester County Genealogical Society. 

- Page 134 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Member of the Baltimore Civil War Roundtable, Col. Harry W. Gilmor Camp No. 1338 of The Sons of 
Confederate Veterans (eligible through Richard Benson Stewart, 9th Virginia Cavalry, Company K), and 
Lincoln-Cushing Camp No. 2 (Washington, D.C.) of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War (eligible 
through Clement B. W. Henrickle {70} 1st Maryland Regiment, Company A, Edward V. Orrell 1st 
Maryland Regiment Infantry, Potomac Home Brigade, Company G, and Alexander Coleman 8th Maryland 
Regiment Infantry, Company F). 

Reverdy Lewin ORRELL, IV {1} 8 [Mason] (Reverdy Lewin ORRELL, III {4} 7 , Jean Catherine MALLE 
{3} 6 , Catherine Louise SIMMONT {9} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT 
{172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 12 January 1974, in Baltimore City, 

NOTES for Reverdy Lewin ORRELL, IV {1} follow: Masonic Fraternity. Member of the International Order 
of DeMolay. Installed Master Councilor of Catonsville - Palestine Chapter on January 19, 1991. Past 
Maryland State Marshall for DeMolay. Awarded 'Most Improved Ritualist' - 1989; Awarded 'Special 
Achievement Award' by Advisors of Catonsville Chapter - 1991; Awarded 'Ritualist of the Term' - 1991. 
Chairman of the Maryland DeMolay Conclave '91. 

4th Place - Regional Competition - 'Flower Talk', Washington, D.C. - 1990 
2nd Place - Regional Competition - 'Flower Talk', Fairfax, VA - 1991 
3rd Place - International Invitational Competition - 'Flower Talk' - 1992 

Maryland State 'Flower Talk' Champion - 1990 
Maryland State 'Flower Talk' Champion - 1991 
Maryland State 'Flower Talk' Champion - 1992 
Maryland State 'Flower Talk' Champion - 1993 

4th Place - Regional Competition - 'Flower Talk', Washington, D.C. - 1990 
2nd Place - Regional Competition - 'Flower Talk', Fairfax, VA - 1991 
3rd Place - International Invitational Competition - 'Flower Talk' - 1992 

Also member of numerous Degree Teams from Catonsville Chapter which competed in international Ritual 
Competitions exemplifying the DeMolay Degree: Maryland State Championship - 1987 (1st Place); Mid- 
Atlantic Regional Competition (Newark, Delaware) -1987 (1st Place); International Competition (Dallas, 
Texas) 1988 (3rd Place); Maryland State Championship 1988 (1st Place); Mid-Atlantic Regional Competition 
(Washington, D.C.) - 1988 (1st Place); International Competition (Kansas City, Missouri) - 1989 (2nd Place). 

Awarded 'Certificate of Appreciation and Recognition' by Old Line Council No. 234, Southern Cross Council 
No. 264, and Pride of Baltimore Royal Ark Mariner Lodge No. 7, Allied Masonic Degrees of the United States 
of America for Outstanding Achievements and Contributions to DeMolay - 1992; Awarded 'Cy Koontz 
Educational Scholarship' by Palestine Lodge No. 189 - 1993. 

Junior at University of Maryland, Baltimore County Campus, majoring in History with minor in Education. 
Intends to teach American History and Civil War. 

Member of the Baltimore Civil War Roundtable, Col. Harry W. Gilmor Camp No. 1338 of The Sons of 

- Pasre 135- 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Confederate Veterans (eligible through Richard Benson Stewart, 9th Virginia Cavalry, Company K), and 
Lincoln-Cushing Camp No. 2 (Washington, D.C.) of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War (eligible 
through Clement B. W. Henrickle {70} 1 st Maryland Regiment, Company A, Edward V. Orrell 1 st Regiment 
Infantry, Potomac Home Brigade, Company G and Alexander Coleman 8th Maryland Regiment Infantry, 
Company F). 

Frances Edna MALLE {15} 6 (Catherine Louise SIMMONT {9} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. 
{7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT{172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 7 December 
1936, in Baltimore City, Maryland. She married William Carl WALDECKER, Jr. {24} 27 March 1954, in 
Anne Arundel County, Maryland. He was born 8 January 1929, in Baltimore City, Maryland. 

They had 3 children: 

F i. Catherine Louise WALDECKER {25} b. 12 May 1956 

M ii. William Carl WALDECKER, III {26} b. 27 July 1962 

F iii. Dorothy Jean WALDECKER {27} b. 4 November 1966 

NOTE for Frances Edna MALLE {15} follow: Mentioned in father obituary notice (see page 130). 

Catherine Louise WALDECKER {25} 7 (Frances Edna MALLE {15} 6 , Catherine Louise SIMMONT {9} 5 , 
George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David 
SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 12 May 1956, in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. She married Dennis Bernard 
JESTER, Sr. {28} [Mason] 6 September 1975, in Baltimore County, Maryland. He was born 10 February 
1955, in Baltimore City, Maryland. 

They had 2 children: 

M i. Dennis Bernard JESTER, Jr. {76} b. 25 December 1989 

M ii. Brandon Richard JESTER {175} b. 14 January 1991 

NOTES for Dennis Bernard JESTER, Sr. {28} follow: Masonic Fraternity. Member of King David Lodge 
No. 68. His father and brother are also members. 

Dennis Bernard JESTER, Jr. {76} 8 (Catherine Louise WALDECKER {25} 7 , Frances Edna MALLE {15} 6 , 
Catherine Louise SIMMONT {9} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT{172} 3 , 
David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 25 December 1989, in Maryland. 

Brandon Richard JESTER {175} 8 (Catherine Louise WALDECKER {25} 7 , Frances Edna MALLE {15} 6 , 
Catherine Louise SIMMONT {9} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , 
David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 14 January 1991, in Maryland. 

William Carl WALDECKER, III {26} 7 (Frances Edna MALLE {15} 6 , Catherine Louise SIMMONT {9} 5 , 
George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David 
SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 27 July 1962, in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. He married Catherine J. 

- Page 136- 

Descendants of David Simmont 

BETCH {186} 6 June 1992, in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. 

No children have been born to this marriage as of October, 1994. 

NOTES for Catherine J. BETCH {186} follow: Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Betch, Sr. She had 
been previously married to .... Norman and is the mother of 1 daughter. 

Dorothy Jean WALDECKER {27} 7 (Frances Edna MALLE {15} 6 , Catherine Louise SIMMONT {9} 5 , 
George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David 
SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 4 November 1966, in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. She married Melvin 
James SANDUSKY, Jr. {29} 3 June 1989, in Baltimore County, Maryland. He was born 8 January 1959. 

They have 1 child as of October, 1994: 
F i. Gabriella Nicole SANDUSKY {188} b. 6 November 1992 

NOTES for Melvin James SANDUSKY, Jr. {29} follow: Nickname: Peppy. 

Gabriella Nicole SANDUSKY {188} 8 (Dorothy Jean WALDECKER {27} 7 , Frances Edna MALLE {15} 6 , 
Catherine Louise SIMMONT {9} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , 
David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 6 November 1992, in Baltimore City, 

Catherine Louise MALLE {16} 6 (Catherine Louise SIMMONT {9} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. 
{7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 28 October 
1939, in Baltimore City, Maryland. Catherine Louise MALLE {16} died 18 May 1940, in Baltimore City, 
Maryland, and was buried 20 May 1940, in Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore City, Maryland. 

NOTES for Catherine Louise MALLE {16} follow: Death certificate F69442 located on microfilm roll CR 
48,261 . Living at 1812 W. Pratt Street at time of death. She was 6 months and 20 days old. 
Cause of death: suffocation (accidental). 

(Death Certificate appears on next page) 

Frank Anthony MALLE, Jr. {17} 6 (Catherine Louise SIMMONT {9} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, 
Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 2 May 
1941 , in Baltimore City, Maryland. He married (1) Sandra Lee RAVEL {30} 22 July 1961, in Anne Arundel 
County, Maryland. She was born 22 August 1944, in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. 

They had 2 children: 

F i. Donna Lee MALLE {31} b. 28 May 1963 

M ii. Frank Anthony MALLE, III {32} b. 29 June 1964 

- Page 137 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

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Death Certificate for Catherine Louise Maile {16} 

Sandra Lee RAVEL {30} died 4 October 1966, in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, and was buried 8 
October 1966, in Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore City, Maryland. 

NOTES for Sandra Lee RAVEL {30} follow: Death Certificate 1361 1 . Death certificate states she was born 
25 August 1944. Her residence was Main Creek Road and the daughter of Robert Ravel and Margaret 
Elizabeth Agnes Maher. 

Frank Anthony MALLE, Jr. {17} next married (2) Joyce Royer {35} (It is possible that Royer was not her 
maiden name but a married name) about 1967; they divorced. 

No children were born to this marriage. 

Frank Anthony MALLE, Jr. {17} next married (3) Gail Gabell {36} 29 August 1970, in Maryland; they 
divorced. She was born 25 February 1945. 

They had 1 child: 
M iii. Michael Sean MALLE {37} b. 29 September 1971 

Gail Gabell {36} next married Ralph DAVIS {333}. 

Frank Anthony MALLE, Jr. {1 7} next married (4) Margaret Amelia WARRINGTON {38} 14 February 1 981 , 

Page 138- 

Descendants of David Simmant 

in Maryland. She was born 26 January 1943, in Baltimore City, Maryland. She was the daughter of George 
Vernon Warrington, Sr. and Margaret Carrie Holsten. 

No children were born to this marriage. 

NOTES for Frank Anthony MALLE, Jr. {17} follow: Owner of Ample Sheet Metal. 

NOTES for Margaret Amelia WARRINGTON {38} follow: Nickname: 'Kim'. Was married to James 
Charles Nicholas Degatina, Sr. before Frank Anthony MALLE, Jr. {17}. 

Donna Lee MALLE {31} 7 (Frank Anthony MALLE, Jr. {17} 6 , Catherine Louise SIMMONT {9} 5 , George 
Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT 

{278} 1 ) was born 28 May 1963, in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. She married (1) John SUPERSON {33} 
about 1984, in Anne Arundel County, Maryland; they divorced. 

They had 1 child: 

F i. Sheena Marie SUPERSON {34} b. 7 October 1985 

Donna next married (2) Lawrence Robert HIGDON {185} 9 May 1992, in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. 

They have 1 child as of October 1994: 
F ii. Katlin Marie HIGDON {187} b. 2 October 1992 

NOTES for Lawrence Robert HIGDON {185} follow: Son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Higdon of Baltimore. 
Graduate of Baltimore Polytechnic Institute. Salesman at Waldron of Maryland. 

Sheena Marie SUPERSON {34} 8 (Donna Lee MALLE {31} 7 , Frank Anthony MALLE, Jr. {1 7} 6 , Catherine 
Louise SIMMONT {9} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David 
SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 7 October 1985. 

Katlin Marie HIGDON {187} 8 (Donna Lee MALLE {31} 7 , Frank Anthony MALLE, Jr. {17} 6 , Catherine 
Louise SIMMONT {9} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David 
SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 2 October 1992, in Maryland. 

Frank Anthony MALLE, III {32} 7 (Frank Anthony MALLE, Jr. {17} 6 , Catherine Louise SIMMONT {9} 5 , 
George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David 
SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 29 June 1964, in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. He married Lydia Marie 
NAPIER {448} 2 February 1990. 

They had 2 children: 

M i. Frank Anthony MALLE, IV {205} b. 3 June 1991 

F ii. Skottiann Nicole MALLE {206} b. 20 February 1993 

- Page 139 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Frank Anthony MALLE, IV {205} 8 (Frank Anthony MALLE, III {32} 7 , Frank Anthony MALLE, Jr. {17} 6 , 
Catherine Louise SIMMONT {9} s , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT{172} 3 , 
David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 3 June 1991. 

Skottiann Nicole MALLE {206} 8 (Frank Anthony MALLE, III {32} 7 , Frank Anthony MALLE, Jr. {17} 6 , 
Catherine Louise SIMMONT {9} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 
David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 20 February 1 993. 

Michael Sean MALLE {37} 7 (Frank Anthony MALLE, III {32} 7 , Frank Anthony MALLE, Jr. {17} 6 , 
Catherine Louise SIMMONT {9} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , 
David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 29 September 1 971 , in Anne Arundel County, 

William Edward MALLE {18} 6 (Catherine Louise SIMMONT {9} s , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. 
{7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 31 March 
1943, in Baltimore City, Maryland. He married (1) Florence FRAME {39} 17 August 1963, in Anne Arundel 
County, Maryland; they divorced. 

No children were born to this marriage. 

William Edward MALLE {18} next married (2) Susan Ann DENNIS {40} 30 August 1968, in Anne Arundel 
County, Maryland. She was born 21 September 1948, in Baltimore City, Maryland. 

They had 3 children: 

M i. William Brian MALLE {41} b. 13 April 1969 

M ii. Bryan Paul MALLE {42} b. 1 January 1971 

F iii. Kelly Merline MALLE {43} b. 11 January 1978 

NOTE for William Edward MALLE {18} follow: Mentioned in father's obituary notice (see page 130). 

William Brian MALLE {41} 7 (William Edward MALLE {18} 6 , Catherine Louise SIMMONT {9} s , George 
Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT 

{278} 1 ) was born 13 April 1969, in Baltimore City, Maryland. 

Bryan Paul MALLE {42} 7 (William Edward MALLE {18} 6 , Catherine Louise SIMMONT {9} 5 , George 
Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT{172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT 

{278} 1 ) was born 1 January 1971, in Baltimore City, Maryland. 

Kelly Merline MALLE {43} 7 (William Edward MALLE {18} 6 , Catherine Louise SIMMONT {9} s , George 
Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT 

- Page 140 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

{278} 1 ) was born 11 January 1978, in Baltimore City, Maryland. 

Ronald Paul MALLE {19} 6 (Catherine Louise SIMMONT {9} s , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , 
David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 23 August 1945, 
in Baltimore City, Maryland. He married (1) Rene CAHILL {44} 30 July 1966, in Maryland; they divorced. 
She was born 1 1 July 1948, in Baltimore City, Maryland. Rene was a twin to Shelly CAHILL. 

They had 2 children {Twins] by their first marriage together: 

M i. David Paul MALLE {45} b. 3 October 1970 

M ii. Duane Ronald MALLE {46} b. 3 October 1970 

They remarried on 30 December 1973, in Shangra-La Home, Catonsville, Baltimore County, Maryland; they 

They had 1 child by their second marriage together: 

F iii. Jennifer Michele MALLE {47} b. 23 July 1975 

Ronald Paul MALLE {19} next married (3) Joann Marie SCHULTZ {48} 30 December 1982, in Anne 
Arundel County, Maryland. She was born 8 October 1949, in Maryland. 

No children have been born to this marriage. 
NOTES for Ronald Paul MALLE {19} follow: Mentioned in father's obituary notice (see page 130). 

David Paul MALLE {45} 7 [Twin] (Ronald Paul MALLE {19} 6 , Catherine Louise SIMMONT {9} s , George 
Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT 

{278} 1 ) was born 3 October 1970, in Baltimore City, Maryland. 

NOTES for David Paul MALLE {45} follow: Twin to Duane Ronald MALLE {46}. 

Duane Ronald MALLE {46} 7 Twin] (Ronald Paul MALLE {19} 6 , Catherine Louise SIMMONT {9} 5 , 
George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David 
SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 3 October 1970, in Baltimore City, Maryland. 

NOTES for Duane Ronald MALLE {46} follow: Twin to David Paul MALLE {45}. 

Jennifer Michele MALLE {47} 7 (Ronald Paul MALLE {19} 6 , Catherine Louise SIMMONT {9} 5 , George 
Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT 

{278} 1 ) was born 23 July 1975, in Baltimore City, Maryland. 

Lula May SIMMONT{10} 5 (George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David 
SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born about 1913, in Baltimore City, Maryland. She married 
Harry W. SADLER {80}. He was born 3 January 1897, in Salt Lake City, Utah, the son of Henry M. 

- Page 141 ■ 

Descendants of David Simmont 

SADLER {322} and Eliza ROUTH {323}. 

F i. Ruth A. SADLER {81} b. 

They had 1 child: 

Harry W. SADLER {80} died 23 November 1 942, in Baltimore City, Maryland, and was buried 26 November 
1942, in Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore City, Maryland. 

NOTES for Harry W. SADLER {80} follow: Merchant Marine per listing on Death Certificate. Buried on the 
same plot as George Washington Simmont, Sr. {7}. 

Lula May SIMMONT {10} died 17 October 1977, in Baltimore County, Maryland, and was buried in Oak 
Lawn Cemetery, Baltimore City, Maryland. 



On October 17, 1977. LULA 
MAY (nee Simmont), beloved*- 
wife of the late Irish Sadler/*^ 
loving mother- of Ruth A. Stitz { 

\and eiater of Theresa R. Chick. 

.* Also survived by seven grand- 
children; one great grandchild 
and one step-great grandchild. 
Tfre family will receive 
friends, /on Tuesday _ $ncL 

to 9 P.M., at the G. Truman 
Schwab* Funeral Home, of 
* Irvington, 3512 Frederick ave- 
nue* where funeral services 
. will be held on Thursday at 10, 
" A M# .Interment in Oak Lawn 

Obituary Notice for 
Lula May Sadler (Simmont) {10} 

NOTES for Lula May SIMMONT {10} follow: Birth date 
calculated from 1920 Maryland Census (see page 104). It is 
known that she was older than Theresa. If Theresa is listed as 
age 5 in this census and was born in 1914, then it must be 
assumed that Lulie if listed as 6 years old must have been born 
in 1913. 

Obituary notice found in the Baltimore Sun - 18 October 1977: 

On October 17, 1977, LULA MAY SADLER (nee Simmont) 
beloved wife of the late Irish Sadler, loving mother of Ruth A 
Sttz and sister of Theresa R. Chick. Also survived by seven 
grandchildren, one great grandchild and one step-great 
grandchild. The family will receive friends on Tuesday and 
Wednesday at the G. Truman Schwab Funeral Home, of 
Irvington, 3512 Frederick Avenue, where funeral services will be 
held on Thursday at 10 AM. Interment in Oak Lawn Cemetery. 

Ruth A. SADLER {81} 6 (Lula May SIMMONT {10} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. 
SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). She married Leroy H. STITZ, Sr. 

{82} in 1948. He was born 29 January 1923 in Maryland. 

They had 7 children: 















William STITZ {141} 
Leroy H. STITZ, Jr. {142} 
James STITZ {143} 
Ruth Marie STITZ {144} 
Mary STITZ {145} 
Jane STITZ {146} 
Joan STITZ {147} 


d. 9 November 1977 

Leroy H. STITZ, Sr. {82} died June 1977. 

- Page 142 ■ 

Descendants of David Simmont 

NOTES for Ruth A. SADLER {81} follow: Mentioned in the obituary notice of her mother (see page 142). 

William STITZ {141} 7 (Ruth A. SADLER {81} 6 , Lula May SIMMONT {10} s , George Washington 
SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). 

Leroy H. STITZ, Jr. {142} 7 (Ruth A. SADLER {81} 6 , Lula May SIMMONT {10} 5 , George Washington 
SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). 

James STITZ {143} 7 (Ruth A. SADLER {81} 8 , Lula May SIMMONT {10} 5 , George Washington 
SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). 

Ruth Marie STITZ {144} 7 (Ruth A. SADLER {81} 6 , Lula May SIMMONT {10} s . George Washington 
SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). She 
married Edward J. NIEDZIELSKI, Jr. {149}. 

They had 1 child: 

M i. Edward J. NIEDZIELSKI, III {150} b. 

Ruth Marie STITZ {144} died 9 November 1977, and was buried in Hillcrest Memorial Cemetery, Maryland. 

NOTES for Ruth Marie STITZ {144} follow: NflOZIIlSKI 1 1#* * 

On Nov0mhm-^r197-r^\fFm 
M. Iom Sm*) of Cap* $fc* 

Obituary notice found in the Baltimore Sun -10 November 1977: Clatr, Annapolis, txMovad wifa 

of Edward J, N»#d*tefski< Jr. 
*n6 step-mothar of Edward X 

On November 9, 1977, Ruth M. NIEDZIELSKI (nee SOz) of Niadziefski, 3rd., tevlng daugr* r 

Cape St Clair, Annapolis, beloved wife of Edward J. Niedzielski, \™ x% %$$ K* S?itJf S?* and' 

Jr. and step-mother of Edward J. Niedzielski, 3rd. Loving aiatar of Mrs, Mary Squatnto, 

daughter of Ruth A SOz and the late LeRoy H SOz, Sr. and jf.^nd jVmJi S$* L ^° V ' 
sister of Mrs. Mary Squatrito, Jane, Joanne, Wffliam, Lemy Jr., S#fv»ca§ at tha B*ranco 

and James Stttz. Services at the Barranco Severna Park §VE ni L , *? rk Funar *i Homa M 
r- i ii nu u- ,,- i_ .« .. « Hitchia highway, at Robinson, 

Funeral Home, Ritchie Highway, at Robinson Road, on Saturday road, on Saturday at 10 A.M., 

at 10 AM. Interment in Hillcrest Memorial Gardens. Visiting Jnymant in HiHcraat MamofK 
u o* a -it* * n m* al Gardana. Visiting houra 2 to 

hours 2 to 4 and 7 to 9PM. 4 and 7 to 9 P.M. 

Obituary for Ruth Marie Stitz {144} 

Edward J. NIEDZIELSKI, III {150} 8 (Ruth Marie STITZ {144} 7 , Ruth A. SADLER {81} 6 , Lula May 
SIMMONT{10} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT{172} 3 , David SIMMONT 
{252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). 

Mary STITZ{145} 7 (Ruth A. SADLER {81} 6 ,Lula May SIMMONT{10} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, 
Sr. {7}*, David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). She married 

- Pago 143 

Descendants of David Simmont 


No children have yet been identified. 

Jane STITZ{146} 7 (Ruth A. SADLER {81} 8 , Lula May SIMMONT{10} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, 
Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). 

Joan STITZ{147} 7 (Ruth A. SADLER {81} 6 , Lula May SIMMONT{10} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, 
Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). 

Theresa Rose SIMMONT {11} 5 (George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , 
David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 25 October 1914, in Baltimore City, Maryland. 
She married Michael Dale CHICK, Sr. {54} 9 September 1932, in Baltimore City, Maryland. He was born 
21 November 1910, in Baltimore City, Maryland. 

They had 5 children: 











Shirley Elizabeth CHICK {55} 
Michael Dale CHICK, Jr. {56} 
Mary Ellen CHICK {57} 
Margaret Theresa CHICK {58} 
David Lee CHICK {59} 

b. 30 July 1936 
b. 5 March 1939 
b. 25 September 1944 
b. 12 August 1949 
b. 4 May 1955 

d. 23 September 1985 

Michael Dale CHICK, Sr. {54} died 12 June 1974, in Baltimore City, Maryland, and was buried in Loudon 
Park Cemetery, Baltimore City, Maryland. Theresa Rose SIMMONT {11} died 10 December 1985, in 
Baltimore City, Maryland, and was buried in Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore City, Maryland. 


CHICK 12* 

On December 10, 1985, 
THERESA Ft (nee Sim- 
month beloved wife of 
the lete Michael D. Chick, 
Sr., dear mother of Shir- 
ley Cloud, Michael Chick, 
Jr., Mary Eiten Backoff, 
Margaret Burr and the 
late David Chick. Alao 
survived by ten grand* 

funeral from the 
Gonce Home, 4001 Rit- 
chie highway on Friday at 
10 A.M. Interment in Lou* 
don Park Cemetery. Fam- 
ily requests friends call 3 
to 5 and 7 to 9 P-M. 

Obituary for Theresa 
Rose Chick (Simmont) {11} 

NOTES for Theresa Rose SIMMONT {1 1} follow: Living at 633 
Wyeth Street at the time of her mother's death (1953) (see page 
1 02). Her mother Ellen Priscilla Henrickle {8} was buried from 
Theresa's residence (see page 103). 

Obituary notice found in the 
Baltimore Sun - 11 December 1985: 
On December 10, 1985, THERESA R CHICK (nee Simmont), 
beloved wife of the late Michael D. Chick, Sr., dear mother of 
Shirley Chud, Michael Chick, Jn, Mary Ellen Backoff, Margaret 
Burr and the late David Chick. Also survived by ten 
grandchildren. Funeral from the Gonce Home, 4001 Ritchie 
Highway on Friday at 10 AM. Interment in Loudon Park 
Cemetery. Family requests friends to call 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 PM. 

- Page 144 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Shirley Elizabeth CHICK {55} 6 (Theresa Rose SIMMONT {11} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. 
{7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT{252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 30 July 1936, 
in Baltimore City, Maryland. She married James Mahlon CLOUD, Sr. {60} 19 March 1962. He was born 
3 July 1931. 

They had 3 children: 

F i. Sharon Elaine CLOUD {61} b. 19 October 1963 

M ii. James Mahlon CLOUD, Jr. {181} b. 27 January 1966 

F iii. Michele Lynn CLOUD {62} b. 29 June 1970 

NOTES for Shirley Elizabeth CHICK {55} follow: Mentioned mother's obituary notice (see page 144). 

Sharon Elaine CLOUD {61} 7 (Shirley Elizabeth CHICK {55} 6 , Theresa Rose SIMMONT {1 1} s , George 
Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT{172} 3 , David SIMMONT{252} 2 , David SIMMONT 

{278} 1 ) was born 19 October 1963, in Baltimore City, Maryland. She married Walter BENNETT, Jr. {63} 
8 June 1985, in Maryland. 

No children have yet been identified. 

James Mahlon CLOUD, Jr. {181} 7 (Shirley Elizabeth CHICK {55} 6 , Theresa Rose SIMMONT {11} 5 , 
George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David 
SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 27 January 1 966, in Baltimore City, Maryland. He married Karen HOLTZ {182} 
10 June 1988. 

No children have yet been identified. 

Michele Lynn CLOUD {62} 7 (Shirley Elizabeth CHICK {55} 6 , Theresa Rose SIMMONT {1 1} 5 , George 
Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT 
{278} 1 ) was born 29 June 1970, in Baltimore City, Maryland. She married Alvah Thomas THARP, Sr. {64} 
9 December 1989, in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. He was born 7 March 1969, in Baltimore City, 

They had 1 child: 

M i. Alvah Thomas THARP, Jr. {183} b. 14 July 1990 

Alvah Thomas THARP, Jr. {1 83} 8 (Michele Lynn CLOUD {62} 7 , Shirley Elizabeth CHICK {55} 6 , Theresa 
Rose SIMMONT {11} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David 
SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 14 July 1990, in Baltimore City, Maryland. 

Michael Dale CHICK, Jr. {56} 6 [Mason] (Theresa Rose SIMMONT {11} 5 , George Washington 
SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was 
born 5 March 1939, in Baltimore City, Maryland. He married Beatrice Ann PRICE {65} 1 June 1968, in 
Baltimore City, Maryland. She was born 12 July 1940, in Baltimore City, Maryland. 

Page 145- 

Descendants of David Simmont 

They had 3 children: 

F i. Mary Theresa CHICK {178} b. 26 October 1969 

M ii. Michael Dale CHICK, 111(179} b. 29 November 1970 

F iii. Lisa Marie CHICK {180} b. 8 July 1976 

NOTES for Michael Dale CHICK, Jr. {56} follow: Masonic Fraternity - Member of Millington Lodge # 166. 
All children are Job's Daughters and DeMolay. Mentioned mother's obituary notice (see page 144). 

Mary Theresa CHICK {178} 7 [Mason] (Michael Dale CHICK, Jr. {56}°, Theresa Rose SIMMONT {1 1} 5 , 
George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David 
SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 26 October 1969, in Baltimore City, Maryland. 

NOTES for Mary Theresa CHICK {178} follow: Past Honored Queen, Bethel #53. January, 1987. 
Sweetheart, Howard Chapter, DeMolay. 

Michael Dale CHICK, III {179} 7 [Mason] (Michael Dale CHICK, Jr. {56} 6 , Theresa Rose SIMMONT {11} 5 , 
George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David 
SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 29 November 1970, in Baltimore City, Maryland. 

NOTES for Michael Dale CHICK, III {179} follow: Past Master Councilor, Howard Chapter, DeMolay, 
January 1988. Member of the Masonic Fraternity. 

Lisa Marie CHICK {180} 7 [Mason] (Michael Dale CHICK, Jr. {56} 6 , Theresa Rose SIMMONT {11} 5 , 
George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David 
SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 8 July 1976, in Baltimore City, Maryland. 

NOTES for Lisa Marie CHICK {180} follow: Job's Daughters. 

Mary Ellen CHICK {57} 6 (Theresa Rose SIMMONT {11} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , 
David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 25 September 
1944, in Baltimore City, Maryland. She married James BACKOFF {66} 21 September 1963, in Maryland. 

They had 2 children: 

M i. Stephen James BACKOFF {67} b. 26 November 1965 

F ii. Jennifer Lynn BACKOFF {177} b. 30 July 1969 

NOTES for Mary Ellen CHICK {57} follow: Mentioned in mother's obituary (see page 144). 

Stephen James BACKOFF {67} 7 (Mary Ellen CHICK {57} 6 , Theresa Rose SIMMONT {1 1} 5 , George 
Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT 

- Page 146 ■ 

Descendants of David Simmont 

{278} 1 ) was born 26 November 1965, in Baltimore City, Maryland. 

Jennifer Lynn BACKOFF {177} 7 (Mary Ellen CHICK {57} 6 , Theresa Rose SIMMONT {11} 5 , George 
Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT{252} 2 , David SIMMONT 

{278} 1 ) was born 30 July 1969, in Baltimore City, Maryland. 

Margaret Theresa CHICK {58} 6 (Theresa Rose SIMMONT {1 1} s , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. 
{7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 12 August 
1949, in Baltimore City, Maryland. She married Ronald Pierson BURR, Sr. {68} 3 May 1969, in Baltimore 
City, Maryland. He was born 16 January 1947, in Baltimore City, Maryland. 

They had 2 children: 

F i. Rebecca Lynn BURR {176} b. 20 June 1970 

M ii. Ronald Pierson BURR, Jr. {69} b. 9 April 1973 

NOTES for Margaret Theresa CHICK {58} follow: Mentioned in mother's obituary notice (see page 144). 

Rebecca Lynn BURR {176} 7 (Margaret Theresa CHICK {58} 6 , Theresa Rose SIMMONT {11 } 5 , George 
Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT 

{278} 1 ) was born 20 June 1970, in Baltimore City, Maryland. She married James Richard HOGAN {198} 
3 July 1993, in St. Andrew Episcopal Church, Pasadena, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. He was born 
about 1970. 

No children have been born to this marriage as of October, 1994. 

Ronald Pierson BURR, Jr. {69} 7 (Maigaret Theresa CHICK {58} 6 , Theresa Rose SIMMONT {11} 5 , 
George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David 
SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 9 April 1973, in Baltimore City, Maryland. 

David Lee CHICK {59} 6 (Theresa Rose SIMMONT{1 1} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David 
F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 4 May 1955, in 
Baltimore City, Maryland. David Lee CHICK {59} died 23 September 1985, in Baltimore City, Maryland. 

NOTES for David Lee CHICK {59} follow: Mentioned as the 'late* David Chick in his mother's obituary 
notice (see page 144). 

Charles Clinton SIMMONT {12} 5 (George Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , 
David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 30 December 1919, in Baltimore City, 
Maryland. He married Elizabeth A. LUDWIG {117}. 

They had 2 children: 

F i. Deborah A. SIMMONT {118} b. 

- Page 147 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

M ii. Dennis A. SIMMONT {119} b. 

NOTES for Bizabeth A. LUDWIG {1 1 7} follow: Nickname: Sis. 

Charles Clinton SIMMONT {12} died 5 June 1977, in Baltimore City, Maryland, and was buried in Loudon 
Park Cemetery, Baltimore City, Maryland. 

NOTES for Charles Clinton SIMMONT{12} follow: Uncle "Buck". Listed as being in World War II, T/S USA 
20345335 of Baltimore City. Located in the Social Security Death Index: Charles Simmont, SS # 

Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 

1940 Charles C, laborer, 847 Carroll 

1956 Charles C. (Anna M.) group leader, Davison Chem., 2229 Christian 

1961 Charles C. (Elizabeth A.) pipefitter Beth Steel, 1819 Ramsey 

1964 Charles C. (Elizabeth A.) loader, A&P, 330 S. Smallwood 

Buried on his gravelot is a Dennis B. Simmont {?}. It is possible that this is a grandson of his and a son of 
Dennis A. Simmont {119}. 


On June 5, 1977, CHARLES 
C, beloved husband of Eliza- 
beth A. Simmont (nee Lud- 
wig), devoted father of Debo- 
rah A. Navarro, Dennis A. 
Simmont, Haton A* Ward mn6 
Joseph F. Hopkine, brother of 
Theresa Chick, grandfather of 
Keflle N. Simmont. 

Mr. Simmont reata at the 
Howard H* Hubbard Fgnerel 
HomeJnc M 4107 Wifcans av- 
enue. HeJativee f%6 friends are 
invited to ettend e Christian 

evening at 7-30 P.MT AMala 
of the Christian Burial will be 
offered in St. Joeeph'a Mon- 
astery on Wednesday at 10 
A.M. Interment Loudon Parte 
Cemetery. The family wHI re- 
,cetve friends on Monday and 
Tuesday frpm 3 IqB MQ XtCL 

Obituary Notice for 
Charles Clinton Simmont {12} - 

Deborah A. SIMMONT{1 18} 6 [Twin] (Charles Clinton SIMMONT{12} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, 
Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). 

NOTES for Deborah A. SIMMONT {1 1 8} follow: Twin to Dennis A. Simmont {119}. Mentioned in father 
obituary notice (see page 148). 

Obituary notice found in the 
Baltimore Sun - 6 June 1977: 
On June 5, 1977, Charles C SIMMONT, beloved husband of 
Elizabeth A Simmont (nee Ludwig), devoted father of Deborah A 
Navarro, Dennis A Simmont Helen A. Ward and Joseph F. Hopkins, 
brother of Theresa Chick, grandfather of Kettle N Simmont. Mr. 
Simmont rests at the Howard H. Hubbard Funeral Homes, Inc. 4107 
Wilkens Avenue. Relatives and friends are invited to attend a 
Christian Prayer Service on Tuesday evening at 7:30 PM. A Mass 
of the Christian Burial will be offered in St. Joseph 's Monastery on 
Wednesday at 10 AM. Interment Loudon Park Cemetery. The 
family will receive friends on Monday and Tuesday from 3 to 5 and 

It is believed that his wife Elizabeth A. Ludwig had been previously 
married to a Mr. Hopkins and had 2 children - Helen A. Hopkins 
(who married a Mr. Ward) and Joseph F. Hopkins. 

Dennis A. SIMMONT {119} 6 [Twin] (Charles Clinton SIMMONT {12} 5 , George Washington SIMMONT, 

- Page 148 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). He married 
UNKNOWN {201} 

They had 1 child: 

F i. KellieN. SIMMONT {120} b. 

NOTES for Dennis A. SIMMONT {1 19} follow: Twin to Deborah A. Simmont {118}. Mentioned in father 
obituary notice (see page 148). 

Kellie N. SIMMONT {120} 7 (Dennis A. SIMMONT {11 9} 6 , Charles Clinton SIMMONT {12} 5 , George 
Washington SIMMONT, Sr. {7} 4 , David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT{252} 2 , David SIMMONT 

{278} 1 ). 

Anna E. SIMMONT {354} 4 (David F. SIMMONT {172} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT 

{278} 1 ) was born 1875, in Maryland. 

NOTES for Anna E. SIMMONT {354} follow: Located in the 1880 Maryland Census (see page 84). 

William F. SIMMONT, Jr. {281} 3 (David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born September 
1845, in Maryland. He married Sarah {325} (Maiden name unknown) about 1867. She was born in 

They had 3 children: 

M i. Joseph SIMMONT {265} b. November 1867 d. after 1900 

M ii. Harrison T. SIMMONT {290} b. about 1869 d. after 1929 

M iii. William F. SIMMONT, Jr. {282} b. 8 June 1877 d. 1 1 May 1906 

NOTES for Sarah {325} follow: Information obtained from the death certificate of her son William F. 
Simmont, Jr. {282} (see page 184). Unable to read her maiden name although it could be Gravy. 

NOTES for William F. SIMMONT, Jr. {281} follow: Marriage date estimate from children's births. This is 
believed to be the William Simmont who is located in the 1900 Maryland Census living on E. Fayette 
Street. He was listed as a 54 year old white male. The other William Simmont of that era, William Simmont 
{261}, son of David Simmont {278} died on 24 August 1899. 

This is also the William Simmont located in the 1920 Maryland Census living with son Harry T. Simmont 
{290} and wife Mary C* Simmont {291}. Also in that household were John Betch {294}, and his wife Annie 
Betch {293}, aged 27, who was the daughter of Harry T. Simmont {290}, aged 51, and his wife Mary C. 
Simmont {291}, aged 52. Also living in that household was Annie's husband and family and her brother 
Harry Simmont {243}, aged 25. 

This William Simmont is not placed as the son of Frederick Simmont {217} due to the fact that he was still 
living in 1881 when Frederick Simmont {217} wrote his will. Frederick Simmont bequeathed portions of 

- Pag* 149 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

his estate to his children and William Simmont {281} was not mentioned. This William F. Simmont, Jr. 
{281} is too old to be a son of Frederick Simmonts son Edward Simmont {218}, yet is found living with 
Edward Simmont in the 1872 Baltimore City Directory which is this William's first appearance. Frederick 
Simmont {2 17} had a brother John Simmont {279} and another brother David Simmont {252}. This William 
Simmont is placed as the son of David Simmont {252} and it is believed that his full name was William 
Frederick Simmont being named for his father's brothers William Simmont {261} and Frederick Simmont 

There are several William Simmonts located in the Baltimore City Directory. A complete listing follows: 
The matter of William Simmont is extremely complicated at various times. 

(As this list is quite lengthy and complicated I am only printing the Baltimore City Directory entries for William 
Simmont at one time, in this location. The reader will be instructed to refer to this location when future William 
Simmonts are cited in this book.) 

1 868-9 William, brickmaker, 96 St. Peter (next to Clement Henrickle) {William, son of David Simmont [261]} 

1870 William, brickmaker, 94 St. Peter {William, son of David Simmont [261]} 
William, Jr. 96 St. Peter {William, Jr., son of William (above) [283]} 

1871 William, brickmaker, 96 St. Peter {William, son of David Simmont [261]} 
William, Jr. 96 St. Peter {William, Jr., son of William (above) [283]} 

1872 William, brickmaker, 94 St. Peter {William, son of David Simmont [261]} 
William, Jr. 96 St. Peter {William, Jr., son of William (above) [283]} 

William F., police, 18 Wyeth {William F., son of David [281]} (with Edward {218}, brickmaker and his 
son William F., Jr.) 

William, brickmaker, 18 Wyeth {William F Simmont, Jr., son of William F. (above) [282]} (with 
Edward, brickmaker, and William F., Sr.) 

1873 William, brickmaker, 18 Wyeth {William F., son of David [281]} 
William, Jr., 96 St. Peter {William, Jr., son of William (above) [283]} 

1874 (Same listings as 1873) 

1875 William, brickmaker, 60 Wyeth {William F., son of David [281]} 
William, police, 96 St. Peter {William, son of David Simmont [261]} 

1876 William, turnkey, 96 St. Peter {William, son of David Simmont [261]} 

1877 William, brickmaker, 36 Wyeth {William F., son of David [281]} 
William, turnkey, 96 St. Peter {William, son of David Simmont [261]} 

1 878 William, brickmaker, 36 Wyeth {William F., son of David [281]} 
William, turnkey, 160 Scott {William, son of David Simmont [261]} 

1879 William F., brickmaker, 105 Ridgely {William F., son of David [281]} 
William, turnkey, 152 Scott {William, son of David Simmont [261]} 

1880 William, turnkey, 152 Scott {William, son of David Simmont [261]} 

1881 William F., brickmaker, 1 1 Wyeth {William F., son of David [281]} 

William, turnkey, 142 Scott (with Samuel, brickmaker) {William, son of David Simmont [261]} (with 
Samuel Simmont [284], brickmaker, who is his brother) 

1882 William, brickmaker, 142 Scott {William, Jr., son of William Simmont [283]} 
William, turnkey, 142 Scott {William, son of David Simmont [261]} 

[At 142 Scott Street in 1882 was Samuel Simmont, brickmaker. J 

At first glance the 1 882 listings appears to be very bizarre. We have been following a William F., brickmaker 

- Page ISO- 

Descendants of David Simmont 

{son of Frederick} and a William, turnkey (police) {son of David} over the last 12 years. Initially we notice both 
the brickmaker and turnkey at the same address. However up to this point in time the occupation of William 
Simmont, Jr. [283], son of William Simmont [261] has not been listed. This, in fact, is the first listing for 
William Simmont [283] since 1 873. It should be noted that this appears to be the last Baltimore City Directory 
listing for William Simmont, turnkey [261], who died 24 August 1899. 

1883 no listings for William Simmont 

1884 William, brickmaker, 142 Scott {William, Jr., son of William Simmont [283]} 

1885 William F., boards 88 George {William F., son of David [281]} 
William, boards, 142 Scott {William, Jr., son of William Simmont [283]} 

1886 William, brickmaker, 142 Scott {William, Jr., son of William Simmont [283]} 
William, brickmaker, 108 W. Townsend {William F., son of David [281]} 

1887 William, brickmaker, 522 Scott {William, Jr., son of William Simmont [283]} (This and the listings for 
the next several years are difficult to prove since there is only one William mentioned and at a 
different address than before. To prove this person we must jump ahead to the 1890 listing which 
contains several William Simmonts. In that listing two are shown to be William F. Simmont. The 
other a William Simmont is listed as the 522 Scott Street. This same William Simmont is at the same 
address in 1887 which provides the clue to the correct William Simmont.) 

1888 William, brickmaker, 522 Scott {William, Jr., son of William Simmont [283]} 

1889 William, brickmaker, 522 Scott {William, Jr., son of William Simmont [283]} 
William, laborer, 1713 Division {William F., son of David [281]} 

1890 William, brickmaker, 522 Scott {William, Jr., son of William Simmont [283]} 
William F., brickmaker 1710 Division {William F., son of David [281]} 
William F., Jr., clerk, 1710 Division {William F., Jr., son of William F. [282]} 

1 891 William, brickmaker, 522 Scott {William, Jr., son of William Simmont [283]} 
William F., brickmaker, 1710 Division {William F., son of David [281]} 
William F., Jr., clerk, 1710 Division {William F., Jr., son of William F. [282]} 

1 892 William, 522 Scott {William, Jr., son of William Simmont [283]} 
William F., 522 Scott {William F., son of David [281]} 
William F., Jr. 522 Scott {William F, Jr., son of William F. [282]} 

The 1892 entry appears rather bizarre and could be an error in printing although it is possibly correct. The 
fact that no occupations appear from these William Simmont makes it even more difficult to understand. The 
obvious confusion is the fact that we apparently have 3 different William Simmonts at the same address. We 
must also consider the fact that they are related (which also has been a known fact). William Simmont [283] 
is the first cousin of William F. Simmont, Sr. [281]. Their common ancestor is their grandfather David 

1893 William, 522 Scott {William, Jr., son of William Simmont [283]} 

William F., brickmaker, 1415 N. Fremont Ave {William F., son of Frederick Simmont [281]} 

1894 William, 522 Scott {William, Jr., son of William Simmont [283]} 
William F., clerk, 550 Wilson {William F. Jr., son of William F. [282]} 

1895 William, whipmaker, 522 Scott {William, Jr., son of William Simmont [283]} 
William F., laborer, 550 Wilson {William F., Sr., son of David Simmont [281]} 

1896 William, whipmaker, 522 Scott {William, Jr., son of William Simmont [283]} 
William F., brickmaker, 550 Wilson {William F., Sr., son of David Simmont [281]} 

1897 William, 776 Columbia Avenue {William, Jr. son of William [283]} 

- Pag0 151 

Descendants of David Simmont 

William F., brickmaker, 550 Wilson {William F., Sr., son of David Simmont [281]} 
William F., driver, 776 Columbia Ave {William F., Jr., son of William F. [282]} 

The situation in 1897 is very difficult to understand. Again we find 3 William Simmonts with 2 of them listed 
as William F. Simmont. That would be no problem if both William F. Simmonts were at the same address; 
however we find a William and a William F. on Columbia Ave and a William F. on Wilson St. As the other 
William Simmonts in the Simmont database are either not born at this time or are too young to be in the 
Baltimore City Directory we must assume that William Simmont, Jr. (son of William Simmont, son of David 
Simmont) and William F. Simmont (son of David Simmont, son of David Simmont) are living at the same 

1 898 William, 776 Columbia {William, Jr., son of William [283]} 

William F., brickmaker, 550 Wilson {William F., Sr., son of David Simmont [281]} 

1 899 William, 776 Columbia Ave {William, Jr., son of William [283]} 

William, butcher, 1925 Pennsylvania Ave {William F., Jr., son of William F. [282]} 
William F., brickmaker, 5 N. Poppleton {William F., Sr., son of David Simmont [281]} 
NOTE: William Simmont (261), son of David Simmont died on 24 August 1899 

The 1899 entry is another strange listing for the William Simmonts. We find a William Simmont listed as a 
butcher living at 1925 Pennsylvania Avenue. At no other time do we locate any William Simmont being a 
butcher. However we do locate William F. Simmont at 1625 Pennsylvania Avenue in 1903 and 1904. As 
before the other William Simmonts in the Simmont database are either not yet born or too young to be listing 
in the Baltimore City Directory of 1 899. It is therefore assumed this listing is for the same William F. Simmont 
of the 1 903 and 1 904 Baltimore City Directory. 

It should also be noted that the 1899 entry appears to be the last for William Simmont [283], who had been 
recorded as living at 776 Columbia Ave. I believe he died in 1898/1899. In the 1900 Maryland Census a 
Julia Simmont is located at that address with another family. Her maiden name was not Simmont and it is 
believed she was his wife as the only other Julia in the database was Julia Ann (to. 1813), wife of Frederick 

1900 William F., brickmaker, 1412 Patterson Ave {William F., Sr., son of David Simmont [281]} 

1901 No listings for William Simmont 

1902 William F., brickmaker, 631 N. Paca {William F., Sr., son of David Simmont [281]} 

1903 William F., brickmaker, 1625 Pennsylvania Ave {William F., Sr., son of David Simmont [281]} 

1904 William F., brickmaker, 1625 Pennsylvania Ave {William F., Sr., son of David Simmont [281]} 

I am not sure when William F. Simmont, Sr., son of David Simmont died. However it appears he was born 
about 1835/1845. As this is the last listing appearing in the Baltimore City Directory for a William F. Simmont, 
brickmaker, I am assuming he probably retired or died shortly afterwards. He would have been 60/70 years 
of age. 

1905 William F., laborer, 2037 Fairmount Ave E. {William F., Jr., son of William F., Sr. [282]} 

1 905 William F., laborer, 51 Otterbein {William F., Jr., son of William F., Sr. [282]} 

1906 William F., laborer, 510 Otterbein {William F., Jr., son of William F., Sr. [282]} 

1907 William, fireman, 1539 Division {William F. Simmont, son of Harrison T. Simmont [245]} 

This is the first appearance for a William Simmont, fireman, and the first time a Simmont has been located 

- Page 1S2 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

on Division Street. Noticing a William F. Simmont, fireman in the 1908 and 1909 directory I it would be very 
easy to assume this particular William F. Simmont is actually William F. Simmont III. However the problem 
lies in the fact that this William Simmont is located living with Harrison T. (Harry) in 1908, 1909, 1912, 1920, 
1922, 1923, etc. While it does appear that he is William F. Simmont it does not appear that he is William F. 
Simmont III, but rather William F. Simmont son of Harrison T. Simmont [290] and brother of Harrison Simmont 
[243]. William F. Simmont would be about 16/17 for this first entry. 

1908 William F., fireman, 7 Toone (with Harrison T., foreman) {William F. Simmont, son of Harrison T. 
Simmont [245]} 

1909 William F., fireman, 3230 Toone (with Harry T., foreman) {William F. Simmont, son of Harrison T. 
Simmont [245]} 

1910 No listings for William Simmont 

191 1 No listings for William Simmont 

1912 William, fireman, 1300 N. Strieker {William F. Simmont III, son of William F., Jr [292]} 

William, foreman, 3230 Toone (with Harrison A., laborer & Harrison T.) {William F. Simmont, son of 
Harrison T. Simmont [245]} 

This is a very difficult listing. The previous listings for a fireman appear to be for William F. Simmont [245] 
son of Harrison T. Simmont. The 1909 and 1910 listing clearly state William TV Simmont. It is believed he 
later became a foreman. However I believe this is another William Simmont an am unsure of the connection 
with the other Simmonts. At no time does this 'new 1 William Simmont appear at the same address as any 
other Simmont. He could in actuality be the son of any Simmont of the era but is more than likely the son of 
a William Simmont or the grandson of a William Simmont. We do notice in later listings that he is another 
William F. Simmont. 

1913 William, fireman, h. 1514 N. Strieker {William F. Simmont III, son of William F., Jr. [292]} 

1914 William, fireman, 1514 N. Strieker {William F. Simmont III, son of William F., Jr. [292]} 
William F., foreman, h. 1019 Bouldin {William F. Simmont, son of Harrison T. Simmont [245]} 

1915 William, fireman, 1514 N. Strieker {William F. Simmont III, son of William F., Jr. [292]} 

William F., foreman, h. 1019 Bouldin {William F. Simmont, son of Harrison T. Simmont [245]} (It 
should be noted that this William had lived at 3230 Toone in 1912. At that address in 1915 was 
George, broommaker, Harrison A., foreman, and Harrison T., broommaker 

1916 William F., fireman, h. 1514 N. Strieker {William F. Simmont III, son of William F., Jr. [292]} 

1917 William E., student, 542 N. Carrollton Ave. {William E. Simmont [250] This is the first entry for William 
E. Simmont. He was born in 1902 according to the 1920 Maryland Census. He is located in the 
1920 Census as the stepson of Lawrence M. Swain. At no time is he located with other Simmonts 
in the Baltimore City Directory. It is believed that he is only listed in 1917 and 1920. 

William F., fireman, 1828 Pennsylvania Ave {William F. Simmont III, son of William F., Jr. [292]} 
1918-9 William F., fireman, 1828 Pennsylvania Ave William F. Simmont III, son of William F., Jr. [292]} 

1920 William, clerk, 542 N. Carrollton Ave {William E. Simmont [250] 

William F., 1331 S. Clinton (with Harry A. and Harry T.) {William F. Simmont III, son of William F., Jr. 

[292]} Without creating another William F. Simmont it would appear this would be the only likely 


William F., superintendent, h. 29 N. Linwood Ave {William F. Simmont, son of Harrison T. Simmont 

[245]} NOTE: This address in confirmed in the 1920 Maryland Census. 

1921 William F., superintendent, h. 29 N. Linwood Ave {William F. Simmont, son of Harrison T. Simmont 

- Page 1S3 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

1922 William F., 1331 S. Clinton (with Harry T.) William F. Simmont III, son of William F., Jr. [292]} 
William F. (Addie) superintendent, h. 29 N. Linwood Ave {William F. Simmont, son of Harrison T. 
Simmont [245]} 

1923 William F., 1331 Clinton (with Harry T & Mary) {William F. Simmont III, son of William F., Jr. [292]} 
1924-5 No listings for William 

1926 No listings for William 

1928 No listings for William 

1929 No listings for William 

1930 No listings for William 

1936 William I. (Eleanor B.) broommaker, 2559 Garrett Ave {William F. Simmont III, son of William F., Jr. 

William, supt. Acme Fertilizer County, r. Brooklyn {William F. Simmont, son of Harrison T. Simmont 

1937 No listings for William 

1940 William F. (Addie M.) 3619 Fairhaven (Harry T. and Marie H at 3615) {William F. Simmont, son of 

Harrison T. Simmont [245]} 

William I., (Barbara) auto work, h. 2307 Robb {William F. Simmont III, son of William F., Jr. [292]} 
1942 William F. (Addie) 1333 Patapsco (with M. James & Mary M.) {William F. Simmont, son of Harrison 

T. Simmont [245]} 
1955 No listings for William 

1957 No listings for William 

1 958 No listings for William 

1959 No listings for William 

1961 William F., mech, Replacement Parts Co., 2013 Christian (also at this address was Constance C, 
George, George W., Sadie E, and Sadie H., widow of George) {William F. Simmont III, son of William 
F., Jr. [292]} 

1964 No listings for William 

Joseph SIMMONT {265} 4 (William F. SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT 

{278} 1 ) was born November 1867, in Maryland. He married Margaret {266} (Maiden name unknown) about 
1885. She was born December 1869, in Maryland. 

They had 4 children: 


Emma SIMMONT {267} 

b. May 1887 

d. after 1900 



Alfred T. SIMMONT {214} 

b. July 1889 

d. after 1959 



Charles W. SIMMONT, Sr. {233} 

b. 12 November 1894 

d. 19 May 1957 



Annie SIMMONT {270} 

b. July 1898 

d. after 1900 

Margaret {266} died after 1913. 

NOTES for Margaret {266} follow: It is believed the following Baltimore City Directory listings are for 
Margaret {266} who married Joseph Simmont {265}: 

1910 Mamie Mrs., 2215 Orleans 

1911 Mamie Mrs., 1501 Federal 
1913 Mamie Mrs., 1435 Federal 

I can not connect any other Simmonts to the above addresses. She is clearly listed as a Mrs. Mamie 

Page JS4 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Simmont, therefore Simmont was not her maiden name. 

Joseph SIMMONT {265} died after 1900. 

NOTES for Joseph SIMMONT {265} follow: it can not be completely documented where Joseph Simmont 
fits into the Simmont family tree. He is placed as the son of William F. Simmont, Sr. {281} due to his birth 
year being close to the other known children. 

Located in the 1900 Maryland Census. He is listed as living in Ward 22 of the 283rd Enumeration District 
of Baltimore City and is recorded as a 32 year old white male being born November 1867 in Maryland. Both 
of his parents are also listed as being born in Maryland. His occupation is listed as a Teamster and he had 
been married for 15 years with 4 children born to the marriage and all still living. Listed in his household was 
his wife Margaret Simmont {266} age 30 born December 1869 in Maryland. Also listed were their 4 children: 
Emma Simmont {267} aged 13 born May 1887 in Maryland; Alfred Simmont {214} age 10 born July 1889 
in Maryland; Charles W. Simmont {233} age 6 born November 1 893 in Maryland; and Annie Simmont {270} 
age 1 born July 1898 in Maryland. 

, , h- ^ 


1900 Maryland Census Record of Joseph Simmont {265} 

The only entry for a Joseph Simmont in the Baltimore City Directory is the following: 
1883 Joseph, brick manufacturer, Washington Ave. ext Home: 205 Scott 

It should also be noted that in the 1882 Business section of the Baltimore City Directory Joseph Simmont 
is listed as a Brick Manufacturer at 205 Scott Street. I was unable to locate any other Simmonts at this 
address on Scott at any other time; however they lived all up and down Scott Street at various addresses. 

Emma 81 MMONT{267} 5 (Joseph SIMMONT {265} 4 , William F. SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David SIMMONT 
{252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born May 1887. Emma SIMMONT {267} died after 1900. 

NOTES for Emma SIMMONT {267} follow: Located in the 1900 Maryland Census with family (see page 

Pag* 155 > 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Alfred T. SIMMONT {214} 5 (Joseph SIMMONT {265} 4 , William F. SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David 
SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born July 1889, in Maryland. He married Catherine M. 
{236} (Maiden name unknown) about 1911. She was born about 1894, in Maryland. 

They had 3 children: 



Clifton W. SIMMONT {237} b. 1912 

d. after 1920 



Alfred H. SIMMONT {238} b. 1913 



Margaret L. SIMMONT {239} b. 1919 

d. after 1920 

Catherine M. {236} died after 1959. 

NOTES for Catherine M. {236} follow: Both parents born Maryland according to 1900 Maryland Census. 

Alfred T. SIMMONT {214} died after 1959. 

NOTES for Alfred T. SIMMONT {214} follow: 1900 Maryland Census with points to birth of July 1889. 
It is stronalv believed that there are two different persons with an identical name of Alfred T. Simmont living 
in the same time frame. It appears that both were born in July of 1889! The various incorrect spellings and 
intermingling in the various census reports and the Baltimore City Directory really compounds the difficulty 
in keeping the two separated. It has been noted that an Alfred T. Simmont from Maryland served in the 
United States Army in World War II. It is unknown if this is that particular individual. 

The information for this Alfred C. Simmont (note that the census record lists his middle initial as 'C'.) was 
taken from the 1920 Maryland Census. He was living in 367th Enumeration District at 1241 Sargeant Street 
in Baltimore City and was listed as 27 years old white male with he and both parents born Maryland. He is 
enumerated as a Laborer in the Factory Industry. In his household were his wife Carrie Simmont {236} age 
26 born Maryland, and children Clifton W. Simmont {237} age 9 years, Alfred H. Simmont {238} age 7 
years, and Margaret L Simmont {239} age 1 year. 

To complicate the matter of Alfred Simmont we also find in the 1 920 Maryland Census a Mrs. Margarete 
R. Simmont age 51 years living on Ward Street in Baltimore City. With her were: Alfred T. Simmont age 
29 years employed as a driver, Harriet Simmont age 18 years, Frank T. Simmont age 16 years employed 
as a helper, Margarete Simmont age 14 years, Bertha Simmont age 12 years, Robert Simmont age 9 
years, and Mary M. Simmont age 5 years. This Margaret R. Simmont was actually Margaret R. Henrickle 
{73} who married John T. Simmont {98} who was the son of David Simmont {172}. 

There have been various Alfret / Alfred Simmonts in the Baltimore City Directory at various times: 
Obviously these earlier years can not be this particular Alfred Simmont. It is strongly believed that the 
middle initial is T and that there are two different Alfred T. Simmonts living at the same time which really 
complicate matters especially where you consider they were not father and son. 

1883 Alfred, brickmaker, Washington Ave ext. (6 yrs before birth of) Alfred T. SIMMONT {214} 

1885 Alfred T., brickmaker, boards 250 Washington Ave (Jacob H., brickmaker, listed at same address) 

1886 Alfred T., brickmaker 250 Washington Ave (David F., brickmaker at same address with Jacob H., 
1 889 Alfred, laborer, 1459 Washington Ave (year of birth for this Alfred) 

1910 Alfred T., laborer, 1 152 Ward (John T., laborer, at same address) 

191 1 Alfred T., laborer, 1 152 Ward (John T., laborer, at same address) 

- Page 1S6 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

1913 Alfred F., laborer, 1247 Columbia Ave (Charles W., laborer, and John F., laborer, at same address) 

1914 Alfred T., driver, 1253 Columbia Ave (John T., laborer, at same address) 

1916 Alfred T., driver, 1224 W. Ostend (Charles W., packer, and John T., laborer, at same address) 

1917 Alfred T., driver, h. 1 156 Ward (Mrs. Margaret R., at same address) 
1918-9 Alfred T., driver, h. 1 156 Ward (Mrs. Margaret R., at same address) 

1920 Alfred T., chauffeur, h. 1 156 Ward (Frank B., laborer, at same address) 

1921 Albert T., chauffeur, h. 1 156 Ward (Listed as Albert T.) (Charles W., packer, and Frank B., laborer, 
at same address) 

1922 Alfred T., chauffeur, 1156 Ward (Charles W. {Margaret}, packer, at same address; also Mrs. 
Margaret, at same address) 

It is believed that none of the above listings are for this Alfred T. Simmont. The only listings believed for him 


1955 Alfred T. (Cath M.), mach opr, Western Electric, h. 3445 Yardley Dr 

1957 Alfred T., (Catherine) maintenance Western Electric, h. 3455 Yardley 

1959 Alfred T., (Catherine M., stock collector Western Electric, 3455 Yardley Drive 

This is based upon the fact that the other Alfret T. Simmont died in 1957 and also on the fact that Alfred 
T. Simmont's wife was Carrie (a derivative of Catherine) in the 1920 Maryland Census. 

Clifton W. SIMMONT {237} 6 (Alfred T. SIMMONT {214} 5 , Joseph SIMMONT {265} 4 , William F. 
SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 1912, in Maryland. 
Clifton W. SIMMONT {237} died after 1920. 

NOTES for Clifton W. SIMMONT {237} follow: Located in 1920 Maryland Census with family (see page 

Alfred H. SIMMONT {238} 6 (Alfred T. SIMMONT {214} 5 , Joseph SIMMONT {265} 4 , William F. 
SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 1913, in Maryland. 

NOTES for Alfred H. SIMMONT {238} follow: Located in 1920 Maryland Census with family (see page 

Margaret L. SIMMONT {239} 6 (Alfred T. SIMMONT {214} 5 , Joseph SIMMONT {265} 4 , William F. 
SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 1919, in Maryland. 
Margaret L SIMMONT {239} died after 1920. 

NOTES for Margaret L. SIMMONT {239} follow: Located in 1 920 Maryland Census with family (see page 

Charles W. SIMMONT, Sr. {233} 5 (Joseph SIMMONT {265} 4 , William F. SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David 
SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 12 November 1894, in Baltimore, Maryland. He 
married Margaret M. SMITH {232} about 1918. She was born 3 November 1 898, in Maryland, the daughter 

- Page 1S7 « 

Descendants of David Simmant 

of Frank J. SMITH {305} and Hemil M. {306}. 

They had 3 children: 

M L Charles W. SIMMONT, Jr. {234} b. 1919 

F ii. Ellen M. SIMMONT {235} b. 1920 

M Hi. Alfred SIMMONT {327} b. 

d. after August 1963 
d. after August 1963 
d. after August 1963 

Margaret M. SMITH {232} died 10 August 1963, in Baltimore, Maryland, and was buried 13 August 1963, 
in Meadow Ridge Cemetery, Howard County, Maryland. 

NOTES for Margaret M. SMITH {232} follow: Birth and death dates obtained from tombstone. Located in 
the 1920 Maryland Census with her parents and with her husband (see page 158). 


Suddenly on August 19. 1963. MAR. 
CARET M. (nee Smith), of 3443 
Yardley drive, Dundalk. formerly 
of Point Pleasant, beloved wife of 
the late Charlea W. Slmmont, de- 
Toted mother of Charles Slmmont, 
Mrs. Ellen Gallagher, Alfred Slm- 
mont and alater of Mra. Ellen 
Grimea. 12e 

Services at the home of her son, 
205 Oaklelgh road. Ferndale, Md. ( 
on Tuesday, August 13, at 11 A.M« 
Interment in Meadow Ridge Me- 
morial Park. 

Obit of Margaret M. Simmont (Smith) {232} 

Obituary notice is found in the 
Baltimore Sun - 20 August 1963: 
Suddenly on August 19, 1963, Margaret M. SIMMONT 
(nee Smith), of 3443 Yardley Drive, Dundalk, formerly of 
Point Pleasant, beloved wife of the late Charles W. 
Simmont, devoted mother of Charles Simmont, Mrs, 
Ellen Gallagher, Alfred Simmont and sister of Mrs. Ellen 
Grimes. Services at the home of her son, 205 Oakleigh 
Road, Femdale, Maryland, on Tuesday, August 13, at 
1 1 AM. Interment in Meadow Ridge Memorial Park. 

:-r '\ f , : ',yj^K^iu,' i: xd^jBJi:t -- 


«i «*."-•; *j"-. 'I*' ■»'*-' 


Bronze gravemarker of Margaret M. Simmont (Smith) {232} 

Charles W. SIMMONT, Sr. {233} died 19 May 1957, and was buried 22 May 1957, in Meadow Ridge 
Cemetery, Howard County, Maryland. 

NOTES for Charles W. SIMMONT, Sr. {233} follow: Located with his parents in the 1900 Maryland 
Census (see page 155). Marriage date estimated from children's births. Birth & death dates obtained from 

Located with his father in law and extended family in the 1920 Maryland Census. The family is found living 
in the 417th Enumeration District of Baltimore City with Frank J. Smith {305} as the Head of Family. Frank 
J. Smith is listed as 41 year old married white male born in Maryland. Both of his parents were also listed 
as being born in Maryland. He was employed as a Laborer on the Railroad. Also in the household were 
Frank's wife Hemil M. {306} (Maiden name unknown) age 37 bom Maryland who was a Presser in a Clothing 

- Page 158 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Factory. Both of her parents were born in Maryland. Also listed we find their daughter Margaret M. 
Simmont {232} age 21 and listed as 'married' and her husband Charles W. Simmont, Sr. {233}. Charles 
is listed as being 24 year old. He then find Frank's grandson Charles W. Simmont, Jr. {234} age 1 and 
granddaughter Ellen M. Simmont {235} age 1 month (both children of his daughter Margaret M. Smith 
{232} and her husband Charles W. Simmont, Sr. {233}). We also find another daughter of Frank Smith 
who is listed as Ella M. Grimes {307} who is listed as being 18 years old and married. Her husband Charles 
Grimes {308} also appears as does their son George Grimes {309} who is 1 year old. Also appearing is 
Frank Smith's sister Margaret A. Smith age 33 who was a forelady in a Paint Factory and his nephew 
Theodore Smith. Everyone in the household was born in Maryland. 

Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 

1913 Charles W., laborer, 1247 Columbia Ave (with Alfred F. and John F.) 

1916 Charles W., packer, 1224 W. Ostend (with Alfred T. and John T.) 

1920 Charles B., glass worker, h. Annapolis Ave near Hollins Ferry Rd. 

1921 Charles W., packer, 1 154 Ward (At 1 156 Ward: Albert T., chauffeur, Albert T., laborer and Frank B., 

1922 Charles W. (Margaret) packer, 1154 Ward (Living at 1156 Ward was Mrs. Margaret Simmont and 
Alfred T.) 

1924 Charles W. (Margaret) packer, 1 154 Ward (Living at 1 156 Ward was Bertha, seamstress, Frank B., 
chauffeur, and Margaret C. Simmont) 

1926 Charles W. (Margaret), packer, h. Foerster nr. Hollins Ferry Rd, Mt. Winans. 

1927 Charles W. (Margaret), packer, h. Foerster nr Hollins Ferry, Mt Winans 

1928 Charles W. (Margaret M.) chauffeur, Foerster Ave nr Hollins Ferry 

1929 Charles W. (Margaret), chauffeur, 2609 Foerster Ave., Mt. Winans 

1930 Charles W. (Margaret), chauf 2609 Foerster Ave (Lakeland) 

1936 Charles W. (Margaret M.), driver, h. 2612 Foerster Ave 

1937 Charles W. (Margaret), ironworker, h. 2612 Foerster Ave. (with Charles W., Jr., checker National 
Carloading Corp) 

1940 Charles W. (Margaret M.) mach operator, 2612 Foerster (with Alfred T., warehouseman, Charles F. 

checker, and Ellen M., helper) 
1942 Charles W. (Margaret), helper, 2612 Foerster 
The 1942 entry was the last one located for Charles W. Simmont, Sr. {233}. 

The obituary notice states that Charles "Buck" H. Simmont (note different middle initial) was the husband 
of Margaret M. Simmont (nee Smith) and the father of Mrs. Ellen Gallagher, Charles Simmont and Alford 
Simmont (note spelling). 

Death certificate 57-4839 shows Charles W. Simmont as being born in Baltimore and living there his entire 
life. He was listed as a married white male who was a foreman at Crown Cork & Seal. His father was listed 
as 'unknown 1 and his mother was simply listed as Margaret. His usual residence was shown as Anne 
Arundel County. The informant was listed as Margaret Simmont of Mount Pleasant. 

(Death Certificate appears on next page) 

Charles W. SIMMONT, III {234} 6 (Charles W. SIMMONT, Jr. {233} 5 , Joseph SIMMONT {265} 4 , William 
F. SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 1919, in Maryland 

- Page 159 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Charles W. SIMMONT, III {234} died after August 1963. 

NOTES for Charles W. SIMMONT, III {234} follow: Located in 1920 Maryland Census with grandfather, 
Frank J. Smith {305} (see page 158). Mentioned in his mother's obituary of August 1963 (see page 158). 

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Death Certificate for 
Charles W. Simmont, Sr. {233} 

^^r* 1 ^ 

2^^ /J 


Bronze gravemarker of 
Charles W. Simmont, Sr. {233} 

- Pag0 160- 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Ellen M. SIMMONT {235} 6 (Charles W. SIMMONT, Jr. {233} 5 , Joseph SIMMONT {265} 4 , William F. 
SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 1920. She married 
GALLAGHER {326} before 1957. 

No children have yet been identified. 

Ellen M. SIMMONT {235} died after August 1963. 

NOTES for Ellen M. SIMMONT {235} follow: One month old in 1920 Maryland Census. Located with 
parents and grandfather, Frank J. Smith {305} (see page 158). 

Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 

1940 Ellen M., helper, 2612 Foerster (with Alfred T., Charles F, and Charles W.) 

Listed in her mother's and father's obituary as Mrs. Ellen Gallagher (see page 158 and page 159). 

Alfred SIMMONT {327} 6 (Charles W. SIMMONT, Jr. {233} 5 , Joseph SIMMONT {265}*, William F. 
SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). Alfred SIMMONT {327} died 
after August 1963. 

NOTES for Alfred SIMMONT {327} follow: Listed in his father's obituary as 'Alford Simmont' of May 1 957 
(see page 159). Listed in his mother's obituary as 'Alfred Simmont' of August 1963 (see page 158). 

Annie SIMMONT {270} 5 (Joseph SIMMONT {265} 4 , William F. SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David SIMMONT 
{252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born July 1898, in Maryland. Annie SIMMONT {270} died after 1900. 

NOTES for Annie SIMMONT {270} follow: Located in the 1900 Maryland Census with family, (see page 

Harrison T. SIMMONT {290} 4 (William F. SIMMONT. Sr. {281} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David 
SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born about 1869, in Maryland. He married Mary Catherine BOSMAN {291} about 
1893, in Maryland. She was born 12 December 1867, in Baltimore City, Maryland, the daughter of Alexander 
BOSMAN {329} and Barbara HARTLINE {330}. 

They had 4 children: 

William Francis SIMMONT {245} b. 25 January 1889 d. 23 October 1957 

Annie SIMMONT {293} b. 19 June 1892 d. 5 October 1936 

Harrison Alex SIMMONT {243} b. 10 August 1894 d. 9 August 1966 


F ii 

M iii 

M iv. George Vernon SIMMONT {211} b. 12 November 1896 d. 14 July 1964 

Mary Catherine BOSMAN {291} died 20 November 1946, in Baltimore City, Maryland, and was buried 23 
November 1946, in Baltimore Cemetery, Baltimore City, Maryland. 

NOTES for Mary Catherine BOSMAN {291} follow: Maiden name obtained from the death certificate of her 
son, George Vernon Simmont {211} (see page 180). 

- Page 161 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 


Mary (widow Harry T.), r. 132 S. Clinton 
Mary C„ (widow Harry T.), r. 1325 Clinton 






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WKiW> »t work? 

Death Certificate of Mary Catherine Simmont (nee Bosman) {291} 
Death Certificate G45775 (CR 48,279) states that Mary C. Simmont died at home (1325 S. Clinton Street). 
She is listed as being a widowed white female who was born 12 December 1 867 and the husband of the late 
Harry T. Simmont. Mary was born in Baltimore and was the daughter of Alexander Bosman {329} (born 
- Eastern Shore of Maryland) and Barbara Hartline (born - Baltimore, Maryland). The informant was George 
Simmont of 3506 O'Donnell Street. She was buried at Baltimore Cemetery. 

SIMMONT.— On November 20, 194« f 
.MART O. (MAMIE) (nee Boimjin, be- 
loved wife of the lttt Hmrry T\ Sim- 

Funeral from her home, 1325 South 
Clinton street, on Saturday at 8.30 
A. M* Requiem Mass at St, Brtgld's 
Church at 9 A. M. Interment in Balti* 

^jnore Cemetery. 23 

Her obituary notice was found in the 
Baltimore Sun - 21 November 1946: 
On November 20, 1946, Mary C. (MAMIE) 
(nee Bosman), beloved wife of the late Harry 
Z Simmont Funeral from her home, 1325 
South Clinton Street, on Saturday at 8:30 AM. 
Requiem Mass at Si Brigid's Church at 9 AM. 
Interment in Baltimore Cemetery. 

Obit - Mary Catherine Simmont (Bosman) {291} 

- PagB 1$2- 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Harrison T. SIMMONT {290} died after 1929. 

NOTES for Harrison T. SIMMONT {290} follow: Marriage date estimated from birth of first child. 
Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 

1886 Harry O, laborer, Clinton near Eleventh Ave. 

1887 Harry T., driver, 1025 Clinton 

1891 Henry T., laborer, 423 Wehage 

1892 Henry T., mach, 423 Wehage NOTE: These are the only two times a Henry Simmont is found in the 
Baltimore City Directory. As Harry is not listed in 1891 and 1892 and Henry has a middle initial of 
T it is believed this listing is for him. 

1893 Harry T., laborer, 1153 Riverside Ave 

1894 Harry T., engineer, 206 O'Donnell ext. 

1895 Harrison T., laborer, 1425 Henry 

1896 Harrison T., acid burner, 21 Elliott ext 

1897 Harrison T., laborer, 21 Elliott ext. 

1898 Harrison T., laborer, 17 1st Ave E. 

1899 Harrison T., laborer, 17 1st Ave E. 

1901 Harrison T., laborer, 410 E. Clement 

1902 Harrison T., chemist, 410 E. Clement 

1903 Harrison T., laborer, 1039 Haubert 

1904 Harrison T., laborer, 7 Toone 

1905 Harry T„ carpenter, 7 Toone ext. 

1906 Harry T., carpenter, 7 Toone ext. 

1907 Harrison T., laborer, 7 Toone ext. 

1908 Harrison T., foreman, h. 7 Toone (with William F. Simmont, fireman, his oldest son) 

1910 Harry T., foreman, h. 3230 Toone 

1911 Harry T., foreman, h: 3230 Toone 

1912 Harrison T., foreman, h. 3230 Toone (with son Harrison A., laborer and son William, foreman) 

1913 Harrison T., superintendent, h. 3230 Toone (with son Harrison A., laborer) 

1914 Harrison T., broom maker, h. 3230 Toone (with son Harrison A, foreman) {I believe the occupations 
were reversed in this listing. It would appear that father Harrison T. Simmont would be the foreman 
as he was listed as that in years past} 

1916 Harry T, superintendent, h. 3230 Toone 

1917 Harrison T., superintendent, h. 3230 Toone 
1918-9 Harrison T., superintendent, h. 3230 Toone 

1920 Harry T., superintendent, 1331 S. Clinton (with son Harry A., laborer) 

1921 Harry T., superintendent, 1331 S. Clinton 

1922 Harry T., superintendent, 1351 S.Clinton 

1923 Harry T, (Mary), superintendent, 1331 S. Clinton NOTE: 1920 Maryland Census listed wife as 

1926 Harry T., (Mary) laborer, 1331 S.Clinton 

1927 Harry (Mary), foreman, 1325 S. Clinton {Next door to George V. (Eva)} 

1928 Harry (Mary), foreman, 1325 S. Clinton 

1929 Harry (Mary), laborer, 1325 S.Clinton 

This is believed to be the last listing for Harrison T. Simmont {290}. The later listings are for different 

- Page 163 

Descendants of David Simmont 

1920 Maryland Census Record for 
Harrison T. Simmont {290} 

William Francis SIMMONT {245} 5 (Harrison T. SIMMONT {290} 4 , William F. SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , 
David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 25 January 1889, in Maryland. He married 
Addie May IRVING {246} about 1912. She was born 8 December 1888, in North Carolina, the daughter 
of Ennis Elisha IRVING {240} and Rachel Winifred ANDREWS {31 1}. 






They had 4 children: 

William Irving SIMMONT {247} b. 19 May 1913 

Ethel May SIMMONT {248} b. 13 May 1914 

Harry Theodore SIMMONT, Sr. {249} b. 19 Aug 1917 
Michael James SIMMONT {339} b. 16 May 1922 

d. 7 January 1974 
d. 22 April 1981 
d. 5 December 1962 
d. 5 May 1956 

Addie May IRVING {246} died 1 1 April 1961, in Baltimore City, Maryland, and was buried 14 April 1961, in 
Sacred Heart Cemetery, Baltimore, Maryland. 

SIMMONT. — On April ll t 1961. 

, ADDIE M. (nee Irving ) # of 303 
Audrey avenue, beloved wife of 
the late William P. Simmont and 
devoted father of W. Irving Sim- 
mont. Mrs. Ethel Hutson, Harry 
T. Simmont and the late James 
Simmont. 14c 

Funeral from the Hoffmann 
Punerai Home, 3218 Hudson street 
(entrance on Bouldln street), on 
Friday at 11 A.M. Interment in 
Sacred Heart Cemetery, Friends I 
may call from 2 to 10 P.M. | 

Obituary for Addie M. Simmon! {246} 

NOTES for Addie May IRVING {246} follow: 
Information obtained from death certificate # 61 - 03662. 

The informant of her death certificate was listed as the 
"patient's chart'. She was listed as a widow at the time 
of her death. 

Obituary notice found in the 

Baltimore Sun - 12 August 1961 : 

On April 11, 1961, ADDIE M. (nee Irving) of 303 Audrey 

Avenue, beloved wife of the late William E Simmont 

Page 164 

Descendants of David Simmont 

and devoted father of W. Irving Simmont, Mrs. Ethe/Hutson, Harry Z Simmont and the late James Simmont 

Funeral from the Hoffmann Funeral Home, 3218 Hudson Street (entrance on Bouldin Street), on Friday at 
1 1 AM. Interment in Sacred Heart Cemetery. Friends may call from 2 to 10 PM. 


61 U3gC8, 




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^■.[tfR 12 1961 rffck^ 

Death Certificate of Addie M. Simmont {246} 

William Francis SIMMONT {245} died 23 October 1 957. 


NOTES for William Francis SIMMONT {245} follow: Marriage date estimated from children's births. Birth 
and death from bible records - c/o Sandra Marie Simmont {400}. 

Mentioned in the obituary of his brother George V. Simmont (July, 1 964) as being brother of the late William 
Simmont (see page 180). 

Located in the 1920 Maryland Census. He was found in the 6th Ward of the 70th Enumeration District of 
Baltimore City and living at 29 Linwood Avenue. He is listed as a 29 year old married white male who was 
born in Maryland as well as both of his parents. His occupation was listed as an Assistant Superintendent 
in the Textile Industry. In his household was his wife Addie M. Simmont {246} age 31 and born in North 
Carolina. Also listed was a son Irving W. Simmont who was actually William Irving Simmont {247} age 
7 born in Maryland; a daughter Ethel M. Simmont {248} who was 5 years old and bom in Maryland; and 
Harry T. Simmont {249} who was 2% years old and born in North Carolina. Also living in the house was Sue 
M. Andrews who was listed an aunt. She was 69 years old and born in North Carolina. It would appear that 

Page 165 

Descendants of David Simmont 

she would be an aunt to Addie. [This census record was very dark and difficult to read] 

William Francis SIMMONT {245} is located in the Baltimore City Directory. For a complete listing of all of 
the William Simmont's in the Baltimore City Directory please see page 150. 

William Irving SIMMONT {247} 6 (William Francis SIMMONT {245} 5 , Harrison T. SIMMONT {290} 4 , 
William F. SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 19 May 
1913, in Maryland. He married (1) Eleanora GOLDSCHMIDT {378}. 

They had 1 child: 

F i. Carolyn SIMMONT {381} b. 14 Jun 1942 

William Irving SIMMONT {247} next married (2) Maybelle REIDY {379}. 

They had 1 child: 
F ii. Cheryle Lynn SIMMONT {382} b. 10 Jan 1966 

William Irving SIMMONT {247} died 7 Jan 1974, in Maryland. 

NOTES for William Irving SIMMONT {247} follow: Listed in the 1920 Maryland Census as Irving W. 
Simmont (see page 165). Listed in his mother's obituary notice as William Irving Simmont (see page 164). 
This particular person is believed to be the William Simmont located in the Social Security Death Index 
under Social Security # 213-10-4320. 

Obituary notice found in the Baltimore Sun: 
On January 7, 1974, William L Simmont of Audrey Avenue, 
beloved husband of Maybelle E Simmont (nee Reidy) and 
devoted father of Miss Cheryl Lynn Simmont and Mrs. Carolyn 
Komm, brother of Mrs. Ethel Hutson, and the late Harry T. 
Simmont and James M. Simmont Services at the McCulIy 
Funeral Home, 237 E. Pa tapsco Avenue, at Third Street, Brooklyn 
Obituary of on Friday at 11 AM Interment in Sacred Heart of Jesus 

William Irving Simmont {247} Cemetery. 

(The listing of James M. Simmont is incorrect. It should have been M. James Simmont) 

There are several William Simmonts located in the Baltimore City Directory. For a complete listing please 
see page 150. 

simmont: Uf^J'^U 

.-On January 7, 1974,- WILUAM H. of 

Audrey • avenuer beloved husband - of 

-.Mayoelle "E: Simmont {nee Reidy), and 

, devoted father of Miss Cheryl 'Lynn 

.-Simmont and. Mrsv Carolyn = Komm,. 

brother of Mrs. Ethel Hutson, and the 

. late Horry 7. and James M. Simmont.-. 

Services at the McCULLY FUNERAL 

-•HOME, 237- E. : Patopsco avenue, at 

Third street, Brooklyn, -on Friday at 11 

a.m. -interment in Sacred Heart of Je- 

Carolyn SIMMONT {38 1} 7 (William Irving SIMMONT {247} 6 , William Francis SIMMONT{245} 5 , Harrison 
T. SIMMONT {290} 4 , William F. SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) 
was born 14 June 1942. She married _____ KOMM {314}. 

No children have yet been identified. 
- Page 166 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

NOTES for Carolyn SIMMONT {381} follow: Listed in her father's obituary as Mrs. Carolyn Komm (see 
page 166). 

Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 

1964 Carolyn J. Simmont, clerk, Baltimore Gas & Electric, 3203 Mary Ave. 

Cheryle Lynn SIMMONT {382} 7 {William Irving SIMMONT {247} 6 , William Francis SIMMONT {245} 5 , 
Harrison T. SIMMONT {290} 4 , William F. SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David 
SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 10 January 1966. She married Christopher FELLRATH {413}. 


They had 2 children: 

Tanner James FELLRATH {414} b. 

Samantha FELLRATH {415} b. 

Tanner James FELLRATH {414} 8 (Cheryle Lynn SIMMONT {382} 7 , William Irving SIMMONT {247} 6 , 
William Francis SIMMONT {245} 5 , Harrison T. SIMMONT {290} 4 , William F. SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , 
David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). 

Samantha FELLRATH {415} 8 (Cheryle Lynn SIMMONT{382} 7 , William Irving SIMMONT {247} 6 f William 
Francis SIMMONT {245} 5 , Harrison T. SIMMONT {290} 4 , William F. SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David 
SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). 

Ethel May SIMMONT {248} 6 (William Francis SIMMONT {245} 5 , Harrison T. SIMMONT{290} 4 , William 
F. SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 13 May 1914, in 
Maryland. She married John Edward HUTSON, Sr. {338} who was born 18 August 1909. 

F i. 

M ii. 
M iii. 

They had 3 children: 
Eieanora May HUTSON {383} b. 26 September 1932 

John Edward HUTSON, Jr. {384} , b. 15 July 1936 
Gary Richard HUTSON {385} b. 24 June 1942 

d. 7 January 1962 

John Edward HUTSON, Sr. {338} died 15 April 1985. 

NOTES for John Edward HUTSON, Sr. {338} follow: 

Obituary notice from newspaper 
Funeral services were held Thursday at the Singleton Funeral Home Chapel 
for Edward John Hutson, a 42 year resident of Brooklyn Park. Mr. Hutson, 
75, died Monday at South Baltimore General Hospital after a one year illness. 
Mr. Hutson, was born in Baltimore. He worked in maintenance with General 
Motors for 33 years, retiring in 1969. He was a member of the Moose Lodge 
No. 1456. Mr. Hutson enjoyed his home and family. He also enjoyed yard 
work. He is survived by his daughter, Eieanora M. Rohde; one son, GaryR. Obit - John Hutson {338} 

HUTSON, 17e 

On April 15, 1985, ED- 
WAfiO J., of Brooklyn 
Park, beloved husband of 
the late Ethel M. Hutson 
(nee Simmont). Devoted 
father of Eieanora M. 

. Rohde, Gary R. and the 
late John Edward Hutson, 
father-in-law of Blanche 
B. Hutson. Aiso survived 
by three grandchildren, 
two great grandsons, 
two Brothers and one 
sister. . 

Services from the Sin- 

tieton Funeral Home, 1 
econd avenue S*W, (at 
crain highway) Glen Bur- 
nie on Thursday at 1 1 
A.M. Interment in Glen 
Haven Memorial Park. 
The family will receive 
visitors from 3 to 5 and 
7 to 9 P.M. Wednesday. 

Page 167- 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Hutson, two brothers, Hatty R. Hutson and Richard Hutson, -one sister Barbara Mcxgan; three grandchildren; 
two great-grandchildren and one daughter in law. Mr. Hutson was the husband of the late Ethel M. Hutson 
and the father of the late John E Hutson, The Rev. Alexander officiated at the funeral services. Buna/was 
in Glen Haven Memorial Park. 

Ethel May HUTSON {248} (nee SIMMONT) died 22 April 1981 . 

NOTES for Ethel May SIMMONT {248} follow: 

Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 

1930 Ethel, packer, Trappe Rd & Vesper Ave 

It is possible this entry might not be for this Ethel Simmont as she would only be 15-16 years old at this time, 
Not only entries for an Ethel Simmont nor for anyone at the above address. 

Mentioned in the obituary of her mother as Mrs. Ethel Hutson (see page 164). 

HUTSON ?^^~ ^.-23a— 
t On April 12. 1881 , ETHEL 
. M^lnaa ; Simmot), .>of 
. Brooklyn ~ Parky balovad 
wifa of Edward-J. Hutson, 
; davotod mother of Elea- 
nor* M. Rondo, Gary ft. 
and the late John Edward 
. Hutaon. Also aurvivad by 
-thraa grandchildran and 
ona graat-flrandaon. . 
Sarvicaa from tha Sin- 

Sfaton Funarai Homa, 1 
•cond- avanua -S.W. tat 
. Crain -:~ HlQhwayL . Glan 
Burniev on Saturday at 1 
P.M. Intarmenr in Glan 
Haven Memorial Park. Tha 
family will racarva vialtors 
from ~Z to- 5 and -7 to 9 

Obituary notice found in the Evening Sun: 
On April 22, 1981, EthelM. Hutson (nee Simmont) of Brooklyn Park, belovedwife 
of Edward J. Hutson, devoted mother of EleanoraM. Rohde, GaryR. Rohdeand 
the late John Edward Hutson. Also survived by three grandchildren and one 
great grandson. Services from the Singleton Funeral Home, 1 Second Avenue 
S. W. (at Crain Highway) Glen Burnie on Saturday at 1 PM. Interment in Glen 
Haven Memorial Park. The family will receive visitors from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 PM. 

Pth ?J? Uary *° * t Eleanora May HUTSON {383} 7 (Ethel May SIMMONT{248} 6 , William Francis 

Ethel Simmont {248} SIMM0NT {2 4Sf 9 Harrison T. SIMMONT {290} 4 , William F. SIMMONT, Sr. 

{281} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 26 September 1932, in Baltimore City, 

Maryland. She married Hariand Keith ROHDE {386} 11 December 1950, in St. Johns Lutheran Church, 

Brooklyn, Baltimore City, Maryland. He was born 5 January 1931, in Wisconsin. 

They had 3 children: 

M i. Dennis Keith ROHDE {387} b. 6 August 1952 

F ii. Terri Lynn ROHDE {388} b. 7 May 1954 

F iii. Caryle Lee ROHDE {389} b. 28 September 1956 

Hariand Keith Rohde {386} died 23 May 1980, in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, and was buried in 
Crownsville Veteran Cemetery, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. 

Dennis Keith ROHDE {387} 8 (Eleanora May HUTSON {383} 7 , Ethel May SIMMONT {248} 6 , William 
Francis SIMMONT {245} 5 , Harrison T. SIMMONT {290} 4 , William F. SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David 
SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 6 August 1952, in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. 
He married Sharon FEHSENFELD {390} 8 January 1977. She was born 12 March 1954. 

No children have been born to this marriage. 

- Page 168 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Terri Lynn ROHDE {388} 8 (Eleanora May HUTSON {383} 7 , Ethel May SIMMONT {248} 6 , William Francis 
SIMMONT {245} 5 , Harrison T. SIMMONT {290} 4 , William F. SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David SIMMONT 
{252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 7 May 1954, in Baltimore City, Maryland. She married Bruce 
Garrett O'HEIR {391} 2 January 1982. 

They had 2 children: 

M i. Michael Edward O'HEIR {395} b. 6 November 1984 

F it. Erin Hutson O'HEIR {396} b. 4 April 1987 

Michael Edward O'HEIR {395} 9 (Terri Lynn ROHDE {388} 8 , Eleanora May HUTSON {383} 7 , Ethel May 
SIMMONT {248} 6 , William Francis SIMMONT {245} 5 , Harrison T. SIMMONT {290}*, William F. 
SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 6 November 1984. 

Erin Hutson O'HEIR {396} 9 (Terri Lynn ROHDE {388} 8 , Eleanora May HUTSON {383} 7 , Ethel May 
SIMMONT {248} 6 , William Francis SIMMONT {245} 5 , Harrison T. SIMMONT {290} 4 , William F. 
SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 4 April 1987. 

Caryle Lee ROHDE {389} 8 (Eleanora May HUTSON {383} 7 , Ethel May SIMMONT {248} 6 , William 
Francis SIMMONT {245} 5 , Harrison T. SIMMONT {290} 4 , William F. SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David 
SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 28 September 1956, in Baltimore City, Maryland. She 
married (1) Stephen Mark MILLS, Sr. {392} 22 July 1977. He was born 7 November 1959. 

They had 1 child: 

M i. Stephen Mark MILLS, Jr. {393} b. 26 June 1980 

Caryle Lee ROHDE {389} next married (2) Peter Gregory STALEY {394} 5 January 1991. 

They had 1 child: 
M ii. Joshua Keyser STALEY {397} b. 28 February 1994 

Stephen Mark MILLS, Jr. {393} 9 (Caryle Lee ROHDE {389} 8 (Eleanora May HUTSON {383} 7 , Ethel May 
SIMMONT {248} 6 , William Francis SIMMONT {245} s , Harrison T. SIMMONT {290} 4 , William F. 
SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 26 June 1980. 

Joshua Keyser STALEY {397} 9 (Caryle Lee ROHDE {389} 8 (Eleanora May HUTSON {383} 7 , Ethel May 
SIMMONT {248} 6 , William Francis SIMMONT {245} 5 , Harrison T. SIMMONT {290} 4 , William F. 
SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 28 February 1994, 
in Annapolis, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. 

John Edward HUTSON, Jr. {384} 7 (Ethel May SIMMONT {248} 6 , William Francis SIMMONT {245} 5 , 
Harrison T. SIMMONT {290} 4 , William F. SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David 

Page 169 

Descendants of David Simmont 

SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 15 July 1936. He married Patricia Ann {398} (Maiden name unknown) in New 

No children were born to this marriage. 
John Edward HUTSON, Jr. {384} died 7 January 1962, in Italy. 

Gary Richard HUTSON {385} 7 (Ethel May SIMMONT{248} 6 , William Francis SIMMONT{245} 5 , Harrison 
T. SIMMONT {290} 4 , William F. SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT{278} 1 ) 
was born 24 June 1942. He married Blanche Fern NELSON {399} about 1961, in St. Johns Lutheran 
Church, Brooklyn, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. 

No children were born to this marriage. 

Harry Theodore SIMMONT, Sr. {249} 6 (William Francis SIMMONT{245} 5 , Harrison T. SIMMONT{290} 4 , 
William F. SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 19 August 
1917, in either North Carolina or Maryland. He married Erma A. WROTEN {300} about 1940, in Maryland. 
She was born about 1920. 

They had 2 children: 

M i. Harry Theodore SIMMONT, Jr. {301} b. April 1941 

M ii. Henry Jay SIMMONT {319} b. about January 1951 

Erma A. WROTEN {300} died after 1964. 

NOTES for Erma A. WROTEN {300} follow: Birth year estimated from husband's birth year. Maiden name 
obtained from the obituary notice of husband (see page 171). Also see Baltimore City Directory listings for 
Erma which are included with her husband's (see page 170). 

Harry Theodore SIMMONT, Sr. {249} died 5 December 1962, in Baltimore, Maryland, and was buried in 
Meadow Ridge Cemetery, Howard County, Maryland. 

NOTES for Harry Theodore SIMMONT, Sr. {249} follow: Mentioned in the obituary notice of his mother 
(see page 164). Social Security number was 213-10-4319. 

Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 

1936 Harry, laborer, r. 1315 Patapsco 

1937 Harry T., shipping clerk, r. 1315 Patapsco 
1940 Harry T., r. 3619 Fairhaven 

1942 Harry T. (Erma), 5914 Greenhill 

1956 Harry T. (Erma A.) emp General Mtr Parts Dept 314 N. Ellwood 

Harry's wife is also listed: 

1956 Erma A., Mrs., salesman, Herman Wockenfuss, h. 314 N. Ellwood Ave. 

1958 Harry T. (Erma A.) truck op, Chev. Mtr, 314 N. Ellwood Ave 

1961 Harry T. (Erma A.) Simmont's Garage, 314 N. Ellwood Ave 

This is the last listing for Harrison Theodore Simmont, Sr. {249}. In the 1964 Baltimore City Directory we 

Pag* 170- 

Descendants of David Simmont 

find the following listing: 

1964 Erna A. (widow Harry T.), 314 N. Ellwood Ave. 

Death certificate in file: 62-1 1820. Lists parents. Listed as married at time of death. Informant was Erma 
Simmont of 314 Ellwood Ave. Occupation was clerk - automobile. The Death Certificate cited him as being 
in World War II. This is confirmed by a listing for a Harry Theodore Simmont, Sr. of Baltimore City, 
Maryland who served as a Corporal in the United States Marine Corps. His number was 920860. The middle 
name of Theodore was obtained from the World War II source which listed Maryland Men who served in 
World War II. 



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J?18IIE !?AT|JW DEATH__ ; 

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II. MfHtatNAM! 

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Aoom? ! 

Death Certificate for Harry Theodore Simmont, Sr. {249} 

Obituary notice was found in the Baltimore Sun - 6 December 1962: 

On December^ 1962, Many T. SIMMONT, Sr. f of 314 North Ellwood Avenue, beloved husband of Erma A. 
Simmont (nee Wroten) and devoted father of Henry Jay Simmont and Harry T. Simmont, Jr. Funeral services 
at the John A. Moran Funeral Home, 3000 East Baltimore Street (comer of Potomac Street), on Saturday, 
December 8, at 12 noon. Interment in Meadowridge Memorial Park Cemetery. Friends may visit daily from 
2 PM to 10 PM. 

- Page 171 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

SIMMONT.— On December $,. 1982. 
HARRY T. SIMMONT, 8R. f of 314 
North Eilwood- avenue, beloved 
husband of JKrma A. Simmont 
(nee Wroten), and devoted father 
of Henry Jay and Harry T, Sim- 
mont, Jr 8e 

Funeral service* at the John A. 
Moran Funeral Home, 3000 East 
Baltimore street (corner of Poto- 
mac street), on Saturday, Decem- 
ber 8. at 13 noon. Interment in 
Meadowridge Memorial Park Cem- 
etery, Friends may visit dally from 
2 P.M. to 10 P.M. 

Obituary for Harry T. Simmont, Sr. {249} 

Bronze gravemarker for Harry Theodore Simmont, Sr. {249} 

Harry Theodore SIMMONT, Jr. {301} 7 (Harry Theodore SIMMONT, Sr. {249} 6 , William Francis 
SIMMONT {245} 5 , Harrison T. SIMMONT {290} 4 , William F. SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David SIMMONT 
{252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born April 1941. He married Antoinette E. {302} (Maiden name 
unknown) about 1963. She was born about 1943. 

No children have yet been identified. 

NOTES for Harry Theodore SIMMONT, Jr. {301} follow: Father Harry T. Simmont, Sr. is listed as a 'Sr/ 
on his death certificate in 1962 indicating there was a Harry T. Simmont, Jr. probably living at that time (see 
page 171). Mentioned in the obituary notice of his father (see page 171). There is an unconnected Harry 
T. Simmont in the Baltimore City Directory who is believed to be Harry T. Simmont, Sr.'s son: 
1964 Harry T (Antoinette E.) city policeman, 3726 Claremont 

Henry Jay SIMMONT {3 19} 7 (Harry Theodore SIMMONT, Sr. {249} 6 , William Francis SIMMONT{245} 5 , 
Harrison T. SIMMONT {290} 4 , William F. SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David 
SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born about January 1951 . 

NOTES for Henry Jay SIMMONT {319} follow: Information on this child is obtained from father's obituary 
notice (see page 171). 

- Page 172 • 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Michael James SIMMONT {339} 6 (William Francis SIMMONT {245} 5 , Harrison T. SIMMONT {290} 4 , 
William F. SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 16 May 
1922, in Baltimore City, Maryland. He married Mary Margaret AMBROSE {380} 8 September 1939. 

They had 1 child: 

F i. Sandra Marie SIMMONT {400} b. 5 September 1940 

Michael James SIMMONT {339} died 5 May 1956, in Baltimore City, Maryland, and was buried in Sacred 
Heart Cemetery, Baltimore County, Maryland. 

NOTES for Michael James SIMMONT {339} follow: Mentioned in the obituary notice of his mother (April 
1961) as the 'late' James Simmont (see page 164). 

Sandra Marie SIMMONT {400} 7 (Michael James SIMMONT {339} B (William Francis SIMMONT {245} 5 , 
Harrison T. SIMMONT {290} 4 , William F. SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David 
SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 5 September 1940, in Baltimore City, Maryland. She married (1) Robert Wilson 
LEE {401} 12 November 1958, in Elkridge, Howard County, Maryland; they divorced. He was born 9 April 


They had 3 children: 

Robert Jamey LEE {402} b. 13 July 1959 

Jeffery Wilson LEE {403} b. 23 March 1961 

Brian Joseph LEE {404} b. 17 October 1964 

Sandra Marie SIMMONT {400} next married (2) Ray Randel WATTS {410} 14 October 1989, in Anne 
Arundel County, Maryland. He was born 15 August 1932, in Petersburg, Grant County, West Virginia. 

No children have been born to this marriage. 

Robert Jamey LEE {402} 8 (Sandra Marie SIMMONT {400} 7 , Michael James SIMMONT {339} 6 (William 
Francis SIMMONT {245} 5 , Harrison T. SIMMONT {290} 4 , William F. SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David 
SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 13 July 1959, in Baltimore City, Maryland. He married 
(1 ) Kathy Sue BELMAN {405} in 1 978. She was born 30 October 1 958. 

They had 2 children: 

F i. Laura Marie LEE {406} b. 26 April 1979 

F ii. Stacy Nicole LEE {407} b. 7 October 1985 

Robert Jamey LEE {402} next married (2) Wendy Ann BROWN {408} 7 August 1990. She was born 16 
September 1962. 

They had 1 child: 

F iii. Elisabeth Danielle LEE {409} b. 14 October 1991 

Page 173 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Laura Marie LEE {406} 9 (Robert Jamey LEE {402} 8 , Sandra Marie SIMMONT {400} 7 , Michael James 
SIMMONT {339} 8 (William Francis SIMMONT {245} 5 , Harrison T. SIMMONT {290} 4 , William F. 
SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 26 April 1979, in 
Baltimore City, Maryland. 

Stacy Nicole LEE {407} 9 (Robert Jamey LEE {402} 8 Sandra Marie SIMMONT {400} 7 , Michael James 
SIMMONT {339} 6 (William Francis SIMMONT {245} 5 , Harrison T. SIMMONT {290} 4 , William F. 
SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 7 October 1985, in 
Baltimore City, Maryland. 

Elisabeth Danielle LEE {409} 9 (Robert Jamey LEE {402} 8 Sandra Marie SIMMONT {400} 7 , Michael 
James SIMMONT {339} 6 (William Francis SIMMONT {245} 5 , Harrison T. SIMMONT {290} 4 , William F. 
SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 14 October 1991. 

Jeffery Wilson LEE {403} 8 (Sandra Marie SIMMONT {4 00} 7 , Michael James SIMMONT {339} 6 (William 
Francis SIMMONT {245} s , Harrison T. SIMMONT {290} 4 , William F. SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David 
SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 23 March 1961, in Baltimore City, Maryland. He 
married Mary Eva CUTCHIN {416}; they divorced. 

No children were born to this marriage. 

Brian Joseph LEE {404} 8 (Sandra Marie SIMMONT {400} 7 , Michael James SIMMONT {339} 6 (William 
Francis SIMMONT {245} 5 , Harrison T. SIMMONT {290} 4 , William F. SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David 
SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 17 October 1964, in Baltimore City, Maryland, He 
married Nancy MAUK {417}; they divorced. 

No children were born to this marriage. 

Annie SIMMONT {293} 5 (Harrison T. SIMMONT {290} 4 , William F. SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David 
SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 19 June 1892, in Maryland. She married John 
BETCH {294} about 1913, in Maryland. He was bom about 1882, in Maryland. 

They had 6 children: 



Vera BETCH {295} 

b. 1914 



Katherine BETCH {296} 

b. 1916 



Viola BETCH {297} 

b. 1918 



Elvin BETCH {298} 

b. 1919 



Irving BETCH {411} 




Ethel BETCH {412} 


NOTES for John BETCH {294} follow: Located in the 1920 Maryland Census with Annie's family (see page 
149). His brother-in-law George V. Simmont's obituary notice lists sister as Anna Betch (see page 180). 

- Page 174 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Annie SIMMONT {293} died 5 October 1936. 

Vera BETCH {295} 6 (Annie SIMMONT {293} 5 , Harrison T. SIMMONT {290} 4 , William F. SIMMONT, Sr. 
{281} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 1914, in Maryland. Vera died after 

Katherine BETCH {296} 6 (Annie SIMMONT {293} 5 , Harrison T. SIMMONT{290} 4 , William F. SIMMONT, 
Sr. {281} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 1916, in Maryland. Katherine died 
after 1920. 

NOTES for Katherine BETCH {296} follow: Located with family in the 1920 Maryland Census (see page 

Viola BETCH {297} 6 (Annie SIMMONT{293} 5 , Harrison T. SIMMONT {290} 4 , William F. SIMMONT, Sr. 
{281} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 1918, in Maryland. Viola died about 

NOTES for Viola BETCH {297} follow: Located with family in the 1920 Maryland Census (see page 149). 

Elvin BETCH {298} 6 (Annie SIMMONT {293} 5 , Harrison T. SIMMONT {290} 4 , William F. SIMMONT, Sr. 
{281} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 1919, in Maryland. Elvin died after 

NOTES for Elvin BETCH {298} follow: Located with family in the 1920 Maryland Census (see page 149). 

Irving BETCH {41 1} 6 [Twin] (Annie SIMMONT {293} s , Harrison T. SIMMONT {290} 4 , William F. 
SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). 

NOTES for Irving BETCH {41 1} follow: Located with family in the 1920 Maryland Census (see page 149). 

Ethel BETCH {412} 6 [Twin] (Annie SIMMONT {293} 5 , Harrison T. SIMMONT {290} 4 , William F. 
SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). 

NOTES for Ethel BETCH {4 12} follow: Located with family in the 1920 Maryland Census (see page 149). 

Harrison Alex SIMMONT {243} 5 (Harrison T. SIMMONT {290} 4 , William F. SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David 
SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 10 August 1894, in Maryland. He married Marie 
Helen STOCKMAN {299} about 1921. She was born 11 February 1900, in Maryland, the daughter of 
William STOCKMAN {312} and Mary HURL {313}. 

No children have yet been identified. 
- Page 175- 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Marie Helen STOCKMAN {299} died 25 January 1 960, in Anne Arundei County, and was buried 28 January 
1960, in Sacred Heart Cemetery, Baltimore, Maryland. 

NOTES for Marie Helen STOCKMAN {299} follow: Listed with husband in the 1958 Baltimore City 
Directory. Birth, death, & parentage obtained from death certificate. Died at Franklin Square Hospital. Living 
in Brooklyn Park at 906 Jack Street at the time of her death. She was listed as married at the time of her 
death. The informant was Harry Simmont of the same address. 








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gfel |/M^ ta ^iy ^fef^r i Jjjyi-Tfr 

IIa. oati Alt'* tr MiA*m 9m. FT ti% hadm jpr #f9W«At j ,. »««. rutntAi ofttcrCMt 7^ 

Death Certificate of Marie H. Simmont (nee Stockman) {299} 

P iATH S <») 

SIMMONT. — Suddenly, on January 

35, I960, MARIE H. (ne« Stoclunan) 
of 900 Jack street, beloved wife 
of Harry A. Simmont. 28 

Funeral from the Hoffmann Fu- 
neral Home, 3218 Hudson street 
(entrance oh Bouldln street > on 
Thursday. Interment In 8acred 
Heart demetery. Visiting hours 
2 F.M, to 10 P.M. 

Obituary notice found in the 
Baltimore Sun - 26 January 26, 1960: 
Suddenly, on January 25, 1960, Mam H SIMMONT 
(nee Stockman) of 906 Jack Street, bebved wife of 
Harry A. Simmont Funeral from the Hoffmann Funeral 
Home, 3218 Hudson Street (entrance on Bouldin Street) 
on Thursday. Interment in Sacred Heart Cemetery. 
Visiting hours 2 PM to 10 PM. 

Obituary of Marie H. Simmont {299} 

Page 176- 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Harrison Alex SIMMONT {243} died 9 August 1966, in Maryland. 

NOTES for Harrison Alex SIMMONT {243} follow: Middle name could be Alexander. Bible record shows 
Harry Alix Simmont. However Harry Simmont was the grandson of Alex Bowman. 

Located in the 1 920 Maryland Census with family (see page 149). This would be the same Harry Simmont 
located in the Social Security Death Index. 

Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 

1912 Harrison A., laborer, 3230 Toone (with father Harrison T., foreman, and brother William, foreman) 

1913 Harrison A., laborer, 3230 Toone (with father Harrison T., superintendent) 

1914 Harrison A., foreman, h. 3230 (with father Harrison T., broom maker) {It is believed these listings are 
reversed and that the father was the foreman and the son was the broom maker} 

1917 Harry A., machinist, 1021 S. Bouldin (His brother William F., had been at 1019 S. Bouldin in 1915) 

1920 Harry A., laborer, 1331 S. Clinton (with father Harry T., superintendent, and William F.) 

1922 Harry (Mamie), laborer, h. 221 N. Madiera 

1923 Harry A. (Marie), operator, h. New Pittsburgh Ave, Colgate 
1927 Harry, moulder, 1 152 W. Hamburg 

1936 Harry A., stillman, Continental Oil Company 

1937 Harry A. (Marie H.), laborer, h. 1309 Cambria 

1940 Harry A. (Marie H.), h. 3615 Fairhaven Ave. (with William F. Simmont and wife Addie M.) 

1942 Harry A. (Marie), h. 1326 Cambria 

1956 Harry A. (Marie H.), pumper, Am Bitumals, 906 Jack 

1958 Harry H. (Marie H.), pumper, Fairfield Chem, 906 Jack 

George Vernon SIMMONT {21 1} 5 (Harrison T. SIMMONT {290} 4 , William F. SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , 
David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 12 November 1896, in Baltimore, Maryland. 
He married (1) Eva B. DANBY {212} about 1915. She was born about 1899, in Maryland. 

They had 2 children: 

M i. Vernon George SIMMONT {213} b. 26 June 1916 d. 7 January 1965 

F ii. Elizabeth M. SIMMONT {340} b. after 1920 d. after July 1964 

NOTES for Eva B. DANBY {212} follow: See information under her husband, George V. Simmont. It is 
believed that Eva was the first wife of George Simmont who secondly married Elva. It is unknown is Eva 
died or they were divorced. Middle initial and maiden name obtained from son's Vernon George Simmont 
death certificate (see page 181). However it should be noted that her son's obituary lists him as the son of 
Mrs. Eva B. Rawleigh. I therefore believe that Eva B. Danby {212} was her maiden name and that she and 
George V. Simmont divorced and that she then married a Mr. Rawleigh and was living at the time of her 
son's death. 

Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 

1930 Eva, 3020 Hudson (appears that her ex-husband George V. Simmont is listed with his second wife 

1937 Eva (Mrs.) seamstress, h. 637 Macon. 

- P*ge 177- 

Descendants of David Simmont 

George Vernon SIMMONT {21 1} next married (2) Elva E. KOCH {260} in 1939, in Maryland. She was born 
20 April 1910, in Maryland. 

No children have yet been identified. 
Elva E. KOCH {260} died May 1977, in Maryland. 

NOTES for Elva E. KOCH {260} follow: Located in the Social Security Death Index as Elva Simmont, Social 
Security # 215-10-7323. Elva E. Simmont was the informant on her husband's death certificate (see page 
179). Maiden name obtained from her husband's obituary notice (see page 180). 

George Vernon SIMMONT {211} died 14 July 1964, in Baltimore City, Maryland, and was buried 17 July 
1964, in Oak Lawn Cemetery, Baltimore County, Maryland. 

NOTES for George Vernon SIMMONT {21 1} follow: Middle name supplied by Sandra Marie Simmont. 
George Vernon Simmont was married twice. The Baltimore City Directory lists his wife as Eva in the 1 923, 
1925, 1926, 1927 and 1929 Directories. However in the 1936 Directories forward she is listed as either a 
Elva or Elba. George Simmont is located in the Social Security Death Index: George Simmont, Social 
Security # 214-03-7477, born 12 November 1896, Maryland; died July 1964. 

Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 

1914 George, broom maker, 3230 Toone (with Harrison A. Simmont, foreman, and Harrison T. Simmont, 
broom maker). It is assumed this is the George Simmont in question. The other two George 
Simmonts in the 1914 Baltimore City Directory have been definitely identified. 

1917 George V., printer, 3128 Elliott 

1918-9 George V, printer, 3128 Elliott 

1920 George, weigher, h. 1316 S. 1st E. 

1921 George, weigher, h. 3138 Elliott 

1922 George B., weigher, h. 3138 Elliott 

1923 George V. (Eva), weigher, h. 3138 Elliott 
1924-5 George V. (Eva), weigher, h. 3200 Elliott 

1926 George V. (Eva), weigher, h. 1327 S. Clinton (Harry T at 1331 S. Clinton) 

1 927 George V. (Eva) weigher, 1 327 S. Clinton 
NOTE: Harry T (Mary) at 1325 S. Clinton) 

1929 George (Eva), weigher, 3101 O'Donnell 

1936 George V. (Elva E), weighmaster, h. 250 S. Bouldin 

1937 George V., weigher, 305 S. East Ave (Also listed is Mrs. Elva, clerk, Hecht's Bro.) 
1940 George V., (Elva E.) clerk, Harry L. Stallings & Son h. 3506 O'Donnell 

1 942 George (Elva), weigher, 3506 O'Donnell 

1 946 Confirmed at this address per death certificate of his mother 

1956 George (Elva E.) clerk, United Truck, 3506 O'Donnell (Also listed was Elva E., Mrs., bookkeeper at 

Marcus & Farber 

1958 George V. (Elba) clerk, United Trucking, 3506 O'Donnell 

1964 George V. (Elba) salesman, Home Laundry, 3506 O'Donnell 

1964 George V. - death certificate of 14 July shows the above address. 

Located in the 1920 Maryland Census. He is listed as a 23 year old married white male who was renting 
his home at 1316 First Street in the 425th Enumeration District of Baltimore City. The census record states 
that he and both parents were born in Maryland. His occupation was listed as a Printer. Also listed was wife 

- Page 178 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Eva Simmont a 21 year old white female. One child was listed - Vernon Simmont 
who was three years old and born in Maryland. 



IUaA r 


V) v ^ ^ 


1920 Maryland Census Record for George Vernon Simmont {211} 

Death certificate # 64-7102 indicates that George V. Simmont was married at the time of death and that he 
was never a member of the Armed Forces. Birth information and parentage obtained from death certificate. 
It is indicated that he was engaged in the Home Laundry business. 

«4 . 7102 

I "ft 


•AltfMOM Ciry HfAfTM DII<AimiMT| . ||l ' 

m*m ,:: :-. ' ' ' — C ES TfflCATE Of DEATH i- ! 

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1 ffPft,^. 1 

Death Certificate for George Vernon Simmont {211} 

- Pa^e J75 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 


On July 14, 1964, GEORGE V. f of 
3506 0*Donnell street, beloved hus- 
band of Elva E, Simmont (nee 
Koch), father of Vernon G. and 
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Laughlin, and 
brother of Harry Blmmont and 
the late William SimiAont and 
Mrs. Anna Betch. 17e 

Services at the Hoffman Funeril 
Home; 3318 "Hudson street, on Fri- 
day at 11 A.M, interment In Oak 
Lawn Cemetery. Friends may call 
from 3 PM. to 9 PM. 


Chesapeake Aerie No. 819 Fraternal 
Order of Eagles regrets th* death 
of their beloved brother GEORGE 
SrMMONT. Members will ijieet at 
the Aerie Home Thursday evening 
8 P.M. for viewing. 17 


Obituary notice found in the 
Baltimore Sun - 15 July 1964: 
On July 14, 1964, GEORGE V. SIMMONT, of 3506 
OVonne/l Street, beloved husband of Elva E 
Simmont (nee Koch) father of Vernon G. Simmont 
and Mrs. Elizabeth M. Laughlin, and brother of 
Harry Simmont and the late William Simmont and 
Mrs. Anna Betch Services at the Hoffman Funeral 
Home, 3218 Hudson Street, on Friday at 11 AM. 
Interment in Oak Lawn Cemetery, Friends may call 
from 2 PM to 9 PM. 

Below the obituary notice was another notice: 
Chesapeake Aerie No. 819 Fraternal Order of 
Eagles regrets the death of their beloved brother 
George Simmont. Members will meet at the Aerie 
Home Thursday evening 8 PMfor viewing. Chester 
Uzialka, President 

Obituary for George Vernon Simmont {211} 
Vernon George SIMMONT {213} 6 (George Vernon SIMMONT {21 1} 5 , Harrison T. SIMMONT {290} 4 , 
William F. SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was bom 26 June 
1916, in Maryland. He married Ruth M. JOHNSON {268} about 1935. 

They had 1 child: 

F i. Verna Jeanne SIMMONT {342} b. d. after January 1965 

Ruth M. JOHNSON {268} died after January 1965. 

NOTES for Ruth M. JOHNSON {268} follow: Middle initial could be either 'M' or TV. 

Listed as Ruth M. Simmont (nee Johnson) in her husband's obituary (January, 1965) (see page 181). 

Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 

1958 Ruth A. (Mrs.) clerk, Simmont's Grocery, 600 S. Newkirk 

1961 Ruth A. (Mrs.) clerk, Simmont's Grocery, 600 S. Newkirk 

Vernon George SIMMONT {213} died 7 January 1965, in Baltimore, Maryland, and was buried 11 January 
1965, in Oak Lawn Cemetery, Baltimore County, Maryland. 

NOTES for Vernon George SIMMONT {213} follow: Located in the Social Security Death Index - Vernon 
Simmont, Social Security # 212-01-3248. Marriage year of 1935 is estimated from his first appearance in 
the Baltimore City Directory which also shows a wife. 

Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 

1936 Vernon G. (Ruth M.) steelworker, h. 525 S. Newkirk 

1937 Vernon G. (Ruth), laborer, 525 S. Newkirk 

Page 180 ■ 

Descendants of David Simmont 

1942 Vernon (Ruth), clerk Otto Wieiitz, h. 618 S. Newkirk 

1956 Vernon G. (Ruth) grocery, 600 S. Newkirk 

1 958 Vernon G. (Ruth A.) Simmont's Grocery h. 600 S. Newkirk (Simmont's Grocery (Vernon G. Simmont), 

600 S. Newkirk (Ruth A., Mrs.), clerk Simmont's Grocery, 600 S. Newkirk 
1961 Vernon G. (Ruth A.) Simmont's Grocery, 600 S. Newkirk 
1964 Vernon G. (Ruth A.) Simmont's Grocery, 600 S. Newkirk 

Middle name of George is obtained from death certificate # 65-0241. He died at Baltimore City Hospital. 
Death certificate indicates that he never served in the Armed Forces. His death certificate lists him as a self 
employed store keeper and being married. The informant was Ruth Simmont of 600 S. Newkirk St. 

*(TH t<4 

_., . MEblCAL EXAMINERS CERTIFICATE OF DEATH "•«'««•■« ^ U '~'-* 1 



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Xoiniiii^ , 

Death Certificate of Vernon George Simmont {213} 

Obituary notice found in the Baltimore Sun: 
Suddenly, on January 7 t 1965, VERNON G. SIMMONT, of 600 South Newkirk Street, beloved 
husband of Ruth M Simmont (nee JohnsonJ, devoted father of Mrs. Vema Jeanne Hoehn, 
grandfather 'ot FrankHoehn III and Kmberfy 'Ann Hoehn. SonofMrs. EvaB. Rawleigh and the late 
George V. Simmont Services from Hoffman Funeral Homes, 3218 Hudson Street on Monday at 
11AM Interment Oak Lawn Cemetery. Friends may call from 2 until 9 P.M. 

- Page 181 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

DfATHI (1) | 

IIMMdNT ""• ^ 

fluderUy, on January 7, IMS, TIB- . 
HON O., of MO Smith Hnrttirfcl 
•traat, btkwed huaband ol Ruin! 
M. simment (bm Johnaon). dt-f 
▼otod father of Mn. Varna Jeanne I 
Kotoa. Orandfatatr of frank 
Bofbo 3d and Kimberly Ann f 
Hbena. Son of Mm. Ira B. Raw* 
lelgo, and the late George V. Sim- 
mont. lit [ 
Servient from Hoffman Funeral I 
Horn*. 3211 Hudton etreet on Mon- 
day at 11 AM. Interment Oak 
Lawn Cemetery. Frlanda may ceil] 
from a until 9 Ml. 

Obituary of Vernon George Simmont {213} 

Verna Jeanne SIMMONT {342} 7 (Vernon George SIMMONT {213} 6 , George Vernon 
SIMMONT {21 1} 5 , Harrison T. SIMMONT {290} 4 , William F. SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David 
SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). She married Frank HOEHN, Jr. {343}. 

They had 2 children: 

M i. Frank HOEHN, III {344} b. before January 1965 

F ii. Kimberly Ann HOEHN {345} b. before January 1965 

Verna Jeanne SIMMONT {342} died after January 1965. 

NOTES for Verna Jeanne SIMMONT {342} follow: Mentioned in the obituary of her father as Mrs. 
Verna Jeanne Hoehn (see page 181). 

Frank HOEHN, III {344} 8 (Verna Jeanne SIMMONT {342} 7 , Vernon George SIMMONT {2 13} 6 , 
George Vernon SIMMONT {21 1} 5 , Harrison T. SIMMONT {290} 4 , William F. SIMMONT, Sr. 
{281 } 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born before January 1 965. 

NOTES for Frank HOEHN, III {344} follow: Mentioned in grandfather's obituary (see page 181). 

Kimberly Ann HOEHN {345}* (Verna Jeanne SIMMONT {342} 7 , Vernon George SIMMONT 
{213} 6 ,George Vernon SIMMONT {21 1} 5 , Harrison T. SIMMONT {290} 4 , William F. SIMMONT, 
Sr. {281} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born before January 1965. 

NOTES for Kimberly Ann HOEHN {345} follow: Mentioned in grandfather's obituary (see page 

- Pago 182 ■ 

Descendants of David Simmont 


Elizabeth M. SIMMONT {340} 6 (George Vernon SIMMONT {21 1} 5 , Harrison T. SIMMONT 
{290} 4 , William F. SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ). 
She was born after 1920 and married _____ LAUGHLIN {341} before July 1964. 

No children have yet been identified. 
Elizabeth M. SIMMONT {340} died after July 1 964. 

NOTES for Elizabeth M. SIMMONT {340} follow: Mentioned in the obituary notice of her father 
as Mrs. Elizabeth M. Laughlin (see page 180). As her father was married twice it is unsure 
whether she is from the first or second marriage. 

William F. SIMMONT, Jr. {282} 4 (William F. SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , David SIMMONT {252} 2 , 
David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 8 June 1877, in Baltimore City, Maryland. He married Mary 
J. {361} (Maiden name unknown) in 1899, in Maryland. She was born April 1882, in Maryland. 


They had 1 child: 
i. William F. SIMMONT, III {292} b. 1902 

d. after 1920 

Mary J. SIMMONT {361} then married Lawrence C. SWAIN {250} after the death of William F. 
SIMMONT, Jr. {282}. He was born about 1883, in Maryland. Mary J. SIMMONT {361} died after 

NOTES for Mary J. SIMMONT {361}follow: Located with husband William F. Simmont, Jr. {282} 
in 1900 Maryland Census (see page 183). She was also mentioned in article on his death 
although not directly by name (see page 185). She is also found in the 1920 Maryland Census 
with her son William Simmont and her second husband Lawrence C. Swain (see page 186). 

William F. Simmont, Jr. {282} died 1 1 May 1 906, in Baltimore City, Maryland, and was buried 1 3 
May 1906, in Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore City, Maryland. 

This William F. Simmont is located in the 1 900 Maryland Census living at 1 924 E. Fayette Street 
in the 91 st Enumeration District of Baltimore City and was listed as a 22 year old married male who 
was born in June 1877. He and both parents were bom Maryland. His occupation was listed as 
a Day Laborer. He was married under 1 year at the time with no children yet born. His wife is 
listed as Mary J. Simmont who was 18 years old. 

1920 Maryland Census Record of William F. Simmont, Jr. {282} 

- Page 183- 

Descendants of David Simmont 

NOTES for William F. Simmont, Jr. {282} follow: William F. Simmont, Jr. is placed as the son 
of William F. Simmont. Both are found living together in the Baltimore City Directory. It is felt that 
both appeared for the first time in the 1872 Baltimore City Directory living at 18 Wyeth. For a 
complete listing of all of the William Simmonts in the Baltimore City Directory (see page 150). 

Death certificate No. B 90005 gives birth and death dates and states he lived in Baltimore for his 
entire life. He is listed as a married white male who is the son of William F. Simmont, bom 
Baltimore and Sarah ? also bom Baltimore. No wife is listed on the death certificate. His occupation 
is listed as a laborer and his place of death is shown as 555 Laurens Avenue. The cause of death 
is suicide. 

•4 iV5*&L- W ; -li^$ A1 - Trt DEPARTMENT, City of EjammorisX 

: ? 'S SSS^^^s^^:^^:-' ^9QP03";- Registered No. B 
l^^BthttC&^ToF. IXIfl A.TEL 

., iff,l$$ : $ -£^v;#: 

90005/ | 

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{If D*«fh ._.,„ ,„ 
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i *• ►*'■''■ W?^**M^ ^-MS~ -y^'- -''i^"-?^^ • ■ -! *■ 

z&kJ^^itJLjt^. MOM' 


...•live on . 



-.'..., ...... i *n& that <k«th occurred, on the data atated above, at .— } 

-f- "-— — - 4 *"-^"^ CAUSS Or DEATH (Secondary or immediate.) J 


V *•£ ';'|?;Coiif rlbater? (Primary) 

;,,.,.. (DURATION) 



;i ^ < ^ ifc ifi £^ S : >3^ ^ ", : .^^ 


Place of BttHal . 



Date ;jfet*,£*~r ;;.:://:. /A- 

Date rr ^^^^h^L.^iP. 


Death Certificate for William F. Simmont, Jr. {282} 

No obituary notice could be found for William F. Simmont, Jr. {282}; however the following article 
was located in the Baltimore Sun of 12 May 1906: 

Page 184- 

Descendants of David Simmont 






While temporarily insane, it is 
believed from overwork 
William Simont, 29 years old, 
555 Laurens Street, swallowed 
a quantity of strychnine 
yesterday morning and 
Coroner Silas Baldwin gave a 
certificate of suicidal intent 
He is now conducting an 
investigation of the 
circumstances under which 
Mr. Simont purchased the 

Mr. Simont was the son of Mr. 
William Simont, 1625 
Pennsylvania Avenue, and 
had been in the employ of 
electric light and telephone 
companies for several years. 
More than a year ago he 
complained of an affection of 
the brain, the result of the sun, 
and since that time had on 
several occasions been 
committed to an asylum for 
treatment. He had apparently 
recovered and had been 
working steadily until last 
Tuesday, when he returned to 
his home and told his wife his 
head and stomach felt badly. 
He did not work the following 
day nor Thursday, but when 
he arose in the morning he 
said we was feeling quite well, 
and little anxiety was felt about 
his condition. 


William Simont Believed To Have 
Been Mentally Affected. 

While temporarily Insane, It is believed, 
from "overwork William Simont, 29 years 
old, 555 Ltfurens street, swallowed a quan- 
tity of strychnine yesterday morning, and 
Coroner Sllas^Baldwln gave a certificate of 
suicidal intent. He is now conducting an 
investigation of the circumstances under 
which Mr. Simont purchased the drug. 

Mr. Simont was the sonof Mr. William 
Simont, 162tf Pennsylvania avenue, and 
had been In the employ of electric light 
and telephone companies for several years. 
More than a year ago he complained of an 
affection of the brain, the result of the 
bub, and since that time had on several oc- 
casion* been committed to an asylum for 
treatment. He had apparently recovered 
and had. /been working steadily until last 
Tuesday, when he returned to his home and 
4old his wife his head and stomach felt 
badly. He did not work the following day 
nor Thursday, but when he arose in the 
morning he f aid he was feeling quite we'll, 
andrllttle anxiety was felt about his eon- 

t *■ '•i&frC- Slniont ieft Ihe house early to call 
on friends and her nusband requested her 
hdt^*Ar*^atn >to> prepare lunch,* as he 
LConld;getwt>ntha Wanted himself* 
C^Iieii^'ihaW^^noni^yafter , Mrs. Simont 
Jejtt ^fc*>notfifc$inS<*ht doled; another ten- 
,$^imi;ffl^M>m^- ! aid \ ton* Mm 
thitJie 'Wfffifali ^^/di^i^i* appearance 
•*dm^#>?*^ '-'Ckrles.. Q. 



avenue, was 




Page 185- 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Mr. Simont left the house early to call on friends and her husband requested her not to return to prepare 
lunch, as he could get what he wanted himself. 

Less than an hour after Mrs. Simont left the house Simmont called another tenant, Mr. Joseph Forman, and 
told him that he was going to die. His appearance bore out his words and Dr. Charles G. Wheland, 1827 
Pennsylvania A venue, was summoned. To the physician Simmont confessed that he had taken strychnine 
and said he had purchased it from a druggist on Pennsylvania A venue. He died shortly after the doctor 

The body was taken to the home of an aunt Mrs. Caroline Clazey, 776 West Hamburg Street. 

William F. SIMMONT, III {292} 5 (William F. SIMMONT, Jr. {282} 4 , William F. SIMMONT, Sr. {281} 3 , 
David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 1902, in Maryland. William F. SIMMONT, 
III {292} was living and was located in the 1920 Maryland Census. He died sometime after 1920. 

NOTES for William F. SIMMONT, III {292} follow: Added as a son because of name association. This is 
also supported due to the 1920 Maryland Census which lists a Mary J. Swain (aged 37) married to a 
Lawrence C. Swain. They have a son William E. Simmont who is listed as a stepson to Lawrence C. 
Swain. The birthdate on this William Simmont corresponds to a son born to William F. Simmont, Jr. and 
Mary J. The Mary J. in question corresponds in every respect to the Mary J. located in the 1900 Maryland 
Census with William F. Simmont, Jr. It is therefore believed that Mary J. secondly married Lawrence C. 
Swain after the death of William F. Simmont, Jr. 

William F. Simmont, III is located in the 1920 Maryland Census with his mother Mary J. and her second 
husband Lawrence C. Swain, Sr. {250}. William is found living at 542 Edmondson Avenue in the 317th 
Enumeration District of Baltimore City. He is listed as an 18 year old single white male who was born in 
Maryland. The census record incorrect lists him as William 'E' Simmont. 

Samuel SIMMONT {284} 3 (David SIMMONT {252} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born about 1850. 
NOTES for Samuel SIMMONT {284} follow: 

Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 

1878 Samuel, laborer, 22 Washington Ave (with David, watchman, and David F. brickmoulder) 

1879 Samuel, laborer, 375 Scott (with David, brickmaker, and David F, brickmoulder) 

1881 Samuel, brickmaker, 142 Scott (with William, turnkey who appears to be his first cousin) 

1882 Samuel, brickmaker, 142 Scott (there is also a Samuel A. at 496 Cross) 

1 884 Samuel, brickmaker, 389 Scott 

1885 (There is a Samuel A, brickmaker, 522 Cross. David F. Simmont had been living at this address in 

Any entries after this point are all for Samuel A. Simmont. 

- Page 186 ■ 

Descendants of David Simmont 

William SIMMONT {261} 2 (David SIMMONT {278}') was born 15 March 1818. He married Betsy Ann 
STALLINGS {216} about 1843. She was born 1 1 November 1821 . 

They had 7 children: 















Julia Ann SIMMONT {324} 
William SIMMONT, Jr. {283} 
Caroline SIMMONT {452} 
Sarah C. SIMMONT {453} 
Samuel A. SIMMONT, Sr. {285} 
Martha J. SIMMONT {454} 
Ida M. SIMMONT {334} 

b. 2 January 1844 
b. September 1845 
b. about 1851 
b. about 1855 
b. 19 December 1858 
b. about 1863 
b. February 1864 

d. 23 January 1931 

d. after 1870 

d. after 1870 

d. 12 December 1881 

d. after 1870 

d. after 1920 

Betsy Ann STALLINGS {216} died 18 August 1879, and was buried in Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore 
City, Maryland. 

NOTES for Betsy Ann STALLINGS {216} follow: Maiden name obtained from death certificate of daughter, 
Julia Ann Simmont {324} (see page 1 90). It should be noted that a Georganna Stallings (born 6 January 
1851, buried 18 November 1908, Loudon Park Cemetery) married Jacob Henry Simmont {209}. Jacob 
Henry Simmont was the grand nephew of William Simmont {261}, husband of Betsy A. Stallings. Middle 
name of Ann obtained from her son Samuel A. Simmont, Sr. {285} obituary notice (see page 194). 
Obituary notice found in the 

HI 51 > f <>N J\— K**I1 asleep inj Jeaua, on tha mornln/c 
ot Au*uM-lMIKT8Y ANN BJMMONT, aged 51 year* 
8 jiiodiIj* and M day*. I f b * * 

Farewell, dear wlfi\ thou ha*t left us, 

To lay in the at lent tomb; 
Far it way from those oh earth, 

In I'aradlse to bloom, 
lirUifi hack to tu our hint her, 

Oh f would that thl* flight be: 
IJut mother, we must wait awhile, 

liftoff* we meet with, thee. 


19 August 1879: 

Fell asleep in Jesus, on the 

morningot August 18, Betsy 

Ann Simmont, aged 57 years, 

8 months and 28 days. 

Farewell, dearwife, thou hast 

left us To lay in the silent tomb; 

Far away from those on earth, 

In Paradise to bloom. Bring 

back to us our mother, Oh, 

would that this might be: But 

mother, we mustwait awhile, 

Before we meet with thee. For 

thou art calmly sleeping In the 

cold and silent tomb; And we 

are left here weeping In this 

dark world of gloom 

For thou art calmly steeply 

In the cold and ulleht !oiMt% 
And we are left here weepliijf 

In this dark world oL gloom. 

lf f • ' \\. . , NY ***** CHILDREN. 

Her relative* and friend* are renpeectullv Invited to 
altend her luneraU irom her late residence. No. tW 
BcotratreeU on tomorrow (Wednesday) atternoon; 
at three o'clock. , J • f 

Obituary for Betsy Ann Stallings {216} 

(By her children. Her relatives and friends are respecffullyinvited to attend her funeral, from her late residence, 
No. 152 Scott Street on tomorrow(Wednesday)aftemoon,at three o'clock. 

William SIMMONT {261} died 24 August 1899, in Baltimore City, Maryland, and was buried 27 August 1899, 
in Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore City, Maryland. 

NOTES for William SIMMONT {261} follow: Death certificate: No. 197821 . Marriage date estimate for the 
children's births. Within Loudon Park Cemetery their tot is immediately next to that of Samuel Simmont. 
This tot is about 20 yards from the lot of his Frederick Simmont {217} who is his brother. William Simmont 

- Page 157- 

Descendants of David Simmont 

is placed as the son of David Simmont due to William's birth year and with David Simmont being the only 
possible father. It appears that William is buried next to his nephew Samuel Simmont {284} who is clearly 
listed as the son of David Simmont {252} & Elizabeth {241} (Maiden name unknown). 

William Simmont is also placed as the son of David Simmont to due his occupation as a brickmaker. This 
appears to be the William Simmont who in the Baltimore City Superior Court of 9 April 1 852 moved to have 
a partnership dissolved with Edward Browning. He cited his case against Edward Browning and John 
Young. The court documents cite that William Simmont entered into a partnership with Edward Browning 
for the purpose of engaging in the manufacture of bricks the profit of which was to be shared equally. It went 
on to say that William Simmont was an experienced brick maker having been engaged in said business and 
having a brickyard with a kiln and a brickshed. Edward Browning had no experience and only put up capital 
in the business. The court allowed that the partnership be dissolved. 

For a complete listing of the various William Simmonts in the Baltimore City Directory please see page 150. 

Located in the 1 870 Maryland Census. He is found living next door to his son William Simmont, Jr. {283}. 
He is located in the 16th Ward of Baltimore City and is listed as a 52 year old married white male with an 
occupation of Brickmaker. He is cited as being born in Maryland. In his household was his wife Elizabeth 
A. Simmont age 48 [This is Betsy Ann Stallings {216}]; Julia Simmont [This is Julia Ann Simmont {324}] 
age 25; Caroline Simmont {452} age 1 9; Sarah C. Simmont {453} age 1 5; Samuel A. Simmont {285} age 
12 and a laborer; Martha J. Simmont {454} age 7; George Clayey a 24 year old laborer; and John Flinley 
age 33 brickmaker. It appears the last two were boarders in the house. 

Tombstone of William Simmont {261} & Betsy Ann Simmont (Stallings) {216} 

To date no obituary notice has been found for William SIMMONT {261} 

Page 188- 

Descendants of David Simmont 

1870 Maryland Census Record of William Simmont {261} 

Pepil U : Q/$.//jffi : ©ffice of Registrar of Vital ^tatislkj;. ■*«* cC^| 

*« j Th« Pbytlcrwi who ttUndrf jiny j»nwn In a bat nines* la mpwiiblc fof the pmentatlon of this Ortlflculo. nreurntdtffl 
" to ■ ,,, »«« ,1 "** , <? otSor p«rson ■aperintandlng ti» barUI, within tvvMx.four. hour* ah-r the ftalh of mJI^! 
d«e«iMd, or sooner, If reqtiMted to do to, noder {wittily of hi*. % • ~=r;$ 

„ .No P«mt roi Bokiau ca* bi Obtained without a Pbopeb CnnrmcATt. 

. CE 

Date of Death, ... 





t, . , .m, ( 8Ut» or Count r. *nil how j ^£\** — *». 

^^ ' ( t( o? for»l» b birth. | -> ^^^ 

Duration of Residence in the City of Baltimore, ' *-^r^<2 '/ 

{Flwt (Prlm*r7),.. K^S/^*^-*^**; 
M| h^i «-^^_^z~ 
- •■ - >2r 

Duration of Last Sickness, — rf" 

All tk« AbiH^tsfMtMUtMi ahMtUlM raraUa«4 »rjb« VjinlcUa. 

Place\f Burial,^ <n^^u^ V*vtn,( 
-DateofBurtalrdhcQf^/tf ^ ^2^^- 

UndertakergrVvTjLQ a^c JL jk^&*^fi ^VnC^ 
Plat* ofBusin^s/^4%uXl.^i Addn98t /* 

Death Certificate of William Simmont {261} 

- Page 189 ■ 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Julia Ann SIMMONT {324} 3 (William SIMMONT {261 } 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) 2 January 1844, in 
Baltimore, Maryland. Julia Ann SIMMONT {324} died 23 January 1931, in Baltimore, Maryland, and was 
buried 26 January 1931, in Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore City, Maryland. 

NOTES for Julia Ann SIMMONT {324} follow: Julia Ann Simmont is located in the 1870 Maryland 

Census with her family (see page 188). She is listed as a 25 year old single white female living at home. 
Death Certificate # E 64582 shows her as living at 2527 W. Lafayette Avenue in Baltimore City and as being 
87 years old at time of death. She is listed as a single white female, never married. Her father is listed as 
William Simmont, bom Maryland and her mother as Betsy Stallings, born Maryland. The informant was 
Mrs. Howard Shawker of 2527 W. Lafayette Avenue (same address). 

Located in the 1900 Maryland Census. She is located living in the household of William F. Gauer {335} 
who is her brother in law. William was listed as the Head of Household. The family was living at 776 
Columbia Avenue in the 290th Enumeration District of Baltimore City. Julia Simmont was listed as a 56 year 
old white female who was born August 1844 in Maryland. Her occupation was listed as a seamstress. 
William H. Gauer {355} was listed as being 49 years old and born January 1851 in Maryland. He was listed 
as a Glaser. His wife is listed as Ida M. Gauer {334} born February 1864 in Maryland. She is shown as 
being the mother of 10 children with 7 children still living. Also listed were their children: William H. Gauer 
age 16 born July 1883; Charles E. Gauer {356} age 14; Naomi Gauer {336} age 9; Lloyd Gauer {357} age 
7; Alta Gauer {358} age 5; Fitzhugh Lee Gauer {359} age 3; and Ella May Gauer {360} who was born 
during August 1899. 

Located in the 1920 Maryland Census. She is located living at 751 Columbia Avenue in the 369th 
Enumeration District of Baltimore City and is listed as being a 73 year old white female born in Maryland. 
Also in the household was her sister Ida M. Gauer {334} age 60 and Julia's niece Ella M. Gauer {360} age 

SIMMONT.— On January 2.L lfi.11. .lULIA 
"ANN. tlHttbhit'tyip t\u> latt- William 

ami Horny StnlHIjifs Simmont. 
| Kuiicml *orvi«-4>M will bo lichl nf tho 
' home of hor nlere, Mr*. Ilnwnnl K 


Kluiwker Not» <;niH»n. ~?>H 


I'jtfiiyHto !nvi»mii', on Momlav 

at 'J 

!*. M. Ifit»»riiif»iit hi l.oinhm 


lVnnM« % ry # | 


Obituary notice found in the 

Baltimore Sun - 24 January, 1931; 

On January 23, 1931, Julia Ann Simmont, 

daughter of the late William and Betsy 

Stallings Simmont 

Funeral services will he held at the home of 
her niece, Mrs. Howard E Shawker (nee 
Gauer), 2527 West Lafayette Avenue, on 
Monday at 2 P.M. Interment in Loudon 
Park Cemetery. 

Obituary of Julia Ann Simmont {324} 

Page 190- 

Descendants of David Simmont 

1900 Maryland Census Record of Julia Ann Simmont {324} 

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S«lcl<i»l, #r ll<MOicki4l. (»«« rncfM iM* for ».K1itU>a*l »r*?*-f 

timiAlsfcRlMAI 14) 

Death Certificate for Julia Ann Sinimont {324} 


Pa^re 15/ - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

William SIMMONT, Jr. {283} 3 (William SIMMONT {26 1} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born September 
1845. He married Julia {244} (Maiden name unknown). She was born August 1844, in Maryland. 

They had 2 children: 



Anne E. SIMMONT {450} 
Agnes SIMMONT {451} 

b. about 1867 
b. about 1869 

d. after 1870 
d. after 1870 

Julia {244} died after 1920. 

NOTES for Julia {244} follow: Located in the 1870 Maryland Census with husband William Simmont. Jr. 
She was listed as Elizabeth, not Julia. She was listed as a 23 year old white female setting her birth about 
1847. Also living in the household was a Susan Smith, a 20 year old white female who was a seamstress. 
It is possible that Susan Smith was her sister and that Julia (or Elizabeth's) maiden name was Smith. 
It should be noted that Frederick Simmont was married to a Julia Ann; however her birth was about 1813. 

NOTES for William SIMMONT, Jr. {283} follow: Located in the 1870 Maryland Census living next door 
his parents in the 1 6th Ward of Baltimore City. William was listed as a 23 year old brickmaker. His wife was 
listed as Elizabeth (rather than Julia) and was 23 years old. Also listed were a daughter Anne E. Simmont 
{450}, 3 years old, another daughter Agnes Simmont {451}, 1 year old, and Susan Smith a 20 year old 
seamstress who was probably the sister of wife Julia. 




\ \f-k. -for. 1 *--; -'-a I 

1870 Maryland Census Record of William Simmont {283} 

For a complete listing of the various William Simmonts in the Baltimore City Directory please see page 1 50. 

Anne E. SIMMONT {450} 4 (William SIMMONT, Jr. {283} 3 , William SIMMONT {261} a , David SIMMONT 

{278} 1 ) was born about 1867, in Maryland. Anne E. SIMMONT {450} died after 1870. 

NOTES for Anne E. SIMMONT {450} follow: Located in the 1870 Maryland Census with family. Listed 
as a 3 year old white female (see page 192). 

Agnes SIMMONT {451}" (William SIMMONT, Jr. {283} 3 , William SIMMONT {261} 2 , David SIMMONT 

{278} 1 ) was born about 1869, in Maryland. Agnes SIMMONT {451} died after 1870. 

- Page 192 • 

Descendants of David Simmont 

NOTES for Agnes SIMMONT {451} follow: Located in the 1870 Maryland Census with family. Listed as 
a 1 year old white female (see page 192). 

Caroline SIMMONT {452} 3 (William SIMMONT {261} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born about 1851 , in 
Maryland. Caroline SIMMONT {452} died after 1870. 

NOTES for Caroline SIMMONT {452} follow: Located in the 1870 Maryland Census with family (see page 

Sarah C. SIMMONT {453} 3 (William SIMMONT {261} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born about 1855, 
in Maryland. Sarah C. SIMMONT {453} died after 1870. 

NOTES for Sarah C. SIMMONT {453} follow: Located in the 1870 Maryland Census with family (see page 

Samuel A. SIMMONT. Sr. {285} 3 (William SIMMONT {261} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born 19 
December 1858, in Baltimore City, Maryland. His wife was unknown. 


They had 1 child: 
i. Samuel A. SIMMONT, Jr. {286} b. September 1854 d. about 1926 

Samuel A. SIMMONT, Sr. {285} died 12 December 1881, in Baltimore City, Maryland, and was buried 14 
December 1881, in Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore City, Maryland. 

Tombstone for Samuel Simmont, Sr. {285} 

- Page 193- 

Descendants of David Simmont 

NOTES for Samuel A. SIMMONT, Sr. {285} follow: it should be noted that the gravestone appears as 
Samuel H. Simmont. This gravestone has since been grown over with grass. 

There are a few different Samuel Simmonts in the Baltimore City Directory. One, who always went by 
Samuel Simmont appears to be the son of David F. Simmont {172}. Another, Samuel A. Simmont is 
placed as the son of William Simmont. I cannot definitely place him at the same address at any one time, 
but he continues to work in the brickmaking field. 

Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 

1878 Samuel, laborer, 22 Washington Ave (with David, watchman, and David F. brickmoulder) 

1879 Samuel, laborer, 375 Scott (with David, brickmaker, and David F, brickmoulder) 

1881 Samuel, brickmaker, 142 Scott (with William, turnkey who appears to be his first cousin) 

1882 Samuel, brickmaker, 142 Scott 

The above entries appear to be for Samuel Simmont, son of David Simmont and first cousin to Samuel 
A. Simmont. 

It would appear that the above is the Samuel Simmont son of William Simmont for the following reasons. 
The last Baltimore City Directory entry is for 1882 which would have been compiled in 1881. Samuel 
Simmont died on 12 December 1881. The death certificate states his occupation as a brickmaker which is 
confirmed above. Also he is shown as living at 142 Scott Street which is also confirmed. His obituary notice 
in the Wednesday December 14, 1881 issue of the Morning Sun stated that he was the youngest son of 
William and the late Betsy Ann Simmont and that the funeral would be from his sister's residence on 142 
Scott Street. The death certificate states his name as Samuel H. Simmont not Samuel A. Simmont. 

S^B^&jC^/d (W^^f^Mt^^^€fntMm^uties. mxL ^4:Hf| 

' * l 1Sik Thftiehn wf» kttfctWid! mj jhs«m( !n i* tort ilhs*^ In r**r<*n«{Ma fbfr tiir preerntstfen of tfih CRrf!>1e«f&>u, jSs^U>l^^ 
#&, to tbtf Undertaker <ir otfcer peboo Ktfxrftiifcafcltaif the bat W, wlUtiu fatnty-ftmr torn* alter flic* cks th of **id ggKtJytf&XflUtf 

if Mqttart«a »o to *> r tm<kr pwttKy o{ It v, 

s. cut mm OmAi*mr> wttnavr a Paopjra C*tm*iaAm 


_,. IH, §W( 

Ag6^^Z^..^s„ :r: ^^2^..., Years, ;. ^/ Months, . \ ^4^ && 




«*»*f%^ , y^w «/>' WWm& t \^t&$%?Xr} %~. .», v--^42 

t^^^ lA^ 

■-^ifsmr^ m (twA^,)':....,.:.:;..:...^< :. v 

SSsSiSf:-; J;8«^(Im»«li.M,J.„ 
Ihtra^afftq/ last Siokne$»^S 

^jfey^^g^g,, ^ii^^§^ 

xj^c^^^xjr^t^tt^ , 

1 l£M 

Death Certificate for Samuel Simmont, Sr. {285} 

- Pajre J54 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

Samuel A. SIMMONT, Jr. {286} 4 (Samuel A. SIMMONT, Sr. {285}\ William SIMMONT {261} 2 , David 
SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born September 1854, in Maryland. He married Martha E. {289} (Maiden name 
unknown) about 1878. 

They had 6 children: 

F i. Bertha L. SIMMONT {347} b. October 1879 d. after 1900 

M ii. Samuel A. SIMMONT, III {348} b. May 1882 d. after 1920 

F iii. Jennie SIMMONT {349} b. October 1 883 d. after 1 900 

M iv. David SIMMONT {350} b. April 1 885 d. after 1 900 

M v. Alfred SIMMONT {351} b. September 1892 

F vi. Minnie SIMMONT {352} b. March 1894 d. after 1900 

Martha E. {289} died after 1927, in Maryland. 

NOTES for Martha E. {289} follow: 

Located in the Baltimore City Directory: 

1926 Samuel A. (Emma), 1207 S. Carey 

1927 Martha E. (widow Samuel A.), 1207 S. Carey 

Samuel A. SIMMONT, Jr. {286} died about 1926, in Maryland. 
NOTES for Samuel A. SIMMONT, Jr. {286} follow: 

Listings in the Baltimore City Directory for Samuel A. Simmont and Samuel A. Simmont, Jr. 

1893 Samuel A., brickmaker, 1238 Stockholm 

1894 Samuel A., brickmaker, 1238 Stockholm 

1898 Samuel A., laborer, 1238 Stockholm (with Samuel A., Jr.) 

1899 Samuel A., laborer, 1238 Stockholm (with Samuel A., Jr.) 

1900 Samuel A., laborer, 1238 Stockholm (with Samuel A., Jr.) 

1901 Samuel A., brickmaker, 1238 Stockholm (with Samuel A., Jr.) 

1902 Samuel A., laborer, 1238 Stockholm (with Samuel A., Jr.) 

1903 Samuel A., brickmaker, 1238 Stockholm (with Samuel A., Jr.) 

1904 Samuel, laborer, 1200 Stockholm 

There are no more entries for a Samuel or Samuel A. Simmont in the Baltimore City Directory until 1926. 

1926 Samuel A. (Emma), 1207 S. Carey 
The next year we find: 

1927 Martha E. (widow Samuel A.), 1207 S. Carey 

Located as Samuel SEMONT {286} in the 1880 Maryland Census. He is located in the 172nd 
Enumeration District of Baltimore City and is listed as a 25 year old married white male living at 496 Cross 
Street. He was born in Maryland and were both parents and his occupation was that of a brickmaker. In the 

- Page 195 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

household were his wife, who was listed as Emma Simmont, (who is believed to be Martha E. {289}). It is 
possible that Martha E.'s middle name was Emma. She was 24 years old and daughter Bertha Simmont 
{347} was 1 year old. It should be noted that he was found living at that address in the 1882 Baltimore City 

Located as Samuel A. SEMONT {286} in the 1900 Maryland Census. He is located living at 1278 
Stockholm Street in the 283rd Enumeration District of Baltimore City and is listed as a 45 year old white male 
born September 1854 and married for 21 years. With him was his wife Martha E. {289}, a white female born 
April 1855. She was the mother of 7 children. Their children included Bertha L. Simmont {347}, a single 
daughter born October 1880; Samuel A. Simmont, III {348} a son born May 1880; a daughter Jennie 
Simmont {349} born October 1883; David Simmont {350} born April 1885; Alfred Simmont {351} born 
September 1892; and Minnie Simmont {352} born March 1894. There is a conflict with Bertha L. Simmont 
born October 1880 and Samuel A. Simmont born May 1880. Both are listed as being 19 years old but both 
could not be born in 1880 only 5 months apart. As Bertha L. Simmont is listed before Samuel and all of the 
children appear to be in order I believe that she was probably born October 1879 or before. It should be 
noted that he was living at that address in the 1893 Baltimore City Directory. 

/3j>~4ta; .*£ 






— <H 



tyhAsitrtwSc. feiMjytfiw 





3$ lofc*- k?fo M 


1900 Maryland Census Record for Samuel A. Simmont, Jr. {286} 

Bertha L. SIMMONT {347} 5 (Samuel A. SIMMONT, Jr. {286} 4 , Samuel A. SIMMONT, Sr. {285} 3 , William 
SIMMONT {261} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born October 1879, in Maryland. Bertha L. SIMMONT 

{347} died after 1900. 

NOTES for Bertha L. SIMMONT {347} follow: Located in the 1880 Maryland Census (see page 195) and 
1900 Maryland Census (see page 196) with parents. 

Samuel A. SIMMONT, III {348} 5 (Samuel A. SIMMONT, Jr. {286} 4 , Samuel A. SIMMONT. Sr. {285} 3 , 

Page 196- 

Descendants of David Simmont 

William SIMMONT {261} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was bom May 1882, in Maryland. He married Jessie 
M. {363} about 1905. She was born about 1883, in Maryland. 

They had 4 children: 

F i. 

F ii. 

M iii. 

M iv. 

Eunice SIMMONT {364} 
Marion A. SIMMONT {365} 

SIMMONT {366} 

Samuel B. SIMMONT {367} 

b. about 1909 
b. about 1914 
b. about 1915 
b. about 1918 

Samuel A. SIMMONT, III {348} died after 1920. 

NOTES for Samuel A. SIMMONT, III {348} follow: Located in the 1900 Maryland Census with parents 
(see page 196). His birth was cited as May 1880 yet he was listed as being 19 years old. He appears to be 
located in the 1920 Maryland Census married with his own family. He is found living at 1251 Sargeant 
Street in the 367th Enumeration District of Baltimore City and is cited as being 38 years old pointing to a May 
1881 or 1882 birthdate. A hardcopy of this census entry is in the file and very clear. However the writing is 
very difficult to decipher and I am not sure of the names of some of the children. He is again cited as Samuel 
SEAMONT {348}. His occupation is listed as being a laborer in an ice company. While possibly not 
connected it should be remembered that Edward Simmont {218} and Oliver C. Simmont {207} were 
involved and probably owners of the Simmont Ice Company. Also listed was his wife Jessie M. {363} age 
37; daughter Eunice Simmont {364} age 1 1; Marion A. Simmont {365} age 6; Samuel B. Simmont {367} 
age 2 and another child who was age 5. I was unable to determine the name or the sex of the other child. 

-XW-r- /J 

1920 Maryland Census Record for Samuel A. Simmont III {348} 

Eunice SIMMONT {364} 6 (Samuel A. SIMMONT, III {348} s , Samuel A. SIMMONT, Jr. {286} 4 , Samuel 
A. SIMMONT, Sr. {285} 3 , William SIMMONT {261 f, David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born about 1909, in 

NOTES for Eunice SIMMONT {364} follow: Located in the 1920 Maryland Census with family (see page 
197). Name was listed in the census record as Unice Simmont. 

Marion A. SIMMONT {365} 6 (Samuel A. SIMMONT, III {348} 5 , Samuel A. SIMMONT, Jr. {286} 4 Samuel 
A. SIMMONT, Sr. {285} 3 , William SIMMONT {261} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born about 1914, in 

- Page 197 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

NOTES for Marion A. SIMMONT {365} follow: Located in the 1920 Maryland Census with family (see 
page 197). 

SIMMONT {366} 6 (Samuel A. SIMMONT, III {348} 5 , Samuel A. SIMMONT, Jr. {286} 4 , Samuel 

A. SIMMONT, Sr. {285} 3 , William SIMMONT {261} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born about 1915, in 

NOTES for_ SIMMONT {366} follow: Located in the 1920 Maryland Census with family (see 

page 1 97). Unable to decipher this child's name from the census record. 

Samuel B. SIMMONT {367} 6 (Samuel A. SIMMONT, III {348} 5 , Samuel A. SIMMONT, Jr. {286} 4 , Samuel 
A. SIMMONT, Sr. {285} 3 , William SIMMONT {26 1} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born about 1918, in 

NOTES for Samuel B. SIMMONT {367} follow: Located in the 1920 Maryland Census with family (see 
page 197). 

Jennie SIMMONT {349} 5 (Samuel A. SIMMONT, Jr. {286} 4 , Samuel A. SIMMONT, Sr. {285} 3 , William 
SIMMONT {261} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born October 1883, in Maryland. Jennie SIMMONT {349} 
died after 1900. 

NOTES for Jennie SIMMONT {349} follow: Located in the 1900 Maryland Census with parents (seepage 

David SIMMONT {350} 5 (Samuel A. SIMMONT, Jr. {286} 4 , Samuel A. SIMMONT, Sr. {285} 3 , William 
SIMMONT {261} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born April 1885, in Maryland. David SIMMONT {350} 
died after 1900. 

NOTES for David SIMMONT {350} follow: Located in the 1900 Maryland Census with parents (see page 

Alfred SIMMONT {351} 5 (Samuel A. SIMMONT, Jr. {286} 4 , Samuel A. SIMMONT, Sr. {285} 3 , William 
SIMMONT {261} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born September 1892, in Maryland. 

NOTE for Alfred SIMMONT {351} follow: Located in the 1900 Maryland Census with parents (see page 

Minnie SIMMONT {352} 5 (Samuel A. SIMMONT, Jr. {286} 4 , Samuel A. SIMMONT, Sr. {285} 3 , William 
SIMMONT {261} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born March 1894, in Maryland. Minnie SIMMONT {352} 
died after 1900. 

NOTES for Minnie SIMMONT {352} follow: Located in the 1 900 Maryland Census with parents (see page 

- Page 198 ■ 

Descendants of David Simmont 


Martha J. SIMMONT {454} 3 (William SIMMONT {261} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born about 1863, 
in Maryland. Martha J. SIMMONT {454} died after 1870. 

NOTES for Martha J. SIMMONT {454} follow: Located in the 1870 Maryland Census with family (see 
page 188). Listed as being 7 years old. 

Ida M. SIMMONT {334} 3 (William SIMMONT {261} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born February 1864, 
in Maryland. She married William F. GAUER {335} in 1882. He was born January 1851, in Maryland. 

They had 7 children: 

d. after January 1931 



William H. GAUER {355} 

b. July 1883 



Charles E. GAUER {356} 

b. May 1886 



Naomi GAUER {336} 

b. February 1891 



Lloyd GAUER {357} 

b. March 1893 



Alta GAUER {358} 

b. January 1895 



Fitzhugh Lee GAUER {359} 

b. April 1897 



Ella May GAUER {360} 

b. August 1899 

William F. GAUER {335} died 1920. 

NOTES for William F. GAUER {335} follow: Located in the 1900 Maryland Census with wife Ida M. 
Simmont and family and brother and sister in law, Julia Ann Simmont (see page 190). 

It is very possible that William F. Gauer served in the Confederate Army during the Civil War. He named 
one son Fitzhugh Lee Gauer {359}, obviously after Gen. Fitzhugh Lee, nephew of Commanding General 
Robert E. Lee. Wife Ida M. Gauer was listed as widowed in the 1920 Maryland Census and was living 
with her sister Julia A. Simmont (see page 190). 

Ida M. SIMMONT {334} died after 1 920. 

NOTES for Ida M. SIMMONT {334} follow: Located in the 1900 Maryland Census (see page 190) and 
1920 Maryland Census with her sister Julia Ann Simmont {324} (see page 190). 

William H. GAUER {355} 4 (Ida M. SIMMONT {334} 3 , William SIMMONT {261} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) 

was born July 1883, in Maryland. 

NOTES for William H. GAUER {355} follow: Located in the 1900 Maryland Census with family (see page 

Charles E. GAUER {356} 4 (Ida M. SIMMONT {334} 3 , William SIMMONT {26 1} 2 , David SIMMONT{278} 1 ) 

was born May 1886, in Maryland. 

- Page 199 

Descendants of David Simmont 

NOTES for Charles E. GAUER {356} follow: Located in the 1900 Maryland Census with family (see page 

Naomi GAUER {336} 4 (Ida M. SIMMONT {334} 3 , William SIMMONT {26 1} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) 
was born February 1891, in Maryland. She married Howard E. SHAWKER {337}. 

No children have yet been identified. 
Naomi GAUER {336} died after January 1931. 

NOTES for Naomi GAUER {336} follow: Mentioned in the obituary of her aunt Julia Ann Simmont {324} 
- "Funeral services will be held at the home of her niece, Mrs. Howard E. Shawker (nee Gauer) 2527 West 
Lafayette Avenue of Monday at 2 PM (see page 190). Naomi Gauer {336} was also located in the 1900 
Maryland Census with family (see page 190). 

Lloyd GAUER {357} 4 (Ida M. SIMMONT {334} 3 , William SIMMONT {261} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was 
born March 1893, in Maryland. 

NOTES for Lloyd GAUER {357} follow: Located in the 1 900 Maryland Census with family (see page 1 90). 

Alta GAUER {358} 4 (Ida M. SIMMONT {334} 3 , William SIMMONT {26 1} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was 
born January 1895, in Maryland. 

NOTES for Alta GAUER {358} follow: Located in the 1900 Maryland Census with family (see page 190). 

Fitzhugh Lee GAUER {359} 4 (Ida M. SIMMONT {334} 3 , William SIMMONT {261} 2 , David SIMMONT 

{278} 1 ) was born April 1897, in Maryland. 

NOTES for Fitzhugh Lee GAUER {359} follow: Located in the 1900 Maryland Census with family (see 
page 190). Obviously named for either Gen. Fitzhugh 'Fitz' Lee, nephew of Commanding General Robert 
E. Lee of the Army of Northern Virginia in the War Between The States or named after Gen. William Henry 
Fitzhugh 'Rooney' Lee, second eldest son of Commanding General Robert E. Lee. It is very possible 
that Fitzhugh Lee's father served under one of these two Lee Generals in the Civil War. Thus far I have 
been unable to find anyone by the surname of Gauer from Maryland who served for the Confederacy. 

Ella May GAUER {360} 4 (Ida M. SIMMONT {334} 3 , William SIMMONT {261} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) 

was born August 1899, in Maryland. 

NOTES for Ella May GAUER {360} follow: Located in the 1900 Maryland Census with family (see page 
190). Located in the 1920 Maryland Census with widowed mother (Ida M. Gauer {334})and aunt Julia A. 
Simmont {324} (see page 190). 

Mary A. SIMMONT {254} 2 (David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born about 1 820. She married John SPEIGHTS 
{255} 17 August 1843, in Baltimore City, Maryland. 

- Page ZOO - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

d. 11 August 1847 

They had 1 child: 
F i. Mary E. SPEIGHTS {256} b. about 1844 

John SPEIGHTS {255} died after 1847. 

NOTES for John SPEIGHTS {255} follow: Middle initial either S. or T. 

Mary A. SIMMONT {254} died after 1847. 

NOTES for Mary A. SIMMONT {254} follow: Mary A. Simmont {254} added as a daughter of David 
Simmont {278} due to the date of this marriage. She would have been to old to have been a child of one of 
the brothers. The marriage was recorded in the Baltimore Sun. Mary A. Simmont m. John S Speights 
17 August 1843. (Reported in 30 August 1843, p. 2). 

Mary E. SPEIGHTS {256} 3 (Mary A. SIMMONT {254} 2 , David SIMMONT {278} 1 ) was born about 1844 
Mary E. SPEIGHTS {256} died 11 August 1847, in Baltimore City, Maryland. 

Samuel SIMMONT{251} 2 (David SIMMONT{278} 1 ) was born about 1837, in Baltimore, Maryland. Samuel 
SIMMONT {251} died 16 March 1848, in Baltimore, Maryland. 

NOTES for Samuel 

SIMMONT {251}follow: It is 

very possible that this 

particularSamuel Simmont, 

although clearly listed as the 

son of David & Harriet 

Simmont is too young to be 

their son. However the 

obituary notice should be 

correct in citing the age as 

11, setting a date of birth of 

about 1837. It is certainly 

possible that he could be 

their child, born very late in 

their marriage which could 

possibly account for frailty as 

mentioned in the obituary 

notice. He is of the proper 

age to be a son of David his 

brother. It is believed that 

his brother David Simmont 

{252} also had a son Samuel Simmont {284}. 

On the Ifitli instant, &ucvxL, son of David arid Har- 
riet Simmont, aged 11 yearn.^f hia age exemplifies all the 
Christian graces in their daily walk and conversation 
«u b e did . From the time he cott W T*p, he ha * been 
* .Praying child: and at the age of seven'he waa en- 
rolled a« a member of a class meeting, in which fee 
jTgalarljr met am! gave in his testimony for Jewuu- 
To htschnrch and gonday-*ehoo* as *eff as hia class, 

Ihe was ardently attached, from which he never was 
nb«eni wiihouja just cause. On the last night of Hie 
I ife, white h» little frail b*dv was racked with sorer- 
•ng. he asked some of his friends if they loved Jesus? 
and ttraighiwfcy commenced his favorite hymm *'I do 
love Jefrua— his name's 00 sweeu" When aalced if he 
uul*L l L lia ? «<> die, he said he would rather live for 
Ms mother's aake, but the will^of his Saviour be done, 
rims, on the above date. Samuel fell asleep in Jeaus, 
to awake on the morning of the rcsarreouon; when 
the l.ord himself shall descend from Heaven, with a 
thorn and with the voice 01 the Archangel, and with 
™V ru J? ,,> of God / wherefove, parenu and friends 
I comfort one another with these words. * S. 

Obituary of Samuel Simmont {251} 

Obituary notice found in the Baltimore Sun Obituary of 28 March 1848, page 2: 
On the 16th instant, Samuel Simmont, son of David and Harriet Simmont, aged 11 years. It is seldom that 
one of his age exemplified all the Christian graces in their daily walk and conversation as he did. From the 

Page 201 

Descendants of David Simmont 

time he could ffsp, he has been a praying child; and at the age of seven he was enrolled as a member of a 
class meeting, in which he regularly met and gave in his testimony for Jesus. To his church and Sunday 
school as well as his class, he was ardently attached, from which he never was absent without a just cause. 
On the last night of his life, while his little frail body was racked with suffering, he asked some of his friends 
if they loved Jesus and straightway commenced his favorite hymn "I Do Love Jesus -His Name's So Sweet". 
When asked if he was willing to die, he said he would rather live for his mother's sake, but the will of his 
Savior be done. Thus, on the above date, Samuel fell asleep in Jesus, to awake on the morning of the 
resurrection; when the Lord himself shall descend from Heaven, with a shout and with the voice of the 
Archangel, and with the trump of God. Wherefore, parents and friends comfort one another with these words. 

qft is a very comforting thought to know 3 am related to someone who had the ability to write such 
a 6eautijuf obituary notice and to fenow that <T am related to someone like gamuef gtmmont (251 } 



• j 

? f 

• » 


■ » 




DENNIS {276} 99 

GALLAGHER {326} 161 

HALE {310} 88 

KLINGMEYER {275} 99 

LAUGHLIN {341} 183 

. SIMMONT {366} 198 

SQUATRITO {148} . . . 144 

UNKNOWN {201} . . . 149 

VOGEL{199} 124 

WOOD {100} 101 

Antoinette E. {302} 31, 35> 172 

Catherine M. {236} 14, 20, 21, 23, 156 

Elizabeth {241} 3_6, 83, 188 

Elizabeth {244} 7 

Elizabeth {369} 5, 8, 9, 89 

Harriet {253} 2-4, 12, 16, 44 

- Page 202 - 

Descendants of David Simmont 

time he could lisp, he has been a praying child; and at the age of seven he was enrolled as a member of a 
class meeting, in which he regularly met and gave in his testimony for Jesus. To his church and Sunday 
school as well as his class, he was ardently attached, from which he never was absent without a just cause. 
On the last night of his life, while his little frail body was racked with suffering, he asked some of his friends 
if they loved Jesus and straightway commenced his favorite hymn 1 Do Love Jesus - His Name's So Sweet". 
When asked if he was willing to die, he said he would rather live for his mother's sake, but the will of his 
Savior be done. Thus, on the above date, Samuel fell asleep in Jesus, to awake on the morning of the 
resurrection; when the Lord himself shall descend from Heaven, with a shout and with the voice of the 
Archangel, and with the trump of God. Wherefore, parents and friends comfort one another with these words. 

eft is a very comforting thought to (enow <1 am related to someone who had the ability to write such 
a fceautijuf ofntuar^ notice and to know that <I am related to someone Kfce Samuel gtmmont {251) 









• 1 


■ j 


• j 


• 1 


• j 


• 1 


• 1 


• i 


• 1 


• 1 


• 1 



DENNIS {276} 99 

GALLAGHER {326} 161 

HALE {310} 88 

KLINGMEYER {275} 99 

LAUGHLIN {341} 183 

SIMMONT {366} 198 

SQUATRITO {148} 144 

UNKNOWN {201} 149 

VOGEL {199} 124 

\ WOOD {100} ■....' 101 

Antoinette E, {302} 31, 35, 172 

Catherine M. {236} 14, 20, 21, 23, 156 

Elizabeth {241} 3-6, 83, 188 

Elizabeth {244} 7 

Elizabeth {369} 5, 8, 9, 89 

Harriet {253} 2-4, 12, 16, 44 

- Page 202 ■ 

Descendants of David Simmont 

?, Hemil M. {306} 158 

?, Jessie M. {363} 10, 18, 19, 21, 23, 197 

?, Julia {244} 4, 6, 7, 192 

?, Kelly {433} 123, 124 

?, Margaret {266} 7, 11, 12, 15, 16, 34, 154 

?, Margie {428} 123 

?, Martha E. {289} 8-11, 13, 14, 16, 18, 26, 195, 196 

?, Mary J. {361} 10, 16, 183 

?, Patricia Ann {398} 170 

?, Ronald {435} 123, 124 

?, Sarah {325} 6-8, 18, 149 

?, Sharon {434} 123, 124 

?, Theresa {444} 127 

AMBROSE, Mary Margaret {380} 30, 33, 34, 173 

Ample Sheet Metal 139 

ANDREWS, Rachel Winifred {311} 164 

ANDREWS, Sue M 165 

BACKOFF, James {66} . . 36, 37, 146 

BACKOFF, Jennifer Lynn {177} .... 37, 146, 147 

BACKOFF, Mary Ellen 144 

BACKOFF, Stephen James {67} 37, 146 

BAGROWSKI, George{115} 116 

BAGROWSKI, Joyce 116 

BAKER, Sophia Howard 75 

BALDWIN, Silas .185 

BALL, Jake {420} 114 

BANKARD, Caroline L. {208} 6, 14, 24, 26, 64 

BANKARD, Carrie L. {208} 16 

BANKARD, Florence R. 72, 73 

BANKARD, Margaret S. 73 

BECK, Helen {151} 129 

BECK, Louis{189} 25, 129 

BECK, Mrs. Louis 105 

BELL, Catharine {257} 4 

BELL, George E . 24, 119 

BELL, M. Elizabeth 79 

BELL, Webster 72-74 

BELMAN, Kathy Sue {405} 34,39,40, 173 

BENNETT, Walter Jr. {63} 40, 145 

BETCH, Anna 174 

BETCH, Annie {293} 24, 149 

BETCH, Catherine J. {186} 41, 137 

BETCH, Elvin {298} , 23, 24, 174, 175 

BETCH, Ethel {412} 174, 175 

BETCH, Irving {411} 174, 175 

BETCH, John {294} 10, 21-24, 29, 149, 174 

BETCH, Katherine {296} ...'...■ 22,24, 174, 175 

BETCH, Mrs. Anna 180 

- Page 203 ■ 

Descendants of David Simmont 

BETCH, Vera {295} 21, 24, 174, 175 

BETCH, Viola {297} . 22, 24, 174, 175 

BETCH, William J. Sr. 137 

BIRMINGHAM, Judith Elaine {128} 31, 35, 36, 38, 113 

BLACK, Jennie 108 

BLACKBURN, Mary Jane {230} 5, 19, 28, 86 

BOONE, Mabel W. {202} 19, 26, 34, 91 

BOSMAN, Alexander {329} 161, 162 

BOSMAN, Mary Catherine {291} 6, 12-15, 21, 24, 29, 32, 34, 36-37, 161 

BOTTO, Daniel James {160} 39, 122 

BOTTO, Emanuel Anderson {158} 31, 39, 122 

BOTTO, Toni Lynn {159} . . . 38, 122 

BOWMAN, Alex . 177 

BROWN, Wendy Ann {408} 35, 41, 173 

BROWNING, Edward 188 

BRUCE, William 108 

BURNETT, Maria Amelia {220} . . 49, 51 

BURNETT, Paul M. {228} 51, 78 

BURNETT, William {226} . . . . 78 

BURNETTE, Amelia {220} 78, 81 

BURNETTE, Maria Amelia {220} .16 

BURR, Margaret . . . 144 

BURR, Rebecca Lynn {176} 1, 37, 41, 42, 147 

BURR, Ronald Pierson Jr. {69} 38, 147 

BURR, Ronald Pierson Sr. {68} ... 1, 32, 37, 38, 147 

CAHILL, Rene {44} 32, 37, 38, 141 

CAHILL, Shelly 141 

CARROLL, Virginia Catherine {88} 11, 13, 25-28, 30, 32, 41, 107, 119 

CHAPMAN, Julia A. 79, 82 

CHAPMAN, Julia Ann {219} 2-6, 12, 15, 22, 28, 45 

CHICK, David Lee {59} 33, 40, 144, 147 

CHICK, Lisa Marie {180} 38, 146 

CHICK, Margaret Theresa {58} ..... 1, 32, 37, 38, 42, 144, 147 

CHICK, Mary Ellen {57} 31, 36, 37, 144, 146, 147 

CHICK, Mary Theresa {178} 37, 146 

CHICK, Michael Dale III {179} 38, 146 

CHICK, Michael Dale Jr. {56} . 30, 37, 38, 144-146 

CHICK, Michael Dale Sr. {54} 20, 28-33, 38, 40, 144 

CHICK, Shirley Elizabeth {55} 28, 29, 35-37, 144, 145 

CHICK, Theresa R .... 102, 142, 148 

CLARK, Adam {419} 112, 113 

CLARK, Chris {133} 39, 40, 111, 112 

CLARK, Chris {136} 39, 111, 112 

CLARK, Dwayne Richard Jr. {140} 40, 112, 113 

CLARK, Dwayne Richard Sr. {139} 40, 41, 112 

CLARK, Infant {134} 111 

CLARK, Infant {135} 111, 112 

CLARK, Jesse John {418} 41, 112, 113 

Page 204 

Descendants of David Simmont 

CLARK, Lindsay {137} .. 40, 111, 112 

CLAYEY, George 188 

CLAZEY, Mrs. Caroline 186 

CLOUD, James Mahlon Jr. {181} 37, 40, 145 

CLOUD, James Mahlon Sr. {60} 28, 35-37, 145 

CLOUD, Michele Lynn {62} 37, 40, 145 

CLOUD, Sharon Elaine {61} 36, 40, 145 

CLOUD, Shirley 144 

COLEMAN, Alexander 90, 135, 136 

COLEMAN, Emma J. {71} 91, 94, 102 

COLEMAN, Margareta A 90 

COMBS, Lauren Michele {51} 40, 133 

COOKE, Joyce Helen {436} 127, 128 

COOKE, Lorie Ann {437} 37, 126-128 

COOKE, Lynn Marie {440} 36, 126, 127 

COOKE, Robert {439} 37, 126, 127 

COOKE, Sadie 108 

COOKE, William Edward Jr. {438} 37, 126, 127 

COOKE, William Edward Sr. {170} 36, 37, 126 

CULLINGS, Ruth N 75 

CUTCHIN, Mary Eva {416} 174 

DAINES, Michael {53} 39, 133 

DANBY, Eva B. {212} .16, 21-23, 36, 177 

DAVIDSON, Emma G 72 

DAVIS, Ralph 138 

DEGATINA, James Charles Nicholas Sr 139 

DENNIS, June 98 

DENNIS, Susan Ann {40} 37-39, 140 

DOUGHERTY, Lizzie {425} 107, 108 

DUKEHARD, Madaly . 108 

FEHSENFELD, Sharon {390} 33, 39, 168 

FELLRATH, Christopher {413} 167 

FELLRATH, Samantha {415} 167 

FELLRATH, Tanner James {414} 167 

FLINLEY, John 188 

FORMAN, Joseph 186 

FRAME, Florence {39} 36, 140 

FRANK, Gerehart {227} 50, 79, 81 

FRANK, Laura W. {223} 50 

FRANK, Mrs. Mary 79 

FREEMAN, William Lowe {443} 40, 128 

GABELL, Gail 31, 38, 138 

GALLAGHER, Mrs. Ellen 158, 159, 161 

GARNER, Lula M 65 

GASKILL, Carta {370} 117 

GAUER, Alta {358} 14, 16, 190, 199, 200 

GAUER, Charles E. {356} 11, 16, 190, 199, 200 

GAUER, Ella May {360} 16, 24, 190, 199, 200 

Page 205 

Descendants of David Simmont 

GAUER, Fitzhugh Lee {359} 15, 16, 190, 199, 200 

GAUER, Ida M. {334} 16, 24, 190, 200 

GAUER, Lloyd{357} 13, 16, 190, 199, 200 

GAUER, Naomi {336} 13, 16, 190, 199, 200 

GAUER, William F. {335} 10, 11, 13-16, 190, 199 

GAUER, William H. {355} 10, 16, 190, 199 

GILMOR, Col. Harry W 135 

GOLDSCHMIDT, Eleanora {378} 31, 166 

GREASON, Albert G 108 

GREASON, Lynn Marie 108 

GRIMES, Charles {308} 159 

GRIMES, Ella M. {307} 159 

GRIMES, George {309} 159 

GRIMES, Mrs. Ellen 158 

GROSS, Carol Lynn {5} 32, 37, 38, 134 

GROSS, Frederick Gottlieb Jr. 134 

HAINE, Louisa {303} 5-10, 26, 28, 84, 88, 89 

HALE, Mrs. Margaret 88 

HANSEL, Bernard Michael {171} 36, 128 

HANSEL, Lisa Marie {441} 36, 40, 128, 129 

HARDINGO, Mary E 79 

HARTLINE, Barbara .162 

HARTLINE, Barbara {330} 161 

HARTLOVE, Margareta A 90 

HELWIG, Lauren {455} 127, 128 

HENRICKLE, Clement B. W. {70} 90, 91, 94, 102, 103, 135, 136 

HENRICKLE, Ellen Priscilla {8} 8, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 24, 33, 35, 39, 90, 102, 111, 144 

HENRICKLE, Margaret {215} 12, 91 

HENRICKLE, Margaret J 91 

HENRICKLE, Margaret R. {73} 7, 17-21, 24, 31, 33, 39, 94, 156 

HENRICKLE, Theodore 102 

HIGDON, Harry 139 

HIGDON, Katlin Marie {187} 41, 139 

HIGDON, Lawrence Robert {185} 41, 139 

HOEHN, Frank III {344} 181-182 

HOEHN, Frank Jr. {343} 182 

HOEHN, Kimberly Ann {345} 181-182 

HOEHN, Mrs. Verna Jeanne 181, 182 

HOGAN, James Richard {198} 41, 147 

HOLLINGSHEAD, Blanche 56, 59 

HOLLINGSHEAD, Elizabeth M. {225} 4-6, 11, 14, 16, 19, 22, 26, 31, 46, 56, 76 

HOLLINGSHEAD, John {320} 56 

HOLLINGSHEAD, Roger 56, 59 

HOLMAN, Michael Joseph {49} 32, 37, 132 

HOLMAN, Michele Lee {50} 37, 40, 133 

HOLSEY, _{196} 97 

HOLSEY, Harriet L 98 

HOLSEY, Mrs. Harriet L 95 

- Page 206 • 

Descendants of David Simmont 

HOLSTEN, Margaret Carrie 139 

HOLTZ, Karen {182} 40, 145 

HOPKINS, Joseph F . . . 148 

HURL, Mary {313} 175 

HUTSON, Eleanora May {383} 28, 32, 33, 39, 41, 167 

HUTSON, Ethel May {248} 168 

HUTSON, Gary Richard {385} 35, 167, 168, 170 

HUTSON, Harry R 168 

HUTSON, John E 168 

HUTSON, John Edward 168 

HUTSON, John Edward Jr. {384} 29, 35, 167, 169, 170 

HUTSON, John Edward Sr. {338} 19, 28, 29, 35, 39, 167 

HUTSON, Mrs. Ethel .165, 166, 168 

HUTSON, Richard 168 

IRVING, Addie May {246} 12, 20-22, 25, 30, 33, 34-35, 38, 39, 164 

IRVING, Ennis Elisha {240} 164 

JARRELL, Mary {197} 100 

JARRELL, Mary E. {197} 21, 29, 39, 40, 100 

JESTER, Brandon Richard {175} 41, 136 

JESTER, Dennis Bernard Jr. {76} 40, 136 

JESTER, Dennis Bernard Sr. {28} 33, 38, 40, 41, 136 

JOHNSON, Ruth M. {268} 28, 36, 180 

JOSEPH, Jean {155} 38, 121 

KAUFMAN, Lillian {84} 20, 22, 23, 26, 106, 107 

KEECH, Edward P. Jr 75 

KJTCHEN, Ashley Nicole {447} 127 

KITCHEN, Isaac {445} 127 

KITCHEN, Stephen {446} 127 

KLINGMEYER, Bessie M 98 

KOCH, Elva E. {260} 20, 36, 39, 178 

KOMM, {314} 166 

KOMM, Mrs. Carolyn 166 

KUNSMAN, Bonnie Louise {23} 36, 40, 133 

KUNSMAN, Mrs. Dorothy 130 

KUNSMAN, Raymond Cyrus {22} 26, 32, 37, 39, 132 

KYLE, Willabelle .134 

LASITER, Heather {432} 123, 124 

LASITER, Jeannette 123 

LASITER, Wayne {200} .....' 123 

LAUGHLIN, Mrs. Elizabeth M 180, 183 

LEE, Brian Joseph {404} 36, 173, 174 

LEE, Commanding General Robert E 199, 200 

LEE, Elisabeth Danielle {409} 41, 173, 174 

LEE, Gen. Fitzhugh 199 

LEE, Gen. Fitzhugh 'Fitz' 200 

LEE, Gen. William Henry Fitzhugh 'Rooney' 200 

LEE, Jeffery Wilson {403} 35, 173, 174 

LEE, Laura Marie {406} 39, 173, 174 

- Pago 207- 

Descendants of David Simmont 

LEE, Robert Jamey {402} 34, 35, 39, 40, 173, 174 

LEE, Robert Wilson {401} 29, 34-36, 39, 41, 173 

LEE, Stacy Nicole {407} 40, 173, 174 

LEIDIG, Norman R. {204} 26 

LEONARD, Linda Alia {371} 118 

LINDNER, Edward 129 

LONEY, Bessie M. {288} 17, 26, 39, 41, 98 

LUDWIG, Elizabeth A. {117} 39, 147, 148 

LYNCH, Catherine 79 

MAHER, Margaret Elizabeth Agnes 138 

MALLE, Bryan Paul {42} 38, 140 

MALLE, Catherine Jean 134 

MALLE, Catherine Louise {16} 30, 129, 137 

MALLE, David Paul {45} 38, 141 

MALLE, Donna Lee {31} 36, 40, 41, 137, 139 

MALLE, Dorothy Hope {14} 26, 27, 32, 36, 39, 40, 129, 131-133 

MALLE, Duane Ronald {46} 38, 141 

MALLE, Frances Edna {15} 27, 29, 33, 35, 37, 129, 136, 137 

MALLE, Frank A 102 

MALLE, Frank A. {17} 130 

MALLE, Frank Anthony III {32} 36, 38, 40, 41, 137, 139, 140 

MALLE, Frank Anthony IV {205} 41, 139, 140 

MALLE, Frank Anthony Jr. {17} 30, 31, 35-39, 129, 137-140 

MALLE, Frank Anthony Sr. {6} 17, 26, 27, 29-31, 38, 129, 130 

MALLE, Harry E 129 

MALLE, Jean Catherine {3} 27, 32, 129, 133-135 

MALLE, Jennifer Michele {47} 38, 141 

MALLE, Kelly Merline {43} 39, 140 

MALLE, Lillian Clara 129 

MALLE, Margaret F 129 

MALLE, Michael Sean {37} 38, 138, 140 

MALLE, Mrs. Frank Sr 131 

MALLE, Ronald Paul {19} 31, 32, 37-39, 129-130, 141 

MALLE, Skottiann Nicole {206} 41, 139, 140 

MALLE, William Brian {41} 37, 140 

MALLE, William E. {18} 130 

MALLE, William Edward {18} 31, 36-39, 129, 140 

MALLE, William G 102 

MARKELL, Annie 108 

MARKELL, Frank {426} 107-108 

MARKELL, Sadie Helen {79} 18, 30, 32, 38, 40, 107, 108 

MARTINEK, Mary 133 

MAUK, Nancy {417} 174 

MENTZER, Connie 108 

MENTZER, Melvin Ellwood {442} 128 


MILLS, Stephen Mark Jr. {393} 39, 169 

MILLS, Stephen Mark Sr. {392} 34, 39, 169 

- Page 208 ■ 

Descendants of David Simmont 

MINS, Brittany Hope Nicole {184} 40, 133 

MORGAN, Barbara .168 

NAPIER, Lydia Marie {448} 38, 40, 41, 139 

NASH, Bertha 108 

NAVARRO, Deborah A 148 

NELSON, Blanche Fern {399} 35, 170 

NIEDZIELSKI, Edward J. Ill {150} 143 

NIEDZIELSKI, Edward J. Jr. {149} 143 

NIEDZIELSKI, Edward J. Sr. {149} .39 


O'BRIEN, Dorothy Patricia {21} 32, 37, 39, 131-133 

O'BRIEN, William R. {20} 32, 40, 131 

O'HEIR, Bruce Garrett {391} 39, 40, 169 

O'HEIR, Erin Hutson {396} 40, 169 

O'HEIR, Michael Edward {395} 40, 169 

ORRELL, Edward V 135, 136 

ORRELL, Mrs. Jean 130 

ORRELL, Reverdy Lewin III {4} 32, 37, 38, 133-135 

ORRELL, Reverdy Lewin IV {1} 38, 134, 135 

ORRELL, Reverdy Lewin Jr. {2} 32, 133 

ORRELL, Reverdy Lewin Sr 133 

PHILLIPS, Kathleen {264} 117 

PILKERTON, Joseph Edward III {164} 38, 121 

PILKERTON, Joseph Edward Jr. {163} 38, 121 

PILKERTON, Michael Joseph {165} 121 

PRICE, Beatrice Ann {65} 30, 37, 38 

RAVEL, Robert .138 

RAVEL, Sandra Lee {30} 31, 35-37, 137, 138 

RAWLEIGH, Mrs. Eva B 177, 181 

REIDY, Maybelle {379} 37, 38, 166 

RICHARDSON, Elizabeth {321} 56 

RIDGELY, Charles 51 

RIDGELY, Thomas H 51 

RITTENOUR, Daniel {456} 128 

RITTENOUR, Julia {427} 124 

ROBERTS, William F. .51 

ROHDE, Caryle Lee {389} 33, 34, 39, 41, 169 

ROHDE, Dennis Keith {387} 32, 33, 39, 168 

ROHDE, Eleanora M 167, 168 

ROHDE, Gary R 168 

ROHDE, Harland Keith {386} 28, 32, 33, 39, 41, 168 

ROHDE, Terri Lynn {388} 33, 39, 40, 168, 169 

ROUTH, Eliza {323} 142 

ROYER, Joyce 37, 138 

RUNKLES, Bernie {104} 114 

RUNKLES, Caroline{110} 114, 115 

RUNKLES, David {105} 114 

RUNKLES, Elizabeth Ann {109} 114, 115 

- Page 209 ■ 

Descendants of David Simmont 

RUNKLES, Raymond {103} 114 

RUNKLES, Robert {106} 114, 115 

RUNKLES, Roger {107} 114, 115 

RUNKLES, Shirley {108} 114, 115 

SADLER, Harry W. {80} 15, 21, 31, 32, 141, 142 

SADLER, Henry M. {322} 142 

SADLER, Irish 142 

SADLER, Ruth A. {81} 26, 32, 39, 142-144 

SANDUSKY, Gabriella Nicole {188} 41, 137 

SANDUSKY, Melvin James Jr. {29} 34, 40, 41, 137 

SCHEPPSKI, Ruth 108 

SCHMELTZ, Bonnie Lee{125} 35, 111, 112 

SCHMELTZ, Cheri{130} 35, 113 

SCHMELTZ, Dianna Lynn {132} 36, 113, 114 

SCHMELTZ, Edward Hartman Jr. {122} 30, 31, 35, 36, 38, 111, 113, 114 

SCHMELTZ, Edward Hartman Sr. {102} 21, 29, 30, 111 

SCHMELTZ, John Frederick {129} 35, 1 13 

SCHMELTZ, Linda Lee{127} 39, 111, 113 

SCHMELTZ, Nancy Lee {124} 34, 39, 40, 111, 112 

SCHMELTZ, Robert Lee {121} 29, 30, 34-36, 39, 111-113 

SCHMELTZ, Sharon Lee {126} 36, 40, 41, 111-113 

SCHMELTZ, Susan Lynn {131} 38, 113, 114 

SCHULTZ, Joann Marie {48} 32, 39, 141 

SEAMONT, Samuel {348} 197 

SEMONT, Samuel {286} 195 

SEMONT, Samuel A. {286} 196 

SEMONTS, George W 104 

SHAWKER, Howard E. {337} 200 

SHAWKER, Mrs. Howard 190 

SHAWKER, Mrs. Howard E 190 

Simmont Ice Company 14, 197 

SIMMONT, ? {366} 23 

SIMMONT, {366} 197 

SIMMONT, Addie M. {246} 165 

SIMMONT, Adelaide 73 

SIMMONT, Adelaide {221} 6, 46, 50, 81, 82 

SIMMONT, Adelaide E. {221} 4, 15-23, 25-28, 45, 46, 78, 79, 81 

SIMMONT, Agnes {451} . 7, 192, 193 

SIMMONT, Albert {190} 26 

SIMMONT, Albert T. {190} 23, 26, 27 

SIMMONT, Alexis {372} 118 

SIMMONT, Alford 159, 161 

SIMMONT, Alfred 156, 158, 161 

SIMMONT, Alfred T. {214} 14 

SIMMONT, Alfred {214} 155 

SIMMONT, Alfred {262} 84 

SIMMONT, Alfred {263} 10, 12 

SIMMONT, Alfred {327} 158, 161 

- Page 210 • 

Descendants of David Simmont 

SIMMONT, Alfred {351} . . 13, 16. 195, 196, 198 

SIMMONT, Alfred C 23, 156 

SIMMONT, Alfred F. {190} 20 

SIMMONT, Alfred H. {238} 21, 23, 156, 157 

SIMMONT, Alfred T 24, 156 

SIMMONT, Alfred T. {190} 19-22, 30, 33 

SIMMONT, Alfred T. {214} 12, 16, 20, 21, 23, 33, 34, 154, 156, 157 

SIMMONT, Alfred T. {263} 6, 9-12, 84, 91, 93 

SIMMONT, Alfret T. {190} 12, 19, 26, 34, 91-93 

SIMMONT, Allen {430} 123 

SIMMONT, Amelia {220} 6 

SIMMONT, Ann 9, 85, 86 

SIMMONT, Anna {probably 111} 31 

SIMMONT, Anna E. {354} 8, 9, 84, 149 

SIMMONT, Anna M 116 

SIMMONT, Anna Marie{374} 117, 118 

SIMMONT, Anne 87 

SIMMONT, Anne E. {450} 6, 7, 192 

SIMMONT, Annie 85 

SIMMONT, Annie {270} 15, 16, 154, 155, 161 

SIMMONT, Annie {293} 10, 13, 21-24, 29, 161, 174, 175 

SIMMONT, Bertha 156 

SIMMONT, Bertha {193} 19, 24, 26, 94, 99 

SIMMONT, Bertha {347} 196 

SIMMONT, Bertha L. {347} 9, 16, 195, 196 

SIMMONT, Bessie M 98 

SIMMONT, Bessie M. {274} 98 

SIMMONT, Bob {?} 33 

SIMMONT, Boy {173} 115, 116 

SIMMONT, Caroline {222} 4, 6, 23, 45, 46, 50, 78, 79, 81, 82 

SIMMONT, Caroline{452} 5, 7, 187, 188, 193 

SIMMONT, Carolyn {381} .31, 166, 167 

SIMMONT, Carrie 23, 74 

SIMMONT, Carrie {222} 14, 15, 17, 46, 81 

SIMMONT, Carrie {236} 156 

SIMMONT, Carrie L. {208} 65 

SIMMONT, Catherine 130 

SIMMONT, Catherine {9} 104 

SIMMONT, Catherine {93} 28, 106, 118 

SIMMONT, Catherine Eleanor {89} 26, 27, 32, 107, 121, 122 

SIMMONT, Catherine Louise {9} 17, 19, 24, 26, 27, 29-31, 38, 102, 129-137, 139-141 

SIMMONT, Charles 158, 159 

SIMMONT, Charles "Buck" H. 159 

SIMMONT, Charles {?} 31 

SIMMONT. Charles {12} 104 

SIMMONT, Charles {234} 31 

SIMMONT, Charles {287} 9, 10, 59 

SIMMONT, Charles B. {233} 23 

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Descendants of David Simmont 

SIMMONT, Charles C. {12} 30, 33, 35, 36 

SIMMONT, Charles Clinton {12} 23, 24, 39, 102, 147-149 

SIMMONT, Charles Clinton {87} 26, 30, 31, 40, 106, 115-118 

SIMMONT, Charles Clinton Sr. {233} 23 

SIMMONT, Charles F. {234} 30, 36 

SIMMONT, Charles M. {287} 10, 11 

SIMMONT, Charles Melvin {287} 2, 5, 11, 56, 61 

SIMMONT, Charles W 158 

SIMMONT, Charles W. {233} 20, 22, 25-31, 155 

SIMMONT, Charles W. Ill {234} 159, 160 

SIMMONT, Charles W. Jr. {233} 159, 161 

SIMMONT, Charles W. Jr. {234} 23, 29, 158, 159 

SIMMONT, Charles W. Sr. {233} 15, 16, 23, 34, 36, 154, 157-159 

SIMMONT, Cheryl Lynn 166 

SIMMONT, Cheryle Lynn {382} 37, 167 

SIMMONT, Clarence 90 

SIMMONT, Clarence {242} 9, 10, 89, 90 

SIMMONT, Clifton W, {237} 20, 23, 156, 157 

SIMMONT, Clinton Phillips {373} 117, 118 

SIMMONT, Constance Louise {96} 35, 36, 40, 107, 128, 129 

SIMMONT, David {172} 7, 19, 156 

SIMMONT, David {252} .... 2-9, 42-44, 83-85, 88-91, 93, 94, 97-102, 106, 111-129, 131-137, 139-150, 

154-157, 159, 161, 164, 166-170, 172-175, 177, 180, 182, 183, 186, 188, 201 

SIMMONT, David {278} .... 2-4, 12, 16, 42, 44, 56, 61, 63, 64, 75, 78, 81, 83-85, 88-91, 93, 94, 97-102, 

106, 111-129, 131-137, 139-149, 154-157, 159, 161, 164, 166-170, 

172-175, 177, 180, 182, 183, 186, 187, 190, 192, 193, 195-201 

SIMMONT, David {350} 11, 16, 195, 196, 198 

SIMMONT, David {368} 5, 8, 9, 84, 89, 90 

SIMMONT, David F . . . 87, 88 

SIMMONT, David F. {172} .... 3, 5-12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 26, 28, 31, 42, 83-85, 87-91, 93, 94, 97-102, 106, 

111-129, 131-137, 139-149, 194 

SIMMONT, Deborah A. {118} 147, 148 

SIMMONT, Dennis A 148 

SIMMONT, Dennis A. {119} 148, 149 

SIMMONT, Dennis B. {?} 148 

SIMMONT, Donald 98 

SIMMONT, Donald {271} 98, 99 

SIMMONT, Donald Elmer {317} 34 

SIMMONT, Edna (Mrs.) {?} 31 

SIMMONT, Edward 56, 76 

SIMMONT, Edward {216} 59 

SIMMONT, Edward {218} 4-22, 26, 31, 45, 49, 51, 58, 63, 66, 75, 150, 197 

SIMMONT, Edward {219} 15 

SIMMONT, Edward F. {218} 17 

SIMMONT, Eleanora (Mrs.) {?} 29 

SIMMONT, Eleanora B. {378} 33 

SIMMONT, Elizabeth {225} 59 

SIMMONT, Elizabeth {369} 89, 90 

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Descendants of David Simmont 

SIMMONT, Elizabeth {probably 315} 30 

SIMMONT, Elizabeth A 148, 188 

SIMMONT, Elizabeth Gertrude {421} 34, 105, 107, 119 

SIMMONT, Elizabeth Hollingshead 76 

SIMMONT, Elizabeth M 60 

SIMMONT, Elizabeth M. {340} 177, 183 

SIMMONT, Ella {195} 23, 106, 109, 111 

SIMMONT, Ella {8} 25 

SIMMONT, Ella Priscilla {85} 21, 22, 29, 30, 106, 108, 109, 111-114 

SIMMONT, Ellen M. {235} 30, 158, 159, 161 

SIMMONT, Ellen Priscilla 111 

SIMMONT, Ellen Priscilla {85} 23 

SIMMONT, Elva 178 

SIMMONT, Elva (Mrs.) {260} 29 

SIMMONT, Elva E 180 

SIMMONT, Elva E. (Mrs.) {260} 33 

SIMMONT, Emma 9, 74, 196 

SIMMONT, Emma {224} 6, 46, 50 

SIMMONT, Emma {267} 12, 16, 154, 155 

SIMMONT, Emma {83} 104 

SIMMONT, Emma J. {224} 5, 16, 17, 23, 28, 45, 78, 79, 81, 82 

SIMMONT, Erma 171 

SIMMONT, Erma A 171 

SIMMONT, Erma A. (Mrs.) {300} 33 

SIMMONT, Erna A. {300} .36 

SIMMONT, Ethel {248} 28 

SIMMONT, Ethel M. {248} 165 

SIMMONT, Ethel May {248} 19, 21, 28, 29, 35, 39, 164, 167, 168 

SIMMONT, Eunice {364} 19, 23, 197 

SIMMONT, Eva 179 

SIMMONT, Eva (Mrs.) {212} 29 

SIMMONT, Eva {212} 28 

SIMMONT, Frances L. {174} 26, 27, 107, 119 

SIMMONT, Frank {191} 27, 28 

SIMMONT, Frank B. {191} 23, 24, 26-31, 33-36 

SIMMONT, Frank T 24, 94, 156 

SIMMONT, Franklin B 98 

SIMMONT, Franklin B. {191} 17, 26, 39, 41, 94, 98, 99 

SIMMONT, Fred 60 

SIMMONT, Frederick 51 

SIMMONT, Frederick {?} .31 

SIMMONT, Frederick {217} 2-12, 15, 22, 28, 43, 44, 46, 48, 49, 56, 61-64, 75, 78, 81, 83, 149, 150, 187 

SIMMONT, Frederick {229} 10, 11, 27, 28, 51, 59 

SIMMONT, FrederickH 72 

SIMMONT, Frederick H. {229} 6, 10-22, 31, 56, 59, 75, 76 

SIMMONT, G.F. Frank {?} 13 

SIMMONT, Gary 116 

SIMMONT, Gary Clinton {114} . . 115, 117, 118 

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Descendants of David Simmont 

SIMMONT, Georganna 86 

SIMMONT, George 108, 162 

SIMMONT, George {211} 21, 27, 31 

SIMMONT, George {7} 25 

SIMMONT, George {78} 28, 34 

SIMMONT, George V 177 

SIMMONT, George Vernon {211} 14, 16, 20-23, 25-30, 33-36, 39, 161, 177, 178, 

180, 182, 183 

SIMMONT, George W. {7} 11, 17, 18, 20, 21, 25, 84 

SIMMONT, George W. {78} 25-31, 33 

SIMMONT, George W. {92} 35 

SIMMONT, George W. Jr 105 

SIMMONT, George W. Jr. {78} 20, 21 

SIMMONT, George W. Jr. {92} 36 

SIMMONT, George W. Sr. {7} 44, 84 

SIMMONT, George Washington III {92} 28, 107, 124 

SIMMONT, George Washington Jr. {78} 12-14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25-30, 32, 34, 38, 

40, 41, 102, 104-109, 111-129 

SIMMONT, George Washington Sr. {7} 7-9, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 24, 26, 33, 35, 39, 42, 84, 

90, 102, 104, 106, 109, 111-129, 131-137, 139-149 

SIMMONT, Harriet 156 

SIMMONT, Harriet {101} 94 

SIMMONT, Harriet L. {101} 17, 24, 33, 94, 97 

SIMMONT, Harrison A. {243} 20, 21 

SIMMONT, Harrison Alex {243} 14, 17, 24, 34, 37, 161, 175, 177 

SIMMONT, Harrison T. {290} 6, 7, 12-15, 17-22, 24, 29, 32, 34, 36, 37, 149, 164, 166-170, 

172-175, 177, 180, 182, 183 

SIMMONT, Harrison Theodore Sr. {249} 170 

SIMMONT, Harry 176, 177, 180 

SIMMONT, Harry {?} 27 

SIMMONT, Harry {243} 25, 149 

SIMMONT, Harry {249} 29 

SIMMONT, Harry {290} 27 

SIMMONT, Harry {94} 28, 107, 125 

SIMMONT, Harry A 176 

SIMMONT, Harry A. {243} 22, 23, 25, 29-31, 33 

SIMMONT, Harry Alix 177 

SIMMONT, Harry C. {290} 11 

SIMMONT, Harry F. {?} 30 

SIMMONT, Harry H. {243} 34 

SIMMONT, Harry T 162, 165, 166 

SIMMONT, Harry T. {249} 29-31, 33-35, 165 

SIMMONT, Harry T. {290} 12-14, 18-20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 149 

SIMMONT, Harry T. {301} 36 

SIMMONT, Harry T. Jr 171 

SIMMONT, Harry T. Sr 171 

SIMMONT, Harry Theodore Jr. {301} 30, 31, 35, 170, 172 

SIMMONT, Harry Theodore Sr. {249} 22, 29, 30, 32, 35, 164, 170, 172 

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Descendants of David Simmont 

SIMMONT, Henry Jay 171 

SIMMONT, Henry Jay {319} 32, 170, 172 

SIMMONT, Henry T. {290} 13 

SIMMONT, Howard {210} 24, 25 

SIMMONT, Howard F. {210} 11, 26, 27, 107, 118 

SIMMONT, Ida M. {334} 6, 10, 11, 13-16, 187, 199, 200 

SIMMONT, Irving W 165, 166 

SIMMONT, Jacob {209} 7-10, 15 

SIMMONT, Jacob H 86 

SIMMONT, Jacob H. {209} 11-22, 84 

SIMMONT, Jacob Henry {209} 5, 8, 9, 16, 19, 28, 84-86, 88, 187 

SIMMONT, Jacob W. {209} 9 

SIMMONT, James .23, 165, 173 

SIMMONT, James {362} 23 

SIMMONT, James M 166 

SIMMONT, Jeannette {168} 122-124 

SIMMONT, Jennie {349} 10, 16, 195, 196, 198 

SIMMONT, Jessie {280} 6, 56, 63 

SIMMONT, Joan {113} 115-117 

SIMMONT, John 96 

SIMMONT, John {279} 2, 4, 31, 43, 44, 83, 150 

SIMMONT, John {98} 19 

SIMMONT, John F. {98} 21 

SIMMONT, John T 95 

SIMMONT, John T. {98} 11, 15-22, 84, 156 

SIMMONT, John Thomas {98} 6, 7, 9, 17-21, 31, 33, 39, 84, 94, 95, 97-101 

SIMMONT, Joseph 155 

SIMMONT, Joseph {265} 6, 7, 10-12, 15, 16, 34, 149, 154-157, 159, 161 

SIMMONT, Joyce Elizabeth {112} 115, 116 

SIMMONT, Julia {219} 46 

SIMMONT, Julia {304} 6, 56, 63 

SIMMONT, Julia A. (Mrs.) {219} 12, 13 

SIMMONT, Julia A. {324} 7, 24, 200 

SIMMONT, Julia Ann 46, 190 

SIMMONT, Julia Ann {219} 49, 51 

SIMMONT, Julia Ann {324} 4, 16, 28, 187, 188, 190, 199, 200 

SIMMONT, Julia Chapman 79 

SIMMONT, June {273} 98, 99 

SIMMONT, Kellie N 148 

SIMMONT, Kellie N. {120} 149 

SIMMONT, Kevin {431} 123 

SIMMONT, Laura {223} 6, 46 

SIMMONT, Laura W. {223} 5, 79, 81 

SIMMONT, Lillian 109, 114 

SIMMONT, Lillian {84} 29 

SIMMONT, Lillian {86} 23, 106, 109, 114, 115 

SIMMONT, Lillian Emma {83} 18,24,25, 102, 129 

SIMMONT, Louisa (Mrs.) {303} 11 

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Descendants of David Simmont 

SIMMONT, Louise {303} 84 

SIMMONT, Lula May {10} 15, 21, 24, 31, 32, 102, 141-144 

SIMMONT, Lulie .24 

SIMMONT, Lulie{10} 104 

SIMMONT, M. James 166 

SIMMONT, M. James {339} 31 

SIMMONT, Mabel {203} 26, 34 

SIMMONT, Mabel Boone 92 

SIMMONT, Mabel W 92 

SIMMONT, Mabel W. {202} 91 

SIMMONT, Mabel W. {203} 26, 33, 91, 93 

SIMMONT, Mamie (Mrs.) {266} 19-21 

SIMMONT, Mamie{192} 27 

SIMMONT, Margaret 86, 87, 159 

SIMMONT, Margaret (Mrs.) {73} 29 

SIMMONT, Margaret (Mrs) {73} 25 

SIMMONT, Margaret {?} 27 

SIMMONT, Margaret {231} 8, 9, 16, 85, 88 

SIMMONT, Margaret {266} 155 

SIMMONT, Margaret {73} 27 

SIMMONT, Margaret B 96 

SIMMONT, Margaret C. {73} 26 

SIMMONT, Margaret L. {239} 23, 156, 157 

SIMMONT, Margaret M 159 

SIMMONT, Margaret R 94, 97, 156 

SIMMONT, Margaret R. (Mrs.) {215} 22 

SIMMONT, Margaret R. (Mrs.) {73} 30 

SIMMONT, Margaret R. {73} 24 

SIMMONT, Margarete {192} 18, 24, 94, 99 

SIMMONT, Maria Amelia {220} 4, 16, 45, 78 

SIMMONT, Marie 23 

SIMMONT, Marie H 176 

SIMMONT, Marion {365} 21 

SIMMONT, Marion A. {365} 23, 197, 198 

SIMMONT, Martha E. {289} 27 

SIMMONT, Martha J. {454} 6, 7, 187, 188, 199 

SIMMONT, Mary {291} 29 

SIMMONT, Mary {99} 28 

SIMMONT, Mary A. {254} 3, 4, 43, 44, 83, 200, 201 

SIMMONT, Mary C. {291} 29, 149 

SIMMONT, Mary E. (Mrs.) {197} 34 

SIMMONT, Mary E. {353} 6, 9, 84, 94 

SIMMONT, Mary J 86, 87, 183 

SIMMONT, Mary J. {361} 183 

SIMMONT, Mary M 156 

SIMMONT, Mary M. {99} 21, 24, 94, 101, 102 

SIMMONT, Maybelle E 166 

SIMMONT, Michael James {339} 25, 30, 33, 34, 164, 173, 174 

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Descendants of David Simmont 

SIMMONT, Minnie{352} 14, 16, 195, 196, 198 

SIMMONT, Misses {219} 14, 15 

SIMMONT, Mrs. Louisa 84, 96 

SIMMONT, Mrs. Mamie 155 

SIMMONT, Mrs. Margarete R 156 

SIMMONT, Nori {375} 118 

SIMMONT, Oliver C. {207} 6, 10-26, 56, 60, 64, 65, 75-76,78, 81, 197 

SIMMONT, Patricia {277} 29, 100, 101 

SIMMONT, Peggy {?} 35 

SIMMONT, Perry {?} 34 

SIMMONT, Ralph E. {91} 33-36 

SIMMONT, Ralph Edward III {429} 123 

SIMMONT, Ralph Edward Jr. {166} 122-124 

SIMMONT, Ralph Edward Sr. {91} 27, 41, 107, 122-124 

SIMMONT, Robert 156 

SIMMONT, Robert {194} 27, 28, 31 

SIMMONT, Robert E 97 

SIMMONT, Robert E. {194} 20, 24, 27, 29-31, 33, 34, 40, 94, 100 

SIMMONT, Robert E. {196} 21, 39 

SIMMONT, Robert Jamey {402} 41 

SIMMONT, Robert Lee {328} 32, 107, 126 

SIMMONT, Ronald 98 

SIMMONT, Ronald {272} 98, 99 

SIMMONT, Ronald L 123 

SIMMONT, Ronald L. {167} 122, 124 

SIMMONT, Ruth 181 

SIMMONT, Ruth A. (Mrs.) {268} 34, 35 

SIMMONT, Sadie 109 

SIMMONT, Sadie H. {79} 35, 36 

SIMMONT, Sadie Helen {95} 35-37, 107, 126-128 

SIMMONT, Samuel {251} 2, 4, 43, 44, 83, 201 

SIMMONT, Samuel {284} 5, 8-10, 83, 186, 188, 201 

SIMMONT, Samuel {285} 9 

SIMMONT, Samuel {286} 18 

SIMMONT, Samuel A. {285} 5, 7, 10, 11, 13-17, 188 

SIMMONT, Samuel A. {286} 26 

SIMMONT, Samuel A. Ill {348} 10, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 195-198 

SIMMONT, Samuel A. Jr. {286} 8-11, 13-18, 26, 193, 195-198 

SIMMONT, Samuel A. Sr. {285} 26, 187, 193-198 

SIMMONT, Samuel B. {367} 23, 197, 198 

SIMMONT, Samuel B. Jr. {?} 36 

SIMMONT, Samuel H 194 

SIMMONT, Sandra Marie 178 

SIMMONT, Sandra Marie {400} 28-30, 34-36, 39, 40, 165, 173, 174 

SIMMONT, Sarah C. {453} 5, 7, 187, 188, 193 

SIMMONT, Sharon {169} 122, 124 

SIMMONT, Theresa {11} 104 

SIMMONT, Theresa Rose {11} 1, 20, 21, 24, 28-33, 38, 40, 42, 102, 144-147 

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Descendants of David Simmont 

SIMMONT, Unice 197 

SIMMONT, Verna Jeanne {342} 182 

SIMMONT, Vernon 179 

SIMMONT, Vernon {213} . 31 

SIMMONT, Vernon G 180 

SIMMONT, Vernon G. {213} .29, 33-36 

SIMMONT, Vernon George 177 

SIMMONT, Vernon George {213} 22, 23, 28, 36, 177, 180 

SIMMONT, Virginia C 107 

SIMMONT, Virginia Catherine {90} 26, 41, 107, 120, 121 

SIMMONT, W. Irving . . . 165 

SIMMONT, William 180, 190 

SIMMONT, William {261} 150 

SIMMONT, William 'E' 186 

SIMMONT, William {?} 29 

SIMMONT, William {250} 23 

SIMMONT, William {258} 4 

SIMMONT, William {261} 3-10, 16, 28, 43, 44, 83, 149, 187, 188, 190, 192, 193, 195-200 

SIMMONT, William {281} 8, 11, 12, 150 

SIMMONT, William {282} 7, 15 

SIMMONT, William {283} 10-15 

SIMMONT, William {292} 20, 21 

SIMMONT, William E 186 

SIMMONT, William F 165 

SIMMONT, William F. {?}... 18 

SIMMONT, William F. {281} 7, 9, 11-18 

SIMMONT, William F. {282} 14, 15, 18 

SIMMONT, William F. {292} 22, 23, 25, 35 

SIMMONT, William F. Ill {292} 17, 22, 183, 186 

SIMMONT, William F. Jr. {282} 8, 10, 12, 13, 16, 18, 149, 183, 184, 186 

SIMMONT, William F. Sr. {281} 4, 6-8, 18, 24, 83, 149-150, 154-157, 159, 161, 164, 166-170, 

172-175, 177, 180, 182, 183, 186 

SIMMONT, William Francis {245} 12, 13, 19-23, 25, 30, 31, 33-35, 38, 39, 161, 164-170, 172-174 

SIMMONT, William Frederick 150 

SIMMONT, William 1 166 

SIMMONT, William I. {292} 29-31 

SIMMONT, William Irving 166 

SIMMONT, William Irving {247} 21, 31, 37, 38, 164-167 

SIMMONT, William Jr. {283} 4, 6-8, 16, 187, 188, 192 

SIMMONT, William Sr. {261} 4 

SIMMONT, William T. {292} 25 

Simmont's Garage & Service Station 35 

Simmont's Grocery 34-36 

SIMONT, William 185 

SISCOSKY, Ella P 103 

SISCOSKY, Joseph A. {13} 33, 102-103 

SMITH, Donald Elmer {424} 119 

SMITH, Frank J. {305} 158, 160 

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Descendants of David Simmont 

SMITH, Margaret A 159 

SMITH, Margaret M. {232} 15, 23, 34, 36, 157-159 

SMITH, Richard F. Jr. {423} 119 

SMITH, Richard F. Sr. {422} 34, 119 

SMITH, Susan 7, 192 

SMITH, Theodore 159 

SPEIGHTS, John {255} 4, 200, 201 

SPEIGHTS, John S 201 

SPEIGHTS, Mary E. {256} 4, 201 

SQUATRITO, Mrs. Mary 143 

STALEY, Joshua Keyser {397} 41, 169 

STALEY, Peter Gregory {394} 34, 41, 169 

STALLINGS, Betsy 190 

STALLINGS, Betsy Ann {216} 3-6, 9, 10, 16, 28, 187, 188 

STALLINGS, Betsy Ann {52} 9 

STALLINGS, Georganna 86, 187 

STALLINGS, Georganna {52} 5, 8, 16, 19, 85 

STALLINGS, Louis {331} 85 

STANSBURY, Mrs. Elizabeth B 73 

STEWART, Richard Benson 135, 136 

STITZ, James {143} 142, 143 

STITZ, Jane {146} 142, 144 

STITZ, Joan {147} 142, 144 

STITZ, Leroy H. Jr. {142} 142, 143 

STITZ, Leroy H. Sr. {82} 26, 32, 39, 142 

STITZ, Mary {145} 142, 143 

STITZ, Ruth A 142, 143 

STITZ, Ruth Marie {144} 39, 142, 143 

STITZ, William {141} 142, 143 

STOCKMAN, Marie Helen {299} 17, 34, 37, 175, 176 

STOCKMAN, William {312} . 175 

SUPERSON, John {33} 40, 139 

SUPERSON, Sheena Marie {34} 40, 139 

SWAIN, Lawrence C 186 

SWAIN, Lawrence C. {250} 183 

SWAIN, Mary J 186 

TABAK, Joan 116 

TABAK, Raymond {116} 116 

THARP, Alvah Thomas Jr. {183} 40, 145 

THARP, Alvah Thomas Sr. {64} 37, 40, 145 

THOMPSON, Anna Marion {111} 26, 30, 31, 40, 115 

TIMMONS, Dorothy {97} 41, 122 

UZIALKA, Chester 180 

VOGEL, Sharon , 122 

WALDECKER, Catherine Louise {25} 33, 40, 41, 136 

WALDECKER, Dorothy Jean {27} 34, 37, 40, 41, 136, 137 

WALDECKER, Mrs. Frances 130 

WALDECKER, William Carl III {26} 35, 41, 136 

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Descendants of David Simmont 

WALDECKER, William Carl Jr. {24} 27, 33, 35, 37, 136 

WALLS, Erik Scott {449} 40, 128, 129 

WARD, Helen A 148 

WARRINGTON, George Vernon Sr. 139 

WARRINGTON, Margaret Amelia {38} 31 , 39, 138, 139 

WATTS, Ray Randel {410} 28, 40, 173 

WEIGMAN, Dorothy 108 

WHELAND, Dr. Charles G 186 

WOOD, Mrs. Mary .94 

WROTEN, Erma A. {300} 29, 30, 32, 35, 170 

YAMBER, Crystal Dawn {156} 121, 122 

YAMBER, Jennifer April {157} . . 38, 121 

YAMBER, John Daniel Jr. {153} 32, 38, 121, 122 

YAMBER, John Daniel Sr. {152} ... 26, 32, 121 

YAMBER, Mary Catherine {154} 31, 32, 38, 39, 121, 122 

YOUNG, John 188 

ZANG, George F. {161} 41, 120 

ZANG, Patricia Anne {162} 121 

ZUFALL, Cindy Lee {123} 30, 34-36, 39, 111 

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