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Xlie Bfllt>oar<a 

Thfaigs Theatrical in tha Metropolian 
wid Bite of General Intaroat 
Diacuaaod en the Rialto. 

The penitential aeason is over and 
Jto •aMlBC was maikcd a diatlaet aod matr- 
ilil laenaae in tiihif ct fbr tlwatm. Tbe 
<nt we«k tcBtmbis Lent marked the doae of 
aeTcnl of tb* seuon** socccsaea, amons tbem. 
Mn. LelBDcweUs' Boots at the Ljcvnm; Him 
Riiwrll. In Jinn;, The Carrier, at the 
CHtczioa; It Htppcncd m Nocdiaod. at Lew 
KAeMfc Xot Mmr On XUI> at^' tka 

o< rn 


Tbe openings last ire^ 'were only- 
two ta namtaz;, Xha Pnod laM. a Seotcb 
tV' Ckaa. Ontwilght and Coazno Ham- 
at tbe " Ifaat i attia ; aad Seqaaat Brae, 
a new auaMal coakedr br Owaa j Sd^t^te 
rrtiman aad J. HIAorr Wood, at itf 'Tiiilii • 
Notwithstanding the lateoes la the 
both attrartlons opened to snccesses that 
to canr them far tnto hot weathec 
The EMod laM nignenwat i wlllali ■ a snp- 
pleacataiT s ia aG o at the afaahattaii.*- tUDowtsc 
Uta. Hake anA her Manhattan iTbeatre Stock 
Co., which has been one of the and 
aitiatle aoceeaaes of tbe aeason. and of wblcb 

m » t »ai . - Tbe' frooA taitd - Is 
wbdmlBff Riec«fls> either In ctmceptloD or 

It Is foonded on Sbakeq)eare' 
Kadi 4do^.Abeat Nottalns;:_aBd baa a ereai 
deal t€immi^'i^'V» cmC .eadaed to. It by i 

exeeOeat.' WUb- a- nsie ini i llw biaii '>cUd( 
tber wooU aeote one ot'the vnoonieed 
aclilevcBicBta oC the waning aeasoo. The 
dpal paxta are In the- bands of Bobert Inn 

.Diintbjr Doanellr.. two^odAdtiea of whom' 
l^,fta e xp e cted aod- aha ;-:stsw. i— cfa. The 
^iaaTs with tbe eflb:^"'.a^-a.' Scotch eom- 
anmitr to mdte la siattiaee an Impecnnloos 
Scotch nobleman and a ilvacfoas American 
Std.wtth a 410kWe a xsar faaeome. The eomedr 

fUMj, there la modi that Is droll, and the Pnsod 
Lalid keeps op to tbe standard in this ren>Mt. 
j£aax oC the a ll iis t lons . are i'l Mni ^^ 

oo Broadivav. In Ihe Baroness Fliijlestlcks. 
la wblcta she made a personal hit. nolwltbstaad- 

RtaK k alwaja 

Sfj- Irish JfoHy O was encored time after time. 
Miss Kltrhdgh Is not given the opportnnltles 
she mlsbt hsTc for -'"g'-u. aa she reaHj' baa 

nsnlrla. Alficd ^»—r'-. flaHIe FMer. Clata 

BeUe Jerooe, Anna Fltabogh. Elphle Snowden. 
Mary CUyton. MjtUc McGraln, Ime Cameron. 
CUlre Eealle. Majory Goodwin. Delia Connor. 
Greta Baidk^ Walter Perdral, Nace BodiiiIp. 
James -Beanr. Lawirnce Wbeat. DaTld Bennett. 
Gcotse l^stocq, Gilbert Clajton, Bany . 3fe- 
Uocoosb. Ida GabrleUe, Sally Daly. laerttt 
James. Lealle Mayo, and fflsnrhe Blnff. 

The first -rehearsal ol TrUby. wbicta 


hi. lls. RSVMtfse. Ucht., Xhe^ma 
are to be rontrstnlsted. tns^ 
it. which, while not a 
cesa. gtnm pnailae of greater thins* to come. 
The cast Indadcs Bobert Loralne. H. Sanard- 
sbol^ J. H- Baanr, Thomas B. Tborse, Ed- 
ami O. I^ooa^ W. KS'rDaaiV.-. Ua Tenoo 
Adetyn Wesley. Elsp4aLr'"(^?rI^eiMII. Lncy 
Spencer, Dorothy Deaadlrv '' SrdiwT Smith. 
Frederick Edwards. Bobaoa IMIaai. Cbas. J. 

KDsCss Wii Hack. 

At tlte Enlckerbacker Serseajit Brue 
ma gtren an oratiaa. It Is a really funny 
'. with sood male, sparkling dialosne 
OTdT aetlDC and dCBOOfenaU. Setscant 

V whose aapintioa W t* Bre easy. 
A mesaase' reaches him from a lawyer that his 

has died in a forelsn coon try. and later 
to his boose to read to bim his 

at Kcw 

8, with the original cast, was held In 
Monday, April 24. It Is the purpose eC the 
maaasmient to gtre tbe attracUon as nearly 
after 'the aclcliiAv^ivkosIness and tcchalqae 
sa p bss lM e, and 'tt' was Interestine to note tbe 
efforts of the company to carry oot tlie Idea. 
The fcdlowlng people are in the cast: WUton 
I^ckaye. Virginia Harsed, Bnrr Helntosb, 
Frank Glendennlng, Douglas Fairbanks, Ed. W. 
Itettson, I«o Sttriclistein, Boss Band. ItathOde 
OottCf^l^ IB. 
Fred: J 

The Baxniim & Bailey Show opened 
onder canras la Braoklyw last week and played 

tbe idane waa'csiatetaibir dllcd. The perCocm- 
snce is sobstantlally tbe same as that elTen 
St Madison Square Garden and win be kept 
op to this standard. The new canvas looked 
Tery pretty on tbe lot. which, however, was 
not solDclent In extent to accommodate the 
whole oBtSt. Tbe hotse ttBt Mar aeiMl Uocks 
away from the mahi Aow^ 

A new feature this' season under canvas is 
a blacttop. . in which a picture show is given, 
and several small side shows - with wagon 
troots. The cnttee oattt ls. ltghtcd^'wttti^ aeety- 
Ieoe gaa. which has wplaeed tte ' tl l Eea ie ap- 
paratna forom-ly carried. 

The performance mns very smoothly now. 
Partlcalarly i» tiiis improTement noUeed In the 
case of tbe animals, which: hicic -liceHM . se- 
enatOKcd- to their' -woric - --The'-'; ^dd , Jodge 
FanxQ/'s-ac^ conKlstin? of foot balancing, paas- 
lap- Craaa the back of one camel ' to another, 
has been 'greatly Improved by. the- lacicasing 
steaAnras Of tbe anlirala. ' 

The Boysl Tlcnacse Tntspe hate added aerctal 

B WMMltt 

tlon ot-tasturlnr Then begins the little ser- 
'■ geant's plots snd efforts to reach the coveted 
^iaer. Be cdMa with htaa a eoaple of thlcrea 

M, While ^ pnrfesslnp to glre '- Wml fl 

ttmtty to do something that win resnit in bis 
prtaaotlott. The sergeast is iafataated tvlth 
iMtj. Btckenhan. wbo also tries to aid him in 


she biTttes a m agi s tr ate to 
with a party of Mends, and 


lim oatr 'vhea be baa 

that the sergesnt shall he gramottd to the 
Frank Daalela.' as Soscant Bme, 
eseeOcnt in the part. l-^Oe carrita a land 
Jong with him and mshtiijpwi<;fc" eyety Mae, 
Is snpoorted b7 ' 

chiet smear. ace BazxT -'Ve- 

As Dolly Fletcber In Why. CMa iMse 

oC the mat sensstHnal Heal 

that this part of the act. whkfe toMhti of a 
doable leap tbe rbasm and loop tbe gap is. 
as far aa tbe donble chasm Is concerned, sclcn- 
tuically Impossible. I do not know now, whether 
they wM altMpt ta sat It aa acshi ar not. 

It Is a txat Aa<r aato <■■*>■, The erenu 
are rapid and sensatloaal. Th? re»erved 
chairs, with foot rests, have he^a iDBtallcil 
again UUs aeaaoa. Two yeais ago they were 
found too bony tt CBOt ' hat I tallm some 
special arraacHMBt has feMB as that 

they can be retained thla ansMb saariHr by 
catUas oot tbe parade phanshaBMMa. as no 
pageants will he given. 


The Hippodrome continues to turn 

the scats sm' am aiH ftaa tire ta ttne weeks 

In adTsace. The dreos program vrlU be changed 
weekly, which will give an extra Incentive 
for patrons to visit tlie show tre<iaently. 

Miss Antoinette Walker has renewed 
her part la Ike cast of the Music Master at 
tbe BIJoo. and was s1t*b a very w-arm re- 
ception npon her rettim. Aprcpoa of tbe Moslc 

Master. It will run well Into Jone, according 
to the last anaoonceiBent of tbe Banagement, 

hnnate tt li aalMkw atbacOM that will open 
at the. aaaie boose early ant MHia. It has 

—r*^tm,^ been a winner for Mt. Briasco. and 
has iaddentally pUeed Darid WaiMd in the 
Stat rsnk at stars. 

snd popnlar 

doobtediy prove a TCiy 
featnre -on the road. 

A few minor changes haee been made In the 
order of- the pcograia and a few acts haec been 
cbaagcd. On tbe opening night In Brooklyn, 
one- of <^ tbe AndUottl Brothos - waa severely 
ta*n« bis double leap, the:cbaaai.,aad dM 

Mr. Chas. Stow, the well-known 
press ageot. who is now connected with Mel- 
ville B. Baymood's attractiooa, has s very 

reprodaeaS haier' 

Called by tbe "stars" from earned ub e cut e re- 

Here at yoor door soUdtooa I pose: 
Awalthw Uka a haata</^|i*a-:a;M«iiX -.- 
Bl^t oS'the reel to t aaada t a ' -'aadHssr. 

Ught literatnre to bring of art divine. 
Easily daiinlns preference in Its line: 
)5qDlbg of a smartness worthy doable lead, 
Dsatlons piled upon Sensation's bead. 
:o dll yonr aching TOld with folnmna brigbt. 

;te he poUte. 

llias. Belle Gold writes that she will 
|cIo«e a very pleasant and snccessfnl season of 
jthirty weeks as prittclpal comedienne and one 
if tlie featnres of Bsnloo's. Sapnba Co. Sbe 
Bccstiatl^ ftc.a*:alanliS---taar -.atxt season. 
!t has aot at^sed-'aa yelL ' .•natd.'saod offers 
'have been made to Indoce hK.ta. tV .saodCTlllc. 
bat she is nndedded as ta^'■l■nM'°:'■fe■''illM 
accept tbe propositions. : "v ; -ij - ' ' 

: • ■s^so:S-::y\t5-*;i: 
The Prince of Pnaeh'^tais mBde such 

s success at tbe New York Theatre that Its 
ran has been prolonged until the last of tbia 
week. -It la tha diat time tbIa attiaetiaB has 
been aeca «• acMifaiy. at/i(lsalwijalH^ >nl 
tbe at t en dan ce Is .'eaedlcat. ciMMHislas that 
tbe Prince has visited New Torfc eleven times 
before and bad a long rtu - each time. Geo. 
X. ODhaB*a latest 

There 1^ oitfriiidlcatlon of the with- 
drawal of TM' liiacatioD of Mr. Flpp from the 
Liberty Theatre, it la now In iu dercnth we^k 
and still contlnnes to draw good hnalMaB. Mr. 
DIeby Bell, in tbe leadlos tole, lia SMRd.a 

An — «^ . ^ 

nee pertoraHdiee at ae OiirieB Ifecalfa Vetoes 

lUiv. was tbe appearance of the Wesleyan Glee 
Club, which sang glee songs from the stnpe 
during the second act of the OpOece Widow. 
Its first entrance la In tbe fMllV'.--aMVtioa 
'u-rne. Immediately after tbe pctfliniaBea tbe 
club atartcd aa their Soathcn toorl Tbe Col- 
lege Widow eeathraea to draw good boslness. 
It has been one of -the big successes ol tbe 
season, ami wUl probably open at the Same 
hoose In September for a loni; run. 

A rqmrt- announces that Mr. Walker 


Bve weHts, daring which time he presented 
David Garrlck*B Love. We Are Klnc. Hatnlet. 
Blebrllea. Othdio and Jewels of Fire. At 
CleveUnd Mr. WfeMeMa awt with a aad loos 
tn the death of B. J. SByder. siha had heca bU 
for over nine years, 
(o his borne at HasI 
where be win spend bis vacation. 

On Mondajr. IMT ^ Sana Bggnard, 

hi ids new aiiartcal 

Tbe performance 
next iasae of The 
We wID'aay here that Mr. Bernard 

dodlnc Vlee HatUe WUIIaros, Joseph Ooyne. 
Almee Angeles. George Howard. Esther Tlttell. 
Smnr Falilelcb, Tbelma Fair, Sydney de Gray, 
r. MafOonia, 

Co. lUa 


Asblyn. J. II. McCormack: Phyllis LaFood. and 

Marie Kellar. Sydney Rosenfeld haa written 

tbe play and W. T. Ftaaels haa coatr^ted 

Intended that the pisdatUiiu tffeaB taa at the 

Herald Sqnare Theatre all sammcr. Indeed, 
it is the llrst of a series of ssmiiM I evening : 
entertainments tbst Charles Frohmao will pro- 
vide for Xew Xocken. Be porpoaes to give 
an amide spccsd of foa aad melody to these . 
enter t s l aa w ai a . aad la The- Banifklas. -CMl^JIR " 
de Grey : 

Jinny, The Cartta-. at the Crit«9rkm 

Theatre, with Miss Annie Russell In tbe title 
role, closed last week. Too much can not be 
said of Miss RnicseU's work In this play, anil In 
fact of the work of each Individual memlier uf 
the company, bat the* Interest waa lost In a lot 

save It from fiasco. It Is deplorable, too, as 
Mr. ZangwUl is capable of much better work 
aad more estate Jadgmcnt. Jinny. The Carrier. 

the sneccaa 'eC'iicniSir 3iafir''''Ann. The play' is' 
strained and the dialocne Is not partlcalarly 
brilliant, altboogh It la tbe saccess of Merely 
Mary Ann. Tbe pisy is ohrlsoa ;'thM, the ; 
anthor's chief effocta hare baaii'{|tC^ili| 
In this respect. ■ 

' Iba. ' TrffWIng w^r* Boots -dosed Its' 
season at tbe Ijyceom laat week. The comedy 
bas had a great nm and a sacceuful ooe. 
Many cHtiea have called it the best comedy of 
the aessea.' in' fact aa eaoMdy hr. Aagaatw 
XhMaas bas tftea sacfc: litatis l .'snd thaeongh ' 
aallilliiiliMi The eaaisaar. iadades aach wen 
taiwB people as lay SaHd. Margsret III Ins- 
ton, and other Important players of Chsries 
rrobman's forces bare been most adrantageoosly 
cast. The stocT of a boshand's ]ealoa^ Is most 

enjoyed by the sversge aodlence. On Tuesday. 
May 2, Miss Etbel Barrymore l>egan a two 
weeks' cngascsMat at the Lyeenai. la Ib eca'e 

ThaTf Y eeaomrfausiaiia, Mtaw Miria^ 
Tempcaes anr sddile,'' liM aeoted a saecM* 

at tbe Bmplre. The comedy has been cbsiact«r> 
Ized aa French with an English setting. It la 
a little hmad aad ttaqae. bat tbrre Is 
la tt (a daead the asM deUeate wmm 

pceprtrty. The aathora' hare knaita tbeir 1 

and have been very careful In their Jndgment. 
Tlie role of Snzanne presents Miss Tempest in 
her mssft attzacUTe gnlae.. and her portraitare 

to the' wiislB aad atartlcs her 1iasbaad*s p tgp le 

in order that sbe may drive bIm to granttaa her 
her freedom, shows all tbe dash and charai 
that thla actress can Impart to a comedy rale. 
Mlas Tempeiit'a rompaur ta composed entirety 
of Englbdi actors, her leading nun being Alias 
Aynraworlh. who plays the haSband of Snaaime 
very satisfactorily, tboogh perhaps aot ex> 
sctly sfter the American conception of tbe 

part. Mr. Probmsn Imported tlilo company for 

a foar weeka' engagement at the Kmpire at a 
It la to he hoi«-d that 
for It Is worthy. 

Xitie Biflboiircl 


Theatrical North and West 
from a Chicago Point of View. 

J. Allen Damaby. buslneaa 
ana e«wnl aicat •( Tke Btv 
mrat Co., mt In Ckleago iMt WMk. 

J. A. Reed, for many years manager 
at Ike Ule Ctaarle* CochUo. la In tb« same 
cataHtr wltli Frank L. Perlej'a ble prodnctloa 
of The Girl and The Bandit. Some noTfl meth- 
ods of adrrrtlalDE bare been adopted by tbe 
cBCfscUe Ur. BMd wltb moM excellent le- 

ner' offrrlnc at 
atcc7 •( ■ 

Mllvrard Adams, manager of the An- 
torlnm, recelred a aUrer IotIiic enp (Mb Betr 
CmcM, .«( New Votk. lait week, laniBllil ■• 

'-^ To UOirud Aduna - 

pniqr 'at"' Ike ' 

Mareb ». lOOS. 


It u'lll be recalled that tbe receipt! for thta 
week of erand opera amounnxl to tSO.OOO. In 
San Fianclaco, week before Uat, Mr. Conrled'a 

paaaragcr actat of tke 
Mark* aaJwa aa eslenalTe ac 
unlvmBr iWhr wltb the pn 

flnr ■ lata irfll te- 

UntiDlsh tbe minasement of Mlaa LUIIan Rna. 
«ell. and that Nathaniel Both, tbe weU-ki:own 
ibeatrieal director, will amnnr the icaponalblll- 
de> at snUlnE bar ' 

Manager Mackey awarded a contract 
last week for the remodellns of the LaSalle 
naalie hgr wblch aaotbcr floor will be added. 

'* I.9M.-~ Ihe'pcnit Ikr tte wartt, wblch 
wm e«t fl50,000, was granted by the City 
BnUdlne Department, and the alterations will 
be ande lounediatelr after tbe close of tbe 
'■(■na. It is dealcne J to lowe^ tbe main floor 
:«( a» plarhoMe to the lerel of tbe atxcet. and 
a new alaciv eatlniy taynoC wtlfc • m^A 

wOJ brine the t,aSalIe from the fonrth „, 
the first cUw. The prenent main floor will 

become the fltat balcony and the present bal- 

-■ Platrons of the Academy of Music 
are belni; treated to a sttlklne noeelty la tbe 
way of tbcatrleU prrfiifaaup thta mih The 
GUttman Opera and ITfaisallif Qi . ■ndv the 

bnslneaa dlrpcthn of Edwin A. Relktn. are pro- 
ducing all of the beat Tlddlsh plays written 
^^th^ fnmoK^nUlah plarwrtgbta. The 

■■i ■■niM(lii.''MM' tb* CUeago Ih^ Mr. 

HUs Gltckmao. who hsTe met with soecess In 
tbe larse Jewlah centeta. Other members of 
tke cast aic Mlaa Oata Baffolle. prima doiuui; 
■ y* -,*a: - ItMa,- aoahaatte: ^od Measia. Oold- 
••■iilla;' Hhih and Toosf. Tbe reper- 
toire for aa week, apfolac Sunday. 30, la aa 
followa: Staddc Martyr, a drama with mnslc 
four acta, by Xanriec RIcbter: Satan In 
^■^'■'V 'a; draaai hf Joseph Latlner; Jewish 
nartil,. The XrwM BBlstaua; Uriel AeoaU 

•rvChr-* ^-^ - - - 


. Flunk and Albright were welcome 
TMtcrs of ihia oOce- last week, and reported 
a soeceasfnl siasi «■ |ho ■iiliin Cinnli. 
They Jolaed the GallMnr ■nttcin ghowa which 

aimed in Baraboo. Wis.. Saturday. April SO. 

Mabel Taylor King, late of the Chl- 
neae Hooeymoon Co.. la In tbe dly. baTlnc 

cloaa — — ^ 


OM«r BM8«w tn adTaiiw oC Bob 

ntialmmons. was a BlllboanI CiMw tia''Mber 
day. Mr. Iludge was for seTcnlrMMMBi with 
Brawn's la Town, and Is knowa' aa a' hMIIIiii 

B«rt Haveily. the minstrel man. has 
Ukcn the place at Thomaa Wise In nome Folks. 

'WMtwr Soderllnger. a former member 

nected arlik the cncaHne' aMff aC Ckcatore's 


So mei months since we ventured the 
4rtaiM.that.lh*.taMhf'«ar dma waa not aalr 
a paaaMHty Im one af the probabOltlea of tbe 

near fntnre. There is only one obatade tbat 
the manager of a trolle>-car attracthai will 
bare to o r c tc aai c. and that la tract iwaa f«i 

the IhcaMcil nalm. U in tbe dty, 
inc Mn. WIna a( The Oahbose I 
a letara enmaawnt at the GtnA 
foiiowiag *tte nai' «c mi — 

The Girl and The Bandit, after a 
praaperoos awing aromid tbe circle South and 
is baci^ at the Stodebaker playing to 
a ndle n e ea . The opcxm is 
amaaiag than it i 
conedlaaa bavlag' ikmA 
adrantage and tlie stage saanasaiasat showing 
brisker raorement. Miss Mabri Bite remains 
tbe featnte of tbe abow. wllh MIm VloU 

cniettai. .niH Ate .|»ani.jiiia»e';<pMfc aten 

seaaoo of 

with tlie 
May C. 

George Samuels, the well -hnown 
eaatem manacer who has hecB;MPMK-JMi.'fenine 
to Chic go tbe post year. Iai(|a 4i''%|Mt'j|ll?Sew 
Tork aty. toofctag atlar * -i— — 

For the brealc in the monotony of the 
pcvialling «pe aC 


_Ed. VanVechten has been engaged as 
••»*«^r,«*;the Mechanical Ezpoatthn at the 
^Ule GHy. Chicago, and began his pnUalnaiy 
*Mtca last week. 

.George H. Hetser. general contract- 
y «W t tbe Adam Forepanch-Sells Bratbeia' 
■|wa. and Alien McPhaU. local eantiacting 

■hows at the Ooliseiim. Snaday. AmU 9S. 

;*J»|r ChMles Boyd, the well-known 
thtaa ltal awnpipfr nan. joined the adrance 
y*. * ■*» *wat Uaa^ Shawa at Padncab. 

^''^*tn«» Marks, who for ^ome time 
aa been with the Ntckle-plate R. R. Co.. look- 
's after the theatrical tinalniaa la Chtcaga^ 

This iMt len m 
SEo as 


Uxt Uhria On. a 

b> auutamr o( The Bine 
aua for Jaaw* Hjrdr of Bnsklja. 
rir tiirkaiii. SEe« seasnn Mr. — 
his reodnct'aa af Isaar 

la Ihratrteal 

rine Blb- 

r the beat tO m ti per- 

bls rolling Ktock. The street railway rompanle«, 
hovrever, wlU i««>on pmvlOe wajss and mean* for 
the carcylog oak of tbe idea, which Is already 

agm. and "wn''a(c' to' riit''-tto"''Mi5^ ^rt a^ttn«it"' 
facilities are Installed for the aconmmodatlon 
of trarrllng shows. The troUey-cnr show offers 
allarinc pfo sp cct a . and there la no valid teaaon 
why aa oagaBiMltai. «(: 
only pcoie 

■cm world, bat a mooey-maker as welL Among 
tha managers wlio lisTe giren the klea favorable 
considemtloo is Mr. Geo>se H. Bines, of tbe 
BlDes-Willard-Blake Amnn D ie n t Syndicate, who 
la boat Ins ap a trolley rente for bla attraetiona 
(• laBsw the anmmer engagement at White 
City. CUcnsn. The days of tbe wagon show 
ate nmnhered. RIectrIc railways offer nnllmited 
[lOSBlMlllles. Thf trolle.v-car drcvs Is to be « 
factor. The pro|>oslUoa will emecse from tl>e 

and geaa. ailt the Mndactha •( nmoscment 
orgsnlsatlcoa traveling by tndley «S| Ae, haileil 
another marked departure in a'^HBSHmble 

age of progress and Invention. 

equally as well 
' -as \ke'-ts via 

Walter Klngsiey. 

Is entitled to tbe thanks of a mnltttnde of 
snrfelted playgoer*. A return to the state alMi 
dignity of the days of minuet and court dreaa 

_ ani^tha bn ll s i da a<~Ba!sat.:iiial ta 

aaa 'nlli^et 'aC^iaiytblcal asmnniths 'alaae would 
l)e refrwUilng. but the retention of tbe srlntll- 
lant wit of Sheridan, adorned with an or- 
chestrathia in which the basa dram la not the 
VtMpd lMlnBwat. ia peatttvely ihtiilng .The 
beMef ^af Msa' Wnaatn that bnase. aC the haiir- 
hnrly aort la not aa absalate eaaeatlal to a 
latter-day mnaleal eoaaady and- her rrtnm to 
the ideals oC the days agocie. seems to have tbe 
hearty apprarai of her admirers and play^roers 
In general. Of tbe star it Is trite and nnpioflt- 
tble to say agnto that time »i<nis to have lost 
all power to bead her to Ita win. Appaiently 
aa youthful and witb voice as well preserved as 
wben decl a re d ttte qneen of her chocen realm 
yens a«0b MIsa Rassell aeema deadned to so 
on. It aat 

J. J. Roeenthal. 

aging the CSilneae H< 
Sbubert. is In Cblcagau 

Bobert ftt 

Park Zoo his famoas Uoo. Staatar 

po 'large lo h 

tbe country. Mr. Fltisimmons* tour has been 
a moat saecessfnl one; be began It early In 
sad la booked uatU June. Nest 

atnga aa aUin afar GiOM. wm 

star alone In a musical comedy now being 
written for her by a prominent aatbor. Both 
of tbcae toma wlU be under the dlractln aC ' 


hag ovAered: fironi 

aanager of the 
Wim a ma Rogers CO. (limited), the famoos all- 
vccaasltbai, a coaiplete aaaactment of the highest 
Sdrate .car. .The ,Wla>,; 

General Mansger-T. £ GMh.'idiff''tHe 
Cash Carnival companies, waa In Chicago. Tbtirs- 
day. April 27. on Us way from St. Faol to 
Pen. Ind.. and tavuved thla oOce with a caB. 
SB. Chah «IB haaa tM:;< 
scaaan. Both are ' hi 
approaching season at the 
Panl. The No. 1 Show 
Blfbinond. Wis., May 3U TtitSs 

On,, writes ' sw - 
under date of April 21, from Ablleiie, Kan., as 
follows: Cor llrat consignment of sniinsis for 
our 'ZBotoglcal ^^"^""^ ^"'^"^^^^ - 

with the added large Ihlpinent now on Ita way 
from ilavana. Cnba. will complrte one of the 
largest wild animal exblbitloas In America. Mr. j 
Al. G. Bamea will asaame tbe niinagcaat of 
this attraeUoo. and bis long and varied ezpctt- 
ence along this line aboold be aalDclent goazaa-^ 
tee of Ita wortb. Our Mg qiectacular alsglas' 
prodnctioQ will soon be In reliearsal. Fifty- 
female voices and several ballet nombecs. to- 
gether with an appropriate atransement oC 
scenic aa*.«telUlial: eOeeta, will he 
Five ftatne" "iithaeTlIle ads wm 
the musical numbers, and The Wild Ride ot 
She through The Volcanic Gap will form the 
finale of thla new; and Imposing stadlam. , Onr . 

ta^sAM^hi^St: yet^bcen £biltdy s^^iasiiit^^ 

to the Condi tkms at onr factories, where thi'e 
cars and all paraphernalia win be boUt con»i j- 
plete. Time is booked aoUd after July 1 ap>J;^ 
to the last ot Decemltcr. Onr pay a l l ntll saa ; ^ 
inriode Tbe Singing Girla of Bagdad. ZooiogleBl. ' 
Eden. Throogh the Center of Tbe Eartb. Crea- 
tioo. or The Beginning <not only in name hat 
a birth), Katzenjamnier Csstle. Electrical Then-^ 
tre. A Trip to Joydom. Beaotlfol Alps. Parkec%' : 
f 1«I,S00 Jnmplns Bocae Catry-ns-AII. Giant. Cte- 
<3m aiihv . aad Spactaaaen'a Paradlae. . lam 
baiMa B^iaa Baaaa the gtcat Qnartez B» 
dred. and the Imperial Indies* Bud. one 
grand Orchestra Barmooinm. the largest ever 
boUt. and ten Military Baad^Oc^eatilana wm 



• 1 

The Vaughan Glaser Stock Co. closes - 
its Cleveland. Ohio, engagement at the^^j 

of ■ r epib rti oire eomitTMnCadnM^I^ 

of the most pretentious of stock pro-'<-'» 
ductions. Vaughan Glaser and the fol- 
lowing members of his company will 
open at the Lyceum Tlniilii, PejwM^gg 
Mich., May 15, hi ThW' Prliionieir 
Zenda. under tlie management of A. "7^ 
C. Robinson: Ben Johnson. David Har- . '}:: 
tlford. J. Hester. Thos. Cofincook, A.^rji 
Roberts, Charlotte Townsend, JaiUfki^' 
LAulrel and Carllne Hills. At Colum-'-'^: 
bos Xr^jCHaaer win picsBnt tte lAum 
XeIaon?Bttn''Co. at the Bmp lr ft ' nnder - 
the management of Horace A. Smith. 
In When Knighthood Was In Flower. 
The fcdlowlns will be the roster of ,the 
latterv compauy: XmIs ^h1Man i ' -- Thm» ^0 
dore JOhiisoh. GeoL R Mfe&y.' A uja^ ^igj 
tus Balfour. Fred Gibson, Thos. IHtr^g 
Hams, J. T. Wlgaman, Lorretta MTellsfcip 
Iieslie Bingham and Mabel Pennoc3c;::gi 
The organization of the new Colonial '^i 
Stock Co. to replace the A'aughan Gla-'??; 
scr Co., is nearly complete. Chas. Wal- ; 
dron will play strong emotional leads . " 
and Frank Camp will play comedy and »•,-■ 
character leads. Miss Ida Adair will 

play the leading leminine roles. Mace 
<te««ile«fc Ijooise' Marceill, E. R. PhU- M 
Ups. Suaette' Jackson. Priestly Morris- 
son. Eleanore Wescott. Cliarles Boyle > 
and J. Quigley. Messrs. Campbell and 
Drew have retained Mr. Robert Bnm- .-^-i 
■oente. ' artist. .- -wliose-srb c*umirt .{g^ 
stase ; pie6n<eB ?fq«wgfj%ha»>r«tt' 



X 1\ e 0 1 1 1 1> bard 

-ma iB 

V'.v^^iSfOMiaK OF The Bri:.i.B04Bat 
v-'i?39feClnHBOir Bt^ P1CCADIU.T ~ 

:i^'-t'^'-^1<J-fe*S';?:p- Xonxnr. S. W. 

tWXx- old sune of CalIo«r-tb*4esdcr — Hamlet at 
the AddphU. Runlet mt His Slajcftr's, Hamlet 
; to tb> Itftle ud all aorta aaA candlttmui 

thick with pramlaes of Sbakea- 
. prodnctioDs. No wonder tbMt ttie moat- 
.Cat^'cbmcdr ^maaacera treoiUe. for tbelr 

jUtaaatkaa it fbr^JIf/fft ilmt ttc the 

.... ... ..... . ^ 

md7 to be eoiiTlnecd Oat tbe pUrBoInc Vnblle 
la being rapldlT eonrcrted ftom ttie MToUtT- 
of Ita «ara,; aaft. tka)t tba dcaaatle mUlenlam. 

erate 'piAUc^ tnrntny ea- ma— e from tbe flesh' 
potB of iimilfal oomedr to tbe pore milk of 
Shakcspcaxtaa ;4iaaaa. Bat otactrcca oC nxm- 
mcBta aC aa°: tbcatHeal 

_ Tbe new Desdemona. Miss Tita 
Braart, pracad that Aa eooM da erca more tlian 
■tvaC a beaf^ at the 

But ft Waiw wmaae of Tbe OOeer'B 

Keaa at IktCT*a on Taeadar. Htv QtzC Harst 
' ta. the gcSltr partr. A ftfaad «C -lady De 

.diMa i i jiii ll * -T la»»..-l»tt««» ,. w M* i wcte wnt- 
■ tat - lB.'"' B »a ui y«ai»;. t».f. attor, who baa 
deposited tbam In -Hdi, S' Aaaatns-nom at the 
Embankment Theatsa^^irliadr Beaone's maid 
an neata that. thq^jlliiMaC ' ^JoIb . tbe companr 

T|aK'Td»caia«ai>fcV-v.WIW«.->awa»e i, ber 
Major<teeTaI Qe Beanae, ' who Is 
also dedrans of getttor the letters. Is per- 
. ^ hla Talet to matvt tha same coarse. 

9^MC~'aod Iwt Iinrer. UiUMOe^iJto decided to 

JofB the eompanr. the freahnem of the Idea 
bu departed. The position, bowerer, opons 
joaalWIItlea tot an amtrilng atfnnd act, and 

:iMk':'#r"?iittiar' baa' 
aad larlalied tbe clilef of his attention on 
elabontin^ tbe worrle* of tbe manager of the 
tbeatic. FM>m. this peaaaage be axtncta macfa 


'/ai^ 'tlia 'pleca la that In wWeh be 
clatea his woes. The third act takea place at 
the Embankmcot Bestaorant, and the clilef 
Ib the arrlTal of the principal 
he sailoaa eoatnmes they donned 
■t4ttM%ltliMtie; bBl vkr they eama tbete and 

•Top of the BUI" and "Bottom of 
tha BtU" win BO loocer be a edterloa hr which 

' °' tbe oOer 
(eta— In fbe tbeattea of at least 
of one of the big tarn. For beceafter the 
names will ma alphabetlcallr. Aabe win al- 
WV».-Pt;^%,lfe»ilUatf. (no matter It tbe manaser 
. . .- .Mk for an Increase for bla 

^'mil£i0aMi wn bow attanttrely eme 
the pdcaa aT adadate. Tbe ITb aitf tt* Fa 
Blast raat cooteat with a pualUou aoaewbcra In 
In I null la rtianye thalr names. Then of 
«MBt tbe pcoB otnt Job la cone: for. If the 
.lalbBe are to Jndae the marits of tbe IndMdaal 
tna wltbont inttmldatloo, adrance notices 
wm be, latber. will not be. We wonder tbe 
•f tbis iBDoratloo. Were the acta all 
mt and did cadi codipTwIn of tiie otbexa 
en. tbe bma oc — ? Tbete was a 
to voBoa one time in EM*,, with 
■ object. The naaw afT the per- 
former was not mcntlonad at an, or ta tot 
amall trpe. and tbe act feataxed tat letters 
half a toot high It was a ^ImdM Idea, bat 
■MMheir tt tiS not laat lons^ 

next addition to the "big tour." 
Ufopool Olympla. which c^eaed on Easter 
-mm b» the laisHt satfair mUMI* 
to ihe United KlnadaaL. li Wm ha iirlae 
he of the loBdoo Hlopodrome. It It an 
imiMtwy of Qff.HTT«p msfble. occopylnc 
alta br Woat Dtriv Boad,;aiid wm 



A prompt reply has been made to 

the charae, broagbt hj a proTtndal artist In 
tbe dallj press, ttiac, while tbe managers of 
T iondo n *axiel7 -thtatnea acatch the woHd oTer 


abaolntely snppreaa sar attempt on tbe part of 
an £DKlish mnstc hall artist from tbe prorlnoes 
who thinks he haa a claim to be beard la Lon- 
don. Ife. Oawald StoU. the — —g*'^ director 
of the Moaa hrndleate. indlsnanOr daatea tbe 
accnaothNi. and lays tbat be win take any 
artlat wba can make good, no matter what his 
natlanallty. Be ta now organising a boge 
laatlnee, to take piaee at tlw HoOowar Empbc 
OB Apm 27, at whldi artlata wbo have nerer 
had an opportunity of appearing In London be- 
tne wm appear. If there la any artist of 
apedal pnmlae. Mr. StoU la prepared Immediate- 
ly tn give iilm an engagement. It Is further 
pointed oat that why American and Continental 
artlata enjoy soch a lepotatton in this comitry 
la because, otily tlioae wbo hare been sacecsaea 
elaewbere «?me to England. They are, more- 
over — espcK^lally the Americans — far more adept 
at pnahing and adrertlalng tliemaelTcs tizan tbeir 
Xnglirii conflcrea. **I««k ~ aC toldattra. tai 
tact," aafa Kr. 
for. tb 

at tbe gtoaMbf laat aaw. Br data ta aM 

hour and twenty minatea twelTC dUfCfcnt tam^ 
Indoding Joggling, card and cola maalpalating; 
riding, rlady, inutattons. In fact ntailr emy- 

» • • 

Marti ne Bros, have bOWiiaaa Into 
popular faTor at the Empire igt to* .Hto Of 

"alxty to tbe aecond." 

* • • 

Theatres and Music Hall Ooniinltteeh 

wm report that they think It adTlaable, In 
tbe Interest of public safety, to probll>lt tbe 
oae of the cloematograph on Sondaya. They 
point oat that It has become very anal to 
exhibit the dnematogrmph at cooccrts given oa 
Soadaya; aad. aa the CoancU'o ofllcers do not 
attend the eatcrtalnmeati to see that the regn- 
lathma of the Council are obserred. tbey (tbe 
eiNBmltlee) ■ fear that tbia pracUce mar be 
atttntel with danger from fire, oiring to the 
hlgKlr:.eMhaatMa aataaa af the films naed in 

** . ■ a a BABXBAM. 


The Bell Amusement Co. will soon 
break ground on Market street, right In 
tlie tbeatrical center of San Francisco, 
Cat. for a new theatre, which will have 
gi inntliir ir^rw^ltr of I.6OO and when 
wffl be «iw oC thh 

George Gray and Frank Gerald rep- 
reaentlng the Sketch Artiats' Aaaodatton tiad 
ptato.-Jtotoh M. and 

settle the lltaMl'viestlon." oo Tuesday at tlie 
House of OmmBBBl Some of tbe InforiDatlon 
to tbe Uembcfa of ParlU- 

boatnitlea on flic ere of tbe meetlog propoaed 
for tbe next Tuesday. Tbe fact came out at 
♦tif* ma a I lug that tha axlatliig entertainment 
law make* alt 
the openfar aC pl aai a oC 
5 p. m. 

a a a 

Prohman has. — enrgj. llhhoii'h new 
play •WtflaT .■IsMif'.vtog.'.ailtfH* .trnKl-amtm^ 

tea. , ,,: 

ClttBonL "Tbe dnimi tBlri," 
la mimiaiiBb tanraMy after bar. siMM£;apnm- 
tion flir app en dl cl tla. 

• • • 

L,ou Robinson, of Roblnaon-Baker 
Trio tame, wbtf recently pradacsd a 
tUJe ad 

a cnwrtrtt'tt tti'lialiM to « 

vaude\-ille theatres west of Chicago. 
The building will be of four stories 
and the upper floors will contain offices. 
This company will also have a new 
house In Stockton, ground having been 
broken on April 17. and also in Fresno 
and Vallejo. Mr. Sam Harris, one of 
tbe stockholders, win to-Dggnw in 
a short time to ariMige' tot a' lioiise 
there. Mr. Ed. Homan. general man- 
ager of the Bell Theatres, Is now In 
Seattle arranging with Mr. John W. 

Alls deal to eoitoi ii i imh ted it will be one 

of the strongest combinations In the 
United States. Archie l^vy has been 
appointed dlreetor general of the en- 
tlg» Btf Ctooatt oC.TkMrtiw. His new 
oflleM wHI' be In tbe 'new Bell Build- 
ing, and vrill be the handsomest book- 
ing agents' offices in America. During 
the latter part of ' August Messrs. Levy 
* BaBwn'wIU make a trip east and 
win make their headquarters at the 
ofBce of Ed. Lang In CHilcago. 


The injuries received by Sir Charles 
Wyndham during his recent New York 
engagement seem to be giving the ac- 
tor coostderable trouble at present. 
Reports from Rome are to the effect 
that Sir Charles is being treated by 
I>r. Masgonl. he not having recovered 

Senator Cullen. of Brooklyn, has in- 
troduced Into the New Tork legislature 
a bill which makes It a misdemeanor 
for a theatrical or amusement proprte- 
tor to refuse admission to a 
critic or others not disorderly i 
tickets of admission. 

XAMMX TOV Tn.xnt. 

inniBiw dC as. 

Von TaMt*a t 

with tbe pebUeatlon at My OU Kew : 

TTumi. Ib ISK. Slace that time tbe yooas 
writer haa tamed oat oo an aTerage of two hits 
a year, thcceby bulldlag op bia reputation aad 
bis large aaaoclal resources uotU today be con- 
ducts ooe of tbe rety largeit music publlililng 
bouses in tbe United Statea. 

Tbe Barry Vou Tllser Music Pabliabiog Co. 
Is located in tbe Von Tiiser BnUdlng, 37 W. 
Twenty eighth street. Ni-w York City, and It 
is here tbst tbe Immeosr business of tbe coo- 
cem is baodled by a staff of capable clerks, 
each one thoroughly conversant with the details 
Incident to his line. 

At tbe time tlili goes to press Sir. Harry Ton 
TUxer la in r.oortnsi eatahllahing a London ofllce, 
a branch of the Hew Torfc eoneem. In this new 
Tenture Mt. Maatlc e ShaAIra, formerly oC 
Shapiro. Bcalsfc * Co.. wlU be Mentlflcd with 
btm. It has bcae eooeeded that Mr. Ton TUwr 
la the ptaarcr at maale pBUIIrtir a wbo popolar- 

saw ba« ta IC whea tbe paMteallaa mt My 

Old Kew Haaspablre Hooe bsaoght Ua lata 
prominence. He sooo became the Joalor mcnbcr 
of the Him of Shapiro. Bernstein * Ton Titer, 
aad wma active In building up the Irnmense basl- 
neaa of tbia cooceru, from wtilch each of tbe 
menrtiers succeaaiTely retired with a Tcry large 
profit on bis ioTestment. During these years 
of repuutioo building Mr. Von Tllier Ured tbe 
lire of the BobcmlJLn. His asaoclatlooa outsid* 
of his domestic lire were exdnalTely with tbe 
people of the stsge, snd It was then that he 
built op that extensire acquaintance amoog tha 
leading performera whom all pabllsbers ate anz- 
hms to liaTe alng Mielr sooga. It waa not 
only acquaintance among these performers that 
Mr. Von TUzer aiade. bat slneeic Maada. Thsy 
are his friends today aa thcr wtse tbf» Cw hb 
is an admfraUe aeqaa latan ofc a: Vi^alballa 

trlead and a CMgiilil i isi i iib l ia 

The boaae at Hanr Ton THwr U on a 
flm faaadatlon: ta fbct sa secarely established 
that tbe lalllpililad l ao ial e t or has branched 
oot as one oC tbe principal atodiholdets and chief 
directors of the United Amnseasents Coastroctlon 
CO.. of which the boalness Is to establish amnse- 
mrnt featnrea at tbe prlndpil piAi throogboot 

the ealt. 

With Harry Von Tllier's success there has 
not come lethargy or dlTersion. He is Just as 
strictly attentlTe to business today as he waa 
durln? those years when tbe firm was In an 
embryo state and its success was a matter oC 
the tiardcst work and tbe most able managcmcat. 
He Is an Indefatigable worker, and wtlB e Ma 
Interests today wlU not permit tilm to write 
both the words and music he stlU con i p oa t s the 
music for some oC his writers. In this way CM- 
trlboting to the success of serctal aoag bUa a. 

It Is Botlcable that Mr. Voa ' 
descrlpttse ballade aa My Old Hew 
Boar, aad aercial alber eamposltlans . 
same natare. Later, xeallsbig the demand Mr 
ragtime aad tha pcoapaetlTe aocceas of this daia 
of MBtle. Mr. Von TlUer dcToted htmulf with 
ms marked ability and the resources of bla 
yersatUlty. the result being a number of suc- 
cesses from Ills pen followlDg the great hit 
made by rd LesTc My Happ- Home For You. 

Mr. Von Tllser lias assoclsted with bim tbe 
most aide assistants, tbe Istest and moat bn- 
portant acqolsltloa being Mr. HaroM Gnmia. 
wbo. at tbe earnest Importunity »t hU brother. 
Hairy Von Tllier, gare up a incratiTe Isw prac- 
tice to afflllatp in the music publiabing baai- 
ness. It Is due to him t*at the business of the 
firm baa beea aysteoatixed to sn^ a degree aC 
perfection. . _ 

A rouKh estimate places the aaaiMf Oa_eaplna . 
of hU blu sold alaec the pubUeatta a( Mr^Od 
New Haaprtlrr HaM. ba tha ni i g b Hi i tb i id.a* . ms tadaics (dr tbt^K.i'vMS. 
My Old Mew Hampshire Bomt. Down Oa Tba 
ram. Down Where The Sawanee BlTcr riows. 
The Banquet In Mlaery Ball. The Mansion Ot 
Acfaing Bearta, Tbe Palace of Sllrer snd Odd. 
I'll Be There, Mary Dear: When Kate and I 
Were Coming Tbrongb The Bye. Alexanfler. 1 d 
Tjemt* My Ra(ii>y Home For Too. In The Sweet 
By and By. Down _Wbare_ The W artsbatjtar 
Flows ami ~ * 

the sales of 
copies each. 

The fact that the piaao I 

try luis Jncrrased the nnalbsr oC ^ 

the home st the rate of tna ■fly tai 
percent, a year for the past ten yrais, i 
to the statistics, glTcs a wider se"' 
aoos hits of the present day. tba 
copies sold lacreasing In akoot tbe 
srltb the toetease In the iiMibi r 
on tte antfeet daring tbe yser. 

The aaalc pobllablag battel 
portant ane. WsfbS attiacta wany Irrespoo- 
slMa people to the baitaf. bat It Ii only tba 
reliable boom tna oo batlnra principles that 
endure. It Ukes brains, energy and eoterprla 
to run a music publishing boose. Harry von 
TUxer haa all three of these, and conjblned with 
It an ability to surround himself with able peo- 
ple, a personality that attracis to him tbe 
frlrndshifi of ' 
cording to 
fsilnre of 
largo catcnt. 

sllty that attracis to uim 

Little Mabd 

the Herald Bqasm 

■bubrette with 

b Baking 
win pat 

Ttte Billboapd 


Fueene West writes that he im meet- 
ing- »^tl> Mg MCMM pIwinB JarcnU* leads 
wilh Tbe rJim t XJM> CroM Co. 

Baron A. U. Von Kamp left San 
FMoclMo Cil.. iMt wee* to go to ttirux* of a 
miorcd mlMtrel iDd concert companr. 

Mr Marlon, of the Cutter & WUUams 
■HA' Ctoi. ku toot toto Cblcago for tbc pnr- 
^ mvtac a sntxlcal opnsUoa vciOuiued. 

Mr. J. N. Vd^T, fonn«r^ nraa«er 
of tlie James Kmm4^ Ok«' k« kwaflMA tha 
Biautcemeat of • Bcw laiis t r Ifct a lw at ater- 
jlac. UL 

Geo. Ralph Moore, last season stagre 
— the Bub Temple Theatre. CUcaxo, 
nL, asd rMcmttr with the Woodward Stock Co.. 
la at Ik(rt7. 

ICeKee; leading lady with the 
k Oa. at nans Gttr> la-i wm atar 
imder Oa dlrectloo of a wtU kaowa 
eutera manager. 

J. Martin Free, the past season in 

: and dancing come- 

. . in b* wltb Ecktutrdt A 

aavUBa* Hcala all saauaeT. Xss company 1< 
jM^rtlnr "lUj traat ineee — . 

The effort of the theatrical manas- 
tn af Ckkafo ta kan mmcA kr tke Icgiiia- 
ag^sC^iast^aiaiy^^ tiw 

Miss Ix>ul8e Ripley, who has scored 
mch a succeM *• L4idy iiacbetli In John GrU- 
flth'e companr tbla aeaaon. wUI plar Ladj 
asae la Mr. GHaia'a Blckatd lU. am aeaaia. 
. Gea C. Dent wlU put out an Svenr- 
■as Ok aast aaaaaa with aa aatMr aav accnie 
driUMat.'. ■n«:«Mr wa-aaNKce- a* anudie 
«CK and mlliaiM and wn Mgia la atptem- 

Mr. W. R. Cutter, of the Cutter & 
Stock Co., haa nomanficd a new 
I as Ik* Cotter 
i at Mirtna Uat 

Moisan Glbney, a well known weat- 
■a adK who had tke mlatortoaa to laae Us 
Mh MBIe OIkBcr. ncMUx kp dMMfe, kaa re- 
ttw* ftMS «• Mag*, aal jmm *• Mi kaaw to 

James O. Feltz, business manager of 

the Power of Tb« Cnmm Co., repoffta the Muao's 
boilnea M being Terr good. Tbe ooBpaar la 
DOW booked op to JDI7 18 and mmj plAjr to 
Canada the entire aammcr. 

D mtt ^ S t uart. boo Mi^ ^pe^^ ter^tte 

■'V The Clnchinatl Stock Co.. under the 
iAe management of Clifford A Sterens. la eooa- 
poaed of the following members: George OordOQ, 
Eoseoe Boaoer, Bobt. Bennett, Bobt. Haalett, 
-Irthor Codklna, Mae Dodlex. Lola Meredith, 
lUrle Laar. Ndlla OodktM, Cathadaa Oodktoa 
sad BaMs Ogle. 

Miss Carol Pollard, who has been 
^aUer W)iltealde*s IfwOlng lady tke past aes- 
•00, haa retamed to her home to Stoox Cltr. 
la. Tbla wu utas PoUard'a Urat aeaaoa on the 
profeaalonal atage and her aoceeM haa been ao 
narked that wlU eaaUaaa tka «aik al- 

r The Huntley Entertainers broke all 

•MMi at the PhiUlpa (Wis.) Opera Howe re- 
-■■atir. to aptte of a taeaTy ralnatorm and tbe 
.JJJ*™ aeaaon. Onr correapondent writes that 
.■Jda la one of tbe Tery beat compantes to that 
sate, and that It to iip.t»date and nUaed to 
erety partlmlar. 

An elaborate celebration of tbe btm- 

oredtb aurracsaty oC tbe deatk of John Schiller, 
tos snat Genua poet aad dnaatiat, wUl be 
held to BaSalo, H. T.. Dot anetb. Ona of 
Uie big featnrea wlU be aa iHMCaIn Rio- 
dactloQ of "William Tell" Is a^ ""aar Tlwall » 
■^T 7. by the atock compasy eC (fee OeRBan 
Theatre of Ctoelnnaa. waman 

At the close- of his enKagement to 
EK. fr? Coaqner, Loala James will 

jW" ." a Bomber of weeka to TaadeTllle, 
imantttg an- act or scene from one or anotker 
' ki repertoire. Ho dealea tke 

bo la to be co-atar with Alexander 

to be co-atar wltb aieziDder 
-—asm .aeason. and aald that he eantcm- 
gaiaa Iba rerlTal of Tlrglnlna aad Tbe rool'a 

Billy Walsh's Own Ca will open the 
v?riS"'K'""*» Hodaoo. N. T.. May & Mr. 
win •omxtoded UmaeU wllfc good people. 

5^ Hla obteet Is to tUmr sommcr 

eni»Eeraenta and open bli ISM seaaaa wttk one 
2L^.'y«?«< tepertotoa compaaks aa tka toad. 
«Sk to bSS llto ImSS ***'' ***^ Mr. 

i„.Tk Amusement Co. has 

Jo't been formed to NorrlalowB. Pa., for tke 
porpoao of pntUng on tbeaMoa^iadaettoaa 
{bwuKhoot the United StateS^ AttSSiSSSSS 
5 Howard F. Taylor 

»»» Liberty iSow. 
ii» "» On<ter 

a ™J^^i?' management tbs akow wtU be 

aironiter than crer; all aaw 

haa been ordered. Onr ( 

Sl,^* will tout « 

uu^ iti*i-iu and lUtDola. 

ItOlgi. manacer of Jamea Kyrle 
r Wt JSU OM Ootkts Maa, wtUm tkat 

ha bad a daaa aan s4lh deatb at Prtoectoo. m., 
April 18, oarlBC «a tka ezticme earelesaoea of 
a tiBia baggageoian on tbe Borltogton. Mr. 
Nortfc was walttog on tbe platform for bU 
traiiB. and before the trmlo atopped the basgage- 
maa akovcd a beavy tmafc ont of tbe car direct- 
ly apoa MK Nortb. With the (aperbaman 
atrcnctb tadoccd by frlgbt the manager warded 
off the beavy object, bat was thrown to the 
gmuod Mfaplas wltk only a tew brolaea. With 
a little "Ont aM** aad a good braaUng op Mr. 
North soon became all rtght, but be aaya It 
was a mliaenlooily eloe call. 

Mrs. Charles Calvert, of the Hay- 
market Theatre, tendon, the Mrs. Gilbert of 
England, aa American managers are wont to 
proclaim her, has srrlTed to thto coontry to 
play Mrs. HarJcaatIs to the torthcosalng Lie bier 
pndactlon of O B l ds i alth's carncdr. Ske Stoops 
*** 00 99"?;. Oa Hsit Is pcstauily tbe most 

■aslaaS. kgaalfca af a eaiMt ktyoed tke ordi- 
aaiy. flha aaa etea m Ike i^aa ataea her 
ctafldbood. and wkaa abe waa bat ia> waa 
bnogbt t» America by her latkar, wbm aba 
played fbr seTeral aeaaooa. After k«r nairiage 
abe returned with her bnaband to England. 
When Edwin Booth made hla great prodactlOB 
of Henry V. at Booth'a Theatre, be brongtat 
Charle* Calvert over to produce It for bim and 
Mrs. CslTcrt accompanied him, appearing In 
the' eaat. After her baabanda deatb, ibe came 
orer agato at Booth's aolldtatlon and played 
with blm for a single aeaaon. She waa alao to 
tbe Amerldan companies of Mary Anderson 
and Mrs. Langtrr, but for tbe past eight years 
haa been playtog only In London. Sbe Is aald 
to be the greatest Urtog Mrs. HardcasUe. 

Willis M. Goodhue, of Dayton, O., 
will open with a stock company at Macanley'a 
Theatre. LoulsTllle. Ky., May 15. with O. W. 
Blaekmore and Mlaa Carolina McLean to tbe 
leadtog roles. Mr. Blaekmore. for the past 
three years, haa keen at the) head of the Bon- 
doln Stock Co. In Boston, and enjoys a line 
repatatlon as a rertatlle atock actor. .In Tbe 
Palace of Tbe King will be the opentog bUl. 
It will be followed by The Christian, Soldiers 
of Fortnne. Tbe Eternal dty. Natban Hale. 
When Knighthood Waa In Flower, Iioat Para- 
dise. Northern Lights, Tbe Girl I Left Be- 
blnd Me. DaTid Garrtck. Old Heidelberg. On 
Tbe Qoiet. Captain Swift and Lord and Lady 
Algy. Oscar Eagle will dlicet tbe prodaftVsis. 

A new playhouse Is belnp talked of 
to CoanerarlUe, Znd. 

Mitchell, S. X>., is soon to have a 
new 125.000 opera booae. 

The Opera House at Calith HI., Is -to 
be provided wltk dsw accBciy. 

Mr. J. B. Miner opened a new vande- 
nile theatre to South Ouba, Neb.. May 1. 

liUdeke Brothers will build a new 

$18,000 tbeatre to MtoncapoUa, . before 


Work on the new theatre. Marinette. 

Mlcfa.. has began. It win b« known aa the 


A new brick an d sto ne opera hou se. 
Decatar. Ala. 

Chas. H. McKinney has rasnmed his 

former poaltlon aa press sgent of Ike Itfeenm 
Theatre at WUmlngtoo. DeL 

Frank Boudrle. ticket taksr at the 
Valentine Theatre. Toledo, Ohio, la ea'tte dsar 

at the Toledo baseball groonds 

Arthur C. White, assistant treasurer 
at the Empire Theatre. Toledo. Ohio, la acting 
to a dfflilar capacity at the Lyceiui. 

Poll's Theatre. Hartford, Conn., has 
been Itnprored by tbe addition of a brick wall 
between tbe dreaalng room and the atage. 

Improvements are beings made at the 
Lyeeom Theatre. San Pranelaco. CaL. wMch will 
glTe the boase an entrance on Market atreet. 

Ci.'^) ^,rtii taa^aa**' ^ CSqlmnbla 

There Is now under construction at 
Ooeaa Park. Cml., a large andltortom and opera 
baaae. • opcia and drama wm be pat on. 

Ur. WL U. latMOM, tStrnt maiHwer 
of tke MMnpoHlaa Tkeatre at laaa FaOa. la.. 
baa been re-engaged by Manager BUaworth for 
next aeaaon. 

Tulsa. I. T.. la sointr to have a new 
and np-to-date open kaasak tte plna aCsMch 
bare already beta dHM* V aaa acMftM by 
tbe praaottfa. 

Crasy "WlU Theatre at Mineral 
Walls; Tes.. apeiied aader tbe maaageiaent of 
M. A. WeSlow. Apm IT. with tbe Cbaae-Uater 
Oo. ss the attraction^ 

The ^aldennen of Sioux City. Is., re 
qnlred only two mmntea la 

oQt a proposed ordlnaace 

pertormancca to that dty. 

Mr. B. 8. liilaworth, who buUt the 
Uatnpolitaa Opera Baaae at Iowa Fans. la., 
baa ntnmcd from a trip to Florida whither be 
bad gone to search of health. 

James E. B^ngUsh has sold his lease 
on the Kentucky Theatre, Padocab. Ky., to 
tbe owners of tbe bonae. Tbe Fsdacab Hotel 
Ook lb. ElVltah will remato In Padncab. 

of Greene's Opera 
la., la (Bdeaswtog to 

The Sherry Casino Co. of Narra.- 

gansett Bay haa died papers of Incorporation 
In ProTldence, R. I. Tbe company wUl con- 
duct a casino snd dance baU at the Narragan. 
sett Pier. 

Messrs. Richard lilghtner, Jaa. 
S tr ee p et and Blchard Rlebey. of the Olympic 
ncaoa atoff. St. Loola, Moi,. arm be ^saa 
their aannal benefit. Aptll IT. whsa Ibba Draw 
will ba the attraction. 

James Hennesty. late ot tha Oentaiy 

Tbealie to St. Loola, Mo., la 

aaafataace to his new theatre vartmra. It win 
be known ss Tbe Poatlae. and Is to be tbe most 
palatial to St. Loola. 

The City councl of Ses Moines, la., 
proposes to license the theatres of that dty and 
an ordinance la pending that plaeea the license 
from (TB to $150 per year for honses with a 
seattog capacity ot 1.000 or orer. 

J. I>. Ramsey Is' bulldlngr and has al- 
most completed a new opera bonae at Lawtoo. 
Okls. Tbe tbeatie will be provided with a 
large atage, ten dressing rooms, opera chalra, 
and will acecsBnodate an aodlenea of 1,000 

John ; Aamiona, proprtetor oC tte 
Oyatd Haatta. Maiioo. lad., kas laaaad a 
baOdlas IB Aadaisoe aad Is uaas ai lk i a tt 

toto a Taadesllle booae. Tbs Aaderasa booae 

wUl open May 15, and wUl be known aa tbe 


Fire destroyed the Putnam Opera 
Hooae, Orange. Mass., AprU S, entalltog a loss 
of (70,000. Mr. and Mrs. Chaa Pntnam, who 
occnpled rooms on the second floor, were orer- 
coms with smoke and only after araCh dUBculty 
were reacncd. 

Geo. R. Baaaett. wboaa, .O0em house 
at _ 
writes tkat hf 

The I^ough Opera House at Esther- 
TUIe, Is., whlcb haa not been operated for 
sereral years owtag ta needed repalra, haa beco 
leased by Jaaw S. .OHC.-SK' " 
COX win 
claaa abape. 

F. F. ProietacVluuB'aaeiBiad a plot of 

grooad to Tkay. -K^'JCfi'SM-'Ikepatpoae of 
hoiUtos a ItumtMrn M «y.).. .na theatre 
wm be a fast-daaa .taatiillinwaML adakr. Ike 
winter montbs, and oaiiBf tke aoaav win be 

deroted to stock. 

The Camden, (W. Va.,) Opera House 
baa been leased to Mesara. Oabome & Wbdan 
for a term of Are years. Botb are experienced 
men and win make erery effort to ms a 
alxletly ap-to-date boaae. Tbe bonae wIU be 

of .the improvements to be 
made to tbe Academy ot Uosle at Hacetatowii^ 
Md.. win be a new gallery, tkice tier of bozsa 
on each side, new chslis tor tke aadltorlnm 
and balcony, thereby toetesatoc Oe sesHng 
capacity from 790 to 1,200. 

The new HInton Opera House, at 

Unakogee. I. T.. which was aimoiuced by the 
management woold open April 19 with A Trip 
To Egypt, win not be opened ontU next aeaaon, 
the management baTtog decided to wait nntU 
fall for tbe premier performance. 

Xjewis & I,alce have sold their Inter- 
esta to the Cryatal and Lyric Theatres at 
WIdilta, Kan., to A. E. Botdilnacai. Mr. 

— - - - - to tbe 

It is said that Charles B. TMUinsham 
has glTen np all hla toterests to the new I.yrtc 
Tbeatre, Ftafladdpbla. Work baa been atopped 
on this tbeatre for fonr montbs and It Is to 
a half complete condition. No one knows 
wbetber tke srorfc wfll be Itolabed or not. 

Mr. H. A. Felix, who successfully 
nsaased'tbe Terafde Opera Hanse at 
town. PB., tbe tpaat are aeaaaas. bss resigned 
his posMlaa, 'Be win ba sncoeeded by Mr. 
J. Ih MdOnaty who managed this tbcatie 
aerezBl years prior to Mr. Felix's man^sement. 

Mr. E. S. Brlgham's enterprise con- 
sist of tbe followtog theatres: Atchison (Ksn.) 
Theatre; New OlUla Tbeatre. Kansas City, 
Mo.: New Blake Theatre, Webb City. Mo.; 
New Andltoclom and the Grand Opera Boose 
at Hot Springs, Ark., and tbe Car t hage. (Mo.) 
Opera Honse. 

Mr. A. Sigfrled, who is interested in 
tbe BIJoo Tbeatre at Dotmqoe. la., wfll open 
a new tbcatie to Kalamasoo. Mlcii., Angoat IS. 
The new boose wOI acat 1,400 and wUl (eatore 
TanderUIe. Mr. SttftM la :alW' . ' 
for a tbeatre to Damlllcv IIL;..iilM°'he ''iillI 
open by Sept. 1. 

Rumors are current that Mr. XL D. 
Stair win aeqnlte posit sslon ot tbe Baiplie Tke> 
atie. CteTelaad. Oblo, to tke ncoa fMare. Hto 
lease ot ^ CEesdaad cxpIsM tUa aaaaaa 

be win not renew It. It be takes orer tbe 

Empire for his melodramte prodnetlons the 
bonse wlU be enlarged. 

A bill has been Introduced in the 
Masaachnsetts legislature giving the final set- 
tlement of the licensing of theatres to Boston 
to the mayor. This meaanre win present tbe 
holding op of Ucenaes oa lha pait af 
men and was urged by asaW'SC tt 
maaaxeia ot tbe city. 

John lOIan. formetly at th* 
Tbeatre. Baehiatar. M. T,^ and ap ta tk« 
ot kk laerat IWasaa cmvlafad la tke baa «ace 
at tbe MalliiBd . lhtatta, was gtren a btncflt 
perftamance at tke WaUeaal AprU T. Talent 
was seenred tMm aU ot Boebcater's pisybooses. 
Mr. MOan la saSertog from Inng tumble. 

The Barhydt Theatre Co. of Terre 
Raute. lod.. owners of the Grand Opera House 
at that place, hare started to bond a new Tande* 
TUle boose, next to the Terre Hante Hotel, to 
be known aa tbe Lyric Tbe new boose wm be 
opened Sept. 1, win be on tbe (RHmd floor 
and acat 800 people. Pttpolar pricas wlU pre- 

The OolniiAia Theaitra'at Portland. 

Ore., baa been tlostd by Maaacer A. S. Bal- 
lard, wbo baa been coodnetlos the Colombia 
Stook On. tor tbe laat flttccs . wccfca. la a 
pubUe atotement Manager Ballaid dalaa to 
hare sank $30,000 to tbe Tentat» «a alrtBK tkat 
the theatre-IoTtog people of hla cHy sroul Bot 
patronise a hIgh-cUaa atodt company. 

It Is said that there win be a revo- 
lutloa In the Philadelphia playhoosea next sea- 
son. More booses win change managers than 
bsTC heretofore to twenty years. The Bljoo 
naatit. taa tka past jcai I9 a OctBaa atnA 

Well known among New York tbcatrcsocm. 

as bavins been the successful leading man to 
Tbe Man From China, tbat played the Majestic 
Theatre In the metropolis last year. Mr. Blch- 
arda was connected with many of tbe. Weber 
a Fields* succesaes previous to the separation 
of tbese two comedians, and this seasoo la 
playing tbe part of General Steele to Hdty - 
Tolty. The work of Mr. Richards Is compared 
as very much on the order of that of Bayinoad 
B. Hitchcock, of Yankee Conaol fame. 

eoaa^anr. win be operated aa aa : _ 
aex4 season. One of the bnrlesqne booses wm : 
znanaf^ement and maiky more achednled. 

Although Georse H. Hartford left 
the employ of Anderson & Zlegler, Ctoctonatl. ' 
May 1, 1B04. and hla connection with the Oto- 
ctonati Gunning System baa been repeatedly 
announced, he is still receiving mail, twggago 
checks, etc., from aKcnts wbo are under tbe ' 
Impression tbat be Is yet with the theatre. 
He requests ns to announce once more tbat be 
to not. 

F. X. Konnann. for the past two sea.- 
aona manager ot tbe Oraad Opera Hooae. I<an> . 
don. Can., with anperrlaton over the Grand 
and Dtmcombe Opera House at St. Thomas, wm : 
Boon be transferred to the new Andlt u rl uiu . 
Theatre. Quebec Can. Mr. John E. Tnrton. ' 
wbo has been manager of tbe Qoebec Tbeatie 
■tooe ito opening, wm socceed Mr. Konnaim 
at " ' 

E. B, Meredith, acent . of Miaaouxi 
Girl Co., writes tkat two aaan '^dhiHrita 
are good Ibr tbe him iilililiia. :sie . tki 
Boyle'a dzcolt. toetsdtoa Oianvllla and 
N. T., aad Rotland and FmUaiy. Tt.: 
Harty T. Eatoa'a Glrcolt; todndtog Barren > 
Woodstock and Springfield. Tt., and daze.- ■ 
moot and Newport. N. H. 

A number of changes are scheduled : 
to oceor to the local bos oflloes ot aereUnd. 
Ohio. Mr. Herbert Bentebell, who baa been 
a capable and courteoos ssalstant to Mr. Brandt, 
at Keith's, will succeed Mr. Foea aa treasnrer , 
at the Colonial Tbeatre. Bdr. W. Meyer Genoa 
at the Lytic, and one of the most popular yoonr 
theatrical men In town, wn go over to Keith's 
to Mr. Hentciien's idace. 

D. Otto Hinton, the popular young*,- 
treasurer of the Grand Opera Hooae. Norris- : 
town. Pa., Is shoot to doae hto third iiiiii isaniT , 
aeaaon with tills booae. Mr. Hinton la one of, 
It not tbe yoonscat, treasoieca to the stote. t 
being bot 18 years dd. Tbe capable trey la j 
_ - . . . ;ot,tka r 

The Capital Avenue' Tbeatn^; CatMarr- 
cime. Wyo.. has been Isaaad by- ■ If seal a.'c -BS^;. 
ward P. Stable and Bobert P. Poller ftir a * 
perkkl of three years with an annual rental of 
$5,500. Arrangemento have beoi made for 
eqolpptog tbe tbeatie to a Snt-daaa ap-t»4ate : 

.XL A. Hea, of Corydon. la., has 
boagbt tba Lyceum neatie In Eaat Des Mriaca^- 
b.. (be price being S40.000. Tbe house has, 
been leised to Manager Fred. Bncbanan for 

a term of yeaxa. will be remodeled for raode- 
TlUe ptirpoaea and under the new management-: 
wUl be known as the Orpbetim, td t>e operated ' 
In oonjunctioa with the BUoo in West Des ' 
Motocs^amd^toaecaoU Park. Iowa's Isadtog oat. 

Kan., tb^ SM OC tbe aesttcat aaiS' heat 
Uttle opera boosts la tke stale la atrav- 
eompletloa la Ms dty. Tka koaae «m.^ 
next acaaae. aad tka aeattoir capacity wm^ 
between six aad serca bnndrcd. Tbs bouse -wm 
be steam lieaiM aad lighted by eleetridty- 
Martoa has a ' pomlatloo of 2.B0O, with good 
country to draw from. 

An offer of 1100,000 has been made 
to Messrs. Lehman & Davlea, proprietors and , 
managers of the Lyric Tkeatre, .New Orleana. . 
La for that playhouse. The offer has been -. 
tetnsed, writes Mr. Davlea because of Its 
Insufficiency. It Is probable that the house wm 
be mn aa a ▼anderlUe resort with three or..' 
fooi pecforaianccs a day. aa Mr. Daslea baa-. 
apokea catkariastleally ot tbat cooae, . 


Cbi. J. IL ' lfltrit^^«M.''|ill|4'bKff :^|haibaHB. 

nrrie Billboard 

«oa»lct«I bj- Nor. 10. Ttae tlintic wlien eom- 
pleM wOI scat 1.100 people^ wm te itcam- 
hratcd and Ufbted cleetzlcltT. The Kace 
wm be iMTge cooo^ to i«ro«i i Bto d «te nj- met 
opoD tbe road. Tlie Irw&L Tbeattc wm eontlmie 
In the field under the management of Frank J. 

There is some talk in San Francisco 
aboat a. new mnaie haD on the ortler of tbe 
Weber & Fields* old house on Broadway. It 
la undentood tbat Joe Weber's brother win 
«peD the new booae. It Is sotn^ to be where 
the Terzace Garden on Hason street, between 
Ellis and Eddr. used to be. The present bnlld- 
Ing la to be remodeled and la said to be- a 
fine place for SQch a show. It la lost half a 
t4ock from , tike- Tirol! and ooe and a bait 

Gbroond w1U-ao«ia;'!b*^1iE«dBe^^ the 
■wr ■ trertHy ;Ctm»a::;TlM]«Ui ':t»j 1» j Imllt at 

' In IM J>asdCB>'«UA wlIL ptntaiblr bik iB 
the earlT patt oC Scptmlier. Iheodm Bota- 
cblld. stmiau ' and ttcuner ot tbe Norelty 
Grand T beaiiea Co., baa aeqnlicd a ten years* 
lease on tMs property- ' The otttslde dimensions 
wSt be SOxBO leet, affmdlns am^e room for 
« apaekma andltdrinm and a conmiodtaiis':atage. 
The present boose win conttnue te; 'svintiaii, 
the XoTelt7 Gcand Co. thus harllv^-^JlK^^Jtte 
tDtore two places of amttsement. ■ ' _ 

;^'aMeMB an akne thel» roii*et,o^.;:,ij:;;^'»-'-:;; ■ 

i'v ' Tlie lank of ImiglitlMoit; la'^tiile I^S- 
ot Baoor baa beca coaftnalt afao Mme. 
*- 'JMMItao- Pattt Eteia.* .-- 

be Deo Holnes,. la, la 
t opeia whlcb iftn bare an east- 

COnretd's Grand Opera Oo> broke the 
~TecanI In Frisco where one <vpvfbaiiBC* ' of 
f Parauai took In ¥14.000 and a 
Air tbe week were «144.a00. 

_ .< iQss Stella. Ilammerstein, daughter 

■; .«f tbe Xew 7ock manager, la to appear In a 
«omte opera be piodnced In Izmdon. 

The Attricks Moalc Pub. Co. are 

. «Oas*antlT' kept busy writing speciaj nombers 
ttr leedtnr artists. Their aaag bits. I Mar Be 
':€kaar> Ncrer. Some O' Dese Dajs. Wben The 
f^Sttecoiand Kdllo IHrrilng, are aaagos tbe 

. ^ Vttt ibi Tf lu af Opal s 

. wlNk^Sowera^' ngart tte: anil^ :teVitaB»' v«rta 
ao BifaK tag /dta—tie ftr--» emAr-'$ Ac stnr 
J»^ft»«»'l>iiiiia* ;X«« aiiQoitWio Ctrc 

One of 'aciiia«^^.'S^^ pro- 

foaiMKd on TW oC tbe D'UlMETlIlMt .tir KlUott 
Scbenck, a mnBldan wbo for a^ lao^ time was 
associated with Walter Damroadk and Us oc- 
ebcstra- No date has yet beca aet toe tiae pso- 
fliy**". bat It 14 expected tbat tlio ■a«;i;«ptn 
ami' be made a prominent teat9se^«e ttaki aca- 
'«C.tte SaTa«n Grand Open OPk.~ ' .-"^^^V? 

ot um 

, f-tc-m. 

V ill. fcb.iMi.sssMt- :t»-be' niifc" ' 

-" -"—'-^ 

' f»X Taaea," tbe 

•^^■Sccnly foe- tbe 
tHijan. ot whlcb 
^.tnmUmtrltkt. Ja^, <raan- 

^ itar 


^Drt^ C^l^ JjUl^ work until July 1 
Tihe '.Trenton Trio have replaced the 

Poor Nelsons with tbe Brigadiers Burles^oe 


Christopher, the maslcian, is plajr- 

Inc a twenty ircck^ — " 


Dan Strickler. 

Vaadenile Show. Is beaso:-nr'*K - flMT' Mjo' IB 
LoDlarHle. Ky. 

Cyrus Barrison. father of the Bar- 
ilna Ssters, dropped dead April 2 on Flist 
arenne. New York. 

The Altons. Eddie and Irene. wiU go 
wltb a cazBtral company lOr tbe smnmer, be* 
jlHiiiV^; Jone 5.' 

f iSNi IC^rreloiis Shields have been en- 
javcd aaia saadertUe feature with the Mason 
tt IMxoa Show fisr the season. 

A new vandevUle was recently open- 
ed np in Msnlls eaDod SkB.MK. ~ ~ 
artisis ate lioidliic tke : tMsiib ' ' - 

Mrs. Annie ' 7canians has 
ber ensacemcDt at Oalanlal Uosie 
XoTk. to take a tbne weeks' rest. 

Parish, the singing ventriloquist, has 
Jost dosed on tbe >'ast and Osnfortfa drenlts, 
d opess upon tbe Laos Circuit May T. 

"Victor ' X<ee (The Wizard) writes 

that OB April 18. at Glasco, Kan., he closed 
tbe most snccessfnl season be has erer bad. 

Just in receipt of a souvenir card 
,a»d TsliailBi. wte saai ii that 

ICn. Blanche Chesbrougli-Milineux- 
Seott wm enter sandeTlIIe In Kew Tork next 
September, it is reported, at a aalaiy of ^,000 
a week. * 

Howard Thurston has been secured 
by Toor Tjibelskt far ElachK'a. Tkaatxc. San 

Calcedo, well known in England and 
In this conntry as The Kln^ Of Tbe Wire, is a 
feature ot Thompson & Dnndy's New Tork 

Ollie Toune and Brother sailed for 

The team known as the Two Hobbs 
b&s beperated. both profeslonaUj and soclaBj. 
Mazle Bavia Hobbs baruig obtained a dlTorce 
from her luiatiaiiL 

Billy Onahtw and Idle; Garnett write 
that Ibij 'sii SSI mat ' ■lih |L«iiii . aeiMM_la 
An tTnsa 

The Sloanes ■write that they are 
Beetlns with big snecess with their new change 
act, entitled A Society Qoaird. Tbey are 
bo^Ecd nam Jolr. 

'White: 'I>iayins at Poll's Theatre in 

wifiii 'aC- 

The Four Sensational Boises. after 
a TeiT snccessfnl season orer tbe Shea, Keltb 
aad Oiphenm dicnlta; opened with tbe Wallace 

ICtnpliy: & Glbsim's 

opea'aC- Sted Pleiv AtiaBtfe CUn 
: for a- smiBier nm. 

Mr. .'B.' S. Baker Is oiganizins in 

I>oboq;oe. ' la., the Cnxxy Howard Greater aOn. 
atxels for a summer tenting tour. Tbe company 
opens May IS for a tour of Illinois. 

John . "W. Vogel's Minstrels were en 
tKtaloed after tbe perfonnance at Sprinsfleld. 
Ohio, by tbe Eagles, and Manager Yocel was 
presented witii a beauttfnl. b o nq ii el ot 
£a|^es at Washington OL' "SV'-'^lhll 
entertained the members of ttareasieaax iHib a 
fine Inncbean. mtwlc. etc | 

After a successful tonr of the east. 
Sooth, mlddlewest and northwest, the Al- G. 
Field Greater -Minstrels wm close its twentieth 
■ Tiwwf season at Blcbmand. Ind.. Thorsdoy, 
May 4. Tbe ^ opened at Marloo, Ohio. 
Ans. IS. The company will disband at Colom- 
tms,. Ohio, May 5. Bcorxanizatlon for tbe sea- 
soo of 190e-0d win begin at once, and rebeaisals 
win be held at the Great Soothem Theatre in 
July. Tbe company wU Eiave head<iaarteza aa 
nsnal at SO ' Easr Broad street. The Donnelly 
A Hatfield Magnificent MlnsOela, which win be 
directed by Mr. Field, will also be rehearsed 
at Colnrnbas. Several mem beta of tbe Greater 
Minstrels bsTe signed with that organization 
for tbe craning season. There were no cbange* 
In tbe petsonnel of the company dmlng tbe 

pcason joMt ending and .Tcsx llrtle xleS3ie=» 

dnrlns the Ions tiUi. The . fiiat part of next 
season's o(rcih« win : he 'aatltIea...Tlie Ciidlraa 

exoucnt III! II laaWlM ^^impdi^tm. -.mvlt^ 

Miss Evelyn F. Kellogg; a well 
known chorch choir singer of Hartford. Oonnv 
tea sjgttd -a cwM tt act^^^^ ng hj^^T aadenile. 

'-^.a^ta^^Xg^^^^^cM^.Wj^^lH^, busi- 

Mm . 

The liesherings made a good Im- 
pressioo with the paooos ot Taademie heam 
in Fansas. Tbey a(e.vaaw-,«a,s|kak.:.way to 
tbe coast, beins 
on tbetr .way out. 

; Sniabbaijnii' JIasall wxtte'^tit while 
vlarhV.-ihi»(QnstkTiMUie:at^X«l^ ther 

made' i 

James A. Hennessey, "The Mono- 
logne Man," writes that he will take the 
management of the Frazer Theatre. Pendleton. 
Ore., and wHI bare a circuit of four dtlea 
between Portland and Ogden. 

Idas <j Uabd Simpson, the clever 
tMmeKf:ifli:'WmfrU!ft^et weeks* easasemeot 
onr ihle ITnH' ''tr 'fWMIn Cbcott. She sans for 
Emope June T'-aall^'WlD open in the Palace 
Theatre, T<m>ilim,'^WK;hJoos run. 

Nellie King; musical artist of the 
team of Otam and King, is slowly recorerlng 
from the effects of a sorgical operation which 
she lec^^jr^^n ud^a M i t^ '^f^S'^ Lawreaca Fri- 

aMft. lliinav» ^sC kV' ^sw/JBds'iAaa^h*. 

The Four Nelsons, this swUftn wltb 
the Brigadiers Burlesque Co., ha*e dln l Tfd 
partnership. Henry Peyace, iMla Plaaehe and 
Tom Nelson win lake a Boath's rfat la nea 
York, while Dan Gllnsecetl wUl JoUi the Great 
Wallace Sbona. 

That comedy couple, Harry and 
Lanza GUlam, are In their eighth consecutive 
week oa the'XorellT Circuit with tbe star 
Ctocalt to fidlaw. Tbey have added many 
new and aord faaturea to their aet and It la 
In great dessaad. 

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bird opened at 
the Standard Theatre. Ft. Worth, Tel.. Aprfl 
3. for a week'a encasement. This was the 
first appearance of Mr. Bird opon tbe atage 
since meetlBg with a street car accident in 
Chicago laat August. 

Liouis Albion & Co. in Rice and Old 
Shoes report that tliey have an almost solid 
booking, baring only a few weeks daring the 
summer months open. Tbey say tbat they hare 
their andleoee- With them from the rise ot tbe 
rtaln to tha esd at Uielr act. 

The Orotesqiw WandnlBhs dose with 
the EiseDberth BaatlOBi..:aHir % 'aBt •> 4baetly 
weat to plaajaCkB flat^tte asBMr mtitf hi 

Hbr7 J. Bulei recently oCTbonq^ 
aaali Bectric Osaaedy Co., haa Joloed Wcsrti^ 

Ptecaataay Minstrels to do his dsncing act. 

Miss Elsie Harris closed with The 
Awakening of Mr. PIpp Co. to play tbe rote oC 
tbe nsroaess la The Seminary Girl, opcaiaa. at 
the GiBod Opera Hooae. PhUadeiphU. Af^M. 

WiUard Dwyer, of the James Kenne- 
dy Stock Co.. haa algaad wllh BlUy Walah's 
OwB Oa. ear tha 

~tkat licfr act la a Hr 

i.A. novel attraction on the park clr- 
tbls snnuner will be a comedy sketch, 
entitled Fire Thoossnd Dollars. It is a story 
of college life and wlU be put on by Crawford. 
Alllger A Co. The company indndes Bestrire 
Webster, Lester Crawford and Jas. H. Alllger. 

A new vandevOle team which -will 

be the road Aocfly Is to be known aa 
Derere and Lippman, Mias LHIiaa Lippznan, 
formerly with the Curse of Drink Co.. la now 
ccstins at her home in Baltimore beCore en- 
tering tbe TaodCTiUe field wltb ber new part- 

Mrs. Lano and her dog and monkey 

actors bare been playing most snccessfnl en- 
gagements this season in tbe Sooth. Mra. 
Laoo is now at her home in Paoldlag. Olilo. 
harlng lamped from GraceTiB^jnai, :ftr a few 
days' rest before opening .«Mk tie KUIace 
Shows for the summer. 

During his engagement at Spring- 
field, m., Dan Gardner, «t Gardner. West and 
Sunshine, established a lodge ot Baspbertles. 
Thirty-elgbt people heeame nemhera. Mr. 
Jobn Berriman, maaaccr -of the Olympic, be- 

aver tlie 

night at tte 

Mrs. Thomas Q: Seabrooke will as- 
atat her bnaband la the ifcetdi ha la to present 
in Taodenne shortly. Tbe dialogue of the 
afcetob Is said to he * ff'' " 1''1 r descr. la tbe 
comae ot tbe artlia, lb; Scatmoke wm sine 
a aew eanie asog by Benjamin 
wUa Mia. g eab r ooh e will alag 
Ml. ae aew aooc aaeeeaa by 
dan Kaaaier. 

James J. McCabe, a former well- 
known mnslcal comedian and at ooe time a 
member of tbe team of McCabe' and Black, 
the latter being tbe original member of tbe 
sketch team knosm as Boyce and Black, is 
looking after tbe Interests ot Tbe BiUboard In 
Chester, Pa. Mr. McCabe is engaged in news. 
pa|>er work In that city and has been a mem- 
her of the Tii asa stag, the lar geat paper In that 
.^ly«|yte'-?BWHiiat^wr -jaaia. 

T'WiiUtii^Vnmiiati 'Theatrfe" 'deytiand. 

OUow;fem bMB MOMbi; a choice tdt oC adver- 
^ -tta aCort otB.Ii. MeLaaghllii. 

icaB' aaent ot this haose. Last 
got oat a card adrertlalBg Albert 
Cbamicr. Hie csids were loimd. Jast rl^t 
for aalUag, and it seemed aa if ercqrhody la 
town had a few and were trying to see whe 
coold saU them the tartbeat. ConscqocBtly 
every place yoa went tbe nasBe ot "Albert 
Chevalier at Keith's" stared yon In tbe face. 

Notes from Swallow & Markle's en- 
terprises: We are now on the MoDOOgabela 
river playing to the beat ha i l a e sa " we have ever 
had on this river. We hara Oit baat aad latent 
company we have ever handled. Xba pesfocm- 
aace this year Is oo the tumt atyle as tliat of 
last season — musical farce oooKdr, latmprfaed 
with good vaudeville acta. The following peo- 
ple are with the company: Mat Swallow, W. 
B. Markle. Abe Cheeks. Capt. Walter B. Pell. 
Korman Thooa, .Devaio aad Cortia.'. tddlwwi 
and LhrlagatoB, ' Haa sad Bay Canay. Tbe 
SiatciB Barvca, EMS lalfalae. EOllh Hcfwaod. 
Joe K. KeUer. TkfWa KcUay, Brtictt Old- 
Add. Fred. McCcc. Tha Thna Odafs Bsi Ghas. 
Hoensteln. Jantaa Basaa leads S- hiMl-«C'fiar- 
teen pieces, aad. B M »— >aS: asnw _at the 

boat, aaw ia «an''«e:4a«liMain at Parkers- 

~ - - - 1. Tids boat 



Tim Mnrpliys Oo. c l os ed at Ibrtliw- 

burg, W. Vs., April 12. , , 

Billy Kersand's Minstrds rin— 
seasoo in Chicago, April 30. 

The Heart of Chicago Co. ^MM' ila : 

season AprU 3S at OaMha, Kch. 

Rose Cogklan lii. 

her seasoo April IS at I 

Irene Jeavon's Stock Co. closed Its 

at PhlUpsburg. Pa.. April IT. 

The Dodge & Bowman Musical Co. 
dosed its season at l>lxoo. 111., Aprn 15. 

Pilgrim and Elliott's For Her Sake 
Go. dosed their season of fortyHae 
Rocfcford, 111., May 0. 

ecaOr aicHr B'^SSr^SGCcailU'Sgr^ 

Waiter E. Perldns" Who Goes Thei« 
Co. disbanded at Newark. Ohio, April U. mi— 
Bra Francis, a m em b e r of tha ~— »r~nr a' 
realdent of XewaHi. was SMM^3dkValaim' 
and ap pr eelal U e M t ltm e ttHtm'tt^i^"'' • ■' 

W. B. Patton. the peculiar comedian. 
-Jn dsaa a aacceasfBl aeeaoo of tblrty.clght 
weeks at Flsdlar.. Ohlow AptU SB. Mr. Fattaa 

H 111 a^ mmm^^ ■ ■■ ■ — - 

The Girl and The Moon Co. closed 

its season Saturday. AprU 22, at tbe Ljttvm 
Theatre. Clereland. Ohio, after a Ore wwhT 
trial enga;;emeDt of good b uslm s a . MC BMT 
Vance has booked the show over tha StBlt -ft' 
Havlln Circuit for next season. 

WITH xHE szaoB xans. 
ciias. Hockl iisb e iij F . gyiiMm at 

eia Grand at Decatur, in., aifea boa hcca at 

St. Mary's Hospital, is sgsln able to be OQt. 

Oscar Russell, stage carpenter with 
Checkers Co., waa ■nrtdcnlj called to hta 
in PhiIadelphiB,;4frt|.ia|;;««|M..}a'l ~ 


Heniy Needlea, fiir tha ] 
a aeahcr aC iha. 
Optm - 
IS t»sa;i 

The following officers taavs 

elected by Local No. Id I. A. T.'s, K.' oC Saa 
Francisco. CaL: James F. Blatkle. pee al de at ; 
James Adama. vice-president: Wm. G. Busk, 
recording secretary; J. B. Malklme, 
secretaiy: D. C. Bnlfs. treasorer; WlUUm 
Qninn, E. OonooUy and Cliarles Dutz. executive 
board; S. D. Simmons, jr., O. B. Bomer. Geo. 
Adams, O. W. aon and Robert Smith, trustees: 
John Sullivan.; D. C. BnlCs 
aad Howard MorrlKui. delegates to labor conndl, 
O. Bosk, delcsale to L A. eoa- 

Uinb Of Tbe Law Is the title of tbe 



en • 

in some dever specialties dnrlns tMr neti. 

The Aerial Wilsons write: We have 
Jost finished sixteen weeks of vaudeville dates 
,lndnding tbe Castle Circuit, and onr act has 
.Biet with flattering success. We wUl hare an 
^sUtely new aHtaratna and aet for aazt hssmi 

Hollis E. Cooley. manager of the Gas 

Hm attnctloo, denies that McTsddcn's Flats 
wHI go midsr canvas this snmrner "Bht-alr." 
aaya Cooley. 

Joseph Kearney, leading man of the 
Jolly Aiaeiieaa Tnmp Co.. met with a painful 
accident at the I^ecoa Theatre, Wnmhigton, 
SeL. AprU M. While getting a glass of 
watsr ha atasAM aad ttU huraling .the glaa 
~ 9 gash la bis haad. Be went 
the aftKBoaa with tt ~ 

Tlie'Xdliidie Fbh lEakm opened 

their teatlng Sfasoo at Oartagsville Ky.. May 1. 

The Wood Family of entertainers 
opened for the sammer at Otrtett. UL, Anil 

29. They will play lUlaoia ej """" 

aoauacr. Harry P. Creoo aid 
have signed wltb the coapaay- 

The Modem Kemsdy, ptayinc to 
good business In Kebcatta 
meat of Mr. J. M. Saillh. raaalals'ot tbe fal- 
lowing ratertalaen: Or. K. Kema. J, M. 
Smith, Irish asd Uacfcface iiiaiiliii. W. J. 
NoU. barltaae atacer: Mr; aaS HHk M. 
Smith, inacraaMBtal aaalcal 'abSttfeat^MSSBlt- 
SmlUi. and Mr. aad Xib, IMIMn itaMli SllliW 
and daacera. ■ ; .- 

John V. BSMnaaansC ajml«iI;.-.<iiC 
Aaraseawst opcarf' ma»: .ieaa«as-' llhr : 1 .at 

Charleston, w. Ta.. aai' ' ~ — " 

la addition to Ohio aa 
cany thlrty4ve peepta. ."^t 
ordwatra. J. Sblrely mim la aialiil tniliiMa 
manager; Harry Mack, alaga — Biiii . Hcraaa 
J. Shrowshary. leader at baad aad orchaaca. 

... tm 




O. F. C rom wai, oC the 

Brigadiers Buil s aq o s Co., had tte. atfaCartnne 
to sprain tbe tcndoea of hia tlglit ' tag while In 
Kansas City. Mo. Be Is laifsii^v; ist'Us In- 

Jory has been Tcqr pilsM. 

Where is it we torn for - « 

When tbe world of trouble 
Wbo always can give us a I 

The Jolly good actor man. 

Who Is It when we're downbearted and blaa 
Says "Bcra'a tcs eesta, hara. poih the caa..: 
ira aa_I tama^ hat siikiiTaaaSgtt- -jc^; 

Who In the momlcg win let bis wife real. ~ 

Say "Darlljig. sleep If yoo caa: 
I'll bring your breakfast op OA a tray"! 

Tbe kind husband actor man. 

Who was It stood on the stage and iakc4 
When the Oamea from the wings tbey HB}.^ 

Saving the lives ot mothers and babest:*-2;3i;.\ 
Tbe brave grand actor man. '^'^J^^ 

And I feel when tbe last grand cortalB MK." 
And the race ot life you've ran; ', 
" ~ I jpaa reach Heaven's door— ^ 
la Actor Man. 


Xtie Oillboapcl 



SAX FSAMCIBCO.— Alcazar. TUe Mun Krom 
Uexlcu «Jilch aiidv a big bit nltU Jouu Crais 
aii.i f l.llaii i^vvrruce In the leading rolea, otiened 
il.iuilay, «■«*'' '•»«>■ prewnt Wbea 

Kiii -imiu-'J Ftower. for tlie flrat time 

:ii >tu<.'i:. Tbe icaDie cmbelUalMBCDU wUl 
u- r«i7 rlaburate and dw coMiBBlas alcsut. 

Co.uiiibia. urace •utftadallaiii te "X-* two 
K>^i..rr opirunl 1< t*^MB' kMM. blnl 
diunis baa stniek tfel MWrni:- MM. MlflMrc ana 
I. u. Stfciieni (aUwr wllk .aan* MUeu 

UiJfWala. > Manim . AwUa Frank 

kMrto^ UL FNa rrou. 

jwsiln^ad Ht; Wortkiacua at* Miy popular 

OvaoUT apeacd IT to a 

tlr^ktMr. MlM LUHaa BUMt. wUc at Mr. 
ZZlkttm «t t«e Onnal Stack, auda b*r reap- 
ueaiaae* after acTeral moatM*. abMMa aad waa 
wrtoMaed bf a Urge aad .' aMkHl<alla . koiue. 
Next week Kobrrt Kmmet. wHM - lllH iiti l Itay- 
ail In tbe leading role. 

Vrand Opera Houite. Virginia Calboun lo 
ICaravna. opeoeU ;juoa«r. lu. The plrc« la 
Mwrairly lilaged and rtrj flue, but tue open- 
Ins olKiit waa not' very large. Tbe PerrU Stock 
iM. <H>vueU Sunday, 'JA. 

iiivruni. Tuli houst opened wltti a near bill 
Saoday. MIm Xitua. the popular L>-rlc alngc-r, 
«a> «'ell rvKlTed. LouUe Urewer, tbe come- 
dirnne. wlU up«u next week. They have crowd- 
ed uuusea every oiatlnee and nlgbt. 

TiTtfil. Klorodora Is In Ita liecuod week and 
Juiiis a good bujlneaa. Tbey bare but one 
uiaiuiee. and that la oo Satnrday. 

M>Je>tlc Tbratre (U. W. Blabop. mgr.) Frank 
Uacua in £m Kcadall'a play, Ika Vlaegar 
t>afer, la mcailag .tkc. Mp>aa- a aaar. JMs>i 

* " - 'a'via aawli 

M erefjr i wi iaiM a aw . v 

tisMM '.va^dliiflHi 

, , , Baj 

_ 'n» -trtle'lBMfcU'IMw4r Ok., aad 
laarlag- pmareau 

^'•C^aiea. W. J. Knrtls and doga, Wllaoa and 
'Haitiii Mabel Lamaoo. Mr. and Mra. J. T. 

Ode. . Mr. aad Mrs. O. M. llaU. Ftaak Bodgen. 
ITkutla Flflag. iUMttr Bimitm, Bmka and 

Ballday, Blgaer. kigk^dtm, aad Ow aalmaU- 

Baldwin Tbeatrc. ''■ee and Cooper. Uaj«* 
SUirra. Url'oya. Uabr Bdcn. Tcddr WUllaau, 
aail tuoTlng plctoer*. 

.S'uirlty Ibratre <S. Lererlek. mft,} M«w 
Yi>.-k c'imedy i'oor, Uelena, W. Lcaaort, Ocoeaok 
Kam^ky. and moving plccwa. 

llliiloo TbeatM. .Dwaat aad BaUwla; loa 
Kno.rU. Jack GoldM. Xbe Kl atrta i ya, and aw- 
tbm picture*. 

Tbr Empire 1* dotas a gaod boalneaa wltb CoL 
Weston at tbe belm. It<Hia Tlie Kioto Car No. 
I arrlTed In Oakland Monday, IT, and com- 
mrari-d tHlUa^. There are foorteen men witb 
ibr car. Thvy Of«o In Oaklaod May 1. 1 do not 
tUUilc they will show In San KrancUco. Tbey 
•ay lUe show u doing a rery good buslneaa oo 
iiM' luaJ. ■ • I'br next exblbli at Meefaanica' 
I'arUIoo wUl be the San Fraaclaco Kennel Clot) 
Skow. • • Torcat and U'Allaa. wb» haec plajad 
km (or elgbtecB wceka an aboat ta teava for 
ikr .cait. • • CkrU Brvm. wptewauui* ol 
-tkt.i»mu»\t* Weatcm . VaadtTine ■O fcca .! , kaa 
Otaab^' Sew ' rock. fliaawaa, vaC' te: turn, 
trtl^-^taiw- a tUf —ttr- c irtiitu ifmlmtm M 

:algkt.;bat tt win br actUas wana aaMk - 

A. w. rtuamts. 

L— Bnatncf* Uat week waa cietvllM- 
go^ aad akoaU Uaprara Icooi ao» •■. ' ' 

' CaitiUgcV.wM' 
UmifI- HsRyfl^MiPa ' V '' 
. Ikbar Otaad Thnnc ' jlcOeart. aicr.) 

Ckanacejr OI«alt.'tkc alAtag t—ldiiB, opcaed 
3 Id A Bonaace of Atuoaa aad was .avU iv 
celred. JIU alnglng of Mr- 4rm Uhk'.ir 
wa< a decided bit. Cumlag: Wottarf > 
and Melboune MacBoweU, 

-New i^rlla Theatre (A. B. Pcltoa. mgr.) Tbe 
Muuu>hlDer'K Daugbter opened a irtck'a eagage- 
nrnt S to a crowded baaw.: aat aMMMd to 
IdnM. Mlaa Viae .\bbott kii^lfevllMMV part. 
N>it: Tbe regular aommerlwaiaa'at aaafctllli' 
anj melodranta opens 30. 

t>rpUeom 'niratre (F. B. Ilendecaoa. acr.) 
liuslQesa la rrry good, and a very good blU la 
belDE i>re«enird. Tbow oo tbe bill are EmoMtt 
CotTlpan fe Co. In Jockey Jones, Charles B. 
Uurkr and (irace LaKoe and lokey Boya, LaT- 
ffliler and Totokoo In A Tonchdow-n. Les Dabllat. 
rarUlan nurelty dauoen: UillaDdo. clay mod- 
.Vtwr; Coani DeButi. comedy cyclist, and as an 
:^<arra attrmctloti, Uesile French, the child prima 

Crystal Theatre (Oeo, I. Adanis, mgr.) Bosl- 
•lace tlx opening of Ibe Cryiul baa been 
** ' Tboae appearing tbia week are Uc- 
I'McOlnnls, Gulterrea Brotbeta. Vemle 
/ Oi*nr«r aad BaaacU. Laele Oarllng- 
ft!!>ttj^t:f.tiiSMm..Tn».,n tuir\t pic. 

. .^Xaiiii]^ wr.) Baai- 

awa wty^aaad aad aa iniBl Sffl. Hbew 
•Watlac alc Daa QUI. FHfjTMt O'UaneU. 
I>t«blae..irata Conedr riar. MMaan. lUuatrat- 
"""aa and moelag pictatea. 
Lyric Tbeatrc (Wto. Blatard. awiC) Bailncsi 
^rn good. Tbe but caBiiaU gC Tkc Latlarlnga, 
y *!?" '' aad. .P taaa iw c. Matt Mrily. KaaaeU 


... Tbratic (tL C. Par. 

•MH. mgr.) ftaater BnMra 18-Mt pla a atd laif 
aadlcnces. Tbat meat aanaalac ffetca. Sir*. 
J»«>ple s Triegnak waa placed MM altwrlr 

tw rMh si«t ctfr twhMML MtBU inSEt 

Hartford Opera fimne (Jcaalaga * Uiarca, 

mgrs.) McF>adden-B Hata llSs 
A Pair of Plnka »; fair • * 
StreetB S4-28. 

Poll's Theatre (L. C. KO^. MB.) 

tlir male Fatti. wbo dleaaca aad Blan Ilka a 
woman; Violet BUck ft Co, la a dcTcr iketcb. 
.V Went Point Regulation, and tbe Misses Del- 
mara In a pleading musical number were the 
faTorltet of week 17; good business. Next- 
Y?'««*«.Bwp«t« * Co., Bud Soyder. Augusui 
Wn^ ]|aMNE..aad'I^uty, Seymour and Ulll. 

Waaa' aad Banr aad roni and west. 


BBIDOEyOBT.— Smith lliratre (E. C. Saiith. 
mgr.) At The Old Crovs Boads 17-10; good bnal- 
neas. Peggy From Parts 20; pleased large audi- 
ence. McFadden's Flats 21-22; pleased big busi- 
ness. May Imln In Mrs. Black' Is Back 24; 
atiperba 25-SG: Grace George In Abigail 2T; 
Isle of Spice 28; Bben Holdrn 20. 

Poirs (Jose Crlddle. mgr.) Large attend- 
ance w-ith a strooc bill of which Grace Cameroa 
waa the star. Next: Stuart, the male Pattl; 
Curtla and May. Tbe Zarrow Trio. Barry Sean- 
loB, Petcbing Brothers, Plske and McDonougb, 
J oggling Mc Banns. and tbe electrosraph. 

WUl BTXII.— Opera Douse (Jay E. Spauldlng. 
mgr.) Human Hearta IS; pleased good bonae. 
BbCB BoMen ST. . - , , 


WmUBeXOH. — ^rhe Grand Opera Boose 
(Jesse K. Baylls. mgr.) J'orbes K<^rtsoo In 
Hamlet M; pleased a large and appreclatlTe 
audience. Ireland's Own Band 15; good busi- 
ness. The PrlBcesa (3hlc 30; bad good boose. 
Mlas Bob White 25; Grace George In Abigail 
3B; Maude Adams In Tbe Little Minister and 
'Op O' My Tbomb May 1; James K. Hickett 4: 
AI. Leech In Girls Will Be Girls 6. 

Tbe Garrlck Theatre (W. L. Dockstader, mgr.) 
Week 24: ZelU and Dot. Mr. and Mrs. KeU 
Utcbileld. Tbe LtTrlle Trio, iBobby Gaylor and 
Harry Rodger?, T. W. E>ckert and Bmma Berg, 
pi e t e iit lng The Land of Two Moons; Harper. 
DtaiuoDd (uid Bailey, FtMjr Famoos Loodons. 
aerial marvels, and tbe klnetograpb. 

The Lycemn Theatre (Daniel Homphriea, 
mgr.) A Gnilty Oxnclence 17-19; fair busiaesa. 
Ivn Baton OawD 20-32; cood baainMa. A Jollr 
Aacrleaa Traap 34-18: good baalana. la The 
Shadoar or Daikaea* 3T-3S: Ifar Tate aad Pat- 
nam Biadtcr Stroog In Taadernia Mar M; 
The Two SIgten 4-6; The Smart Mi'ilMli;. . 'X 


SFBOrOFIEU).— Tbe C»utterton (<;eo. W. 
Cbattertoo, mgr.) Mildred Holland In Tbe Trl- 
mnph o fan Empress won heavy applause at tbe 
annual nshers* benefit 19; eerr good attendance. 
fUlIroad Jack 21; oalr fair aadtcacc.. Fibio 
- — - fair ■ k ia i i. ' dntnad . lataer. 

~ ~ attaadcd. 

' W. SaT- 

age't' Otaad^ Oi«i^CK^ pciCodnaacei 

The Gatotr tamiuii'i iiima. m. mgn.) Good 
attendance eootlaaea. The bUI for week SI 
laelndea Oampbell, Dtllaa aad Campbell, comedy 
miMiea] artists: Great Bcnaley. premier foot 
Juggler: Trained Monkey Angnat. LncUe Har- 
per, Illustrated (oogi: Whelan and Searlea, 

mlrtb proTokera: BaiTT BL Abbott, noted whlat- 

Icr, aad Edtaoa't -UMtaicave. - 

mLUTAPOUS.— GagUib's Open Honxe (A. 

Miner, mgr.) Dark 17-2::. Amelia Bingham In 
Mile. Maml 27; Joe Weber'a All-ttar Stock 

Co. 20. 

Grand (S. Zlegler. mgr.) Eight Taiaar Glrla. 
For and Clark. Jink's and hU BMOkeirs. T^ce 
and JiiMQB. GrawCoid and aiaaataw. : PhyllU 
AUea.. Leah BaaacO. ApaUo. wtiB waBter. and 

Park (DiOaoa * Mkatb . ■■».) , The Moon- 
sMatCa Oaachtar :ZI-»t iWm». Thtr: is me bit 
ar the fbasr; saad haana. BMVtr Hooligan a>- 
32: ■aad liailam Sherlock uelmes follows. 
' BMlc (C. S. Zlomerman. mgr.) Fay Fos- 
ter On. week OUo: Boyal Zooaees. Kitty 

BtadMM. The Faust Trio and others to fair 
hsasta. Xext: JoUy Grass Widow*. 

Calfac Ot. Morton, mgr.) Tbe Stock present- 
ed The Two OrT>hans 17-2!: fair boasea. Leila 
Snnunerton la tbe part of Lonlae pleased Im- 
mensely. Next: Mysteries of New Xork. Cir- 
cus— f^i«pai^b«»lla Bnckcis' Cbeaa la baled 

for tt^'tmiimmm .:; Jfc<.t>fcTTOX. 

ETAanrnU^r^l* eiraalil^f^^ * Batch. 
ngra^l^TlaiH^ABBaa, which waa srenred for an 
Mfceitfit w i UH la be- held 13, canceled, and Chas, 
DUIb^hate*!' fasdaettas of A aean SUte waa 
the attiaetlan. Tbe Weber Stock Co. May 5; 
DeWolte Hopper in Wang 0. 

People's (Fedley * Borch, mgn.) Ctias. 
BUncr'a A rmetta QM Mj plajed^ capacity. 

^ Kaat : Psnar. Mama's 

irSw at* 


Opm Baase (H. B. 

out aad Tht Bandit 2S; 
me at Dawa Itar <L ' „ 
• <m. H. Oagoodbf. aasr.) Good 
bill aad hoalaeaa. 

TTestslde Paik. This resort s^ ofca JIar 
14. with tree eoacccta aad TaadeeUlc, 

nAMXF0RT.-4naB ThMtta <Laacebrake * 
noecotd. mgra.) Ike m» U>{ (ittata) Mr 
fair baslBcas. .MIMM. JMa*ft 
pleased fair ftMMs Mi 
Family (letnn) 3lar 'S: 

WABASH, — ^Barter's Opera HoQse (J. If. Bar- 
ter, mgr.) Lyman Twins in At The Baces IS; 
pleased packed house. Marlon Oooserratory of 
Music Orchestra 19; large and entbuslaaUe audi, 

OOSHEH. — Irwln Opera Hoose (Fran k Irwi n, 
mgr.) Howe's Pictures 24; " 
tire audience. Geo. B. W 
Dolmetsch Concert Oo. as. 

PERV.— Webb ThentM 
Younger Brothers 19; 
Niagara Fall* SI. 

taiu, mgrs.) OM Finaev 


DE8 MOmES, — Poater'a Opera Boase iWm. 
FVister. mgr.) Mme. Sebomsnl-Hetak la I«T**l 
Lotterr 13; delighted Terr large aodlence. Tlola 
Allen 'in A Winter'* Tale 14: capadtr.. Harir 
Corwm Clark In Bla Ahoeat Bar^ MjonlT 
fair ImslnrMi. ll eatte W OMaaaa ta lOloeaB 
NeU 34; Baynoad BUdwock la Tba Si 


B. O. 

ace's English Grand Opera Co. 25-26 Bl Min- 
Srla. n Ttoratore and Carmen. 

Oiaad Opera House (Wm. Footer, mgr.) Top- 
hcair hoaae saw The MUnlgbt Flyer U-13. 
n« mi Clalhta _llaB W-IS; Mc baslacss. Oer- 
~ .Oa...waA> XS. 


Gay was the 
ner Trio beada. t 

Iln, Kindt & Co.. 
In Love's Lotltry 
22; UlK Highness 
Uiaad Opera S8-3B 
BUM (H. A. - 
lue of «liis 
Unlqae Theatre, 
of that drealt. 

' at IUb haaae. Tka Great 
BBV week 0. while Ihe Gard- 
fea MB for week 16. 

.Burtla Opera Bouse (Cbamber- 
mgrs.) lliae. Schnmaim-Ueink 
2: S. B. O. Old Clonics Man 
The Bey 21; Paul Gllmore 2U; 

Heart of Chicago 30. 
Sodlat. mgr.) After May the 
■lA ^ changed to tbe 

30-AlB. ' t. ■ • 

Ogiw d B ■ BB PnW . Greene's Opera Hoose (J- 
B. Henderson, mgr.)' w. 8. Cottier, bos. mgr.) 
Fraak E. tmig Stock (>>. . In repertoire 18-2S: 
p lea se d large audiences. : Saeace'a FngWsk Oraad 
Open Ca. In Lohengrin X<;i%Btcc^Oce*Ql<28;. 
Hrart o( Chicago 29; Chaas-Uatcr- Bcpertolte 
Co. Mar The Vltglnlaa «. 

People's Theatre (Bdwln Cntran. msc) Bnal- 
ness last week was vetr cood. Week SI: las. 
B. Balmood and FlotenecoSaod. :' Wki.''*lMoe. 
The UfHSIde-Oown 3Iaa,.!MiSK-Ws'-^Vi -Bner 
Wcatlaad. Wm. HilUard aad- Stodc Osi.^- FlB|K'a 
Fenr. and -the polyscope. 

innnr4iDE.^)raad upera Book (Wm. T. 
Boehl. aigr.) SUdalght. Eorcsa 21;- oalr .CaU 

LEXmOTOir,— Ofiera Hoa;e (C^s. SeoCt. 
mgr.) Carroll Cinnedy Co. 2lK2a; fair business. 
Opening bill: A Parisian Princess, The How- 
ard Docwt Co. week 24. opened with A Trip to 
Bombay to ca^>aclty. Next: Joe Weber's All- 
atar Stock Co. 

WnCHESTEB. — ^Tbe Winchester (Gains & 
Strother. mgrs.) Budol^aad Adolph IT; only 
fair house,- asad a>a». > WIBi VmiMt'. 

ci iLua . SSiy »:lB»KimiM^9ffri 

May 3. ■ , - " -V-i" ■ ;, ^ Z.. 

tSMMUib^i-^mM- Tiaaiiaj'la' 
mgr.) Hawatd'^Dafatt^-O*.' siaSv'lT: 



8T, LOITXB, — The theatrical season la this city 
Is fast approaching au end. two bou!>es clostng 
with this week's productions. The business done 
this week was good considering that the end la 
in sight. Tbe parks wUl open la a week. aiMl ' 
then real summer will be on. Bain has made it 
bard on tbe clrcns. but good week Is in sight.- 

Olmpie Xheatl*. PlSt PaS. Pool opened tn . , 
good ha s lnt sa iloodar aad la-aa cgeellcnt'ahMr;^ 
It has a large aad darcr cast and pleased st*at-> 
ly. In costume It Is rlA, and la lanale ehana^. 
lag. scenlcallr It la weU done; baalaeaa -satla> 
factory. Next: The Yankee OoaaaL 

Century Theatre. Mother Goose opened ^ Its 
second week to only fair business. It baa not 
done any wliere near tbe buslneaa It . shoiild 
bave done. It la Jnst aa exoaUaar aa .a^kiaelllB ~. 
as when It flrst eaaMkibat^ila aatilaBIIiaa Ihiav 
it deserves. Tliii 'Otat^=>lHnv<Wa 'trttt'tUa ' 

Garrlck Theatre. The Earl and The Girl 
opened nicely Sunday, it is good and splendidly 
dreiised. Mosically it is pleading, and turning 
away its audiences well satisded. R Is on the 
boarda for a t^vo weeks' stay. 

Grand Opera Bouse. Nanette Comstock in Tna- 
Crisls opened to a good bouse Snnday. Tbe play 
in well put on and the company is a good one 
tbrongbout. Miss O>m8tock gave an excellent 
portrayal of her role. Staging ot tbe play laaa 
been given good attention. Tbe abow pleased 
thoroughly; business fair. Next: Texas. 

Oolnmbta Theatre. Tbe bill this week la ; 
of tbe be£t seen at the Oolnmbia in a III 
and is tboroogtily pleasing thtoaghoat,: 

(Wa. fMti; asBj ■«»> mPDic 

mnr car^F-wnaaii Tteatic^ift .ir. Mer-: 

tea. aigr.) For Faaw aad Fsrtaae, wttt Bachle 
IT; adr date .liaalai ii Kscai ■ Biath- 

ab'iDktai Mr. 2ll; 'lie(t' attractloa- here dils 

O TTUMWA .— Market Street Tbeatre (B. 
Cbrtoty. mgr.) Hoose goes to tbe Btjon Clrenlt 
nnder the name oC the. Bljaa. Mr. Cbils^ 
transteis bla TandesBU to The Belghta Park 

Theatre. • . 

Grand. The Isle of ^Ice 15; big atidlenee. 
The Ccutnry Stock Co. 1O-20. 

0SCAZ,0OSA, — Masonic Opera Boose. The Guy 
Hickman Stock Co. 17-22; pleased good anill- 
enees. Bepertolte: Mr. Porter From Porto 
Btco, I>ett>y Day, Sonny Jim. -Midnight in CXdna- 
town, American In England and The Ck>al King. 
Clrcns— Hall Brolhets' Circus May 16. 

IOWA FALLS MetmpoUtan Opera Boose <E- 

O. Ellsworth, mgr.y. BtaalsT»WlllWHHtgB jlletk 
24-20: canceled. Flta DkVkaa''. -■sfartikB:'' Oo. 
May 1-2; canceled. 


WIUUITA.— Crairtord Theatre (EL L. Mart- 
ling, mgr.) Dark the itast week. 

Toler Auditorium (B. G. Toler Sz Son, props.) 
Toler Stock Co. bad fair business Holy Week; 
company coDtimies indednitely. 

crystal Tbeatre (A. E. Bntehlnson. prop.) 
Business good with the following bUl: The 
Lesherlngs, Joe Fox, Wilbur and Wright, Lewis. 
Fox and Lake. Illustrated songs and moving pic- 
tures. Bill week 24: Ueno. the magician; Joe 
Fox. Williams and Williams. Oooglas. RicbanI 
Wild, moving pictures and Ulmtiated songs. 

Lyric Tbeatre (A. E. Hutchinson, prop.) God- 
ley Stock Co. to fair bnslness: company cin- 
tinnexi Indeflaitely. 

1IE;WT0B. — Racsdale Opera House (D. S. Wil- 
liams, mgr.) Ul Henry's Minstrels 20; S. K. O. 
Beggar Prince Oi>era Co. May 4. Under Can- 
ras— John F. Stoiwe's U. T. C. AprU 2S. 

HUBUIUB BO B . n oas a i Theatra (W.. A. Iioe, 
mgr.) Bl Hcair'a Mlnatrda 19. 


LOUIUVIT.T.F. — ATenne Theatre (C. A. Shaw, 
mgr.] The Ltghtboase By The Sea 23-29; ca- 
pable ccni{um.r, good bnslness. More To Be 
Pitied Ttuu Scorned W-May. ti. 

The MaMinlc iC. A. Shaw, mgr.) OatoUae 
lIoU in Vlvlan'5 Papas 34-20: np-to-date comedy 
to good business. This closes the season here. 
Hopkins' Theatre (Wm. Belebmait. mgr.) 

Closed for aeasoa. 

Tbe Bncklagham CWhallen Brothera. mgia.) 
The Cherry MosioBil 284B;- bright, hicor bor- 
iMOoe and lot* oC pnttg- Sirls. OUo: Satton 
and Sutton. coai«dlaaa:'-BRt FnUer. the New 
York Comedr EMr,:'Xla^ Pcura. alacvs aad 
— ''OUT/ Qaartab* Hast: 

£0*- (Tsliiia 't"Tlaraa1ir. ttKt-i 
AmeUk BIpftem »40: -Hi Sta^ Ok 

May S; Henrietta Oosaaa- Ms'.-CiBatata U. 

Uopklas* Fontaine Fenr PUB (WU. Bakh- 
maa, mgr.) Opeaed 30 -srUki Ugh-dasa TanderUle 
aad daUr coaearta. -The :saBe attraetloas wlU 
plar the theatre that ^ared the aptown hoaae. 
Items — ^Tbe Pure Food Show Is drawing good 
crowils; Round's Ladies' Orchestra of New 
Xork is rumlsblng tbe mtisic * * Blngllng 
Brottaen' Circus is billed tor April 29. * • Dr. 
.\Ueo and his Wonder Wotfeera arc drawing 
good crowds nightlr. * * O1S& Sdiepp*' Dog 
and Poar ' Show has been playing here for the 
paat :thN» WMkt to big business. Pror. 
OhM. Blee aad -wife are in tbe city. 


WDDLlSBOBOireH,— Priaeeis ncatre r (O. 
B. Dugan, mgr.) The . OtcaeeaK Ooaudr ' Co. 
we ek 84; good boalBeaa aad Blajg. ' 

O WIUi»IW>BO.^^laamlt ■■■Tt m ut (PMIcr 
Bnrcfa. mgrs.) I>;?^AIbctta Gallatia IB 
A Cleaa SlBla.SrJl..-' • 

The aiaai^(Mhr *s Bank. ■«.) Vkia 
new «MM b«M» wm ha af s aid lEir B with 

tbe long list an Thai Foar H«guaa;KK>tlO)k>-% 
Osterman * Ca.;\Boci'^aaa 'l>e.--:lIr.V'aiMUlllta^V'i 
Allison, SaadoW- Brottera. . Pssma aad 'Ek«M.'i.':> 
Caron anu Herbert, Blllr Taa, liatphy and WB-'.-i. 
lard. Bsrir and Lake and Zaia and Zara; lNni- . ;i 
ness satlsCBCtoir. x 

Odeon Theatre. The Stock Ok gare Prince ' 
Karl as tkdr closing a.-ractlon. and it pleased. " , 
The company was weU east. Wednesday night -:o 
was given over to tbe members for a hcnadt aad .-^ 
tbey realized handsomely. Tbe compaay^la lia*-);'.-^ 
Ing with the public's regret as it has beiea -satFj 
popular. Next: Greet's London Co. 

Standard Theatre. Tbe New Turk Stars Bnr- 
lenqueis opened to the osnal Mg business. The 
company gave a clever performance and pleased. V 
The burles4]ues wer« well staged and provided ..' 
moc4l merriment. The olio contains acts bj / 
Bandy and Wilson, The Tliree LeUIotta, Loro 
and Payne, Globe Owedy Quintet and others; 
business good. Next: Cherry Blossoms. 

Imperial Theatre. The Moonshiner's Daughter 
opened to good bnslness. The company present- .y 
ing the play are capable, and play is thrill- 
ing enough to please. The pnodoctloa is doing 
fair bnslness. Next: Vivian's Papas. 
Crawford Tbeatre. A Texas Ranger opened 
to a fair business and gave a fialr performance 
"Simday . It pleased and tbe compaar la a Ol- 1. 
pable one. The scenic portion Is adev 
t>t& fair. Next: Will O' Tbe Wlapu 
Bavlin's Tbeatre. More TO Se P~ 
Scorned, with Klas BagSOt. a St.- 
opened to good -hoaaca. Baadar. - It-la.'a--'! 

^.aaC^fha^jIndaetioB pleased.^ -1 
Ncnj^^-^kltCUBi'la Naw-Tdik. - ' 
^aIob• neatre. The bOl at tbe Globe The>>'j 
tte tbia week is a most pleasing one and opened 
to S. -B. O. Sunday. It contains the following' ' 
clever acts: Blind Amos, Trixle Monroe. Jes* ' 
sle Bussell, Peerless Qnartet, Lulu Gcssdman, . 
Paul Bovince. Jessie Bussell and a farce by the" ' 
Stock Co., enUtled A Squire For a -my; bnal. 
ness good. 

Broadway Tbeatre (East St. Lonla, BL) The 
Isle of Spice Co. played to fair boainess Simdar 
at tbe Broadway, tbe total receipts being fUVJIO. 
Tbe attraction was excellent and sbooul have 
done better. Indiana Folks 30; Deadwood Dick 
May 1. 

Family Tbeatre (East St. Louis, 111.) The 
bill this week Is drawing well and Is most 
pleasing. It contains acts by Isabelle, Iienora 
and St. Claire: Mr. Ctias Beclow, Th« Three - 
Jaeksons. Chas Froste and A Tramp Detective hr ' 
the Stock Oo.; bnslness good. 

Hagenbeck'a Trained Animal Stkow opened to 
good bastness In spite of three days of ralnr 
wcathar.,: :-:wSha gfeMr , to excellent and pleases. . 
rmjiMwi'kiaall aia inll worth a visit. 



OICAHA. — Soyd's Theatre (Woodward & Bnr- 
gess, mgrs.) Henry W. Savage's English Grand 
Opera C!o.. 20-22, was enjoyed by tbe lovers ot 
good music. Tbe attendance was large during 
tbe engagement. The repertoire included Lohen- 
grin. Carmen. Tannhauser and U Trovotore. 
Henrietta Ooonan 27-29; Tbe Tlrclnlan 30; 
Mrs. Wlggs ot The Catibage Patch May 1. 
. Knig Tbeatre ((%as S. Breed, mgr.) For Fame 
and Fortune 19-20; drrw fair business. Heart of. 
Ohlcago S3-26; many thrilling situations, opened,; 
to good bnslness. Escaped from Sing Sins 2T-;<. 
29. Item— aianager Breed will continae>^tta 
management of the Kmg for at least two raMtV; 
longer bavixkg recently signed a new contrad^SK -- 
that period. Since coming to Omaha .he"<ha8\ ; 
made many friends, and be 'bto^cOacta baa .aada 
this tbeatre a flnaiwlal .aa 
Oiphema Theatre (Cad> 
23: Delia Fox was tbe-lMI 
seemed to please tbe laifc 
However. Paul Powell's Mat — j-^-r ..-.^^ 
moot entertaining feature sa tha pegBa»-'. lya., 
a very elaborate and cleTer.aet. MMMBajB-na^-. 
blU who helped phrase wera^A aeett ik , 

Geo. W. Dar. 8aU«r.and Ba-' — 

and. Batharettov Jackson --^Ty-;; jgj^T 

BSWABK— Blaney's (J. B. Bodtcn, mB.)' 
The Wayward Son bad a prosperoos to taat 
week. Just Before Dawn May l-d; GoUtr Ooft- 

sSsraA lhaatte «<• Ottotogiannir.).*^ 
AtetSlV Mk XUi fefwTiin «loae Bar^ 


Xlie Bllll>oai*<l 

with ■ prodnctlon of Sack tn Jcntj. 

Empire (H. M. Hjuni. mgr.} At Old Paint 
CMnfort Mar 1-6; Tbe CrisU 8-13. 
CoImnliU (M. J. Jkcobik mgr.) Stock. 
Ptoctor's (7. Aiutln Fmn, (cn. mgr.) Van> 
dcTlUe. KajmoDd uxl Caretlr. Tbe DeKoe Trio 
and IMda were the headllnfra last week. Car- 
rent: Lewis McConl ± Co.. IMiow'a Oats, 
BzpasHian Four. MelriUe and StetMn. Charles 
KUdare. IfBe. lAtlna. Ur. and Mn. Ennonde, 
. asd the motiaa pieturea- 

WaUmam's (W. S. Clark. m(T.) Tbe Base 
Bm IllnlHh FliOj Co. gaTe a remarkablr (ood 
CBtntalaoiciit lut week and a very Ulwnl at- 
tndaaee waa the natural result- gome clerer 
flpsdaltlM were tattodaced lir wnUam Brum- 
KtuSL FbUUp Coonor, Hanr L. DmUnaan. Helen 
Scumh, Auto Vcctlmer. I«aUe TateBUiic ud 
3Ur MuuMiT'- ^ The MniT auidw Ibr . M: 
MiWaa Wldgwa » ^ ilim j. mpa hf. 
tte p o Bw IiT " taoilBCM icpnMBlhtlfV of 

GhadM B. B&aVr «a> ttodned a tooalBK Im- 
mmML: bocOt Mv SB «t Blaiicr'a «hcatt«. 

Aew.wu ispptaBCBtcd br a pln»- 
•CvhlBhclm TuderUIe acta. * • 
1 eltr. Is a recent recrnlt 
•tn stock Od. 


A TT . AW nC CCTT^Thla was the bictot 
Baster this resort has rrtr had hi the war of 
crowds, there being over 200,000 visitors bete. 
With dellghtfnl wntlipr the manr attraetlana 
did. a sreat week's boslnfiia. The ontloofc from 
iKnr imtll the first of October to verr promlalDg. 

Safoj Theatre. Itwa. Shea In rejiertolre the 
past wrrfc to S. H. O. DaTkl Hannn 2<-2S: 
, opened to packed honse. VandeTille 26. Sam 
Bernard in The BolDcklng Girl. wHh one han- 
~ in tbe east ZXSSf; heaTy adrance 

Xaiii^jncr .Xbntie and VandeTHle Annex. 

<^aitA_«BA-«at at an . tints tiie 
MOMtfii. fkmou 
;M|l:;;ilw. Bojal 

Ti&oo's'ataepieehaae ncr la ^ 

boalncss. Vanager GUes Qeawnta ia 

the kaokoot for novelties and pmott A Uk 
list at pleasing attractions that are tnoocr- 
. Bakers. 

Heisa Pier. Fine boalneas at an tlmea. 
Steel Pier. Band Omcerts, etc. to S. B. O. 
Johnstown Flood is dolqg a big bcialness. 
Dentsel's GalloploA Hones are crowded st an 
times and Manager Dentael hu spared no ex- 
pense In miking lito attraction a soccesa. 

Gazriek Theatre. The famous Ireland's Own 
Band. Iste of the World's Fair, Is making a tt«- 
mendoos hit. 

Old Tienna. rightlnc The Flamea. Sabr Inen 
bator, Caroosela, <Md Mill and other sttractloDS 
aM apcn sad doing wall. Bammn A Ballej' 
U np for Philadelphia week Mar 8. Tbe 
of GeLljMHirg opened big and wiU be A 

8IS Boardwalk. 


St toiaa.aadisBeeA ~. . 

.':.vtH^O»«A Honae. Dade week li. 

;':"^^?^|-V,; WKW YORK. . ::'3.'':) , . 

tlie elreaa and the weather theatiae did 
not baTe a retr cosd week, ezopt Blehard 
MansfltW. st the Montank Theatre, who did 
a big week's bnalnesa. lie season U aboot orcr 
. Ia Brooklrn. Lama Park and Dreamland at 
Ooner laland cocn Batnrdar. May 13. 

Montank Theatre (Frank M. Hort. mgr.) 
BOCbaid ManMleld in repertoire. Tbe coapasr 
waa a -nrj atzoojr one and the prodoctiooa were 
handaOBielr staged. The stage meehanica' bene- 
ilt waa held here Outer Snndar and was well 
attended. The beaellt fcr Mr. Bdward Trail 
wai be gtTtn Moodar night. Mar !• Next: 

— — i Utr Ixwia walk Mv a. 

Theatre (lea.' O. Xdlir, mgr.) 
.tB A Ttiwaia nam Man. 

and big bnsinen was the mle. Next: 
Benta-Santley BarlCHiaers. 

Oiphenm Theatre (Percy G. WUUams, mgr.) 
The management here presented an excellent bill 
this week as follows: Cecelia Loftos, Stnart 
Barnes. O'Brien and Bowel. Herbert Lloyd. 
York and Adam*. Ford Sisters, the eitagrapb. 
and the twelve XaTsJo Girls; boslness very good. 

Dreamland (W. H. Beynolds. pres.") This 
popolsr resort at Cooer IxIaiMl will open on Sst- 
nrdar. May 13. Orer one half a million dollars 
ha* been spent this past winter in imptorement. 
A fen- of tbe attractloos added are Creation, 
trom tbe SL Loal* Fslr; a large blppodreme 
where tree extilbltlons are glTcn; Bell Gate. 
Hiram Maxim's Airship, Toorlnc Eotope in an 
Antomobllp. Ttae Streets of Asia. Fighting The 
Flame*. The Leap-Frog Ballnad. Tbe Midget 
City with tbe Flea ClreiiA and BoMoek'a at- 
traetiaas bom Ms Paila lllpp»dimh» ...any 
other attraetloas wiU alio be aceh btte. Dream- 
land wOl be one aC the dcaatat resorts on 
Coney Island aad db bka oc. gntt *ows win 
be permitted * 

LooA FMk (TboiivMB * SaDOr. men-) Ibli 
giestt paik^At Ooatr IMaad, wMcJi tor the put 
two jMH has tedt far aluad at any amosement 
entetpdie at Ita kind, baa been cndicly remod- 
eled dorlas tbe past trw months, ne cntlte 
thIrtr-eiSbt aacs of land win ptcsent a new 
Lnna Park this sessoa wlilch win sorpssa any- 
thing cTer attempted. Many new sbowa have 
been added, tbe prtidpal one being Tbe FaU of 
Port Arthur. The* formal pobllc opening wfll 
be Sstnrdar. Msy 13. Fred W. McClellan Is now 
booking sets for the ootdoor circiu, etc W. C. 
Thompson will the general press reprewnta- 
tlTe snd J. W. Blanrelt. assistant press rep- 

Amphlon Theatre (W. T. Grorer. mgr.) The 
bin tor this week was VTllfred (Hsrke A Co,, 
Joe Maxwell's Qnlntet. Lewis UoOxd ft Co., 
C3ulstlne Adier, DnlBn-Bedear Tloope. Mme. 
nnocy snd dogs, HUl and Wtalltdier, AL Fields, 
and MoctOD and Diamond; bnalnesa good. 

Bsmnm & Baney's Gcaatest Show «n Eaxtb 
was here Isst week at Halnr itnct and San- 
toga sTcnne. Tbe dma did the ugaeat twsi- 
ness In the Ustocy of a elreaa ia Keoklyn. 
The eircna waa- mncft lazser ttU acaaoa than 
nsoaj. the aela wata all a( the blgbaat standard. 

rede wSl^^*^ » M art a«H* I>^"" 
here. n» Unta Wtl* all new and corered 
more SEMad ttas aser. 

iraaliatlaA Paaak la Mas tenorated and fixed 
np lar^tta aaaaoa. Va^qrO. mmaaa wm tyre 
the natft' ia>i-flp>i; ttd H MftM . 
which wm be fwt'Uttar, wMh'lM 

Colnmbia Theatre (Clarenee L. wels. mft-l 
Tbe Anctlcan Stock Co. presented Dr. JekyU 
and Mr. BMa^tida week. Sunday night a 

CaHla!rne^aMBcr of the boose. 

Phinips' Lyeenm (Leola PhlUlna. mgr.) The 
Stock presented A Working Olllr Wrongs. 

Garden -Hiestie (Edwsrd Walsh. mrr-> Jsmes 
B. DoooTsn hesds s good Tsnderllle bm here 
Mils week: boslness contlnnes Tcry good. 

Keeney's Theatre (Frank A. Keeney. mp-) 
Okpt. Pntnsm Btadlee Strong and m» Yohe 
SSTthe headllners tj^»«k^ ^ "^AKHt.'" 
gtren: boslness T.>r.r>Sd. OTO J?-, aAKBR 


Gcsnd Opera Boose (T am.i\ 
Melnne In Bto Hopklna: — 
crorwds. Ncxtr Arlaona. 

Folly Theatre (Bennett Wilson, mgr.) Wed- 
ded. Bnt No Wife, which has been seen here 
scTeral times In other booses, did a TCry fair 
week's business. Next: Bose MeMIIc Is Sis 

BUoa Theatre (Mary G. Spooocr. mgr.) The 
. eeer cateipnslns Mrs. Mary Spooocr as an oBCset 
to tiw dldl boslness daring drcns week, pte- 
aiated an a very elaborate scale a magnWeent 
Btodaetlaat oCla^.and The Beanstalk; bnatncii 
t» taiinllj. Kext; An. Mkntc. 

IMatfk Lee Avenoe Theatre (S. S. AUca. 
. at^tS The Lee ATenne Stock Co. presented The 
Bwl OC Baeoy. Next: The PrlTstc Secretary. 

Vaik Theatre (Wm. J. Byde. mgr.) The 
Curse of Drink to fair bnalnesa. Next: No- 
body's Darling. 

NoTCIty Theatre (Darld Boblnaon. mgr.) Hu- 
man Hearts plessed fair sixed bocses. The sea- 
. son here has been very prosperoos. 

Gotham Theatre (Charles WUUams. mgr.) 
TOe Village Parson, a rorsl play of considerable 
merit, pleased here this week. Next: Darkest 

Gayety Theatre (James dark, msr ) The 
High Boilers Bnrleaqne Co. Kext: n .: (^eker 

Nassaa Uieatre (Hany Hamimnrete i. mgr.) 
B. WMaon'a OiIentBto tni%, a ■aod drnring 
" ■ -*->;a! a» ■wts t- 't.Vt- ' ' 

la; jeaaiaft^- 

I Bm^mmtimaifat the better class of 
ikoos Mb ttA8t:'Eaati Ihir win be seen here. 
The leadlac atbaetlon wlB be the Boer Whr. 
which win open May ZT. Orer one tbonsand 
eazpcntera and laborers are now emphvcd tikere 
getting things ready for the opening. 

a«je ft iBebman's Theatre (Nick Norton, 
mgr.) A bin at special merit was glren here 
this wtek. headed bjr Bose C^hUn and inclndlng 
many thTocttea. roa bUl for week May 1. will 
Inclnde Cmmlng. the bandcnff king: MIdgley and 
Carlisle. Ned Nye. The Basqne Qnartet. Bose 
Agnlnsldo. Oarlln snd Otto. Hoch Elton ft Oo.. 
SnlllTsn and PasqaeUna and Three TsamaalaaA 

. a. B- Baslfc ft S*>* 

pleased a goad boataM. nt 
staged snd wdl aotad w a ee. 


WILLKIHOTOH.— Acsdemy of Mnale (Ooanu 
Bros., msrs.) Black PatU Troobadeina M: 
Mabel Paige 2S-29. Under Oaaraa— She Sccat 
Boer War (are a night pertonainee tt to Utge 
attendance, aboat 4,000. • • The Jeaaa OualTal 
Co. did good boslness week 17-23; aadar aos- 
plees of Haymakers' Street Fair: Battk BeMcry, 
Train Bobbery. Mamie and Animal Show were 
leaders In receipts. 

GBEEHBBOBO.— Grand Opera Hooie {CbUB. 
R. roller, res. mgr.) Dark lT-23. Mas. B. 
Hanford in Don Caesar de Baxen 38; Black Pattl 
Troobadoor S9. Circus — Miles Orton'a Sontbem 
Shows 20: fair business. 

COVCOBO. — Opera Boose (J. B. (MMwell. 
msr.) Crescent Comedy Co., 17-22; good busi- 
ness. Gift. Sob Taylor la his tamons lecture. 
Castles in 13>e Air Z<. 

■ aT.wna«r AfadimT of JIaale (J. Sherwood 

rifliiaii WlTtiai naallrft te oSSia ». 

CLEVELABS.— Holy Week, osnally the bete 
ttolr of tbestre managcn. prated to be eae of 

IHentangy Park opens for the sessoa Bnndsy. 
J^ril SO, and prtparatlons (or an Immense 
crowd hsTc been made. Tbe park has been en- 
tirely icnoratad ^A gmtotm as exceUcitt ap- 
pearance. BseaMaaa aae to be run on aU th» 
raUroads, J. B. HAOnE. 

BTEUBEirvIIXE.— Grand Opera Bouse (C. W. 
Maxwell, mgr.) York State PolU IT; (air 
boose. Barrlsoa J. Welfe 19; only fair aodi- 
ence. Tbe Real Widow Srown 2S; Beart of 
Maryland 26; Boraance of Coon Hollow 29. 

COSHOCTON Sixth Street Theatre (J. P. 

Callahan, mgr.) Al. H. Wilson 21; good sbow 
and hoQse. Hober Edison Moving Pictures 25; 
good houEe. Vogel's Minstrels May 2. Client— 
John RoblnEon'a Sbowa May 2. 

BILES.— VeitMCk Theatre (A. C. Iioof. mgr.) 
Black Crook B rnj a a a j eta (Jr.) IS; egeei l ea t but. 


Star Theatre (A. H. S eh on berg , mgr.) . B<* 

BOOBBSZEBa— I'rcemn TUatre (W. A. WMff. 
mgr.) The Bonromaster tJar^,*" 
ana ttc eae night only. The pradnctloa ot Tbe 
Sho-Ona haa not been equaled here In many sea- 
sons It Is without doubt the best comlcopers 
on tbe stage today. TheWlsard^ Os wffl be 
seen here St-May 6: Bab« ta Toy^ 27-^. 

Natiooal Theatre (Meat Ha»dl^_«»y. >_ 
Morrison in Panst Pl«Bj*-,J5fWSE«TS?»IJSi 
The next atttaetioa uHfeMiiSal ™«" » 
and Snits M-SOw 

Baker Theatre 
ot The Streets i. 
play was wen staged 

naUe company. Down W ±,r'^ns,i;izr 1 
Cook Opern House (X B^MiS]!""'- ?Eii 

TtarSiata«bnifl* the teaafft wjita»^pro»ed 
tebe one ot tbe best. Zhnmer ia a Inggler ot 
laamlaan aMUtr: Dlda. tbe mysteir. was cer- 
S3SF W^ilbii: Toi? Nhwnft e^wete «n- 
t^^e features; The Jin-Jltaa demonstration 
iStttBetete) was interesting. ■Ihe summer 
Modk^enpany opens Monday, with Pttoce Otto 
Srt ^TwUl be leading n«n «»« Caroline 
t^nkhm leading womsn- OOw members are 
^hot McKensie, Edwin Boring. Peter tang. 
tSSt s5«u^. Frat* Base. I««»<l«r Me. 
cS>rCar»er. Marlbel Seymore. BeHe Oallney 

and Florence Busby. 

Corinthian Theatre fH P. Jseobs. The 
World Beaters. If Juflited from tbe «ag«TO« 
their pertarmaaee, are 1°'<£ ^o^S. mLSSt 

T-ra. The adrance sale ^l?";?* .^"^ J? 
neWoman In The Case. 2*. Indicates a big 
iSS^r Loots Morrison In Faust 23; Laureate 

'^rS.^^atre (Burns GUUm mpO The 
Mortimer Snow StockOo^. week 17^ PW«ntM 
The Circus Girl, preceded by A."t<»J»J«2£ 
Lettle. and delighted fair ""S.ISS 
dslene week 2*. Beflned eanderiUe between 

'"Bind's Opera Hooae Ot. ">««i:.HL_^ 
H^Sn. teSTmsr.) MUtJ. i*«'e«nde^ 
for week IT was MlBe aad JijgA W^IVjt^ 
dog. Wise Mike: Beanah MdlimjRjOnT""; 
M^mer. Bosh and Ooedpei. .■*»o«e Sisters 
and the Inperlal J a p anaa e Onards: good booses, 
notwithstanding _ , 

Boyal Theatre (WlUto H. •Jt' 

Vanity Fair "^1»L5«>« 'K?^£«^SL?afS 
20-22: business good. 0*T Meegoerads ea 

OLOVEBSVIIX&-«adlng 'Awtta rwjU B. 
Gant. mgr.) Week J* tt^fcUoiwlng Mwas 

presented: J5!Sl«^ ^Sj^L-SfSS? 

g^best. Oomns and HawlarvTOe ^ItaimA Short 

and Shortr. and the htogr^Jo J««5„, 
FSmUy Theatre <B. D- Brde- ^i" 
for week M IncladaiMma. JfteU's Uonj. Mr. Md 

Mra. IM loeltr. B«^yd^l >^^ ««|«^ 

BIHOSd3CTOy.F-«toae Open H 
COark. mgr.) IfUa Btib WUte Ul 
OMk-Ohaick Meak Ox IT^ 

(J. P. & 

the best weeks thst the opata 

this rear, and aU tta attar tbaMraa did a 
eomapoedla^ laiga ko rt aa w . Vaate u a 
notleaSeSi«naa fii tha t**— "* tfala week 
and tt leoka aa IC the elsae of tte aeaami wiu 
flad tha thaatMf detag laiga taabwiA Snndir 
waa aa tteal vring dar and tbouands at peo- 
ple eoaUd he seen la the railoas perks. 

Opera Honae (A. F. Haria, mgr.) John Drew 
in The Dnke of KQlicnnkle. wttt a cleTer com- 
pany, which includes cndi aitlala sa Margaret 
Dale. Fanny Brongta and Ferdinand Gottschalk, 
was the offering last night. The plsy Is called 
s fardcal romance. It Is redolent with the at- 
mosphere of London's fashionable life, and ad- 
mirably sets off the foibles and weskneaaes of 
Ehigland's most interesting set. 

Colonial (Drew A Campbell, mgrs.) What 
Happened 4o Jones Is the offering of The 
Vsughan-OIaser Stock this week. Tbe members 
are well placed In their respcctlTe parts and 
the play Is glren with dash and Mtlt. 

Keith's (L. M. Elrich. mgr.) Henry MUIer, 
in a one-act drama enUtled Frederle Lemaltre. 
gaTe one of the most dcllgiitfBl parfaouBCes 
that has been seen bete this ■aaieD._0!oer 
noUble good things on as «lc*ar a.MB ttat 
Keith's has offered thto year MM ftaola AMiott. 
the Lktle Georgia Ua^Mt. J»*,5!"!W "1 
Marion Beat. OUC 6acdOB,JWbd Jabaaon, Del- 
phiao aad Ddanca, and Bowaid'e ponlee and 

n&woB (T. K. Oookaon. mgr.) Mly B. Tan 
la Tba Bliaad Bar opened to good bosmess Mob- 

'%mSuil ^OBla Blxler, mgr.) New York 
Day Br Dar. a melodrama with lota of stirring 
scenes and plota. pleaacd two large audiences. 

Lyric (W, «. iSwrence, mgr.) VandeTlUe: 
Dlmltro Bllyck's trsined seals. (Seo. W. Stew- 
art, Imitator; Bowley and Leslie, comedy; 
Msrle Ueclow, singer: Dacey and Chase, sketch. 

Star (Urw ft OampbcU, mgrs.) Bine Blbbon 
Girls. SiM^lsltlea by Bertie Powrr. Stella Gnl- 
more. Lew Palmer. Ward and nrsclbum. uran- 
lon and others. PAUL C. MOONEY. 

TOLEDO,— Valentine Theatie IB. B. Fix. 
mgr.) The Bleala Ut ae ly fate bo alaeaa. . Par- 
slttl U); hroke the hooas resacd «v aseatal hun- 

difddoOara. lea Watat'a qjL UL. 

&eenm Theatte (W. «. HWtlll, ngr.) Saik 
18-22. Next: Joac^ Murphy. 

Arcsde Theatre (Lambkin 4 New-ton. props.) 
Ernest Bogan aad Imperial Japs beaded bill 
lS-22. Attendance fairly good. Next: Bjrron 
Doaglas 0>. In An American Citizen. 

Empire Theatre (Abe Shapltt>, mgr.) Bine 
Blbbon Glrla 16-22; S. B. O. The chorua o< this 
attraction haa the record for good singing. W. 
H. Ward Is chief fun-maker, while Cbaa. Nerln'a 
dancing la a feature. Next: Boble's Kniekcr 
hoeketa. _ 

Bnrt's Theatre (W. B. Merrm. a(r.l 
rdgbta of a Great 0..r 18U6i 
drama, went Ug. Nest: An fttu.. 
Ae Zoo (FCful Braa.r VV^)^ 

to the Ugh ataadazd aet hr 
PnC Brale teppcd the bin. 

aASTOB^Tlctmla Theatre (O. O. IDUer. 
mgr.) The Ctrl and Tbe Bandit U: paaked 
boose. Mrs. Wigge ot The Cabbage Patch jC; 
S, B. O. Amelia BIntfiam la Mile. Mand 28; 
S. a. O. Joe Weber's AB-atar Stock Co 28; 
a. B. 0. st adranced priccA Bogtr Brotbers 
In Paris May 1. . _,. 

NaUonal Theatre (GUI Bnnows. mgr.) The 
LIgbthonse By The Sea 10-12; good bouses. Tbe 
Minister's Daughter 13-IS; paclied bimses. 
Happy Hooligan IT-IS; S. B. O. An uri*sn'« 
Prayer 20-22; good honaea. Darld Hsrum 24- 
26; packed bouses, Sherlock Holmes 2T-2S; S. 
R. O. This waa tbe doee ot the regnlar sea 
Item— The NattonU Theatre Stock Co. 


opena Its season Mar 1 wMi lilia Babaaaa War- 
ten aad Alex ToniHiMllB tbt laaAag 
Repertoire win iadoda Wkg^MgMajWd was 
In Flower. Woman Agafert wiMHh Ma «C the 

D'DtfactTlIIce and The 

Park Theatie tOU 
MlnetielB AptU 28. 

Odeon Theatre (L. C. Hartsock, mgr.) BUI 
week at: ObUie DeGray. Sandly and McKeerer, 
Walter Jones and Dupree and Dopree. Tbnrs- 
days are amateur nights and are proring ptoflt- 
aUe, drawing 8. B. 0. repeatedly, Eltctrlc (ant 
hare t)een Installed and the Odeon wUl remain 
open daring tbe summer monuia. 

Lakeside Theatre (Jas. Kirk, mgr.) Opens 
week 28, with hlgb-<aaas TaaderiBe. Haitriew 
Casino open* with randatlMa aarty IB Jgaa. Otr 
eua — Forepangh-Sells " ' ^ 

capacity business 25. 

OOLTmBUS.— The week bss been alngnlsrily 
bsre ot tbestricsl attractions, and for that 
reason the prodnctlon of Parsifal at the Great 
Soothcra wma of particular Importance, on both 
erenlnga tbe bouse being packed snd the affair 
made for Itself a blgh-dass society erent. 

At tbe Iknplre the stock company Is exceB 
ing itself In the prodnctlon of Mary Magdalene. 
AH the members of the company are taking 
their pai<U with their usual snap and Tim. 
Wilton Taylor, one of the original membeia, 
leares this week to accept the poaltlon of stage 
manager with a atoek company in Tientoo, 

^ At the Bigta Stieet. (be FleUIng Stock, with 
Babeeea Warren la tta 
to Ales. ▼< ~ 


a t Oak aS: lale ot Skilee I 

▼anOstran, mgrs.) John Vogel's'Mlnattaia Xaj 

2. Circus— Singling Brothers May 8. 

LANCASTEB.— Cbestntit Street Opera Bouse- 
(W. n. Cutter, mgr.) Heart of Maryland 18; 
caiisclty. House dark indednitely. 

OAIXIPOUS.— Theatre (J. M. Kantmaa^ 
mgr.) Dark ptat week. Bccord Maak Ok 
May 8-18. 


LEWIBTON. — Temple Opers Bouse (B A. 
Felix, mgr.) When Women Lore 19; fair house. 
Innocent Maids 20; company arrived on date 
billed but Masonic Association, who own the- 
tbestre, refused them admlaalon to the house, 
aa borlesqae companies are barred, and tbcr 
were cocnpelled to leave without glrlng perform* : 
ance. Item — il. A. Felix, who has succestfnllr ■ 
msnsKed this honae (or the past dre reaia, : 
has resigaad aad. «ttl be. a a aaa a dad by Xk : 
McKlnner, «B» Msafia tt8 >8M8 88PI I 8l >i8 ll 

EBIZ.— Majestic nestrc (Frank WUUsma. 
mgr.) Nat Goodwin, with an excellent c o mpany, 
preaented Tbe Dtnrper IT to large and Ugbly- 
pleased audience. The Beauty Doctor at-S8; 
Wizard of Oz 27; Nat M. WtUs 20. 

Park Opera Roose (John L. GUaon, mgr.) 
Fairly R004I bill 17, iDclodlug Tuno, Edwla- 
Keough 4 Oo.. Dobcrty'a Poodle Olicns, Mes- 
senger Boys' Trio, Tom Glllen, Bay Oog^ Howard 
and Dunn, snd moTlng pietnica tO saad kaaafa> 
Week 94: Kltsmnra Tronpe «C : Jljik .Itik aaft 
Mrs. Jim Barry and others. 

WXLXE8BABBE. — Nesbltt Tbestre (Harry A. 
Brown, bus. mgr.) Miss Bob White 18; good' 
bnslnees. The Fortune TeUers 19-30; fair bosl- 
ness. Qnlncy Adams Sawyer 3f; Mande Adam» 
28; Glrla WUl Be Girls May 1; Blanche Walsh. 
May 4; Ward and Vokes S: When Johaar Ooma» 
Marching Home 6. 

Grand Opera Booae (Hanr A. Bnwa. ' ka8> 
mgr.) Murray and Mackey 17-22; good bBillliaa. 
Kirk Brown 24 2B: Cooke Cbnrch May 1-8. 


JOHBBTOWN.— Cambria Theatre (B. W. 
Sherer. mgr.) Girls WIU Be GlrU 18; pleascA 
large house. Hadley's Morlng Pictures 19; 
(air boslness. Tbe Innocent Maids 22; fair 

bonac. York State Folks XO-ZT; Prlmtoae UOp 
sttels 28; A Son of Beat 28; Bcanty and Tk» 
Beast May 1. (^rcna— BIngBng Btotbsta ai*' 

billed for May 12; Pawnee BlU'a Wild West 
May 29. 

'WILLIAMSFOBT.— Ljconlng Open Boose (L. 
J. Flsk, mgr.) Chicago Stott Oo. 1T-3S: plaaatft. 
good audiencei. Playa: PHact OM0i_Baaiiiia» 
tioo. Hearth aad Borne, Sealed T' 

aSt^bv QmmiS Hilaaa. Bk* uSSri 
aad otben: ftl lTi»,.a*l 

Moring Platarce ST. 

HEW OAlTTiBi Opera Bsoee 0. 9. 
ger. mgr.) Tbe DerU'e Aaettoa Us g 
nest. Bril Widow Bmwa M: fate 

Great Bodgers lT-19: fair boalaeaa. 

Splcc 24; Liberty BeUes 28; Ores* Bodgaia {M-' 
turn) 27-29. ■ 

MEASVUXE. — Acsdrniy nf Mosic' (B. 
Morris, mgr.) Last Rose uf Summer 17; : ~ 
only fair booae. Bsra KendaU IT: oA_ — 
hoote. The Beanty Ooetor 32; PlaaaadlMS. 
booae. Ifortag Plctnres May S-8; Boltr TW9B. 

OOBBT. — Armory Theatre (C. T. Trimlde 
mgr.) Dark Week IT. BUck Crook BurlesmeiA- 
(Jr.) May S, OlrcoA— BoMaaon's Sbowa^aur 
10. L. H. Haakaaa. . 

son's CsmlTal BIfc la 

here 25. 

OKEEHBBBBO — St. Qair ' 

Good, mgr.) Stella Maybew la ' 
20; pleased large audience, 

Keaggy Theatre. Innocent Maids 25; paekca' 

the house. 

BKABOK,— Morgan Opera Honse (M. BeU, 
les.; Lee Norton, mgr.) PanU Bdwardes »■ 
Winsome Wlnnde 18; good house. Isle of 
22; good business, show cxceUent. WIsard or 
Oz. May 2. Clrxrus — Boblnsoa'a Circus 6. 

CHB8TEB,— Grand Opera Boose (Siosnaa 
gresTcs, mgr.) Anbtey Stock J0*_ lO -ttt W 
business. Chicago 
lUrgreaTet Clreoa 
two performances, 

OOmrEIXBTILXS.— Oslonlal Theatre (Geo. D. 
Oianis, mgr.) Gtris WUl Be (Mrto IT; good per- 
fonnanee to capacity- The Show Girl 22; large- 
aad wdl pleaied audience. Wlnaomc Winnie U. 

J T UBftBU TA WMCT.— M a hnnlng Street Optr» 

mae (E. W. -Werlmaa. lea. aw.) Jenr nsS 
Kenr SO; plcnicd gaad koHtw^kt Waguar 
22; eaaoelcd. Tbia alaaas lha aaaaaa. 

(«U ^ „..^ , 

Eenr 'SBt Talk Mate Balka lur K ' 

ntvr LAKE (STT.— Salt Lake Theatre {Qto. 
D. Fyper. mgr.) Local Symphony Or^estrs oT 
forty pieces imder Prof. >rthor Shepherd. K"* 
the last concert of tbe sesson IT. Very merl- 
torioas rendition of the works of the mastetn 
giren before a decidedly cultured audience. The 
Other Girl 2t-Mny 6. 

Grand Theatre (Jones ft Banner, mgia.) ThA 
Mioonshlncr'a Oaoghter lT-18; good ^ 
Company above the aTeiage aad ath ' 
MaSwala Oa. la CalttotnU SM*. 

Utahna Stock Oa. taftlMbaf^l 
A Mt Ut IMI. 3k» eoawaar is 

Tt\c BiIlboar<l 

.„„,„ «tie(<- ■mtfitlw; bulBew 

•xentiOMltr iwdt ' 

BoO 'Toa 'IbMtM ««BtlnDe« to prcKnt T«nds- 
Tllle tcts to MlmUA buslnesa aoil tbe Peosy 
krenit CODtlnoM t» Ittlke tbe amuument public 
jMt tlgbt GEO. »• ALDEB 

lOBOjrao.— Prlnceu (O. B. SbcpparO, mgr.) 
Ftnttal In EngllBh 24-26; draw_H| " 

8qn««r M«o. N*xt: OlM^wa. _^ ^ 
Grand (A. J. Small, mn.) -■(«*■* flUt 1> 

.Bonnie Brier Baih week Ml . 

A FTlend of Tbe F»mUj. 

Shen'g (J. Sbea. mgr.) Will U. 
BUnctie Diyne, Dlda and Eleanor Fllk 
dilef cards of a good blU 24-29; laice attnid' 


aitue7 Mutic Hall (S. H. Hoaston, mgr.) 
Piderevrskl drew a crowded boase 26. 

Majestic (A. J. Small, prop.; A. O'NeUI, 
mirr.) Tbe Katal Wedding week 24- an old tm- 
Torlte and drew large honaea. Next: Wben 
Tbe Bell ToUa. 

Star (F. W. Stair, mgr.) Tbe WorM Bcatan, 
(all o( noTdtr, la well named and tba nonMioia 
.patnnis were »tU liMMd. Itm— It » icporM 
that ataaasw ttatt. «C tlW.Star. wW ctMt a 
ntir tbeatr* at tlw corner of Bar ud Adelaide 
itreeK. J- A. QIM80N. 

sr. JOHN, N. B.— Opera Ronae (A. O. Skta' 
oer. mgr.) Tbe American Tltagrapb Co. 17-22; 
good baalnem Tbe Cbeater DeTooda Oo. opens 
; a two weeks' engagement, 24, nitb Beneath Tbe 
. Tlger'a Cbiw aa tbe opening bill. A bandaoma 
aew box oOee baa been placed in tbe opera bonae 

Xerk (BAM. Y.. iMMbODk. mgr.) ne Bhceir 


LOXDOir.— 41rand UJ. B. Tnrton. ngr.) 
Prltcbard'a Moring Pletnrea 17-18; fair booiee. 
Ibf Bonnie Brier Boah Sl-22: big bonace. 
Branett'a (a W. Bemwtt, mgr.) oood erowda 
!- ecattnne. Bin week IT: Waldroo Brotbcrs, 
'1 Jioseiih Lerez. Jenneta, Harte Glrard, Ben Omar, 
: Jaeoba and Sardell. G. Eldrtd. liumelt and Wcj 
■■ ertoo and Prof. BUyck'K ten liona. 

xora lawDb 
X«ute>a^npafe a 
ro«n, M<' n* . Vm 
Wbr Weoica Sto I 

WOOBBTOCZ, ONT.— Opera Hoaae (0. 
Hfge audience, ^le uevuv 

l^e, mgr.) Wlaard 
Htge audience. The L 
lag: Babea In Torland. 

BELLEVUXE.— Carmen Opera Honse (S 
Oirmen. mgr.) Dark 17-22: Tbe Mummy and 
n* Hammtag Bird 2>; The Darn's ADetlon 

Additiooal Correspoodeocea 

ronr AatoBs, aa- 


BACRAKEKXC-^eaM Tbaattt. 
Palmer and BsMttMr - — - 
81 Clalr'a Dag aad 

Oranman'a Theatre. 

Hinr DeLaIn, Will Btoa, 
•on, and moring plelarea. 
^Oa Park. Joiin Onnr * 

. tM. Totcat and D'MMU 
Boring pictures. 

OAKI.AirD.— Bell Tbeatn. . ™ 
bert Sarong. Powers and TbeObold, tioaia 
rrs. Ellswortb Sisters, and morlag ' 

NoTnItj- Tliiatri. Bruding Bonds. 
Rodcers. Master Slater. Ulsehnaa, 
f^J A Co.. and moving plctwct, 

Itaplre Theatre. -Beatj and MOIb 
Mwla Bebnlta. Martin and "^Wltm. ThairBrti 
aad Boms, and moring pletnrea. 

BAIT JOBE.— Unique Theatre (Sid. Oranman. 
njr.) Hauford aad Hart. The Hartellrs. Hngb 
525*'iL and Ryan. Rosco* and Slmms, 
■nee nmJuj, and moriag pictures. 

.J>tSSL^?!£ O'Dell. Hart 

and BlOlcr. Three Gordons. Frank Bowaa. Haa- 
seaey and Wilson and Frank Rowan. 

ISE8B0. — Barton Opera Honse (Bobt. O. Bar- 
JS;."?!? ' ^'^ Nelgbboe'a Wife St 
Floto Shows are weU blUed (or April. IT. 

niiE*"^?*— Xkeatre. inak an 
aSS.'^- ^"^'^J^"'- Wabtell. Howe ud 
Edward. Ulnstrated songa aad moTlax pletnrea. 

The OUtapans. Barlow's Dog Show. Use 
nemlBf. aad maring pictures. 

TUXVp.— Korel^ Theatre. Frye and Allen. 
Bwraa, Kelm and Sklrmer. Devloe, Mellnotte 
«««a. and movlag pictures. 

^IQIESA.— E. St. Theatre (SIg, Bwtlc. mgr.) 
I Slaters. Hany iMMM&^ON^iMbM. 
■ and Mendel, 5d^^^ 

•it put, Pa«. VMC 


tor two weeks. 

La Ball* Thestra (B. B, Uaaksr. boa. mgr. 
Tbe Isle of Bong Bong. 

McTlcker'a Theatre (Geo. 0. Warren, boa. 
mgr.) Beginning Snnday night, April 80, nndei 
tbe mansgsment oC Wm. A. Bradr, All 'Bonnd 
Chicago, with an array ot talent which Indades 
Dick Bernard, Dan UcAToy, James J. Corbett, 
Joseph O. Sparks. Tony Bart, Frank Batch, 
Coakler and McBrlde, Nella Bergen Hopper, 
Kittle Mitchell, Tbe Misses Burt, Daglow. 
Baker. Hsibert and the Bight Moulin Bouge 
Olrls. direct from Paris. 

Hyde 4: Bebman's (Archie H. ElUs, mgr. 
Robert B. Mantell offers for the second week 
of hta brilliant engagement, starting Sunday. 
April SO, Rlchelten. Public faror has been so 
pronounced In the present engagement ot Mr. 
Mantell that It tiaa Iieen arranged to extend his 
season two weeks longer than was intended. 
The tragedian will appear in classic revlraU in 
response to numbers of reguei^ts Irocn schools and 
students. The repertoire will InclQde Othello 
next week and Osalat Ifea tsMh wtek. while 
tba llftb and hNk WMk «AI tt «MlStt t» 
varied MB. 

- ^ . TtaMtK IBUiabeth Setaeeber. 

) Xka atoek eompany la psascntlng Zasa 
OD SB tlUMMte seals this waek^ Mabel Mont 
goamr spvearliig at Zaaa sad fleotge AUaoo 
aa Bernard Dntrene. This la tbe flrst time Zaaa 
has been piodaeed tf s Cblesas stack company. 
It wm bs followed Mar SbrA Ttaat Stscr. 

Peopls't TiMsm (XMUc meli. ur.) Wtaik 
Aprn so. the stock eosipaiir jeessats Bnust 
Mines, a bright melodrama fall eC quaint weit- 
era character*, which telle a Btorr ot lore and 
romance In an Interesting manner. Mr. (VMeata 
and Miss Gilbert have excellent parte. 

Tblrty-Orst Street Theatre (UilUe WiUaid Nd- 
son. <ngr.) Stock. 

Criterion Tbestre (Ben |»g» > Week 

April 30. Nettle tbe MssragilCws^MB 
and scenic melodtank 'feMi tit tKttm '-g&it ot 
Lcsn B. Parker. 

Howard Thealw CCkM... W."'.anfll>' mgr. 
Week May I, tb» •tsek s en n si T wU pcssent . 
Mountain- Pink. 

Academy of Mnsie (Wm. Roche, mgr.) Week 
April 30. Gllckman's Opera & Dramatic Co. 
a repertoire of selected Yiddish plays. 

Alhambra Theatre (J. H. Browne, mgr.) Week 
April 30. The James Boys In Missouri. 

BlJou Theatre (Wm. Rocbe. mgr.) April 80, 
Yon Yonson. 

Olympic Theatre (A. Jacobs, mgr. for Kohl 
A elastic) Week May 1: Tbe Four Mortooa, 
Ward and Cnrran, Lew Hawklna. Ponltoa and 
Dooley. Bal Oodtrer di Co., Leab Biisacll. Tbe 
LoTltta, Mlddleton'a Manikins, Mile. Naomi 
Bthardo. ' (Hsmore and Florence. OBIl Baadmoo, 
Baber Sliten, Henry Worthing, OOMtWtlnUi 
and IiawTence, and Qeorge K. 8nMC^ Uaoarome. 

Obicage Opera Beoaa (KoU * Ossllet agrs. 
WeekSar It WUU TiMssr Olrla, San Nawa * 
d Beifeert. Kathtra Ostsnnan 

r.) Week 


"WAXSBBUBT,— Poll's Theatre (7eaB Ae- 

^J; ""T * M'Fsdden's Flats 20; pliSti fiS 

te,-, P'"" ai: (air bouse mS: 

911. f , ~ I'^'^ffsm 22; good house. 
20; Isle nl Slilce May S; " 

Eben Holden 
In Toy land 9: 

SbTO Glrrioi''fte"7/B,^ioJ*'f|_ 
lT-'T.w.?^"'i* <Jean Jacqnes. mgr.) Week 
£h»f «,i"'V.i, "S""' »»a«lners. Esmeralda 

ara!.-g"-¥tt!e Sun Flower OlrU. Qulnlan 
«e«rw«k'*51^* J?~"?™: Z'TOW Trio and 

Wfai'n.i.:;"^'* T.. Violet Black A Co., In A 
£b I^S' Sf.f"'S"»?: Brook. Lambert and 
. °" »fc. B ills Nowltn Trio and others. 

House (Baaaa * S^aa. 
?Ra.) ADierican Vltagraph Co. ]N%: 

■old oat. 


•o^^^T:?^^'^ Theatre (WUl J. Da»ls. 


House (Hany Askia. agr.) 
Mn'T^'; Klesehna. Begiaiite aest 

araS .^^""f »•« 

Td'nSS?"'*! "nieatre 
Wrl and The Ban 


! Bandit. 

) Week 
ext week, 

R. Barmeyer, mgr.) 
Next week. The Vlr- 

Co.f OarsB sod 

Os,i aser snd Lee, tbupby end Willard, Hal 
MmiIII. Mr. and Mra. Allison. Three Musical 
UertaaSi Colton and Damnr. Zara and Zara. 
Powers and Freed. Jneellni; Neola. Wllllama and 
<}ordon and Geo. K. Spoor's klaodrome 

Baymarket Theatre (W. W. Freeman, mgr. 
for Kohl A Castle) Week May I: Ross aad 
Fenlon. Waterbury Brothers and Tenny. Four 
Marvelous Merrills. Mathews and Ashley. Ry- 
der's Monkeys. Crawford and Manning. KIne and 
Gottbold. Mabel Simpson. Wsldron Brotbem. Gor- 
don EWred, The De Acos. Charlotte Kavenscroft. 
JohniMn and Prince. Richard Henry Miller and 
Geo. K. Siroor'B klDOdrome. 

Sam T. Jack's Opera House (Sidney Enson 
mgr.) The last two performances at this thea 
tre were itlven Sunday-. April 30. by tbe New 
York Bnrlesqnerii. With the fall of tbe cur- 
tain Sunday nlgbt. tbe history oC this famons 
lit tie thpatrr closed, and tbe hooae Whldl 
been, fnr Its tlir moat popoUr aad beat 

patronised in Chicago will paia iDtO tte Cats- 
gory of tblaga that wars. Tbe shesr Mr tba Ust 
two perfomancea waa • 

of muste, burlesque aad < i--- , ^ 

Troeadero Theatre OMM. nit«a. .«kr.) Week 
April SO, TDe Keatadir 
TMly Theatre (Bobt. 

Apm SO. borleaqne. 

PSOBIA.— Grand 0|>era House (Cbamberlln A 
Herrlngton. mgrs.) Tbe Girl and The Bandit 
IP; fair business. Checkers 21-22: excellent 
production, good bnslness. Pablo Romsnl 23 
good business. Shepard's Pictures 25: SI Plonk 
ard 29: Savage Grand Opera Co. In Carmen 
May 1. 

Main Street Theauc (E. P. Churchill, mgr.) 
Johann and Matt. Harry CHlntoo Sawyer. (Wm. 
mins and Mack, Marshall and Lorain. Lawson 
and Curtia and Peter J. Smith drew crowded 
bouses nightly week SO. 

JOLIET. — Opera Honse (Wm. H. Hnlallnirer 
mcr.) Railroad Jack 11; only fair honse. Way 
Down East 15; pleased Rood house. The Flsm- 
luK Arrow 10: good buslne&s. His Hlirbness Tbe 
Bey ll>- capacity. Invin French Co. 24-20; The 
Old Clothes Msn 29; fiarlow's Minstrels May 6; 
The Flints 14. 

The Grand Theatre (LooU Goldberg, mgr.) 
Week 21: The Pour Mortooa. Jaaaen * Berr Co.. 
Morris Manley. Lewis and Iiawla, OeaCord Doyle 
and Master Arden Ackert: bnaiaeaa sstlsfaetory. 

'OTTINCT. — Bijou (Patrick A McConneU. mgrs.) 
Week 2t: The Tanakas. Jap Jngclers; Hugh V. 
and Bessie Le«, Jennings and Jewell, (Seorge 
Delmas and Miss Anna Mae Lleblg. 

Elmplre Theatre (W. L. Busby, mgr.) Mildred 
Holland In The Triumph of an Gtapreaa 17; 

rd boalaess. Tbe Girl sod ne jmmUt IS; 
B. a Isle oC Splee SS; goad MaSM, Jack 
Beasey Co. beginning 24, for tlucs weeks< 

DECATUB. — ^Power's Theatre (J. F. GiTen, 
miTT..) The Girl and The Bandit 17; beat musi- 
cal comedy of tbe season, only fair honse. 
Katberlne Rldgeway Co. 10; pleased good booaa. 
Cbeekets 80; pleased packed hooae. Ballroad 
lack 22; fair business. His Blghneas Tbe Bey 
May 1; The Flints 2-6; Our New Minister 8; 
Bachel Ooldstein tO. 

OALESBBBO. — Auditorium (Dr. L. T. Dorsey. 
mirr.) Barlow's Minstrels 17; good business. 
Isle of Spice. 18; pleased good bouse. His High- 
ness The Bey 22; good boalocia. Tbe Boyal 
siaTe 24: eaacelsd^ ^ B y ! l£&."«S'Bg.%. °' 
Plnnkard (taMM} Mt SkS MUl aad Xha Itam- 

my May 2. 

JAVUOB VILKZ, — Grand Opera House (Geo. 
W. Ohattertoo. mgr.) The Power of The (Tross 
22: falr .bDSlaess. Our New Minister 34; good 
hooae: retnra 90. Tbe Isle of Spice 25; pleased 
large " 


viKOEinaa.^(eniuer Theatt* • (Prank 
Oreea, mgr.) My Wlfe'a Famltr M: good 
bouse. First BeglnwBt Bsad eoaestt SS; good 
house. Hla niinnsss Xks Bar m— b. - 
»a»— Hesrltfa oSSBlia^lw^-^^ 
Park sreek Ayrtt Stt^ 

LOaABSPOBT.-ltowliBg's -rbaalN fVOha X. 
DowliuK. mgr.) QalBCT Adams Sawyar good 
house. KatktriBa Wdgowar OtBMrt Ca.^: 

dlt; caaeelai. ' 

o 1UJ>IB0V,— Oiaad Opera HOose (Graham A 
Scbelk, mgrs.) My Wife's Faallr S; pleased 
fab: honse. The Power ot Tbe Croaa May S: 

New York Day By Day 22. 

TTPTON.— Marti (N. S. Marta. mgr.) Tba 
Triumph ot an Empress 22; fair bnalneas. Cin- 
cinnati Stock Co. 28. 

BUBBTILLE.— City Opera House (Howard 
Mullln, mgr.) Berry Etock Co. waak Mar !• 
Cirena— aioore's (Whined B. B. •am.Mqr 4., 


b:AOEBSTOWB'. — ^Academy of Mualc (OoL 
Chat. M. Pntterer, ingrj Babes la Toyland 18; 

^ U; eaacdcd. 

Item — This ends the atoaaa ken, and Maaaaer 
Fatterer wiu retire stlar twaMr-«tar rears aa 
msmager. aad wm ta lagMMjr ,CiBa. W. 

Barer, wba, tim wmmm iaAHmMM,^ wiu 
tTTnrnntTifl'gn itraniwi' tt . iiiiiaa Muiiin 

gerBroe., mgrsO , jSMUMjtelBMMdlwue. 

^'Sf'*;. auu^'* J*v: %i MBaT^jhi^ Mo. i 

ot Blngllag Bins QIiom — 

of Mmde (Osba A 
i In repertoire week 
^ s In norlaad 18; 
Oa. JMt: Peggy 

•i SM'rihsv OlriB 

Grant, ngta.) 
17; onir <als 

fair - ■ 
lar 28; °! 

Shevdy's New Btjon. 

of TauderlUe closed April 22. aad 

Stock Co. opened for a aommer e agagaia eafBi. 
Gertrude Dion Maglll and J. Frank Bnrke hSM 
tbe leaUlnic roles and KendaU Weston is atage 
director. The Tltagraph Is rctslatd aaA laade- 
Tllle is presented betwawi aala. . - v ■ v -"- 

Nickelodeon (D. B. •MagtSBi^^K;)' ^Tkade- 
Ttlle to good bnalneaa. 

BOX.TOKB,— iBnplre Theatre (T. F. Mnnam, 
mgr.) Bice * Bartoo'a Big Gaietr 0». 20-22; 
crowded honsea. Moving Pletnrea 28; targe 

Opera Hoosc (Joe. Shea, mgr.) CoIItn'a Mor- 
ing Pletnrea 38; large hooae. lata ot flplce B<; 
best of sessoa, eapaeltr iMisfnsiS 

OIiOiraEBTSB.— Daloa Bffl Theatre (Lothrop 
A Tolman. mgra.) Tbe Fatal Weddlag U; large 
business. PresceUe. hraootlst. >«■>: waU le. 
cclTcd by fair hooae. (Maa BaakU — - - 
Mar Zba Kara S-Mi - 


lAanrAW.-^eademy (J. M. Ward, mgr.) 
Tbe Borgomatter 21; fair bouse. The MUwan- 
kee German Theatre Co. in WlDlam Tell 27; 
Thos. W. Boea In Checkers 28; a1. H. Wilson 
In The Watch On The Rhine .10; Howt-'B Mot- 
Ing Pletnrea May 4-5; Tbe Earl of Pawtucfcet 
11; Tba OarticK Diamatle Oo., headed by Kan- 
dall WeatOB, will opea a 8«Mer aagagemeat 
May 8. preaeatlag a rc p a i lolia af tiaft Inelod. 
log Tbe Chsrttr Bsll. A taaB at Paper. Laid 
(Anmler, Men and Wcmo, aad Xnmed Up. 

^ Old* Marks, mgrs.) 

- reek 22; pleased good 

Tooagee Btotheia 

of Maale (B. A. 

Mh, lur.) Viraak Oneher Oo. la reaertalia 17 
i; gog"hB sl ae s s.^ Weary wmia Walhar 88: 
Boster Browa 98; Orcatare aad Baad IT. 
Caalao (Dakln A Balrd. mgra.) 

for the second season nnder tUs 

are now nnder way. and kaportaat Chaagea aad 
ImproTeroents wiU be made. A 
SOB 1* a eertalnty. 

Palace of Amusement— roller rink — will be 
clianeed Into a tbeatre with — M»g eapaeltr of 
1.400. and will be nainii tfce. 
SelgfrUd. of Dubuque, Bu^'sa' 
open In September. 

MASaiTETTE. — Opera Honse (A. Koepke. 
mgr.) Uncle Tom's Cabin 22; ineked houses. 
Al. G. Field's Minstrels 27; Happy Hooligan 
May 2. 

BUon Farallr Theatre (Oil. Somcrs. mgr.) 
Week 24: John L. SulllTsn, Lane and Snxlnettl. 

May anil Mcl>»>nslil. KJflle Cannon. Larry Hunt. 
Carl W. HtHueT and tlie bijouacope. item — J. 
I..arry Hunt, well known In camlTal and street 
fair circles, has accepted a position with the 
Bijou management. 

BABLT 8TE. MABIB.— Soo Opera Hoate (W. 
n. Seach. mgr.) Stetson's IT. T. C. 28; Lnte 
Silver's Minstrels May 1; Happy Hooligan 3: 
The Burgomaster 6; Dale's English Opera Sing- 
ers 10. 

HANCOCK. — Kerredge Theatre (Bay Kerredge. 
mRr.) nark 10-22. Al. O. Fleld'a Minstrels 2S; 
Happy Hooligan 2S; Alphoose and Gaaton 28. 

BAY (CTT.— Washington Theatre (W. J. 
Daunt, mgr.) The Burgomaster 23;~good house, 
pleased audience. Checkers 27; Old Arkanaaw 
28-30. Summer eogagcmeot of KenOall-Weston 
Co. opens May 11 and lasts until June 25. 

rr.rWT. — Stone'a Theatre (Albert C. Peg. 
mgr.) The Lyman Twins in At T1>e Baeea 24: 
fair .boalaess. The Burgomaster 2S: Blebard 
~ I'a Minstrels 28; Howe's PMSMS 37. 

JeBers Theatre. (Baarfatd 
Whr Girls Leaea Etane week 

neatie (8amo«i 

P> .Geraoa, 

FAXBSntT.— Geatial Opera House (PhU 
mgr.) Wade, ngr.) VaUa Baaaaf M; lair haahMsa. 


JMILUTH.— Jiyceum Theatre (Chas. A. Marsh- 
all, mgr.) Happy Hooligan 17; fair bnalness. 
Henrietta Croamaa in Mistress NeU 18-18: ber 
first appearance han. aaa waa rcedrad tr laxge 
and appreeiatlve aadttaess. Fleld'a a^batrcia 
31-22: Terr good baalaeaa. Creataa Claiha la 
Monsleor Beandaire 2548; Dacla Ttaa'a OaUn 
28; Ooortner Stock On. in The Sign ot The Wat 
and Tbe County SherlS May The Mandace 
of Kitty May 8. 

Metroiwlltsn Opera Honse (Tciin T. . 
mgr.) Tom Marks Stock la tapartoirc week 
17; good business, 8BA'-lHii ^dMr- 4Be aaother 
week. Tbe Hottast-Onfc k.'JIWe'^Sv U: A 
Boyal Slave 4-6. . ' 

8T. CLOUD.— DarldaoB ()>era Bonae (B. ' T. 
Davidson, mgr.) A Baal Uava 98: fair aadl- 
ean. ,.,3]M^..awd^^ 

Clarke SO; It* Utda Onteast Kaj S: Ote (»• 

son 9. 


KAHUB OTT.— Willis Wood (Tbe Woodwszd 
A Burgess Am. Co.. mgrs.) Mrs. WIggs s< 
Tbe Cabbage Patch delighted fair alsed bonaea 
week 23. Madge Carr Cook In tbe oame part 
gsee OS a truly great piece of character work. 
wbOe her sopport was excellent. M. C- Good- 
win May 1-3; Henrietta Ooaman 4-S. 

The Grand (Hudson A Judah. mgra.) Ttxaa, 
a western drama of considerable merit, attracted 
bis business week 23. The company waa very 
good, the work of Robert Ckinnesa, the leading 
man, being especially praiseworthy. Next: Onr 
New Minister. " . 

The QllUss (E. S. -Brlgham, mgr.) The pa- 
trons of this honse were blKhly pleased with For 
Fame and Fortune, with Hoghey Mc(Sovem and 
other clever people In the cast, which was the 
attraction week 23. Next; Tbe Moonsblner'a 

Ihe_Aadlt«(lBa iThe Woodward A Borgesa 
o( tlM Wood- 
their taleata to ezeep- 

gg^ arhen Tbe Welly ot 

Rletamond was the'bilL Baalaeaa was good. 
Kext: Wben We Were Twentr-oae. 

Tbe Orphenm (Martin Lehmaa. aagr.) WhHew 
Stoart A Co., in a clever aketcb. were tbe fea- 
ture of the hill week 23. while Boyer West aad 
Ida Van SlcUen were In high favor with tbclr 
excellent musical act. Othara, Nichols . aistai8r, 

Delmore and Lee. PesdilMC.T^ • 

ers. Green and Werner. aa~ 
feature, Rice and 0)hen. 

The Century (Joiiepb J. Barrett, mgr.) Web- 
er's Painty Dutchess Co. proved a winner week 
23. Ilotb burlesques were good, while the oUo 
headed by James and Sadie Leonard waa above 
the burlesque average. Next: New York Stats. 

Tbe Majestic (Sam Benjamin, mgr.) Ttala 
beautiful playhouse, tboroaghly modem in Its 
equipment and with a aeatmg capacity of 1.200. 
was dedicated 22. The Done Ills in a clever Jug- 
gling act and LeBor Benson, novelty mnalelaa, 
were the featnrea of tbe bill for tbe enaolnc 
■week, which farther Ineloded other acta ot aaeco 
or leaa nerlL Fear shows • dar ot blgh-claaa 
TanderlBe at hargalB nrlecs Is the poUer nnder 
which the hsaae shaaM jptaea a dleldaaA parcr^ 

ihS^caataa^^'SS^nlwiST^'T ^ 
tu erTdeace at ' fisa».':/tw^ .BaatEr-'t 
Itema— Orphenm aonoaneea tta dkmb— _ 
May 14. Andltorlnn School of Acting gtfna B^' 
matinee at tbe Aodltorlnm liar 2. • • MeL B.t'-^ 
Hndaon, of tbe K. O. BOlpoatlng Co.. la teeetr- ■ 
lag congratolatlona from hla frirnda these days,, 
aa be la tbe happy father ot a heautlfnl girl' 
baliy. wlilch arrived last week. * * Rumor baa 
It that Tbompaon A Dnndy will erect a hippo- 
drome on a amaHer acale almllar to their New 
York eatabllshwat. la this altr- ■ * Xoar ascta- 

BKBD.— Grsnd Theatre. Johan and Mott, 
gnnuncrs and Wintera, Oalg and Wllsoo, Darsic 
and Lalondo. Fisher and Jotmson. and moving.';; 
pictures. Item — 41uslneaM la exceedingly good > 
u Beoo owing to mining eieiteiacnt In Soaajpah''- 

and Goldfleld, and It la nil laaarjT Bit all . ' 

sangera to lay over nlgbt la Baaa " " " 
and coming from tha mlaaa. 


ntXMTOB'.-Buto niaot Skeatre (F. B. I 
tare, mgr.) Ber FUat fltdse Step 9041; 
tabr boalness. las. 1. JaSHaa BU^t 
food bouses. Sliaa Bob White 98; The 
Life 27-20: Ward and Token Mar 1; Wll 
and Walker 2; Two JoUr Trampa 8. * 

Taylor Opera Bonae (Montgomety Hoses, 
mgr.) Princess Chic 21; only fair liiisliiiise 
Mikado 24-25; good business- Mrs. Temple's 
Telegram 2»: Maude Adams May 2; Jaa. K. 
Beckett B; Eben Bolden 6. 

Trent Theatre (Edward Renton, mgr.) Week 
24: Very clever hill including Cliarmloo, the per- 
fect woman; Carter DeHaven Sextet. Imperial 
Japanese Guards. Gardner and Madden, and 
otbeis. For week May 1 the blU U beaded by 

Obaa.. AIMah aa« tha Twalta Narala.^aiilik. ^.^ . 

HEW TOU Cgr Msnhatlan SheatM ifttf . 

rlsou Grey Flsfca. agr.) The Proud I«M r 

24. The pertenaaaee Is reviewed la 

column of tblS'lSSae. 

Sen- Amsteidaa Theatre (Klaw ti't 
mgrs.) She Stoops Ta ConmBr. i: 

Broadway Tbcalxa (A. -.W^-^^ 
Florodora Is plsrlag ta wM . taibaaa ' at ' 


Emiilre Theatre (Chas. Frohman. mgr.) Marie 
TeiuiM'ht In The Freedom of Suaanne opened 10. 
The performance Is reviewed In another colmna 
of this iHflue. 

Knickerbocker Theatre (AL Bayman. mgr.) 
Prank Danlela la Beigeaat Btne opnied 2*. 
Tbe perfornmaca. la l ai l aaa d la aaotber colomn 
of thU ima. 

Lyceum Thaati* : . CDaalil" ..Tiah agr.) 

Qosed. ■■, .„.•/,;.;,■.;■" ■■- - • 

Leslie Oarta^ la J 


Daly's Theatre (Dsnld 

Savoy Tbeaba (naak 
for the sea BOO, , .i^v.v;; 

Liberty Tb»Uf Oaiiryti^SI 
The Edncathw at ■b.u'Mpvl 
lent huBlness. ^ - j 

Lyric Tbeatre (lill:.K''-.iali'^blii? 

mgra.) Fantana esaitMaaa'-'aa'BB' tto. IgsiS'-< 
every performance- 
New York Theatre (Kl^w A Briangrr. mgrs.) 
The Prince of PUaen. after a very snecessfal 
run at tbe New York Theatre, will conclude Ita. 
engagement May 6. Geo. M. Oihan la Uttla 
Johnny Jones wlU open May 8. 

BUoo Tbeatre (Beniy B. SIi*. mgr.) OsiM . 
WaxBeld In The Mnsle Mssur Is pisylag: t» 
eapaeltr. „ • 

Wsllsek's Theatre (Mra. Theo. Meas. mgr.) 
Alice Fischer in The School for H ns ba a da.. , 
Madison Sqosre Tbestre (Walter X. tamttHmtt:' 
gr.) The Firm of Cunningham. 
HndaoD Tbeatre (Henry O. Bairia. sigr.) ; 
The Heir to The Boorah. :A 
Sarrlcfc Theatre (fihaa. Frohman. mgr.) C leasd. - 





ttmm an twmmnnlniHoiM for tha ««iwtnw«i 
or bnxlnen dcputmoila to 

TlM niOoaid PiAliifelBtf Co. 

Batecdiftioii, HOO a icar : 6 BUS, IZjOO ; • BOB, 

_FlttMa casta eer Use. scat* oiMRuemeiit. 

• ni l t im iiii l ftfnrnh nn »f* ' I *:: 

Ov^auriw Wan O^tmtm 

n« BOOaanl ■> (oU w £owIaa at TW^ac 

Trafalgar BmiliitQt, Sorlkmm ha r lnm/ Art^ 

m ■limW 6« wufa ey vctt ^JTea 
_ ; or Ttfitltrtd letur ad J r etrf or 

.-Quietly and without ostentation 
wera laid to rest the remains of Joe 
Jeffonon. Ttaoo In keeping with every 
private act of this dlwtlinulshed mas- 
ter's Ufe was the last chapter dosed. 


Over two hundred of the most promi' 
nent vaudevlUlans have volunteered to 
appear at the monster beneflt to be 
given Sunday evening; Hay 7, at the 
metropolitan Opera. Honae^ Kew Tork 
City, for the Actors' Home at Staten 
Island. The program will include 
many new and oriKinal featiirea> and 
in the first part there will bo aik olio 
arranged by the White Bats and in 
charge of Paul Dressier. 

Among those who Iiave signified 
their intmtloa o£ appeaxtng are Peter 
K XMliv; .XW* ' J'Mite TMBBans 
anff ' Jtmite ' tm umim i OcorcB- Bvhus. 
Cole & Johnson, Iiee Harrison, Bngene 
Cowles, Helen Bertram, Irene Bentley. 
Eddie I/eonard. Bmma Francis and 
ArttWan 'Wtairlwlnda^ q «o n i . WDson. 
JOe Wdch. George Tbatdier mH Was 
Williams. Julie Mackey, CUB. Gordon, 
Empire City Quartette, lieslie and Dar- 
ley, Julian KI tinge. Carter De Haven 
Sextette, Harry Oilfoil, Marco Twlaa, 
Zlska and King; Five Valdares. Smith 
and Campbell. George W. Monroe, Do- 
Ian an$ Lenharr, Katie Ro<mey and 
Tankee Doodle Girls. Toby Claude, AL 
Fields, Qolgley Brothers, Tom Browne 

and Eva Westcott, Nora Bayes, 
MainTian , P. . 'TOMter, ICv BACord. 
Fred mKtok VkM SMMsaad Totte and 



Si* tait lianB. of Xba BfUkoaxd. ^ilch inelmdaa 
tt» lut t m m inMtiat roam to jnm 

M !■ iifM^ Vo III aft tut 

: te nealvad aftir Xkiday, 

iH i n l actif^ tafiaa 

Brotbeiar lirogKrg Great- 
1 wias acoOrded •,'beatty wel- 
come on the occasion of their first visit 
to Cincinnati May 1. The town turned 
out en masae for the parade; which 
';i*,flne as this'ci^ has ever seen. 
ana'Oie t>Ur tent was crowded at both 
performances. TIils ought to pot Ciai^ 
fimiati on Ringllng's regular. '-wUnv 
list. It was a case of S. B. O. / 

.With the passing of Ijent comes a 
raUy in the' theatrical business wtilch 
^It .ls _8 ate,to predfa^ wlU lend vitality 

''\-q»--1eiiam.-si 8 i M b m -' aNU^^H^imi^^^^ 
does, decrease the attendance at the 
places of amusement, yet several new 
plays were bron^t torth dnriny that 
tfaae and thttr attwdaiieaiiias vMnailE-: 
aUy sood. 

TMt week in New Tork was resfster- 

ed the opening of two new plays. The 
Proud lAird at the Manhattan and 
Sergeant Bme at the Knickerbocker. 

William Faversham opened in a new 
piece,. The Souawman. at BufCalo. and 

Success is written an over William 
Faveisham's new play. The Squaw- 
, man, which was given Its initial per- 
I formance AjhU 24, at the Star Theatre, 
BufTalO; Ki -Tir jB Bl lWlll g Is the 

( cast: 

- HeiUT Wynn«satc. Harl of 'R' . ^ „. ...... 

IL K ' XsftdHBC 

niaaa. Us wUe^ Oonnteaa at EcxUll 

Selene Jduncm 

lai^' HUkaifc WkJUieeate. hli metbcr 

Mrs. H. S. Denentaagb 

Ladr BUbd Wyimesate, bis slater 

Helen Hacbetb 
Captittn Jamea Wjmma te, attnwatd Jim 
Cuaoo. li U_;«— I s u.... ,'WI IIii» FaTwatiain 
fif iifl BelaAasK Cft^a lta ; ' Irts artvate 
aactelaiT HMIIaea wIUMoak 
Bataa, bis biiai^..^.^j 


t Blab op o f fix. 

Wnilam ErOIe 

Plana'a fatber. . 
Wella Bdward MQdoe 

Tm. Bobart Chlcbester 
an AroAM<.«Ti lady - - . . 
Jim CaiaoD'a cow-pimtii era 

BUr Bin. foreman C. Cbappell 

ShortT ...... ....Smnwt 8hackl«fard 

An^r ■•■.•>..■.•■«........■.■. Jfartln Henry 

Cw adi y ..................... TtflfrhfP Lewis 

Baeo Wblte, bone wransler and Intetyreter, 

BO^inna. peace dleC oil tta UtH 

- ■- ' ■ ■ 

:'y:';''VtmDiStti»t'iiiiiem pettr graft- 

ing on the treasury wHI not be counte- 
nanced" says Barney Link, President 
of the Associated Billposters. Does 
^. HiiK^-iiMAiae the "Secondary Standda^ 
"^^axtCfhe'lini for the holiday cover of 
the official organ? 

• • • 

The Alliance of BiUpoaters and BOlers 
has suffered a. severe reverse In their 
fight against the Billpostinx-SIgn Co.. 
:r. Of Phnadf^W a. ^ Mn^ ae cBl aMt o< illie al> 


- ' • • • 
Great preparations are being made 
hy paik managers 'for the coming sea- 
soa of out dOQ? amusement. All plans 
ampear , to be laid on a grander and 

"Oa hand for business" Is the laconic 
message sent by Wal ter H ill upon as' 
'afniiliir i**'fiTc^'**^ TTW' HillMmrillM ''TTfti* 
is iXodt :olIIce' ilasti -Mffli^hqttf.-'oyewBMBia^ 

ITil ■ illili. Ills dansUor ...< 
Hal. IMT aoB 

~ '■S.-baa..Baa ...... •: 

t. But 
J l e Oeil eic Wataon 
ZtaitFd.. L- Uo7d 

Brace Praaer 

Fete Albert Cowlea 

Parson Samn^ Boberts 

Panic, a nKin.m.T, Joaeph Jadca 

Uia^ Hiiam OoaUttie, tram Demrer Farms, 
Mr iirr - j, ninni- lai itjtSaJ Flagrath 

Hnnr Beddlnc 

Bad Hardr, aberlS of Cojote eoont; 

J. R. AxmstroDK 
Walker, Scotland Tard Elton Marks 

It was a most demonstratiy* «adi- 
ence that wltnesaed the premiere, 
demonstrating the popularity of the 
actor, the success of the author and 
the hit of the new play. Edward Mil- 
ton Royle the author may well feel 
proud of his success. The Squawman 
is a four-act comedy drama. Mr. Fa- 
versham, of course, has the role of 
Capt Jas. Wynnegate, afterward Jim 
Carston. The scene opens "n an Eng- 
lish garden where the captain learns 
of the disgrace of his kinsman the Eaii 
of Kerhtll. who has embezzled trust 
funds and is unable to make them good. 
Exposure and ruin Is threatened. The 
captain loves the earl's .wife> and to 
shield liiiB'an4-aB«» lMr.fkaB ttw eon- 
sequences "of lieir 1nullMiia*s iBTlme tie 
assumes the charge and leaves Eng- 
land, a fugitive from Ju^ce. 

The scene then changes to a mining 
town in Wymnlnir lAaa'Captatn Wyn- 
negate .Is known . to his - associates as 
Jim Carston and to whom he is an 
IdoL liater It shifts to Jim's ranch 
where the final events take place. Jim 
has married a squaw, but the story 
ends with the death of his wife who 

boy to England to be educated in real 
English fashion. Her simple mind can 
not fathom the reasons and dis sa 
only the separation which she can not 
l>ear. Jim's cousin, the earl, dies after 
a confession of his crime and Ills for- 
tune belongs to Jim for the as king . 

It is a brilliant and daring play. Mr. 
Faversham's part suits him weU. His 
is a strong and manly character, and he 
presents it in a strong and manly fash- 
ion. Mr. Campbell, as Big BUI, made 
a hit in the part. Hla makeup was 
good and he surprised even his friends 
with bla vMd pottiaytl of the roua^ 
western Udlaa. SOIene Johnson was a 
most attractive countess and Mabel 
Morrison's portrayal of Nat-u-rltch, 
the chlers daughter whom Jim Cars- 
ton iiiaiilaa. naa an aiinallsnt ploee of 

The Saaamnui ii a success. It win 

in all XII iilialiWIIj asrve as Mr. Faver- 
sham's t'Tit'''y plaoe next season. 
Thef* anii «C ooorae; a taw places 
whicft iHB aaaS nwMon, tat.tbe plot te 

IN MEMbinr OF immmaoH 

Burtal Serviees 

The body of Joseph Jefferson ar- 
rived in Buzzard's Bay. April 29, from 
Boston, to which city it had I>een ship- 
ped tnm FlOTida. It was Immediately 
to Cta0* Hwt, tta MBanon 

held Sunday afternoon 
privately taken to Bay 
Sandwich. Mass., -whefa> 
leceotly pnr chaaa fl. 

with the 



Players' Club Memorial 
The officers of the Players" Club, of 
which Joseph Jefferson was president. 

Ittttle Chnrtib Aroimd The'^Oomer in 

New Tork City. The services were 
largely musical. The theatrical pro- 
fession were generally Invited and a 
large numbeor attmded. Services were 
conducted hr Bey. Dr. Houghton. The 

To Eraet 

Rlclunond. Va., where Joseph Jeffer- 
son was long manager of the Marsliall 
Theatre, and where one of bis children 

mesMwy. Tlie money win he iaited lor 

popular subscription in contributing 
the price of tickets bought by those 
who enjoyed his acting. Responses so 
far Iiave been more anmerous than 
many e^qieeted and axe **~"*"H' in dally. 
The aancaal ptan to to aMct a 
• BIp 'Vha mntfa 

The house in which Joe Jefferson 
was bom. at 6th and Spruce streets, 
Philadelphia. Fa., is to be sold at auc- 
tion this month. A subscription list 
atattad in that dty to bny 
tliB Jionaa ana eoimr ttinto a.tlMatrt- 

Tlut H ailow lu g tributes by well-known 
pi'uftsiloniTa have been uttered since 
the death of that much known and 
well loved character, Joseph Jefferson: 

Bobert Mantell — Jefferson's dostb wlH be de- 
plored by the whole profession throngbont Amer* 
ica. For twentx-five years I haye known him.*! 
and for twenty-&Te years I lisTe loied and 
Tcntimtcd blm. 

tie, CbIca(D— What 'can*yc«i say ataat a ana 
Uke that? His career wsa abiolntdy nalqne. 
Tbere Is no odc 700 can compare bXm irlth. 
I knew him for twentr-five reaia and he was 
a man of a very lorable natizre. He had few 
U any eccentricities. The facts of his lone 
Ufe aie almost as sweet as a Bible stotr. 

Viola Ann— The sad news of Mr. JieCetaoD's 
deaOi eoiBCB as a giaat skock to ae. Btm leas 
•m ke fdt kccnir hy an tbe plajcn aad play- 
■MH, an of wfeon tofcd fetai. Ikt waM la 
laser hr' a noble artist and a Christian sortie- 
man. After the last perfOeauaee In which I 
appeared with him — It was ne BIrals end I 
had the role of Lydla LanicalSb— he took off 
the lace faU which he had worn about bis 
neck, with a beaotifol pin in it. and presented 
them to me as a parting clft. That sweet 
(bataetittBtlc of bis .aattca OU. 

•ir^SSv^W ^ffieamMMSSTat 
U ae q a ala t a aeea or Menda wave in need 
be was always ready with hla pottothook. 
Eth^ DaiiJ aMjtf ts an actor hla aaae win 


a sttias tzibat* «• SB aiial; sa aatw ad's 

IfelBk hMr efcty aaa, a nas aad <ftM la 

conn try win miss a dear old friend. 

John Drew — Mr. Jefferaon's death has left a 
vacancy In the American stage that can ocTer 
be filled and the entire coontry mooms hla loas. 

Charles Bornham — I shall always treasure In 
memory the charm of hla company. Mo wanner 
heart or more ainecec man ever lired. 

Danlal Frohman — As the Intimate friend of 
Booth he was deeply Interested In the Players' 
Clnb. He was oor president, and all Ita coondls 
were always animated by hla sympathy for aU 
measnrea that coacemed the weltaia of bis 
bratbcr ■tmbtrs, eapertally the aetata. 

wntoa lA^aye — Ha bad no peer am Iftar 
Ush sttce. He was as sopolac Is Us itsto as 

Coqoella la in Ftaaea. 

DaTid Bdaaeo— For the aablHtir aC bli ctew 
aeter, fir tbe booor aad dlgBlty be bas bti l a a a d 
Dpon tbe Anerteaa stage, ftir tbe apUftlas cz* 
ample of bis prlrate and pobUe Ufa, Joaepb 
Jeffenon stood alone In hla profCaaloo. He 
lesTca a place that csji never QBlte ba filled. 

Mrs. Leslie Carter— The 
lost Its moat beantltol d 
and achlevementa should be 
example for eTery actor. 

A. Ik EilaBfcr — ncTer knew a better «r aon 
eharitahle nan. 

Winiam Gillette — Oar lean eaa not be esti- 

B. H. Battels Hs l e e i idit la a war tbat 
be waataA to sMCsal. Bst Is a ant M. 
He has wm a tsaSMa. aat -■aiMMaa..<taa> 


Harry J. Powers — It Is Imposatble for me to 
adeQoately express my sorrow that so splen* 
did a man aa JeCCnon has sooe. I bSTa known 
blm for many faM » aad tot Mtm, bath aa a 
man and an aSIM. X 1 


Pauline Sights is lying III at tlie St 
Barnabas hospital, Minneapolis, Minn, 
where she underwent a very severe 
operation April 19. This is the third 
operation n three years tliat the well- 
Imown actress tias l>een forced to un- 
deigo, and it is hoped that this last 
one vrill restore her to health once 
nioi«. Miss Sights is improving nicely 
and expects to be able to leave her- 
room in a weak or so. She will spend 
par of- flw ■OOMr with Mr. sights, 
who goes oat iHa tta Bennett Dra- 
matic Co. under canvas, this bdns hla 
fifth summer with Mr. Bennett. 


The Three Renos have been forced 
to discontinue their tour of South 
America on 
Mrs. Dottle : 


W, W. TUlotson, one of the i 

llgaies in Chicago 

aiaA astortaar. April XI at tta 

randi et Ids aon. W. A. TUMauu. bmt 

lUae, CoL ^ 

Mr. TiUotson Is well known to tna 
profession, which be served for 
He was one of the 

Dearborn, now the — - . - 

Chicago. Some years ago he exploited 
Evangeline with great success, and 
sometime previous to that "as COT- 
nected with the operatic to« «*_;Ab- 
bey. Schoeffel & Grau. He o^""'* 
identified with the enterprises of Henry 
Raeder in Pittsburg eight years ago. 
and In 1899 took the manage ment of 
the Dearborn. Among the impwi ' 
productions with which he was 
n« ■ " 

Tendotfbot, Tha 

and The Forbidden L,and. 

Apoplexy caused the death of Mr. 
TUlotson. He was sUty years of age 


Hedwlg Kleman Baabe. a i _ 
Id Berlin, Germany. April 91. ' 
than sixty years a£ ace. 

Barry S. Hnll. of the Cari Claire Band, at 
Bamnm & Bailey's Show, died ot-poeaoGOla 
In BeUerne hospital. Mew Tork. Apett 91k 

Wilfred W. Charles, tkkct sdltr « 
Theatre. Flint, Uleh., died ApcO VL 

Wm. McOwen, formerly a 
clown. lUed at his home la 
ApiU SOl ot pnenmonla. 


B.^BRr — SMITH— Chris M. Smith. mana(er 
of the Smith Greater Amosemeot Enterpri5e, 
to Miss Jessie E. Barry, ot Baderrllle. Ala., 
AprU 18. The memtera of the company pre- 
sented the couple with a handsome aUrer sen Ice. 

I«VOBIt-4KBWIXTWoe teVKt. ■anbw.of 
T. U. A. — ' 




The itraider peiftii iiuuire of A Cour- 
ier of Fortune was given at the Russell 
Theatre, Ottawa, Quebec, Can., April 
29, v/itti Balpb Stuart In tbe tlt]e role. 
FoUowbw to tb* MMtt 
Gerard a» '0*e1> ■>»»»»»■»»»'<■'»— •• B»lph Stuart 
P rl i ic c de Socfedte •••••••••^v^* Owcge IfCHcy 

Minrnli * — — 

.Alt. BUton 

.A. H. Fortt 
Junn WaU 

de Hallneonrt KatR Boneteaq 

Ti«»n» de BoladeKarde Mabel WrUrbt 

j^aephloe de Coortelle Uary Mallon 

Mice Prebonae Oertrnde Stanley 

Tbe play is a romantic drama by 
Btoait and Artbur H. Marcb- 
It te ftall of love and Intrigue 
of centuries ago. The Duke of Bour- 
bon sends his younger son, Gerard, to 
■Jtoval to Investigate the misrule of 
tt» CMnnMi; Mag» ds BselieUe. 
known far Ur linitBlttleB as Tba Tiger 
of Morval. The Governor's troops 
arrest a profligate, Gerard de Cobalt, 
to whom GabrieUe has been betrothed 
in chndbood. : Tbe Governor liaa sent 
for him to sh«w her the ImposslbUlUea 
of marriage to such a scoundrel In or- 
der to further his own scheme to di' 
vorce his wife, a princess, and marry 

Papers are found upon Cobalt re- 


trndar' the dlnetfaul' of ifr. Arthur 
Cullen tbe employes of the Dowllng 
Theatre, l-iogansport, Ind., gave their 
annual minstrel show April 26. The 
prodaeOon . was veiy credable and 
proved a flaanelal snccesa for the par 
tlcipants. Manager John B. Dowllng, 
as interlocutor, Charles SoUmano, Jo- 
seph Liatz and the Began Brothers as 
end men scored a decided hit. The 
song, entitled Just Across The Bridge 
of Oold. sang by Manager Dowllng. 
brought rounds of applause and was 
the winning feature oC the ■how. The 
audience wam OB* of ttaiilaiBaat OC the 

1MB goes to HorvaT as 'Gerard de Co- 
balt keeping the real Cobalt a prisoner. 
He plays up to the part of the profli- 
gate except that he will not meet Ga- 
brieUe. So the Governor baa to hold 
a reception to bring the two together. 
The feasting Mirages the starving peo- 
ple; who surround the castle until Qa- 
brielle sees their leader slain by the 
Governor's order. She rushes to the 
ballroom eager to leave lest the people 
ika . eonnte- 

Of great confusion 
J tte upper hand. The 
Qeveiuur forbids anyone to leave the 
OMlla. Gerard, fascinated at the first 
aigtat of Gabrl^e. offers to escort her. 
To prevent this the Governor prnxdaims 
Gerard the scotmdrel, but GalnMIe ac- 
cepts his escort in splte'of ttiis action 
OB the Governor's piut. 

Ti iBS begins their love The second 
'■cane to the Cotmal reception of Gerard 
as her betrothed. He- seeks to tell her 
who he really is, but she will not listen. 
The Governor sees them together. Is 
enraged at their mutual love and sends 
ArUs soldiers to arrest Gerard for a 
marder committed by the real Cobalt. 
The Governor reveals his purpose by 
offering Gerard liberty In return for a 
promise of Gabrielle's band. This 
Gerard refuses. GabrieUe carries a 
nnsage from his Mends to Gerard in 



Tbe following letter would make it 
appear that traveUlng theatrical com- 
panies visiting ChlU are treated with 
gross unfairness. For the benefit of 
those managers who contemplate _ 
visit to the southern republic the let- 
ter of Mr. W. B. Wood^'-pnvsletor and 
manager of the.aOna * Wood Co.. te 

"I aiTlTed at Plsatnia, ClUll, on Sept. 8, 1803, 
OD my toartb taut tluougb that BepobUc. and, 
oo disembarking, was required by tbe Cnatoma 
autliorltlea of tbat port to sign a bood In tbelr 
faTor for tbe mm of «eoo CbUlan gold, as a 
snarantee thmt my peraooal bawage and that 
pertainlnc to my work would be taken oat of 
tbe eoontiy at tlM expiration of six montbs 
fMin 'date. tbe band bearing tbe date ol the 
Sw follaelng ny utItU. Tbis wu tbe tint 
aatf . oolr baoS oC tlila daacriptlon that baa 
been reqnlKd boa me l«y toe CliUIan ao- 
tbocitlea. aa prertoMly stated; I was then on 
my (onrtb tour tbnosb the eonntry. 

"I alsned tlie bood as reqoeated, deposltlnc 
tlie money at tbe Plsacna Inancb of tbe Bank ot : 
Tarapaea. I duly explained tliat I only wlabed 
to play in a few towni In- tbe Pampas if tbe 
ittterlar. and tbat, upon my retom. we woold 
emitark for sootbem porta, wben I sbonld re- 
qaire my bood to be canceled. Promises baring 
beeo made that my request would be granted, 
.that Che bood coald. If desired, ever be ex- 
tended to a term of nine montbs. and tbat 
on tlie toUowlog day, tbe necessary papers duly 
drawn np woold be forwarded to me, we left 
by train for oor first town, Dolores. From tbat 
point, we eventually proceeded further and re- 
tomed iu slueteen days later, in order to re-em- 
bark at Caleta Bnena. tbe first port sovtb of 

From Caleta Baena, 1 wrote to tbe Pisagna 
antliorities, ceqnesting tbem to cancel my liond. 
as I traoonA snaavus with tlie antlMxltles ot 
each pott at I— Mag. It bad Invulabiy been 
my praetlee oa pKTioos oe eail a a a, Tbe Plaagna 
anthoritlca paatttrcly nfna ad ts caaed wtj bond 
nntu tlie ex^iatloa of dx aMatht tnm tbe date 
of aignataiVk luaag a tU te o< oar;- iBWlitlBa to 
leaTe the 


MABKk HalONUnr TaiV«rAit 

XcKInley. the weU- 
__, „ — — who has been In vaude- 
vuie tbe past season. Is reported to be 
ttuder a five-years' contract with W. 
H. Mank evUle to star under his man- 
■•■niMt In a new comedy drama by 
WMTon Fleming, author of Sis Hopkins 
MM other successes. The new piece 
*>« caUed The Minister's "Wife. {Ad 
?»«eit is not a musical producUon. it 
vnm oo^ the singer ample opportunity 
«w the display of her voice, which has 
d^«f„°^ J" vaudevlUe. The pro- 
.2^ «lven Its first perform- 

MCe n«t fall and wUl go into New 
iwk about Nov. 1. Miss McKlnleya 
■»«-act entrance wUl be in a pony 
^Ir ">*_y*«a«to of wlllcb the villain 
SSSt? to the asrtent that Miss 

McKinley suffMs Injoiy. . 

The setting of tte awsdna act will 
»WPe?ent one of the New York roof 
grdens during a performance. In this 
gy^'^'Mnent the star wlU again be- 
J^"*%jaada«rtlte singer and Introduce 
•^i^ber « kar ntoat popular songs. 

*uree new vooal. ^ ' ' " " 

■ow writing, 
• successes, 
^ha Jtoister's Wife Is in three acts, 
Se n^iiJ^!^* announced that 
•Uged.^"*^- be etoboeitely 

Edward K. Belts, who bag been a 
P^'T.ber Of the Frohman toKSMThas 
^ en^ged as the toadlnrmA fta 


tb* papers t» Ikat Bart. 'aaMli 
that sonetbiag adglK be doaa : 


"A few weeks later I applied to tbe anthorl 
ties at Talparalso, to have my Pisagna bond 
canceled, offering in lieu thereof, a similar 
bood signed at Valparaiso, but my application 
was refused. It was roy Intention to bare, left 
ChUl wuhlji Che six months coTered br ^my 
bond, but matters lieyond my control preTeoted 
me from doing so. 

••We were at Coptapo on March 1, 190*. ten 
days before tbe date on which the Pisagna 
bond expired. Reallxing tbat it would not be 
possible to leare Chilian teiritoiy within tbe 
time decreed by tbe bond, I applied liy wire 
Iwtb to the authorities at Valparaiso and at 
pisagna, for an extension of the time. Ftom 
Valparaiso I was Intonued tliat tbe matter 
must be arranged at Pisagna. and from Plaagna 
I waa adTtsed that I mn*t apply for the ex- 
tensioQ at Valpaialfo. I totwaidea the Pisagna 
reply to Valparaiaaw aad Mat' the Talparalso 
answer to Ftngaa. Ike rcaalt beiag that I was 
flnallr laCatacd ttnai Piaagcu that my bond 
eoaU aot be eateaded. under clrenmstaneea be- 
y«ad tia tem eC ilz months, and tbU final In- 
Haaallw reached me on the day that tbe time 
tt Mr bMMl expired. 

"ITpoa my arriral at Pisagna. a few dayi 
days later, on- AprU 4, wUcfa place I was pass-, 
ing on tbe way to Arlca. tbe last town ot my 
tour, I went ashore in order to enquire Into tbe 
position in reference to my tmnd and the deposit 
made, and learned to my surprise tbat the 
mnoey had been paid orer, on demand, to the 
Pisagna antborlties tbat tbe bondetaolnetnloa 
Plaagua authorities on tbe date on which tbe 
bond had expired. I was InTormed by said au- 
thorities that the l>ond could not be. and could 
not bare been extended under any circumstances. 
On April 13 I embarked on the S.S. ••Loa" for 
Pern, taking all these goods out of Chill. 

"Upon placing the foregoing statement of 
facts t>efore tbe American Consul at Arica, he 
asslated me by applying, thtoogb^a« proper 
channels, for the rerundlag ot the tHW deposit, 
and I rmlTcd in due coocM, a icpir at Xa Fas, 
boUtU. Eneioaed with a letta* ftoai tbe Amer- 
ican UlDlster at SaatlagOk waa a tranHatloa of 
a reply reccired by tha Mlaialcr. ttom Senor 
Ceaar de la Lastia, Oblllmi Uialatcr of Foreign 
ASalm. is which be quoted Art. 17. r*w of 
Deecnber 9S. lasT, part of wbleh reads as fol- 
lows: — "The dcpoilt ot meicbandlse.' coasigned 
to prtrate warehooaes, is also allowed for tbe 
peclod of sU montbs- without prorogation.' Then 
he adds, presumably Itis own interpretation ot 
the law, that 'among such merchandise is in- 
cluded tbat. of theatrical companies' thus dassl- 
fylDg theatrical baggage aa merchandise. This 
Is not the war ta treat thaatileal companies, 
the baggage a< w>l*;j.l »> g l a H l !j li;lat o_ the 
country for a pailaB'aC'Mai>Malaar4MtMr leas, 
nor more. 

As there ate no raHwaya br-wbleh one can 
leave the coaatrr. It 1* ImpocMUe to leare upon 
the day, upon tbe hour, or upon tbe exact min- 
ute prescribed by such an unsatisfactory law. 
This rule appears to me to be Identical with 
that whet* Portia, the Indse. In the declstaa as 
ac a cartiik aritt tdia Obrl i tk 
aC'tak tat it tha stilts ta 

te the 

torn but In the estimstion of a hair he M to die, 
I therefore must bow down to tbe ruling of 
those Custom House autborities, who declare 
that this apparent robbery waa leglttauita." 


Monday, May 1, marked tbe first appearance 
ot the Blngling Brotliera' World's Oreateat 
Shows in Cincinnati. Heretofore the name Blng- 
ling. wlilch means so much in tbe circus world, 
to the general public ot tbe Queen City of The 
West, meant but yery little, and many were 
tbe exclamations of surprise and wonder to t>e 
heard at the magnificence and length of the 
great street pageant with which tlie Menrs. 
Blngling Brothers whetted oor enrloalty. The 
luring prcunise held ont by that grand spectacle 
was fulfilled to tbe letter. 

The weather was almost ideal drcna weather, 
bright and clear, tboogb light wrapa were not 

nnromf octable. However, dndnnatt tomed ont 
en masse and, at tbe matinee, erery seat waa 
taken long before time for the performance to 
begin. The evening performance waa given to 
S. B. 0.. and Judging ttom the nnmbeia wlw 


much might be aald did 
tt, yet la passing we must speak ot 
aad otter disregard ot expense with 

•iMtMfc iee bear aad* a pate aC 

coHectloa ot eat anlmala la naniaanr lanw and 
IwauUfnl, the most norel teatnre being two lit- 
ters ot lion cubs. 

Taken all In all, tbe atteraoon spent by the 
writer aa the guest of the Rjngllng Brothers 
a moat InstmetlTe aad enjoyable one. the 
picaaaia oC which It la aat ena dbnacd by tbe 

W. 49tb 
ave.. N. I, 

N. Y. 

Di am o n d Novelty Co., Syracuse, N. X.; eapU 
tai ¥20,000. Operate parks, amnaementa and 
hotels. Inccrrpomtors— A. D. Mills, Jr.. Al- 
bany; Jotin J. Hamuton, Jaa. F. HamUton, Ohas. 
H. Beald and B. H. Deabom. Schenectady. 

Vanlty> Fair Amnsement Co., Botfalo,- N. X.J 
capital $4,000. Aiunsement parks. Inccc- 
poratora — Daniel B. DrlacaU, Geo. H. Hedley. 
Anarggras Anarggras and John H. Brogan* 

Britlah Automatic Tandevllle CO., Portland, 
Ore.; capital 1900,000. Operate alot macblnca. 
Incorpomtors — ^M. W. Baldwin and H. E. MaM>n.. 
Pensacola Amusement Co., Pensacola. Fla.; 

capital glT.OOO. Build and operate opcta T ' 

M. Coe, Nick amlth at 

The foUowtnctettern' 
have been received by TKe'^BIIltkMura 
with the request that they be published 
In this column. The Billboard will not 
publish letters tmaigned by their , an- 
thor nor signed by A;>,BaiAar..^JL Bsi^.: 
fOrmei;.etc.' . ' ^-l:-:^:. .::-:, ' 

western cbrcnlt' we liave had 
epwrtnr flTe new honaea. and tbe «ae at J 
haa. Waak, nest we^ wm be the dzth. aad 
an ot tbem- have eertalUIr been am 1 1 aaflil ' 

We base aot lest any than alace we opanad'-: 
for yoa at the Stir neatre ia SeatOe. Waik, :^ 
week of Ih btqtiy.aOt Mid_ar», lioa>ad n» aaUlT; 


TooiB raspeetmny. 


Klaw Sc Erianger wm present a most import- 
ant array of attractiona next seasoo, for which 
they are making extensive preparatlona and 
engaging an extraordinarily large ntunber of 
people. Ben-Hor wUl be continued, and wOI 
begin Its seventh yesr in September. The Drury 
Lane spectacle, Hnmpty I>nmpty4 will be pre- 
sented in several of the principal dtlea for 
long mna. and. in addition to this, tlie . new 
spectacle. Tbe White Cat, to he " 
this summer, will be tbe hoUOay ettaaeiiaf at 
the New Amsterdam Theatre. 

FoUowlni^ their i>ollCT of the part 

seasons, Klaw & Erianger will make a new 
production for the Bogers Brothers, to be called 
the Rogers Brothers in Ireland. This wHl be 
tbe most pcetentloos production these comedians 
hare ever liad. and will present a larger nnml>er 
of people ~ than has ever santranded them. 
Joseph Cawthome will be made a fnU-ficdgcd 
star in a new comedy by John 3. McNally. 
called In Tammany HaU. >MeIntyre and HCatb. 
tbe famons black face comedians, will apen 
tbe season at tbe New York Theatre In a new 
spectacular fatee coocdr by George T. Hobart, 
to be called Tbe Bkm Tree. Other Important 
mnaieal prodnetlOBS to bo preaented by this 
firm are Seetag New Yock. a anslear 
by Barry B. Smith: The Bnttcifly «C 
new DBslcal ccowdy by O. ' K. B. ' 
and .Gnatave Kofecr, aad 
by Cewge lI.:,Ch>an. «■ 

Ltttla Jpbaaar ' T eac a , _ ^. ^ ... 

By airangcnwntwtth Cfccna. Whrafetai^.ts 
I ioa d o n, Klaw a' Haagsr .wlll j 

moat fanpertant toee 
Dantalc which Jatt dcacd tor a lacnthS' 
at Daly'a Tbcatw to Maw Tcik^.aad Tar- 
oolqne, whlA, like <lw taSMT. la.a.ll^ opeia 
with aa hMadcai . thcBW. Tbe caae of The' 
Docfaesa aC Dantale will be peaetieBlly tte came 
that teca'at Daly^ heeded by Bda Ctecene 



wm-be aecB to tta Irtril— t«ae a< lUa piseCk 
whleb apcaa to Raw Xeek to the aaily toU. 

In addition to tbe two Oiaiy lrai 
The White Oat. which, wm pcnia 

Drory I,ane h ' 

Dumpty, KIaw.-*.<Mavpg'.ll^:lBie.a''aM^ a 
dlsUnetlvely Aactl(aa'^Ktodatiin, Vial 
Weet, W. W. . BaadMr . aaa.-- jRaa -W»v I 
to be caned Tba SMtf-aaa 9ha Baawkto. It la 
the iDicatloa of Klaw;ft'aMaaitr-;t»'«ke thic 
tb»o CTcatcst aattie aptt to at eca^^ staa ,to thic 
V? MB apaa «a scMca' at tha 

actor, to'- a 
add to thic 


be mads by tH(': 
sent , tbe gnateat 

made tr a aingia t . _ 

number of. people ever cm^lcirc^ Ity aee .maiv 



Conesns Tdko Entertainment Co., Rocbeater. 
T.; capital ¥50.000. Hotel, livery and 
amusements. Incorporators — Walter S. Straw- 
ger. AlTln W. Andenitm. William X Malbb^- 
Ralph A. Woods and Charles S. Gilbert. ■■ 
Roltair Amusement Co., Portlaad, .Ote.t 'OBiil* 
tal $10,000. Condnet theatres sad mmmmSi 
houses. Ineorpontors — J. A. OMaMk' A^. H 
Snook and R. K.. Saceent.- 

- - - 

Butte. Hunt. April 22. 1905. 

Editor The Billboard. 

Dear Sir — I liave read the articles in yodr : 
paper in regard to tbe western vaudeville dr- 
cnlta with Interest. It woold have been better 
for aU concerned bad this matter I>een "aired" .' 
long ago ttirough tbe colomns .of yonr Talnafale , 
paper. Persobally I have no cause to complain. ' 
aa. 1 have "liammered away** on the coast tba 
paat nineteen montha. 1 do know acta have 
been aliamefnlly treated. Good acts have been 
thrown dosm by Ignorant mansgers and nn* 
scmpolooa agents. Tbe letter In a recent date 
written by Archie Levy tells tiie tmtb to a 

Inctinc that yon wm pnhllafa this latto^ 

I aat:-v-i ''.-.-^-.v: ' -Tonra Tery.-traly,-^-,: -^' . 

Chicago, AprU 13. ISOS. ' 

Editor Tbe BiUboaxd, 

Dear Sir — I note several letten in your vain- 
able paper written by performera. waznlns all 
eastem acts not to go west owing to bad treat- 
ment they are supposed to have received .tnd the 
bad treatment that la supposed to awai^ those 
who don't heed tlie warning sounded In said let- 
ters. I. for one. wish to refute tlieae aaacrtioaa^ 
and la truth wUl cay, that if yon base tbe goods 
and reUere yoniadf of the impieasloa that aoth*. 
tag bat cowlHwa aad Indians attend the, thajtra 
and .that aayttilag goes, yon wtU ncdsa good - 
ttealmeat, gaod salary, ahoct Jai 
^iwiMtgk *inooey to aast to 

tvi a few weeks, of good tiBM:^''' 
• . ^naia Mlp> 

aeti " 
was good 
enough for a 

.. . . .j^ 

Another laatanea 
Is vrhen aeasa dan - - 
arrtvea tome set Is thnvm back a week or the - 
salary cut; or irorae still, ia canceled. . Ita wdl \ 
enough to say tbat if yoa can dcUra the'gooda ; : 
yon can get the cola at the resdin. etc. ^bat 

There Is a wealth oti acta; good coca. < 
tao; that aM bookad-to the eoaat and act . told .'pleaty of work what they arrlTe then. 
And' anay .at these acta bave gotten back this 
far and are brake, wm aoae one of the dan 
tell 'me or any other cane- man Iww a performer 
am, pay, -a 'zoead-tilp fare from Denver to 
VltlMa aa^im aad atUl pay. their local expenses 
" ~ (oa ap to three' times that amount, pay- 
tag on an average ot $10 per week for board and 
baggage, stand tram one to four weeks' lay-off. 
and play atx or eight weeks' engagement at 
calarles offered that are seldom above g3S a 
week or Seo for a team? And then sometimes 
tliey get. cat. Let us say he gets bark to Den- 
ver. Where can he jnmp to after be has played 
the circuit? For the benefit of all 1 wOI state 
right here: Don^t forget your fare to Missouri 
river points from fSZ to S31. to say nothing ot 
sleepers. We have some sbie managers that do 
pay fair salsrieK snd do Just aa they agree, 
and are to be commended. Yet. with- all this. 
Iww are you to save a dollar, much less make a 
Uring. I mil be pleased to give anyooe. any 
data in my power at anytime as to any . oC: this 
western business, and especially W .tha!dear^,«M'^< 
BlUboard. I send this in at tbe tailiyt f II UM S I.! ^ 
«t a aaaibcr of pectocmets. : V- '^r".^.--^jc; ;* 

- I SB aa-aiar. W'lijji^z'^i' 

tipltms^ Bpi«K*-.'*!r 


Xtte Billboard 

\ftkBmboard''/-orworit matt (• 

HrcWi/*. Mtmhmtaf Ikr profi 

— »(*' road is *aw a«<r ciaa addrc 



A Bac*,Par Z4(c (SoUItu, Bcrrli ft Woods'), 
: ;. .lMa Victor, nsr.': Keir York Olty. 1-9. 
'^<Ja AtMocimtte Tnnp, Kilter * Brltcoa. mgn.-. 
; J.V taalM. Ncb.^ 8; Mcbnika Oltr 4; 

».'(XlBcela B; Kuns Ottr. Mo., 7-18. 
: .--intnt. VMa, Obmm. w. Alien, mgr.: Mnwcnkee, 
> - Wb., 14; TM«do. O.. 6; Oetnlt. ICIclu. 8-10; 

" CUTrUnd, O., 11-13. 
/ American stock Co.: BocMllii . Ml 
JkdamB. Maude, Obu. FntanutL IMTig" rlllfW 

». J.. 8; Ncwwk 4-«. 
Arlaooa (Butcni). UcItUI* B. Baynond. prop.: 

Acrou The FacUe. Huir City Sluey. mcr.: 

Btooklrn. K. X., !-«. 
At 01(1 Point Onnfort: Nowark. N. 7.. !-«. 
Ab AmmosD Minuter: Kanna CItr, Uo., 1-8. 
>:A. Jolly American Tramp: New York OUj. 1-8. 
>A Bamance ot ODoa Oaflow, A. 0. AUca. mgt.i 
'. Waatilnftao, Pa.. 4; WainwUHiTC 8.- 
A TttaDd of Tbe FanUlr, w. B. GORnaa, mcr.: 

Xtaealo, Can.. 16. 
A Little Ostcaat: St. Glaod. Minn.. 8. 
r.v- Alcaaar Stock Co.. Belaaco * Mayer, 
Ban rtancisco, Oit, Indef. 
. AnsUn, Maiwant, F. Ij. Pcrlcr. msr, 

Tubt* 'Okoa at Mara aad .tk* 'I 
j: i£lltw T«(k OU7. Aprn U; Mac 


Baiaaco Theati*. Welaafo A 

- t; - Angelce, Ckl., ladef. 
'.: Berteler Z,Tc*am Stock Oo., 

mgr.: New York city, ladaf. 
Beraaid. Sam. Chai^ lYotimaa, a^tr.: Mew Xctk 

Oltr. ifay 1. Indtt. 
BUoa Tteatra: AUadelpUa. Pa., lodet, 
Blataep Stock Co.: Oakland. CaL, tndef. 
Blown Amuaement Co., B. Brown, mfr.: Pa- 
fU . dncah, Ky.. lodtif. 

k'. BcntOk'l. Perce R.. Oomedlana. P. B. Bentoa. 

mgr.: Plttaborg, Kan., 80-May 8; Joplln. 
pt: > Mo., 7-8. 

Btttey, Jade, Stock Ooi. J. W. tmttVt mgr.: 

4':" .N:''Bate«. UUnctie, OarM BthaOK ■gi^i 4MMV. 
IlL. 3i-May 8. " 
Batca, BUncbe, DaTld Belaaco, mgr.: Nerw 
; York City. 24-May 8. 

-Barimore, Btkcl. Clias. Frohman, msr.: New 
York our. 1-IS. 
r><: Waghaia. ABcUa: Obleago. m.. 1-18. 

B indley , fl awoeew Itorreater ft Mltteattal. 

iitSS^. laSfS^^ CI. 

■ : "^^mm^p!!!'iS^ ■ ' - " 

Berry Stack Oow: B f^l BIn JbI^' W." .I- 
OaIiBB«t Stack Co.. jate «L C— aw. I 

CUcago. ni.. Indat. 
Carter, Mis. WaUe. OaTid Belaaeo, a^.: Kew 
- York Oltr, Jan. 9. Indef. 
; -Onrlnnatl Oermas Stock Go., O. B, Sclunid, 
. ''X'W 'iV^' avr-: Buffalo. N. Y.. 8-7: Dayton, o.. 8; 

' '^ 'CluctnaaU 8; BnnirUle, Ind., 10; lodlan- 
r<.';'y apoUa U; Memptala. Tens.. 13; NaahTille IS. 
'It 'Cl^CBla* Diamatlc Co., M. H. Carts, mgr.: North 
: Bead. Neb.. 8; Cblomboa 4; FuUerton S; 
>J.. Oenoa «; St. Bdward 8; Peterabuz S: EI- 

- gin 10. 

Castle aqoare Stock Co.: Bojtoo. Misa., ladefL 
Oeatrat Stock Co.. Belaseo ft Mayer, 
San Ftandsco, CaL. Indat, 
' - OeOler. \nn., Cbas. neUaaa, mgct 

i^^Mlgi^llBMiWi* On.: OaMII; lUck. Indet. 
' V' V' -^^'CHMM'.-MMk Ox: .BuiMn. Pa.. !•«. 
^^?lv>{WGdin''llcnaatle Obw. W. Oanabaa. mcr.: 
■'i ' IP"^ Bladtwdl, OklaTM. 

r-'^^^iaaikafc-'. BenT' Oanoa: Bt. Paal. BOaa.. l-*; 
W&VinNapalla 4-T: Oolath »». 

- . 'r.'^^Wtanatt Stock On. fCMll I » ImBQ) 

. ; Hartford City. tad.. 1-t; .mt^ 

I \ ', v;-<)kleap> Stock Oo., Cbaa. K 
KoRlstowB. Pa.. !.«. 
ODHatoek. Nanoette. la Tbe Crisis, Jamea K. 

Beckett, mgr.: Plttairaig. Pa., l-d. 
€naman. Henrietta. Manitet "ttrtTl*! ■ 
-'■fi^iii'i.-^rvff**^ Kan.. S; Kaaaaa. CM^MtbTMl 
':'s 'i'%OklaDbelL Mrs- Patrick. Ote. ffMhaaa.' ■ 
ritttbmt. Pa., 1-B. 
rviHCeafeaalooa ot a Wife. A, 
* BaWmoce. Md., 1* 
r/;K.<]teckcnv wttb Ttwmaa W. Boas, KMDe ItaflkallCb 
\ mgr.: ToraoMkJiHk. :Mk • 

Oeok-Cbaicti Stock Co.. &. W. Taylor, mgr. 
y' " WUkc«tiarT«. Pa., 1-*. 

. ^ , IChROU Omnedy Co.. loa CairoU. mn-s Fan 
•■^'^y:::^Jtvr. O.. l-S: PaAei iM8B. W.;WLr:*«L- . 
-'.>. ::n CBrtcr*a OHDedlana. P. C. OntN^'^-V^t 
■ ' ' tin. t*x.. 1. lnd«r 

Cbaae-Uster: Cellar Baplds. la.. 1<. 
OnbBian ft dalrv: St. Joaepii. Mo.. ao-JUy IS. 
OaortMy^ Stock Ok: Dalotb. Mian., 1-8. 

H. Woods, mgr. 


. ^^ii^-srv- iiiJt ■WJitw Bfr.: Ottawa. Ont, 
'■ B»., tt81 >a^^.<|B>by 4.8L 

IMm^'' BMnnad A CUSaad. aagis.: 

.-wfc P«.,"l.«: £SSeM^^ 

■BUa; J^ba, Cbaa. Etebaua. a^.; 

V-ifr- Oi., 8. 

D^Onay. lAwreaee. Klrke LaSbelle. mgr.: Ibdl- 

aoB. WlL. S: Sagtaaw. MIcb.. 11. 
Dadley Dramatic Co.. Frank Itadlcy, 
Sccanton. Miss.. M-May 6. 
. OeToode, Cbcetcr. Stock On., FUt btiy. 
- ; St. Joha. N. B.. M-May & v_- ■., ■ . 
v "DeOraase. Josepb. Fred- A- 'JairtlC 
Oawego. N. X., S. 
Darkeet Bnsaia. W. C. Oanalofbam. mgr. 

Brooklyn. N. Y., 1-8. 
Dvra By T«e Sea, PbU Htmt. mft.i Konbtal. 
.■Vv Can.. 1-8. 

t^'taly. AiaaU. IMder -ft Oa^^ 
Xeck aty. Jkn. 18. tndet. 
DaTte. Banr. Stock Co.: Pltt*«BT> Fa., iBdet. 
Dooglat. Byron. Stock Oo^: Detroit. MIeb.. tadeC 
Dtnacr^ Xbtatce Stock 08,: ' ' 

. '. MeeeB. Bobtn. Beair B, M 
Maaa,. AptU S, tndet. 

Kekbardtft Hawkla^ IMH WN* 9» CBd B. 

F. Hawkina, propa. and mtn.s Akndeen. 

Wartu, 1.8. 

BcUpse Stock Co., Uoyd ft Genter. ngta.: Mani- 

aeld. la., 1-3; Sbrereport 4-8. 
BUiott. Mazlne. Sam S. SbAatt, mgt.t London, 

Eng., April X, IndcC, 
Fainam, Wm., Stock Oa^t B8WI» B. X., 

Marcb «, lodet. 
Fsweett Stock Co., Oeorge Fawcett. mgr.: Haw 

York Olty, May 1, Indef. 
Ferris Stock Co.: Mlnaeapolla. Minn., Indef. 
FerrU*. Dick. Stock Co.: Seattle, Wash., Utrdi 

27, Indet. 

Ftake ft Stock: St. John, N. B., April 17, Indef. 
Fischer, Alice. F. O. Whitney, mgr.: New 

York atj, April 8, indet. 
Forcpaogb Stock Co., Oco. T, and Ii. Fotcpangb 

nib. mea.: Olnrtniiatl. O., Indef. 
Pecep a a gb Btodc Oa,: Phlladclptala, Pa., IndeC 
~lcinln|L Muaia, W. B. teaeay, mgt.z PbUa- 

hea TiaiiliMi. B. 8. 

For itaN aafl nrtaae. BalllviB, Btirt* ft 

Wooda, mgra.: St. Loala, Mow. 14; Clilca80, 
in., T-M. 

For B<r Clilldren'a Sake, BnlllTan, Baxris ft 
Wooda. mgra.: Mew X«ck OUj, 1-aOu 

rablo Bomanl, A. J««k fftMiL Mgr.: OMBd 
Baplda, Mich., SO'Mir S| MHi «| MBIae 8: 

TtaMo, O., 7-10. 
Fltsslnamons, Bobert aaC MUs Ba7 MSlrt. In 
A Fight for Lore, 1MB YfeMBID, Btt.: St. 

Paol, Minn., 7-13. 
Freasled Finance. Win. A; Btady, mgr.: New 

YorkOlty. April 8, Indet. 
Femberg Stock Co.. Geo. M. Fenberg, mgr.: 

liowell. Mass.. 1-8; Lynn 8-13. 
For Her Sake, Pilgrim ft BOlott, mgn.: Bd;:er. 

too. Wis., S; Belolt 4: iakhom n: BarllnR-oa 

8: Blarengo. HI.. 9; Dimiiee 10; Woodstock 11; 

Blgln IS; Oak Park 18. 
Faat Life la New Xotfc, A. H. Woods, mgr.: 

MashTma. Kaaa,, 1-8; Dayton, O., 8^; Co- 

Uuntma ll-lS. 
ruk*. Mis. aad tka llanhattaa Oaw, Bamaon 

Gtar nike, 1MB. aad aigfet'.. CUeaBO, IB., 

FifltMf%mu* Stack flaw, Vaiik ». 
COBCCrtlSt BBDm l^A, 

Flghttac Chaaea. wttb Walter Bdwaida: Blch- 
moad. Ta.. 1-9. 

From Raga to Rtehea, with Joaeph Saatley, M. 
B- Meyers, mgr.: Baltimore, Md., 1-8. 

Faost (Porter J. White's): PtallllpibaiK, Pa., 
3: Olearfleld 4: Kane 4: Bradford 8. 

Flake, May, John C. CosgroYe, mgr.: Booth 
Norwalk. Oonn.. 1-e. 

Ostriek DramaUe Co.: Saglnsw,~lBc^ Kay 8, 
tadef. _ ,^ 

German Theatre Stock Co., HelntlHH m weob, 
mgra.: St. Loola. Mo., Indef- 

Qrand Opera Hoose Stock Co.: Mew Orieaas, 
La., Indet. „ 

Grand Stock Co., Cbaa. Foorton, mgr.: Mew Or- 
leans, Ija.. Indef. 

GooOwln. M. a, Geo. J. Appletas. mgr.: Kan- 
sas City. Mo.. 1-8; Uncotn. Mdi., 4; Omaba 
8-8; Denrer, OsL. 8-18. ^ 

GUtnore, Barney, Harry Uontsemety, mgr.: la- 
^ifn.paii., Ind., 1-8; Oalnmboiw O., 4^4; Oe- 
tsalt. meh— 7-13. 

lUWh.' Ma. In UMbett. Mia M. Blekey. 
Sti -Wimao, Wla,, S: llaRUl 4; Bblneland- 
Iheaaalia. Web.. 8: CaioiBet 8: Isbpcm- 
kW MM J atlqae 10; Saott St*. Kail* U; 
O e ka rgs n IS: Alpeaa IS. 
Geotge. Grace, -Wa. A. 9nAF> awiwt But 

Md.. !■«. • 

Grapewln. Charles, Jota w. Wmnm, awbt 

York City. 1-8. 

GlSard-Bserlng: Sabola, la.. 1-8. . 

Girt of The Streets, with unian Mortimer. Wal' 

ter D. Botte, mgr.: Pwnldeaee, B. L, 1-18. 
Gllmose. Paal: Peoria, QL, S; Tetre Haate, 

Ind.. 4. 

Hall. Don C: BteTena Faint, Wl*,, AllU 3S- 

H^to Tbe Boorah, EUke TaWi«ll*>.—«.8 Bew 

York City. April lO. ladef. 
Hempbni. B. A., Stock 0>., L. B. Oonlon, mgr.: 

lAsherlUe. M. C. Felk 13. IndeC. 
His Father's 8ln„ Jed Carlton, mgr.: Baadwldi. 

Ont.. Indet. 
Hopkins' Stock Co., A. B. MotriaG% 

phis. Tena., Sept. 19. ladel. 
Bvaatd Stndc Ok.: qktea f» HL. Apefl ^ Indet. 
Baatlcy Baterlelairai 8 M i iBi a, Wis„ 1-8: Stiv- 
geoa May 4-8: DePeieS-lA: Shebema U-U. 
Hewitt. Morgan. StoA 0»-, SJIg^.^adaek. 
mgr.: Bocbester. Pa.. l-St «B O&.t* 

HetaU Sqaaae Steefc Oa., Bitter ft PaBShawe, 

mgts.: PiMOB* Ide^ M*.. 1-8: Oariboa S-13. 
Buper. Georgia ft OS.. Harper ft De trick, nigra. 

UkUh. Oail. 1-8: Petalnma 8-18. 
Hoyt'B Ooncdy Co., H. O. AOen, mgr.: Ft. 

Worth, Tex.. 1-8: Springfield, Mo., 8-13. 
HIgslns. DsTld. In HU Last DoUsr. Stair ft MI- 

eolal, mgrs.: Cincinnati. O., 1-6. 
Hknfonl. Charles B.. F. Lewience Walker, mgr.: 

Norfolk. Vs.. 3: Newport News 4; Blehmond 

5-6: Washtngtxm. D. C 8-37. 
Howard-Dorset. A. M. Miller, bos. mgr.: 

Ohsrlestoa. W. Vs., 1-8; Portsmooth. 0., 


Hall Bowmid. la Tte MmionaUe DeteetlTe, 

Henzy Plersoa. mgr.: Kew XoA CUr, 1-6; 

ProTldeaee. R. L, 8-lS. 
Bant Sto^ Co.. M. A. Haalb aW^s MUand. 

Mich., 1-8: Lapeer 8-18. 
RoUand. Mildred: Saadnsky. 0.^81 
Boeflter Stock 0».:_ KetwAa. Wla.. 1* _ 
Ba<tett. James S.: Sp ri agk eW . Man,, 8; 

Trenton, K. J*. 6. 
Hawtrey. Ckult*. Bca Stem, mit.: Sew X«k 

city. !•«. 

lfMnlr--a, Panllne. CUftoa Whitman, mgr. 

mm mini Me.. 1-s. 
Btt Ftiat mi** Step (C. F. Whltakei**). K. A. 

aehnier, mgr.: Mew Xoik CIlF, 14. 
Bow He Won Str (a W. WUBtaM. B. K. 

Feltos. mgr.: niMalVMi, Bfc,_ 1* 
Hickman. Ony: O 

la Xhe Sbadflsr oC . 

awat Co.. mgn.: FhIlad*toUa, Va.. I-^ 
towla. Kay. atwaid B. Sdtn^ Svaa. 

Masa.. 3. 
Impertal Stock Co.. Geo. H. 

IrJ^^gftbS^Oa.^ Xerit Oty. Oct. 

Jeffetaott. 3e*(0h. Jr„ and wmiam W-, ta n>e 
BlTala, Harty C. Smart, mgr.: BaaUngton. 
lad.. 8: Kokoaui 4; Frankfort 8: Indianapolis 

JtmM Btffn in lOaMaH. IkMk itmmia, mgr.: 

Obleago, HU. 3S-May C 
Jeffreys. EOla, Uebtar A Oa.. apabs Vkila. 

dclpUa. Fm.. 1-8. 

Jeffries, James J., Sam O. Mott, mgr.: Cin- 
cinnati, O., 1-6. 

Jost Before Dawn: Newark, N. J., 14. 

Kennedy, James, O. B. Wee, mgr.: Psterson. 
N. J., 14. 

Klsrk-Urbsn. Fred Grshaaa, boa. awr.: Fvck- 

aklU, N. Y., 14; Seraatoa. FSm 848. 
Eellar, Harty, Dadley MeAdaw, mght 

City. N. J., 14. 
Elngsley-Rossell Co.: OalBB BL. tS. 
Keith Stock Co.. Del Lawiaa**. owivi f^Aaae, 

Wash., Feb. 6, Indef. 
Keller Stock Co.. A. M. Keller, mgr.: Trinidad, 

CoL, March 26. Indef. 
KeodaU-Westen Co.: Bay City. Mich.. May U- 

Jone 35. 

Lee's Comedians: Pblladelpbia, Pa., 14. 

Lehr, Ina, Stock Co.: Lafayette, Tenn.. 14L 

Long. Frank E.. Stack Obu Mock Sad AU. m«r.: 
BmnlMMt. U,. m JbBBillL maa.. 8-18. 

Laekaye, WUton, im She Fit, tna, A. Brady, 
mgr.: LvwaU. IfaM., Mi IMfCM* 4t Fart- 
land. He.. S^Lewlatsci St.MtMaMklL B., 
8; Hanebester 8; BWraiMII Ut Battlocd. 
Conn., 12-18. 

L^ceiun ^tock Co., B. 6. Groolean, mgr.: Bal- 
linger, Tex., 14: Sndy 8-13. 

Msntell, 'Bobert, Wm. A. Btady, B^r,: Chi- 
cago, Bl., April 04, Indet. 

Hathes, Clara: Victoria. B. a. Mat. 

Marks Stock Co.. Tom Uarka, mgr.: Dninth, 
Minn., April 17, Indet. 

Metropolitan Stock Oo. (Stanley's), Harry 
Wlnilow. mgr.: Chicago, lU., April 24-Ioac 1. 

MoDg, William V.: Seattle, Wash., April 9- 
Jone 17. 

Moroaco, OUrer, Stock Co.: Los Antelw, OaL, 


Unrray ft Mackey. John J. Mnrray, 

enbnrg, W. Vs., April M, Indat.. 
My Tom Boy Girl, with Lottta WllBM||b 

H. WlncbeU, mgr.: New SmK OKh 1- 
Jersey City. M. J.. 8-18. 

Hsrder, msbl 
pert 8.U, 


C^^, W. HtfNakld. Bgt.: 

AmsrlUa, •Db.. 14; WaHad. M. f-M.. 
McAolUte, JCNb HMtr KB^s Ciwit B OUa, 
N. S.. Can., BHfay 8; ttailpSatMB, B. Bb 

More To Be Pitied Than Be C f ca maSb B, 
Blaney's), Abe Lesy, mgr.: XoHlMll*, Br., 
14: Cincinnati. O., 8-13. 

My Wife's Family, I. Seldenberg. mgr.: Frank- 
fort. Ind., 3; Bloom Ingtoo 4; Lafayette 5; 
Kankakee, IB-. 6; Chicago Heights 7; JoUet 
8; Stieator B; Ottawa 10; Kewanee 11; Ster- 
ling 12; Elgin IS. 

Myers Stock Co., Sim Allen, mgr.: Foatfikeep- 
sle. N. Y., 14; Newb«S _ 

Marks Bros., B. w. Marks, awKS Ottawa, OBa„ 
14: Perth 8. Indef. 

Murphy, Joseph, Geo. Keimey, mgr.: Hew Xoik 
Olty, 2(-Msy 8. 

Morey Stock Co^: Cllntnn, Mo., 14. 

Ibmsfleld, Blebard, Ben D. Steeena. mfr.: 
Springfield, Man,, 4. 

May. Bdaa, In Ttm Bebad SM. Cbaa. TinbiaaB, 
msr.: BraoUyn, tf. T> ML 

Masoa and Kaaoo, Broadaant • Carri*, nsn.: 
Fhllad^Ua. Pa., 1-8. 

May. ▼erna. B. A. DoBola, mfr.: TglcdOk O,, 

WDer Bra*.* Stodt Co.: lima City, bu, 

ma. WlSES of Tbe OaMiage Patek, UaHCT ft 

Oh, mgrs.: Lincoln, Net>.. 8; OMhk 4. 
Bra. Temple's Telegram. W. N. iMnWce, 

mgr.: New York City, 1-6. 
Mew York Plsyets, with Marie Yonng: Ihunille, 

Qne.. 14; Coatlcook 8-13. 
Nobody's Darling. SoUlTsn, Harris ft Woods, 

mgrs.: Brook^-n. N. Y., 14. 
Nettle, the News Girl. O. F. Ooold. mgr.: Chi- 
cago. 111.. 1-6: Colmnbos, O., 8-10; Indlaa- 

apoUs, Ind. 11-13. 
New York Day By Day. Geo. W. Wlnnett, mgr.: 

Anderson, Ind., 3; Inrtlanapolla 44; St. Lonls, 

Mo., 7-13. 

North Bros.' Oomedlsns, B. J. Walt, Mff.! llMUt 
Falls. S. D.. 14. 

Noble's Thestre. Warren Moble, mgr.: Brook- 
ings, S. D.. 1-6. 

Natloaal Theatre Stock Co.: Dayton, O.. Hay 

I. Indef. 
M«w Peovle'a Stock Co.. IM 

Chicago, m.. Sept. 4, iDdeC 
Odcan Stock Co.: St. Loola, Bta^SMk «, Met. 
Oipbenm BtaA Co.. Bdwazd Datrll^ BWM <>»■ 

loirina. Ol, Indef: 
Oar Kew BlaUtar. IBIIca* Cm — ..-^-a- 

12: DsnTllIe IS. 
Old Arkansaw, Merle B. Norton, Ofr.: Aipcna, 

Mich., 3; Qnaway 4. 
CNeU. Nance, John B. ScboeSd. mgr.: Fall 

Blrer. Mass., 8- 
Orer NIsgara Palls, Bowlsad ft CUfford. mgia.: 

Toledo, o., ao-auy 3; St. Oathcrinea, oaa«8. 
Old Farmer IfcBMaa. Fcsak I. P apl Sw. ■«&: 

BensseUcr, lM„ -Wmt 41 RiaMBlh S; 

Bnrtoo 6. __ . 

Ole dsoo: St. ClODd, WMv B, 
Paige Ooeaedy Oo., H. Martpaaa, aMr.: West 

Point. Miss.. 1-3: Oolaaboa 44; HilUlan 8-18. 
Peyton Sisters. Dan S. Holt, mgr.: SsTannata. 

Ga., 14. 

Payton. Corse, Stadc C»., Daeld J. Baaage, 

mgr.: Oswego, B. Z., X-'^ 
Payton's Lee ATsaa a 
X.. Ang. 18, iam. 

Menominee 6; Oblppewa Falls 8; 

Green Bay 12; Blpoo 18. 
Bnssell Bros., Sasiael Slalr, mgr.: Washlng- 

toa, D. C-, 14. 
Ryan, Daniel: Albany, N. Y., 34-Xay 8. 
Bnnkel, Corlone, Stock Oo.: Xioaeester. Has*- 


Saacke'a Gennaa TbaatI* fltoik OH: I 

Pa.. Indef. 

Saoford's, Walter, American Playen: Mel- 

bonme. Ans., Feb. 28-Jniie 1. 
SaToy Theatre Stock Co.: New Orleans. La.. 


Shirley, Jessie: Spokaae. Wash., Indet. 

Snow. Mortimer, Stock Co.: Troy, N. Y., Indef, 

^ocoer Stock .Co., Mrs. B, T. flDooner, mgr.: 

BioaKtra, K. Y., Ang. IS, tadS 
Standard. Stock Co., Darcr ftflpet^ awn.: PhU. 

adclphla. Fa., Indet. 
Star Theatre Stodc Oe^: Vtica, B. Z„ ladef: . 

IlL, 3; Ottawa 4; MsadOta St Kawaai* fi 

DsTenport, U., 7. 
Sites Stock Co.. SItea A-OBbCCt, 

TUle, m., 8-18. 
Sothem, E. H. and Jolla Marlowe, Cbaa. Vteh. 

msn. mgr.: Ssn Frsnclsco, CsL, 1-13. 

le Stoops to (}anqaer, with Kleaaor Bobson 

snd Byrle Bellew, Iilet>ler ft Co., mgrs.: New 

York City, 17-Msy 6. 

Skinner, Otis, Joseph J. Bnekhiy. aifr.: FItbi. 
barg, Ps., 14. 
Stnart. Ra^h, Bdwand Ibaraaar, mgct Una 

treal. Can., 1-8. 
Search Llghu of a Great Olty, Bobert B, Hea. 

roe. mgr.: Detroit, Mich., 1-8. 
Shore Acres, Wm. B, Gross, mgr.: dereland, 

O., 1-6; Johnsonbnrg, Fa., 8. 
SsToy Theatre: Tanaten, Mass., 14. 
Spedden ft Paige Oa: Topeka. Kan., Indet. 
Tbe Banker's Child, with Tbe Foor Sbaanoof, 
Batiy SbannoD, mp.: Wayne, Neb., 8; Wske- 
Beld 4; Nortidk S; Bnmpbrey 7; Hewmaaa 
One* S; AMaa St VoUertoa 10; Oolmnboa 11; 
Sckvwr IB, . 
Th* Tw» SMan, O. H. Sndth. mgr.: 
N. J.. 1-3; Wnmlnftoa, Od,. 44; 
phla. Pa., S-IST^ 
Ike Bonnie Brier Bnih. Kirk* r^ai>int, ma^' 

Kingston, Csn.. 8; BiaokTlIIa 4: OttKBB Mb 
Th* Peddler (SolUeaa, Bwla ftTWOaiiT^iaS 
wock, mgr.: PbOateHUa. 1*.. M;^BHk> 
lyn. N. Y., 8-18. 
The Way ot The Trsnsgressor: Milwaukee. Wta., 

1-6: Chicago. IU-, 7-20. 
Tbe Cnrse of Drink, Marlborongh Hardy, mgr.: 

Boston, Mass., 14; ProTldence, B. L, 8-IS. 
"Bie Moonshiner's Daoghter (Eastern), W. F. 
Mann, mgr.: Kansas City. Mo.. 14; 
Neb., 7-10: Dec Moines. la., U-IS. 
The Mlssonri Girl (Fred Baymosd's Bsstem), 
Geo, Bedee, mgr.: Greeirwl^ N. X~^ S: 
Albany 44; Glens Falls St TTbHibaS Ikfi- 
baeen. Vt., 10; Ludlow Hi RndafiHl ISt 
Mesrport, N. H., 13. 
He Silssonri Girl (Fred Baymond'a Western), 
Harry S. Bopping, mgr.: Wanpaca, Wla., 8; 
Stereaa' Point 4; Plalafleld 5: Potbigc 8. 

. an , - - 

QoccB o( The Highway, 
Pm., 1-8; I 

BeCosraa. mgr.: 
Bridgeport. Oonn., 

jmas.. 8-18. 

Qnlncy Adams Sawyer (Ontial). W. O. SneU- 

Ing. mgr.: ObleagOb HL. 33-Mi7 8; CleTelsnd. 

O.. 8-13. _ 
Qneen ot Tbe White Slares, A. H. Woods, mgr.: 

Btmlngliam. Ala.. 14: Mcaapbia, Xsaa.. S-M. 
Qnlncy Adami Sawyer (Bastun, Vti 

gan. mgr.: Amsterdam, N. -X>,-St 

4; Bennington 5: Troy 8. 
BosscU Annie. Cbaa. FrolunaB, mgr.: Mew Xock 

atr. April 10. ladef. 
Becord Stock Co.. Frank P. Harcn. 

GanipoUa. O.. 8-13. 
Blcbarl, Kmest. Jobs W. BanUn, tafr.: Bed 

Wlag. Mtnn , 3; Mew BlehaHBd. WM., 4: 


The Sea, B. O. Hemdoa, 
a, M; BaBaln, M. X.. 

Tinner. Clara, Ira W. Jaekaoo, aigr.: Aabata, 

M. Y., 14. 

Taylor. Albert. Stock Co., Albert Taylor, wi^t 
Oorlnth, Miss., 14; West Point 8-IS. 

ne Heart of Maryland. Dasid Belaaco, mgr.: 
BuUer, Pa., 3. 

nie Other Girl, Chss. Frobman. mgr.: Denrer, 
CoL, 1-6. 

The Virginian, Klrke LeSbelle. mgr.: Omaha. 

Neb., 29-Ma7 3: Slooz City, la., 4; Des 

Moines S: Cedar Baplds 6. 
Tbe Besl Widow Browa: Mooesaen, Pa., 6. 
The Omnty Chairman, Heniy W. Sasage, mgr.: 

Cincinnati, O., 14. 
The Mnmmy and The Hnmmlng Bird, Mm MM* 

ry, mgr.: Montreal. Can., 1-8. 
The Midnight Flyer, Bd. Andenon, mgr.: Dixon. 

111.. 3; Freeport 4: Bockford S; EOgln 6. 
Tbe Old Clothes Man: Mllwankee, Wis., 14. 
The Power ct Tbt Cress. J. P. Doaohae, mgr.: 

Madison. Ind., 3; (Combos 4. . 
Tbe Spsn of Life, Lewis Donasetta, mgr.: Sat. 

falo, N. Y., 1-6. 
The Village Grocer, with Katbryn Bray ham. W, 

W. lApolnt, mgr.: Blcbmood, Vt., 8; bM> 

barg Falla 4; Bonaea Poiat. M. Y., 8: Bar- 

Ungton, Vt., 8. 
XteBoiuckinf Giri: Htw Xotfc City, 1« ladcL 

Ttttbr: Kew Xoifc OUy. US. 

Twdtih BifMi ■iiBMiB'. Mi. S; moBir 4; 

Kappanc* 8: Bikhart 
Tempest, Varle, Cbaa. Frotanaa. m^t 

York aty, AprU IP-May 18. _ 
Thanbooaer Stack Oo.: MUsnnkec. wli^ 
The Firm «C CaaalBfbam. W. B. . 

awr.: Itar Mk ORsvJWiQjf. r 

Toler Stock OM - 

Dlrleb Stock Olbt 
Uncle Tom's O " 

mood. Wis.. 

Oncle Tom's Cabin (Western). Wte. EIMile, 

mgr.: Boyse City, MIcb., 3: Bast Jotdsn 4; 

TrsTcfse Olty 84; Big Bapida 7; GrecnTllle 

8: Portland 8; Grand Ledge 10; Charlotte 11; 

Baton Baplds 13: Mt. CSenenU U. 

nnde Tom's Oabbi (Stowa'a): Petty. Okla., 6. 

SI?:? ^fjat 


Tadlyk* ft Baton. F. Mack, mgr.: JaAaoa. 

MsA.. 14: Anrora, m., 7-13. 
Tenon Stoc'x Co.. BenJ. B- Vernon, mg^: 

Whitehall, M. Y., 14; Falrharen, Vt.. 44; 

BatUngtoo 8-13. 
VlTtan'a Papas, with Caroline BoU: 

City. Mo., 1-6. 
Vall-DeVemon Stock 0*bt 
^ ApxO lOJIay XL 


April 80. Indet: 
Was She ta Blame. K. L. PaoL s«r.: Cam- 

bridge. Neb., 4. 
Wbyte Dramatle Co., Cbaa. P. Wbyte. mgr.: 

Vlcksbarg, Miss.. 14; Alexandria. La., S* 

Jane 8. 

wuminger Broa.' Ona, ItaBk Wlaalaftr, av'.t 

Oshkosh. Wla.. 1.4| MlCaah 

Waish-5, Buiy. owa, Oaa Fwd, aW't BadMS, 

N. Y.. 1-14. _ . 

Wedded and Parted (SolUTta. Batrti ft Woodi'K 

Ed. N. Mdtowen. mgr.: New York CltT, 1-6. 
WSllams Oomedy Oo,. T. P. DeOafferelly, mfr.: 
* laPayette, Ala., 14; Birmingham 4. ■ 
Why Girls Lesre Borne (OentrsI), Tsaee ft Bali 

Ursa, mgrs.: Ptttsboxg. Pa., 1-8: 

Xtie Billboard 

WMr Te*' onr. a^t ■ at. 

. tfUtace. ' FMok. Stock Co., FMak WalUet, 
Vrn^ KnosTllle, T*i>n-. AftU 8. tndtf. 


Wu Sbe To Blame, Jed Carlton, mfr.: Band- 

wlcb, Ont., iDdef- 
WlUUms-Flood Stock COi.'. Fred B. llMd, Bgt.: 

PoDca aty, Okla.. tadtC. . __ 
UrUioa-'WatemMa SMk Oibl IMIIlib ns* OM. 

S, iodef. 

Wllian-Wat«rmiui Stock Co.: Bonstoo. Tex., 

Sept 5, Indef. 
Woodirard Stock Co.. Woodward & Buscaa, 

msra.: Kans&s Citr. Ma, AgeU 9, tDdef. 
WUaoD, Francis: Eastoo. Pa„ 4. 
WUlMd. a 8.,.<3i«ri~ A. Iloon. "t^J^ 

tHa,,. XL X« Lonaon, Oan., 4; WmllHin 

. K, Sidnej B. mua, Bgr.: Itt- 
[ S; KtrrtA 4; Can too AkMB & 
i«br Stock Oik, Jowik 
lIcDpUa, Itean., S; NaUhTllla 4f 
Ind., U; Tme Bante 6. . 
Whlt< Wtilttlewr, Artbnr A. lAtto, boa. agr.: 

Salt Lake Ottr. Utah. 1-3. 
Wedded, Bat No Wife, wltk Selma Bennui, W. 

J. Fleldliic, mgr.: Boatoo. Maaa., l-V. 
Wheo WomeD Lore, Traak W. Naaoa, 
, ColambU. Pa., 8; fiancaattr 4{ Ooatcsrill* S; 
; V Boyeraford 6. 

^Wken The Bell Zolla, TimVMB VUkk mfUt 
.' land, O., 1-9. ■ • • 

SS-Mar s. 

X«fk SUte n>Ika, Fred B. Wrlfbt. mgr.: Jolitt' 
•oglWiX. Fa-. 3. 
. Taifeftlle nieatre Stock Co., DarU W«l% ngr.: 

' York City. Jan. SO. Indef. 

" I Tbcatre: New York Otty, 

AddlWQ A I/lTlnrstMi: Kn mate wltk Swallow 
A Hukle'a Floating FUaee. Bee UliccUa>' 

eotu Eoates. 

Ataerm, Tht: Ed root* wttlt FlMta OtiBlTCl Oa, 

See ~ 

line Family: Kn rootc with _ 
See Tent Show BoDtM. 
The (Gaiety): Spi 

!(ottiaikam IMO. 
Four (FoantalB Wtnr Vaik): 
Lonlarme, Ky., SO-Uay 6; (Bait Bad Park) 
Memphla, Tenn., 7-13. 
Annatrons A Vem (ATenoe): Oklcasa. HL. 1-8. 
AlUaoB, Mr. and Hrs. (C. O. H.): OUcaxo, HI., 

AUrldi. Obaa. T. (Trent): Trcaton, N J., 1-8. 
Aduni, lUlMlIe (Orphenm): UlaaaapoUiL Miaa.. 

30-lUy 8; (Orphtom) Denrer, OiLt Mfk ' 
ATCiy A Bcaly (Star) : Itvailm, mt, M; 

(Family) Blcbmond 8-18. 
Anderson A Golnea (PoU'a): Sprlnslleld, Maaa., 


A^u^Searl A VIoiet (Sbea'a): BoOalOb N. Z.. 

s'AibioB. lAoia A' ''olkt" ■■Intk HHb. t>- 
May 8. 

Adams, jamea K. (Hippodrome): Hew Tork 

City, 10. Indet. 
Adama A Dtew (Family): OlorerarlU*. M. X.. 

Adana * Mack (Bawatd): Boaton. Maaa.. 1-6. 
'_Adinaa, Xha Itaml (BUoo): Oiaea Bay, Wla.. 

lAtair^lMB^aaa atctla (OiiikiMl* B a aHl i. 

Ailea. ^ F. (Alhamtear: SanuiBali. 0*.. M- 
May 6. 

Ancer A Haaley (TlMietta): EewcU. Maaa.. !■«. 
AMitaas, Two (MooK'a): Portland. Ma.. 14. 
Aaatlaa, Great (MoTdty): LeadTtUe. OoL. l-S. 
Anoma, mie. (Oiaae's): WaaWntton. D. a.1-8. 
Aaderaon (Baker): Portland, Ore., 1-8. 
Baker, May and Delia Baauey (Park): Prarl- 

denee, B. I., l-«. 
Blncbmm (National): 

Bentham * 


Uay l-Joae 80. 
Barromv-Lucutcr Oo. (OoUaeinn) : Iiondoa, Ax., 

March aMoly 8. 
Bartletta, Tlie Maalca ij^ H aroott Jitti y ^'ft 

Beu^, ciaoda ^ (SMnSSalt HMUi. 

Kan., Indet. 

Benner, Emelle (Howard): Boaton, Maaa., Jan. 

23. Indef. 

Beraard, Floyd: Kn roate with »Hnfii»y Broa,' 

CUcca, Sec Tent Show Rontea. 
Slekel, Wataon A Wrothe: Kn ronta wMk Wt, 

Htm and I. See Maaleal Bootea. 
artlj» Broa. (Moolln Boose): - Paila. Wt^ Hay 

•a^Anoa, Aa: k roota with J. 

1 (National): Kauaaa CUr. tto^t*. 
1 A Freeman fWtomi NKla. DLM 
A Madlaoo QB— lri)8 TpUl^ Tl^, 

_CtealTal Ob. Baa Itldwar BaatM 

Bcnioo, Klwoaa and Macgta (CiyataOi 

goo, Uleh., 1-8. 

Benutelna. Ihe (Bljon): Uarlnette, Wto., X-B; 
(Ben'a) Bacaoaka, Mich., 8-U. 

finmn, lack and Lillian Wrlcht (Dnlaae): Mln- 
oeapoUa, Minn., 1-4. 

Bancrott. Maalcal (Bradenbnrgb'a): Philadel- 
phia. Pa.. 1-16. 

Black, Tlolet * Co. (PoU'a): Watethory, Conn., 
1-6; (Hanmersteln'a) New Xork (»ty, 8-18. 

BIncbam * GaUe (Kmplre): St. Paul, Minn., 

Barry Mr. and Mra, Jlmmle (Proetor'a)t Al- 
bany, N. Y., 1-6. 

Borton, (31areaee (ColnmbU): St LaaH Maw. 
1-6; (C. O. H.) Chicago, lU.. 8-18. 

Bnckner, Great (Orphenm): Brooklyn. K. Y., 
1-6; (Hammerateln'i) New York City, 8-IS. 

Beemer and Janllng Girl (Cryatal): St Jo- 
leph. Mo., l-«: (MaJesUc) Kanaaa Olty 8-18. 

Mcm A Atharton (IJnliina): WInnlpes, Can.. 
1-6; (Onlqae) Mlnoeatwlla, Minn., 8-18. 

Btam-fiomm-Brrr (Baat Bnd Park): Memphla, 

_T«nn., 1-8. 

Botkea, The Jonllnx (BUon): Oahkoah. Wia.. 
^ (Bi)oa) ^ccca Bijr s-u. 
Brawn. Harrla ft Bwra (Oataty): 

Y.. !.«• (PoU'a) BaittMd, Ooon., 8-1 
BUCh. lohD (Orphenm): Denrer, Ool.. 1-8. 
Braan * BiaiU (Kelth'i): fioaton Maia., 1-8. 
Batca, IiODta W. (BUoo): Oahkoah, Wla., 1-8; 

(Bljon) Green Bay 8-18. 
Barnei A Bdwlna (0. O. B.): Chlcaao, IU.,1-8. 
Badpaln Araba, noope of BIsht (OelnmMa): 

JoaB A. CVia8lH*B)4 Manaaik^ 

Z«k Oty, 

Bi^, Bkrry (BUon): OntoadiL Bu 1-6: 

(BUoo) Dea Molne. 8-18. ^^^^ ■ 
Srooka, Bethert (Ondieom): Ban FnadacA. 

CaL. M-iSMj 6; «>r^nm) Lea AaialMS«Dr^ 
^Jfl°/5. (Shta'aJ; BwS&o, H. X.. 

1-8; (Shra'a) Toronto, Can., S-U, 
Brehany, Loalae (Temple): Detroit. Mich., 1* 
^"",1 (Mohawk): SchaneeUdy. N. 

Y., 1-6; (Orphenm) ntlca 8-18. 

(BUoo): Oahkoah. Wla.. 1-8; 

(BUoo) Green Bay 8-18. 
Bynie A Weat (Grand): Portland. Oia.. at- 

Max o. 

* it'IS,*,.*'* U»->«.1« anM, «... 
Baitliistaii. Ocatt Ota^t iMkMi ltik i-e. 
B^A WMtaBOSSrJi SSSv^^p^ 

■ artaw^ nt Brcatawv (Paik): Woreeatar. 

Baanett JHaten (Flom'a): Madlaon. !-«. 
Mm, OUiaa (Xetth'a): New Ywk City, !•«. 
MUl. Attlnir (O. O. B.): Anderaoa. toa.a* 
Bolae% Foot (Oiyhenm): Denrar. (XkL, 1* 
Btown Broa. (London): T^mdon, OaaL. 1-6. 
f"'5*;JS*°"*J^""'*'= MBtra*aa, Wla.. 1* 
Bnach-DeVere (Chrpheom): Lea attfr*, CaLJ>18 
Belfort. May (Cfaase'a): WaaUacioa, n. a,l-«. 
Bergere, ValeHe (Park): Worcaatv. Maaa.,l-a, 
Cherry A Batca (Weatmlnatar): PxofldaBea B. 

I., 1-6; (Lyceran) Boaton, Maaa.. S-iS. 
(>>nrada. The (BUoo): Prorldence. B. I., l-8s 

(Lyeeom) Boaton, Maaa., 8-18. 
Oonrads. The (Bljon): Oalnmet Mlcb., 1-8. 
Caxrolton A Hodgea (Bljon): Blanltowoe. Wla.. 

Camlile Comedy Trio: Bn ronte with Singling 

Broa.' (arena. See Tent Show Bootea. 
Carlo*. Obas, and Ooga: En ronte with RlogUag 

Bros.* Olrcaa. See Tent Show Bootes. 
Odllns * Hart (Moss A Thocnton Toaz): Ba- 

rope. April 17-May 81. 
Ooaada, The Aerial (Lincoln Park): Maw Or^ 

leans. La., Indet 
Cnane, Mr. and Mrs. Gardner (KattVfli Frort- 

dence E. L, April 10, Indef. 
Clarke A Temple (Lycenm): San Francisco, Oal., 

SO-Msy 13. 

Collins, Dot (BUlto): i;imlra. N. Y., 1-13. 
Caldeta, A. K. (Proctot'a lOSth St): New 
York City. 

(Mtmblana, The (Ovbenm) : Loa Angelei. Cal,, 

Caatano. Btward (Corinthian): Bodiester. N. 

Y.. aO-May 8: (Star) Toronto^ Can.. 8-18. 
(Jannon. Bd. (Bljon): Marqnatte. Mich., 1-8. 
Cole A Qemena (FamUy): MahaiHF City, Pa., 

OodIoq ft 
1-6; (1 

Calcedo. Jon ^ tftaetmfnyi Mitatt,'!!. J.. 


Oolby A Way (Hammeratein's) : Mew Xork (Sty, 


OaUaban A Mack (Hnrtis A Saamoa'a): Mew 

York City, 1-6: (Pastor's) New Xork OUj 8-13. 
(Sarke, Locy (Keith's): Clerelaad, C, 1-8: 

(Keith's) Pittsburg, Pa., 8-13. 
Otilg. Blcby W. (Corinthian): Boebester. N. 

X.. 1-6: (Star) Toronto. Can., 8-18. 
Cnny. WIU M. and Blanche Dayne (Kelth'a): 

Clereland. O., 1-6; (Circle) New York City; 


Century Comedy Foor (Boyal): Tnj, N. Y., 

1-3; (Gaiety) Albany 4-8. 
(Hiandjerllna, Ihe (Hippodrome): Llrerpool. 

Eng., 8-lS: (Pxlace) Sordesley lS-20; (Ekn- 

Slre) Bradford 22-27; (Empire) Blrmlngbam 
Mnne 3. 

Qilllna A Bart (Moaa A Xliointon TDor) : Bng., 
IT-May U. 

Carter A WUMB 0». fOMoHMa)! CMaaaU, 

O., 1-8. • 

Carlln A Otto (Byda * BHnal)! BieoUyn. 
M. X., 1-6. 

CaomMl A Brady (Mala St>t FMria. BL. 1-6; 

(National) Kaaiaa City. Mow. S-lS. 
GBROU A Blder (Alcaaar): OenTar. CoL. 24- 

May 8. 

(Saaad A DoVetne (Garrick): BnrUngtoo, la., 

Caxaon Bros. (Keeney's) : Brooklyn, N. Y., 1-8. 
CUffoid A OrthJBIloa): Oatamat. MIcli.. 1-6. 
ClaOln Slatera (SMMO* IMIadallHa. Va..l-e. 
Oincfaaa, Panl iOMheaalt XM Aagdaa^ Oal.. 
M-May a. 

Okx FamUy Qnartet (Otpbenm): Ban Francisco, 

CaL, ZMIv 6. 
Clark. Wllftcd (Chase's): Washington. D. C.,1-8 
(Xnte, Bert (Kelth'a) : Boaton, Maaa., 1-6. 
Creswell. W. P. (Bicycle BUI): C& roote with 

OoUlo'a Amoaement Oo. See Midway Bootes. 
Chrlatoplier (Dnlqoe): Astoria, Ore., 1-8; 

(Orand) Portland 8-lS. 
Oiamore A lIoieBoa (Olynpie): Cbtcato^ BL. 

Ocm'^tantlnlaB * &M8Ma M^^MIt -y VlfU'i 

Caron A Bcrbert (O. O. B.): (Aleago, UL. 1-8. 
Oolton A Darrow (C. O. H.): Chicago, Ill..I-e. 
CrawXord A ManniBB (Baymazket): Chlouo, 

111.. 1-6. . 
Dalton A "—■"I^TI (Hk)! Jl88Mll8t Ida., 

IT-May 18. 

Daly ft KCla»: Ba nbM wttk ItMafa Htaatrala. 

Bee mnatid Bontaa. . 
Danow. Mr. and Mia. Itaart: OwecOb K. X.. 

AneB VKTMIy 8. 
DbtIm Doo: Ba ronte arltb Meyer'a Ktoareh 

AmaacoMnt 0>. Bee Midway Bwtea. 
DeDlo (UtoII): Ospctown, S. A,. Mar* SO- 

May 26. 

Dee. Roy: Bn ronte with BfkhalO ft BkMUa'a 

Ideals. Bee Pta matic Baate a. _____ ^ 
DeVaro ft OttUBI Mb caala jattfcBwiilow A 
MarUe'a IMtlaB vaiaBa. MlOaaantoaa 


DeVelda A Zelda: mate with Patterson A 
Bnslnerd Osmlral Co. Sec Midway Bontea. 

DIcklnson'a Doga (Wlatcl CIrcaa): St. Boala, 
Mo., Ind«L 

Dome (TtTOUX O mt W W , A^ MM* SO' 

May 28. 

Downey, Leslie T. (NoTCl^): Stocktra. OH., 

Feb. e-Mlay 8. 
Drawee (TlToll): London, Eng.. Feb. 8. indef. 
Drew, Dorothy (Barraaford Toor): Kng., AprQ 

IT-May SI. 

Dnrbyelle A Manning (Baymarket): Wlaalpeg, 

Can.. 1-8. 
Dolan, Jamea F. and Ida 

irty a) ^ Itor Xork Olt^^, »^ 

viff^i^^S'^'^^^HkSml K. T.. 1-8: 

(FamOy) Scranton, Pa., 8-13. 
Delmore A Lee (Bo^iklns): LoolsTllle. Ky.. 1-6. 
Domoots, Three (Bhea^ig; 

la eUta, Wla., 

(Temple) Dettott, 
Deane, Sydney A OA V 
CaL. 1-13. 

~ - (Skaatat^i 

Tmoaito, caa., 1-6: 
1m Aageles, 

J. B. WILSON -Photographer 


tea state street. Cor. IVIonroe, ... CHICA.C30. lU 
I baTe only one stndlo In the dty, do not b« misled by othera trying to uae onr name. 

Balliaaia«iliajiiiiM8a»8llnw flrtfliiBB all I— iiiilf afliwia tn 
W. «*. 

oaL, ao- 

BIoomlngtoD, m.. 

May 8. 

Downey ft Wlllard (Castle) 

1-8; (Bljon) Jolncy 8-13. 
DeLaeeys, The (Star): Tacoma, WaA.. I-6: 

(Star) Seattle 8-lS. 
Donoraa. The (Walker'a): Boatoo. Mm. M: 

(Sheedy'a) P«U BI»er 8-18. 
Dnnban, Foar Casting (Keeney'a): BnaUya. 

N. T.. 1-6: (Empire) Boston, Maaa., 8-lS. 
Diamond, Oto. H. and wai O. Smith (POir>)s 

Hartford, Coon., 1-6: (Henrud) Boatoe. Maaa.. 


Dahlea. Lea (Orphenm): San tranelaeo^ OaL. 


Dnnforth A Brace (BlaMo): Bhnlm. M. X..1-6. 
OayteU, Madge (Ihnpire): SpcingOeUI. BL. SS- 
May 6. 

DeWItt 3. (Caaltto): KaahTiBe, TOm., 8-lS. 
Orako'a Sheep and Doga (Colambla): Bt. Loola, 

Mo.. 1-6. 

Dixoo. Bowers A Dixon (O. O. B.):^' 

N. S., 2«-May 8. 
DeGrans, The Great 2% (BlJon): Manitowoc. 

Wis., 1.6; (BUon) UvCroeae 8-2B. 
Day, Geo. W. (Otphenm): Omaha. Neb.. 30- 

May 8; (Orphenm) OenTcr, Col.. 8-18. 
DeBaTcn. Outer Sextet (Proetoc'a SM Bt): 

New Xork City, 1-6. 
Doncan, A. O. (Poll's) : 

i-«rif ■ — 

Deimoiak TB* MUaea (rano: 


Dctphlno ft Delmora (O. O. H.): Plttlbnig, 
Pa.. 1-8. 

Delmore ft WOaon: Sheffleld, Vag., 8-13; Bir- 
mingham lB-30; Leeds 22-27; Bradford 3B- 
Jone 3; Hnll 5-10. 

DelaToye A Frita (CoUln'a Aa. Oa.): 
Neb.. 1-8. 

Doherty Sisters (BkataatfV Oa>(leB)t 
bnrg, Bns., 15-111. 

Doyle, Edward: Bochester, N. H., 1-8. 

Draoe, Sam D.: Winnipeg, Can., 1-6. 

Dnpree, Geo. and IdHile (Onbenm): Springfleld, 

Day, Edmnai ;(IMmBH)>~. ItmtttmU, C 86- 

May 6. 

D'Arrille. CaaUDa auumn aMtMu- M)NB.4-6 
Doble. Boae (Baa^a): SHaarta. . MM.* 1-6: 

(BUon) (MmaatBtt. ' . - 

Btoonda. Lee (Wirt: B fc. .Hj M l^ ladet 

Eng.. May 14B. ' 
BxpoattlOD Foar (VreetM'a): Hawark H. 3., 

1-8: (AoVhloa) BsoaklyB, M. X., S-U. 
Bldrld. GofdOB (Bonatket): CUeaga. BL. 

1-8; (Colombia) Bt Lonla. Mo., 8-lit. 

Bckert ft Berg (Proctor's 2Srd St): New Xork 
City, 1-6; (Proctor's) Newark, N. J., 8-18. 

Eldrldge. Press (Keith's): Bortoo, Masa., 1-6; 
(Orphenm) Utloa, N. X.. 8-18. 

Bmpire City Qnartet (Kelth'a): New Xork City, 
1-6; (Keith's) Boston. Maaa.. 6-18. 

Elton, Bam (Circle): New Xork City. 1-6; (Or- 
phenm) Brooklyn 8-13. 

Bamonde. Mr. and Mrs. Edw. (Proctar'a) : New- 
ark. N. J., 1-6. 

ElUs-NowIan Trio (FoU's): Hartford, Cottn.,1-6. 

Eamo, Pete and AUIe: OgdenAmg, N. X., 1-13. 

Bmerscm.ft Omega (G. O. B.): Indlanapolla, 
Ind.. 1-6. 

Empire Comedy Foor (O. O. B.}: PtttabmE. 
Pa., Ml 

Eknplra OMBtr SH* Ol.lUt tHM >6 H. S*.. 

Bthardi^ uaSTSSSi: c(iiiiiiiir ■ cmwi»- m. 

Esher aMHMOlMM^ 

Earl A -imw.^VSlUrilnMB« W..'^. 

1-6- ■■ '■ ■" 

Fay Ststcra: >nta wUb.OMtW * 

Stock Oo. kM .noaatle 
Feldmaa ft BaU: Bh raa _ 

ward Oou Bee OraaHlie Bdstta, 

Femandes-BCsy Tda <0, K>S 

April IMUj m. . „ . _ 

Fields. W. a: Moaeo>ir. BaaHa. Ifay 1-BI 
Ptotenea Slatera (AaaMat): Moaeow, 

May aB-Ang. 98. 
pgi« ft wmaa mnpire): Jul mm g , U. 

Agra 17-MaT il. 
nnk ft AMttht: Kb rente with 

Ctrcna. Bee Tent Show Boateai 
Frees Bros, and Gannett Blateia: Bn roate with 

the U. 8. OamlTal Oo. See Midway Bontea. 
Frisco. Signer, AerlaUat: Ba lonte wUb the 

U. 8. (}amlTal Co. See Ml —ar B wjjifc 
Frosto. Chas. (Grand): AndMi^ Iaa.« 1-6; 

((Syatal) Marlon B-W. . 
Fields, Bsppy Faaala CaullWt MCMA SaB.. 

8-lS; (Eknpire) Xare^oel MMt (aMflte) 

SbeOeld St ZT. 
Fagan A Merrlsm (Fkxn'a): Madison. Wis., 1-8. 
Fantas. Two (Dolqne): Ban Claire, Wis.4-6. 
Felix A Barry (Hyde A Bebsnan'a): BrooUyn. 

N. T., 8-iS. 

FerreU Bros. (Keith's): ClcTalaa^ 0„ M; 

(Grand) PlttAorg. Fa., 8-U. 
Fern owaHy Faan Oaatiai^ ON, M - . 
Fox ft iwjtM Vuta t m n Ui lwM» BMft , 


Fergaaoa, Daprca A Oo. (Tltalia^i QBlan. Utehi. 

1-6; (Barl) Poeblo, Col., S-tt. 
Flelda ft WoQey (Oiptacnm): mm, K. X.4-6. 
Flatter ft jobaaon (FiacMtV): In Francisco. 

CaL. ai-May 6. 
Fox. Madge (CoMUa): It. biali^ Ma, 1-6: 

(O. O. H.): (Aleasok Ok. HS. 
Fields, Nettle (Olymvlel llKkrtM; flU 1-6. 
Flelda A Hanson: BalllaBtaB^ waak; Mt Tan- 

coorer, B. C, 8-lA 
Frsnzmathes A Learla (Bljon): Marqnette. Mldk. 


French. Henri (Orphenm) : 
Fredericks, The (Kdlaon): 
rtret Barney (OMnmbU): 
Oarclncttl FuiUy; 

Clrcns In CMa, 
(>enai« ft Thaal: 

Jane SO; 

Ont^ A Fmaer (Odeon) : DnytOD. O.. 1-6. 
Graces. Xhrce (O. H.): Olntoa, la., 1-6. 

Pa., M^May 8; (at home) Rartotrd. Own.,8-20 
Gordons. Three (Mission): San Francisco, CaL, 

1-6; (Baldwin) San Ftnttclseo 8-13. 
(ftttlob. Mr. and Mn. (Dtahaa): Bait Lake 

cmfi Btak, a<«{ (makaa) — " 

Denrer. Oolo., 1-6. 
Seattle. Wash.. 1-6. 
St Loola. Mo.,l-e. 

Gardner A Stoddard (at home): Bandy Lake, 
(k>IdBmlth A Hoppe (Dewey) : New York Olty, 

(Jarden. Scmera ft Bmle (Folly): 
1-6; (Star) MUwankee, Wia.. 8-18. 

Godfrey ft Hendeiaoa (Domlnloa): 
Can., 8-18. 

omen, Tom (PoITa): BarUa^ Om%> 

BUhmond, Va., 1-B; 

Gray ft < 

Gmam. Harry and I«nra (Vlaber'a): Baa Ftaa> 

dsco^ (3aL, 1-6. - 
Greene A Warner . (Orphenm) : Kanaaa (Sty, MOl, 

SO-May 8: (Orplienm) New Orleus. La.. S-ljL . 
Ootorth A Doyle: Bloomlngtnn, UL. 1-6; (OL 

O. H.) Chicago 8-18. 

G*mShar'yaM«B ^CajSj^j3^ l^^^^^ 
gte. 9„ i-tt < . _ 

Gleeaon. John and Bertha A Itcd Boollkan (O^: 
lombU): rinrlnnatl. O.. 8»-May 6. ■ 
Garson, Marloa (aAea*B): Tonat^ On.,,Hb 
Grant Sydney QHafaPUi .Barllaa^^Mr " 
Gardner, GriOB ft OiMMB <l««aH)i 

GeS5> ft Sffly: WiliBmii It. Lgfe MaA« 
Godfrey. Bd* STumMi "ObkaBO^^Ilt* 

Hart, Sadie (Bijoa): Dalaat. Mlaa.* vMl 

(DnJQue) Winnipeg, Can.. S-lB. 
Hall, Anna (Bljon): Qnlaey, BL. 
Hefron. Tom (Lyric): Oerelnnd, O., JX* • 
Hnghea Moatcal Trio (OoloBtda): St. I«atib Ma* 

1-6; {C O. H.) Chicago, IB.. B-l«._ . 

Bodi. Bltoa ft Co. (Hyde ft Bchnan'a): 8>oofe> 

BnS' wilXb'uid'Bdith (Dnqncna): PlMtajb ! 

Pa., SD-May «; (Aaatay) BaOilik K. 

8-18. . 
Hanson, MOdieB OblfeBMaV^t ' MlT 'BaBBM^ 

Mass.. 1-6. ...... 

Berrmann. Adelaide (Sbea'a): BoSalo. N. X.. 

1-6; (Shea's) Tgcoato. Caa.. B-18. _ -. 
Hill A SyMiar (BHMaanlataij*): Maw Zadi 



Ohambra): New 
aton, MuB~ frU. 


Howard's Ponies and Doga (Temple): 
Mich., 1-6. 

Hecley A Heeley (Orphenm): New Orleaaa, La., 


Herrmann The Oraat (New AUuunbra): Ha 

York City, 1-6; (Bmvlre) Boaton, >*.m 
Balght A Desn (London): London. ' 
Hyde A Heath (Star): BTerar 

(Star) VletorU. B- O.. A-18. 
Harper, LneUla H. (Btjon): 

Miy 1, indef. ■ : > 

Henmans, The Three: En lovta ^HB /Kr;. ft* : 

Bohtiln'a Show. See TCnt Show JMBM^^^' f 
Harrlgan (PaUoe): Loodaa. Eng., MorVJHI^,, 
Henneeaey. Asaca A. (Ftaaer'a); . -naHN^.. 

Ore.. Acm Bt, laatt _. ^^^^■■yjH^ ' 
Henry A XonaB (Faa^br): — ■MfcJW wJli^ ' 
Hnntoon, Dad and dan <Biai)t lb IWai* 

TagM inrtrf 

Balna, Bany: Ba loate .wUb Baraey ft Saaa 
Oaacdy On. Baa Bnmatle Bovtea. 

B^aaa. BUth (JBnalia):. Leicester B<ioafe, Loo- 
daa. Bas.. May wane BS. 

BSrtinrtt^ Tm: Ba wrta with Fr^ Btoir* 

Wfm Baaoaltlon Shows. Sec Midway BootM. 
mialM if Will Hood (Btnr): Atlanta. Oa.. 10- 

iarJSSr Kca. (Grand) : Jollet BL. 1-6; (Otymyle) 

Chicago 8-18. 
Hcidow A Wheelar. The Misses (W,««»J^?>-" 

rla. ni.. 1-6; (Olympic) Sprlng&eM 8-18. 
Harrla. CSiaa. ft Bdna (Orand) : Taaaaaa. Watt., 

Howard Broa. (P«*): W««^'_J?Sa. 

(Hnrtlg A Sesmoo'a) Mew Xork <W 8-18. 
Hoey A Lee (C. O. H.): Chtoigo. DL. 1* 
Herticrt-a Doga (Ampblaa): Brocklyn, K. X« 

Boinird A North (Kelth'a): aarelaadi a,':*t|: 

(Kelth'a) Philadelphia. Pa-^SO*. 
Bcelow, Chis. (Weaat'a): Peoria. BL. 

(Olympic) Springfield 8-18. _ • «. 

Beihert A WUHng (Bljea): Qnlaey. BL. l-B: 

(O. H-) Clinton. BJB. ^ _ -■_ . 

Hoknan. Hayward ft Banmtm Ummt 

naw. Mich.. 1-6. 
Hayman A Franklin , — 

Bng., 8-13; (Oan*»idge) - 

Hathaway A Walton (Park): 

p.-.n.« , (Ottaaaa): Oidaa, C. 1-6; VTam^ 

By) Batte. Meat.. Mfc . mm 
HsmUtoo. Wiley (AadttMlaai): KccniS. »•« 

M -May Mi. . . 

Hay, Cbaa. (OonlCk): 

8L M 
Bngane (Standard): Beaomoot Tax.. M- 

** i>wia A Hcnnlngs (Bum): !>•■ 

B^SS; IWbert*(8hea'a): ?»»S2!?'.S2:V*'£._ 
Howard A Blaad tOiphew): Haw Orleaafc I*, 

a.r„„t<^, ui. ft Bib. Ctaa. B.: fcaiaa <Mf« 

A^ Loas (Bmpire): AshtabaU BaflMV, 

H&khit Lew (Olympic): O^^J* BLjl* 
Irrlng Trio (Broadway) : Loa Angeles. Oai., 1-^ 

(Dnlane) Fresno 8-18. 
Jaraea A DarU (Grand): Oiricatoy. P»U 
JInka A Co. of Monkyra fl2*%22? ^> 
lands) : St. LonU, Mo, V6j ,CI«eat Paiw 

Ksnsss CllT 813. '- -•_■ " ■«» 

joaaelln Trio (Moo» T^' 

(Keith's) New York OI Hr MB.". ... . ;. , 
Janscn-Becr Oo- «annd) ; M—Wi ». wy . *y 
ft IfMB flBwllll ' DttMlti ■Hh*>lA 
_ _ ft-'MM«M.:i»a*«<y}s 
Jolmsoa ft 

1-6. • , ■■ 

yaeksoo Family: Ba 'route with WlngHng Bna.* 
Clicns. See Tent Show Bontea. 

Johaataoa. Ska Maaleal' (I^ccob): 
aw. May MBB«:.'UL.< . 


■ BBoSBoTtvape; Kb toate wttti BlosnacBroa.'. 

'OrcsL See Tlest Stow Bootcm. 
KcBt«D, norat&T (Ozfivd): l4iailaii. Bic.. ApfO 
^ -17-Jfa7 31- - 

XBnT, Artmr: En itmte with McTcr's Monutb 
ABBimirat Co. See mdirar Bonus. 

KiBsslfT' * Kbi«<lrr (Standard): It. Worth. 
Tex., Avrll 3. SudeU 

mtrtilf, si: EB roote wltb Soathern OUnfral 
Co. See- Mldwar Rootea. 

KMaiaazn Sapa (Bait'a): PUladelptala. .Pa.. !.«. 

KartcDI (Otnbcnm): Stnr Orlmia. sa-Xar 

: (iTn»f ) Tltminii|iiii» nioa.. s-u. 

_ -.artsiMMB (Oqfem): .an 

■ IX 

' ; Salem. 3IaaaL. 1-«L 


iMiaTd (O. H.): 
j,.Pmte3rKjo, S. J., 8-23. 
Three <Dewer>: 
'(Star) St. PanI S-13. 
Kdlez'a XooMn GMa (Star): Mllvaokee. WUl. 
(Derey) Minneapolis. Minn . S-IS. 

Florence (Star) : St. Paoi; Minn.. l-O. 
KtDr A Tlolctte (C. O. H.): Pittatmrs. Pa.. 
Z-«; (aea*8) Soffalow K. X... S-13. 

* Dole (Otpteom): 
* - BM»Ue. at.. H.): 


Ee Cbdc Min (Sbca's): BoSalo. ir.'T:, 
I« Clair * Weat (Fam0r): BidBMad. - 
(Oipbenm) Spcinsfleld. »ML! ;j; 
Lisa. Sam: Oiark. Ala.. - 
I> Oent, The Great (Famllj): St:' Xaan, 

■ Til , 1.6: (Olrmplc) Oiieaso 8-13. 
iMihanlt (UnJque): a& Qiicagg', IC. l-O 
(Gaiety) SorlDifldfeMfc^ii 
* Woodfort C™i*W« 

MVBwr g Pa-* 8-13. . 
■ ft Penbw (Galetr): Sprinsfleld. m.. 1-6; 
- ^^^QoD) (loiBeT. 8-13. 

-J» iWI Brtm. (Rand's): Tny. N. T., (At- 
~ - Ian tic Garden) !>ew Tocfc City 8-lS. 

Ifr^gfctm, unian & Co. (West SUe): Jiaanwllle. 
' WlL, X-6: (Flom's) ICadlson 8-13. 

KmiastlaB Mo (Orstal) : Seattle. WaA.. 1-0; 
' (Bakrr) Portland. Ore.. 8-13. 

railni ft iMoard (Orphenm) : Kansas City. Xo., 

.;"T-ia. ' 

.-lir. BL T. * Bessie (Family): E. St. I^oola. 

~ ■ S**"^ . . . , 

'Katen. EdwliL'.;tr«Wi'|>».;.:,Btw«Sfc.:;.H^-;,X.» 

■E^ia (B«^i*ii*?^^iiiii^S^'^ 
■ May «. * _^^iiiii- ?ri 

£at«ia. Frank A Jen (Orphemn) : B*MjMj2.Jl 
T.. (Hanunersteia's) Kenr TOKOBT Ml. 
lArrlTee ft !«: Trenton, Mo.. 1-8. 
Lerr. Mrs. Jnles ft Ck>. (Flseiier's) : San Fran- 

ebeo. CmL. 2t-May 6. _ „ - . 

I«sUe. Geo. W. (Grand): TlrtorU, B. a, 1-6. 
.Icwia. Al. (Peoite-s): Odar Ba^d^ U., 1-6. 
' Lee Mr. & Mrs. Tames P. and UtOe MadeUna 
-(EdiscB>: Sicax FhOa Mont... 1-6; (Bdlaao) 

- ^ wasft^-s-u. , . 

Ksar (Boplte): <ae«d«na.,0.;;'M. 
Lee (CllntoB): ' CUMgB. la.. S-ST. 
n* ((Uynple)r (Wcacdk m. 1-*: ^ 
wnnam J.: Bi note with the Great 
_S(* Mldwar Bostc*. 

XrtfslBd. r. 

I«TlnOk Dol^ and 
Eas., iBdeC 

tJBsemian.*s. ProC Palace of 

(Washlnstoo Park): FhCadd^lila, Pa., tndet. 
Mibr. Asmes (MarJsny): Paris. Frw ^ 
Aug. 31- - ' V_l- *' 

■ Sbrlo & aMo (Orrla Bros.*- C1r«na)r -.^OttF^. oC 
Mexico. Mex.. March 25 May S2- 
XcCsaley. loe (CalVM): SOmcnsol 

Anra 3. bidet. 

Xbe. ThtM tWlnteisattaa) 
. Hay X-SU 

^aMcn (StoO Tonr): Eng., April 10- 

' Jtoto^lxl. I-a. adara.'{4Wfmpla):. Paxils Fr^ 
May 1-ai- :' ^^--'-v;>' 

Macarte Sisters ( H ll j i an— |) tc . Tii iU w, ■ 

May Sanne aS. 
Monroe. Mack ft I^wrence (Howard): Boston, 

Mass.. 1-6: (Moore's) Portland. Ore.. 8-13. 
Minor' ft GaBnatlt ((xtand): Stand. BapUs. 
iHch-. 7-13. - ... .r.",... 

' MiccRen O: Btassalas (1Tnl«ie)'ii<3ftaBMvg|Ia. 

■ 1.6L '■ *~ • ~ 

Uliken, (>ia ft Ber 6<dd Doat Mn .(Ben's): 
Ikcanaba. Mlcb.. l-«; fBlfn); CalBWt 8-13. 
XcCpv ft TactTKm;- Jutttm. MIcb.» 1-6; Anrata. 

Xaniatt TwlBi'(OlTital>: Mlhrankce. Wis., 1-6. 
miiidH* Moe Hastings. X«t>.^ ^May C. 
HfT^ir "ft-' -Wtlfad • (O. O. H.): Oilesso. HL. 

X.£^(annie) GMeag» 8-13. 
IfbCiUs ft enirt: (Grand): OOUet. m., !.«. 
Xmvby. Mr. ft Mrs. Slark (Maryland): Baltl- 

moce, Md.. l-«: (Keith's) New York City, 

8-13. „ „ 

Mnllen ft CotelU (Folly): CblcagOk QL. 30- 

May 8: (Star) MHwankee. '.Wis.,- T-13. _ 
Xoond aty IJnartet (Standaid); K Loali;. sik. 

30-May 6. ■ 
lieKeeecr ft &adiT (Bljon): RtmWwt, P., 1-6. 
VBsoa. Etomer B. 'ft Margnetlte Eeelcr 

(Keith's): Plttstan*. Pa.. 1-6. 
Meinne. Jean (Capitol): Glenn Falls. N. T., 


Kotton. RdL ^Family): OmneDsrllle. Pa.. 1-6; 

(Family) Gteensbars S-13. 
Marecnas. Three (Temple).: Detroit. Mich.. l-«t. 
xarcr ft MB (Ba'»: boiaata. Ifldb, 1-^ 

jfUMT -ft.lbamcr (Star): HsmlltnB. Cu..rl-«; 

(Blalto) Ebnlni. S-13. 
Mscris. John B. ft T.lrrie Parker (Ql^adale 

Park): NasbrlUe. Tenn., 1-13. 
Mcrritt. Hal. (C. O. B.^: Cblcago. m.. 1-6. 
M'Th-*" Trio (Otpbeom): Uclca, N. T., 1-6; 

(Keeney's) Brooklyn. 8.13. 
Slason's Society Belles (Otphenm): Los An- 

seles, Cal.. 24-May. 6l 
Malley ft BoUand (O. B.):- Jackson. Mich.. .1-6. 
MeKlnnon ft Beed (Pastac**): Stew ToA aty. 


MoOrtby. Myles ft CMC.. ORfaO: ' BMavrib la- 

34-May 6. 

MItehells. The Dasdnc (Baeklscbani) : l4»ls- 
TOte. Sr.. 1-6. 

Meier ft Man (TtTOll): Birmingham. S- 
18; (BiHiodroiBC)- BdAtOB .15-20; (Kmp&«) 
BHstoI a*-tZt CMMniS) Ga«e*ead-3»Jime 

Martial ft 'Max MIlHsk (PaVm^): Glascoir. 
Seoc. 8-U. 

Meaityr c^ftJBeath^ (OtphCTn) :^Btooklm. K^Y.. 

Merrltt. Raymond (CltSl^i^-'Slii/imi'"hA , 1-6. 
Messenser Boys' Trio (Fnctirt'JM St.); Kcw 

York City 1-6. 
Mitchells, TTure* ( Wo<dworth's) : I.aDcaster. Pa., 

\t« ffn«i»i FunUy (Keith's): Boston. Mass.. 1-6. 
lOBcr; Heoiy (Keith's): Boston, Mass., 1-6. 
'"■*'■«-— JDSEllne (Grand) : .Grand Bapids, 
' . Wrf, CMain St-) Peoria, m. 8-13. 

Marlai ft Oetne (Famllj): Sbamokm. Pa.. 1-6. 
Xsctans. ne.Koor (Oljinplc): (Siieaco. HL, 1-6. 
MIddlctaa'a (Olyinplc): Chlcaco, DL, 


Xcttona. TIitM Slndcal fC. O. H.): CbicAgo. 

IB-, l-fc-' ■ 
MerrOls. Tim* '.JUndMB CmjnaAtt}: Ghl- 

caso. iiL,:Mt<; ' 
MsthewB ft A*hy '(H i»m>rt«t) 8 OUttga. m., 

1-6. - ■ 

Miner, Blehard Henry (Haymarket) : (Silcaco, 

m., l-«. . 
New Zozfe CJomedy Foot (Standard) : St. IiOOls. 

M6.. 1-6: (Centnry) Kansas CStr 8-13. 
Tfewell ft NIblo «aiase>s): Washlnston. D. C. 

1-6; (HoirsTd) Boston, Mass . 8-13. 
KsTaJo Girls (Trent): Trenton. N. J.. 1-6; 

(Band's) T*oy. S. Y.. 8-13. 
KCOla, Jassuns (C. O. B.): OBlcaco, HL. 1-6. 
NUo. Fred (Victoda); Ktv Z«A Xtt^ 1-6- 
XMan.-Ibe nree (mi^tmv<^t£^3SL, S-IO; 

(Salrtj) Albuiy U-iS. ' 

'Klaa:' KCaatta. Wis.. 1-6. 

ICnra, TM(. * Co. IC O. .a.): Oilaigo. m. 

j^Isoo Family (KeIlon*s): Mt. Clemens, Mich, 

Xtiott, Geo. E.: Bi rante with Bobtnson Amose- 

ment Co. See Midway Bootes. 
Xosses. Tlte Fire: En ttxite with Tbe Seminary 

Girl. See Mnslcal Bootes. 
Opel, Henry: En roote with Artdier-Forrcster 

VandeTille Co. See Tsnderille Comblnatloa 


Onr Boys in Bine (mppodnme): Loodno, Eas. 

MarcH 13-Jnne IT. 
Ordlar. Den- (Empire): Spila«lleld. HL, 1-6. 
CliOagblln. The Great: So. Oilcaso. HL, 1-6. 
(VBrica ft Dnnlo (Proctor's): ABwBF. S. Y. 

1-6: ((hphenm) Utlea. 8-13. 
Osterman, Kathryn' ft 0>. (C. O. K.): CUeaco, 

m., 1-6. 

Flock ft lock (BUoa): lEadasftt*. Wis.. 1-6. 
Fattr ana. (Hurtle ft Seamen's): New York 

Otty. !-S: (Chase's) Waatalnston. D. C, S-13. 

Pdot. Fred ft Annie (East End Park): Mem- 
phis, Tenn-, T-13. 

FlilUips Sisters (Glendale Park): NashriUe, 
TMn., 1-6; ((Hymple Park) Cbattanooea, 8- 

Pierce ft Maixee (Shea's): Bnffalo, X. Y., 1-6 

(Shea's) Toronto, Can.. 8-13. 
Prercwt & PreTost (Pastor's): New York City 
Prerost ft PXesost. (Oiphcna): DenTcr. OiL, 

8-13. • 
Potter ft airtadl 

8-13. ■ '■■■'.■>.■ 

PMnxs ft Ftec««£. Ol H.): OklacOm.. 

Parkctv-Bccc: (mates): OcOea. v.. 1-6. 

PhUlW ft Maiiltt (SasMh'a-O. K): Grand Bap- 
ids. MHh..' 30-May «. .. „ , „ 

Pero ft WHaon (Family): Lancaster. Fs.. 1-8. 

Fnmpln;, The (Jeltefs); Saginaw, Mich.. 30- 
May 6. 

Parish, •VentrUo<ialst (C. O. H.) : Bntte. Moot.. 

May T, tndef. 
Pearse, Frank ft Jnle: En roote with Gorton's 

Minstrels. See Minstrel Bootes. 
Probst. The Great (Orpheom): Brooklyn. N. T. 

1-6; (Hammersteln's) Sew York Citj S13. 
Pewitt (G. O. H.): Indians polls. Ind., 1-6. 
Feske ft De Gtoate . (Star) : Atlanta. Ga., 2*- 

Pope. J. C. ft Doc (Flom's) : M s d iso n . Wla., 1-6. 

Powell's Electric Uarlooettes (I ' ~ — 

neapolls. Minn.. 1-6. ' 1^2 . . . 

Prentice Trio (Dewey): MiBneapaOa^^Xlaa , !•«; 

(Star) St. . Fad »a. ' . • ^ '1, ''^^ ■ .' 
Panitoa ft-Osolcr (OlynBte); Cpigas fcm._l-6. 
Qnin. wute ft Aabmaa (Proctor's ISSth-St.): 

Xew Toe* City 1-«l 
Banney Slaters (Castle): Bloomlostoo, in., 1-6 

(Gaiety) Sprlngfleld 8-13. 
Bnssen ft Dmbar (Baker): Portland. Ore.^ 1-6; 

(C^^tal) Tacoma, Wash., 8-13. 
Bandolphs. The Giotesqne (EJacnbctHi - Boat 

Show): BrownsTlUe, Pa.. 1-8. 
Roaal<2os. Three (West Side): Jsnesrtlle, Wis. 

Klce John C. ft Sallle Ooben (Orpheom): Omaha, 

Xeb.. S-13. ■ i_ 

Rnssell. Leah (Haymarket): (3iic«e0k <nL. 1-6; 

(Colnmbia) St. Louis, Mo.. S-13. 
BoDinsott. Chas. (XMcadero): Chicago^ HL, 8- 

13. •■ ■ 

Richardson. I«f«Ddcr ft Co.; CBtmnil: Boatoo. 

Mass... l-6.: ■ = " 
RarmoDd , ft , TtlesT ■ ■ <Fe««is!*>;i^aar 

Kan.. 1-0: (Katknal) Kaamt aUr^mk, 7-13. 
Radford ft TaleBtlne (AIhaaain) :-'.'> BBttb t. 

April I.May 31/ ' - v il^.'^'^;.^;:.- 

Bice ft Pierost (Olrnyla)? - Pazla^' ■'Xk^i ' .lvnl 

17-Mny 31. 

BusseU. Edward: Bi route with CSrlton's Was 
She To Blame Oo. See Dramatic Boatea. 

Reiir Bros. (Empire Toox) : . Rng,-. April 
Msy SU ■ . . .. ■ P^V.'-^i^r:'* 

Bosser. Blwaid (FsjbUt); Mahante K OBf » -Tlfc.- 
indef. ■ 

Bafmmid ft Good (garrMt) : Bill If a ii l «m i - nuii' 1-6; 
(Ljrie)' Lincoln, xeb.. S-13. 

(Kelth'4: . 

X^l (MaiyUnd) BaltUotc. lU.. S-13: 
Byan ft- BldbSeM (Keltb'a): FMladeiphla, Pa., 

1-6: (TotfctlUe) New toik City S-13. . 
Booney, Pat ft Marlon Bent (Kelth'a): Pitts- 
"borr. Pa.,. 1-6: (PoU's) BrldKepoct. Owm., 

Beno ft Mnnar (Bijoa): Manitowoc. Wis., 1-6; 

(Bijon) sii 111 in sail MS^ ° .'s -BoU-Dgss: •T —lsalwi n. Oii !■«; Oan- 

too, 8-13. 

Backett ft Hazard (Lyric): Lirerpool, Hag., 


B^mond. Ltezle B. (Lycenm): ronJon. Enc. 

Barenseroft, Ctiarlotte (Baymaiket) :. OUeaco, 
HL. 1-6; (Odisenm) Terre Barn*. lBd„ 8-lS. 
Blanoaw Foar )Eaat Oid Park): M smp b l s . Ttan.. 

Bldites ft BnOi (Satlaaal): Kaaaaa CUj. Mo., 

* liairtKv liiB'laF. BBS.. S-13; (Ssrrey) 
London. IS-SO. 

Boys * Roberts (Park): Prorldence, B. I.. 2*- 

May 6 

Bosalre & Doreto: Tooring Eorope, 2t-May 31. 
Ross ft Fenton (Haymarket): Chicago, m., 1-6. 
Ryder's Monkeys (Hsymarket): CUeaso. HL, 

SnUlran ft Fannce (Ciystal): Mllwankee, Wis., 

Snraxal & Bazall (BtJoo) : Kenosha. Wis., 1-6. 
Smart. Arthur (Olympic Park): (Aattanooga, 
Tenn.. 8-13. 

Sotton ft Sotton (Standard): St. Lonis, Mo.. 

30-May 6; (New Centnry) Kansas (atj 7-lS. 
Stans. Reoohle (ATcnac): C^lcaM IIL« Irt. 
Seeker, Wilkes ft Co. CBia>)i-lBUBntta; Cui.. 

l-«t . .,'.iti. '-"'\ ' ' '■- ' 
Syminds. 7aA . (OairarV* ' WanaavaB^'srJDiia.. 

im. ••■ ■ 

StabI, Boee (G. O. H.): InfllW^all^ B*, M. 
Sony ft Phelps (Weast's): ECOIIa, DL, l-6r 

(Castle) Bloomlnstoo 8-13. 
Staley ft Blrbect (Proctor's): Albany, N. Y., 

30-May 6. . 

Symonds, Lottie West (Keaggy's): GlcCBSbarg, 
Pa.,; 1-6; ((Mety) OoaneUsriUo ' . ^ 

SemoD, Chas. F. (Shea's): Bnirala; .K T., 1-6; 

(Shea's) Toronto. Can.. S-13- 
Siddon Broc. (Howsnl): Bostoo. Mass., 1-6; 

(Anstlii A: Stone's) Boston S-13. 

Simon. Louis. Grace Gardner ft Oo. (Oiphenm): 

Los Ajigeles. CaL, 1-13. 
Samuels, M. (Norelty): Stoox Falla, 8. D,. l-S; 

(Fcopte'a) Odar Bapida. la.. S-IS. 

jott-BML fOoiandiia): St. Looia. Vol. a0:llar 
S; (a O. a.) Ohieasn,: BL. 8-lS. „ , ^ 
rtlh. ft NDer (O. a a.): mdlsnapOUs, Ind.. 

(OolHaMaV Giaelnnatl, O., 8-13. 
leac niU lOillllllllli) Mlnoeapolls. Minn.. 30 
Slaj IS. 

Stones. The (Hammersteln's): New York Ctty 

10-May 6; (Orphemn) Brooklyn 8-13. 
Snyder ft Bnckley (Keith's): Sew York City 

1-6; (Keith's) Fhlladelpbla. Pa-. 8-13. 
Smirl ft Kessner (Orphenm): Brooklyn, N. Y. 

1-6; (Hammersteln's) New York City 8-13. 
SpraxneUos, Xhc (Psstoc'a) : Xaw York (»ty. 

1-6. -. -.i - 

Stnart. John r. 
May 6. 

Stererson & Mack CEelUl'B): BMiKlISSS., 1-6. 
Shaw. T.llHsn (Keith's): BoaMS, 1-^. 
Simpson ft Plttman ((JgUnaMa): St. bnls. Mo., 
' ■ • • : . __„.- 

Spesordr'a >Beaia * taias:(«wram: BMok' 

lyn, St. t. l-«: (HaasmsaStata'ajTSaw York 

aty 8-13. ' 
Sanderson. Carl (Olympic): CbSago, HL, 1-6. 
^Ir-pm, Mabel (Haymiidcet) : Chicago, lit, 1-6. 
~IM. O. E. (EWaee): London Eng., AprQ 17- 
Ifar SI. 

SdUBldt, Berr: En mate with Meyer's Monarch 

Amnsement Co. See Midway Bootes. 
Sautell. The Great: En root* with J. Frank 

Hatch Shows. See Midway Boates. _ 
Smiths. Aerial: En ronta with TtlnsHns Bras.' 

Circus. See Tent Shoir Bantaa. - -. , ■ 
Stein-Eretto Family (Osnavt 'Bamnnnt 

Italy, May 1-3. 
Taylor, Mae (Howard): Boatnn, Mass., InOet. 
Tliardo. (Hande (Bijou): Brooklyn, K. Y., Indef. 
TeaL Raymond (Cnlqne) : Loa AngeleSi (>aL, 

AprU Zt'MST ao. . 
Tielosr ft Edna TeiQest (EcUk's): FUMmrc 

Pa.. l-6; .(Shca'a) BnOak^ »- T.. Skl8. 
X^caadsr .Tkto (Baral): Montreal. Can., 1-6; 

(lOnet'a). Kaw Task City 8-13. 
TtaraUe (Siatj^aad): Baltimore, Md., 1-6 

(Rammersteia's) New York City 8-13. 
Tnlsa (Family): E. St. Loola, DL, 1-6; (Castle) 

Bloomlngtoa 8-13. 
TV>m)Uns. WUUam (Orpbenm): San Francisco, 
CaL, 30-May 03. _ ^'J. . . 

lerley. Original (Temple) : Detroit, Mkfef. 1-6; 

(Keith's) CleTCland. O., gOS. 
Towel. Smith ft TOwal L A: .Bana nas) : 

Brooklyn. S. T.. {aMOr^ilMnS. Pa., 
8-13. • : . 

Ten Brooke Landiert ft Ten Brooke (Ptoctoc's): 

Newark. S. J., 1-6. .... 
Tree, Lniian & Irene Jetmon (Hopkins') :.Lools- 
nue, Kyi, 1-6; (Bcvklas') Memphia, Teaa., 

Tenley. Elmer (Paatac's): Kaw ToiJtCltr 1-6; 

(Hnrllx ft Se«Mtf4.n£,»ACttr MS. 
Trask ft (Jladdan 'IMOrtt .OmtaSi A. M. 
Tannan. JnUaa X6I^ O-ii. TaatanapllWa. Ind., 


Tarlton'ft Tarlton: ' MarshsBtown. Is.. 1-6. 
Teed ft tuell (Bdlsoa) : Yaqnina. Ore., 1-6. 
Tronbadonr Four (O. H.): Sew Bedford, Mass., 

Thompson Sisters: Enrcka. Cai.. 24-iIsy 13. 
Unlqne Trio (Bncklogham): LonlsrlUe. Ky., 1-6, 
Tema. Belle (National): Kansas City. Mo.. 
' 1-6. 

Vane. Harry. Mag;lclan: En rou te with B<Q^ 

AmDsemeiit Co. See MM wjf.^. . 
Vermette A DlooDC (Cirque ]naia>S 
Fr.. AprU 10-Msy 2L - ^ 

VanGotre ft Cotrely (Unlgne) 

Minn-. Indef. ^ . ^ 

Tassar Girls. Eight (Olympic): Chicago, m.. 

1-6: (Haymarket) Chicago S-13. 
Vernon (Vtetortt>i Kew_ York (aty 8-13. 
Tanea. Caailce'.(OtVhcnm): Brooklyn. ^. Y. 

(nmmci^elfa) KMr Xaek, CIV 8-18. 
Tcindo: Bdana. UoBt.. -j^-. 
Vennette ft IHonaa (Oiqae Mm): Bgiwanx 
-•"Ft., 24-May a. 

Ton Kline ft GUison ((»lnnibla) : St. Louis, Mo. 

Tardelle. Frsnk (Hitch McAvar Comedy Co.) 
,• Tersallles. Ind-. 1-6. ..'; . 

■Wjva ft Hart (Grand): Tlet*^ IwS- 
tal) OtiMNc. Creek 8-lS. 

Wolf ft yiSdella (Olympic): SprinxSeld.. HL, IS^ty/ 

Welsh. Chas; * Jennie (Bijbo) : • l*: ttoaaa,,, 
wis.. 1-6; (Unique) Eao Oalre 8-13.. ■- ■ > 

i-137 - ■ 

Williams * Mayer (BUoo): Marinette, Wis., 

(BlJon) Manitowoc 8-13. ' ^ •.■ 

Wood ft Bay (Pastor's) : New York City 1* 
Wilson ft Bcloiae (Chase's): WaaUagton. S. Cv. 

1-6; (Tample) Detroit, Mich.. S^S. . .ni 

Wairea * Gaidaar «^su]): St. Josegh. llo..j 

w aa- -UlakHAsaufeltat Winn 

1-6; (Onbcim) SAloneapolU. Mlno., 8-13. 
Ward * tenn (Olrmplc): CUcaso, m.. 

-~ MSaftM«k S-19 

..BaBslaw'.X. :Z..'.y\ 

(Hsymarket) (Alcago 8-13. 
West ft Von StalSB - (Shaa'a) 

8-13. ■ ..-v^. V V, 

World's Comedy fiBiir (Oathaa)!' Miir'"'.XMk, 

(aty, 1-6. i^l? • ^i'S' 

Weston. WlUIe (Bucfclngtiam) : Loala>|Bak',.l(yrj;& ' 

1-6. ^'^ll^iL'-.i*.-, 
Washburn ft Flynn (Buckingham): Jd^nSntOt^ .' 

Ky., 1-6. '• . 

Wbalen,- Geo. E.' (Psrk): Prorldence, B. I., v 
^V-bltebead ft Diamond . (BIJoo) : Dnlntb. Minn-. 


White. Annie (O. H.): Park (aty, U., 1^6.. 
Wilson Trio (Orphemn) : OeoTer. 0»L, 1-6. , 
Wyley ft «>laan (Hamitt: BaalanjJMaB..M«i^;. 
White ft ■fiEt- c i Bii il M. i ii l;:»iir Jlklmmi. JM^. --,, 

1-6. ^-t: . 

Wataoa'a, Sam, Itowa** ''^Jf^f-Wlft;^!*^-' 

nam ft Bnllay'a Chrans. IM atjit'Shy ■ Banlaa i.x- ^ 
Ward, ra Tom (Vemphl): iRBafelik ; XmBw";^. . 

ftpill 17, indef. • • '■ ■■ ■ ii.* " 

milams ft Long (Standard): It>'WfRni TtMf^.: . 

ftprn 24-May 20. ,« '". ^'s' , 

Worttiing, Henry (Olympic): Chicago, m., !-«.}./ 
Watertniy Bros, ft Tenney • (Baymarket) : (ai-^ i 

eago. III.. 1-6. ^, , ^ ; • 

Waldroo Bros. (Haymarket): Chicago, IlL, 1-6. 
Yogi. White (Norelty): Denrcr, CoL. 1-6. n: 
YarIA ft Lalooda (Family): Bntte, Mont., l-<k-,: - 
Yonng, Tot (BUon): Calumet, Midi., 1-6; (Bl> <-'. 

Joo) Marquette S-lS. _ . . _._^-.^''r ' 

Yonng American Qointat (Sb' O. SUt .naHHPSfj-^ 

Us, Ind., 1-6. ■■ • 

Young. Frank and Anily (Waatsraod): 

natl, O., Indef. 
Young, onie and Brother (OOlfsanm): 

Eng.. Msy 1-Jua SOt. ^ . 

zelieno. The My stic; Ste waB»_W"-< 

TandeTllle Ok , Sea Tandsnrllla 


Sat Sams, ne (Chsino): Los Angeles, CM., 1-6^ 
ff te suo S^SO, 

Zingardia, SOIa. (Osmlnl): HasHnsi^ Nabv: 

1-S. ■■- •-■.■.I.- 

Zsndgs, The M ys lai len s {Ohtae'a): 

D. C, 1-6. „ „ , 

Zarrow Trio (PoU's) : New Haren. Conn., 1-6. 
Zlska & King (Amphlon): Brooklyn, N. Y., l-* .' 
Zaaelle ft Vjcmoo (Shea's): Toronto. Can.. 1-6. . / 

zaia *Xun (C. o. h.) CMcago. nu, i* . / : 
xmnos^ xovTzs. 

AUULit Oaatan. AL Dolaoo. mgr.: Gslresto^ 
USanss * .aaainn. AL Dolson. mgr. : Glad. 

OeaatO), Wis.. 4: AWtetoB s;; , 

ft Conntry mo, i^a.:nM,-9^t .TfUnliSWfc.i.-: 
D. C, 1-6. ■ •.._■■' ' .. . ■ • ■ 

Bntler, Helen llSy an* SgJ^BTMSfc^y, 
Leslie Spahn,. aa^.: mm a n a poW ^ "ft". *sm • 

S.MaT 13 

Bu'ck Pattl Tronbadonts, B. Voelckel. mgr.: 
Roanoke. Vs.. 3: Petmbnrg *= Nort;dk 5: 
Newport News 6: Blcfamond 8; (aarlottesrlHe 
9; sutmton 10: Winchester H; A l,rTS I I <ll 1 *2j~ !< '■ 
•Boston Ideal Opera Co.. John .Shnip^ 

Little Rock. Ark., 8-20. _ , '» ''■^ilVj- ' :• 

Buster Brown (EastaM), M fl nll n^ . y»7» . 
prop.: Adrian. Mkh., 'S{ SSBIfc. JSS,., •» .;: 
Ft. Wayne 5-6. • „ _ . 

Buster Brown (Western). Melnll* B.' 

prop.: New York CUj l* rmi-t^ !^' 

Bost<m Trio, F. H. Stowdl. msr.s CUntH.^,*. 

Y., 8; season ends. • . x m^m^.^^ •i^k' 
Bab</s in Toyland. HMSMa >. l^f ^^ftLSK j , 
Guelpb. Can., S; Woeditaek 4;' St Ibaaan «t 
London 6. „ 
(Man. (Seo. M.. Sam H. Harris, mgr.: Boatoo, 

Mass.. 24-May 6. 
CoIombU Orera Co.. Ohss. N. Holmes, mgr.. 

Broken Bow. Neb.. 2-3. _ . 

Canadian Jubilee Singers, W. T. Cao-, mgr^ 
Pariah, N. Y., 3; Phoenix 4; Fulton S; Mexico 

(Hnadlan Colored (Concert, CwIWi ■€«'•* 

Fleetwood. Pa-. 8. _ „„ . 

Daniels, Frank. Chas. B. Dillingham, mgr.. 

York <aty. April 24. indef. 

Bllery Sand. The. Channing Bll«y. mgr.. 

waVikee. Wis., Apm 15-M«r a. -. 
Etagllsb Grand Op«»^ Oo.,_ MM^ W. 

mgr.: Sprlngfleld. BL, «;.8o«m 

4: Grand Raplda.JD*2 «* . .-L-.' jifc:; 
Fantana. Sam S. ^HMM "ST" «*• 

City, Jan. .14, tnSeC 
Flaradoca. Fisher ft Bylart 

Mta M, indef. . -■- --- - — . 

Fnnwster. Samuel E. Boifc, "ST" - 

HS^'j^h'-anS'carrle DeMarr. in Mama's 

Paoa: Washington. D. C. 1-6. o-—" a 

Hoppu, DeWolf. Opera Co. toWang. fsin^ 
Shrtirt. mgr.: Huntington. W. Va..S; I«'^, 
inztoo. Ky.. 4: Owenabcro 5; Eransr™*, inn., 
6: St. Louis. Mo.. 7-13. .^#11- ft V 

Holty Toity: Monessen, Pa.. S: MeaWne^W.- ' 
Hanloo's Snperba: San Francisco. C^L. l-M..;;.. • 
HIS Hlchncsa the Bey: Vln<»nnes. Inft. »^ ."^ 
Innes and his Band: San Ptanciaoo, CSiv W:: 

Max ..... J 

Happened In Nordland: 


May 1-13. _ 

Lyman Twins In At T*e Races: 

Mleb.. 30-May 3^ 


ifcf' mk^n (Hnrtlg ft Seamon (Hmrtte » 
fltoawS't^, rl^ J. C«3in. mgr.: Milwaukee. 

}l£'jHb mita, mxan * -Immennan, apa.: 
B hn aa aWi la.- ga-t > lS;: r-l ■•,i_;i;'/-iiiMa^"' 
MeOier Qaeae, KTaw ft Blnisar, «iS«*r.- •f^Fr^. 

Mkh.. 1-6. ;■: ■ ... 

Kaacy Smam: Memphte, Tenii.. l-»- .;.: ■.. - >;:••■, ■ . 

Kewlan'a Concert Sand. Will P. Newlaa, sasr-t; 
Albany, Mo.. March 15-May 15. 

Peggy From Paris. Madison <»rey. ing. ;_ 
rence, Mass., 3; Portsmonth, N. H^^JjBaMJft 
Me., S; Angnsta 6; LewUtoo 8: PorUaaS 
Rockland U; BMdlefotd 12; Manekaatar, 
H., IS. 

Professor Napoleon. B. Wade Dayis, mgr.: Lan- 
caster, Fa., 12-13. 

FOUaida' LUUpntlan Opera •Co.. Joscyh Xollsr, 
awr.s Skalnaa. WnL.- Balsna. Maot,. 

ITKe 31liboar<l 




That large tract of land lying between tbe Brightcm Beach and Manhattaii Beadi Hotete. comprising 

- 7 5 Acres, is now beings converted into thL ■■ 




Connecting Brighton and 

Manhattan Beaches. 

Every Feature of Atlantic City^ With 
Creator Natural Advantages. 

Among the Large Concessions Already Leased is that Stupendous and Realistic Spectacle, 

With f ■ I T wm w^^^mw-^ "w m. r with 

General Cronie 

• H. Oritfiml 

from the World's Pair at St. Louis, and On* 
Who Took Part in the Terrific Confiiet. 


with mora than 200 Savages of i 


mm by L. A. Tliii^iiii etj 

Hourly Free Eiblbltloas fff Life Saiiflg b| i II. S. Ufe Siiligeni, 

From a StMMMT Jlaohetetf 

20,000 FREE SEATS. 

ilVpSoaiSses fv OSMeaalaas 

ANntt BRiranil lEAH DEVEUPMEn M., Rqii lilMia& FaHon ad Wiiliai Sbiils, KW YHK. 

Elaatec. tWalUce Sacfectt, nst^: IHastlB CItr. 
N. J., 1-9; Bildgetoa 4; bitoa, Sk.> Bead- 
lac •. 

PIS, Faff. Poof. F. C. Whltner. mgr.: Chl- 

tm, 111.. 1-13. 
B^na ArtlllecT Bud of Italy, Joaeph DeTlto, 
mgr.: AtlanUc City, N. J.. Feb. IB-Uay 12. 
Bara, The, in Txrm Tbe Pike, Stair le Nle<^, 

iDgn.: Detroit, Mich., 1-9. 
BoskU, IJUlaD, 6am S. Skobert, mn,: (Btn- 
• ad, O.. 1-S; Bnffalo, N. I., *-^^ ' ' ' 
iMfton 9; Columbo* 10; - "~ 

ngr.: HMr Xock OUT. 


11; I^nlsTUle, Ey., 12-13. 
Bnimlng for Sfflce, Sam H. Harris, mgr.: Nuh- 

▼llle, Tenn., 1-6. 
Bogers Bros.. Kltv * Bdangar, oigia.: TOIcdOk 
^^.^ 3^ Cleteland 4<. mgugb- 

Sidney, Oeorge. In Boiy lar. Stair * Wkalal, 

iDgra.: Uontpeller. Tt., 3: Otncord. M.' H.t 
' 4: aiaochester S: LoweU, Man- LawMsaa 
. 8; BavciUU 8; Pwtsmontb. M. B., 10: LmtIi- 
' taa. Ui Portland 12-18. 

Mm Ter. Mm O. Plabcr, mgr.: 

i«itt IT, Indef. 
i itw l M Beauty and Xh* _ 

Pa., 8; Ellsabetb, N, X. 4. 
SdmoMBn-Helnk. Ifadune, P. C. wiilttter, mgr.: 

Oblcago. m.. 1-13. 
Tte Beaoty Doctor. Tboa. w. Prior, mgr. : Syra- 

cuBc. N. X., 1-3; Watertown 4; OIOTerarlUe 

5; Jamestonrn 6; Amsterdam 8; Scbenectady 

10; Poughkeepsle 11. 
Tbe Eorl and The Girl. Sam S. Sbnbert. mgr.: 

St. Louli, Mo., 1-8; Otlca, N. Y., 8-9; New 

HaTen, Coim.. 10-13. 
The Brrand Boy (SuUlTao, Harris & Wooda'), 

J. K. Roberts, mgr.: pltuburg. Pa., 

Buffalo. N. Y.. 8-13- 
Tbe Uberty Bellei, Fred Berger, jr., mgr.: 

Jobnaonbaig, Pa., 8; Olean. M. Y., 4; Wella- 
^-TUIe 5; aowellsTUle 6. 

Xae llarrlage of Kitty, Jnlea Unnr, mgr.: Par- 
- go, N. D., 3; Otookatnn. MUm., 4; wlimipeg, 
Man.; S-0; Onlntt. Minn-, 8; wifcMnif 9; 
. W. Superior, WU., 10; Eau Claire 11: VlMDa. 

■* Minn., 12. 

tte Show Olrl, with Stella Ibjiiew, B. 0. 

TTbltney, mgr.: Baltimore, Md., 1-8; Ann- 
apolis 8; Waslilngton, D. O.. 9-18. 
Die Show Olrl (Western), fi. O. Whitney, mgr.: 
New Bedford. Mass., S: Fall BWer 4; New- 
port, R. I., 5; Kew London, Coon., 6^ Hart- 

_ tord 8-0; Wnterbuiy 10: New Baren 11-IS. 
The surer Slipper, John C. Fisher, mgr.: PbUa- 

delpbla. Pa., Biooklyn. N. T., 8-18. 
Tbe Strollers. Nixon & Zimmerman, mgrs.: 

Brooklyn, N. Y., 1-6. 
Two Merry Tramps, McVenn & Vetter, mgrs.: 

Obarlotte, Mich., 3; Benton Harbor 4; season 


The Burgomaster: Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., 6. 
The Isle of Spice (Western). B. 0. Whitney, 

mgr.: Newnrlt, O.. 3: Sandosky 0. 
The Beggar Prince (P, A. Wade's): Hctrlngton, 

Kan., 3; Md'heraoo dt BattUHQS »«. 
ne Smart Set. W. B. Miri: '1^ t Boston, 
— 1-0. 

™« Seminary Olrl, Melrllle B. Kaymand, prep.: 

Boston, Msss., 1, Indef. 
The Hottest Coon In Dixie. Bnust WUiU, mgr.: 

Dnlntb, Mlns., 1-4; Srainerd 8; Fargo, M. D., 

6; CrookstoD, MbuL, 7; Grand Forks. N. D., 

8; Winnipeg, Maa^ lO-ll. 
ne Oidlage Wldoir, Bmy W. Saeaca. ncr.: 

Mew Xotlc Olty, acpt. 19. UdeC 
The Earl and The Gtil, Bam S. Sbnbert, mgr.: 

Chicago, 111., March 12, Indef. 
The Bdocatloo of Mr. Plpp. Klrke LaShelle, 

mgr.: Sew York aty, Feb. 20, indef. 
The Girl ana The Bandit, Frank L. Perley. mgr.: 

Chicago, lU.. April 24. Indef. 
Tbe Maid and The Mammy, Chaa. Msrka, mtr.: 

PhlladelpbU. Pa., March 27, indef. 
Tl>e Prince of PUsen. Henry W. Sarage, 

New York City, April 3, indet. 
The Boyal Obef. Sam S. Sbnbert. mgr.: 

adelpbU, Pa., April IT, Indef. 
The Smiling Island, Geo. Lederer, mgr. 

.adelpbia. Pa.. April 24-May 13. 
TlToli: San Francisco. Cal., Indef. 

The Yankee Consul. Heozy W. Safage, mgr. 

St. Ix>als, Mo., I-a. 
The Bed Feather: turn- t*m, O^'-tt 

4; Sacramento 5-8. 
The Ue oC Sploa (Bastsra): M 

8; tti4»port 4: WatcAur S. . - - .r^ 
~ in. Bsair W. Saeage. Bse.: PUIa- 




'«kaa la A Fslr of Pinks, B. O. Stair, 
mgr.: AUeatMni. Pa.. S: Beading 4: Wllkes- 
iMure 5; Scrantoa 6; BInghsmton, N. X., 
8; Waverly B; Ithaca 10; Niagara Falls 11; 
HanUlton, Can., 12; Liondon 13. 
Wills' Mnslcal Oomedy On.. Ma B. Willi, aigr.: 

I>xlngton, Ky., 1-8. 
Woodland, Benry W. SaVagS. - BMloa, 

Mass., 2t-May S. 
Williams & Walker. Hurtle * Scamon, mgrs.: 

Trenton, N. J., 3-4. 
When Joiuiay Cornea Msrchlag Home: WUkcs- 

W«£%?&.> Brts^ Fib. a. 

Barlow & WUaoa's, Lawrence Barloir, mgr.: 
Darls. W. *•„ Xunt 4; OMM Ba.. 5; 
Brerette •: BVfiMl S; HHMiiClgS 1: Iigwls- 

toim 10. 

Dockstader's, I>w, Chas. D. Wilson, mgr.: An- 

susta. Me., 3; Bangor 5.; Lewlston 6. 
Dumoot's: Philadelphia. Pa., indef. 
Field's, Al. O.. Doc Qulgley, mgr.: Ft. Wayne, 

Ind., S; Bicbmond 4. 
Goctoa's, C. C. Pearl, mgr.: Herkimer. N. T., 

3; St. JotinsTlIle 4; nion S; Oneida 6. 
Kersands*, BUly, C. Jay Smith, mgr.: Indlan- 

apollB, Ind., 1-8; teaad Uaplds. Mich., T-iO; 

Saginaw lUB. 
Hataata'i. VkMk lUban. bsb.: Wlaalpeg, Can., 

Primrose's. Geo.. Jas. H. Decker, ngr.: Wlteel- 

Ing, W. Ta.. 8; darksborg 4; Falmoot 5; 

Cumberland. Md.. 8: PbUadelpUa. Pa.. 8.18. 
Sun's. Ous, American, Fted D. Fowler, mgr.: 

Helgbtstown. N. J., 3; l4tkewood 4; TIneland 6 
Vogel's, John W. Togel, mgr.: Cldla. O.. 8: 

Strubenviue 4: Toronto 5: . .Onal . -Dovsr 8; 

Wooster S; Mansfield 8; OallM M; Kt .OUcad 

11; Karloa IS; Baonu UL " 


American. Greater: Chicago, HL, May 8-JxlM IT 
Buffalo Bill's WlW West. Fred B. Hntchlnson. 

mgr.: Paris. Kr., April 2. Indef. 

Bamnm & Bailey: Elizabeth, N. J., 8; Somer- 

TiUe, 4; Eastoo, Pa., S; Allentown 6; Phila- 

delpbla 8-13. 
Bayrooty Bros.': £3Izabeth. N. J., 3; Somerrllle 

4; Easton, Pa., 6; Allentown 8; PblladelphU 


Boer War, The, Capt. A. W- Lewis, mgr.: 

MaysrUIe, Ky., 3; Covington 4; Hamilton, O.. 

S; Dsyton 8: Indianapolis, Ind., 8; Mnode B; 

Ft. Wayne 10; Toledo, O., U; Sandusky 12; 

Elyrta 13. 
CkMtello & Graves': Homer, N. T.. B. 
Downle'a, Andrew: Oilley, N. T.. 8; Biockport 

4; BtCBSn 8: bBor 8, 
Elr^ Oasb -S,: ItadlM, III..S Hitrfilwrg. 4- 
TMaf* Acat: Betkalar. OsL. 8: Stockton 4; 

Santa Bow S; Nana 8; TaDaJo •: Baeramento 

10: Woodlaad U: Bed BtaS IS; Bedding IS. 
Focepangh * 8808 Braa.^: St. Sonlg, Ho.. l-«; 

Qw* Ol iai< h— S; Oilro, HL, 9: Padaali, Ky.. 
I 10: llHpklMtaia Hi Harloa IS; Bdtemie IS. 
aenaar'BnaJ'i. amatsr, ML, 8; BSwood, Ind.. 

8; BhMs^'Hattflgcd Ottr Ul Bittland U; 

St. 1IH>8,'0L. IB. 
Gastxr-BmL* Ois * Paay: IfkiBMtec^ Ky., 


H an>, r. W.: IMK Bu^S; lMl»:4i *a- 

toaM 8s 'Plalawlla 8: 8tocMoo 8L' 
Caatsrt Bm.V MnnM O.. 1-8; ITpf>er San- 

daakT .SdBtr lMplm lS-1^ 
loekF BBftt' lOtataava. Kaa.. 8 Sedaa 4; Pent 

Malm's B. B.: ? ' " 

Fan-Ameriean: Decatnr. DL. 8. T 
Pawnee BOl's Wild Weat: PittaiiBrg. Pa.. X«. 
Blngllng Bros.': Pukcrabois, W. Ta^ 8: 

Tlle 8; WfciaiaB, W>Tfc.^ - - - - - 
Altoona II. TUlaal IT 


Bobbin's, Flank A.: HaCkcnndt, N. X. 8. 
Slg. SanteUe * Welsh Bros.': I>baiion. Pa.. 8: 
Pine Grore 4; Tremoat 8; Schnylkfll Haven 
8: Pottsville 8; Tamaqna 9; Mabanoy City 10; 
Shenandoah 11; Mt. Carmel 12; Sbamokln 18. 
VanAmbarK: Pabllcatloa ot route prohibited. 
Any mall addressed in care of nie Billboard 
-will be forwarded promptly. 
Wallace's: Xcala. C 8; WeUatOB 4; 

Pa.. 10: 

Aimee. Coradora A Hubbard Attraetlcaa, 

ai Hubbard, mgr.: Macon, Ga., I-IS. 
Alamo Camiral Co.: Durant. I. T.. 1-8. 
Ament'a AttraetlaDS, Capt. W. D.: BnssellTUIe. 

Kj.. 1-6; Paris. Tenn., 8-13. 
American OamiTBl Co., CSereland tc Tnawr. 

mgrs.: Bock Hill, S. C, 1-6; TbODaSTlBe, H. 

C 8-13. 

Banscber CamlTal Co.. A. c. Baaseher, mgr.: 
■.nmf^n. Art . 1-8: Casnt*>«nTl1le. Mol; SmT. 

CUBa** AkMScatBt Ok: .'BMOBti^aMi^fMl. 

Cooke's CiL>' of jemssleBl; .B.'0«8Si''»SgZr'Wsi± 

Oosmoixdltsn Ami 
1-8; ndsa 8-18. 



forwarded imiaiptlr. 
Eeblln'-Hsrrls Amnsement Oou. 

mgr.: BIk City. Okla.. 1-0: iMBias 
Fiesta Carnival Co-.M- Ik I^Tltt. mt 

soovIBe. OsL. 1-0; Mimteter 848. 
Flak's Syndicate of Stwwa, 1. IL ~ 

Chattanooga, Tenn.. 1-lS. 

oaskin Shows: Angnsta, oai M;.: 

Hatch Shows, F. Frank: '-WlaAftlBfeSab -aw.. 

Unlontown S-13- 
Hewltt's Shows, Eted: Ttncennes, Ind.. 

Linton S-I3. 

Biggins & Woods' Glass Show and Mosenm, D. 

J. Hl^lns. mgr.: E:na Bena, Miss.. 1-8, 

Indlanola 8-13. 
Hoss A Mauman United Shows: Paulding, O.. 


Hoss A Kaonancta^DGT oyCe AKB 1 iSfl 
H. B. O. Amanaent Ca„ H. A. Biiwill. mgct- 
waSagtiSi I..E,- »44. - . - 

gen. nitt.: wSSS^S^^SS'mtSS^SL' 
London Agwwft '■■Oto'-vlls'-W««ti " Oi. ML ■ 
Mocris* Oua S k aw, Sir-.r" 

j-ao. -'-.'v.':- 
Mnndy Sbowa, at«ats> SCaMfe 
Pa'rfcer Amnacmcat O*.', <X W.: 


Patterson A Bralnetd Carnival Co.: Joplln. Mo„ 

Pierce Amusement Co.. Al. Pierce. 

Cheater, Pa., 1-8; CVjatsrlUe 8-13. 
BoblnsoQ Amusement Co., Dan Bo 

KnoxvUle, Tenn-, 1-6; Bristol 8-13. 
Boyal Amusement Co.. B. H. Tlppo. 

StlUweU, 1. T., 1-8; Westrille 8-*»- 
Se^mao-SXlUiain MardI Gras CO.: BUMBelllik' 

Kt.. 1-G: rari3. Tenn., S-13. 
Smith Am-j^^ement Co., rGeater. t^uis. M. SiCltll. 

mgr.: Lebanon, Ky., i-8; HaztodMNUS 8J8, 
St. Loals Byadicated Amoseacat at.i ~ 
baAIe. Ttmm^ 1-S; IMckssB SrlS.; 

WaSSS%tt%i^Mi Oiu si tk " 
Kas., 1-8. 

mgr.: West 


E. D. 

Y., 1-8; Toronto. Can., 8-18. _ 
Blae BIMwn Glils, Jack Singer, mgr.: Baiialab 

K. T., 1-8: Kochester, 8-13. 
Woii^ni^tiiT Tbomas W. Miner, mgr.: Ondnaat^ 

O., 1-8; Loolsnue, Ey.. 8-13. 
Boo Tons, Bosb A Weber, mgia.: BalOaocih 

1-8; Wsshlngtna, D. C S-IS. ^ Z : ■^i^-y-;': 

Bnrtlg, mgr.: lM<n;r slI^:'.3i^^i9MMh'{: 

Brigadiers, Harry Martell. mtfsiiiti^mmmt^' I 
Mimu. l-«: St. Paul. 8-18. i . - >■ . ' 

Black Crook D i ul s n a iia. a F. Bdawidit .asbt :/ 
on aty. P«.« 8; Om<Td: Btans, O; «oha» 


Xtie .Ofllboapcl 



I have one of yoar 
viBiier mud » mocy maker. 


nuchine. It Ss s 

ItookinSViMinonedsr: 2268^ in one week vlth one i 


QgtAWA, CMMlmt.' 

DBehiiw. A.BOIJf. 

' lllie maehfoe wtth wMcb these I&rge profits are made Is the Empire Outdy FlOSB _ 

panibaaet It does not require a sUUed candy mechanic or candy maker to Operate it. It can t)e operated 
wlnOQW, on a street comer, on a fair srround, or at the race track. It Is simple In coostraction, made of " 
nn rhing to get oat of order. It Is operated by hand, with anaiyements for power «Wi»*»»»»^Tr it daalied. 

A. poona of sugar makes thirtT fiye cent bags of caadj iD a^pili iwlimlTi, fn oHwr watSt, alz'oaBto wntii of 
^tght. minutes' time psodnoes $L.50-wortb of candy. 

di&md Ok Qi 

. • ^ _ the EMPMC CANDV PUOSS MACHINE, go esn jaa. Order tthdaj. 

ttdiaU be 

Cream Separator 


BIIZ7 a, Extnnsmu, C. H. K«i>- 
roB. — 1» • Xolcdo. O.. CIcTelaBd. 8-U 

dkeny niwuni. BuUer. Jaeota ft towrr. mcrx. ; 

St. IxjoU, Ho.. l.«; Kuna Cltr. 8-13. 
Ottr SDort*. FhIL SbeHdan. msr.: Mew York 

- CBJ 1-13. 

1>-«»T' Jacks, BaRT teaol. mgr.: BraoUjB. N- 
T.. 24-Ha7 6; AIMsr 8-10;' Troj 11-13. 

(UanapoUa. IniL, 1-6: Chlcaso. m.. 8-13. 
. Sevm'B. Sam, Pittsbnrs. Fa.. 1-9; Onflmiatl, 

- C 8-11. 

War Vaster Brnjefittaeffs, Joseph Oppenlielnar, 
tesr.: lfnwaoke«. Wis.. l-C; ~ 
Mlim.. 8-13. 

Gay BCaaqoczaden, Ji _ 

Biwton. Ifaaa, S-U. - > -v.-. 
'Gar HanttiiKiah«lMk.'leittailK A 

too n-ia.. "r:^; • ■ . . 

High BoIIeak' ^ ^ 

bany. N. ■Mr'Wr MS <MilM«r K. L, 


Impcxiala. wnilama & Bntaa. mgis.; ITtadtng« 
Pa.. 1-3; ScnntoD. 4-S; New Tock Ctty S-lS. 
l uuo ce n t Maids, F. C. Hoffznas, mgr.: mstai. 

M. J.. S-il iring.tnn N. Y.. 5-6. 

¥tw<i«w If Frmnk B. Cazr-. "T" " B oa la u , 

Uaaa.. l-S; N«w York City. 8-13. 

Irwta'a Btc Sbcmr. Fred. Irwin, mgr.: Phlla- 

ddpbla. Fa.. i-«; BaltloHCe. Md.. 8-lX 
MBt Gam 'WUawa. BObert FBItaa, mgr.: Cfel> 

caCDw nL. J-e; Knwaakce. WU^ S^ 
' XtatMky BdlM. Whallot Bnia.. 
HL. Detxatt; Wch. 8-lS. 

CMr. Mau'rl^ MBmapdfa. bO.. S-18. 
Ortentalfc W. B. Watsoo, mgr.: Boatco. Ifaas.. 

Fariaiaa Wldowa, Bnsb It Weber, mgn.: !Tew 
York City. l.«; JJeitark. N. J.. 8-13. 

Beeres*- AJ.: Prandence. R. L. 1-8; Boaton. 
Maaa.. S-tS. 

Bloe * BartoD's Gaiety Gol, Stm TiKk iStr. 

Janey CJty, N. J., Mfc-^.V'ij ■ , v; 
BcIIIr ft Wooda', Pat BeIItr.''''av^:'nnv,''K. 

Y, l-S; Albany. 4-6. 
Bentx-SaaflejV Abe Leantt. mgr.: Brooklyn. M. 

Y., 1-3. 

ToUy. Bice ft WarKw. lagra.: 

^ R. 7.. Mew Yak OtT MIL 
rCUa, P. B. Ctaik, mgr.: tmmm, Oul, 
ML.--. , . 

BWMtfeccda, Prank B. Carr, mgr.: Lools- 

■tmi. Wr^ l-O; St. Loola. Mo., 8-lS. 
nger Uniea. Scribner ft Drew, micra.: Jeney 

City. If. J., 1-8: PhOadelpMa. Pa.. 8-13. 
Tnuw-Atlaotlc Borlesqners (Bortls ft Seaman's), 
B. U. Boaeathal. mgr.: New York Ctty. !•«; 
Seiantaa. Pa.. 8-10; V i a M>y r J* .M>Li_ — 
Troeadcraa. C H. WaIdzaa;;;caWK;^ip*ir^:'a««k 

L'topians. T. W. DlnUna. 

1-6; CUeuOw m.. S-UL 
VaallT nkl ~ ' 

TAUiBviixx oimHiaftTwni boutjss. 

Oi^MU^Show (MartlB P«.lfa); 

Senrab'a TanderiHe Co.. 
Atlantic. la.. l-IO. 

Angnstlnes' Electric Stndlo: Deeatnr, m., Feb. 
IS. indef. 

Adams Congicas ot Niwdtlca: madior, N. C 

_ ■ . • . .... _ . . _._ ^ 

CanaTanex. G. A. EMtOB. mgr.: linUnoAet. 
He.. 1-6. 

Ciystal Ore CaiBiial. C. H. Gny. Bgr. 
Fstab X, " 

Fara, '.'Tiie: Glaaecvtct; IfiM,,. Iklil. 
EUnH^ Xbe. SL ti. mat. mgr.: Deeatnr. II1.J.6 
BaU 0>., Hypnotlata, Joe W. Ball, mgr.: DeD- 

too. Tex.. 1-6. 
Hemsttcet. PioC J. A.. Hypnotist: Mo 

m., 5-6; rtlrmoont 10-11. 
Hewett. miialaaist: Eagle City, 
Hay 20; Circle Olty Z2-Jmie M. 
Helm'a. P. W. Cony, mgr.: CUntanTlUe, Wis., 

3-t; Antigo 5.6. 
Howe's HoTlng Plc tmea , Lymaa H.: Saginaw, 
illch.. 4-5. 

Presenile. Hjrnotlst, P. wniard Hagooo, mgr.: 
Madison. Me.. 1-6; Fannlngton 8-13. 

Powers. Hjpnotlst. F. J. Powers, mgr.: Ply- 
moath, O., 3; Shelby 4; Mansfield 5-6; Ashland 
8: Doylcstown 9; Orrrllle 10; Wooftter 11; 
Sbreve 12; Uassnlon 13. 

Pnggsley Bros., Tennessee Warblera, B. C. 
Posgsley, mgr.: Octcilicia, Ind.. 1-3; Oxted 

^ 4^^;^I.afaretteJ'-l^. fiil.- 'g^'-CkaaMHaa *- 
PattTOIe il. 

BoitlaK BUT* ArMT Oamm. W. 7. 

Swafiaw fc]biUt>li ~ " 

too, w. Ta.. S; 

eriektowa S: 

ft«eot», Faults, Falra, Street! 

Doubl* Equestrian Bara-back Riding Act of th« 

Four years the featore ot UingWoe Bros. Clrctis. Two BeantUuI Women. Two Blooded 
Arabian Hotsea. Handsoaoe Wardrobe. Gorgeous Trappings. KoTel Electrical Eflectak 

PositiTelTnootlieraetoCitskiBaiBther' ' * * ^ " — 

to aU classes. OrT - - - 
3T.19I& AddlCM 





40,000 TO ORLAW F^OlVf. 


AddMn: OtaM Hfk ABiiMiMiita>,.PetiiaidILH.T. J. F. 
Fioprieton and atanacers. formerly Seevetaix M ~ 

Co.. Newark. N. J. 

id. Cb»s. H. : Roalette. Pa.. Indef. 

I'a CrrstalpTei Csrnlval. M Hccrr Walah, 

mgr.: Mllo, ile.. 10; illUlnocket S 13. 



Cindy &Ir.TIieatra jwiBte- 

cus, Wrlfe for 


Pod Com eoods of all kinds. Privilege men 
write for prices. 

Grean ti Son. Propa.. - - Chicago 



Niiiiiil GmM Co. 

Two COOd dwws. good Merry-Go-Ronnd, 
Ferris Wbeel sad good acts tor circus. Cities 
or towns desMnctohOidCMntTal write ns. 
Prairie Da Cbein. WlB. 3— t ^mmb. 
Wis.. 13-17. Addiew flmSBBOa. natrie 
Da Cbein. Wis. 


Vandevllle Performers and Musiclahs. I pay 
alL Bomera. Hsahers and Wooldbaes. no. 

•ttlRflg - 

CMC Sherman Honae. New Philadelpnia. Otdot 


The flneat eqalpped sixteen Wagon Show. 
Main Tent 8O112O: Cook Tent for 50; Horse 
Tent for 40; everythlDK In the pink of condition. 
Don't write, bot jnst wire what da; yon wMl 
be here to buy it. Horses fur nMw d. aj_S8> 
to $75 per head; also ponies at $t§t AMM.' 
C. O. PHIU.II>S. Cortland, Ohio. 

at GeiiasuU Park, 
laAe Faik. Akron, 
to &aw tnai at S-ccat ear 
at a nwnlisl phet to a good 
responalble party. Write nr 

Beadi. Tdtrng. 

fatoacope Pador; 
rrr . I>est toeatto. 

WASTED Eepertolre Show for week's atand «r 
Bingle nigbts. Open time after Jane 4. H. GL 
BLAINE. Mgr., Opera Honae, Attica, O hio. 

Xlie Billboaipcl 



(CoatlDoed fnxn page 8.) 

H»mmer»teln^^^yigMri*n««tr« (O. Hsmmcr- 

"coionSf Sf«rte Has .(nBt fl^ wnkMk mi*.) 

Grand Omm Bdm (Geo. H. Sprlaccr. mgr.) 

Sits. Tl ■Igtl'i Titrr Next: Jamea K. 

f»«<**tt. ^ Mule (OUmoce ft TompklDS, 

(Altx. JjlehteBatein. 
Htst: lUW M*a. 



r.) - 

Plabcrtr, mgr.) 

qoaat. mcr.) ' 
Boater Brown. 

Majeatle Theatre (John 8, 

Metrapolls Tbeatre (H. RosenlwrK. mgr.) Lot- 
tie WUUama In Mr TDm-Boy Olrl. Next: 

West End Theatre (Geo. BlumenthaJ. mgr.) 
Bnsier Brown. On May 8 Bogenle Blair wUl 
oi>cn at tblx theatre tor a short aeaaoo, with a 
stack company. Tbe prodncUans will be an- 
nounced later. ■ - . 

American Tbeatic (K]*w, Krlaaftr • VdWi 
mers.) Geo. FWrcett ft Ooi epcfM* at Ola ttcm- 
tic Mar 1 (oraa Indelalte MBiSHMat, aad will 

— ^— ~- (If, s. SMMV. oigr.} 

FUtr-cIcbth street 
-ahh Street ThcMrca (J, 
) Stock ~ 


FMCMCa Twcalr-tUtd Street 
AaMk'Kmea. gen. mgr.) Vanderllle. 

nM ATenoe Theatre (A. H. Woodi, 
A Mtr American Tramv. 

Tfew Star Theatre (Wm. Keogh, mgr.) Her 
PJrst False Step. Next: Ooafessloos of a 


Pastor's Theatre (Tony Pastor, mgr.) Fol- 
lowing Is the bill at Pastor'a for this week: 
Smith and CaiDi>beU, Bedford and Winchester, 
Wood and Rar. Lanrm Comatock. Orphena Trio, 
Oontnre and Gillette, W. H. Moaher, BCTcrly 
*od Danrrrs, Borkhart and Berry, Tbe Spragnel- 
Ids. John and Oarrle Uaek. W«^'« Oteat Bark- 
ers, and tbe American Tltajngh.. 

Lew Field's Tbeatie (mwHi MltllWII ' '* 
Fields, mgis.) Closed. 

Gotham Theatre (SoIUfaa ft Klmo, mgn.) 
Tbe Trvcadeto Bnrleaqnen. 

Tbeatzc (Sam 8. Shnbert. men-) 
i—nci tt_darlBK to t"^ Huiliw 
Xkwtw (lig. K, Oattia, agr.) Xte 

nxO.-«t>r Tbeatia (Dr. P. a Ootsdl. 
*4 9he Sqaawama tr Mwla MOtaa Boyle 
■ pggiiiliil for tbe llTtt time en aar alace. 
, t* a mr large aodleiKe. WIBtna nMr> 
m la atancd in thla eoasedr-«iaaw tr TJrt 
Ak- Sto plar U ezceptloMltr inH caat 
ataced. W. B. Httt plara a 
' part, go Bktafal that be 
wtdi tlw star, rau week: Mr. 
B. -8. wuieia la icpertottc tbe lint half; UI- 
Uan Baasen tbe last bait. 

Park Theatre (M. She*, mgr.) Tbe ranum 
Stock Co. presented Tbe Three Hniketeeis to 
good boslcesa last week. This week: Ijord and 
Lady Ale. 

Teck Theatre (W. S. Baldwin, mgr.; James 
UcNamara. loc, mgr.) The Last Days at Pom- 
peU preaented by tbe Baldwln-MelTllle Stock 
Oo. drew aatWaetwy kaawi, Plar ataged. 
Lester LonergBB-aiA .MlB MHlm_fr aaoar dir 
Tide bonocs la Ifea iMMC Sthik ' Mi Wtmt A 
Boyal Slave. 

Shea's Garden Theatre (M. Shea, mgr.) Rob- 
ert HUUrd A Co., and Marian Oarsoo, the 
sweetest soprano heard here In a long time, 
pleased fine hooses list week. TUa week: Ed- 
die Foy A Co., Adelaide Herrmann, Barton and 
Brooks, Doryea and Mortimer, Fierce aod Hal- 
ve aaA Okarica Falke Seaaioo. 

' _UAa«tta nc'*'* ''^'^Suh^te'Snt'c^BB'aC 


Lyeeom Tbeatw 'CT.' Tf'1|*1^ ■f-J b OU 
Kentucky entettalaed ienMeSfeOMM ttgt Week. 

ms week: Kannettc Cemataek In Tbe Crlala. 

Academy Theatre (Dr. P. 0. Otmell, mgr.; 
Chaa. G. Sterens, res. mgr.) The Contenlona 
M a Wife did nicely laat week. Tbe Sfta ot 
i Vttk Ikla week. Item — Jane Daker joined the 
'Ikliiaai stock Oo. thla week as leading lady. 

CHAS. W. GOBTZ, 168 Adams at. 


(nirciNKATI. — ^Tbe rapid advance ot warm 
weather snd opening ot the Joiin Boblnson Ten 
Big Shows haa canaed considerable falling off 
In ittendaDce aod Interest at the theatrea In 
this city; nevertheless, tbe good attractions l>e- 
hlnd the footlights induced better andleoces than 
Bight be expected. The long looked for and 
^.aaxioosly awaited engagement ot Mr. B. 3. WH- 
laid began Monday. 24. and ended Satntday, 29, 
tboogb tbe eminent Kngllib actor might star a 

— '1 ta Ika adraatage of Ua 

MBt baa bcea a sie- 

, «be rare degree of 

' JIK- .WBatd. as weU as tte 
' dC'Hg'Jinirtikg eonpaar, made bis 
~ cmnt a wartbr «oe. and will be 
tr the. arlstoetatic clientele which 
lUr Vhaacd. lltos Alice Lonnon. Mr. 

^ hadbg ladr. aeond a dtstlnet bit In 

ber sercral rslea aad ablr demoaatiated her abili- 
ties ts aa aetma ot taleat aad Oalab. Wbat 
Is qaite notlcealde la tUs oonipaar la that lu 
snccess does not depend, apon one or two of Its 
members, a feature characteristic of many Eng- 
lish companies. Qrery member la capable, and 
their work shows that they have entered upon 
the higher plane of art trod only by tbe few. 

At the Walnut Street Theatre Happy Hooligan 
has been holding the boarda, and with a big 
chorus bas been pleasing those who attended thla 
week. George D. MelTllle playa the leading 
JMe, that of the well-known character in bard 
anc. He Is aaalated by a large company. 
. A g ood blU waa presented at the Colombia 
Bjnig the past week, with the Bight Vassar 
wM» W tta headllners, presenting their artlatlc 
•■a VMIaeaiai mnaleal specialty, conelndinc 
dcettie. ballet. Otbets oe tbe 


Fidura Sbdrine Ifaii '■■iiiS'^< 
turer, first-class DoOr TUkar* 
and Three Sister Teams, me 
diam height, wardrobe far- 
nisM. Good Bdlslioo 
Address: May ilst, Knozvilbt' 
Tenn.; May 8th, Bristol, Tenn.; 
May loth, Blnefield, W. Vs. 



whlcb was liberally applaoded; Tree A Jermon 
In a refined alnglng and talking act also scored 
favorably; John LeClalr In a unique juggUse 
act; Tbe Smedley-Arthur Sketch Clob presentlos 
The Little Mother; Phyllis AUen, tbe phenom- 
enal contralto; Gallagher and Barrett, original 
comedians. In modeia - trareatr; links and his 
marreloos monfccygi A waadllfU aad bigbb e 
tertalnlng animal aet. . mil WMK^ tbt Bgl 
Bedouin Arabs. 

The Forepaogh Stock at Boblnaoa'a, for their 
!sst bill bat one. preaented Barbara Meteble, 
that superb drama portrarlag life la Mairlaad 

taaca oC waa, Ba^ wbaHiar tOm* or' fta waa 
TictoilaMk Mr Mia Wi-wHli aai htarta made 
desolata .waa- awg- fka jmli a( the deroat 
MarrtaDiR. IhtkaWeMlaaanLannlafibaa- 
non baa a watt wdl aaitad to bar partlealar 
uienta. and nukea a decided hit. John J. Far- 
reu in tbe nie of (Japtala TtnndMdl. the red- 
eral soldier who wins the love ot Barbara, la 
most pleasing. Others deserrlng mentloa are 
Frederick Forrester aa Jack Negly; Frank Petera 
as Col. Negly; Albert Sackett as Mr. Frletehle. 
the stTowc willed. Intolerant Sontbemer, and 
Eiagenia Webb aa the wife ot tbe minister. 
Next week the company will present as tbelr 
dosing bill Tbe Lady of Lyons. On Satnrday, 
May 6, two farewell receptions are to be beld 
on the stage after tbe performances, and many 
floral offerings will no doubt be in evidence as 
tokens of tbe appreciation and esteem in wMch 
these local favorites are held by Cincinnati thea- 

Beuck'a. A dramatUation of that famons 
novel, Dora Thome, was the offering at thla 
boose last week. AlthooKb the cast waa small 
It was well placed, whlcb made It one of the 
best ot the season. Tbe scenery, especially in 
the fonrth act, waa eaceWeat. Sflsa Caba Mlblo. 
in the role ot DgMjtafmcd the patnaa of 
thla bonaa by ber dasoL actlag. 

People'a. The ShMagMtcda appeared 2S and 
drew fair cr«««g ttMMbaat tbe week. Two 

daace set. . 

At tbe Lreeom. lUss Wanda uimm,jL 
sirt wiio la Joat tbilsaing a most aaieasBBl 
ot the weatern Statea in Nettie Tbe NewaglrL 
appeared last week with a atxong ccopany and 
pleased tbe osnal dientele. 

That part of Cincinnati which Is German 
tnmed oat in fnll force Sunday evening to pay 
trlbnte to tbe memory of one of Germany's 
greatest poeu aad dramatists, Friedrleh von 
SchlUer, and Moelc Hall waa crowded for the 
performance of WUbelm Tell by the German 
Stock (X>. Aa nsnal, the company did tbe play 
and themselves Jastlce. The play, Seblllnr's 
masterpiece, tells In poetic, stirring form the 
well-known story of the hero ot tbe Alpa, and. 
thoagh tbe lines are famlllae ta .tta- a n d lfa i ij 
to whldi this - excellent esHBaav aaMi^ ™a 

to whiA this - excellent 
play Is never wearied of. 

2ftHE8TILL£, — ^Weller Theatre (J. Q. Eng- 
land, mgr.) Tbe Heart of Maryland 21; pleued 
good audience. Lulu Glaser In A Madcap Prin- 
cess 23; delighted packed boose- Cora Law- 
ton's Oo. week 24. 
KAIOLTOH.— JcSenon Theatre (Thomas A. 

- - ipeit Holmes 22; pleaied good 
aC The Cross 2B. 


PHILADELPHIA. — Tbe scarcity ot suitable at- 
tracUona la being felt In this city and in conse- 
quence a nomber of our theatres will doae ear^ 
Uer than anticipated. The (Aestnnt Street 
Opera House, Broad Street Theatre and Wabint 
Street Theatres aU ahnt up abop 2» tor tb« snm- 
mer, and the only reason is that no aiuaeusaa 
can be secured that are nc'W or will dr aw ass aey. 
This la making the aeaaoa a jin mmt ma 
and there la a bowl ftem at t i l h W (^ Mli ft ■ ■» 
popular price booaes are fladlagit gHMR ••■^ 
i^e the right goods. Hart's Theatre was eom- 
peUed to put in stock to tU oot the gap. al- 
thoogb boaineaa bas been Tery good with even- 
that pived that boaae. This dlt- 
SSSSrla aaavlag attractloDa U becoming seri- 
Mawtth a aaaifter ot managers, sad most likely 
win be a daage of poUcy in a nniaber 
Shvmr B«t amni U loQetbliig is sot doae 
to tcmedr thla trooble. „ 

flStw week waa vetr profitable at all tte 
hoasea, and as tbe weather la Jnat right tor 
tbeatregoing the chancea are that bnslness wUl 
keen good nntU the opening ot the parks la the 
middle of May. Circus week wiU no doubt iday 
aad havoc with the receipts of a number of the 
houses, bat it may rain part ot that week, and 
If so, tbe theatre managers wUl be able to get 

"IrSnsS^S- Theatre. Mrs. Patrl* Ctoyl^ 
In Tbe Sorceress bad a TeiJ IMt gtWt^ imaM K 
performance gave satirtac«OB. np Wmm w— • 

remain closed after AprU ». ^ 

Chestnut Street Ope™,Hoose. »a .IMt aM 
Wlir Club In Mr. Hamlet of DcnIBatt J»M™_*5 
«liclty all week. Tbla hooaa wlB fiTcIoaed 

•Talt?{"s^t Thea^..™. »aM«-n. 

Mammy bad a «»<>* ^ftl "^SS^J^tli 
special Eaater l a a ttai a AgaB ai._ « Ma »aa xae 

tonrtb week of •■EIWSLtSS. it^SSv 
and hooae close Sfc_xat BMM wm m •« 
remodeled this wammtK. a,rt 
Chestnut Street JBeaHfc «B« 
pleated people ». «■ mV m U »0M 
SK mr 1. 

Garrick Thestre. Edna Mar had a rta I 
second week with Tbe Scho<d ' '■■''■g _ 

Announced for May 1 Is Bills Jt Blmta aad • atar 
cast In London Assurance. 

Casino Theatre. Smiling Island returned to 
the home of its birth 2t, and boslness bas been 
fair all week. It will be eontianed ladeOnltely. 

Grand Opera Boose. - Sha BMlMir Girl 
pleased and drew well watt IC-M* 'Che SDrer 
Slipper comes May 1. 

Forepaogb's Theatre. Eugenie Blair contlnnea 
to dnw big houses. Week May 1 wUl be ber 
last week at tbla bouse, when she will give 

tared weU 

. IbaoB wm <9en Uay 

■Ihas. E. Shea in The Snat 
_i Cilrlr good week etaitlBg 
M*0 M. Aaaoaaaad.te.Har 1 for two weeks 
la mm Bob WbUfc 

OliaM Iha 
wcA », aad 
1 In Frits 

Blaney'a Artt Mieet Theatre. Lottie wn- 
liama in My Tom-Bor Girl had a big week start- 
ing April M, and ttie play made a big bit. 
Week Mar 1. The Peddler. 

NatloMi Shaaiia,.. Bar Bint 
a fair 'Mtt.MMjMw. JMara 
staadbr. na'Ma IfMBB;.*. 
May 1. .l-'.-sii.":;^ 

People's Theatre. The Sin .'dK'.vtl 
proved attractive week 2(, aad la 'tta' 
ot Darkness comes May 1. 

Hart's Theatre. After a good week with 
Sanch 10, Lost In New York will open May 1. 

Standard Theatre. Lord Edward by the Stock 
was quite sncceaafol week 24. 

'Keltb'a Chestnnt Street Theatre. BnalneBa 
haa picked op In good shape with TandeTlIle 
of tbe highest order; was never rcaUr bad 
during Lent and the old iKelth boaineaa ot 
"tnmavraya at every (>erformance" la SUB tbe 

Slerentb Street Opera Honae. Oomoafs aUa- 
■trels coDttnne to do big boiincM and wUl aat 
timmgt tbdr bIB Cor tbe rcat oC the aeaaga. 
After the boose doaea a two wceka' toar thnagh 
Pea aail i aa to wtO be made tr the coaipaar- 
~ ~ — ^ icojoied AprU 

_ eootfanes to at- 

Weck 24. Tbe Boo Tons 

'^eemt ' Theatre. The Imperial Smlesmiets 
drew big bonaes week 24- This boose will re- 
main open all summer. 

BUoa Theatre. The German Stock eontinoes 
with trl-weekly change of bills. The lesse wUI 
expire early in May and tbey will not take tbe 
boaae next aeason- 

Baslnesa haa beca tot good with 

mgr.) Bob Wblte IT; ti^-.tmtmm. ' Tkt-Vet- 
tnae Teller Sl-gg; fair t il Nl jl Sff'tJf^ 
Sawiar ST; Jfaade Adaiaa »: OMa Wm Be 
Ma Jiar S; fliaate Walsh 3; Ward * Tokca 

*'Aeadefflr ot Ifnsle (A. J. tnttr. .■gJ JO* 
Brown StaA 0>. week 17; fair ba^Mi-*aMB^ 
Chondi Stock Co. week 24; Qneea aC Tm High- 
way May 1-3; Price ot Honor 4-«- 

Star Theatre (Alt. O. Herrlngton. mgr.) Bon 
Tons 17-19; good bnslnesa. Merry Maidens 20- 
22; big bnslness. Fred Irwin 24-26; Parisian 
Widows 27-2». 

Obort Sonare Theatre (Bob IKellar. mgr.) Tbe 
Hiir CUT week 17: big baalaeifcpojoj^ Ter- 
SSl M midM mi B» M» yntt week 

BKAMOnK— O. A. B. Opera BMiae (7. P. 
Oaler, mgr.) Oat of Tbe Fold 19; fair boose. 
Wbea WaawB I«we 20: oalr fair boiiam. GUa 
wm B8 sua 35 (retoia): large aadw^ &!"!^ 
~ " ST; Slnat Supper 

(W. D. MMda, sagr.) Bin 

■tela aad Brans. Bryaa and SaTUlei 
■wm Ood«7. Pm aad WUsoB. 
D. Stafcoa, aad aoftag plctna to large 

BOBBmow* Ofi rt l Opna Boaae (a J. 
Orpenter. ssgr.) Iielaad'a Own Band 14; pleaacd 
fair boose. Daik Vtbui JUatk^. week 34 
(except 27): opeaed with Tbe DerU'a Wife to 
S. s. o. iSaTtdBamm 27; Chicago Stock Oe. 
week Hay 1. This aeaaoa haa been a noagjiaa 

perona oee for this boose aad Uaaagcc 

ter deserrea credit for bis hard " 

HOHEaBEH^-Opeta Hoaa e.CB ^. „_ 

mgta.) Black Oaok (frt B«l iiwi w l5tMg 
bwlaeaa BMh * miea'^aiatlt; «fc,2l»t Brt^ 

Ite^-aSSbaw • MaxkCl jPMt Awr ll; :BO0d 

^idniMo* ■* .Gr>ra>. 

XEKPHIS. — I^ceom (F. Gray, lea. and mgr.) 
Alberta (>allatin in A C^ean Slate week 24: fair 
bnsbiess. Joe Weber's AU-«tar Stock Oa, S., 

-BUoo (B. M. Stalnback. Mgr.) 
Dollar' week 17; capacity 
Girl week 24: 

Grand (A. ' 
AprU ' 


SAKVESTOH.— Grand Opera Hoose (Fred G. 
Weis, mgr.) E. H. Sothera and Julie MaHowo 
in Romeo and Juliet 17; fair attendance. Joa- 
selyn's Moving Pictures Ig-18; fair taonses. Car- 
ter's £jiin«dtaaB 20-23; good basiaesa. Tinak 

Rich Stock, Oa, . — ' ' 

tbe seasM aT ~ 

BAH AHTOHIO.— Grand Opera Hoose (S.^&> 
Weis, mgr.) £. H. Sothem and Jolla Dfsilaaa 
W: pleased S. B. O. Omgress ot KaUcoa aad- 
Ben Bar 23-24. Omival— Spring Carnival and 
Flower Battle 24-29. 

WACO. — Andltorinm Opera Boaae (Jake Gar* 
dnkle, mgr.) Carter (>>o^dlana IftdB: Mr ba*' 
n eaa. Waco Mnaleal FesUval IliV:U-l^.;. 

TTLEB.— Grand Opera 
mgr.) National Gaad BO 
Dark week 24. 

OUBIUm.— «rowa'a Open 
Braaaw;a(pt;) Dark. -»~- 

____ 'VIRGINIA. 
. "G>EEf>St— Acadeenr ot Hnsle (Jake Wells. 

0»to Wells, mgr.) Mo boatness past two 
weeks. Chsa. B. Baaford Har S: Black Pattl 4. 

The Granby (Jake W^ lea.; L. Joe Z« 
Fanchenr. nigr.) Artaoaa waa anaoitcd to good 
business 17-22. Billr dUford in Bow Bo-Wm 
Her week May retom eagagemcnt. Bhaw 
Grounds— Capt. A. W. Lewla' Mg apeetichhr- 
prodoetlOB «< Xhe — ^ JKS^Si 

, Theatre (Barkman ft 

"P*'. -DiWalf Bopper In Wang Mar 
l: UadTKttt »: AnoM^^ Co. ^k iS 
Hadcr Caaraa— Tbe great Boer War will «^ 
hibtt here AprU 28. 

-eademy of Muaic (Joba B. 
_^-.^^> Dark nntU May 1, wbea Iha miS 

KKtl LnaMadonrs come. ^.'r ^ ^-.rji ,;'' 


O pera House (Joa. CL 
**^'JW-> »»lh» a'a MlnstreU 23; good but. 
nen. Sh^aiaa'a Twelfth mm an ii^moS- 
ner stock Oo. SO-Mar «. 

BUoa Phmllr Theatre (OWia * Jaaea. 
mgrs.) Week 24: Hairoa aad Mama. W^^^ 
dersoo, Leooxo, comedy Joggler; I« aA.i-«,i- 
daneer; Slmmoaa. coatoctloalst; The Great Gar. 
faudcnff king, aad BOTlag .pletnrea; good bS- 

JAHEBVnUu— Mreca Otaad 
mgr.) Tbe Bays 18: fUr 1 ~ 
The Transgressor Ihir 

atrela 20; fair boose; 

dit 23; good boose. 

West Side (0. Batdlek. auB.) ° ' 
opens AprU 24. Hr. fliMaiiii tea 
Mr, Connell's lateiest. 

IB HT .a i lB— Otaad OpciB Baoie (W. >L aaa- 
S*r. mgr.) Happr Botdlgaa IS; fhlr boalBeM. 
PWra XtestreU U; good hiiaae. iSSS5^ 
Col week 24. 

von mr T at crescent Opera Honae (P. B. 
Baber. mgr.) The Missonrl Girl 3B£.aBW- Ak 
bnalnesa. Lyeeom Ocmedy Oo. 24Jt^77 -'•vJ. 


CKARXE8T0V.— Badaw Opera 
Bnrlew. mgr.) Bsttr TUtr St 

DeWolf Hopper la — " 

lonable andlence. t 

two pcrfonnaaeea. Mar I. 


_ Opera Hoaae (Gca. Wi 
Tt a H aw * Wilson UlastrelB Xb 
Radslph aad Ado^ B. ^ 


SEATTIS.— Seattle Xhcatie (T. P. Haw^ 
mgr.) Tbe E>errU Co. opeaed for a week's aa- 

gagement In The Charity BaB 23, ta i 
ness all week. Next: Frteada. 

Grand Opera House (John CorU mgr.) 
Opera 0>. 23-30; in A Gaiety Girl, Tbe 
An American MllUonalre and A Banaway 
It. B. StocfcweU and Oiarles Erin Veroer In 
BOaorable Jobn North SO-Mar 1; Knlesel Quartet 

concert 2; 'Virginia Calboon la Bamooa 5-6. 
■ Third Avennc Theatre (RnsseU A Drew, mgrs) 
ne Girl from Albany 23-30; Tbe Two Orphans 
'Week May 7; Woman Against Woman week 14. 

Orpbenm Theatre (Tbomas Consldlne, mgr.) 
Bnslness continues exceedingly good at this 
boose where vaudeville of tbe best Is given. 
This week's bill consists of Tue OUver boope. 
Verona and Houston, Diamond CooMdr PoBI^ 
Charles and Edna Harris. Byron aad: Bead.' 
WUl C. Hort and moving pictures. J- 
Fantage'B Theatre (Alci. FaatagOj, 1^).- 
Vaudeville. Week 21: Ingoma. UooK. ai^wa».' 
Symoods and Ward, Annie Abbott,. 
Kennedy, Mike Boole.v and movlag pleL_- 
Star Theatre (S. Mortim Oiba. m^if^^ 
vUle: Weatoo and Beasley. Boae i 
laaoa aad Joec^ Pede and OUmaat. ScdCK-jtas., 
Ahaceo. KelUa Geria aad blcgta^ pletBicabJj^-t. 
SMad Thcatta (Mbse GoUamltb. Bwr.V^|K£ 

— Starr. Inea St. ClaBSKHa', 

BeUe BlsseUe and lailllhM 
ivas * Ow a bll n e apcaad' 
he Oiaad at XaaaHB.' 
«( Ih* 1 ' 

TtlC; Billl>Oj 

Satordttx* April 29, wu a bl^ day £t>r B«iUm- 
mln E. Wallace, Wboae abowa opened their 
twent^-aecond aeaaon on tliat day In Pern. Ind., 
witli a blaae of Elorr which lllamlnated the 
drcna world. It waa a pleasant day and aplrlta 
tan hish amonc the elite of the Indoatrlooa 
'tlttla T"'<i«n« dtr- It waa likewise an Ideal 
crowd that wltneased the I nitial per- 
wbldi went off wlthoot a bitch, macb 
czrdlt of MeaaiB, Chaa. Thompson and 
. .Oocar> to wbom Mr. Wallaee had iatrnated 

-'/ii^B^ia consptcaooa. opculus featnze. It Is the 
. atianged aa well as tii« most btUUant 
pageant ever pot oot bj tlie wen known 
i^Mmnm showman.- The chariots, dens and 
wagi»s dasled with their new ooatInK of btlsbt 
odors, and the horses and ponies, well nnl- 
formed. made an a ll r autl fc abowlnc. 

Bnalneaa at th« opcnlnir pefformanees was 
the best In the hfatory of the abow, both times 
the enormona tent belnr packed to . capadtT. 
KretTthlnc ia new and bdcht and Ofo^kg 
p e r for mance went off amootl^r " 
BO for one of HMk - 
slde show was Slav.B _ 
by the enocmooa ex o w J a wblch ftollsd It' 
the dsx. 

Tha Pazfonnanea 
Open*: with a btlUlant Introdnetorr pageant of 
fe^al. magnificence In which CTery one connected 
Willi the ibow partlclpatea. The band, under 
'\tlti dtrcctnahlp ol C. z. Bitnaon, renders a few 
' sbact' aae«£iis whl<;h,,adda msch life to the 
•eenc and prepares the "most-' sedate for the 
Urelr time which foUows. To Mr. C. H. Swee- 
acTi eigncMrian director, la dne mncfa pmlBe 
-.tor his exceDent work In a minglny the tt^ue^ 
trlan featmes of the performance. The animals 
bare been glTen erery attention and ably 
demonstrate to what perfection they axe opahlie 
of hems broagbt when nnder the proper .gold'' 

Display No. 2 festnres tts DeDmeades. eight 
^brely ladles who present n»ln» .tae strnOas of 
. famooa gronpa, plctnres and errata. Mr. Lett 
Hbore rendeia aome topical, aangs of tbe time 
hU isiatj 

-■»■ _ 

tr - 

J. Ol Btani...kas a, JlMA'aC sde- 

: and- aunker wUdt ttal|r:f«w.«<^^ 
_ iimalwa Mzl- S. Robbact^pat-'ia!* 
'«r UgUr trained dogs and _ ~ 
• VSka-aext dl«Iay featured the 
(he- Vanr Uamia and Mile. TuuM ia t 
'■eta^'the' eqaalB of which are aeaxee. 
- ' Joale Dcmott. in the aerenth display. Is a 
ia atui e of the show with her daring somersaolt 
sad banba^ ridfog. Miss Winnie Sweeney also 
doca aana errellmr bareback riding, which wins 
aacfe applaiiae. 

JM^Iay Mo. 8 brings tbe T<iWf11p Carmen 
Xnape. the world's g tea tea t hlgh wire artists, 
the ring. Thia la another of the good thlnga 
of' performance. " They Intzoddoe some en- 
tirely - hew feats and their act la ' a aplendld 

Display Mo. 9 Is an eiceptlcoaUy good omn- 
bes^ featnrlnff Mlsa Hazel Earl and Mr. .K. 
Baymoad Thompaon. Ml&a Tionlae and Master 
Bobert Stlckney, and Mlas SaTav and Mr. B. 
Bblffoleth In eqoestrlan dlspiaiv :?«fel^Ma»»l 
ailmlratloa. Lorers of arlstM|Mllt^MMiash 
^KowM neTer miss this act. 
The Schaar Family for dlqilar No. 10 glre 

. Su icmarkaUe exhlhltloa of graceful thocgh 
-daring bicycle riding. Following' them come 

. some principal tmretmck riding hy Joe Ijeltchel 
and Bobt. Stlckney, jr., and the exceptionally 

. cood featnre. the Eight Famoos Salraggla, 
tefpai^ocean flgnres In graceful dancing dl- 

Dlaplays No. 13. 14 and 15 famished a com- 
pute drcns of contortlDO, aerial and hnrdle acts. 
Pramlnent are The Marrels. Herbert, the Froe 
Man and the Takezwas Japs In. contortion 
acta; Tbe Demott Slatera, Takcswas Japs and 
Joe Wallace In hurdle and |f"*'"' '"^ acta; and 
the Earl Slaters, Anita Fabar and Martlnes 
In dllllcnlt aeilal diM0J>- 

Display So^ Iff la another good one. Tdette 
sad ' JaUan Tjrtiell.- Is a btcakaway ladder act. 
axe excellent The TeMwit jTanBr do aome 
^t«>i«n- actobatle feata. and Botata. and Ea- 
wais on the doabia peidi ante thIa display a 

■Dliplay No. IT bringa back The. Sackam In 
a- bone and cart aaTett7. and; Joe Tirltrtief and 
Waa Winnie Sweeney In « my artlatlc doable 
CBXxylnc act. - PUIowhw this appeals A. Bay- 

the peciIaaB--tialBar, in an 

wiiaalitaii irt iir lili mm nililMtlm Prat. 

null ia a leader «a *fe _ 

ilfi ri rr" -'T* T «■» *y*.a*' fi> wMefc 
kla tlHniagU«d.hoaek :'i»'Su*r>>>>s 

Tha ClsaiBC Taataraa. 

The performance condndee with alz exciting 
conteata cpon the race course. Boy Campbell, 
Mlas Emma Donovan and Mlsa Minnie Taylor 
exhibit some pony and tandem features that 
please immensely. A clown and mnle act. in 
which the slowest man wins, wss a big comedy 
feature. The sixth and concluding event waa 
the foor-horBe Boman chariot race in which 
MUe. Ahrama and Joe Leltchel were tbe prln. 
dpal drivers. 

Thna end» the best perTonnance ever gotten 
up by Mr. Wallace. Its full of good acts and 
a nnmber of them are real features. There is 
not a bad namber on the program. Every act 
takes place at the proper time and the entire 
performance la an even one, well balanced and 
pleasing. The comedy featoxcs are great. Wal* 
lace never had 
comic antics 

After the evening perfotmanee at Pern, the 
show waa quickly packed for the tralna and 
left for Mnnde, where they played to tnm- 
amgr bnalness Monday afternoon and 


Open In Topaiqi To Laroast Busumm 

-■'.•r^>,'>:;-l»:-lt«-«ltioiryi 'v' - 

dicns day, just cool enoogh to 
be pleas ant was in store for the Sells & Downs 
Show which opened its sesaon most aospldoosly 
at Xopeka. Kan.. April 29. The ahow, the good 
perfonnancea of which In the past have won for 
It an enviable reputaticn, is this aeaaon folly 
eqnlpped to (ostaln that wen-earned title of 
a flist'^laas pexfCsmance. It baa mote and 
better bonca than ever before, more and better 
perfonaeis and greater teatoxes than ever in its 
hlstoiy.'TrXlie nenageiie baa been enlarged to 
keep paee with otbee teatam; and the paxade 
lB.<a- lerelatlob . Enrr caxilage and wagon ia 
Snlalied In tbe lataat at jae, and ereiT ''~*™'» 
la liclghl and a ttiact tta.- : Otacoa paccanlxx has 
icoetwed an Imnctaa at tfaa 
- a£ SaOa 

"M'M.- gaaiaatf tbat that ftataia Is 
' ' to. AaA aa It Is;' aad •acta wm 

Ik ^ ■- 

la.Iha pccCmaanee. Bmy part of tbe pcogram 
'kii^lea ;Wen planned beforOaod and fitted 
wU^r trio Hm °^laee. The abow la jntlitiy new 
In efor lespect and gieatly enlarged.- The 
fcatores of last year are the least upon tbe 
prjgxaaa for fids aeaaon, and the present featoxes 
are new ones. The performance begins with 

A Stand Entree, aad Bieb Speotads 
Which Introdncea tbe mtlie ahoar. Some mule 
hnrille acta by Wm. and Wbl Wlnalow 

liven things np eobaiderable. and a eonduding 
toDg by Archie Boyer, chief down, and hla 
associates hringa things to' a cHmaT. The per- 
forming elephanta. Queen and Baby, next occupy 
tbe spectators' attention with an act that 
never grows old. 

The prindpal somersault act hy Mike Booney 
la accompanied by a riding act by Mlsa Dond, 
and by thlv time the air Is truly animated by 
live acts. The antics of the downs are not to 
be overlo<Acd. The next display Intiodnces 
Tbe BameDa. barrel jumpers, who win hearty 
apDtUune. ne Bocbetta Brothera alao do a 
barrel lumping act, and Mlas Alice Adair does 
a Barrel kicking feature which Is a strong one- 
After a few moments of comical pastime. In 
which the contingent of downs partldpate. 
The Six Flying .Banvards make their appearance. 
The Banvards put on an act which recdved more 
applattse than any other of Ita kind ever seen 
In the drcta ring. They are a big feature and 
a Btrong drawing card for any ahow. 

Display No. II features the downa In an 
orlentel dance that la amusing beyond descrip- 
tion. They are followed by Miss Bayer, The 
Three Sllvertons and The MarteUat who peave 
that there are new tWagi t»-ba 4m» m 
the slack wire. Xhv caaM •C.-a '.Mt iftaw 
of the honora, 

Bpedal aad Intarattiag Faatnrea. 

Display Mo. 13 features Miss Dood snd Mike 
Booney In a double Jockey act, and Wm. 1toHani1 
In a single jockey act. More exhibitions of the 
hoiseman'a craft was given fay these akffled 
artists. The down lire depaztment acoecd a bit. 

Display No. 14 ia a fa a tn i a. Tbe Tlixee 
Berry 'a, among the '•'t^T-t . t*'***** of drcna 
performcn, do a blgb-daia act wbia taoncht 
forth trcmendoos spflaaBa. "In tbe nest dla- 
play the andteaaa ma' Blriaad wltb Oe work 
of - - 


open the flytaff dnsa. der -an-, 
work and wen CBtfanalastlcallir 
smOaj Not. U 

bene actiL b tte 

Benr t a taa d-Ml abi . . _ 

atataea abd- 'Mkb' Saga te-^a i'imImw Itaa act. 

IMipiar-'Mk'lt 'WW op to the Ugb atandard. 
Waa EMMkair W a aaaage act made trlenda 
aC eaaiT ape italui. PmC. Joseph Boris sppeared 
iB a Mntia act aeeond w nooe in fiie entire 

Waa brought oot in di^Iay. No^ IS hr tbe Boood- 
Is'g Banvards, The pertOnnancn In tbe rings 
concluded with this and an act by tbe Marvd- 
ona Martell Family, which waa a .stioi« and 
much appredated feature. The performance 
condnded with a nnmber of races In which 
animal waa pitted against animwi , man against 
man and chariot against chariot In some of the 
most vividly realistic scenes ever enacted in 
the drcna hippodrome. 

Altogether the show la pronounced a big one. 
Tbe newspapers of Topeks literally glitter with 
bright things sail abont the Sells & Downs 
performance. The show la well managed, being 
in capable handa, and la pat on tbe best ad- 

■■■aaceb caaa. BcaA'a trained cltaffe 
: aa • mat act aad tta asm amad la a 

Tinw la •pMa «r 

Od Fridar, Agra tl. tha dar beldtc tbe Har- 
greavea* Shows vrere advertlaad to apcn at Chea- 
ter, Pa., when everything ma IB sndineis foe 
the opening of the performaact^ a ■dBlatnre Cy- 
clone atmck the big drcna tap aad aent it fly- 
ing in tbe air. Happily no oae was Injntcd, 
although considerable damage was done to the 
canvas and two of tbe center polei and foor 
of the quarter poles were broken. By dint of 
extra hard work on the part of the employes of 
tbe bhow the damage was repaired and the open. 
Ing performance was given on Saturday alter- 
noon, April 22, according to schedule. 

Tbe shows this season aie much Improved 
in every department. All the cages and wagons 
have been rebuilt and redecorated, and tbe en- 
tire train overhauled. Tbe big circus top ia a 
one hondred and fifty-foot roimd top with two 
flfty.foot middle pieces, while tbe menagerie and 
side show tents are all new and capadous. All 
together It makes quite a "spread" when tlie 
tents are in position. Tbe performanee ia the 

Bast Ever Gftan By Hs igi s a te a .. 
Tbe program is made op of an attractive toursa. 
ment: Dewey and Bosco. the dogs; The Lef- 
fel Trio in aerial bar exercises; The Spanldlng 
Brothers, equilibrists: The LazeUe, double tra- 
pexe; William Ix>wande Troupe of trained 
ponies and dogs; John Mohr. with hurdle mule 
act; Tbe Benoits, acrobats; Miss Orton in fly- 
ing perch; Jnmt>o II., largest elepliaut In Amer- 
lea, performed by Mabd Hall; B. Orton In 
bead halsnclng on trapeze; hurricane Jockey act 
by Wm. Ixywande; tiding act by Hdeu Wilson; 
The Toosoonln Troupe of Arabs, twelve in num. 
ber. In a startling acrobatic performance; four- 
horse act by Wm. Lowande; double bicyde 
carrying act on high wire by The Ortons; Fred 
lAcke'E Equine Paradox; Mabel Hall's menage 
act with King Fire, and a number of cliarlot 
racea. The down contingent Is especially good, 
the merrymakers being Herdck, Markwood. 
SleFste, Sloman, Fay, Mohr, I^ueDe. Spsnldlne 
Bnthem, Darren. PoOoi^ Cadlde, Biddle. 
Botta -and "-""'"b Bvetr aaadicr an the 
jggma^Ja «gt^jM*^yda^^Mrj^Jt Vb^ 

-wU^SSSTaeffmi^S'Sit ^»aJ«itS^«Be*S 
tbe WK crowd in attendance. 

Xhat the show Is destined to get a lot of 
moner this snnuner is proved by the fact that 
In ereiT town tn whleb tb9 ba«e plarcd w tu 
this seaaon, the afteiaoea ■aMHBaaM. Maaoies 
the talk ot liie towa; and bi -«Mi«Haea tbe 
tent Is Jammed at night. 

' ' Tbe executive force of the HatgteaTea* Shows 
Is as foUows: Thomas Hargreaves, manager; 
John H. Bice, general agent; Frank Longbotbam, 
treasurer; Harry Stronse", press representative: 
Fred Ijocke, equestrian director; Joshua Bailey, 
superintendent; Slg. Caresda, leader of band; 
Frank Morris, manager of aide show and con- 
cert, and Black Wells, chief ticket sener. 

The side show with the Hargreaves' Shows, 
under the management of Frank Morria, Is an 
nnnsnally good one, and surprisingly financial 
results bave already been aeenred. The fdlow. 
ing Is the raster: FXsnk MimtI^ manager and 
orator; DsTe PoOsck and Ack PlUea, ticket 
mUcts ^ l^tty omhM^ jamfca^rayagas; ^ ge. 

Phone 2851. EctkbUsiMd IS43 

Thomson & Vandiveor 








HaantaetaraiaofTanuand CanTa.<> Ooodsof 
ereiy description, vvrtte for Catalogue 






Pronts and, Banners lor SCr»«t Pa-lra 


5M1 W.WaaUniloo St.. CHICAGO. IIX. 


OUTFITS. USHERS and all others- S<^nd 
Un Cataloe, mention kind wanted. 
Special AtteatlMi GlTen tlie Frofestlan 
Wastom U nifonn Co. , 220 Clark SL ,Ch Icago 

. C . GOSS C 




stock Hangers. Posters and Cats on hand for adver- 

tislngerery branch of the AmosemeatF — * — 

Catr' " 




Adopted by All the Leeding Shows is a Marvel. 


ADOPTED BY— Barnnm & Bailey GimtMb Sbow so Bartli, BfiMlillfir ^«M. 
World's Grsstest Shows, Hie Great A^him Vompangtl & Stlls Bns.'Enor- 
mons Shows, J. T. MeCaddon's Great International Shows, G«nr.ry Bros. 
UDited Shows, The Cari Ha^enbeck Trained .AjQixaal Shows. Wasbboni & 
D* Alma's Trained Animal Shows, Gollmar Bros. Big New Eailroad Shows, 
The John Bobinson Tea United Shows, Sun Hros. World's Progressive Rall- 
losd Shows, and numberless outdoor amusement shows and street carnival 







s I 97 Cliff Street. New York 

Tine Btllboapa 



IO-I8 N. DesplaihosSt., CHICAGO, I 128.133 W. Rndolph 3t. 


Years Expsrieace 


win. I^EEPBB 28 Yean I 

F. DBIVEB 23 " } 

BDW. P. nbuhahn, jib., is ** \ 


BUACK and RED ) Aoy thing made ot canru 



_ ■ iMpudi i 

trie acta; Alice CtUtctH, bax poodicr; Ida Neel. 
atrio comic; DstIs asd KUae, comedy aketeli; 
ne HIUs. wire walking and boxlns: Tbe Soath- 
cni Jabllee Slngen, tea In nointicr, and l4uiford 
DarU' Band ot twelre pieces. AU of tbc oot- 
■t U new and a numl>«r of iwrelttta In Uie war 
■at ftaad dtcontloaa aie to faa ftod ta tfea Mat. 

The decoratlona In the Coliseuni, 
Otalcaso, 111., for tba RInglIng Brotlieia' Glr- 
- - to b». the 

The Banmm * . Bancy ■Mir was 

blUed In PMIKMpWn ty tt* .aaipHllBc Sign 

Co. htton the ant eu uitred lla ttat ettj. 
The work was done bj tegnlar bUIposters ot 
the local concern. 

Mr. J. D. Newman, press represen- 
tattre for the 0<nti7 Brothers' Dog A Pony 
Siiow ikToced The Billboard office with a call 
last week In rompanj with Mr. Clannce Hortoa 
9t to* Big >tar. 

John K. .Nalon, "the moslcal won- 
der." Joined the Big. Baatdln A Walsh Brath- 
cn' Clicna at Lueaatar, Sk., AbcB M. Ba la 

doing his mnstcal act and lecturing on the side 

show for Jim Morrow. 

Andrew Mackaye, now with the 
Bow MelTille Co., will take oat a etxcQB tana 
Detroit, Mich., aboat the lint Ot tmm^ Bl 
will use most ot the material that kB tat gt 

the St. Louis Fair litt season. 

Manager C. F. Rhodes and Privilege 
■Manager Billy Mann, of the Greater Asmlcan 
.flhamb which opens the aeasoa oa.lkg TIMnaiiii 
^M> cailr aaxt noetk, weiie welcoag aritas at 
'•■r Chicago oOleea, Tlionday. Ml 

Fred Busey, who has Car No. 2 with 
the Bamam tc Bailey Showa. baa gained eoD* 
the " ■ 

"W. O. Tarklngrton, acting as con- 
tracting agent for BlngUng Brothers, ftat a 
Sonday with some trlenda tn PhiladdpUa 
^lately. BInglIng wlU jfUj WBnlngtni. DeL, 
{Chester, Pa., and Tuatoa, M. J., In soeeeaalan. 
' Mr. B. L- Brennan, general asent tor 
-Btlla ft Downs Shows, baa aMBe ' ot tte IWBt 
bogra.oa the road with Car Ms. 1. writes 7aefc 
/WnUnaoo The BlUboard'a eottespondent tot 
Hint, Mich., where that abow exhibits It^ IS. 

Grant Halvey, a six-horse driver of 
Batnom ft Bailey's Clrctis, who ran orer as 
cleTen-year-^d boy who was attempting to 
ateal a ride, craahlng the boy'a akaU, waa dla- 
.charged by the aBtborltlea at ttUmmtt Oonn.. 

oC the 

Wm. Gllinaa. late 

Grand Opera 

E. A. Robey and Wm. Liane, agents 
of Gentry Brothers' (No. 1) Show, write that 
they are booking some Tery good tiae thnHigh 
the Sooth for their big boiaaaBe aeHaaar, 
which they will pat oot after Chg tiMggStte 
ieasqo with the Gaatqra. 

It is reportedl.^'ttat the Boer War 
muagement por rb i H t«e tfty-ftot let CUB 
and all of the heavy wagooa ot the ~ ~ " 

BU Show, In ChleagDk laat week. Th 
tlon was S4,S00. The Bnekskln Bin 
city has been In storage In Chlcagoi. 
Miss Lucille Mulhall, the well- 

rlder and dangbter of Zach MalhaU. fell 
I ber horse while doing one of her difflCDlt 
I at the Madison Sqaare Garden last week, 
•nd was badly bmiaed. BowcTer. It did not 
intertere with her farther appearancea. 

Gentry Brothers' No. 1 did a big 
baslnoa In Hot Springs, Ark., despite the beaty 
rain. Mr. w. W. Gentry waa a very boay nan 
daring the stay in Hot Sprlnga, be owning 
some ot the hooaea destroyed by lire acTeral 
weeks ago. He Is hSTlng them all rebnllt. 

The LeVans are to be featured with 
the Campbell Brothers' Sbow this sesson, and 
the Japs, which have long been a teatare of tfala 
organisation, hare been retalaed. The aton- 
agement iIiiImb to haaB' the 'taat Abv to Its 


l^eeman Brothers' Mammoth Tented 
Bwwa open their season the middle of thla 
yeth at Balelgb, Neb. They will tour Ne- 
hraaka, Iowa, Sonth Dakota and Minnesota. 
Tbe sbow Is hatter than erar before and the 
management li " " ' 

Three Behs, the team formerly 
oamt aa Beb and Beb, hare algned fOr the 
with the Al. Steele Showa. They are 
w|"MBf on a new aketeta entitled, My German 
Main. Thla team lost aboat $350 la a are at 
waahlngton, D. 0., when the cook tent caught 
Are from a torch. 

W. E. Franklin, general agent of the 
Great WaOaoe' Shows, has established bis head- 
;warter8 In the Mattoaal Printing Co'a. offices. 
Tribune Bnlldlag. Chletgo. Be wanta bUlpoateta. 

UmOKmitaflKB mud- hmmmmm mm« «w OPPOll* 

The C. A. Taylor Trunk Works of 
Chicago- report a pbenomlnally snccessful season. 
The Taylor tmnk standa foremost in the estl- 
matlon ot drcoa people. A great many ot their 
tranks were placed with the BCtlBto ot the 
Rlagllng Brothers* Sbowa ftKlBg IftB OlUseam 
engagement in Chicago. 

The menagerie of the Rtngllng 

BMtha*' Showa this season Is the largest col- 
lection eTer assembled by the progreaalTe ahow- 
men, and ineladea many rare anlmala. The 
dena are beantltol apeclmena ot the carrefa 
and painter's art and the general color ■cbeme 
taanaonlooa and strikingly ellectlTe. 

The Beall Family (three In number) 
hare been re-engaf?e<] with the John Boblnson 
Ten Big Shows for tbe season ot 1905, to do 
their heaTy weight lifting and caanon^twll act. 
Hattte Beall wlUI do some singing and dancing 
aperlsltVs In the coooert. Tbia is tbe s a eo nd 
season tor this troupe with Boblnson. 

The general press stalf of Rlngling 
Brothers is to be complimented npon the excel- 
lent advance showing made In the reading col- 
omns of the Chicago newspspers. The qnallty 
of the preliminary pablldty matter, aa well aa 
Ito^ fteanent^^l ^>rom tomt ^ahgg^^ an at 

At ttw «Io«e at thie p» — a n t theatrleal 
setaon. H. Peter Hm. who ha^ so an i-fisaa folly 
managed the new Bnunay IkcBtie, St. Lonla^ 
the past winter, wm be eoaacetoa with the 
Sena ft noma Gbcaa ki Iht ' ' ' 

September bb ■aaager of Ibe BmaOway. 

Herbert, the Frog-man, passed 
throQgb OUcago Satorday, 22, on his wsy from 
the PacMc eoaat to Pern, Ind.. to Join The 
Gr«at Wallace Shows. Mr. Herbert has re- 
cently closed a twenty -four weeks' engage- 
ment on the western drcnlts and reports an 

poster; L O. Oltaam Bh* 9. 9. MdMaad. Utbo- 
graphera; W. K.- BOwarth jaa g iamm er; P. 
Hnnt. paate maker: Bade Oebk Xuba May. B. 
Patchln, T. BfinlBii, H. Bide. BL H. Hetaon, 

J. Horton. 6. Sternberg. B. W. BaU. H. E. 
Shaffer, F, Sherman. D. Scanlan, W. B. Flab- 
back, O. Barr, S. B. Maroney, F. Collen, P. 
Weaver and B. D. Leister, billposters. 

The correct roster of Car No. 1 of 
Bamnm ft Bailey Sbow la aa follows: Lester 
W. Uoitay, car manager; J. E. Allen, official 
solicitor, program; Victor (3ook, stenographer; 
Ed. Habbord, boss lithographer; W. Slattety, 
W. Merchant and W. Hope, Uthographen; 
Tom Connors, boea blUpoater; James Heeler, 
George FoUer, George Frailer, C. Inman, M. 
Perry. B. Boncher, F. Maaer, W. PfelCTer and 
W. McNamara, billpoatera; William Jacobs, 
programmer; C. C. Herbert, chef; C. Woodmff, 
asst. chef and John Bellley. porter. 

The McDonald Brothers Show 
opened Its aeaaon at Athens, Ga., March 27, 
to big bnalneas. Their new tents from Baker 
ft IiOGkwooda. Inflndlng a seTcnty-foot roondtop, 
with ftctr-fbot middle plcoe: 
■ SteSO and 

'VntUn one honr. laddnc fire mln- 
olia, fNn the tiaic the «ort was givca to 
mane the nMnagefie staC fkoaa the OoUaenm 
Annex. Chicago. Sonday atghti AgtU S8. all at 
the RInglIng Brothcn^ aisaagstia patagbemalla 
waa on the way to the cars. It waa mlly a 
woadertol piece of work and establishes a 

Zt. C. Zelleno writes that on April 
22 he closed with tbe Ideal VaodeTllle Co. and 
will open with the I«mon Brotheta' Show April 
SO. Mr. Zelleno Tlslted the ahowa at Dodson. 
Mo., and la enthusiastic over the prcspecta- 
Ereiythlng has been newly painted, and the 
win go oat this aeaaoa gteatec and grander 

W. B. Sands, brother of W. XL Sands, 
ot the Oavpbdl BnilketB' Oreaai haa nslgned 
tbe Inportaat poaUtaa ba held with the Ra- 
g e taui w u (Md.) TlaeUea Co., and win take 
charge ot the adrance. week wUk the Oamn- 
heU Brothers. Mr. Sands laa a iNBt aC IHraii 
In the profeaslon who wlU be CM to baar ot Ma 
return to the show business. 

Bessie M. Glhnore Is now known as 
C^rita. and haa been working for the past flve 
years with Al. B. Alfredo, the team being 
known as Alfredo and Cerlta, tbe fanny little 
midgets, or llrlng unipntlana. They tiave been 
playing the Cryatal Ctrcnlt with great anccess. 
They Join the CampbeU Brothers' Clrcos tor the 
annuner, opening AprQ 2B at Falrborr. Neb. 

Manager C. F. Rhodes of the Greater 
Anerican Bhowa, now in preparation for the 
eating seaaoo. writes tmm Oileago that several 
laportaat addlUona haTO recently been made 
to the Aow cmlpnieat and that a big trained 
animal ac t . wffl be. a 

loto te a 

Notes from the -McDade- Fniamakers 
Great Eoitacky Shows: We will open oar aea- 
aon at OwtngsTille. Ky.. and wm take the road 
May 1. playing Kcntneky, Ohio and Indiana. 
Tbe sbow this season will consist of ten wagona. 
three ataahopcs and a carryall, beaded by 
Little Zoiena HdMa <r 
team of StaeOaBl 

Mr. Alfred Witzenh— an, manager 
of tbe downtown ticket ettet, ' il anthorlty for 
the atotement that tbe Hdnmca sale for the 
W"e""g Brothels' Shows Is the greatest ever 
known with that organisation for a Chicago 
dgagemaiL VUs wooU seem to apeak wtil 

for the aacBtag aC " 

the Wln^r- oir t 

w. C Boyd, fonneriy general ac«>t 
ot the Parepangh-flella CIrcaa, wm not ba aadar 
the white tents this season, bat wm IfMC^thB 
summer on a farm. He haa had 
trouble with bis eyes and wants 
good test. Thla trtll be hla fltst 
taia the dteas pco^ bUmb k 
tta u to ia . DnrlDK the winter be 
Chle on the road, meeting with 

The roster of VanAmburg Advertis- 
ing Car No. 1 Is as follows: Don McKImde. 
car manager; Dick Beemer. bosa btllpcster; 
Ed. Bojce. lithographer; Bollle Jones, B. Dent. 
Ollle Robinson. Jack Flyim, Ole Oleson, Cecil 
Young, John Berger, Bert (}arleton and Bamam 
Bams bUIposters. Second brigade — ^B. O. 
(Skjrrocket) Steele, manager: Wm. Thsnnan. 
B. D. Phillips. Wm. Slmma, Chaa. Ellla, Bappy 
Joordan and Frank Smith. 

.Tberostw^AdverUsIi^ Car No. 1, 

a Ue one. AB the 

A Bad tve BCW ones 

lalM inrtr head oC stodc. 
and ne atacpliig .wagooa. 

The tsnowlng is the raster: Bsxry MCDonsld. 
manager and tieaatner: W. B. McDonald, eqnes- 
Maa director; B. McDmmld. advance; W. W. 
ak. : Pias; Geo. B. Stalllnge. aide diow; 

nncb. prlvllegca; Frank Gathy, boas 
Iv; W. S. Smith, boss eanvaaman; Fatty 
Jones, cook. The band consisting of C. H. 
Brown. Jim Rowe, Guy Wlnstead, Geo. Rlvett, 
Harry LeIand, H. C. Drabsngh. J. Smith, Her- 
bert Woodward. We» Alley, Prltx Bnaley, I,. 
E. Earley and H. C. Backer. 

The performance of the RInglIng) 
Brothers' Show this season Is enlivened with a 
degree of comicality at once clean and refined 
and sparkling with Innovationa. The list ot 
talent coanprl&ea many reliable names, snd 
among the merry Kings of Momos are Alibed 
Mlaco, James Butherford, Geo. Hartsell, sr.. 
Geo. Hartsell. Jr.. Jnlea Tumour. Al. White, 
Frank Morris, Fred. Henderson, Horace Wsbb, 
Keller Brothers. Bobba and Powell, (3ias. 
Smith. Dell Wdlton. Jlca Ryan, Mllvo Brothers, 
Tom Roberts, Alex Lowande. Floyd Bernard, 
Paul Roberto, DnCrow and Lorenx, H. B. Sut- 
ton, Jdo Agee, Jno. Slater, Geo. Kealey, Jas. 
Pendergaat, Geo. Salto, Jim Armstrong, Jas. 
Stewart, Perry Davis, John Bowen, Clint 
George, Tom Acott. Sam Watteaa and "Banty" 
Brown. A number ot etrlklng mechanical 
dow ning no veltie s ate bitmdnecd. and^the com- 
edy woik tluvugboot IB - la * '"^ 


Ve boaght tha Bapasltlaa and aU It eaa- 
talBSd. We list balow a taw of Oa many Itama 
that we have that yon will tad at intanst. 

B.aao fine anbatantial, aactrs wall boilt Sot. 
taaa. • taat la^. with two alat back, auda a( 
haxdwoad, " — - . 

M,Mt wood saat> bow bask, three 

l,tM ^aana Cans Seat Ohaita. 
JiOOa. Saddle Beat baavy ftia Okain. 
at other Chata. 

thbig li aboat ready. Manager Laltaat la ne- 
gotiating with Mew York dealers tor a con- 
slgmnent of rare animals Thla la tbe show's 
fifth sesson. and we play Illinois. Indians and 
Ohio. The following people baTe ilgiied: Sborly 
Mclntyre In charge of canvas with twelve aa- 
alstanta; Bd.- Howard to charge ot horse tent 
wltb eight graotns and flt^-two head of atock; 
O. Atchison, boas animal man; Jnmbo Stevens, 
boss pnpe; Dltk Denton, diarge ot cook tento 
with six aaslstants, and Bob Atterbary vrlU have 
charge ot all prlvllegea. Tbe perfonnera are 
The Irwin Family. Earl and Eivans, .acrobats; 
Delane Family, Ora Trainer, DeVaugb and 
Burke, clowns, and Prof. D. Bandolph and his 
trained animals. The side show people axe 
Bbner Porterfleld and wife, Blandie LaTade, 
Motosco, the tattooed man; Prof. Gillette and 
vrlfe; Prof. D. M. Bnckley'a Military Band, 
with the following maaldans: Jessie Teste, 
John L. Mann, J. C. (Cranes, Geo. W. Wll- 
Hama , Ollle Jones. Homer Evans, F. Carroll, 
a B. Wright, W. A. Allen and H. W. Fisher. 


Portable Grand Stands and Folding Cir* 
cua Chairs manufactused. Estdmates 
furnished and plans snbmttted to pros- 
pective purchasers. 


1 Champlalw gt, OLEVELiMD, O 


ScTOBry afld Slmw PMigB ! 

Ho. S183 Boome St., OlmelBBatt, O. 


Hate OB hand aunoat naw^Hzso. «>z<0 and 40x80 
-ants, and 400 teat UMeat iia wall, good as now 
Very cheap. . 

Mre.eaaal«t. euawie.m. 

Qsaaral Slaatrio aaka, - 

voltagaa IM to lU. Zdiasa base. 

tS,000 Sew Oelatad loeaaf 
Aartar, Snaa. Opal and Baby. 

Beeaidiailiea Kpatftfaa TIskato 
aiaiy pnipsee ak tha Kipsaltlan, aa 
initoUe for any Aauisamsat mnvat 
priooa on large qnaatitlaa. 

100,000,000 FBET OF LUXBZB. 
Send OS your Lnmber Bfll far ooi satimsl% 
Wa oan famish aartUag ta the Ilaa. Btaddiag, 
Joista and Timbva. Misad t-ia^ Flanktog, 
Iliasaad and Watfhed naerlag. Tlmbsss a 
sixes 4x4, 4zB, «xS. BaS. laft UU%„MMtE. 
12xU, 14x14. sad is laogtbs ftiai.i tB mSS ' 
Intazlor ***g saatsiiat.' ' 

160 B^istsrlag TaiBstOaa and Tiokst Oaa 
cellias Mschlnes. mads by K. Bright. Bad 
Machine la eqalppad with Patent Electrie af . 
tachmaat, mafclag a doable raglstar. 
Also_nO Olaaa Tap Chopper B o aae i 

far Fatten Baipatariac. SkmaUlii. - 

fTiMi u'l' BOXES. 
I.OBO eotaaaiaed boa Uokst BaosMag Sm^^ 
~ " ~ ete. 

MO ••BhaU" Vaifaiaa, n— slating at see* 
and paats. 

200 Special Orenaato, made far tha 7aBaaM 

Gnarda at tha Wacld's Fair. 
UO ••nakl" Capa. 

too asts of Swvrda, Balto and Boabbaids, 

19,000 Bamboo Folia, Mad by the V. S. OoP. - 
amnMBt ta the Fhilllntoa B ta W i atl M. ThV-^ 
rang* fnm S-laeh to MaA to dlHaalBr-OT^ 
tha batten and from SD to ~ 
fnl for many pamsssa 

Thansaada at 

Wire, Sooia, Sash, Trosss s, Bead B a W a ia , Bsye. 
Boed^, Bldtaig, Ltaiag. Fiye. KaAlaaiy, Soae. 
Foraitor*, Oflae Eqa l p w aat. Sataa, Taal* 
Doors, Fseotag, Wire, FIsgs at all aatlaai^ 
Opera Clialn, Watar Os ale ia , Orsaaheaae Xa> 
terial, etc., etc. 

Aak tat Spaoial Weild's Fair Oatolacae Va. M4. 

citfMouiBEinecuuto., - cucmiritiNii 

Sbow Tento for CtrcoMS. WOd West 
Shown, Black Tents, Caady Tops, 
Flags, Kldd & Baker Uglits. etc. 
Sti< fir 16 mi prfCB list tf tCMMMtUD THti 

410-417 Detowofa St.. - > Kaaaas CKy. Me. 







<-|,^iaaiTICK.yACiC. 40 Bond St.. H.Y. O^ty. 

Tl^e Billboard 

Mr. Harry Ea r l, general press repre 
~ •( Xk* iwniwnl iMMt week 

Shows played Chester, 

k. 1., tb biff bBd 
ne pnaa I» nntnlmom la its 
of this abow. The Toocaaaln Troupe of 
L cRat bit 


tic «• 4hM - xLTaM Awabv Co 

lesilla as was enr braogbt orar by eriftal 
lecfbriDen. Tbcy ate oalj ooe aC 
oC Doieltlea wblek ham 

to York, 

The ItoOOKlac to <te roster of Car 

I ag tta^lTalhw ■ I l H. P. MerUe. 

— "1 WeabolA. la Aarse of 
aaaiitaat: A. O. Dow, In 

iltfa*. wltb C. Parks and B. 
lt»t»nf» The UDpOBtcn are 
B. taMMttfe jQ. Coomca. AL Han. Chas. Uar- 
tli^ ir. mOK W. K. Baoer, H. Leister, C. S. 
■oMn^ 'W.'S. loto-. S. P. Workman. W. B. 

joaea. W. U. Smmi and H. P. 
FUtoott. W. X. Creavea la pmczuimer and 


Heoir. CUff 

p. lUDar. Jte Can, H. 

, GkaSs; Jbmea Wballen. Tod 

^t ai-llBDels and Ii. B. Mintfinll. 

Note* flmn tbe James Shelby Show, 
Cietuauu d. Ala.: We are pUjins nortli Florida 

w» have been Aowtaf, and only a few «t 
and op to tfac present time hATe had a beantl- 
fol sprlns. tile month of BJarch belfls the 
Sncat Itarch weather we bare erer expeiieDced. 
Mot a atDSie wlsdr day thnmsbuot tlte naDth 
wfara wv bare been Aowiac and o^tf.m Ccw at 
tbe be^nalnc of AprIL Tbe Anr iifll ««ck 
maUi w a fd and make a loos aeaaon. Base been 
got twdre weeks this year and not a single 
Isatac op to tlila date. 

"Wm C Sites writes : I rejoin the 
Irf]w«7 Brothers* drms as general a^nt and 
imQroad c uutractut April SS, at Hhpntnilnali 

The roster of advuw* mr Mo. 1 of 
the W. P. Han Shows Is aa IMIiw Ok 
Coleman, manacer; B. B. mMki^ AnM of 
paper; C. Carer, aaalstaat; W. ■. Mano, H. 

Heotii. J. H. Johnson. Goa Crcr. I<. Mdoce, W. 
K. btnier. O- WUej-. O. E. Easlncer, B. C. 
Hopper, H. 34ason. C. Grases. B. P. ~ 

W. E. V imw Tom Wffl^ I«ov 

Our San V n a t iaeo, Gal, emrewond- 
CBt mttes: Tbe ■ * Ballv Mev «m 

not need nmcb bOUas bi Sia ~ 
there la mocb moatb-to-iaoBtb 
show. Soaie of tbe Aows csa 
did a Me ^n ^ lBt ^ sad bat «i 
Tbe Rlngllngs did a biff bfl 
Norrls & Bowe pot oat a cMt 
tlian the RInglIng Brotbcn^ t 
for 25 and 50 cents at tba 
played to capacity nearly emy 

Bammn A Bailey Ctreoa wflZ hart _ . 

Ume settlas Into the 1st «■ JCaxfcct aticst, bc^ 
twcen Tenth and Elefaa lb . I think If th^ 
(o further oat of town and set cood lota they 
win draw a latse crowd. Tbe BoSalo BUI 
Sbow had tbe old race track (immds at the 
Ba y Matrtct aear the Cbatea. Tbtte la a lot 
SmA naaS t b ua and qnlte a si I 111 lar 
PmC ■ Oe oa aa . CSanweiler'a IdUtary 
Band this Kasaa comprisea tbe foOowlns mem- 
berar E. LJnd, Piccolo; E. Fischer, F. Brawn. 
Clarinets; P. Barn* J. Saxophone; L- Hanson. 
Wm. Koctaler, P. Brown. A. Beal. Solo Coto- 
neta; Wm. Eodi. Ed. S. Brady. Tmmpets; C. 
W. Clerelsnd. H. Alexander. J. CoUlns. G 
CleTeland. Horns: E. Marsli. Geo. DeKanke. Tj. 
Andre. E. Fenstad. Trombones: F. Walker. En- 
phonlom; E. Peterson, E. D. HogeiMhrtiler, Fred. 
Boos, Horns; W. A. Jaeksan. Sman Dram, 
and J. winne, Bass Drnm. Prof. GanweOer 
has eetabllBhed a moat enriable repntatlon. 
a coDdnctor he ranks with the best band leaders 
In America. With a iwrsoniUty at once senlal 
and pleasing, he Is a master of technliiiie and 
dellTery. AlthoDgh _be — 
with a firm hand ~ 
resp<K:t and 
capable mosldsns. 

Concerning the opening of the Ha- 
Kenbeck Trained Animal Show. Manager John 
HaTlin of Cincinnati, who Is interested Id the 
enterprise and who witnessed tbe first perform, 
ance In St. Louis, has the following to 'say: 
Barring a few delajs and hlichea, wfaich are 
always in erldence at an opening of a new 
show, we had a glorlons start. Tbe show is 
ia sreat shape now, and was certainly receired 
~' ■ ^ tbe Monnd City. Tbls. too 
there at the World's 
parti cnlarly nattering 
to aa. . Om ----- -- 

Pa-, this xny second season. We open 

ther« April 27 with a brand new oatfit. Uy 
park at Center Square, Pa., win be operated by 
the wm C Sites Theatrical Exchange. I wiU 
be connected with tbe drcos nntU Sept. 1. 
when I open tbe Sites Stock Co. (soitthem) In 
Karyland. and wm tour tbe Sootb aad west. 
H. S. Cnbert wm - _ - _ 

Tbe sites Theatrical 

nwipaalfi and the park. 
The Bice & Davis Shows opens its 

anaaa April 28 mt Fattaa. Pa., odcr «ba aas- 
BfMS aC Mhv and Stede^ AH the 
ban aaalr painted and 

T>« bKb-dass a tuaeUun s hsTs beea 
aad 3fr-. Frank Miner, a wdl- 
has beea seonred as general 
Tbe people engaged are 
Hdsoa. intebdl Tllilin. Hr. 
Ttinidlo, nrbl aia n and 
and Ua nine p leea bi 
tlinwigh Peuuajlf aala. 

Punch Wheeler writes that -business 
wltb tbe Kioto Sbowa la Bne. Sonae bad weather 
Cor two or three days, hot 
an. la laedy. Is old McxIgo 
at SoBora. aad ataS. sislted 

Mr. John I>. Carey, general press 
representatlTe of P&wnee Bm's WOd West 
Show, writes from Pltsbnrx under date of 
Aprfl 21: "1 read with pleasure yoor definition 
of a press agent and admire It for Its tmth- 
fotDeSB. It Is tbe pre-arranged program adopted 
by aosne press agents that makes them 'a bore.* 
I am glad yotz coodemn it. Ko press agent 
can become socceaafol who la not origlnaL** 
Mr. Carey bas been Tsr ■oeoMfnl b tbe pro- 
motion of pnbllcUy for a nnmbcr of tbe Idg 
tbowB. His Bcwweptc caggr li ataais ftcab 

la la three *~* 
It the airtmals bad been perf< 
Trj an their Ilres. I think we wm bsTe 
wonderfol sesson with it. Usnsger Balnfbrth, 
who wss iti. HsTlln's guest st tbe opening. Is 
equally enthrrslasTir aboot.tbe new abow. 

Notes from Golbnar Brothers' Shows; 
Gonmar Brothen open tbeir aeaaa Aptll 9 
tbe first ezbJMtlan bdng giicB fa Bnaboo. 
The rapid growth of tlila aggzcsatSoo baa been 
tsmarkable. During tbe winter a aamber of sew 
bandings bare been e r e ct ed at tte winter qnar- 
ters. Including a hotd tat tbe accommodation 
of forty workingmen employed at tbe ^oarters 
dnrlng tbe winter; aa animal booae. 00x80; 

reporitory. 50x100, for atoalng cages; a bam 
for the accommodation of ISSO borsei; offloe and 
press room. gOxSO; camel and elephant bam, 
40x70. Tbe bnlldlnss are lighted by electricity 
and are modem throoghoat. The ahow 
been enlarged and thoronchly renorated in erery 
department. Massive carred dens tslce the 
place of last season's cages and fire more 
bare been added. An new waterproof teots wm 
be nsed. On AprU 8 a large consignment of 
sntmsTs were receired. indcding elephants and 
tate Siberian camel. Tbna the Qollmar 
Brothers hare adranced from a wagoo abow to 
Its present enTlable position la Oie drens world. 
Tbe <dd established rnle stm prmlls nn ob- 
Je et lo aibl e featnrea of any deaolptKa aboat 

Will H 
wm play tbe peibs tUa 

Man ager Given of Amtuement Paife, 

Deoatnr. HL. Is offering a prise of $5 for tbe 

most appropriate name for that resort. 

Manag-er A. Ehret Is rushing repairs 
and additions to Meyers Lake Park at Canton. 
Ohio. He expects a big season and is preparing 
for It. 

The German Tyroelan Alps, a feat- 
nte of the late World's mi^Ak fSrtik feBM 
decided not to open this so^BV SB-acSiMt SC 

the Sunday dosing law. 

Hunter's Parle at "Wellington, Kan., 
wni open Its season May 16 mider ttie manage- 
ment of Mr. C. E. Glaman. Taadesllle wfll be 
the feature at the parlUoa. 

L. T. Egan. orchestxa leader at the 
Lyceum Theatre, wnmlngton, DeL, baa a tgaeJ 
a contract to play at Shenpot Park, wnmlng- 
ton. for the summer, which opens May 30. 

The park of the Klttannios 4k Xieech- 
tT^S (Pa.) Street Balhrar bas'bHB ddstened 
Lenape Park. In bcoor W the. Xasl Lenape 
tribe ot tte cailr ** that 

Wimam Clroaa hai 
wlUi w. X XUHHe te _ 
of paiba 'Ask % toM am M act la 

making ssoA. Be aeads icsaid* to Z«oo Kmd. 
We are In receipt of a beautifully 

mnstrated Uttle booklet dcscripare of Wolf 
I^e, Chambersborg, la. The resort appears 
to be an ideal cce and a great plcaaore place 

for excarslonlsts. 

Messrs. C. O. Todd and H. T. 'Wilder 

wm coatrtd the Temple of Faladstir. Cane 
Backs. Don Backs, and like c u u t essln n a at 
Crere Coeor Lake and Delmar Gatdena. St. 
Ixmla, this summer. 

Twelfth Street Faik at Chester. Fa., 
win be opcaca tbta asMMr m home of 
sandarine ftr ibat <Ut. eaMW wm meet 
~ book 

" Tinner, 
« ae L7- 


It Park, _ _ 

The ground Hoot of The Maples at 

Park. ■ " ~ " 

eoarerted lata 

Sites front wtaleb _ ^ 

age tbelr park atttaetIon8~aad loaA 

Jake J. Dlsch, The Billboard's cor- 
respondent at Kenosha, wiii , opened bla sec- 
ond season on the business staff of tba Gentzal 
VA Base BaU Oob AprU 16. Mr. M sib bas 
also In preparation a ▼anderille ifeow wbkb 
wm exhibit osder canraa In W l n a nalB tUa 

Luna Park, Cleveland, Ohio, received 
choice bit of advertising recently by sending 
np a namber of baUoons with season p iisns 
attached to each. Mr. Salisbury stirred np 
considerable Interest over tbe matter and bad 
the town all agog waiting for tbe balloon* to 

Col. Frederick T. Cummins has ar- 
ranged for an exhibition of his Wild West and 
Indian Congress at White City Park. Chicago. 
The general plan of the Commlna rcserratioa 
at White aty. wlU be tbe Mne aa vcce fid- 
lowed at the World's Fair, Nil SSBlik ssA tbe 
Pan Amenlcan Exposition. 

We are in receipt of a fine Uttle 
txK^et announcing the many, nice things to be 
found at Roton Point. Bridgeport. Coim-, this 
summer. It Is said to be one of the hand- 
somest shore resorts In the east. Smith and 
KeBey are managing the place this year. They 
want some more attractiotis. 

Avon Park at Niles, Ohio, which had 
an arerage daily attendance last season of 
twenty thousand people, wm open its gates to 
the pahUc May 27, Manager WIess baring for 
his assistant Mr. E. Stanley, formerly manager 
of Idora Park. Soungstown, Ohio. Many new 
features bare been added. The opening bUl at 
tbe theatre wm be tbe Herald Sqoare Opera 

A- H. Schonberg, manager of the 

Star Theatre. Brooklyn. wlU again hare tbe 
management of Paln'e Fireworks at Manliattan 
Beach. This wlil be his thirteenth season 
with Hy. J. Pain. Mr. Schonbeig asjs be doea 
not beUere the thirteenth 
be looks forward to one 
Manhattan has ever bad. 

John J. dmnlvant will be one «t 
the protnlneat Mucoiloinrles at White Cttr 
Park. CUcacOh wm pot on Antldpatloa, 

an exhiblttaa alsas tbe lines of Hereafter, 
which creates a acaaallw on Tbe Pike at tbe 
World's Fslr. St. Loitfs. Mo. Ur. Dtmnirant 
hss a ITS-foot frontage for bla attraction, which 
wm oast la tbe nelghbotfaood of *30.000. 

John B. Oldfleld, for tbe past two 
f l emiT resident manager of the Cnmings 
Tbeatre. ntefaboig, Masa.. has been engaged 
by tbe Eastern Amnaement Co. of Pittsburg, 
Pa., aa saperintendest of tbelr roBer coaster 
plant at Wbalom Park, Fttctaboxc tor tbe com- 
wm to—ay open 

VniaKe, r t -.vheel and other 

be placed In the new resort which wfll extend 
from Florida to BelleTne arennes. These at- 
tractions are being placed opco a hnge platform 
level and opening npon the Boardwalk which 
Is to l>e widened to ninety feet. Tbe city 
authorities are encouraging the new enterprise, 
which la modeled after Luna Park at Cooey 
Island. Tbe olQces of tbe new company are 
at 252» Boardwalk. 

Fairmont Park, Kansas City, Mo., 
which baa been closed for a namber of years, 
wm be reopened this snmmer. Ben Boseothal. 
the advertising agent of the Grand Opera Hoaae 
at Kansas City, will manage the park. Man- 
ager Rosenthal announces many new attractiona 

In addition to high-class TaaderUle In the tbe- 
atre each week. He will present aa free at-, 
tractions such well known organisations as' 
Helen Mar Butler's Band, Royal 
Band, Mexican Nttlonal 
lesser note. Under Mr. 
ment a prosperous seasoa Is ■ 

West Knd Electric Parfc, situated np- 
Bes^rTolr L.ake. Richmond. Vs., wm have 
grand opening about June 1, when an tbe 
attractions vlxii many new ooes wm be in fnu 
rtmnlng order. Tbe Casino wm be dCToted to 
lilgb.claas TsodcTine. Besides tbe many at- 
cHoaa a big fS.OOO prodnction of Hereafter 
la* beiiC added. A number of the bl£ trayelln^ 

♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 

Edit« Ska 

Pear Sfa^Ws an 
> to ear ada. 

vortb of goods^thafe 

♦ ♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 

tag nHMT. Iba 
itmr «»Jt«fb» 
pint «a:i*tla t» 

neeladr Balhnv Gb. as la 

It wm be opca. U r 

I been leaaed Cor 
wdl acqaalBtM «ltb 
m aaaa^aMt It 

wm bs as aipK sM m 

lake Is aaH t» ba a vaur 

Lincoln Paife, situated on the Dela- 
ware rlTer below Philadelphia., has been pnr- 
diased by a syndicate wlilch wiu spend a large 
amoont of . money on tbe place and open It 
next season. Tbe plans include new troUer 
and boat fadUties, aad tbe czpcadltme of 

vast snms of money SIK ai' 

office of the company te 

Bnndlng, PhUsdelphla 

Luna Park at Johnstoxvn, Pa., o'svned 
by the professional and business men of that 
city and managed by P, E. Canlfleld, wUl open 
Its season May 30. The grounds comprise some 
thirty-fire acres of shaded landscape and a 
beantifnl lake. The resort is prorldcd with an 
the summer attractloDS, Ei;ch as boat in g, bath- 
ing, racetrack, tbeatre. roBer coaster, etc. Tbe 
entire park is beaatlfuny momlnated. 

Mat. Knsell -writes from New Al- 
bany. Ind., that an bla parks open May 29. 
except Glenwood Park at Frankfort. Ky., which 
opens May 15. Tbe park at Lexington and 
Urbana Park at Mattoon. m., are new ones. 
The other stops on his warm weather circuit 
are Haoghton Lake at Bloomlnfrton; Webster 
Park at LaSaUe, and West^end Park at Cbam- 
palga. HL. and tbe Graad Open Hoaic at New 

park attt a cUona. soch as Paln'a Fireworfca, etc. 
play tills resort this summer. Tbe park la one 
of a namber In and aronnd tbe dty under the 

vscenc v w i M i r to 

resort being ballt ttete as ooe of the . 
llnka In tbe Bobert P. Walter drcolt ot 
General M'—fe Dantetb and Sop 
wueoxen say tbat wltb tbe ' 
templatad by ' ~ 

the bcazt of the ettj-, 
tbe HimgarlaB 
Tbe new 


Mi^or'tbe'ettr^ad^anBlT te tbirir teais Ibat 
Oe araiAe* woald be depopaUtcd on tbe Sab- 

Indlanola Park at Columbus, Ohio, 

promises to hare some of tbe best accommodft. 
Hons of any snmmer resort. The dancing pa. 
▼nion and roof pardcn will be out of the ordl. 
nary for elze and beanty. Tbe S^^-Immlnc 
Po(d. to be condocted by the Meyer FamUy. Is 
200x32s feet, wltb cement bottom sloping from 
two to ten feet. AB tbe mecfaanlcal attractions 
to be found wm be instaUed before the open- 
ing day. May 21. Manager Ulles haa batikaA 
namber of picnics for the summer. Mc. A. 

Hatdi is manager of concessions. 
The Dlrlgable Flying Machine Co. 

opening a smaB park on the Boardwalk at 
Atlaatle CUT, M. X. A drela aarlag. aa Indian 

musical and reportalre attiactteaa. 
la a msgnlfleent bonding wltb a m aflnr capS' " 
dty of moee tban 1.900 pesf' 
laqte enoagb te tbe liiiiim 
Caabw wm be ran at pmaiir . 
manager ii an czpctleaeed tbeatileal 
lag l>een eoi u ie cle d f Itbcr aa maaagei 
agent with such staia aa Harry Corson OarkSi- 
Jane Oak«, and TIiglalB Oiew Tteseott. 

The new amusement resort at I^an- - 
taAet Bcacb. near Boston, known as Pangoa 
Fbtk, esia psl a es aboat twenty-flre acres oC . 
grannd. The site Is along the bonlesaid. In- 
cluding tbe famona BocUand House propertx- 
Tbe enterprise, when completed, wm represent 
an inrestment of folly a balf ^nunw doUunu 
Among tlie attxacttaoa wm be tbe Cuala at 
Venice. Arabian, Eaqnimsux. Japanese, mimw. 
Pllllplno and Hawaiian Tillages. Sebllts palm 
gardens, trained animsl shows, aianunotb 
dance baU. and many other Interesting feat- 
tn^es. Indndlng a tower covered with myriads 
of electric Ugbta which wCl be startling in tbe 
way of electric mominatlon. Tbe reaort opeas 
May 30, and br atiaiweawst with tbe " 
tasket Beach l " ' - - . 

ply between tl 
tba evening. 

MIMte Park. NefW^ ja^ ^ the 

nam* aaifsSfte off tl"lS"^^*TMMpa!S 
■< te tea eslma aacte eadlsf tbe dty. ae- 
i-ewlbli *T — ■ ~ 

Mua and tnilta Unea. eo* 
aad baa aaeoC the anaat : 

mne dbt ttacfts te ttaa statcw 
ntnixed to ftataic tbe " 


Hsrry 8. Hcaly bas 
direction of 
bas contncted tac 

wheel, bouse-of-too-mncb-meHe, 

camp. The grsft element . will be cntlnilr 
eliminated. A big dancing paTlUoa wm also 
be a feattire. Tbe general management wm . 

be in the hands of Winiam ~ ~ 
the newspapers wm be taken care ftt^ttH 
Bonnell. who wffl divide Us time betwtoi Bu* 

side Park and Greater Eaectric Park. 

St. Paul, Minn., is at laet to have 
tbe only free amnsement park In the twin 
dtiea. Owing to Utlgatlon between the dty 
of St. Paal aad tbe City BaUway Co., tbe 
•C Ibe park have been delayed for 
tta mt bas been compromised 

JV fiiiliiiiy Is extending Its 

tiadn M rbrt ia n>k, baring a laxge focee at 
men at work te sriu to base tbe tiacba < 
pleted by May 1,. B ~ 
operated by tba Taeob 
and wm coulst of s 
two ml nature rallwa9% 
of trouble, vaadevllle " 
round. roUer skating, and many other attzae- 
tlou. Tbe lake Itself la one of tbe largest te 
the northwest and wm be supplied wltb boats 
and lanncfaes. As there are over foor bnadred 
acres of shady groiraila In tbe park moeb at- 
tention wm be paid to picnics; the batbliv 
feataies are said to be superb. At night tba 
Bomds wm be brilliantly momlnated. Ho , 
nqaors wm be aBowed upon tbe grooad and 
only lrst.dasa refreshments wm be senad to 
the thinty and hungry. The msnsguneag -SCv' 
Pbelan Park expect a mIUl<a. people tUi SSi^ ' 
mar aad aie prcpaiaa 4o -"«->*-'- Item 

Xtie Billf>oai»d 


With the advent of Ma y the ca rnival 
business takes •_5!*f^5'_i*'^?' 
Then is when the eMBWM KazU in 
Minest and every street fair foUower 
liMins to realize upon what he has m- 
TMted m the way of finances, energy 
and skill. It Is a season of antlidpa- 
tton. good wishes and One prospects. 

eeN. m mvBH l ee dead 

' Oen. THadracb hero of three 

wars, statesman, and general and pro- 
moter and presiden of the Jamestown 
Tercentennial Exposition Co.. died at 
ll'M-P- ™-» -A-prll 28, at Providence 
iMMpltal. Washington, D. C of a stroke 
of apoplexy, with which he was at- 
tacked early in the rooming while on 
« train from Boston whither he had 
baOl-iB.tte intanst of the Jamestown 

• Q«ieral Lee was bom In Fairfax 
Coonty, Virginia, In 1835, and was a 
nephew of Robert E. I/ee. He gradu- 
ated from tbm-.JJaltbtA atatas liuitary 
Academy af tha age o< twantjr-one and 
was instructor of cavalry at "West 
Point in 1860-61. He served in the 
Confederate army during the C ivil 
War and rose la a dW y ..In "i— .tMrtU lie 
became a Uajor Oenera] fn ISO: Bis 
bravery during that war is well known 
and needs no comment. Alter the war 
Gen. Ijee was foremost in the endeavor 
to neatrallxe and ov e rco m e the section- 
al bostilitiea eng«idered by the long 
eonflfct that nearly separated the 
tnilan. Jn 188S he was elecle<l gover- 
aor ot Virginia, and in 1893 President 
Cfevdaad made him Consul General to 
This post he held through many 
■B, and against ttanata of per- 
vlolence until the dedaxatlon of 

wsr with Spain, when he was commis- 
sioned one of he six Major Generals 
.of Yidnntem, and though his detach- 
.aMBt^tta-.Oawinth Army Corps, was 
not aeat to Ctfba untH late in the war, 
he rendered excellent service in the 
difficult labor of organizing the army. 
After t his w ar he was made governor 


a Brigadier OflMnl .In the regular 

Geaeial Ijea mas manrted in 1871 to 

Is $21 (the regular one-way fare to 
Cfalcacot pina one dollar) plna 966.50, 
the rate offered for the ronnd trip from 

Chioapo to Portland, or J77.50, which is 
four dollars less then (31.60, the regu- 
lar one-way rate In effect between New 

The rate for the round trip to Port- 
land from St. Louis, arranged some 
time ago, is $52.50. while the rate from 
St. Paul, Minneapolis. I>uluth and 8a- 
perior. la MBb both aC.tliaae aataa. Mag 
lesa than Hie regular one-way fkrew 

The rates which the railroads have 
made are good for ninety days, but 
not later than Noveml>er 30, and pro 
vide for almost unlimited stop-over 
privilege , which make possible trips to 
scenic points of world renown at com- 
paratively little additional expense. 
YeUowstone Parte may be visited on a 


$Cble«80, F«b. 4, 1905. 
Binixxxd Pak. Cs., 

Gentlemen: Tlie reeolts obtained thzmtch 
onr advertisements in Tha BiUbo&rd ate 
remarkable and eminently aatisfaotory. 
The number of answera we have reeaired 
has far exceeded onr expectations, sad 
they have been from lepresentstiTM of 
the very best in the ptofessioa. 

Robert a. — 
4i Stein-my Sri 

^ Xnsio PnUidisr. 

stop-over Tia' tlie Worthem "PwcSOc 

route. For $11 additional to the cost of 
his cxcur.sion ticket, the visitor may 
make the trip to Portand by way of 
one of the northern routes, and return 
by a southern route through California, 
or vice versa. There are many points 
of great aeenie and historical interest 
which may be reached from Portland 
in half a day or less, at very little eX' 
I>ense. Such side trips include a trip 
up the Columbia river, through im- 
surpassed scenery, a Journey to the top 
of Moimt Hood, more than 11,000 feet 
high, or an excursion to the sea shore 
or up the Willamette Valley, the most 


three d a n gh tera and two maom, 

of whom are In the army. Two 
.<|C ki8 dP.ughters married army officers. 
- Qienersii Lee was one of the leading 
^lplftta oC the coming Janieatowit 
aitlon to be held in U07 In od«bratl<m 
of the first English settlement ujion the 
Anmlcan continent. He has worked 
earnestly for the success of this event, 
and his loss will be a momentuous one 
to that enterprise. Through his efforts 
considerable interest has been aroused 
In Ills exposition, smd through his per- 
sonal efforts the legislatures of several 
states have already begun to prepare 
fOr the event. A successor in this en- 
terprise will be dllDcuIt to find. In fact 
It is doubfol whether a man i>08se3sed 
of such potent Influence and endowed 
with that public splrltedness so char- 
acteristic of he man can be found to 
\tBka .«v ttw 


The lowest rates ever made for a con- 
tinental trip, which make It possible 
for a person Uvtng In the east to visit 
the liewis and Claclc Exposition for 
less than the regular one-fare rate, 
have just been decided upon by the 
Central Passenger Association, which 
haa.~ satilled the action of the Trunk 
3UBa Association to that effect. 

ratea now agreed upon are one 
**ap pins the regular flrst-class one- 
tore to Chicago, plus the rate of 
KUO offered for the round trip to 
i*nlland from that city. The regular 
fare one wi^- from CUcago to Port- 
ed Is $«i.M^ five dODara more than 
tte special rotmd-trlp rate. The effect 
of the arrangement now in force there- 
rore, is to make the round-trip rate 
pom polBta cast of Chicago four dol- 
lars less than the regular one-.way rate 
to Portland. For example, the regular 
^ from New York to Portland is 
♦MJO, and from New York to Chicago 
g*_»e round-trip rate to Portland 
tiw X«wl8 and GlaA: Szpoaltlon 

A HawPiaM Far 


The success of horse shows COU' 
ducted on the streets during the pest 
two seasons in various cities opens a 
new field for followers of street fairs 
and carnivals. To a conservative 
thinker, to one who has l>een a devout 
follower of the carnival business, there 
can be no doubt but what some new 
Ideas must be put forth to interest 
local parties and that new fields must 
be put forth to Interest this aoaMiinally 
Increasing business. 

When we realize that there are more 
than four times as many street shows 
as compared with three years ago, and 
that thay «m taaUutHtr increasing, 
we eoma to tha eondoaltm that we 
must look to the future mode of con- 
ducting and presenting them. And this 
brings us to the point of which I wish 
to speak briefly; bHM itows in con- 
junction with atreeC falra. 

Carnival managers, why not cut out 
some of the expense of carrying your 
free acts and Inatmct your agents to 
wake up the hinae ahow Idea as a 
drawing attraction? The proposition 
Is well worth the time and money re- 
quired and you wlU find. If your ex- 
perience is along the same line as 
mine, that there is no possible propo- 
sition that you can think of. which 
will Interest, the people and get them to 
talking as a horse show. TIs not the 
amount of the premiums offered in the 
various classes, but the fact that Mr. 
Blank's horse won firs prize over all 
otbam at tha aiow, and so on. The 
best lady rider aboidd receive a pre- 
mium, as well as the prettiest rig or 

In Chlcaso and New Toil^ as we 
an kBoir, Om fcoaaa afcaw la 8oclety*s 
greataat event: Palmna prepare for it 

months and months ahead, and why 
should It not be the same In the small- 
er cities, thoui^ of conrsek upon a 
smaller scale. 
Xdtat aeaaon tba 

three events of this kind, and he can 
truthfully state that In his several 
yeara* woric tor atraafc fialni ka aever 
saw a more enftanlaalB gaXhailag. At 

Clinton, ind., a city of 4,5(K> people, 
the aggregate prizes amounted to less 
than WiO, divided into eight classes. 
The 7"ttt oC Om Xium,tmtf attuid- 
ance^ eattmated Iqr eonaervatlve par- 
ties, reached between six and eight 
thousand people. The attractions, 
which were booked indei>endently, 
consisted of a merry-go-round. Hall of 
Fire. Electric Wonderland, Vaudeville, 
Circus. Plantation, two platform shows 
and the local band. All did a big busi- 
ness. The managers were unanimous 
In telling the writer that their receipts 
of three days exceeded any previous 
week's stand. . ; ^. 

The writer has ftnmd hy experience 
that committees are more apt to con- 
sider a proposition of the above na- 
ture than the straight street fair, as 
is generally put on at the present time. 

Gen. IfSr. Great SaaUxu St. Flair Co. 

The Smiths have the tintype prlvU- 
eses with the Whitney Amusement Co. this 

Touturkey. the 

~ Qa, for 

walkti; ii 
the MMa. 
The GadcUI Bbawa 

Ga.. Miy 8, ua fiaj 

following week. 

Biliie Merrlam'aV 

meeting with saccess 
TBI Co. in the Sooth. 

C. L. Maltland has signed his Am- 
phlon Electric Theatre with the CoL I. N. 
Flsk Srndlente of ahowa. 

J. Saunders Gordon, contracting 
aseot for the Pain P jiut e u ile Co., fsrorcd The 
Billboard office last week with a call. 

The Woodmen of Owensboro, Ky., 
have contracted with the Oreat Mnndy Shows 
for an Indoeed camlral, week of May 22. 

Geo. Oavla and Hany Tbomaa have 

John Xj. Cost, one of the most widely 
known chicken men In the onmtiy and a member 
of the BBBerstowo (Ud.) Fair AssoeUtloD. died 
recently at his palatial home In Haxeratown of 
heart failure. Mr. Cost was at the head of 
the Baceratown Pooltry Show, and was TSCy 
popular. old-time trouper, and 
his wife, who have been with the Kewttt Kfr 
poaltiOD Shows for the psst foor mnnths, have.' 
r eopened Mardn'a Cale to CUtkaflUe. TCa^r 
SniliiC the stay eZ the Smith Otcatcr .Mmmmh 
mtat Ob. la that dtr aD tte Miialijrs .pit;ap .■ 
at this loort. 

"Trip to Niagara Palls" Is the name 
of a new conceaalon on The Trail at tlie Lewis 
and Clark Exposition. This will oftCt a stfeadU 
example of scenic and plastic arts aad irin pra> 
sent the Uloslon o( tTareUns fton Kcw Tfltk 
to Niagara Falls, pasalng thionsb Albaay mat 
Buffala en roate. 

• • 

• > Gentlemaa:— 
Enclosed please Sad Ave ceoDta for whidi i i 

I I send me a dale book at yosr sa rH e st coa- • i 

• • Teniance. Tha last one is Slled np, and I < • 
I I did not lose a week's wozfc dnrina the ■ t 

• > year 1804. I think tbs data book is a • > 
« , rood mascofc^^^ am^^BB^^^Tjjti^^w^t ■ » 

Mr. and ICra. J. T. P<nter 
Pine BiBlt. Atk,. AftO S*. to 

— ^ 

and tlie «klC : 

Co. ■;; 

Victor Weilflb' luM nw 'ii aia Sappy Hooli- 
gan, ntio leaped the gap tOr the Boyal Amose. 
ment Co. last season, will glre hto act this 

simmiet at Pensacola. Fla. 

The Ona Keyera Monarch Amnse- 
iiat Okk' Skoea to asaa hastoMs at- naatisi.' 
aal anit maay fttaidt. no. Du Ottea 
«a the spiral tower was featnted. 

Klaborate clusters of electric lights. 
lepresentiDg the fln&l tooehes to the Brldce 
of Natiaas at the Lewis and Claik BipoBitloa, 
are now belas placed In poeltlon. 

The Fliemai's Fond, of Newport. 
Ark., we rtnea .^■ Mf-t»;itefc Jwre ot the 

proceeds ft^wn the ncant sCseet flair pot on 
by the Pnlted States Amusement Co. 

P. M. Barnes, of the Barnes West- 
ern Theatrical AfeDcy of Chicago, la arranging 
to funlah the attractions for tte TH sUls Fair 
to be hdd at Dnbnqoe. la, tUi ttll.' 

AL Finch, for ttia',paat three years 

promoter and scoatSl aatek . W tte OtaklH 
Shows, has again signed irtth'tte mmpany. He 

Is promoting Blnnlngham, Ala., far tte hcaeflt 
of the orphans. 

Walsh's Crystalplex Carnival Co. 
opened Its spring and snmer season at Dexter, 
Mo., Aurll 24. llr. Benry Walah writes that 
their winte; boalneto has been laiger. thaa any 
of tte past aeaasaa. 

C. X Weaver wrttea that he . liaa a 
town of io,MO "sqoucd** tor a good cuBlval 
company, ajid ttat saanageia who eOBttai^ate 

playing nortliera Peonsylvanla may do wd to 

commnnlote with him. 

Prof. Ed. R. Hutchison, the "Human 
Bomb,** has been engaged by tte Hantlagdoo 
(Pa.) Fair As.'Kiclatlon as a special 'ftattes for 
tbelr coming fair. This will miate HmC^'BbKIiI- 
son's fifth year at ttls tUr. 

The DMns^Siar^ BaK.aad-Cnba, be- 
longing to W:.- A.' ■BSMkVWfll.-te- shipped to 

Ptt Ofat, xm^ jat t' m^> igk :yi^^ wm 

TrMe. CtaA "B apua itlOB. 

Officials of the Lewis and Clark Ex- 
posltloa teTC decdded to change the location 
of the aerodrome. In prefieccnce to tte pcnln- 
snla. tbe aei n ilrsato ' wa|. . te-^letatod; aaar toe 
American Inn an d- wM. -to >a— a aa tte Asto* 
noatlc OoneootsCk . 

Dick A. Fulton inUm firam Okia- 
ma atr, OHa.. as Mliaa. IJaie bMajeaDed 

Mia. nsE. to J 

at lageiabll Park. 

James P. Thornton writes: I wish to 
thank an who hsTe answered my ad. In a recent 
lasne of Tbe Billboard. I bare signed with R. 
9. Tennlss' Electnc Show at I.ake View Park, 
Tne Haate. hid., for tte season. 

tot them. Mr. Fertw la a I 
called File and Flame, will get tte 
The atteduto wOI all be nnlfotmed. 

Jamea Clayton, with the Smith 

Oreater Amosement Co., reports that be has 
made many friends in tbe Soath the past win- 
ter, the dearest among them being Mrs. Blancte 
UcDonongb. a sonthem Isdy from Birmingham. 
They were quietly married April IT, dnrlng 
the camlTal's engagement at Oolambla. Temi. 
Mr. dayton is a teSned gentleman from New 
York. We wish them a snccessfnl life. 

The directors of the Hagerstown 
(Ud.) Fslr Association hare decided to offer 
pnrses amoontlng to $5,700 at the forthcoming 
fair to be held Oct. 10-13. In addition to this 
foor parses of $1,000 each wUl be pot up for 
tbe races. Additional groan da will be poichased 
and the enlarged, making, as tbe dlieetiaa 
claim, one of tbe biggest fair gromida la tfea> 
Other Improeementa are being made. 

Kotea from tba- > Snilth Greater ' 


Jmtk Sbldds. wMfc hto 
Poses Flastlqae, aie l 
land. Tte Great Skato 
Alps, and Old Plaatatlon are deiaa i 
pleases ererybody- Tbe mciry-gi^e 
wbeeL Hat Oray tte high dlecr. ' ■ag'^atoar- 
attiacUun s make, this the biggest mtnpsny crer 
named vp In ttils dty. 

Arrangements are being made for 
grand lennlona of aereral great American fam- 
Ulee at tte Ijewls and dark Xlxposltitm. One • 
of these famlltes la made of t' • Lewises "tn 
pood standing.*' as the re<inls.>fflents of the 
Lewis Loyal Legion read. Hnndreds and per. 
hape thonaands of LeKises from all parts of 
the conntry will meet in Portland on a cer- 
tain day or set of days and get acqnalnted with 
each other on the Exposition groonda. It la 
snfcseflted to the Exposition aathoritles that In 
order to Insure a record-breaking attendance 
ttey arrange a series of fsmlly reonloos some* 
thing like this: For Jane, tte Thompsons; for 
Jaly. the Johnsons: fbr Angnst. the WHIlamaes; 
For . September, tte Jenses, and for tte re- 
maining llfteea days of tte fair, to OctobCT IBw 
the g^***** This woold make a constantly 1^ ' 
creasing attendance Bare, and with only tiro - 
werts for tte Smltte it woold te aeeeasaiy to 
contlnoe tte Exposition snother month. 

There is being organized In Pltta- 

fmg. Pa., one of the largest camlral organlza- 
tiona that will take the road thin season. Tte 
Continental Amnsement tc Exposition Co. Is tte 
name of the new concern which will carry an 
new tents, a handsome band wagon. Ferris 
wheel, golden chariot and fire feature free acts. 
The ontllt as a whole Is baOt npon new line* 

Sattaa, Pa., Feh. M, laOS. 



The ttOkoaid is tte aw- * 

which to advertise. We got 4^ 

from onr sd. 
Saspeotf ally yonn, 

Donlap * Steele^ 


and will probably cause some of them *to alt 
up and take notice." Senor Gato's Royal Ifezl- 
can Band. BncksUn Beii-3 WUd West. AL e. 
Bamea' Animal Show, Wallace's Vanity Wait, 
iT.«h..h A Cbsrieson's A Trip Down Tte Nllfc 
Clrcna Utzlms, Electric Theatre. Tte lOdSlt/f 
City, Port Arthur and tte talking hotse vlll h%';' 
among tte attiaetians- AB objeetisai " 
nres wHl te eliminated. Tte showl 
the heart of PIttsbaig with a «s 
stand. Major L B- Kng Is mentun 
nrer. OoL W. H. Ftemoot Is gsHoa 
and W. J. Hewitt Is csasrat S B ii j.' !; 
gentlemen aie jA. wA I 
In the bastHiaii.'aaCVa 


Xtie Olllboard 

Omr neultrt and mb^crib^n tn att Csmn onr mtiO^ so 
mailtknurlva vfTlu! BUOoarift" mail tamtrahta 
tmtem . t*e SaBo an experitneed clerk in cnarge 9f Ihu 

impartmni. Hi ktepm track 4/ paopt« and J w WOJ ti < 

(tar MoiJ wbiucr poaiU*, M« Moaail il <• werf w J . 
Am wouflav Mav. tAtttn ar* m/y odHrtiiMt irikia 

lima mn oMrtmtd. UtUn ii i l i w ftf Mj -ftr 

in3 — Mffiit JormOilf nmriiSlilSi 

AndMwm, Mary 
AiotlD. Hn. Trlzle 
Baner, Violet 
Butlctt, Lonln 
Sdmett. itoOSa 
Bentler. Jcanle 
BcHcnr, Bntcnl* 

(Write N. T, Of.) 
WlinrhirJ. Ff 
Blewltt^ Bniu 
BUti. Un. FiaDk B. 
Blandcss. JowVUa* 

V .Sniramoaa. Vtnic 
BnllMv Mtaai* - 

Jttkaoa, BessU (Wlltc 

N. Z. Office) 
JoiuuoD. Un. O. A. 
Jobnson. Lillian 

(Write N. X. Ot.) 
LeTooT, LociHe (Slns- 

Laovett. Lodla !<• 
Iiee, Barben 
Leiand. Bern (or Hut) 
I«o. Mn. Dr. 
Leonard, Mrs. Mamie 
InTtao, Inca 
Lomia, Kria 
MEnklcjn, Tbe (Vxd 
. asA aaMia) - 
lUckMr. ante 

Obrlitliie. MIDIa 
dark, Ozaee 
CUfton, Sarah A. 
Crane. Efflc 
Dareoport, HoIKe 
DaTia, Mile. Owoea 
Deneen. Boxer 
Deamond. Mlaa B. B. 
OUtrlcki. ..Tbe (rred 

and' Cnellah) •>. 
Dockman. Marie 
DrlTer. Anna (Write 

K. Z. OOet) 
Dncm. liar fWkUa 

K. z. .ome*> 

■■waida. Ha. OM-B. 
Whnada Slaten (1^ 


(Write N. Z. oe.) 

IVnd. Mr«. Maty 

Formca. Otaee 

Toatcr. Matte 
-neea. Mr*. Zella 
(Wtlte N. Z. Of.) 

OnUapte. Boana 

Qodktn. (^athrlne 

-OoDdoQ. Lolle 

'QowaDKo. Prlneeas 

Qreen. I«anra 
. Hut. B«ia (or Lie- 


lV- (Write H. Z. Ot.) 
■MMbewa, Maggie 
Kattbm. Harrr and 

Metealf, Mia. Ora 
Miner. DoUle 
Moffltli. Mane 
Moore. Mn. Jim 
Uorrocak, Madame 
Mortimer, W. A. and 

Dnryea, Uaj 
Morton. Borotbea 

(Wdte N. Y. Of.) 
Mndi, Mn. Snale 
Nelaon, CbrlsUne 
Norton, Belle 
Oimabee. Helen B. 
Pierce. Mr*. Jenle 
Pofanaitier, Mlaa B. 
Putnam. Ida Mar 
Bar* Ooona. (WMta w. 

Z. OOaai 
BMd. Kit. Jnal* 

~ — . Vaav • 



RIov Violet 
BitcMe. Loolaa 
Rltcble. Mn. OaRle 
Bcbertaon, Fanola 
Sanger. SknOr (Write 

N. Y. Offlee) 
Sebror, Beaate 
Scott. Carrie 
Scott. Millie 
fecbreit. Mn. J. N. 
Sontben, Mta. M. P. 
Stewart. Mrs. D. I.. 
SylTa, Maixneilta 
Ttrry, BQen 
Todd, Karon O. 
Turner, Ocorgla 

, 'Hope, Bnrl 

' Mow aid. Bra 
fM". . Bncart. ' Mnlon 
-l;-;' .'J -aSid),: Otarea 

▼laeaBi Mkdaae U»j 

Welb, IfuU 
wnard. Mn. Mand 
ZartU. Mta. BKt 
ZeUer. Maite 


'8 XI8X. 

vArken^ IC A. Benaon. G. D. 

' .Adair, Artie Betger, J. S. 

Adama. 7. Frank Berlin. Sam 

AddlHOD. J. P. Bemateln, Joe 

Addlmn. Nelson Bemateln. lasy 

JLgPnt B. O. P. (Write N. Y. 

Abl Med. Co., Ed. Bluings. Oay 

Alder, W. F. Blackmore, Ted 

Allen, Harrr (Write Blasaer. F. W. 

N. Y. Office) BUta, Frank B. 

Aliens, ABwrt Bloom, Paol 

.Alplna Concert Qo., Bidder, W. F. 

Mgr. Bonnelll. Wm. 

Alpolnt, Joe y Bonnelll, Jas. 

.AsdMuk. Mnlr Booth, 

An. Ob. BenOk Mc.; 
Mr. . Bostoek«M 

.Ok Co. 

Boarer. WUlla E. 
^^CTWte N. T. OAee) 
Boater. Pr^ (^TP- 
, Doltat) 

Brewer, T. M. 

';U''j^;Atttar's "A Stndr.ta Brteibu MUhde 

• Beariet." M«r. 
Austin, i. O. (Wiiia 

Z. omce) 
Anstlna. Tbe (Smt , 
■ -Arer, i. p. ■ .iiiVtj:.> 
B. m. 

Baeoo, B. B. 

BrlMan. Vkaak 

(Ferris Wheel Bed) 
Brook's Unsleal Oom- 

edr Co.. Iter. 
Brooks, P. Li. 
Brovii. Perer (Write 
N. Z. once) 

Baoon. B. B. (Write Brown. Henrr 

K. Z. Offlee 
, . ;;,iBBrfieW. B. B. COal- 

'-7J.;'-">W'«red Sbowoaa) . - 

CWckeer) ' 
■!rs«!«|Bartel, W. H. 
■■-■-ai^Bartlett. H. C. 
.: .*^ v.-Barton. John A. 

Basaage. Bert 

Bateman.:. X Vrsnk 

Bates, a. F.' 

Bamas, wnbett 


Brown. K. Hinisrd 
Brown, Cbarlej 
Bryant, Geo. 
Bxyaot, Joe 
Suckere State Cam. 

Burg, Klnner (Tln- 

Borke, James (or Ke« 

Bums. Tbomas 
. BoskeT) 'oba 
'Oalrer, Vic 

Carpenter, A. B. 

Carray, Dan 

Oarter, J. C, Dlaselo 

(Write N. Z. Offlte) 
(^rrer. Sr. (BUe 

Cassmler, Prof. 
ChaSee, Dr. Frank H. 
(Sbamberlaln. Garden ' 
(Jbapln. W. (Write N.- 

Y. Office) 
Charlies Carn. Co. 
(^harltoo, Francis T. 
Oielew, Alfred 
Ohrlaty & Willis 
Church & KlUlan 
Clreoa Day Co., A., 

Clancy, Fred H. 
dark. Geo. 
dark, E. B.:.- 

.Bajlin, Dr. Sama- L. ; Ouam, Prof. A. 

v-<'r''(.Banoot7> Aa.'4>- vCaiUlr' f^^ B. Z, 

Bwin, Oc^^-ei;. 'Oeli- 

man (WRte V. Z. 

Fanst, Joe 
Fay's Electric Show 
Feltoo, G. M. (High 

Fettns, Jdo. B. 
Fcrrla, Wiley 
Ferris, W. Ii. 
Pick. Hdrw. 
FleUs, Mark 
Finney, Jameson Lee 
Fltzbatler, Wm. 
Flamant, Jaa. 
Flash Cam. 0*w Otot. 
Fleming, OkM. (Ou- 

I<l«tclMr, Obai. Jt. 
Flint. Oco. Oatee 

, a'H, 

Ole^ ArttaGT 


dark * KIsalnger 
(Big Yand. Show, 

Clark, A. F., Mgr. 
(Clark & Stone- 

aark, WIU 

Cnayton, Joseph 

claytoo. CmiI C. 

Clajton, Edwin 

Cllman, Willie (N«T- 
eltr Man) 

Close. Dr. W. H. 


Colbert, Wm. B. 
"Blp''(Baet Canm) 

OOnmrii, J. A. _ _ . 

cole. — 
OiUlm, Cbaa. 
OoUIns, UeMIle S., 

Collins, Stewart 1. 
Combs. Oeo. 
Oonkle. Will H. 
0>nklln, B. D, 
CoDuors, Wraam 
Ckmtlnental OUB. SX 
(>)0k. J. Ik 
Coo^t, John O. 
Corban, A. L. 
C^orbon, E. O. 
Oorbitt, S. E. 
Oirrlgan, Bmmet 
OtoteUa. Chas. 
OMve. CoL 
(Xinrtney, O. W. 
Cox. W. C. 
cms, E. M. 

Cramer, Frank 
C!rawford. Wm. (Write 

N. Y. OIBea) 
Crawler. Geo. 
O^enben, A. 

Oipen. Bdwart ▼ 
Carrie.' W. K. . 
Osarllnsky. C. K. 
D'Asta. Ob|^ 
I>el>aner, lamea 
DeLayne, J. 
DeMonleo. Geo. 
DeOsU, dpt. 
DefiamUnelll, Dr. 


Cam. Co. 


beVare. Utw.. 
Dale, Jsa.^^ . 
Dalr, F.' EnwaM 
DtmoD, Bob 
DvUastoo, Hanr 
BanuL J. J. 
Daab. nek 

D aTenpo* . Wm. U. 
DaTBBpect, J. X. 
DaseBport, Lew ». • 
Davis, BcnJ. F. 
Darla, Harry 
Dans Show (B. r. 

DsTls, Mgr.) 
DaTldfion, Jack A« 
Davidson. Unk 
Day, O. Mack 
DeboU. Emerson 
Dee, Bor 
Delaporte, Wm. 
Delllnger, W. H. 
Delmaln. Frank 
Dennis Stock Co.,M|r. 
D'Eapa. Ernest 
Dickson, J. B. 
Dietrlcks, Tbe ■ (Fred 

and Lnellab) 
' cniae, John W. 
DOlae, Max 
Ominger, A. B. 
Dlttgen, Oeft. A. . 
Dwlac Elka, Mgr. 
. DlzCT, Bkl7 
} IMA Is KeDens 
DOI1..0haa. H. 
Dooahoe, Cham. 
Dohertr, Frank X 
Doran, Martin " 

N. Z. OlBee) 
Dorln, W. F. 
Dotser.' B; 
Do bee Animal 
Dam'ont, Al 
Dre, E. H. 
Eakea,, Cbailes 
Earl, Frink 
Eatler, John 
Eckman, A. 
Edgar, B. J. 
Edwards, Faol 
Edwards. Frank 
EIrlch, Cnarence 
Elsf eldt. K. 
EUlott. OO. 
EOls, Obarlle (Write 

N. T. Offlee) 
Empire P«]««t Jhow, 

Mgr. « ■ 

Eonor, Mai 

^' B. W. 

Voestar. W. K. (WtUe 

N. Z. Oflce) 
Forttme, Vincent 
Fowler, Harry Clayton 
Fox, B. B. 
Pox A Ward (Ciome- 

Franklin Am. Co. 
Franz, C. H. 
Free. J. Martin 
Freedman, Geo. A. 
Frl«Himan, Juo. B., 

Frick. B. H. 
Fuller, F. 1. 
Gaines, Ollle 
Galagher, Oluia. 

(Plaao Plarar) 
Ctetdaer. Ftaiik A. ' 
Gardner, J, WL, €K. 
Wartaa * OMMr 
{WUM H. a oan) 

Oar <na Bpora-Oc. 

oJ£rt, (Jhaa. (Write 

B. Z. omee) 
eaerge. Taooli 
OeMM. Jamea A. 
Oetlb Bm.* Sbows, 

*•«». _ 
Olbbona. P. H. 
Olbboor. W. O. 
Gibson, J. H. 
GUdle, H. L. 
Gllatte Bboir, O. U. 

Ota. w, a 
am, iim 

aUUnttaam, AI. J. 

OOant'i Comedy Co., 
Mgr. I 

Olenwood Concert Co., 

Oolden Bole Co., The 
Ooodhna, WIlUs U. 

Goodwill, iWK a 

OotAlnai BmS.' IBOW, 

BknF (DH- 

w) _.„ 

doonalr, Happr BIU 

Oorert A Btegmlar 
' anbach.8duiaallns 

Oraee, P. B. 

Oraham, B. 

Graham, H. J. 

Graham's So. apecUl- 
ty Oo., Mgr. 

Grant, Boland 

Grarea, Ijee 

Onr'B Wonder Work- 
ers. Dr. 

Onr, OUrenee B. 
■ Orar, John H. 

Great Bastem Bbowa, 
. Mgr. 

QtMir. Geo. ^ 

Green, J. Ellswoilu 
(Write N. Z. Ofllee) 

Greene, O. D. 

Oregorr-Carr Dramatle 

SeMemuB, B. S. 
Hahn, Arthur 
Haines, (3haB. 
Haines, Nat 
Hale, Jas. F. 
Hall, Mike 
Ballard, L. H 
Halliday, G V. 
Hslpett, Max (Norelty 

Hamlltoo, Ohas. 
Hamilton, B. B. 
Hammenteln. B. B. 
HammerstelD, H. Ik 
Hand, Prof. (Hpynot 


Handler, W. W. 
-'Bandr, Not. 0>. 
■snel's Trained Anl' 

mil Bliinra, Fiof. 

Bsoold, Wm. W. 

Harris, BO. _ 
SEanli. Petty P. 
Banlaoo, Sam 
Bknlioa, T. B. 
• <Wtlte H. TiO«Mj 
Hatch. Bob (Write H. 

Z. OOoe) 
HathawaTt 9U 
Hartlgan. W. H, 
Hattlner, P. B. 

(Write N. Z; Offlee) 
Bar, Doc 
Hayter & Janet 
Hawkins, W.' W. 
Hawkins. Balpfa . 
Hawler, WaUet 
Hayan. Oul F. 
Hays, Tom 
Haya, Ed. C. 
Hayter, tBIUy 
Belton. Bd. 

Hendenon, ^ 

Henir Com:'^and Vand. 

Co., J. C-, Mgr. 
Hepburn, Jack 
Hereford, Jesse 
Herkenrod. Wm. 
Herman, Lawson 
Hemdon, Arthur 
Henrton. Artbnr 
Heraehel. Wm. 
Hewitt, Geo. npfUlQ 
Hleker. T. B. 
Hill, H. P. 
Hill A Blmew 
HID. J. T. 
Hill, J^, 
Hlaebangh. O. O. 
Hlnman, Dr. 
Hockey, Harrer GOillo 
Hoeffler's Show*. Hp. 
Hotfioan, J. S. 

Holland, John J. 
HoUaad. W. B. 
HoBtoa OOb. 
Hosier, Frank M. 
Howard. B- 
Hwt, W. B. 
Hudson, Sylrester 

(Write N. Z. Office) 
Hughes, WalDet 

(Write N. Y. Office) 
Hnndoyle, Walter 
Hunt, Harry A. 
Husbands, C. 0. 
Imperial Entertalnsn, 

Indian Bill's W. W. 

Iredell. J- Ww 
Irwln, Wm. 
Jack Co., DIamona 
Jackson. Geoige 

KM. Oomedian) 
jahB * McFariaa 
James. B. B. 
Jamea lm». 
Jamea, Loola 
Janard, B. H. 
leOries. DIA 
Jciaac * Bdwatda 

McCarty, A. 
McClanaban, l&e 
McClanaban, Frank 
McConnell. T. D. 
iidCtn, Jas. 
McDonald, Clias. H. 
McOlnnls, J. O. 
McGloeklln, John 
McGnIre, C. Ij. 
McGnrrer, Patrick 
McHanghton, T. B. 
Mcllwaln, Walter 
McKenna, Eugene F. 
McLobe, Albert 
McNemer, Edward J. 

and Dennis 
McQolsn. Wm. J. 
Madlsoo, Wm. 
SaltluM A Paaeatel 

Haalcy. C. W._ 

Maatelle Opera Oo. 
Marcnm, Geo. 
Margalis, Prof. 
Markel, Prof. 
Markleys, The, (Fred 

and Battle) 
Mametto, Wm. 
Mars. J. C. (Aero- 

llarsball, W. 
Mar^all, Leon 
MarsbaU. 6. S.. Mgr. 
MnrUn. H. J., Mgr. 
Martin, D. A, 
Martin. C. 
Martyne, Eddy 
Mnrts'a New Slg Spec. 

Sborw. Al.. Mgr. 
Masoa * White Bbow, 


Masoa Broa,' V. T. O. 

Oo., Mgr. 
Mathles. IlantB 
Uatthewt,' Etany and 

Jobnsoo, Cbu. O. 
JobaaoD, Oharlea 

(Write N. Z. Offlee) 
JoHer. B. T. 
Jones, Earl D. 
Jordan. James 
Juce. Windy 
J W. F. (Write N. 

"Y. Office) 
Kardell, Frank 
Karmont, Temple 
Katzles. H. 
Kanlbacli, Walter 
Kelly, Jerome 
KeUey, Of" 


King. Bebia _ 
King's Olaaa Btomti 
KUron * Button 
Klrsteln. Bobett 
Kltnatriek. B. D. 
Klein. J. A. 
Knight, J, Vletor 
^bler ft Kohler 
Knbemns, W. (Muri- 

Kokemlller, Frank 0. 
LaCiotx (AeriaUsO 
I«VeUe, Col. Wm. A. 
I/eClend, Cha*^ 
I,eComcte, BlRF m. 
LeRoy, F. T. 
LeBoy. Bob 
LadOTlco, AI. 
lAfayette, XI 
liaUoo, Mr. 
Idmar Spee. Concert 

Co., Mgr. 
Lambert, Col. B. S. 
Lander, Baa, J* 
Late, Jaa. B. 
Larar . ae«k^a^ 

Mansr, Bany 
Maxim A Gray 
Mayo, Edgar (Write 

N. Y. Office) 
MeUer, H. A. 
Mercer, R. J. 
Meredith Trio. The 
Merldltb, L. E. 
Merrlam, BlUle 
Mexican Bill's Show, 

Meyer, M. H, 
Micro Show, Mgr. 
MlUer, F. A. 
Miller. Fred (Tbe K. 

C. Eld) 
Mills, Webb 
Mills, Geo. H. 
Mix. Carlsbad M. 
Uooaban, Jack 
Uonarcb ot M7*teiyi 

MOngot PriBM 

LatMMi. Oju 
to w i e u ee . Wt. 

Lanmn, BMSir 
Leak. tL 
leaser _ 
Letcrer * TOssdl 
Lefkoiwlte, Herman 

Lelntx, Brerett 
Leooard, Alcxaagar L. 
Leonard, Alhett 
Leonard, Jack (BUi 


Leonard. FiaA OMw 

Leone, H. 
I,esUe, Walter IC. 
LcTl, Manriee 
Levitt, Victor D. 
Levy, B. 8. 
LewU, a. P. ^ 
Lewis, BObt (Snake 

Lewis, Daniel Boas 
(Write N. Z. Offlee) 

Lewis, a a. 

Lewi* ft — 

Im. * H. 

L. ft H. (Write M. S. 

LIndall, Ohas. B. 
Lingl. Geo. 
Llngard, Nelaoa 

(Write N, Z. OOlce) 

Lltt, O. A. (PtODOter) 
rockwood. Jack 
TMfcwood BqpA. Oo.. 

H. W. 
loeb, Carl L. 
Long, Frank O. 

(Theatre Tronpe) 
T^oorrlng, Albert 
Lotto, Wm. (Bigb 

1.0-well. Thomas B. 

Lading Sbow (Wrtte 
Ldcss, C. B. 

M. Z. Office) 
Lnndr, Stewart 
trneh. Frank ■. - 
I^ach. Joe 

vcAioow. i m ais ir .i 

UcmmuM Om. Co. 
Hoore. Arlte (Write 
M. Y. Offlee) 

Moore, Mr. 
Moore, Harrr 
Moore, Lou W. 
Moore. <7baa. 
Morgan, Cbas. 
Morris, B. L. 
Morris, w. A, 
Mortimer, W. A. 

(Write N. Y. Offlee) 
MorHmer, W. A. and 

Dnryca, May 
Morton Co., The (Rep- 
Moaety. M. A.. Mgr 
Mnller, jus.. Mgr. 
Mnlvey A Ward 
Mnrdy, Sam 
Mnrpby,. Roy E. 
Miuphr, T. H. 
Hupbr, Mr. (Balir 

Bask Kan) 
UaRay, Chai. J. 
Ifatrr. JabB Jr. (Zte^ 

type Han) 
BCfeie, Mlek and 

Harry stone 
Mr Friend From Ar 

kansaa Co., Mgr. 
Nance, P. W. 
Nelrer, Frank 
New Oentntr Bater- 

telners. Mgr. 
NcwcU ft Nlblo 
Bew Zoric BDd 

OunlTal Oo. 
Nlas, I. 

Nix Family JolUen, 

Nixon, Elmer 
Noble. F. C. 
Noonan, M. Frederick 
Norman, Howard 

(Write N. Y. Office) 

Norrla A Rowe'a Show 

NoveUr Cam. ft Am. 


Kogent, J. W. 
Nugent, Joha P. 

(King of KnUe 

MTe's abow. Tom 


OatBaB, ~ J. 
oirmpte Opera Oow, 

Onge, Fred H, (ODB' 
edy CycUat) 

Oppenheimer. L. 
Ore. Charlie 
Orr. Cland 
Orton, Norman 
Osbom Drsmatle Oo. 
Oaenton. Lansdowne 
Owen, Wm. 
Owens, Wm. 
Owens, John T. 
Palmer's U. T. O. Q>., 

ParllmeD. Bed 
Patten. Burton 
Patton, W. B. 
Pearee, G. 
Pearson, Harry A, 
' (Write N. Y. Office) 
Peck. (Write N. 

Z. Offlee). 
. Perrlgo. Paul A. 
Pete. '■Wm. H. 

Peterson, Gna (Cane 

Rack Man) 
Pbllllps, Clyde 
PhilKpl, H. L. 
Phlpps, Col. E. I. 
PUlbean Bros. 
Pierce, Robert L. 

Plank, J. H. 
Pickett, David 
PoUay, H. B. 

FoUoek. Fted B. 
PoUodb H. VW7 

(WHte H. X. Offlee) 
Porter. BeriMct 

(Write N. Z. 
Plotter, H. B. 
Potter, B, L. 
Potts & Potte 
Powell. Wm. F. 

Prescott, Frank 
Prlngle's Comedy 0>., 

Proud, O. C. 
Purcell. O. M. 
Pnjo, P. P. 
I'yle, Lawrence 
Rafale, Ohas. H. 
Railroad Jack's Shows, 


Rainholdt, V. H. 
Randle. Frank 
Rattessel. J. N. 
Raver, CHias. 
Raymond, J eb» 
Renvey, BUKf'-' fftiV* 

Bedmood * Bmii 

WiBacc Stoek Oo, 
(Write B. Z. Offlee) 

Bcese, J. O. 

Reeves, G. W. 

Reld. Harold 

Remington, Wm. 

Reno. Richard 

Beese, Frank 
ntalne. R. M. 
Rhodes, W. H. 
nice A Crawford 
nice. R. G. 
Rice's Latest gsaSS 

tlon. Prof. 
Richardson, G. T. 

Richardson, John E. 
Rick, C. 
Blckard. Ed. 
Riler, Sidney 
RItebcr, Clsnde 
Roach, Frank 
Boacb, PioC 
Roach's OlteaSi A. B., 

Roberta. Frtd H. 
Boherti, OM W> 
Roberta, Dc. O. O. 
Bobetta. A. W, 

ateobens, Frank 

(Write N. Z. Offlee) 
Stevens, W. O. 
Stevens, Win, 
Steward, Arthur 
Stewart, Bd..O, 
Stldolph, B, W. 
Stlnsoo, Phil 
Stone, Bany and NIA 


Uoblaoo, Bany 
Boblaaon, J. D. 
Boblnaoik, W. H. 
Bodney ft Kellogg 
Bondean, H. B. 
Rosa, Emil 
Rose, Arthur 
Rose, F, T. 
Rom, Col. O. H. 
Ross, W. B. 
Ross, Walter (Everett 

ft Boss Med. Co.) 
Uiirtl. Tbree Bros. 
BoDssey, Dr. 0. B,. 

Royal BeegMHB vt,. 

Boyal Americas 

SbowB, Mgr. 
RnsaeU, T, J. (Wrtte 

N. Y. Offlee) 
St. John, Frank 

(Write N. Z. OfflM) 

St. Jnltea, I 

•t Onge. had 

Sands, W. B. 
BanAnd, Fred (Pop 

Com Man) 
Sapp, Joe (Uwidan) 

Satterlce, 9li» -^^-^ 
Sawcrante « BaiOMvn 

Scbsefer, Frank 
Rcfanoor, OUo 
Schrelber, Steve 
Schnlt, Col. Magnus 
(>chDlti, Ed. 
Sicott's Olty Shows, O. 

W., Mgr. 
Seaman ft Matehette 
Beers, A. S. 
Sewell, Thoe. H. 
Seymonr, Donna 
Staackelport, BtearUng 
Shaw, Cspt. a D. 
Staawa, Aerial 
Shean. AL 
Shelby, D. B. 
Shepherd. O. S. 
Sbepheid, Frank 

mwit; WQlie 
Stout; TIeter '. 
Stover, Frank 
Straus, I,oula 

(wtni ». 

Z. Office) 
StTOoc. Obaa. g. 
Stnart. Jim 
StubMefleld Trio 
Stuck, Jess . 

Sullivan, Lawrence 
Summers, Arthog I*. 
Sutton, Harvey. '■ 
Swan, Hal 0, 
Swiss ■ 

Syms, Alf A. (MoB> 

arch of Mystery) 
Ta^ Bany _L. 

nctmaa, Babt. Iter. 
SJdJBaai ▼•ffldim 


Smltb, OTW. 
rmita, Simon P. 
gm'th Bros. 
Bmilb, (Slntoa B. 
Smith, wm. a. U. 
Smith, Blnnte 
Snyder, Frank 
Sonscrant, John 
Sonsa, Geo. J. 
Sonttawotth, W. B. 
Spaun, Byron (Writs 

N. Y. Office) 
Spencer, Alvln 
Spoffordi, Eugene, Mgr, 
Staley, Prof. John 
Stambncti, Barry 
Stanley Shows, Mgr. 
Stanley. N. M. (Writ* 

N. X. Office) 
Star ft Or&eent .Cam. 


Starlew, Kid <Biik- 

Steck, F. W. 
Stetaon ft Co., Walter 

Steftna, Hatiy A. 

Xiylog ftlWrman 
Tayloc^ David D. 
Xayloc, W. a 
Taylor, Bemila 
Teete Show 
Tenney, Batty 
Terrell, Bdward, Mgr. 
Terry, Leonard ' 
niayne. Jno. 
Thompson, J., Mgr. 

TMSoted Horse) 
Three Cooalns* Big 

atr Sbow, ItttT 
niurston, B. BL 
SburstoQ, Howard 

Toller, Geo. 
Toobe, Ira 

Toube, Ira (Write N, 

Y. Office) 
Treyaer, Geo. A. Tteu 
Trip to The Orient, 


Trip to (Xilnatown Oo, 
T'W. H. A. (Write 

M. Z. Offlee) 
Tjron, Anthor 
TasBsr. Frank' 
Tomer, Doc, Mgr. 

Tandervort, B. B. 

Loop Blder) 
Vclaie. Oartto 
Teat, Deal (BUek 

Fkm CcnedUn) 
Tidoeg, Wte, 

Toerg, Frank A. 
Vose, Tommy 
Waddell. Doe 
Wagner, Tbe Great 
Walte, Fred B. 
Wallace, Franklyn 
Wallaa. SUUe (Wrilt 

N, Z, Offlee) 
Walllngfocd, W. B. 
Walter, John H. 
Ward, James B. 
Wasbbnm. Leon 

(Write N. Y. Offlee) 
Waters, Charlie 
Wateta^ Hany (Bai^ 

Weaver. B. W. 
Waavera, Aerial 
Weber, GnsteT A. 
WelDhoB, Owiac 

(Write N. zTofflM} 
Welsmer, PbU 
Wclcb, Harty . 
Wentwocth. Chas. 
Weston Air Brake Ot, 
Wewhoir, Orvlng 
rnUte, Eugene 
White. Eddie W. 
White Slave Co., Mgr. 
Whiteman, Dr. X. W. 
WhtCmaD, Henry 
Whlttier, H. H. 
Wblttman Comedy OObe 

WdkenlRbt. Joe 
WlUanl, Harry (WrNg 

N. Y. Office) 
WUIard, Herbert 

Williams Taud. Cinai 
WUlUms, w. 0. 
Williams. BUlIe 

Manne Elec Show) 
WUllams Shorn, Wa> 

lace. Mgr. 
WUlUms, J. W. 
WUsey, Cbarlsy 
Wilson, Fred 
Wilson, Tommy 
Wilson stoek Oo.,. 

Frederick B., W. 
WUsoo. M. D,. Oud- 
ot Xbe Oaltowt 
N. Z. Offlae) 
Pnb. Co. ^ 
maatt Concert and 
Am. Co., Don M. 

Wlnstock, Uelvln 0. 
Wiseman, OUnt.J* 
Wolf, Maurice. . . 
Wolfe, Barriaw 
Wood, Bar ' 
Woodfoedt, K. 
Wood'a mnf, imn 

Wooley (Concert 
Wright, H. W., Ugt. . 
Wylle, asiry . S. 

l^^'SSkS a. 

(Specks) ■ „ 
Zantonr, Salalt 
Zarrow, L. 
Zerro (lUusloailst) . 

nrire Billboard 


Additional Peiformen' Dates. 

Adsle'* iaon» (G. O. H.): Wheeling, W. T«., 

l^i (O. O. H.) Plttaburg. Pa.. 8-18. 
otoDf, The (Novelty): Omaha. Neb., 1-6 
Tjl A PelBer <L]rceam) : WUmlii(ton, Del.. 

J-8; (Taylor's) Camdeo, N. J., 4-8. 
Alton * Ttaelma (Keith's) : ' New Zork Cltr. 1-0. 
Aqnenalda. Rose (Hyde & .Bctamaii'i): Braok- 

lyn. N. Y.. 1-6. „ ^ , 

Barrett SUter* (Oipbenm): New Orleasi. La., 

1-6: (Eait End Fuk) Memphli. Tenn., a-18. 
Bennett * iWtt^CKgtth'a) : ^ nitad^hU, Pa-, 

1-6: (antif * aiMtan'*) Hew tctk Ottr. 

Bub. VMnk' (OdmBbla): Clnelnnatl. O., 1-6. 

BiSlib OeMt (Paator'a): New York Oltr, 

MM, John H. W. * Co. (Went Bidt): JTanea- 
vUa, Wis., 1-6; (Blioa) MarlattM Mt. 

BUon Comedy Four (SUr): BnMorak' N. X 
1-6; (Gaiety) Brooklyn 8-13. 

Bnrton BeU Elnuers (Star): Portland, Ore., 
21-May 6. 

Broirnlne, Flora * Co. (Empire): Albany, N. 
Y., 1-6. 

Bryant A SavUle (Howard): Boston, Mass., 1-6; 

(Camden) Camden, N. J., 8-13. 
Burke & Oempsey (Poll's): Barttord, Oodd., 

1-6: (Poll's) Springfield. Mass., S-13. 
Burkhart & Berry (Paator'*): Mey X«k Oily, 

BeVlfiy & DaoTcn <FiisMfl}t :ll«r Xctt Otty, 

1-0. ■ ■■ . ,"■ ', ■ 

Belmont. Joe (XtUhWi MMrSoikOltP. 1-6.^ 
Barry & JobDMBV CZavUMOt :' BMOkljrB, N, 

Y 1*6 

Bascme Quartet (Hyde * Belmuui'i)*! BnxA' 

lyn, N- X., 1-6. 
COL, Miss Bay (AmplilOD) : Btooklnu N. X.,1-6. 
(^vell & Harris (Ampblon): BMOUya, N. 

X., 1-6. 

Oontore * OiUette (Paatot's): KMT Xotk City, 
Pl^jOTlfj Lam (FMtot'Dt Mew Tork City. 
Oualag (Byde * Beliman's) : Brooklyst M. "X^ 

D(I-A<Plione (Corlntblan) : Rocbeater, HI. T.t 

1-0: (Star) Toronto, Ont., 8-13. 
D's D'8 (Majestic): Kansas City, Mo., 1-6; 

(Crystal) St. Joseph 8-18. 
Dixon, Bart and Leon (BIJod): Dnbnane. la.. 


Darmody (Palace): Boeton, Mass., 813. 
Delmore, JobB Mad Bnlly Saircll (Vamlly): 
GIovers»lllW;ll4...iXn ' _ ; 

D'ATvuie mUn-m M.U A i u m U. Ok.' M- 

May 8. ' ; ■ ' 

Oaniela, WUMr (BNMrOt. aMIItak « T..l-e 
Dalley, Pfr >. <0^»>»lia)|- BMNOW X., 


OeKai m» (Proctor'a 23rd St.): Mew Xork 
Oltr, 1-6. 

Ilameralda Slaters (Poll's): Hartford. C!oan..l-6 
pinlay & Burke (Colonial): New Xork City. 1-6 
Ford it Gehme (Oolooial) : New Xock City. 1-6. 
Gardner * TlDeent (Ksttb'a): New Xock OlCy. 
l-Sl (OnhNm) BNOklyn 8-18. 

'- ft OmC ORUdMd): Bt. LoolB. tbh, 

Shntwr) Xmmm Oltr >4S. 
Otrdaer (ICeith'a): New Xork Ottr.1-6 
lU (AmpUon): Brooklyn. N. X.. 1-6. 
& Bercman (People'a): Cincinnati. 
, J Ms (Buckingham) LoolaTlUe. Ky., 8-18. 
BA Artie (Columbia): Cincinnati, O., 1-6. 
Sit yiBI* ud Edith (Dniineane): Plttabnrx, 

BwtTwiiue and Bdlth (Do^HM): Ptttibnrg, 
Pa., 1-6. ■ •■■ • • , 

Hanrey Sc Doant (taptal): 'Ha IMaolMOk Cal.. 
24-May 6. 

Butcbinua. Wlllard & Co. (Poll's) : Btldgepott. 

Conn., l-S; (I'oU's) Hew Baren 8-lS. 
Bogaa. Btneat ( Victoria): New Xoik Oitri 1-6. 
Hood. Sam (Novelty) t Btmik JMLtJUL 
Imperial Jag amzda fOttaUUl MSTMr Oity. 


Jack, Mr. and Mrs. Jack (Majeatle): Kansaa 

City, Mo., 30-May 6. 
Jiml^ * Hayes ((Mambla): BcatoOi Mai*., 

KMn * Mnmt'i^:Wiafi ■:^wat um» our. 
Utah, !• 



XeajoB * DtOanM (MlVili Boi 


bnaaid * 

LaBare (t^nm): 

Park City 8-18. 
Lekola. Haay A Carrie (Bcn'a) 

Mich., 1-8: (BUoa) Marinette, Wla., 8-18. 
LeBoy A Woodford (a. O. R.): Indianapolis, 

Ind., 1-6. 

Lane. ArUnr (XkM At*.): Mew Xock Olty, 1-6. 
Lcooard, Qua (Pa ljiiitj ; J gt. A agalli, GaL, l-d; 


Lntz'Stos. ((Vilonlal): New Xork Oltr.. 1-6. 
Leooard. Eddie (Columbia): Gincinnatl, O., 1-6. 
Ubhy & Trayer (Colombia): OlnelnnaU, 0.,l-6 
Ltn, BlUi (Keeney's): Brooklyn, N. X.. 1-6. 
taSNw & LaZone (BUon) : LaOrosae, Wls.,8-lS 
mils * MorrU (PoU'a): New BaTcn, Coon. ,1-6. 
UabUe Quartet (Orpbeum): Mew Orleans, La.. 

1-6; (East End Park) Memphis. Tenn., 8-18. 
MOUabon's Watermelon Girls (Oipheum): New 

Orleans. La.. 1-6; (Xas>. End Park) Mem- 
; phla, Tehn., 8-18. 

Uann, Danny and Lola Halnei (Lyeenm): San 

Francisco, Csl.. 848. 
ManteU's Eleetile Marlonettea (Boa Ton): Bait 

Lake City. Utah, 1-6: (I^eeum) Ocdea B-U. 
Moooey & BoDwlo: Beamns. 1-B. 
U«Kamee. The (UtaknalTaat X«to OUT, Utah. 

1-6; (Btalina) Ofdca B-18. 
Hack. John and Oinle (Paatoc^t Xmt XMk 

Olty, 1-6. 

Uartioe A Balno (Orand) : Onloatvim, Vt., S-B; 

(Keaggy's) Greonabrntc S-13. 
Morris, Ml&B (Sara (Oolonlal) : New Xotk Olty, 

Moore & uttlefleld (Odoolal): Mew Xork City. 
Uarth^a. MUe. (Pnetoes BBrt tUi Maw Xork 
Uoaher>s Dogs (PastoCa): Mew Xock Olty, 1* 
Ultgely ft OadlaU (Byda * Babnaa'a): Braok- 
II. X.» 1«B. 

IM Wi» 4k.Btb. m1»t mmMta, N. 

Oipbens XMo ^aator's): New York City. l-dL 
Orpbeum Ogfudy fxmr (KcMMr'a): Bnoidyai 

N. X., l"Bb. ' ' '■ 
Offerman * Wntaaa (Xaaaay*M)t B amMili, M. 

Powers ft Theobald (Acme): Sacramento, Cel.. 

1-6: (Unlqne) San Jose S-13. 
Piccolo Midgets (Victoria) : New Xotk OltT. 1-9 
Patrice (Ampblon): Broak]y% K. X^jl^ 
Raymond, Carl (Lyceum): Ofda. stak. M: 

(Family) Park City 8-13. 
Beyno ft BIcharda (Keith's): Philadelphia, Pa.. 


Rice Family (O. O. H.): Plttabnis. Pa.. 1-6. 
Rooney, Katie (Ka«B«ya): BlOOHIn, M. X»l-S. 
Bedford ft WlnebeMac Waatac^: Xtw Xork 

City, 1-8. 

SuUlTan, Champion ft Smith (Academy) : Pltta- 
burs. Pa.. 1-6: (Cdnmbla) Cincinnati. 0.,g-l3. 

Sanford. FloclUa (BcU): Oakfoid, CaL. 80-May 
6; (O. H.) Ppoto Olty, Utah. MS. . . 

SplsseU Scoa. and Mack (Woslwwih'a Boot 
aGtdeo): LaDcaattt, Fa.. 1-9. 

Stavwa, adiAa lOotaMUF^Itw Xock Clty.-16. 
apoek'a Ulaatidriimloea IBrt Bt.): New 

Xork City. 1-S. 
Smith ft CampbeU (Pastor's): New Xotk City, 

SnIuVan ft PasmnlMa (Hydt * BAaMB'8): 

Brooklyn. N. XL-M. - 
St. John and DeAriMt '('UB^Um'): BNoUya, 

N. X., 1-6. 

St. John ft Nlcolal (People's): Cincinnati, 0., 

1-6; (Bueklngbam) Loulsrlile, Ky., 8-13. 
Toblns. Musical (ProctoCa 33id St.): Mew 

Xork aty. 1-6. . . ■ 

Tumantans, Three (SH* 'tt MttmnhUt . ttoek- 

lyn. N. Y., 1-6. 
Vardaman (Grand): Beno. Ner.. BMBar' B. 
Valmore ft Borton (Star^ : St. FaaL Hn., 1-6; 

(FoUy) Chicago, III.. 8-13. 
White ft Melburn (Bijou): Qulncy. ni., 1-6; 
. (Gaiety) Springfield S-13. 

Wilson, Tony (Cliase'a) : Washington. D. C.,1-0. 
WUUams ft Tucker (Keith's): New York City, 


Wilson. CeorRe (Keith's): New Xork City, 1-6. 
WUUams. Jud (Pastor's): New Xock Oily. 1-B. 
Warburg. Al. O. and Marie OawOkm (Kaeaty'a): 

Brooklyn. N. Y., 1-6. 
World'a Trio (People'a): Cincinnati, O., 1-6; 

(Buckingham) LoolSTUle, Ky., 8-13. 
Yorke ft Adams (Victoria) : New York City, 1-6. 
Zntka (Asnphlon): Brooklyn. N. Y., 1-6. 

(BeeeiTed too lata far: rtawMaatkm ,) 
A BoTBl Blan (CKKdMi A BtuMtl^s RacOmn), 
Dare H. Woods, msr.: WMM Hi:, IBt t 

Duloth 4-8; Superior, WT ' ~ " 

Spooner 8; Blee Lake 10; 
A Boyal SlsTO (Gordon ft Bennett's Sontbem), 

Henry M. Blackaller, mgr.: Lebanon, Pa.. 

3; Colmnbla 4; Gettysburg B; Waynesboro 6; 

Chamberaborg 8: Carlllse 0; Altoona 10. - 
A Little Outcast (E. J. Carpenter's) : Winona. 

Minn.. 8; Rochester »: Red Wing 10; Wabaah 

U; Durand. Wla., 13; Obipvewa Falls 13. 
A Trip to Egypt. C. H. Keir. mgr.: Mason 

City, la.. 3; Waterloo 

111., 0; Rock island T 

corah 0; Winona. Minn., 

11; Madison 12; Janesrllle 13. 
Fane. Walter: Ean Clalra. wis.. 1-6; AsUasd 


FaTcrabam, William: Rochester, N. Y., S-0. 
Garalde Stock Co.. J. B. Garslde, mgr.: Milton, 

Pa.. 1-6; Clearfield S-IS3. 
Gorton's Minstrels, 0. 0. Pearl, mgr.: Herkimer. 

N. Y., 4; Illon S; Canastota 0; Oneida 8; 

Hamilton 0; Norwich 10. 
Hendricks, S«n, William Gray, mgr.: Grafton, 

N. D.. 3: Grand Porks 4- Crookston, Hlnn., 

B; Bralnerd 8: Clond 9; Anoka 10. 
Bltcb-McAToy Comedy Co.: Versailles, Ind..l-e. 
Meyer's Monarcb Camlral C:o.: Toacon, Aria., 


Pawnee Btll'a Show: East Liberty. Pa.. 8: 
Washington 4: McDonald S; Bella ire 6; Steo- 
benTllle, O., 8; WellSTllIe 8: Junction Park, 
Pa., 10; Warren. 0.. U; Kaw Caatia, Pa.» 
13; lldCM!Ba^.U. . „ _i_ 

iiia 'Hidr atr. (Ombm * J!s^!*^_**J***"^: 

Ulch., 4; 


2 Good SHOWS. ** Ghost Show." Glass Show, 
or others thatt have Good Fronts. 

Like to hear from Good All Bound People for Stadiom Acb. Geo. Jeaner 
write. Will buy 60 foot Baggam Obt. Legitimate Prixltefes come on. 
Swell opeaing for Gypsy Camp. SO exchoive*, only Oonfettl, bought by 
Budolph Bros. 

Barkout Carnival Company. 

BoDoeveite, W. Ya., May 1st to 6tii; Elkins, W. Ya.. 8 to to 13th; Piedmont, 
W. Va, VSOx to aoth; Cumberland. Md.. 22nd to 27th. 

The Laughing SaUery. 

A recognized success at the leading amniement tesorts. but sel- 
dom seen ontsida thelareercltlea.oirtii«rtoibe enormoDs cost of 
tbe glass mirrors. After experlmantlnr the past two years with • 
view of producing a satisfactory snbstltute tor glnas in liaaxbiiw 
Galleries, we are now ufferiiur a minor made of a hbrhly poUahed 
composition metal. haTlnr lanw wpearance. productiw same 
effects, and anawerInK the pnrpoae as well as the most ocstlr class. 
They are tbe only practtcal minors for traveUng purposes. Oar 
e:(i>erlence and facilities enable ns to sell a set of these mirrors, 
with moat coiTectly designed carves, and of bast material ana 
workmanship, at a very low price. Write for parctculars, 

J. M. NAUGHTON, Amusement Construction Company, 

120 S. Hleh Street Columbus, Ohio. 

• O ft 


WEEK OF MAY IB-^io, lOOfil 

Talk about a crood one— well. tbW Is eolny to bo one for concesslonatrea. PAY DAYS: Penna 
Railroad Shops pays May 12th: Scliett Blit Stove Works pays 13th; Pump Works paxs I3Ui: 
Burcb Plow Works pays 13tb: Ble 1 Hailroad pays itfth. FREE ON THE STREETS.— Attrac- 
tion: Boss & Nanmann 10 Big Sbows. OA KS RDM TO MansHeld. 0„ Bnoyms. Shelby. GalloB 
and lota at others. Addreaa all mall to A. F. GORMAX. Crestline. Ohio. 


Park anOer New 

XX. ikriT. mar.: uuvu 
I 4; Mnscatlaa B: XaUBt. 
T; Clloton, St Dt- 
nn.. 10; LaONM. Wis.. 

Edward Taylor, atsr.: HHIanbont, 
Barbetton S: Nanrflk SQMoT-Ki. 
Xbt Boir Olty (fl««M 4 BMgiflfa i; 
Hawy BarrisM. J OMBT 


soeecuoa to 


41 & 43 Warren St., NEW YORK. 

Itm Lama mO OMmI OnHr mS Ij ur ter ml . 




Also Novclttes Ipr Streef men. 

9 We rKCi>^c«eiV wmIc froB our factory 
BaUoiias of all kiad* 'aad «in« tbat ir«' 
guiaata* of ngariof qaalitf to aajr' 
oStrad oa the market. 
We abo cautioa oar csitcown aod the 
trade to beware of ioferior* gowli aod 
falM aumbcra oSeced at cheap prtcce. 


Prof. Wm. D. Eeirgutb. with all the latest 
ballooQ BDd parscbote acta Is ready to make 
engasemeats; for torttaer IntormatloD write; 
good offera conaldcred. Per Add. Lealle. Mich. 



Camifil and Shews for SECCALUH PAIK, 





Our orcns have the latest Improyemanta. 
Single oreo operates two irons on ona flra^ 
thus making twice as many conea °aa 'other 
makes. Can use charcoal, gas or gmsolina. 

Our prices are the lowest. InTesttgate bcstora 
baylnir. Our secret formula, free with every 
uven. turns out tbe mostdellc ous cone on the 
TharU'ct. also make Ice Cream Cones. We 
ship tlinm M yuu an^-whero and thoy arrive 
ruady for buslni'ss. Write for circular and 
prIcBS. Office Room 15. 
IM South Water St. CniOAGO. ILU 

Jones & Adams Want 

BALLOOVHAVtoJointtoiMWi wiratcnni. IniMfelw «r «a«r good ilht , 
slon show. Gomet tOt tand. ▲ddieas Windsor, 17. a, weak of Ibjr lttt 
Edenton, N. C, w«ek of Ifoy Sth; Ooldsboto, IS. 0., woek of May Ifitb. 
FOB SALE— A few slot maohlnas; need tiM mam. . 


The Handy Fruit i 
Vegetable SUoer 

• arm «<tc*ini uihwi Hiswra it mhr tram 

or •wMAbiM iiMO • v^rtaf,* «r (m«s •CSV«s *I*<^ 
001 WM*. h b Kitla«tir for koklitfdiUaio 

'bin-n , . . - 

flnf •renll<li«; ^'v: to trtr^rr out 
mrmey. CfmUtt *tib jaur ti^tnt 
sodma f rc*. 'lliF »«ai pmOiaAir ar 
itck'Tcr lha)idic<l L;r umt«a*ft nv- 
art -^M atMMteeiar«ntiwdrt piu««i(« 
_ postpaid 30«la. l^niaiMafot 

fkMoDimM BmlliiUiMSIwws 

side Show Team that works In concert. Lady 
Aerial Performer, one that do«s cocert turn 
pret.erred. Boas Hostler to take charge of 
tockgood salary to right man; also Boss 
Canvasman and worklngmen In all devart- 
ments. Wanted : Shetland Ponies must be 
cbeap for cash. Add. IMoDONALD BROS 
Blue Ridge. Oa., May 8; McKays. Tenn^MayS; 
DushMwa, Teas., May 10; Bentoa. Tsbb.. May II. 


Saytsa w-*i»t-y Baash aad Paik Oa., DigM 
Ky. Iferry-go-Boimd. Vandevllla 
OaUery. Shootliig Gallery. Balqr 
Camp. Standa of all kinds, saA a* - 
fop Com. CandT. etc. Tbe wHI : 

grander than ever, as we are pottla g op serial 
new bondings, among them a flne large fl» i M't ii > ^ 
pavUlon, and In speaking of tlia Bcadi. tt is 
said to be the flnest in tills stettaa 
coantry. Address JAS. BBAn T. H T. Hfel 
Colnmbla and Soatbgate Sts.. Kewpect?;! 

Madt£ino ^^OAP -^j^^t 

Get aar prices on aoav, Fifnta tnailafcr 
medicine bis. State fOrwhrt'-'"~-*""»^ 
and we will sendsaM ~ 
E. U. Davla Soap Co^ 38 


The Billboard 


A0VtTl5ER5 - 

1 1 

-^A Lmu OP BvnnrrHiNa 

A delegaUon of Obio Bmposters, 
beaded by Cbaxles Bryan and George 
landed in this office the day 
iro litted" for Hew Toric and created 
'« fl l l t t tf ' '"' "'^ Tbey did not leave 
/..tteir proper addresses, bat Messrs. 
'4Cbem>dl and Bryan trere recognized 
^kytti* load aotoe made by tbe.Camer. 
"We would thank oar'fHoidB to make 
the proper alarm at the enter gate 
when headed this way so that we may 
be -prepazed to receive t hem In dne 
_ _ - I far tbe caU 

: for ItydropbeUa 
t»'sppear ao early In the season, but 
tber& Is xio mlstaWng the fact that the 
-editar of the oiBeial ocean baa 

t oCilBirdniaett ana llttai 

Frothing at the month. gnnsMng of the 
teeth, spasmodic moscnlar contortions 
and tbs dtetorted vlaaga ara unmis- 
takable alsna of the rabies, aU of whfcdx 
ba baa abown at stated tntenrala. ; Wa 
'/noald suggest the Fastetir 
' >6t'flDr fear that the Aiiwsuf^ 1 
:>Sr»sed to the incurable stages 
• • • 

j-y /n ^^^^ o^baen read, the rqK»t of 

?iiialttii> %M'iiii] i iiiai e i timt'the 'oe miiil t- 
id &.alt with the bmposters of 
j^Torfc for letting paint dominate 
Any billpo ster that has 
^TtSftoadwax - ft inn the Sal- 
^ibt^fli»;.Oi«ad Clrde knows 'that 
^^;titM!;ifinp(aLetlcaI on Broadway 
tejr'polBt of view. Faint Is the 
proper- thh^ tbr all concerned. The 
»«^-«'»«"» A. Van Benroi tt Co. made 
-ma. tn- not^getting into the paint game 

'*dti^^ ^^^ 5 ^ la»B it has been In the 
.' game great • p r o g re s s has been made 
and that firm is now skimming the 
OBana off tba paint pzopoaitlan In New 

■-. ; ■ . ^ « • 

tt eamd not be ejected of either 
Bob Campbell. Barney Unk or Jim 
OMea U a. tba t tb ey aboald k now any- 

CMiseaaently any Tlews they might 
have on the snbject and its application 
to Jfev Xoric: Ctty axe wurtUeaa. 


game. Bob ( 

be baAad up 

bt' gny in the paint 

When it came to 
Gonning handed 
Campbell a aoiar plezns Mow and the 
r e feree wonld bave beoi ooontlng yet 
bad not Piatt atepped in and helped 
Canqtbdl to taia foet. Campbell was 
certainly^ down and oat that time for 

'■ -' 3fnposters kn over the coon try have 
'become wise to the fact that paint is 
profitable and can be handled in con- 
jnnclon with posters with less friction 
than tc they let It go by default to a 
•• co uiiwu iy or an Individual over whom 
.'Uiey have no control. Burton bad his 
"own troubles in Richmond nntU be got 
after the pain guy and trimmed him 
si^bt. An Indap^deot pain*, 
tlan i« bad In 
Ony, wbcsi no't 
a grafter and a knocker to the limit. 
The only way to stop that game is for 
the MUpoater to control paint. 

Buf liif^a . laopoaUfcM i to ameml the 

constttotlon of the Association so that 
an franchises shall Inclnde paint is 
the tme s<^atIon. Barney wanted to 
torn it down cold: but Barney knows 
ahaolntely nothing about 
doeai^. want to learn, t 
does not ' count- ,.By all 
bini)osteis ;Oinitrbl paJbnt. 

• ■ • 

Here's a rare combination: Our 
French Lick corrwpondent reports 
that Sob Campbell. Frank Chamber- 
^jGhigdes^ Kindt were at tbat 
IwlH tiig "glace l>» a we& t«- 
cently. Tbey ezpec^ad daroice Rnney 
to join them, bat we nndcntand Soney 
bad baalneas . dsearhaw^ .^What wm- 

paas as qnite a diplomat. That streak 
of yritow wfl l assert ttstU at the crlO- 

Up to the honr of going to press 
that burning question: "Who- Is the 
member of the Board of Directors from 
the South that is not up to the stand- 
ard of official requirements remains 


remove the : 
em delegation, 
please etoridati 

fiNMB tbe Sooth- 
Co U Burton 

tfc<to pcutise 

Ihcn are men In our orsaniSBtiaa. I Wl^at 
to nr. wbo tlinm, ta tbe momt azMtniy «ay. 
ttk to RUe lioiwct criticism of tlidr acta saS 
wbo jnbUdT boast of tbetr abllltr to tajare 

aoT of tlialT '-* — wbo bare tbe 

to oppose tbem. We bare bad a clear nnatn- 
tioQ of tbls case In tbe caae of voj mend. 
Loot* J. lUaar, of Amota. Mo. Mr. Klnor 
had lonocntly tboasbt It proper. Is a temper- 
ate bat forceful lasgnase. deroSd of penonal 
malice, to crttldae In print tbe way tbe A*, 
sodatlon has been, condncted dniins tbe last 
rear or so. For tbls mOd, bot In tbe estlma* 
tloQ of a few, an unpardonable offense, B. C. 
Campbell had tbe munltlx't^ fvaH to offer, at 
tbe December meeting of the Board of Dlrectora. 
a naidntlon demanding tbat Mr. Minor be ex- 
pelled wltboot trial and wlthont eren pre- 
ferrtnc against bim spedflc cbarsea of anj 
kind or nature. Barney Link gave bis earnest 
snpport to tbis TlndlcatlTe and malldoos plan 
of Campbell's to deprlre a member of bla 
franchise, and it was onlj br tbe Tlsorona and 
ootapokcn oppoaitlon of Icrel-beaded directors 
like Steward -acailMl^ -.sag altatB flat tbis 
nnjnstlfled BK.AsMaig .V 

la it any wonder, with ■ 
Die, tliat wltb mj propertr __ 
of an^ nnjost attacks from 
and otbers of *-la Ok, I Aoold besltete ts be- 
come a tarcet for their ^dte and m-wlll, by 
(HarVaIng mj Identltr br dsnlns ay name to 
■r attieic ia ne Baibaardl 
My ,<Mlicet ta wt^gmj ftn«Ietter was 
. tD pcoCact WKj lii l HWI a In tbe 
anaAs 'Mlaw^l^aam to 


equal to Oe task of adeqoatdr laut e cU ns 
himself axalBst tbe bmb wbo soosht to oae 
blm to fortber ar h f m ia be woold be vnable 
to onderstand. I aofr see tfeat ny adrlce to 
Barney failed tq have cflMt aad I M tbat I 
moat withdraw my fiocmer veeosnHBdatian tliat 
be be slTen a dance to i e U l a » e «H»»i«»ie by 
(e-electins blni asala to ilia pceaUeDCy. 

As erldeoce that my w anilm to Uak waa 
need ed , one bas only to i e» l e w bla eoattaned 
weak admlnisteatlon of Assodatlon affairs 
Us total sabaei ilency to men Uke Camptidl 
wbo hare used him witbonA stint to obediently 
do their bidding. Thesp men. when they get 
Umragh with him, will, wlthont appreciation 
or mercy, glTe him tbe merry ha, ha, tmlesa, 
as I expect, they go down in tbe wreck with 

More than one of Link's old-time friends, 
like myself, tried to sare Mm by timely wam- 
Ins tn steer clear of men like Gnde. who wonld 
like to aee the Asaodation broken np. and. In 
tbe aecoopllBlunent of this desire. hsTe per- 
haps the Innocent bnt no less harmfnl s uppo r t 
of obedient allies Uke Csmpben and CHealla. 
Prom tbls good adrlce Ijlnk h&a tnmed a deaf 
ear, and oar well-Intended efforts bare been of 
no arall. His head seems to hare been tnmed 
by so d d en elermtlon to a position of reffponal- 
UUtr for which he had do experience or prepar- 
atlon, and la which be bas been ench a con- 
apicoooa faflnre. He has allowed time serrlng 
flattcrera, wlaj a c adulation wks a new experience 
to blai, to oomplctely estrance himself 
itr, sad I fwl k» 

u Urn 

tatt «B ta ti a 
mustfa liMB «C 
bead of oar 
weak and 

It grlerea xae'to say tMs for I bad sincerely 
hoped for better ttlacs. b sdaetantly Etrlnx 
ezpteaslan to tbls T e t Jct aa Ktak. I am simply 
reiterating the prtrately aa pre a aed oplnlan of 
many bmpoBteis wltb wbom I bsTe bcca bnosbt 
into cooiact during the last year cr more. 
They all seem allTe to tbe Important fact tbat 
If the Assoclatjon Is to contlnne as a belpfnl 
factor to the bnxiQess that men wbo seek Its 
control for pnrelj personal ends or who are 
badly disposed, weak or Incompetent, meat be 
relegated to the rear, and those who are able 
to bflas tte organization back to its former 
SMI osefnlness and power shall be 
~ "ty. 

Toms lesini'tfiiTlj, 

Bccaoae I base icany Izied to fe^ Bancy by 
tm ftifnny i«»niiiy attntioa ta Us ifwr1*g f*nltt, 
be tblnks I eouM not iiusilbly be a Mend to 
Barney. In tbis be ctis.gnatlr. Of coarse, to 
Barney'a bookkeeper. BaaMV^ mmt appear a big 
U not a mat man- Ho' b* w' otioo^ Tindl 
catca ly ■aani'batkkMfv av MtMr'BuDcy 
bat It «1 ~ 

oznossHip coxmrTEE 

SB tbs 

feis feai to say 
«r tiM OoMtMlp oC roHm 

la liiiiiiUa. ^anSe If c3fIUaB, a past pretfSent of 

tbe United Billposters' AssoeUtlao at flreat 
Britain, and tbe bOlpooter at Gteeooek. Seotlaiid, 
gls es OS tbe following information: 

"When tba Censorsblp was Urst started we 
fonad great dlfllcnlty In working the same, print- 
ers and theatrical manigers oblectlng to oar 
centhorshtp. ©at for the past few years eTery- 
iblDg has gone rerj smoothly. Both printers 
and managers tbcte akctdws far a^ 

proral before ^^^'^ 

with the resnlt 
one or the other. 

••The Committee Is formed of I epre se pta tires 
from the printers, theatrical profession and tbe 
bUlx>osters. When a poster is condemned, tbat 
has already been printed, we Isaac a cony of It 
to ereiT billpoEter and anr memben are pn- 
sented tnm ^^mhw^ tbe aaaae aadcr pala at 

latcNSt to legldate 
I bare no doobt the 

Ooonnittee meets In 

at stated times t» consider aketebes and 

Members of the Association are re- 
qalzed to sobmlt to the committee all posters re- 
gardlng tbe propriety of which any donbt can be 
entertained and a penalty Is prorlded sbonld tbey 
fan to report on all cases tbat come to their 
notlee. At tbe meetings of the committee the 
posters and aketches submitted sre considered. 
We tske from' tbe English Billposter a few of 
tbe published memorai^ on posters cooaidered. 
Two n, C, TiltTini 'mnns of BsgMS. 
Copies of these supplied by the iiilu teis 
were cooaidered- Agreed tbst ^ 
be infonned tbat tbe < 
ered neither of tbe lltbos 
able in tbe torn at pootea. 

at Viaf H.) 

A lettar waa read from the printers nn- 
dCTtakins; la aeeccdance wltb the re<incst 
of tbe committee, to bare tbe staff in tbe. 
Iiand of tbe woman and tbe motto "Oor 
Father" colored oot of the hill and not 

• nissl twiin snd Vagabonds (Two Ifaa 
aMhg IMala Cloae to Eacb 

Agreed tbat tbe address of the owners 
of tbe play be ascertained, and that they 
be re<inest«d to bare the pistols lemorcd 
from the jiatmtt sag ftlHW -tbiic ac- 
ceding to fllb asvMi^ .flat iha-HB -ta eM- 

IS-Bhoet— Wbsa the T.lgbfs az<s £ow, 
A letter was read from a member of tbe 
Association, from wblcb tbe foUotrliig is an 
extract: — "Hy men bare jBSt been pasting 
some of the amended 16-sbect cC tbs abore, 
and complain that in some places the correc- 
tion Blips hare come off tbe pootera. My 
foreman broogfa me ooe of tbe slips, on the 
back of which there was no tiaeejwbstCTcr 
of any adbeslre.' 
tary communicate 
subject of slipping. 

at tbe Baa tied op to tbe wblppinc post 
eoloced oat was eoaddeicd, tagetber with a 
letter tram tbe priatets statuig tbat tbey 
proposed to make a paate-down of tbe altera- 
tion. Agreed that the alteration be accept- 
ed, providing tbe prlnteta glre an nodet- 
taklng to stiek tbe aUCRd 
bOl itseU wltb 
third at i 

Tbe above extracts glre aa Idea o( nme of 
the propoal t i ffn s tbe Oommlttaa has to eoe t e i id 
with. One If tbat printers paste the amended 
Blips on the- posters in sncb s maimer that 
they will come off after the poster is put Tip; 
bnt with all tbe difficulties the Oensorsb^ Con- 
mitee of the United Billposters bas sneeecded- la 
allaying critlclsis and forestalling what might 
be drastic and Inlorions legislation bj ParUment, 

BaUle McMillan's sngcesUon to "legislate In 
front of Pnbllc Opinion" Is the proper Tlew to 
take . of the question. It will be mocb easier 
to sati^^ eren .the laag^akaa oaote-sb to 
to draw tbelr teetl). ttr aMkV la iMaS of 
tbem la tbis aattcr. 

Th* Billboard Is indebted to Mr. P. S. ntdl, 

of the Committee on Poater Exhibit, for a copy 
of tbe comprehenslTe pamptalet glylns the mles 
and daaslilcatlona for the International Poster 
Exhibit to be held at Montreal, Canada, on 
July 11, 12 and 13 in conjnnctlon wltb tbe 
annual oonTendon of the Associated Billposters 
and Dlstrltnitors of the United States and 
Canada. This pamphlet has ben widely circulated 
among poster printers in all coantrles toKether 
with application and entry blanks and shipping 
labels so that poster printers may lisTe no 
trouble In entering and transmitting tbelr 

For the porpcee of awards tba eablbit has 
been dinded Into fifteen rlumfi, and tbe awardi 
wui consist of gold. sOver and bronxe medals, 
Tbe board of ludgea will con aia t Of two adrcT- 
tlslng experta, one mannfactiirer or mercbant 
familiar wltb poster adrertlaiag, one artist aad 
one goTcmmeot offldal. Three wm be cboMa 
from tbe United Statea, one' bom Great " " " 
and ooe from tbe Domlnloa of Ouiada, tod aat 
will be bitereated in aagr of tbe exhibits. 

By apectal i lalim at the O i n a4 l1an gu o aa - 

ment, tlie exiilbltlaB wB be hdS in tbe Ito- 
tietl Drm HalL wkM hM tmm t» ~ * 
i,«w pm»s . vaster pi 
receMd a eofy at tbU pampbM.i 
at aaea to r. 8. ntA, oapeMMfl 

The follow 
to Ney York 
To members: 

Gentlemen — The a".>w*t Meeting of the New 
Tork Sute BUlposters and DiaMbotots Asso- 
ciation is called for Tneaday, May S, 1S06. 
10:00 a. m. at Tbe Tates Botel. Syracnae, N. 
Y., for tbe election of officers, rerlalon of tbe 
By-laws snd consideratioo of other matters tbat 
may come before It- 

Endoaed find copy of By-Lawa aa prepared 
by Special Committee, for year approval Erery 
member ia expected to examine them carefully 
and come prepared to rote Intelligently apon 
the acceptance or rejectioa of all items coDtained 

Tbe distributing goestlon win also come 19 
for cooalderatlon. Tbe pctarat latcs and l»- 

wlih tbe best intererti tr aaalr.ailr tat amt. 

at oar members. 

An sppUcatlon for Increase la tates oa bB- 
postlng and dlstrlbnting most be a ppau ied at 
this meetinc tlilx belv-tiie ooly i my is l i i n ity 
for barlnc aaeb l e n i if I s acted oa Ibr aoa yasi^ 

Tbe - ■ " — — ' " — 

erety member aad a fHl 1 


If the astute editor keeps his promise 

another splaab in the mud-pnddie of bla paretic 
brain Is dne. 

Art Woodward, formerly at Iowa 
Falla. Ia., now baa charge o( tbe blflpnarlng 
plant at Fort Dodge, la. 

Richard ScMesinger, formerly oC 
CInchmatl. is '***^'~r good as a aoUdtae foe 
the «w"i— ♦♦fJ"!- Oa. at Phlladelphia- 
Tbe mranbers oC tbe New, Toric Slt- 
pDe ap sMaslts 


MDd^aheat~«,dbO nnmlav^ (MrtTei-! 
ttttm season. 

If the billposters of tlift 
to know whidi one of tbelr upiiBUiUU lss 'i Mv 
the Board of DIreetacs Is a "•tool ptsMoRf^rJif;' 
tbem apply to tbe astote editor of tbe ofldu 
organ; be knows. 

The Melvln Co., of Detroit, Mich., 
hSTc Isned a pamphlet glTinc a eomplete Ust 
of posting locatlaaa. OTraaa ar ttob 
Tbe company clalma ti taiaflM IHi sC tlHllv 
and la atll building. -\; 

With a depleted reserve fund "'and 
barely enough money in algbt to meet mc c ss i r y 
expenses, Bsmey Link will hsTe a nice abowing 
to go before tbe members of tbe Associated 
BUlposters with at Montreal. 


Jnat the thing for tacfclBC tin and earOsart 
signa. Brery dlstrlbator sb " ' 
Prices, with dooUe extcaaiaB 
long, each. (2.00; triple 
Incbea long, each. 13.80. 

NoBe sent C. O. T>, 



Inpnied Llglt Weigit Black. 


Quaker City, B-lnch. t28.50 doa.. KLTS each. 
Excelsior, »-inch, 131.50 doz.. C2S each. 
Extra, Ei trs, »-lPcb. SIM-OOWt.. S.75 each. 

"^NoIuBOTaL'T-lncS f^jTSos,. I&ao each. 


JENKS. 127 ■.Mtt. 

Weterm Agent t K. C CAHtPBElJ., lT-19 W. 1 


I an. 

Ttie Billboard 


psrlsoos with otber oompsnlMk' 

f Weaik 

— — or IMetston. nor the only company with & record. W* do not count oar chickens b«fore tliey are batched and this rale 
forwBidlnc clmgiM on our paper. There are others, but— Tti* NaahvlU* Ratail M«rehant* Asseolatien, after making com- 

TbeSaamaiHVIillican MardiGrasCo. 

For Ki litlinllt Maj Fnliial, laHary Toinaatat, U\e»h of Pjthiat EBcanpnint, Floral Parade, Trade Parade and Brand Mardi-Gnib 1^ Bad. 

Can place one more Show that will not cqofllet with those we already have, of which the foUowlnr Is a list: The Bombardment and Fall ot Port Arthur. The Old Plantation. The S30,00O 
Crrstal Maze, The Electric Theatre. The Voyace Impossible. Train Itobbery.Capt. Araent's Ghost Show. Les Parteienne Luna Rrnn. the Musical Uarvtii gmom 

Pearl, the Kat Girl: Laneley's Snakes: Cora BeekwUa. the Water Queen; la«« but not least. A. Sl^rled and His Band ot Moonshiners; Ferris Whi rl and FJnirllsh Gondolas. Wm^9Bl ' 
make a few more additions to this list to open at NasfariUe; Tenn., and continue with as (or season. What have yon to offer? Can place a tew more legitimate prlvUeses. 

'WANT'BD, »» onee. Two Good Talker*. 

Committees address K. W. Beeker, General Aarent: all others address A. SBBUJf* General Hanairer. 
BOUTE: RussellTllle. Ky.. May 1st; Paris. Tena.. May atli; gnlton. Ky., May ISth; WaihTUte. Tenn.. May 2ind. Permanent Address: THE BILLBOABD. Cincinnati. Ohio. 

Messrs. SEEMAN & HILIilCAN. M ardl-Gras OoHBSajr. Xnrtressbonx 1 

G BNTLSM EM :— I dealn to b^>r testlmon^ta IM^^ iwff w Bftliliei 

or to — 'HiiiJJ. «IK 

close toncb with avMZ |eatiixa a< 
anything ot UM tOmSl hmw ewer 

the wee I., either as to obJeetioaaUe 

You arr- ! liberty to use this letter 

1 uIU hav 

oC Um Shows put <m by yonr company for our Street fair. Apdl at-aOk ISQBk. I hare been te, 
several shows are clean, entertalnln*. InstmetlTe. snd much alio** tka 

SVM May see proper. . 

statc-d above that tail iBtter is written Toioatarlly and without aoUcltatlon on your part 

MuantsssBOBO. Tsbv.. April B, noSb 

• ■ ■■ - ■ re been I 

. aTwacB of 

IBplMl attauaiits are polite and courteous, and not one slntrle oomplaiat has b esn made *o aaa Aiiiliw 
thasefore take pleasure In recommending yon, managers, and the SbOWS UMmmder to tbajpollllb 

Tours truly, J. H. CBIOHLOW. Maxn; ' 

J. H.Cl-arriUiW. Mayor. 

In a recent issue we said that J. 
mcs iicffiin^iirtjrtd^tte gm t jtt^Tn^gt. 

The plant U> owast tf ^ ^ ^1— OW et P^^ f^ 

Ohio. Mr. Battinn mnMQr Mssssfli Mr. 

Homan is manafer. 

Why should the Associated BUlptwit- 

erB paj $2,500 annnaUy to the oOelal wsaa tm 

pobUsMog the Bl* LlJt and drcalatliic It ammc 
a few billposters wben it can make that Ust 
jUld a rereane of mt least *2,000 and. at the 
mme time, place a copy in the bands of every 
aivertlser In tlie coiictry? 

W. E. Phillips, manager of the City 
BQlpoattng and DUtritmtlns Co., of Cambrldse, 
Md. write* that boalnesa looks very bright for 
the comlns seaaon In tils terrltorr. He baa done 
dlstTlbotlsg for Wells * KIchardaon. Barilnston. 
YL, and po«tiiis for Iilon Coffee, QlAA Dart 
aod a nnoiber of local mercbants. 

Ij. J. Fisk, general manager of the 

WUllaJcaport BUlpoatliig Co.. ha» Issued a hand- 
some foor-page folder In the interest ot that 
cvDcem. It BlTea a good-slsed map ot the dty 
showlER the location of the Tarloca boards of 
the company In red. a sood desolptlaa of the 
terrltorr and ot the poadns tadMMM. The 
folder la an artistic bit of prtntMg ■■■ Woold 
attract mach farorable notice. 

The Illinois Supreme Court recently 
handed down a decision in favor of the Oonnlng 
Sjstem in Its eases against the Cltr of Chlcaso, 
declaring the city ordinance intended to restrict 
poster and bolletln boards to be onreaaonable 
and invalid. The Onnnlng Srstem has had the 
decision pabllahed in pamphlet form and wi ll 
■end a copy to all interested who win write 
for It. It is ot great interest to billposters. 
Get a copy. 

The John Church Co.. piano dealers 
of Ondnnatl. posted some bills on ttw Chapman 
koatds last winter and sent a man out to check 
them np. Tlie man took a street car to a certain 
point eo route and told the condactor what he 
WIS dolJlE. Said the condactor: "Did John 
Chapman tell yon the bills were apl" "Yes," 
~ the maa. "^ea yoo satght Jost as 
— n told 

r. Otak. has M. 
OUO,— loreka— W. H. Matthews. aB« Sad sL 

Baerameoto— W. A. OaswcD ft Bom. 

OO AtlanU— U. P. Booghtoa, box 8M. 

JUL. — Chicago— Jobo A. Cloasb. 4S Blvsr St. 

East St. I^ools— W. H. Dcsmar. 

EdwardsvUle — Kelltrmaim AdT. Oa. 

Ifattooo — McFberaon Bna., Mi IMh 

-■^ Palmyra— A. O. Farmer. 

flfc. ■Hantlagton — Bcojamln MUcs, 8 CieitU 


g«aa^1tsTni1lsna polls Adv. Oa« tU 

- MtacM — Maade Adv. Os. 
Verre Baote— O. H. Barlctt. 
Wlnamac^ — £. O. Borroogtaib 

lOVA. — Des Moines — W. W. M( 
Donds — Colon B. P. and 
Uasoo City — Henrr Dlehl. 

mi— Bant a. o. 


UU>4tafayette— F. B. GIrard * Co. 

flton — Cannlngbam A Courley. 
Boston — John V. Cartsr. 2S8 Bclmaat St. 

laOE.— .aon Arbor— Aadrew 7. mosmlHM, 

Jackson— W. B. Bnlsinea, 

Unn , M s i rls O t aga K. Lawnacc. B. r. sad 

" t ert i a. A. Hyde. 2188 Xncenla at. 

nSB.— Falrbmy — Robert J. ChristiaaL 
Scboyler— Bos A Rolman. 
TORK.— Ogdensbnrg— B. U. Braey. 
Port Jcrvls— A. C. H. Mesler. 
Potsdam — Edsoa Taylor, ao Waverly St. 
Sdieacetad;— Ohas. H. Benedict, m 7ay 


■fiaeuac — James Molangbey, Oscular Bldg. 
a. OAS,— SUtesvUle— Bowland Adr. Os. 

,-«BIO,— Clsdnnatl— J. J. Uorpky * Olb 
Oolnmbna — S. A. Hyde. 
FttstarU— W. O. Terrlll A Oo.. 118 W. Itt- 
Sa St. 

ICartls'a Ferry — J, T. Blameabiirg. 

Tomgstown — U. Olegcr. 

.nnr.— Carlisle — Wm. If. ifeloy, box'4S. 

Dnbols— O. H. BarUw, g 8. Brady St. 
East York— Blchard K. Staley. 
Johnstown — George Cpdegraves A Go. 
FboenlxvUls— 43«o. K. Oberholtsar. 
Shamokln — John V. Berry. 
Tyrone — 0. B. Phillips. 

a BtB^ (at 

Hlllsbu i u H , P. Josea. 
Sherman — ^W. J. Harvey, box 16S. 
trrAS.— Salt Idike City— Jobs M. Waldoa. 
WIS. — ^West Snperlor^-O. A. MsnfesO, Wsst I 

pertor Betel. 
CAJ. MwHsal tt J._1L I 

Advertisements snder this hasding wm 
p nhiish sd sreekly at the •atCooi mta sC 
eenta psc Issa^ i 

ALA.— DothsB— 7. B. Wise. 

ABK. — Conway — J. r. Clark, boa Bl. 

Cotton Plaat— Boon A Xehala. 

Helena— ntapattlck B. P. Ok. 

Springdale — Tit* Basndcta Qa. 

Walnnt Bldge— Walaot BUga Pssk 4 
D. Co. 

GOHH.— Stamford — HsmVy Oeflagar. 
nx.— BIoomlngtoB— Olty B. P. Osw, OsBssai 

Boshnell — Chamberlain BDlpoatlas Os. 
Charleston — T. O. Chambers. 

Chicago — A. Davia, aas w. Taa Bsna ■) 

nro.- Michigan City— J. L. Weber A Os. 
yn iBsai s e — B , O. 

IBB. '. 

IOWA. — Coniat—T. O. Becae. 

Des Moines— W. .W. Moore. Lleeascd DIat. 
KAS. — Ellsworth — Wm. L. Gaston. 

Nlckeraon-John E. UUler. B. P. aad 


KT. — Broadhead — Bcoadhead B. P. aad Dlst Oa 
BasaeUvlBc— Andltatlsm B. P. aad OliC 


B. WImberly A Brsw 
MOHT.— «llllBgs— A. L. Babeoek. 
B. YOBZ.— CablcakUl— Bdwla P. We st w otlb . 
V. CAB. — Statesvflle— Bowlaad Adv. Oa. 
Omo.—Ulddletown— Anthony H. WalbaiB. 
PXBV.—AItoona— Charles Mmaad 
6th are. 

. r. 

7. o. tsstsB a ai r. Os. 

fc <TW d OaffWey— Bd. H. DeUamp. 
TTint Ml ai>bfs — Ward-MeCanley. 
TTT Osfnistini Fanl Gallia, OL B. P. aaf 


Xoakno— C. a Ttlbblc. 
V. T>d ItlaslsH n. I. 

Striking CcLrds. 
Rich in Color. 
Catch the £ye 



^^Coyle Amusement Co.'' 

Ferris Wheel, Black ToPk and two more good shows. Can use one more free act. OMbbiVt'; 

KamUlnr. ~ IMIa W. HLWIIM, Hfr-'OdvlB AmseaMBtOn:'^ - '.' ^^-v''' 

2S N. 4th St.. Tene Hante^ Ind. . - 

waiEO: ..J-^S^^L^lfif^^ ElMliie Park, Panait^lteiv^ 



PaoMaiaaUllaaa. Two plays a week. Bead pbotofraph. Btau onr lowestsaUry^ iSMb^ 
" — sal May B. Aooress: nUfln r 

Slot Machines. 

imila niastrated Bone WarMlMtis 
Boowera Hear Naaae Vtota. 
Boowers Arm Power Va 
nuiB New Picture ] 
Doctor Vltirmtor IHactilne, 


lAn Hew ProdnctloBa.) 

_ aril at Factory Prices, bat keep 
OB aew ones safest as tbeycome 

Nov«lty Manuf'g Co. 

aM2 Cast'Foutte«iith St, 

One Cotton Floss Candy Machine 

FOB 8AIJ.J40.00. new, ins* OBto< Isetory. 
in thebozaUintadrftiraUnDlaB; Seposttot 
TtoWO W Drito, 
Holland BIdr. KawTMb 

WANTED A Lady Painist 



AttraeMoos far Central Park. Bast M^Xioais. 
111. Also wast Steam Swinir. AdOmas 


coLr. M. i«. ci^Amrs 


▲ Irat-riam wagon show agent and two flrst- 
dMB ifflEosters. Also want a first-class 
— -"5t-^ Address 

L, CLABK, Pine Blnff. Ark. 


HARRY L. mtaamkxmi, 

ZtO E. Madison €t. Chicaeo. 
Look tor my Big Add. Jans Sid. 


Attractions for the Old Boys 
Reunion to be held In Perth. 
Ontario, on June 30th to July 
Srd. 1905. None but Good Ones Wanted: 

vtuld priftr sanrihiig ti shov uidir urns. 

Addxeas: CBAB. F. (CJHNUC* Perth. Ontario. 



ever oflered ^t oqpe glg Qr CTlw^ 

of OUT neo baw ft-steady in- 
come of t75 per week, and some of 
them are maklog: doable that mwdi. 
The business is pennanent and In- 
creases rapidly, as we pav joa the saino 
fo r ^igpat arrngta^tor^^ one^ - 

rectvotB. Ton eaa QM an jaiirflit> c 

ersry malrlng new eoatoaiaiB, as oooe^ 
started the7 need BofditlMratteiitiiai ^ 
and can not stop haodUnr oiir 11ns. 
You can start it before redgnliiff yonr 
present employmeat, bnt will find It 
worth year entire attention. 


i ^ ^ < ft^ ^f n^ y.T^iiijr ^^»np inf m iiin m fiii i ' 



AS UBBBTT-^lto player. IMsvulXW 

W. FITCS. Box ill. Hennessey. OU^a. 

FOR SALE: Miniature Railway. 

Engine. 10 CsLra. 2.000 feet Track. 


CgQ. C. HmrNOmB, Klmlrm, IT. T. 

is tiae osily FlrB(.Class« HlSb-Crade 

Blontbly SlaiKazlne '~ 
Soatbcm States. Ki 
cents aK asate line, 
free when rcqoested. 

ImrHto Stick ^ 

Enterprise Fair. East Enterprise. lad.. Sept M. ,i- 
1B05. Also hare a goodlr nnm htr Ot l ^ad ssd,-^ 
show priTllegM to let. This pastes;- IMr-wM Lv 
be the best erer held. Address :B. Jfc.SBWI^ j 
SON, sec.. Rising Sun. Ind. ' ■■ ''n ' 

PIAKO PLAYER wanted at once.'.. 
Ca^tal BUUaiA Pariar, 


Alyh'a bitfriHy nmnted of Aicnts.1 
Mmie Pokliakers aad 
Baalcra ia TKeatrical, 
~ .Circas aad Tarfc 



! H. »>■»■■■ I tj, a Fatk B«w, a. X. O. 


• ■ ''■■if " 




OMl (kL t4«ta*'OiL. MB V. «h at^ OM. A. 

mu hmm OA umvt^mB mm m^WLttm. 

On Wacte a 


M AM • 

CARS (R. R.) 


H w. art K. 

AaA JiMtea i> TUo. Vi 

WniBrt Om ft (hL. Mi OtL «^ Ku. Ofr. Ha. 

v. a. n«K oib. mm «o»«t sr.. CMtma, o. 

K. O. M l» & Ok, 



AIM OniililM. M Vww, V. X. a 

sw » a..Mi 

M. Until, ni MMtk at, ruuMM^ 

All. GaanbFlm. sn Bm«<*r. >. X. OL 
I«Tia >na., T«m Ia«. 
W. r. Miller. 144 rstk Bott. >. X. a 

■■XW nanna * 0*..IM W«k«* ar 
BhiTMk-TMi Oa., UT 4tk aL. I 

a. nan * o*., . : _ 

r_ - «. X. 

M. T. Ck 



AnaHija WniAin Oit. Xa. MMwaata, M. X. 
Oacaer iMaawtlTa Wta.. WT B'war. X. O. 
W. ». Ciiili I la, ■aoanarlBt^ X. 
■H MOs* Ok, ■ I in IMI. OL . _ 

BafackaU-aaOlaaa Oa, Mm. MMMMftb K X. 
a W. Fa^ac. Jtniaa. Kaa. 



dctM Oytlcal Oa., O State at_ tmi^i. 

Tka Xaitowlaf nraa wm ka Wa4 la Bb* 
< BiMV Bawa Itaa ta : 

' af tka Braf ai 
Kn.' IiacT P. Oaaaat 
I«a Mat. U4 W. trik. B. T. O. 
Mat. kCMU Oa.. ITiw Tark CI». 
Jcnw K. Bnilek * Co.. «■ W. Mtk at.. >. 
T. a 

Tbomxan Hiulc Oo., 37S WabaA AT*.. 

BUlum Biaa.. 86 Bth av., Ohtfa«». 
t, H. Oabhaidt. SOM Lawnaca at, 



Jmb BtaOab MMIB itata aL. OH 
7. B.. >WllaiB. l« MMt at. CUa 


Kaifenr. MM VwvTlk X. a 
M. X. Kmj Fndadac Oa.. USS BSrafe^B: Cft 
«ar * Jecdaa. l«n B'mr. Kaw ZM CUy. 
BalwvB * oa., 1«41 B-war, Vaw Xat* OB. 
~. B. Wataa. M Paari at.. Bfaak«a. K A. 

WlBBttt rtu BBiaaa. I«ga B*wv. B. 
■aaaaa A. Wt^ta. MU B'war, ■. X. 

Of Matedal Vaatm aat Bl* 

X. «, 


A»(laaa liw rilat Obl. 
BaU now Prtat 0»., " 
O. H. Back Oa.. 

oaiTut u(k& ^SEft Sia^k 1 

OanlTtl Poattr Oa., 

nayoUi^ HtiiB. 
OUaaaa Baw Pitat Oa, IM MB av, 
DnaaMana IMka^ Ua, Bawpart. Kj. 

IMatiar M - " " 

r«sw ni a rl aB Om, n Bate aa, < 
graatW. P«B. Om^ 41»^B1» at.7«L 

M«fTfc» BS*i A Maw mat 
raaa. Rs. aaB Pak. Oa.. ~ 
Olatwea B. Baaar. Baaay 

U. ■. una, BwMll-lfaaaa Pita*. 

▼alaataar rtg. Oa^. BaTaiUaffDa. Pa. 
WSoaaa * Biraat *» Itata. BaOaik 


Of Tkaatrtaai 

OkarA PiMiiK 0*.. 4M 

MaafaiaU Ptc OBb. Oi Bba tL, 

Wertk Priatlas Oa, Wakkanllla. Uak. 

AX Daataa 

Bair * Oa, M MB ar., 
T>iaaa, IDBT Onettal ar, 
Vaaaa Jaaaa. Port Matt. aaa. 
Bala * kOUcr. 4M iMaiC at:. X: & 
D. mucr MXg. Oa.. KaiM Otr, Bib 
B. A. Xaaca MCr. Oa.. tm Wjtm^ Kaa. OMr. 


mm. atlf ttBMi. tt^ 

Mfe. PfeBh IB. 

Mfaddaa Oaw, IM B. Mk Bt 
Oa.. IW W. JaatMa. Ml 


^ BlWIIaai. M Km. PtaaUIa flklMai Wtt. 
Bml a. Patatal A Oa., 41 WamBlb BMT XaA. 


Atkamaaa-OalsUr Oa., Paaaaa 
A^ nckat Oa., X«la4a. OMa. 
UMpaHi FMlaiialakli. Fa. 
inBlB mBna Uck. Pert ■■ 

8. a. <Mt M4 Haln St. 

Bclber Tnink A Bas Oo .lSZ Colombia aT,Plilla 
M. C. U117 * Co., Oalambaa, O. 
Stmcm'a A Co.. Ttb A Arcti.. P MT a,. Pa. 

naarta-Backlay. BST at. JaMa BMa, B. T. C. 

T. H. Hett. 4U Oraikata It.. Chleaaak 

P^rk List. 

«aatrt» fliftiit Laka Park. Aaalataa Blactxle 

a Cu Oa.. Itadlow Allaa, *m. aicr. 
» liM l aia»» T - > » Ttow Puk, t. -WtBrnt But 
Laka Oaalaa, laka Wtfla. 
~ ' I. M. 


tai^ ai»k1aa4 Paik.' Blaaa WmJ^tm Kik, 
Hit. BL Mj.; XlacHU Park. Mta. 
IUT»a aikJala Park. 

u^a«^"^UMBM rmxm^ tt. aab aau* ^wt^k^hs 

Park. W. B. HaU: BlTWtlaw Fa«llt«. B. B. 

BkaWaM Tbraa Oitlaa M*.': Ska flUMB Oa.. 

J. B. MeOIaiT. 

I«k» Park. Pkoaata B^. Oa. 
amrab a. Dtackaua, 



aaiaka ■»rla«a Aii41totln» Paik. BL Y. ■alU- 
Oajr. eara Tha BOIbaarA 

Ft. Binit]!— McClood's Park; Lemett Flltk, B. Ii. 


Bat Bpitaaa Xantatky Olab, WhltUastsB Park, 

B. O. Ptlea. 
Utila Bao fc. P oraa t Park, a T. Taylor fcaz U2. 
aiaC — ^Ball Park, O. Saarard. 

Kaa Aa a alaa CBataa Park. Tbaatza, KUway and 

Baa, Baarr Kack. 
OaUaaA— OaUaaA Park. 

Park. O. BtarOaa; Obntci 


Park. J. a. Sawcn: 
BtatpltctaM IBud. a a. naaas. 
- — Kaaoau patt, r. A. Amt. Mb a. 
-WIMwaea Park. PaaaU'a Xraamj 

KilUa^b^-^WnOwaoa Park. I 
DanTOle, mgr., J. A. Blaka, New Ha*CB, beok- 
Ing agt. 

■ l i k wla r la a i al Park. 
Bari«w Ba—wr Park. W. P. Brtaka. 
arwftataaa r<la TBnr litik, OL H. OhasMB. 

Haw Britain— WUte Oak Park, L. B. Kldey. 
aaw Wnaa Barta Baak. J. A. Blaka. 

W lU waaa 



It. Jaka O, 

A. J. Smith, 14S Btoadway. New Xotk Oltr; 
OdombU Orercw Ballwar Park. Ohb. Mill 
tac and Powar Oo. 
Waat Kana— Sarla Back Aaatra. 
WlaataA— Btcfcland X«ka Park, Ofcaa^ O. AlUIa. 


Park. PMili QllM. 

^ B'B PavtllM. Sfeaato ta* OMaa 

P««r, O. I. - 

VaaUactoa — Blrarrlaw and Bxenralaa 

OltBB Bcko Park OUnf 


Jackaaarin*— PbocBlz Park. JaekaoDTffla Blae> 
trie Co.; Ct7«tal Boot Gardaa; Uaeoia Paift 
(colored (wople). Jaekaaatfla.B^gl^ . Oik 

Pauasola— Kofitcaa'a Park, T. M. 

XtoT Citr— DeBota Park. 



AuCBsta — Uoote Sino Park 

Coaklla; Lake View Park, 

cara Aoruta Uj, Co. 
OadutavB— Tha Hamiaar Xfcaa tia. J. 


Colainliill — WUdwood Park. P. E. Reldbead; 

North HlshliDda, B. a Bcldhead. 
OaiaHTiUa— Chattahoochee Park. W. R. SUek. 
aaoob— Cmmp'a Park, W. H. Labb AmaMacat 

Co. _ _ ■ 

~ " » 

aMBimah m. Bv. 

- Park. lale at 
(cotacd pa*. 

Co., U a. Kaib: UaaC 
. lOAHO 


Altaa — Al Wnaeo Park. Vcnoo O. ScaTcr, 8* 

State at, CUeaca; Back 8pdi« Park. X. X. 

Cain — SportaoMB'a Park. D. P. KeCart^.^. . 
Ckawiatf Waat Bad Park. U. — hiiH. mm 

Gartlck neatia, Gkicaco. m. 
OUaace— Tbe Chatea. W. H. Btrtekler, SI B 

Kedsl* are.; White Clt7, Paul D. Howae, ges. 

mcr.. 6Sd at. and Park aTc; ICaaonlc Tern* 

pie Boot Oardrn, J. J. Unrdock; Sana Bond 

Park, li. H. WdU, 273 Franklin at.; HUlla- 

ger'a Garden; Manhattan Beach. J. W. Boah; 

Oollaenm Garden, B. Spaoldlns, ISS Adams 

at: BiTerrlew Park, Paul W. Ooofier, 84 

Waahlnfton at. 
BaBTiUa — -New Amogement Park, H. Ii. Bialnjg, 

Terre Haute, sen. tncr.. Hendersou A Shajne, 

Oblcaco, booklnc aceata. 
BeoatuT — N«w Ajnaaaacat Park. H. Z>. Bnlalr, 

Terre Hante, gen. mgr., Hendenon A Siajse, 

Chlcaj;o, txtoklns amenta. 
X>rvaa — Oedney'a Park. Wm. O. Jonea; Hl^eglna* 

Park, Urnrr C Hlolaa; Bock KtTer ' 

blT Park. Adam A. Krape. La 
East St. Leola— Prieiter'a Park; 

Sdg-emont Park, P. Tr ab a nd . ■ - ; 

Elsi^— Trout Park, O. W. Ooaka, BOB Oolorado 

ave., flhlrago. 
Oalaabnrc aiiniMar flaWUab Ad Cawaa;.BIgb- 

Inka— ^aa Laka Park.- ^*3L 

7oliat— Bock Ban Park, 

Park. W. a Flahar. 
Xaakakaa— BlaetrU Park. 


XoUaa— PRMpaet Park. J. P. Laldaer. 
Parla— Bcaerrair Park, H. Dalarbldc. 
Paorla — Pflefer'a Palm Garden. O. G. Pflefer; 

2000 North Adama at.; Central Park, AI 

rreaco Beach. T. O. Searer, S» State St.; 

ChlcacD. m.; Tannlnal Park; Poplar Beack 

Park, Fred P. Cotnlns: Btoaa Bill Garden, P. 

HlU: Proapeet Bci(hta Park, W. B. KaabJ. 

Sana Soocl Oardaa. Wm Naab. 
Pern— Concordia GardCD*, Oco. B. Parker. 
(toincT— CaUwla 

HIchland Park, M 

Tomaj Adana, 
Baelrfotd — Bockfial. . 

Obantaaqoa Put; 1 

lem Park. 

Book Tilawit -Flirk Hawk Watek Towar Park, 

B. B. Krell. TIB ITtb at. 
Bf rladald— KUdred Park. Uldrcd Park Amaaa- 

meot Od.. propa.. Plank B. lUs; Eoo, Cbaa. 

UcLaocUln. aee. 
Bpriac Tallacp— Wdiatac Park. Wm. B. Babta- 


aoorc, mfT. 

TaHaaipaila— Palrbank Park. W. SM: Kaadl'a 

Oardea, Fred. Klj ~ ~ * 

-XlTcnlde Puk, W. 
leUla— Blmharst Park. 

hj; Filj-rUw Park, 
Sprlnf laka 
£ato>— New 

ElkLan— Hr 
East at. 

laaaiBIa 0>**a Pktt mcaite, 
Oak ■ommlt Park, H. ~ 

Ontmy Tbtatra. 
Kaania West Btda Park Oaalao. Leala A. Bax- 

rtj and Barry Unra; BtraisMa Park, B._I^ 

Bretnlc, Terre 

A Bharnc, Cble 

O. I., ttnttli. ~. ' ' 

Baw Altaar— aiaawaad Pai^ BmMBb -.Bil 

Bantlni iBdlaaa Traatlsw Ba« laiiaw BlA 

Bdw. E. Ptnr, icaat. 

m— Bord Park, J. A. Brwla. 
aiekasad— BIsblaad Park. 0. L Darli. 
iallaribiirg — Qleo Kllan Park, L. BchsMk. 
Bsntk. Basd— Sprtnxbrook Oaalao, J. HelL 

Smith, eara Indiana B7. Oa. 

Tvia Eaata-BtfwMi Park. V. 

lake View Pa ^ ~ ~ ^ " 

ao a, Ttb at.. 

bookljw I 

Xlie Blllboaird 



Jnald'* 7mik— Arnold's Pmrk, W. B. Arnold, 
atao*— Wklteomb Paik, Q. J. Pnwott. 
'S^toa — Bilshtao Park, O. ■. Dsvta. 
XwIlBSton— IbBcr's Park. O. Btetr; Farrla 

WIteel Puk; Ifadlaon Atim* Park. P. W. 


IMar KapMa— Atblctle Park. G. K. Bartaa. 
!fhar Iiaka— WUtaker'a PIcaaara Pier. L WUt 
aker S02 B. Utb at; Kaaaaa Oltr. Me. 
Davenport — Suburban Island Park. Claoi M. 
KneBl; ScbeuUen Park, Fred KaeU; Ceotnl 
Park, city control. . 
Paa Xolnsa— InccnoU Pad:, Backaaaa; Uaioo 

• Park, nokjo MtcMeOk. _ _ ^ \ " 

rt Bodxa— OlMM Mk, M. X 

Ude Park. ; ^ _ . 

It. If-"—" — ^iva^bM Park. D. Am 
rXaaknk— iBoblnser Park, A. S. ^ 

Theatre. A. 8. Onate- . . 
MuioaHiie Cltlaana' Puk. A. b 

OttaawB — ^llie a ■■»*- 

B. Cliriaty . in«r 

Mm OHSb-atTCiM* Park, B. L Slik, ogr. 
■|itMM/Vny ■oari'Bwk, t ^"nAnla- 0»- 


_ _ Park, H. M. 

Sprtngi — Reunion Park, C. B. Odllns, 

" Cbaa. I.. Smith, am. m^. 

Stet iMtt Ptm Z«ka Park. Hafer * Bam. 

I.aa»a««i>illi Blenilc Park. Sparka-noe An. 

COb. Ontny BUc.. Kaaaaa Cltj, Ho. 
Tiia— miiiiroiil Park, N. T. Aadaiaoa. 
Tiirta Ttni iinnrt Pkrk. r. a. KalUr. eat* 1o- 

Br. Co.; Oaidald Park, B. B. Baraaa. 
WiOiactaa— Hunters Park, a BL a: 


JAIaBd— OlTffcalda PaA, II. 

MmwJtat On " 

. Son: CHiannlan 
. kante Spring. 
Tliilw Maiiliallail i»»w«t»y Baack. 
SsucTlUa— WoodlaBd Qtore. BIII7 BaMnaaa, ad 

B. Kentucky at.; Fontalna rarrr Park, OoL 
V. lohs O. Hqpklai: Jacob'* Park. BamiiMir Braa. : 
~. Banuner'a Park, Oaa^ Hammer; Pboeolz BUI 

Park, W. ZaUe: Btrcrrlaw Park. OoL Lun 

Simmons; Nlna.web Park, Somzners Bro«., 1306 

First 8t. 

taHam fatooB. J. jr. WaaTar, 


anpa-Btrctilda Park. J. J. WInm. Mt. 
■v aHkor— Athletle Pa^ O. U. KMdU 
■M fc K i tijiu aatlm Fttk. Baw - - - - 

Old Orebaid— BeMlda Park, 
meat Oa., Ltd., pcapa.. W. S. •■Itb, 

and (en. mgi. : (Md Orchard Btreat nst, 
A Bmidler BUdafocd. 
Pertlind Pndenrood SpitBga Park. B, A. 
nun; Oera Theatre (Paaka'a laL). O. < 
Goddlns; BlTertoD Park. O. B. Smith, 
V. W. Oonnan, hoaklBB agest, 100 




¥. T. 

Aaiaktaa -Blettile Park. A. Penenaa. 
Balltiaaia fTiiniaoilil Vatk. Bcbanbertcr * Ir- 
win; HataiLaxtastoa Boat Oartsa; Pabat 
Oaideaa, K. B. Btacnbacc P m s w e ct Park. 
Grant Btockham; IHec^e Park. A. Fenne- 
man, N<nr Zork otBce, 019 St. JamM bUc.; 
OocUar'a Black Btrar Park. W. BMaatt; Tal- 
ehaatar B«acb, Volekastac Oo.; BlTamew 
Park. IL J. ntaalmmaam US Charles at.: 
KlrhT* Park. I. U. Kltbj; Kllaa'a Park; 
Stodard'a Park; Hennaa'a Park; Weber'a 
Park; Guma Oak Park. Halted Br. Co.; 
lAkciUe Park. Oattcd Br. OB.S Behoboth 
Beach, near Baltlmoca. alft Qaaas Ana's Bgr.; 
Itery Bar, Oaai Kaha; " ~ ~ 
Klefet'a Pack, ~ 


Oartia Baj^^ood'a Park. J. Plaad; naara Hew 

Park Tbaatre. W. I. Iltocatald. 
Pndarlok— Braddoek Helchta Park, Oao. Wm. 


H««e:*to«»--Pcn Har Faifc. J. b tkmX. 


Park. W. D. Bmlth. 
. eqa Park, M. i. Wtnm. agt 

Naccvbeo PML 9, 

.Boas Lake " 

BnhaUra— Bcrkahlra Park. Btraat By. Oe. 

Boitott— Pt. ot Pines, J. J. Barmond. M Waih. 
at.; city Pt. ParllUoD, W. H. O'Neill; Konun- 
bega Park, C. AlbeTte:Obaa. BlTer Park: Cr«>- 
ceat Park, W. H. CMaB; LadurtaB Paik; 
Boatb Boston PaTlUon; ParaoDS Park, Oao. 
A. Dodse. IS State at. . 
Biooktu— Hlfhland Park. 7. X,. Wtnm. MS. 
«rT"itTlll»— Majdewer Qrora. 
OamkrlAt*— caiartaa Btrar Pnik, 9. lb 
W «4 h,i »— Waatwood Park, I. X, ~ 

Karlbnv— lake Chanaeer. A. P. 
Madford — Bonlerard Theatre. J. w. 

Combination Park, Hlcka Bnthera. 
Bandaw — Lake Nlpnne. W. I.. **«-^ .IflUacd. 
Bahaat — Bath Point Belajr Hooaa; Mav's flgm- 

mer Theatre, J. J. Shar. 
Haataakat B a snh — Parmcon Park, Scam A. 

Dadce. Boston office. 15 State at. 
Baataikat Point — Oooey Island of the Bast. Jan. 


Vsv Bedford — Pope Beach, Jaa. iBtth; Hartne 
Park. J. J. Shannon; Iilnoola- Stelb - 1. W. 
Phelpa; Lakealde . Park. Broektc^ MIHMmco 
* New Bedford St. By. Co. 

Bewb iii j y ort — Plum Island. Clctacna* HBec Bt, 
Ay. Go., mcra.. J. J. Flynn. act.: ■aUabaxy 
Beadi. HSTarhiU * twaalwiy St. By- ■«.. 

Ki^" f\r^y„, w w. p. 


Oraace — Braokalde Park. Otaace St. By. Oo. 

Palmar — Fotcat Lake Park. J. J. Flynn. a«t. 

PlttataU— Serkahir* Park, Billrtlia St By. 
Oo.. mgra., P. t, camrt mm, Maatni Pen- 
tooaoc Park. IIIMM Bt. Mr. OB« 'f. J. 
Flyaa. agt. 

Plymeatk— Maylknrar Onm Park, Alba B. War- 
ren, liaorlca Boom. Kcw, Xork, agt. 
aea r a Bewre B ea ch , B. T. White; Orcacaat 
Oardsn% W. B. CBcfl; EMnt et Ptaeau W. 
HL O'NsO. 
Balna Saliai WBIawa; 3. W. Ooraiaa. 
~ ■ - — ir. B. O'Nen. 

Park. Mba J. If e- 
at.. Boatoa. 


Wa k a t ald Qnaanapowltt 

Wakcfleld Park. 
Wabatar — Baaaen Park. 
Waatberr— Lake (AaoneBy. 
WeattaU— Warooea Park. 
Webars— PlaahMI ~ 

B. Biaclaav. U L. 

Main It. 

a. O. Oarleld. 


BatUa Ontk-lMkm Ttaw Park; Oogaae Lake. 

Oocoae Beaort Aiaa.. Ltd.. J. D .WOaon. 
Bar City— W«aa BeaA Park. L. W. Bleharda. 
Babatt— Palawt'a PaiB, Bmll lakdC: Xba 
■ende By. Park, ktaak B. PMOK Mtf • 
SlTCtalde Park: Bennett Park; ■MUa Paik, 
Tom Bck. 34 HnUerry bldg. 
0*wacla»-80Tar Baaeh. Dtaka and WalUea, 
■ prava.. P. B. Howe, Qigr, 
Plla l T h i isd Laka Park, wm J. Oarrlar. 
«• Led ge The Ssrta talaods. J. 8. Madga. 
and Baaida— Bamooa Park. Orln Stair; Mbrtb 
Pa(kr«OkB Ban Park. Orln Stair; Becd'a 
Laka and am" ~ 
Sta. P. 

Batta— CoIomhU Oardeaa, «. Pmytks. 
•caat Talla— Black aagto Park, Otnat Falls 

St. By. Ob. 
H e l e na — Central Park. O. O. Ficdatlck. 


PaTtTiiaa, o. a. sadnv. 


Kalamazoo — Casino Park, Balrd ft Oaken, 101 

E. Main. 

Laatiav-^Mdler'a Park; Haslett Park: Warn- 

I7 Park. S. M. StUson, cr. Lansing ft Snb. 
Trsc. Co. 

KaiakaO— St. BUuya Lake, Ur. Ckaaby. 
Banroe— Johnson's Island Park, G. J. Wahl. 
Boakagoa — I«ke Hlehlgan Park, UoakegoD Trac- 
tion and T.tgtiHng Co., props., W. B. Beynolda. 
Bagiaaw^BlTenlds Park. h. W. Bleharda; Jet- 

fers Theatre, Bamford ft ICarka. 
It. J ia jl i saw Baack, L. D. Wallaaa. 


Bralelh Bly lakat MDada IBfOte 
Falmaai— Haad'a BQear Laka. Park, 
maaaapalia— Intararban Park. tSB Taa»Ie Ooatt; 

Lake Harriet. J. H. BKhman; Wenderlaaa, 
H. A. Doney; iflBiictiaha Park, Jacob Banet. 

St. Paol — ^Phalen Park. Jacob Bsmet. 1018 Van 
Slyke aye.: WUdwood Park. H. M. Bamet. 
mgr.; Oomo Park. Jacob Samet; Harriet Isl- 
and (finbllc baths). Dr. Ohage. 

WUta Bear Take WBdMpod Park, W. J. BiaU; 

IF Beaek. J. J. Flynn. act. 
ja Park, 1, J. fffrn. act. 
itala Park. Sabstt Biaas; Spilac- 

'■■■ "_BlaB.I>otaat, B. • ■. tt. Br* 
fL. Jl JL fIjBki at tlaatia 

; Pnk. ■atttia »m. Oa, 

B. J. Ble^^ ^^ 

Oraat City — Hoaser-Verbeck Park. 

Jaylia— Grand Falla Park, Obarlaa W. artfelaa: 
Lyrle Park, Chas. B. Bodkins. 

Kaniai City— Forest Park. A. O. Peterson, 
mftr., G«o. s«ninger, mgr. thca.. Independence 
STe. and Hardeaty at.; Electric Park. Sam 
Benjsmtne; Fairmont Park, Ben Boaenthal. 

Barad^— Lake Park Springs, J. A. Tyler. 

■pringdald — Doling Park and Pamlty Xkaatza, 
Bobert B. D<dln«. 

St. Joasph— ailTer Beach. Drake ft WaUaee: 
Knig Park. J. B. TonBrant: Lake Cbatraiy 
Park. B. B. ChorchlU: Cryatal Park. Ptcd. 
"■f"*". care Crystal Theatre. 

■t. Leals— Baahagsa'a Park. Fred W. Haaha- 
gen. 23-25 S. Broadway. St. Lonis; Bellerne 
Patk: Porcst Park Hlshlaiida, J. D. Hovklna: 
Lefnp's Park, J. f. Wallrapp; West 
Bad Heights, B. Williams; Grand Ave. 
ana Park, Haahagea Broa.; Uhrlg'a OaTS. Mc- 
Niary Braa.; Babnrten Pack. P. W. Inacs. 
mgr., aoe Oarltan Bids.; Daliaar OarOan, 
Park, UanaSaa Braa.. na ta.. A. K. Oaa. gca. 

Park, Wahaacth ft Flaadag. 

Oaaha^Kmra Park, W. W. Gala; Coortland 
Beach, J. A. 'Grimtk, oOea BIS PUat Natkmal 
Bank; wirth PaBa Oaidea.. HT. Betnuui: 
Lake Maaawa. Wm. P. Byrne. 


eoaooTd— Contoocook Kl'rer Park. F. B. Bran. 
Dover — Central Park, Srvr aaapAiia ttaatlaa 

Co.. HaTerhlll, Uaaa.. 1. j. Flyaa. MiaatoB. 
Ooff's Falls — DeTODsUr* Park. Manrhistsr TIaa. 

tlon Co. 

Eamptro^ — Hampton Beach CaalBQi, 

Lake Bsiishealo — Lake iikiala Paik. 

Maacheatsr — t>loe Island PaiKt UBa PHfe. X, 

Brodle Smith and loa. Flyr^ ' 
Peoaacook— Contooeoak Park. 
Salam — Canoble I^a SMk 

Traction Co., OmhML Mmil 'S, W»~flw- 

man. theatre. 

Atlantis City— Forteaqna Thsatie. James B. 

O'Brien; TUyon'a Stacpleekase Pier; DeyU's 
Parllloo Theatre. Frank Ocddis: Oeaam Pier. 
Moore; Beinta's Pier; Aaenean Oaitaa; 
Harry D'Eata: Baroy nieatra, H«m^ ft 
yoons'i Pier, I. L. Xoons. •rac. J. A. WU- 
lard. gen. dir.. Barry D'lata. taaat. res.; 
Steel ^er^ Mr. Batttwtfl; AodltBrlpia PUr, 
Geo. Xflyaa. 

Dam eatfc, U. D. I^Iar. 

ay... p, - 
Cape Xay- 
Pearl at. 

Forda— Old Bomeatead Park. Lester J. Oadar- 

Li^a gaga liiiia~PMfc^ ~ 

B54. . 

Long Biaaak— iPleasnra Bay Xhaatis, P. X. AI- 


lC£lTilla — Union Lake Park. O. H. ■^'-nBT, 
Bawaik— Greater Bleetzle Park. O. A. Oaala«; 
BoacTUla Park; Olympic Park. Baaa Waews, 
caca fVitflaaBin. MUtt'n atwww^ bai^laa aaM^ 
N. Z.; FaliyUnd. Frank MelTllle; Zcao fatk. 
Wm. Greaaon Co., leth are and Utb at. 
Baw axaaaalak~-BlTanlda Park; Bnaswlck 

TtactJiio Ook 
Oiaasa— aichlaad Park. W. N. HIllaK. 
~itaraiiia IdlawM Park. B. ftthartaa. tT Fair 
at.: Paaale BWIa Paife. B. ' ' ~ 

pie Park; Palolaad. Bkaal 

=1 _ . j_ j|_ 5^ 

Hereer Pteaaara Puk, W- I 

WntSiH Oalyln'a Park, ABa Oast ' 

•—- — — joha Cos. 


JJliaiiy— Tagnna laland. J. A. Watar: Blactxle 
Park. J. U. WOaon. eaia Albaay * Badaoa 

EL B. Co.. Frank IfelTlIla. *-— ^F agaat: 
Dreamland, Bobert F. Walter. 

Wlnghamtnn — Casino Park. J. P. BL <Saik; Bona 
Park. J. P. B. dark. 

Brooklyn— Brighton Beach Knale BaU. W. T. 
Grorer; Andcnon Ifosle Hall, Osasy lalaad; 
Olmer Park, wmiaa Texlar; Btaeilsrkiis 
Park, Q. O. TUyra; Ohntea Park. Laaa Park. 
Ttiompaon ft Dandy; Dtesmlasd. Bsaiael Gbb- 
perta; North Beadi. Bowcxy Bay HnH^ns aad 
lm>. Co.; Bergen Ba a rk . Percy O. Wllllaas. 

Bnffal»— Athletle Park. Bab't P. Waltar; Haln'i 
Park; Cryatal Beaek. an f^nadlaa abara op- 
pealta Boitala. J. B. BabatMk, gea. sigr.. W 
ItaskUn at; Blmwaod Park: LOawlU Park. 

K. JC, Oardeld, S2S BUeaCt aq. 
Caldwell— Brtmaoo Park; Palatsd Peat Faik. 
Omrtlanil OolBPihla QtCtaa, a 9. Bftmi Xkaat 

Hill maaaa^Ma aS Park, J. J. la muL^ _ 
Barataga fcilaga— Ooastaaa ItaiiBB PkSkI BiB 
OooeaTt Oardan, O. B. Hesesmaa, paegk> W* 
Ooka. '>~^'»g agt.: Kaydeross Pmik. 
Bekaasetady— Braadywlae Park. F. W. OaVn. 
B aae o a FaUa— Oayaga Park. W. O. Gray. 
States Island— Midland Beacft Theatre. A. Her* 

■ylTaa Bai 

.Taa B eaah BylTaa Beach Uldwny Park. Dc; 
K. OaTana. 

gyrac B ss Iron Pier Park. Tom KeAToy, mgt„ 
Doyle Bros., props.; Lake Bids Park. X. Bk 
Canalo, box St6: Blmwood Park. J. Oaalni 
Lake Onondaga Park. IL a. Boblau; HaaMa ' 
Garden; Falrylai^ Frank HalTUlaL 

Tray — Lagoon lalaad. J. F. Weber, pn«. aaS 
mgr.. D. O. DaTocs, asst. mgr. 

PHna BnTnmlt Park, W. B. McOill— ; Outaa 



HeodersaBvOIs— Plcken's Park. 

Pollen Park. 
W«*1isl— niwiaida Park. 


AlHaaoa Take Park. B. Bl 

Akroa— Lakeside Park. B. A. Hawn. 

fleld Lake Park, John B. BUI; 

Park. Charlee Botk; SUear I«ka Pad; 

Lodge: Snmmlt Lake Park. Chaa. Both. 
BaBTiBi Oarrilum Park. 
Cambridge Hrnnmer Park, H. B. Mantaa. 
Caaal Dorar — Smmjalde Park. W. D. I^aab. 
Caatoo— Meyers' Lake Park, L. B. CooL 
Csllaa Oellna Park. 
Osylaa— Bsslia: BcadU_ O. B. 

PBi^ Fiaok witta^ SB 
Eighth at.; Lagaa^K Y. WaaTcr. W. _ 
Clark, atgr. thsataa, taStoar, Mr.z HaaaiA* 
Park. Frank Erippnar: Draaaoaad Padt, BaB 
crt P. WaltMi, l«ll Union Tiwt Bide; Biit* 
grewe Snmmer Garden. Weatwood. BeniT 
Boltgrewe, mgr., Frank Xoimg». am. iiisr.« 
Sta. L. -> . • — 

Claralasd— Lona Park. Prederiec Ingersoll. Ml 
Fourth STe., Plttsbarg, Pa.. IngersoU Hop- 
kins Amns. Ci>., St. Jamea bidg., N. Y. C 
booking agents: White City, B. Boyce; 
Bnclld Garden neatre, Kax Faetkeaheaer: 
Troaler Gardcia Theatre, IC U. Traaiaer Bin llii 
Beadi Park. HmBphair Oo.: Seenle PaA. 
Wm. OtOaen; Woreat OBy Park. Hompbay 
Oo.; Pnrltas Springs; MnWieny Park, Jaka 
lllnta; Chippewa Lake Park. Joha XXa^ 
bonogb: Atob iBcaeh Park. If. KaMRosn; 
QheaterUn Oayet. J. Doyle; Panderaaa Laka. 
Bastera Otila Ttactloa Oo. 
OiiliiaiMii Bikaafai'a Sardaa Tbaatiai. ItaaB 
Schaefer, Sta. C box 121; Oolambna Zm OOu 
B. W. Jonk, U08-110B, MS M. B1& at.;. 

OolUaa' OaM^ I 

aad «a% jTw. 

O. S. ilOm, mgt,t t 

Neeteaiaai; cr. O. D. * I|_ 

Day t on I k li i l aa PaA J. lu • 
Orsre Park; Ta>a<fli Park, J. ft. Kbk. 
ITiantaa TIadiawaU Pfeik. 7. ~ ~^ 

Park. JU 9tmm 

Park. JU ' 
Park, B. B. BbUB. _ 
Bant— Lake Bra«tr Bastct. W. a. Haadtay. ■ 
Xaataa— idlawSd Park; Bsarcsr Paik. 
LaaiastsF-aUpIewvad Paik. P. Kattarc 

T ime M<3eth Park. L. H. 

longh'a Park, B. M. M 
Loraia— Century Park, ftalk * B ut. 
KoAithnr— Laka 'liaa Bnfe.' Baak' -IK' 

Wiintaiit— ^.uiut Faf^ S. W. 

B. B. Mdlcy, 

Mt. Tl 

Bow^t— Idlewtid Park, wm D. 

eye Lake Park. WIU D. Bartia; 

Park. Cbaa. Soamicr StahMca, 
Haas— Ana Park. JOB. WMi 

Korvalk— WlUonr Brook Park, 

Bes. Co., J. C. Cllne. 
Oak Bailor Lor nit Point Otaaa, 


Oaklay— Ifoaarck Faifc. Ftaak 

VIM Bigi TirtSaa^SSCiii 
asart B. B. Od„ 


Glass FaU»— McGregor Paik, 7. Doaahoa. 
Olmeisillla Meantaln lake Puk; J. Wood; 

Sacaadagsa Park, a B. BalL 
InadagasU— Sea Btsess Park. Bksafc J. Black. 
IthsM— Benwlek Pa^ B. A. Past. Fiaak MSl- 

Tlllc N. T., Ixxddat agmt 
JIanMstswB— Celeron Psik, Jala Dtfaar. 
Blddlst o wa Midway Park. B. Bovea. 
Haw Bochalls Glen lalaad, J. kL StaRls. prop., 

Myndcrt Starrln. mgr., J. W. Pdaa, aa. 

mgr.; DtUea Park, D. T. WJBHta, gae. Bgr. 
Bav Taib— Lloa Palars Bset Ossdaa: Tanaes 

Garden, Saesskind & Bebfelot, liB-lSB B. B8tb 

St; Bergen Beach, Bergen Beach Am. 

Co.; Gala Park, W. B Wdikt US B. Utk 

at.; North Beach Bor. st Qosos. Levis no 

Bemntb. 100 B. 14th at.: Aato Park, Oark 

Ball, l2tO Broadway. 
Horthamptaa— Sacandangns Park. C H. BaU. 
Olcott— Olcott Beach, Ints ra s t lsaal TTactta Oa., 

H. O. Ferrln. 
Olaea— BlTcrbaiat Park, O. 0. Kodaa. 
Oneida— Sylran Beach. IL Omaat OUIaHg' 

Park, J. P. Lcoghlla. ^ . 

Oilskiay — Snmmlt Park. O. B^.BlBMIi Bkaak 

HelTllle. booking agt. 

Paiated Poet — ^Bronaoa Park. ■ _;• . ■ 

Peekskfll— Shady Lake Park, B. B. HMk$ SHS- 

trie Park. Jas. E. Lynch. 

Ponghkeepsla— Uptm Laka Park. 
Bochestei^-Ontarlo Beach Park. Jbha P. 1| 

Olen Haren. Bobert P. WaUac; P a ttylaa A 

Frank MelTllIa. 
Bye—Bye Beach Park, J. J. BtkaMkaliar, Ka- 

Bsroneck. M. T.; tt. Bf. Pkik., 

Pigaa—Pooatala PaA. 

Daytsa. O.: MMwav Paik, & O. 
Plymoatt acgtWPaifc. S. 8. an^~ _ 

1B^' ' lk< Bb . 

tvau u warn. 

WalBirtdge Park. 7. V. IieOgrmI&: Late HCto 
Park Sa OMBMk F. ^vt: 8«t Gkriat^ W. 

Uiaa Pae 
. WtH. B.-i 

a ir 


ma Oltr— BlTefilSe Ikifcs 

dens. Joseph Marie aad Jaka » 

Brat*. Leeader Bras.: 
ShMda: Hswtbocae Sprtngs Park. 

,1-1, .-.iitral Park. M. Bady HaOM'. 
ET^tS? siSft Thsatt. Bldjr.;PMtajS 
Bner'aPark. P. B. Blaeley; _Bltta^ffla 
SSrwa£iMa park: wmsw atsro P^ 
uTTSa tSKirr^^ AmefMaa BBa et By. 
Oau. aNBilib tL Oapa. gea. 

rtW Broadiffi!, B. Y. C« 

The Blllboapcl 

Ins «S«at. 
Bcrwl/:k— FaiMhlM'a Pu-k. O. 
BTwm rt i U M ai Ui i— Park* A. Ik 
Xndf Old— CUikidal* P»k. ma i m Tallar XM*- 

Uon Co. 

an Col 

-AlamxU Park. 
M«w Tork air. W. 

C. Sites. 

Cmmtmit* Wgi itt — Hstal 


Cazlida— Cava BIO Park. - 
Chamb«nikai« — Wolf LmX» Park. 
Ckulatat— KIdn Park. T. P. 
Canter Sqnan— Central Park, Will 

Suite 4, Xlie Maples. 
ChfntOT — Ifwflflli Scr««t Park. 
r^M^t^* Wat—WUU Uainlk Tallar Park. PtvC 
Palac* aT ABaaciBcnt. 
M Park. K. H. Skaw. 

ritlas Fuk. O. r. Kaflar. 

Ft War tt Onii w i r » Puk. r. a Oracna- 
wald; Herman Park. JoUas Bcotlie; Lake Erie 
Park. H. B. Barton, Handlty, Trz. 
MmTiOt-omtamtt Park, W. A. 
Eandlar— Lake Erie PatkTK C ~ ' 
EaaatsK— HteUaad Park. >■. WL 

Ua Park. T. D. Oaaey. 
T a i e ja L oma TJMa Park. Chaa. Boaa, k«z P. 
La Part*— Crawnt Park (esland people aolr), 
a. H. WllUaaa; Bjiraa Beach, awnei hj 
GoU Coast Bcaort Co.. 012 raaala at.. Booa- 
taa. Tex.. H- If. HoUcataa, '>~'"^t art. 
ICmarml Walla — Vicbj- Saoimer Zkeatres COXT 

Park. M. A. Weslow, box 301. 
Paria— WarOek Park. natk^ Itezia 

Transit Co., Jno. A. Porter. 
Port I.aTaca — Port lATaca Vtv flat rw^.M* 
Harrj Bedaa. care lailaatflal Dart, P. 
Br.. Booatoa. Tex. 
Baa ■■taate Mntk'a Oaaeett Oajdea and Pa- 
TOiga, Wm. Moth; Electric Snmmer Park, 
alter. B. Wda. care Oraad Opera House. 
H ae »T eeli ea Tl ie '■ a j Qnlf Coast Itseort Oa., 

aOT Mala at.. Honstoa. Tex. 
Beater IMtnla' Park, owner aad hooked br 
Xaaort Cm, 307 Mala gt, Boosfaa. 

. Waldameer Park. Thoa. 

, .. Meinue, New Xork Cltj-, 

hooktar aseat. _ 
•neaabm*— Oak&ttf iPBik. It. A. OeSer. Vraak 

MelMIle, MklOK *St. 
BaniabBTr— Paxtaas Park. P. U. DarU, tok 
8M: Vemo'a Dceaalasd. Tene Ctardilll, Oa- 
BoteL , . 
Boxhoir Pazk. Di. K. a KoUcr. 
Taller Park, B, P. ziMaieraua. Jeitfaa 
bids.; Lona Park, Pbll Canlfleld. 
Xansartar — Beckr Sprias Park. H. B. OrlOtks. 
P. O. box •7. Bdwar* Moxart. sicr. theatre; 
Peopla'a Park aaA Wealwarth Kaaf Gardea. 
John P. Peoplaa. aacr- 
lataaea— PcanarlTaala Fa*k.' A. M. Fktck; 

Moont Q^ntma Pal^ L M. BMlMk 
Uma ' Sridce— SbawBM .Mk^ S. 

Slaomabarc Pa. ... 

HaTwi _tfvm_9lt^jL _ . 


Mimeh C^k— Kaalla Grsva^ Tuuqoa * lus- 
ted TraetJoB Oo.. props.. A. O. Prtteeh. 

irmagikala Manantaliela Talcr DtlTlas Park; 
XUeta Park. 

Newcastle— Caaeade Park. M. B. MeOaaker. P. 
Meimia, Kev Tork Cltr, ' 

Xonistewa — Plrsuath Park. J, 

on CitT— IIoaan:h Park. W. s. 
Smlthaoa'a Park. O. H. Berbeek. 

nOaMvhto— WHknr Orare Park. BagU Tarn- 
slt^teMaaO^ p^ia., F. g^Maerta; 

SSS*fiT«. Aodkr. 
the Mswan^ W. t.- 
MC J. M. Mt^m. ^ 

Parfc^ SertfcS 

Park, 7. V. maaaiiBitll, prop.. Albeit 
: Waahlactaa Park. £«ds Gooa. 

- ' A. m. IfaMcaBi 
MeSwlgaa; Oa k »a g > 
^k; A. S. Ue9wl(as. V. U. MenrUIe, 
bookloK Asent: Kennrmod Park; 
Kamrwaoi Park Osl. Paraers' Baak BU>.. 
WjmtlM. Park. MazDa * aaaa; IfflewlU Park. 

«*» Taller B. C B a iaa a »ntt: AJI«Blp- 
n PBk: IhiM— I •atam, A. ». HeSMaaa: 
■'g^'— A pnk iMt IM^ IM~ ^ ^ 

InceraoO. 807 MM MB* ■ 
Amnaemeat OBiv'Sb JkBHB IHKv K Sw 
InjC SEta. - _ 

g aUiU a a — KUtlaK Sack Paik. K 0 
PettsrOle — Tnmbllns Bnn Park. J. B. BM 

UakB Ziaetloa Oa,. Jaa. 
Taaiaslaaaai BlikTsU Park. AL P. MM 
»a^tai fimiat Park: Osista Park. B» IB 

teixtate Park Ak. Oa.. O. Bl Gelcar. 
aeyasMsTina— Wltklaa* Part. Hanla * SII' 

Ban; Wlnalow Park (Mar P uaaaaLa waey). 
Caa<r Take Baaflr I«ka Park, sMrsaa Baadr 

Imtm Park Oa.. BfaiUlra. ~ 
■ajar— Oak Srara Patk, Jaa. 
-imloa Boitf «aB Paxk, 

Obl; Laka Altai. ~ 


Oadaa— Glenwood Park, a R. Klrcfcaer. 

r s ttma .... O ai t<lls Hot Bprlaca, J. Mereca. 

Bait Lake CUr— Lasooa Park, J. Bef|erman; 
Slit Palace, Mercra; Baltalr BcaeA; Oolder'a 
Park, Max A. Petete; Utahaa Paik. W. K. 


Bellowx Falls— Barber'a Paik, OL 
Bellows raUa ft flUMl — 

BazTv — Granite Cltr PUkj 
tre. J. O. Ossola. 


Ha aaptsa Baekroe Beach Park. J. T. BUek- 
ford. box 3S1. 

Lynchbnxc — BlTennoot I'art. Jake Wella, mgr.; 

Corbln Sbiclda, loc msr.; City Park and Zoo, 

E. C. Hammers. 
If s iiih e atai r sceat Hm Park. B. B. HartKll. 

Bswpett Bewa— Warwick Cadaaw O. P. Adaais. 
Botfelk— Baekroe Park Casino, O. W. Bex; 
Occaa Midwar, 3. H. UrlnsatSB. 211 CItla«ia' 
Baak BUc.; Plae Beach. J. H. UTtnestoQ. 
hex 708; Bar SbOK Park, J. Bt. Olalr*. 
Ooaaa Tisw — Oeeaa Tlew Caalao, C. W. WeDa; 

Bar Share Park. J. St. Claire. 
Petal stiin Tiisilsli Park, Ttrglnia 
A Pawer Oa.. Joha a. HorraO. 

B aa nh P lae Beat* Hieatre, OkMb 
■ laiaaalfc nslnaMa Park. 
inhia iai p iaa a Stnct Park; Mala Street 
Pack: Athlatle Park; Wcat Bad Bleehrle Park, 
B. K. BattaaD. aOM Mala at.; Oastno 
ratk. Htm Wdb: CUataaaa Park. B. B. 

B. Mala at.; Baaerrelr Park. 

" Jake Wdla. 

Ksntreal— BlTcralde Park. Max n..fc— mgr., 

AL E. Bccd. am. rngt.; SohMr Park. Le- 

Ticne * I«Jote: Tietar BHk. 
Ottawa^-Brtttaiiia-oo->ha Wat, t. ■ 

mm, aopt. St. Br- 
Owaa Seaad— Klas'a Bairal CMk M, W. 
Qasbeo— Bxpoaltloa Park. P. K BMM 
Bt. Joha— Boekwood Park, M ia i i la > Tl 

Seaside Park, St. By. Oa. 
St. Thsaiaa — Plnalore I/ake Park, Oea. Staeej, 

box 872. 

Tomato — ^Hanlan'a Park, M. Dee. ass. ncr., L. 

SoIomoB. ni<T.; laland Park; Moaroc Park, 

Wm. Banks. 
Wlaaipec^BlTer Park. T. H. Morris ; Andlto- 

rlom Sammer Gardens, Clarence Spence, T. H. 

Borris, am. mgr.; Kim Park, Geo. A. Xoong; 

Wlaaipcs Swaaez Wrarti, X. B. Morris, attr. 

New Fairs. 

Athens — Xortbweat 
J. Bowe, sec 

Osgood— Blplej Co. Fair. Adr. 1-4. Wm. Eo- 
senearn, pres.; Bobt. Crelgmlle, sec. 

Uason Clt7— Mason citj Fair. July 18-20. 

Perry C. Church, sec 
Ketr Hamrpton — New HiapttB PtlC JtaW tS-lB. 

Peter Malcomb. sec. 

Waterloo — ^Waterloo Fair. Aug. 1-3. L. W. 
Sterens, sec 

WaTerly — Waverlj Fair. }ane 20-22. Ed- Cur- 
tis, sec 

ABiect L m i fteeb orn Co. Fair. Sept. l»j!0. 


Oo. Fair. BMl^.lStt . a S. 

CarmI Osiml »idr. Sept. S-0. J. J. Dale, at*, 
riisilaalail Otlia Co. Fair. Ans. SB-Sept. 9. 
A. J. Cnlg. pres.; T. T. Shoemaker, treaa.; 
W. O. Oaacr, sec 
OlBiM PiTTIII Co. Fair. Aag. 1-1. Jdol ' 
prea.; S- T. Kewell, treaa.; Bash B. 

, J. B. IMas- 

Wsiiail. Ta. - 


■MtHs Tisihl PaTffiea, Seattle Electric Co.; 

ir-*^...- Park. 
S^ekaae— Oenr lyAIeBe Lake Bcaort, AL Klnb- 

acr. hex Ml; NatatotlBm Park. 


•AtaaJsla twA, 9. A. 

Ilamapoct. Pa. 
Teik— BIshlaat Paik. 


Bawpart— rrecbedr Park. M. B. Sheodr. Oaa. 
B. Ooek. am. aisT.; IBtaa'a Beach. 

iRoildeiiea — ^Boydea Melcbtsi. Ohaa. O. Imsa, 
219 thdon St.: Ohcetaat Grave Park, Ohaa. A. 
Potter, 80 Weylii— al at-: Boaer wmiama 
Futk. B. A. HarriaxtOB; Nanasaaaett Park, 
A. a. Moore: Okaeeeat Park, r. W. Dexter, 
box TOO; Bei^7 Folat Bxcnrxloa Oronndsw B. 
A. BarrlnjTton. 
WooBaookat— Hoax Park. Mamlee Boom. 

jCharlaataa Tela et Pataas, Jake Wells; Chleora 
fl Park. 

liColnmliia — ^Hjatt Park. F. L. Brown: Casino. 
~ ~ ~ 1aD * Bivwa; Ban Glaln Put, 0^ 
. tIL. Br- Cau; BldcewDod PBlBj I. 



:: XaabfSIa Br- 


Baitia Watta»*a Pazk; Mr«s Park, J. A. Mil- 
iar, agt. thaat 
Bijaa KexaaTa Park. 

- - - -ftaks <»dB:Buk aaa Ska» 

am. msr. 

Pa lim e mi — ^Traetlea Park, A. J. Backmaa. 
Kaatlactsa— drffeslda Park, J. B. GaBIck 
Camdea Park, Oamdea Interstate Traetlca 


FaxkenlrazK — ^Terrapin Park. Mnrray Macke/ Co. 

Whseliac— Wbeellnc Park. WkaallBS Park Aa- 
sodatlaB, prepa., C. TTtlWfc ffMk Oh- 

aiao, O. Blraeh; Moaaxt iM|IaBB'- Phlk, 
Wheellac Asa. Co. 


DaxtferA — Tcnmeo Park. 

Oraaa Bar— Hacemelatee Park, O. A. Walter: 

Street Ballwar Park. 
Taaserflls PlBctrle Park, daranee Boidlek. 
Hr«»»»ka — Central Park, Peter Btetabeck. 
Lake lfTaf~> — Park- 

Msillsea Take Park. Pref. P. W. KehL 
Msiliielte TakfsTilf Park, L. J. Whiter 
MUwankee — Pabst Park, F. W, Sarlasd. mrd 
and Borleista sts; Schlltz Park, Geo. Scbobert; 
Bbtx Park; Pabst White Fish Bar Beaort, K. 
Kenopa; Wonderland. T. O. WhaUnc. BenaaB 
BldK.; West Snd Ftik, U, Blianlr, 4CB Tan 

Buren Bt- 

Olhkoah — ELectrle Park. B. WL 1><ynm. 

Bto l i uuM I mlM TIcw Fiik. Lika Tlaw 



Acrlenltntal fUk lad 
utn, P. a Johaaan: Mohawk VBIk; 
Talhrr Park, Prank P. Haraa. 
BrUcepoit— Blreialde Park, Bedla A Wi 'atlas 

St. Br., Ltd., Bctlla, Obl 
PL Xda, OaL— Baaeh. W. Whaitm. 
Salt— Xdlewrld Park; Oaslae Baauaar Park, 7. 

D. Bacta aad Oeetca PbOUpe: Salt Park. 
Gaaaae^ae— I«ke Oatazla Pack, D. P. BaatBaB, 

msr.. McMahea * Daew aaa. aaaia. 
■n- s Tantn e HkMT a Park. W. B. Moaa*: B» 

aa Park. J. AppMn. 
Tnmstna Leac Uaad Baa*; Lake OatHk^ B. 
P. Braalaaa, a^r., MeMakaa * Saab aa. 
mcra.; J^aag lalaaS PBSk, I'. J. BMStp. ' 

D. T. 
George, see. 

List of Fairs 


BlrmlBBtiam— ilahima State. Fair. Oct. 4-l«. 

Bogen — ^Arkanaaa 
W. Walter. 
M. Bocklej, aee. 


CM a a a - N ational Ttottlnc Fair. Datca not aet. 

W. B. UeiriU. pica.; •t<mm„M «r...i.ji«.. 

treaa.; Jaa. W. ScoBBtns, ata, ■ 
Tnlare CItr — Tnlare Fair. Satea aat ae^ H. 

Whaler, pres.; W. T. Ingmetson, aee. 
Grand JonetiaD — ^Messa Co. Fair. Sept. 18-22. 
W. P. Ela, pres.; M. M. Sharea, tieaa.; C. 
O. Fisher, sec 
Paehlo— Colorado State Fair. Sept. II-IS. J. 
B. XoplBtr, pres.: Tbos. B. DatiB^ tnaa.; 
ZhlL B. BoSmlre. sec. 


DaabozT— OanbDir Fair. OeL S-7. T. 
Bundle, prea.; Jao. W. BakNi, tica&; O. W. 

Bundle, eec 

Iirme — ^Ljme Giasse Fair. Datea aat aet. Wm. 

Marrln, prea., BamborB; H. B. BiMMI, trcas., 

EbmboiB; J- W. StaA, aee. 
BocknUe — ^BockTlIIe Fair. Sept. 2848. Aodraw 

KlacaUdir, pies.; F. A. tasa. 

D. NaMi^ aac. 
WHIiaanMa IWai nlme Park Pak. Int. lB-31. 

Chaa. JL Gates, pres.; Fred A. Benderaoo. 



JaekBonTlIle— JackaaoTlIIc Fair; Moir..irM. 

Atlanta — Oeorsla State Fair. OcL 9-2L Flank 

Weldon, aee 
Ansnala — ^An^oatm Fair. Not. <-11. 
Calhoun— Gordon Co. Fair. Get 24-27. 7. T. 

McTar, lec 

Chlckamanga — Northwest Georgia Fair. Oct. 

S-7. T. W. Lee. prea.; K. O. Bads^ taaa.; 

B. H- Wratt, sec 
Dalton — Fourth Annnal Mft 0(L WML Vkaak 

T. Bernolds, pres. 
Doaglaa — Coffee Co. Fair. Datea not KL t. 

J. Bogers, mgr. 
Lawrencemie— Gwlnnette Coontr Fair. Dates 

not set. Ma]. W. B. Simmons, pres.; N. L. 

HntcMna, jr., sec 
Macon — Georgia Farmers' Pais. OeL M-Not. 

S. BoBcaa Aaderoon, sec 
War ci ai W BTBToa lUr. 


Boise — ^iBtei-mosntaln Pahb fl sp t , B540. Jaa. 

A. PlniKT, pre*.; ■, H. Elowfead. treaa.; 
W. F. Oolan, acc 

CaUwea— Oaajoa Oa. BUsk Oct. lO-lt. D. 

D. CuopbdL PMB.; W. B. Babiee, iicaa.; J. 

B. GowcD. acc 

Lewlstaa— Lcwtatoo-Oarkatai Ptiic Oat. 18-21. 
O. B. Kester, pres.; Jao. X, Bar. treaa.; Ohrls 
F. OBoera, aee 


Aledo-^ercer Co. Fair. Sept. 13-22. B. Lec, 

pres.; W. D. Emeiaon. sec 
BelTldere— Boone Co. Fair. BepL B-S. Jao. 

¥r.«w.ii , pres.; Wm. 6. Greenlee, Izeaa.; M. 

D. Perkins, sec 
Bnshnell — BoshneU Fair. Aag. 8-11. Geo. D. 

BeU, prea.; J. S. Nnnnemaker, treaa,; J. F. 

Johnson, sec 
Cambridge — Bentr Co. Fair. Ang. Sl-0. D. J. 

Wnklnaon. pres.; Henry White, tieaa.; Thee. 

Boltensteln. sec 
OuUsTlIle — Maeonpln Co. Fair. Oct. 10-18. B. 

T. Carmodr, piea.. NUwood; A. H. Bedac, 

treaa.; Oea J. Castle, aee 

Ddano-^TaxeweU Co. Fair. Aag. 20-Septb .]. 

J. W. Crabb, pres.; J. T. Culbertson. tiaB4- 

J. O. Jonea. aac '• ■ p'- 

Eqoallty — Gallatin Co. Fair. SepL lS-38.'-^JI||k'' 

L. W. Gorden, pres.; Chaa. Stein, aee. 
Falrbory— Falrbaiy Dnlon Fair. Sept; 4r9r-::Zm - 

W. McDowell, pres.; T. S. O. KcOmM^ - 

treaa.; F. F. Brylda, sec 
Fairfield — Wayne Co. Fair. Ans- 29 B tp L 9L 

B. F. Lelnlnser, pres.; Harry L. lalilBBW^ 
trcas.; Cbas. F. Lelnlnger, sec. 

•alesa— Galena Fair. Sept. as 2*. W. Bn^ 
ner. wr. 

GriscsTllle — IlUnoU Valley Fair. Sept. 5.8. 

Gnthrle— Agrl. Fair. Oct. 20 Nqt. 4. 

Highland — Highland Madison Co. Fair. SepL 

7-10. A. B. Sehott, prea.; J. M. Stokc% aee. 
Jollet— WBi On. PMB,.-Bipt. UM. -A. T " 

pres.; B.' T. Krikp, tsaaaus SfeaLrX ' 

sec. ■ . '■■ ' ' V 

Joalln — Bock T«1npd Co. Falb.. 

FUbert, pres. ; Jno. SbaM; f 

F. J. Whiteside, sec; 
Kankakee— AgrL Fals. , mgt. Ti tl. '~ 

berg, pres., Dnioo BP 

Len Small, sec 
KnoirUle — Knoi Co. Fair. SepL S4L O. tb 

I.aey. pres.. GUson: Robt. CoUisa. Heaa.; B. 

W. Sweeney, bcc, Galesbnrg. 
LeBoy — LeRoy Fair. Ang. 22-25. Joha Bare- •. 

more, pres. : E, D. Kline, sec. 
Ubertrnlle — I-ate Co. ralr. Sept. 3-8. H. J. ■. 

Cater, pres.; E. W. Parkhorat, treaa.; J. B. 

Morse, sec 
Macomb — McDonoagh Co. Fair. Anc. 
Marion — Wllllanuan Oa^ 

Jacob Goodall, prea.; 

Geo. C. CampbeU. a< 
Mt- Carroll — Warren Co. ] 

A. Warner, pres.; J. D. 

Cal. M. Freezer, sec • .-^ ■- . 

Mt. Sterling— Brown Co. Fair. Ang. SBStgL'Si;. 
Paris— Edgar Co. Fair. Sept. 8-8. Was. vB.'- 

Moss. pres.: B. G. Sntherland, treaa.; S. B: 

McCord, sec. 
Princeton — Boreaa Co. Fair. Sept- 5-8. Jaa. 

M. Ennls, pres.. Walnot; H. B. Peterson, 

treas.; Chaa. L. Trimble, sec. 
Qnincy— Qnlncy Fair. Aug. 22-25. 
Boblnson — Ciawiacd Co. Fair. SepL 26-28. Sa- . 

^a Shipmai^^SB|^HggllMW|nai^,^jr. . 


Shawneetown — Gallatin Co. Fair. 

Charles Carroll, pres.; Joo. 

trees.; Marsh Wtseheart. sec 
Sbelbynile — Shelby Co. Fair. SepL 6-0. J. 

C. WesterweU. pres.; Q. A. Boberts. aee 
Springfield — nunols SUte Fair. SepL SOOeL 

7. A. D. Barber, pres., Hamilton; Bdw. A. 
Hall, treaa,; W. Garrard, sec. 
Wyoming — Wyoming Fair. SepL 12-18. O. 

B. MacClyment. sec 

Watseka — Iroqnols Co. Fair. SepL 11-15. H. 

H. Hotalllng, pres.. Gilmao; Will A. Coner, 
treaa.; Jotan O. Bceder, aee 

Fair. Ang. 2S-SepL 1. 
Tboa. B. Oir, prea.; Wm. Boland, treaa.; W. 

B. Betltage. aee 

AngoU — Stenben AgrL Fair. Oct. 10-13. Clyde 

C. Carlin, i>rea.; Henry Llndes, treaa.; Orrllle 
Ooodale, eec 

BoooTllle— Big BooanUe Fair. Aag. 28-SepL 
2. Glamer Pelzer, pres.; A. H Bceler, tieai.: 

J. F. Bichardson, aee 
Booibon— Boorhoo Fair. OeL 10-13. O. IL 

Ettlnger, pica.; B. P. Bowman, treaa.; B. W. . 
Parka, sec. 

ChrisDer— Bpeneer Co. Fab-. Ang, 14-19. 7. O. 

Haines, pica.; J. P. Chrlsner. aee 
CoonersTlIIe — Fayette Co. Fair. BepL M. Ftaa^ 
ds T. Boots, pres.; Boas ^>arka, sec; T. O. 
McBnmey. gen. mgr. 
CSorrdon — Harrlsoo Co. Fair. Aug. 2S-Sept. 1. 
Dan F. Stoot, ptes.; Geo. W. Applegate, Jr., 
treaa.; Frank K. Wright, aee 
Crown Point — I^e Co. Fair. Ang. 2».SepL I. 

J. A. Seattle, pres.; Fred ' 
Decatur— Great Northern Ind. 
J. N. Nldllnger, prea.; Jaa. 
CencTa; C. D. Konkle. acc 
EranxTille— Trl-State Fair. 

F. VonBehoen, pres.; Wm. Ii 
trees.; B. L. Akin. sec. 
Fairmoont — AgrL Fair. Ang. 7-12. Oscar 1 

pres.; J. Wilson, sec. 
Fort Wayne — Fort Wayne Fair. SepL 
Jno. C. Peters, pres.; E. H. McDonald, treaa.; 
Dr. Wm. F. Meyeta, sec 
BagerstowD — Wayne Co. Fair. Jnly 2S-28. It. 
M. Pierce, pres.; Jno. Zourman, treas.; Clande 

C. Pierce. b*c. 

Hnntlngburg— DnboU Co. Fair. SepL 11-18. 
Charles Moenkhaner, pres.; E. W. PlckhardL 

Indianapolis — Indiana State Pair. B t g L M.-1B. 

Mason J. Nlblack. pres.. V" " " 

Grange, treas.. Franklin; 
sec. Room 14, State Bo 
EendallTUle — Eastern 

D. C. Bronse, pres.; 
J. S. Conlogne, sec 

Lawrenceborg — Lawrencebnrg Fair. Dates not 
set. Geo. M. Roberta, pres.; Victor Obertliig, 

Tice-pr«.; B. L. KowUn, acc; T. B, Mat- 
theWB. treas.. Petembnr^, Ky. 

LetmcoD— Boone Co. Stodt Fair. Anx- 15-18- 

Lon Tamtz, pres.; Isaac N. Caster, treaa.;* 

Blley Haoser, sec 
Mlddletown — Henry, Madison and Dearborn OOk 

Fair. Ang. 1-4. Dr. a B. P e n d l e tOB, pna.; 

T. E. Mowny, treaa. ; P. , " 
Mount Vernon — Monnt Tcflai 

J. M. Haxlem, aee 
Montpeller — Montptfia IkA 

Hoffman, pres.; J. V. 

L. Smith, sec 
New Albany — Floyd Co. _ _ 

E. McCnlloch, pres.; Im^ M, ! 
B. W. Fswcett. sec. 

New Barmooy — Posey Oa. 

Henry Bailey, pres.; 

Geo. O. Taylor, sec 
Oakland J3ty— O akland OMp 

J. W- Oinkiosi. pres.; QaSh 

J. M. Tandaicf^ aee. - ;-;. 

■ - - -- Bin. x.:m... 

Xtie Billboard 


T. a 

Crowell. pna.; 
r. aim, MC. 
Vrlacetan— onaim Oou 
F. Fatntt, prw.; 
Jbo. B. KeOiDBla. ate. 
aoekpett— Boekport Fair. An*. 92-96. 
IRB.; J—- A. Payne, aee. 
ita— ixiara Haota Trattlnc Fair. Aug. 
a. W. P. llama, prca.; Frank Me- 
la. B. Doffln. aec 
Co. Fair. Sept. M. P. 
prea.; H. U. Brana. treaa.; 0. 

> MOa>, Datr. Aac ttda. Dr. 

n ». 


Co. Fair. Sept. 12-15. T. H. 
Vista Co. 


noea Pair. Aag. 14-18. H. E. 
l; C. L. Nllea, treaa.; A. 0. Wal- 

Anc 22-25. C. 

Co. Fair. Sept. 2S-9a. T. O. 

jr. A. Mewaid, tiMM^i a a. 


AToea— Fottamattamle Co. 
Win. TlUea, aec. 

" Co. Fair. 

Co. Fair. 

Fair. Sept 19-22. 

Sept. 12-15. C. C. 

Sept. 12.16. O. W. 
Bear, triaa ; J. .O. 

Mtt-^ancoek Obi^'Mk: '9Vt. 9JL 3Ut» Satr- 
liacii, aee. 

Bailln«to» Bcrltostoo Fair. Aog. 0. 0. 
Fwrler. aee. 

Ontral atr— Wapaie Valler Fair. Sept 12.18. 

E. E. HendetaoD, aec 
- Ckariea City— Floyd Co. Fair. Sept 12-13. W. 

E. Waller, prea. ; A. B. Brackett, treaa. ; C. 

M. Carr, aec. 
darlnda — ClarUda Fair. Sept 4-7. 
OlntoD— Clinton Diat Fair. Sept. IML J. B. 
: AlirenB, aec., Ljoas. 

'OHnmbiis Jonctlon — Colambna StaMM llifc. 

Sept 5-8. J. J. Stapp, aec. 
OomlttC— Comlnc AgrL Fair. Anc 2S-31. J. K. 
DeTore. aec 

Qcatan— Creaton Asrl. FalE. Scvt. O. O. 

■ DaTenport, aec 
Vllecorali— Winneshiek Oh 'fkk>. hfl 
L. Coffen. sec 
' Dea Moines — Iowa State Fair. Ang: 
W. W. Morrow, pres., Alton, 

treaa.; J. a BiDwnD. MB. 
-m Ok 1Mb mmt, 

Bntterfnaa, atet 
-Ikmnellscu — ^Lce Ok Mkw..r'JliB^- ttML 
HaJfner. pre*.; 'Oml MMIm^' -iMMbli 

Haffner. sec. 
. Babaque — Dabaqne Trl-State FalEL 

T. J. Mnlgrew, pres.; W. B, 

treas.: J. W. Patterson, sec. 
Bdon— Big Foot Dlat. Fair. Sept 6-S. Ed 

J. Moore, sec. 
EHdon — Bardln Co. Fair. Sept B. B. 

Ljnk. pres.; W. M. Unrray, treaa.; H. 8. 

Martin, aec. 

EUader— Elkader Fair. An«r. 22-25. Joa I«nua, 
pres.; A. J. Carpenter, treaa.; J. A. Kramer, 

M. Bowley, pCM.; F. 1 
Campbell, aee. 
Kt Fleaaant— AsrL Fair. Ass. U-1& a U. 
Clark, MC 

Naatiaa— Bis 'oar Fair. Sept. 8-& O. B. 
BInkler, pres.; W. F. 0«teB, tnaa.; J. A. 
Xeager, aec 
National— daytoo Go. Fair. Sept M. J< 
Matt pres., St Olaf; H. O. Bowc. ttnu., 
Monona; Henry Lnehaen, aec., OainalrvlIlA. 
Nerada— Story Co. Pair. Dates not a«t> X. 9. 

Woraley, sec • 
New Bbaron — Mew Sharon Fair. Stpfe 
). T. Harper. BM^ & B. UoOtt; Mt 

Newton — Jasper 0» nte BMt, IMik . 

Stewart pres.; B. 9m MmmU, IMIb; 0> W, 
Campbell, ace, 
Northwood- Worlfe 01^ Mb •wt, .lMt. Mela 
Tboeaon. pres.; Ctaa. Baabsl^ tnam,t B. H. 
MUler, sec. 

Ogden — Booae Co Fair. Sept 0-8. Wm. Bllaild, 

pres.; Jalins Knutz, treas.; O. B. Clark, aeC 
Orange City — Sloax Co. Fair. Sept 20-22. A. 

Tender Melde. pres.; 6. L. Van de Steeg, 

treaa.: H. Sllkkerrer, sec. 
Oaaee — ^Mitchell Co. Fair. Sept 12-14. Blcb- 

ard Dorseyt pres.; J. J. Sweeney, treaa.; W. 

B. Ooble, aec 
Ottnmwa — Ottnmwa Dlat Fair. Aue. 22-25. 
Pella— I«ke Prairie Fair. Oct. 8-6. Clias. 

Porter, aec 

Bed Oak — MontgomeiT Oo. Fair. Ang. 90.-25. 

F. Scbadel. tec 
Bock VaUey— Bock Taller Mr. Sivt S-T. 

Dennis Scanlon, aec. 
Sac City — Sac Co. Fair. Aug. 15-18. S. M. 
Lewis, sec. 

Shenandoah — Shenandoah Fair. Ang. 14-18. 

Isaac White, sec. ' 
Sioux City — Inter-State lAre Stock Fair. Sept j 

Co. Watt. Aag. 16-18. 
-r Cikj ». r . ■» U, 

j pgwn et V aiaSSn^rklr. Aag. tMept 1, 
o«cr i »t» w -ik<' wSt. Star b. b. ah- 

•Icaaa. pit*.: 8, a Bdl. titu^; S. 8. Pnll- 

Bartodaborc— UttMr Ok Im Aac-^UL W. 

I. Allen, tec 
Benderson — TrlOtb Mr 'MC SMM fltllL M40L 

Jacob Zlmbro, acC; 
Lawreocebtirtr — XAWianeabOH Hifeb ''MtKm ]ff*X8. 

D. L. Moore, PN*.; jrlt ■ T ' 

treaa.; Geo. a Bafltaao, nc 
Lexington— Kcntneky Stat* Mr. 
London — LanrsI Ob, Pair, Aac B9L 3 V 

UidlwioTine-^IiVUiia Oo. Mr. Am. 1*. 
NlehaUaTlUe— K. of P. Mr. Aml»iu IMd 
Bell, prea.; W. B. Ballk^ 

M' m. 

Ang. 20-Sept 1. 

FUrfai— Ptalrle Valley Fair. 

B. Heatoo, tec. 
iMideld— Jeffetaoa Co. Fair. Sept. 12-lS. J. P. 
- ■ Maoatrey, pica.; B. V. Downs, treaa.;' K. a 

, Sayeta. aec 

■Ma— Big Fov DM. FUr. Ang. 8-U. Jas. 
Uereer, pres.; a W. UnDaaa. trntk: B. U. 

Harrison, sec. .... 

Barest City— winoebagi'aik lllkk Oik ML J. 

A. Peters, sec 
ton City— JnhMM .Mk 'aifl; K-W. Ed. 
.Hammer, pick; lallMK JMBkt 9. H. 

Mahoney, sec 
Green Held— Adair Obb Mr. IWtrM. & IL 

Bonney, pres.; B. B. BMlIk MHLt' J. 8. 

CaTlnesa. sec 
QrlnoeU- Powealildi Central Fair. Sepl^ Vt. I. 

S. BaOey, aec 
Gnindy Centre— Oraadr Ok Mk Bat. IS-M. 
_B. 6. Bnsmlagcr, tck 

Btmpton — Franklin Ok - With- ■ BVL- IMfi J, 
W. Ccmmlnga, aec 

HarUn— Sh>'lby Co. FWr. Sept 12-15. Lu B. 

PIckard, sec. 
Homboldt— Humboldt Ok Fair. Sept. 12.15. 

John Cunningham, sec 
Independence — Bnchanaa Ok-BMk ■ ftMk 11-16. 

cuss D. King, tec 

.ladlacQln—Warrcn Ok IliK .SMC IMH -OL O. 

^^Talbott sec .:V^^^.. . 

*Mnt O Mntoo Dlat Fair. Sep^ 
• K WDlon, pres.. Almont; Fred 

J. B. Ahrtff. He. 

• " Ok.Mfe 

ll-ie. F. L- Eaton, pres.; A. T. Bennett,' 
tieaa.: F. L. Wirlck.sec 
Strawberry Point — Strawberry Point Diat Fair. 

Ang. S9-Sept 1. O. C. SladwlB, mm. 
Satherland— O'Brleo Ok Mk Jw ^IMept 
1. J. C. Brink pnk; B. flL JBMBb I 
J. B. MoipbF. ircak 
Tipton— Tlplak Aiki' AaK. MMN^ >• .W. B. 
Hiatt pNk: X. W. ^MiM; naak: lib j 
Eowell, sec. 

Toledo — ^Tama Co. Fair. Sept. 28-3k A. O. 
Smith, sec. 

Victor — Victor Diat. Fair. Ang. 16-17. S. Mna- 
setter, pres.; Jno. SteSy, tieaa.; J. P. BoW' 
llDS, sec. 

Vinton — Benton Co. Fair. Sept 13-16- Arad 

Thorapaoo, tec. 
Wapello— WapeUo Fair. Ang. 8-12, 
West Liberty — West Uherty Fair. Aug. 2Z-2S. 

W. H. Shipman, 
West Point- Wett 

Jno. Walljaaper, tec 
West Union— Fayette Co. Fair. Sept B-8. H. 

P. Hancock, aec 
What Cheer — ^What Cheer Dlat Fair. Sept 11- 

14. Jas. Stephenaoo, prea.. Bote BUI; Jno. 

B. Eoward, treaa.; Geo. A. Poff. aec 
WOUanialMirg — ^Wllllamabnrg Fair. Sept 12-14. 

B. O. Barrlngtoo. pres.; Jaa. Brannon, treaa- 

CbUi Fletcher, tec 
Wlntetaet — Madlaon Go, Fair. Sept. D-8, T. 7. 

HndaoQ. sec 
Wlnfleld— Eastern Iowa Dlit. Fair. Ang. 22-28. 

Jno. Gladd, pres.; Will D. Gormk tec 

Webb, sec 
Owenaboro — Owensboro and 

Oct. 10-14. 
fihelbrrtlle— Agrl. Fair. Ang. 22-98. 
ShepardsTllle— Bnllltt Co. Fair. Ang- 16-18. S 

Bates, pres.; E. P. Hayes, tzeaa.; O. W. 

Pearl, sec. 

Somerset — Somerset Fair. Ang. 16-18. A. W. 
gprlngaeld — AgrL Mr, Aug. tUK. 
Unlontown — Union .Ott- ''.MK ' HZ 

Sam P. Sturglt, fMfc,,'l>*«fin-.»>ii,.;'|r. c.' 

Bland, tec - . 

U. aammma, pres.; O. P. mBT aae, 


Acton— Shaplelgh and Acton Fair. Dates not 
set Z. O. Horn, pres.. Boms Mills. N. B. 

Bed Falls— Redwood Co. Fair. Sept 27-98. 

St Panl — Minn. State Fair. Sept 4-0. 

St Pctci^NlcoUctt Co. Agrl. Fair. Sept 14'ta, 

a, ■. MlUtt; tec *. 

" " Fair. Sept 


Bowling riiin VMm a 
Jaa. E. McPlkt, 'fiM 

B. M. Strother. sec 
Cape Olrardean— Cape Ol 

10-14. D. A. Glenn. -fMkt 

treaa.; E. B. »!ngi»™«i.^ 
Carthage — Knell Fair. Sept, 6-8. 

Knell, sec 
CamthersTlIIe — Poaltcott Ok Mr. 
Cnba — Crawford Oaw ,»^ci<-'f~ 
Garrer, pr*k; Me ' 
Harrla, aec. . . 

Dexter— Stoddard Co. Fair, Atg. - w/ '--. 

HarrisonTiUe — Cass Co. Fair. Aag, Ml^ ^K 'T.'' 
Bnnt pres.; J. B. Vanderecntar.' tnaaLt 
can Rostell, tec , .' ■ '■■ 

Jftih 'BOIden — Johnson Co. Fair. Ang. W-lflL - 'Wkb^ 
^Steele, pres.; C. B. Starkey. beak; 'B.- K' 

Steele, (*ec. 
Kennett — Bnnkln Co. Fair. Oct 1841. 
Nerada — Park Driving Clab. • J^nt IHtL 
A. Wright pres.; H. M. Dgd(^;lnilM'lil'!£< 
Clark, sec r-- ■ -'■i^'T^y' 

Milan — Merchanta' Fair. Dates aat aea, O, ''dm '- 
Schoene, pies.; J. B. B. Smith, treaa.; B. B.": 
Ash, sec. 
Oran — Scott Oo. Fair. 

Boss Comer; Fred K. 

Anthony— Coanlr Mr. Ang. T>12. 

Bird, see. j 

w. w. 

^ ssk * 

■tomgo—lowm Co. 

Qementa, tec 
«WMh^nter-State Fair. Ang. 21-26. 

"»|wna— Maaaena Fair. Sept 18-21. 
"ajooketa^ackton Co. Fair. Sept. 5-8. Joe. 
^t^^PtCk: F«ed PUcher, tteas.; B. D. 

UOtim-lUUsB DM. Fair. 
tttr^ltr. tec 
"S"2 VUIau^tnlsta Ok 
w*- a vnumnr. tee. 

«?«nt AyT~- lHn»si i i t Oo, Fair. Bept. 6*. B. 

Fair. Ang. 22-24. C. O. 

B. B. 

Ang. 2»-8ept. 1. D. 


Myetk .Jf«k; 

Hoopck tec _ _ 

Eldorado— Botler Co. Fair. Oct 2-7. B. B. 

Dlllenbeck, sec 
Enreka — Enreka Fair. Ang. 16.18. J. W. Bob- 
bins, pres.; Wm. Johnston, treaa.; O. H. 
Welter, sec 
FredonU— Fredonia Mr. Ang. 2S4S. T. X 
Cooper, sec. 

Great Bend— Barton Ok Mr. Jkng. 3S-Sept 8. 
Ira D. Brwigbtr, | 

w P FeiB; aak" 

Blawatha— Blamttk .Mfc ' SWl. Ml MUott 

Irwin, 1 

Hotchlnaoii Ciialial Xaatta Btti_ Mil- wM. 
H. S. OftSBant^ fBikt 

A. u nmaJii. iwk . ■ . . ^ _ . ^ 

la ABf Ok A» SMik 9. Z. Mcr- 

ton. pres., Oaa; V.' K' Mtk vaakt 

Frcdway. aee. 
Ktfherson— Agrl. Fair. Sept 11-lS, O. Ii. 

Conn. sec. 

Maryarllle — ^Uarahall Co. Fair. Sept. 12-16. F. 
E. PoweU, ptck; S. O. Sdunldt treat.: B. U, 
MiUer, aec 

Newton— Barrey Co. Fair. Sept 26-28. D. W. 
Wilcox, prec: O. F. daaaen, treas.; J. T. 
Axtell, tec 

Norton — Norton Fair. Ang. 28-Sept 1. Geo. 

Moolton, prea.; Wm. F. Garrlty, sec. 
Oskalooaa — Jeffenoo Co. Fair. Sept 8-8. A. P. 

Rtcndon, pres., UcLonth; W. F. Lneh, treaa.; 

Geo. A. Patterson, sec. 
Ottawa— Ottawa Fair. Sept 6-». a H- Potter. 
PaoU — ^Mlamt Ok Mk SQt. 9-12. B. A. 

Floyd, ack • ^ ■ . . _ 

BIley— RUcF Ok Mt - la» » B| |>I. 1. Ak 

W. Cone, sec 
Seneca — ^Nemaha Mr. lBK» >Mip t 1. T» K 

Ptsber. pres.; O. OL BUSlini, tMakJ W» 

H. Fltawaler. aec 

Sterling— Bice Ca Fair. Sept 4* 

St John— Stafford Oo. Fair. Ang. 23.25. B. B. 

Bosk pick; O. B. Shepherd, treat.; Geo. B. 

Moore, aec _ . «« — 

Smith Oentre-Smitt Ck Fair. Ang. 22-25. F. 

B. Barrow, prea.; By Wllllama, treaa.; S 
O. Blee. tee. 

State Fair. Sept. 12.16. 
Ooi. Fair. Oct »«. T. B, 

t'fm. imm, mmt W. J. 


Barbonrrllle — Knox Co. Fair. Jno. O^Matthewa. 
pres.; F. B- Bamer. treaa.; W. 

Blanch Bray, treaa., 
Bodwell, sec. 
Foxcrott— Plcauqult Fair. Dates not act W. 
B. Parsons, pres.; C. O. Daubam, treak; F. 
W. Leland, aec. East Sangerrllle. 
Goeham— Cumberland Co. Fair. Sept 4-7. Jos. 
Ii. Boblnson, pres.. So. Windham; F. D. Sea- 
man, treaa.; O. B. Ijelghton, tec, Cmnberland. 

Beadileld — ^Kennebec Oo. Fair. Sept . 2e-2& 
Jdo. H. Swift pres., Oakland; C. H. SteTens, 
treas.; L. O. Tehbetts, sec 
Union — North Knox Fair. Sept 26-28. B. B. 
Thurston, pres.; H. L. Grlimell, treas.; Geo. 
C. Bawet, tec. 
Upper Glooceater— New Gloncester A Danrllle 
Fair. Sept 28-28. O. H. Campbell, prea., 
Sabbathday Lake; Geo. W. TT.«fc.ii, treat.; 
J. P. Wltham, aec. New Olooccttar, B. F. 
D. No. 1. 

Tlmonlnm — Maryland State Mr. Atas Mdhr- 
mlck, pres., FoUertoo; ' Jak P. BeCBk tnak; 
Jas. Nnaaear, aec, LntherrlDa. 
Frederick — Frederick Co. Fair. Oct, ZMtl 0> 
N. Hargett, prek; D. T. StaaOiv. tasML; 3. 
Boger McSherry, sec 
Hageratown — Hageratown Mr. 
Lutherrllie — Baltimore Co. 

Jas. 3. Nnaaear, sac 
Boefcrnif MaBtgamatf Ok- 

SM«m,'|Hftr»ik ft: 
>. BegleR ack 

Brockton — Brockton Fair. Oct S-6. Hon H. 
W. Boblnson, pres.; B. U. niompeon. treak; 
Ballls Santord, tec 
Clinton — CUntoa Fair. Sept 18-16. OoL Jnc 
B. Thayer, pres.; Ii. Field, treak; Wanen 
Ooodale, sec. 
Cmmlngham — Hlllxtde Fair. Bept 3e-27. Ward 
A. Harlow, prea.; D. B. Lyman, treaa.; C. F. 
Borr, aec, BlngrtUe. 
Hblyoke — Ponltrymen'a Fair. Nor. 22.2S. 
Marshfleld— Matahfleia Fair. Ang. 2MS. OaL 
H. A. Oakaaab jcaa^ HtBlk MtaMhM: H. 
Herman Kent; txaak; 

Adrian— Lenanee Ok 

Fslrbanka, ack 
Allegaiy— ABagaB :Ok 
Foster, piskt ar " 
cer, sec 
Bad Axe — Huron Co. 
DIbb, pres.; Cbas. B. 
D. McGregor, sec 
CrossweU — C iu t f aU . Mr, 
Sntherland, prcSL; J*. TL 
H. Martin, sec. 
Detroit— Michigan State Fair. Sept 11-18. 
Engene Fifield, prea.. Bay City; O. W. Toong, 
treas.. Paw Paw; I. B. BnttarfltM, atk . 
East Jordan— ChalMlK Ok :Mk '->awk. rBMB. 
Jacob GroS, peek; CkM^ mMT^MMit 'Bar 
Sherman, sec. > ; 

Ionia — lonla Dlat Fair. ^aa|b -SMta(k"la Osk 
L. Kelner, prea.; E. A. Bsikvv (Mk; iW.' 
Walter Smith, aec 
Ironwood — Geogable Co. Fair. Dates not set 

C. E. Honk, aec 
Lake Odessa— Tri-Oc Mk Sept. 9kaL 
Seed City— Trl-Cow Bdk' aakilSJA. . A. a 
Goehtend, prea.; b IBaMM^vtoeaakt ,V. 
R. weitli. tec ."■ 7. "■ 

— ' ~ Ok Mkh aab lMgL ' B. Xk 

W. Tlnaley, 

BradstowD— Nelson Co. Pair. Ang. 80-Sept 2. 

Ben Johnson, pres.: K. C. Cherry, sec. 
Crab Orchard — Crab Orchard Fair. July 1»-»I. 

B. H. Bronangh, pisk 
Danrllle— Great Danrllle Fair. Ang. 2.4. B. O. 

Bright tec „ 

ElM^tJitown — 'Hardim Oo. Fair. MBk V9m 

rvwcr Co. Fair. Bept, I»U. J. 
WaAaate. prea.: Geo- Ba b s it s w i, ti u s a ; 9. a. 

DsTldson. tee. 
Canby — Yellow Med. Co. Fair. Sept 13-15. 
John Bowe, pres.; 3. J. Forbek treaa.; F. E. 
MUlard. aec. 
Bird Island — RenTllIe Co. Fair, Dates not tet 

A. J. RIchardaon, pres.; J. B. Eeltgen, treaa.; 
Joe Baggett aec. 

Blae Earth — Farlbanit Co. Fair. Dates not tet. 

Prank Selleo. prea.; J- M. Bfalmin, treas.; 

Frank G. Etttckson. sec. 
Jackson — Jackson Co, Fair. Datee not set O. 

B. Paddock, pres.; B. G. Andeiaoo. treaa.; 
W. B. MUIcr, tec 

Easson— Dodge Ck Fair. Sept. 12-16. H. O. 

Smith, pres.; Abasr A. gStaaan, liias . Ang. 

E. Anderson, tec 
Madlaon — ^Laa qnl Parte Ok SM^- 'ftpfe 9MS. 

Jas. J. Uttle, see. 
Marshall — Iiyon Co. Fair. Oet> 
Morris — Steeent Ok Fair. DataB 'aak aat. T. 

B. McGnlre. pick; Stand iMaiBr'taak: IK 

T. Whcatoo. ack ■ .... - ' ' . 

FiaaMo— FOnnre Ck IUr« . WK/b 94L':lbMfc 


StnbUeOeld. prc^ EIwood AIICB, aek; pt -KA 
Uarthall.; treat. . V . -jj'! 

Paris— Monroe Co. Pair. Sept M. B.' •it'fr; 

Alexander, prea.; J. B. Phillip, see ■- »» 

Rich HUl— Rich BlU Fair. . July U-14.. S jiiK 
Klnmpp, mss-r THrnm^ tM^—^ tliM ' 

Bockpoet— Bo JBtt f\ Mk^-'aiiiC^^IK''^K«^ii^^< 

TouDg, tee. . 
Sedalla— MIssoorl SUte Fair. Ang. 21-26. JL'. 

A. Potts, pres.; J. B. BIppy. sec 
Shelblna— Sbelblna Fair. Aug. 28-8ept. 1. 

W. Worland. prea.: N. H. PsnaDsT see ; 
SpringOeld— Sprlngfldd DIst Fair. Sept 11-M. - 
iTan Link, pres.; Herman J. Meyer. » ' 

W. T. BIgbee. sec <w. «reaB.5 . . 

Wanensbnrg — Warrcnsbnrg Fair. Anc; 2SScak- - 
a. Jno. ShrallkUl. pica.; Ftaak MmCSSH - 
Sy. Sanders, aec. S:,,.'^- ^-s 

Washington— Franklin On. Fair, ■"'■ipliif*' ■ 'aik'" 
F. Eahmann, tec. 

Bo a em a n— Inter-State Fair. Aug. S8.8cpt. I. F, 
pres.; H. L. Csatr.rilaaakt.j; IC. 
T TEWgamra \^yC-pi'l, 
Albion— Boone Ok iFafe;-. .''BMlg'^Mik'^^iii^-''- 3^'-"-' 

O'Neal, — l^T;^ Tl^^TlLTi'' 

Brooks, sec ■ ■ .•; ■,^v~;Ti. 

Anbom— Nemaha Co. vafr. . , 
D. B. Long, prek; W. & 
O. O. Snow, sec 
Anrora — Hamilton Oo. Fair. 
J. A. laaman.. pres.; X. B. 
.Dan. Lu — 
BatUe " 

George '-W. -'Iiailf;':!!*,; - Tlmi,^ -M.- 

Broken Bow — Coster Co. Fair. Dates not set 

B. B. Pnrcell, aec. 

Crelgfaton — Knox Co. Fslr. Sept 21.23. W OL 

Caley. pres.; T. J. Bnckmatter, tec 
Lincoln — Nebraaka State Fair. Sept 1* W 

R. Uellor, prea.. Loop City, Mel).; Bd. MCIb-' 

tyre, treaa,, Seward, Neb.; Bobt W. Fama^ 

sec, Brownsmie, Neb. 
Msdi s oo — Madison Co. Fair. Sept 28-28. 

Richardson, pres.; Geo. R. WycolT, 

J. L. Rynearson, sec 
Nelson— NnckoUs On. Fair. Scnk SMB. 
Stanton— fitantan' Ok Mk liiBi;^ .iaa£->n!jil; '' 

Bpenee. pcea.; '— ' " 

Hyland, . aec 
Seward — Seward Oow : 

OoBierer, pi«k; X 

Cratt. treaa. 
Tork— York Ok Falk.- 

pres.; C B. Btaaaii: --iMkt 

tec ■* ■ 

FEW HunnntB. 

Olaremont— SnlllTan Oo. Fair. Oct 8.8. Tno. 
M. Howe, pres.; Edw. J. Boaalter. treaa.: Jak 

D. Ayer. aec . ■ 
Naahna— Nashua Fair. Sept 4-7. 3. J. Dolk 

pres.; M. C. Mnllen, sec; J. TWiU tMafT' 
Rochester- Rochester Fair, "-p- TtWi.' Qm.' 

E. Wallace, prea.; Chaa. M. BaOw.' aak' ■■■ ' 
treas.; W. O. Bradley, gen. mgr. 

T tCTloa— lB ter.Statet Fair. Sepk 9M8i. lI. B. , 

'^ffSBSSb St Mt BoOf Mr. Oct. ' 


Albaqncrvie— Alimqnenine Baeing Fair. iCar 

— - Neweomer. pres.; P. F. Me. 

Meziea Territorial Fair. 
W. H. Oner, peck; J. b. 
JvB.. K..'B. 

■ Bapt^', 

Sept 25-28. N. 

J. Whin 

Oeo. B. Harmon, aec 
Binokfleld— Madison Co. Fair. 

A. Crtmib, sec 
Cambridge— Cambridge Valley Fair. Sept 5-8. 

Jerome B. Rice, pres.; Henry A- Qua, treas.;. 

B. B. Norton, sec C 
rarBMl riiiMm Oa. Fair. Ang. a aS e p t. 1. 

:a-5 wum, vnAi 0. a ii i BM it .tMafcR,*-.;. i > 

■ . ■iS>■v•■s*:',l^^?■^;■?.■a 


CertUaa— Oirtli na Co. Fair. Aug. 2Z-2S. 
-J. jGiccBoaia, ace. 

CMm- Ort> Mr. Swt. IS-M. K. G. 

■ml: H. C. Hotiaa. tma.; a«a B. SwUt, 

. IfwitgmiHrT Ob. Valr. . Aag. lUl. Wo. 

B. Cbailea, pres.; Edv. L. Edwards, ticia.; 
KartlB. ace. 

^^r>^;^> JOoepper. pres. 

-I. e. Kawton, aefc 
;^.v BciB]adt— Hemlock UniM Wr. 
■''■! H.' Wcatbrook. pceat; 'V>'S> 

p,. Raabaeb. aec 
'^^.>Beiidiiicr— HeAlmec OOb 
^ ' EcUAt - Jr., *« 

Vjg>fK»al>arti, aec 
-MOaHIIc — Horaell»Tine Kdii 

" ai aSTwwH. Bttt. 4« 

S^igtaoatoim— FDlton Co. Fair. .'■iHi-*-44 'i;'- X - !<- 
Getmaa. prea., GloreisTlIIa; OL "P.- mHud. 
' ticaa.; Elmer 3. Dorn, aec ' 

. Uttle Valler — Cbattanragna Ook Dik: Bipt. 

- «-». C. E. BiKiadea, pres.; S. L. Ambdl. 

'I; treaa.: J. H- WUmod, aec, 

i^r-lUrgaietTfile— CKtikm Hooatlto 

^V, ;22-S. B. U. Coulter, prMK^. 

i^.- ' txeaa-j 'Tho*. winter, aec 

.^;Iioekpart — Nlasnm Co. Fair. Sept. 7-10. S. 

:V ■ • N- Koberts, aec 

Hlneadar-Naiaan Co. Fair. Sept. 2S-3a Oeo. 
W. Rmlth. pica.. flEaiuataadi Shoa,;. ^ BtM^ 
treaa,; Ojater B iiy^ liott <» 'IT I ill f. yjt^ 

c^aplca HMOB Mc lapt. IMl: V. P. 
pna.; pL'TJ VasgtU, tiaaa ; 01 I<. 

a. M. Boodeboahl pics., 'llinrta£nille; 3. O. 
Bapp, trcma.; Jobn Somui, aec, 2118 Hooroe 
■ »»e., • Koewood. 

Bocyma— Crawford Co. Fair. Oi*. 10-13. J. 

W. Stockmas. pres.; W. A. lOlcke, treaa.- 

D. W. Hurr, aec 
Oaaal Dorar— T u ac ara waa Co. Falc' 17-ait. 
CaiinniiMi Caiiun Co. Fair. OeL'JMB. 'U. O. 

Cooper, prea.. KasnoUa; T. fJ. autnu. 

tna*.; C. Tape, aec - { ■-i- 
Cfllii a Mutai Co. Fair. Avg. isif^ ' O. F. 

^a«gtai wn a OiT i l ie >a Co. Ftir. Sept. M. 
auudletmile-MMklBnm Co. Fair. Da tea not 

aet. O. K. Kowidagv ptca.; A. F. Voat, 

treaa.; H. Y. 'Whlttk ate. . , 
ClarkaTlUe— CUatoa * Wanes Oa. Fklr. Avm 

800. Warren A. Bndr. Bwai; F. L. Mllto, 

treaa.; Mra. V. A. Oorlini. lec 
Colnmbiia— Ohio SUta FUr. Sept. 4-8. 
Coahoe t on Coa h Bctao Ob. Fair. lOet. lO-lS. W 
' g^raa/^ptea.; W. B. Ilfllcr. ttaaa.; Bobtl 

Crotoa — Hartford Central Fair. Sept. IS-U, W 
" Sl. BstHeU, prea., Centerbriis; a U- Ib^ 
_Cla<ien, treaa.; W. H. SICfaSlad. aec 
Darton — MontsometT Co. Fair.! Sent. 4,8. 
Baton— Preble Co. Fair. Be^ UO&^ltall 
SUer, prea.. West Uandiestiir; OL V. lliaSa 
Jr^, treaa.; G. W. Oaogberty. aec ■ ■ ■ - 

U!^~^"'^ Se"*- W. B. 

Miller, prea.; D. Hamllii, tteaa.: Antbow 

Neldlng, aec ii-m 
Flndlaj — Hancock Co. Fair. An*. SO-Seot. 2. 

Wm. Dcmland. aec . ^ 

GaUlpolla—GalUa Co. Fair. Ang. 16-18 W 

^- J^?'^- ^o*"* Ileaaant, W. Ta.; 

F. O. Mnagrore, aec and treaa.. Point Fleaa- 

ant, w. V«. 

Greennile— Great Dark Co. Fair. An«. 28- 

Bept. 1. J. M. Brown, i<e>., Areanom- Ed. 

Ammon. treaa., Gordon; .r. M. Hall. aec. 
JelTeraon — Aabtabola Co. Fair. Aug. 22-24. W 

H. Dodge, prea.. DodseTOle; a a Babcock' 

treaa.; J. M. Hobertx, mc. 
KMitoa— Hardin Co. Fair. Ang. 29-Sept. 1. U 

Tbominon, aec. 
Klnaman — ^Klnaman Fair. Any. 29-31. H. 3 

Wald. prea.; JT. A. Hamilton, treaa.: H. J. 

Fobea, aec 

Lebanon — Warren Co. Fair. Sept. 19-22. A- 

D. Smith, pre*.; Geo. W. Cw. aee, 
uma — Allen Cc Fair. Sap I IflkiU. ^ 

SUtea. prec. Weat CUtsTT^B. IMIwi OMki 

T. B. Boweiecck. aec ■ ' * 

^ndon — Uadlaon Co. Pat'. Aug. SB-Sept 1. 
MeCoonellaTllle— Morgan Co. Fair. Sept. 20-28. 

Ban).: F. Beed, pica.; Barry M. Finley, treaa.: 

Oca, H. Blade, aec 

to a lWM Hlrtil i n d Pair. Ang. 30-Sept. 1. W 
5" Ptee.;. .Tno. Hale, treaa.; Joo, 

eefa^-^Orer. lAke Fair. Sept. 28-28. 
Bart;;: aec . 

Fenn Ta»— Tatea Co. A«d. Fair. Sept. 12-lS. 

G. J. HnaoD. pica.: Geo. B. Eemer. tzeaa.; 
Jno. a. WatUna. aec 

Ponshkeepala — ^Datdieaa Ot. Fair. Sept. 2ft.28. 

;r.. IC Booth. a«c 
Borne— Oneida. Co.- Fab. Sept. 4r8. Btaur Bar- 
nard. ]r... pica.: It. Mlttemnaler. Jr., tnaa.; 
J. B. Ctiahman. aec 
Sandr Creek — Sandr Cicek Fair. Ans. 32-25. 
Ward W. Sterena, Plop.; O. T. Smith, trees.; 

H. LoQla Wallace aec 
Sandr HIU— Fair. Ang. S-Il. 
Sdienena Taller — Fair. Aug. 16-18. H. Ber- 

naid. ptea.. B. J. Goddartl. treaa.; W. A. 
■ Pier, aec 

Tramanalmrg— Pnlon Fair. An|^ 2a-8ept. 1. 
WnUam T. Blgga, prea.; Horace A. Moehec, 
tnaa.; Onr O. HInniaTt. aec 
▼ctnott— Temon Valr. Sept 28-28. F. A. CoOj, 
D. W. Bart, treaa.; O. O. 


:.'^ Watsaw — Wyoming Co. Fair. Sept 21-38. W. 
i|r K. Boeper. aec; Irrlns G. Botaford. tieas.; 
!(•:, Wm. B. Webater. aec 

.^V'^'W&tcrtowQ — JeffefBoa Co. Fair. Sept. 6-S. S. 

E. Cole, pres., Eran'a HUIa; B. O. MiTam, 
> ticaa., Adama Center; W. B. Skeela. sec 
: ' Wdlarllle — Wenarllle Fair. Ang. 2t-2K 

White Flalaa — ^Weatcheater. Co. Fair. Oapt. SS- 
30. Moaea W. Gaylor, prea.; Toa. B. laa, 
ticaa.; Edw. B. Itrng, arc 

BodlaKtm— Alamance Fair. Oct 28-25. 7. A. 
v LonK. prea., Graham; B. A. Freeman, treaa.; 
W. S- Orr. aec 
£, Greeoaboro — Central Carolina Fair. Oct 10-18. 
Dr. }. T. J. Battle, prea.; Nell ElUnstott, 
treaa.; Ino. W. Cook, aec 
^ IBalelkh— North Carolina State Fair. Oct 16-21. 

'Aahler Home, prea., .Clarton; C B. Deoaon. 
iv:'-- treaa.: J. B. Pocne, aec 

"^.^''^nBaton-Salem — Foray th Co. Fair. Oct S-O. O, 
>;v>SJ&'-Haoaer, prea.; O. E. Webb, aec 

'^fiilrtlt^— lU-OBODtr Fair. Joly S-8. W. J. 

V^KlHCpC'SlHtara. ate. 

i^JJliipiv^v ■ OHIO. 

tlVim' Tliiliiiiitll Co. Fair. Oct S-0. Am. F. 
^S..; IboRi: pics.. Copley B. F. D. No. 8S; O. W. 
r^p'-BmiM^^^ceaa.; O. a wto^rt^iac. . ^ 

i;i.^.':lte^,-;pi«a.';:.» -%'^l»liltat-*i^ H. H, 

'AttK-a Attica UUSB ndb' ^ ^ 

; JEMftnaa; ens.: I. Mam ttani ttaMbt 

IX'' ▼ Hbke, aec 
Mmamh— Clennont Co. Fair. Sept S-S. 
TMIafniitTilnr — I-ogam Oc Fair. Aag. 22 

Ibo. A. aocner. pies.; Jac P. Alkcn^ aec 
Blan<±eetei— dinton On. F Mr._ . 

B. Boas, ptcs.; B. euudalu. 

Swan, aec 
BoatoD — Clermont Co. FalR. 


WMatta^WaaUiiston iCo. Fair. Sept B-8. 
"""».' Paa. pica., rower Salem; O. W. Zba- 
laft, t nn., atanleytine; Jaa. F. Horey. aec 
"■I^ajlifc DUOB Co..! Fair. Sept 12-lB. F. 
O. J WmaMl . Baes,;^^smei Sontfaard, tteaa.; 

„ < D«t«« not aet J. ^ 

wmSSJT^'- 7* »»«*• H- 

Middle town — Bt l» Ok. Mr. Oct 8-8, 
Montiwllei^wmiajas Co. Me. Swt U-U. a 

Mt TerDOB— CentcnaM 

indet H. H. Giccr, 

Napolean — Napoleon Fair. nmiL . W 

Newark— Llektns Oci Fair. Oct. 8-T. W. a. 

Knasemand, prea.,' Qtcenllle: B. IC. SUer. 
treaa.. Homer; J. u. Famtr. see. 
New Breman— New Bnnaa SttOh nib tat 

6-8. Theo. EE. ssascaiaih ate 
Kew LexlnctOD-^cw Pnr Ok FWr. . tat M- 

2S. Chaa. C ObafpdcaK- ■ 
O^wa^l^tnam Ok : M^'.jOtt i. Mi : W. J. 

Tamer, pres.; Sam ' C atlwiliM, '- fcaafcl A. P. 

San dies, aec 
Blchwood — Rlchwood Tll-C^ '.; 

J. I.. Horn, pres.: It P. 

H. C. Dnke, aec. 
Blpley— BIpley Fair. Ang. 8-U. li. H. Wfl- 

liama, sec. 

BnaaellTme — BoBaellTllls Fair. Oct 12. J. D. 
Selp. prea.; T. M. Sallahnrs, treaa.: J. O. 
Miller, aec 

St Clainnne — ^Belmont Co. Fair. Aug. 28- 
Sept. 1. D. S. Creamer, prea.; W. T. Jad- 
klna, tieaa.; J. H. Taylor, aec 

Sardinia — ^BroTm Co. Fair. Ang. 20-Sept 1. 

Parmer Keimedy, aec 
Sidney— Shelby Co. Fair. Sept. 12-16. D. J. 

Cargill. prea.: Jno. Dmtcan, treaa.; J. K. 

BosseU, Bed. 
SnilthAeld — JelTeraon Co. Fair. Sept ST.38. 

Alonzo Hayne, pres., Adena; Chaa. McSJnney, 

txeaa.; J. O. Hayne, aec. 
Springfield— Clark Co. Pair. Ang. 22-25. 
Sycamore — Sycamore Pair. Oct 17-20. J. 1/. 

Carlla, pres.; Geo. A. Elahr, treaa.; M. Tance 


TlfBri — Seneca. Co. Fair. Sept. 12-16. J. H. 
Kaapp, pres., Bepnbllc; B. T. Wlnated, treaa.; 
Kocgan SI. Ink, aec, Bepobllc 

t Sandnaky- Wyandot Co. Fair. Oct 8-6. 
B^ Badgea, pica.; Peter Frank, Jr., treaa.; 

A. -: P.-<S(koenberg. sec 

TTitiaiia •ffliaBnailiiii Co. Fair. Ang. lS-18. 
Tan WM— Tas Wart Fair. . tat.' 1M& -B. F. 
I«aile, pccc Ol 

B. T. Wamta, 

W apa hai a t ii »ngl a liB O*.' -IWiw 

~ ~ " " B. 

Ok nt^ Sept. 

12-ia. . w — 

Well . 

Os. Fair, natka 

w. a JfiDtMr. PN8.:.4aA, p. Dotri ace 
Wooatar— Wayne Oa. Wt. 8i ' 
O. tMaaien. -prta,; W. A. 
O. J. Eltelglit aee., .fltaf*. 

Xenla — Greene Co. Fair, .^ij^ M]. 
Zanesvllle — Mark Co. Fair. 

K. Browning, ptea.; B. Z. 

lecsTlIla; A. F. Teat, ' 


tiaaa.; B. P. Blaka, aac 

Deer CieA— Grant Co. Fair. Oct lO-lS. A. C 

Diifagan, prea.; T. X. Hartman, tteaa.; O, F. 

Eberle, aec. . 
Ndwklrk— Kay Co. -Palr. ' Oct 9-iM. Tt 

prea; Harry Tbomjison, eec. 

Oklahoma City — Oklaboma' Co. Falft Oet. 

Shawnee— Potuwatomle' Co. Fair. Sar. Ml. 

ABcntowa— [iddth O0t> ' Bapt IMI. Bon. 
Jcr miah^ prM.; mUga X. Mma, tMaa.; H. 

Bedford— Bedfiod Co. iwr. Oct. S-S. Jbo. 

Line, prea.; Wbl I. EldMltt, aee. 
Bethlehem — FcimsylTanIa State Fair. Sept 8- 

8. J. Walter Lovatt prca.; W. IL Apple- 
gate, tieas.; B. A. Gorman, aec 
Bloomabnig^-Colnmbla On. Fair. ' Dates aot 

aet E. P. Ba «en t Q«>, ■Ma.;'A. K XoBt me. 
BrookTlUe— Teffeiaca Co. Iraib Ugt. 8-8, 8. 

Henderson, see 
Bnrgettatown— nnloa Ikkii' Ocfe M. - IK t. 

Dowden. mgr.; W. A. agnraMi.'>tna8.t'B. P. 

SteTeoioD, sec. 

Batler — Driving Park and Fair* 

G«o. A. Schailner, pres.; B. 

treaa.; 1. J. UcBrlde, aec 
Carllale— Cnmberlasd Co. Fair. Sept 28-28. B. 

M. HnlllD, pres.; W. H. McCiea, aec 
Clanon — Clarloa Co. Fair. Sept S-11. 
Ooimeaat Lake — Oonnrant Lake Fair. Aug. 28- 

Sept 1. Ohaa. T. Byers,. sec. 
Dayton — ^Dayton Pair. Sept 20-28. Wm. Gal- 
lagher, pres.; O. H. Good, treaa.; W. C. 

Maraliall, aec. 
Edlnboro — Edluboro Fair. Ang. lS-17. C. W. 

BUlings, Eec. 
ForksTlUe — Sulllyan Co. Fair. Oct 3-B. Fred 

Newell, pres.; A. G. Little, treaa.; Dlyasea 

Bird, sec. 

Hanorer — ^Hanover Fair. Sept 12-16. E. K. 
Wirt, prea.; T. J. Little, treaa.; M. O. Bmltb, 

Honeadole — Wayne Co. Fair. Datee not aet 

W. L. Fergnaoo. pres., SeclyTllle: J. T. 

Stames, treaa., Bethany; E. W. Ganunell, see 
Hnntlngdon — Hontlngdon Co. Fair. Sept 6.8. 

L. B. Leister, pres.; H. D. Belnera, treaa.; 

Bogo Mayer, sec 
Indiana— Indiana Co. Fair. Sept 12-lS. M. F. 

JamlaoD, pres.; A. W. Mabon, treaa.; Dam 

Blair, aec. 

JTohnatown — Inter-State Fair. Sept. 12-16. 

Ohaa. Toong, prea.: Geo. C. lordan, treaa.; 
irniaiiiHai^ gcjhlCT,^ wc. 
B. X HeStSBi. pna.; 0. 3. Jeaaop, treaa.; W. 

Ob. Fair. Aug. 28.Sept 1. 
vrea.} W. B. Obeit, trees.; 


— , m . I .fl 

Backnell: O. Dele WdUs. aac. BoAndL 
M a dl aaBf llla Ta cliawnMt Qaign Fair. 
2S48. J. A. Xmw, pcaa.; B. J. ir«-«s.M. 

Clark, piH.; W. D. HMei, Inaa.; B. B*. 
Hoard, see. 

MUton— Great Mflton Fair. Oct. 8-0. Wm. H. 

Hackenbmg. prec; Edwin Panl. aec 
Montros e S o aqnehaima Cc Fair. Sept 18-14. 

F. I. Lott pies.; B. E. Beebe. treaa.; F. A. 

OsTle*, aec 

Nasaretb — Northampto'h Co. Fair. Sept 12-15. 
O. S. Meaalnger, pres., Latamp; J. B. Beln- 
helmer, aec 

Newport— Peny Co. Pair. Sept lfl-22. D. B. 

Shelbley, pres.; T. B. Battnif, trees.; J. a 

P. Stephens, aec 
Oxford— Oxford Fair. Sept 27-28. S. E. Nitlii. 

prea.. Landenbnrg; F. G. Andrews, tieas.; 

B. C. Thomas, sec. 
Pnlaakl — Pnlaaki Fair. Ang. 29-Sept 1. 
Ponzsntawney — ^AgrL Fair. Atig. 20-Sept 1. 

Ben Becord, sec. 
Beading — Great Beading Fair. Oct 8-6. Jaa. 

McGoTTan. pres., Gieger'a Mllla; MBford N. 

Biter, treas. ; H. Seldel Throm, sec. 
Stoneboro — Stoneboro Fair. Sept. 5.8. J. E. 

Tenon, pres.; Bobt P. Cann, treaa.; Geo. H. 

Fowler, sec 
Strondsbnrg — Monroe Co. Fair. Ang. 29- Sept 1. 

J. S. Williams, prea.; O. P. Phllllpa. treaa.; 

P. B. Orerfleld, sec. East Stroodsbarg. 
Towacda — Bradford Co. Fair. Sept 20-28. Wil- 
liam J. McCabe, pres.; M. B. Horton, treaa; 

Chaa. Cnlrert, sec. 
Troy — Troy Fair. S«pt. 12-15. Llston Bliss, 

prea.; L. H. OllTer, treaa.; D. F. Pomeroy, 


Williams Grove — Granger Inter-State Fair. Ang. 
28-Sept. 1. B. A. Thomas, pres.- Mecbanlcs, 
borg; H. S. Mohler, aec, Trlndle Spilnga. 
Yonngwood — Westmoreland Fair. Sept 12-16. F. 
D. B a mhar t pres., Mt Pleasant; D, B. Fisher, 
traa&; F. M. Wangbman. sec. Hairlson City. 
ObarlestoD— 8. C. Stats Fair. Oet 2-7. 

Ctdnmbia — State Fklr. Oct 23-27. O. A. Onlg- 
naid, pne.; A. OameiraU ■UaUttm, tieas.; 
A. w,; Laraw SN, . . 

Alexandria — DeKalb Co. Fair. Sept T-8. D. 

D. Orerall, pres.; J. W. Wood, treaa.; Bob 
Boy, see. 

ClarkSTllle — Montgomery Fair. Dates not set 

Jno. F. Sbellon, pres.; W. B. ShdtOD. 

W. E. Beach, sec.^ 
dcTeland — ^Farmers* Fair.' Datsa boI aet 

T. Jones, pres.; Jac W. Oate, ata. 
Trenton— Gibson Co. Adr. Oet . IMA. K X 

Bappell. prea.; W. W. ~ 

L. Wade, sec 
Dnlon City — West T( 

W. C. Farrls, 'prea.} H. 

W. Woosley, sec. 

T TTgaa 

Dallea — Texaa State Pair. 

C. A. Keating, pres.; J. 
' Sydney Smith, sec 
GreenTlUe — Hunt Co. Fair. Sept 26-30. J. O. 

Eayter, pres.; Jsa. Onalatcd, treaa,; H. L. 

Carpenter, sec 
EerrrlUe— West TtXMM Mft tat 741. Oharles 

Beal, aec 

Uono-^Uano Co, Fair. Sept 28-30. S. D. 

BaoBtiee, pres.; O. L Boynton, sec 
GatesrlUe — Confederate Beimlon. Jnly 18-21. 
San Antonio — San Antonio Fair. Oct 21-Kot. 1. 

Sept SOOet 18. 
B. Adone. tieaa.; 

M. LoBis Botlra Oe. 

Jno. Wj jgrtw mot, pica.; S. B. WeUer, txeaa.; 

Salt Late . 

Oet »T. J.- A 
man. aec. ■ 


Manchester BattenliUl Valley Fair. Sept 12-° 
14. E. B.- Smith, pres.; D. H. Dyes, treaa.; 
Dr. J, F. Page. seo. 

Mlddleburs — Addison Connty Fair. Sept 5-8. 
Frank C. Dyer, pres.; W. Sallsbnry; C. B, 
Plnney, treaa.; Fred L. Hamilton, aec, Weat 

MorrlsTllle — LamTlUc Talley Fair. Ang. 29.3L 
O. U. FOTros, pres.; O. IC Waterman, aec 

W t f Inglltl d CpringfleM Fair. Sept 12-ls. B. 
' a CMal]7, prea.; Geo. F.'LCIand, treaa.; Fred 
0. Hunt, aec 

l yMwfc ai j WlDOoakl TaBar Pair. Sept 12-14. 
O. B. Iieody. pKS.;' W. B. BlUott treaa.; 

Cta. Kcene, sec 

Wuoasluck — Windsor Oc Fair, Sept 28-28, A, 
B. Faner, pres.; O. H. English, tzeaa.; C 
J. Paul, aec 


Norfolk — Norfolk Pair. Oct 16-21. O. O. 

Wrenn, prea.; P. O. box 296. 
Tasley — Fenlnsiila Fair. Ang. 8-11. J, W. 
Kappahannoek — AgrL Fall. Aaf. 8-U. J. W. 

Biadataaai. piaa.! WiM.' 



Everett — Snobomlah Co. Fair. Sept 18-23. T. 
P. Oliver, pres.; Jos. A. Swalwell, treaa.; 
Dan Cnrrle, sec. 

North Yakima — Waahlngton State Fair. Oct 2-7. 

Pnyaliop — Valley Fair. Oct 3-8. W. J. Bow- 
man, pres.; W. D. Cotter, treaa.; J. P. Nevina, 

Spokane — Spokane Inter-State Fair. Oct. 9.1B. 
BMCU W. Peel, pres.; B. J. Hgm, ttmm 1 
•-*"' B. Cosgrove, sec. 


_ - - ■ lSt_A»»- 
P. Xfeaaapaea, paaa,; P. ■T.i'WBeoai, tocas.; a 

BIMdlebonnie— tiyiiK O*. 

8. StealcFi praa.; W. IL - 

O. B. Higgle, aac 
New Maa^STins— Wet»si_Oc Fair. Ang. imj. 

JnatDS Baekfb. ptea.; T. A. FJta^ treaa.; F. 
B. Thorn, sec 

Pennsboro — Pennahoio Fair. Ang. assent. L 

E. E. Wells, prea.; ...^ A. Stilcklsr. ssc 
Shepherdstown — Morgan'a Grove Fair. S<iit 54L 

C. D. WejMng, pres.; John P. Eearfott tieas.: 

E. T. LickUder, sec. 
Wbcellng — ^Exposition and State Falc. Sept lip 

U. A. ilajllia pres.; Geo. Hoafe; tmt. 


Mr. tat t*. 

A. - 

F. MlffCB, pcca.| 

Antlgo— LangUde Oc IWr. tat IMS.- 
Appleton— Agd. Fair. Aug. SMapt. 1.. 
Angnsta— Baa Claire Co. Fklr. Dataa aot' art. 
Geo. Bills, pres.; A. B. Biandferd. ticaabi Mtt 

Fredericks, see. 
Baraboo— Sank Co.. Fair. Sept Cbaa. 
Wild, pres.; Frank Shnlts, treaa.; 8. A. 
Pelton, aec. 

Beaverdam— Dodge Cc Fair. Sept 25-29. A. 

L. Wallace, pres.; B. B, Diake, tress.; a W. 

Barvey. aec. 
Belolt— Inter-SUte Fall. Aog. 13-18. Geo. O. 

Cram, pres.; D. B. Tsnock, trass.; T, D. 

Ooeeoian, sec 
Berlin— Berlin AgrL Fklr. Atlg. 22-25. H. W. 

Temme, pres.; B. Grant Bnnee, tress.; W. t. 

Clement, sec. 
Black Blver Falls— Jackson Cc Fair. Sept 

10-22. Jno. Bolger, prea.; O. F. Olaon. trees.; 

E. L. Ormsby, sec. 
Boscobel — Boscobel Fair. Oct 4-0. Jacob Scott 
pres.; Joe B. Nanert treaa.; Lonls B. Bnka, 


Chilton — Calnmet Co. Pair. Ang. 31-Sept. 2. 

Fred Borman, pres.. New Bolsteln; Wlnileld 

3. Lloyd, treaa.; Gregory Dorsdiel. sec 
Chippewa Falla — Northern WlecoDSln State Fair. 

Aug. 28-31. Bobt B. OteA, mm,- 
Darlington — Lafayette Co. Fklr. iMt- M. 

Oeo. Ward, sec 

Gay's UlUa— Central AgrL Fair. Dates BOt ait 
Atler Peteiaon. pres., Soldlen' Giom. It 
Jurgeson, tress.; E. G. Brigga. sec 
Jefferson— Jetreison Co. and Badk Blew Tkllv 
Fair. Sept 20-28, W. B, CkdlBt fcea.; & 
P. Roessler, sec 
KUboom City— Later 0>w FMr. Oct. M Mat 
Weteel, pres.; D. WMKawtet tnaa.; Soak 
H. Campbell, sec 
La Crosse — Inter-State Fair. Sept, BMk 
H. Spence, pres.; B. M. 'Mng. traaa.; OL 

Van- Anken. aec ■ i . 

Medford— Taylor Oo. Mb BwH. 9*. 9. It 
Sbaw, pres.: b A. HklHb 1*188 8 V. 0> 
Toone, aec. ' . .' .'. • 

Uemu— Lincoln Co. Fair. 0wtkilSdai & B. 
FAIand, pres.; Wm. F. PaiMaHaw tMaa.; 
J. W. Brace, sec 
Menominee — ^Dnnn Oc lUr. Wm. IML X> 
B. OUdetlag. praa,; P. JU T88iF> ■tUM.t 
Geo. oaiUwaF. sec 
Mnwankee— Wlaeooala State Boara ot Agilnd^ 
tme. Sept 1-U. Gee MeKemnr, 1MB.; 
v. J. KempC traaa.; 'JiDc M. Trot, aca. _ 
> Ob. Mb tat Mt. . a a- 

PNa.; b 

RenbTUIe— (Saifc On, nfc 
w. Bosnael, pias.t ' 0> - b 

B. O. Olark, see. 
New Loniinn . Agrt.; Mr. Sept. 
New BteliasaQA''^4ttiir Richmond 

10-22. o. 7. wmiaina, prec; F. 
tieac; Ii. A. Baker, eec. ' 
Oconto— Oconto Fair. Sept, 8-8.' 3. B, Chaae, 

Portage— Colnmbta Cc Fair, Bspt (M. J. H. 

Wells, pres.; B. N. MeOoodile, treaa.; J. 

E. Jones, sec' 
Blchland Centre — Blcfaland Oo. Fair. Sept 26- 

20. J. w. Martin, pica.. Ootbam. Wis.; B. 

C. Lybrand,' tieas,: W, F. Fogo, sec 
Seymour — Seymour Fslr. Sept. SS40. Peter 

Tabba. pres.; H. 7. TanToren. sec 

Ttie BillboaK*^! 


Vlioau— Venon Oo. Fair. Sept VSt-VS. W. 

UUHiaU, pro.; J. M. HcLeei, sec 
WHWB MtrithiTT Co. Fair. Sept. B.S. 

..f Park Fair. Sept. 44. Mw. 
tm.t J. I<. Mamj, HHM-t a ° 
, Me. 

OM. a.. 

; Ibmt DM; Mr. Sipb 9MS. 

A. 7. IMwn. piw.; B. 6.. ItendBK .treu.; 


CVltk tMM.; 3. W. 

mttt-^tic Oct 6* 
flKnrin riir Sept. 2S-27. 

Oat.— Bansatm Slat. FUr. D«tei not 
■et. it»jet B. McFarlaad, pica.;. O. W. 

lamfcia ^W eete» Fair. ^wt. 8-lS. Oapt. w. 
3, tUM, piM.; D. Uackenale, tieas.; J. A. 

IMDca. ace 

IMiaa, B. O. — VtiMOD Fair. Sept. 27-2S. Jas. 
J. Johnatooe,' pres.; X J. Ualone, treaa.; J. 
B. Annable, aee. 
Feteriwtoasb — ^Indoatilal Bzhlbltloii. Sept. 29- 

27. D. Bnghca. ptea.: F. J. A. Hall, aee. 
PMnflla— Fair. Sept. 21.28. 
Sandk— VUr. Sept. 28-27. 
Saalt Sttt. Marl* — Baat Algmna Fair. Oct 8-4. 
- Am. . BkfnoPa pna.; Wm. Biown, treaa. and 

SliefiHOOlcr, Ont— Canada'a Eastern Exblbltlon. 
Sept 2-0. C. A. French, pres.; Wm. Tomlln- 
aw. aec. 

Btrattaroy — ^West Middlesex Fair. Sept 18.20. 
Toronto — Canadian National BKhMtta^ '.Aev< 

20- Sept. 12. J. 0. Orr, see. ' . ' ' 
Watford— Fair. Sept. 28-29. 

West London — Fair. Sept. 8-16. 

Tanleek HUl. Ont. — Pretcott Co. Talr. Sept, 

21- 23. Alei. A. I.eRoy, pres.; Fred. W. 
Tblstlewalte, sec. 

Wlncbeater, Ont. — ^Wlncbeater Pair. Sept 6-7. 
OoL F. Aolt, PKB.; W. LcilBinme. aec and 

New Street Fairs. 

Alboqserqne. N. IL— Street Fair. Hay 8-12. 

Meoarch Ajd. Oftw attr. 
Alpcaa. Mich. 8tmt Mi: JOr 

tol Am. Co., attr. . .'. . : 
Bar City. MI<!Ii.-8tiNt fUl; JUbr Ml Ovt- 

tol Am. Co.. attr. • • •. ■ 
Barrr. HI.— Street Mr. Alt; S^lL BdOwln 

firos.' Shon^. attr. 
BellbDckle. Tenn.— Street Fair. Uar 1-6. St 

Louis Syndicate Am. Co.. attr. 
Bonbam, Tex. — firemen's Camlral and Street 

Pair. May lS-21. A. J. Stevenson, sec. O. 

W. Parker Am. Co., attr. 
Bostanell, IB street Fair. Sept. 4-8. Bald' 

Vfia Bros.' Shows, sttr. 
Breckenrldge, Pa.— Street Fair. May 22-27 

Great J. Frank Batch Shows, attr. 
Clieboyesn, Mich. — Street Fair. Jalj 17-22. 

G&pltol Am. Co., attr. 
Clyde, Kan.— Fltth District M. W. A. Vog Hon- 

Ine snd WatennelDQ CamlTal. AQg. 81-Sept 

1. E. 3. Felse, sec. 
Coaleate, I. T.— Street Fair. Max 1-6. B. B. 

(K Aa. Co., attr. 

Xoola Syndicate Am. (So. j : attr. . 
Blk Cit7, Okla.— Stnct Mfr. HV 

Barrla Am. Oo.. attr. 
BlUiart, Ind.— BlRUand Park Free OubML 

May 11-16. Pllbeam Bios.' UBIts* Oktatral 

Co., attr. 
Grand Ledse, Mhai. .D tr a et Wait. 

1. Capitol Am. Ogii^attK. 

TIUtcA Ouotfal 

M&y 15-20 

May 22.27. 
Co.. attr. 

•-Ionia, Mich.— Street Fair. Jnne 19-24. Capi- 
tol Am. Co.. attr. 
I*a Vegss, N. M.— Street Mr. 

Monarch Am. Co.. attr. 

Uaton, Ind.— Street Fair. - liar 

EjqK). Shoirs, attr, 
.UnphlL Ttnii .Stmt Mb 

v^^Bui. MlF S-U. CttMt 

tttr; ■■■■ ■ ■ 

VllOh .lbi— IndlMr OtCBtval. Hay l-«. Crjatal 

•MK'OaBB. Ok; atlr.' 
ValMIIe. Tena^trMl Fair. Usj 8MT. BaC' 

man-Minican Kardl Oras OS;. attr, 
Osiwatomle. Kan. — Street t " 

World's Fair Cam. Ooi, attr. 
PlttBborg, Pa.— OamML. May 

tal Am. and Expo. Oo., tXDU ■■ ■ ■ 
FMUae, MIeb.— Street Mr. luai n-Vt. Okpl- 

tol Am. Co., attr. 
BnMivnie, 111.— Street Fair. Aug. 2S-8evt 3. 
_BaMwln Bro*.' Shons. attr. 
Boose Point. N. T.— Indoor OBBdfsL KSy 
. Crystal Bye Cam. OSk. «ttr. . ' 
Saginaw, Mlgh. — at r aot Mr. AW. SI<M. CUt- 

tol Am. Co., attr. 
Bt JChna, Mich— Street Fair. Ani- 14-19. 

Capitol Am. Co., attr. 
Thomas, Okla.— Street Fair. Mky S-IS. 

Harris Am. Co., attr. - . 

«lsa, I. T.— Street Fair. Hv'.'Mti 

Alamo Shows, attr. 
Wanaar, m.— street Fair. Ask. lB-20. BaU- 

vi> Bn«.V Slwwa, attr. 
wUlMirton.. L T.^treet Fair. Hay 8-U. B; 

B. o; Am. Co.. attr. 
W^Bdone. wnhf-k. ct P. rm BtiMt OuBl 

*al. Uay SMnaa S. FIIIiMb Bcea.* Oldted 

Oamtral oa., atbi. 

Street iRaiis aid Carnivals. 

I m la ieaHiH;MS < 

AUlance, Neb.— May 29.Jnne S. OolUn's Am. 
Co., attr. 

Alpine. Mich — Street Fair. Jmia lB4i. Great 

ai.T"°J H»*='> Shows. , attfc • 

Arcadia. La — Street Fair. "MV SMB. CfeW- 

Cent Am. Co., attr. 
Aidmore, I. T.— Street Fair. May 1-8. Cos- 

mopolltan Am. Co., attr. 
«*l>land. Ky. — Street Fair. Many 22-2T. BoUn" 

AMtabala Baibor. O.— Street Fair. Jaat 1M7. 
Gnat 3. Fnmk Battti Shmn. attr. • 

Ancnsta. 0«.-^i1bc FtsttTal and KlUtaiT Ckir- 
slTaL Anntoea Osletbatpe Istastry. 31ay 
. H. Onlwm^ etea. Gtsat Qaaklll 

Mb Aanloea 
OttaMI Ob, i 


1-e. 8. 

Sboiin, attr. 
Anrora. Ja^— 

makers* Aaao. HOb flS14. 

Ii. Mass, aae. WeUef ■ f 
Baltlmora, Md.— BabnlUIng 

10-10. J. BaB7 Tttgot, pres. aaaa. 
Bancroft Hleb.— Street Fair. Hay i 

Wlzom Bros.' OamlTil Co., attr. 

BamesTllle, O. — (tticct Mr. Jaaa 

Battle riiil Mlili Oiiiilial al Uka View 
^ Park. Lake Gocnae. 'tUj SMIans 8; Oqiltal 

Am. Go., attr. 
Bellerllle, Ont. — Street Fair and Bconlon. Jnly 

2t-2S. Artbor McOlnnla, accy. 
Bllllnss, Mont — Street Fair, fmt JS4(. Col- 

lln'B Am. Co.. attr. 
Blamarck, N. D.— Street Mr. liiF IMO. 

Boblnaon Am. Co., attr. 
BoonTUIe, Ho.— Street Fair. Aog. 10-17. 
Bowline Green, Ky.— H. W. Ot A. Osla Week 

and Carnival. May 1-6. Qreatar Sraltb Am. 

Co., attr. 

Bristol, Tenn.— Street FUr. IbF Ut, Bobln- 
aon Am. Co., attr. 
Bristol, Vs. — Firemen's Spring Caialral. May 
8-13, Robinson Am. Co.. attr. 

Jane as-Joly 1. 


Botte, Mont. — Street Fair. 
Collin's Am. Co., attr. 

Camden, N J. — Military 
Pierce Am. Co., attr. 

Canal Dover, O. — CamlvaL Ansplces the Ea 
glee. May 22-27. Hoss Carnival Co., attr. 

Cape GIrardeaa. Mo. — Street Fair. Ansplcea 
Merchants' Protectlvo Assoclatton. May 29- 
Jone 3. Seeman Mlllican Uardl Oras Co., attr. 

Caruttiersvllle, Mo. — Free Street Fair. Jnly 
3-8. G. W. Dashman, sec 

Cedar Rapids, la. — Ninth amft Carnival and 
Horse Show. Oct 2-7. B. J. Carey, aec 

CbattaoooKa. Tenn. — Chattanoosa Spring Festi- 
val and Street Fair. Auspices Merchants' 
Asan., May 28-Jane 8. GeO. B. DSTld, SeC 

Cherryvale, Kan. — SI Hist Mr. .. 
neer Fire Dept Uv 
Am. Co., attr. 

Cheyenne, Wyo.— Street Fair. Hay 22-27. 061- 
lln's Co., attr. 

Cuauvllle, Pa. — Firemen's CamlTaL May 8-13. 
Pleiw Am. Co.. attr. 

Colnmbns, Ind. — Carnival. Ansplces Oolnmbns 
Woodmen. June 5-10. Boblnson Am. Co., 
attr. Balph Ellis, sec 

Corslcana, Tex. — Street Fair. May 1.8. Ans- 
plces Local Fire Companlea. Faakar Am. Co., 


Coshocton, o. — Old Boms Weak. Aas. T-IS. 

Geo. S. Caton, see 
Creatllne. O. — Eagle Free Street Fair. May 

15-20. Boas & Nanman Shows, attr. 
DanvUle, III.— Street Fair. May 8-18. Walter 

CamlTSl Co.. attr. 
Deadwood. S. D.— Street Mb. JklW'Hflk Col- 
lin's Am. Co.. attr. . 
Decotata, .fa.i OjmliaL- naa SS-My 1. 
Denlson, THi' Wmlill OimlTal. Hay 15-20. 
Auspices DsalMB • Onlfal AMD. W. O. 
Meginnla. see. ItaiAia Am. OSb, 'atlb * 
Denver. Col.— Street - lUs. Ifay . tbigae 

CamlTal Co., attr: 
Dolntli. HlDn.— Sticat Mb ASK^ SMSi. OdI. 

lln's Am. Cok, attr.v..i 
Dnmottt M. T.^FIisiiiau*a BUr - i 
Oct 8-7. W. S. flhedmia^ MB. 
DogaesaCk Pa. — Stteat Mb- 

3. Rank Shank aMb- 

~Mt Uianpool. a— atnat Mr. Hay l>.Jmie 

S. Ctaat 3. Frank Brt* »iws. attr. 
aikton, Ky . FiiK. Mi a tl Mb.: Aopteea V. O, 
~ ' ' liaihMBJbaMh: SkMraL attr. 

MAQio viouns ' 


Butt-In Badges. Fobs and Sonirta. Pi 
Easter NoTUtiea. Chlekat and BaW.. 
Canes, Coiiltettl« OonfMtt Dnatata. 

Whistling and Gas Balloons. S,000 

for Summer Beaorta, CamlTala, 


Faoa and Bella. 
" raaa, 

134» IMi, 1S8 Park Knw, 

Tribe Kdk « Bad Mm 8«b . Xk^X New. 
ton. Jr., see. 
Brie, Pa.^ — Odd Fellows OsnlsaL Aaqilees i. 
O. O. F. Temple Assn. JUy SbUg; B. 0. 
F. Hammell, Dr. O. B. Barrey and B B. 
Brown. L. O. Stersett Committee on Arrange- 

Fargo, N. D.— Street Fair. Joly 24-28. CoUln'a 
Am. Co., attr. 

Flndlay. O. — Free Street Fair. Ansplces Patb- 
flndera* Lodge. July 8-S. W. I*. Teal, aec 
Welder's Carnival Co.. attr. 

Flint, Hlcb.— Golden }nbilee. Aar T-8. J. 
D. Dort and E. O. Wood, snb-eenuttlttee. 

Florence, S. D. — Street Fair. April 34-20. Char- 
lies Carnival Co., attr. 

Ford City, Pa.— Street Mr. An^lcsa Base Oo. 
No. 2. Jnly , 

Ford atf. Pa.— Straet Mr. Aaaptaa Bom Co. 

Sept 4-8. 

Fort Madison, la. — Street Fair. A. O. U. W. 

Jane 13-17. O. H. Sallsbnry, mgr 
Ft Plain. N. T.— Street Fair. Sept 11-16. 

Emlel Bebell, aec. 
Ft Scott Kan. — Street Fair. Ansplces of F. 

O. Eagles. Jnly 10-15. Parker Am. Co., attr. 
Frankfort Ind. — Big Pow-wow Celebratloa. 

Ansplces Bed Men. Ang. 22. 
Franklin, Ky. — Free Street Fair. Ansplces W. 

O. W. May 1-6. I«<jmian-Kectcb Shon^ 


Fnltoa, Ey. — Street Fair. Ansplcea City Conn- 
cll. Hay 15-20. Seeman-Mllllcan Mardl Gras 
Co.. attr. 

GatesrlUe, Tex — Bennlon and CamlTaL Ans- 

nteea tbe Confederate Veterans. Jnly 18-31. 

w. a. Johnson. 
GooTeaenr, N. Y. — Free Street Fair and Flre- 

men'a CamlTaL July S-8. Pierce Am. Co., 


Grand Forks, K. D.— Street Fair. Jnly Sl-Ang. 

6. Collln'8 Am. Co., attr. 
Great Falls. Mont— Street 'Mb JUT IMS. 

Collin's Am. Co., attr. 
HamUton, O.— Free Street Pair. AgjlMi Bed 

Men No. 100. May 28-June 8. ITn. SHck, 

sec. Welder's Carnival Co., attr. 
Bastlnes, Neb.— Street Fair. May* 1-11 Collln'a 

Am. Co., attr. 
Baverhill, Mass. — Boslness Men'a Bxpoaltlon. 

Free Street Fair and Carnival. Hay 18-20. 

Address Sec, box so. 
Helena, Moot. — Street Fair. July S-S. Col- 
lln'a Am. Co., attr. 
Hlgb Point, N. C— Free Street Fair. May 82- 

87. Ametlesa CamlTal Co., attr. 


_ Hay 

Jackson, 0.- 
8-18. W. B. 
Co., attr. 

Jackson, Tenn. 

Tal. Oct 16-Sl., 3. S. 

it Ounl- 
Jr„ aec 

Jackson, Miss. — Com and Cotton Catatrai. Oct, 

Jacksonville, Fla. — CamlvaL Ansplces Jackson- 

Tllle Carnival Assn. Nov.-. W. B. Car- 
ter, pres. 

JopUn, Mo. — Street Fair. Hay S-IB. Battanon- 

Bralnerd Cam. Co., attr. 
Knoxvllle, Tenn.— TI. O. T. May >MlM&'. Hay 

1-5. Boblnson Am. Co.. attr. 
Klttannlng, Pa. — Fifth Annanl Ftasaeani Free 

Street Fair. Ansplces Base Col lb L 7oly 
31-Aog. 5. Barry J. Walter, aec 

Kokomo, . Ind. — Street Fair. May 2B-Jane 3. 
Monarch Carnival Co.. attr. 

Lansing, Mich. — Street Fair. Jane 1-6. Capi- 
tol Am. Co., attr. 

Lexington, Ky. — Street Fair. May 28-Jnne 4. 
Ansplces Tent No. 30 Knighta of the Macca- 
bees. Boblnson Am. Co., attr. 

Lexington, Mo. — ^Eagle Street Fair. Ansplces 
LexLig Eagles' Llnb. Jnly S-S. Ernest Feg- 
ert, sec. 

Logansport Ind. — Carnival. Jnne 5-10. Jobo 
'E. UcMUlan. aec Mnndy Shows, attr. 

London, Can. — Street Fair. Jnne 12-17. Handy 
Carnival Co., attr. 

Manchester, N. B.— Exposltlan April 17-29. 

Mankato. MIniF Msnkstri Bttslneas Men's Carni- 
val. July 3-5. C B. Griebel. Jr. 

Martin's Ferry. O. — Street Fair. May 28-Jnne 
3. Hoss & Naamann United Sbows, attr. 

Maysville. Ky. — Street Fair and CamlTal. Ans- 
plces ot the Bed Men. Ang. — . 

Mlddletown, O. — Free Street Fair. Ansplces 
Shlimlng Light Council Mo. 83. Jnne 12-lT. 
Fred Johnson, sec. Welder's .Carnival Co., 
attr. - . 

HiU Bboals, ' m— Street Fair. Ang. 8-18. 

Monterey. CaL — Street Fair. Hay S-lS. 
Cam. Co., attr. 

Mt. Airy, N. C— Free Street Fair. Bl 
American Carnival Co., attr. 

1ft dements. Hlrt IT. «C P.. 
Jnne 0W8t. J. 


Ut. TeaMB. ll. 
men'a On 


K^gii.-lliifc-HWwai ; OBHii- lipt- W. 

w..Oakk- aab v- ' 
Kew Oastic; P a . f te s CtaatraL 3mm S-10. 

Great J. nank Bata flhowa, attb 
Naafolk. Ste ee f Pste. J ~ ~ 

^thlaa. Jnaa — w - XmftBn 
OsMsndf Oil Bbiet »>te. • 
OUsbona Ottr. Oiaa..- ah aa t 

Parker Sbowa, attr. 
OwenAorOb KF. — Street Pair. Ansplces 

Hen. lIiT — % 
Fadttcab, Ky. — CamlvaL Hay 15.30. Bodney 

C. SavlB, sec. 
Paris, Ont — Old Boys' Bemlon and Snmmer 

Carnival. Ang. 14-lS. G. B. Stewart Jones, 

gen. sec. 

Paris, Tenn. — Street Fair. Anaplccs City Ooim- 

cll. May 8-13. Seeman-UiUlGaa Ifaidl Gras 

Co., attr. •: ■ . ■ -.: 

Paterson. N. J. — Carnival. Ana V-IT. W. B. 

Johnson, 170 Broadway. 
Panlding. O. — Merchanta' Free Street Falb tttj 

8-13. Hoss Sc Nanman Sbowa. attr. 
Pern, Ind. — Street Fair. t Bl 

Auk. 7-12. .-.<. . . ■ . 

pine Beach. Ta.— Carnival. JhM BMf 

bla Amosement Co., attr. - 
Popnlar Binffs, Mo.- 

Eagles' ClDb. May 

Maidl Oraa Co.. attr. 
Pwtanooth, O. — Street Fair. Aoaplees A. 0. U. 

W. Jnne- 5-10. Frank Beamnont ehtm. 
Beynoldsnile. Pa.— Street Oaattval. Jn^ 4-6. 

R- M. Glbaoo. sec 

Bock HIU, S. C— Street Fair. lOv lA' Aasr- 

Ican Carnival Co., attr. 
Borne, N. Y. — Merchants' Bxpssltlcii and Free 

Street Pair. Jnne 5-10. Fierce Am. Co., attr. 
Bosselvllle, Ky. — Street Fair. Anaplces City 

Cooncll. May 1-6. Seeman-Mllllfan Mardl 

Graa Co.. attr. 
St Peter, Minn. — Comity Fair and Street Carni- 
val. Sept 14-16. B. B. Miller, sec i 
San Antonla. Tex. — Spring CamlTal and Plswer 

Battle. April 24-20. Sella Deathman, sec 
San Jose, CaL— Street Fair. May SS4T. Fiesta 

Carnival Co., attr. 
San Cmlx. Ca.— Street Fair. Iby IB-SO. 

Fiesta Carnival Co., atlr. . .. • 
Sberldan. Wye.— Street IUb'#ae^lsl»,-^^Oel- 

Un's Am. Co.. atlr. .v .C^,-^^ . 

SbefflcM. Ala^-Sttcet Itts. Bataa Batuaat. 
siatingtoo. Pa.— nicmaBla.Ouatral. lbv IMO. 




66N. FrankliDSt.. CHIGA60, III. 

Every Artlcl* a Moaey-Malcer 

Get onr prices on GAS AND WBlSTUNe 
BAXLOONS. decorated for advertlslor por- 
Ppses. Also iini>orted>TISSCrE.PAFEK FANS. 
Tbe only positively ' Exclusive and Bellabto 
BALLOON HOUSE in America. Onrllnethia 

season Is tbe strongest In tbe world, with ar- 
ticles for Street SUrs. Sommw Beaorta,Flo- 
nice. Carnivals, etSi -AUriOBB 


val . 

Tarentnm, Pa.— Sticat VUr. . 

J. Frank BatA Siunra. attb : 
Tarklo, Mc — Ftee Pall FreUe. ScptJB-S 
Temple. Tex.— Stret Fair. Aosploes r 

Department. Hay. 3-& 
Texarkana, Tex. — Axk. Spline Cam. .,'!'.! 

Great Mnndy Sbowa. attr. 
Ttaomaavllle, N. O. — Free Sti—t' . 

8-13. American Carnival Cs^ aMK^^^ 
Unlontown, Pa.— Street Fair. ' KS^.tt-sa 

Frank Hatch Sbowa, attr. 
Vallajo, Cal.— Street Fair. 

Fiesta Carnival Co., attr. 
Van Wert, O. — Baglea' naa 

l-e. Jobs Q. Stonsb ::.Uaiia^4iBU?ai(i' 

Vlncennea, Ind.— Street Mit t^Msf^Mel^^iM 

Bewltt'a Kxpo. Showa,' Mtf^-yW^'^i^i^it'j' 
Watsonvllle,-bal. — SIxcet Pate 

Carnival 0»., atlr. j 

Dakota TnflJlMr BlB'a AaatalAliB. , Bar 

CANES aadWfllPS 

Toy Whips and Walkiaf Canes. 


BO Ann nnsli «W TOII. 

loa appUcatton. 

Comity Faii^ 

Mansfield, Ohio, 

Aug. 30-31 y Sepb 

One of tlie best In tbe State. Attraction and 
FzMlese Men write. Address 
JOHN B. COSS, Secretary. 

Hay 1-6L < g^r 


WaSUngton, Pa. — Street Pair. 

Prank Hateb Sboira, attr. 
Wellston. O.— CamlvaL Hay 8-18. 

Weldner Camtval Co., attr. 
Wellington, Kan. — Bi^ Band Oamtral. 

0. B. Glaman. sec. 
West Chester. Pa. — Stssat 

Fierce Am. Co., attr. 
Wilmington, N. O.— StICet 

Cbcrokea Assn Haymakcra INb'' ^1 
not set. W. Ii. West see. 
Wllsao. N. C— Free Street Psir. 

Hay 6. Jooes-Adama Shows, attr. ' 
Windsor. N.O.— Street Psliw Mar 1^'- 
Adams Oam. Oik-,-.i«tl».-;' > 
Wbmepcg, Can. — O l ieat PaiB" "Abs;- 'HM 

lln'a Am. Co.. atlr. ■ ' 

Alpine, Mich. — Street Fair. Jnne 184ft. 

J. Frank Batch Showa, attr. 
Aahtabnla Barbor. O. — Street Fair. Jnao IS-IT. 

Great J. Frank Hatch Showa. attr. 
Aognsta, Ga. — Spring Festtval and HUltaty Ckr- 
nlvaL Ansplces Ogletliotpe Infantry. Hay 
1-S. S. H. Cobena. dirm. Great GaMB 
Shows, attr. 
Bamesvine, O. — Street Fair. Jane S-10. 
Bdlevine, Ont — Street Fair and Jnly 

34-28. Artbor McGlnnls. aec 
Brlatol, Ta. — Flremen'a SpdiV Ol Il l iaL .MEUT 

S-IS. BaMnaoB Am. Co.. attK'...'. i 
Ooatavme, Fa.— Piremea'a OntnS: 'Mv'«>tt>' 

Pierce Am. Co., attr. 
Panvtne, BL— Street Fair. Hay 8.18. Walter 
. Okratval Co.. attr. 

Bktoo, Ky. — Free Street Pair. Ansplces W. O. 
V_-WW - Hay 8-18: Laebman-Keetidi Shows, attr. . 

. Ky. — ^F*ee Street Fair. Ansplcea W. ' 
,0^.;W.3 Hay 1-8. Laebman-Eeeteh Shows, 

UIA.- K. of P. Free CamlTaL 
Great J. Frank Batch 

i-i Ferry. O.— Street Fabr. Hay _ 
* Maanja Halted jSbewsu_attr, 

„ Pair. Ansplces A. O. Jt, 

„ „^ S4flL akaak Bcaamont 

BcanaoidirTlilK Fa.— Street OamlTsL 

B. IC GOaoo. see. 
SUttastna. Pa— Flremen'a CamlvaL Hay 18-80, 
>'Pteea Am. Co.. attr. - . - 

tMUs Ha.— Free PaB FroUc 
^tawle. Tex.— Street Fair. 

Fire Department May 8-6. :/ .<iA-'-'S ?; 
Texarkana. Tex. — Ark. Spring 
Oxcat Haadr 'Omwih atlxk .. . 

Jnly ML 

Sept MO. 


Tt&e Billboard 

Oka* Tbwu, Cape (M«ar> M. 
NOPT^ 1904-11x7 laos. A. *. 

inian, ItBlr — ^KxpofUIoa. Apifl-Itor. 
nor L BabbatUiL MC. Ht. Bampm. H. B. 

miwsiikee. Wla.— Metdiaats aiiA MuratMtarac^ 
Bxpoiltlan. April Ift-Kar 2L. AMnm later- 
State BxpoalUmi Asm., Bzpoaltloa bUc. 

mtclirll, 8. D. — SCTrath Com Putee Bx- 

podtlan and Free 8tmt Atttaeuina. Sept. 
I.. O. Gale. 

Korfolk, Va. — Jamestown Tereenteiuur Bzpcal- 
tlon. Mar 1 to Dec 1. UOT. Gen. nt»Jju»lJ 
Iice, ctialnnan execnttTc eammlttce. 
Portland, Ore. — Itewla and GmA Centennial Bx- 
poaWoB. Jane 1-Oet. U. H. W. 0«od«, prea.: 
Henry SL Beed. lec ■ 

D. C. — Central Ametleu tmH- 


BIIHllllllllWli Ha X*^Aac- M 

Bladidaek, IBaa. — Nortbcia 

7nae a04S; k Q. 

Hageiatoirn, Md.— JUDe'T-*. 

8-11. ' 

New London. Conn. — Hay 6. 
Wanesboro, Pa. — Uar 10-12. 

ably. AprU ao- 
MarT. W. A. Doacaa. Snann, ILX. 
-MblantU On.— Soatbwa UNgM OMMMW Aa- 
MoUr. a. BBBi-ja. pcM. JUr — . 
" : GUTt N. J^— Jtwlili Obantraqoa. Jnir 

n Ottr. B. D.-41r Btaat I«k* Intcr- 
raintiiiiiin Jnaa and Jalr. B. B. 


Annoal DiT 

Dnmaal^ K 

Baltimore, Md. — Bebnlldlns Celebratlan. Beft. 

10-18. J. Hany Tregoe, pre*. 
Booham, Tex. — ^Annual W. O. W. Z^og Boiling. 

Aqv. 16-19. Cameron A Tarply. 
OalTeaton. Tex. — Cootederate Veterana' Aaaoal 

Bennlon. July 18-21. W. H. Jobnaon. 
Indianapolis, Ind. — North American Natloaal 
FestlTal. Jnne 21-2S. Rudolph Zlmmcmu 
344 Strteeoth St., MUwankee, Wla. 
PortamoDth, O.— Scimier reler, tuj V-10. 

I.aaU F. Koeth. 

Spartanbut. 8. C.— floatt Atlintte BtatM An- 
nnal Hnaleal rcatttal.' OuTcrat Andltodnai. 
Hay ■ - 

Zoontatawn, O, QilabnUMi at On* Hnndicdtb 
Aanticauy at Oaatb tt Brtilllar. May 0. 

^ H. T. — rrblrty-iceoDd tnaaal 
Hy. j«a* tt-Aag. Zt. 
^CUataa* Koi. — OUaton Chaotanqna 

bly. Anc- — Cbaa. V. Gray. 
Dellanee. O.— Ifanmec Valley Cbaauoqna, Idand 

Park. AOS. B-I3. 
Delaware. O. — Delaware Sprlnsa Ohantaoima Aa- 
•embly. Ao^. — . Alexander It. Tarr, Co- 
Inmbna. 0. 
OtacoQ. m.— Bock BlTer Aaaambly. Jnly 

Anc IS. W. H. Uwx. 
■ulc* Here. Pa.— Eaglea HcM 

.aembly. Jnly 12.Sept. S. 
rL-Oodce. la. — Cbaotanqga MammStf. Mr 

ftaakllB. a— MIUBI' Taflar Obaotnta*. Jnly 

^•'^-, rr,--- i».-fiiK«. a.- 

X-ll. J. ■. _ 

iMMl AncDbtr of KtUa 


-."Wci VtBBOo. 6.— OUs Bavdst Obantanqna Aatm- 
tlr. Anc. 2-17. O. ARber. anpt. 
Owenflboro. Kr — SeTcn Hma Cbaataniioa. Anc. 

S-IT. W. O. Archer, aspt. 
CtOBtlae. m. — Pontile BlTenlew Chantanaaa AB- 
■ .- Kmbly. Jnly 80-Anr. 18. J. O. Weatctrelt. 

ibcntTTfllr. IB. — StelbyriUe Gbaotanqoa Aai 
l- - *^. J'!^-*^ U. 7. a WMtnralt. 

1 Anc. S^ 

Colpaper. Va.— llie Vlrgiala Bone Show AMS- 

daOoo. JttU 4-5. 

Itadrtlckaboii, Va. — FRdcncaaan 

'Show. Jnly 13-15. Clare-— ~ 
Front Boyal. Va-— The V 
AaaoeUtlon. An*. 21-32. 
Oeorsetown. Ky.— KIka' »»lr and Horae Stow 

Jnly 25-29. S. J. Pnlliam. 
Bamaonbnr*. Va.— The VIibIbU Bona 8b«w Aa- 
, aodatlan. Aoc. U-17. 
' Keawlck, Va.— The VlzsMl 
;~ aocUtloa. Hay 25. 
- Iflnr Branch. N. T.— H«H» 
: -ttrncbbois. Va. — The Vf 
aoclatton. . Oct. 3-S. 
Miiiall. Ta.— The Vlrglaik 

daOao^ : Jnly 26-27. 
Kaw Xatfc City. N. -v ■ « .-r^ 
>.lbdlMa. SwiK Gardn. May t-U. 
■ Mr -IMOHr^ v. T.— nn HoaaSiMW. Hot. 

BlMlMl,' fH Tnrmn^ Hone Show and Fair 
Aaak^^lac aect. May 16-19. C. O. Wtcaa. 

Bbcfolk, Va.— The VUxlnU Bona 

■ tton. Oct. lS-31. 
Oranse, N. J. — Oianse nC 

Hone Show. May 18-18. 
Otiatwt, Va. — The Tltctaia Horse Show 

J^ St-Anc. 1. 
Plalnileld, N. J. — ^Plalnlleld Botm . 

June 9-10. Lewis B. Waring, preik 
Portland. Ore. — ^Lewls and Clark 

Horse Show. Aug. 2S-Sept. 8. 
Sidanond. Vs.- The Virginia Horse Show Asan 

AOS. 8-8. 

UppcrrHIe, Va. — The Vlislnla Hccsa Sbow Ama. 

Jnae 15-18. 
Waltentown, Va. — The . 
. ae e a tlnn , Aoc. SO-SU 

Lcbaaoa. iDd.-^. D. DaSy. 
toguSpoTt, Ind. — Losan^ort Commercial CInb. 
Mi^atow Ifbm. — Colsoo. 
PWtamoatb, O- — W. O. W. Camp No. 39. 
BUnelaadet. Wli.— Uax Zbameiman. 

— - - - —T. Scott. 

^ b«^—Sa*a B. Seeker eaat. 

^i||^;.^' ^-■;;<^^>-i-''^'^: ■- " - 

^ItfmiBTille, Ky. — Betall Oiiiain' Anil Pare 

- Fwxl Show. Apcn at-May M. t. Bvwa. 
mgr.. 277 Broadway, Kew York CUy> 

Hewaxk. N. J.— Newark Betall Omeer*' Aaao- 

dation Pore Food Show. Newark Theatre. 

May 22-Jane S. EL J. Bowe. Z77 Broadway. 

N. T. . ' 

Woraster. Maas. — Betall Qroeera and Ftoelaloa 

Dealers Asan. Pace WoM 

Ball. Hay 8-20. M, 9, — 

Hew Zock Gltr. 


Imlaellle, Ky.— flhegtaati aC 

land Orore. Jnae 3SL Ml 

614 E. Kentncky at. 
Oeceola, Neb. — Polk County n«tetll*l Ptenlc 
' Assn. Aug. S3. W. H. Wcedcn. 
PIttsbotg. Pa. — Odd Fellowa Orptaaaa. Jane 21' 

22; I.niia Park. 
Pittsbnrg. Pa.— St. Joaepb Oaalae adrt Onsrrgs 

tlofi.. Jane IS; Loaa Park. 
PlttsbAg, Pa ^mtemttL Wart PnUIe MuMda. 

Jnne 28; " 

Ittabnrg. Pa 
Lama Jpaik. 

Plttabnrg, Fa. — ^Hetron ATcnae Presbyterian 

Church- Joly 14; Lmia Park. 
Plttaborg, Pa.— KnlghU ot The Mralle ObaJn. 

Jnly 27; Lnna Park. 
Plttabnrg, Pa. — Forty-sixth 

Chorch. Atlg. 8; Lnna Park. 
Plttaborg, Pa. — Letter Carriers. Acg, U; Lnna 

Plttaboig, Pa. — St. 'Joeeph'a Orphan Booie. 

Ang. 8; Lona Park. 
Plttaborv. Pa. — ^MeKlnley Chapter. Order ef the 

Eastern Star. Jnne 14; Luna Park. 
Plttabtttg,Ps; — Obserratory IHIU Christian GbmCb 

Snnday School. Jul; 18; Laoa Park. 
Pittabnig, Pa.— Cbnich Ot the Innnimlata 

Heart. Jnne 20; Laaa tek. 
Tork Olty. Pa. — Tonn».~ 
^ItennfcaMe Paifc. Wm&^m. Imt lit 


SetMol of 


Todc Ov, Fa^— Oa O. a 
■ Jidr 4; BtookaUe Park. 

Sack Oily. Pa^ ZAtbcn Sunday 

Mrer. Inly 8: Bia^dda Park, 
lock Olty, Pa.— r " - - - 

Dorer. Jnly 15; 

Tork City, Pa.— Uyatle 

22; BrookaMe Park. 
Tock Qty. Pa. — St. Hark'* Lntbem Bonday 

Schocd. Eiat York. Jnly 29: BnMMde Park. 
York City, Pa. — P. O. S. of A. and Ji^alor Me- 
at Manchester. May 80; Cold Spring 


York City, Pa. — United Brethren Sonday School 

of Mawihester. Jnne 10: Cold Spring Pa^ 
York City, Pa. — Bethlehem Brangellcal Stm- 

day SehooL Jnne 17; Cold Spring Park. 
York Olty. Pa. — Memorial Reformed Snaday 

SchoOL Jime 17; Cold Spring Park. 
York dty. Pa. — Fonrth United Brethren Snnday 

School. Jane 24. Cold Spring Park. 
York City, Pa. — Bldge Avesne Methodist Cptseo- 
Snnday SebooL Jnly 1: Oold Spring Park. 

York OltT. Pn^'^ajnukeia' AMD. Inly 4; 

cold Spring Park. 
York City. Pa.— Fifth Dnlttd •tathtta Saalay 

SchooL Jbly 8: Cold SpctaB tidL^ _ _ 
York City. Pa.— Bmlgsrllle laBlar MaA Inly 

22; Ooid SptlBg Park. 
YoA OUFs Pa. Y oong PeooW'a OMatlaB UbIdb 
ana ^tta Rtai nmted BraOicB Chnreii at 
SMh Tafe. Sevt. 4: omd B|p(InK.Paik. 
T«k. miL— miatMl Badi aW i a jC 

Aa^ M. i 
Tonttgstown, O. 
ATon Park. 

-L O. B. JC Grt. 

U. Oantel. Jr., Gnfln.,aB. 

TT.T.TW r^ Ta 

OUcago—Maater steam BoOer ' Uilcen* Aasn. 

- Con. June 5^7. N. L. Aldrlcb. 17 Battery 

pi.. 'New York CHy. 
Chicago — Natl. Jesuit Alomnl. Joly — . J. 
B. Den-rlr. E<iuitable bldg., St. Loola, He. 

MoUne-^tate Dental - - ■ - " 

Elgin M. A. 

Chicago, m. 
BadHDie*— 8aaa of Veterans 
.; IfllV BL B. Cnmmlngs. 

CrawfordsTtlle — Annnal Sonday School Oon. May 

25. W. B, Banks, pres. 
Michigan City— Indiana Oongretatloul Chordl 
Assn. Coo. May 10-12. 

Terre Bante — State Pbarman 
Jnne 7-». C. E. Joyner. 

J Star Gr. Chapter Ooo. 
D. Mttdiell. «M Beylman 

Tirtipiirtiaii TTiilti it Cuu u ue i elal TtaTelets' In- 
ter-state Con. May 12-18. P. G. — " ' 

LaaTenworth — Eslghta Templar Q& 

OoB. May ML q a Ooddatd. ^ _ . , 
tiMiaaaiira ■'aiiiiii ur rjiiiiii nr iwilia finii 

Jiar F. Ik TBrltton, Oaage OHgTa 
New Orleans— State Medical SodctT Coo. May 

9-11. Dr. W. M. Perkins. SIX Ouv at. 
Opelonaaaa— I. O. BL M. Qfc Oaaaatt OM. May 



Hagerstown — ^Danghters of Liberty State Con. 
May 11. Mrs. L. E. Groinn. MiO Franklin at. 


Boston — ^N. B. O. P. Snprane I«dge Con. May 
9. D. M. Fry, 222 Highland arc, Somerrille, 

Boston— American Social Sdciice Aam. Ooo. 
May u-U. K eae rt t B ataalcr Baa^ m 

Biawt B'alilite Templar Or. 

Ooa. Kay iS-U. W. B. 
DaOaa— Vtala Botcl Men'a Assn. Coo. 

ll-IS.- Q. B. Lee*. Beoham, Tex. 
Fort Wortk— Vexaa Local DnderwittefT 

Con. May — ^ Stuart Harrison.- 
Forth Woc»— B. P. O. S. SUte Con. M 

Joseph B. Faraawarth. DaUaa. Ttt. - 
8aa Antoclo — Aocleat Myatis Ortw aC' 

or -Bagdad State Om. May IS. W. 

bert, Waco, Tex. 


Minneapolis— Order of the 

Chapter Con. May 11-18. 
_^Tayl«i». TO Worgi ^^^^J^ 

" ^""^ ' 


GnUJmrt — Kings, IHngtaters and Sons' State 
Branch Con. May 9-11, Mrs. 8. H. Dinsmoce. 

A. B. State Ooa. 
Wood, am Belta 


Cooocil Ooa. May !>-S. 0.-1^' 
Macon at., Omaha. Neb. 
Nebraska City— A. O. U. W. Or. 
May 9. 8. B. Slnke. Grand laland. 

Ttlantle City— National Steam Flttera' 

Con. Jnne 12-15. H. B. OoaiibenL N. X. 
Atlanae CUj—e. O. 8. " " - - - 

Sept. aS-ZT, F. B. 

Plilladel[4iia, Pa. 
PhllUpi4»iig— A. and I. O. 
mandery Con. May ■ 17. 
Kent St., Trenton, N. J, 

New York City— Amcricaa BookaeUetC 

Con. May IB. Addreaa Bee,. M. B. tUt 
Niagara Palls — ^NatL — - — 
Con. Jnne 19. B. 
St.. Chicago, m. 
Schenectady— State Fire Crlets' Aasn. Cod. 

10. H. B. Yates. 
TnnbiTa Fnlrhtn of tbe Golden ^ 
~ - Ooa. May 9. J. 3. BlaekM, 

BnrlingtoB — ^Foresten ot Aaierlea BIgh Coort 
Ooo. Msy 11. 


BldUDond— Soothem Railroad Agents' Assn. Con, 
May 8.' B. L. Bngg, Sarannah. Ga. 

mmartMa T 0. B. M. Grt.-Connea Oaa. Mn. 
'9. ~3. B. Cass, Commercial bide,, vSMM^* 

WEST VisennA. 

Fairmont— Knlgbta Templar Ob 

Coo. May 10. P. S. Uee. 

Wbedhwr-Btata Medical aoeIe» May — h. 

ntTwi W. BaMen, E ndna. W. Vk. 
MIlwouk(.-c — State BUlpoeters* Assn. Ocm. May 

10. E, J. Kt-nipf. Sheboygan, Wla. 
Mllivaukee — ^Military Order ot the Loyal LeglOB 

Congress Coo. May 27-2S. Col. J. P. Nlchol- 

aoo, 1985 Ctaestnot at., Philadelphia. Pa. 
MUwankee — I. O. O. F. Gr. Lodge Con. Jnne 

6-S Richard Hoe, 408 Grand are. 
Milwaukee — Bo.val Neighbors of America Ooo. 

Jnne 20-£4. Anna P. Lister. ^Pearllj IB. 
Milwaukee— American Press 

Wm. F. Kirk. 
MUwankee— MatL Baggagemca'a 

Aam. Om. JaM W. Oi. < 

MUiraafcn ImtL wanker. 

16-20. F. p. Strage. 
Mllwaokec— 'Northwestern 

WTiten' Coo. Jnly 

cr. Mai<phT * Smba. 
MUsnnkec— United ar~ 

Stvt. — Wm. B. 

Indianapolis. Ind. 
Milwaukee — ^American GaB_ 

Oct. 18-20. Georse O. 

way. New York City. 
MUwankee— Lnthern Genl. ODaneO. Oct 

Ber, 8. S. Onelord, Allentown, Pa. 
Snperlot^M. W. of A. SUte Camp Ooo. Vlf 

(2nd wk.) 

Mottaka. OBt.— lattnatlaaal A«eldeBt Uadc^ 
---5^ -a«.9». " 





Annlston — I. O. 0. F. Gr. Lodge 

H. C. Wearer, HnntsTlUe, Ala. 
Annlston — I. O. O. F. Gr. Encampment. May 8. 

Robert West. Montgomery, Ala. 
Mobile — United Daughters ot Confederacy state 

Om, May Bi afc- ' ~" — 

May S. 

... a'^Ju IC Btata 
W. p. Pocbea. Sttchett. Ark. 

Pasadena— W. C. T. V. State Con. May 9, 

Colorado brings— 3>egtee ot Boooc Gr. Lodge 
Ooa. itir Mta. Oaale Bcyaas. Sll W. 

13th at.. Padil^o a. • • 

WwiWaitaa 0. O. A. M. NaiL OMBeO On, 

S«t.-tt. - MmSatar, isa Ax«h 
pUa, Pa. 


AlUanta— SUte Dental Soelc^ Ooo. May 4-8. 
St. r. BoOaad. m Pradeotlal Udc 


Cincinnati— t Ot-*: M. Great Council Con May 
8-11. ThOBaa J. . Irwin, 613 So. 8rd at. 
Martin's Fenry, °0. 
CleTclaDd— foresters of America Grand Court 

Con. May 9-10. F. L. Hopkins, 
de-reland — State Homevatbic Med. Society Con. 

Con. May 10. F. K. Lowe. 
Ootaunboa— Yonnc _Mn'* 'HOllBeia Leagoa - at 

■ - Mr 

m B.— 3Sth O. A. B. 

H. D. cialDn. 

Portland— IfttL 

Coo. Aug. 18. 

ton. D. O. 
Portland — Natl. Letter 

Sept. 4-11. Ed. J. " 

Washington, D. C. 

Bile Buril Areannm Grand Comell Con. May 

— . W. O. Weiss. SetUebem, Pa. 
Onerbnrg— aoth Annual Grangers' Eocaispment, 

Aug. lS-18. Geo. W. Oster. gen. mgr. 
Phllsdelpbla — Order Eastern Star Gr. CSiapter 

Con. May 9. Wm. Saunders, 3634 Broad. 
Ptatladelptala — United Order of Red Men Natl. 

Con. Sept. — . George Beanser. N. Y. O. 
PUtsbnrg— Natl. GymnaBtlc Clnba' Con. Jnne 

WUkeabarre — .Foresters of America Ot. Ooort 
oaa. May 14. Uobert Oamba^ BU Wl ~ 
A. fUIadelpbla. Pa. 

PMMdeaee— DaaMM «C XAlttP IMa OoaneU 

OnB. May*. 

Sanday School Aaaa. OMk May 

MashMIle— I. O. R. H. Ort. Ooondl 9t_V. 8. 
Can. Sept. U. wnaea Bmika, BM 
St.. OMfiBBL IB.' 


L Oa. Iby »& 

M. D. 

Tmplar Sr. Com. Ooa. 
May 10. 'O. A.'BeaaAamp, gr. sec 

Montgomeiy— Gr. Lodge ot the O. U. O. ot O. 

P. Con. Aog. 1. W. T. Breeding. 
Knlgbts Templar Gr. Csmmandery Con. May 

— . George A. Beanehani|>, Mootgosiery, Ala. 

Phoenix — Q. A. B. SUte IBarampment. May — > 

w. P. r 

Hot Sprint*— 16th Protectant Episcopal Dioce- 
san Con. May 10. Jno. M. Daggett, Harlaa- 
na. Ark. 
Hot Springs— State Local Fire : 
Con. Jnne — . J. E. HamptOiL 

Little Bock— 6Ute Eclectic Me 

May 10-12. J. L. Tall, 
LitUe Sock— Knight Templar Or. Oam. 

May IS. Fay Hempstead, gr. sec 
Xexarkaaa^-KalgbU of Pythias Or. IiHgi (Ool- 
- - Jnjy u. W. Lb ^ ' 


OM. My— w 

May 18. 
MarsfaalL Mo. 
Lob Angeles— W. CL K> O. 

Loa Aasele»— BUL OnM 
Colvshns Csa. J^Ba V* 

Haren. Ooaa. 
BanU Cruc— A. 41 1L W« 

— . O. T. ~ 

daco, CaL 

Con. MmM. J. 

at. 1 

State Ooo. May Ml 

First St. 
S»n FrftMlaro — T. O. O. P, 

May 8. tteoTge T. Sfciw. 
Sas nawclaoo-.'.^mfrlcan SuiKical Aasn. 

July a-7. D. T. Allen. dcTeland. O. 
San Praadsce— American Christian Mlialogary 
Society Ooa. Aug. 17-8*. BenlaaiiB L. BBttb. 
Y. M. a A. MBfc, CMMU. O. 

Or. Lodge Ooa. 


Boulder— Stat* Baral Letter Oarriera* Aasn. Ooa. 

Jaly 4. Harry B. Nlran. Bertboad. OoL 
COloiado Stiriscs— M. W. ot A. SUte Came Osa. 

May — . J. M. eberman, 310 Ooover bUg., 

Dcnrer, OoL 

Oolsrado Sprtags — Ancient Order of United Wark- 

msB Or. Ladce Con. May S. - B. B. Taylor, 

P. O. box T16. 
Oitondo aprlBga— Jr. O. U. A. M. SUte ODaaClI 

Ooa. May s. w. A. PoUard, box 1088. 
Denrer — Natl. Railroad Agents' Aasn. Oia, 

Jnly — . N. A. Cettidl. - 


MM «C tt«- O. A. B. NaU. Om. 
Mb. mur T> Hnccr, pna^ St. 

DoTc*— nalD IMva*cbM> Asan. of America 
Om. JOM tm X. r. ICaekle. T04S SUwart 

Denrer— Natlcmal EUctrle XAgbt Aiaa. Ooo. 

JOM 6-8. J. 0. ADdrews, «05 ITtti ft 
D«DTer — XnternfttlODAl Brotherhood of Oompocl> 

tloB Raofets and Watrrproof Woikera' Con. 

May IS. Wm. S. Woods. Chicago, ni. 
DaaTcr — Oaltcd Camamlnl TnT^lcra' Or. Con. 

Joaa — . W. B. Lawlor. Trinidad, Ool. 
PtBTcr— I<aKatcta af America Or. - Court Con. 

Joaa 8. Kennetb Beodersoa, box 181. 
Danrar — Fraternal Ord*r of Bislea Or. Aerta 

Con. Anc. 18. A. B. Partrldse, Kanaaa Cltr, 


DenTer— Aocilcaa Stock Orowcta* Aaaa. Coo. 

Ibv •. A. a. da Blcslaa, Data stock yaida. 
PauMi Jnwrlraa Oa H a u a t Me Stat* Ooo. AOS. 
1541. Ik: H. J^aSSi Aataoi. H. Z. 

~ > A. >• Ooo. aapt. X. a 

StomlaftOD— UbUcA^ OOBmcNlal a M ia lat ir Say, 
CooacU OOD. Iter IMS. a -B. Bnt. gr. 

fcc, 180 daik at., cmm, HL 

_^ JTM _ _ . 

BiH U' ar— g gn o t t h taagne Ooo. Jaly 5«. 'b. 
' If. Baadall. 37 Washlavtoo at., ddcasOL IIL 
niaHait ITaliMi of Fytblaa Or. Iiodsa Con. 

Aac •> w- a. vatkm, tia oa rtii t ri trtg.. 

p. c. u. Coo. mr ix-18. mai 

J. B. Strobrldge, SA Saborbaa arc, Staafonl. 


Hartford— NatL Y. P. C. U. Jolr IX-U. 

Mlu bnina Banett, Bteh Valler. Ind. 
Hartford — ^Alnmlnl of the American Collesc la 

Rome. Hit — . Rer. J. Emll GefelL Ph. 

O., Bodicater, N. Y. 
New Uaven — Bojml Ardi Uaaona* Gr. Chapter 

Con. Mar 9. Jamea ICeOonnlek. rec. UO 

State at., Hartford. Coon. 
New London — Unprorcd Order of Bed Mea Ort. 

OooneU Con. Mar M. T. A. OkatirtIL 
Wtterbnrr — Forcatcis of AmailaB 4e. OaaK 

Mar 10-11. F. A. Baaertr. 11 IMIII 1 

wambau— o. r. A. K. state OmmO 

- Mv 1^. W. A. Chase. 

aaaaft'OMk ' Abo V% 

WMUwta — Interna te 

cresa Ooo. Mar — ^. 
Waihlnrtoo — Natl. Poatmaatets* Cob. Mar as-2<. 

B. F. Lawaon, pres.. Bfllnshun. ni. 
Waablncton— International Cblet of PoUea 

Con. Mar 22-37. Uaj. BIctiard Sylveater. 
WaaUnstOD— ScTentli Dar AdrentlaU' Gen. ConC 

Mar U-W. W. A. Spicer. lUooia Park. 


: I. Taltao, Oble Wcairaa Oat- 

■ O. 

. ooiaa'a Vnm Aan. Ooo. 
Utxt U, Matth. BDOV HUL 

b."*«a"w' BaS 

BBflaoaodcnt fMdff 
9. BUaer Barnard, aap. 
more at.. Baltimore. Md. 
WuUastoa— Naa Car Sarvlca lUrs.* Aan. Coo. 

Mar 3-lS. A. O. Thempano, Beiastoo. Pa. 
VTaahlncton — ^Amarleaa Sodecr at Bapca. at 
Tralninc Scboal* fgr Manas Ooo. Mar — . 

llAMaTtne— Or. Chapter B. A. M. oC Fla. OOD. 
_aHr»-10 . W. p. Weber. «r. 
Biioaiiuiilie— HUUi Annaal Fnneral DIreetora' 
-.State Oaa. Mar 9. C. M. Blngbam. 1r., Dar- 
— Ita. 

—Or. Oommandetr K. T. 
r «. W. P. W( 

m. a 

. .-gta te Aaaa. Oaol lUr 
A««rtr. JadaooTflle. iu. 
*L Aasnatlae— Protastaat BplawiBOl OtalA IM»- 
eeian Con. Mar StTSL SLflMin. 

Pemandlna. FTa. 
Tampa— State Boaid of PhamuCT Ota. 
15 E. Berger. roam 14. Fliat Natl. 


«imp«— G. w. Ordrr of OM WtUawr Or. tiSdfe 

Con. Ua; 2-«. B. D. Btmmona, UBOVi FlaiA- 

Ud at. 

Weat Palm Beach_l. o. B. M. Stat* Cob. Mar 
IT. J. w. WUlUiMi Get. OUaf at 

Atlanta — Annaal 

Mar 16-18. M. 

New Tork Cltr. 
nitErtald— Retail Oraeatif Amm. 

Ooa. Jnlr 11-12. Joba Btattoa. 

NdB.. AUanta. Ga. 

Ada miss Bennloo. /«ay. 18. aTTF 

Macon— Annual State Hortlealtatd flulitf Om. 

Aug. 1. ctaas. T. anitii. OaMaaL OaT 
Macoo— Lcagne of Ga. ManleMmiM OdO. Aec 

(2ad wk.) Bridges Smith. 

Epl»c<n>al Cbnrch Dloceaaa 
JSS: 3?" ^- Brnoawlck, Oa. 

"*«o-«r. Uidge Knltrhu ott Prthlas- Coo. 
Mar 16. Wm. H. Leopart, 0. K. of R. and 
8.. SaTaaaah. Oa. 

If™^'^'- P. Gr. Eoeampment. Hay 

a.Ir f: ^- "^y^- «f- scribe. 

Pythlaa Or. Lodaa tOA- 
ared) Con. July IS. F. M. CobenT^ 
BaTMina6--NaU. Trarelera' ProteetlTe A«n. 
^«-Maj- 10-31. w. J. nonUn. 
won— Geonria Inter atate Saw UIU Aaaa. Ooo. 
— . Blwood C. HamlL 

LandMlnt " ' '* 

*g"«-*tata PoUcamaa'a Aaaa. 

Ooo.. May — . 

Jdo« ssjoir i< 

state at. 
Chicago— NatL 

Asan. Con. 

port, N. Y. 
Cblcago— Amerieaa 

Mar 10. w. B. 

LonlsTllle, Kj. 
Chicago— Natl StoTe Ufta.* Ooo. Hay 0-U. 
Chicago — Inland Dallr Fresa Aaaa. Ooo. Jane 

20. wiu T. TBSocd, ace aad ticaa.. Mmob 

Cltr. la. 

Chicago — AmertaaB WtM Laaaoa OkasMaa Cko. 

joir 10. 

Ctaieago— NaO. Wbolcaalt Uqacr Dealeta^ Aaaa. 

Ooo. Joaa T. OaaU Staabar, Otaelnnatl. o. 
Chteaso-^Bicileaa Swcdlab Magcta Uata Ooo. 

Jnly — — 


Otaleaco— latcnatlaoal Wt 

Ooo. Jtine 6. Uta. Haiy H. Balt& BIS ■. 
Market at.. Blmlra. N. Y. 

Chicago— Natl. Lomber Blfirs.' Aaaa. Oeo. May 

9-10. George K. Smith. lU N. ;t)i at, St. 

LoDla, Mo. 

Chicago— Natl. Telephone Coo. Jnne 20-21. J. 

B. Boae. Bleetrle hide.. ClfTeland. O. 
Chicago— Shirt. WalR and Lanndrr Workers' 

Intematianal Union Con. Ang. 8. Chas. B. 

Nordeck. box 10, Station 1, Tror, N. Y. 
Chicago— Ifalatera' Asan. of D. B. Ooo. Ang. t. 

J. f. Pank, 263 LeShelle at. 
Clilcaga — Daoclitera oi Ubertr NatL Ooimcll 

Con. Ang. 16. W. V. Edklna, 100* B. Paaa- 

rnnk are., Philadelphia, Pa. 
Chicago — Wholesale Saddletr Aaan. of the U. 

S. Con. Jnne 12-16. W. B. Stone, Roebeater, 


Ohleago — Intematlozial Hahnemannlan Aaan. Ooo 
Vane SS-M. B. S. Bang, gns Waatworth 

Chteago— WasteiB Gaa Aaaa. Oao. May 17-UL 

n ^y r m SmSr ^^ ^ ' r 

lea 0«a.:OMMlI Sa^^nTai^l Mlis Bb. 

Bia 8. Walkar, Decatar .HI. 
Chicago Tabor Ooa. Jnne 27. Engeae V. 
.- :Daka. 

Chicago Amalgamated St. Rallwar Emploraa. 

OcC — % W. D. Mabon, 2Z1 Ultehcn ave.^ 

Xtctiolt, Mich. 
Coal Cltr — Foreatera of America Or. Cooit OOD. 

Mar 9-11. W. B. Jelferaon. U03 SiUca at. 
Mattoon — State Letter Carrlen' Aaaa.. Ooa. Hmr 

II. M. T. Finnan, Bloomlngtoa, HL 
UUU Shoals— a« union. Ang. 8-13. Dr. Martch. 

Bfflngliam— Stkta 

Mar 3-i. J. K. „ ^ ^ _ ^ , 

Jollet— Gennaa Anay aM WaiJ Jm. aC K A. 

Con. Ang. — . 
Peoria— Electric Uedlcal Society Ooo. May IT 

IS. w. B. Klnnett, M. D., TorkTlUe, m. 
Qolncr — International Mill Woskata* Ooo. 3m» 

18. W. B. Kelllngtoo, MlT " 

Bock Uaad— Natl. Fratcnal 

11. Botert Bezdale. 
Bock Island— SUU Medical ■nilH Om. May 

IS-IS. B. W. Wdh Ottam. m. 

Cob. May S. Bat. t. W. apnol. SU MoMi 

9. State Ooo. JtSr 
H. EL Matenasoa. 1330. Aaaa. Mdg.. CUcago, 

Anderson — C. A. Ok.flL' 
— . Stephen I. WMitt 
apolla, Ind. 

BransrUIt — roresteiS It 

Coo. Mv Jl 

Maryland at. 
rreseii Lick nuilini lala 

July — . wTs. Otaat« 

Oaatle, lad. 
ladlaaaiMlla f. a I. «C i 

^ May IS. M. B. Wdah. BM BDleatt 

aq., BnSalo. N. Y. 
ladlanapoUa— I. O. O. T. bodga Ooo. May IT- 

18. W. EL Leedr. gr. ace., L O. O. P. Urg. 
ladlaaapoUa — Rebekaa State Aaacmblr. May 

15-18. TrifTlt I^ngphr. Laha Ja cs i . Ind. 
btdlaaapoUa — Amnlcaa Aaaa. Phyala-Madleal 
Ptaysldaas and Snrgeona* Ooa. Hay 18. Sr. 

J. O. Morrlaon, Andenoo. lat, 
Madiaon — ^Women's Belief Gocpa IBf tmBtt at 

6. A. R. Con. Jnne IS-IB. 
Madlloa— 43. A. R. State Encampment. Jnne 

13-15. B. B. Powell. 
UarloD— State Barbeta* Aaan. Con. May — . 

£dwlB r. Blchatda. 
Hlabkwaka— Indiana Catholle Order of Foreat- 
ern- Ooo. Jane 13. Andrew J. BcMck, 809 N. 
4th St., Lafarette, Jnd. 
Mnncle — B. P. O. B. State Con. Jnne 8-9. 
New An>anr— Knights of Ftdellty Gr. Grore Don. 

Ang. — . J. C. Becker. 
Blefamood — ^International Prlenda Edaca'l Coaf. 
Joly Sl^Ang. 8. Bobt. I,. EaUr. Barlham 

JolT SI. 

ct BaMty Mall. Ooa. Jane 

SMT. WBu %r Ooaiay. UOS no Majesties 
Oetialt, Mieh. 
Seymoor — ladlaaa Jarlsdlctlon Or. Conaetl Tooag 

Mcn'a laatitnte. Ang. 22. W. M. Fogarty. 
Terra Bantc — Glaaa Battle Blowers Onion of V. 
S. aad Canada Coo. Jnly 10. Wm. Lanner, 
931 Wlthetapoon blAr. PhUadelphla. Pa. 
West Badni— NaO. water Worka* Aaan. Con. 
Jane n-ie. George C. Sea«er, Roebeater, 
N. Y. 

Winona Lake — Preebytarlan Cbnrch 0«n. Aaaem- 
bl.v. Mar 18. Ber. W. H. Boberta, 1819 
Walnnt St., Philadelphia, Pa. 

Wlnalow— Old Soldleta' Banaloa. Ang. 9-lA. 
Addrna Geo. P. Bnaeli. ad}t, P. 0. box lOS. 


Arbor Bill — Old Settlera and Sotdlera* Beanlna 

Sept. (Ind wk.) C. 0. Stewart, see. 
Cedar Baplda — ^United Commerelal Ttarclcta' 

Gr. CooDcU Ooa. Jaae 8-10. Chaa. B. Olm- 

atead. Slooz OlIT. la. 
Cedar Baplda— Tareatr-alaa Ooa. Andeat Order 

Workmen. May 8-11. B. F. Sehkopf, gr. tec.. 

Des Moines. 

Cedar Rapids — Gr. Lodge of The Segrca of 
Honor Coo. May 9. Mlaa Btta Smythe. MIS 

.-..O.-at. W. . ■ 

OooacU Blaate— State Bctall OreeeiaP Aaa. Ooa. 

Mar S-U. Ira B. T^naa. Ma MalBca^ la. 
ConncU BlaSh Sta te .aadaratta aC babar. Ba- 

gumlog May ». J. B. SMaCHaas dtr, la. 
DaTcnport— OarMar Alamal Mm, at tba D. 8. 
and Canada Ooo. Amt,-tt. Mar. Mb. Pbelaa. 

Marcna, la. _ ' - 

A. Coo. Joaa 1-k 
Oea MoUea-«tate BlMI W MklW m. Map X-i. 
Dr. O. w. Bwaa. <iil WnlaBlw at. Wa- 

terloo, la. 

Des Moines — State Opticians' Asan. Oon. May 
10. G. S. OeMots, Orange Cltr. la. 

Dea Moines — Iowa Christian Coo. Jnne — . B. 
S. Denny. 

Iowa Cltr— State Health Assn. Con. Jime 12-13. 

Dr. C. T. Lensan, Mt. Arr, la. 
Oakalooaa — ^Ladlea of the O. A. B. BMa Oon. 

Mar 16-18. Mlaa 8. TlUotaaa. iMlMwood 

Boolerard. DaTeoport. la. 
Bbeld o e — ^Iowb Bautnr Amb. Orooa 1 OOB. 

May 10. P. <W. Ban. 
Slooz aip— QcaL CH^WBiMimal Aan. Ooa. 


eaaaa' Ooo. tUa M. Bar. f. X. Wttt, Bar- 

laa, la. . 
Stantoo — Swedish Lnthemn of tta 'OLS* and 

Canada Con. Jnna 8-18. JokB fl. BMJbeig. 

BTO 38th at.. Bock Utaad. OI. . ' 
Washington — United BMlBlMm ICBMk SCBL 

Anemblr. Mar M. Bafc BL K IMU, D. 

D., Allegheny, Pa. 
Waterloo— State IMcndBI SC 

Ooo. Mar 9A«I.' Iba. K J. 

alltown. la. 

Waterloo — Iowa Legion of Honor OoB. May 18. 

J. B. Helm. Cedar Baplda, la. 
Waterloo— Iowa State BUIpaateis' Aaaa. Om. 

Mw-Sk jOkaa..*. Blast,. P a a ii rt. la. 

Hntcbtaaao— Stat* Snaday School Con. Mar 9- 

11. J. H. Eagle Abilene. Eaa. 
ladepcadeace — ^Degree of Honor Or. Lodge Ooa. 

May S-4. Geoigla Noteatlne. Hiawatha, Kaa. 
Jnaetta Oltj — State Pharmameotleal Aaan. Con. 

Ilaj SS-2S. John Moore. Lawrence, Kan. 
Lawrence — Fraternal Aid Aaaa. Con. May 9. T. 

J. Bdaipoda. 

Topeka— State Eleetle Medical Aaaa. Ooo. May 

5. W. a HamntoB. 8M Qalaey at. 


Topeka — Protestant Bplaeooal 

Con. May — . Ber. 0. B. < 

Topeka— State Dental Aaaa. Oaa. .•ay IMS. V. 

6. He trick. Ottawa. Kaa. 


Aablaad— Knighta of Fytblaa Or. Lodge Ooo. 

Jnly 25-28. D. Owen Roblnaon, care W. A. 

Gaines A Co., Frankfort, By. 
Beattynne— Jr. O. U. A. M. State OonacO ODD. 

Sept. 13. M. 0. Bane, state aec., Tancebarg, 


Frankfort — I. O. B. M. Grt. Council Oon. May 
9. Henry W. Ear. grt. chief of tccocda. Mar*- 

Tllle, Ky. 

Greenup — Knighta of the Golden Bagle Or. Oaatle 

Con. Aug. — . F. M. Grlffln. 
LonlsTine — NaU. Black Cooperage Mfga.' Aaaa. 
* Con. Mar 3-4. M. C. Moore, 801 Montgomeiy 

bldg.. MBwankee. Wis. 
Loolsmie — United Confederate Veterann' Hktl. 

Bennlon. Jnne 14-10. Wm. B. a— kle, aul. 

genL. New Orleans, La. 
Lonlanile — DlTlslon of By. Sons of Veteraas U. 

S. A. State Bocampment. May 22. Chaa, B. 

8tel>hina, 834 llth St.. Newport. Ky. 
LoolarUIe— Or. Army Dept. oC Ky. State 

campment. May 2S-S4. T. P. Beylaad, SIT 

Fairfield are., BeUerae, Ky. 

Aimndrta— UDited Daogbtcn ot Coofcdcno 

state Dl-r. Ooa. May 2-4. Mta. O. B. OUld- 

tesa. S823 Chestaot st.. New Orleans, E«. 
Sbiereport^tate Oao. of Y. P. S. O. B. Jaae 

~ — M. Wataon. BaSUikl** 

Press Aaan. Om.. HbT M-SS. 

Batb— T. M. C. A. State OMk 
Pactlaadr-Prot. IWaeopal e 
May Tfe Bar. Btward B. 


Stephea Seny. 
ta ct Templata^ 
Chaa. A. Maxwell. ■ 

■miiaiwi niiniiiiii Badaarcr Watkcta* NatL 
Goat Joly B-10. W. M. W^Haiaa. sn w. 

BriSaaSS^'r Si OL Bk BMnStMBSI Ooa 

7alr 8.KI. Taa " - - 

too, Mass. 
Baltimore— Protestaat 

eeaaa Coa. May 


S. M 


HaRpratown — MarylAn<i Firemen's Con. Jane 7-9. 

H. T. Levely. Annapolis. Md. 
Westminster — P. O. 8. of A. State Coo. Ana. 

& P. B. - • ■ — 

May 8. 


Boston — Bebekah State Asaembly Ono 

Sarah A. Barry. Charlestown, Mass. 
Boaton — State Electrical Contractors .ixsen. Con. 

Jnly 19. W. H. Morton. 44 Whitesboro St., 

Ctlca. N. Y. 
Boaton — Railway Claim Ageata' Aaan. Cbo. 

May — C. A. xnela, faBalla St. atetlao. 

Chicago, in. 
Boaton — Kalghta Templar Or. OooaMBdaiy Ooa. 

May -s 

Boston— Naaai aas lUttaip . Order SpanUh. 

Ametlcna Wur BBtL OnBMMsV OOO. May 
20. Capt. JWm T. HUtoa. SN.r& Obtet 
Boaton — Ptoteatant B pl a rs Bi l ' CMaA PlBt t aa a 
Cob. May 24. Ber. U O, WMkHlar. S80 
Rogera at., Lowell Mam ' 
Boaton— Independent <Mka at fkaastna Sop. 
Court Con. Ha; 0. Ma A. IMnilmp, To- 
ronto. Ont.. Can. 
BoatoD — American Unitarian Aaaa. 0oa. Iby 

23-24. Cliarlea B. St. John. 
Boston — Natl. Aaan. Maateia ot Daadag Ooo. 
June 13. Geo. W. Smith. Gray and Blgk sta., 
Columbus, O. 
Boston — Home Circle Snp. Council Ooa. Jona H. 

Jnlea M. Swmln, 130 Tramont at. 
Bootoo — Catholic Order of Farcatera of tbe U. 
8. and Canada Con. Ang, — . Thoa. H. Oan- 
noo, 1227 Stock »i«aifin « Ohteago. m. 
Boatoo — Northaaatem PaderaUoa ot Woosea'a 
Onba CXim. JUg. lte.8. a Bawklai^ 

Baatoo— Ca^lle Order at 

Uonal Con. Ang. 1. nsa. P. — 

OHL Sg»''V!!l.' J. M. Baadtal. 

Boston— Intematianal Steel. Copper aaA .VMl 
Prlnteta' Con. Jnne 21. T.' L. M l l OBi .W 
8 St.. northiweat. Washington. D. C. 
Bolyoke — International BrotheilioeA. 
makera' Con. Mar 8. Thomaa 

Smith bldg.. WatertawB.'H. X.' - 
~ eattia J( ianiHa OK. 

May 16. J. J. OaM 
Lowell, Mass. 
Worcester — Damaa aC 
Body Con. JtU8-UL 
bin, Maaa. 


Ann Arboc^tate Health Offlelala* OenL Cont. 
March — . Dr. Henry Kakon. Lanalng, Mldu 
11. George Hni. 227 So. McCawly at. 
Beaton Harbor — Order of Patricians SopreOM 
Con.t Oao. Jnly 2S. F. H. Plett, Tonniaar 
bldg., Benton BartMr. Mich. 
Detroit — American Federation of Moatdana Oon. 
May 15. Mia. Oarid OampbeU, US Tlao at.. 
DaBvec. OoL 
Detroit— latematlonal Am. «( Paetoiy te- 
apeetoiar can. Ang. — % A. C. Backai^ MB* 
waekao. WM. 
DsOstt— Oramatle Ocdar oC XbIsMb •< Bte 
Aaan. laijfrlsl Palaea Oon. Aag. — - ,B. W. 
40T B. Bfoaowar. au Lonli. Mft, 

star BcMvoIent fdii4 oC Smar 
lea Ooa. Aag. SS. Mlaa M. E. Crowe. _ 
DetioH— Boyal Ai^ Maaona Gr. Chapter Ooa.. 

May — . HlsrtfS A. Conorer, Ooldwater, IBeh. 
Detrolt-4>rder ot the Star of Bethlahem Bml- 
nent Or. Oommaadeiy of N. A. Oaa. Aaa M. 
T. J. Orowe. 

Detroit— State Dental Aaan. Con. JHa ■■Mm:\ 

L. LeOro, Three BlTer. Mich. • ■ 

Detroit — ProteetlTe Home Clrcla Sop. OMg VML- 

Mar 16-17. W. D. Palmer. Shano. Pa.'"' ', i; 
Grand Baplda — Natl. Gama Delta Taa FiatcilU^'.' 

Con. Mar 12. O. B. Chapter. High SAooL 
Grand Baplda — ^Maater Bntchera ot America Ooa.'^- 

Jnir — . a ChxIaMSenao. Onuka, Mak^ 
Jackaoit-Btata IT — 

lo-il. W, :a. I 


Jnas . 

tagten. D. C. ' 
MaSlBBir— Katn Piatemal Pieas__ 

Aag. IS. A. B. SteTeasDO. «IS BteTcaa UdKa^^ 

Detroit, Mlcb. 
Saginaw— State Retail Hardware Aaan. OmiX 

Aug. 9-10. A. J. Scott. Marine Otty. lil«k.,.>i;- 
TtaTerae Cltr— Women'a Belief Corpa Stata Oaa. - 

June — . Vina B. Rideei... Jackaon, Ml/dn. 
Dulntb — International Aaaa. of Fire Bnglneeia* 

Con- Oct. — . - 
Minneapolis — American Local Pieisht Ageatar 

Assn. Con. June 13-27. O. W. Deaalaao, 

ledo. O. / i 

MlnneapoUa — American Orala Bureiaf Aaaa. OtHm'-- 

Jnly U. Bd. Barrett. Atwatar. Minn. 
MiaacapoUs— NatL S^taallsHP Aaaa. On. 

Oct. la-JO. Ifiak M. X. Lan^. SOB Pa. ara.. 

S. B. WMdiiivtan. D. C 
MIimeapeUB— Amerlesn C^tldanS* Aan. - CkM.. 

Jnly M-ST. B. Ii. Joaea, Sandnaky, & . 
MlnneapoUa — Unlreraallata Oca. Oea. Oat-'S^ - 

36. Ber. G. L. OenihMSt Masttiatir K^ma 
Bed Wliw— Norwegiaa ' BaSBCaUSSl^aBMBB } 

Synod of America Oaa. tarn M». VaaC'^ A.:'..' 

J. Lobie, Jewell, la. .. ■ ■ _^'v' 

Bed Wing — Protestant Bplaeopal Obnicfc IBB;;, 

e*«an Conndl Ooo. May 94. Ber, At 9t 

StOWe. 131 14tl> St.. UlnoMpeUa. MloK. 

Blloxl — Prot, Dptaeopal Chnreh Dloeeaaa Ooaadl 
Ooa. May 5. Ber. Altted Martia. Xaaao 
Oltr, MlBB. 

Jackaon — Kalghta aC PytUaa Or. Iiodga Ooo. 
May 9. Ckadaa A._Ciaf^ Lagtil. Mam: ^ 

Jacksoa— t. O. F. 
W. H. ~- 

3. W. GrUBn. 


Jefferson City.— I- O. B. M. Coo. Mar 14-lT. 
Kanaaa City — Ulsaonrt Fnneral Dlrectoia' Aaaa. 

Ceo. May 8-10. Leo Stewart. 1212 McGen at. 
Kanaaa City— Soothetn Bastlst Con. May 10-17. 
Kanaaa oity — Hotel and Bcataoiant EmployMir 

Intersatlaoal Alliance aad Bartenders* Natl. 

League Con. May - 8-lS. Jete L. SalUna, 

Oammerdal Tribune bldg., Cincinnati. O. 
Kanaaa Cltr — Fraternity of OperatlTe MmcfS aC 

America Coa. Mar 24-27. J. F. Mailer. U4 

Sliemaa it. Chicago, IIL 
KasMs dty^-MOIen* NatL redcratta Osb 

June 7-l«. Ii. T. f-aime. «I3 Boyal laa. 

bldg.. Chicago, m. 
Kanaaa Qiy — Onited Amateur Press Aan. Oaa. 

Jaly 7-a. Praak K. Mncpte, Bcantfort. Oab. 
Merlco United Ootimrfclal Ttmleat Or. (9oaB> 

en Ooa. Jnaa k-lO. A. X. PItaasMsk. OkB- 

Ucothe. O. ' 
St. Lonia — Catiu^ Kalgbte Ot America Bap. 

CouncU Coo. May ,&BOM>ny Matre, 70S 

Merwood-Jaecerd bidg. 
St. Lonla— Baptist GenL Con. May 16.17. Bar. 

C. H. Moas, Maiden, Maaa. 
St. Lonla— Fraternal Bankers' Aaan. Con. Jaaa' 

20. Chas. F. Hatfield. Chemical Udg. , 

St. Loots — Tinlform "■'-T 1Tlt1*T**~ ^^fg^'" 

America Ooo. May M. -BOaiy A. -Ilf 

2828 Howard at. 
St. Urals— National BaptUt Con. May lS-24. 
St. Loola — State Federation of Women's Clnbar 

Con. May 2-4. Misl W. B. CrlTia, 3627 Cook 


St. Loola — Protestant Episcopal Church Dto- 
ceaan ConncU Con. May 2S. B. H. OealaoD. 
1913 S. Compton are. . . . 

Bedalla— Knighta ot ~ 
— . John Cashman. 


B. State Coo. 

Jaaa — ^ 

Anaeonada — ^B. P. O. 

Harry O'Goomaa. ■■ ■ • ■ .i. ' ; ■ 

Botte-CKate Mt<Mal:--B M l it r -'Oki^- -Mar-—^ ' 

W. S. Renlck. ^ 

Butte — I. O. G. T. Gr. Lodge 87th Oon. Aug. 

23. J. A. Longstaff. Helena. MonL 
DUloo — Gr. Cooncll of luprored Bed Men'a Coa. 

May 10. H. W. Barrtty, Anaconda. MOat.. 

box 149. 

KaUSDeO— State Pedcratta of Labor Oon. .Abb^ 
rgnt .O. aaatk.- Brtw a, ..MmL.',.,. i;^^^^^j-:;■,>: 


Xtie B^llboardl 

Bottlec— 8Uto Medical Bodcty Ooa. Mw a4. 

^ D. WUUOUB. Uacota. NMb 
CtaitirMtf — AnniMl Bootbireat Qt A. B. 

Belief Ooipa Stete Con. 

OMOD Ho. C. Stati 
Ftaar. W«od Blrer. 


■ ~ '.lit* of Prthlu Or. Lodge OoD. 

' t. WUl C. Mathnrs, IT. B. NmU. Buk 

,* -"ft- » 

O. U. W. Qr. Lodge 
Blake, Giud laUiul, I 

Ooa. Mar 


M«J — . 


Roral Attih Chapter Ooa. Ifsy le. 
F. D. Wfloflfci u y, gr. we. 
OoDCDca— Gr. toit* of N. B. me end Accepted 
Mssons' Annul Con. May IT. F. D. Wood' 
bnry, gr. aec 
OoDeoctf— Qt. Cbonell ot Borel end SclKt lbs- 
.anr jMB. nej u. r. D, ~ ~ 

Puk — Befonncd 

(Dnteh) GenL Snod. Con. Jnaa f. 
> W. H. DeHert. Barttm. N. J. 
^MiBT Puk— New Jeney BiUpoeten M 
tzflntocs' An. Annnal Goo. JoM C' 
Beee nueu e, Ides Bmcb. H. J. 

. . M. K 

PhlledelWiIa. Pe. 
, «ltlairtlcCU7— United 
June M. Ohea. T. 
M«ir Tork City. 
; Atlantle Cltr— Independent Order ot IVnetne' 
- Sop. Court Con. Aos. 1. Jolm A. ICeQUIl- 
_Tr»T, Temple tddg.. TteontOb Out. On. 
..JMmanKUp Hhtel JCca'B Miliiilllml tim 
' OC U. 8. and 4^e-C ' 

ford, Chleego. HL .-^ 
iUIaatle City— Na«l. MMIIIMI 

AttaaUe CHr-Jfodctn Woodncn 

~ e- K«T — V H. 8. ttiaa, M Kt. 

'.■mm; 'Mkr UL-^'S-a 

«T*., Tlillliiiieii. ML 
Atlcntle Cltr — 8oT«l Aiceaam Bop. Ooeaell Oob. 

MKT IT. W. O. BonaoD. 4m atewnat at. 

Boetan, Maae. 
Atlaatle City— BUeld aC Bow Bub. Latg* snh 

Annual Ooa. June T. Wm. X.^BlOEr. ' 

Reeofd tMg^ Baltknace. tU. ■ 
Atlantle OUy— lAmerleai I«iragologleal 

Con. Inly — . Dr. Jamca Nerweonb. New 

Xock Otty. 

Blomiflflit— I. 0. O. F. High Coort Coa. Bept. 
— . r. A. Uackeszlc, au Braad at., EUaabetli. 

__ n. 3, 

■uglewood — Fweetets ot America Hlgli Ooort 
..Ooa. Kay 9. B. Haltnta. BolMken. K. J. 

City— KnlgMa and Ladlea ot Hooor Or. 
I Cob. Kay 11. H. WlBuaeB. 27B Odf- 

OMar Knlgbta ot Uie Uyatle 

_l t, Jag. a, T«w«m.. Qua, 110 

- -IT. Vuiijidl^ at. 

Hi. ^Oy— ■M*ac& Laagoe State Otat, Kay 

_lo-Ue. H. aeadrtekaoii. Xioag Bna^' N. j; 
Neinrk— latenatlonal Jeweby Wockei^ Can. 

July 10. Wm. r. Stiade, SOS tf. 8tb St.. 

Fblladelphla. Pa. 
JJew Bnmawtck — Natl. Prtnt^Cntteia' Atmi. Coa. 

May — . Tboa O. Iriah, 1« Broadway, Pater- 

»on. N. J. . 
CatcrsoD — Sona of Tatetana* State Baeamamcnt. 

Kay 10-U. Bogli O. inab, 149 Bnadwar- 
' f ate raoo— Port Otlce Qetka' Ctm. Kay 10. K. 

Plalnlleld— P tot ea t aat ^ — 

Ooa. Kar 9. ~ 
bectaalBc^ B. 7. 
■.IHmIw yiilllila Teoplar G*. Om. Mb Kar 


r— Bratherbood of SL Andrenr State Oob. 
~ 27-28. Dr. a. w. Oaoaday, 28S' Btatc 


im w. 

Aaan. Ooo. 7in>e 

Kakeia* Ooo. Kay — . 

7tb at.. St. Loola^ Kol 
BolTal e W atL Paric Enpta.' 

SMO, J. K. CohrelL 
B nJT j l B WatL B w i jfcwfc eed at Opesatl*e Fatteiar 

<>>■• Mr -% T. i; OB«r. feos oo. mut ur- 

e tp oa l . O. 

nff a la WMf f m* XajhaaC BoMr Or. Ledge 
New Tetk CUj. 

Bnoaio— a. P. o. B. Kao. On. ixor u>u, 

F. C. Robiaeott, Dobaqoe. la. 
BoSalo— TraTellng Frelgbt AgentaF 

Jose — E. B. Delaney, 147 Deal. 

Baffalo— Btotiierbood of Ballnad Kaater Ke- 

chanlcs' Aaan. Con. Jane 14-18. Joatpfc W. 

Taylor. flBT The Bookeiy. Cbleago. m. 
Coming — Central V. Y. Flremea'a OoD. Jnly 

2S-27. Frank H. Sbooomaker. 
Itbaca — I. O. B. M. Ort. Oonaell Con. Aug. 

8-10. B. J. BoTd. 3TS Pleeeka r at.. New Xork 


Lake George — American Pedlatzle Bodety Oan. 
Jnne lB-21. «»"'"»' 8. a^i*™- 1 Ospont Cir- 
cle. Waahlngtoo, D. C. 
IMkport— I. 0. O. T. Qr. Lodge Ooo. Ang. 

22-24. Chaa. T. Telfoid, Delhi. N. X. 
Manhattan Beach. L. I. — Heater Oar BnUdcra' 
Aaan. Con. Jane lS-21. Jnarph W. Taylar, 
897 'Hie BookOT. Chicago, m. 
Kt. Temon — liremen'a Con. Jime 17-22. 
Kt. Vernon— iBeta Fhl Fraternity ot tht United 
Statea Con. Jnne — George UpecHi, Newark, 

Heir Xork aty— NaU. Umie Teachera* Asm. 
. Odd. Jane 21-3S. W. H. Orerton, Doitiam, 


>1& mmmm t. aeatt. Toakegte 
Inatltate, Ala. 
New York— r. aad A. K. Oe. Ledge Ooo. Hay 

2. E. K. u BUcxa, 
New York City — ^Inteiaatloaal Ladlee* aannent 
Workera' Union Con. Jnne 6. A. Brann- 
ateln. 23 Srd a*e. 
New York City — Pio teata nt Chnrcfaea ot Amer- 
ica Gen. Con. Nor — . Bct. W. H. Bot>- 

New Tork City— United Oath. Hat and Cap 
Kakera of N. A. Cod. May 81. Bdyth Tot- 
ten, Manhatan Theatre bidg. 

New York City — Interaatloiial Brotherhood of 
Tip Prlntera Con. Jane 12. S. J. Carolan, 
187 Ferry at., Newark. N. J. 

New Xork City— Catholic Edncatlonal Aaan. 
Gob. Joly 1-lS. Ber. F. W, Howard. ZU 
S. Broad at., Colnmtma, O. 

Hew Xork City — United SUtea Leagne ot Bldg. 

. aad Loan Aan. Con. July 2S-Z7. H. F. 

"f^fHei liH Clndnaati^ O 

Hew nrk aty— GenL ^rno* ot'tba.BeL PlM> 

byterlan Aminal OtavA VuMm •'•Wltf $3im ~ 

Bolce. atate tiet^ - ntt*-fl|pf|B 'Q>el 

PhOadelphla, Pa. 
New Tork City— iNaiO. Tire Fmteettre Aaan. Coo. 

Kay 10. BeniT Xatea. SehcneeUdy, N. X. 
Nlagua TlUa NaU, Gtals Dealeie' Aaan. Coo. 

Nlagan irana fli» 1 1 laT Lew Lcagae at 

My St-Aoc A, . a Xi. 

^ a a 

Paperl iB i igeu f . 
Goodwin. IB V. 

N. X. 

Clnghamptoa — Degree ot Poeahontaa ■M»'(ha^ 
eU Ooo. Jime IS. Kra. Kary W. 'BMHW. 
Gr. K. of 22 H. UOtb at.. New Tetk Olty. 

Bridgeport— Pyttdan Sisterhood Or. Lodge Oon. 

Hay 23 Mlaa B. K. Bcsaen. Newtmrg. N. X. 
Botblo — Natl. Dental Aaan. Con. Aug. 1. Dt. 

A. H. Peck, »2 State at., Oilcago, m 
Baffalo — Order of Hamfard Gr. Lodge Ooo. O, 

Z,aDbcr. lOT Somera at.. Sraoklya. N. Z. 
BoStlo-^oceateis «C ' ~ ~ 

». c 

BaShle— Order Banned TtiegcaglMnr Obl Kay 
8. L. W. Qalek. raUertoB UdC Bt. XaglB, 


BiifEa]»— NatL Hardwood Lnmher Aan. Oob. 

MtT 18. A. B. Vlnnedge, No. Breach and 

DMaloit at., Chicago, m. 
Bnffalo — ^Tlie Gldeona U. O. T. Natl, ann mi 

Con. July 28.30. John H. Nlebolaao, Jaaae- 

TUle. Wis. 

Btiffalo — ^Brotherhood of Railroad Ttaiaznen'a 
Ooa. Kay 15. A. E. King, 12-lS Amertoaa 
Ttnat hldg.. CIe°>e3and.O. 

» mf«in T. t.> i«M,»..i BaOwar Mkatar 

-Z. K, a A. BAzlad 

. & L Eluee, X. K. OL 

». OL 

Niagara FiHi linmlfaii Oyneedagleal 

Ooo. May 2Z-M. 
Nlagan PaUa — ^Imperial Cooncll Nollln 

Mystic Shrine Con. Jane 20-2S. 
Niagara Falls— American ProteataBt 

Aug. 8-12. 
Niagara FallB-^atL DUMOB Ban 

ance Con. - Ang. ' - 
Niagara Falle— N. X, 

Oon. Sept- 12-18. 
Niagara Falla — ^American Vetetaoa of Focdgn 

Serriee Coo. Sept. — . 
Niagara Falla— Metl. ' 

meat^ and T< 
Niagara Fall 
Oct. U-U. 
Oct. 10-12. 

Nlagant Falla— Sapceae Obde Bntkatfeeal eC 

tbe Ualao Ooo. Oet;,-'lT-IS. 
Niagara Valla— R. T. State Anenbty of KolhciB. 

Oct. lO-lS. 

Nlagan Falla — IntematloDal »'™«'»~ Bodety 

Con. May 20. Mrs. Mary O. Seattle, 86 
Fifth avc.. N. T. C. 

Oallidng— O. U. O. of 0. F. Or. Lodge Ooo. 
Ang. 1. W. Darld Brow. 101 W. 63rd at., 
New York City. 

Fooghkeepsle — Master Baiters* State 0>o. Ang. 
15. Jno. B. Bhhmer, 417 Bedford aTc., Brook- 
lyn, N. X. 

Bt>cliester— Sup. Gr. Lodge Order Daoghten of 

St. G^orjce Ctm- Atir. 2&, Mrs, M- L. Set- 
terlleld, 34 -S. WarfUngton STe., Oolambua. O. 

Saratoga — Natl. Piano Dealera' Aaan of Amer- 
ica Con. Jtme — Geo. B. Bnmaer. 

Saratoga— A. O. a. NatL Con. Jnly 18. J. P. 
Bree. 828 Chapel St., New HsTcn. Ooim. . 

Saratoga Springe— Gnmd Conrt State «C 
York F. ot A. Con. Kay — . SIMM t 
Clarkln. ice.. Bmaklyn. N. T. 

MM M. V. 


it, mmt tm OHr* 

AsbTlIIe— Uniform Bask CatkoUc Knlgbta ot 

- . ttmr ta. — - 
aU at. ~ 

Oon. Jalf 
banlt. Mbm. 
Balelgb— L O. O. W. Gr. Lodge Coo. 

B. H. Woodell. 
Sallgbary— e. P. O. BL Gr. Lodge Cob. Kay 

A. H. Borden. 
Salisbnry — State Fmieral Dliectaca' and Bmhal- 
mcie' AasD. Oob. Kay 8-U. S. W. Wilgkt. 
Waiaa>fl^i<k|Jlat» ,9bbMI aMlalr Oca. Ji 

nrt»-^N. V. Ams. Cos. B. P. X, U. Joly 

Aknm— L O. O. F. Gr. Lodge Ota. Mtr 

C, H. Lyman. Colnmboa, O. 
Akron — The PathllDders NatL Con. Jane O^. 

Geo. B. McKay, CleTdiaDd. O. 
Bowling Green — K. O. T. K. State Bncampaient. 

Ang. 20-20. 

Cedar Point — Ohio Ska* Con. Jane 12- IS. 
Cincinnati — NatL Betail Grocers' Aaaa. Con. 

Kay — . F. Kason. St. PaoL HlBO. 
Cincinnati — Natl. Sigma Chi Fiatenlty Or. 

Cotmdl Con. Joly — Judge Bowart VtRlB, 

Court Hou»*. Cincinnati, O. 
Claclnnitl — fiympbocla NatL 

Assn. Con. May 16-18. 

dCTeland— StgUoaas ■Hiaaeta' 
Jane 22. Cbaa. 9. BeA. BBl ■. Osott, aC 

r. Bmltt. BmoAl 
Btlbaad Haatcr HiAHltba' 

Ang. 22. A. L. Woudeuilh. 


OteTt _ 
Aaaa. Con. 
Llaia, O. 

Clercland — IHst Gr. Lodge of Ohio Mo. 24 

O. n. 0. Of 0. F. OoD. Aug. — . J. Hama- 

day, YeUow Springs, O. 
CleTeland — NatL Coof. of Chnrcb dobs. May 

4.5. Jadtson W. Spartew. OtaelBaatl, O. 
OterelaBd — ^American Babttr - Onlad Okaf. 

Jane — . Bct. Adolph OottBMiNi; MB Bd- 

tott are., Baltimore. Md. 
Clereland — American Sadety of OM 

Con. Jane 20-23. Charlea Wi 

W. tS7tb at.. New York City. 
Cler eland — American GenL 

Aaan. Con. Jone 14. J. B. 

Trunk, Toronto, Ont. Can. 
Clereland — ^Pa. Kotnal Agenla' Aaaa. Oon. Jime 

14. J. B. Quick. Grand Trunk. Totonte, Ont.. 
Oolnmhus— National Aaan. Kasteis* of DaBdng 

Con. Jane 12. George W. Smith, Gay and 

High sta. 

Columbos — State Medical Bodety Con. Hay 10- 
- IS. T. winders. 

Odombas— SUte Master Booae Palatcra and 
Decoeators* Aaan. Oob. July — ^ Taal Ken- 
nedy, 044 Unn at 

Colamhas— BepabUcan Stat* OtB. Mir *^ Or- 
rln B. Gould. WcllsMB, O. 

Coll - — .. - _ 

Con. fmm 1|. - Okn. OL 

~ ^ & 

Flndlay — Tf. 8, 
' Aug. SM». O. 
Flndlay — Oblo 
Aasn^ Coa. Joae IS. N. W. Bagg, Kewark, 


Glendale — Prot. Eplscoptl Church Dloeeaeii Ooo. 

May 17. Bct. Jobn H. Ely, B W. 4th sL. 

ClndnnatL O. 
Pot-ln-Bsy — -NatL CommlssloD Kercfaants' Leagne 

Con. Aag. 10-18. A. ..arren Patch, Boston. 


Pot-ln-Bay — IntematloDsl Apple Shippers* Assn. 
COD. Aug. 2. A. Warren Patch, IT N. Market 
St., Boston. Mass. 

Pnt-lB-Bay- — International Federation of Com- 
mercial Travelers* Con. Joly 24-20. Arthur 
Sheets. Omaha. Neb. 

Pnt-ln-Bay — Natl. Piano Dealers' Aaan. Oon. 
Kay — ^. George E. Bradnack. KUdletswn. 
N. X. 

C^rlngfldd— Ckth<dle Total Abstlnenee Unloa 

State Con. Jaly 11-12. Wm. ' " 
... _ . . ^ 

TH^^^&m'tt'eSiSkm «Mg Om, May 

^3^*0.*' * 
Toledor-NatL Bay Aan. Oob. Xtt|r 1848, P. 

E. Gordrldi. WlndieBter. lad. 
Toledo— Order ot Bed CMaa -Or. Oemmasdeiy 

Con. Kay 10. 8. B. Kecka, 710 Walbddga 


Toledo— State Funeral Direetora and I 
Aaan. Can. June 74), Edw, B. 

OolnTnhns, O. 
Teledo— Older ot Bed CTaea Supreme Qmnaaad- 

ary Ooa. Kay 10. Geo. D. WQUaoia, SOg 

Tbe Naalv, 

UbrKhBslUe — O. U. A. K State Coondl Oon, 
Kay — . W. B. Kaaob. Daytoa, O. 

Van Wert — Sop. tfca Waiaa floavBi afl 
America. June — . .JL lr«^BmK MB ft 

Washington at. 
Xenla— Ladlea at Die Oolden Bagle Or. Tern- 
pie of Ohio gan. Aug. 28. Mrs. LUUan Boto- 
erta, flOT VQUaBa aee.. Belief ontalne. O. 

a»—T- K. a A- 

Utr Mrpb Denham. 


Heppnei Tnnaleia o< Aaaedea Or. Court Con. 
Kay O. & Kafka. Bttat at.. Portland. 

Portland— Tbe Gr. Ledge Degree ot Bssor Ooo. 
July 18. Kn. OlUe W. Stapbcai^ gr. cac - 

Portland— PacH" ' ^ " 

June i 
daco, -GaL 


Allegheny — State German Oatl 

Con. Jnne — . Jotm Wieetar, Jr., XOOS V. 
Sth at„ Philadelphia, Pa. 

Allentown — Cigar Makers' Bine Label League 
ot PencajlTanla Con. May U. J. D. B. 

Baiyn, B78 N. Sth at- FbUad^Ua. BIk 
nwloeii — Beformed (OaaBn}*' flHin, k IL 
a. Synod Con. May ML Bair. Xi F; Wik, 
aac. Beading, Pa. 

leaMborg — State Lambermen's Asaa. Ooa. 
JUr U. B. F. LoBdlg, BcrSQton, Pa. 
ffiOROt City — Americas True iTorltes Or. Lodge 

000. May — . Wm- R l ch a r daon. Now Xaek 

Gettysburg — NatL Prorldent Union Ooegteaa 
Coo. June «. J. F. Keeoaa. 41 Weldoa it., 
Brooklyn, N. Y. 
Harrlabnrg — State Encampment Dept. of Pa. 
Spanlsh-Amerlcan Wsr Teterana. Joly 2-4. 
Allen W. Bagenbsch. Allentown, Pa. 
UUton— S. .of State Con. Jane — . B. 
Patmer, N. E. Cor. Bmad and Arcb 8ta,« 
PolladelDbla. Pa. 
New Caatle — Synod ot tbe jetonaed Pitagir; " 
terian Chnrdi ot Noclk - ~- 
24-81. Her. W, J. r " 
at., Allegheny, Fa. 

FblladelphU- Pcotaataat 

ceaan Con. Kay 3: Kb<K.K 
12th and WaJaat ala, 
BMaAdpbla— I. O. O. r. 

Sept, ISA «, B. 

nmaoeaMa — American Tberapcutle Sodetr 
On. May 4-6. W. P. Barma, Waafaingtoa. 

n. a- 

Phlladelphla — NatL Zionists' Coa. JBoc 16. 
Philadelphia — Freight Claim Aan. On. May 

IT. Warren P. Taylor, Blehnoad. Ta. 
Philadelphia — Am. Order ef Steam bglneeta' 

Snp. Coanen* Con. Jose 12. Frederltt Hat- 

koe. 031 N. Orlanna St., Beading, Pa. 
Pittsburg — Brotherhood of Car Inspectors and 

Railway Mechanica of America Con. May 16. 

G. A. WlUle, 106 Sth at., Altoona, Pa. 
Plttaborg — IntematiaBal Steam. Hot Water aad 

Power ntteta and Bdpcia' Amo. Ooa. iam 

1. W. F. Ccetell% New Haren, Oonn. 
Plttsbnrg — O. U. A. K. State Con. May 3.4. 

H. O. Halstein, 1830 Arch St., Philadelphia. 

PlttabaiK— Amerlean Proetologlcal Sodety Oon. 

Kay 6.6. Dr. Wm. K. Beach. 618 Market at. 
Pittsburg — Lutheran Chnrcb G«nl. Synod Ooo. 
June 14^ Ber. B. K. Fencr, 23 W. Peed 
St.. ClndnnatL O. _ . . _ 

Plttaborg — United Commeidal TtsTelers* Sr. 
CooncO Coo. Joae 0-10. B. W. SoweU, >S48 
Oxford St.. P bH eii tg a i a, Pa._ 
Beading— TbltV^^MMh Mata' «L A» lb 

campmenC Jbae ' 
Bcodlag— Wa 
June 7-S. ' 

SaaatOB— I. O, 0. T. Or. Lodge Ooo. KW 
Joseph H. Kackey, PblUdelpIiis, Pa. 

Spring City— C O. S. at A. State Gamp Ooa. 
Kay 16-17. Mlaa Nellie Angsborg. 

Waynesboro — Cumberiand Valley Volonteer Fir*, 
men'a Aaan. Con. Msy 10-12. B. JJOntm- 
"slt. _ ^ , 

WUkesbarre — NatL Aaan. Newsdealcm, Beokael- 
lers and Statlonera of the V. S. Con. Aug. 
29-30. M. E. Golde. 1017 Slrth are.. New 

York Olty. 

York— State Boral Letter Carriers' Assn. Ooo. 

Aug. 2.3. W. C. Wo<», B. F. D. No. A 
York — NstL Chairmakera' Unloa Cos. Jobs S. 

C. C. Mnier, 1384 W. Broad at, Sta. B, 

Oolambns. O. 
Xork— NatL Funeral Benelt Awl of P. O. i 

ot A. Odd. Kay 11. W. A. LaBd!*, 1188 

— . jL -a. 

B. In, 

ot Pythlaa Gr. Lodge Ooa. 
MHwaiikaa, Wla. 

o. o. 

E. Sharon. L 
Portland — Order of Baflway Cndsetora of 
America Con. Kay 0-14- W. J. Kaxwell. 
Cedar Baplda, la. 
Portland — State Homeopathic Medical Bodety, 
Coa. Jnly 6.8. EHIa K. Deaiboc^ K. IK, 
800 Union are., N., SUtlon B. 
Portland — U. C. T. Inter-State Om. Jbaa 81. 

George H. Cook, Seattle, Wasti. 
Portland — American Library Assn Con. Joly 

8-7. J. a Wyer, Lincoln. Neb. 
ParUaad — Intnnatlonal Antl-Clgarette Aaaa. 

Ooo. Joly lS-17. Elmer B. Kiner. 
Portland Charities and C o r r e ct ions Natl. Oonf. 
July l&SSL Alexander Johnson, Fort Wayne, 

Portland — Nebraska Laml>er Dealera' Assn. Con. 
July 17-19. Bird UtdHleld. Uneoln, Neb. 

P( - - ■ ------ - - 

14-IT. . . 

Pertland-^Aaierlea ImtltBte of a aUBeU aa: Mr 

10-13. Wm. C. Crawford, 80 AAfocd St.. 

BoetOB. Mass. 

Porflaad — National W. C T. U. Oonf. Jane 27. 

log OOeam' Oon. Aag; SO, O. fl. PbflUpa; 
n. Dntbaa at„ OUfsgn. _ . 

Newport— Oaloalal Baptists' KUaaloBaiy Omf, 
New ¥aglaa(l Kay U-14. Bct. Johnaoa 
W. tan. laa Dartmooth St., Boston, Maaa. 
Prarldenee — Pralcstant Epiaeopal Church Dloee- 
aan Coo. May 18. Ber. S. H. Webb, 21 
Adelaide aTe. 
ProTidence— IrMi Catholic Benrrolent Unloa 
NatL Con. Ang. iS. J. B. DaTls, 1788 8. 
ISth St.. PhlladelDbK. Pa. 
ProTldence — Stat* . Medical Sodety Con. June 
L Dr. Stephen A. Welch, 2BS Washington it. 
Warren— CathoUc Order ot Fotesttra State 
turn U. J. A. OtvoBt, 188 

- a. I. 

and Sons State 
L Boberta, 296 But- 

Kay 16. 

On. Kay A 
ItaStn, B. O, 
fHiailialiai ITliiia 
Con. Kay 8-(L 

Aberdeen — State Pharmaceotieal 
Anc. — . E. C. -Bent. Dell Eaptds. 

Aberdeea — Order Eaatem Star Gr. Chapter On. 

June 18. Kta, A. K. KcCaiUatet. 

8. D. 

Bristol— L O. O. T. Lodge Cob- 

Era B. Wmiama, Watertown. 8. D. 
Deadwnnd Wad. Balliaad Co mml saiaBata^ 

Aog. M. — -- 

Ota. Mtr 
u. n. 


Ten LenKths Seats, Band ot 10 pieces. Physi- 
cians, registered In Pennsylrsnla. X. W. Witt- 
man. iS. D„ OonnellaTllle. Pa. 



. IW THE— 


Tbflii cheapness conifs Iran simple 

John Ctiurch Go. 

. TlMtJ^To^tato 






<7.60ptr 10H 
n.SO per 100 

^amoles Free. 
We naTe the 
Larcest As- 




eiiie*ao, lu. 

Attractions Wanted 

Cinbrldgi, Oblo. Colonial Theatra. 


If yon do. use ap-to-date paper. I design 
and arranee catchy cots, letter heads, 
booklets, drculars. ads., etc Bnsiness— 
Advertlslmr Writintr. Been at it aeveral 
years and know how.. Prices rl«rht. Write 
or call. 

O. Grlflllft Claptiam, 
ISO Naaaau SU N. Y. Room 637. 

AnswerinK, please refer to Buxboabbl 

eiatrle Shock with KMctrleal At- 
tacbment. Can yon hold tke light Ht! 
It Itcbu at «00. The tmrr Uteat Mr 
Parks «tc. Good mooey nachlne. 
Sauvaoir l>astal Carl atMhlim 
from 1740 np; Soarenlr Cards 
per ll>iO. electric Llsbt tBIowars 
complete (23.00. We auo bare s tarn 
supply of leeltlmate taod (amlog 
(mooeyj macblnea at bargala prlcaa. 
Send for Hat. Stoan f«ovctty & ntw- 
Co-. Wi K. 9th St. PbUadelphla. Pa. 

WANTED: Ffast Glass Vaudsilllt 
Acb at HirtM Pvl, Bickfgrd. ill.. 

•: lUt. Puk. Bodctoid. Bl. 

eare Rockford ft Interortwa 1»r f-" 

Livio; Wild Animals and Birds 


of aU 


BrownsTllIe. Texas. 

mSoS**'* ''''2*" Robbery niia. O.J. OUr 

MORE. care The BUlboard. 

WAHTED— Cornet Player, 
niore owtul Performer. ~ 


S;_3'''Eston. 9: UonteOo, M; 
xnsi Join at once. 

entire mooth of May and Jnne open. AU lodas- 
tites wotklne full time. Satwdaya 
and sood for capacity. 
BBOSi, Ifasacers. Next 
two attractions a week. 

TUeX'S CENTS for a Book of 10 SkatdiM.. Fire 
Acta for One Male, One Female. Fire Acts for 
Tvro Males. Monpy order or two cent stamps; 
prompt dellTt'rj*; »tate address plainly. Addreas 
BESNABO KLma, Flaywricht, U7 Jay St., 
Brooklyn, N. T. 

ratnra WU* or 


t Face, tbat can dance, and otber all aromid 
; an ta first letter; good salary to good 
C. V. JJBB. 1 Sleeker St.. N. Y..C. 

SyOB SAIE.— 30i20 striped CanTaa, Poles, 

wan. Ropes, eTerythlng complete: Bood 

lew; H i,,r^.„ , j2o. JAMS3 WULSON, 1 

ker , N, .,v Y .rk City. 

SLOT machine:s 

latest M'acblne on the market, Ineladlnc three 
ttdependent machines In one for a cent, pistol 

2?L T""""" '^'^^ » machines: 

•aure outimt of factorr; pricela cash: no let- 
t«s, o; r 1 ss B01.Te 00., « aueth 

KcAllistar Senb. lUs, 

K^H-. 2 Rheo.tadts, 3 sets sooe sUdes, Lec- 
"re spt on Jairan, about 1,000 ft. film, sheet, 
-• "»«>l"e for operaUng day 

m tcrelre same: . eost one '$«»: tSSO bays it: 

f<Terrni-o. Bank ttiMSmSr^oTiirUtS. 


tOAM, Hoaatcd oa Onowe TTood. $4 
per 100. OB per 1,000; Cimaginc Ooiflr Cbame- 
laas, tX.<IO per 100, tSO per 1,000: Baby AlUga- 
tore, 6 to 8-lD., $2 a doc: 8 to 10-hi.. $2.80 a 
dox.; 10 to 12-io., f3.29 a dos.; larger sizes at 
lowest rates. Harts Mt. Canaries, Males, (6 a 
doz.; Females, ft a doi; 10-ft. King Snakes, per- 
fectly harmless. $4; Panama Parrots, showy, at- 
tractive birds, $16 a doz. ; Small Sooth'Am. Mon- 
keys, warranted healthy, tSJSO; Urge, 14-lb. 
Monkeys, |10.S0; extra large, 16 to 25-lb Mon- 
keys, $20. Will sUp on aipprorai if party order- 
ing has commercial ratlog. Otdeta from others 
most be aceonvpanled 1^ cash, or one-third cash, 
balance C. O. D. Orders amoontlng to fao or 
over, accompanied by cash, sent anywhere. All 
charges prepaid anywhere in U. S. or Canada. 
Other Animals. Birds. Reptiles, Sea Lions, ISO 
a pair. OqiAS. BAiKFlR, Modesta.oa. 

TAUDKV11X£ ACTS — That are along new Unes 
and with the times. Ton'U need a new act for 
the park aeasoo: I'U write it and gnarantee It to 
make good. Aldarman CahUl, an eighteen min- 
ute sketch for I M. A I F. Not a Monkey face 
act bat a character comedy sketch of the tme 
Irish kind: price, $5. Typewritten Monologues, 
il eacti. Tertns; cash with ortier. Prices on or- 
der v. -rk r,..- CHAS, LAJTDON CAKTEE, 
Suit.- -V 'J7. lia.<.' Cr.i:-'. At-., Ko = -j3 'J'.ly, MO. 


We want Good Free Attraetioos for Kemaha Co. 
Fair, Anhnm. Meh.. Aog. 2» to Sept. 1. Write 

ntat' te It. Oaaa ym Wert Aim 

ferred.' Also good^ shows foe per e(Bt.;'W« 
in Nebraska Clreoit; week liefote 
a O. SNOW, Sec'y, Anbnin, Neb. 


American made. Inter- 
ctiangeable parta. For Test * 
pocket or ladles. Cot one- 
third size; 4M ox. .ScaU- 
brett shot; rued. 

Samplaa awMed. W.BO, Address 

.- H. m. KOIA, 
ll»N.ast8t.FhIlaaeIpbIa, Pa. 


Blgb<:iass Attrsctioos, VaodcTiile and Cmnedy 
AcrobaU Car tbe Sixth Aanial Anboa Frse Flah 
Fry, Ang, dtk and sch. I<aat rtuTa attndnae. 

14.000. For farther partlcnlara addreas TCCDt 

McKAT, Sec'y, Sangamon Co., Anbnm, lU. 

WAVTEP — ^Man n-itb Tent Oatflt not smaller 
thBD 30stO, to go on shares with small raude- 
Tille show playlnf; week stands; no money re- 
qnlred. Addrcsa Xgr. Ilaly ramily, Oan'I OaL 
m, P. II. WaH like t» hear 


Operator for MoTlng Plctnres, with or withoot 
maetalBc. Seasm engagement under caoras. 

WHte . ncraiBD. loet liaia .sc .ou 


street Advertiser for Camlral Show; good talk 
«r: Mother Bnbbard wire. SIGFBIBD, 1081 
Main St.. Dobuque, la. 

WANTED — Trap Drummpr for C. H. Knight's 

est sal.iry. r il. KN.iJii'i'. 

Train Robbery FUm for sale, Edison make; used 
six times; sent privilege examination opou guar- 
sntce of express charges. Price $75, no less. 
PRAXK KFXLY. Rand Hotel, Cincinnati, O. 

Secret and Plans of Oalatea Illasion, $1: Wax 
Figures, Black Art. PLvlng Lady. Ventriloqnlst 
Ftgnres. Fortune Teller Heads, etc.; stamp or no 
llsta, W. H- J. SHAW. Vhitorla. Mo. 

SfoBkey er anp 
suitable for a Street Comer AttT— 
Urst class and cheap and good 
full' partlcnlara in Orst letter 
351 Broadway. Troy. X. T. 


CHANCE FOE RIGHT PASTY, to go in show- 
business around Clilcago, for sale or partner, 
with small amount of money; hare 85 feet 
round top. two 40 feet middle pieces, poles and 
ropes, lights, cook honse stuff, clown cart and 
harness and a IM of ttaC. I. B. FUm. 4U>U 
Emerald Are 

BAROAnra always at ••Peerless Exchange," 9S 
Washington St.. Chicago, Moving Picture aia- 
chines Stereoptlcons. new and 2nd-baod Films, 
Slides. New Model "B" Oxyllthe and Other JPM 
ontilts. Complete, special price. "BdlaMra OU- 
▼erial, " ViTU not be 

Harse and 

and Fanr Aeti, Ad- 

- FOR mtkum, 

1 ITiilTHHl Klneteaeapc, 19M Hedel. caaplc«a with 4 pair t€ ttm-. ywn ba 
bog and abort distaaeca. On be aacd fMan 10 1» UO Cect; 1.O0O Ifect oC 
wUA aie the -fidlowlBg aapjccta: Hra. Mnrptay and Xbe Batr. Ori.IcaL 
Black DlamoDd Bxpreaa, Baltimore Flie. Antomobile Baees. Faacr OcUla, A Trip 
Switzerland, Ckxnlc Tecbt Baeee, and a few short sohjecu: 2 sets of toag alldes, 1 set Of He* 
Klnley Funeral Slides, abont 35 slides to this set; -24 Poses Slides, 4 Barroom Hand-paiated 
Pictures, Electric and Caldom I«mpa, Oas Gauge, Qas Pipes, Gas Tools, Wire Switches, Patent 
Light Cut OS, Screen IS by 15, 1 Noble Trunk. 28 inches, best trunk made, with two traya and 
Vale lock, irons bound for outfit: 1 Adjustable Bbeastat for 110 to 520 current; Film Sock 
Bods. This whole outfit is resdy to be set up; eTerything good as new; will sell whole onlSt 
for $110 cash; ship C. O. O. with privilege <rf examination; must send a small deposit to show 
you mean business. One Noble Trunk with 2 trays, new. 34 inches, iron bonnd wltli Xale lock. 
$15 cash, beet trunk made: 1 Columbia bar-lock Typewriter, new, doable Keyboard, (65 cash: 
1 8: W. 32 Bine Steel Pistol, new, baamerleaa. glO; Z Stanch Poodle Papa, tercn aMutbs 
o\it all white, $10.00 each. Eretythlnf lb jHt -M I MTs m~MUL WHmok WtmCmmtt. * I 
O. D. to any point. Beferencee: Anr Hrtt' Og bMhMWkMM HTfatf — ^^uiis 
SM Jsffaiaoa St,. LasiBCtsa. Ky. 


Corporations opening high-class amusement Bcsort on Boardwalk in Bxenralon District win 
accomodate limited nnmber concessions. Alresdy placed Circle Swing, Indian Village, Ferria 
Wheel, Langhing Gallery, etc. Opaning for Peimy Arcade, Slot Uaehines. Caterer, Fruit 
Stands. Japanese or English Tea Garden, Candy, lee Cream, Soda Water, Japanese Ball Game. 
Photographer, Pnnch and Judy, Biding Csmels.with Arab attendents. Baby Elephant, Dog and 
Pony Show and other attractlre amoaementa.. AddiCM «Ub ntMCBCe D. T. X. Cou, SBSB 
Boardwalk. AtlanUc City. 

act oC lla Uid la tUa i 
robe: toow .apca tbae far 

care of The Billboold, 


M. P. Machines, Festure Films, ererythlng in 
thU line; also Black Top. B. C. TATLOB, 
Suite 5, Kmg Theatre Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 

Slot Talking Machines, $35; Picture Machines, 
beantles. $18..'S0; Punching Machines, $18; Sou- 
venir PosUi Card Machines, the best, $18, win 
earn you $4 per day. i>lsc tnlking machines, 
largest size for drawing crowds. $13.50. If these 
prices don't suit you, don't write us. Antomatto 
mg. Xaohina Co., 147 W. S8d St., H. S, O, 

WAXTED»-Good Clean Attractions for a Sam- 
mer Park, situated between Saratoga and Schen- 
ectady and drawing from a population of 
2SO,000: no intoxicants sold on tbe grounds. 
SOB'BNECTAiDy OO., Schenectady, N. X. 


Hare Gilt Edge Proposlttoa to off« party with 
some money. Attractiaa JHS AameBtBt Besort. 
Qnlck action necessaiF. AdftaSB WKt9, eare 

Billboard, Chicago. 

C A L L 

Alt Piipit, firtaratrt, Stawi. CoKn$lHilin^ BSi, 
iMir cnlntt iHI tki CntlHital «mm- , 
nit ud eqmltlu Cmhij, 

Report at Headqoarttrs, OZZ Homewood aye., 
PittstHirg, Pa., not later than Saturday , May 
13. Acknowledge thla can by lelSr. WiSTSO 
—A man or lady to do the T* s p.«bai -Olyr-<g 
Srlgging, Incline, wBeei. ete;," fhmlshed. POB 
BAlS— Legitimate prlrileges of an klnda, ex- 
cept Confetti and Norelties. Twenty-four weeka 
booked In tbe best CamiTsl Territory In the 
world; get busy; cmne and get some of the 
money. Room for good acts at an timea: expe- 
rienced Carnival workmen can b e placed no ^. 

EXPOsmoN CO.. I. E. Stac^'.aaab:M*. »■■>$.; 

Col W. H. Fremont, San. 
wood STO., Fittshnrg, Pa. 

FOB SAIX. — Hindoo Mystery Cabinet; can use 
for other Ulnslons; exceUent eoadltion. Price 
P, HABir. gia Ft«niriii» at.. Philadelphia. 

Whitaker's Park 

And Pleasure Pier 

Of Clear Lake, Iowa 

The Great Snmmer Besort and Saratoga of the 
Northwest baa a few more good, itaying Coaeas. 
siotts fn sale. Cigar, Soft Drink. Slot Machine. 
Shooting Gallery, Bowling Alley, Peannt, Pop- 
corn men wanted. All kinds of attractions on a 
liberal percentage basis. Wanted— Eepettolte 
Cos. as good ss North Bros. July 25 to Sept. 
15. Hurry np and get in; open Jane 15. doae 
Sept. 15. Address for further information, 
ISAAC WIHITAEBR. Clear Lake, Iowa. 

The Amerlcafi C«rniv«l Co. Want* 

One or two more good shows : also priTileges. 
Our route as foUows: Bock Hill. S. C, May 
1-S- ThomasrUle. N. C, 8-l»: Charlotte. N. O., 
15-20; Mt. Airy, N. C, 22-27; Greensboro, May 
aoatme 5; High Point, Jnne 7-12. AddtCH 
Ciereland A Turner, as per route-. "--B*— 
Caliban and Durkln want to hear from aulyboo 
paepla. Punch and Judy or Magic preferred. 

For Tin Brut Mm CnM Go. 

AU perfogamAMV aMfOMM .and 
people are MSMM t* MB at Lcngnw mt . Onl^ 
May 13. far labianal ' fc a aoa opcaa May 19 to 
20 under aB9leeB et >. O. B, Answer thla 
can br letter. 'WJORBD— Oae iMte big Free 
Act; can pIibe.'lM9-the-I<oop. or Loop-the-Oap; 
also Sister IMt tm Sttdlnm atate an in first 
letter; loaaMt expected. Be ready to 

join on wire; a» time for correspondence. CAlr 
PLACE one more good show, Ferris Wheel and 
Mlnature R- R.; also good Adeaace Agent who 
can book gnazantias, AU prlrileges $10. Ad- 
dress DOM COXKm, ISll Cbampa St., Denyer, 
Ce*. . • 

Want Performers, B. and 0. People 

Sister Teams, Comedians, L. and D.. Soubretts. 
Sensational Acts. Silent Acts, Trained Dogs 
(trainer double stage or band): all and lowest in 
▼our first. Thrre-nlgbt stands under canvas. 

Open May 18 at Fekla, HI. (Mo 

rled.> I pay aU 
398 Pekln. III. 


Performers of all klada tor Modem Woodoien of 
America Picnic at WalBBt. tk^ Af. IT. 1005. 
One day only. AMnaa W. Q, alii'tsiaaww 

Walnut. Iowa. 

Chicago Great May Carnival 

Opens May 13 to 2B at Oswald's Grove. 
Halstead St. Beady for aB klnda at 'Ooneeaalona, 

t oMa to raor. Ab- 

at akoaa 


Tents for Sale. 

1 Black TOP, 00x25: 1 White, 70x30; 1 Bloe 
and White Top. «0x25; 1 Brown Md Green 
Stripe, 50x25:1 English Frame Front: also 1 
- ^ (MteMan &gan: aU In Al coodltian. 

— MlXUa, 19 Lagrange St.. 


A Gonplete iypsy Gaiu 

Lady Mushsians WantnUQelak 

For the several dlOetcnt VaOia B. OAallaK Xljr 
diaa Ozehaatnaimnat be flzst-cIaa8;Oo(aet: 
iIiIm. ■wOtk TUMli been. Can 
place food BWlelMi. "Tfce OtkhiilM 

is never idle." tMtitm ^. Jt- WUntt^ 
agar The H. B, O. 
House, Boston, Xaaa. 

. «a a Bntton IfsrWg fc 
e complete outfit; wfll 
i; also a Tent for the 
price write at once. 
" 'Ave., Cleveland, O. 

iL I^.nehlng at Crlpi^ 



1 hare bought 10 bales of A-1 
the Best Made Outfit* at 'l?';.®" '™' """iSS 

SSta V^wm. ^5^^ <£■ fJr^ w^ 

PBOr. B». B. HtiVtiHUMC. ^Bea. Del. 


Tlxct Billboard 

Western Canada's Great Industrial Fair 

Winnipeg, Canada, July 20 to 28. 

$50,000 IN PRIZES AND ATTRACTiONS $50,000 

Applications for Coofsenkms on the Midway for supplying Vaudeville taleati for free front of tiie. 
Stsod, and other concessions, will be received by the undersigned. • ..:..!.. <.:■ 

M 1 N N I P E G . . - CAN ADA . 


A ftnt-«lAU Cftznirml CompcBT foe a wg»k In 
Aocist or September. Pine openlas^ OHDOBII 


•if Ckutaton. m. AAinm MOB!nMI°V. 
^8 lljllflj. I<tfc B ox Ko. 46. 

Fir TIs Wiisn Bres. Carnival Co, 


pair of Box Balt_ 
aw: pil« (30. 

St.. LOBlCTlIIe. Kjr. 


win tnat JOB 
Wm txtimtrm ib«w pttrllcce to 

OumlTal Oik with Bnd and Wtm Actm; tmatj 
tkoonad TlcUna; CDaaacsecBcnt ITiiiilin 
Haval Academ;; Tlalton tlram all orcr AM 
United Btato; Uncle Bsm'l TTl I Ml ■Hpa 
and hSm Staff; tds tboe; It ww tlw 
laat 7ear for tbe TAjtoa Quntnl Co, over 
TNiBMiwt DqUatb from tmilnti ; pdrlleca 
at aB Unte foruJe; erciTt&tnc foea; fnfa In- 
tfa>>et tent; WHI aen ezdatre to tespaaaa>le 
. pBtkm. WANTED — Tbe nrelleat Vtce Acta. 
. wglt e (Xnlck; p grfor mef of all kinds for Q«Tnin 
■.Tlllafe.. WANTED — Fonr Net Kteti. »twdj- 
Li.«ack; not orcr forty feet lUre, t&oae Uiat can 
;4o ottttT acial acta preferred or sronnil acta 
dtber. liotts pleue wire. Notlcr, Ha^cn- 
tDWB. MA . Firemena' CooTeatlon folio' 

caa baaic. jaa for ttaca; 



;^^aiaaM.> Park Masacet* and 
-.Xaft? aaod atanp foe diuila r of 
' aaS Boner tetter cn eeitk. 
4 Oamittaeis St., lAwrenee, Maaa. 

WAXTZD atnCK-^Fa-o male Perfarmen: wwk 
■taiul*. Med . Bla. State Toor Bia and Balair. 
DB. I. WEBNTZ, n<nt^» la. 

WANTZB, JIUUICXASS — To doohle; B. 4k O. 
Bvul Leader: an oae red bot Sketch Team fiw 
■ed. Co. otner med. people write. Tbe Lea- 

Snes a3d Tte Araonds wiitc CHAS. H^-..;-;, Odiiji, »b. No 
or deformitle-^. 

Alio nice foot Side Wall: alK> U or U ft. Sida 
WaB. If TOO are lOcelr to have tbe abofe In 
tba f&tore keep tMs addreaa; ttaa_ a nanlea 
eat now: osetnl Bep people vriMb SAT 
DAXBO. box U3. Bacbdte. m. 

jmmt aaA laixe). e ft. 6 lOk tip 
to tip of wMK ViM: f fc alui e Cor iiialliii i ; will 
eat IHe dfefena tabUla Can «law of 

aadlesee; alao aeeaad tmi aUmgt tlmt, coat 
*1T6, wm adi ftr Vtt aaa MM F IiImi Ha- 
ebiae. StenovtSaa aaC WftaK mi bay 
m naiil band •-•r IB ft. iMa wdb flriwa Be- 
aiina rbaar te caA: aae BapXito vaaala at 



Qelitli Auiiiil Spring Festival 


An Kinds of Clrcns Acts and- 

-Acts for the Rmnan CoUsemn, 


Bemember, we want all kinds of the very best, lu£;hest class, smsational 
Aerial and Gronnd Acts obtunable. No act is too good, as we want 
to put on the best show ever seen in the South. Would also like to 
hear fraa the ioUowiiv BandK' ,Brook8» Btkn liMf Biitler,.Phineiy, 
QmBaie and Wm^BMriMi Boy Bwid. Address all commmiiditkwiH to 

aEOIME B. DAVID, Secretaiy, 

The Sbow tbat is Aiways Syccsssful, 


Smith Greater Amusement 


ROUTE ; aassaj^ii^ti.ygaagg;,'!^:,^^^^^ 

For Sale, or Lone, or Partnership. 

" Whi, WM, Win MfiBinIs " iri nristy Bntben Hlntrels." 

An elesast Una of apedal printtnc for IioUi ahows. will take a partner In 1x>th or lease one 
and mn the other iiiT*0tt- Wanted: Pecqjle for both ahowa; also for the Summer season under 
circuit of Darloi avonnd here. State aU in flra t letter, and permanent ad- 
~ "^a«« or orchestra, L. M. BOTBt,MlD CnrtUSt., Denver. CoL 

canvas and In the clicaUot Dark* annmd here, 
diess. Musicians muatdOBlilest 



, VandevlUe people, Uosldans, Door Talkers, two 
I ftnd Conntrr store. Leeltlmate prlTlIefrei. Will 
Idcondltton. Address: DANA THOMPSON. 
AlTb.O.T.,ltoyl-«; Kldorado. Kana.. May g-13. 

Slpor Frisco Wants Partner 

Sb woefc ccTulf iD^ 
one wbo can do aaottcr 
with Carntral Oa.; atate 
and parttenlan. Male or 
V. 8. Ouatval Ob.. 

ilggtBK fbiBlAad: 
act anttaWe (or T' " 


Ferris Wlieel (or -wlU tmr oaa cheap for caA) 
Tin Type and Photo Bntton prlTllese for ule. 
Openlns Jane 10, one to three ezcoTBlODS a 
dar. Popnlatlai of dtr 1S,000. Addreaa aU 
' to AUG. W«»^^^ca>e WolTa 



to OBA8L ft. Oei 
Oeocclana. Ala. 

Natlloo FanuNis Midnight 

Can tise 

opportanSty to 
I bav* a 

orleatal atlnttloaajwjjfc 

En ronte Hay 1. 

WABTBI^A 1 Spider to epen on my Camtrcl 
Show Oreatlott Hay 8 In Ohio; state salary or 

per cent.; Tommy WUaon. Botiert Kane, 
Leonard write. Addreaa CHAS. RAT. box 
Cnmberland, Hd. 

FOB SALE CHEAP — One Pbotoseepe M i rhi no, 
good condition; tlx money maker; made 8.000 
plctnres in three monttaa; I win go 100 mtWa 
to obow bow to eperate machine; . otber barfacos 
caaae af aclliv. LOCK BOX US, UaeolB. BL 

"LOOSE LUOT," tbe arcataM alow drac bnck 
ever; 26 cents; nooe free. Also send po ataaa 
for oar Utcst blia. TBD SPABK8 1(11810 PUB. 
CO., Kansaa City. Mo. 

Oct mr prieca befUrs boylas elaowbtia. AH 
snakca Oxed safe to handle. Prices slways 
lower than others. W. ODELI. LEARN, San 
Antonio, Tex. 

WAmZD— To enlarge Deltlno'a American 
Shows, Pertormera and Mnaldana In all brancb- 
es, sue Show. Big Show and Concert to iotn at 
once. Address GEO. W. DELTINO. Bock Bin. 

s. c. 

FOR SALE — One Band Oisan, two Urje Jet 
Torch Lights, one set of Punch Flgnres, and 
Ualronette Side Show Banner. Coatnmes, Wigs, 
Uaglc Oatflt. HARBT LEON, box 48.. Bock 
HUl, S. C. 

Only the best need sMb'- 
clasa of shows. W. b 
St.. Hswark. 

(or weak U aaly M. 


Will be Off the Press the First Week in May and 
Ready for Delivery. This is a Signal that the 
Streemen's Season is Opened. _ 


The Streetmen's Official Catalogue and Price List, 

And no one who lays any claim to be a shrewd streetman and a successfnl moneymaker ever goes out to open his 
aeaacm vakM lie lias The Shnn Wianer CRtalogne in his gn^^^ 
- siqiply of the qiuclE-«eIliiig goods from tke 

It is a Big Advantage for Streetmen to buy goods from N. Shurc^, 
Co., because you can buy everything you need under one 
roof, and every line at the right price* 

Pocket Knives we sell cheaper than an ezdnnve cntlety house. Jewelfy cheaper than a regular je^iruil^|Ju$^^ 
Watches cheaper than an exclusive watch house; and every other linejthe same way. We have a larger variety of 
any one line for Streetmen than an exclusive house of such line. We occasionally meet an inexperienced streetman. . 
who. has been '^bbii^ arocuid, buying a little from every Tom, IKck aail HiBiry, not knowing any better untH.' 
thcj. get directed to us; when lo! they open their eyes till they fairly drop out of their sockets when they discover 
hew tbey have been skinned by the various small fry. Yes, Streetmen have a ROCKY ROAD of it until they find 
N. ^nure &■ Co. to get their, supplies from. Now, boys, this is going to be a big money-making season. Gret into 
line. Get this ^iire Wisoer Catalogue and a supply of the Shitre Winner ^ 

Wholesale Streetmen's Specialties. 

supplies for areas Men, Fish Pond, Cane Rack and Doll Rack Men, Travding Doctors, Canlvii 
and Fair Workers, Premiom Givers, ilall Order HoBscsy and Schemers of All Kinds. 

264270 lladisoB SI., CHlCABOrM. 

Jfalion "The Bmoard" whm ntwering «^ Mmtio»"3U£moani" wiemtmrnKring adt. "nftn "m Mnonpr wltm iiwuiiiij) iiifi Jfato "3U Biabeardi" liiii rfcj mik. 


^^^^^^^^ ■ 



Oninly and State 


M2F oatalogae Is more saggestive of a high grade magazine than the 
usual txjok of 'dttC^opr.acts.^ It isn't built on exaggerated lines, and 
comprises half-ton« reproiliictloiiS' of high-class attractions just as 
they are, and not as the fancy of the artist imagliies them. 1%8 paper 
and printing are the best ever used In a theatrical catalogue. My 
traTeling representative will meeft. your committee when you desirs, 
Wltboiife.agqpapMtoyoa. ZTotl^rmewhMiTon'wlllluddToiirmeatingi 




Am jon talcing advantage of the GRBAT OFFER we ue making yon 
this season on "CHECKERS," that deliolons, erisp nut popcorn confection? 
The bright red and white checker-board package makes it sell well. Our 
famous moisture-proof and air-tight inside box makes It keep well. The de- 
UclOQs combination of candied popcorn and nuts makes iC eat /well. Our 
straight, honest methods, anid the treatment^ oar oostoown^ continue 
to add new ones to the list. We also mike "TMt' DANDY" ^gpdditai Brick. 
Write for sample and price. ' 


117 ]VIiclii0an St.» Ctilcagp. 

' :"LM«sst awliiSiw Fepeom Msnulsotiiws In Awiiteiu - 



^ ManagersVand Aotors' Represent^tlvo. 
Companies Organized, Engagements Procured 

Tours Directed. 


WANTED, People in all Lines to Book. 

IToirt)ooklor for Parks. Fairs, and CamlralL Four MS 

Iioop tlie IiOOi>.'DlaTolor:. Pndl«loas PortluM^ the Oh 

Barrel": Santos, the JDemon 8kailiier. Shootias tlM 

maktne^ a leap o* ttfl 

inMtKt Tilcp at 
T*ltD*«i<* Stt 

fiatos tpnk <tf Si*. 


157 W. 4l5t Street NEW YORK CITY 

Sbuiacei wt .'auuer wlio can devote eTvnlaiM to tbo beat Palmistry ]ParI(ir !n America 
MdUliw c. ab m 81 oaO: sttnstcd in best mona^maktnv nark in Chlcaco. I taf* too mueh 
wufn e w to attend to. and wa nt a a traWit laOT' or senuamcn to loin ae. manalM yon 
laaltB money. A. T. mueHT, B. DIS. Flnt Natl. Bank. Ohieaco. III. 




$2,500.00 BALLAD 



TTnqnes^nsUy finast est ot pUOss erfni prodnced. : Unqnettioiuiblj the 
most nniqm iud original act of rildes'eVv iioiiiiht ont— tb sIsMMt Jaiiposai- 

ble realized. Owing t» the extreme expenM tadnlM'la pibiSaBiacflNse 

slides, only a UmJte<l aomber will be used. ' 

Price $tO a Set None Pree 




that Os 1lagtiMK'proaaetioti.«<^ *VAI. OF tSXSW-^Mm tamj 
waj^- to 0^ HfDiishefl aeti *SMefai# to fastiire the sons, onr Pab- 
' t US snowed the PtotSnlonsI Department the privilege' 
a dtoeovat oC M per cant, on the price of the SUdas to.ail p^r- 
wMiin the aext thinj days, maUnc the neik prtee f&OO 

per set. lU&sr |n all cases mnst accompany the order. 

SPBOI^ NOTE — If after the slides have bees received you should 
end them not exactly as represented, we agree to ceCsad tts OMOey St Say 

time within thirty days after receipt of same. - . . . 


134 West 37th St.. 


Pr0ff«ssierial Copies Free to Recosnln4 : 
' .Performers: No. Cards. 




Axigust 21-26, or August 28 to September 2 inclusive, unde(..Cbe §Wjg!|osSj(^.' 
the 3rd Begiment Band, M. 17. G. Want to heajc.from soDM. dist-^laas Cax-y 
nlyalCo. L. STELLENBKRGER, Promotoij Ojils iirtU,i>e||i^ cadosum^^ 
Address 301 McDonnell Bldg., Duluth, Minn. .' ■ ',r ; ; 

One Gala Week: 

Daltoh, Ga, 

MAY 8-13. r V: 




Legitimate PrlvIleKca como on; gio each. No axclastrcs. 
AddressweekMaylst. Grlftin. Ga.. Maj-S-13,DaUon. Ga. ALI. FREE STREET FAIRS. 


Mty Fire Department. 


wante;^.. . 

MnnMsnw Bl0 Saiivifr 

And Side Show Bands. SInetn? and Talklne Clovm. Oomedy Ruvolvlnir Ladder Act. Olitt> 
tortlonlst. PrUclal Clown. Join Immediately. E.xporlcnccd j)coDleonly. NamelowestsSlanr. 


May Mb Swdowrt. W. T.t llh. fciiisefc W. Y.t Wi. I^ewwr. A T. .\ .: '^i-'-;:-/-,-^ '. 

Musicians Wanted '"cS^^^^^lS^SL^ _ 

Male or female players o( the mUowIoc iBSbnimentsi Barp. comet, clarinet, let ..and Snd 
violin. bass vioLtipmbam and tmsTMeoAisd^neeawik aiiskbef 

sUck. BooseHTuMl maihm. na 6ood sstanifo > 

I open, in Best. Sand photo with aopltoatlaa. OfandeCI 




i Open June 5,'05 


^0,000 people to draw from; reliable manager for theatre; seating capacity 1,250; Andrews' folding chairs; fully . 
Quipped with scenery^ Liberal temis to all concessions, on percentage or rtiiit. Wanted---M6rry-Go>Ronndi' I^etitt 
llFheel. Miniature R. R., Dog and Pony Show, Ye Old Mill, Forest Toboggan, Shaot-the-Chutes, Shoot thp ...Whlirl^ 
pool. Rod and Rifle Range, Shooting Gallery, Baby Rack, Mystic Maze, Bowling Alley, Pool arid"Bllliards, Steam;; 
and Naphtha Launches, Bathing Beach, Kncampments, Penny Arcade, Illusions, J^alloon Ascensions, in fact room for 
sdl Al Concessions and Attractions at all times. Ground and water rent free to all who locate at Midway Park, on 
t|e fine of tiici Lima Limited, acknowledged as beii^ the faateittioUey aenrkie in tte l^ld, hiu^^ 
^e with the live ones; don't be a dead one. Address Mgr. Ikfidway Park, care Colnmlms Zoo, Colwnbtts, Ohio, or 
Dayton and Troy R. R., Tippecanoe City, Ohio. '. 

T H B r AMI O U S 

Trotting Ostrich 


Is now book Ins an Eastern and Western Cir- 
cuit- A sare winner and stioDK drawing card 
most novel, up-to-da|^ **"Bf "^T nolur >t- 
trautlon now oetors WW pttlluO> OBM iMn. 
never forsotten. 
For terms, etc.. apDiy to 

Proprietir Ostrich Farm. HOT SPRIRGS. IRI 


The Coney Mudot tbe 
Bast: Old Ofchaid 

Beach, M«. 

PriTlleKe raople look tbU up. Concedtd tbe llDeat Bacbinc Besch lo t><8 world. u>ly AmnnmaM 
Ptrk wItbiD a radlni o( lOUmlltti a Million People. 30 Clilei. scd MO Towni to drsw from) UJlOO loeal 
popnlttLn. Orriteicurtlon canter of the Ksai. FRBB PA.BK. doublInK eacb year . 

WB It AVE tbe Ble Arcade and otber New Balldlng. coatalnlnc .boat 30 Boocb. for PriTllaa* People, 
Open AtrTbanre. Scenic Railway Haze, Ball Room. Grove, Uerry-go HonDd.! Basting. AtblstlcOrouB4i, 
Fenla Wbeel. Blocks of New Stores. Circle Hwtng, Camera Obacura. Beaman'a Great Anatomy Kzblbl- 
UoB.aBd Celebrated Dob and Pory Cticua. Wire Jewelry, Cane Rack, uart Gallery, Jap Ball Game, 
Plata Board. Novelty Bail Game, Flab Pond. Ooll Raok. 

1 jVANT Peaoy Aniade (flna locatloa), Glass Sbow, Sbooting Galleiy, Kntre Board. Candy Stand— 
lOnaOaadr. Ttatyaa OatUi 9nv aamp. bocbuitered popcorn. Orlaatal and aonvenlr gooda. and 
^ MM lljfllHH. OMBSjBMIIlkHSeptlStb. all ailrs aaveo daya aacb week: 33 page lUos- 


Takes pictures as fast as a penua can pose la 
boat of it. DeiiTers s petfeet plwwmah, aist^ ■• 
framed and flnlahed, in leas than oa»1^nt»,'VM 
will operate regardless of the weather, makiug-nm 

g effect a likeness under the electric ligbit.aa oa »' 
rieht sunny day. The only slot maohlbiB' ttaatt. 
dellveis a perfect photo. •• ■ .'^ 

SoiDB Muhiifs Anrip Prafitt uViih It $100.00 pirdi!. 

Our 1905 model is tSOji better than tlie machine 
we Iran pntliinf ons latt Tflsr St tlM'i 

M.8. KUNE, eutn BIdi. Iiffirii. I.T. 


l>ledlcine Performers In the business. Will pay top summer salaries. Must 
be able to change for two weeks and make good. State all Urst letter Show 
opens in El Paso, Texas, June 5th. I pay all. Live on lot No fares advanced 
to any one. Join on receipt wire or letter. Illustrated Song Singer with 
views wianted. Address 

W. I.. RoKorSy 

Box 61, CI Paso, Tex. 

New Fair 

New HaU-Mlle Track 

Richmond Co. Fair 

nndcr ausplrus Richmond County Atrrlcultural Society. Inc. This county belns » boroueh 
ot Greater Now York, with poDUlatlon of 0.000,000 to draw from lii a radius of 10 miles. It will 
?.° ^'^ <^l>e largest attended fair In America. SI.OOO.OOO In Purses tor Runnlns and Trot- 

tlnir Races. The Greatest Kree Open Air Exhibition Erer Olron. Now being controlled tor 
OKTlcnltural exhibits and entries. AppUcattoiis for prl7lle«re». concessions and e.xhlbtt« now 
entertained. Address Mdward P« Poylc. » e c»y, I'ort Richmond. Staten Island. N. Y. 

JUbriim "Xkt BSIboud" i 

' ■'. V':' ■ 


23 Large Pictures 

sizes ranging from 18x18 ft. to 150 x 40 ft. for the L. A. ^ompson SoiolB 

Co. Am at liberty to-day— May . 

desiring Sowiio notorial work of anr aoaoripttoo. Manigen of farks, Oon* 

Ballway ( 

dftiiiring bowio ifioconai work oi any 

II. LOGAN KEID, 112 West 40fh St, NEW YORK CITY. 


For Great Wallace Circus 

Two or Three Coneert Acts 

Also strong Concert Featuie. Addnas as pet route in THE BILLBOARD. 

WANTED .... 


Anything that will prove an attraction for a park. 00 000 people in Little Kock. and North 
Little Rock win patronize low priced clean amusements for the summer. Open Snndwr. 
Electric line to the sate. No matter what yoa have. tuU us in full. Braddock Park lath, 
place. Wanted— To buy moTlns picture outfit. Address ArkanaM Amusomwxt w«. 
North Little Rock. Ark.. Box 265. . 

Hoss & Naumann United Shows 

TK fmm PU1E CMinriL snwsiFTi-MY. 
High Diver^ Ferris Wiieei^ 

And Strong Plantation Show 

Wire. wire. Most be ready to jc^ foir tbe opening at Paulding, Ohio, Mon- 
day, May 8. Season of 25 weeks. Can also place one more show with good 
front; one more promotor to promote Qaeen Contests, T*rograirs, etc. Privilege 
people look these over, and all free street fairs. Faulding, O. . May 8; Crestline, 
O., week May 15; Canal Pover, O., week May 22; Martin Ferry, u., week May 
29; Stettbenvlile, O., week June 5. All privll^es 910 per week; no ezolnsives 
vMontti and novelties, sold to Mr. Looli Gnea. Amtnm 1» wire, 
riHAPMANN. Panlding. Ohio. 

- WANTED ... 


Musicians, Actors and Performers of all kinds; also Kepertoire Co.'s, Farce 
Comedies and similar organizations to communicate with ns now (and at all 
times). OPERA HOUSE and PARK MANAeERS, bear la mind that 
weraatomlsh you at all times and no short notice, GOOD Oompftnies and 
GOOD Acts. The Only Theatrical Exchange in the South. 

rjijiltal. Brains, Honesly, Ettcryj> 

That tells it all. Make this yonr headquarters while In the South 

The Dixie Tlieatricai Exciiange 

Off leas: Englith-JmarieaB BIdg. 


Two or Threo More Tent Shows 
and Platform Sho¥r 

(Except Bulk Bobbery). Those that can dellrer the eoods write. Wftnld also like to hear 
from Ballrboo people and Splelera. Koom tor two sood free acts. One or two concessions 
left, except conf ettL Can also place a Ferris Wheel. All free fairs, and some rood maiden 
. Address BAa^B CABNIVAX CO.. 25 South StentSt^ Wilmington. N. O. 

St fern. 


m Mix MonttiB Tour will open for tl«e Season IBOS, at 


Seven A-l Towns to follow. WANTED: Good Tent and Platform Shows, Good Fronts. 
PWMleteStadtam. TancteTllIeaadCiiciisActa. Unsidana,- ]tor8al%Oo^ettl.NoTelties 
-gifcifa«i«u_PrtrtiBMjtiiiiili BiMMWulhM ■Iiecew«H» aoLLII.fmK.Me«HMe]. 
y. BL.--R W. W««yerlti» lii i igM w IiI umi. ■ Ohatteaean. Tenn 

Charlotte May Festival and Military Caruval, 

• MAY IS to iZO 

lAeatedEltditlnfhelieaTtottheclty: not enclosed, bnt tree; American Camlval C!o. attrac- 
tions. Legitimate prlvUeKes for sale. Can also place one or two first-class shows. Address 
■eommonlcattons to CleTeland & Tomer, as per route of American Camival Co., or Capt. R 
B. Daridson. Battery A. Charlotte. N. C. 

N.B.—Ibe American CamiTal Co. wants leliable man to handle Qoeen Contest and 
Pwl BalBsaad Bob Aten write: Uaita and Faal. en iHM 



BepertoIreCo.'s for Summer Theatre. Scenic Ballroad. Shoot-the-Chntea, and all OUwr flrst- 
elass attractions. Park opens June 15. Add ress all communications to 

A. A, KnvKTEYt Iicssee and mer-i naskocee, I. T, 

V M 7 A Ik.TTnC^Tk • JIanasers and Secretaries of Parks. C&mivals. Street Fairs and 
WW ■ ■'.IP ' Countj- Fairs Take Notice: that we. The Actors National Pro- 

" " * " tecti ve Union, can fnmlsb anytblni; from a One Man Band to a 

Three Ring Circus. Address 156 E. Bandolph St., CbicaKO, III., THOS. CABET, Bos. Net.. 

SUlBANKJEY. SaeMtaxr. 



Per. Address : 176 C ttarlo St.. Chicago. 

UDREW — and — LaZONE 


: Tbi Oaffr 0am mi Tbe Tad. 

JOE EARL, Ag:ent 

doae Contnctor, Good BOkr, Hostler, Sober, 
Sellable ud not afraid oC natar' IS >*• Want 

Sellable and not aAald 
*1 man. addrew me. 
lU. Bcfarda to .fxtends. 






Ralph McDonald. 

LEADING mAS for Al StMk. Ward- 
robe and appearance the best. Write or wire 
Calnmet Theatra. Sonth OUeacow No tlms 


The DarideTil Cyclist. Prof. F. L. Heir 

PeddllDs down tbe Cbatcaon a BIctcIb, taming a 
complete Mtnervanlt Into tbe lake; open for aum- 

mer spaflon on jr Write for t«^rmH. No weeicly en- 
raeemeuiH n tpplv. PItOF. I.. F. HERS, Sea- 
htde station. lK<x:k:a,WHy Ufar.h. L. I- 

Laura OfllMII* 

EN TOVR— SSASOlf 1905. 



Presenttnirtho • Roial Quintette" of Trained 

liVii,1nfic nnH Tti i in tn w}i Ttrt'H ^ (in' HlDDO- 
Crt^UH 1 IllflllllK'll-"" iin I'll riiT A. IV iJ.' 

dromti track. btK)wlDi: al! ;;ait.,s In hiiriifss. 


America's Greatest TROUPE of CYCLISTS 

Address as per route, or 
John Grit^ves. ^o}i- ni pr."T>nt atlvt-. 
S05 East Htl) S: . Ni/-,v V,.rk rity. 



Seasons I891-1905. 







World's Greatest 



Originator and Piodocer of 
^™'ir AvvvBvna. 

BiBiiinKTalldiig; KnorkHwut and 
FraOneiar with Ringllng Bnia. Seaaons 189S 
to Ms. At unny ut wiBMr Boaaon. 

Homcr-liU. HOBSMIS>EaCdl» 


■Mnn Daaauns ikpww « ■ ana 


'Vta antlwOtlgiiwtoia of Um Trivia Jomp 

A OwtFiatoio. saaaoaaMa-i. 

She Great and Only 


PrlnclDal Bare-back 

n 1 * Ifc 1 Wf ^t^Jj^ C*X UUO ^Y^Ctt^CDv UK -aV99aAUC ^uuau 

Rldine Act on Earth. 


Introduclnc Backward and Forward 
Somersaults. Second Season. 



Feats of Skill and DarinK Seasoned With 
a Spice of Comedy. 



wona V wivMM Bmwm 


Enflisli Acrobats Fotir in Knmber 
iMentins an AtaKflnte MoT^ttr 



America's Greatest 
intb nagtB^BBoa^lMnts 

I. S. WOLFING and 


OridaatcM and Krainsn at tiie BOXING 
aiSSjMSa and OOwr Novelttos in 


A Coterie of Clever Pl^ Performers. 

LA nam da veiie 

' Id. m, Bm Uvlw «t 


"That Versatile Comedy Fair" 

jn and umB KOnpEKraRD 



uorikiMiOMdfltfiiiMk - 


B(»CAX BINS ABxnia. 


jbni. p. SLATER.' 

And Exponent of Artistic VeraattUtir. 

Anwriea'a BcvreaentatlTa 

Bonnnly "Itaa WUtou.?' 





Schepp's Famous 


For Parks. Summer Resorts. State and Oona^ Fairs, etc. Maoacais and anants. bbolE tbe 
best, most picasine. and tbe acknowiedfred leader of tbem all— bar nona. Look np the no- 
ords. Hiehest and best Indorsements from all over tbe oountrjr. SMMaat attraMtMi M 
draw and pleiuie tbe crowda. Can render three separate tune-mnr Drill. XtOOpa «( 
Performlna: Oo^, Pony Specialties, or i li ii nil In inn iilg iiai Bmiliailf O weritOBStaceaB 
eroonds— In or out doors. Now booklne. For time and tWBM MaOM 

Permanent addrew The Billboard. Cincinnati. O. : 

■na>«r sad ooa 'ident a<% 
IX 00., Uaaoti WaaflolHi, Co., 

At Doans' Knr naatia. Harandala. — ~ 
two weeks and tUrd ^rtA la May., all afJgM 

AtiaetUaiB mated. 
AUMX, ltar„ Mwandale. Pa. 

Ttie Billboapcl 




W« —teo W » Tm i « l M ct Onto Owwrtaa »— 't*""^ ^""""" Hill*'"* ■■■■■ h iiiiiii Ibm Ii amrFkikdwnldhftTetiwn kdonnto 

flltTKadiinM-«nMKMBaBKS« bannaetliayuvtlMiiitlitldiiaita Ihili ■MniHln «»wbi. Mta (tie a eowtont •oiueeot 

revenne. Tber kre nnltormly opanted -with Immense profit to the owner, because all monflrtalUBiBlsclM»scaMaad b B M— et>«r doao H w ialw Mi amraC clMto 
man can look after fifty or more machines. They work whUe you are otherwise ensamd. DMttmtotfeeiaMaksaCtivlBrtonmanAfnda wtthOU aaaMeoBd-baiid 
machine*. It's tta* mnr SmtoxM that gar. WehKretbem. SeiKlftttC«tal0KneNa23L 

MILLS NOVBLTY CO. Jt (• » St. MMMI St., CMeagi. BRARCIES: "^?^.K.j./'«'«1U.nk.2^ 

fi^^ A R D 


6U, New York Clt^. 

Blfl AERIAL aMiftlSTIMm 


818 F. Si, WRITLET, - nNKIE. 110. 



BelchtSfeet lb Jiches. and 3 feet 11 Inches 
Permanent address care The Billboard. 


Permanent Address, 






_ WanlpBlrtof. Oar* Billboard. 

The Marvelous HeuinaD Trio 

' iMuttoiMl Caii>«l7 CTCUlta. For oiica ttin* 
*«W BrtB. 111. 

"-B BURNO. Mutgtr WMd'smr Carol- 
<•» -Msmm at., at. M»- 


Famous Roman Illnp nymnrLst, Invites 
offor-,. AaOri-ss BILLBOAKD. 

Dan S. Holt, 

Blaok Paee Comedian. 

Address The Bulboabd. 



420 Monandoek Bldg.. 



Ceta Out or « S««el Cmgp a< Every 


Park Man— ta cM ttia ask wUla VB are 
South. SeaTaadarlllaBoate. 



or m woiu. a buzmb hit 

The sensation of tbe century. Have 
fine lithos. Vox terms and time, 1906, 
address MMK. LILUBNS. care The 
BUlboard. ITS Washington St.. CMcago 


eOll^O-PUSTIO artist, (ranny Faoa*) 
And Haavy Hullcal Aot 

Permanent address. Tha Billboard 


Lefevar and Tossall, 



J. A. GOBURN, Manager and Owner. 

■.AOAJL BIANAGEBS— Pleaae note tbat tbla la NOX tite so eaUe« BsmtIvw * 
WUaom's Blln.trel.. bat a Scrlctly HlBbclasa« Blodem Attraettan. 

Wlre»-Mall— At aU times via Billboard— Surest most dIrectr-eiUIIIATI, 



Foot EanlUbrtat 




Addreaa The Billboard 

I Ailpj>L!!!LLions 


lSM&4nkMMat, I 

Obtaco; astaUUIitd ISiM. 
quiet. BTanebca ead facilities la otber atatts. 


61-63 Pari Row, World Bldd.. New York 

Law. UcJui-ed listen to the pri.f.jBnU):j, Advice free. 



SHIM nd StawittcNs if m iilis 


Chicago Film Exchange, 

1S5 S. Cltvrk St . CHICAGO. ILL. 



"At Liberty" 


per Ineb. 


One Inch space, (our 
■paces no to terta 1 


One Inch ct spMc. Conrtcoi tunes 

. (tbie* 

Lths). flO.00, sad Isxger spaces np to 

HOra.— Vhat sH vacs r 
te a staela Tir*""Ta _ 

l°^* OM) nwr be act dooU. < 

quartern ni) at an lacb deep. SvttUr In yeas 
order If tbe card Is larger tban one ted 
whetber to be Kt ■Incle or donble eoloau. 

The BUM Publishing Oa. 

424 Ell St.. Glielnatl, 0. 



Want to bear from Managers of Parks 
and Fairs. Free after May 15, 1906. For 
rates and terms, address as above or first 
Class acents. Oaiokdo, ser. add.. lO TTnloB 
Sqaaie. New Tork Clt^. 


^jigii yBrooL 


Tickets in Rolls 

Good ftioclc Good pcrfontioni. Accurate Dumber- 
All kinds of tickets made lo ordsr for P&rk> and 
Dt purposes. We keep a variety of Roll 
i la stock M fellows s ''Good for 5c in tnde.*' 





O. O. 

for One Ride/' "Admit One." "Merry -Go-RonDd.*" 
"Bathing." Others to be added. Any of the above 
can be shipped same day order is received in any 
quantity of 3,000 or more. Special prices in larce 
quudbcs. Tickets famished in strips if desired. 

: jyteatrical Hotels Boarding Houses j £ W A NT YOU 



Eaioiieaii Fl&n. ElMsnt Bnffet In connection I 
f.S^EO. H. HIME8, Prop., 153 W. UmdlMn St.. 

B. J. FimmH 

TOiIcsKO. H annarket 


v*s*New Alhambra Hotel. 

. ^nttr 


EuropMa aad AmerlcttJi. 
"■-^ ,1. A. RU.SY, Cor. 16 tiv A St&ta Ste 

'e^^^:»uiuKer. cHicaoanx. 

• TOI.BM, «HIO. 

Amerieis. alacls. n aooHa. Boropeu, (3 to 
•6 week. Goodm.kU. JACK SMITH. Proioletor. 

1 8oiMn 
m. Kb 

. Bmie aad SoiMnet Sti.. Biston Han. Cen- 

OTCL Twenty-Ninth and Mor- 

WMkly. np;rte>m heat. free baths 

tiM CdMart Hall 

i all kinds flm-clas9 Vsode- 
M all times. Lone ensace- 
6EO. W. PIEKCE. Mct. 

XDVUBIVB OPERA HOUBS— now booking for 
aenoD -UOIM. Scatliw capaci ty «»; p opnUtkn 

x,opo. : ynstm-tce Mm WMm * unr- 

: BT. KOwaxda, 

MlBlatnrs Ballroid Co. ^'S"^ 
arud Prlzs mi Mi Htiai 

■ttbe sr. xAtJisiPnaM m» »or 





Washington C. H., Ohio, 

G. A. S. State Itacampment wfll be 
held la this city, June 6, 7, 8 and 9th. 
Shows and Clean AttraoUons Wanted. 
B. H. VJUjIKAN, ^«™1W Xllttt- 

lege Committee. 


Manufactured and sold Exclusively by the C. A. TAYLOR 
TRUNK WOIIK8» 97) K. Randelpli St. CHICAGO. 131 W. 
38tll St, NEW YOMC' 



ST In 

SO la 

SS la 


SS m. 

40 In. 

....THE LONDON.... 



\A/ A Kl nr P ^ All kinds of Amusements for Sammer Camival and 
'^■^ I fc*^ Street Fair near Colcoid Park, Oklahoma Clty.O.T., 
l^rcent only. Ferris Wheel, Loop-the-Loop, High Dive. Merry-Go-Bounds, 
Svings. Boats and Novelties at all Idods. Giand opening day. May 20th, witli 
Sfreetnade. Jar partteolaTS tjOnm, JOS; glCKFOBD. Mgr.. 


Monarch Balloon and Amusement Go. 

1896— BallMa Fanm 172 Uppltt St., PnvidaiM. B. 1.-1906 
PROF. A. CHAS. MIU^MAN. Manager 

Write few circBlar. 

Cannon Aseei 
or Triple. 

I at abort notice 

...Machines, Like New... 

Boolctt*. tUS: DnidexM. ttO; Tw.Btl.t& Cca- 
tadM. rn>: Chleafoea. |S5; Oewm tS»; Owla. 
flS; Jndsn, «2»; LITtcn, tlO. In lat. patm: 
grnntn. um. make. W. han «tko tBcaalaa 
ADTANCa acta AND UACBin oo> 
SL. Oolmnbn., Ohlau 

•■ '■^j--Jtf - St.. Oolmnbn.. Ohla. 

Slplc Railway 

"Cracker Jack" 

A delieiooa Pop-Corn Confection, packed in moial'proot packft.Sca tbal keep 
it fresh cl long time. A qaick seller for Fsrks. Ciretues. Pictucs, Fairs. 
Theatres. TrsvclinS Theatrical autd Medicine Companies and all places o< 
amssemeoL Wa slso msnofsctvre a full line of«t PACEAGE CON- 
FECTMNIS mat tba fawma RELIABLE POP4:ORN BRICE. Inform us where 
yoa hold « confectlonenr conccMioii. and we will send samples SLnd prices. 



freight gars .S^SSS^ for SHOW PURPOSES 

Fortunes Made 

Tho Tonawand« 



StMB Riding Oalbry 

to flnaBce baUdUie 
Scemle Ballwajr, or 

Y&a moke lOO to 300 par ccb» profit 

KKES IlInstTBtsd Ca-^osce of era- !'>' -aTietie. 

TJtJIOTT„415 Deu-iwm St.,xJiicago, 

A sure money maker 
the year round. Pro- 
fits laree and perma- 
iDent. Easily learned 
b y fDxeperienced 
persons. We are the 
only orlgrlnators.and 
sell .the only suc- 

LONG, Springfield, Ohio. 


For Beaort. Exposition, Fair and HoUdu 
tnde. Makers of PKA RL FOR WIBB- 
0O_a»7 North ThIrU Hi., t u lL4J>alJ.HtA. PA. 


DESCBIPTION. From Goremment Auction. 
No matter what yon w.nt la that line I can 

sopply It. New or se-ond hand. SPDd for 


Armitage- Herschell Gi. 

Vsrth TcmnMlit Is 

For Parks, Carnivals and Fairs 



^ddrei. J. O. Coodarmaotordate*. Trsir.ftai 

Fer sale b} W. R. CONDERHAI, 

Sola Msaufaoluxat. 

Hornellsvilla. N. Y. 


Merry • Go - Round. 




78 Sweeney St. 

North To 

Robert H. Hartby, 




In any onan tlty. and EDISCMi 
Ditoes tor apod machines so ' 

I«. M. SWAAB & CO.. 

SS8 Scruo* St., PhlLadrtcMa. Pa. 

npanrtEBiTiiiiTE iiigjiu mii n rhiuoEifsii 

SuHe to. n 
40& Ftutk 

HtmUBG. Pi 


The Season is Openine 
Be Prepared 

R. S. Green & Co., 

378 W«lla St.. Caiicsano. lU. 

atWutm If tki Wtll Imn -0. H/iHMI, IT M 
CM. ■inSOU SalUu TIM. 

Tlie Billboard 



Valuable Book for Str 



Tlie Horowitz Berger Co.. the well known 
fiholesale treneral merchandise establisbmeat 
oCKew York, are now mailing their 19(B cat- 
tSoene. It not only portrays a complete line 
of ceneral merchandise and novelties, but 
oDotes specialties at convincing low prices 
for Carnival. Circus and Streetmen. such as 
Foontaln pen outfits, Jewelry lots. Comb lots. 
Shear lots. Notloa lots. Purse lots. Bazor lots. 
Handkerchiefs. Memoranda books. Glass cot- 
ter Knives. PeerlessSharpeners. German col- 
lar buttons. Needle cases. "W.B.W." brand 
table ware, biff line for Slam layouts. Fish 
pond. Knife board, etc. The catalOEue Is of 
convenient size, and will be sent to any street 
man upon application. If he mentions the 




Wa eanr everything sold by Street M er- 
^anta:— Fonntsln Pen Outfits. Jewelry Lots, 
HotlaB Lots, Auction liots. Heme Books, 
Olaaa Cotter Knives: Flynn's. Hall's and 
Peerlras Knife dtaarpeners; Buc Needle Out- 
aia, German OoUar Buttons. OomblnatlOB 
Dippers, Watches. Jewelry, Cotiery. Station- 
ery. Staples and all the L.^TE:<T NOV£]> 
TIES. Write tor Cataleeue: mailed free. 




«•«» ■» nm 

B. Mdte; MmUb*. IMP City 

ElUalt FDlcy. ut Tte^MMOeBt. Bcrnolds 

|5,n»»l Rller. Sua Ties PiMitat.^ Albbn 

Ed. Mclntyrc. Ttcasotcr .Bewatd 

Robt. W. Fomaa. Secretary BawmniUe 

S. c. Banett. Sapt. Con. and Gtoanda Gibbon 

C. H. Rodcc, Oitlrmaa Uaeoln 

Petu Xoaastta. Jr. Ocncva 

?• h St- Paol 

0. t' BMdSakot' bScsd 

My Big Fairyland Sliow 

One of the flnett attractlooi erer seen for a 
^ik sr Sumner Besort. Will sell ebeap to a 

P. ataBW. 


"fl don't HI 

[or ssle or trade. I bare « pr 
tTiow m«k«« good, to tiadt roo. 
^isicji Transformation FUma; write at 
13. Perry, 0. T.. for partleiitaTa. 


It t 



t rew choice atti 

t; 18. 1905. Addreu T. tt. 

•t^mi Point, WU. 

Greatest Attraction 

or THE KIirD 

... Yet Invented 

Our handsome catalogue Is free and 
fully describes this machine. Also 
many other styles. Hand, Spring 
and Steam Pcnrar. Bama Pop- 
OoraFoppeis, g O Mtewnd Poppers 
Combined, loe Cream Freesers, Cab- 
inets, Tate, Steel and Poraelaln; 
Iron Cans, Clsbers, Sod» and loe 
Cream Spoons. Ice SbsvMBik loe 
Breahma, Milk Sbakan. 

Crystal riaka 

The celebrated artlde Qndn «ac- 

tenslvely for Improvli^ flrwin 
Sample and Bedpe free. 

iw-ifi E. tall ti.. aMnm, o. 

$L50 ^ 





J to Theatrical Trade when I 
; ' toh accompanies Order. \ 

lirst tljss Cuts tor rirsl People "ft 


33i BIymyer Building, Cincinnati, O. 


Notice is hereby given, that we have applied for patents on onr new Slot 
Attachment for Vending Machines, and any infringment will be prosecuted 
to the full extent of the law. 

widi alia«0 Slob. Cannot be defrauded. No papwr, aiomlnmn or dags 
will m/A n. ITew Style High-Glass Cabinet, -Tiro Slots— Something 

On May 1st, .our new Edition of colored and plain Postal Cards will be 
ready. AU new subjects. Write for our samples and prices. They wUI 
surprise you, 1,000 other Machines in Stock. Bock Bottom Prices. 

PARK BIAilAaERS and Parlonnen this is your opportunity. 


The Leading Show Printers (Litbc^raidiiBOr Btook) In tb» UUtad Staftesose 

The Ault & Wiborg Company's 


Are You One of 

New York 


Chicago St. L,ouis 

It wUl par tot I 

n^olrbis no 

For ito inMMiM SM wUkMt a : 
with oar PAnnnD BiMDiMO, 
naUa aad rtraM ttraslMHit. 

Onr eatalosoe win dieerfnllj Istrodoce 
No. 1B2 Colombia Are.. FhlUdelphU. Pb. 

The Indianapolis Paste Co., 

Indlanai^olig, Ind. 


Re cel y e da new lot KIOtfSTER PYTHONS, from IO-S4 ftet Ions In <lne eondl- 
tloB. eiAlfX BABOONS, BHESCTS, nABTDRIUiS, and otber varlenes. Prlcea 


Wanted... BeMMH, TEUS^ ...Wiintocl 

nUlB, osei] btt UUe «boQt KM 
L!^'."^"' prlTUeg* at eumlnatlooai tecelpt 
doUiir to coTcr txnnm ilwim AlOB- 



Jaly mito Mek-MMO people daysndnl^t 
'WaatsenUnds Shows, Attnedoos, PrtvOecei. Aa A-1 atnivsl Orabpany can get s good 
deal to famish ererythlnc A, J. STEVENSON. Benham, Taxaa< 



12 S. Commsrolal St., SAIITT LOUIS, 


I Theafrical Boodt 

Wonted Ttgbt* nd 81ilzt% 
.18.00 Mch: Oottaa Tictata aad 

Sturu. (1.00 racb; 
Pnmiia. 2Sc.. with Inthar 
aoiei, soc; ■U-luUia Fnmpa 
tl.SO: CuiTu Bluie.. {1-00; . 
\nth Intbrr win. fl-BO; . 
ill-Ieitber Sboss, Soft Solia, 
tS.SO; EluUe BupcBdua. 
SOe HeiTT Wblt» EUstle, ■ 
In. wide, eSc. per yard; Batia 
Trunk wltb Collar and OsS^ <. 
Spanxled and trimmed. tS.O0k 
Be sore and lend ala*..aBd 
color. Depoalt tcqnlrcd ea 
all good! lent G. O. D. CMr 
alosnec* telUns all abont-tta-. 
.bore mMletl on reqneat, 

S. B. CAt.U. 
244 Ntli St. SnMWIBJ,UII. 

Atlas Trunks 


8th. near Main, CINCINNATI. 

Printing f'jr.Tenl Shows, County 
and Sirfid Fairs, Parks, Etc. 


Send your cesatlre to print from or a photo 
to eopr. Fotare Husband or Wife Pbotoa, 
wUtc. Utek. Tiilbte or Inrt alble. S2 per 1.000. 

a«ae -fa 

ST?. - 


That new Uarcb Zoag la prorln; a tr«iB«iAHS'i 

hit eTerywhere. ' *•„ 

If I Only Hii Ml Heal Ticket Bnqtt. 

Words by Dare Cbabert. Uoale br Bob Kellocs." 

jai»t oat- ProfeBslooala send for them daw. 
EOBEST B. KEtXOOO. I^ibliiher of Pcpalal 
Mujic, 615 Stom-xij Htll. Ciici^o. 


Wtik ( 


Salte l«. Tut : 

We Want Your Attrsction. 

All OompaBles making Sontbem tour aboold 
book tbla taonae, aeaaon 1905-06. Notblns .un- 
done to make tbla tbe beat abow town»ln Ar- 
kanaaa. Honae eompletelr remodeled and op- 
to-date. BooUns good attraetloiM ooly. Vor 
open tlaie addtcaa. TINIKq_A rABW. 
agers, Newport,. Ark. Vf ASSm—Jk felB i 
tloo for Sei>tember opening. 

Flags and Decorations, 

United states flag €3d. 

2244 GIbert Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. 

NATUMUl MWIC CO. kaw « 'i* of any 
CUE aaa ate OS. Chicago— 280-8 Wabaak 
Maw T«flt— U W. Z8th 8t. 


erfoA Ontan FOR SAXX ChoaPitt la 
Hat* powarfnl and new. 
P. Oraasaa. Wa-' 


Ttie Billboard 

We Are The 

House in the 


— ^THAT'S A L. L. 

272 E. ilDISON ST 


^ii HOUSE 

We Are The 
Most Reliable 
House in the 

Ic8 Cream Done Cooking Ovens 

test Honey e«tlM- vt WmWs fSs 

Thoniands of dollars made, by Otmeea- 

■I'-nalTes at the WoHd'it Fair sallliur onr 
Delicloo* CrliD Ice Oream Cone*. A Drand 
r ld« (Mm Py la. ^ bm gwumi eoM- 
vrtntvoaQood* • • 

italtKhttallr flsTorad cakes mada in tbe 
■haDe of finina. filled with delletona lee 
whldieM.b««a*H>a* yonwUkOT 

IB Iwa or 

Write tor Oatalocne. 

Orar (00 par cent mbflt. . Simple to <»>erate ; }lgb% and portable. 

f Full partlcniara, aecret formiua, etc 

UMEI 4 UIESBA6II. NMliN Wills. 719 i^lHii Jtt, MEVPHIS TEII. 


Machines and Slides 


' tbe moat 


133 S. Clark St, Chfcago, III. 


mm Now! 

Hustling Billposters, 


^?^^UtiiOBraph«rs and Bann«r 


^ A I I ^'^^ KNOW their BUSINESS, also, 
< ' mm mm b«e caqpcirleneed and absolutely reliable 

Addreso: W. E. FRANiOLIN. Gen'l Aaent. 


■'■*.'■■' ■ty^v - - ■• ■ ■ ^ 

" ^CUBB -lUnmniAIi VHM'A'Uie 00.« TKIBUHE BlaDO., OHICAGOt lUi. 


King Trombone and Cornets 

Luga Woek of aeoood-liaDd high grade Band Instruments, Qailneta, Saxo- 
^ llMiw^ iM liniwfttclees. ttmpMat and PtaOng ea- sp ac lsHy. OU .togtuth 

H. N.: WHITE, 

268 Erie St., Cleveland, Ohio. 

Oal| ill BEST Sicetchesy Songs, Comedies^ Dramas 

BOB WATT. ^aS** 806 Wilnt Strut. Phfladelohia. Pa. 

isn. I aa I 


Cincinnati and Suburbs. Telephone 2314, 17 Opera Place. Contraetora for Blllpostlna 
throughout the U. S., Cuba, Canada. Population: City 350,000; S6 Sub. Towna. 79,0OO- 


AntomaUe. Bleettle, Nickel In On Sioa 
SMOjM each. Mfolar price 
instrnnieiits hava baaBoaaaiNit 

cnaranteed tobe inipxKl workinaroider, bat a, tber areootallOWOdtp] 
. clt,»innat be sold, even at less than one*thSid rtirnlar price* 

. yery few left, therefore set yonr ordera In anleklT' If yon 



:Aeu«h Twelfth S-troet, 




For Up-lD-«lat« Fairs 

~ SoDifferiBt 

towa PALARO BROS.. 44 Albert Street, ToroDto, 



win celebrate Foas dan thb year. A Blar Carnival of Amtuement and Pleasare from 

JUKE dOQt TO JUIiT 4tta, IncInslTe. 
tiona. Som ething for everyone— Co: 
JOS. HU8HAN. President. 

[X. AU 

^tErer. SIOOO Worth of Free Attnu:< 
ds of privileges to sell. Qet In the eame. 
B.X. UANWELL. Secretary. 

Thd Storting Autonwiio 

Novelty Shooting Gallery 

THE ONL.T snoceBSfnl Air Rifle Gtallery ever 
made. After one year'a experimenting on tbls 
nUery, we have now perfected this one In 
every detail, making a three-way Joint, and so 
natural that no one will ret next. It la the 
eaaiest Onuned iip< the eaaleat to work, 
the eaaleat to cet on mnyeroimd; cet the 
money the eaaleat. The price for a 
C»me of thla kind la the eaaleat oi 
■nythlns eTer pnt on the market. 
Only 835 for Best Air Blfle. 1000 shot. Banner 
and traveling case complete, guaranteed to 
crlve satisfaction. Sent prlvtleee of f nil exami- 
nation. Send fornew cataloirue of latest Street 
Games, Hold-onts, Marked Cards, Ink, Dice of 
all kinds: in fact everything in the Sporting 
Goods line. We Have What Yon Want. 

City. Mo. 

Wanted, for MURRAY & MACKEY CO. 

Bepertolre Feovie Summer and Winter Season. SO Weeks SO. 

Jtine 13, Terrapin Park. Parkersburg. W. Va.: also good Vaudeville Ada, State all in fliat 
letter. JOHN J. MUBBAY. Mgr. Hurray & Madcey Co.. 3806 SandarlMuiCllaelonatl. OfaiOL 

P. s.— Wanted, for regular season, to open In August, 3 Bic YanoenlTe Featurss, Cycle 
or Acrobatic Comedy Act, Sister Team and Musical Act. Must play some small parts. 

win Open the Seaaon IHonday, may 1 6th. 

nee fflreet Fair and Carnival at JelllcOb 

Under the Anaplces of The O. -V. A. IK. 

WANTED;— Good FlaaUtton and Electrlo Showa Abt good ibowi write. Prlvl!age people eome on ; tlO 
par wMk. NO STRONG OAMBS. JaUioo la a town of 4fM)0 Inliabttanta, anrroanded by mlaei emptojlng 
lO/XMmen. andablgpardayantbe BatoTday batnreweopen. Can n*e fertla Wbeel. The BOOST baa 
been golsz on new for Viva Waaka and JelUco wlU be a Big One. Want High Diver or aoothergood (rae 
set; also amall Band, sddreuall eonuanaleatlaiu to Q.ll. JHILBS. Mgr.. JeUleo, T«Da« P. O. BokW. 
JelllGO, Teen., Hay lS-20: Midway, Ky..l(ay St47; Naw Oaula. Ky MayaMoae •; all on atraeca. 


To Gane-Bsaril Dealers. 


tt h In Ttrk. 

ase wntli reading carefully. 

, jer enatomara traveling South 

wmagraTola paying nnnecesaary ez- 
atawafc aave time and get the right. 

at tils IWit prices, I have opened a 
» Acener at Chicago under the man- 
agement of the well-known CntleiT King, 
HABBY I<. WEISBAVn, Z*0 E. Madison 
St. who will carry the same line I mannf ac- 
tore in New York and at the same prices. 
All orders ordered from Chicago will be given 
the same attention as I give the m. 

Try onr'New Style or KVBBEK FIN- 
ISHBD CANES, for vrhlch Ulr. 
Welabanm has the ezclaalve Weatem 
Ho Chteajjo Jehher will lutwe 



44 Ann Street, New ¥ork. 

an St., CHICACO, 


SCENERY Suitaiiie for Repertoire. 

* Send paticulars iL G. care Billboard 

MetUiem, "Xhs BiOboard?' «B&a» 


Club Room Privileges, Latonia Races 

S2.00 PER DAY. 

Maj 27 ti Jiu 17, for Sank er oibir Sptrh. 

Addresai B. 733 Bladlson ATe.« 

Covington, Ky. 

WANTED -iiMiiilili 

Owlnir to dIsain»olntma|tLOIIABIinEI& 
band. Address as per loitte. 

Bandiistir, emt Mwriiy SNws. 


Noliet to Perfomwrt 

All theatrical work Is done by City — -—^ 
rer Co., Gds. Tkhfs, Prop., Office: 108 Eddy 
St., qwoalteAxchle Levy's. Hold cheeks and 
lie^^jttae to ^ y^ l^^^theattaa. or lasTe 

m»TiHo noniBB oiAoasHBB. 

nims aad aeeaaaerlea, camaTaaTMasa. aong aUfM, 
new and teoond ba^ bongbt, «M aad «febsBge4; 
expert mwOUBlcal rapalrlng; apaolal altdaa mau, 
mOTlng pletnrtt taltaq to order: patfotatlBi. deTah 
oplag aad nun printing for the ttada. Owmmax- 

AiomoaxCmaAioaafva A Pnai 
Mi«r.. w» B, itei St.. New 


"aSks ftDSeartr' nAot aiMMW«V c 

xi^e oiiii>oarcl 



Best Route to 

Colorado : 



St. Louis 





wuFiiM^"riKAI lid. 

And make yoa a foitoM* Ifrm have* 
bOSG or BOOK tbat i* wat tU fmrOttrng, 
n •honld copyiiffiit it. lMB*t take 
ebnwea when yoa can sccnre onraenr- 
lenat nnallcMt. Sendfor onr SrCCuL 
flnU lOINVDnOn before uppiTiajr for 
a patent, it witt pay you. HAMWOOK on 
palmUtentmi, we advise If patenta- 
ble or not. VRES* We Incorporate 
Consi'U ns. 


CeiMMrfa Copyrigtit a Pateat Co. inc 

Shetland Ponies 


Tha baadsomest team of Spotted Shet- 
land Ponies there \s In this country. 
Thoy welrb tueetber HBO pounds. 
Wonid make an attratctlve advertise- 

Attend the Best 

KioiSCounty Fair, Kfloxvilia, lii. 

Sept. 5 to 8 Inclusive. 

All Privileges for Sale. AtteDdance 
last year 24.000. Herrjr-Go-Boand aad 
Midway shows write. No better 
Fair held In Illinois. FtiM emne. flat 
served. Address B. W. SWKBHBT 
Galesbnrg, 111. 

Seuvenip Postal Cards 

^ Onras in Poatac* (tampt 
, w* wiu (orwud TOB, charn* 

Sj™*- »«a BAaeALVK. naaae^pk 
TM mMton St., Saa Tlaaeiaee, Cel. 


Betai>ualie« 187B. 
(?V.^ J."! Hrdmca Oaa (naMai la tank* 

iStot 0«W»" Boraet^ BaMet 

rjww. Condf niinf Lcnn, Lime fMeUa aad 

Stereoscopic Views 
For Slot Hachines. 

eniinnteed: (end for eata- 

SinniBr Bros.' New Boole of SpBciailies <\;;;^ 

Ati Ulustrawa vat.alO(fue, containing the Latest 
iDHOrted and Domestic Novelties, Specialties, ^^'^ 
Cuttery, Optical Goods, Plated Jewelry in all its 
branebiBS, and Watches, wholesale only. Don't be '■ 
withoQtlt. Write for it to-day. Hailed free. 

SllfiCI MOS., • 82 Bewsri, - Itw Vsrk 


Own a CARDBOARD ORGAN. I have just sold tO llie Panri 
Camhral Company and th« OasMil Carnival Company. 

A latge Importation lately received from the noted mannfketiims, O m iio S 
and Limenaira. 

The greatest bsHyhoo yoa cua own. SemetMrf th«t wHl gtop ind interest 


•raciAL LOW TBMMS for the iMBt thiitr 4«9a to 
bntemnenta to the Anwiiein poblle. 

TwoRti-five Cardboanl iri dyiinder Oigns For Salt I 

mmfwoi'KmuSM, eanlvali^ meet peraaee. pener aieadtft daiieiiis 

■ BEmiH, » LWiai^ ■wiMM. iin w In., HEW 

Are fnll Band cult- 
ablle for atwws. 


Doetors. IMMlleliie Pttople and Staowmen 

Why bandlAvoekTSOOdawlienyoii eaa handle soedt that ulllaelltiham- 

selves? Electric Helta tRimtUMperdoa.aK.XAi*availBar to adeecfiani. 

Electric Jant. 75e dos; Blectfic UHOlea. Snte doe. f 

Fine Medical Batteries. Send 9BtarMM|& Mo. 
Idtteatout. One third cash toawed. TtMU Oide. i 
Manafactnrent ot Electric Belts aadAmflMeaa In 
1878. Lecture and price list tree. 

The Eleetrle Aopllnnee Co.. RaHtnotan. Kan, 

pslia:¥Bapb llWcnMs: 


Btase oi 

Several styles. 'Write for partlenlan and eatatocne. 


508 Masonic Tomplo, 



For Sale: all price sices, ace. 
color. Frank Wit™, breeder, 
30 K. *th at.. ClndnnaM. Ohio. 


li ttw plaoe Where ymiMo'inooriioraM 

most cheaply, most promptly and moiS 
safely All of the Important features 
of the Incorporating business are in- 
daded in the Arizona statutes. We 
aretta pioneer iooorporators. Terms, 
blank lonns and ooeyot oar laws tttm 

■ TMI 


tooa 408406 namhiK llsek. 


'lights Of Home," 

.Shiee famous songs by the popular 
wilten, AL Trabem ,aad Lee Oreaa 
Smith. Send 15 cents for regular 
PiADO Mnr (beautiful title page), and . 
oompiete^ oielwUatloti, or as eaniii' 
for all three complete. 

Gi L. Partae Music Co. 




275 WUntl Aft., CHICJ180, lUS^ 

"AitiMlit" SM Slilfll. 

Eiselitlc HyrooMDooiGifM. 
Drop Gases, Metal RoatoCM 
Wheel— besli «ver. Loaded 
Dire and Harked Cards. Greatest 
catakig ever written on gambling* 
- -^ to a^ address "•"^'^ ■ 

ft R 


C. W. PARKER, Abilene, Kan. 

I«ia«at axeliulve mamf aotorar ot Aanwement 
tttm la tba U. A WBSRX^OO. 


6 or 8 peloes for skaklng rink, Year 
RotmdLmtiatbe good and cbeav. Not. 
eltjy and Privileges to rent. Addiesi 


41 IMtarMn StrMtK . DETROIT. WCfl. 

Pteree's Opera Hmss 


Best show town sooth Miss. Breaks Jnmpa. 
Now tooklnc 1906 and 19t«. Better hnrry.aolr 
Sabows a week wanted. Geo. W. Plewie. Msr 




— ANB 

SUT MttlllES. 



153-155 W. JaeboB St.. 
QHIUat, • - HI. 


Phliadalphla. Pm^ 

Style 10. 


Prizes ud Gifts for 
all Games. Jewelry 
and Novelties for 
Souvenir Stands. 
Pwics, Fairs. Car- 
dralsaMl Theatres. 

CbMpeal Eatab- 
liihna— t ia Mm 

62 8 fwrn i. Clf. 
%ril( ML, l>T« tff 


SOth Annaal Fair. Oct. 3. 4 and Sth. Ouen tot 
SoeclBl Attr-v • -. jyo. 3. LEE. Snpt. At- 
■ traction Ut i.1.. l.;.rk:ettstown. Pa.. K. F. D. 46 











Donaldson Litho.Co. 


Designs aH New and. UP-TO-DATE. 


To WCRETAlilE^ ef Carnivals 
' ' and.' Slireet ;^airs. 








nu un iisTRUMEnr 

b «kaa «• vopU wUmr to'sM about. 

Hem, yoa koow joa*ve fot to 
bave aa laitnunent which wOl 
"go the limit" tor heavy straatK 
weak' and vet yoa'Te got to w 
roar aolotani and your oxidies^ 
tra walk well or "bJow a» . 
show.* TWI ns: when dU wim- 
CTcr bare an Instrameat— o«» 
Inatruinant— which conlddoau 
these— was good everywhere? 
We tell yon the Tork Is IT. sad 
If yon doubt it. try K. We got 
up the York for yonr needs, 
and we can Drove to yon It has. 
mora results for your work 
than anything going. With a York yon may 
do all things well and easily and salary raised 
next week. 

Remember, six days; we'll mafca sood, 

J. W. Vark * Sons, Grand Bairida, Mah. 

Oar catalpmMllaaa abn wt.ltt'a i 
Soaid" wben you wSta. 

Do You WaotToKiow 

What la doiiic 
Une? UMTtti 
^on mat. _ 
body." WecanbdP] 


206 E. Fourtb St. - CIMCIMHATI. e 

UuicaD Curios 




pteftned: mne loaest sabny^ Wlky Forla. 
writ*; I alao want a sood cook, and also coed 
sober boss canTasmsn. .^.1 irn^j rr.AKK 
ADAMS. Watbena. Kan. 

Ma Fnr Ijft Rm til Lut EMIh 



Of IMS-lk ; mitvwmllj aekmnriedged 
the fioeafc publication, with mine data 
and finer illastratlons than ever seen 
in any like book, combinlnir as it does 
a Day by Day Eecord of the happen, 
ings with the Greatest Show oa Earth 
since its return from foreign lands. 

"K is Uke Having a Circus 

Chas. Andress, 


&Mlqff npirnilii trto my 

i, 434 Douglas Boul., CHICAGO 

New Mornlif and MlCbt Strtst Features, enCar- 
Dlvais, bat senethiae eatireiy new. by tbe 




oC sarrflaaaa te lal o e i cifU dwe 



.ii r jm htn^Oit the goods, don't como to tbe Coast. Twelre weeto Is tbe beat 
g;:^Xcan gtTe you, six weeks in this TiciDlty. £ind six weeks up noitb. I eaa do 
^tiiBtt^rfWltliyoa regarding salaries than this Pacific Coast Hot Air Aaaoefa 
^^^ODr i 'Becaiefnl wbom you book with Address to me direct, 
^ ARCHIE LEVY, III Eddy St, San Francisco, Cal. 




Indian Bnnit Leather. Bd^^ Wood. Shell Gnoda, f^nri fnnfrttl 8en>entlne Dusters. Bnb- 
— -- . Matches. CIrars, 


jMwwiiiMri^woifaitr nower 

, . Garlands, Fes- 

i wer«. B nttrln-Badgc Leather Postal Car ds. Catalpcne free. 

~ " catalogue noveltiaatBr Stiaet inalis..Cai(il- 


MANAOEBS in need of people by reason of accident, sickness, indispdelttop 
or death are Invited to wue us ateltber of our omcMs stating their raqotes- 
menta. AllaaehwlmareliiiiiiedMidybRilleitnedoaa vBcylam 
with whItibeMtaoaieclBproYlded. iSm aeeon, acteeoaes, pMrormera, mueU 

elans and agents who are at liberty lookm on us daily and they always read 
the bulletins on the board. This isa quick means oi getting in touch wiUi 
the right people. This service is gratis. All Want Ads sent us for puhlte- 
tion are abo posted the moment received, and Managers f 
cation before the paper containing their ad comes out. 

SeD<i yonr 

At any of 
oar OfBcea. 


CHiCAU. 172 WatUeiha SL lEW TOBI. 1440 lieata|. CIICillATI. 41S-18 Ela Si 



^20 car loads of accnmnlated scenery In oar storehouse for sale cheap at following pric^j 
Interior or exterior Frame pieces all siies, per piece. 82.50: Pull Drops, any size. UO ioW» 
Out Drops, any size. C to SIO: Borders, any size. IS. This sale will last nntll Mariih 31. 

Before coDtT«ctin« for ronr Bceoery for next aesflon, drop oa a lias. WB WILL SAVE TOU MOHSZ* 
We hftTe 25 carlo<.d8 of second hand acaoery which we can attllze tn lebnlldlBg ahowa. 
Down town Offlce, Boom 15, 225 GIITUIIAIIII 9 pnnnDlltll Btodlo and Bbopi— 107 u> USTbiosy 
Dearborn St. Tel. Harr. 16e7. OU I ItlRHnil tt UUUUillull St. TeL Monroe 974. 


Mamttactnred by us are guaranteed In arKraafHaalaJb — tliaalaa tk a w hilly fainlahedpa 
properties of every descnptlon. Llte-olaa amaao; Bat FkenMSk Jaidinienk VaM^ Bnc- 
a^Brac Armor. Shields. Animals ((RnailoaaetoanEtagMaiin. AaUWMa. WoifesMAm 
reprodnced tn Fapler-Msche, in Old Gold, Copper, Bosty Steel and boa uai a t a ntly mMoatr 
and sblDped on receipt of order. Prop. Chickens. Turkeys. Dnefca. Itoaat gait AjMBOMjafc 
Steaks. Bread. Pies. Vegetables, Fruits, Fish and Game artistically auoe aao eee urat a a i 
Send for sample of onr Stage Honef— French and English Bank Notes. 

N. B.— Managers and Property Hen are ootdlally invited to examine our goods. 

J. M. LEAYITT & CO.. '^iSS^SS^^S^'^i^i^ HEW YORK CITY 




roadaoM alaelrte Itae: aoo.aeat th eat n at 

bathlna. Spiandld opening and lone term li 
Minlatnre B. B. toame will be snb-let to 
booked. Most hook anbiect to iiicolceoBtraeti. 

It St eoHagsa; sood ja t l B Mi l 

(jood. clean amusementa exe*^ ■ 
people). Largest picnics In OU* 
tally In fliat lettar vbaa TOO kava.. - 

Tihe Bllll>oar<l 






ManufaotHiwrs of KvarythliiSfor 
Sand tor Our 

41-43 PECK COURT, 



roR the: best 










Show Printing: 

Typ« and Engraved Poster*. 
Dates, Heralds and Dodgers. 
Sketches swtwn l tt ed en appil- 
oatlon. QmMi Worft M 
ootl o e . = 

RMMCHUTE FOR SALE, oood eoodi- 
tfeit Mwrope*. palls a. cuu und otiif r uoll. 

C. H. KABRICH. La Porte, Ind. 


PRICC. $1.00 

The above is a sample of our 91.00 halftone. Suitable for hetald^ 
posr«rs, letterheads and newspapers. Scad tor complete line of 
Samples. Cuts delivered prepaid when cash amompuiies the order. 
Send us your photograph and $1.00 for a trial order. This wlU too- 
yinoe jroa more than acythinK we can aaj. 

Virginia Homes 

You learn all about Virginia 
lands, aoi]. water, climate, re- ' 
sources, products, fruits, ber- 
ries, mode of cultivation, 
prices, etc, by "reading the 
Send 10c. for 3 months sub-: 
scriptioB to. - - ■ 


EVANS & CO.y MaBBfiilwiili 




Good Stifik or Rspiftoin 


Season Opens Snndav May 7tb. Good Oi>en 
Time at liberal terms. One and two weeks 

stand. Address all '-ommunlcations to CaDt. 

H. O. PRICE, MaciK'tT. Wliiti InK'tmi Park, 
Hot SprlniTs. .\rk. 



Minn«mif, n.w.mrm.. wnrinomK. 

Opera Hotise Bld'tr. Suite 407-408 Globe BldV. FUchert Thestte. 

Cfaicaso, 111. Seattle. Wash. San Fran ci aco. CaL 

GolaradOMid Utah Haadquartars: Bert Pittman. Denver. Col. 

, PrsaldanL TONY LUBELSKI, Vloe Pw . — Mgr. 
HENRY CAHEH, Sae. and Traaa. 
1 1—6. Uorton Cohn. Theodore Rothschild. Henry LntelskL 


stfned. A positive paarantee that •*» 
every contract will be {ulBUed. Wanted at all times, acts ot merit. No acts too 
terceU sala^ is ri^t^^^PU^ing^iM^jm^ ww extends fium Ohl- 



■V Owned and operated absolutely by the nndeistfned. A postt 

Uajexli:. • Kaoua ntty. Mo. 

Koveity DcBvar.Col. 

p«im . - ■ .OripaiaCiaaiE,G0L 

Bod Too. 


- • - Salt Lake CHy. 

I Sorelty, 


Sam'l Loverioh, President. 

■•Tslif Tbe<_ Ban rraclaco. Cal. I NoTeltr Tbeatn, IrfWAiissles,CaI4 1 
Vonlty Thoaire. Stockton. Cat Novalcv TInaua. Baata Boas, CalJl 
NoTcItr Theatre, ■ Freno. Gal. I Park Thaaoa, - - IHMlta.mi 11 

Onlaa j KoveKTv 
.liar. In««ar-a 

. . - - VallrJo.Ca". 
- ■ - - Oakland, Cai. 

■ o.Cal- 

aevsitr (BttiidiDK) 

Sacramento. CsL 

S. Morten Cohn. President. 

■ Kaaahno, B. C. 
Aatorl*. Ova. 

Besitla. Wub. 


Opera Hoaea. 
Opera Honaa. 

Victoria, B. C. 
Vancouver. B. C. 
- Vteterla, B. 0. 

Consolldatad Amuaement Co., Pro«s. 
Bur Tta.-aira. ' .. .^mlaad. On. I Opera Oeaa, 
Arcade TDratra. Fon.aad. Or*. I 8Ur Thaatra. 

I BiarTreatns, 

Alae Nomer-ma other Houses we Book For. 
For open Time Addreta any of the a.bove Offices. 
VLis U Absolotely the Best Circuit of Popolar Priced Vaudeville Hoaaas West 

A. G. DELAMATER. Gan. Mgr. 

M. J. WIGHTM AN. Pros, and Treas. ^. ^^^^^^ . ...... . 


Concert bands and . 
PARKS And thra< 

BULDINO. as W. 4Rnd Street, 




Is furnished free of charge to advertisers 
Our issue of April 8, is a Special Pa^^ - 
Number; shall we send you a sample 


' Agcnu Wanted. Latent NOTeltr- TBK 
KSIFE OF TBB WORLD. Patent Applied 
for In D. 9. and Canada, It does tne work 
of lU dlltarent articles. For parlntvecata- 
ble*ca tins cabbace «or cold flaw, enttlas 
Sarawsa enips, eaitlBc Frrnds tiy catilna 


Genua fiy. iaaM>*tBa ayi 
Cgnler. Ice pick. omiBKappWBMailniflfh eie. Street*' 
— J» Is ■uoeraaMrr. Madevtanid rated atecLandta ewell 

ALBSKTL. AlAKW. m FeoriK AVe.. PHtsbux. Fa;. 

List of Foreign Vaudeville Agenf^ 

In Eneland. Germany. France, and thronBhont Europe. to«rflther with thplr street addre^n^ 
Cable address, and thf linos of which thpy m&kc a sp«K:lalty. PR!CE, TE^ CEftTS. 
AddrPSK The Billboard PuhUlilnir Co.. Cln.-lnnatl. Ohio. 

And the S Wblrlwlnds 
ot the Desert. 

SiBSiliNii r Oilnlil - AmMie - Mm; 

ARABS ^**»« 


TY\^ Oillboapd 


COPyBIGHX. 1905 






Leiulth, 700 FMt. . 

1, 577. 

KEASVBB>S VOIC!B ' eS Feet, ST^IS IBoth fllms when sbown toeetber 

- •8^ - J 

«. 7« 
- IM 

ewta coBtUaaonB laitBlitor. 


star Hedil CiDitgraph. (Cfl 


23 S. EHfeih St- PMtaMpfeta, Pa. 




and VlE!i^ 

^Mfm:P-.... WITH MOVING Rl 

aLl the good ones 

^ ^hImoPKRN. M ACHIIWS FURiilBHiCp^ . 

Man to Opante TlMtb^.^idl or Write Ua a Letter and Al^ OH* Vmt Puk^ 
_ TtoviqK Picture Mapliincs and Filiii»-^>leaaa 
Wctta to 0«r maeo tai Yd 



ipb sts., emAm. 

lEW YOU OmCEi 2 Wtsi Mth SI. 


I iMcc and lnl«wmaUM 
■t ■laelUaas. Lenaca, 
Elcetrle La^pa aad every- 
thing oi jtot a raa t to tke 

czblMtoiw^ ".■ 



52 state St., 8HI6MO 

127-129 W. 32nd Street. 

lor Rent 



We are flie Larg^ FOm Raiting 
We get yon the Pictures Yon Want. 
HVh. are Always to tte Front wltli All of the 

Story PImres. 
No Film too Eacpenslve to 

Our Cnstomers* 



Film Rioting 

6211. Glut SL, CnCtfOjibl 




pwcc M enixB 






May 13, 1905. 





Theatrical Items and Personal Gossip 
Hoard by Chance Along the Great 

h4.:::.itlm/^;fpmK.Ow>namorTmm Biixboabd, 
'; V iikV^l*^ ^ Bdlna -BUc^ Bnadwsj 
1^^.^ ; Ol^Toesday aAerrioon. May 2, at tbe 
''Ji'^.tMntMfB Opna Home, friends and ad- 
' : mlms:' of Hme. Otodjesks assembled for a 
tentlmooial which '-was to mark her final re- 

. - Urtnc^from ^the ^.Mi^^ste bu sneed for so. 

from emy standpoints 
Hodjeska's appearance was marked by a 
Iwfllil riTatlnn With. Jaa. D'HeOl ah* cave 

lii^'3(r.' (VKein. Louis James, Horace I.ewls, 
d^Btbers. -in scene two, second act of Macbeth. 
^Stednun then apeand on the itage and 

one tbeatie nuuiacer ever undertook to InTeit 
In ptirtid timmtt aad as Mr. 

'afrn'm » tmrn Vat tt 

Monday, Bugene Blair began a stock 
engaj^ement at tlie West-End Theatre In Har- 
lem, openlnr; wltli Sapho with a special matinee 
on Saturday ot Eaat Lynne. Geotse Itewcett'a 

Heorr^ Oiar'Carletma, Out playwrl^t, 
.. aeeoKdlag^^ t». a lepoct «hld> readied Kev Tack 
-liar inw atilckea with paMtTrii; at Ike 

.'ikoqie ot a ftlend In TacksoBTlIIe, Fla.' 

■j^y : VI}a^jJ. pa.y^ of the nunols 

>eBtMlr at the Mav :.;<«t;<1be 

^P^^I^M^.'Coauiitttee In charge of the de- 
^tlm^-et the proposed meimirlal to the late Ifta. 
.^piM^ jMa decided -that^tt|^.tdMi;:ifedJtake 
^Satij^tiiawRttt a meo w rl al ■ jlii iii w i 'rtet'.ba plaiSid la 

"■' Blanche Bates ended her ninth and 

last week Satoidajr olsbL: On tbe uli^t'ptcTlons 
the Bonrentrs, which marked, the one thoosandth 
pcrfonnaoce of ' the ' pta}- a ' ll i al it lilM ■ cadler, 
woe ' a^n giTcn away. Ttato' seena to prove 
that iwhen the New Totfc poblie don't want 
aajrtldnK they win not accept It'as a citt. TUi 
Idea ot taUnc two nights to glTe away one 
ooostsuiBettt of sonreolrs rccalla Poncfa Whee- 
Icc'a Btoir ahoot belac romprtlrd to plar two 
I'aWM: town la.^^fltfe ii::..A;.tl|* 

The axt 'OC 

-writing Is becoming 
dt a bat 
taBT Tea 

aoags tor next season. ' As Harrjr ts In Tftiilandi 
and an the nattre topics, for songs. hsTe been 
pisttT «A m»ked ofcr, .1 loiagiae; one of : the 

at ite AMiarleaia Wby 1. 'HvOi 

Borneo and JoUet. With tbe stock companies 
of F.. P. Proctor's theatres and tbe Yorkrllle 
Stock, we are now abondantl; supplied with that 
strlarirt^MHii'^"!!! - 

Cbitsfim. l if i rrlM . adt tfjii i nn ip l li^ 
RoteB m MalkK -ta Mmt ^jN*' tbdr 

Jud Williams, who .hks made .hia 
drst New York appearance at Barry Saadecson's 
benefit, Easter Snndar night., 'mm' sodi pco- 
uonnced. fasor tbajt he was immedlalidy 'esenred 
to play this wec^ at 'Vany . Paator'a Theatre. 
Mr. WUllama' ls a Matoin 'piiteiMr of merit 
and orlslnalily aad . Ma aaatiUy 'ftane playing, 


^ Qtt; Sunday iiigtA,lUiir 7i tbe yatide- 
■Ula IkatecBltr 'coBttitated Its bf pg flt *to 

tbe.Actaca* Home at tbe Hetn^Utan Opcia 
No m at tet how yoor dramatic jilSTte 
the Tanderine performer at other 
tfinra. It la alwaya eoaaldeted "legitimate" for 
the saadesine actiit to eome forward at bcne- 
flta;; aad h 

to taWte: Bit 

ad^.wUdi was pradqeed Uay 1 at the Heiald 
neatse.. Battle Williams and Joe Ooyne 
ase ' Us chleC ' asalstanta. SiydDcy Bnaenfeld 
lias ree u u stru eted the play. It la staged- tr 
Ben TCal and the miude la br W. T. Tfancto. 

Speaking of . Ben Teal reminds me 
of a Uttle tut ot wits which eleiar Ada tantlg 
once had with him. It waa at a ffhrati 
when the qocstlan of prononncing a word arose. 
Ur. Teal datmed that -the tetter T .was ■neUt 
In whateTer word It was. Mils laeala aigi 

her point as. long as she eaaU.aad-.^allp^Ji 

mltted with the psrting *■«; ~it|V4^ idtl 
Esl; th» .T Is sHent.'*.'; 

Lottie wuuams opened In ber new 
play. Jdy Tom-Boy Girl, at the Metrapaito Tb 
tie UOndar Cliaa. E. Blanier has written 
her sjSHII^alay and giren her a good company, 
:ts -are ezceUent tor- her con- 
tinned p iespe rt ty . ln- the popnlar priced ll^d. : - - 

On Monday -afternoon. May li "at the 

Criterion Theatre, Cbas'^ ITaw&ey"' gSTe the 
first presentatloa^ln ■thIr:coia&j:'t!f'<idlr broth- 
e«;a J i^ay. Tfce ; gplwidlfl -^-mrr-rTlie occasion 
"xtdd-ar Wactt- te'ltlfei-iaftoa^sBB&ef.xtOs 
Monday night-Mr^ Hawtrey ■^teM faajp j |n{Bmai 
to begin a week of A Message 'VtfM'lllBib 
the Harlem Opera Honse. 

Wm. Gourtenay. has succeeded Doug* 
las n"1l . * I*!' WM. - JiI^Bnar Ofi, iMA 
Is lAMiMlilf UBI^ a* lliSteitval dB'Ifa;: & 
ib; fOMmenkj; win -gtre •vt a . Uttfe.i-liaieci' 
jdz iket ta height and proportloaatelys ildn.'~ 

Harry Gordon, of the Gordon & Ben- 
nett attzaetloaa, left New Xork last nii«nth for 

iMB;«km is 

Hat. Grau \s planning the tour of 
Base Cecelia Shay, to be made next season 
throogh the United States aid CUada la a 
pradnetloa oC Bsnl Man., -IBis^Mar irtK' ap- 
pear In the aaaiepaTt. ' ' ^ ' ■'- " 

JoUns Taimen has landed wttta Klaw 
Man g el. He ins been engaged for two 
^Tcacs- and win be glren an agreeable nfle in 
f.dae.'.bC their newest pcodnetlons. Kr. Taimen 
^'liiig -alinvs dlvtajed marked oiiglnaltty (eren 
:~:tboashr;he be an imitator), and his work la 
£»aa d«T l lla woidd seem to warrant the belief 
;:tkat Ja tte legitimate field Us methoda wOl 
'lad a: wider scope and even bdag gnater.pepo- 
' to Htfs cleici yoong nM>» ... 'y ' 

Over at Hyde & Bebman's BrooUyn. 
■S'TT. Mtek Hocton: has pat op tbe sfanttcn 
.jil^yatBlid. at OBce for itt. Clemona. Black 
h^ftan^-dPa^blttBjg in t^ke St.. CHalr, and no in- 
^.^HensBBt .-^roald keep Nick away from there 
'.nntfi tbelr. 'hunger Is appeased. He will go 
_ I -flora few. days, and -when the t&ie 
■■IS iilliraMaane^tn- niamlia to apen ECrde;<fc 

•mfb. play one-iilgfat stands, and tbe other 
Will,' play' popolar price combination bouses. 
Zba' BoIy City and Tbe Boyal Slare win l>e 
theiie- drieC slliailbna. 

' t^terno's 'Baiia. preamtlng Uncle 
Sam and His Wars, is likely to be a msaieal 
featare at Steeplechase Island, Bridgeport, this 
Is now In MPgnrlaHBa with 
OL xnyon to opCB 'HIar: M> 

' Thoe lifirnin to be Increasing prom- 
toe oC aane llv<^ times in the borleaqne fieTil, 
as President Sam Scrlbner of tbe Colnmblan 
Amnaement Co., tells me tlist they are going 
to extend tbe fi^t Into tbe rety heart of the 

a Ml wfenrtr ttia &iamblaB Amnae- 
ment Co. becomes owners of a piece ot pnwerty 
In Baltimore open which a bnrleaaoe boose win 
be ImmadlatalT aseeted. . Magotlatiias -'are 

and Chicago. IRiere is. Imwerer, a bellet that 
before it la ercdastlngly too late tlie waring 
factacp gat' togatlier and the bvdcsqne 

Martin 'Beck's O r p h e u m Show 
roonded oat a big week at tlie Colonial last 

aad Mtt 


tlie most popnlar nninbera In 
Miss Vance heading the list. It-dn. te 
tally, said at Oils 'yboag .ladTi 

^;'i'/^j - ': ■' ■■ V" 


of Hbny Van naet^ mnsic 

boslnesB doeed np in the Obtcagoodlce and came 
to New York May 1. Be win be associated 
with tbe Von Tllser'a Interests In New Tork. 
and his hosts ot friends hare tieen girlng liim 
a royal wdooae to Bmadway darlog tlie past 
i|iiiim K. -mUb 


...^.Thomaa J^eitoon has dacMe d to 
abandon his spring tour la BIp Van 
Winkle on accoimt of the dea tb . of bis 
father. The tour was to- ha've begun In 
the Boston Theatre. Mr. Jefrerstm will 
not appear until October 2, whi<^/wl]I 
be at the .Boston Theatre in tbe/^role 

and j ap B p h J^er- 
son, Jr., 'wlio were to open -a post-Ien- 
ten season in The Rivals, have like- 
'wlse postponed their appearance until 
next season. William ■'mtOrnK'-MSft 
son, in speaking of their slaap' Sat tbe 
summer said, that it 'was pofiillii* tbat 
the sons would aiscompiHiy tfieir 
mother- on a trip abroad. 


der OwB^ Way that Ae IniB ertdfided 

iter seasoii in the British metropolis; 
The increasing demand for seats and 
the crowded houses nigSitly show that 
the |li!liini_ll—llllj I lUniiMi ii wltb^the 
opltiIaiW''<tt erftfcB.'aiat tbe play- Is a 
big success. Miss' Elliott will secure 
one of the leading theatres In London 
at;U^ -cloae of her ensaeement a^'tbe 
Lytic- " ~" .: ■'■ ' ■ •■■ 

.A' "fy'*' ■»™iy"s'r "o* jf^fc" 
to plfiy- tlie Jacqoes l^^tre.a^.Vrater- 

bury.'Conh., durbiig th.^,. heajCed..season.. 
S. Z. Foil, Jean Jacques and Lawrence 
MciSIll are the promoteris. The lead- 
ing-^ parts wlU he taken by Miss Grace 
Hayward.'.'jSarl c;.'.Simm6hs'"an'd Cimi-^ 
eroh.Clemmens.'^'This is a new venture 
fori 'Waterbury.'Tbut Manager Poll has 
trl^ it OD ills circuit elsewhere and 
Is mudiMn Cavpr^of it. Tba CbiMJan 
.'Win bir tbe opmbis bUL ' - 

ADViirri8l>IG' CURTAINS .. 

Mrs. Lewis Waller has a streneous 
objection to advertising curtains, and 
because the management of the .Cam- 
den Theatre, London,, recently refused 
to erase tha ail^ailliaiiiiints placed up- 
on the .cnrtain in firont «it the stage she 
refused to appear. The orchestra tocik 
their places at the accustomed time 
and played the overture, the fireproof 
curtain aabaaMt. bat tb« drop curtain 
was not rilsfil ' After a brief interval 
Mr. Arthur came to the footlights and 
explained tliat owing to the refusal of 
Mrs. Waller to appear, no performance 
■was poasibte Itet tfibt. , Ha'ajneased 
his regret woA Widea Hiat money paid 
for tickets would be returned. The 
audience left, many of them going to 
tbe stage door where Mrs. Waller, In 
a abort apesrh. protested aaalnst the 
desecawtlon of art by trade advertlse- 


Tbe AL_G . Field Great er Mlnatrela 

on at>KMiniond, Ind:. May Wbere 

the comp&ny disbanded and the mem- 
bers left for New York. The season 
covered forty weeks' of uniformly good 
bnsinesfl; 'vrnea mittetB - bave been 
deared- Up Mr: FMd and Treaanrer 
Bddle- Cotiaid will goto the metropolis. 
Next season opens July 30, at Saginaw, 
and tbe company is now beins 

The longest Jump this popular or- 
gjinizaton made was from Columbtis, 
Ohio, to Richmond. Va., a distance of 
600 miles. The ' smallest Jump was 
from Superior to DnlnUi. Tbe fattaeis 
of Tommy Donnelly and Saul laaXadndek-^ 
membors of the company, died updn-^^' 
the same day during the season. ' Jdbn-'i'i: 
Plerri, of the Quaker City Quartet.^ ': 
was stricken with paralysis Oct. IS.;^ 
Bart BoUer aad 'Dan BUt wan tta'^r 
only mentben wto-'did not elbaa VMi^^ 

The tour of the Donnelly and Hat-' .- 
field Minstrels, wblcb wiU be directed 
bar Mr. Vlaid, will tMKtab..An8aBt 7. Tht-.i 
cmnpany atar^ coi^ i. . > 


Henry Guy Carleton, the ,weII-kiM>wm>' 
playwright, was stricken .iHtb paralysis!:^ 
at the home of a friend in .Jackaim-4i 
vllle, Fla.. May S. . While .^e attack 
was not considered dangermis. Mir. - 
Carleton became -very UL His physi- 
cians liave little .fear for taia leoovety..- 
Tbe atta«k m' ' 
labors. Mr: 
nei^ play. < • 


Mr. .A.- &:MtMt.:9PBnaaar -:«C. Oie^ 
New Cnrtia . SMMtMb Denver, CoL, 
writes tbat be od Jfk; F. C. Smutzer, ,\ 
secretary and trsaaorer of tbe Cortlay.I 
hav)e ■ pnrchn se a: the Grand Ttaitni at 
Salt liOte City. -rrtsb, -tbe oooiidenSlon , 
being' )51,Ebo. The 'IMW, owners will '' 
-^remodel the house 'and' enlarge its -'. 
.seating capacity, . wbl&' Is already ..^ 

A' new stage wlU also be built: 
Tbe bouse -wUl.'lM ^tm'ln eonjiwictlon;.^ 
with the Coztla^ libbA Unpon^UwJnafei^l 
& Ha,viin dienlt.' Popnlaif pidina.'MB'i:^ 


These enterprising gentlemen have . 
under consideration the purchase of 
two- more theatres and 'wlU probably 
take -definite action shortly. They are:^; 
strengthening their position In . tbe !' 
theatrical business and plan to ' 
out extensively. 


The new theatre building In Ann . 
Arbor. Mich., has been leased to Mr. -' 
B. C. 'Whitney for a term of ten years. . 
Mr.' 'Whitney Is one of tbe ownerii. 
The seating capacity of tbe bouse Is 
1.700, the stage Is <i0x60, and- In every 
manner up-to-date. Tbe iMaia wlUi, 
be ready for it 
ber next. 


The L. M. Crawford 'Circuit has pur- 
chased the fee to the 'site of the Odeon 
Building in St. Louis for the sum of 
$157,500. The lot baa a frontage of 
118 feet on OranA.WMmie and^a depth , 
of 389 feet to aA'aOili'. 'The Odeon was-' 
erectied six years ago - at a cost'- of 
$260,000. It U leased to the Masonic 
Temple Association and 'the Odeon' 
BtUldlng Co. for M ye«(s at'»'-itet rental'' 
of «7,E00. Mr.'^ CrawflMd'^'tiow -'piMiP 
tically tfwna boa- :aia'8i;-~' ' 

The Blllboapd 


ThiHg» tTh«itpic«l North- and Wo«t 
'ifroni * Chicago. Point of View. " 

- loBXOAM.-C^iria ovvTmbBicumahd 

■ T-*:-- ■ . W CUrk-St. 

ypgrn- fyiSiffab proyed a strongr draw- 
1^ MteQ- iMt week. An exiellent 

aod am 


plaj Uit* cmaga 

li' MT.or a» anil- 

Buster Biowo. with' Ibstfer Gabriel, 

Georfe All and the odgliial Mew Turk cut. nlll 
Ik tbe nuDmer attnetlan la fbe Gnat Northern, 
Umj M. ||" It u sfC t fi tbat Ui« attrac- 

Bllts F. CBfcrlfiiiiiii^VjtiSaiifc opant 
eompur In tjumiai- " w i iw top 'pia«c4 a Ut 
la tto^ Aodrav • laat week, wlicre the Inter- 
aC^tfe Tatlou nlea abowed mncli ver- 
' tail likat "lyiaa '4nipiu la all were 

hare eootribiHad to tb* Tanderllle' atage many 
of Ita best tarleaan* Iketckee. were the bead- 
Uien iB tk* Htyninkat lut wHk la a dlffennt 

lac, Xoat Uka a 
a new Held for Oeta Tuaatlle trtlsti. Tbe 
pU7 la a domeatte oomedy of cooatdemble 
dramatic tbooslit aad 
tuoltr foe Ur. 
Oelr TenataUr. 

Dr. Emit G. Hirsch holda that those 
wbo brtJBK amoacmant to tbe people ate as well 
I «( tka a»— aad aC trath 

anre at the altar o< wanUp and bow bftcm 
a aacred atartne. Tbla aeatliBeiit tbe well-known 

on The 


->l Ika concrete <te etemal laws of Ute. Wo 
a> aat wltneaa a play ot one of tbe immortal 
i wUboat Mac eaaflaead there an atctnal 

MB a great 
aa tta playa tbe maatert have 
iPMM la para aad beaotifnl language 
~ laagh Is as maeb a itga at paalae to God 
as Is- a -pcsycB. Oaa wha eaa aafea people 
isagb. aad laagfe beadllr. la a Mgicacer of 
tbe C^tor and a cnataia aC dMna fmr." 

Daring faia aUiass Or. Hkach paid a bsaatlfnl 
tribate to jeSetsoo. 
actor bad made tbiee 
aad chUdreo bappx. 

The Wilson Trio are maklnar a bis 
hit aa the Orphean ebcnlt In Udttla Ifaoley'a 
great walu ssiw, JOat For Fan. Others tbat 
ale teatarisg tbe aoog are WOaon and Demon 
alMSb Tergnaoii and Faamore. Knlgbt Brother*. 
IiOtUe West Symonds. Just Vor Fnn Is a Terr 
ttmefnl melodj. Another sodg that is making 
good la ooe written on tbe Pgctland Vair. en 
tlUed Cp and Down The Trail; and It. with 
Inat For Kun, U publlabed br tbe Victor 
. Kramer Co. of this elly, one ot tba rasi rgoale 

Mias ▼aleric Bergcre, Hervert Oawtbcne and 
Kttoz WOaon are to be the leading members of 
the eztiaTsgaaaa eaaipaay which la aader pro- 

la Awe are Fted. Armatiang. known aa tbe 
Eddie Poy; Fred. Wood. Jollet Bay 
Ita, Bert Xoonc aad Mias Tcra. The 
s( a tamm tmm 

The Dew otginliatlai. whldi Is tnteaded 
to be permanrat. Is to bear the aaine of tbe 
On. tt Is taaaesd hr 

In order to present the mechanical 
sfleels of a traBStormatlan aoene In Katooae- 
lv>-1ha aaia ■auner opera to be prodnced at 
Bthaaa's thaatra, tbe stage of that 
llayboaae has to be slteted so that one large 
trap, aoadto feet, can be aonk taatanOr with a 
d w s B cooiedians on it. The Urat scene rcpre- 
aaato : a, copper mine in Montana. While the 
t^mm ptm MSllng into the boards at the aallh 

formation »ceae shows the laloera ilrvpplng In^n 
mjraterlooa' qndergrouad coimtry, lnliabUr«f 

•C'ttaMlMMM kaa taw aHtaaaid Stm May 

ta' my.-M," Wirihy iadasla« .Mr. Maateirs 

John 8> DMik tiaail of the communis- 
Ps., aad known as 
will brlac bto 
band to tWesK ta October. 

Mt. Dnaa airlTed here last week to coiaplctr 
more deflnltely the plana for 'the summer toor 
wlilcb Fred. B. Fhlnney, manager «f the band. 
Is oaklaf, 

For tha last (hna yaaia Mr. Dosa and 
baad ImTe playad to New ToAers. It waa 
the baad Isadet*! latcattai to. remain there 
another season, bat he decided' to mske a 
western drcnlt. New York wlli itm Isas the 
Dues baad for a seasoa at least. , 

sSM^^^SrVftaS'Sadsr.'.,'*! aa at 'the 
■■a people myself. Wb&s I msy be said 

ta ta a sort of moalcal missionary and willing 

to gtiB amce for tbo 

than any < 
work: I I 
in it." ■• 

UHbe the 
' 1-bavt.HTed; 

There are two candidates for the 
succewton at tbe r..a.ii» when She lale of 

aMQoq papitOD issqia o} smsw-Soos Sooh 
to that theatre. One Is a Joint effort of Was 
Florence Holbmck and OecQ Lean, both mem' 
beta at tte eompaay. aad tbs other Is snbmltted 

yet haitt^Bd^iWaK laidaMd ea tte sisge. 

James O. DeWtiU . severed bis con- 
nection with Sta" TkslBlaB, la Ohlcsgo, and 
Joined tbe Great Wallaes Otoeos at Portsmontta, 
Ohio. Friday, S, as press sgeat with tiie abow. 
Mr. DeWolf enjoya an earlahte reieotd'ta drcoa 
boslness baring been IdeiiHIled wlOi the Adwn 
Faccsaa|^>8dls Brotliers^ Shows ^ tap 
of ycant Bsny Bsrl Is bsndllng tbe 
paper* oae week to adranee of tiie Wallace 
Show. W. S. Freed wiU be 'Mentlfled wltb' 
general, agent W. B. Fnnklto'a forces thto 
Lsoo aa spedsl agent. Hsn7.>OartIs bss tiw 
aianagessent oC ad' e i Usin g caz No. 1, a 
the No. 2 car is to charge of 'B. P. Mnrphy. 

Will Rosslter has entered Ufe ranks 

iMMtness on a targe aeHa'^Be m3^^'~^ 

salte of odlce* st SB Dearborn street thia week. 
,\ number of prominent composers wm be ideatl 
(led with Mr. Bosalter. We wllb tile new cater- 
prlae aabSBBded sncceas. 

The Wisconisln 

blU May S, pzehlblttog 
tlon of dramadc plays 
tlooa. The mesanre waa inspired by New York 
plajwilghtt and iv Mlaa I«FoiIetto. danghter 

-Stanislaus Stange . Jias - more than 
once proTcd that slanf -to .ailt . iiiii isisij or 
•tad to the'aaMaasail aMs playH. 
He ahowed tbat la DeOir iTfoiiia. la .Wbeil 
Johnny Games Hatditog HoiM ' and In '. .Piff. 
PIS, Pair, Pouff at the Garrlck. Other prlnrl- 
io Lore'a Lottery, for, irtilla Oa Unes. and 
lyrics ate roUicfcIng, bright, wUtjr and pongrnt. 
there la notliing. auggcsttfe sr Indrtleate In 
anything that Is said or done daring a perform- 
ance. Mr. Bdwards has agato prored that lir 
dcscrre* reeocnltioa as one of the moat suc- 
ccssfal of American light opera oompaaet;<. 
fcora'a Lottery baa made a bit la tbe Uilnols 

Hiss Mabel Hlte,- at present with The 
Girl and Tbe Bandit, has been engaged for u 
part in The Woggle Bag, whlA Is to follow 
Pis. Paff, BdoS t the Oanlek. Other prlncl 
Is annaoBccd arc Clbiilsa. ■,- Mraas, Mlw 
Blanche Deyo, XshF I^aaib Mka^Bialdea Mc- 
nale. iOm Phosbe <haas. Mfimid' IMIamiM 
and Artbnr Bracy. 

William A. Brady, after scrutinizing 
the work of one or two of the prlnclpala In the 
All 'Booad Chleago cast, took a New Xork train 
WcdaesdSFi Ik .trtth.. 4iMd'.ts -.Mi. «va .aad a 
munber si 

Manager C. EL Eyles of the Sweet 
ClOTer Co. writes me trooi Newport. VL. imder 
date of AprO..^ aa follows: I wlih to glre my 

Apra..^ aa f 
iv aa'jiaflvi 


by The - BiUIioard this season. I hare always 
foond tlie correspondents to the Tarlona dtlca 
men of cnltnre. and I Imre yet to experience 
uytlilnK bat the mast eoaitasDB.Instment from 
any of them. I lake Tka BDlbeard' regularly 
and to my opinion It ia one of tlie beat dramatic 
papers pnbHabed. 



Raymond Hitchcock, the well-known 
comedian with the Tankee Consul Co„ 
and Misa Flora Zalieilev -leadlns woman 
of the same company, were quietly 
married May 5 in the parlors of the 
Plsmter's Hotel. St. Louis,' Mo. The 
ceremony was performed by Bev. Dr, 
Mengasaxlan, of Chlcaco^ father of the 
bride, who had come down to bid good 
bye to his daughter bef<M« sailing for 
Europe. It is said that tbe wedding 
was M tpn m t :— « jal se to the oompaay. 
but iriMB' fhe news 'became known tbe 
bapKF«aagile irete sbowered with con- 



their apirlted 

fOtd Tenny, in 

aided Mb 'MM* aie iTS^Lttsr ta mm- 

euces, partlctilsriy ss It begsn with the FOor 
Uortona, wbo are among the moat popalar en- 
tertalneto «a the faadaflUa atoga. Uttle Clara, 
In paMMSih ii • tast iB taMlI aad ttmOr 
alacs aad daaen hsr war tato pepaisr apprsral. 
Ward aad Carran bad a Sketch called ne Ter- 
rible Jndge. wUeh dSMcato «t hnmor. 
aad tt Is scarcely necessary to aay that Lew 
BMAIaa filled a bomcnaa akba to peiCsctton. 
Hal Godfrey and eompasr aba ssoisd to a 
aketdi called A Very Bad Bl 

BoaaeU. toe Tiddlah "— TT. 

fnl with lier songs si 

The owners of a theatre Just con- 
stmcted to Goshso. lad., hare decided to call tbe 
Xtaatie. Xhia wiu he tbe 

tai tbe 

Stndebaker last w«dt tor The Mayor ot Tnkto, 
which Is to be the samaser show to that boose 
beginning Jaao 5. Xhe piece will he pnt on by 
the Gsrie .daBMMBt Os. Bletard Osrto la 
responslhto tor Ita beak and wil l also appear 
to the east. The oraale la by wnUam FredetIA 
Peters, a wen-kaown song wrttsr. Mr. Oarle 
will aapexTlae the production. The east win 
toelode In addition to Mr. Oarle. Edward Oar- 
rey. B dm a ad Stanley. Addison trufletrs. WilUsm 
Chadto Meyasb wmiam Fla^ 
Mas Oslae. Msy Belsr.' untsa 
Janrler. Adele Rowland. Hortense 
rette, Lillian Barton, Ethel Lloyd, 
Ooortnay sad Madge* Vlaeant. It to 

For Next Seeaow ■ Csiiiplidd frui Iteing 
Appearing "in The. BMbeard *t 
VariotM TisMe 

Clara Bloodgood wfU be starred by 
Lelbler & Co., In a reconstructed ver- 
sion of . The Gentlemen From Indl^ 
She wW bsive the tmtt-pt.lMm-Uhmtr' 
wood.. wUsb bea-biMiM mna fe be »' 
stronger s t siil a g TMt tb—i Ibe title 
role, be flUed bgr MwmJ J; 

• *• 

LJoyd Bingham Iws s e tiUi eJ Benri 
Dumay*8 Musical Comedy, The XJtUe 
Millionaire, which was recently pre- 
sented In Parle, and will pat Amelia 
Bin^MMi ta tbe jftv. 

' ' * • '• '.' ■'"■ 

Wright liOrimer Is said to b*; con- 
sidering a play founded en tlM' ^ble 
story Of Daniel. 

• • • 

Forbes Robertson for next season 
will add Othello and Romeo and JtiUet 
to his repertoire and will revive The 
I'ight Tbat Failed. His wife, Oertnide 
Elliott, wm be his leading lady. 

• * • I 
Lonls Jamee, wbo bas been 'appear- 
ing In The Two Orphans and She 
Otoe fs t» Oen<piiF. .vlll 
aott te 9Be VbeHs 

AbOTc is an excellent picture of Mr. Paul 
Gllmore, who has made socb a hlg success 
the past season In the leading role of The 
Mnmmy and The Hamming Bird. Mr. Gllmore's 
first ieadiss part waa with In Old Kentneky, 
Ito llrat season on tonr. From that tima on 
ha was giren leading ralea to Mr. nahmaa'a ' 
hmadtog companies, and la remembered la many 
of later years. ; ... < . . 

DeWoIf Hopper Is to shelve Wang 
In favor of a. new opera wtltled xay- 
slum.'' . 'J 

a a- 

Bdna May will return next season 
wltb a new play. The Catcb< of The 
Season, in which the star ecene Is 
that in which the dtdie, "the catch,' 
eats bread and butter In a balooay with 

Viola iUlen wUl have a' 

Fltota Flay for next-season.' ' 

Marie CahUl, of It Happened in 
MmrdlaBd, will be sian In lullliiiela 

comedy next seaeon., The play, aa. jret- -. :- 
unnamed, is by 'Gepise Vf'Boliart -and.^^j-: 
Milton Royle. ' ' . - ^ 

Nat C. Ooodwta wlU open'ta bia'iiew 

ilay. The Beauty and The Barge, at> "'; 
Lyceum Theatre, New Totk, the.;-?; 
Monday in September. 
V ... 
Kyile Bellew 'will continue to play < 

Margaret Daly 'Vokes, comedienne'^'-;'.' 
of the Ward and Vokes comblnatloiUiV^' 
will star next season in a rural come-'i' 
dy. Tbe CHH From Maine. "<r< 
' • '•■'■■ • • • 

'T.'";iUdrldi.-' te-'-Lnsag^TMiKVtjij; 
- wm be 
In jBdodrama, entitled 

wiip Is onerinc'tbe 
thlsd^edltitm' of Busy Ikzy will bave a 
version for next season. Ltxy 
be the central figure but 'witb 
somewhat dlfCerent surroundings. 

• ' • • . 
Peter F. Dally will star . ta . a .musical ■ 

T. Hodge^ who made a bit ta 
Mrs. 'Wlggs of The Cabbage Fatcb. Is 
to Bwar ta a play written by blmself; 

Miles From Homer 

"WUtan '? T*fibayft now .s^pearlng tn/f.^r^ 
tbe all-star revival of Trilby. Is to ap^r^ .i 
pear In a Shakesperian -rOIe n ext s na 
son under the management of wiihj™ • 
A. Brady. Othello Is his choice. 

• • • 

lillUan Russell will probably be seen 
ta.a mtislcal Fe ta l on oC- Tbe^THilDg o< 
The Shrew, to bef^wtlUed > XbCbestaek ^ 

• '• .a \ ,'. .... .■'.r'V*; 

Mine. Wi>rnh««-at' .la ""tiia ' iwalr^.'yi»jff^^if|fr-'"'- 

tour of the United States imder the 
management of Uebler & Co.. opening 
In New TtMic about Nov. 1. Her 
r e p e rt B to ei'iHB - Im tod te JtPU.' Vtaa£-Cf-.,>'-?. 
nOOK, ' AMSi^ 47 and ttra new'playK '~ ' ' 

• • • 

Mme. Schumann-Heink will appear 
ta a new comic ojiera tmder the man- 
■HiiMjit .cgiBVed. C "Wbltnalri-^;:-.. .'U;;. 

-:>:.::'r ;v * - • • . ^'■^>-'<'';^ 

.;'''.)AMpM Qb^ wm^tam aTasw.tvi^^by'r,'^' 
qeegge P e riiar d 8baw. : ■ [;:^f. 

^^vrWam Faymliam. wbo mtldertbe.J^^^ 
will probeMy tee the" pUqr ilW'^^^'i^^ 

Sarah Truax will star next season 
in a new play dram tbe peit. oC J. LlC.'-'r:: 
Cn&rk, autbor of lAdy Oeara::;.^,.:'.,:;:.'^^ 

:;• y '■ . • • •• ■ ' •■S'\^:^&L: 
^ Fanla Eidwnzdea, wbo bas been alwr.'> :i: 
ring In "Winsome 'mnide^ ' will biSTOHB^vjB 
new musical comedy which 'wUt''! 
ably be called The Maid and-Tbe T 
The locale of the pleot Is Nei^C^,^ 
leans at the ttma ot tb*"' 

Xtie Oillboapd 

in Plaxhousm and Attraetionc — 

ful American Arttot% and 
^j^lai'aF:Qenip from titm'' 


April Si. 1905. 
An extraordinary general meeting of 
the . Ifnalc TTin Artists' KaUvay AaaocUtlaa 
tookVvUee .at. tl« *MMrte>»;^aqitaBnn^ Xib- 
<idb.:.''aB''nnndar- "fljfiii" ■iri~'finMMiiliiiii In 
tbe air eren befoce Hie Kcretur mi the 
notice ctmtBlat Vm mcetliic. It blew Into a 
wiam yfbta Mr. Binx Mocntftra tow on ■ 

tke meetms 
C-'iMn'oilM^'M ten Instead 
/ <*y»' aoHee as Is sttpdlated In nOe 
^f^^|ir.: iroaatfocA i«iiiested tint Ur. Jndge. 
lyfe ^ pny siT - aoUdtor of the Anadatbrn, wtio 
5KfW>'''''-'"''''"°'* Mked If the meeting 
«^iifet.<.-.glia' rhalmiin. Ur. Joe 0'a«nnan, 
IgaM'tbati'Mi^ JBdcB.feaa..aalUw.te:'dD with 
^g^SMltin; and If If i Miiiimiiit ma m map- 
HMitain bad the Interest of the AasoeUUia .at 
'Sttmrt. ther would proceed wim the bnslneMi tt 
^jfeift Bcetlnc. which was to elect a 
Ei^kVtte' plaoe oC Kb. Vai^ ' 

i^'XM.atm Inoeiaed. ra^^ 

iCBlCnT Tfata was decided bjr a letter antalnlni; 
the realgnstlon belnr read the <*.iFTn«n 
DnfaW a. Inll Mr. White tow and aaldr bsTC 

to surrender to anyone but tbe g»iiH«m«i« elect- 
ed lesallT In mr place, ms meeting Is called 
. to deet as hcBaca^ treasanr, and I want tvot 
;.letaaMeti^ aBlnkB-aii to tbe lesaUty at this 
CnMttwt for If It iB .BBt'lagal. I can not tun 
orer the hooka." • Ike atom laaied. Ur. 
White left tbe BweHac.' Ifr. Kamrics ftan 
tbe platSona laade aooe lemarka wfaltdi were 
^'wanjnnided. Mr. Koantfted thoosht it orer 
:i|»- a Wbile aad icVUed aggragdatdr. 

, This fbe ehalnnan refined to pot to a Tote and 
a laixe.nnmber left the haU. When most of 
the owK wltlim bad lett K ioto te a traasatcr 


pg^Teidl . candidate. 

"^^IBr^ B^' Brown elected. 

• • a 

-) A Tbe new Olympia III U la to 

^- '^f ? ' !'^ J Bff^ ■ fy^?*' 'Mt— »• Wbea an 
■ wdluiuj; iaf l etf ' v e inwa ia iii e e la Mag (tren the 
:<,nidlenee maj- smoke; bat wben dwct diaswtle 
r'^pkccs are ptodDced all pipes, dgats and dsar- 
i/^tft^mamt^pe p«t aot^ , So msch la gatheied 
I at the ItlTerpoQl LJceoaln^ 
Kr. Flank Maishall. wbo 
tbe wUeatka, teSemd paiticidailr 
Idas. Am Kssided nda Mis.' iOt, fltey 
not to take-OBt- an adse noaae, 
as tinr did not wlA to sdt dilak.- Aa rale 
Hhu. -U— with refaid to 

9Ki loof 

eeiOd na oE. and the TantllatSoa was as pacfect 
as It conid be made; and tbe hooae t» fke- 
pcoMC aU tbnnab. II It waa.a mnslf tm1l_ tUtmt 

■oogbt pennlsslon. The only thln^ was that 
now and a^aln they ml^t want to prodace 
Xbe ebalmiin obsexred 

I tbe aetata aT a 

theatrical perfonaancew ^ ' 

Since the annoaneement of his wfll- 

Inan t ss to bald a nattnCB on the 27th for nn- 
; JMrt- P W it ac la l talfent Mr. StoU has been In- 
aaSated - .with a flood of applications. One 
(cntleman *^vlth a resHy vox Am tai 
^fbr. tbe modest smn ot tea podadB'i 
^vOObs to stag "The Death of Nelson" In foil 
'^'iltont." There Bhoald be noTelty in the 
.act, .oC the "only hllnd-told-dmm-lwll poadicr 

There la some talk of a managerial 
.^la, anpoBitloa to tbe "bis toor," and 
I. a fortnlsht. to this 
^aK^^Be.fnB la Bldr parent to the nuaoc. 
^ TlfeS*iiiB «aJ ai t muaier tuning mar ^ .kk 
^dtVh^^jbtt tbat be is abont to wake 
to bdieve aU at once. 

rattfah lAe li iMIsrn by 

P. Dntanre and Nina Hnbert. It Is In one act, 
a ^innlah lore stocr ending In a tragedy. 
Bdidly. it.^telia of a dancer (Laaitaaa). tbe 

%iguki'ie^iiite^^ wbo 

t.waltiar to kev an 
.'wMb -. l^qptta QOna Hnbert). He 
an bat p er soa aes aer ate baa nude a mistake, 
and ladaees ber to go away; not; bowerer, 
befoce abe has d la oor er ed a letter In ber bns- 
baad'a po^t ananglag Oe nwetlngi 

retnini aad prorca ber hoaband'a lafldellty and 
thieatena to cot her own tbraat nnleas be de- 
parts, and on his going away — to sare his wife's 
auldde — Pepita lerrals herself, the. closing in- 
cident ot the sketdi being s Itgbt with daggers 
between tbe two women. Tbe hnshand, nrbo 
retams to the scene. Is otTerad his choice be- 
tween the two, and selecto Ui «Ue; aad aa 
ther are tosethcr going away ^spita, to a at 
of Jealansy, stabs IiaGltana to tbe. heart. Tbe 
fair senorlta has coQTlnced yonrs trnly at laat. 
Fire years ago at Bologna I aaU " a line 
wooaa." Keat . aaHMr .la. -IlMr..,3Bi*, .. rrbe 
story et' Cbm ea !»' Jw^a'-ialaaiiMin;* and 
nc»w a pantooidmle actress :ei(;aHa'.aHtty. 1 
hope to be sble to say "tba,'kM|'..a!PB^. some 
day, for ber iBproramsat.^^ia t ftajt aMr .bsc 

so. UM » fHMA ■ai^-aai '.ita.yewMWha- It 

theartegoers and preagmen do not known of a 
ran of nearly a year that Dell'Ore bad in«i. 
Ub laag betote 

thafi In America. 

• • • 

Barton & Ashley have flnisbed a 
taa at tbe 

Marten * SUlott at tbe HIppodimne 
were tbe one AnMcan act opening on I<eleenter 
Sqnare last UoDdsy. Tbe Easter 
brongtat no end of noreltlrs last Mondsy. 

We are promiaed a Fren«d> Invasion 



worklng-fleld to 
are immeoBe. 

Twenty-nine bouses oa the 
Tonr. lieka.Jl mk'mlm nifm ftr aw.m «a 
hare ■aetlMr Kasfte m thi Vg tan.' At Ike 
coat of Kmethias like 9U,000 a modern Em- 
pire Theatre Is to be bunt oo a site In Blgb 
street West, at Saadedaad. tbm working ot 
wtaieb wm be aafls Ike diicclia aC tka Em- 
pbe Theatie. ltd. The aUwitm a ki ta be at 
the latest type,- and aecommodatlin .wm be 
found for nearly SXXM patrons twlee emr Bight. 
It wUl be a fonr-stotr building, comprising 
pit and Btalla, balcony and gallery. Tbe deco- 
ratloos wni be of a larlab cbaraeter. Plaoi te 
^ baOflpK ,.kaM,.akNa4r. as(wfea 

Slgnor Dell'Ore made Us reappear- 
aiiee In London oa Uondiy after , a lapse of 
nearly fifteen years. He is benlded . as s 
"dlsoorciy" by the pna. A new gmriatbwi of 

I>avld Day ot the nmsic pubUahlng 
firm ot Frsnds OsyA Haatee bas jost retnrned 
ttom New Torlc He aeema to bare liked the 
Island vdte wtO; «A caaagh to think serloasly 

■ . a . a •• • 

"What wiU he do with it?" 'was the 
momentoos qoesUon on ererybody's lips. when. 
KHne wedis ago. Dr. Dlstin Uaddlek threw open 
tbe biadaoBH new SeaU Theatre. As sll 

with erar aieden appUanee, stands upon the 
site ot the dd Prince ot Wale'a, Inst oS Tot 
taataaai-«oart4sad. Aad It aU Iioadan waa drawn 
% the art- of tbe Ban 

uilaiu, there 

aaaUnrtly.'' be no reason for bellerlng 
Ont history wonld fsn to repeat itielf fort; 
years Ister. Nothing was wanted bot the neces 
aary attraction. Today It may fairly be as 

aamed that this bas bcca seemed to tbe persons 

of Blr. Forbes Bobertson and bis diarmlng. 
wue. Ula Oertmde EUlott. Xhe lepalat acter- 

oMB^Ilik' Ur! ' UttBtic^lS^lit laeia. -'dc'l^- 

Scala. wbere lie has arranced to begin opera. 
tloos on Monday. May li, with a revlral of 
Hamlet, to wbtcb be will, of coant. 
as tbe Mace «e the-OptaMa -aCMii 

- Sit Bmayr Irvinip retnmea £raai Vor- 
qaay yesterday to tbe beat sC health aad apMii 

to seder to mperlntend the final rehearsal of 
••Beckett, ' In the title r»rt of n-hlch he will 
agate be seen on the erenlag ot .Satvday. 
AprO sa, at Ikav-^jMSB.,. -; 

■ ' • ■ ' ' ~ ' ' '* 

The first performance of the new 
Daly piece. The Little .MIcbas— lift syllable pn>- 
B S ttuced like tbe, end of a snecse. Ml srbno Is 

a - r»- •"- 
Half a Dozen 'Runlets Is tlsS' i 

of a aklt to be pradiMSd. by ; the 

at Qneen's HaU. 

• • • 

Since Mr. J. M. Maaltelyne^ of Sterp- 

Jlon. Re has bnaled himself with perfecting 
1 arrangementa "behind the scenes" with a 
view to hia stage cqoal to. tbe < 

farther fanprorementa. Bt« torentlTe, 
Uaskelyne has tuned his attention and te* 
gennlty to tbe qncatlon of stsge-llghtlng, a 
problem wlildi bas cagaged not a few mlnda 
to recent yean, and aa tbe rcsolt of his en- 
dearora be now clahae te hat* adopted a aystem 
snperlor of Its kind to mmr hitherto tried to 
London. By tils new arrangement of "top" 
Ilebts, Immediately aboTe tte footllgbta, and 
by other Innoratlun. the managar bas toaad It 


ot the 

'■$bt ocenpanto of the stoge. 
iBfladft a^ i ;**^ that 

ierenty performaneea to Ue 

• ' o o . 
After an existence of nearly twenty- 
eight yean tbe famona English Ugbt opera eoss- 

ly, breagbt into erlsteare by tbe late Ut, 
D'Ofle Onto at the OMsa CMqae hi URT tm 

Sorcerer, ended M oaanr :at (ha Xsiie.' 

on Saturday nl 
of Tbe Town. " ■• - -.•. .'•. ,• 

- •■■ ■■ •■■^..;'r*'-.^* ^ -iv 

There 'axe wi shows- of i mp or ta nce 

this week; but everybody In sbowland Is bn?y 
preparing for the season. On the Continent tbe 
circoses ncarty aU t aa e al ed doitog -Holy. Week, 
and opede la 
Tarlete to Ctopeahagea doecd tbelr aeason on 
iday. are p-*^-g away tfaa stage aad pot- 
ting to tbe liag to perparstlsa tor tbe^dicas 


• • • 

last treelt E^dward Wultt celebrated 

the twenty-fifth annlTermary of hla aetlrlty au 
circus director, and Introduced iS a novelly 
a horse doing a somersanlt on a tarpanlln. 

O. C BAKBAll.. 


For fOor shillings he wm forwsig.hla | 
and for twice that sum. some I 
to addltloe, the proceeds to ba~ 
monoment to Cbopto to Wsaav. ' 

Monaleor Jscqocs Thlbaad, a' li e aU i rlallnlst. 
Bare two redtala recently at Qaasa's Ball, In 
the first U 'which he waa aeegapaaled by tbe 
Qneen's Hen OKheMto. lisaa: Thlband pos- 
ses all the - gicatatai to vake-ldai famous, 
and bow be came to tUI to this respect Is cer- 
tainly a wonder. Hia ezecntloa of Bctboren. 
Badi and Weber la marrelons. and his tooe 
prod ne tloe la qnlte eqnal to anything erer heard 
In LoadOB. 

Ur. Charles Clark, tlie famoos American bari- 
tone, gave two ledtals at Aeolian Hall. In 
n-blch he portrayed hla Teiastile grnlos In 
German. Fxendi snd ni.^t^'**', and abowed a 
remarkahte^^»nan^ a£a?' S 

than superb. 

For the final London Ballad ConeaC, aCj^AS 
season st Qneen's Hall, Madame OkM Wtt 
and Miss Marie Hall are among the . ailMa 

annotmced. ' -' 

Tbe following telegram lias jost besa te* 
celred from Borne: "Mr. and Mn. Knbellk 
were iQTlted to prlrtte andlence with the Pope 
Plus X. Tbe Holy Father was Tlsllily toocbed 
hir the totareleir, aad pneeatad Kaballk with 

nrtie Blllboarcl 


arf* ptec 
He bUaMd 

picture of tl. ^ i .ii- . 
Last allM KOMtt plajre 
aam M kMa Mid « 

red at Turin, wbct* 
oat weeks tgo. On 

iceocd of 

''ua'rtWiirTim Im aalatcd at bis oonoert 
■t Qntcil'S Sitb' Mar 4, br the Iioadon ajm- 
■ — -.---^ — < other ■deetkni 

Ibe hoiiW M.kMa »oId oat weeks a«j. 
Ttauradar b* Blays M HoDtc Carlo. Kobe 
Mimw In IMbr bM bnn the createct iceoci 

J^T^Bby tt» llMth»»f Oooecrto for TldUn 
«™«.^»!!»-^. w_ «^ pronce wiu be the 

Uooald tbe eoDdQetar. 
A' ^maAv MfMH^aw ocenra In connection with 
BMr-T M liB fc^ ncaad concert In Jane. H« 
^T'b* tMM>'-*W at age, be will stTC 

- - — »rt In London and hlfl 

his present mnacement. 
to Ko to Australia tbla 
ytu, partly «■ accoant of tlie elections which 
wtU take ptafB- la Mew ZcaUnd. and partlr- 
•wing to tlie caoMtlaw not beloe satisfactory. 
Qe will make a toor oC the provinces in Angnst.; 
and In all probabOltJ' another one In October 
and Norember. 

Madame Amy Sherwin will give tJiree re- 
dtall at Stelnway Ball, assisted by four of 
ber poplls. all of whom have made great «ac- 
(MM. They are Mr. John Harrison, tenor; 

linriel Goagli. aopraoo. who went on tbe 
immt Kabelik toor: Miss Joan Ashley. contralto.| 
who made a great snccesa at tbe Pattl concert 
•a Norember IT, AOOl, at Albert Ball, and Mr 
Arnold Gange, wlio," np tUl now, has only had 
private engagementa. These concerts wUl take 
place OS May B. 16 and 23. 

Madame Grada Blcardo. a sinter well known 
In Parts and Germany, will make her dehot at 
Aeolian Hall on Tnesday erenlnK. May 18. 

Tbe Honorable Mrs. Fltxgerald will give a 
concert at Stelnway Ball «a May 10. when she 


Ethel Barrymore sails for Burope 

Richard iraiisaeld*s tonr ~ win . eon- ' 

tlnoe on til Jane 10. 

John Drew will not close his tow^ 
In; season nntU late next month. " , 

The North Brothers' Comedians will 
open the mmmer Kiaon Jnoe 15 at Clear Lake, 

Ida Ooodftiend luis closed with Alice 

FIslier's company, prodcdng Tbe Sdioal fOr 

A Dausfater of Judea will be used 
hy Nance O'Nell when she beslns lier Anatral- 
lan tonr. 

Walter Kveratinew of the Crescent 
gaaail^ l>fa|wi>i||^kb mmimig U Com- 

Uessrs. KBiliBV?iic;Brltli^<«|B 
two ArlstocnilH.:SMBpi':.CM^paalH.''«i-.tte Tiad 
next seaaon. >' ' 

Oeorxe IiWiroA opened In Phlla- 
ddpUa, Pa.. Hay 8, as leadtiis maa at IMe- 

paogh*a Hieatre. 

Louis Albion has closed his vaude- 
TlUe toor and la appearinc with Byroa DoBi^aa' 
la atock at Toledo, Ohio. 

J.^F. Head. !:3iowh as the theatrical 
' Batata of Hot Sprlngm, Ark., will leaTe 
•iSB^flor Broadway. New York City. 

Miss Mae Buckley, late ingenue of 
The Shepherd King Co., will head a stock com- 
pany In Denver dorinc the snnuner. 

Sterilnc'o Undo -Tonra- Cabin- Co. 
baajbjwr agpwy te Waagsgv 

James J. Corbett has signed a five 
years* contract with H-.-nry B. Harris, who will 
star the cs-posiUat hegtimliis next season. 

When Xiore la Tonig; hsr Louis Fa- 

aan oCwmiam OolIIet*a caaspaar, wtU r ece l ie 
an early prodnetloa next aeaaoa la Kew ToriL 

Cliarlotta Neilson, recently of Wil- 
lam FlaTarsham'a eomjany. playlac Letty. win 

The Work of District Attorney Je- 
rome, In New York, has been dramatised under 
the title of Secret Serrlce Saau Ghas. T. 

X Ok Alpeia' are 

wm take plaee May U. 

Eugenia Blair's engagement In the 
city of Brotherly Lore wu Indeed a remarkable 
She apcaed. this week at the West End 
^ i.Hiw.SM^'ffly. tor a aaaawr 

L'iV. lbteh*B play, enUtled Miar-: 

aaiw wbkk Cbas. Frcbmaa 
k,lfjy, may he prodnced la 

I May goes to Enrope next 
Harry Berresford sails for Liondon 
June 3. He retains ahoot ttte middle of Assoat 
to rommenca xcheaiaala far hia tear la Tbe 

«c % r. 

K, Jj. Rice, agent tor the southern 
A Siral SlaTe Cow, writes tbat be-doses with 
tte^asaapanj- ilm^ ts at Daytan, Ohio, and haa 
sIvmA with one of Gordon tt Bennett'a attrac- 
thaa te aezt season. 

Clyde Fitch's The Woman In The 
Case has beea adapted fbr presentation In 
Oeroiany liy Theodore - KrcBiet, who aalla May 

15 for Berlin. The play win be pmented In 
the German capital early next month. 

Happy Phlpps, business manager of 
Oar Mew Minister, reports boatnesa as belnc 
Orat-elaaa throosboat Miaaoorl and Illinois. This 
company la playing a nnmber of return en- 
gagements and are gettlnc fall boosea. 

Chope'a Swagger Friend is tbe name 
•f • WW rlay wtittCB tr Badta Cbaabcta tt 

will be played In London by ArtlMr Baarcfaler, 
and Nat Ooodwla la achcdnlcd ta pat tt on In 

Frank Howe, jr.. of the Walnut 

SIzcet and Gairick theatiea, Philadelphia, wtU 
hav« a nnmber of companlca opoo tba voad next 
w e wiB His attraetlooa wiU laiiaia The Awak- 
ening of Mr. pipp, Tbe winimn aat The 

fletlo-Oomlc Goreraeaa. 

. . The BucKeye stock Co. has recent- 
ly beea orsanlzed In Delaware. Ohio; by tbe 
Standard Amosement Co. The show gaca eat 
under canTaa and Miss Edyth LaNora wfll be 
featured. H. F. Mayer will manage tbe loar. 
They opened thla week at Troy, Ohio. 

Mr. John Knorr has taken the man- 
agement of C. G. Phllllpa' (No. 1) Uncle Tom's 
Cabin, aopctaedlng Mr. W. C. Clark, who re- 
algned - to take the management of the Joaeph 
Morria Moale Boue. Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. 
Knorr dosed a lengthy engagement May 1 
With When The Bell Tolls Co. 

Augustus Thomas' Arizona was giv- 
en at the Iiyccnm Theatre, Baltimore, Md., 
May 1, by the Immaculate Conception Lycemn. 
Tbe caat Indndea William Jerome Kelly, Ed- 
ward S. Ktnea, P. J.- Scnlly, Jos. Tbalhelmer, 
Fred Berry, Jamea D. Walsh. Ernest Blatsen- 
berger, Bena Kiel. Mattle D. Bayne, Ella 
O'NeUl and Beea UcOraw. 

Ellis J>. Robb, a well-known newspa-' 
per c ori e spw ident and diamatlc critic' of El- 
dorw, la.. Is at the head of the Lecture Comae 
Committee whidi haa Jnat booked the following 
talent for the next season'a course: Got. Ia- 
FoUette. John T. iMcCntcheon, cartoonlat: John 
Kendrick Bangs, Ernest Thompson Seton, Carter,, 
the magidin, and the I>roleaiis. 
Wm. Owen Is featuring a revival of - 

Othello for hia aprlng' and aommer toor, and- 
his company Indades tbe well-kaown we al ei U ' 
farorttee, MIsa CamlUa Beynolds and Mr. W.' 
J. McConneU. TO the of many bis 

Othello Is the best prodnc tl on Mr. Owen' baa- 
erer pat oat. altboDgh hia School for ■ Scandal . 
of a few yearal ago was a splendid prodocUon. 

Kathryn PumeU, tbe clever leading 
lady of the Anhrey Stock Co., ifhldi closed la 
Foaghkeepaie, N. T., recently, will play lead-": 
Ins female roles with tbe stock company at- 
the Empire Theatre, PioTldenee....B. thla. 
sammer. ' Next season Miss 'PuueU wlD be 
starred In a choice repertoire bx W* B» Fltx- 
gerald, . her. ^eaant ssanacer. * 


Mr. Bernard Shaw ''haa' Aaeovered 
that Shakespeare was very poor. Bat tbe aeven- 
teenth century Vicar of Sthitford (John Ward) 
says that In his last years the great dramatlat 
spent at the rate of a thoosand a year. Wben 
we eooalder tbat this waa cqalTalent to about 
•20,000 a year at this time, we begin tn tUnk 
that Mr. Shaw bad better terlae his Ideas of 

A draped photograph of Joseph Jef- 
ferson was displyed In tbe lobby at Ford*a 
Oper« Hooae. Baltimore, Md.. last week which 
attracted mncb attention. Opposite was the 
lar^ painting of the actor-by Allen C. Red- 
wood, of Baltimore. , done In 1971. and which 
shows Mr. Jetrerscn as Rip Van Winkle. Under 
it was the Inscription "Beie's to year good 

Mr. EL S. WUlard will close his 
American tour at HsrUm Theatre. New York, 
next week, appearing In ' The Middleman. The 
Lore' Story. OarU Garrick, The 
BrigMer Side and Tom Pinch. Mr. WlUard 

- * ■ May 24. but will not act In 

that city this soauDer. HIa fall tour wm begin 
at Montreal* early In Octol>er. Mlaa Alice Lon- 
non. his pi eaent leading lady, has been engaged 
for next aeason. 

The Cotmty Chairman made a most 
oroDounced hit In CInetDnatI last week at the 
Grand Opera Hoa5e. Quite a namt>er of local 
politicians attended and enjoyed the performaoce 
Immensely. Madjn Arbnckle, as the Honorable 

Jim Hackl<.r. 1m mja excellent type ot the crAftT.. 

polltidan. WUllB P. Sweatman. as Sassafras 
Llrlngston. was oae of tbe ^beat ^nte^etattooa 

Sprlnfter Opera'.' Boaaal-i'iCobunhus,^ 
Ob;, .bas dascd .tta don^ te^^ lfee anaaa. - 

Th».lIayor of I<ba >fikwlna, Cal4 has 
daraa apiM' Snav :»<*nemaBen la tbat: 

T))e Opera- Stoos^ at Newport, Jok.,' 

haa been c i ai terte e late a . skatlsg (Uk 'and' 
danca haU. 

Manager Anderson of the Walnut 
and Colombia theatrea. Cincinnati, vlalted In- 
dianapolis last week on boslneaa. 

The employes of Poll's Theatre. 
Hartford. Conn,, have been eQuIpped with hand*. 
Be new nalfkmBS ot grey and gold. 

Mr. Pew Parker, manager of the; 
Grand Opera Hooae In- Brooklyn; is spending 
the spring and aummer at Sooth Myack. N. Y.. 

Mr. S. H. COhen. now with Mr. W.^ 
R. B^aaUa at' BSMsilBaa. :OtBejr Xa^d.. will' 
manage 'Oe'aaw'MMaA Tkeatie' la 'BMoklyn' 

next season. ) 

W. J. Gllmore. owner of the Casino 
Theatre. Philadelphia, has recovered from bis: 
recent ninesa. He la not engaged In bnslnesa 
at the present time. j 

W. N. VanEtten Is InstalUng a new 

<omB>er theatre In Webb Cllr, Mtfc 'T^ 'lapil la 
sent -dtaedrcir 'of 


of the oejrro 
ore of wli 
Urat-claas one. 
James J. Jeffries, who holds the title 

in the podllstlc field of cbamplon of the world 
and who is playing this aeasoo In Dary Crocket, 
bfts announced his retirement from tbe Tine 
forever. He will protmbly devote bis further 
efforts to tbe footlights. Tbat Jim bas lots of 
lilstrloalc talent no one will dcnv. He la 
making a model Davy and there Is every evi- 
dence to believe tbat he could e^joally as well 
Iwiiei wiu ate the leading role In many other 
•■cult pieces. 

John GrMBth. the eminent tiacedian, 
was catKtalDed ncNtly wbUe at UaeNBtrl 
by Mr. Vllliaa 9. Biyaa at bis 
Palrelew. " ■ 


e i i wa the •tatos «r IM ttawlfig aelnr. and 
the Nehrasklan pcomiaed l» aae bis laflaence 
In an endeavor to aeente o ai gt e aal oiMl legla 
latloa whldi will enable actocv to vote on prest 
dentlal electlona whether or not they are In 
their home state. 

The Orlenoff-NasImofT Co. of Rus- 
sian players have engaged tbe Mnrry lllll Thea 
tre. New York City, for a limited period be 
ginning May 8. They are prodnclns tlita week 
for the Drat time In America Count Alexia 
Tolatol'a tragedy, entitled Tsar Feodor 1aw>- 
Tltch (Son ot Ivan the Terrible). The character 
of the weak-minded Tsar' has. been played by 
Orlenoff several hundred times. A atndy of 
tbe royal family of Ruaala has enabled bim to 
Introduce many mannerlaaia ot the preaest naler. 

Mr. E. S. WUlard ptomlaea even a 
■natar vacMr ■< ~ 

than wa bar* bad the pleasnre of wltnimliig In 
the tonr he Is now eomplettog. A new cbanetcr 
la bis next ieaaoo's tonr will cnaUe Ur. WU- 
lard to show himself upon tbe stage aa a 
yooog man ot, tarcnty-fhor. His appea ra nc e aa 
a young naa aboot tawa wlU mnlaa Mi ad^ 
mireta. who bare baaa Jatlghte* wtth -Ba oM 
man Imperaoaatlaaa. Vheia In ae reaasB to 
doubt but what he irlll repeat Us nsual trl- 

Earl Browne, who plays the role of 
Tin ford 'Wheeler, tbe young lawyer m Tbe 
County Chairman, was Injured May 1 at tbe 
Grand, CIndtmatI, as be was descending from. 
Ihe pUtform, about fifteen feet above tbe 
atage, upon which la stationed tbe telej^rapb 
operator who receives the messages. In making 
this descent, which la hack of the scenery, Mr. 
Browne fell halt a doaen atepa and stmck bis 
right cheek hone. He managed to get through 
the remalalag aortiga of tbe rate bat the next 
momlag he lnbH M* Ilka a deCtatad paslUat. 
He was oat of the east tbe faOowtag night. . 

A combination of all the stock 
houses In the coontxy Is now being effected, and 
next season will see- a revolution in tbe con- 
dactlni; of that branch of tbe bnslnesa. Fifteen 
first-class companies, will be otganUed. and 
will play a week In each of the dtlee In the 
comblDatlon.' with a return .date later In the 
season. ' Each of the companlea will carry a 
complete prodnetloa and be billed '.as. coming 
from some particnlar dty. The receipts will 
be pooled, and thla wfll enable tbe weaker 
ddea to make apedal efforts to get good boal- 
nesa. The whole plan haa been pnt Into opera- 
tloii'by men who are tboronghly versed In stock 
companlea, .and the proepec ta are that It will be 
huge aucceas. The acardty. of combinations 
for the popular price faouaes will open' many new 
theatrea (or atock. companlea. and as faat aa 
theyv«aB, hi - _ - 

drealt. ' . . 

the atage. aad la amateat piodiwttaia .! 
tameaae bit In Richard in.. Tbe Bem^ aad; 
The Merdiant of Venice. Be waa flrat : cagagad ' 

with Mrs. D. P. Bowers and afterward played 
in the companies of Booth. Barret and Keane. 
His first engagement as a star waa as Me- 
phlsto In Faust, which he played with great . 
saccess. He bas played many heavy roles and la 
now In bta third seaaon with Macbeth. His sea- 
son dosca May 27. In Ottawa. Gaa. MS will 
appear In a Shakespearlaa repectalia 

go a coeaplate change before .the next aeaaon 
opens. Tbe entnuce wOl be broaght down to ' 
the main Ooor and the bnUdlog repainted aad>.~i. 
repapered. j^>- 

Manager Fred. W. jenks, of the ' 

Elgin cm-) Opera Boose, haa been In Chicago 
reeently on bnalneaa concerning hia tbeaHe. 

U la aaH is trfgrtlailag tir dl^ 
hia .leaea.'^to ''a.-.';-jeo9Haltoaj';aHMMi]lagH''agaia^ 
boosea te' ttat aaS 'B4|bteBg'atatiB^^'!^'''.'.'':'^''-j'''jy' 

booming on account' ot tbe (Ccent 
rich sine ore deposits. 

John G. McDowell has been engaged 
aa atage manager of tbe 'Whitney Grand. Oe-i 
Irolt. Midi., which opens May 14 Coc 
and aommer Tandemie season. | 

Mr. Russell H. Oagoodby. owner- <ie 
OM aiar . Theatte. Uaode. tod., has; ^ di^ 
cannt soUdUtloo of hia fMebte eonseateA 

to be a candidate for mayoralty honora. 

Mr. Nick Norton, manager of Hyde; 
Fehman'a Brooklyn (N. Y.) Theatre, Is: 
spending the summer ss usual at Mt. Clements.: 
Mich. He left for that pUee laat 'areek. 

The Pilncees Theatre, MIddleaboroJ 
Ky.. ha laee iMRhaaed by Iter X Ik. Uaarlas 
from llie MMdle e bn ee Town ft Xaad Co. Tbej 
ctmatderatlon haa not Iieen made publle. ! 

Mr.. E. C. Smith, of Smith's Theatre,; 
Bridgeport. Coim.. haa aoiialred 
residence ia Ike ■aeMalia aMTi J 
He wUI take .Hk ^qritlBCK.'tbda;. .flit: the; 

summer. '."..•--;'.'. ''^ 

M:r. P. w. Hurij Miitdr^^^ 

Comedy Co. 

Manager Jake Rosenthal of the Bl- 
loo. Doboqae. la., has leased the Bnrtla ati 
nareeport. and the lUtaols. a new idaytaaase at 
Rock Uaad, aad^haa added fhan te Ui ckeelt 
of hooaea. 

Messrs. Traffarn & Sa'wyer have 

again taken the maaacemeat ot tbe Comatodi 
Opera Boose. BoonvUIe, N. T.. baring saeeeaa-| 

ftUly mauaged the rerort live years prior to the 
past season. 

The Grand Opera House building at 
Jacftaoarilte, m.. ba been sold to W- L. Alex ' 
ander. a pmealaeBt bnalneaa man ot that dtyS 

The cooslderatlan wma $125,000. 

owner Is repairing the hooae. 

Mr; Jesse G. M. Gltck has purchased 
tbe interest of Mr. Lewis P. Sleferd tn the Star 
VandeTllle Theatre. Topeka. Kan., and next 
season wUI personally manage tbe bouse. Tbf 
past aeaaon bas been a very aoccesafol 

The Walnut Street Theatre. Cincin- 
nati, closes Its season Msy 13. Geo. H. OObaB'l 
Bucceaafol play. Running Vtr Oflice. ^ la tki 
doalng piece. It haa been one of the inoal 
succeasfol seasons In tbe history ot that boose. 

A new $6,000 opera house was re-, 
cently opened at Vdin. S. D,. with much cere^ 
mony. Volln Is a small town, bat the opera 
bouse Is lighted arlth electricity, heated by 
ateam, and la modem . la erety. aeaae ot the 

Matt Kiadl wrii^ 

He 1* now engaged to «at dC Ike 

cessful starrtag toara ta 
single btll. .Mr. Orifflth . 
Canada. Bee. IS. ISlii bet 

. '..'J. 

There Is apparently a well-founded 
mmor to the effect that Oscar Hammersteln 
ot New York will bare a new theatre ta 
Sdienectady before another aeaaon passes. It 
if said that the New York manager wUl lease 
a theatre to be bont ta State Street by Edward 

Mr. Chas. W. Boyer, the new man- 
ager of tbe Academy. Hageratosm, Md., baa 
arranged with Messrs. Klaw A Briaiqcer for 
boofclngn. Improvements which will go toward 

maktag the Academr one at the kaaat hiwiaia. 

Manaser KmnHni: ot the Grand 
Opera a»Bae^ t sMdsa , ' 'Cmp.. haa takes vjf tbe 
iiisiisstmeat ot tba .A a d ll i Blu i u at Qoebee. Be- 
Cdc» Isaafni Tamdoe ilr. Keroiaa waa presented 
with a baBdeBma trtnk and llae leather salt 
M*e by tbe civhvcs of tbe Otand. J. B. 
rtoa aa c ca sda hJm at the Ozand. 

One ahare of stock of the Arch 
Street Theatre. Philadelphia. Pa., waa tatSly 
add at public auction for gMS. There era aaa 
hundred and thlrty-foor abaiea. all but als 
being add br ooa tadMdoal. ~' 
at; " ■ " 

MMsra. Whdcai. Osborne & Ed- 
wards bare leaaed tbe Csmdetl Opna House st 
Weston. W. Ta., for a term ot five years. 
Geo. T. FliiBter. tbe present msnager. turns 
orer the hooae to them Sept. 1. when his lesae 
expires. He bas made many trienda daring 
the tOor yean ot hia atay ta Weston. 

Geo. Knarston. who recently sne- 
cccded Bert HnUen as tieaiDier of the Tlrali 
Opcts Hooar. 8an Fnndicih Cal., bas became. . 

drmly eotrcnehcd ta fata ww pssltion. Ita.' 
Knaratea ta a rspeblri . 
gentteana, and a .tim'- 
that "tbe Baa 'wha'i 

Through the efforts of Co. G. North 
Dakota National Guards. Valley City. M. D.. 
has the disttactlon ot tiavlng the largest play- 
bouae ta the state. It tiaa jnat been competed 
and la known aa the Armory Opera Hooae^ '3Cbe 
aeatlng capadty la 1.400, equipped with eitqr* 
thing that goea to make up a llrat-daaa plw- 
boose. D. W. Clark ta the manager. 

Mr. T. S. Wilcox has purcliased 
Taluatde piece ot property ta tbe bualness see^ ' 
tlon ot Cbattaoeoga. Tean.. and will erect a 
handsome tbiatie thereoa. The consIderatloD 
paid for the atta ataa 919,000. It ftonta ISO 
feet on Georgta ami. and laaa back ahoot ITS 
feet. .The theatre 
and win eater to' 
priced attnetloos. 

LaFAyette. Ind.. -wiU l have a new 
TaadeTHle theatre next (taaat.. Mr. Robert Ii. 
Fargo, acttag for a Chicago Una, haa teased.; 
Thomaon's HaU In that dty foe a period ot 
Il»e yeara. (Mr. Fargo wlU return to LaFayatta:... 
ahortly and make definite arrangemrnla fhr^^e.:, 
tranaformatlon of the hall Into an op-t adata a^r 
theatre. Speaking ot the roUcy ot tbe_ka|Bar>|',. 
Mr. Fargo gave laformatlon to Tbe BlllbWnn^rv 
repreaenUUve that a change of blU wo«|:Be;f--- 
made aeml-weekly. and tbat the beat ae ta M 
raudeville would be booked for the boose, 
which will open about the first of Norember. 

Judge Lintoot. in the Second Dis- 
trict Coort, Newark. N. J. dismissed an ae- 
tka bcoosht agalnat Robert C Stewart, teat- 
s' Slftedac'a^neaM 


Ttie Billboard 

by W. Jj. Bdmida, > lawyer, for cJectioB. The 
lawyer bad entered tbe tbeatre on Matcb 4 
lut to aerre papers opco a perlonacr, or rather 
waa accompanied by tbe coBstaUe. wbow doty 
ft waa to KTTe the papera. llr. Stewart aaked 
tbe lesal serraota to wait tmtn tbe pettpcncr 
In qneatloo bad llnlabed with bla act, wbick he 
waa aboot to glTC. Thla tbe conatalda aad 
refnaed to do, and Inaiatcd oa bdnc 
oot. Tbe lawyer bnmgbt nit for diii» 
acts tat tbe ejectmoit wbleta qaiekly fidloired, 
fmt tbt caae w« damlwifl. 

UnteM present plans miscarry, Har- 
rlmao. Tcim,, wm bcfbra Bext aetion boast ot 
one of the Baat-«yi4»4Bte apara hnnafa in Out 
Stat*' for a toim «C Is riw. A emnpany ot 
baaiacaa ' bcb pnpoao to e r e ct tbe bolld- 
whlch wm be three stades hW and coat 
la the nelchbedwod ot fIS,a0O. Plana bare 
already been down and «naa|Ji ot tbe atoA 
taken to Issnre tbe ereetlas ot tbe bolldlnc. 
Tbe stmetore win be moderu to erery rcapect 
and win be located In tbe center ot the city. 

- Negotiatlona have been completed 
whereby tbe new Ondienm Theatre, Spokane, 
Waah., belSK erected by Ml — ■ ITn o fiib a iipt & 
Wearer, win come nnder the eootrol ot Cabn 
* Peekbam for a smnbcr of jeara. Tke deal 
waa made by Mr. Oolin In order to tnereaae bla 
Star GtrcDit and place hlmaelt in a poaJtkai to 
offer better time to perftraMra ' ' 

DO iM 

Mr..H. M. Fcckhaa wUl (cobably 
maaa«er at tta new theatxa. It ba one 

of tte hf— T——— * wcrt at 
' costttgr (B>OOI>' 

and ta«tlBi» m 

a laaalcaX r****— te WtBt^MUM 

'*-\-^ii'Vie!UHe' lionont, the barltaiw^ > ^w jtes 

-r^ttat'be l> ba*tiiB a ancceaatal aeaM* wW'-tfae 

■•■ -wine. Women and Song CO. 

A. Baldwin Sloane and Fred Rankin 
are' wockiiv o" a apectacnlar mnalcal production 
^^'t» be eilled The Gtnsettiiead Mas. 

'--^-Jttmes^^toeiuiaii. who recently closed 

with the Prince ot Pllaen Co., Is Tlsltlns bla 
^ ' parenta at Des Moines, la. 

i:... Messrs. KUxoy * .^rt*'Maiir*M{|^ 

' TIunnt^ /The Rye Is the 
''nort^ft new'BMlcai eosedy to be produced 
. tbls BMBith by Geo. Ledercr at bis Oadno Tbea- 
ire. FbOadelpbla. Pa. 

; Hardy, the high wire perfcumer, 
itSM sat Easland May * ttarwo f- 
"Deat of B. R. Jackaoa. » 
Mady the tntirc l iasnn 

' 'I>awn^:]n. The Vale of Shenandoah 
■tm nr^ ' """ the pastoral aenaatlan of the 
' year aad Is maklnc aa bic a bit aa Mid The 
' Green ndda of Virginia. 
V, Henry "W. Savage Intends todnpu- 
■ cat» next aeaaon hia anceeaa of tUsycar with 
ParattaX, tbe prodoctlon to be aaoahcc srand 
' t a BSC* dabotate scale 

bp«a In three acts by 
lin ba .slTes an aaalanr 

T'-ililter a sntwesafiiE season with Mr. 
'^■^ wis In The Tenderfoot,- Mr. Herbert Bama la' 
-MBOtBK bl» Tacatlcn afcils bonie ^ BMgat- 
••"•tSwnl. Md. Ha wm b«: m the_ east of The 
TeaSrteot asala next scBano. 

MSieaxsBl* <ft Simple fflinon; 

Vi Mi^ la TMfcftillilita are i>Tosreaainc dea^., 
^-'ioTtto Stat ndnetlai of that place will bt 
: '^Twi l£«y 16. Sed. NUon Nlrdllntet wffl 

- ■ direct the tour of tbla company. 

Mr. Ted E. Sparks, the well-known 
amnaement manager of Kanaas City, Mo^ h«a 
'V elected seneral mjuiaser of tbe ^ans 

^- Moaical Co. wblcb baa quite a larfe repertolie 

- of pnbllcatloos, among them bctng Attention, 
' I/ocse Lacy, -tc 

H<>lbtaok BUnn. who played Kapo- 

-^TB ot Dan talc so aueceaafally 

; Bot return to Bnglanrt, bat 
Mac with Us idBttasa In 

Jos. W. Stem & Co. have in the fol- 
lowing a goo4 repertoire of aonga Igr tba beat 
there la in moaical cJrdea: When Tbs Maa In 
The Mo«i Looka Down. Plain Uamle O'HoMey, 
Peter Piper, My Heart's tbnisbt in Tenneaaee. 
ir.ii.i»f«ii asters, and an Trinhmiin. 
; .Jt'ltiFtowtep, manager of the Nellie 
' -iK> Chaaffla- laadlea' Orchestra, reporta the 
'•■Sattkift of aoeeess for the past aeason-at the 
'''h^Onat. Open House. Bastnn, Mass. poring 
aommer aeaaoa MUs Chandler and twenty 
;..:>antfdaa8 win play parka, ^^enlag at White 
'/. 'CItyv GSrreUnd, Ohio, Jane 15. 

■ Clande" Gmingwater, for the past 
^'serai years IdentlSed with David Bdaseo's 
attisetioiia. Is to serer tils cuun e ctl oos with 
di - that maasger at the dose of Uds and 
fo^ wfll next aeaaoa be under 1^ ■aaneacst of 
■^riMr. Charlea B. D min g ftm as VIlBLllin (WrllUr 
gte-tte new overa in which Frltal SckaS wm 

(Ti^oi'a ICnslc HaU at San Fran- 

■L -fi.T opaaed Satnnlay, May, S, with The 
W^^S Wtom Vnaen. Miss Gertrude ti nlalle , late 
l^aT '>kaBk"Pedey*a Venetlsn Somsace Co., Is 

^betaa~"featiited. UooA Lswxcoee to stage 

Sv755Sger, and P. Foote laaT " ^ 

B. Weber la tnanafr 
'S'iS^mm fa Aiiac^ the Dteaa work. 

Em'Tt yiag so Hard to Forget Tou, 
y^'^jipJ^cW- stog now faama dea«ripllTe baUad. 

s ■ td by aaeb- famnnt rfnyTs u 
|trfi«mm and Corry, 
ypMteiai Itands, JW^MarkMor- 


Mr. Sam Shnbert has completed ar- 
wtlfc Mr. TOB . B.^ nmlB o( tbe 

dnction of an English pantomime at the New 
York Casino aboot tbe brat of tbe year. Tbe 
wm be Bobert Coartaddcets 
Tbe Woods. mUA 

saceeaa at the New Tbeatre 

of The Babes In 
DaTla* laat years' 

Boyal, Btrmlngbam. 

The coming summer will be a busy 
ooe of tbe firm of Harrla. Four musical pro- 
ductions win plsy In Cblcsgo, amoQg them 
being Blggledy Plggledy at tbe IlUnoli. Tbe 
Isle of Bong Bong st the I^Salle. Tbe Land 
ot Ned at tbe Chicago Opera House, and Wm. 
A. Brady'a big production Anmnd Chicago at 
MeYMPBT a.^^ ^ ^^abyc ^maatcal prodactlsna 

The roster of Frlecte Water Qne^ 
Co. ta aa toDowat.Mr. aad Kb. T. VllUaas. 
nands sad Tergle Bocoa, BlMlfcsis .WfMNi - 
Pbinipa and Hamlltos, BablBaaB asd BSktaata, 

MeTey aad Seateigkt. Taas Ifiiili. Stere Prief. 
a M. Treadway, SMMS-ltay.. F. A. BaOa*. 
Ocae Heaninger, waUar Faltiaat«lB, Call Wd. 
raren, Geo. Basboly, Harry HIgb, Sam Cratfa- 
eiB and Ralph E. Gachea. manager. 

Among the top-line performers -in 
vnlernie wbo are lulng Drlalane and Morse's 
new aaaa bit— Keep a Uttle Coay Comer in 
Xoar Heart For Me, are Carrie Weat, Annette 
WUsle, T.mi.,. Bart. Msdge O'Brien. Helen 
f!«»>.nn , May UelTllle and Flaaslc AUen; and 
It k ate betas tcataied bir Me. aad Mrs. 

Mr. C. F. 'Whltaker amMNmees ttuit 
be baa i w ml iss wl tbe 
Tbe Jolly Baroo tr Hsoy Ton 
B my (B latfa) CaSbsL was wffl 

bad a fsiB |J i7BBr> s rtnsa sfcdiir a 

comikany of 'Ststj 9t 
talented glrla that cm 

Rehearsala oC Jobn J. McNaUy's new 
mnalcal terleir, ca«tM Uftlng Tbe Ud. which 
Meaata. Klaw A Brianger win present at the 
New Amaterdain AerUl Theitre and Gardens 
this mooth, begsn list week tmder the direc- 
tion of Herbert Greshsm. Tbe company of 
one hundred aad fifty people win be beaded by 
Fay TempletOD. Louis Harrlioa, Vlrglola Earie, 
Eddie iMUid, DtaiMBid Daoaer. Jolloa M. 
Tanaea, Umaa Bstaa.asd 9m. Staart. 

A Ut^ luliiiait iai- 'wwa trvnie ,lias 
Utdy beaa ett aead H r_'«s. MlWdM gMS sf 

*^*"^"^a_tfli5l-— tMSsea 

tboae sliesdr tatsHliMi; la FnSkllart-CD- 
Maln two BK^ia boaacs wffl be erected in 

tbe near (StBe. Jt Cg**?* 
wm aooo ba«a a Si a t l» sss neatr a at Yaria- 
tlea. aad riaaiB. sMch kss iMMCls seM^wna- 

oot a Tandsellle hooae. wHl Om eooa bare «ee. 

Several new songs have been added 
to the already promising catalogue during tbe 
put week. Inclndtfig tbe new marcta song bit 
>ae Walts Moat Change to a March. Mar ie, 
by Arthnr J. I*mb and J. Fred HeU; Who's 
There by Cbrla. Smith and Harry Btown, 
writers of Shame on Tou, etc., Ten Me Pretty 
Girl. Did Too Smile on Me. by Pred. W. 
Hager and the big summer waits iong succeaa. 
On Tbe Joy Line, by Ed. Gardiner and I. 
t>nd. Each and ererr nujnber liaa been 

QieceeatDllr tned oat and pruaomced bits.. 

Cole and Jtdinsoii. tlia cterw^sopg 

wrltera wbo »a»a last t— i s l a ts i l a.- Msbi y. t- . 
eeasful tsar anar tbe w i s um .aaadeelllc bsasei. 
anbacftaea agata to Rev ToA, and wm : 
rcmalB Ja tbe city ■ i issl Jaaaka ; ;^las .latara 
datea. Thar si»-«>alj»lss . sCTaJ. o t_-ttete^eiwa 
leeeat seat eHMlttpsjJa dWIag I^^, 
Zd. Pretty «»a^2ff*^*«» 

*oca y ' ' 

bS? ta STaMHlil fg fidT* 



At the offices of Helf & Hager Co.. 

4g WM Twenty-Eighth street. New York City, 
ereryona employed seem to be up and doing, 
and their two big winners. Mamma's Boy snd 
Therc'a a Dark Man Coming With a Bondle. 
continue to be the feature numbers, and new 
beadllnera are caning daily to add these two 
nombera to their repertoire. Just s few_ who 
■re teatnnng Mamma's Boy sre Four Mor- 
tOBS. 8abd Johnson. McCne 4 CahlU. Warren 
ft Gardner, Maddoi A Prootx, ManreU & Dud- 
ley Lottie Gnaen, Johnnie CarroU. Joe Max- 
well, a Marron. Brown. Harris A 
Brown Holcomb, Curtis 4 Webb. Cbas. Falke. 
NelUe'-Hanley, Harry Ellis, with Lew Tlock- 
atader: Smith & FuUer, Herbert Denton. Tom 
my Bntsett, Jas, Hortlx, 
" sod bnndreds 




Burt E. Melbum, the well-known 
Tauderllle atar. bss completed an 
menls to pot oot a refined- park 
for tbe summer. Tbe new ^ 
upon the aonthem park circuit May 14. Mr. 
Mdbmo bai engaged Wm. McOellaa 
agar aad Geo. W. Englebreth aa general aceat. 

Billy Beard, "the party from the 
Seotb." doaed an engagement of tbirty-nloe 
weeka with Fauafa Mlnatrels M.t II. st Dayton. 
Ohio. BUly win take a abort rert «od on June 
5 wm open at NashrHle for so eight weeks' 
egaasaacat orer AUey's soutberu park drcnlt., 
Se&a sged^tajwa^ MlMtrria f«e Bes« 

Albert Chevalier wm sp«id most of 
next aeason In tbe United States. 

The Three Lucas are traveling with 
tbe Yaqal Medldne Co., and report bnaliiess 


Del A. Phone is closing the oUo. with 

Miners' Americans with bis new act and la 
Biaklnc a bit. 

Norman, "Tbe 
the Os^ 
ot May «. 

Froc-man." played 

ulr cards bearing this InvltatioD— "If yoa aia 
fiablng for a good act drop oa a line." 

Mr. c. W. UttMMd doaa« Ma aea- 
aoa of tareBty.elglit «Mts at Baan Vfetatie. 

Troy, N. T.. May «. 

The Juggling Matbleus are meeting 
with great success tbla aeaaoa la tb* 
tatian •( aa act that r 

£iQiI and Frank Gan, 

Farmer Jones and his contingent of 
fumnakerf l>roke the record at the Daiqoe 
Tbeatre. .MlaacepOUa. wrltea Maaager ■. H. 

^^Bg^jr a^jtt ^PMl ad ^ylila dran^c 

Mr. P. P. Craft haa been in Peimsyl- 

raala and MarylaBd laiktag Isr boosea arallable 
for a isali ilili cfecslt «Mch be la aboot to 
eatablMria thM statfa. 

XjOqIs "RsteSi diaiacter comedian, 

Gardner and Maddem Write that 

they hare Jnst flnlsbed a Tcry sQcceasful season 
la tbe better daaa booaea. They are booked for 
cood paifca for tbe aamlaer. 

Denny 'Bmno. magkilan, humorist and 

■ ' -- set 

Gray and Grahan write 
htric musical act la a L 


at ti 

win return 


Bert Savoy, character artist, and 
Mlaa Annie Laaara. ot Chicago. 

May 1 In Ike — ~ 

appear in a ai 
for them. 

Katjieryn Swan and Chas. D. Ham- 

~ «fao haw* been- iaafcln« a Ug Ut la tfaeir 

Arthur Oodkl, of the Godki THo^ 

aecarad- the management ot the tbtalis at 
MlaalaalnewB Park. Marlon. Ind., wUCh wffl 
play Tauderille this summer. He sends regards 

to bis friends. 

Princess Chinauilla. well known in 
Tandesine, was iccaOy aanM ts. Haaager 
Emeat Barbaar' of tte 6raad Opera 'BOaae at 

Butte. Moat. The eoople wm remaia la Butte 
and reaame theatric*! work. 

Julius Gems, of Gems and Carthler, 

musical' comedians, has closed as leader of the 
ordieatra at the Napoleon Theatre, New Orleana. 
La., asd >>lnfd th« Whitney CanlTal Co. to 
do his act. Mlas Cartbler wm take a abort 

Z<en.B. Martell's Marionettes did not 
opea at -tbe Norelty. Dcffver, aa bmed, the ataga 
of tbat.'" tt«ftte brtag too .nan to 

Mr. Edmnad- .jMiVoyer. the well- 
koowB' tniBp MMflM^Md back dancer, bis 
as suiu e d enotral t€ the paloa Xkcatre at 

ChlppeVra Falla. Wis. Mr. 
honse Hay 1 with t&q(- 
innoTatiao In that city. 
H. K. Wenrich and C. P. Gdirlnger 

of the Peaa . XAiaiedy Poor. L. Laird at tbt 
Magnolia Quartet: and B. E. FaSlkaae «( tbe 
Hooaler City Quartet, bare Jotaet sal «lll do 
a newsboy's act. They wm be kaowB as the 

.^jnerlcan Newsboys' Quartet. 

Luctle Harper completed a twenty 
ueekfl' singing engagement st tbe Garety Thea- 
tre. Springfield, jn., AprU 30. Miss Harper'a 
ttpedafity Is Ulnstxated eongs, and her clesr 
sod flalataed rendition baa won ber a boat of 
admirers la the miaols' capital. 

Ijefever and Tossell closed their 
aeaaon of tlilrty-seTen weeks with tbe Two 
Merry Trampa Co. at Benton Harbor, Mich., 
May 4. and bate gone Into Cbirsfo to prepare 
for their aummcr work. They play the prin- 
dpala next scaaoo with thla company. 

Bud Snyder, the trick bicycle rider, 
who -arrlred from Europe laat mcoth and 
opened at PoU'a llieatre, Hartford. Conn., la 
booked for fiftetn wacka tat tMs esQBtiy. At 
tbe expliBtloB s< Oli-llHi ba «gi Mism Is 
Loodoa tor aa cstMct sspvMHt St As 'Mm- 
plre Theatre. 

Chas. S. Stutzman. black-face come- 
dian, late of tbe Electric Comedy Four. Is 
working along doing bla singing and talLIog 
act in the best of TaoderlUe bouses. Be has 
booked some good parka fcr tbe aommer. Mr. 
Stutsman wrltea that a Oblcago manager wfll 
star him next aiaiini la a BaiSeal eoaedy. 

Henry Brown, tbe Cblcago vaude- 
' la aaar booking fOr tbe Lyric Tbea- 
OSder bla management, the 
Is piarliig dob datea, gMag 
0t allH^lli Mr. Browa alaa 
' tte Star Tbeatre. M Sa tte, 
Is playing to esedleat 

After the regular evening perform- 
ance at tbe BUoa Theatre. Dubuque. Is.. April 
IS. tbe fMlowing talent entertataied the dele 
gatea-of the Iowa Electrical Aaaodatlon st the 
Dnhaaue Clnb: The McNutt THo, Maitott 
Twins. Tbe Garden Trio, Lncy asd ladK asi' 
ToiB Blplay. Each act scored a lit vMh flt 
delcsates .aad dab ascmbcia. 

L^Uan T«ri«bliBii * On. In tbe play 
let, " 

wrltea that her act la being waU reaelred and 
tbat she Is getting gilt-edge prcaa noticea from 
all the papers, in proof of thla aasertlon alie 
~ a immber of column wrltcnps glistening 
with good things which people arc aaylng aboot 
ber act. 

Manager Jas. J. Frank, of Prank A 
Hetnaaim's Yaaderllle Shows, baa ' bnrchaaed 
rut lotetcst la the Taylor Showa, rcnanwd 
tbe TB^ar Yaaderllle Stara. They will carry 
aboot twenty people, opening May u. Anoog 
the pcrfonnets are tbe Two Raymooda. hoop 
nunlpolatOTS and sketch artists; Harry Burton 
asd wife. Era, oiaglclans, snd Cbas. E. sad 
Berths Tsylor. singing snd dsnlng spedallsta. 

The Star Theatre at Fort Worth. 
Tex., under tbe management of Dinwiddle a 
Hunton, Is paying to good bnslneu sod l< 
gaining popularity in Jumps sod bonnds. Lon 
and Found, or A flO.OOO Beanty. was the curtain 
ralaer laat week. The new people were Mr. and 
Mra. Bobert Bird. Gm and GUI, Eugene Heaiy, 

Doc HoUand and May Goldle. Be^' 

Jeaale DeWblte, Clara Huntoo, Leata , 
aad Lee Kd B SiJs WCK retained. 




prtaaed as greatly with 
wfaldi Is «a* of ' 
bare bad the pleasare of 

are booked antfl 

ta Uie leadlCR Taad^rille bo 


Jack Symonda in the olio of the 
Brigadier Burlesqueis, writes tbat be bad IB 
lay off a few days In Oblcago oa accooat o( 
_ ^ tbe 

I M Is .flia . 


Frederick H. Wilson t i 

eogaged to aopport MSiBasae 

Shskesperlan repertoire. 

Harry Dull, manager of the Four 
Huntings, baa signed Mlaa Franklin Drew to do 
ber mandoline singing and dandng specialty 
next aeaaon. 

Jane Oakar Jidiied tberStemm I 

Ql. ' - --------- 

N. " 

Baby Helen Briscoe, the sfx-year- 
old child wbo haa been quite aucceasful <» the 
St. Loula stsge, haa been engaged for tbe 
Florence Boberta Co- 
Mr. Walter Stanton, the well-known 
bird impersonator, has been engsgad by Mr. 
C. E. Kohl to repeat Ills origins! novelty, tbe 
giant rooster asd Its fight irltb the trained 
bantam, in the Land of Nod for Its aommer 
run at tbe Chicago Opc{a Houar. Mr. Stanton 
waeks' aagacemeat wtth the 

N.:X.c»r a. 

. ooiDAaiEs oiiosnre, 

Tbe Heart of Chicago- Co. closed its 
K«saa AdiQ 80 at DaTcnport la. 

The Two Merry Tramps Co. closed 
Its sttaon May 4 at Benton Harbor, Mlcb. 

Hanlon Brothers' Superba Co. closed 
tbe ussna at Mew HSica. Cobb., Asm M. 

Miy |eat iwSiisfc i>.*fer& ttiryS 

wen.kaowB aetoe. 

The Maid and The Mummy Co. 
doaed Its aeaaoa Aprfl 29 at the Walaat Street 
Tkealie, FbOaddpUa. 

Tbe S hqAerd Ktag^L^ 
auccessftil aasosa at BHISMfc flMMw 1* 

Tbe scenery ' 
Bartfnd, " 

Two Merry Tramps Co. closed a 
fslrly aucceaaful season of forty weeks May 4 
at Benton Harbor. Mich. Tts eMpMg «tt 
open early in August nnder OM ■MSaMMI.SC 
Meaara. -UeTemon A Vetter. 

The Patten & Perry Jerry Prom 
Kerry Co. doaed Ita winter seaaoa AgrO S8 at 
Coudenport Pa., after fourty-el^t weeks oot 
Tbe members all left for tbelr mows for a 
short rest, as the company goea aader canras 
May a> at. Iitttia FUls, M. X.. SK_ a 

The Bonnie Brier Bush Co. will 

doae Its aeason May 13 in Montreal, f^n.. ow- 
ing to Mr. Stoddard's Illness. Mr. Stoddsrd goes 
to his home In Sea Wsrten. N. J., and It li 
probable that be win nerer act again Mr. J. 
Elliott Jenklna wm go to New Zork for his 
TscaUon before returning to bla borne in Pen 
Tan, N. X. 

Spedden & Van Cook's Thelma Co. 
closed ita sesson May S after a proaperoni 
season of thirty-six weeka. Jules Van Cook 
goff to Sonth Beacb. Staten laland. where hli 
Kiimmer theatre opened May 10. Sam Spedden 
Is In Topeka, Kin., where he opena tbe Spedden 
A fti ^e^ ogt^ *luL? l-mT, *^*iffil*iaa sS 


fcr %crt 

The Toledo, Ohio, 
rlunlca' Auoclatlon gare a 
Apcll 38 at tbe LyccBB 

-Xtie Billboard 


« BOX BraitfOA>— Hew Andltotlum Ttaeitrr 
•gjrfc**"* * S**i9, mgn.) Olowd for the iubod. 

' B^a^ttiDcnt report th« first wacoo of 

' tUs kaaie a »«y prov^rooi one. 

Onad Oicta Biiaw tBrtilliM *^Hwld. .mgn.) 

\rUM torn wfli ■od».j* w M:u ^_J!umi. gt# 
dntBE tbe rammer *n«r. blMHr.jit|ll'.n tpv- 

"•acblr i«j»T«ted. 

' 'Whltttnston Park n-lD open for. tba Kaion the 
'mMdle oC Mar. F. R. Ralelgb n-lU act as maa- 
matt tK- OBpt. Price. - B« wogid like to hear 
" « companies. 


' BigM. St. Witt mttm Knisbttaood 
K tn mj laise koaliiess. MUs 
lAWitBee pl^red tke part of Mary 
_ tt* nilTiM. tbeme In wklch Julia Mar- 
'iom made Boeh a creat auceem. John Cralx 
fined Cbarles Bnndoo, captain of tbe klns'a 
nud. The aeenle effects were Tti7 beaatMol 
Zal I think the piece will ran anetbtr week. 

OeatiaL Opened Kbndar nicht. ajU* 
Maet, tt* gi—t inib drama. It WOI b* CM- 
Unoed next week, ai tliere u a blx benellt on 
(Or the Geelle Leisae in CalUomla. The; hare 
apecialtlra and Irish danclna. *'"g^"y and mailc 
the mambeia of the Leacoe. Snnday after- 
■oon and ercnliif cioirda were tomed from the 
nerfoioance of The Comer Oioceir. 
' Calif omla. Ifargaret AnsUn - Introdnced Xhr 
Eternal Feminine last nlgbt and It la cooaldered 
the greatest sorelty tbat has been presented In 
.some year*. It Is hy Bobert Mlscb, a German, 
-.and has four acts. It iras well recelred and a 
Ug week Is predicted. 

Grand Opera Bonse. Opened Sondaj wltb tbe 
new rerrls Stock Co. In Oraoataik. ASbton bte- 
rens, of tbe Examiner, nut, "It la ]nat crazj 
enoosh to make a hit." .Tber had a gooi house. 

Orphenm. Opened Sunday with a new bill 
which Is retj tanar. One sketch, -Christmas on 
Blaekwen Island. Is retr amnslax.' It was 
written br a CalUoralaa, U. Olaj.Onaae. -Cor 
tbe Lamb's Clob. Xber hare soma laqr (aed 
and the rest of the ptosm H 'wy 

Id lUfc 

«lih rraak 

. . _ Nizt'wcA ttcr wUI 

t imBt Xaiie CokIU's Thelma. 
. . OUnaitla. The last week of Oraee VanStnd- 
AfMd la ne-Bed Feather, wtalch did a. Tery 
good boatnesa here. Next week Sothem and 
-Marlowe will appear la Shakespearian plays. 
Tbe adrance sale Is Terr latse. 

'Lyric Han. Os Uar B. Ur^ W. L. Gtecnbaom 
wUI present the Knelsel Qnartet of Boston. 
Next season be wlU present Kme. Bmtna Eames, 
the great American prtana donna, and a series 
wltb Jlr. Watkln UlOa* Great Bogllah Qnartet. 
' Other artists will shortly be annoonced. Items—: 
Iionis CoibelUe Is golicE to Portland as stage 
mechanic for tbe Belaaco Tbeatte, wblcb will 
open the latter part of May. Sir. Price left 
fbr New York Sattirday to engage people (or 
tbe new company. Ur. OaTls of the Central will 
lesTC In a few days to start the theatre going, 
bat wni retutn to tbe Central as manager. * * 
Umr. Tetraasiol Is snelng her late secretary. 
Xnllo Zlegner UrUram, for baring misappropri- 
ated to his own nie 37,000 francs which she en- 
trusted blm wltb Inatmctians that the money 
be'sent to her creditors In Bbrope. • * The Boc- 
tcase NellsoB -Ocamatle OOn-wbMi opened In' 
_...„._ ^ week i'iB^ 

M m _ » » M ' . . . - ^^^^^^^^ .^Jb; 

A. U. Oofeaa. jiisiaialr M, 
• deat aad gcaetal anaanr: 

taiyrJ. OohCB. Its— II. It wm be tt* aacst 
tbeittc In the city gad wm Mt laoo 
- pie. * * Bfrs. Wea. - Westaa -la Jot rcem 

tran' a serloos Illness. '8bc la one at tbe moat 
.popular women In the profMHoo and her cheefy 
". welesine to all the pe<Wle of the" Bnplre la one 
••»t tbe eharnis of tbat popular theatre. * • Geo. 

Osboame, of tbe Aleaaar Stack Co., la fteatly 
. enjoying bis vacation. Be has taken a tIIU 
near tbe Monte Carlo, where be recently met 
AnzM Held. Tbe tItscIoos comedienne was 
keying tbe croupiers busy shoTellng out ber 
winnings. • • Florence Roberta bss Inraded ter- 
ritory quite new to her. and compelled entba- 
slasm In Minneapolis during ber two week's en- 
Kacemeut by her impressive -dramatic work, 
nholly deTold of trickery. Her farewell en- 
cacement. under >*r»derlc Belasco's direction at 
tbe CaUfomla Theatre next month wUI be a 
Tery notable one. Melboame UacIX>well wlil 
t>e ber leading support. * * Florence Gerald has 
come from New York to Join the Alcaxar Co-, 
and will appear as Queen Katberlne In When 
Koishthsod Was In Flower. Her range of ehar- 
aeterlsatlona baa extended from elassle roles 
wltb.SalTlnl to eccentric comedy In Tbe Girl 
Ftoaa MaTlm's, and from leading tnislnesa In 
Froiiman's eompanlea to <]nalnt rnatle portarl 
■. tare In George Ade'a Tbe OoOBty Obalnnan 
. Ske la qaite well known as a playwright, three 
s( ber ib a Ub e s being popnlar la nadrrUle — ^A 
■paa^ybat^JPttyta. la wUA tbt saansct 3, 

A taat'caat waa ande Ia«t week at tba Bald- 
wla Theatre ( a tca-ccat iMBaa) la w'bUh Jodge 
SMwdTt dccMoB enjeliicd tba poUee from elos. 
- - - - [ with, the performance. Tbe 
Worka wanted to close tbe 
^■■■■1 ■■■ jiuiiut of tbe Are ordinance. * • There 

>llAbe jt.NMR <M bAiU «( Mae. 

«•_»•*•.«■• . _ . 


- , ^ncd a 

^ ^ _i.lKr-a.toa aaod boow. Hia 

Ad^aHe^¥ibca'la tbe Iaadtac.ta4r. aad tbaaa 
two good BCtora Shonld bare a praaperona sreek. 

Coniii^: Mr. N. O. Goodwin In Tbe Usurper. 

Tabor Grand (■.' r. MeOoort. mgr.) - Hlsa 
Florence Bobfrti^ lappMid-'kr Mdbngaw .Me- 

Dowel], Is playing a week's engagement at tbe 
Tabor this week. TUa woll-fcnawn actress Is 
always cordially received in Denrer. She Is 
presenting. Tess of "rtae D'Urberrllles, Zaza and 
Marts of The Lowlands. . 

New Cnrtls (A. R. Pelton, mgr.) Tliat thrill- 
ing melodrama The Diamond King. Is tbe attrac- 
tion this week, and Is drawing good audiences.. 
New TanderUIe- specialties are Introdnced be- 
twen - eacb act. - Coming: OlrcumataDtlal Evi- 

Orphenm Theatre (F. B. Henderson, mgr.) 
BDitaess very good, and an excellent bill. The 
Q ambers are Henri French, norelty artist;. Geo. 
W. Day, In cork; Barry and BalTers, comedy 
duo; John Birch, the man n-lth the bsts; Aseott, 
Bddle * Co., In Tblngs WUI Happen; Charles 
B. Bnrke, Grace LaRne and Tbe Inkey Boys; 
Mlaa Bmma M. Hersey A Co., and the klno- 

' Crystal Thestre (Geo. I. Adsms, mgr.) Sosl- 
aesa and bill very good. Tboae oo tbe bOU are 
HedsUt Trio; Oeorgle Wolcott, DeBolscs. Vernle 
IfoPbersoa. Wells Brothers, Allum and Uce, and 
tbe moTlngpIctnres. 

KoeallT Thaatia (Haarr ImtttHkl, mgt.) Bnal- 
nesa dae. Tba hill Bielaiii" BaHh and Hatch, 
Dell aad Baari. Wbttc Ta^ (V. . Ik Bashea), 

and Iba WffMf pt^^aS^ 

I<yrle Tbaatic fWas. Blafiad. mgr.) 
good. Tboae on the bill are The Sierraha, Mar- 
garet Grace, Gale and Wensley, Bert Crayter, 
Arthur Olamage. Kendall and Tho mpaoB, and 
tbe moTlitg pletnrea. J. D. MeOHnnS. 


HAaTgO»t>i Paraoaa' Tb*«6« (B. C. Par' 
sons, mgr.) Wright Laciaser, with am excellenl 
compaay. pw a ia ted Tbe Shepherd King wtA M; 
large . aaneaeea. Biebard MansOeld Hay S; 
Isle of Splea 6-dL* ■ 

Bartfixd Opeia Hoaaa (Jaaatagi * Graeea, 
mgra.) A Gid 9t Tbe' Bttceta lt4B; only fair 
business. A Gallty Oonscleace May 1-3. 

PoU's' Theatre (L. C. KIlby, mgr.) Vslerle 
Bergete 'and Co. made a big hit In His Japanese 
Wife.. Mlsa Bergere enacts the part - of the 
Japanese wife of an American gentleman as if 
she were herself a nstire of tbe Island Ihnptre. 
Ber act Is one of the best seen here this 
season. Mlsa Aognsta Close In a musical mon- 
ologoe, and Sad Snyder in a novel and daring 
blcyde act wete^Iio tavotltea. Big bonses all 
week.' Next:' Annie and Jennie Yeamans, Es- 
meralda Slatera and George B. Diamond.;- 


WAXEBBinT,— Jacqnes Theatre (Jean Jac- 
qnes. mgr.) Week at: Vfadet Black * Co., 
In A West Point BegulaUon: Ten Brooke Ism 
.bert and Ten Brooke; Corona, George nbmond 
and W. R. Smith; Marguerite and Banley and 
Anderson and Gaines Oil out a good bill. , Week 
May .1: Coin's Dogs. A. O. Otudtatt,' The Ife- 
Bans. The Len^g, Seymoar and HUL Fittc aaa 
MCDoDougb and Watson and XortlKx. -vTbls 
closes tbe house for the season. - ■ 
- Poll's Theatre (Jean Jacques. aicrO Tl»-Two 
Sisters Co. 38; fair boose. Staepato'a Pictoies 
30; lalie of Spice May 3: Sabea.ln Toyland 8; 
ne.Show Ottrl 10: Tbe JcScraoaa 13. 

BBIDeZPORT.— Smith's Theatre (B. a 
Smith. , mgr.) May Irwin 2t; pleased . latte 
crowd. 'Snpetba 25-26; large aad eathnilaatie 
andlence. Grace George 21; large attendance. 
Isle of Spice SS: delighted capacity bnalness. 
Bben Bolden 29; -pleased good business.- Rich- 
ard Mansfleld In Ivan The Terrible May 1: A 
Gallty Ckinsclence 2-3; Queen of The ^Hijh- 
«-sy 4-6. 

Poll's (Jos. Crlddle, mgr.) Capacity basiaen 
wltb Stuart and Zarrow .T rio.; Mest^ ~ 
of Deat^|^o,Irwta^and 

gan, : Msa* -an« Jiftaett. :p 
Cheslta , a^^.C^Bu £jiy- . , 

. BSW XiOBnON^r-Qfecam-cTbcatra. '(Ira W. 
JItckaeo. mgr.) Peggy Prom Parls.^ . BnAer 
Bnwn. (Woodland^ Uv Irwla and Charley 6rape~ 
win iaayed..'tty-;'g<lbd'-baaln*as last week. The 
Kathetlne <B«ber-Oo, in tepertolie'-week- May. I. 

New -Iionoon * Opera Boose ( Jas. P. ' NeUap,' 
mgr.) VlTian Cemooto Co. Mby 4-6; high-class 
Taudevlllr. Manager Nellan has arranged to rnn 
TandrrlUe all snmmer at popnlar prices. 

• .rSBD C. WIGHT. 

■ ^ .wiijIli l OT OB.— Grand Opera Honae (Jeaie 
K. Baylia. mgr.) Grace GeOrge In AblgaD 28; 
pleased a large and appreciative andlence. 
Msitde .4dams In Tbe Little Minister and 'Op O' 
Uy Thumb May 1; packed tbe bouse. James K. 
Backet. In The Fortunes of The King 4: TCt 
MssI: anil Wig Olnb of the Dniversity of Penn- 
sylvania in Mr. Bamlet ot Denmark 5; Al. Leech 
In Girls wm Be Glrla S, -May 6 wbida up the 
prefi^nt aaaaaB-_ak 
season ni 

Garrick "Hieatre (W. L. Dockrtader, mgr.) 
Week XUy 1: Billy and .Abaa t-ryors.- Jack 
Irwin. Jnile Ring & Co.-, Wba Baker^^Br awa- 
Ing Welp A Co., The "'" 
Keatons. Jln.Jitsn. ' 
and tbe klnetograpb 

Tbe Lyceum Theatre (Daniel anmphrles. 
mgr. ) In Tbe Shadow , ot Darkneaa plued to 
good bnilnesa S7-28. May Xsbe and Pataam 
Bradlee Strong in a Big TandBTiUe Oi^lMMaB 
are playing to good honaea.Mg l.S.'Sba SVa 

Sisters 4.«; The Smart Set 


BPBIXOFIEU>.-^be Oiatterton (Geo. 
Chatterton. mgr.) Our New Minister 26; 
pleased fair house, favorable comment on tbe 
superior comedy lines enacted. Peck's Bad Boy 
2T; only fair attendance. His Highnem The Bey 
as; fair bnalness. Tbe kltdnigbt Flyer aO; 
good house. Henry W. SaTifa'a Oaad Opera 
Oo. prodseed Othello 3. ,aad lbs 
Caimen 8 to B, R. 0. 

Gaiety (Smith A Burton, na. mgrs.) The ad- 
Tent of Spring eanica ao dscrease la attendance 
-at tbia op-to-date boose aad good eScringa coo- 
tiaae. iSic MB for wedc Ifir 1 tt. BBd _Far - 
aam, Cbaa. Lea and BDa Fcrtla. Buaey ruit, 
Albion Brothers, Jaefeao^\ aad Waatmctb. aad 
motion pletBica. - < 

Empire (Joba C B— a w .- Mi p. l b. 8..- Aadcrara. 
msT.) Gaod BttMinw a. i i Mtit 
aaA the managamaBt acartcu-jlata a _ _ 
haaaa. W««fc May 1 .gKiw.iautid jfut, 
ICarle LaTcnc, s s ti a ' eaai le ; BaragcL^aad. Bart- 
cel. trick violin playing: Utdft Daytalle.. aaa- 
brette: The Comers, comedy skeUb; Jeaalc Craw- 
ford, Sisters iMsrkbam. aiBd-tbe 

Tbe Olmple, (MChW* ' 

Bveiything considered, a Tery good attendaaea 
cbaraetertaca this boose and Brst-claas gooda are 
•leUTCrad. alwaya aa adTcetlsed. BiU May 1-T 
indadca a Mncr of good acts. . 


.SMttS' a; 'B. Osgoodby, 
-lii^-ls fiia-and Ibompaon, 

OfiKa. 3aA Daelea, 

micr.) BIB 
Motdaae FWlHBiL' Baai 
anal moving ptetaica^' 
May 1; to Mg baaiaeaa; areiTtlilBg la Brat dass. 

LaPOSTE — Elan's Theatre (0. If. •Bruns, 
mgr.) Lillian Leigbton Q>. 24-38; vsudeviUe to 
fair, business. Charlotte Bnmett in Twelfth 
Nlgbt May 2. Circus — Bagenbeck's Trained 
Animals Jone 13; Bamom A Bailey's Jtily 1. 

LOOANEU'OBT.^DowDng Ttieatre (Jno. B. 
Dowling. mgr.) Over Niagara Palls 38; pleaatd 
only fair bonse. Hie -Minister's Dangbteta 38; 
only fair boose. This closed tbe season here. 

XABION — CrysUI Tbeatre (J. H. Anunons, 
mgr.) Week 1: Ben Omar, Irms Wlkoff A 
Co.. Baymond Merritt. Irene White, and the 
kliiodrosne to good boalnees. 

PBBV.— Webb Tbeatre (ftcd B. Webb, mgr.) 
Otw_ Miatan IbBa^^BIi^ IMr taaaa.^^ 


Haflocdi mna.1 ]b WMini . 
May S; BaSaad JbS abaa- 

ABOOLA.— Croxton 
11a, mgr.) Two Merry.'. 
-Buster Brown May 4. 


OUBUQTIE.— Grand Opera Boose (Wm. T. 
Roetil. mgr.) Mtee. Schnmann-Belnk In Love's 
Lottery 32; S. R. O. Ernest Blchards In Sweet- 
hearts 34; good business. The Yankee Oonsti] 
35; S. B. O., big cocQpany, enthnaiaatlc audience. 
(German Ibeatre Co. May 2; Wm. Owne 6; 
Metropolitan Stock Co. 8-13; Mrs. Flske and 
Manbattan Co. 15; Uncle Tom's Cabin IT; An 
Aristocratic Tramp 20. 

Bljon Theatre (Jake Roaentbal, mgr.) Miles 
MdCarthy CO. in The Under Dog; Marveloos 
Spaaldlac, Kelnlytc and McAvoy. Bennlnga. 
Lewis and Heimlngi, mnalcal comedians; Frank 
Edsoo. Mattle Ylekers, snd tbe klnodrome. 

SAVZBPOBT. — Burtls Opera Boose (Chambcr- 
Iln, Kindt A Co., mgrs.) Bis Hlghneaa Tbe Bey 
34; fair business. The Mummy and The Hum- 
ming Bird 28; delighted good bonse. The 
Tankee Ooninl 27; Savage's English Opera Co. 
'28-28; largcft sale of season. Item — On Hay 8 
the Trl-atate. Circuit, wltb J. Roaentbal 
manager, Inat^nrates a season of hlgh-claaa vau- 
deville at popular prices. 

HUta VaudevlUe (B. A. Sodlnl. mgr.) Be- 
comes part'.ot the nnlqne Clrcnlt May 1. Feo. 
^nle: Frederic The Great. Keaoga. ~ 
act; Qraee l^on, TMi- B^^ar.' 
and moving plctorca. 

<TET)ftB BAPISB,— Greene's Opera House (J. 
Hendersoo, mgr.; W. S. Collier, baa. mgr.) 
Savage's English Grand Ooera Co. 27; capacity 
boose. Tankee Consul 28; packed house. Beart 
of Chicago 29; only fair attendance. (%ase-Lls- 
ler .Ce. 30-May 14; KUke LaSbelle in The Vir- 
ginian 6; Mrs. Flake 22. 

' People's Tbeatre (Edw. Cnrran. mgr.) Geo. 
and'^fae'Woodward. Tbe Wester CHilldren; Minor 
aad-Oattrath, Al. -Lewis. Bay W. Fay. Marrel- 
•BBcWaMaiK aad- tba peiyacope; good bnataesst 

^7^X6aX/if6^WHHiH Oviera Hbosa TO. F. 
Brown, nSf.J*^ AS ' Arlstocratle -Tramp - 38; 

piAWd tMUnm;- -A.^rm to Ecypt 4. 

fobison'a''^ectiit!^37hcatre (B. ^. Johiison. 
^B£gr.) -Etitpy. JaS.^'Bsraae. Ohaa: aad Jennie' 
Welsh, and taonnr-pictiirti wt«k M; gOM- bnil-. 

ness. Geo. Onkukk and wife. Jas. -Bovane: and 
"others' week'Miy 1. 

ANITA. — Jobnson's Opera House (H. B. Ote. 
mgr.) Senrab's Vaudeville Co. 11-10; pleased 
good- boosea- Lincidn J. darter's Heart ot Chi- 
cago -27; fair bottse. . delli^ted. andlence- • 

IdABW inCTJ wnasa Tbsatia (Ol Macaoo, 
mgr.I'MMk MM[^-MMk''Oib-}imfc<'llt aae 

FBaraui[r-n8 w. Han CMasii mdm 

for May 


' . UVIBTILXB.— Avenue Theatre (C. A. Shaw, 
mgr.) Mere Tb Be Pitied Xlian Seened 30-May 
6, with Hie leading rolea eapatOy flllcd by Lydla. 
Powell and King Baggot. to good bnslneaa. 

Next: Fait Life In New X<vk. 
.Masonic Tbeatre (C. A. Shaw, mff.) Olaa a d. 

Win open about 3ei>t. 1. . .> '■. 

Hopkins' Theatre (Wm. BeManaw' ai^}' 
Closed. Will open about Sept. 1. 

Uaeaoley'i Theatre (John T. Jlaeanley, mgr.) 
Joe Weber's Stock Co. May 3; crowded boose. 
Opening May IS for the entire summer sea- 
son, Goodhue Stock Co.. with Bminet Sing aa 
leading man. 

The Bnckingiiam Tbeatre (Wbalien Brothers, 
'mgrs.) Carr's Tborooghbreds 30-May 6: good bur- 
lesques sod big business. OUo: Mile. LaTosca, 
The Four Tborouglibreds, Washburn and Flynn, 
The Dancing Mitchells, and WUlle Weston. 
Next: The Bohemians. 

Bopklns' Fontaine Ferry Park (Wm. Belch- 
man, mgr.) Opened AprU SO to large crowds, 
with the following: Scenic Railway. Loop- tbe 
Loop, Circle Swing, Milla Qdlsonla. Laogblng 
(^Ileiy, Base BaU. Shooting Oallety, Mlnatnre 
Railway, GhUcoot Pasa. New Oaslao, Dining Pa-' 

TOlto and theatre in wblcb the (oUowIng acta 
appear; Peklag Zouaves, Amerlcns Oome^ 
Fool. Harea aind Healy. ' Qallasber aad Barrett. 
Tjta aad. Jeisua, aad .-Agaes Lea Uartyne. 
Next: Kdr aai TIaMta. TaaDate aad Ga»- 

Grand (Padley * Boreb. mgra.) Tbia boose 
win open Iby B. with DeWolf Hopper la Wang. 
One thogasBd tickets at $10 each faaia r 
for tills performance. Oamlval- 
Strect Fair aad Carnival with 
She wa ae .a tirartloa May 23-37. 

mp!v '»N'lMars^Ssc^at!*la 

(Mr laiw Mini lattmK i^ i; j 




BALTIMORE. — Academy ot Mualc (Nixon & 
Zimmerman, mgrs.) Tbe booae waa doaed ow- 
ing to the difficulty of. arranging tbe scenery fvr 
Ben Hsr. wlilch appeara May 8. Mlsa Fnui 
Sdwlf waa sofferlu from tooaHitla last week ' 
and only appeared Friday and Batnrday cscaings 
in BoccacdOi Mlaa Ida Bawl^ took ber place - 
in Fbtialtsa. 

. Fotd'a Opera Hoaaa (Ohaa. B. rued, mgrj^^' 
Grace GcoDie la AMcan 

ce GcoDie la dMgall a a p i a it d la a Teiy aac- 
itQl plar tbat eUcllad fhsacable appiaasa. 
! atar baa a tola la wbkb azeda ber 


with eai 
and th« _^ 

Andltsfln Sbaatxa OiBBi 
Stalla Xaybew la Tbe Bow Old 
tloo. Tbe atar aad predaetiao are eqoal^ wam 
kaoara to tbe patreaa: the eomediana weia Baai^'J 
tbe girls pretty and tbe prodnetlon pleattag. 4- 

Macyland Theatre (James L. Keman. mgr.) ' 
The Maryland Opera Co. began ita llist perform^-/ 
anee with TUe Persian Lamb by Wilford Her- 
bert and Arthur Bobb. Tbe prinelpala are Cliaa. 
J. Campbell; Clara Unck. Wheeler Earle, Viola 
Clayton, John Swikert, Harry A. Tranx. Laura 
Deane, W. H. Prlngle, Jessie Jerome snd M. 
V. Muivhy. The production was handsomely 
staged and the pretty chorus exquisitely coe- 
turned. The performance was favorably re- 

Blaney's Theatre (O. ^. Kalianf, mgr.) nam 
Rags to Riches. wIth'Macph Baathr. aade.a^ 
great Impre^flun with in tbiiiltag aecacs 

capable cast. 

HoUldsy Street Theatre (Keman, Rife A 
Boock, mgrs.) The Confessions of a Wife is 
tbe aUnring title of a play toat aCTorded much 
intcreat to many patrons. 

Moomaental Tbeatre (James L. Keman, mgr.) 
Tlie Bon Ton Borlrsqners were oo the .bills. 
The delightful performance as rendered br these 
elite artists is admlrabU 

CnCBEBLAHS.— Academy of Mnalc (Uellln- 
ger Bros., mgrs.) Jim JefFrlea 20; big boose. 
A Nlgbt in Bohemia 4-5; benefit a. P. O. E. No. 
hwy^^adva^^^^. ^'^g^^ 'm^' j^ ^ t^* **^ 

June. , iBbb lb 

HAOEXSTOWN.— Academy of Aiuaic (CoL C. 
M. Fntterer, mgr.) Cloaed for season. Items — 
Lewis' Dog and Pony Show is billed for laay 
S. • • Edward Waldmaa ta bate preparing for a 
Sliakespcarian revival. • • Pcna Mar opeaa tbe 
renlar aeaaon Jaaa 17. • • P. P. Caft waa^ 
'aaK bMt..«Miu-: .. - r- ^::.:^..^,i: 

TAjLL BIVEB.— Academy of Moslc (Cahn A 
Grant, mgrs.) Seward Stock Oo. 34-28; fair 
business. Peggy From Paris 27; pleased good 
a n d leaet . Gharlca Grapewin 38; fair liaslniw 
Kaaea (men lUy S; Show Girl 4- Irene Uyaia^? 
Stock Oa. week S; Prtaee at puaen ». 

Sbety»..Tbi8tl> ...IlallliBtao Btaefc.Ck. wctt . 

ft'iifesrJtS?* •-'•^!»^ 

Nickelodeon CM. T. 0*B>1aa, mgr.) -Tta^rviUe 
at this boose is drawing good btislncas.'' '. 

HOLTOKE, — Opera Booae (Toa^ Shea,, mgr.) 
Collins* Moving Plctnica 80: good bnalnesa. 

BoiDlre Tbeatre (T. F. Xonay. msr.)- ' Wnlty 
Fair 3T-SB; excellent almw aad bwnesa. Mavtac 


Gen try 

perfocnaaecs Sbj ». • • Ohaa HaD It tral 
lag ten Mga la c».«a.tba road ahaatlr. 


DETBOIT.— Temple Hieatre (J. H. Uoore. 
mgr.) Week May I: Herttert Kelsey aad ElBc 
Shannon in Journey's End In Love's Meeting; 
Dick Lynch, comedian: Mlsa Louise Brehany. 
singer; Geo. W. Monroe aa Bridget; Howard'a 
Pooy and Dog Show; Three Mareness, gymnaam; 
Teney, impersonator: Johnsmi snd Wells, 
ored singers and dancers, and tbe Iciaeti 
to crowded houses at every performance. 

Detroit Opera House (H.' Parent, mgr.) ] 

Goose week May 1 ; pleased fair booses. - Vlib'>-: 
-Allen in Tbe Winter's Tble week 8. < 

Lyceum Tbeatre (A. Werner, mgr.) Juhany 
and Banna Bay la Down Tbe Pike week May i: 
crowded bonaea. .Next: Qaln^ .Adams Sawyer. 

Whitney Theatta ..(Ohaa. Aaltmaa. .mgKj- 

Searefallgba of . a Great City wackCKOF I; 

booaea. Kldnapvad la Maw Tatfc waak. B.' - 

SASntAW.— Academy (Mb Us Itad. mgr.) 
Tbos. W. Boaa in Obe^era M: Bt K C excer- 
lent performaace. .AL H. WIWBBi;; aaly ttir 
house. Howe's Pletaioa Mw M; BaMr MmM-.- 
gin S; Ricbazd * Pibl^A MlaHtlK T;->»>» 
Earl of Pawtncket 11. , 

Jetrers' Theatre (Bamfotd tc Marks, mgrs.; 
Why Girls Leave Home 3S^; good business. 
Dark 37-28. VaodeviUe SO-May 6. inelodlng Mr. 
and Mrs. Jole Walters A Co., aammood and 
Fomater. Tbe Bosslnos, Miss Emma Gardner. 
Haywara and Bayward. Tbe Pramplns and Miss 
Mabd BMan * Oo. 

BAT arr.— Wtiblactso Xbeatre (W. J. 

-Daunt, mgr.) Oteeken 37; good house. OM 
Arkansaw 28-30; fair bnalness. Tbe Wstch on 
Tbe Rhine May 1; good house. Jesse Jsmes 
Kay 3; Howe'a Pictured 6: Happy Hocdlcan T: 
Fitngle's Minstrels 8: The Earl ot Pa-wtncket 
10; Kendall Weston Co. U-Jnne SS. Carul- 
Tal-A Street Pair ia in prospect July 3-8. the 
pslnltgs at Bite tte atrteta being all that tt 

K— BM^'a Tbeatre (Albert C. Peg, 
nt Isnan Twins 34; good bataeaa. 
■na' BaMMMMr SB; good bastncaa. Blehard 
ft PitiCla'a BBmtldB SB: good bnatnna. 'Kiwa'a 
PMDtt V: ■* r 
wc« iur 1. . 

lOQ DOHHICSV. ovwv m 

-J array Comed y- Cot 
la Jk . DoamaT, Ctacaa ^ 


T¥k4S Oiriboai*^ 

nz. MAKZZ.—S00 Open Houe (W. 
.) Uncle Tom's CmtAa 28; good 

^^^^^^ sf'nS'anSiSSHr i^^tfeH 

iklr bsalnnB. Hie BniBomaater liar 

■i ■ nnmrSTOH. — Op<t» Booe (IJ. 8, 

Bsr.) D&Tidson Stock Co. week M; lUr booin. 
h The/Botj aitr Mar 2; Twelttb NIsM 12; Bod- 
^ OCT Stock Co. ; canceled. 

" mgiirnni it«nmirii nmtit (b. b, 

- — - r Ob JWA U^vS. B. O. 


r iiW l il i'^''ni <ira'' 'niiiiir (l. W. Xvlor. 
( jiMrJt'/SkB MA I'bCt Behind Me 2t; Tbe Old 
' ' Moi&tte; S;-BuMctB 28; Tbe Deserter 2T: 
Tlie OU I 28: all to fair bmlaMa, and 

pleued audiences. Tlx Psin' Oaaedr Ofc' 28- 
30. CaniiTal— A. C. BaabeFa Kg IMan 8h««a 

' ' a dtr^aOvavcAoC almost 

. an tkis week eveclenelas 

_j «C wcatMr. aad Oils, wtth tbe Fote- 

^4k' Mia BrotncrB' Stioir in town. Tbe 
^^iraa big and wltli an excellent parade, 
- 1 tlielr tenU at the oiieninc perform- 
atasir In its entirety Is or exceUent 
ttonostaly pleases. It Is seldom 
■1. ■ »i<t« bri tbe opiMictnnitT of witaesalng 
■na IB atrar ot Ulent as is in tbe biff tent. 
Hie WrcsB scent liad ginn ns bic Ideas, but be 
made sood. Boalnesa bas been big and wi-^ 
-tbg SRTaUlnc weatber eontlnninc tJiere wHl be 
:>' 'a» (■""plaint tram tbe Forepangb.SeIIs Bros. It 

.]a'ft jnost commecd^le sbow. 
^ . (Mrmple Theatre — Bamond Hltcbcock In Tbe 
■ Ttakee Coonsel opened Monusy to a good booae. 
;-<* 'lt 'ia tba same clever show tbat delighted na 
--^''taOltr In tbe sesso^^^nw^^w j^^^^«*^la 

Oanlek Tbeatie^-iElie BMA aaS Tte'GUI ben 
' ' a second week Sandar to talc hnlBMl It IB 

Ncstr MWaif 
dnsd Ogcn Booae. Texas to tte 
jnr acaBB tksit apeacd to a goodboBse - 
11 to w tbe aider oT Tbe Tlrglnlaa, and 

- — jliasrll It Is eaanr one of tbe 

: «C tta Gmd'a ioceentnl leaaon 
~ "'r VM OB bas a caat 

. , It to ■IliiH is if 

ieaieraBa- wtO. wmU^ ^ to .ee» it. Meat: 
"•"'-ItoTM IHlllaa 

CMlmi TIimIi* ne Ben Greet Ldndon Oo. 
ewciMff Tlififlaj 1 11 iiliii' In .Tbe ^Pwelftb Ml^t 
"and gaTe a moat excellent petfocmaoce betoie a 
ned andlence. It will star tot two weeks 1b a 
TCMttoire Oft seren plajs. Tbe Stock Co. eloaad 
laat 8<maay after a saeecasftil aaaaoa both 
r- ■ «,.,M.iw ud athaaiilB^faa«,ikn«<MkiB the 
■■: : road for a ten. dajlT ttaB^.aBMTj Ik* , lllMlllMn « 
Doo. W. Stuart. '.- ^^^ rl: ■ ^ 

Imperial Tbeatre. Ttrlan'B'-nMtovto tte a t- 
tzactton foe Ibis week and opaM^^vead VBBdav 
^^:]lIs)lt. Tbe plsy Is pot on IB (oaf-et|rl» aad to 
moat ■'ni..tnr Dorotbr stnatt beada the cast 
m and Carlo tta, tbe dancer, made a dutmct Mt 
wltb ber andlence; basinets fair. Next: Dora 

Colambis Theatre. The UUl at tUa theatre 
Miia ireek Indadca iWatson, HnteUsgs * Oft. 

. are toU. 1b Kew 

Wudeal Xclavteaae 

IS. Ctomea 


rCbu. VooKlein aad OB»- 
» Bntbeis. Sbnpnn and: 
eaa (Ur. 

VBTeaile Overs Ooj; 

: -Tbt Wm <r Tke Ktov Bot a* at ttteOnr- 
-tact Saadar befwe a caod sbad. to— a. ': at-: 
Oe eoea, who arc mostly local tHObta, aaUteft 
by the Badac BroOwra. gaTe a elerer p rrfotm - 
ance. The opera Is by Hiram W. Bayea and 
^ mnsic by Wm. EnnkeU and Is ooe d tbe best' 
^ ot juTenlle operas; bnslness fair and perfotm- 
M aoce pleases. Kext: Mean Stock - Co. 
W Standard Theatre. Tbr Cbeirr Bloaaoms 
^ opened to good bnslness. It Is a clerer aggre- 
Estloo ot bodesqne people and pleased greatly. 
Tbe two bnrlesqnea are tmmy and ttie chorus 
good. The olio Included Snttoo and Snttoo, Bart 
Fnller. The New York Comedy Fonr, Csrlyale 
. and Perry. The Moond Cicy'Foiir; boalneaa sat-' 
latactory. Next: Tbe Tborongbbteds. 

BsTlln's Skeatie. rut Ute la New Torfc to 
tbe title ot the new tbcUlec that opened HaT- 
HB'a SnBdar- It pleased a good andleiwe and to 
~ aC s capable eoBvaay'. Its scenes, 
r T>ock and ax* Call «C afflting 
to caC: liBilow sstb-. 
Kew Xit^ lfT BF'Dsy. 

B most iliiitoK 

people IneladlBg BUnd Amoe^ BoHnaon 
^<!~r<iatf ' Sbc^dan, Borlnee and. Woods, I^tln Bes- 
'--^.^^'adtossn* ^ l i m irtwy^ tbe magician; Bany Gnaa. 
/^%;BaB. aid a sketch entltted City aports. by the 
atoek Co. 2te piostam eloaes with The Great. 
- .vikate BoHeir; boalneaa aattofactocy. 

Voccst •Park TfTshlsnds- Tlie opening ot the 
-■■gsiii »■ teoke all records for openlnga of smn- 
- SNK^ gaxCnm In St, Lools. Tbe psrk waa simp- 
]^ - jasBBcd and ererytlklng fax the way ot re- 
freAtoeato nm oat at ten o'clock In tbe eTening. 
The emiceailons did a land ofllce boalneaa. snd 
tte pamBoB was packed. Tbe bU put on by 
3'' OU. Bopklna inelsded Sam DoTrles, McCae and 
.i 'Oahm. Zoa ^ JfBttbews, Jinks' Mookeya, John 
i^ ' Wcafc and otbera."The Highlands wss a pre..y 
~v 'sight In its new coat ot paint and a brand 
V- new scenic lirreatltnre. 

' Smadway Tbe«tre (Ehst St. iMda. lU.) 
>: - Peekfs Bad Boy did f. nice bo rtn too Snndar and: 
gare s good as wdl as fdaar pttftnaaaee; ne' 
booklaga at P. r. HIirs boose ftc the auatb 
eoBitotsoC OdeoB StoA .Ob., Itar SMtoood 

.,..U; A Oeetacfa.atoae Id; J^cs aC Ifes iMcBt 
: mUi T. TJBOiBI. ■ 

■ :- XUnUS eXXZ^-abe .^iraito Wood ( Wood-. 

- b) >.Jgt^jaoMB 

tracted honses of comfortable pcoportlosia 4-0. 
Next: John Drew. 

The Grand (Hadson & Jndab, mgra.) Onr New 
UlQlster, a new comedy drama ot considerable 
merit, interpreted by s company ot clerer peo- 
ple, did fslrly well week 30. Next: An 
Aristocratic Tramp. 

The ABdltorlma (WotxlKariJ & Borgess Am. 
Co., mgrs.) Wbm n'e Were Xwenty-one was 
nicely pot on by the Wootmsd Msoii owA M, 
and bnslneks was np the' SBBBl' MeBdsid. ' Bext: 
Wy>maQ Against Woman. 

The Orpheom (Martin Lehman, mgr.) Bosl- 
nesa fair week 30. when the program was beaded 
by John Bice and Sally Coben in a sketch, and 
fnrther lodnded Francises DeSooiTL. Five Mo- 
watts, Fred Hnrd. SaOor and Barbtrctto, Deon- 
so Brotbeta and Kbems and (Me. Next feature, 
Hdabe Tltcomb. 

Tbo Centory (Joseph J. Barrett, mgr.) The 
New Tork Stars waa tbe attraetiaa week SO. 
Baadr and Wllaon to a cterer *w act, and 
The Xhiee LeUIoto to tbeir wdl ^ 
aketcb, were tbe best at tba 

mcTltaclaBS aeto serred to 

Tale's Xbeatie (Uoyd ..mni, 
Xal* Ootoedy Oo. (Bngg. Ash ton ap 
IB SB oaedleBt eoaudr axetcta, wo* ( 
are oC tha pingiaai week so, wbick 
other aeto ot cceog^ibed ability. 

National Theatre (Walter T. Teny, mgr.) 
George Swan, the blackface comed ian, was In 
hlgb fsTor with tbe patrons week So, when a 
bill op to tbe nsaal standard maintained at this 
boase met wltb tbe castomary good patronage. 
Items — fOim Parks show signs of awakening and 
the theatre* ate annomiclng tbe dosing of tbe 
season. Orpbenm qalts boslnesa 14; Centnry, 20: 
Willis Wood, 31; Ksjeatic 27, whfle the Grand 
snd GgUss wHl kee(> open nntll Jane. * * (Sentry 
Brothers bare tbe town besTlly billed anoomie-. 
Ing their oomlng 8. * * Manager Barrett of tbe 
CeatazT wHl spend tbe snnmier In Colorado.* * 
Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Brigbam are in tbe cast, 
combining boalneaa wtth pleaaore. * * Uogrd 
Brown wm bawB laaia^e ahaw oate caama 
during tbe aMBSb mti bOI liar tta aHHaBd- 
ing tetxttOT. O. S. S. 


ftlfdTri -nirrd'e Hos'tfO (Woodward & Bur- 
gess, mgra.) Bendette Gkosawn In UlstiesB 
NcU 27-28: wril iceetfed by fab andiencea. 
Tbe VIcgiBtoB S04lay S. wltk Dostto Faxnmn 
oC ptoyeia^ waa 


VkaalM (Oas. Breed, mgr.) 
Ing 8toc Sf'.SP; play waa ot the 1 
al kind aadodojed br good-atoed andlenees. 
Aristoeratle Tnunp Miv 1-8; opened to good 
bnslnna. Beware ot Men 4-6, 

orpbenm Theatre (Orl Belter, mgr.) A fair 
but with no particular teatnre or bndllner waa 
the oSerine week May 1, which Inelndes HeloLse 
TIteamb, tbe beantUnI Sontb American NlgbUn- 
gale; FescbkoH Troupe, Bnssla's coort dancers; 
Nichols sisters. K.-nturiy Belles; Warren and 
Gardner, tbe Onnedlan and tbe Singer; 
and Collins, masters Eopreme at tbe banjo; Wll- 
aon Trto, hlgb-class comedians. 

Parks and Sommer Beaorts. — The theatres wU] 
soon close and tbe people will then look to the 
parka Xor tbelr amusement. Krog Park will 
open the season 15, and Mansger CeAt promises 
some plessant snrprlsea for Ixls - patrons In the 
way u new Improrements and amnsemento. 
Trareling banda will sivply the mtiale and 
Omaba people may expect to hear some excel- 
lent mxnde during tbe season. * * li ana w a wui. 
opcB for tbe leaaoa soon ttaie tba. last s( tbe 
_— . ■■ — at- 

whlek hss made tUs meet so popotar in tbe 
past. • • OaoTtland BaacU — While no definite 
S t ale a to Bt ss to tbe opening at tUs resort bas 
iMcn made known. It to nnderstood tbat it will 
open the totter part ot thto month under tbe 

«C B. auatb. H. J. BOOT. 
' iriirmmB Wmi' irjiis aoass (Geo. Ster- 
enson, mgr.) Bewaie oC Men May 2; BI Henry 
Mlnstreto 4. 

HKBRAHKA CITT,— OTcrland Tbeatie (Clar- 
ence Osggett, mgr.) Escaped From Sing bmg 
28; .ftk. boalness. An ArlstooatlB. StaBp 


SEWABK. — Blanej'e (J. H. Bucken. rea. 
mgr.) Miss Blacche Shirley prored herself a 
coming star last week In a well written and 
decidedly Interesting melodrama entitled Jnet 
BetOce Oanm. The aupuuatlu g rompsn y to a 
atroog oaa aad ladadea Xoaqli I«wieaeew Sally 
Goa rd. trnmBWa^ m^ Mgy X J to tte^T'^ 

Bamn anC 

8-»: T( _ 
doaa May ST; tar tbe 

Xewazk Theatre (liee Oltoliaial, mgr.) Tbe 
season wm be braogbt to B.elaaa Hay IS, with 
a prodnetton of Back to JinVj .wbteh to tbe 

effort of W. J. HdQ , 

and tbe antboa dC .tt* 
innnefs llSte. ' ■ ' 'i; "-i-i-. 

_ - ,y^n8 0Mi.»a 

Down Our 
ctoBlng date. 
Columbia (it. J. Jacobs, mgr.) Stock. 
Proctor's (J. Anatin FJrnea, gen. mgr.) Ee- 
fined TanderlUe. Current: Spook Minstrels, 
Juan Oalcedo, Bert Coote ft Co., Mme. Emmy, 
Foy and (Hark. Messenger Boys' Trio. Eckert 
and Beig, DeBi>org Sisters, and tlie motloo pic- 
tures. Henry Lee was the particular bright 
besdllner of last week's bUL 

Waldmann'a (W. S. Oark. mgr.) Tbe Mexiy 
31aldea Borlesquers played to tbe standard. 
In the olio were seen Miss Pattl (tosocy. Xhe 
HUtts. The Tana. Tbe Vlylag Retbh o a a aad 
" - — 

Mg^B. P. O. aiTwaa hsM 
May S, aad was tbe naoal nostas saeeeo. • • 
<toe o t Iba laigest cr owds that c*w.sbw. a 
ctocvB peribCHasee ^a'.tUs attcoded tba 
Bamnm * Bailey Show May 2, The sabstlta- 
tlon oC trea open air »-^»i<wH.i-« oo the abow 
groond a tor the ttoae bsoored atseet parade 
PCOTOA-Cs ba B Bcactfssi--Aaa0s aC 

k:-».» — — 

AmA of last week aa bas been 
Greater Qectrlc Park, 

ATT.ATmC CITY At last the Easter msh 

is orer and the population of tbls beautlfia dty 
by the sea Is being Increased by thousands dally, 
and from May ir*, to October 1, surf bathing 
wIU be the chief diversion. All the attractlona 
did a big business during the Baater testlTltles. 

Savoy Tbeatre. Sam Bernard in his new play, 
Tbe B<micklng Girl, Z>-28, did a tremendoos 
buslaeea. both the atar' and <be ptoy making a 
bit. JBtaBtto Opoa On. May I->: opened to 
good botfaaaa. WflUasM sad Wslfccr to la 
OaboDcy 4; Blanehe Wdltt la na Waaaa IB 
Tbe Cue S; Jbaies K, ffsekan la Sba IStlaaoe 
oC The Klu 8; ■hisarda' MseiBK W l l s ie s T. 

Tao^sSK aa« toaatoBb 9kf Jwt a ai Tel- 
ler a* laat waek M m Mm Bdta Band 
toS. B. O. Sm 8lK Vrainne Tbtatoa apencd 

May 1 to |ia< lifd hoaaa. 

Oairlck Theatre. Iteland'a Own Band at 
forty picked masldsna did a big boatoen, and 
are booked for a return date later on. Tbe 
Gsrrlck Stock Co. holds the boards week Hay 1- 
niyou'a Steepledase Her ((Wea dement, 
mgr.) Tandevllle. vltagrapb and otbar ftatates 
to S. B. O. nightly. _ _ 

Steel Iter. Band Concerts, 
socials, etc., to good business. 

Hetoto pier is doing nicely and geto more 
popnlar aa the seaaoo advances. 

Oentzera Galloping Horses and Amuaemest 
Palace Is crowded at all times and to a Ug 
money maker. 

Free Arcade Is doing a line laillaf OS with Itt 
many interesting m< " " 

~ tUe o! I" I 1 1 1 ii\mt IPOBdOBtoBd arc 

doing big br 

(Hd Mm. Flghl 

S. BDBn. att B l altos lk-. 

TBEHTON. — ^Trent Theatre (Edward Benton, 
mgr.) May 1-8; Twelve Navajo Girls. Joaeptalne. 
Gassman snd her tiizm. Cbas. T. Aldrlcfa, Brono 
and Russell, Harry Thompson, Brothers Melvln, 
Francelll snd Lewis. This doses a very success- 
ful season of vaudeville here. Beginnlog week 
8. the Trent Stock Oo. opens In repertoire tor 
the summer. Tbe bills for tbe first week are 
Tbe Christian and Cnmt>erfamd '61. 

Taylor Opera House (Montgomery Moees, 
mgr.) Mrs. Temple's Telegram 29; fair but 
appicdatlTe andlence. James K. Hacfcett 5; 
Girls wm Be Glrto 12. 

State Stseat naatn <V. B. Shaltor^ >Bgr.) 
Tbe Spaa oC UCs iBto baMasSB war 

and Takes to A Fair at 



H. _ 

Park Op«i BsBBC (H. J. Outily, 
MetropoUttB JoTColIe 0|iKa Oo. SMS; ~ 
bouse 37. vD pertoeasaaee 28. Gtoeao— 
Fanlkaera Kg, BaBsead. Ibiaa Mhy a.- 


BBOOBXTV.— Coney Island Is all ready for 
the opening oC the sessoo. Lons Park, Dream- 
land. BosCock. Tbe Steeplediase and several 
other attractions open on Saturday. May 13. 
The Bix-7 War will open May 2S. The Brighton 
Beach Music Hall. Manhattan Beach Theatre and 
Fata'B nrewocks wm opts a Ilttte'tattc Tbt 
tht a ti ee la Braio^B wffl aeoa all be eloeed. 
FMT UnilaaM wm na cmle 'ViCtB tor a ttcrt 

at an 

Moatank Xlieatre (FtnnV It. Hoyt. aigr.) 
Filtil SdieS was seen beie thto week in Fa- 
UaltSK and Boecacdo and did very big toosl- 
nesa, Mr. Edward Trail waa tendered a bene- 
fit on Monday night which was a big snceesa. 
Next: May Irwin. 

Broadway Tbeatre (Leo C. Teller, mgr.) Bdna 
May to Tbe School Girl bad a big we^ beie. 
Next: Mrs, TCmpIe'a Telegram. 

Majestle Theatre (Cbas. B. Sturgea. mgr.) 
The Nixon & Zimmerman Opera Co. presented 
The Stiollets here this week. Tbe company waa 
a very large and capable one and pleased wcU 
fiBed booses. Next: The Silver Slipper. 

Grand Opera Home (Lew Parker, mgr.) Tbe 
season here baa been a very prodtable one, snd 
tbe boaae did excellent bnalness all sesson. This 
week's attraction is Arixona. 

TMf Theatre (Bennett W_»on, mgr.) The 
always popnlar Bose Melville was seen here 
thto week In Sis Hopkins. The company wss 
op to the nsnal standard and Pleased wen 

fficd bniMin Next: arf— - 
FBtt Tbtaha (Wm. f. Brtt, mgt.) Solllvaa, 

BUaa Sbsab* Q lBtr a. ^ 
Speoae r Stodt Oo, pRSBitrt 
Bdna May aad Oecll Bpoaner wets saea to the 
play and were supported by the entire Block 
company.. Next: Tvsa of IKUrbenmesL 
. Amphioa nt a da CV. Z. fliaaar. Oeaed 
tor the snHB." 

OdnnMBBMin fdBHMe lu Uttk IBgr.) 

Psyton's Lee Avenne Theatre (S. S. Allen, 
mgr.) The Lee Avenue Stock Oo. presented Tbe 
Private Secretary: btulneaa contlnaea very good. 
Next: Ten Nights in a Barroom. 

Novelty nieatre (David Botdnson, mgr.) This 
theatre closed Saturday nlgbt. 29. after a very 
successful aeason. 

Hyde Sc Behman's Theatre -(Nick Norton, 
mgr.) This theatre has had one of tbe most 
Rocceesfnl seasons In Its history and will close 
SuDdsy nlgbt. May 7. Daring tbe eammer 
thto tbeatre will be handsomely redecorated and 
ercty coBtoct added fbr tta patrons. M. I>,ck 
NectoB win wend tbe snmaaer at hto home to 
Mt. Ciiawato, MIdu Tbe do^ns hm waa 
/an Bnaktc; MMge^ aad Car- 

OqkMB neaba (feiv a. wnUama, ngr.) 

The management here p re a e nte d a strong warm 
weather drawing bill aa toUewa: Melatyre and 
Heath, Peter 7. Dsllay and bto Lola Glrto: 

It to anaonneed that a ahoct BsaaOB sC cooto 

opera will be started here boob. 

Gotham Tbeatre (Oias. wmiama; mgr.) Dark- 
est Russia pleased here this week. 

Star Theatre (A. H, Sebosberg, mgr.) The 
Famous Rents Santley fiurlesque 0>. was the 
attraction this week. Tbe company presented 
s Ejjectacnlsr extravaganaa. Looping The World, 
which is full of pretty girls and catchy music. 
OUo good; buflness satiafactory. Next: Tbe 

usyety Theatre (James Clark, mgr.) The 
Cracker Jacks Burlesque O). hmd a big week. 
Next: Bentx Santley Burlesque Co. 

Kassau Theatre (Harry Hammeratein, mgr.) 
Little Egypt's London Gaiety Girls pleased and 
drew well filled boii><g. The oUo was excellent. 

Phillips' Lycenm (Louis Pbdlllps, mgr,) I^e 
Lyceum Stock i»esested Tha Tie :...iat wiy^^ 
Eeeney's Theatre (Ftank A. Keency, mgr.) 
Tbe bm tbto weak wss MOIk Kent ft Oo^, Tbe 
Casttog Oaaftai% iBntoe.aad Oandy, Orpbeoa 

Comedy W*m, VbUir iMtoiit OOnmi 

snd Nerlns streeto to bctag lapldly 
aad the booae wm open early to Bep- 
I Sam H. Cobec wm he the manager. 
It to mmared that W. B. Bcynolds wm bolld 
a theatre at Flttb avenne and Ntoth street, bat 
nothing deSnlte to given oat. 

Dreamland (W. H. Beyn<dda, pres.) Ihto 
t»esntlfnl smosetnent resort to all ready to open 
on Saturday. May 13. Thousands of men have 
t>eeu at work here and many thonssnds of dol* 
lars ^>ent. Dreamland has been entirely remod- 
eled and made one of the finest t e a ot ts in the 
world. Creation win be one ot the leading feat, 
nres and Bostock animals, with Bonavlta and all 
hto Paris show; Fighting Hie Flsmes, The Mid- 
get aty. Hen Gate and many other new shows 
will be seen here. No staownmn iboold miss 
Tlsltlng this place. 

Steeplechase Park .(Geo. TUyoo, mgr.) Thto 
paik at Ooacy totaad to now open aad -a great 
many new attxaettana fteaa the St^Loato Fair 
bare beea addtd.' Tba Slaeplecbsae wm be the 
real tbli« tbto 
Laaa FaHc C Tiff ii a * OaBtr>:toVS.) 

wm be as popntor sa awir. Iba laB oC iM 
Arthur wffl he the teadtos ^ba^lia. A-Bto 
to The Moon, JOOBI 

Earth. The Big Xtoa I 

to be seen bete. Xha Mg. flee 
wm be a teatnre. 

Tbe Boer War. Tbls big attraetton wm open 
to tbe public May 3. Seventy-two acrea <tf land 
Is now being broken for tbto attraetton between 
Br1f:hton and Manhattan Beach. 

Johnstown Flood and Fran New York to 
North Pole wm no donbt do big at Coney 
s both shows are stnog 

280 Broadway. M. Y. O. 

SCHEHECTAST,— TaaCadar VmmMmm.W, 
H. Benedict, prop, and mgr.) Tbfa»«M S; 

good boose and performance. 

afobawk Theatre (Weber * Bush, mgra.; Jos. 
Weber, res. mgr.) Week April 16: Teebow's 
Cats, Brothers Melvln, Frank O'Brien. Brandon 
and Wiley, Lowe, Bertba Alllnon, White and 
Simmons, ai:d tbe klneto^raph to fair boslnesa. 
nils tioose will open next week f<v a aeason of 
suooier stock, wltb the Mortliner Snow Stock 
Ck>. in Tbe Charity Ball. 

TBOT. — (Mswold Opera House (M. Eels, 
mgr.; H- B. Harden, res. mgr.) A large an(L 
dellgbtful sQdlecce greeted Blanche Walsh to 
The Woman In Tbe Case 21. Ooiotby Dorr to 
tje title role sliared honor~ 
Lewis Morrison In Psost 25 < 
Adams Sawyer Ifay 6. 

Lyceam Theatre (Boms OlHaaa, 
Morttoier Snow Stock On. doatd tt* I 
with Mary Matdatone to taigii lad dJlL 
dleneea. Mlsa Martoa Lsaaud, sa Ittgy. 
a decided Ub The OMflr.aMI 
The Forsakes. 8; My BMrlBBr IS. . 

Band'a Optta Bsaaa <M. BcbH toCbJ B. B. 
Hayden. reo. rngt-i ▲ BtMBC aaaderllto MB 
week 24. headed tr Mailisi Adelaide BCsaaaa. 
and followed by TacUey and Btmaell. Adsmtol 
and Taylor. Bay Otx. aieraian and Deftereat. 
MIdtfey and Oarltote and Pete Baker drew big 
boaaea. Eogene Ciowles May 1; Navajo Glrto 8. 

B<7al Theatre (Wnilam H. Buck, mgr.) The 
Gay Mssqnendeia 34-28: drew _good booses. 
Al. Beeves' Big Besoty Show XT-a>: sstc good 
Mtlsfaotlon. Bemy * WaadBC BlK flbw May 
13. O. KdBOMSa. 

BOCHESTTF r^ceom Tbeatre (M. B. WoIS. 
mgr.) The week AptB 28 was divided between 
The Wtoaid of Os aad Babes to TuyUnd. Both 
companies drew torge boaaea, Iteland'a Own 
Band May 2. Wm. Faversbam to Tbe Sqaa^t" 
man S-B. The Mother Gooae Q>, wm be seen 
here for ttie first time May 8; engagement to tor 
the week. 

National Theatre (Max Herdlck, mgr,) Masoa 
snd Masoa to Frltx and Snlta were ss good as 
tbe advertlsments promised. Tbe attendance 
was good throughout tlie engsgement. In Old 
Kentucky May I-S. The regutor sommer stock 
company, with Mlsa Jessie Bonestelle as lead- 
ing lady opens 6, vrlth Hary of Magdili, 

Baker Tbeatre (J. B. Boyle, mgr.) A stock 
company wUl reopen the tbeatre after some nec- 
essary repairing has been flnlsbed. 

Ckiok Opera House (J. B. MeCallum, mgr.) 
Prince Otto was capably acted with Bert Ly- 
teil to the title role. At the first few perform- 
ances more people were turned away than ad- 
mitted. Moat aC tbe members ot the 
appeared beta toat year and have 
in the dty. ' Htxt: In MlssooxL 

CortolMaa Xbcaits (B. B. 
AmettoBBiL aiea hen ladt wail^ kaM S. 
compaay as wall as _ 
grew greatly toward tbe last ot the 
Next: Bine Blbbon (>>. A. J. KBKDBIOK. 

SLOTiaUTILLE. — Darling Theatre (Wm B. 
Gaut. mgr.) QoincT Adaais Sawyer May 4: 
Tbe Scanty Doctor 6. 

FaaQy Tbeatre (B. O. Hyda. tea. mgr.) BM 
week May Is 

Tlie Billboard 


jUtSiaB, Sadie Onnd.' Pearl DaTli and Jamn D. 
FtMdore dnw tugt lioai«« 34-2S, and plraied. 

Borlck'a Tbeatre (Hertwrt S^lncer, mgt.y 
Mattbew Uloitiwls Mar 22-Jime 8. Uaohattan 
Opera Co. Jane B-Sept. 16. 

St. James Hall. Will Carlton, tbe poet, read 
from hlB own worka April 28 to large house. 
. The Xew Lyeeum Hieatre will not be opened no- 
til the latter part of Aognst. Botimaces are 
BOW beinc euua H ueted from Late and Carroll 
■treeta. J. UAXW^BLXi BEBB8. 

VILKEBBABBE.— Nesbltt Theatre (Etarry A. 
' mm, msr.) Qoloey Adama Sawyer 25; good 
"Miliiess. Maude Adams 29; capacity Imalneas. 
SIrU WUl B* 4Uda )Ut U WlanfW Walak 4; 
Ward and Ti fcwt; Xitav OhMB Much- 

' iDK Home 9t IfnauM M WUBMr nneii 

WUson 10. 

Grand Open Goaae (Harry A. Brown, mgr.) 
Kirk Brown 24-29; good faoslness. Cook-Chordi 
week llay 1; Uamie Fleming week 8. 
.': 'XBATEB-7AUS. — Lyceom Theatre (S. Han- 
'■tntt, mgr.) Shore Acres 3S; large aadlenec. 
Iile of Spice 2S; S. B. O. Mama's Papa 38; 
large house. Real Widow BrawB 39; Bottr 
IMt7 Maf 4. Clrcna — Pawnee BQI's Wild West 
May 10. Items — ^Manager Bananer is in Pniia- 
delphia snperlntendlng the opening of the Met- 
ropolitan JoTenlle Oipera Co., in irhlch he la 
Interested. • • Uont. D. Fedder, ot this theatre, 
kaa signed wltb Fawae« Bin. 

TRJZ. — Mmjeatlc Theatre (Frank Wllllama. 
mgr.) Ttie Beanty Doctor 34-88; well recdTed 
by good honaes. Wlxard of Ox 27: ddlghted 
capacity bouse. Nat. M. Wills May 6. 

Park Opera Honae (John la. Gllson, mgr.) 
Week 24. excellent program, including Ellnare 
'Slaters, Kftamnra Jap Troupe, Mr. and Mrs. 
Barry. Steely Doty and Coe; Al. H. Weston, Kit 
'.KacaOB, Beanab ud Miller, and tbe UactogTapb. 
'•'i WTTiTiTftlfHPOBT. — Lycoming Opera House (L. 

K ru. mtgr.) AL Leech In Girls Will Be Gi^ls 
X'ttt'-^Wk- bosiness, pleased audience. Howe's 
-i MvvftV Vletores 27 ; good business. Heart of 
,S|bvIaiid May 6. Item — During the amrnaer ex- 
ItHlTe ImproTements will be made OM atase 
,-aC Ikia boose, which trUJ make it poaaOia «■ me- 

- eoBOdate any show traTeling. 

: 'PZBV TAV,— Tatea Lyceom Theatre (Herbert 
K. BcU. mgr.) Cecil DeUOle In Lord (3imnley 
as; large and appreclatire andlence. Stetaoo'a 

- TT. T. C. 27: big business. Item — Win Carlton 
In recital of his own poems at Kenke College 
37. to S. B. O., was greeted by liberal applause. 
Circus — Downle's Road C^cns May 13; Boblnsod 
BaUroad Staon-s 23. 

' POTTSTILLE. — Academy of Mnale (Obas. 
Kansxman, mgr.) Bat>es In Toyland S2; good 
business. A JSoyal SlaTe 24: fair boslness. 
Queen of The Highway 26; pleased only fair 
audience. Wtien Women Lore 27; Al. Leech 
and Southern Rosebuds 23; David Hannn 29; 
When Johnny Comes Marching Home May 1. 

HEWABK— Sherman Opera House (S. F. Sher- 
man, mgr.) Wlxard of Oa 25; pleased large 
■ndlrnce. Joseph DeGrasse In Merchant of 
Venice Ma.T 3; Hadley'a Pictures 8. Conren- 
tlon — The Assoclctlou ot Stationary Engineers 
Jane '9; two hundred delegataa are expected. 
1 ' TtlTOWH I mil- riillhiiwwMl Opera Hoaae 
(a w. Mniard, mgr.) Anbrey Stock Co. SS-SO; 
fair bonse. -Isle of Spice May 5; M«im 
7. At the close of the present MMM WfeMl 
will be sometime In J«ne. the hooe WIB >e IC- 

OlncbmBtl gtal. ad aeoRd m Mt with the 
clerer bnaliiea Intnidneed In Mr mmmi. Cha& 

Blgelow, Sam fWllnat AObMy BotoeMadti 
MarlOD, F^ank Mayne, Bonnie Magkkaad 
MdKencle are oot strangers to nit 
ecage. They all made penosial htta. 

We bad BlngHne Brother^ Show . 

afternoon and olgbt for the Orat time tM Ike 
Matory of that now tanxins orgaBluMOib Ibv 
played to turru'n-ay boerioe^s. botii matinee aAd 
ntght. They aboold not fadi to iBdnde Cta- 
clanatl In their auinal raote bereafter, azid 
we vetttupfr -tliat they -will aot. 

Ilie Coonty (Chairman opened at the Gmivl 
Monday night for a week's enfiiasemeiit wUcb 
Closed the seaaoo M that splendid company. 
In selecting tiJe subjrcl George Ade bit opoo 
exactly tbe rfght tc^ic, and w« can glTc tlie 
same credit to Mr. Benar W. Sav^se In his 
■eleothm of Maclyn Arbaekle for the principal 
part in tbe eaitare npon Amerlcaji politics. It 
is mo idcttl oompeoor «&d the ptayecs asv all 
srtlata *t their line. WllUs P. Sweatnom 
gleea a local teach at color In bla Saoaafraa 
U*tacs«oiie, the stotlcaa wtae daspliga w«r! 
hot k a ii i— kaar t» set • 
WiniB ma* « Wt «r wUek «gr chMmctcr ao- 


^Boekfealter, nsr.^ Ihe 

rtiow and buslness.- 
bo^dnei^s. Heart of Manlnfl 
John Boblnson's Ten mg' tt 
BUI'S WUd West 25. 

(George K. 
36; food 

.^.^. JJt Mn»Ic (B. H. Nor 

;ila, mgr.) lAntrWHaar: good bonae, DaTld 
Baran SS: pleased oaly tmir bonse. Morlus 
Pictures May 5-8; Holty TWty 9- 

JOHKSOBBUBO. — ^Armstrong Opera House 
(Jobasooburg Am. Co., mgrs.) Patton and Perry 
■In Jerry From Kerry 28: fair boalnesa. Liberty 
sBellcs iUay 3; York State Folks S. . 

ITOKS,— 3femorlaI Theatre ('B. C. Obman, 
Bier.) The Beauty Doctor 28; packed house. 
Hadley'a Morlng Plctorea May 4. 


CmcmVATL — It baa bees an imiyortant 
mek ta theatrtcol circles in Cincinnati. Time 
has come to sny good byK to tb<e Forepaugh 
Stock Co., which has twen holding the boards 
at tbe BoMnstai Opera Hooae tbe past aeaaon 
Tbf engagemeot closed Sstorday, May 6, end 
tne I he must encceesful eeaeon ever experleDced 
by Manarrer Ftsb In bta nineteen years of soc- 
oeasful management. It opened tlie season un- 
der most adverse clreumstances: the boose was 
at> nnfa'nirable one. Then It was said a stock 
ccsnpaiqr would not pay in OiiK^nfiatl. Tbe 
Calais df the latter statement has been amply 
demo nstrated by Mr. and Mrs. Fish, who hsTe 
come latD s strange city aind cocH]uered. How- 
erer, 4t a|>peaiu to be but the beginning of aoc- 
ttae campatiy in this city, for they will 
•t ttobtnsoo's is AngoBt, after a 
eogaeement at the Chestnut 
te PbUadelpbla. Tlw Lady of 

wbo ai>peBed to fueat aduaalaae In tkeir ne- 
ftmtin tioleei. M um . TrtOg Mk Fcnester, 
Albert Sackett and Wlloon BsbbcU did tbem- 
eelres Inatlce, and Idas Stnrtatta Taders 
beaped glocy npon hie wit bcr woodetfnl 
Ptrtnyal df Widow UdBOHK IUss Louise 
Kent and Jemte EUlaon appeared In asltable 
rales. Mr. Wn. C. Oorr aud the remaining 
memben at tbe cosnpany acquitted themoelTea 
a<hnlnb]y. Diving the closing week boslnesa 
wma splendid, considering warm weather and 
tbe Isfteneaa of the seaam. 
Joe Weber's AU-auir Stock Co. played a 
acacement Sit the Gnatd Open Hotue 
r. May L. to aa asidlence that packed tbe 
to Its (oQeet oapaclty. That Joe aod his 
acgregs'tjtaa ooold not atay a week was the 
ffniial regret. Be has s splendid company, 
itaile Dressier Is eertalnly la tbe talgbcst teak 

piece tliwigli 

ment. Snrely Xl» donty Obalnaaa will be 
apea the bosMi aaola next year. It bas been 
ane at the saecesee* ot the cfoebig isaewi Tbe 
company dosed <t> s e aao o Saturday night In 
Cbcbiaart. >Blcbard ManaOeld Is stihednled for 
next wvek. His enRagemeivt will be a success- 
ful one Judging from accounts of the adrance 

DsTld Hlgglne In Hds Last Dollar, has been 
HMt bill at tbe Walinit ttie paat week, and Is 
one of the beat dnrmntic attractions at the 
seasoo at this honsr. The star was most en- 
t''Hs!rt«MCQriv reeelved, atid despite the warHi' 
weatber wbtch we hare been cxpertencmg, good 
crowds wfre In attendance at erery perform- 
ance.. The oast Is one of naosnal excellence 
Mtroaghoot. even OKwn to the Ksofman Twinau 
B«br ecyiMda and Nasle. Tbe leading temale 
me la slvcd Bhmt liwMI. MA la 

2?* mft — «.«w pj>(ig-et- r i M i l 

Tbs Boesea wUcn aypesv* In ebe vase eeca 

Lady Seetha. LotUe^sT aad Tkther Dm, ate 
Ueauttfnl speetoena of weU-ttadned Blnegrass 
bone Besb. Wlthn^ the pcndnctlon Is most 
oooTlociniT and true to Ufe. This week's bill 
is Runnkig For Office. 

One of the best bills df the season was 
presemted »t Ilie Columbia duxdnir the past 
with The Bight Bedouin ^.rabs In the4r 
wonderful tmnbHn? act as the heodllners. plP»e- 
iDig large atidleoce«. The program ItKlnilee Gar- 
ter and Waters in The WHse Mr. Cooir. scoc- 
iKj? faToralily; Artie Hall In her derer slng- 
tnff act was enthoflafitieaUy received; The Glee- 
sons and Fred HotUlbam. In a rery good sttn^jng 
and danclnc aot received tbeir Share of ap* 
'plaase: Ut*T and Trayer In The Writing Les- 
mn^ s^c:ired quite a number Of encores; Bd- 
miiiT,i T>^y & Gx da Tbe Sheriff made s hii: 
Frajik Busfa. the famooa aCoiyteller. was ex- 
ccedlngty aaniginK and cntfrtaintBS. and Eddie 
LcMaid wad his tw* TkfllBln danerrs. to the 
1nata«aa aoraliyv Wateland, have 

^ afcrtcta. Next week: Beae^OesUan. 

X>MrIet In tbe Mda taU. aC oSTSt 
SRac MCttr drama, Otcfj O att a l l, aw eawa at 
Renek*« last wscfc. Jlat.lB.Jaat aoltcd to Ms 
part sod nnUm It ttranik wUli a elm. Bin 
splendid effoeta. tnget1>er wllk' tbe sopport of 
good telrnt made tne shoar one at the season's 
best. Oapsdty hosssa w«te tbe mie at each 
IMtftaiuaaee. Juaj^ iiaylBC admlaslan merely 
to get a glimpse at the **— ir^ ^lae fighter. 

Tom Miner's Bobeolana beM tbe boards at 
Peovile'a lese week snd were pconoanoed as one 
at the best of the season. A Bay at The Races 
was the name of a pleasing burlesque, inter- 
mingled with exitraordlnaffy mneacal numbets. 
There was a £tan?e bcitwecn ^ tbe two acts of 
tMs skit, kng enough tt> 
TsaderUIe nnmbera. Gooi bi 
ed tbroogbont the week. 

Tlie Boer War Si>ectacie gave. tw» perform- 
ances oo tbe old show groonds In Ovrhi^tcMi, 
ployinc to -tomaway bnaineaa. Fimther com. 
ment appears in anuther eotnnm at this issoe. 

TOLEDO.— Talenttne Tbeatre (E. B. Fix, 
mgr.) Joe Weber's Stock Co. in Higgledy Plg- 
Rledy and The College Widower 26: hoose 

jammed. John Drew May 1; Rogers Brothers 3. 

Lycenm Theatre (W. B. Mermi, mgr.) Jos. 
Murphy In Kerry Gow 23-26: this clerer actor 
has appeared here many times In this play, bat 
Its powers of attraction seem to be undlmln* 

Arcade Theatre (Lambkin A Newton, mgrs.) 
The Byran DoqglaK Co. made^ta Initial appear* 

ance h< 
scored a 

Empire Theatre CA.' ■ 
Knickerbockers SMVi Am 
Harry Brysnt's Co. 

Burt's Theatre (W. B. Merrill, mgr.) The 
Minister's Daaghter 83-28: only rair bnslness. 
Dark 28.90; Over Nlsgara Falls SO-SIay S. 

ne Zoo (Pererl Broa., props.) BUI week 
23 good, boalneas fair. Peopler PaacateL Wal- 
ton Brothers. Tom Hefroa, Rodelle Brothera, 
Yoanc Ssndow, Van Camp and C^of. BriKga. 


DATTON Victoria Theatre (G. C. MlUer. 

mgr.) Amelia Bingham 2B; fine show snd busl. 
nefts. Weber Stock Co. 28: capacity boBlness. 
Bogers Brothers In Paris May 1; S. B. 0. 
John Drew 2; Lillian Bnaaell 9; Henrietta Ctus- 
man II. 

National Theatie (Oil Battowa, mgr.) Darld 
Harum 94-9S; aanaKr . boalaasa. ^MMatott 

Hotanes 27.29; B. Ok VMMC Ma*' On. 

May 1-18, . ■ ■ 

Park Theatre (On BaHH% wmA Vamt'a 

Minstrels 29; good biiilniaa. ' ' ' 

Odeon Theatre (L. 0. Sartaock. nfr.) Week 
34: Dollle LeOray, Dnptee and Dvpree, UcKee- 
*er and Sandry: good bnAieai. GalTy and Fra- 
ser, Knrt and WeUs, Lcscsao and QnUIen week 
May 1. 

SAL£1C.— Grand Opera Honae (Smith A Fonda, 
mgr«.) Ted E. Ftenst Minstrels 10; capacity 
honse. The Beal Widow IBrown April 13; large 
and well pleased andlence. Ttie Holy Cltr 17; 
good honse. Shore Aoes 30; food Iwaae. Bods- 
era, magicians, 21-22;} bnrtnoaa*- BaaSta-jaC 
Oak 24 : A Romance ot Cam Balaar Ml 
of MsiylaBd 38, - > 


COB n. WUl H* 
ansplaes at ~ ' 

STEVBEWIXIS.— Grand Opera House (a W. 
Maxwell, msr.) Tbe Beal Widow Brown 35; 
fair taoae. Ooait at Jbxyland 38: good boal- 
nesa. Oaas momt »; . iM» amiafr^ Tasei'i 
Minstsafi «. oaaa .WmMWM.--matm. ■ wnd 

Went «.• 

ITHRICKBVILLE.— City Opera Hovse (Eleln 
A VanOstran. mgrs.) Florence Murphy Concert 
20: large andlence. Vogel's Minstrels May 2: 
Hester Craw Concert Co. May 5. Circus — ^Blng- 
Ung Brothera are billed for May 8. 

CnSHOCTOH.— Sixth Street Theatre (J. P. 
Callahan, mgr.) AL H. Wilson 21; good honse. 
Vogel's Minstrels May I; fair house. Klrmess 
8-10. drcns — John Boblnsoo Sbowa May 2; big 
crowds, satiafartory performancea. 

MEW PHILASELPKIA. — Union Opera Honae 
(Geo. W. Bowers, mgr.) Isle at flplee 38; fair 
honse. Creatore and •nd Maw-4lt ▲ ttsa Keo- 
tucklan 5; Labelle MaHa cTBiaBaaBlUB: Fall 
of AtUiKa 18-19. 

VILES — Vetbeek Tbeatro (-A. C. Inma, mgr.) 
J. Harrison Wolfe Co. 25; ezeeneatncttonaanee 
and fair boslness. Kerry Gow 37; cxeellent 
show. Oot ot Tbe Fold Hay I. 
SAMILXOK.— JcOenca Tbeatte (Xboa. A. 

Id aha Osesn liay 81 Olr. 

, * Mil BHHHa di8ril 2S; 

MlgUad M» 

orBCTiBViiiTT, mod VfKifmim^'! vanst's 

Mlastmla 28; large and vMBaSMM-anaiaiee. 
Howe's' Morlns Pletaraa 9B. 

CAXBRIBOE, — (^lonlal nieatre (Hammond 
Bros., mgra.) -Harta of Oak 26; fair business. 
Isle of Splce 29; delighted packed boose. 

PIQVA. — (May's Opera Honse (Cbas. H. May. 
mgr.) Galvanl, 24-25. pleased fair andlence. 
Alabama Minstrels SB; Bocers tbe Oicat May 1-8. 


SAX AXTOino,— 4>raDd Opera Hooae (S. 
H. Wels. mgr.) Regular seaaoa la orer. Sum- 
mer season, with the .Albert TayUr Stock Oo.. 
opena May 14. OamlTal The ncins CatalTal 
and Flower Battto.aVMMd JiBll iHlsfiad bnsl- 
ness. Parker Aanament'On, la MBunliv the 

DALLAS. — Opera House (Geo. Auxy, mgr.) 
Closed 21, with Parsifal, to capacity hoose- 

Park Family Tbeatte (B. E. HcAdama, 
mgr. and pnip.) Opened Aptll 34 wlOi the Beat- 
trow Jo^r Pattafladeis In repertoire to good 

OALVESTOV.— Grand Opera House (Fred. O. 
wels, mgr,) Ftank Biee Stack Co, at-80: fair 

■ " With lbs ■ 

meat this 

. - O. 


SALT LAKE CITS Salt Lake Theatre (G. 

D. P.rper, mgr.) Augustus Thomas' comedy, 
■nie Othrr Girl, with Lionel Barrs-more as 
Kid GaXTIr, wo» presented here ZiSC, aoder 
the Frobman management, to fair bnalness only. 
T^e play Is crisp and amoslns and tbe people 
prteentlns It ore clever, while <be B enpt i tles 
were eminently dlaHnctlve. 

Pnv41s of Mme. Amand» Sweason ' p r sssnted 
(or two performances 21. tbe operetta Tbe 
Tyrolean Qaecn; good amatem sNSk and fair 
attendance. OonlaB: WMtc HMItlt WJ ki te- 
pertolie. ■ - ■^^■■'■ '■.5^* -> " 

Gnnd Thinlii CTsnan'' A'':-a—ea'..'4aas»s.) 
The jia«hJ«ral>'f Ca>.:-^y;,O hlflB Bayi;iM d Bast 
L^fun^'.-lMitt -fefatt^ 9aAlDr?r4hla 'MBaa.'*'^'^ ^e 
past week:' ' Pttfomaaisaa'liain Ixaa moie tban 
average. likewise the" peavkb PMees have 
been redneed to ten, twenty and thirty centa 
for the eogogenieBt of tbla company lasting 
three weeks. By The Old MIB and Tbe Sena- 
tor's Dangltter will be tbe bills May 16- 

Dtahna Tbea^tre eootlnnea to present eande- 
TlHe to ddlgbtsd _ _ - 


' Ik- AUKW. 


SOXTOXK.— The Cranby (Jake Wella. les.: 
L. Joe LeFancbeor, mgr.) The Conrlet'i Dangh- 
ter M-29: a melodrama of onnanal merit pre- 
sented by capable company to good attendance. 
Walter Edwarda In A Flghtlas Ohanee Hay 

Acadeny at Mosle (jaka Wdla. lea.; Otto 
Wella, mgr.) Charlea B. Hantocd 8; Black Patti 
TronbadOora 4; Otis Skiaaer 19-30. . 

Tbe Acme (Wllketsoo At Ifaasl. mgrs.) By 
Tbe Seaside, a Iw tl a tt a. anaagad tv^^iaa^^id 
and Oostlcy. 
Abble ScoOeld ti 
ance week M. 

Manhattan (Cebalaa Bros., mgrs.) CHnnlan 
A Sylvester's mbJah Barem Glrla Co., wltlk 
Royer BroQiers. Tmmla B. Barrfi^ Iha Oicat 
Sylvesters. Banr aad MMMB, Mnr and >U^ 
ence. Lillian Ooidsfc and '.•eoMr and Ifay. 
week May 1. 

The BUoo (Abe SmlOb BK) The Three WUd 
Caps, nie Poyton Ma^ -nflinaa Slaters, Gor- 
man Brothers, H. P. Koo r ebe a d and John Weat. 
with regnlar sto^, made a atrong bill week 
May 1. 

Auditorium (Jas. M. Barton, mgr.) Bill week 
April Cbas. B. Rents. Wiley HamlltoD, 

Prof. Weston, Clay Sisters, Wyley and Wylson, 
Martin and Bomaln, C^ahill and Glroo and Mad- 
den and Johnson. N. B. OBOWDBB. 

STAUBTOH.— <BeTerIy Ijheatre (Borkman 8: 
Shnltx, mgrs.) DeWolf Hopper In Wang May 1; 
one of tbe lugest booses of the season. Black 
Pattt 10: Arnold Stock Oo. week 22. Under 
canTas— He Great Boer Wot Satarday. April 
29, to large crowds; line performanee, 
Lm^HBVBe,— Opera Hooae (Obcbln Shield. 

) <HyB9le Ma 


SEATTLE. — Grand Opera Boose (John Oxt. 
tncr.) L. R. Sfockwell ami Ouls. Erin Vex^ 
ner In Hon J<An North 30-May 1: Knelacl 
Quarteit May 2: Grace Van&toddtfcrd ta Bed 
Fearher May 21-24. 

Seattle Theatre (J<An P. Howe, mgr.) Dick. 
Perrla Co. in Friends. 30-May^ 7; 

Third Avenue Theatre 
mcrs.) Tbe Two 
Wfaikle T-r4; East . 
agvr RnaseU Mt for New Toric lUa 
book abtractlooa for next seasoo aad-.tO;.' 
hU old home la Detroit. Mich. 

Orphenm Tbeatie (Tbomas Consldloe. agto 
VaodevUIei. Week May 1-7: Tbe Pi«dertck% 
Patay Doyle, Tlis Asdctsoa Oilhlren. Murphy 
and Anderson. Hamey and Haynes,. WIU C 
Hoyt, sod moving pictxires. 

Pantage's Tbeaitre (-Alex FanUge, mgr.) 
Vaudeville. week 1-7: Lness Strand Co.. 
WUey Fewls Co., Five Lovelands, The Rich- 
ards. Flo K«jrfleld. and moving pictures. 

Star Theatre (S. Morton Cohn. mgr.) Van- 
devllle. ThiA bouse presents an mmsDally 
stronK bill this week IncludlnK Dunbar's 
(reined goals. Rose and Ellis, Bizrtoo Bell 
Ringers, Daly and Mmphy, MontKooctT and 
Canter. NeUe (Serin, and bloeraph pletasas. 

Strand nieatre fMooe Gotdsmltfa. mgr^) "Week 
1-7: lugeaac. UMd Kadsht. O*VaaB. 
BeUe Blsaellc. Base A daw s, . taHMa 'J Trt iai F llii ■ 
Bemloe Hogers. Jt. A. BBMUBBISH.^- -; 

WieCONSIN. r.»<:t 
WAUSAV.— Grand Opera Hsoae (O. 
mgr.) The Way of The TraaagMSBar Blr-gSBd'- , 
house. VauderUle 22-23; (ak: kSMMa. -SuUK'^ 
Hooligan 33; pleased good hOOaa^lVA BUfSp^i 
Crlaas M; Cair bsatncss. Sstkactee. BMcawa^ 
Ooneert Co. SS: pleased packed haoaa. Tha.B^.^; 
gar Prince 38: picaaed good b as nn s a .-.ja>a.-» 
Uttie nsmcatead 38; talt hooae. ; Taadatffl*-' 

29-30: fair lissi John SclflKb Is MMMh: ' 

May S. Item-dfaaagei Cone baa Bada.anufa. ' 
mentn wttk tha Lawla YaadaeUla-- llWaaBa - jMe. .. 
vaudeeille at Ma hsasi a—y gaiaidsj. a— •^■^j 
day escabg at fapalBr jaleeb 

rnilll t»n llianil Oiiiia niiasi (W. T. Se«> 
ger. Bgr.) OanrlnaF MsA Oew week St^bid 
Lynne May 8; Sraee Chazlesworth 4; My Mend 
From »«*■—.. 8: Walter Fane Stock Co. weA 
8; Little Onteast 17. 

JABEBVILLE.— .Myers' Grand (P. L. Myen^ 
mgr.) For Her Sake 25; fair bnslness. This 
popular boose enjoyed much larger bnslness than 
last seasoo. 

West Side (Jamea Owners, prop.; (Sareaee 
Bordlek. mgr.) Business fair. Bill: Constsnea 
and Lawrence, Richards, Bsmsey SUters, Mn- 
alcal Fotraata, Fleto Faster, and Geo. Hatch. 

BAIT frr avn-p — Grand Opera Hoose ~((X O. 
Moon, mgr.) Wlimlnger Brotbers 17-10: good 
tmslness. Henrietta Croeman 20; fair business. 
Way of Tbe Transgressor 22; fair honse. Crcs- 
ton Clarke in Monsleor Beancaire 27; exeeBant 
performance, only fair honae. Fane Stock On. . 
May 1-7; Marriage ot BUtty U: Mrs. Flake 1^- J 

Unique {Al. G. Sctanbcrg, res. mgr.) MoTbW'^.^ 
pictures and TandefUle to good business. 

FOHS SV LAC— Crescent Opera Hoose (P. 
B. Baber. mgr.) TweUtb Night, with Mlsa 
Cb^^c^IMniett._ 38: ta^ h eaa t . JCba Lyr 

OMTCBHaB^ JiBlfl 10.'' 


TOBOHTO. — Princess (O. B. Sbeppard. mgr.) 
Thomaa W. Boss In Checkers week May 1. 
scored strongly, and bnslness was satisfactozy. 
Next: E. S. Wlllard. 

Grand (.A. J. Small, prop.; J. Owen, mgr.) 
A Friend of The Family 1-6: pleased good audi- 
ences. Next: Mnmmy and The Hnmmtng Bird. 

Shea'a (J- Shea, mgr.) Robert Hllllard A OOl. 
Walker C- Kelly, Three Dimioots, Stanley and;. 
Brockman, Bean and Hamilton and othsca 
formed a good bUl week 1; big boslness, 

Masaey -Music BaU (S- Houston, mgr-) »• 
oratorio, Elijah, with soI(dSts. drew Immense an- 
dlence 4. Dale's Eogllafa Opera Singers 5-8; fair 
bnslness. • ■ , 

Star (F. W. Stair, mgr.) OUik's Bnnawv^:^ 
Girls week May 1, gave entire sstIsta et la « . T ^ 
Bug Slaters. Geo. T. Davis, Bllgnoaetta^..;Bat-:'- 
let. Beynolds and Guhl, and the LaTal!bi:;;a|Ma:. 
sstlstaetoiT. . Next: Mlner'a 

Majestic (A. J. 

Ben Tolls May 1-8; fckrL . , ,„,^^ 

Gnnner'a Mate. X.- .A. OmSOIt. 

LOHDOH,— Bennet's (C. W. Bennet, prop.) 
Bnslness good as asoal. Dlvxro A Co~, Seeker 
WUkes A Co., Baby Owen, H. B. Cbealey A Co,, 
Haywood, Jeimlngs and Benfrew, and EatI aad 
Wilson made np a good bm week 24. 

Grand (J. Tortoa. mgr.) By Right of Sweat '. 
3S; only fair boose. PadetewaU 37; 8. - - 
at dooUe latee. Xnmny and The H ataiaK 
Bird 38: fair bonae. CbeAera 39: (kir boase. 
CamlTal— OoI. Mnndy wUl hold camlral here In 

ST. JOEH. H. B.— Opera Hoose (A. O. Sktai- 
ner, mgr.) Tbe CbeSter DeTosde Stock Co. Mr 
29; line business. Bepertolre: Benesth Xh»- 
Tlger's Clow. Doomed. Tbe FatU Kiss, tast 
Daya ot Poiuea. «ieat Medical JQntW^,-M- , 

Ton Door, Omeat dad GMbm at MwrndKn^Bf 

many peojpie ^ ' ' 


LOS .AKOELES.— Mason Opera House 
C. Wvatit- Us. and mgr.) tl M, Sothan 
Julia Marlowe In me most popalsr^ «Ci 
whole Shakespearian repertoire, 
JnUet which was evinced the c7 
their enBagrmet>t. The aodtenw 
doable 4bat of the preeedlag night 
let was tbe btO. Mt. Solh«t» 

lorwe beld the lane aaninrs 

tbeIr de«neatkm aC <hiar ck«aelM..-ne 
stve graces Ihe 
rapt nel 



Xt\e Billboard 

Tlie Billboard 


A^JMfrMMlk I ITS. Mil. 



"Milw all oamimmieuioDa for the editorial 
fs'. orbnafaMMdapartmenta to 

Tk» nOboard PobUaUag Co. 

«Bli«a» M o D . g nMi fc ,> t. W ; » 


cuts per Use, txate meanucment. 

^^aSW flOS: baU pace, f52^: qnarter 

PMe> IUlSS. No premlnm on poaltlon. 

Tk» BflffioorJ M A>r «al« o« aU fr jl lM riai f aiili . ^a l « l 
(kramgkot th. UmUd BbElm a»< O ia aja, ar« 
■nmSed ^ U> Amtrican Stmt Ot. aad ib Iraacb*. 
Wiwa Jala ir'— " ntii/Mtat ngiet. 

•n* BUlbcard U wold ia lomdam at Tkt Amertran 
SzcMamot, TnU'altar Bmi U mp t , Norikmmhtrlami Att., 
WTdnit Parit at MraUaMo\ SI Ajt. Ot f Optra. 
.gW treat* tVPl^ *» IktAmtneoM Stwt Oa-amitU 

-^^P»», Oa. 

_ I tmdtrlait to nbmt muolieUtd 

• et» rt tp omdt»U tktmU ttrp eon. 
, it neeettarv to Wirt a> Me itttnctiamt and 
adwtrtltmemlM, grtat tatimt i» Ott vuMer of 
ttOtmof ttkmdbrneomn* loOt — 

i! ' A Inccr edition of The Billboard ftweed ^md 
oa br a rapidly iscmBlDS drcnlatlon. has eom- 
pelle<l Q» to tM-nA tlie forms to press at an 
earlier boor than focmcrlr. In thia emersencr 
wie vlib to sArii^ silicctlMCB to fimmd copy, 
aon pcoBvOr t» Haaie limiilim. The last 
foaa' wm ek»e poa ltl T ri y at 12 o'doek. boob. 
»*~'»-r of each WKk. loarrtlan win not be 

•;gDanateed on eofj rcacbtns na at a later taoor. 

v.nciieatzical andtenoes are beginning 

-IbBst week saw tbe close of tbe sea- 
aiL.,at several of the New Toric tbea- 
Msland all other houses notljptaxinK 
- attractions wIU aomi^'iMi' 

V .!Wliat bas become of tbe movement 
^Anr a aaimaar express statloa at Tlxnea 
SfUMier BroaAirar&iBiuafea 
to. set tosetlier:'OiK tlite'^lMfiova' tSia hull 

Jamestown Tercentennial re- 
Cttred quite a blow through the dc^th 
at Gen. Fltzhngh ijee. president and 
^promoter of the Exposition Company. 
™The strenuousity possessed by Gen. 
VLee is what ia needed most In a vaat 

of ■necessity be a strong man. 



There seems to be no concessions to 
.' Waad»:<iB.€illMr side m the burleaqoe 
tvairVl-wIiIcli '' originated in tbat Uttle 
Boiaton affair some time since. In fact, 
botb clrcnlts are earnestly at work, and 
If we may believe current reports, de- 
velopments of a startling nature will 
take place ere the season opens a few 
^montba hence. The managers of the 
-"XSasfem drcult met in Cincinnati last 
i^weA In the office of Messrs. Heuck & 
" Fennessy at the People's Theatre. It 
T-was , their . regular annual business 

' 'tfiie^i'jC^eussliDJt ^of 'iTMfcttWPa i ttlattn y to 
the circuit; however, tt ^'was^the most 
important gatherings' oC -that ' body in 
years. It is said tbatk^tf^^llie;:!^ 

that wonld bL - any niim 
anxiety ^tlier before, at, or etfter the 
meeting. One of the managers who 
attended the meeting gave expression 
to the assertion that as Car as the Em- 
pire ClrcnttTs .bonses are concerned 
- - - — ■ ■■ ■■■ - - s ■ t-allj 

shows that are entitled to bOfiklngs tn 

their -various theatres. Harmony pre- 
vailed throughout the entire meeting. 
Import ant^p arts of the program for 

also the rjyaftSyS ttS^wSShitlnii^ 

tbe Bastem Circuit. — 
Among those present were James A. 
Butler. Hubert Heuefe, James X<. Ker- 
UwiM E. FouMMgr*' Drew, 
Xi Osmpbdl. B. ~W. WHUams, 
P.' WhaJlen, George Rife and 
BftinM Butler. Mr James A. Butler 
elected president of the Eastern 
Circuit • Association. with Hubert 
Heuck as first vice-president and 
James L. Keman as second vice-presi- 
dent. Mr. James E. Fennessy was 
elected secretary anl John H. Whallen 
treasurer. The board of directors is 
composed of the above officers in ad- 

It is given out tbat tbe policy of 
the Empire Circuit will be to expand 
Its territory. As to whether this will 
involve any conflict with the Eastern 
Circuit the managers are reticent. 
Plana -wa ■ iinmtflplail. It la ■— M, for 
the largMtiaM-Bgat lBvoitaiit circuit 
of theatres ever eooiblned for tbis de- 
partment of the theatrical business. 
It is understood tbat the circuit baa- 
been InereaiMa'to tmnfj'-Mvcn booses 
and hegotia'Uons ' are pending for five 
more, which, accordtngi to members at 
the meeting, will surely be taken into 
fold, making a total of thirty-two 
houses, covering the best paying bur- 
lesque fields in tbe country. Tbe addl- 
ttoasl flw* axa to ba selsctea <koin a list 
<i€ nine wtnflMatSa-^ 

The Empire Circuit as it now stands, 
with the exception of the five new 
houses to be chosen, are the Troca- 
dero of Philadelphia, Mounmental of 
Baltimore. Lyceum of Washington, 
Academy of Music of I^ttaburg, Peo- 
ple's of Cincinnati. Buckingham of 
IjOuisvlUe, Empire of Indianapolis, 
Standard of St. L.ouis, N'ew Century of 
ganiwB City. Folly of CliicagOk Troca- 
dero oC. Gbfaivgab -Star^M: lataranltee. 
Dewer al llImKapc«ll8^"'stur 'or St. 

Paul, Smith's Opera House of Grand 
Rapids, Avenue of Detroit, Star of 
Cleveland. I«Fayette Square of Buf- 
f aiok ^r.liaSsstla:^.^<lC Toronto. Theatre 
FraaesJse of lEontreal. Columbia Mu- 
sic EDan of Boston. Miner's Eighth Ave- 
nue of New Xork, Minei's Bowery of 
New York. London of New York and 
the Bon Ton of New Jersey. In ad- 
dition to these the Empire people have 
secured options on theatres in New 
Orleans, Memphis and NasbvUle which 
will be exercised providing the proper 
railroad facilities can be obtained. It 
is said that several new theatres will 
be taken InvfMB ..autem Adds. Tbe 
manageca assert Uiat they are ready to 
book their circuit without affiliation 
with any other associatloa or asso- 
datio^a that may not like tbe plans 
wliich were agreed upon at the Clnctn- 
batl meeting. This would aitpear to 
be an at>solute declaration of Inde- 
pendence. and in such spirit it is un- 
derstood that the Empire managers 
have considered It. The Empire in- 
terests declare themselvea in a position 
now to dictate absolutely the quality 
of entertainment v^hlch sliail be offered 
to the patrons. "They claim to have a 
sufficient number of applications for 
dates. to fill out a long season with 


Ingis to be sdeeMB."' TOte d f peeteir g have 
declared tbat wliatever jtast differences 
may have been, these shall be laid 
aside when the qualltf of show is con- 

Howev er, it would appear tbat much 
aellvlijf la gotog ' on IB -rtto Sastem 
Cinsnlt. Beport bas It that they too 

have. In fact, declared their Ihdepend' 
ence in the matter, and are endeavor 
Ing to secure a number of new houses 
in the western fields. Mr. Hollis E. 
Cooley, representing the Columbia 
Amusement; Co. and the Traveling 
Managers' Association, is said to have 
closed a deal whereby the Crawford 
Theatre of St. IiOuis has been added to 
the Elastem Circuit in onmsltlon to tbe 
Empire ito as es- in .fbat -^ttyv Vt is re- 
ported that flM e aa tam V psojte' bave 
completed arrangements ^;fl>r. a new 
burlesque house in BSUboMm. It is 
also rumored tbat ttaa.'^U '^Vlne Street 

the list of bonsea eoa^Iled by the 

Eastern Circuit the coming season. 
Mr. Ne£f, owner of the Vine Street 
Theatre, would neither affirm nor deny 
the 'report. Manager Ftimeasy Is in- 
clined to canstdor it a Blnff, as does 
iCrv ~ " 

Mr. Ooolejr. It Is reported, is upon a 
western tour negotiating for new 
houses for his circuit. There is also 
reports about Hopkins' Theatre in 
Inwiisinie. i^., entering the Eastern 
Cli-dilL The Coltunbia Company, 
writes an eastern oorraspoadent, now 
controls forty-two burlesque shows, 
anl recently acquired the <^yety 
Theatre in Pittsburg, the Trocadero 
and Lyceum In Philadelphia, the Gai- 
ety in Brooklyn, and is having a new 
theatre erected in New York. The 
men who engineered tbe deal there 
have left for Cincinnati where they 
expect to dose a deal tor a new thea- 

To use Hia 'WUt BUe s t pbrasa^ It 

would appear that the flght has re- 
sulted in one faction being long on 
theaUres and short on attractions, and 
~ a oClisr tba s arB ia a." DevidapiiMnts 
win be watdied with Interest, and we 
hope in 'the near future to be able to 
publish an agreement between the two 
factions. This country may be large 
enough for two wheels, but one big 
wheel with a solid hul>,' long spokes 
and tight rim surrounded by a strong 
tire of superiority and quality will be 
greatly desired by the bariesqae. loving 
contingent, . ■ . 


Hedwig Niemann Raabe, noted ac- 
tress, died recently in an institute for 
mental diseases In Berlin. Mme. 
Raabe was taken 111 December S, 1904, 

during the celebration of her sbrtleth 
birthday anniversary. 

A little more than seventeen years 
ago EtedSFlv Mi s wi a na Bsafea msde her 
first sppBsismiis on tl»e Am eri ca n stage, 
when she filled an engagement under 
the management of Helnrich Conrled. 
She was the wife of tlie celebrated 
tenor,* Albsrt mannni .aad as an- In- 
genue and BVench coniedy drama she 
made quite a reputation in Europe be- 
fore coming to this country. For years 
Mr. Conrled had been trying to get her 
to come here, and when he was man- 
ager of the Thalia Theatre be ottered 
her (30,000 for thirty performances, 
but she refused to come. S%ially. how- 
ever. In 1887, she accepted an engage- 
ment for twenty performances, four- 
teen in New York, five in Chicago and 
one in Clnidnnatl for which she re- 
ceived $16,000. Her engagement open- 
ed at the Star Theatre in New York 
on January 6, 1888. The performances 
were In German and the program 

in Doif and Btadt better known as 
liWley, as.playad by Maggie Mitchell. 
SutMequenttjr alw appeared in Cypri- 
enne and napoUlon. by Sardou, and 
other well-known parts ftom her ex- 
tensive repertoire. 

When but five years old Frau Nie- 
mann Raabe made her first bow to the 
pubic at Magdeburg, Prussia, and from 
that time she continued on the stage, 
rising gradually from the humblest 
rank to a- lasitlnt gip^^***" On tbe 
thmnbnid eC'bsr' tiieBtrleai career she 
had to sormoimt many obstacles. 
When sixteen she appeared at Ham- 
bncB; diiellr m servani-glrl parts, un- 

^ -^g^ Msstar «C Oer- 

She gaire no paitlealar 
promise then of the brilliancy which 
she developed in later years. "You 
are a goose and a good-for-nothing," 
exclaimed the Irate manager on one 
occasion. He who discovered so many 
stars and showed himself to be one of 
the most consummate theatrical man- 
agers of the age, failed to divine the 
genius hidden In the young breast of 
Hedwig Niemann. But tbe youne girl 
- — - - - all 


Alice Davenport appssrtd at Keith's 
Union Square Theatre, New York, 
May 6, in the role of an actress-au- 
thoress in a new sketch, entitled Now. 

Tiia plot deals with a social difficulty, 
A waaitlqr man falls in love with a 
French woman, Fanchonette, for whom 
he nc^ects hia wife and child. The 
wife discovers bim in tbe woman's 
apaztmants and a 'worOr Aael. ansa 
between the two'-'wooMn. Tbe wife 
triumphs. Miss Davenport appears in 
the role of the Frenchwoman and acted 
with spirt and discretion. Laura Elliott 
as the wife, did some excellent work, 
and Wayne Arey played the part of tbe 
Xba^plsgc waa widl ceoatnad. 


Tbe special L.ake Brie & Western 
train carrying the Gollmar Brothers* r 
Circus was wrecked at Kempton, Ind., 
May 7, by a pole supended underneath ' 
tuM of til* ears. Tbe pole came loaa|a - i 
aad ean^t in a switch frog tbrowlnv 
four cars down an embankment 
wrecking a car containing eight 
ployes, three elephants and five < 
The employea were severely injan&' 
Tbe four ears derailed contained ibd- 
mals, none of which escaped, though 
some were Injured. The train was 
running at tite rata <tf twenty-five 

br H. 

Alnalom, lo Ore 
F. Tarlor. 

Black Beaoty, In ooe act- cogvitBMed IVL-X.-' 

Adams. --■.-'••J 
Oinstlan's HaK Mile. In tMv acts; flm^'- 

rlehted tu- C. W. AUlsoo. - 

A CocDtrj- Singer, In one act; copTtlglited ta 
C. T. «Ukr and A. E. ESile. 

Family Jar«; cofiTri^^ted t>T K. Swane. 

Tb« f^ottrth OoQgrc«a1ooal, In flre acta; copr-'' 
r^hted by E, S. VanZlle. ' 

A Gentleman Cortrboy; br E. B. 

Caothom. .- - -^;*vv ; 

The Hoar and Tbe Wa 
rlshted br E. VanZlle. 

King's aone. In LOree ac^ '«i|flMMld^i[^~ 
Ifc G. HcmpiireyB. :'*■ ■ -.•-■-''.■M-*"r. > - ■" 

Loma Doooe, In tvax acta; 
A^ A. Loos. 

Tbjt xxTMOmim*, K flie ai 

by M. Doran. 

Sancho Fann, la two acts; cofiTTlgbted br 
F. 3. MacbMli. 

.^Cht Scdiis SIslita. in oae act; eonytishted 

BIrdle; eopyrlclrted by Marcoa W ltumt 'dr-- 
Sona, Ji. Y. . ■■ 

Tbe Foiiiidded Laad; eogyilgiitcd Iv 
Wltmaik a tmm, S. Z. 

U I minM; «gvMghM 
* SoDik H- X. . 
- e KHmri «mri(Mc4 IV IfaiCDa Viti.•^ 

* ana^ • "'P-^*,. 

KSat st Bloe; cuuiilsfettcd br 
Wltmaik a SoM. IX. V. 

LOIIinitla; copyrighted kgr 
a Snaa, K. T. 

Utile Lbaaaa «UdB: • 
Xarcaa WMmark a Sooa^ K x^ 

aiy Uttle lAm Girl: e 
Wltmark h. Sons. N. Y. 

Nola: eopyrlsbted by Marco* Wltmaifc-^v 
Bona, K. Y. ■.' S ; 

Tammany; copyrlshted by Ma jCT ia Wltiaaifc'dt.- 
Sool, N. y. ?• 

since I,OTe Batb Bp«n My Gaide; eopjIlsMad . 
by W. H. Willis. Cincinnati. O. • 

Those Happy Winter Dates; copjrlsbted br 
W. H. WlllU. ClnclnnaU. O. 

To A Mocklns Biid; oonycisktcd tr W. H. 
WUIlj. ClDClnned, Ol - '■ : ■• 

Cp CaiTsry; cifnIihM Ir' W. B. WMt* ~ 

Cincinnati. O. 

Go on Male, Tin 1 Say Whoa, Wbot; copy- 

ricbted by J. W. Stem Co.. K. Y. 

Hearts Aflame: ooayrlsMed Igr J. W. Stem 
Co.. N. r. . ■ . . ^ 

Indian Lorer'a SCHSaies 'aaNnMMI>lg< J^* W.>^ 
Stem Co., N. Y. 

(Mexico; copyilcMed by J. W. Mna'- Oa..^ 

Vr La La Saa; eo w tl s lited br J. 
Ol tfc < l» _?t' _ 

br^V W. 8m^ K. T. 
PMvr «|ier; i|i|l|gh|H >br. ^ .V" M*^' 

N. Y. '.- ■•• - ■* ,•* 

strlns ot Peaila; capyilahM tT-T* -W,i 
Stent Co.. X. Y. 

TIs Not The Ualfcrm 'Hiat Makes The Sol- 
dier; copyrighted by J. W. Stern Co., Y. 

The Vienna Rag; copyrlgbted by J. W. ~ 
Co.. X. Y. 

Wheit The Man In Tbe Moon Looka 
copyngtoted by J. W. Stern Co„ N. Y. 

Our Land f«r Chrlat; copyrighted by Geo. 
H. Bates. Netv Bedford, Ua5«. 

Tbe Torch ot Ubcrtr; eownlg h fd hr Fla- 
toD -Bronnoir, N. T. . . . ^ 

BxpecUDcy; copgnlilhM \m' IMhy ■adb'' 
Brooklyn. N". Y. 

Only a Summer Dream; copyrighted by Wm. 
P. Carr. Tii-wla. 111. 

Hie Valley of New RimpaUie: eoBTligktCd 
by iM. R. Collins. • iuri 

GiTe to J 
A. DaTls, Blnghamton, N. V. 

All The Way Along; copyrighted by Kcat B. 
Gage, Marlon, Ind. 
JflyfBl Serrlce; copyrighted by WllUaa A. 

ITEW nrcoa? OBATIOX8. 

Sherry Culno Co., Narraganaett Pier, K. I.: 
capital $300,000. Conduct caaino with rate and 
dance ball. Incotporaton — Loola Sherry, John 
H. Hanan, New York; and W. Herbert Caswell, 
Albert L. Crotta and Capt. Henry B. Kane, o( 

LIgety Orpbenm Co., New York; capital 
g."iO.0O(>. Promote theatres. locorporatora— 
Vernon LIgety. 1^26 Si cond arenue, N. Y. C; 
Charles J. Snleslng. 44 Cornelia street. Brook- 
lyn, S. Y.; Jos. Salies. 138 Second ayenne. 
N. Y. C_: t,ools H. Llelnhart, 107 B. Hoostoo 
atreet, N. Y. C. 

Go,^a Tlieaitre Lrsacc Co., GoiAas. Ind.; 
capital $5,000. Dlrectcin MsiHi 
L. Jones. WlUUm O. TaMtC-'HSBK St^Ma^.. 
•on and J. B- Newell. 

Washtngtoa Lodge So. 7, T. M. A., Wa«hta»-..' 
too, D. C. Incorporator* — tRobert M. F^oet. 
MiB O. Oayer. W. H. atebbina, Ohailet Uoltaa 
'utA:.lJmtm ft ■j'liati. 



The Forepaush StlM^k Co^ nnder the 
management of Geo. F. and Is, Vw 
paugh Fish, closed Its season at RcMn- 
: ' eon's Opera House in Cincinnati Sat- 
urday, Kay 6, after one of the most 
successful engagements in the history 
of that worthy organidation. In Caet. 
Mr. Fish regards the season just closed 
- .the most successful, both financially 
and artlsticsdiy, that he has ever ex- 
perienced during hlB nineteen years 
of successful management. This Is 
aaying considerable l>ecause Mr. Fish 
. . fei' vaeocnlaed as one of tb* CDraMMt of 
> salbak managers in the eoontiT. *■ IMMI- 
. -.ttim which he has held for many years, 
■Vv It: must indeed be a proud moment 
at the close of the season the 

:MU!lmintt praises wUdt if«ra sbow 

.;^arM:npon Mr. and Mrs. Fish and the 
jriMnibers of the Forepaugh Stock Co. 
r/fat tlie close of the afternoon and even- 
■ lllgliMftiiiiWiM— Saturday. Informal 
r^ree^tfams were held upon the stage 
after these performances and It ap- 
peared that every spectator in the 
vast audience stepped to the stage to 
personally Impress upon the favorites 
the high degree of pleasure they had 
experienced each week of the note- 
worthy engagement. Miss LAvlnla 
Shannon and Mr. John Farrell, and 
every member of the company have 
, made countless numbers of friends 
'ViBaHny-'.-tts 'itost . atagf. in the Queen 
vClty.'' 'ite wy 'ti^ they have become 
favorites is expressing It mildly. They 
have become a fixture in Cincinnati 
theatricals. Their ret^tpearance is the 

^^uilSLBtle anffianees which have filled 

'.the Robinson every evening of the en- 

The company opened at the famous 
old playhouse last fail with adverse 
conditions confrantlng them. It had 

■ been said — had almost become prover- 

- bial — tliat success was not to be liad 
at Robinson's. Naturally the people 
flocked to that house the opening night 
because of curiosity. The second even- 

- Uig a large audience greeted the play- 
^rers because the first nighfs perform- 
ance had been a big success. Then 
curiosity disappeared and people came 

' . to Robinson's because they were sure 
^'<n^-aaains.:*:.:aood: play. aUgt p ge a nead 
"nieie ^ Wais ' not a bad iday npon tbe 
boards throughout the engagemant, 
the large attendance having warranted 
. the production of only, the best plajra. 
!-^^^^iBmt Bhannon and Mr. FarreU it 
.^||uuf-^•ceruInIy been a . big personal 
f>l.fiAiiB>ph. They have proved them- 
':^ i < f wa of superior talent and worthy 
of the hearty applause they have re- 
ceived. Their able efforts have been 
crowned with brilliant results and 
their return at tiie.lwd «< tiie com* 
pany next Angost'wlll be iMUed wKh' 

Manager Fish promises to return 
next August or early in September 

tse Chestnat'^ ti&eet 'Ti natre In FMla- 

delphla. The company is well known 
in the City of Brotherly Love and they 
will undoubtedly enjoy a prosperous 

■-^^ r^RKV CARTeR JNJUREO . ' 

Mrs. iMlle Carter, stanlnc In Adraa 

at the Beiaaco Theatre, New Tortc 

City, met with an accident on May 4 
by which three tendons in her right 
anUe were strained. It Is understood 
lAthat tha wsn^jtaMw» aeU.ias wfll not 
:^ aM>ear acain this season: ^Tlie end of 
«;4>er season had been announced for 
i'SMay 29. but the unfortunate accident 
'.^hastened the closing by two weeks. 
'^^VtM 'aeeUIent happened as the actress 
was ^leaving her carriage to enter the 
Belasco Theatre in the afternoon. She 
was a little late and left her carriage 
rather hurriedly. As she stepped to 
;^the sidewalk the horses gave a sud- 
•den. plunge forward. The heel of Mrs. 
Carter's shoe caught In the step and 
in endeavoring to loosen It the heel 
was wrenched off. With a cry oC pain 
the actress fell to the sidemlk and a 
physician summoned. 

Mr. Belasco was not at tlte tlMptiti 
when the accident happened, bat 
reached it soon afterward, and, seeing 
the seriousness of Mrs. Carter's in- 
Jury, Insisted on- dismissing the la^ 
audience. Mrs. Garten fc a w sw . woaM 
not hear of this plan, 'and wHh te- 
maikable fortitude went through the 
long perSormance. Two women were 
oonatantly at her side during the even- 
la» .Tttm pain and mrntUUag ' 

rapidly, and after the fourth act Mrs. 
Carter fainted. But she recovered 
quickly and went on for the final 
scenes attar the entaln waa held 
many mtantasL TIict* waa no evening 


Mr. S. Morton Cohn. the well-known 
western vaudeville manager, wires The 
Billboard that there is no truth in the 
report that John Conaidine pmdiased 
his dMlB flC — - 

Fred Sargent left New York on Sat- 
urday afiernoon tot Toledo vbere be wBI Im* 

mediately take np tbe work of ^Deral promoter 
and courier ahead for the Ferarl CamlTal Co., 
wblch besin* it* avuoD at an earlj- date. He 

ontti MV ».' ** ^ 

• • • 

Francis E. Hope announces for next 
aeaaon, tbe annual tour of Adelaide Thoratoo 
In a new play. Tbe THomp of Betty, wblch 
W. A. Xtcaayne and Jirlag V. Hall tamTC wrtt- 
ten 1 

in Nnr. Te* 

• • • 

The Shubert Brothers' Liondon Thea- 
tre. The Waldorf, la nearlns completlan, tbe 
doors will be thrown open 31ay 22, when 
CalTe will be beaid in CaTiIlere Butleuia. 
la «ke. 

Tbe ; 

BInHa, actisg manaser. Sam StalMft wlH lie 

In ^Miiae* iW the opening. 

Lielia Blow, Hugo Toland and Frank 
Lalor wnc concerned In the prodactlon of 
My M«a ne^aaasv. a mv wtttMB. tg the 
late Mb Iknkr. 'wUtfe inm ariclMiilrtMrt at 

the Colonial TlieatTr. Peataklll, m Tbnrsday 
night. We .bare not yet been told that they 
wui all go ■tnztag is It sext mmm, tnt we 

dacca 'tae -iaigr.' ' • 

• • • 

The New York Roof Garden will be 
opened June 12 under the name of Wlsterl.1 
GroTe. the feature attraction being a flfty- 
mlnate ictIcw. which will have the Sr. Osier 
thmay. ss.Ms- esMllBg. jlDt. 

«• ciaiite'tliii 

Liionel Barrymore arrived in New 
York OQ TtanrsOay from Colorado Spring, bayln? 

obliged b.v a severe attack of nerToiis prorf- 
ttatlon to retire tram Tbe Other Olrl Co. HIa 


where Sir. Ba ity i uur e and tala company were 
booked for an expected fommer mn. Mr. 
BarrTmoi* had aa attack at pnemnonla last 
fall. sBl' tt te^ttMgkt thst^bs. 

too MB;^cne~iintMto. sc 

'Vanir: a,iiBt'.'.s^,a;'lnr: 

Liouis Lesser will be the manager of 
the Ugo Falace when, on May 2a, It opens tor 

George Tyler wflL-^'-jh Iiondon the 
fltst week in May to aniilttevhla artansementa 
fur the prodoctloD of BUI Cilne'a latest play, 
Tbe Prodl^l Soo. stmnltaneonaly in I.oi>don 
and New York about the flnt week In Septem- 
ker. It wm be sMB Is London at the Dmry 
In Kew York at the New 
Amitterdam. It waa orl{;lnally intended that 
Kyrle Bellew was to create the part of the 
Prodij:al Son in Amertca. G«or^ Tyler thinks 
that a whale lit eC bm* tmMav Is sMU left 

enter leading 
actor wtU haTC to be engaged for the Prodigal. 
WIw ones think that The PrUtliral Son Is the 
btggeat dramatical offering In yean. Ball 
Calae wiMt the pUy before he wisle the book. 

It is said that William T. Keogh 
■ aMalB«a s .iShalHlU ^aMWMt la the 
«SMriras Theatre tm lik'eNrl aai the CUnm- 
fels Theatre. Brooklyn, through pnrdiaatog the 
shares in the leaseholds, wblch were 
held the Brothen Wela. This deal pUces 
Mr. Bm^ to i h e ig i eC «sw-l>nWM Is «i«arer 

haTihg preTfoodr MNjRM to 

The vaudeville benefit for the Ac- 
tora' HOBie, to be 

donbtedly carry the greatest TaadertUe pro- 
gram ever presented In New York. Tbe seats 
are all sold and ererybody who Is anybody In 
TaodeviUs ".wU 
gram and Asir 

• • ■ • 

Willis Steel, author of The Firm of 
Cunningham, now In its foorth week at Madi- 
son Square Theatre, baa sold the English righta 
Of Ua comedy to Mlas BDda SpoaC, who Is 
now playing the principal part In tbe play. 
lUsB Spoas win xcmam In the eaat during the 
run at the abur |a. tUa dty. and then, after a 
the play to London. 


Co May 2, the benefit for Madame Helena 
Modjcska. fathered by Ignace Paderewskl, was 
giren at the Metropolitan (N. Y.) Opera BooSe' 
to a rast audience. Madams Modjeaka was pre- 
sented by Edmund Clarence Stedman, the poet, 
with an Illuminated testimonial, llie pcesenta- 
-tlon was made directly sfter a enlocy of tiie 
actress, folKnrlng the mnrder scene from 31ac- 
beth In which Mme. Modjeaka had exhibited all 
the lire. ;^en1iK and maKne>tl9m of the halcyon 
days of her career. Tlie audience applauded 

again aiid aealn. and with streaming eye» and 
shaking voice she uttered a few brief words of 

Daniel Frobman, who bad charge of the bcne- 
Ht. beUeres the total receipts w<ll be Sa,OW. 
Of this laioant. (600 waa paid for the boow aad 
l.'MO te gencnl ezpenaee. ao that the total to 
g» to aim*. XodJeafea wfll he shoot <a,et!OL:r Xhls 
•nMont wm aid SMleilallr'lB'.iifMtw :sJ;«erl' 

' Tlie 'SW flt ffHPii wias' made up of all 
Uterary folk, plajmlshts, actora and bnMneas 
men iriio had a dmb e d Modleska'a art yeara ago 

made her welcome notable for wntoth and 
sincerity and generoasly patronised tbe aetreSBes 
who sold roses, confeotlooery, sonreoln and 

Cecelia Loftns. In Une and gold; BUda Spong, 
Emma Fririmian and Florence Worden sold 
roses; Grace FBkloa, Dorothy Tennant and Mrs. 
BamscT gave do change for tmxes of confec- 
tionery and a doaen other women did likewise 
in diqioalng of the programs. 

I>ortDg the intermissions the promenade was 
brllllaat with hjindsomely gcnvned women and 
stalwart men. Stace idol.^ and sooiety were 

on parade. James Uazen Hyde was omnipres- 
ent, aits. Grover Clereland came down from 
her box and Mrs. E>aderew»k. Joined Mme. Mod- 
jeska's husband in tbe tea-room, where abe ex- 
pressed regret that tae pianist could not be 

Vladimir DePachmann. the pianist in tbe place 
of Paderewakl, opened the entertainment with 
a Chopin recital of four numbers. 

Ada Reban appeared In a scene from Wycher- 
ly'a Tbe Ooontiy Girl, and as the Uvelr and 
co<iaetlah Peggy Thrift waa the leliicaiBatlaB 
of her yonnger- aett. Mlaa raia BnaacU^aaag 
an arU fran: XtaaShuact' asd >Mia^ . Bstddc 
CamiAen rccMSd Aaa' Isg(lo«*» BlghtTMe on 
the Coaat of MscSisihhT. ■ ' ■- ■ ■ ■—•ij 

act of Mary Staart. In the liist ahe waa as- 
«l6ted by James CKeUl, Lonis James, tmcent 
Sexanno and Morgan Coman and In the latter 
tr Hut Shaw, Kate Denin, wnno. WilBam 
Oa tt e na y. John E. Kellanl, John Glendennlng 
■ad'.Onrlre S. K^ly. DaTM Bivtam viang 


. _ iiipiiiing?l>t--.h— ^rytt- -htaa 

Ha' asae^ IksA a enalnt' ArSNsB* 
featiral Bomber, which ha* been adapted, trans- 
lated and derelopcd tv a atarewd Yankee, wbo 
recently' went Into tbe Arabesque domain and 
bearing Its dellgUtfOI (tfalna. tboaght be could 
so clothe the dance in AnwIeaB ralnmeot. and 
with such brtlllancy of haaacny, that he con- 
cluded to take It orer to good old New i.ork 

That he has succeeded beyond bis most san- 
gnlne expectations Is seen by the actlrity with 
which tbe orchestras In almost erery prominent 
city of the United States within tbe past three 
weeks hsTc been pla,Ting It before and after er- 
enlng performances In tbe large theatres, and 
even the street orpanists are beginning to fa- 
mUlSTise thenM>elTea with the fetching tune. 

.\rabola Is certainly a very deH^btftil oombl- 
natlon of jingles, and almost any scboolglrl. 
to say nothing; of the high-toned graduates of 
the colleges, will weiconie Its tuneful measures 
because there is t<ometliine odd and pleasing 
about the harmony and the tempo and the 
euphony of the trio that not oqI.t* seta the foot 
In spontaneous action, but also pleases the 
ear and reaches tbe ordinary student something 
new about rhythmical expresaloo and harmonic 
conatractlon. It la sate to say that Cooey 
Mand and aB the resorts at thia ensuing anm- 
v*^ i<ha.:aNBar:.sinlBs. «(, 

A meeting of aboot fifty nanagers of tbe 
larger one-night stand towna and dtlea In tbe 
Tldnlty of Pittsburg waa held in tbe Cotonlal 
beta Wi l * y . . »a ^- -aga i- J|> ;jMfcsjjgs j ■ mi 
taken - tuward tte^ ' ftt uatloa of ' a ' snlsettre 
The meeting waa held to complete 
the bnalneaa of a former meeting held aome few 
Tbe oOlcera elected are Harry 
pw a ldt nt; J. F. Cienk- 
Inger at MewcasHe. Tiee-picaldent; F. P. Mel- 
linger of Comberland. Md., aecretaxy aad treaa- 
urer; Geo. Buckhalter of Butler, A. P. Waya 
b ^ a t ^Uie MetwgolltaB of Sobola, 1. LeBogr Oaaa of WSma, OUa^ 8. X. 

Bowers of New Philadelphia, exeentlTe com- 

The larger portion of a oonaUtntlaa and by- 

lnMC'-';9MfftctME<i'iraisNtU .' 
•bd sAvtrt.: the lontiaM bctag told < 

the next meeting. The conatltntlon la 
stdered by tbe managers to be far reaching 
and effective, and the otganlaatlMi will be of 


week that New Yotk Is to bare a stock company 
which wiU gire tlie latest FVencb plays is 
English, An aaaodatlon baa been formed with 
a capital of «m,000, and with tbe exception 
Of a few tbonaand doUara the amoont neces- 
aary has been anbaerlbed. Among thoae tntcr- 
ester In he plan are Oaklelgb Tbome aad 
WUlUm a. Cheeebrongb. Victor Mapea. the 
well-known playwright and author. wUl be the 
managing dlreetcr. Mr. Uapea declined to dln- 
cuaa the matMS'^ea 
rangemcnts laf'tSf\ 
completed, aai^jiHit:>thi$jii 
ready as .yet iMKriilafe'iltS .'of .Ms 

pnUlc. 'vri'^^' • ' '^V^^^iw ^SiiV'A ~ 

The plan ia not la anik^ 

jg BSBIIBO IV p **tt.^i^|f i.i»ifTa . 

lie'' off the 'gnt'* to - pvodace 
playleta In TandeTlIle, la reating for a month 
In Pblladelpbla- He baa Jvat returned from a 
alx months' toor at Oteat Britain and ictnms 

to. that 'Coaaiir<-|B.43iHt;^:srtd|^/«tirtmH^^ 

win .kecF bl■^:th!R•.-aM^^Avril'. 'l;:''iMa^'';-Kev 
aays that Banpe is a gnat place to work ln,\i 
hot whcs he gels . tisw for. a vaeatlao be pra-..' 

Mr. Walter Pasamoce, Savoyard aafl:! 
has been engaged by Mr. Arthmr -.ONnBa>'1 
Dnur lAoe, and wlU appear there otxt'CWl 
mas la tbe paatomime of Cinderella. 

Included in the company at the Cambrid 
are Madame Roma*a aerial wrestllDg gtr 
Charles L. Fletcher, tbe cleTer American Imper- 
sonator; Florrle Moore, and The Carlyles. 

Tbe Oxford announces a ninuber of weU- 
known artists, amongst whom will be found 
Testa Tilley. Geo. Bobey. R. G. Knowles, Hany 
Bandall, Win Evans and Cos Elen. 

WUl Evans In Robtnsoo Crusoe; George Bobari' 
Boss and Grayson: Lllleth Leytao A Cau.' IS'^She 
Order of The Bath, and Minnie CtennlBghMifaie v-! 
high lights In CoIHns* scheme. 

At the TlvoU. Marie Uoyd makea her reap-V. 
pearance In the Westend with new songs. Cterk 
and Bamllton, George (Bobey, Barry Bandall,:.- , 
The Poloskis. and R. G. Knciwles ar« among tba.- 
others engsged. 

'Xi. Barry Lander, Miss Ida Bene. Mr. Percy . 
Henri. ML<8 Lottie Collins. IMr. George Mcaart. 
Mr. Ambrose Tbome, The Harmony Four, and 
many others make np a atnoc bin at tlie Pa- 


A tenval of btcjde uls.'-tah ea pla ee at ■.the:^'--; 
Eoviie, wbeie Sir. -^Biaaaav Wmiaaui, r 
I .Xha iDandng Dolt Bva- 

abC Fna. Iiaxwnlt'tt ObL vwOI play tbehr atlr> 

Bom, to aiK^Vi 


IQTniiUA — Etnest Barboar. 
manageruaC ' the. -Oaaa: Opera Boasa, V:BatMb , 
Hum la filMiM 'Whlatalna. m' 'Ia/m»itHU. 
who ta M sa aihu JwHh swat a uet t M TS'Taoae- ' 


'3rDL80iN-AI>AaiS-^ the Catlwllc Church of 
the Ascension. New York City, by Rev. Father 
Tlgbe, J. C. Melson, to Blanche Adama. known 
in private life as Miss Blandbe 'V 
Adams appeared In The 8b»Ooa 
The Girt From Kay's. 

aA'TOT-LAZASJl— (Bert Bavo.v, character art- 
ist, and Miss Annie Lasara, ot Chicago, were 
married May 1. They will abortly appear In a 
new- vaudeville sketch. 

BOW1BRS-HOI/T— Obaries H. Hower?. of The 
.qmnifif Island CO.. to Dorothy H(At. formerly ot 
thii' Wiadlanil rn . AprU 20. 


Thdlalst. who formerly : 

■IVCd'st'Oe'Siaiail'Spera Boose. Copenhageo. > 
aad Opera Oomlqne, Paris, died bi Kansas City, 
llo.. ncently. . 

Prof. EmU Stengel, husband and teacher oC . 
Marcella Sembricta. died at Berlin. May 4. 

WlUiam Shlpman. better kuoan as Hump- 
back Shlpman. the well knm^-n privUege man. 
died of quick constunptlon at Wichita. Kan. 
• Edwin H Boone, hypnotist and mind reader. 
at the Boone Yakl Co.. died at tbe home of hla ■ 
mother at Lexington. Ky.. Friday. May 6. 

George Weaver, -13, well known minstrel man, 
died at Onqooln. 111.. May 0. of typhoid fever. 
Bis last engagement was with tbe Soott CSaik 
Minstre-ls. He Is snrvlTed ■ >K,- a artfs .. aat_jmm . 
brother. Ibe remains wlB be tSfeM' tS OHMIb 
Iowa, for Interrmeirt. 

Georce Piatt, father of Mrs. SttisTt Danbw. 
died April 26 at Ms home la Oswego. N. Y. 
Be sraa qnite well kaows In the theatrical pco- 

fmloa. aad was a eaaiia M .Sm 

e. iMt. ••'■..'.^,v-' 


Xlie Billboapcl 



XBMlnaBfMllkmis anemsy nattct^ 
liittthsprooC BtkttttbiK. We bmT* di»- 
-eevandloocaavaoMiiuikGtorilr more s 
»eeifle tbloK 'W»aaM Paralak Che 


lATmSodplaudlkaaBy otihar MSB. It 
to oBsaipaiaed for the tot lot andbatb, 
bat what we wtata to partlcniariy empfaa- 
slxe. Is the easy and soothlnr manner in 
wblcfa It Keaa*T«a Greaae-Vtelat •r 
■aunt C*(k without ibe aM o( Odd 
Cream, and wltbunt tajanr mJtmJBmi 
hM^tnc a ffinllnf of akMMM MMbuIW 





r LOUIS, U. S. A. 


TieBt ll k mi d'ji 

Sl»« <Gord«i & Bmoett's Noniern), 
Save H. Woods, mgr.: Rice Lake, WU., 10; 
ComtieTlaiid U: New Slcbmood 12: MenooKwiF 
U; Eaa daioe 13; Oblnewa Falls 16; Grand 
~ " > XT: Stcvna Folat U; Wrniali U; Plr- 

P— «tt' » flaatkecB), 
— : AltMM. Ba.. 

stt - - - 
M; Tatw » g. lT; 

B;-AMagdM.»; inraeiMe afe MMU M: 

L:UMIe OntcMt (K. C a ipflw la): Bed Wing, 

4142: St. Jflhni^ tr. K. U-a>. 
▲ Me Ootcast (E. J. Cuveotcr'a): Bed Wms, 
10;^ WabMli n; Doxand. Wis.. 12; 
~ fUIs 13; Aatdsnd IS; HuHer I«; 
Midi.. 17; iibpemiiiE 18; C^imet 

. 1^ 30. 

'■tat A UslMu aMe Ttamn, KStar * Brtttotu mgtn.: 
basis Cnr. MD., T-13: Oes Holiie«, U., 14- 
17; Uustisntowii 18; Independeoee Id; Du- 
tmqoe 30. 

Allen, Tli^. Cbu. W. Allen, mgr.: Detroit, 
Klcb.. 8-10; COereluid. O.. U-13: Tonmto. 
Ont.. 15-20. 

Aili mii, autule. Gbas. Taikmm, aigr.: . W«r- 
eerter. iiimt^ '■ lO;_ 11.1 iLijWgg *C*M. 

tAdioDs (£tsta^, lU 

Bnxikljii. Nl T., 1-13. 
A GnlltT Conielinee, Tellx Blel, mgr.: JTewmrk, 
N. J.. 8-13. 

AAee Stsck Co., £. F. Alba*, mcr.: Prarldenee, 
S. L. iUy 1, la^. . . . . 

Stock Co.. BvUlsco A^Bvaii^- B^tn.: 
Ssn Tnnclsco, CaL, lodef. 
An AToand Cbicaso. W. A. Btadr. OCT.: Cfal' 

c«go, m.. stay 1. IndeC 
AagUa. Maisant. r. Ii. Feder, anz; 
- — . CaL. Afdl aMfar IS., Hv' I. 

1 nestre: RdUdelplds. Fa., 
iiiiail) etocfc Co.: Oaklaiid. CU, 1 
inslr. aagenle: Kew Xodc CItr. Iby SJaae 10 
.Srovn Amaflement Co., EL Brown, —fr ' Pada- 

eah. Ky.. Indef. 
'BiuaitK*}- Stock Co., .Valmlm WUUaaSi 
W4>reesteE. Man.. May 1. indef. 
Brrajit Comedy C6., Sam Bzyant. ngr« 

Ecespcet, Pa., bidttf. 
■Bentoa-s, ftm B., ObaiediaM. F. <». BHiaa. 

mgr. : WicUta. KSa,*- IMi^- >^-%- - 

Hai ij I ». £tl>el. Ctaai. lMlBaaL''iiH 

Xork aty. 1-13. 

- -- m.. i-B. 

I 1» Jktaiy: Niewaik, K. J.. 8-13 
Bjnkc-McGsn: CaiboDdale. FK., 8-13. 
■BlUM. BlUy. Beit Mdnail. mfF.: Blnefleld. 

rSiii ffi i? *Tf i^'*SS&.1^aS: 

Oalnet Stock Oaw.'M* TL. CoBDacs. w^z 

Outer. Mrs. £edl^%fld MaaeoL diss.: MMr 

lock Ctty, JSn. », tndet. 
<:arter's Comedians. F. C. Carter; Bar.: a^i**! ". 

Tex.. M«y 1, isdec ■ 
Castle Square Stock Co.: Boston. Mass_ tidef. 
Central Stock Co.. BeUsco & Mayer. T- • 

San Fraodsco, Cal., Indef. 
Cooler. IVm.. Cbas. Froimuii. WIMKmZ ' Usin. 

- Ear-, atay 1-27. T^^TT^ 

'OSDzOiay Stock Co^ Wm. ^ ii t as j'j ■'■irr"- JI- 

*«ny. N. T.. May 1. Indef. 
C ammln gH Stock Co.: Detroit, Mleb., Isdef. 

,4Snclnjuti Germ&a Stock Cok. O. E. Sciunld. 

mgr.: ETansrllle, Ind.. 10; lodlanaixdls 11; 

Memphis, Tcuit, 12; }«a3liTllJe 13; LooiSTllle, 

Kj- 14: Plqaa. O., 13. 
Clarke, aarry Cotson: DnloUi, Minn., 8-27. 
fnnrinnatl Stock Co. (CUlIoni A SteTec's) : Ko- 

komo, Ind,. 8-14; Alexaadrla 15-21. 
Cnslmuin tc St. Glaite: St. Joaeob. Mo., 30- 

llay 13^ 

IT. SdSs saaHB ^ 
. ODb. IsB CaraO. 
W.'Ta..S-1SL ■ , 
Ctase-Usttt^ Theatmr. OMar BasM. la, l-U. 
-CheAos. KIrke I^ai 111 , m^t^-Mmmm, ». 

T.. 10; Syxacne It-lS; UUaa tt^v^ 
OittcrStoek Co.. Wanace Bk OHttil^-aillLt Bad- 

fwd. iDd., 8-12. 
Osts* Dramatic Co., M. H. Carts, msr.: BtSu, 
KeK. 10; Clvmter U: Birtac 12-13; 0*liea 
15: Orcbard IS; Flalnrkw 17: Mnea IS: 
PMIirrteir 19. . — _ . - 

IHorak-BarlOsoo Stock Co., I 
EMtme. Mica., SJS. 

Dora Thorn*. Sowland * CUSBCd, Bfts.: St. 

ix>ais. Mow. T-aS; Kaaaaa CUr IMOl 

Dllger^orad. HT. R. mialW. BV^t aaOer. 

Pa.. 8-13. 

D'Oraa.r, Lawrence, Ktafee ZsMta^ acca Bagl- 
. Mich., U: nnaBtaaTOaa.. IS. 

Drew, Jobn, Cbas, nobauB, aasr.: KSnsas 

City, Mo., S-10; St. Joaeith 11; Omaha, Neb- 


DeGrasae, Jooepb. Titi A. Bsywaid, • Ot- 

Uwa, Can., 843. 
DaTldaon Stock OoL. A» 

kesas. m.. 8-IS. 
OowB Ov Wmft Ihrtto X. 

ddafeto. Cai7SJS>' ' 
OavMMaeaH StaA Oa,: ' WsIiub. K. C,.8.1S 
Hair. AimU. riitler * Ck.: Mew Tock City, 
t Jam. la, laOcC, 

Dasla. Hny. StsA Co.: PlttAocs. Ps., Indef, 
Stock Co.: Spciasfleld. Mo,, 

Stock Co.: Detiatt. MMl, Indef 
.Sobert, Beniy B. B ~ 
■us., April 3. lodrt. 
ItBxlne, Sam 8. Shalie 
BBS., April 96, Indi-f. 
Faniom. iWm. Stock Co.: BoBalo, M. Y„ March 
6, indef. 

Fawcett Stock Co., Geo. Fawcett, msr.: New 

Tork City, May 1, indef. 
Fetrls Stock Co.: MlnneapoUs, Minn., Indef. 
Ferris', Dick, Stock Co,: San Francisco, Cal.. 

Hit U icdet. 
Flsfce Sc Stock: St. John. N. B., Aiwll 17. Indef- 
Fl-ictier. Alice. F. C, Whitney. Bis>.: New 

York City, Apm 3, Indet. . .-. .. 

Fla min g Mamie, W. H. Gracey, '■■bt'''' PhU- 

udelphla. Pa.. AprU 24. Indef. 
Fonevaogb Stock Co.: PhllartelgMa. Vs.; iDdef. 
Frenzied Finance, Wm. A. Biadfi msi^t New 

York City. Aptfl S. ladeC 
Fulton Bros.' SSMk Cik>.-JMk K. 

Jnnetloo City. Xm^-'UBt WL. 

to-Jase 3. 
Fane. Walter: Asbland, Wis., 8-13. 
Fltzshmnons, Bot>ert and JoHa Maj G!tr<xd. ia 

A Fight for Ixwe, Leon Friedman, mgr,: St- 

Panl, Minn., 7-13: ^kmea^iotls 14-30. 
For Ftune and rorttme, SuUlTan. Banls * 

.Woods, mgr*.: New York City, 1-20. 
Fabk> Bomaol. A. Jhck lianst. mgr.: Toledo. 0.. 


Fenbeix fitoek OOl. Geo. H. Venbeis. aigr. 
I««a. Mm, JjS; S altm l»-gL 

"m^'a^'^lllllllk urWlB^ dait park 

12: WaaksSBB U. 
Fkst Lite m Mew XMfc' 

Daytao. O.. SJtt; «BtfMB IMS; 

qnBtoB. Uctlir & Co., 
O, S-M; Detnlt. WdL, 11-13. 
RankcnOeia. Kamau SanftrS Dsdcc; mgt.: M 
Norte. Osl.. 10; SaUda U; OTwlf CRCk IS: 

Denmr 13-15. 
Flake. May. Jobn CoaBrore, mgr.: I^aa. liass., 

Fran Bass to Blcbes, wltli Joseph Santley, M 
a Mfiers, mgr. N«-ir Tock Oty, 8-13. 

Fanst (Porter J. White's) : GreenrUle, Pa. 
10; North East 11; AStatalinla. 12. 

riike. Mis. and Tbe Manhattan Co., Harrison 
Grey Flske, iirop. and mgr. Madison, Wis 
10; Mnwmkec ia-13; Eao CI aire IT. 

Garslde Stock Co., i. S. Garslde, mgr.: Clear 
Held. Fa^, 8-13. 

Goodwin, N. C, Geo. J. Appleton, mgr.: Den- 
ier. OJ.. 8-13: Colorado Springs IS; Pnetilo 
16: Salt Lntf Cttr. Utah. 18-20. 

Oiimore. Bamvy, Harry Mootgomery. mgr,: De- 
troit, ilicli- 7-13; -oronto,, 15-20. 

Griatti. Jobn in Macbeiti. Mm Of. HMcy. B^r. 
Ifanlstiqne. Midi.. 10; Sanlt Sta. Mstti 11 
ChelMTgan 12; Alpcaa 13: P«ct Bbtm IS; 
Caatl«s». Ca».. 1«: au XfeMa 1T: Woodstock 
18; OlislSwO IS; AaaSw SH 

SM OS na fltssMa, wOk EflBBB M i rflmfr. Wol- 
tee wmr ' rsaiMliiii B. I-. 1-13. 

oSSSSSSb^ nSwaaS. "Wis,. 8-IS. 

GalTin. ' Johnny. Comedy Co.. James A. OalTin. 

mgr.: Ottmra. Can., 8-10. 
Girls Win Be Glrla, with AL Leech and The 

Three Boaebad*.. Wak A. Bndr. av-: X>*>- 

too. K. J.. IS^ ■•• 
Gazilck SranaMe-Oik;'' flWtMV.'Mlek.. Iby 8. 


Gennan Tbestie Stock Co., Helnetnann t Webb. 

mgrs.: St. Lools, Mo., indef. 
Glaser, TauEban, Stock Oa^^BoeattA. Smith, 

m^. : Clerelaod, O., MSlIb dk ISdSC 
Grand Stock Co.. ChBK' nKtM^ 'BSr.: Mew 

Orleans. La., indef. 
Grattac A DeVemoo Stock Co,: San Diego, 

Cal- indef. 

Ball. Don C: SteTcns Point, WUl, April 25- 
May 25. 

Heir to Tbe Hoorah. Klrke ^ l"Vrtl»- Str*!"* I»w 

York City, AjprU 10. indef. 
Hathaway Theatre Stock Co.: New Bedford, 

Mass., May 8, Indef. 
Bemphm. -E. A^ Stock Oa^ U, E. Ccalao, mgr. 

AshcnD^ JL..Cs Hk.JI; ' ' ' 
His Fa thet^ Sht Jad 

Ont.. la lit. : 

- - ----- - -- -- «!«. 

I4-I8L ' 

HnpHnV atoA Co., A. 9. Mocttaoo; Bsr.: Man- 
phis, Tenn., Sept. 19, Indef. 
Howard Stock Co,: Chicago, m,, AftU Zt. ladef 
Bayward, Grace. Stack Osl. OaiMMMIs * 

Kress, mgrs.: Omate p Kib.v S-^SPC S. 

Hendricks. Ben. Ullllaa- Amr, av^t 

Herald Square Stock Co.. Bitter dc Faasbawe, 

mgrs.: Carlboa, Me., 8-13; Tan Bhi 
Berper, Miss Georgia & Co., Harper * 

mgrs.: Petalama, Cal., 8-13. 
Hoyt's Ccimedy Co., H. G. Allen, mgr.: Spring* 

aeld. Mo.. 8-13; JopUn 14-20. 
Hanford, Charles B., F. lA w ie i tue Walker. a>sr.: 

Wsshlngtoo, D. C, 8-27. 
HeodersoQ Stock Co., W. J. ft B. B. BmShmb. 

mgrs.: Pecry. I*., 8-13. 
H>ward.Docset. A. M. MiUcr, baa. na.z Ports- 
~ 0.. 8-13: Tcne Bante, lad,. U-SO. 

- In The Mininaaire Oeteetis^ 
^ aws;: J Siii H ia w. B. U MSt 


Ohgaes K.: Htm Mk CRT. *^ 
Oawtrey, Charles. dUen WSlTB, wiffLX. 

to«, D. c.. S-IS. 
aoDaad. OfOdicd. Bdw. C 

towa. V. T.. m. 
HaB. Ge>a. P.. "W. 

hUl. <N. 8- 10: i^teat 11: Umlis. 
Irwlm May. Edward B. tOtKt, 

N. Y- 8-13. 
In Tbe Shadow oC Oarkoess, Fielding *mn»r 
ment Co., aisis.: Wasbington. D. C 8-lSL 
Imperial Stock Oab. fled, fl. niMlltaa. m^.: 
San Ant0Bl% Skab^SMC 

iTKlDg PUee MsACk.: Btv XMk OHr. Oct. 

6, indef. 

James Boys In Mlssood. WTMM^ Saaaola.. msr.: 

Omatia. Neb.. U-IS; IfaakatOt Mlaa,. IS; 

Masoi> CItT. U.. 14. 
Jnst Before Dawn: Hotnkeo, K. J- 9-12. 
Jefferson, Joseph, jr., and Wlillam W., in The 
' BlTals, Hany C. Smart, mgr.: Dayton, O- 

10;ZaneaelIle U;East Lirerpool 12; Colmnbna 

13; WtaeeHng. W. Ta^, IS; SnUer, Pa., 16; 

Gieenabnrc 17; Altoona 18; Atlantic City, N. 

J., '19-aO; seaaoo ends. 
Jtonlln. AlTin: Bo. Manchester. Conn., 10; Bock- 

vma 11; Stafford Springs 12; PltcUxag, Mass., 


JeSrys. EUJs: Baltimore. Md.. 8-13. 

Kviiti Stock Co., Del Larwrenoe, nst.: apokans, 

iWasb., Feb. 5, Iniet. . 

Keller Stock Co., A. M. Eellct^ Wbt BMSsd, 

CoL, March 26, indef. 
Klaik-Uiiian Stock Co.. Fred 6r^m, bns. mgr.: 

SenatoQ. Pat. 8-13: Putla t n ie lB-20. 
KIMT. Ceo. C. Deal. bBSL mgr.: Elgin, ni. 

10: ^stete d U: Bdtoas. I Kfc. " 

Kinesley-Baaaall Oa, W. & W 

MarlsB. m.. SdS. . 
Ivceam Mck 4}»i, BC 4. OnaieaB. 

Dayton, O.. May 

■sr.: Brady, 

_ B,. Stack Co^ Bock Sad ABI. n 
40BB.. Mat WuttOea, la, IMO. 
LAIoyae. Mrs, Sam - - — - — 

mgr. : New YMk ' 
Morey Stock Co.: 
Tllle 15-20. 

My Tom (Boy GW. with Uoittia' ^ , . 

H. Wlnciiell. mst.: Jeraer €K9.-tU i^WM; 

mgn.: Jeney OHP^^SE'^^ •dSf BaUlMra, 

Md-. 15-20. 

Myrkle-HaideT Stock Co. (Gdstetn), W. H. 

Border, mgr.: Bridgeport, Coon., 8 IS, 
McDonald Stock Co., G. W. McDoBBld, Bsr.: 

Trinidad. CoL, 7-20. 
McAQBffe. Jere, Harry ■MSHb ap-t 

toivn, P. E. L. S-13. 

Mote To Be Pitied Than Seomc d^^ 

B^aey's), At>e Lery, mgr.: CtadMBlU A« 

7-13: Bnffalo. N. Y.. 15-20. 
My Wife's Family, I. Seldenbetg. mcE.: Ottawa, 

111.. ID; Keiranee 11; Sterling 12; BIgin 13; 

Osbkosh, Wis., 14; Badne IS; Waahasaa. III,. 

16: ScDooha. IWIB,. 17: Tsaaiillla 18; I 

Sued. nL. »: A ~ 
Brass Stock Co., 

X. X.. S-IS. 


Vjwn. tacae. wm H. Bycra, mgr.: Fan BItct, 

Vaad, S-13. 
Mnay Oaaaedy Co.: Settle Creek, KIcb., 8-13. 
Mrs, Temple's Telegiwm, W. N, lawreoce, 

mgr.: BnMklyn. N. Y., 8-13. 
My THend. Tlte Enemy, Geo. 8. Starling, mgr.: 

Buffalo, N. Y., 0-10; St. Catherine*, Can-, 11; 

Goelph 12: Bcarttford 13. 
Mr Friend aoean: Tomen' Falls, Me., U. 
Maa^leld. Slehard: Cl i i el a n a tl . O, 8-lS: PenrlB. 

III.. 17; DecatDT 18. 

Mantell, Bobert, Wm. A. Bn^. BSikt CMaSik 

III.. April 24, indef. 
Itatbes. Clara: Victoria, IB. C, Indef. 
Metropolitan Stock Co. (Stanley's), Harry V. 

Winalow. mgr.: Chicago. III., Apm 2l-Jnne 1. 
Bong. William V.: Seattle, Wash., April 9- 

Jone 17. 

Mordant's Stock Co.. Edwin Mordant, mgr.: 

Syracuse, H. Z_,ltel. lBdaC 
Morosco, oilTw; atMk'Oa.: I«a AssHi^ OU.. 


Momy * Backer. Mtm-J. 

ersborg. W. Ta.. Astfl M. 
Matks Bras.. B. W. Xaika, 1 

HM^Tok nm» Witt Baiie Xoaar: Oaatt- 

eSSk. Qoe» »-I3: Bartsa. Tt. -«-». 
Ketlle. Tbe K«w» OW. O. T. OoaM. mgr.: Co. 
InmbDS. O.. 8-10: lodlanoiioUs. lad., 11-18; 
Cblcagow m.. 14-21; season doses. 
New York Day By Day, Geo. W. Wluctt. 
St. I«olB. aio., 7-13; IjOolaTlIIe. tfr- 
i)arilas. SoUlraa. Haitla A ' 
tWIadrtsMi. Pa.. S-U. 

National Tlieatre Stock Co.: 

1. indef. 
New Pe<0(ile'e Stock Co.. Fred 

Chicago, 111.. Sept. 4. indef. . : ■ : .: 

Odeon Stock Co.: St. LonlB. iia« Jhlk ik''lii|t>-l 
Ombeum Stock Co.. Edwssi BWlib ■Sbt., Ob>. 

lombus, O., indef. " "■' • 

Oar New Minister, Miller * Gooyats, SBBiL: 

Lin coin. III., 10; SpdagOeld U; Itea 12; Oa^ 

Tllle IS^^Inso, IIL._U^ — * 

° j2e, cuJ'aS' 


(PBslI, KSaee. Mm B. t 
■ BkK, la 

Osar CHasam Falli^ BowtaS • 

Bablow M. XL. S-ISl _ 
Omm Mack Oow: Hewtan. H. O. U4Il 
IiBlse Oam t d y Co.. H. Baitjaae. aagr 

ffiEa, aoss, 8-18; BattteSbarr 15-30, 
Petars' PmrlUna Playcn, Will J. Peters, mgr.: 

SammaiMd. Eaa.. 15-17; Aztdl 18-20. 
Esnmi'a Lee Arenne Stott On.: Brooklyn, N. 

Z.. Aae. IS. laded, 
nayem Stock Os.: CUeaso, BL. Indef. 
Pioetac's ISSth St. Stock Co.: New York City. 

Prand Laird: New York City, AprU 34, Indef. 
ProTldence Dramatic Stock Co.: Prorldence, B. 

I., Oct. 10, Indef. 
Pniebase Street Theatre Stock Co., Engene A. 

Phdps, mgr.: Nenr Bradford. Mass,, Aug. 1. 


Qneea of The HIgbwnay. W. McGowan, mgr.: 

Boatom, Mass.. 8-13; Hartford, Conn-, 15-17; 

New Haren 18-20. 
Qnlncy Adams Sa>vyeT (Central), W. G. Soeil- 

Ing, mgr.: Clereland. O., 8-13; Buffalo, N. 

Y.. 15-20. 

Qneen of The White Slaxes. A. H. Woods, aWLt: 

Memphis. Tenn,. 8-13: NaataTllIe 15-20. 
Beoord ^tock Col: (U11I|»Us, O., 8-13, 
Richard, Emeet, JOhn W, Bankln, mgr.: Kao- 

kaoiM. Wis,, 11; Green Bay 12; Rlpon 13; 

Pesbtigo 15; Oconto 16; MaTsbfleld 17; Wao- 

sau 18: MeTTill 19; Antlgo 20. 
Bnssell Bros.. Samoel Blolr. mgr.: Flttsbms, 

BemlDgton Stock Co., RealiglH A^ONi'BIS^^ 

Presrtoo, Ont- 8-13. - -■■ ■ C 

Sites Stock Co, SUM.* 
Tllle, Wla,. MB; 

ton 18-20. 
Sothem. E. H- and 

man, mgr.: San Pr ai a bwa t Oal.. 1-lS. 
Bklnner, Otis. Joaepk t. Backkr. "f" 

delpfalB. pa.. _ , 

SaaoMia Seock Co.. W. B. 1 

WimiBaas. Oat^S-IS. _ 
Saact Gtoatr; mm B.. 
- — — n_; Bssasa* 1 
W. A. Jiafcar, 

. New Bedford. Mass., 7-13, 

^ Xia Conqner: Albany. Nl ■S-_,10: 

HaetMcd. On.. U: WatactMsy IS; «ilas- 
Held, ICaas.. 13. ^2 
Saaeke's Ocrmaa ThMtia WtOtk Okf nilMN : 

phla. Pa., Indef. 
Saafonl's. Walter. American Players: Melbcnme, 

Ads., Feb. 2S-JaDe 1. 
SaToy Theatre Stock Co.: New Orleans, I.a-, 

avennln & Piatt Stock Co.. W. B. SbprmKD, 

mgr,: Calsary. H. W. T3, Jfsy fJjm e 19. 
Shirley. Jtm lat^ B^pglW. WY ^^^*»»f»j^-f 

ladef. * - 

aacddea ft Paige Co.; Topeka. BaSte ; »«i«s. , • 
Sooner Sto<A Co,. Mr«. li. I*. .^T^ 

Brooklyn, N. Y., inaifc 
Standard Stock Co., l>it«T t. spesi. 

adelptaU, Pa., indof. ^ 
Star Theatre Stock «».: > lies. X. X . 
TempeBt. Marie. Cbaa. Pia ii n a. c:sr.: Mw - 

York City, April »-B jy_U. 
Tbanhonser aiotk OsH-.BBWWifc, Wls~ 


TUcr Stack Oa.t 

The CiBisleiir B ii rti ll i. »jg»iSjU : 
BliwlaskaM, Ala., S-IS; 


The Holy City (Gordon ft Bennett's __- 
Edward Taylor, mgr.: Toledo, O.. '-WJ t— 
Clinton li; Etyrla 12; Norwalk 13; Napoieca 
15; HIcksTlUe 1«; Vatt Wert 17: Lima 18. 

Tbe Holy City ((kirdon & Bennett's W«st»n). 
Henry Harrl»oo, mgr.: ''fP"'?f"'t..,*"^fc 
10; HUlsdale 12: Angola. Ind, _I» lB»M» j i« 
gieksTlUe, O- 16; Nspoieoo If; BaSpaW «t 
Panldlng 19: Portland 20. . .. .. 

The Factory Girl, Phil B. Isaac, mgr.: Atlasia. 
0«.. 8-13: Bdchmood, V«.. 15-20. 

The Banker's Child, with Tbe Four SliinalM 
Harry SlMumoti. mgr.: Fnllerton, Neb, -.Iff 
Columbns 11; Schuyler 12; Seward IS; CnLHjB- 

The Two Sisters, C. H. Smith, mgr.: P hnaSH - 
pMa, Pa., 8-13: New BaTcn. Conn.. IS-IT.^^^ 

The Peddler (SoUl»an. Harris ft Woods'). Fled 
Block, mgr.: Brooklyn. N. X., 8-12. 

The Way oC Tbe 

— Catae at Sclafc. 

B. L. 8-18.- . w • 
a Dangbter fBastera),: J5Li~* 
_ Omaha, Neb., 7-10; OcslMBMb. 
ML, ll-IS; ddesgo, in., 14-2T. . 
The tUaaoarl <9<rl (Fred Baymond'a K s atBM ., 
Geo, Bcdee, mgr.: FatehaTen. Vt„ 10; IB*-, 
tow 11: Sprtagdeld 12: Mcwpsct. X. tL,t»i 
.Oaaoaat is; Wtoodstock, y%, M; BmrA^ 
nte Ushttasose Sy The Ssa,- FbU Baa^ aSC** 
B. T.. 7-tt. 

Xlie Olllboapd 


TSylflC Stock Co.. Albert Tvtmmm^ 

pvbit. MUs^ 8-13; UoIambDS MWl . 
Trilb}-: New Yort City. 1-13. 
XlK BooDle Brier Bnali, Elrke LaSbcUe, mgr.: 

UontmU, Can., 8-13. 
Tbe Black afask: PbiUdtlpfala, Fa., 8-13. 
The Fatal 'Wedding (SalllTan. Harris & Wooda' 

Eastern): Wcoaocket. R. I., 11. 
Tlie Fatal WtiMng (SclllTan, Harris & Woods' 

Wntem): iNew York City, 8-13. 
The MIdnisbt Fir*', £d. Andnaoo, mgr.: CUn 

ton. la.. 10; Bock Island, III.. 11; Monaoatb 
. 12; Gal««bixx 13. 

Ite Ottn- Girl, Cbaa. Frobmao. ingr.t tt. 9b- 

apph. Ho.. 10; Kansas Ctt7 11-13. 
Tbe Poirer o( Tbc Omw, J. P. I><!nobae, tacr. : 

Colirmbos, O,. 11-13. 
Tbe 8Mn of Ute. Levli Doosaetta, mgr.: Waab- 
lavtoiw D. C B-U. 

U; Batia ftavlds 12: Ht. CIcacMa U; 
aaiide M: Bodaao IS; Xlecsmseta U: Zpal- 
laaU 17. 

imieb stock Co.: Los Anseles. Cal.. bilrf. 
Cade Tom's Osbta (AL W. Matin's), Bd. Kac- 
tia. mcE.: Mlnneapolla, Minn.. T-13; Do- 
. kaiM. la.. 17; Rockfotd. 111.. 18; Aoroca 
' 'Ws'Xlgln 20. 

^IRMK Stock Co.. Bcnj. -B. Tcrnoo, mgr.: But- 
Hottao. Tt.. 8-13; Maloot. N. Y., 15-20. 

Vaanrke * Iktco, F. Mack, mgr.: Aorora, 
lU.. 7-13. 

▼iflan-s iPapaa^^^^SweUae JMU^^tt * Bar- 

-T>'ll'-beV?Tioo Mock Oo!?%l^^r7'!%L, AVtfl 


Van Dj^ke Strck Co., H. Walter Vannvke. n-sr,: 

St. Jo*epb. Mo.. Indef. 
Vanstrnm & Hollas Stool: Co.: Ik-tritr. }li<'h„ 

A;.-i. «. ludef. 
trilli». Frank. Stock Co.. rrio» Wal'.ifc, 

msr.: Knoirllle, Teim., .\pr'J 5. In.let. 
• TVallack's Tbcatr*. Dnbla-ter a.«.. r ^rj.: Bi-ck 

bland. 10., Indcf. 
Warfleld, Darld: Xev \ork Vtf. Sri>c 2n. 
■ Indef. - 
Mfcf Sbe to Slarae. M-C«dSaB- mft,i Wt ml 

■wich. Oct., Indef. 
Wbyte Dramatic Co., Ch n. P. Whyt*, mrt.: 

Alexandria, Las., May -S-Jone 3. 
WllUams-FIood Stock Co., Fled B. novJ, aigr.: 

Ponca City. OklB.. Mat. 
irnson- 'Cai.v-oHi •t,'*(k.Cltb3''rB*«W 1Wgb. 'Oct. 

5, Inde! 

Wnaoa-Waterm.'ui StJ:fc ''o.: ILxjiiOc. T«'X.. 

S*9t. S. In-lef 
WaaOirard Stock C-y. XTmAmt^ri St Borpeia. 
.mgm.i Kaaaaa CI'.t. Mo.. a»i1 o. wA-f. 
ytSBR, Bmr. Om, Csa. Pad. — 
-J3L Y^ l-U; l»« i i^ i %l <i«. Tt.. 

Md.. »as. 

W>y OMa tore n wae fO Mtra l). Tai 
Uran, aeis.: Nnr Tok Cltr. 8-13. 
WlUard. E. Q.: HonaUk 0»a^ B-U. 
Weber AU-Mar Stuck Co.: St. Looia. Ha, S-U. 
Xarfcvma Xkeatre St>^ Co., t'yriS \r«i*. afr.; 
.'XNtafUa Tlieatre, Nevr York Clt|f,: Mh£ 

miumaT. BOUXIS. 

J a t ai niL 13; Watertam 14: Sbeboysaa IS; 

»> H et<m 1«: Osbkoab 17; Marietta IS; lias 

M a aul a l in lOcb.. lO; labperaUe 20. 
Black Paitl TroDbadoniB. R. ToelAcL mar.; 

StauntUD, Ta., 10; Wtnehestv U; AlcnaMa 

12; Baltlniore, Md.. 15-20. 
Sbstcn Ideal Opera Co., Jaft 

tie Bock. Ark.. S-20. . 
Bailee In Tof-land. Qamllft' tt' 

Montreal. Can.. 8-13. 
. Batter. Helen May and ber Mlllrasy SM. t. 

Leslie epabo, mgr.: Indlsna.>»s, M., Aprn 

3-May 13: Cblcago, III., 15-20. 
Caatleton Opera Co.: MilmQ<^ce, Wis., May 

21, Indef. 

Crftitore's B«nd. Pew & Getth. mgr.: Foatoda, 
O., 10; BoT^Ung Green 11; Uma 12; Daytoo 

13; <lDcinn«td 11-28. 
Okoadlao JotAlee Slngera, W. T. Gary, mgr.: 
Bose Station. N. Y., 10; Sodas 11; Wllllam- 
SOD 12-13. 

CanaiHsTi Colored CcaceM. Wm. Carter, mcr.: 

Utltfc ^b. 10: 
~" Oaai, M.. la Uttfe Jdaay Jones. Sam 
Knr Tark Ctty. S-ST. 

jaa. B. DnUn^bam. oigt.: 

I CUT. Agtn XI. iBdef . 
SOtrj. OCT.: Mn- 

AxbniT PaifefB, a:. April 

VVar and Us Band 
it. Indef. 

BeKy Fran Parts, Madison Corey, mgr.: Mrt- 
land. Me., 8-10; Rockland 11; BIddefocd 12: 
Mam:bester, N. H.. 13. 

Prx^enor Xapolron, B. Wade Davis, mgr.: Lan- 
caster. Pa.. 12-13. 

Pollards' liUUpuUaB Ojiera Co.. Joaepb MoUer, 
mgr.: Helena. MVnt., 8-13; Butte 14-17; Poca- 
teilo, Ilia.. 18; Ogdien. Utah, 19-21. 

Bou-al ArtUiery Band of Italy, Joseph OeTlto. 
mgr. : .\tlantlc Olty. N. J.. Feb. 18-MaT 12; 
Philadelphia. Pa., 13-15. 

Hassell. Lillian. Sam S. Sbobert. mgr.: Co- 
luiubna. o., 10; Indlasapolts, lod., 11; Loals- 
TlUe. Ky.. ia-13; ClsclnnaU, O., 15-20. 

Bocen Bras.. -Klaw * Eriaoger, mgra.: 6yra- 
CHCe. "N. 10; mica 11;' Schenectady 12; 

Troy 13. 

KunzxinK tor OIBce. Sam H. Harris.; mgr. Cln- 
clnoatl, O., 8-13: HanlUoii U; ZMtaanUa IS; 
WbecMng, W. Va., ttf VMMMm, ft,, 17; 
Muiatows IS; AHOM !•{ «MB«i^- J.; 

30; scaaoa finds. 
Sidney. GeofKP. In Bosy Trty. Stair * Nteolai. 
mgra.: Poctsnicrath. N. H-. 10: Lewlston, Me., 
11; Portland 12-13; Bangor 1.%; Angnsta IG; 
-Bath 17; Gloaaester. Mass., 16; Salem 19; 
Lynn 20. 

Sehnmami-Belnk. Martanx, r. C WUtney. mgr.: 

Chlcacow UL. 1-tS. 
8aa Tor. 'ohm C. FUta^ wtgJt «MP SMi Qty. 

Apia 17. InM. 
Tbe flallfat 'WUuw. BcMr W. SaTage, mgr.: 

NMr Talk GBr. BfPt. ». iDdef . 
TtwOU and naBu&t. tank Ik Fader, mc^.: 

Cbkagoy UL, Avm St. ladef. 
The Sfald aal The Kmnny. Cbaa. IfHka^ Bgr. 

FbUadetaUa. tm^ 3(aidi_2T. ' " 
Tbe Baral Cbt~ 

J. B. WIL^QN-P hotograii her 

les state sJ«^!/Cm!^l!^»o«T^*r^^^nC^^O»» IU« 

I hkTe only one stndio In the dty. do not tw misled by othara trytns to oae oar name. 

Orders {TOm back negatives receive prompt attention. Addn>ss al! con^munr-'^t'.or.s to 
W. J. KIDOER. IVlanatjer. 

laii . aig.»" nOa- 
' IS; Snr Z<(k City. 

. 6am S. 

CHr, Jan. 14 
nandsra. Flsber * 

Jklril 24, Indef. 
BVHpty Svmptr. Klaw & Erlanger, mgra. ; Boa- 

tn. aiasa., Marcb 20, Indef. 
Ul^pet, Oe<Wo]f, Opera Co., Sam S. Sbnbert. 

■gr.: St. Loala, Mo., 7-13. 
Budia^s Soperba: San Francisco, Cal., 1-13. 
His HIgbneea The Bey: Frankfort. lod.. 12. 
It Happened In Nordland: Beaton. Mass.. May 

Innes and bis Sand: Los Angeles, Cal., lS-20. 
Miss Be* White. Nlion & Zimmerman, mgrs.: 

PhltodclpMa. Pa.. 1-13; season ends. 
Mr-. Rim and I (Bartlg * Scamoi^a). B. J. 

Cotoa, mgr. : Cbloavo, JU^ f4», 
Hotber Goose, Kla-ir tc — — — 

t«r, N. Y.. 8-18. 
■awlaa'a Oeneert Band. Win F. K< 
.Maay. Ifo.. Mareb IMfay IS. 

hwB: NashTUle, Twaa., MM. 

Slwleal OiHj O*.. S. W. 
lf»M|iMi. Vm,. S-t3. 
rail Pas. Vaaf; W. O, llUtD«y. agr.: Okl- 

m. Mar 1. ■ — 

ddpbla. «a.. Accll IT. 

n» SMaliiarr Gl 
BoatoD, llaaa., 
Xtw Smiltng I ~ 
delpbla. Fa., 
IS. ladeC 
TiToU: San rnndaeo. Cat. Indef. 
Tbe Seaoty Doetdr, Tboe. W. Pilor, mgr.: 
Schenectady, N. T.. 10; Foogbkeepale 11; 
PhlkdHpUa. Pa.. 15-20. 
Tbe Bfggiit FMoce Opera Co., F. A. Wade, 

Tte'^rl ^pS'sM SSl'^na S^SSSfe^? ^ 


Tbe Bmnd Boy (SsUivaa. BMB * UMa'). 
J. K. Roberts, mgr.: BaflUo^ K. Z.. S-U; 

devrland, Ol, 15-2a 

Itie Hottest Cooo In DUIe. Ernest Willis, m^. 

Wlnnlpec. Man.. 10-11. 
Tbe Marriage trf Kltp-, Joles MniTy. mgr.: W. 

Snp<Tior. Wis., 10; Ban CUIre U; Winona. 

Minn.. 12: St. Panl «(-17: Minneapolis 18-20. 
Tbe ShOTT Girl, with Stella Maybev, B. a 

Whitney, mgr.: Waablngtoo. IX C. 9-13. 
Tbe Show Girl (Wtrstem). B. C. Wbltney, mgr. 

WatertHiry. Cixin„ 10; New HaveB 11-13; 

Brooklyn. K. T., IMiL 
Tbe surer SHpper. Jote II 

lyn. N. T.. 8-13. 
Tbe Isle of Sploe (Eastenl, OL WUtaey, 

mfT.: Ooboes. N. ¥.. 10; Tkv U; Albaay 13. 
Itie Sbo-Gnn. Henry W. BW||^ avr.: PblU' 

delpbla. Pa., 1-13. ■ ^" .•; - 

Tbe Taitkee Coosnl. Beux -hmsik.' Bgr-: 

BoetoQ, Mass., 8-20. 
The Smart Set, W. B. Slooie. mgr.: TMaton. 

N. J.. 11-13. 
Tbe Liberty BeBee. Wm. B. Cmlcy. mgr.: Bm- 

nlngtoo. Vt., ID: Nora Adams. Mass.. U; 

PIttafleld 12: Holyoke 13: Brattleboro. Vt..U. 
Tbe Red Featber: Salani, Ccc 10; Fortland 


Ward & Vokaa. B. O. Mr. ng^: m a n . N 
Tv. 10; Nlagana KaBa U: SuBm. On.. IS; 
LosdoB 13i - 

WooJIand. Bemr W.-. B a a ag^ aw^ 


Abema. Tbe: En mate 

Co. See Midway Boatta. 
Alexander. Geacfe B. (Baaaii)! 


Altooa. TtaelaMMr OmpM): K. XmSil Ha. 

Artiw * Bealy (Fandy): BlebtDcaid. lod., 8-13; 

(O f gb a aa a ) BpctacdeM. O.. 15-20. 
AdamSk aubelle (Orpbeom): T>enver. OoL. 8-13. 
Albidna, Tbe (GarHck>: BorUngtoo, la.. 8-18. 
Adglea LVjos (G. O. H.): WbeellDg, W. Va 

1-lS; (Temple) Detroit, MIcb.. 15-20. 
Anbonu, Three (BUon): Manitowoc, Wis 

15-SO. ^ 
Asbton. Margaret (Steplre): Nottlngbajn, Eng 


AtwUo (Hopkins'): MempWs. Tenn., 15-20. 
Allen. Searl ft Violet (Shea's): BnlTalo, N. 

Y., 8-13; (Sbea'B) Toronto. Out.. 15-20. 
Americas Comedy Foot (Baat End Park) . 

Mmpblo, TkoL., T'lS; (Olympic) (Siicago. 

Adams ft WHta - ICMaagi^Mlt 

Wash., 8-13. ^ 

Adams ft Drew (Family): PPogh kup al r, H- 

Adai^ Mrahsl (Bt]oa): lia^BCtta. Wk. S-tt. 

Allen, wm r. CAUMttnt): p aia— l . ; qaJ-«. 
Aidricb, CbaA 9S:'0MHlHBr wnr-XaaB cuy, 


AlWie * OMOle (Orpbenoi): aMfelMM. O., 

I Itampeccts, Four ( 
». rlrs-ia. 

QfoUe HaU) 

Anger* A 

AdMr. Fto (Olymple): Chicago. lU.. 8-13. 
BaOcy * aradtaim (Bmpire): Loodoo. Eng., 

May l^aae SO. 
Batrows-lMeaater 0». (Oallacam) 

Eng.. March t»M tr t. ^. , 
Barlcnr'a Bievhaata CBIp»**ama)r Itar Tock 

City. Indef.- _ ^ „. 

BarUetta, The Mosieal: En conte with Ring 

ling Broa.' Circus. See Tent Show Bontes. 
Bellport, Cland* B. (AndlMclaa): WIeblta. 

Kan.. Indef. i. . 

-Benner, Emelle <BMnM|: BaaMBk JNaS.> JaB- 

23, Indef. 

Bernard, Floyd: En raate with Blsgllng Bros.' 

Clrcoa. See Tent Show Routes. 
BIAel. Wataoo WatO* : B n lart a wUb Me 

Sim and L Bee Malaal mmtfit. . 
^^•raa. mmtta Tii iglX Bi^ «^ Hay 

Byron, Frank and l/oolae Laavdoai 
London, Eng., May S^nne 3. 
fm, Ijam W. (BUaa): Greco Bay. Wlal. 
S-U; (BUaa) liaMBatte ie-20. 
men, Jutk mat Uniaa WUgbt (O. O. B.>: 
ChlfVCM nOi, WUm S-U. 

s tt. 


Tfllcv KH. T-IS; « 

TeoB.. 14-90. 
Brown. AL (Clnaagmpk)!,' 
Blmm-BonuD-Brrr (Fbicat 

Loala. Mo.. 7-13. 
Beiyene, Valerie & Co. (Keith's) 

aim. 7-13. 

■mes ft £dwtns (Crystal): MaHaa, lad., S- 

13; (Crystal) Anderson ■ -.1^' —■ %' 

'Betnstetaia, The (Ben's): EaeaMfea.'' MMh4 MSS 

(SUoD) Oalnmet 13-20. 
Bmws, Harris ft Brown (Poll'a): Hartford. 

Coon.. 8-13. 

Beeson ft Atbert<*i (Cnlqaa): Mtaaeavaila. 

Minn., 8-13. • ■ ' 1:- . - >r 

iBeemer ft JnggUng MS - (MfMMt -'KHBMjB 

City, Mo., 8-13. 
Birch. Joba (Ombenm): San FtandacOb CaL. 


Bnckner. G*aa« (Hammctatata'a): New Tark 

City, MM...;, - o v 

Bnrtan. aanM»' I& 'OL'-B^t--'- VHMBik UL, 

-• v ■ ; _^ 

Btngbjtm fBIloa): MaaM— i^. ^Ula^-- V I Wt. 
Bennett ft Rich ( Hnrllg' ImmAi^: ''Xev 

York City. 8-13. 
Borkec, Ttae Joggllag CBlJoD): Orcb Bay. 

wis., S-13; (BUoa) Martoette IS-ao, 
Bancroft. Mnsloal (IBaandenbiixgb's) : PbUadel- 

phla. Fa., 1-13. 
Buscb Family CBIJaa): Gsemi Bay, Wis.. 8-13. 
Boms. Etany (Bljim); DeeJIidnta. la.^ 8-13: 

B«ooiSL*1ni5>Mt^t{wJiffj'^wi ^AaiidHC ^fid^ 

8-20. ■ ' - 

aSom A^SSkv^^SSSi^r^nHea, N. T.. 
s-ix • " • ■ 

TMil A Oft. CBemamateln'a); New 
■OttF. S-IS; (Makawk) Scbenectady IS-20 
B&teis fBaat nd Mk): Mempbia, 
Tm., 8-13; (Ilanit Aok ^BBgUaada) St. 

C^tete. I^oey (Eeltb'a): PltttbBTg, Pa., 8-lS. 
(nuunberBna. The (FaUce): Bordealey. Eng- 

1S-20: ({knptne) Bradford 22-21; (EmplIC) 

B1nnaD«bam 29^nly 1- 
CampbeU, DOkn * OampbeU (Qnod): lolitt, 

IlL. S-Jg. ... . _.. . 

ClUlord * : OHh - atVi* ' 

Cos TamOy Qaartcc (OkmO: 

Cat., l-W. 
Cooper * W i sM i is i ai (Okpbeam): 

Mn.. a-TS. 
Cox. Ray (Empire): Boaaoa. Ml 
Caarigan. -aaBsett (Otphaomls.'^l 


Bnacb-DeYere Me (Okpbaom}: Xn 

Cal . 1-13 

BUou Comedy Foor (Gatety): BrookIyn.N 
8 13. 

Bvke ft 0>m;isey (PoU'ai: 3(ir:asRe!-I, Ma».. 

Bryant ft Sarllle (Oamdea): Camdeo. N. J. .8 13 
Barry ft Woi'<rd (Faa".yt: Sbamakla. Fa.. 

8-13. --.i 
Bartowa. The Braabamajr ' •VbiMV-'flMnMnec, 

R. I 8-13. 

BeUmaii ft lioore (Cxdooiall: New Y<.<ck City. 


Bell. Sen.i.tor Frank (Ul-nlale Par's): \»<bvil.c, 

l.lLn. I-I3. 
Bobe, CeUiu (Maryland): Balthnore, Md..8-13. 
Brown Brda. (St ar): Hamilton. Can.. 8-13. 
Bevair ft Desmond (Family): Lancaster. Fa.. 


Bistonnette ft Newman (GlendaJe Park): Nasb- 
vUle. Teim., 8-13; (Olympla Park) Chattanoo- 
ga 15-20. , „ 

BrazU ft Brazil (Franoala): MoMieal, Can- 
8-13; (CataHa).aMI«.;SiBM.. 1»40l , 

Bentbam ft IkMBaalffltlgM): OM 
la., 8-13. 

BnA, Ika^ (Olfmpie): Gbteacw m.. _ 
Badd Bnal (Olfmjpie): OUeagot U 

ililliiir En raate with Wat 
Bte Teat Shoar Boatea. 

Trio: En raate wltb Blnglbur 

Braa.* Cbtib. See Tent Ebow Bootes. 

Camdl ft EDar (Ateazar): Denver. CoL. Indet. 
Carloa. Cbaa. and Dogs: Bn route with Rlng- 

llng Bros.' Circus. See Tent Show Bontes. ' 
OoUlns ft Hart (Moss ft TbomtOQ Toor): Bo- 

rope, April 17-May 31. 
C^irrays, The: En roote with BwaUow ft Mark- 

le'a FloaUng Palace. Bae ICIaeeBaaeoaa 

Bootes. \ ^ '. . 

Ooaads. Tbe Aerial (Uaedn Mikit ' 'Smt Or- 
leans. La.. Indef- 

(Jane's Animals (Hippodrome) : New Tork (Jlty, 
Indef. . 

Crane, Mr. and Mrs. Gardner (Keith's): Pro*l- 
dence. -B. 1.. April 10, indef. 

CresweU, W. P. (Bicycle BlU): Ea roote wltb 
Collin's Amusement Co. See Tent Show 

Carroltcm ft Hodges (West Side): XaneSTine, 
Wla., »13: (Flam's) Madlaota 15^. 

Oaaad ft DeVeise (Unliiue): Ean Oaiie, Wis., 


Canlcr. Mr. and abaL Owl (Utahna): Salt Lak« 
milk. MS: tOMtaM Mt) Ogdea IMO 
rmOmi. Ore., s-U. 
(Beltb'a): FUtodelpbla, 

Sfabanoy <3ty. Pa., 

ConlOD d: Hastings 

Pal, S-13. 
Oole ft (nemens (Family): 


(Delano. Bdwaid (Star): Toranto^ Can., 7-13. 
CMnmblass. Tbe (Otphaam): U» Angelca. 
Oal„ 1-13. 

OoUfam. Dot (Rialto): aMka, X. tiMt- (OoL 
lumbU) DClen IMS. -f-' 

Cbcnr ft Batw (IraaBtt aMM^ Miik^-MS; 
(Umdon) Nnr Tack City. IHO. 

Oalg. Ricky W. (Star): Ty>ranto. Qm.. 8-IS; 
(Franeafii) Msntreal 15-20. 

GannoA BL {Ban'a): Bnanita. IBeh.. SJ8. 

Oentory Ooniedy Foor (I^eeom): Boston. 

Mass., us-20. 
(^ssy. Wni IC and Blanche Dayne (CIrde): 

I«FW Tork <aty, 8-13; (Otpbeom) Brooklyn 


<^-'i««-" ft Ofack (Paotac'a): New T«ck Ctty. 


(adoedov Joan A. (PnetaCa): Newark. N. J. 
a.U: CBkan'a) BaOdow H. X„ 

Jk Ptoenoe (Baymarfcct): Chleam 

iMBKiwa & Ittaicnee (H«amrket): <3b|. 
cagoi m.. »S: (OrtnMa) . St. iMMb Ma, 

IMxoa, Buwers ft Ofanm: 'CBHBlMt T^IIanR,-' 

IMleh.. IfrSO. _Lii^'°- i_^ . .„ 

Del-A-iPbone. Tbe Great (Bunr -nnaito, Calk, 

8-13: (Fnncals) Mcntmal iHOl 
Dereoda ft Green (Blppodnaie) : Pads. Franca, 

17.May 17. . , 

DtsDO. Sort ft Lam (BIJoa): Dabuqoe. IK..1-1S. 
D's ft lym (Crfatal): 8t. toeab . Mo>,. S-IB; 

(Ctaiwgm*) -WMfca. •a^.-ljafc^v.i, i-L 
DMQovaa^ <ke Qlbi i||1*>8 - gMI ■IsM.'- ltaw . ■ 


DeLaceya. Tbe (Star): Seattle. Wa*„ 
Dajifcrtb ft Bmce (Star): Hamilton. Gaa.S-lS. 
Dablks, Les (Orpbeom): Ban FisdcIbco, Cal. 


Downey ft 'WlUlart CBUoo): Qolney, OL. 8-lB . 
Dnnbars. Foor Obatli« (Bmpfee): vu-«« 

Maaai. S-lSw ---^---^ 
Detttie. Sydney ft On. (Onibli^lrrleKi 

D^SoSts.^ Tteee (Temple): Dc«xalt. lIldL;'^ib^ 

(Proctor's 23rd St.): New Tork U ty. . IBl Bi . 
Daly ft 'Be<x>: Scranton, Fa., 8-lS; (raaMCW;.* 

Kew r<»k City. 10-20. -y^t, 
Doble. Bone (Bi}oa): " 

(Hloo) Marqqettc — 
Wamood, Geo. B^, amt._ W mi9'^lf^:^^it \ 

ard): -BDatam;..fiMBi': •afc'jCBHPW.^Bi**""": 

(Mae): Boaton. Idaaa.. g^l8._ 
*The tttat SH (BIJoa): LaOroase. 

Bv.~d«*. (Okpbeom): Denreer. OoL, 8-lJ. 
^Iiaait O. (Poli'B): Hartford. Conn.. S4g: 

mOF^ S^lngfleld. Han- 16-20. 
Evrcy ft PbSlppe («Jdo>: Snlatn. MIna., 8-lS; 

(Vnlqae) Wkarfpeg, Oan.. »S-i0. 
Oelmore ft WlWoo: Bn^ngham. Ew- !»•»: 
Leeda 22-27; Bradford »Jnne S; HoU S-10. 
Doberty Slaters (Hnstonsky Garden): St. Pet- 

entMirg, Boa.. 1S-2I. 
Domrtew ImB» T. (Novalty): StoAMn. CaL. 

Oastemky (Hoatanaky OatSaa): 

barg. Bos- IB-Sb. 
Burgeval. Tlienae (Oipheom) : 

S-13., ^ . -■ ' - 

Diane. Sam D.: Winoepeg. Man.. 8-13. _-; J, -•■'' ^ 
Dopree. George and Ubble (Orpbeom): SptBC^.- 

Aeld. O.. 8^. — w «««T 

Dale. VMe* (Keeoey's): Brookly^ 
DeBiere. Arnold (BartaaftKd Toac): 

ai-May 30. 
Debnore. Tbe M iswe a (P«U>a): 


Dl<to (Ohaae'a): Waablngttat, Bl. OLj B-IS. 
Detobkm ft Deloioea (Qaol^tv 

naltaa.. * Ca n a t a gb a m OW: 

IMEir IS. '• 
Daly dtlMK Ba loate with Faust's MinatreM. 


. airs. Btaart: Oirego. N. T. 

nSs Dae: to nwte wltb Meyer's 
Amosement Co. See Midway Bootes. 
DdHo (TlTon): Capetown. 8. A.. Mar<a» a>- 

Ba roote wltb Bckbardt ft Hawkm'a 

See Dramatic Bontea. 

IWVbio ft Cartls: En roote «ltb .SwaBowm 
aJSe^ Floating Palace. See Mlscellaneoaa 

(DeVelda ft Zelda: En roote '^th_^ 
Bralnerd Carnival Co. See Midway 

Dickinson's DoKi (Winter Cltcns): Bt. 

Mo., indet. _ , 

Dome (TlvoU): (S*etown, B. A., 

May 26. , ^_ a' ■ 'n la'^K''^'^ 

Dravvee (Tlvoli): London. B ag, W . Sr"~l^; 
Drew. Dorothy CBarrasfcad mmjt- .^m» 

17-Msy 31- \. ■ .- 

Eldrid. Gordon <Colmn»«:_B»j_MJ"Ji' «»? 

8-lB: (C. O. H.) rtOaaaa. at- ; wTv, < 

— * - 


Xrtc Billboard 



^lllBilbbtt tt Stone, - - - Lessees and Manasen 

• Br* giu e WH) ; nmrt. IT. J., 


Eldrlilre. Pn>H (Onrtienm): Utlca. N. Y.. 

8-13: (Ptill'a) SpniuElicld. Mus.. 15-20. 
EUidicCltr Qoartflt C'BMtb'a): BoMno. Mais.. 

. 8^13:' CKNrMii's) Philadelphia. P«.. lS-20. 
Btoo. Sam (Orpbrank: Brrooklrn. N. X.. 813: 

. (JLviUtaiinni) -Keir Xdrk CItj 13-20. 
Bund. Pete and ABie: Osdm^borg. N. Y.,1-18. 
Badr. 'Dorothy (FMic): »oTld<?nC7. ii. I.,1'I3. 
Bmpii» Ooaxedy Four (A-nnne): Oetnlt. Mich.. 

. Jteau..' Xiio (Uaadn): IJaadia^'r Oilu. '4M>; 
:i<y- (Star); 'BamUtoa IS-ao. 

& Omcsa. (OolnaUa): OlncliinaU. O.. 

(Ttijiiiailal) Oblcaeo. IB- 

. I*»^'.^tn«rtiK-V<irtb. T«c. -'iBdaf. 

'■CkkBCD^ IIL.;8-U 


' iMwIiaLt^ Tbe Arcar (Rl|iJb<><m>ac) : 

Etas, afar 1-30- 
Fay Sisters: En route with Cutter St W] 

Stock Co. S«e iDramRtic Bontes. 
Fcldman & Ball: Ea note wUtL Siacc Bixward 

Co. See Pt—aB&.B—W. ' 
Flocettes, Six (mppadraDe): : ITeir T«A OIlTt 

' I!nnandez-\ray Trio (O. H.): MellMMinie. Ana.. 
Apta loofar ai. 

Fields. 'Vr. C: Moscow. Rnula. Biar 1-31. 
FIoRDCe Sistets (Anmont) : Moscon-. Baasla, 

Maj- ze-Aap. ae. 

. VorA. Sc Wilson (Empire): Jobaiuieabnr:^, S. A., 

;~:AptU ITJnne 30. . ■ : 

' ^rank * Albrtsht: route wltli GoUmac Bros.' 
y-Clrcns- See Tent Shoir Bootes. 
Firs 'Bros, anil Geonett Sisters: Eq route with 
tie IT. S. Camlval Co. See Midway Routes. 
TtlBCo, Slgnor, AetUllst: En ronte with the U- 

ij. CamlTal Co. See Mldwaj- Bootes. - 
■IPetsmuB, mtpter A Col (Okratal): DenTcr, 

ObL, S-IS; (Bail) (Pad>I» 15-30. 
-WnMon^ Pmmaum (Star): Unncle. Ind-, 
iS^MSr ' (lirrlc) OeTdand. O.. IS-2Q. 

•Bimr nonr (Smittre): UTenooI, 
_ IS-aO; (Bnflt«) .Sbeffldd SHT; f<Biil- 

■iMtm*. AKthrm O. (Utalnia)f Lake' OOn 

X^VXab. S-13; (Grrctal) Denrer, COL. 15-2a 
•Waatma. Tiro (BUoo): I>n}ntli,-.Mlim., S-j3; 

(Bilao) WinneDee. Pan . I3-2a. 
Hasas & OleRlBin: Fcvrlai ni.' 8-13- 
'Iteato. Oiaa. (CiTatal) : ' 3Cailon. Ind... 8-13. 
DDK. aiidce (C O- H.): Chicago, HI-. 8-13w 
. FCBvU Sma. (Hrde & B«hm«rfa) ; .-BtooMn«. 

.v<^.::if. X, 8-43.- -v ^ ■ ■■ 
'Helds A Hanaa: Tanoomcr. B. C. 'nS;''TIe- 

torla 15-M). 

Faraum, 'Bod (Castle): Bloomlntrtoa, 111., 8-13. 
FattrliUcls. The (Electric): Wsterloo. la., s-13. 
nahex- i Jofanaon (Xoreltr): Oakland. C^.. 


Flj-nn, ilast«- BbiIk (Ljrlc): DesTer, CoI.,8-13 
flood BROS- (Shea's): Tonaito. On., 8-13. 
Wat tc Hnsbes (Giasd): . Tbstor, Cid., 1-13. 
leHa. irui H. (Pork) : CJonndtoriUe. C<a.,8-13 
Cbnrla 'I>aqn[« (TlTOIl): London 

^icCUlieiim) : ' TMc 

mgnm * afidc (OlTilg«le);c- CUoaio. DL. 

.8-1* ■'■'J''"-"': 

Tint. Baancr (C. O. K.): €Uaaa«^'.:IIL;'S;U- 
nank For (C. O. R.): CbfasOk^vIIL, S-IB. 
Iteter. 132. and Dos IBke (OntMnHw Biook- 

iTO. >•- r.. 8-13. y-r . 

fiaybnl. Bonnte (Gnma) r Andeeaon. fnd., T-13; 
. ' (Ckcster Park) OlocJiuuiU, 0., 14-20. 
Stidon. Don and Mae (Clastle): Bloooitestoii. 

m.. 8-13: (Lake View Park) Tene Baste, 
. . Ind., 14-2a 

Gay. Xbe Great (CUnton): ClbrtOD. la, IMO. 
Cmces. The Three (mtauds): Bock Iiland, 
III., 8-13. 

Gatartb Jb Dt>s-le (C. O. H.) : (3UcaSD, in.,8-13 

Gray & C^caban: Roanoke. Vs., 8-13. 

Glenroy & Russell (Utalioa): Mt I.ake Ot;, 

Ctab. S-13: (tJtalcia) Ogtiea 15-20. 
QoiUivF A Hetulersoa (Domlolon) : Wlmdpee, 
: Oui.. 8-lSL 

^meaner, Someis & Ecnfe (Star): MUwaokee. 
'£.Wia.. S^; (De««T> lUnneatMlls. Mtaut., 

X imol 

-Oanastitr tc Btoatt (Bajmaiket): CAiIoieo, 
^HL, S-IS; (Cotumlda) St. LonK Mo, 1S-2U. 
Gaedder Vfaieeait -(AxaDhloD) : -Broobljn. N. 

■ Otlll Biir.. C>«i. and Myte 8todd«»d (at borne): 


.. s-ia. 

Gontcda, Tbe nuse (BaUnIn): San Fnnda- 

aa. CaL. 8-13: (Noraltr) Ficaao 15-20. 
€a(daar Jt^M amgr (■BnrktnttMun) : Lonlartlle, 


Gaykr, Cknc- CGtjatal): Milwaukee. Wia.,8-13 
: JBMEkB (Tcngte): Datntt, Mleiu. 

aor. vo. 

Grarce. MarsMvt (Bmpire): iB«a«emer. Col„S-U 
GarctnettI PamOr: En roale vltb PabUIooea' 

Clncns In Ctiba. taUlt. 
Reiian> It Tlieol: BaaaeMarf, Ctor., Hay I- 

Jnne 30. 

Harper, I-acllle H. (BlJon): Manitowoc, Wis., 

Mar 1. Indef- 
Uenmana. Tlia Thrae: .En nnte with F. A. Rob- 

Una' Sbem^ " ■MrTntt .ttMr jtetM.. 
Barrlsao (Mac*) : .;, Jia|iMti«'>nSii %>CV - 1. ia- 

Hennessey, James A. , (Fraser's) : Pendleton, 

Ora., AprU ». IndeT. 
HeiUT & Yonng (Family): Shamokln. Fa., Indef, 
Holman.. Hatty: ^ ronte wltb Harrey & Gage 

Comedy Oo. See DramatV: Boatea. 
Helena, ESdltb (Empire): £«Iceatar Soaare. I<an- 

Oaa, 'Bag.t'llf l-lmt tS. . . 
Hewltta, The Tm: En rente -with Ftcd. Bcarltfa 

EzpoaltlOD-Sliowi. See laomr- Boatea. 
namiiiwia in iiill Olia. aaa.:D.:<Keaaa Olty. 

HOU'lilef.'-- ' 
HHI A^'mitekcr (CbaaCa): WMtdnatta. D. O., 


ReCron, Tom (CMqM) : Akroo, O., 840. 
Hyde & Heath (Grand): San Dlesav OaL, 8-lS: 

(Broadway) Dos Anselea IC-SOl 
Henry. Ensene ' (Standard) : Ft. Worth. Tes.. 


Hood. Sam (Xowelfr): DeOTer. Col.. 8^13. 
Howard Bros. (Bnrtie & Seamoo's): New 

York City, 8-13. 
Hatch Bros. (tMymplc): CSilcaso. 111., 8-13. 
Heclow & Wlieeler. The Missos (Olympic): 

SprinKfleld, lU, S-IB. 
Uoward'6 ronlea and Does (Odnmbla): Cln- 

clnnatl. O.. HMO. ' V , , . 
Hetrmann. The . OrCKt. : XBujlB^S. '/Jtottou, 

Maas.. 8-13. •- V^,; .' ^ V^^^JVV^r^^' 

HID & 8ylTHi*..ffiDtlga ; .!■ Bn> i >f .llMfci >» 


8-13L- - ■/ ■ ; 

Hare, wfllle and Bdlth (Academy) _ 

N. r.. M3; (Grand) Kew Talk Qtr 16-20. 
Hodu EHcB & Ca. XPraetor'a): ABnoy. K. Y.. 

»-lSt;.(e(i«dt«r« KeirKk^.«. 7.. IS-M. 
HaiAN^^«BtfMl^lHBV(C.i:i<k. H.): CailcaeOb 

MtAnoa -(eartiekV: Barllogtoa, la., 15-a». 
BttbCftT&^'mBbie (Clinton): Colston, Ia..8-13 
^art.~ Saaie '(T}nlqae) : Wlnoepes. Can., 8-13. 
'Hamllna. Tte "'(Flamlly) : Bntte. Mont.. 8-20. 
Heclow. etas, -(Olympic) : Sprlngfleld. Ilh. S-13 
Uoey i I*e (C- O- II-) : Chicaco. lU.. 7 13. 
Howaitl i Xortb (Keltb'a): Ptiiladelphlav Pa.. 

8-13: (Kelth'a) Xaw To* dfr. »«>. ■ 
Ha.rman & FknkUn .(CimbrUge): ' Xoodon, 

Eng., IS-ao. . „ 

Hamilton: Wiley (AndKaritnn) : Xorfolk; va., 

2t-May 20. , . 

HtEElns & Bersman (Bneklogtaam) : Lonls- 

vlUe. Ky., 7-T3. 
Hutchlowm. -WWIard & 0».'.,>(Mt*a): Kew 

BaTCfi. Conn.. 8-13- 
Hammond i FWrester (Olymple):' CUoago, IB., 

Henntass. Lewis & Henntngs (Dooinloo): Win- 

cep' s Oaia«'8~18» r 
Helaton te^iOB&rmmia^iaimd'^ lAOanta. Ga, 
_ _. . CmI., 

HaiiMfc;iJKltt'::<^f *fea^^ ^ 

u«c. 1-aa „ 

Hodge* * Laimcbmeie (Empire) : Boston, Mass., 

'8-I9L ■ . ■ ■ 

Homes Ic Lewis (trceom): Ellxabetb, N. J., 

Hawkins. Lew (Haymarket): Oiicago, Ill.,8-13 
Hay, Charles «S«rrick): BurUnston. la., bulel 
IrTlD^ Trio (Uniqae): Fresno, CaL, 8-lS. 
Jackson Family: £n ronte with Rlngllns Bros.' 

: <Clrctis- See Tent Show Bootes. 
JUbnstons. The -Musical (Lyceimi): London, 

' Enp.. May 1-Jnne 11. 

Jamison. Loreaa (Lyric): CleTeland, 0., 8-13; 

(Olympic) Chicago. IH, 15-20. 
Jan»en-Herr Co. (BUoii) : Doboque, la., li5-20.- 
Jackson * Wentworth ON'<welty) : Denver, Col., 


Jinks t Co ot Monkeys (Forrest Park): Kan- 
sas City, Mo., 8-13; <Orphetmi) Denrer, C!ol., 


Joes?Un Trio (Keith's): New T«(k OttT. S-l»; 

(Keith's) Pbfladelptila. Pa., IMS. 
Johnson tc Wells: ^rop. N. T., 8-M. 
Khems * Cote (Oiplienni): Ornate SJa. 
Kelly & TMette (Sbca's): JMOO^K. Y., 

S-13: (PMtscfa) -Kear Xock 01^. IMO. 
KlOK, <WIBiqPam:' ' 6^^ 8-13; 

(Bljon) .3bclMnB jIS40l - • \. . „ 
KeUet** , «<m aT« -Otste; (Pawa^t . W n n aa j nlla , 

-Mlm;r»aB::/(BHr) St. P»»a_»«t^ - 
KnlM^ Ttoee (Star): St. FUd, Mkuk^U 
Kane,.LMnafd (O. H.): Patersoo. N. 7..S-13. 
Kartdll (Oipbeom): Minneapolis. Mlim., 7-13: 

(<>rpbeiim) Denrer. C!ol., ±. —'. 
Kleln-Ott Bros. 4 Xlcholson (Orpheom): San 

Francisco. CaL. ai-May 13; (Orphcum) Los 

Anseles 15-2T. 
Klelst. Musical (Dominion) : Wlnitepeg. Can., 


KnrtU', Wm. J., Trained Dogs (Cbotes): San 
Frandaco, CaL, 1-13; (Lyceom) San Franr 
Cisco M-ar. ■ .■ :■.-■»:.■!•.■'■; ■ ■•- 

Kent, Oatlce ^^iloi^sV-'^SvMMr, 'Wli.. IT- 
aUy 18. 

Kder Sc Seymoor (I^ceom) : Ogden. TJiab, 8-13 
Kates Btve. (BUoo): Des Moines, la., S-IS."-* 
~ ' (Colonial): New Tork OUy, 

KoIllDs & WllaoB (BMglw): Ooteate Sfrtigs, 

Ool.. 8-13. 

Kelcey Sc Sliannon (Keith's): ClerHand, O., 


Kaufman. Reba (Albambra): LoodOD, Bag.. 


Kaufman Troui>e: Eo route Biogltay Bsoa.' 

Circus. See Tent Show Routes. 
Kenton, Dorothy (Oxford): London, Eng., April 
17-M«y 31. 

Klltoy, Arthur: En route arltb Meyer's Monarch 

Amusement Co. See Midmr Bantss. 
Kinsley & Klngsley (SWuHM^; .ft. .W«rth. 

Tex„ April 3. lodef. ' 
Kltcble, SL: jBn raote.wMk ■•■itaa 'OUBiTal 
Co. Stf^-Z' ^ ~_ ^ 

'Msndtr " ~ 

LcTlnsk Ddph and Sasia (OsBseaB) 

Eng... ladeC. - 
Lingemaa'i; Praf., Palace of Amueinent 

(Waahlsctan Park) : Philadelphia. Pa., bidet. 
Laken% XVwr (Colonial): Now Tork Cltr. ^13; 

tBurt^A Seaznon's) New York City, 1S-2IL 
Lucas; Tbrea: Bn ranta wltb Toqol Won- 

tS'lM Cnaaet \na.. 

dera Obi 
ui Dranr 


La Gette (Vtmr York Hippodrome): New Yortc 

City, Aor. 311-13. 
Lc Yards, Tlie «3em): H^verbUl. Uasat 8-U. 
liSTlne & Leonard (Otpbeiun): Kansas City, 

Mo., 8-13. 

LIUr-ftian Trio (Baker): Portland. On.. S-13. 
Lelehton, Lillian. & Oo. (Sten'O: Mkdlaoj, 

"Wis. 8-13. I ". 

La Tftii Bros. (Wootamtfk'a' BooC- itartta): 

l.Antiaater. Fa-, lS-2>. 
Uim, it Perrlnar (BUou): Qolncy, HL. S-13: 
-. lOarrick) Btminstoa, la-, 13-30. 
I«in«nce. Al. (Grand): PItiaburg, Fa.. S-IS: 

fKtitb's) Cleveland. O., IS-SDl 
Leslie & Daley (K'^l'.h's): Fhiladelphla, Pa, 

8-13; (Keith's) Kew York City. 15-40. 
Leonbardt (Gaiety): Springfield. III., S-13; 

<BUou) Danville. 15-30. 
Le Dent. Tbe Great (Olympic): CJhlcaga, IlL, 

8-13; (Haymarket) Chlcaso, 15-20. 
Le<-. H. V. & Bessie (Castle): Bloominston. 

nL. 8-13. • 
L; Barr (Family): Park City. U.. S-U! 

(Novelty) Provo, I5-3D. 
Leonard & PbUUpa (TlvOli) : Chlcaso, ni.. 8-30: 
L.^ola, Marry & Carrie (BlJou): MarlnatteL 

'■Vis.. 8-13; (Bijou) Oshkosb. 15-30. 
Tjl Clair & West (Orpheum): Sprinsfleld, O., 

ti-I3; (BlJou) Hamilton. 15-27. 
La VaJls, The (Lyceum): San Prancisco, OaL, 

Liquid Air De<non5trations, Prof. Frederick 
L>. BxgB: Kansas City, Ma, 8-13. 

Latlna. Mile. (Baamerstein'4 : New Yodc 
City. IS-K. 

Lee. Mr. * Mrs. Jtonaa P. * Little Mnaellne 

(Bdlhon): Spokam; Wub^ ;S-tt: (OQiMnm) 

Seattle, 15-20. :• ■■ 

Leonard. Gus (Los Angdsi}: ' I<w' JtattUa, 

Cai.. g-June 4. 
Latona, Frank & Jen (Bajnmerstcln's): New 

York city, 8-13. 
Las&ncr, Lee (Clinton): Clinton. la., 1-27. 
Lateo. JBi (FMelac'tt:. Attur. N. X~ MS. 
Lavene; Uam^iOaSnit^XtSkx nu MH 
ijt^vin»g|iMijw.TOo,..Cl™ iei;,lii»ai«^ 

Ij-13 *■ --■.■:'* ■ - I 

Lewis. AI (People's) : CMw'BvMlk ■*1 1 MS, 
Levy. Mrs. Jules & Coi Qriwitlil '0t SMf Btan- 

cisoo. Cal.. 1-13. 
Loe, Henry iProctor'B): Albany. N. T., 8-13. 
Lottua, CecUIa (Keith's): Boston, Mass., S-13. 
Le Hoy & Woodford (Columbia): Cincinnati, 

O., 8-U. 

Lncas. Ed & Haael: Butte, Mont.. 14-19. 
La Moths Broa^ (a O. H.): Chicago, HI.. 8-13. 
Liovltts. Tbe (Haymarket): Chlcaso, lU., 8-U. 
Mahr, .\i;oes (Marlgoy) : Paris. Fr.. April 20- 
Aog. 31. 

Mario & Aldo (Orrin Bros.* Clreos) : Cit7 ot 

Mexico, Mex., MbHh I 
McCanley, Joe (CMqaC) 

April 3, Indef. 
Meers, Tbe Three ( WIntergarten) : 

Ger.. May 1-31. 
Meredith SIstera (StoU Tonr): England, April 10- 

May 31. - , r ' ■ • • • - 

Motoglrl. ta.'i.BMiwa fOl f iUrt; 1 gMfc, Ft.. 

■May 1-31. 

Macarte Sisters (Hippodrome) : London. Eng., 

May 8.Jui>e 20. 
ilarvelle & Gleason (BUou): Qulnor. IlL. 8-13. 

ItaSlms, JogiHac Oials St,): Feetla, UK, 

McKeever Sl SandnMOntadt Uaaa,. tK, S4k 
M^rrltt & KozdtolQbmMaif^t HMT " 

MasB., 8-13. -• 
Morris & PailMr_iWnaBda|t:- Wmtkt± 

Tenn., l-ttS 

1S-2T. ' . 

Moor*, Hanr ((X . H.): Bateno)!, V. J.. t-lS: 

(Trent); Imnton^-lMOi 
MoOarveis, The tPaeknm): (Spokane Wash.. 

8-13; (Family) Butte, Mont, IS-ZO. 
Mann. Danny. & Lola Halnea (Lyceum): 6as 

Francisco. Cal., 8-13; (Bell) Oakland. 16-20. 
Murphy. Mr. * llr& Mark OCettb'a): New 

M^r^ S'vmaii (Olynvio): 


Melville, Jean (CapHol): Oiena Talla^ N. Y., 

1-13; iGt^esve') Syracuse, 15, Indef. 
Mason, Ilonicr B. & Morguerlne Keeler 
(Moore's): Detroit, Mich., 15-20. 
Mayer & Irwin (BUou): Calumet. Mich.. 8-13; 

(Bijou) Marquette, 13-20. 
Mascot Trio (YotMv's Pier): Atlantic City.. N.^ 

J.. 8-13: (Trocadeio Music Hall) Ft. George, 

N. Y.. is-a». 
Mullen & coreui (Star): Milwaukee. Wis., t- 

13; (Dewey) Minneapolis. Minn.. ll-9>. 
Masbey & Kramer (Rlalto): Blmlra, N. Y., 


Mantell's Electric Marionettes (Lyceum): Cg- 

den. U.. 8-13: (Lyceum) Park City, 15-30. 
MdMahon's Watermelon Girls (Baat.BM I' 

Memplils, Tenn.. 8-13; (Fonaat FBIk' 

lands) St. Louis, Mo.. 15-SD. 
Hoblle Quartet (Baat r ~ 

Tenn., 8-U: (FonMt 

Louia. Moi, U-M. . . .' •. • j.. - .. 

Mi^iniMB ft 'liMd (ftttenq? ^iVrToik Cl"c^, 


Alerritt. HW (C. O. H.): Chlcaeo. 111., 8-13. 

Minor & Galbrc-th (G. O. H.): Grand RapIdSL 
Mlcb.. T-U: (Main St.) Peoria. 111., 14-20. 

Monroe. Mack A Lawrence (Moore's): Port- 
land, Me., g-lS; (Keith's) Boston, Mass., U-30. 

Mortons. Tbe Ftour JuggUnc (Chester Park): 
OnclnnaU, O.. MOu 

McNamee. The (TTtahasi): OBdau. tT., 8-13. 

Marttne & Ualno O Umiju 'Vt Cr sa n s b uBg. Pa.. 
S-U; (Gaiety) CoohellavWe, 

Meier & Mora (Hlppodroma): BrUMaoi 
iS-att; (E>mplre> BrlatoO, S2-3f; (Meoopeua' 
Gateshead, 29-June 3. 

Mdniyre &. Heath (Hammersteln's) : N*w York 
City. 8-13. 

Madcaps. The Four (aammersteio's) : New 

Tolit Cnty, S-13. 
Martini & Max Mlllian (Pavdion): New c:astle 

on-Tyne. Enc. la-20; (TIvolI) I>eds. 22-27. 
Mareers Baa Beliefs (Temple): Detroit. Mich., 

Ma bell & coil>ley: GreenaburiL Fa., 8-13. 
McSorley Sk S^taatm XQtuii.-i^^ 

McCun'e A Qiijnt ' (OiiMMBi)r~naTui^^ 


(Measer.ger Boys' Trio (Proctor's): Newark. N, 
J.. S-U. 

McrrttL Raymood (CiTStal): Marlon. Ind., 1-U, 


bmi^nhipv aiaiara COaHmi OoasHlsvlUe, Fa., 

Mitci;c€il«,--Ttoe5s*Mhi^^ / 
Murphy £ ABdiMn fOnimMkeeaa. .mdL, 


Macdorald, James F. (Temple): Detroit, Mlcb., 


MorU'.al.j Mne. (Roof GMda ^.Tanoaster. Pa., 

»-U: (Amphlon) 

Maddcoc *. 

-.^13; (JH^jj. ■ II I i j i f mf' mmmm ja-ash ■ r- 

Mwdc & aUott teimtaiO: te PMBdsoai; cu., 


Murray. Bllzabeth (C. O. H.): Cblcaco. HL, 

M'ddloton's Manikins (Haymarket) : ChlcasOk 

||BnJa.aMB (Rand'sO: Troy. N. Y.. s-is. 
New Toilc Comedy Four (Centiuy): gfi"^^ 
^ty. Mo.. 8-U; (Ehnpire) Indlanapolta, , IndL, 

Newell & Nibio (Howard): Boat<m, Ittllii.iMti': 

(Pastor's) New York City, U-Mk V 
Nuioe. The Three (Rmral): Tfoy. Ki T.;-:lM»8; 
(Gaiety) Albaiiy. U-U; (NeOoB) flpitatfleH, i 

Miafs., 15-30. •^ 
Nobles. Milton & Dolly (Shea's): BatMo. N. 
Y., 8-U. 

Norman (Domtlion): Winnipeg-. Man,, S-B. 
Ne«Ma (Blectrtd: Waterloo. la., S-U; (BIJon) 

Roekford. lU.. UjST. 
Nina lO. H.): South Bend, Ind., S-13; (O. H.> ■ 

PL Wayne. 15-27. 
Nelson Family (Nelson's): Mt. Clemens. 


Nixon. Ceo. E.: En ronte with L 

ment Co. See -Midway RoDtea;''^ ' 
Nosses. Tlie Five: En route wltk Hial 

GIrl. See Otuslcal .BOBtea. -; • ■ ' 

Opel. -Henry: En roat* With - Anter-rpimter , 

Taudevilie Co. 8e ▼aBdetllla : Coirtblnsttaa . 


Our Boys In Blue (Hippodrome) : London, Eas^ 
March la-Juiie 17. 

O'Brien & Dunlo (Orpheum): Utlca. N. T.. S-U. 

Ordlar. Dell (ETiiplre): Springneld, III., S-20. 

r«lot. Fred Sc. Annie (E^aeit End Park): Mem- 
Phis. Tenn.. 7-U: (Foiaest Highlsnds) St. 

.rwoolwortb'a Roa$*%aid^^lLaiMiaSteiv^n^. 


Philllpf .Slaters (Oi)'n>pla. Park): Chattoaoeca, 
Tenn., S-20. 

Prentice Trio (Star): St. Paul. Minn.. StU: 

iTrocadero) Chlcagro, 111., 15-20. 
Powerd & TheotTald (Unique): San Joss^ Cal„- 

8-U; (Chutes) San Francisco, 15-20. 
Powensk ifr..A.JIn. John T. (Grand): Ta«eiaa.- 

Wasb.i^U.(aniiid> Aattnla. On.. ]S4lk ■ ' 
Potter A Sartwell (Pastor's): New York Cllyi-- 

8-U. . 

Prervost 4k Frtvost (Otpkaum): Denver, C:oL, 

Fatty Bros. iChaee's): Washington, D. C, 8-U. 
Probst. The Great (Hammersteln's): New Tork 
City.. 8-U 

Poulioii^Dooley ft PataboiUt (Haymarket): Chi. 
F«3n * D* Omm* tflaAs AUaala. OA,. MS. 





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CLASS A. 12 Cents Per Foot. mmwu « 



459 FEET. $56.08. -V V ■ 

TKo Most LaugKable Subject Ever M&de. 



Vkmpe (Orphenm) : MlDneapoUa* 

"MUul. t-u. _ 
Fowetl'a saectrio Tlmter (C. O. H.): CUcxo, 
IlL, 8-13. 

Powm & FMcd <FsmUr: E*«t S. LooU. 111.. 

Peten. FMI * MttS^mmM: CUom, U:. 
8^ — 

PwMi.:VcBtiilaqidM (8. O. BJsBntta. XMt.. 

U«r T. Ind«t. 
PCUMb Frank and Jnle: En nmte with Gor- 

tOB** Ulnscrsls. Se« Minatr«l Bontey. 
Qidator Bros. (Keith's) : PhOadcIpitiia. Fa., 8-U. 
'Bayn.ond. Carl (F&mlly): Paxk City. U.. h-13: 

(Novelty) Prtm>. 15-20. 
JUoei J(Am C, & SaiUe Ooi>*n (Orpfaeum) : Ona. 
- ha, N«b., 7-13: (Orpbeum) Dvnver. CoL, 14-9). 

Buosell & DuDbar (CrysCal): Taconui. wash., 

S-U; (fant&Kue'a) Seattle, 15-20. 
Banisey Sisters (Gaiety): ^rlncfield, 111., S-13: 

<Oanlck) BUTllncton, la,, IS-ao. 
Bavciucrott. Cliarlocte (Codlaeum): Tore 

Haut«. Ind., S-U, 
B«M * Nuxray: ShdMygan. Wis., 8-lS. 
F*ifmtiiti1 te Oood (I.yrlc): L.liicoIn, Meb., 8-13; 

CCiystal) St. JoMfdh OSo., U-20. 
Bayiaond & Trlcoy (NatlunaJ): Kansas CltTi 

Mo.. 7-lS. . . 

W iii l i ri wi, Cliaa. CTrocadero) : Chtcan BL* 

U: (Star) Mltwaakee. Wla.. 15-30. 
SuMl Utah. (Colanobla): St. liOUls. Ktt., 

It: tCL Ok H.) Cl>lca«ak m., IMS. 
Bnaaell, Dorotliy (Hammemteln'a): New Yoik 
. City. S-13. 
Ramuiston, Itayma (Maryland): BalUmore, 

Ud., 8-13: (ClUM's) WMtilngton. D. C., IS-ao. 
Kyan & Richfield (T<irkvlU«>: New Toric City, 


RooDey. Fat, & Slailaa Bmtti (MTilt IkMf - 

port. Conn., 8-13. 
Bayno'a. All & Bull Doiw: Canton, O.. 8-13. 
Sanf. tnaude (Crrstal): Denver, Col.. S-13. 
Reyno & Rlcharda (Keith's): FhmuMpbla. Pa., 


Raymond, Ussle B. (Iiyoeam): Loodoo, 


Ross & Licwis (Surrey): Lontkn, Enc, li-20. 
..Bcsalre & Uoreto: TVMirine Europe. 24-iMay 31. 
Bacfcett A Hazard (Star) : Bennondaey, I/>ihlan, 

Bng., 15-20; <T<>wer) Blackpool, 22-27. 
Rlns fc Wllllairs (Bljon): Danville, 111.. !y-13. 
Rojrs tc Roberts (Park): Providence, R. L, 1-U. 
Rochetort & May CTlvoU): BuOalo, N. Y., I-IS. 
Buasell. Scho<dcy * Rust 11 (Oiyinplc): Cliat- 

Unooea, Tenn.,. t-UL 
RuskTI (Collin^): H s mnw i siu iai. Sag., 

(Grand) Hanley, 13-27. 
Rae A Broesctae CO>lumbU) : Cincinnati, O., 


r.oaa 'it Fenton (C. O. H.) : Chicago, IlL, 8-13. 
HIteblr. Dune DeTll: 1^ route with Great 

Altmo 6bon-8. See Midway Bootes. 
Borlker. E. «.: Ba tODte leUh GasktU Bhowi, 
, .i See iMIdway Boatca. . 
Xadford A ValentInt lUfesnMa): 9UVi Ifo, 

April 1-May SI. 
Rife & PrevoBt (Olymola): Paris, Pr.. April 

IT-llny 3. 

Rem Bme. (Empire Tour): Ens., AprU 2«- 

: ^^'jgg^ mtnid inmrii ■ <^liiklnar CUr. Bla.. 
'Sato, O. K. (Falace): Ixxtiloa, Bos., AprU IT- 

BelmMC Swr: Bn toDte with Meyer's Monarch 
. >, .iBOMnnt On. Sea DUdway Bontcs. 
•ItanKli, nt QiMt: £a nwte with J. Frank 
^'lUtA Shows. See audwai- Bantcs. 
fluKhs, Aerial: En nmte wUh.Bl^lac Bmc' 

Clrcns. . See Tent Show BoatM. 
,8t»In-Bi«tlo Family (CoDOKt - :Bobu») : Turin, 
_ Italy. Btajr...,!.*. .. , 
SararvOlw: ahlWto'wSlk'WUM^ 
See Itat nowlBMtvs. 
:. Snyder, Bud (PMI's): Brldreport. Conn. 
. tTtmple) Detroit, Miob., 15-20. 
^Sylvan & Oneal (Star): Topelra. Kan. 
V (Novelty): Sioux Falls, S. D.. 15-1). 
..Swor, James (Baldwin): San FranclKO, 
/' S-IX 

Samuels, M. (People's): Cedar Rapids, 

Stuart, Arthur (Olrmptc Faolc): Chattanooara. 
_,TsuL, S-U: (Glendale Caaino) Nashville. Vy-M. 
Sims, Reouble (lake View Park): Terre Haute, 
_Ind., 14-20. 

: Sutton &. Sutton (New Century): Kansas City, 
Mo., 7-13; (E^mplre) Indianapolis, Ind., M-D). 
BlUUvan & Faunce (Crystal): Milwaukee, Wis., 

Symonds. Lottie West (Giilety): Coan«lsvUle, 

^I-a., 8-13; (Grand) Unlontowm. 15-a»,. 

Bully & Phelps (Castle): Bloomlnstoa; Xn-'S- 

„ 15: (oaiofar) Sprii«tt«ad. 15.». - - 
BMnr, wHks»,.«7DA^wh«: ciavcMod, a. 

Simon. liouls. Once GaiAMr ft Co. (Orphenm): 

Loe Angeles, Cel., 1-13. 
elddon Bros. (Austin & StOBS'id: Boston. Mass., 

M«: (PastWs) New X«lk CUr. 15-20. 
Semon, Chas. P. (8h*a>at: TaranMk Can.. S-U. 
Scott Btdi. (C'Ol:KA: OilaimL m.. uu. 


Stiines, The (Orrlieam): Brooklyn, N. T., S-IS; 

(Keith's) Boston, Mass., 15-30. 
Snyder A Buckley (Kalth'a): Philadelphia. Pa.. 
Mt (Kaltb'a) baton, itaiw,. l»4k 

Florlte ca a.>: Vi««» CItr. U. ft4*. 


lOMota for Medley Waltz 


TWP.8M P. 


WaltE— Two-step. 


WALTZ sens 


Send late Program for Professional Copies. No Cards. . 



St Jo9m & NIooIaJ (Bucklm:hani) : Ixiulsvllie^ 
K:t., 8-13: (ScandordD St. LauIs, Mo.. 15-30. 

Snlrl A Kessner iHammeratein's) : N:w York 
City, ^13, 

Spessar^s Bean * Fonl«« (Hanunersteln'a): 

New Yofk <»r. 8-lX. 
Stuart, Jota F. ObaapkO: jfwnjlil^ Ttan.. 


Stahl. Roae (Shsa'o): VMontOk Can.. 8-13. 
SolUveii, Denar (BUou): lA Crosse, wis.. S-13. 
Sallw * BaitMUretto iC O. H.): Cbieaao. IIL, 

Simpson. iMal>el (C. O. H.): Cblcaco, Bl.. 8-13. 
Sandoiw Bros. (C O. H.): Chicago, BL, 8-13. 
Simpson & PIttiaan (C. a H.): Chtnago, 111., 

Traveiie & IjaataB (MitloaaO: lEaniaa City, 

Mo., 7-13. 

Trolley C:ar Trio (Camden): Caznden. N. J.. 

7- 11 

Texana Sisters (BUou) : Dubuque. Is., S-13; 

iDonUnlon) Wlnntpec, Can.. 15-20. 
Ifimnpson Slaters: Bttrelca. CU., MOCar U. 
Tulsa (Cackle): Bloomliston, ni., S>U; (Nov* 

elty) Denver, Col., 15-30. 
Trcvollo (Hammerstein's): New York dir. t-U. 
Toreador Trto (Miner**) : Nen- Vrnic City, B-tt; 

(Liyceuro) Philadelphia, Pa., 15-9). 
Treloar & Edna Tempest (Shea's): Buffalo, N. 

y., S-13; (Shea's) ToroMo, Can., 15-20. 
Towel. Smith tc Towel (G. O. H.): FltUburs, 

Pa.. 8-13: (Kelth'a) FhtladelphUi, IMIl 
Terley. OrlglDal (Keith's): Clevdand. a. 8-13; 

(G. O. H.) PIttsburs, Fa., lS-20. 
Toonklns, Wnilam (Orpheum): San Franclsca, 

Cal.. SO-May 13; ((>rpheum) AncJlea, 


Ten Brooke, Lanibert ft T«n Bmriu CKMney'f ) : 
Brooklyn. N. T.. IMH 

Tyce Lillian, & Irene Jcnaea fBopUaal:' Mem- 
phis. Tenn.. 8-13. 

Tenley, BImer (Hurtls ft Scaoon's): New York 
City. S-13; (Howard) Boston. Mass, IS-Sk. 

Taylor. Mae (Uowaid): Bostoa. Man.. Indef. 

Thardo. Claodc (»Joa): Brooklyn. N. .T.. Indef. 

Teal. Bayniond (tmi«ae): .XaOB AnsHti, Cal.. 
May 8.Jaae S. 

Vane. Sanr. Maddan: Wm M«e wttk Baral 
AnraMociit Ok ew> aOArar ' 

Tcnnette * IMoue (Cii«i*^Q*a> 

FT.. Ukprtl W3Ut SI. 
VanlMte * Ooti^ (Uolqiw): MiueapoUs. 

Minn.. Indef. 
Vardell, Frank <OoamMSontt' Cl a rtnn atI, O.. 

8- 13 .■■ r ■ • 

Vaasar Girls, Bight' (BUvnulwO: (3hlca«o. 

111., S-13. 

Vema, Belle (BlJou): Manitowoc. Wis., 15-20. 
Vernon (Victoria): New York City. S-13. 
Valmore & Horton (Folly): ObIca«o, III., S-13. 
Vance. Clarice (Hammerstein's): New York 
City, S-13. 

Vardaman (Oak Park): Sacramento, Cal., 8-13. 

Vemelo ft Co.: Great Falls, Hont., 8-13. 

Von Klelne A Qlbnon (Fountain Ferry Park): 

L«udsvnie, Ky.. S-IS. 
Warihi-r Bros. (Bdlsco): Helena. Mont... 8-13. 
Welsh, Chas. & Jennie (Unique): B^au Claire, 

WIS., S.13; (Bijou) Duluth, Minn., 15.30. 
Warren Jfc Howard (West Side): Janes\-ille. 

Wis., &-1S: (GiMBO Mamninth. U-Ml 

Witt, J. D. (dliiifto- miO: . Chattaaoori. 

Tenn., 8-13. 

Wolflars StalUona ft Doaa OEoo): TOMto^ O., 

I-U: am* Fa*k> CSawdiuid. IM*. _ 
Winiana ft Gordon (HayiMarfcet); CUeaso. n., 

s-13: (Iiync) Cleveland, O.. 15-30. 
Vfytn ft Hart (Oj-stal): Cripple Creek; Ool., 

Williams ft Mayer (Bljon). Maaltowoo, Wis., 


Wilson ft RdeiM (navies' MmM. Midi.. 


Warren ft Cterdner (Or^tMimO: MlnseapolK 
Minn., 8-13: (Orphevm) Danvari^Ciol., lS-30. 

Ward ft Curran (HamnaikaQ: Chleago, III... 
S-iS: (OilinObM StTXAula. Mo., is-ao. 

West ft Vao Steten (Shea's): Buffalo, N. Y., 
8-13: «8liaa's» TOroatSk Oan.. 18-30. 

White ft uAuta (OaMM: Sitrlndleld, ni.. 

World's Ttii (BiiBklasbm)t iMMiitb K7., 

V^itNr ft Wyim <Boiwna>: 




Coimfy and Stale Fair 


My catalo^e is more suggestive of a high grade magazine than the 
usual book of out-door acts. It isn't built on exaggerated lines^ and 
comprises half-tone reprodu(%iODS of high-class a'tiaetloos just as 
they are, and not as the fancy of the artist ImaglmB fbem. The paper 
and pdntinff aie. tbe best ever tised in a thsatrloal eataloffiw. My 
tantUag mpnatntttlve will meet your oommlttee wben yon desire, 
wtOiontaqpaoMtojoa. Kotiltr m«wiMn;aawlU lioiAyoiirinM«ilnff, 
and the man ^1 osU. 


1402 Broadway, NEW YORK 

Wilson Trio (OrrtMnm): Deavar, CoL, S-U. 
v.-ivna ft Mar VaMMM^As Si*tt>» VaA.. 


Welch, Mm X (Oulaa): Ziob Ancslsak eaL» 


Whitehead & Diamond (Dnique): Winnipeg, 
Can., s-13. 

Wood ft Boh m CBtoUy)^: I jiwaatT . F»., S-tt. . 

x^gA ft. 8«r: rrttimf^i moiiaf^--*.'i:i^.tii 

Wltlard. The Great (Palm Mnsia HUD: 

VnSnmu!.^.^'^ 3Irs. (Olympic): ailc«;« 

\^StaonI*autchines ft Edwards (C. O. H.): Ctl- 

Watsoo's. ^am. Farmyard: En ronte with Bar- 
ahm ft BalWy's Clrctis. See Tent Show Bootes 
Wmct. at TMi (Mempbl): Memphis, Tens.. 
>:.Afrn ST. hidef. 

iriWM* ft IMS (Standard): Ft. Worth. Tex, 


Tlic Oillboarci 







Lantfth, 700 Feet. Prioe, $77. 

THE WASTER'S VOICE 65 F«M, STslS I Botb filtna wben sbown togetber 

THE niASTSB'S B BBAXH, 75 W*SS ■ create conUmnoaa laacbter« 

IvIbvW SfSww*"* ******* *** *** 



Inclndlne C«.lrliuii L*aEnp^ Electric I*iLmp« Adjustable 

Rheostat, FllniA and Slldcn. 

$75 With St( 

Stereopficon Combined, 



23 S Eighth St.. Philadelphia, Pa. 

Wocai>Biaia <OlFBpl4: Ckleasn, HL. S-U. 
Tonne. Frank and Zmlv fWtetiraod): daeia- 
oatl, Q-g^iaff. U 


Tantr Ai^ea. 
• aatf. o.'; 7-13: 

VoasK TM <BUaa>: Marquette, Ulch., S-U. 
2«t ziam, tho: Frczoa, Oil,. S-SS. 
— (cauatar Park): CInrlnnaH. O., 

BeHow A 'WUsoa.'a. 
\L«riatan. PiL. M. 

.Dmaont's: miadelphla, PH., 

^ortoBTa. ,C. C PaaH. mgr.: norwU^ V. T., 

- 10. 

XeraaDds'. Billy, C Jay Smith, msr.: Grand 
Rapids. Micb., 7-10; Saslnav, U-13: De- 
troit, io-3D. 

.Ifahara'o Frank: Whcaton. lUnn.. Id; Web- 
;;{.^Mer. S.. D.. 11; Bladlaon. 12; Lake Preston. 

Bronirlngn. 15; 'Watertown, 16-17; Canby, 

.^^Jllnn.. U: Mamhall. 19; SprtncOeld 20. 
'Sxlianise'a, Geo., Jiaa. EL Jleckcr. msr.: Fliil- 
%adtfidiia. Pa.. 8-U. ' 
i^Bteliasas ft Prln«ter^ RoMo A: ^. men.: 

Chatliain. Ont.. Vti l^aata^Oi Bt-:.!SbaiaaM. 
4,f>S.-. Woodstock, My ■tMt«i»5a&--. l»f . ni Ki- . l 
.^.i- IS; St. Catberine^'ioF^^SDtaB,:; V; .aatt. 

IS: Guelph. 20. ■ - . ■ 

SVogers. John W. Vogel, mgr.: GbUod. O.. 10: 
;v-. Mt. Gllead. U: Marion. 12; Bncyrus. 13; Tlf- 
^' An. 15; Fjoatoria, It; T.lmfr. 17; Wapakoi 


■ , . ;-nu''' iiiy > 8. 

..i , Jnae IT. 

3amum & Balley'a: Philadelphia. Fa. g-13; 
- V Tork. IS; Lancaster. IS; Lebanon. 17; Read- 
■vvtos; IS; Potts¥UIe. IS; jfalianar Cltjr. JT 
Bros.-: Philadelphia. Pa., ufji: 

Alamo Shows. Great W. H. Rice, msr.: Hol- 

denvllle. I. T.. S-13: Okmoleee. I5-aj. 
Ament's Attractions. Capt. W. D.: Pkrla. 
Tenn., 8-13; Fulton, Ky.. 13-20. 

Carnival Co.. Clereland & Turner, 
ThomasvUle. N. C-. S-13: Charlotte. 

. v.';tt£^Ziancaster. 16; I<ebUH»i. IT: BaadOiK^JS; 
,;i»Btta»ine. ya-. Mahanor dtr. 2A ' 
TBjgr.War. The. CapL A. W. Lewla. mcr.: Ft. 
:;,::-Sayae. Ind.. lO; Toledo. O., JU; SaadnttT. S: 
nf;Br>la. 12; Cleveland. 15; Ashtabula.- It; SHe. 

17; Buitaio. N. T.. IS; BodMatar. »; 
. 'MSriaeuae. 20. 
BaOUo Bnl's wnd West. Fted 
V mgr.: Paris. Fr.. April 2; indet.- 
• - Onaitn Ftank'a. K. M. Myers mffl 

■ la.. 10; Stanwood. 11; Clarence 12: 
IcsTille. 13; Norway. IS; Tama. It. 

Cole * Rocet^ B. B.: Sottoo. W." Ta.» U; 
. natwood; 12; COmn, B; JODiMasalL': IC: 

Bridgeport. It: Salam. K; Cairo If; ^eana- 

boro. 1»: Weat 'Union, 20. 
Downle's. Andrew: Honeoye FUIs IT. X. 10; 

Penn Tan. 12, 
Drake & Falkner's: Toms Blvcr. K. J., 10. 
Deltino's American: Greer. S CL, IS-lt. 
Ely's, Geo. s. : Han-isbnrai 111.. 12-U: Eldo- 

imdo. IS: Galetla. 16. 
Btottfs &cat: Sacramento Cal.. 10: Wood- 

ant, nr Bed BhiS. 12; Bedding, 13; Cblco, 

H: OnnUte. IS; SUryarlllcL U: Tmekee. 18; 

Mu^bvsbonv fl, , .-n; ' i^ffin?^b^&n»^ 

Golimar Bna.*: Hartford City. Ind 10; Fort- 
iMkJ. U; St. Uarys. O.. 12; Greei^eld. 18. 

U; Otcnmwa. n. -f^'v^ ™- •vw.i-.^ . 
lamMgser'a Zoo: Ungcr SaodiH^. Ol^' t-»: 
.SiSpbM. IS-U: Van \SSt. DSr. 
Lcaao Bros.: Pnhllcaaon jonte grakWM. 

AST mall addressed In can of ne illillmiil 

wni be forwarded promptly. . 
Xowery Bros.': Plymouth. Pa.. IMX 
XcDonald Bros.*: Duclctowa, <a - - ~ 
Korxla A Rowe's: Corvanh£}jb*a:Mlr;MdliHt^ 
. ^-illew U: Portland. uSTOSSS^-lt: ^TkB^ 

couver. Wash., 16. 
.'.fiRnhlce BfU's: Junction Park. Pa.. 10; War- 
;.M'>'*aa. O.. U: Kaw Castle. Pa.. 11-12; MeB^'s 
^.'.i BoCka. 13; Homestead. IS; aionesaen. IS: He- 
- Kaasport. 17. 

TWntllng Broa.': Latrobe. Fa.. 10; Altoona. U: 
Jolmatown. 12; Cmnberland. Md., It: Waah- 
inston. D. C, 15-16:- Baltimore, Iid,^ .II-ll: 

■ WUminaton. DeL. W; Chester. Pa, al. 
RoblnaoD'a 'John: Cony, Pa., 10; Kaaa 11. 
SeEs A Kown-s: Flint. XlCll.. 12. . .. 

;, Sle Sauteiip i- Welsh Bna.* — 

. • Fa_. OC; Shetiandoalli,"-Jlj;>: 
': Shamiikln. U.. " ' v*''-' 
a O.: i da dH l M il fi. Pld: H; 

'..r-lbft^4MlNim£^:^jBiihUtat]M .oC .note 

Baikoot Candval Co.: EUtina, w, Va„ S-13: 

Piedmont. Vt-Vt. 
Bauscher Caralral Co.: Camtheismie, ICo.. 

8-13: Cape GIraidean. 1S-2Dl 
Coiun-s ^iM t iaa i t Ooi.: HaaH^^ HMk. 1-U: 

Denver. Art :' S-ML.'- ' . - 
Continental . 'ABMMCBt .Ok: "PttMan: Fa.. 


Cooke's City of Jerusalem. BL Cooke, mgr.: 

CoatesTille^ Pa.. 8-12; Slatinston. lS-3». 
Cosmopolitan Amusement Co.: Toisa. 1. T.. 

8-12; Chenyvale. Kaa.. 15-2IIl 
Dixie Carnival Co., -x>aiia Thompson, mgr.: Pnb- 
. IleatlMi of ronte prohibited. Aay mall ad- 

dreased in care of Ilie BIIBioaxA.arlll be tat- 

wiiiled promptly. -■ ;. ■ 

EclUin-Harrls Amusement Co., 6.- A. »"»itt»ij 

mgr.: Thomas. Okla., 8-13. 
Flefita. Carnival Co.. H. L. Leavltt. mar.: 

Monterey. Cal.. s-13; Santa Cmz, 15-20. 
FUk's Syndicate of Shows. CiS. I. N. FUk. 

mgr.: rhiiitanniaa Tina . 1 11 
Gasldll Shows: ]tMairak;-'.t4t: Bmlacbam, 

Ala., lS-20. 

Hatch Shows. J. Ftank: TTnlontowiii. Pa., t-lS; 

Dnqnesne, 15-20. 
Hewitt's Shows. Fred: Linton, Ind., 8-12. 
Hissins & Woods' Glass Show A Museum. D. 

J. Elggins. mgr.: Indlanola. JIL&e., S-U; 

Greenville. IS-SO. 
H. R. O. Amusement Co., H, A. Rnasell. mgr.: 

WlllMnrtan..I. T.. 8-12. . = ■ -. ' 

Hoaa ft Nanman TTnlted SKMRK^.IlHlHtalfc OL. 

»-lS; Crestline, 'IS-2A :ry-J'.%>.-\; . . . 
Jooea^Adams Carnival . OK>'>*BMMlk- K CL.- 

a-U; ' Gddsboro, 

LaduDan-Keetcb Slunn: 

Vernon, Ind., IS-2t. 

Mlles-SIay Showland: , 

Horrls' Glass Sliaw. Idnr XCx 


Patterson ft Bralnerd Camtral Co.: Joplln, 
Ko.. 8-13. 

PUrca Amnaement Oo.. A. !«. Pierce, mgr.: 
CoatcBTine. Fa., ft-13: Slatlngton. 15-20. 

FOlMam Broa.' Camiyal Co. : Elkhart, Ind., 

Hobinson Amusement Co.: Bristol, Tenn., 8-13; 

B!uene!d. W. Va.. 15-20. 
Royal Amusement Co.. H. H. Tlpps. mgr.: 

Westvine. L T.. S-13: Gravette. Arlc. 15-20. 
Seeman-Millican Mardi Gras Co.: Paris, Tenn., 

8-13; Fulton. Ky.. IS-M. 
Smith Greater Amusement Co.. Cfarla M. 

Smttli. msr. : HatrndatwgR t-lt; Sbellir- 

St. Louis Sysdleeicd'AiBBaaBtat CaLt 

Tenn.. 8-13. 
Unique Carnival Co.: Denver. CoL; S-U. 
U. S. carnival Co.. R, L. Carroll, tagr. ' 

Ington. Mo.. 8-13: DeSoto. 13-20. 
Tclare Bros.' Amusement Co.: MOTrQlton, 

Ark., 8-13; RussellvUe, 15-20. 
Welder's Carnival Co.. Will H. Welder, mgr.: 

Jadnoo^ (X. t-tt: Aaron. Ind.. is-10. 
wrl^ Aiiiimiiiiml Co.: Daltoa. Ga., 8-13. 
\V]iUaa3r*a ■ Greater Shows. A. P. Whitney, 
. ..insBi£;Opdovsa8. La., 8-13; Lafayette, 13-20. 

aa. lai i . J a For M. L. Clark's ComblnKi Shows. First-class Comet 
■USICIallS IffalllBO ■ Plas-er. Slide Trombone. Baritone and Doable Drummer. 

" * ■ Prefer those donb Ung r to lln . AddMML JL LJObyUU 
lanie Bock, Ark., In -care m. I» CI.ABK*S Wmmwm% ■* ■■■h nBUDUH* 

Band naater. P, S.— Regards to friends. 

'\J\r A. 'MT'lT'l^fc • A COOD BALLYHOO TKAM; 
VV >%.f>i U. MLtM-M m piy the iteht aala ry lo the t Um: 

c;. V 

preferred: will 
Camtral Work. 




10^ i:. < ol unit)la Strot t. Detroit, .^cb» 

M ftTlftP Xo Managers and Secretaries. The best and most reliable talent CU 1 


XIIO>. CAIlliV, ijLi-.U.i:^n Maii.-.»ur. Ni 

KanUoUili ChlcaiO., ni. 



Good locations at Street Ballroad Park or Snmmer Resorts for J. E. 8IRARII*8 Ha. 1 
and Ho. 2. BYP8Y CiMIPS for tlie sammer season, either rental or percentage. Meet 
O""!^-*- Ojw Caupe la the b ntlnett Jnst ekMed a i mmi it f ii i ae at oa at Chotea Parte 

"sBRBAi. vunmr." buvfaia. t 


ttlece. 10 lengths of 

aolea, IWKa. te. Alaa aat oC aeMenr I6 feet blob. Cost 
used 7 months. Address: 1KB IiANDB, 

Crawford Tbeatre, St. 

HobbarTa Attractlona, 

If. T.. 

New Tock 

Aaciicaaa, E..D. Jttatx, Bgr.: Totento, Can., 

Blue Ribbon Girls, Jack Singer, mgr.: Roches- 
ter, K. T.. S-13: Toronto. Can., 15-20. 

Bobemians, Tbonias W. Miner, mgr.: Lools- 
vUle, Ky.. 8-13; St. Louis, Mo., 15-20. 

Bon Tons. Rush & Weber, mgrs. : Washington. 
D. C 8-13: Fittsborg. Fa., 15-20. 

BoweiT Borlesquers {Hnttia ft Scamon's). Joe 

— . .,Tipiis» g. s-iij - 

ri" "riiai'iit naiaaill 
PMd .^ -I toi^ S- M; 

~ yaoj'nsr.: Cle*iStaBdro>,' I 

Cherry Bio _ 

mgrs.: Kansas 

Ind., 15-20. 
City Sgort^ Fhn Scrfbner, msr.: 

Cl^. IrU; Srooklyn. 1S-2T. 
Cramer Jades. Harry I,eonL mgr.: .. 

T.. 8-10; Troy. U-13: Providence, R. r. 15-X, 
Dataty Duchess, Rush & Weber, mgrs.: Chi- 
cago HL 8-13: MUwaukee, Wis.. lS-2a. 
Devete's Sam: Cincinnati, O., 8-13; Loulavllle, 

Ky.. 15-20. 

Fay Foster Bnriesquera, Joseph Oppenbelmer, 
mgr.: Minneapolis. Mian.. 8-13; St. Paul. 


Gay aiasqneraders. Snllhran ft Kraaa. mgra.: 
' Boston. Mass.. S-13: New Tork City, 15^ 
Gay JfoisIiiC Gkaiee, SecOncr ft Drew, mgis.: 

RMdins; Fa.. I-IS: Scraatoe. U-12: New 

Tork City, IC-20. 
Hi^ Rollers, Woodhnll & Waldron. mgrs.: 

Providence. R. I.. 8-13: Boston. MaJB.. 15-20. 
HeaiT Borlesquers; New York City, 8-13. 
Imperials. Williams A Bums, mgr.: Kew T'ork 

City, 8-13; Newark, N. J., U-20. 
Indian Maids. Frank B. Carr. mgr.: New Tork 

our. 8-13; Setaston. Pa.. ..If-Xll 


AHaVaatevKaAala. Big Carnival week May ss. Vaudeville all Besson. 

l: De- 

Innocent Slalds. F. C. 

traal. Can.. S-13. 
Innocent Beauties: Brooklyn, N, T,, 8-13. 
Irwin's Big Show. Fred Irwin, mgr.: Balti- 
more, Md., S-13; WashinscoB. D. C U-20. 

~ - WldM 

. •Wla,. 


Kentuclcy Belles. Wliallen Bros., 
trolt. MIctL, 8-13; Toledo. O., 

Knlckf^rbockers. Louis Koble. 
N. T.. 8-13: Rochester. 15-20. 

London Belles. W. S. Campbell mgr.: Phila- 
delphia. Pa.. 8-13; Baltimore, Md.. 15-20. 

Majesties. W. L. Ballauf, mgr.: Pittsburg, Fa.. 

' 8-12: Cincinnati, O.. lS-91. 

Merry Maidens, Butler, Jacobs ft lAwry, 
ELgis.: Pateraoa, N. J.. (-18: New Toik City, 

"New Teik Stara, JoharB.'-'nvM^Bgr.: In- 

dlanapoUs. Ind.. S-K; 'CUoum, uL. 15-20. 
Orientals. W. B. Watson, mgr.: New Tork 

City. 8-13. 

Parisian Widows. Rush A Weber, mgrs. ; New- 
-ark, N. J., 8-13; Paterson. 15-20. 
Reeves' Al.: Boston. Mass., 8-13; New Tork 
City, 15-20. 

Rice A Barton's Gaiety Co.: Jersey City, N. 

J.. 8-13: Philadelphia. Pa.. IMIl 
Reilly A Wood. Pat Reilly. Mbt 

Mass.. 8-10; Boston, 15-20. 
Rentz-Santley, Al>e Leavltt, 

N. T.. 1-13; Albany. B-17L '_ 
Rose Hill English Folly, Rice 

New York City. 8-SO. - 
Thoroughbreds Frank B. Carr, mgr.: St, 

Louis. Mo.. 8-13; Kansas City. 15-30. 
Tiger Lilies, Scribner & Drew, mgrs.: Phila- 
delphia. Pa.. S-13: Reading. 15-17; Scranton, 


Trans-Atlantic Borlesqueza^ (BuTtig_ft Sea. 

•N. T.. 8-20. 
Utopians T. W. Dinkins. mgr.: Chicago, IlL, 

S-13: Detroit, MicJi., 15-20. 
Vanity Fair, Robert Manchester, mgr.: New 

Tertc CUjr. «■»: JSMir Ciiy. H. »4Il 


Lafayette, The Great, Show T. O. Lafayette, 

mgr.: Havana, Cuba. 8-lS. 
.Orpheum Show (Martin Beck's): New Tork 

City. 8-U. 

Senrab's TaadevUIe Gol. BUly Staiah nsr. 

Atr - - ' — 

Aagastliws' Electiie Stadio: Deeatv, OL, Feb. 
16, Indef. 

Adams Congress of Novelties: Edenton. N. C 

8-13; Golsboro. 15-20. 
Augustine Clias. Hlne, mgr.: Oomwdl, Oat.. 

8-13. . •■■ V_ . 

Crystal Eye Carnival, C Si-:4ny. BCr,: 

I'lattsburg, N. T.. S-IS. 

Canaveam; Geo. A. HMtOik stsr.; UUo, Me., 

■ S-IA" 

- - - - OaL. ladtf. 





Aeceaeoriea, mmM TImi. la tbe 
moat dlYeraiaed and eaMptala of 
anjr In tbe Cnlled gtataa. 

Oar Free Cataloe No. 1>V com- 
talna descriptions, wltb vrlee 
and Information about 
eblncsf iMaca Btectrte 





127-129 W. 32nd Street. 

Flints. The. H. L. Flint, mgr.: Bloomlngton, 
li:.. 8-13. 

Great Western Show: Landlsburir. Pa.. 10; 

Bloomlleid. U: Sllermansdale. 12: Carlisle. U. 
HetsatwW^HypiiQUst; Fairmount. 111., 10-11: 

Hewett, mnsloolst: Eagle City. Alaska, St- 

May SO: Circle City. 22-JuBe 54. 
Helm's. F. W. Cuiry, mgr.: Witteabers, Wis,, 

lu-ll; Teegarden, 12-13. 
Humpty Dumpty (Geo. H. Adam's); Troy. N. 
T.. S-U; North Adama Mass.. 15-17: Fitch- 
burg. 18-3(1. 

ManEfield'e Pavilion Show; Tlonesia, Pa., 10; 

Mlnersvrtle. ll; Tylcrsburg, 12; Fryburg, 13. 
Perkins. EU: Parkvllle, Mo.. U. 
Frescelle, Hypnotist. F, Wiilard Masoon. msr.: 

Farmlagtoo. Me., 8>ia, 

Powers. HJrpaotlat, F. J. Fmran, smt.: Or^ 

vine, O., H; ~ ~ " — — 

slUon. It: Or 

Itanoe. IMt 
Poggsley - Broa.. Teaacasce WaiMeia, R." OL 

Puggsiey, mgr.: Lafayette, Ind., T-U, 
Pender, C. H. : Tunnelton, W. Vs.. lO-lL 
Q^kcr Remedy Co.. WsL Ftanklya, aan.: 

Par Omtcr. Xan» .Mti Jpaghattiab lis 

Xtie BillboaiPd 



tMtc «Bd admlratlaa wHh little exception. 
While Ids Rouico Is not lo saecesstal as Ms 
Bainl«t( It la sucU ao Imperaooatkni as U Bt-ca 
!■ tlids end of the country but twice In a 
decaii«> As In the other pUts oresented la 
tUs eoeaecroent. the moaotins Is beyond crlti- 
clsn osHl pre^eots svTeral plctuira oit imasaal 
stasc beaut>'. Hay 4-5, Princess Pbosa will 
be presented by local talent. ETerrooe paiHd- 
patlae Ls a resideot of -t liN dvy and as 3U0 
peoplv ore to be <» the stage, an lues of tbe 
magnitude of the production will be realized. 
Tbe proceed* are tor <he benefit of tbe relief 
ilepartjnent of tbe Polusettia Circle. Women of 
Woodcraft. Tbe scenic effects trill be mas- 

Belawo Theatre (H. B. Blackwood. mBT.) 
Week of -May 1; Tbe Itelasoc* Stock Oo. are 
(wett to adrantact' In the compdr. 'lue Private 
Secretary'. It kept the audience In an uproar 
the openluE night and as It aerred as a medium 
for a stBiTing tour by Hottrard Scoct RTtnl 
ynus a:o, he oon- ln« in bis old mle tbe beat 
opportuoity he has yet-bad to dliflai'. tke pcnr- 
ers -vvbldi have i;>T«a him « Ufh ptaw Id tta* 
hearts of tbe public 

Burbank Tbeatve (OHnr. 
iBss.) 3laj 1-7. Umtm M 
a Mat at tu* nlajtawe . 

ew sMSb f aHB «Bt «f tlia cobbIkt and 
a neecMftil na accna aaand. Mlllaa 'I«in- 
am baa been cocaecd to play the title ndei 

Gland Oven Ilooae Craoua Baker, mgr.) 
The Ulricta Stock Co. preaent Qoo Vadls foe 
aae treek. Tbe caopaBx la well cast and alto. 
VKber tbe productloii sbotra trhat this company 
can do In lieaTler work. Bilcbard Bohler aa 
Tjniclus Is the most commandlDS figure In the 
drama asMl displayed hie abilities as a leading 
aiaji to the entire eaitlsfactloa of tbe well- 
:packed bouse. 

Orpbeum (Clarence Dnwn, mgr.) Heading 
tbe new bill tills week are Louis Slmoo and 
Grace Gardner In that screasnln^- farce The 
New Coachman, whlcb Is indeed . a one-act 
laugb-prodocer. Tbe BuadiJleTcce Trio nil] 
contlDoe to please In tbeir Ulaattated miwlcal 
noveky of «helr dwn dwls in c* Vha Colombians 
present tbelr faatasv. Tbe Wax IMl. in whlcb 
two pmety and derer little girls are tbe cen- 
tos of Intereat. Berliert Brooks manipulates 
cards and mystifles with a queer trunk. Paul 
CoQCbaa, strong man and Jugslex; Jack Mason's 
dashing Society Belles; Winona Sbannoa In a 
sketch, axkd new motion plctnrea oomplete a 
bluing that Is paclcte^ the bouse. 

Chutes Park and Tbeaitre (Henry Koch, 
msr.) Dooateni's Italian Band, with Its eight 
solotsts bspocted dinct Ikvan Italy. Is the main 
•tmcUon at tbe park. Tbelr liader, tboogb 
bat a bar. ezMbltn mmderfol skill with tbe 
feaiaa aa<; mwv* andleaee and musicians at 
SOL .ItaBBB aawie baa btoiaai qnlte tbe <aA- 
IMI tk'IMi aoeMT'a Itar Hmftcd ti 
t»«hr - - - 

Thlrty-flrBt Street Tbeatte (MUUc Wlllart 

Orlterloa TbMlre (Bcn^lfaoz, mgr.) W«ek 
~ The Minister's Rangbter. 
Howard Tbeacre (Obas, W. BnrrUl, mgr.) 

Week 8. the Stock Co. In Shamrock and Romk. 

Academy of Uualc (Wm. Roebe, mgr.) Week 
James J. JeSrlea In Davy Crockett. 
Alhamibra Tbeatte (J. B. BnMrae, mgr.) 
Week T. DeadwoM -BMb 

Bljau Thentre (Wm.'-' MutK, mgr.) -taaped 
From Sine Sl«s. 

Colmnbus Thiatre (Weber Bros., mgrs.) 
Week T, Gllckmau's Ox>era and Dramatic Co. 

Olympic Tbeatre (A. Jacobs, mgr. for Kob] 
& CasUe) >Week .Mar 8: Wilfred Clark & Co.. 
Frank Bub, ainrpby and WlUard. Mr. and Mrs. 
Watrtous. Ftrgusoa and Mack, Pbll and NetUe 
IXers. no .\ld( r, Ilupbes Moaical T*lo, Bam- 
moDd and Farrestw. -Budd Brothers, Prank Le- 
Detu, Batch Braihers, The Black Bradforda, 
Sliuceis Worth, and Geo. K. Spoor's klnodiome. 

Chicago Opera Bouse (Kobl & Caaitle, mgrs.) 
Wi ek May 8: Ross and Peaton, Watiiaci. 
lutchtne and Edwards, Genaro & Bailey, Pow- 
il's llirlotwltes. Elliabeth Murray. Sailor and 
llarbsKtto, Madge Fox. La31otbe Brotbers, Ma- 
bel Slmpaon, Saodow Brothers, ..«aDle Palm. 
StmpsoD and Ptttman, Buner Fine, Ftaok and 
Of, and Geo. K. Spoor's klnodrome. 
.^ymarket "Hmtre (W. W. Freeman, mgr. 
for EobI d: Castle) .Week 8: Blgbt Vaaser 
Glrla. Ward and Curran, Lew Hawkins, Gal- 
lagtacr and Banett, Pontton and Dooley, Leab 
Rnsaell. Mlddleton'a ^nlkini, The Xjorlts, Oaa- 
~ FtacBce. Ulk. Naomi Etbaidob Oon- 

morld today vbo baa 

_ m a 

grand c w K nl pleased a large aadfeaer. Bleb- 
ard J. Joae. Ibe allTS'-taaed alngcr at fblaetto. 
Is sBslated by oonvetnt talent. Tbe Fnhicr 
Famlty Strfaae Qnartet anppUed eotertalntec 
lumbers. All icodcnd soloa in addition to 
tbelr ooocerted Track and {aored maaten of 
tbelr cbosen tnamntenta. Mr. L'da Waldrop, 
pianist, earned a well deserred encore wttti 
Padereirskl's aUnnet. wUle Miss Bntb Eatelle 
Weston, a beautiful young contralto, sang In 
tones soft and pure. 

Yeoye, tbe great TtoHntet, will be beard lo 
concert In Simpson Auditorium May 23 and Zt. 
Sereral years ago this rlotlnlst Tjslted this city 
and enraptured large andlences. There is prob- 
ity no TloUnist Id tbe nwld ' ' 
such a complete 
strument aa Taayc^ 
plrte and reraatlle. 

Tlx esgagement at oae of the beat theatiieal 
sBxactJom of the year vlu be Marsaret Anglln 
at tbe Mason Opera House in whlcb she will 
ptt a cm a rcvertolre «< New Xork succeasea In- 
dadias Tbe MarrUge of Sltty. Zlra. Tbe I^dy 
FrnMBoimt and FMn-Frou. Miss Anglbi will 
ha aopported Uy many well-know n pl aiyera. 


SAX SIEOO.— At tbe lata TbeaUe tbe past 
week, the VaU de Vetncn Stock Co. played 
Nell GwTim to fair bnalness, 25. Richard J. 
Jose, with hlH Qcnoert company, will open for 
two nigtata. The Two OeurtlemeD of Verona 2S- 
2S, under the ausplcea of the high school, will 
ndoabtedly be one of the beat amateur pet- 

kwtefc and «Jon TbcaMa 
— T baamaaaT^ 


^ OUcisD 

, m* it U mitt 

probaUe that tta aCWIa oC tta ^cetflat 
atUke Itare ndntatad agaJMt tba liailann of 
•or local vlaybonaea. niiBliliili^ an ttt edit 
lag clrcnmataneea. bowvrer, theatrlral 
Id tbe Windy Cltr la qoMe aatlaiaicln.. . 
_ Illinois «rbeatte tWIU J. DasJa, mgr.) Hoe. 
ScbomanitBcJDk la Lore's Lottwy. 

Poweta* Tbeatre (Hatiy J. Powen, mgi;.) 
Amrlla SIngbam In MUe. Uoml. 

Grand Opera House (Barry Aakln, mgr.) 
Beginning Sunday. 7. te thiaa TTiwIriL Iba. 
'Wtscs of The Oabfaaae BaMk. 

Great Northern (Fked'OL ahealik HRt.) 
7. Me, Him and I. 

Studebalcrr Theatre (R, B- Harmeyer, mgr.) 
Cbmmendns S. The Vb^inlan 

Gantck Theatre (Samocl Fi. Goaoa, mgr.) 
P«ir, Paur, Pouf. 

LaSalle Tbeatre (R. 
ne Me of Sms Bong, 

UcTlcker'a Tbeatne (Qeo. O. Wancn, boa. 
mgr.) All Arouod Cblcagow 

Bide & Betiman'a (Archie H. Ellis, mgr.) 
aiantKll in Othello. Mr. UanteU baa 
tiravlly In Obicaga 

J> Temple (EUsabeth Schoebor, mgr.) 

"Week 8, tbe Players Stock Co. In As You Like 
It. Next week: A Texas Steer. 

PMfOe'a Tbeatte (Lealle Darta, msr.) Week 
T, tbe re s pli 'a Stack Oa. tt XheHn. 

Liberty Theatre (Klaw k Edaagtr. Buit.) . 

Tbe EdncaOon of ' Mr. PIpp. 
Lyric Theatre (8. S. aad Lee Sbnbcrt, mgia.) 

IVmlana fUlc the Lyric ndshtly. 

New York Theatre (Klaw ft Ekrlaofer, mgrs-) 
Geo. M. Cotaan came to tbe New York Tbtatre 

'May 8. follOTvlng the engagement of Ttie 

""rince otf Pllsen. 

BUou Theatre (Henry B. Sire, mgr.) Darld 
WarUeld in The Music Master still flUs this 
qjlayhouSL" nlKhtly. 

WiilUick's Tbeatre (Mrs. Theo. Mosn, mgr.) 
Mlcti Alice Fl£K:her In Tbe School for 11 us- 

iladLson Synare Theatre (Walter N. 
rence, mgr. ) The Firm ■ of Cannlnghom. 

Iludsod Theatre (Henry £>. Harris. 

The Heir to The Hoorah. 

Gatrtck Theatre (Chas. Frohman. 

CHosed for seasco. 

HammecsteiD's VAdcaia Theatre (Oscar Bam- 
merstelik. mgr.) Refined Taudertlle. 

Grand Music Ball (Percy G. Wdlllams. mgr.) 
Re&ied vanderlUe. 

Grand Opera Honae (G«k ^ringer, mgr.) 
Jaa. K. Badtatt. KaatijWlIttmm. and. Walker. 

Academr eC iaalgy:'fMNw''-*.*'':^*Mi|Maa^ 
mgra.) Cloaad *« 

WtUItaam In My 

wveka* eniascmcoC at thii the atre" 
Mar UL 

— (John S. Flaherty. 

Week 7. L. L. W< 

Folly Tbeatre (Robt. 
T. W. Din kins' Innocent Maidens. 

PEORIA.— Grand Opera House (CAiambnUs 
& Jlantngtoo. mgrs.) Si PInnkard 2S; good 
business. Savage's EnEHsh Giand Opcia Co. 
In Carmen May 1; pleased excellent bouse. 
Paal OHmare tm The Mnnmy and Tbe Htm- 
~ m BM S; Ma Dssv ta Tbe Dnke at Sim- 
iiUe tt aildal|»t la OUBatawn T: lira. Flake 
tai Leah Xtaattaa 8; BanmA . Bttdwock 10 
Rlchatd lituMd X. 

Mate Street T he atre (B. r.'Ctaeehnl, awr.) 
juggUae MalHHms' Laa brtam. maddaM and 
wuaoD. Patar j; r " 

BeeUBW, Xttehen' ud Lore,*'B? ioFwiMeler, 
Sctktham and Freeman and Yerden and Glad- 
dish week May h- 

WmCTi^BlJoa (Patrick McConneU, mgr.) 
Week M: Tbe Tsnakaa, Jap lugglera; Bugb 
V. aad Beaala Le^ Ttaahigi and Jewell. (3eo. 

jBe Mae Idebig; good boslness. 

W*ek aiay^te^^Mtegl — " 


Empke IMMM . CIR; L .MIr. .ap-) 

caaer OA. «Mk MS (aaA Mhaii. '. aame Col 

week Mar 1. 

X0OKF0BS<-4iaiid Open House (Oto. 9, 
Peck, mgr.) Jack HoeOhr Co. 23-29; fair bnai- 
Sbevsid's Plotozaa Msv 1-2; good bust- 
■BA ntmhnTnana in X Fight for Lote 
. The Mldolght Flyer B: For Her Sake 6; 
Mra. Flske In Leah Kleadma »: Midnight tn 
OtlutowD 12; 31 PlTOkaid lO. 

OECATCB. — ^Power'a Grand Opera House (J. 
F. GlTen. mgr.) Orer Niagara Falls 24; fair 
boeiaees. Isle <( Spice 26; good bouse. Our 
X«v Miidster 27: pleased fair bonse. Peck's 
Bad Bay 29; good bo alncaa Onr New Bddnlster 
(retun) Mas' 8: Tbeo. Tbomaa' Orchestra 10; 
Bidiard ManeOeld 18; Ttie Factory (Mrl 18. 

JACKSONVILLE. — Grand Opera House (Geo. 
W. Chattcrton. mgr.) JefTrles' Ocncert Band 
2S; large and delighted house. Oib- New Hla- 
later (return) 30: only lair boaae. 
SIZOH.— Opera Booce (Tmeman 4t 

.) Tbe MIdidght Flyer May 8; good 
Ue a< abler 

(a. U HKt- 
■ Oecal) 

WICHITA.— C rawf«i r d 
Ung, mgr.) Tbe Oamlral 
did big buslnew 2S-2». 

Tolcr Aadltoriam (B. O. 
Tbe Tatar Stock Cx *n 
Tolert^^ay. The Bat_a( 

to good IHM* 

company and 
Oryalal Tbeataa CA. 

Moaical Butta, Bctbert 
Blebard Wild, illastrated 

Ljrte Theatre (A. B. Hat<aiiaaa% agri) Ood 
hr Mock m M; Mr baaiacaa. 

ossnniF-me Pona«ii on. s. b. s 

bard, OBsr.) Imt^^tkMl BIsaoopo Oaw Bay 
4-S. nader eanras— Elatatfk Om Mi Fear 
Show Mar 2; Gentry 11 1 iittm* MB aat Voar 

Show May 6; CcBmap<dtui OMBlTal Oa. Blar 

ao-Jone 3. 

FORT SCOTT. — DsTldsoo Theatre (H. 
Emicb, mgr.) Dark. Itema— Gentry Brothers' 
Dog and Pony Show .May 4. • • Work Is being 
puslied at Fecn Lake, Fort Scott's new park, 
and It will be opeoed to tbe pobUc the latter 
part «t tmm. 


New Amsterdam ni<ati« (Qaw & Brlanger. 
mgra.) THBiy opened at this theatre May 8, 
for ft sbwt run. Tbe pecfiaraianct will be re- 
viewed In the next lena dC 

Bruadway Theatre (A. W. 
Closed for ai<ason. 

Empire Thea-tre (Charlea Frohm'an, mgrv.) 
Marie Tempest In The Freedom of fiosanne. 

Knickerbocker Theatre (Al. 'Hay^uan, mgr.) 
Frank Daniels In Sergeant Bme Is drawing 

Lyceum Theatre (Dandel Frohtnan. mgr. 
Closed for season. 

Belasco Theotre (DoTld (Bclaaco, mgr.) Uia. 
LesUe Carter In Adrea la playing to capacity. 

Criterion Theatre (Chas. Frohman, mgr.) 
Closed for eeasom 

Zv*aatttMe''t ^^^^'^.^^''^^ msr.) San 


High Diwrs, Rope Waller 
er^ BaUoon AsoensionSp 


• West 28th St., N. Y. CITY 

MetnwoHa TlieatTe (Henry Rosenberg, mgit) 
Kellar. Next: Bnster mown. 

West Bnd Theatre (Geo. Blnmentbal, mgr.) 
Od 8 Eugenie Blair opened at this theatre 

with her atock company In Sapba Her re- 
pertoire of plays wilt be announced later. 

American Ttaratre (Klaw. Edanger * Weia, 
mgra.) Geo. F^aweett;.*' Co^' 
tolre of plays. , 

YorkTlUe Tbeatre Ob'''j|k-^BMb«V«"'>W<) 
Slock. ••. t 

Proctor's Fifth Al 

and Ooe-Hi 

(J. AnsMn Pi «■•>■• i 
derUIe. ^ 

Proctar'e Twenty-tbh-d Street Theatre (J. 
Austin Fynes. gen. mj^r.) VaudeTllle. 

Third Arenue Theatre (AL H. Woods, mgr.) 
The Fa.tal Wed<)inc- Next: Tbe Russell 

New Star Theatre (Wm. T. Keogfa. mgr.) 
Ckmfesalcnts of a Wife. Nest: East Ljnoe. 

Pastor's Theatre (Tooy Pasur. mgr.) Tbe 
follcnrlng is the bill this week: O aHaban and 
Mack. Besnalt aad -MlBsr. UIliaB' aaKjFot 
ter and HaaitweU. CimnlTigham and- nHL^.Bnm. 
Itch iDeMlU ft Oo.^ The rtfota. LaOntea and 
ott ana "Vtu, . mnrm— aad seed. 
' Id Mattbews 

bnr.ntra'jnMtte CBinm, MUdwn * 

(Sam S. Sbilbett. mgr.) 

fyemed Finance 4s stiU playing good boai- 

°*^w XoA Hlppodeome (Thompaoa 4k Dandr. 

(Or. r. O . Ooradl^ 
ilaaaiBK pcrftam* 
PHftaas'a Loie 

aaeea «C DmM 

Stoty. Tom { 

half of laat , 

ta Coooocr S; Vf Mead. Tbe taamr *-U 
FTanda Wlhon 11-18. „ 

Park .Theatre (UL Sbea. mgr.) Tbe ntrmaa 
StoA On. did a dne bostneaa last week wUh 
Lord and L&dy ^Itr aa tba oOatliix. Jane 
Dakar, tbe new '^-'"•'f ladir, was exceedingly 
elerer In bee part. Tbe comedy was produced 
very good. This week: Jnat a Day Dream. 

OJeck Theatre (W. S. Baldwin, mgr.; J. M. 
McNamara. loe. mgr.) Tbe Baldwtn-Metnlle 
Stock Co. presented A Royal SbiTe to satlafac 
tocy lmslnes3 last week. Tbe play was staged 
and enacted In a really medttarloas manner. 
This week, flrat liftlf. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. 
Hyde: last half, Camille. 

Shea's Garden Theatre (ML Sbaw, mgr.) Last 
week a strong bin drew capacity hoosee. "niis 
wert Mntoa and DoUy Nobles, Treloar. Kelly 
and Vlolelite, West and Don Sldeo, Boramt 
and Neraro, Searl and Violet Alien and the 
binetograph. _ 

Lafayette Theatre (Ctiaa. M. Bagg, mgr.) 
The Blue Rlbboa Girls gaxe a fair perfocmaocc 
to excellent bnslnesa laat week. Bertie Fow- 
ler made mere than good. 3tella GUm ore la 
ahoot the moat perfectly fcmed auUiui 
bete this season. Thla we^ Xba bdtkcibock- 

Academy Theatre (Dr. P. Ol 
_m:1 O. Stereaa^ rcK 
Life thrilled good 

0«r Nk«» F;^ . . . ^ , 

r.;t'SaaBiM.^ mgr.) Man- 
aette OMartaCk W ale4r -te-'ne CMsts. Thla 
aC the best attaactlsns at this tbeatic 

aa. BlUy B. Van la Tbe Qmnd Boy 

li esgeetcd to do a tremendoos bo sln tas aB 
thla week. Teatlmanial benefit was glTen to 
Matt Dee Soaday, May T. 

The Taottr Fair Amusement Co. expect to 
open .their park, which is In tl>e heart of the 
c^T. about the middle of this month. They 
have room for one m two mote GODCeasMnB. 


NEWBESN.— ^ew Hasonle Theatre (F. B. 
Matthews, mgr.) Black Patti 35: pleaied 8. B. 
0>...,JMa DBpMl .9^ ah^^^OBM Stoek 

PHTT.^DBLPBIA. — Tbe weather ia fast ap 

proBCblng the time when tbeatregolng will be 
uDComfortsble aad the wise mtnagen ore ar- 
ranglns to cloae tbeir theatres. Four houses 
are already closed and a number of others will 
follow suit atMirtly. A determined effort Is to 
be made t>y some mtnagera to keep open all 
summer and they are spending vast sums of 
money for new productions In order to accom- 
plish tbls, but the chances are that when the 
parka open lod a few warm daya come they 
wtu be CM (a daw 

Sensational Acts 


'or a Chain of AmusafiMinlt 


Machines and Slides 


of nima. 


l» S. Clark St, Chieago. IIL 

Bamooi & BaflCF aM ta apco here en May 
8 for a week's stay aad tbe city has been 
hearlly billed. The announcement that no pa- 
rade v(iU be made has caused a howl to go np 
from the small boy and a number of people are 
predicting that biK^eM will not be np to tbe 
usual circus staiulard on accomit of the omls- 
aftOD of this method of advertising. Tbe trat- 
eome la anrstted with fatterest and It is sa<e 
lo say that U business Is good here next week, 
parades wlR never again be given by tbe Bai^- 
* Bailey Show, aa tfela la W be a teat 
The Broad 
haanc Baa : 
4he eaamer, and: thav Ohaataot Street Opem 

wm fea wdpened «b May s 
altatar laadaetiga' «t 

" " " ~ — "a MB- 

had a good week ' 
Mbf l; aad Cor wedt May 8. Otis Bkia- 
» BOMta la The Harv ester. 

Chescnot Stieet Theatre. Tbe Sbo-C«B 
pleased and drew well during the week May 1. 
and -will ecntinoe week 8. The drat ptodnetkB 
ot Tbe Wandeier will be given at thla bouae IS. 

QmataHO Theatres. SniUing Iriand Is doinc a 
fair bnsineea and will eontlntie imtll Ledeter's 
new production of Coming Through The Rye is 

Park Theatre. (Miss Bob White la duplicat- 
ing Its former socceaafol ion at thla house 
and will continae week liv^S>'; ' ' ' 
dncUon of Simple 
given 16. 

Grand Opera House. The SOver Slipper la 
doing an enocmoos tmalneae at this hooae ircdt 
May 1. CnderHoed tOr -we^ S la Pnnwose 

Glrard Avenue neatxe. Mason and Mason In 
Fritz and Snltz drew wen week May 1. and 
The Two Slatera Is anaHMaiccd for week 8. 

Natlonl Theatre. The Fatal Wedding did 
its Qsoal large btiataess week May 1. and for 
week 8. Dmia Oiff Way will be tbe attractlan. 

Blaaey'a Aich' Street Theatre. Tbe Peddler, 
wiXA Soa Thaiae as tbe star, h 

week S. 


M .haa-' dcami ceod ■ haBMa''ail 
macad Cir Blaj 8 la IlQMr*a .Oariliw: 
HartTa Kew Thcataew. ~ 

wiA, la diaalBC wtHL. 
UU naa Loat la Heir Tetk. 
ircck SL <a The Daaghtar eC Ot 

Wa ti maik 'a aiwatra, A varied reveiUdte 
waa tbe bin tor tbe last week ot B agtnl e 
Blair starting May 1, tbe dlffereat plays bdac 
Zaza, CbmlUe, Saplw and East Lynne. Big 
business mled. On Mar 8 the new stock can- 
pany, headed by Occige Learock, opens In 
Whan Knlgbtbood Was In Flower. 

Standard Tbeatre. Tbe stock cam p s n y . ami 
cootinnee. Week of May 1st tbelr aOHiw-vtn 
Becaose She Loved, and for week % Orcr'BV 
agara FWIs will be given. 

ElercBth Street Open. House. Domoot a 
SChistrels are to coDtinue at tlils house for two 
weeks more and then go on a short tour. Busi- 
ness haa been very large all seasoo. 

Keith's Cheatnut Street Theatre. Hlgb- 
giade vandeville caitinues to a ttract bte . hotaea 
and numeroos headliners are gHmiMtA: .^KWf 
the sommer season. Cbevalle*: 'aaBWa*; liBtBF 
during his two weeks' atay. 

Lyceum Tbeatre. Burlesque coatlnoea to at- 
tract Ms bouses. Fred Irwinsf Co. It the at- 
traction on week May 1. ntth 'ah amateur sight 
scheduled for Friday. ^ ... , . 

Ikocadero Theatre. Serlbner's Momliqt 
rieo attracted big Iwases week May 1. The 
season at this bonse has been one of great 

Museum. An attmotlve bill ot norveltiea ia 
both the curio and tbeatre portions ct thla 
tioud-^ drew trig boufies all this week. ^Ba 

boose will zemaln^a nnta low , . _ 

WAXZ; M WalBBt at> 


Hi* GrMt Wild Wast Show Continue 
■•'.■■•■.tOi.Da Bgfct 

to Xbc BlBboard.) 

Faria; April 24. We are Just com- 
mencing our foartb weeK In the gay 
eapltal oC France, and bn al neaa contln- 
'^i^.MV'^lB ililte oC tb* unfaTOiabte 
iraiitliiv^^i^ since tbe 
^ Ingi 'April' 2. Sandays and Thura- 
'j'Xn' the hlg day* here, at which 
r tlioiiaanas. «K turned away, the 
~ Mid at 

We have police. Hed Cross and tele- 
phone stations on the grounds. Sun- 
day. April 16. the police captured three 
pickjMicketa and aevanteen speculators. 

The i>erformance ta rnnnins very 
smoothly and every number is grreeted 
with applause. W. W. Cole once said, 
"Plenty of light and ^od music is 
half the show." We have both. Prof. 
Sweeney's Cowboy Band has the im- 
nMnae aodlence marUns tloM befnra 
tlie ahow commanoaai atid all an- 
nooncetnents betn^ eliminated, the 
scenes follow In^ such rapid succession 
that tlia poor mualclaaa bacdly l>ava_ a 

Tv^^^e program. 

■■■i^yntt^ crescent-shaped 
eaiBpC' arena, side shows and 
■re lUnminated with one hundred and 
fifty;' rare lights and one hundred In- 

:aaM|MCent .Ilj^ts. requiring an elec- 

■trifrVltlaat'. of one hundred and fifty 
horse power. This department Is un- 
der - the efficient supervision, of Mr. M. 
B.. Bailey, who has been identified 

,sil^iitb , this Institution for many years. 

:3lMre are ten entrances and ten ticket 

.'■tllen: Jack Morris, Walter Beckwlth. 

. ObMM. W. Petty, Harry Cox, Ben X. 

'.SOwtil _ , CB tondy), Hany Sonplala, 

tys and Ben PowdEit^fliat: «9WiaBce 

In France, anl ther iiV'>ai^'>WUl'^tBd 
vanjr- tlofcyi ■iHiiiir:<ptt the 

v^nth.'iild^ a^^lnBka* adapts 

'.ta^' luL' eo^tdltlons, no matter 

'XL. OifBB.' and Sydney Wire 
wera Inlttated .-Into the mysteries of 
The Boeletl* latmiationale Des Fhllo- 
sopher% "Apitt' IS. ' The B. P. O. Tigera 
are In a prosperon*' condition. Bvery- 
laody Is well and there Is plenty of 
money in the treasury. Major John M. 
Burke was made a member at the last 
meeting, which event will long be re- 
membered by all present. Two Tigers 
got into a fight (fake) and the major, 
ill his usual suave manner, acted as 
^>eacemaker, after which all sat down 
Ko a bovntttot hanqneC 
■ Qooa wiumr. Asm ai; an Piuiami 

theatres were closed, but we gave two 
performances to capacity business. 
Mrs. F. B . HnteMnaon and daochter, 
Alberta».> ^^^^1jf^l^tfto«l^l^.j•4^iipl^hi^'^j4wjj^ 
22. on the ateamar Kew'Tlnlc 'aisS MB^ 
genial manager is wearing a smUe as 
broad as the Champs du Mars. 

. Sunday, April 23. w* had another im- 
QMD^|tt'tiBKn|iwa9iii.%(Bfc the banner turn— 
away oeeonfeS ' tUa afternoon. April 
24. when fully 17.000 people witnessed 
the performance and another 17,000 
who could not gain admisalOA cnninled 
the Champs da Mara flOIII jWII jmllill 
back to the Trocadero. . • ; 

Mr. John. Eberle, formerly .vJioob 
Platt^a first- assistant, has beeia pro- 
moted to the poaition of general super- 
intendent, liost IConday. 17, suddenly 
becoming tired of bachelorhood, he 
hied. to Stoke-on-Trent and 

retnmed . 22 with a buxom English 
girt fbr his bride. Jotm is one of the 
tried: and faithful employes of the Wild 
'Wes^:and we all wlah him much jo y. 

■ Bn»h(ic^-l)airftpiai''7n^ ' St 

Shelley Park; BSnHKUTjBlty, Mo.. April 
28, Richard Myeni jBr^eanvaaman who 
had been employed ivttli tbe show for 
three years, was shot and probably fa- 
tally wounded by a oOUwed boy of flf- 
taea yeua whom be bad «|tetMI lk«n 

the tent. The negro. Pearl Davis, had 
crawtad nnder tb* oanvw and was at- 
tempting uah* his way In tOtsee the 

performance when Mr. Myers noticed 
him and gave chase. The boy ran to 
the arena, but when he saw that Myers 
was going to aatdh talm be tamed and 
drawing his T evB h rer abot the show- 
man in the 'tomen. The boy was 
arrested and yers taken to the hos- 
pital where . operation was neces- 
sary. He : a fighting eluuuse for 
recovery. :e tent waa crowdad with 
spectators, but ,tha tragedy ' did not 
stop the ahow wad tliare waa tittle ex- 


Xiemon Brothers' World's Bast Shows 
opened thetr season April 29 af Salis- 
bury, Mo. Fine weather prevailed 
dofing the day and tbe afternoon per- 
fbmianoa naa wan attandad. in fact 
the oaavas waa crowded. Itaay new 
features have been added to this show 
among them being Cooper's Leap the 
Chasm and the Female Zouaves. The 
win make alght stands between 
City and Windsor, Ontaria 


FInez AncUotti, one of the perform- 
ers with the Bamum & Bailey Circus, 
was Injured during the engagement at 
Brooklyn. It is said that Mr. Ancilottl 
hesitated about going on for his act, 
saying that he had had a premonition 
that he would fall. At the second gap 
the performer lost his grip and fell to 
the sawduat with a thud. He was 
picked up ■ n noon scions and Dr. Ivers, 
the eiranf pbirsletan. sanunoBed. No 
bonoa weta broken, hut T)r. Ivers fears 
that Infeenial itijinii ;! wi^re sustained. 


Tbe clown elephant belonging to the 
Campbell Brothers* Show died In 
Grand Island, Neb., May 1, after a 
week's suffering of indigestion. The 

animal was a very valuable one. 


The big Boer War Hiwctadc api>ojirc<l In 
GorlnKtofi, Ky., opposite ClncinnAtl, May 4, 
and cftTe two performancett to tlie capacity of 
their eDormooa seatinjr arraneemeoti. To aay 
that tbe spectacle pleased is patting It entirely 
too mildly. It posaeasea an importance aeldom 
attached to ezhiblUims or amusement acgresa- 
tiona of anr kind. Tbe dlstiocUon of Its moat 
consplcnoos penonagcs at ooee elsratcs It from 
the ordlnair ran at abowa and Impda an Intercat 
wMcb draws llfes aniic. Tbat it ponaaaed 
masifal l i li ws i s la Oorlnstaa la TlTldly demon- 
atratad wha> w» waiMar that the aadtence la 

a Uki eceiriea telK iQsMB Otr's fsir 

!»■■ W 

aC : <M that we oililit 
itle pacfM 

la a tat-da« tbtatN 
oC a lISBiadd or a rjniaw 
<fu dtta had tanad oat an 

. Mas 'ttws waa la pleatUttl 

praportloai. Nor was than ■ lacUnc of ftmate 
iooT or deeolletta dreaa. Old General Crania, 
jitMttf iiale and benttr. and hla diatincalataad 
oecnpled a box adjacent to tbat oeea- 
Iv Xbe BOIboard'a r aprta an tatlTe, tlw 
of Pieaa Asent Franklin, Tboacb tbe 
famona general takea part In the perfnmaaea 
at times, be foand opporhmity to (Itc to tboae 
aented near lilm graphic aceoonta of hla ex- 
perleneea in the Sooth African War, ao bitterly 
traced. As the (eneial speaks bat little Eds- 
Ilah Xn>e. Cionle, qolte a llngolat, acted aa 
interpreter and greatly Impreaaed thost nearliy 
with the interest wlileh she takes la the avtsts 
of the war and the aaccess of -ttS' SpMa^ 
now on Its way to New York. 

So anspldona waa tbe engagement that ar- 
mngements liaTe already been completed fOr 
tbe rei " - - - 

at the 


As one la ushered throngfa tlia entrance be 
is amazed at tbe magnitnde upon wfaldi the 
Boer War spectacle liaa been planned. In the 
distance arise the lofty mountains wtilcb fomlsb 
a moat realistic backgroand, giving aa they do, 
a TiTld impresalon of the S<Mxth African iand- 
acape. Between It and the spectator lies acres 
and acres of grotmd snrronnded by tier after 
tier of seats wlilch cause one to inquire if all 
the circuses tiave combined in fomistilng seating 
capacity for tbe enterprise. The lighting facOI- 
ties liare " been well cared for. Myriads of 
electric bolba. light op the seating portions, and 
foor cnormoos . searchlights near the entrance 
throw a tarlillant midday innmlnatlon npon the 
diatant monntalns and the InterTCBlng battle 
groonds. What more Imposing spectacle conid 
emdooa hnmanity desire? AIT the a n s la i isui anta 

- - It aad aa 

gemeniB nare aireaoy uecu cuwpieieu xvr 

reappeaiaaoe of the vcetads In C l n dmn tl 
the NanMsd.Msw.aaiMi k. the AO. aftec 
eneagaswef at' awMMoa B ts ah -ihsU bare 

the Tivldnesg oC war Is exhibited to such an 
extent that we are prone to agree with the late 
General Sbennaa Id bis brief deflnltloo of war. 

The performance opens with a salate by two 
mammoth cannons wlUch saw service in tbe 
Boer War, followed by a grand display of all 
those who take part In tbe spectacle. The Boer 
offlcers were then Introduced Reparately. Gen- 
eral Cronje, Mr. Frank FlUls; ComiDaudnnta, J. 
N. Boaboir. G. M. Van Dam. C. .Mare. P. 1>. 
DoH: Captains, F. J. l"ranlillD. A. II. Blakslpy, 
A. W. Lewis. Nick Van Gass. nil of whom tic- 
came dlatln^lahed throngb tbclr ardent efforts 
and their achlevementa in the war wltb England. 
There were Scottish Highlanders, native Afri- 
cans upon their native ponies, veterans of the 
Boer War. both from the Boer 3Dd tlie English 
forces, marines, etc. Transport wagons, nsed 
alike In war and for conveyance during time 
of piece In parts where there are no railroads, 
were exhibited. Carta and other South African 
eqolpmenta, showing their mode of lite and 
travel, were also exhibited, much to the en- 
joyment of the vast audience. These are ail 
InstmctlTe, but there is an added interest when 
they are drawn by tb* oatiTc cattle and dllTen 
by native drivers, , asd WlMa Ihsr aie loilawsd 
by veteran soldias WfeS ItW MIHl SKVlW IS 
the Boer War. 

Feats of horsemanslilp between Briton, Boer. 
American, Canadian and others were exciting. 
Native Africana, ciad in] their native coatumes, 
raced atoond the arena a number of times, mnch 
to the pleasure of all present. Director Frank 
Finii, upon his famous trained horse Provero, 
made a big hit. Provero 1h certainly a maater 
at Cakewalk. He waltzes to tbe band mnale 
as gracefully as tbe mrmt ncevmplished dancing 
master. Ills i>erfurR]nrK-e was enthusiastically 
applauded and he etxin berame a uulveraal favor- 
ite. The favorite pastime of tbe cavalrymen 
In wmch each are provided with a red roaette 
which is placed upon bin rlRbt nboulder proved 
interesting. The object of tbe game is to 
capture these rosettes from their owners wbo 
are mounted upon horses. Its an exciting and a 
dangerous game and can only t>e attempted by 
tbe moat expert horseman, the quick man- 
oenvers of llia bora* and his agile deportroeat np- 
on the animal'a back playing an important part. 
Exblbltlon drills and dlfScult manoeuvering and 
other Interesting things were shown, all of them 
commanding the Instant and enthoalastlc ap- 
plause of aU the spectators. 

Then follow the t>att]ca. exact duplicates of 
those fearful engagements which determined 
the fate of South Africa. Tbe great engage- 
ment at Colensborg, where Generai Bnller waa 
so disastroualy defeated by the Bocta, waa moat 
vividly depleted. Volley after voOey of abota 
were showered npon tbe English army. Tbe 
roar of tbe cannon and the rapid Ore gnna In 
addition to tbe stem orders of those in com- 
mand, gare the scene all the realistic envlron- 
maata of tbe declaive and terrible engagements 
of present day warfare. The dramatic defeniie 
of Paardeberg and the final surrender of Gen- 
eral Cronje are ably represented and brought 
forth the greateat applause. What natural- 
nesa la exhibited. Tbe EngHHh forces charge 
only to be driven back with the loas of many 
men. Horaes are shot from imder the riders, 
riders fall from their steeds who mn about 
frantic. The rapid flre guns open upon the en- 
trenchments and another charge la made after 
a rally of forcea and the laat dramatic atand 
is made acaltuit the patriotic Boer. Volley after 
volley of deadly shots ring out from that smoke 
covered scene which thrills and tbrilla tbe Kpec- 
tator. At last the white flag la aeen. (lenernl 
Cronje Horrendeni tbe Fword with much manoeu- 
verinc on the part of the defeated and vlc- 
torloun armies. Tbe Hmoke clears away leaving 
to tbe view of tbe spectator tbe bloody fields 
fitrewn with the dying and the dead. The Red 
Cross forces are there working induatrloasly 
in their endeavora to aave the onextlngnlsbed 
lives. Then the lights are lowered and the 
spectator feela that be baa witneaaed one of 
the best and moat exciting parfonnaaoes ever 
given under the Una sky. 

Cspt. A. A. X«wla, tbe adslaator at tbe 
spectacle, deserm tba g ra s tast endlt foe tba 
enormooa woefc be haa aecompllahad. Be has 
given to pleaann loTias JkMrtnas the most 
aafqne apactsaas eras iWBlBlWIi. W WMh i*m 
at» best of MIPS w«hlhe.i B iilids st^Oaiaf 


The Great Beno la in his 
» with tb* TanAmbatc Shows, 


ProC O; Jonaa and hla ft wrt a e n- 
^tcs hsac li w«h ths OMar Isi M i m or*. S) 

ShOWa ' 

a: a taaah at BloemliaM, U« win 
t the P. Ban ahaws tua 

Mrs. Bert Cbipman is enake en- 
dMBteeas w ith the Sella & Dowsa side show 

The AI. CKed Circus opened In Van- 
detsrlft. Pa., Hay 4, to large bnalneaa. Its a 
ooc-rlsg circus. 

Sph. Sells, the popular canvasman 
of the Hascaback Shows, wishes to be ramem- 
bered to hla frlenda. 

Hargteaves^ dbows bad eaetflent 


Albert Shepherd, 
has joined tbe band of th 
wnd West to play the 

H. Ii. Kellejr, who has been connected 

with the Gentry BrothanI tat the past alz aaa- 

sons, Is steward with No. 2 Show. 

Phone 2»5I. . BataMahad 1»45 

Thomson ft Vandivoor 




816 East Pearl St., CIHCIKKATI, 0. 





Haaofaecurenof T ents an d Caayas Ooodsot 
every description. I^Wrl te for Oatalogne 



Si MUlilUY 00 


•ad Bmrnmarm lor Street Vtelra 


59-«l W. Waaliin#(on St.. CHICAM. ILL. 


AU iliaa for sale or rent. 
Send for Oatslogne No. <0. 




Senary anjt Stow Piilipl 

No. 3188 Boone at.. Gtiieliiwatl. O. 



OUTFITS, USHERSand all oUisrt. Send 

I for CataloK, mention kind wanted. 
I Special Attention Glvrn the Profcssloa 

Huslurn OnirormCo,,220CliirkSt.,ChlcaaB 

U . C . G OSS CO. 


detroit." i 


stock Bangers, Posters and Onta on hand for sdfn> 
'na_every branch of tbe A tnasemcnt Easiness. BendlN 
TJataloauo (D) of Dramatle and Show Printing 

gatalone (O) Fair and Oamtval Printlna; 
aUloSne (B> " "' 


latalogne (B) BiUpoBters, Commercial Posters. 
Fust.claaJl PrfntlnK of all kind*. 

813 ELM aTRarr. ar. louim. mo. 





: I 97 Cliff Street. New York 

Xt\e Olllboapd 


Mr. Al. RlngUng Intends to bullri ;i 
larse lOidence for bla own use at Uarulioo, 
VM. ' Work wlU bcsin thl* 8omm«r. 

The Forepaukh- Sells' Show played 
nnnn the Mme lot in St. I«nU that the Hagen- 
he«k Sliotr had Treated the dar before. 

Th« Pacheco Family are meeting 
■Mil mcftn -irlth the Floto Sbows, which ther 
jglMd at Lo« AnselM. Ctl.. April IT. 

' TlM» Carl H aawijwpk . WU d Anta iaJ 
Mmr ■•»» II"** tMiiiUtfltiinrjifMtitfi at 
Ii^aavort. Ind.. br « crowd of lOOO people. 

Tb* Hargreaves' Shows are putting 
oat obw dlSemit kinds oC "emnll" work, all 
oC them belD> gotten , up in a very attractUe 

I«w Gialiam dC ^ Binglins Broth- 
en' Shows wlU Ijkoti'fci B Mte < l«W I « «««r the 
seanon 1» orer; taWlBK 'kMahMM . a MHWMO IB 

tluit city. ' 
Palgre. the lightning clay modeler, 

lias just closed a six weeks' engagement with 
the Chicago Museum and is now with the Bells 
It Downs Shows. 

Mr. C. L«e Williams InfonH. oiff 

correopandent at Loganspocfc • Itt, .J/iKt ..S ' §^ 
foot extension will be aMM . to:i USHBMrS 
big top at Detroit. 

The GoUmar Brothers' Show, which 
oiwncd at Baralioo, Wis., April 29, has Iwen 
Irisylng to good business since that date. Ther 
'-arc hoQiicd Cor Ohio. 

William Todt wrttes from Union 
Bridge. Md., that he U repairiaSi •vohaDUas 
and reorganlztng bis show, ■ and «lli;apa> Ibeie 
the second week' in May. 

■ Ths Two Arnolds' Chas. ar.d Teddy, 
irtlte that they are making good with tbe Haag 
/Shew, touring southern MIsslasIppL Lots of 
lain, but business fsir. 
Geo. S. Williams, late correspondent 

OC The Bllltxord at Sioux Cltr.. IBm kas bioa 
.Bade assistant treasurer ot tht -flUl 'HifM- 
.bcdt Trained Animsl Show. 

/ Campbell Brothers lost the evening 

iKrfMnanee at Oraad Island. Neb., May 1. on 
■Seconnt of a serere storm which lasted all eren- 

'^1^ and damaged the tents considerable. 

Arthur G. Snyder, lor the past two 
■easoot lessee and manager oC Ferguson's Thea- 
tre. Shenandoah. Pa., has slsned with the XjOwIs 
Dag aad' Poaj Show as coatnctloc aseat. 

>^ BlBtim Brothers* Doc Pony 
■wir, which opesad tbetr aeaaoe playlac lou 
around Kansas City. Mo., opened tlielr toad 
tpor May 1. They report boalness Tery good. 

Rice Brothers' educated mules and 
pigs Joined th<^ Bard Brothers' Circus at Bead- 
ing, Pa. Dan K. Bice will remain at Manning, 
la,, this season, and book Ua balloon aaoen- 

aiqb Watt, of PhOiUUIpbla, who has 

;.sp^lliwmij^lK a ^^--iT-£Si.ii'-- - 

vnrltlBg akatcbn (lov tat MS 4s pmussst ps^ 

fbrmers next season. 

The Vontellea, Jess Leon, Dan Leon, 
Bell Brothers, ArdeU BroUiers, Ben Beno, Kel- 
ler and Bales Klyns. Xsta BaUab OtaS. OSSriM. 
Tambo McCarty and SM» MiUSC SSS WMTSs 
VanAmbats Shows. 

K'lCr> W. H. Oardner, 
sgist; fot the Baiasm A 

Ed. E. Daley, press agent for the 
Gentry Brothers' (No. 1) Show, was Injnred at 
HussellTllle. Ark., during the parade. Be was 
(orced to clow with the show at Olaremore, I, 
aud retuni to his home In IndlsnspoUs* 

Reports, from the Frank A. Bobbins' 
■wws Indicate that boalness has been much 
ilaiaar than was anticipated by the maasgmsat. 
MasMroaa addlUesa' aM 'bslag wsde to tba 
menateils aad the :tt^'. iMCNMMe. has tSM 

A big delegation of PhlladitalliM 

people wiU attend the Ringling BrothanT'atfSS 
when it playa in Cbeater. Pa., May M. jMMr 
has It that Blaiw araSM piar miaMlpfels. as 
often that niiislllM iPsapte fcftst SHy-tMBl tS 

nee the show. • 

S. H. Semon, the well-known olrens 
contractor, is in advance o( the Geo. H. Adams 
Humpty Oumptr Co,, nnder casTaa. Ococft 
la doing aU tte- aaalSilHiiS bcoldo tbo psaaa 
work, and thani a good deal, Geo. Bioiqtli 
handles the paper one week in adsanoe. 

The mother of Fred. P. Kohlbrand 
would like to know the wherealMuts of her 
son., who was last employed with Frank Bostock 
at Coney Island. Anyone furntalilng any In- 
formation wUl greatly oblige by writtns to 
Mrs. A. S. Vamer, care Tbe Billboard. 

Mr. B S, Medbury, better known as 
Baldy, assistant ateward with tiie John Robin- 
son Shows, tell ill In Cincinnati April 38 trom 
heart failure, and was nneonadoas until Son- 
day. Be was scat to . the hospital aataidar, 
rad bopca to bo sHs !(a|'Jata Ow sMW' la a abort 

Benjamin Wallace, of the Wallace 
Shows, has filed suit in tbe Federal court against 
the Grand Trunk Railroad for f6S,000 damages 
for tbe wreck which occurred at Onrand. Mich., 
in August. 1903. It wIU be remembered that 
twenty-seven people were injured and the circus 
greatly dauiaKCd. 

Mr. Harry Earle, general press rep- 
resentative ot the Wallace Shows, came in for 
a goodly share of praUe from the Portsmouth, 
(Ohio) Blade last week, upon bis Tlslb to that 
city In tbe interest ot that dMIT. . Ibny 
knows bis business," saya tbe BMs. la-srhw 
we most heartily concur. 

_ JoihnB Bailey, superintendent of the 
naiiiaafaa*. Shows, ls° now a happy Daddy, 
no lata jMral la a girl and the event was 
> so promptly that tbe bappy tatber bad a 
' to ran liack and see it ttma a nearby 

town. Tbe metbcr la gettlBg aloag Blechr and 
Josh la as prood ss a peacock. 

Joe Karl, who closed last fall with 
the Reno ^ Alvords Show and who has been 
ahead of Schroder's Comedians the past winter, 
is laytag off ia Paocbatsala. La.. taUag a 


Dan S. Flshell, press agent back with 
the Barnnm i Bailey show, broke all' records 
In Brooklyn for good notices snd spsce. The 
paPMS devoted forty^me columns ot rvadmg 
■Mtttr 10 the show dnrlDg in six days' stsy. 
The BKOklyn reporters tendered Mr. Flshell a 
supper on the last day of the engagement. 

Advance car No. 1 of the Lemon 
Brothers' Show is composed of the following 
people; D. S. Ward, manager; A. D. Pyne, cbsrge 
of paper; Sparks and McGlnnls, llthoKTaphets; 
R. F. Norris, progrsinmers. Tbe blllpostera 
are John MulvihlU, Clyde Skinner, E. N. Smith. 
Chns. Bralit, B. L. WIdfrey. Harry Cady, I>wla 
I>ody, n. C. Spangler and C. It. GorUoo. 

Mr. Rube Moss has signed for the 
coming season with Cummins* wild West and 
Indian Ooaness at. Wblta City Park, Chicago. 
Babo is aw kaowa to tbe diena world, having 
bcea wltb BnOalD Bm. Fawaae BlU aad the 
late P. T. Banuulk' .'■ the 
protessioDhi frieoda '. ml" ilMir - anni- ' sat . sends 

regards to all. 

Our correspondent who witnessed 
tlie performance ot tbe Fotepangh-Sells Show 
at Hamilton, Ohio, writes thst the Aurora 
Zouaves sre one of tbe biggest festures of the 
show. The opening spectsde, Panams, wss 
cleverly arranged and took tbe two large bouses 
by Rtonu. Tbe acta of Capt. Webb's seals and 
that of tbe elephants be considered clever in 
tbe eitreme. The two troups of Russian dancers 
were new, novel and interesting. The circus as 
a whole convinced the audiences that it fully 
sustained tlie renown of Adam Forepaugh ic 
SelU Bislhwa 

This fbUowing Is a complete roster 

of No. 4 Car ot the »«— "H* A Bailer Showa: 
Cbarlea Bayes, car maasftr; - W. D. Oosey, 
press represcntstivc; Osant Tea Oslan, Cliecfc- 
emp; Frank Puraell, toat* rider; Ollaar Abrama. 
boas bUIpoater: Flmsr UabaOsr. B. Armstrong. 
WUlUm Marab. Jte. VMrcra. B. Uowd. bill- 
pofteta; George Laeksa. sad ' WBu Thabo, cz- 
eorsloo ageata. aad . B. /Bmm, porter. Two 
■moce SMB win Jota la a Mr-dvs.' Xbariey 
,Hsy(s has had tha ear Bttafsap la aa tafiung 
maoii«r..aa< It. is as*, as etatpMe as aay. ear 
. on the toad. 

t Notes from Kennedy Brothers' In- 
'dlan Congress snd Wild West .Show: We open 
the season June IS at Paragon I^l^k. Nantasket 
Beach. Boston, Mann. This show has been 
greatly enlarged for the Hea!<on by the sddltloo 
of many new and Interesting features. W. B. 
Kennedy, whose headquarters are located at 
Ferry. O. T., Is making big prepsrstloos for 
the opening. A number of Indtsns from the 
Cheyennes, Arspshoes snd Sloux have been en- 
gaged for three Indian villages wtilch will be 
atted up In true western style. There will be 
cowboys snd Isdy riders from the WBtt. hStting 
broncos snd sll the western uatBStfaiOB'. that 

foea to oiaka up a wild wmL 

Purk B. Prentls writM that the band 
la a laaHInf taetnn with tha John Boblaaoa 
ahewi. FUMwiiic la tbe mater: D. B. Dlekaoa 
aad Oae. UtTeU, ado eocneta; Tern Doraa, 
ptaak Orimth aad O. B. McOraol. 1st, Sd and 
Sd eoraeta; Wm. Onay and Jobs Oety, solo 
darlaeta; Ohaa. Smith. P. Sommons, Richard 
Orady aad Boy Bancbett, lat. ad 3d and 4th 
clarliwta: Joba Bliclley. B-Sat cisrinet: Tony 
Itago. Jack Scoot Fogg, Jamts Beath, 0. Frank 
and Dick Bnrke, altos; Chas. Beuner, Barry 
Cale, AI. Williams snd Hsrry Borkett, trom- 
bones; O. E. Wisecnp and O. E. Owen, bsssos; 
Vic. Cooper and Elmer Welch, drums; Fred. 
Webster and Chas. Dlltman. baritones. All 
the boys sre enjoying good heslttf.' 

Notes from the Colorado Grant Wild 
West and Trained Animal Show: We opened our 
sesson st Wynne, Ark., April 8, after a flve- 
days layoff, and have been doing big business 
through Arlmnsss and Missouri. Prof. Barko 
has the band. Besides he WUd Waat aad 
trained animals we have added a nnmher «t 
norelty acta, among wbleb are the Oammlaa 
aad Setert Ttonpe ot blgh-ciaaa acrabata, tbe 
Belso Troupe ot Atablaa gnn splaaeta aad as- 
men. Colorado Grant is wtnaug high pralas 
with bis shooting act. On oar airtral at 
Dexter, Mo., AprO 3P, tre bad a Ttiy Tahubte 
botae killed tv tbo can. Nat 0. Bobtamon 
Is aakiBg aaaoaaecmenta {ran tba arena, and 
no time or pains is being spared by Floyd 
Tiorer, aaalstaot maiuger. to mahe tae sbeir 
a wlttDor. Tbe ghost wslks evei7 gMtag aad 
areiybodr ia arru and bappy. 

Notes from the BoObmr Brothers' 
Sbow: BoDhenr Btothats petcbased a matnin- 

ccat automot>ile in Port Worth, Tex., which 
they shipped to their winter quartets in Car- 
men, Okla. Mr. J. Ik Back, formerly of tlie 
Barnnm & Bailey Shovra, baa spent the winter 
in training a troupe ot monkeys tor the animal 
arena. The big liablMion, Sammy, will be 
taught to work tiie auto. Be has already 
learned to ride bareback with hla lUnd feet in 
the air, and to do many otlier tricks. Idr. J. 
B. Bonheur made a flying trip to Mexico City 
in the Interset ot the show, and will obtain 
patenta in that republic upon his rsdium palace. 
The Shetland mate, Dolly, recently gave birth 
to a tiny pony which has l>een named FroUc. 
It is twelve inches high' and Is valued at f 1,000. 
Evet^W^4^ wa|^b^^b»Md^"^glBter" now about 

BeasOO, . ^■• -. 

A. P. Robinson, maxiager of the bill- 
posting plant nt Cbllllcotbe. Ohio, writes con- 
cerning tbe Ringling Brothers' Show: Tbe 
great and only Ringling Brothers* Circus made 
ita initial appearance here May 2 to the delight 
of our dtixens and large crowds from neigh- 
boring towns. The crowd itself wss a recorJ 
breaker, never liaving been surpsssed except 
upon the occsslon of the celebration of Ohio's 
Centennial. The Immense crowds In attend- 
ance at both performances, tbst in the after- 
noon testing tbe cspaclty of the tent, were 
loud in their praise of the proprietors, who 
had lived up to every promise, from the mag- 
nlflcent atieet parade to the dose ot tbe pet- 

forawncsa. Tbe dsssiing speetade. The Field 
ot The Clotti of Gold not oidy dlcUad espies- 
at wonder and delight troai . tta.-rast 
aadleacM bat far exceUed aorthlBg tier, fke- 
ssnted betnre by sny eirciis. Bat area anre 
than all the splendors of parade or pcrlMnaace. 
tbe well fed, weU groomed and h s n ds n a aa bm s t i 
snd rare animals - appealed to all. aad worda ot 
praise and appreciation were heard on SB aides. 
Tlmse tortiuate enough to visit tbe gnwiida 
and who watched the unloading of tbo 

the raising of tbe tents, the tlag 

srniy of employes and the almoat endMsa SMpat 
ot work required to get everything la 
for the parade and exhibition. 
Impressed by tbe oattia abaeneo aC, 
lood talk aad diankaaDaaa, and ^ thS- 
trsatsast r.aaea r d a d'-'^tMiaii- tg' 
tbe^'.aaaa .•*swilif;.eev|heyM 
-whatctsr; sc. h.'.lasr'.ar,Taigar 

of optnloa is that 'no 

it show Is OB 

Oiaaag-itSliP.''iSM' h waioi 'wdcoaw will al' 

J" ^ — ^ 

Lightning struck one of the main 
supports ot a large light outside the Fore- 
paugh-Sells big tent during their engagement 
at Indianapolis, Ind.. snd came near redoclng 
tha entire canvas to ashes. The llslitning ig- 
idted the big tent near the Juncture of the 
roof and side wslls, and had it not,l>c«n for tbe 
timely action at one ot the firemen prascnt 
dbwster might have been added to the loss. 
Tbe fire wss extinguished inomedlateiy. A lady 
sitting on the top tier inside discovered that tier 
dvaaa waa OB lite, bat this likasrisa loe o lTed 
the,. atteeUoa mt.. tbs..'.t(atBidv*CMMB:';a«A a 
pa'tte'.was aeartad: 

Notes from advance car No. 1 with 
the Bsgenbeck Trained Animal Shows: Tbe 
memt>ers of the car called their first meeting 
to order today (April 30) and elected Jack 
Scott of Local No. 3 ateward. All cards were 
were inspected and every member was found 

to t>e la good Btandins- Tbta U a solid uulon 
csr. the membera being a pick from the National 
Alliance. The car which we call home, was 
especially built by tbe Pullman Car Co. and 
is tbe finest snd best equipped advertising csr 
on the road. It contains twenty-one men. bi* 
follows: P. W. Harreli. manager, honorary 
member Local No. 3: Heriiert Maddr. press 
agent; B. J. Layden. boas billposter, snd Jsck 
Scott asBlstant, both of Local No. 3; M. L. 
Ben, second ssslstant. of No. 11: Doc Day. of 
No. 3, boss lithographer with Sam Young aa 
asslHtant: Val. Klncaid. Imnner, of No. 3 with 
F. J. Bsteman, of No. S4 ss assistant: A. 
Muooey. programmer: W. Lalry. porter: Wm. 
Smith, paatemaker. The billposters sre Jess 
Caldwell. No. 6: Mark WIsetasrdt. No. 11; 
Tbomss Carroll, No. 27: F. M. Wilson, No. U; 
F. Badgers, No. B: F. L. Church, No. 4; Walter 
Bay, No. 11, and L. B. MarsbsU and F. A. 
Wilson, both of the National Alliance. 

Clark Ball writes that the first in- 

stsllment of Sloux Indiana, who are to appear 
With Gabriel * Langan's Rig WUd West Ex- 
pwtltlon that opens at Zeno (Farm Garden) 
Park, Newark, N,' J., May 20, arrived In New 

York Aprtt S« from tha Plaa 

Tliey appeared at llaBlaiai 

lag tbe paat week la .a^ 

Horse thow. Aaeag the TladlaaB ;aM Scalp 
Oala and White Ilbaa. tw*' aaM Obcyenne 
Indian aaoata that ware with H e et . Oaaey when 
be waa kmcd oa Whit* Olay by "PlenQr-of 
Borses." A Bralie Bionz. Joe-Patnt-Hlnaeir- 
YcUow: an Ogalla Slooz, Btg-Taial»4loaz. 
from tbo Baoebad; Wolf-Telea, 
that took^ part la 
lis a 

Mr. Geo. H. H.-ikes; writea that the 
Barnnm & Bailey Show opened In BnaUra te 
capacity hnslnesa It waa real ataeaa ' 
fair and fdeaMOit. 


Wo bsagbt tbo Bat s alt lo a ai 
tatBtCTini UN Mtar a fwr of < 
thaS we hane ttat psa wfll iai 
t.OOe dne substantial, extra wsU M 
tees, e foot long, with tws slat book, fl 
haxdwaad. thiaa iiae Staadaida. 

t»,00e waad ssat, bsw ba^ thzaa 

l.«M ■ 

1.000 Baddle 
Tbaoaaada of othar 

IflO.OOO lAmps tliat was* nsod at tha Sa.. 
position. Ihsy bavo saaa aarrlaa. h^an lB 
good conditian aad have basa l is l ad, 
BdiaoB Baas. lOt eeltago, Oea — 
Bulm, S oawllo pswor. Wo axo 
ia lota of MO or aaca, priaa aaik ■ < 
StO,0pO_B«w.baaadaaMat J^j^ 

make, 0 and 

vaUagas 100 te uo, Bdf 
HiSiO Vow Mersd 

Opal and Bahr. 


paiuaaa at 

Ja far ai 

piiaaa aa laiga 

100,000,000 FEET OF £1 

yonr Lumbar Bfll for oar 

Wo can fonish anytlUag ia tbo Ifao. , 

Teista aad nasbeca. iDsad t-iaah PlaaUas, 
* Xatsbad nooilBg. TbabanS 
dag. OxS, Oxi, SxB, IJUO^ IMB 
- aad In Isngihs fsaa^g «e M ftot 


ISO XsaistsTinc TomstUss 

and TIakot Oaa 

calling Kaohians, made br H. T. Bright. Saok 
Mscbins Is sqnippod with Patent Beetilo as 
taohmont, makiag a denUe 

Also ITO Olaaa Tap Choppor 
100 Bsanlar Pattara ~ ' 

ISO Exit Turaitilss. 


1,000 Qalvsnizad Iroa Tidut Baoaisiag Boz^ 
also Coin Boxes, stc. 

cxoranio, swoai>s, etc. 

600 "XhslU" nnlforms. ~—*****"g a( osat 
and pants. -. ^ ^ . . 

too Spscial Ovsresats, audo (W'fhO.JphOMB 
Gnarda at tha World's Fair. 

iW'MlB af Bworda, Belu aad BaaHbaelBi 

SS.OOO Bambos Pslsa. used br <ko It. B. Owe. 
enmsat In ths PhilUppins B sis t ratloa, CkiT 
raogo fiom S.iaok to O-laeh ia diaiatar at 
the bettaaa and fioni 1 0 ta M fast lM» «M> 


Been, Panolag. Wire, >U>s of all wiUmm, 
Opera Chairs. Wator Ooolan. Oiaaakoaaa Kar 

torlal, etc., sto. 

Ask for Spscial WsvU's Pair Oatalsgaa Be. 000. 

nicAto nam wrb:ki<o co.. - cwcigotrst Ltsk 



Have OB hud 

Touts, and 400 I 
Very cheap. 

O. Vf. 
lez B. Conal 

Chlosxo. III. 

hovrt^^P a pa jS ie f eBWb **** ^USSL ***** t^n 

aar. aae Mil la the Bloaz nattoB. He adopted 
oSL'Wta. g. OabrHI to tbe Sloox natlaa after 
the bataa oC Woaoded Kaee. HndooOBO-One 
Bleh (noaSlatad fkaa tha Hoax laagnage sroold 
mtaa Maaap-Iie). . Aatoog lhaaa warriors arr 
a taw OberiBiaaa that eaow tbroagh from the 
eoatbwest ta ISTd ander DaB XOIte sod were 
eaptoied br Oca. Melaoa A. tXtttm and pat on a 
i sa siv a tl OB at I«ao Deer, oa tbe Tellowatsae. 
The bead beiig atanpeded. MUea emailed mne 
of them in the lower e uuu t ii. and put tbem on 
tbe Sloax rearrratlon nnder one of the anb- 
cblefa by tbe name ot Little Chief. Tbe 
Cbayeaoe Indians would not go on ttie war- 
path wtth the Slooz dorlng the winter ot 
%M1; aad to keep from bavins a massacre 
SfKr' tha campaign waa orer. Oeneral Miles 
giaatad:. (hem lesve to,.<helr people on 
ttair t aeatfation at Lane PoOK'v.Some of them 
bad BOt aaen their iclatlvae ' alaee "TO. Col. 
William Gabriel, who was persoosl despatch 
bearer for General Miles, wsa transferred to 
tbe Cheyenne Indians in chsrRe of Cspt. Ewers 
and Lieut. Getty, to pick the trsll from Pine 
RIdKe Agency. South Dskota to Fort Keogh, 
Mont. Col. Gabriel. In relating of the affair, 
aald: We left Pine Ridge Agency tbe first day 
ot February, and with the thermometer at 18 
degrees below xero, started to criss the ooimtry 
with nothing to foRow but land marks, aa tbe 
snow was belly deep to a dromedary. TIdngs 
went smoothly until we got to Spring Credc 
eighteen miles from Bapid City, when a white 
squall came op. Lieut. Getty asked Col. Ga- 
briel what he thought of it, and he said. "We 
had better atlck to the camp." bot as the 
lieutenant was very snxious to t>e moving, we 
started. After dragging along for about aix 
miles the blizzard overtook us. snd we pitched 
camp for the nlgbt, right on the bald open flats. 
Tbe blizzard kept up for two days, and on the 
morning of tbe third day cleared away. it 
took us a whole day to cut a trail to tbe main 
divide, and with hard work we arrived In Rapid 
City pretty well tired out. There we waited 
for orders, whether to ahlp tlie Indiana or go 
by trail. We laid up for forty-eight hours to 
rest our stock, and bit tbe trail once mote for 
oor destination. After six weeks of trailing 
we srrived at the end of our Jonniey. WhUe 
making tbla cmaa-coaatiT: ride tbe ttarmometer 
ranged |bia.<M.t«e .dB.B|Baae4A<Mr,iaMab 'and 
we wne'Mipaf.<eat\li7fii^djM'eB'4hO''tAoie 


Portable Grand Standa and Folding Cir> 
cua Chaira manufactured. Estimatos 
furnished and plans submitted to pros- 
pective purcbaseis. 


! iimiim immuwwwwwwv 

Sham Tenta tor Clrctues. Wild Wast 
Shows. BUwk Tents. Candy Tb 
FlasB, Kldd & Baker LlghU. etc. 


4tB-«l7 OatowafeSe.. • • Kaasos dtp. Ble. 


Mannfaetuzer of Show Oanvaa. BaOooBS, Para- 

ebotea. Slack Teota aad aD Canvu Goedi. OlBea 
e«X0 Giceaweod Ave., Chicago.: Telephone Oiia 
Hyde Park. 



They are oor specialty but we make] 
of tent that Is made. 'Don't buy ^ 
ting our prices. Vours truly. 

n. D. A H. L. SMITH, DaHon, fia. 


CI,ARENCE.FACC, 40 Bond St.. N.T. City. 

J/entidn "Zks .BOiioanf ' I 

Ttie Billboard 





Mamifaetyrars of B 


Pletar* bWblter. 

MACHlif B ' 



■ . tte Me aad tte 

> . aad .Ifeptime aTmiie <n the 
- Coc the- rvcvptloa of Gsptaln A. 
.ir;,'XMt ind hi* Bocr-BHtiili axmr ot a fboa- 
,'aMd neo. ' with ■ moltltiide of allied attiae- 
tloiia. nw work wm aU be dose and tbe llist 
' petXlomanee will be gfreii oa Majr 27. 
' , ''~B«ldes tbe Boer War Spectacle, wlilch la to 
■ «ecopr a battle filed «C fourteen acrea. Tbt 
"WrtghfrnT ^ik^ be aprcad aloor a board- 

walk neanx a m0e ions and will offer aome of 
tbe attiactl<»8 aeen at St. Lools Exposition "on 
tbe Pike, -vltli a host of norettiea. Tbe old 
faatb boose at Brighton baa been rebuilt, tbe 
(nnoimdlne hotels are being swept and car- 
oiahed. and work Is being poshed forward In 
all directions with all ponlble speed. 

Of coQTse tbe grettt feature of tbe Brlghtoa 
Beacb sesson wm be tbe Boer War Sp..-ctaele. 
It wfli be gtrem on a gigantic scale. In St. 
X^oois^ where tt was br all odds the moat aoc. 
cegafnl conceaslon of tlie World'a Pair, four 
hozidzed men were e2iip>l07ed In It. At BrlgbtOD 
over ooe itbowaad Teterans — Boer and Brltiab — 
wm be seen with a boat of KafBn, Baaotos, 
Zidna^ Uatabelec Swasle* and tepreaentatlTea 

. «( tldt ■tttme- 
tke Cut tbtt tbe 

tbe odginatoc' of the entire enterpriae. 
me VEOdnetlon of the great battles between 
the KntBait aad the Been br the men who took 
paiC i& tbem la jwaltlTely iBdqne. The gallant 
but bopeleea defense made b^ Long's gnns at 
Oolenaob the deteimined atand of Ckoije at Paar- 
. deberg, and tbe tegenloos break tbroogb the 
:'VU>A boose and wire entanglement, and his ter- 
• Idflc le«t» on his hoKse from <the Uock hotue to 
the zlTet beneatti will be featnres of the aoec- 

The odtdnal capital of the South AXdca Soer 
WflJC Te*M^1**V^ Co. was (2SO,000. Tbe acq^zlr- 
tng aC Sie knd br ti>e Brightoo Iteach OeTelop- 
ment 00., wtdcb Is aa alDlated ealeiprlae. tlie 
bringing over fnan Affilca of a ship load of aol- 
dler!>. eqtilmnent and nartlTea, and the boUdtOg 
ot the battle field wttb tta ctrer aeenea o< real 
water. Us piednoUan «C the mountaiit aoeaerr 

■■.tmt tbe 

bdiqt anzloia to pce- 
a auuuuei park te cauneeUoa with the 
Boer War 11ia± abaD be flSed wltb noraMMk 
and entcrtatomeota tba wlH add t» tbe aitna^ 

_ttTenea8 tt tbe great ceatial feexX^ 

Aoe K. 

•part MKT T. 

Jas. G. NeUis will manaKe Monntafn 
Lak» PxTh at GtoTenrme, N. Y.. ttila aeasoo. 

Tbe new <»Kntiiig rink opened at 
~~ '|dLJ«,li.«M«r.1ke 

Geo. Wftherspooa will be the general 
press ngteaentatlTe at Dreamland, Coner I>- 
landk. K. Z.. ttlB bclBS bis sfrimd scaam bne. 

,ir. tr.. to play the leadiac bocal at that 

Jv-'W. Gorman's attiMtlons^wUl ap- 

_ . . V 


riiuiijin> iQE., 

at Alanwila Faik. Bnt- 
Jaiw liik^ it MAV BrtaBt tr tt* BvOer Fwicb. 
. car -K. iBl Co. It wfll be' eoBpieted la time 
lor tbe opendng the «C thfia month. 

WlUlam Scbamacbcf^i of the Zoo, 

Cblmnboa. Ohio, baa leased KIdwar Fatk, be- 
tween Piqoa and Tt«7. and e a p e et a to pot la 
aome of the beat aCtnctiana to be bad. 

Central Faxfc at Allentown. Pa, 

Fair Japan, to be one of the most 
important conceeslona a3oDg the Trail at the 
Lewis and Clark Expoeltloa. Is well under way 
and cimce^donalres say that It wlU be complet- 
ed one K-rek before opening day, Joae 1. 

Mr. E. E. Gresg, president of the 
IncersoU Oonstmctlon Co., writes that the 
roller coaster and langhlng gallery, wblcb are 
bring installed In Saborban Park. Darespot, 
Iowa, are t>eing (nmiahed IV hla coapaay. 

Mr. Chas. C Matbewa, of tbe Stand- 
ard Operating Amimfment Co., at PhlladelpUa. 
has been In Topefca, Kas., for a few weeks In 
the intrrest of e TOT fine menr-go-roand aad 
figure eight tliat baa been Installed In TInew«M 

The Johnstown Flood at Coney Is- 
land. K. T.. and Atlantic CHr, N. I., imder the 
maaacement of H. A. SradweD, are doing big 
bnsbicaa. 'Mr. Bradwell wlB iKesent From New 
Tork to The North Fw>le at Coocy Island this 

John P. HIU, assisted by Miss t>aura 
K. Hill & Co., has a real Tacderiilo novelty, a 
complete version of Rip "Van Winkle which 
runs thirty minutes, and la moat pleaaing. 
The act Is being booked waaf--€t- tbe beat 
parks. 3iT. HIU Is now Byde 
* Bebmaara Smoklja. N. x.-. -, ■ 

of tbL 

aad ■ fWlv«rv.««it' 

cceale pniaatak-^li bt St, Xoaia^ banng an 
retire new aafl iBser abaar bnllc Tbe abipa 
are exact t"*"'** ' " ** of battleships from the 
Bnsslan and Japanese models, five feet long, 
each cartytag twentSr^fonr ecllf-actlng gnns, 
operated , by eleetrie caMoa . Xbe *o<r is boakcd 
f«^tbe ' ei»a^ MiMa^wy a* «k- 

Fddman, the man -^th the aerial 
plga; uiMea that tbe pigs make their Initial 
appeanace tefoe tbe imUle et Bishoft's High- 
laad Park. HbDStan. Tex., beginnlog Uay Ij 
MM. Feldmann states 

te hie letter tint tds ba]^ a toaU temtnt 

Mr. F. C. Wprkman has secured the 
lease oa Stestao Park, atenbenvUle. Ohio, for 
tlie aaanacr. Sir. Werfcmao bas planned to 
greatly enlnge tbe rpoort and bnlld a aew 
smnmcr tbeaixe that win aeat 1,000 people. A 
large lake Is being boUt upon tbe site which 
wtB be Dsed for boatlnK and bethlns. A band- 
stand is being prected la tbe center of the 
lake; this will prove an innovation. The resort 
wlU be ander the sole management of Sir. 
Workman and we predict (or blm a enceeaafnl 

Manager Sidney S. "Weis, of the 
Grand 0|>eTa Hoooe, San Antoniob Xex.. is open- 
ing a strictly np-to-d«te aommer peik aad Oce- 
tre. The park wHl bare its elscbdc finnntalna. 
a' dlntng ban. aad baOet «ad tar la eaaaectlait. 
and wSl be mambatcd br SMD l a r i adftc ent 
lights and any «ea. The i Mtli K capecMr of 
tbe t b aat r a wHX be 

laid off, 

a< flearcra will make It 

tbe laettleat In the aoeth. Aaotha featnre wiU 
be tte le Park Bud. coealating of ser- 
«Btr-a<» araridaai. that wffl give special coo- 
n<om an a pp e al a ncee It win be tbe 
l9-to-^te park b> Texas. From the 
' ODtlook there will be nothing lees of 

CTOT performance, as "Wanager Wels 

baa apired no ^alne or erps»e to make It eo. 

Beautiful Lagoon, the famous resort 
In tbe Kentucky MUa, opposite Cincinnati, will 
op«> Its season Bfay 28. Tbe resort Is well 
known for its plctnresqae landscape. It oon- 
taina a large natoial lake, covering a tract of 
fifty acrea. Many attiactlTe loptorements hare 
been made this season; flowers hare been added, 
walks laid ont. hnndreda of yoong treea planted, 
and above aU the dab hooae baa been remodeled 
and renovated: Ouests of the dob boose arm 
be aopplled with freeh edibles fron the two- 
acre gardea adjoining tbe reaort. Flrat-dass 
vaodevHIa win entertain the patrona of tbe 
theatre. Mr. W. E. Claik, formerly for eight 
seaaons with the Coney Island Co., wUl manage 
and book aU attractlona for the theatre dmrlng 
tbe season. His past record as an amoaement 
manager Insnrea fntnre anccesa. Free outdoor 
attractlona will be maintained each week. 
Water sbowa and acqoatie wm be given upon 
tbe lake. A new attraction in this section. 
Fair Japan, vviu be a novelty to the vlalton. 
All the envlronmenta of the Flowery Kingdom 
wm be In evidence. The Mytb City promises te 
be a strong attraction. The big dancing pavilion 
baa been creatlr ImptoTed and. tmder tbe direc- 
tion of Prof. I. M. Bagby, wm be the magnet 
tor lovers of art. Tbe Lagoon Band wffl give 
open air concerta each afternoon and evening. 
Special azraxigements have been made with the 
traction company whereby cars wm leave Foan- 
taln SQnare every three mlnntes for the resort- 
Mantger J. J. Weaver Is detetmlsed to make 
the coming season the lianner one in the history 
of the beiatlfnl Eentncky imrk, and with that 
end in view be bus spared do expenae In making 
ready for the Bauson. Mr. W. C. Byeraon, weU 
known for bla bustling qoalltles, la the adver- 
tising manager for tbe reaort, and with three 
year* ot expailence with ttie park he la ptorlnc 
to be the dgbt nan to tbe Hcbt ptaee. 

The American Carnival Co. 

>W ANT' 

Shows and Concessions to join at Charlotte, N. C. Ikfili- 

tary Street Fair and Carnival; also want to hear from 
Ballyhoo people and any good free attractions. Address: 
CJeveiand & Turner. Mgrs.. Thomasville, N. C. 

Clown. Any and an cl^n first-class acts suitable for Sammer Resort. Show opens at HIU- 
dde Pleasnre Park for a ran of ten weeks at this one place. Write aoick ! Xo time to fool. 

'ASK, KKWJkmm, 

AVONDALE PARK *i:5:v?S2*" *^ 

I.Mt:IlaiicIiHrFbTlIiaB:alIiiiiaarea«sr. Kuk open Jvae mh to Oekl 

located in a fine pine irrove. on new street car Hoe. 30.000 to draw from. 


* Hayden and LaLonde, Ed. Hand ley, 


2 - ^ 1 Ak^^MA ^ ^' TIFP8. WestTflle, Ibd. Tta., 
HOW 9M9m9m May 8-13: GraTette, Ark., IbjlMO. 



Mnslclana ai 

tba* does odMrtaia. OonkUa, wrlie. ShavBdMSflKTbiid waek 
to bU. Show staya ont year roand. State all tai lint iMIer and be ready to 
' Address until May 30. HABRY MIIXEB. Miller ramUy s ShowTVa ~ 

Caa place a sood 


K.Qf P.'s street Fair and Carnival 

WAVBRbV, ▼■MM., MAV aand to a7«h. 

.ANa I Tentjhow. On* PUMonn Bbim. All 
Aitaur T rtleme d . TUa la oar Cia* CaTnlTslever held in WbTerly. 

«■ the Ooazb Boom Siioaie. Electric XJefatawUl' ' 

-jOanitrbHona— t Mfc O aneertoM adSneaa ~ 

sas; B. W. WEAVIR. Mgr.. Wareriy, 

ftiiiii»«in«iil rii 

4tii AnoMl HMpHal Cwnival, 

Jut 1911 M 24li, 1906. 

Sob* food shows aod attractions wanted od pereenta<r« : mo gambling. Send 
fall lafonnatiOD aod percentage offer in applicatioo. 

Addrp— . CHAS. F. REEVES. Sec. Bridgeton. N. J. 

Tiie Laughiag Gallery. 

A recosrnlzed success at tbe leadlnc amnaement reserts, bat sel- 
dom seen outside the larger cltlee. owln? to the euormoas cost of 
the (tlaas mirrors. After eiperlmentlnc the D*st two years witli & 
view of producing a satisfactory substitute tor glass In L&uvbinr 
Gallerirs, we are now ofTerlBs a mirror made of a highly polished 
composition metal, havlnff same appearance, producing same 
effecta, and anaweriiv the purpose as well as tbe most coetly glass. 
Tfaey are tbe only practical mirrors for traveling purtxjiics. Our 
expenence and faclHtles enable us to sell a set of the<>e mlTTon. 
wnaiMMt cotieetly deelcnad cottm. and ot best material and 
■ ml iii MMB b a» % TBiy low jrtce. Wrtteforparticalan. 

«f. M. tMtlQHTOVi Amuaqment Censtraetlon Company, 

I20 S, High stret, Columbua. Ohio. 

Tin Mmi tM dapttis striril; bhb ths ehuliim uA mtHi if tfs aHrtdiMl. 


M^nat All r w mkrmmi rail 

— ^ a Two more hlch-clasa Percentage ShowB, _ 

■■■■YeH I Attraction other tban Snake Show; Merry-do-Bonnd: Aho player to 
complete! Band. Coneeaaioiia SIO, No exelnalwee except Tlimlltoa 

Smy Camp and one Platfana' 

ly-Qo ~ - -- 

«Nkl«lllti1Stt,BiTMin. ■-todtolMaaiUitac.ltf. Mn lai »»■. If . iaW.U». 

Xtie Billboapd 


' :' The death of Gen. Fttshngb l«e will 
■be a great ton to the Jamestown Ex- 
IKMitlon Co- which bad achieved much 
under his mana^ment and direction; 
but we are informed that the worlc wlU 
go ahead under the direction of Chair- 
man C. Brooks Johnston, of the board 
of governors, until a successor to Gen. 
I<ee has been named by the director- 
ate. Gen. liee'a Influence bad beea 
largely depended upon In securing 
Mate appropriations. In which he had 
accomplished so much. It was Intend- 
ed to have him go abroad and secure 
representation at the coming exhibi- 
tion from European and other coun- 
.trles, after the states in the Union had 
'been bron^t in line. Ttala laborous 
woric win now fall upon tlw rtH wadera 
of some other person, not JVt appollltSd 
by the directorate. 

. • • . * 
Two more weeks only remain Cor 
tbe^eompletlon of the Lewis & Claric 
'OentHmlal Exposition at Portland, but 
there is every reason to believe that 
this western world's fair will be ready 
for the opening when, on the first day 
QC«Jane, President Roosevelt presses 
-tlM?initton in Washington, three thou- 
sand miles away that will set the ma- 
chinery in motion. It is the first ex- 
position west of the Rocky Mountains 
ii»:>' Wliiidi.:,tlM aoMnuBMit has partici- 
pated. This fsct win afford new fea- 
tures, both to the eastern as well as 
the western people. A large majority 
Of western iteople have never seen a 

tte?ngirf: i< wri it « >i y win gtwm 
Itniitai liloerto unseen by tlw < 


: Tli<B Kulslwwn^ lewL, gkir _ _ 
ItsB dMidcd to iBCMsie Ms f i i i lfsl stock ftfln 

nS.OOO to $20,000. 

The secretaries of the Kansas and 
Oklikmia circuit wilt meet In Hntrhliwin. 

In order to make a circuit of Riley, 
Clar CeMcr, Smith Centn, BelleTlUe, Mankate, 
Kortoo, Kan., aad HnbbeU and Nelaon, Neb.. 
the date* at day Centre liare been chanced 
ftvm Sept. 3-8 to Aug. 15-lS. 

Officials of the War and Interior De- 
partment* arrlTed la Portland from Wasbtng- 
too, and are hard at vvrk InstaUing tbe exliU>- 
Ita ot these execotire branches of the gorem. 
■Mnt at the Lewi* and CUrb Eiposltloo. 

Fire destroyed twenty-flve stables 
azbd resulted In the death of orer a doaen race 
horses at the St. Louis Pair Anoelatioo track 
Slay 4. The principal lo«er la Frank Gerln^, 
whose entire string, with tbe exception ot 
Floral Wmtb, was destroyed. 

Concessionaires on The Trail at the 
Lewla aad Clark BxposHlcn are exceedingly 
MKjL A race to on. Among the coocesalonalres 
a good natnred rlraliy la manifest. Each 
wishes to have bl5 coDccaslon completed before 
his netgtitx>r. Tbe Tarknis cooceasloo bolldlnga 
are apparently being "bk>wn ap." Tlw Temple 
at Mirth, pofnilarlr dabbed the "FooUsh 
Boose;" the Cascade Gardens, Gay Paree and 
acTCial caXM are ready to recelre their Inlsh- 
faig toaches. The hoge amphitheatre for the 
CUalTal o< Venice, the Ala&ka and Klondike 
•zUhlta, tbe New . York Animal Sbow and the 
OalTeatOB Hood axe being harried toward com- 
pletloa. rarorit opoa the nnlone bolldlnga for 
the B U ee f ct Cairo are well imder way. also 
spoQ the banding* for Tbe I4uul of Tbe Mid- 
idght Son, Ttie satmteil Oastle and Tbe IHp 
t» Vanas, wbleb wlU be completed long beta* 
the «i|>ei»liig day. The ibowe ue of the blgheat 
(•■netcr. The Uat of coaceaatooB Inrlndea 
BrtaaBc Bam, liudm's OvtlT* nylac Ha- 
<klM. XUera*, TtlQ t> Waaata. Alaaks and 
XIiMdIkau OanlTCl «C TMlcCk Otf>K«tt IM. 
Temple «C Xlrtb. The Lnd «C Tk* WdBigM 
Soft, Infant Incobatoca, Hamited OMtle and 
Trip ito Venos. Jaqapeae VtUagCk Hwmted 
Swing, Gay Pane, New Tork Aalmal Sbow, 
CallfomU Radium Display. Street* *( 
Cascade Oardeos, Darkness and 
Chntes, Itarenport's rheasairt Farm, 
Village and Toaler'a Indian Village 


The Fred Hewitt Shows opened their 
season at Vlncennes, Ind., May 1, with 
the following shows and attractions: 
W. A. Miller's merry-go-round, O. 

Wmi B|_ Fer ris wheel. M rs. Fr ed. Hew- 

prodigy, Freddie, the Human Spider; 
Geo. Hull's AthleUc Girls, Tschudl's 
XJUlputlaBak Joe Duxnlng's Vaad«vlll* 

Theatre, Hunt & Kelso's Philipinos. 
Sid W. Floto's Snake Shows, and the 
Great Train Robbery. Harry Mc- 
Gowan's Military Band (second sea- 
son) furnished music for the occasion. 
The free acts are Darwinia's Loop the 
lioop, with a. ilreworks display; the 
Great DeViers. trapeze and high wire: 
and the Two Hewitts in their well- 
known globe act. The above aggrega- 
tion, with fifteen privileges, surely 
guanmtMB' mmomm ' pHt*- apMon in 
any dty fn wlidh fheir may plt«h their 
tents. The company opened at Lin- 
coln Park under the auspices of the 
Stre«t Saitway Co.. and did a goo<l 


Matt. Reese and Enmer An^e Joined 
Ike WtldK CUBlTsl Co. at JaekMW. . OUa. 
Cumberland, Md., will hold a' street 

fair and camfral next month. 

Pllbeam Brothers' United Carnival 
OA opens at Elkhart. Ind., May 15. 

A mammoth street fair will be held 
In Cbarlotte, N. C, week of May 14. 

The Romolds have Dreamland with 
the QMst 'Staair nawa MBi X.- H*acaa is 
stoi wllb tkCB. 


L See 

Eugene P. McKenna 

Ferris wheel with the 
meat for Cbe season. 

Dr. Horace Grant has been engaged 
bT 'tfae BetaU Merchants' Aasodatfam ot Mash. 
TlSe, Tenn., to take entire Chuge' «t all 
lege* and coacessLoos connected i*Jia*-|ka 
Fe*U*aI to be held week ot " 
advertisement In this Issne. 

What promises to be one of the best 
spring festlTals to be glTca this year will ba 
held at NashTlUe, Ttaa. Htiet^ote tb* Tcaa- 
essee Spring FecUTal has beci hdd at Chatta- 
nooga. TUa year the bostacsa am claimed 


the aid oC itfth a nt* . tte Obamber of Com- 
merce and elTle and mlMf ly ccgsnliatVMi* they 
bare decided to give a fcctlTal tbajt will ezed 
anyttiing of U* kind erer before held In the 
state ot Ttanessee. The gnaraatee tnnd raised 
by tbe association amounts to $25,000. Dr. 
Horace Grant, ooe of tbe most successful men 
In the boslnes*. Has been engaged by the as- 
soelatloa to take charge ot the amusement 
features and prlrileges. Tbe program for the 
we*k (Mar 22-27). Is as follows: Monday — 
Pure Food parade. Tuesday — Firemen's con- 
test, aerial ladder cUiablBg oontest. Wednee- 

The Alabama Carnival Co. remained 
orer Iir JacfcaoD, Tenn., last week. Manager 
TyJer reports buslsesa good. The company t« 
booked for Portsmoitth. Ohio, week of June 6. 

Ritchie, the high diver, has signed 
n-itb the Alaa* CknlTal Co. for the season. 
Be will- leap th* gap as a free attraction. 
Kltchte has a new act which be has finally 

■ Roy GUI, for the past three seasons 
coooeeted with the Fetarl Brothers' Camlral 
Ot>-, has canceled hi* engagement* for this sea. 
son on accoirat of lU bealth and will remain 
at bis home In LonlsrUle, lU. 

"Dutch" BarriU, the cyclone adver 
tlser. has signed with tbe Great Muidy SImrts 
for the season. He has the excluSlTC advertis- 
ing privilege, and sends all frlcaid* ' hi* heat 
regards, wishing them succt.'S&. 

The Capitol Amusement Co. will this 
summer hare as free attractions Boee and 
Lemon. The af«tcdlth THab Th* Otnaja^ aad 
Wagner's MM|>iiy„' W a s t ^.v ^tfcM ' :!-.■>»» iJiiw '-'a 
Ferris wheel; asd am ij itfiasei —d' lia ^taM 


The San Antonio Spring Carnival 
and Flower Battle oiwned la San AntoolA 
Tex., April 3(. with one oC tba beat parade* 
ever witnessed in that dty. rdne Faiker 
Amusement Co. put on the atlnallMk Boat- 
IKS8 good; weatmr fine. v 

J>ete Conegr's Otlental.^8faaaiD»M'atlU 

in Jadtaan, ~3ilaai :d*iBS aa .laafiiB**: baaia***, 
Uoo M. BMfUt iHB ba aa**dat*d.'vlth Sir. 

OoofT la the- stetnte'. bialaiw^-lMa' gammer. 
ISiey will play camlral* ■■■"T*"''* "^ " They 
wrKe that they win liare a flae'eMtt. 

Mr. A. C. Bauscher, nMlaager of the 

Bauscher Carnival Co.. writes that they are in 
the land of money and doing fine. Tlipy have 
added ^arena's Itallaa Band of nine musicians; 
also BlUle Marrlam's loop tbe loop, and Jen. 
nle and Waldo upon the revoMag laMtta..- At 
Okolood, Miss., the commlKie-gM*. 'Ati kMViet 
in honcr of the company. 

The Moonshiners Show with - the 
Ons Meyers' Amusement Co., sold 6i(IO0 dAets 
daring the wei^^k of April 17 at fifty ccntn 
each dcrlQg tbe engagement In Caname, Uex. 
All the shows did well. Fifty cents waa 
Charged at the main entrance. Mexico most be 

. Ziisetta; the UuOr, wbo^ leaps the gap 
oa a Meyde wMfc... -Or ", IMIisT Amosement 
Co., mat with a ■ttlipa'.'aaaliiBt at Hastings, 
Nab.. Apm aa, 4ba,' ttml*'.atriklac the last 
iacUaSb OmriHC < tta?Wr; 'tM*r - avsa her 

AMMcn-aad tacad.''^ae^«M..iltkid>iV'lB «a 
oeoaaeloaa coadHIco aad ' xcaMllBed' ao> for 
several bom. Ber Injuries are not ot a per- 
manent character. 

Notes from the Patterson & Braln- 
erd Carnival Co. : While en laute between Mena 
and Sylran Springs, Ark., ApiHl 30, we met 
with a serious accident. The mammoth organ 

recently purchased from James Bostock and 
valued at $5,000. caught fire from a spark 
tbpown from the engine and was completely 
destroyed. The fire also damaged an animal 
wagon, trat not seriously. Tiie company lias 
been playing to good basinet. Tbe advance 
staff Is as follows: A. H. I'.arkk-y. general 
conttracting sgent; C. W. NIohols, flrieen-day 
man, and M. N. Matthews, press representative. 

day— MlUttar Band* <1J|I00 a*a la Uae). 
Thoradaj^-floral parade or antaa and eatrtag**; 

pony class and Juvenile etinestrtan class; priaca 
In each clas!:. Friday — liham battle (stat* 
troops against Confederate veteran*); Miii «nt y 
street drill. Saturday — Grand Industrial Fb> 
rade. Every night — Pain's Fall ot Pott Arthur 
at Centennial Park sod the Seemaa-JUlIlcaB 
Mardi Cns Co. at Market square. i 

After long and continued service in 

tbe circus business Mr. Lew Nichols bss decid- 
ed to cikter another branch of the show busi- 
ness and has become aecrvtaxy and assistant 
manager of the at. ImoI* Syndicate Amusement 
CO.. taktas a half latcmt la (hat oompaay with 
Mr. B. W. Wearer;- Tbcae geatleiiiea Inteod to 
make thia a pcrmcDeat 'OstaM. apoa the nad. 
Mr. Weaver and Bany-Daanlll* ataiahcM i 
have booked some «C tba , biat tMias;iar~ 
t Bsee. 3ia. Nlchafe 
He «as,.4ha ;|Ma«atifa:i 


foartccn ot the beat *iid nioat , 
traction* ever seen with 
tfie Great Animal Jangle, 
Gibson CIrls. Hereafter, Mia* 
dog. Dreaniland, Coootiy dreaa. :^B*aat .Sbat 
Jack BuUt. Fire and Flame*, rnrt*Ma imont 
The Cbateih Gondoliers, Soatldand.- Oreattaa' 
and Ferris wheeL Two oC the laigeat poctalda ' 
electric light plant* In the world an : part of 
the paraphernalia carried by Col. Mondy. Tb* 
special and rare features this year are Tbe 
Veatb Trap, Loop the Loop, Leaping tlie Fiery 
Chasm, and the High Dive. Two band*, <me ot 
eighteen plecea and one ot twelve pieces, are 
carried. There are slzty-two wagons, aU having 
tbe finest of fronts. Special mention ahoald ' 
be given the animal front, wihch t* positively' 
the finest on the road. It waS painted by the 
beat artiata of Bnglsnd and la the moat coatly 
front ever pat out by any carnival 
company. Tbe train consists of twenty-four 
can. all new and up-to-date, being specially 
built for Col. Mnndy, the construction beli4P 
under his supervision. Vaalle Fopesesco wIU be 
the head animal trainer tbls year, and MUe. 
Van Gorder, tbe finest lady trainer la 

the world, will be Qneen ot tbe Arena. The 
feature ot tbe anlnt*! ihoir wlU be bar twenty 
UoD act. Another ationc act in tte aataaL 
Jangle will be Anita, Tbe Dancing GiTl. arbo 
dances with a group of lions, tigers, Jagaasau ' 
pumas and bears surroandiug her. The ex- 
ecutlve staff is composed of Col. P. J. Mnady.-^ 
sole owner and proprietor; Barry Van Gorder. ' 
treasurer, and Roger Flint, general manager, 
Tbe Mnndy Carnival Co.- Is booked solid to 
September, and only with the best dUes. CoL ' 
Mnndy'* Shows are greatly In demand by reason 
of their ezceUence. They 'were compeBed to ' 
refuse some excellent time, owing to their solid 
booking. Treasurer Tan Gorder and Manager 
Roger Flint are two ot the best men to b* 
bad In their line. Altogether, the Uaady. 
Carnival Co. la par excellence, and Us stag la;: 
the most gentlemanly lot of 
correspondent ba* «var met. 

Circus, Minsgirii ind Trained Animil Arenas. 

Thi Wiati Spniil •( Siipirbly Eqnippid Girt Lmtss Tek<i fir Fiidliy A. M. Iiy I8tli. 

WS ABM IT •» th* Woodmea of America's Katlonal OODTeBtlon held in Xnnakm, Wi&, week Jtine lOtb. Woed- 
nen of AnmiealB Ohmtral will be the bii^Eeat euniTal event In Amertea thte year. 1,000,000 people will be to town 
tbMX week. PrlTllece people atdrese Aseat Stearl Brea. in eaeh city; Feiaxi Bros, manage all privileges (legitimate 
only). WA:NT£D— OwlDK to ebangre of programite, 2 more Beasatlonal Frea Ai:ts; b.lso 2 good Clown Acrobatto 
Acts; good eanvasmea, talkers, raiorbaefaa, eeatmen, worklacmen ia all departatents; all kinds of circus acts, downs, 
acrobats, aerlaliat«, high dlveis, or any kin* of set far dicaa or vaadevOw. 

rRANCiSPieMARI. PrMldont. Harbt Habdt. Iiocal Oontrmethic Acent. Aetora and Acta addzeaa . . ., 

jea. <S. F WA P h lfe i»»aiditt. F. & BMcninb JUacd.Fxanotar. Muse Li 


Oaqaral Atwit. A. H..DXSXBB. Local 
Office : Wtnter Quapters» 

All otherg addicas 


odt. Mmtwa ''He BiUboatd" mkat unmeri a g odt. 


Xlie Billt>osii«<l 

k«*p» Iwvck «/ pmovtw »md Itfrwmrda 

is Si pJ l f i S jSr'<ii£'Sr * *" *-iSr hSbj 

» w7 iiaii M ■«5 

' Abtott. Annie 
Anderson. Mftry 
Baker, Mrs. >1orenee 
-Bennett. .lf<dlle 
BcoUcy. Jennie 
Bemer, Eagcal* 

CWrite IT. T. Of.) 
Blanchud. Fcr 
Blondemn, Josephine 
Boorne. Urs. Donthr 
Bnhanj', Z«B!*e 
HIM tote 



Lanooe. Madam (Gyp- 
. ty. Camp) 

LeTonc; T<nrlHe (Blnx- 

Iieland. Ben {ac Hatt) 
Leo. Mrs. Dr. 
I*e«lle, Florence 

(iWrtte N. T. Offlee) 
Lorena, Mrca • 
MarUeTS. The (fted 

and HaUle) 
Surlow. Unte 


CUeeda. Mile... fAat-'' 
mal TMner) 

Christine. MilUe 

Clark, Grace 

Clifton,. Sarah A. 

Cochrane. Maud 

D'AKT, Bene 

Darenport, MoIHe 

Dana, Mile. Ows*s 

Deneen, Boxer 

Seimond, Mlu 8. & 

IMt tricks. The (Fred 
and LneUah) 

Dockmanr Macte 

3)oyte. Carte 

IWrer. Anna. {WHt* 
K^T. OOm) 

Dnna. .Mar rwtlto 
. r. Offica) 

■mtmartM. Him. a«a,B. 
-.WMub-Btetu* (lte> 

Hetealt, Hn. Ota 
MlBer. DoIUe 
Mofflth. Marie 
Moore. Mia. Jim 
Morrocak. Madame 
Uortbner, W. A. and 

Dnryea, May 
Morton. Dorothea 

(Write N. r. Of.) 
Much. Mrs. Snate 
Naab. Mrs. Btedie 
Nelson, Christine 
Norton. BeUe 
Oimsbee. Belen B. 
Pacell, Uadam 
Flcsea. Mia. Jeaate 
FdmKtec Mtea 8. 
Pratt. Mm. J. W. 

ftemea, 6ia«>v 

TookHD. Cm : 
Cmiman. Hanr'ni 
• liOnra 

'Otniaple, Kmma 
eodkln. CathriDS 
'OoodoD, LoUa 
eswanco. niu ceaa 
Oteen. I«aia 

. Seed. Mra. Nancy 
.' Bejane, MUe. aabciel 

K». VWat 


Sancer. ■mllr lllUla 

N. T. OOea) 
Schroy. Beaite 
Scott. Caixle - .- ■ 

Scott MlUte 

Burt. BCH (oc !«• Sectaieat. l£n. J. N. 
'.Htead)-'.^ ; Sontbeis. Mrs. M. P. 

' Bcaita.. Ma. BOIr Stenrt. Mrs. D. L. 
— SnUnetta. Mile. 

bter Sylra. Mai(ac(itft 

Bfinlle Xc-tiy, KQea 

^or. Donna - 


'Hoirard, Bra - 
Hncart. MsTtea ' 
HnlL Gxaree 
JaekaoD. Besate CWdte 

N. Y. Office) 
Johnson. Mia. 0. Ju 
Johnacm. r.ima^ 

(Write N. Oftji 
Elne. AUee 

Telaze. Edltb 

Temon. Mlmde 
'Vincent. Madaaa Mkr 

Wallace. Mis. J. B. 
Wens, Marie 
Wilard. Mrs. Mand 
Woriiler. Mrs. Mand 
Zantz. Mta. Bltt 


Arkw. M. A. 

AdamSk Frank (S 
CIS B. B. Show) 
Addison. J. F. 
JUdlion. Nelaoa 
.Acent B. O. P. 
Ahent & Baxter 
Ahl Med. Oo., Ed. 
.Aides. Can 
Aider. W. F. 

W. H. 
Alplna Concert Co., 

Alpolnt. Joe 
Amhark. Mnlr 
American Am^-JO^ . ■ ■ 
ADcfent Bome^^Olb'^ ■ 
Anderson. Mn. ^ - 
Anderson, Geo. W. 
Andtem, Fred 
ABSerath. BlUr 


Bartel. W. H. 
Bartlett. H. C. 
Barttett, DeWMta 

BarHaa. D^ -Snl 
BamMty. tm. 

'Burton. Pnl 
Beckle^ Gofc B-Jtsr. 
(Car Ka. 1> 

8*11. Edw. H.. Mgr. 
Bell. Joe 

Bennett, Wm., Mgr. 
Benson. 6. D. 
Bernstein. Joe 

(Write V. r. Of.) 
Bcnr. MUea 
^Brrerlr. J. W. 
Mniiigs, Gar 
nore, Ted 
F. W. 

■■' t ufl it '».|^rv;<_j--2 - ' 
; ' « »atlii . \ J1><K ^ CWMte 
K. K Oaea) 

Aoatliw, OCIw Ottat 

AxteB. DwlfM (Con^ 

Aj-er. J. F. 

•B. III. 

Bacon. E. B. 

Bailer Sbow Co.. Mot- 

Sarfleld. K. B. (Od- 
-. ored Showman) 
■Bamell. Bd. 
Bane*. Mr., Mcb. 

BeaOk lir. 

Boa t o cfc -FeiraTt Can. 

Boatm Opera Co. 
Borer, wmu B. 

(WrKe N. T. Office) 
Biazter. Prof. (Hjp- 

Brennan & Selss 
Brewer, M. A. 
Bilslla. Mldiele 
Siittian. Frank 
(Fent* Wheel Bed) 
OL S. 

Brook's Mnaleal Com- 

edr Co.. Mgt. 
Brown. Marrelons 
Brown. Percr (Write 

N. Y. Office) 
Biowa. Benrr 
Brswa. B. HUUard 
Brown. Charier 
Bnmner, Miik 
Btrant MlaatnM '. . 
Bcraat. Om. 

Tnt (T«BDE 

Bnike, Xi 


Brines, W. H. 
CalTer, Vic 
Camp Om. Oo..C. H. 
CandT (Write N. Y. 

Cannoo, T. {Gtn. 
CavHol Am. Co. 
Carlisle, Prof. R. CT. 
Carltons. The Min*itil 
Carpenter. A* 
Carr, B. F. " 

Carter, J. C_ 

(WUte.K. X. <MM) 
OuTcr. Sc; (BH* 


DIUae. Max 
Dllllnser, A. B. 
Ditegen, Geo. A. 
DiTlng Elks. Mgr. 
I'lier. Harrr E. 
Dodd tc Kellema 
I)oU, Chaa. H. 
Donaboe, Chas. 
Ooanrilr. Tommr 
Dodd A Kdiaiaos 

(WkMe K. Y. Offlee) 
Mm W. F. 

narl, nank 
Earler, Ma 
Fanlkner. Tarnn 
Eckman, A. 
Edgar. B. J. 
Edwards, Frank 
Edwards, Harry 
E. G. 

Elrlcb, Clarence 
EUfeldt, K. 
EUlott, OoL 
Ellia, (aiarlte (Write 
. N. Y. Office) 
Stock Co. 

CbaBrt, Dr. Pmk.B. 
Cbamlierlaln. 6ordtB 
(Aapln, W. (Wdte M. 

Y. Office) 
Charlies Cam. Co. 
(TfaarltoB. Francis T. 
Oielew. Alfred 
ChcTaller, H. C. 
Chrlstr ft wirua 
Cborcfa ft KUllan 
Circus Dar Co., A.. 

dark, Qeo. F, 
dark, Chas. 
(Hark ft Stonebraker 
cnark, E. B. 
Clark Bros.' Show. 

OaiK C. H. 
Clark, Thos. 
dark ft Kissinger 

(Big Tand. Show. 


Oaik. A.~ rw 'lliP^':"t 

(dark * BMM- ^~ 

ClaiiE. Win 
Ohr. Enc s. 
CUjIaa. Bdwla 
ClUtocd. vr. H. (Wtlte' 

N. T. Office) 
Clhnan. ' WBUe (Hor- 

eltr Man) 
Otoae. Or. W. H. 
Clndier. J. 
Coaej, H. P. 
Colbert. Wm. B. 

"Rip" (Boss Caaras) 
Odhnrn. J. A. 
Coieroan, (Thas. 
Conrldge (Write N. Y. 

Oale. J. E. 

Conins, aa». 
Conins, MCMIIa. &. . 

Comha. Oto. 
Oonkte. wm . • 

- (Xttfor) 


Cook. X. Ik 

Cooper. JMm 0. .. . 
Cooper dc Albert . ^ 
Oocban, A. I>. 
Corbon, E. 6. 
Coihitt. S. E. ~ 
OKTigan, anmct 
CoateUa. Oiaa. 
Ooavc. Cel. 
Conrtner. O. W. 
Coortrlzht. Ijee 
Ctalg. E. M. 
Cramer. Frank 
Cramer ft Bedet 
crane,- Obaa. 
OtawfiKd. Wm. (Wilte 
V. Z. OBee) 


(Write H. T. 
Fane, Walter 

Fanner, Hanr B. 
Fay's Electric Show 
F. B. 

FeRns. Joo. E. 
Ferguson. Ben 
Flck. Edw. 
Fields, Mark 
Flnner* Jameson Liee 
Flamant. Jaa. 
Flash CazD. Co., Opt. 
Fleming, Chas. (Od- 

Fletcher, Chas. L. 
Flint. Ceo. Gates 
Florence. Al. 
Folsom. Bobert 
Fon, Max 
Fordbam. Arthur 

Fmeil. B,' V. 


. 1. o. 
VMrter.-Bany (Bartan 
Wnc B. B. 
Ite * WuC (OMW> 

dteaa) ' ' 
FiaidC B. E. 
Frank (ABaa 

Franklin Am. On. 
Franklin, a M. 
Frana, G. H. 
Free. J. Martin 
Freedmas. Qeo. A. 
Friedman. Jno. B., 

Frick. B. H. 
Fnller, F. T. 
CaJnn. OIlie 
GalTam, Prof. 
.Gaidnef , Frank 
Sardner, J. B., a. 

Waiicn ft (lardaec 

iwiite ge.g ot») 

oapcHk BMnl.T 
Oinla. W. K 
CnrtlB. BOIr 
Onrtla. A.- I<ee 
OkaiUukr. a .K. . 
D-Asta. Cki*. 
DtiClAo Bnia; 
Delue7, Jamea 
Delairne. J. 
DeOata, Gapt. 
DtSantanelll. Dr. 


Cam. Co. 
DeVanlt, B. (Wr«e 

N, Y. Office) 
Dale, Jas. H. 
Dalr, F. BdViard 
Damon, Bob 
Darlingtoo. Hanr 
DamaU. J. 3. 
Danb. Jack 
DaTenpoet. Wm. ]L - 
DaTenport, J. TL 
Darenport, Lew T. 
Dans, Ben]. F. 
Dans Show (B. r. 

Dans, Mgr.) 
Dnnson. Jack A. 
Dawson. James 
Day. C. Mack 
Dean. AI. 
Dclaporte. Wm. 
I>eboU. Bmersoa 
Dee. Bor 
Danner, Fred A. 
Tfennla Stock Co..U^. 
Dickson, J. B. 
DIetricks. The (Fred 
~ ) 

enttr. r. 

Oar <Ba Sports Oa, 
;v Mgr. 

eabhart, Chas. (WrHe 

N. Y. Office) 
George. Jacob 
Ootge. Jamea A. 

George, Wm. H. 
Oeltte Bros.' Skoan. 

Glhbona, P. B.- 
Gibbonr. W. O. 
Gibson, J. H. 
Gndle, H. li. 
GUette Show, a M. 

Gin, w. a 

GSU, Jim 


Goodkne, WmU M. 
Gardiner Broa.' Bbow, 

Gert, Geo. 

Gorman, Hanr (Dii- 

Gorert ft Stcgmler 
Grabach-SchossUng Co. 
Grace, P. E. 
Graham. E. S. 
Graham, H. J. 
Graham. Ferdlnan 
Graham's So. Special- 
ty Co.. Mgr. 
Grant, Colorado 
Grarei, Lee 
Qaj'M vnaitt Work- 

OiBf* 9bBs H. 
Steal Buteni Shawa, 

Green, Loots 
Green, J. Ellswvttli 

(Write N. 1. OOee) 
Greene, G. D. 
(^ene. Phil D. 
Greg<U7, nank L. 

(Hoop Boiler) 
GregoTT'Carr Dramatic 


Grifflo, Pete 

GTiM»y-. Tom (Colored 

Haenssennan; H. O. L. 
Hahs. ACthor B. 

Haines. Nat 
Hale, Jas. F. 
Hall, Mike 
Uallara, t.. H 
Hamilton, Qiaa. 
Hamilton, E. E. 
Bammenteln. E. B. 
Uammetstcln. H. L, 
Hand, Prof. (Bprnot- 

Bandr. Nor. Co. 
Banel** Trained Aol- 

mal Shows, PnC 
BaaaUL Wm. W. 

Uutia *_--- 
Hauls, PMijp P. 
Bairte. Sid 
Harrison, T^. H. 

(Write N. X. OOee) 
Hartlgan, W. B. 
Hartsook. Bars 
Hatch. Bob (Write N. 

Y. Office) 
Hatfield. C. H. 
Hattloer. P. H. 

(Write N. Y. OlOce) 
Hawkins, W. W. 
Hawkins. Balpb 
Bawler. Walter 
Hay, Doc 
Uaja, Tom J. 
Haywood, Fred 
Helton. Bd. 

Letkowltx, Herman 

Letoti, ETerett 
L.eocuiriI, Alexander L. 
L-eooard, Albert 
Leonard, JM( 

Leone, H. 
Leslie, Walter M. 
Leiltt, Victor D. 
Lerr. B. S. 
LewU, O. P. 
Laiwla, Daatel B aas 

(Write M. Z. Oaee) 
Lewtib a BL 
Letrl* * IMMB mmt 

L. ft B. 

L. ft H. (Write N. Y. 

LlBdall, C!hsa. B. 
Llndenstmth. Wm. 
Llngl, Geo. 
Llngaid, NelsoB 

(Write N. I. Office) 
Llnson Bros. 
Lltt, G. A. (Promoter) 
Little, Harry 
].ockwood. Jack 
I-^fCkwood Bxpo. Co., 

H. W. 
loeb. Carl L. 
Logan, Jim 
feaoK tank S. 

Beniy Mlnitiel Oo., 

The m 
Henir, J.. B. 
Boot Com. and Yand. 

Co.^' J. C.. Mgr. 
Hepbnm, Jack 
Herfcearod, Wm. 
Herman, Lawaon . 
Herod, C. C. 
Herschel, Wm. 
Hicker. T. H. 
Hin. H. P. 
Hill ft Elmore 
Hin, J. T. 
Hill, J. P, , 
Hill, John C. 
HUyer, Tho Great 

Hlnebaogb, C. G. 
' Hlnman, Dr. , 
Hockey, Harrer Gtbba 
Boeffler's abowa, Mfr. 

■«i.T.- .".■>■ 

nka t. " 

BbUiad; W. H. 
Holtintian. Joa. Max 
H wngn d, Heair 

HuMun Oik, .John 
Boaler, Frank M. 

Btowaid. Geo. B. 
Hoyt, W. B. 
Hodson, SylTCSter 

(Write N. Y. Office) 
Hngliee, Walter 

(Write N. Y. Office) 
Hnmes. Fred T. 
Hnndoyle. Walter 
Hnnt, Harry 
Eurd, Magician 
Hnsbanda, C. C. 
Uer. Nick 

Imperial Katertalaett, 

LbWdl. '. 
Lading Show (Writs 

N. Y. Office) 
Lscas, C. B. 
Inndr, Stewart 
Lynch. Frank B. 
UcAdow, Dndler. Mgr. 
McBee, W. P.. Adr. 

McCartr. L. A. 
McClanaban, Ike 

McClacalian. Frank 
McCocnell. T. D. 
McCrea. Jas. 
McDonald, dias. B. 
JIcFariand. W. H.. Jr. 
McGlnnla, J. D. 
McGlocklln. John 
McGarrey. Patrick . 
McHaDgbtoo. T. E. 
McDwaln. Walter 
Mclatyre, C F. 
Uelntrre. C D. 
W. (Baaia; 


IfMfc, Ma X. 
Mattlaod * FsHatd 
Majestic rvm (Ma- 

slcal Act) 
Mamie Eleetrie Stow 
Mauley, C. W. 
Manolo Acrobats 
Mantelle Opera Oo. 
Marcnm, (Jeo. 
Mai^nlls, Prof. 
Markel, Prof.- 
Markleya, The. (Fied 

and Battle) 
Marnetto, Wm. 
Marshall, W. 
Manball, O. S., Mgr. 
Matahall, Haixr 
Martin. H. jr„ " 
Martin. D. ~ 


7ita * MWuta 

Taiaes B. s. 
James Bros. 
7aBMS, LooU 
Jsirard, B. H. 
JeCrlea. Dick 
Jennler, eGo., Jr. 
Jennlson, J. C. 
Jonme, Frank E. 
Jenme ft Edwards 
Johnson, Aboer 
Jobnaon, (}bas. G. 
Johnson. Oharlea 

(Write N. Y. Offise) 
Johnson, Sam 
JoQey, R. T. 
Janes. Earl D. 
Jaaei, Umpire Sum, 
Migr. (PilTdeg(«) 
- H., 

J. W; P. (Write H. 

Y. Office) 
Eardell. Frank 
KarmoDt, Umpte 
Katzles. H. 
Kanlbadi, Walttr 
Kellegher, Frank 
KeUey, S. a , 
Kelly, Jerome 
KeUey. Geo. 
EUpatrick Bros. 
King. Boble 
King's Glass Blowers 
Elrchenkoopf. Panl 
KUron ft Button 
Klein. J. A. 
Knight, J. Victor 
Kress, B. H. 
Koberana, W. (Matf- 


Od.. MgC 
Mat thews, Baw Ml 

Mansr. Banx 
Viaxia ft Orar 
Mayer, Doe 
Mayo, Bdgar (Write 

N. Y. Office) 
MeUer. H. A. 
Mertdlth. L. B. 
Merriam, BflUe 
Mexican BIll*a 

Meyer. M. H. 
Micro Show. ilax. 

IS. A. G. 

-, Joe L. 
•, H. 

r. A. 

O. SHI ' 
MUlSi W«lk ■ 
Mix. (teilabad R. 

Moler. Chas. 
Mooahaa, Jack 
Monaraii ol HystRT. 

Monyer, Wm. 
Monomental Cam. Ot, 
Moore, Artte (Write 

N. r. Office) 
Moare, Mr. ' 
Moore, Loa W. 
Moore, OtMB. 
Morgan, <3iaa. 
Mcrrell. C. W. 
Morrlj. R. L. 
Morris, W. A. 
OIOtTlsDn. Jay W. 
Mortimer, W. A. 

(Write N. Y. Office) 

LaTene, Ool. Wfeb A. 
LeClend. (Jhaa. 
LeBor. Bob 
LadeU, Harry 
Ladonco, AL 
Lamar Spec. Ooaeert 

Co., Mgr. 
Lambert. OoL 8. K. 
LampsoD, Ed. 
Lander, Bea. J. 
Lare, Jas. H. 
Iisrer. Geo. C. 
LatamuE, G. L. 
Lawrence. Ed. 
Larmon. Hanr 
Leak, M. 
LeaTaa, Tim 

Mailer. J< 
Mtilrey ft 
Mnrdy, Sam 
Marplir„ Bor B. 
Morphy, T. H. 
Mnrray, Ohaa. J. 
Morray, Tom . 
Mnrry, John Jr. (Xla- 

tn>e Man) 
Myers. Kick and 

Harry Stone 
My Friend From Ar- 
kansas Co.. Mgr. 
Nance, P. W. 

JMm (Warltooe 

dtgto, Jol 



Nelss, Victor L 
Nelter, Frank 
Nelson. ChAB. A. 
New Ontnir Enter- 
tainers. Mgr. 
New Tork and London 

Camiral Oo. 
Klea, B. 8. 
Nix - ~ 

NUOD, Eddte 
MoUe. r. C 

Scholtr. Ed. 

Scott. W. W. 

Pcotfs City Sbowa, O. 

W.. Mgr. 
Sctrs. A. S. " 
Stwell. Thoa. H. 
Seymour. Donna 
ShackHport, Stearllas 
Shawa. Aerial 
Shelby, D. B. 
SbapbefJ. 8. B. , , 

(wtm^ - 

A AB. 


Nugent, J. W. 
Nugent. Jobn P. 

(King of Knife 

Nye's Show, Tom 

Franklyn, Mgr. 
O'Brien, Billy 
Uatman. J. T. 
Onge, Fred B. (Oom 

edy Cyclist) 
Oppenbeimer, L. 
Orr. (niarlle 
Ott. Claud F. 
Oeboni Dramatic C>o. 
Osenton. Lansdovme 
Owen, Wm. 
Owena. Wm. 
Owens, Joho T. 
Palmer^ O. X. & OSh. 

(Writ* V. £ OMlrt 
Pedt. OatL o wn s U. 
Y. Ofliee) 

Perscfa, Wn. 
t'ete. WU.-M. 
PMersott. Gas (Case 

Back Man) 
Phillips. (Hyde 
Phillips, a S. 
Phillips. Prof. M. H. 

(Aerial lat) 
PhUKpt, H. L. 
Phlpps. Col. E. I. 
Pierce, Bobert L. 

Pixys. Milt. BaiMl and 

Plank, J. H. 
Pickett, DaTld 
PoUay, H. B. 
Pollock. Fred B. 
PoUock. H. Petty 
. (Write N. Y. OflSee) 
Porter, Herbert 

(Write N- X. Offiee) 
Plattce. B. L. 
POMS * Potts 

Slgftted, A. 
SImpaon. WosOy j; 
Slagle, James B. 
Smith. Bany 
Sm<th. 0. W. 
i'.nitii. Simon P. 
S'ur.b. CllDtoa B. 
Smith i Watts 
Smith, \v. r 
Smith. Wm. B. U. 
Smith. Blnnle 
Sonscrant, Jobn ' 
Sonsa, Geo. J. 
Souchwortli, W. 8. ■* . 
Spann. Byron (WlllB! 

N. X. omce) 
Spellman, L. L. 
t^caccc. Ainn 
SpoBotd. Bogene, Mgr. 

Staatey. WIB B. 
Stanley, M. M. (Writs 

H. X. OOee) 
Star * CrcasSBt 


Starlew, KU 

Steck, F. W. ■ 
Stetson ft (3a., WIsMsr 
Sterln*. Hany A. 
Stephena. Frank 

(Write N. Y. Ofltea) 
SteTens, W. C. 
Sterens, Wm. 
Steward, Arthur 
Stewart. Ed. C. 
SUdolpb, E. W. 
atlnsoo. PMl 
Stone, Harry and Kick 

Mr res 
Stone, Panl 
Stoop, Benry 
Stoat, Victor 
StoTer, Frank 
Strettl, E. (Writs M. 

Y. Offlee) 
Strong, ChasL X: 

Prcaoott, ■]_ 

Prestos JkSL A. 

Prood. 0. C 
Pmeell. O. M. 
1-rte. - 

Ballroad laek*8 

Balnboldt. V. H. 
Batllir, Anstin 
Rattessel, J. N. 
Rarer, Chaa. 
Raymond, John F. 
Ben, Robt. A. 
Bearer, fiaxtr (Adr. 

Retesad ft Harria 
Bced. Obas. A.. Mgr. 

WaBaca Stack Oa. 
_ (Writs B. Z. (Mee) 

Bemingtno, Wm. 
khlne, R. M. 
Rhodes. W. H. 
Blc« ft Crawtact 
Bice, B. G. 
Bice's Latest SMB. 

tlon. Prof. 
Btchardarai. O. T. 

Richardson, John E. 
Kick, a 
BBer, Sidney 
RltAey. Otende 
Bitxert, John B. 
Boach. Rank 
Boach, PssC 
Roach's ObSBb A. B., 

Bobert. P. 7. 
BokartSi >M B, 
Robarlau Ohaa. .W- 
Rotoria. A. «. 

BoMaaoB. W. 
Boehefort ft Mv 
Bodney ft KdlSB ' 

Rogers. C. M. 
Rondean, H. H. 
Roaa. Emll 
Rose. C. O. (Mlnattel 

Boae. F. T. 
Rose. OoL C. H. 
Eoseothal, D. H. 
RosB, W. B. 
Boss, Walter (Brerett 

ft Bom Med. Ck>.) 
B<«si. Tliree Broa. 
Boyal Beceptioa 0>., 

Boyal American 

Shown. Mn. 

St. bage. aSSr 

Sanders. San 
Sands. W. B. 
Sanfbrd. Fred (Pop 

<3ora Man) 
Stpp. Joe (Mnslelan) 
t<atterlee. OtJe 
Sawcranta ft Bartlett* a 

Schaefer, Frank 
Scbaogr. OI«e 

Swe«ey, C B. 
Swlaa - - - 

Sylow, H. 
SOrms, Alf A, 

arch of Mystciy) 
Tally, Hany It. 

(Write «.r ' 
Tantllncts^ ' 

Taylor ft Tairman 
Taylor. Dand D. 
Taylor, W. Bi, Jr. 
Taylor. Beimle 
Teeta a>ow 
Tenney, Hany 
Terrell, Edwiid. ] 
Ttny, Leonard 
Tbayne, Jno. 
Xbew, C. J. 
KhomM. Win (OU 

TboanpaoB. 3.. Hgf. 

-QPft oted g atss) 

01^ Show, Mp^ : 

nHiivton, H. BL 
Thnrstoo, n«»gil - 
(Magician) . 

Tinch, AL ' .. 
Tlppett, J. D. ■^■••^ 
ToJley, Geo. 
Toabe, Ira (Write M. ' 

Y. Office) 
Tracer, Harry C. 

(Write N. Y. Office) 
Tkantman. Paul 
Trerser. Geo. A. Ticaa 
Trip to Hie Orient 


Trip to Chinatown On 
Tripp. H. A. (Write . 

N. Y. Office) 
Tryon, Antbor 
Timier. Frank 
Tuxedo Band, Mgcv 
TanAUcn. B. W. 
Teadmritt, Ml. . 

J a. - A ^ . 

vflnamWa '-Ik 

I«ap Bite) 
▼elate, Oatm 
Vest. Desl (Black 

Face OomcdIaB) 
VIdoeg. Wm. 
Waddell, Doc 
Vootella ft Nina 
Walte. Fred B. 
Wallace, Frai^IyB >-'^ 
WaUas. BUUe (WrilT' 

N. Y. Office) : A: 
Walllngford, W. H.' 
Walter, Jotin H. 
Ward. Jamea B. 
Wasbbnm.. Leon 

(Write N. Y. tiffles) 
Waters, CliarUe 
Waten. Harry (BaB> ' 


Wcathcthesd. M. 


Weber, Ovatar A. 


Weston Air 

WewboO, Orrias 
WheeteT j- Best 






Population IfiOiOOO; 600,000 within a radius of 60 miles. Advertised for 150 miles around. Not an inclosure; ri<tit on th« streets. Wanted, Privilege and 
Oooceasioo People. JSotm tbe following: price— Shooting Gallery, Knife Back, Gaoe Back and suchrames, $20 eadi (positlTeiy mo Mt n dlee); Oonntiy Stole 
and High Flcdi iiien,tSS eadi: IMl BacK, Nigger Head, Strikers, Bellboard, Glass £ngraver«, Candy Stand, Oraekei'^iek, Soft Drinks-and otheiM, $15 each.' 
No ezciuslTes except Ooofetti and Novelties. Bids now wanted for the exclosive rights of Confetti and Novelties. No bid for less ttian 3200 will be coti- 
sldered. All bids must be aooompaoled by a deposit of nor. less than $25. Send by Begistered Lietter, P. O. Order, Express Order or Drafts, made payable 
to The Retail Merchants Association, Nashville, Tenn. Don't fall to send correct address. All money will be returned to unsuccessful bidders not later 
than May IT, Address aU coininunicatlons to DK HOUACK GRANT, Maxwell House, Nashville, Tenn. 

Or. X. W. 

J. C. 
, Benry 
H. H. 
WUttman Oomcdj OOw, 

WacaliM, Joe 



* WnUain*, W. C. 
-VWlHtema Show. Wil- 
> Imce, Iter. 
V'WIlliui*. J. W. 
C ' miaer. Cbarlej 
t WDmid. Geo. 
Wllaon Stock Co.. 

FreiJerlck H.. Mgr. 
Wilson, M. D., Sbad- 
■V- ow« of The Gallow* 
(Write N. Y. omr») 
Winner Concert and 
COl. Ooo U. 

Vnmacr Pob. Co. 
Winstock, MelTte O. 
WUeoui, CUnt J. 
Woir. Maurice 
WoKe, Birrlion 3. 
Wolfe, Thurron J. 
Wood. Boy 
Woodfoid, H. a. 
Wood's Bbow, Wm., 

Wooler Concert Co.. 
Wrl«bt. Leo. 
W7Ue. Haay 
Yates, Anbiv C*a<. 

Yoke. Wm. H. 

Zintosr. BalaU 
Zarllngton, Frank 
Zarrow, L. 
Zel. R. 
ZeOo, Geo. 
Z*n« (innalMilit) 

' AUytM, The (People's): Cedar Rapidly !■ 

,o.^>-; B;.~jiiiigton, m., is-30. 

l>.<. Alice (>Park) : ProTldence. H. L, S43; 

(EmplK) AAanr. N. Y., 15-20. 
Aribj^Uw A BelaUin (Star): Bamlltoii, Cu.. 


a xmuc* 

r ~ cona BootM. 

-Ariktooe, The Two (Howard) 

* 8-13 

-'^^Anold, Bena (Paator*!): New York v,tty. 8-13 
a. (Kcllk*«>: New York Olty, 

WllHil); Hew Tork Oltr, S-I3. 
KiBgcc*: TancooTcr, R. C, 8-18. 
(Star): Portland. Ore„ 8-U. 
(Keini'a): FbUadelpua, Ftn 

^■rowB, AL (Star): P flrtland. Ore., KH. 
^Barllett * Earle (FabMc): Warcntar. 3Um^ 

S-lS; (Fuk) mnrldcace. B. I., 15-30. 
Beaoab * MlUer (Pastor's): New York Cltr, 


Bentler. Irene (Coknlal) : New Yort City, 8-lS. 
Brewer's IMck Horse (Star): SMtUe. WaA., 

Oarkc A Scoipl* (Ctatas): Saa rraocliCSb OA, 

IMOl ;.. c.- r ■ ■■ 

lAwnaaa |amA)s WIMistae, ItaL, 

OsmpbeU & Canfleld (Eeith'a): Boston. Maaa., 
8-13; (Keltb'a) New York dtj, 15-20. . 

CsrUn A Otto (Woolwortli'a Boot Garden): Lan- 
caster, Pa., 8-13. . 

CbssslDo (Keia's): New York Cltjr. 8-13. 

CDande, Toby (Bnrtlg t Seamoa's): New York 
city, 6-13 

CUIIord, Nat (Pastor's): New YoA City, 8-18. 
OmnlBglaai * Fsnl (Fioctnr's): N«w Talk 

atr. ^iM.. .. ■ ■ . : - 

CfearaUv. aAwt C«qh(HO: O iuiMiA K 

8*13. ^ 

Cottan. Iota (Star): Tacoma, Wash.. 8-lS. 

Cole & Cole (Star): Tacoma, Waslu. 8-13. 

Cecel*^ LoU^BottsMi (Vaocoorcr): Vaaeoarcr. 


Mew Haven, 

Vv. Ooflte a neks (noU>a}: 
^OoiiM.. 8.1S. 
■ mar. Bmt (FnetWa 33id Bt.) 

VBMb ;(BH&M: Vcw XniV CUr, S4S. 
-Om* '* WaiKr (Kettli'c): Heir Y«ik CUr. 

DaUey. Peter F. (Bortlc a Bmbod'*): Mew 

York City. 8.18. 
-OelfUt. GrsmUch * 0*k..(MMort»: 

xxtr, fria . 

^DeUora a Graceta (TistaflK 9. B.) 

B. O., 8-lS. 
Deknore a Onetda (Keith's): New York City 

Drew, Joba (Arcade): Portland, On^ 8-13. 
• V»^^ Motiiky (TancouTer): Vaneoorep, B. C. 

BUIs-Nowlan Trto (Pott's) 

■dialt. Dean a Co. 

York Cltr, 8Ja 
X*ana, George (Keeacr's): Brooklyn, N. Y.. 

Jldfaui (Oiph«yn): BrooUys. M. Z.. 

Slkoslnl (Star). 

.ftand <)peni IMo 
Tork City. 8-13. 
Golden 6a«e Ontntet (Proctcc's 23rd St.) 

Tork City. 803. 
gjPto^ aift (KelUi'a); Kcw York Ctty. 8-18. 

- nM«w) 

mekmUk) an»I 
" Ckatn sad 

Have You Bumped 

PATBirm m u.aL am FeseMN cewmnB*. 


The Kini: of Pun Makers 


to iMtall. 


302 BROlAOWAV. ...... N.Y. OTY. 


Gillnor Family's Big Aerial Act 

vecelvt M'wlre.' 


MnsMans For Kg Show 

And Side Show Bands. Slaclnc and Talklnc Clown. Ckimedy Bevolrlnar Ladder Act. Ck>o- 
lortlonlst. Principal Clown. Join Imnaedlately. Experienced people only. Name lowest 
salary: also want sober Boss Hostler with wsron show experience. eo«d waces; FonrBlll- 
postets and Uthocrapbers. 


Wanted ... 


To beu tram CARNIVAL CO., tor week of Oetobei, 3id to Tth, 1905. 

Of all kinds tontataed 
good balloon) 


A W BPC. -^E 

All a Mistake. A Soldier's Sweetheart, Cast 
Adrift. Child of The Slama. Carmen. Dora 
Tborue, Drink, Express Messenger, Fanst. Fool 
Play, Gyp. the MonntalD -.rl. Gaffer Ca- 
rewe, He^rt at Cuba, loconstancy. In the 
Bosnes' GsUery, In Society, In the Sonny 
Soofli: Leool, the Street StoEer: LlUe Wlld- 
flswsr. &tr. Bntte From Montana, Michael Stro- 
(off, Uoths, Man In the Barrel. Midnight Mnr- 
der, Nell Gwynne, New MagOaleoe. Paralfal. 
Plaything of Fate. Prince Otto. Paradise Valley. 
<)aecn'a Council. Qoo Vadla. Rer. John Gallo- 
way, Beanrrectlon.Reacne of CHalre, Becalled 
to Life. Sapbo, The IJght That Failed, Tale 
of Two Cities, Vagabond'q Wife, Band of Jna- 
tlce: Tracy, the Oatlaw; Thelma. Fennaylra- 
nla Caae, Poor Mr. Rich, The Scarlet Letter. 
Three Olnaketeers, Cnder Two Flags. Vendetta. 
Wheel of Fate, WoodhlU Farm, and 200 otli- 
ers. Bates for stock, $4.50 for script and 
parts. We seU no plays we can not glre 
rights to prodQce. 


Party ^th good strong money getter Oooctie* 
and Girl Show. Idea> loeatioa and boaaosa fcr 


LaniUiig Parlor, 10 Doable Metal Mtoxais, SO 
Mltron an told. Will aell rery cheap It taken 

at saee. Write and we wUI do baslnesa. £S. 
BSnBB8KA]>T, Cook's Paj-k, Zvusville, Ind. 

Mribgss far tahit 

Johnaon Coonty Fair. ClarksTllte, Ark., October 
10-11-02-33. $3. 000 In Purses glTen away. 
Address H. I. BTUIWIXI., 8«o*y, Clazkarills, 


OF szxu An> jtvwm ssowSi. 

Q. H .. CABS or 


Tw* Merry -cs-ison da, one atcot 8BA mm. | 
nXD XOFF, B. £. Cafe Mfh aaA I 
aaa Ki, Zeolsrflla, Ky. 

Act. 81: Bacleta and Plans sT 

aiaa. 81; 10 Ichi Thomb Tie, U; 

Tie, 81; Latest Bisinc Oaid Trick, nL.liik 
stamp for rrply. QEQ, A. BIOS, | TMai 
Bt., Anbarn. H. T. 

WASTED — ^To bay or rent, SmaU Boaod-TOp 
with 20 or 30 foot middle, all complete. What 
hare yon got? H. G. PATTDH. Tolado, Ohio. 

WASTED— To hear from A-1 CanlTal Co. for 
Street Pslr at Cleveland, O. T., Jnly 3-4-S-S-T-8. 
New blooming oU town, 4,000 Inhahitants. 
Three hundred oil wells In town and rlclnlty. 
0. HUmm, lock Box 411. 

Best money makers 
K New Uat free. CHAB. 
t., W. Camtaldsa. Xan. 

• ttr aale. B 

mm. ■ 

SHOW ATTBACnOH erer known. The Chi- 
nese Derll Dragon, with 8x10 r"i-tt-y yis. 
All kinds of MoiaalM rHiallliS IM«r ll< 
free. WX. HELMV. • ~ 
Cambridge, Maaa. 

FOB BALE — Lot second.hasd Films and Song 
SUdes. Fllma. 5e per fimt; So^ Slides, flaely 
Maaa Ue sack. " 

Mate ail tm ant ttSr!' Addicn'c.^m 
80 Kalamsaoo St., Battle Creek. Mich. 

Top. 30-tt. Middle. S- ft. nails. In sood coo- 
dltion. Want ^" e j. at onoe. 

GEO. W. DELTLNII. l:---!. ^- I' 

FOB SALE — 3.500 feet Film in Al nmdltloB. 
booght laat fall. Will sell at Se a foot. WOI 
svad Mirrtese of examination on deposit • 
- - ~ Hatlonal Bank of thla dty for 
S. S. SCOTT, JaokasBems, HL 


Tt\^ Billboard 



Again the astute editor of the official 
OTsan has stirred up the depths of his 
vile izmnagination. It is well known 
that the man who flings mud be- 

J smirches himself the 'most. So it is 
with the astute editor; his senseless, 
pointless and baseless tirades discredit 
aoKone so mndfc'M-Mnif If » Hft is 'tlie. 
UMtt bird that ■blls':tti ivwn neat. 
• • • 

To mto like Lilnk and Campbell that 
sort of thins Is undoubtedly immensely 
gra,iUyiagi- It'tM: doiwn to. their taveL 
To OnWeaUBt who Is striving to attain 
a degree of respectability somewhat 
above the gutter, it must be slightly 
disgusting; but to' Gude, 'who affects 
a superiority away above the others, 
the twaddle fished up once a month in 
the official organ must bring a genuine 
binata ot shame. Shame that he should 
be identifled wUlL. anjrtblnB so .etnds, 
and vulgar av:!^tiia^'iUUtal: '<>tguCi^ 
coming to be. ■ v^'/V.-i-.y; ' ' 

President, Ijink's attempt to 
Mention from the real condition of the 
treasury of the association reminds 
one of the oatrtch, which, when sorely 
hnnted. bories Its head In the sand 
with the beUef that It Is eirectuaUy 
concealed from. Itslporsners. . It is real- 
ly pitiful tliat Barney shonid be com- 
pelled to descend troia the ^gnlty of his 
position and indulge in mud-sllnging 

Ito Justify the official acta of his ad 
ministration., It Is Just possible that 
he does not realize bow deeply he has 
humiliated himself not to speak of the 
senseless explanation he has made. 
Hot in the Ustory oC the association 
prasldisBt «f .thtkt; orsBBlsstlon 
indnlced IB anitWiiir. so 

it Is repbitsa'tlwt'tiM ConualttM on 
New Tork Situation has again become 
active, and the same report says that it 
Is not IMBrtr., ttaa ^igr-^w lll aocompllab 

Situation Committee would taBfft^-the 
sense to Iiur down and 'roU^O^lMiii^Xti 
day ot usefulness is passed. 

• • * 

The Committee on the New Tork 
Sttnation. squealed Hke a. stiM(k";i|lv 
when Sam Pratt, refused to sign an 
agreememt to keep oat of the blUimst- 
Inc boataMSS In New Tork for twenty- 
five yeais. ' It seems that Barney and 
ttSB crowd are also a little shy when it 
cornea to signing agreements. The 
stogqr comes firom Philadelphia that 
when Barney' wanted to buy the Bill- 
posttng^Slgn Co.'s plant he asked San 
Boblson to sign an agreement to keep 
ont of the business in that dty for a 
apedfled i>eriod. San said, "sure. If 
you will sign an agreement to keep out 
of Atlantic City." This Barney refused 
to do. San was a wise Quaker and 
knew the people be was dealing with. 

* • • 

San Bobison's refusal to sign is 
iBsnisx's ocnse for not completing the 
Ipondiaae. Bat the Joke Is on Barney; 
jhe had given San bis check for tS.OOO 
Ito secure his option and then stopped 
Inpayment on the check when he. wanted 
Ito aMlaM-tta«.dMl4oa..:.aitt-fl^ ~ 
iBanMr fttr-itlM ^1lv» thotf ud'^ttB a 
Ilclnch tbat. h*.wlU get a verdict if the 
I suit Is pnsil^ This San swears he 
[will do^ iBioMrls tiTlnr to get San to 

lover tB(''Swti^'ti>e(^ 
fop. It was Just IOdb shaking a red rag 
I before a bull, for San Is more deter- 
jinlned than.' evw to. jget_ the_money. 

5 ■ V 

Bainey says. In lUs lema^leaMe die^ 
!!fBnse of the Snanclal policy of his ad- 
cmlnlstiatlon^ . tha.t "£very billposter 
; knows that the majority of the Board 
\- of Directors are men of good sound 
t Judgment." The BUlboard believes this 
ito be troe. The trouble is as Barney 

^aayit that "grafters and fakirs some- 
times break in and stir up trouble^" 
Campbell, aa president and Barney as 
secretary ani treasurer of the <»mpany 
that publishes the- oAolat ovginv -irare 
^andoabtedly paxttiH to the altouipt to 
gsraft »1M from tfao A— eelaWBP te pay 
^in ttaa eov«r oC tbi SAIMw aaodMr; 

and the members of the Committee on 
the Xew York Situation have proved 
themselves to be the rankest fakirs 
the association has ever developed. 
That is Just about the sise 'Ot fho min- 

• • - • 

Bamt-y says that he has repeatedly 
emphasized that he will not stand for 
nor an»p<»t any stdieme or ssaia wlilaii. 
in my jttdgment, is not fbr the best in- 
Interesttr of the association. But Bar- 
ney did stand for the "secondary 
franchise^" and the $190 raid on the 
A ssofilattwa^treasaqr i*«^--iaada' with 
his ' imowMIsa oiniaiiit. ' ' - These 
facts prove tliat Bamejr's Judgment was 
bad and not to be relied upon. To top 
the whole thing oS be declares that he 
"fears iMUlMr man : nnr tevH, anl has 
no apologies' to' ofEur' Car anything he 
has done in the past or may do in the 
future, regardless of conseauences. 
Seems that there Is absolutely no- hope 

astute editor has at last dis 
dosed the secret that Capt. Jack 
Stewart is the southern member of the 
BoMdrOCiOlrectors who does not- meet 
his aagnst appro'vaL He attempts to 
make capital against Stewart by -cit- 
ing the t&ct that $265.S0 was paid him 
to go to San Crandsoo to oppose the 
Ciftfns Afreemant beCbra the Board of 
Directors, and attempting to make it 
appear that the Item Is in question. 
Members of the Southwestern Assocla 
tlon have a distinct recollection that 
they adopted a resolution against the 
circus agreement and deputized Mr. 
Stewart to go to San F'rancISOO -.tO 
present their -views to the 
He charged them $266.50 for his 
ices. As he was not a director at that 
time the amount represents his actual 
expenses. It will be remembered that 
Squire Frost also attended that meet- 
ing and drew down |600 for which he 
did absolutly notlUng. The astute edi- 
tor's objection to Stewart lies In the 
fact that he has opposed the Jtiggllng 
of the Association ilnanoes' on . several 
occasions and blodced the attempt to 
tap the till for {190 to pay for the holi 
day cover of the offloial orsan. There- 
fora tf S MM{.>M dtoiwd tta teiinust 
ga IvnTtb^SoiiawMtora AinoflUUon 
stand' tor dictation Of ttiat character. 



Philadelphia, OUwild Jury Presents Five 
True Bills Charging Conspiracy 

As a result of the atrtke of alliance 
billposters «g"«— T tba - BHIpoatlng 
Sign Co., of yhihUlwlpMa,' tlM 'gxand 
Jury, sitting In that city, on May 2, re- 
turned five true bills of indictment 
against Charles Joseph, president of 
the National AHiaaea;. J<Ab| Mvplee, 
president at tba Iiooal AlUaaoa} B. £. 
Moss, secretaxr and btwina— aa#B^ and 
Jess Dilimoia; iflnan^ of 
the same loieaL' 
- The Indlctmento Chaxga Josmh and 
his associates 'with entering 'into a 
conspiracy to -assault and Injure bill- 
posters in the employ of the Blllpost- 
taig-Slgn Co., also, to destroy the prop- 
erty of that company. The indicted 
men wHI be aiialgned for trial in the 
conntgr CMItt. at .PMl»at|>hl> at an 
earir-data;.^ > '~ • 

Whca The Wtnhora atartcA In l» khow op 
ttie t fl if fft lpf oonniTing <tf eertidn inea i& 
t AwetoMa fH^oKtm it aid not hope to 

a tbwi .se iMllr. '^ tUMS past; -wbaa ical- 

Ir aU> imii lieis in ilmn ct imatUOaa nat- 
ten, tliey mt» not to be dtamt into « eootio, 
Teiw OTcr thtir oOeisl sets. As ImilnMB smb 
ther knew Uut wtuterer tlier dlA mold ittaw 
up for MwU «Dd tbat no ezplanatlais wece 
ncecsniT. Bnt Barney doem't beloDtr to that 
dua; he la also noAictiiiiate in tlie elialce of his 
adTlsora; Iwace wa ice Idm raiaiBg beacons 
Into prtnt' ' 
•tli^ *^iiawt 

la the first place, Bamej- knows 'nothlns 
aboDt flumces of the Amiorlirtliig except wlitf 
he has been bdd and ■ ■ can't get that atialght. 
It Is Dst 09 to bhn I mate a ftimivls! stxite- 
ment ajid, bj attempts ; -to make one, he abows 
r <f~"~"* be la < the attnaiHon. or that 

to is.sMMotlBg t» «.Mtie tr. sifswstug tto 

'When The BUlboard called attention to. (he 
condition ot the Aaaaoclatlon treaantr It qaoted 
thp rtjxart oC fecntaiy 
niaa kases -Joie ' . 

stcnda aaaadall7. Hirrataiy 

was ptlntad on page 20 ot tha Jstll aamber 
ot 4be oOdal orEan. Be aald tbatir- Ito. Boat 
rigid ccnonr the AasocteUoo -iimdl 'Be. tp« <o 



nstwe Ita a-«~— br Inir 14. 

Ob 4to. mm» page ft i a a uiM 

As your tr^asarer I herewith band yon 
a statement of tbelr receipts and expendi- 
tures ot this AsocIatlOD don Jnly 1-4. ISOl. 
to Feb. 28, ISOSw attiswnt wm abow 
that there -oma a balww . .aa ■ band Joly l-t, 
la Ftil ■ " " 

Ctoot JOW 
.Tsb: 98, 

190I, vt-^fiBOm. 
secra«Bir, ChailM BtiSaid. 

ot WMSTjOt. nan 

Touehen reipilaTly drami. the ~ aom of 
fia.eoe.TT (complete list ot same is beieto 
attached.) There is a cash balance In my 
hands. Feb. 28. 1006. ot «3. 666.39. 

As resards the Bcierre Fond, 4lie asme 
amounted to fS,e»6w» on July 1-4. 1904; 15 
per cent, of the receipts from Jnly 14, 
.1004, to Feb. 28, 1905 ($9,901.00), amomrts 
to $r.4S5.15. maklns a total reserre fund, 
as per By.<lawa and Coostltntlon, of 
la.lSl.M. As the a moc nt of cash now on 
hand amounts to $2,!F7Tk31, you will note 
that the Rt^rre Pond has been drawn on 
to the extent -otf $2,6(M.23, and I tmat 
that the Board of Directors -will take dne 
notice and make prorlslon tor the same. 

reapcetfnlly anhmltted, 
A. B. BBAT.Ii. traaaater. 

Secretary Benard'a report, which follows, 
empfaaalzea itbc staitement ot the treasurer and 
■aya It tl e ootstandlsr 18,800 la eoUeeted the 
ABSodntlon can. by practlfXbig **Tei7 riffid 
ecwraoniy.'* reitalr the damage done. 

If Itarney imagines that be can throw aand 
In the eyes of the members ot the Aaaoelatlon 
by flinclng one of the Aatote M MW ' I t l W fl W at 
Tlie KUIboard he most pot a yttf iMT eiliBete 
upon Ihelr Intelligence. 

The entire storr from herlnnlnj: to end Is 
rldlcQlous, aslnjne, mauilUn In the extreme; 
really the poorest Job tbat Bamey'a preaa accnt 
has .tBiet4' «!•(. yet. 

Cincinnati, O., May 5. 1806. i i-' 
Editor of The BlUboard. - ,j •' r 

Dear Sir — L note an article In yonr paper of ■:- 
May 6, signed ."A Country BlllpoBter.^' In 
reading 6ame 1 'note seretnl mla-statemeat of 
facts regarding Barney Link, as toUoira: "BrnX ,' 
Barney Link Is weak, eaaUy led. laoKa bostfiaaa ' 
training and Is inexperienced. .- .'- . .; , . 

NoiT as a friend ot Links (BanMir,.Link,Iiai.' - 
some honest friends. 1 -would Ilka to; aocnot 
"Country Billposter." I win DOti OH , Um'tS ' - 
1— r In point, would prefac a penou^ latarrlawi'..:- 
Tba writer has kacnm-Mr. unit tor 'tee yeua,'.,^ 
and «aa oayi that ba is not ,-waakr -U.ha 'W«eS-/:c,t 
wbr A> lotsef nwn f««r lumT. He. Is jiot eatflri;'«< 
led; can a "Coimtry snipoater" name one 'li»-p'.-« 
stance where Mr. Unk has been led. - He doesi-il,' 
not lack bnatnesa training; It -he did, eoold ]■•>.'< 
be at <he top «( ^e bUlpoatlns bnalness ladder; v- 
Nor Is he Inexperienced: Mr. Link tias bad aa ", , 
much experience as any man in the buslncaa. ;i 

.WUl wsser that If I had the sift of gab of . 
a "CJoontry Billposter" I could ruin the beat 
and moat honest man In 'tbc cuuulry, not bar- 
ing to Kign my name to anything I 'aboold 
write. I would run abs-olutely no personal risk, 
Imagine the opportunltic-^ a man would haTa • '.'J 
to get back at men be did not like, under thoaf ffl; 

ie wai publish this I am • 

yoors -very truly, V" . 

wBSLBY wBiaas.' ' ; : 



t tbtllf fM 
St«7 dti 
wlth ^dcn bl 

jiat tbt tbtllf ta t tjwMsg ttTssC 
algna. Bvccj dtatrlbntor 
Piteat, with donHe — — 

A Carnival 


Liftht, Attractive, Strongly Built, niooh> 
anism same as In the familiar Iron 

but this 


with the iron legs, which can be biiilt> 
ted if desired, Previously we have 

for this machine ; but for the purpose 
of testing the advertising value of The 
BILUMNIRD and closing out a lot of 
100 maohlnes qulokly» we oftor them 

HT EMW. ^ 

Picture Reels ONLY ON RENTAL;- 

but at Special Rates to Carnival 

pie who don't require changes 

MutosGopa and Biograph Go. 

1 1 E. 14tli St., MEW YORK. 


_ IT Opera Plae*. 
^OpillaUon; City asr ' 

Th»e Billboard 


$2,000 to $10,000 FOR YOU THIS SEASON 


Best Money Maker at World's Fair. Delicious Wafer Cones Filled With lee Cream. U cents makes jou 
10 cents quJck y. Big profit at 5 cents. Secret Formula. 5000 Kesorts, Beaches, Parks, Fairs, Baseball 
Games, Carnivals, Picnics, etc. 

ice Cream Cone Cooking; Ovens 

simple. Portable. 


Write for Particulars. 

- 133 South Water Street. CHICAGO, ILL. 

Emtnekr State 
IS. 10 >. Bk, t 

Texas State i 

11 a. m., at Aoatllla 

Southeastern StBtCa . i 

Toesdar, May IS-U. M a. B» «t SMd 
StjmiliurliAia. Ala. 

Wlmonsla Stat* Auoclatlgit— Wadneadar. Hay 
10, U a. m., at Madtoon. „ . 

Xti4tat* Aaaodatloo— Tbundar, May 18. 1 p. 
a.,' at Topcka. Kan. 

FWuivlTailU Stata Aiaoetatioii— Thnndtr. 
tad Friiart UV 95 and 98, 10 a. ■>., at Altoona* 

BoekTllMmtalB Aaaodat te i aatorday. Hay 
2T, S p. m~ M Otaad jrmietioii, Ooio., irtth ex- 

- ' .^i. ' Sprlnca on * — 

; ' SAina 
The Cta^Rto V Ctoontiy:.. iuBvHTtlKtng 

Co. ' Is tbc nam* of a nair fltB of ill*tr!:>utora 
that baa recently commenced bnalneaa at Ban- 
cock. Mich. 

The billposters of the country need 
never fear that their asMttMlB WlU .ta dl» 
nipte^ b7 outside Inflnenca. ^Shs AUVV- Comea 
from Inside crookedncaa. 

The Hot Springs (Alki) BillposUng 
Co.. reporta naat l ia i lni w. ft» IfeO MOBtb of 

atteotion"«tUE^lif tW laaaoB tbat ttSa^m- 
ptny's bnilness ImproTta to tteedfly. 

The Bennett Blllpostlner Co.. of Port 
Huroo, MIcb., Is addlnf many boards this gen- 
HUH to Its already ezcenslTe plant. Tiit; new 
spore Is corered with paper as soon nu ooni 
pleted and Uanager Bennett has been corn- 
iced to ' letasa contract* for Immediate poet- 

, BalUe Uoicuian wrttea tbat be baa 
■mind a iiMr' .^'mtoaMMUto».' and baa »ery 
Utile .Um wnr a 'dm tt sIm «o ttaalniat Ha 
ali»'«^ tkat'ha irtb aat waM W aUw tte 

••bobA" tktd iBtri tbii oSSa U It keep* tb* 

riallle at home tUa yetr. 

Barney Link and his press agent will 
attend many of the coming state conTentlona 
and taeote tbe adoption of reaolntlons. written 
by the preaa agent, pralalng tbe admlnlMtratlou 
Of Barney and •zpreaslng oallmlted conlldence 
In lii*»Intecclbr.' Thla wUl not wtpe out tli* 

atlgmt ;ot tbe Stoondary Fianeblae, boweTor, 

..The Billboard does not assume to 

dMat*; to tbe members of tbe Astodatcd Blll- 
ptatet*; tb* 'Conrse they shoold ponoe la tbe 
coodnet of tbelr. aeganlsatlon. It has mmSj 
nneoreiied the aTil praetl«ta of a itm men 
tampotifrlly In antborlty and bit •hoim tbem 

Iba danger of trustlDg too mnch to "one man. 
Zh* icit Is up to them. 

J. c; Knight, Jr., of Cedartown, Ga., 

has the following paper on liis l>oards: lAon 
ColTee, OersUe's Female Panacea, Paracamph. 
Foley's Honey & Tar, 20-MaIe-Team-Boniz, and 
Wine of Cardul. DUtrlbntlng: Geratle'a Heart 
to Heart pamphlets. Pemna booklets, B. BU 
BacUen & Co. Cook Books, Dr. MUes' booklet*, 
and tacking signs for M. A. Simmon* Co. and 
tt* Laxo Co. Knight say* that the Stoop* 
MOpostlng Co., of Chattanooca, TMia., which 
Is sending ont the work of tbs QkaltNnoga 
Uedlelne Co. and the OenU* a*tlH*t Oi^ are 
*ery prompt in paying. 


r. Clark, fees t9. 
CU,— Bnreka— W. H. Matthew*. «SS tad at. 

Sacramento— W. A. Caswell ft B<mt. 
rap.— Atlanu— M. P. Bongbton, box 6M. 
nib— Chicago— loba A. Clongh. 43 BiTer at. 
Zast St. lioala— w. H. Deamar, 
BdwardSTlUe — KeUermana AdT. Oo. 
Mattoon— McPherson Bna., SH K. 


. Palmyra— A. O. Farmer. 
nn>.—Unntlngton— Benjamin Utlea, 8 

Indianapolis — IndUnapoUs AdT. 0*. 
SiCTenson Bldg. 

lOeblgaB City— J. L. Webtg A Oik 

Utmde — Mnncle Adr. Oo. 

TJrte Bante — O. H. Barlett. 

Wlnamsc — SL O. Borroogb*. 
IOWA.— Des Moines— W. W. Uooi*, L _ 

Doads — Union B. P. and Atr. Ctt 

Mason City— Henry Dlebl. 
niA.— Bolot— B.. O. 

I*f»yett*— r. B. Gliard & Oo. 
ll d BH . B oston — Cunningham A Ooorley. 

Boston— John T. Carttr, SU Belmaat it 
f CH. — Ann Arbor— Andrew J. BlOoatfdS. 

Jackson— W. B. Solomon. 
HOnr.-4tontl-«carfl* B. LawioM*. B. F. mm 

■0.-«fc LaaiB-«. A. Hyde. 2186 Siigeala at. 

WEB.— Talrbnty- Hobett J. Christian. 

Behnyler^Rnt ft Rolman. 
B. TOU:.--Ogdtflabai»— B. If. 


A Winner A Mint 

BMoKi ftom One FobbA tf Sngu 

Crt i.ji .n- 

Prosperity Is now kocklnp at your door. Over one thousand per cent jruaranteed. While our Imitators are co«,__ 
our idoa-s we are producing our references: HIGHEST AWARD P&ES£NTED BY JUBY OF AWARDS 
THE WORLD'S FAIB, ST. LOUIS, to the makers Of Uie abovtt Buehlne. Sold ontiight. No restrtotloos as 
to territory. Price, With gasoline attachment, $12 ( ^ 


19 Pnk PiMb lENr YMK 

m 9«r 

. J. >. 

Ottaabna— ■. A. Hyd*. 

Paat*cl»-W. O. XMfm • Om lU W. Ttt- 

liutla*a PmO— T. r. n 
XooBgatows— IL Olaitr. 

Ctrllale— Wm. M. Uelay. bos 40. 
Dobols— O. H. Barlew, 8 8. BradT It. 
Kaat ¥ork — Blehard B. Staley. 
Jobnttown— Ocorg* UpdegimTM A Q*. 

FbocBlxTlUe— Geo. K. Obert"-" 

Sbamokln— John T. B*ii7. 

8. OAm.— Oelninbas I. a 


Pboenlar i m CL CL — Mab 
.— CoraeI»-^O.^aMNft. 


Barrlman— Barrlfflaa B. V. 8 


TEX. — Amirlllo— J. L. Snmrnaia. 

nillsboru — H. P. Tonea. ^ 
Sherman — W. J. Harrey, bor 100. 

VZAS.— flalt Lak* Olty— J«ba M. Waldta. 


AdrertlKmenta ander this heading win be 
pnbUabcd weekly at tb* nnlftna tat* •( tan 

AUI ^Dothsn— T. K. Wise. 

ABK.— Conway— J. F. CUrk. box 08. 
Cotton Plant— Boon ft Echels. 
Helena— ritzpatriek B. P. Co. 
Sprlngdale — Tlte Sanndera Co. 
Walnnt Bldge-^Walnnt Bldg* Poat. 
D. Co. 

OOSS.— Stamford — Hamley Oeflagar. 

ITiTi °' '-f* — — City B. P. Oow. 


Bnilniell Chamberlain BQIpostlnc Ot, 
Charleston— O. Cbambeta. 
Chicago— A. OaTia, aos w. Taa BanB al 
nm.— lU^lKan City— J. L. Webar * Ok 
Vinamae— a. O. Bnrroagba. 

IOWA.— CotllaB >. 0L° ■ 
Dea MMnaa -W. W. 

KAS,— Bniwortb— Wm. L. Oaiton. 

Nlcketaon— John B. Miller, B. P. and 

XTi— Btoadbead— Bnadbead B. P. and Slit Oi 
otatlMBa-TiAndltKtnm B. P. and DIat 



Perffumail Hand Gamred Beads 

From the Noly Land. 

For bangle pins and brace- 

You've got something to 
talk about. They come from 
Palestine; are carved from 
bard, dark colored, perfumed 

Bracelets with washersi 
chain and heart bangle. 

N*. aao4. — — — — 

Holy Wood Beads, Per Groaa (0.18; Per 1,000 tl.lS. This <* one item from onr new catalotne. 
It'a chock fnU ot cood things. S end for a cony. Wake np. 


156 Wataoh Avanutty Ohloaaop llllnoio. 

Per Doze* SI .18. 

MACHINES £ $100 

Kquipped with gas and gasoline burners. Requires only 
two feet of space and makes any color or flavor. 

i or Fob.; 


Salth BIdK** 

at^ TBi Od o , O. 
A. J. McFANN. 





AAnrtUumtata, aot i iin Wng oo* Vat ta 
lensttk wflt tm pnblllkcd. p wipt Uj rtiMtHM l> 
, tus DmOHT. at ttaa rate or «10 tec- 
tftVlt. iMDCi). piOTlded tbcx ue of u 
.^wtuie. Prlc* l ae h ia M am rear*! 
it^ta The- BUlboaxd. Bcsalar mdrcrtiaeia. wbo 
ffti azena of fW worth of ipace uunullr. an 
'^•DtlticA to one line free of chaise for each Wr 
doDaia or ttaetlca theteot, ooTertd by their eoa- 
tr»ct»- The Directory !• reTlaed mud corrrcted 
weekly, ctumsca In flim name* and addreaaca 
btias.ncraded aa aoon aa thcr an nedTcd. 

caao. Bl. 



at, a. r. O. 


g^bn It Healer. Chlragn. HI. 



Oo., Boebstcr, N. X. ^ 
ftiy-h J J ' Su 3f>TTBfaiitiu<r> 
^(Obftt CaL Ugkt Co.. 108 W. 4th at.. OlBtt O. 

> OiL I4fkt Oau, SU ] 

Geo. Kcata, ErananHe. Ind. 



l^^aiMiMMlKiBRia. & Eckatetn. Cbleasa 

~* '- , 44 Aim at.. New York. 

^ 80 Am at.. New Tock. 
: Has OOL. aStS Qflbot AT., oa^ 
BMMk 272 lfi<Wwn, ~ 

CARS (R. R.) 

Eiilaee.Okr Ob., GUcia>> 



ns aad BnA flkifri 

Ok. 3243 omwtt Mr.. Okni 

121 N. 9th 1^ nflii; .nL : 


Half torn 

Clark Ens- Co., MUwankee, WJa. 
'. Kdoz. Eds. Co., SIS Batea at., Kmocfllle, Tom. 
^ Qneea CUy Bnc- Co.. Blyairar bids,. Ctnrtimatl. 
XlbatB Ens. Co.. Park Bow Uds^ H. Z. OL 


BpantaWitns is Btaca H a n a tas 

Frot^ P. 3. Ridge. 127 laSalle at.. CUeaco. 
I WOacD'a School. 298 W. 23rd at., N. Z. a 


'Aad J aa l i ia ia Flaca, Bntiiic, Teatoooias, ata. 

. Bota nlral Dec Co.. 271 Wahaah ar., Chteaco. 

Wmaid Ooe * Co., 522 DeL at.. Kan. City. Ub. 
. V. B. riMg Co., 2Z4S GUhett ar., CtBdmutl. O, 

^jittiirtMl nawa tUB. Oft. MI MtaB 

!^'ttttr Ttoftgalopl. 78S Bflsalon at., San Frandseo 
li^CkieacD Film Ez., 133 S. Clark at.. Chleaco. 
r"Ki«ciie Cllne * Co.. 10 E. 14th at. M. Y. a 

Klelne (^tteal Co.. BZ State at., Chicago. 

B.-Ialiin. 23 S. 8th at.. PhlladelphU. Pa. 

Ilillt Tfijiiy Ckk, 41 Peck Coort. CUcaco. 


Spindlaa, Clab Heoa* Fmnitmk ate. 
Bair * Co.. 8S Sth avc. CUeaaib 
Ocane, 10S7 Ontnl ar., riiii ImmU. OL 
Teaae Jamee, Fort Scott, Kao. 
Klels 4^ Miller, 43 Leonard at.. M. T. a 
D. MOlcr Mf*. Co., Kanaaa City, Moi. 

B. A. mmk 3Ut. oo„ an w>aa. Ku. cttr,ifo. 

Mk at, IMtoii Fa. 

nam*4 aad Tiapiaca te Obcaa aaA Adr. Vaa. 

Ottr BMrt, phK. * A^, «MW JMk * itata. 

' ' iLiiitibNt. 

Onloaitlaa aad Bida4how Oooda (Ibsof actorara 

of aad I >— l aii la). 
9. M. WM*^ Oa, 1» a. BU. Oiiaiiilna. O. 
~ Z . 4 CIHUlMMk~XMIMMk Maaa. 

X- V. aHmmTiM-wr^mmSr. at, CMaaati. 

JiewcfeT On., mr F«piw dt, nOaJPA. 
m B-way. M. X. a 


far CiTcaiea aad Tent Sbowi. 
Bolte * Wc^, 2W-301 W. I«ke at., Chicago. 
Geo. Taylor, 97 CUff at.. New York City. 

8taiaoptic«ni, ate. 
Klelne Optical Co., 62 SUte M., CUcaso, HI. 
Ik M«in— >, Cblcaso, m. 


Wtaaala, ate. 

Armltase-Herachen Co., No. Tooawanda. N. Y. 
J.**'?"*'* * ^a^JWB'wajv Jl. Z. C. 

nimMMk lBmm Cfct . IjliHMSl. H. X. 

7. T. B. dark, 912 Watant at., -Sanaaa City, Ho. 
F. P. Hone. 1613 Ceattal aT., Clndnnatl. O. 


Klelne Optical Co., 52 SUte Bt.. Chicago. 
Sells polyscope Co., 41 Peck Coort, Cblcaso. 

Tba ZMtawbv Firms wm be Olad to Sand Copiea 
iCiSM* Five to Sacosaisad Xambara 

of the Frofeoaien. 
Mra. Lacy P. Clements, Abottstoid, Wla. 
Leo Feist. 134 W. STth at.. N. Z. C 
Nat. Hnale Co., New Zone City. 
Jerome H. Bemick ds Oo^ 4S W. 28th at., N. 
■ Y. C. 

TV— ir**~ Hnale Oa., SIB Wabask CUeaso. 


aiklB Bros., SS 5th are.. Chleiso. 

X . S' JBcMnnlt. 3024 Lawrence at., PhUa, Pa. 


Sder^'jSSr'jw' sl'sff^^FSiadalphllt'^ 

ino Oatar B<pariiHy te the Zh ea trtca l tro- 

ll. 7. 

Stndio, 246-248 State at.. 
Z>-Bir inban, 163 State St., 

Dealers in. Anthors* Agents and Brokers. 
ChsB McDonald A Co., B3 Washington. Chicago, 
mm Ellubetb Msrburr. 1430 B'way, N. Z. C 
N. Y. Plsj- Prododng Co., 1183 B'way, M. Z. O. 
Sanger A JordOD, 1432 B'wsy., N'. Y. O. 
Selwyn A Co., 1441 Brosdwsy, N. Y. a 
W. B. Watson. 383 Pearl St., BrooUyqn. H. Z. 
Wtamett Flay Borean. 1402 B'way. M. Z. C 
A. VUte, 14S1 B'way. K Z. a 


Ackermann.Qalgle7 Utho. Co., Kaa. Ol^. Mo. 

American Show Print Co., Unwaakee, Wla. 

BeU Show Print Co.. Slgonroey, la. 

C. H. Back Co., Boatoo, Mass. 

Calrrrt Utho. Co., Detroit, Web. 

CamlTal Poster Ca, 717-Tia Hennepin am., mn- 

neapolls. Mtnn 
ChlcsRD Show Print Co., 140 Sth ar., Chlesgo. 
Donaldson Utho. Co., Newport, Ky. 
Enqnirer Job Ptg. Co., Cincinnati, O. 
Fersns PTlntlne Co.. 22 Lake St.. Chicago. 
Great W. Ptg. Co.. 813 Elm st_ St. Lonls, SIo. 
Hennegsj) A Co., Cincinnati, O. 
MsssUkm Sign A Show Print Co., Masalllon, O. 
Penn. Ptg. * Pnb. Cc Philadelphia, Pa. 
Clarence E. Rnney. Rnney bidg., Cincinnati, O. 
V. a. Lltfao.. Rnssell-Morgan Print. Norwood, O. 
T< flant«er F ^. Ca. , Btyaoldwllle. Ft. 

Aad Baaliw ia flu sas iy, ate. 

A iSMi m'ST 

IS aad Daali 

Co.. Va N. 9th fit.. Ptlila- 

Watfiag MfgT Co., 153 W. Jackaon, Chicago. 

L Wklttaoo, 240 E. Madlaon. Chleua, m. 

Far lUastntad Bongs. 

* Co., 10 E. 14th St., N. Y. C. 

B. Ctav. an Mlaa at. Snacaacw H. Z. 
For Fair FeUawata, ate., ate. 
Coa^ Zonage A Co.. 612 St. Chailca at. It Laata 
M. Ociber, 729 Booth at., FUUMgMfc Si. 
Alf. Cngsenheim, S39 Braadway, V. Z. C. 
LeTln Broa., Tfetre Hante, Ind. 
W. F. Miller, 144 Park Bow, N. Y. a 
Newman Mfg. Co., 81 Woodland aT. CleTeland.0 
Bogere Thnrman A Co., 156 Wabash sr.. Chicago 
Shryock-Todd Co., 617 N. 4th St., St Iiialih Mo. 
N. Shore A Co., 264 Madison, rtlfiBi 
Singer Bros., 82 Bowery, K. Y. C. 
The H. B. Co., 106 Canal St., N. Y. C 
Wastem Baisain Boose. 272 B. Msdison, Chicago 
Hany . Wafabaam. . 240 E. Madlaoa at., Chicago. 



IL z. 

Thomson A VmndlTeer. Pearl St., dndaaatS. O. 
United SUtes Tent A Awn. Co., Chlesgo, HI. 


Ackermann4)algley Co., KanMa-OMik Mik 

Am. "ncket Co., Toledo, 0. 
Dlepress Co., Philadelphia, Pa. 

Globp Ticket Co., 112 N. J2th St., PhUa., Pa. 
Weldon, wnUams A Uck. Ftot Smith. Ark. 


S. B. Call, 244 iMaln St., SpriogSeld, Mass. 

Q. NctVlOM. 46 N. Franldln. Cblcaso. HL 
Geo. A. ffalaiil A Co., 41 Wairm st. K. Z. C. 


Belber Trunk A Bag Co., 1D2 Colombia sr., 
PhUadelphU. Pa. 

Simon's A Co.. Ttb A Arch sts, PbOa.. Fa. 

M. C. Lilly A Co., Colombns, O. 


Edw. Sbsyne. 82 Washington St., 
Tbearle-Buckley, 827 St. James bldg., N. Z. C. 


T. N. Mott, 415 Dearborn st. OdeagaL 

P«crk List. 




-Oxfiscd Xsike Pork, 

A Oas Ca,, Lodhnr ABen, am, . 

Birmingham Takf View Park, J. INBB bat 

Lake OiaiBe, Jake Wells, 
gaalaillls rsaliiii Park, J. M. WcOa, 
WsMIe MeMte Fatfc, Moidle Ugbt and B. B. 
Oa.; Ueacae Fhrfc and Theatra, IL KeOermott, 
- thaat Ica. 

It MliSii wj m i i tt t^ilngi. HaJ. B. Win- 
ten, Highland Faifc, Bloeai FMMalB Faik, 
MIS. aw Ky-: Beenia^ BMk. ^m. Oo., 
box 7S4; WaahtagtSB IMl laMHaM MMle), 
Mtg. St Oa. . 

Bslme FIMJi Bh^ W. B. HribBtaalds 

Fask. w. B. mat Biiiijfc iChw, a. e. 



Lake Park. Charlea F. 
Orasa. B. Onchaaa, 



Oarden, Combs A 
Faik, O. T.Hs]li- 

rigit bm^ B. L. 

WUttlngton Psrk, 

day, care The 

Ft - 

H»t - ■ 

Utfla » a * tum Park, C. T. Taylor, box 
UB: Bnddodc Psrk, Han7 Beikaaik Mr. 

Ben Park. C. Senyaid. " 


Los Angeles — Chates FaHt, ^ 

Zoo, Henry Koch. 
Oakland— Oakland Park. 
Baa Fraadscs — Glen Park, <X 

Park. Scfaaltaea Pack. 



ruk, 3. U. Ctabb; Boeky Moan- 
lAka Park; EUtth Qardena, Frederick 
l;_ M a iih a ttin BeaA Park; Oenrer Becrea- 

Fatk, Jot, S. Wmm. 


Bridgeport — Pine Bock Park, J. B.' BeweU;, 

Steeplechase Island. C. H. Flemlng- 
Dsnbury — Kesosla Psrk. F. A. Shear, box 42. 
Danlslson — Wlldwood Park, People's Trmwsy 


East Haren — ^Momaqoln Psrk, J. A. Blake. 
Hartford — Werder's Psrk; Charter Oak Park, 

£. M. Salter, care FaMg-Tlpton Co., Madison 

Square Garden. New York; Capital Park. B. 

J. McDonald, care Nelson Theatre, Springfield, 


KOlingly — Wlldnood Park, Samuel Andersen, 
DanTllle. mgr.; J. A. Blske, New Havca. 
booking agt. 

Manchester — Laurel Park. 

Xeridan — Hanover Park, W. P. Bristol. 

XiddletowB — Lake View Park. C. B. CbapoaBB. 

New Britain— White Oak Park. L. S. RlskF. 

New Haven — Sarin Bock, J. A. Blake. 

PQtnam — People's TramwhF 
Park, Maurice Boem. 

Bockville — Snlple Park. 

Booth Norwalk — Norwalk Park, George Clark; 
Dolan's Point, John O. SoUlTan; Boton Point. 
Smith A Eelle;. Botoo Pt.. Imp. Co.; Oolaai- 
bla Grove, Bailway Park, Conn. 
Power Co. 
Waat HaTsa — Saela Bo^ Thcatte. 
Wisatsi nighlaiid 

Pier, a 1. 

WaahingtoB— B l i ei I le a and KuT i fslii a 
E. S. BandalU 
Lake, Herbert 


AUaata^Ponce DeLe<m Park. WUllam Bhsrp; 
Piedmont Park; Lakewood Park. T. M. Poole, 
S7 Hontre St., Washington Park (colored 

Angnsta — Monte Sano Park Theatre, Geo. H. 
Conklla; Leke_ Tlew Park, Geo. H. OonkUa, 

Colombn^-WOdsrood Park. F. B. Beldbead; 

North Highlands. B. E. Beldhead. 
QsiaasTills— Chattahooche Park, W. H. Slack. 
Macon — Cramp's Park. W. H. Labb Amoaement 


Bosie— Moblry Park, City Qectilc By.; H. G. 


Bevaaaah — Thunderbolt Caaino, SaTannah St. 
By. Ooi. L. B. Naah: lale of Hope Faik. lale 
a( L B. Naah; Uneoia .~ ' ' ' ~ 



Altoa—AI Fresco Park, Vernon C. Seaver, 86 
SUte St., Chicago; Bock Sprhig Faik, J. T. 


Aurora— Blrerrlew Park, W. C. BattfeBBlM^ 

173 Dearborn St.. Chicago, m. 
Bloomingtoa— Houghton Lake Park, Matt ■» 


Cairo— Sportman'a Park, D. F. McCarthy. 

Champs ign — West End Park, M. Knasell, can 
Gsrrick' Theatre, Chicago, m. 

Chioago— The Chutes, W. H. Strlckler, 221 S. 
Kedxie are.; White City, Paul D. Howea, gen. 
mgr., eSrd St. and Park arc; Maacole Tem- 
ple Boof Garden, J. J. Murdock; Sana Soocl 
' Park, L. H. Wolf, 273 Franklin at.; Hlllin- 
' ger'a Oardea; Manhattaa Beach, J. W. Bnah; 
OoUaeiim Garden, S. Spaoldlsg. 135 Adams 
St.; BlTerriew Park, Paul W. Cooper, 8( 
Wsshlngton st. 

Danrilla— New Amusement Park, H. L. Brelnl;, 
Terre Hante. gen. mgr., Henderson A Shsyne, 
Cblcogo, booking agts. 

Dixoa — Gedney'a Park, Wm. C. Jones; Biggins' 
Park. Henry C. Hlggins; Rock River As- 
sembly Park. Adam A. Krape, Lena, nL 

Eait St. Louis— Prtcatcea Faik; Oeatal Faik; 
Edgemoat Park, F. SMtaht^ - 

Elgin— Tront Park, Hl W. OMIH; ON (MMaili 
ave.. Chicago. 

Qalashms — Snmer Park. Earl Cowan; Highland 

Hi g hl a nd Park— Sheridan Park and Theatre, J. 

J. Mnrdock, care Western Vsoderllle Assn., 

502 Ashland blk.. Chicago. 
Highwood— RsTlne Park. J. J. Murdoch, eaxa 

Western Tsudevflle Assn., D02 A«M»llfl .HKi> 


Ink s B olt Lake Psrk, J. J. Schoolfleld. 

JoUat — ^Boek Ban Park, L. Northern; Electric 

Park, F. E. Fisher. 
Xaakakee— Electric Park, C W. Bunfll, bos 


M o Hn a P rospect Park, J. F. Laldner. 

Faria— Beservolr Park. H. Dolarhlde. 

Peoria — Pllefer's Palm Garden, C. O. Pflefer; 
2000 North Adams St.; Central Park, Al 
Fresco Beach. V. 0. Seaver, 86 SUte St.; 
ChicoBo. IlL; Terminal Park, Poplar Beach 
Park. Fred P. Coming; Stone HUl Garden, F. 
HIU; Prospect Heights Park, W. S. Nash: 
Sans Sond Garden. WUl Nash. 

F«m — Concordia Gardens, Geo. B. Partner. 

ttnlncy — Baldwin Park. Henry Gescbwlndner; 
Highland Park. Henry Gredell; Sherman Park. 
Tonim.v Adams. 

Bockfoid— Rockford and Intemrban By. Co., 
Cbantanqna Park, P. Bnrt. Toledo, C; Har- 
lem Park. J. H. Groneman. 

Beck Island — Black Hawk Watch Tower Park, 
H. B. KreU, 715 17th St. 

•priagdald— Mildred Park. Mildred Park Amnse- 

McLuSttb'iM.' '^'^ ^ ''**'' 
'son. '^^^ ** '•'^ 


Andazsos — Blverslde Park, W. H. Moore, mgr. 
Conaersrllle — Elmhursf Park, Cbaa. Bartlac. 
IndlaaapoUa — Fairbank Park, W. Troo; KlaeB'i 
Gatdea. Fred KlascU; Oral Fatk. Mr. Mew- 

Xlie Oilll>oar<l 


t>r: Falrxlew Putt, 
SprlngUke Ptk. 

Xuton — New EWk> 

Slkhtrt — Hlghlaol ' 

East Bt. 

ETUuTiU*— Cook'» Park Theatre, Harry Lau- 
rance- Oak Sammlt Patk. M. Uoran. 

jeit«TMn»iUe— Focert Park. C imntngli a Tn ; War- 
den Park. ^ . 

Helmlck. ^ ' 

tafajatte— Woodlana Park. 

Xocasapmt— KlenlT'a laland. P. O. Ktcnlr. 
lUdiiea— Bee<ii Grore Park, C. E. Jobnaon. 
Kichigaa Oltr — Wnshlugtoa Park, Altxrt Cook; 

Cbt-gan-C7 Beech, 
jtiskawaka— Blttele Park, Cbarlea Nlekle. care 

Century Theatre. 
Knaeie Weat SJde Park Caalno. Lonls A. Har. 

rev and Hary Lowe; BlTorsIde Park, H. L. 

Brelnls. Xerre Baate, eta. mgr.; Henderson 

& Sbarne. Chicago, booklns ac». 
XontpaUar — Pyle Park, Fair and drlTlns Park. 

C. L. Smith. 
Hew Albany— Glenwood Prrk, LoalBTme and 

Soathera Indlnna Traction Co., props.. Dr. 

Edw. R. Perry, agt. 
Pmu— Boyd Park, J. A. Erwfn. 
Siehmosd — Highland Park, C. L. Sarla. 
SaUarabas — Glen Ellen Park, U Bdmcck. 
Santh Band — Sprlngbrook CaalDO, J. UcX. 

Smith, rire Indiana By. Co. 
Ttm Haute — Riverside Park, P. StclnmaB; 

Lak* View Park. H. L. Brelnls. gen, mgr.; 

■M s. Tth at.. Benderaon ft Sbayne, Chicago. 

hioking acts. _ _ _ 

ViBCannel — Electric Park, Ben 8. Kellogg; Un- 

colQ Park. Vlncennes Am. Co., G«ai. B. Beniy. 


Warsaw — Winona Park. 
Waahlngton— Street Railway Fyk, 


Aniold'i. Park — Arnold's Park. W. B. Arnold. 
Boone— Wbltcomb Park, O. J. Prescott. 
Brisbton — BrlKbton Park, C. E. Darls. 
Borluictoa — Ebnerv' Park. C. En>ner; Ferris 

Wheel Park; Madison Arenae Park, P. W. 


Cedar Rapids — .\thletlc Park, 6. K. Barton. 
Glaar Lake — WUltaker'a Pleasure Pter, I. Whlt- 

aker. 302 E. 12tb St., Kansas City, Mo. 
Davenport — Subcrban Inland Park, Claua M. 

Kuebl: Scbuetzen Park. Fred Koehl; Central 

Park, city control. 
Das Xoinea— IngeraOU Park. F. Bnciiaaan; Union 

Park. Cnlon Mil mill Ofc 
Ft. Dodca— OlcMB Mfc M. >. Ilihin Btrer- 

Jlde Part. 
Xt. Madison — Iranboe Park,.IIl A. 
Kaoknk — Hnbincer Park. A. ~ 

Theatre. A. S. Grelner. 
Xoscatise — Citizens' Park, A. Ik 
Ottumwa — ^The Belgtits. Mr. 

B. Christy, mgr. theatre. 
fflBiii City — Blrerslde Park, E. Ii. KtTk, mgr. 

tftac*! — Arnold Park. W. B. Arnold. 

Watadao— Sana Soacl Park. R. J. NIckoIs. Ce- 
dar Rirer Park. L. S. Cosa: Red Cedar Park. 
Wn. Ewald; Home ParkRaclng Assn. Park. 
H.^iCTen»; Elcctrle Park, E. H. Jotuuon, 


Atcblioa— Forest Park. H. N. 
Baxter Bpringa — Bennlon Park. 

Chas. L. Smith. Am. mgr. 
Fort Scott — Fern Lake Park, Hafer ft Lore. 
Leavanwortb— Blectnc Park, Sparks-Flake Am. 
Co.. Century bidg.. Kansas City, Mo. 
Farsona— Glenwood Park, N. T. Anderson. 
Topska — Vlnewood Park. F. G. Kelley, care To- 
pfka By. Co., Garfield Park, H. B. Barnes. 

ntera' Park. C. B. Oluaan. 


Aahlaad— ClySeslde Park, N. S. Smltb. 

BawUng Oreen — Maasey'a Springs. J. Masaey ft 
Son; Chamleon Springs, Mr. Klnser; Chaly- 
beate Sprlnga. 

Dajtea— Manhattan Batblng Beach. 

laolsT i ne Woodland Grove. BtUy Robinson, 614 
E. Kentucky St.; Fontaliie Ferry Park, Col. 
John D. Hopkins; Jacob'a Park. Summer Bros; 
Hammer's Park. Caaccr Hamiw; Pboeidx UlU 
Park, W. Zrttet ahmlnr' IMb eUL Lam 
Simmons: NlDMNb ntt. ■MMfB-BMBi, UOS 
First St. 

Xadlow— Lagoon, J. J. Weaver, W. B. Oark. 
mgr. tbeatre. 


■A. 8. KabB. 
Park. Jtm. Benmid. snpt.; 
t. CMtnii: Alfeletle Park. 

«. w. 


Patk. J. J. Flynn. agt. 
-Athletic Park. New England Pop- 
Ca.. les. 

-Merrymcetlng Park, I<. B. ft B. By. 


Artliar Cleetham. 
w* OvAarl— Seaside Park. Maine Investment 
Co.. Ltd., props.. W. G. Smith, treas. and 
■gr.: Old Orchard Street Pier, Tatcs & Bon- 
^Ae BIddeford. 

•■flaad — Csderwood Springs Park, E. A. New- 
• "an: Gem Theatre (Peake'i Isl.). C. W. T. 

Ooddbic: Rivertoa Park, ». B. SBrtt^ ngr.; 

£■ W. Gorman, boaUns agU M Birlston 
_at., Bcat sn. Uaaa.- 

^■•kW»4akcwaoa Orore Park. B. C1,. Sweet 

Arlington— Electric Park, A. Fenemaa. 

Baltimore — BoUywood Park, Scbanbergcr ft Ir- 
nln: Hotel Lexington Root Garden; Pabat 
•iarUens, K. E. Sternberg; Praspeet Park, 
iirant stockhara; Electric Park, A. Fene- 
man. New York office, 610 St. lamea Mdg.; 
C.wUer'a Black River Park, F. Emmett; Tol- 
chester Beach. Tolcbester Co.; Rlverrlew 
Park. M. J. Fltzslmmons, 016 Charles St.; 
Klrby's Park, J. B. Elrby; Kline's Park: 
Stodard's Park: Herman'a Park; Weber*! 
Park: Gwynn Oak Park, Cnlted Ry. Co.: 

LakcMe FMk, UUted 
Beach, aear BilltiiiMi 
Ferry Bar. Qm, Kafei 
den: Kicfkt'a Paik. 
land. Praak ItOnOt. 

Cheaapeaka BmA— fBH 


Co., Bebobotb 
AiB'a By.: 

Vaik. J. nood: Hood's New 
'.J. Fltverald. 

Vatk, Oook Wm. 
Smith. • 
Hagaratowa— Hur Buk, t. ti. CNot. 
Ocean Oit^— CkifaM. IT. P. Tbonaa. care Chase's 
Tbeatre, Washington. D. C.; Trlmper'a Tbea- 
tre. D. Trlmper. 


Atbol — Itrookslde Park. W. D. Smltb. 

Attlaboro— Talaqueqa Park, Jcs. J. Flymx, agt. 

Auburadale — Nonimbaso .VML QL Alfelgta. 

Bellinshnm — Uoag l-aka-.'^^BIa B> IL- XoHC; 
Woousocket. R. I. 

Berkshire— Berkatalre Park, Street Ry. Co. 

Boston — Pt. of Pines, J. J. Raymond. M Wash. 
St.; City Pt. Pavilion, W. H. O'Neill; Nomm- 
bega Park. C- Alberte; Chas. River Park, Cres- 
cent Park, W. H. O'Neill: Lexington Park; 
South Boston Pavilion; Paragon Park, Oeow 
A. Dodge, 15 State at. 

Brockton — Highland Park, I. J. 

Bryastrilla — Mayflower Grove. 

Cambridsa— Charles Blrer Park, F« k 

Dadbam — Westwood Park. J. J. 

Eastbampton — Fleaaant Park. 

Fitahbnis — ^WtaalOK Bnl^ W. W. 

Fan B l e a r Mt, 

W. Phelps. 

Oloncester— I<nc Beach. 7. J. Flynn, agt. 

Haverhill— Flnea Park, J. J. Flynn. agt. 

Hol7<Aa — ^UoOBtaln Park, Robert Kane; Bptlng- 
dale Park. 

Lawrance — Glen forest, B. ft N. St. By. Co., 
mgrs.. J. J, Flynn, mgr. of tbeatre. 

LsTlngton— Tiexlngton Park and Zoo. J. T. Ben- 

Lowell— Canoble Lake, Franklin Woodman; 
Lakevlew Theatre, J. J. Flynn; WlUowdale 

Lyim£eld — Sontag Park, R. G. StowelL 

Kazblebead — Seaside Tbeatre. 

Barlboro— Lake Chauncey, A. P. Wilton. 

Medford — Boulevard Tbeatre, J. W. Gorman; 
Combination Park. Hicks Brothers. 

VeBdos — Lake Nipucc. W. L. Adams. MUford. 

Kabant — Bath Point Belay House; Shay's Sum- 
mer Theatre. J. J. Shay. 

Kantaaket Beach — Paragon Park, Geo. A. 
Dodge. Boston office. 15 State s^ 

Naataskst Point — Coney Island of tbe East. Jas. 

New Bedford— Pope Beacb. Jas. Smltb; Marine 
Park. J. I. Sbannon. ITS Court at.; Lincoln 
Park. I. W. Pbelps; Lakeside Park. Brockton. 
Mlddleboro ft New Bedford St. Ry. Co. 

NewboTTpoit — Plum Island. Cltlxens' Elee. St. 
Ry. Co.. mgrs., J. J. Flynn, agt.; Salisbury 
Beach, Baverblll ft AmcMMiry St. Bj, mgrs.. 

N^tth IT ^ aiS ^ n na p 

Orange— Brookslde Park. Orange 8t; 1^, Ca^ ' 

Palmar— Forest Lake Park, J. J. nyaa^ agb' 

Pitts&eld— Berkshire Park, BcrkiMK Sb >r- 
Co., mgrs.. P. J. Oh», BBi^ tkoalaab; Bm- 
toomc Park, FKhBH WL Mj. J. t. 

Flynn. agt. ' 

Plymouth — Mayflower Grove Park. Alba H. War- 
ren. Maurice Boom, New Tort, agt. 

Revere — Revere Beacb, E. T. White; Crescent 
Gardens. W. H. O'NelU: Point of Pines. W. 
H. O'Neill. 

Salem — Salem Willows, J. W. Gorman. 

Sontb Boston — Pavilion, W. H. O'Neill, mgr.; 
Point of Pines. 

Bo. Framingbam— Waushakum Park. John T. 
McNamara. 363 Washington St., Boston. 

Spencer — I.asha\va7 Park. 

Sptingfleld — Suburban Park: Capitol Park, P. 

F. Shea, mgr.; Mr. McDonald, local mgr.; 

Hampden Park. P. F. Shea & Co. 
Taunton— Talaqueqa Park, J. 3. Flynn; Nlp- 

pentlckot Park. D. F. Letaan: Sabatta Park. 

J. J. Flynn, agt.; Lakeside Park, J. J. Flyim. 

agt.; Dlghton Bock Park; Woodwaid'a 

Springs. • - . ... 

Wakefield — Qoannapowltt PattflVttiBtfA ' Bark. 
Webstar — Season Park. 
Weatborg — Lake Cbauncey, H. O. Garileld. 
Westfleld — Wamoco Park. 
Wobum— Plneboist Park; Wblte City; Francis 

H. Blgelow..!! HaotSi at. 
Worceste fifciUfc Baik.- J: W. KmM; 107 

Main at. 


Battle Creak— Lake Tlew Park: Gognae Lake. 

G<qniac Resort Assn.. Ltd., I. D. Wilson- 
Bay City— Wenona Beach Park. L. W. Rldiards; 
Sstroit — Palmer's Psrk. Emll ImkoC: Tbe 

Scenic Ry. Park. Frank L. FcdaM' MIer'a 

Riverside Park; Bennett Park; BkcBk Vaik. 

Tom Eck, 34 Mulberry bldg. 
Sowagiac— Sliver Beacb, Drake and Wallace. 

props., F. E. Howe, mgr. 
Flint-— Thread Lake Park, Will J. Currier. 
Grand Lodge — Tbe Seven lalands. J. S. Mudge. 
Grand Bapida— Ramona Park. Orln Stair; North 

Park; John Boll Park, Orln SUtr; Reed's 

Ijike and GodtreyPavlllon, C. O. Godfrey, 

Sta P. 

Holland— Jennlson Ekctllc Park, Cliailea ft. 


Oonrt; I«ke Harriet, J. H. Esdiman; Won- 
derland. B. A. Dotsey; Minnehaha Park, Jacob 

Bt. Paal— Fhalen Park, Jacob Barwt, m» Tan 
Slyka ave.: WOdarood Park. B. IL Baract. 
OOMO ntfc, Jkcob BaiDCt; Harriet Is- 
~~ Mfei), Br. Okacr- 

Cafe*— irodwood l-aric W. J. Blcid: 
Lake Bbcta Park; Wktta Bear Beaek. 


Jackson — Llvlngitaa Park, 7. A BailKd. 
Hatches— concoid Park, KatctaM.AMi: Ohb, agn; 
ScrantoB— Andeiaoa Fairk. B. J.-. BMka*. 

_. . . _. . _ - itlrmlm. 


Grant Cllj H onaer-Verbeck Park. 
JapUnp-Orand Falls Park, Chas. E. Hodklns; 

Lyrle Park, (%aa. B. Cbaa. E. Hodklns. 
Kansas dtj FOtl St Park. A. a. Petereon. 

mgr.. '^aik;. Sallingct', mgr., tbea.. Independ- 

gaea- Jan.. aad Hardeaty at.; Electric Park. 

BMM ^ HliJillllne; Fairmont Park, Ben Roaen- 

BmSk^-btkc Park Springs, J. A. Tyler, care 

Xoore's Tbeatre. 
nnladdaU Doling Park aad fkwitr IBtalia. 

Babect B. DtttBg. 
M. T ea rt ' BB ie i Beach. Drake ft Wallace; 
Park, J. B. TooBrant; £ake Contrary 
Park. B. B. CboreblU: Crystal Park. Fred 
_Ooaana. eaia Ckyatal Theatre. 
m. T s ri; IT ai h i a a a' a Park, Ftcd W. Haaba- 
. fn. »U n. Broadway, St. I«iils;. Beneme 
fkriQ Bmat Paric Highlands, J. D. HOpUna; 

fUk, J. J. Wallrap; West End 
B. 'Wmtaan; ISrand Avcaae Park, 

Im.i jMaiar. Saxdea Park; 

J. M . Chrlstiwher. 


Lincoln— Lincoln Park, WtlwwUi ft Fleming. 

Omaha — Krug's Park, W. W. Cole; Oortiand 
Beacb, J. A. Grlfflth. ofllee ais First Nattanal 
Bank; Wlrth Palm Oatdea, lb. Bmmb: 
I«ka Maoava, wtn. P. Brnw. 


Conoord— Oontoocook Blver Park. F. B. Brown. 
Dover— Central Park, New BaBMliIxe Ikaetloa 
„ ^- Bayer MU. dla sa.. J^. ^fiai^ .tkaMtw.' 
Gaff's Falls— Savwahfea nok, aiMCkaatw «Ma- 

tlon Co. ' 
Hampton — 'Hampton Beach Caalno. 
Lake Kassabesic — Lake Massabeslc Park. 
Kancbeater — Pine Island Park: Lake Park. J. 

Brodle Smith and Jos. Flynn. 
Feanaoook — Contoocook Park. 
Balan— Canoble lAke Patk, New Bampablre 
- ■ Co., Havetlilll, Mass., J. W. 0«e- 
■atre. ■■■ .~ •■■ 


Ci^^Fortesqne Theatre. James B. 
O'Brien; Tllyon's Steeplechase Pier; Doyle's 
Pavilion Theatre, Frank Goldle; Ocean Pier. 
Harry D'Esta; Savoy Theatre. Hnmley ft 
Moore; flelntz's Pier; American Garden; 
Xoang's Pier, 3: L. Toong. prop.. J. A. 
Wlllard. gen. dir.. Harry D'EsU. theat. rep.; 
Steel Pier. Mr. Botbwell; Andltorlom Pier, 
Geo. TUyou. 

BridgeUlwB — Tumbling Dam TaA, H. S>. ^Icr. 

B raaa w l eh— Blverslde Park. 

CaadoB— 'Blectile Park, H. W. Tkykr; 'Wood- 

lynne ftrk, J. ac. WIeaen MM OoiambU 

a««.. PbnaddpUa, Pa. 

B. Main St. 

Laasiag^-Lcadley^ IMB 
ly Park. 8. K. Wtaai 
Trac. Co. 

yi-v'-till — St. Mary's Lake. Mr. Crosby. 
Bsntne Toliiinnn's Island Park. G. J. Wahl. 
Has k sgo a Lake Michigan Park, Muskegan 

Traetkm and LlghUng Co.. props.. W. R. 


Bsginaw — Riverside Park. L. W. Richards; Jef- 

fers* Theatre. Bamford ft Marks. 
St. Joseph — Silver Beach. L. D. Wallace. 
South Haven— Midway Park, Edw. FajM: Tai- 

bania- Park, H. B. Parker. 


Eveletfc— Ely Lake; Miller's PavIUon. 
Fabnont— Hand's Silver Lake Park. 
Kinneapolia— Interurban Park. 8S6 Temple 

Keyport — PavtUoD Beadi, F. J. Xaapv. 
Little Falla-'Byle Park, Btwafd Badow, 


Long Branch — PleasAre (Bay Tbeatre, F. K. Al- 


MillvUle— Union Lake Park. G. B. Thomas. 

Newark — Greater Electric Park. C. A. Dnnlsp; 
RoeevlUe Park: Qlymttle Park. Haas Wevers. 
cr. Coliseum. Milton Abom. booking agt., N. 
T.; Fairyland. Frank 'Melville; Zeno Park, 
Wm. Greason Co., IStb are. and IStb St.; Hill- 
side Park, Wlllliim E. Thaller. 

New Brunswick — Riverside Park; Bmnswlck 
Traction Co. 

Orange — Highland Park, W. 31. MUler. 

Patetson — lUIewUd Park. E. Atherton. 27 Fair 
St.; Passaic Falls Park. H, Ronclede; Olym- 
pic Park: Fairyland, Frank MelvUle. 

Perth Amboy— Old Homestead Park. L. J. Un- 

FhUlipsburg— Cedar Park. 

Pitman Grove — ^Alcon Park, G. W. Catr. 

Plainfleld— Calvin's Park. A. C. Domer. Knick- 
erbocker Theatre bldg.. N. Y. City. 

Sea Isle City-^ean Pier. M. Rudy Heller. 

Slgnac— Grotto Park, H. Ronclere. 

Trenton — Spring L.ake Rock, M. Bndy Heller; 
Mercer Pleasure Park. W. H: IfcMalMID. 

Wlitllli Galvin's Park. Jcbu CoSi .GUF..TK ^< 

'-.IMMa^ John Cox. •■.v^'^/:. 


Albany — ^Lagoon Island. J. A. Weber: Electric 
Park. J. 'M. Wilson, cr. Albany ft Hudson 
R. R. Co.,Frank Melville, booking agt; Dream- 
land. -Robert F. Walter. 
Binghamton— Casino Park. J. P. E. Clark: Ross 

Park, J. P. E. Clark. 
Brooklyn— Brighton Beach Mnslc Hall, W. T. 
Ororer; Anderson Music Hall, Coney Island; 
Ulmer Park. William Texler; Steeplechase 
Park. O. O. Tllyoa; Cbntee Park. Luna Park. 
ThomiaM * Dimdy; OreamUad. Samnel Onm- 
' • i** * P* * ^ *^ BgWa iK and 

Ofcs .-JlMMi^ 'Baasfci; Faaais dk -WliUaMs. ^ 


OnaUik— Central Paik. naak MeMIIe. N. X. a 
Elailia— Rorick's «lea. tf. W. Osle: BIdrldM 
"M"*! City Oardcai^^ 

L. SuIUvso. 

Elmwood — Elmwood Mfti t- - . - 

Eadleott— Cabino Palk. J.' R ' Otalfc Btas-' 

hampton. X. Y. 
Fort George — Paradise ParlL . Bt,'!'Oearge Amuse- 
ment Co. V 
I*a*mla — Central Park. Ftaak Melville. S. Y. 
•lena Falls— JlcCiregor Park, J. Donahue. 
SIOTSrsville— ^Mountain I.ake Park. J. Wood: 

«*An.1.f'Ila r>a.l. n kl 1,-11 . ' 


canUagua Park, C. H. Ilall. 
Irondsqnoit — Sea Breeze Park. 
Ithaca — Reuwlck Park, R. A. 

vllle. N. Y.. booking agt. 
Jamestown— Celeron Park, Jule Delmar. 
HlddlatoWB — Midway Park. H. B. Boyce. 
New BocbeUe— Clen Island, J. M. Starrbi. prop.. 

Mmdert Btanln, mgr.. J. w. Price, am. 

mgr.; -Dlllen Park. D. Y. Wymore, gen. mgr. 
Now York— Uon Palace Roof Garden; Terrace 

Garden, Sneaklad ft BMdot. ids-iss E. seti> 

St.: aergen Beacb. SciscB Beacb Am. Co.;- 

S^^}'^'^- ^RWght. let B. 14th It.; 

Kom Stack aWt-Mt OMMi -Iiayk TCB Bm> 
. Mtt. w m- Jd^vdM'?™^-^''''-^ -^- 

riM ibaiaiMwi naisiillaiuaa 

•lostt— Oleott Beaeb, latcn 

H. C Fetzln. 
OlooB— 'Blverhnnt Park, O. a Moriaa. 
Oneida— fiytvaa Beacb. M. Oavana: Oltlaeaif 

Patk, J. P. Longhlln. 
Oriakaay— Snmmlt Park. O. W. Baker. Frank 

Melville, booking agt. 
Tainted Feet— fironson Park. 
Paakskill— Shady Lake Park. B. B. Blrseh; Bte» 

trie Park, Jas. E. Lynch. 
Pencbkeapsie — Cpton I.ake Park. 
Booharter — Ontario Beacb Park, John F. Collins: 
Glen Haven, Robert F. Walter: Falirland. 
Frank ilelvUIe. 
Rya— Rye Beacb Park, J. J, Scboltbelser, Ma- 

maroneck. «. Y.; St. Hy. Park. 
Helsmanca — Island Park, J, J. Inman. 
Saratoga Springs— Congress Spring Park; Gem 
Concert Garden, O. H. HeSetman; KaydeMM 

Schenectady— Braadywlaa Fade F. W. OeToak 
Seneca Falls— Cbnca EUfc. W. 
BUtea Islasd-^oSnt ~ ^ 


Byivaa Beaok— Sylvan Beach Midway Park, Da. 
M. Cavana. 

Syzaonaa — Iron Pier Park, Tom UcAvoy, mgr.. 
Doyle Bros., props.; ijike Side Park. J. L. 
Cunio, box 336; Elmwood Park, J. Dunfee; 
•Ifke Ouodaga Park, M. S. Boblnaoo: Bleettld 
Garden. - 

Tnir-z«sooB idaad. j, r. Webcf: 'imbU.^ Ml. 

mgr., D. C. Oavots, asst. mgr. ' ''^■. - 

BMsa Commit Park. W. B.' McCallnm; Caitoa' 
'^'Cklk, Frits Band. 

AshawiUe— Riverside Park,' 0. B. GUItm: Qee- 
. tHc Park. C. W. Rex. 

Chariotte— 'McBetb Park. J. Bos. Smith; Latta 

Park. Win A. Peters. 
Goldsboro— iHerman Park, clb^ management. 
Greeasba u i o U ndley Park, GrecnriiocD Electlte 
Co. . . . . . 

HenderseaviUe — ^Plcken's Faik. ■:. 
BalaiA— Adlea Park. . ; ■ '■ « ^ " 

WssklaalsB .Wlfiis 

MM* BaBsIo, X. B. ttak a t alfc . jgb m. » 

haaklla St.: -Elmwood Park; fStowfid Paik, 

St.: -Elmwood Park; 

B. M. Garfield. 33B BUIeott sq. 


BlHanaa fiaka Park. K B; Martin. ' 

AkBM— Cakaaida Baifc. S« A« Bawa. ' ' 

Add Un Paik. JiobB B. Hmi O 

Park, Charka Bolb; Silver Lake Paik^ Wlli 

Lodge; Sammlt Uka Palkv Chaa. .~ ~ 

Bncyrus — Secealam BaA. 

Cambridge — Summer Vai^ H,;B; ] 

Canal Dever-SunnyiW^SulLf^W. D.-^ 

Canton— Meyers' Laka Patk,' TU: & Osal. ' ^ 

Celina— CeUna Patk. 

Oaylaa— Boggles' Beach, C. S. Bngglea. 

Ciaeiaaatt— Belchrath's Pa^ Frank Beldbrath; 
Elkwood Park. Gna Blelag: KioUaun's Ga^ 
den; Chester Park, I. M. Uartlaffl Boolsdeal 
Garden. 8. A. Steplian, mgr., Clndimati Eao> 
logical Co.. props.; Queen. City We thing Beacb, 
W. P. Kroger; Coney Island, Will 3. Heck, 
1008 First National Bank bldg.; Woodsdale 
IsUnd Park, Frank Wltte. 30 B. Eighth St.: 
Lagoon. 1. J. Weaver, W. £. Olark, mgr. 
theatre. liodlow, Ky.; Monarch Park, Frank 
KrIppoer; Dreamland iPark. Robert F, Waltltat 
1431 Union Trust bldg.; Holtgrcwt^-aHMr 
Garden. Westwood, Henry Holtgrcwai"B|r.a' 
Prank Yonng, am. mgr., Sta. L. 

Cleveland — ^Luna Park. Frederick IngetsoU. 307 
Fourth ave., Pittsburg.. Pa., Ingersoll Hop- 
gins Am. Co., St. James bldg.. N. Y. C.. 
booking agta.; White City. B. Boyce; Endld 
Garden Theatre. Max Faetfcenheuer; Troaler 
Garden Tbeatre. M. M. iToeler; Endld Beach 
Park, Humphety Co.; Scenic Park. Wm. Obl- 
sen: Forest City Park. Humpbery Co.; Pnritas 
Springs: Mulberry Park, Jake Mlatx; Chippewa 

J : Lake Park. John Klngsborougb ; Avon Beach 
Park. M. Kaseerman; Chesterlan Caves. J. 
' Doyle; Punderson Lake, Eastern Ohio Traction 

..Columbus— Scbaefer's Garden Theatre, Frank 
Scbaefer, Sta. C. box 121; Colmnbus Zoo Co., 

B. W. Junk. U03-11U3. 145 N. High St.: 
0(dllns' Garden. Phn CoUlns; Olentangy Patk 
and Zoo. J. W. Dnsenbury; Indlanola Park; 

C. E. 3dlle9, mgr.; Glenmary Park, A. L. 
Neereamer. cr. C. D. * M. Ry. 

Conneant — ^Lake View Park, J. L. Breen; Lucas 
Grove Park; I.akealde Park. J. A. Elrk. .. _ . 

Defiance — Island Park, John W. Wlnne. ' ■ 

Dannlsao — Island Park. Oliver Welch. 

East Liveipool-^ock Sptlocs Park. J. H. lta»' 
well. mgr.. w. -B- McCallnm. mgr. theatRV v 

Fostoria — Beevee' Park. B. S. Powley. 

Galioa — Seccalom Park, Frank Bart. 

HamUton-^LIndenwald Park. J. W. 
Woodsdale IsUod Park. Ftaak WUCe. 

Park. X. 8. Smith. _ _ 

Saat-^«ke Brady Bmoi^ BT. H. Handler. 
Xeataa Idlewlld Partej w a wa ' Park. 

[aplewood Talk, F. Mattox. 
^ pink, L. H. Cmmingbam; MeCnl- 

, B. M. McCnllongh. 

. ^taty Park. Anlt ft Grant. 

McArlW^Lake Alma Park, Geo. W. Sbockley. 

rail thi AtOTB Parte ot Bmaa 

PI fUMl ■aVlLLt. ABMSMwa t CwtiMtBr. toidMrfcockw Theatn BuMing, 1402 Biwiwai, >> Y. C. 


Ttie Billboard 

Vmt'-t'il T -iri Pu-k, G. W. Babl; Cadno Pmik, 

E. B. aunej. 
lUiietU— «Dck«7e Park. Capt. E. W. Webster. 
1ft. Vezson — L<Ut» Hiawatfa« P»rt. E. T. S»Ug. 


Hewaik— IdlFniM Park. WUl D. Bartis; Back- 
eye Lake Park. WiU D. BMriV. IWe 

Park. Cbas. Summer StnbbXca. 
Hilsa — ^ATon Park. Jos. Wna. 
Xoxwalk — Willow Brook Park. JJorwalk Pleaanre 

Beaort Co.. 3. C. CUne. 
Oak Sattior — titxxmt Point Qmn, B. B. SOB- 


OaUay — Mosarcli Park, 
g «rijilim» — Eden Park- 
Tiqsa — Fomtaln Park, Werser Brewlsx Oft.. 

Dajton, O.: Mldwaj- Park, C, C, Sank. 
Tlrmastlt — Seaton's Park, B. S. Seaton. 
TnMte-ao- I4aid— Palm Bea(A. Un. I. C. M. 
l»e>wo»a Teroon Park, L. MUIer. 
at. muM' t O an» Soacl Park, F. S. Bclimldt: 

Bl»»nl «» Park, Mb W. Soimuii. 
■ntakv^-Oedar Point, O. A. Boe^lns; Jobn- 
M— d. Plcaao* Baert . a lb Goodilte. 
^PB^T St. 

BejnoIdarflU— Hittlaad Puk. w— «<- * ail- 

more; wiaAnr>aik (acar FwMtawBcr.) 
Beady Laks— fiandr take Paik. adteaPsandr 

Lake Park Co., StOBCkom, P«- 
Sayar— Oak Grove PaA. Jaa. B. ITtrct 
BautoB — Rocky Glen Park. Bockr OUa Park 

Co.: Lake Ariel. Lake AHcI Imp. C*. 
^orrea— Irrlngdale Park. Wama St. B. B. Co. 
wuiiamiport — VaUamrait Park. Ifmam A. Pray; 
Starr i.qiLcd pirk. MootoamfOt St. Br. Co.: 
SylcLn OeU Puk, Xoka » ■ «■■ - Rhpaao 
Park, Blester & Saztoo. am. mgrs. 
wniow Grora — Willow Grove Park, F. H. Lla- 

WniuabaxTo— Sana S«acl Paik, lam. O. Walib. 
43 E. Market at. 

Wiabazaa — ^AToodalc Sl^^ Jl" A. 

1. . 

raife. r.' ot 
L Paik, r. C. mckaaa. 
t a << mte «« >. saik, J. w. KfeOorailck. 
SaMa-MMcw Park^ J. W. KcCacmlek; Wall. 
tirUce Park, J. W. MeOannlek; Lake Eric 
Park and Caalno, F. Bart; Bart Caalna, O. 
Kilres; Farm. Jos. Pearlateln. 
Tarmfflnn Bludiloc k'n Lake Park. O. P. WaM. 
•WallitiM Tiiki' Alma Park, C. K. DaTia. 
TiniinitT"'f — Conneaat Lake. Tlemey St Berry; 
ia<na Park. E. Stanley; Atoq Park, Jos. W. 
Weaa, E. Stanley, it m . Tngt. 
■amar i lla Gant Park, M. S. Gannder: Tlie 
K: .vara, C W. atat n u B , proip.. HaioU KcDcj. 



Grove, I^ooder Broa.; BUcid's 
r. ShlcUs; Bawthome " — -— 



Bacwiek— Falrchlld'a Park. 0. A. Khlnard- 
Bagwrnilala Ifarlpnaa Park. A. L. Pierce. 
Hiiflriiiil niilafliV Paik. Baam Talkr XMa- 

;|-^oaO». 1 ' 

^ Brightuu J^aaBiBr-Blll 
tion Co. 

^Batlar— Alameda . 

'- mgr^ Sew York CKrv*^-flElMiK j^lVtv T. 
Kersbaw. res. mgr^ 
Cambddaa flxiiTlHi TTnfil BldlV- 

tre. - ■ 

CazUato-CaTe Hm Paik. 

roK i«ke Paik. ' 
Paik. X. P. Btoo. 

Put^ - 
vug., Plttatmrs. 
-OaUiad Park. J. G. Booecker: laland 
Paidk. B aa t a nt Transit Oo.;Bnihkfll Park, 
Mocthampton Traction Co., prapa., Tom Hay, 

EtilP-Grove Hoose Park, Foor-lUle Creek, H. 
T. Fo^er. box 22S: Waldameer Park, Tlioa. 
Miilanej, mgr., F. MehrlUa. Mew Xock City, 

booking agt. 

GT««aal)air-— Oakford Park, M_ A. Coffer. Frank 

Melville, booking act. 
SarcialniK — Paxtang Park, F. H. Davla. box 

30*1 Tento's Dreamland. Teno caimrklll. Oa- 

lamibni HoteL 
Kttamung— Lenape Park, ""-•■-'■g A 

borg By. Co.. F. A. llbcata- 
Jehn iU ia u Boibary Paik, Dt. M. tk-' 

ate; Valley Park. S. P. ZImmt ' 

Udc; Lana Paik. PtaQ Ondltld. 

Vtnala Paik, A. It. Patd>; uu 

B. Fowler, 

QiclBa Patk. I. ac. BuOcr. 
Urn* Bxidgs — Shawnee Pa^ 

Bloomjtbnrg. Pa. 
Lock Haven— Ayres Park. J. Bath(arber. 
XcKaeaport — Vervain e« Park; (Hympia Park, t. 
■ P. Harris. 

lf«w..|> cinmk — Grove. Tamaqna ft Laaa- 

ford Traction Co.. propa., A. O. Fritaeli. 
ymrmiyti^Ta — MoiKmgabela Valley Driving Park; 

Eldora Park. 
Bnreaatle— Cascade Park, H. B. MoCaikCT, F. 

MeMlle. N«w York City, bookln* act. 
Jfazciatown — Plymootb Park, J. Flajowway. 
Oil <Str— Alonarcta Park, W. B. MeOallnm; 

SmltbioD'a Park . G. H. Berbeck. 
Xkiladalphia — Wmaw Grove Park, Bnld Tiaa- 
alt Itactlao Oo^ props., F. B. filnn ofa; Va^ 
inatoa Park. E. Oenencer: Cl i i a laMl HSU Park. 
H. B. ADCky; WaahlDStoa Paik «■ Ika Ma- 
. vraze. <W. X. monpaoo; TWiiaflili Paik, I. 
■-. IL'Welner. «S1 Obeatast at.; Foot Ckaae Park. 
BeDcr * Gladias: Woodalde Paac, W. I. 

8 a. 14tk at.; Cental PaA. J. P. 
~, n>m .. Albert t. 3feyeiB; waMdaC- 

Park. A. 8. KcSwlfaa: 

Soatbem Park; A. S. McSwlgan; Oekwood 
Fark; A. S. McSwlgan, F. M. MelvOle, book- 
inv agt; Kennywood Park, Kennywood Park 
Co.. Farmers' Bank bldg.; Olytnpla Park. Har- 
zls * Sons: IdlewSd Park. Llgenler Valley B. 
B.; Seccte Senft: Alqnlppa Park: Daqaesne 
A. 8. M<Swixan: HWilaad Paik Zoo; 
~ - -cederlek Tiiairwl.- W» tacth 

-■ I«sa park. Frederick — _ — _ 
sve.. JnsenoII Hopkins AiB. Ciw 
MdC If. T.. t>o<*ang agts. _ , ^ 

IliUaliiBa m,<t*^ Bock Park, B. E. Chaner. 

IWIaiHto T Illliil Bon Park, J. B. HoeUman. 

Hate Tri'''**^ Ox. Jos. Holman. 

T ^.. m i l« «t««y^ -H !ir*''""< Park. AL F. 

laadllll Tlililiil Park; Carsoula Park, 
toatate Paik An. Co.. Ol S. Odcer. 


. Park, M. B. Sheedy, 

B. Cook, ■■. aigr.; Eatoa's Beacb. 
■reT irl s nn a WIt ft t u Helgbts, Cbaa. C. Ames, 
312 noIoB at.: Gbestnnt Grove Park. Chan. A. 
Potter. 88 WeytMieset at.; Soger WUUams 
Pad^ B. A. HanlDctaa: Hanaacaaett Park. 

;*«*• Baxter, 

~ " B. 


flI i Tl aa hl I s le of Palms, Jake Wella; Cblcora 

O s jaaiWa gyatt PaA, F. L. Biowb: Casino, 

f^Sf*^ Ai'S!^ "wk^uo- 

WeUa. ■ 


Bristol — CUItoD Park, Oliver Taylor; Fairmont 

Chattaaoocm — Oljmpla Part. U. S. Garrett, mgr., 
X. C Alley, mer. theatre; Oiley Zoo. 

TarikMn TTI|,liTand Park, Jackson & Saborban 
St. By. Co. 

T aanl ll i n i fli iiiwe Park, E. B. Bobetta; Mas- 
adla Paik, B. R. Bobetta. 
' — **-' Pa*, A. B. HkmSmm. 3. 3 

A. an- 

I nea- 


■Walter's Paife;' 
ler, mgr. theatre. 
Bzyma — ^Kemol's Park. 
Ballas— Oak Lawn Park 

tre, w. E. UcAdams. 
El P at e WasUnKton Park. Fred. C. Lemly; 

San Sood Park. G. W. Dalley, prop. 
Ft. Worth — Graesewald's Park, F. C. Gmene- 
wald: Herman Park. Jnlliu Beotbe; Lake Erie 
Park. H. B. Barton. Hundley, Tex. 
OatssvQIs — Confederate Park. W. O. Jabnaon. 
Kandlsy— Lake Erie Park, H. fl^ 
Kmraton — Highland Park, F. IC 

Ua Park, T. D. Casey. 
Laredo — ^Loma Vista Park. Cha». Boss, box P. 
La Forts — Crescent Park (colored people only), 
B. H. wmisms; Sylvan Beach, owned by 
Golf Coast Besort Co., 612 Fannin St., Hona- 
ton. Ttox.. H. M: BoUeman, booking agt. 
WlWiral Wdll — ^Vlcby Sommer Theatre: Crazy 

Park. U. A. Weslow. box SOt. 
Paiis — ^Warllck Park, Eastline nwlHk Paris 

Transit Co., Jno. A. Farter. 
Port Lanes — Port I^naea 
Barry Bedan. eai« IBAMttHl Jh^t,, & P. 

Bj.. Booataa, Tk. 

... ^ _ _ J ^ 


Bai^nif OmmT Bcasrt Oou. 
20T Main at, Hoozton. Tex. 
Beabor Psliils- Pazk. owned aad booked tT 
GoU Coast Besait Co., 207 Mala St., Hoos- 
too, Tex. 

Xamplo— Midway Park, between Temple and Bel- 
wa g^^^,2^^^> t|>>laS* Puk. 


0«dM Oliawenil Paik. t. 8. Tooac. 
— " ftma Hot Spiiagii t. lUrtn. 

atx-^ASo<B PaA, 7. Beiieinum: 
Mace. Meycia; Saltalr Brack; COMcr's 
~~ A. Peters; ntabak fMlh W. B. 


r's Puk. a. H. Osplcy. er. 
I and Saxtoaa Btr. St. Bj. Co. 

( <aty Park; Caa^ ~ ^ 

tnw X. aL (Maola. 


Danville — BeserroL-e Park 

mgr.. A. Jenkins, bos. 
Fail Oaki — Fulton Pn^ 
BamptsB — Backroe Bn8 

fottl. tnx 290. 
Lynch Vara — ^Blvermcat 

Corbln SMelda, loc ■gbt 

E. C. Hammers, 
Ifsnrtisatar Forest Hm Park, H. H. Hartsell, 


Vewpett Vawa — ^Warwick Caaiso, O. F. Adama. 
Bocfalk— Backroe Park Casino, C. W. Bez; 
Ocean Midway. 3. H. Livingston. 311 Cttlsena' 
~ UdK.; Flaa Beaeb, 3^ H. Urttgitaa. 
8; BBF ShataPaifc^ J. Bb — 

BMa Paik. 

ad Street Park: Main Street 
Park: Atkktie Park; West End Electile Park, 
Vlreinla Am. Co.. Geo. B. Govemator; Casino 
Park, Jake Wells; CMmborazo Park. H. H. 
HartzeU, 2020 E. Main St.; BesetTolr Park, 
Jake WelU; gweat^^H m^ PlM^ niir I ^^S^ 

Jake Wella. W!irtl8«><iB 


PavlUoa, Statue 

IFAICBe tafea ; 


Bslvs^Beach Glen. „ 
Cbarleaton— Electric Park, F. WDson, Norfolk, 

Chester— Rock Springs Park. J. H. Maxwell, 
mgr.. Samoel McCuteheoo, East Liverpool, O.. 
am. mgr. 

Fairmont— Traction Park. A. J. Enckman. 
Huntington — ClylTcslde Park. J. E. Galllck; 

Camdffn Park. Camden Interstate Tractioo Co. 

Parkersbnrg — Terrapin Park, Murray Mackey Co. 
Wheeling— Wheeling Park, Whecllns Park A»- 
soclation, props., C. Hlrscb, mgr.; Park Ca- 
C. Blrseb; Mosart Paik; Loaa Paik, 
Aaa. 0». 


A. Walter; 

Oal d aa M O a ay ea Oa, Mtk 
O. Caiptrtl. pMil W.- B. 

B. 0< — 

G. B. ratir. tnm.1 i 

Maillasa fski Paik. Prat. F. W. KoU. 
Maifa att a L akeaWe Park, L. J. White. 
MOwaakae— Pabst Park. F. W. Barland. Third 
and Snrleleb sts.; Sctallta Park, Geo. Schn- 
bert; BUU Park; Pabst White Fish Bay Be- 
sort. H. Kenopa; Wonderland, T. O. Wballns, 
^ bidg.; West End Park, M. Sbanly, 

TaaBoren st. 

lectric Park, E. E. Downs. 
SMyBM^Ieirs^'^rT- Park. Lake View Beach 


Brantford — Agrlenltaral Park and 
atre, F. C. Jolmsoo; Mobawk 
Valley Park. Frank P. Haven. 
Bridgeport— Blverslde Park, Berlla & Waterloo 

St. By., Ltd.. Berlin. Ont. 
Ft. Erie, Ont.— Beach, W. Wharton. 
Gait — ^Edle\vyld Park; Caalno Sommer Park, J- 

D. Eagen and George Phillips; Gait Park. 
Ganancqoe — lakt Ontario Park, D. P. Branlgsn, 

mgr., M6Mah0D k Dee. am. nsn. 
VT.n..-it»,. — Sherman Park, W. B. SkMMBJ Bsna 

Park. J. G. Appleton. 
B3ngston— Long Island Beach; Lake OktailOk D. 
p. Bra nig an. mgr.. McHahim * Dcav asa. 
mgrs.; Lone Xdaad Paifc, 3. 3. Btopfay. 

- - - - - k, c. B. A. Carr; 

Theatre, 0. W. Ben- 

Filla. 3, W. Biker. 
llMlinl tFtveralde Park. Max BaiidlM. psr., 
AL B. Beed. am. mgr.; Sobaer Pk^ Le- 

Tigne A Lajote; Victor BInk. 
Ottawa^BrittanlaKm-the-Bay, J. E. Hotchesoo, 

snpt. St. By. 
Owen Sonnd— King's Boysl Paik, 3. W. Walah, 
doebeo — Exposition Patk, P. P. lagm, 
St. John — Bockwood Puk. Bftcrrtnr PIA mat 

Seaside Park. St. By. Co. 
St Thomas— Pinafore Lake Park. Geo. Stacey, 

box asa. 

Toronto — Hanlan's Park. M. I>ee. am. mgr., L 

Solomao, mgr.; Islaiid Park; Mnnroe Park, 

Wm. Banks. 
Winnipeg ^Rlver Park. T. H. Morris; Andlto- 

rlom Sommer Gardens. Clarence Spence, T. B. 

Morris, am. mgr.; Elm Park, Geo. A. Young; 

Winnipeg Summer Beach. T. H. Morrfe, attr. 

List of Fairs 



Etogers — Arkansas State Fair. Sept. 2a-28. J. 
W. Walker, piea.; Jno. £. Falker, tieaa.; A. 

Uottlnc Mb 
'. PW«.t 
W. Seogglns. sec 

Fair. Dates 
,; W. T. Ingmerson, 

Grand Jnnctii 
W. P. Ela, 

D. Fisher, see 
Pueblo — Colorado State 

E. Toping, pres. ; 
Tboa. B. Hoffmire, 

DaaboiT— I>aBbtir7 Fair. Oct. I-T. 8u 
Bondle, pres.; Jno. W. Baloa. treaa.; 
Bondle, sec 
lowe — Lyac Oraase Fair. Datca aot sat. 
Mama, tii a, nanilii. H. B. Bissna, 
~ ' s *. W. Btai^ ate 

n. " ' ' 

Park Fair, 
prea.; Fred i 

lid T. 
O. W. 

; H. 


Bolta Inter-mmintala 
A. Ptnney, p 
W. F. Polan, tec 

■wL 3. J. Dale. ate. 

. . J. cms; pcaa.; T. T. 

W. O. Glaaer, ate. 
Clliitii DeWltt Oo. Fair. Aas. !•«. Aw. 

: B. X. Hewdl. tma.: Btaih M. 

0*. Fair. 
3. W. (kakh, pica.; 3. T. 
X O. 3Mm% aee. 
Eqaallty — GaBatla Ool Pair. 

Ii. W. Gordon, prea. 
Paiibory — Falrbiiry Onion D 

W. McDowell, prea.; XL 

tnaa.; F. F. Brylda. aea. 
Flalrfcld— Wayne Co. Fait. 

B. F. Leininger, pres.; BniT Kb 

trees.; Chaa. F. Leininger. ate 
Galeaa— Galena Fair. Sept. 28-9*. W. 


GriggsviUe — minols Valley Fair. Sept. M. 
Guthrie — AgrL Faia Oct. 30-Nov. 4. 
Highland— Highlaod Madiaon Co. Fair. 

T-10. A. B. Sckott, pica.; 3. N. 
JoUet— wa Ob. MB. U.j«. A. 

prea.; B. T. BHCF* tMB^; 1hM>. X 

Joslin— Bock laland Ot. Mks. 

FBbert. pres.; JnO. 
F. J. Whiteside, aca 
Kankakee— AgrL FUb 
ber^. pres.. Cnloa B 

Len Small, fee. 
KnoiTiiie Co. Fair. Sept. ML'- 

Lacy. ,-^r> ~ . Gllhon: Bobt. C(rfllna. ttH 

w. Sweeney, sec, Galesbnrg. 
LeBoy— LeRoy Fair. Aug. 22-25. John 

more, pres.; E. D. Kline, sec. 
UbertyviUe— Lake Co. Fair. Sept. 3-8. 

Cater, pres.; E. W. Parkbnrst, tie&t.; 



H- J. 
J. B. 

Uacomb — McDonoagh Co. Fair. Aoc. IB-UL 

Marlon — WUIiamson Co- 
Jacob Goodall, pres.; G«tb B, ' 

Geo. C. Campbell, sec 
Mt. CarroU— Warren Co. PIdB 

A. "Warner, pres.; J. BU'. 

Gal. M. Freeier. sec 
Mt. Sterling — Brown Co. Fair. Aug. ZS-Sept. 1. 
Paris — Edgar Co. Fair. Sept. 5-8. Wm. H. 

Mosa, pres.; B. G. Suttaerland, tieaa.; 8. B. 

McCord. see. 
Princeton— Borean Co. Fair. Sept. M. Jaa. 

M. Eimls, pres., Wslnut; H. B. PetnaoB, 

treaa.: Cbaa. L. Trimble, sec 
Qulscy— Qoincy Fair. Aog. 22-2S. 
Boblnam — Crawford Co. Fab- Sept. 9M8. 8a- 

villa 8b^i — — _ _ 



StiasiiiiHBaii OaWilla Go. Fkir- Aas. 

trees.; Mn O.' USSt, aee. 


Anderson— Aadaaeo Fair. Aug. 29-Sept. 1- 
Thoe. B. Orr, prea.; Wm. Boland, tisaa.; W. 

B. Heritage, sec 

Angola — Steuben AgrL Fair. Oct. 10-U. Clyde 

C. Carlln, prea.; Henry Llndes, trees.; OrvUle 
Goodale. sec 

Boonvllle— Big BoonvlUe Fair. Aug. 28-8ept. 
2. Glamer Pelser. pres.; A. L. Beeler, treaa.; 

J. F. Richardson, sec. 
Bourbon — Boorboo Fair. Oct. 10-18. O. D. 

Ettinger, pres.; B. F. Bowman, treaa.; B. W. 
Parks, sec 

Ghrlsaer — Spencer Co. Fab-. Ang. 14-18. 3. OL 
Balnea, pres.; J. P. Chrlsney, sec 

Oaiu c i st U le — Fayette Co. Fair. Sept. 84. Fran- 
cis T. Boots, pres.: Boss Sparks, aee; T. O. 
McBomey, gen. mgr. 

CorydoD — Harrison Co. Fair. Aug. 2S.Sept 1. 
Dan F. Stout, pres.: Geo. W. Applegate, Jr., 
treaa.; Frank B. Wright, sec 

Otown Point — I^ke Co. Fair. Aug. 28-Sept. L 
X A. Beattle, pres.; Fred Wheeler, aee 

Dacatar— Otcst Northern Ind. Mib. ~ 
3. M. NUIlaser, pres.; Jnau .BP 
ecMra; a D. Konkle. sec 

: X . 

Mt Waj M Ml 
Jno, c. PMa 
Dr. Wta. r. 

M. Pierce, pres.; Jan. 
C. Pierce, see. 
H on ting borg— Dubois OSl PUk. SwC iSM. 
Chailea Moenkhaotr, prta.; B. wTPkkkaidt. 

iBdlaaapoUs— Indiana Stats Fair. Sept. U-U. 

MaaoB J. MlbUcfc. pres., Vlncennea;J. W. La 

Gtaage. treaa.. Franklin; Chailea Downlnc 

see. Boom 14, Bute Hooae. 
Kendallville — Kaatem Indiana Fair. Sept. 3848, 

tr. c. Brouae, pres.; Jno. Mitchell, " 

J. 8. Coalocue. aee 
Lawrencebnrg — ^Lawrenctburg Fair. _ 

aet. Geo. M. Boberts, pres.; VIctar ( 

vice-prea.; B. L. NowUn, acc; S. M, 

thawa, treaa., PetcBibBia; K». 

Xlic Billboard 


Icbinoi>— Boone Oo. Stock FalBi- 

I«n V»niU, pres.; laae H. " 

KUer Bamer, ace 
aOddletowD— HCI1C7, MwMm m tm 

Fair. AOS- I-*- O. B. 

T. E- Uotray, ticas.; V. 
Moont TetocD — Uoont T« 

t. M. Harlem, acc 
llootpcllcr— MootpcUw -. 

BaSinin. prea.; i 

L. Smith, aee. _^ 
Heir Albaar— nof^ Oh. 

B. ifccanoch, pnau; r 

B. W. rawectt.' aae. 

Heoi? BaUcT. Vf-: mm 

Scol C. Tkrkr. KC 

- O aMaaJ OMy , 
J* W. OacBtWBt paaa»5 
J. M. Vkaamr. ate. 
Owwd-Siptay Ok Mr. 


Ardmora — AxA Fair. Nor. U-UL . 


AUlaoo— BoUcr On. Mb. Aag. tUt. U. J. 
Bogeta, aee. 

i. & 

Co. Fair. AOS. 

Fair. Aog. 14-18. H. B, 
Beam, pres.; C L. NUes, Ueag. ; A. 0. Wal- 
texa, sec. 

Atlantic— Oasa Oo. Fair. Sept. 2S-2S. F. C. 
Sctaala. pica.: J. A. MeWald. treaa.; a B. 
Brown, aee. 

ABdnbon— Andnbon On. Mr. Sept. Ml O. B. 

Btenlman. aee 
AToea— Pottamattaait Ck ■kk'. Bapt. IMl. 

Wm. Thlea, sec 
Bedford— Taylor Co. Fair. Sept U-IB. C. C. 

DowIId, aee. 
BIoomfield-^DaTls Co. Fair. Sept. 12-lS. O. W. 

Wisdom, pres.; E. K Herr, tieaa.; J. C. 

Bronhard. sec 
Brltt— Baoeock Oo. Mc ScpC 5-7. Jak* Bokr- 

bach, see. 

Barlln«toi>-BarihBtM Mr. Mmg. M. a & 

Fowler, sec. 

Central citj— WapsJe VaUey Fair. Sept. 12-lS. 

E. E. Henderson, sec 
Oharlei City— Flojd Co. Fair. Sept. l>.ia. W. 

B. Waller, pres.; A. H. Bracket^ tMa^t O. 

M. Carr. sec , «. 

Oarisda — Clarlnda Fair. Sept 4-7. 
CllBton — Clinton Dlat. Fair. BcpC 19-91L J. B. 

Abrena, sec, Ljona. 
OalBmbos Jnsctlai 

Sept 8-S. J. 
Oacalac— CernlBr A^i. fifc. Aam. ItM Jl. M. 

DeVoee. set. 
Oeaton— Creston AbtI. Fair. Sept 11-14. a D. 

DaTeaport. sec. 
Oecocab — Wtaneshlek Co. Fair. Bept e-S. 

U, Ooffen, sec 

Dea Kobies — Iowa Sute Fair. Aac. 3S-8ept I. 
■ W. W. Morrow, pres., Alton. la.; O. D. 

^EUjaoo, treaa.; J. C. Slmpaoa. „ 
DeWItt — CUnton Oo. Fair. Bept 11-lB. 
AiBCBtmt, pres.; A. M. Price. 

Co. Fair. Anr tS-10. 7na. 
: Gee. Matters, ticaa,; QirlaL 

-Dnboqnc Trt-State Fair. Aof. S1-2T, 
Uolstcir, praa.; W. B. ~ 

b: J. W. ~ " 

Osb Mb. Sipc n-m. 3. r. 

; H. T. Doma, treaa.; B. O. 

Av- 8-11- 
treaa.; I 

s a r. 

Oo. Mr. Oct. H. 

(akam Oa. Mr. Se»t. 
■M.; ■■. MiMi; tnu.: J. 



_CaTliiea» aee. 
annnell— PoweAIck Ootid 
8. Baney, a^^ 

S-7. m. M. 

l I. B, 

VI. L 

BTe. Mi5iS.-=L ' —a. 1*^14. 

OMMb Oenttc— Gntbtia Oa. Mr. 

A. H. Crlaaell. ae^ 
Hamptoa — Fraaklla Oa. IMte 

W. Caaimlnca. aee 
a«lan-«aelbT Co. Fair. Sept U-IB. L B. 

Plckard, »ec. 

Hnmbaldt— Hnmboldt Oa. MC iMt. IB-U. 

Jobn Oonnlncbam, acb 
ladependeaee— BoctaaaaA Ok BM^ Wmlt, U-IS. 

Cbaa. L. Kiag, aac. 
>»g«i^>— WaiiiB«fcljWfc«lffc B Mfc gg 

Talbott, — - ■■■'^ 
ta Porte 

^<>oa— CUatan Diet Fair. Sept. ItW Jaa. 

Ptea.. Almont; Ftad Btai^ tnaa.. 

OlBtan; J. B. Ahreoa. sec 
■alcoai— PowestiJek Qo. Fair. Anf. 23-24. Geo. 

Maatl cell o Great Imm Oa. 1 
1. B. B. BVfta. atK 

Ut Pleaaaat— Asd. Fair. Anc IS-IS. a M. 
Clark, aee 

Maabna— Bis FOOT MB. Int. S4. B. H. 

Hbiklej. prea.: W. V. OaSK^tBMiL; J. A. 

Yeaser, aee. 
National — dartoa Oow BMc BavC Ml Joa. 

Matt ima., St. (Hat: H. g Boire. trees., 

Monona; Henry iMSimM, W6« QamalrrlUa. 
Nerada— Sto<7 Co. Falb BBtH Mt att. T. P. 

Wotaley, sec 
New Hampton — ^New Haf t— Mil 9<BBa 18-lS. 

Peter Ualcomb. sec. 
New Sbaron — New Sliaron Fair. Bept 12-14. 

S. T. Harper, pres.; S. B. Moffltt aee. 
Newton — Jasper Co Fair. Sept 12-lS. Andrew 

Stewart, pre*.; S. G. Roasell. treaa.; O. W. 

Campbell, sec. 
Northwood— Worth Co. Fair. Sept U-W. Nela 

Tborson, prea.; Cbaa. Beckett, treaa.; B. H. 

Miller, sec 

Oeden — Boone Co Fair. Sept 0-8. WaL HUand, 

pres.; Jollos Ennta, treas. ; C. B. Clark, sec 
Orange City — Slonx Co. Fair. Sept 20-Sa. A. 

Vander Melde. prea.; 6. L. Tan da Btces, 

treas.; H. SUkkerrer. sec. 
Osage— MItcheU Co. Fair. Sept 13-14. Bleh- 

ard Dorsey, prea.; J. J. Sweeney, tzeaa.; W. 

H. Goble, aee 

Ottnmwa — Ottnmwa Dlat Fair. Ang. 23-25. 
PeUa— Lake Prairie Mr. Oct. »-« ~ 

Porter, sec. 
Bed Oak— Uontgooietr Oil MB. tmt 

F. Schadel, sec. 
Bock Valley— Bock Valley Fair. Sept. 5-7. 

Dennla Scaolon. sec. 
Sac aty— Sac Co. Fair. Ans. U-IH 

Lewis, sec. 

Shenandoah — Sbenandsah BMU JS^ 14-18. 

Isaac White, sec. 
Slonz City— Inter-SUte liaa BMk Sept 
11-18. F. L. Eaton. ptM.; A. C BMMtt 

treaa.; F. L. Wlrlck.aec 
Strawberry Point — Strawberry Point Dlat Ma. 

Ang. 29-Sept 1. O. C. Gladwin, aee. 
SntkerUnd — O'Brien Co. Fair. Anc »-Sept 

I. J. C. Brlgga, pres.; B. C. Jordan, aee; 
J. B. Morphy, treaa. 

Tipton — ^Tipton Fair. Ang. S-Sept 1. W. B. 
Hlatt pres.; J. W. Wright, treaa.; !<. 7. 
Rowell, aee. 

Toledo— Tama Oa. Fair. Sept. t8-»u A. O. 

Smith, set. 

Vlctor^Vlctor Dlat. Fair. Ang. 1»-1T. ■. Ma»- 
setter. pres.; Jao. 8te4r> mia ; 1. P. Bow- 
ling, sec. 

Vinton — Bentoa Co, nk. lB4iL Arad 

Thompscai. see 

WatetIoo^^at&7'MC^''%iBl Ml b W. 

SteTena. aee 
Waredr— Waeailr Mn Taaa ao-a. BO. Cor. 

weat tacttr— WMt Mb. Aas. n-is. 

W. B. aupaaa, aea. 
Wcat Mat— Waat MM Bfeft M»1M1. 

Co. Fair. Bept 6-8. A. P. 
. prea.. IfeLoatb; W. r. Ladi. treaa.; 
A. Pattetaoa, aee. 

Mr. Sept. M. a M. Pottrr. 
Oa. Mr.. Sept as-SP. W. H. 

Oik Ikitl 8t»t. 28-2B. Mark 
■t Saok B. wyeoff, tieaa. 

Aac »8ept L laaw 

t 1. y. Bi 

MBBBF-Blce Oa. Mr. Sept. 441 
t ^T i l i a^B ta«hga Ofc^fe ^ Aa| ^_ atjM l^ BL B. 

Bailawi tint Kbui Co. Fair. Jno. C. Matthews, 
peea.; r. B. Bamer, treaa.; W. W. Xlnaley, 

Bradatown — Nelson Co. Fair. Aog. SI>.Scpt. t. 
Ben Jobnson, pres.; R. C Cherry, aee 

Ciab Drcliard— Crab Orchanl Fair. July IB-M. 
R. H. Bronangli. peea. 

DanTiiie — Great DanrUle Fair. Aog. 2-4. H. 0, 
Bright aee 

niaabethtoirn — Hardla Oo. Fair. Sept S-7. 

Falmoath — FaJmooth Fair. Bept 27-80. 

Fern Creek^effetaon Co. Fair. Ang. lB-18. 
Bryan WlUlams, pres., B. F. D. No 11. 
Bnechel, Ky.; Dr. H. P. StlTeia, sec, B. F, 
D. No. 11, Boechel. Ky. 

Florence — Nortbem Ky. Fair. Ang. 30-S«t>t 1. 

Georsetown — Elka' Fair. July 24-28. E. H. An- 
derson, pres.; S. C Bell, treaa.; J. S. Poll- 
man, sec. 

Glasgow— Soothen Ky. Mr. Bept M. 
Guthrla— Gotbrle Mn Al^ IMH 
Earrodsborg- Meaor Oa. bK - Asf. BO..' W, 

1. Allen, sec 
Henderson — ^Trl-Co. Fair and Bacea. Sept 2B^, 

Jacob Zlmbro, sec. 
Lawrencetiarg — lAwrencebnrg Fair. Ang. 15-18. 

D. I,. Mootc. pres.: J. M. B. Blrdwhlatell. 

treaa.; fica. O. Hnffman, aee 
TiiTlBgt»i gaataeky Btau Fklr. Sept 18.2*. 
lamdao— lABiel Co. Fair. Ans. 22-2S. J. T. 

WnBaaB. pna.; E. U. Sbeltoa, see 
B aa i iMi in a n «i Ma a Co. Mr. Amm. 1*. 
Mlehaiaarma-K. aC r. VaBk AafcSMI. Band 

Bdl. pna.! W. IL BM^^MM B. H. 

WcMk aae. 

OwcaAaaa— Omaafeaaa aaB Itailwa Okk 'BUr. 
Oct loaa. 

nttrpanHrrmr Ttnlttff fla Batr. A«B> WMl 8. 
Bataa. praa.; B. F. Bvi^ ttmut Ol W. 
Pearl, aee 

Somerset— SoMraet Fair. Aac IS-IS. A. W. 
•pnac8(l«-A«d. »glr. ABB. MB. 
DnlontowB — ^Ualan Co. Fair. Aac B-1& 
Sam P. Starsla, prea, Dekorea. I^.i W. g 

Taaeebars^-I^wla Co. Fair. Ao*^ 'M-Ot. S. 
M. Bowman, prea.; O. P. FaOltt, aee. 

Acton— Sbapleigta and Aetoo Mr. Datca aot 

aet Z. O. Horn, ptca., Hoena Hllla, M. H.; 

BUneb Bny, treaa., Boaa Oocaer: Md K. 

Bodwell. aee 
FozcToft — Pleataqola Fair. Dates act act. W. 

E. Parsons, prea.; C. C. Dnnbam, treaa.; F. 

W. Leland. aee. East SasgerrlUe. 
Gorbam— OmabedaQd On. Mx. 44. >oa. 

la. Boblnafl^ aai 

14. Jaa. Stepheaaeo. pica., 
B. Howafd, treaa.; Oe*. A. TnK, i 
wmi«ii»ii«.|L— wmi..».hi..y Mr. 

Aas. 7-lB. W. 

t. A. 

ja& ffladd, preau; 

Anthooy — Cosaty Fair. 

Bird, aee. 
Cbanate — Ckaante Fair. 

B. TlBpaae. see 
Clay Center— Clay Oa. 1 

Myers, ptc%; B. 

Boopea, ace 
mdorado— Batter Oo. Mr. 

DQJeabeck. see 
Bucka— Bareka Fair. Ang. IB-lB. J. W. Bob- 

blna, pres.; Wb. Jobaatoo. triaa ; g 

Fredoal»^FTc4oate Fair. Aas. MB, C 3. 

Cooper, sec. 

Great Bead— Barton Oa. Fair. >ac MS apt t. 

Ira D. Brooghaz. pna.; f iiala 

W. P. Feder, wm. 
Hlawatba — Blai 

Irwin, see 

Oct. B-r. 


Beadfleld — Kennebec Co. Fair. 

Jno. H. Swift pres.. Oakland; g 

treaa.; L. O. TCbbCttih aK. 
Union — North Kncx Fate " 

Tboiaton. pres.; B. Ii. 
C Hawea. ace 
Upper Ghmccater— New. Glosecater A Daarille 

Fair. Sept 28^ O. H. CampbcO. prea.. 

WahbatlWWy Lake: Geo. W. naa>an. tava.; 
^ lllMa, aac. New GIoaeHlifc K, P. 

Bi Bkl I. 

Tlmonlom — Ifaijlaal BMC FalB. Alox 
mlek. peca.. MtatMS Jm. F. Bcaaik 

Lee OOnt, 
T. Bogley, aee 


Brodctim— Brockton Fair. Get S4L Hob H. 
W. Boblnaoo. pna.; B. If. Thomfaoa. ticaa.; 
BaUla Saafoed, aee 

CUnton— CUnton Fair. Sept IB-IS. OoL Jno. 

B, Thayer, prea-: I.. Field, fiiaa ; Warren 

Goodale, see 
CmiBlnglua — BQUde Fair. Sept 38-27. Ward 

A. Harlow, pres.; D. K- Lyman, treaa.; C. F. 
Bnrr, aee, Blngrllle. 

Bolyoke — Pooltrymen's Fair. Not. 22-23. 
Marshdeld— Marehfleld Fair. Aog. Z3-2S. OnL 

B. A. Oakman. pre*.. North Marahfleld; IC 

Herman Kent, traas.; Isad Hatck. aee, Hoctk 

HewtaD--HarTey OOk 

WUcox, pres.; O. F. 
Axtell, sec 
Norton — Norton Fair. Ang. 38 B ipt 1. 
MoQlton. pres.: Wm. F. Garrlty. aee. 


Dlbb. prea.; Cbaa. B. 
D. IfcGrtgor, ace 

Sutherland, prea.; J. B. Hl g ennaa. 
B. Martin, sec. 
Detroit— Mldilgan Stata rUr. Sept U-18. 
Bogene FUWd. pcaa.. Bay City; O. W. Toaac 
tteaa.. Paw Vmwx L H. Butt e r A dd. aee 
Bast Jordan nialiniti Oo. Fair. Sept 37-30. 
Jaeob Orolf. pres.; Chaa. Blpp. treaa.; Boy 

Ionia — loots DIst Fair. 

I.. Kelner. ptca.; B. 'i 

Walter Smith, aac. 
Umwood— Gcacablp: CfeC 

C: E. Hook, ace. 
Lake Od e ss a M -Ob. Fair. Sept. I8-2P. 
Seed aty— Til-Oo. Fair. Sept. 12-14. A. a 

Goebiend. pica.; U K. Packkant. tteaa.; X. 

K. Welsh, ace. 

- ^ _ . _ 


O. K. Stacy, aicai: g 
BaM. J. T ac c di . see: 

" Oo. Mr. Sept. 1B«C ; 
; Oc*. Bckitlacs. tteaa.: Z. ] 

_ Ok 


Madison — Lao qat 

Jaa. J. Llttli^ aae. 
Maiaball— Lyoa Oo. Mr. Oct. 44. 
Morrla — Sterena Ool Fakl 

H. MeGnlrc. patilt 

T- Wbeatoo, aaft -: > 
Prestod — FOmoca Oa.^ 

J. Ibacb. aee 
Bed Falls — Bedwood Cb. Mr. _ 
St Paol— Minn. State lUr. 8ept.-'4B. 
St Peter — NlcoUett Co. Agrt Falr^ ' 

C. W. Carpenter, pres.; H. J. 

E. E. Miller, sec. 
Winona — ^Wlnomt Fair. Sept 13-lS. 


Bowling Green — Pike Co. Fair. Aog, IS-UL 

Jaa. B. McPike, prea.; Ed. Brlgga, treaa.: 

H. M. Stxotber, aee 
Cape Glrardean — Cape Glrardean Co. Fair. Oe^ 

10-14. D. A. Glenn, pres.; H. A. Astolt^ 

treaa.; E. B. Engleman. aee 
Carthage — KneU Fair. Sept 5-S. Mlaa Emma 

Knell, sec 

CamtbersTllle — Pemlseott Co. Fair. Oct 24-28. 
Cnba — Crawford Co. Fair. Sept 20-29. It. .g 

Garrer. pres.; Newton Jonea. treaa.; JMta 

Harris, sec. -•-■r:-.^ 
Dexter — Stoddard Co. Fair. A^ ' l-:;- 

HarrlaonTllle — Caaa Oa. Fair. 

Hntat prea.; J. B. Tai 

can Bna s ell , aee 
niililin TiiliiiSM Oik ' 

Ste^ pcca.;'gri 

Kennett— Dnnkln Co. Pair. Oct. 18-21. 
Nerada — Park Drlrlng Clnb. Jone 27-30. 8. 

A. Wright prea.; H. H. Duck, treaa.; W. B. 

Oafk. see - 
linaa — ^Meicfaanta' Fair. Datee not set O. A. 

Sdaoene, prea.; J. H. B. Smith, tteaa.; B. B. 

Aah, see 

Gran— Scott Co. Fair. Dateo not act W. B. 

StobMeddd. prea.; Elwood AUco. aee.: 9. P. 

UardmlL: treaa. - ... . • , 

Palmyra — Harlan Ok VkfeW'-'MiferVttME; « OC'K- 

Thompson, aee 
Paris — ^Monroe Co. FVilr. Sept 8-8. B. IC. 

Alexander, prea.: J. R. Phillip, aee 
Rich Hm — Rich Hm Fair. JiOy 11-14. Jno. 

Elompp, prea-; Hemy 0^^1atwaa. ttcaa-t W. 

F. Tygard, it., aee 

Boekport — ^Bodcport WmSr. Sept I2-U. 3. W» 
Toonc. aee 

Scdalla-^flaaoarl State Fair. Aug. 21.1S.-''' Xi 

A. Fotla. iBca.; J. R. Rlppy. aee 
Sbelblna— WidWiia FUr. Ang- SP^Scpt 1. B. 

W. Woclaad. piea.: N. B. Paiaona. aee 
Spr ingHeWI Sp i lug geld Dlat Fair. Sept U-18. 

teaa Uak, prea.; Herman J. Meyer, tzeaa.; 

W. T. BIfbce. see. 
Wai iio a lwia W arrenabarg Fair. Ang. 3S-8cpt. 
Jao. maffldm. prea.; Frank Mayeo, treaa.; 

Otb Mr. Sept. 7-S. Job 


Albion— Boone Oo. Fair. Datca aot aet. J**- 
O'Neal, prea.; Jake Greene, fuM . B. b 
Brooka, see 

Anbnis— Nemaha Co. Fair. Anc 3S-8cpt. I. 

D. B. Long, prea.; W. H. TTinslcML tlaH.t 
a C. Snow, see ■ - ' 

Aurora — Hsmlltnn Oo. Fair. Anx. SSBwk !• 

J. A. T sa m a n . ptea.; T. B. wmiaaia, ttaaa.; 

Dan. L. Maehamer. ace 
Battle Creek- Ba«e UcctlaB. Aug. lO-Sept. U 

George W. Loaey, praSL; ~ — — - 


Broken Bow — Coater Oo. 

E. R. Pnreen. aee 
Ctelghtoo— Knox Co. Fair. Sept. 21-3&' W. g 

Caley, pres.; T. J. Bnekmaater. aae. 
Unoolo— Nebraaka State Me. .Scsk l-B. V. 

R. Mdlor. praa.. Leap OM^ JMkXW IM^ 

tyre, treas.. Seward. IMk: Btft; w. BtNSMb 

aee. Browaarllle. Neb. 
Nelaoo— NnekoDa Oe Fair. Bept 38-». 
Stantot— Staatoi Oo. TtOi. Sept. 5-8- A. 

Spetue, prea.; Jno. Sdiindler, treaa.; W. H. 

Hylasd. are 
Se wa rd Se wa rd Oo. Fair. Sept 1P-2I. Jaa. 

Zlmoerar. pres.; H. O. Landls, ace; ■. A. 

Gra*t. treas. 
York- York Oo. Fair. Ang. B-8. H. B. Atklasi 

pna.; O. N. BeaTcr, treaa.: T. E. ~ 

CtafcaMDt— SdUraa On. Fair. Oct S-S. Xaa^ 

M. Howe, prea.; Bdw. J. Bealtcr, ticea.; Jko. 

D. Ayer. ace 
Naalraa— Naakna Fair. Sept. 4-7. J. J. Oeyliu 

prea.: M. C. MnUen. aee; J. TeOlB, treaa. 
Bot^tei^Boeheater FUr. Sept. IB-S. Gee. 

B. Wallace, pres.; Chaa. M. BaBcy, aee, eat 

treaa.: W. O. Bradley. 



Xtie Billboard 

-Inter-Stata lUr. 

Imt Ht. HoUt Fiiir. Ocb S4 
. -Alboqactqiie Saclns Fair, 
a : B. ' Newomwr. pres.; P. r. 

'^^■Bleo Tcnltalil 
'& Otitr, pna.; I. a. 

Sept. 2S^ It. B. 

- Albion — Orleaai - Qi.' 'Mr. 


: BallDUiii. Spa. — Satatoea Co. Fair. 'AHW 

Sept. 1. Bngene WlzwaO. pna.; W. tk'OK- 
; . Tert. treaa.; N. V. WltbMk. 
--BataTla— Ueoneau Oou fUr. 

Lona. pres.; B. 
. B. . Brown, g«c. 
' Btpghamton — BinshantllB fUr. 
: ' T. Bogera. pre*.; Baatr 8. ~ 

B. durk. mgr. 

'.BooDTUIe — ^BoooTlIIe Mi 
> CIaak7> pna-; 
- Vonmar, aet 
-;Biuc tpm l--'MuiiruB Oo. V^few'. 

J, Widte, pres.; Watna Jk 

G«oJ'B. Hafnum. aec 
BTooKfleia— Hadlaon Co. Fair. Sept. 25-28. N. 

A. Crumb, sec 
Cambddst! — Cambridge Valley Fair. Sept. 5-S. 

Jerome B. Rlee. pres.; Henry A. Qua, trMa.; 

E3. B. . Norton, sec. 
Oamiel— Pntsam Co. Fair. AdS. 39-Sept. 1. 

C Wcdia, pit*.; O. G. Xowmend, tmu.; 1. 

iliatriiMl mitlaiia Co. WH. Aug. SMS. W. 

■yOBfL' Cnf Fair. Scpb B. O. Wumi, 

pR*.;'H. C Korean, ttcaa.; Qcow K SwUt, 

, Dcpo^U^Dapoalt Vkltv An*. 22-23. C. P. 
. Knapp, pica.; OL B. Hattlii, tzcu.; Ddia Az- 

.:-.-.-.tM«- . ■ - 

P»ml; 'ft. ai. Whiilir. txMa.t & 

Me. . 
Poadk^-KontsoBMir On. Fair. Anc 3841. Wm. 

B. Charlf ,' pna.; Edw. II. Edward*, treaa.; 

J. B. MartlD. wc 
^prankUnTllle-nl«iL Mb . AaC tUtlfL. X. . W. 

N. am. aet :■ -..'.. ;...:;,>. 

M. dark*. MC:. 
, r.::Hara*^.. praa.; .K.. B' 

'ate. .. j.'.i-.-/. 

/; BtBAmx— Brie Co. FUb^ ', 
^' AT'KIoepper, pres.; Wi" 
, J. C. Newton, iec- 
:. Baulock — Hemlock Union 
H. Weatbrook, pres.; W. B. 
E'P. Baabacb, tec. 
* ' Herkimer — HerUmer Gob 

HtniT BdJck, jr.. prea^ '-B.^ 
■ X^'P. B^ ffba ''**i gee 
'.'iBaoidlnllle — HonwIlaTlIlB Failb- 

■; S. D. Wbttlns. prca.; 
^•"^ Fniflc A. Tbaratoo, aee. 
V^Bkaca-rTamkliia COkvMite.^ 
&^-:lli.ttm. prea.; W. 
tC:_ Gcmlns, sec. 

'•'r7otiostowii---Pultan Co. Fair. Mfe 

Getxnan. pres., GloTerarllle; 'QL; Wm '.!\ 
treaa.; Elmer J. Dom, sec 
tattle Taller— Ctaattauncna Ok 1^ 
M. C B. Bhoades, prea.; Bk..b' 

l; J. H. WUaoo. lec. 
IfaraateMlle — Catakm Mwiatala 
no. H. If. Coalter. pimt. 
ticaa.; Thoa. Wloter, tee. 
Lockpoct— Ntasaia Co. Fair. Sept. T-XO. B. 

M. Botacta, aee. 
lOacala,— Naaaaa Col Me. Sept. Stn. flco. 

Htwuk Rfewazk Mlb 
Beeres* pca-s P^-,B» 
Hyde. aee. 

HewBCk Tallay— y utUwaa XlOfa Pair. Aag. S9- 

31- Clua. H. Bamra, pica.: B. P. Beldon. 

tteaa.; O. E. Purple, aee. 
Oneida— Oneida Fair. Seat. 20-23. A. I.. Mlz- 

dlzt; pres.; 6. la. SCbolIlek treaa.; C. C. Ttower, 


Orassebois— Bocklaad dk Fair. Stpt. W. 
vr. Springateen. Maa T, TMaiaai n. T.,Jatait, 
tieaa.. Spring TiMvf-.aMft Utaar.. aae, 

.;. Sprtns Valley. ■ 

..' Ovego— laoga Co. Fhtei'.-. Btp i fc;"lBl Bi ' i/ a aii» l a B. 
V ' I^onard. pre*.; A.~W. PanMlae^'IBiatL't Ii. W. 

Kloxman, aee. 
Perry— SIlTer Lake Fair. Sept. 28-28. S. W. 

Hart, aee 

Fesn lan-^atea Co. AbtL Fair. Sept. 12-15. 
C. J. Hnson. pres.: Geo. H. Bemer. treaa.; 
Jno. £. Wauiiis, sec. 
"PDustikecpale— Datcbess Co. Fair. Sept. 2S-2S. 

„r J. M. Bootb. aee. 

^; Borne — Oneida Co- Fair. Sept. 4-S. Henry Bar- 
'i nard. Jr.. pres.; Ik Mlttenmaler, ]r.. treaa.; 
"'/• X- B. Cnsbman, sec. 

; Bindr ■ Creek — Sandy Creek Fair. Ang. 22.25. 
n'. Ward W. Sterena, Prop.; G. T. Smltb, treaa.; 

HI Lonla Wallace, sec 
' BUMly HfTI — Fair. Aag. 8-tl. 
yBelie u et ua Valley — Pair. Aog. 10-18. H. Ber- 
. naid, prea.. B. J. Goddard, treaa.; W. A. 

nromanabars— TTnlos Fair. Aug. ZB-Sept. 1. 

Wmiam T. Blgga. prea.; Horace A. Uoeber, 

treaa.; Gny O. Htmnan, aee 
Tetnon — ^Venun Fair. Sept. 2S-2a. F. A. Cody, 

pna.: D. W. Hart, treaa.; O. O. Slimnoiia, 


Waraaw — ^Wyomlnx Co. Fair. Sept. S1-2S. W. 

H. Boeper, aee.; Irrlng O. Botiford, trraa.; 

Wm- E. Webater, ace. 
watartQwii -Jed 

On. Mr. aept. 8* H. 

K. Cole, pre*.. Bran'a Mllla; E. O. Maxaoo, 
treaa., Adama Center: W. B. Skeela. aee. 
WdMBe— WellsTllle Fair. Aog. 21-25. 
WhUa dafaa— Weatdeater Co. Fair. Sept. 2S- 

SO. Ma«a W. Gaylot, prea.; Joa. B. Ice, 

treaa.; Edw. B. I,oog, sec. 


BnrlingtoD — .Vlamaoce Fair. Oct. 23-25. J. A. 

lioas, pres.. Graham; R. .\. Freeman, trees.; 

J. A. Tarreotlne, sec. 
Cbarlotte — ^eckllngbnrg Fair. Oct. ai-2T. K. 

J. Brerard, pres.; W. Chambers, treas.; W. S. 

OrTi, sec. 

Greenaboro— Central Carolina Fair. Oct. 10-13. 

Dr. J. T. 3. Battle, prea.; Nell KiHiigt"n, 

treas.; Jno. W. Cook, aee. 
Baleigb — Nortb Carolina State Fair. Oct. lS-21. 

AaUey Home, prea., Clayton: O. B. Daoaoa. 

treaa.: i. E. Pague. aee. 
Wlnaton-Salem — ^Fotaytb Co. Fair. Get. S4. O. 

A. Hanaer, prca.; G. B. Webb, aecL 


Cmtalr-lkl^Mmtr Mr.. Jalr.M. W. J. 
.: Oi a w i i i a J. - pwa.! -Jmt, ~ 
■ IM. W. BtkOatC aae. 


Akron — Sammltt Co. Fair. Oct. S-e. Jno. F. 

Moore, pr» Sopley B. r. D. No. 80; O. W. 

Brewster, treaa.; O. T. Swiuehart, aee. 
Athens — Athena Co. Fair. Aog. 22-24. A. 

Mnrpby, pres.; E.- B. Walker, treaa.; H, B. 

Hanlnff, aec- 
Attica— Attica Union Fair. Sept- 2S-2B. H. M. 

KanfUan, prea^; i. Nelson Starr, treaa.; Dr. 

D. V. Hoke, aee 
Bantam — Clermont Co. Fair. Bept 5-8. 
Bellefontalne — Logan Oo. Fair. Aug. 22-28. 

Jno. A. Horner, pm.; Jno. P. Aiken, see. 
Blancbester — Clinton Co. Fair. Aog. 22-20. J- 

B. Bosa, pres.; E. Goodwin, treaa.; Ulaer 
Swan, sec 

Boston — ClennoDt Co. Fair, Aog. 29-Sept. 1. 

O. M. Boadehnah. pres.. Newtonsrllle; J. O. 

Bapp, treas.; Jobn Eowan, lec,' 2118 Monroe 

ave., Norwood. 
Bneyma— Crawford Co. Fair. Oct. 10-18. J. 

W. staclEmaD, prea.; W. A. BUcke, treaa.; 

D. W. Hnrr, see, ■ • 

Canal Dorer— Tnacaiawaa Oa.. Fair. Oet. 17-20. 
CarraUtoa — CarraB Oo. Falb' 4>efe 'IA4S. IC. O. 
Cooper, pres.. Msgnollat T. 7. ~ flaltaman, 
treaa.; C A. Tepe, sec 
CcWna Mtwat Co. Fate n-as. a P.. 

" ^ X W« BoaM^t tBBaa.« 8t* 

Ubp. Ft, BaeoMqr. 
Pans OajalMita Ob. Mr. Sept. 6-a. 
imie— WalUwam Oil M& Datia not 
G. K. B w rn id a g. piaa.; A. P. Toat, 
. B. T. White, see. 
OtakMUe— aiatoa & Waxfcn Gn. Ma. Ang. 
^ '■•Ilk ' Wanen A. Brady, pna.; P. L. Ulller, 

tnaa.; ICta^ V. A.' Oorbam,' aee, ' 
Colnmboa—OtalB State Fair. Sept, 4-8. 
Coshocton — OaalMetoD Co. Fair. Oct. lO-lS. W. 
Simons, prea-; W. B. MUler, treas.; Boht. 
Boyd, sec 

Croton— Hartford Central Fair. Sept. 13-18. W. 

E. Hatfleld. pres., Centerbnrg; C- !>. Uc- 
Cracken, treaa.; W. H. Siegfried, aee 

Dayton — IContgonieiy Oo. Fair. Sept. 4-8. 
Eatoo-^teble Co. Fair. Sept. 11-16. Moab 

Slier, pres.. West Mancbester; C. F. Brooke, 

Jr., treaa.; O. W. Daogfaerty, aee 
E^tia— Lorain Co. Fair- Sept. 19-22. W. E. 

Miller, pres.; L. D- Hamlin, tieaa.: Anthony 

Neldlng, sec 
Flndlay — Hancock Co. Fair. Aug. SO-Sept- 2. 

Wm. Demland. sec 
GaBlpolla — Gallia Co. Fair. Ang. 10-18. W. 

M. DaSy, prea.. Point Pleasant. W. Va.; 

F. G. Mnsgtore, sec and treas.. Point Pleaa- 
ant. W. Va. 

GtmTllIe — Great Dark Co. Pair. Ang. 28- 

Sept. 1. J. H- Brown, prea., Arcantmi; Ed. 

AmmoD, treas., Gordon; J. M. Hall, aee 
Jeffe'soa— Ashtabula Co. Fair. Ang. 22-24. W. 

H. Dodge, pres., Dodgerllle; G. C. Babcock, 

treaa.; J. M. Roberta, sec. 
Eenton — Hardin Co. Fair. AnK. 29-Sept. 1. M. 

Thorn pstra. sec. 
Kinsman — Kinsman Fair. Aug. 29-31. H, J. 

Wald. pres.; J. A. Hamlltun, treaa.; H. J. 

Fobes, sec 

Lebanon — ^Warren Co. Fair. Sept. 1B-2Z- A. 
D. Smltb, prca.; Geo. W. Cater, aae. 
Ima— rniea OOk Me. Bob SMB. .X. A- 
Stateik P(aa,.mat Otlaat B. WMat, toaaa.; 
T. B. Bowenock, aee. 

London — Bladlson CO. Pair. Aug. SP-Sept. 1. 
McConiieUaTjUe— Uotgas Oa. Fait. Sept. S6-28. 
BenJ-: P. Banl. pres.; HaiiT m: Plalcr. tnaa.; 
Geo. B. Black, aee 
ManaOeld— Blebland Fair. Aas. BOBapt. 1. W. 
H, Sbylock. prea.; An. HUa^ lit«a., Ipol 
H. Ccaa^ sec. 

" ~ " S _ Os. Vak. Sept. 5-8. 
Hiram Tme, presL, 

mer, tnaa.. StaOlefillla: jaa. P. Bonp. sec 

Maryar flie Union Oh 

O. ~ ' 

W. P. Brodcdek. ^ 
MasiHi Msann Pair. .BMH'.aaC^aab 9. A. 

Bebdd, prea.; J. W.' BMk. MM.! W. H. 

wmiamaoo, aee. 
Mlddlerown-^Batler Oob'.Mlb Oeb' M. ' 
UontpeUer^wmiaau Oob'Mlk . IMS. a 

C. Lattanner, aaa. . - " ' 

Mount Joy— ael0t».Oai,;Mr.' Aag. S BSap t. 1. 

D. T. Blackbmii, piea,. BaidCBt W. A. Mc- 
George, sec. 

Mt. Vernon — Centennial Celebration. Jnly 18. 
Indet. H. B. Greer, malman. 

Napoleon — Naijoleca Fair. Sept. 5-8. J. W. 
Hanss, pres.; R. B. Heller, treas.; J. L. 

Halter, sec. 

Newark — Licking Co. Fair. Oct- 3-7. W. H. 

Eoaaemand, pres., GteenTlUe; B. M. Slgler, 
treaa.. Homer; J. M. Farmer, see 
New Breman — New Breman Trl-Oo. Mr. Sept. 

5-8. Theo. H. Tangeman, see 
New Lexington — New Perry Co. Ikfc' 'fept. 20- 

29- Cbaa. C. Gbappelear. 
Ottawa— Putnam. JOt, ■ Jttt. . •* ; W. J. 

Vamer, pres.; SaB-OaftntSM^-tMaiibt-A. P- 

Sandles, sec 
BIchwood— Blcbwood XkMK.Mlk . SHk' 19-22. 

J. L. Horn, pres.; Ik P.'"AM(h^ IreaA.; 
•H. C. Dnke, see 

Ripley— Ripley Fair. Ang. 8-11- L. H. WU- 
11a ma, sec. 

RnxsellTine — BnsaeUTlIle Fair. Oct. 12. 3. D. 
Selp, pres.; T. M. Sallsborg, treas.; J. C. 

Miller, sec 

St. Clalts Tflle — ^Belmont CO. Fair. Aog. 38- 

Ingtca 00. Vak. Sapt^ 5-8. 
pnsL, Xioarac Salaaij OL W. Zlm- 
ItaOlefillla: nai. W, Bonp. aee 
0> _f">- fiSfc 1*-1*- F. 
prea. : '.■.IbaMP ' BaalSaatlf treaa.; 

Sept. 1. D. S. Creamer, paaa.t V. T. 3M- 

klns, treaa.; J. H. Taylor, lee 
Sardinia — Brown Co. Fair. Ang. 29-8epl. 1. 

Farmer Kennedy, sec. 
Sidney— Sbelby Co. Fair. Sept. 12-13. D. J. 

Ca^llI, praa.; Jno. Duncan, treaa.; J. B. 

Boasetl, sec 
Smltblield— Jeffanon Oo. Fair. Sept. S7-SB. 

Alonzo Hayne, prea.. Adcna; Cbaa. UeKInaeri 

tresa.; J. O. Hayae, atc^ 
Springfield— Clarli CSk Palb Ang. 
Sycamac a .Sy aaaMra Pak. Oet. Xi-M, J. L. 

CodlB, WHm,f CtoK A. Baki; tnaa.; K, Tanee. 


Tifllii— Seaeea OOw Patr. Stpt. IMS. t. B. 

Knapp, piw^' B ij a tlW; B. T. Wiaatadr ttaaa.; 

Uorgan B. nk. ava,. BwpoMICi 
Oppar Saadaaar— W^aadat 0«b Mfb Oat. 

?■ S* gi f' V gaa^i Mag Vnak. Ja* .laMB.t 

A. p. SehoeiiMiK' OM^ 

Urbana — CbampaffB Ok. Pafew. Sag ISIS" 
Van Wert— Van WM Pakw SML IMS. B. P. 

Leslie, prea., Ooarap; B.' B. WUtaai,' tiaas. ; 

E. V. Walbom. aee 

Wapakoneta — Aoglalze Co. VUr. Stpt. ' 9S^. 
Chas. Fraaier, pres.. DnlopiiUst V. B. Bosfabcr. 

treas.; A. E. Scbaffer, sec. 
Washington C. H. — Fayette Co. Fair. Sept. 

12-15. Bell G. Allen, aee 
Wilmington — Clinton Co. Fair. Ang. 22-25. 
Wellington— Wellington Fair. Aog. 23-25. 
Woodslield — Monroe Co. Fair. Datea not let. 

W. C. Mooney, pres.; Geo. P. Dorr, aee 
Wooeter — Wayne Go. Fair. Sept. SMH. Jno. 

O. McClaren, pres.; W. A. VWioo, HBaa.; 

0. J. Elbrlght, sec. Shrcve. 
Xenia — Greene Co. Fair. Aog. 8-11. 
Zanesvllle— Mark Co. Fair. Sept. 19-23. Geo. 

K. Bro^vnlng, pres.; B. X. White, see, Ound- 

lersvlUe; A. P. Vest, treaa. 

Blackwell— Blackwell Inter-State Fair. Oct. 10- 
22. Wm. Bnckhola, pres.; W- H. Thompson, 

treas.; E. P. Blake, sec 
Deer Creek — Grant Co. Fair- Oct. 10-U. A. T. 

Dungan, pres.; T. J. Bartman. treas.; G- F. 

Eberle. sec. 

Newklrk — Kay Co. Fair. Oct. 9-12. S. Spore, 

pree; Harry Thompson, sec. 
Oklahoma City— Oklahoma Co. Fair. Oct. 23-28. 
Sbawnee— Pottawatomie Co. Fair. Not. 0-11. 

Allentown — Lehigh Co. Pair. Sept. 18-S2. Hon. 

Jeremiah, pres.; Milton J. Eem, tnaa.; H. 

B. Schall, sec 

Bedford— Bedford Co. Fair. Oct. S«, Aw. 

Line, prea.; Wm. I. Elcboltz, aee 
Be t hl e hem — PennaylTanla State Fair. Sept. B- 

8. 3. We 'er LoTatt, prea.; W. M. Apple- 
gate, treaa.; H. A. Gorman, see 
Bloomaborg — Colombia Co. Fair. Dates not 

set. E. P. Hagenbncfa, prea.; A. N. Zoet, see 
BrookTllle — Jefferson Co. Fair. Sept. 6-8, B. 

Henderson, sec 
Borgcttstown — Union Fair. Oct. S-5. D. J. 

Dowden, mgr.; W. A. Coryson, treaa.; K. P. 

Sterenson, sec 
Bntler — Driving Park and Fair. Aug. 22-25. 

Geo. A. Schaffner. pres.; E. W. Bingham, 

treas.; L J. McBrlde. sec, 
Carlisle — Cmnberland Co. Pair. Sept. 20-29. B. 

M. HnUln, pres.; W. H. McCrea, lee 
Cl ar i on — Clarion Co. Fair. Sept. 0.11. 
Oooneant Lake— Comieaat Lake Pall^ Aam. Si- 
Sept. 1. Obaa. T. Bran, aee. 
Dayton — Dayton Mfc Salt. SSSlL WtB. 4lal- 

lagher, pres.; H- Qss t, tnaa.; W. a 

Marshall, aee 
Edlnboro — Edlnboto Fair. Ang. 15-17. O. W. 

Billings, sec 
ForksTllle — SnUlran Co. Fair. Oct. 8-5. Fred 

Newell, pres.; A. G. Little, treas.; Ulysses 

Bird, see 

HanoTer — Hanover Fair. Sept. 12-15. B. M. 
Wirt, prea.; T. J. little, treaa.; M. O. Smith, 

H o neodtle Wayne Co. Fair. Datea not set. 
W. L. Pergnsoo, pres.. SeelyrlUe; J. V. 
Btani a a i treaa., Bethany; E. W. Gammell, sec 
BntbiadoB— HonUngdoi Co. Fair. Sept. 6-8. 
L B. Lalater. pica.: H. D. Bdnen, treaa.; 

Oa. SWT. Sept. U-IS. K. F. 
■i A. W. Itfebon, tieaa.; Oarld 

_ tUt. Sept. U-lB. 

STii.'ST&hSr-ii?* * *^ 

Klttannlnc— Anutraos 0*. Mr. Aog. 16-18. 
B. J. MeGiven, pna.; O. 3. Jeaaop, treas.; W. 
B. Noble, aee. 

etalghtoa — Oarboa Oa. atsla. Ang. SO-Sept. 1. 
a E. Brlnkman, pica.» W. H. Ofeart. taaai.; 

A. P. Gnenwalt aae 

Lewlabnrg— Union Go. FWt. S9t. SSSB. Geo. 

B. Frederick, pres.; Beohan KUae. tnaa.. 
Backnell; C. Dale Wolfe, aee,. BnAndL 
Madlsonville — Lackawanna Grange Fair. Sept. 

28-20. J. A. Yeager. pres.; B. J. m».i^»i.i 
treaa.; Lionel Wioshlp, see, Moaonr. 
Mansfield — Manafield Fair. Sept. 10-22. I. it. 
Clark, pres.; W. D. Hosted, tiea^: H. B. 
Hoard, aee. 

Hfltoo— Great Mnton Pair. Oct. 84l' Wm. B. 

Hackenborg, prca.; Sdwia Paal, ate. 
Montrose — SuoqaefaaBaa 'Ob. Mt. ' Sept IS-ltf. 

F. I. Lott. pree; B. B. W s sb s , taaaa.; P. A. 

Davles, sec. 

Nazareth— NortbampttB OOb Mr.' 'SlpL IS-IS. 
c. s. Messinger, piaa.,.I«lai^K''> B. Bidn- 

helmer,' sec 

Newport — Perry Co. Fair. ' Bipt. IS^SIk Ik R 
Sbeibler. pres.; T. H.. BsUslC tmtL: X C. 

F. Stephens, sec - -■ . ' 

Oxford— Oxford Fair. 8«Vt SMS. I. B. HMn, 

pres., Landenbnrg; P. O. A s SWI ifc tltaa.; 

H. C. Thomas, sec. 
Pnlaskl— Pnlaskl Fair. Aac. JSgtat. i; 
PunxButawney — Agrl. Fait, Aag. It Blipl. L 

Ben Record, sec. 
Beading — Great Beading Fair. Oct. 3-8. Jas. 

McGowan, pres., Gleger'a Mills; Mlltord N. 

Biter, treas.; H. Seldd Xluom, aee. 
Stoneboro— Stonebont Mr. Sept. (-8. J. E. 

Vernon, pres.; B«M. P. OOa^ tnSS.; GaO, H. 

Fowler, sec. 

Strondsbnrg — Monroe Co. Fair. Aug. 29- Sept. 1. 

J. S. Williams, pres.; O. F. Phllllpa, treaa.; 

F. B. Overfleld, sec, Eaat Stroudaborg. 
Towanda— Bradford Co. Mr. Sept. 9SSB. Wll 

llam J. McCabe, prea.; IL & 

Chaa. Culvert, aee 
Troy— STOP KalC StpL IBM. 

pres.; lu-M. OOim, tNaa.t IX 9, 


Winiama Grove— Granger Inter-State Fair. Aug. 
28-Sept 1. B. A. Thonua, prea.- Mectianlca, 
burg; H. S. . Mohler, aee, TUndIa l^flaga. 
Yonngwood — ^WestmoKlaBd Mr. Sept. 12-10. P. 
D. Batnbart, pres., Mt. Pleaiant; D. B. Fliber. 
treas.; F. M. Wanghman, sec, Harrison GUp. 
Charleston — S. C. State Pair. Oct. S-7. 
Columbta— State Fair. Oet. SSAT. .G. A. Ms. 
nard, pres.; A. GamemO TaMWIe. treaa.; 
A. W. Love, sec. 

Belle Fonrche — Belle Fonrcbe Fair. Datea not 
R. Cook, pres.; A. H. liaaiail» 

qf.9ii*,. swt. Ml, ' a 

Dl Otciall, peea^i J. W.- Wtot, teiaait. Bik 

Boy, sec 

Clarksvllle— Montgomery Mb DMtO set aat> 
Jdo. F. Shelton, pres.; W. B. ShaMfla^ •tNaa.t 

W. B. Bescb, sec. 
Cleveland — Farmers' Fair. Dates not Set. K, 

V. Jones, pres.; Jno. W. Cats, see 
Trenton — Gibson Go. Fair. Oct. 11-M. T. J. 

Happen, pres.; W. F. McRae, treaa.; Qua. 

L. Wade, sec. 

Dnloa City — ^West Tennessee Fair. Sot. SB 
W. 0. nim; pres.; H. DtoMCti ttMS,} 3. 



B. U 


Dallas — ^Texaa State Pall; 

C. A. Keating, pne; X 'B. 

Sydney Smltb, see 
Greenville— Hnnt Co. 

Hayter, pres.; Jaa. 

Carpenter, sec 
Eerrvtlle — West Xezaa Fair. Sept. 7-0. Charles 

Real, sec 

Llano— Llano. Co. Fair. Sept. 28-80. S. D. 

Raantree. pres.; C. I. Boynton, sec. 
GatesvUle— Confederate Beunlon. Jnly 18-21. 
San Antonio— San Antonio Fair. Oct. Sl-Nov. 1. 

JaoL W. Xakemot, prea.: S. B. Weller, treaa.; 

I. U. Taseo. tec. 

■ ■ UTAH. 

Salt tiafee an Piam JUA...tiat liltp'SMt^ 
Oct. s-T. - 7. e. uaimSSrwm.t Tml-Bate. 

Manchester Battenklll Tallep' Mr. Sept. 12* 

14. B. B.' Smltli. prea.; D. H. Syea, treaa.; 

Dr. J. F. Page, see. 
Middlebarc— Addlaon Conntr nir. Sept. S4. 

Prank a Dyea; . prss.; - W. . SaUriMlvi C» B. 

PInney. tteaa.«'JM''b BiMWa^ aae;,' Waet 


MorrisvUle— LamUla Taller SMr. ■ Aag,' It 11 " 

o. u. Pawen, pna.; O. M. Watanaaab aae.' ' ' 
Springfield— SpringOeM Mr. Sept. IS4S. . .;ai 

a Cnnbr. prea.; Geo. P. Mlaad. treaa.; md 

C Davis, sec 
Waterbmp— WtaooM Tallcp Pair.- Sept. 1S4L 

o. E. uoodr. pica.; W. B. BDMti . tiaaa.; 

Chas. Keeae, sec 
WoodBlDA— WtaSMT COu Mr. Scst. SS4& A. 

B. PBllar, paaa.; OL B. ^^fUb, twsa.; O. 

Norfolk— Korfolfe Pair. Oct. 10-2t. a O. 
Wrenn, prea.; P. O. box 290. 

Taaley— Penlnaala Pair. Aug. S-IL 3. W. 

XWaahaanoek— AgrL Pair. Aug. S-lt. J. W. 
Biaekstone, praa.; Wm. Hopkins, sec 
BlaAatnne, prea.; Wm. Hopkins, tteaa. and 


Everett — Snohomish Co. Fair. Sept. 18-2S. T. 
F. OUver. pres.; Jos. A. SwalweU. tieei.; 
Dan Currle, sec 
North Yakima— Washington Ststa Pair. Oet. S-T. 
Pnyallap^VaUer Mr; -Geb.M. W. J..Bbw> 
man. pMs;; W. Bk CMtM^ titaaut X P. WOltM^' 

Spokane — Sfwkane Inter-State 

Howell W. Feel, prea.; B. X BpaiV tnefcl 

Bobt. H. Coagrove. sec. 

Martlnsbntc— laamrood Co. Fair. Ang. 22-25. J. 

F. Thompson, pres.; P. E. Wilson, tzeas.; 0. 

W. Boyer. see 
Middleboume — Tyln Co. Fair. Aug. IMS, O, 

a. Stealey, pres.; W. E. Klrchner, trtaa,; 

C. B. Biggie, see 
New MartlnavlUe— Wetsei Co. Fair. Avg, 14-17. 

Jnstns Eackin, pree; J. A. Pyles, treaa.; J. 
B. Thorn, sec. 

Pennsboro — PennSboro Fair. Aog. 39-8cpt. 1. 

B. B. Welto, pres.: >.-. A. SMekler.' . an. 
Sbepherdstown — Morgan's Grari Pair. Svt. S4k 

C. D. Wepong, pres.; Jobn P. KearCot^ trBaa.t 
E. T. Llekllder, sec. 

Wheeling— ExposlUon and State Mr. Sept. U*' 
IB. A. Beymann, pres.; Geo. HoOk, aee. ' 


Ambetot-rPortage Co. Fair. Sept. B-8. W. 
3. Nlven, pres., Sberldan; L. A. Pomeraj. 
treaa.; A. 3. SmlHi. aee 
Anttgo— f i an S l ad e Co. Fair. Sept. 10-13. 
AppIeto»-A(rL Pair. Ang. so-Sept. 1. 

' •» a m dtltm Co. Mr. Datea. not att.- 

Wf, POM.; A. a. BiaaaaDtd.:tnaB,t,BM: 

Bamboo— Sank OaSiWaSh. 
Wild, prea.; Piank 

Pelton, aee 

Beaverdam— Dodge Oo, Mr. 

L. waUace, pna.; B. B. Oiafee, txeea.; O. W. : 

Harvey, aee 

Belolt— Inter-State Mc; Aag. U.J8. SOO. ». - 
Cram, prea.; D. B, Xaaaek, tnOa.; X. Bt; 

Corcoran, see 
Berlin- Berlin Agfl. Pair. Ang. 3S-2S. H. W. 

Temme, pna.; H. Grant Bnnce, tnaa.; W. J. 

Clement, sec. 
Blsck Blver Palls— Jackson Co. Fair. Sept. 

19-22. Jno. Bolger, pres.; O. F. Olson, treaa.; 

E. L. Ormaby, see. 
Boscobel— Boecobel Fair. Oct. 4-0. Jacob Scott, 
pres.; Joe B. Nanert. treaa.; Lonla B. Bnka. 


Chilton— Calnmet Co. Fair. Ang. 81-Sept. S. 

Fred Borman, pres.. New Holeteln; WlnlleM 

S. Lloyd, treas.; Gregory Dorsdiel, see 
Chippewa Falls— itorttaern Wlsconata State Mr; 

Aug. 28-31. Bobt. B. oitlK. Ml; 
Darlington— Lafayette Ob. liS; 

Geo. Ward. sec. 
Gay's Mills— Central AgrL Pair. „ 

AUey Peterson, pres.. Soldlan' flfoetl X; 

Ju^MoUt treaa.; B. G. B»ma. aee; ■ ■ ^ 

^lie Billboard 


W* iwv* ALL the Latest Novettles. 

BMt 'raMW Paper FaiiB gamt, |S.25 

Itasfe Tlotet iBooqiieta tnm, »M> 

Xo. 60 Gas Balloons gms, S.60 

Confem (brigbt and clean) Jlk 6% 

Confetti Duaten. aaiorted adors 100,... 1.80 
Red, White and BUw OanlTal Canea. 

pet 100 1.00 

Com. Collar. Tie * CbC Battona,. . sroaa, VI 

Immeoae ■MCCtMBt at 
robber iMllt, 
novel dea. 

/Jitfferaos— Jeffetaon Oo. aad 
I Fair. Sept. 28-20. W. I 

F. Boeaaler, sec. 
XUboorB Clty^r«tac 

Wetsel, prca.; D. 

H. Campbell, lec 
',Xa Crosse — Inter^StatB 
'.H. Spence, pres.; ■■' 
' Van Aoken. aac 
lledford— Taylac Od. Mr. 
>' Sbaw, pres.; L A. 

TOone, sec 
'llerrlll — Lincoln Co. Fair. 

Fehland. pres.; Wn. W, 

J. W. Brace, sec 
?Heiiomlnec — ^Doim On. nk. 
^y.B. Chlckcrlac, prea.; F. 
' '■' Oeo. Oallaway. sec. 
imwaokec — Wisconsin State Board of 

tme. Sept. 1-15. Geo. UcEerrow, 

J. J. Konpt, treaa.; Jno. If. Tme, a 
■SbddoTl— BoSalo Oau Mi; Mpt. 9M& 

'Otia, pres.; Ju -MM^ mM.{ 
- Fisher, aee. 

Hooroe— Oreeo Co. Fair. tmL IMML ^ 
low. pres.; L. A. Hatfitt^ tMIBal 
T. Sancerman, lec. 

New BlduDood— New RtefamaDd ftb. 
. O. X Wmiaina, pna.: F. S. 
treaa.: U. A. Baker, aee. 

Oconto— OeoDlo Fair. 8«pt. tS. 3. & 

NaUISTllle— Clark On. Fair. 

W. Homd. pcea.; O. h. 

B. 0. Ctork, ice. 
New I iiadap Agtt 
;;iWa|ji^ .OgllMnM^^ O^Mc. 

Sept. 1S4S. I, 

c?.«r-.-«, ,w. 

. ana.; R. »I'Ta«Ti 

:;jniiM|a^Tacani Oo. Mr. Bttt. tMk. V. M. 

'Hi pica.; J*. U, BKLccii Md; 
" atlWB Oo. Mr. " 

: Betinan. prea.; I. L 
Blebardaon, aee. 

I «, B. 

AlTlnstoD— Fair. Oct. S-t. 
Brlsden — Fair. Oct. S. 
Chatbam — ^Weit Kent DM. Mfc 

A. J. Dolaen, prea.; B. G, 

Henrr Boblnson, aee. 
OUUngwood. Ont. — Great NortbetB 

Sept. 28-28. w. A. Hon, pres.; 
■■- (OTle, tress,; J. W. Archer, sec 
ftorert— Fair. Oct- 5-8. 
Olenco— Fair. Sept. 26-27. 
Kingston. Ont.— KlosBton Dlat. Fair. Datea not 

■et. Mayor B. UcFarland, prea.; O. W. 

Wright, tress.; J. Morgan Shaw. aee. 
Londoit— Western Fair. Sept. 8-18. Capt W. 

J. Beld, pres.; D. Mackenzie, treas.; J. A. 

Nellca, sec 

Nelson. B. C— Nelson Fair. Sept. 27-28. Jaa. 

3. Johnstone, prea.; 3. 3. Ualone, treaa.; J. 

E. Annable, sec. 
Peterbotousb — Indnstrtal Exhlblttoo. Bapt. SS- 

27. D. Bugbes, pres.; F. J. A. BtIL w» 
Petrolla — Fair. Sept. 21-ZS. 

SamU— Fair. Sept. 

Sanlt Sta. Mkxi 

Jno. DKwaon, staa.] 


Sberbrooke, , 

Sept. 24. a A. Mmb, sno.t 
son, sec 

StrathroT— West Middlesex Fair. 
Toronto-^^^nadlan National 

2e-Sept. 12. J. O. Orr. sec 
Wattord— Fair. Sept. 28-28. 
West London— Fair. Sept. 8-16. 
Tanleek Hiu, Ont.— Prescott Co. Fair. Sept. 

21-28. Alex. A. LeBoy, pres.; Fred. W. 

TUstlewalte, sec. 
WIndiaater. Ont.— Wlnebeatet Fair. Sspt. A-T. 

Od. r. Adt, prea.; W. Laflammc, Mft waA 

New Street Fairs. 

Albino, Mich.— Street carnlTiI. Anspleci W. R. 
X. ot p. June 12-17. PUbeam Bros.' Sbowa, 

Aiuiap(dls, Ud Independent Stre«t Fair and 

Camlral. Ansplces Fire Dept. May 2S-Jnne 
3. W. A. Holllbsngb, mgr. 
Blnnlngham, Ala.— Street Mr. Bfav IMO. 

Oreat Gasktn Shows, attr. 
BImfleld, W. Ta.— Street Fair. HkF lB4lt. 

Robinson Am. Co., attr. 
Bridgeton. N. J.— Tonrth Annual Festlral and 
CarnlTal. Auspices 'Bridgeton Boapltal and 
Bridgeton AthleUe Aaa'n. Jons liSt. Ohaa. 
F. ResTcs and I>. H. "ffHa. gitfa. 
Canton. lU.— K. o( P. OunM. Ogb *r. Sao, 

O. Boyt, sec. 
Ofaarlestoo. HI. — Uniform Ban* K. of P. Oaml- 

TaJ Ass'n. (Dates not set.) 
amrlotte, N. C— Street Fair. Uaj 10-30, 
Oam. Co., attr. 

CWeuo, UL— Oreat May CamtraL 
_>Mi> AAcrt, S2 Halstead st. 
ChMaaha, I. Tv-Strwt Fair. May 22-27. Great 

AIuBo Aioirs, attr. 
O anaisaaa a., lU^-«reet Fair. Mtir a2.a7. 

•"""I'llll Oua. Osw. attr. 
I WteBt .Oaw— fta* StfMt Fair. Auspices Flra 
Pg a rfs as aU Mar »Sa. Wrishfs An. Oo.. 

tte. Iftw tokW Free Street Mr. MV 
V. U. Ohmltal Co.. attr. 

Bdentoai, N. C — Street Pair. May 8-lS. Jones- 
Adams Sbows, attr. 

Eldorado, Kan.— Street Fair. May 8-lS. Oixla 
Cam. Co, attr. 

Elkins, W. Va.— Street Pair. Ibr 848. Baik- 
ont earn. Co., attr. 

Bmlaence. Ky. — Street Fair. May 2^-27. Smith 
Greater Am. Co., attr. 

Farmlnstoii. Mo. — Flremeo's Free Street Fair 
and Carnival. May 8-13. D. S. Carnival Co.. 

Fostorla, O.— Street CarnlTal. A-nsplccs Fra- 
ternal Order ot Eagles. May 28-Jnne 3. Will 
H. Wrtder Cam. Co., attr. 
Ooldsboco, N. C. — Saeet Fair. May U-20. 

JtaiM-AdaaM Shmn, atta. 
GiaTettr. Atk.-fitictt Mk. Ibj U4g. Bard 
An. Oo.. attr. - 

N. Cv— atreet Fair. Maj 2»4m» 

__jaa Oasa. Oow. attr. 

GmaMd, O— atitM Mr. Aamieag Bad Hn. 
_iiar9Mr. _wm. H. w«Mw Cua. .oa, attr. 
BanodalmtK, Ky«-flt(MC Mr.. MiF tSSTwrnm 

Orsater An. 0*., attr. • ' • - 

PlattabuTK. N. T.— Oadoar OsinML 11*7 8-18. 

Clyrtal ^e Cam. OOs attr. 
B«ldenTllle. I. T.— Street Mr. Mar 8-I8. 

Oreat Alamo Showa, attr, 
JackaonTBIe, III.— QprhW Onatfal. Itaj 88- 

Jone 3. T. 8. scott, atc. nttaiMa-BtatBeid 

Cam. Co., attr. 
JelUco, Tenn.— Street Fair. May 15-20. Mile* 

iMay Sbowland, attr. - 
Lacrosse, Wis.— Street Fair. Aogpleca H*i>. 

chants' Protective Ass'n. July S4k 
Lake Charles, La.— Street Fair. MkF 884?; 

Whitney's Greater Sbows, attr. 
Lafayette, La.— Street Fair. May 15-20. Whit- 
ney's Greater Sbows, attr. 
Macon. Oa. — Street Fair. May S-I8. Great 

OaakUl Sbows. attr. 
Mdway. Ky.— Street Fair. . Mar SMT. HBca 

May Sbowland. attr. 
MllUnocket. Me. — ^Indoor CatnlvaL May 8-13. 

Crystslplez CatD. Co., attr. 
Mt. Temon. Ind^-Stieet Fair. Aavicea M. W. 

A. and Business Men'a Asa'a. May 15-20. 

T , s < 'hmsn -Keetch Shows, attr. 
Nenaik, O.— Street Fair. Inly 84. 
KcwCbMc. &; mntt FUr. Mir SS-Jnne 8, 

"CAILLE'Afflusemsnt Machines 


All sufscesstul operators of Parks, Carnivals, Exhibits, etc, use the well- 
known "Callle" mad^ Picture Machines, Welgning Scales, Bag Poncheia^ 
Grip and Liin^ Tests, I^ifters. Fottaae Tellers, Vending Machines, eto. 

"Mystic Wheel" 
Fortune Teller 

I. X T.— MtMt Fdr. Mar 16-20. 

Great Alamo Stioaa, attr. 

Opeloaaas, La.— Street Fair. Mar 8-18. WUt- 

ner's Gteater Shonrs. attr. 

Fledaumt, W. Ta.— Street MK Ukt U40l 

Batkont Oatn. Co.. attr. 

SkellvTil]*. Kr.— Street Falt^- Mv 
^Creat tt Ass^ **n'littgt Mr, Mu 848. 
Am. Oot, «Mr. 

Sm&t Mb asd CanuYaU. 

I list is gavlNft 1 

May 8-lS. 

Albuqnetqae. N. M. t U i gl Fair. 

Monarch Am. Co.. attr. 
Alliance, Neb.— May 181880 8. OoU&'a 

Co., attr. 
Alpena. Mlcb. — Street 

tol Am. Co., attr. 
Alpine, Midi.— Stieet Fair. Joaa 

J. Frank Hatch Shows, attr. 
Arcadia. La.— Street Fair. Mar 

Cent An. Ce.. attr. 
Aabland. Ky.— Street 

aoa Anv Co.. attr. 
AsbtaboU Hattar. O.— Street Fair. Juaa lS-17, 

Great J. Fraak Hatdi Bhowa. attr. 
Aurora, Ind. — Free Street Fair. Ansplces Hay- 

makers' Assn.. No. 220M. May 15-20. Wn. 

L. Moss, sec. Welder's Carnival Co., attr. 
Baltimore, Md. — Bebnlldlng Celebration. Sept. 

10-10, J. Battr Tregoe. pres. aasn. 
BaaecoCt, MIA.— Street Fair. May SO-Jnne S. 

WIzem Bros,' OstdItsI Co., attr. 
BamesTlUe. O.— Street Fair. Joaa B.10. 
Battle CreA, Iftab.— CanlTal at Cate Tlew 

Park. Lake Ootnao. May Sft.jaaa 8. Oapltol 

Am. oo» attr. 

V cttr. MI C* , wiirt rat. KOr »«. Oipi- 

tat a— atlr. 
pwg^.nU-4»a*K^MB; Aag. S-U. BSIdwln 

Bdenile. Oat-^trctt Mr aad Braalwa Jnly 

24-88. Arthur McGlnBla. aecy. 
Bmiosa. Mont.— Street Fair. Joaa Ool- 

Iln'a Am. Co., attr. 
Bismarck, N. D.— Street Fair. MV 18-80. 

Robinson Am. Co.. attr. 
Bonhsm. Tex. — Firemen's Camleal aad Street 
Fair. May 15-21. A. J. GtcTensdB. see. C. 
W. Parker Am. Co., attr. 
BoonviUe. Mo.— Street Fair. Aog. 10-lT. 
Breckenrldge, Pa.— Street Fair. Mar S2-S7 

Great J. Flank Hatch flhUM. atlE. 
Bristol, Tenn.— Street IWr. Mhj HSl BSUn- 

son Am. Co., attr. 
Bristol. Va, — ^Firemen's Spring CanATaL Hay 

8-13. Robinson Am. Co.. attr. 
Bnshnell. lu.— Street Fair. Sept. Bald- 
win Bros,' Shows, attr. 
Bntte. Mont.— Street Fair, ttmt IMUr 1. 

CoUln's Am. Co., attr. 
Camden. N J.— MlUtary Oandral. May 80-20. 

Pierce Am. Co.. attr. 
Canal Sorer. 0,— CamlTtl. Ansplesa tha Ka- 

gles. May SZ-2T, Boss Camlral Oo,, attr. 
Cape Gltaideao, Mo. — Street Fair. Aoaplcea 
Merchants' Protectlre Aasodatton. Mar 
Jnne 8, Seeaan.MIIHfan MardI Om Ob,! attr. 
CaratbersnUe, Mo. — ^Free Street Vfetc My 

8-8. O. W. Daahman, see 
Cedar Baplds, la. — Ninth Annual Camlral and 

Horae Show. Oct. 2-7. E. J. Oarey. aee 
Obattaooogm, Tenn. — Cbattanoofa Spring Festl- 
Tal and Street Fair. Anaplcea Merchanta' 
Assn., May 29-June 8. Geo. B. David, sec. 
Cbeboygan, Mich. — Street Fair. Jnly 17-22. 

Capitol Am. Co.. attr. 
Cberryrale, Kan. — Street Fair. Auspleea Pio- 
neer Fire Dept. May 15-20. OesaMPoUtan 
Am. Co,, attr. 
Cheyenne, Wyo.-^NMat FiBk IMF. Ool- 

lln's Oo., attr. 
Clyde, Kan.— Firth District M. V. A. BM Bom. 
Ing and Watermelon CatnifU. Aif. n<Swt. 
1. B. J. Felse, sec. 
Coatsvllle, Pa. — Firemen's CamlvaL Hay 848. 
Pierce Am. Co.. sttr. 

Colnmbns, Ind,— Carnival. Aumieea OolmBbos 

Woodmen. June 0-10. BoblnsoD Am. Oo.. 

attr. Balph Bills, sec 

CoshoetoD, O. — Old Home Week. Aos. T-12. 

Geo. S. Caton, sec 

Crestline, O.— Eagle Free Street Fair. Mar 

U-20. Boaa A Naomaa Skowi, attr. 

^HHHK Carnival Machines 

•^^^fis^M^.""" A Specialty 

The CAiL.L.E: BROS. CO. 


■nrr-iir fob 


Butt-In Badses. Fobs and Saalrts. Paper Fans and Bells, 
Easter Novelties, Chicken and Babbit, Balls and Pipes. 
Canea, Confetti, Confetti Dusters. Trlek Hateltee, 
Whlstlbuc and Gas Balloons, 2,000 IMAreBt Novel- 
tie* for Sommer Beaorta, Carmlvala, Celebr» 


134k 136, 188 Piwk Kow, 


mu. .Waltar 

I «4a 001- 

DanviUe. IB. 

Carnival Co.. attr. 
Deadwood. S. D.— Street Ml^ 

Un'a Am. Co.. attr. 
Decorab, la. — Carnival. Jnne SSJoly 1. 
Denlson, Tex. — Spring OamlraL Mar 1B40. 

Ansplces Denltoa Ouatval Am. W. O. 

Meglnnls, sec Parkar Ab. Ok. Miw - - 
Denver. Col, — Street Vafc MSF 848.' VWKpK 

Carnival Co., attr. 
Dickson, Tenn.— Street Fair. May S-IB. St. 

Lonls Syndicate Am. Co., attr. 
Dnlntb, WUm.— Street Fair. Ang. 14-10. Col- 
lin's Am. Co.. attr. 
Dnmoot. N. J. — Flremen^s Fair and Carnival. 

Oct. 3-T. W. S. Sbedman, gen. mgr. 
Duqnesne, Pa. — Street Fair, Blay 10-20. Great 

J. Frank Hatch Showa, attr. 
East Liverpool. O. — Street Fair. May 30-Jnnc 

S. Great J. Frank Hatch Sbowa, attr. 
Elkhart, Ind. — HiKbland Park Free Carnival. 

May 11-16. Pllbeam Bros.' United Carnival 

Co.. attr. 

Blkton, Ky.— Free Street Fair, Ansplces W. O. 
w. Mav 8-i3.__Tiaebman-Seet «Ji B lMma. attr. 

ton, Jr.. sec 
Brie, Pa.— Odd Fellowa Oamlval. Anspleca I. 
O. O. F. Temple Assn. Jnly Sl-Ang. S. C. 
F. Hnmmell, Dr. C. H. Harvey and B B. 
Brown. L. O. Stemett. Oommlttce on Airanse- 

Fargo, N. D.— Street Fair. Jnly 24-20. OidUs's 

Am. Co., attr. 
Plndlay, O, — Free Street Fair. AusplCca Pktll* 

Anders* I,odce- Jnly W. I*. Teal, aee 

Welder'a Carnival Co., attr. 
Flint, Mlcb.— Golden Jubilee. Jnne T'S. 7. 

D. Dort and E. O. Wood, anb-eoamdttec. 
Ford City. Pa. — Street Fair. Anspfess Boss Oo. 

No. 2. Jnly 3-8. 
Ford City, Pa. — Street Fair. Aospleaa Hose Oo. 

Sept. 4-0. 

Fort Madison, la. — Street Fair. A. O. U. W. 

Jnne lS-17. C H. Sallsbnry, mgr 
Ft. Plain. N. T.— Street Fair. Sept. 11-18. 

Bmlel Bebell. aee. 
Ft. Scott. Kan.— Street Fair. Agsaleea «t F. 

O. Eagles. Jnly 10-15. Parker / ~ 
Frankfort. Ind. — Big Pow-wow 

Ansplces Bed Men. Ans. 88. 
Folton, Ky.— 4tiaat FUfe - Am 

cU. Mar I»M, •iMMtSMB BHS Ona 

00. , attr. 

OatesvQIe, Tex— BaOBfeM SbA 'AMBML Am- 
plcea the Confs«Mla VMaMSiL Slir wU. 

W. H. JobaaoD. _^ 

ai^r&nML Mr S4. ' SIMS Aa. «», 


Grand Forks. N. D.— StrMt Fair. July Sl-Aog. 

8. Oonin'a Am. Co., attr. 
Oreat Falls, Mont.— Street Fait; Mr XMB. 

OoUln'a Am. Co.. attr. 
Grand Ledge, Mich Street 

1. OapUd An. Co., attr. 





6611. FnDklii St., CHICAGO. ILL. 

Every Arttd* a Sioacy-ltaker 


GetonrDricason GAS AND WHISTUNS 
AXXOON8. decorated for advertlslnr pnr- 
Also ImportediTISSOE PAPSRFAirB. 

5 A V T^.f^'&^ Exclusive and BeUabto 
BAXXOONHOCSB In America. Onr line this 
seaaon Is the stronsegt In the world, with ar- 
tlelea Cor Stteet F^ia. Stumner Eesoita,Plc- 

Men Me. Ml 
'Welder's Oata. On., attr.' 
Haatlnsa. Neb.— Street Fair. May 1-U CoOIa'a 

An. Oobt attr. 
Bavcrun, Maas. — ^Bnslncaa Men'a Bxpoaltloa. 
Free Street Fair and Carnival. May 18-80. 
Artdrsaa Sec. box 00. 
Bdeaa. Moot.— Street Fair. Jolr 84. Ool> 

IlB'a Am. OsL, attr. 
mux Pmiat. N. a— Rea Strast 1 
AaeileaB Cam. Co.. attr. 

Mkh. Free street Fair 

The Blliboarcl 

■STMusani m lafz. 



41 £.43JuraD SU 1^^ YORK. 
■ OAS, wHiSTLiNa AND SmwKmSta 



Also Novelttes lor SfKefmen. 

We Rcctv^cvciy wmkUfmmrbietorj 
, Qall»»n of an l^adft'aA man Oat v^' 
I (BuaatM of sapertor ^nality to *aj 
' offered on the market. 

We alto cinttoa oar cuitoaiert aod the 
'trade to bevrarc of lafcrior' goods cad 
fal>e aoinbcr* offered at cheap prices- 


Toy Whips and WaOdof Canes, 


. n Am airaa^ m TOM. 


ObKtaloBiia tnmUhecl on anpUestloB. 

Flaifs and Decorations, 

United States Flag Co 

laAsanrlUe, Fla. — CamlTal. Aosplca laekaon- 
Ttne CamlTol Am. Not.—. W. Ii> Otr- 
ter, pm. 

;:9diiUi>. Mo.— Sticct Fair. Uaj US. VMMna- 
^ . BiBliicrd Cam. Co., attr. — - 

. KUtunlnc, Pa. — Fifth Asnaal nrvinen'a Fice 
' tticct Fair. Auspices How Co. No. 8. Joljr 
Sl-Anc. S- Bazrj J. Walter, sec 
Kokomo. Ind. — Stnct Fair. Ua' 'ZS^Jone S. 
.•.Mooanh CamlTal Co., attr. 
Lanslns. Mlcb.— Stnet Fair. JmM 1-8. Cwl- 

tol Am. Co., attr. 
Las Vrsu. N. U.— Street Hifc'- '' Mi^'JtM Ml 

Uonarcb Am, Co., attr. 
LexlngtoB, Ky. — Btreet Fair. May IQloiw 4. 
.> Auspices Tent So. SO Knlcbts of Ik* ' 

bees, BoMiisBn Am. Qk, attr. 
" .Ecxlnstan, 
^ Leziac 

:l<^£Utoa.*U^-«txMt Mr. 
.bpo. .Swwi. attr. 

»&. OB. OlMd. Jt. 

or. <i— ctiMt lur. ' tur 

*1PMM CMttd 

UcmpUs, Tcmu-^ticet Fair. 

vers* Dam. Mar S-I3. Oreat MuaSr 


mn Bhoali. 

Koatccar. CHI, tfiiit fWfc 

Cam. Co.*. attr. 
lit. Alir. M. a— Free Street Fair. Ifv SMT. 

Americas Canlral Oow, attr. 
let. Clements, Midi. — K. of p. Free OaniTml. 

line lS-21. Great J. Frank Hatch Bbein, 


Mt. TacDOo. N. T.— Ontdoar OuaMl wt Ilra- 

NaahTUIe. Tcaa Street Fair. Uay 22-27. See- 

man-MHUcaB MarOt Gras Co., attr. 
. Nellsli, Neb.— Street CamlTal. Sept. 13-15. W. 
W. Ode, sec. 
Heir Castle. Pa. — Free Camlral. Jnne B-IO. 
" Great J. Frank Hatcb Siowa. attr. 
'•■Norfolk. Ta. — Street Fair. Aosptces Ejilshts of 
Prthiaa. Jnne — . Lajton CarolTal Co.. attr. 
. OatlaTWl, Cnl — Street Pair. Jane S-IT 
miaboma Cltr, Okla.— Street Fair. Mar — w 

Parker Sliowa. attr. 
Owenaboro, Ky. — Indofted CbmlTal. Ansplces 
•Woodmen. May 22-27. Great Mimdy Shows, 

Patlnmh, Ky. — CamlTaL May 15-20. Bodsey 
. ^ c, DbtIs. sec 
^'^^^1PU1% Ont^— Old BoTs* Beonlon and Summer 
'|^^--~ Cazolral. Anr- X4-19. G. B- Stewart Jonea, 
." een. sec. 

- Paris, Tenn. — Street Fair. Auspices City Coxm- 
cO. May 8-13. Seemam-MiUlean Mardi Qraa 
X." Oow. attr. 

^r-Satenmi. K. X ' O ii ntT aL Jka*' Hb ' Wi. B. 

JoiiDBoa, 110 Bcoadway. 
. ' BanUlBK' 0.>-i-lUtebaatf Prea Stnct lUz. Kay 

8-lS. Bam ft Btanan Bbowa. attc 
Fcni, ' b«>-8tn«t Mcu Aoipleas Bad 



BmftTlIte. in.— Street Fata; Am 

Baldwltt Bros.' atom, attt. 
Saslnaw, Mich.— Stnat WUtf -tam 

tol Am. Co., attr. 
St. Jobns. Mleh, .S Uail ffUb 

Capitol Am. Co., attr. 
St. Peter, Mian. — Oooatr VUr ant 

TaL Sept. 14-10. B. B. MOlK 
San Jose, CaL — Street Ikla. 

CamlTal Co., attr. 
San Cmlz. Ca.— Stmt Walt, May 

Fiesta Camlral Co., attr. 
Sberidan. Wyo. — Street Fair. Jane 12-17. 

lln's Am. Co., attr. 
Sbeffleld. Ala. — Street Fair. Bates not set. 
SUUDCtoo. i'B. — Flremeo's CamlraL Hay 15-20. 

Pierce Am. Co., attr, 
Talladesa, Ala. — Flremen'a 

Tal and Street Pair. May 
Tatentam, Pa. — Btreet Fair. Kty 

J. Frank Hatch Sbowa. attt. 
Tarklo, Jlo.— Free Pall r 
Temple, Tex. — Stret Fair. 

Department. ' May 3-8. 
Tboma^. Otia. — Street Pair. 

UarrU Am. Co., attr. 
TbomasTllle, N. C. — Free Stiaat Fair. 

&-13. American Camivat Oa- altL 
.Talsa, I. 1. — Street Fair. Wf 

Alamo SbocTs, attr. ■ 
Dnlontonm, Pa.^trcet Fall. MS. J. 

FraiU Hatcb Showa, attr. 
Tallajo, Cal.— Street Fall. Hv 1Mh» S, 

Fiesta CamlTal Co., attb 
Warsaw. 111. — Street Fair. 

win Bros.* Sbows, attr. 
Watcrtoini. 8. D.— 

DakolB TmtUDg 

May 8-13. Eblln- 

Kaidl Gras On., attr. 
Foctanoatta. O. — Street Fair. AoMeca A. O. IT. 

W, Jane S-IO. Flank Bcamnoat, etum. 
Beynoldsnile. Pa.— Street GamlTal. JnlT 4-0. 

B. M. Gibaon. sec 
Borne. N. T. — Merdiants' Tlrpositlm and Ftaa 
StnatFalc laaa B-lO. ~ ' ~ 

Wcnstan. O.— OnitnL Maj 8-11. 

Wcldnsr Oaialral Oa,. attr. 
WeUlactoB. Kan.— Bis Band OuliaL Sapt. — . 

C, E. Olaman. sac. 
WUbartan. I. T.— StM 

B. O. Am. Co., attt, 
WOalaBtga, N. CL— ( 

ObanSaa^AaiB Bivasaka Ma. MB. 

aat atL W.. Ik Waal. aae. 
WUmlpeg, CuL— Stitct Fair. Auk. T-U. ool- 

lla*a An* Odw» acts* 
Wyandotte^ Iliek.— K. «C P. Free SIzcet Oaml 

TaL . nar MMpa S. ~ 


Enreka ; 

Fort Smltb— 
in on (Is. 

;dale— Joly 24-Sl. Chas. F. BaaK._ 

Time 23-JaIy 




4-Aos. 4. F, A. Bocsesa. 

BamesnUe — Early July. W. B. Smith. 
DakllB— anne ISSU. H. U. Stanlay. 
17-38. W. li. 


Aaront— 'Ane. 12-20. 

cantfle block. 
Bloomlnxton — Joly 21-31. 
Canton — Jnne M-Jnly 4. 

C. Flemlns. 

O. I.. Wllaoo, 823 Her. 

B. F. Berry. 

J. H. SoweitT or T. 

CTIfittm— i^nt IMS. B. B. BnU^^ 
DanTllle Am IMk -nr. r 


DanTllle AHfc 

Occatnr-n^ S4S. F. & 


DelaTaB — (Indoor) Oct. S-11. 

BlakMnlngton, DI. 
DixoD— Jnly SO-Anf. 14. Boo. Adam Krape. 

Lena- ; „ 

Bl Paio — (Indoor) Oat. ISSlii •• * -BL- Shaw. 

Bloomln^too. ni. 
Galesbors— July 15-S*. W. I., uma, Foatlae. 


Kankakee— Ang. 21-30. 0. W. Man a l iy, 88B3 

LaSalle St., Chlca«fc . • . 

XjLncoln— Aag. 16-26. Sw. ■> MBM^ OTilLt 8. B. 

Stringer, pres. 
latUa Springs-^oly 30-Aa^ IS. Bar. Jaa- 

per L. Donthlt. UtUa. 
Mechanlcsbuig— Aas. lB4r. B. 8. SoDatd. _ 
MoUne— Jnly IMk W. T. BHhaiii W B. H. 


MattwKt— AOS. W i s ,K & Shaar, BSasaaactan. 


ir aiiH Am TIM Ber. t. 8. Tamv. Ut- 

tle Tadc ' ' ': 
Ottawa— Aac.. iMr. It. C Baltd. 
Oak PailE^-Alr IrlO. H. U. Hidbtook. 
Petenboic— AOS. Ber. Geo. H. Tamer. 

Plasa— Ji^ 20-Ane. IS. W. O. Paisley, Un- 

coln, m. 

Pontine — Joly 22-Ang. 6. A. C. Folsom, 
Ptincetoo— June 26-JnIy 5. !•. S. Smith. 
Paris — ^Ang. 4-14. W. U. Miller. Pontlac. 
Rockford— Aog. 17-31. A. 0, Fidsoo, Pontlac. 
"til llij-rlllf JnlT 34-Axs. 7. Dc J. O. Wester- 

Telt. • . -i--^ — ' . ■." ■ 

Sterllns-MIr' St-U «. M i l a*. Oik 


Sycamore — Aog. 12-22. H. U. Holbrook, Oak 

Park. • _ 
UrlNUUt— Aug. IS^ZT. Ber. Blebard a Bancy. 

BtaaUyn-Jdr 2S-Aiir. U> a*** >> '&. - Ckv- 

ia£Sd*FBik-IaIy.»-Ass. XL itar. K'ftv- 

dcTa Tra ^teaafla* 
JiWiiawi Hin •■». CMC 0. A. PtoMcr. New 


LaPorts— laly 3S-ABC. S. Bar. Cko. a 
LaFayette— Jane Fred liCMB. ti 

I. H. 'Shaw, BliwmlMtBB, ~i. 
Uadisoa— Aoc. t04a._f rT. 0a i 

«. F. B. 

Bemlngtoo — Aay. 
Blchmood— AOS. ' 
Ington, ni- 

Wlnooa Lake— Jnly 1. SoL 0. Dickey, 

118 Moomneat Place. 

t. O. 


Atlantic— Ang. 5-13. Ben W. Wood. 

Albla— Early Joly. W. J. BasUe. 

Allerton — Aug. IG 23. ReT. J. A. Shannon. 

Clarinda— Aug. 5-19. William Orr. 

Clear Lake — July 24-Aug. 1. Dr. W. W. Carl 

ton. Mason City. 
Columbus JnnctlOQ — ^Ang. 2-10. Marshall C. 


Chariton — Aug. 15-25. F. E. Crocker. 
Creston— June K^July 4. Prof. W. BelL 
Ctdfax— Joly 30-Aog. 10. Cbas. J. BoxUah, Bar. 

Fort Dod t e Joly 23-31. Dr. Putt Balid. pres.j 

: Dod a e Joly 3S 
F. .M<mk. aaa. 

. r. LB. Baaa. 
aSiAaS. T. S. K.. BUUdar. 

, T. 

MalT tm J uly B. I. WseHe. vtss.; B. J. 

Balrd. snpt. 

Peterson— Joly 12-21. C. H. Staples; OrlnaCU. 
Sidney— Jnly 22-31. E. 8. BanddL 
Stonn £,ake — July 18-24. M. M 
Tama— Jnne 24-Jaly 4. C. E. FleollS. 
Toledo— Jnlj l-Ul Joka A. BUl ~ 
IT II ililii[ Ilia idM ISSi A. a. 

Waterloo— ifiiai-.aiAr..'- BaiW I 

B«loit^-Jatr U4B. Bar. T. B. F. AsfUt. GoB- 

Clay Center. Ang. 3-13. Ber. A. B. WMtmer. 
Bmporla — June 2S-Jnly T. Dr. P. B. Cromer. 
Ottawa— July 6-17. Ber. C. 8. Naabanm, Cher- 

Watheoa- Aug, 5-13, A. W. Theminaon. 
Wlnfleld— Jane ao-JnIy 8. M. B. Ught. 

Ashland— Jime SS-Jnly 8. Ber, Jotan McCarthy, 

Hontlngton, W. Va. 
Carlisle— AOS 3-13. H. M. Taylor. 
• - - Iftjair S. DC. W. DaTld- 

■ BLa 

Ocean Park— Jnne 23-Aag. 31. Ber. W. J. 
Twart, 12 Beaerroir St., I.awrence, Mass. 


Cnmberland — Jnly 38-Ang. 10. W. L. RadcUSe, 

cr. Y. M. C. A. 
Mt. Lake Pfrk— Aug. 3 29. Dr. W, L. Darld- 

soo, I71I Grant St., WashlsgtOD, D. C. 

Montwalt— Joly 17-28. Geo. H. Clark, Somer- 
▼Ille, Ibaa, 

NOctliiiaavtffii— Jnly 11-31. Dr. W. L. Darid- 
soa 1711 Gtant St., Washlsgton, D. C. 

itTfTtrTff air. 

Bay V ian July as-Ans- F. onism Cromer, 

mi B. Bala at, Oarton. O. 
Ln Jli ntM J Mf SMas. St. BlTtn Swartkoat, 

Abert Lea— jaiy 16-20. 



OUntan— Aoc. 3S«ept 4. TTel W. Lamkln. 
Cartkace— Jnly 4-13. H. G. Fitzer, 
MayarUle— Ang. 11-20, A. J. Hitt. 
NeoSba — July 19-26. John Brown. 
Bock Port — ^Aug. 4-12. Jas. F. Gore. 
Seneca— Jane 12-22. B. L. Stewart. 
~^aa«akaia — Rattle SBciaa). 
C, Stt a aH. dH X. 4«k at, St. 1 


IMS. B.r. 

_ anBASKA. 

ABi U a m m SMUr «• O. K. Umt, 

(t.. Imtaee. Baa. 
Anbon — Aac. IS-Sl. J. H. Dnndas. 
Beatrice— Joly «-18. C. L. Becd. 
Fnllerton — Aog. S-15. T. E. P. Oopple. 
(^enoa— Jime 24-30. C M. Lowe. Lawtcace, 


Lincoln — ^Ang. 2-10. L. O. Jonea. 
Salem— Ang. 1-8. W. P. ShUdacck; 

XeeomMk-MF ISfB. «. B. 


Heddlng — Bar. 
N, H. 

Atlantic City — Jewish Chantanana. Jair 8-20. 
Isaac Bcader, box 385, n lliili^tli. tm. 




le 2-24. 


Tllle, O. 

Ddairare— Jnly 2S-Aog. 1. Ber. Iflltaii W. 

Brown, 1305 Mnrdock are., Westwood, Cin- 
cinnati, O. 
DeSance — Jnly 30-Aog, 10, A. P, Uorphy, 
Franklin— Miami Valley Chantanqna. Jnly 21- 
Ang. 7. 

Hiawatha Lake^-Jolr St-Aas. A. Bar. C. J-. 

Boae, GiaasBI^ O, 
Lancastet^-Aas; IBBk Bcr. L. OL 

ark. O. 

Miami VaDej— July 21-Aug. 7, F. GOlom Cro- 
mer. 1314 N. Main St., Dayton, O. 
Bt. TetnoB— Ohio Baptist Ohaataiiaia liimtilj 
AaS. W. 6. Archer, snpt. 
J. B. — 

Eagles Mere— July I2-Se»t. «. B. B. 

HngtaeSTllle, Pa. 
Mt. Gretna— July l-Anif. T. BtV V. ft I 

Harrl^urg, Pa. 
Naomi Pines — July 2T-Aa^ T. Di^ M. G. Smm- 

bangb. U. of Pa.. PliUailMli. Fa. 
Poem Flne*^ July 2T-Aa(._I% ^ Bar. Bataa W. 

Big Stone Lake — Jnne 25 -July T. 8. B. 

Big Stone City, S. D. 
Canton— June S»Jnly ». Dr. M. A. Si 

laM aoaair S. . .B. f. 

- nlT 
Barrisonbnrg, Ta. 


Waaakaekle — Joly 18-28. Ber. C. 0. 
WkUettCto, Tex. 





Chetek— July 14-24. J. W. BeU. 
Delaran — Aug. 2-13. W. A. 
Marinette— Aog. 4-18. Qaa. 
Mooona Idke — (Madison). 

A. 4u:^W, 


B. Bosclr. afadlaoo 

U-34- Jas. a. Shaw, 

Oape Town. Cape Oolaay, 8. 

nor L. 
Hllwaokec, Wlt.- 

Bxpoaltiim. ApcB U-May 91. 

State Brposltioa Asmi.. Bapotftlao bldg. 
Mitchell. S. D. — Sereatk Aanoal Coca Puaec B>> 

poaitlon and Free Street Atttactloas. BepC 

25-30. L. O. Oalc. 
Norfolk, Va Jamestown Tereeatenary Bxpoal- 

tlott. May 1 to Dec. 1, 1B07. On, Fltshngk 

Lee, chairman ezecntlTe committee. 
Portland, Ore. — Lewis and Clark Centennial Bx- 

poaltlon. June 1-Oct. IS. B. W. Ooode, pres.; 

Henry B. Beed, aec. 
Waahiiigton, D. C — Central Amerleaa 

tloo. Sept. 11. 


BaflUs; B. Z. 

»aalr Law. 

Berryrine, Ta 

elation. Aw 

Oct. 3-6. 
Brooklyn, N. T.— ISth 

May 2»-Jnne 3. 
CbarlottesTllle, Ta. — The Tligtala Bane 

Aasodatioa. Anc 3-4. 
Colpepet. Ta.— Ql 

dattak Jaly M. 

tadtdekabBS. Fja. —1 

Ococgetowa. Ky. 
25-21 - 

_ . Fair and Horse Show. 

. 25-2i. & J. PaBlam. 
HarrlsoalMiig, Ta. — ^Tbe Tfeglalk 8aaa Skew Aa- 

BoeUtloD. Aog. 15-17. _ 
Keswick, Vs.— Tbe VU 

■Delation. May 25. 
Long Branch, N, Z. — G 
E^cbbTirg. Va. — The Tk 

sodation. Oct. 3-S. 
Manasses. Va. — The Virginia Hotse Show Aaao- 

clBtlon. Jnly 28-27, 
Kew York City, H. T Mllftaty 

Madisoa Sqaaia ( 

New Xork Ottr. B. 


Norfolk, Ta.— Baess Shav ami 
Assn. spilac MM. Bar 1S4SL O. 9. ' 

box 296. 

Norfolk, Va. — Hie Virginia Horse Sbow i 

tlon. Oct. 16.21. 
Orange, N. J.— Oinacc Elding and DiMas <Xak 
Bocae Sbow. 

Otangc. Ta.- 

Jnv Sl-Aa^ 1. 

Joaea-U. Lanrla B. vraitas; . 
Pottlaiid, On,— I«wla and Otak 

Horse Sbow. Aog. 28-8ept. 8. 
Richmond, Vs. — The Virginia 

Aog. 8-8. 
Opperrlllc, Va.— Tbe VltglBia 

Jane 15-16. 
Veedctsbnig, Ind. — ^Annual 

May 27. Ckaa. M. ~ 


Aanra. Ind.— Auspices Firemen. I. W. Be* 

<kaal OBTar, O. — Modem Woodmen of Amedea. 

OKBtkMariBe. Bo,— GeieiintloD and Itea Stmt 
«. w. ~ 

Hoxle, Ark. — ,„.,_ . 
Lafayette, Ind WiiMaB B. , 
Lebanon, lad.— O, D, Dally, 
Logaaaport, Ind. — Loganroort i 
Mankato. Minn.— L. Colson. 
MarysTille, O. — Matinee Clnb. W. F. : 
PortsmoDtk. O.— W, O. W, Oxtf Mb i 
Princeton, Ind. — A. B. Bnrtoa. 
Ehlnelander. Wta>— Ml ~ 
Warsaw. indfA Wv___ 
West Baden SMkBk BlKi— BMa B. 1 

o. ■ - - - • 

Newark Theatre, 
sn taaAaar. 

Xh&e Billboara 


WoTCMter, Man. — Bcull areecn and Prorlalaa 
Oetlcn Aun. Pare Food Niow, Medwiilci' 
BbB. IU7 »-20. B. 3. Bowe, azT B>Mdirkr> 
Itew Sack atr. 


Olnb NIotli 
FSTlllon. Mar 

BalttBoc*. WL BrtnlWInt Olebntta. 
10-16. Banr Tngo%, pm. 

Boobun. T«z. — Anno*] W. O. W. Los BolllDS. 

Aug. 16-19. Cameroo ft Tirply. 
OalTnton, T». — Coafmlrratc Vetnmaar 

Bfunlon. July 18-11. W. H. f"" 
BasUDgs. K«b.— Snte Bbbottas 

Mar 10-lt. G. A. Mann. 
IsdlJLnapoUfl* lad. — Nortii American 

FeatlTaL Joiw 21-26. Badolph ZL 

SM Stxtccna «.. HUmokce. WMb 

LtMsrOit. Mr* 

land OiatC^ «Ha s 

614 B. KCStVCkJ 
OaceoU. Neb-^Folk OoMy T u t u Ml 

Aan. AOS. IS. W. B. WMdtB. 
PlttabaiK. Pa. — Odd lUtoaa 

22; Iriiaa Park. 
Pimliaif, Pa.— St. U 


VUmmg, Pa.— St. Aasa atlM t 

Jnnc 3T: Laoa Park. 
t UUUmig , Pa. — ^Bomewood Sclioola. 
_ JUMa P ark. _ 

Jos* S| 



Topeka— Stata Federation of Waoan'a Otaba 
Con. Ite 19-U. Mn. SastM* H. BMwa. 
OlatM, ■■>. 


LtiliiShs Wita Dental Aim. Coo. Mv lB-16. 
Newtan X. Taser. 21S W. Owstatt at. 

Alpena — ^Degree at Honor Gr. Lodse Oon. Hay 

17-18. Mra. Uarr A. Pratt Ooldmtar. llleta. 
Detroit — Intenuttlooal I«agM aC niM ante 

Jolr 1. Heai7 Star HCtHtMb tt, JtaOj 

Nawa, PhlUddphia. Fa. 

St. Paal— State Homeopatlile Medical Sodelr 

Con. May 18-18. B. L Mann. M. D.. BwU- 

cott Arcade. 

Grand Island— I«dles of the G. A. B. Drpt Con. 
9Ca7 17-18. Alice XtacU, prea., Uacolo, 

Urn Aaceic*— Katl. CooneU «t tbe Kalxbti or 
OOfauibiia Oon. Jono T. Daniel CMIwul, New 

Mar 18-20. Gnllr I 

ah SUte AsscoHr* 
Carteravine, tto. 

at* DentU Sodety 0Mb 
Br. M. a. Tnce. mi O UL 


jfvir-u. 9.U 



pittabnrsr. Pa. — -Herron ATenne 

Cnarcb. July 14; Lnna Park. 
Pittabors, Pa:.— Knli^U or Ibe MyaUe 

Jnly S^; Lnna Park. ' 
Pittsbors. Pa. — Forty-alxth Street 

Cbnrch. Anc. S: Lnna Park. 
Plttsbnrc, Pa. — Letter Carrleta. Anc 10 

Park. - 

Pittsbors. Pa- — St. Joacpb'a Orphaa 

AOS. 8; Lona Park. 
Flttsbarg, Pa. — McKlnley Cbipter, (Mir tt Ike 

Eaatem Star. lone 14; Lnna Park. 
Plttabnis.Pa.— Obaerratory 'GUU Chrlstlas Cboreb 

Snnday Scbool. Joly 18; Lnna Park. 
Ptttibnrs, Pa.— Cbmcb _ot tba ' 

Heart, ytme 20 
Tork City. Pa. — Yooas 

Brookslde Park. 
Tork City, Pa. — Modem Woodmen. Jnne ITS 

Brookside Park. 

Tork City. Pa.— Tbe 0. H. BeneflcUl Sodety. 

July 4; Brookalde Park. 
-York City. Pa.-4jitbci* 

Dover. Jnly 8; 
SMk Cilj. 7 

Davtr. Mr IK 
T«fk Citr. Pa.— kratla 

22; Braekilde Park. 
TMt City. Pa.— St. Mark'a Lntbem Snaday 

SdKMl. BaM Tork. Jnly 28; Brookalde Park. 
Toek City, Pa.— P. O. S. of A. and Jaaior Me- 
. chanlei of Mancneater. May SO; Cold Sprtns 


Tork City, Pa.— United Brethren Snnday Seboel 
. of Maocbeater. Jnne 10; Cold Sprlns Park. 
Tork City, Pa. — Bethlebem Brancrlleal Sna- 

day Scbool. Jane 17; Cold Sprlns Park. 
York City, Pa. — ^Memorial Betormed Sanday 

Scbool. Jane IT; Cold Spring Park. 
Tork City. Pa. — Fourth United Brethren Snnday 
. SehooL Jane 21. Cold Sprlns Park. 
Tork City. Pa.— BIdse Avenne Metbodiat Bptaeo- 

pal Sunday Scbool. Jnly 1; Cold Sprloc Park. 
Tork Oltr, Pa. — ^Baymakeia' Aaan. Jnly 4; 

Cold Sptlnc Park. 
Tork City, Pa.— Ftrtb United BietlucB Snnday 

School. July 8: Cold " ' 

Tork City, Pa. — EmlgsrUlt 

22; Cold Sprlns Park. 
Tork City, Pa. — Toong People's Chrlitlaa Onloa 

and tbe FlTtb United Brethren Cboreb ot 

North Tork. Sept. 4; Cold Spring Pack. 
Tocfc. Neb.— Fratenul Societies o( Xecfc Oooarty 

Plenle. Ang. 24. A. G. Pniltt. 
Tooagstown, O. — MaaaUIon P. H. C. Jnly 28 

Atoo Park. 

of America Gr. Conrt 
May iq, J. H. DcCoarey, 1172 Etan. 
BMeTlUe— State Exempt Fitemen'a Aaan. Geo. 
' May IT. J. MoOay. 

Sewaife— Stat* aoBMcvatUe Society Oon. May 
as48. Bnaaid danaen. laS Gaiden at,. Ho- 
bokaa. H; J. 

Trentwi flm «C flw BeTOlatkm state Can. lUr 

IT. PraC. Wm. tM>T, Prineetoo, N. J. 
New Tork City — ^Bnslnesa Women's Leagne MatL 
Con. July — . Miss Jessie Beld. 1133 Broad- 

New Tork City — International Acetylene Aan. 

Con. Ang. lS-17. NpIsoq L. LIttcn. SU 

Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. 
Niagara Falls — ^Templars of Honor Nktl. Con< 

Aug. 8. Her. C. S. WoodraS, Sknmfleld. 

N. J. 

SandThUI — Natl. Machine Printers and Cedar 
Mixers' Assn. Oon. Ang. 14. 0. Casey, 428 
Tenth at. 


Mt. VcnMD-Seta FU Fimtetai^ U tbe United 
StatMOM. JtMt Mb jr. tt. «toMS> W Had 
aan VKwaA. O. 


Portland— Rebekab State Assemtpp. Wr IS- 

Mrs. On Cosper, Dallas, Ore. 
Portland— Natl. Ballroad Agents Coo. 

Jnly 18. N. A. OottreU, Blsmaik, lift. 
rbllillUllWa • TnTrmTit" Brotherhood of Team- 

atoi^ Oka. Aag. T. B. !>. Tarler, 14T lUtfeat 

atM " 

>W. a T. JJ. Stata Cm. Kay S. 

-A. O. U. W. Or. todae Con. May 

— . 0. T. Bpcaeer. 68 flood BIdl.. Saa Ftaa- 

dsco, Cal. 

Saa Ftanclaeo — Intematlonal Picamcn'a Asia. 
Con. Jane 19. J. H. BoAms. itb^H Maikel 

Saa Praociaco — ^American Snrsleal Asia. Oaa- 

Joly 6-7. D. T. Allen. Clereland. 0. 
San Pnoclsc9 — American Christina Misaleoary 
Society Con. Aug. 17-24. BenJamlB L Sillb, 
I. ML a A. bUg.. OlnelDnatl. O. 

m MMlm-MatL Bstter toamf AHb Om. 
OtU I* 

Booldcr— State Baial Letter Carriers' Aaan. Osa. 

jaiy *. Battj ■. IttTca, Bartboiid, OeL 
(Macado Sgilaca-M. W. oC A. State Oamp Oaa. 

Uar — ^ J. K. miaman. SM Oasver Uds_ 

Dcsfer. Ool. 

Oahmdo Spring*— Degree of Hooor Or. Lodge 

Con. May — Mra. Carrie Bcyman. mi W. 

ISth at.. Pneblo, Ool. 
DenTer — NatL Bailtoad Agenta' Aaan. Caa. 

Jaly — . N. A. Cottrell, BIsmarfc. Mo. 
Dcnrer — Ladles ot tbe O. A. B. Natl. Ooo. 

Sept. 6-7. Mra. Mary T. Hnger, pres.. St. 

Loots, Mo. 

DesTet — ^Women's Reller Corps Nstl. Oon. Sept. 

•-7. Helen M. Ayers. Coneord. N. B. 
DenTcr— Train DlspstebcnP 

Coo. Jane 20. J. P. "' 

aTc., Chiesgo, m. 
Oenrer — National Eleetile Usbt 

Jnne 6-8. J. C. Andrews, 40B ITth (t. 
DenTer— Intematlooal BrotheAood of Oompoal- 

tion Rooters and Waterproof Workera* Ooa. 

May 18. Wm. S. Wooda. Chicago, m. 
DeoTer — United Ooaunerclal Travelers' Or. Coa. 

June — . W. B. Lawlor, Trinidad, CoL 
Oeaver— rotcstecB of America Or. Ooort Oaa. 

Jaac 8. Kcaaetb Hendeiaon, bos 181, 
n s B wa r Ji a Hi aa l Octw aC 

Oao. Aug. U. A..a. ~ 



Little Bock — SUte Funeral Directors' Aasn. Coa. 
May 16-19. A. L. StcTens, Foicst City, Ark. 

Atlanta— Teadiers of Colored Tontba' NatL 

Asaa. Cod- June 2S-S0. F. G. Smith. 
IbeOB— Order Eastern Star Gr. Chapter Con. 

May 16, Bra. C. W. Habbaxd. StO 

llacoo T T. K. Knlgbts of Pytblaa Mat 

ment. May 16-18. Capt. wm MCA dS 

Alsbms St., Atlanta, Oa. 


OHcago— Internationa] GloTe Workers et Amer- 
ka Oon. Ang. 1. A. H. Goaseloian, 4> PMt 
GtorersTlUe. N. T. 
O Mfa aa Staitunp era and Eleetrotjpets* OblOD 
' B. S. Oeoice W. WBUean, B34 War- 

P. O. ■. Or. tMte Cba. May 16- 
17. J. J, Hanlker, S. St Looll. VI 

' Aan. Oon. May 

Maor R. Mn. 

dclpbla. Pa. 
Wllkeabam— CatboUc Total Ab a tla sa r a Uaioa 

Ooo. Ang. 8-n. 3. WaAlBgtCB IiOCW^ ISOB 

Oliaid Udg., PblladelpbU, Pa. 

Proridence — State Federation of Women's Clnbs 

Con. May 19-20. Mrs. Walter S. Jones, 22 

Halsey st. 

Redfield— 1. O. O. P. Gr. Lodge Coo. May 16. 

Harvey J. Rice, Huron, S. D. 
Redfleld — ^Bebekah SUte Assembly. Msy 16- 
10. Mrs. May B. BUlln^urst, Pierre, 8. U. 
Watertown — Degree ot Honor Gr. Lodge Con, 
Mar 16. Kate Sessions 'Holmes, Verdon, S. D. 

Bennington — ^^oresters of America Gr. Conrt 
Coa. liar 18. James C. H«tlladsa> 117 


Fertb. Oat. — Old' Reunion. Jnne 30- 
Jaly 8. Address Cbas. F. stone. 


Raunlena, CondawM 

IM li eoRoetad and 


AnaistoB— 1. O. O. F. Gr. Lodge Ooa. Mar S-IS. 
H. 0. WcBTcr. BaatsTlllc. Ala. 

- ~ - lastaiB States B. F. 
Ooa. Mar— w 

Oadito at8.t» Bantu Awa. On. Hor S-U. 

mailii Ik Oaaa. M. D. 
MonldpmaiJ' Ql; I* ^ O. V. Ok «C a 


Pboenix — O. A. B. State : 

W. F. B. ScUndlrr. 

May — . 

Hot Spring s St a te Local Pise I sea rsaui Ascata' 

Coa. Jaae S. M. Baaatsa. 
Uttle Bocfe— State Pbanaceatleal Aoa 

ICi7 t-U. W. a BaaO. eoo lUla at. 
Uttle Botik— State Edeetle Hedleal 

Hay 10-12. J. L. Van. _ 
LttUe Rock l a ai gbt Tem tiar OK 

Texarkana— TTiiMbtl OC ImSw Or. Mi» (Ool 
ored) Con. JOp IL ' W. b Feiiftr. Varcat 

City. Ark. 

Debnoote — Commercial Lair Leagne of Amerlea 

Coo. Jnly — . 
Presno — Cumberland Presbyterian Church Gea. 

Assembly. May 1& Ber. J. M. Habbett. 
Mfc. «^ 

May _ . 

\M«irfcaa Oataopathle State ooa. 

Dr. B. L. TBt"*^ Antmrn, N. T, 
D aaT ir 0. A- B. Ooa. Sept. 4-7. J. IB. anmaa. 


Ooenr O'AIene CI9 — Gr. Ataij 

Jnne 21. J. t. ifhliaw. 
Landpolnt — LnafelfMB^ IMi 



Anrora — SUte Policemen'a Aaan. 

Ben]. DeJoesar, MoUoe, III. 
Bloomlngtoo — United Commercial ' 

Connell Con. May W-M. C B. 

aec, 160 CUark at., Chicago, m. 
Ohioago— Ameileu lastltMa. oC 

Jnne 28 July 1. Oaa. OaWlWlU Mt-Si, 

SUte at. 
Chicago— NatL 

Assn. Con. 

port, N. Y. 

Chicago — Nat'l Stove Mfrs.' Con. May 9-lS. 
Chicago — inland Dally Presa Assn. Con. June 

20. Will V. Tniford. see and treaa., Maaon 

City. la. 

Cbicago— blaster Steam Boiler Mikets* Amb. 

Coa. Joe S-7. N. !>. Aldnsb, IT Battaiy 

pL, New TMi City. 
Ohleage— NaO. leeolt AInmnL Jnly —..;.■».; 

B. Denvlr. ■qnltaMe VSOg.. SL Loals. Ma. 
Chicago — Ametlean Wblat Leaine CoogteM Oea. 

Jnly 10. 

Chicago— NatL Wboleaale Uqoar Dealeca* An. 
Con. Jaae T. PitM StoaiiBit CTartaaatt. a 

Jbi^ " 

Ohioago — ^International Womana^ TsMI 
Con. Jtme 6. Mrs. Maty U. 
Market at.. BlBilza. M. T. 
Chicago— NatL ~ 
9-10. Gears* K*' 
Lonla. Mo. 

Chicago— Natl. Telephone Cod. Jane 20-SL t, 
B..'-Hoge. Electric bide*. Cleveland, O. 

Chicago— Sbirt. WaUt and tmaaSKr WfltkenP 
Intematlaaal Uaiaa Oaa. -Aaa. Sk .^IOa^Bto- 
nab A. Slaboacr. baa 11. WaiiOB l;r SHr«- 
N. Y. 

Obleago— Malaters' Aasn. of IT. 8. Oon. Aos- L 

J. J. Pank. 263 LaSbelle at. 
Chicago— Dangbtera ot Liberty NatL ObnDdl 
Con. Aog. 18. W. T. EdkUSb UM ■. Mi- 
yank ave., PbOadelpbia. Pa. 
Ctaieaso— Wholesale asdjnerg ^an. OC'tte 
S. Coo. Jont 12-lS. 
N. T. 

Denver — .NatL Wool Oitnver** Con. June 
Denver— Epworth Leagae Con. Joly 8-9. B. 

M. Randall. 37 Washington at.. Chicago. lU. 
TllaUad— Knlgbta ot Pytblaa Gr. I«dn Qpa. 
MBk SL w. 8. O'Brien, 210 CiiMllaMifl HMs.. 


HavcB. OMa.' 
Brldge urt W.- a-VUDM.' 
J. B. SbiAUdBe,' 8S Sabaib 


Hartford— NatL Y. P. C. U. U 1. Joly 12-18. 

Mlaa Emma Bamett, Rich Valley. Ind. 
Hartford — ^Alumlni of the American OoUego in 
Rome. May — Rev. J. Emll Oefell, Ph. 
D.. Bodsestcr. N. T. 

- - - - Order at Bed Mca Grt. 

WVaUagton — Protestant Bpisoopal Chnrdi Dto- 
Con. Jnne T. John A. Gtohe, 

WaablngtOtt — O. U. A. M. NatL Oonadl CDn. 

Sept. IS. Joha Serer.-lSU Arch «t.. PbUadal- 
ptla, Pn. 

Washl^tMa— MMMalt'kailaaj Ooamtaaioa Ooa- 

greaa Osa. - Mby 
WaablBctoa— NatL Fostmaatets' Con. May 28-24. 

B. r. Lawsott, prea,. BOngham, HL 
Waabiactaa— latciaatioaal Chief of Police Asm 

Oon. Hay MT. MaJ. Bk^utftotrMlM. 

rartiln HuB B iPi aa awr J^lii all ll f Cm. On^ 

May U-aO. ir. A. WBR; .ftkM|S Vatk, 

Washbigtoo— NaU. Blui a tl ialil if ^ 

June 28. Robert L MtMi OMo Wfldfas Hal 

vetaltr, Delawaie. O, 
WaaUasHr — 

May — I. 


Washington— NatL Car Serrlce Htta.* Asaa. Ooo. 

May 3-19. A. G. Thompaoa. Secnntoo. Pa. 
Washington — American Society ct SODtB. Of 

Training Schoola for Nnraes Oa 

Miss A Nattln£, care Jobaa-1 

pttal, Baltimore, Md. 


Jacksonville — Gr. Commandery K. T. Cf Fla. 

Con. May 11. W. P. WebattiW I 
Jacksonville — State Hortlcnitam' 

May 9-12. E. O. Painter. 
Oeala — SUte Elks' Assn. Con. May — Q. D, 

Ackerlr. Jacksonville, Fla. 
Tampa — State Board of Pharmacy Con. Jane 
15. E. Berger, room 14, rint NatL Bank 

Weat Pabn Beach— I. O. B. M. State Ooa. May 
IT. 7. . W. Williams, Grt. Chief aC ' 

jiC MtN. 

Jane 6-S. 
Boatoo, Hasi. 
Atlanta — Annnal 

May 16-18. 

Now York City, 
ntxgerald— Betall 61 

Con. Joly 11-12. 

b1dg„ Atlanta. Oik 
Forest Pant— T< " 



Macon — Annual SUte Hortleniniral Society Oaa. 

Ang. 1. Chas. T. Smltti. OoDCOtd, Ga. 
Uacoo — Leagne of Ga. Mnnldpalltiea Con. Ang. 

(2nd wk.) Bridges Smtth 
Uacon — Protestant Episcopal Cbordi Dtoctsan 

Oon. May 17. Rev. W. Bade. Bmnswlcfc. Oa. 
Macon— Gr. Lodge Kl4^ nC Prtttag' Con. 

May 16. Wm. H. LawSSi; & oC I 

8., Savannah. Ga. 
Savannah — I. o. O. F. Gr. Baeampaeat, May 

21. J. S. Tyson, gr. scribe. 
Ssvannah — Knlgbu of Pytblaa Or. Lodge (Ool- 

ored) Con. Jnly 18. P. M. Coben. 
Savannali — ^Natl. TiaTeleiB' ProtectlTe 

Oon. May 184L W. 3. Doolan. 

Jnne S»M. I, & S. Kiof. «ns Wentnttt: . 

ave. "'.'i^- ■■. 

<a>ieago— trtHlciB Q«s . Ana. CIca. IfaT tMh- . 

Jamea W. Doabor. New Albany, bd^ . 
Cbleago— Womaaa* Prohibition - Otak' 'SC 

lea Gen. Oooncil Cm. Jnne Sl-SlL ' UlIB Vi- „ 

ma S. Walker, Decatur ,111. 
Cblcage Labor Con. June 27. Eugene V. 


(aUeago— Amalgamated St. Railway Employeai 

Oct. — . W. D. Mahon, 221 Mitchell ave., 

Detroit, Mich. 
Coal City— Foreateta ot Amerlea Gr. Ooort Otm, . 

Mar 9-11. W. B. JcBenoe. IIOS B^ .j " 
Jollet— German Army and Naey 

Con. AnR. — 
Mattoon — State Letter Carriers' Asan. Con. May 

11. M. T. Finnan. Bloomlugton, IlL 
MlUa Shoals — Reunion. Ang. 8-12. Dr. MatiA. 


MoUne — State Dental Society Con. May 11-18. 
E3gln M. A. Whinner, M. D., 34 Wasb. at.. 
Chicago, llL 

PeorU— Electric Medical Sodety Con. May tt- 
18. W. B. Klnnett. U. D.. XorkrOle, HL 
QulDcy — Intenutloaal UUI Woifecn' Ooa. Jane 

18. W. B. Keniagtao. UleasapOOa. Hlim. 
Rock Inland— NatL Ftatenal TIttaacS Ooa. Jdy 

11. Robert Bezdale. - ■. 

Rockford — Sons of Veterans Stat* Bacaavmtat. 

May ^ B. B. Commlngs, ■ _ 
Rock Utaad-atate- Itadlcal Soeletr Ooa. May 
16-18. B. ir,:mhl^.OHawa. m.^ _ . 
aparta— BeformeS ■ Piertyterlaa Church Synod 
Cm. May 25. Ber. 7. W. Spnml, 22A North 
ave., Allegheny, Pa. 
Spnngtleld — Y. P. S. B. SUte Con. Joly T-IX. 
H. H. Marenaaon, 1221 Aaan. bldg., (Aleag<h 

-T. P. S. C. E. But* Con- Jnly T-IS. 
Elmwood,. HL 

Anderson — U. A. 0.. D1.' Ob. Orate Oo^ 'nUaa 
— . Stephen I. ITfeHtti' <S4S Lae sti Mtaa* 

apoUa, Ind. 

Crawfordsville — ^Annnal Snnday School Oon. May 

25. W. B. Banks, pres. 
BvansvUle — ^Foreaters ot America High Conrt 

Con. May 11-12. Jobn A. Hartman. 232 

Maryland st. 
rrencb Uck Sptlnga— State BdltorUI Asaa. OOk 

July — . W. 3. Chambers, "Democrat," nc«r 

Castle, Ind. 

IndUnapoIla — P. O. S. of A. SUM Camp Oo^ 
Aog. 8. Sam D. Symmea, Ciawfordsrllltk 1M> 

Indianapolis— NatL Tom. TeaebcraP Oaa^ daW 
— . Dr. Arthur Kno^ Ctadaaatl. ' O. ' : 

ladlaaapolla SwltcbMia'S MfeO.- C 
meacbis May ULi^-M; K^IMife, 

laSiaapOlto—L a a V. Mss^ Oia. llair.»- 
IS. w. H. i*tar, wt. me^ t. Ol Ou' Ri-r 
lOiaBapoUa-^cbckaa Btata ASMnHr. 

18-18. " - - - - - 

PbyaldanB aad Satgeeaa* Qml May 10. ». 

jr. O. Mortiaon, Andeiaon. Ind. 
Ifadlaoo— Women'a Relief Corpa and LadM' ot 

O. A. B. Coa. Jane lS-li». 
MadlaoD— G. A. B. State 

13-15. E. B. Powen. ' 
Marion— State Barbera* 

Edwin r. Richarda. 
Michigan City — Indiana Ooogregatlonal Obnreb 

Assn. Con. May 10-12. ^ 

Mlsbawaka — ^Indiana Catholic Order of Fmn- 
era' Con. Jnne 13. Andrew J. Schick, SOB M.. 
4th at., Lafayette, Ind. 

Monde— B. P. O. K. SUte Coo. June 8*. 

New Albany — KnIgbU of FldeUty Gr. Grave Ooa. 
Aug. — . J. C. Becker. . „ , 

Richmond — International Friends Eduea'I CiXX. 
July 31-Ang. 3. Robt. L. KeUy. B i rtba n 
College. . . 

Rising Snn — Reunion Masonic Asso. JonB:^^ 
Robert C. Nelson. _ . . . _ 

Sontb Bend— KnlgbU ot Bqaltf^ 

38-27. Wm. T. Doeler. UN 
Detroit. Mich. _ „_„ _ 
Seymour— Indiana JBr H sl ttl aa wt. .OWiaa».l 
Men's Institnte. Aog. 22. W. U- ngt 
Terre H aute ' S Ute Pbarmameatlcal Aaa. 

Jnne T*. H. S. Joolker-, _ V 
Ten* Baote— Olaaa Bottte Blowein Oaiat ^^rV. 
S. aad C aaali 0^ ^i. -^f i^^ 


Kansas City, 

{The Coney Island of fhe West 

opens May 27; 400,000 people to draw from. Tnt gate. Four months' season. Wanted, illusions and electric 
showm merrygo-xoand, Ferris wheel, and other money-making attractions. Choice opening; quick action. Address 
y ; ; BEN ROSENTHAL, Mgr., Midland Hotel, Kansas City, Ma . 


Arbor Hm— OU Scttlcn and Soldlci^ BcnniaB. 

Sept. (2iul C. C. Stewmit we. 

<Mu Bairfda — Dnttcd Coimnere1«l TnTcIen^ 
:~ Or. CoaneD Con. Joae 9-10. Cbrns. B. Mn- 
' stead. Slooz ott7. la- 

Oedar Baplda— Tirco^-nlntli Cos. Andent Order 
Workmen. Mmj B-U. B. V. 'Sebkopt, gt. tec., 
D«a Uotaet. 

Osaea Elan— 8tat« Bctan Qneets' Am. Cob. 

Max V-U. Iia B. Tbomu. Uea Uoloea, la. 
Oarcoport— Garknr Aluiasl Aaan. ot tbe U. S. 
and OuKds Con. Aoc 3*. B«T. Jobs FMaa. 

Muena. la. 

OtB Holnea — Latheran Aagmtmm WimM adV. 

.;. A. Con. Inne — 

:^l>as Mol nea I «wra Chrlatlia Oa. taat — v B. 
.~ a. Dnaj. 

.: Ism CItT— «Btate Baalth Aaan. Oon. Jm It-lS. 

Dr. a T. I«niiB. Mt. Ayr. la. 
.; l>i>aHwaa TaiWw oC tba «. A^- B^ DMk 
' Kay lS-18. Xiaa 8. Tmoraiiii; W m a w id 
Boolcrard. DaTenport; la. 

'.noax GItr — Geol. Oonsresatlanal Ana. Coo. 
fy- Kar 16. ]. O. Stcvenaon,' Waterloo. la. 
'-.■loax dtj — Protratant Eplacopal GbDrcb Uto- 
;<-. cnaa On. If ay 18. Ber. .B. B. Hojt, Bar- 

l tan. la. 

V ataatai — Swedish Lotheiaa ot tbt U. 8. and 
Canada Con. Jane 0-16. Joba O. DaliUniK. 
r »ro SStta at.. Bock IiUnd. m. 
; Waablncton — United Ptcebjtetlaa Obindi Genl. 
) Aaaembly. Har M. Ber. D. r. HeOm. D. 
' D.* Alirsfaenj, Fa. 

Watadoo— State Fedarattai of Women's ante 
OoB. Mar am. tlx*, r. l. ...tteher. lur«- 
aBtawB. la. 

W a tfrto e te ira Ktfioa of Booar Ooo. Har 16. 
Oadar BnUs. U. 

Bostoa— State BIcetilcal CoBtrwton amo. Oea. 
3tlT 1». W. H. IfoftoD, M WUtcabora St.. 
..Otiei. M. X. < 


Bostoo— American Sodal 

Mar u-18. rrcderlA Staalcr 

OranKe at.. New Haren Conn. 
Boaton— Kalghia Templar Or. Ooamandair Ooa. 

Mar — . 

Boston— Haral and MlUtatr Order Spanlah- 
Amerlcan War Natl. Commander? Oon. Hay 
20. Capt. Jvbn T. HlltoD, rec In chief. 

Boston — Protestant I^laeapal Cbnrcli Dloecaan 
Con. Mar 24. Ber. I.. O. MaBebestcr, 680 
BoRers St., Lowell Mass. 

Boston — American naltartan Aaan. Ooa. Mar 
23-24. Cbarles B. St. John. 

Boaton — ^Natl. Asra. Uasten ot DiaelBC Con. 
Jnne U. Geo. W. Bmlttu Onr and High sta., 
Colnmbas. O. _ _ 

Boatoo — ^Home Circle Sop. CooaeB Ooa. Jims 91. 
Votes M. amtJn, 130 XHooBt at. 

Bastaa PaOoMi Osder oC Vgcesters ot tbs V. 
v. OkniiiA Osa. ' Aas^ — <■ Xbos. H. Can- 
asa. lair atoek lliti ts ni s . OUcafO, m. 

BostoB— VortbcastsiB VateatloB ot Wsocn'a 
O^sOoa. Ang. — k Hn. S. a BBWklaa, 

Boston— Catbolle Order of VotMtci** latema' 
tlonal Con. Atig. 1. Tboa. F. McDosaU, 
1231 Stock Bzebange bids., Chleaso. m. 

Boston — ^Pbotofrsphera* Asin. ot America State 
Con. AOS. 8-11. J. M. Bandtel, MUwaokes, 

Boston — ^International Steel. Copper and .Plate 
Printers' Con. Jons 21. T. L. Mabon, SIS 
S It., nortlinest. WsablnctMi. D. C. 
Springfield — Forestera ot America Or. Conrt Con. 
May lft-18. J. J. GallaKber, gr. sec., box S56, 
X,awell, MaSB. 
Worcester— Dames o( Malta Sorerelsn Grand 
Body flOB. Jons 12. Fred W. SMaa. Barer 
MB^ ||6m>- 


Vict flcot^^^Ofdcp , _. 

■ Mar — . Mra. W. D. Mitchell. 

Star Oc^ Obaatsr Coo. 


BnteUaMio— State Sondsr BelMiiI OHk ' 
U. J. H. Ends AbUaas. - 

ter-state Con. 

Junction City — State Phaanamentleal Amu Con. 

Msr 28-23. 3oba Moore. liswrence. Kan. 
Toneka — B^al Nelshbots ot ^.merlca Sop. Camp- 

Ton. Jane — Mra. Mlmde Fielder, Feoda, 


Tnpeka — Protestant Bplanmal Ckareh Dloesaan 

Cnn. Mar — . Ber. C B. Gkavtad. 
Tnpeka— State Dental A3sa. Cob,. .itVfMlb F. 
O. HStrlek, Ottawa, Kan. 

r CSiUaa 'er. Iiodgc Ooa. 
Jnly B-38. O. Oksb BoblBsoa, caas W. A. 
Galnet ft Co.. Ftanktet. Kr. 
Srattrmir— Jr. 0. U. A. If. SUto Onaca Ooa. 
Sept. 13. M. C. Bane. lUte see. Vl 

Grscaap— Knlshta of the OoM«n 

Ooo. Awr. — . F. M. GrUBs. 
Loniarnie — United Contedeiata 

B eim l on- Jnne 14-16. WO.' 

senl. Kew Orleana. t«- 
Coolsmic — Dlrlilon of Kr. Bona of Vsterana TT. 

S. A- State BocampmcDt. Mar 22. Cbaa. *~ 

StebUns, 324 Utb at. Mowport. Ky. 
doalsrlBe — Gr. Army Dept. ot Sr. ' 

esmpment. Mar 23-24. T. F. Bi 

Fairfield an.. BdlSTae, Kr. 



'■—nnaia»— State Coo. ot T. P. 8. C. E. jons 

V lliss Anna M. Wstsott, Bnnkle, La. 
TUbodaoz— State Preu Aasn. Con. Mar 23-2S. 

Foctlaad — Prot. Eplacopal Church Diocesan Con. 
Mar IT. Bar. Bdwsrd D. Jobnson. Snmsirlck, 

■ . Me.- 

SOetland— SalSlits of Templan^ Snp. Ooei. 

Ooo. Oct. 18. Cbaa. A. Maxwell, 8 Cedar at. 
Baltimore — Christian Endearor Workers' NatL 

Oge£. . Jolr S-IO- w. m. Booiaaoo. S21 W. 

OufoBtOB' arc. * 
BaltlDMn — T. P. S. C. B. Internationa} Cos. 

Jnlr.S-lO. Tan OBdm. xremoit Tenqile, Boa- 

taa^ Ibas. 

BalUmocc — Protestant En,scopa] Cbnrdi IHo- 
eeaan Coo. May 24. A. Sapplngton. Md., 
Telepbone "UdS. 
Balttmoa e. Older G'rtb Abtabam Oon. Mar T-ll. 
. ZU Oatrart at.. New Sack 

Ktr IS. 

atlGo of Karidu* Coo. 

lUIL SmM Ouwbdl. UK Tins St., 


Gnitport— Klnss. Danflrters and Sou* State 
Branch Con. May 9-11. Mra. 8. H. DInimore. 

Jadison — I. O. O, F. Or. Lodge Coo. Mar — • 
W. H. Glbba. 

MerldUn— A, 0, V. W. IntenntloBal Qm. Ang. 

10. Joa. EhrUcb. AlbaaT. OS. 
yiekabarg— State Banktaf Amt. (km. Uv lO- 
U B. W. Griffin. 


Btoakfleld— Ladles ot tbe 6. A. B. State Con. 

Mar II. Mrs. Bmma A. Wood. STll Balto 

are., Kanaaa Cttr. Mo. 
Jefferaon City. — 1- O. B. M. Con. May 14-Tr. 
Kanaaa City— Sontbem Baptist Con. May 10-IT. 
Kansas City— Hotel and Beitanrant Bmployces' 

International Alliance and Bartendera' Natl. 

Leasne Con. Mar S-IS. Jere L. SnlllTan, 

Commercial Trlbmie bids., CtnelnnatL O. 
Kanssa City— Fraternity ot Operatlra Millers of 

America Cob. May 24-:<T. J. F. HuUsr, 114 

Sbennaa at., Chicago, 111. 
Kanaaa City— MiUera' Natl. Federation Ooo. 

Jnne T-ie. L. T. J-mtne, 612 Bojal Ins. 

bids.. Cblcago. HI. 

anssa Cl«r— llnlted Amateor Pten Am. Cao. 
Jalr T-6. Frsak B. Mor^. Btaatfotd. Oat., 
Bncko— ttaltcg oaannstelal Tiarclsis' Or. Oonn- 
eO Oaa. Jaae A. J. Fltvatrick, GUI- 

Beotbt, C • 

St. Lools— Bsptlst Genl. Con. Ifar 16-17. Ber. 

C. B. Moaa. Maiden. Maaa. 
St. Lools— Fiatemal Bankers' Aaso. Con. Jons 

SC. Cbaa. F. Hatfield. Chemical bids- 
St. Loola— National Baptist Con. May 16-24. 
St. LoolB— Protestant Episcopal Chnreta IMo- 
ceaan Conncll Con. ildr 8S. B. B. Dcnlioa, 
1913 S. Compton are. 
Sedalia— Knlghta of OoInmilU BMs Odd. Uat 
— . John Caabman. 

Anaconada — B. P. O. B. State Coo. 

Harry O'Gsomaa.f' 
Bntte— State Medleal gasliir Oaa. Mr 

W. S. Benlck. 
Bntte— I. 0. G. T. Or. Lodfc S7tk Oon. 

23. J. A. Lonsatair, Helena, MBt. 
KtllspoU— Stats Fsdcratton at Labor Ooa. 

a. B. 0. Smith. 

Tbe GrMteK Shooting fiallerr 

Writs far 



JMM. aC ftetocr in 

Aag. — . A. OL Baani^ UB' 

waakM. Wis. 

Oetmlt-^hsmattc Order ot KnlgM* ot Kohr. 

Aaan. Imperial Palace Con. Ang. — . B. W. 

Beldlns. 407 N. Broadway. St. Lonla, Mo. 
Detroit — Eastern Star Benerolent Fond of Amer- 
ica Con. Aog. 22. Mlsa M. B. Cnnre. 
OetroK — Boyal Atcb Maaona Or. Cbapter Ooa. 

May — . Charlea A. Oonorer, Coldwater, Mleb. 
Detroit — Order of the Star of Betblebem Bml- 

nent Gr. Commandetr ot N. A. Con. Joaa 90. 

T. J. Crowe. 
Detroit— State Dental Ansa. Con. Jnaa 
' !>. LsOro. Xbrea Btrar, Hlch. 
DcttoU— ProttetlK Bhm CInte Bap. OhIs Ona. 

ibr 16-17. w. n. MMr. nana. Pa. 
Grand Baplds— Bktl. Saaw Detta Ika Ptatetaltr 

Ooo. iiir IS. O. B. Otuotar, Blgb SCbool. 
Grand Bafrids— Uaster Bntaers ot America Coo. 

Ang. 1. C. Gbilstoffetson., Omaba, Neb. 
Jacksoo— State Bkctrle Mrdlcsl Assn. Caa. Msy 

10-11. W. H. Snyder, M, O., pres., Butlngi, 


KaUmaxoo— State Letter Carriers' Asaa. Ooa. 
May so. wm M- Bobtasoo, Battle Creek, 

Lake Oeorce — ^American Pediatric Sodetr Coo. 

Jnne 19-21. Samuel S. Adams. M. D.. Waah- 

inston, D. C. 
Mackinaw — Nat'l Fraternal Preaa Aaan. Coo. 

Ang. 28. A. E. Sterenaon. 41S Sterena bldg.. 

Detroit. Mlcb. 
Saginaw — State BetaU Bardware Aaan. Con. 

Ang. 6-10. A. J. Scott. Marine City. Mlcb. 
T»a>e « se Oltr— 'Woman's Belief Corpa State Con. 

Joa* — w Tlaa B. Bldflew. Jaekaoo. Mich. 

Con. Oct. — ^ 
Aaso. Con. 
ledo, O. 

MInneapolia — American Grain Bnyera* 

Jnlr 11. Bd. Barrett. Atwater. Minn. 
Minneapolis — Nstl. Splrltnallata' Aasn. Oorv 

Oct. 18-22. Mrs. M. T. Longley. 608 Ps. are.. 

S. B. Waahlnstoo. D. C. 
UlnoeapoIIii — ^American Opticians' Am>. OOu. 

Jaly 24-27. E. L. Joaes, Sandasky, 0. 

Minneapolis — UnWeraallsta Gen. Coo. Oct. 20- 

X. Ber. O. L. Oemarest Manchester. N. B. 
Minneapolis — Order of the EaatCtn Star Or. 

Chapter Con. May U-13. Mra. Uuy O- 

Taylor. TO North IStb. at. 
Bed Wing— Norweglaa "ff"— ^ LsHieian 

Synod ot America Coo. -ftam MH' IM. A. 

J. Lob re, Jewell. la. 
Bed wiag— Protsslaat IMseopal ObntA DIo- 

ecssa Ooaacll Coe. lor S*. Ber. A. D. 

Stow*, m BL Ua St.. lUaaeapoUs. Mlaa. 
•t^ ggal BtosUB Maannts Pluotsti* Assn. 

ibr 11. ossns a. nwmuM, m SDOIlear 


Finest Park and Lake Besort in the 
west. On street car lines of Omaba, 
South Omaha and Council Bluffs. 
Catering to population of 300,000. 


Out door acts played. For concessions 
addnaa WM. P. BTRNE, Mgr., 
Omaha, Neb. 

Slot Machines. 

Illnstrated Sons Mi 

market: PRICE 
to reliable parties, 


via rent 


Moving ^iSsT"*- 

Kansas City Ai;ent for Edison and McAllister 
goods, also some second band soods. C. n. 
STEBBINS, 10-J8 Main St , Kansas City, Mo. 


A II kinds , 
Parlors. Dl 


)., Incor- 

Sjrracnse. N. Y. 

Eaparienead Managar will act as press 
AGENT, prepuw copy tor priottiiB and do 
BOOKINO for • taw dbOB ttMMons. 
Address M. F.. can of Boom 58. Ho, uiW.42d 

St. New York 

FOB SAU:. — T Roiu-nfl?ld Picture Machines flO: 
4 Elictrlc Nlckel-ln-Slot Tonophones. motor In 
flrst-chiA^ shape. $100; 1 Electric Uanjo, eood 
shape, 9150; Little Wonder Lun? Te.stors, new. 
flX; 10 Nen- llillii' miarteraeopes with views, 
machines In original ly»es. never UKvd; 5 
Xen* Coml>Inatlan Puncbin;; an<I Ltftlnjr Ma- 
clilnes. worth $00. at fZi each. B. MOYEB. 
loaz N. Nrw Jrraey St.. Indianapolis. Ind. 

SOC.'JS Electric Light 


3« Volt Lamp, Receptacle, Switch, 10 feet of 
Wire and Battery, with Plaiu, 
Ruby, Green or Blue ' ^ 

Lamp, all complete for 
SOc., and 1 5c. extra 
for postage, to any 
part of the world. 

I ELECTRIC NOVELTY CO., Providencp. E. I.. U. S.A. 
Bend for Catalotfao- 




•tow National Theater, 
Washington, D. C. 

Samplfs wltli TliOiiL-; f!n<s..s»"<l H'way. N.Y 

Want Specialty I'e(>i)le who can change for two 
or more weeks; can give six weeks' work to 
tbo!w who make good nith our pstroni. Good 
Reprrtotre People write. Would tljEe to bny a 
good Canvas about 40x80. with seats. ELBA E. 
WHIOHY, care Tbe Wrights, Bntchlnson, Ean., 


Tlie new tias»* tmii ;;[unc. lH*tter than a (loll rack, 

n«!W. jll.. . :nnk^r. (X;DEN Sc CO., 

90 S. .. .,u . I .i!, uKo, 111. 



For a Book ot 10 Sketcbrs: 5 acts for I 

1 female: .5 acta for 2 males. Money 

2-cent Stami>s. Address BBRNABU KUMB, 
PlnytvxlKht. 357 Ja.v St., Brooklyn, N. X. 

CHAKOE F0& RIGHT PASTY, to go In show 
bualness around Cblcaeo, for sale or partner, 
with small amount of money; have 85 feet 
round top, two 40 feet middle pieces, p(dei aod 
ropsa. UsUa. eoofc house atall. tfown cart aaS 
hMBtai, and « lot of stnff. 7. H. WWO. «ns 
BBMiaM Are.. Chlesso, III. 

WASTED QTnCS~Ulu«lonlsto; all season; no 
trarellBe. J. S. aAN1>i, Msnacsr Btrerslde 

A-mosemcnt Co., Indianapo lis, Ind. 


Froato, The Matinee Oirl. bai< flomo op^i> tlmc! 
will fonsliler « ^rrvwl MInstrH Khow for next 

i^".<-- (Tr't v-:ir or, ^'-"'-1 vi>\r.- i .\-liIrf'S'; In 
cin .- TlH- i;i lll>^-nr.l. rii;<'liuiii M , OLIO. 

One Pair of Hot Ball BowIInfr Alleyo: good as 

m-w; price ?l.-,0. FIB.FJD POST", 20 N. Gray BOO 
St.. Ix>ul«vllle. Kv. 

3lintia»"^BifBboard"whmfawBerin{iada. Mmlioa "The BiUhoard" when, ai aw t nmi g acta. 


^yj^m'^^Q ■ A Glass Blower wttb an outfit to work at one of the lareest 


SUMMER RESORTS In tbe East. Salur or Cooimlssion' 
WMtBftVMbOon. JaekWmiB pl ^M B wiHa. 



om or tw» 

MM. H. CU Mv'Jf. 
Batt«7 A; O. B. 

lotte, N. C. 

OBttBOtal ■ Cel«4mtl<m at Qur- 


ami. Aft., AneMean Ounlval 0»., OurnlTal Headqnarten. Cbar- 


typort, N. Y. 

CooecHtoii* to Iict— (Krlaga, Japa a m SiD fl a «ft Vortnue TelUng, Doll Rack or any new nor- 
elttet. at loir rtntaL Oaa plaea M m 4t Mot aaohlnt* on petcentas<-; draniue populatloD. 
SMOO no awn l t l iiii. TMa la a M«l ij . a M mort, ao tuiun aaw foot aump*. Oponlns 
itar « JDteiiMtta Iter. AitrnwcMk. ISAIK B2M*iP. ]Iaaa«cr. uo B. awl »J^N«? 
Tork Cttr. noUI Xar IS. Uicn Eeyvort, K. 7. 


Elmira's Coney Island 

WdU ot>tn Uay 2D. ISOS. SeaMB from May 3B to s«pt. le. Hare a fnr coaccMlooa l»ft that 
I Trin let. Oromid apace for auch aa Animal Slion-, Black Top Tent, Slioottnc OtXbtT, Vaade- 
TlUe Tent Slioir. Dos and Podt Shonr, Uypar Camp, Bonllns Alley, SouTentr or any other at- 
tracthme raHable for a flrat-claas park. Eldrldge Park is a city park and la sltnated In tbe 
city limit* and contalna about 80 aetea and la one at tbe ane«t parlu In tbe U. S. for a cty 
of tJil8 size and no ebaise of admleaton and la a (treat place for excurvloiui and picnics. I 
puU excursions for more than one bnndred miles aroimd, n-blcb IncIndcA a ntrmber of large 
cities and a good many Tillages and all railroads tbat go tbrongb tbis city comes direct to tbis 
most beaatllnl park n-ltboot tbe InconTenleace at a cbanee or cars. Tbere Is a street 
car line thait come* to tbis park, at an entrance on cacb side, every 10 minutes, 3c. fare, 
, and tbis park does buslnese erer; day and Dlgbt oatll st^son closes. Park Is Ujtbted by elec- 
tric ll|;ti.tfi and looks like a fairyland at nlabt; It has bpsotlful drives and sbaue. and a small 
natural lake nearly In center of park. I bave been here lu ytars and pay the city a large 
sent 4n advance each year and If tbis place was not OKI would not atav. Direct all commu- 
to E. M. LITTL-E, Manager of AnHisementa, Eldrldge Park, Btmlra, S. Y. 


Oflsn .space for attractions at its Pailn and Tlieatres \'so has on the 
' market a few more shares of its Capital Stoek, fully insaied so that piuohaser 
takes dividends but no chances. Talent wantrd. For partlciilarB atMiygT 
at once: H. T.BEN MOHameD, President; CHARLES THOMPSON;, Seo- 
zetaiy; JSo. 406 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, C'a*. 

Miohigan State Fair 


Sept., IM6, 1905, S Dajs, 3 Evenings. 

Bids For Coneassiens Wantad. 

Xlie nrst fair on Ma new permanent grounds 
■ will afford a great opporiunlty for conce«sion«. 
Detroit and subart» bas a population of 350,000, 
a great railroad center. In toocb wltb tbe beet 
tuning communities. Seven eobnrhan trolley 
: H t a ; grounds easy of access. Grand 'Krank 
Ballway and best ti^Ucy lines touch the 
Bora to be large attendance. No 
fK Hqaw selling. Secme »pace early. 

AMnaa: P. E. SkMis, 

; Detroit. Hlcta. 

Concessions For Sale 

JliO Secretary of tbe Magara County Agrl. 
Society now offers for aale pclvllegea at their 

Asonal Fair hdd at Lo<lpoH. N. v., Aug. 2S 
*i % teetaslTO. day and night. Enquire 

«C B. N. WlMaMCa. ganranry. as llaikat St, 



Sma]!. neat portable Shooting Gallery oatllt; 
alao ao by M and aox30 T«nt8, complete. Must 
^Ojood: ^eap tor caab; daocHbe Ailly. UtOK 

Tiotype and Button Men 

6«MIae ntHh. nJ» per groaa; ttatype parts, 

*3 per 1,000; Photo Frames. $4 per groaa; 50- 
llne Crystals. 75c. ^er gTO!is; Button Presses, 
III); Celluloid Buttou PreR=cs. flZu KBYSTONM 

CO., 14S .\. StJi Se., I'liDiul.-lplila, Va. 

Camera Bars:ains 

•at natype Box — i Tubeo, Stand, Bath, DIih 
If?.' '•SS"'**'?! •tc. »3S, coat »T5. Klay 
SoWer. 18. tel UjiltlDlyiDE Camera. $0; 6M>x 
fS J*** •»} •Hk8% Tlew ootnt, ^: 

you liave to sell or want to 
tor-' > bolv yoQ. quickly. Honest dealings, 
'UKU» ion. aionele. Ind. 

WAS1SI>-.Doiit.(e and Single AcriU Act: alw 
i ™ "Off Musicians. AMttW BIXEX 

LHWlS, Mur. Lewla- Dog and PM? sL — 

TUle, Pe., May 11; CarlHle. Pa- am 
Icebnrg, steelton la iT. — • 

WANTED — Spieler for Moving Plctnre Skcnr. 

Season engaseraent: st»;e terms. 8IG- 
KRIBD. 10!>1 Main St.. Dubuque, la. 


|Mi««stnr lii-w. 

Fair Oionad GxcMla tbai no 

a* ■■.on 
8 natut 

aaao naa gva. 


||i^;s=LiTHO. CO. ==: 


■nr Y«fc Oflioe: 301 KiiektriiMktr ThMtra Mga 


Rush Orders 


.Dates, Heralds, Etp. 


i. .v^S".■ 

We lOperato our Plant 


your ord OT 

donUe la n 

deratanda muUuif aBA"-'iiot 

bay fnll set of Tom's scenery. 
Cabin Co., Now Kartinnvillfi. W. 

Adtanee Biaa that >aB^.' 
■ndostaads lights. Wodd'^ 
oare of TTncle Tom'a 

WAIiTED — Musicians to double Band and Or- 
chestra; B. & O. leader; tuba, clarinet, alto, 
long and pleasant season; 3 day stands; make 
salary low; we open May 11. C. O. TAYLOR 
& FRANK'S SBOW, Columbia City, Ind. 

WAMTEU— Qnick for Hedisiaa Co.: Comedian 
and Pianist (male): state aU and lowest salary 
arst letter. FositiTely oo booser or cliaaer 
tolerated: ao tlckata: bo & O. D. l a l i a ia m a 
Dr. eassc* ITW. Ha. Sftarao Oa.. JOdb 

WAimBD— Vn Oola * 

good Oronnd Acts: Lady Traptaa 
good aU loond fcdteiatn; XBba 

Weston, yr. Ta.. May St 
Monongab IB: BrldCCPStt U. 

Cl^AaaK & CO.. » W9ghmnM St., 



Tuba and bari- one, ai;tors that double 
brass, buck aud Miug daueers and 
Rood cauvasmeii. Adilreas, 

•f V iBA WAlNBVN. 
WashingtxiQ. N. J . May 10: BubIl- 
ettstowii, Mav 11: Newton, If ay 12; 
Dover, May 13th. 

HOTXCE — 1 shall not receive orders for my Pat- 
ent Galatea after May 1C>. The oiily ones ever 
luvi nted ttuit w^.rk antotuatlcall^* and run ,by 
Krrwene; n-111 clear more money tban a Ferris 
-wtwet; coats fz.000 leas money; only wcigbs 
300 lbs.; goaraMerd to clear over >400 cTciy 
week this season. Park Stanageta and otbers. 
don't set <tft: Mad ataaw at onea for greatest 
novet^ and moaiv->atttr' «■ MTtb' today. Cbas, 
E. wastan, 4 Catrathers St.. tiawTCDce, Miss. 

ni A K\i\ ^Ker Piano For Sale, olays 



Printed Foctanca tBc par I.OM; Fntnre Wife or 
Uttsbaud Photo*. $S per 1,000; BaeoMopes. Love 
Letters, etc., Oc. for sanptMs. LB DODX. JR„ 
Printer, 1033 Slyrtle Atc., Brooklyn, N. Y. 

AXOXa TBS WAT— Marcit two step: 10 ets. to 
psefesslonals Agents waatsds Ha 
LBWI8 MPSIC CO.. qnda—tl, Ol 


complete; used once; fifty tildes; 800 ft. film, 
mostly comic: new: packed In case: a bargain 
U taken at once: stamp for parUcnIara. La- 

MAE, 51:2 Douglas St., Indianapolis, Ind. 

FOS SAZiE — Or will share Stodc Co. or Vaude- 
ville Sbon- on percentage; complete Canvas 
Tbeatre, Tent. Stage. Scinery; seating capacity 
1,000. all nen-. Want Actors or Tanderllle 
people wbo doable brass oc specialties. Want 
Stage Director «tlk FIvs: -atate loircst aalary. 
L. A. Tartacfc WtMrnmiOt ao„.BtoiiMat. Pa 

WAKTED— Free Attractions for Jnly 4; State 
price in Urst; Balloon Men write; PrlvUege Men 
alao write; wHI be 19,000 people on tbe gnonda. 

AdtaB L. 3f. motm, iiiBifinii. sy. 

WAITTED— 3 want for my Flantatian Sbow one 
colored ilU> Oocnet player, one Baritone or Trom- 
bone; state lowast salair; write or wire quick. 
Farmington, >Io„ 8-13. JACOBS * BABB. care 
U. 8. Carattal On. 

WANTED — Slot Macbliies tOr Penny Arcade. 
Address box 10, Los Angeles. Cal. 

A food moiwr tetter, 
laaos, w. CL i«Mtn- 

FOX SAZiE— Meny-CD-Rotrnd, HOO; two and a 

half borse power oil engine; 20 boraes: 4 ehari- 

ofs; lv.'mI roinlitlon- A*lilro?i3 W. G. M., care 

The llillNnrd. N. Y. 


Co.. WSwgsiM, wis. 

Ogden's Vnde Tom 

WAmZD— Toong Lady for Partner: prefer 
Singer and Dancer; all summer work; must 
send pboto, wtaicb will be returned. Address 
BOX SH>BB180N, care Burke Comedy Co.. 

J. H. Vans, Dog A Pony Sbow, Wants Alto, 
Slide Trombone, Tnba. Drummer (trap dmmmer 
preferred): all must play circns mnsie. Address 
BEBT SMILET, Band Leader, care Vane's Dog 
A Pony Sbow; paiddlnr. O., week of Hay 8. 

Winnesbelk Connty Fair. Sept. S-8, '05; High- 
Class Atraetlons wanted. Address H. L. COF- 
FIBN, sec. Deeorah. la., for prlvllegca for 
Wdwajr ~ . _ . - 

dy - ■ 

BABX TWtlT.WB waala to be idawd;' kaea A* 
tools; can get the owney: angle, deok i a or 
triple odd. and stroDger. Best of nfereDees. 
Address WM. B. ASHLiET, care BlUboard. 

WASTEU— During September or October, 190S, 
Tent Show: town can stand 3 to 10 car sbcrw; 
20 mUefl glltedgc snroondlng3 and 8 small towns 
to draw from; can fix license and fnmlBh lot 
center of town, forty feet from R. B. Write 
for particulars; aituated on A. C. between 
Snmter and OrangebDTK. 'WAIiTEK D. EPPEK- 
SON, Plnewood, S. C. Begarda to Bert Moore 
and SherwcU Rice. 


WASTED— Concession in 
for Palmistry; one t|iat . 
Addieas Msctoln Ltraut, 


north in 

walk with _ 

and act Uke teatleBeB <r ladies, I 

yon. Write alt and lowest first letter. 
W. BPCK. Oklahoma City. Okla. 



The original imported eomM- 
natioo BUTTON. TIB and 009 
HOLDER, the best made and 
greatest seller. Per gross <Scb 
Flace your orders at once 



~ of all kinds. 
Special tcnos to 



Tf»c Billboard 


. ■,v'r-- -i'M' 

-THAT'S A I. L.- 


piarticular and the trade in general that the strike iiew in effect in 

Chicago does not interfere with us in the least, and we can assure 
our customers that their esteemed orders will be filled with our 

usual promptness and efficiency. 

We Are The 

ftraM in the 

172 L miSOII ST 



We Are The 
Most Reliable 
House in the 




ever offend to wgaOattf nleemen who 
eea secnie oiden from memtaants. A 

namber of oar men have a steady In- 
come of t75 per week, and some of 
them are maidiig' double that much. 
The business Is permanent and In- 
creases rapidly, as we pay joa the same 
for lepeat ozdeEe as im nab opes, evea 
tiboom Toor CTStoner aendtf 'than dlr 
lecb to us; Ton can use aU your en- 
ergy malting new costomeis, as once 
stilted they need no farther attention 
and can not stop handling our line. 
, You can start it oefOre resiRning^^onr 

Stiooessfal tradfiv>lsaV>>MBMPMiat 
ly desir^, bae experiinea te '* ' ** 

Address, statiiv territory desired. 



« Tho Up.To41ato 



Mammoth N'ovel^y C 

VSS 017B 


SrSOpar 1000 
nOOper 100 

Samples Free. 
We have tbe 
Largest A a- 
sortment of ti- 




^ now Tvoady. 



Slides ud Stereopticoas of all nales 


Chicane Film Exchange, 
m»m. ctaA a*. cmcAco, iix. 


Lodge 46 T.IM.A. 

.BU Joaeyli, Mo.* who are in arrears with 
tbeir doieH. will please remit same to 
VlrsD Wise, Treaa.* St. Joaepta, Ho. 



sTiM Ginival GnwMi biitlfil^ 

Will be ^euad teJiav.froai New and Korel ehows, -Attneiions and 

Le^ritimate Privilege People at all times. No graft. As per route, 
which will appear in The Billboard each week. A. F. Whtenet, 
General ]bna«ar; Snrs A. Wotm, General Ooetraebor; B. E. 

MosTGOMEKT, Director of Midway; Ed. Jessop, Mgr. of Concessions. 

Wanted, Axt A.'X 


Silurian Double Hump Camels, ^ ^ 

Oualsfai Rar* Cteato and 8he«p, Antelopes,Cappbara, Porcupines. Kangaroos, 
Swans, Ducks, Geese, Cranes, Emus. Cassowary. Cockatoos, 

Monkeys from $70 a dozen upward. Small and Monster Snakes. 

LOUIS RUHE. 248 Grand St,. Mew York, 

Velare Bros. Amusement Go. 


Money-Kuttinc Shows, other than Electric Theatre or Stadlom— 3^75 
irood fronts, I'r !'.-<>t'lt-. come on- Mobiclaas. address EDWIN _ _ 

write or wire VJfc.L,AUt: BROS., AlorrUIton. Ark.. 8-l3tb: IfiissollTflH. Artu 


A 50-Foot Forris Wheel 

Will tmj, rent or work same on percentage. Address C. 
A. DTJIPUAP. Mgr. Blectric Park. Newark. N. J. 

WANTED! Wild West People, 

for Kennedy Bro.'s Wild West and Tndlan Contrress. A Cood Door Xalber, 1 C^od Rope 
Splnoer, can use a few more eood Backlnghotwe Bldera ; other useful people write: 
can nse s Kood cook. Show opens Paraeon Park. Boston, for ten weeks or loneer. after that 
play VatHk Ms— towMI ■■laiy to first letter and ]nst what you can do as we pay in money 
notlaimadBmik OanSolnaisFKSTOkla.. or Bostoa or Chicago. Address. 

. W. H; KKMMKOV, R«rry, Okla. 



One Black Top. and Two More Good Shows— 61a«s Show and Snake Show; Baod of 8 Pieces. 
Opens in tbe a«ricnltnral district of Ohio Hay 29th. within tt miles of Ctoelnnsti. Queen 
Ciuuest Man. and Decorator who has his own decorations. All ooMSSalaM inMlMafVt ^0 

per week. Write or wire. Higgins & Wo ods. Benham A ^ 

Address Mammmu Jc BsSIHt csra THE BIUJOAM). 


For Robinson's Mammoth Vaudoviile Under Canvas— Twenty Mns l dsns for B. and O. . 

Sensational Free Attraction: Sister Teams: Cbo. Girls. Preference jclTen people donbllnit 
brass or musical act. No room for kickers. Show eo route, so be ready to Join on wire. State 
low sore salary for lone season. Address J. S. Boss 3 Boss St.. Charleston. W. Va. . 


"National Saivici" 


Films for Rent. 

Only service out 
of Chicago not 
delayed by striice. 

National Film Renting Compaoy 

62 N. CLARK ST., 


A delicious popcorn confection, put up In 
moisture proof packages that keep It fresh a 
looK time. A anick seller for theatres, cir- 
cuses, travellne theatrical and medicine com- 
panleH and all placet, of public amusement. 
We also make a Urze line of PACKAGE 
BRICK. Inform us where you bold a con- 
fecUonerf concession ana we will send sam- 
ples and prices. 

IsMUtlm Brss. ft UkMk, 




Nnr C«itnd Pat 



UefTT-Go-Ronnd. Ferris WbeeL 
OsUeiT.Gl " ----- 

strs now in 

•even days. 


Proprietors and Managers. Jamf.« F Dono- 
van. J. P. Ca» r.r?, formf-r!-,- anil Treas. 
of Electric I'lirk. ,\L,,^rk. N.J. 

7th Annual Plciilc 

Of the South Dakota Loc-BoIIers Amfn wlU 
be held atWeaMr(Mh.aD..Jniie 7. tt wUl 
he the blKKCst field day the State ever saw 

For prlvlleces write Jobs 8. -ir— r *^" 
Com. Privileges. Wentworth. 81 P. 

Xlie BIllt>oai><3 57 


Some Streetmen 


Just because they don't 
BUY their Supplies from 

I M Y A 1 1 R 1 1 V Pocket KniTes fr nn an ezclnsive Cntiery House-you get ** SOAKE/D * -yon di^*1: jg^ 
itfli DUjr right kind of goods, aor the right kind of price, becanse that honw 

knives for its living, and must in bttsy season, make up for the dead season. 

lijgj^y^j— Canes from a house that hasn't a cane in its stock, but depends on somebodj.^lse's stock 

■ "J ■ "•■jfcl^'" Jr to fill orders from-you certainly get " SOAKED" properly, because such a house knows 
nothing aibont canra to start with, and ten to one yon*!! get the wrong canes at best, if yon get any at all, ttnd 

yon should get your canes froin first hands, from a house that has ample stock, and knows the cane bnunoii^ ait^ifiin^ 
what a cane-man can][make a success with. 

MM ^Y^BB^UBBm* Jewelry from an exclusive Jewelry House, you are liable to get both skinned and soaked, 

■ ' ■ because most the exclusive jewelers have very elevated ideas, and in their estimation no 

business is quite so dignified as the jewelry business aud consequently ought to pay about 300 percent profit, so that 
an article we sell for 50 cents a dosen. they have the nerve to ask upwaids of '$2.00a;dosien. 1. Now how" do yo^ 
it—'thereisavdii^e lot we conldteU along this line'if we had time. ■^^('■S-^fJi': 

WE are busy e^U the time, WE have no dull seasons. We dbn*t try to make fancy profits,::^ 

have to — for when canes ain't selling, maybe clocks are, and when they ain't, maybe collar buttons or some dtber lines 
are. We have everything a Streetman or SpecieLlty Dealer needs. EVEILYTHING from firstliands. 
no dead: stock, all active sellers. We don't calculate on making "fancy profits." We don't offer " Baits" for suckers 
tdchMoke on. Onrs isan even tempered business, the same throag^umt. ^ '^^^^r 

The Best Goods for the Least Money is Our Slogan. 

If you don't find what you want anywhere, they will tell you to go to N. SHUICS CO«, the only place 
^h^re you get the right start. Onr NEW SHTJRB WINNER CATALOGUE is just hatched out— 4t is better , 
^^thanueyer-r^ coarse. ' {"^i-Wli^ri 

« N. SHURE CO. i 

Wholesale Street men's Specialties, 

Jewctoy, Watebes* Optical Goods, Nottons, Suidiar Specialties mmA NovcUies. 

264-270 Madison S t., 

mkm mmtriammii. MmHm 



& oobistracted for the purpose of glvin? a qaick and economical sblne and Is operatwi bj 

THIS MACHINE ^' ^^^^^ motor wuchls wBhln an electric circuit. This motor 

means of ft nudl 

of circuit being being closed through the introduction of penny or nickel. - 
The Hachlne la run a pre-determineo length of time, the praotieal length of timebai ; . b ont i a i (10) seconds which unaer »e 
piBsanrB aod soeed gives a flrsc-daas Sblne and polish to a singly shoe. It then becomes neoesaary to place the other sbo« in posltloo 
>«lld,jHtt aootber eoin in the slot Tbis gives the PoUle a complete shine of both sboaa ia tmoty' tfO> — og nds foe two (2) oeuts. 
c S 'Tb» TtMtilns ataiids by ttaelf without being bolted to the fkwrit^, it weighing one hmOwA aw abOT^ve (165) poonds aampMw 

an adjWednady for attaining to any electrical clreolt. ^ 

^Ttsm enefre eoostruction is such that it is practically ino estructible by ordinary osage and BSWIlli ont of order. 
The polisbiag spindles are caused to come in contact with and cover the entire irregular shape or the shoe by means of the pecu- 
liar arrangement of swinging bevel gears and spring adjustment. These polishing spindles aie constructed of a combination of 
sil&, chamois skin and Impurted feit in alternating layers, the felt carryuig the solatlon which la a secret process and does to the 

shoe or leather in comparison to the dauber paste what uie modern French lob doHB gcitab does tO liOOd In 

comparison to the old method of cOpai vamlsh applied witli. the brush. 

The Ufa of these FoUsbers represent approximately ten thousand (10,000) palia <il i 
the cost of each is about one dollar (tLOO) per set oraapletie and are readily and 
eaaUy exchanged. 

The capacity of this Machine under ordinary penny ooodlUaos In eeotnl loca- 
tion is from $10.00 to 912.00 per day of twelve (12) hours. 

In location such as Fartra and Summer and Sea-side Besorts the Machine will 
secure as many nicldes as In other locations it will pumles and the slot for ad just- 
ment of these conditions is readily changeable 

. Mi ^ now placing a limited ^[Bumber of these machines on the 

^in9>BI« market at $100 each,^lbTi£^ht. 1 This is for 60 d&ys 
'f^-iifi :: ' / only, after, which time the AtUaanatie Shoe Polislung Ma- 
■^Sdme win not be sold but - slaeeed -on royal^. l^ose purchasing now 
' ' - - - A denosifc Hrf 26 

it NQQBvd on ill ord<^rs. 




ior Sale For Sale 

FoorCoaebeavamnsedtoaleep for 40 to 60 p«opIe eacb. WHITE DEERS, 
S aew * Cattle, mid Hoarw, Wild t:e«se, Cmnvas«« of all alzeB, A-om ISO Bonmd 

t^.yjgj Uttlamti Cbandellen, Wardrolw, Cases, Baeeaee fVacona, and all kind* 

'^-•CMMaAArad allow property. Apply 

IhCh^^- JOBN ROBINSON, Xerrace Park, Hamiltoil Co., OIllo. 


- Fraiale Pianist, Serio-Comtc. aod l^dy tto do single specialty; name 
J lowest; join on wire; can place Dop and Poo? Shoir; Z^sitliute PrlTl- 

leges alirays welcome; Come on. they are $10 
'•tti Star 8-1 3: A nrora. lod.. 15-20; Greenfield, O., 2Z-ZT; Fostoria, C, 
f^itm. M^, WILL B. WEn>£at CASNIVAL CC. as per ronte. 

■ liiji . 
iS. t.J. 


|©pii't be Humbug^ged, Save Your Honey 

and place your ord«rs for SONO BOOKS 

~ CiHitalnlnK the aeason's blf; blta. "I'm Golne to Meet Btrdle To-nisht." "Keep a Lltle Cost 
: Comer in Xoor Heart ror Me," "SylTle," "Tommy," "Uoder the Banana Tree,'* "Bj" tlie Water- 
mdOB Vlme Llndr Lon," "Jatper Don't Xon Ion Hear Me CalUng You?" •■LiOnelng for 
. Ton." "She Walta by the Deep Bine Sea." "Xeath tlie Pines or Tennont," "FareweU 
'. Soldier Bor." "I Kerer Ueant to Hnrt Ton So." "I Ix>Te Too Gldle, Bot a Don't Xaotr 
iiSWhr," and Jtikta, Mbnolocaea, Parodies, Bedutlaiu. Riddles. Toaila, «t«. ■« 

;*'per 1.000, cmah wltb order. Ko KOOda sent C. O. D. Send 5 Centt tB ' 

BoAS- A- I,ONDON PUB. OO- Ko. 718 Wmotr St- Phaaddphla. Pa. 

WANTEP FOR WAGON SHOW. Clrcns Performers of aU Idnds: eaa also olace Toba 
MMttBSHf'J^n^: J. D. Griffith writ*. AU maslclans address D. M. BaeUfir: porfonaera ad- 
Ocm't misrepresent, that's the causa nt tUa A4. SbMow DL, Har IStb : 
" O ie to Bp; Mjh'^iOMey. 15th; Hndsonyllle, 16th. 

WAMTKO: Good. dean, medium priced Oacdoor Attractions. Small Ferris Wheel 
^^^^^^^^^^ wonld do weU. Percent prlTUeses. All mast he clean absolatelr. So 
eamhUng. Dates: BepfnliermaagLg; Albloii.aeh. a. Jk'nUMKS, Seer. 




THB GREAT GRANT. The Prince of High Wire 

. Length of Cable 200 Feet, Height 80 Ft. 
DAVENFOiCT BR.OS.' Sflosational Flyiag Trapeze Act. The i 
HeatoD Webbiog and Roman King act. 

lITaa «a«A/1 0«i«o1r ! '^o jolh at Crestlioe, Ohio, May !■>. Emgto a 
VexilCK. i Free street Fair. FERRIS WHBEL. 
and Strang Plantation Show; write or wire. 

loss ft MiniM, Hgrs., ^^iSS ''ii'"' r. 

Have Bdfson Train BoHbny nim I 
bonndsoraiv< ~ 


Two Uniformed Bands 



W. A. iB, OABB TBM mrjtBOAKP. 

WAMXKO— A few more good lUz Dates; Ohio, W.'Va. and Md. All 
communications to JACK MaeBONALD, IMario«««, Ohio. 

Improved Clilcaeo Set Splndla, 
Klondyke Slmenet aod Dlcaa •!• 
OrlEinal Camel Back Spf — 
Kxpert Dice ana Carda. 


An.. CiieimM. 


Devleea mm* CoMsi—toM 

gomcry Amneement Co., Btoi: 754, ISontKoinerT, Ala. 



We want tmjVUag tn.% Chn AXt nM en am Uberal percentage. Etootde 
line to the gate. Would Ilfe» to liaar from Camiva}, Circus, Uncle Tom, Ten 
Nights or anything good. • —aMW*«B8tMHITM.lM2M.«BTlUTnEI 

22x60 Black Too, lined: top and wall In sood condlUon. Wan 
cable end iMck. «U0. Poles and aukes. tlS extra. WIdte ateOS iriii'i»i 
»ft wan , made, of tent diffl. co mplete with aU poles ami atakea. «T0. Uacd ttnw^ 

TMrr aam Awama oa,.io vota Daspuiai stiMt, nitfuT'TiiiMfc 

t "Dm BObt^" 

Xtie Bllll>oarcl 




Baltimore Exposition 


HE I. D.JUNE 12 to JULY 4, 1905 EXPOSITION fm 


Millions of dollars are being spent in buildingf operations in the tmrnt district, and the working classes 
-were sever before so ready to spend their money. So yon can see that ^e city is now in a better 
financial condition tiiaa ever before. 




Wanted, Quick! 

Flnt-cUn Barlnone Glrla and Conwdltns. Xo 
aKcUmbie people mated. GItc all lint let- 

- - - - — ■ pboto. Ad- 


VTABTED— Vaudeville performcn, Ladln or 
Geon tbat can sing lllascrated MBCS and do 
•ome sp.«Ultr, people tbat caA diazise for one 
«Wk: rtop at hotels; work under tent: salary 
naat be cbeap as yoa get It every Monday; 
taV Mfon; ooena Har 14. Addnaa STAR 


WASTED — To place above attmctlan with a 

ft- !■.,' r,,-:;; 3: V FOH SALE — Mv^nm of 
A;.j;. C. S. JAM IKS'. iN, ii ij -ra t U.f, la. 

FOK SALE — Stereoscopic Views. 40c a dozen; 
five PbonoacorcH. ?2r> each; 22 Picture Ma- 
chines, $T each. Address BOX 16. Lea Ancalaa, 

rent a complete outflt, anr- 
tUng OTer 60- ft. top (nothlnn tmder): alao din- 
ing and aleeplng car. Prefer to pardute If 
la good condition. State very lowcat tenia 
file apot casta and full particulars In regarda 
ta ontllt. Most be dirt cheap for apot cash or 
arlll reat. J. E. BTETEirS, Her. Idaal Eatar. 
taiaaia, tack Box S3, Tonawaada V. T. 

Think This Over 

Street Faip Carnival 

Annapolis, Md., Fire Deparment, 

May 29 to Jane 3, Inclnslve. 

WI/antAW • Shows of all kinds with nice fronts: perceniare no object. wUl be very 
w V di I kou • re aaonabto; are want joa amd will MeM ran fine. Will ^Te excInstTe show 
nrlTllece to CarniTal Co with Band and Fi«e Acta: twenty Hionsand ▼iaiton: Commence- 
ment Exerciser of Naval Academy: visitors from all over the United Statea: TTncle S&m'a 
Battleshlpa: President and bis Staff; big time: it was the banner town last year for the 
Laton Carnival Co, over Five Tboasand DoUais ffross business: privileges of all klada foC 
sale: everytblns eoes: crames in^iidn of t«nt: will sell ezclualve to responsible parties. 
WMfTCO ; Tim swellest Free Acts, write anlek: perfOrmecs of all kinda for Oeraaan Vtl- 

iiii iiitoli wmW wiia iinftiiafl I'li ■iiwil wiM iMlM. bMoipMMwlN. MUTUJa, Hwers- 
towa.. auu VImmmAi OoKVMMaa taSsm '9mm caa teak jam for there: answer anlclc 
AddiM all man to W. A. NOLUBAUMH Mmmmtt Wbmmm/* OanlTaL Annapolis. Ud. 

S O A P 

Por Docton. MedlHor Men. Miact Waikcta. CCe. 
Cloae prices and aamplea acnt, dMi| 
request. The ctaeapeat plaea In 
tmj aoap. 

W dc W SOAP CO., 1 

WASTED— For Raymonda All-Sl^t Bhsw; 
Ver^iatUe Comedians. SIneera and Dancers. at>Ie 
to change for week; Organ Players preferred; 
al>u Novelty Acts: tell all Id first. E. AL. 
BAYMOSD, Stoneboro. Pa. 

FOR SAI.E — Troupe of Ave well trained Dors: 
Eiirb as ^ack-Bomersanlt dog: Rope Jumping 
do;:s on hind lees: ladder dogs: tight rope 
woikins doga: front toot dogs. A. SLOUT, 

W:itortowQ. wis. 

Premiuin Popcorn Works. pTe7e_^ 

In graase fiVW 
TiM oaly factory In the Central Stataa; qnlekerdsllsair. 
tn>n. It will p«y you to inTeatlgaM. jfitvtMnMMia — 


The world reoowsed " Popeora BrMU* 
and S eaat eactaos. etc Batted Psnaatn 
it paper ■wk'i. A bisiellar everrwhare. 
iraaa i i. aadtomr produ for the priv lege 

^i4aa and prleaa of what roa want. 

PSeMHIM PilAJOftN WOttKS- aKRuN ot«I->. 

The aeasoo Is openfii 
with Good Soiling ~ _ 

pie sets 25c. R. S. GREEN A CO., 

375 Wells St.. CHICAGO lUU 
Orlslnaiors of the well known Mamma, 
it Won.t Come" Card. We are still selling 
tbaia. Eastern Repreaentatlve. waa«li WAlWI 
CiBBBN, No. 2S3T N. Opal St., PHItA- 

For the Elsenbarth-He"derson Float- 
ing Theatre: Dramatic and Vaude- 
vllui FBOplP. Must join on wire. Pref- 
Co doubling: batau 

AMrtn, iMT LnaraoL aua. 

latAM'mia B A LLY HOO to work om 
IwAH I Kill a fnmt Eleetfle Thean*. 
Address: E. O. .HOKHKT.La UonUltoa. Alk,. 

8-13: Busspvtllp.lS-at. 


Snakes and Monkeys 

FOR SALE— 3,000 feet Ediloo Plhn 5 cts.: also 
tttereopticana. Slides. Sheet. BiieosUt. Gas and 
Electtle Bataiia, etc. Addnas BDiaOK PIC- 
TI RES, UI ■etnet avc^. BartllBid: Oddb. 

TDK BUS— Oalatea. WcaMw make. In flrat- 
elasa wacklag onlcr: pdea tM> or wlU excbange 

CttolealotPjIliim Snakes, broke to 

Monkesa ot all varieeies. i>nnd for th*. 

J. HOPE, Imyorter. S& N. S«la St. 

flie kind that live: also other snakes on hand. 


WuM Inrndittili 


lof Aeddeotj A i Bleb DlTer, wither wtlbout 

wHTiErs mm mm. 

La.: Nest Week. Lafarette. La. 

'a Pw Wea UnotaTaafi 
llav;ni WMwaa. «i 

. Httst be sober to last. Write or wire quick 
0: Gearr. IS: Watonra. 16: Clen. 17: Anmata. 18; 



One . air of Box Ball BowUMt^m^T 
as new: prtiw SUA. FBED POfK.Mk 
Oraysun St.. IxuisTllIe. Ky. . 

■If aaiTcn I Second-band Vlog' 
WmlUI i Bom. Vol too ex- 

pends. Address. ■MKD.KIRKHOFF. 


Calafl»e Msard for < ainlvsla. Park> aad I- airs: 1 
lo « ounce boiiTet assoried Price rea»on»l>le. Trjr 

It: aure tfOK. >I- MuP..-,h: ■^-i,"" CITT. 


OSS UT oC 1.000 Crat a( 
optlcena with Bkr 
Switch, m. P»u. 
Rarhach A Cs., MS fWieet 


» seas Stctc; 

WAKTEI>— B. r. Comedian: S. A ^ I 
and other acta at oa<*il»P« ■ 
for one week- Addieaa CwljK ^ 
nichvlew. WaahtnKtaa O^. Mfc ■ ., 



9 I I I tl D llU I n tH9 Spiniiv, WhiriiN; aid Jaggltac 

W«»lii«*ei7thln«. such aa plates, msta, pans, tables, batons, etc.. manlpulatine a lawe stase carpet twelve (IS) feet In diameter. We ilp—Wf act br sptnnlnr seventy-flve (75) plates. 

Wtmn trerstblnit, such aa plates, mats, pans, tables, batons, etc.. manlpuIatlDK' a laire stase carpet twelve (IS) feet In diameter. We 
an raonlnc at tbe finish. Tbls last feature, of which we are positively the oridnators. is ret new, and pronounced by the public to be tb« 
TiBwo(aet.tweDtgriBtniitM. Stage seMnsbwntitnllrUlniBinated with electric UtfitB. WaidMba the Baaat. Now bookliw 

•et br spinning seventy-five (75) plates 
eves seen. We do what we say we. do, 
Sarin and Sommcr Thaatcaa. QpaB.tiaia 


To Managers of 

Parks, Circus 



Cahin CamU 


Last sea&on Special Feature with "Bnftalo Bill's" Show 
all through Sngland. And special feature with Antonia 

I I^ubiUones, Havana, Cuba, for the past twenty weeks. 

|/^^^^^Original patentee of this Act, Patent No. 737375. 

Calvin Cappoll Eggers, 


1127 2nd Avenue, New York CHy, N. Y. 

GbOi 8iiiI Ubby DuprBB, Sfrs^^™^^^^^ 


Greatest FbeDOmenal Lady Baritone: to 
joio Comic Opera. Dramatic, Vaudeville or 
JAufcal Comedy. First-class Managers and 
* (Only. Address. 

▼IBCrlinA HATDEIf . 

Norfollt, Va. 


Lady Cometlat, B. or O. Experience all lines 
of boms. Bel. Carnival Co. Mixed Shows or 
Bands write. Could Ballyhoo If necessary. 
Also yuaae lady ticket seller who is ail 
aroand hustler for conceaelons, or any place 
a flrst-class lady Is needed: lo in at once. All 
particulars first letter. OOKFrKTTISX. 
1202 niorolx St., WIIJBgt MICM. 

Managers Take Notice. 



Troup of Acrobats and Gymnasts^ 

4 in NumlMr— I Male, 3 Females, 3 Distinet Acts. 



*'At Liberty" 



One Inch of space, one time, 91.00. and Urger 
S{»AefrB op to seren Incbea at tbe sum nt» 



at tta aa 

N'OTB.— nat aB vaea la 
tor a slDsle A caM floe 

Indws Ott; 


WD to 

tt) may be act daolde cubHoa 

la »e «t aLaTarMMt S 

and a halt 



424 Eli SL. 

AT LIBERTY— The Ladles' Fayette Orches- 
tra, after May :;o. would accept a snmnier 
season's eneajrement at some Dark or hotel. 

Chauncey R. Morlan 




tart Mb at. 

w^t «aoi beiclit S ft. 10: wUl be 

Prograininar at Liberty. 

A hnatliog piogiammer; can get the 
stuff out. Uasb have ticket to join. 

Mmm a. ■umii. 

ThiTffoUiislaMtHlts— IMiail IdlfK 

PrwtmiHnr tbeir Oo a aady PanMaiiie "XHck 

~ " " " an 
Caa te ewacaa far Parks 



and Fairs, 

ATL^IBERTY: The Austrian Symphony 
Orchestra. Cnlon Protective, after MsriTth 
can be engaped for Parks. Hotels, or Summer 

Kewrt>. : for f urtht-r information apply to Max 
Bachmann. :; '.V U ^: i; ^ hr.r.r, N Y. 


ADVANCE AGENT, Season 1905-6 

HustltnfT newspaix-T and advertlsiD? man. 
practical IcDOwledge of show business. Good 
ideas and ambitious. Want to eo ahead of 
first-class .-wmpany only: east of Mississippi. 
"AGENT," Locic Box Paraconld. Ark. 

AT UBettTY— Blo»-ope man; own asd qperata 
niMblDe aod .Inc own Uliutiated Man Clarin 
lUutraud Sowmr. care r 


Befined Unslcal Act. Helopbone Bells. Sober 
reliable. Besp. Managers Camiral Cos.. etc 
wire or write: per add. CamtbersTllle. Mo. 

Clifton Race Track 

Openins Hay 29-30 

Spaco to HIra for 

Privileges and Attractions. 

Dally Attendance 

5.000 People. 
Address at once. 

A. ZABRISKIE, Secretary. 

I02 Cross St., PATERSON. N. J, 

CORNER'S Orangeade 

A dellclODS, coollnir. summer drink- 
Sells on sUrbt. Looks and tastes like 
the srenuinc jolce of the finest oranges. 
A olc winner for those bavlne stands 
at parks, fairs, summer resorts, or at 
any place where thirsty people con- 
eresate. Simplest tbine in tbe world 
to make and paya over one theuaand 
percent profit. Send 10 cts. for sample 
packace. enoacb to make a tall nllon 
of thlanaw mm attractive drink, write 
for apccial tenoa to sraeral and local 
secntsand tall paiHcalan of bow to 

■trna nmu 

*iEta JiBUnurf ■icai 

Xlie BIIll>oap<l 






For open time 

111 F. a. nnLET. - 



■■l^taMt W^BliMb and 3 feet 11 Inehea 
Permanent «4dre«s emre The Billboard. 


Pemutnent Addmn 

THE buxboahd: - OBBOAao 




HI 1 .1 .00/\i-£0 

James Shelby Shows 


The Marvelous Heinu Tiii 

Am* EIxlB. Hl- 

K.e. LB BUBNO. iUa»nt World'* Fair Caral- 

F:iinoii' Rorr-ftn Kluff Oymnast. Inrites 

oITirs. .\.idrc-,.s BILLBOAED. 

Address The BrmaoaaK 


THE JAIL upkakrp 

at BreiT 



we Me 



The sensation of the oentory. Have 
fine lltboa. £\>r terms and time, 1906, 
addieas MME. liljens. care The 
BDBioaid, lis Washington St., Ghloaeo 

eoOS&IOS. Idiwyer, 641 Wcet Uadlaon St.. 
Ohlcaxo; eaubllsbcd 1804. Bnaliien lesal and 
qolet. Brancbes and facUltlca In otber atatea. 


a-«SFark Bow, ITorid Bide.. NawTork 
Speelaitr — Domeatlc and Tlieatileal 
Lav. Badoaed Bataa to (ka pnCMMB. 

ore far Summer Parke; ajpa 
ffascmcnt; four year wlaaaB. 
Hltdiells. Elmlra. N. X. 


MMIIB.O-PUUTtO Mmn, (rassy Faoet) 
Aad luvy Rnkal Aot 

liaiMi—naiwina ldin ea iJ 


Ltfover and Tossall, 

Cyclone ComoOy CycUata* 



Mexican AcrimUit. In lila latest aailal act, 

Ump to Loop, With U. S. OuBlnl Oou. aw- 
con IMS. Permanent addttM TtM 

Foot BanlUbrtM 




Xbe BUlboud 

j Adgla i!!<j!!LLi8DS 



I ' "^flrr— 210 K. 47tlk 
NBW Y«] 


AdTtee tree. 


Laura Olllam, in Tauderllle. AddrassBUl- 




"LOOP-THE-LOOP" puzzle gets the 
money as fast as yon can band them 
out. for Fairs, Carnivals, Clionses^ 
it's got everything else backed oiT thd 
board. It's a real live oae for sore.' 
Send ID cents for sample, and terms 
Orders filled same day received. 


bar 6th. eth 7th and .8th. UOS. Open Omj 
and alsht. BcctzleUj for Utlit and Power. One 
sxat HMtrn ct ear lUi^ MO OBASOB FOB 
ma eneUca tbe vcafle to apend 

caa wltk Otaat Stzeet Parade. We wlU 

have a Omad BzUHtta at Bortlee H ma l and 
Afrtcnltiiral Frodaeta, StoA DIipla7« teae 
Be dux, etc Flzvt dax gcod aa l aat. War PrfT- 
ncsea addten T. 0. XeBUSMSr, O ww al Kof 
acar^ Oiuinuiiiflle, OBCMt- naada T.- 

Boota, Free.; Boaa aifOi^ Wuf f i ■> W. An- 
altd. Tte-FMatdent. . ' 





AliMMb ttd Hnls 

Uviiif WU 


BrownsTlUe. Te»«s. 

wanta a few choice attxaeUcaa. 
to 18. IBOS. Addreaa T.- H. 
Mineral Pofait. Wla. 


CInba. Bolltoa Olobe, Hoope, Batooa. Gaoa. Wlre- 
Walken' apnantoa and KoTelltes. Stamp for cat- 
alogne. BnW. VAJt WTCK. Claclnnatl O. 

Van Horn & IWf Ictil 

Ufrs. Camellan Grease Palnta. WlK%.TIieAt- 
rical SnppUea. IUiistratadcataIqcm.4cts.. 
stamps. nSATcbBt.rnUaMBiila.Pa. 

novMQ rurrmut 

1 arcawoitta. 

a aaeaawinaa, camena, leaaaa, aann aUdea. 
■aeond luad. bauilit, aold and ezenaagad. 
■«'■■«■'''•«' repabtns; apeelal alldaa made; 

puma and 
new and ■ 

Kapart mi . 

morlac pletaiea tal^en to order; parfoiatlns, doTal- 
opUif mgA film prtntla a for (he trade. Onxajr- 
^ »»«m^w CivnaToaBAPB A Film Co., Sberbardt 
Behoelder. Msr.. Ui.K. lath St.. Kew Tork. 


I '' AWP 




A ft X I S T S 

NATIONAL MTTSIO CO. haTe a lot of eooc hlta. 

Can ani ft.:e u^. Ciilcmso — 20« S ■SV.baBh AT«. 

New York — 11 2Stii St- 


For Eagle Carnival Co. 


Good PerfOmeis ftop fkaa | 
~ :IiaiiaoCM< 

and OU Oonn- 

^c trtc ifcowi eaperteweeOman for merry 


Pop Com eoods of all klnda, Priyilege men 
write for prices. 

ft 9off» PfQpe.. • ■ 



Two Big Feature Aeta 
Seaaons ISH-IOOtS 




nmnEa dancers. 

, . ia.itiAco 

ciaom vunrm ahd pahtomdiist 

Orlfliuitor and Prodncer of 


Homer-THE BOBSONS-Estella 


The Great and Only 


Feata «C 


Engllah Acrobat*. Foot In Number 
Preaentlns an Abeolate NoTelty 




Orldaatora and Tralnera of the - BOZINQ 
BTAU.IONS and Other Noreltlea In 


In a Bare Display of 


SB fffl g ll Hl OolBtClllI 



nam berharb 


Mr.— RHODA -ROYAL— Mrs. 


Preaentlnc the "EoTal Qnlntette" of Trained 

Equluvfl anil Thorcng!itir<M5fl ou the nip[x> 
dro:i:e trnci, flLowIrig all gs-iis in liarnetm. 

PAiioni '■oaofWAH acbobais 


WortTa Chaataat 



Talkina. Knockaboot and - 



-We art the Orf^liiators of the Triple Jump 
Up with Two Ladle?, Gectlrman nod Doe 
A Great Feature. Seaiona UKM-^ 


IntradDdae Backward and Forward 

The Lanshtav Bit aC 
Tbe Warld'a Oicataat Ibeara. 

■■>rlra*a aicattat 


JUDglloe Bros. Sboma 
Seasons lIHU-1-3 


A Coterie eC dew F% 1 

Tbe VenatUe Comedy Pair, 




iT.RTmJi a»Mat.T» 

America's Onatcst TBOUPB et CTCUSXS 


If you haven't the goods, don't come to the Coast. Twelve weeks is the best 
I caogtro ym, sis weeks la Itbis vioinlty, and six weeks up noitb. I caa do 
bett*rimh you ressidlog salaries thaa this Pacific CoamHofe AlrAasociac 
tion- Be eawtal mam joa book irltb. Addreaa to me dlraot, 

IMVr, Hi BMy St. Smi nwielaeo, CaL 


Kattbnatied IBM. 
prafeulonal me. 



805 Wiliit Street. Philadelphia. Pa. 

RnHfiF^^iflll^ FOR ^ii F a* Neljrsska State Fair. Sept. 4 to,«. I?>B. ,Ooe eacl^Ferris 
bURbCddlUHO run «*LC t?heel. Trained Animal Show. Mldcet. Freak, Glass Blowers. 
Wire Jewelry. Feather Workers. Optical Goods. Badsos. Fans. Whips. Can» Toy Balloons. 

Uftlaa. Strlkliw. Lune and Grip Testing Machines. Total I ' •—• 

^ S. c. BASSETT. Snpt. f 


•t., sAWTLonis, r ~ 


Tlie eillboapcl 

Street Attractions Wanted 

The Merchants, Bankers and Business Men of Tipton Indiana, wiU Celebrate the Foorth 
Qt ^ niy tiii« y^jir am ai Mummn tii su»jite,^Md want a number ot Free Allractlons* 

linnr mjst wmmmxasa, and siuctly ma class. 

fewenly-five miles, and every one of lima, will ^ow tbat 
thinff will be d«giw in Tipton on ihat da^. We luivB more miles of brick etwwt then cily in the State of onr MM, 
eiffht n^es of l^ek pavement in tbe ci^. We also have many other good p<dnts we wUti to exploit. We mean to'tefV as oar gnertB on Inat 

day thoosands of people, and we want to show them the biggest thing in the way of a free show that ever happened. 


IT Wll-Li BE 

Privilege men may write to S. I^. Bunch. 


All others address W. H. Marker, Ch. Com. on Ihitertaiiiment, Tipton,Ind. 


. who ^tch the 

Successful Streetmen 

ni .1 

^lapd get tbeibeaieflt 
j|^f - -6 u r ^nineteen 

\ IfTovelty and 
gl^lCtoe Back Men, 

Writ! For OflT 1905 
^ - "HUSTLER.*' 

tivio Brois. 


Tm Mii M 

carI i/al company 

3f aSv-: 

The Photoscope 

Takes pictures as fast as a person c!ui pose in 
front of it. Delivers a perfect photograph, neatly 
framed and finished, In leas than one minute, and 
will operate regaidleaB<tf the weatlin', making as 
perfect a llkeneiB imdar tba aleetxie light as on a 
S1fiL"?!2iSf;*S? maehtoa that 

>8Bi IhIIm Anrap PrefHt u li|h uSINJiiiriv. 

Oar IM6 moael is 60j( beUer than tlia iHeUne 
we were putting ooa laiajiaarafetlia ataaawto. 

Write for emtalosM^' AMmm' 



Automatic Prize 

TMi it lbs bert ana fut«it gtm* arar i 

mil line of w*rk. The buistr li aiztatCaM loacl 
ud mU u joq te* It. It U the eulMt suMoa 

the ro^ to B«t op, ud Till gmt yx>u mora moaer 
ttiu any ether game on lb* market. We ire 
Inrefitora aad sole manafactorere of the t^iar 
Gallerr, Qneen OaUetr. and other nev tamea la 
thu line. We also have a fall lineof hooae 
(oodt. loaded dice, marked card', Inki aad the 

97» Wyaa«ottc Street. 




NOTICE ! To Managers of Opera Houses 

The lalatloDs heietofoie eilstfDg between 0. JAY. SMITH, Uanagar and 

has been TERMINATED. AH manHren of Opera Hooses holdlor contracts entered liitu 
with Mr. Smith, for dates at their honses for this show for the comlne season will please roni- 
munlcate with the nnderslcned without delay. In order that they may be renewed orTt-rlHed. 

Address: BILLY KER8ANDS. 291S So. State St., Cbica«o. Flat I. 


E L. K 

. Addrtu Dr. A. C. COOK, 

for Oi 

8 ' FAIR 

ChairouM Anuatmant CtomittMi 


Burnt I«|^er. Bnstlc Wood. Shell Qoods, Canes, Confetti. Serpentina Dostera, Bub> 
'~ ' Bailooui Lanterns. IFlas Pozzies. Trfok Uatcbea. 

Hatpins, r — - " - ■ 


, Leather Postal Cards. Cati 

Bloir-Oata. 'yfUv^ . , 

' « Pot«,dM Ooodai.BtieU Hat Fins. Beer . Glasses, 

•ddreas for nnaiastrated eatabwoa noreltlca 1 
Oaletektkns. 80 paces. mmostnUonsor noreltlas. 

nakersLWatchuT Be3e^%!&8,^u?uils. Fas- 



Richard euthmaon Transfer Oo. ^^^a^3r£*^^^ 

Scenery and Properties for sale tor storac* charses. Have banled ALL the lance oompailiei 
playloff In OhlcaKO this season wltli the Iiett of records. This is the Brm that Jias the Oor- 
emmeot oontraot for moTlns all the Federal Offices and Postofflce into the new P. O. baUd- 
inv In Ohlcaco. TOO loads In 42 hours; can anybody beat It? Gathmann & Ooodffdhi 
■ ~ ' 's Bclee In Chlcaso. or any other city. In bnlldlns and palntlne Scene! — 

lery from Maine to Callfomla, and all are well Ipleaaed at price I 

Stock ot second-hand stuff which we can utilize In lebnUdlnKl' 
.jnllLZMDearboraSt.. Tel. Harrison 1667: Stadlos. Sbopa, W7 
TeLHonroe 871. CHICAGO, ILL. 


■tatna Tonlat to UfS, Weatoa make; walgba SS» Iba. ; worked hj keraaeae. mn with 
a peopts; ben maka: eoet slSDi aellfOrSTSi laoH(lnaleaa«a, sever aaetfooee— aenap. 
Bdlsaa's Trala Robbery, SZB: Jack and tbe Beantuik.Mia.lforpby aadBaby.aad 

1 otbrr •Sir*. E:n;i, the '.o; cnly Thene are hargalns; orSsrqitnt. 

W. D. EVANS. 36S W. ajd Stroat. - . . H*w Toffc CItr. 

We Make the Best Vending Machines 

Intheworld. Write au'.ck for r.^-w Cata'o. ji and spc^la! prices to Aeenta. THOS* B. 
aMMtBOBXK, 2V Suutli TUItO. Street, fmiadelpMa, Pa. 




.\<i-3re53 U. P., MOORE. Maniser. Jellersor^ WU. 




F«r Sale, 8uns and Military Coats 

•l.dll EACH. Send tor eataloffne. , _ 
WALSH'S BON8 & CO.. Newark. N. J. 

WAiVTEBi A«l» for our MHl 

rAW. Address: BIrt. Fredrleks. S«e'7. 

Aivnata, Wis. 

Maitiim "gts JflrttanT ■*€ 


Wionipeg, Canada, July 20 to 28. 


Applications for Concessioi^ on the Midway for supplying Vaudeville talent, for free attractioap in .front of the 
Grand Stand;' lovther coiac^BsiGni; will be recMred by the undersigned,' v.^K 

F. W/ HEUBACH, Chairinan Of Attractions Gomm^^^ 

mJti NIP EG, - ' C A N^.P A. 

Parisian Ice Cream Cona Cooldng Oyens 

Money 8otlm> at WarMPs Falrii 


Tbonsands of doUan made Xtr 6onees- 
sionalres at the World'* Fair mIIIhk our 
Delidons Cricp Ice Oivun Otme*. A Drand 

DeUebttnlly flarored cakes made In the 
(hap* of cone*. flUed with dellcloos Ice 
cream, which can be eaten as yon walk or 
•troU along- withoat soUfiur the 
rlOTes or clothes. They sell In 
co:d weather. '.^ ■ . 

hot or 



una* iMsiitti,iMiiiwiiii.mhiiM St.. nmis teii. 


The Horowitz Berger Ca. the well known 
wholesale seneral merdiandlse establishment 
of Mew York, are now maillnc their 1906 cat- 
alocne. It not only portrays a complete line 
or general merchandise and novelties, hot 
nootes siMcisUies at conTlnclng low orlcea 
rorCamlTal. Circus and Btreetmen. such as 
Fonntatn pen ontflts. Jewelry lots. Comb lots. 
Shear lots. Notion lots. Purse lots, Bazor lots. 
Handkerchiefs, Memoranda boolcs. Glass cut- 
ter KnlTcs, Peerless Sharpeners. Qerman col- 
lar buttons. Needle cases. "W.B.W." brand 
tableware, bis line for Slam layouts. Fish 
pond. Knife board, etc. The catalocue Is of 
oosTenlent sice, and will be sent to any street 
i^aWMlcatlOB. U he aMntkMis the, 

br WoK't Uki and Pliaam IimH, 
Ghambaaburg, Pa, 

Ferrli Wb«d («r wUI buy one cheap tor awh> 
Tin TTpe and Plioto Button priTllefe for talc. 
Op«oliiig Jane 10, on* to three ezconloiu i 
day. Popolatloa of dty 10,000. Address all 
■naU to AUO. WOLF, care WolTs Pleasure 
Roort, Chambttshorff. Pa. 



CUTS - / 


to Thcdtrical Trade when 
Cash occompanics Order. | 

( ir*>t-i-ldb><iuls fori l^bl•clds^ People ^ 


3,^1 BIymyer Building, Cincinnati, O. 


The Hamly Fruit 
VaotttaUe SUmp 

Bm. kHdwa iMtanii titf (i>*«f M i% aUet» Inn* i 
ct *mvkVm fcii* a «Wtr> el fkaci MVik «Hb- - 

-yj'-iTi'' iTawar 

MM. lUMtTOMQS COL «•■•«• 


Attractloiu for the Old Boys' 
Reunion to be held In Perth, 

, Ontarlo.9n Jane aotbtoJoly 

aid. .taofc NoM Iwt OfMd Om* WMiiwjt 

Addrem; CHAS. F. STOm, Perth. Ont'i^b. 

I-OOKl 10 nun, used but ntle about TO* 
feet, tas; MDt priTlIete of czanlaatloaoa ceeelpt 
^l.*S7 j^iy to covu exptcH ckufss. AlOB- 


Tha Storiing l^utomlMie 

Novelty Shooting Gallery 

TQE ONLY saccessfnl Air fiifle Gallery ever 
made. After one year's experlmentlnr on this 
gallery, we have now perfected this one In 
every detail, making a tniee-way Joint, and so 
natural that no one will get next. It la ttte 
eaatest flrkined upi the eulest to work« 
tbe eaialeet to set on ny scroana; Ket tbe 
money tbe eaaleat. Tne price for a 
Kume or tills kind Is Uae easiest ol 
anrtlilnc ever put on tbe market. 
Only S3S for Best Air Bifle. lOOO shoC Banner 
and traTeUng case complete, gnaranteed to 
give satisfaction. Sent prmlege of lull ex ami- 
nation. Send for new catalogue of latest Street 
Games, Hold-onts, Marked Cards. Ink. Dice of 
all kinds; In fact erery thln g in the Sporting 
Goods line. We HaTe 'Wbat Ton Want. 

D. MnjLER MFC. CO., 
Kansas Ctty* Mow 

RecelveAm sew. lot flEORSXma 
tton. GIAHT 

1044' ftct 1«BC IH fla« Miidl' 
•th«r vwtetleau Prices 


Atlas Trunks 

nt ifat prafetslDo are without a PBU. Kat* 
with on. PAnimD BiiiDno. 

At*., PhUsdcWhla, 


lliat aeir Iffutb Son^ It proTlnf a trefflendou 
hit CTCZTWbcre. - 

If I Oiilf Hai yy Meal Ticket Boigbt. 

Wotdi b7 DaTe-Chabcrt. Uiule br Bob Kelliigg. 
Joat Oct. ProfcaalsDala lend for tbcm 
KOBEBT B. KZixoeo, TaUisiar •( 
Knile, eiS Stsbway Hall, flhl<isg»i 


My Big Fairyland Show 

One of th« Ooeat attraetkos erar accn ftr a 
Park e 
quick buyer. 
Notfglkt Ta. 

nkyl*ad. r. a 1 


8w^^ye»^a sa yT|^ to p r h it jwm^ \SSSm. 


Tickets in Rolls 

Good stock. Good perforations. Accurate Dumber- 
Ing. All kinds of tickets made to order for Park» and 
Amnacmeiit purposes. We keep b variety of Roll 
lick«ls in stock as follows : "Good for 50 Ui tndc** 



for One Ride." "Admit One." "Merty-Go-Roond.' 
"Bathing." Others to be added. Any of the above 
can be shipped ume day order if receiTed in any 
quantity of or more. Special price* in lax^e 

quantiues. Ticket* fmnuhcd in strips if dcsind. 

Tbeatrical Hotels uiBmilnllimi 



EiimcK-nn Elceant Buffet In connection 
GEO. H. HINES, Prop., IM W. Madison St.. 

New Alhambra Hotel. 

Eareptu PIib; Imt BOc av. Witklf 92.60 ap. 

Every Boom a Front Boom.. „ . 

6 Bla. to Catlnua. Car. Ittk A Still SIniti, 



EuropMn Mid Ametloaji. 
J. A. RILCY, Cor. I6tt\ tt Sta.t« Sts 
Muutfer. CHICAGO. IIX. 

The Billboard cbesrfnlly rccommeoda ttalibotaL 


Annrleaa. JS (tnsle. •! donhle. Enropean, M to 
■aSWMK. Good mean. JACK BICTH. Proprlewr. 

■OZART HOTEL Twenty-Ninth and Mor- 
BooaisiUO wMklr. up: tf«m hwtt, twe li*th» 

ZDWAKO'B 07EBA HOP BE n ow booklnK for 
araaon 1005-0. Seating capacity MO; popnUtlea Well* nr 4tat« » bobbkzs * iiow- 


lold Mtdal 

407 Broadway 

NY. CHy.N.Y. 

Miniature Railroad Co. ^^"^^ 
Sraad Prizt and Bold Ntdal 


MKNTa AND Pk A r I 1 c A I. Pttspoaks 


American made. Inter* 

cbaoiealile paru. For vas. 
pockatorladlM. cntone- 
tUidtlaaiMn. Aeall- 
bni t rtoct ntad. 

8ampi«aiiiallad.azJ0. Addrau 
B. n. K01.B, 

Mg9 N. 81st 8t. PMIadelphla, Pa. 

Washington C. H., Ohio, 

G. A. B. State Encampment will be 
hald In tbis eltgr. Jam 7, 8 and OtU. 
•liMW and OtoM AttaMMom WknM. 
S. H. MTTiTiTKAlT, Chairman PllTl- 
lege Oommittee. 


j BASS mnroBus. Auirx- or suits, 
DKSCBirTIOir. From QoTanunent Auction. 
I No m a tfr what yon want In that line I can 
I aopply It, Kaw or Mcond hand. Send for 


BJ South SL. I'hlUiIi'Uitiln.Fa. 

...Machines, Like New... 

Ronletta.'tiaS; Doplexea. tTO; TwoitJ.tb Cm. 
torlea. $70; Chleagoea, $3S: Oowmt tM; Owic 
«1S: Jodsca, fSO; Uneia, flO. An lata vmtm 
(enatoe HlUa make. Wa hara •a m t arjala. 
— ■ — • — Ohio. 

49%n ^vKii sen urn m nAn 



0. J. Ptmm nmn ^MWfaMe-w 


Manufaotured and sold Exolusively by tho C. A. TAYLOR 
TRUNK WORKS, 37 E. Randolph St, CHICAQO. 131 W. 
38th St. NEW YORK. 


F» AX E 

317 !&••••••••••••••< 

: R S O IM 

X R U N K S 

a Aran 1 

....THE LONDON.... 


ti llii niiiijilnl iiiaaii iir Taiilliillla ii 

(|jUlAMaMlr**leoaMat4nMtaa<. Vwr 
YoHicmr. T»liphon>-WB lladlam. 


All kinds o( Amusements for Snmmer Ournival and 

Street Pair near Colcord Park, Oklahoma Clttir,O.T.| 
Percent only. Ferris Wheel, Loop-the-Loqp, HiRh Dive, Merry-Go-Boonda, 
— Boata and UToTeltiflS of all kinds. Gnud ooenini' day, May 20tb, with 
Job pHtfWIaw addr— b JOB. KCKFORd. Mgr. . 


Monarch Balloon and Amusement 60. 

1886— MltN fam, 172 Uppitt St., PnvMraet, R. i.— I8Q5 
PROF. A..; CffA9. HILLMAN. Manager 

Klcfat Aae— i l o — Willi ***'''^]^^^3ftt ^^^ '*yS2P ^'^^OBB, Day Aa^mrf.— 
Witt* for dzoolH;'. B»lI«)«BB«p*lxliiainado»*dkaitaotlce 



the iMstaur of the Oitv Oom Henm toroii* y—f from ttMtea* of Anenst. 
o«>BaestuMrmBcrt70teIeTenmiiiuea. ^atendmuiDiralMhirnisbad. 

Each Mddar wlU be reantied to aecompuiy bis bM witha oaMladctaeck for ISOO, to Insure 
the eaterintr Into a contract. The aaccessf ol bidder will be reoulrad to execute a anratv 
bond In the anm of SSOO. Copies of the contract wIU be tur-^-'^ a?-?S'?5&'« » surety 



'^.^?^fa^ifi*5F^.£5?-^?5i?<^^**S'"'«' ""seful for BALLYHOO: 

Solte 16, Fay Block. 

Bat Citt. High. 




A sure money maker 
theyeerRMind. Pn>- 
iamaiid perma- 
^Jt. Baally learned 
br Inxeperlenced 
peraons. We are the 
only orislnatois,and 
sell the only sue- 

W. Z. Uie, Sprlngfltid, OMs. 


Robert H. Hartley, 



SuHo to, II Hartley Wdt^ 

m Foarth kmn, - ■ PITTSBURG, PI. 

Oatalosrue— Just out. 

FOR SALE: Miniature Railway. 

~ ' 10 Cars, 2.000 feet TnA. 


Fortunes Made 

BY mirma and OMRATma 

The Tonawanda 



Sttaa RMng adltrf 


Armitage- Herschell Co. 

I. Y. 

hr PiiliiOmtiilt anri hln 

mtaaa J. 0. Coadamnfordatu,Trey. Raaaa. 

Fir nil b} W. B. CONDE BMAN, 



Merry- Go -Round. 



hi:rschel.i..spillman co.. 


To CanB-Board Dealefs. 

Mm h Chicago tasi n h Inr Toil; 

These few lines are worth leadlnc caivtully. 

In order that our customers traTellnttSonth 
and West may ftTold paylmr uimeceaaarT ez- 

Dress charses, save time and tret the rlcht 
Koods at the right prices, I baro openea a 
Western Agency at OhlcatK> under the man- 
airement of the well-known Cntlenr Kfnc* 
HASBif I.. WKIBBAirn, SM E. Madlaon 
St, who will carry the same line I manufac- 
ture In New York and at the satoo prices. 
All orders ordered from Chicago will be flven 
the same attention as I Klvn them. " 

Try our New Style or BVBBBB FIN- 
ISHED OANB8, tor wbleh nr. 
Welaliaiiin ttmm the exclusive UTeMena 
Sale. No ClUcaco Jobber will few* 
tbeae. niy own patent mnd mi 
tare. Send for Catelovue,Jaatoatt 

■t., omoAcwtiiiiH 


Itxa4 tnchu, ill colon. IS Mots vtt 
Woodrn fniuc tu holCL umt, S9 crnts mnb 
1.. tlA H fi nr r co.. Trilma. BIdc., OhloaCk IB. 

XHe Billboard 




I California 

St.. Louis 

W4nfiij.iVM>. w.f.oim. 
•M'ifca*ikL4ii. iM.'e«ir«t.i. 
'CiMiinMTi. O' 




AND ? 

SONG or BOOK tliat to worth aajrUiiiiv, 
yon (boald copyriirht It. Don't take 
cbances when joa can Mcara oor •err- 

mfa TO INVnTORS b«for« aoDWIo*, for 
• QMnit^ w>n /a^juii. HANDBOOK m 

•dTlMlf p*teata> 


JaUnU unl FHZ. 
Die or not, 


Shetland Ponies 


Tho handsomest team of S|X>tted Shet- 
land I'onles there Ls In this country. 
They Weleb toirether 650 pounds. 
WoaUmakean aiiratctlveadvwtise- 

■MD^ ABB KLBB & SON, ilMre 
HomOMltei' Avenue. cnlOAJBO.tVL. 

Station F. 

lUmtiatoa ostilogiM, nmlaliiliig tbf LstNt O^^/^ 

InMncted and BomeBtie Koveltilea, SpeolsltileB, 
Qamegt Optical GkMds, Platsd Jewelry in all its 

wUUntttk wiroflocibuHlaif. Muieairoe. 

SINEB BBOS., - 82 Btwuy, - BfW Twfc 

Whitaksr's Park 

And Pleasnre Pier 
Of Clear Lake, Iowa 

TbF Great Sammer Resort and Saratoga of tbr 
Nortbn-est bas a few more good, paylug Uoncaa- 
sioiu for ulo. Clear, Soft Drink. Slot MacblDe, 
Shootlns Gallery. BoirlUig Alltj, Peanat, Vo^ 
rors men wanted. All kinds of attractions on a 
liberal perceotage batU. Waatad— Repertoire 
Co*, as ir<xxl as Nortla 'Bros. July 25 to Sept. 
13. Hurry up and get In: open Jane IS, cloae 
Sept. 15. Address for faitLer InformatloD, 
ISAAC WBITAKER. Clear Uike, loira. 

Souve nir Postal Cards 

On tcctipe of Ttm CEKTB In Poatasa alaopa 
ir Doner order, we will forward yon, eharcea 
two alike. PSTZB BAdOALUn, noaosiapb 
Aceaey, 7(6 Miailea St.. Baa VnaeiMO, Cal. 


Eate1>llahed 1872. 
OzTgen and llxdrosen Oas fnmWied In tanki 
for StereoptlroD and tlorlnc Pletore Ilacblaaa. 
All orders to any part of the Doited StatM 

SlUed promptly. Alao Caldom BanttBt Rakker 
>•> u. 8, A. 

single nights. Open time after June 4. B. O, 
BLAINE, Ugr., Opera Hooae, Attica, Ohio. 


BROID RIPPLE PARK, Indlaiiapolis, Ind. 
WEST SIDE PARK, iuncie, ind. 

Caroaael. SbootlaK OanaiT. BoIlarCoastan, and other ADnnaement f«atntM|]IWaieaMb«tc.. 
trraated most liberal terms for lonffseasOD. Theatre at each place. 


Doctors, Medicine Peopie and Showmen 

Why huidle rocky coods w^en yoa fan handle «oods that will aaU them- 

•110 cross 

. handle coods that will asU 1 

selres? Electric Belts from fi.OSper doe. nn. liargeTarie^toamM 
Electric Jaia, 75c doz; Electric Insoles. ^Ke dos. pair*: r 
Fine Medical Batteries. Send 7Sc forSample No. U & 
'jateetent. One third cash required. Trial order wUl 

, ezp. fiTODAid. 

Iiateetent. One third cash required. Trial order will ooimnee.' Xarsest 
MMnnctimMOf Electric Belts and Appliances In tr. 8. A. Established 
~IK JMMknn Md p^e list free. 

Tmm Mcetric Appliance Co^ Bnrtlngton. Ki 


Is Che place where yon can Incorporate 
most cheaply, most promptly and most 
safely All ot the important featares 
Of the InoorporatlnK busineas are .In- 
cluded In tlia Arltona statutes. W« 
*''ytti H >li]i m i liMiii mM ittfflfi, ^DBimRi. 


■■OBI 41 B <06 n»iln« lleofc. 


"Lights of HoQie," 

'^ust a Picture Of Yoo," 
"My Sunburnt Lily," 

TtixM fiunoni aoogB by tbe popiaUur 
wiltMB, Alk TkilMEiL lad Lea Onin 
Smith. Send IS eaito for ngidar 
pUoo oopy (beantlfDt title page), and 
complete orchestration, or SS eeitts 
for a'll three complete. 

G. 1^ PHipiM illdsW 0». 

23 East 20th Streal^ 



Tlie Createat Coon Shoot ot tlse 
Seaaon* A Sore Winner. Send 
Carda or ' Program Tor rrorea- 
atonal Ooplee, 

Tlie llionipsoB Music Co., 

"Atttomatic" Sit Spiadli. 

Electric HyronemoasOiBnii. 
Drop Cases, Metal Roulette 
Wheel— best ever. Loaded 
Dice and Marked Cards. Grestesb 
catalog ever writteo on gwnbllllg*' 
Sent to any addreas FBBB. 

■ ARM * OO.p 

C. W. f AjMIKIU jUH ionepKa^ 


wn«» xiiiiair 

OowSiOrUadar Plaaoa, lllnfcle In Hint FlmiKM.ote.' 

For street parades, sbootlne salleilM 

for Ulumlnatlnr any objects ot 

direction. GenerMesltsowasaa. 

Several styles. Write for particulars and catalorne. 



SOe Mamonle Tompto, 



For Sale: all prtcea. sixes, aire, 
color. Fbahk Wim. breeder. 
30 g. 8th St., Cincinnati. Ohio . 

"at* aatoawfaJUe aewyi^y win 

FREE! Tito Cutlery King's 

Write for tt t oday. . 


240 E. M adlsoa St. _^ Chicago. 

Look for myBfg Add. Jone Sra. 

WAHTED — Good Clean Attractiooa ttt 8 Be 
mer Park, situated Iwtweea Saratoga and Sel» 
eetadr and dtawlnr tm a popolatlaB 

2S0.000: BO latoxleants toM an the crsoa 

SCIBEMEOrAST B'X CO.. Sebeaecudy. K. 


Pfof. Wm. S. Hanntk. wttb all the ktoat 
balloon and paradmte acta Is ready to make 
easagemenu; for tnrtber Information write; 
good offers oonaldered. Per Add. Lealla. illeli. 

Jfeafim "Zke Bmondrmkm i ' 


Tbe Bil4t>oar<t 



torn last yaar tor tbe lAjtaa Caniral Co, otct 
FtTe Tboonnd DoIIua g r ow ftnrtntBi; ptlTfletes 
at an kind* Cornle; cTerTtUns toe*; kbums In- 
kSde ot tent: Wni exdndTe to re^onitUe 
parties. WAMTBD — Tbe iwellest Fm Acts, 
write qslek: p erfon nea of ill kinds for Gcnnu 
Vniase. WANTED — roar Net Dtrera. itcadr 
wack: not orer forty feet dire, tboae that cmn 
do other aerial acta .pr^erzeO ot ground acts 
either. txitto pleaae' .wire^ - Notloe. Hacera- 

towD. Ud.. riremeiw' CoDTcntlati (ODowi oan. 
can book 70a for tbem siawcr qolek. Addresa 
■n aan ts V. JL BOtWTttDOH. Uuacer of 


Prizes aad Gifts for 
aU Ganes. Jewelry 
Novelties for 
SHVctfir Staads, 
"Tirkc Mrs, Car- 
^ohralsMl Theatres. 

Cheapcal Eatab- 



SmntL LT.Ofy 

I Udf Husieians Wanted Quick 

For tbe arreral dlSerent Sellie B. Chandler Lb> 
■: msat be dnt-daas; Comet laiatat. 

Cta alirajm 

U aem Idle." AUna Jk X. 











Donaldson UthiCo, 


Designs all New and UP*TO-DATE. 


SECRETARIES of Carnivals 
and Street Fairs. 








V TO-ooirsT/rae'WHisFeK^ 


Is what we would wblsper to you^abiniil' ■'' 

Now, you know you'ice cot'lo 
bave tax instrument wlil<» IfUl- 
"coUml limit" for heavy street 
woJ^ and ret you're got to do' 
yonr solo turn and your orches- 
tra work well or "blow tbe 
show." Tell us; when did you 
ever have an Instroment— on* 
Inatrument— which could do all 
these— was good everywhere? 
We tell you the York Is IT. and 
If you doubt It. try It. We got 
up the York for your needs. 

and we can prove to you it has 
mer* TW»Mlt» tor ;oar wod( 

than anythillc 
do all things 
next week. 

ala day a; we'll mjik«| 

J. W. York * Sons, arand Rapids, Hlok. 

OarcatalacMMllsallslioatits say "BiU- 
T WHS wem wMai 

Yn WiilTt Kmv 

^Vl^at Is doing anywhere in tiL. 

line? If so, it is oar bnirineee to tdl'TOQ. 
"you don't know what yoa want. aSk son 

body.". We can help yon out. 


206 E. Fourth St.. - CINCINNATI, 

Mexican Curios ; 

And Qolcfc SelUne Noveltlee. Send 
catalo^e. ROSS CURIO CO., Laredo, Texas, 
on the Mexican border. ' 

Slot Talklns Machines, $35; Picture Uachlnei. 
beantles. SIS.SO; Ponctalng Ifachlnea. tl9: Son- 
Tenir Postal Card Machines, the best, |18, will 
earn yoo $4 per day. Disc talkins machloee. 
largest size for dranlcg crowds, I1S.S0. If theie 
Kteta doa't salt yoo, doa't wHt* aa, tktisHn 
■Midas Ofc. Ml W.tU.WL,M.lU9. 

Hook Unl 

' Am jen taUng ■i wjtog i a(.itlM.aMMT omR jn;-. ap^^.giirtrfniy -JPO- 
Mb season' ea *OSOMQIS>r tiaft flnlliilnii i. crisp nut ^{|M%w^pdgfiii«i«i » 
iSie bright ni wad. wiUte dbtAmhena package mOSm^fN^tL - -iiiec 
famous moistoie-probf <iiid air-^^ifclBiri^e ttoz maiies It keep well. Tbede- 
UcIOQS comblnatlcSi'ol caodied -popooni and ants makes it eat well. Our 
straigbt, honest methods, and the treatanent we give oar oustomers, continue, 
to add new oa»;-tD ilia -ikA. - .We slso'make "THE o, 
Wttts Cor aKbi^^4^Hii.^^WK / 

l.^r^est exclusive Popcorn Manufacturers in America. 

T-tr K r A M 0 u s 

TrstHig O^trieb 

"Whiriwind " 

lanowbooUivsnButemaBd Wastam Clr- 
cult- A stire winner and itrtmr diswlng oud 
most novel, up-to-date. et^^iM-f nobis a^ 
traction now before the poMICa OMB BBi^ 
never frasottsn. 

tapMir jMiU 1^ m SMK. Ml 

The Billboard's Free Emirgenoir Service. 

MAK^AGSBS in need ot people by naaoa of aooldeat, alolaasas, iBdiaposltioD 

at death are.iQTlted to wfre oa at either of oar ofBees staftfi — ' ' 

mttHtB.' - All such wires are inannaHiar^y hnn^^^^^^^^ a vory 

igaah jw j gi m ta JtirortaBdrMany aetOEs. aotraoM, parlfaBars, i 
I waAmmOB lAottasb liberty lookin oa oadaflrVuir alwmra 
ndlerataon tbe boards. This isa qulok meazis of gvtMag m toocn 

tibe bnlletfiis . 

their reqalre- 
BsUaok board 



--■ loads ot accumulated scenen to oiv storehouse for sale cheap at fol 
ri>aa>ifl>^ ejtteitor .^jme Pieces aU sires, per piece. $2.50: Pull Drops, any 
mto$U: Bwtders. any size, fc. This sale will last nntllM 

Ty ssr next aeaaon, drop oa a line. WB WHJ, 8A" — 

*— "Tr TThlrh wn ran atnim in lehiilMIsi slioai 


Medicine Perfoimeis in tbe bnsioeas. Will pay top smiuner salaries. Must 
li» abit toetaugnlPC:^p<M|9^ aRd make good. Mat» idl fiist letter Show 
Jon* Ml. I^ayaU. UTeoif lM;'Bb^flBies«dTaaoed 

■ Address ' 



1 are cordially Invited to 
OBoaand Stiow Voam.MW.aABt. 



Now on Ua way to Amerlea, 

H A R D Y 

American mondln. 





A Weston Galatea 

As good as new. 875; S 
«25. Address BUSck i_ 
BOgenfoee St.. Utlca. W. T. 

Billposters Wanted 

K:81JA0BKHB;'M Shannon St., Ton,>nto. Canl 

reliable. ED.flEAJliSit 

S. B. KEYE$, 



2*01 Ammal EotertaiiiBieiit Sept SOOi toOeL IStti, 19e& 



$30,000 IN PURSES 

WANTEED — AH kinds of fint-dan peroeobi^ dums; jpartiaalarly teuaed aidiiial shows; one ring drcos, and, 
otber fifst-dass attractions. Also fixst-HdassVandeviik and- Spec^ Address 

State Fair of Texas, Amusement Department. 

Chas. A. MavMt Director in Gliarge, Dalias, Texas. 








Show Printing: 

Typ* and EngnivMl Po rtf , 

eafton. Quick Weifc on akott 
mm IHOff PIIIT. 1 N-1» M Ar.. Cbiufi 


Anjune** gbobgia. 

eeMaaaaaBtallBe. Smmpto ewy mftlled 
IkM lAw reanested. 


HiKb<;UM Attnetioo*. TsoderlUe nd Oomcdr 
Acrobiti for tbc Sixth Aonail ADbon Fre* Flili 
Fry. Aug. 4th ind 5tli. Lut year'* mttenatnc*. 

U.OC- f-.:r fi.-ther p«jtlcuUr» nJdrtM JOHN 
3(cK.^Y, Scc'j. SLa^amoQ CX>.. Anbam. Hi. 

*^ PRICE, $1.00 ^* 

The above is a sample of out CLOO haUtom. BaitaUe for heialds 
posten. letterheads and newspapen. Send hw complete Uac ot 
Samples. Cuts delWered prepud vben cash accompanies the order. 

Sf-nd us your photograph and 81.00 for a trial order. This will con- 

v.i,.;(i jvj-^ ;L.ore than anything we can say. 

Knoxvllle Engrav Ing Co. sis Bate sn.Knoxviue.T 

Yott learn all about Virgfinia ^ 
lands, soil, water, elimate, re- 
sonrees, prodnets, frtiitB, ber- 
ries, mode of ciiltivatioii, 
prices, etc., bjr- readinj^ the , 

Send 10c for 3 numChs mIk : ' 

scription to v ' 



EVANS Sl CO.f Maufattartn, 






Is furnished free of charge to advertisers 
Our Issue cf April 8, is a Spec^ Parle 
Number; alutiU we send you asample dopy? 


List of Foreign Vaudeville Agents 

j£jg5«l*5<l. GcTOinr. Frmnce. wai 

Ygg*adTem, »nd ti« Unee at which 
MOM. The BUlbokrd Pnblahinc ZCTa 


Aflana^rs* and Actors' Representative. 

Engafl^nMvrils Preeurad. 


People in an lines to^ Book. 

Now booktnv for Puks. Fxixt, «nd CaniiT*]^ Pa 
Imp the Loop. DikToto: Prodbrloaa PortbOK the C 
Harrel"; Bkntos. the Demon Skftter. Shi ' 
tnaking %.le«p «rf MjgBfcjgto » fnlt of tew. 

OriCtnml t 

07 w: 4M sbcct icur vwK cnv 


And the 5 WUrlwiads 
of the Desert. 

Siisitianal - Oriistal - Aerobatle • Pirformrs 


«k JfailiM''n«JiB«anr' 


Hirse and Pony Plumes 

For Show PandM, Hone .nd Poor Acti. Ad- 

TertlilBi Purpo«*s. etc. 8*nd for prlc« 

Munnfact jrr ! br K. SCSAEJCBS, «J2 6« iltt- 
ropolltau B:^'i.'.} = . S. V. ^ 




An .Axcade .with Mills Machines bags the game — gets the money — because Mills 
IVfadihieg are the right kind, take we^ wear well, draw the crowd by their attract- 
ive ^weuaiioe and are a oaortHift MNOioe oCjieranae. *' ' ' ^ ■ •^^.-i^... 
with iionieDse profit to the ovmflr. • * — 

One reasm a ^eiiDy^ Arc9de paya ao wall is tiait all i 

AnortiBT jreason is tiiale it jlcm imni« aif anoii!: :of 
' alter fif^OT-'mOTenuuibiiies.'^ ' * ; 

The fact tiiat ;Arc^des costing $85,000' have beeiL-flniplvS'^ldiiini vabo&mtaOf is 
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The reason' it pays to equip' an Arcade with MILLS IVIachines is that the Idb 
Novelty Co. -is prepared to famish a ctHnpIete outfit, a greater variety of maciiiMB - 
than any one else — the kind that ' ti^ in the money and' do not set oofr of oirder.' 
It's an adyantacet ymi know, to boy a eonqtlete outfit from one fine. 


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A Spleodld Combination' 



No Batteries. 

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Improved Bac Puocber 



13iey work far '.yoa Twhile yob loe' btherwin .OD^agad. 
iH>w-a-dBys dioaM have a.Femiy. Arcade. ... 
To make a success, of aa Axeade-it ia abaohitely 

and ATTBicnvE machines. - 

Don't make the mistake of trying to mn an A 
machines. It's the new features that pay. 
. . Send for Catalogue No. 24 -for full particulars. We 
200 varieties of Con-operated Machines made by 

Mills Novalty Company^ 


11 to 23 South Jefforsoh St., Chicago, 111. 

A TTew. Pietiiie 




Lifting MacUaes 




T£>esu-triced Weekly 



Xlie 0111l>oard 

Paraoml QoMip 


•Maard bjr- Cbanea Along tha 


Suite 8, BoSaad Bide.. Brtwdwsr, 

aCetrojipUUm _ Uieatpegoers partlci- 

T^^bad an «qul sbuv. The ; Wm. A. Bndr le- 
jjSVlTOl (Of Trflbr at the New Amatenlam Thea- 
""■i^ita' aiim^ night. Uajf 8. via maiked by 
■c*cnlL«fea,^Il|0«a la the 
wUh ^jtvntiDB ' £iuftay« aa 
Haned aa Trilby. Joim 
'>:ai:''.n*'Xalrd.! Leo Dltrtchsteln aa 
. Wn. Baxot. and Ha- 
^fldaaf^iONnOr alio plared 

The "revl-ral'^ of . Tony Paator/'the 
•»aBdeTllle/' at the HctraiMiUtui 
cmntaK Kay 7. waa 
UidtSBa rrcnta of the aeaaim. 
;ifc-- Faator ceappcaicd before a New York 
ndicDCe after many years of retirement,, and 
■Inre is tbc coeeHa of the Actor*' Home 
beneflt. waa the OTCCwhehnlne eyeat of the 
erenlnK. The vctntn aetor-maoacer waa greet- 
•a with enthoaiaalle applaaae and Ua rrndltlon 
;ot Down la a Ooal Mine recalled the olden daya 
1«|WB ToBf. Pastar stood the aele repiesentatlTe 
iayttat was cood aadjail tbat waa elerat- 
:>>«r 1b rravdenne. One. need not in 
jcais tlie term of jn. FIHtbc^ MflH Is himIi 
'rtOe,- for be has stood .ip^iMr Or Itlgnv te- 
[flK^^tbe^lattcrHlay element took command* and 
"""" " e of Tony Pastor can nerer be dlaas- 
tnm AmeilGui nndemie— adi It 

aC tbe 

•'MaoiSay evenlnir Z apcnt 
i.mmk pltaaoiable hom ll hare 
: St ; • Tanderffie theatre, and Tony Pastor waa 
• jiy''b BSt. HU UtUe theatre, amitfy tucked 
any In Tammany Han, ; was packed to Its 
eapadty by erltles of vaadevllls «to pay tketr 
mcoey to axpteas thdr siadlet. iiipiml of 
crerythlnx witnessed card me saeh Calth In 
sgy owB Jodgmest that I felt I was as modi 
■a oltie^ as. aay at tbe Tlsocaaa adiecatn at 

CaBaban and Uacic were Sbv Fas- 

• toe'a teatana last wade with wm C. Mat- 
"W:i«(|..Haile Hiirls as the "extra attrac- 

t." .Adam tbe Second iwrms to be sU that 
■da between Uattbews lad BaBia aad a se- 
■rto their old time Taxlely set wba Hh Ifkt- 
~i was the cleanest sort of tramp, and lOss 
■ played the comet. Pastor's andlenoes 

• to like their 'aegltlmate** elforts ss wen 

as they med to like their Tarlety sketch. To 
. witness the artistic tpedolty pot forward by 
^ i C ji lTat is ii and Hack Is Uke.faaiBr lato a minor 

";itdOUl tUvtt and Ha dessr eonpanion, one 
reads whole Tolnmes of folklore. Tbe teseitfol 
inihmen who heared Tegetables at the oom- 
yuar ot "artW wbo san an Uab fkree- 

• tmittf a MdMa «r Mo tea, wodd bare leason 
. to jidt irtth flakts the ^'*^vm bald np te 

pohUe view by f!«ii.>i.,. Uack. These 

BKS nuke one wlih for a streak of Irish to be 
:;;'lraad at, tar tbcy vdnkte baDdfids «C *nbe 

Potter and Hartwell do a balancing 
set whicb Is dscldedty -eat of the ordinary, mid. 
altbonsfa doalac tbe show, were able, ttaronsr 
their eleTenwea, to hold tbdr siMlkms alasst 
to s onlt. Besnab and MOIer bare ■ way of 
making themselres at home and take thetr 
sadltors Into their confidence to such an extent 
that we were In danger of handing orer to them 
onr green tradlns stamps and cigarette cou- 
pons as an STidence of good faith. They were 
aa CBthnalaatle hit. uuian Sbaw, derer and 
cuuilsdnc woB «d(k fhvor and merited the 
appccdattre applanae wbldi waa ahowered opon 
bar. This clever little woman Is fast winning 
btr way to the top ranks of her dsss and well 
dessms the sood fsrtnac wUeb she is 
In at pnaeat. lOn OaMr triaa to 
those who try generally win lhalr.paast. 

Martin Beclc, genoal manager of the 

Orpbeam Circuit, and manager of tbe Western 
Assoclatloa of Yanderllle Managers, 
In New York dorlDs the past week Tlattlng 
his locsl l ep r tssnU tlTe, Ftank Tlnccnt, 
booklDp a tew TaaderiUe acta tor the 
tlon of westerners. While here be 
ipoods and chattels Of the Orpbevm GIrcalt into 
a room in the Qt. JaxMS boUding wbldi ad- 
lolna the B. P. Keith Booking Agency. Before 
aOFOne else atarts a mmor, let me aay that I 
hare no aathwlty from Mr. Beck to stste that 
thla move on the part of the Oipbeam's 
fomltnre has snythlng to do wlflh n <loBe ai- 

From Chicago, by telegraphlaaa "' 
I lesm that Arthur Fablsh la 
tbMi of dgaiette coopons tot tbe 
s semlu g a teney vest. Save 
2,000 geta yon the Kohl i Castle Clrealt. 

At Proctor's Fifth Avenue, last week. 

while the interiarled sandeslile eonalsted of 

two pletnre machines snd Stone ' end 
JngglersL Barry Woodmlf easily carried off the 

honoti as D'Artagnan. Be li tbe mdat caeeful 
actor, the most (kllUid icaAr aad the 
Intelligent player I turn seen In drsawtle 
for many moooB. ffis deremess mads 
his asaociates spptsr at special 
Wallace ErsUne. always a finished player, gsTe 
a fine Interpretation of Bnckiogbam, and Dallaa 
Tyler as Constsnce, easily demonstrated ber 
snperior abilities ss sn sctress of finish, beaoty 
and personal charm of manner. Ollre Ollrer 
was artistic and adequte as Lady DeWinter. 

John Cort,.' whom ^<Mne of the local 

laat week and gave oat an interrtew npon what 
one paper styleu "Cheap TaQdenUe" In the 
Mr. Coit fomd sn atteattre Uatassr la 

ait m ■wm r-im iiav it 

If It Is going to enjoy mndi more ten 
'cent Taodevllle. They seem to hare decided 
that's "cheap Tsndesme" atell bereaftar 

tfB MS 
at vaa- 

. "IM'p.'lfiiiiili |i aft e rnoon and OTenlng. If he is 
«pit'iapt working coattniuiTly It wUI be for the 
><aaBiB. .ttet our vandnills . msmnefs are not 
CdMaW^'A^^flMlr 'MipMiKJI)F'.aa*Mli^'. prefaced 
° btr' «taactt«aMa» int biiiWI by ailMIe abmty 
ot aneonunon degree. CUlford seems to bsTe 


of gnttapercfaa. He dances In 

hy AsHticaB vaodtsiile; aaa 

a m»nnt>T- 

waxed cntbnalastle and estaMIsbed him an im- 
mediate faTodte. CUffOTd. sboold hare reason 
to be ijad be can* to Amutiea aad sroold has* 

the Northwestern maUtaH Usnsgers' 
da tlon. To an ontltiK tt vlOOks from here ss 
thoogh there will be ^ieniy ot TsndeTine st 
popdsr prices, wen presented, aad employing 
a vast amy of stnggUnc; sincere and rmrlen- 
tloos saadesine srtlsta lone after Tba BWald 
and tta Modcfs hate- fl ai Hte a aboat J* 
and his Intersletr. Ftar tbe pui pesa aC iceocd 
snd for the edification of the great anay ot 
TaadcTlUe iieople who read The BUIboard aad 
nerer see Zbe Hew Tack Henld. I gt«« hm 
the XabB Chat 
"Clwsp Tandsrille DsoaMA 'fa 
Gort says 10.ccnt 
Ont of Bosiness; They 
Ibis beadlar tba article followa: 

TbMtiled Itnaaaaf Aandatlon. reaefaad this 

city late Snnday nlgbt and spent aH yesterday 
at his desk in tbe ofllces of Klaw Sc Erlanger. 
He wm remain la Ods dty for aboot three 


which la modeled after Oe MIxon In Flttaborg, 
and srin be the llnaat theatre In the west. 
'••Mr. Coct bad a ciaat'deal to aay aboot the 

ing aeaa that 'Ilia Mya of Oe'tta-^ecat tande- 
Tille theatre are aboat at an end. He said: 

"AS soon ss the new Moore Theatre la ready 
In tbe fall oar association will go into the 

will be ttimed Into a TaodeTille boose, snd tbe 
Sesttle Theatre will take tbe secood-class at* 
We wm hasa Rgolsr tbsatiea de- 

to thirty cents, no higher. This will, of esmse. 
pat an tat to tbe dieap theaticB ot maibroooi 


"Bosiness In the northwest has been very 
good this year and will be eren bettfr next. 
Times are good and every one is prosperon!!. 

eno rw ia a . 

"I sm MMglaK ^IHame Calve to this eonntry 
In the fall fto.a ■sasiiii of forty coacerts. She 
n-Ul make a (Nat aensatlon wherever she sp- 
peara, I am lare. I ahall also aasnme tlM ana- 
agement ot Flomiee Roberts, one of the heat 
rmotlOBal actresses of tbe day. altbonch she 
is net well known In the ea-i at all. She has 
tn enonnoos foUowing onf tbe coast, where she 

played T\iM:aC She .ITIkhtnnHL.. Hirta of 
The Liialaat^ fcvs. and 'plaia of IBce char- 


Michael Bernard, the deft-fingered 

beaeOt'hi lha bantait mil af Ike BotH ▼endonie 

Snnday, May 21. Mr. Bernard's piano recital 
will be tbe feature, bat there will be seventl 
vandeviUe perCgmen to asilat In making the 

k asked for 
■ asagb lines. 
Re bss been sick mncb of tbe IhBe aad hln 
friends are expected. If not lavattMHd. (o 
contrlbnte llberslly to tbe fond. 

O'Rourke and Burnett were booked 
to open in England May 1, bat on accoont of 
Miss Bamett's iUacss. were naaUe Ut so- Tbey 

Chas. Elamest. known in vaudeville 
aa a black-face nnaologiie '«r~Till«a of nerlt. 
has taken np. teal 
manner he I 

Tlw htmtt far . Am ' Actors' Horn); 
whM task pkec at tba KetiopoUtsn Opera 
Honae last Snnday, May 7. netted t3,8M. It 
is worthy ot mention tbat Jos. Hntphy paid 
130 fW a bUL n* ylabratlaa od the third 
' Aa. AelH^ Fnnd 

at tta Poit In 

Brooks ave.. Weet New Brighton. S. I. The 
thlrty-ave permanent gneata were assembled in 
the parloca, and addmae were drUteiea tv 
r. F.J f ai hM- J. - - 

' Arrangements Have been made with 
ll>e veteran Irish comedian. Joseph Unrphy. 
by DTMiB. Sao. w. Keaacr aad A. H. West- 
<au. Mi .Maags. «kareby Ihcy win 

star Anea'nsaae la tbe fsmoos'old plsy Kerry 
Gow. Mr. Doone is said to possess an the re- 
qnlremeDtB necessary for a young Irish stsr. Mr. 
M°T*y^wlM Nay a United teasso only, opea- 

_ ssoo- 

stor, win be starred in The Uttle Dncbess next 
sesson dty Mfltos and Sarsent Abom, who have 
porchaaed tte Aaag Hdd vrodacUso and the 

Winian Jerome and Ji 

wm write the lyrlca and 
Ud. tbe new levlew which win open the aeaaoo 
at tbe New York Amsterdam Aerial Theatre 
and Gardens, the latter part of this month. «M 

Cawthome win be iHaMtrt aa a star «t*flte 

Herald Square Theatre. 

The tour of Henry W. Savage's Eng- 
lish ptodnetlon of Parsifal ended In Portland. 
He.. laat week, Mr. Savage has now given oot 
sane data rooreming the maariaa ■BtAaelion 
that atkca good icadbig. irbcn IfeC gieat tone 
was fitst prodneed It had cost the Im- 
»ver flO(^000. The company bas 
played twenty-aeven weeks. In that time given 
two hondred and twenty-ltvo j N i il U i ma nc ff S In' 
forty-fonr dties. The exact nmalirr of people 
caiTled by the organlaitlon wai two' hnsdted 
and ten. The record for receipts was reached 
la St. Lotds, where the total bnsliwss was a 
tiUe over tS6.000k an eatni 
The record Ibr a stagSe 
In Dca Mi t s i s . la^ wbM flba hMt aaae atate- 
ment Ssod g^tM. -• 

In tbe western Coonty Cbalnnaa Co. In 
the role of Jim Hackler. He Is ably fitted for 
the part of the strennooa chairman. 

Bessie Ijea TiPstlna. whom everyone 

laaf* baa been en- 
by the' PMctar l aa aa gen i ent for their 
rammer stock company in Albany, Xn. Lestlna 
Is one of the oldest members ot tbe Proctor 
dnaatic forcea, bavlag ban a '~— 'tt ot one 

r ns nnetor 

The picture dlsclojed above 1» an excellent 
nkenen of Mr. Valentine Prentls. bntineca 
manager and press agent for Miss Margaret 
Balph in her reTlval f>f The Tamlnp of Tbe 
Sbrew. This Is only tlie third season In wblcb 
Mr. PrentiB ba^ encaKed in theatrical afflalrs. 
and has already won his spars. Early tbia 
season be was identlfled with Clara Thropp'a 
tour In Ibsen's A Doll Hoose,- and noo that lady 
cloflog her company to lola the r .s 8 s lle 
Stock Co.. Chlesgo, be waa aolckly 
Cor 3fias Balph. 
" np the 

tis aic M 

John Drew was elected president of 
the Plsyers' Clnb last week to sacceed Joseph 
JeSetsoo. Tlie Board of Dtrcetasa siso elected 

Bsmborgb, tressnrer. were re-elected. Edwin 
Booth served for tbe first five jesrs ss 
prcaldcat of tbe dob, Mr. JeHetsoa twins lis 

OiOT^ la, 

third president ot the Plsyers* dob. 

Adria Me Kelmia malting activ e pre; 

is to saea at tho llsrtim Op sia Bsaaie aa Vay 

22. Miss Kebn° hss sn exceedingly wide popn- 
larlty In Hsrlem, having for seTersl eeasoci 
rxoetsc'S ISStb StiMt 

The opening of the New Alhambn 
Tbestre, mtta street snd 7th avenoe. wklcb 
waa tceeatly acqnlzcd by Petcy e. 
graMna «a ba the cvcal 
week. MsBday. May IB. 
ss the day of the 
WllUama a circuit ot 
MetrsfMUtan diatrlet. 


A special matinee production of The 
Master Builder was i^ven at Madison 
Square Tbeatrg^ Ngw Tortc Friday, 
Mlqr IZ, flir;lka .MMflt of tbe fund for 
plaeliicr it mc m a iM " window In the 
Little Church Around the Comer In 
memory of the late Mrs. Gilbert. This 
Ibsen drama was staged by Charles J. 

interest. Hiss Amy Rlcard of Tbe Col- 
lege Widow Co. played the role of 
Hilda. Wan^l. Lottie Alter wan the- 
KaU Fosli. William Hazeltlne played 
EUtord Solness and Ida Jeffries Ooad- 
tHcad was Aline Solneaa. li- / 

(See First Page.) 

One of the most popolsr oC sU the Madkr 
ladles In the profession. SBss Xathtyn PmdL 
in whom u ooaibliicd high hlatrloale talent and 
a gift of rare beanty, will be sUrred next 
season In the larger dtles In s number of recent 
Bocce««e« ur.dcr the management of Mr. W. D. 
Fltrgeralcl. Miss Pnmell bas this season been 
featured >nth tiic Anbrey Stock Co. Her bis 
SDCcess bas Justified her manager In prepsrisg 
for greater productloai next aeaaoo. She Is n<^ 

being booked t«r aezt aMsoa't 


P.xn- -Cm 

Thinga ThMrtriMl Nordi and Wwt 
tnm m ChioMo Point of Vtaw^ 

Cwaiao QmoB or Tmm BnuKum. 

MM 01 Onud Open Bmm BMC'. 

•I OUrk St. 

After many montliB of premratlon.' 
Cblcaso'i new mHUon dollar unnieiiicBt park, 
WUte Cltr. 1* Bcarloc completlai and will be 
mdr for the openlnc Hay 97. All of the 
flfty-flre permanent atnetnrca are pfaetleallr 
flnlilwd and Is many of tb«m the attrsctlona 
mrm belns Instmlled. An amy of workmen has 

been oonatantly boiy for nearly aeven mootha. 

of WhUa CUr la i 

management of White Cl<y la Tery 
la the featurea which hare been 
for the milliner. The two moat pre- 
ne the Wblte City OoUexe 
' WIM Weat aa^ Indian 
Coopren. Tba. former la a doplleata of the 
farnods College Inn In the Sherman Hosw of 
Chicago, bat eonatmctcd so a maA laixer 


Jadlans will oeenpy a large inet of grooad In 
the north end of White City. Associated with 
Col. Cnmmina in tha management of the Wild 

.aad Ciiaa A. Barat w» u a M * <ka 
Cairo at the Atlanta SxpoaltloD. 

Another featnre at White City will be Jim 
S«T, tbe cdacatcd bocac, awacd by A. A. 

■t Ifef Mkiot « »p i i d llu i » Ik Aaolea. 

Prof. B. 7. Stake's Dog, Pony and Monkey 
Cirens and the WlUard Temple of Hnsic will 
be amoBK tbe tlUit attzacttena. Botb of tbeoa 

■n Wfll known to the profesaloB aaC II 
H. aiDea. the hoslneaa manafW aC ( 
'•aMk- aajoga a wide tepaiatlaa. 

MMdMB «n be tbe 

wfll be im Ji im OB a larger 
scale than any slmUar show erer derlaed. It 
Kill reqtUre three complete eompanlea with a 
aUty-foot eztenatoD ladder and two hnndred 
•ad any pcopia IB pRocBt tkla ipeetade. 

A fntmc wblcb baa attained Back popnlar- 
Ity at Prea ml a n d, Oooc^ Mand. and wfU be 
at White City oo an edaigcd aeale, will be 
the Pm ii i ia. This sport, new to the west, will 
tnttodoeed to Chlcagoans on May 27 
Tbe moale tor the opening and for aeveral 
weeks thereafter wW be tanUhcd 
Bageolo Eoirentino and tala Banda Boaaa. The 
band atand at White City la located In the 
mldat of the Sunken Gardena with erery possible 
additio n al charm lent to tbe mnalc that In- 

Tbe many other 
Flying Airahlps, 
tlfal ▼anlea. laCaat 

will be. In part: 
Midway. Beao- 
Prof. Bnicb'a 

STomid, White City la tbe largeat and moat 
complete amnsement enteiprls6 In the world. 
Bren Jkcamlaad. at Cone^ lalaad. tbe pHde of 

b* eoMcBt wMh accaoiS place. Tbcie la 
■ d mile of promenade on the Board Walk 
tAWUtt Cliy, aad the trackage for the Scenic 
neia more than three-qnartera of a 
'■Tt» dectrte tower which wUl mark the 
:ti WUte City la practically completed. 
Mtnetne. wm be imtllMd at alsbt hr 
' lacaadeaeent Ilghta aad a atmv staith- 
: win play contlnnally on top of the tower, 
will be Tlsible for twenty-flre miles. 
Tbe iDccptlaB and completlaa of Wblte Ctty 

of the conmatlaii, who ^tnwd the'^raje^ 
Tbe general Idea of the park waa coneelred 
by Paol o. Howie, tbe general DiBtser. aad 
Aaron J. Jta«^ . nt iafiilan aaM (MMMtr. 
These tbiM am apent a leas ttoe ki tbe caat 
Tiewtng and atndylng the large amnaement en- 
terprises there and on their return they studied 
tha a ro s s emen t esndlUooa facta. Aa a ranlt. 

by Edward C. Boyee, vtce-pnaldent of the 
company, who haa dealgned more almllar enter- 
am la tbe MMBlij aad 


Ohteagoana hare long felt tbe need of «a«- 
qoate amnsement tadUties In the snmmcr time, 
^t^wltb tbe ezcepUao of UBS, during tbe 
UK It baa been denied them. Tbe 
. ad WUta Otty, tharafOra^ aaarks a 

dir. "' " ' """^ ** 

•HMnd nanacer of 

In Chicago Monday, 8, on hia way from Canada, 
where be had made a flying trip to tbe City of 
edled en a tew of his 

contraeta for 
attractlona for tbe 
Brathera' Circoa. 

aC tba OBia 

The succeaa ot Harry L. Welsbaum. 
one of Chleago'a pragreaBlTe traalnras mpn, 
familiarly known to the fratenilly aa the 
Catlery KlB«, pnta to Haib. tta aH i 
aboat "mlndlnc year own 'tarinaaa.'*' lb Jnty 
1881. at the age of nine yein, Harry arrlTed 
In this great metropolis. Hia father baring 
met with revetaala la New Tack catlgiated 

wttb -Ma teBr .ta OHMaib: 
> apiB tkfki tafr Bury 

eblli. the support ot the family derolved npou 
He lald^ tbe groond work for his pres- 
ent Cortone la Newipaper Alley, aa a aewabor- 
One day be noted aa atfmttancat br a abifla 
sale notion honae far a' brlglit wOUnc boy. 
Applying for the position, be aeenred It, and In 
the parlance of tbe street, made good. H. Wolf 
was his first .employer and aoon iccognlzlnr 
that Harry gaaa lrtl i i 'aBflea ttaa aaay of tbe 
older help pnAed Uaa to tbe boot. At tbe 
age of thirteen Hany decided to go Into bosi- 
neaa for blmaelf. He Invested hia saTlogs In 
baakets. featber dnstera and matchea. Stieeess 
crowned hia efforts from the first. He atodled 
bla cnatomeia* needa. Hairy abandoned the 
haakct trade at tbe age of fifteen, and on the 
last day of bis career In that line, traded a 
feather duster for a tintype of himself, which 
we have reproduced. 

Mr. Welsbanm became IdentlSed aa clerk 
with A. ONlMr « Chb. MBNiabw-wiih that 
firm nntll be was alaetccn. Be fta waat Into 
tbe notion boslness for llimself. Re porchased 
thp boiilDeBs of tbe Peninsnlar Cutlery Co. then 
In a small room of tbe Uaaonle Temple. Harry's 
9a ■••t,ttli ilaw.tM amau 
>.;IMP> q a atteia at SB Wa- 
baab arenne. wbHk'Jk turn gare way to bis 
establliba«t-. at 2*0 East Madison 
bag a floor apace of S,000 

la tbe lattrtat at tt* AdrerUalng Show wUdi 

la to be held at the Coliseum, Chicago, Oct. 
11-18. and at Madison S^nare Garden. New 
York, next Mareb. TbU wiU be tbe flrat ahow 
aC. tta Uafl aver.bdfl ta'.tbe';wpl#.v'-:illaBnfac- 
tarew ef adsar U rtaB.aoedtleii wm be' gtsen an 
opportunity of exploiting tbelr warca. Mr. 
Parker la assocUtrd with Mr. J. U, Belder. one 
of the leadlna advartlaing norelty manafactnr- 
en aC CU(an,s«Kb. AMiVMHM* it M East 
Lake atlMt ia pBtUac on tta 'IdiarllBlns 
Show, which la to be an annual event hereafter 
In the larger dtlea. Enouj^ space baa already 
been contracted tea. to aaaaie -the aaceaaa of 


President Roosevelt was with us In 
Chicago Wednesday, 101 Thoosanda ware at- 
tracted by the "big ftoia.'MMPT:ap-tb* atreetx. 

Matinees snlTered. 

We ate in receipt of a breezy letter 
from air. aM. Hjwfc- .Mtrr.tmt :jn«bila,' iwar late 
owner "ar 'ilie St; lioala 'SyadleaM Annaencnt 

Co., now en tonr In Tennesree. I.ew haii 
broken away from the circus business after 
iMwiwii« eerrlce for tateaty-ltoc yeaia witbont 
■alBK a acaacB. Hia yidi. .istiallimi afcaned 
OB the nad with the wMte tcnta' abooM come 
In food atcad now that be has assumed man- 
agcrlal responsibilities on lils own account, and 
ng a master of his particular line of en 
deaTor, with tbe drcns. It la safe to predict a 
snccesatnl future for him In bla new amuse- 

Wllllam E, Ester writes from Man- 
kato. Kan., that he la aide and laying oir. but 
that ba-.will'b»>baA ak'tba' wbBt ta-tba near 

Cb^. O Brown. Chicago represent- 

open on the drcnlt May 15: At Bntte. Mont. 
Hellman. tbe magician, and Ray Ogdeo. com- 
edy aketeh; Flaeher'a Theatre;. San Fkandaoo, 


bar reports big svccesa on the drcnlt withe his 
troupe of Angora goats. He Is playing the north, 
wcat with CalUooila to CoUow. Tbe Great 
at VlMhai^ Mr taw weeka. Be 
k'- BeaMadaa ' an e t t ai. and on 
bla iiiiialag TMsoo tbe streets in the 
Ticlnlly oC tte.ffecatR were blockaded and fully 
tmaad away. Tbura- 


Nafale and Duby, the well-known 
nalaal artists, are back In the west after a 
iceaaafal tear ot aercn months over the east- 

Saam Sood Tiiiik win 'open Vay ST. 

The price of admission haa been reduced this 
season from twentx-flve to ten cents. Manager 
iMnard Wolf baa ivared no palna or expen-v 
i^ -pnk.Ma 'pnpcr *apeb There 
wm b« wialbW' aC 
OoBhi avM wilt ba iMitand la Ow tbsatia. 

Tom Nordw ttw ante tp ri alng thkktrih- 
cal maiuger wbo baa 1 

ot Tbe Old Cl ot b s a Han. Whtdi cloaed 
cessfnl seaaOB In Ullwankee. pasaed throngh 
Chicago Monday, 8. en Ui way to Mew .Tork 
City, and while here Cgtanfl tUi..Taa«a|wlth 
a call. air. Iftrth wm be l l i a tlBrt -Wlib a Mg 
Bk In 

Perry P. Oliver, of the Oliver Troupe 

of tight-wlte artlala. now playing an extended 
cagaaoBCat -. aa tbe Padfle coaat, writes from 
Tsaiiibili. IT OL, nnder date of Hay 3: We 

are meeting vrlth the greateat success out here. 
We are on the Conaldine Circuit and are plea8<Hl 
to say ttat every performer we have met on 

Bert Chlpman, of the Slilii'ft' Sowiia 
United Sbows, tranaaeted bnslneaa for that 
or^nlzatlon In Chicago last week and fUomln- 
ated oar aOeM with hia pw aa n ea Xoeadar, 9. 

J. K. Vetter. manaser of Two Mer- 
ry Tramps Co. whldi haa jnat doaed aa excel- 
lent season of forty-nine weeka, ia 
his headtinarters In Chicago and has 
hooking time for next season. 

W. P. Smith, associate manager of 

Fairmont Park, Kansas City, made hia bead- 
qoartcra at our oSlcea laat week, be bdaa la 

em clrculta. They registered at tbla office 
Wedncaday. 10, While In this dty, prior to 
Uklng up weak la the parks for the anmmer 
•caaon. tbey ate adding a number of new in- 
strumcaia t» their equipment. Tb9 afa boakad 
to go 10 tbe Padfla coast StflMtar i, 

George P. Parker returned from New 

a tow boon York City laat week afur a auath'a aojonra 

Is to open Hhy tT. aafl 

number of bigb-daas attractlotta. Fairmont 
Turk compriie* eighty aerea and poeine a many 
natural advantages. It botden on a lake with 
a line beadi, and within Its becdais aie tbe 
famons Cnsenberry Sptlnga, moA In the pnldle 
eye now that radlnm baa been dlacovered In 
the watera. With four hiudred tbonaand people 
to draw from, and under Its present effldent 
management. It la fair to predict that Fair- 
mont Park wtu be teeotded aa one ot tbe Us 

"Meet me at The BtUboaaS 
has become a atodc pbraae wltb 


perioF tidlltlea. are making tbla bmvan tbelr 

hcadqoarteia. With a private apartment for 

Vbm asttvahlsnra ot travdlaa *'***'g iii and 


Mr. E D. Price, general manager of 
the Mayer- Belasco Pacific Coast En- 
terprises, has Just recently invaded 
New-Toilc In Mfloeb oC.playfn for tte:. 
stock eompanlea ' 'under ' Oontn>i''o^ 
company he represents. The new Be- 
lasco Theatre will open in Portland, 
Ore., Monday next with a lavlsli pro- 
dncttott oC Wteb ' XBltgMitooil- Wt^-Jbt/^ 
Flower." ICr. - Eogene' Orniondai'-^cSid 
Miss Lucia Moore have been secnred 
by Mr. Price to play the leading roles 
at the new bouse. The remainder of 
the company wUl be. ^•a1^p^;i:f^o■lf-' 
players alrefU^ under contrMt' to tbte' 
firm of managen. 

Hiss Isabel Evesson. formerly lead- 
ing woman of Proctor's Fifth Avenue 
Theatre. New -York City, has been en- 
gaged to play leads in the Belasco 
Theatre in Los Angeles. 

For the stocK company at the Cen- 
tral Theatre in San Pronctsco, which: 
place is devoted to the better class oT- 
melodrama. Mr. Price secured Theo*'- 

tbe'J^^w^iBaiie-ln^tlie same city, 

Ernest Glendenning and laenora Ker- 

wln have been secured. 

The Belasco Intereau have a very 

tton and fbe atodc- company 'aaaaont' 

promises flattering results. 


"Mt. John J. Murdock. booking agent 
for the Kolil & Castie Circuit, aad 
husband of the leading character ia 
the vaudevile sketch, entitled The GliI 
"With The Auburn Hair, was severely ■ 
injured in Chicago. May 10. in a colU- 
m im ww wi , his cMriage and an elec- 
trie car ' 'When picked up Mr. Murdoch 
was in an unconscious condition and 
the physicians were unable to tell to 
wliat extent he bad sustained injuries. 
Messrs. J. H. HOwaiA. oC .qUMm.'^^^ 
Arthur Oeorge. of SMb'lVnmnlmiK .'wff^-^-! 
In tte cuilase <tt the tiaaa'^^dC aw^oalttr V, 
stoa. TI mr; mgbXlT iata na.r 

RUMOm OF NEW (MRCtllf ^ 


a' soat eordtal lovltattaa is 

t j e ofe s Bbmal s who reside In, or 
ta "meet .me at The Billboard 

Onr vKnNa* - . City - oomapoodeat 
wrttea fhat It fa reporteia that) a atodc 

company Is being formed In that dty 
to gain control of a number of the ten 
cent vaudeville houseis throutfioat the' 
middle .vast. ,Tbe mw t— »■'*•; 
to be wen under way. and If the deal 
assumes the proportions its promoten 
anticipate, the new circuit will prove a 
big factor In the -weatem vaudeville 
field. Ted Sparks, the booking agent 
or Kansas City, ia directing the organi- 
zation, anl it Is anqopDqnd^.that taeadr 
quarters will be opM«d J4^>Ollleace at 
an early date. , . .-:<fT^; "-xV.^ - . ■