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Full text of "Dansk-norsk-engelsk ordbog, af A. Larsen"

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t  - 


Gknnbmskt  af  Johannes  Magnussen. 





Jororb  til  anben  Ubgaoe. 

3tø>  Ubfenbelfen  af  benne  $e(t  omarbejbebe  Ubgat>e  turbe  bet  mere 
tønfigtømæSfigt,  noget  nærmere  at  gøre  Rebe  for  be  foretagne  gforanbringer. 

$t>ab  ber  førft  falber  i  Øjnene  er  jo,  at  be  banfle  Orb  nu  ere  opftiflebe 
i  fhrængt  alfabetiff  Orben  iftebenfor,  efter  gammel  ©fif,  unber  #o&eborbene. 
5)en  gamle  Orbning  $ar  unægtelig  et  mere  Dibenffabeligt  lilfnit,  ligefom  ben 
ogfaa  føarer  en  S)el  !(51ab$,  men  er  bog  utøtotfomt  inbfommet  i  Dore  Orb« 
bøger,  tun  forbi  bet  Dar  faa  nemt  ftmpelt^en  at  følge  i  80tolbec$$  gobfpor, 
Ijoi«  banfle  Orbbog  fefofølgelig  altib  $ar  bannet  ©runblaget  for  t>ore  Orb« 
bøger  fra  Stanfl  til  fremmebe  Sprog.  SOten,  fom  Sittré  figer,  ber  bør  gøres 
Sorffel  mellem  nationale  og  internationale  Orb  bøger;  i  be  førfie,  fom  ere 
oibenff  abelige  Scerter,  er  ben  bertil  ftrørenbe  Orbning  ogfaa  paa  fin  $(abd; 
be  fxbfte  berimob  bør  i  mine  Xanfer  betragte«  fom  rent  praftiffe  føicApe* 
nubier,  Ijbor  alt  bør  gøre*  for  meb  ftørft  mulig  Setljeb  at  funne  finbe,  f}bab 
man  føger,  og  alle  anbre  tøentøn  fætteé  tilfibe  berfor.  Og  i  benne  $enfeenbe 
fan  bet  t>el  iffe  nægtet  at  ben  gamle  Orbning  laber  meget  tilbage  at  ønffe, 
ibet  man  jæontig  maa  føge  to  eder  flere  ©teber,  før  man  ftnber  et  Orb. 
$t>em  fan  f.  ffifc.  i  en  $aft  og  meb  ©eftemtfjeb  fige,  om  et  Orb  fom 
Sinbebom  ffal  føgeå  unber  SSerbet  SJinbe  eUer  unber  ©ubftantioet;  og  faa- 
banne  Zilfslbe  forefomme  ftabig.  gor  Ublænbingen  bitøer  S3auffetigl)eben 
naturlig&tø  langt  ftørre,  for  iffe  at  fige  uooerfommelig.  $en  ftrængt  alfa* 
betifte  Orbning  tøne$  ogfaa  at  oinbe  mere  og  mere  3nbgang  og  er  inbført  i 
flere  ntpre  foenffe  Orbbøger,   og  blanbt  Dore  egne  i  ©icfS  og  SrQntlbfend. 



Sor  herligere  at  lette  Søgningen  fjar  jeg  $cr,  i  ftørre  Ubjtræhting  enb  i 
forrige  Ubgave,  føgt  at  gennemføre  en  alfabetifl  Orbning  ogfaa  inbenfor  be 
længere  Srtifler,  navnlig  veb  $jælp  af  Spræpoftttonerne,  og  bet  uben  $enføn 
til,  om  bt«fe  ftaa  foran  eller  efter  Drbet,  og  i  bet  l»ele  meb  mere  tøentøn  til 
©efvemtøeb  enb  til  logifl  eller  vibenflabdig  Stringens. 

®t  aitbet  $unft,  Ijvori  benne  Ubgave  abffider  ftg  fra  ben  tibligere  og 
fra  anbre  lignenbe  Drbbøger,  er  bet  ftørre  #entøn,  fom  fjer  (ogfaa  i  anbre 
tøenfeenber  enb  ben  ovenomtalte)  er  taget  til  UblænbingenS  Zarv.  Sen  ftobig 
tiltagenbe  SntereSfe,  ber  i  Snglanb  og  i  anbre  Sanbe  vifeS  vort  Sprog  og 
bor  Siteratur,  føneS  at  gøre  gorbring  fcerpaa.  Zil  ben  Cnbe  $ar  jeg  overalt 
angivet  Orbene*  ©øjning  og  bered  {Betoning,  l)vorveb  bog  væfentlig  er  taget 
$enføn  til  ben  banfte  Sprogbrug;  ben  norfie  I)ar  nogle  Hfvigelfer,  navnlig 
en  ftørre  Ubbrebelfe  af  gflertaflet  paa  -er  og  ftonjugationen  paa  -te;  men 
biSfe  Sfvigelfer  fjabe  iffc  opnaaet  en  faaban  Sfaftøeb,  at  jeg  fjar  fannet  tage 
tøentøn  til  bem.  3eg  filbe  ogfaa  gerne  gennemgaaenbe  l)ave  angivet  Ub» 
talen;  men  bette  vilbe  l)ave  Irævet  en  altfor  uforljolb$mæ*ftg  Spiabs,  faameget 
mere  fom  bet  i  en  SOiængbe  Zilfælbe,  for  iffc  at  ftge  be  fiefie,  vilbe  $ave 
været  nøbvenbigt  at  angive  en  bobbelt  Ubtale  (banfl  og  norff).  3miblertib 
er  ber  igennem  Wcenterne  og  paa  anbre  fflfcaaber  gjort  en  Sel  ogfaa  i  benne 

Ubvibelfen  er  meget  betijbelig,  og  bet  Ijavbe  været  min  $enfigt  at  gøre 
ben  enbnu  betgbeligere,  navnlig  veb  en  ftørre  SOiængbe  telnifle  Ubtrtjt  i  for« 
fledige  gag;  men  ba  bet  tffe  ffax  været  muligt  for  mig  —  fom  for  anbre 
til  lignenbe  Slrbejber  —  at  opnaa  offentlig  Unberftøttelfe,  og  bet  uben  en 
faaban  tffe  var  min  Sejligljeb  i  nogen  ftørre  Ubftræfning  at  lønne  Web* 
arbejbere,  fjar  bet  maattet  opgives.  Smiblertib  turbe  Bogen  maafle,  fom  ben 
er,  tilfrebdftide  rimelige  gorbringer  meb  $enføn  til  {RigJ)olbigl)eb ;  faalebe« 
finbed  ber  blot  af  banfle  (og  norfie)  Orb,  efter  et  løft  Overflag,  omtrent 
50,000  flere  enb  i  forrige  Ubgave,  af  $ville  en  meget  ftor  S)el  tffe  tibligere 
Ijave  været  optagne  i  nogen  banfl  Orbbog.  Sette  Refultat  ftytbed,  foruben 
ben  felofølgelige  83enl)ttelfe  af  alle  trtyfte  ftilber,  navnlig  min  egen  i  en 
StæHe  af  Sar  fortfatte  Samlervirffomtøeb,  og  bernæft  en  fulbftænbig  ©ennem- 
gaaelfe  af  be  to  berømte  Samlinger:  3-  Sevind  (paa  bet  ©tore  Kongelige 


»ib(totef)  oø  (gtatSraab  (Sol  lin«,  pillen  fibfte  ben  afbøbe  forfatter  meb 
uforglemmelig  93elt»itje  og  Siberalitet  ooerlob  mig  til  Benljttelfe  i  hjemmet, 
og  $Dori  jeg  fjar  funbet  iRe  libet,  natmlig  af  tefniffe  Ubtrijl  Setoins  ©am- 
linger,  ber  for  en  noget  ælbrc  Iib3,  og  natmlig  for  bette  9larl)unbrebe$  førfte 
^>alt>bcl«  Sebtommenbe  ere  faa  rigtøolbige,  inbeJjolbe  fortøolbSDtø  Sibet  til  bet 
egentlige  Sttutitøfprog,  fom  jo  er  benne  OrbbogS  ncermefte  ©cnftonb;  Ubbgttet 
af  ®ennemgaaelfen  fjar  altfaa  Del  iRe  uærct  faa  ftort  fom  paaregnet,  men 
bog  altib  bettybetigt,  og  Dcefenttig  beftaaet  i  mere  og  minbre  fjælbne  og  for« 
ælbebe  Orb,  83ett)bninger  og  lalemaaber;  faabanne  l)ar  jeg  nemlig  troet  at 
burbe  optage,  naar  be  forelomme  fjoS  bet  nittenbe  8forljunbrebe$  ftore  for- 
fattere, om  $trid  SæSning  ber  for  Ublcenbinge  funbe  blioe  Zale;  fra  ælbre 
Zib  enb  bette  Harfjunbrebe  er  intet  faabant  optaget,  unbtagen  af  #olberg$ 
ftomebier  og  SPeber  $aard  —  formentlig  be  enefte  Sfrifter  fra  ben  lib,  fom 
en  Ublænbing  let  oilbe  falbe  paa  at  ftøbere.  Sigefom  ©Ijafefpeared  Sprog  i 
ffieglen  finbed  reprcefenteret  i  be  engelfle  Orbbøger,  faalebe«  tøne«  bet  at  oære 
en  ret  rimelig  gorbring,  at  ben  mere  enb  fjunbrebe  Star  gngre  #olberg$  iRe 
ganfle  flal  fatmed  i  en  banfl.  —  Sttaar  jeg  i  bet  goregaaenbe  fjar  talt  om 
„Ublænbinge" ,  faa  tænfer  jeg  beroeb  iRe  ubeluRenbe  paa  Snglænbere;  ba 
ftenbffab  til  Sngelff  nutitbag*  er  faa  ubbrebt  ooeralt  i  SJerben,  Ijar  jeg 
tænft  mig,  at  benne  83og,  unber  ben  nuocerenbe  SOiangel  paa  en  banfl 
Crbbog,  ogfaa  for  anbre  enb  engelfle  Scefere  funbe  tjene  fom  SttøbJjjælp  for 
en  faaban. 

#t>ab  trljfte  ftilber  angaar,  maa  bet  oære  no!  at  ftge,  at  jeg,  foruben 
be  i  forrige  Ubgaoe  omtalte,  ftfiert  l)ar  benyttet  aHe  be  fenere  tilforn  ne, 
Ijoorom  ber  funbe  oære  Zale.  fjfor  ben  ©agfynbige  er  bet  næften  ooerfløbigt 
at  fige,  at  jeg  førft  og  fremmeft  fjar  Ijaft  ooerorbentlig  ftor  Støtte  af 
©unbblj«  og  93aruél$  banft»norff— f ranfie  Orbbog;  bernæft  §ar  ogfaa 
Srtjnilbfend  engelfl-norffe  Orbbog  gibet  iRe  libet  Ubbtjtte. 

»ogen«  Omfang  er  bog  iRe  tootøet  i  gor^otb  til  UbtoibelfenS  Størretfe, 
ibet  ber  paa  mange  SRaaber  er  inbfparet  Spiabs,  faalebe*  oeb  »fffaffelfe  af 
en  SDtøngbe  oDerfløbige  Snterpunftionategn,  og  natmlig  oeb  Ubelabelfen  af  bet 
obligate  Snfinttttrémaerfe  to,  ber  enbnu,  mærfetig  not,  ftabig  gaar  igen  i  Dore 
engelfle  Orbbøger  og  Særebøger,  uben  at  ber  tan  fed  nogen  fornuftig  SRening 



benneb;  ttwertunob  er  benne  ©røg  tnfolebenbe,  ibet  ben  let  txeffer  ben  gore- 
ftilltnø,  at  SnfinittøSmærfet  ffulbe  Dærc  mere  nøbucnbtgt  eller  brugeligt  i 
(Sngelf!  enb  i  toort  ©prog,  l)Dab  ber  ingenlunbe  er  lilfælbet. 

«pril  1888. 

31.  farfen. 

SJenne,  trebje,  Ubgade  er  efter  gorf  otteren«  Støb  gennemfet  af  unber« 
tegnebe,  ber  Ijar  foretaget  nogle  Rettelfer,  gjort  en  Del  Xitføjelfer  og  bragt 
JRetffrtøningen  i  OoerenSftemmelfe  meb  ben  af  fiultuSminifieriet  befalebe. 
©fulbe  ber  ftnbe*  enfelte  ©maamangler  i  ftbftnætmte  $enfeenbe,  ffylbe«  bet 
nærmeft  tøentøn  til  83ogen$  norfie  Det. 

«pril  1897. 

3ot)annt6  Jlagnuøfeu. 


%,  t  n  -et  (Bogflab  og  Robe)  A,  a;  tør  mon 
fagt  V,  raaa  man  ogfaa  ftøe  O  la  for  a  penny,  In 
for  a  pound;  en  frSob  a  sound  of  a;  —  abbr: 
%.  »s  fcar  year;  a.  =»  anben,  anbet,  anbce  other, 

a  fr.  prp:  10  å  12  (from)  10  to  12;  5  å  6  ftroner 
3  or  6  crowns;  4  $b.  å  2  ftr.  4  Ibs  at  2  crowns. 

%*  c  -er  (small)  river,  rlvulet,  streamlet; 
mange  OaCCe  fmaa  gør  en  flor  Ha  many  a  little 
make*  a  mickle  el.  (te)  muckle,  little  and  often 
tilis  the  purse. 

%abtm  a  (oøfoa  fie)  open;  Aff  frank;  (Qreb, 
$atfe)  open,  unclosed,  uasealed;  (Xøi)  thln, 
sleazy;  -  ftaab  open  el.  undecked  boat;  -ne 
©re«  letters  patent;  -t  (inboftfement  blank 
indorsement;  -  ffirnbe  declared  fprofessed) 
enemy;  paa  ~  Gabe  In  the  open  street;  unber 
-  $immel  in  the  open  air;  -t  SiD  open  el.  loose 
bowels;  i  .  JRart  in  the  open  fleld;  meb  ~ 
SRunb  open-mouthed,  gaping;  .  $labft  (i  Sfrift) 
h  blank;  lobe  9labe  flaa  -  Hl  .  .  .  leave  .  .  . 
in  blank;  tønft  $fabl  ftaar  .  his  plaoe  Is  vacant; 
$(abfen  tølbei  -  for  tøm  the  place  Is  reserved 
for  him;  -  9teb  open  el.  wild  road;  gamle  -ne 
Baat  old  dlscharging  wonnds;  -t  Spørgimaal 
open  questioa,  moot  point;  -ne  Strber  (i  Xnjf, 
S  (rift)  blanks,  (i  3fen)  holes,  (i  Sfooen)  clear 
spoii,  glades;  -t  6 oar  a  frank  el.  candld  an- 
swer;  -  ®ø  the  open  sea,  the  offlng;  bolbe 
-t  laffet  keep  an  open  house  (el.  table);  -t 
$anoe  open  el.  clear  water;  fobe  for  -t  Øinbue 
sleep  wlth  the  wlndow  open;  meb  -ne  Øjne 
with  (myj  eyes  open;  fige  nt  i  en*  -ne  pine 
say  somethlng  to  one's  face.  —  Kåben  |  bar 
a  manifest,  evident,  obvlous,  plaln  (tøraf  from 
thls;;  ftaa  -  ©ftifte  do  publlo  penance;  —  ado 
~  baz(t)  t  bare  evidently  (ofo.);  afbelet  -  on 
the  face  of  it.  -børe  ol  reveal,  dlsclose,  discover, 
manifest,  unfold,  make  known;  -  en  en  $em* 
metigtøb  leveal  a  secret  to  one;  jeg  tøøer  -i  bit 
ttatm  I  have  manlfested  tby  name;  ®ub  er  -t 
i  frøb  Ood  was  manifest  in  the  flesh;  ben  -be 
Religion  revealed  religion;  Øerrens  tinget  -be* 
for  barn  there  appeared  unto  hlm  an  angel  of 
ihe  Lord.  —  vr  f  i  g  (i  fnnfig  StlHelfe)  appear,  (fige 
boem  man  er)  make  one's  self  known  (for  to). 
•barelfe  c  -c  manifestation,  unfolding;  (Zilfnne< 
fonft)  appearance;  (Sanbefttn)  apparition,  -tering 
<•  -er  revelation;  -en  Ootønneft'  V.)  the  Revela- 
tion  (of  St.  John),  f  -barlig  a  &  ado  fe  bat, 
-bart.  -beb  c  openness;  (Xoi«)  thinness,  sleazi- 
neas;  fig  frankoess,  candour.  -bJertet,  -b{ertig 

iJarfen:  $anfl«$naelff  Orbbog. 

a  open(hearted),  frank,  conflding.  -IJertlg  |et  e 
openheartedness,  frankness.  -løb  i  ado  loudly, 
audibly.  -(9$  a  manifest,  undisgulsed;  ado 
-l  toft  openly,  overtly,  in  the  face  of  day; 
avowedly;  (om  Stort)  face  upward.  -mtt*b  blab, 
tattler.  -mttKbet  a  babbllng,  tattllng.  -mnnbet' 
beb  e  talkatlveness,  garrulity.  -ftaaenbe  a  open. 

9a'bne  vt  (ogfaa  fio)  open  (for  to);  (paa  tøj« 
tibetig  SRaabe,  tnboie)  inaugurate;  .  igen,  pas  nb 
reopen;  -  en  Vare  open  el.  breathe  a  veln;  «  et 
»al  meb  lead  off  a  ball  with;  _  en  ©uM  set  up 
a  shop;  -  en  ^3blb  lanoe  a  boll;  •  et  ftab  (flaa 
bet  op)  unhead,  (ftiffe  bet  an)  broach  a  cask; 
.  flt  fjerte  for  en,  open  one's  heart  to  one, 
unbosom  one's  self  to  one;  -  flt  -Bu*  for  en, 
throw  open  one's  house  to  one;  -  ylben  open 
(the)  fire  (mob  on);  Sfnbgangen  -s  Icl.  7  doors 
open  at  seven;  jeg  tør  -t  $em  en  ftontø  i 
mine  Bøger  I  have  opened  you  an  account  on 
my  books;  .  Øeleberne,  røardj !  rear  rank,  open 
order  i  march  -  ftonfurrence  om  throw  open  to 
competltion;  oi  faoe  -t  Ør.  V  en  ftcebit  paa  3)ece« 
Øul  we  have  opened  a  credlt  on  your  house  in 
fiivour  of  Mr.  A;  -  et  fiig  open  el.  dissect  a 
corpse;  —  vr  f  i  g  open  (for  to);  -  fig  igen  el.  vaa  no 
reopen;  —  a ab nenbe  a  aperient;  .  TOibbel 

Va'bnina  c  -er  opening;  (Øul)  aperture,  hole; 
(i  Sfoo)  glade;  (tøitioelig)  inanguration;  (Sfaf) 
opening;  (Stolaang)  stool,  dejection,  motion  (of 
the  bo  web);  (ar  bu  gob  .  axe  your  bowels 
regular?  jeg  tør  ingen  -  I  am  bound,  constipated; 
tøn  tøobe  -  to  Oange  the  bowels  were  open 
twice.  —  Vabttingd]bag  day  of  inauguration, 
opening  day.  -fefl  inaugural  banquet.  -b*l» 
tibeligbeb  ceremony  of  inauguration.  -mibbeC 
aperient.  -tale,  opening  el.  inaugural  speech  el. 

»bo  n  Abo. 

Mabo  c  -er  a  dweller  by  the  river-side. 

tftabob  e  compensatlon  (e«p  for  decay). 

9a  | b reb  bank  of  a  river,  riverside,  -brint 
steep  river-bauk.   -brttn.  fe  -breb.   -bogger,  fe  -bo. 

Wa'djen  n  Aiz-la-chapelle. 

3Ca'br|e  vtt  -ing,  fe  %axt,  faring. 

Vabfel  n  -dlec  (bøb  ftrop)  caroass;  (raabben 
ficop  el.  raabbent  ftøb  af  5)ot)  carrion;  booc  -slet 
er,  ber  ffuUe  prnene  forfaralf*  wheresoever  the 
carcas*  is,  there  will  the  eagles  be  gat-bered 
together.  —  Øabfef|agtig  a  carrion -1 1 ke  -bille 
sexton-beetle,  Ncropkor**.  -bførn,  fe  iianbbiøru. 
-fine  carrion-fly,  M**ca  Ccetar.    -fngl  carrion- 



bird,  -glente  carrion-hawk,  Milvago  leucurm. 
-graner,  fe  -bide.  -grin  Egyptian  vulture,  car- 
rion  vulture,  jtfephron  peretuiptenu.  -fule  car- 
rion  pH,  flaying-place.  -Ingtcarrion-smell.  -plante 
stapelia.  -ftor!  carxion-eating  stork,  -ffbenbe  a 
S)br  carrion-eater. 

Kag  n,  p/  =,  (oflfaa  «fo)  yoke,  (til  Cffer) 
oxbow;  (Støgn.)  pier,  pile-work;  fpatnbe  i  -et 
yoke,  put  to  the  yoke;  fpeenbe  fra  -et  unyoke; 
fiø  bringe  unber  -ft  bring  under  the  yoke,  yoke, 
subjugate,  subdue:  affatte  -et  tbrow  off  the 
yoke.  —  tfa'gllen  zy  gom  at  i  c  bone,  cheek  bone. 
-bfalfe  croFS-beam.  -bnnbew  a  yoked  (toge th er), 
t  Hage  vt  yoke;  ~  of  unyoke. 

Hager  c  usury;  bribe  ~  practise  usury;  lebe  af 
_  live  upon  usury.  —  Hager  |agtig  a  usurious. 
•forretning  usury,  usurer's  business,  -galb 
money  one  owes  to  usurera.  -fart  usurer.  -Ion 
usury*  law.  -rente  usurious  in  te  rest.  -fag  case 
of  usury. 

Ka'gfri  a  unsubdued. 

Ha'grc  vi  practise  usury,  lend  money  upon 
usury;  fig  -  meb  fit  $unb  make  the  most  of 
one's  talents,  put  one's  talent  to  usury;  —  vt 

-  $enge  femmen  amass  money  el.  enrich  one's 
self  by  usury.  +  Haører  c  -e,  fe  Hager  Fart. 

Ha'glfpanb  yoke,  f.  fil*,  to  -  ptøne  two  yoke 
of  oxen.    -fpeenbt  n  yoked. 

Hal)  int  (Sorg,  9M«biMgelTe,  »øn)  Oh!  O! 
(ftorunbring,   Smerte)  Ah!  Oh!  -  ©nb!  O  dear! 

-  ilte  anbetl  pooh!  -  pbt!  pshaw!  .  gib  mig 
Stagen !  pray  (just)  give  me  the  oook !  give  me 
the  book,  (if  you)  please!  ~  lob  bære  meb  bet! 
stop  that.  please!  (el.  will  you!);  ~  fjer!  I  say! 
Look  here!  -  ja  ralher;  well  yes. 

Hafanbe  c  -r  (bbib)  water-lily,   Nynphaea,  guf 

-  brandy-bottle,  Nu^har  lutevtn. 
♦Hafcrbar  arctic  raspberry,  Bubu*  arcticu*. 
Hal  c   e  tup  bodkin. 

Hal  c  (i  £f|ombre)  stake. 

Hal  c,  pi  ■=  (ftif!)  eel;  (p.  $eft)  spinal  stripe; 
fao  glat  font  rn  -  as  slippe  ry  as  an  eel;  t  $anB 
Strømper  Ijang  i  -  his  stockings  bung  loose  el. 
in  wrinkles;  t  gøre  til  _,  fe  -e,  t  blibe  til  -  be 
made  a  fool  of. 

HatnnbSøerne  the  Åland  lsles. 

Hale  vt  reduce  el.  call  to  naught. 

Hafe|bam  eel-pond.  -fangft  eel-flshing.  -febt 
eel  -oli.  -gaarb  eel  dam.  -tjoocb  eel's  head;  fip 

Halrjc  n  bed  of  a  river. 

Halejlifte  eel-box,  -trunk.  -lone  fe  -fbabbe. 
-frage  cormorant,  Carbu  cormorantu.  -føabbe 
viviparous  blenny,  Zoarctt  vitnparut.  -maage 
sea-gtill,  Lam*  m  ar  i  nu«,  »matte  (a  kind  of) 
sheat-flsb,  H  et  erobr  anchu*  anguillarii.  -mob  er 
fe  -foabbe-  -pabbe  amphiuma.  -rufe  eel-weel, 
-pot.  -ffinb  eel-skin.  -ftabe  fe  -gaarb.  -ftang 
eel-spear.  -ftangntng  eel-spearing.  -fuppe  eel- 
soup.  -tene  fe  -mje.  -tnn  fe  -frage.  -baab  net 
for  ratehlng  eels. 

Ha  |  løb  current  of  a  river,    t  -manb  fe  SRøf. 

+Hame  c  -er.  fe  fiarbe. 

Haminbe  n  mouth  of  a  river. 

Hanø  c  er  spirit;  (@ja*l;  soul;  (Spfgelfe  ofb.) 
spectre,  ghost,  phautom;  (ftorftanb,  weni)  mind, 
intellect,  intelligence,  genius;  -en  og  SRaterien 
mind  and  matter;  ben  menneflelige  .  the  human 
mind;  ben  billige  -  the  Holy  Ghost,  the  Holy 
Spirit;  gobe,  onbe  -er  good,  evil,  spirits;  en« 
gobe,  onbe,  .  one's  good,  evil  spirit;  en  uren  . 
an  unclean  spirit;  en  SRanb  af  -  a  man  of  genius, 
of  high  Intelligence;  ftore  -er  great  miuds;  en 
froftig  el.  bitlfont  -  a  vigorous  el.  acttve  mind; 
en  opbøjet  -  a  maste r-epirit;  fto»r!e  -er  strong- 
minded    persons;    grebene,   flærligl)eben*  _   the 

spirit  of  peaoe,  charity;  Irriftenbommend,  ®oroget# 
_  the  genius  of  Christianity,  of  language;  fiooenS, 
Xibent  .the  spirit  of  the  laws,  of  the  time  el. 
age;  be  falige  -er  ibe  blessed  spirits;  -emei  Ztmr 
(SRtbnat)  the  ghostly  hour  (of  midnlght);  opgiue 
-en  give  up  the  ghost,  expire;fe  Webebon,  fieticnbe. 

Kanbe  c  breath;  brage  (fin)  -  draw  one's  brenth; 
bolbe  fin  -  hold  one's  breath;  ilbelugtenbe  -  foul 
el.  rank  breath;  !>an8  .  lugter  ilbe  his  breath 
smells;  be  fTuHe  otnTomme  for  ®ub8  .  by  the  blast 
of  God  they  perish;  bringe  en  t  -  draw  one  out; 
tyolbe  en  i  ~  keep  one  at  it;  ^olbe  golf  i  -  keep 
attention  on  the  alert;  fonttne  i  ~  become  warm, 
warm  to  one's  work;  osre  i  -  be  inppired,  be 
in,  be  in  vein;  fomme  til  -  take  breath,  (igen) 
recover  one's  breath.  Slavbe  et  k  vi  breathe, 
respire;  -  btjbt  draw  a  deep  breath;  -  tungt  gasp, 
pant;  ~  ^erbn  breath e  vengeance,  pant  for  re- 
venge; ~  inb  draw  in,  inhale,  brealhe;  +  -  op 
recover  one's  breath;  ~  paa  breath e  on;  ~  ftg 
mæt  draw  a  Ion  g  breath. 

Hanbejagtig  a  ghosUy.  -befoargelfeexorcism. 
-befoarger  exorcist. 

«anbe]brag,  -brat  breath,  breathing,  respira- 
tion; ligge  i  bet  fibfte  -  be  breathing  one's  last, 
be  at  the  last  gasp;  til  ftbfte  ~  to  the  last  gasp; 
bu  truer  og  fmigrer  i  et  og  famme  -  you  menace 
and  court  me  at  a  breath.  -bratlbcfoarligbcb 
fe  -nøb.  -bratåbfbagelfe  respiratory  motion. 
-bratSfbftcm  respiratoty  system.  +  -ftenhttnø 
inhalation.  -I>ul  spiraele,  stigma  {pi  stigmata 
el.  sligmas).    -Hentt  a  asthmatic. 

Vanbelig  a  intellectual,  mental,  spiritual; 
ghostly;  -  53elt)bning  spiritual  fense;  -e  ©etragt' 
ninger  religious  meditations;  -e  (Soner  intellectual 
el.  mental  faculties;  -  gaber  spiritual  el.  ghostly 
father;  -  gi'be  Intellectual  food;  -e  ®at»cr  spiritual 
gifts;  i  -  #enfeenbe  intellectually  el.  mentally; 
-t  £ib  spiritual  life;  -  (gubelig.  opbcggelig)  SEufif: 
sacred  musir;  -e  Sange  sacred  el.  divine  songs; 
-e  ©frtfter  fSrartater)  religions,  holy  el.  sacred 
tracts;  -  Zrøft  spiritual  cl.  ghostly  comfort;  -t 
SSfffen  spiritual  being.  -g<rc  vt  spirilualize. 
-tjeb  c  spirituality,  ghcstliness. 

Vanbelhb  c  aspiration. 

tlanbelorre  c  pneumatology,  doctrlne  of  spirits, 
(om  onbe  Slanbtr)  demonology. 

tlanbelød  a  breath! ess,  out  of  breath.  -Ijcb  c 

9anbe|moner  c  -e  conjurer,  necromancer. 
-ntaning  c  necromancy. 

Vanbel ntnff ler  respiratory  muscles  Hanben  c 
breathing.  ttanbe|n*b  dy^pnoea,  difficulty  of 
breathing.  -puft  breath.  t  &  *  -puften  a  breath - 
less.    -rcbffab  respiratory  organ. 

Vanbe|rige  fe  -oerben. 

Hanberør  pi  tracheæ,  air-vessels. 

9lanbe|røft  ghostly  el.  spectral  voice,  spirit 
voice.    -feer,  -feerffe  visionary  ghost-seer. 

flanbeftanf  foul  breath. 

ttanbelftentme  spectral  voice.  -Hn  vision, 
apparition,  -føbtt  spiritual  sleep.  -time  ghostly 
hour.  witching  time.  -trø  spiritualism.  -pcrbeit 
invisible  world,  ghost-world. 

Hanbfulb  a  fe  Haanbrtg.  Øanbig  a  spiritual, 

Hanbing  c  breathing. 

Hanbllød  a  spiritless,  shallow,  stuHifylng, 
dull,  prosaic,  insipid.  -løébeb  c  shallowuess, 
dulne^8,  insipidity.  -rig  a  elever,  highly  in- 
tellectual, brillant,  ingenious.  -rigljeb  c  -er, 
cleverness,  brilliancy;  (coiicr)  elever  Fayiug, 
flash  of  wlt,  conceit. 

HanbS|antag  v>  abilitles,  parts,  -anflrengcifc 
exertion  of  the  mind.    -auftrengenbe  a  trying, 




exbausting.  -trtefbe  mental  work,  intellectual 
work  cl.  labour.  -ortfrøfrott  intellectual  aristo- 
cracy.  -trmob  fe  -fattigbom.  -tebraø  selfdelu- 
slop.  -beflaøtet  a  congenial;  c  congenial  ri. 
kindred  spirit  +  -beføiånfnø  fe  -febe.  -boitnelfc 
mental  el.  lntellectual  cultivation  el.  culture, 
discipline  of  the  mind.  -boa*  spiritual  baptism. 
•bottttenbe  a  cultivating,  educatlng.  -bovnet  a 
cnltivated.  -bbøtiø  a  capable,  able-mlnded. 
•bbgfiølKb  mental  rapacity.  -eøenffob  mental 
qnalfty.  -eb«e  (mental)  faculty.  -fattig  a  poor, 
empty,  dnll.  -fattføbøm  lntellectual  poverty. 
•fortabt  a  shollow.  -førlobtQeb  shallowness. 
-formool  intellectoal  object.  -førmorfetfe  be- 
nightedness.  -fornaøtelfe  materialism.  -for. 
« ægter  materialist,  •fornobenljeb  intellectual 
want.  førftbmlfe,  -førfttyrret  fe  -fortrirrinø,  -for« 
»irret,  -førtørreffe  bibl  vexation  of  spirit.  -for« 
forrente  a  stultifylng,  ttreaome.  -forøtrretafcrazy, 
in*ane,  distracted.  -førbirrin  ø  crazinesss,  insan- 
ity,  derangement.  -fofter  productlon  (of  the 
mind)  creation,  lucu bration.  -froøatretfe  absence 
of  mind,  abstractlon,  preoccu pation.  -fro- 
botrettbe  a  absent  (in  mind),  absent-minded,  ab- 
stracted,  preoccupied;  et  -  ©li!  a  vacant  stare; 
ban  et  tit  -  he  has  frequent  flts  of  absence,  -frem« 
brtnørlfe  fe  -fofter.  -fri  a  free  in  mind.  -fribrb 
mental  el.  intellectual  freedom  el.  llberty.  -friff 
a  of  a  sound  mind.  -friffljeb  fcoundness  of  mind. 
-frotnbe  congenial  spirit.  -frtntbfTab  congenl- 
ality  (of  mind),  -røbe  richness  of  intellect. 
-forne  fe  -frcrøbe.  -føbe  intellectual  el.  mental 
food  el  nourishment,  mind-food.  -øober  j>l 
part*>,  mental  endowments.  »bøøbinø  master- 
apirit.  -ibrat  intellectual  pur«uit.  -InbfTtjbelfc 
inspiration.  -lorff  a  sane.  -flår  n  clear-beaded. 
-florbeb  a  clear  head.  -froft  mental  power  rf 
energy.  -fraftiø  a  rtron  g- minded,  of  vigorous 
mind.  -trøMinø  idiot,  -Nb  intellectual  el. 
mental  life.  -liøtiø  a  agile-minded,  vivacious. 
-liftfiøfjeb  vivacity.  -moøt  spiritual  force. 
-vobrn  a  ripe,  mature,  -møbettfieb  intellect- 
ual roaturity.  -mørle  spiritual  darkness.  -nijbelfe 
intellectual  enjoyment.  -nært*  g  food  for  the 
mird.  fe  -føbe.  -ttarbotreffe  presence  of  mind, 
self-po* session.  -natrøatrettbe  a  ready- wittfri, 
»elf-possessed,  quick  in  emergencies.  -øpløftrffe 
elevation  of  mind.  -opløft  enbe  a  elevating  (the 
mind),  exalting.  -oberlegen  a  sovereign.  -øber« 
leøenbeb  superiority  ofmind.  -probutt  fe -fofier. 
•brocø  intellectual  character,  -rerttinø  bias,  tend- 
ency;  bent  of  the  mind.  -ro  tranquillity  of 
mind.  -flttøtffab  congeniality,  congenialness. 
-fta*  a  ldiotlc,  imbecile,  obtwe.  -fløbelfe  stupe- 
faction,  bebetation.  -fUbenbe  a  stupefying. 
•fløobeb  idiocy,  imbecility.  -fnttbiø  a  ver*atile. 
-fmibfgtcb  versatility.  -ftemnino  fe  -tilftonb, 
•jtørtjcb  greatness  of  mind.  -ftbrfe  strengtb  of 
mind,  fortitude.  •ftbrfenbe  a  invigorating  (the 
mind),  -ftø?rt  fe  -fraftiø.  -fbag  a  feeble-minded, 
imbecile,  weak  of  mind.  -føoøranftolt  asylum 
for  Imbecile*,  -fbøøfteb  imbecility,  weakne.«s  of 
mind.  -fbørtfelfe  mental  debility.  -tifftonb  state 
of  mind.  -troaø  intellectual  cravlrg.  -tbanø 
mentol  restraint.  -nbbbjtf  intellectual  profit. 
•sbøifting  mental  development.  -birffom  a  men- 
tally  active.  -birffombeb  mental  activity.  -øø?rf 
fe  -fofter.    -bjtrlnø  manifestation  of  the  mind. 

Bor  »  pi  =.  year,  twelvemonth;  rt  r>alt>t  - 
sis  month8;  fomøe  ~  last  year;  fyoert  anbet  - 
every  tvo  years,  every  other  year;  -  oø  ^aqjur 
a  year  and  a  day,  f  (lang  Xib)  au  age;  ^an  er 
ilte  tpte  -  he  i«  not  twenty,  he  is  in  his  teens; 
ab  -e  naftc  -  next  rear;  t  %oq  ab  -re  thls  day 
twelvemonth;  -et  efter  nezt  year;  for  mange 
-   fibrn  years  ago;  .  for  -  fta  -  til  -  year  by 

year,  annually,  yearly;  i  .  thls  year;  i  to  ~  for 
two  years;  qan  er  i  fine  oebfte  ~  he  is  In  the 
prime  of  life,  in  the  flower  of  his  age,  f  in 
his  prime;  bet  øiber  ftg  in  eb  -  that  will  come 
with  the  years;  mellem  ~  oø  Soø  in  the  oourse 
of  a  year;  om  -et  a  (per)  year,  per  annum,  per 
ann.  om  et  -  in  a  year;  i  5)ag  om  et  •  this  day 
twelvemonth:  .  om  anbet  every  year  on  an 
average,  (taking)  one  year  with  another;  (an  er 
ober  1 1)  o  e  .  heis  above  twenty ,  he  is  out  of  his 
teens;  lægge  ~  til  en8  ttlbec  give  one  a  new 
lease  of  life;  tit  -i  advanced  in  years;  et  to  -i 
ftarn  a  two  years  old  child;  to  -i  Gtubent  student 
of  two  years'  standing;  tre  -9  SeriøSt|enef)e  three 
years  of  military  service.  —  9a'r|boø  year-book, 
( 9far<ffrift)  annual  -bo øer  annals,  -boøiforfatter, 
-boaSffritJer  annalist. 

♦»o'rbttt  c  chtib  Lc%ci$cun  cephalu*. 

Hare  c  -r  (i  Seøeme,  ©(abe  ofo.  oø  fip)  veln; 
($ul«»)  arte  ry;  ben  gtjlbne  -  the  bemorrholdal 
vein,  the  piles,  the  nemorrboids.  Hare  vi  k  vt 
(SRat.)  grain. 

Hore  c  -r  (til  at  ro  m  b)  oar,  (minbre,  til  at 
fjolte  en  i  Ijber  ^aanb)  scull;  rejfe  -roe  toss  the 
oars;  træffe  paa  -me  pull  el.  tug  at  the  oar;  lægge 
-me  inb  el.  op  unsbip  the  oars;  lægge  -rne  ub  snip 
the  oars,  fig  lægge  aQe  -r  omborbe  el.  ub  leave  no 
stone  unturned.  —  Horejbaatib  fe  -fhop. 

Hore|betarabelfe  phlebitis.   -binbfel  compress. 

Harebtab  oar-blade,  wash  of  an  oar. 

Hare1  bro!  varicocele .  -brnb  nipture  of  a  vein . 

Hareibraø  fe  -tag. 

Horefitlb  a  full  of  veins. 

Harejaaffef  crutch.    -øreb  oar-bandle. 

Horelqitibe  cboroid.    -betænbelfe  choroiditi-, 

Horeftompe  rowlock-chock. 

Horejfnitbe  variz,  varicose  vein,  aneurism. 
-lorrnlnø  tying  of  veins. 

Horelobe  vt  bleed,  let  blood,  blood,  phlebpto- 
mize;  labe  fig  -  have  one's  self  bled.  -oinb 
bandage,  -bæffen,  -føp  blooding-basin.  -jam 
fleam,  lancet,  -fnepbcr  lancet.  Horetobiting  c 
-er  letting  of  blood,  blceding,  blood  letting, 
phlebotomy,  venesection.  Harelabnlnøéar  blcod- 

Horelonø  a  of  (several)  years;  beb  -t  Hrbrjbe  by 
the  labour  of  years. 

Hare  i  l  om,  -lomme  loom  (of  an  osr). 

Haremool  term  of  years;  forpagter  paa  .  tenant 
at  will;  forpagtning  paa  langt  -  Tong  lease. 

Horelpinb  fe  -tol.    -plofTen  esplashingof  oars. 

Harclprefife  tourniquet.    -Hg  fe  -fulb. 

Harefltb  galley  el.  ship  with  oars.  -flag  stroke 
of  an  oar. 

Harefprænøt  a  veined,  veiny. 

Hareftrøp  oar-grummet. 

Hore|fbttIft  thrumbus,  (^ulfoare*)  aneurism. 
•fbftem  venal  el.  arterial  system.  Horet  a 
veined,  veiny. 

Hore|toø  stroke;  botbe  .  keep  stroke.  -tot 
thole,  row-pin. 

•Ho'rette  c  -r  wedge,  treenail  wedge,  foxwedge; 
—  vt  wedge. 

Hore|t>inøebe,  -binøer  pi  membran ewin ged. 

Horebid  adv  el.  i  .  for  years. 

*-Hø'rfttøl  grouse  pi  black  game,  Tetrao 

Ha'rføfge  chronological  order.  -øommel  er  a 
year  old,  of  one  year.  -øonø  (af  Xibftfrtift)  annual 
series  el.  set,  year's  eourse,  year'g  file;  (af  Har*« 
ffrift)  annual  publication;  t  crop  (of  the  year). 
'•øanødr&fltrn  mill  with  pien  ty  of  water  all  the 
year  round.  ^-øonøløonb  perennial  supply  of 
water.  -øron  a  evergreen.  +*øfltttøeliø  a  peren- 
nial.   *-øænørltøbeb  c  perennity. 




*tta'rfj«ne  fe  Urbane. 

Slarbnnbrebe  n  century;  engans  *  ***  9be  - 
sometime  In  the  ninth  century  el.  in  the  eight 
hundrede.  ftarb,nnbrebffiftet  the  commencement 
of  the  new  century. 

"ttarbtfne  fe  Urbane. 

Sloring  e  -er  yearling;  pi  years,  seasons. 

Sartag  e  (Vtal.)  gralning. 

ttartot  pren  fe  Urbane. 

ttartang  fe  flarelang. 

Sa'rle  ado  (+  a)  early  fin  the  morning). 

SUrrttg  a  yearly,  annual;  —ado  (f  -IigenWearly, 
annually.  -aari  t&*  ado every year.  »arttng 
c  -er  yearling. 

9a'r|ntttrte  fe  -ring.  -penge  annuity,  pension. 
+- rig  a  rich  in  yean.  -ring  circle,  yearly  ring 
(or  a  tree).    -rafte  series  ofyears. 

Sa'rfag  c  -er  cause,  reason,  occasion;  af  toiftfe 
-er,  for  bi*fe  -ert  Sttjlb  for  oertaln  reasons;  af  ben 
~  for  that  reason,  on  that  account;  af  boab  .  tom 
tyan  ifte?  what  was  the  reason  for  his  not  ooming  ? 
gibe  ~  HI  give  occasion  for;  -en  til  at  the  cause 
why;  (ar  baret  -  tit  at  has  heen  (the)  cause  of; 
ingen  .  no  matter,  all  right,  you  are  quite 
welcome,  no  thanks  required;  uben  -  without 
cause,  o  causeless.  +9tarfagetig  a  causal,  causa- 
tive.    +8arfagetigl)eb  o  causality. 

ttarfaaé  i  Smf .  causal.  .  -begreb  idea  of  cause. 
-bisbeørb  fe  tonjunttion.  -forbolb  relation  of 
cause,  causation,  -form  causative  voice.  -ton- 
Junltiøn  causal  conjunction.  -fatning  causal 

fta'r£|angtPetfe:  mangler  .  hears  no  date  of 
theyear.  -arbejbe  year's  work.  -barn  infant  (of) 
a  year  old;  bi  ere  -børn  we  are  of  the  same  age. 
-beretning  annual  report,  -billetter  pi  annuals. 
-bag  anniversary;  t  (ftobfeW«)  birthday.  -feft 
annual  festival,  -gammel  a  a  year  old.  -gr«be 
produce  of  a  year,  a  year' s  crop. 

Sa'rftifte  return  of  the  year,  new  year. 

8a'r8|t*n  annual  et.  yearly  wages.  -m*bt 
annual  meeting.  -pr**e  annual  examination. 
-regning  bill  for  the  year,  yearly  account. 
-regnflab  yearly  el.  annual  account.  -ff ifte  fe 
Har-,  -flrlft  annual.  -fffnb  year' s  growth,  shoot. 
-tal  year,  date.  -tib  time  of  the  year,  season 
(of  the  year);  be  fire  -er  thé  four  seasons.  -unge 
yearling;  fig  ban  er  ingen  -  he  is  no  chlcken. 
•varig  of  one  year's  duration.    -baflt  crop. 

Øa'rti  n  -er  decennary.  f-tib  anniversary  day. 
•tuflnbe  millennium. 

tta'rvaagen  a  vigilant,  watchful.  -(eb  e  vigil- 
ance,  watchfulness,  wakeralness. 

Sa'r'nej  crop  of  a  year.  -btø  ado  el.  i  -  by 
the  year.  *-bti  a  giving  a  good  crop  every 
year,  unfaiUng. 

Saft  c  -e  (*er).  ridge;  beam. 

Sa'fteb  n  -er  jur  plaoe  of  perpetration,  spot 
in  question,  locus  in  quo.  —  Kaftebft|bef  åring, 
-forretning,  -ntøbe  local  inquest.  -fag  lawsuit 
requiring  a  local  inquest. 

Vafipt  n  face,  visage,  countenance;  for  Øubt  - 
in  the  tace,  sight,  presence  of  God;  bort  fra  mit 
.  out  of  my  sight;  blib,  bifter  af  ~  mild  el.  fierce 

Øafarbe  n  jur  resldence;  place  of  residence. 
ttaførbeftrrt  right  of  residence »  e.  right  (belonging 
generally  to  the  eldest  son)  of  remaining  in  pos- 
sesston  of  the  estate  at  a  low  prlce. 

+9fat  c  food  of  flshes  (small  shrimps  etc.); 
(nabnlig  paa  ftifT)  parasitic  insects. 

*%atc  n  bait,  lure  (for  beasts  of  prey);  food 
of  fishes. 

*Va*trfe  vt  cut  down  (timber). 

91  b'  mere  f.  HU.  Seoertran  .  U&rtftiania  codliver- 
oil  a  Christiania. 

ftbanbon'  [fr.l  c  J,  aban'donment;  fig.  ease. 
-ne're  vt  aban'don. 

Ubbe'b  o  -er  abt>ot.  -i  n  -er  abT>ey.  -i*  fe  c 
-r  ab'bess.    +-lig  c  abbat'ical. 

ftbbrebi|atio'n  o  -er  abridgment,  abbrevla'tion. 
•e'rt  vt  abrldge,  abbre'viate.   -e'ring  c  fe  -etion. 

«bc'  e  -er  (*lfabet)  abc,  alphabet;  (8og)  abe- 
book,  spelllng-book,  hornbook,  primer;  Ag  the 
firet  rudiments,  -barn  abcda'rian.  -bog  fe 

Hbberlt'  c  -er  Ab'derite,  Abder'itan.  -ift  a  ab- 
de'rian,  nonsenslcal. 

Kbbi|ce'rc  vt  k  %  ab'dicate.  -ration  c  abdioa'- 

ftbbnt'tor  c  (rønflet)  abductor. 

Kbe  c  -r  monkey,  (meft  fig)  ape  (i  8°°1.  et  ane 
pitecus,  monkey  itmia);  A,  mizen  gtaysail.  flCøe 
efter  vt  mlmic,  ape.  —  Hbe|agtig  a  apish,  monkey 
like.  -anfigt  monkey  face.  -art  species  of 
monkeys.  -blømft  mixnulus,  monkey-flower. 
•br«btrøt  baobab,  Adanwnia  digitata.  -egern 
aye-aye,  Ckeirompt  mad  iøxucariefui&.  -fj*#  fe 
-anfigt.  -bnft  monkey-house.  -fat  monkey;  Ao 
(Sfteraber)  ape,  jackanapes;  F  tbale  -ten  wet 
one's  whistle.  -fatteri'  n  buffoonery.  -tattefrreg 
monkey  trick,  -fattebafen  whimsical  manners. 
-Køtrlla  a  doting.    -Køtrligbeb  doting  love. 

Øbelntoft  nd  c  musk-seed,  amber-seed,  Hibitcu* 

Sbe|nober  pi  monkey  tricks,  -blntfojer  monkey 
-pincher,  Canit  grypku*. 

9ber  [t.]  n  ber  er  et  .  berbeb  there  is  a  but,  a 

Hberi'  n  aping. 

Hberratio'n  c  aberra'tion. 

Sbeéfl'nlen  fe  «bo«rtnien. 

Sbelfpil,  -ftreger  pi  foolery;  bribe  -  meb  make 
fun  or.    -nngc  young  monkey. 

Sbilb  e  apple-tree,  Pgmt  malua.  -gaarb  or- 
chard.    -graa  a  da ppl e-gray. 

+abilbfl'B  fe  ttbpetjin. 

«bia  t  fe  Oblat. 

Vblatib  c  the  ablatlve  (case). 

Kbtet'te  c  fe  £eier  (Sif!). 

ttbnørm'  a  abno'rmal,  abnormous.  -ite't  c  -se 
abno'rmity.   -ftole  school  for  defectivechildren. 

»bolitionift'  e  -er  aboUt lontet.  -ift  a  aboli- 

Kbønuelment'  «  -er  subscription.  -mentftaften 
subscription  night.  -ment d bille t  season-Ucket, 
pass-ticket,  3o»rnb.  annual  tlcket.  -men »»lifte 
list  of  subscribers.  -nt'  c  -er  (paa  ©lab,  teater) 
subscriber;  (paa  9or(bftelfe8fieb.  3arnbane  o.  1.) 
season-ticket-holder;  (paa  6pifefoarter)  contractor. 
•'re  ot  subscribe  (paa  to);  (p.  6ptferbarter)  con 
træt;  .paa  et  Bejebibllotet  Buscrlbe  to  a  circu- 
lating  library;  -t  Soge  private  boz;  jeg  ljar  -t 
I  have  a  private  box  el.  seats  in  a  private  box. 
I  am  a  subscriber  (to  the  theatre);  I  have  a 

Ubørre  c  -r  perch,  Perea.  -groft  pond-weed, 

Øbort'  c  -er  miscarriage,  abo'rtion.  -e're  vi 
mlscarry,  have  an  abortion. 

«brito'9  fe  ttprito«. 

9Ibrob  c  southernwood,  Artenisialabrotanum. 

abrnj 'jerne  the  Abruzzi. 

ttbfentc're  or  fig  absent  one's  self. 

Kbfintb/  c  wormwood,  absinthium;  (Sitoren) 
absinthe,  bitters  (absinthiated  spirits). 

flbføl|ttt'  a  absolute;  ado  absolutely;  perforce, 
needs;  ban  bit  .  gaa  he  insists  upon  going. 
-ntio'n  c  absolu'tion.  -ntU'me  c  ab'solutism. 
-ntift'  c  -er  ab'solutlst.  -tttift'ift  a  absolutistic. 
-be  re  vt  absolve;  -  fin  (Efftamen  pass  one's  exa- 



lbførb[e're  t>*  abso'rb.    -e'ring  c  abso'rption. 

fcb*ir«|be're  ti  abBtract'.  «!t'  a  ab'stract;  adv 
in  the  abstract.  -t'ter  j>*  (Orgel)  ab'stracts. 
•trio  *  c  -er  abstrae'tion,  abstract  thought. 

fcbfnrb'  a  abeurd.    -Ite't  c   et  absurdity. 

&*9*fi'tii|ett  n  Abyssin'ia.  -ier  o  -e  -iertnbe 
c  -r,  -iff  a  k  n  Abyssin'ian. 

Vcaj  ottoøb  caahew  nut. 

S'tbab  Ahab. 

■djito  ptøl  Ahith'ophel. 

BUtøe'ler  c  -e,  -iff  a  Achæan;  bet  e  ftotbunb 
the  Achæan  League. 

ttoni't  [fr.]  the  lead;  lægge  .  lead  (off). 

fcb  prp  to,  towards,  along,  by;  at;  -  $øjre, 
oenftre,  to  the  right,  left;  .  ben  ©ej  by  the  ro  ad; 
jeg  rejfle  HI  fl  -  $  I  went  to  A  by  the  way  of  D; 
ben  .  Mejeri  along  the  road;  Ijen  -  to  Kar  near 
(ly;  two  yeara;  ben  .  ttften  towards  evening; 
inb  .  $øren,  ftttnbuet  in  at  (el.  by)  the  door, 
window;  la  nøs  .  along;  neb  ~  down;  op  - 
np;  op  -  Sagen  in  the  course  of  the  day,  op  - 
Sagaen  agalnst  the  wall;  rejfe  -  fionbon  til  go 
London  way;  bet  ligøer  -  Koøtilbe  til  U  stands 
towards  Roeskilde,  gaa  -  gelbebe  til  go  to  the 
devil,  be  hanged  (to  you);  ~  Gangen  at  a  time; 
fe  Kor,  Smile  o.  fl.  —  adv  fe  $øre,  Spørge,  6e. 

Sbam  Ad'am:  ba  .  grob,  og  (Eba  fpanb,  tjoor 
fanbtei  ba  en  Ivbelmanb  when  Adam  dolve  and 
Eve  spån,  who  was  then  the  gentleman.  — 
ttbantø  (figen  fe  Banan,  -naal  yucca.  Yucca 
QtoriotM.  -ftap  caper  spurge,  Eupkorbiu  latkyri: 
•f*»  son  of  Adam.  -tra  Adam' s  wood  (Xiæfort), 
fe  -flab.    -able  Adam's  apple  (ogfaa  Sitronen). 

Sbcitjere  vt  call.  summon.  -ation  c  sum- 

ttl'bbbrb  c  gesture;  fe  ttbf«rb. 

*bb|e're  vt  add,  cast  up.  -e'ring,  -ition  c 
addit'ion.  -irionøflbtte  example  el.  exercise 
el.  sum  in  addition,  -itiøn&tegtt  sign  of  ad- 
dition, plus. 

»bel  c  (ogfaa  fio)  nobility;  af  .  of  noble  birth. 
•baaren,  -bttrbig,  -fobi  a  noble-born.  -tøfle  pi 
true  horses,  »belig  a  noble,  titled;  be  -e  the 
nobles  -t  Øobø  nobleman's  estate;  -t  £efjn  feoff 
noble  tfcbelfløber  blue  anemonia,  Anemone 

Sbelå|breb  patent  of  nobility.  -bbrb  noble 
descent,  -baste,  -frne  lady  of  title,  noblewoman. 
•frøftti  nobleman's  daughter,  unmarried  lady  of 
noble  rank.  -gal  mad  about  nobility,  mad 
af  ter  a  handle  to  his  name.  -gobé  nobleman's 
estate.  -tøm  nobleman.  -tørrefeømmc  power 
ri.  rule  oi  the  aristocracy.  91  bel ff ab  n  nobility. 
ftbelfjfafte  caste  of  noblemen.  -magt  fe  -tørre« 
bomme,  -manb  nobleman.  -manbig  joc  lordly. 
-navn  noble  name.  -natter  aristocratic  preten- 
sions.  -patent  fe  -breb.  •prarg  stamp  of  nobility. 
-rrgtfter  (book  of  the)  peerage.  -ffjølb  escutcheon, 
coat  of  arms.  -fløeøt  noble  family.  -fftøtttøb  pride 
or  birth,  aristocratic  pride.  Sbelftanb  nobility. 
tbet#|iitcl  title  (of  nobility).  -balbe  fe  -tørre* 
bomme.    +-»<elblf.  a  aristocratic. 

fcbept'  e  -er  adept. 

B'bfarb  c  (Cpførfet)  conduct,  behaviour,  de- 
meanour;  tøanblemaobe)  proceeding(s);  unber  - 
efter  £ooen  at  the  risk  of  a  legal  execution,  (he 
wfll  be  dealt  with  according  to  law). 

Stgang  c  -e  ftnblabelfe)  admittance,  admis- 
sion; (Silgang)  access,  approach,  avenue;  faa  - 
Kain  admittance,  be  admitted;  jeg  fir  itte  ~  I  was 
not  permitted  to  enter;  lrt  .  ttl  at  (great)  facil- 
ities  for  -ing;  oanftelig  at  faa  -  til  difficult  of 
«*«**•;  jeg  bor  ingen  -  til  at  I  have  no  oppor- 
tunlty  of;  Betaling  af  en  Shilling  giber  .  til  a  fee 
of  a  shilling  wlll  pass  the  ylsftor  to;  .  til  ftøRen 
use  of  kitchen.  -  «bgang*|berettigelfe  fe   ret. 

•etfamen  entrance  examination,  (oeb  Uniberfitet) 
matriculationexamination.  -tortticketel.  voucher 
of  admission,  -pri*  entrance-money,  admission 
fee.  -ret  right  of  admission,  admissibility.  -tit« 
labelfe  admission. 

tUtttr  [fr.]  good-bye. 

Adjee'to:  eontradietio  in  .  oontradiction  in 

»bjeftib  n  -er  adjectiye;  fom  .  adjectively. 
•iff  o  adjective,  adjectival;  adv  adjectively. 

»bittbanf  fe  Kbjutant. 

stblunaere  vt  give  as  an  assistant. 

Sb|ttttft'  c  -er  assistant  teacher  (of  a  public 
grammar  school). 

ftbinfterborrf  drawing-bench. 

Slbjmattt'  c  -er  ad'jutant  (ogfaa  guglen,  Lepto- 
ptilo*  arøa(a),  sid  (de-camp). 

Sb'fnPaitS  n,  med  adjuvant. 

»bjofi  F  fe  ttbieu. 

«  bfontft  c  -er  (<Steb)  access;  (»et)  title,  right, 
claim;  \}aue  gob  -  til  have  a  good  claim  (etc.) 
to;  meb  tøitfen  .  gor  5)c. . .?  what  right  have 
you  to  . . .  -breo,  -botnment  title-deed,  muni- 

ftt'ble  vt  ennoble,  nobilltate;  knight.  »bting  c 
ennoblement,  nobilitation;  knighting. 

fl'blbbe  vt  obey,  yield  obedience  to;  ilte  -  dis- 
obey;  man  bør  -  ®ub  mere  eub  Wenneflene  we 
ought  to  obey  God  rather  than  men. 

Vbrniniftrjatio  n  c  administration,  -ati'b  a 
admin'istrative,  adminlste'rial.  -a  tor  c-ato'rer 
trusiee,  administrator,  -ere  vt  admin'ister;  -nbe 
Sirettsr  acting  manager. 

ftbmtro't  c  -er  admiral  (ogfaa  Sneflc  og  Som- 
merfugl); 4,  canvas-bucket.  -in'be  c  -r  admirals 
wife;  tjru  ~  ©  Mn.  Admiral  B.  -ite  tet  n  the  Ad'mi- 
ralty.  -ite'tdflaø  Admiralty  flag.  -ite  teret  court 
of  Admiral  ty,  Admiralty  court.  -9  flag  Admiral 's 
flag.    -flab  ad'miralship.    -f!ib  Admiral's  snip. 

ttbmittere  vt  admit',  .  paa  nb  readmit. 

Sbotf  Adol'phus. 

»bo  « |  id  ^  birds'  eye.  -iff  a  adoni'c,  .  »er* 
adonic  (verse). 

Vbopt|e're  vt  adopt'.  -e'rrng  c,  -ion  c  adop'- 
tion.  -i  »barn  adopted  el.  adoptive  child.  -i'b- 
faber  adop'tive  father. 

ttbouce  re  vt  soften,  temper. 

Vbrcsflant  c  -er  mere  adres'ser.  -a't  c  -er 
addressee,  person  addressed,  (fiobningl)  con- 

»breé'fe  c  -r  address,  directlon;  .  ^r.  91.  dl. 
(to  the)  care  of  Mr.  N.  N.:  beførge  efter  -n  for- 
ward as  per  address.  -abtø  advertiser.  -bog 
directory,  -breb  letter  of  conveyance.  -bebot 
debate  on  the  Address.  -fntcaoer  fe  -bog.  -totttor 
advertising  office.  -re  vi  address',  dlrect,  (Slib, 
Sarer)  consign.    -febbel  t»rd  of  address. 

Sbriano'pel  n  Adrianople. 

»brta  terbaoet,  bet  abriati^e  ^ab  the  Adriat'ic. 

8lbrat'  a  nimble,  agile,  active,  smart. 

H  bffiD|e  vt  part,  separate,  divide,  sever,  dis- 
unite;  cAem  decompose ;  •  ftelne  i  mellem)  dlstinguish, 
discriminate;  .  fig  (afb<aej  dlffer;  -6  part,  sepa- 
rate, part  company.  -c lig  a  separable,  divisible; 
distinguishable.  -eligbcb  c  separability,  divisi- 
billty.  -clfe  c  -c  sepuation,  disjunction,  dis- 
union, schiam;  distincUon,  discrimination.  -elfed- 
tontratt  contract  of  separation,  -ig  a  consider- 
able,  no  little  (t  fe  ftorfrelltg);  -e  pi,  o  several, 
divers,  various,  sundry,  *  uoi  a  few  people;  -t 
several  tbings;  —  -ig(t)  adv  rather,  nota  little. 

9  bfplitte  vt  scatter,  disperse,  dissipate,  break 
up,  (i>ær)  rout.  -lfe  c  scattering,  dispersion, 
dissl pation,  upbreak. 

81'bfprejbe  vt  disperse,  scatter,  dissipate;  fig 
(Sinbctj  divert,  amuse;  (Zanteme)  divert,  distræt; 




~  fig  dlvert,  amuse,  recreate  one's  self.  -belfe 
c  scatterlng  etc,  dlssi  pation,  dispersion;  distrac- 
tion;  (gorljjltelfc)  diversion,  recreation,  relaxa- 
tion;  -r  amusement«;  616/  font  ere  i  -n  whlch  are 
scattered  abroad.  -bt  a  scattered  etc;  fig  absent, 
abstracted;  .  ligqenbe  scattered,  straggllng.  -bt« 
|jcb  c  absence  of  mind. 

g'bfpørge  vt  ask,  interrogate;  (raabfpørge)  con- 
sult.    -(fe  c  consulting. 

K'bftablø  a  Btaid,  steady,  sedate,  sober.  -Ijeb 
c  staidness,  steadiness. 

Kbfftritiøe'rcttbe  a  astrin'gent;  .  SRibbel  astrin- 

9l'bøar|e  vt  warn,  caution  (om,  mob  of,  against); 
(paaminbe,  formane)  admonish;  lab  big  -  take 
warning;  —  -enbe  o  admonitory,  cautionary; 
~  Crb  word  of  caution.  -fel  c  -fire,  warning, 
caution;  admonition;  (lobformeligt  forfonbt)  letters 
monitory;  lab  brtte  tjene  big  til  -  take  this  as  a 

9lb»e*t  c  Advent. —  WbbetitØ|pr*bi!e*  Advent 
sermon.  -føubaø  sunday  in  Advent,  tiben  i  -. 
d uring  Advent. 

9ibbrr'b|tuu  n  -ier  ad'verb.  Aa'X,  -to'tff  a 
adver'bial;  —  -i alt  adv  adverbially. 

Kbterd'  fe  Woers 

HbBl'd  c  mere  advice.    -e're  fe  Woifere. 

Sbbøfa't  c  -er  barrister,  counsel,  lawyer,  ad - 
vocate;  -erne  (tottettiot)  the  counsel,  (fom  ©tanb) 
the  bar.  -flanken  def  the  bar.  -n'f  c  ad'vocate- 

9iba?fba'i  a  ad'equate. 

9lf  prp;  —  bv.  af  en  $a»nbelfe  by  chance, 
accideutally;  fenbe  en  af  Wabn  know  one  by 
name,  ©nebrer  af  tøroftffion  a  joiner  by  tråde; 
gobmobig  af  fig  good-tempered  by  nature,  natu- 
rally good-tempered;  af  berrt  Ubfeenbe  Tunbe  man 
tro  by  (el.  from)  their  looks  it  mlght  be  believed; 
(Sngeift  Drbboa  af  ©ebfter  English  dlctionary  by 
\V.;  (»eb  $adftb):  gjort  af  en  ©fræbbermade  by  a 
tailor;  ban  agte«  af  enbber  he  is  respected  by 
every  one;  jeg  fjar  !)ørt  fige  af  ©øfolt  I  have 
heard  it  said  by  sailors,  —  jor:  af  mange  (Urunbe 
for  many  reasons;  ban  »eb  meget  af  en  Sonbe  at 
totte  he  is  well  informed  for  a  peasant;  —  from  ■. 
jeg  l)ar  $ørt  bet  af  min  ©øfter  I  have  heard  it 
from  my  sister  (I  have  been  told  so  by  my 
sister);  erfare  af  learn  from  (el.  of),  libe  af  sufl^r 
from;  flutte  af  conclude  from  (0.  fl.),  bet  er  flart 
af  it  is  evident  from;  af  $rbgt  for  from  fear  of; 
af  92øbb<rnbigbeb  from  necessity;  —  in:  af  Sceltt, 
Størrelfe,  Hav  in  stature,  size,  yeari;  en  af  bun« 
brebe  one  in  a  hundred;  bet  er  roeoærbigt  af  Seem 
it  is  praiseworthy  in  you  —  of:  to  af  bem  two 
of  them;  en  af  bem  fom  one  of  those  who;  af 
Sigtigfjeb  of  importance;  SRanb  af  ftrorftanb  man 
of  sense;  i  ftraft  af  by  el.  in  virtue  of;  beb  $jælp 
af  by  means  of  (0.  flj  gjort,  bogget  af  Zra  made, 
built,  of  wood;  fronge  af  $anmart  klog  of  Den- 
mark; S)ereø  Sreo  af  ben  lObe  your  letter  of 
the  lOth;  en  Sen  af  min  .ftabet  a  friend  of  my 
father's,  af  fig  felt?  of  one's  self,  of  one's  own 
accord,  spontaneously:  —  off:  Ijjælpe  en  af  fieften 
help  one  off  his  horse;  bafl  Sæben  af  bit  Hnfiøt 
wash  the  soap  off  your  face;  —  on :  blioe  feb  af 
fatten  on;  gere  fig  til  af  plume  one's  self  on 
(0.  fl.);  affjængig  af  dependent  on  el.  of;  fem  af 
bunbrebe  (i  Kente)  five  on  the  hundred;  af  ben 
Øninb  on  that  account;  —  out  of:  langt  af  Sejen 
far  out  of  the  way;  ni  af  ti  nine  out  of  ten;  af 
ftortoiolelfe  out  of  desperation;  —  to:  en  Sen, 
ijjenbe,  Slabe  af  (fig)  a  friend,  enemy,  slave,  to; 
—  uith:  af  ganfle  fjerte  with  all  my  heart,  røb, 
fort  fofb.)  af  red,  black  with;  Ijalobob  af  Iræt&fb, 
Sjatter  half  dead  with  fatigue,  laughter;  —  (fe 
beéuben  Serber,  ttbjettioer  og  Subftantiber  forbunbne 

meb  af):  —  atfø  fra  førfl  af  from  the  flrst;  fra 
Sarn  af  from  a  child;  fra  nebea  af  from  the 
bottom,  from  below;  fra  ooen  af  from  the  top, 
from  above;  $an  bil  (blioe)  af  meb  he  wants  to 
be  rid  of;  af  og  til  off  and  on,  now  and  tben, 
from  time  to  time;  af  meb  Rattene!  hats  off; 
bære  af  be  off,  *  be  broken;  gaa  af  go  el.  get 
off,  *  go  to  pieces;  ftaroen  gaar  af  the  colour 
rubs  off. 

H'farbejbe  vt  pay  off  by  work. 

K'ftf t  c  -er  variety. 

«'fba(ancere  vt  balance. 

9  fbant|e  vt  beat  out;  (en)  beat  soundly, 
cudgel,  thrash.  -tting  c,  -er  thrashing,  drubbing; 
en  orbentig  .  a  sound  drubbing. 

8ftart|e  vt  bark,  decorticate.  strip  off  the 
bark  of;  -et  strip ped  of  the  bark,  bark-bared. 
barkstripped.  -ninø  c  -er  barking,  decortication. 

9  f bebe  vt  ($orfee(fe)  ask  el  beg  pardon  for; 
(noget  onbt)  deprecate,  beg  off,  avert  by  prayers; 
(enj  recall  an  invitation  to;  afbeb  bine  gocfeelfec 
boø  barn  ask  his  pardon  for  your  offences.  -Ife 
c  deprecation. 

« fbefolfe  fe  ttffolte. 

"Øfbeite  vt  graze  off. 

flfoenbttc  vt  have  the  use  of;  babe  -t  have 
done  with     -Ifr  c  use.    -Ifeéret  right  of  nsing. 

91  fbrftiUje  vt  countermand.  -Inø  c  -er  counter- 
mand,  counterorder. 

»f betal|e  vt  pay  off;  (afgøre)  liquidate.  -ing 
c  -er  paying  off,  concr  part-payment,  install- 
ment;  Uquidation,  discharge;  mobtage  nt  paa  ~ 
take  st  on  account,  by  anticipation  el.  in  part- 
payment;  føbe  et  pianoforte  paa  .  buy  a  p.  on 
the  hire  system. 

V'fbctte  fe  »ftigge. 

9l'fbe»if]e  vt  disprove,  refute.  -lig  a  dlsprov- 
able,  reTutable.    -nittfl  c  dlsproof,  refutation. 

»  fblibe  vt  bite  off.    -bt  a  $  abrupt. 

81  fblbf  |lc  vt  unbridle.    -littg  c  unbridling. 

9'fbigt  c  apology;  gøre  -  apologlze  (^0*  en 
for  to  oue  for;. 

«'fbii|bc  vt  (SiUebb)  form,  frame,  model; 
(3RaI  og  fig)  portray,  dellneate,  draw,  picture. 
-btting  c  -er  representation,  drawing,  draught, 
delineation,  (tun  concr)  picture.  -Icbe  n,  -r 

U'fbtnbir  vt  bind;  (Sorte  0.  (.)  tie  off;  (Xømmer) 
trim;  .  et  Jpuå  join  the  timberwork  of  a  house, 
put  up  the  framework  of  a  house,  -ing  c  bind- 
ing etc.   -inøtytabft  gro  and  for  jointug  timbers. 

Ø'fblable  vt  pluck,  strip  off  the  leaves  of. 
-nitiø  c  plucking  etc. 

«fb(antie  tt  polish,  burnish;  fe  S  (an  le  af. 
•nittfl  c,  fig  cleaning  out. 

H'fMeløe  vt  bleach  out,  fade;  —  vi  fade;  — 
-get  '<  discoloured,  (ogfaa  fig)  fad  ed. 

+«  fblcben  =»  bleoen  af,  fe  Siioe. 

Slfblomftre  vi  shed  the  blossoms;  (oi*ne, 
falme)  fade,  wither,  decay;  ben  ^ar  -et  it  has 
done  tiowering;  en  -et  Stønljeb  a  faded  beauty. 
•inø  c  fading,  withering,  decay. 

»'fblotfe  vt  blow  off;  .  en  ftanon  scale  (el. 
blow  off)  a  gun;  —  vi  cease  biowing.  -ning  c 
biowing  off. 

91  f  b!crdninøØ|apparat  blow-offapparatus.-tran 
blow-offcock.  -rør  blow-off pipe.  -oentii  escape 
-val  ve. 

»bomme  vt  take  down  from  the  loom. 

9'fbone  vt  fe  Sone 

ttfbøbe  vt  unbow  (an  anchor). 

91  fbrafe  vt  &  brace  to;  —  vi  cease  frying. 

91  f brnb  n  pi  =,  interruption,  intermlsslon. 
9Ifbrnbt  part  af  Wbrtybe;  a  abiupt;  her  fraoted; 
—  adv  interruptedly,  by  flts  and  starts. 

3  91  f  og  alle  Sammenfatninger  beraf  ubtaleé  f  fom  b. 



fcfbrngt  part  done  with;  fyibe  .  have  done 

fTfirnfe  w  cease  frothing  et.  fermenting; 
©reben  bar  -t  $o»  fjam  his  anger  has  subsided. 

Vfirfbje  vt  break  off,  interrupt,  break  in 
upon;  (opqate  meb)  dlscontlnue;  .  i  talen  Inter- 
rupt, cut  short;  -  en  ©ro  cut  off  a  bridge;  hor 
Samtale  bleo  -brabt  our  coovenation  was  broken 
up  el.  broken  off;  -  Omgangen  meb  break  with. 
-elfe  c  -r,  -ning  c  breaklngoffetc;  lnterraption, 
lnterraission,  break. 

H  fbrttt  e  k  n  detriment,  prejudice,  injury, 
loss;  ril  .  for  for  the  detriment  of;  gere  .  t  in- 
jure,  prejudice,  mar;  bet  tør  gjort  mtg  ftort  .  it 
has  been  very  injurious  et.  prejudlcial  to  me,  a 
great  hindrance  to  me.  -fe  vt  break  off.  -ninf 
«  -er  breaking  off;  (i  $uobe0)  off-cut. 

Vftrørnble  vt  bum,  barn  down;  (ftanon)  fire, 
discharge;  (Jttnbt)  flash;  .  fttjrootrfen  let  off  flre- 
works;  -t  ©in  mulled  wioe.  -in g  c  bnrnlng  eto; 
met  dtp,  pickle;  dipping,  pickling. 

Vfbnb  «,  pis,  countermessage,  counterorder, 
fenbe  -  send  an  ezcuse;  withdraw  an  invitation; 
feer  lom  *  fra  tøm  he  sent  an  excuse. 

tt'ftngferet  part  J,  towed  off. 

Vftntne  vi  fester  away,  be  removed  by  sup- 
pu ration;  cease  festering. 

tt'ftnnbtt  vt  dl  vide  lnto  bundles. 

'3  fftlrøb  c  -er  remote  el.  secluded  district. 

S'fMgge  vt  min  work.  t*fb»ggergaarb  out- 
lying  farm,  parcelled  off  from  a  Urger  one  or 
from  a  village. 

ft'fbljrb  o  progeny,  oflbpring. 

tt'fbntning  c  -er  {Slat)  ezchange. 

91  f  balge  vt  hull,  husk. 

Sl'fbabe  vt  do  penance  for,  ezpiate;  (afocerge) 
ward  off,  parry. 

fl'fb*j|e  vt  bend  aslde;  (en  Aflægger)  layer;  -i 
(om  »ugle)  deflect.    -ning  c  deflection. 

»flan  c  fe  Afbigt. 

*  f barfte  vt  (St»»)  brush  off;  (»læber)  brush; 
fig  dast  one" s  jacket.  -ning  c  -ec  brushing;  fig 
drabbing,  dressing. 

ti  fcirflc  of  measure  with  a  pair  of  com passes. 

*tt  fbal  e  -e  remote  et.  secluded  valley. 

41  fbompje  vt  (tørre)  air;  (tabe  forbampe)  evapo- 
raiv.    -ning  o  -er  airing;  evaporation. 

tt'fbante  vt  cast  off,  -t  (Solbat)  dismtssed,  dls- 
chargvd,  (fttøber)  cast  off. 

%  fbanéttlag  the  last  d&nce.  -ning  »bal  the 
clo^ing  ball. 

»  fbft'e  vt  (bele)  dl  vide,  psrt,  partition,  parcel; 

-  paa  ntt  redtvide;  (afionbre)  partition  off.  -ing  c 
-er  division,  partition;  (Hum)  compartment;  (af 
Strift)  seotion;  (af  Stopper,  fttaabe)  detachment; 
v,u*  (af  Sonate  el.  1.)  movement. 

«  fbig |e  vt  t  dike  off,  embauk;  •  drain.  -ning 
c  -er  diking  etc,  embankment;  *  drainiog. 

&'f»M»ntere  vt  dispute.  jeg  (abec  mig  ifte  - 
min  Xro  paa  I  am  not  to  be  argued  out  of  my 
belief  in 

'%  fbraott  c  produce  of  a  dairy. 

* fbrag  *,  pi  as,  part-payment;  (gtabtag. 
ttabat)  deduction;  i,  paa  el.  fout .  on  account,  in 
part-payment;  f  om  met  til  -  i  is  to  be  deducted 
from.  fl  fbrag  |e  vt  (tratte  af)  pull  el.  take  off, 
(afbetale)  pay  m  part:  (tratte  fra)  deduct.  -elfe  c 
le  Kfbrag.    Hfbragéttid  udo  by  instalments. 

%  ffcrejie  vt  (»rtce  af)  twist  off:  (paa  Sreieflol) 
ttini  smooth;  (bortbrrje)  turu  off;  —  vi  cease 
tuming.    -ning  c  twist  mg  etc. 

tt'fbrift  c  (ftugleij  deflection;  &  lee-way;  føibe 

-  make  lee-way.  —  gfbrtftø|f»ab?ant  drift 
compass.    -»intet  angle  of  lee-way. 

fl  fbritfe  rt  drink  off  el.  out;  vt  cease  drinking. 
S'fbri»;e  tf  drive  out.  dlspel,  ezpel;  (Stoo) 

cut  down,  waste;  (Vietaller)  smelt;  —  vi  cease 
lounging  el.  idling.  -ning  c  drlving  etc.  -ningi« 
Ijttgft  felling,  cutting  down. 

«  fbrttpl^e  vi  drip  off,  drain  off.  -ning  c  drip- 

Ht'fbnnfftie  vi  evaporate.  -ning  c  evaporation; 
art  drylng. 

tt  fbl)b|e  vt  deepen,  make  deeper,  sink.  -ntttf 
e  deepening  etc. 

9Tfb<rt|te  vt  uncover;  (Statue)  unvell;  -  ©orbet 
remove  the  cloth;  .  Staf  discover  check,  -ning 
c  uncovering  etc. 

9'fbam|nte  vt  dam  up;  vi  .  for  dam  out. 
•ttini  c  damning  up;  comer  dam. 

H'fbttntpe  vt  subdue,  soften  down,  tone  down. 

81  f ba  vi  die;  -  fra  Spnben  die  to  Bin;  .  fra 
©etben  die  to  the  world;  -b  part  deceased,  de- 
parted,  defunct;  ben  -be  the  deceased,  de  parted; 
min  -be  Vconb  my  late  el.  poor  husband. 

Sfe'linut  n  aphelion. 

»ffabei  a  affable. 

»  ffab|e  vt  draw  off.    -ning  c  drawing  off. 

K'ffalb  n,  pi  s,  (f.  SH.  Uøoet*)  faU;  (Sfrucning) 
inclination,  decllvity,  slope.  faU;  (^bab  ber  ffllber 
af,  i  Ulm.)  refuse,  waste,  (eeb  Slagtn.)  offal(s), 
(i  $u#ljolbn.)  broken  victnals,  leavlngs  pi,  (i  en 
^ooe)  windfalls,  (af  IRetal)  refuse,  dross,  residue, 
scum;  (af  flæber)  cuttings;  ^  falling  off;  flat  for 
~!  nothing  off!  keep  her  to!  famle  -  t  S  folien 
pick  up  stioks  in  the  woods.  +H  ffalb|e  vi  fall 
off;  -en  o  emaciated;  J,  bære  .  carry  a  lee  helm; 
-enbe  a  (fflcunb)  shelving;  ^  declduous.  -en  e 
falling  off. 

9(  ffalbllbbnge  (i  «lm.)  refuse-heap,  scrap  pile; 
ardiæ  kltcnen-midden.  -gobtf  4,shaklngs.  -jorb 
fleld  remote  from  a  village.  -probnft,  -ftof 
residual  product.  -fotb  shed  grain.  -binfel 
angle  of  reflezlon. 

Stffalmet  a  faded. 

S'jfange  vt  b.  f.  f.  gibe  ftaitgfi,  fe  Sfangft. 

tt'ffarenbe  a  ©labft  *t  departure;  -  ©rebbe, 
Soingbe  latltude  from,  longitude  from. 

tt'ffnrt  e  departure.  setting  out  el.  off. 

9Tffar»|e  vt  decolour;  -enbe  a  decolorant,  . 
9Ribbel  decolorant;  -et  a  decolour  ed;  colonred. 

U'ffafe  or  (Xamr.)  round  off,  bevel. 

Stffatte  vt  draw  up,  compose,  indite,  word, 
couch.  -Ife  e  drawing  up  etc,  draught.  -Ifeft* 
maobe  c  s  ty  le,  composition. 

tø'ifebbe  vt  bind  into  skeins. 

Ø'ffebte  vt  scour,  get  off  the  grease. 

Vffe||e  vt  sweep  off,  -enbe  a  careless,  flippant, 
slighiing,  ca valler,    -ning  c  sweeplng  etc. 

Wffeft  c  -er  ezcitement;  emotion,  (flctrtere) 
passion;  tomme  i  .  become  ezcited,  (ftertere) 
lire,  fly  into  a  passion,  »atio'tt  c  affecta'tion. 
-e're  vt  affect'.  -e ret  a  affected.  -ion  c,  med 
affec'tion.    -ionfbeerbi  sentimental  value. 

Vffice're  vt  affect'. 

H  ffil|e  vt  burnish,  touch  up  (with  a  flle);  file 
off    -tng  c  filing  etc;  fåtlfpaanet)  filings  pi. 

8  fftnbe  fig  vr  compound,  make  a  composition, 
coine  to  an  agrecment,  come  to  terms  (meb 
with).  -(fe  c  composition,  agreement.  -lfeifnni 
sum  of  acquittance. 

8lffine'r|e  vt  redne,    -ing  c  rcfining. 

»  ffinite  t'  o  aOlnity. 

Vffire  vt  J,  ease  off;  .  et  Støbe  let  fly  a 
øheet;  -be  Stober  flowlng  sheets. 

M  f fiffe  vt  draw,  unstock  (a  pond);  —  vi  -.  b;ao  e 
•t  have  done  Hshing 

tK  ff  jete  vt  pluck  off  the  feathere  of,  displume; 
.  dampen  cushion  the  piston. 

91'fflaa  vt  flay,  skin;   flay  off. 

91'fjUab,  »fflob  n  draiuage;  discharge. 

«'ff!abe  vt  flatten. 




U'ffltjbe  vt  flow  off. 

fl'rftette  øl  cleave  off;  pare  off. 

Vffløbe  tt  skim  (off  tbe  cream  of). 

8'fføblre  rf  fodder,  feed;  m  »i  (abe  -t  we  have 
done  foddering,    -ring  c  -er  feeding. 

8'fføltle  r*  depopulate,  dispeople,  unpeople. 
-nina  c  depopulation. 

tt'fførb|rc  vt  (en  nt)  demand,  request,  require 
(st  from  one),  ask  (one  for  st  el.  at  of  one),  call 
upon  one  to  give,  show,  pay  st;  jeg  pol  lobe 
barn  bet  -  I  shall  send  to  him  for  it.  -ring  c 

W'fform|e  vt  form,  model,  shape,  fashlon, 
mould:  .  nt  i  SSoIft  take  the  cast  of  st  in  wax. 
-nfuø  o  -er  forming  etc. 

Stritte  el  (en  nt)  pump  (st)  out  of  (one). 

+ftffrøftt'  c  aflront. 

tt'ffrtjfc  vi  freeze  off;  bet  (ar  -o*fet  the  frost 
Is  over. 

8'1fud|lc  t<  defusel.    -Ung  c  defuseling. 

ttffutja'gc  c  (gun-)  earriage.  -c're  tf  place  in 

fc'ffljr|e  vt  fire,  let  off,  discharge,  -tag  c 
firing  etc. 

ft'ffalbig  fcflf.  fcffcel'big)  a  decaycd,  decrepit, 
inflrm,  breaking  up;  J,  fe  Bffalben.  -(eb  e  decay, 
inflrmity.  decrepitude. 

9'fftrrbige  vt  dispatch,  expedite,  send  off;  (en, 
flsbeftiøft  e.  t.)  put  el.  turn  ono  off,  dismfss, 
dispose  of.  *(fe  c  dispatching  etc,  dispatch; 

Bffa're  o  -r  (i  alle  JBet.)  affair;  gøre  gobe  -r 
make  a  good  thing  of  it;  toge  -  take  action, 
take  the  matter  in  band. 

S'ff«b|e  vt  give  rise  to.  -ning  c  -er  ofispring, 
progeny;  fig  outgrowth. 

9f flaget  part  =  føget  of,  fe  $(ge. 

+Uffø!ge  c  consequence. 

S'ftør|e  tt  (en  nt)  divest  (one  of);  -  bet  gatnle 
9Rrnnefte  put  off  the  old  man;  -  flg  divest  one's 
self  of,  pull  off,  put  off;  —  vi  purge;  -enbe  a 
aperlent,  evacuant,  cathartic;  -nbe  Vlibbel  ape- 
rient  etc.  -clfe  c  pulling  off  etc.  -ing  c  -er 
evacuatlon,  purgation,    -ivgftmibbrl  fe  -enbe. 

9'fgaa  vi  (brage  bort)  go,  set  off,  depart,  start, 
leave,  sail;  (fra  dm  bebe)  retire;  (frabraaefi)  be 
deducted;  -  beb  Søben,  die,  depart  this  li  fe; 
©rebet,  telegrammet  afgil  the  letter,  telegram 
wa8  sent;  -ebe  6!ibe  sallings,  departures;  bet 
•enbe  BRinifterium  the  outgoing  ministry;  J, 
-enbe  (om  Ørunb)  shelving,  ftærtt  -enbe  steep-to. 

fc'fgaug  c  setting  off  etc  (fe  obf.),  departurc; 
(fHffortninq)  sale;  (gormfobftelfe;  decrease,  abate- 
ment;  (af  en  ©an!e)  alope;  bøbeiig  -  decease,  (om 
ftbrfler)  demise;  .  fra  Sifter  og  SRanbtai  dis- 
engagement, expunction.  —  Bf ganget bcbld  dis- 
charge, -bag  day  of  departure  el.  sailing. 
•etdamen  fe  -prøve,  -(ab«  port  of  departure. 
-fiaftfe  flrst  class.  -matrle  J,  starting  post. 
•perron  departure  platform.  -|>ntttt  starting 
•point,  -brøbe  final  examination  (before  kaving 
school).  -ftbe  departure  side.  -fignal  starting 
-signal,  -ftatiøn  slation  of  departure.  -fieb,  -ttb 
place,  time,  of  taillng  (departure). 

ftf'gcnne  tt  chase  cl.  drive  away. 

ttfg(aujcr  c  -e  -ifl  a  Af  ghan.  -iftatt  n  Af- 

H'fgift  e  -er  (fieje  ofb)  rent;  (Stat,  Zolb  of») 
tax,  impost,  duty.  Sfgtftg|frt  a  rent-firee.  duty 
-free.  -frit  adv  free  of  rent  el.  duty.  -frtøcb 
exemption  from  rent  el.  duty.  -pligtig  a  liable 
to  rent  el.  duty;  ben  -e  2onftbragtig(eb  the  regi- 
ster tonnage. 

tt'fgitre  tt  lattice  off. 

«'fgi»|e  vt  (»be)  yield,  produce;  (oflebere)  de- 
liver,  hånd,  render,  give  up;  -  fcolt,  €olbater 

furnish  men,  soldiers;  Irarlene  blebe  -ne  til  et 
anbet  Regiment  the  men  were  draughted  into 
another  regiment  -  en  (fritering,  ©etctntmng 
make  a  declaration,  give  an  opinion;  ~  et  ftrrt> 
deliver,  drop,  leave,  a  letter;  -  et  ©ebift  furnish 
a  proof;  -  ftn  Stemme  vote,  give  one's  suffrage; 
bette  &oIt  -er  gobe  Solbat  er  makes  good  soldiers; 
+  -  fig  meb,  fe  Gire  ftg  af.  -clfe,  4  -ning  c  yield- 
ing  etc. 

Hf  gjort  o  liked,  made  much  of;  —  part  (fe 
Wgørrj;  -  ©t»(eb  absolute  oertainty;  -  Jtrnbf* 
gerning  positive  faet;  -  ftjenbe  declded  enemy- 
•  Shanler  confirmed  drunkard;  anfe  for  .  take 
for  granted;  brrmeb  er  brn  Sag  -  and  toere" s 
an  end  of  it;  (and  Sfctbne  er  -  his  fiste  is 

S'fglané  c  reflectlon,  resplendence;  bihl  £ct< 
ligbeben«  .  the  brightness  of  his  glory. 

S'fgfaSIfe  tt  dhitrify.  -ning  cdevitriflcation. 

9l'fgUt|te  vt  smooth,  polith.  -sting  c  [-er 

1«  fgnaøe  tt  nibble  off. 

Ø'fgttab|e  vt  gnaw  off.    -tting  c.  gnawing  off. 

»fgnible  tf  (bortgnibc)  xub  off;  (rengøre)  rub 
up.  tlean  by  rubbing.   -ttittg  c  -er  rubbing  etc. 

Vl'fgrab  e  vt  graduale,    -nfnfl  c  graduation. 

91 'f grat)  e  rf  spade,  pare  off  with  a  spade; 
level  (with  the  ground);  ie  KfgTøfte;  .  et  Sle! 
mark  off  a  boundary  by  a  ditch;  .  en  Øa  di\  ert 
the  course  of  a  stream;  .  en  ©ej  dig  a  ditch 
across  a  road.    -ning  e  spadlng  etc. 

V'fgrnnb  o  -e  abyss,  gulf,  precipice;  (an  ub< 
tørrebe  -enl  JBonbc  he  dried  the  walers  of  the 
great  deep;  ber  bar  mørft  obenober  -en  darknets 
was  upon  the  face  of  the  deep;  fip  f$orbcerbeIfcn< 
.  the  gulf  of  destruction.  ttfgrntibi|brcb,  -ronb 
fe  Wcinb. 

afgrotnfle  vt  bound,  mark  the  boundary  of. 
-ning  c  bounding  etc. 

81'fgrafife  vt  graze  off. 

91'fgrøbe  c  -r  crop,  produce,  production. 

H'fgrøft|e  vt  ditch  off,  trench  off.  -ning  c 
ditebing  etc. 

tt'fgnb  c  -er  false  god,  idol.  fcfgnbrri'  n  idol- 
atry;  bribe  -  meb  Idolize,  idolatrize.  tlfguberiff 
ci  idolatrous. 

9'fgubdlbiQcbe  idol.  -bbrfclfe  idolatry,  wor- 
ship  of  idols,  -bijrfer  idolater,  worshlpper  of 
idols,  -b&rlertttbe  idolatress.  -øffer  idolatrous 
sacriflce.  'ptttft  idol  priest.  -tempel  idolatrous 
temple.  -tjener  fe  -bt)rfer.  -tfencfte  worship  ot 

Hl'fgbbe  tt  pour  off. 

«  fg«rb|e  vt  fence  off.    -tting  c  fencing  off. 

8'fggre  vi  cease  fermenting. 

tt'fgøre  tt  (fulbenbe)  finish;  (beftemme)  deoiric, 
(OTbne;  betale)  settle;  part  afgjort,  fe  oof.  -Ifc  c 
-r  finishing;  decision,  settlement;  minbelig  - 
oompromise.  -nbe  c  .  Xone  decided,  peremp- 
tory,  dogmatical  tone;  .  Slog,  6bor  decisive, 
conclusive,  final,  battle,  answer;  ~  ©igtig(eb  vital 
importance;  ben  -  Stemme  the  casting  vote  el. 
voice;  i  bet  -  picblit  at  the  critical  moment;  - 
$røbe  crucial  test;  .  for  conclusive  of. 

&  ff)*ar|e  tt  unhair.  -ing  e  unhairing,  depi- 

%'f(age  vt  unhook. 

*  fbotte  vt  hack  off,  (meb  tterb)  peck  off. 

tTf(anb|le  vt  treat  of,  discuss.  -Ung  c  -er 
discussion;  concr  trcatise,  essay,  dissertation; 
(fort,  gubelig)  tract. 

Hfbarbe  vt  harrow  off. 

t9'(ar»e,  Sf(ag!e  vt  hull,  husk. 

9Tf(a£b|e  vt  wind  off,  (ogfoo  fig)  reel  off. 
-wing  c  Winding  etc. 

Ø'f(eg(e  øc  hackle  out. 



Wftpcø«fc  «l  hedg©  off,  fence  off.  -ing  c 
hedging  etc;  arner  incloaure. 

tt'ftcntc  vt  call  for.  go  for,  fetch;  lob«  -  send 
for;  $otter  -#  oberalt  i  roen  parcels  collected  in 
all  parts  of  the  town.    -lfe  o  calllng  etc. 

tl'fWofre  fe  af  jafte. 

tt'fijan|lc  vt  certify  by  oath.  -Ung  o  certifying 

trøl«l»l«  ot  (et  Cnbe)  remedy,  set  (to)  right; 
(State,  ftloge)  redress;  (røangel,  Xrang)  supply, 
rettere,  meet.  -eltf  a  remediable,  -ning  c 
remedy  log  etc. 

ft'tøølb  n  fe  -tik;  -en!>eb.  —  aftolb|e  t>l  (en  fru 
nt)  prevent,  binder,  withbold,  restraln  one, 
hold  el.  keep  one  back,  from  et;  .  Rorfomlinger, 
Weber  o.  I.  bold  assemblies,  meetings  etc;  - 
CmtoDtiinflerne  defray  the  expenses;  —  vr  fig 
fra  abstain  from,  forbear;  .  fig  fro  at  forbear  to, 
refrain  from  -ing;  fan  be  file  ~  fig.  ba  gifte  be  fig 
Ml  if  tbey  cannot  rontain,  let  tbem  mariy 
-etfe  c  prevention,  bindrance  etc.  -en(be)  o  (i 
SRob  og  $rilte)  abstemious,  abstinent;  (i  ftønS« 
iitjbeifej  continent.  «cnl;cb  c  abstemiousnesK, 
abttinence,  abstention;  <ontinence.  -cntyeøå« 
fetflob  Teetotal  Society.  -ning  c  4,  beaiing  off. 
—  *ttftøl9i|føreninø  Tcuotal  Society.  »man* 
teetotaller,  total  abstain  er. 

tt'ftølbt  a  liked,  popular,  In  favour,  a  favou- 
rite;  itte  «.  disliked,  unpopular;  airget  -  af  a 
gteat  iavourite  with 

&'ftnb|e  vt  flsy,  ^in.    -niti g  c  flaying  etc. 

*'ft»«§g|e  tf  cut  (off),  c  bop  off;  <Zrce)  All, 
cut  down;  t  (Ghaø)  cut;  _  eiiø  $obeb  strike  el. 
cut  off  onc's  head.  -ning  c  cuttingetc.  -nittøØ 
flabe  cut. 

*&'ftnfet  o  J,  unbooked,  (om  Wor)  unshippcd. 

•«'ft«l  «  fe  affrop. 

afbbttéfe  tt  grind  off,  whet  off. 

afb&(|le  tf  uncover,  unveil.  -ning  c  uncover- 
ing  etc.    -ftre  vt  uncover. 

ft'flttla  n  slope. 

*  ft*lb|e  ti  pour  off.    -ning  c  pouring  etc. 

afbørnb|e  tt  dispose  of,  make  over.  alienate. 
ttfbfltttbelig  a  alienable.  Støiniaeltfltcb  a  aliena- 
bility.    Kfqambelfe  c  alieaation,  dfeposal. 

+tt'f|otng  n  slope. 

tt'fljamg|e  vi  .  of  depend  on,  +  hang  upon. 
-iø  o  dependent  (af  on);  -e  af  ftberanbre  (mutu- 
ttlly)  interdependent.  »mib  c  dependence.  -ig- 
iKbftfarbolb  position  of  dependence.  -tgljebétil' 
ftønb  slate  of  dependence. 

*'fll#r|e  tt  hear,  examine.  -rtfe,  -ing  c  heal- 
ing, examination. 

U'ffcøfle  tf  reap,  barvcst;  —  vi:  %ax  -t  has  done 

tt'fbaalle  t(  plane  (6i»ooib);  plane  off,  away; 
jfc  polish.    -Hug  c  -er  planing  etc;  polishing. 

^afiltie  tt  deoxidate.    -ning  o  deoxidalion. 

flfife  vt  clear  from  ice. 

tt'f  jage  m .-  bar  «t  bas  done  shooting  el.  hunting. 
+&f  jeget  pot  f  knocked  up,  jaded. 

ft'fiafle  vt  slur  over,  perform  carelessly,  scamp; 
-t  (om  Jtfaber)  shabby,  the  worse  for  wear. 

ft'ftalfr  »,  pi  **,  renunciation,  release,  quit- 
claim;  gøre  el.  gire  -  paa  give  up,  relinquish 
(one'a  cfaim  to),  walve,  (ftriftlig)  sign  away. 

tt'ffønt  e  -er  secluded,  sequestered  spot. 

af  tante  vi  plane  the  edges  of. 

&ff*»|ftc  tt  cut  (off),  lop  (off).  -aing  c  -er 
cotting  etc. 

tt'ftoftfe  vt  fe  Jtafle  af;  (inbbringe)  yield,  pro- 
duce;  taget  bleø  -t  af  6lormen  the  house  was 
unroofed  by  the  storm,  -  en  gførbe  throw  el. 
flirg  off  a  burden;  .  tlaget  shake  off  the  yoke. 
-clfe  e  throvring  off  etc.    -»ing  c  b.  f.;  yield, 

pi  OU  Li. 

Hf  file  of  wedge  off;  (flatte)  wedge  up;  (ffcere 
i  ftilet)  cut  in  wedges;  .  et  6tt)!te  »tsb  cut  off 
a  big  slice. 

g'time  vt;  bet  ^ar  -t  the  bella  have  ceased  to 

9rfllafi|*e  ti,  faa  t  have  done  applauding. 
-ninfl  c  (<E!I.  af  dnbffrift)  squeeze. 

tl'ftlare  r*  clear,  defecate,  (Bin)  flue,  clarify; 
-t  6mar  clarifled  butter. 

»f florere  fe  marcre. 

8  ftlaft  n,plm*t  clicbé.  -ninø  0  cliché-castlng, 

Sftlrmme  vt  plnch  el.  squeeze  off;  squeeze 

g'ftfi|>|*e  tt  clip.  shear,  cut  off,  gaa  tneb  tort 
-t  <>aor  wear  one's  hair  cloae  cut.  -«lng  e  -er 
clipping  etc;  ccncr  cu tting,  clippings. 

É'ftlffbe  tf  undress,  strip,  unrope,  disrobe; 
Jz  (Xod)  take  off  the  service  of;  fig  expose, 
make  an  exhibition  of,  demolish.  -nlng  c  -er 
undrefsing  etc:  exposure,  demollshing. 

*  ftlabe  vt  cleave  off. 

fil'frna^e  vt  pinch  off,  retrench;  -  i  deduct 
from;  b,an  -be  mig  min  fim  he  diminlshed,  les- 
sened  (P  bweatea)  my  wages;  .  enl  ftofl  stlnt 
one  in  his  meals.    -Ife  o  -r  pinching  etc. 

affnibe  tt  fe  nftlemme,  aflnop^. 

V'ftntiae  fe  Uf  prelle. 

8'ftvfftte  tt  break  off. 

ftf'toble  t(  (^unbr)  unleash,  uncouple,  slip; 
(£mp.)disconnect.  -linøSinbretning  dlsconnect- 
ing  gear.    •ningømuffe  disconnecting  strap. 

W'f tog  [oo]  n,  pi  **,  decoction.  affogje  vt 
(ubtoge)  boil  out;  (inbToge)  boil  down;  (raa  6ilte) 
ungum;  (Toge  tilflrælfelig)  boil;  pkarm  decoct;  — 
vi  cease  boiling.  -tting  c  -er  boiling  etc;  de- 

aftom  [fort  aa)  n  (t  c)  issue,  offbpring,  pro- 
geny:  bin  -  bii  jeg  air*  bette  fianb  bibl  unto  thy 
beed  will  I  give  thfs  land. 

a  ftobiere  vt  copy,  transcribe  (efter  from). 

•  fforte  vt  abridge,  abbreviate,  shorten;  (af* 
brage)  deduct,  curtail,  retrench;  -  en  nt  i  fyra* 
fian  diminish,  lessen,  curtail,  one's  wages;  .  et 
S3ff»fl  shorten  a  visit;  -  r  t  ftegle  truncated  cone. 
-elfe,  -tting  c  -tt  abridging  etc;  abrfdgment, 
abbreviation;  deduction,  curtailment.  -aingd^ligt 

affofte  [6]  vt  brush. 

aftrablbe  ti  rase.    -ning  c  rasing. 

aftrabfle  vt  scrape  el.  scratch  off.  -ntng  o 
acraping  etc. 

a-ffrebfe  [é]  fe  afcirfle. 

af  fribte  vt  chalk  off,  line, 

a'flrige  vt  en  nt  despoil  one  of  st  by  war; 
—  vi  ceaie  flghtlng. 

a'ftriftne  vt  dechristianize,  unchristianize. 

a'ftrof  [aa]  c  nook,  (by-;corner,  by-place, 

a'ftrtifte  vt  preas  el.  squeeze  out  of. 

a'f  ir*ft|e  tt  weaken,  enfeeble,  eneryate;  (©eoi* 
o.  I.)  weaken  (the  force  of),  invalidate.  -cife  o 
deblllty,  enervaiion,  enfeeblement,  exhaustion; 
invalidation.  -et  o  weakened  etc,  exbauated, 

aftr«ng|c  tt  pull  el.  strip  off  (by  turning 
inside  out),    -ning  o  pulling  etc. 

af  trane  vt  fe  afforbrc. 

affnflle  ti  decarbonize;  fe  aftrtbte.  -ing  o 
decarbonization . 

aftbifie  vt  lop  off  branches  of. 

a  f tuitte  ti  deduct,  set  off,  credit. 

+«'ftttfe  ti,  fe  afftrætie. 

+&'ftnøfe  vt  kiss  away. 

aftotmme  vt  comb  off;  mil  shoot  off  (the 
parapet);  -t  ^oar  combingi. 




«'f t$bt  vt  buy,  purchase  of  el.  from;  +  «  en 
buy  one  off. 

9ft*t|e  v(  cool,  refrigerate;  (i  $*)  ice;  .  fin 
©rebe  cool  one's  anger;  -H  cool.  -elfe  e  fe  -ing. 
ftffølrmaffine,  Bftaier  e  -e  refrigerator.  %f> 
tal  |  ing  o  coollng  (down),  refrlgeration,  chilling. 
-ingdffabe  coollng  surfaoe.  -tngtnanb  coollng 
water.    8ft*Hng8»øgn  refrigerator  car. 

*  ftøre  vt  overdrive  (a  horse). 
H  ftaaf e  vt  lock. 

fc'flab  n(Cpbør)  cessation,  intermlsslon;  (6anbt* 
for  label  (c)  indulgence. 

9  flabe  ri  anload  (a  gun);  let  go  the  charge 
of  (a  Leyden  jar);  (Sarer)  shlp;  fe  £o*fe. 

9 'flabe  vi  fra  leave  off;  -  (meb)  at  cease  ing. 
•Ife  e  cessation,  intermlsslon;  uben  -  without 

9Tflab|er  c  -e  snipper,  frelghter,  consigner. 
-ning  c  shipping;  fe  £o3ning. 

8 flab9[aflr  year  of  jubllee.  -breb  letter  of 
in dulgence.  -Ijanbel  sale  of  indulgeucei.  -tr*m> 
mer  seller  of  Ind  u  Igen  ces.    -penge  shrove  money. 

41  flagre  vt  store;  -be  Cigarer  (o.  fl.)  well  sea- 
soued  cigars. 

9  flagt  fe  «flægge. 

SCftanbØnittb  c  offshore  wind. 

91'flang  a  oblong.    -rnnb  oval. 

ft'jlabe  adv  fe  iiooe. 

9('jleb|e  vt  draw  el.  tura  off,  turn  away; 
(Manier;  Spflbomme)  divert;  (Banb  o.  I.)  carry  off. 
(iionei)  conduct;  (Drb)  derive;  -enbe  TO  t  bl  er  med 
derivatives,  cou mer- irri tants,  -er  c  -e  conductor. 
-et  i  mui  derivative,  -  Orb  derivative,  formatlve; 
-  lattart  compound  time.  -ning  c  -er  turning 
off  etc.;  derivatlou;  teleg  d.,  partial  earth,  faulty 
insulation;  fe  -et  Orb.  -ningttanal  drain.  -nittø8< 
rør  discharge  pipe.  -ningdtegn  accldental.  -d- 
enbelfe  derivative  el.  formatlve  termiuatlon  el. 
ending.  -éorb  derivative,  formatlve.  -itone 
ch  ro  mat  le  tone. 

tt'fleje  vi  en  nt  hlre  st  of  one. 

3Tflefr|e  vt  deposlt  (strata,  layers);  .  ftg  settle, 
form  layers.    -tog  c  -ec  stratlflcatlon. 

*  flette  vt  lift  off. 

9  nene  vi  ban  bar  -t  he  is  no  more. 

£  fleber|e  vt  deliver,  leave;  -  et$reopaa  $oft< 
bulet  deliver,  leave  el.  drop  a  letter  at  the  post. 
•ing  c  -er  delivery. 

2rfUbe  vi  pass,  elapae,  af  leben  fe  tffoigt. 

9('fUggen|be  a  re  mole,  sequestered,  out  of  the 
wsy.    +-(jeb  c  remoteness. 

S'flign|e  vt  adjust;  .  et  ftegnflab  balance  an 
account.    -Inø  c  -er  adjusting  etc. 

8  flinier|e  vt  rule.    -inø  c  ruling. 

91  flire  vt  fig  grind,  rehearse. 

9f  flifte  vt  en  nt  obtaiu  st  from  one  by  arti- 
fice,  trick  one  out  of  st;  -  en  en  Qemmeligbeb 
worm  el.  flsh  a  6ecret  out  of  one. 

SC'flibe  vt  put  to  death,  deprlve  of  li  fe,  slay, 
murder;  -  fig  make  away  wiili  one  s  self, 
destroy  one's  eelf.  -Ife  c  putting  to  death,  slay- 
ing.  murder. 

91  fløbjbr  vt  (afbele)  parcel  out,  partition;  & 
sound,    -ning  c  parcel  1  ing  etc. 

fl  flot  fe  vt  eoax  el.  whcedle  out  of,  draw  from. 
•br  barn  Zaarer  drow  teare  from  his  eyes;  .  en 
en  Sitftaaelfe  eticit  a  confesiion  from  one. 

ti  flod]  fe  vt  unload.    -ninø  c  un  load  ing. 

ttfluge  vt  «Bcot4)  weed  out;  (©eb)  weed.  -ninø 
c  weeding. 

91  flntjfr  vt  ($ør  o.  1)  lock;  (afpille )  partition 
off;  (oeb  ®ærbej  fence  in;  (røej)  stop,  bar.  -te  « 
-r  cloiet;  Onbbegning)  enclosure.  -ninø  c  locking 

STftare  vt  en  nt  find  out  (by  wat?hing  one). 

91  flntre  et  clarify,  reflue.  -rinø  cclarilieation. 

K  fføb  c  modiflcaUon  of  the  radlcal  vowel, 

%  flttf  |e  vt  proclalm;  revoke;  Qagtterrain)  pro* 
teet,  fence;  -  en  $aateobliøation  canoel  a  mort- 
gage  (legally  notified);  —  vn  ber  ble*  -fl  for  beai 
the  bans  were  pub  lis  hed  for  the  last  time.  -ninø 
e  proclamation;  revocation;  protectJon;  can- 

S  flftøløe  vt  (lægge  fra  fig)  lay  down,  put 
down,  put  off;  (henlægge)  put  by,  lay  aslde; 
(lægge  for  Sagen)  exhibit,  evioce,  display;  (lønne; 
reward,  remunerate;  (paa  ftorr)  lay  out;  (planter) 
lay,  layer;  (Sier)  hive;  typ  distrlbute,  .  en  ©em- 
ning  om  give  (In)  a  report  of;  .  en  et  Øeføg 
pay  one  a  visit;  fe  (Eb;  -  en  ftorflaring  make  a 
deposition;  -  Stort  bo*  en  leave  a  card  at  one's 
house;  •  et  Softe  make  a  vow:  -  fiøftet  (om 
boniter)  take  the  vows;  -  bet  gamle  9ceanef!e  put 
off  the  old  man;  .  en  $r*be  paa  give  a  proof 
of;  -  fHegnftab  give  in  el.  pa<*s  one's  accounts; 

-  Sorgen  leave  off  mournlng;  .  fin  Xaffigeife 
offer  thanks;  .  en  Xilfiaaeife  make  a  confeasion; 
.  en  Bane  leave  off  el.  unlearn  a  habit,  .  «ibne»- 
bprb  bear  witness  (om  to);  gobr,  baarltg«  aflagt 
well,  ill,  paid;  aflagte  frisbee  cast  off  el.  left  off 
clothes.  -gelfe  c  laying,  paying  etc.  -ger  c  -e 
cutting,  layer.  -ning  e  la  ye  ri  ug,  propagation 
by  layers;  tup  distribution.  -9  a  antiquated, 
wom  oat,  behind  the  time,  out  of  date. 

K'ftenfe  vt  un chain. 

aflocre  vt  (afrette)  tral  o;  -  en  nt  lejkrn  st 
from  one  (by  looking  on);  —  vi.  ban  bac  -rt  he 
has  served  his  time. 

V  flttfie  vt  read  off,  ($4nteo6Ugatton)  fe  Vflbfe. 

—  vi  ban  bar  -ft  he  has  done  reading.  -ning 
[langt  æj  reading  etc. 

«  flæéjfe  vt  unload,  discharge,  -ning,  -felfe  c 

*  flsb  n,  pi  =,  flowlngef.  runuingoff,  (Stebet) 
outlet;  (Stefultat)  result;  ftaffe  Sanbet  -  open  a 
passage  el.  an  outlet  to  the  water.  K'ftøte  vt 
run  off;  (meb  $il)  smooth:  —  vi  fe  £sbe  af  +  = 
ubløbe;  cease  runulng.  Øfl^berfnib  (Sfom.)  cir- 
cular  knife.    Xfl^bning  o  4,  launch. 

X'fløbningf  | iaaé  4,  dog-shore.  -pnber,  -fliffer 
J,  bilgeways.  -flæber  J,  slidlngs-ways.  -ft«tter 

H'f!øo*|gr«ft,  -fanal  drain.  -|nl  tap-hole. 
•tran  escape  valve.  -renbe  gutter,  -rør  waste 
plpe.    -tnb  spojt. 

fVfløb  [fort  e]  c  staln,  piebaldness. 

«  flsftc  vt  lift  off 

Ufl*n!ne  vt  pay  (off;.  -ning  c  paying;  pay, 

9  fløfje  vt  (løft)  unloose,  loosen,  untie;  (Sagt, 
HrbcjDo  relieve;  (lien De)  commute;  t  (af  ©anb) 
absolve;  fio  (felge  paa)  succeed,  dlsplaoe,  follow; 
J,  ~  'Bagten  set  the  watcb,  spell.  er-  o  -e 
reliever,  successor,  -ning  c  loosening  etc.;  relief, 
commutation;  t  (ttbfolution)  absolution,  -ningt 
tib  time  of  reliet. 

fl'fløøe  vt  strip  off  the  leaves  of,  unleave. 

Ø'fmaalie  vt  measure  (off).  fin  (afpaøie)  sait, 
adapt,  accommodate;  -  en  iieic  mark  out  a  cunp. 
•ing  e-ecmeasuringete;  measurement.  S'fmaalt 
a  ineAsured,  precise,  formal;  meb  -e  Sfribt  with 
measure  l  steps,    ^fmaoltbeb  o  formality. 

91  f  mag  i  re  vt  emaciate.    -ring  c  emaclatlon. 

H  f magt  c  feebieuess,  debility,  impoteuce; 
(33ejbimelte)  a  svvoou,  a  faint,  med  a  syncope; 
falbe  i  .  fall  in  to  a  swoon. 

91  final j c  (ogfaa  fig)  paint,  portray,  picture, 
depict,  jig  deiiueate.  -ing,  -ning  c  paintiug  etc; 

t»'f malte  vt  mllk  dry.  —  vi  ban  bac  -t  he  has 
done  milkiug. 




+0  fmonbe  vt  unman.    -Ife  o  unmannlng. 
+Ø'fntane  vt  diaauade. 

Ø'fntartt  e  marchiog  off,  march,  departure. 
-ere  v»  march  (off),  depart. 
^Øfntorne  vt  enervate. 
*0'fm*fte  vt  unmask;  ~  fig  unmaak. 
0  ftnafle  vt  dlamaat. 

Øf  matte  tt  exhauat.    -Ife  c  exhauaiion. 
Ø'fmejje  vt  reap,  cut  down.    -ning  c  reaplng 


ØfnteJIMcvtchlseloff;  (gattern.)  anhalr.  -Ung 
c  chiseling  off;  unhairing. 

Øfmelbe  vt  recall,  revoke,  put  off.  -fe  c  -r 

♦0  fmette  fe  Øimane. 

Ø'f  nuegtiga  (ItaftU*)  powerleaa,  Impotent;  (fraø) 
faint,  feeble,  weak;  blive  .  (befbime)  falnt,  go 
into  a  flt;  were  -  be  In  a  fewoon,  be  in  a  falnt- 
i  nt?  tit.    -beb  c  impotence. 

Ø'fm<erf|e  vt  mark  out,  off;  ^  beaoon.  -ni ag 
c  toarking  etc. 

0  fnwnft|re  vt  diacharge,  pay  off.  -ring  c 
discharge,  -rtngdbag  day  or  discharge. 

31  fnagte  vt  unnatl. 

0  fnaffe  vt  cut  off  the  head  of  (flab). 

Øf  noppe  vt  pluck  off. 

tø  fnege  fe  Opnege. 

Ø'ffnøpipe  vt  burl.    -ning  c  burling. 

Ø'fnnbe  vt  extort  from,  force  from;  bet  -r  oø 
Seunbring  it  compela  our  admiration. 

Øforid  |me  c  -r  aph'orism.  -tiff  o  aphoris'tic. 

0  fpouei|e  vt  board  off.    -tag  c  boarding  off. 

Ø'fpnnt|e  vt  -  en  ban«  ©ienbele  seize  el.  distrain 
a  peraon'a  gooda  (for  debt).  -ning  c  aeizure, 

Ø'fpnrerje  vt  parry.    -ing  e  parrying. 

Ø'fparrle  vt  pair  (off).    -ing  c  pairing. 

*'tø**lf*  vt  adapt,  sult,  flt,  ad  just;  propor- 
tion; bu  funbe  ilte  babe  -t  Xiben  bebre  you  could 
not  have  timed  your  visit  better;  -fet  Kjole 
dress  piece  with  trimmings  attached;  -febe  ©et« 
mttttt  napkina  In  the  piece.  -ning  c  adaptation. 
au  i  Ung  etc. 

0  fpejlje  vt  J,  aet.    -ing  o  setting. 

*  fpenne  vt  thln. 

-0  fpenøle  vt  paint,  pendl. 

0  fpcrf|e  vt  pre&s  out,  squeeze  out.  -ning  c 
-er  pre«ing. 

Øf  pibe  vt  (3agt)  algoal  one  to  move. 

Ø'fpifte  vt  tap  off,  peck  off. 

0  fptfl  e  vt  pluck  off,  pick  off,  peel  off.  -et 
a   mager)  emaciated,  thln.   -ing  c  plucking  etc. 

0  fptmpe  vi:  bar  -t  has  done  tippling. 

Ø'fpimøe  vt  pumicate. 

0  fpine  vt  en  nt  torture  one  out  of  at,  extort 
st  from  one. 

Ø'fplffe  vt  (nt)  whip  off;  (en)  whlp  soundly. 
-et  fig  diluted,  wishy-washy,  watery. 

Øf  plante  vt  partition  off  with  planka. 

Øf  platte  vt  natten 

Ø'fpluf  n  picking.  -fe  vt  pick  off,  pluck  off. 
-ning  c  plucking  etc. 

*  Tplpnblre  vt  (ubplonbre)  plunder,  pillage;  ~ 
en  ut  plunder  one  of  at     -ring  c  piuudering. 

0-fplej|e  vt  plough  off;  —  vi  -.  bo  c  -et  has  done 
pl<»ughing.    -ning  c  ploughing  off. 

0  fpotere  vt  polish,  burnlah.  -ing  c  poliahing 

0  fpoftje  vt  pump  off.    -ning  c  pumping  off. 

Øf  pramme  vt  discharge  from  a  lighter;  d.  in 

Ø'fpreBing  c  -er  rebound. 

0  fprentle,  -ning  fe  Øfprajge. 

9  fpreé|fe  «t  preaj  out,  squeeze  out;  fig  en 
*t  extort,  force,  wring  at  from  one.  -ning  c 
l'^iing  etc.;  ex  tortion. 

0  fprtfl  te  vt  dotCoff,  prick  off;  &  beaeon. 
-ning  c  dotting  etc 

S  fproplpe  vt  bottle.    -ning  c  bottling. 

Ø'fprøtf|e  vt  dlsmount,  uniimber,  take  from 
the  limbera.    -ning  c  dismounting  eto. 

Ø'fprntte  vt  beat  down,  cheapen;  labe  fifl  - 
abate;  -  10  £>re  (i  $rifen)  beat  down  el.  cheapen 
the  price  (by)  10  ore;  ban  laber  flg  intet  ~  he 
will  not  submit  to  any  abatement,  fig  he  will 
not  abate  one  jot  (of  hia  demand  el.  1.) 

V  fpr&glje  vt  drub  soundly,  cudgel.  -ing  c 

0  fprceg  n,  pi  es,  lmpresaion,  lmpress,  stamp, 
-e  vt  lmpress,  imprlnt,  Btamp.  -ning  c  impresa- 
ing  etc;  lmpresaion. 

Øf  prate  vt  en  nt  talk  one  out  of  at;  —  vi- 
bat  -t  has  done  prosing  el.  sermoulzlng. 

K'fpnbfle  vt  (pubfe)  clean,  polish,  flnlsh,  (9Jcur) 
dress,  rough-coat;  (faa  bort)  clean  off,  rub  off. 
-ning  c  cleaning  etc. 

+S  fpnfle  vt  fe  Øftrobfe. 

Ø'fpuntpje  vt  pump  off.   -ning  o  pumping  off. 

0  fpufte  vt  blow  off. 

Øfpocgle  vt  measure  by  half-plnts. 

«  [palle  vt  (afbele)  pale  off;  (afmcerte,  ogfaa  fiø) 
stake  out:  ($runb)  pile.    -ing  c  -ec  paling  eto. 

+a  fraabe  vt  dissuade  (fra  from). 

S  fraabne  vi  rot  off. 

8'frag|e  vt  Bhave  off;  *  rake  off.  -ning  c  shav- 
ing  etc. 

»  frotte  vt  wear  out;  -t  worn  out,  ahattered, 
flhabby;  .  en  handle  one  roughly;  fe  Katte  neb. 

9f 'tante  et  cut  ofl  the  tendrils  el.  runners  of. 

*  f  rafe  vi  spend  one' s  fury,  exhaust  one's 

vt'frafple  vt  rasp  off.  -ning  c  rasplng  off; 
eoner  raspings. 

Øf  rebe  vt  measure  with  a  rope.  -ning  c 
measurement  etc. 

91  f rebe  vt  comb  off;  -bt  fyaaz  combings. 

K  fregne  vt  bet  bar  -t  it  raina  no  more. 

91 'f regn |  e  vi  a?ttle  accounte.  -ing  c  settllng 
of  account,  flaal  accounts;  fip  gøre  -  meb  en 
quit  scores  with  one.   -ingétyud  clearing-house. 

91  f rejfe  vt  chamfer. 

Kf rejfe  vi  depart,  start,  aet  out,  leave  (ttl 
for)     ftfrejfe  c  departure. 

JCf renf|e  et  clean  off,  (cenfe)  clean,  purify, 
cleanse.    -ning  c  cleaning  etc. 

9tfretlte  et  irain,  (6cft)  break  in;  (ftanon)  dis- 
part;  (9Rur)  level;  (Vtetalarb.)  adjust;  (tømmer) 
side.  -ning,  »telfe  c  training  etc.  -ningdpagfer 
protractor.  -ningØplobe  (^ioeQ.)  slide-vaue.  -ter 
o  -c  trainer. 

91  f rebne  vi  crack  off,  buret  off. 

0  fribe  vt  en  Storm  ride  a  gale  out;  (en  $efx) 
override;  t  -  et  SRarlfM  settle  the  boundarles 
by  survey  on  horscback. 

Ø'fribg  npt=*,  sketch,  outline,  rough-draught, 
(mat.  og  anben  konturtegning)  diagram,  -e  vt 
sketch,  rough-draw  an  outline  of.  -ning  c 
sketching  etc;  fe  ttfetbe. 

91  f rigge  vt  unrig,  dismantle. 

» frtfa  n  Af'rica.  -ner,  -e,  -nerin be  c  -r, 
•'nff  u  Afrlcan.    -reffenbe  c  African  traveller. 

Øf  ringe  vt  call  off  by  a  bell.  —  vi  fe  Afrime. 

91  "f ringe  vt  (tage  flfting  af)  uuring. 

*9l  friøpe  vt  strip  off  (leaves  etc). 

»  fribc  vt  tear  off,  pull  off,  rend  off;  (paa 
SHioeiærn)  grate  off;  smooth  (a  wall),  strike  ia 
match),  grlud  (colours).  (meb  IRioe)  rake  off. 

Øf  røbe  vt  rummage  off. 

0  f roet  part :  er  .  has  rowed  off. 

0  frubjbe  vt  rub  off.    -ning  c  rubbing  off. 

0  frnQje  vt  unroll.    -ing  c  unrolling. 

Ø'frnnbc  vt  round  (off);  -et  iom  ©til)  well- 




rounded.    -ing  c  rounding.    . 

a  frnf!|e  t><  twltch,  shake,  Jerk,  off.  -ning  o 
twltching  etc. 

&'frnffte  v«  rust  off. 

afrufi|e  vi  disarm.  -ning  o  disarming,  dis- 
ann ament. 

a'frfejb  [fort  9]  n  clearings  pi;  (braget  gfober) 
leavlngs.  -le  vt  clear  off;  (rbbbe)  clear.  -ning 
c  clearing. 

V 'fru øje  t>t  evaporate;  (flbiffalb)  dry  off;  —  vi 
teaae  smoking,    -wing  e  evaporation. 

afrbf|fe  et  twltch  off,  pull  off.  -wing  c 
twltching  etc. 

*'frfcjfft|e  vt  shake  off.  -eCfe,  -»ing  c  shak- 
ing  off. 

a'frøge  tt  sxnoke  completely. 

affabl|e  [langt  a]  ve  unsaddle,  ofisadle.  -Ung 
c  unsaddllng. 

•affage  fe  affabe. 

ttt'ffagn  n  rumour. 

affagt  a  ~  Bfienbe  sworn  et.  declared  enemy. 

+&'ffantte  v(  gather  off. 

»fjante  tt  gather  (off),  glean. 

8'ffatft  c  -er  (troppe«)  landing(- place),  resting 
-place;  arck  break,  offset,  set  off;  ($at>e<)  terrace; 
j,  (paa  Øtunbtyolt)  stop,  (paa  Stapert)  step. 

affable  vt  saw  off.    -ntng  c  -er  sawlng  off. 

a'ffottn  fe  6abn. 

91'ffr  trt  do  without,  spare;  .  Hl  spare  for;  . 
tit  til  at  make  el.  find  time  to;  -et  fra  without 
taking  into  consideration;  independent  of,  apart 
from.  waivlng. 

fc'ffejlte  vi  sail;  —  tt  take  down  the  salls  of 
(a  wind-mill).  -ing  c  saillng;  fut  -en  before 
sailing.  -ingftflag  blue  peter.  -ingførbre  saillng 
orders  -ingefhtb  sailing  gun.  -ingftib  time 
of  sailing. 

a  ffroble  vt  send  (off),  (Shirer  o.  1.)  dispatch; 
(meb  6tt6)  ship;  (font  befulbmaatiget)  delegate. 
-elfe  e  sending,  -er  c  -e  sender,  dispatcher; 
(frøaber)  snipper,  -ing  c  fe  -elfe.  -Ing  c  -er 
memenger,  deputy,  envoy,  ambassador. 

afffbbe  vt  (©abe)  work  out. 

■♦fl'ffibe  c  secluded  spot.  affibeå  a  remote, 
retired,  out-of-the-way;  adv  aside,  apart. 

9'ffi,  '»'ffile  vt  strain  off;  (fle)  stralu.  -ning 
c  straining  (off). 

V 'flige  vt  (tilbagefa(be)  coun  termand;  (labe  faTr) 
renounce,  rellnquish.  abandon;  +  (gibe  affalb 
paa)  resign;  .  Som  give  ludgment,  pronounce 
el.  pass  sentence; -  Xibcfrtift  give  up;  ieg  bar  af- 
faat  bette  liMfrrift,  ©lab  I  have  witbdrawn  my 
subsciiption  from  tbis  journal,  discontinued  this 
newspaper,  I  don't  take  that  paper  in  any  more; 
fe  fcffagt.  -Cfe  c  countermanding,  renunciation; 
passlng.    faffigt  c  judgment. 

Mfflgil*  ti  sift  off.    -ning  c  sifting  (off). 

♦tf  fflt|e  fe  «fH. 

8'ffinb  n  madness.  af  fin  bi  g  a  insane,  mad, 
crazy,  (rafenbe)  frantlc,  (tun  om  ferfon)  distracted, 
cracked,  derang  ed,  out  of  one's  senses;  en  -  a 
maniac,  lunatic;  blibe  .  go  mad;  gare  _  drive 
to  madness;  —  aav  insanelv,  frantlcally.  af  fin* 
biøbcb  c  insanity,  frenzy,  derangement,  lunacy. 

V'ffibe  vi  ooze  out;  vt  drain.  -ning  e  oozing 
etc.    -utngfgraft  draln. 

ft'ffittlet  a  exanimate,  lifelesa. 

a'fflafle  vt  aboli»h,  do  away  wlth,  dlscontinue, 
abrogate.  -etfe  c  abolishing  etc,  abolition,  abro- 
gation,  eztinctlon. 

ft'fffage  vt  en  talje  fleet  a  tackle. 

autorite  vt  slope,  slant,    -ning  c  doping. 

affrallle  vt  k  %  peel  el.  scale  off.  -Ung, 
-ning  e  peeling  (off);  tned  deøquamation. 

a'ffTab  ti  sciapings  pi  -e  rt  scrape  off.  -ntng 
c  acraping  off. 

atfteb  c  (ftorbe!)  leave;  (Wfffebifldfe) dismls&al, 
dismission,  discharge;  (fribi&ig)  retlrement,  resig- 
nation; tage  ~  meb  el.  fra  take  leave  of;  beb  -ea 
at  the  leave-taking;  omfabne  ril  »  embrace  at 
parting;  brifle  et  Ola*  fammen  til  -  drink  a  part- 
ing glas  together;  rejfe  uben  -  take  French  leave; 
Ribe  ~  discharge,  dtaniss,  p  give  the  sack.:  taqt 
n  -  retire  (from  offlce1,  resign  (one's  offlce  , 
leave  service,  (om  Officerer)  throw  up  one's  coin- 
mission;  forlange  fin  .  tender  el.  give  in  one's 
resignation;  fjan  ljar  faaet  fin  -  he  has  beea 
plaoed  on  the  retired  list,  i  9taabe  he  has  retired 
with  his  sovereign's  Ikvour,  i  Unaabe  he  has 
been  dismissed  in  disgrace,  Joe  paa  graat  fJapir 
he  has  been  turned  away  with  scant  ceremony, 
has  got  the  sack;  Officer,  fom  fcr  taget  .  retired 
cl.  (paa  ©runb  af  tl(ber)  superannuated  officer. 
9f ffrbige  vt  dismiss,  discharge,  discord,  joc  give 
the  sack,  amr  quit,  (Golbatrr)  discharge,  (SRrgi^ 
ment)  disband;  -t  dlBmissed  etc.,  (fom  føtr  taget 
afffeb)  retired;  -t  dlftrr  discarded  lover. 

afflrbdlanfagning,  »begirrina  resignation,  -au- 
bienfi  audience  of  leave.  *befag  farewell  visit, 
visit  of  leave-taking.  -blif  parting  look.  -»reb 
farewell  el.  valedictory  letter;  fe  -pal.  -»ager 
parting  cup  cl.  glass,  grace  cup.  -bag  day  of 
parting.  -bigt  valedictory  poem.  -brit  fe  -bsger. 
-gilbe  parting  treat,  farewell  party,  -tyilfeit  last 
farewell.  -tbji  parting  kiss.  -orb  parting  el. 
valedictory  word.  -paft  letter  of  discharge,  -po- 
tent oertiflcate  of  discharge,  -»rttbtfen  farewell 
permon.  -falnt  parting  salute.  -fang  farewell 
r-ong.  -fcene  parting  scene,  -febbef  fe  -vai. 
•fcfflab  fe  -gilbe.  -f!nb  parting  gun.  -fhsnb  part- 
ing hour.  -taore  parting  tear.  -tale  valedicton- 
oratlon.    -time  fe  -ftunb.    -biflt  fe  -beføg. 

afftefe  vi  swerve,  deviate,  depart.  -Ife  c  -t 
swerving  etc.,  deviation,  aberration. 

afffib|c  vt  snip.   -ning  c  shipping,  shipment 
•ningéfteb  place  of  shipping,  -ningotib  time  of 

affNfte  u  divide. 

af  {fiffe  fe  affenbe. 

a  fffilblre  vt  fe  afmale;  +  —  fCffrtHe.  -ring  c 
fe  afmåling. 

*  fffiUe  vt  partition  off. 

-^aiffin  c  reflexion. 

a  fffoffe  vt  count  el.  divide  by  slxties. 

a  fffalbe  vt  scald  off;  (ffolbe)  scald. 

afffobe  [aa]  vt  (fianb)  clear  of  woods,  strip 
of  ils  forestå;  (6fot>)  cut  down,  fell. 

a  fffoble  vt  shovel  off;  clear  with  the  shovel. 

a  fffraa,  vt  chamfer,  bevel. 

afffraaer  c  -e  cutter,  hack-iron. 

S 'fffraa  |  uctibe  o  shclving.    -ning  c  shelving. 

afffrab  n  6crapings  pi.  -e  vt  scrape  off. 
-nina  c  scraping  off,  abrasion. 

a  fffreget  part  fyit  -  has  done  shrieking  letc. 
fe  Sfrige). 

a  f  ff ribte  er  measure  by  steps,  pace. 

afffrift  o  -er  copy,  transcript;  tage  .  af  take 
a,  copy  of. 

afffribe  vt  copy,  transcribe,  write  out;  (frrbge) 
cancel;  -  en  6um  write  off  a  sum,  credit  one 
for  a  Bum.  -er  c  -c  copier,  transcrlber.  -erftjl 
error,    -ning  c  copying  etc. 

a  fffrot  c  fe  afffraaer. 

a'fffrnblbe  vt  scrub  off.  -ning  c  scrubbing  off. 

af1rrn|e  vt  unscrew.    -ning  c  unscrewing. 

afffrflftfe  vt  deter,  frighten,  scare,  (milbere) 
diacourage;  bon  laber  fig  it!e  .  he  is  not  to  be 
daiinted.  -Ife  c  determent,  dlscouragement. 
-elfeaf^ftemet,  -elfeéteorlen,  the  deterrent  sys- 
tem, -nbe  a  deterring,  discouraglng,  (at  fe  til) 
forbidding;  opfliQe  en  fom  et  -  wftempel  make 
one  an  example,  make  an  ezample  of  one. 




%'fftt*U\t  vt  peel  (off),  («r*«um>en)  pare.  -lug 
c  peeling;  parlng. 

+tt'fftrasxBxe  vt  fe  UtytasRe;  .  en  et  fiøfte  el.  1. 
fria-hten  one  into  a  promise. 

*  fffnffe  vt  scrape  clean;  fe  ttffloole. 

*  fffam  [tort  ul  n,  pi  •—,  (ogfaa.fø.)  scum,  re- 
fuse,  (om  enfett  $erfon)  monster,  brute.  -me  vt 
skim  (off);  -i  TOælf  skim-mllk,  skimmed  milk. 
•stag  c  -er  skimming. 

«  jFffttr |e  vt  acour  off;  (fbtre)  scour.  -tag  c  -er 

&'ffttt  vt  detest,  abhor,  abominate,  loathe. 
*ffr>  o  aversion  (to,  +  for),  abhorrenee,  horror 
of  et.  for),  antipathy  (to),  (milbere)  disllke  (to), 
dlsgust;  fatte,  foa  -  take  a  disllke:  fcoe,  nære  . 
for  nt  have  an  aversion  to  et,  bold  st  in  abhor- 
renee, abhor  st. 

*  ffltbje  vt  (affote)  fire  (off),  discharge,  (Sil) 
shoot,  let  fly;  (ftybe  af)  shoot  off.  -ttittø  c  firing 
etp.,  discharge. 

*  fff»be«be  a  aloping. 

&f fra  elig  a  abomtnable,  detestable,  odlons, 
hateral,  dlsgastlng,  sickeniog.  -|eb  e  detestable- 
new,  abomlnableness;  concr  horror,  atrocity. 

V'fftbjgfflC  vt  shadow,  (meft  om  ftarocooetoaitg) 
shade;  -gel,  .  fifl  cast  a  shadow;  blaot  -t  til  fort 
blue  shading  lnto  black.  -wing  c  -er  shadow; 

a'fff*fl|le  vt  (ftpCe  bort)  wash  off,  wash  away; 
(ftoUe  ren)  rinse  out.    -sting  c  washing. 

»  fftøfte  vt  take  off  the  stock  of. 

V'f  ffottte  vt  ponr  off. 

%tfl*v\t  vt  out  off,  interoept;  iif*r  $ole)  dock. 
-  oi  Sejen  Interoept  one:  .  en  Xitbagetoget  cut 
off  one's  retreat;  -  en  Orbet  cut  one  short;  J,  - 
ooenborM  cut  down;  alt  fyab  blev  mig  afflaaret  I 
was  cut  off  from  every  hope.  -tag  e  cuttlng 
off.    -tag*  ventil  cut-off  valve. 

H  ffterfte  vt  fe  Hfpenne. 

%  HUnfJe  vt  J,  Bnape,  flinch. 

*'fftaa  vt  (flan  af)  strike  off,  knock  off,  beat 
off;  (<Bræt)  mow,  cut  down;  fig  (en  ©egaering) 
refuse,  deny;  (Xitbub)  refuse,  reject,  decline; 
(Angreb)  repulse,  repel;  J,  -  paa  Sbanteloft  lay 
down;  -enbe  ©dot  refusal;  -ebe  ttnbriler  mailards 
in  the  monlting  state.  —  sYHfog  »,  pi  —.  refusal, 
rejeclion,  declloation,  dental;  repulse;  fe  ttfl(aff> 
ning;  (©ill.)  rebound;  Søenl  .  the  heave  of  the 
tea;  -  i  ©rifen  abatement,  reductlon  of  prioe, 
discount;  gtbe  en  .  refuse  one;  foa  -  be  refused, 
rejecied;  beftemt  -  a  flat  refusal.  Øfflagning  c 
4,  laying  down;  fe  ttftlafrnhtg.  afflaguingøløft 
fe  Spanteloft.   affUglgrnnb  reason  for  refusal. 

H't%amme  vt  (Jranon)  scale  (a  gun). 

V'fgefff  vt  en  nt  wheedle  one  out  of  st. 

tt'ffrtltc  vt  plane,  planish;  &  dub  fair.  -nlng 
plantag:  ^  dubbing. 

H  ffftb|e  vt  (flibc  bort)  grind  off,  fig  wear  off; 
(bteffc)  »harpen,  whet;  (glatte)  smooth,  polish. 
•stag  c  grindlng  eta 

*  fflib  »  wear.  »fffib|e  vt  wear  off;  tear  off. 
•stag  c  wearing  etc.    -t  a  worn. 

*  ffttfte  vt  Uck  off. 

vVfuiote  vt  rid  of  slime,  ($if!)  water. 

ajfltngrt  vt  *£•  roll  out;  -t  rolled  away. 

**  fffsssret  a  (fallen)  asleep. 

%  Hlnt|te  vt  (fulbenbe)  complete,  (bring  to  an) 
end;  røoxbanbling)close;  drattet)  conclude;  (fiaan) 
contract;  (©eger,  ftegnffaber)  close,  balance;  -  en 
fyinbei  strike  a  bargaln;  -tet  (part  fe  oof.)  a  se- 
parate, flxed;  exolusive.  -tttag,  -telfe  c  com- 
pleting  etc.,  completion.  +  -tettøb  c  exclusive- 

V'Htø|e  vt  unveil,    -tag  c  unveiling. 

*  W***  vt  blunt,  deaden. 

S'ffMtg  «  (ubehagelig  Smag)  tang,  disagreeable 

taste;  (»obbbbetigbeb)  distaste,  'disgust,  disllke, 
dlsrellsh;  foa  -  for  take  a  disllke  to;  gibe  en  . 
for  dlsgust  one  wlth.    -enbe  a  nnsavoury,  Ul 
a  ffmalnenbe  a  tapering. 

a  ff*e(t|e  vt  melt,  smelt  (out,  off).    -stag  c 
melting  etc. 
tt'ffmergU  vt  rub  et.  grind  wlth  emery,  glase. 

Wffmlgre  ve  en  nt  coax  ef.  wheedle  one  out 
of  st. 

*  ffmage  vt  slip  off. 

H  ffttwge  vi:  bar  -t  has  done  smoking. 

atfnatf  e  ve  en  nt  talk  one  out  of  st;  .  en  fra 
dissuade  one  from;  —  vi:  Ijar  -t  has  done  talk- 

S'ffne  vi:  bet  ^ar  -t  it  snows  no  more. 

tt'ffutt  n,  pi  »,  (af  Cirfel,  ©uc)  segment;  (af 
©og)  seotlon;  (XiM-)  period;  mere  appolnt;  fortif 
retrenchmeut.  -te  vt  cut  el.  snip  off.  -ning  c 
cuttlng  off. 

S  fftto  vt  wind  off. 

S'ffiiørc  vt  measure  el.  mark  off  wlth  a  cord. 

«  ff norf e  vi:  tyn  -t  has  ceased  snoring. 

0  ffuttb|be  vt  curtail,  cut  short;  (en)  snub. 
•bet  a  curt,  clipped.    -betbcb  c  curtnees. 

+H  ffnnc  fe  «nnor!c. 

*  ffnnb^e  o.  fl.,  fe  ICffnubbe. 

9'fftt))lte  vt  en  nt  obtaln  st  from  one   by 
+31  ff ob  [Tort  aa]  n  decoction. 
S'ffonlbre  vt  separate,  divide;  med  secrete, 

secern;  phyi  isolate;  -  fig  sequester  one's  self, 
fra  ©erben  withdraw,  retire,  from  the  world. 
-bret  a  isolated,  retired;  leoe  -  live  retired,  lead 
a  retired  life.  -brina  e  -er  separation;  secretion; 
isolation,  sequestratlon,  seclusion,  privacy,  re- 
Urement,  withdrawal  (from  the  world).  —  *f« 
fonbringdlnerber,  -organer  o.  fl.  secretory  nerves, 
organs  etc. 

m  ffonje  vt  expiate,  atone  for*  fe  gfflbbe.  -tng 
c  explatlon,  atonement.  -ing&alter  expiaiory 

tt'ffortere  vt  separate;  (fortere)  sort. 

9'ffobe  [aa]  vi:  \)az  -t  has  done  sleeping. 

«  ff^abe  vt  pare  off  (with  the  spade);  (fpabe) 

«  ffparfe  vt  kick  off. 

vT'ffyejtle  vt  reflect,  mlrror;  -  fig  be  reflected. 
•rna  c  reflection. 

Hf  frille  vt  play  off;  —  vi:  tya  -t  has  done 

S'ffrinbe  vt  spin  off. 

a  f  fplfe  vt  eat  (off);  .  en  meb  put  one  off  with, 
amuse  one  wlth;  —  vi:  bar  -ft  has  done  eating. 

affpllnrre  ve  splinter  off,  break  off  in  splin- 

A'ftøø(|e  vt  unspool,  reel  off;  —  vi:  (ar  -t  has 
done  spooling.    -tng  unspooling. 

S  f faring  n,  pi  =-,  stde  spring;  fig  digression. 

-ajfrrnngen  part  burst  off. 

+wt\prcezU  vi  buret  off. 

8'ffpnrng|e  vt  force  off;  blow  off.  -ning  c 
forcing  etc;  met  fe  Qfbranbing. 

H  ffpr(ettc  vt  rip  off. 

V'tfpnle  vt  J,  wash  (down). 

8'ffp«s[be  vt  unbuckle,  unclasp;  (©ue  o.  1.) 
unbend;  fig  unstring.  -bittg  c  unbuckllng  etc.; 
fig  relaxatlon,  unbendlng;  med  atony.  -bt  a, 
med  atonlc,  unstrung. 

8  ffrcer|re  vt  block  up,  barricade;  shut  out, 
cut  off;  ($aon)  blockade.  -ring  c  blocklng  etc. 
-rittgtføfteniet  the  prohibitive  system,  -ring* • 
»entu  escape-valve. 

afftao  ve  resign,  give  up,  yleld  up,  cede,  re 
nounce,  rellnquish,  make  over;  —  vi  -  fra  des! si 




i  rom,  give  over.  -clin  a  transferable.  -etlgtrfc 
c  transferability.  -elfe  c  -r  resigning  etc.,  re- 
signation, rennnciatlon,  relinqnishment,  (af  flenb) 
cession.   -elfrftfnnt  conslderatlon,  compensation. 

Vfftflble  [langt  a]  vt  dl  vi  de  In  to  heaps. 

9'ffroge  rt  stake  ofr. 

ft'fftamlme  rt.descend,  spring,  bedescended; 
gram  be  deri  ved.  -ntrlfr,  -ntng  c  descent,  natlv- 
lty,  ørom  derivation. 

É'fftanb  c  -e  distance;  i  et.  pee  -  at  a  distance; 
i  lang  -  at  a  long  distance;  i  en  -  af  at  a  dis- 
tance of;  i  lige  -  equidistant;  inb&ftrbeft  .  diRtance 
apart;  meb  en  .  af  to  Sommer  mellem  $bet  at  inter- 
vals of  two  inches;  bolbe  fifl  i  gob  ~  fra  nt  give 
s  t  a  wide  berth;  tjolbc  rn  i  -  make  one  keep  his 
distance;  fig  tage  -  fra  keep  aloof  from.  —  9lf< 
ftanbl|ftgnal  J,  distant  signal,  -Pin  fe  l  a$tr  angle 
of  elongatlon. 

Vfftr'b  [æ]  adv  away,  off;  (fremab)  on,  forward; 
-  meb  biø !  get  off,  away  witta  you,  get  you  gone, 
make  yourself  scarce;  jeg  maa  ~  I  must  be  off 
et.  gone,  F  I  am  off;  Tomme  -  get  off,  be  off; 
(+  •=»  afftebfomme^;  lomme  -  meb  get  on  with; 
naar  ban  funbe  Tomme  .  bermeb  when  be  could 
manage  It;  SRatematifen  funbe  jeg  iffe  lomme  - 
mrb  I  could  not  away  with  mathematics,  lomme 
galt  el.  ilbe  ~  fare  111,  get  In  to  a  scrare,  into  hot 
water;  fomme  galt  -  meb  get  into  mischief  with; 
tage  -  leave;  +  ■=  tage  paa  SScje  -fomme  re  cause, 
occaslon,  work,  bring  on,  bring  about,  be  pro- 
duet  i  ve  of. 

%'fftemntc  rt  (meb  3Wejfett  chisel  off. 

g'ffretnlme  vi  vote,  hemmelig)  ballot.  -niti g 
c  -er  voting,  (i  flJoilamj  diviMon;  hemmelig) 
ballot;  fætie  nnber  -  put  to  the  vote;  fomme  nnbrr 
«,  fTribe  til  .  come  to  ihc  vote;  foretage  -  ($arl.) 
divide;  forlange  ffrtfttig  .  (t>eb  SBalg)  crave  apoll. 
-nlnnSfal  division  lobby. 

STfftcmpile  ' <  stamp,  cnneel.  -Ifng  c  stamping, 
cancelliug.    -lingSmtrric  cancelling  stamp. 

9l'fftif|fe  tt  mark  out,  stake  off,  trace;  (9Wur.) 
knock  off;  (Sin)  rack  off,  (lørb)  cut;  -8  J,  be 
unbent;  -+ri=  Stille  af.  -fenbe  o  incongmous; 
(af  ftarbe;  gi  åring,  gaudy;  fig  singular,  exrentric; 
Ⱦre  -  imob  form  a  rontrast  to.  -fer  c  -e  detour, 
turn;  (®a*rar  0.  I.)  service-pipe;  (i  %o\tw)  digres- 
sIod;  gøre  en  -  ti!  go  rouud  to.  »ning  c  mark  in  g 
etc;  «I.  unbending. 

M'ffH»|e  rt  stay,  (9?æg  ri.  I)  shore  up;  (meb 
SRurbærr)  buttress.    -ntng  [langt  i]  c  staying  etc. 

Wfftolfe  et  (et  tønfen  unship  the  stock  of  (an 

»ffloppe  «t  stop,  cut  off. 

8'fftraa|lr  fig  »r  be  reflected.   -Ung  c  reflexlon. 

81'fftraffr  rt  punish,  chaslise.  -Ife  c  punish  - 
ment,  cha'tisement. 

«'fflreg|e  [æ]  tt  mark  off  with  lines;  (linieie) 
rule;  +  =  unberftrege.    -ning  marking  etc. 

fc'fftreffe  vt  sweep  off,  rub  off. 
-tSTfftrcnget  a  nustruug,  unstringed. 

91'fpribe  rt  en  nt  conlest  el.  dispute  st  with 

9'fftriflfr  vt  curry  off;  fig  (en)  curry  one's  hlde. 

«  fftrintlc  rt  shred  off. 

91  ffrrtrøe  vt  strike  off,  wlpe  away;  (fflagernib) 
strap;  ($ot)  clean  and  polish;  (Waal)  strike  (level); 
(male  fi'rfie  (Hang)  prime;  -  en  Stjrfiiiie  strike  a 
match,  -mejfel  spectacles.  —  ttfftrtjgning  [langt  b] 
c  striking  etc.  —  ftfftrøø  n  lead-scum. 

•H'fftnbbc  fe  ttfftubfe,  Slfftmnpe. 

9'fftttbfle  vt  crop,  ellp,  cut  off',  dock,  curtail, 
(træer,  i  toppen)  poll;  et  -et  Xiæ)  a  pollard. 
-ning  c  cropping  etc. 

Ø'fftnmplc  rt  curtail,  dock.  truncate;  fig  (flabe) 
blunt,  dull.  -rlfc  -ning  c  curtaillng  etc.,  cur- 

fcfft  totte  rt  shoot  (out). 

Vflrattte  vt  clip  (wings). 

Vfftønølc  vt  ahut  off,  cut  off;  (flænge >  look, 
bolt,  bar.  -ning  c  shutting  etc.  •ning#frav 

Bfftcebne  fe  ttftotope. 

Hf  frøble  tt  cast,  found.  -ning  [langt  9]  c  -er 
casting  etc.;  ooncr  cast. 

»fftable  rt  thrust  off,  knock  off,  break  off 
•ning  [langt  0]  c  knock  ing  etc. 

tt'ffføttc  rt  shore,  prop  up. 

S'fftøttle  rf  dust.    -ning  [langt  0]  c  dusting 

tt'ffngle  rt  suck  out;  (pobe)  ingraft  by  approach, 
inarch.  -ning  [langt  u]  c  sucking  etc;  inarehiug, 
t  ablactatlon. 

B'ffbaje  vt  bevel. 

B'ffftale  rt  fe  *fføle. 

»  ffbtlbe,  Wfftoif  rt  slnge  off,  score  h,  parth; 
(om  Srorn)  bllght,  blast.  -bning  [langt  ij  c  siuge- 
ing  etc. 

?(  ffbire  vi:  fjar  -t  has  made  an  end  of  hi.« 

«'ffbob!|e  [Tangt  aa)  rt  sulphur  (well);  desul 
phurate.   -ing  c  sulphuring  etc.;  desulphuration. 

9'ffbftrgr  rt  abjure,  forswear,  renounce.  -Ife 
c  abjuration,  renunciatlon. 

V'ffttOfrmr  vi:  Sierne  babe  -t  the  bees  have 
Fwarmed  for  the  la*t  time,  fig  t>an  b^ar  t  he  h»s 
done  with  his  day-dreams;  he  has  sown  his  wii<l 

*  ffbbe  fe  Vfroge. 

Slffbne  fe  gnn. 

tl'fftjngie  it  sing;  —  rt:  ^ar  -t  has  done  sintr- 
ing,   -rlfc,  -ning  c  singing. 

9Tfft)9le  rt:  bor  -t  has  finished  his  work. 

?l'ffitb|e  rt  soap.   -ning  [langt  æj  c  soapine 

«  ffaclbe  rt  sift  away. 

fl  ffanf|c  rt  sink.    -ning  c  -er  sinking. 

9l'ff«t  [fort  ff]  n,  pi  «,  fe  Wfot*.  -  ftffttt'te 
it  (fra  ©mbfbe)  remove,  dismiss,  disrard,  dis- 
charge, deprive  of  oflice,  (ftonge)  depose,  <le- 
throne:  (fælge;  dispose  of,  sell,  put  off,  lian  Ian 
iffe  -  bet  he  cannot  find  a  sale  for  it;  iSJtorte 
0.  I.)  leave;  (paa  Jfort)  mark  out,  lay  down, 
<X,  prick;  ckir  amputate,  cut  off;  chem  depo>it; 
tyv  set  up;  (3agt)  station,  -ning  c  sale;  amputa- 
tion; sediment,  deposit;  +  fe  SlffatB;  jur  seqiu^tra- 
tion;  bobe.  finbe  -  sell;  fmber  let  ~  sells  readily; 
ftnber  frrmbele*  gob  -  remains  in  favour;  ^an  bar 
megen  -  paa  fine  fllæbeoarer  his  cloths  sell  well, 
have  a  large  sale,  are  in  great  demand.  -tting$< 
omraabc,  -ninøfifteb  market.  -tdig  (og  affætteii^) 
a  removable;  taleable,  vendlble,  marketable, 
merchantable.  -teligbcb  c  removability;  paleabie- 
ness.  -telfe  c  removal,  deprivation  of  ofn>e; 
deposition,  dethronement;  (foreløbig)  suspension; 
making  etc;  amputation. 

H'ffJØl*   t>f  search;   mil  reconnoitre.     -ning 

[langt  ø]  c  search^ing);  reconnaissance. 

_  «  ffølbning  c  (af  ©Ib)  desilverizlng. 

""  ?Tff<rge  vi:  ^ar  -t  has  left  off  mourning. 

«'ftng|e  vt  take  off;  .  en  $Iet  take  out  a  stnin; 
-  en  ©orte,  et  ©inb  remove  a  wart,  a  bandage; 
(portræt)  fe  lage  af;  —  rt  fall  off,  decay,  decrea^e, 
decline,  be  impaired,  (om  ©bflbom.  Binb)  abate; 
oeb  -nbe  Vcaane  when  the  moon  Is  in  her  wane; 
-nbe  Søm  graduated  hem.  -clfe  c  taking  etc, 
removal,  -en  c  falling  off,  decrease,  decline, 
dlminution;  i  -  on  the  decline.  -enben  decrease, 
wane;  SWaanen  er  t  -  the  moon  Is  in  her  wane, 
fig  bære  i  -  be  in  the  wane.  -ning  [langt  o]  r 
fe  -elfe.  (i  »ort)  cut. 

ttftaffte  rt  discharge,  dlsmfss,  (Regiment  o.  l  > 
disband.    -felfc,  -ning -c  discharge,  disbandfny. 

« ftaf|le  vt  J,  unng;  (røaft)  strip;  -let  ilte  i 




2jenefte  (om  JrrigSfttb)  in  ordinary.  -ting  c  nn- 
rigglng  etc. 

B  ftafetf  agree  upon,  appoint.concert,  arrange; 
-It  ©abe  appointment,  rendezvous;  bet  bar  et  -It 
6rit  it  waa  a  done  thing  between  thom,  acon- 
certed  piece  of  ae  ting.  —  9tf tale  c  -r  agTeement, 
appointment;  bet  er  en  .  that  is  a  bargain;  bet 
bar  it(e  -n  that  is  not  In  tbe  contract;  efter  -  as 
agreed  upon;  træffe  .  om  agree  on,  om  at  agree 
to;  qexe  -  meb  en  (om  at  træffet )  make  an  appoint- 
ment with  one;  bi  mabieft  efter  -  we  met  by  ap- 
pointment el.  (efter  -n)  according  to  our  appoint- 

»ftalt  [Tanøt  o]  part  }e  aftale  og  aftælle. 

a  ftawple,  -ning  fe  afprbgle. 

a  ftaplpe  vt  draw  (o AT),  tap,  (pao  ftfoffer)  bottle; 
t  pi  bottled  beer.  -ning  c  -er  drawlng  etc, 

aftegn  n,  pi  =»,  (i  $b**  Sfarbe)  conspicnous 
mark,  stain.  —  aftegn|e  tf  draw,  delineate. 
•isø  c  -er  drawing,  delineation;  fe  aftegn  (t  Iræ) 
curl,  wave. 

«ffen  c  -er  evening,  nigbt;  pcet  (og  om  aftenen 
f*r^)flliflbag  eUer  anben  foroentet  ©egibrnbrb)  eve; 
3ule  -  Cbristmas-eve,  SRtjtoar«  _  new-year's-eve, 
-en  far  Slaget  brb  SBaterloo  tbe  eve  of  tbe  battle 
of  W.;  en  -  one  evening;  en  af  be  farfie  -er  one 
of  these  evenings;  gibets  -  the  evening  cl.  vale 
of  life;  gob  ~  good  evening;  bet  Iaifer  ab  ~  even- 
ing draws  nigh,  it  is  getting  dark;  i  -  tonight, 
this  evening;  i  SRorgen  -  to-morrow  evening; 
i'(§taar}9lftei  last  night,  yesterday  evening,  over- 
night,  i  ftoTgoar*  aftes  tbe  nigbt  before  last; 
mob  -  tovards  evening;  om  en  in  tbe  evening, 
of  an  evening;  fra  SRorgen  til  .  from  morning 
10  el.  till  nigbt;  bet  er  SEib  at  fpife  til  _  it  is  suppe  r 
lime  el.  time  for  supper;  bbbe  en  tit  -  iuvite  one 
to  sopper;  blibe  og  fjrife  til  ~  stay  supper;  brab 
ffol  bi  babe  tit  -  (*>?  wbat  shall  we  have  fer 
supper?  ub  $aa  -en  late  in  tbe  evening;  »eb  -S 
tib  towards  evening.  —  aften  lanbagt  evening- 
prayer«  j7.  -atiid  fe  -Hob.  t-baffe  fe  ftloggernui«; 
fe  Watratm.  -brfnøning  evening  light,  -befag 
evening  visit,  -blaa  n,  pc*t  blue  evening  sky. 
-»lab  evening  paper.  -blabe  evening  shower. 
-botb  fe  VftenSborb.  -ban  evening  prayer;  fe 
an  bagt.  -ctrtel  evening  circle.  -brtl  evening 
drink.  -bng  evening  dew.  -f aber  evening  fodd er. 
-fnøt  fe  -f&ærmer.  -fabe  evening  meal.  -gang 
even*ng  walk.  -gubéijenefte  evening  service  el. 
prayei*.  -gtitft  evening  guest.  -bimntel  evening 
*ky.  -Ijbile  evening  rest.  -floffc  evening  bel], 
eur*ew.  -tøfl  supper,  -frebl  evening  circle. 
♦falbr  evening  cold.  -faling  cool  of  the  evening. 
•lanbfTab  evening  landscape,  aften!  iø  o  evening; 
nighUy.  &fteø|Iuft  evening  air.  -fuftnifiø  even- 
ing breeze.  -Ibftiøbeb  evening  merriment.  -manb 
one  wbo  keeps  late  bours.  4-niat  a  drowzy  (in 
the  evening).  -ntennefTe  fe -manb.  -niedfe  evening 
service,  vespers,  -mnfif  evening  miisic.  -malt 
evening  mllk.  -ntøbe  night-f>itting.  -maric 
dark  of  the  evening.  -regn  evening  rain.  -råbe 
c  (♦-T«at  tt)  evenlng-red,  evening  sky.  -falme 
evenin*:  hyron.  -fang  even-*ong,  afrernoon  ser- 
vire  flftendborb  supper  (tnble).  aftenfelffap, 
Vftmåøiibe  evening  party,  -ff  ole  evening school. 
aftrnftføft  fe  afirnroft.  aftenlffuntrtng  evening 
iwillgbt,  dusk  of  the  evening;  -fftaøøe  evening 
»hadow.  -ffoet  evening-tints*/.  aftrnftmaaltib, 
If  tene  »ab  evening  meal,  supper;  oarm  .  meat- 
tea.  aftenifeleveningsun,8ettingsun.  -f  omroer- 
Im|I  fe  -fMermer.  «fpife  supper,  -frenwinø  even- 
ing mood;  (9RoIeri)  evening  tone.  9lfteuØtib 
mening,  eventide.  aftenstjerne  evening  star, 
Hwperua;  fe  9?atoiof.  -ftunb  evening.  -fboic, 
-fbalfnø  fe  -faling.  Bfttttibftrfet  one  day's  notice. 

ftftrnlfbomner  bawk-moih,  6'pkinx.  .time  even- 
ing hour.  -inr  evening  walk.  -nnbertølfcntaø 
evening('8)  entertainment;  evening  party;  mufi* 
ratff  «  musical  evening.  -baøtffub  evening  gun. 
-binb  evening  wind. 

ftfter  c,  min  residue,  tailt  taillngs. 

tl'ftiøøe  xt  en  nt  obtain  st  of  one  by  begging. 

•tl'ftfitet  part  w*  »ftaet. 

Vftittøe  vt  fe  Øfbrutte. 

aftjene  vt  work  out;  _  fin  iBoemebliat  serve 
one's  time  as  a&oldier;  —vi:  tyx -nt bas served 
bis  time. 

aftn|e9  vd  draw  towards  evening;  betbegbnber 
tiblig  at  .  evening  sets  in  early.  -tag  e  twilight; 
p  •*  «ften. 

afto  vt  wasb  (off).  -elfe  c,  -uinø  e  er  wash- 
ing,  ablution. 

aftorbne  vi:  bet  fjor  -t  ibe  tbunder  has  oeased. 

aftrap  |  pet  o  SKur  built  in  corbic  steps,  8a!fc 
terraced.    -ning  c  terrace. 

a'ftrobfe  vt  en  nt  bully  one  ont  of  st. 

aftrne  tf  en  nt  extort  st  from  one  by  threats. 

a  ftrbøle  vt  rn  nt  obtain  st  from  one  by  sup- 

a'ftrto!  n,  pi  =»,  im pression,  print,  copy;  (fæp 
ffilt)  -  af  reprint  from.  -fe  rt  (trtotfe  nb)  press 
out,  express  (af  of,  from);  (trnife)  print,  take  oft* 
an  impression  of;  (Segl)  Impress;  ber  er  fun  -tt 
faa  QHemp!arer  a  few  copies  only  have  beeu 
printed;  -!t  efter  reprinted  from;  -  ettøebcrrpull 
the  trigger  of  a  gun.  -ler  c  -e  trigger,  -ning  c 
expression;  printing,  impression. 

aftrffbe  r*  (trotbela«)  treadoff;  (fratræbe)  sur- 
render, yield,  resign,  give  up,  retire  from;  — 
vi  (tT<e!!e  fig  tilbage)  withdraw,  retire;  ben  -nbe 
Cfficer  the  relieved  officer;  en  -nbe  Crnibeb6manb 
a  retiring  oificer.  -Ife  c  treadlng  off;  witbdrawal, 
resignation,  cession.  -IfclbotreJfc  place  of  call, 
occaslonal  office,  (one's)  room  in  town. 

af  traf  n,  p^  =*,  (f.  ©»•  for  «eg)  outlet;  tvp. 
proof,  pull;  fe  -fer.  -fe  vt  (traiffe  af)  pull  off, 
draw  off;  tvp  throw  off,  strike  off;  (meb  ftil)  draw- 
flle,  (©aefe)  file;  (»otb  o.  i.)  ^mooth  (with  the 
epoke-^have);  (8?agelnfb>  set;  (Ur)  set  right,  min 
meature;  (frabrage)  deduct.  -fer  o  -e  trigger. 
•ferblif  trigger-plate.    -ning  c  -er  pulling  etc*. 

af  tralle  tt  work  off  by  drudgery. 

af  tratte  vt  fe  afbi*putere,  affiribe. 

aftube  ti  -.  t)ar  -t  has  done  wbining,  piping. 

91'fttiffe  vt  en  nt  obtain  st  from  one  by  barter. 

aftntte  vt  roll  up  in  paper. 

aftbinøc  rt  en  nt  extort  el.  wring  st  from  one, 
fe  afnabe.    -Ife  c  extortion. 

+a  flttifte  fe  afbieputerc,  afftribe. 

aft»at|te  vt  wash  off;  fig  blot  out.  -ning  c 
washing  (off),  ablution. 

a  fittlbe  vt  pour  off. 

aftaøt  c  annualallowance  or  pension  reserved 
by  one  who  surrenders  his  real  property  to  his 
heir;  bære  paa  -  receive  an  „aftagt".  —  aftceøtø> 
giber  one  who  pays  „aftægt",  -bolig,  -tynd  house 
of:  -folf,  -manb,  -tone  people,  man,  woman, 
who  receive  an  „aftægt". 

a  ftaf|fe  it  unroof.    -ning  c  unroofing. 

a  ftal|lc  et  count  oft  (beforehand).  -tag  c 
conntlng  off. 

a  ftarlc  tt,  -Inø  c  fe  afmagre. 

aftarft|e  rt  thre>h  (offj;  —  vi:  bar  -et  has 
finished  thrashing.    -ning  c  tbrashing. 

aft«  vi  thaw  off;  bet  1>ar  -et  the  thaw  hasceased. 

aitajl|c  tt  unbridle.    -ittø  e  unbridling. 

a  f tajre  vt  tether  off. 

a  fiamlme  tr  empty.    -ning  c  emptying. 

a  ftarrlc  vt  wipe  up  el.  off.    -inø  c  wiping  etc. 

a  fbabfl|e  vt  wash  off.  -uing  c  washing,  ablu- 




-ing  c  draining. 

i  .  til,  lomme  i  .  meb  get 

g'toonble  vt  dram. 

Vføone  c  disuse;  foa 
out  of  the  habit  of.    ftfbant  a  meb  dteused  to, 
out  of  the  habit  of. 

tt'fpfj  c  -e  wrong  way;  lomme  paa  -e  (øgfaa  fa) 
go  astray,  go  wroag,  get  off  the  right  path;  føre 
paa  -e  mtslead,  misguide. 

9ftøej|e  vt  wetgh  off  (and  set  aside),  weigh; 
(nibeuere)  level;  fa  (Ocb  o.  I.)  weigh;  (mob  $in- 
anben)  balance,  polse.    -ttinø  c  weighlng  ete. 

Sfttrj'en  adv  fe  8ej. 

ttfpefd|le  vi  change,  vary,  alternate;  .  meb  at 
l«fe  og  ftribe  read  and  write  by  turas;  ©jætge  og 
Sale  -  meb  binanben  monntaln  and  valley  sne- 
ceed  each  other  alternately;  —  vt  vary.  -leube 
a  changing  eta,  alternate,  various,  (om  Sanbftab 
o.  (.)  diversifled;  $  alternate;  -  ffiim  alternate 
rhymes;  «  Søffe  various  el.  varying  fortane  el. 
success;  .  meb  relieved  hy;  —  adv  alternately, 
by  tårns.  -Ung  o,  -er  (Omfttfmlng)  alternation; 
(ftoranbring)  change,  variation,  variety;  bringe 
~  i  give  variety  to,  relieve  (the  monotony  e(. 
sameness  of);  til  en  -,  for  en  -•  6lnlb  by  way  of 
variety.  for  a  change;  ~  f røber  variety  is  charm! ng. 

%'fpenbe  vt  avert,  prevent;  -  fra  en  avert  from 
one;  _  Qfødet  fra  bet*  Zroflab  seduce  the  people 
from  thelr  allegianæ.  -Ife  o  averting  etc.,  pre- 
vention;  tøjertet«)  alienation,  estrangement. 

tt  foeute  vt  wait  et.  stay  for,  ablde,  wait  to 
see;  merf-nbeOetønblingtmaabe  expectation,  expeo- 
tant  treatment  el.  mediclne. 

9  f»ig|e  vi  (breje  af,  ffeje  ub)  Bwerve,  depart, 
devlate,  diverge,  (hære  uoberentftemmenbe)  differ 
(fra  from),  disagree  (with),  vary.  -dfe  o  -r 
swerving  etc.,  deviation,  departure;  difference, 
disagreement;  (ftompaftfetl)  variation;  art  devia- 
tion; aet  aberration,  -ning  [langt  i]  J,  departure. 
•te  a,  de/  last;  flbft  -  last  past. 

Hf  »i  file  vt  unroll,  unwind;  .  en  forretning 
wind  up  el.  settle  a  business.  -Ung  e  unrolllng 
etc.;  settlement  el.  Winding  up  of  a  busiuess. 

tt'fPittbe  vt  win  el.  gain  from;  -  nt  3ntere*fe 
make  st  interesting. 

K'føinbe  vt  unwind,  wind  off,  reel  off. 

g'fftiuøe  vt  take  off  the  wings  (from  the  seede 
of  the  flrtree). 

B'ftrffe  vt  (en)  refuse  one  admlttance,  turn  one 
off,  send  one  away,  send  one  about  his  business; 
(Segoeting)  reject,  dismiss;  (Øefloibning)  repudiate; 
(©e«el)  dishonour;  jw  (en  $aaftanb)  overrule, 
(Vntlage)  throw  out  (a  bill),  (en  ©ag)  dismlss  (a 
cause);  .  meb  foragt  scout;  tyan  laber  ftg  i!fe  ~ 
he  won't  be  rebuffed;  blive  -ft  (meb  en  ftlage)  be 
non  suited.  -er(flen)  c  -e  spar-post,  guard-lron. 
•er(Potrl)  dolphin  (before  the  pier  of  a  bridge). 

K'f»iff|e  or  wipe,  dust  (off  el.  away);  .  en  Sta> 
non  sponge  a  cannon.    -ttinø  o  wiping  etc. 

8'fptøue  vi  wither.  fall  off. 

9t'fptø|niuø  [langt  t]  c  -er  dismissal,  rejectlon; 
repudiation;  rebuff.  -nlngSbont  nonsuit.  -ntuød> 
ørnnb  exception. 

Vfpotie  vi:  fjor  -t  is  full-grown. 

*  f»rtb|e  vt  (f.  <8tt.  fBanb)  wriag  out;  (Øren  o.  1.) 
wrench  off.    -ttinø  [langt  i]  c  wringlng  etc. 

+£  ftrffle  vi  fe  §raorifte. 

ft  fbffb|nc  [langt  s]  vt  disarm.  -ttinø  c  dis- 
arming,  disarmainent. 

STfvfflte  vt  roll  off,  tumble  off,  be  fanbt  Stenen 
-t  fra  Øraorn  they  found  the  stone  rolle d  away 
from  the  sepulchre;  .  en  ©efrnlbning  exouerate 
one 's  self  from  a  charge. 

K'fpanne  vt  disaccustom,  disuse,  wean  (fra, 
meb  from);  man  maa  faa  fjant  -nt  \ra  (meb)  ben 
Sttf  he  must  be  broken  of  that  habit;  ban  tør 
albelet  -nt  flq  meb  at  britte  he  has  quite  left  off 
drinking.    -Ife  c  disuse,  weaning,  breaking. 

tt'fttstrge  vt  ward  off,  parry;  fa  (afoenbe)  avert, 
(forljtnbre)  prevent.  -Ife  c  warding  off  etc.,  pre- 

+9'fanbe  vt  dlsflgure,  spoil  the  beauty  of. 

*  f*be  vt  eat  off. 

2TffltB|»re  et  alter,  modify.  -bring  e  -er  altera- 
tion, modldcation. 

ttfa'refii  e  apher'esls. 

tt'feft|e  vt  (en  nt)  exact,  demand,  requlre  (tt 
from  one).    -ttinø  c  exaction,  demand. 

K'fetfe  vt  remove  by  caustics. 

*'f#f(e  vt  lade,  ladle  ti.  dip  out;  (Banb  of  Oaab) 
bale  el.  scoop  out.    -ttinø  [langt  e]  e  ladling  etc. 

ttgopaatbul  c  agapanthus,  African  lily. 

stga't  c  -er  ag'ate;  fort .  jet;  itlanbf! .  obsidian. 
-træ  agate-wood. 

ttga  oe  e  -r  agave,    -tamp  pita. 

Uge  vi  drive,  ride  (in  a  carriage),  'silde;  — 
vt  drive;  ben  -nbe  $oft  the  mail-coach.  *-b*Ke 
coasting  hill.  t-brat  seat  of  a  waggon.  t-b«r 
cart-gateway.  t-f«re  wheeling.  t-btinbecushlon 
for  the  seat  of  a  carriage.  t-lttS  cart-load,  wag- 
gon load. 

Øøenbe  c  -r  agenda,  ritual. 

Køent'  e  -er  a'gent.  -n'r  c  -er  a'gency.  -n'r> 
forretning  agency-bnsiness. 

Øøer  e  -gre  fleld;  t  ridge;  coll  fe  -tonb;  bibl  gif 
%tn,  ben  ene  paa  fin  .,  ben  anben  til  fit  ftøbmanbftab 
went  thelr  ways,  one  to  his  farm  and  another  to 
his  merchandize.  -Ir ug  agriculture,  huabandry, 
farming,  tillage;  ooncr  farm,  farming  business, 
•brnøer husbandman,  agriculturist,  tlller.  -brngl« 
fcatl  o.  fl.,  fe  -bnrtningg*.    -innb  soli. 

91  gerb opper  pi  valonla. 

ftgerbnrtjenbe  a  agricultural;  .  Sfotf  agricul- 
tural  nation,  nation  of  husbandmen.  -er  agri- 
culturist. -ning  agriculture.  -ninølberetnina 
agricultural  report,  -ninødlemi  agricultural 
chemistry.  -ning91«re  art  el.  science  of  agri- 
culture. -ninøfrebffat  farming  implement. 
-ningéfelflab  agricultural  soclety.  -ttittgi*iben< 
flat  le  -ningøtcere. 

Uge're  vt  k  i  aet,  play;  jur  plead;  mil  operate; 
.  ^anbmanb  play  the  farmer;  .  fjejmøbtg  play  the 

»gerljla  dart,  Agrotit.  *.fl«t  fe  -plet.  -fure 
furrow.  -gnaft  bean  goose,  Anner  arvenris,  -l)«tte 
partridge,  Perdix;  fe  Zønbefneffe.  -^nefntHet  a 
partridge-coloured.  -b^netro?  partridge  tree; 
-wood.  -b«n*  partridges.  -forb  fe  -fånb.  -laal 
charlock  (Sinapw  arventit;  Raphanut  raphani- 
ttrum),  wild  cabbage,  Brattiaa  campettrit,  -fanb 
arable  land.  "-lop  fe  -plet.  Mø  fe  $jej(e.  -lob 
lot  of  arable  land. 

ttgemaane  c  ag'rimony,  Agrimonia. 

Vøer|marf  field,  plece  of  arable  land.  -mon 
fe  -lanb.  -ntttd  fleld-mouse,  Arvicot*  agrettit. 
•ns t)tt te  corn  mlnt,  Mentka  aroentit. 

9Caern  n,  pl=*  &  -tt  acorn.  -Mat  calix  el.  cup 
of  the  acorn.  -faffe  acorn  coffee.  -ode  nut-oll. 
-futter  quercite. 

Xøer|p(ct  little  patch  of  arable  land.  -ran 
fleld  robbery.  -rauuntef  corn  crow-foot,  Ranun- 
cutut  arventit.  -ren  balk,  head-laud.  -renbe 
drain.  *rif«e  fe  Saatelfonge.  -rttbnfnø  clearing. 
-rttø  (highest  part  of  a)  ridge.  -fennep  charlock, 
Sintpit  arventit.  -ffel  neld-boundary.  t-ffiftc 
parcel  of  arable  land.  -fnegt  common  slug,  Li 
max.  -f nerie  corn-bind,  Convoloolut  arventit. 
•ftenfr«  coru  gro ai well.  Lithotpermum  areente. 
-fnmp  slough.  *-tefø  ridge.  -tibfel  corn  sow- 
thUtle,  Circimm  aroente.  -Ugle  dart,  Aorotit. 
•ulb  fe  ftoerulb.  -Paubing  irrigatiou  (ot  flelds). 
-oert  fleld  pea,  Pitum  aroente. 

tttøelftøl  seat  of  a  waggon.    t-t«i  vehicle. 

Kgglutitte'rcttbe  a  agglutinative. 




Sggregft't  n  -er  ag'gregate.   -(iø'»»)førm,  -Hl* 
ftanb  state  el.  conditlon  of  matter. 

Vggrcf  H»  a  aggressive. 

ttgiø  e  agio.  ttgiøta'ge  e  a'giotage,  stock- 
jobbing.    ttgiøtø'r  c  -er  stock-jobber. 

•øitlaiiøn  c  agita'tion.  -rtør  c  -o 'ter  agi- 
tator, -e're  vt  &  i  agitate,  stir  up  the  public 
mind,  make  a  stir,  raise  a  movement;  -  for  fine 
Wemnøer  agitate  one's  views. 

+8øle  vi  Btagger,  reel. 

ttgtt  n  bait,  jætte  -  paa  bait. 

flgna't  e  -er  ag'nate.    -iff  o  agnat'ic. 

ttgn|e  vt  bait.  -Hf!  bait  fish.  -ftølb  (•-balb) 
barb.  •ffftc  bait-box.  -mor!  fe  Sanborm;  9trøn< 

*ttgaør  c  -er  barb. 

*ttønjft<rl  fe  ©Ioamuøtiiiø.    -tiwe  fe  -tifte. 

Vgraf  c,  ftgraffe  c  -fer  claap,  brooch. 

ttgroata'ner  pi  ornamental  laoe-work. 

Vgra'rift  a  agra'rian. 

ttgreatent'  ■  -I  acceaiory. 

ttgritaltar  c  agrical'ture.  -temt  fe  ttøerbbrt« 

«grø|nø'm  e  -er  agriculturist.  -aonti  o  science 
of  agricultare.    -nø'mift  a  agricultural. 

Vgt  e  ($enfiøt)  intention,  purpose,  design; 
lOpotorrffomtøb)  attention,  care;  (ttøtelfe)  eateem, 
eatimatlon;  gioe  -  paa  pay  attention  to,  attend 
to,  take  heed  of,  heed,  mind;  gib  .i  attention! 
still!  toge  i  .  take  care  of;  tage  fifl  i  -  take  care, 
have  a  care,  take  heed  (for  of);  tog  bip,  i  -!  (bar- 
ftocnbe)  have  a  care  t  have  at  you !  heware !  look 
out!  tog  big  gobt  i  ~,  F  mind  your  eye;  kolbes 
i  -  og  fere  be  esteemed,  stand  high  in  the 
eatimatlon  of.    -kar  a  respectable. 

«gie  vt  (fceøge  SRcrrte  til)  mind,  heed,  regard, 
attend  to;  (bife  Kgtelfe)  respect.  reverence;  (tølbe 
for)  regard,  consider;  oøt  mine  Orb  mind  my 
words;  .  tøjt  thlnk  mnch  of;  ~  rinøe  think  et. 
make  light  of,  joe  think  st  small  potatoes;  tøn 
-r  bet  Ufe  en  Dsit  barb  he  does  not  value  lt  a 
straw;  tøn  -c  bet  for  ingen  ting  he  makes  nothing 
of  it;  tøor  -r  Se  Sent  ben?  where  are  you  going? 
ban  -r  fiø  HI  Rom  he  is  going  to  Rome;  —  e*  -  at 
intend,  propose  to;  -  paa  attend  to,  heed.  Sø* 
telfc  c  Tespect,  regard,  esteem,  deference;  tøoe, 
bare  -  for  have  a  regard  for;  tøn  tør  tabt  ftn  - 
he  has  lost  his  character;  ftaffe  fiø  -  make  one's 
self  reepected;  meb  -  $eret  yoors  respectfully; 
meb  megen  -  yoors  most  respectfully;  af  -  for 
gøøene  in  deference  to  the  lawB. 

ttgtealfør  prop  J,  abaft,  -  tborl  abaa  the 
beam.  -fro  adv  from  asteni,  -øm  prop  astern  of. 

Køter  a  k  adv  &  aft,  atter,  abaft,  astern;  -ft 
aftermost,  aftmost,  (ubenfor  éflbet)  stemmost; 
bet  -fir  6tib  the  sternmost  el.  rearmost  »hip;  bet 
øaar  til  -4  for  et.  meb  tøm  he  is  going  down  hill. 
-(røg  crutch.  -bet  hind-part.  -boet  atter-deck. 
•efter  adv  aft.  -enbe  stern.  -flag  ensign.  »før- 
tajning,  -fæfte  stem-fast.  -gafter pi afterguard. 
•baanb;  4/  •  -  *t  the  tail-end;  fig  bare  i  -en  be 
in  arrear.  -balg  ^  after-hood.  -iab  adv  J,  from 
astern.  -tanpc  companion.  -taftet  (Slumpe)  po- 
rfteriore.  -lanterne  stern  light,  -taft  after-hold. 
-Btaab  (Sftb)  rear-shlp.  -ø»er  adv  astern.  -part 
afier-body.  -mm  fe  -loft.  -faløa  øiter  saloon. 
-fejt  after-aail.  -ffarpea  the  run  ofa  snip.  -ffib 
afier-body.  -fbejl  stern.  -fpit  main  capstan. 
•fpriag  fe  -fæfte.  -ftabn  stern.  -fttng  back-stitch. 
-ftatfe  (p.  Hanøn)  reinforce.  -ftottm  stem-post. 
-ftttonitnet  sternson.  -ftttnngyaateg  false-post. 
-forke  stern-sheets.  -tøv  stern- fast.  -trappe  com- 
panion ladder.  -Nb  adv  astern;  fejle  -  leave 
Mtern,  fig  distance,  leave  behind. 

ftgtfpaagiøeabe  a  mindful,  atten  ti  ve.    -paa« 
fiscaieb  c  attention,  heedfulness.    -font  a  heed- 

Sorten:  Sanft'dngelft  Orbbøø. 

ful,  mindful,  careful,  attentlve.  -fømieb  c  care- 
falness,  heedfulness,  attention,  -øar'big  a  estim- 
able,  respectable.  -øar'bigbeb  o  estlmableness, 
respectableness,  respectability. 

nøurt'  c  -er  cucumber,  (minbre)  gherkln.  (e>* 
falat  sliced  cucumber;  tøab  forftaar  Oønber  fiø 
paa  ~?  that  is  cavlar  to  the  general,  -art  fe 

91  an  ti  c  agou'ti,  Datyprocta. 


ttb!  ah!  ohl  *b«'!  aha! 

Sbaføe'rHd  Ahasuerus. 

%%\  c  hardpan. 

Vljmc  fe  Vme. 

flbøm  e  maple,  Acer,  alm.  -  sycamore,  mock 
plane,  A.  p»eudoplatamu»i  tanbblobet  -  Norway 
maple.  A.  platanoidet.    -fatter  maple-sugar. 

»iaret'te  c  -r  e'gret. 

ftCtle  o  llquid  manure. 

feiø  n,  muå  A  sharp.    «if  n  A  double  sharp. 

V  jøar  »eb  abreast  of. 

fljønrne  re  vt  adjourn. 

til' !  alas !  alack  I  alackaday !  at  jo !  (Sut)  heigh 

Vfa'cte  e  -r  acacia;  (Xræfort,  af  uæøte  ~,  fe 
Robinie)  locust. 

Stabel  -ni'  n  -er  acad'emy.  -'mijter  c  -e  acad'- 
emist,  academ'ic.  -'mift a academicTal);  - ©orøet 
university  man;  -  ©orøerbreb  certiflcate  of  ma- 
triculatlon;  -  2)anndfe  (a)  university  education. 
-mift'  e  -er  pupil  of  an  academy. 

fUft*'tt)*f  c  brankursine,  bear's  breech,  (oøfaa 
arch)  acanthus. 

tS'tanetaawkward,  clumsy;  —adv  awkwardly ; 
precipitately,  helter-skelter. 

tttceat'  e  -er  ae'cent.  -M  a  unaccented.  -ae're 
vt  accent',  accent  uate;  fig  lav  stress  upon,  em* 
phasize,  mu«  accentuate,  mark,  ~  for  ftortt  over- 
mark,   -natio'n,  -nCring  c  accentua'tion. 

flfcept'  c  -er  acceptance;  fenbe  til  -  send  for 
acceptance.  hmV  e  er  accept'or.  -bag  day  of 
acceptance.  -e're  vt  (CefSel)  accept,  honour,  pay 
due  honour  to;  fiø  accept;  -t  8ette(  acceptance; 
er  bleben  -t  has  had  due  attention,  met  due 
honour;  $ere«  Irotte  biet)  Ure  -t  acceptance  of 
your  draft  was  refused,  your  bill  was  dis- 

Stced'lfit  n  second  best  premium,  proxime 
accessit,    -fø'rift  a  ae'ceasory. 

fUctbeaf'  c  &  n  -er  phit  ac'cldent;  mut  acci- 
dental;  pi  (Sportler)  perquisites.  -arbejbe  tj/p 
jobbing,  piece  work.  -f artter  compositor  pøid 
by  the  day.    -trlptter  job-printer. 

Vtci'fe  c  excise.  -betjent  excise  officer,  vxsAa&- 
man.  -bob  excise  office.  -fri  a  free  of  excise. 
•frifctb  exemption  from  excise.  -pligtig  a  llable 
to  excise.    -febbel  permit. 

Stclej'e  o  columbine,  culver-key,  Aquilegia 

«Ht'ie«H«l  AchiUes'  heel.  -feac  AchiUes' 

*tttter  c  fe  Qlæffprut. 

titttamatiøn  c  acclamation. 

titnimatife'r|C9taccll'mate,accH'matize.  -lag 
c  acclima'tion,  acclimatiza'tlon,  accli'mature. 

tiffommøbe're  vt  accom'modate. 

Vttompaønlc  re  vt  accom'pany.  -atø'r.  -ift'  c 
•er  accom  panist.    -ement'  n  -er  accom'paniment. 

tlttørb'  e  -er  agrecment,  bargain,  compromise; 
mut  chord  gøre  -  om  make  an  agreement  about; 
øøre  -  meb  ftne  ftrebttorer  compound  el.  make  a 
composition  with  one's  creditors;  arbejbe  paa  el. 
i  .  work  by  the  job;  ubbtybe  i  .  offer  on  con- 
tract;  ooertaøe  i  -  contract  for,  undertalte  by 
contract.  in  the  lump;  fig  øaa  paa  -  meb  make 
terms  with,  compound  with;  -en*  ttanb  the  spirit 
of  compromise.    Vltørbaat'  c  -er  compounder. 




tttt»rb|arbejbe  task-work,  piece-work,  Job.  -o?» 
bejber  piece-hand.  -e'rc  ti  (om)  agree  (on), 
bargain  (for);  (meb  ftrebitorer  om)  compound  for. 
Sttøfbio«  n  acco'rdion.  Vftarbffgenbe  fe  fctfor« 

Vttrebt|te'f  c vt (OManbi,  ftonful) accred'it;  nero 
_  en  bo*  open  a  credit  for  one  wlth.  -H'b  n  -er 
letter  of  credit. 

KMttrft  t  a  exact,  ac'curate,  (om  $erføn)  pre- 
clse,  punctual;  —  adv  (netop)  exactly,  preclsely, 
JtuBt  bo.    Bffurate*'fe  a  ac'curacy;  punctual  i  ty. 

Vtfuf 'a|tib  c  -er  the  accu'sative  (case),  -rø'rif! 
a  accusatory. 

Strøba't  c  -er  ac'robat.    -tfl  a  acrobat'ic. 

%rrøma  jtift  a  achromatic.  -ttå'me  c  achro'- 

Vfrø'bøltt  n  the  Acrop'olia. 

UH  ».  pi  =,  ear,  $  sptke;  *(p.  Wøgle)  bit; 
ftoo  t  -  be  in  ears;  fætte  -  ear,  set  ears;  fanle  - 
glean.  -btøntft  spicate  flower.  -bonwelfe  earing. 
•baunct  a  spiciform. 

Htfe  c  axls;  $  rachls. 

fltøeltø*  $  glume.  -tran*  wreath  consisting 
of  ears  of  corn. 

ttføel  ø  -I«Ier  (6tulber)  shoulder;  (paa  IMæbning) 
shoulder  piece. 

tttøel  c  -teler  (til  $jul  o.  f.  0.)  axle,  axle-tree; 
(p.  Vtaftine)  shaft.    -arm  axle-tree  arm. 

fftøelbaanb  shoulder  ribbon,  shoulder  knot. 

tttøelbebagelfe  shaft-motion 


ben  »houlder  bone.  -Mak  shoulder  blade, 

tf  sti  pule;  meb  -e  stlpulate;  uben   e  exstlpulate. 

Wøel  blit  cramp-lron.    -bolt  gudgeon. 

Vtøel  brub  fracture  of  the  shoulder  bone. 

VfØeløøtr  beam-tree  berry.  ■**»,  -tro?  beam- 
tree,  Sorbun  aria. 

IKØelfør  «<  broad-shouldered. 

fHØelgang  shaft-alley. 

tttøel  [gebøntg  thoulder-belt,  scarf. 

Sfdell(al«  neck  of  the  shaft.  -boller  gulding 

VfØefftttfe  armplt. 

Wøeljorii  clout. 

HMelfaabe  short  cloak. 

KileWøbft  axle-bar. 

Stdeltlttbc  amlce. 

WSeQdger  plummer-block. 

tClørtteb  shoulder  joint. 

VfåelJlcbniKg  shafting.  -baube  shaft-brass. 
-flabe  fe  -i«rn. 

tttlcllrcm  fe  -getøeng. 

Ktøeljring  axle-hoop.  -ram  shait-trunk.  -flab 

VfSellflcerf  fe  -gefKeng.  -f»ør  shoulder-strap. 
•Mttlb  gusset.  -ftlDet  a  tf  axlllary.  -ftbtfe 
shoulder- piece.    -fiarf  fe  -før. 

SMel| tap  gudgeon.  -tørb  vlctual  market.  -tr« 
axle-tree;  tiinber  flt  for  axles. 

fMøcømbreJning  rotation. 

«  Wc  |  fanfer  gleaner.  -  fan  f wing  gleaning.  -ff*ø 
beard  (of  an  ear). 

gtø tUpptx  (røaftine)  header. 

ttfølc  vt  shoulder;  fe  tttftte. 

Stébifning  o  fe  røéefanfning. 

Vft  o  -er  aet,  solemnity,  ceremony;  (i  6(uefpil) 
aet;  jur  -er  papere. 

*ft  [t  ttøt] :  fatte  i  Wtgen*  .  put  under  the  ban 
of  the  Empire. 

Ufrie  c  -r  snare;  stock,  (forffeøiøe  Stagø)  stocks 
p/,  fio  credit.  -banf  iolnt-stock  bank.  -ejer  fe 
•tøiuer.  -føretagettbe  Jolnt-stock  enierprise.  -%*n> 
bet  dealing  in  shares.  -banbler  share-dealer. 
-tyaøer  c  -e  shareholder.  -tabital  share  capital, 
joint-stock.  -mergler  stock-broker.  -fetflfab  joint 
stock  tompany.  -fbetutant  Etock-Jobber.  -f>e« 
fnlation  stock-Jobbiog. 

Wiiø'li  e  -er  æ'tion;  jur  crlminal  protecution. 
-e're  vt  prosecute.    -*'r  c  -er  fe  Wttiefytøer. 

9fti  b  u  ac'tlve;  i  .  Zjenefte  in  active  service, 
on  the  active  list.  —  W'ttb  n,  pr  the  active 
(voice);  mere  property;  -er  assets  pi;  -er  oø  $al* 
fiber  assets  and  debts,  debts  due  and  owing. 
debts  active  and  passive,  ttftibtte't  o  activ'ity, 
fcette  i  -  put  in  actlvity,  in  action. 

Sftmowflg  a  documentary. 

Vftor  e  -o'ret  counsel  for  the  protecution. 
Vftora't  n  prosecution. 

Sftri'ce  c  -r  actress. 

Vftftlpffc  n  document. 

Vfttt|aUte't  c  actuali'ty,  present  interest.  -o'r 
o  -er  ae'tuary.    -et'  a  ae'tual,  present. 

9LU$'t  c  -er  ae'tor,  player. 

9rnft|if  c  acous'tic8  pi.  -irer  c  -e  acoustio'ian. 
•'tfl  a  acoustic;  Salen  er  tiifrebftftiHenbe  i  .  ^en* 
feenbe  the  acoustics  of  the  hall  are  saUafactory. 

Vfut'  a  acu'te;  —  e  the  acute  accent. 

Vtfcalmari'n  c  aqua  marina,  aqua  marine. 
-rel'  o  vrater-colours;  painting  e(.  drawing  in 
water-colours;  concr  water-colour  drawing.  -rel« 
maler  water  coiourist.  -'rinnt  n  -rier  aquarium. 
•bit'  c  a  kind  of  gin  or  whiskey. 

W  a  all;  .  Qerben  all  the  world.  the  whole 
world;  ^Dab  i  al  førben  ffal  ieø  øøre  wbat  on  earth 
shall  i  do?  -  ben  Gtunb  in  as  much  as;  ban  tør 
~  (mulig)  ttarfag  til  at  he  has  every  reason  to; 
af  .  SRagt  wlth  might  and  main;  meb  .  Wet  wlth 
perfect  Justlee;  til  .  2t)He  by  great  good  luck, 
as  good  luck  would  have  it;  uben  .  Zoiol  with- 
out  a  doubt;  uben  -  Ørunb  without  a  show  of 
reason,  without  any  reason  whatever;  I  .  Stil- 
beb  (very)  quietly;  fremfor  -t  above  all,  of  all 
thlngs;  -t  all,  everythiog;  -t  oel  oberoejet  all 
things  considered;  formoa  -t  bo*  *n  be  all  in  all 
with  one,  have  great  influence  with  one;  mit  -t 
my  all;  band  et  og  -t  his  all  in  all,  all  in  all 
with  hlm;  i  et  og  -t  entirely,  to  all  Intents  and 
purposes;  f-t)  i  -t  altogether.  all  told;  -t  anbet 
enb  anythiug  but;  -t  $vat>  Jeg  ejrr  my  all;  -t  Cngelfl 
every thlng  English;  naax  -t  lommer  til  -t  after 
all,  after  all  is  said,  when  all  comes  to  all, 
(wheu)  all  (is)  said  and  done,  in  the  end;  meb 
t  bet  for  all  that;  meb  -t  bet  at  l)an  notwlthstand- 
ing  tbat  he,  for  all  his  -ing;  ban  er  meb  til  -t 
nothing  comes  amiss  to  hlm  (fe  ogfaa  VU  aUv), 
-le  (bile  Vtennefler)  all,  everybody;  -le  og  enb&er 
every  body,  each  and  all,  (^cemfom^elft)  any  bod  y, 
-le  anbre  everybody  else;  bi  -le  all  ofus,  weall; 
-le  tre  all  three,  the  whole  three;  le  fom  en  one 
and  all,  all  and  suudry,  (all)  to  a  man;  -le  Stanb 
every  man;  -le  Vtanb  op  I  J,  all  hånds  ahoy !  en 
for  -le  og  -le  for  en  jointly  and  separately. 

•Bl  o  heart-wood,  duramen. 

*Bl  o  -er  (a  kind  of  primitive)  one- horse 

*1  e  fe  «bl. 

«labaft'  c  alabaster. 

Vlagner  re  a  fe  Øuerre. 

tttlamø'bif!  a  fashionable,  modish. 

Slattb  c  cha vender,  chub,    Cvprinu*  ctpkolw. 

«la  ner  pi  Alani. 

Vlant  o  ^  elecampane,  scab-wort,  Itmla  He- 
lenium.    -bltt  elecampane  wlne  (o.  fl.) 

tllarm'  e  (£arm)  noi»e,  tumult,  racket,  uproar, 
hubbub,  din,  (ttnfrrig)  ala'rm;  bltnb  .  false  alarm; 
gøre  -  (ttnfrrig)  give  the  alarm;  blcrfe,  flaa  . 
sound,  beat  the  alarm,  fllarme  re  vt  alarm. 
lt(arm|Høfre  alarm-bel  1.  -pibe  alarm (whistle). 
•blabé  alarm-post.  -ffnb  alarm-gun.  -ftang  sig- 
nal ltght.    -tromme  alarm-dium  (o.  fl.) 

ttlatern'  c  al'atern,  Rhammu  alutemua, 

Slba'ttc?  c  Al  ban.  -bjærget  the  Alban  Mount. 
Bibo'wf!  a  Alban. 




Vlba'nHeti  Albania.  -e'frr  c  -e,  -eferittlc  c 
-r,  -c'flff  a  Alba'nian,  Al'banese. 

Vtbarobferttg  a  all-mercifal.  -bet  all-merci- 

Vtbatrø«<fe)c  fer  albatros«,  2>iom«dea(«cWaii*). 

Vlbigett'fer(e)  pi  Alblgenses.  -trigen  the  Al- 
bigensfan  war. 

»IH *»(•  o  albino,    -if  me  c  al'binism. 

Vlimetal  Albion  metal. 

Vftrert  Albert. 

Visne  e  -x  elbow;  )>uffc  meb  -en  elbow;  puffe  Hg 
frem  meb  -rne  elbow  one's  way.  -te«  cubit,  ulna. 
-leb  elbow-Joint.  -mat!  cubit.  -ffatl  limpet, 
Patelia.  -fUb  Jog  with  the  elbow;  brnlae  on 
the  elbow. 

VI bum  e  twelfth  part  of  a  „Gfoeppe  ^OTtforn". 

Vlbum  »  -er  album;  (gotografiO  photograph 
-book.  -i'w  n  albu 'men.  -i'nftof  albnmlnous 

Vlce'if?  a  alcaic. 

Vftrba'rax  Aldeb'aran. 

»l»eb»  b  »  al'dehyde. 

Vibe  tef  adt>  qul te,  entirely,  totally,  absolutely, 
altogether,  utterly;  ~  itte  not  at  all,  by  no  (mariner 
of)  means,  f  not  a  bit  of  lt;  ~  tøflen  none  at 
all;  -  intet  notbing  at  all;  -  ingen  (frunb,  intet 
Øaftbcert  no  reason,  no  barry,  at  all;  -  font  om 
<inite  as  if,  for  all  the  world  as  lf. 

»ttenftnnb  fe  VI  a. 

Viber  e  -e  age;  meget  fpj  -  eztreme  old  age; 
ban  bat  -en  he  has  the  years;  af  fin  ~  (at  bære) 
or  his  years;  $efte  af  alle  -e  all-aged  horses;  i 
ra  -  af  at  the  age  of;  bsbe  i  rn  -  af  to  Var  died 
aged  two  years;  i  en  t)sj  -  at  a  great  age;  i  en 
tiblig  .  at  an  early  age,  early  in  life;  i  en  filbiø 
.  late  in  life;  i  fin  bebfte  -  in  the  prime  of  life; 
i  min  -  at  my  age;  i  ben  ~  at  of  an  age  to;  i  beu 

-  ba  of  an  age  in  which;  ban  er  baa  min  -  he 
is  (of)  my  age;  paa  fin  gamle  -  old  as  he  is. 

flUberbøm  c  (old)  age;  -men  old  age.  +Vlber« 
bsssmetlg  b.  f  f.  Vlberbsmf-  senile.  +Vlber' 
bømfjførfjrgelfeffaffc  superannuation  fund. 
-ffrfbrligbeb,  -føagbeb  decrepitude,  lnflrmlty  of 
old)  age.    -fUtte  stay  of  one's  dedinlng  years. 

Vlberf|førmaxb  chairman  el.  president  by 
senJority.  -førftel  difference  in  years.  -fslge  fe 
Vnciennetet.  -gram  fe  limit  of  age,  age-limit. 
•tUafvI  age-clause.  -merte  mark  of  age.  •**• 
bf«  fe  Vnciennetet. 

Vlberftogen  a  aged,  stricken  in  years. 

VJbrrf  ftib,  fra  .  from  time  im memorial,  time 
out  of  mind.  -ribf  b*»b  immemorial  right,  -til* 
(eg  pay-increase  according  to  length  of  service. 

♦Vtberfsag  u  decrepit. 

Vlbt  arre  pi  Al'dine  editions. 

V(br|e«be  o  elderly,  oldisb,  declinlng  into  the 
Tale  of  years.    #-e#  vd  grow  old. 

Vlbrfg  adv  never;  „  mere  no  more;  om  (an 
bafrbe  -  faa  mange  though  he  had  ever  so  many; 

-  faa  fnart .  . .  f sr  no  sooner .  . .  than;  man  ffal 
.  fige  -  never  is  a  long  word;  f  iffe  for  -  bet 
not  for  the  world;  næfien  -  hardly  ever;  bette  ton 
•el  .  ocere  Seref  fttaber?  these  are  never  your 

Vte  vt  plough  with  an  „VI". 
Vlemam'wlet  §4  Alemanni.    -if!  a  Alemannic. 

Vlen  c,  pi  *r,  ell,  two  feet;  be  ere  to  -  af  et 
Støtte  ihey  are  a  pair  el.  of  a  piece;  maole  en 
caben  meb  fin  egen  .  measure  another  by  one's 
own  standard;  bibl  fan  logge  en  .  til  fin  Bafft 
can  add  one  cubit  nnto  his  stature.  -sreb,  -bpb 
i  two  feet  broad,  deep. 

Vie  se  a  alone,  by  one's  self;  ganffe  -  all  alone; 
»re  .  be  alone  el.  private;  tttqrten  tommer  fjælben 
.  afafortune  rarely  comes  single;  —  adv  only,  ! 

solely;  itte  ~  .  .  .  men  ogfaa  not  only  .  .  .  but. 
-fallggarettbe  a  only  saving. 

Vtexlgøbf  dry  goods.  -b«i  a  two  feet  high. 
•frant  fe  -gob*.  -lang  a  two  leet  long.  -sjum! 
ell-mea»nre.  -ribber,  -rattet  counter  skipper. 
-tal,  -»if,  i  .  by  the  ell.    -»årer  fe  -gobi. 

VlcKt'Icrae,  be  -iffe  prr  the  Aleu'ttc  el.  Aleu'- 
tian  bles. 

Vteron'betyojiegaje  ring-paroquet,  Palæornu 

Vlejanbrtla,  -r«  w  Alexandria,  -mer  e-e  (gert) 
Alexan'drine.    -uf!  Alezan'drian. 

ttff  c  -er  elf,  falry. 

Vlfabet  n  er  alphabet.    -ifl  a  alphabet'ic. 

Vlffaber  o  fkther  of  all.  -far  a:  .  »ej  b.  f.  f. 
-faml  high-road,  hlghway. 

Vlfe|agttg  a  elfln-like,  elflsh,  fiUry-like.  -ban« 
fairy-dance.  -brovning  fairy  queen.  -tonge 
fairy  king.  -lanb  fairy  land.  -let  a  fairy- light. 
•rige  fe  -lanb.    -ffare  host  of  fiiiries  el.  elves. 

Vlfonft  Alphon'so,  Al  fons  o. 

Vlforbar  m|enbe  a  allmerdful.  -ercv de/ the 

Vige  c  -x  alga,  pi  algoe,  sea-weed. 

Vfgrbra  o  algebra,    -ifl  a  algebra'lc. 

Vlgi  er  n  (Staben)  Algiers;  (el.  Vlgerien)  Al- 
ge'ria.    -er  o,  pi  =,  -ff  a  Algerian,  Al'gerlne. 

Vl|gob  a  all-good,  all-bounteous,  all-bonntiful. 
•gobbeb  supreme  goodness.  +«beb  e  totali  ty. 
-perren,  -berffere«  the  Lord  of  all. 

Vlbibå  be  e  -r  index,  al'idade. 

Vlia*  adv  a'lla8. 

Vlibi  n  al'ibi,  bestfe  flt  -  prove  an  alibi. 

Vdfbøt'tøxerp/,  imwaliquot- tones,  harmonics, 

VHmentatio'n(9sibrag)  allmen'tary  allowance, 
(til  fraftilt  $ujrru)  alimony. 

Vli'nea  c  parsgraph. 

Vll&ari'n  n  aliz'arine. 

Vlta|U  n  -alier  alkali,  -ttftrim,  -life'Hvg  e 
alkalira'tlon.  -Hfere  vt  al'kalize.  -lift  a  al'- 
kaline.    -Isi'b  n  -er  alHtalold. 

Vltan'varob  al'canet,  orchanet,  Anchuta  tinc- 

««e  «t  waddle. 

Vlfe  e  -r  auk,  Alen  iorda;  *  faa  fnlb  fom  en  . 
as  drunk  as  an  owl,  as  a  lord.  Mange  little 
auk;  Mero*lu»  alle. 

Vlfojbol  c  alcohol.  -bolife're  vt  al'coholise. 
-bolifatio  n,  -bølife  ring  c  alcohoUza'tion.  -bo'« 
liff  a  alrohol'ic  -botome'ter  n  alcoholom'eter, 

Vlforanea  de/ the  al'coran,  the  KoTan. 

Vlfo  He  c  x  alcove. 

ttinprni'  c  al'cbemy.  -ft'  o  -er  aTchemlst. 
-11  if?  a  alchem'ic(al),  alchemist'ic(al). 

Vlf«  ifl  fe  VlcoeifE. 

Vltar  Hg  a  all-loving. 

%Ué'  o  -r  avenue  (of  trees).    -rr«  avenue  tree. 

SOego|ri'  o  er  al'legory.  -rife're  vtkvi  alle- 
gorize.  -rife  ring  c  al'legorizing.  -'riff  a  alle- 

VQelbaanbe  (ogfaa  baan'be)  a  all  manner  of, 
all  kinds  of,  all  sorts  of;  —  §  all  sorts  of  thlngs, 
fftrbbberi)  allspice,  pimento;  f)an  fer  ub  til  .  he 
has  a  suspicious  look;  et  .  an  omnlumgatherum. 
•baonbetril   pimento,    Eugenia  pimenta.      -tyef- 

8CB(dbag)  AU-Salnts,  AU  Salnts  Day.  -bel'gen«. 
ngt  All-Salntsbay.  -belgeiiétr«  fa  kind  of) 
Brasil  wood.  -manb  fe  VI.  -mattbftbev  every- 
body's  frie  ad.  -nf  alf  adv  f ,  at  all  events,  at 
any  rate. 

VOer-  (oeb  6uperlflttD,  Zonen  enten  paa  aV-  el. 
paa  bet  anbet  Orb  i  Sammrnfstningen,  ^oor  bet  iffe 
ubtrbtfelig  anmarte«,  at  ben  tun  fan  bare  paa  bette) 
of  all,   very,  (uben  Sammenligning)  by  far;  (beb 




titler)  most.  •alminbeligft  a  the  very  commonest, 
by  far  the  most  common.  -bebfl  a  the  very  best, 
by  far  the  beat,  a  k  adv  beet  of  all;  -  font  just 
as,  at  the  very  moment  when,  in  the  mldst  of. 

*Derebe,  »Oere'be  adv  (tun  beb  et  $ræbitat) 
already;  (engang  tibligete)  before  now,  exe  now; 
.  nu  even  now;  ~  bengang  even  at  that  time;  . 
i  bet  tolbte  ttatfyinbtebe  as  early  el.  as  fer  back 
as  the  twelfth  century;  .  tibliø  quite  early;  .  be 
gamle  Dibfle  even  the  anclents  knew;  _  famme 
$ag  the  very  same  day;  -  ben  Omfiænbigføb  at 
the  very  faet  that  el.  of;  bet  et  -  meget  that  is 

SDcrlfJcft  a  by  far  the  greatest  number  (of); 
bem  er  ber  -  af  they  are  by  fer  the  most  numerons. 
-farrrft  a :  be  -e  very  few  (people).  -f*? ft  a  k  adv 
fint  of  ail;  fra  ~  af  from  the  very  flrst.  -Jel'« 
ligfre  (om  $aben)  most  holy;  ben  -e  the  most 
Holy;  bet  -e  bibl  the  Holy  ofHolies,  theHoliest 
of  all,  (eOerft)  the  sanctuary.  -Jelft  adv  jeg  »il 
.  I  should  like  best,  I  shoald  greatly  prefer. 
•bel'bebe*  «  devilish;  en  .  fcatl  a  very  devil  of 

utmost.    -Mftfans'ine  His  (el.  Her)  Majesty.   -in 
berfUcOnberft.  -trifft'cftgll  most  Christian,  -tareft 
a  dearest  (of  all),  most  beloved;  bet  ffulbe  bore 
mig  .  I  should  like  nothing  better  than.  -te'refte 
a  (f*b  o.  I.)  most  charming,  most  lovely,  dainty; 

—  adv  most  charmingly.  -laneft;  ben  -e  $rit  the 
very  lowest  prlce.  -ntef*  a  by  far  the  greatest 
part;  adv  more  than  ever.  -ntinbft  a  least  of 
all;  the  very  least;  i  bet  -e  at  the  very  least;  — 
adv  least  of  all;  less  than  ever.  -naa'btgfft  a 
most  graclous;  —  adv  gradously.  -ttermeft  a, 
mine  t  my  own  family.  -ttfbtoft  ad»\  bet  foa 
ieg  -  I  should  like  that  least  of  all.  -n*b»cnbigft 
a  most  necessary  (of  all);  bet  -e  the  very  neces- 
sartes  (of  llfe).  -ftbft  a  k  adv  last  of  all;  »ente 
til  -  watt  to  the  very  end.  -fnareft  adv;  jeg  tror 
.  I  think  nothing  more  likely  than.  -f  om-  (meb 
Supert.)  joe,  very.  -tro'efte  a  (Xitel)  most  faith 
ful.  -unberbantgft  a  most  humble;  —  adv  most 
humbly,  (Unberft.)  Your  Majesty 's  most  humble 
and  loyal  subject.     -Oberft  a  the  very  topmost; 

—  adv  at  the  very  top;  -  (orøe)  i  el.  paa  at  the 
very  top  of. 

«Be|fommen  altogether.  -fiatlc*  Sag  AU  Souls' 
Day.  -flag«  of  all  kinds,  every  kind  of,  all 
kinds  el.  sorts  of,  a  variety  of.  various.  -Heb# 
adv  everywhere,  in  all  piaces.  -ftcbftfva  adv  from 
everywhere.  -ftebSnofrb«  renbe  a  omuipresent, 
ublquitous.  -fteb«n«rtt«  relf  e  c  omnipresenoe. 
-tiber  p  adv  always.  -»egne  adv  everywhere. 
-vegne  fra  adv  from  everywhere. 

VUian'ee  c  r  alliance,  -rraftat  treaty  of  a. 
OTIe'ret  a  allied;  —  c,  -ebe  ally,  pi  allies. 

HMgattønSregniug  alliga'tion. 

BOtga'tor  o  -er  alligator.  -ftilbfabbe  c  alligator 
tortoise,  Chelpdra. 

9UIi'ge»el  (og  bel')  adv  still,  notwithstanding, 
nevertheless,  for  all  that,  all  the  same,  (unbet 
atte  Omft.)  at  any  rate. 

tMIIife  c  -r  jackdaw,  Corvue  tnonedula;  faa  fttlb 
fom  en  .  as  drunk  as  an  owl,  as  a  lord. 

SWinger  pi  slender  spars  of  pine-wood. 

+flW»et  de/,  poet  (all)  life. 

trøobrø  gerne  the  Allob'roges.  ,  ## 

«Do  b|(i»«t)naUodium,  freehold  (estate).  -la  l« 

trøofnrio'«  c  -er  address,  allocu'tion. 

«Qon  ge  c  -r  mere  allonge,  -barn!  full-bot- 
tom(ed)  wig.  m       „     ,  _ 

«fiol|ia't  c  -et  allop'athist.  -bori'  c  allop  athy. 
-fea'tift  a  allopath'io(al). 

fMo'ftta  pi  alien,  irrelevant  el.  heterogenou> 
matters  el.  subjects. 
«0K|be  re  allu'de.    -fla's  e  et  aUu'sion. 

Vun'vilnm  n  alluvium.    -a1»  allu'vial. 

film  e  fe  WKm. 

Vintag*  c  omnipotence,  almightiness.  flint  ag  tø - 
orb  almighty  word. 

Vfntanat'  c  -fer.    al'manac. 

Kimen  a  general,  common,  public,  universal. 
-aanb  public  spirit.  -beflnbenbc  state  of  health 
in  general,  -bonnelfe  education  of  the  (common 
people.  +-bom  public  opinion,  -ejenbøm  public 
property.  -fattelig,  -forftaaetig  a  intelligible  to 
all,  -to  the  meanest  capaclty«,  popular.  -fatte* 
tig  beb,  -førfftaaeligteb  simplicity»  popularity. 
-falelfe  public  splrit,  philanthropy.  -gavn  fr 
-nbtte.  -gttlblg  o  generally  binding,  universally 
received.  -gtalbigteb  general  valid  i  ty,  unlver 
sality.  -tøben  c  the  public,  -(såning  general 
reading,  r.  for  the  million. 

'ttlmenning  c  fe  ttlminbmg. 

«lmen|ntttte  public  good,  p.  Utility,  -nyttig 
a  of  p.  Utility,  -fan«  fe  -aanb.  -fitferbeb  public 
safety,  general  s.:  joe  -en  (i  fcbfyi&n)  the  house 
of  detention,  -ffole  board  school;  højere  .  public 
school.  -Rensning  general  feeling.  -fleb  (+),  -fart 
nina  common- place.  -bel  public  weal,  common 
welfare.  -  tilgængelig  a  accessible  to  all.  -ncrfen 
public  aSairs.  -ttnbeft  popularity.  -tpnbet  a 

»Iminbeiig a (mobf.  fiatben)  common.  general, 
ordinary,  (uben  Unbtag.)  universal;  (mobf.  fpeeielj 
general,  generic;  -  fBvBt  vulgar  fractions;  -e 
Sætninger,  $aaflanbe  generalizations,  generalities; 
.  Slenneffeforftanb  common  sense;  t  6tagfmaal 
a  free  fight;  en  .  Xto,  et  -t  Rbgte  a  current  be- 
lief,  rumour;  ben  -e  fttrre  the  universal  church; 
bet  -e  $ebfte  the  public  good;  bet  -e  the  public; 
til  ~  Qfotoaofelfe  for  to  the  general  surprise  of; 
—  adv  commonly  etc.;  man  tror  .  lt  is  currently 
belleved.  -gate  vt  make  general;  generalbte 
•garelfe  c  generalisation,  -beb  e  generality,  uni- 
versality;  i  -  in  general,  generally;  oanfle  i  _ 
in  a  general  way,  broadly,  vaguely;  Serben  i  - 
the  world  at  large.  -Vift  adv  generally,  in  general 

Vtntinbing  e  -et  common;  (p.  Jttrreaaatb)  pau 
per'B  side.    ftlminbingøret  commonable  righta. 

Slmiffe  c  -t  alms,  charity;  bebe  om  .  ask  an 
alms,  beg  charity.  -blot  alms-box.  -bortten 
alms-dish.  -bolig,  -f|tt$  alms-house.  -inbfamler. 
-inbfamlerffe  coflector,  gatherer,  of  alms.  -inb 
fontiing  gathering  of  alms.  subscriptlon.  -lem 
pauper,  alms-man.  -ftiftelfe  charitable  institu- 
tion,   -nbbeler  almoner. 

Ulmue  c  -r  the  common  people,  the  peasantry, 
the  poor,  the  vulgar,  the  lower  orden,  the  pie 
beians;  •(flforfamling)  gathering.  -bibliotet  people' f 
library,  parish  1.  -bigtrr  popular  poet.  -tætning 
reading  for  the  million,  -orb  word  belonging 
to  the  vulgar  tongue,  vulgari&m.  -f  agn  popular 
tradition,  -fang  popular  song  -fanger  popular 
poet,  ballad  wrlter.  *lm«f«folf  people  of  the 
lower  orders.  Slntttc|ftote  parish  school,  board - 
school,  common  school.  -ffolelofrer  parisn-school 
teacher.  -ftrift  book  for  the  million.  9(mne9' 
tbittbe  woman  of  the  lower  classes.  9lmne« 
wanb  plebeian.  Wtmaeftorb  fe  -orb.  Wlmuejf^roQ 
popular  language,  vulgar  tongue.  -tribun  tri- 
bune of  the  people.  -ttnbermøntng  education 
of  the  common  people.  -;ft)*en  friend  of  the 
lower  orders. 

«U | moro/Hg  a  almighty,  all-powerful;  ben  -« 
the  Almighty.  -Qeb  c  fe  ttlmagt.  Vt'natnren 
poet  (all)  nature. 

ttløe  e  $  aloe;  med  aloes  pi.    -agtig,  -bolbiø 




a  aloet'ic.     -biller  alætlc  pills.     -tøre  aloetic 
acid.    -tr«,  -»eb  agalloch,  aloee  wood. 

Sløfe  o  fe  StamfUb. 

fMpat'a  c  (Dtjr  og  Xøj)  alpaca. 

ftl  part  mere  at  par. 

ttlbe|rne  the  Alp§.  8(9*  alpine,  -ofttrfi  blue 
alpine  daisy,  Arter  aljrinua.  -trnnelle  alpine  lark, 
vicc«i<or  ofptmi«.  -fllob  the  glow  of  sunrise  or 
sunset  on  the  snow-clad  Alps.  -tørt  alpine  hare, 
Lepwi  rariobili*.  -dont  alp- horn,  alpine  horn. 
-iørbbørr  fe  9aHe>.  -Hofte  soidanel.  -link  alpine 
club.  -fragc  chougb,  Pyrrhocorax  oracuiuå.  -net* 
life  alpine  pink,  Diantkn*  alpinus.  -øft  sapsago. 
-rannnlcl  mountain  crow-flower,  Rununculu* 
alpatrti.  -rabn  fe  -bage.  -røfe  rhododendron. 
-riy^c  fe  ftjælb«.  -f  batte  wallcreeper,  Tichodroma 
muraria.  -ftenbttl  ibex.  -ftøf  alpenstock.  -fbalc 
alpine  swift,  Cyp»elua  melba.  -bløl  sow-bread, 
(ycfamen  europæutn. 

9U|raobenbe  a  omnipotent,    +-rrtf*rbig  a  all 

Vlrune(røb)  c  mandrake,  mandragora;  pro 

Vl| f ammen  altogether.  -frenbe  a  all-seeing. 
-fibtg  a  manifold,  multlfarious;  versatile,  uni- 
versal; F  all  round.    *fibtgl)tb  c  versatility. 

»IfitetUber  Alsike  (cloverj,  Trifolium  hybridum. 

fUjffaberen  the  Creator  of  all  things,  +-f!ab- 
ningen  the  whole  creation.  fUftcng,  alflagd  a 
of  all  kinds,  every  kind  of,  all  kinds  of,  a  variety 
of ,  varlous,  mlscellaneous.  %l  |  ftqrenbe  all-gover- 
ning,  all-ruling;  p  non  bu  .  good  gracious  me ! 
•farm n  the  Great  Ruier. 

Hit  adv  (SUt  n  fe  911)  already;  .  efter  according 
to;  -  efter  fom  in  proportion  as;  b.  f.  f.  -  fom; 
_  for  too,  (by>  far  too;  _  for  $8 flig.  coni  too  civil 
by  half;  -  imeben«  all  the  while  -ing;  -  mere  og 
mere  more  and  more;  .  fom  just  as,  according  as. 

%lt  e  al  to,  con  tral  to,  counterf-  tenor). 

Xltat  Altal.    ftltat-,  alta'ifl  a  Altaic,  Altaian. 

ttlta'n  e  -er  balcony. 

fllte'a  e  althea,  marsh-mallow. 

filter  n  -e  altar. 

fUterarfo'n  c  affright. 

fUterlftillcbe  fe  tooie.  -bog  service-book.  -borb 
communion  table.    -bng  altar  cloth. 

fUter|e'renbe a,  med al'terative;  .  fRibbel altera 
ti  ve.  -eret  a  frightened,  agitated;  Jeg  bleb  foo 
.  p   it  gave  me  such  a  turn. 

fil  ter  |  fob  foot  of  the  altar.  -gang  communion; 
_  boibeft  the  Holy  Communion  is  celebrated. 
-gnln  fe  -fob.  -gonger  c  -e,  -gæft  communicant. 
-tlb  sacrificial  fire.  -tor  altar  vessel.  -fløbe  a. 
cloth.  -flotber  canonicals,  robes  (of  a  priest). 
•ft«  a   light. 

fUternatt'b  »  -er  alter'native. 

filter ;frr nb  fe  -flsbe.  -flage  altar  candlestick. 
•tabte  a.  piece,  reredos,  (meb  $løje)  trip  ty  eb. 
-tfenrfte  a.  service,  -tone  cont  unctuous  tone. 
-fri«  a.  step.    -vin  communion  wine. 

fUfftøJtc  counter-tenor  flute. 

fUtfor  fe  fUt  for. 

fUtib  adv  always,  in  every  case;  F  (btrlelig) 
certoinly;  .  mere  more  and  more. 

Biting  n  legislative  assembly  in  Iceland. 

fUting  n  everything;   fot  .  by  all  means;  for 

-  it fe  on  no  account,  not  on  any  account;  tyborom 

-  er  any  way,  however  that  may  be. 
Sttift'  c  -er  alto  singer. 
altnøgle  alto  clef. 

fUtømfattenbe  a  all-comprehending,   all-em- 
tUtobøfrenbe  a  self-sacrifielng. 
fUtfoa  eonj  consequently,  therefore,  so,  then. 
Sltfanunen  all,  altogether. 
fUtfanger,  -tnbt  alto  singer. 

+flltbibert  n,  coat  omniscience. 

SUtbtølin  tenor  violin,  viola. 

fUtcebettbe  a  omnlvorous. 

Vlnmi'nlnmnalnmin'ium,  alu'minum.  -brøtt&e 
a.  -bronze,  -Irøbrøgbb  alumln'ic  bydrate.  -|orb 
alu'mina,  al'umine.  -flørib  aluminic  chlorlde. 
•orbb  fe  -iorb.    -fnlfat  aluminic  sulphate. 

fllnm'nttd  c  -ner  collegian. 

fiinn  n  al'um.  -agrig  a  alumlsh.  fUn'n|e# 
-e're  vt  alum.  -bejbfe  e  alum-mordant.  -crt# 
alumore.  -aarber  tawyer.  -garberi,  -garbning 
tawing.  -dolblg  a  aluminous.  -jørb  alum-earth. 
•løber  fe  -ftmb.  -wbt  a.  red.  -flifer  a.-slate. 
-ffinb  a.-leather,  whitleather.  -flets  stone-alum. 
-fbber  e  e  alum-boiler.  -battb  a.-water.  -bfltr! 

*i|ber'ben  all  the  world;  ^oorieoed  i  -  (o.  fl.) 
how  in  (all)  the  world,  how  in  the  name  of 
wonders,  how  the  deuce;  -i  føl!  all  the  world. 
(and  his  wife).  -bi'benbe  a  omniscient,  all 
-knowing,  -bibenljcb  c  omniscience.  -biå  a 
all-wise.    -bifbam  supreme  wisdom. 

fltbor  [aa]  c  &  n  earnest;  fe  -lig^eb;  meb  . 
earnestly;  bet  bar  mit  -  I  was  in  e.;  gøre  -  af  nt 
set  about  st  seriously;  blioe  til  -  become  serious; 
blibet  bet  til  -  meb  Irrtgen?  will  the  war  really 
break  out?  et  Spøg  og  et  onbet  ~,  fe  -lig  talt;  bet 
er  bog  ilte  $ere«  -?  you  don't  say  so?  fot  .  imobf. 
for  6psg)  in  earnest;  (mobf.  miblertibtg)  for  good; 
for  ramme  -  in  good,  real  el.  sober  earnest,  in 
very  e.  -blanbet  a  mingled  el.  blended  wlth 
earnest.  fUbø'rlfga  earnest,  serious,  grave,  sober, 
dem  ure;  t)olbe  flg  -  keep  a  grave  face;  —  adv 
earnestly  etc.;  -  talt  joking  apart,  raillery  et. 
jesting  aside,  in  earnest,  seriously  speaking; 
toge  for  -  poa  take  too  much  in  earnest.  ftl* 
bo  rfigl^rb  c  gravity,  earnestness,  seriousness. 
— SUbør*|  Mil  grave  look.  -bbfl  serious  enoounter. 
-fntb  a  earnest,  serious,  grave,  -manb  earnest 
man.  «orb  serious  word.  -tonic  s.  thought 
(o.  11.) 

«m  ager  n  Amager.  Vmagev|(øønbe)  inhabi- 
tant  of  A.  -brøb  fe  -mab.  -bflrtte  fe  Stormhat. 
•føne  woman  from  A.;  basket- woman.  -mob  a 
kind  of  sandwich  (one  slice  of  brown  bread  and 
one  of  white). 

Vmalefit'er  pi  Amal'ekites. 

timnlga'm  n  amal'gam,  amargama.  -c 're  vt 
amal  gamate;  -  meb  a.  el.  incorporate  wlth. 

Slma'lie  Amelia. 

nlmonncn'fid  c  amanuensis. 

ttataront'  c  am'aranth,  Amaranthu«;  røb  ~ 
love-lles-bleeding,  A  caudatut. 

flmarnru*  «  amaryllis. 

Hmatø  r  c   er  fe  Dilettant. 

Vmaftøne  e  -r  amazone,  -bragt  riding habit. 
—  Shnojønllløben  the  Am'azon.  -mbre  amazon 
-ant,  Formtca  9tnguinta.  -papt$*\t  amazon 
parrot,  Chrytoti*  amaxonica.  -pen  amazonian 

Vmbaøfa'lbc  o  r  em'bassy.  -bør  c  -er  am- 

ftmbe  e  -r  two  numbers  in  the  lottery. 

ftmbrrlinc  c  J,  hambroline,  hamberline. 

Vmbitio  n  o  sense  of  honour. 

Vmblijgcrc  P  vi  employ. 

Smbørna  n  Amboyna. 

ftatbølt  c  -e  (ogfaa  i  fSret)  anvil.  -døm  a.honi. 
-flot  a.-stock. 

«mbo  n  o  er  (i  ftirte)  am'bo. 

»mbra  c  ambergris;  fe  flbrob.  -bnf!  amber 
-tree.  -bnf i  perfume  of  ambergris.  -febt,  -i'n 
c  am'breine.  -i'nfiprc  ambre'ic  acid.  -olie  oil 
of  amber. 

Vmbro  fjia  c  ambrosia,  -ia'nfl  Sobfang  Am- 
bro'sian  chant.   -Iff  a  ambrosial.  -inf  Am'broøe. 




ttmbttbrnce  c    i  am'bulance.    -telt  a.  tent. 
-Høg«  a.(-cart). 
mme  e  -r  aume.awme. 
Vmei'ba  c  -re  (ftHrbeit)  ameiva. 
Vme*  a'men,  vifl  fom  ~  i  JHrfen  sure  as  ftte. 
ttmeabemevt'  n  amend'ment. 
mrnertte  n   America,     -farer  emigrant  to 
America,    -nrr  c  -e.  -aeritt'be  c  -t,  -  »ff  Amer'- 
ican;  Vmeriteiteriabe  ogfoa  Amer'icaness.    -njl 
Cfir  castor  oli;   nff  Sæber  American  cloth.    -al- 
fere vt amer'icanlae.   -ni*  me c -t  Arner 'icanism. 
SmettHt'  e  -er  am'ethyst. 
ftmfi'jbiam  n  -ter  amphib'lona  animal.  am 
phlb'ium.    -ølf?  o  amphibious.    -yø'ber  p/  am'- 
phipods.    -teater  amphltbe'atre.    -teatraift  am 
phitheat  rical. 

ftmi'b  *  am'id. 

Vmtubelfe  c  memory,  remembranoe,  comme- 
moratfon;  ti!  .  om  In  remembranoe  of  —  tKatt»> 
belfei|tale  commemoraUve  speech.  -tegn  keep- 

Vmme  c  -r  nurse.  Vmme  vt  nurse,  suckle. 
-fcøtb  keeping  (of)  a  none.  -Uv  wages  of  a 
nurse,  -jrfabi  situation  of  el.  as  a  nurse,  -frae 
nursery.  -frøefxat  nursery  tales  el.  talk.  -tjenefre 
fe  -plat*. 

ttmmøKta!'  o  ammo'nia.  -agrtg,  -aifl  a  am-  , 
moni'acal.  -gad  ammonia  gas.  -gnmmi  gum  ' 
-ammo'nlao.  -tøfblg  a  ammonlacal.  -fait  am-  ; 
monlacal  salt.    -tant  ammonlacal  water. 

Vmmøvtt'  c  -er  am'monite. 

Vrnmøniam  n  ammonium,  -tlpbrøfulfib  n  ; 
ammou'ic  sulphydrate.  -farbøxat  ammonic  car-  ' 
bonate  (o.  fl.)  -øttb  ammonic  hydrate. 

ttmmøndbønt  fe  «mmomt. 

9Usmuxitiø'tt  c  ammunlt'iou.  —  ftamwii' 
riøntlfarrc  a.  waggon,    -tadfe  shot  box.  \ 

flmite|fte're  vt  grant  (one)  an  amnesty.  -fti' 
c  am'neity;  (-befret)  amnesty,  aet  of  o b livion. 

8'tttting  c  trim,  draught;  poa  ~  in  trim.  — 
VmnfagØltal,  -marter  pi  water-marks. 

fhnør  c  Cu'pid,  Love,  +A'mor. 

ftmørf'  a  amo'rphous. 

Vmørt  »er  pi  Cupids. 

fhttørtilfere  vt  sink.  -fatiøn.  -fe  ring  c  amor- 

xmønrett'e  c  -r  amour,  love  affair 

Mmptl  e   pin  hanging  flower  pot  el.  lamp. 

Vwjrtttttle  c  j,  am'plitude. 

Vntytttatiøn  c  -er  amputa'tion.  —  «mtmta<  > 
tiønøl  beflit  case  of  am'putating  instruments,  i 
-talø  amputating  knife  (o.  fl).  fimlrate're  vt  i 

8mt  n  er  distrlct  of  a  superior  magistrate, 
county.  -waitb  Buperlor  magistrate,  sheriflf. 
-maxbfTa*  place  et.  functlon  of  a  superior  magi- 

Vmt$r  agronom  government  agrlculturist  for  < 

a  county.  t-bar»er  surgeon-barber.  t-fønb 
county  treasury.  ••fbrmaubffab  fe  -roab.  t-før- 
»alter  receiver  of  the  public  revenues  (of  a  Ju- 
risdlction).  -tøflt«*  county  pbyrtcian.  t*«* 
residenoe  el.  offlce  of  a  superior  magistrate. 
-tømmune  county  (regarded  as  a  self-governiug 
community).  -lort  map  of  a  county.  Mage  fe 
-raflhift  t-brøbft  dean  of  an  „Hmt".  -raab 
county  council,  c.  board,  -rejartitiøaéføab  fe 
-fømb  -ftøfe  county  school.  tumtftxe  offlce  of 
a  receiver  of  public  revenues. 

Smålet'  c  -ter  am'ulet,  charm. 

Smur  c  the  Amour. 

tflnmr  fe  Btelotetinøwr. 

Btntt'l  n  am  yle.    -«ter  amylic  ether. 

far!  present,  fire  i 
«»'  pnrp,  ««re  to. 

Vnofram'  n  -mer  an'agram. 
Vnafarbitaøb  cashew-nut. 
Vaaltølnti'  c  -er  anacolu'thon.     -f»t«t  if!  a 
anacoluthic.    -føre  t  c  -er  an'chorite. 
Haafreøa  rifl  a  Anacreontic. 
Vnairrøaifme  c    r  anach'roniam.      -føg  o 
anøi'ogous.    -løgf  c  et  anal'ogy.   -løglHaraias 
anal'oglsm.     -lø'gift  a  analog'ioal.    -tH'fe  c  -r 
anal'ysis;  gram  parslng.     -f^fe're  tt  an  alyze; 
parse.     A^tW   c  analyt'ics  pi.     -Ilpt'ller  c  -f 
an'alyst.     -I^t'tff  o  analyt'ical;  ben    e  Vltto* 
ehøm  the  a.  method,  the  m.  of  residues. 
ftaanaf  c  -er  pine  apple,  ana'nas.    -%aaq»  s 
l  hemp.    -II  pine  apple  ice.    -|ørb9ier  pine- strå w 
,  berry.      -firfebøtr    Peruvian    Cape  gooaebem- 
Pkyalii  perwiama.     -førreb  graae  cloth.     -øf te 
plne-apple  oil.     -banø)  pine-apple  punch,    -tøi 
fe  -lærreb.    -bi«  pine  apple  wine. 
Vnapffft'  c  -er  an'apest.    -ift  a  anspea'tic 
afaarff'  n  an'archy.    Snartiff  ana'rchical 
Xnafta  tlff  Xrtjf  anastat'ic  printiag. 
Saate'ma  n  anath'ema. 
VNatø'lm  c  ■  er  anat'omist.  -me're vt  anafomue, 
dlssect.      -MC'riag   c  anatomizlng,    dlssection 
-Mt'  c  anat'omy.    -mi  f ammer  dissecting  room. 
anatomicai  hall.    -atiff  a  anatom'ical. 

Vvbefafje  vt  recommend,  commend;  -  ftg  take 
leave,  retire.  jrg  -r  mig  your  servant;  «et  Orrt 
registered  letter,  -t-effg,  -elfe#b<rrbig  fe  -inøi 
øsrbig.  -exbe  a  recommendatory,  (om  9bre)  pre- 
possessing.  -iag  c  -er  recommendation,  reference, 

tiKbefaliNgdlbreø  letter  of  introductlon,  re 
commendatory  letter,  -geblpr  reglstration.  -ført 
business  card,  trade-csrd.  -paategntng  recom- 
mendatory note.  -øerbig  a  recommendablt*. 
commendable,  worthy  of  recommendation. 
■fftvbelange  fe  tlngaa. 

ftnbetrø  vt  entrust,  trust  el.  charge  one  witb 
st,  commlt  st  to  one's  trust. 
9lnbøre  vt  (Job)  broach. 
finbringle  vt  put,   place,  dispose,  fix,  apply. 
insert,  introduce,  (^mpf)  invest,  (8arer)  sell;  - 
i  ftanbelen  settle  el.  place  in  tråde;  .  et  felag  hit 
a  blo«r;  oel  -gt  well  applied,   appoaite;   oel   gi 
©tub  home  tbrust;  bel  gt  Slog  well  planted  blow; 
flet  -gt  mlsapplied,  misplaced,  out  of  place;   -fit 
til  rette  Ztb  seasonable,  opportune,  well  timed; 
-gt  til  urette  Xib  unseaaonable,  111- timed     -etfc 
c  pladng  etc,   application,  insertlon,  introduc 
tion,   investment.     -embe  n   statement,      -er  <- 
(©ranbt).)  feeder. 
Hnbrub  n  fe  ^rembmb;  min  opening. 
Vnbrntfe«  part  (Xolbb  )  broken  open. 
tin|bNb  n,  pi  =»,  offer,  tender,    -bbbe  vt  ofler. 
tender,    -btjber  c  -e  party  tendering. 
ttnAø  øig  fe  Vnfjoø. 

tincieanete't  c  seniority,  standing,  mil  date  of 

■«b  c,  pi  Wrnbcr,  duck;  (fciftorte)  hoax,  mares 
nest,  canard. 

finbagt  c  devotion;  forrette  Tm  -  sav  one's 
prayers.  —  ftnbagtØ|bøa  book  of  d.,  devotional 
book.     -faib  a  ftill  of  d.,  devout.     -freb    placo 

i-.'fj'i^  ^i1«10118  rl  devotional  exerciai-,  exer 
cise  of  devotion. 

«nbaln  fi|ev  n  Andalusia.  -er  c  e,  -ertnbe  c 
•r,  -ff  a  Andalusian.  '  ^rsw*c 

JiS!^!!^1  d"ck»bot  .   ••»«I    o«^«*   whali-, 
ayperoodtm  rottratu*.    -iaøt  durk  »hn*x*{nZ 

ducking     .j«ger  duck  shSote?     8nootm^  «"" 
«Bbel  c  -e  share,  part,  portion,  quota-  fm«*  ft«r 

w  uo  wim  tøs«  en  -  i  buy  into;  tmbt  enå      hm- 
one  out;  mb.  .  1  Ubbp.Ut  iy  *iTof  S*pÆ. 




-  Vnbe(*|brift  -f*frrnt  the  system  of  profit- 
sharing,  aør  cooperative  farming. 

ttnbemab  duck-weed,  duck-meat,  Lemna;  fulb 
af  -  duckweedy. 

fhtben  n  -bet,  pi  -bre,  a  other;  orrf  second  (brt 
•bet  9Jub  the  third  commandment);  en  .-,  et  -bet 
another,  (nttifl  l)t>em  el.  ijoab)  some  other;  en  eller 
.  some  (. .  .  or  other);  rn  etter  .  af  Øerne  one 
or  other  of  the  islands;  $t>er  ~  every  other,  every 
second,  every  alternate;   i  en  ganffe  -  ttetpbning 
in  a  very  different  ænse:  .  Dag  the  following 
day,  the  nest  day;  en  -  xtofi  another  day;  .  Del, 
.  Vang  the  second  volume,  time,-  en  .  Qtang 
another  time;  .  2)«r,  »ab«,  Iprfra  the  next  door, 
street,  bat  one;  fra  Snbe  til  -  from  end  to  end; 
.  »Hemen  (narmeft «)  the  Little  Go  (Cambridge), 
the  Smalls  (Oxford);  pefuniæce  og  anbre  ftorbele 
advantages  pecunfary  and  otherwlse:  paa  ~  $anb 
at  second  hånd;  fyior  er  min  .  $anbffe  where  is 
the  fellow  to  my  glove?  ben  .  januar  on  the 
second  of  January;   tage  -bie  frlceber  paa  change 
one's  clothes;   i  bet  -bet  Sio,  i  ben  -  »etben  in  a 
future  life,  in  the  next  worid;  bet  er  en  ganfle  . 
ttanb  he  is  a  very  different  (sort  of)  man;  meb 
-bre  Orb  in  other  words;   bet  ei  en  ganfle  •  Sag 
tbat  is  very  different,  that  alters  the  case  entirely; 
intet  -bet  6teb  nowhere  else;  tønge  .  Stemme  sing 
a  second;  lomme  paa  -bre  tanter  change  one's 
mind;  fra  Zib  tit  -  from  time  to  time;  —  «  en 
an  ben  another  (person),  somebody  else;  higen, 
no  other  person,  nobody  else;  ingen  •  enb  no- 
body  bat;  en  og  .  some  people;  en  eller  .  some- 
body or  other;  noget  an  bet  something  el.  any- 
thing  else;  intet  .  nothing  else;  intet  -  enb  110- 
thing  bat;  iRe  _?  is  that  all?  fjtwb  -  what  else? 
fer  bet  «  secondly,  in  the  second  place;  blanbt . 
for  one  thlng,  inter  alia;  ftf  .  at  tænfe  paa  got 
something  else  to  think  of;  ftf  -  at  trfbe  was  an* 
decelved;  alt  .  enb  anythlng  but;  et  og  .  some 
things;  et  eller  .  something  or  other;  bet  fan  iRe 
pare  -  lt  ean  be  nothiug  else,  (unbgaa*)  it  can- 
not  be  helped,  cannot  be  otherwlse,  there  is 
nothing  else  for  it;  bet  fan  itte  Mere  .  enb  at  lt 
cannot  be  bat;  Jeg  fan  iRe  -  enb  I  cannot  but; 
jeg  fan  iRe  tro  -  enb  at  I  cannot  but  think  that; 
foa  JRenneffer  pil  oare  .  enb  tafnemmeliae  for  few 
people  will  be  other  than  grateful  for;  bet  er 
noget  ganfle  .  that  is  another  affair  altogether; 
ieg  oeb  iRe  .  (rettere)  as  far  as  I  know,  I  know 
nothing  to  the  contrary;   bet  oar  iRe  gobt  -  I 
should  be  very  sorry  not  to  belleve  it;  —  anbre 
other  people,  others;  alle  .  everybody  else;  3  . 
the  rest  of  you;  ingen  -  no  others,  nobody  else, 
røgen   -   enb  none  but.  —  ftaben|bag£brbjlnp 
enteitalnment  the  day  after  a  wedding.    -bag«- 
feter  agne,  tertlan  fever.    -bagftmørgen  the  mor- 
ning of  the  next  day,  the  next  day  in  the  mor- 
ning,   -tarm  submaster.   -manb  somebody  else; 
the  second  man.    -ftebf  adv  elsewhere,  in  some 
el.  any  other  place;  ingen  -  nowhere  else.  -ffteb** 
fra  adv  from  another  place.    -ftebøbd*  adv  some- 
where  else,  to  some  other  place.    -ftenb  second 

ttnbenorb  duck's  bill;  duck's  bill-forceps. 

ttnberlfbct  adv  (fa)  otherwlse,  in  another 
manner,  differently;  bltoe  .  HI  6inM  change 
one's  mind;  bon  er  iRe  -  that  is  his  way;  ganfle 

-  paalibelig  far  more  trustwortby;  Sagen  er  ganfle 

-  the  thing  U  quite  different;  f  bet  er  en  - 
Aaab,  le  onben.  -ttrnlenbe  pi  such  as  think 

■nberf  Andrew. 

Unaeftjørrgene,  Vnberne  pi  the  Åndes. 

ftnbejfhrl  acorn-sbell,  barnacle,  Balanu*.  -fteg 
roast  dock.    **ftegg  drake.    -eg  duck's  egg. 

*ttnbf*iteØ  adv,  prov:   ligge  -  Ue  head  and 
*Vnbpnften  a  fe  Banbeløl. 
Vubrage  vt  represent,  submit;  +  amoant  to; 

—  vi  -  paa,   om  apply  for,  reqaest.   -nbe  n  -r 
representatlon,  petitton. 

ttttbcea*  An'drew.  -før*  saltier,  8t.  Andrew*« 
cross,    -ørbenen  the  order  of  8t.  Andrew. 

Vrbrefc  vt  twist  on;  -#  twist  on. 

ftnbrif  c  -er  drake. 

Snbrifte  vt  (Svibler  o.  1.)  raise,  grow. 

**ttbnage,  fe  Killing. 

Vnbn*|e  vt  k  i  J,  stand  in  for  land,  make 
the  land.    -Kina  e  maklng  (oO  the  land. 

Vnbog'rig  a  devoat,  devotional,  pious.  -fteb 
c  devoutness,  devotion. 

**nboøe  vi  Ue  on  the  oars. 

Sne  proc  fe  ftana. 

Vne  vt  k  imper.  suspect,  anticipate,  guess, 
forebode,  have  a  foreboding,  presentlment,  of; 
jeg  -r  et.  bet  -r  mig,  at  I  suspect  etc.  that;  jeg  -r 
intet  gobt  my  heart  misgives  me;  intet  (onbt)  -nbe 
unconscioos,  unsuspecting,  unwltting,  auwot- 
ting;  A,  bet  -r  there  is  a  cat's  paw. 

Bnefbø'te  c  -r  an'ecdote.  -agtiga  an'ecdotal, 
anecdotical.  -Jager,  -trcmnier  anecdottst. 
-fastling  oollection  of  anecdotes. 

Snclfc  c  -r  susplclon,  foreboding,  presenti- 
ment,  misgiving,  anticipation,  presage;  jeg  baobe 
ingen  .  om  at  I  had  no  idea  that.  •Jnelfeøifnfb 
a  full  of  presentiment.  -f-rig  a  ausplcious. 

Hnemo'ne  c  -r  anem'oue,  windflower.  -fpre 
anemon'ic  acld. 

finer  pi  fnoble)  ancestors. 

*iner|lenbe  vt  acknowledge,  own,  accept,  ad- 
mit,  recognlse;  iRe  -  not  etc.;  dlsown,  disclaim; 

—  -fen  be  nbe  a  appreciative ,  appredatory ; 
-fenbt  a  (generally)  recognised;  —  adv.  faa  . 
bpgtig  of  such  g.  r.  abllity.  -tenbelfe  c  acknowl- 
edgment,  reoognition;  appreciatlon;  pbe  fin  - 
pay  el.  bear  tribut©  to;  »tabe  -  gain  favour. 
-fenbelfcfp«rbig  a  creditable. 

fineroi  bbarometer    an'eroid  barometer. 

Vnelfiølt  a  proud  of  his  ancestors.  -tal  num- 
ber  of  ancestors. 

finfalb  n,  pi  =,  attack,  assanlt,  charge,  onset, 
(af  Spgbom)  fit,  access:  (libenff.  Ubbrub)  trans- 
port, paroxysm;  -  af  ftortttolelfe  fit  of  despair; 
.  af  ^f  ber  access  of  fever;  fif  et  -  af  was  taken 
with  a  fit  of.  ttnfalbe  vt  attack,  assanlt,  assail, 
fall  upon. 

Snfare  vi  min  descend  the  shaft. 

•nforbring  c  demand.  Vafør*rlng*|9e»t*, 
-febbef  note  payable  on  demand. 

Vnfagte  vt  (angribe)  assail;  (poabirte)  affect; 
(•dlbtgbeben  af)  dispute;  (frifte)  tempt;  laber  fig 
iRe  .  af  is  not  affected  by.  -lfc  c  -r  vexation, 
anxiety;  temptatlon. 

Vttferle  vt  (fom  oefalenbe)  command,  (goa  i 
Spibfen  for)  head,  lead;  (oejlebe)  gnide,  con  duet, 
dlrect;  (inbfore)  enter,  book;  (angioe)  state,  give, 
refer  to.  (beroabe  ftg  paa)  allege,  adduce,  arge, 
plead;  (citere)  dte,  quote;  -  til  fin  UnbfSpIbnutg 
allege  in  one's  excuse,  plead;  .  Ørnnbe  state 
reasons;  -  fom  (fttempel  quote  as  an  instance, 
instance.  -elfe  o  stating,  statement,  quoting, 
qaotation;  pleading.  -er  e  -e  (dsobing)  leader. 
commander,  chief.  (gr»ret)  guide;  (f.  *t#.  af 
Orfeftrr)  conductor;  (i  et  Opror)  ringleader.  -fel 
e  command;  dlrect  ion,  guidance;  (Ort.)  con- 
ductorshlp.  -feløtegn  lnverted  commas  pi, 
(sign  of)  qaotation,  quoUtion -marks,  imellem  - 
in  quotatton-marks. 

Hngaa  vt  concern,  regard,  relate  to,  have 
reference  to;  ^oab  -t  bet  mig?  what  Is  that  to 
me?  bet  -r  iRe  $em  it's  none  of  your  business, 




it  does  not  concern  you;  tøab  mig  -t  as  to  me, 
as  for  me:  fjtwb  bet  -r  as  to  that,  for  that  matter, 
on  that  point,  Bngaaeabe  prop  respecting, 
regarding,  concerning,  touching,  relative  to, 
about,  relating  to,  anent,  as  to. 

Bngorli|i|ei,  -tg  a  aathmatlc.  -igbeb  c  asth- 
matic  affection. 

Bage  c  (bol  $eft)  pusaineas,  purainess. 

+Vnge  c  vapour. 

fingel  c  -gier  (Itrog)  hook;  (poa  ftnib  o.  I.) 
tang,  tongne.    -fifler  angler,   -fiffer!  angllng. 

Bnge'lifa  o  angel'lca;  mua  angelot 

Bnget|jørcn  (a  kind  of)  fox-trap.  -mager  hook 
•maker.    -nm*  ahrewlmouse),  Sorex. 

Vngel|(n)  n  Angeln.  -fad)fer  c  -e  Anglo-Saxon. 
•fadifffT  a  &•  Anglo-Saxon,  Old  Bnglish. 

Vngelflaaren  a  ($lanle)  feather-edged. 

tttagcltafte  fe  $aolitanb. 

Hager  c  repentance,  remorse,  penltenoe,  oon- 
trition,  compunction,  regret;  føle  -  ober  repent 
of.  -fri  a  fe  -laf.  -fnlb,  -given  a  repentant, 
penitent,  contrlte,  oompnnctious.  -trt  repented 
bargal d;  smart-money.  -U#  a  guilUess,  blame- 
lesa.  -Mftfteb  c  blameleasneas.  Bngerftaare 
tear  of  repentance. 

ftngeft  a  anxlous,  apprehenaiye,  af  raid;  _  for 
anxlous  el.  uneasy  about;  afraid  of;  .  for  at 
apprehenstre  lest;  gøre  en  -  og  bange  make  one 
very  uneasy.  —  Bngeft  c  fear,  dread,  apprehen- 
tion,  terror;  -  for  fear  of  el.  (=»  for  en«  6tblb; 
about,  on  one's  account;  fbæbe  i  bøbelig  .  be  in 
a  mortal  fright.  -fnlb  a  fearful.  -føtelfe  feellng 
of  fear.  -raab,  -ffrig  cry  of  terror,  scream, 
ahriek.    -f»eb  cold  sweat. 

Bugtale  vt  state,  mention,  report;  (en)  inform 
agalnst,  denounee  (for  to);  (bife)  indicate;  (til 
ftortofbning)  enter  (at  the  custom  house);  -  en 
Ørunb  aasign  a  reason;  .  Zonen  mut  give  the 
tone  el.  key,  fa  take  the  lead,  (TOoben)  lead  the 
faahion.  -clfe  c  -r  statement,  declaratlon,  re- 
port; information,  denunciation.  -enbe  n  state- 
ment, -er  c  -e,  -erffe  c  -r  informer,  denouncer. 
-eri  n  -er  informlng. 

ftuglai'fe  e  *r  oountry-dance. 

Bngle  vt  angle,    -r  c  -e  angler. 

ttnollira'uft  a  Ang'lican;  ben .  -e  «itfc_ the 
Ohurchof  England.  -Tf  er*  vt _anglicize;  fe  fcngli. 
fere.  -a-øjneritanfl  Anglo- American  (o  fl.).  -o««  « 
c  -er  Anglo-maniac.    -ømani'  c  Anglo-ma  nla. 

BngøToir«  barwood. 

tXngora|geb  Angora  goat  (.o.  fl.).  -l»a«r  a. 
goat'a  bair,  mohair. 

Sa^A#4?W  of,  repent  one's  self 
of/ roe,  regret,  be  aorry  for;  jeg  -r  el  bd  -t  mig 
I  renent  ofb.;  -nbe  a  repentant,  penitent 

Snare*  *,  pi  =,  attack,  assault,  agression, 
on7e\  (befttit;  af  Stropper)  charge,  <paa  et  fianb) 
fnradon r  (i %S)  (bolt-)toe;  (fceibfe)  mordant. 
Itai*  ttl     sound  the  charge:   forntte  -et  (ogfao 

o«  =^Si 
•S***?**6  SSISf '    .nrnnft  -Seb  point,  place,  of 


rive  weapon,  o.  arms  p«.     »»  » 

Ser!«  aet,  on  the  jffens^r^    „^j^  (Wenbf } 

engage,  ( WjÉJJJLf  K?ure  (tete)  corrode;  (toge 
poa)  atfect,  (fo*<V>  %^crTea.   the  health) ; 

.   Øjenben  i  ban«   Sejr  beat  up  the  enemy's 

qoartera; enbe  a  fa  trylng,  exhausting;  ben 

-  the  aggressor,    -er  c  -e  assailer,  aggressor. 

ftagroet  p  a  rlckety. 

B«gfl  a  k  •  fe  ttngeft 

flngatlbe  fe  Vngaa.  -nbe  c  the  person  in 
question  el.  aforessJd. 

Subalebe  Støber  J,  sheets  hauled  aft. 

flvbang  *  appendlx;  fe  Xilbang.  Bnbaagfflol 
(i  $iano)  bridge. 

Bnbi  na  c  screamer,  Palamedea. 

Vnbolb  u  vi,:  tage  et  .  take  a  turn.  —  %n- 
ljolb|e  ot  apprehend,  take  up,  selze,  stop,  (6fib) 
lky  embargo  on;  —  vi  om  apply  for,  solicit. 
-elfe  c  apprehension,  seisure;  jætte  unbex  -  take 
lnto  custody.  >elfe#orbre  (writ  of)  caplas, 

Bnbagge  vt  (6foo)  begin  to  cut. 

Butabrt'b  n  -er  an-hydride. 

finbomgig  a  pendent;  gøre  en  @ag  ~  el.  -gare 
vt  en  6ag  commenoe  legal  proceedlngs,  bring  a 
sult  before  the  court.  -gsrelfe  c  commence- 
ment  of  legal  proceedingB. 

t*nb#re  vt  hear,  listen  to. 

fcntlt n  c  an'illne.     -farber  a.  colours  (o.  fl). 

•nima'lff  a  an'lmal. 

Bni  me|gnmmt  anime,  courbaril.  -rr«  anime 
-tree,  Bymenæa  cowbaril. 

Bnim|ere  tt  an'imate.  -eret  a  anlmaled. 
-ofltet  c  anlmos'ity. 

Bnixg  c  vi,  cat's  paw. 

Bnio'K  e,  ehem  a'nion. 

8'ttiS  c  an 'ise  (-seed),  Pimpinella  anttum 
•brbflfutter  anlse-seed  lozengea.  -brot«be»i« 
anise-seed  (cordial).  -brøb  bread  flavoured  with 
anlse-seed.  BaiØrt'tc  c  anisette.  Bniijfr«,  -tøm 
aniseseed.  -tngler  anise  comflts.  -IlUr  fe 
-brænbebin.  -olie  anise  oli.  -fntter  sugared 
anise.    -trat  anise-seed  wood. 

*Bnf  n  wailing;  anxiety. 

Bnfc  c  (tøulbfm   o.  fl.)  thimble-stamp. 

Bvlc  e  -r  complaint,  grlevauce.  —  Jlnte  vi 
paa,  ober  complain  of;  *  regret;  *  -  flg  wail. 
-fri  a  blamelesa. 

Bnfel  e  -Her  ankle. 

ttnteiifte  c  list  of  grievances. 

Bnfellføbe  anklebone.  -leb  ankle  joint,  -fla 
ankle-jacks,  a.-boots,  high-lows. 

Bnfclmoal,  -pofl  c  complaint,  grievance 

Bnfer  c  k  n,  -e  ($ab)  anker. 

Bnfer  n  -fte  J,  anchor;  (i  SRur)  brace,  iron-tle 

cramp  iron;   -et  gaar  meb  the  a.  comes  home' 

foppc  *t  cut  the  cable;   tofte  .  a.,  oast  a.;    ttp»c 

|  -et  fish  the  a.;  tomme  til  -«  come  to  an  a  •   lette 

;  .  weigh  a.;  ligge  til  -«  ride  at  a.;  -et  ripper  meb 

I  the  a.  drags;    -et  er  nflatt  the  a.  is  fouJ      -arm 

a-arm.    -bebbing  ridingbltts  pi.    -bolt  fe  «nr>r 

(i  »ur).    **W+o^**J^i£X^ 

,  ground     -tanb  cUnch.    -bøje  a.  buoy.    -beilc 

!  a.  shackle.    -foft  a  at  anchor.    -flig  fluke   el 

I  palm  of  an   a.    -føring   a.    -llning.    -anMo    «* 

1  escapement.    -gangénr  watch  with  a  e    tS**« 

crochet-thread.    -gmnb  fe  -bunb.    -baoe  i*   nJT 

+M  throat  of  an  a     -be»  fe  -bøSf    %£& 

crown   of  an  a.     -bølb  a -hold.    -Itv   fe     «rS, 

.fløbø  fe  6binerbg.   -rran  cat-head    JSLJiJSS: 

of  an  a.    -fetrinV  -tabe  (chain-\  i2Si§  ^^ 

(chain-)  cable. 

tumbler,  -lanterne  a. -light,  -tele' fe  -toTnh*  ",?If 
ning  weighing  the  a.  -ligget  ship  at T  .Z'*' 
shankofana.  -lotnae  a.-sfing.  -n«b  -hm.  iJSl 
of  an  a.  -ploM  ancEorage,  anchoring  m^i 
-pram  crane-barge.  -røring  puddeninJ^Vvr 
a  .{finlel  fe -bøjle .  -fpil  wUui;6 w^h°f.iS 
clinch.  -Ilaf  a.-stock;  *  coarse  brown^loaf  JS! 
cable     -bagt  a.  watch.    -oørte  a.nut  "tø,> 

mnfeftæbning  c  appeal.  nux' 




Sutfageotaccuse,  charge;  (aftionere)  prosecute; 

-  en  fot  en  fror&tfjbflfe  accuse  one  of  a  crlme; 
.  en  for  pan*  ftørefatte  coxnplain  of  one  to  his 
superiors.  —  Kullage  o  -r  accusation,  charge; 
indictment;  fcrttc  en  unber  -  for  accuse  one  of, 
prosecute  one  for.  -alt  bill  of  indictment. 
•bonf:  paa  -en  in  the  felon's  dock.  -fur  pen  the 
Grand  Jury.  •mat&imtn,  -prøceSfen  the  accusa- 
tory  process.  -pttxtt  count  (of  an  indictment). 
•tc-t  accnser,  complalnant,  (offentlig)  prasecutor. 
-riter*  prosecution.  -ffrift  fe  -aft.  -ftanb :  i  - 
accused;  fatte  i  -  accnae. 

ttnflong  c  sympathy. 

fl«føm|me  ot  arrive  (at),  come  (to),  reach  (a 
plaoe);  -ne  Stioe  (home)  arrivals;  —  -mena(om 
TOabøarer)  tainted.  -ft  c  arrival,  coming;  »eb 
min  -  at  cl.  on  my  a.  -ftperron  arrival  plat- 
form,   -ffttife  time  of  arrival. 

&xrr[e  vi  anchor.  -tag  c  anchoring.  -Iagd> 
afgift  anchorage.    -txgøarbejbe  anchor-work. 

+ fin  let  |ige  rt  fe  ftoranlebige.  -aiag  c  -er  occa- 
eion,  canae,  reason;  tage  -  til  at  take  occaeion 
to;  i  .  af  on  (the  occaslon  of),  in  consequence 
of,  on  aecount  of,  gibe  ~  HI  give  cause  for,  give 
rise  to. 

Saliggettbe  n  -r  affair,  concern,  business, 

Vnttggenbe  a  fturft  J,  the  heading  course. 

Salaftaiag  o  J,  luning. 

Val«g  ».  pi  =,  (Dpførdfe)  foundation,  con- 
struction;  laying  out  (of  streets,  gardens);  sett- 
ling,  planting  (of  coloniea);  (Ubtafl)  plan,  design; 
i^obrit)  works;  (6fraaning9)  drawing-back;  (Øaøer) 
talent,  torn,  aptitude,  natural  gifts;  (D.  6tpb« 
ning)  rest;  (9  $rrjning)  touch;  mil  present'; 
fomrig  til  .  ready  for  the  present;  be  npe  .  i 
$aøen  the  new  improvements  in  the  garden;  bi 
gif  ub  i  -gene  we  went  into  the  (pleasure-)grounds; 
par  gobe  .  for  has  a  talent  for;  par  iRe  -  for  bet 
has  no  torn  that  way;  par  .  til  Sbtnbfot  has  a 
disposition  el.  tendency  to  consumption.  %u> 
laglge  øl  lay  out  (streets,  ardens);  set  out, 
plant  (gardens);  make  (roadsj;  found  (schools, 
towns);  (føbrifer)  establish,  erect,  set  up:  fig 
plan;  apply  (a  bandage);  invest  (money).  -  ©enge 
i  ©øger  make  investments  in  hooks;  -  Sag  imob 
bring  an  action  against;  .  Sorg  go  into  e(.  put 
on  mourning;  noor  man  -r  benne  ©taafeflo!  mea- 
rared  by  this  standard;  anlagt  paa  almed  at, 
for,  til  (naturally)  fltted  for.  -gelfe  c  foundlng 
etc.,  establishment,  foundation;  investment, 
•ger  c  -e  founder. 

tlatatgØ|brø  pier.  -gartner  landscape  gårdener. 
•tapital  funds,  -maaf  line  for  measuring  the 
height  of  horses.    -plab6  landingf-place). 

+9*1*1  *  onset;  start;  ^  meb  -  af  adling  at. 
BnUt|c  ol  J,  touch  at.  call  at;  (6taal)  temper; 

-  vi  become  oxidlsed,  tarnished;  labe  -  blaa 
blue;  labe  en  Jflint  .  bronze  a  gun.  -ning  c 
callingetc.  —  Watøbf  |plabi,  -fteb  stopping  place, 
plaoe  ri.  port  of  call.    -rib  hour  of  stopping. 

Vnntcro)  c  advance;  bare  i  ~  be  approaching, 
advancing,  coming  on. 

tfantaØfe  flg  or  arrogate,  aasume,  usurp.  -Ife 
c  -r  arrogation,  assumption,  usurpation,  -abe 
a  arrogant,  presumptuons. 

Vansetb|e  ol  announce,  notify,  give  notice  of, 
'Hl  en  Vutoritet)  report,  (toIbptigrTge  ©årer)  de- 
clare:  -  ©roteft  note  a  p.,  cause  a  p.  to  be  noted; 

-  et  Øotflag  give  notice  of  a  motion:  -  en  ©og 
notice  d.  review  a  book;  .  flg  (Hl  ©eføg)  send 
in  ri.  give  in  one's  name,  announce  one's  self. 
•effe  c  -r  a&nouncing  etc.;  announcement,  noti- 
fieatlon;  notice;  (af  ©og)  review,  notice.  -et  c 
e  announcer,  reviewer,  critic. 

Samøbie  om  01  request;  .  en  om  nt  ask,  beg, 

request  st  of  one.  -ning  c  -er  request,  desire; 
paa  ..  af  at  the  request  of. 

8amttrf|e  vt  (marte)  mark;  (bemorfe)  remark; 
(optegne)  note  down,  put  down.  -Kina  o  -er  re- 
mark; (ftote)  comment,  note,  annotation,  com- 
mentary;  (i  Srarafterbog)  special  remark;  gibe  en 
en  .  put  one's  name  down;  gøre  -er  ober  com- 
ment upon.  -nlag&prøtøføi  (i  6folen)  black 
book.    -alngdtega  reference. 

flaaa  Anna,  Ann,  Anne,  Annie,  Nan,  Nancy. 

flaaa 'ter  pi  an'nals. 

Unnali'n  n  unburnt  plaster. 

Vnnamme  ol  receive,  take;  Sanben  .... 
confound  .  .  .    -I fe  c  reception. 

9lxna'ter  pi  an'nats. 

flnnetd'  n  -n  parish  of  ease. 

Vx*ef£iø'n  c  -er  anneza'tlon. 

9tnnefd|firfe  chapel  of  ease.    -fogn  fe  ttnnet«. 

8«ncfte'r|r  vt  annex.    -ing  c  annexation. 

tlsneli'ber  pi  an'nelids. 

aiBKSK'celbnreaK  advertising  offlce.  -atanb 
boardman,  sandwich-man.  Svnoncere ol adver- 
tise.    -sogn  advertising- van  el.  carriage. 

ftnnnitet  c  -er  annu'ity. 

9inuttll|e're  rt  annuT,  render  null  and  vold; 
jur  defeat.    -atisn,  -r'ring  c  annul'ment 

SlNø'ir  c,  eicctr  an'ode. 

ftttøntfti  a  anom'alous.  -i'  c  anom'aly, 
anom'alism.    -ift'iff  anomalist'lc(al). 

finonp  nt  a  anon'ymous.  —  e  -er  anonymous 
writer.    -Ite't  e  anon'ymousness. 

Slnorblne  vt  (orbne)  arrange;   (befale)  order, 
ordain,  decree;  (9Rebidn)  prescribe.    -wtag  c  -er 
arrangement,  order,  ordinance,  edict,  rule,  regu 
lation;  prescription. 

VnørganifT  a  inorgan'ic. 

tltmart  c  -er,  fe  ttnbet. 

fin^rifje  of  praise,  recommend.  -ning  c  praise, 

fturaab  n,pl*=,  (af  ©filboagt)  challenge.  tin* 
rao9|e  ol  call  to,  challenge;  (bebe)  implore,  in- 
voke;  ~  ftongen  om  92aabe  implore  the  king's 
mercy.  -rlfe,  -ning  c  calling  etc.;  invocation, 
challenge.  -elfrftførarl  form  of  invocation. 
•MKinglorb  fe  &eltraa&. 

Vnret|re  of  (berebe)  prepare,  arrange;  (9tab) 
dress,  (paa  ©orbett  serve  (up);  (foraarfage)  do, 
make,  cause;  ber  er  -t  dinner  is  on  the  table; 
~  6fabe  do  damage;  .  jDbelaggrlfe  commit  ra- 
vages el.  havoc.  -ning  c  -er  serving;  (Samling 
af  btetter)  course;  lolb  .  a  cold  collation.  -ningA> 
borb  dresser,  tay-boy,  tea-poy.  -aingøfab  plat- 
ter,   -ielfe  c  commltting. 

stnri»r  vt,  trek  trace. 

Vttfaml|e  flg  or  accumulate.  -lug  c  -er  accu- 

Httfatd  c  disposition;  mu«  embouchure:  .  til 
6ale  a  rudimentary  tail,  a  rudiment  of  a  tail; 
paobe  ~  til  ^cbine  wss  inclined  to  be  s  tout.  -fil 
safe-edge.    -rør  conduit-pipe. 

stnfn^øj'epørrc  ancho'vy  pear,  Gritu  cauliflom. 

Vafe  ol:  -  for  regard,  consider,  deem,  Judge, 
esteem,  think,  reckon,  look  upon  as,  take  for; 
-  for  at  consider  to;  -  meb  en  SRulft  lmpose  a 
fine  upon;  -#  efter  Soben  be  sentenced  according 
to  law.  -'Hg  a  (af  ttbfeenbe)  stately,  portly; 
(flor)  good-sized,  (ortpbelig)  handsome,  conslder- 
able.  -iigpeb  e  portliness;  greatness.  -rlfe  c 
(Obre)  appearance,  exterlor;  (flgtelfe)  considera- 
tion.  esteem,  status,  reputation;  prestige;  frnbe 
en  af  el.  for  -  know  one  by  sight;  npber  ftor  . 
is  in  high  esteem;  nbm  ©erfont  .  without  respect 
of  persons;  gsr  iffe  ^erfonft  -  is  no  respecter  of 
persons,  -enbe  n  appearance;  efter  -  to  Judge 
from  appearances.    -t  a  of  high  standlng,  of 




oonsideration,  of  note;  er  ilbe  -  has  a  bad 

SnSga'r  Ansgarius. 

ftnfigt  n  -er  face;  countenance,  look,  looks, 
mien,  visage;  flare  -et  ab  en  make  (wry)  faces, 
make  mouths  at  one;  Dia  fra  mit  -  out  of  my 
sigtat;  fe  en  (lige)  i  -et  look  one  (full)  in  the 
face;  faa  barn  aloorligt  inb  i  -et  looked  hlm 
earnestly  in  the  face;  Mioe  røb  i  et  blush,  red- 
den, colour  (up),  turn  red;  bliøe  (ang  i  -et  look 
blank,  make  el.  pull  a  long  face;  flge  en  nt  lige 
i  -et  tell  one  st  (right)  to  his  face;  i  bit  -*  Søeb 
in  the  sweat  of  thy  brow  el.  (bibl)  face;  farte  et 
aloorligt  .  op  put  on  a  grave  face;  jeg  fan  fe  bet 
paa  bit  -  I  see  it  by  your  look«:  flaa  -  til -  meb 
stand  face  to  face  with,  be  full  front  with.  — 
tCnfløtdlkc«  facial  bone.  -bepagrffe  facial  move- 
ment  (0.  fi.).  -bannelft  physingnomy,  fe  -form. 
-farne  complexlon.  -førbrefelfe  contortion  el. 
distortion  of  the  face,  wry  face,  grimace.  -form 
form  e(.  make  of  face.  -fenber  physiognomlst. 
-Ilgbeb  similarity  of  features,  -mnflel  facial 
muscle.  -neme  facial  nerve,  -rofen  facial  ery- 
sipelas.  -runbingen  the  oval  form  of  the  face. 
-røbme  red  colour  of  the  face.  -fmerter  fadal 
neuralgia.  face-ache.  -traf  features,  lineaments. 
-rratningrr  convu talons  of  the  face.  -nbrrtyt 
expresBion  of  countenance.    -Ptufef  facial  angle. 

ttuf  jo'(*i)*  c  -er  anchovy.  -bnnf  keg  of  an- 
chovies.    -fntør  anchovy  pas  te. 

ttxfTaffe  vt  (fig)  procure,  get,  provide;  -  fig  en 
Sfoipage  set  up  a  carriage.    -ffc  c  procuring  etc. 

Vnfrreøeit  a  er  »el  -  (et  Strb)  is  well  seen, 
(fyoø  ljam)  is  in  great  favour  with  htm,  stands 
hlgh  with  hlm,  is  in  his  good  books;  et  ilbe  . 
bo«  stands  ill  with  hlm,  is  in  bad  odour  with 

Saftrig  n,  pi  =,  outcry.  halloo;  gøre  -  give 
the  alarm,  cry  out.  call  out,  halloo. 

ftttffttf  vt  know  by  intuition. 

Vnfrtt'elig  a  perspicuous.  plafn,  intelligible. 
•gøre  vt  render  plain  el.  intelligible,  elucldate, 
iUustrate.  -Mreife  c  elucldatlon,  Illustration. 
•beb  c  persplcuity. 

Sxfrxelfe  c  -t  intuition,  perception;  (Spni* 
moabe,  SXemng)  view;  efter  min  .  in  e(.  according 
to  my  view  (of  the  matter).  Vaftxelfed|e»ne 
intuitive  power,  -metobev  the  intuitive  prin- 
ciple  of  instruction.    -øøclfc  object  lesson. 

Vnffftbe  vt  wound  (by  a  shot);  —  vi,  chem 
crystallize,  shoot  into  crystals. 

Knffpbfe  vt,  min  turn  (the  water)  on  the 

ttaftøre  vt  (om  Øagtføinb)  mouth.  | 

Vnflaa  vt,  mut  strike;  (mirbere)  estlmate,  rate,  | 
▼alue,  compute  (til  at);  -  for  Ijøjt  overrate,  over-  ; 
value;  -  for  laot  underrate.  undervalue.  -tube 
a  taking,  attractive.  —  ftnflag  n,  pi  =,  «»«« 
touch;  meeh  impact;  (p.  Barftøj)  leader;  (Bur- 
bering)  estlmate,  valuation;  ($Ian)  scheme,  plan, 
project,  plot,  design;  bringe  i  .  take  into  ae- 
count;  giøe  -  paa  refer  to,  suggest.  —  tftnfl«g£| 
baftlgbeb  striking  velocity.  .pfxt  (Urm )  strik- 
ing-wheel.  -Jorn  hatchet  stake.  -fraft  force  of 
impact.  -pnnft  point  of  impact.  -pal  (øeb  $ort) 
gate  stop.  -ttixtel  ($roiertils)  angle  of  impact; 
(Borftøi)  back-square.  -øj  eb  lit:  i  -tet  at  the 
instant  of  striking. 

ftnfpore  vt  spur  on,  stimulate,  incite,  instigate, 
urge,  fire;  -  en  til  at  gøre  flt  bebfte  put  one  on 
el.  to  his  mettle.    -Ife  c  stimulation. 

*«fpomb|e  vt  strain,  stretch,  put  upon  the 
stretch;  .  alle  fine  Srrafter  strain  every  nerve. 
•elfe,  -l«g  c  strainlng,  strain,  ezertion. 

ftnftaa  vt  (behage)  please,   sult,    take  one 's 

fancy;  -  el.  -  fig  for  be  suitable,  proper,  decent 
el.  flt  for,  beoome,  bcfit,  beseem. 

Vnftalt  c -er  (ftorberebrlfe)  preparatlon,  arrange- 
ment, disposition;  (Siifrelfe  e.  I.)  etablishment, 
institution;  gøre  -er  til  make  arrangements,  præ- 
parations for.  *-mager  c  -e  schemer,  humbug, 
one  who  is  fond  01  makiug  a  noise  in  the 

ftnftanb  c  deportment,  grace;  jur  delay,  ad 
journment;  paa  -  Oagt)  upon  the  catch;  meb  - 
gracefully,  with  a  good  grace.  —  ttnftanbft: 
bante  chaperon.  -gwnb  cause  for  adjournment. 
-rotte  dignifled  part. 

ftnftift|e  vt  (Ulotfe)  cause,  contrlve,  work; 
(Urofigbeber)  stir  up,  set  on  foot,  raise,  excite, 
(ftoinplot)  hatch.  plan.  -elfe  c  causiog  etc.;  paa 
ban*  .  at  his  instigation,  -er  c  -e,  -erfTe  -r 
author;  instigator. 

ftnftigeitbe  fe  ttnfaettenbe. 

ftnftirfc  vt  (ftab)  broach. 

ftnfHl|le  vt  institute,  set  on  foot;  -  Unbrr- 
føaelfe(t)  commence  el  set  on  foot  investigations; 
.  Srotbøt  øøer  make  an  examination  of;  -  gorfsg 
make  experiments;  -  Øerragtninger  make,  indulge 
in.  reflections;  .  en  Sammenligning  draw  a  pa- 
rallel; -be  fig  fom  om  ban  par  made  believe,  pre 
tended,  affected,  to  be:  .fig  bum  (o.  fl.)  aham 
stupid,  -ling  c,  mere  offer. 

ttnftreug|e  vt  exert,  strain,  tax;  ~  fine  pine  for 
at  fe  strain  one's  eyes  to  see;  -  alle  fine  Kræfter 
exert  one's  self  to  the  utmost,  strain  every 
nerve;  -  fig  exert  one's  self;  -  fig  otter  (Sone 
over-exert  one's  self  -elfe  c  -t  effort,  exertion. 
-enbe  a  laborious,  fatiguing.  -to-.,  ttrbeibe 
hard  work;  -  Stubium  intense  study. 

Vxflrftge  vt  paint,  colour,  brush,   (meb  Holt* 
whfte-wash.    -farber  pi  house- painter' s  colours. 
tCnfknpgnlnge  paintingetc.;  coat,  coating,    »n 
ftrøg  n  b.  |.;  fig  (Ubfeenbe)  appearance,   aspeot, 
colourlng;  (Smule)  touch,  tinge,  dash,  suspidon. 

Snftan  big  n  decent,  proper;  en  -  Oelønning 
a  handsome  reward;  et  -t  $arti  an  eligible 
match;  en  -  $ige  a  decent,  honest,  girl;  en  - 
fyxt  a  respectable  hat;  t^ax  flt  -c  Ubtomme  eau 
live  respectably.  -beb  c  decency,  decorum, 
proprie  ty.    -plø  adv  in  (common)  decency. 

Vnftøb  *  ($tnbring)  obstacle,  hindrance,  im- 
pediment;  (i  Xalen)  i.,  hesitation,  stammering; 
(^otatgelfe)  offence,  scandal;  fflnfalb)  flt,  access; 
ttefte  .  give  offence;  tage  -  af  take  offence  at. 
Hnftø  belig  a  offensive,  indelicate,  indecent 
Unftøbeligbeb  c  offensiveness.  VnftøbØftex 
stumbling  block,  s.  stone. 

Vnfpar  n  responsibllity,  accountabillty;  flaa 
til  -  be  responsible  el.  answerable,  aoswer  (for 
for,  [ooerfor]  to);  paa  eget  «n-  og  tilfoar  at  one's 
own  peril;  brage  ril  -  call  to  account;  bragrt  til 
.  (for  fRetten)  be  made  amenable  to  jus  ti  ce. 
9lttfPar|e  vi  for  answer  for.  »f)a»rnbe.  flnføa'r^ 
lig  a  answerable,  responsible,  amenable,  ae- 
countable  (for  for;  [ooerfor]  to,  before).  Sin- 
ftta'rltgbrb  e  responsibllity,  accountabillty.  — 
9tnfPar#|fri.  -I08  1  irresponsible.  -fnlb  u  re- 
sponsible, full  of  responsibllity.  -føfelfe  feellng 
of  responsibllity. 

tlnfatnlng  c  (Smeb.)  setting;  ^  setting-up. 
—  tl«fatt|e  vt  (anflaa)  value,  estlmate,  rate;  (til 
Slat)  assess;  (i  ffmbebe  e.  1.)  appolnt,  place;  art 
ram  (home);  4.  set  up;  gobt  anfat  (f.  <ft*.  $a\t\ 
flnely  set-on;  fafl  anfat  permanently  appointed. 
-elfe  c  valuation,  estlmate;  assessment;  appoiut- 
ment,  engagement;  np  .  re- engagement,  -enbe 
a:  lom  -  came  at  full  speed;  tom  -  for  fulbe 
Sejl  came  down  with  all  salls  set.  -er  c  -e  art 
rammer,  -erfølbe  rammer-head.  -erftage  ram- 




V»føg|e  r»  om  apply  for,  øue  for,  sollicit;  — 
vt  en  om  petition  one  for.  -er  c  -e  petitioner, 
applicant,  supplicant.  -aiag  e  -er  petition,  snit; 
snpplicatlon,  application. 

natage  vt  (gobtenbe)  admlt,  receive,  (noget  til* 
bubt)  accept,  (i  Xjenefø  engage,  (et  ©arn)  adopt, 
ten  Skete  o.  1.)  cmbrace,  espouse,  adopt;  (tro, 
fatte)  suppose,  inume,  take  it;  -  for  take  for, 
set  el.  pat  down  for;  -«  for  at  bare  ia  snppoaed 
to  be;  -  en  ftorra  take  el.  aasume  a  form:  - 
SHmgetitfen  aasume  the  regal  title;  .  en  Stine 
pat  on  an  air;  -  en  firofuratør  retaln  a  lawyer; 
.  enå  ftoob  take  one's  advice,  .  en  UnbffDjbning 
adxnit  el.  accept  an  excuse;  -  Saner  contræt  el. 
aasnme  habits;  -  en  Seffel,  fe  flfceptere;  —  vr  . 
f  i  g  interest  one's  self  in  (st)  el.  for  (one),  take 
up  el.  espoase  (a  cause).  Antagelig  a  accept- 
able, admlfl&ible,  eligible;  (trolig)  likely;  -e  ©e> 
tingelfer  acceptable,  likely,  terms;  en  .  5tørrclfe 
a  mir  el.  goodly  size;  —  adv  likely,  probably, 
mata'geligbeb  c  acoeptableneas ,  acceptabillty, 
admissibleness,  ellgibleness,  eligibility.  Vata> 
gelfe  e  admission,  acceptance,  reception:  en- 
gagement; adoption;  assumption;  supposition, 
theory.    Varageabe  n  supposition. 

Xatagøatø'lme  c  antag  onism.  -tift a  antago- 
niø'tic,  antag'onist. 

Untal  n  number,  multitude;  i  .  in  number, 
numericaUy;  i  et  -  af  numbering,  to  the  num- 
ber of 

Vataftc  vt  assail,  attack. 

fltatecebea'tter  pi  antece'dents,  foregoings. 

ftatebate'rc  tt  an'tedate. 

Satebtlabia'aft  a  antedllu'vian. 

Vatega|e  vt  write  down,  putd.,  note  (down), 
make  a  note  of.  -elfe  e  -t,  -ing  c  -er  writing 
etc.;  note 

natiet*|e'rr  vt  antlc'lpate.  -atio'a,  -crlag  c 

Vatijfløgi  fHff  a  antiphlogistic.  -føat'  c  anti- 
ph'ony     •frtttiø'atmctat  antifric'tion  metal. 

ftati'gøae  Antig'one. 

flhrtlf'  q  anti'que;  —  e  -et  antique;  -en  an- 
tiqulty,  ancient  art.  -Kabinet  cabinet  of  an- 

ttatiifir  feltg  a  Anti-Charch.  -MtmaW  c  anti- 
climax;  (latterlig)  batbos.  -flø'r  »antichlorium, 
-trit'  c  a'ntlchrist.  -frift  elig  a  antichristian. 
-frttit'  reply  (to  a  criticism). 

natit'|»a  c  Roman  letter  el.  character,  -ba'r 
c  -tt  an'tiquary,  antiqua'rian;  (Sogft.)  second 
-band  bookseller.  -»a'riøaftaabef  second  nand 
bookseller's  shop.  •barbøgbanbter  fe  -oar. 
-»a  riff  a  antiquarian;  ab  .  Sej  at  second  nand. 
-tMffrtft  fe  tHntiloa.  -øe'ret  a  an'tiquated.  -øtte't 
r  -tt  antiq'uity.  -aite'tfttaabel  old  curioslty 
abop.  •aitc'ittaabfer  seller  of  antiquities,  old 

natil'lerae  the  An'tilles,  the  Caribbee  Islands; 
be  fnwa  -ler  the  Lesser  A. 

matilø'p(e)  c  -r  antilope,  antelope. 

Vntiataiai  far  e  tidy,  antimacassar. 

ftattmø'a(iaat)  n  antimony.  -agtig  a  anti- 
mo'DiaL  -tføatjt  flowers  of  antimony.  -brint 
bydric  antimonide,  stibamine.  -glaae  a.  glance. 
•flat  glass  of  a.  -bølbig  a  antimo'niated. 
•tegeriag  alloy  of  a.  -øfåttb  antimon 'le  oxide 
el .  anhydride.  -øaerfart  Salt  peroxide  of  anti- 
mony. -beatøtløri  b  antimo'nlous  pentachlor'- 
ide.  -fawr  butter  of  a.  -fart  Galt  antimo'niate. 
-tørt  antimon 'ic  acid.  -triflørib  antimonlous 
cfaloride     *-»«ab*øf  fe  -brint. 

Katiaøn|ii  ase  c  Antino'mianiam.  -ift'  c  -er, 
•iftiff  a  Antino'mian. 

Varia*«*  Antin'ftus. 

SatioHIca  n  An'tioch.    -fl  a  Antio'chlan. 

Vatibatt'  c  -er  antip'athy. 

fcatipo'lbe  c  -r  antipode,  pi  antip'odes.  -blf! 
a  antip'odal. 

«atifept|lt'  ©  antlaep'tic  method.  -'ift  u  anti 
septic.    -  røibbel  antisepttc. 

Vatltc'lfe  c  -t  antith'eais.    -tif?  antithet'ic(al). 
Vatog  n  approach,  adyance;  ftjenben  er  i  - 
the  enemy  is  approaching. 

ftatøløgt'  e  -er  anthol'ogy,  choice  oollectlon. 
aintøn,  fiatø  ainØ  An'thony. 
Vntøaoatafi'  c  antonoma'sia. 
Vatracit'  o  an'thracite,  glance  coal. 

Sntrøbøllog  o  -er  anthropol'oglst.  -logi'  c 
antbropol'ogy.  -atorfif'meeanthropomo'rphism. 

+«atr«be  fe  Ziltroebe. 

Satr«ffe  vt  meet  with,  fall  in  with 

•fcntrat  n  dress,  at  ti  re. 

Sntberbea  n  Antwerp. 

Satøorbe  vt  deliver  np,  commit. 

Vntbb|c  vt  (i  9remfH0ing)  indlcate,  »badow 
forth,  give  a  hint  of;  (labe  førftaa)  intimate,  in- 
slnuate,  hint;  (tnbe  paa)  indlcate,  suggest.  -alag 
e  -er  indication;  intimatlou,  insinuation,  hint; 
(om  noget  Hlfømmenbe)  foreshadowlng,  adumbra- 
tlon;  (Spor)  trace,  -aiagfbtf  adv  by  way  of 

Bntomlbc  vt  Olb  ofo.)  kindle,  light;  (noget 
brcenbbart)  fire,  ignite,  set  fire  to,  set  on  fire. 
-'belig  a  lnflammable,  rombustlble.  -'beligbeb 
e  inflammabllity.  -belfe  o  kindling  etc.;  inflam- 
mation, ignition.  -belfeøtemberatar  (petrol.) 

91aaeab|e  vt  (bruge)  employ,  use  (til  for);  (Zib, 
$enae)  spend  (in),  expend,  bestow  (upon);  (gate 
ngtrtg)  utilize;  (Zeori,  Signelfe)  apply  (to),  bring 
to  bear  (upon);  .  ilbe  misemploy,  misapply;  - 
fin  lib  oel  make  a  good  use  of  one's  time;  labe 
fig  -  paa  apply  to;  en  oel  -t  Ungbom  a  well-spent 
yonth.  •'belig  a  practicable,  of  use;  .  paa  appli- 
cable  to.  -'beligbeb  e  practicability,  applica- 
bility,  appllcableness.  -belfe  c  employment,  use, 
application;  gøre  (en)  gob  -  af  make  a  good  use 
of;  finber  en  ubfiratt  -  Is  extensively  used;  finber 
.  paa  applies  to.  -bt  (TOq  tema  tif  ofo.)  applled, 

Sabifle  et  (poaotfe)  show,  indlcate,  point  out 
(st  to  one);  (tete)  dlrect;  (tilbele)  asslgn,  allot. 
mere  asslgn;  .  paa  Sanfen  give  a  check  on  the 
bank;  .  til  Ubbetaltng  pass  for  payment;  -  en 
bant  <s>age  give  one  an  order  for  the  payment 
of  his  salary;  .  en  Sum  til  (et  ©rug)  appropriate 
a  sum  for.  -aiag  e  -er  mere  assignment,  order, 
asslgnation;  (9ant<)  check;  (til  at  gøre  nt)  direc- 
tion,  instruction;  min  indication,  veln;  gioe  en 
.  paa  give  one  the  directlon  of,  refer  one  to. 
•ningfttøntor  private  inquiry  offlce. 

•ntefie'tiffe  TOiblec  pi  ansssthet'ics. 

*«M»«lb  prov  fe  tlbilb. 

Xpaaa'lge  c  -t  ap'panage.  -ge're  vt  endow 
with  an  appanage. 

Vpar'te  u  odd,  out  of  the  way;  adv  extra. 

ttpajti'  e  ap'athy.    -iiff  a  apathet'ic. 

«patit'  o  ap'aUte. 

Øpeaai'aerae  pi  the  Ap'ennlncs. 

flprr^n  »  preci's. 

%pt  rieaf  »  -'tin  aperient. 

Vpbe'linm  n,  aet  aphelion. 

ftplømb    c  self-posnesHion,  assurance, 

«pobif  riff  a  apodicUc(al). 

Vpøoa'aat  n,  a»t  ap'ogee. 

Hpofrbf  (iff)  o  apoc'ryphal;  be  iffe  Søger  «erne 
pi  the  Apocrypha. 

tlaøKiaa'rifi  a  Apollinariau. 

*polø|ge't  c  -er  apol'oglst  -getif '  c  apologet- 
iCBpi.   -ge'tiff  a  apologet'io(al).    -gi' c  apol'og> . 




*bø»(e|r'tttrr  c  e,  -ftlfl  a  apoplec'tlc.  -t«i 
c  ap'oplexy. 

fcboft'el  c  -ftle  &  -filet  apostle;  -filene«  ®et> 
ntnget  the  Acta  (of  the  Apostles);  rejfe  meb  -lene« 
$efte,  bruge  «.  »øtetøi  go  on  foot,  trudge  lt,  go 
on  Shank's  mare.  -agtig  a  apostle-like.  -fm< 
bebe  apostleship,  apostolate.  ttboftø'lift  o 
apostol'ic(al);  ben  -e  tto*befenbeIfe  the  Apostles' 

8bøftr|øf'  c  -er  apos'trophe.  -ø'fe  c  -r  apos'- 
trophe.    øfe're  vt  apos'trophlze. 

Vbøte'f  a  -er  chemist's  shop,  (boa  Stik,  $ofbi« 
tal  o.  1.)  dispensary.  -er  c  -e  chemlst,  druggist, 
apoth'ecary.  —  ftboteterlbog  pharmacopæia, 
dispensatory.  -brena  chemist's  apprentice. 
-tralle  gallipot.  -fnnft  pharmacy.  -ntebftjølber 
chemist's  assistant  •  regning  chemist's  blll. 
-Ȍrer  drugs,  -bibcnftab  pharmacology.  -bifl 
tut&  inspectlon  of  cbemlsts'  shops,  -børgt  apo- 
th'ecary's  welght,  troy-weight;  apothecary's 

ttbøtro'fr  c  apothe'osis.    -'re  vt  apothe'oslze 

ftyfcara't  n  -er  apparattis. 

%pptV  c  -ter  mil  (roll-)caU;  jur  appeal;  fig 
buoyancy;  $unben  %at  .  the  dog  obeys  the  call. 
-la  bel  a  appea'lable.  -lånt'  c  -er  appel iant. 
-itttio  n  o  appeal,  appealing.  -tatto  nSfrift  time 
allowed  for  appealing.  -Itttio  når  et  court  of 
appeal,  -'farin  n  -er  (noun)  appellative,  -le  re 
v%  k  t  appeal  (til  to),  lodge  an  appeal  with; 
ber  Ion  -il  fro  .  . .  HI  .  .  .  from  ...  an  appeal 
lies  to  .  .  .    -tering  fe  -lotion. 

Vbbrlfi'n  c  -er  (sweet)  orange,  -flot  orange 
-peel.  -tru  orange  tree,  Citrwt  aurantium  §i- 

«pben  bit*  n  -er  appendix. 

Vppcrtt'  c  ap'petite,  stomach;  foa,  giøe  -  get, 
give,  an  appetite;  batte  -en  wbet  et.  provoke 
the  a  ,  give  an  edge  to  the  a.  -tig  a  ap'pe- 
tizlng,  nice,  delicate.  -løgl)eb  c  want  of  a. 
•bfftrenbe  a  appetizing. 

tl>bift  a  Applan. 

8b»lan|bc're  vt  applau'd.  -'g  c  applau'se, 
piaudi  ts. 

ttbbiitatn'r  c  (the  art  of)  flngering. 

ftbpøittt'  c,  mere  appoint. 

Vbborte'r|e  vt  fetch  and  carry.  -Ijnnb  retriever. 

ftbboftrtø'n  c  apposition. 

9»>bre|te're  vt  dress,  finish,  -tn'r  c  dressing, 
finish ing,  finish,  -tnronftott  finishing-laboratory. 

Hbbrøb|e're  vt  approve  (of),  sanctfon.  -atiø'n, 
•e'ring  c  approbation,  sanction. 

ftpbrø'der  pi  approaches. 

ftbrifø'ø  c  -er  a'pricot.  -tro?  apricot  tree, 
Prunut  armeniaea. 

Vbrt'l  ø  A'prll;  narre  en  -  make  an  April  foot 
of  one;  førfie  -  all-fools'-day;  -ø  iBæbe  er  Sønben* 
©læbe  when  April's  wet  and  blows  his  horn  it's 
a  very  good  sign  for  hay  and  corn.  —  3»>rilø> 
nar  April-fool.    -bejr  April  weather. 

9tbrtø'ri]f  a  a  priori. 

ftprobø  ø  adv  by  the  bye,  by  the  way,  apro- 
pos; .  om  speaking  of,  talking  of,  tomme  _ 
come  a.,  F  come  pat. 

V*fM,  VfefTbr  c  -tber  arck  k  tut  apsis,  apse. 
ttWbeltaien  the  line  of  apsides. 

Wbte'r|e  vt  flt.    -inger  pi  fittings. 

tynlien  n  Apulla. 

Sir'  n,  pi  «,  scar,  cicatrix,  seam;  $  stigma, 

•tir,  fe  *«l  c  2. 

ftra  c  -et  macaw,  Macroccrctu. 

*ra'b|er  c  -e  Ara'bian,  Ar'ab;  ($efl)  Arabian 
horse,  -eritt'bc  c  -r  Arab  woman.  -eff'(e)  c  -er 
ar'abesque.    -iftt  n  Arabia;  bet  Iqffrfige  -  Arabia 

the  Happy,    -iff  a  Ara'bian,  Arab'ic;  «  Arabic. 
i  -ift'  c  -er  ar'ablst. 

ttragø'ntlen  w  Ar'agon.  -er,  -ertn  be  Arago- 
ne  se.    -ff  a  Arago'nian. 

»rot  fe  «rrat. 

flralføra  Loke  Aral. 

Vrantor'iff  a  Aramaic,  Aramean. 

Vranfa'rta  c  araucaria,  monkey-puszler. 

tlrbejb,  9trbe|be  n  -er  (i  tttm.,  aM  og  coner) 
work,  (tun  abit)  labour;  (Oeftæftigelfe)  employ- 
ment;  (Jorn  flat  iibføre*)  task,  job;  (noget  ubført, 
ifær  oanbeligt)  performance,  production;  (gobt  el. 
flet)  workmanship;  rn  forfattere  -r  the  works  of 
an  author;  -t  beb  bette  %e\  er  beunbringøoatbigt 
the  workmanship  of  this  cloth  is  admirable; 
obbøjet  _  ral eed  work,  relief,  embossment;  mb« 
lagt  -  inlaid  work,  mosaic;  be  offentlige  -t  the 
public  works;  offentligt  -  (Straf)  hard  labour, 
penal  servitude;  tør  et  ~  for  has  a  work  in 
hånd;  tøtn  et  l  _  he  is  at  (his)  work;  i  wlbt  - 
hard  at  work;  6t«blerne  er  t  .  the  boots  are  in 
hånd;  fætte  en  i  -  set  one  to  work;  gaa  paa  ~ 
go  to  work;  faolbe  en  frraengt  tit  .  make  one 
work  hard,  p  keep  one's  nose  to  the  grind 
stone;  bære  uben  -  be  out  of  work;  beterun  bet 
~  it  Is  in  hånd,  in  progress  of  maklng;  beb 
fine  ^ænbert  ~  by  the  labour  of  his  hånds,  by 
manual  labour. 

ttrbejbe  vi  k  t  work,  labour,  (fxrontgt)  toil; 
©inen  -r  the  wine  is  working;  ©tibet  -r  the  shlp 
labours;  -  en  i  ^ænbernc  work  into  the  hånds 
of  one;  .igennem  work  thoroughly;  .  tnb  force 
in;  .  op  force  open;  .paa  work  at,  be  engaged 
in;  -  paa  ot  strive  to;  -r  paa  eberA  egen  Salig- 
gørelfe  work  out  your  own  salvation;  .nb  force 
out;  .  fig  føg  fall  sick  from  hard  work;  .fig 
frem  work  one's  way;  -  fig  tøjet  work  one's 
self  to  death;  .  fig  igennem,  tnb,  inb  i,  neb 
ofo.  work  one's  way  through,  in,  into,  down, 
struggle   through  etc.;    -  fig  op  jig  work  one's 

Swn)  way;  .  fig  ub  of  make  one's  way  out  of. 
rbejben  c  working. 

ttrbrjber  c  -e  (i  ftlm.#  ogfaa  om  aanbetigt  V.) 
worker,  workman;  (hin  om  legemligt)  labourer 
(6*6/),  hånd,  operative;  en  -  et  fin  Søn  werb  the 
labourer  is  worthy  of  his  hire.  -beføltning 
population  of  labourers.  -boliger  pi  labourers* 
dwellinga.  -btj  town  of  labourers.  -førenlwg 
working  men' s  association,  trådes'  union,  -flod* 
fra  fe  ttrbejb*.  -tbarter  district  lnhabited  by 
labourers.  -øbftanb  rising  of  (the)  labourers. 
-faaen  fe  -fpørgSmaatet.  -fantfunb  fe  -forening. 
VrøriberfYe  c  -r  work- woman,  worker.  Vrbefbcr* 
fbørgémaalet  the  labour  question. 

Vrbejbdjanfralt  work  house,  -baab  ^  pinnace, 
skiff,  dlngy.  -befbarenbe  a  labour-savlng.  -bi 
working  bee.  -børb  work-table.  -brug  work. 
-bbrbe  labour,  toil.  -bag  work-day,  working 
•day.  -bragt  working  dress,  mil  fatigue  dress. 
•bbgtig  a  able  to  work,  capable  of  working 
ablebodled.  -bbgrigbeb working ability,  faculty 
et.  powers,  -bbr  working  beast.  -ber  (paa  Obn) 
working-door.  -fag  department  of  labour 
•floabe  J,  floating  stage.  -fXtb  industry.  -fotf 
pi  labourers,  workmen,  operatives,  workpeople. 
•førntanb  foreman,  overseer,  -førtienefte  earn- 
ings  pi.  -fratte  working  coat,  undross  coat. 
-fri  a  exempt  from  work;  en  -  time  a  vac&nt 
hour,  leisure  hour.  -ftfUe  fellow-worker.  .før 
a  able  to  work,  able-bodied.  -førbeb  c  ability 
to  work;  maturi  ty  for  labour.  -giner,  •berre 
employer.  -gntb  jeweUer's  gold.  -be^  work- 
•horse,  fio  drudge.  -^ng  work  -house,  -bnoftoina 
met  tymp-arch.  -inbftiQing  strike,  -inbtørat 
earnings.  -fart  labouring  man.  -flaåfrn  the 
operative    olasses.     -føntntanbo    fatigue-party 




party  of  men  on  fatigue.  -fone  charwoman. 
-fraft  working-power,  strength  to  work;  munber 
of  bands.  -tnrn  work -basket,  -leje  bire  of 
workmen.  -tylt  love  of  work.  -tøflen  a  fond 
of  working.  -løn  wages  pi,  hire;  -nen  [tiger 
wages  are  going  up.  -1**  «  out  of  work,  want- 
ing  employment;  -løfe  pi  out- of- work  men,  un- 
employed;  gøre  .  throw  out  of  work.  -feSbfb 
e  want  of  employment.  -maobe  working  me- 
thod  -manb  workman,  labourer.  -mafftne 
operator.  -menneffe  drudge.  -ntbre  working 
-ant,  worker-ant.  -momgbe  amount  of  work, 
work  done.    -nebtgggelfe  strike. 

Vrbej'bføm  a  indastrious,  hard- working,  labori- 
ous.    -|eb  c  industry,  laboriousness. 

ttrbejb*|benge  wages.  -yrifer  pi  rates  of 
wages.  -fang  workmen's  song.  -fejflna  J, 
sennit.  -røag  J,  handspike.  -f  Jtarenbe  a  labour 
-gåring,  -ftanbfntng  stoppage  of  work;  (fra 
tøtøbiøibrrt  6ibe)  lock-out.  -fteb  place  of 
work.  -fløf  materlal  (for  working).  -ftøfnumber 
of  bands,  -frue  work-room,  workshop;  study. 
•fhfltc  block,  materlal.  -ftiprtc  fe  -flot.  -tager 
employed,  employé.  -taBle  J>  burton-tackle. 
-taffe  work -bag.  -tegning  working  drawing. 
-rib  worklng-hours;  lort  -  sbort  hours;  efter  -en 
after  hours;  efitra  ~  over-time.  -time  hour  of 
work.  -trang  want  of  work  el.  employment. 
-troet  toiler.  -Uf  working  clothes.  -nbbafg 
working  committee.  -bant  a  accnstomed  ef 
used  to  work,  lnured  to  labour.  -vågn  (agri- 
cultural)  cart  el.  waggon,    -vorrelfe  fe  -frue. 

«r*t«  fe  fUH>. 

Srbonnelfe  c  dcatrlzation. 

Vrben'nerjne  pi  tbe  Ardennes.  -floben  the 
Forest  of  A. 

ffreal  *  -er  a'rea,  stretch,  (i  Xønber  fianb) 

Vrt't*  e  areca(-palm),  betel-nu t  tree.  -faol 
cabbage-tree,  Areoa  oieracea.  -n*b  areca-nut 
-palme  fe  ttteta. 

Srena  o  arena. 

Vreøpa'g  c  areop'agus. 

fcrg  a  wlcked,  bad,  arrant,  *  angry;  io  -exe 
©loft,  io  bebre  fioRe  the  greater  rogue,  tbe  better 
luck;  bet  -efie  6nab*  the  most  wretched  stuff, 
tbe  verlest  trnsh. 

Vrgaltfaar  n  a'rgali,  Ooit  ammon. 

ttrgonbff  Sampe  A'rgand  lamp. 

fttrgelift  cnnning,  craft,  wile. 

Vrgmtft'tt  »  a'rgentan,  german  silver. 

fcrgrnrtn'a  (ben  argentinfte  ttepuølit)  c  Ar- 

Krgønon't  c  -er  A'rgonaut.  -ertoget  the  Ar- 
gonau'tic  ezpedition. 

fJTrgi  ner  c,  pi  =»,  A'rgive. 

ttrgnment'  n  -er  argument,  -e're  vi  reason, 
argue.  -ntiø'n,  -e'ring  c  argumentation,  rea- 

Vrgni  c  A'rgus.  -fafan  A.  pheasant,  Argut 
(riffantett*.  -fømmerfngl  silver  -studded  blue 
butterfly,  Papilio  Arptu.  -øjne  tbe  eyes  of 
Argw,  Argus-eyed  vigilance. 

Hrinb'nctraab  clew. 

SUia'njer  c  -e,  -ff  a  A'rian. 

lUie  c  -t  air,  arla. 

Brier  c  -e  Aryan. 

ttrilbétib  fra  -  time  out  of  mind,  from  time 
im  memorial. 

ttriftart   c  Ar'istarch. 

thrift  "  Aryan. 

*rittø'fa|ne*  Arløtoph'anes 

ttriftøtra't  e  -er  ar'istocrat. 
-tff  a  aristocrat'lc(al). 

•'aiff  o  Aristo- 
•t'  n  aristoc'racy. 

8rt|iø'te|le»  Aristotle.  -'{iler  c  -e,  -lift  o 

Vritme|tif'  o  arith'metlc.  -'titer  c  -e  arith- 
metic'ian.    -'riff  a  arithmet'ic(al). 

ttlrf  c  ark;  jagten*  .  the  ark  of  the  covenant; 
røoab*  .  Noah's  Ark. 

8Urt  n,  pi  =,  sheet. 

ttrfa'bc  c  -r  arcade. 

ttrta'bilen n  Arcadia.    -er  c  -e,  -ff  a  Arcadian. 

flrfaiå'nte  c  -r  a'rchatsm.    -ft'tfr  a  archa'ic. 

Hrfanunt  n  -na  arca'num. 

Vrtebnlfa'bcnanb  arquebusade.  -fe  re  vt  shoot. 

btrlcli'  n  df  gun-room.    -pott  gun-room  port 

fhrt(e)|f!rt»er  copyist.  -ffribning  copying  (by 
the  folio),    -tal  number  of  sheets. 

Vrfetbb'  o  a'rchetype. 

Vrtebiø  adv  by  the  sheet. 

Vrtintanbrit'  c  -er  archlman'drlte. 

Vrtimebiff  a  Strue  Archimedes  el.  Archi- 
me'dean  el.  Arehlmede'an  screw. 

«r!i>e|iag n arcbJpel'ago.  - lagnf  the  Archi- 

tlrriteft'  e  -er  a'rchitect.  -ø  ntfl  a  architee'- 
tural,  arcbitecton'ic.  -n'r  c  archi  tee 'ture.  -n'r- 
maler  architectaral  painter,  painter  of  architec- 
tural  subjects. 

Vrtitra'b  o  a'rchl trave. 

Vrfi'b  n  -er  a'rehives  pi;  (Stebet)  muniment 
-room,  m.  house,  record  office.  -a'r  c  -er 
keeper  of  the  records  el.  archives,  archive- 
keeper.    -fager  pi  archives. 

ftrtønt'  c  -er  archon.   -bøirbigb;cb  archonship. 

Vrtfføløg  o  -er  archæorogist.  -i'  c  archæol'- 
ogy.    -iff  a  archæologiofal). 

årm  a  poor;  fe  Kibbet. 

Vrm  e  -e  (ogf .  fia  om  Sinter,  glob,  Sanefløl  o.  fl.) 
a'rm;  (af  ^abbugt)  member;  (p.  2)ampm .,  6ef8- 
tant)  radius;  .  paa  en  £t)ferrotte  branch  of  a 
chandeller;  ben  berMlige  -  the  secular  power; 
^otber  ftøb  for  fin  -  maketh  flesh  his  arm;  $(abø 
hl  at  røre  -ene  elbow-room;  -  i  -  arm  and  (el. 
in)  arm,  with  locked  arms,  p  arm  in  crook 
together;  fætte  -ene  i  Siben  set  el  put  the  arms 
akimbo;  meb  -ene  i  Siben  with  arms  a-klmbo; 
taftebe  fia  i  -ene  paa  mig  threw  himself  into  my 
arms,  fio  took  refuge  with  me;  gtt  meb  tøm 
unber  -en  walked  arm  and  arm  with  bim;  fig 
taae  en  unber  -ene  lend  one  a  helping  hånd. 

Slrmatn'r  c  a'rmament;  pky  k  met  a'rmature. 
-filte  arm-chest.    -fttotter  pi  armament. 

Érmjbaanb  bracelet,  armlet.  -ben  bone  of 
the  arm.  -benagelfe  gesture.  -binb  (arm)sling, 
bandage,  -bmb  fracture  of  an  arm.  -brtft 
cross-bow.  -brøflbølt  cross-arrow.  -biftinttiøtt 

*ttrme  nb  vt  impoverish. 

ftrmé'  e  -er  a'rmy.  -befaling  general  order. 
-bnbgct  army  estimates.  -bcpartementet  the 
War  office.    -førpft  army-diyislon,  army-corps. 

ttrme  nl|en  n  Armenia.  -er  c  -e,  -erin'be  c 
-r,  -fl  a  Armenlan. 

9lrme'r]e  vt  arm.  -ing  c  armament.  -ingtf* 
reglement  armament-book. 

Hrmlfntb  o  armful.  -føbbebe,  føbber  pi 
brachlopods.  -bnl  (2)ttU).)  band-hole.  -bnl,  -Ijnle 

Vrntinia'n|er  o,  -ff  a  Armin'lan. 

%xm\*tn*p  slee ve-button.  -traft  power  of 
arm.  -feb  brachial  Joint.  -Ian,  -tøuc  arm, 
support  for  the  elbow.    -tengbc  length  of  arm. 

fllrmøb  o  poverty,  penury.  —  Vrmobø|*bøm 
c  poverty.  *-folf  poor  people.  -t-tyeØUg  a 

blrmlpibc  brachial  bone.  -yøUrø  hydra,  -nnbe 
arm-cushion.  -ring  bracelet,  arm-ring.  -ffinne 
vant-brass.    -fmntte  fe  -baanb.    -fnør  chevron. 




-fpan  bibl  bmcelet.  -fpfalb  gasset,  -fpovbe 
snap  of  a  bracelet,  -flage  branch  candlestick. 
•{rining  saw- frame,  -flot  arm-chalr.  -JUmp 
stump  of  an  arm.  -ftlfrfe  strength  of  arm. 
•11««  a  strong  in  the  arms.  -ftob  arm,  support 
for  the  arms.  -fUtte  rest.  -tag  stroke  (In 
swimming);  grapple,  toge  -  grapple.  -rr«  sleeye 
board.    -tl|f  a  thlck  as  an  arm. 

Vrnan't  c  -er,  -tf!  a  A'rnaut. 

ftme  e  -t  hearth.  -ilb  chimney  fire.  -frog 
chimney  oorner,  fireside.  -freb  fe  Urne;  Ho  hot 
-bed,  seat  (for  of). 

wrø'mo  e  aroma.    -'Hf!  a  aromat'ic. 

Vrpc  e  furfur,  achor. 

Vrraf  c  arrack,  rack. 

Vrrangflment'  n  -et  arra'ngement.  -'re  vt 

ftareft'  o  -er  (Øeflag)  arrest,  selzure;  (paa  6flb) 
embargo;  (frrngfel)  custody,  confinement,  prison, 
fe  -fyit;  fatte  i  .  send  to  prison;  belægge  meb  ~ 
pat  under  an  arrest,  seize,  (Sfibe)  embargo; 
bolbe  en  i  ftreng  -  hold  one  a  clo*e  prlsoner. 
arreftant'  c  -er  prlsoner.  ttrreft|  befaling  fe 
-orbre.  -b#je  j,  bilboes  pi.  Hrreftere  vt  arrest, 
apprebend,  take  into  custody;  faa  en  -t  give  one 
into  c.  Vrreftering  c  arrest,  arresting.  SrreH|< 
forretning  arrest,  arrestation,  selzure.  -forvarer 
jailer,  keeper  of  a  prison.  -fcnØ  house  of  deten- 
tion, lock-up.  -tenbelfe,  -orbre  warrant,  mit- 

ftrret  a  scarred. 

Vrrtc'regarbe  rear,  rearguard. 

Vrrig  a  ill  tempered,  ill-natured;  fe  Vfrg;  ~ 
ftbtnbe  ill-tempered  woman,  shrew,  vlxen,  term- 
agant;  .  $unb  snappish  dog;  blioe  -  paa  get 
angry  with.    -$eb,  -ffaP  c  ill-temper,  ill-nature. 

8rrog  I  an'ee  c  arrogance,  ar'rogancy.  -ant'a 
ar'rogant,  lnsolent.  -e're  Hg  er  ar'rogate  to 
one'a  self. 

Srronbe'rc  vt  round  off. 

VrØ  c  p  arse.    -balbe  buttock. 

Vrfenal  »  -er  arsenal 

Urten,  ttrfeni!'  c  arsenic;  $bib  -  fe  -fbrlino. 
•amalgam  arsenl'uret,  a'rsenide.  Brfenifa  IfT 
a  arsen  'ical.  flrfenltj  brint  hydric  arsenide, 
aroen'amine.  -forgiftning  arsenic -poisoning. 
•bolbig  a  araen  ical,  a'rsenal.  -tørn  a'rsenate 
of  iron.  -HØ  arsen  ical  pyrites.  -fait,  -fnrt 
Salt  a'rsenate.  -fpifer  arsenic-eater.  -fut:  - 
Itoli  a'rsenate  of  potash  (o.  fl.).  -fipre  arsen'lc 
acld,  hydric  arsenate.  -fnrting  arse'nious  add, 
white  arsenic.    -oanbftof  fe  -brint. 

VrØ| laber  breechleather.  -mibfe  (crupper-) 
dock.    -pifter  bum-brusher.    -Plff  bum-fodder. 

Srt  c  -er  (Safen)  nature,  natural  disposition; 
(Slag*)  sort,  kind,  fmobf.  Slægt)  species;  (»aabe) 
fashion,  way;  bet  tør  ingen  .  it  won't  do,  it'e 
not  the  thi  og;  meb  .  .  .  par  bet  ingen  (rigtig)  -, 
...  is  rather  unsatisfactory. 

ttrte  vi  k  r  fifl  (flaa  an)  grow.  thrive;  -  flg 
gobt  promise  well;  turn  out  well;  -  (flg)  efter 
take  alter;  .  nb,  fe  Ubarte. 

ft'rtcrie  c  -r  a'rtery.    «blob  arte'rial  blood. 

flrte'fift  a  Ørønb  artesian  well. 

thrtig  a  (fpflig)  civil,  courteous,  pollte;  (mobf. 
uartig)  well-behaved,  good;  (egen)  rare,  curious; 
oar  faa  .  (rilbbbenbe)  (if  you)  please,  there  it  is, 
F  there  you  are,  ja  bar  faa  ~  (tidabenbe)  by  all 
means,  you  are  quite  welcome;  bar  faa  -  at 
have  the  goodness  to,  be  so  kind  as  to,  ...  if 
yon  please.  -$eb  c  -er  civility,  courtesy,  pollte- 
ness;  fige  m  -er  say  civil  thlngs  to  one,  pay 
one  complimenta. 

«rttt'|el  c  -Her  (oram,  »are-,  tro*-)  a'rticle: 
($o|l)  item,  head,  oount;  (Vfbeling  af  et  6frift> 
section,    clause;    (©lab-)    article,    paper,    (forti  j 

paragraph.    -eiøbrtb  articles  of  war.    -ntatie'u 
e  articula'tion.    -niere  vt  artic'nlate. 

XrtiHeri'  n  artill'ery,  ordnance;  ribenbe  -  horse 
a.  -gøbø,  -inbentartnm  4,  ordnance  stores, 
-torp*  arttllery.  -furfuø  conrse  of  artillery. 
»løjtnant  lleutenant  In  the  artillery.  J,  gunnery 
lieutenant  (o.  fl.).  -matleftot  caliber-rule.  -^arf 
park  of  cavallery.  -falbe  sal voof  artillery.  -fWb 
gunnery  shlp.  -ffole  school  of  artillery.  -ft'  c 
-tv  artiirerist,  artiUery-man.  J,  gnnner.  ->ibc«- 
ftab  science  of  artillery.  -#belfer  gunnery  prac- 

•rtiffof  c  -fer  (true)  a'rtichoke,  Cynara  »eoly- 
mus;  fpanft  .  cardoon,  Cynara  cardunoulvs.  •6»Bb, 
-ftol  artlrhoke  bo t tom. 

Vrtinm,  c  (fføamen  .  the  matriculation  exami 
nation.    ^Irtiumeopga&e  c  matriculation  paper. 

Vr (Øj  martr  speciflc  character,   -aabn  speclfic 
name.   -rigbom  number  of  species,  -balg  natu 
ral  selection. 

fir  nm  c  cuckoo-pint,  wake-robin.    Arum. 

%t9  o  -e  (nbtt  St  con  c)  inheritance;  (tun  co«c) 
heri  tage,  (efter  ftorælbtc)  patrimony,  tiitrabe  en 
.  enter  upon  an  inheritance;  tage  -  efter  suc- 
ceed  to,  inherit  from  el.  of;  gaa  fra  -  og  Øatb 
renounce  inheritance  and  debts;  faa  i  -  succe+d 
to;  gaa  i  lige  .  succeed  to  cl.  come  in  for  an 
equal  snare  of  inheritance;  gaa  i  -  til  descend 
to.  gioe  til  -  og  ttie  bestow  in  full  property, 
beb  .  by  inheritance.  —  ttrte  vt  k  i  (nt)  inherit, 
succeed  to;  (en)  be  the  heir  of;  -  efter  inherit 

Hrbe  c  chickweed,  AUine  media;  t  plmpernel, 

SrPc |abel  hereditary  nobility.  -afgift  legacy 
el  succession  duty.  -begrabelfe  mmlly  vault. 
-berettigelfe  fe  -ret.  -berettiget  «  entiUed  to 
inheritance,  capable  of  inheritlng.  -bet  in- 
heritance, heri  tage,  portion,  snare  of  an  in- 
heritance. -beting  division  of  an  inheritance. 
-falb  succession  -falbøret  the  king's  right  to 
unclalmed  inheritance*  -fejl  hereditary  defect 
-ftenbe,  -ffenbc  hereditary  el.  bom  enemy. 
-firnbflab,  -fjenbfTab  hereditary  enmity.  -for< 
bring  claim  on  an  inheritance.  -forening  com- 
pact  about  an  inheritance.  -fbrfte  hereditary 
prince.  -fafte  herltable  lease,  emphyteusls, 
(omtr. )  copy  hold  -fafteafglft  emphyteutic  rent 
•fafteoreb  heritable  lease  contract.  -faflegaarb 
emphyteutic  farm,  fee  farm.  -fofler  emphy- 
teuticary,  tenant  by  emphyteusls,  fee-farmer. 
•faflefløbe  deed  of  conyeyanoe  by  emphyteusls. 
•f«bt  a  legitimate.  -folge  order  of  inheritance, 
(om  Konge  o.  I.)  succession,  (p.  Øobt)  entail. 
•f«lgefrig  war  of  succession.  -f«lgrto»  law  of 
succession  (o.  fl.).  -gaar bpatrhconlalel.  hereditary 
estate.  -gang  descent,  succession,  -gangøntaabc 
mode  el.  manner  of  succession.  -gobØ  (ttrot 
inheritance.  helrloom,  heri  tage,  patrimony;  fe 
-gaarb.  -galb  hereditary  debt.  -^erte  hereditary 
monarch.  -tjertng  Hereditary  Duke.  -^vø  royal 
line  el.  house,  -følbing  homsge,  oath  of  lealty. 
-jorb  hereditary  land(s).  -fonge  hereditary  king. 
t-f«b  sum  paid  (by  foreigners)  for  inheritance. 
-laber  c  -e  testator,  bequeather,  devisor.  -laber 
ff e  c  r  testatrix.  -lanb  (IRige)  hereditary  king- 
dom; fe  -jorb.  -leb  generation,  remove.  -fen 
hereditary  flef. 

ttrbelig  a  heritable,  inherltable;  er  -  i  oiftfe 
homilier  runs  in  families,  -beb  e  inberltability, 
(Katutb.)  heredity.  -bebøloben  the  law  of  he- 

9roe|Iinie  line  of  succession,  -lob  hereditary 
share,  share  of  (an)  inheritance.  -top  law  of 
succession.  -UØ  a  dlsinheritcd;  fe  ogfaa  Vrmng. 
ise;  gore  -  disinherit,  cut  off  with  a  shilling 




•løøøørelfe,  -lø#f)eb  o  disinherison,  disinherit- 
ance.  -wøøbe  fe  -gangftmaabe.  -møøfe  estate, 
residue.  -miblet  heredltary  fortune,  for  tune 
obtalned  by  inherltance.  -bøøftønb  fe  -fotbring. 
•bagt  fe  -foreninø.  -part  fe  -bel.  -brtai  heir 
presumptlve  (to  the  throne).  •brtnfcøfr  consort 
of  the  „ttnxprln*".  -regering  heredltary  govern- 
ment.  -ret  right  of  inheriting  el.  succession, 
heirship.  -retlig  a  e  Regler  rules  of  inherlt- 
ance. -rige  heredltary  monarchy.  -fag  law- 
salt  concerning  an  Inherltance  el.  succession. 
•flat  fe  -afgift,  -ffifte  partition  of  an  inherlt- 
ance. -flat  heredltary  state.  -ftørbertng  Hered- 
ltary Grand  Duke.  -ffrrib  dispnte  about  an 
inherltance.  -fblg  embezzlement  of  inherltance, 
defirauding  of  co-heirs.  -fbgbont,  -fuge  hered- 
ltary malady.  -flaben  original  sin;  grim,  fitjg, 
font  -  as  ugly  as  sin  -ffltbe  family  seat.  -føg*« 
naal  fe  -fag.  -føl*  inherlted  silver,  a  sil  ver  heir 
-loom  -tro  heredltary  faith.  -trøttc  fe  -flrib. 
-targt  enterlng  upon,  takfng  possession  of,  an 
inherltance.    -si  funeral  feast. 

ttrbfag  c  et  heir,  lnhentor,  (fuinbelig)  helress, 
inheritress,  inheritrlx;  -  efter  Strøen  heir-at-law, 
retmortfig  -  heir-apparent;  for  jDjebtittet  nærmefte 
.  heir  presumptive;  inbfatte  fjant  til  -  instltuted 
him  my  heir.  <*)f*§  a  (om  $etfon)  without  heirs, 
heirless;  (om  Vrb)  unclaimea,  vacant.  -Møfttyeb 
c  varan  cy. 

ttrbtøgcr  c  -e  lnheritor,  heir. 

W  nt  mu»  A  flat. 

lift  c  -et  As,  pi  Ases  (gods  of  None  mythology). 

Vfølb  e  -et  't  tttøelbatron. 

Vfalfarren  the  religion  of  the  Ases,  Old  Norse 
mythology.    -ttjor  Thor  the  As. 

fMbeft  e  aøbes'tos,  asbestus. 

»fe  v»  toil;  .  flg  frem  toll  onwards. 

fluen  n  -er  (ogf  aa  fio)  ass.  -føle  foal  el.  colt 
of  an  ass.  -fjito  hlde  of  an  ass.  -in'be  c  -r 
sbe-ass.    -taft  jawbone  of  an  ass. 

SfejMf'a  *  boraele  acld. 

Søføtt'  e  asphalt,  asphaltum.  -ere vt asphalt, 
bltumenlse.    -filt  asphalted  felt. 

Siføbcl'  c  as' ph  odel,  A»pkodelw. 

Sffbsi'  e  asphyx'ia,  asphyxy. 

+ttøgøørbø>rejen  Arthurs  chase. 

Sffø,  Hfle  c  -er  (large)  preserved  cucumber. 

flrølen  »  Asia.  -ø'ter c Asiatic.  -ø'tiffa Asiat'ic, 
A'aian;  bet  a-tifte  Xbrti  Turkey  In  Asia. 

Bfjf  e  er  ash,  Fraxinvå  exceliior;  af  -  asb, 

*tlff  c   et  box. 

Sfført'bc  e  -t  as'carls,  pi  ascar'ides. 

Sftc  c  ashes  pi  (i  6mf .  og  chøm  ogfaa  ting,  f .  HU . 
bone-ash;  ogfoa:  the  ash  of  a  cigar);  lægge  i  . 
lay  in,  ef.  reduce  to,  ashes;  opftob  af  -n  rose 
again  from  its  ashes.  føroanbfet  til  .  incinerated; 
tomme  af  -n  og  i  Siben  plump  out  of  the  frying 
p»n  into  the  fire.  -bagt  a  baked  in  hot  ashes. 
•bcøølber  ash-pan.  -bcflønbbctc  constltuents  of 
the  ash. 

Vffr »løbet  a  (Kartoffel)  ash- leaved. 

Uffelblønbet  «  mixed  with  ashes.  -bftp  fe 
SU  mut.  -brømbing  burning  to  ashes,  Incinera- 
tion.  -borger  ash-cup,  ash-tray.  -blgel  crucible 
made  of  ashes.  -bør  ash-door.  -fang  ash-hole, 
repository  for  ashes  (in  a  furoace).  -førbe  ash 
colour  -førbet,  -graø  a  ashy,  ash-coloured, 
ash-gray,  ash-white,  ashen-white,  cinereous.  *-ftf 
fe  -tobb.  -b«l  ashhole,  ($mp.)  ash-plt,  (i  3ærn) 
flaw.  -føge  cake  baked  In  hot  &<*hes.  -fegfe 
cooe  of  vulcanic  scoriæ.  -trntfc  cinerary  urn, 
funeral  urn.  -løbb  »Boots«,  to  ashlepatile  (the 
youngeøt  son  In  tho  Norwegian  nursery  tales, 
*  male  Cinderella).  -Ittb  lye  of  ashes.  -ønftbøg 
Ash-Wednesday.      -bøt   Cinderella.     -b*6  ash- 

bucket.  -regn  shower  of  ashes.  -rig  a  rich  in 
ashes.    -mm  ash-plt. 

Sfle'fe  e  ascet'icism. 

ttftelffuffe  (i  tralfelobn)  ash-pan.  -tøønb  ash 

Me't  e  -er,  »ffe'tiff  a  ascet'ia 

91  retr«  fe  «ft;  ash-wood. 

ftfletratter  (Sten)  o  ash-drawer. 

m etibc  o,  Aships. 

*fb  c  (o^ift)  flnscale,  Atpiu*  rapax. 

*fb  o  -et  fe  9fffp. 

Vfbaragin  c  asparagine. 

Hfbar'gcft  (+  Vfparge)  c  pi  =,  asparagus, 
sparrow-grass,  Atparaow.  -bebbedofa.  •bøaae 
a  kind  of  kidney  bean.  -ørt  winged  pea, 
Tetraøonolobus.  -(øbeber  tops  of  asparagus, 
•tøøl  broccoli,  Brasrica  oleracea  tuparoQoid**. 
-titib,  -ftlftcr  a.-knlfe.  -fblbfrr  fe  -tøoebet.  -fnrt 
Salt  aspa'rtate.    -føre  aspa'rtic  acid. 

Vfbrft'  o  -et  (ogfoa  attr)  as'pect.  -er  pi  con- 
figuration;  antage  .  conflgurate. 

*fbe|!øtt  fe  Wtfpe-.    *-»øør  fe  8foo-. 

Mptr'to  mu.)  losing  hazard. 

Wfbic  c  (Wet)  asplc. 

9lfbir|a«t'  c  -et  aspl'rant,  aspl'rer,  caudldate. 
-øtiøv  c  aspira'tlon.  -ere  vt  as'pirate;  —  vi 
til,  efter  aspire  to. 

VfjHØflangC  asp,  Naja  kaje. 

9Ufeø  før  c  -er  Judge  (where  there  are  more 
than  one),  judge-lateral,  puisne-judge. 

btØRet'  ø  -ter  (dessert)  plate. 

SdfigKja'ter  t  assignats.  -atø'r  o  -et  check 
-holder.    •a't(iiØ>)  c  drawee. 

Wflmile  re  vt  assim'ilate  (meb  to); .  flg  assimi 

StØfi'fler  pi  assizes.    -ret  court  of  aasises. 

Stftflftføti'ce  e  assls'tance.  -enø  b>ft  lombard 
(•house).  -eti$t)ttøfebbet  pawnbroker's  dupUcate. 
•enflnr  J,  asslstant  watch.  -ent'  c  -et  assis'tani. 
-e're  vt  &  i  assist  (oeb  at  el.  in;. 

VAfoeié  o  -er  partner;  bcere  .  i  partlcipate  In; 
optage  fom  .  take  into  partnership. 

8#ført|er'e  vt  assort.    -iment'  n  asso'rtment. 

Vtffnrøn'ce  c  Insurance,  assu'rance,  (5ø>) 
underwriting,  marine  Insurance;  tegne  -  effect 
1.,  (om  Øffuranbsr)  underwrite  the  i.  -beløb  fe 
•fum.  -forening,  -føntbøgnt  fe  -felltab.  -tontør 
i.  office.  -magfer  i. -broker.  -bølice  pollcy  of  1. 
•broced  action  on  policy.  -brøbiflon  commission 
for  effecting  1.  -braemte  premlum  of  i.  -felflab 
i. -company.  -fnm  sum  insured.  -fbig  defrauda 
tion  on  the  underwriters.  -borfen  Insurance 
matters.  —  Mfnrøttbø'r  c  -et  insurer,  assurer, 
(naonl.  6ø0  underwriter.  —  Wéfnre're  vt  insure, 
assure;  bet  oat  itfe  -t  there  was  no  Insurance. 

Høfb'ri|en  n  Assyr'ia.  -er  c,  -erinbe  c  -t,  -f! 

flCfta'ttfr  a  astat'lc. 

titter  o  -i  (stllerd  -er)  aster. 

UflfTOibe  o  -t  as'teroid. 

Vftbmø  o  asthma.  »pnplt  antlasthmatlo  paper, 
touch-paper.    -'titer  c  -e,  -'tf ff  a  asthmat'le. 

Vflrø'gel  o  milk  vetch,  Aitr'oaltn;  (fsb)  wild 
liquorlce,  A.  giifciphyltu§;  (orgte)  goat's  thorn, 
A.  tragacanthuå.  -tøffr  Swedlsh  coffee,  Attragalut 

Itftrøfø'ttffinb  Astrakhan'  tur. 

Vnra'Kambe  astral  lamp. 

Vftrøn'tle  c  masterwort,  Antrantia. 

Hf)tro|(ø'biunt  n  -bier  as  trolabe.  -løg  o  -er 
astrol  oger.  -togt'  e  astrol'ogy.  -lø'gift  a  astro- 
log lc(al).  -no  nt  o  -er  astrou'omer.  -nøati'  c 
astron'omy.    -nø'mift  a  astronom'ical. 

Vftn'r|ien  n  the  Asturias.  -ier  <?,  -iff  a  Astu- 

Itfbi  n  -er  asylum,  (place  of)  refuge.    -bør« 




charlty  child.  -nuøer  matron  of  an  aaylum. 
-ffole  charity  scbool.  -ret  the  right  of  an 

%V  eonj  (foran  6ætn.)  that;  (for)  at  iRe  leet; 
meb  minbre  at  unless;  bet  flulbe  ba  bære  at  unless 
indeed;  Jeg  totbier  ilfe  om  at  I  do  not  doubt  but; 
ieø  oeb,  at  ban  er  ærlig  I  know  that  he  is  honest 
et.  I  know  him  to  ben.;  bet  unbrec  mig,  at  bu  tom 
I  wonder  at  your  coming;  ben  Dmftænbiglpb,  at  ' 
lian  tom  the  circumstance  el.  faet  of  his  coming;  i 
følgen  af,  at  lian  tom  the  consequence  of  his 
coming;  efter  at  when,  after;  for  at  that,  in 
order  that;  ber  er  intet  onbt  i  at  tyrn . . .  there 
is  no  harm  in  hi§  .  .  .  -ing;  faa  at  §o  that;  faa 
Ibft,  at  bet  gør  onbt  i  øjnene  so  bright  as  to  pain 
the  eyes;  ftnfcben  er  for  gob  til  at  ieø  fan  tro  ben 
the  news  to  too  good  for  me  to  believe  lt. 

•t '  conj  (foran  inf)  to;  at  fige  that's  to  say;  jeg 
bil  prøbe  at  gøre  bet  I  will  try  to  do  it  (F  and 
do  it);  bet  er  (et  at  fe  it  is  easy  to  seé;  ber  er 
intet  at  fe  there  is  nothing  to  be  seen;  for  at 
to;  for  iRe  at  not  to;  efter,  i,  meb,  om  o  jo.  at 
after  etc.  -ing;  raaa  jeg  ulejlige  $em  meb  at  may 
I  trouble  you  to;  til  at  to;  bil  £e  Ijabe  mia  til  at 
bafte  .  .  .  would  you  have  me  (to)  wash 
iRe  til  at  befrrtøe  not  to  be  described;  oeb  at 
aibeibe  (røtbbel)  by  working;  oeb  at  fe  mig  om 
(o :  ibet)  looking  round;  jeg  øræber  beb  at  tænfe 
paa  I  weep  to  think  of. 

VtabiØme  c  at'avism,  reversion. 

Btelier  n  er  studio. 

&tet|6at'e  c  a'thelsm.  -fl'  c  -er  a'thelst. 
-ift'iff  a  athe'istic(al). 

SttymafUTnft  a  •.  bet  -e  Sombolum  the  Athana'- 
sian  creed. 

«tbe  n  n  Ath'ens. 

Uttjene  Minerva,  Athena.  -tempel  temple  of 
Minerva  (o.  fl.). 

tttfjenten  f |er  c  -e,  -erin'fce  c  -r,  -Iff  a  Athe'nian. 

Btberæ'unt  n  athenæum. 

«tlant'|er  pi  atlantes.  -erQavet  the  Atlantic 
(ocean);  fflejfe  ooer  ~  over-sea  voyage.  -tf!  a 

tttlaø  c  &  n  -fer  (ogfaa  $birbeløen)  atlas. 

tttfaØ(t)n  satin.  bt$ b  a  satin-like.  -ertøfibrous 
malachlte.  -fermat  large  square  folio,  -fngl 
satin  bower  bird,  Ptilonorhyncktu  kolo»er%eu». 
-garn  satin  wool. 

ttttaøtpirtel  atlas. 

tltlaØ|fc#  a  satin.    -læber  glazed  leather. 

tttlaéUøe  Barbary  llon,  Leo  barbar**. 

Vtiad|papir  satin  paper.  -fnat  mftn  satin 
spar.  -fpinber  atlas,  -træ  satin  wood,  CMoroxylon 

ittle'i  c  er,  ath'lete.    -ift  a  athlet'ic. 

BtUttaanø  garganey,  Ancu  querquedida. 

Btmøffæ'r|e  c  -r  at'mosphere.  -ift  a  atmo- 

Btø'm  n  -er  at'om.  -iff-  -Ift'iff  o  atom'ic. 
-ite  t  c  atomic'ity.  -læren  (the)  atom'ic  philo- 
sophy.  -teorien  the  atom'ic  theory.  -tal,  -nægt 
atomlc  welght. 

"tttpaaflæng  c  eont  appendage,  tail. 

Bttao)é  c  -er  attaché. 

Biten  eighteen,  -be  eighteenlh. 

ttttrat|at  n  -er  attempt;  -  paa  nt  an  attempt 
at  at.  gøre  .  paa  en,  mob  ene  £tb  make  an  attempt 
on,  el.  attempt,  one's  life. 

titter  adv  again,  once  more;  -.  anbre  still 
otbers,  others  still;  -  og  atter  again  and  again, 
over  and  over  again.  -bnb  fe  Vf&ub.  -tlang 
o.  fl.  fe  (Hen-. 

»tteft'  c  -er  certificate,  teatimonial.  -at«  c 
graduation  in  di  vi  ni  ty.  in  law,  tage  jnribifl  . 
graduate  in  law.  -e're  of  certify  (meb  eller  uben 
to),  attest,    -e  ring  c  certiflcation,  attestation. 

«tt  it  c  fe  Sommertølb. 

tUttt',  ttrt'tta  c  attic  (story). 

tttti|ter  c,  -iff  a  Attio. 

fUtraa  e  desire  (efter  of)!  craving,  yearninj 
longing  (efter  for,  efter  at  to);  fanfelig  -* 
desire.  fHtraa  vt  desire,  covet,  aeplre  to,  year 
after.    -øærbig  a  desirable,  covetable. 

«ttrap(e)  c  -r  trap,  take-in.  -e're  vt  seiz< 

attribut'  n  -er  att'ribute. 

ttnbienø'  c  -er  audience;  faa  .  bo«  get  em  t 
of.  -gemal,  -øæreffe  audience  room,  presene 

ttnbi|  to  rinm  n  -ier  lecture  room;  (Ziltjørerm 
au'ditory,  audience.  -U'r  c  -er  Solicitor  to  th 
Royal  Anny  and  Navy. 

Snglaftftalb  Auge'an  stables. 

Bttøit'  e  au'gite.    -pørfbr  augit'ic  porphyry. 

fhtgntent'  n  -er  aug'ment. 

VngØbnrg  n  Augsburg;  ben  -fle  fronfetflon  th« 
Augustan  Confession. 

tutgti'r  c  -er  au'gur. 

ttttøufr  c  Au'gust;  (grornabnet)  Augustus,  -i 
August'a.  -e'tff:  ben  -e  ZibAalber  the  Auguatai 
age.  -in  St.  August'ine.  -iner  c  e-  August 
in'ian.  -i'nermnnf  August'ine,  Austin  rriar 
•i'nerorbenen  the  August'ine  order. 

ttttftiø'n  o  -er  (sale  by)  auction,  (public)  sale 
auction  sale,  vendue;  fælge  beb  -  sell  by  a 
fætte  til  .  put  up  to  a.  Vnttiøna  Haft  c  auc 
tloneer.  —  tlnftiond|beUb  fe  -penge,  -»nb  (^er 
fon)  at8istant  at  an  a ;  (bet  ber  btybei)  bid.  -b>ag 
day  of  the  sale.  -birettør  director  of  public 
sales  (in  a  district).  -førrernlag  fe  Vuftion. 
•forbalter  auctioneer.  -gebpr  fe  -omfoflninger. 
-bammer  auctioneer's  hammer;  fomme  unber  -en 
go  to  the  hammer,  -bolber  auctioneer,  vendue 
-master,  -tatalog  sale  catalogue.  -fønbitioner 
conditions  of  sale.  -løtale  auction  room,  auc- 
tion mart,  saleroom.  -ømtoftninger  auctioneer's 
fees.  -penge  amount  of  an  auction.  -Jrtatflt 
notice  of  sale.  -prié  a.-price.  -regninø  a.-bill 
-relbirent  person  who  has  demanded  a  sale  by 
auction.  -ftøbe  convevance  signed  by  the  auc- 
tioneer. -ftcb  place  where  an  a.  is  held.  -oæfen 
laws  and  regulatlons  relative  to  auctions. 

♦flnr  c  gravel. 

ttnrtf'cl  c  -tier  aurlcula,  beax's  ear. 

tlnripigment'  n  o'rpiment. 

ttnro'ra  Aurora;  (Sommerfugl)  orange- tip 
(butterfly),  Anthochari*. 

Kuff nit  |awt'  c  -er  law  student  keeping  his 
terms,  -atio  n  e  auscultation.  -e're  t»<  examine 
by  the  stethoscope;  —  vi  keep  one's  terms. 

ttufpic'ier  pi  aus'pices. 

«uftra'ti|e«  n  Australa'sia,  Polynesia,  (^tjbol* 
lanb)  Australia.  -er  c  -e,  -erin'be  c  -r,  -fl  Au- 
strål  ian. 

«ttten|ti'  c  authentlc'ity.  -  tiff  o  authent 

tlu to |  biografi  c  autobiog'raphy.  •ø)tø/n  c  -er 

Vntobafe   c  -er  auto-da-fe  (pi  au  tos- da- fe) 

ttntobibatt'  c  -er  self-taught  man. 

Vntøgra'f  c  -er  au'tograph.  -e're  vt  au 'to 
graph.  -iy  c  autog  raphy.  -iff  a  autograph  i  i* 
-famler,  -famiing  collector,  collectlon,  of  au 

Untøma't  n  &  c  -er  autom  aton  (pi  -ta  el.  -tons1 
-ift  a  automat 'ic(al). 

Xntor  c  -o'rer  author.   -ifation  c  -ec  authori 
za'tion.   -ifc'rc  vt  au  thorize,  em  power,   -iff 'ret 
a  au'thorized,  licensed.    -itc  t  e  -er  author  ity 
•Ite'tdtrø  unquestioning  faith. 

»njili«  r>  ausillary. 

gø'!  Oh!    Oh  dear'    Ow! 




Vøance  c  profit,  ad  van  tage,  advanoe.  •matt, 
«    er  advancement,  promotion,  p  re  ferment,  -re 
vi  i  rutte  frem)  advanoe;  (forfremmet)  be  promoted  | 
ri.  preferred,  rise  (in  the  service). 
»att'tgarbe  c  vanguard,  van.  i 

V*e  vt  (tbinøe)  check,  restraln.  —  Kbe  c  check,  , 
control,  restraint;  (Xugt)  dlscipline,  correction. 
chastisement;  Ijolbe  en  i  ~  keep  one  in  check, 
under  restraint.     t-U§  a  unrestrained,  undis- 
ftøe-SRaria  n  Ave(-Mary). 
ttotnti'nerbjærørt  Mount  Av'entine. 
%9tv\9'  e  -er  obveree  (side),   -fio'n  o  aver'sion. 
•ftøna'lfitai  sum  of  acquittance.     -tete  vt  ad - 
rertise.     -tUfeuent'  n  -er  adver'tisement;  inb- 
rtjrfe   et   -  advertise.  —  Vbcrti§femettt9|  føntør 
advertising  offlce.    -omtoftnittøCT  ezpenses  for 
advertisements.   -ørb  cautlonary  word.    -bøft  fe 
ttøtfo-.      -ttbenbe  advertiser.   —   *3berttftrøiit 
tttøei  a  awkward,  clumsy. 
Søimb  c  envy;  t  (Raø)  grudge,  rancour;  boere  . 
tit  en  bear  one  malice,  have  a  grudge  el.  spite 
against  one,  owe  one  a  grudge.  —  ftøtnbftlfri 
a  without  malice  el.   envy.    -fntb  a  spiteful, 
malignant,  envious.  i 

ttøtabflfjøtb :   fsre   -   mob  ftonøen  bear  arms  ■ 
against  the  klng  and  state. 

Vttabf  manb  e  mallgner,  enemy.    Vbittblfbø  a  \ 
envious.    -fbge  envy.  , 

#9oinø  fe  Irom. 

9»t'0  e  mere  advice.  I 

Vti'g  c  -er  newspaper,  journal,  public  print, 
paper;  maa  Jeg  fe  ben  -  efter  $eu?    I  will  take 
that  paper  after  you,  please;  bolbe  en  -  take  in  , 
a  paper;   fatte  nt   t   -en  inseri  st  in  the  news- 
paper, advertise.  -anbnhoax.  -ortifel  narticle,  ! 
(fort)  paragraph.  I 

»•i'Øbreb  fe  Bbtfo-.  , 

*»t'é|b*b  newsman,  newsboy.    -efterretning  | 
newspaper   account.      -efø>ebtrtøn    newspaper 
offi^e.  (9.  $oft$.)  n.  branch. 
ttbife'rc  w  advise. 

ttb4'9fejbe  newspaper  war.  -frieri  adver- 
tising for  a  wlfe.  -føntør  n.  offlce.  -lotter 
reader  of  newspapers.  -logning  reading  of 
newspapera.  -nbtcb  report  in  the  newspapers. 
ftof'fø  fe  »di*  l.  -baab  advioe-boat.  -»reb 
lotter  of  advice.  -bossbfttb  dispatch  steamer. 
-fortøj  dispatch  vessel. 

ttbt'Øbabtr  (til  Hbifer)  newspaper,  news;    (af, 
ttbifer)  old  newspapers. 

&bt'9boft  post  of  observation. 

Bbi'ftrbgte  rumour  in  the  newspapers. 

gbt'ftftlb  dispatch  vessel. 

Sbi'9|f!ribrr  newspaper  w  ri  ter.  -ffngenbe  a 
news-devouring.  -tøatte  n.  column,  -telegram 
press  telegram,  -trbffer  printer  of  a  newspaper. 
-botrelfc  news-room. 

A  vista  mere  at  sight. 

gbl  c  culture;  (af  $br)  breeding;  ($rift)  hus- 
bandry,  farmlng;  (©røbe)  crop,  produce;  bruge, 
bribe  -  farm,  manage  a  farm. 

•Hbl  c   er  forge. 

ttble  vt  (frembringe)  beget,  procreate,  (meft  om 
3>pr  oqfiø.)  breed,  generate,  (mefM?.)  engender; 
(af  Sorten)  raise,  grow;  .  ©ørn  beget  children; 
i  mm  $aoe  Ian  ber  -I  øoce  ftartofler  my  garden 
will  grow  good  potatoes.  -baab  aet  of  coition. 
•brift  sexual  desire.  -bngttg  a  procreative,  able 
to  procreate.  -bMtiøt>eb  capability  of  procrea- 
tion.  -ebne,  -fraft  procreative  jiower.  -lem 
genital  member  (jw  genitals).  -Ibft  fe  -brift.  +-r 
e  -e  procreator;  f  hoarder.  -rebffab  fe  -lem.  — 
Sbling  c  -er  procreation,  begetting;  fe  Kbt;  t 
(arable)  land. 

ttbl§|brng  farmlng,  agriculiure.  -bruger  hus- 
bandman, farmer,  -bbgntnger  farm  buildings. 
-brift  fe  -brug.  -btyr  breeding  animal.  -forbalter 
land  steward,  farm-baillff,  »o  grleve.  -gaarb 
farm.  -fart  farmer's  head  servant,  steward. 
+-ntanb  fe  -bruger,  -rrbffab  farmlng  implement. 
-balg  natural  selection. 

ftbttbøg  hornbeam,  Carpiiuu  betulme. 

&bn|e  c  -r  chaff.  husk.  -et  a  chaffy.  -tnippt 
common  sedge,  Cladium  mariscus. 

ttgiø'm  n  -er  ax'iom. 

ttgtøme'ter  n  axiom'eter. 

ggtitjørt  axis(deer). 

ftgøføtl  c  axolotl. 

fltøa'lea  e  azalea. 

V'&imnt  n  az'imuth.  -tømjwb  a.  compass. 
-fllbe  a.  dlal  (o.  fl*>. 

Kftincon'rt  n  A'gincourt. 

ttfto'rliff  a  Axorian;  be  -c  per  el.  •ente  the 
Azores,  the  Western  Islands. 

fføo't  n  az'ote. 

X^obft  a.  bet  -fte  ^ab  the  Sea  of  Asov  el.  Azoff. 

Kate  I| er  pi  Az'tecs.    -ift  a  Aztec. 

«4«r  o  azure.    -bloa  a  azure. 


9,  b  [Be]  n  -er  (ttoøft.)  B,  b  [bee];  mim  B  flat; 
—  abr.  ©.  —  ©inb  volume;  ©et.  =  »etpbning 
6«nRe-,  61.  B>  blanbt  among. 

Øoab  c  e  boat,  (fifle,  let)  skiff.  (liOe,  flabbunbet) 
l»unt.  *aare,  -befærainø  fe  ©aab*-.  -betræt  boat 
cover,  -blttlfe  skid  beam.  -brog  boat's  gripes. 
•bbøø^  •»fy%t*l,  -bbøninø  fe  ©aabe«.  -bf  fe  boat 
buoy.    Qaait  vt  boat,  transport  in  a  boat. 

9oabe  c  gain.  profit,  advantage.  —  Øaabe  xt 

benefit,  boot;  bet   r  biø   fun   libt  it  will  be  of 
«mall  ase  to  you,  it 
tøaabe  a  fe  ©egge 

not  beneflt  you  much. 

Baabe  coai:  -  ...  og  both  .  .  .  and;  ban  er 
fistre  enb  -  bu  og  jeg  he  is  taller  than  either  your 
or  I. 

Batbel  (*  i  aOe  bilfe  Smf.  Baab-)  bro  bridge 

Barfen:  $anfl*<!nøefft  Orbbsø. 

of  boats.    -bbøgcr  boatbuilder.    -bbøøeri,  -bbø 
gerbffrft   boat-bullder's  yard.     -bbøninø   boat 
-bullding.    -fart  boating. 

tBaabelfnlb  a  fe  rig. 

Baab(e)Qaon  berth  el.  harbour  for  boats.  -^n» 
fe  -ffur. 

Baablefrr  boatowner.  -elbbcbitta«  boating 

Baab(e)(ele  fe  -b^aon. 

•t- Baabe |  UØ  a  unprofitable,  fruitless.  +-riø  a 
useful,  profitable. 

Baab(e)|ffnr  boat  house,  shod.  -tratiøbbrt 
conveyance  by  boat.  -tnr  boating  excurslon. 
•Ummer  timber  for  boats. 

Baablfifferi  fishing  from  boats.  -formtg  a 
boat-shaped.    -fnøl  fe  ©ujftjoert.    -fnlb  c  boatful, 





boatload.  -forer  boatman.  -galge  boat-gallows. 
-laljbt  cuddy.  -tanøu  boat-service  gun.  -tlnb 
b.  dub,  rowing  club.  -leje  fe  ©aab*».  -(omgbe 
boat'a  length.  -(enge  boat-sling.  -manb  boat- 
man.  -n«b  boat-bill,  Cancroma.  *-noft  le  ©aabe> 
ffiit.    -prop  plug.    *-tipsheer-Btrake(ofaboat;. 

©aabi|aare  boat'a  oap.  -anter  boat  anchor. 
•oefatniug  boat'a  crew.  -bro  skids  pi.  -brag 
grapnel.  -folt  boatmen.  -fragt  boat's  freight. 
-bage  boat  hook.  -ttatier  c  -e  boat-fender.  -tarl 
boatman.  -rlamPerp/  boat's  chocks  pi.  -trabbe 
gripe.    -(åbning  boatload.    -monb  boa  te  wa  In. 

©aab6manb8|  batte  boatswain's  mess.  -gafter 
boatswaln'B  crew.  -tjcOegat  b.'s  store-room. 
•tnob  reef-knot.  -mat  b.  s  mate.  -pibe  b.'s 
whlstle  el.  call;  ftobe  i   n  wind  the  call. 

©aabftlmaft  mast  of  a  boat.  -rebflafter  boat's 
gear.  -ribber  ledges  ofa  boat.  -ringe  boat  rings. 
-roer  boatman. 

©aablflue  boat-show.  -flage  punt-pole.  -ftto> 
rer  coxwain.  *-fto  hard.  -f nrring  boat's  grlpes. 
•»(talte  boat-accident.    -(g)bttgter  boat-keeper. 

*i&aat  c  -r  sunken  rock. 

Coat,  Oaate  c  -r  beacon. 

©o al  n,  pi  =»,  flre;  (fiigbaal)  pyre,  (funeral) 
pile;  bøbe  paa  -et  was  ftied  to  a  stake  and)  burned 
to  death,  auffered  death  by  flre  el.  at  the  stake; 
bømte6  itl  .  og  ©ranb  was  condemned  to  the 
stake  el.  to  the  flam  es. 

©aal  Ba  al.    ©aaløbtartetfe  Ba'alism. 

©aanb  n,  pi  =,  (i  Ulm.)  band,  tie,  bond,  (finalt) 
string;  (Hl  røtjnt,  JDrbenBbaanb)  ribbon;  ($anbe>, 
$aar«)  flllet;  (Stribe)  band;  (Xemr.)  feather,  truss; 
arck  moulding,  stringing,  filet;  (Xenbe«  o.  I.) 
hoop;  anat  ligament;  fig  band,  bond,  tie,  (X  o  an  øj 
check,  restraint;  (Enigljeb*  .  bond  of  union;  Sen* 
flabS  -  ties  of  friendship;  lægge  .  paa  check, 
restrain,  lay  a  restraint  upon;  unbrr  ~,  fe  ftor§-. 
©aaubjagat  ribbon-agate.  -agtig  a  ribbon-like; 
ligamentous.  -brfdttntng :  meb  -  trimmed  with 
ribbon.  -blomfter  artificial  flowers.  -bannet  a 
fe  -form tg.  ©aanbe  vt  hoop.  ©aaub|briber  coo- 
per's  driver,  -fabrif,  -fabrifation  ribbon  manu 
facture.  -fabritant  ribbon-manufacturer.  -fifl 
ribbon-fiah.  -formig  a  ribbon-shaped;  $  ligulate. 
-grflmft  string,  -gople  cestum.  -gr«8  ribbon 
grass,  Phalori«  arundinacea  picta.  -bage  turrel 
-tjanbet  ribbon  tråde,  -banbler  dealer  in  rib 
bons.  -buSblaé  ribbon- isinglass.  -bobl  hoop 
shave.  ©aanbing  c  hooping.  ©aaub|jagpi6 
striped  Jaspis,  -jam  hoop-iron.  -tniP  addice, 
adse,  drawingknife.  -tftbe  meeh  band-chain. 
-(ignenbe  a  fe  -agtig.  -lægge  vt  tie  up.  -lagaelfe 
c  fettering.  -l«re  syndesmology.  -Ub  twisted 
barrel.  -lobet  a  with  twisted  barrals,  -lotte  fe 
•flojfe.  -maal  measuring  tape.  -mager  c -e  hoop- 
maker.  -matrel  streaked  mackerel,  Equulu* 
-naa(e  minikin  pins.  -orm  fe  ©ænbel-.  -bil  osier, 
Satix  viminalu.  -rofe  rosette.  -fttHe  roll  of 
ribbon.  -fa*,  -*fag  band  saw,  endless  saw. 
-ffoife  bow  of  ribbon,  favour.  -flage  hoop  pole. 
-fiol  cooper's  bench.  -Pa?P  ribbon- weaver'B  loom 
•Oojber  ribbon  weaver.     -*fte  band  box.     -oMe 

©aareV  r  (fiigO  bier;  (til  Stige)  stretcher;  • 

©aare  c   r  prov  fe  ©øTge. 

tOaare  c  prov  =  ©rafmarl. 

©aaren  part  (af  ©are)  borne;  fobt  og  -  horn 
and  bred;  i  ftebet  -  bred  in  the  bone. 

9aa9  c  e  stall,  (luffet  paa  alle  Stber)  pen;  (p. 
laffet!  oft)  berth.    -e  vt  stall. 

©aba  c  currant  cake. 

©abcl  n  Babel,    -fl  a  Babylonic. 

©abintft'fc  c   r  babyroussa. 

©able  ri  babble. 

©abni'n  c  bab  uin  baboon,  Cvnoccphalv*  ba 

©abbllott  n  Bab'ylon.  -lonien  «  Babylonia 
-lo  nier  c  Babylonian.  -(o'niff  a  Babylonian 
Babylon'ic,  Babylonish;  ben  e  6toge  the  Baby 
lonian  whore;  bet  -e  $angenftab  the  Babyloni>h 

©aecalau'ren*  c  bach'elor  of  arts. 

©adl'  o  -Her  bacillus  (pi  i). 

©ab  n  -e  bath;  (©abefleb)  baths  pi,  watering 
•place,  spa(w),  tage  et  .  take  a  bath  el.  twitht 
er  t  ~  is  batbing,   rejfe  til  et  -  go  to  a  waterin? 
-place;  ligge  oeb  et  .  stay,  spend  a  seasoa,  at  a 
wate ring- place;  fe  (Benfobelfe. 

©abe  vt  &  i  bathe;  (ftjge  £emmer  o.  I.)  foment 
-  ftg  bathe;  -  fig  i  6oIrn  bask  in  tbeeun.     -au 
ftalt  bathing  establishment,     -abbarat  bathiui; 
apparatus.   -baUie,  fe  far.  -baftfitt  bathing- basiu. 
-bragt  bathing-dress.     -gafl  bather,  frequenter 
of  the  baths.    -bote(  marine  hotel.   -b)n*  bathiitc 
house,  -batte  bathing  cap.  •{ om frtt  bath  woman 
-tommer   bathing   room,    bath    room.      -lappt 
bathing  gown.    -tar  bathing  tub.  bath.     -fart 
bath  man.  -tjole bathinggown.  -fldtber bathing- 
dress.  -tone  bath- woman.  -tnr  the  ose  of  mineral 
waters;  bruge  -  take  the  watere.    -(ege  physician 
in  a  watering- place.   -manb,  -mefter  bath-keeper, 
bathing-man.    -mibbet  lotion,  fomentation.     -n 
c  fe  ©åbning. 

©aben  n  Baden. 

©abefbige  fe  -iomfru.  ©aber  c  -e  bath-keeper 
©abe |  re{ fe  journey  to  a  watering  place.  -fff  ortt 
bathinggown.  -flam  bathing- mud.  -fteb  (til  at 
babe  ftg)  bathing- place;  (fom  man  rejfer  til)  water 
ing-place.  -fbamb  bathing  sponge.  -forføn 
bathing- season,  season  at  a  watering- place.  -tib 
bathing- hours;  fe  -fafon.  -banb  water  of  the  bath. 
•bogn  bathing- machine.  —  ©åbning  c  batbiog. 

t©abftcr  c  -e  barber-surgeon,  surgeon- barber. 

©abftne  c  bath- room,  baihing-room;  •  dryiug 
-house  (for  grain).    -manb  bath-keeper. 

©abnt'lf bring  vault.  -ftortngCT  vaulter,  tum- 

©affinøbnoten  Baffin  Bay. 

m  9  c  bac*J  tflle  iloe  om  "*  P*a  ^"*  -  speak 
ill  of  one  behind  his  back;  tør  mange  ftar  toaa 
•en  is  well  stricken  in  years;  b,ar  fnrretpbe  War 
paa  -en  is  turned  forty.  —  ©ag  præp  bebind, 
at  the  back  of,  in  the  rear  of;  —  adv  bebind. 
-af  prop:  falbt  •  ©ognen  fell  off  the  waggon  be- 
hind; fio  gaa  ~  S)anfen  go  to  the  wall. 

©aga'ge  c  -r  ($ær»)  baggage;  (SRejfenbe«)  lng- 
gage,    amr  baggage,   plunder.      -fane    fanion 
•bogn  baggage- waggon. 

©flglatdel  e  hind  axle. 

©agarn  succession  of  ascendants. 

©agaft'fe  c  bagasse,  cane-trash. 

i  5W5^i#  *»??  trvlf!e'  ba8^telle;  aa  - !  never 
mind!  flddlestick!  bribe  5tioen  ben  meb  -ler  trifle 
away  one  s  time. 

©oglben  hind  leg;  rejfte  fig  Paa  -ene  rose  on 
his  hind  legs,  reared;  fig  fætter  fig  paa  -ene  is 

SSS^?;  ^P^^We,  recalcitrates,  abows 
flght  puts  up  his  back,  p  rides  rusty  -binbe 
ve  pinion,   tie  ones   hånds  behind   hin   back 

?hrpor?iiak,nfb.b1fb  tss  s&sr^t&sr, 

back  link.  -bntit  back  shor^gn^n'back 
building.  -birft  ass,  jack-as,,  booby ■    JSS  ff  «K  » 

h.,n?  Par>  5inder  PftrtI  (««mpe)  bacSidc rS> 
sterlora,  fundament;  (af  ©u!8«)  (nethind*  tbe 
seat  of  ones  trowsers.    -bolte  back  puppet     -bor 
back  door,  pos  tern.  f«ppw.    -»or 

Bage  »« bake;  .  8„b  make  bread;  .  fifl  (fommc. 




om  Jhilj  clinker.  -børb  kneading  board,  -brænbe 

Bagefter  prmp.  &  adv  behind,  (om  Xib)  after; 
(ror  fent)  too  låte;  F  bet  er  til  $r.  tø.  -  Mr.  N. 
will  have  to  pay  for  it. 

©agetnl  baking  coal. 

©agenbe  c  hind  part. 

©agen|før,  *-fra,  -tit  fe  ©ag  (prop  &  arfc),  ©ag- 
fra,  ©agt«. 

©agepenge  money  paid  for  baking. 

©ager  e  -e  baker;  gaa  til  -en  go  to  the  baker's 
shop.  -barn  baker's  chlld;  gioe  -bom  fioebebrøb 
carry  coals  to  Newcastle,  -bob,  -butif  baker's 
shop.  -brt  b  baker's  bread.  -brenø  baker's  ap- 

•©agere  comp  F  hinder. 

Baøer|gaarb  bake-house,  bakery.  -Qaanbbært 
baker's  tråde,  ©ageri'  n  -er  b.  f.;  fe  -gaarb. 
©agrrifarl  baker's  man.  ©ager|fntb  dough 
-knife.  -tone  baker's  wife.  -(an  bakers*  company. 
-lære:  et  i  -  is  apprenticed  to  a  baker.  -lær- 
ling bakers  apprentice.  -Un  fe  ©agepenge. 
-mefter  (master)  baker.  -obn  (baker's)  oven. 
tttagerf  m  bake-house.  ©aget Iftøbl  peel.  -fm*r 
baking  butter.  foenb  Journeyman  baker.  -æble 
baking  apple. 

Bageft,  *Bagerft  »up,  a  hindmost;  —  adv 
farthest  back  el.  behind. 

©agr|ftne  bake-room,  -barme  heat  of  the 
oven     -»eb  oven-wood. 

*Bagrbfe  c  eddy. 

©o  g| finne  hind  fln.  -fferbing  hind  quarter, 
ip.  minbre  $0t)  hind  leg.  -fjæl  back  board,  tail 
board.  -Vil  c  beel-pieoe,  heel-tap.  -fllffe  vt 
heel(-piece,  -tap),  -filtning  c  heeling.  -fob  hind 
foot.  -fra  adv  k  prcep  from  behind;  begbnbe  nt 
_  begin  st  at  the  wrong  end;  Iabe  •  load  at  the 
breech.    -gaarb  backyard,  rear-yard. 

Bagge|(r),  -rt  c,  -maftine  fe  Vtubbermaftine. 


Bagjgrnnb  (Vtal.  og  fio)  background,  distance; 
theat  back  scene;  maotte  træbe  i  -en  for  was 
thrown  into  the  shade  el.  eclipsed  by.  -grunb*- 
tuliØfer  flat  scenes,  flåts,  -boonb  («6e*)  hind 
hånd;  -fyianben  (ftort)  the  younger  hånd;  J,  fe 
fcfller«;  ($efl»)  fe  Jtrpbft;  et  i  -en  is  the  younger 
hånd,  the  last  player;  tytbe  nt  i  -en  have  st  in 
reserve,  -baar  back  hair.  -bate  flg  vr  J,  back. 
-bierne  hind  braln,  cerebellum.  -tønl  hind 
wheel.  -b»lb  ambush,  ambuscade;  ligge  i  -  for 
lie  in  ambush  el.  in  wait  for;  lægge  ng  i  -  for 
waylay.  *-bon,  -bnn  (ontside)  slap.  flaw-piece. 
-bøteb  hind  head,  ocdput.  -bnØ  back  house, 
tuack  of  the  house,  -i  adv  in  the  back;  —  præp 
in  the  back  of.  -inb  adv  (ih)  from  behind. 
•iabien  n  Further  (el.  Farther)  India,  -f ammer 
back  room.  -fatte  quarter-piece.  -fto  hind  claw. 
•ftog  a  afterwiøe,  afterwltted.  -ftogftftb  after- 
witø  •ttæbntttø  back.  -fro*  hind-part  (of  the 
body);  (P-  3«f*«)  abdomen.  -trobéring  abdo- 
mlnal  section.  -tøb  meat  of  the  hind  quarter. 
-laoge  small  back  door.  -laar  back  parth  of 
the  thigh.  -lané:  Søren  et  gaaet  i  .  the  lock 
has  slipped  el.  caught;  breje  t  ~  slip  the  lock, 
fix  the  key;  SK  u  nb  en  gi!  i  -  for  tyim  he  stopped 
»hort.  -laber,  -tabebaaben  breech-loader.  -lab* 
■ingtgebær,  -tabningøtanon  breech-loading  gun 
■  o.  B ).  -taftet  a  loader  by  the  8 tern.  -(em  n  poste- 
rior  eztremlty;  hind  limb.  Mi,  -lib  shady  side 
of  a  valley,  hlll-slde  with  a  northern  aspect. 
©«gliø  o  backward.  Bag|lib  (3nf.)  fe  -trop. 
-tømme  back-pocket,  coat- tail  pocket.  -læber 
le  -loppe,  -lænb  hindmost  part  of  the  loin. 
•lænd  adv  backward  (s).  -lænet**  backward 
raæ.  -læ*  back  part  of  a  cart-load.  -manb 
rear- rank  man.  -ntnr  back  wall;  (i  Qtaeobn) 

©øgning  e  baking. 

©øg|*ol(e)  fe  ©agrem.  -op  adv  up  behind;  frige 
•  i  en  ©ogn  get  into  a  waggon  from  behind; 
flaa  .  kick.  -ober  adv  backwards;  f  gaa  -  af 
$enrbtlelfe  be  struck  all  of  a  heap  with  ecstasy. 
-paa  adv  k  præp  behind;  tomme  -  en  steal  upon 
one;  faa  bat  fom  .  min  $aanb  as  bare  as  the 
back  of  my  nand.  -plabe  back-plate.  -plobd 
back  seat.  -ptob  hind  part  of  a  plough.  -Pom- 
mern Further  Pomerania.  -port  back  gate, 
pos  tern.  -pote  hind  paw.  -raab  to  lock  the 
stable  door  when  the  steed  is  stolen.  *-re  fe 
©agere,  -rebe  fe  bogn.  -rem  crupper.  -ro  (p. 
(Beoætlaaø)  hind  noten  (of  the  tumbler),  -ram 
hind  compartment.  -fæl  back  parlour  el.  room; 
(©torbær!)  back  floor.  -fejle  flg  vr  J,  take  the 
wrong  side  of  a  point,  -fibe  back,  backside; 
reverse  (of  a  coln).  -ffanf  leg.  -ffo  hind  shoe. 
-ffo  vt  furnish  with  hind  shoes.  *-fføt  c  stern. 
•ftnb  straight  away  8 hot.  -ffæfte  butt  end. 
-fff*  n  tail.  -flag  reaction,  -fmæf  after-clap. 
-fmæfte  fe  -fiæl.  -fnat  after  talk.  -fpor:  jage 
paa  .  hunt  counter. 

*©aø|t  c  baking. 

©<*  Ølftflg  vt/  preventer-back-stay.  -flaøgbittb 
quartering  wind.    -flabn  stern. 

»©agrfterøeKe,  -t^Ut  baxter,  girdle,  (af  Sten) 
back-  stone 

©a'ølftol  (i  2aa%)  bridle.  *-ftræt»  reaction. 
*-1iræber  c  e  reactionist.  -frrom  (back-)eddy. 
-fine  back -room;  (Stage)  back  ground-floor. 
-ftbfte  back-piece,  after-piece;  fætte  npe  -r  i 
(©entl.)  reseat.  -flæbn  fe  Sigtet-,  -fæbe  back 
seat.  -ft  backsweep  of  the  wavea.  'tna  hind 
toe.  -tal  last  number  of  an  ;/ 31m bc".  -tale  vt 
backbite,  calumnlate.  stander,  defame,  aspene, 
malign,  traduce.  -taielfe  c  backbiting,  calumny, 
tuander,  scandal,  aspersion,  defamation,  detrac- 
tion;  -n*  ©fole  the  School  for  Scandal.  -taler, 
•talerfte  bækbiter,  calumniator  etc.  -taleriff, 
-talerff  a  slanderous,  defamatory,  calumniatory, 
calumnious,  scandalous.  -tanb  cheek  tooth,  Jaw 
tooth,  grinder,  -tang  (p.  ^øblebænt)  hind-screw. 
-tante  secret  thought,  underthought.  F  Uttle 
game.  -Hl  adv  at  the  back,  in  the  rear,  posteriorly . 
-tog  fe  -trao.  -tommel  hind  thumb.  -trappe  back 
stairs,  b.  staircase.  -trao,  -trop  rear,  rear  gaard. 
•tnng  o  heavy  behind,  back-loaded.  -tæppe 
back  curtain,  back  scene,  -nb  adv  behind;  flaa 
.  kick.  -nbfpænb  n  kick.  -babffe  vt  fe  -tale. 
-»abftelfe,  -pabffninø  fe  -taielfe.  -pabffenbe  a  fe 
-talerift.  -babffer  fe  -taler,  -banb  backwater.  -peb 
adv  behind.  -bej  fe  @nig*.  -benbt  a  turned  the 
wrong  way,  fig  preposterous;  —  adv  the  wrong 
way.  -brnbtjjeb  e  preposteronsness.  -blnøe  hind 
wing.  -binter  after-winter.  -boøn  hind  part  of 
a  waggon,  -oæg  back  wall.  -bægt(iøbeb)  over 
weight  backwards.    -bærelfe  back- room. 

©a'øbært  n  pastry,  pastry-work. 

©abamnoerne  the  Bahamas. 

©aj  n  (%b\)  baize. 

©at  c  (©ugt)  bay. 

©at  I  em  n  Bava'ria.  -er  o  e  en  (bolb)  -  a  half 
-bottle  of  Bavarian  beer.  -erft  o  Bavarian;  .  £1 
el.  -ertl  Bavarian  beer.    -rer  c  -e  Bavarian. 

©øitalfoen.  Lake  Baikal. 

©airentb  n  Bareuth. 

©afa'bere  c  -r  bayadere. 

©aj  aé  c  -er  buffbon.    -ftrcø  buffoonery. 

©afonet'  c  -ttet  bay'onet;  tage  meb  -ten  carry 
at  the  point  of  the  bayonet;  gennembore  meb  -ten 
bayonet;  meb  -terne  paa  with  flxed  bayonets. 
-angreb  bayonet-charge.  -brint  motion  of  the 
socket.  -bf Ue  bayonet-socket.  -fægtning  bayonet 
-exercise.  -b<ila  neck  of  a  bayonet.  -typlfe  fe 
-bølle,      -tobfing    mech    bayonet-clutch.     -fom 





bayonet-stud.   -ring  locking-ring.  -ftebe  bayonet 
scabbard.    -ftoib*  point  of  the  rayonet. 

©af  a  &  adv  <!,  aback,  taken  aback;  brafe  - 
heave  to. 

©a!(fe)  c  J,  forecaatle  (ubt.  alm.  «fozl>). 

Cafe  c  -r  beacon. 

©offana't  n,  -in  bac'chanals.  —  ©offaut'  e 
-er  baccbant.    ©aftontin'be  c  -t  bacchan'te. 

©affe  e  -r  hill,  rifling  ground,  rise,  eminence, 
elevation,  slope;  *  (p.  ftnio  o.  I.)  back;  opab  . 
up  bill;  nebab  -  down  hill;  bft  øaar  nebab  -  meb 
$am  be  Ib  going  down  hill. 

©affe  c  -r  (fiine)  night-line,  long  line,  bultow, 

Caffe  c  -r  meeh  cheek;  (ril  ©rtueffæring)  die. 

©af fe  vt  &  (6ejl,  TOaffine)  back;  -  Størene  bank 
the  fires;  -  af  back  off;  -  om  boz  off. 

©arte  c  -r  (©tæt)  tray,  salver;  J,  mess-kid; 
mess;  (HI  at  teøøe  unber)  mat;  boere  i  tømme  _ 
mess  together.  —  ©affe  vi  op  serve  out  el.  up; 
-  op  for  en  treat  one  sumptuouily.  -børb  dumb 

©oftebrog  range  of  hiUs. 

©affefll  thin  grooved  file. 

©aitelfnlb  a  hilly,  full  of  hills.  -*celb  a 
declivity,  slope,  hill-slde.  -iorbbarr  Alpine  straw- 
berry,  Fragaria  collina.    -lonb  hilly  country. 

©ottelfe  o  -t  pastry,  sweet  cake.  -taft  fe  ©ag» 
boeft.  -beja  paste.  -før«  pastry  mould.  -item 
doughknire.  -wlle  roller,  -fpore  Jagging  iron. 

tOøffemob  pap. 

©otfenbart  o  -et  whisker;  (p.  Sfnfeft)  barba. 

©otte|neSife  maiden  pink,  Dianihut  deltoide*. 
-tolø*  turn-wrest  plough.  -file  fe  -bælb.  -ffnør 
gully.  -ffratning,  -{fromt  fe  -^celb.  -frøerne  flea- 
bane,  Erigeron.  -ftreger  pi  hachures.  ©øffet  a 
hilly.    ©affetibfel  carllne-thistle,  Carlina. 

Øøfttfr  a  Bacchic. 

©øffnø  Baochus.  -b«rfer  bacchanalian.  -fefl 
bacchic  feast.    -ftøn  thymus. 

©afntng  c  J,  (af  TOafttne)  backing,  revene 
motion;  (unber  ©anfer)  backing. 

©atØ|b  fatter  forecaatle  beams.  -bo«  swinglng 

©olfttrot  £,  rack  for  the  mera-kids. 

©olitanf  bowsprit  rack. 

OofØbreng  mess-boy. 

©affe  vt  (bælte)  tumble,  (meb  $aanbfpag)  prize, 
(ftanon)  train.  -bo«  large  handspike.  —  ©øtft« 
ntng  c  training  etc. 

©affe«  fe  ©offe*. 

6at8|fiff  forecastle-deck  partners,  -gøngføtl 
fore-capstan.  -gøft  forecaatle  man,  f.  Jack.  -guln 
f.  sole. 

©øftlfnnge  mess  boy.  -fønunerøt  mest-mate. 
•lag  mess. 

©atitnge  fore  scuttle. 

©afd|tnefter  caterer.    -»løb*  mess  berth. 

©afepørt  chase-port. 

©øMrnlle  mess-book. 

©afføring  reversing  gear. 

©ofte'rter  pi  baoterlums,  bacteria. 

©afteriebbrfning  c  caltivation  of  bacteria. 

©al'  c  -ler  ball;  gøre  en  -  (©tEtorb)  pocket  (el. 
hole)  a  ball. 

©al'  n  -ler  ball;  øaa  paa  -  go  to  a  ball. 

©øton'ce  o  -t  bal'ance;  Ofcmp.)  beam;  (p.  ftnib) 
bolster;  (pibe  -n  keep  one's  balance;  lomme  ub 
af  -n  lose  one's  balance,  overbalance  one's  self; 
opøsre  -n  strike  the  b.  -bog  balance-book. 
©ølønce'rfiøng  balancing  pole;  mech  balance 
-verge.  ©ølønce|febelswingkettle.  -tvin  balance 
-knlxe.  -lampe  swing- lamp.  -møffine  beam-en- 
gine.  -opgørelfe  balance-aceount.  balance-sheet. 
©øføuce're  «e poise,  (ogfaam«re)  balance,  ©alonce- 
tap  centre  gudgeon. 

*©albløm  fe  (Engbtomme. 

©atboa  programme. 

©olbøft'n  c  -er  canopy.    -Dørret  c.-beaxer. 

©albame  lady  at  a  ball;  partner. 

©albe  c  -r   (p.   ftoben  ofb.,  Grab.)  ball;   tv> 
dabber,  ball. 

Øølberf  brøodog-gowan,  May-  weed,  Matricarv* 
inodora:  dog-fennel,  Anthemi*  cotula. 

©al  |  b trefur  floor-manager.  -bragt  ball  dress 

©albrian  c  vale'rian,  Valeriama.  -fnrt  6oit 
val'erate,  vale'rianate.  -f  øjre  val'eric  (valerian'ic 

©albrouning  belle  el.  reigning  beauty  of  the 

©albnin  Baldwin. 

©ølbtt're  vt  embroider. 

*©øle  vi  prot)  toii. 

©alea'r]eme,  be  -iftc  Per  the  Bal'eares,  the 
Balear'ic  isles. 

©alfeber  dancing  fever. 

©alø  c  -e  sheath,  scabbard;  ftiffe  i  -en  sheath; 
brage  af  -en  unsheath. 

©aløorfl  person  invited  to  a  ball.  -|errc  dancer. 
ball-goer.    -inoitation  invitation  to  a  ball. 

©albømifere  [t.]  vt  bowdlerize. 

©alje  c  -r  tub. 

Oaltau  the  Balkans.  -b«t**en  the  Balkan 
Peninsula.    -paterne  the  Balkan  8tatea. 

©al  |  tab  åler  fe  -^erre;  partner,  -ffole  ball 
-dress,  -flcebt  a  dressed  for  a  ball,  in  evenln*: 

©alton'  e  -et  balcony;  -en  (Zeat.)  the  dres^ 

©alfort  fe  ©alboa. 

©alla  be  c  -t  ball'ad. 

©oHadrnbin  bal'as  ruby. 

©•Haft  o  ballast;  toge  _  inb  ballast,  take  in 
ballast;  totfe  -n  unballast  the  vessel.    -Hof  pur 
of  ballast,    ©attafte  vt  ballast.    ©aEo&lfab  bal 
last-breaker.     -far«  kentledge.     -fifle   tier  of 
ballast-boards,   •tommtøfion  Ballast-Board.  -lin 
Jen  the  ballast  mark.    -losning  unballastlng 
•lodfer  ballast-heaver.  -ning  c  ballasting.  -krngc 
ballastage.    -kørt  ballaet  port.    -renbe  ballast 
shoot.  -fejl  port-sail.  -ffot  ballast-boards,  -nogn 

♦©olie  vt  fammen  bundle  up,  huddle  together. 

©aHe  fe  ©alje;  ©albe. 

©aØe  e  x  (SareO  bale,  bag;  en  ~  ©opir  ten 
reams  of  paper.  -gobé,  -norer  bale  goods. 
-lange  bale  sling. 

©oliet'  c  -ter  ball'et.  -banfer  b.  dancer.  -nonfer 
inbe  b.  dancer,  b.  girl.    -ntefler  b.  master. 

©oOlftlif'  c  ballistiCB.    -'iff  a  ballist'ic. 

©allon'  c  -ei  balloon;  (Srlaffe)  demijohn,  car 
boy;  J,  balloon-jlb.  -fører  balloonlst.  -Pol* 

©allotfe're  vt  k  i  ball'ot,  vote  by  balloi. 
-e'rtngle  ballotball.  -ermaffine  ballot-boi 
-e'ring  c  ballot(ing). 

OolTol  c  ball-room. 

©alfam,  ©alf am  c  -er  balsam,  (oøfaajfo)  balm 
-fcøéfe  b.-box.  -bnft  balsamic  oaour.  ©alf  orne 're 
vt  embalm.  ©alf  arne 'ring  c  embalming,  embami- 
ment.  ©olfomgron  b.  fir,  Abie»  baUamea.  ©af« 
fami'ne  c  -r  bal'samine,  garden  balsam,  Impa 
tieru  baUatnina.  ©alfo'miff  a  balmy,  balsamic, 
fragrant.  ©aifam  I  poppel  b.  poplar,  tacamahac. 
Populu*  bahamifem.  -tr«  balsamodendron, 
balm-tree,  AmyrU  giUadenai*.  -«bie  b.-applf, 
Momordiea  baUamina. 

©olffo  pi  dress  shoes,  pumps. 

©alrh)'rig  a  ungovernable,  unruly,  refracton 
untractable.    -Qeb  c  refiractoriness,  unruUness 

©ol't^afor  Baltba'zar. 

©altre  fe  ©oltre. 




Saltijt  a  Baltic;  bet  -e  £at>  the  Baltic. 

Salnfrra'be  c  bal'ustrade. 

SantbuØ  c,  -rør  bamboo'.  -flot  bamboo(-cane); 
ptbgle  meb  -  bamboo'. 

Samfe  c  -r  he-bear;  -n  Bruin. 

Saua'l  a  common,  hackneyed. 

Sona'n  c  -er  banana.  -tra  banana,  Muaa 
mxpientum.    -aber  plantain-eater,  Mwtopkaga. 

Sanb'  n  ban,  excommunlcation,  interdlct,  ana- 
thema;  fatte  i  -  excommunicate;  fatte  i  Sam^ 
funbetft  «  put  out  of  tbe  pale  of  sodety. 

©anba'lge  c  -t  bandage,  -gift'  c  -er  bandage 
maker,  truss-maker. 

©anb|breb,  -butte  bull  of  excommunicatlon. 

Saube  c  -r  band,  gang. 

S«n»e  c  -t  (BiU.)  cushion. 

©aub|e  trt  swear  at  (one),  curse;  —  m  swear, 
rune,  use  profane  language;  -  paa  swear  to, 
take  one' s  oath  on;  benne  Stinte  -r  iffe  this  ham 
is  not  to  be  sneezed  at;  fe  Xbrf.  -en  c  curs- 
ing  etc. 

Sanbelorler  fe  $enbeIoquer. 

+©anbQttnb  bound  dog,  bandog. 

Sonbit'  c  ter  ban'dit,  pi  -s  el.  banditU,  brig- 
and,   -børfen  brlgandage. 

©onblbfe  vt  excommunicate,  anathematize; 
fa  (forbife)  banish.  -ntag  c  excommunicatlon; 

Sonbøte'r  n  shoulder-belt,  bandoleer. 

Sanboli'n  (til  Coatet)  ban'doline. 

Soublfat  (part  af  -fatte);  a  confounded,  cursed, 
damnea;  —  adv  confoundedly,  devilish,  -firaale 
fnlxnlnation  (of  an  interdlct).  -fatte  vt  excom- 
municate.   -fottelfe  excommunicatlon. 

©ane  c  (Døb)  death,  destruction;  fe  -manb;  bet 
$ug  biet)  bane  -  that  blow  proved  mortal  to 

»ane  e  -r  course,  path,  way,  (ifar  gøbebane) 
career;  art  trajectory,  track;  ($lanete)  orbit; 
(p.  jammer,  ttmbolt,  Gtabfliffe)  face;  (Støjte«) 
rink;  (Babbeløb**)  course;  fe  ®Iibe«,  Stegte-,  3arn«; 
$bben*  -  the  path  of  virtue;  bringe  paa  -  start, 
broach,  open  (the  subject  of);  brboe  en  .  beat  a 
path,  open  a  way;  brtybe  fig  nbe  -r  break  new 
ground;  flaa  mb  paa  en  .  enter  a  course.  — 
©«ne  vt  level,  smooth;  -  Sej  otiet  et  BJarg 
clear  a  way  across  a  mountain;  -t  Sej  beaten 
el.  trodden  road  el.  track;  -  fig  Sej  make  one's 
way;  fig  .  Sejen  for  pave  el.  prepare  the  way 
for,  be  the  stepping-stone  to.  ©onejanlag 
construction  of  railway  s;  et  ntjt  .  the  construc- 
tion  of  a  new  railway.  -betjent  rallway  officer 
-brttbenbe  a  ploneering;  bore  .  break  new 
ground.  -brøler  pioneer.  -gaarb  (railway-) 
station,  terminus,    -ljegn  railway  fence. 

Snneftug  death-blow,  deatb-stroke. 

©cue|  legemet  the  (railway)  embankment,  road 
bed,  the  permanent  way.    -linie  railway  line, 

Sauemonb  slayer,  destroyer. 

Sane|  meter  overseer,  -mil  mile-run,  train 
-mile.    -rbbber,  -rømmer  cow-catcher. 

Sonejfaar  mortal  wound.  +-\aaxtt  a  mortally 
wounded.    -fot  mortal  illness. 

Saneftretning  section. 

Saneftøb  death-thrust,  mortal  thrust. 

Sanejtøø  train.  -bog ter  signal-man,  line-man. 
-bøg  terttt*  signal-man' s  lodge. 

Sanae  a  afraid,  apprehensive,  fearful;  gøre 
en  -  frighten  el.  intimidate  one,  give  one  a 
fright;  blib  tfte  .  don't  be  afraid  el.  alarmed; 
.  af  Hg  naturally  timid;  oare  .  for  (frbgte)  be 
afraid  of,  (fot  en*  ©fplb)  be  apprehensive, 
uneasv,  anxlons,  on  one's  account  el.  about 
one,  (ombfiggelig)  careful  of;  bu  ftal  tfTe  bare  . 
fot  vria  (for  min  Sftylb)  never  fear  me;  ~  for  at 
i  meb  Jjnf.)  afraid   to,   (meb   6atn.)    afraid    el. 

apprehensive  that,  of  -ing;  bu  beløber  ifle  at 
oare  -  for  at  you  need  be  under  no  appre- 
hensions  that.    ©angreb  c  timidity. 

©aniantra  ban'yan(-tree),  Ficus  indica. 

Sanjer  n,  -bat  orlop  deck.  -ribber  o.  ledges. 
-nager  o.  damp. 

Sant  n  k  pi  a  drubbing,  a  thrashing,  a 

Son?  e :  ooer  en  -  in  the  gross,  on  an  average; 
fCbbe  ober  -  flre  in  barbe  el.  over  the  parapet. 

Bont  c  -r  bank;  logge  _  op,  tølbe  *  keep  the 
bank.  -atrte  bank  snare;  -r  bank  stock.  -«n- 
bttntng  bank-bill,  check,  -aftflftent  clerk  in  a 
bank.  -ietørrlfe  governors  of  a  bank.  -bøg 
pass-book  (at  the  banker's).  -bogbolber  clerk 
in  a  bank.  -bepofitttm  bank-deposit.  -biretrør 
bank  director.    -biøtonto  bank  discount. 

Oanfe  c  -r  (Sanb-,  Xaage«)  bank;  (foran  $abn) 
bar;  bet  ^ar  ^an  funbet  en  gob  .  he  has  made  a 
good  hit  there.  —  gtanfe  vt  bank,  heap  up  into 

Sanfe  vt  &  i  beat,  (p.  en  Dør)  knock,  rap, 
tap  (at  a  door);  (om  fjertet)  beat,  tbrob,  palpi- 
tate;  bet  -r  there  is  a  knock  (at  the  door):  -nbe 
Xinbtnger  throbbing  temples;  -  en  (af)  thrash 
one,  dust  one's  jacket;  -  et  Søm  i  drive  a  nail 
in;  -  nt  inb  i  en  beat  st  into  one;  ~  en  op 
(oaTTe)  knock  one  up,  *=  -  af ;  -  en  p.  Slulberen 
tap,  pat  one  on  the  shoulder;  ~  ub  beat  out. 
Sanfejaanb  rapping  spirit.  t-bbø  peeled  bar- 
ley,  Scotch  el.  French  barley,  pot  barlcy.  -løb 
stewed  beef.    t**øHe  malle t. 

SanfembebØntanb  officer  employed  in  a  bank, 
bank- clerk. 

Santen  o  knocking;  throbbing,  beating. 

Sanlerøt'  c  -ter  bank'ruptcy,  insolvency,  fail- 
ure;  fpiQe  ~  become  a  bankrupt,  fail,  break.  — 
a  bankrupt,  insolvent.  Sanferøt'tr  c  -er bank- 
rupt, insolvent. 

Sanrejflamtnel  bucking-stool.    -ftø!  fe  Sebing. 

Sanfet'  e  -ter  ban'quet. 

©an lej  t ar ff el,  -tra  batlet. 

©a«lftff|er(fartøj)  banker,    -eri  n  banking. 

Sanflførretning  banking  business,  -fnlbmag* 
tig  clerk  in  a  bank.  -b,eftelfe  mortgage  (granted 
to  the  bank).  -b,ølber  person  who  keeps  the 

Stnlie'r  c  er  banker,  -forretning  banking 
establishment;  -er  banking  business. 

©anf|fapital  stock  in  bank.  -fonto  bank 
-account.  -loan  loan  in  the  bank.  -løbgibningen 
bank-law.  -nøle  bank-note,  amr  bank-bill. 
•obligation  bank  bond.  -øltrot  statute  of  a 

©auto | mart  marc-banco.    -febbel  fe  ©antnote. 

©antlpapir  bank-paper.  -penge  bank-money. 
•protnra  full  power  for  the  transaction  of  bank- 
ing business,  -brobifion  banker's  commission. 
•rnab  fe  -beflbrelfe.    -rebifor  bank-auditor. 

©antfTøite  banker. 

©antbofen  banking- affairs. 

©anner  n  -e  banner,  -fører  standard-bearer. 
•b,erre  banneret,  -morte  banner.  -Hang  standard 

Sanrtngfnren  Banting's  cure,  bantingism; 
bruge  ~,  r  do  Ban  ting. 

Sar  n  acicular  leaves,  pine-needles. 

Sar  a  bare;  meb  -e  9øbber  with  his  feet  bare, 
in  his  bare  feet;  meb  -e  Sen  bare-legged;  meb  -t 
$aar  bare- head  ed;  meb  -t  ^obeb  with  his  head 
bare,  bare-headed  (o.  fl.);  paa  ben  -e  3orb  on  the 
bare  ground;  paa  ben  -e  ftrop  on  the  bare  skin; 
i  ben  -e  Gtjorte  in  his  (bare)  shirt;  -t  £b«  a  naked 
light;  begbnbe  paa  .  Sunb  begin  at  the  very 
foundation,  break  entlrely  new  ground;  -  for 
(+  paa)  bare  el.  destltute  of;  brifte  bet-  e  Sanb  drink 




pure  water,  drink  water  only;  af  -e  9teblibau)eb 
In  pure  pity;  af  -e  9Ri*unbelfe  from  mere  el.  sheer 
jealousy;  bet  -e  <Snat>*  the  merest  traah;  fora  -e 
granben  eonfounded,  devllish. 

Baraf'fc  c  -r  hut  for  soldiers;  anbragt  i  -r 
Baran'fer  pi  Astrakan  lamb-skins. 
Bararmet  a  with  naked  arms. 
BarbaboØ  Barbadoes. 

Barbar  c  -er  barbarian. 

Bar  bareft' paterne  pi  the  Ba'rbary  states. 

Barbari'  n  (Ufulrur)  ba'rbarism;  (©rufomtjeb) 
barbar 'i  ty,  cruelty. 

©arbari  et  »  Ba'rbary. 

Barbarifering  c  barbarisation. 

Bar ba  rift  a  barba'rian,  barbar'ic;  (grufom) 
ba'rbarous.  -iftyeb  c  ba'rbarousness,  barbarity. 
-Wme  c   r  ba'rbarism. 

Barbe  c  -t  ba'rbel,  Ovprinus  barbut. 

Barbe  c  ($aarpt)nt)  lappet. 

Bar  benet  a  bare-legged. 

Barbe  r  c  erer  ba'rber  (and  hair-cutter);  ($ifx) 
grouper,  tierranu*.  -bttffen,  -fab  shavlng-basin, 
barber's  plate.  -breng  barber's  apprentice.  -flabe 
sharing  cloth.  -fnib  razor.  -løft,  -tbaft  sharing 
bruah.  -liere :  er  i  ~  is  apprenticed  to  a  barber, 
-rem  razor-strap.  -frue  barber's  (and  hair-cutter' s) 
shop.  -føenb  journeyman  barber,  barber's  man. 
•fæbe  shaving-soap.  -tøj  shaving-apparatus, 

Barbe  re  vi  (ogfaa  fio)  shave;  .  fig  shave. 
-ring  c  shaving. 

Barbe«  ebatteri  barbette  battery. 

Ba'rbnget  u  (om  Sif!)  apodal. 

Barbe  c  -r  (Sfalb)  bard. 

Barbe  c  -r  whalebone.    -bb«1  w.  whale. 

©arbe| fbab  bardic  poem.    -fang  b.  song. 

Barbn'n  F  fe  Xtenfe. 

Barbn'n  c  -er  4,  backstay.  -røfl  backstay 
stool.  -frinne  b.  plate.  -ftit  overhånd  knot. 
-frrotbere  whiskers.  Barbnntøle  b.  collar.  ©or- 
buntattel  guy-tackle. 

©arbu  0  adv  bang!  like  a  bolt. 

Bare  fig  vr  forbear,  help,  refrain  from;  jeg 
funbe  iffe  .  mig  for  at  U  I  could  not  help 
laughlng;  jeg  funbe  iffe  .  mig  I  could  not 
help  It. 

Bare  adv  only,  mere,  but;  -  fan  »ar  bet  if 
only  he  were  here,  (ønjfenbe)  would  that  he 
were  here!  Barefte(ttS)  F  b.  f. 

Baret'  c  -ter  honnet,  cap. 

•Barfleffet  a-  bet  er  .  the  snow  is  off  here 
and  there. 

Ba  r|fobei,  *-fob  a  bare-foot,  bare-footed.  -fob* 
mnnf,  -føbbernrnn!  bare-footed  friar. 

tBarfreb  n  belfry;  asylum. 

©arfroft  black  frost. 

+Bø/rfugf  grouse  (i  bibere  Bet.). 

©a T|balf et  a  bare-necked.  -I»attebct  a  bare 
-headed.    -Qornbet,  *(«rnbt  a  bare-handed. 

Barinm  »  barium,  -tarbønat  barlc  carbonate. 
-llørib  barlc  chloride  (ofo.) 

Bar!  c  -er  J,  ba'rk. 

Bar!  c  ba'rk;  tagge  $uber  i  -  lay  hldes  in 
tan.    -agtig  «  barklike,  barky. 

BarfttI',  BarfaSfe  c  -r  J,  launch,  long-boat, 
(CbefiO  barge. 

Barf|beb  tan-  el.  bark-bed.  -bille  bark-beetle, 
Boétrichu*.  -brage  bark-cutter,  -brnn  o  tanned. 
-bttr  steller,  stellerus,  Bhvtina. 

Barfe  vt  (garbe)  tan;  'afbatte)  ba'rk,  strip  the 
bark  from;  -be  Sejl  tanned  sails;  t  fio  (om 
frarwn)  tanned,  weather«beaten,  (gennembort«) 
hardened.  seasoned. 

Bartebrsb  bark  bread. 

Barfe' !ar  tan-vat.    -fnb  ooze. 

Bart  far«  tan-oolour.  -farbet  a  tan-coloure«i. 
-garvning  tanning.    -taarb  a  hard  as  bark. 

©art  bolt  a  -er  J,  wale.  -QoltØgong  strake  <>f 

©arfl fanret  a  fe  Banbfantet.  -fbern  tan  xnill. 
-log  layer  of  bark.    -lnb  oose.    -InØ  psylla. 

Barhnaft  &  mizen-mast. 

Bart  |  mølle  tan  mill.  Barfniag  c  tannin*;. 
Bar!|øtUØnittg  solution  of  tan.  -pobning  crown 

Bart |  rigget  a  J,  bark-rigged.  -fejl  spanker, 
•ffib  bark. 

Bartfrfolb  piece  of  bark.  -fbøre  lentic*! 
-ftøf  tannin,  -fnbftanfen  the  cortical  substamv. 
-tøm  prickle.    -Ur*  tan  cake. 

Barru'n  c  -er  baulk,  yuffer. 

©a'rlinb  c  yew,  Taxtu  baccata. 

Barm  c  -e  bosom,  (om  ftormen)  bust;  J,  corner, 
griber  t  fin  egen  -  looks  into,  goes  home  to,  hi* 
own  heart.  -bjerrig  a  compassionate,  merctful. 
-e  ©røbre.  Søfare  Drotners,  staters  of  charity 
ben  -e  Samaritan  the  good  Samaritan;  e  (Kud1 
meroy  onme!  -tyertigtyeb  c  com passion,  mercy. 
pity;  tøv  -  meb  o* !  have  mercy  upon  us !  -Ipjer 
tiobeb*ger«i«g  labour  of  mercy. 

©a  rn  n  pi  Børn  C  ofte  pi  -=)  child,  (fpæbn 
infant,  baby,  babe;  .  føbt  efter  gaberen*  ^ab 
posthumous  child;  fyxn  bar  ingen  ~  he  has  uo 
famlly;  fra  -  af  from  a  child;  oære  meb  -  t»e 
with  child  el.  in  the  family  way,  antage  i  •« 
6teb  adopt;  brænbt  .  ffnr  3 Iben  a  burnt  child 
dreads  the  fire,  once  bit  twice  shy;  oie  -  i  Bo 
og  goa  felb  efter  if  you  want  a  thing  done  do  il 
yourself;  naar  -et  faar  lin  Eilif,  grceber  bet  iffe  my 
mind  tomea  kingdom  is;  bet  »eb  bbert  -  that 
is  mmillar  to  every  schoolboy,  the  mervst 
schoolboy  knows  that;  af  Børn  oa  Worre  ffal  man 
børe  6anbbeben  children  and  fools  speak  the 
truth:  fytn  er  ifte  af  Borberreft  bfbfit  Børn  he  is 
no  better  than  he  should  be. 

Ba'rnaal  pine-needle,  leaf  of  a  coniferous 

Barnagtig  a  childlsh,  puerile,  infantine.  -^eb 
c  childlshness,  pueril! ty. 

Ba'rttbom  c  childhood,  (tibliglie)  infancy;  $an« 
belen«  ~  the  Infancy  of  commerce;  fra  -men  af 
from  a  child;  i  min  riblige  -  in  early  childhood; 
gear  i  -  is  in  his  dotage;  brgtynber  at  gaa  i  -  is 
falling  into  dotage,  Is  fast  verging  on  a  stat«.- 
of  second  childhood.  —  ©arabomølaar,  -atber, 
-bage  years,  days,  of  childhood;  t  mine  .  in 
the  years  of  my  childhood.  -egn  place  of  ono's 
nativity.  -glftbe  joy  of  one's  c.  -lin  fe  Barn- 
bom.  -ntinbc  recoliection  of  one's  c.  -ben,  -ben- 
inbe  friend  of  one's  childhood. 

Ba'rne|aanb  child-mind.  -aar  years  of  child 
hood.  -alber  childhood,  infantile  age.  -nnfigt 
child's  face.  -barn  grand  child.  -barnølam 
great  gniadchild.  -baab  christening,  baptlsin, 
(mobf  Muldne«  $aab)pedobaptism,  infant  baptistn. 
•faber  alleged  father,  ubfagbe  bant  f om  .  fathered 
the  child  upon  him.  -fob  child's  foot.  -føbfel 
chUdbirth;  .  i  Sølgemoal  concealment  of  prvg- 
nancy.  -føbt  a  born;  Ijan  er  -  i  9c.  he  is  a 
native  of  N.  -aerntng  childlsh  aet.  -gfab  a 
happy  as  a  child.  +-gob  a  fond  of  children. 
•baanb,  -blerte,  -bobeb  child's  hånd,  heart,  head. 
-tue  child's  cap,  biggin.  -iomfrn  nursery  gover 
ness.  -tamnier  nursery.  children 's  room.  -Hole 
child's  frock.  -laber  pi  childlsh  mauners  -leg 
rmere)  child's  play.  *-lege  child's  toy  -Ho 
child's  llfe.  -mab  food  for  infants,  pap.  -mobrr 
mother  (of  an  illegitimate  child).  -morb  infknti- 
clde,  child-murder.  -ntørber,  -morberfte  infanti- 
dde.  -natur  child  nature,  »-ottbt  pains  of 
childblrth.  -orb  children's  word.  -Jrfge  nursery 




maid,  nnrse  maid  el.  (bngre)  girl.  -pottvctt  por- 
tralt  of  a  child.  -rentfe,  -rim  nursery  jingle, 
•rer  sonship.  -røb  kidnapping.  -røfl  voice  of 
a  cbild.  -røber  kidnapper,  -feng  bassinet,  cot. 
•ftnb  childlike  mind;  child-mind.  -fjotf  child 
-mind.  -fte  child' s  spoon.  -frø  child  ren' s  way. 
-fro  child's  shoe.  -fnttt  child -smile,  -fuaf 
cbildlsh  nonsens«,  -fbrøg  chlldren's  language. 
•fremme  fe  -røft.  -frreg  childish  trick,  -ftne 
nursery.  -fbøb  swaddling  cloth.  -tanter  childish 
thoughts.  -trø  childlike  faith.  -øtft :  paa  .  in 
the  way  of  children.  -øffe  song  for  children. 
•bøtn  perambulator.    -bær!  child's  work. 

9a  rnUg  a  childish,  infantile,  (om  ©ofSne)  child- 
like; (i  &orb>lb  Hl  flforælbrene)  filial;  i  ben  -e  Htber 
in  chUdhood.  -(eb  e  childish  el.  childlike  sim- 
plicity  el.  artlessness. 

©arnliue  little  child.  ©a'rn|l*6  a  childless. 
-løØtjeb  c  chlldlessness. 

©a'rnében:  fra  -  from  childhood,  from  a 
child.  +©arn*lig  fe  ©arnlig,  ©amaarta.  ©arn6|< 
Mb :  bære  i  ~  travali,  be  in  labour;  flaa  en  ftone 
bi  i  .  lay  a  woman.    *-unge  little  child. 

©arof  o  odd,  singular,  grotesque. 

©oronte'ter  a  -tre  barom'eter.  -falb  fall  of 
the  b.  -ftøjbe  fe  flanb.  -iagttagelfe  barometric 
observation,  -tobfel  cistern  of  a  barometer. 
•fnrøe  barometric  curve.  -ftonb  height  of  the 
barometer.  -føjfen  the  barometric  column,  -rrttf 
barometric  pressure. 

©aro'n  c  -er  bar'on.  ©aronet'fe  c  -r  bar'oness. 
©aroner'  o  -ter  bar'onet.  ©aronetbarbigfteb 
baronetcy.  ©arønf  n  -et  bar'ony.  ©aronife're 
tt  rnake  cl.  create  a  baron. 

©ar'rabaft  Barab'bas. 

©arre  e  -r  (af  Salto,  ©ulb)  bar,  ingot;  J,  bar; 
<emnn.)  parallel  bars.  -form  ingot-mould.  -for« 
mig  a  ingot-shaped.  -gnlb  (gold-)bullion.  -øbel- 
fer  ezercises  on  the  parallel  bars. 

©arrie're  c  -r  bar'rier. 

©orrifabe  c  -r  barr'icade.  -'re  vt  barricade. 

©a'rrug  c  gymnotus. 

©ard  c  hast,  Labrax  lupu*. 

©orfef  n  -flet  lying  in,  conflnement;  (Gilbe) 
(feast  In  oelebration  of  a  child's)  christening; 
laser  til  -  Is  in  the  family  way;  gforbe  -  was 
confined.  -feber  child-bed  fever,  puerperal  fe  ver. 
•ftaab  fe  -renfclfe.  -gttbe  fe  ©arfel.  -tøue,-  føinbe 
lying- in  woman;  p  lady  in  the  straw.  -tøfl  faal, 
•mob  caudle  for  lying- In  women.  -renjelfe 
cleansings,  lochla.  -f  eng  childbed;  lom  i  -  (meb) 
was  delivered,  confined,  brought  el.  put  to  bed 
<of);  ligøer  i  .  Iles  in;  btbe  i  .  died  in  givlng 
birth  to  a  child.  -fhte  lying-in  room.  -ftuefnat 
gossip  of  the  lying-in  room.  -bifit  lying-in 
visit.  —  ©arfle  vi  ile  In,  be  confined. 

©arfl  a  harsh,  stern,  severe;  (om  Stemme, 
Bofen)  gruff,  rough;  (af  ttbfeenbe)  bee  ti  e-bro  wed; 
-t  ©ejr  inclement,  severe,  weather.  -(eb  o 
har»hness,  sternness,  gruffhess,  severlty;  in- 

9a'rftø*  fe  ftaateftbb. 

©a'rjJHbt  a  threadbare.     -fbælg   archangel, 

+©«rt  e  -er,  fe  6tog. 

©arrøøfømarttf  Barthol'omew.  -natten  the 
massacre  of  8t.  B. 

Oa'rtra  tree  with  articular  leaves,  conifer. 

t©*rtfø*r  fe  ©obffcer. 

0*rnt'f6)e  c  -r  tarouche. 

9arbt'  c  bary'ta.  -ibfbt  permanent  whlte,. 
-magnet  Bononian  stone. 

©a'rttøn  e  -r  bar'ytone. 

BaØ'  e  -fer  base.  boas. 

9tf#  e  master,  boss;  J,  master  shlpwrlght;  f 
tøfle  -  meb  play  el.  trifle  with,  lord  it  over. 

©afttU'  c  basalt.  -agtig  a  basaltic.  -formet, 
-forntlg  a  basaltiform.  -fugle  basaltic  hall.  nor* 
fijr  porphyrite.  -fløtte  basaltic  column,  ba- 

©a'fan  n  Ba'shan,  Bas'san. 

©af ar  c  -er  bazar,  bazaar,  fancy-fair. 

©af  djibøftttt  ente  pi  the  Bashi-bazouks. 

©aføVfirer  pi  Bashkira. 

©afø)tit  c  i  bachelic. 

*©afe  vi  toil,  tumble,  make  a  noise. 

©afe  c  -r  dem  base.  -banner  c  -e  basifier. 
©ojeite't  c  basic'ity. 

©afet  n  Basel,  Basle. 

©afe  re  vt  base. 

©og [fiol  bass-viol,  viola  di  gambti.  -fUJte 
courtal.    -b;om  serpent. 

©afificere  vt  ba'sify. 

©afi'Iifa  c  basil'ica. 

©aR'UfonfalDe  basilMcon. 

©aftiifnm  (Urt)  c  bas'il,    Ocymum  Ixuilicum. 

©ofUtfT  c  -er  bas'ilisk,  cockatrice.  -blif  basilisk 

©afiS  e  basis,  base.  Oafift  a  bas 'i  c,  .  fulfurt 
Salt  subcarbonate  (o.  fl.);  -  f^lobe  (ftrnft.)  basal 
plane,  ©aftfmaaliug  measurement  of  base-lines. 

©aff  n  pi  s,  a^benbe  ©lag)  slap,  thwack; 
($rbal)  flogging;  *  fe  ©aftetag.  -e  vt  slap,  thwack; 
—  vt:  -  meb  ©ingerne  flap  the  wings. 

©aff|er  c  -t,  -iff  a  Basque. 

♦©affetaa  n  brash,  bout,  set-to. 

©adiliartnet  basset-horn.    -flabid  fe  -nøgle. 

©aØIentaner  vi  (rldiculous)  ceremony. 

©aøjlntb,  theorbo.  -nobe  bass-note.  -nøgle 
bass-clef.    ->ibe  bassoon. 

©aØrelief  n  -er  bas-relief,  basso-rllievo,  low 

©adfanger  o  bass-singer. 

©aØfe  e  -r  wlld  boar;  f  bulky,  stout  f el  low, 

©adferaMe  c  -r  gossip;  jolliflcation. 

©adfet'  c  basset,    -torn  b.-horn. 

©aSfin'  n  -er  ba'sin,  reservoir. 

©00 1 fifl'  c  -er  bass-singer;  b.  f.  f. 
-viol  player.  -ftemme  bass-volce. 

©aft  o  bast,  bass;  (Xb\)  foulard, 
lægge  en  i  ©aanb  og  ~  put  one 

©afta  o  (i  fi^ombre)  basto;  int  enough!  bermeb 
.  there's  an  end. 

©aflarb'  c  -er  bas'tard,  (tun  om  S)!jt)  mongrel. 
-agHg  a  bastard,  -art  hybrid  species,  -atla* 
Turkish  satin,  -fil  bastard  file.  -fot!  mongrel 
nation,  -fremiringelfe  hybridization.  -laa* 
back-spring  lock.  -nattergal  sedge  warbler, 
Hypotati  ra/tooTM.  -ørb  hybrid  word.  -race 
mongrel  breed.  -betfel  accommodation  blll. 
-binbne  Flemish  wlndow. 

©ofte  vt  bind,  tie  (seemrely). 

©aftlftat  bast  hat. 

©afringa'ge  e  J,  topgallant  bulwarks. 

©aftio'n  o  -er  bas'tion. 

©aft|maatte,  -matte  bast  mat. 

©aftøna  be  ø  bastinado;  gioe  .  b. 

©af* | reb  colrrope.  -fejl  bast  sail.  -fifre  raw 
silk.    -tob  colrrope,  (fbarere)  coir-cable. 

©afn'n  e  -er  trombone,  sack-but;  bibl  trampet; 
blcefe  }aa  ~  play  on  the  trombone;  fig  ftøbe  i  . 
for  blow  the  trampet  for.  -blaf er  sack-but 
player.  -engel:  ftinber  fom  en  -  cheeks  llke  a 
cherub  (on  a  tombstone)- 

©atatftV  c  -r  battle,  action,  -lanterne  fight 
ing  Ian  tern.    -maleri  battle-piece. 

©ataiDo'n  o  -er  battal'ion.  —  ©ataiaon*|!irurg 
surgeon  major.    -0)ef  major. 

-flitter  bass 
•ftreng  b. 

in  irons  el. 




©ata'te  c  -t  batatas,  sweet  potato,  Ckmvoivolus 

©ata'bi|a  n  Batavia.   -iet  c  -e,  -ift  a  Ba tavian. 

©atf)  Orbenen  the  Order  of  the  Bath. 

Oatift'  c  cambric,    -forreb  coarse  cambric. 

©arte  ot  F,  sufflce,  avail. 

*©attenft  j>/  6  to  7  inches  broad  deals,  -borb 
5  to  7  inches  broad  boards. 

©otter i'  n  -er  bat'tery;  ^  gnn-deck,(ftanonerne) 
battery;  neberfte  -  lower  (gun-)deck;  meKemfte  ~ 
mlddle  (gnn-)deck;  øoerfie  .  upper  (gun-)deck; 
-er  (©rnfler)  p  bubbies:  opfafte  et  ~  erect  a  battery. 
•b«t  gun-deck.  -fafline  battery  fascine.  -tnw 
gabion.  -taaø  flint-lock.  -lanterne  4,  flghting 
Ian  tern.    -pøtfe  sauclsse. 

*©ang  fe  »od. 

•©ant,  ©ante  fe  ©obte. 

©abia'n  e  -er  baboon,  Cynocepkaliu;  J,  boat 

tOatfi  n  twaddle.    ©aole  vi  twaddle. 

©abn  e  -er  beacon,  cresset. 

©abtaften  c  (old  Scandinavian)  stone  monu- 

©attrunt  bay-rum,  bay-water. 

©eaon'be  vt  (aanbe  paa)  breathe,  blow  softly 
upon;  fig  inspire,  animate.    -Ife  e  inspiration. 

©earbej'bje  vt  work  (up),  Oorben)  prepare, 
(©og)  revise,  remodel,  (for  Scenen)  adapt,  mus 
rescore;  •  meb  (IlaftefttjtS  o.  I.)  ply  with;  -  end 
9)1)0)  belabour  one's  back;  -  en  fig  work  upon, 
practlce  on,  manipulate,  one.  -elfe  c  -r  work- 
ing;  belabonring;  revision;  manipulation;  (af 
6fue|pil)  adaptation,  -et  c  -e  adapter,  -t-SRutine 
adaptative  experience. 

Beatl  possldentos  possession  is  nine  polnts  of 
the  law. 

©eauntøn'ben  the  fashionable  worid. 

t©ebtan'be  vt  mix  up. 

+©eblæt  le  vt  besmear  with  ink,  be-ink. 

©ebø'  vt  (Gteb,  fianb)  inhabit,  ($u*,  8ejligb>b) 
occupy,  tenant.  -ellg  a  habitable,  inhabitable, 
tenantable.  -eligfteb  c  habitableness.  -elfe  c 
habitation,  occupation.  -elfetlejligteb  dwelling 
-er  e  -t,  -erin'bc,  -erfle  c  -r  inhabitant;  occupant, 
occupier,  inmate,  denizen,  dweller,  resident, 
lodger  (be  tre  flbfte  meb  in,  be  øorige  meb  of). 

©ebref'be  vt  upbraid,  reproach  (for,  with  st). 
-Ife  e  -r  reproach,  upbralding.  -nbe  a  reproachful. 

©ebritt'et  o  bespectacled,  spectacled. 

©ebram'nte  vt  border,  edge. 

©ebtt'bje  vt  announce,  proclaim,  herald,  notify, 
foreshadow,  forebode,  Indicate.  -(fe  c  -r  an- 
nouncement,  notiflcation.  -er  c  -e  herald, 

8eb*g|'ge  vt  build  upon,  cover  with  buildings; 
(tolonifere)  settle,  oolonlze.  -elig  a  to  be  built 
upon.  -elfe  c  building  etc.;  settlement,  coloni- 

©ebttr'be  vt  burden,  load,  encumber;  t  meb 
Ubgifter  til  saddled  with  the  expense  of;  jeg 
bil  itte  .  S)em  meb  I  will  not  trouble  you  with. 
•ffe  c  burdening  etc.;  burden,  encumbrance. 

+©eie'e  vt  joc  cry  baa  to,  hoot. 

©etifre  vt,  mm«  flgure.    -ring  c  flguring. 

©eb  n  -e  (i  en  fiabe)  bed,  plot;  gaa  en  i  -ene 
meddle  with  one  s  affairs,  poach  upon  one's 

©ebaare  vt  in&tuate,  beguile,  befool,  delude, 
deceive;  lob  fig  •  af  was  infatuated  by.  -Ife  e 
infatuation,  délusion.  -nbe  a  inxatuating,  bc- 

©eba'ge  fig  w  lull,  clear  off,  abate;  bet  -r  fig 
she  lull8,  she  Is  clearing  off,  the  storm  abates. 

©e  baget  a  aged,  stricken  In  years,  super 

Oebbtng  fe  ©ebing. 

Oebe  c  -r  *  beet,  Beta. 

tOebe  c  -r  ($Qr)  wether. 

t©cbe  vt  (Auber)  tan;  t  (Stør)  bait;  —  vi  ( rafte  i 

Oebe  bab,  oebet  el.  bebt  vt  beg,  ask,  destre, 
(inbftænbig)  beseech;  -  en  om  nt  ask,  beg  st  of 
one;  .  en  om  at  beg  one  to;  mat  jeg  .  Dem  om 
6altet  I  will  thank  you  for  the  salt;  maa  i  eg  - 
2>em  om  at  forlabe  ©oerelfet  I  will  thank  you  to 
leave  (el.  for  leavlng)  the  room;  -  en  fri  beg 
one  off;  .  en  til  SRtbbag,  ©rtjUup  invite,  ask, 
bid,  one  to  dinner,  to  a  wedding;  bet  *  bemetrtet 
please  to  observe;  ban  (ob  ftg  ifte  .  to  Qkuiae  he 
needed  no  second  biddlng;  bab  fig  fritaget 
begged  to  be  excused;  —  vt  fljolbe  ©sn)  pray; 

-  om  ask,  beg  for,  (Hl  Øub)  pray  for;  .  for 
intercede  for,  (til  ®ub)  pray  for;  -  om  VI- 
miftfe  ask  charity;  -  om  Orbet  ask  permission  to 
speak;  om  jeg  tør  -  if  you  please;  jeg  -c  don't 
mention  lt,  no  matter,  ©ebelbag  prayer-day, 
fast-day,  rogation  day.  •bagøanfigt  woful,  rueful, 
lackadaisical  fiw?e  el.  countenance;  fatte  op  et  - 
pull  a  long  face.  -UnØ  house  of  prayer,  chapel. 
•tømmer  oratory. 

©ebefar  macerating-vat. 
©ebclfarbonobe  mutton  chop. 
©ebetlotte  prayer-bell;  cath  Ave  Maria, 
©ebetøb  (wether)  mutton.  -UUt  leg  of  mutton. 

©ebe|manb  undertaker.  -ntanbØflU  balderdash, 

©eben  c  praying  etc. 

©ebelrDø,  -fabel  saddle  of  mutton. 

Oebe |  f al  oratory.  -febbel  list  of  sick  persons 
to  be  prayed  for.    -ftantmel  devotional  stooi. 

©ebefleb  baiting  place. 

©ebefteg  roast  mutton. 

©ebejftol  pew.    -fine  oratory.  -ff  fler  devotee. 

©ebetib  baltlng-tlme. 

©ebetime  hour  of  prayer. 

©ebing  c  -er  J,  (omborb)  bitte;  (om  TOafl)  fife 
-rail;  (unber  Saft)  bedding;  (til  Stibibljo.;  Gp> 
^alerb.)  slip.  —  ©ebingølbfalle  cross-piece  of 
the  bitts.  -bolt  bitt-bolt.  -tjooeb  bitt-head  (o.  fi.) 
-fn«  bitt-knee.  -rnffgt  (vertlcal)  bitt.  -pnbe 
bitt-bolster.  -ftttr  ship-building  shed.  -flag 
bitter;  gøre  .  bitt  the  cable.  -fpil  heaving-up 
winch.    -flopper  bltt-stopper.  • 

©ebra'a  n,pl  ==  fe  -eri;  (€ttttelfe)  delusion,  illu- 
sion, fallacy.  8ebrag|e  vt  deceive,  begufle, 
impose  upon,  take  in.  (for  $enge  o.  I.)  cheat, 
defraud,  trick;  .  en  for  cheat  el.  swindle  one 
out  of;  -  en  i  Spil  cheat  el.  trick  one  at  play; 

-  fig  be  mistaken;  Sftnnet  -er  (ofte)  appeltrances 
are  (often)  deceltful  el.  deceptive;  ©erben  bil  -4 
the  world  will  be  taken  in.  -ellg  o  deceltful, 
deceptive,  delusive;  fraudulent.  -f«elig^eb  c 
deceitfulness.  -er  c  -e  deceiver;  impostor,  cheat. 
swlndler.  -eri'  n  -er  deceit,  deception,  imposi- 
tlon.  imposture;  fra  ud,  swindle.  -eriff,  -erft  <* 
fe  -elig;  i  -  $enfigt  with  intention  to  defraud, 
for  fraudulent  ptirposes.  -erffe  c  r  (female) 
impostor  (ofb.). 

©ebre  [æ]  a  (eomp  af  ®ob) better;  til  bet  -  for 
the  better;  gaa  ooer  til  bet  -  go  to  a  better 
world;  -  jcbalttet  superior  quality;  oeb  ifte  - 
knows  no  better;  forlanger  itte  -  desires  no  better; 
en  -  SRtbbag  a  good  (heavy)  dinner.  —  ©ebre 
adv  (eomp  af:  ®obt,  ©el)  better;  blibe  -  xnend; 
ftaar  fig  .  is  better  off;  $e  gør  .  i  at  you  bad 
better;  btjbe  .  bid  higher;  3ngen  -?  going;  gaa 
.  frem  go  further  on;  -  op  further  up,  higher 
up.  —  ©ebre  vt  better,  xnend,  amend,  amelio- 
rate,  improve;  ®ub  -  bet  ah,  welladay;  -l  mend. 
improve,  get  better.  -fHflet  a  better  off;  be  -be 
those  better  off. 




©ebrift'  c  -er  exploit,  achievement;  (nb.  pi, 
ttartngftbrug)  tråde,  business. 

©e'bring  (æ]  c  lmprovement,  amendment. 
hefter  6t)goom)  convalescence,  recovery;  ber  er 
inbiraabt  en  -  there  is  a  change  for  the  better; 
er  i  .  is  convalescent;  gob  - !  I  hope  you'll  soon 
be  better.  ©ebriitgøtegn  symptom  of  lmprove- 
ment etc. 

©ebrt'øe  vt  commit;  f  (beflitte)  do,  be  about; 
~  $or  commit  adultery.    -lfe  e  rommission. 

©ebrø'øle  vt  affilet,  distress,  grieve,  sadden; 
p  =  befrjeete;  bet  -r  mig  meget  at  erfare  I  am  very 
much  grieved  to  hear;  -«  otier  be  afflicted  (etc.) 
at;  —  bebrøbet  o  sorry,  grieved,  distressed 
(ober  at);  bibl  ftenbes  Sjæl  »ar  -  i  tjente  her  soul 
was  vexed  within  her;  min  Gfcri  er  ganfle  - 
inbtit  Døben  my  soul  Is  exceeding  sorrowful, 
even  unto  death.  -elifl  a  sorrowfal,  melancholy, 
sad,  dismal;  (tpttelig)  sorry;  .  Xibenbe  sad  news; 
-t  Bnflgt  melancholy  face;  -t  Sejr  deplorable 
weather,  fe  ©HTTelfe.  -eiigbeb  c  sadness,  sorrow- 
ralneas.  -elfe  c  sorrow,  affliction,  distress,  grief, 
sadness,  melancholy;  -n  efter  Gub  godly  sorrow; 
efter  ftob  Sorger  og  otte  -r  after  no  end  of  bother. 

©ebfl  [ubt.  bsft]  a  beat;  i  -e  $alb  at  best;  af  -e 
Sort  of  the  best  quality;  jeg  ffal  gøre  min  - 
mulige  ^lib  I  shall  do  my  best,  use  my  best 
endeavours;  fætte  bet  -e  »en  foran  put  one's  best 
leg  foremost;  i  ben  -e  TOening  for  the  best;  i  fin 
-e  Hlbet  in  the  prime  of  11  fe;  VU  bar  i  ben  -e 
(Ékma  everything  went  on  as  well  as  could  be; 

—  (fuWantioiil) :  ben  ©ebfte  the  best  (of  men); 
ben  førfte  ben  e  the  flrst  comer;  min  . !  my  dear 
Sir  (Madam);  —  bet  btiber  bet  ©ebfte  itwillbe 
tbe  best  plan;  bet  -e  af  bet  bele  bar  the  best  part 
of  it  was;  bet  -e  er  bet  Qobeft  frjenbe  strlving  to 
better,  oft  we  mar  what's  well;  let  well  alone; 
bet  -e  bu  Ian  gøre  er  your  best  plan  is;  tøm 
ffønbte  flg  bet  -e  førn  tunbe  (el.  Ijabbe  lært)  he 
made  the  best  of  bis  way;  itfe  meb  bet  -e  not 
very  good,  middling;  }aa  bet  -e  in  the  best 
manner;  benytte  paa  bet  -e  make  the  best  of; 
nbrbbe  Xtca  bet  -e  put  the  best  construction  upon; 
til  bet  -e  for  the  best,  to  the  greatest  ad  van  tage. 

—  ©røfl  adv  best;  bu  gør  .  t  at  you  had  better; 

-  fom,  ba  .  .  .  fom  -  just  as;  .  fom  ban  firet)  in 
the  middle  of  his  writing;  Wting  gi!  fom  bet  . 
fanbe  everything  went  on  at  random.  —  ©ebfta 
F  granny.  —  ©ebfte  n:  bet  alminbelige  -.  the 
public  weal,  the  general  good;  gjorbe  fit  -  did 
his  best;  Hl  .  for  for  the  good  el.  benent  of;  til 

-  for  mig  for  my  good;  bobbe  nt  til  -  was  in 
easy  ctrcumstances;  b/ibbe  lagt  fla  nt  til  ~  had 
put  something  by  (for  a  rainy  day);  fe  en  til  - 
benefit  one;  bebe  en  til  -  make  tun  of  one; 
gibe  tit  -  deliver.  —  ©ebfte|borger  respectable 
ritteen.  -feøer  grandfather.  -faberlig  a  grand- 
latherly.  -faberftol  recllning  chair.  -forotlbre 
grandfather  and  grandmother.  -manb  the  best 
band.  -noter  grandmother,  F  granny.  -mober< 
Ug  a  grandmotherly.  —  ©ebftgobft  the  best  to- 
bacco  leaves. 

©føna'ge  vt  bedew.    -Ife  c  bedewing. 
©føn!«  c  -er  Bed'ouin.    -ff  a  Bedouin. 
-tøebttttlftet  a  fe  Omtaaget. 
©eøat'tfttgfit  stallion,  stone-horse. 

©eøttt'lfe  vt  cover  (ogfaa  wil  og  om  $eft); 
(eftorterc)  esoort;  $abnen  bar  -t  meb  6fibe  the 
harbour  was  crowded  wlth  shipping;  bare  -t 
(&«be  gatten  paa)  be  covered;  ben  -be  ©ej  the 
covered  way.  -fetfe  c  coveiing.  -ning  c  -er 
corerlng,  cover;  (dfforte)  escort;  aitr  occultation. 

©cøftf'nittgf  lauflatft  stud.    -manbflab  escort. 
-tib  covering  season. 
©eb«r*»|el  vd  (om  Sarer)  be  damaged,  (om 

Støb)   tainted,   diseased.     -elig  a.   let  -e  Sarer 
perishable  goods.    -et  a  damaged  etc.  (fe  obfr.). 

©ebøm'lme  vt  judge,  judge  of.  -elfe  c  judg- 
ment,  critidsm.  ©ebø mmelfedlomtté  prlce-jury. 
©ebømmer  c  -e  Judge.  critic. 

©ebø'be  vt  (beb  Slag.  6tøi  og  fig)  stun,  stupefy; 
(føbnbbøfenbe)  narcotize;  -nbe  BHbler  narcotics. 
-(fe  c  stupefaction ,  narcotization;  (XUftanb) 

Øee'bige  vt  confirm  by  oath,  swear  to;  t  ftor« 
floring  sworn  deposition,  -lfe  c  con  finnation  by 

©eef  c  beefBteak. 

©eerfd^aba  n  Beersheba. 

ffjefalb'  -e,  fe  ©   e. 

©efale  (imp  f  befop  vt  (bfibe)  oommand,  order, 
direct,  bid,  (gibe  i  ©olb)  commit,  resign;  -be  at 
aabne  ©  in  bu  em  e  directed  the  windows  to  be 
opened;  .  ober  command;  ^bab  -r  De?  what  is 
your  pleasure?  what  are  your  commands  (b^bab 
befal(b)er  t  fe  ©ebage);  fom  De  -r?  as  youplease; 
-  fin  ©jæl  i  (Støbs  58  o  Ib  commit  one' 8  soul  into 
the  hånds  of  God;  i  bine  $oenber  -r  leg  min  3anb 
into  thy  hånds  I  commend  my  spirlt;  <9ub  -t 
adieu !  God  speed  (you) !  *©efal  n  (body  of)  offi- 
cers. ©efal|enbe  a  commanding;  —  c  commander. 
-tng  e  -er  command,  order(s),  injunction,  man- 
date, charge,  behest;  efter  -  af  by  order  of; 
efter  b>nø  -  at  el.  by  bis  order(s),  $abe  -  ober 
have  the  command  of.  -ingdmaub  commander; 

©efam'tle  vt  finger,  handle,  paw.  -ing  c 
flngering  etc. 

©efar|e  vt  pass,  frequent;  survey;  -  en  Grube 
descend,  ezamine  a  pit,  mine;  .  en  glob  o.  (. 
navigate  a  river;  ~  en  Jtyft  visit  a  coast.  -en  a 
»I,:  bel  -  €ømanb  able  et.  able-bodied  seaman; 
balo  .  ordlnary.  -en(eb(8gvab)  c  rating,  -ing  c 
passing  etc.;  examlnation;  navigation. 

©efat|t'e  vr  \  i  g  meb  have  to  do  wlth,  meddle 
wlth,  (hin  om  Xing),  deal  in,  engage  in.  *-ning 
c  -er  dealing,  conoern,  avocation,  something  to 
do  (with). 

©efejbe  vt  war  against,  make  war  on. 

Bente  vt  file. 

©efin'ø|e  vt  find;  rigtig  befunben  found  correct; 
-i  at  bare  prove  (to  be);  —  vr  fig  be;  ftborlebe« 
-r  De  Dem?  how  are  you?  how  do  you  do?  (tit 
en  føg)  how  do  you  feel  el.  find  yourself?  jeg  -r 
mig  oel  berbeb  I  find  it  agrees  with  me.  -evøe 
n  health,  state  of  health;  fpørge  til  ene  -  inquire 
after  a  person' s  health;  ®agen  ~  the  merits  of 
tbe  case.    +-tlig  a  being,  contained,  present. 

©efing|re  vt  finger,  thumb,  handle. 

©ejn  »et  a  flnny,  flnned. 

ø3eil|i'fi|e(fe  c  perplexity,  flurry.  -et  a  flurried, 
disconcerted,  perplexed;  gøre  -  flurry,  dis- 

+©efifl'|e  vt  fish.    -»ing  c  fishlng. 

©efie  bre  [ce]  vt  feather;  -t  feathered. 

©eflitte  vr  fig  paa  apply  one's  self  to,  be 
studlous  of,  strive  after;  (at)  strive  el.  try  to, 
do  one's  best  to.     -lfe  c  application. 

©eføl't|e  vt  people,  populate,  (bebo)  inhablt. 
-ning  c  (fwnbl.)  peopling;  (dnbboggerne)  popula- 
tion.   •ntngØtal  (number  of  the)  population. 

©efor'blre  vt  (fremfenbe)  forward;  (transportere) 
convey,  carry;  (fremme)  further,  advance,  pro- 
mote, encourage;  (til  fembebe)  prefer,  promote; 
bfibe  -t  (faa  ttmbebe)  obtain  an  office,  (forfremmet) 
be  promoted.  t-erlig  a.  txere  en  .  assist  one. 
-rer  c  -e  forwarder;  furtherer,  advancer,  en- 
courager,  promoter,  patron,  -ring  c  -er  for- 
wardingetc.;  conveyance;  furtherance,  advance - 
ment;  promotion,  preferment;  fe  ©eforbringø« 




9ef  or 'bringø  |  maabe  mode  of con veyance.  -mib« 
bel  (means  of)  conveyance.  •reale?  rales  of 
promotion,  -onttøffntuger  costs  or  conveyance. 
-ret  right  of  conveylng  travellen  by  post,  stage 
-coach  licence.  -t*f  Te  -mibbel.  -nbgifter  ex- 
penses  Incident  to  promotion,  -nej  way  to 
promotion,  -pørfen  regulations  for  pos  ting, 
postlng  establishment. 

©efragt'|e  vt  frelght,  charter,  -er  c  -e  freighter, 
charterer,  affreighter.  -ning  c  frelghting,  chart- 
ering,  affrelghtment. 

©efragt  ning* |  agent  cbartering  agent.  -betjent 
chartering  clerk.  -fontor  charterlng  offlce. 
-fontraft  contract  of  affrelghtment. 

Oefrt'  vt  (fættr  i  frtitøb)  free,  set  free,  release, 
liberate;  .  for  deliver  el.  save  from,  rid  of,  (fri* 
tage)  exempt  from.  -elfe  c  freeing  etc.,  deliver- 
ance,  delivery,  release,  11  be ration,  enfranchise- 
ment;  riddance;  exemption.  -eifedeb  oath  of 
pargation,  -etfeøfrig  war  of  deliverance.  -er  c 
-e  deliverer,  liberator. 

©efrugt'|c  vt  forben)  fructify,  fertillze,  (om 
planter  og  Dqt)  fecundate;  (fun  om  Dgr)  im- 
pregnate;  fig  fructify.  elfe,  -ning  c  fructiflca- 
tion,  fecundation,  impregnation.  -enbe  a,  fig 

9efrl|gt'|e  vt  apprehend,  dread,  fear;  bet  er  at 
~  it  is  to  be  feared.    -»--el tg  a  to  be  feared. 

©efrton  f et  a  frlnged. 

©efngtje  vt  moisten,  wet.  -elfe,  -ning  c 
moistening  etc. 

©efnlbttUKgt'tg|e  vt  empower,  authorize,  com- 
missiou.  -et  a  authorized;  •  SRinifter  pleni- 
potentiary;  —  c  agent,  asslgnee,  proxy.  -clfe  c 

©efang'e  vt  infect:  -at  meb  lltøi  infestedwith 
parasites.    -(fe  c  infection. 

©efær'bet  a  frequented;  crowded. 

©ef«ft|'e  vt  (fæfie)  fasten,  flx,  secure,  attach, 
_  igen;  retasten;  (ftorfc)  conflrm,  strengthen;  (en 
Stab  o.  1.)  fortify;  for  at  -  fig  paa  Xronen  in 
order  to  establish  himself  flrtnly  on  the  throne. 
-elfe  cfastening  etc;  attachment;  conflrmation; 
fortification.  -elfeØmaabe  mode  of  fasten  i  ng. 
-ning  c  fortification;  $immelenft  ubfirafte  -  the 
firmament  of  the  heaven.  -ningftfnnft  fortifica- 

©ef*j|e  vt  entltle,  authorize,  warrant,  -et  a 
entitled,  competent;  (grunbet)  well-grounded, 
just,  legltimate,  justified,  sound,  -elfe  c  author- 
ity,  competence,  title. 

©efø  l'le  vt  feel.  finger,    -itig  c  feellng  etc. 

+©eføl'ge  of  follow. 

+©ef*'re  vt  traduce,  calumnlate.  -(fe  c  ca- 

©eg  [ubt.  t  ©ej,  *©e'g;  ligefoa  i  aue  be  fetgenbe 
Smf.  og  Vfl.]  n  pitch;  tøo  fom  rører  Mb  .  oe* 
fmirteft  bibl  they  that  touch  pitch  will  be  de  file  d. 

©egaa'  et  commit,  (bærre)  perpetra  te;  .  fig 
get  on,  rub  on;  man  fan  ttfe  .  ftg  meb  barn  there 
is  no  living  el.  agreeing  with  him.  -elfe  c  com- 

©ega'be  vt  gape  at,  stare  at. 

©eg'agtig  a  pltchy. 

©ega'b|e  vt  meb  endow  with,  bestow  st  on, 
grant  st  to.  -elfe  c  endowment,  gift(*),  glfted- 
ness,  capadty,  intelligence,  -et  a  gifted  (meb 
with),  talented,  elever. 

©eglstenbe  pitch-blende. 

©ege  vt  pitch,  pay  (with  pitch). 

Øegegn'e  vt  treat,  bebave  one's  self  towards. 
•Ife  c  treatment,  behaviour. 

©egej'ft|re  vt  inspire,  animate.  -ret  o  enthu- 
siastic,  ardent,  in  ecstacy.  -ring  c  inspiration; 
enthusiasm,  passion. 

©eg|et  a  pitchy;  be  -be  Drenge  the  tars.  -fattet 
torch,  link.    -fingret  a  light-fingered. 

©eggc  a  both,  (boet  af  to)  either;  bi  -  both  of 
ufl,  we  both;  ~  to  both;  -  Dele  both;  tøilfe  - 
both  of  whom,  who  both  of  them;  i  -  lilfatlbe 
in  either  case;  en  for  -  og  -  for  en  jointly  and 
separately.    -flet?  adv  in  both  plaæs. 

©eøortjbe  pitch  pot. 

©egtørbcr  pi  Begua'rds,  Begha'ids. 

©egbarpitS  s  tone- pitch. 

©eglji'ner  pi  Beguines. 

©egbfttte  pitch  cap. 

©egine  vt  give  up;  —  vr  ftg  go,  repair,  pro- 
ceed;  (bænbe)  chance,  come  to  pass;  ^  strain; 
*  cease;  -  fig  P<tø  ©*i  set  out;  -  fig  P««  en  Rejfe 
set  out  on  a  jouraey.  -ntøb  c  et  event,  occur- 
reiice,  incident;  rig  paa  -er  eventful;  fattig  paa  -er 
un  eventful. 

©eg!  f age  pitch  cake    -tebel  p.-kettle.   -toft  [o 
p.-mop.     -tran*  p.-ring,  pltched  hoop.    -Imsjlc 
&  logger-head.    -tul  jet,  caklng  coal. 

©eglo'  vt  gape,  s  tåre  el.  gaze  at.  +-en  r 

9eg|ntanb  pitch-burner;  p  gtoe  en  en  -  flat  ten 
one's  nose.    -naaber  pi  &  ola  oakum. 

+©fgnl  be  vt  rub. 

©eg  |  olie  pitch  oil.      -obal   resinous  quartz 
-panbep-pan.  -»**,  -papir  tarred  paper.  -plafter 
pitch  plaster,     -potte  pitch-kettle.     •pram    p 

©egram'fle,  -ning  fe  ©efamle. 

©egra  be  vt  bury,  lnter,  entomb;  fig   bur> 
-Ife  e  -r  funeral,  burial,  interment;  inhumation; 
(Qra&jreb)   tomb,   burial    place,    (muret)    vault; 
typ  out,  omission. 

©egrapelfed |  afgifter  burial  dues.  -tag  day  of 
(one's),  burial,  bunal-day.  -gilbe  funeral  (feast). 
-b«itibe(igbeber  obsequies.  -fopelfeørao'.  -fontor 
undertaker's  offlce.  •ømtoftnittger  funeral  ex 
penses.  -plabd  burial  ground.  -ret  right  of 
burial.  -felftab  burial  society,  b.  club.  -fritte 
funeral  rites,  -fteb  burlal-place.  -uboalg:  ^en 
Dift  til  -  postponed  sine  die,  proposed  to  bc 
read  that  day  six  months.  -Pørfen  burial*, 
burial  regulations. 

©egre  b  n  notion,  idea,  conception,  concept 
(om  of);  (done)  apprehension,  intelligence;  fort 
.  a betract,  compendium;  i  fort  -  concisely,  in 
a  nutahell;  i  -etnotionally;  hurtigt  .  quickness 
of  apprehension;  tangfomt  -  dullness  of  a.;  gsre 
fig  et  -  om  form  an  idea  el.  notion  of;  bet  tør 
jeg  itte  -  om  I  have  no  idea;  bet  ooergaar  alt  - 
it  is  post  all  comprehension;  ftaar  el.  et  i  _  meb 
at  is  going  to,  about  to,  ready  to,  on  the  point 
of,  in  the  aet  of.  ©egreb«|beftemmetfe  defini- 
tion, -enljeb  notion-unit.  -forvirring  confusiou 
of  ideas.  -lare  logic.  -mad fig  «  rational, 
t-rigtig  a  logicai.   -nbPlf  ling  chain  of  reasoning. 

©egrt'bje  vt  comprehend,  understand,  (tcente 
fig)  conceive.  -elig  a  comprehensible,  conoeiv- 
able;  F  bet  er  -t  I  belleve  you,  that  goes  with- 
out  (the)  Baying;  føgte  at  aøre  tøm  -t  tried  to 
make  him  understand,  -eltabeb  c  comprehen 
sibility,  conceivableness.  -eligøi«  adv  of  oourse. 
-elfe.  -ning  c  comprehension. 

+©egriue  vt  grin  at,  laugh  to  scorn. 

©egrifp  c  wax-end. 

©eg ro  et  a  meb  overgrown,  ovemiu  with 

©egrnnb|e  vt  (lægge  «runb)  ground,  fo'uud, 
establish;  (gloe  ©tunbe)  prove,  make  good  make 
out;  (ubgøre  Orunb)  be  the  motive  of,  occaalon 
t  (gmnbe  oøer)  ponder  on:  et  -t  i  el.  boa  l» 
owing  to;  -t  well-founded.  -elfe  c  establish- 
ment; proof,  conflrmation;  reasons,  arirumentfo 
^t  c  founder.  °  k' 

©rør«  b|e  vt  deplore,  mourn,  lament,  bewail. 




-dig  a  deplorable,  lamentable.  -cif«  c  -r  lament- 
ation;  3eremioe  -rfi  ©og  tbe  lamentations  of 

9egranrf|e  vt  bound,  limit,  circumscribe :  .  ftg 
draw  tbe  line.  -et  a  limited.  -ning  c  limlta- 
tion,  restri etion,  clrcamscriptlon;  limits;  tenber 
fin  -  hu  discovered  his  llmitations,  knowB  hi« 
depth;  be  menneflelige  (ftmert  -  tbe  limit  of  human 
capacity.    •ningSflabe  boundary  plan. 

Seglfre  paying-ladle,  pitch-ladle.  -fob  shin- 
ing  soot.  -fort  a  pltch  black,  piteby.  -traab  fe 
-rifp.    -troje  (Jack)  tar.    -Uro  bituminous  turf. 

SegttVftigc  »f  favour,  countenance,  encour- 
age;  -t  af  favoured  by,  under  favour  of.  -(fe  c 
•r  favour;  preference,  countenance  (ub.  pi). 

+8egta'be  vt  pour  on. 

9egn«b'je,  -bte,  -bt,  vt  k  i  begin,  commence, 
en  ter  upon;  .  at  tale  begio  to  speak,  commence 
?peaking;  -  at,  F  take  to  el.  fall  to  -ing;  -  igen 
begin  again,  (0  recommence,  resume;  -  paa  nn, 
paa  igen  begin  over  again,  start  afresh;  ftben  jeg 
engang  bar  -bt  my  band  being  in;  bet  -r  at  fne 
it  sets  in  snowing;  Sinteren  -r  ttblig  the  winter 
røts  In  early;  -  fin  egen  ^ufttyolbning  set  up  for 
one's  sclf:  -  et  ntjt  Sebnet  turn  over  a  new  leaf; 
ban  -bte  (fU  SiD)  iom  fimpel  ttrbeibftmanb  he  began 
the  world  as  a  common  labourer;  oel  -bt  er  balo 
fulbenbt  well  begun  is  half  done,  a  good  be- 
ginning is  half  the  battle;  bbab  fTaf  ieg  nu  .  paa 
wbat  la  to  be  done  now?  -elfe  c  -r  beginning, 
commencement,  outset;  i  -n  at  flrst,  in  the  be- 
ginning; lige  i  -n  at  the  very  beginning,  i  -n  af 
felttoget  on  opening  the  campaign;  fra  -n  tit 
tfnben  from  beginning  to  end;  -n  til  (Enben  the 
beginning  of  the  end;  brgtjnbe  meb  -n  begin  at 
the  beginning;  tage  fin  ~  begin;  gure  -n  take  the 
first  step;  al  -  er  foar  the  diftfculty  is  in  the 

©egtt*  belfe#|bogftao  initial;  et  tvp  capitals; 
Rort  .  initial  capital.  -grnttbe  rudiments,  be- 
linnings,  principles,  elements,  -tjaftiatjeb  initial 
velocity.  -linie  initial  line.  -pnnlt  beginning; 
Qernb.)  terminus,  -fpombigQeb  initial  tension. 
•tratf  opening  move.  —  Segqnbenbe  a  indpient. 

©rglyn'ber  c  -e  beginner,  tyro,  novice;  Sfole 
for  -e  primary  school;  troen«  .  og  føttbtommer 
the  author  and  flnlsher  of  our  faith.  -arbejbe; 
et  -  the  work  of  a  beginner.  -farfvJ  course  of 
l<*ssona  for  beglnners. 

Segdt'r  n  deslre,  appetite,  mere  demand,  ©e- 
g«r|e  vt  (attroa)  desire,  (oafaa  bibl)  covet;  (for« 
lange)  request,  solicit,  ask  for;  ftøbet  -r  intob 
Sonbeit  the  flesh  lusteth  against  the  Spirit;  .  til 
Higte  ask,  demand,  in  marriage.  -c  (el.  -ing§) 
•orne  appetltfve  power  el.  faculty.  Begæring 
c  -er  desire;  request,  demand.  Begerltg  a 
desirous  (efter  of):  (graabig)  covetous,  greedy; 
•Mre  in  demand,  in  favour;  .  efter  at  eager  el. 
anxious  to.    Øegorfia(eit)  adv  greedily,  eagerly. 

tkgdtrtlgbeb  c  -er  (mtttao)  desire;  (efter  $enge 
».  l.)  cupidity,  oovetousness;  anxiety. 

tkfcaa'ret  a  hairy. 

ØCfø/g  n  pleasure,  gratification,  satisfaction; 
(tynbe)  graoe;  efter  (flt  eget)  -  at  pleasure;  efter  .! 
a*  yoa  ple&se,  as  you  like;  flnbe  -  i  take  plea- 
»ure  in,  be  taken  wlth;  b>ift  jeg  flnber  .  i  tøm 
if  he  is  to  my  liking;  gøre  en  til  .  please  one. 

Orange  vi  please;  font  Se  -r  as  you  please; 
6Mb  -r?  81r?  Ma'am?  beg  (your)  pardon,  Siri 
iMa'am!);  F  What?  Eh?  f)e  -be  at  bemarte  you 
were  pleased  to  observe;  betøa  at  tage  $(abft  please 
to  tit  down,  alt  down  (if  you)  please;  —  vt  bet  -be 
barn  at  he  was  pleased  to;  Set  tør  -t  Q3ub  at  it 
hat  pleased  God  to;  ftborlebei  -r  bet  Sent?  how 
do  you  like  it;  -r  De  le?  will  you  take  tea?  — 

«r  .  flg  i  take  delight  in,  aflect.     Øetøgeltg 

a  agreeable,  pleasant,  pleasing,  (oeHommem 
gratlfying,  acceptable;  gøre  ftg  -  for  make  one's 
self  agreeable  to,  ingratiate  one's  self  with;  bet 
er  mig  meget  -t  at  I  am  very  happy  to;  jeg  har 
bet  ganfle  -t  per  1  am  very  comfortable  here;  ieg 
ubbeber  mig  Seret  -e  Vteobelelfer  I  request  the 
favour  of  your  Communications.  Øefcogellgtø* 
c  -er  ((Egenflab)  pleasantness,  agreeableness. 
arne  ni  ty;  -er  delights,  comforts,  amenities,  (^t^ 
tringer)  clvilities,  compliments,  amenities;  man 
!>at  ben  -  at  you  have  the  advantage  of  (el. 
that).  —  Øetogeltyft  deslre  of  pleasing.  -liften 
a  desirous  to  please.  -fbg  a  over-desirous  to 
please,  coquettlsh.  -fage  excessive  desire  of 
pleasing,  coquetry. 
©eljar|te  vt  hoe.    -ning  c  hoeing. 

ØeiøKb'Ite  vt  (b^oanbtere,  omgaai  meb)  handle, 
manage,  deal  wlth;  (bel.  itbe)  treat,  use;  (brofte) 
diacuss,  (b^anbte  om)  treat  of;  (patient)  treat, 
attend  -  en  ilbe  use  one  ill,  illtreat  one.  -Ung 
c  management;  treating,  treatment,  usage:  dis- 
cussion;  cure.  -Unggmaabe  man  aer,  mode  of 
treatment,  mode  of  dealing  with. 

©efcanb  flet  a  gloved. 

©eben|nøb  ben(nut),  Morinøa  pteryøotperma. 
-olie  oil  of  ben.    -rob  ben-nut  root. 

Ceijerfl  |e  vt  rule  (over),  govern,  sway,  master; 
mil  (om  Odiggenb^b)  command;  .  fine  ^ibenflaber, 
fig  felo,  fin  Stemme  o.  (.  be  master  of,  con  tro!; 
labe  fig  -  af  be  governed  by,  under  tbe  control 
of.  -elfe  c  rule,  sway,  dominion,  mastery,  com- 
mand. -er  c  -e  ruier,  lord,  master;  be  Xroenbee 
.  the  commander  of  the  faithful.  -erin'be  c  -r 

©ebjer'teta  stout-hearted,  dauntles»,  intrepid, 
resolutc.    -)cb  e  courage,  intrepidlt>'. 

&t1)lælp'\e  vr   fig  meb   make   fa)   shlft   with 
-dig  a  nære  en  -  help  el.  assist  one,   lend  one 
a  helping  band.    -cflgfpeb  e  assistance,    -font  a 
ready,   shifty.    •fomb/eb   c   readiness,   manage- 

Øe^olb'  c:  baoe  i  .  have  on  hånd,  in  reserve; 
er  i  -  remains,  is  left;  i  gob  ~  in  safety,  safe 
and  sound,  safe  and  well.  —  8eQo!b|e  vt  retain, 
keep;  (abe  tn  -  nt  leave  st  to  one;  labe  en  - 
Sibet  spare  one's  li  fe;  .  fiibet  save  one's  Ufo; 
!)on  flemte  for  at  -  bem  he  voted  for  tbeir  reten- 
tion; b>n  funbe  ingen  Xing  .  he  could  retoiu 
nothing  on  his  stomach;  .  for  el.  b,o*  fig  felo 
keep  to  one's  self;  .  gatten,  Raften  paa  keep 
on  one's  hat,  coat;  .nt  tilbage  have  st  left, 
remaining.  -en  a:  (beO  -  safe,  in  safety;  . 
Shtrd  course  made  (good).  -er  c  -e  reservoir, 
receiver,  container.  -King  c  -er  (af  Barer  o.  I.) 
stock  (in  nand),  supply;  (weft)  surplus,  remains 
pi,  remainder;  ($ta9l\t )  cash  balance. 

Oe^OO'  (°-bo't)).  n  ka  need,  requlrement,  ne 
cessity;  bet  gøre*  .  it  is  necessary;  baoe  .  tor 
nt  $aoe  nt  -  need,  lack,  have  need  of,  stand 
in  need  of,  st;  efter  .  as  occasion  requlreø; 
when  required;  ijar  til  .  has  a  competenry; 
gore  flt  -  do  one's  business. 

©etjna'ge  vt  roughhew. 

Oe^dtf  'te  vt  buraen,  encumber;  -t  meb  Stjgbom 
affilcted  with  disease;  -t  meb  Canffeligljeber  beset 
wlth  difflculties;  -t  (meb  ©ælb)  eucumbercd 
(with  debt),  In  vol  ved. 

OelJÆn  big  (f  ©ebanbf)  "  handy,  adroit,  dex- 
terous,  deft,  (t  ©ebagelfer)  nimble.  -Ijeb  c  band  i - 
neas,  dezterity,  adroitness,  nimbleness.  -^ebé> 
tttttft  sleight-of-band  trick. 

Oebffng  e  vt  hang  (round);  gobt  el.  ffærft  -gt 
(om  $unbj  long-eared,  with  fine  hanglng  ean; 
*  blibe  -nbe  meb.  fe  fyengenbe. 

Oeb^o'rig  a  due,  proper;   i  .  ftorm,   Crben  in 




due  form,  order;  i .  6tanb  in  proper  condltion; 
paa  ~  SRaabe  duly;  —  adv  duly. 

©etø'Pe  vt  need,  want,  require,  stand  in  need 
of,  have  oecasion  for;  bet  -$  ilte  there  Ib  do 
need  of  it,  no  oecasion  for  it;  $e  -r  hin  at  befale 
you  need  only  say  the  word;  bu  -r  itfe  at  tomme 
you  need  not  come;  bet  -r  ilte  at  bære  fanbt  it 
may  not  be  true;  jeg  -t  to  timet  til  at  it  takes 
me  two  hours  to. 

©efcøb  f  e  vt  plane. 

Befa'e  vt  answer  in  the  affirmative,  assent  to; 
-nbe  a  affirmative;  —  adv  In  the  affirmative. 
-(fe  c  affirmation,  assent. 

©eiam  re  vt  bemoan,  bewail,  lament. 

©ejbfe  vt  (Xræ)  stain;  (ftorn)  steep;  (tøj)  mor 
dant.  ©ejbfe  c  -t  stain,  wash;  steep;  mordant. 
-tt(t  spirit  printing.  ©ejbdtting  c  staining  etc.; 
fe  Bfbranbtng  mrt. 

©ejl|e  vi  til  make  love  to,  woo,  court;  fio 
covet,  court;  -  til  en«  GJunft  court  one's  favour, 
enrrv  favour  with  one.  -en  c  wooing  etc., 
courtship.    -c?  c  -e  wooer,  sul  tor,  lover. 

*©ejte  vt  f«  ©rertfe;  fe  ©ejbfe  (tøj);  —  vi  fe 
<*ta*fe.  —  *©ejte  n  -r  fe  Gtaining;  («gn)  bait. 

©ejtel  e  -er  chisel. 

©etat  er  c  ^  tripping-line. 

©etaft  e  vt  fe  ©eflttbe. 

©etenb'|e  vt  (tilftaa)  confess;  (gratbe)  follow  sult; 
ilte  at  -  not  to  follow  suit,  to  renounce  el.  re- 
voke;  bet  maa  jeg  -  I  know  it  to  my  cost;  — 
vt  fig  til  en  Religion  profess  a  religion;  -  fio 
flbjbig  plead  guilty.  -e(fe  c  -r  (titftaaelfe,  tto*0 
confession;  (af  {Religion)  profession;  gaa  til  . 
confess,  make  confession,  make  a  clean  breast 
of  it,  P  own  up;  bringe  en  til  ~  make  one  con- 
fess. -elfeGløS  a  religiously  indifferent.  -elfeS« 
ffrifter  symbollc  books.  -elfeøfrrlb  controversy 
about  the  confession.  -er  c  -e  professor,  fol- 
lower;  t  confessor;  (Ebbarb  -en  Edward  the  Con 

©efenbt'  a  (well-)known,  (tun  om  ©etfom 
noted,  (tf fe  om  ©etfon)  familiar;  et  -  Ønfiot  a 
familiar  face:  bet  lobet  -  it  sounds  familiar, 
olminbelig  -  (altfor)  »el  .  notorious;  bet  er  al- 
minbelig  .  at  it  is  common  knowledge  that;  bet 
et  mig  -  at  I  know  that;  (faa  bibt)  mig  -  at  as 
far  as  I  know;  en  af  be  meft  -e  one  of  the  best- 
known;  fom  -  as  is  (well)  known,  as  you  know, 
it  is  well  known  that;  .for  famous  for;  -  for 
at  Ⱦre  known  to  be;  .  meb  (en  el.  nt)  acquainted 
with;  tillob  mig  at  gøre  $etn  -  meb  fyt.  N.  allow 
me  to  introduce  you  to  el.  make  you  acquainted 
with  Mr.  N.;  blioe  ~  meb  nt  be  infor  med  of  st, 
gøre  fig  -  meb  acquaint  one's  self  with,  make 
one's  self  acquainted  with;  gøre  fig  _  beb  bring 
one's  self  into  notice  by;  —  »il  itte  bære  bet  - 
is  ashamed  to  own  it;  {eg  fan  itte  bare  -  at  I 
would  not  have  it  known  el.  supposed  that. 
itte  bille  Ⱦre  en  -  disown  el.  cut  one;  bu  fan 
itte  bare  ben  $at  .  you  cannot  show  your  face 
with  that  hat  on;  bu  fan  itte  barre  anbet  -  you 
cannot  in  honour  do  otherwise.  —  ©efewbt  o  -e 
acqnaintance;  en  gob  -  a  friend.  -gøre  vt  make 
known,  publisb,  notify;  (i  ©lab)  advertise 
•gørelfe  c  -r  publicatioo,  notiflcation,  (official) 
notice;  advertisement.  -(eb  c  notoriety.  -otattb 
fe  Jtenbtmanb.  -ftaø  n  -et  acquaintance;  (Icenbflab) 
knowledge;  gøre  el.  ftifte  -  meb  get  acquainted 
with,  make  the  acquaintance  of;  gøre  natmere 
-  grow  more  familiar,  lmprove  the  acquaint- 
ance; øeb  nærmere  -  on  more  familiar  acquaint- 
ance; Jeg  tør  intet  .  til  tøm  I  am  not  acquainted 
with  him.    -flabSfrebS  acquaintance. 

Belig  e,  Betitl  e  vt  peer  at. 

©effaffn  c  -et  snipe,  Seolapax. 

©efla'gje  vt  lament,  deplore,   regret,   (en)  be 

sorry  for,  pity;  .  fig  ober  complain  of;  jeg  -t 
meget  at  I  am  very  sorry  that;  bet  et  at  ~  it  is 
a  matter  of  regret;  tøn  et  meget  at  -  he  is 
greatly  to  be  pi  ti  ed;  _  fig  fot  en  ooer  complain 
to  one  of.  -elio  a  deplorable,  lamentable, 
regrettable.  -etigfjeb  c  deplorableness.  -effe  c 
-r  regret;  -t  lamentations.  •elfeSøorrbig  a  piti- 
able,  to  be  pitied;  fe  -lig. 

©ettat  le  vt  blot  et.  spot  with  ink. 

©eflappe  vt  applaud,  clap. 

©ellem' | me  vt  oppress.  -t  a  anxious,  uneasy, 
faint,  heart-sick,  down-hearted.  -melfe  c,  -t|eb 
anxiety,  uneaslness,  heart-sickness. 

©efltrle  vt  cast  a  blot  el.  stain  on. 

©efli'ne  vt  daub,  smear. 

©etlip  pe  zt  clip,  cut,  ($«l  o.  t.)  trim;  fio 

©etlift're  vt  paste  over. 

©etlum'ret  a  close,  oppressive,  sultry,  stuffv. 

©etla'be  vt  f.  St«.  en  ©ag,  et  $apir  meb  nt 
paste,  glue  el.  gum  st  on. 

©eliabje  vt  deck,  clothe,  cover;  _  meb  ©opir 
paper;  .  meb  ©råber,  ©tanter  board,  plank;  .  en 
9Rur  meb  ©ten  line  a  wall  with  stone;  ~  meb 
Vletatplabet  case;  .  et  (Embebe  fill  el.  occupy  an 
office;  SRatfet  -bte  meb  ©lomftet  fieids  decked  el 
enameled  with  flowers;  -bt  meb  en  ©atbtgbeb 
clothed,  invested,  vested,  with  office,  authoritv; 
Vtagifttaten  et  -bt  meb  benne  SDtnnbtgtøb  this 
power  is  vested  in  the  magistrate.  +-elfe  c 
clothing.  -tting  c  (bet  at  b.)  clothing  etc.;  concr 
boarding,  llning,   casing,   (inbb.  i  Sfib)  ceiltng. 

©ettabuingSJgenftaub  article  of  clothing. 
•t^falø  relief  in  the  shape  of  clothing.  -tøtte  J, 
serving-mallet.  -mur  llning-wall,  revetment 
(-wall).  -b Ian  te  textile  plant,  -ft en  facing- stone. 
-ftof  textile  fabrlc.  -tøtte  fe  -genftanb.  -urs 

©etne  b,  ©etni'b  n .-  bare  i  _  be  at  a  pincb, 
J,  jammed  (in).  —  ©etnib  e  vt  stint,  pinch;  & 
jam,  Btop  in;  -  fig  ^  get  jammed.    -tøm  J,  nip. 

©etom'lme  vt  get,  obtain;  agree  with;  benne 
9let  tør  ilte  -t  mig  bel  this  dish  bas  not  agreed 
with  me,  has  disagreed  with  me;  bet  bit  .  Dem 
bel  it  will  do  you  good;  bet  betom  tøm  ilbe  at 
tøn  he  fared  the  worse  for  -ing;  bel  .!  you  are 
welcome  (to  it)  (tf fe  efter  ©otbet),  tron  much 
good  may  it  do  you,  I  wish  you  joy  of  it  -t' 
c  sufflciency;  .faa  fin  -  have  one's  fill,  have 
enough,  (fin  iReft)  be  done  for,  served  out. 

©eloft'|e  pay  el.  defray  the  expenses  of;  jeg 
tør  -t  mig  en  nt)  ftjole  I  have  been  at  the  cost 
of  a  new  coat.  -elig  a  expenslve,  coetly.  -elig« 
(eb  c  costliness.  -ning  c  -et  cost,  expenses, 
charge;  føre,  fatte  en  i  -  put  one  to  expense; 
gøre  _  baa  spend,  lay  out,  money  on;  meb  en 
_  af  at  an  expense  of;  boa  min  -  (ogfaa  fig)  at 
my  expense  et.  cost,  paa  egen  -  at  his  own  ex 

Sense;  paa  -  af  fio  at  the  sacrlfioe  of;  paa  5anb< 
ebend  -  at  the  sacrifice  of  truth. 

*©etrabf'e  vt  scratch,  scrape. 

©etran  f  |e  vt  wreath,  crown  with  a  garland. 
•ning  c  wreathing  etc. 

©efri'ge  vt  make  war  upon.  -Ife  c  makiiig 
war  upon. 

©etraf'te  vt  (flabfape)  confirm,  oorroborate, 
bear  out;  (bejae)  afflrm;  (be»ibne>  certify,  (offiridt) 
legalise;  en  -t  Genpart  a  certifled  transcript  a 
legallsed  copy;  Wbgtet  tør  itte  -t  fig  the  nimour 
bas  proved  to  be  unfounded,  there  is  no  corro- 
boratlon  of  the  rumour;  Sformobningen  (ar  itfe 
-t  fig  the  conjecture  is  not  borne  out  by  the 
facts;  bet  tør  -t  fig  at  it  has  proved  true  that. 
-(fe  c  conflrming,  confirmation,  corroboration 
affirmation;  veriflcation;  til  bet«  _  in  wltnees  el.* 




kstimony  whereof.    -nbe  a  affirmative;   —  adv 
In  the  affirmative . 

©efbem'  a  (pa*fenbe)  fit,   fittlng,  proper,  sult- 
able;    (belejlig)  convenlent;   (let)  easy;    (magelig, 
tjbggetig)  commodious,  oomfortable;  -  HI  et  *m« 
bebe  flt  el.  quallfied  for  an  offlce;   gøre  Hg  bet  -t  i 
make  one's  self  at  home;   tage  fig  bet  -t  take  it 
easy;  boi*  bet  falbet  $em  -t  if  it  sults  your  con-  ' 
venience.     -(eb   c   fitness;   snitableness;   com-  , 
modiousness.    -me  vr  lig  til  nt  persuade  one's  ; 
self  to,   submit  el.  condescend  to;   -  fig  til  at ' 
prevail  on  one's  self  to,  persuade  one's  self  to;  | 
<+  -  fig  efter,  fe  Herte),    ©erbemmelig  a  com- 
modious, convenlent,  oomfortable.    Øetbemme* 
ligt  eb  c  -er  comfort,  con  venience,  accommoda- 
tion;  *  dwelling,  apartments;  elfler  (fin)  -  Is 
fond  of  (his)  ease;  efter  fin  -  at  his  convenlence; 
Hiorts  -er  the  conveniences  el.  comforts  of  llfe; 
til  .  for  the  convenlence  of. 

©et*«'|re  vt  grieve,  trouble;  —  vr  fig  for  be 
concerned  about;  -  fig  in  eb  trouble  one's  self 
with;  .  fig  om  care  about,  trouble  one's  self 
about;  ingen  -r  fig  om  at  nægte  no  one  is  con- 
cerned to  de  ny;  -r  eber  berfor  itfe  for  ben  Sag 
i  SRorgen  take  therefore  no  thought  for  the  mor- 
row.  -ret  a  (ober,  for  +om)  concerned,  anzious 
t  about,  for);  bibl  bærer  itfe  -be  for  noget  becare- 
ful  for  notbing.  -ting  c  -et  care,  concern,  i 
anxiety;  bibl  bu  ost  btg  ~  og  Uro  meb  mange  { 
Xrng  tbou  art  careral  and  troubled  about  many 

©etemble  vt  combat,  struggle  with,  contend 
with.    -effe  c  (af)  fight  (against).    -er  c  -e  ad- 
©ctaa  ne  vt  encumber. 

©tlabt'  a  meb  loaded,  oppressed,  (Strøbom) 
infected,  with. 

Belagt'  a  loaded,  furred,  foul  (tongue);  veiled 
cvoice).    -(eb  c  foulness. 

9elaff'|e  vt  load,  charge;  mere  (enft  ftonto  for) 
debit  el.  charge  (one  e(.  one's  account  for). 
•stag  c  weight,  load. 

©eta'be  vt  prepare;  —  vr  -  fig  boa  prepare 
(one's  self)  for,  make  ready  for;  -t  paa  prepared 
for.  -Ife  c  preparation. 
tklf  vt  laugn  at,  deride,  ridicule. 
©el ej 'lig  a  convenlent,  seasonable,  opportune; 
noar  bet  er  Stan  -t  when(ever)  it  is  convenlent 
to  you  el.  sults  your  convenlence;  gribe  bet  -e 
debit!  take  time  by  the  forelock;  udv  oppor- 
tun ely,  just  In  time.  -b)eb  c  opportun! ty,  op- 

©elej'r|e  vt  besiege,  lay  slege  to,  beleaguer. 
■cree  besieger.    -ing  c  -er  slege. 

©elefringftlarbeiber  besieging  operations,  -ar* 
tttteri  slege  artillery.  -batteri  slege  battery. 
•%at  besieging  army.  -frtg  obsldlonal  war. 
-tsmft  art  of  besieging.  -tøt*  heavy  artillery, 
battering  train.  -tttftanb  state  of  slege;  lille  . 
petty  s.  of  siege;  erflæte  en  ©b  i  -  declare  a 
towu  in  a  state  of  slege.  -tropper  besieging 
forces,  -barrter  approaches. 
©elemnlt'  c  -er  belem'nite. 
©elemrle  vt  encumber,  lumber,  hamper,  im- 
pede,  burden,  dog,  (hin  fig)  saddle.  -ittg  c 

Øelenje  vt  enfeoff,  Invest,    -ing  o  enfeofrment, 
©eletage  c  first  floor. 

©cfe'ben  a  polite,  courteous,  urbane.  -}eb  c 
politeness,  urbanlty,  courtesy. 

Øcfgt|e*  «  Belgium.     -er  c   -e,    -erte'be  -r 
Belgian.    -ff  a  Belglan,  Belgic. 
Øefgrab  n  Belgra'de. 
Beligge  vt  Ile  with. 
9clig'gen|be  a  lylng,  situate,  situated;   nor  - 

fe  nærtiggenbe.    -fpcb  c  -er  situation,  slte;  (geogxa* 
fifl)  position;  (meb  fientøn  til  ©fir,  ©ol  o.  1.)  ex 
posure,   aspect;    (©ærelferi   tnbbtjrbc«)   arrange- 

©eliftnittg  c  ^  fe  fiift. 

©eti'b|e  vt  animate.    -et  a  anlmated,  spirited. 

©eOetrtft'  c  -er  belletrist,    -iff  a  belletristlc. 

©eftiø  e  -er  daisy,  »c  gowan,  Belli*  perennit. 

©rlo'bet  [aa]  part  promlsed. 

©eltet  the  Belt:  fiiUe  ©elt  the  Lesser  Belt, 
Little  Belt;  Store  ©elt  Great  Belt. 

©eftfa&ar  Belshaz'zar. 

©etttb'tøler  c  -eBiluchee',  Belooche',  Balochi'. 
-tfta*  n  Beluchlstan  (etc). 

©etn'ga  c  -er  fe  fibibfif!. 

-tøetngt'e  vt  smell  at. 

©etn'r|e  vt  (secretly)  watch  el.  listen  to,  keep 
a  watch  on.  -er  c  -e  watcher,  spy.  -ing  c 

Oetb/fe  vt  light,  light  up,  illumlnate:  fig  throw 
a  light  upon,  illumlnate,  elucidate.  Øef  b/*ntog 
c  Ughtlng  etc.,  Illumination,  light;  i  bitfe  -er  in 
some  llghts.  —  ©elrjØningØ<apparat  iUumlnating 
apparatus.  -gag  lllaminatlng  gas.  -nbgifter 
lighting  ezpenses.  -bæbfte  photogen.  -bftfenet 
the  lighting  of  the  streets. 

©elb/be  vt  belle. 

©etflfbre  vt,  m%&  leather. 

©elæg'  m  covering,  coating;  (i  $of pirat  o.  I.) 
number  of  inmates  el.  hånds.  —  ©etaglge  vt 
cover,  coat,  case,  overlay;  (inbbenbig)  line;  .  meb 
Vrreft  put  under  arrest;  *  -  en  Saab  make  tast 
a  boat;  (meb  ©ebifer  o.  1.)  support;  .  meb  ©Ib 
lead;  .  meb  ©roften  o.  (.  pave;  -  raeb  ©ræber 
board;   -  meb  Citater  support  with  quotations; 

-  meb  Stifer  flag;  ~  en  ^æltning  invest  a  fortress; 

-  en  93ntbe  employ  workmen  in  a  mine;  -  meb 
(ØræftoTb  sod,  tun,  .  meb  ftobber  copper,  sheath 
with  copper;  -  meb  ftbitteringer  iurnlsh  with 
vouchers;  .  meb  Samfer  load  with  Irans;  .  meb 
SRaatter  mat;  .  meb  Otarmor  pave  with  marble; 
.  meb  et  9tatm  give  a  name  to;    ban  beb  aobt  at 

-  fine  Orb  he  is  a  fair-spoken  man;  rjaoe  Viet  tit 
at  -  en  Seng  (boa  et  $ofpitaI  el  1.)  have  the  dis- 
position of  a  bed  (at  an  hospital,  almshouse); 
(meb  Storbe  et.  1.)  incrust;  (Spejle)  stiver,  .  meb 
en  Straf  set  a  punlshment  on;  belagt  meb  tolb 
charged  et.  burdened  with  a  du  ty;  fe  ©etagt. 
-gelfe  c  covering  etc.  -fltng  o  -er  covering  etc.; 
etaebberft  .  stay,  tape  and  buckram;  fe  ©etagtyeb. 

©el«  r|e  vt  inform,  instruct,  teach;  tabe  fig  . 
be  taught,  take  advlce;  —  -enbe  a  lnstructlve, 
(Zone)  didactic.  -elfe,  -lug  c  information,  in- 

©etøg'fe  vt  load,  charge,  burden.  -Ife  c 
loading  etc. 

©etæ  fl  a  well- read,  convenant  with  books. 
-(eb  c  (eztensive)  readlng. 

©eU'b  n,  pi  =,  amount.  —  6e!*be  fig  vr  til 
amount  to,  come  to,  make;  ^bor  tjsjt  fon  bet  - 
what  may  it  come  to? 

6eUn'n|e  vt  reward,  recompense,  remunerate. 
-er  c  -e  rewarder,  requiter.  -ing  c  -er  reward, 
recompense,  re mune ration,  port  meed;  ($d*b.) 
premium,  prize. 

©ema|le  vt  bepaint,  daub.    -ittg  c  daubing. 

©emanb|e  vt  j, man.  -ing  c  manning;  toner 
complement,  crew;  Shbet  par  fin  fulbftanbige  . 
the  shlp  has  her  complement  of  men.  -togø* 
lifte  crew's  list.  -inggregalatib  scale  of  man- 

©emelbt'  a  said,  aforesald. 

©emeft're  fig  vr  make  el.  render  one's  self 
master  of. 

©emib  let  a  of  means,  well  off,  wealthy. 

+©emo8'fet  a  mossy,  overgrosvn  with  mou. 




©em&n'bige  r(  authorize,  einpower,  eommis 
sion.     -ffe  c  authorizatlou  etc.,   sanetion;    concr 
full  power,  power  of  attomey,  warrant,  uuthor 
ily;  eftet  -  by  authority;  gibe  -  til  authorize. 

Qemæng'e  vr  meb  F  meddle  with. 

©emarf  |e  rt  (lægge  SRatrfe  til)  perceive,  notice, 
note,  (ogfaa  i  ©et.  atre)  remark,  observe;  +  ~ 
betabe:  ieg  tittaber  mig  at  -  I  beg  to  remark, 
observe,  meution;  bet  fortiener  at  -4  it  deserve" 
notice;  gøre  ftg  -t  make  one's  self  conspicuous 
-elig  a  perceptihle,  j-erccivable,  noticeable.  -elfe 
*•  -r  signification,  meaning,  acceptation,  sense 
-ning  c  -er  remark,  observation;  gøre  er  beb 
remark  upon 

t©cmøg  e  vt  begrime,  befoul. 

+©emof  e  vt,  fe  Umage. 

Sen  n.  pi  =  (*  ja  -ej  ii  Segemeti  bone; 
ittem,  p.  Møbler,  ©inrel  o.  1  i  leg,  giorbe  lange  - 
made  g<x>d  use  of  hi«  legs;  et  febt  -  a  good 
prize;  tage  -ene  ub  af  bone;  benne  (Sang  er  bet  - 
af  mine  -  MM  this  te  now  bone  of  my  bones; 
fpænbe  .  for  en  irip  one  up;  fcette  bet  bebfte  - 
foran  put  one's  best  leg  foremost;  arbrjbe  i  . 
work  in  bone;  ber  er  ingen  -  i  bet  it  is  »il  plain 
salling.  bar  -  i  Stafen  i  el.  ^anben)  has  plenty  of 
l>ackbum',  has  a  (littlei  will  of  his  own;  tage 
■ene  meb  fig,  P  stir  one's  stumps;  falbe  otter 
fine  egne  -  stumblu  over  one's  own  legs;  ban  er 
aitib  paa  -ene  he  is  always  on  the  move;  ieg 
bar  baret  paa  -ene  ben  bele  $ag  I  have  not  been 
off  my  leg 8  all  day;  bele  $uiet  er  paa  -ene  the 
whole  hou*e  is  astir;  tomme  paa  -ene  igen  regain 
one's  fret,  recover  one's  lejrs;  faa  $e  er  allerebr 
paa  -ene  igen  so  you  ure  eome  roun«l  again; 
bislpe  en  paa  -ene  vogjaa  fig)  set  el.  put  one  on 
his  legs;  bringe  cl.  fitlir  en  £ær  paa  -ene  raise  an 
array,  fan  itte  ftaa  paa  -ene  cannot  stand  on  his 
legs;  ftaa  paa  foage  .  totter,  be  in  a  tottering 
eondition;  ftaa  paa  egne  -  stand  upon  one's  own 
hot  tom  el.  legs,  stand  alone,  be  self-sustaiuing 
ol.  self-supporting;  man  fan  itfe  gaa  paa  et «  joc, 
p  you  must  wet  the  other  eye,  gaar  paa  fine 
flbftr  .  i^  on  his  last  legs  gibe  en  -  at  gaa  paa 
make  one  find  his  legs;  tage  -ene  paa  92atten  el. 
tage  til  -d  take  to  one's  heels,  er  baarlig  tit  -i 
is  a  bad,  poor,  walkcr,  gøre  fig  ub  ril  *  bccomc 

*©«  a  straight;  -t  adv  straight,  right. 

©enaa  bje  rf  (en  ftorbrnber)  pardon;  _  ni  meb 
nt  favour,  graee,  one  with  st,  con  fer  st  on  one; 
_  en  paa  ilioet  pardon  one  his  life.  -elfe  <• 
favouring  etc,  favour,  g  race.  -ning  c  b.  f.; 
(ttftergirelfe  af  Straf)  pardon,  meroy. 
.  ©euaa  bningfianføgning  petition  for  mercy. 
•brr»  letter  el.  charter  of  pardon,  -grnnb  mo- 
tive  for  pardon,  -ret  pard< »ning  power,  prerog- 
ative  of  merey. 

©eu{aare  veiu  of  the  leg.  -ag rig  a  bony, 
osseous.  -amputeret  <i  with  his  leg  aniputated. 
-arbefbe  bone  articles.  -arbefber  work  er  in 
bone.    -ttffe  boue-ash(es!. 

©e  n  beffabigclfe  injury  to  a  bone.  -betan- 
belfe  inflammation  of  the  bone,  osteitis.  -beoa 
gel  fe  raovement  of  the  leg(s)  -bor  trepan. 
•branb  neerosis.  -brnb  fructure.  -brubfbge  fe 
-fTørfjeb.  -bruff  ossein.  -bræt  $  c  bog-asphodel. 
Mirtktcium  o**\fr<xQum.  -btygniug  strueture  of 
the  bones,  skeleton.  -ceUe  bone-cell.  -bannetfe 
bone-formation,  osteogniy,  o+sitlcation. 

©enbe  c  -r,  ©enbingfube  basket  for  catchinp 
snails  ou  the  ihjUoiii  of  the  sca. 

9e  Kjbrrjer  turner  (in  bone)  -bange  heap  of 
bones,  -bb,r  vertebrate  animal.  -e  ri  af  run 
away,  bolt,  1-g  it.    -ebber  caries. 

©enebitt   Bcn'edict,  Bennet     -e  Bcncdicta. 

Øenrbiiti'nrr!Tloftrr  Bencdic'tine   monastcry. 

;  -mufti  fienedictine  fmonk).    -vøttne  Benedictine 
|  nun.    -orben   order  of  St.  Benedict  el.  Bennet, 
©enebitt',  rob,  -nrt  fe  KeHtlerob. 
©enefi'ce  c  -r  ben'cfit;   har  fin  førfie  -  takes 
her  ilrst  beueflt.    -forrftiQing  benefit,  bespeak 
(night,  performance),  ticket-night.    ©enefijce'ret 
fflofc*   lands  appropriated  to  church  livings  or 
other  pi -bl  in  oflices;   -  Sag  sult  in  formå  pau- 
peris.    -ciaut'  r  -rr  person  who  takes  the  bene- 
fit.   -eltt'r  iu&;  r  l>en  eficed  clergyman.    -c'ina 
■  n  fe  benefice. 

©enenbe  r  end  of  the  bone  el.  leg. 
©en  et  a  fe  -agtig. 

©e  n  febt  l>onegrease,  fe  -olie.    -fil  bone-file; 

»it  /  ra-ipatory,  surgeon's  rasp.    -flff  osseous  flab, 

j  teleo^t.    -flif(e)   bone-splinter,    -førbtnbetfe  ar- 

j  tlculation,    -fri  a  bonele^s;  -t  ftøb  boned  meat. 

i  -fnlb  u  l>ony. 

©enga  l|en  «  Bengal;  -efcr  c  -e,  -efcrin'bc  -r 
Bengiile'se.    -ff  n  Bengal;   h  (Sprog)  Bengalee; 

-  3lb  Bougal  lights,  blue  fire;  ben  -e  ©ugt  the 
Bay  of  Ben  gal. 

©engel  c  -giet  tøp  bar,  rounce;  (SfcelMorb 
brute,  lout.    -agtig  <i  brutteh,  loutish. 

©c  n  gøbnina  bones  (as  a  manure).  -«Ui 
<  boni»  ;;lass.  -qaarb  ':  hard  as  bone.  -bjnbe 
perinsteun  -binbrbetffnbelfc periostitis.  -bobeb 
anat  eoudyl.  -bug  cut  to  the  bone.  -bule, 
•bulbeb  'tnot  cotyla.  -bud  charnel -house,  -jørb 
bone-earth.  -terne  centre  of  osslfication,  osslnV 
centre,  -flæber  trowsers,  pantaloons;  forte  ~ 
breeches,  small-clothes.  -fftrbelømme  trowsers' 
pocket.  -flabcftræbber  trowsers-maker.  -flabe« 
tøj  stuil'  for  trowsers.  -tnato  bone -button. 
•tnnbe  protut>enince  on  a  bone;  fe  fbulft.  -trceft 
cancer  in  the  l>onc.  -tnl  bone-charcoal.  -la* 
meUc  fe  -plabe.  -lim  bone-gine.  -lare  osteology. 
Rkeletology.  -lød  a  boneless;  legless;  e  gugle 
l>eef  olives,  poupU«.  -mel  grouud  bones,  bone 
du^t  -mølle  bone-mill,  boue-grinding  machine. 
-olie  neat's-foot  oil.  -panfer  cuisse.  -pibe 
cavity  of  the  bone  -plabe  scale  el.  lamina  of 
the  bone.  -rab  r.  &  «,  -er  og  -e  skeleton.  -rap 
a  swift-footed.  -fab  surgeon's  saw.  -ftaal  co- 
tyla. -ffabe  uleer  in  the  leg.  -ffln«er  greaves. 
-ftørbeb  biittleness  of  the  bones,  -fmerter  bone 
-aohe,  osteocope.  -fort  bone-black.  -fbat  bone 
-spavin.  -fplim  splinter  (of  a  bone),  -ftnmp 
stump  fof  the  leg);  fragment  of  bone.  -tøtte 
bony  piece  ofraeat.  -ftøb  bone-dust.  -fabflaKi 
osseous  Kubstance,  bony  strueture.  -fbttlft  ezos- 
tosis.  -fbøbom  diseasc  of  the  bones,  -ftftrm 
osseous  system,  -føm  anat  suture,  -tmg  bone 
-ni]>pers  pi.  -tøj  f  legs;  gobt  ~  strong  el.  well 
-made  legs.  -nbbocffft  fe  -fnulft.  -nlb  gare.  *-«rt 
fe  ftragerio.  ^-bcb  c  spindle-tree,  Euonvmu$\  *  fe 
ftrifltorn;  (fe  ogfaa  nbfr.). 

©enob  jet  .i  uneasy,  nervous,  shaky.  -elfe  c 
uneasinos,  nervousness. 

*©e  n'beb  (af  ©en  a)  fly  honeysnckle,  Ltmietra 
jtvfoMtenu,,  fe  ftbaltbeb.    -bef  short  cut. 

©e  nlbæfft  growth  of  the  bones,  -bcrrl  gom. 
-bæb  ov<eous  tissue  el.  texture. 

©enbt'te  it  use,  make  use  of,  employ:  (ftm 
ftilbO  r.onsult,  lay  under  contribution;  -  en  fiep 
ligbeb   tak«',   seize  el.  embrace  an  opportun  i  ty; 

-  iieitinbfben  hnpmvo  the  occasion;  .  Ztben  make 
good  use  of  one's  time,  improve  tho  time;  - 
fin  Xib  paa  bet  bebfte  make  the  most  of  one'« 
time;  -  rr  Mg  af,  fe  ©enbtte;  profit  by,  take 
advautage  of,  avail  one's  self  of;  .  fig  af  fin 
ftorbel  improve  el.  push  one's  advautage.  -Ife 
c  hm!,  using  etc,  improvement.  -ffetmacbe  way 
of  using  st. 

fkttfti'it  c  ben'zine. 

fkiftoe  o  (gum)  benjamin,  bensoln*.    -ktffMi 




b.  j.  •ttomfier  floveis  of  benzoin.  -gttttttt, 
•tarpiM  fe  ©en&oe.  -olie  benzoin  oli.  -fort 
Salt  benzoate.  -tøre  benzo'ic  acid.  -Hnitttr 
virgin-milk.  -tra  benjamin  tree.  -ater  benzole 
ether.  —  ©ettfto't  c  ben'zole.  —  ©tn&0&  1  n  ben'- 
zoyl,  ben'zule. 

©esag  t|e  vf  deny,  (ifte  rilftaa)  disavow.  -elfe 
c  -t  denial,  disavowal,  (jur.  3nbtæg)  travene. 
•elfeSeb  oath  of  denial.  -råbe  a  negative;  - 
St>ax  answer  In  the  negative;  —  aav  in  the 

©evob'lne  ttf  name,  call,  designate;  (t  fe  ©e» 
ramme)  -tttffc  (+-«i«g)  c  -er  appellation,  de- 
rignation.  -nt  a  (+  =  ©emelbt);  -  lal  concrete 
ri.  applicate  number;  ttbbitiøn  (ofo.)  i  -e  lal 
compound  addition  etc. 

©rjwj'e  fig,  fe  Støje  fig. 

©eorbrc  vt  order,  direct;  -t  HI  Seitø  under 
orders  for  Lelth. 

©epat  |fe  vt  load  el.  fill  with  packages  el.  bag- 
gage.   -«f«g  c  mit  fe  Oppatntng.'j 

©epan  f|re  vt,  -ring  fe  $anfre. 

©cpatt're  «i  pledge,  mortgage.) 

©epel'fet  «  clad  in  furs. 

©epid'fe  vt  bepiss. 

©eplan'tle  vt  plant;  .  paanb  replant.  -ning  o 
planting;  concr  plantation. 

©eplet'te  rf  spot,  stain.    -Ifc  c  /?  stainlng. 

♦©eprb'be  9/  fe  $robe. 

©epttb're  t?f  bepowder. 

^©epnr  pre  c*  dress  in  purpie. 

©eraa'be  w  fta  paa  (en)  appeal  to,  refer  to, 
quote,  (tit)  plead,  urge;  -nbe  flø  paa  at  under 
the  plea  that.    -Ifc  c  appeal. 

©erfta'b  n  deli be ration;  meb  -  deliberately; 
Mtre,  gaa  i  -  meb  deliberate  with;  tage  i  -  take 
into  congideratlon;  jeg  bat  i  -  (meb  mig  felt))  om 
ieg  ffulbe  gaa  I  was  irresolute  whether  to  go  or 
not.  —  ©eraab  a:  meb  (bel)  .  $u  deliberately, 
advlsedly.  -c  (+-føre)  fifl  vr  meb  consult.  t-flaa 
fe  ftaabflaa. 

♦ ©eram'  * :  paa  (et)  -  at  a  venture,  at  random, 
at  hap-hazard;  paa  eget  -  of  one's  own  accord, 
on  one's  own  authonty.  -we  vt  fix,  appolnt. 
•nselfe  c  appointment. 

©rrap'pe  vt  (SRur)  rough -cast. 

©erber  c  -e  Berber,  ($eft)  barb.  -i  et  n  Ba'r- 

©erberif  o,  -baf!  barberry-  el.  plperidge-bush, 
Berberi*  tulgarit.    -bar  barberry. 

©erbermnø  Barbary  mouse,  mut  bar  barn*. 

Oere'be  vt  prepare;  .  et  Otaolttb  prepare  el. 
dress  a   meal;   -  flabet  dress  el.  curry  leather; 

-  ©ejen  for  en  pave  the  way  for  one;  ~  en  nt 
cause  one  st,  bring  st  upon  one;  -  $am  ©anfte« 
ltgbeber  throw  his  way;  -  en  en 
Ooerraflelfe  give  one  a  surprise;  -  en  til  $øben 
prepare  one  for  death;  —  vr  fig  paa  prepare  for; 

-  lig  til  get  ready  for;  —  betebt  o  paa  prepared 
for.    -{fe  c  preparing  etc.,  p reparation. 

©ere'beii  a  mounted;  gste  .  mount. 

©cre'blntttg  c  dressing,  -flab  n :  i  .  in  readi- 
ness; bolw  i  -  hold  In  readiness;  ftaa  i  «,  meb  at 
be  in  readiness  to,  on  the  point  of.  -oifl'ig 
'ogf.  te'b>)  a  ready,  willing.  -»itt'tgftcb  c  readi- 
ness, willingness,  (frejbig,  glab)  alacrity,  prompt- 
i  tude. 

©ereg  Mje  vt  compute,  calculate,  (fliHe  i  8ieg* 
rung)  put  el.  place  to  acoount;  ~  flg  (i  ©etaling) 
charge;  jeg  par  -t  $em  bi«fe  Såret  til  I  have 
charged  these  goods  at;  -i  fom  SRettelfer  typ  is 
charged  for  as  corrections;  -t  paa  intended  for; 
t  paa  at  calculated  to.  -elig  a  calculable.  -enbc 
'<  calculating.  -er  e  -e  actuary.  -et  o  cunning, 
politic.  -tag  c  -et  computation,  calculation; 
toge  i  -  znake  allowance  for,  allow  for;  tage  meb 

i  -en  count  with;   tog  fejl  i  fin  ~  was  out  in  his 
calculations.    -ingSraaabe  way  of  calculating. 

©erej'lfe  vt  travel  over,  traverse,  f  do.  -|t  a 
t ravellea;  en  meget  -  SRanb  a  great  traveller. 

Oeren'b|e  vt,  mil  invest.     -Fag  c  investment. 

©eret'lte  vt  state,  relate,  report,  record;  -  en 
6bg  administer  the  sacrament  to  aslck  person, 
•tttttg  c  -et  statemen),  account,  report;  affagge  . 
om  make  (draw  up)  a  report,  give  an  account, 
make  a  statement  of,  report.  +-ttingøntanb  o  fe 
-ter.  -telfe  c  administration  of  the  sacrament; 
*  fe  gortaHrøg.    -ter  c  c  relator. 

Qerett  ig|e  vt  entitle;   -t  til  at  ljaaoe  at  war- 
rants the  hope  that;  -et  til  at  en  titled  to,   war 
ranted  el.  justifled  in  -ing;   —   berettiget  a 
legitimate,  lawful;   2)eres  ^nbbenbina  er  -  your 
objectlon  is  sound,    -elfe  c  right,  title. 

*9erg  n,  pi  — ,  fe  9ja»rg.  (3  Sammen  fletninger 
btugee  benne  ftorm  tSiotge  altib,  ^oot  bet  et  Xale 
om89etgoafen/  og  meget  alminbelig  ogf aa  i  anbte 

9erga«ot'  c  -ter  bergamot.  -olie  (easeuce  of) 
bergamot.    -tt«  bergamot,  Citrus  bergumia. 

'©erge  vt  fe  »large. 

Sergen  n  Bergen,  (i  Selgien)  Mons.  tøergefifr, 
©ergflfr  fe  flubff!. 

©erge're  (ft.)  c  -t  easy  chair. 

©erglfolf  miners;  fe  ttierrg«.  -gnarbein  assayer 
of  a  mine.  -gttltc  c  balian  wrasse  {te  berggil), 
Labru«  bergvita. 

©ergi'nelbroJ  ^  cro8s-jack  (ubt.  crodjec)  braoe. 
-taa  cross-jack  yard  (ofo  ). 

©er  g  I  bauptntanb  intendant  of  mines.  *-4«tt£ 
-tnatt,  -Inattd  hill-top,  rock.  *-lnop  wall  pepper, 
Saturn  acre.  -HpMbig  a  skilied  in  mining;  —  c 
mineralogist,  metallurgist.  -lafd  fe  Ølbfe,  Stub 
mule.  Marabt  a  mountainous.  -ntanb  miner; 
fe  ©jarg'.  -mefter  superintendent  of  mines, 
-ttøtbbe  gold  slnny,  Grenilabrw  norveøievs.  -ret 
bergmote.  -ftab  mining  town;  fe  ©jarg*.  *-f«gge 
fe  -gblte.  -Urrittfl  d  ry  in  g  on  the  rocks,  -bar!, 
-barllbrift  o.  fl.  fe  ©iarg>.  -bafen  mining 

©eri'be  vt  break;  (flanbet)  ride  about. 

©eri'ber  c  -e  mil  riding  master,  rider,  horse 
-breaker,  rough-rider;  (Srunft*)  circus-rider,  horse 
-rider,  equestrian  performer,  -bane,  -cirfnd 
circus.  -foreffiØing  equestrian  performance. 
-Itt«ft  circus-rider's  art.  -Innfter  pi  feata  of 
horse-manshlp.  -pifl  longe-whip.  -felflab  horse 
-riding  etablishment,  equestrian  company,  Com- 
pany of  riders,  ©eriberfle  c  -t  (female)  circus- 
rider  (ofo.). 

©eri'ge  vt  enrich.  -Ife  o  -t  enriching,  enrich- 
ment.  -Ife&mibbel  means  of  enriching  one's 

©erig  tige  vt  correct,  rectify;  (betale;  settle. 
-Ifc  c  -r  rectifying,  correction,  rectulcation; 
(offentlig,  ©rotefl)  disclaimer;  til  -  af  in  correc- 
tion of. 

©e ting  et  a  bejewelled,  be-ringed. 

©ering»|f»r«bet  Behring's  stråles). 

Oerto'n  n  bar'racan. 

©ertcø|(br«b)  pi  collars,  claws.  -fr*  poppy 

©erli'n  n  Ber'lin.  ©etli'net  c  -e  Berliner. 
©erliner I  blaat  Prussian  blue.  -rtbt  Prassian 
red.    -traftate«  the  Berlin  treaty,   the  t.  of  B. 

©erlot   c  -ler  watch-lrfnket 

©erm(e)  c  mil  berm,  berme. 

©ertnu  badterne  the  Bermudas,  Bermuda. 

©em  n  Bern,  Berne  -er  c  Berne'se.  -er- 
Wpeme  the  Bernese  Alps. 

©ernafrtgaaft  brant  goose,  Anser  leucopsit. 

©er« barb  Bernard.  —  9ernb«rbt'Krr|«Mit! 
Ber'nardine      -orben  order  of  St.  Bernard.  — 




frrbt  i#  (ftrtrfH 

SMHflfft  1*  W**» 
•re  »<  'flMfcft,  »*,  /ba*'  ftt  ftfttfoHirs*,  «uvi 
ti v tit  M"l,  fHMtnttt  1m  »l#«rjr*f»> *,  t  'j|.'4SVt  sj 
|inn  I«  fiiiMitlfil  upon,  f  pm  ttHytinn  **  /V-r«*^.'!* 
hm  irtii  f«»«M«  wHIi,  M  f  PM  m  W'i'iwaaeCie 
li  U  ittii«  lu  f»  ifil«Hfid'<Mt«fi'>irig.  **to»»  «**  aet 
lliKit»  Mim  ftiiillMr  rritiit  rt«t,  U«  bet  -  ttt"  tm 
HMlirn  Mulig  Iwivm  lt  for  anMhtr  tim*.  Øcr#  #. 
il  I  Ur  Hl  I       Ur   *t   ttjr    Tor  tti«  ptvvsnl.   let  tbe 

ttlhHtM     1 4**1* 

•»nu  llflf    t*nlifi    Mttwn;,    <|ti|»»t,    tramjnlllke, 

MMMplMh,    ■IMllIlM,    r^MIIfl',    *pp«ft«4),     »*t    ftt  r«*l 

ri  mtw»  *Hlf  tf  MMtfMiirlfiK,  <A>in(ori\uK,  m«d 
■tirimhi«.  tMiHt|Hi«tnn(  Wlbbel  »udaiire,  ytø  øg 
\  i»rtltwi  i|UlMH*r  -ffr  »■  '■»Irnlrijf  cU;.;  bft  et 
tit      Kl  Hbr  II  In  r  »Hitnforl  Ut  ktiow. 

tlrrfirtf  ••  m  wll<1  wnrrlor  ofth«  hmthcn  ftK£, 
Mti««Ml<  øfrftvrf  rrgiMg  fitry  of  a  Homerk;  F 
U<n\      tim  *  itiMnk 

$fM|rt  »•  IttHMmi  iH'Hhn,  tmrthft 
f\\\t  »t  »«!«♦»,  iiiinlor,  imrr  up.    øfrtffffttrtt 

t  «|ulttu  ln»»l 

*rttt**H»b    •mwownrt,    uasUrri    pollltory, 

♦*»*«  |  t   w   Uttmliiftti*,    liifltirwto,    .    flg   Rot 

\^ \>ssw  ^  iu*\     .flff  ••  InlimlrnUoii    ln«*briAtlon. 

r*tv   *   M««o^i»H%«lMit   »uo  ,       TUtte  I,  Uquon, 

i<«^sn^u     »ti  ii  iltitiifc,   il|«y,  (ogfoa  .Aa)  la- 

tital*!  t\  h  i««  b*»l  røptl«.  HotnrltiUM;  .  ftblnbe, 
£*»*  \\n^*m  hiw«*,  wi  tail  hqniU**,  of  IU  fkine. 
\rtk  »  Mit  iviwintMi 

tStW    *    W\  Ws  \\     *|»rl  Hluflln«,  iituetna. 

fkvrø*  *?  •«  U«»^    tut  ol,  nMMiuowl,  pi  at**, 

V  ,»     sm<    ,m     etat  l    til      *mt\\%  ••  IftUilfthtø, 

>vw.,«,  «  .»*M*  ^*Im»\\\mO»a    i»iv»tHiihlt\  tumour 

•«^»\       i   *ov  ^\n»»>^   ow\vn<>    isvinmi^tutAtlon, 

.    x    «■   .       ,^»t.   '.iMN^  «Vl»'l«»h,     l*M»W«         f»t' 

t*r<+«Mtrl    ,    »v^'W,    »v\sm^u,    v^<0^   <* 

»««      » 

9crc| rift  ^»^i^siL 



V^vh«   v*N,vi 




>»     »  "N 

•tfmM  get  the 
Qafefif fcefert  sur 
Tictor     -i«f  e  van 
t\>z.'.zas  «tc  :  Tl^orr  ;«?  over) 

Øcf2»'lc  ctf  ^**as,  be  jioaBWHCd  of;  \btbe 
*irtt\,j\  .  esé  1^1^  possen  d.  enjoy  one's  con 
AAen^.  —  bfH&»f«be  «:  bat  -  fthttit  tfae 
ittopertied  ri  propertT  cUss/es).  -Ife  c  -r  (ogfaa 
'onrr,  pofsesvlon;  occapfttion;  a^03mieot ;  -t 
taatt,  dominions,  dependencies;  tømne  i  .  r 
«et  posævsion  of,  tagr  i  .,  fatte  fifl  i  -  af  take 
po«4fte«^ioD  of,  possen  (atter:  repossess)  one's 
nelf  of. 

Ociib'beff e# , f ar|sU  tenure.  -lo#  a  anmoneyed . 
unportioued.  -ftt  right  of  poasearion.  •tagetfc 
c  occupation.  -toger  c  -e  occnpont.  -t^ktri 
unlftwfully  taking  away  one's  own  goods  in 
another  man's  poasesslon.  ØeUbfcet  c  -e,  -tmt'e 
c  -i  possessor. 

Øefig'te  ol  inspect,  surrer.  -Ife  c  inspection. 
Murrey.  —  Hefigtelfedlforrerjitag  surrey;  surrex 
-report,  -gebljr  surveyor's  fees.  -Co««i#fiom 
board  of  surveyors  el.  inspectors.  -moab  inspee- 
tor,  eurveyor.  —  Øefiatiøe  fe  Øefiate. 

tOefitt'Ibe  vt  oonslder;   —  vr  fta  (ffifte  6inb 
ohange  one's  mind;   -  fiø  paa  recollect,  call  to 
mind,  think  of.    -»etfe  c  refiecUon;  reeollection; 
tabe  -n  lose  one's  senses  el.  one's  head;   tomme 
ttl  -  recover  one's  senses;  oome  to  sober  refiec- 
Uon;   bringe  en   til  .  bring  one  to  his  senses 
-btg  o  conslderate,  disereet,  drcumspect,  sober; 
cool.    -bigteb  o  discretion,  circumspection;  cool 
I     Ør N tiet  a  shawled. 

Øefl«'l!e  vf  animate.  -embe  a  animating.  -i«g, 
c  animation. 

Øcff  «  bitter,  acrid.   -bjrb  c  bitterness,  acridity 

Øetfa  bige  vt  (om  bsbe  Ting)  damage,  (gemmer 
o  l  »  iujure,  hurt,  <ft«rtt,  beb  Bcftbbntnt)  batter. 
.  tx  iVonument  deface  a  monument;  -t  af  tBanb 
M^a  daniajred.    4fr  c  damage,  injury,  hurt;  de- 

Øcfraff  c«  «  conditioned;  Saaen  er  faalebet  - 
ih*  matter  stands  thus;  besat  Sag  er  tmbertrbrt 
.  fn^  ma*  trrr  the  oase  is  different  from  what 
i\  i«  «inv\$«»i  to  be.  b—nebet  er  bet  -t  mtb  (an« 
s£si*n  -  \x  h*\  »5  ihe  state  of  his  anain '  fltranrftet 
t\  vti  >N4  t  bat;  i?  *>  constituted  "bjebcquality. 
»vn^u:!«  Jwvrlwi^n  nature.  Sageai  .  the 
n*i  ;*v  »v  the  oase 

tV««t  k  rf  ut    asMSBs    mj  a  taz  upon; 

>^>r   V«    .^v*«  ovatributkm.  be  btif  -be  the 

\.v\m  *v  ^y«     >«4a5g  c  mraag  etc.,   taxa 

i  -,\r,  assv-ss...-".  r  i     ^mtrngtammbc  syitjem  of  taxa- 

^^jr***mb«gtc»    ««aBji«ct    power   of 

t^^r  >  .  ATr^^e  ir.ftnaata«*,  r£  amberarbaebe 
^•>nv<,m,n    tt*    Xew   >pi.  -   at  gave  him   for 
*,».x-«v     **      tf  Tf  ~  å»s  jpe*d  w^tt,  do  one's 
••,H  ,  Vv    iu  :•     a*r?  rt.  -  fteågv  one.   fenbf 
•»   .  ^n        iv    T-.»'..     •«  **w»e  ta«»w;  itge  tje 
•««»••      ^    *     ■  "■ _"    "      ■ 

■s    *^H\\     N.  a 

•   >    O.V*  -  a'*r  b«  «4«  ift.  be  fsm  bibc  - 
^   ^,    »  v     v     ,     x-tiuk  aej  is|  maea  -  I  know 
%    v    »s  tK   jrt  «  I  taow  what    i* 

•  ' .      ^      <   ^*>  ->.-  ~    *  tiw<w  a-I  abjool  il.    ieg 
%.^  v  -s-  v.«  .»    H-'ur  aibe  -  ?  et  ^«ti  know 

«vv%-»,    *n       ».*•  .rs*f     »«t  *e>  «mea  ~  ber  I 
,  .   «.  x  •%.         ;*a~      .-^ri  »  rri?  ^  tU  farther 

.#  ^.-vf,!.*  t:*  i^eeCKms  et  arders. 

\->-t:"k  -  1  vCȣ  htm  a  hit  of  mr 

?v.-«»  l»i*  .   w>v^,    ui:'.^*aadmjc 





lng,  imootrusive,  mild;  (maabelplben)  moderate. 
.fteb  «  modesty,  humllity. 

Ceffelrr  c  -e  stud-horse. 

©efH'Ibe  vt  p  shite  on.  -bf  a  F  (ogfaa  fio) 

©effif'|fe  oe  order,  arrange,  dispose;  (onfætte) 
appoint,  commission,  (i  en  anbenft  Sleb)  substi- 
tute;  jur  serve  e  notloe  upon;  -  fU  $uft  set 
one'B  house  in  order.  -ffffc  c  appointment; 
notlee;  +  =  lilfttftelfe.  -tclfeSoibue  f  (private) 
witness  to  a  notlce.  •■fug  c  mcf  mixing  the 
ores  and  fluxes. 

Oeffim'tte  vt  shine  upon,  lrradiate,  illumlne. 

Seftø'  «*  shoe. 

Oefrrate  t*  scrape  (an  oyster-bank). 

8efFri'P|e  vt  (ogfaa  peom)  describe,  (ubførligt) 
detall;  (fqlbe  meb  Strtft)  flll  with  writlng;  ilte  til 
at  -  not  to  be  described;  jur  oeftreoet  in  writlng; 

—  -en bf  a  descrlptlve.  -clig  a  describable. 
-elfc  c  -r  description,  acoount;  jur  copy.  fejlagtig 

-  xnlsdescription;  opec  al  -  beyond  all  expres- 
sion, -elfeigeftb;?  copying-fees.  -et  c  -e  de- 

ttUffmb':  paa  bebflc  -  f  at  haphazard. 

t8efhi*'ie,  fe  ©eftuppe. 

Oefhi'jc  vt  gaze  at,  view,  contemplate.  -elig 
o  visible,  perceptible.  -cllgtøb  o  visibillty, 
conspicuousuess.  +-effe,  -en  c  viewing,  lnapeo- 
tion.    -c?  c  -e  viewer,  beholder. 

tDeflitp'pe  vt  swindle,  cheat. 

Øefføttl'pe  vt  beat  el.  dash  against,  wash. 

©effB'b|e  of  fire  upon  cl.  into,  cannonade, 
batter;  -  langffib*  rake;  Stilling  forfra  ftienben 
fan  -*  langffib*  a  raking  position;  fra  bette  ftort 
Ian  fjele  $aonen  -I  this  fort  commands  the  har- 
bour.  -ning  c  firing  etc.,  cannonade;  -  langffib* 
a  raking  fire. 

Seftttg'jge  vt  shade,  overshadow.  -get  a  shady, 

Øcfhglb'e  vt  for  accuse  of,  charge  with,  tax 
with.  lay  to  one's  charge,  -ntag  c  -et  accusa- 
tion,  charge,  imputatlon  (for  of). 

ØefhpH'e  >t  water,  wash. 

Øeftntte  vt  protect,  guard,  defend;  (ftunfter 
o.  1.  og  tro«)  patronize;  .  mob  ffiegnen  shelter 
from  the  rain;  .  en  Beffel  protect  el.  honour  a 
Wil;  —  beffbttenbe  a  protecting,  protective. 
•lfe  c  protectlon,  defence;  patronage;  (mobf. 
Rrftønbet)  protectlon:  unber  ftanonerneø  .  under 
cover  of  the  guns;  ffnbe  .  find  shelter,  ©effelen 
Ml  fint*  prompte  -  the  bill  wtyl  meet  with  due 
protectlon;  tage  nnber  fin  .  take  under  one's 
protectlon,  countenance,  patronize;  foge  -  mob 
*eek  shelter  (from). 

Øeffttt'telf  eg  (Uglet  protective  llkeness.  -manb 
protektionist,  •mibbel  means  of  protectlon; 
protective  remedy.  -ret  right  of  protectlon, 
protectorate.  -fipftemet  the  protectlon  system, 
protectlon.  -to»  protective,  protectlonlst  el. 
prohlbition  duty,  protectlon. 

fJeffttt'ier  «  -e  protector;  patron;  (i  Ur)  shock 
•protector.  -tabe  c  -r  protectress;  patroness. 
•star  patronlzing  air.    -tone  patronlzlng  tone. 

ØefTeftige  vt  employ,  (ogfaa  aanbelig)  occupy; 
-t  meb  occupled  in,  with,  busted  in,  engaged 
in,  on,  upon,  taken  up  with;  -be  mig  meget  meb 
barn  occupled  myself  much  with  hlm.  -lfe  c 
r  occupation,  employment,  pursuit;  uben  -  un- 

pcflam'we  vt  shame,  disgrace,  dlshonour; 
<gtre  ffomfnlb)  abash;  (gore  til  Stamme)  put  to 
thame,  bibt  $aabet  -r  ilte  hope  maketh  not 
athamed.  -Ifc  e  shame,  disgrace,  dlshonour. 
-*be  a  ■hameful,  disgraceful. 

t*Jeff*»'!|e  vt  —  betxrrte,  oegaoe.  -et  a  fud- 
dled,  tipsy,  in  liquor. 

iiatfen:  £tatft*Vngetfl  Orbbog. 

©effæ  re  (-oe,  -t,  +  fom  ©fare;  allot  (st  to  one), 
bestow  (st  on  one). 

»eftflt're,  -ftar,  -ffaarrt  vt  cllp,  pare,  trim;  fio 
curtail,  reduce,  pare:  (fBogb.)  cut  (the  edges  of), 
(ftøttt)  crop;  (træer)  prune,  lop,  trim.  -fttol 
plough,  plough-knlfe.  -tnio  pruning-knife, 
(8ogo.)  edge-tool.  -maftine  cuttlng  machine. 
•preåfe  cuttlng  press.  —  Ceftæring  c  cllpplng 

Ceff«r'm|e  vt  screen,  shelter,  shield,  protect 
(mob  from,  against).  -clfe  c  protectlon.  -er  e 
-e  protector,  defender. 

©effoit'  e  -er  bia'cuit. 

QefiM'  vt  mount,  bind,  (inbfatte)  case,  (inb* 
benbig)  line,  (paa  ftuben)  tip;  (et  ftab)  hoop; 
(fiefie)  shoe;  .  meb  Som  stud;  J,  (Sejl)  furl, 
(mol)  strap;  -tt  fio  (meb  $enge)  llned,  (meb  Sot* 
bom)  well  grounded  el.  equipped.  -feffing  ^ 

Oefla'g  n,  pi  ==,  (iforr  til  ^OjbeHe)  mountlng; 
(V-  %>bx  o.  1.)  iron  work,  butts;  (i  &orm  af  fting) 
hoop,  (minbre,  p.  Stot  o.  1.)  ferrule:  (p.  $m) 
tlre;  J,  (til  Qtot  o.  1.)  strap,  strapping;  (t.  3om. 
fruer)  binding;  (ttrreft)  arrest,  sequestration, 
attachment,  seizure,  (p.  Stib)  embargo;  lægge  . 
poa  sequester,  sequestrate,  (ogf.  om  Stioe)  seize, 
plaoe  el.  put  under  an  arrest,  (belægge  m.  ttm« 
largo)  lay  an  embargo  on,  embargo,  fio  (ogf. 
tage  i  .)  take  up,  engross,  engage,  claim,  oc- 
cupy, monopolize,  lay  an  embargo  on;  kegtfe  . 
poa  en«  ®age  arrest  one's  pay;  lægge  fulbt  .  paa 
tax  ...  to  the  utmost.  t-m  «  fe  førftagen. 
-lanrmer  shoeing  hammer,  -(ægge  vt  seize  (o. 
fl.  fe  oofr);  fom  fan  -i  selzable.  -læggelfr  c 
arrest  (o.  fl.  fe  obfr).  -loere  farrlery.  -raefter 
cavalry  fkrrler.  -feffing  fe  ©eflaa«.  -ffole  far- 
rlery school.  -ftnr  horse-shoeing  shed.  -fbenb 
journeyman  farrier. 

+©eil»t' :  til  -  fe  -ning. 

Oeftnt'lte  vt  &  i  resolve,  deel  de,  determmo 
(at  that,  meb  3nf.  to,  nt  st,  on  el.  upon  st)-  t 
■s  fiutte;  -  ooer  el.  om  decide  on:  —  pr  f tg 
come  to  a  resolution,  make  up  one's  mind.  . 
ftg  til,  fe  Oeflutte;  .  flg  til  at  (ogfaa)  make  up 
one's  mind  to;  -t  poa  at  determined  el.  resolved 
to.  -ning  c  -er  resolution,  decision,  (faft)  deter- 
mination; fatte  en  .,  fe  Qeflutte  flg;  tage  .  om 
decide  on;  bet  er  min  fafte  -  at  I  am  determined 
to,  have  made  up  my  mind  to.  •ningdbpgtig 
a :  bære  _  be  a  quorum.  -nittf ifri^eb  llberty 
of  decision,  -ninggret  right  of  decision.  +-fom 
a  resolute. 

Crffflcbet  a  trained. 

©enag'te  vt  ally;  =  flæqte  paa. 

Otflægtet  a  related,  akln,  allied  (meb  to), 
kindred:  be  (Smner  kindred  subjects;  Vrtitetturen 
og  alle  bermeb  -be  ftunfrer  architecture  and  all 
the  allied  arts;  .  Wunbort,  fipb,  Orb  cognate 
dlalect,  sound,  word;  -ebe  Sjæle  kindred  el. 
congenial  souls;  —  c  -ebe  relation,  relative, 
kinsman.    -Ijeb  c  relationship. 

•f9efU're  vt  veil. 

tOefmlmte  vt  =  befratiffe. 

Oefmitte  vt  (finitte)  infect,  taint:  (befub(e)  pol- 
lute,  deflle,  contaminate,  soli;  -be  fin  tttxe  solled 
his  honour.    -lfe  c  pollution,  contamination. 

©efmnbfe,  ©efmnft'e  vt  dirtv,  soil. 

Øefmb;t'fe  vt  gloss  over,  colour,  put  a  face 
on,  palliate,  extenuate.  -lfe  colourlng,  pallla- 
tion,  extenuatlon;  gloss,  colour.  -nbe  a  pallia- 
torr,  extenuating. 

OefsM're  vt  besmear,  smear.    -lfe  e  beamear- 

Oefvaffc  vt  talk  over  el.  round.    -lfe  o  talk- 
ing etc. 
©efueet  a  covered  with  snow. 




Ocfttit'te  vt  \t  Beftere  2. 

©efno'ret  a  laced,  braided. 

Oefmtt'fle  *t  snlff  ri.  snuff  at  -wing  e  snifflng 

8ef««'r|e  vt  ensnare,  inveigle,  entrap.  -elfe, 
•tag  c  ensnaring  etc.,  [invelglement.  -enbe  a 
ensnarlng;  fascinating. 

©efolb'je  vt  pay.    -miste  pay,  peyment. 

»efo'toe  øt  Ue  with;  fe  Befpongre. 

fjcfpt'rlc  vt  save,  husband,  economlze.  -csjbe 
a  economlo.  -clfe,  -ing  c  saving,  economy. 
-ingøfpftra  saving  system. 

tBefftrj'bc  vt  fe  ttbfpejbe. 

fJefPi'fle  vt  feed,  -»hig  c  feeding;  (tøfl)  flire. 
-ttittgéftttftftU,  -ningøf  øreting ,  -ningåfelflai 
dlnner-  distribution  establishment  el.  society. 
-nfnoåreglement  dletary. 

fjefpo'ret  a  spurred. 

8efpott'|e  vt  mock,  scoff.  deride,  sneer  at; 
-  ®ub  blaspheme  (God),  -eiia  a  blasphemous. 
-elfe  e  -t  mocking  etc.;  mockery;  blasphemy. 
-er  c  -e  blasphemer. 

Befpring'e  vt  cover,  leap,  (om  ©aber  prov) 

Øefprttng'le  vt  sprinkle  (over),  besprlnkle. 
-nttg  c  sprinkling. 

Ørfrr*)'t|c  vt  squirt  over,  betpatter,  (bonbe) 
wster;  (meb  tyunbiprøjte)  syringe.  -ting  c  be- 
spattering  etc. 

fjtfpp'  vt  bevomit. 

øefpptte  tt  besplt,  spit  on. 

fjefporabe  vt  (mænbe  for)  pnt  horses  to;  (om« 
ringe)  Burround,  fig  beset:  -bt  tf  6org  oppressed 
with  grief;  -bt  of  Walt  dlstended  wlth  mllk. 

Øefpør'ge  fig  vr  lnqnlre;  -  flg  meb  consult. 

Beøftra'bien  n  Bessarabia. 

©eSfeuter|apparat,  -øøn  Bessemer  apparatns 
el.  converter.  -prøcel  Bessemer  proces«,  bes- 
semerlzlng.    -ftatl  Bessemer  steel. 

Øeftaa'  vi  (pære  til)  tubaist,  exlst,  be  in  ex- 
istence:  (Mie)  oontinne,  endnre,  survive;  tøns 
ffietforbigtøb  -r  alttb  his  righteonsness  endnreth 
for  ever,  -  af  consist  of,  be  composed  of;  -for 
en  nsjexe  $rsPdfe  bear  a  close  examination;  - 
for  Qerren  stand  before  the  Lord;  ~  i  consist 
in;  bet  Ian  itTe  -  meb  it  is  lnconststent  el.  ln- 
compatible  with;  .mob  hold  out  agalnst;  — 
vt  (uotølbe)  snstaln,  stand,  nndergo,  go  through; 
((Stønnen)  pass;  -  en  $røøe  stand  el.  meet  a  test. 
-c«  e  contlnuance.  -enbe  a  exlsttng;  bet  _  the 
existing  state  of  things;  en  Cmførtelfe  af  bet  _ 
(ogU  a  subversion  of  upstanding  thingB. 

Orflat'llimo  o  -er  commlssion,  patent  ofoffice, 
fælge  fin  -  sell  out  (of  the  army).  -rer,  -tet  a 
joc  duly  appointed,  accreditedji 

Beftoub'  e  contlnuance,  durabillty;  (StoP*) 
growth,  amount,  stock.  -bel  ingredlent,  com- 
ponent  part  el.  element,  constltuent  (part);  ubgør 
en  -  af  enters  lnto  the  compositlon  of. 

fjeftanblg  a  (øarig)  lasting,  enduring;  (ftabig) 
constant,  perpetual;  bibl  ben  font  MiPer  -  mbtil 
ttnben  he  that  endureth  to  the  end;  Barometeret 
ftaar  paa  -t  the  barometer  is  at  pet  fair;  —  adv 
constantiy;  for  .  for  good,  (evig)  for  ever.  -|eb 
c  durabillty;  constancy. 

tBeftfbc  vt  fe  6tebe.    t-lfe  c  situation. 

9eftem'w|e  vt  (afgøre;  b.  pibengabeligt,  art,  & 
o.  I.;  betxtge)  determin«;  (peb  vrantfer  og  log) 
deflne;  normere  .  denne  more  closely,  qualify; 
(om  6tebnen)  destine;  (faftfatte)  appoint,  settle, 
ftx;  -t  (af  6tøbnen)  destlned,  fated;  .  flg  come 
to  a  determination;  Soben  -t  at  the  law  pro- 
vides  that;  -  for  el.  til  intend  for.  (tit  et  forligt 
©mg)  set  apart  for;  -  (beflntte)  fto  fot  decide 
upon;  .  forub  (om  ©tebnen)  predestlne,  pre- 
determlne;  .  om  el.  o  bet  determine  on;  .  fig 

til  determine  el.  decide  on,  make  up  Dne's 
mind  to;  .  fig  Hf  at  determine  el.  decide  to; 
•mt  til  (om  Rejfe)  bound  for,  ^  -mt  til  UWonbrt 
foreign  bound,  -t  til  giemftebet  homeward  bound; 
Øegraoelfen  bleo  -mt  til  %ttbaa  the  funeral  was 
arranged  for  Friday;  —  -enbe  a  determlning, 
determlnatlve  (for  of);  -  for  en,  concluslve  for 
one.  -elig  a  determlnable,  deflnable.  -elfe  c  -r 
determination;  (ogfaa  Steb)  destination;  (6tæbne) 
destiny;  (fSfemeb)  purpose;  definition;  qualiflca- 
tlon;  appolntment;  (politi*  o.  I.)  regulation; 
fiooenl  -t  the  provisions  of  the  law;  bu  mat  tage 
en  -  you  must  come  to  a  decision,  make  up 
your  mind;  tage  anben  -  alter  one's  mind. 
-etfedgrnttb  mottve.  -elfeftorb  definitive  word. 
-etfelfteb  (place  of)  destination. 

©eftemt'  (part  fe  Øefiemme);  a  Cfofrfat)  flxed, 
appointed,  stated,  set,  certaln;  (ntioarig)  defi- 
nlte,  precise;  (og  ingen  anben)  particmar;  (faft. 
uforanbertig)  peremptory,  dedaed,  decisive,  posi- 
tive; (om  Irarafter)  determlned,  firm;  mat*  de- 
termlnate;  ben  -e  tlrtilef  the  deflnlte  article;  . 
9ril  flxed  el.  set  prlce;  -e  timet  stated  hours; 
.  6oor  positive  answer;  -  Zone  dedded  el. 
peremptory  tone;  -  Vfflog  a  flat  refusal;  —  adv 
definltely;  peremptorfly,  decldedly;  positively; 
jeg  tør  irte  ftge  bet  -  I  won't  be  positive;  I  don't- 
know  for  certaln.  -Ijeb  o  precision;  decirion, 
determination;  oeb  bet  meb  -  know  lt  positively. 
—  tOeHetttt  —  Oeftemt  (flxed). 

t9c'1H|c  e  -r  beast,  brute.  -olite't  c  bestial'ity, 
beastllness.    -a'lf?  a  beastly,  best'lal. 

OefH'gle  vt  (fefl)  mount;  (Qisrg  o.  1.,  Srone) 
ascend;  .  en  SWur  scale  a  wall;  -  en  ^rcebtleftol 
go  up  lnto  a  pulplt.  -elit  a  asoendible,  aoces- 
sible.  -eligbrb  o  aocesslDility.  -elfe,  -«i«g  c 
ascendlng  etc.,  ascent,  ascension;  scalade,  es- 

Øefttf  n,  pi  ns,  case  (of  instruments);  ^  (9t* 
maalet)  day's  work,  (i  Vlm.)  reckoning;  regne 
-tet  do  el.  calculate  the  day's  work;  affatte  -(et 
prlck  the  shlp's  position;  vart  efter  el.  forub  for  astern  el.  ahead  of  one's  reckoning; 
fig  gøre  fU  -  paa  reckon  upon;  gøre  galt  -  reckon 
without  one's  host,  be  out  in  one  s  reckoning 
el.  calculations.  -brebbe  latitude  by  dead 
reckoning.    -bolb  day's  work;  reckoning. 

(kfHIi|e  vt  stick;  (brobere)  embroider,  (unber* 
løbe)  bribe,  corrupt,  f  tip,  fig  galn  over,  cap- 
tlvtte;  —  -enbe  a,  fig  prepossessing,  engaging, 
seductive.  -elig  a  corrupuble,  venal.  -elig|eb 
a  corruptibility.  venallty.  -elfegforføg  attempt 
at  brlbery.    -ctfedføftem  system  of  oorruption. 

OefKl'llnfat  ^  chart-house.  -øpgtr  traverse 
table.  -regning  reckoning.  -febbel  report  on 
the  shlp's  reckoning  at  noon.  -tabeller  traverse 

OeftilTle  vt  (ubføre)  do;  (labe  ubfete,  forlange) 
bespeak,  order,  engage,  (f.  (Et§.  en  9foi<  p.  en 
ftafé)  bespeak;  -  Wabfer,  Borreffer  take  el.  secure 

Elaces,  apartments;  jeg  tør  -tt  tøm  til  ftl.  8  I 
ave  appointed  hun  to  come  el.  to  meet  me, 
at  eight;  tør  nt  at  .  has  somethlng  to  do,  is 
engaged;  bar  meget  at  -  has  a  great  deal  to  do, 
a  great  deal  on  nis  hånds;  tør  gobt  at  -  has 
plentv  to  do;  bwb  tør  t>e  tør  at  .?  what  busi- 
ness have  you  here?  tøbe  at  .  meb  have  to  do 
with,  have  dealings  with;  bet  tør  tibet  meb  Sagen 
at  .  that  is  Uttle  to  the  purpose;  Pil  ilte  booe 
nt  at  -  meb  wlll  have  notnlng  to  say  to ;  tøn 
fTol  faa  meb  mig  at  .  I  shall  give  lt  him;  +  bet 
er  flet  -lt  meb  tøni  6ager  he  is  bnt  111  off,  in  a 
poor  way;  bet  er  fnart  -tt  meb  tøm  lt  wlll  Boon 
be  over  with  him.  -ina  c  -er  (^forretning)  busi- 
ness, occupatlon,  employment;  (Otbre)  order, 




commlMion  (paa  for);  (tmbebe)  place,  offloe;  efter 
.  to  order.    •ingømanb  functionary,  employee. 

©etøer'net  a  starred,  star-bespangled. 

Beftfæ'le  vt  en  for  nt  steal  st  from  one,  rob 
one  of  st;  Jeg  tt  btrben  befrjoalen  for  $enge  I  have 
had  money  stolen;  ben  befrjaalne  the  robbed 

Øcftør'mc  vt  storm,  assault;  Jig  assail,  impor- 
tune.    -Ife  e  slorming,  assault;  importunity. 

9efrraa't|e  ør  irradiate,  illnmine.  -ing  irradia- 

fiefrrcsg'le  tt  string,    -»hig  c  gtringing. 

fjefrri'be  vt  (brfampe)  combat,  Jig  contest,  im- 
pugn,  dlspute,  deny;  (ubftte)  do,  perform,  carry 
on,  manage;  (Befofrninger)  bear,  aefray.  -Ifc  c 
combating  etc.;  management;  expense. 

©cftrlj'gle  tt  coat,  spread  over,  daub  over;  - 
mrb  Ghxinmi  garn;  (frrejfe)  graze;  batteriet  befrrøg 
Salen  the  battery  raked  el.  oommanded  the 
valley;  -  meb  Vtagneten  touch  wlth  the  load- 
stone.    -tttog  c  coating  etc. 

Beftoate  fig  vr  strive,  endeavour,  labour, 
study  (for  at  to).  -Ife  c  -r  endeavour,  effort, 
exertion,  aim. 

Befrrø'  vt  bestrew,  strew,  (meb  minbre  ftartirier) 
besprinkle,  sprinkle,  powder;  -  meb  6anb,  $ub< 
ber  sand,  powder.    -cif  c  c  bestrewing  etc. 

Befl*'b|e  vt  stow.  -nfng  c  stowing.  -tttagg- 
rrolrmrat  stowing  el.  stowage  regulations. 

BefWfte  vt  mount,  arm.    -«ing  c  armament. 

•Befrs/r  n,  pi  «,  ado,  trouble;  avocation. 

Bcftli'rc  vt  (ptxfte  ober)  mie;  (fjorretning  o.  I.) 
manage,  conduct,  dlrect;  (Cmbebe)  flll,  admin- 
ister,  perform  the  dnties  of;  -nbe  Weber  manag- 
ing  owner.  -Ifc  c  rule,  management,  directlon, 
administration;  eoner  (6etftabf )  managers,  board 
of  directors,  governlng  body,  committee;  melbte 
mig  nb  af  -n  resigned  my  Beat  on  the  committee. 

Betø'rclfedlgrcn  department.  -fømité  manag- 
ing  committee.  -meblem  director.  -møbe  meet- 
ing of  directors.  -r«ab  board  of  directors.  -Mia 
electlon  of  directors.  —  Bcftftre?  c  -e  (i  Vin.) 
manager;  director;  (af  ©Fole)  head-master,  prin- 
cipal; (af  Bo)  trustee  (to  an  estate).  Bcftym' 
tabe  e  -r  directress,  manager;  schoolmlstress. 

BcfttjfTe  tf  (behæfte)  conflrm,  corroborate, 
bear  out;  -  en  i  conflrm  one  in;  t » -ftbrfe.  -Ifc 
c  conflrmation,  corroboration,  strengthening; 
til  -  af  in  corroboration  of. 

Beftbjri'Je  vt  amaze,  disconcert,  startle,  dis- 
may.  -elfc  o  consternation,  amazement,  dis- 
may.    -et',  t-fet  a  amazed  (etc.  fe  obfr.). 

Brite*!  '|c  vt  besprinkle,  sprinkle,  -elfe,  -»tog 
c  sprinkling. 

Beftø'M  fil  rough  file,  rubber. 

♦Bcftø'øei  a  «  flø&et;  .  meb  powdered  with. 

BefUftlet  o  booted,  in  boots;  ben  -bc  ttat  puss 
in  boots. 

BefU'øatag  o  %f  pollination,  feeundatton. 

»efnb  |(e  vcsully,  soil,  befoul,  deflle.  -tf »g  c 
ttillyteg  etc. 

Bcfbøvg're  vt  get  with  chlld,  impregnate. 
•Ifc  c  getting  etc,  impregnation. 

Bcføa're  vt  answer,  reply  to:  (beb  at  gøre  bet 
famme,  f.  CT«.  Siben,  en  Aiffen,  Salut  3nt»ite)  re- 
turn (the  fire,  a  bow,  salute,  lead);  (løfe)  solve. 
•Ifc  e  -t  answer,  reply;  solution;  (befbaret  Cbgabe) 
tbeme,  paper. 

8cflrt'gc  vt  (før)  defraud  (of),  cheat  (of,  out 
ofn    -Hc  c  -c  defrauding,  fraud. 

Bcf»t'*se  vi  swoon,  faint,  fall  into  a  swoon, 
be  taken  faint.    -Ifc  c  -t  swoon,  fainting  flt. 

Bcføo  ar|c  [oa]  vt  ally  by  marrlage;  -  fig  ally 

one 's  self  by  m.,   become  related  by  marrlage 

meb  to);  (Jeg  er  -t  meb  tøm  we  are  related  by 

marrlage.  -effe,  -tog  c  connection,  alliance  by 

Befnie'r  n  trouble,  inconyenienoe;  gøre  en  . 
trouble,  inconvenience  one;   bære  el.  falbe  en  til 

-  be  burdensome  to  one.  Bcfbfltre  vt  (bettmge) 
oppress;  (ulejlige)  trouble,  sive  trouble;  (plaae) 
molest,  vex;  rqtnbre,  gøre  befbarltg)  obstruct;  bet 
-c  Staben  it  Iles  heavy  upon  the  stomach;  bibl 
tommer  $b  tit  mig  alle  fora  arbeibe  og  erc  -be  come 
unto  me  all  ye  that  labour  and  are  heavy 
laden;  —  vr  fig  meb  trouble  one's  self  with;  - 
flg  ober  complain  of. 

Bcføttrg'jc  vt  (Vonbcr)  con'jure,  (bortmane)  ex- 
oreise,  lay;  (bebe)  conju're,  adjure,  beseech;  - 
Stormen  lay  the  tempest.  -clfc  e  conjuring, 
exorcism,  incantation.  -clfelf ormnlar  (formula 
of)  exorcism  el.  incantation.  -er  c  -e  conjurer, 

9cfb«'c|i«g  o  -er  complaint,  grievance.  -fig 
a  troublesome;  (børbefulb)  burdensome;  (møifom* 
mdig)  laborious,  toilsome;  bon  tør  en  .  Ubtale 
be  has  a  dlfflcult  pronunciation;  falbe  .  « f.  til 
Øefbcer;  —  t  adv  with  difficulty.  -UggøTC  tt 
impede.  •Ifgtjcb  e  -er  trouble,  inconvenience; 
difficulty;  toil,  hardship;  meb  .  with  difficulty; 
Viberbommen«  -er  the  inconvenience«  ofoldage. 

8eta'  vt  sew,  stitch. 

Ocf^tt'bctlia  a  Strange,  curlous,  singuUr,  odd, 
queer;  (t  ■»  raregen);  -t  not  Strange  to  say;  — 
adv  strangely  etc.;  (t  ■=  ifat).  -bcb  e  -er  parti- 
cularity,  singularity,  oddity;  (ti-  =  i  6o>r> 

Ocfuwg'c  vt  sing,  celebrate  in  song. 

CefH'b  c  A  n  -er:  faa  fin  .  inbført,  gibc  fin  - 
meb  (i  Saget)  put  in  a  word  or  two,  put  in  one's 
(feeble)  oars,  say  also  one's  say. 

©ef«t'  n:  i  -  beset  by  the  ice. 

9ef(tt  ning  o  -er  (bet  at  b.)  trimming;  oomer 
(ttcftanb)  stock,  (af  Ibæg)  live  stock;  (paa  ftaabe 
o.  (.)  trimming;  (i  6ptangtøl)  tamping;  (i  Saal) 
garni&hment,  guards,  wards;  mil  garrison;  ^ 
(SRanbffab)  crew,  (paa  Xamp)  polnting;  lægge  .  i 
garrison;  tør  for  Hor  -  ^  is  over-manned;  tør 
for  liben  .  is  shorVhanded;  tøle  -en  omfømmen, 
rebbet  all  hånds  lost,  saved.  —  ®efa?t»ing#Jbaanb 
brald,  lace,  ribbon  (for  trimming).  -fomfrn 
trimming-hand.    -ret  right  of  garrisoning. 

Cefatte  øf  (fianb,  9«^ning)  occupy;  ($(aM, 
Kolle)  flll  (up);  fubftbre,  ptjnte)  trim;  -  »olleme 
cast  the  ebaracters  el.  parts;  -  et  ©Hb  man  a 
snip;  vt,  -  en  Snbc  point  a  rope;  .  en  fyiftebam 
stock  a  pond;  .  et  ftort  stake  money  upon  a 
card;  .meb  (i  Øtm.)  put  st  on,  set  with;  - 
meb  franoner  mount  with  cannon;  -  et  $u#  meb 
Bagt  station  a  watch  in  a  house;  .  meb  ferler 
set  with  pearls;  -  meb  Øulb*  el  6ølbfnore  lace; 

-  meb  grtjitfer  frlnge;  -  tønft  $laM  meb  en  anben 
replace  him  with  another;  ode  tønft  tintet  ere 
befatte  all  his  hours  are  taken  up;  fe  Befat  a. 
-Ifc  o  occupation;  (af  en  Hanb)  ponession;  -  af 
et  Cmbebc  appointment  et.  nomination  to  an 
offlce.  -IfcMor  occupying  army.  •lfcirct  ad- 

Bcføg  n,  pi  — ,  visit,  call;  (om  teater,  lort) 
o.  I.)  attendanoe;  baarligt  .  a  poor  attendance; 
aflægge  en  et  •  pay  one  a  visit,  (Tort)  call  on 
one;  et  -  bo*,  i,  paa  a  visit  to;  i  el.  paa  -  bol 
on  a  visit  to;  bar  tommen  i  -  til  $errrgaarben 
had  come  to  visit  at  the  manor;  i  eg  er  run  paa 

-  ber  I  am  only  visitlng  here;  gøre  en  et  uøentrt 

-  drop  in  upon  one;  et  talrigt  -  a  large  attend- 
ance. —  Beføgle  vt  visit,  come  cl.  go  to  see, 
call  upon  el.  on,  give  a  call;  (et  Steb  ofte)  fre- 
quent,  (offentligt  Steb)  resort  to,  (ftorelcrfntnger 
o.  I.)  attend;  -  paanb  revisit;  teatret  bar  aobt 
-gt  the  theatre  was  well  attended.    -clfc  e  visit- 





ing  etc;  røariæ  -  the  Visitation  of  the  Holy 
Virgin;  forbi  bu  iTte  lenbte  bin  -•  tib  because 
thou  knewest  not  the  time  of  thy  visitation. 
-enbe  c,  pi  =,  -tv  c  -t  visltor;  cailer. 

Øefør'ge  vt  take  charge  of,  look  after,  (font 
URettemmanb)  arrange,  negotiate;  (fenbt)  forward; 

-  nt  gjort  tee  st  done.    -ffe  c  charge,  care. 
Øet  c  -er  bast;  gøre  -  bast;   Nibe  -  be  basted, 

(i  trefort)  looed;  fio  fatte  en  -er  nonplus,  pose, 

Øeta'glc  vt  (om  en  9ølelfe)  seixe,  come  over; 
.  en  nt  aeprive  e(.  bereave  one  of  st;  -  en  fittften 
til  disincline  one  from;  .  en  SRobet  dlshearten, 
discourage  one;  .  en  Vtotet  strike  one  dumb; 

-  en  en  Xro  disabuse  one  of  an  impresslon; 
persuade  one  to  the  contrary;  .  en  tøn*  Xbibl 
remove  one's  donbts;  -  en  Ubflgten  obstruct 
one's  view;  fio  -  en  Ubflgten  til  take  away  el. 
destroy  one's  chance  of;  ~  en  ©firet  take  away 
one's  breath;  .  en  fymft  Silbforelfe  andeceive 
one.  -en  o  overwhelmed,  overcome  (af  with), 
excited;  -  af  Jtulbf  benumbed  with  cold.  -en- 
t»eb,  -rrbeb  c  rapture,  transport. 

Øftaf'te  flg  pr  beg  to  be  excused,  decline 
with  thanks;  Jeg  -r  mig  I' 11  none  of  il. 

Øeta'(|e  vt  pay;  .  en  Øeffel  pay  el.  answer  a 
bill;  -*  bøjt  fetch  high  prices;  bet  ffal  Se  fomme 
til  at  -  you  shall  pay  for  this,  I  will  be  even 
with  you  yet;  -  en  lige  for  lige  pay  one  in  his 
own  coin,  +  give  one  tit  for  tat;  -  for  flg  pay 
one's  way;  ti  tøm  ffal  .  b>er  efter  fjant  Øerninger 
who  will  render  to  every  man  according  to  his 
doeds;  -  meb  tøulb  pay  in  gold;  bet  fan  tffe  -i 
meb  $enge  it  is  invaluable,  worth  any  money; 

-  onbt  meb  gøbt  return  good  for  evil;  _  flg  pay  ; 
-It  paid,  (unber  Stegning)  oettled.  (paa  Creb) 
prepaid;  gøre  fig  -It  repay  one's  self,  relmburse 
one  s  self;  tage  flg  aobt  -It  charge  a  good  price. 
•bar,  -rlig  o  payabfe.  -et  c  -e,  -erffe  c  -r  payer. 
-tag  c  ($anbl.)  paying;  (ogfaa  concr)  payment; 
(Søn,  Solb)  pay;  tage  -  for  charge  for;  ftanbfe 
fine  -er  suspend  payment. 

Øeta'linggjbftg  pay-day.  -frilt  respite.  -utibbel, 
Iooligt -  legal  tender,  clrculating  medium,  -ringe 
pi  ring-money.  -ftøle  voluntary  school.  -Iftonbø' 
ninø  suspension  of  payment.  -termin  instal- 
ment.  -nb  time  of  payment.  -biltaar  pi  terms 
el.  oonditlons  of  payment. 

•Øe'te  n  fe  øejte. 

tøete',  Øetee'  vt  show;  -  flg  behave  one's 
self;  bibl  show  one's  self. 

Øcrcg'lne  vt  (mcerte)  mark;  (ubpeøe)  point  out, 
designate,  indicate,  characterlze;  (gøre  Xegn  til) 
indlcate,  slgnlfy;  (beftrit>e)  descrlbe;  (betqbe)  ex- 
pross,  denote,  signify,  represent,  -nclig  a  de- 
scrlbable.  -nenbt  a  signiflcant,  suggestive;  ~ 
for  characteristic  el.  signiflcant  of.  -aelfe,  -ning 
c  r  marking  etc.,  designation,  indlcation;  de- 
scription.    -ningfwaabe  mode  of  designation. 

Øttel  c,  -peber  betel,  Piper  betel,  -nøbtr« 
betel-nut  tree,  areca  palm. 

'Øctelwart  c  pasture,  pasture-land. 

Øetta'aira  n  Beth'any. 

Øe'tftelfNb  n  beth'el-shlp. 

øørfced'bft  Dam  the  Pool  of  Bethesda. 

ØetibØ'  adv  betimes,  in  good  time. 

Øetitnelig  a  timely,  scasotiable,  well- ti  med, 
opportune;  —  adv  in  good  time,  opportunely. 
-beb  o  timeline«,  seasonableness. 

Øering'|c  vt  (aftale)  contract  for,  bargain  for, 
co a dition,  stlpulate,  (leje)  hire,  engage;  (borre  en 
-iife  for)  be  the  condition  of;  .  nt  af  make  st 
conditional  upon;  er  -t  af,  -*  af  is  con  tingen  t 
upon;  .  bøje  $rifer  fetch  high  prices,  -  ftg 
stipulate  for  el.  that;  —  betingenbea  condi 
tional;    —    betinget    a   (begranfet)    qualifled; 

gram  ,  SRaabe  conditional  mood.  -el fe  c  t 
condition,  stipulation,  proviso,  qualiflcation; 
pi  terms;  (&ørbring)  requirement,  requislte;  t>ar 
el.  opfbjber  alle  -r  for  has  el.  fulfllls  all  the  re- 
quirements  of;  boa  ben  .  at  ban  on  condition, 
with  a  proviso,  that  he,  condltlonally  upon  his 
-ing;  uben  -r  uncondltionally.  -eifeffatninø 
conditional  proposition.  -elfeibU  a  conditional; 
adv  condltlonally. 

Øerit'|tevt  (falbe)  title,  entltle,  style,  intitule. 
+  betitle,    -let  a  (font  tør  en  Xitel)  titled. 

Øeifc'lne  [te]  vt  serve;  -  en  Jtanon  work  el. 
serve  a  gun;  .  Kerten  admlnister  jostice;  ^røflen 
-r  be  tøfle  the  priest  ad  ministers  the  sacrament 
to  the  sick;  —  vr  .  flg  af  make  use  of,  employ. 
-ning  c  -er  service,  working.  (Cpoortning)  attend 
ance;  (Øeftilling)  office,  charge,  employment 
-nt'  e  -e  (tjener)  Bervant,  domestlc,  attendant; 
(QelKBinadmanb)  officer,  functionary,  employ é. 
F  ($otitt»)  policeman. 

Oetle  vt  &  i  beg  (om  for);  ask  alms. 

Øetler  o  -e  beggar   (-man,   -woman,    -chlld). 
mendicant.     -i'   n  begglng,    beggary,   mendi 
cancy.    -ninttl  begging  friar,  mendicant.    -bige 
beggar-mald.    8etlerffe  c  -r  beggar-woman. 

Øeton'  [fr.]  c  concrete,  beton,  -arbejbe  con 
crete  masonry. 

Øtto'lnto/  accent,  accentuate;  fio  emphasize, 
lay  stress  on;  -t  Stabelfe  tonic  syllable.  -ning 
c  accentuation,  emphasis. 

Øeto'nie  c  -r  bet'ony,  Betoniea. 

Øetragt'le  vt  look  at,  gaze  at,  eye,  scan. 
survey,  (ogfaa  fio)  view,  regard,  (mef!  fio)  con- 
template;  .  fom  look  upon,  regard,  take,  as, 
conslder,  esteem.  +-elig  «  considerable.  -er  c 
-e  regarder,  beholder,  looker-on,  contemplator. 
-ning  c  -er  looklng  at  etc.;  oonslderatlon,  con- 
tem plation,  (tsnfenbe)  reflection,  meditation; 
(røemærtning)  comment,  anfrittc  -er  ooer  reflect  el. 
meditate  on;  i  -  af  in  consideration  el.  view 
of,  considering;  tage  i  -  take  into  consideration; 
Iobe  el.  fatte  ub  af  -  leave  out  of  consideration, 
set  on  one  side;  fomme  i  .  be  taken  into  con- 
sideration, considered,  remembered,  enter 
tained;  itfe  fomme  i  .  be  disregarded;  bet  tommer 
minbre  i  -  this  is  a  secondary  consideration. 
-ninggmaabr  view. 

Øetrø'  vt  en  nt  (Baretægt,  ^berb)  conflde  st 
to  one,  commit  st  to  one  s  charge,  give  st  in 
charge  to,  (ogfaa  om  ftrebit)  trust  one  with  st; 
.  en  at  tell  one  in  confldence  that;  -r  flg  ril 
mig  makes  me  his  confldant,  takes  me  into  hi* 
counsel  el.  confldence  -elfe  e  conflding  etc 
•et  a  (om  ^erfon)  trusted,  confldential;  .  Oob* 
deposit,  trust;  .  Stilling  position  of  trust. 

Øerrbg'gc  vt  secure.  -Ife  c  securing;  securlty. 
-nbe  a  sufficient,  satisfactory 

Cetrbf  n  distress,  stratt,  plnch. 

Øetrarbc  vt  tread  on,  set  foot  on,  'trcebe  mb 
i)  enter,  fio  (©ane  o.  I.)  enter  upon;  f  /ur  catch. 
~  ^ræbitefioleit  mount  the  pulplt;  ~  Scenen  tread 
the  stage,    -(fe  c  treading  etc. 

©etræff  e  (ub.  3mp.)  vt,  -nbe  præp  fe  Vngaa. 

Øetr«t'  «,  pi  —,  (i  «Im.)  cover;  (p.  $cegge> 
tapestry,  hangings,  (af  $apir)  (print-)paper;  mu- 
set of  strings.  $rftebaarØ  .  (paa  Stole)  hair  seat- 
ing.  -fe  rt  cover,  tapestry;  paper;  -rniffen  ^tm« 
mel  cloudy  sky,  sky  overcant  with  clouds;  -trutne 
mere  the  drawee.  -ftrrrcb  sarplier.  -ning  r 
covering  etc.      -bnbtr  paper-hangings. 

Øetrirngt'a  distressed,  oppressed,  hard  pressed. 
in  strait«. 

Øettelftab:  bringe  en  til  -en  reduoe  one  to 
beggary,  beggar  one. 

Øerutt'Ie  vt  confuse,  bewilder,  perplex.    -elfe 




c  confusion,  bewilderment,  perplexity.  -et  a 
confused  etc. 

Øet»i«g'|e  vf  (unbertbinge)  subdue,  conquer; 
ifcolbe  i  Somme)  repress,  check,  curb,  Control; 
-  lig  control  one's  self.  -ettø  a  controllable. 
-cif c  e  subduing  etc.,  subjugation,  repression. 
-et  c  -c  gubdner. 

©ettib'le  f  •  -t'le]  vt  doubt. 

tktH'ble  vt  tøave  ©etbbning  af;  i  benne  ©et.  »roj> 
ogf.  betøb)  sign  i  fy,  mean,  import,  denote;  (gtøe 
at  forftaa)  give  to  understand,  signlfy,  inUmate; 
boab  flot  bet  -?  what  Ib  the  meaning  of  that? 
bat  veget  at  ~  is  of  great  consequence;  f)ar  meget 
at  -  bo*  has  great  interest  with;  bar  noget  at  - 
is  of  some  consequence,  goes  for  something; 
bar  libet  at  -  is  of  little  c,  does  not  tell  for 
mach;  bar  intet  at  -  is  of  no  c,  does  not  signify, 
goes  for  nothing,  (aør  ingenting)  is  no  matter; 
-r  iffe  noget  gobt  is  a  bad  omen,  bodes  ill; 
noget  føm  ffulbe  -  en  Srofoft  an  apology  for  a 
breakfast.  -elig  a  condderable;  en  -  Vtonb  a 
man  of  mark,  remarkable  man;  blanbt  be  -fle 
f&rtter  among  the  works  of  chief  mark;  —  adv 
considerably.  -citatet  c  importance,  great  ness. 
-elfe  c,  +-enbe  n,  signlfying,  intimatlon.  +-enbe 
u  important,  of  consequence.  -ens/C*  c  signi- 
ficanre.  consequence,  import,  moment,  con- 
sideration;  intet  af  -  nothing  particuiar,  nothing 
of  any  consequence.  -Bing  c  -er  meaning,  signi- 
ficatiou,  sense,  (antagen  -  af  et  Orb)  acceptation, 
jiff  import,  bearings,  signlflcance,  importance; 
fe  ©etpbenbeb;  i  onb  -  in  a  bad  sense,  i  en  bi»  - 
in  a  sense;  i  bibere  ~  by  ex  tension;  i  -  af  in 
the  sense  of;  lægge  en  onb  -  i  put  a  bad  oon- 
struction  on. 

Øett/bttittgftlfttlb  a  signiflcant,  important,  full 
of  import,  meanlngful;  et  -t  Oli!  a  meaning  el. 
signiflcant  look.  -tøf  a  insigniflcant,  unimpor- 
tant.    -lø&ljeb  o  lnsignlflcance,  unimportance. 

Øetyttg'e  vt  (gote  tung)  make  heavy;  (bebqtbe; 
burden,  load;  (bef  boere)  weigh  down;  -t  af  6øon 
heavy  with  sleep;  ftoerft  -t  af  heavily  laden  with. 
-Ife  c  burdenlng  etc.;  burden,  weight. 

Øetora'be  vt  inflame.  -lfc  c  -t  inflammation; 
(i  Xømmer)  dry  rot,  foxey.  -Ifelfeber  infiamma- 
torv  fever. 

»Jetømt'e  vi  consider,  think  of,  reflect  on,  bear 
In  mind;  -  en  remember  one,  -  en  meb  nt  be- 
stow  st  upon  one;  give  en  at  -  leave  to  one's 
conaideration,  put  it  to  one  to  consider;  noar 
jeg  ret  -r  b*t  on  second  thoughts;  —  vr  -  fig 
(frrfre  Srnb)  change  one's  mind,  think  better  of 
it;   -  fig  paa  think  (twice)  of,   consider  (meb  el. 

bet  ©ar  oel  -t  af  tøm  at  he  was  well  advised  to; 
ilbe  -t  ill-judged.  -elig  a  (om  Xtaig)  critical,  se- 
rious,  problematlcal,  uusafe,  precarlous,  (ogf. 
om  $erfon)  doubtful;  ban  blev  «,  berbeb  el.  bet 
gjorbe  barn  -  It  made  him  hesitate,  waver.  •elig* 
ijeb  c  ($erfonø)  scruple,  hesitation,  doubt,  uncer- 
talnty,  misglving;  (Sag*)  difficulty,  seriousness, 
doubtfalness;  totre  -er  express  one's  doubts;  Ijaee 
.  Mb  at  gm  nt  hesitate.  stop,  before  doing  st; 
Sagen  bat  ben  -  there  is  this  difficulty  about  it, 
what  makes  one  hesitate  about  it  is.  +-e«  c 
conaidering,  hesitation.  -ning  c  er  hesitation, 
scruple;  rfagttmbig  (Ernæring)  opinion;  Onbberrt' 
nmgj  report;  fiaa  i  -  hesitate;  g*re  fip  .  ober  el. 
»eb,  tage  i  -  at  hesitate,  scruple,  to,  jeg  tager  itte 
i  .  at  ertlare  I  have  no  hesitation  in  declaring; 
rnbbente  enff  -  apply  to  one  for  advice;  afgtøe  fin 
.  o»er  pass  el.  give  one's  ludgment  on;  uben  - 
unbesltatingly  •■iagøfrift  respite.  -ntng&tib 
time  for  considering,  for  reflection.  -føm  a 
circumspect,  Judiclous,  discreet;  (fcnfbnlfulb) 
thoughtfal,  oonslderate.   -føwQeb  c  clrcumspec- 

tion,  forecast,  considerateness.  -t  a  (part  fe  ©e» 
tante):  bære  -  paa  intend,  contemplate;  jeg  maa 
boere  .  paa  at  I  must  be  prepared  to. 

$etsn'bing  c  buoyage. 

Øcntt'blre  vt  admire.  -rer  c  -c  admirer.  -Ting 
c  admiratlon.  -t*ri«gØf«lb  a  fullof  admiratiou. 
•ringdborrbig  a  admirable;  —  adv  (-t)  admirably, 
to  admiratlon. 

tSebaa'ge  vt  watch  over,  gttard. 

t3e9aa'ge»  a  graciously  el.  favourably  disposed 
towards.    -beb  o  favour,  good  graces. 

Øebønbret  a  (i)  well  versed,  practised,  skilled, 
travelled  (in;,  conversant,  familiar  (with).  -beb 
Oebanbring  c  practlce  (in),  familiarity  (with), 
experlence  (of)- 

t©ebant'  a  familiar. 

tCeøar  n  keeping. 

8e»a'r|e  vt  keep,  preserve;  «ub  .  ftongen !  God 
save  theking!  flSorberre  .  mig!  God  forbid l  Øub 
-II  of  course,  most  certaiuly;  et  (i  ©e^olb) 
preserved,  extant,  boere  -t  (ogf.)  remain;  -tag  c 
keeping.  -ingimibbel  preservative.  -inglfrinner 
4,  whelps. 

Oettrabt7  a:  bet  er  flet  .  meb  barn  he  Is  in  a 
bad  case;  bet  er  itte  flort  .  meb  ban*  ftunbftabct 
his  knowledge  is  not  much  to  boast  of,  f  no 
great  shakes,  not  up  to  much. 

Debib'ae  vt  testify,  afflrm  (begge  m.  el.  ub.  to), 
certify.  attest,  witness,  bear  witness  to,  (for  Kerten 
ogf.)  depose  to;  (ubtale)  express;  -  (am  min  rør* 
bøbtgljeb  pay  el.  present  my  respects  to  him. 
-Ife  c  -r  attestation;  expression. 

Seøibfi'  a  ooere  fig  nt  -  be  conscious  of  st;  øare 
fig  felb  -  be  Ina  stateof consciousnesB;  (foa  tribt) 
mig  -  as  far  as  1  know;  itfe  mig  ~  not  that  I 
know  of;  bet  e  Oreb  the  letter  in  question.  -|eb 
o  consciousness;  mind,  tabe -en  lose  consciousness 
el.  one's  senses;  become  senseless;  brinae  en  til 
.  restore  one  to  consciousness;  tomme  rtf  .  igen 
recover  one's  senses;  bebolbt  -en  til  bet  ftbftc  was 
sensible  to  tbe  last:  i  en  om  conscious  of;  bet 
er  gaaet  ooer  i  ben  alminbelige  -  it  is  popnlarly 
belle  ved.  -lød  a  unconscious,  senseless,  insen* 
sible.     -lø^beb  c  unconsciousness,  insensibility. 

Øenit'le  vt  enwrap,  wlnd  about. 

Ventl'lge  vt  grant,  concede,  vote;  ben  -nbe 
5Wt)nbiøbeb  f  those  who  have  the  power  of  the 
purse.  -li«g  e  -er  (til  $anbet  o.  1.)  llcense;  (Ztl* 
labelfe)  permission,  concession;  (ifoer  af  $enge) 
grant,  part  vote;  tage  .  fom  Ottieframiner  take 
out  a  pedlar's  llcense;  uben  .  unlicensed.  -littgd* 
ret  right  to  grant  snpplies. 

-K^ebin  be  vt  wlnd  about. 

ØCbittg'C  vt  fig  wing,  give  wings  to.  -t  a  (ogf. 
fio)  winged. 

feebir'te  vt  effect,  work,  bring  about. 

Oebi'å  n  -er  proof,  evidence  (vaa.  for  of);  (-grunb) 
argument;  (-føtelfe)  demonstration;  (SRobtogelfeø') 
receipt,  acquittance;  (Vtteft)  certiflcate;  til  .  paa 
in  proof  of;  et  -  paa  bet  mobfatte  a  proof  of  el. 
to  tbe  contrary;  et  .  paa  at  a  proof  that;  bet  er 
intet  -  for  at  there  is  nothing  to  show  that;  biet) 
•et  ftblbig  for  at  failed  to  prove  that;  fore  ~  for 
demonstrate.  -bbjvbc  onus  probandi,  burden  of 
proof,  onus  of  proof.  8ebif|e  vt  prove,  demon- 
strate, make  good,  show;  bet  er  t  at  (ogf.)  it  is 
in  evidence  that;  -  en  en  Xjenefte  do  el.  render 
one  a  service.  .  en  røre  do  one  honour,  confer 
honour  upon  one;  ~  ftn  ^aaftanb  establlsh  one's 
case;  .  at  bon  er  en  Qebtaget  (ogf.)  prove  him  an 
impostor;  —  -enbe  o  convinclng,  conclusive. 
-førelfe  o  (line  of)  argumentation,  demonstration. 
-grnnb  argument,  -frtft  demonstrative  power. 
•f-lrafrig  fe  enbe.  -(e)lig  a  demonstrable,  capable 
of  being  proved,  evident,  -liggere  vt  prove. 
•tigljeb  c  demonstrableness;  -er  proofs,  vouchers. 




•ntibbel  evldence,  means  of  prool.  -ntoabe  mode 
of  argulng,  manner  of  demonstration,  t-ttima 
c  -er  proof.  -fteb  passage  alleged  in  proof.  -teori 
theory  of  evldence. 

Øetogt  |e  vt  watch,  guard.  -er  c  -e,  -erffe  c 
-r  guard,  keeper,  custodian.  -elfe  c,  -ning  c 
watch,  guard,  custody;  unber  ftreng  -uing  in  close 

Øeboff'let  a  covered,  (til  Stabe)  overgrown, 
overran.    -uing  c  -er  plantation,  stock  of  trees. 

8e»<e1it]e  vt  arm.  -et  a  armed;  -ebe  #  j>/ 
arm  ed  men.  »tag  c  arming,  armament;  (Rufl* 
nina)  armour,  accoutrements. 

fJe*<e'8|e  vf  move,  stir;  (fonnaa)  iuduoe,  prompt; 
~  (ib  09  Dib  agitate;  -  til  Xaarer  move  to  tears; 
(an  lob  ftg  ilte  -  he  was  not  to  be  moved,  re- 
mained  inflexlble;  —  pr  fig  move  (om  fin  9U*e 
on  its  azls,  om  Solen  round  the  sun),  ««cA 
travel,  work,  (mooere  fig)  take  exerdse;  —  be« 
bagenbe  a  moving,  motory;  —  beøaget  a 
moved,  affecied;  .  Zib  stirring  perlod  el.  timefs). 
+-aarfag  fe  -grunb.  -flig  a  movable,  (mefi  fa) 
mobile;  +  moving,  pathetic;  let  -  impressible, 
susceptible,  excitable.  -eltg(eb  o  movableness, 
mobility.  -elfe  c  -r  movement,  motion;  (Ksce) 
stir;  (SRøtion)  exercise;  (Stnb*-)  agitation,  emo- 
tion, excitement;  fatte  t  .  put  in  motion,  set 
going;  fatte  tfimmel  og  9orb  i  -  move  heaven 
and  earth,  leave  no  stone  unturned;  fatte  fig  i 
-  fa  take  action;  gøre  fig  -  take  exercise;  ben 
åndige  -  the  annual  perlod;  planterne  (aoe  fiio 
men  ttte  -  piants  have  life  but  not  locomotion; 
bare  i  oeflanbig  -  be  in  constant  motion  el.  al- 
ways  on  the  move;  $arent  -r  the  movements 
of  the  army. 

fjeptt  gclfeøjafde  axis  of  rotation.  -ebue  power 
of  movement,  locomotion.  -traft  moving  force 
el.  power,  motlve  force  el.  power,  motor,  -tåre 
dynamics.  +-ntanb  progresslst.  -mongbe  mo- 
mentum, -verne  motor  nerve,  -parti  party  of 
movement.    -rebflab  organ  of  locomotion. 

Ce»<e  glgrnnb  motlve,  Inducement.  -traft  fe 
øeoagelfe«'.  -ftang  ($ampm.)  main  connecthig 

©eb  art'!  e  vt  entertain,  treat,  regale,  -»tag  c 
•er  entertainment;  b.  f.  f.  -tttaglftcb  place  of 
entertalnment.  refreshment  room(s),  tavern,  pu- 
blic house. 

Øegøa'r  n  be'zoar.  -geb  b.  el.  mountain  goat, 
Capra  ctffaøru*.    -fteu  b.  stone. 

deong'fie  vt  frlghten,  alarm,  dlstress.  -(fe  c 

Øea're  vt  honour. 

Of  o  -er  bee;  lagge  -er  ril  rear  bees. 

©i  adv:  ftao  en  .  assist  one;  stand  by  one; 
J,  fulb  og  .  full  and  by;  ligge  -  Ile  to,  lie  by, 
for  Xattel  og  Zoo  lie  a-hull;  logge  .  lay  to,  bring 
to.  -aarfag  subordlnate  cause.  -arbejbc  by-work, 
byjob,  parergon. 

Øiabt  c  beeculture,  apiculture,  bee-keeping. 
•er  c  -e  bee-holder,  -master,  -keeper. 

8ij  begreb  implied  notion,  secondary  notion. 
-be(øtb  n  retention;  meb  -  af  retainlng.  -be(ol'be 
vt  keep,  retain.    -bet/ofbetje  c  retention. 

Øibel  c  -bier  Bible.  -bttb  tract-distributor. 
-fafl  a  well  versed  in  the  8criptures;  -  SRonb 
textualist,  textuary.  -faft(eb  knowledge  of  the 
Scriptures.  -forbttb  Bible  prohlbition.  -forløft* 
■tag  blblical  interpretation,  sacredhermeneutics. 
•Mftorie  biblical  history,  Bible  storles,  Scrlpture 
history.  -(nfar  joc  textualist.  -trifrne  Scrip- 
turists.  -l«rb  fe  -faft.  -ladning  reading  of  the 
Bible;  (slbe  .  give  instruction  in  the  Bible, 
•orb  scriptural  word.  •eoerfattetfe  translation 
of  the  Bible;  bor  -  the  authorized  version,  -fel- 
ftab  Bible  Society.    -f!  a  biblical,  scriptural, 

scripture.  -fprog  text,  scriptural  aentenee.  -Iles 
passage  from  the  Bible,  scripture  passage,  -ftart 
fe  -faft.  -teologi  biblical  theology.  -nbgose 
edition  of  the  Bible,  -ttbrrbt  scriptural  ex- 
pression. -bort  Bible  wlth  notes,  polyglot  Bible. 

gHbemartntttg  c  incidental  remark. 

Viser  n  a  kind  of  duffel. 

©ibernclie  c  burnet,  Poteriwn  «xnffvi*orba. 

6i|beftafrtgetfe  secondary  occupation.  -se« 
ftanbbel  secondary  element,  -betoning  sub 
-audition,  connotation,  by-meaning;  (abe  -  af 

©ibliflfl  l  c  -er  blbiiophlle,  bibliophil'ist. 
-graf  o  -er  bibliog  rapher.  -grafi'  c  bibliog'r&phy. 
-man  c  -er  biblloma'nlac.  -mani'  c  blblioma'nia. 
•te 'I  n  -er  library,  -tefa'r  c  -er'  librarian.  -tetar* 
poft  librarianshlp.  -tettaøfifrettt  assistant  libra- 
rian, clerk  of  the  library,  -tetlftempcl  stamp. 
-ictSfrige  book-ladder. 

9ibog  beekeeper's  manual. 

Ct  bringe  vt  enen  goreftiHtng  give  one  an  idea, 
convey  an  idea  to  one;  -  en  en  TOening  lmpress 
one  wlth  an  opinion;  .  en  et  6lag  deal  one  a 
blow:  «  en  et  ©aar  infilet  a  wound  upon  one; 
-  en  Øift  give  one  poison:  (lare)  instll  into,  im- 
part  to,  lmbue  wlth,  indoctrlnate  wlth  el.  in. 
•Ife  c  giving  eto. 

8i|bttgning  annexed  building.  -bøget  ^  ca 

QieeØe  cell  of  a  honeycomb,  alveolus. 

Øicnfle  e  x  bi'cycle. 

Øtb  n,  pi  =,  bite;  («Sa)  edge;  (p.  »ibfel,  Oor) 
bit;  faa  -  get  a  rise.  9tb'  c  -(b)et  bit,  morsel. 
Otbc,  beb,  bibt  vt  k  i  bite;  (om  Srnib  o.  I.)  cut; 
(om  gift,  fe  -  paa);  (brabe)  klll;  tym  (ar  ^oerten 
at  -  el.  branbe  he  Is  starving,  as  poor  as  a  church 
mouse;  ~  ab  en,  ~  en  af  snub  one,  snap  one  up 
short;  .efter  snap  at;  .  fra  fig  hold  one's  owii, 
~  i  bite;  beb  mig  i  fingeren  bit  my  ringer;  beb  ftg 
i  Saberne  bit  his  llps;  .  fig  faft  i  nt  selze  st  with 
the  teeth,  fa  seize  hold  of;  -  i  fia  swallow.  bite 
in;  .  i  bet  fure  røbte  swallow  a  bitter  plll;  .  i 
Øraftfet  bite  the  dust;  •  00  er  bite  in  two;  .paa 
(ftrogen)  swallow  el.  take  the  bait,  rise  (to  the 
baitj;  føt  faar  iRe  mig  ril  at  -  paa  he  won't  get 
a  rise  out  of  me;  .  paa  {ungen  bite  the  tongue; 

fiab  (am  nt  at  -  paa  gave  him  a  bone  to  pick; 
ntet  -r  paa  ham  he  is  proof  against  anything, 
thick-sklnned;  .  Zanberne  fammen  set  one  s 
teeth  (hard),  clench  the  teeth;  —  bibeS  bite 
each  other;  (an  er  ttte  gob  at  -*  meb  he  Ib  an 
ugly  customer;  i  om  nt  have  a  fight  el.  tussle 
for  st;  —  bibenbe  a  (ogf.  fa)  biting,  cutting, 
(fa)  caustic;  en  -  folb  ©inb  a  nlpplng  wlnd;  bet 
er  en  -  Jtulbe  it  Is  bitterly  cold.  fftbentnnb  mouth 
armed  with  jaws.  Oiben  c  biting  paln,  smart. 
Øibcrljbad  a  snapplsh,  crabbed. 

Otbebtttb  adv  close-hauled,  by  the  wind,  on 
a  wind.  -er  c  vessel  sailing  on  a  wind.  —  ©Ibe« 
Pinbd|f ejlabø :  i  .  when  sailing  on  a  wlnd. 
-fejler  fe  -et;  00  Portuguese  man  of  war,  physalia. 

fHbftOO*  a  very  keen,  sharp;  fa  fe  fnbertøa*. 

Oi  brag  n,  pi  =»,  contributlon,  addition,  ahare, 
(tegnet)  subscrlption;  ledere  .  til  (Zibftrift  o.  1.) 
contribute  to.  Øibrage  vt  k  %  (ogf.  fa)  con- 
trlbute;  fa  be  conducive  to,  instrumental  in.  — 
$tbrag£  I  pligtig  a  boand  to  contribute.  Kobber, 
-bbenbe  contributor;  subscriber. 

Oi'bronning  queen  bee. 

Øibfcl  n  -fier  (9lunbbib)  bit,  (Zojle)  bridle; 
lagge  -  paa,  tage  -flet  af  bridle,  unbridle  (a  horse), 
•ftong  branch  (of  a  bit),  'bant  a  used  to  the 

©ibff  a  snapplsh.    -(eb  c  snapplshness. 

tOibften  c  er  morsel. 

©ibfle  vt  bridle. 




TØibfkrob  n  Bedlam.  Øibfrnib»fa«bibat  bed- 

Øibtaag  c  cutting-nippers. 

Øibff  o  back-door. 

Øte  vi  stay,  walt,  tarry  (gca,  efter  for);  Jeg  (ar 
lort  at  .  I  can  walt;  -ettbe  ffltanb  faar  ©ør  every- 
tbing  comes  to  him  tbat  waita;  —  t  vt  bide. 

Øtcøeuffab  c  seoondary  el.  addltional  qualifl- 

Øi|rjer  fe  -atrier,    -ciffer  bee-fenoler,  apiarian. 

Øtelb  fe  Øiflob. 

Øim  c  waiting. 

Øie?  [t.  I :  eeni  -  all  one.  -ftble?  (alehouse) 
fiddler    -f  a*e  cock. 

Øierbørr*  n  extra  source  of  profit. 

Øif  o,  fe  Øaf. 

Øifalb  »  approbation,  approval,  applause; 
(tnigbeb)  assent;  ftonte  ftt  -  approve  of,  give  in 
one's  adheaion  to;  finbe  atminbeligt  .  meet  with 
general  approbation.  Ølfolbe  vt  approve  (of), 
assent  el.  subscribe  to;  t  (en)  agree  with.  -enb  e 
a  approving;  fe  Øifalb«-. 

ØtfatbØ|*bre*fe  address  of  approval.  -flab 
plaudlts  pi.  -mumle«  bum  el.  murmur  of  appro- 
bation, -nil  nod  of  approval.  -ørb  word  of 
approbation.  -raob  applause,  aoolamation.  -falbe 
round  of  applauae.  -(term  roar  of  applaus«, 
-btrtag  bravo,  cheer,  -er  applauae.  -borbig  a 
worthy  of  approval. 

Øtffag  seoondary  branch  (of  knowledge).  -flgmr 
subordinate  flgure,  acoesBory.  -flot  tributary, 
affluent:   *  -  sub-affluent. 

Øifølf  •  population  of  bees. 

Øijførbel  addltional  advantage.  -fons  by 
-form.  -formå«!  by-end,  seoondary  objeot.  -for. 
rrraiag  by-business.    -førtieaefte  extra  profit. 

Øiftrg  fe  Øaffteg. 

Øifbr  a  secondary  light. 

Øigaarb  c  bee-garden,  apiary. 

Øtga'm  e  ♦  fe  -ifi.  -i'  »  big'amy.  -tfr'  c  -er 

øigerrean'  c  -er  bigaroon,  white-heart. 

Øiicat  n  ^  bull's  eye.    -gatftbløt  bee. 

OiTgenriaa  fe  -befteftigelfe. 

Øigøc'  a  blg'oted;  hypocritical.  -tcri'  »  big'- 
otry:  hypocrisy. 

Øt'lff*«*  aecondary  reaaon.  -tanblisg  sub 

Øllene  bee-garden,  apiary. 

Øtlbaaa  sub-port.  -tenftgt  by-end.  by-design, 
-bevfta  seoondary  consideration.  -øjerne  cere- 
bellnm.    -tfal  change  wheel. 

Øtit*i,  -tjatte  sned  for  bees.  -totte  cap  used 
when  tending  bees.  -b«g  pern,  honey-buzzard, 
Ptrmi*  apivoru*. 

Øi|iabtogt  perauisite;  ftoffe  fig  -er  eke  out  one's 
means.    -iatereøfe  by-lnterest. 

ØHøateri'børo  pi  bljoutry. 

Øffage  c  boneyoomb. 

Øtftr  c  polypteros,  blchir. 

*Ølf!e  vi  tilt,  tip  over. 

•Øiffje  c  -r  biteb. 

Øt'fløb  c  lateral  toe. 

Øttlbae  e  e  cluster  of  bees. 

Øt1øa|fa'»  a  bicon'cave.    -bet*'  bicon'vex. 

Øitrøablab  *  *  petallike  scale. 

•Øitfe  e-tp  mighty  man,  big  wlg,  blg  gun, 
bUr  card. 

Øf  tabe  c  bee-hive,  akep. 

Øi'fMbvl  at  n  biquad'rate.  -a'tiff  a  biqua- 

øt'ftffbttt  4,  addltional  keelaon. 

øtt  c  -er  broad-axe. 

ØiUg  «,  pi  ■■,  voucher,  appendix,  (til  Øreb) 

ØiUgfT  n  nnptlala  pi. 

Øttett'cc  e  wure  fe  Øelance. 

Øifanb  n  dependency,  dominion. 

Øllarbe  c  larva  of  a  bee. 

©ilboqne'i  (fr.l  c  cup  and  ball. 

Øi'tbreb  n  i  Duilder's  certiflcaie;  certifloate 
of  registry . 

tøttb,  ØUbe  o  -er  plck.  tøllbc  et  plck,  dreas 
(a  millstone). 

ØUbe  (-te,  -t)  mb  vi  fe  3nbbilbe.  ØiUeabe  a 
(fhmfter)  plastic  (arts). 

tØilbe||«*tt  plck.    -flaft  pick-handle. 

Øilbtag  o  dressed  side  (of  a  millstone). 

Øileaas  Balaam. 

Øi'lfarbia  a  ready  from  the  builder's  bands. 

ØilUggerfrc  o  -r  concubine.  •liamiag  d, :  unber 
.  in  lymg-to.    -linie  nw  leger  une. 

Øiltft'r  a  bil'iary.    ØUU'I  a  bU'ious. 

ØiØatb  c  k  n  -er  (©pil)  billiards;  (Øorb) 
billiard-table;  \piUt  .  play  at  billiards;  et 
$arti  .  a  game  at  billiards.  -bal  bUliard-ball. 
-bfafe  pocket.  -e're  vi  make  a  foul  stroke;  (om 
Aejl)  make  an  outward  sweep  with  the  fore  legs. 
-fabrttottt  biUiard  table  maker.  -bal  pocket. 
•fagle  fe  -ban.  -aaene  cue.  -fbil  game  of)  bil- 
liards. -fbiSer  billiard-player.  -fiol  cue.  -b«» 
relfe  billlard-room. 

ØWe  fe  ØUbe  vt. 

ØiØe  e  -r  chafer,  beetle.  -bo  honebane,  water 
hemlock,  Pkellandrium  aqvaticum. 

ØiHeb(e)  n  -er  image,  picture;  portrait;  (6inb>) 
emblem,  type,  symbol;  (Ubtrbf)  trope,  flgure, 
metaphor;  Bibi  ubftoaret  -  graven  image;  Ønb 
ffabte  TOenneffet  i  ftt  -  God  created  man  in  his 
own  image,  -arbejbe  sculpture;  areh  traoery. 
-artsheet  ofprlnU.  -bibel  pictorial  Bible,  -blab 
illustrated  page;  fe  ttbenbe.  -bøg  picture-book. 
-bogflab  hleroglyph.  -blpefelfe  image  worship, 
idouitry,  iconolatry.  -blpvtev  ldolater,  iconolater. 
•fabfitant  image-maker.  -fabrifatiø«  image- 
trade.  -fob  pedestal.  -aaabe  rebus,  -gaftcfi 
plcture-gallery.  -|aabcl  image-trade.  -laablev 
image-vender,  picture-dealer.  -bnager  c  -c  sculp- 
tor,  statuary.  •|«ggerarbe|bc  sculpture,  carved 
work,  oarving.  -l|Bggfrinbe  c  -r  sculptress. 
•bnggerfuaft  sculpture,  statuary.  -baggermanaør 
Btatuary  marble.  -ftam  all  sorte  of  pictures, 
prints,  -fromme?  fe  -bonbler.  Øtlebftf.  a  figu- 
rative, metaphorical;  -t  ttbtrtjt  flgure  of  speech. 
ØlOeb|(«rre  loonology.  -U»  o  imagelesB,  uni- 
maginative.  -bragt  (nplendld)  imagery.  -vig  a 
figurative,  fttll  of  ImageB.  -rigbom  fe  -pragt. 
-føl  picture-hall.  -flaore*  a  carved.  -ffrift  pie- 
ture-writing.  -fforet  c  -e  carver.  -fin  a  pie- 
turesque,  lo  vel  y.  -fbrøg  figurative  language; 
fe  -fhnft.  -ftea  flgure  stone.  -fkøemenbe  a  lco- 
noclaatic.  -frormer  c  -e  iconoclast.  -fhrib  icono- 
clautio  war  el.  riot.  -fUber  caster  of  statues. 
•ftobert  Btatue-casting.  -Mtte  statue,  -ribeabe 
illustrated  journal,  -bii  adv  flguratively.  -bort 
carved  work,  sculpture;  (Øog)  pictorial  work. 

ØtHet'  o  -ter  tlcket;  (Øreø)  note;  toae  .  til  take 
a  ticket  for,  Ofornbane*)  book  for  ef  to.  -lal« 
ferer  director  el.  superintendent  of  the  box-offlce. 
-Iømtør  (Xeat.;  box-offlce,  føofib.,  3ornb.  o.  1.) 
booking-offlce,  money-taker'B  omce.    -bøfl  note- 

Giper.  -folgct  fe  ØiOettfr.  ©iEette're  vt  ticket, 
bel;  —  vi sell el.  collect tickets.  øiOettør  o  er 
money-taker,  ttcket-clerk,  check-taker;  Oornb.) 

ØiBig  o  (mobf.  bbr)  cheap,  low-priced,  inex- 
pensive;  (rimelig)  equitable,  fair,  Just;  .  ^ril 
moderate,  reasonable  prlce,  for  en  -  Øril  cheap; 
et  -t  Øorlangenbe  a  reasonable  demand;  bet  er  iRe 
mere  enb  -t  it  is  but  Just,  only  fair.  øiffig|e  el 
approve  of,  assent  to.  -elfe  c  approbation,  ap- 
proval.   -beb  ø  cheapness,  eoonomy;  equitable- 




ness,  fairness;  meb  -  in  fairness;  finbe  fig  i  . 
agree  to  what  is  fair  and  reasonable.  -ftebé« 
føtelfe  sense  of  justice.  -tomfenbe  a  reasonable, 
impartial;  —  c  reasonable  person,  -»tf  adv  fairly, 
in  reason  el.  justice. 

tOiBing  fe  ©llbina. 

tØiHtng  c  -er  little  bit. 

©iHio'tt  e  -et  buTion. 

©mon'  e  bill'on.    -øntb  base  gold. 

©ttatg  fe  ©ilag.  ©flæglge  vt  (forlige)  adjust, 
compose,  make  up;  (oebisgge)  accompany  with; 

-  et  ftegnffab  (meb)  be  fornebne  ©ebifer  provlde 
an  account  with  the  requJsite  vouchers,  -gclfc 
c  adiustment. 

tøilaber  c  under-groom;  ($eft)  third  horse  to 
a  carriage. 

©iløfelig  a:  Omgasen  er  -  the  problem  has  a 
seoond  solution,  two  solutions. 

©luftning  c  second  solution. 

©tntaane  c  paraselene,  mock-moon. 

©imanb  c  hiver. 

+©tmte  vi  jingle.    -»  e  Jingllng. 

©imober  c  mother-bee. 

t©impel  e  -pier  keg,  cag;  f  goo  paa  .  go  on 
the  spree. 

©Ijmbre  bee-ant,  velvet-ant,  Mutilta.  -nwt 
bee-moth,  Oalleria  mellonella. 

©tnapn  n  surname;  (Pgenaon)  by-name. 

©tnb  n,  pi  =,  tie,  ligature,  (for  $jnene,  ftor» 
binbing)  bandage;  (paa  .©og)  binding;  (©og)  vo- 
lume;  (i  Xag)  truss;  bare  ffrmen  i  -  go  with  one's 
arm  in  a  sling;  meb  ~  for  Pjnene  with  eyea  ban- 

Øtnbe,  banbt,  bunbet  vt  k  i  (ogf.  fig)  bind,  tie 
(tntttte);  med  bind,  constipate;  proo  &  *  =  frrtOe; 

-  ©uletter  make  nosegays;  -  gabe  hoop  casks; 
fig  ~  en*  $oenber  tie  one  down,  f etter  one;  Søren 
-r  the  door  sticks,  shuts  hard;  Rallen  -r  gobt  the 
mortar  holds  well;  -  ftorn  bind  grain;  -  Irofle 
make  brooms;  be  Stenter  bet  bonbt  bem  the  chains 
that  held  them  (bound);  -  af  fe  Ufbinbe;  .an 
meb  engage  in  contest,  enter  the  lists,  with, 
(ogf.  om  Zing)  closewith;  -  f  o  r  fDjnene  blindfold 
one,  bandage  one's  eyes;  .  for  en  6o>t  tie  up 
el.  close  a  sack;  -.  inb  bind  (a  book),  stall 
(cattle);  .  op  tie  up,  t  (om  Sto)  dry  up;  .  $ænber 
og  ftsbbcT  paa  en  tie  one  hånd  and  foot;  .  en 
ni  paa  tffrmet  make  one  belleve  at,  palm  st  off 
upon  one;  .til  bind  up;  tøobe  intet  anbet,  ber 
banbt  bam  til  fitoet  had  no  other  tie  to  li  fe;  . 
fafl  til  tie  on  to;  bu  pal  iffe  .  Dhtnben  ril  paa  en 
Otte,  naar  ban  tærfter  thou  shalt  not  muzzle  the 
oz  when  he  treadeth  out  the  corn;  —  vr  fig 
bind  one's  selt,  tie  one's  hånds;  —  binbenbe 
«  (ogf.  fig)  binding,  fig  obligatory  (for  on);  (3orb) 
stiff.  ©tnbr|  bjørne  girder.  -»ne  mus  bind,  tie. 
•ctme  holding  (power),  -fol!  binders  (of  sheaves). 
•farkig  a  (om  ftorn)  dry  enough  to  be  sbeafed. 
•gal  a  raving  maxi,  stark  mad.  -garn  string. 
-feittbe,  -tnb  (PietS)  conjunctiva.  -Jnnb  chain 
dog,  bandog.  -Jern  cramp-iron.  -traf  t  binding 
power.  -Ifb  (connectiDg-)link.  -(fe  c  constipa- 
tion.  -mibbel  cement,  medium;  (tlæbenbe)  ag- 
glutinant;  pharm  exdpient.  -n  c  fe  ©inbing. 
•naat  needle  used  in  making  flshing  nets.  •nagle 
wooden  pin,  peg.  -nagle«  the  binding  of  St. 
Peter,  -or*  conjunction.  -pinb  knitting-needle. 
•plabc  (t.  ©jælter)  tie-plate.  -?  o  -e  binder; 
(TOurften)  header;  (tømr.)  intertie.  -rent  thong. 
.{ten  bindlng-stone.  -Uret  hyphen;  (i  Stribn.) 
npstroke.  -tegn  hyphen;  mua  fe  -bue.  -traab 
binding-wire.    -Han  fibrous  el.  oonnective  tissue. 

©tnblftage  cramp-iron.  ©tnbig  a  meb  (Zømr.) 
aush  with.  -tng  o  binding;  (Sammenføjning) 
joining;  mit«  fe  ©tnbebue. 

©tnbtng*|ntnr  frame  wall.    -f parre  tie-beam. 

-flen  bonder,  bond-stone.  *-|Htf  t  knitting-needle. 
-tro;  bondtimber.  -»otrf  frame  work,  brick 
-nogging;  -*  $ul  frame  house. 

©inb  |  tit  cement.  -1*0  a  coverless.  -»lofter 
sticking  plaster,  -rig  fe  -ftcttt.  -faol,  -faate  in 
•sole.  -falat  white  curled  endive.  Otnbfel  * 
-Ker  bandage,  ligature,  band;  constipaUon. 
©Inbjførrt  a  voluminous;  ftrioe  -e  ©øger  om 
wrlte  large  volumes  on.     -fffte  smoothing-axe. 

©ing(e)  e  -er  hutch,  bin;  (i  $atyu«)  well. 

©ingelnrt  c  dog-mercury,  Mercurialie  perenmi*. 

*9tngfe,  ©tune  c  -t  she-bear. 

©inomifl  u  binomial;  .  Størrelfe  binomial. 

©ittttre  c  Buprareoal  gland. 

Oinor'r  a  bi'nary. 

©in«ring  c  secondary  tråde. 

©iolgraf  o  -er  biog'rapher.  -grafi'  o  -er  biog  - 
raphy.  -gra  fifl  a  biograph 'ic<al).  -lo  g  c  -er 
biol'ogist.  -logi'  c  biol'ogy.  -løgift  a  biolog^ical. 

©i|omtofrninger  accessory  expenaes.  -omftoen* 
bigbeb  subordinate  circumstance,  acoessory. 

©iførb  adverb.  -perføn  (Zeot.)  accessory  el. 
secondary  character,  -planet  secondary  planet, 
satellite.  -poft  branch  mail.  -probnft  by-pro- 
duct.  -pttntt  accessory  point,  incident,  -resøe 
by-channel.  -ret  corner  dish,  side  dish,  hors 

©irairt  |e  Brid'get.    -i'nere  Brid'getines. 

©irtbbcr  tt  secondary  ridges. 

tOtrf  n  -er  a  small  jurisdiction. 

©ir!  e  -e  birch,  BettUa-  af  -  birchen,  birch. 

9irte|barf  birch-bark.    -brambe  birch- wood. 

t©irle  |  bommer,  -fogeb  judge  of  a  „©ir!";  bailiff. 
-fribcb  fe  -reftigbeb. 

©tr!e|!oft  [6],  Mime  blroh-broom.  -olie  birch 

t©ir(e|repr«fentont  councllman  in  a  •©irf". 
•rettigbeb  privllege  of  jurisdiction  in  a  „©ir!". 

©trtefaft  c  birch  juice. 

©irte#.  fe  ©era^eft«. 

©irleffob  birch  wood. 

©irteiftriver  clerk  of  a  w©trt".  -ting  court, 
assize  of  a  „©irt". 

©trfe|t|«rc  birch- tar.  -tro?  birch-tree;  birch 
•wood.  -oanb  fe  -faft.  -peb  birch-wood.  -»i« 

©irma  n  Birma,  Burma,  -ner  e  -e  Buxmese. 
-'nj!  Bi r' man,  Bur'man. 

©irntlngl|anter>©arer  Brummagem  goods. 

©i|rob  9t  adventitiouB  root.  -rolle  subordinate 

©irtfce  Brldget. 

©tf ag  matter  of  secondary  importance. 

©ifam  (og  Smf.)  fe  Stofluø.  -fra,  torn  musk 
•seed.  -punge  cods  of  the  musk-rat.  -ffinn  skin 
of  tbe  musk-rat. 

©ifibber  c  -e  assessor.  Judge  lateral. 

©iftah'a  Bis'cay.  ©iffanerbbai  fe  Storbfaper. 
©tftaPift  o :  ben  -e  ©ugt  the  Bay  oi  Biscay. 

©iftop  o  -per,  fe  ©ifp;  ordinary  tobacco.  -cøfend 
bishop-essence.  ©tffop  peligaepiscopal.  ©ifto^ft* 
fnctte  mltra.  ©iffopbotr!  tobacco-cutting  ma- 

©tftni't  c  biB'cuit;  (^orcenæn)  biscuit  (cbina). 
blsque  (ware). 
*©i  ftøtfei  fe  ©iaoi. 

©iflag  n,  pi  ■»,  small  porch  el  verandah. 

et'flagtntng  o  killing  of  the  bees. 

t©i  flopperfte  c  -r  concubine. 

©i  fraag  by-taste,  smack. 

Ø»«er  c  -e  steel-yard,  proo  trdne.  -tro«  hook 
of  the  steel-yard.    -løb  weight  of  the  steei-vard 

**K5b  ^JV*^    f***  rod  of  the  ateel.yari 
Øiømntl)  fe  ©iSmutb..  *^^ 

Øtfogn  n  fe  ttnnete. 




©Hol  c  parhelion,  mock-sun. 

©ifønotte  o  bison  (i  «mr.  fejl  •buffalo«),  2*o* 

©tfft  o  -er  (ogf.  ©rif)  bishop;  babe  -en  til  røor« 
fcrøber  have  a  friend  at  court  ftbbc  lom  en  -  i 
rn  Øaaferebe  be  in  clover.  —  ©if  be'bragt  bishop*« 
robes,  -bomme  n  -x  bishoprio,  diocese.  see, 
(ogf.  om  ©ætbigbeben)  episcopate.  -etlanten  ex- 
amination  of  clergymen  before  taking  orden. 
-embebe  offlce  of  a  bishop,  episcopate.  -oaarb 
bishop' s  palace,  -|nc  mitre;  $  mitella.  -(flabe 
bishop's  mantle.  ©tfbrlig  n  episcopal.  ©ifbe|. 
orbtnarion  fe  -bielfe.  -ornat  fe  -bragt,  -reflbenft 
fe  -fabe.  -fifl*  crosier.  -fiol  (bishop's)  see.  «f*bc 
episcopal  residence.  -bielfe  consecration  of  a 
bishop,  -bifttatton  visitation  of  the  diocese.  — 
©ffbtab'e  c  -r  bishop* s  lady,  bishopess. 

©i'fborgftntaat  n  lncidental  question. 

t©téfe  c  -r  boor,  cad,  rough. 

©tøfe  c  -r  (©ornefto.)  tooth  (of  a  baby). 

tOtbfe  vi  gad.  -from  pedlery,  pedlar's  warea, 
•trotmmer  pedler,  pedlar,  huckster,  packman. 
-laber,  bon  $ar  -  i  Sfoene  his  shoes  are  made 
of  ninning  leather.  M«fle  peripatetic  doctor. 
-fttg  a  fond  of  gadding  about.  -flpfle  gadding 

©i  ftaa  vt  asslst,  stand  by,  back. 

©i'ftabe  n  bee-hive. 

©t'jtanb  c  assistance,  aid,  support;  dbe  en  - 
give  ri.  lend  one  assistance,  render  a.  to. 

fH'ftflbeffe  e  subordinate  syUable. 

©i'ftemme  c  secondary  part. 

©ifter  c  (førtt)  bistre. 

©tfter  a  (or  bragt)  exasperated,  incensed;  (barft) 
grim,  gruff,  stern.  -gal  a  raving  mad.  -Ijeb  c 

Øt'IfHf  sting  of  bees.    -flot  bee-hive. 

©tftonri'  c  bis'toury. 

©ifrrere  vt  bistre-wash,  paint  with  bistre. 

©i  | f bier«  svarm  of  bees.    -f  »armer  sesia. 

©ifortntng  c  subordinate  proposition,  relative 

©ifortte  v«  deposit  (a  corpse;  in  a  vault.  -Ife 
e  deposition  etc. 

©iiflfl  e  lateral  toe. 

©i  j  time  spare  hour,  leisure  honr.  -ting  fe 
fag.  -ttue  mut  aliquot-tone;  §ram  secondary 

©itte  a  very  small;  en  lille  -  (*  -  liben)  SRanb 
a  llttle  bit  of  a  man,  a  diminutive  man;  ifte  bet 
-rite  not  the  very  least,  not  a  bit  of  lt.  Citre  c 
Ulde  bit. 

Bister  o  (ogf.  fio)  bitter,  (om  Smag  oft>.)  acrid; 
-  Snap«,  $ram,  fe  ©ttterfnajj*  c;  en  -  Stunb  an  hour 
of  bitternes«,  -agtig  a  bltterish,  somewhat  bitter. 
-e*frnft  bitters,  -fteb  c  bltterness,  (nabnl.  i  Orb) 
arrlmony;  -er  pi  bitter  words,  sharp  words. 
-jørft  magnesia.  ©Uterlig  adt>  bitterly;  .  tolbt 
bitter  cold.  ©itter|maubel  bitter  almond.  -matt 
ox-tongue,  Pierit  kieracioidta.  -fait  Epsom  salts. 
•fnunjenbe  a  of  a  bitter  taste,  -fttftjf  glass  of 
bioen,  -fpat  bitter-spar.  -ftof  bitter- principle. 
•fob  a  bitter-sweet,  between  sweet  and  sottr. 
-forøe)  bitter-sweet,  Sotannu*  dulcamara.  -fjerne 
the  Bitter  Lakes.  -ribfel  bitter  tbistle,  Cemtaurea 
htmefiiHa.    -*1  bitter  beer. 

©itbb  c  fe  ©afltarbnattergal. 

©tnbgift  additlonal  expense.  -basse  vt  be 
present  at,  atten d.    -baanelfe  c  attendance. 

©tnolent'  a  chem  dlatomlc. 

©tor}  c  by-way,  by-road,  by-path. 

©Iben  o  fe  ©telffrr. 

©ilbinge  bastard-wing.  -birhting  secondary 

©ilbtfer  fe  -bronning.     -bogier  keeper  of  bees. 

©ibnal'  c  -ter  biv'ouac.  -rre  vi  biv'ouac* 
•Hb  watch-flre. 

9i|bo?rt  fe  -loge.    -bngel  brood  ofyounsbees. 

©i§ar'  a  bizarre,  odd.    -rer i'  n  -er  oddlty. 

©t|«benbe  a  bee-eating.  -aber  bee-eater,  Me- 
rop*  apiatter. 

©ilojemeb  by  end.    -ojne  ocelli,  Btemmata. 

©j«f  n,  pi  =,  yelp,  bark.  -fe  vi  yelp,  bark* 
cont  yap;  .  ab  bark  at.    -fen  c  yelping  etc. 

Øfftlbe  o  -r  jingle,  llttle  bell;  lbbenbe  TOolm 
eOer  en  tlingenbe  .  sounding  brass  or  a  tinkling 
cymbal.  -QtlØbaoiib  bell-collar.  -ttypt  fool'a 
cap  and  bella.  -rtang  jlngllng,  jingle,  -to  bell 
-cow.    -Uj  harness  with  jingles  (llttle  bells). 

©Jætfe  e  -r  (oaf.  Sagtflaal«)  beam,  (ftor)  balk. 
(ifær  3«rnO  giroer;  t  ogf.  log;  her  ordinary;  (t 
ØttfTel)  land;  (p.  Qibfel)  branch.  -anfer  braoe, 
campoon.  -baanb  bond.  -branb  dry  rot.  -bngt 
round  of  a  beam.  -bngget  a  built  of  logs.  -bog 
J,  rafting  dog.  -enbe  beam -end.  -fag  bay. 
•flaabe  timber  raft.  -b»beb  head-plece  or  a  beam, 
corbel.  -b,nå  log-house.  -lag,  -rab  tier  of  beams. 
•loft  ælling  of  ralters.  -baafceg  pad.  -ntmspace 
between  the  beams.  -fif eng  shelf.  +&\ctiltt  o 
raftered.  9f«lffe|to«t  timber  yard.  -btjer, -boger 
clamp.    -b«r!  beams,  timber  work. 

©ferrg  n  -t,  *  ogfaa  I3€rg,  pi  =,  mountain,  hill; 
-et  (partiet)  the  Mountain.  (®mf.  bet  benb^re  til 
Øergooefen,  fe  ttera-).  -aanb  monntain-goblin  ri. 
sprite,  gnome,  (tein belig)  oread.  -taft  ridge. 
-afabemi  mlnlng  school.  -alun  rock  alum.  -aitb 
scaup  pochard,  Fuliøula  marila.  -arbefbe  mln- 
lng. -arbefber  miner,  -art  rock.  -afle  fe  -blaat. 
-balf om  naphta.  -befolfning  mountaineers.  -beg 
asphaltum,  asphalt.  -befHger  Alpine  climoer. 
•befHgning  mountaln-climbing;  ascent.  -blaat 
n  mountain  blue,  blce.  -Bo  o  -er,  -boer  o  -e 
mountalneer,  highlander.  -bor  bore,  borer, 
•brag  mining.  -brnneØe  alpine  accentor,  Thar- 
rha(tu»  »ontintllitt.  -bal  gien,  dale.  -brift 

8f ærgr  vt  (rebbe)  save-,  (erncere)  support;  (Vbting) 
house,  gather  in;  -  grøben  support  llfe,  keep  soul 
and  body  together,  keep  the  wolf  from  the  door; 
-  6eJ(  take  in  sail;  -  jtg  manage  to  live,  make 
both  ends  meet.    -folf  »alvors. 

©jærgeg*  c  mountain  district,  mountainous 

©iorrgelgobft  aalved  property.  -f ontraft  salvage 
agreement.  ©forrgelig  a  to  be  saved.  1Marrøe|« 
Un,  -penge  salvage.  -r  e  -c  salvor.  -ri',  ©ffltrger« 
lab  n  salvage  as&oeiatlon. 

©jarget  a  mountainous 

©I«rg|faar  mountaln-sheep,  Chi«  wontana. 
-faft  n  solid  el.  firm  as  a  rock.  -febt  mountain 
tallow.  -fin  a  native.  -fint  -frnfe  brambling, 
mountain  flnch,  Fringilla  tnrmti/ringiUa.  -flabe 
table-land.  -flob  mountain-torrent.  -fob  foot 
el.  base  of  a  m.  -folf  =  boere,  -aanb et;  fe  ©erg«. 
•fmlb  a  mountainous.  hilly.  -fbr  mountain  pine, 
Pinu*  nxmtana.  -fdtfttting  mountain  fastness,  m. 
stronghold.  -geb  mounUln  goat,  Capra  ameri 
ottna.  -grnnb  rocky  ground.  -grttbbe  group  of 
hille,  -grant  mountain  green,  -gnlb  mine-gold. 
-gttlt  »  yellow  orhre.  -bnle  mountain  cave  el. 
cavern.  -b,Oi  a  mountain-high,  moutitains  hlgh. 
-bor  mountain  flax,  amianth.  8|orrglg  a  fe  -fulb. 
9{«rrg|irifl  yellow-beaked  linnet.  FrinøilOi  ftavi- 
ro9tr%».  -Ia(f  mountain  limestone.  -tam  crest 
(of  a  mountain).  -tint  cliff.  -Iløft  cleft,  ravine, 
cbasm.  -Hober  mountain  clover,  Tri/oltu»<  mon- 
tanum.  -fnolb  hill-top,  rock.  -Inube  knot  of 
mountain*.  -torf  mountain-cork.  -frig  moun- 
tain war  el.  warfare.  -frbftol  rock  crystal.  -htr 
mountain  cure.  -tabe  mounialn  chaln  el.  range. 
-fag  layer,   stratum,     -larø   fe  Olbfe^   ftulmule. 





•laab  mountainous  country.  -lt»,  -libe  moun- 
talnslde.  -lotøaiøtlø  looomotlve  for  gradients. 
•Iaft  mountain  air.  -(aber  m.  leather.  Mæmbt 
«  tnountaJnou*.  -Ifltrfe  Alpine  lark,  jMauaTi  «J- 
**•(!?•«  ;«•«$}•  .«mb;  frfeeta..  -maitbel  drop- 
wort,  tifHrt*«  /UipømiMa,    -wel,  -mal!  mountain 

mllk.  •»**!«  marjoram,  6>r»øa»*m  rWrør«.  -bu 
Ir  ntjmff. 

a«%2R!ltar'  •  i**1***  aalvage.  -  Sf«rg«l«aft|. 
M«»Wf  salvage  ■teamer.  -c«trr*rtfe,  -forening, 
•forretning,  •førtørattøa  salvage  association. 
•forfag  attompt  to  save.  -toarrat t  salvage  agree- 
ment.  -ømtøftatnger  salvage  expenses.  -fag 
sal  vage  oase. 

ØJ«rg|«*«fe  oread.  -ølle  rock  oU.  -ørbniag 
statute«  for  the  mines,  -babir  mountain  paper. 
•»armt  the  Mountain.  -»al  mountain  pass, 
donle.  plante  mountain  plant,  -arabirenen 
the  sormon  on  the  Mount.  -»nØHttf  mountain 
gohllii,  dwarf.  -rttt  fe  .fulb.  -rtt  mountain  rice, 
(>rym  mmtatu.  -rift  hi  11  giant.  -vig  mountain 
rldge.  -tyle  fe  Gtenøtnber.  -r#r  woodsmall-reed, 
(uamaoro^tit  øpigijo:  .fait  rock-salt.  -filte  fe 
•gople,  -ffo  alpine  boot.  -flotte  Highlander. 
•ffraaning  mountain  slope.  -flreb  mountain 
silde,  •ffrant  praiipioe,  brow  of  a  mountain. 
-flette  tablManu .  -flot  mountain  castle  el.  strong- 
hold.  -flabe  mouutain-sledoe.  -f  m*r  rock  butter 
•f*f  mountain  snow.    -f  afføring  deflle. 

FJJaUflføm  a  thrifty,  acquisitive,  plodding. 
•bet  o  thrifl. 

•l«rg|f»IM  fe  -tinbe.  -flab  mountain  town; 
f  rørig.,  -fti  mountain  path.  -fiol  alpenstook; 
ernubf.  -ftrfffttttig  range  of  mountains.  -ftram 
fe  flab.  •ftHrtnittg  preolpioe.  -fbøbl  nativesul- 
phur.  »f«be  mountain  soap.  -fa  mountain  lake, 
-tage*  o  ftpiritod  off  into  the  mountain.  -ti abe. 
•tø*  mountalu-top.  -tjere  mineral  tar.  -trolb 
gtminu.  -tror  rook-wood.  -tøro  mountain  peat. 
•Uili  oaglo  owl.  groet  horned  owl,  Strit  bubo. 
•ulb  fe  bøt.  •tanb  fe  ørube«.  -øe|  mountain 
roud  et.  path.  -»lit  mountain  wlne.  -btnb  m. 
wlud  •vøti  mineral  wax.  -bøeg  rooky  wall. 
•bffrl  mine. 

t)|*rg»ffrfff|blftrltt  mining  dlstriot.  -»rift 
worklug  of  mituMi.  »ejer  owuer  of  a  mine  el. 
mines,  •tgnbtg  fe  ttergtbnbtg.  -ftlfteb  mining 
inuupany.  -ffofe  mlnlng  school.  -ølbeafrab 
sojimoe  of  mining,    -østfra  mining  (matters). 

tHargltoffffft  fe  plante.    -*g  mountain  egg. 

♦élflrrt  fe  Slrt.  ^' 

•Clert  c  fe  Wlrf. 

»Jern  p  e  U»ar;  4,  (i  Vier*)  lubber's  hole, 
(til  ot  fTrubbe  mrb)  bear,  *  fe  QpUrlamb.  t  -e  wtnd- 
lasa-bUt*,  f  (Mul)  a  brick  tn  tho  hat,  brn  graa 
.  tho  jcriwtly  ibear);  ben  flore  -  the  Uroet  Bear, 
Ura*  Major;  bett  ItUe  .  tho  l^wser  Bear,  Ursa 
initror;  fcrla  tf  tf  -ens  Aub  fer  bu  bar  fanget  ben 
dou't  rockott  your  ohtekou*  betoro  they  are 
heiched.  Biørne  vi  4,  eorub  (wtth  a  bear).  — 
t31«rne|abe  bowling  tnonkoy,  ,Vyo*t#«  awtuM. 
•agrig  a  UmtrWh.  »baotan  j»i«-  fki^ocl  baboon, 
( >*•*«»*<•/«•  |M»riHirtw«.  *-brob  SootUih  asnhodel, 
7Va'W<'«*  aarm/w,  •bffr  bearbwry,  Artmhu  u*« 
emi,  *  fe  Hørbar,  -barffriaber  fiutuioih,  (*mtr+ 
fMce«  rmli.  -baa«  bears  danoe.  *-far  traok of 
a  bear.  «ffbt  btmr »  greaae.  -ftaairtl  tvdd- 
uioney,  Mømm  *tA*m*nhe*m  -|t  bears  w tutor 
-layex.  -Itbsatag  In^ar  tmttlnir.  *|a!  *l  lubber* 
bole.  -laaly  bears  ouU  <)a|t  boar-huuUiur, 
beax-aho^tiiut  ^tstfef  bear- humør  «tto  beays 
Ibot.  /Mé'«é«r««  ./Wil«*««.  i*-r|ø»f#^  ih>w  pamutiK 
//«r«W#«a»  «^aon«^«mih;  erca  aiHUlUtUS  <trtb4 
mother tobstcr,  »SVW^r*M  «irr#iM.  -lab  bear'« 
paw.  4«rM.  '•»art  imterpllkr  of  the  ttgvr  moth. 
WrcHm.    -leje  bvar's  iair.    •«••»  biturong,  Art 

titi*  aibi/ron*.  *-atøfe  halr  mose, 
-rob  fe  -fennitel.  -fliab  bears  skin.  -ftt«b»tme 
muff-cap,  busby.  -fttnre  bear  ham.  -ffbtte  ie 
-jaeger,  -femwerfmgl  great  tlger-moth,  Arctia. 
-f«,  Store  -  Great  Bear  Lake.  -tfeaefrt  awkward 
el.  unweloome  service,  -trømer  bear-leader. 
•nage  fe  -bual)>.  m  ^ 

©Taa  o  blue:  -t  gelt  azure;  -t  Øje  (af  Stag} 
black  eye;  -  Winge  unber  Pinene  eyes  surrounded 
by  a  blue  circle;  flaa  enjm(  og  -  beat  one  black 
and  blue;  -  Vtantag,  fe  »W;  i  bet  -  a  airy,  adv 
airily,  at  random,  in  minibus.    Ø(aa  a :  ^iatlmg 
-  poøt  heaven's  acure.     -**vtt  «  blue-veined 
-cgtlg  o  bluish.  -oW  moor-grass,  Sederia.  •team- 
bet «  blue-banded.    -bog  Blue  Book.    -bat  (3nf .) 
violet  callidium.    -bar  bilbeny,  whorUebeny, 
«o  blæ-berry,  amr  blue-berry,  Vaecinmm  marrtil- 
iuå.     -brodfel   blue-thrush,    Petrocincta  o«w. 
•fall  merlin,  Falco  cualom;  ring-tail,  Circu*  epa- 
nøu»;  fe  Due-,    -farve  smalt,  blue-glass.    -farvet 
a   blue;   dyed   blue.     -fartjeøærf  smalt-house, 
•fifl  young  Greenland  seal.    -frotf en  o  blue  with 
cold.    -grso  a  bluish  grey,  blue-gray,  $  cæsioos 
-gran  o  bluish  green,  glaucous.    -g«fmi  n  Hvid. 
-ia|  blue  shark,  Carcharuu  glaucu«;  picked  »hark, 
Qaitu«  acantkia*.    -balf  blue-breast,  Svlrn*  »e- 
cica.     -balfet  a  blue-necked.     -bat  devll's  bit, 
éSueoita  pratennt;    scabious,    Knautia.      -I>e»    c 
blueness.    t-tjøtlmet  a  (om  froæg)  bluish-gray 
with  a  whlte  head.     -b»tbr«b  a  blue,  red  and 
white.  -irif!  hedge  accentor,  Accenter  taodnlari«. 
-telte  fe  -^al«.    -Kølle  bluebell,  harebell,  Camp*- 
nnia  rotumdi/oiia.     -lobber   blue   copper(-ore) 
•tøb  fe  >meife.    -tørn  fe  ftomblomp.     Mraate  fe 
•maoge.   -troet  a  blue-crawed.   -fag ler  blue-oake, 
blueing,  thumb-blue,    -toben  a  bluish.    t-lonb 
Africa.     -fer  potter's  clay.     Olaalig  a  bluish. 
©t«a  |  tbd  blue  light,  -waage  fe  ©oartbag.  •maver 
fe  -ftierne.     -atatet  o  pelnted  blue.    -ntaab  kind 
of  sealskin;   kind  of  tobaoco;   t  blaekamoor. 
•mcabog  Saint  Monday.     -atoae  picked  dogfish. 
-meffe  blue  titmouse,  Partu  cotuUmm.     -mmmfe 
sheep's  scabious,  sheepsbit,  Jatumc;  fe  ©tabiok, 
ftornbtomft.  Stormbat.    -s*v*!titg  museel,  Mwtilu* 
«bUu.    Qlaaae  vi  beoome  el.  look  blue;  —  ec 
blue.     eiaaae  c  -r  bluish  eloud.     Olaaaeffc  c, 
fe  -møelfe.    9taa|»«|rir  carbonic  paper.    -»lettet 
o  blue-spotted. 

t»toar  pi  tow,  harda;  frWe,  farte  en  -  i  Pinene 
throw  dust  into  one  s  eyes,  hoodwink  one,  draw 
the  wool  over  onea  eyes. 

t  8Wrgt»,e  rook*  »»*•  /ntgiiegué.    ^-raate 
fe  «aerroge.  -raabet «  with  blue  margins,  s  treaks. 
» Uaregn  c  glydne,   Victoria  cAinenri, 

-hatchel.    -torrreb  tow-linen. 
ØloaJ råbet  a  blue-checked.     -røm  blue  axetic 

!SLu  ■*?  **?—  •»»  «  Wulah  red.  -faaV 
jobajt-sand -     -flmaaer  blue  anemone,   Anemom* 

i?15ZL  "**}£  i?<U«0*bl,d'  Ommmim;  a  kind 
of  P^eon.     *fNsalet  «  dapple-gray.     -mmmef 

'-SS ^^'W  horse.  -flaM^neSard  •-Sri  fe 
bTackm8WnJ!!^U^V,^^  -f»tt«uSsh 
SSke  AS^aES*   '&***  to«^«Hl  abaviags. 

J  »IHUteTwith  U^^MbS^ZtJSS^ 

•tflt  blue,  blne  staren,    -ttoet  a  MinTrrtlrrh^ 
•Werae  neld  madder,  ^rwS  L^S^Lffi' 
•  with  blu«  strip«  -a^Se^irZEF*  aÆJS 

out  curding 
^(•»b:   |«ralb  ^ 

pmaalc  add. 

fet     -fvre 
Blu«tooth.     -v^iec  a 

K*w««-     •tr*ie  blaojacket. 




-tcrmet  a  blue-checkered.     -nrt  fe  Scornblømfr. 
*-»rU  fe  •fimmec.     -btnte  oopper  butterfly,  Ly- 

©labre  m'  fe  flapre. 

©lab  n  -e  (af  Xta,  Boa,  ©orb  o.  I.)  leaf;  (af 
Snit,  Sall  o.  I.)  blade;  (ttore»)  wadi,  blade,  (p. 
©hue)  blade,  arm;  (SU*)  bowl;  (©abO  web,  blade; 

iS*pH  head;  (Zraforo.)  acarf;  (i  ©ab)  sley;  (p. 
>jort.)  shoulder;  (Vind)  newspaper,  paper,  print; 
bi*fe  -e  (o.  I.  om  en  Boa)  these  pages;  et  -  $opir 
a  slip  of  paper;  libet  -  leaflet;  bet  banbrenbe  -  the 
walking  leaf,  PhyUium  $ieei/olium;  naat  Bøaen 
bar  -e  when  the  beech  Ib  in  leaf;  fbnae,  f pille  fra 
-et  Bing,  play,  off,  s.  el.  p.  at  (firet)  signt;  Sbngen 
fra  -et  slght-singing;  tage  -et  fta  SRunben  speak 
out,  speak  one's  mind;  -et  fan  oenbe  flg  the  tables 
may  torn.  —  ©tobjaare  fe  -neroe.  -agrig  a  folia- 
oeous, resembling  a  leaf.  -anmetbclfe  notlee  in 
the  newspapere.  -orttfel  newspaper-article.  -biØe 
chrysomela.  -bolt  holdfast.  -bub  newsboy. 
•beunelfe  foliatlon.  -bannet  a  formed  like  a 
leaf.  -bejg  puff-paste.  -bnft  $  coma.  ©(abc 
et  &  i.  tum  el.  ran  over  the  leaves;  (om  $jort) 
troat;  -af,  fe  Øfblabe;  -  eftet  tum  over  the 
leaves  for;  -  i  turn  over  the  leaves  of;  .igen* 
nem  run  over;  -  om  turn  over  (the  leaf).  — 
b lab et  vd  shoot  out  leaves,  come  out  in  leaf; 
med  &  min  exfollate.  ©(ab  eb  lp  g  green  barley; 
borge  poa  ~  eat  the  calf  in  the  cow's  belly. 
©lab(e)|ang  foliage.  ©laben  o  turnlng  over  the 
leaves  etc;  troating.  ©tabeftnb  leafing.  ©(abet 
a  foliaoeous;  fe  -rifl.  ©(ab(e)tøbat  tobacco  in 
leaves,  leaf  tobacco.  —  ©lab|flig  lobe  (of  a  leaf). 
•formet  a  fe  -bannet.  -fnlb,  fe  -rig.  -føbbcbc, 
-fønberp/phyllopods.  -grønt  ehlorophyl.  -gntb 
leaf  gold,  gold-leaf;  uægte  .  leaf- metal.  -Dong 
foliage.  4t*t  agaric.  biørne  axil.  -Ijølber 
subacriber.  -fcørnebe  pi  lamellicorns.  -tyuøbtal 
leafisinglasB.  -ftbebe  saw-fly,  Tkentredo.  t**fi' 
fel  foliaged  hinge.  -førb  leaf-mould.  -faol 
borecole.  -tatrnd  leaf  cactus,  Pkyllocactu*  -fa« 
»fførl  foUated  capital.  -fuop  leaf- bud.  -Iran* 
crown  ef.  garland  of  leaves.  -trane  band.  -trebø 
glaaacrab,  PkyUoøoma.  -fnl  foliated  coal.  -fabl 
newspaper  polemics.  -tos  parenchyma,  green 
pulp  of  leaves.  -laf?  flat  scarf.  -literatnr  jour- 
naliøtlc  literature.  -lobpe  psylla.  -In*  plant- 
louse,  puceron,  aphis.  »løft  o  leafless,  aphyllous. 
-mane  manifold,  -møi  foliaoeous  moss.  -neget 
penny-a-llner,  paragraphiBt.  -nerøe  nerve,  vein. 
©lobniag  c  (bet  at  blabeø)  leafing;  fe  -en.  ©lob|- 
nørtt*  paragraph.  -n«fe  phyllostome.  -orm 
caterplllar.  -plobe  Umb.  -plante  foliage  plant. 
•pragt  leafy  splendonr.  -ranb  margin,  ©lab 're 
øt  fe  ©lab«.  ©lab|rebaf  tør  editor  of  a  newspaper. 
-referent  reporter,  -ribbe  ridge.  -rig  a  leafy. 
-rifbøm  leavlness.    -røfet  rosette.    -falat 

lettuoe.  -flbe  page;  side  of  the  leaf.  -tlb  her- 
ring in  the  second  year.  -ftebe  sheath  (of  a  leaf). 
-{triner  writer  for  a  newspaper,  journalist.  -fl«» 
rer  (©i)  leaf-outter,  MegaehtU.  -finger  voractous 
newspaper-reader.  -fmnttc  wood-wren,  Sylvia 
tibUatrtx.  -fmører  newspaper-scribbler.  ••fan 
fe  -fnomp.  -jtilt  leafstalk,  petiole  -fuger  fe 
■loppe,  -fbeffc  vt  lap-weld,  scarph-wela.  -føls 
leaf  silver;  forgblbt  -  party  gold.  -tang  laminaria. 
-tø?  pivot  with  cheeks.  -tin  tin-foiT.  -tøbaf  fe 
©lobe*.  -tørn  prickle.  -ttbglber  fe  -rebattør. 
•benber  book-marker.  -biller  tortrix.  -btnfet 
fe  -bjørne,  -blå  ado  leaf  by  leaf.  -bifer  fe  Iru* 
flobe.    -#je  fe  -fnop. 

©laf  a  j,  cat's  paw,  slatch  of  wind.  ©tøffe, 
blafre  0*  (om  8bff )  fllcker,  (om  ©ejl)  flutter,  flap. 

Olaf  ert  c  -er  pop-gun. 

©lar,  -let  o  fidlow,  pale,  (om  $eft)  dun;  *-fen 
the  dun  horse. 

©Ufeftopper  J,  stopper. 

tOIatle:  folfle  .!  false  villain. 

©lame  [fej  o  -t  censure.  -'re  vt  disgrace,  dis- 
honour;  -  ftg  make  one's  self  ridiculous. 

©Ianø)ct'  c  -ter  busk. 

©Unbe  vt  mix,  mingle,  blend;  (Stovt)  shuffle; 
(røetaUer)  alloy,  amalgamate;  .  flg  i  anbrel  Sager 
meddle  lu  the  affairs  of  others;  b  I  a  n  b  e  t  a  mixed 
etc.,  promiscuous;  -  3nb^olb  miscellaneous  con- 
tents;  -ebe  ©friftet  miscellaneous  writings;  Åunb 
af  .  «ace  mongrel;  J,  -  2uft  cloudy  el.  mixed 
sir.  ©lanben  c  mixing.  ©lanbjfober  mixed 
provender,  maslin.  -aøbaing,  *-gøbfcI  compost. 
•-fløbflc  vt  manure  with  compost.  ©lønbing  c 
-er  mixing  etc.;  mixture,  intermixture,  compound, 
blend,  cont  medley;  (af  SRetal)  alloy,  amalgama- 
tion; (fRace)  hybrid;  -er  miscellanies;  meb  en  -  af 
$aab  og  o^bflt  with  mixed  hope  and  terror. 

©(anbingøjbrøb  maslin  bread.  -bel  ingredient. 
-bril  mixed  beverage.  -bb*  hybrid,  mongrel. 
-farbc  mixed  colour.  -følt  mixed  race.  -føriølb 
proportion  (of  parts),  composiUon.  -form  hybrid 
form.  -gobi  unassorted  goods;  (baat(igt)  trash. 
•bagi  mixed  shot.  -før«  mangcorn,  mixed  corn, 
maslin,  meslin.  -fnl  through  and-through  coal. 
•maobe  mode  el.  man  n  er  of  mixing.  -minifterinm 
coalition-ministry.  -orb  hybrid  (word).  -reg< 
ning  alligation.  -fprog  mixed  language,  -barer 
fe  -floM. 

©lanblforn,  fe  ©lanbingft>.  -fllb  herring  taken 
in  January.    -f«b  fe  ©lanbingsforn. 

©Ian!  a  (ogf .  om  føbme)  shining,  (ifar  om  JRetal) 
bright;  F  (pengeløs)  cleaned  out,  tight;  -  6ibe 
blank  page;  -e  ©aaben  swords  and  bayonets;  ri 
-e  Dalere  ten  silver  dollars;  .  fom  et  6pei(  smooth 
as  a  mirror;  labe  ftaa  -  leave  n  blank:  tratte  - 
draw;  be  -e  the  whlte  el.  whltes.  —  *©lanf  c  -er 
smolt  (two  years  old). 

©lanta  Blanche,  Blanch. 

©lant|aal  fe  Øaarb-.  -brambing  glazebaking. 
-(e)barltc  pollshing-brush.  ©lånte  vt  polish, 
brighten,  burnish,  furbish,  -  @tøblec  clean  boots; 
f  -  en  af  clean  one  out. 

©lantefleu  c  (gift)  pagellus. 

©tantet'  o  -ter  form,  (ogf.  Utbntb.)  blank;  (Net) 
whlte  fricassee,  blanquette. 

©lanflfift  sea-monster,  Ckimcera  nunutrwa. 
-gnibning  furbishing.  -bat  glased  hat.  -beb  c 
brightness.  polish,  -laber  sleek-leather,  patent 
leather.     ©tanfning  c  polishing  etc.  (fe  ©lånte), 

©lantø-  blank;  «*  blanco  in  blank,  -atcept 
acceptance  in  blank,  -fnlbmaøt  authority  in 
blank,  blank-charter.  -frebit  blank  credit.  -tratte 
draft  in  blank. 

©lant|obn  glazing  oven.  -ffnre  vt  scour  to  a 
shlnfng  whiteness.  -jlibe  vi  polish,  -fob  shining 
soot.  -ført  a  shining  black.  -fborte,  -bøfi 
blacking.  -fbartefabritani  blacking  mannfac- 
turer,    -arreb  fe  ©lånt  o. 

©lab'  [t]  a  wan,  pallid. 

©lafe'ret  a  blase,  jaded,  sated. 

©taffel mi'  o  blas'phemy.  -'mifl  a  blas'phe- 

©laflnø  Blaise. 

©le  o  et  child's  napkin,  diaper,  swaddling- 

Olcø  lt  F  eil  a  pale,  pallid,  (bøbbleg)  white, 
(af  føgeltgt  Ubfeenbe)  wan;  blioe  -  turn  el.  grow 
pale;  -  af  Straf  pale  with  terror;  ban  bleb  baabe 
røb  og  .  his  colour  came  and  went,  he  turned 
all  manner  of  colours;  be  -e  Ønfigter  the  Pale 
-faces.  ©leg  e  -er  fe  ©legebarn;  fe  -nina.  ©leglblaa 
pale  blue.  -barn  fe  ©(ege-,  -e  c  -r  bleak,  Abra- 
mim  blicca.  *-e  o  -c  whiting,  Oadut  merUmgut; 
fe  »©font. 

©lege  (ogf.  -i     -t)  øl  bleach.    -barn  bleach- 




et.  bleaching-ground,  bleach(Jng)-green.  -falf 
bleacbers.  -talt  chlorlde  of  lime.  -1*«  bleach 
-money.  -man*  bleacher  -mibbet  bleachlng 
agent.  -JrioM  fe  -barn.  -9«l»er  bleaching  powder. 
•r  c  -e  bleacher.  »ri'  •  -et  bleachery.  -rib  bleach- 
ing  season.  -tof  bleach-clothes,  bleach-linen. 
•banb  bleachlng  liquid.  -»ejr  wealher  for  bleach- 
ing.    ••»•Ib  fe  -»lab*. 

©leglfeb,  -febtet  a  flabby.  -fif  p  tallow-ftce. 
•grøn  a  pale- green.  -g  «t  a  straw-eoloured.  -fceb 
e  paleness,  wanness.  (-b&ibt,  fe  ©In  ).  -rittbeta 
pale-visaged.  -labe*  a  paliah,  somewhat  pale. 
-lobeufteb  c  pale-facednesa. 
tøleg«  e  -et  blain,  blister,  bleb. 
©legTne  vi  grow  el.  torn  pale,  (om  gfarbe  og 
.fø)  fade.  -«»  c  growing  etc.  ©tegning  c 

9(e'g|vfffrtet  a  pale-looking.     -wb  a  pink. 
•feflerf  common  celery.     -fot  green  sickness, 
chlorosiB.    -fattig  a  chlorotlc 
*©tet  c  er  wedge. 
•©Ide  c  -r  fe  ©le. 
•©lete  e  -r  fe  *©lege. 
*81emate  c  -c  fe  ©legn. 
©lenb|e  tt  dazzle;  deceive;  labe  lig  -  af  be 
deceived  by.     -etfe.  -en  c  dazzling.     -aibe  a 
dazzling;  .  £&*  d.  el.  flerce  light,    -er  c  -e,  -tag 
c  -et  eye-shade.    -tag  o  -et  arcA  recess,  niche. 
-Itogte  dark  lantern.    -ramme  blind  frame.   -»<erf 
illusion,  delnsion,  phantom. 
©fenbe  c,  min  blende. 

©lenbe're,  ©lenbing,  fe  ©Itnbete,  ©linbing  arch). 
©trtlfe're  vt  wound.    -fure  c  -r  wound. 
©lib  o  mild,  gentle;  (milb,  »enlig)  bland;  (rolig) 
©tibe  e  -t  catapult,  mangonel. 
©Kbeltg,  btibt  adv  mildly  etc.  (fe  ©lib). 
t©(ibemcaneb  February. 
tOlibeft  vd  fe  ©libne  vi. 
91i'b|g«re  tt  soften,  mitigate.     -fteb  c  mild- 
ness,  gentleness;  blandness;  placidity.     -ne  vi 
grow  mild;  soften,  relent;  —  vt  mitigate,  soften. 
©HI'  n,  -te  look,  glance  (of  the  eye),  fip  eye; 
alle*  -le  all  eyes;  par  .  for  has  an  eye  for;  meb 
et  -  (ben)  paa  with  an  eye  to. 
©dl'  n  fe  ©lin!  n. 

©Uf'  n  '3ætn0  white  Iron,  tin,  tinplate;  (i  «(m.) 
sheet-metal.   -affatb  tin  clippings,  scissel.   -b la- 
fere  pi  brasses.    -baafe  tin  (boz). 
©lifgnlb  reflned  gold. 

©Hf  ibammer  great  hammer  forbeatingwrought 
•iron  lnto  piates.  -glatte  sheettfron)  forge.  -t»« 
ftrnment  brass  wind-lnstrument. 

©lille  vi  glance;  (om  ØlanS)  twinkle,  shine, 
(®ølo)  Iighten.    +9lttte  c  -r,  fe  Sejet  c 
©titfenflager  tin-man,  tinker.    -i  n  tinning. 
©lit | mani  tin-pot,  dipper.   -maget  c  -e,  fe  -fme». 
•ntbttt.  -mønt  bracteate.  -nlabe  Unned  iron  plate. 
-faff  plate-shears.   -fmeb  tin-smlth,  white-smith. 
©liffttfle  a  calm,  stlrless;  bet  bleo  .  it  fell  a 
dead  calm;  —  n  a  dead  calm. 
©llffotb  Hghtened  silver. 
©ligtøj  tin  articles.    -ftalfebort  rolling  mill. 
-titrer  tin  ware. 

©linb  a  blind;  ben  -e  the  blind  man  (woman); 
be  -e  the  blind;  græbe  fig  -  cry  one's  eyes  out; 
»for  blind  to;  .paa  bet  ene  fDje  blind  of  an 
eye;  .  ttlarm  false  alarm;  gøre  .  ttlarm  raise  a 
false  alarm;  -t  røngreb  feigned  attack;  ~  $ør 
blank  el.  mock  door;  -  Oabe  blind  alley;  labe  et 
Gtebfft  t  load  a  gun  with  a  blank  charge;  -  $øne 
fan  ogfaa  finbe  et  ftom  a  blind  man  may  hit  the 
mark;  -  ftærligfceb  fond  love;  -e  fttippet,  ©fcrr, 
©tag  sunken  rocks,  shelves,  wrecks;  .  Somme 
eimulated  pocket;  .  Spbtgjeb  implicit  obedience; 
.  finffe  mere  chance;  .  Staffer,  ben  -e  SRanb  the 

blind  man,  dummy;  fpifle  meb  -  Ve.  play  dummy; 
-  ©alf ager  stow-away;  t  6fub  blank  snot;  '. 
Xillib,  Xto  implicit  confldence,  fidth;  -t  ©inbur 
mock  el.  wall-eyed  window;  —  blinbt  adv,  . 
ben  blindly,  heedlessly;  enbet  -t  has  no  out] et. 
©iinb|b«  fe  ooft.  ©linb le.  i  -  in  the  dark, 
blindfolded;  fig  blindly,  heedlessly.  -e  J,  c 
spritsail;  fe  -ering.  -e  vt  blind,  •-(e)berrei  blind 

©Unbe|bttf  blind  man's  buff,  hoodman-blind, 
blind  Harry,  -gaffel  ^  sprit-sail  gaff.  -lof^ital 
blind  hospital,  asylum  for  the  blind,  -{»(sitar 
educational  establishment  for  the  blind.  -ataa» 
fe  blinb  Scaltet.  -raa  spritsail  yard.  -raanof 
spritsail-yard  arm. 

©limbe'rje  vt,  mil  blind,  -img  c  blinding; 
blind,  blindage,  mantlet. 

©f inbe| fltbftnolj  ^  spritsail  sheet  knot.  -trtbfe 
spritsail  topping-lift. 

©(inbennbemdniwaen  the  educatlon  of  the 

©Hitblfabt  a  bom  blind,  -^eb  c  blindness, 
cecity.  ©U»bi»g  o  blinding.  ©UtsbUg  c  -er 
(tomt)  dowel(-pin);  arch  fadng;  so  cleg,  CSfcry- 
topt  cæcutient.  ©linb|Ub  buying  a  pig  in  a 
poke.  -lanterne,  -lifte  dark  lantern.  -manb 
fe  b li n b  9»after.  -mad  blind  rat,  Spalax  t&ki**. 
-ramme  blind  frame.  -f>U  blindfold  play. 
-fifler  (Blaf)  blindfold  player.  -tarm  blind 
gut.  -trnf  blind  toollng.  -tr«  ground.  -bliibsr 
fe  ©linb. 

•©liBflfe  vi  squint. 

©iinf  n,  pi  =,  glimpse,  gleam,  (af  Spnilb,  Stub) 
flash,  (meb  pjnene)  twinkle.  *©li«!  c  -et  bull's 
eye,  the  white.  ©Iint|e  «t  gleam,  twinkle, 
glimmer,  (meb  øjnene)  blink,  twinkle;  .  ab  wink 
at.  -en  c  twinkling  etc.  -et  e  -e  mil  skirmi&her. 
-flyr  revolving  el.  intermitting  light;  fe  ©loolQ«; 
.  meb  ©lue  revolving  light  with  flashes.  -fHv* 
flage  blue  light  holder.  -fctMbe  nictitating  mem- 
brane.  ••ffnttet  dead  shot.  -»-»t*  adv  fe  Glimt*. 
-Ole  c  blinker,  blinkard.    -tiet  <j  blinking. 

+©lire  vi,  fe  $lite. 

©li*'  e&  n  blaze.  -ftttb  widgeon,  Ana»  pent- 
lope.  -bue  blazed  pigeon,  -falb  a  f  diBgulsed 
In  liquor,  foggy.  -gaa*  white-fronted  goose, 
AnMtr  >ifbi/r<m».  -tyøne  common  coot,  Pul ic* 
atra  ©Itøfet  o  blazed,  with  a  blaze  on  itbe 
forehead;  fe  -fuib. 

©lifter  c  common  hake,   Merlucciu*  vuloarU. 

©tilter  n  (tpiaftet)  blister. 

•©li^re  vt  fe  ©Itjftre. 

©liO  n,  poet  command. 

©libe,  bleb,  blecet  vi  (^jælpeo,  t.  ©aftftb)  be 
(bleo  elftet  was  loved  ofb.);  (forblibe)  sUy,  stop, 
remain,  tarry;  (Cortgang  til  en  anben  Xtlflanb, 
Stilling)  become,  (plubfeltg  el.  uanet  Coetgang) 
turn,  (tun  oeb  «bj.)  grow,  get  (bet  Rbfte  oaf.  m. 
$att);  (betegnenbe  fturumm)  shall  el.  will  l*e; 
(o|>flaa)  arlse,  ensue,  come  on;  (omTomme,  natonl. 
tilfø«)  perlsh,  be  lost;  blio  ^et  tarry  el.  stay  here; 
bbor  længe  bien  bu  bet?  how  long  did  you  st«>p 
there?  ban  et  og  -t  en  Kar  he  is  a  fool  and  ever 
will  be  (to  the  end  of  the  chapter);  .  ftoaenbe 
contlnue  el.  remain  standlng;  .  iianbmonb,  TOili« 
tær,  ftøbmanb,  ftnte,  ligget  ofo.  become  a  (armer, 
a  soldler,  a  mercnant,  a  widow,  a  beggar;  ^ 
Jfonge  become  king.  -  ^ottæber  turn  (a)  traitor; 

-  ^roteftont,  fttiflen  turn  protestant,  Christian; 

-  Meg  (blegne)  turn  pale;  -  fut  turn  sour;  .  tig/ 
fattig  ofb.  grow,  get,  become  rich,  poor  etc.-  - 
web  grow,  get  el.  be  angry;  blio  i«e  breb  don't 
be  angry;  .  fbg  fall  sick;  bet  t  fem  it  is  growing 
late;  bet  -t  ti  5DaIet  it  makes  ten  dollars;  jeg  -t 
20  ttat  i  SRotgen  1  shall  be  twenty  years  to-morrow- 
bet  -r  (bil  .)  oanfteligt  it  will  be  difflcult;  naat  -r 




bet?  when  is  it  to  be?  ber  6Iet>  et  Uoejr  a  storm 
came  on;  bet  ble«  en  tlbeoarltrnbe  Xaoø^eb  an 
ominous  sllence  ensued;  Oub  fagbe:  oorbefibjl  øg 
ber  bien  £bft  God  said,  Let  there  be  light,  and 
there  was  light;  600  Vtanb  bleo  baa  Balblabfen, 
i  Slaget  five  hundred  men  were  lefl  on  the  fleld, 
fell  in  the  action;  ber  ble«  ifte  noget  af  (bet)  it 
came  to  nothlng,  was  given  up;  $bor  -r  tøn  af? 
what  is  he  about?  §oor  er  fym  bleoen  af?  what 
has  become  of  hlm?  $bor  er  min  ©og  bleben  af? 
where  is  my  book  got  (el.  gone)  to?  -  af  meb 
(tabe)  lose,  (.  fri  for)  get  rid  of,  (affatte)  dispose 
of;  -  borte  (ubeblibe)  stay  away,  absent  one's 
self,  (tabet)  be  lost,  dlsappear;  -  efter  be  left 
behind;  fall  behind,  hang  back;  .fra  shun. 
eschew;  blib  mig  fra  Slbet  stand  off;  for  at  -  I 
£tgnelfen  to  carry  out  the  metaphor;  bibl  tyiø 
fom  -t  i  bom  whosoever  abideth  in  hlm;  .igen 
re  main,  be  left;  lab  bet  -  imellem  o*  let  us 
keep  it  between  ourselves;  bette  -r  imellem  o* 
this  is  to  go  no  further;  .  o  »er  tarry,  be  delayed; 
fe  Cøerbttoe;  .til  (nt)  become,  (tomme  til  ©erben) 
come  into  exlstence  el.  llfe;  .  til  3«,  Sten  ofb. 
turn  to  Ice,  stone;  .  til  intet  come  to  el.  end  in, 
nothlng;  for  ©jargene  bleøe  til  before  the  moun- 
tains  were  brought  forth;  .titbage  remain,  be 
left;  .  ube  stay  el.  stop  out;  .  (ftaaenbe)oeb(nt) 
persigt  in,  adhere  el.  stick  to,  abide  by,  (meb  nt) 
go  on,  prooeed,  with;  blib  oeb  go  on;  .  beb  at 
continue  to;  bet  -t  beroet  it  Ib  agreed  el.  deter- 
mined;  bet  bleo  ifTe  berbeb  that  was  not  all,  the 
matter  did  not  stop  there;  bet  er  bleben  oeb  ttøftet 
it  has  remalned  a  promlse  unfulfiUed;  bleo  ftabig 
oeb  at  gaa  kept  moving;  lob  bet  .  beb  Xrnbfelen 
coaflned  himself  to  the  threat;  alt  bleo  oeb  bet 
gamle  everytbing  went  on  as  before;  —  b  l  i  o  e  n  b  e 
a  lasting,  permanent;  bibl  oi  fyioe  Ijer  ifte  en  . 
Stab  here  have  we  no  contlnuing  city.  Oline]  • 
fteb  permanent  abode;  gfrøet  maa  faa*  baa  -et  the 
seed  must  be  sown  on  the  spot  where  it  is  to 
gmw     -Hb  stay. 

©lob  n  blood;  (nbgbbt,  ftørtnrt)  gore;  ubgbbe  . 
shed  blood;  et  ungt  .  a  youngster,  a  damsel; 
røb  fom  et .  scarlet;  jætte  onbt .  make  bad  blood, 
breed  ill-blood;  -et  er  olbrig  faa  tmibt,  bet  er  jo 
roffere  enb  ©anb  blood  is  always  thlcker  than 
water;  close  sits  my  shiit,  but  closer  my  skin; 
-et«  Qaanb  the  ties  of  blood;  rn  $rinå  af  -et  a 
prince  of  the  blood  (royal);  en  Vtanb  af  bibjtat . 
a  hot-headed,  hot-tempered  man;  floo  ©anb  i  -et 
be  cool;  f  bomme  i  .  swim,  w  el  ter  in  blood;  bet 
ligger  i  -et  lt  is  bred  in  the  bone;  er  gaaet  bem  i 
-et  has  become  their  second  nature;  fatte  en 
Sfraf  i  -et  give  one  a  fright;  ban«  -  fom  i  Slog 
his  blood  was  up;  meb  folbt  ~  in  cold  blood; 
ban  bar  faaet  -  baa  Zanb  he  has  tasted  blood; 
floa  en  til  ••  draw  blood  of  one;  mit  .  bleo  til 

2 Id  my  blood  ran  cold.  —  ©loblaare  veln.  -aare- 
lob  venal  blood.  -onrebrøt  fe  -brof.  -aarrfbulft 
vartx.  -afgang  loss  of  blood.  -ager  bibl  fleld 
of  blood.  t-afie  ver  red  murrain.  •onfamling 
acoumulatlon  of  blood.  -obbelfln  blood -red 
orange,  -tab  carnage,  slaughter,  massacre. 
•betørftet  a  covered  with  blood.  +-beffogtet  a 
related  by  blood.  -brfbrangt  -befteuft,  -be« 
fablet  a  bespattered,  sullied  with  blood,  fio 
blood-stalned.  -betæubetfe  phlebitls.  -blanbet 
n  mixed  with  blood.  t-btegn  red  pustule.  -brof 
hematocele.  •brDØttbet  the  Bloody  Wedding. 
-brmfning  vomiting  of  blood.  -bule,  -btylb  an- 
thrax.  -b*g  bloody  beech.  -baab  blood-baptlsm. 
•bairnelfe  sangniflcation.  -bonnenbc  a  blood 
•maklng,  sangulgenous.  -banner  c  -e  sangtiifler. 
-bom  sentence  of  death  -braabe  \*  ©lob*. 
-brnnyenbc  a  drlpping  with  blood.  -eg  scarlet 
nak,  QHercu*  coccinea.    -fane  red  flag.    -farne 

e  blood-red  colour.  -farne  vt  stsin  el.  dye  with 
blood.  -farbet  a  blood-stained,  ensanguincd. 
-fattig  a  bloodless,  anæmic;  (t.J  excessively  poor. 
-fattigbom  bloodlessness,  anæmia,  exsanguinity. 
•ferffen  nectarine.  -fjenbe,  -flenbe  deadly  el. 
mortal  foe.  -flag  »I,  red  flag.  -flob  hemorrhage; 
bibl  issne  of  blood.  -forgiftelfe,  -forgiftning 
blood-poisonlng,  pyæmia.  -fraabe  bloody  foam. 
•fnoX  fe  Wøbfflart.  -fnlb,  -falbbcb  fe  rig.  -fo- 
renbe  a  sanguiferous.  -gang  dysen tery,  blood 
-flux;  bibl  the  issue  of  blood.  -gerning  bloody 
deed.  -gervig,  -grif*,  -gerrigfttb le  -tørftig,  -tørft. 
-*efrfe  ©løb*,  -btbf enbe  a  blood-heating.  -|irfc 
cock's  foot  flnger-grass,  Ptnieum  tanøuinale. 
•tofte  coughing  up  of  blood.  -bttttb  blood-hound; 
fio  bloody  tyrant.  -b*btt  revenge  for  bloodshed. 
-bfftmer  avenger  of  blood.  ©lobif  a  (i  alle  Bet.) 
bloody;  (blobbrfublet)  gory;  fe  -tørfha;  en  .  ttamp 
a  sanguinary  struggle;  Vtoria  ben  -e  Bloody  Mary; 
—  adv  -t :  $aøne  ffe  -t  take  a  bloody  revenge. 
©lob (igle  leech,  Birudo.  -Jafbi*  bloodstone. 
-tage  crassament.  -far  blood- vessel.  -tirtel 
ductless  gland.  -finntb  clot  of  blood.  -tUoer 
crimson  clover,  Tri/olium  incamutum.  -toaglrr 
pi  coagula.  -føngefrioner  pi  congestions.  -lob 
cupping  glass;  fatte  -bet  cup.  -torat  isis.  -torn, 
-fnglc  globule  of  the  blood.  -tnl  animal  char- 
coal.  -legeme  blood  corpuscle.  -tnb  blood-lye. 
-tttbfatt  (ault)  potassic  ferrocyanide,  (røbt)  po- 
tassic  feriicyanlde.  -Inf  American  bllght,  Apk>9 
laniffera.  -lib  fe  -omløb.  -U9  a  bloodless.  -Ud« 
beb  bloodlessness,  exsanguinity.  -mabbife  fe 
-orm.  -maltning,  ••melrning  blood-milking. 
-manb  man  of  blood,  blood-shedder.  -mangel 
fe  -fattigbom.  -maffc  mass  of  blood.  -menncfte 
fe  -manb.  -mibe  tick,  Ixodea.  -omUb  circulaUon 
of  the  blood.  -onfaftning  vomiting  of  blood. 
-obftemning  venous  hyperæmla.  -orm  larva  of 
a  midge,  Ckinmomut.  -oberfblbning  hyperæmla. 
-nenge  blood-money,  bibl  the  pnée  of  blood. 
**ftgger  rudiments  of  feathen.  -bi*  hæmaturia. 
-biet  bloody  staln.  -plttttt  a  blood-stalned, 
spotted  with  blood.  -pH*  exorbitant  price. 
-brob  thrombus.  -p)t,  -nøl  pool  of  blood.  -p$ If  e 
blood-pudding,  black  pudding.  -regn  rain  of 
blood.  -renfenbc  a  that  purifles  the  blood; 
.  Ocibbel  abluent,  detergent,  -ret  sanguinary 
court.  -ribø  red-flowered  currant,  Rxbet  *anø*i- 
neum.  -rig  a  plethoric.  -rigbeb  c  piethora, 
plethory,  fullness  of  blood.  -røb  septfoil,  tor- 
mentil,   -rob  a  blood-red,  (om  9{øbme)  scarlet. 

©lob#|braabe  drop  of  blood;  til  fibfle  .  to  the 
last  drop  of  my  blood;  ftrifti  .  fuchsia;  ber  er 
ifte  en  gob  .  i  tøm  there  is  not  a  particle  of 
good  in  him.  -forbanbt,  -franbc  blood  relation. 
-foroanbtffab,  -franbftab  consanguinity.  -^eft, 
•bøbbe  blood-horse,  -mare. 

Olo  blftam  incest;  i  .  incestuously.  -ftub 
lumbago;  fe  -ubtrabeife.  -ffblb  (SrrafltQlbiabeb  for 
nbøft  ©lob)  blood-guiltiness;  (^orbrbbelfe,  fom 
frraffe«  p.  fiioet)  capital  crime.  -ftptblg  a,  bibl 
bloody.  -ftanber  c  -e  lncestuous  person,  -ftombe* 
rift  a  incestuous.  -fmittet  a  blood-stained.  -fotrig 
o  dyseuteric.  -tøtt  blood-spavin.  -\pot  track 
of  blood.  -fbrangt  a  blood-shot.  -fbbtning 
spltting  of  blood,  hemoptysis.  -fb«nbing  fe 
-ooerfQlbning.  -ften  blood-stone,  red  hematite. 
-ftigning  determination  of  blood  to  the  head. 
-IMllettbe  a  blood-stopping,  hemastatic,  styptic; 
.  SHbbel.  ftraft  styptic,  stypttcity.  -ftfart  fe  ffiøb«. 
-firtale  jet  of  blood.  -frribc,  -ftrime  (black  and 
blue)  weal.  -ftrom  stream  el.  current  of  blood. 
-ftftrtntng  violent  hemorrhage,  (fra  Siomobecen) 
flooding.  -ftantt  fe  -beftanit.  ©fobønbgtobelfe 
bloodshed,  effhsion  of  blood.  -føloblfnge  vt 
suck  the  blood  of.    -fnger  o  -e  (ogf.  fio)  blood 




-sucker,  vampire,  fa  extortioner.  -fttgeri  n 
vampirism.  -fbamb  bleeding  cancer,  -fbebbloody 
sweat.  -fbnlft  varix.  -fngbøm  disease  of  the 
blood.  -fnvb,  fe  -ffplb.  grievous  sin.  -fbftem 
drculation.  -fonfning  hypostasis.  +-f«te  vt 
sully  in  blood.  -tal  lo»  of  blood,  hemorrhage. 
•tf«  blood-wood.  Hæmotoxplum.  -ttrft  blood- 
thirstiness.  -tørftig  a  bloodtbfraty,  sanguinary, 
bloody-minded.  -nbtrabtlfe,  -nnberløbning 
extravasatlon  of  blood.  -nbtømmelfe  fe  -tab. 
•nnberløbrn  a  llvid.  -mg  a  [t.]  very  young. 
-bølle,  -banb  serum,  -barme  blood-heat.  -beb 
fe  -træ.  -bibne  martyr,  -borte  ambary.  -babfte 
liquor  sanguinis,  plasma.  t-orn  blood-eagle. 
••»e  atø  Bloody-Axe. 

fjløf  e  -fe  fi  Mm.;  ogf.  tagge«,  6!arbrettet«, 
førte*  og  ^}  block,  (tun  tranobf,  tømmer)  log; 
(ufmtøfe«)  øJms-box;  (6  romager*)  boot-tree;  fatte 
paa  ~  tree;  ,£,  .  om  .  block  and  block,  chock 

fHøfa'be  c  -r  blockade;  brbbe  n  ran  el.  break 
tbe  b.  -ara*  breacb  of  blockade.  -orbber 
blockade-runner.  -fortøj  blockadlng  vesael 
(o.  fi.)    -tilftanb  a  state  of  blockade. 

fJtøtlbeffag  <t,  block -strapping.  -Kb  pig-lead. 
-tag  blockbook. 

fjlofe'lre  vt  blockade,  block  up,  typ  turn. 
•ring  c  -et  blockade. 

fjløflføriattbt  block  bond,  old  English  bond. 
-bfnl  wheel  made  of  a  single  piece  of  wood. 
-qnø  log-honse,  mil  block-honse;  ^  sbell.  -t* 
block  ice.  -far«  bond-timbers.  Støtte  vt  (op) 
put  on  the  block,  stretch. 

*fJlot(re)b*r  fe  TOofeoøDe. 

fJløRebreJer,  fjløtjmager  blockmaker.  -nogle 
pin  for  the  sheave  of  a  block.  »brage  money 
collected  in  a  poor-box.  -bøfft  Oarnø.)  block 
-system,    -fab  pit-saw. 

Oløfébf arg :  Øib  bu  fab  paa  .  I  wish  you  (were) 
at  Jericho. 

eiøflfTib  block-thlp,  hulk.  -ftibe  sheave.  -fteit 
unhewnstone.  *Vrjort  tall  of  a  block.  -tin  block 
-tin.  -trt«  curtail-step.  -fra,  -tømmer  unhewn 
wood  ef.  timber.  -bøg«  truck,  drag.  -bog  log- 
wall.    -bort  blocks. 

9lom  |taat  caullflower,  Branica  botrytit,  (ttei) 
caullflowers.    -farfe  Indian  cresa. 

*9lømme  o  fe  ftlomme. 

Blomme  c  -t  (i  Via)  yolk;  poet  *=  ©tomfl;  lebe 
fom  -n  i  et  røg  live  in  clover. 

Blomme  c  -t  (ftrugt)  plum;  atøti  -  green  gage; 
gul  .  mirabelle;  bilb  -  bullace  plum.  -møg  rob 
of  plums.    -bange  (p.  Xtaer)  bladder-plums. 

Blommet  a  flowered,  sprlgged. 

Btommetra  plum-tree,  Prunua  domeitica;  bilbt 
.  bullare. 

Blømroabbra  a  rotten  to  the  core,  thoroughly 

Btomft  e  -er  flower  (ogf.  fa)  blossom,  (Blom* 
frring)  bloom;  (i  ttfbie  o.  t.)  core;  tøarenS)  tail; 
ftrugttraerne  ftaa  i  .  the  fruit-trees  are  in  blos- 
som el.  bloom. 

tBlomftrr  *,  pi  — ,  fe  Btomfl. 

Btomfrer|anlag  parterre  of  flowers.  -fane 
flowery  path.  -beb  flower- bed.  -begønta  flower- 
ing  begonia.  -I (ab  (ftronO  petal;  (Blab  »eb  et. 
mellem  Blomfter)  floral  leaf.  -f  ørb  flower-stand. 
-f  uttt  nosegay,  bouquet,  -bunb  fe  føugtbunb. 
-bal!  flowerlng  shrub.  -bæger  calyx.  -bavl 
garaen-rrame.  -bat  flowery  vale.  -bannelfe  flori- 
flcation.  -bragt  flowery-garb.  -bvft  fragrance 
el.  scent  of  flowers.  -bvff  (en  ot«  -ftoub)  thyrse; 
fe  -buTet.  -bbgttg  a  florlferous.  -bbr  pi  anthozoa. 
•bbrfaiag  culture  of  flowers,  floriculture.  -bolte 
perianth.  -efffer  lover  of  flowers.  -rag  flowery 
mead.    -fatrlfant  maker  of  artificial  flowers. 

-feft  floral  fete.  -flør  show  of  flowers.  -Hue 
syrphus.  -fr«  flower-seed.  +-f«lb  a  fe  -rig. 
-gartner  florist,  -gla g  flower- vase.  -gre«  flower- 
lng branch.  -groet  a  covered  with  flower«, 
flowery.    -grabbe  group  of  flowers.    -gnbinbe 

Soddess  of  flowers,  Flora.  -|a«b(er  nurseryman, 
orist.  -ftottblerffe  flower-seller.  -ftube  flower 
-rarden.  -|ø(ber  notegay-vase.  -|«g  sreenhouse. 
-bangel  garland  of  flowers.  -i ørb  garden-mould. 
-falf  calyx.  -feaber  florist  +-nøfte  flower-bell. 
-ftyttge  cluster  of  flowers.  -Hobe  øf  deck  with 
flowers.  -fttøb  flower-bud.  -løft  nosegay.  -fraaé 
garland,  wreath  el.  (om  fiobebet)  chaplet  of 
flowers;  -trone  corol,  corolla.  -fvrb  basket  of 
flowers;  ^  head.  -tborter  fe  -antag,  -tbjabtg 
a  skilled  in  the  knowledge  of  flowers.  -leje 
flowery  coach,  flowery  bed;  $>  receptacle.  -lontt 
poft  chain  of  flowers.  -Ug  flower-root,  flower 
-bulb.  -lø*  a  flowerless.  *-maa«ebMay.  -maler 
flower-painter.  -matert  flower-painting.  +-malet 
o  palnted  with  flowers.  -mel  fe  -^øb.  -bige 
flower-  girl.  -bl«b  prop.  -btovte  fe  -baftt;  phane- 
rogamous  plant,  -bøtte  flower-pot.  -bragt,  -bf bb 
flowery  pride.  -brbjbet  a  decked  with  flowers. 
-regn  ram  of  flowers.  -rig  o  flowery.  -rige 
floral  kingdom.  -ror  Indian  snot,  Oeama.  -fom« 
Itag  anthology.  -firåret  flower-work.  -ffaft 
peduncle.  -ffebe  spath.  -fmb;ttet  a  fe  -btbbet. 
•f«ør  garland  of  flowers.  -fbrøg  language  of 
flowers.  floral  language,  -flanb  inflorescence. 
-Hid  flower-stalk,  peduncle.  -flot  prop.  -frrø  vt 
strew  with  flowers.  -ftbtte  flower-plece.  -Vtomgel 
stem.  -fibb  pollen,  -ftøbbnng  anther.  -fafgrr' 
tube  flower-girl.  -tegning  drawlng  of  flowers. 
-rib  flowerlng  season.  -tørb  flower-market. 
•trabbe  flower-stand  el.  -stage,  -tobb*  carpet 
of  flowers.  -nbfHKing  flower-show.  -«r  flower 
-clock.  -bafe  flower  vase.  -b«  lover  of  flowers. 
•brintmel  profusion  of  flowers.  -bofit  flowerlng 
•plant,  -bart  flower-work.  -gj*  flower-bud, 

fjtømfllre  vi  flower,  blossom,  bloom,  blow, 
fa  (florere)  flourish;  .  af  go  out  of  flower.  -rem 
e  fe  -ring.  -rrabe  part  fe  obfr.;  a  (fpottenbe,  om 
Ubfeenbe  oa  ©til)  florid;  (florerenbr)  flourishing; 
en  ung  -  $ige  a  young  blooming  girl;  i  ben  - 
aiber  in  the  flower  of  age.  -ret  a  flowered. 
-ring  e  flowerlng  etc.  -ringfltlb  flowerlng  season ; 
fa  flourishing  age. 

fjløftb  o  fair,  falr-haired,  mir-complexloned, 
blonde,  fjløttber  pi  (Si(!e>)  blondlace;  (agte) 
thread  edging-lace;  (uægte;  cotton  edging-lace. 
fJIø«bl«e  c  -r  fair  girl,  blonde. 

fjføømeriø'me  o  bloo'merism. 

9tøt'  a  bare,  naked;  (bat,  lutter)  mere,  pure, 
sheer;  meb  .  fiobeb,  -te  Ven  bare-headed,  bare 
-legged;  en  -  ftaorbe  a  naked  sword;  fe  meb  -te 
PJne  see  with  the  naked  eye;  meb  -te  $onber 
with  his  bare  hånds;  tro  en  paa  fcnft  -te  Crb 
belleve  one's  bare  word;  ben  -te  Xante  at  the 
bare  idea  that;  af  ~  TOifttanfe  from  mere  suspi- 
cion;  .  for  $enge  destitute  of  money;  gibe  fig  - 
expose  el.  commit  one's  self,  lay  one's  selfopen. 
fJløt  adv  only,  merely,  but,  (meb  Køb)  barely, 
(ene  og  alene)  solely;  ifte  .  not  only,  not  merely; 
naar  -  so  that,  if  only. 

ffjtø't  n  sacrificial  banquet.  -bøge  sacrificial 
bowl.  Oløte  vt  k  i  sacriflce,  make  a  aacriflce 
fto  the  heathen  gods). 

+fJ(ot'|eb  c  bareness,  nakedness.  Blotlægge 
vt  expose  (to  view),  lay  bare. 

tfjlø'tmavb  heathen  worshipper. 

fjlorfrifle  vt  expose. 

Oløtte  vt  (gøre  bar)  bare,  denude,  lav  bare;  . 
$obebet  uncover  (one's  head);  meb  -t  oobeb  an- 
covered;  -t  (6tiHmg  o.  1.)  exposed;  bteb  -t  tit 




6finbrt  wu  stripped  to  the  skin;  -t  for  destltnte 
ri.  devoid  of;  -t  for  al  9Høtff  telfe  lost  to  all  sense 
of  dnty;  _  fifl  for  $rnge  come  short  of  money, 
leave  one's  self  wlthout  money;  -  et  Sanb  for 
3nbbpøøere  depopnlate  a  country;  -  fin  Uoibenbeb 
betray  one's  Ignorance;  .  en*  Ubfbentøb  expose 
one's  ignorance;  .  ftg  expose  one's  self.  -Ife  c 
-r  baring  etc.;  destitution;  betrayal;  exposore. 
fUattetpea  c  nudity;  want. 

Ols  c  sbame,  bashfolness.  t*3!«  «  fe  ©lp  a. 
Blaelfe  c  sbame.  Diaet  erf  blnah,  bo  ashamed. 
(oeb,  øaer  at  for).  Dla(fa?f»fg  o  bashfol,  modest, 
coy.  -forr'big Ipeb  c  bashfolness,  modesty,  ooy- 
ness,  padldty. 

Dlsartft'  c  -er  florlit. 

Ølaab  nle,p/  (+)  •,  wlnk,  match  of  sleep, 
nap;  fon  fifl  et  -  take  a  nap;  *3on  el.  Aoatrn  - 
the  duitman.  Diaabe  vi  nap,  doze,  slnmber. 
DIsaPea  o  dodng,  slombering,  nap. 

*Dtnnfe  vi  wink;  fa  fllnch  (for  from). 

Dia*'  »,  pi  -■,  (jatfel)  torch,  fiambeau,  link; 
(31b)  blase,  flash,  flame;  &  flash;  ftanøe  Sal  Peb 

•  spear  eela  by  torchlight;  neb  -  paalrinb  wlth 
rosy  el.  glowing  cheeks ;  F  fan  tør  .  paa  Sammen 
he  li  mellow. 

Dtafe  c  -t  smock-rrock,  bloose,  blowse.  «før» 
flabe  pinafore.  -fjolr  morning  gown.  -ffftbt  a 
blonsed.    -flabte,  -atoab  pi  Mouses. 

Dlaf'el  c  shame;  (Jrtulb.)  genitals  jrf,  bibl 

Dlaé'lfp*  flash-light.  -ilb  hlazing  flre.  -len« 
temc,  -lagte  flash  pan. 

+Dtafam  a  bashral. 

Dln*'|røP  a  flery  red,  flaming  red.  Blaffe  w 
blase,  flame;  (i  Snføtet)  glow,  bom;  prov  make 
bonftreø;  .  op  flare  np,  feap  np,  fa  flre  (np). 
Dlnftfea  c  blasing  etc.  Dtttéfeabe  a  blazing 
ete.;  Meø  -  rsb  blnshed  to  the  roots  of  her 

91*  a  bashfol,  coy,  retiring. 

Ol«  n  lead;  af  .  leaden;  tærte  meb  -  lead. 
-tore  Tein  of  lead.  -acetat  plumbio  acetate. 
"•!?*•  •  resembling  lead,  plnmbeons. 

Dlsjeat  e  (øg  «)  -er-  (fljtinrral)  pltunbage,  black 
-lead;  (Dtpcrafgpen)  (black-)  lead-pendl.  -Qae 
red  cedar,  Jumtpenu  Viroi*iana.  kolber  port 
-crayon.  -iafgel  black-lead  erocible.  -fptbfer 

Dlaattté|pea,  -tfft  fe  Dlpant;  (Rør)  pendl-ease. 
-frreg  pendl-stroke,  pendl-mark.  -tegaiag  pencil 

DlalaraeJPc  pltunbery.  -arbefber  plomber. 
-øffe  lead-ashes.  -ctaaaae?  miniom.  -cbbiff 
Tinegar  of  lead.  -erti  lead  ore.  -farte  leaden 
colour.  -farpet  a  lead-colonred.  -fargfftatag 

+©lpfarbiabebfeBtøf*TMabrt>.  *Dtpg  o  bashfol. 

Ofa'iflaaa  iead-glance,  galena.  -au*  l.-glass. 
•gtafar  l.-glaz1ng.  -glatte,  -glab  lltharge.  -graa 

•  leaden.    -grabe  lead-mine. 

»Dla'gf  aai  •  bashfol.  *D1  pg'fel  «  bashfolness. 

Dlplgalt  yellow  lead.  -pøt  f  brick  in  the 
hat,  P  tight  case. 

Sippe*  c  baøhfblneaø. 

Olallalbig  a  leaded.  -lalbt  whlte-lead,  cerose; 
ftrpge  meb  .  white-lead.  -latbtfalpe  white  oint- 
ment.  -ppbrøgpb  plumbic  hydrate.  -pblfter 
leaden  coating,  -patte  hoose  for  smelting  lead 
ore.  t-tlte  ozide  of  lead.  -inbfataiaa  leads  (of 
a  window).  -Jøbib  iodide  of  1.  -føl!  oxide  of 
L  -femmer  l.-chamber.  -tlørib  chlorldeoflead. 
•flaøjp  lamp  of  lead.  -talit  l.-oolic,  belion. 
•fraawt  plumbio  cromate,  o.  of  lead.  -ragle 
ballet,  -lab  plomp,  plnmmet.  -aulat  fe  -ertl. 
-aitae  fe  -grube,  -auat  1.  eoin.  -atorfe  1.  tally. 
•aitrat  plnmbic  nitrate.     -øoerilte,  -ooeror^b 

f.    -asab  oxide  of  1., 
plate.     -alafrer  dia- 

peroxide  of  1.,  plombic 

plumbic  oxide.    -»tabe         

chylnm  plaster,  -plombe  1.- tally.  -palper  1. 
powder.  -rot  glazier's  vice.  -rnHe  roll  of  1. 
-rag  1-  forne,  -fait  fe  filtrer,  -faab  a  kind  of 
grey  heath-sand.  -fegl  leaden  seal.  -ffrae  fe 
•rot.    -ffam  fe  -«lsb.    -faor  plumb  line. 

•t-Oipfoai  o.  -beb  c,  fe  Olp,  -Qeb. 

Olp  Ifpat  fe  -fromat.  -fpife  lead-spelss.  -flaag 
1.  bar,  balancing-pole. 

•Olafhre  vi  whistle. 

Olp'IHaiet  plomber,  -tater!  plombery.  -f  af  fer 
sogar  el.  salt  of  lead,  sal  8atorni.  -falfat 
plumbic  solphate.  -faat  pi  lead  nails,  plomber's 
nails.  -tag  1.  roof,  leads.  -tamp  life-preserrer. 
-tabte  plate  of  lead.  -rraab  1.  wire.  -rrff  arbor 
8aturni.  -rraje  1.  Jacket  -taag  heavy  as  lead, 
leaden.  -tafter  plomber.  -Paab  Goolard's  ex- 
tract.  -Plabe  fe  -rot.  -Plrriot  fe  -Inlfat.  -P«gt 
leaden  weight.    -bort  lead  mine. 

Otøbe  vt  strip  off  the  leaves  of. 

Olo(b)e  m  (om  $Jort)  troat,  bell;  (om  3«flfr) 
imitate  the  cry  of  the  female  roedeer. 

Oltft  «  ink;  flart  fom  .  clear  as  mod.  -og  Hg 
a  inky.  -flff  fe  -fprutte.  -flaffe  ink-bottle.  -lam 
-laf  inkhorn,  inkstand,  (i  et  6fo(eborb)  well. 
Otorffe  vt  ink;  -  fifl  til  black  one's  self  with 
ink.  Olfttlttat,  -flat  spot  el.  blot  of  ink.  -plaate 
New-Zealand  ink-plant,  Ooriaria  tkvmifolia. 
•ålet  ink-staln,  ink-blot.  -palper  ink-powder. 
-fmarer  scribbler,  ooill-driver.  -fprat  -fpratte 
cottle-flsh,  sqoid.  -fHft  indellble  pendl,  -fager 
blotting  pad,  lnkpad. 

^Ofanaaie  c  t,  fe  Olean.    -ftaat  fe  Olan^. 

»Olamte  *  t  (Zreer)  blase. 

Olamfer  e  -e  sklrmiBher,  eclaireor. 

Clare  o  -r  (8uft)  bubble;  (Oabfe)  blister, 
reside;  (Urin-)  bladder;  (i  3«rn,  Staal)  flaw, 
blister,  (i  Olaf)  bleb;  (9erfon)  bragger,  boaster, 
strutter.  Oforre  ftg  vr  swagger,  vaont;  talk  btg 
el.  high.  -agtig  a  vesicolar.  -betambelfe  In- 
flammation of  the  bladder,  cvstitls.  -Paff  fe 
-bælg.  -borger  winter  cherry,  alkekengl,  Phyali$ 
Atkéhmgi.  -talg,  -balle  bladder-senna,  Colutea 
arbor**cøn».  -baaaet  a  vesicolar.  -fab  thrips. 
-fri  a  flawless.  -faPbebe  physopoda;  (3nf.) 
hemodipoda.  -graft  gravel,  -graat  sap-green. 
-bal*  neck  of  the  bladder.  -laUtlrtet  prostate. 
-fatarrp  catarrh  of  the  bladder,  vesical  c,  cys- 
ttrrhæa.  -flat  fe  -tang.  -foral  Scrtularia.  -aab 
bladder-nnt,  Staphylea.  -orm  hydarJd,  Eekino- 
ooeeat;  fe  ItMefe,  tinte.  Olanrerl'  n  braggardism, 
rodomontado.  Olorrc|rab  bladder-wort,  Utrt- 
c*loria.  -rofea  oedematons  erysipelas.  -ram 
vesicolar  cavity.  -fmorlbe  catch-fly ,  SiUne  infata. 
-faeat,  -faeffe  wood-digger,  Bulia.  -ftaal  blister 
-steel.  -fta?  bladder  sedge,  Carex  v&ioaria. 
-ftea  stone  el.  calcolos  lo  the  bladder.  -fatter 
scom  sogar.  -f«l  crested  seal,  Cy*tofora  cri- 
•iata.  Dueret  a  vesicolar,  bladdery.  8Ia?re|taaa 
sea-wrack,  varec,  Fueua  vttieuUmt*.  -tr«  fe 
-bælg.  -troffleabe  a  epispastic,  vesicatory,  blister- 
ing: .  Wibbel  vesicant,  vesicatory,  epispastic. 

SWrfc,  -te,  -i,  vt  k  i  blow,  -  ftcrft  blow  hard; 
•  Balbtørn  play  the  horn;  .  en  ©ritte  (i  Sam) 
haff  a  man;  labe  fifl  .  stand  the  huff;  bet  -fte 
ftsrft  i  Kat  It  was  a  high  wind  to-nlght;  ieg  -t 
ab  fym,  ieg  -r  barn  et  Stptte,  .  bare  meb  $im  a 
flg  for  bim,  I  don't  care  a  pin  for  him;  -af 
blow  off;  fe  Vfblæfe;  bet  -r  af  Eftftt  it  blows  from 
the  East;  .bort  blow  el.  carry  away,  be  blown 
el.  carried  away;  bet  bar  fom  -ft  bort  there  was 
no  trace  of  it  to  be  seen;  -r  Oinben  fra  ben 
Ifant!  oho  i  that's  whatyoowant;  -  t  trompeten 
sound  the  trompet;  -  i  Bafbbornet  wind  the 
horn;  .  i  fttnørme  blow    one's  nails;   .om 




blow  down,  overturn;  .op  blow  up,  infiate; 
bet  -fie  op  it  came  on  to  blow;  -  paa  §løjte 
play  on  the  flute;  .  til  $lben  blow  the  fire; 
.til  ffagreb  sound  the  charge;  -nbe  Snftru- 
ment  wind  instrument;  bet  er  font  -ft  it  Is  as 
clean  as  a  new  penny,  -bølb  balloon.  -balg 
(pair  of)  bellows.  -buf  (poolene)  blow-hole. 
•tnfrruntent  wind-instrument.  -tnaft  tne  met  blow- 
ing-engine;  (til  ftom)  winnowing-machine.  -n  c 
fe  ©Iocftning.  -ptbe  glass-blower's  pipe.  ©tafere 
pi,  mus  brass(es),  wind-players.  ©l«fe|rør  blow- 
pipe.  -pentil  snifting-valve.  ©ladning  o  biow- 
ing, ©fotft  c  wlnd,  blast,  biowing  weather; 
gate  .  (af)  brag,  boast  (of),  make  a  fuss  (about), 
©teftbrjr  biowing  weather. 

Ølil  a  (mobf.  IjaarD  og  Af)  soft;  (om  Zoner, 
Sprog)  sweet;  -t  Sfinb  soft,  smooth,  dellcateskin; 

-  grugt   8.,  mellow  fruit;  -e  ftartoet  s  ,  mellow, 
delicate  colours;  -t  Øemqt  gentle  disposition;  -t 
$ierte  tender  heart;  6Hbe  -  om  $jertet  feel  one's 
heart  touched;  -  at  føle  paa  soft  to  the  touch 
©løb  c:  lægge  i  .  soak,  steep;  lægge  ftt  $obeb  i 

-  cudgel  el.  rack  one's  bralns.  -ag  tig  a  effemi- 
nate,  enervated.  -ag'tlgaøre  vt  effeminate,  ener- 
vate.  -ag'tiggørrffe  c  enervation.  -ag'tigbeb 
c  effeminacy .  -btjr  pulpy  animal,  mollusk.  ©løbe 
c  (©bge)  drenching  shower  (of  rain).  ©løbe,  te, 
-t  vt  soak,  steep,  (opløfe)  macerate;  —  vi  J,  wet. 

©tøbe.  -te,  -t  m  bleed  (ogf.  fig.)\  -  fig  itøel 
bleed  to  death. 

+©(øbjefig  adv  softly.  -cif c  c  soaking,  maoe- 

©løben  c  bleeding.  ©løbere  pJ  persons  suffer- 
ing  from  hemophilia.  ©løberfljgbøm  hemo- 

©Ub  i  finnefiffe  malacopterygians.  -finnet  a 
Boft-flnned.  -fif!  (mobf.  tørret;  fresh  fish.  -gøre 
vt  soften,  mollify.  -gøren  c  softening.  -gørenbe 
a  emollient.  -Ijeb  c  softness;  ~  i  $iernen  soften- 
ing of  the  brain.  -bjertrt  *  soft  el.  tender 
-hearted;  f  cowardly.  -bjertetfe/eb  c  softhearted- 
ness.  -tjubet  a  smooth-  el.  soft  skinned.  -togt 
a  soft-boiled.  -tåben,  +-lig  a  soflish.  -maltet  a 
easily  milked.  -mnnbet  a  soft-  el.  tender-mouthed. 
•ntnnbetfe/eb  c  tender  mouth.  ©tø'bne  vt  &  i 

91*  biting  c  bleeding.  ©løbningflf af t  bleeding. 

©tø'bffauet  a  soft-shelled ,  malacostracous. 
-ff inbet  u  fe  -tjubet.  -føben  fe  -fogt;  fig  imbecile, 
sottish,  maudlin.  *-tiftel  fe  Sbinemalf.  -»ebbet 
a  soft-wooded. 

©ø  vi  live,  dwell,  reside;  .  til  fieje  live  in 
lodglngs;  -  til  Seje  $oø  en  lodge  with  one;  ~ 
fammen  cohabit,  F  (om  kammerater)  chum  to- 
gether;  bu  -r  frnntt  Qer  you  are  nlcely  lodged 
here;  jeg  -r  meget  billigt  the  rent  is  cheap;  leg 
beb  tffe  qoab  ber  -r  i  t>am  I  don't  know  what  is 
in  him.  ©ø  c  (©olig)  abode,  f*tte,  fæfle  _  settie, 
establlsh  one's  self.  ©ø  n  -«  Onbbo)  furniture; 
(»fterlabenftøb)  estate;  ffani  ~  er  forfeglet  his 
effectø  are  sealed  up;  fibbe  i  uffiftet  .  retaln 
undivlded  possesaion  of  the  estate  of  a  person 
deceased;  fe  Dpgibe. 

©øa  c  -er  (ogfaa  ©etølrabe)  boa. 

©øaå  Boaz. 

©øbt'jne  c  -r  bobbin.    -net'  «  bobbinet. 

©oble  c  -r  bubble.     ©oble  vi  bubble.    -tt  c 


©øborefl'e  c  -r  fe  ©lojrebæger. 

©otføl  strong  Bavarian  beer. 

©øb  c  (©ebring)  amendment,  correction;  (Hfbigt) 
penance;  (©øbe)  fine,  mulet,  penalty;  *  (Sop) 
patch:  raobe  -  paa  remedy,  correct,  amend; 
gøre  -  do  penance;  ibømme  en  en  flor  -  fine 
one  heavily;  looebe  ~  og  ©ebring  promised  to 
turn  over  a  new  leaf. 

©øb  c  -er  (§jæ!ebob)  booth,  stall;  (©utit)  shop; 
luffe  fin  .  snut  up  (shop),  -btff  counter.  -brtng 

©obenfø  Lake  Constance. 

©obforr'btg  a  penitent,  repentant.  contrite. 
-beb  e  penitence,  repentauce,  contritlon. 

©øbife  fe  ©ubbile. 

©ø'bleje  shop-rent 

©øbmert'  n  bottomry;  laane  ^enge  p.  .  take 
money  on  b.,  fublaane)  advance  money  on  b 
-atten  ærtificate  of  b.  -breb  blll  of  b.  -bebitor 
borrower  on  b.  -før bring  b.  cløim  (o.  flJ 
-giner,  -trcbitør  lender  on  b.  -U«n  b.  loaa 
-prarmie  b.  premium.  -ft'  c  -er,  fe  -frebitor 
-tøjer  fe  -bebitor. 

Øø'bél  (og  ©ebe)bag  day  of  prayer  and  repent- 
auce -fdrngfel  penitentiary.  -grab  degree  of 
penance.  -prffbifønt  preacher  of  repentance. 
-prøbifen  penitential  sermon,  sermon  on  re- 
pentance. -falme  penitential  psalm.  -ffjørt« 

©ø'bfbenb  shopman. 

©ø'b«  |ttln  fe  -grab.  -#be(fe  penitential  exer- 
cise,  aet  of  moruflcation. 

*©oe  fe  ©aae. 

©oenf  fe  ©øf. 

©øfaft  a  established. 

©øfift  e  -er  puck-fist,  puck-ball,  Lyooperdon 

t©øg  [aa]  e,  pi  =,  (©egefrugt)  mast. 

©øg  [aa]  o,  pi  ©øger  book;  Itben  _  booklet;  en 
.  ©opir  a  quire  of  paper;  ©øgemeS  -  the  Book 
of  books;  tale  fom  en  -  talk  like  a  book,  talk  like 
print;  fe  £uffet;  ieg  far  Dem  iff e  i  mine  ©øger  yotir 
name  is  not  on  my  books;  Ijolbe  .  o  ber  keep  an 
aocount  of;  føre  til  -(*)  book,  enter  in  a  book  el. 
on  the  books,  make  an  entry  of;  fiaa  tit  -«  for 
be  booked  for;  bleb  $olbt  til  -en  was  educated  ai 
a  public  sehool;  buer  iffe  til  -en  is  unfit  for  studv. 
-tnftion  book-sale.  +-abl  literature.  -beflag  'fe 
-fpanbe.    -binb  book- cover. 

©o  gbimber  o  -e  bookbinder.  -bøn!  plowknife 
-i  n  fe  -profeøflon.  -løn  cost  of  binding,  -pap 
binder's  boards,  -preåfe  bookblnder's  press. 
-profeåfiøn  bookbinding,  tråde  of  a  bookbinder. 
-foenb  iourneyman  bookbinder. 

©ø  gfbæret  book-distributor.  -bømmer  critlc. 
-elffer  lover  of  books. 

©ø'gfinfe  c  -r  chaffinch,  Fringilla  eæleb*. 

©o'ølfømt:  i  -  in  the  shape  of  a  book.  -før 
raab  stock  of  books  -førtegnelfe  catalogue  of 
books.  -føre  vi  enter,  book;  ligrlbbenbe  -t  passed 
in  conformity.  -fører  book-keeper.  -føring, 
•førfet  book-keeping.  -gnlb  leaf  gold.  -goHb 
book-debt.  -banbel  book-trade,  bookselling 
tråde;  (©uti!)  book^seller's)  shop;  bookællers; 
©røbrene  «.*«  -  R.  brothers,  booksellers;  til- 
gængelig i  -en  accessible  in  the  bookselling  tråde; 
er  ifte  længer  i  -en  is  out  of  print. 

Oø'øbanMer  bookseller.  -forening  bookseller's 
union,  -tatalog  bookseller's  catalogue.  -I ønt mi* 
bookseller's  clerk  (o.  fl ).  -rabat  tråde  discount. 
fOoøbanbling  fe  ©ogftanbel. 

©o'albolber  book-keeper.  -b.olberi'  n  book 
-keeping;  enlelt  og  boppelt  _  book-keeping  br 
single  and  double  entry. 

©o'gbbebe  c  buckwheat,  Polvfftmum  faøopvrum 
-grbtt  b.-groaU.    -grøb  boiled  b.-groats. 

©o'glWbe  book-thelf;  »fe  -reol.  -bører  second 
-hånd  bookseller,  book-hawker.  -lantsner  b 
room.  -fenber  connoisseur  of  books.  biblio- 
grjpher  .tr«mmer  fe -^øfer.  -fnnkflao  know 
ledge  of  books,  bibliography.  -fnnbig  a  vereed 
in  books;  c  fe  -renber.  -føber  book  buyer  -løbe 
bookseller's  shop,  amr  bookstore.  -labttriA 
publication  price,  publiahed  el.  selllnff  p  •      s 




ftrøner  publlshed  at  3  crowns.  Boglig  a  lite- 
rary;  -e  Jhinftar  letten.  +9øgtlgljeb  c  literature. 
Bøg|l«l  psocus.  -l«rb  a  book-learned.  -(arbøm 
book-learning,  -lore;  bookishness.  -maa(  ff  -fptog. 
•mager  c  -e  book-maker,  book-wright,  literary 
manu&cturer.  -maaeri'n  book-maklng.  -marteb 
book-market.  -marfe  book-mark,  (book-;marker, 
register,  -møl  ptinus;  death-watch,  AnoøVum. 
-»or  bibliomaniac.  -«t>t  new  publlcations. 
•om  book-worm  (ogf.  /fa);  Æø  book-hunter. 
•patte  book-parcel.  *-øerm  b. -cover  -rafert 
bibliomaxiia.  -reøl  bookcase.  -rulle  roll  (of 
writlng).  -føl  library,  -famler  collector  of 
book«,  -famfing  collection  of  books.  -flat 
book-press.  -frat  Taluable  collection  of  books. 
•ftør|»tøa  chellfer,  book-scorpion.  +-frrift  c 
letters,  -ffriøenbe  a  book-maklng,  literary. 
-ffrtøer  wrlter  of  books,  book-maker.  -ftriøeri  n 
book-maklng,  scribbllng.  -fbrøg  book-language; 
engelft  _  book  English.    -føanbe  clasp. 

Bøgftaø  n  k  c  -er  letter,  character;  et  ftumt  . 
a  mate;  ftore  -er  capltal  letters;  -en  u)j[elflaar, 
men  Vanten  Ieøenbegør  the  letter  kllleth  but  the 
spirit  giveth  life;  efter  -en  literally;  meb  latinfte 
-er  In  Roman  letteres);  fortone  (marfe)  meb  -er 
letter.  -Ira!  øjgebraic  fraction.  -bne  partridge 
bronze- wing,  Geophap*  »cripta.  Bøgfta'øeltg 
a  literal;  —  adv  literally,  in  a  literal  sense, 
(fulbftænbig,  ogf.)  positively,  in  literal  earnest; 
.  fonbt  strictly  true.  Bøgfta'øettgbeb  c  iiteral- 
ness.  Bogftaøe're  øf  spell;  .  feil  misspell.  Dog* 
fraft'erittg  c  spelling.  Bogftaøjfejl  literal  error, 
-førsittbetfe  letter-combination.  -førtøltttlttg 
literal  interpretation,  -følge  alphabetical  order. 
-gatse  logogriph.  -lammer  nephrops.  -faa* 
letter-lock.  -forbørn  literal  knowledge.  -øm* 
fatning  transposition  of  letters,  -etben  fe  -følge. 
•øøergoitg  transmutation  of  letters.  -9*«fe( 
letter  punch,  -regning  algebra  -ret,  •rigtig  a 
literal.  -ri«  alliteration.  -rafle  alphabet.  -frrlft 
(writlng  in)  letters,  alphabetic  writlng.  -trø 
literal  belief.  -ir«  letter- wood,  Piratinera.  4-øii- 
bøn«  pedantry. 

Øø'g|frem*e(  book  plate.  -ftøl  readlng  desk. 
-frsie  øtudy,  library,  book-room.  -ftøø  dust  of 

Oø'gtrøfter  c  (master)  printer,  typographer; 
(Jaf.)  t.  beetle.  -brena  prlnter's  apprentlce. 
-farte  fe  -fbarte.  -forening  prlnter's  union,  -i 
n  -er  printing;  (Grebet)  printing  offlce,  prlnting 
house;  (ljøab  bet  bøtcr  til  at  trntre)  printing  ma- 
teriale, -fnnflen  the  art  of  printing,  rypography. 
-ftretfc  printing  press.  -ftøt  tail-piece.  -føenb 
journeyman  printer,  -føorte  (prlnter's)  ink, 

»ø  g  I  rttb  book-thief  .  -rttøert  stealing  of  books. 
-Hers««  world  of  letters,  -øii  adv  by  the  quire. 
-»<rfra  book-matters,  literature. 

Bøfcase  n  furniture,  (nagelfaft)  flxtures. 

Osi  fe  Baj  ». 

Bøla'n  c  -er  demljohn. 

Bøjar  e  -er  boiar,  boyar. 

Bøfar  fe  Butar. 

Bøffe  vi,  -#  ød  box.  -fcaitbffe  boxing-glove. 
-tam*,  -«  e  bozing;  (Babbe«)  boxing-match, 
prtee-rlght.  -tnnfren  the  pugilistic  art.  -»Ubfen 
the  prixe-ring.    -r  c  -e  boxer. 

Oøttaittg  c  boxlng,  sparring. 

ffjøt  n,  pi  «,  hfde  of  land,  small  larm;  *  (om 
$oeBfe  o.  1.)  nest,  (øm  6bin)  litter. 

9oUg  n,  pi  ■»,  partnership,  Company. 

Bølt  a  boid,  lntrepld. 

Bsls  (t  ogf.  feølbt)  c  -e  ball;  føitte  .  play  at 
b  .  _  i  $at  egg  hat;  øore  en  ~  for  be  the  sport 
of.  -gas«:  bore  paa  frit  egen  _  be  as  at  home, 
in  one's  own  sphere  el.  element.    -|ng  racket 

Sarfen:  Sanff'Cngelft  Crbbog. 

-court,  tennis-court.  -tafter  bowler,  -tæp  bat, 
racket.  -fa(  tennis  court.  -følt  ball-playing; 
ball-game.    -trot  fe  lap. 

tf3o!e  vi  have  illicit  intercourse.  -r  e  -e 
paramour,  gallant.  -ri'  n  fornlcation.  -rift  a 
bawdy.  -rfte  o  -t  paramour,  mistress,  leman. 
-øife  love  song. 

Oøllg  c  -er  dwelling,  habitation,  abode,  man- 
sion.  f  min  føtberft  ^u*  ere  mange  -er  in  my 
Father's  house  are  many  mansions. 

*f3ofl  c  -er  partitlon-wall. 

Oølle  c  -x  (til  SriReoarer)  bowl,  basin. 

©ofle  o  -r  (Orøb)  bun,  mufnn,  (Irøb*)  dumpling. 
-bejg  forced  meat.  -nurtf  bolled  milk  with 

f3oØtn#  9øl«e  fe  ©uDen,  9ulne. 

-fOøflet  a  dumpy,%chubby. 

t3o(øgne'fer  c   -e  Bolognese.    -flafte  Bologna 

{>hial.    -^nnb  Bologna  dog,  spaniel,    -ften  Bo- 
ogna  stone. 

tf3otfdjer  pi  lozenges,  sugarplums. 
tOotåmønb  small  farmer.    tCølfteb  fe  ©ol. 

éølfter  n  (*  c)  -fire  t  øg  •  ■■  Sbne)  bolster; 
(©aar)  bedtick,  ticking.  t-ølfs  a  soft,  downy. 
-btyne  feather  bed  covered  with  ticking.  -f^lb 
stufflng  for  bolsters,    t-feje  soft  couoh. 

Oølt  c  t  bolt,  iron  pin;  ^  (i  Sejt)  band; 
(Vrmbrøft')  cross-arrow;  (fetrtjoe.)  heater;  loegge  i 
-  og  3«ern  put  in  irons.  Bol«  vi  bolt.  —  Bolte |» 
gong  bolt-strake.  -^animer,  -tlnbbe  maul.  -^øøeb 
bolt-head.  -maffine  bolt-serew.  -^labe  washer. 
•faø  iron  bow-saw.  •ftcremaftltte  bolt-screwlng 
machine.    -tang  shackle-crow. 

•Boftite  e  -r  dotterel-plover,  CharadriuM  mori- 

Boltre  vt  k  i  roll:  -  fig  roll,  gambol. 

Bøltftltfe  c  (ØrabO  round  sculper. 

BølsJ  o  bole,  mød  bolus. 

Botøcerf  n  -er  (Mb  &at>n)  pier,  wharf;  fort  og 
fig  bulwark.  —  Bø(9«rt#|batmning  Jetty.  -^enge 

Bom'  [6]  ø  -me  (Gtronre,  Gtangfel)  bar;  (paa 
en  Bej)  turnpike,  toll-bar:  (pao  Bogn)  cheek; 
(Battet«)  beam;  fig  fatte  .  for  put  a  stop  to. 

♦Bom'  [6]  c  -mer  miss;  ffybe  -  miss  (the  mark). 

Bom*«*  o  husbandman. 

Bom»arb'(e)  c  -r  mit  k  mut  bom'bard. 

Bømoarble'rotfle  bombardler-beetle.    Brachi 
niM  crepittn*.    -enftatn^,  -crgatiot  bomb-ketch. 
-ement'  n  -er  bomaa'rdment.  -e'rt  vt  bomba'rd, 
shell;  joe  pelt.    -e'rer  o  -e  bombardi'er.  -e'rtng 
c  bomba'rdlng. 

Bomøørbnn  [6]  o  ^  boom  quarter-guy. 

Bomlafin'  [fr.]  n  bombazi'ne. 

Bømiaft'  c  bom'bast,  rant,  fustian.  -Ift  a 
bombastlc.  high-soundlng. 

Bombe  [61  c  -r  shell  (+  bomb);  tøfle  -r  throw 
shells,  shell.  -djalnø  fe  Bombarber,  -faft,  -fri 
a  shell-proof.  -fano«  shellgun.  -tanonlaab 
mortar  vessel.  -taft,  -føfhtittg  throwlng  of  shells, 
shell-fuing;  be  bleøe  forbreøne  fra  Bqen  beb  -  they 
were  shelled  out  of  the  town.  -fifle  bomb-chest. 
•tøggeri  sheU-box.    -are  shell-handle. 

Bom|bir!  [6]  J,  boom  topping  lift.  -forpagter 
toll-keeper.  -gajer  ^  lazy  guy.  -tøfler  holes 
for  the  capstan-bars.  -Gttø  toll-house,  turnpike 
house,  -traøe  mast-rim.  -lørte  hunting,  Em 
beriza  miliaria.  -manb  turnpike  man,  turnpike 
•keeper,  toll-keeper. 

Bomme  [6]  øf  roll  on  the  beam;  &  ~  an  set 
to  (the  planks). 

♦Bomme  [61  vi  miss  (the  mark). 

Bomme  [6]  c  -r  sort  of  wooden  box  with, 

tBømmer  [6]  n  thunderlng  noise. 




Dommer  [61  c  fe  *©om;  t  b.  f.  f.  ©ommert  o 
-er  blunder;  begaa  en  -  make  a  blander. 

©ommefa«  [6]  c  4,  spanker,  mizen. 

©ommen'  »  fustian. 

©omning  [6]  c  rolling  on  the  beam. 

©om|nof  [6]  boom-end.    -ølte  sweet  oli. 

+©omp  [6]  n  (c)  thump. 

O  ømmende  [6]  turnpike  money. 

©ømre  [61  vi  blunder,  t  (paa  en  %*v)  thunder. 

©ømJ  fabel  [61  stuffed  saddle.  J,  boom  saddle. 
-faløe  cement  for  trees.  -fejt  boom-sail.  -fejler 
Teasel  wlth  boom-sails  (mobf.  square- rigged). 
-ffø  shoe-piece.  +-ft*U  fe  Xraflole.  -fløb(e) 

»©ømftnb  f6]  n  miss. 

Bom | flag  [o]  (SRal.)  foliage.  -flaber  «t  guess 

©ømftille  [61  a  stone-still.  stock-still. 

Øømlftørt  [6]  aezceedlngly  strong,  hercalean. 
-tø*  &  Bwifter. 

©øm'ntb  e  cotton,  c.  wool.  •  —  ©ømntbål- 
affolb  waøte  cotton.  -tgtig  a  cottony.  -abl, 
•bbrftting  cotton  cultivatJon.  -btrrift  c  cambric. 
•fobrit  fe  -fpinberi.  -fUjl  o.  velvet,  Manchester 
velvet.  -frøiager  cotton-seed  cakes.  -garn  cotton 
(yarn).  -titbttfrri  cotton  indnstry,  c.  tråde. 
-frttbt gun-cotton.  -terreb cotton fabrlc, c.-llnen, 
c.  cloth,  long  cloth,  callco.  -plante  cotton-plant, 
Qouvpwm.  -fpinberi  cotton  Éactory,  c.  mlll. 
-tot  bit  of  cotton.  -traab  c.  thread.  -i*J  fe 
-Icerreb.    -barer  cottons.    -øaøeri  cotton  mlll. 

©ømarfe  mark  (insteadofnameorslgnature). 

©øn'  [fr.]  c  -I  bond;  check. 

©onaft'be  bona  flde. 

©øttopart|i«'me  c  bonapa'rtism.  -ift'  c  -er 
bonapa'rtist.    -Ift'ifV  a  bonapa'rtean. 

©øn'bøn  [fr.l  n  -%  sugar-plum,  bonbon.  Bon- 
tønåaffe  comnt-boz. 

Bønbe  [6]  e,  pi  ©ønber,  peasant,  oountryman, 
rastlc,  farmer,  oont  boor,  clown;  *  yeoman 
(fivmer),  freeholder  (of  the  uneducated  class); 
(i  Stal)  pawn;  +  «=  ftnagt  (i  Stort);  bet  øilbe  øare 
at  fatte  -n  paa  $erremanbcn  that  would  be  rather 
a  downfall;  floppet  bu  -n,  foa  napper  ban  big  fomtr.) 
pat  a  beggar  on  honeback  and  he  will  ride  to 
the  devil;  bet  Ian  bu  bllbe  ©ønber  inb  go  and  tell 
the  marines!,  Walkerl  Bombe  |  øg  ti  g  a  boorish, 
clownish,  rustic.  -agtigbeb  c  boorishnesi,  clow- 
nishness,  rustlcity.  -atmnc  peasantry.  -arbejbe 
rustic  work,  country  work.  -bar«  (pi  ogf. 
©ønberbørn)  peasant  child.  -trnb  rustic  bride. 
-brna  husbandry.  t-b*  village.  -b«f*  boor. 
-baiil  rustic  dance.  -batter  daughter  of  a  pea- 
sant el.  yeoman.  -bigter  peasant  poet.  -bønt 
fe  -arbeibe.  -bragt  rustic  garb,  dress  of  a  peasant. 
-brevs  peasant  boy.  -fanger  flat-catcher,  amr 
confidence-man,  fool- farmer,  -fteaer  fe  -plager. 
t-føgcb  village  bailiff.  -freb  peace  concluded 
privately  between  the  country  people  on  the 
border,  -frebril  fe  -fnolb.  -f rib.  eb  freedom  of 
the  peasantry.  *-fnl  o  sharp,  cunning  (in  the 
way  of  rustics).  *-fnrøcb  o  rustic  cunning,  low 
c.  -f*be  fe  -toft.  -f«bt  a  born  of  peasants. 
-gaatb  {pi  ogf.  ©ønberaaatbe)  farm,  (mejt  om  Bag- 
ningerne) fermstead;  *freehold  estate  belonging 
to  a  yeoman.  -gerning  fe  -arbeibe.  -glibe  rustic 
feast  el.  merry-making.  *-gnt  country  lad, 
young  country-fellow.  -btue  cottage  garden. 
-befl  farm  horse.  -Ijoømob  peasant  arrogance. 
-bunb  cur.  -tni  house  of  a  peasant,  farm-house, 
cottage.  -bbtie  hut,  cot  -|ørr  army  of  yeomen 
and  peasants.  -Romber  pi:  tomme  i  ~  comeinto 
the  hånds  of  uneducated  farmers  et.  peasants. 
-bøiffole  fe  3oIte..  *-\tnU  fe  -ptøe.  t-Jone  fe  -tø«, 
t-iørb  farms.  -!««r  the  conditions  of  a  peasant. 
-lorl  (pi  ogf.  ©ønberfarle)  countryman,  rustic. 

•firfe  village  church.    -Hob«  country  bumpkin, 
c.  clown  e(.  lout.   -  -Høg  a  fe  -ful.    -Håber  fe 
-bragt,  -Habt  a  clad  llke  a  peasant  el.  yeoman. 
-fnolb  boor,  churl,  country  bumpkin.  -tøve  (pi 
ogf.  ©ønbertbner)  p.  el.  country  woman,  farmeress. 
-løft  rustic  fare.    -tram  ware  used  by  the  pea- 
santry.  -trlf  war  of  the  peasants.  -tro  country 
alehouse  el.  inn     -fatting  old  country  woman. 
-for  a  fe  -benlig.    -toter  cur.    -leg  rustic  game 
el.  sport,      -lebttet.   -lib  rustic  life,   life  of  a 
peasant.  -lbfHgf}eb  rustic  merriment.  -la*  pea- 
sant's  cart-  el.  waggon-load.    -Lømmel  fe  -tnolb. 
■maal  fe  -fprog.    -mamb  peasant,  countrym&n. 
•manerer  rustic   manners.     -memigfceb  village 
congregation.    -øpftanb  insurrection  of  the  pea- 
santry.   -pige  (pi  ogf.  ©ønberpiger)  peasant  girl, 
country  lass.   -plager  oppressor  of  the  peasantry. 
-plageri  oppression  of  the  peasantry.    -præft  fe 
£anb«b>.    -raab  rustic  remedy.    t-rebfcl  rent 
and  taxes  paid  by  a  peasant.  -røfepeony,  Fotonia. 
-fage«  the  cause  of  the  peasantiy  el.  farmers, 
-fang  rustic  song.    -ftaare«  a  A,  feather-edged. 
-ffit  rustic  el.  country  custom.  -flratbber  country 
tailor.    t-ffb,lb  rent.     -flagter  country  butcher. 
*-flamp  fe  -Inolb.     -flagt  race  of  peasants  el. 
yeomen.    -fmag  rustic  taste,    -fprog  rustic  el. 
country  dialect.     -flab*  rustic  flnery.     -ftanb 
peasantry,   yeomanry.     -ftoltbeb    rustic   pride. 
-(bØfel  rustic  occupation.  -f øber  rustic  manners. 
-t*«   son  of  a  peasant  el.  yeoman.     -rfeneftc 
service  of  a  peasant.     -tøbat  wlld  el.  Syrlan 
tobacco,    Engllsh    tobacco,    Nicotiana    rutttca. 
-tral  fe  Xralbonbe.   -tølper  fe  -Hob«,  -tø«  country 
lass  el.  wench.     -ben  friend  of  the  peasantry. 
•øenttg  a  friendly  to  the  peasantry.   -bii :  paa  - 
in   a  country-like   way,   after  the   fashlon  of 
peasants.    -Pife  country  ballad,    -bøg«  peasant 
el.  country  cart  el.  waggon,  -bftfe*  booriahness. 
-øg  Jade;  (6falb«.)  lout.    ©onbft.  *bonb*lig  fe 
oofr.  -agrig. 

•fconbffe  v«  affect  to  speak  Uke  a  rustic. 

Oønbff^cb  c  fe  Bonbeagriglpb. 

Oøne  vi  polish,  rub  wlth  bee's-waz.  -føft 
pollshing  brush,  rubber,  -pot«  polishing-wax. 
•11,  OøtttKg  e  pollshing  etc. 

©ontfa'dn«  Boniface. 

Oønit'  o  -er  boni'to,  Thvmwå  pelamy. 

©ont|te're  vt  value.    -te't  c  quality. 

fJøvføH'r  [fri  c  -er  frock-coat 

rjonmø't  [fr.j  n  -i  Joke,  wittidsm,  bon'mot, 
epigram,  good  thlng. 

OøHue  c  -r  nurse,  dry-nurse;  nursery  gover- 

©onnet'  o  -ter  ^  bon'net. 

©onpipant'  [ft]  o  good-liver,  free-llver. 

Oø«ée  o  -r  bonze.  -Hofter  monastery  of 

Øopal  c  (place  oO  residence.  83øpalftføran* 
bring  removal;  (Vberttøf.)  notice  of  removal. 

©ør  ii,  ckem  boron. 

Bor  n  (•  ogf.  c)  pi  =,  bore,  (Hl  SWet.)  drill; 
lille  ©rib'  glmlet,  flort  auger,  Soingel*  wimble; 
ekir  perforator. 

©øra'gø,  ©o'raiurt  c  bor'age. 

©oror  e  borax.    -bøéfe  soldering-boz. 

©o  rbib  n  bit. 

Øorb  c  -er  bo'rder,  edge,  edglng,  trlmming. 

©ø  rb  n  -t  table;  ^  board;  *  (pi  ■>)  board, 
(lun  om  ØJran  og  gljr)  deal;  baRe  -et  lay  the  Uble; 
lay  the  cloth;  fluttet  «  dlning  dub;  gine  en  frit 
-  board  one  gratis;  b>øe  frit  -  bo«  en  board 
at  one's  house;  (olbt  -  a  oold  lunoheon  el. 
dinner;  føre  et  gobt  .  keep  a  good  table;  gøre 
rent  .  make  a  clean  fleld,  (meb)  make  a  clean 
sweep  of;  tage  af  -et  take  away,  clear  the  table 
remove  the  cloth;  efter  -et  after  dinner-   fxaa 




(•p)  fra  -et  rise  from  table;  fftflel  fra  ~  og  6eng 
be  separated  from  bed  and  board;  &  fra  -e 
from  alongside;  off,  (om  $ttø)  ex  snip;  før  -et 
before  dimser,  i  -e  J,  in  the  side;  logge  {Roret 
i  -c  put  the  helm  hard  over;  fatte  ftanonerne  i 
-e  ran  the  guns  out;  i  nb  en  -c  onboard,  wlthln 
ship;  om  .  onboard,  aboard,  *  -  om  -  board 
and  board;  fio  gaa  ftarft  om  -e  meb  en  preas  one 
hard;  fe  Vare;  gaa  o  to  er  ~  go  over  board,  by 
the  board;  ooer  et  fe  nbfr. :  toeb  -et;  fatte  (f.  *K. 
ZaBerfener)  paa  -et  lay  out  (the  piates);  SRaben 
er  paa  -et  dinner  is  served;  gaa  tit  Øubft,  Aerrenf, 

-  partake  of  the  Lord's  supper;  fibbe  til  -8  sit 
at  table;  fatte  tfg  til  -I  Bit  down  to  dinner  el. 
supper,  sit  down  to  the  table;  føre  en  Slatne  til 
-*  bring  (take)  a  lady  down  to  dinner,  hånd  a  lady 
to  dinner;  lafe  ril  -*  say  grace;  J,  HI  -e  along- 
side;  fatte  $oben  unbet  eget  -  establish  one  s 
self  in  life,  have  one's  feet  under  one's  own 
mahogany;  briffe  en  unbet  -et  drink  one  under 
the  table;  toeb  -et  at  table,  dnring  dinner  el. 
supper;  toaite  op  oeb  -et  wait  at  table;  toeb  fluttet 

-  in  private.  —  ©o  Tb  [len  leg  of  a  table.  -»lab 
top  el.  board  of  a  table.  -bøn  grace  (before 
meat).  -børfte  tablebrush,  crumb-brush.  -bøme 
dinner  partner,  -ban!  table-turning.  -brtt 
table-drink.  -bug  table-cloth.  -bofning  laying 
the  table.    ©o'rbe  vt  J,  board,  lay  alongside. 

©øraeoa'gøia  c  claret. 

©ørbel'  n  -ler  brothel,  bawdy-house.  -toart, 
-bortiabe  keeper  of  a  b. 

©o  rbleabc  head  el.  foot  of  the  table.  *-fUobe 
rafl  of  deals,  -flage,  tøj  leaf  of  a  table.  -føb 
fe  -bea.  -føll  messmates.  -fragt  table  fruit 
-falle  mesamate;  fellow-boarder.  -gafl  dinner 
guest.  -tant  edge  of  table.  -far  pi  table 
-plate.  -Hap,  •-flaff  flap  of  the  table.  -ttofle 
ffom  flaar  paa  Sorbet)  hånd -bel  1;  (SRabf  lotte) 
dinner-bell,  table- be  11.  -flabe  n  table-oover, 
table-cloth.  Mlobe  vt  board,  (panele)  wainsoot. 
••flabatng  lining.  -hiip  table-knlfe.  -fnrto  t. 
-basket,  -lampe  foot-lamp.  -letoninger  leavings 
of  the  table,  broken  victuals.  -Ifnaeb  table 
-linen,  -lørfafat  saylng  grace.  -taaatte,  »-matte 
table-rng.  -mattt  fe  Xaffel-.  -aøfø  neighbour 
at  table.  -opfoti  centre-piece,  centre-ornament; 
cruet-stand.  -penge  fe  Xaffrl-.  -pfabe  table 
»lab,  table  top.  ••pram  deal-lighter.  *-rebaf» 
ttøa  calculation  of  the  solid  contents  of  deals, 
-fait  basket-salt,  table-salt  -fomtale  table-talk. 
«f rag  convivial  song.  -f elffab  dinner  el.  convivial 
party,  -fertoice  service  of  plate  (for  the  table). 
•ftt!  xnanners  at  table,  behaviour  at  t.;  fjolbe  - 
behave  one's  self  at  table.  *-ffrt»er  overseer  of 
a  timberyard.  -ftnfte  table- drawer.  *-fTorer 
wwyer.  -fnttoffe  decoration  ef.  garniture  for 
the  table.  *-fpilrt  strip  of  board,  -fpttalag 
dlning  (at  a  table).  -frølpe  leg  of  a  table. 
•-tag  roof  of  boards,  -tale  table-talk;  dinner- 
ipeech.  Møntt  [61  timberyard.  -toppe  fe  -flabe 
s.    -tøj  table  furniture,  t.  utenslls. 

©ørba'n  c  drone;  d.  base. 

©ørbarftea  c  edge-stone,  cheek-stone. 

•©ø'rfrøeb  c  slabs  sold  as  fuel. 

©•'«a|»ea  table  friend,  parasite,  trencher 
frtend     -Pia  table  wine.    -øf  t.  beer. 

©øre  vt  bore,  pierce,  (i  OTetat)  drill;  (Qierne* 
•af)  trepan:  (Xønbe)  broach,  (for  at  frjale)  spile; 
(Stib)  scuttle;  ~  en  ©røub  sink  a  well;  .  i  Sont 
(oeb  JØoafeilmg)  run  down;  -be  Stniben  i  ban* 
fjerte  plungea  the  knife  into  his  heart;  -r  fig 
tab  i,  ntb  i  penetrates,  makes  lts  way  into; 
bor  op  ftarbufen!  <J,  primet  -  nb  bore  out,  up. 
•bitte  anobium.  -stat  drill-plate.  -brøub  bored 
welL  -tae  drill  bow.  -baml  boring-lathe. 
-bøteb  borlng-block.  bore,  au  ger- hole,  (i 

Wine)  blast-hole.  -font  bit;  (til  Shnering)  borer; 
fe  -{lang.  -følle  heavlng-mallet.  -maffiae  boring- 
el.  drilling-machine.  -rnefler  boring-engineer. 
-mafling  pholas.  -mølle  boring-mill.  -orm 
borer,  snip' s  worm,  copper-worm,  Teretlo  navati*. 
-r  c  -e  borer;  so  cossus.  -ffratfe  ratchet-drill. 
-fmeb  fe  ©or-,  -fpata  borings,  -fpib*  boring 
-bit  -fpiabel  drill-box.  -ftang  boring-rod  et. 
bar.  -frtfliaa,  -ftoi  boring-  el.  drilling-frame. 
-itoto  boring  thief.    -toorf  fe  -mølle. 

©ørg  e  J,  sling;  (til  ©ant)  shroud-etopper; 
tøialpetoto)  preventer. 

Borg  o  -e  castle;  tjor  0>ao  tøn  er  faa  faft  en  - 
God  is  our  refuge  in  distress. 

©øeg  •  credlt,  trust,  f  Uck;  tage  paa  -  take 
on  credit,  borrow;  -  gør  Sorg  he  that  gæs  a 
borrowing,  goes  a  sorrowing.  ©orge  vt  (tage 
paa  ©.)  borrow;  (frebitere)  credit,  trust;  vi  _  for 
vouch  el.  answer  for. 

©ørgc|leb  castle-gate.  t-leje  n  garrison;  fatte 
flg  til  -  sit  down  at  one's  ease. 

©ørg(r)meft'er  mayor,  alderman,  te  provost, 
(om  Ublanbet)  burgomaster.  -bpb:  ftorflgtigtøb 
er  en  .  discretion  is  the  better  part  of  valour. 
-embebe  mayoralty,  aldermanshfp.  -in'be  c  -t 
mayoress.  -maage  burgomaster,  Laru$  olaueut. 
-matoe  a  big  belly.    -mine  a  lordly  air. 

©ørgrn  c  bail,  surety,  security,  caution, 
guarantee,  (fun  jur)  mainpernor;  frtDe  .  give 
security,  find  bail;  gaa  i  .  ror  en  be  surety  for 
one,  bail  one;  blitoe  løfttabt  mob  .  be  bailed  out. 

©orgcr  o  -e  Citizen;  tøremmeb,  føm  bar  faaet  -ret) 
denlzen;  (i  en  ©b)  townsman,  tradesman,  free- 
man  of  a  city;  (mobfat  Vbelig)  communer;  (t  k 
jur)  burgher,  burgess;  f  (©ranber)  pun;  afabemiff 
.  university  man;  blitoe  -  i  en  ©p  get  the  flree- 
dom  of  a  city;  gøre  en  til  -  i  en  ©to  make  one 
free  of  a  city.  -aanb  fe  -flnb.  -blob  blood  of 
Citizens,  -teen  freedom  of  the  city,  certiflcate 
of  citlzenship;  fe  Vfabemiff.  -baøb  patriotic  deed. 
-batter  daughter  of  a  tradesman.  »bttb  eivio 
virtue.  -eb  citizen's  oath.  -eafe  widow  of  a 
Citizen  el.  tradesman.  -følt  Citizens,  city  folks. 
-forening  union  of  Citizens,  -fribjeb  fe  ©orgerlig. 
•f  orbe  clvic  guard.  -b,elb  national  prosperity. 
-qaø  house  of  a  Citizen  el.  tradesman.  ©ørget- 
in'be  o  -r  (female)  dtizen.  ©orgerlfoptajn  Cap- 
tain in  the  town  mllitia.  -tiaéfe  fe  -ftanb. 
•føne  citizen's  el.  tradesman's  wife.  -longen  the 
Citizen  king-  -fro«*,  -trone  civic  crown.  -frig 
civil  war.  ©orgerlig  a  civil,  civic;  (font  toeb!. 
Sorgerne  i  en  ©tab)  municipal;  (iaton)  homely, 
plain:  bet  -e  Var  the  civil  year;  bet  -e  $rama  the 
mingled  Drama;  ~  Søb  civil  death;  -  føityb 
civil  liberty,  1.  of  the  subject;  -  Karina  tråde ; 
tale  et  -t  Orb  meb  en  speak  earneatly  wlth  one; 
.  6HQing  position;  ftaa  op,  gaa  til  6eng§,  i .  Xib 
keep  good  hours;  -t  tvgtefrab  civil  marriage; 
en  -  a  commoner;  —  adv.  .  bøb  civllly  dead. 
©ørgerligbeb  e  homeliness.  ©orgerlmanb  fe 
©orger.  -mefter  fe  ©orgc-.  -milttø  town  mllitia. 
-mob  courage  of  a  good  Citizen,  -pat  plebeians. 
•bige  girl  of  the  middle  class.  -pligt  duty  of 
a  Citizen,  -reprofentaat  municipal  represenu- 
tive,  town-connciUor,  amr  townsman.  -repr«« 
fentoatffal  town  council.  -ret  citizenship; 
(©oraerffab)  freedom  of  a  city;  l>ar  .  i  has  got 
the  freedom  of,  is  free  of;  Orbet  bar  faaet  -  the 
word  has  been  naturalized.  -reUigbeb  right  of 
a  Citizen;  Xob  af  -er  civil  death.  -fomfttab  com- 
munity  (of  Citizens),  -flffer^eb  civil  security. 
©orgerffab  n  fe  -ret;  concr  citizens,  citizenry,  Cor- 
poration, community,  commonalty;  tage  -  take 
out  one's  freedom;  tage  .  fom  Urteframmer  (omrr.) 
take  out  a  licence  as  a  grocer;  faa  -  i  en  ©b 
obtain  the  freedom  of  a  town,  be  made  free  of  a 





city;  fbor  øe  -  take  the  oaths  of  a  cltizen ;  bort  .  | 
er  i  Rimtene  our  r-onversation  is  in  heaven;  .t,  -et 
the  idlers.  ©ørøerfJøle  middle-school,  middle  ! 
-clasø  school.  -følbåt  militia-man.  -førab  middle 
•clasa  (of  town*;,  commonalty.  -f#»  son  of  a 
tradesman.  -vatt  city  guard,  guard  of  Citizens. 
•pet  public  weal.  •»«  friend  of  the  people. 
-uabniitø  city  ri.  town  milltte,  civic  guard, 
train-band.  -borb  worth  as  a  citizen  or  patriot. 

©orøefiae  c  servant's  hall. 

©ørøjejer  fe  -b/rre.  -foøeb  steward  ofa  castle, 
seueschal.  -frue  lady  of  the  castle.  -frøte* 
damsel.  -føtvøfel  dungeon.  -gurl  castle  court. 
•øreoe  burggrave.  -ø reutitbr  burggravine.  -øreø« 
fiol  burggravate.    -terre  lord  of  the  castle. 

©ørøtattittø  c  .|<  sling  chaln. 

©ørømeft'er  fe  ©orgemenrr. 

©ørglraa  ^  spare  yard.  -ftfie,  -fttø,  -tø* 
feJMaipe«.    -talje  jlgger- tackle. 

©ørø>aøt  castle  guard  ri.  watch.  -paøter 

©ørittø  cluring,  sinking;  coner  bore.  ©øriaøå' 
biameter  diameter  of  the  bore. 

•©ørtet  a  pale  yellow  with  a  tinge  of  red, 

©ø'rtaap  c  auger-head. 

©orne  ret  a  narrow-minded,  strait-laced.  ©or« 
tte'rtftrb  c  narrow-mindedneas. 

©ørre  c  -r  fe  ©urre. 

©ø'rlftaft  stock  of  an  auger.  -fmeb  bore- 
smith.    -f  nette  terebellum. 

©ø'rlfvlfib  tK>ric  sulphide.  -far  a  borac'ic;  -t 
ttatron  1  »orale  of  soda.    -fare  hydric  borate. 

©ø'rfbtnøel  (breast)  brace. 

©ørt  c  fe  ©orb  c 

©ørt  tao,  •<'),  ogfoo  i  alle  be  følgenbe  Smf]  adv 
away,  off;  *  fe  $eii;  Tomme  -  (flippe  b.jgetaway, 
(øaa  tabt)  be  lost,  frøn  maa  -  he  must  go;  - ! 
away!  be  gone:  avaunt!  .  meb  tyittgrene!  hånds 
off!  fe  ©ceg. 

©ortaanbe  et  breathe  el.  wiff  away. 

©ørtattørbere  vt  coutract  for. 

©ørtblafe  vt  blow  away  el.  off. 

©ortbrtttøe  vt  bring  away,  carry  away. 

©ørt  brtjbe,  -brætte  vt  break  off. 

©ørtbranbt  part  burnt  away. 

©ortjbbttr  vt  exchange.    -batMtaø  c  ezchange. 

©ortbarr  vt  carry  off. 

©ortjbampe  vi  evaporate.  •bampntaø  evapora- 

©ortbanfe  vt  dance  away. 

©ørtbraøe  vt  move  off,  draw  off;  vi  withdraw, 
re  Ure;  -4  fra  fine  ©DMer  be  diverted  from  one's 

©ørtbrift  c  drifting  away. 

©ørtbrive  vt  drive  away,  c  hase  away;  —  vi 
be  carried  away. 

©ortbrømntr  vt  dream  away. 

©ortbnnfte  vi  fe  -bampe. 

©ør  tb*  vi  die  away.  -en  c  fra  ©tmb  dying 
to  øin. 

©ørtbøfe  rf  doze  away. 

Borte  [aa;.  *©ørt'e  f6J  adv  away;  absent;  *  fe 
$enne;  bare  -  be  lost  el.  gonc;  Mibe  -  (ubeblibe) 
stay  el.  remaln  away,  (gaa  tabt)  be  lost;  tjolbe  fifl  . 
fra  keep  el.  stand  uloof  from;  langt  .  far  away, 
far  off,  bet  ligger  noget  ~  it  lics  some  way  off, 
bobbelt  foa  langt  .  at  twicc  the  distance;  jeg 
blioer  itte  lange  -  1  shall  not  be  Ion  g;  fig  blloe 
-  i  bet  1*  ready  to  die,  near  (alnting;  bibl  be 
baoe  beret  lien  .  they  have  their  reward;  bøb  og 
~  dead  and  gone. 

©ortrbleorn  part  never  hcard  off. 

©ørtelbltoelfe,  -bltuen  fe  Ubeblibelfe. 

©ørtefTauotere  vt  spirit  away. 

•©ørteH  a  furthermost. 

©ort  fatb  n,  fe  -fatben.  -fatte  vt  be  dropped 
el.  omitted,  firil  to  the  ground,  become  null 
and  vold;  bet  -r  we  drop  that  -falbe*  c  omit- 
sion,  being  dropped. 

©ørtfamøe  vt  catch  (away). 

©ørt  i  fore  fe  Jore  bort. 

©ørt.fejeergweepaway.  -fefviaø  c  tweeping 

©ørtfile  vt  file  away. 

©orrfifte  vt  fish  away  el.  off. 

©ørrfjofr  vt  trifle  away. 

©ort|  fjerne  vt  remove,  pat  out  of  the  way; 
-  fifl  withdraw,  go  away.  -fjtrsdfc  c  removing, 

©ortffanr  vt  flirt  away. 

©ørrffø  vi  flee,  fly  away. 

©ørtfføbe  vi  run  off,  flow  away. 

©ørrfhjtte  fe  -fU). 

©ort  i  flirte  fe  fttøtte  bort.  -fUprnimø  c  removal. 

©ørt' flaøe  fe  gibbe  bort.   -Rave*  c  flying  away. 

©ørtførtlore  vt  ezplain  away. 

©ortiforpaøte  vt  farm,  rent,  let,  lease  out 
-forpagtning  c  ferming  etc,  location. 

©ørtførtolte  vt  interpret  el.  ciplaln  away. 

©ørtfraøt  outward  freight,  freight  out.  -frofte 
vt  charter,    -fraørainø  c  charter. 

©ørtifrufe  fe  Srrbfe  bort.  -fr9*vi*ø  c  deatrnc- 
tion  by  frost. 

©ortfærb  c  departure. 

©ørtførfte  fe  9«fte  bort.  -førfhrittø  c  hlrlng; 

©ørt  |  føre  rt  carry  off;  (flbøte  meb)  run  away 
el.  elope  with;  labe  fig  _  af  run  away  wlth;  et 
røgteffab,  b^oor  ©igen  er  bleoen  bortført  a  run-away 
mau-h.  -førelfe  c  -r  carrying  off,  (uloolig)  ab- 
duction,  (Stbinbeé)  elopement  (with).  -fører  ab- 
ductor.    -førfel  c  carn-ing  off. 

©ort| øaa  fe  ®aa  bort.  -øanø  c  departure; 
(Dtbj  de<'ease,  demisc.  -øanøe«  part  gone  away, 
denart  ed. 

©ørtøemme  vt  hide  away. 

©ørtøetttte  vt  drive  el.  chase  away. 

©ørtøifte  rf  give  away  in  marrlage. 

©ortøioe  vt  give  away  (to),  bestow,  confer 
(on)     -øiøelfe  c,  -aiøett  c  giving  away. 

©ortøllbe  pi  glide  away,  slide  away. 

©ørtøttaøe  vt  gnaw  away. 

©ørtoraoe  vt  dig  away,  (©onb)  drain  off. 
-ørabnutø  o  digging  etc. 

©ortørabe  et  cry  away,  weep  away. 

©ortøtjbe  vt  pour  away. 

©ortgøøle  vt  juggle  away,  trifle  away. 

©ørtojølpe  vt  help  off. 

©ørtdvøøe  vt  hew  away,  cut  away. 

©ortfctyrr  vt  hire  out. 

©ortb^øble  vt  plane  away. 

©ørtile  vi  hasten  away,  speed  away. 

©ortfaøe  vt  chase  away,  (Xjrner)  turn  away, 
(fra  Stole,  Unib.)  expel. 

©ørttalbe  or  call  away;  fio  Mibe  -bt  pass  away, 
U-  taken :  ©ub  tjat  -bt  %av\  God  has  taken  him 
to  himself. 

©orttappe  vt  cut  (away). 

©ørt|tafte  vt  throw  away,  discard;  bet  er  -be 
$enge  that  is  (so  much)  money  thrown  away. 
-taftelfe  c  throwing  away;  ør  elision. 

©ørtjtlatte,  vt  *-tlatre  fritter  away;  muddle 
away,  waste. 

©orttltjnte  rf  whine  away. 

©orttoge  v  Itoil  away. 

©ørttømme  fe  Komme  bort. 

©ortfbfe  vt  frighten  away. 

©ørttb^fe  vt  kiss  away. 

©ørttøbe  vt  buy  up;  (en)  buy  off. 

©ørttøre  vt  carr>-  el.  cart  away;  —  vi  drive 
away.    -ttrfet  c  carrying  etc. 




Øøftlftemc  vt  lend. 

Øørt|lebe  vi  (Banb)  drain  off;  (en  Srlob,  lanfer) 
dlvert;  (Utiltanfe)  ward  off.  -tføtttag  o  diminlng 
etc.,  diversion. 

fjørttege  ©i  trille  away. 

øørtme  ri  let;  -  igen  relet. 

Øørt|Urttere  vt  fe  Slettere,  -licitering  o  con- 
tracttng,  awarding  to  the  loweøt  bidder. 

Øørttiggenbe  a  distant,  remote;  tengft  .  re- 

Øørtltfte  vt  steal  away. 

Øørt|  lobbe  vi  dispose  of  by  lottery,  put  up 
in  a  raffle,  put  up  to  raffle.  -løbning  c  dis- 
poaixig  etc.,  lottery,  raffle. 

Øørttøtte  vt  lure  away. 

Børttøte  vt  promise  away,  engage. 

Øørtlngc  vt  weed  away;  -  Utntbtrt  fra  weed. 

Øørttagge  vt  lay  by,  put  aside. 

Bortløben  part  runaway,  ragltive. 

Bortnunie  vt  conjure  away,  (en  ønb  ffonb) 

Bortmnbre  vt  dredge  away. 

Borrnøtr  vt  dawdle  away. 

tøørtbonte  vt  pawn. 

Øørtbløffe  vt  bang  et.  pop  away. 

Øørtyteffe  vt  pluck  away. 

Øørtbløie  cl  plough  away. 

øørtyntte  vt  put  away. 

Bortrøabne  vt  rot  away. 

Bortrage  vt  scrape  away;  shaye  away;  *rake 

fJøTtrøne  vt  fe  Kone. 

*Øørtre  a  further. 

Øørt|rejfe  c  departure.  -rtffenbe  part  golng 
away,  departing.   -reiH  a  gone  away,  departed. 

Børtrinbe  fe  vHnbe  bort. 

Øørtriøe  vt  tear  away,  carry  away,  sweep 
away,  carry  off;  t  rake  away. 

Øørtrnfte  vi  rust  away. 

Bortjrpbbe  vt  clear  away;  fig  remove.  -r*b« 
bclfe,  -ribning  c  clearing  away  etc.,  removal. 

Bort  |  røge,  -røge  vt  smoke  away. 

Børtrbtle  vt  pluck  away;  (om  Dåben)  carry  off. 

Børtrbftr  vt  shake  away,  shake  off. 

Bortrorfønnerc  vt  reason  away. 

øørt|r*ntme  fe  ftømme  vi;  —  +  vt  fe  -rbbbe. 
•røntntng  c  escape. 

Børtrøbr  fe  8Ube. 

Bortfatg  n  sale. 

Børtfat  part  put  away. 

Øørrfe  vi,  .  fra  set  aside,  waive,  look  at  it 
apart  from;  -t  fra  setting  etc.;  -t  fra  følgerne 
consequences  apart. 

Oørttffjlct  part  sailed;  (tabt)  carrted  away, 
gone.    -fejling  c  saillng  off,  departure. 

Øørtlfenbc  vt  send  away,  despatch.  -fevbetfe, 
•frafriagc  sending  etc. 

Øørtlftøffe  vt  remove,  clear  away;  mol  eliml- 
nate.    -fføffclfc  ø  removing  etc.;  elimination. 

Borttftbe  vt  ship  off. 

Børtfttfte  ri  exchange. 

Børt|  fritte  fe  -fenbe. 

tøørtfføbr  vt  cut  down,  fell  (a  wood). 

Børtflrrabe  vt  scrape  away  el.  off. 

©ørrfrrlbe  vi  vanish. 

Børtffrafle  vt  pare  off. 

Børtjtrømwe  fe  Bøttfnfe. 

Børtftart  vt  seour  away. 

•Børtfrnåte  vt  fe  Borfflatte. 

BørtflYbe  vt  sboot  away;  (ubrbbbe)  destroy  (by 
shooting);  (førbruge)  expend;  fe  Vfbife. 

©ørtjfrnfle  vt  wash  away.  -ffbøing,  •fatning 
e  waahing  away. 

»Bottffsmt  part  spoiled. 

Børtftøttfe  vt  give  away,  bestow. 

Børtfterc  vt  cut  away  el.  off.  -tørring  c 
cutting  etc. 

Børtftøbe  vt  oonvey. 

Borrftøøct  part  thrown  away;  (af  Søen)  carried 

Boriføbrt  fe  BortfnoHe. 

Børrflibe  vt  wear  away. 

Bortgifte  vt  llck  away. 

Børtflnbben  part  escaped. 

Børrfteøe  vt  drag  away,  baul  a. ;  (bart) 
carry  off. 

Børrflcrnge  vt  fllng  away. 

Børrfntette  vt  &  i  smelt  away,  melt  away. 

Børtfntite  vt  smile  away. 

Børrftnngte  vt  smuggle  et.  spirit  away. 

Børt|fnttt((br)e,  -fajut(br)e6  v  moulder  away, 
crumble  away. 

Bør tfnafte  vt  talk  away,  chat  away. 

Børtlfno^bt  vt  snatch  away,  snap  a.  -fttøb* 
ptl\t  e  snatchlng  etc. 

Børlføbe  vt  sleep  away. 

BorrfbUbe  vt  fe  6pitbe. 

Børtftlfte  vt  play  away,  gamble  away. 

Borrfbøge  vt  jest,  trifle  et.  toy  away. 

Børtftjale  vt  steal  away. 

Bortftrbge  vt  (meb  Strtrøejcetn)  iron  out;  (feje 
bort)  sweep  away. 

Børtftrø  vt  disperse,  scatter. 

Børtftabe  vt  stow  away. 

Bortlftøbe  vt  thrust  away,  spurn;  (en)  repulse. 
•fUbninø  c  med  desquamation. 

Borrftøbe  vt  dust  off. 

Børtfaltc  vt  sigh  away. 

Børtfbinbe  vi  (fbinbe  bort)  dwindle,  nUl  away; 
(forfbinbe)  disappear,  vanish;  ben  -fbnnbne  Ungbom 
departed  youth. 

Børtlfbtre,  -f  barme  vt  spend  in  revelling, 
riot,  disslpation. 

Børtfbømute  ti  float  away;  swim  away. 

Børtfa*ge  vt  slng  away. 

Børtffffge  vi  sell. 

©ørt  |  tage  vt  take  away,  remove.  -tagetfe  o 
taking  away  etc.,  removal. 

Børtttttge  vt  let  out,  hire  out;  promise  away 
(at  an  agreed  price). 

Borttø  vt  wash  away,  wipe  out. 

fBorttøg  n  departure. 

Børttrange  vt  force  away,  dislodge. 

Børttmffe  vt  barter  away. 

Børtrbattc  vt  wash  away. 

Bort|tbbr  vt  explain  away.  -tbbning  c  ex- 
plaining  away. 

Bortfare  vt  wear  out,  consume. 

Børrtø  v  thaw  away. 

Borttørre  vt  dry  up;  wipe  away. 

Børtbøage  vt  spend  in  waking. 

Børtbanbre  fe  Banbre  bort. 

Børtvaffe  vt  wash  out. 

*BørtbcJ  fe  ^enoej. 

Børtbefre  vt  blow  away,  scatter. 

Børt|benbe  el  turn  away,  t.  the  other  way; 
fe  Vføenbe.    -benbetfe  o  turning  etc. 

Børtuifte  vt  fan  away,  watt  away. 

Børt|ø(ge  vi  move  away,  depart,  retire. 
•biaelfe/  -bigen  c  moving  etc.,  departure. 

Børt|bife  vt  dismiss,  remse  admittance,  turn 
away;  reiect.    -bigniag  c  dismissal,  rojection. 

Børt|blg«c  vi  fade  away,  wither.  -øiånen  o 
fading  etc. 

Børtbfttte  vt  roll  away. 

Børtcebe  vt  eat  away,  corrode. 

Bortløbe,  -øb#te  vt  squander  (away),  waste, 
dissipate.  -øbålen,  •øbétittg  o  squandering, 

Børbinbe  c  (breast)  brace. 

Bø#'  n  meek  boas. 




O*  fat,  -fibbeabc  a  resident,  settled,  eøtab- 
lished;  mic  -  i  reside  in.  4-flbbeffe  c  settle- 
ment, -fta*  n,  fe  -bo»e.  ©ø'tlab  snare  ofcom- 
mon  property,  portion,  tønfrnrt)  dower. 

©oéat  en  »  Bosnia.    -a'l  c  -er,  -ft  a  Bosnian. 

©*4børa4  •  the  Bosporas  el.  Bosphorns. 

©aifel  c  -er  (ftugle  i  ftegiefbtl)  bowl. 

©atfe  c  -r  boss.    -'re  vt  boss,  emboss. 

.«*?J£*  ".'tt  "»Men«*     *©*freb»baa*bet  the 
diaabinty  of  non-residents. 

©øftaa  c  (Spil)  boston. 

øafttt  re  ftg  pr  establiah  one's  self,  setUe, 
take  np  ones  abode.  -aiag,  -teffe  e  establish- 
ment, settlement,  domiciliation. 

©øtaatt'  e  bot'any.  -'atter  c  -e  bot'anist 
•Btfr'rtaJfe  botan'ical  collecting  bos,  b.  case, 
botanizing-box.  aife  re  vi  bot'aniie,  herborize. 
-aife  riag  c  bot'anizing.    -  aift  a  botan'ical. 

©atrlnr  fe  ©ntehtr. 

*©atearibbe(  *  remedy. 

©etfefbft  9be  navew/French  turnip. 

*©atfa  r  *øa  c  er  over-boot 

©ataiffe  Sagt  the  gnlf  of  Bothnia. 

©aabair  .ir.   a  -er  boa 'do  Ir. 

©øftgi  c  Jx.    e  -er  bongie. 

©øafløa  fr .;  c  beef-tea,  gravy  sonp.  -i»J 
soup-kitchen.    -tager  portable  soup. 

©aaleba  rb  c  -er  boulevard. 

©aargeai«  c  r»p  bourgeois'. 

©aaifale  c  -r  box-compass. 

©•at  e  4,  tack,  board;  gaa  -  tack,  go  about. 
©aare  *•  beat  to  windward,  tack. 

©aatril  r  c  -r  bottle.  -tf  v*  bottle.  •'rtvg 
c  bottlin*.  * 

©an  c  -e  (baa  £ar)  shoulder;  4.  bow.  -amter 
bower  -anchor).  -baeab  J,  breast-book.  -bea 
shoulder-bone.  -»lab  shomder-blade.  -»rabl  o 
galled  in  the  shotUder.  ©oøe  at  (et  Kntrrj  af 
take  the  anchor  oif  the  bow. 

©aa*a-©aaearra»*-  ^.  muren-royal. 

©aaeatraai  ^.  royal,  -barban  r.  backstay. 
-»rejeret  r.  ry*,  -fatb  r.  halyard.  -raa  r.  vard. 
-rafte  r.  parralrope.  -fejl  royal,  -flabe  r.  sheet. 
~-  r.  stay.  -raaleat  r.  lift  -aaat  r.  shrouds* 
acafrabé*  ^.  iniwn  top-gallant. 
ata—gt  c  top-wvight. 

Oaatat*  <*  A  ibre-hood. 

""-"»  k  ©onit 

faaer  ^.  bow-chaser.    -lam  «  chest-foun- 

4t»  shoulder  joint.    -tis*  fe  ©ua> 
__jat  belly.  swell.  bulg*  out;  brnbei  Jttaber 
.   of    Saabfeeb    her  cneeks   ara   bursting   with 

8aa  frater  pi  £.  harpin**.  -fararagt  fe  lam 
-f*r«b  V  ©aai»rab  -tag  j*  bowsprit  ihroml» 
-fcaaacr^.  stopper-  *walft»houlder.  »fa  haad  *.*. 

*©ra  *rfr  h  ©rar 

*©raa  •  quick.  hasty. 

©raab'  k  ©rab 

øraab  c,  *•  k  l*Tcafr»»;  •shrad. 

tØraabefe  9rage  vt 

teraabc  c  heap  ot  tVUM  iww  vfe  ^taatrV 

Braab  fra  ■  ».  «.  »<  *^^ 

9raaafa  e  -er  htfary  $«a,  break^r 

Mtaaa  baa  k  )t>rab(bb  -fi»H  a  don*  tn  a 
hnrry.  hnrried  -%at  !m»t  hurry.  *%«|Hg  a 
hastr.  prvctpitate. 

«9taaf  ■  bust>,  adw  fU»  Bfaatt  r«  hw*U*% 
foss.  worry;  »e  ^naj*  rt     -f»«  *  b<i*mivp 

*9caaai  ri  mel:. 

«9raa  rig  •  suddealy  grown  rtch  «p«bt  W 
BxabKBMt.    -taabfe  »top  suddanly-    '♦•*  W*" 

***  -  -  r  -r  h««p  et  abr*t»  i^f  fr*Wl  trw 

(for  obstruer*    the    pas$agf  i>t   au   jw*«a> 
Und  oa  which  the  Uw  are  <WWd  atM  Kuui. 

and  corn  sown  in  the  ashes;  heap,  maas: 
btænbe  .  clear  the  land  by  burnlng  the  trees, 
amr  bnrn  brash.  -brtrabtag  c  barning-  of 
„©raatr,  +  sartage.    -rag  rye  sown  In  Q. 

•©raatt  fe  Qraabfø. 

*©raa| batter  a  pretty  at  fint  Right,    -atafcc  m 
turn  abruptly. 

©rabaat  «  Brabant.     -er  c  Brabant'er.     -ff  a 

fBrab  c  e  joint  (of  meat). 

tOrab  a  fe  ©rat  1.  -btob  a  steep-to.  -a«b 
sndden  deoth. 

©rab  e)6««t  &  careening  place. 

tOraborbet  a  hasty  el.  intemperate  in  Bpeecb.. 

Brab(e)panbe  c  dripping-pan. 

©rabffabet  a  hasty,  touchy,  testy. 

©rabfbib  n  spit. 

©rabfbil  a  windlass;  ©iøm  poa  .  bitt. 

©rag  «,p/a,  crash,  crack,  ©rage  vi  crash, 
(fproge)  crackle. 

©rage  c  r  brake.    ©rage  vt  brake. 

©ragebocger  n,  poet  toasting  cup. 

©ra'gaiag  c  braking. 

©ragt  bragte  fe  ©ringe. 

©raimlatø'aw  c  Brahmanism,  Brah'miniam. 
-a  tt.  -i'a  c  -er  Brahman,  Brah'min.  -a'«ff, 
-i'aff  a  Brahman'ic,  Brahmin'ic. 

©ral'  imp  af  ©rceffe. 

©rat'  a  (om  ©anb)  brackish. 

Oraf  o  (om  3orb)  fallow;  ligge  .  lie  fiUlow. 
©raf  c  fallow;  ten  -  bare  fallow;  benyttet  . 
green  fallow.  -aar  fiUlow-year.  -ager  fellow 

•Crafttl  c  alder  buckthorn,  Rkamamt  framoula. 

©raf  fraat  (allow^arop.  -|arb(e)  break  narrow, 
drag.    ©rette  r#  fallow. 

©ratte  r  fe  ©arotte. 

©raflaab  faUow-land.  -smart  tfe  -ager;  *\e 
-lanb.    ©rataiag  c  fallowing. 

©ratasrfc  flat  nose.    -aefet  a  flat-nosed. 

©rat  btfje  vi  break  np.  -faale  pratincole, 
(r.arro/o  $iritincol*. 

©rattea  t  c  -er  bracteate. 

©rataaab  brackbh  water.  -aaaMUft  fish 
thai  lives  in  b.  w. 

t©rat  m  f  fus»,  big  words.  ©rale  op  vi 
rattle  away,  talk  big.  .  nb  ve  rattie  out. 

©raw  c  ostentatious  display,  show;  aieb  ©taft 
og  -  mtth  tUnirish  of  trumpet. 

©ra«  •  ^.  top>»llant  ,ubt.  f  togal'lant). 

©ra»at«aie  p.  i  w  ©rabat'. 

©raaia  biff  «aa#.  ©ra  wab.Iaa*  Bramah  lock. 
-areafe  Hramahpress. 

©ra«  arbaa  c  -er  braggart.     -e-re  vi  brag. 

talk  bi|r  ^" 

©raaibarbaa  c  toi^callant  backstay. 
©raaibwr  fe  ©rombocr. 
©ravtbrttertb  •»  topgaUant  tye. 
©raaibag  —  dia»Rbug 
©rawfelb  «  un^allant  halyard. 
©raaifH  •  uiuvsu<ut*Uou&. 
©raaigaarbtag  <•  un^wlUm  bnntline 
©raaigaa«  c  bernacie  goose.  Rtrmåda 
Vraaiatatab  «  UH^rallam  clewline. 
©raaii  a  k  ©rub«an 
©raailwfeil  •  top**: lam  $iudding:-aail 

tiuKJl,lSafI  mrt,N>**1  v<  ^^^  *   »bow  of, 
vttM'-w,    abr  a  tfetøniauoua.   ««  c  boasring  etc! 

©raatraa  uhk^IVuu  yard.     -rafte  t     narml 

*t«j     *«aag  i   uv**t     mmm  v  shrooda. 
©raa^e  v  r4*.n\e  xVivArtxaem 




*(®to!)  stock,  beam;  *f  de  vil  of  a  fellow; 
fatte,  fiiffe  i  .  set  on  fire,  set  fire  to,  (oaf.  fio) 
fire;  Tomme  i  -  catch  fire,  take  fire;  ftaa  t  -  be 
on  fire;  Solen!  .  the  scorching  of  the  sun;  tf 
ban  ba*  en  -  he  is  drunk;  er  en  -  i  ftatfen  paa 
pant  is  an  abomination  to  hlzn,  is  a  thora  in 
his  side;  *  ^ele  $aoet  ftob  i  ©raat  og  .  the  sea 
was  all  feather-white.  -aare  iliac  artery.  -at* 
bughted  ear  of  corn.  -allarm  f- alarm,  -attb  fe 
-goa*.  -anorbntua  statute  of  fires  and  arson. 
-anftalt  fire  etablishment.  -alfuronee  fe  -for* 
fitring.  -blegn, -blare  blister,  -bombe  inoendiary 
shell.  -breb  lncendiary-letter,  begging-letter. 
-bmber  sneets  of  pasteboard.  -træf  barn.  -bl|lb 
carbuncle.  -beger  groundsel,  Senecio  vulgiri*. 
-birettør  flre-warden.  -bragt  fireman's  dress. 
-»rag  fire  grapnel.  ©ranble  vt  snuff  (a  candle). 
-er  e  -e  (©rib)  fire-ship;  (95tttifltj>  quibble,  pun; 
(-et  $ue)  flre-back,  fl re-pigeon.  -fattet  firebrand. 
-fare  danger  of  fire.  -farlig  a  inflammable, 
liable  to  catch  fire.  -faftine  dipped  bavin. 
-feter  lnflammatory  fever.  *-fob  brand-iron. 
t-fogeb  Tillage  fire-warden.  -folf  flremen.  -før* 
bor  ezamination  in  a  case  of  fire.  -førfltriitg 
nre-insurance.  -førfitrtttgØfelflab  fire-insurance 
company.  -fri  a  flre-proof,  gøre  -  fireproof. 
-gaai  brand  goose,  Anii  ttdorna.  -gabe  fe  Xelt*. 
•gant  stone  partltlon  wall  (above  the  roofj. 
-gøbø  <£,  rombowline.  -granat  incendiary  shell. 
-gul  a  orange-coloured;  le  -t  laugh  grimly.  -ftoge 
fire-book.  -ftaae  flre-plug,  f.-cock.  -bjalb  relief 
to  a  sufferer  by  fire.  -b,ul  fusee-hole.  -tyl*  fe 
6prøite>.  ©rattbla  a,  med  gangrenous.  ©ranb|> 
far  nre-tub.  -farl  fireman.  -laøfe  f. -Insurance 
fund.  -ftoffe  flre-bell,  alarm  bell.  -tontingent 
premlnm  of  Insurance.  -lom  bllghted  corn. 
-forlig  flre-brigade.  -fugle  flre-ball.  -llbt  a 
sufferer  by  fire.  -lille  orange  lily,  Lilium  bul- 
bifermm.  -lugt  burning  smell.  -Ibgte  signal 
lantern  in  cases  of  fire.  -major  chief  of  the 
flremen.  -manb  fe  -larl.  -mur  fireproof  wall, 
party- wall.  -ma*  field-mouse,  Mu*  agrar iu«. 
-olie  fe  ©rantet.  -ørbuitta  fe  -anotbning.  -bil 
fire-arrow.  -btabe  flame-plate.  -biet  barn;  old 
fireplace,  place  of  burning.  -toøliri  fire  police. 
•prøve  assay.  -raab  cry  of  fire,  alarm  of  fire. 
•ralet  congreve  rocket,  war-rocket.  -rebffaf 
fire  implement,  fire  apparatus.  -ret  court  for 
trying  cases  of  fire.  -ralle  flre-bill.  -røb  fe 
Slbrøb;  -  Rebubtifaner  red-hot  repabllcan.  -rar 
fuze,  fuzee.  -rar bor  fuze-auger.  -rørfit  Jute 
for  the  fuze.  -rørSbombe  time-fuzed  shell. 
•rorifatå  fuze  composition.  -rørtræffer  fuze 
-engine.  -faar  bum.  -falbe  ointment  for  barns. 
•fati  composition.  -fejl  fire-sail.  -ftgttal  signal 
of  fire.  -flab  flre-alarm  C-boz).  -flabe  damage 
by  fire.  -flat  forced  contribntion.  -ffatnlng 
c  levying  contrlbutlons.  -fTatte  levy  a  con  tribu- 
tion on,  requisition.  ffib  fire-ship.  -ffifer  coal 
•slate.  -fmt  badge  worn  by  flremen.  -ftørbe 
eachar.  -ffrlg  fe  -raab.  -ftnb  fire-signalling  gun. 
-ffor  gleam  of  (the)  fire.  -ffærm  fire-screen. 
•tange  fe  Sbtøite».  -flutter  flre-extlngulsher. 
•fafntttgtrtbffab  fe  -rebffab.  -fbanb  flre-bucket, 
Leatbern  bncket  nsed  at  fires,  -fbrøfte  fire 
-engine.  -fratiøtt  flre-station.  -fteb  place  of  a 
fire.  -Rifter  incendiary.  -friftetfe  incendiarism, 
arson.  -fHge  flre-ladder,  fire  escape,  -ftof  p 
shrew.  -ftornt  furious  hurricane.  -fbenb  fe 
-toti.  -fberrnter  rocket.  -Mb  reflned  Silver. 
-taoge  blightlng  fog.  -tatft  Insurance  value. 
•dn  fe  -fmt.  -telegraf  fire  telegraph,  -tømt  fe 
-fteb.  -tromme  flre-drum,  alarm  drum.  -taj 
øulphorated  cloth.  -bagt  watch  el.  guard  of 
flremen;  (enfelt  fRanb)  watch,  watch  man.  -bfffen 
fire-offloe,  fire  regulations. 

©rante  vt  (brune)  brown;  (fbibe)  singe;  -t  Olie 
empyreumatic  oil;  -t  fiugt,  @mag  empyreuma. 

©rai  n  (2bb)  crash,  crackle. 

©ra*  c-tr  J,  brace;  Iub  .  weatber  b.;  I«  „ 
lee  brace.  -arm  bumpkin.  -btøf  brace-block 
(o.  fl.). 

©rafe  vi  f  crash;  -  imob  knock  against; 
.  neb  come  down  with  a  crash;  -  fammen 

©rafe  vt  &  brace;  -  an  b.  to;  .  bal  b.  aback; 
-  bibeotnb,  -  op  b.  in;  -  baarbt  an  (ftøtpe)  b. 
sharp  up;  -  futbt  flll;  -  om  brace  round  el. 

©rafe  vt  fry,  roast,  cook;  bet  -g  og  fieges 
beftonbtg  i  bet  Qul  there  is  cooking  from  mor- 
ning to  night  in  that  house;  —  vi  fry;  .  op 
for  en  nteb  regale  el.  feast  one  with.  -n  c  fry- 
ing  etc. 

©rafe«  c  -er  bream,  Abramis  brama.  -fgbe 
quill-wort.  Iaoéteå  lacuitriå. 

©rafl  1 1  len  n  Braz'll,  the  Brazlls.  -ia'ner  c  -e, 
-ianff  Bnzil'ian.    -term  brazll-wood. 

©raff  c  show,  display,  fe  ©ram.  -e  vi  make 
a  show,  a  dash;  .  meb  make  a  parade  of,  pa- 
rade,   t-er  c  boaster. 

©rafl  indee,  ftaa  Safl  og  -  meb  snare  good  or 
bad  luck  with. 

©rafl  imp  af  ©rifle. 

©rat'  a  (plubfelig)  abrupt;  faa  en  .  Snbe  come 
to  an  un timely  end;  —  adv  suddenly. 

©rat'  a  (ftcil)  steep,  precipitous.  -feeb  o 
steepness,  abruptness,  precipitousness.  4-iambe 
n  steep  ground.  Motabt  a  with  steep  aocliyities. 
©ratning,  *©r«tte  o  steep  place. 

©ratfa)  c  -er  viola,  tenor  violin.  -Ift  c  -er 
player  on  the  viola. 

©rab  a  (mobig)  brave;  (fHReltg)  honest,  worthy; 
(anfelig)  sufficient,  goodly;  —  adv  not  amiss, 
Bufficlently,  rather:  bravely;  bet  er  -  not  that  is 
all  very  well.    -Ijeb  c  uprightness,  honesty. 

©rabø  tnt  bravo  l  -raab  cry  of  bravo.  Ora* 
biØ'fimo!  bravissimo. 

©rabtt'r  c  bra'very;  mim  bravn'ra.  -arie  bra- 
vnra.    -cabence  brllllant  el.  ornamental  cadence. 

Oreccie  c  breccia.  -agtig  o  breeciated.  -mar- 
mor pebbly  marble. 

©rea)e  o  -r  breach;  gøre,  ftbbe  -  make  a 

©reb'  c  -bet  border,  edge,  margin;  (af  fjlob) 
bank;  (af  $ab)  snore;  (af  Olaf  o.  1.)  brim,  edge; 
t  (af  ©og  el.  ©lab)  margin;  Ørabenft  .  the  brink 
el.  verge  of  the  grave;  beb  Aabetl  .  on  the 
seashore,  gi!  ober  fine  bet  overnowed  its  banks; 
bet  er  bebte  at  fbare  baa  -ben  enb  paa  ©unben  it 
is  too  late  to  spare  when  the  bottom  is  bare. 

©reb  a  broad,  wide;  (om  Stilen)  diffuse;  f  bet 
-e  fiaar  tilbage  the  worst  remains;  feff  %ob  lang 
og  fire  -  six  feet  by  four,  gør  på  -  looks  big, 
gives  hlmself  airs;  fører  en  .  ©enfel  is  lavish  of 
his  colours;  —  -t  adv  broadly  etc.;  bibt  oc 
far  and  wide;  (bibtløftigt)  at  great  length. 
fe  -øf*e.  -blabet  «  broad-leaved,  (ftnib)  broad 
-bladed.  -bringet,  •brttftet  a  broad-chested. 
-bnget  a  broad-bellied.    -bygget  a  broad-built. 

©rebbe  [é]  c  -r  breadth;  (Stilens)  dlfluseness; 
gtog  latltude;  +  =  ©reb;  unbet  norblig  .  in  north 
lati tudes,  -rirtel  circle  of  latltude.  -forffel 
difference  of  latitude.  -arab  degree  of  latltude; 
unbet  bore  -er  in  our  latitudes.  -iagttagelfe 
observation  for  latitude.  -trcbi  fe  -eirfel.  -toarat* 
Icl  parallel  (unbet  on). 

©rebe  -te,  -t  vt  spread;  .  flg  øquare  el.  spread 
one's  self;  J,  breb  fotl  square  away  the  head 
-yards!  -  nb,  fe  Ubbrebe. 

©re'bjflab  angler,  Lopkiut  pucatoriut.    -gabet 

)Q   -t 




a  broad  •Jawed.    -føbet  a  broad -footed.     -føl 
square  sall. 

©reb'lfnlb.  +-fblbt  a  brlmfal. 

©reb  I  furet  a  broad-  furro  wed.  -f  alget  o  broad 
•fellied.  -øasg  J,  spirketing.  •Rømmer  flatten- 
ing-bammer.  -|eb  e  broadness.  -flrteliø  broad 
•church.  -taftet  a  croøs-chap  (hand-vlce).  -mej' 
fri  broad  chiøel.  -møf  lel  morel,  Morehella  eteu- 
UrUa.  -tnnnbet  a  wide-mouthed.  -næbbet  a 
latirostrouB.  -ttcebtfngl  boat-bill,  Euritaimu*. 
•notfet  a  (Sfo)  square-toed;  too  platyrhine. 
•ba*be  broad -noøed  eel,  Anguilla  latirottrit. 
•rbgøet  a  broad-backed.  -foa  vt  sow  broadcast. 
•f aontøffise  broadcast  sowing-machlne.  -føastnø 
broadcøøting.  -Rbe  broadside.  -ffnlbret  a  broad 
-shouldered.  -ffygøet  a  broad-brimmed,  broad 
-leaved.  -flabe  sledge  wlth  a  seat  for  two. 
•fssbet  a  square-toed.  -fbøret  a  broad-gauge. 
-ftørfe|(  øquare  mainaall.  +-øeb  prcep  beøide. 
-bøffen  o  øquare-built.    -øffle  broad  axe. 

©regne  c  -r  (i  Ulm.)  fern;  (ifær  Jprneb.)  brake, 
pro  bracken.  -frø*  brake.  -ftøitt«e  stipe. 
-tre  tree-fern. 

©reiØøan  n  Brisgau,  Brlsgow. 

©retorter  fe  ©erloftet. 

8rem|e*  n  Bremen,  -erbtøøt  Bremen  blne. 
-tff  a  Bremen. 

©rem*,  ©rewfe  o  -c  gadfly,  horsefly,  bornet, 
Oeitrtu;  (til  Aeft)  barnacles;  (tit  Søgn  ofø.)  brake, 
skid.  ©remfe  vt  brake.  ©rentfe|«bbarøt  brak- 
Ing  apparatnø.  -r  o  -e  brake(ø)man.  -ffø  brake- 
øboe.  -ftang  brake  lever,  -bøøn  brake- van. 
-bøgter  fe  -t.  —  ©rewiuinø  c  braking. 

©reøfa«  n  Breølaw. 

©retaø«'|e  n  Brlt'any.  -er  e -e,  -iff a Bret'on. 
t©retlønb  n  poet  Britain. 

Øreø  n  -e  letter,  epistle,  missive,  (minbre) 
note;  F  (»  Stafet)  letter  in  the  candle,  cabbage 
•head;  ©øult  -e  the  Bpistleø  of  St.  Paul;  bettle 
-e  oieb  en  correøpond  witb  one:  gibe  .  paa  give 
in  writing;  et  .  Jhiopbenøale  a  paper  of  pins. 
©reb|øøbner  e  -e  letter-opener.  -øbet  patent 
nobllity.  -øbeltg  a  of  patent  nobility.  -bøg 
letter-book.  -brab  breaking  of  letters,  -tirrer, 
-brager  letter-canier.  -bue  carrier  (pigeon), 
homing  pigeon,  -før«  epiøtolary  style;  i  .  in 
the  form  of  a  letter.  -|emntelig!>ebe«  the 
lnviolability  of  letters,  the  privacy  of  corre- 
spondenoe.    -Ijølber  letter-clip. 

©rebia'rl«m  »  breviary. 

©re'b|tøØfe  letter -box,  (offentlig)  pillar-box; 
(i  ttbi«)  correspondence.  -fifle  mnniment-chest. 
.flemme  letter-dip.  -ført  postal  card,  post-oard. 
-øjøbbe  portfoUo.  -ttøølr  j>J  paper-pins.  -oblat 
wøier.  -ombeling  delivery.  -•«1J«|  envelope. 
-bøbtr  letter-paper,  note-paper  (Surøuibapti  ancy 
-paper).  ->ørtø  postage,  poøtage  rate  -bøft  letter 
-Sost  -»rrtfer  paper  wefght  -f««Htttco lection 
of  letters.  t-f «■«»«••**■  receiving  house  el.  offlee. 
-ffibVepreøø  for  letters.  .ffa*e*pJpapers,deeds. 
-jfrtber  writer,  correspondent.  -ffrtjmlnø  letter 
-writing,  epistolary  writing.  -førterrr  letter 
-rørte? ;  -førtrri«0  sorting  of  letten  -ftembet 
eSmp  *«  epistolary  rt^+gg*  ««* 
falder  -f*f  letter-bag.  -tøfft  postage  rate, 
^ostSe.  -tøffe  letter-case  pocket-book,  waUet. 
^iSaVf  « -beMlinø.    -be»le  correspond.    -brM« 

%ri^%Tm£&'a<»  å.  -«»le..  letter- 
weteher;  fe  -bteffer. 

©libøi'  Ift  1  c  bridoon. 

©ribff  c  mil  platform.         i^^ 

©riga'be o -t  brigade.  *ø)ef,  -geBetøl, ©rtøøber 
e  -eret  (brigadier) -general. 

©riganti'ne  c  -t  brig'antine. 

©rigl børn  main  boom.    -gaffel  trysail-gaff. 

©tiøøtff  a  Briggian. 

©rigittø  fe  ©ttgitte. 

©rig  fefl  boom-møinøøil.  -frjléf o«  (©rigbøm) 
boom-mainsail  boom.  -fejUgøffel  boom-main- 
øøil  gaff . 

©ri!,  ©Hf fe  c  -r  wooden  plate;  (i  ©pil)  man, 
(nøbnl.  Officer)  piece;  (øf  $at)  bottom;  (SXøntø.) 
blank;  -r  F  (©enge)  tin. 

©rifl  c  -er  Harlequin's  wand;  (Seje)  pallet, 
couch  of  boards. 

©riDttnt'  a  og  c  -et  brill'iant.  -gotn  tinøel 
cord.    -ilb  egret-rlre. 

©riller  p/  spectacles,  glasses;  A,  hawse-pleoes. 
OrlSe  (fctejeit)  horse-shoe,  (i  6ton  fork;  (Sofum) 
seat;  +  m*  ©riller.  —  ©rille |bøf  fork  chuck. 
-bttffer  Jackass  penguln,  Spheniicw  demeriu*. 
•foberøl  spectacle-case.  -øloft  speetacle-glass  el. 
•lens.  -f-øøøe  nose-saddle.  -iKøføhiHif  fe  ft«n> 
ger.  •faftnø«  spectacle-alligator,  C&ampta  9cle- 
rop9.  -nager  spectacle-maker.  -fltiiøe  hooded 
snake.  cobra  de  capella,  Nqja  tnpvdient.  -ftøttt' 
ger  pi  Bpectacle-frame. 

©ringe,  bragte,  bragt  vt  (i  tttm.)  bring;  take, 
fetch,  carry,  convey;  .  en  gotbel  beneflt  one; 
bet  bragte  pant  røre  og  ftorbet  it  redounded  to 
his  honour  and  profit;  -  et  Offer  make  a  sacri- 
flce;  .  bet  bibt  be  very  øncceøful,  achieve  great 
things,  go  far;  .for  Stjfrt  bring  to  light;  -  en 
fra  nt  divert  el.  dissuade  one  from;  .  £ftf  i 
clear  up;  «  i  (Erfaring  learn,  aøcertain;  -  t 
Sbftem  reduce  to  a  system;  -  i  nb  bring  in, 
yield;  .  en  inb  (i  ©pil)  put  the  lead  in  one's  hånd; 
-  nt  ober  ftt  Sinb  bring  one's  self  to,  find  in 
one's  heazt;  -  en  paa  nt  remind  one  of;   -  en 

5aa  ben  ZanTe  lead  one  to  fancy;  -  en  boa  anbre 
:<m!er  make  one  change  his  mind;  ~  en  paa 
gobe  igen  retrieve  one's  affain;  .til  Støbigfteb 
reduce  to  obedience;  .  til  Sfottbiblelfe  drive  to 
despair;  .  til  Xatrtfcb  silence;  .  en  til  at  .  .  . 
make  one  .  . .;  .  nt  tit  ©ibe  hide,  conceal  some- 
thing;  -  en  til  at  gøre  nt  make  one  do  st;  .  bet 
(ber)til  at  bring  matters  to  such  a  paøs  that;  . 
nt  ub  ibtanbt  golf  spread  abroad;  ban  -c  meget 
ub  af  ben  ttaarb  he  makes  a  good  deal  by  that 
larm;  -  en  ub  af  bet  put  one  out. 

©ringe  c  -r  (paa  Dør)  chest.  -bmbt  a  galled 
on  the  chest. 

»©ritiøebær  n  &  et  pi  =s,  raspberry,  -bnff  r. 
bush,  Rubut  tdonu. 

©ringebrøj  a  broad-chested. 

©tinger  c  -e  bringer,  bearer. 

»ri«ge|rem  breast-strap.  -ftnffr  brisket.  -ftcert 
fe  brøj.  -tøj  breast-harness.  —  ©Hng|føbbel  pole 
-straps.  *-frt  brisket  -ftHtfe  (éelet.)  b^east 
-Pjatf,  -strap,    -fele  fe  ©ringetøj. 

blu£li  •«»lrt  a  steep,  precipitous. 

i«5,i,t«w«*bydr^nf*  •rtmtlecnptf)  hydracid. 
-Iiift  fe  ©rint  -øøerilte  peroxide  of  hydrogen, 
hydric  peroxide.  ju*wsto, 

©Hødje  [fr]  c  (a  kindof)  bun,  brloche,  light 
8ponffe  cake.  '  "•"• 

©riø«ett'erj)/  briquettes,  patent  fuel. 
©ri»(e)  e  breeze.    ©rife  vi:  bet   r  on  there  ia 
a  breeze,  a  b.  is  coming  ud 
©Hff  c  -er,  fe  ©ril«. 
•©riff  c  Juniper  fe  Hnt>. 
*©fjjfe  ftg  ©r  mcb  show  off. 
©  Juniper  berry.      .uttg    deooction 


Hilinø  c  -er  sprat,  CTapea  „rat**.     .Weri 





©riffel  e  sweetbread,  pancreas. 

*9riøfel  c  brazil-wood,  sapan-wood. 

©rifl  o  -et  A  =,  break,  rent;  fa  defect. 

©rifre,  bralt,  bruflet  (ogf.  »be  -t)  m  burst,  crack, 
break  (ogf.  fa  om  fjertet);  linene  .  the  eyes 
grow  dlm;  tiet  moa  .  eller  bare  it  must  break  or 
bend,  come  weal  oome  woe;  fcerbtg  at  -  af 
Satter  ready  to  split  his  sides  with  laughing;  _ 
nb  i  flatter,  ©toab  burst  out  (a)  laughing,  ciylng. 
©rite  et  fflQfl  fejl)  mil;  bet  -t  tøm  paa  Ubtølben« 
tjeb  he  wants  perseverance.  -færbig  a  ready  to 
burst.    ©rtfhting  c  bureting  etc. 

©rit|a*  ten  »  Brit'ain.  -Iff  a  British,  -te  c 
-r  Briton. 

©ro  c  -er  bridge;  (ftaønebro)  pier,  Jetty;  (i 
Jrebel)  fire  bridge;  (Stenbro)  pavement;  .  _  ©rille 
(£eg)  the  kiug  and  his  train,  thread-the-needle, 
the  bells  of  London;  flaa  -  ober  throw  a  bridge 
over,  bridge  over.  -oabning  cut.  -aag  pier. 
•oalotg  fe -otyming.  -baonb  pontoon.  -baneroad- 
way.  -bue  arch  (of  a  bridge).  -bbgning  con- 
struction  of  bridges,  bridge  constructlon. 

©rod)|e  c  -r  brooch.  -e're  vt  sew,  stitch. 
-»'re  e  -r  pamphlet.  -nrearbefbe  book-sewer's 

©røb  c  -be  øa  -bet  sting;  •(€<>rre)  sprout;  flamme 
mob  -en  WW  klok  agsinst  the  pricks. 

©røbbe,  *©røb  o  -ber  rrostnall. 

©røbbe  vt  rough-shoe,  sharp-shoe. 

©robbm  a  brittle,  fragile,  brobne  ©anber  broken 
heads,  brobne  Star  i  alle  fianbe  every  country  has 
its  drawbacks;  there  are  black  sheep  In  every 

©røber  o,  ni  ©rø'bre,  brother;  pi  i  relig.  Stil 
brethren;  (Dtunt)  friar;  Inftig  .  merry  fellow, 
jolly  blade;  jul  -  cunning  dog;  .  Siberltg  rake; 
barmbiertige  ©røbrc  charity- friars;  10  Dalet  oarb 
mellem  ©røbre  10  dollars  and  cheap  at  that 
Cprice);  ©røbrene  R.  (Qirma)  R.  Brothers,  -aaab 
brotherty  splrit.  •am  fe  -lob.  -baaab  tie  of 
brotherhood.  -tant  child  ofa  brother.  •batter 

©røbe're  vt  embroider;  fa  adom.  ©røber  j' 
gor«  embrolderlng-thread.  -mønftcr  pattern  for 
embroidering.    •ramme  embroldering-frame.  -- 

©roberen  c  embroidering.  ©røbererffe  o  t 

©røber 'fott  sister  nation,  -forbnttb  fraternity. 
-baaab  fraternal  band.  -tab  fraternal  hatred. 
-f}ilfea  brotherly  greettng. 

©røberi'  n  -er  embroldery;  mus  ornaments, 
embellishments.  -Isabel  Berlin  shop.  ©robe'« 
ring  c  embroidering. 

Ørøber|tone  brother's  wlfe.  -forlig  a  brotherly, 
fraternal.  -rVrrligbeb  fraternal  el.  brotherly  love. 
-fa#  fraternal  kiss.  -lab,  -tag  fraternity.  Orø* 
bertig  a  brotherly,  fraternal.  ©røberligbeb  c  fe 
-flab.  ©rober {Iltre  fe  ©ror.  -løb  brother's  snare 
of  an  inheritance.  -la*  a  brother  leas.  -morb 
fratricide.  -mørber,  -mørberffe  fratricide.  -mør' 
ber(i)ff  o  fratrlddal.  -bagt  brotherly  alliance. 
-bort  fe  -lob;  tage  -en  take  the  llon's  ahare. 
•»lig  t  a  brother's  duty,  duty  as  a  brother.  -ret 
brother's  right,  -rige  sister  kingdom.  -flab 
Craternal  spirit.  -fTaal:  britte  -  drink  eternal 
fliendahip.  -flab  n  broiher-hood,  fraternity; 
intet  .  i  fcorrfbil  I  would  cheat  my  own  rather 
at  cards.  -tøitb,  -frrlb  dissension  between  bro- 
thers.  -fa«  nephew.  -tbtfl  fe  -fplib.  -benflab 
brotherly  friendship. 

©røbifrt,  -la*  a  stingless.  -fra  bur-weed, 
lonse-burr,  Xantkium  itnmarium.  -f«lb  a,  poet 

©ro'ibrager  girder  (of  a  bridge),  -beflc  plat- 
form, road-way.  -fag  bay  (ofa  bridge),  -fartøj 
pontoon.    -ftøfe  pi  water-wlngs. 

©røg  e  f  breeches;  vt  breeching.  -bøjle  breech- 
in  g- bolt. 

©røget  [aa]  a  pied,  party-coloured,  motley, 
variegated;  -be  Qfarbet  gaudy  colours,  en  -  $efl 
a  piebald  bone;  -  bro  a  brindled  cow;  bet  fer  . 
ub  it  has  an  awkward  look;  ljet  gaar  bet  .  til 
these  are  Strange  golngs-on;  ljan  gjorbe  mig  bet 
for  -  he  was  rather  too  bad.  -tyfb  e  vanega- 

Orø  | tømmer  cross-beam.  -tøbeb  mil  tete-de 
•point,  bridge-head. 

©ro!'  e  badger,  fe  Ørcebling. 

©rot'  n  ruptur«,  hernla. 

©røfø'be  c  brocade. 

©rø|taaer  commission-agent's  runner.  -far  fe 

©røf|faaab,  -btnb  truss,  suspensory,  hernial 
bandage,    -batte  hernial  belt. 

©roffngl  c  -e,  fe  hjejle. 

©rotbnnb,  fe  Ønebltnaføinb. 

©rotbabelfe  c  swelling  caused  by  a  rupture. 

©røflagfe  c  waste-basket. 

©rotte  e  -r  fragment,  acrap,  bit;  latinfte  -t 
scraps  of  Latin,  ©røfle  vt  break;  .  fammen 
piece  together.    -bi*  adv  In  fragments. 

©rø'flaa  c  leaf,  flap  (of  a  bridge). 

©rørlage  c  surgeon  for  ruptures. 

©roforn  n  pontage  corn. 

©røfUratteat  sufferer  from  hernia.  -Jforrer, 
-falber,  -faltter  operator  for  hernia.  -tuføjlbc 
rupture,  case  of  hernia. 

©rølegeme  n  platform. 

©rølffglge  vt  pave.  -ger  c  -e  pavior.  -ger« 
jømfrn  paving-beetle.  -ning  pavlng,  pave- 
ment,  -ningdfommilfiønen  the  Commissioners 
of  Paving. 

©rom'  [6]  n  brome,  bromine. 

©rølmaab  tollman  (of  a  bridge),  -materiel 
material8  for  ponton-bridges. 

J ©rombrint  c  hydrlc  bromide. 
Irømbøtr   [6]   n   blackberry ,   bramble-berry. 
-bnfl  bramble(-bu8h),  blackberry  bush,   Rubut 
fruticonut.     -fommerfngl    brimstone    butterfly, 

©rømelter  c  superintendent  of  bridges. 

©rømlforbinbeife  compound  of  bromine;  pi 
bromides.  -faliam  brOmlde  of  potaasium,  po- 
tassic  bromide.  -metal  bromide.  -fbre  bromlo 
acid.  -falb  bromide  of  ailver.  -ooabftøf  fe  -brint. 
-otter  bromie  ether 

©røaø)'|ier  pi  bronchiæ.  -lal  bronch'ial. 
-it'U  c  bronchl'Us. 

©rotue  e  bronze,  (hard)  brass.  -alberen  the  b. 
age.  -faroe  b.  colour.  -farbet  a  b.-coloured. 
-følt  people  of  the  b.  age,  bronze  people.  -før* 
gblbntng  wash-gilding.  -tnltnr  bronze-culture. 
-mebaiue  b.  medal.  -aaløer  b.  powder.  -'re 
vt  bronze,  -'riag  o  bronzlng.  -fager  b.  årti  cl  es 
(o.  fl.).  -fbgbøm  bronzed-skin,  Aadison's  dlsease. 
-fam  cast  brass-nail.  -barer  bronze  articies. 
-barefabrifaat  bronzist. 

©rølbeage  bridge-toll,  pier-money,  pontage. 
-bille  pier  of  a  bridge,  -flabe  mil  bolster-plate. 
-b*l  pile. 

©rør  F  fe  ©rober.  -lUTe  good  brother,  brother 

©ro'lffottfe  fortiflcation  of  a  bridge,  fe  -tøbeb. 
-ffelet  frame  (of  a  bridge),  -ffinne  bridge- rall. 
-flagttiag  fe  -bbgntna.    -fllber  c  -e  lounger. 

©rødme  c  -r  torsk,  tusk,  Bnxmiut  vulgarit. 

Orø' Ilte«  pavlng-stone.  -taara  barbacan.  -trora 
ponton-traiu,  bridge-train. 

*©røtt  a,  pi  «=,  shred;  breakers. 

©røjbei  road-way  (of  a  bridge),  -bagt  plat- 
form balance,  weighbridge.  -øjne  pi  bridge 




©røøte  vi  brag,  vapour,  make  s  boast  (alle: 
af  of),  vauat  (ub.  prop).  ©rotter  c  -e  bragger, 
braggart,  braggadocio,  vapourer.  ©røøterl'  n 
bragging  etc. 

©rr!  int  (Gbjen  o.  I.)  ugh!;  fe  $rt. 

©man  c  Malay  bear,   Helarcto*  Malayanxu. 

©rub'  n,  pi  wb,  breach,  raptare  (begge  ogf.  .fø 
Uenigfyeb),  fracture  (om  fjaarbe  ©cnft.,  ©en,  BMne- 
ralier);  (@ten>)  quarry;  (Ooertræb.)  breach;  fri  fot 
•  mere  free  from  breakage;  bet  gi!  .  paa  ben  it 
waa  broken;  bet  er  lommet  til  et  -  mellem  bem 
they  have  fallen  out,  quarrelled. 

©mb  c  -e  bride,  to  weasel;  ftaa  .  be  marrled. 

—  ©rube|a«b  summer  dack,  wood  duck,  Aix 
•porua.  -blnS  bridal  el.  nuptial  torch.  -børb 
wedding -table,  nuptial  board,  -lamt  bridal 
seat.  -bragt  bridal  dress,  -følt  pi  bridal  couple. 
-ffltrb  fe  ©rbHup«'.  -følge  bridal  procession. 
-fører  he  that  gives  the  bride  away.  -gane 
bridal  el.  nuptial  present.  -|v8  bridal  house. 
+-JømfrM  fe  -pige.  -tømmer  brlde-chamber,  nup- 
tial chomber.  t-førl  bride'sman.  -rjøle  bridal 
el.  wedding  gown.  -Håber  bridal  el.  nuptial 
garments.  -føae  married  bride'smald.  -tranø 
nuptial  wreath.  -trone  bridal  crown.  -fjjé 
bridal  kiss.  -leje  fe  -feng.  -lp«  $  flowering 
-rush,  Buiomui  um bellatut.  -marø)  wedding 
march,    »nat  fe  ©rtaUupl'. 

©rub'eit  a  broken,  fractured;  -bne  %a\  frac- 
tional  numbers. 

©rub'ettber  pi  ends  of  the  fractured  bone. 

©mbelpar  bridal  pair.  new-married  couple. 
+-penge  fe  -gade.  -toige  bride'smald.  -pb»*  bridal 
attire.  -ring  wedding-rlng.  -fang  nuptial  song, 
epithalamium.  -feng  bride- bed,  nuptial  bed. 
•flammet :  føre  til  -flamlen  marry.  -ffare  bridal 
procession,  -ffatdower.  -fføntr  fe  -gabe.  *-ftaat 
fe  -mard).  -flør  bridal  veil;  chalk-plant,  Gyp- 
•ophila.  -fmjjtle  bridal  ornament.  -flab*  fe  -pbnt. 
-foenb  fe  -farl.  -tale  nuptial  discourse.  +- terne 
fe  -pige.  -nbftbr  wedding  outflt  trousBeau.  -»er 8 
fe  -fang.  -øielfe  nuptial  ceremony.  -btfe  n. 

©rnbflabe  surface  of  fracture. 

©mbgom  c  -me  brldegroom.  ©mbgømømanb 

©mbjgranfe  (f.  Htt.  3arnø)  breaking  strain. 
-Vten  quarry -stone.  -fhjHe  fragment.  -fttjtteagrig 
a  fragmentary.    ©mbt  part  af  ©tbbe. 

©mg  c  use,  employment;  (6 fif)  practice, 
custom,  usage;  f  (©ebrift;  tråde,  business;  Ctbene 
øg  bete«  forfffttige  -  the  words  and  thelr  dif- 
ferent  uses;  gøre  .  af  make  use  of;  til  .  for 
uae;  til  -  for  for  the  use  of;  ingen  -  for  no  use 
el.  occasion  for;  bet  er  fcer  6!tt  og  -  it  is  the 
custom  hore;  gaa  af  .  go  out  of  use,  fall  into 
dlsuse  el.  desuetude;  tomme  i  .  get  el.  come 
into  use.  ©mg  n,  pi  =,  works.  manufaetory; 
business,  -bar  a  flt  for  use,  usable,  servlceable, 
efflcieut;  i  .  Stanb  servlceable.  -barbeb  e  fit- 
ness for  use,  usefulness. 

©mgbe  c  -t  fe  ©rtrøbe. 

©ruge,  -t'e,  -t'  vt  use,  employ:  (fot6ruge)  con- 
sume,  (©enge)  spend;  (pleje)  be  in  the  habit  of; 

-  fin  Zib  bel  make  a  good  use  of  one's  time-,  . 
nt  mob  en  Strøbora  take  something  for  a  com- 
plaint;  .  Zoba!,  Webtcin  take  snuff,  medicine; 
.  ©arp!  wear  a  wig;  .  en  ftreng  Diæt  observe  a 
strlct  regimen;  -  forben  till  el.  cultivate  the 
ground;  .  9Runb,  *  -  go  use  bad,  impertinent, 
abuaive,  language;  -  ©enene  make  use  of  one's 
legs,  p  stir  one's  stumps;  nøar  bet  ffol  -I  when 
wanted  for  use;  bet  fan  ban  _  that  is  in  his 
way  ni  -te  to  »age  til  at  it  took  us  two  days 
to  el.  we  took  two  days  to;  -  lang  Zib  til  at  be 
slow  of  -ing;  ~  op  consume,  expend,  use  the  I 

whole;  -  fifl  eiert  el.  bestir  one's  self;  bet  -4 
iffe  ber  til  Banb*  it  is  not  the  custom  in  thls 
country;  brugte  Måber  second  hånd  clothes; 
-gt  Øarberbar!  spent  tan-bark.  ©mgelig  a  fit 
for  use,  (atminbelig)  customary,  usual,  in  use;  -t 
$ant  mortgage  of  personalty.  Omger  c  -e  user; 
fe  jjorbbruger,  forbruger. 

©mgØ|anbiåning  directions  for  use.  «*frr 
owner  of  a  manufaetory.  -forening  supply 
association,  -sjatter  usufructuary.  -(eft  work 
-horse,  -Ijæøb  prescription.  -maafee  method 
of  using;  (om  3orb)  mode  of  cultivation.  -nå« 
tro«  fe  -ejer.  -ret  right  of  using,  usufruct.  -ftøle 
factory  school.  -tater!  trespass.  -bfltrbi  valne 
for  use  el.  as  an  article  for  use. 

©mm'  n  growl.  -baøfe  c  growler;  (fiegetøi^ 
hummlng-top.  ©mmle  vt  (fumme)  hum,  buzs; 
(fmaaftanbe)  grumble,  growl.  ©mmlen  c  growl 
ing.    ©ramme  vi  growl;  fa  grumble. 

tOrammem  de/  F  joc  the  blæk  hole,  durance 
vile.  ©ntmmernr  o:  en  VUumebft  .  a  month  in 
the  black  hole. 

©nm  a  brown;  en  -  $eft  a  bay  el.  brown 
horse;  -en  Brownie;  bet  -t  paa  6tegen  the  crust. 
•agrig  a  brownlsh.  -alger  pi  fucacete.  -Hal  a 
fe  -røb.  -Hiéfei  a  brown  with  a  white  blaze. 
©rrntc  vt  brown,  embrown,  (^uben)  bronze; 
(Støb)  brown,  fry;  -t  6mør  browned  el.  burnt 
butter;  -l,  .  flg  become  brown,  turn  brown; 
©inb  og  ©ejr  \xntt  -t  tym  he  was  weather 

©rnnøl'  n  lasting. 

©rnneH  e  c  ^  self-heal,  Prunella;  fe  3<em* 

©mnere  vt  brown,  burnish. 

©ntnct'  a  dark-complexioned.  ©mnet  te  c 
-r  brunette. 

©m'nlgnl  a  brownlsh  yellow,  (om  ^eft)  sorrel. 
-baaret  a  brown-halred.  -^ø  mow-burnt  bay. 
•jatmften  limonite,  bog  iron.  -taal  borecole. 
-!nl  lignite,  brown-coal.  -labem,  -Ug  a  brown- 
ish.  -løbet  a  of  a  brown  colour.  -male  vt 
paint  brown.  -malt  brown  el.  kiln-dried  malt. 
-natte  widgeon,  Ana*  penelope,  fe  Zaffelanb.  -røb 
brown-wort,  Scropkuiaria.  -røb  a  sorrel.  -røbt 
red  oohre,  Indlån  red.  -ftoaa«  brasil-  el.  sapan 
-wood.    -føat  dolomlte. 

©runfi  c  rut,  ruttlng  season. 

©m'nlftegt  a  done  brown.    -ften  maoganeee. 

©mnfrlg  a  ruttlng,  in  heat,  in  must. 

©m  nftrilet  o  brown-striped. 

©mnfttib  c  ruttlng  Urne,  rut. 

©m«é  »ig  n  Brunswick. 

©m  nltigret  a  brown-striped.  -øjet  a  brown 

©mø  n  rushing  sound,  roar;  °aerated  waters. 

©mø,  ©mfe  c  -t  (paa  ©anb!anbe  o.  betl.)  rose. 
©mf|e,  -te,  -t  vi  effervesce,  froth,  foam;  (^oøet) 
roar,  rush;  $anen  -r  flg  op  the  cock  purT*  him- 
self  up;  ftat!  -r  meb  Snrer  lime  effervesoes  with 
adds;  b/m  -r  let  op  he  is  apt  to  fly  out,  fire  up; 
-enbe  a  effervescmg  etc.;  fiv  lmpetuous,  tur- 
bulent, -en  e  effervesoing  etc.;  effervescence; 
(Aaoete)  roaring.  -bane  o  ruff,  Mackete*  pugnax 
•qobeb  hot-headed  person,    -bøne  reeve. 

©ntf!  c  gristle,  cartilage.  -agtig  a  gristly, 
cartilaginous.  -tetombelfe  Inflammation  of  the 
cartilages.  -bæger  whitlow-grass,  Illectbrum. 
-bbr  cartilaginous  animal.  -et  a  fe  -agtig.  -fif! 
chondropteryginous  fish.  -binbe  perlohondrium. 
-Hm  chondrine.  -plabe  cartilaginous  lamina. 
-fønlft  enchondroma. 

©rit'dlltmønabe  effervesdng  lemonade.  -«inø 
c  fe  ©rufen.    -pnlber  effervescent  powder 

©mftrt  fe  ©rifle. 




Omtal  a  bni'tal,  churllsh,  bullying;  en  - 
Setfon  a  bully.    -tte't  c  brutal'ity. 

©rattø'brløb  gross-amount.  -elfelt  gro«  effect. 
-fragt  gross-rreight.  -tnbtægt,  -nbøktre  gro« 
amoant  of  receipts,  gross  earoings.    -øægt  gross 


*©r*  F  fe  ©rtobe  (plage). 

©rub  fe  ©ruberi. 

9rbj1iar  a  op*  refrangible.  -*eb  c  refrang- 

©røbe,  brøb,  brubt  v(  A  t  (bratte)  break;  (om 
fipfet)  refract;  (om  Gøen)  break;  (plage)  plague, 
trouble,  annoy;  _  flt  $ooeb  puzzle,  rack,  cudgel 
one's  brain;  -  $ør  break  flax:  _  Sten  quarry 
stone;  ~  (fttf  dig  out  ore;  -  Saften  J,  break 
bulk;  -  flt  fiøfte.  fin  Sb  break  one's  promise, 
oatb;  Sabelen  -t  $ef!en  the  saddle  galls  the  horse; 
-  ftrebfen,  Saget  part  company;  -  gfen  break  the 
ioe  (ogf.  fig);  -  fcaoftfcben  break  siience;  -  af  f 
break  off;  i  (i  Zalen)  stop;  meb  Rober  til  tø  re, 
fcrpb  af  I  right  file!  -frem  break  fortn,  emerge; 
Dagen  brøb  frem dav broke,  dawned;  .igennem 
break  through;  -inb  break  in,  force  an  en- 
trance;  -  inb  i  Sanbet  invade  the  country;  -  inb 
i  et  $11*  break  into  a  house;  ~  inb  ober  break 
in  upon;  -  itu  break:  -  løs  break  loose;  - 
meb  en  break  with  one;  -  meb  en  ©ane  break 
(one's  self  of)  a  habit;  -  neb  break  down;  .op 
(opbrnbe)  break  el.  force  open,  (afmar$ere)  march; 
(om  6oot)  buret;  Gelftabet,  Øorfamtingen  brøb  op 
the  party,  meeting  broke  up;  3fen  -r  op  the  ioe 
is  breaking  up;  .  ©taoen  ooer  condemn;  -  paa 
bet  Strfte  have  a  German  accent;  -  ub  (af  Sang* 
feQ  break  (out  of;  prison;  ~  ub  i  Satter  buret  out 
l&ughing;  3lben,  ftrigen  brøb  ub  the  fire,  war 
broke  out;  —  vr  f tg  meb  trouble  one's  self 
with;  _  fig  om  care  about,  mind:  aa,  brubSem 
tfte  om  betl  don't  trouble  yourself,  never  you 
mind;  brbb  big  itte  om  mig  never  mind  me;  jeg 
-x  mig  itte  om  bet  I  don't  care  about  it  et.  for 
it;  jeg  -r  mig  itte  om  at  gaa  I  don't  care  to  go 
el.  about  going;  —  brtobeft  be  broken  etc., 
(Stamp)  wrestle.  f©rUbe|baØfe  wrestler.  -tamp 
wrestling-match.  -tttuft  the  art  of  wrestling. 
•leg  wrestling.  ©rttbrlig  a  frangible.  that  may 
be  broken.  ©rUben  o  breaking  etc.;  wrestling. 
9rube|ptabå  wrestling-place.  -ri'  »  -er  trouble, 
pother,  bother.  -ftøug  crowbar.  -tag  (grasp  in) 

Ørbj1|ui«f  c  breaking  etc.;  wrestling;  fig  con- 
flJct;  SUsfrraalernei  .  refraction  of  light,  -ttittø** 
»intet  angle  of  refraction.    -fom  a  troublesome. 

*©røe  c  -r  fe  trug. 

©røg'  c  brewing. 

©røgbe  c  -r  basking  shark,  sun-flsh,  Selackua 

Oefffe  ve  brew. 

©rigge  n  (©»)  Bruges 

OrUgge  c  -r  wharf,  quay,  fubløbenbe)  pier,  Jetty. 
-ca(*f  wharfing.  -ejer  wharf- o wn er.  -far  pier. 
-»efter  wharflnger.  -(eje,  -penge  pler-money. 
-pfabi  wharfage. 

©røg  gefebel  c  brewing  copper. 

©rigger  c  -e  brewer.  -gaarb  brewery.  -tjeft 
brewers  horse,  dray- horse.  -  (el.  Srbgoftuå 
brew-  el.  brewing  house,  scullery.  -tor  brew- 
Injr,  vat.  -fart  brewer* s  man,  draymar*  -tebel 
brewer's  copper.  -tttfltgt  brewer's  servant,  dray- 
man  -Ian  brewer's  Corporation,  -Ȍring 
brewer's  tråde.  -øb«  brewing- fumace.  -rebftaø 
brewlng-utensil.  ©røggeri  n  scullery.  ©rig 
gerj'jluffe    sled.      -foenb   journeyman- brewer. 

m  draycart. 
©rwJ**  fe  ©tigger«,   -mefter  master  brewer. 

(øøer  c  quay  porter,  lumper. 

©rigalug  e  brewing. 

©rbttup  n  pet  wedding,  nuptials,  bridal, 
marriage;  Itøbe,  bolbe  -  celebrate  a  wedding,  be 
married,  gøre  -  pay  the  expenses  of  a  wedding; 
ocere  til  .  be  at  a  wedding;  -pet  i  (Eana  the  mar- 
riage in  Cana.  —  ©rbHup*|tørb  wedding  din- 
ner.  -tren  invitation  to  a  wedding.  -bag  wed- 
ding-day.  -bragt  wedding  dress,  nuptlal  gar- 
ments.  -feft  fe  -qøjtib.  -folf  wedding  el.  nuptlal 
guests.  -forb  wedding  festival,  bridal.  -gilbe 
weddlng(-feast).  -g*ft  weddlng-guest.  -qufet 
de/  the  house  in  which  the  wedding  is  cele- 
brated;  bibl  _ab(eb  fulbt  af  Øæfter  the  wedding 
was  furnlshed  with  guests.  •bøjtib  nuptlal 
festival,  -tjole  wedding  gown.  -tlaber  nuptlal 
el.  wedding  garments.  -tlsbniug  bibl  wedding 
garment.  »nat  bridal  night.  -P*a»t  wedding 
flnery.  -rejfe  wedding-trip.  -fritte  wedding 
ceremonies  el.  customs,  sponsal  rites,  -øer* 
nuptlal  verse,  epithalamium. 

©rtt«  n,  pi  =,  (af  en  $øø  brow;  (om  Piet) 
eyebrow;  (om  $abet)  expanse,  surface  of  the 
ocean;  fe  ®to»>. 

OrlpHbe  e  heat,  passion,  hist;  bet  er  bebre  at 
gifte  ftg  enb  at  libe  .  bibl  it  is  better  to  marry 
than  to  burn.    +9r9«big  a  fervent. 

*Or*#«e  m  whetstone.  Onp«e  vt  (ogf.  t  prov) 
whet,  sharpen.    -flets  e  whetstone. 

OrMje  c  -r  coat  of  mail,  cuirass.  -ftøfer  pi 
mail-hose.  -tloebt  a  mail-clad.  -traøe  gorget. 
•lad  a  without  a  coat  of  mail. 

Ørtøløgi'  c  bryol  ogy. 

©rbft  a  blunt,  churllsh. 

Orbifel  n  Brnssels.  ©rnefeler|tntpliuger, 
-terpper  Bruseels  lace,  carpets. 

Ør^ft  n  -er  (meft  om  bet  ubbenbiae)  breast,  (om 
bet  inbbenbige  og  bet  ^ele)  chest;  (3nfett9)  thorax; 
(paa  ©olt,  Strue  o.  I.;  shoulder;  (p.  tøjøgle)  stamp; 
(p.  IRopert)  transom:  -er  breasts;  gtoe  -  give  suck, 
lægge  til  et  suckle;  flaa  fig  for  -et  strike  (smite) 
one's  breast;  baoe  føagt,  ftatrtt  .  have  a  weak, 
strong  chest;  baoe  Smerter  i  -et,  onbt  for  -et  have 
a  pain  in  one's  chest;  bet  falbt  Ijam  for  -et  it 
staggered  him,  .  mob  .  breast  to  breast.  -ar* 
succession  in  the  descending  line.  -arving  de- 
scendant.  -bea  breast-bone,  Bternum.  -bet om« 
belfe  inflammation  of  the  chest,  pleurlsy.  -bil« 
lebebust,  half  length  picture.  -blot  &  shoulder 
-block.  -bolt  shoulder- bolt  (o  fl .).  -bom  yaru 
-beam.  -bngfinuebe  pi  thoracics.  -bølb  abscess 
in  the  lungs.  empyema  -Bælte  breast- band. 
-b«r,  -bærtræ  Jujube,  Zizyphu*  vuloari*.  -braa> 
fer  pectoral  essence.  -brif  pectoral  decoctlon. 
-bna  under  walstcbat,  bosom-frlend.  ©rtofte  fig 
vr  draw  one's  self  up,  bridle  up,  (af  nt;  boast 
of.  ©rbftlfinne  pectoral  fin.  -fortølelfe  cold  ou 
the  chest.  -førtajniug,  -fæfte  breast- fast  -gang 
thoracic  duet.  -gænad  adv  headlong.  -lammer 
lift  hammer,  -barntft  armour  for  the  breast, 
breastplate,  corslet.  -btabe  pleura.  -binbe- 
betombelfe  pleurisy.  -f  jvl  breast-wheel.  -b«le, 
-bnlbcb  cavity  of  the  chest,  thoracic  cavity. 
•bøirøel  dorsal  vertebra.  -bøj  a  breast-high. 
-bøjbe:  i  .  breast-high.  -ittblaø  shlrt-front 
-tage  pectoral  lozenge;  joc  blow  on  the  chest. 
•faffe  chest.  -fatarrf  catarrh  on  the  chest, 
bronchitiB.  -tirtel  mammary  gland.  -tlemmelfe 
oppression  at  the  chest.  -trampe  spasm  in  the 
chest.  -traoe  shlrt-front,  half-shirt.  -lop  fe  -bug. 
•tomme  breast-pocket.  -mlbøe!  pectoral  remedy. 
•mur  breast-  wall,  parapet.  -muftel  thoracic 
muscle.  -4iaal  breastpin,  shin -pin,  brooch. 
©rbftuiug  fe  -mur.  ©rnf»Kuiug*)panel  back  of 
a  window.  -piabe  breast-piece,  (Dampm.)  breast 
-plate.  -pløb  breast-plough.  -rem  breast-strap, 
poitral.  -rlug  Onf.)  section  of  the  thorax.  -faft 
pectoral  syrup.    -fele  fe  ©ring*,    -ftjolb  breast 




•plate;  (3nf.)  thorax.  -fløjfe  breastknot  -gør 
a  nun's  stomacher.  -fmerte  pain  in  the  chest. 
•fmottc  stomacher.  -fteatme  natural  voice,  chest 
voice.  -{Trimmel  tucker,  modesty-piece.  -tøffe 
(af  Dnr)  breast,  brlsket;  Onf.)  thorax;  (-billebe) 
bust;  (-barnifT)  breast-plate;  (Sampm.)  shoulder 
•piece.  +-fottig  fe  -fbg.  -farter  aweet  kisses, 
barley-siigar.  -føag  a  weak-chested.  -føagfteb 
weakness  of  the  chest.  -fbtng  braoe.  -fif  « 
havlng  a  complaint  in  the  chest.  -fbgboat, 
-{Me  dlsease  of  the  chest,  chest-complaint. 
•fotpleura.  -tag  (©rttbn.)  hu«.  -ia*  shouldered 
tenon.  -te  pectoral  tea.  -iilfalbe  chest  affec- 
tlon.  -tone  chest  note.  -øatterføt  dropsy  in 
the  chest,  water  on  the  c.  -binbne  fe  wabl>. 
•porte  nippie.  -port,  -»atm  breast- work, 

©ro  o  -et  O«-)  glacier,  (Sne»)  snow-field,  field 
of  eternal  snow,  nevé. 

Brase  vt  tar. 

tetabet  p/  boards;  -ne  (Scenen,  ogf.  *)  the 
stage,  the  boards:  øere  paa  -ne  be  on  the  stage; 
fia  (an  er  beftanbtg  paa  ~  he  is  constantly  on 
view.  —  8robe|  feber  stage  fnnk.  -onlø  deal 
floor.  -ffiBerum  partition  of  boards,  -ffnr 
shed  of  boards,  -øogn  cart,  waggon,  -øof 

©rage  vi  bleat,  baa;  oont  (om  røftr.)  bray.  -« 
e  bleating,  baaing. 

©rot'  c  k  m,  i/  =«,  (©rub)  break,  raptnre, 
breach,  crack,  rent;  (©eflabiaelfe)  breakage; 
(BRangel)  defect,  imperfection  -bommer  mason's 
hammer.    -Jotm  fe  [tang. 

©rattage  e  brea'kage. 

♦©rotte  n  -t  steep  asoent  (op  in  a  road). 

©rot|te  [trop  ogf.  braf]  et  break,  fracture;  vi 
break:  -  fcalfen  break  one's  neck;  .  $apir  fold, 
crease  paper;  .  Slanten  paa  snape,  flinch;  .  Aul 
paa  en  Ølafle  crack  a  bo t tie;  _  Saften  break  bulk: 

-  et  ©reb  break  open  a  letter;  -fra  break  off, 

-  om.  fe  Dmbratfe;  .op  break  open;  (fafte  op) 
vomit  up,  throw  up;  tage  inb  at  -  paa  take  an 
emetic;  vr  fig  vomit,  puke,  p  shoot  the  cat. 
©rot|te(tg  o  apt  to  break,  franglble,  easily 
broken.  -fborn  crushing-mill.  -mibbel  emetic. 
•King  c  breakiug  etc.;  vomiting  etc.;  Hitleret  et 
i  .  the  anchor  is  apeak.  -»ab  vomic-nut. 
•ønløer  emetic  powder.  -rob  ipecacuanha. 
-ftang  lron  crow,  crow-bar.  -fatter  sugar  boiled 
to  candy  height.  -fa  fe  ©raabjø.  -øaab  solution 
of  tartar  emetic.  -Hl«  antimonial  wlne.  -Hin* 
ften  tartar  emetic.    *-øøgn  break- van. 

©ram',  ©ramme  c  -t  bofder,  edging,  trim- 
ming;  (ftrønfe)  fringe.  ©ramme  vt  border,  edge, 

©ram*  fe  ©rem*. 

©ranbjalbcren  the  burning  age,  the  age  of 
fire.  -bar  a  combustible,  inflammable.  -barfteb 
c  combustibility,  inflammability. 

©ranbe,  -te  (•  vi  ogf.  branbt,  branb),  -t  vt 
burn;  scoren,  sear;  commit  to  the  flamea;  vi 
burn,  be  on  fire;  (branbemorte)  brand;  (flig; 
cremate,  (atfe)  cøir  cauterize;  (om  Kolber)  sting; 

-  Jrul  char  wood;  -  ©otter,  Xeglften  bake  pots, 
tiles;  -  ©ronbebin  distil  spirits;  .  Jraffe  roast 
coffee;  -  og  flanbe  destroy  with  fire  and  sword; 

-  Ounben  af  et  Slib  bream  a  ship;  .  af  ©egar* 
ltgb>b,  ©rebe  burn  with  desire,  anger;  jeg  -bte  af 
jtngermob  I  was  fired  with  mllltary  ardour;  bet 
-r  i  Obnen  there  is  a  fire  in  the  8 tove;  bet  (ar 
•t  i  9tot  paa  to  @teber  there  was  a  fire  last  night 
in  two  piaces;  $ufet  -te  af  the  house  was  burnt 
down;  -  af  (&orb.  o.  I.)  let  off;  .efter  hang 
fire;  -  efter  at  burn  with  desire  to;  .for  flash 
in  the  pan;  ban(4  $ierte)  -r  for  tøtbe  he  dotes 
upon  her;   bet  føre  -bt  for  (am  there  has  been  a 

fire  at  his  house;  .  inbe  t  fe  ånbebronbe;  • 
perish  in  the  flames;  -  inbe  meb  be  left  with 
.  .  .  on  one's  hånds;  .  neb  burn  out;  -  op  t 
burn,  i  be  burnt,  be  destroyed  by  fire;  -  paa  »' 
burn  to  the  pot;  i  (gtoe  31b)  fire;  _  f  ammen  t 
ruse  together,  set,  t  deoompose,  diminish  by 
decompoaltton;  -  f  i  g  jig  burn  one's  fingers;  — 
branbenbe  a  burning  etc.;  -nbe  ItatrHgQeb  ardeDt 
affection;  ^8Carletlychnis,Xyo4aff  ckateedomc*; 
•nbe  Spsrgemaal  burning  question;  btanbt  Stabe 
a  burn,  scald;  fe  ©arn;  fig  jeg  er  bleben  -bt  1 
have  burnt  my  fingers.  Orosbe  n  f  fire-wood. 
*rael;  (ugge  .  chop  wood;  en  Sotm  .  a  cord  of 
wood.  t-affalb  chips.  ©rattbe|bren  fe  SRaale* 
breo.  -borer  carrier  of  wood.  -fang  supply  of 
wood.  -gfaé  fe  ©ranb'.  -gople  sea-nettle, 
Oyanea  capillata.  -|a«bler  firewood-seller.  -frag> 

5 et  woodcutter,  hewer  of  wood.  «(m*  wood 
louse.  -for«  (Hl  at  branbe  SRarte)  brandiog 
iron;  vet  eauter;  (Jrtsneiorn)  curling  tongs. 
-tøffe  firewood-boz.  -rnrb  fire  wood-  basket, 
•lottoer  wood-cellar,  -hole.  -løft  wood -loft. 
•attagel  scarcity  of  wood.  -wateriaf  fe  Oramblel' 
emne.  -mefter  fore-man.  -morte  brand,  stigma, 
-mffrfe  vt  brand,  stigmatise.  •marfKisg  c 
branding.  stigmatizing.  ©ranbe la  c  burning 
etc.  -aøjlbe  nettle,  Urtioa.  -slb  fe  Oranbalbec 
•øplag.  -plabé  wood-vard.  -pavbe  cru&ble. 
-pri»  price  of  fire-wood.  ©romber  c  -e  burner, 
vL  portfire.  ©ramberi  n  fe  ©ranbebinøbranberi, 
tegls  flair-  ofb.  ©raraberitarl  dlsUller's  man. 
©rottbelfYøb  fe  ©roenbfelfKob.  -ffffrer  sawyer  of 
fire-wood.  -ftabel  pile,  stack  of  fire-wood. 
-øabte  fe  -gople,    -»eb  fire-wood. 

©ranbebttt  n  &  c  spirits,  ««p  whiskey,  gin, 
ardentspirit(8),  (naonl.  franfl)  brandy;  gennemtrumfet 
meb  .  brandted.  —  ©ro*bebin*|broitber  distiller 
of  spirits.  -branberi  dlstillery.  -braøbing  distil- 
ling,  distillation.  -glaé  dram-glass.  -febel  still. 
-rur  alcohollsm.  ^  -falber  splrit-room.  -lagt 
smell  of  brandy,  -manb  (-oranber)  distiller; 
(-banbler)  dealer  in  spirits.  -panbc  still,  -prøøer 
alcoholmeter.  *-ret  licence  to  sell  spirits.  -tølb 
duty  on  spirits.  -tti  distilling  apparatua.  -ab- 
fala  selllng  of  brandy;  conc  gin-shop. 

©raabeløarbi  value  as  fuel.  -ø»e  wood 
cutter's  axe. 

©romblglad  burning-glass,  aun-glass.  -gople 
fe  ©ranbe«.  -beb  a  burning  hot.  -bete  burning 
el.  scorching  heat.  *-|otte  fe  ©rambenadbe. 
©ranbing  c  burning  etc.;  (mob  Stranb  el.  ftlippe) 
surf,  breakers.  ©ranb | linie  caustic  (curve). 
*-neéte  fe  ©ranbenalbe.  -offer  burnt  offering, 
holocaust,  -øfferalter  altar  of  burnt  offering 
•øø«  furnace,  klin.    -pøntt  focus. 

©ranbfel  n  fuel,  firing,  -befparelfe  saving  of 
fuel.  -befparenbe  a  fuel -saving,  -emne  fuel, 
combustible  matter,  -forbrng  consumption  of 
fuel.  -nøb  scarcity  of  fuel.  -fføø  a  wood  in- 
tended  for  fuel.  -fpUb(e)  waste  of  fuel.  -flø-f 
fe  -emne.    -(é)øffrbi  value  as  fuel. 

©ronbifpefl  burningmirror.  -ftaal  blister 
steel.  -øaøle  fe  ©ranbegople.  -øibbc  focal  length 
el.  distance. 

*©rot'  c  og  n  turned  up  (el.  down)  edge,  brim 
el.  end;  lægge  .  i  en  ©og  turn  down  et.  dog's 
-ear  a  page;  fia  logge  -  paa  lay  stress  on. 

©rat'  n  -ter  og  ©rober  board;  (©atfe)  tray; 
paa  et  -  at  once,  off-hand;  paa  brt  forte  -  in  bad 
odour,  on  the  black  list;  fpille  førft  af  -tet  play 
the  losing  game.  -froté  waste  on  the  work 
•table.    -fpll  draughta,  chess. 

*©ratte  vt  -  op  turn,  el.  double  up;  .neb 
turn  down;  undouble. 

*8rcette|gtt(»  fe  ©robe .    -logge  vt  board. 

©røb  tmp  af  ©rtjbe. 




Øcøfc  n,  pi  e,  bread;  rt  ©røb  a  loaf  (of  bread); 
bet  git  af  fom  »armt  .  lt  sold  llke  penny  rolls, 
it  sold  llke  wildflre;  fortjene  ftt  .  earn  el.  make 
one's  bread;  flbbe  i  et  gobt  _  hare  a  good  business, 
a  mug  place  et.  berth;  bære  i  en*  -  eat  one's 
bread;  toge  -et  af  SRunben  paa  en  take  away  one's 
bread;  een  Vconbf  -  en  anben  SRanbt  $*b  one 
man'8  breath  anotber  man's  deatb;  floa  et  Jtort 
.  op  lay  an  ambitions  plan;  fe  ©anb.  ©r«b|affatb 
waøte  bread.  -tager  baker.  -bagning  baking 
of  bread,  bread-making.  -o  af  te  bread-basket, 
,£,  bread  barge.  -aaa  baker's  shop.  -totte 
dumpling,  little  ball  of  bread. 

Ørikc  c  fault,  blame,  guilt.  -betynget,  -tetioft 
a  oonscious  (of  one's  guilt)  guilty.  -bebtbft|eb 
coasctousness  of  guilt.  -fri  a  faultless,  blame- 
leas,  gulltless.  -futs  a  faulty,  guilty,  culpable. 
-fsJ»te»  guiltlness.    +4*ft  fe  -fri. 

9r*fcemne  bread-stuff. 

©t**e|fr*tb  guiltiness.  -fmittet  a  guilt-stained. 
+-tsng  a  guilty. 

Br*»Iførpaitbltng  transubstantiation.  -frugt 
hread-fruit.  -frttgttræ  bread-(xruit)  tree.  Arto- 
carjm*  ineita.  -f*be  food  (etp  derived  from 
bcead-stuflfe),  sustenance.  -fabe  vt  &  r  supply 
with  bread-stufb;  maintain,  support;  Sanbet  fan 
ifte  -  fig  cannot  supply  its  own  population  with 
bread.  -tyerre  employer,  master,  -femmer 
bread-room.  -rnitt  bread -knife.  -fotte  bread 
-woman.  -lørv  bread-corn.  -Irnmme  crumb  of 
bread.  -fttrp  bread  basket,  pannier.  -lai  & 
fe  -lammer,  -les  flat-cake.  -M  a  breadless, 
without  bread;  -e  ftunfter  un profitable  pursuits. 
-mangel  scarcity  of  bread.  -mart  e  baker's  mark. 
-mik  (professional)  Jealousy.  -  og  ©in-feesge 
sacrament-money,  dominicals.  -plante  oereal. 
-*ofe  bread-bag. 

Øcffcrc  fe  »rober«  -tag  fe  ©rober*.  -menig< 
røcn  the  United  Brethren.  -fritte  division  of 
inheritanoe  between  brothers.    -ftria  fe  ©rober«. 

8W»|rng  rye  for  bread.  -fance  bread-sauce. 
-ffactt  the  lusslng-crnst.  -ffimmef  mould,  musti- 
nesa  (of  bread).  -ffime  slice  of  bread,  (rillet) 
toast,  -fforte  crust  of  bread.  -ffrifter  usual 
printing-letterB.  -tørrer  bread-cutter.  -fmtile 
fe  -frumme.  -førg  fe  Sfcerinatforg.  -flof  fe  -emne. 
-fhUinm  professional  study.  -\uppt  panado, 
panade.  -taft  bread-rate.  -trang  fe  -mangel. 
-t*»  (untrttig  Stiener)  useless  servant,  drone;  (ben 
foa  toger  tørringen  fra  anbre)  spoil-trade.  •tov* 
niag  cipet.  -atma  toast  and  water.  -bibenffaa 
learned  profession.    -Høg«  bread-cart. 

©rat  c  -et  fraction;  uægte  -  improper  fraction. 
•bel  fractional  part,  fractlou.   -regning  fractions. 

Brøl  nt  pi  =,  roar,  bellow.  ©rate  vi  roar, 
bellow.  ©raleaae  preacher  monkey,  Mycete*. 
©rate*  c  roaring  etc.    ©rater  o  -e  roarer. 

©rav*  c  -e  well  (ogf.  i  2fiffefbafe  og  til  ©frue), 
draw-well;  rejfe  ril  en  go  to  the  wells,  waters; 
bet  er  for  fent  at  fafle  -en  til,  naat  damet  er 
brafact  lock  the  stable-door,  before  the  steed 
U  stolen;  after  deafh  the  doctor.  -aare  well 
-epring.  -anftalt  watering  place.  -borer  well 
-borer,  well-driller.  •graner  well-digger,  well 
•rinker,  -frovstog  well-slnklng.  -gafl  visitor 
at  a  watering  place.  -|age  fe  -frog.  -bjul  wheel 
el.  pulley  for  drawing  water.  -fobf  araing,  -larm 
brick  work  el.  parapet  round  a  well.  t'jnnge  fe 
tøonb.  -torf  e  water-cress,  NatturtiumofficinoU. 
-fifle  basin,  cistern.  -tron*  case  of  the  basta. 
•traf  sweep-hook.  -f«r:  bruge,  take,  cl.  drink 
the  waters.  -loag  cover  of  a  well.  -toge  phy- 
ririan  at  a  wateruig-place.  -tamfe  welT-chain. 
•maffittc  <£,  trunk  engine.  -mefter  condult 
master;   (oeo   6unb$ebtbrønb)  inspector  of  the 

pump  room.  -mitte  well.  -reb  well-rope.  -fol 

©raubfel  c  bur-marigold,  Bidena  tripartita 

©raubjfmafte  welled  smack.  -fjmnb  well 
-bucket,  well-pall.  -flage«  -ftattg  well-sweep. 
-fkeit  compass-bricks  pi.  'Hoppet  cable-com- 
pressor.  -førnittg,  -fartter  fe  -gravning,  -graoer. 
-rib  season  (for  using  the  waters).  -banb  well 
-water.    -øittbe  windlass.    -bi^^e  fe  -flang. 

©wf  |e  fig  vr  look  blg.  -ig  o  haughty,  arrogant. 
-igbeb  o  arrogance. 

9r*ft  c  (Otangel)  fault,  defect,  flaw,  imperfec- 
tion;  (Sfabe)  hurt,  damage,  detriment,  prejudice. 
-fælbig  a  decayed,  ruinous,  dilapidated.  -fæl* 
aig^ea  c  decay,  ruin,  dllapidation.  +-l)olbe  vt 
prejudice.  -l)o(ben  a  aggrieved,  prejudiced,  not 
satlsfled.   -l)Olbeitb,eb  c  prejudice,  disadvantage. 

Otti  tuf  bo!  b>n  fan  bbetfen  flge  .  eller  ©a  he 
cannot  say  bo  to  a  goose. 

Ottio'it  c  -er  bu'bo. 

OttAari'et  n  Bucharia. 

OttcTfrHt  n  buckskin 

Otto  n,  pi  =,  (©efaling)  command,  oommand- 
ment,  order,  behest;  (Wrrinbe)  message;  (©enbe«, 
feontor*)  messenger;  (%ih)  otier;  (oeb  Hurrion) 
bid,  bidding;  (9tet»>)  sergeant,  beadle  ofacourt 
(of  justlee);  be  ti  -  the  ten  commandments;  gaa 
.  go  on  errands:  -et  center  bearer  waits;  ^abe  • 
ril  fe  tiltale  vt  fig;  fenbe  .  efter  send  for;  fenbe 
el.  |abe  -  til  en  send  to  one,  send  one  word; 
lab  ber  gaa  .  efter  Ijam  let  him  be  sent  for; 
tftren«  .  the  dictates  of  honour.  -bringer,  -bfltrer 
bearer  of  a  message. 

$ttbbf)a  Buddha,  -id'men  de/  Bud'dhism. 
-if»  e  -er  Bad'dhist  -ift'iff  Bud'dhist,  Bud- 

tønbbife  c  -r  box. 

*©ttbef'e  o  -r  milkmaid. 

Onbbing  o  -er  pudding.  -form  pudding-form 
el.  -sbape.    -fhnt  p.-stone. 

ff3tt'bfogeb  messenger  (of  a  country  jurisdic- 

Oubget'  n  -ter  bud'get.  (financial)  estimates; 
fe  ginanBlob.  -aar,  -fomité  fe  ginan««.  -te're  vt 

©n'bllefe,  -Un  messenger' a  fee.  -ara  com- 
mandment.  «fenbe  fe:  fenbe  8ub  til.  -fenbing 
message.  -flat  n  -er  tldings.  -fritte  flery  cross, 
gatherlng  token.  -ftne  messenger' s  el.  door 
•keeper' s  room.   -tjenefte  service  of  a  messenger. 

©nbt  fe  Obbe. 

©ne  e  -r  (til  at  ftybe)  bow;  (Biotin)  bow,  F 
flddlestlck;  (^bttloiftg)  arch;  (StrfelO  arc;  (frum 
Brnie)  curve;  (i  ©tHarb)  port;  (p.  Bugge)  head, 
arched  top;  mas  tie;  fpænbe  -n  bend  the  bow; 
fpanbe  -n  for  ^øit  aim  too  hlgh,  make  too  great 

SretensioQs;  ^imlena  -  the  vault  of  heaven. 
tue  fig  vr  bow,  arch.  -boitnet  o  bowed,  curved, 
arched,  arcuate.  -fil  bow-flle.  -formig  a  fe 
•bannet.  -faring,  -farfel  c  bowing.  -gang  arcade, 
piazza,  portico;  bibl  porch.  -tøalftittg  arched 
vault.  -fnim  fe  -bannet.  -fmmnina  arcuation. 
•lavine  arc(-lamp).  -linie  curve.  -loft  vaulted 
ceiling.  -mager  o  -e  bow-maker,  bowyer.  -mi' 
ttttter  pi  minutes  of  arc.  -l>a«fer  bow-compasses, 
wing-compasses.  -fan  bow-saw.  -felnnber  se- 
conds  of  arc.  -ffaft  bow-handle.  -ffnb  bow 
-shot;  art  random  shot.  -ffybvittg  archery. 
-ffttbninggfelffab  tozophillte  society.  -fhjtte 
archer,  bowman.  -fbamber  rack  for  bending  a 
bow.  -tyombing  spån  of  an  arch.  -fHfling  arch 
cradling;  (€ab*)  saw-frame.  -ftreng  bow- string. 
-ftrag  drawing  of  the  bow,  bowing.  -flljffe 
(Smp.)  link.  -fljflemet  eleet  the  arc  system. 
©tte'Jt  a  fe  -bannet.  -tag  arched  roof.  -oinbne 
bow-wlndow.   -Ofltrf  arched  el.  vaulted  work. 


let  te  «uffer. 
_  ...F»'t  [fe. 3  c-erBidcboard; 
-(Dinfrn  bar- mal  d. 
Sag   c    e   belly,    ftbdomen,    paunrh:    (af  jfnb{ 

l.ilgc;  ■al  -fStaftf)  l.cllv;  (Daa  Sril!  Umt;    -  mc&  .. 
J,  liilge  mnd  bllge;   garr  -ni  til  fin  8>ub  mate  a 

' je's  nelly;  fcio/   nole  «ub  er   ni  whoae 

]Eir  helly      -onler  bow-anohor. 

B  J.  MIM  i 

1-ellied.  Ug-,  dwig-bellied.  Sag  fiaBrabdoi 
fin,  vt'TiVnil  lin.  -fiBB(i»a  a  BpodaJ.  -f]ft  liellv 
feotber.  -flakt  tenen]  ™rrace,  *  commtssure. 
-fklkt  repletion,  snrféit.  ■falkrle  pi  gatteropods. 
•gairkiag  J.  buntllue.  -9  jo  ti  belly -band,  girth. 

i  ml  et  fe  perltonll 

Bunline  e  J.  bovr-Hoe.    SflgitaSUictl  c  bow- 

Ukdiwrrhea.     -Hier 
ue  ri  bulge,  bend.  li 

»Biet  c  -ter  bonquB't,  noeegay.  -kotker 

»nttr  er  (Sole)  ram,  drive. 

Dulle  vt  k  r  bow,  bend;  .  inb  (i  Sbning 
ri.  Cucli  in;  .  II«  stoop.  Batte  <»  bow, 
Ihe  head,  iarlloe  tbe  head;  -  f«  en  bc 
cine;  .  bl)bt  Iww  low,  profoundly;  -  unb* 
cumb  (to),  p  buckle  onder;  _  anket  ft 
Eink  beneath,  be  overriome  by. 

Bnf fe  benet   o  goat-legged,    rapriped. 
buckbean,    bog   benn,    Jfrntmul«    trift 
■ara  trestlebridge.    t-»«rr  Solomon's  seal. 
ojnatsm.      -»»rå   burk'B   horn;     %>    fenu» 
jWm  Graxmm.  -tlktk  J.monkey.  .fik  hi 

»atlet  c  .flet  fe  (tralle. 

Butte«  c  bowlng  otc .;    .  og  Staben    bc 

DartelmKk  buckBkln.  -(fug  goat'B  c 
-(»Irer  j,  Hheer-leg>.     -ftrtag  caper,   c«p 

hranfh  bends  under  the 
Sortn  -1  af  Heilet  tbe  lab 
weight  of  Ihe  disne«;   -   u 

-nbe  Sejl  tbe  belly- 
-n   -t  af  StUfji   the 

eight  of  tbe  frult; 
:   BToans  noder  t1" " 

l#l  et 

Rag  buntgasket. 
8nBfe  re  «  low, 

ug.   Sngfe 


-oral  ufin  In  ger    towagf 
" —       lowage  aervict 
»arjfe  ri« g 


-farfai   fe    bodb 

■hook.     -Hat  tt 

-»aBeei  to  wing  post.    -tfenefle 
■toD.   -trofjfe  towrope,   haww 

Sn'g  ITaikrt  a  (om  Sam)  bare  On  the  belly. 
■fltelk  10  veutrni  ihleld,  plarrtron.  -fait  incision 
Id  the  abdomen.  t-("rg  ''»re  of  the  belly. 
-»rul  tiotnprU.  -f»kt  pancreatle  juice.  -tkkt- 
Eirtet  paneres«  -Iknagrrffak  eiirnuterine  preg. 
nancy.     .(am    Sf    ventral   suture;    mad   gaatro- 

Sngt  c  et  liend,  turn,  curve,  uweep,  Winding; 
(8«»-J  g"lf.  bajl  [f  Iimnitr)  mund;  (af  loo)  J, 
blght,    i'opftiibtj   fake;    jlno  .  mske  uim»;    Sejen 

will  of;  bnn  kil  tjave 
is  to  have  it  all  hla 
idx  and  the  mlddle. 
'entriloqulet,    -taler' 

og  begge  Onknne  he 

Sagte  di  Sr  liend.  tnru,  vrlnd,  meander, 
Uagtet  u  curved,  wlndlog,  »inuoun,  tortaoo«,  4 
slnuate.  fjaftenif  adv  iu  Iwnds.  turne.  tja«t. 
ha*t  lompaii'-plane,    Bagtniag   o  -et   wlndlng 

»ng'nlk  underloeks;  -  og  Benni*  lorts,  -kat' 
terfat  a*clte«.  -kt>Bi  .J,  buot  whip.  -krik 
grlpen,  p  mulllgrulM. 

■tJatatak  c  Bbepherd's  dog,  colley;   aa  triton. 

8a!'  c  te  («ebeb.)  hegoat,  ram-goat;  (»itkfr) 
ram;  (Saab.)  bnckj  (Straie)  home,  treMle;  J, 
(rit  at  t»fte  ineb)  Bheera;  (fiufle-}  l*i;  (llcnetftebe) 
diekey;  (i  OilMsil)  feeder;  (UamSuD  ram;  = 
Snltltbrllalfn;  Ipringe  .  play  at  leap-frog;  ftaa  . 
make,  give,  proffer  a  læk;  ftaa  .  for  en  gire 
ono  a  bark,  g.  oue  a  leg  up;  brgoa  fn_comrait 
it  iHnodurj  hib!  (filter  jjaatene  tta  -lene  dlvtdelh 
hl"  tiheep  from  the  goatri. 

Sal'  n,  pi  *,  bow:  gate  et  -  make  a  bow. 

•Va'f  le  tkibuT. 

8»alar  o  woodroof.  1 
al'ateft  «  r    ' 
Satkatlfta  n 

t  Hheer-leg>.     -f»riag  oaper,   cap 

•8»HjI  tt«  eurl.    -«  q  eurly,    -tt  c  bnd 

SaNlag  s  -er  bowiog. 

Balulilln  tbe  Bufol'Irs.      -tf*  a   -e   bl 

»ulBkom  c  boi,  Bimif.    -Urel  boi-hedgi 

loons,  F  ponta,  ( 
Bmall-rlothea;  tnreBtt  _  tlghta;  gmentti 
Same-  pantaleLi;  (ijert«  tant  kam  neb  I  -1 
heart  nent  down  to  his  heels,  to  his  t 
ftonen  har  -ne  paa  the  wire  wears  the  bi« 
-  Salltliea  leg  of  the  trouiera.  -feber 
.  show  tbe  white  fealhcr.  -HHt  fob. 
■Itak,  "■tlaff  flap  -taak  trouscr!1  button,  b 
of  tbe  trousers.  -laar  eannon.  -ttaataf  ' 
band.  -lontBie  tronsers'  porket.  -Irt  < 

Satlelrem  te  -ftto»  -feler  braees,  gallo 
suspenden.  -ftmkler  trouwra-,  breetbes-n 
■n Ilt  front  opeolng.  -rtrok  trouner-strap.  < 
chlld  newly  lireepfied.    -t«i  trouaerlng. 

»Btfrjrlngaing  c  leap-frog. 

Sat'  c  -le  (af  Ir«)  trunk,  tmle,  stem,  si 
log;  (af  S»]le)  Bhafl;  (af  Sljorte)  body. 

»ntklket  c  -e  bulldog. 

Battia  e  logliridge. 

*"-"■»■  c  a  kind  of  1 

en  nolae,  crash,  ,  

. .  .af  Sogne  0.  (.)  rumble,  rambllng.   . 
rUusterer.    -k»ra  v  blustering,  bolsteret«. 

enlbog  le  Sulbfber. 

Builre  n  roar,  rattlo;  (ftrinbe)  scold,  bil 
itoi-ni,  rare;  .  paa  Zaren  thnnder  at  the 
nke  a   rambling.      -n   c  Toåring  etc. 

t   i'ftnoji  kaa  Vtetatarftejke]   boaa, 

nt;  (Bogb  )  swe 
rt  make  deots  lo; 
-ugged,  Itnolty;  "de 

{yingcr  awollen  el. 
-  Stabe  awolling,  tu 


.    SataUi«  o 




©nffer  fe  Suffer. 

©uffe't  [fr.J  o  -er  sideboard;  refreshment-room. 
•Jomfru  bar-maid. 

©ug  e  t  belly,  abdomen,  pauncb;  (af  ftab) 
bilge;  (af  fttaffe)  belly;  (paa  Seil)  bunt;  .  mob  - 
&  bilge  and  bilge;  gøre  -en  til  fin  ©ub  make  a 
god  of  one's  belly;  bibl  tøft  ©ub  er  -en  whose 
God  is  their  belly  -anter  bow-ancbor.  -bro! 
gastrocele.  ©nge  vt  op  i  bulge  up.  ©uget  a 
bellied,  big-,  swag-bellled.  Itaglfhuteabdomlnal 
fin,  ventral  fin.  -ftaneUØ  a  apodal.  -fjer  belly 
feather.  -flabe  ventral  surface;  $  commissure. 
•ftilbe  repletion,  snrfeit.  -føbbebe  pi  gasteropods. 
-gaarbiag  <£,  buntline.  -gjorb  belly -band,  girth. 
-btnbe  peritoneum.  -bjnbebetombelfe  peritonitis. 
•ljule  abdomlnal  cavity.    -frø*  mesentery. 

engle  fe  ©ule. 

©ugltne  c  ^  bow-line.  ©vglittftUjert  c  bow- 
line  cringle  (o.  fl.). 

©ug  I  løb  diarrbea.    -løjert  ^  buntline  eringle. 

©ug|ae  vi  bulge,  bend;  be  -nbe  Sejl  tbe  belly- 
ing  sails  el.  canvass;  (Ørenen  -r  af  ftrugt  tbe 
branch  bends  under  tbe  weight  of  tbe  firuit; 
©orbet  -r  af  Retter  tbe  table  groans  under  tbe 
weigbt  of  tbe  dishes;  .  ub  swell  out.  -nen  o 
balging  etc.  -tttttg  o  er  bulge,  bend,  convexity. 

©ug  |  orm  belly- worm.  -rem  belly -band.  -fri« 
ffng  bunt-gasket. 

©ngfere  vt  tow,  tug.  ©ugfe'r|baab  tow-boat, 
tug(-boat),  -tamper  (ateam-)tug.  -enbe  fe  -tot). 
•fartøf  fe  -baab.  -folf  towers.  -feog  towing 
-book.  -line  towline.  -omtofhtinger  towage. 
-pullert  towing  post.  -rjenefte  towage  service. 
-tøo,  -troflfe  tow-rope,  bawser.  ©ugfering  c 

©nglffalbet  a  (om  graar)  bare 
-frfølb  to  ventral  shield,  plastron. 
in  tbe  abdomen.  t-forg  care 
-fprpb  bowsprit.  -fppt  panereatic  juice,  -fpljt- 
ffrtel  pancreas.  -foongerffab  extrauterine  preg- 
nancy.  -f«m  $»  ventral  suture;  med  gastro- 

©ngt  c  -er  bend,  turn,  curve,  sweep,  Winding; 
(feao»)  gulf,  bay;  (i  lammer)  round;  (af  fcob)  & 
bight,  (opffubt)  fake;  flaa  -  make  turns;  ©ej en 
øflor  i  -er  tbe  road  winds;  faa  (+raabe)  _  meb 
manage,  master,  get  tbe  better  of,  get  under, 
prevail  against,  have  one's  will  of;  b,an  ofl  Ijaoe 
-en  og  begge  Snbeine  be  wants  to  have  it  all  his 
own  way,  he  wants  both  ends  and  tbe  middle. 

©n'g |  tale  fe  -taleri.  -taler  ventriloquist.  -taler- 
agtig  ventriloquial.  -taleri'  n  ventriloquism, 

©ngte  vi  Si  r  bend.  turn,  wind,  meander. 
©agtet  a  curved,  winding,  sinuous,  tortuous,  $ 
sinuate.  ©ugte»ti  adv  in  bends,  turns.  ©ngt- 
feøøt  compass-plane.    ©ngtning  c  -er  winding 

etc.,  sinuosity.  «.«.,. 

©nalulb  underlocks;  •  og  ©enulb  locks.  -Pat* 
terfot  ascites.  -Pippe  4,  bunt  wbip.  -»rib 
grines,  p  mulligrubs. 

*©»btt«b  c  sbepherd's  dog,  colley;  ao  triton. 

Bat'  c  -fe  (Øebeb.)  he-goat,  ram-goat;  (Bæber) 

ram;  (Haab.)  *>uck;  G^S*!  ^rse*  ,£?8tl5  & 
(til  at  løfte  meb)  sheers;  (ftuffeO  box;  (Ijenerfæbe) 
dickey;  (i  ©olbfpil)  feeder;  (»ombut)  ram;  = 
ttnteltbeHafin;  fpringe  -  play  »V eap-frog;  flaa  . 
make,  give,  proffer  a  back;  \taa  ~  for  en  give 
one  a  back  g  one  a  leg  up;  begå a  en  -  commit 
a  blunder;  bibl  fflH«  &«««»<  fra  -tene  divideth 
his  sheep  from  tbe  goats. 

©af'  n,  pi  =»,  bow;  gere  et  ~  make  a  bow. 

*©a't  fe  itarbuf. 

fBufar  c  woodroof,  A*p*r%*a. 

©nt  areft  n  Bucharest. 

©«!b«!ren  n  hammer-cloth. 

on  the  belly. 

-fnit  lncision 

of  tbe  belly. 

©ntet'  c  -ter  bouque't,  nosegay.  -|ol>er.  bou- 

©nffe  vt  tøcelt)  ram,  drive. 

©nffe  vt  k  r  bow,  bend;  .  inb  (i  Sining)  tnm 
el.  tuck  in;  .  fig  stoop.  ©nffe  vi  bow,  bend 
the  head,  incltne  the  head;  .  for  en  bow  to 
one;  -  bpbt  bow  low,  profoundly;  -  unbex  suc- 
cumb  (to),  p  buckle  under;  -  unbex  for  (nt) 
sink  beneath,  be  overcome  by. 

©ttffe|beuet  a  goat-legged,  capriped.  -»lak 
bnck-bean,  bog  bean,  Memvantkea  tri/oliata, 
•frro  trestle-bridge.  t-(cer  Solomon's  seal,  Polw- 
Q&natum.  -Ijorn  buck's  horn;  ^  fenugreek, 
Foenum  Grcecmm.  -botieb  ^  monkey .  -fi»  be-kid. 

©nffel  c  fler  fe  ftrølle. 

©nffen  c  bowing  etc.;  -  og  Stråben  bowing 
and  seraping. 

©nffelffinb  buckskin.  -ff«g  goat's  beard. 
•fpirer  ^  sheer-legs.  -fpriug  caper,  capriole. 
•tor«  box-thorn,  Zyetmn. 

+©ufl|e  vt  curl.    -et  o  curly.    -er  c  buckler. 

©ufning  c  -er  bowing. 

©ttfø'ti|fa  the  Bucol'ics.  -fet  c  -e  bucolic 
poet.    -fl  a  bucolic. 

©nfdbom  c  box,  Buxua.    -|<et  box-hedge. 

©ntder  pi  (*  oaf.  Onfde  c  -r)  trousers,  panta- 
loons,  F  pants,  (eg.  tun  om  SrnæDuMer)  breeches, 
small -clothes;  fnabre  .  tights;  ^ruenttmmer^ 
©ørne«  pantalets;  fjertet  fant  ^ant  neb  i  -ne  his 
heart  went  down  to  bis  heels,  to  his  shoes; 
Konen  Bar  -ne  paa  the  wlfe  wears  the  breeches. 
—  ©ureelle«  leg  of  the  trousers.  -feber  f  faa 
.  show  the  white  feather.  -fiffe  fob.  -Wig, 
-flab,  *-flaf?  flap  -tnop  trousers'  button,  button 
of  the  trousers.  -faar  cannon.  -linning  wai>t- 
band.  -lomme  trousers'  pocket.  -iH  a  un- 

©uWe|rem  fe  -ftrop.  -feler  braces,  gallowses, 
suspender«,  -ftrøbber  trousers-,  breeches-maker. 
-fplit  front  opening.  -ftrop  trouser-strap.  -trof ø 
child  newly  breeched.    -tø|  trousering. 

©ntfpringnina  c  leap-frog. 

©«!'  c  -le  (af  xræ)  trunk,  bole,  stem,  stump, 
log;  (af  Søjle)  shaft;  (af  Sfjorte)  body. 

©ulbiber  c  -e  bulldog. 

©ttlbro  o  log  bridge. 

°©n(ban  c  a  kind  of  canvass. 

©nlber  n  noise,  crash,  uproar,  turmoil,  hurly 
-burly;  (af  ©ogne  o.  1.)  rumble,  rumbling.  -iaJfe 
blusterer.    -por«  v  blustering,  boisterous. 

©ulbog  fe  ©ulbiber. 

©uibre  vi  roar,  rattle;  (ffojnbe)  scold,  bluster, 
storm,  race;  .  paa  Søren  thunder  at  the  door; 
•nbe  a  rumbling.  •«  c  roaring  etc.  -r  c 

©nle  e  -r  (ftnop  paa  9RetaIarbejbe)  boss,  em 
bossment;  (Sbulft)  bump,  lump,  protubemaæ- 
(iubflebt)  dent;  (i  $at)  knock;  F  low  place  of 
amusement.  -blabet  o  with  convex  leaves  -tet 
(battered)  wide-awake,  billy-cock.  -m«»  a  con- 
vex.   -t  a  bossed,  embossed;  dented. 

©ulaa'rtle«  n  Bulgaria.  -er  c,  -ifl  a  Bulgarian 

,»"«  «  jT**  bu2?P;.  knotJ  (©»90^  swellinir, 
•(inbfløbt)  dent.  ©nlte  vt  make  dente  in:  ~^i 
ub  puff  out.    ©ttttet  a  rugged,  knotty;  *dented. 

tCttBe  c  -r  castrated  bufl.  «»»w«. 

©ttfle  e  -r  (paoeltg)  bull. 

©nflen  a  swollen;   .  ginner  swollen  el.   sore 
finger,  felon,  whitlow;  -  Stabe  swelllng,  tumor 
-beo  c  swelling.    -ffab  b.  f.;  pus.  ^^*'  *"*uut- 

©ttfletttt'  [fr.)  c  -er  bull'etin. 




Batibaute  mitten,  -»or!  bulwark.  -<Mc  wood- 
man's  axe. 

©Mm'!  »ni  bang!  (fcromme*  Støb)  rub- a-dub, 
rat-a-tat,  pit-a-pat. 

*9aaianb  c  husbandman. 

Bambaob  c  bumboat. 

t&nntle,  Bumre  tn  carouae,  make  merry. 

Bum*  c  tbump.    -e  vi  tbump. 

Baml  adv  bang!  dashl  slap!  —  +  »  f e  Bump. 
-e  o«  neb  come  bang  down. 

Buab  c  -e  bottom;  (af  6Kb)  bottom,  floor;  (af 
ftanon)  breecb;  (af  Xønbe)  head,  bottom;  (i  Xøj) 
gro  und,  groundwork;  *\a\  en  fliorb)  Inner  end; 
head;  uaa  .  (meb  føbberne)  feel  the  ground;  iffe 
naa  -  be  out  of  one's  depth;  faa  -  (meb  Bobbet) 
sound,  jætte  -  i  head;  flaa  -en  inb  el.  ub  paa 
break  the  bottom  of,  stave  in;  fe  ©ar;  meb  -en 
i  Bejrrt  bottom  upwards;  til  -0,  til  -en  to  the 
tiottom;  fig  thoroughly;  tomme  til  -0  i  get  at 
te!,  to)  the  bottom  of;  i  -  og  Ørunb  utterly;  -bor 
widening  bit.  +-børb,  »bræt  bottom  board. 
•brebbe  breadth  of  bottom.  Buube  vi  reach  the 
bottom;  fig   r  i  rests  on. 

Bnubea  part  af  Binbe;  ~  Varme  latent  heat. 

Øaubjfatb  sediment,  deposit,  precipitate, 
grounds.  -fortie  ground-colour.  -faft  a  (om  30) 
flrm  to  the  bottom.  -fattig  a  utterly  destltute. 
•fcbe  vt  fatten  up.  -febniug  fattening  up.  -flabe 
under  surface.  -førbarbet  a  utterly  depraved. 
-førfUrrfuiug  (p.  ftanon)  reinforce.  -frffe  (p. 
ftanon)  base  ring.  -frbf e  vi  freeze  to  the  bottom. 
-fefbe  vt  precipitate,  throw  down;  -0,  ~  fifl  be 
precipitated.  -fælbuiug  preclpitation.  -fælb« 
aiaglmibbel  precipitant.  -fortie  n,  fig  flrm  hold. 
•guru  seine.  -garnering  &  ceiling  of  the  floor. 
-aer  bottom.  -Ijaar  fe  Ørunb«.  -bugge  fe  tøob«. 
•ti  gronnd-loe,  anchor-ice.  -tarutø  fe  -forftærl- 
iring.  -Watbniug  J,  bottom  plank,  -lobber  copper 
bottoms.  -trøg  bottom -angle,  -tag  bottom 
layer;  agr  (hard)  pan.  -laft  cargo  nezt  to  the 
floor.  +-f*rb  fe  Ørunb*.  -laber  fe  Stlteanb.  -laf 
a  bottomless,  unntthomable;  borre  i  -  (Bcrlb  be 
over  head  and  ears  in  debt;  «.  Ubiben$eb  bound- 
less  ignorance,  -raabben  o  oompletely  rotten. 
•rebelig  o  thoroughly  honest.  -regn  regular 
downpour.  -rtberc  <£  floor-riden.  -fenter  ^ 
floor  ribband. 

Baubtførbtubt  c  -e  ally,  confederate.  -trigeu 
the  Social  war.    -ffob  n  alliance,  confederacy. 

Øaab!ftrabe(r)  dredge.  -jtebeuaab  trawl-net. 
•tiKt  bottom  staves,  -ftøl  ^  fioor-Umber. 
•totltsie  risbag  line.  -ftolftab  floor-head.  -ftol- 
»oger  bilge-plank.  -ftrant  under-current.  -ftljite 
bottom  plece,  (af  ftanon)  breech.  t-fulteu  a 
ravenonøly  hungry.  4-f)g  a  thoroughly  111. 
•fetuiug  c  predpitation. 

Bnnbt  »  (•<?)  -er  bundle,  bunch;  (af  Straalet) 
pencil;  et  -  $ø  a  truts  el.  bottle  of  hay. 

Buabtarnt  fe  dnbetarm. 

Buufcte  vi  bundle,  make  up  in  bundles;  -  op 
&  make  up  (a  sall).   ©uubtebtØ  adv  in  bundles. 

©anblrilje^  floor-board,  bottom  board.  -tant« 
»er  sank  tlmber;  J,  floor-timber. 

Buuc  c  -r  groln,  breakwater. 

*©uut  c  -et  fe  Bule. 

Bualaorer  sweeps  pi. 

Bnufe  e  hairgrass,  Air*. 

Baafe  c  -r  heap,  pile;  famle  til  .  hoard  (up 
money);  —  vt  •  fammen  heap  up;  -  fig  op  aocu- 

'Baafe  e  -r  milk-pan. 

Bnnttt  a  fe  Broget,  Buuierab.  I  -  (ladles  and 
gentlemen)  altemately. 

Buntmager  o  -e  furrter,  skinner,  -t)aaabbarf 
rarrler's,  sktnner's  tråde,   -barer  furs  and  skins. 

*Buørut  o  -e  ringed  snake,  Coiubw  natrix. 

Bur  n  -e  cage;  fatte  i  .  cage. 

Bnrbe  fe  ©ør. 

Burbu'f  adv  bang!  like  a  bolt. 

©nrean'  n  -er  office;  -  BeritaØ  the  Bureau 
Veritas;  WeuterØ,  ttifeauø  .  R.'s  Agency.  -djef 
chief  clerk  of  a  government-offlce.  Bureau] fra 't 
o  -er  bu'reaucrat.  -fra ti'  n  bureauc'racy;  (-ftatiet) 
officialdom.  -rrtttifr  a  bureaucratlc;  joe  red 

Burett'e  c  r  burette. 

©urfugl  c  cage  bird,  cageling. 

©urgtø  c,  typ  bourgeois'. 

©nrgunb,  -'ieu  n  Bur'gundy.  -'er  Burgundlan; 
(©in)  Burgundy.    -ifl  a  Burgundlan. 

♦©nrfue  c  male  fern.  Poiyrtichum  filix  mas. 

©u  rfuob  4,  overhånd  knot. 

©urleff'  a  burlesque. 

©urnuø  c  -er  burnoose. 

Burre  o  r  burdock,  Lappa;  (Sfruflten  og  fig) 
bur.  -rob  burdock-root.  -fnerre  cleavers,  Ga- 
lium  Aparine. 

tBurfT  a  boorish. 

Buø  c  <t  (i  6eil)  beUy;  (p.  frib)  bilge. 

But  adv  slap,  bane;  Ubc  .  paa  bounce  agalnst. 
Bufe  vi  ^  pltch;  Jtg  -  paa  be  precipitate,  go 
in  head  foremost;  -  ub  meb  blurt  out. 

*Buø'  fe  BuM. 

©ufentaub  o  fe  Buøfemanb. 

©ulgat  n  J,  slde-pipe;  stern-pipe. 

Buflf  e  -e  bush,  shrub. 

Bnfta'bØ  n  -er  thicket,  (plantet)  shrubbery. 

©uffagtig  o  bushy,  shrubby,  arbuscular. 

°©uflap  o  -er  live  stock;  cattle  and  sheep;  herd. 

©uff|e  fig  or,  -eø  vd  bush,  (om  Qbzcei,  ftom) 
tiller.    -et  a  bushy. 

Buffet'  a  -ter,  fe  ©uffabl. 

Bufl|fur  New  Jersey  scrub  pine,  Pinus  inapt. 
-adtllet  a  wlth  tufted gills.  -bugger  hedglngbill. 
-bag  fe  BatØIer.  -baue  brush  turkey»  Talegatla 
Lathami.  -marttb  pi  Bushmen.  Bosjemans.  -aeSil 
sweet-willlam?  Diantku*  barbatus.  -fanger  pino 
-pine,  Drymotca.  *-frb«t  e  Btone-chat,  Saxicola. 
-Tuttttfe  golden  ruffled  pheasant,  TAamwUcea. 
-fbia  wart-hog,  Potamochænu.  -træ  shrub.  -biØ 
adv  in  bushes.   -btttØt  fe  Buft.   -bort  shrubbery. 

tBuØmatffer  o  gout-wort,  Ægopodium  poda- 

♦BttØØ  c  -er  quid  (of  tobacco). 
fe  c  -r:  go 

*BuØfe  vt  fe  ©søfe. 

Buøfemaab  c  bug-bear,  bogie. 

©uøfelrur,  -rau'be  o  -er  smock-frock,  Jumper. 

©uøfcitrolb  fe  manb. 

©nfte  [fr.]  o  -r  buet. 

*BufteI)yng  heather,  heath.  Ung. 

•©aftibel  e  -er  hedgehog,  land-urohin,  Erina- 
ceun  europanu. 

But'  a  (afflumpet)  Btubby,  short  and  thlck; 
(mut)  sulky,  sur  ly,  snappish. 

•But'  c  -ter  tub  (with  a  cover). 

Butif  c  -fer  shop,  amr  store;  ^olbe  .  keep  a 
shop,  amr  run  a  store.  Butif(0)|brena  shop-boy. 
-ejer  shop-keeper,  -iubeutarium  tråde  flxtures. 
•jomfru  shop-woman.  -briØ  selling-price.  -fluffe 
tlll.  -fueub  shopman,  salesman.  -tlyb  shop-lifter, 
-tbbert  shop-lifting.  -biubue  shop-window,  (bele 
gorflben)  shop- front. 

©utlaf!  o  i,  butt. 

Butferi'  n  ^  Bteward's  room. 

Butfunbe  c  dolphin,  Coryphama. 

©uttelu'ro^bumpkin.  -blot  b.-block.  -ffiutel 
b.  -pendant. 

©uttrrbtjg  fe  ®mørbeig. 

Buttet  a  chubby,  dumpy. 

©b  c  -er  town,  city;  60  i  -en  live  in  town:  ban 
er  i  -en  he  is  out;  rejfe  fra  -en  leave  town;  $<gcn 

•Buøfe  c  -r:  gobe  -r  great  friends. 




er  i  -en  the  mald  is  gone  an  errand;  gaa  i. -en 
go  on  en-ands,  t  F  be  on  tbe  spree;  gaa  fejl  i 
-en  be  in  the  wrong  boz;  tron  gaa  gobt  t  -en  go 
on  a  fool's  errand;  gaa  omtrhtg  -en  walk  roond 
tbe  town,  gaa  omfring  i  -en  walk  about  tbe  town. 
-abel  town-gentry.  -oefølfnittg  townspeople, 
town  population,  -bo.  -boer  fe  -manb.  -lab 
(ticket-jporter,  commisslonaire,  «c  cady. 

©ijbe,  bob,  bubt  el.  bubet  vt  (befale)  command, 
'order,  bid,  charge;  (tnbbobe)  ask,  invite;  (tilbbbe) 
offer,  proffer,  tender;  (gøre  ©ub)  bid,  offer;  - 
Irob*  bid  one  deflance  el.  b.  d.  to,  brave,  dåre, 
defy;  -  Spibfen  make  head  against;  -  en  Øob* 
morgen  wish  one  a  good  morning;  og  bet  tor  Se 

-  mig  dåre  you  take  such  liberty  with  me? 
dåre  you  say  that  to  my  face;  $an  laber  fifl  alting 

-  he  puts  up  with  anythlng;  .op  ralse  the  price 
of;  .  en  op  til  Stan*  ask  one  to  dance;  -  o  o  et 
et  ftongertge  rule,  sway  a  kingdom;  _  ober  (o»er» 
bljbe)  outbid;  -paa  bid  for;  -  fifl  til  fe  Zilbbbe 
flø.  •maabe  the  imperative  (mood).  -nbe  a  com- 
manding,  imperious;  -  $tigt,  9tøbbenbigfieb  im- 
perative duty,  necessity;  bet  bleb  en  -  R.  for  tøm 
it  became  imperative  upon  him.  -ttbe  c  bidder. 
•nbe  n  dictates  pi. 

©ty'lbreitø  errand-boy,  message-lad.  -enbe  end, 
extremity  of  the  town.  -f  øøeb  town  judge.  -fol! 
townsfolk,  townsmen;  f  villagers,  -fritøb  charter 
el.  pri vilege  of  a  town. 

01)0'  n  åc  c  barley,  Bordeum. 

8l|'g  e  buck,  backing. 

8  lj|  g  abe  street.  -gang  (runnlng)  errands;  friot, 

©t)ø'|atd  ear  of  barley.    -brob  barley  bread. 

©Ijgb  c  -er  country  district,  parish.  —  ©bgbel- 
folf  parishioners.  -Ug  district,  neighbourhood, 
county.  -mtttb  parishloner.  -politi!  vestry 
-politics,  -oej  parish  road,  cross-road.  -bægter 
p.  beadle. 

©W  c  -r  (ttegn*)  shower;  (©inb<)  squall; 
(Xotben<)  thunderstorm;  bet  træffer  op  til  en  .  a 
squall  is  brewing;  ftt  en  ~  obet  flø  was  caught 
in  a  squall. 

©$ge  vt  buck.  ©9ge|far  bucking-tub.  -Ittb 
buck.    -fa«,  -toube  fe  -far. 

©tjøeoefr  showery  el.  squally  weather. 

Øtrøfttøl  wryneck,  Yunx  torquiUa. 

©tjgifælbfø  o  dilapidated.  -fotlb(igl)eb)  c  decay, 

©t)øge  vt  bulld,  construct;  .  og  bo  take  up 
one's  abode;  -t  af  Sg,  3«tn  J,  oak-built,  iron 
-built  (o.  fl.);  -t  i  Ublanbet  foreign-built;  bel  -t 
(om  røffe)  well-built,  well-knit;  -  op  igen  rebulld; 

-  paa  fio  rely  on,  trust  to;  .til  make  additions 
to  a  building.  -arbejbe  building  work;  building 
enterprise.  -ban!  fe  felflab.  -fottb  building  fund. 
•øntitb  fe  -plabø.  -gælb  debts  contracted  by 
bullding-enterprises.  -biælp  aid  towards  build- 
ing. -laan  loan  for  building  purposes,  -lob  fe 
BtrøningB'.  -Ittfk  passion  for  building.  -maabe 
fe  ©tigningsmaabe.  -materUlierbuildingmaterials. 
•u  c  building.  -øbrrffag  builder's  estimate. 
-plabd  building  grøuna,  plot  el.  lot,  site.  -r  e 
•e  builder.  -raferi  fe  -fbae.  -ri'  n  building. 
-felflab  building-society.  -Heb  (©bggeplaM)  plaoe 
for  building;  (©olig)  abode,  dwelling  plaoe. 
-fM«  rage  el.  mania  for  building.  -rib  time  of 

8)8 1 8*9*  barley  groats;  *  ogfaa  Scotch  barley, 
pearl-b.  -ør*b  barley-meal  porridge.  -tøf«  b. 

Øljøtørre  c  builder. 

©ttgljorb  barley  soil.  -font  barley  oorn;  (paa 
Piet)  sty;  (Srejel)  quilled  linen,  -malt  b.  malt. 
-mel  b.  meal. 

©agmtfter  c  builder,  master  builder,  architeci 
oven  bird,  Fumariut. 

©bøttittg  c  -et  (bet  fom  er  broget)  buildind 
structure,  edifice,  pile,  fabric;  (©tiøntnø§maatw 
build,  frame,  construction;  $ufet  er  unber  .  tb 
house  is  building,  is  being  built,  in  process  4 
construction;  et  Bortø  j  af  banft  -  a  vessel  o 
Danish  bulld;  tøn  er  af  en  fbag,  flærf  -  he  is  c\ 
a  dellcate,  robust  frame.  —  ©boning*  1  afgift  taj 
on  buildingB.  -arbefbe  building  work.  -»ej 
structure.  -entreprenør  master-builder.  -faj 
building  tråde,  -flrtant  block  of  building« 
-folf  workmen  employed  in  building.  -førtyolj 
(feegemeø)  structure.  -grne  rubblsh.  -9aatt»»a?rtei 
builder's  workman.  -bjælp  fe  ©ogge*.  -Ijori 
font  ground-level.  -infpeftor  building-Inspector 
-fomntiøfiøtt  board  of  works.  -fonbnttør  over 
seer.  -fontraft  building  contract.  -funft  archi 
tecture.  -tynbig  a  skilled  in  architecture.  -lo« 
building-regulations.  -Itrre  anatomy.  -rnaab« 
style  of  building,  architecture,  bulld.  •mnl 
bibl  builder.  -fnebrer  Joiner.  -fpefnlant  jerry 
builder.  -ftea  bullding-stone.  -tegning  dr&ught, 
worklng-drawing.  -tomt  fe  ©bgaeptabø.  -tre 
-tommer  wood  el.  timber  for  building.  -ubfaf 
plan  (of  construction).  -ttbtrbt  archi tectural 
term.  -nbbalø  building  commlttee.  -tiafe« 
(matters  relative  to)  public  works. 

tOtJøfaab  c  season  for  sowing  barley. 

•©iøfel  c  lease-hold,  lease  {etp  for  life).  -tre« 
lease,  -manb  leaseholder.  Ol)ø1le  vt  lease;  take 
on  lease. 

©trølfhtb  barley-Btubble.  -fuppe  barley  broth 
-oæOing  barley  boiled  in  milk. 

©bgoært  n  building. 

t© bl  gænger  c  F  dissipated  fellow. 

©bfforb  ground  belonging  to  a  town  el.  vlllage 
-fommnne  township.  -fbarter  quarter  of  the 

©Ijlb(e)  c  -er  boil,  blain.    ©ijlbemober  core. 

©ijllio  town  life.    -lob  municipal  law. 

©bit  c  -er  bundle,  parcel,  -e  vt  bundle,  tie 
up  in  a  bundle;  +  -  paa,  fe  Soeftfe  paa. 

©I)  I  manb  townsman,  town-liver.  t-ntttrt  field 
belonging  to  a  vlllage.  *  oommon  belonging  to 
a  town.  -meniøteb  town  oongregatlon.  -men- 
neffe  town-bred  man,  cockney.  -nabv  name  of 
a  town. 

©Ijrtfe  e  mugwort,  Artemiri*.  -fttøl  whin-chat, 
Motacilla  rubeira. 

Ot)|itbt  town  news,  news  from  town.  -patient 
out-patient.  -poft  town-poat,  town  delivery. 
-raab  town-council.  -raabtatefetem  town-coun- 

©ttrb  e  fåføbfel)  birfh,  descent;  t  (Vffom)  off- 
spring,  progeny;  (Slægt)  relationsnip,  kindred. 

©I)rbe  c  -r  burden,  load,  charge,  xardel;  iiiort 
er  tøm  til  _  life  is  a  burden  to  him;  falbe  ril  _ 
be  a  burden  to;  fom  $abe  baaret  Sagens  .  og  $ebe 
who  have  borne  the  burden  and  the  heat  of 
the  day.  -fttlb  a  burdensome,  onerous,  grievous. 
4-oavt  o  accustomed  to  burdens. 

©brbig  a  bom,  entitled  by  blrth  (to),  ©brbi* 
abel  nobility  of  blrth. 

©9 1 ret  fe  -lob.   -rtjgte  town  report,  t.  ramour. 

©b'd|bant  native  of  a  town;  bi  ere  -børn  fammen 
we  are  fellow-townsmen.  -boer  (fellow) towns- 
man.   -folf  fe  ©fifolf. 

gfø'lffat  town  rate,  t.  tazes.  -flraa  fe  -tos. 
-ffrtoer  town  clerk.  -flabbfr,  -fnaf  town  talk, 
-ftdtbne  meeting,  plaoe  of  meeting  in  a  vlllage 
el.  town.  -fbale  martin,  Birundo  urbica.  -fbesb 
constable,  policeman;  t  F  fe  -gøenger.  **falgtr 
local  agent,  -telegraf  town  telegraph,  -tint 
court  of  a  township. 
I     ©tjtfting  e  (ez)changing. 




©Dtte  n  exchange;  (ftttgft*)  booty,  spoil,  prey; 

^  fi  _  for,  i  >  mob  in  exchange  for;  gøre  -  make 

x>oty;  gøre  et  boatftgt  ~  change  .for  the  worse; 

terc  et  -  for  fig  be  a  prey  to.   ©lytte  t*  change, 

:  -Ixchange,  barter;  *  fig  nt  til  get  in  exchange; 

■^  » en  Sebbel  change  a  note;  -  $at  meb  en  (ex)change 

-  '^fltjs  with  one;  *  -  Ifgt  cry  qults;  jeg  bilbe  itfe  - 
•^lieb  barn  I  would  not  change  plaoes  with  hlm, 

'"••  would  not  be  in  his  shoes;  -  Øoarbe,  ~  ©cebe 
#'^eø)  pnss  In  the  corner.  -f orbinbelfe :  fiaa  i  ~ 
fk  fcechange  their  publications.  -genfUrno  (-mibbel) 
►r  toediumof  barter.  -gob*  goods  taken  in  exchange. 
:.  ^asbel  exchange.  -mibbel  medium  of  exchange. 
.fsfrftarb  valne  in  exchange,  exchangeable  value. 
øf—  ©biten  c  (ex)changing.    ©biting  c  -et  change- 

■tting,  oaf. 
:•;-•  ©b|tlj*ge  fe  -ffat.  t-tyr  parish  bull.  -bont  a 
/:  acqualnted  with  the  town.  t-bej  road  from  one 
i -Tillage  to  another.  -bofen  (ttnliggenber)  mani- 
r?  *cipal  concerns;  (Saber)  town  manners. 
-«*  ©1tøan|t£'  n  Byzantium.  -ii'nft  a  Byz'antine, 

t  '    ©tyarenbe  n  town-errand. 
i-    9«!   (»rogen)  baat     (fb)  fle!  tøaanligt)  agh; 
•^(©ørn.)  gere  .  cack. 

•tf*    Søge?  n   -e    enp,    beaker,    goblet,    chalice; 

:    ^f  calyx;  -et  Løb  ober  the  cup  was  roll  to  over- 

■ic  flowing;   bringe  -et  til   at  fftbe  ober  fig  break 

the  camel's  back.    •apparat  eleot  erown  of  cups. 

-»taft  sepal.     -balg   &  glume.     -gta«   goblet. 

*  *l°]?Ie  lucernaria.     -flana   rlnging  of  glasses. 

>  •trinet  a  ^  cup-formed.   -fbamp  cup-miisnroom, 

Ptziaa.    +-fbtnger  toper.    +©agre  o«  tope. 

t©agt  c  batch. 

©æt'  c  -te  brook,  rill,  beck,  te  bum;  lille  - 
brooklet.  -orne  waterwort,  E Udine.  *-bnng  brook 
-lime,  Veronica  beccabunga.  -brøifel,  *©ælte< 
fugl,  fe  ©anbftar.    ©aftebraa  watercourse. 

Vatten  n  -et  (metal)  basfn;  anat  pelvls;  «•«• 
cymbal;  (i  (ritte)  box;  tøitørenbe  til  -et  pelvio. 

-  -agtig  a  resembling  a  basin.  -ben  bones  of  the 
pelvls.  -bal  basin.  -forfnobring  contraction 
of  the  pelris.  -tybirbet  sacral  vertebra.  -maater 
pelTimeter.  -nint  pelvio  cavity.  -flager  cymbal 

©opf  'øtreb  e  trout,  JSabmo  fario. 

*  tftelbet  o  (om  ?Jugie)  bald,  callow. 

©alg  c  -e  snell,  pod,  cod,  legame;  -  af  et  $t)r 

skin  taken  off  entire,  case;  (©om)  belly;  (©tafe>) 

i    bellows.    ©elge  vt  swill;  t  (Wrrtet  ofb.)  sheU; 

-  i  fig,  .fig  meb  gulp,  swill.    ©alge«  vd  pod. 

*  ©ataet  råber  bellows-blower.  ©alglfrngt  pulse, 
podding  grain.  -fnlb  a  brimful;  p  dead  drunk. 
•f)ftttbfte  leathern  mitten,  drlving-glore.  -Ijobeb 
bellows-head.  -fopfel  follicle.  -matt  a  pitch 
dark.  -morte  n  pitchy  darkness.  -pibe,  -r*r 
bellows-pipe.  -føb  fe  -frugt,  -plante,  -urt 
legumlnous  plant,  -pante  mitten.  -Bertil  dæk. 
-bar!  bellows  of  an  organ. 

tøefle  o  -r  fe  ©atg.  t©«Be  vt  fe  ©ælge. 
9«l|fMtt/  -»#Tle  fe  ©oelg^. 

©ælt  fe  ©eltet. 

©cltt  n  -r  belt  (ogf.  fig),  gfoUOt  band,  sash, 
cinctnre,  baldric;  geoø  zone;  ©enus's  -  the  girdle 
of  Venus;  D'rionl  -  the  belt  of  Ori'on;  fyatit  ©am 
nnbei  .  be  In  the  fiunlly  way.  ©ælte  vt  belt, 
girdle,  cincture;  +  -  fig,  fe  6(tmøe  fig.  -b^r  arma- 
dillo,  Da*vpwt.  -bage,  -frø«  belt-clasp.  •tmtS 
chlamyphore.  -bnnø  poucn  attached  to  the 
belt.  •rofe«  fe  ^eibebeftilb.  •fbænbe  buckle  of  a 
belt.  -Heb  waist.  -fte*  archce  oval  whetstone. 
-tafte  fe  -pung. 

^«ttb  n  ^  bend.  ©acttbe  vt  bend;  .  inb 
tnrn  in. 

©orttbei  n  -biet  tape.  -maal  fe  ©aanb«.  •orm 
tape-wonn,  Tcntia.    -frtibet  a  Btriped.    -tang 

fiarfen:  Sanfl'CngeIft  Crbbog. 

grass-wrack,  Zostcra  marina,    ©ænble  vt  (Sot*) 
form  in  to  ribbons. 

©øttbfet  c  er  ^  seizing;  toge  -et  af  unseize. 
©acnbfle  vt  seize,  pass  a  seizing. 

©«nf  c  -e  bench;  Beat,  (tang  Stole«)  form;  mil 
barbette;  fpiQe  for  tomme  -e  play  to  empty 
benches;  f  barme  -e  sit  out  the  dance;  fatte  en 
til  -i  p  floor  one,  do  for  one;  fføbe  noget  $a* 
ben  (ange  -,  spin  out,  protract;  fUJbe  ober  -,  fe 
©ant.  -batteri  barbette  battery.  -bop  fe  -%aat. 
Oømle  vt  seat,  bench;  *  J,  -  Ørerene  bank  the 
fires;  -  fig  seat  one's  self,  take  one's  seat. 

*©«n!e  vt  straighten. 

©ceitte|biber  woodlouse,  Oni§cu*.  -breb  deed 
not  legally  published.  t-bij«e  cushion  for  a 
bench.  Morflag  off-haud  motion.  >(l)nbe  fe 
-btjne.  -trblter  silent,  inactive  person  el.  member. 
t-bæQina  hotch-potch. 

©amt |  qage  hold-fast.  -lammet  bench-hammer. 
•b*bt  cooper's  plane,    -meffel  cold  chisel. 

©«r'  T'ogf.  ©æ'r]  n,  pi  =»,  berry.  -bnft  bacci- 
ferous  snrub.  *ba«net  a  bacciform,  berry-formed. 
•plttrning  berrying. 

©øre,  bar,  baaret  vt  bear,  carry,  support;  (taale) 
endure,  suffer;  (lllabet)  wear;  (om  fto)  bear; 
.  let  (om  Qeft)  ride  light;  ~  fytugt  bear  fruit;  . 
Sorg,  Itaatbe  wear  mourning,  a  s  word;  •  et  92abn 
bear  a  name;  ~  ©tifen  carry  off  the  prize,  bear 
the  bell;  +  .  Zbiol  om  entertain  a  doubt  of;  - 
©ibne  om  bear  witness  el.  testimony  to;  —  vi  • 
af  &  bear  away,  bear  down,  bear  up;  -  fri  af 
&  pass  clear  of;  * noar ftal  bet .  af  6teb?  when 
are  you  going?  bet  -S  mig  for  I  have  a  presen- 
timent,  something  tells  me;  *  ^bot  -r  bet  ben? 
where  are  we  going?  -  neb  baa  &  bear  down 
upon;  .  oppe  &  (vt)  bear  (up);  .  ober  meb  bear 
with;  -  paa  et  ftjgt  flegeme  be  of  a  sickly  con- 
stitution;  -r  paa  en  Stjgbom  has  a  disease  latent 
in  hlm;  -  paa  en  $emmeligbeb  have  a  secret; 
©inben  r  paa  $ufet  the  wind  blows  upon  the 
house;  -  runbt  ^  wear  snip;  Øgeten  -r  bel  til 
the  fleld  promises  a  good  crop;  part  fe  ©acren; 
—  or  .  fig  pay,  succeed;  .  fig  felo  fig  stand  on 
one's  own  legs,  be  self-sustalning;  *  fe  3amre 
fig;  -  fig  ab  behave,  aet,  go  about  it;  faalebe*  -r 
|an  fig  altib  ab  that  is  the  way  he  always  does; 
.  fig  oel  carry  one's  self  well.  ©«re|baar(e) 
litter.  -b«r  hand-barrow.  -btjgtig  o  *£,  that 
carrles  well;  (Xrce)  fruit-bearing.  -eb«e  bearing 
strength;  <t>  capacity.  -ftabe  bearing.  -b.immel 
canopy.  -bjrt  Oætnb.)  trailing- wheel,  -taabe 
baby's  cloak.  -larm horselltter.  -traft strength 
to  bear;  &  buoyancy.  -troitå  fe  -pube.  -Inrb 
dosser,  hamper,  -lager,  -leje  carrlage.  -ton  fe 
-penge,  -tt  c  carrying  etc.  -pelS  baby's  cloak. 
-penge  porterage.  -pnbe  pad;  *  (^efls)  collar. 
-r  c  -e  bearer,  carrier,  porter;  fig  vehicle.  -rem 
fe  fele;  (en  $ameft)  shawl-straps.  -fete  porters 
braces.  -fena  litter.  -ftang  bearing -bar,  carry- 
ing-pole.  -ffeb  portage.  -flot  sedan-chair;  J> 
traveller,  -tøffe  (p.  @tjorte)  yoke.  -tib  time 
of  gestation.  -bibbe  bearing;  fig  range,  bearing. 
•bog«  fe  -tarm. 

©atrlførmig  a  fe  -bannet.  -fragt  baccate  fruit, 
berry.  -gult  buckthorn-yellow.  -gront  sap« 

©årring  c  canyiug. 

©orlfarfe  fe  3nbianft  tt.  -tlafe,  -flange  cluster 
of  berries.    *-ff«be  tammy  cloth. 

©ærme  c  dregs,  lees;  (©ranberi*)  grains.  -bob 
grain-  el.  lees-bath. 

©ocr|faft  berry -Juice;  (tiflobet)  berrj-syrnp. 
••ftrie  tammy  cloth.  -tage  garden-bug,  Penta- 
tomm  oleracea.  -bitt  wine  made  of  native  fruit, 
domestic  wine.    -abenbe  a  baccivorous. 





©æ'fl  n  -er  beast,  brute.  -iff  a  bestial,  beastly, 
brutish,  brutal. 

©«be  vt  tremble.  shake,  quake,  quiver;  -  af 
fjtbgt  shake  with  fear;  .  for  dread.  -Ifc,  -n  c 
trembling,  tremor;  meb  ftøøt  og  -  W6J  in  fear 
and  trembling. 

©æber  c  -e  beaver,  Oartør  ^6er;  (Xøi)  beaver. 
•bø,  -tygning  beaver-hut.  -fortbc  beaver-trap. 
-gaørb  beavery.  -getl,  -gfel  castor.  -faor  beaver. 
-(at  beaver(-hat),  castor.  -Jagt  b. -hunting,  -rotte 
b.rat,  Fiber  ribethicue;  coypu,  Mvopotawue  coy- 
snu.    -ffinb  beaver's  skin. 

©æbre  vi  fe  ©æoe.  -«f>  aspen,  Popul**  tre- 
mula.  -grcei  quaking-grass,  5 riua  media,  -nøttl 
egrette,  trempling-pin. 

8*b  «wp  af  ©ttbe. 

©øbbel  c  -Mer  hangman,  executioner,  P  Jack 
Ketch;  fig  tormentor,  bloody  tyrant.  -øgttg  o 
hangman-like;  (grum)  barbarous.  -feømber  the 
executioner's  hånds.  -laorgt  fe  -fbenb.  -penge 
hangman 's  fees.  -fbil  lanterloo.  -fbenb  hang- 
man's  assistant.  -fbttrb  executioner's  s  word. 
-atøe  executioner's  axe. 

©øbe  vt  (ifianbfstte)  mend,  patch,  botch;  (gilbe 
et  $unbbr)  spay;  (totale  ©øbe)  pay  (a  fine);  +  =  - 
for;  —  vi  ~  for  pay  el.  suffer  for,  make  up  for; 

-  fot  fig  (tneb)  defend  one's  self  with;  .  meb  fitbet 
pay  with  one's  life,  Buffer  death;  -  tan  en  SRangel 
supply  a  want,  remedy  a  defect.  ©øbe  o  -r  fine, 

©øbler  o  -e  cooper.  -arbejbe  cooper's  work. 
•baml  cooper's  bench.  -floef  stave-wood.  -gøbfet 
Af  the  cooper's  stores,  -tyaanbbttrt  cooper's  tråde. 
-rnlb  cooper's  knife.  -løn  cooperage  -mefter 
(master)  cooper.  -fbenb  journeyman-cooper. 
-bærtfteb  cooper's  shop.  -bttrttøf  cooper's  tools. 
-ørøe  (cooper's)  adze.  tCøbtre  vi  do  cooper's 

©øf'  c,  ©øffleg  beefeteak. 

©øffet  c  -er  &  -flet  buffalo,  5o«  6u6afa«;  >tø 
boor.  -agtig  a  boorish.  -(nb  buffalo* s  hide. 
-to  buffalo-cow.    -feber  bufl  (skin). 

©øg  c  -e  beech,  Faøtu, 

tOøge  vi  bellow,  low. 

©øge|afie  beech-ashes.  -bronbe  beech-wood. 
t-broøfel  song-thrush,  Turdu*  mveiciu.  -Ittttbe 
knotty  lump  of  beech.  -frat  beech- thicket, 
underwood  of  beech.  -(nnb  beech-grove.  -olben 
beech -nu  t.  +-rig  a  rich  in  beeches.  -ftøb  forest 
of  beech-trees.  -fbinber  tussock  moth,  Daey- 
ekira.  -træ  beech-tree;  (-oeb)  beech-wood.  +-# 
poet  island  full  of  beeches.  *©øgrrøft  fe  Røb- 

©ø4m|en  n  Bohe'mia.  -er  c  -e,  -erttt'be  c  -t, 
•if!  a  &  n  Bohemian;  -tfte  Stene  paste  diamonds. 
©øtmertøøib  the  Bdhmerwald. 

©øj'e  c  -r  (Sange)  bilboes;  vt  buoy;  forfone 
(ftar&anb)  meb  r  buoy.  -benge  buoyage.  -reb 

©eje  vt  bend,  ($obebet  o.  I.  oqfig)  bow;  gram 
lnflect;  .  Skaffe  bend  one's  neck;  -  flt  Sinb  yield; 
.  en*  Stoltfab  bring  down  el.  lower  one's  pride; 

-  ffletten  decline  the  course  of  justice;  -  ftt  fDte 
til  give  ear  to;  — -  r»  (af)  turn,  deflect,  trend 
(off);  -  fifl  (om  $erfon)  bow,  submit,  defer  (for 
to),  (om  ting)  bend,  (om  fttob  o.  1.)  turn.  ©øje- 
tig  a  flexible,  pliable,  pliant.  ©øieligfab  c 
flexibllity,  pliability,  pliancy.  ©øjelfe  e  t  (bet 
at  bøfe)  bending  etc.;  (©ugt,  Jrtummng)  bend, 
curve,  curvature.  Ø*je|mnflel  flexorfmuscle). 
-tang  plyere. 

©ajle  c  -r  bow;  (Hl  ©efrtottelfe,  f.  (Rø.  b.  (Betaer) 
guard;  (baa  <So<rrb)  bow,  bar;  i  (til  &efejlSfbrrer 
o.  fl.)  boom-iron.  (Smb)  link,  strap. 

Bøjning  o  -er  fe  ©øielfe;  ørom  k  opt  inflection. 
©øiningllcnbclfe  termination.     -faftljeb  trans- 

vene  strength.  •form  case.  -tore  accidence. 
-nuiabe  declension  el.  conjngation.  •motrfe  gram 
characteristic.    -fbrøg  inflectional  language. 

tffjøl'  fe  ©ufle  1. 

*©øle  c  -r  bln,  crib. 

©ølge  c  -r  billow,  wave;  &  »ea;  en  .  flog  ooex 
Sribet  a  sea  broke  over  the  snip.  ©ølge  vi  &  r 
wave,  undulate;  éøen  -r  fzærft  the  sea  runs  high; 
ben  -nbe  Slette  the  undulating  plain;  -nbeSotler 
flowing  locks;  -nbe  ©arm  heaving  bosom.  -ngrig 
a  billowy,  wavy.  -beoægelfe  undulation,  wave 
-motion,  -bjerg  summit  of  a  wave.  -blif  cor- 
rugated  plate.  -bmb  surf.  -bri^ber  breakwater. 
•bugter,  -bngtninger  undulations.  -bal  trough 
of  the  sea.  -bannet,  -fømiig  o  undulating, 
wavy.  -biember  wave-subduer.  -blyb  poet  deep 
of  the  ocean,  -gong  swell,  sea.  -tørnfnegl 
whelk,  Buccinum  unaatum.  -lånt  wave-crest 
•foft  fe  -flag.  -Unie  wave-line,  undulating  line. 
-lonsgbe  wave-length.  -flrat  wave  ornament, 
•ffbnlb  dash  of  the  waves.  -flag  beating  el. 
dashing  of  the  waves,  (ftragt)  ripple.  -fiagø« 
mærter  ripple  marks,  -t  a  undulated,  wavy. 
-teorien  the  undulatory  theory,  wave-t.  -top 
fe  -tam.    -bid  adv  in  waves. 

*©øting  o  -er  fe  ©uflab. 

t©øUe  c  -r  fe  ©iiOe  1. 

tOøOe  o  -r  whortleberry,  Vaecininm;  etp  marsh 
wn.,   V.  uUginoeum. 

t©øØe  c  -r  (t  ^aaret)  buckle. 

t©øØe  o  -r  (Stælb*.)  rough. 

©øn'  c  -net  (i  Ulm.  el.  til  Øub)  prayer;  (©øn< 
falbelfe)  entreaty,  appeal;  (^oatalbelfe)  supplica- 
tlon,  (inbftcenbig)  solicitation;  føorlangenbe)  request; 
(ftreoen)  suit,  petition;  ben  forfie  .  (i  ftaberbot)  the 
first  petition;  jeg  fat  en  -  til  big  I  have  some- 
thing  to  ask  you. 

©ønber  pi  af  Qonbe.  -børn  o.  fl.,  fe  .©onbe«. 
-gøbØ  lease-farms  of  an  estate.  -fmbt  ordlnary 

©ønfalbe  vt  entreat.  beseech,  implore;  -nbe  a 
entreating  etc.,  suppliant;  en  -  a  supplicant. 

©ønliae  o  -er  bungler,  dabbler. 

©øn|børe  grant  (a  prayer  el.  petition),  hear, 
listen  to  (one);  blide  -t  gain  a  hearing,  find  mvour, 
be  successful  (in  one's  suit).  -tørelfe  c  granting 
etc.  ©ønfig  a  suppliant,  imploring,  pleading, 

©ønne  c  -r  bean,  Faba;  (bot  Aeften)  lampass, 
lampers;  pi  dong  (of  hares  etc.),  j  (ftaffe<)  coffee, 
berries;  f  bloa  -r  nuts.    -ager  bean-fleld. 

©ønnebøg  c  prayer-book. 

©ø«ne|bælgbean-cod.  -4a(m  b.-straw.  -malm 
pea-ore.    -mel  b.-flour.    -ftttge,  -ftong  bean-pole. 
-ftaragel    bean-stalk.     -tr«   laburnum,    Cvtitu* 
-nrt  fe  ©or. 

©ønfTrift  n  petition. 

©øo' |  Hen  n  Bæotia.    -ler  e,  -iff  a  Bæotian. 

©ør'  vi  butbe,  burbet  ought;  bu  .  gøre  bet  you 
ought  to  do  it;  bet  -  gøreft  it  ought  to  be  done; 
font  bet  fig  %ex  og  -  as  is  meet  and  proper;  fora 
ieg  burbe  as  I  ought  (P  ought  to);  betbørenbber 
at  it  behoves  every  one  to. 

©ør  c  t  barrow;  *(-er)  burden;  t  a  hat  flt 
only  for  a  scarecrow,  tile. 

©ør  (røebbtnb)  c  fair  wlnd. 

©ør  (^ofterleje)  c  womb,  uterus,  -betombelfe 
inflammation  of  the  womb. 

©ørffaft  a  windbound. 

©ørfbald  neck  of  the  womb.  -framgning  pro- 
lapsus of  the  uterus. 

©ø'rn  pi  children;  fan  far  ftone  men  ingen  . 
he  has  wife  and  no  family.  —  ©ørne  |  nar  pi, 
-«tber  inmntile  years,  years  of  childhood.  -arb 
children 's    snare    of  succession,     -afljl    infant 




-asylum.  -avl,  -aoltag  procreatlon  of  children. 
-bat  children 's  ball.  -beg  meconium.  -bøg 
children'«  book.  -(ørn  grandchildren.  -bagen 
In nocents'  Dav.  -cbenttyr  nursery-tale.  -Ro! 
crowd  of  children,  (large)  family.  -fortøffing 
children'8  tale.  -gerntng  childish  aet.  -gobi 
property  of  minors.  -tyatiter  children's  clothlng. 
-ba»e  kindergarten,  infant  school.  -tyern  fr  -afbl. 
-bofpftal  children's  hospital.  t-Ijtti  (i  tøtym.) 
house  of  correction.  -Range  fe  -flor.  -toppet 
pi  smallpox.  -feer  a  fond  of  children.  -Ug  child's 
play.  -lørbom  what  is  learnt  in  childhood; 
catechism.  -toft  a  childless.  -morb  raassacre  ot 
infants;  bet  bettyem.  .  the  murder  of  the  inno- 
rents.  -obbragetfe  edncation  of  children,  child 
traininur.  -orm  maw-worm,  ÅMVaritvtrmicuiari*. 
-paøferfYe  c  -t  dry-nuree.  -penge  money  belong- 
ing  to  wards.  -pntber  composing  powder.  -rav 
kidnapping.  -rebe  brood  of  children.  -felftab 
c  hi  Id'. s  party,  children's  party.  *  -flo :  fjor  ttaabt 
fine  -  is  no  chicken,  is  past  childhood,  has  put 
orT  childish  ways;  iRe  at  tøibe  ttaabt  fine  -  to  be 
in  leading  strings.  -f?o(e  school  for  children. 
-ffrtfter  Juvenile  pnblications.  -frraal,  -ffrig 
crying  of  children.  •fnlf  fe  -Ira.  -fprøg  children's 
language,  -ftrea  childish  trick  el.  freak,  -fine 
nursery;  (paa  $ofpttaI)  children's  ward.  -fbørm 
beyy  of  children.  -fbgbom  children's  dlsease, 
childhood  s  malady.  -tanb  fe  9Rceltetanb.  -tugt 
education  of  children.  -tbb  kidnapper  (of 
children).  -rbøeri  fe  -ran.  -tol  baby  linen;  ar 
ticle«  of  infant  wear.  -nbføttelfe  exposnre  of 
infants,  -be«  friend  to  children.  -berbeaen  the 
children's  world.  -btt:  poa~  childishly.  -bog« 
perambulator,  infant-propeller,  -børf  child 's 
work.    -abet  ogre,  -  ©ornlifle !  dear  children ! 

©O'rS  o  -er  exchange,  'change;  ($ung)  purse. 
-aatriøa  sale  on  the  exchange.  -bog  pocket 
ledger.  -bag  exchange-day,  'change-day.  -for' 
retvinget  exchange- business,  -jobberi  stock 
-jobbing.  -*fomité  board  of  tråde,  -luté  ex- 
change. -manb  exchange  man.  -møgler  stock 
-broker.    -prti  exchange. 

©ørfprøtte  c  rulva. 

©or'*|rtagte  report  on  'change.  -fpetafant 
speculator  in  the  stocks,  (i  flet  ©et.)  stock 
-jobber,  -fptfulatiøa  speculation  in  stocks. 
-fatl  stock-Jobbing. 

©Orft  pi  f  licking,  thrashing. 

©orfte  o  r  (J&aor)  bristle;  (til  SHceber)  brush; 
F  boor,  caitiff;  rejfe  -r  bristle  up.  ©orfte  vt 
brush;  •  @t»bler  clean  el.  polish  boots;  -  en  af 
thrash  one.  -afrrøf  brush-proof.  -agtig  o 
bristly;  fio  boorish.  -formet  -formig  a  $  seta- 
ceous.  -bolbrr  c  tidy.  •mager  brush-maker. 
•mafiine  brushing-mill.  ©orftenoittber  brush 
•maker.  ©orftenbiabeti  a  brush-making.  ©or« 
ftenbe  o  bristly.  ©orfte|ørm  chætopod.  -aenfet 
painting-bru&h  made  of  bristles.  -raabnett  wud 
-fire,  -ftøie  brush  bolter,  -flb  moøs-rush,  Jun- 
cu»  §quarrotu».  -ffibe  brush-wheel.  -fbintenrec. 
-I  a  bristly,  bristled.  -tanb  chætodon.  -balfe 
fe  -ffiw.    ©orHntag  c  brushing. 

©O'rØtib  e  'change  time. 

t©rrt  c  smæk. 

Oortle  fe  »ertle. 

©od  o  F  grim. 

©toning  c  -er  box,  bush,  bushning.  ©of' 
ntagøbøtt  bush  bolt.    ©0»fe  of  box,  bnsh. 

©Oftfe  c  -r  box;  (®ebær)  gun;  fpbtte  i  -n  be  bled 
(freely),  sheli  out.  -bor  rlfle-borer.  -baml  & 
lower  sill.  -tyane  cock  of  a  gun.  *-ftolb  gun 
-reach,  gunshot.  -tølper  gun-case.  -rotte  out 
-end  ofagun.  -frnb, -frnbt  gunpowder.  -fttgJe 
musket  ball,  musket  hullet,  -faag  gun-lock. 
-labaing  charge  of  a  gun.  -Ub  fe  -pibe.  *-maat 
fe  -$olb.  -mager  c  -e  gun  maker.  •panbe  pan 
of  a  gun-lock.  -pibe  gun-barrel.  -flgte  sight  of 
a  gun.  -flab  gun-shot.  -fnjtte  rifleman.  -fføft, 
-flatfte  gun-Btock.  -fløfter  (gun-)stocker.  -fmeb 
gun  smith;  &  armourer.  -fpbb  bayonet.  -ftaal 
steel  of  a  gun-lock.    -flen  gun-flint. 

*©ooftag  fe  ©øgning. 

©ofle  F  fe  ©orfte. 

t©otte  c  -t  (5tfr)  fe  ^igbbat. 

©otte  c  -r  tub,  coop;  'pail,  bucket;  (^aptrf.) 
vat;  F  ($at)  Ule;  f  ^o(b  bin  .  1  hold  your  jaw ! 
-limittg  sizing  in  the  vat.    -papir  hånd  paper. 


Orb,  font  Ule  pnbrt  unber  d.  maa  føgeft  unber  St. 

6,  c  j<Ee]  n  -er  (©ogft.  k  mut)  C,  c  [cee].  abbr. 
d  =  Sgrtfnano^abn  (suburb  of  Copenhagen). 

Gatota'ge  c  cab'otage,  coasttng. 

<Kad)of  e  -er  cell,  dungeon. 

Gaben 'ce  c  -r  ca'dence.    -'re  vt  cadence. 

tf  abir,  n  CadiE. 

+<S«folc/re  vt  cajole 

da^etiagerve  pi  the  Cape'tians. 

<W«e)Ott'  e  -et  hood,  capo'ch. 

<Iaraaibø(|a  ge  o  -r,  (©iOarb)  cannon,  carrom. 
-Crt  vt  cannon;  fig  clash  (with),  run  foul  (of). 

Oa'r!  Charles;  .  ben  Store  C.  the  Oreat,  Charle- 

tftraliag'ler  c,  -ifl  o  Carlovingian. 

Oartefia  vff  o  Carte  sian. 

<lofd)««ob  c  caehew  nut.  i 

tfated)*  «  catechu,  cutch.  | 

Oaabiaff  a.  bet  -e  $a*  the  Caudine  Forks.     | 

<Iattf|erf  n  chat.    -cttfe  c  -r  settee. 

(Eaaraaepebet  Oaycnne  pepper. 

Sebet  c  -bre  cedar,  Pimu  Ccdrus.  -ene  Spanlsh 
Juniper,  Juniperu*  oxyeedrut.  -fugt  cedar-bird, 
Bombycilla  cedrorwn.    •tyorpttø  cedar-giim. 

Gebra'trrat  n  ce  drat,  Citrus  medica. 

dtiafttt  e  staff-tree,  Celattru*. 

delebre're  vt  cel'ebrate. 

(SeØe  o  -r  (i  alle  ©et.)  cell.  -baanelfe  cell 
-development  el.  -formation,  -boitnet,  -formig 
o  cellular.  -famgfef  prison  on  the  separate 
system,  -binbe  cellular  membrane.  -l|Jal  bucket 
-wheel,  -føme  nucleus.  -film  protoplasm.  -fb- 
firmet  the  solitary  conflnement  system,  -bog« 
prison-van.   -bøg  cell  wall.   -b«b  cellular  tlssue. 

deØniø'fe  c  cell'ulose. 

Gelfhtøtermometer  centigrade  thermometer. 

delt  c  -er  archæ  celt;  fe  ogfaa  ftelt. 

CEembrafbr  e  Siberlan  8 tone-pine,  Pinu*  Cembra. 

dement'  n  cement,  -e're  vt  cement,  -e'riag 
c  cementation.  -e'robn  cementing  fornace. 
-lobber  precipitated  copper.    -palper  cementing 





powder.  -ftaal  cemented  steel.  -bavb  cement 

dmbré  a  ash-coloured,  sandy. 

denflor  c  -o'tet  censor;  (af  trpfte  6ager)  censor 
el.  licenser  (of  the  press).  denfnr  e  critlcal 
examination,  censure;  (i  ©folen,  fftbnet&prb)  cha- 
racter, certiflcate;  (toft  Romerne)  censorship; 
($re*fe»)  censorship  (of  the  press);  fertte  unber  - 
snbject  to  a  censorship.  -nre're  o*  review, 
examlne;  (babfe)  censure.    -«8  e  census. 

drntanr'  c  -rr  cen'taur. 

denter,  fe  Centrum,  -(or  centre-drill;  -bit. 
-fcarb  4,  slidlngkeel.  -tnfrrmment  ^  centre 
-finder,  -tto*,  -tøffe  ($mp.)  centre-boss.  -tap 
main  centre. 

desrtlfo'Herøfe  cabbage-rose.  Ro*a  eentifolia. 
-gram'  n  -mer  cen'tfgramme.  -itt'er  e  cen'tlliter. 
•me  ter  c  cen'tlmeter. 

dentner  n,  p*  =,  hundredweight,  Cwt.  -gr«d< 
far  red  gourd,  pumpkln,  OteiCTfo'fa  maanma. 
•ittng  a  heavy  as  lead.  -rpngbe,  -notgt  leaden 

dentra't  a  cen'tral.  dentral*  central,  de«« 
traltfe're  t*  cen'tralise.  denrrattfering  o  cen- 
tralization.  dentralpntttt  central  point;  focus. 
dentre're  vt  centre. 

denrriltngaifraft  c  centrifu'gal  force,  -fit'ge 
e  -r  (Danish)  cream  separator.  -petatite't  e  een- 
tripe'tency.    -petaifraft  e  centripe'tal  force. 

denrrnm  n  -trer  centre;  the  Moderate  party. 
<*)*or  centre-bit.  -dparttet  fe  dentrum.  -ftmattb 

dtrbernø  Cerberus;  /i?  dragon. 

derea'lier  p/  ce'reals. 

deremoni'  c  -er  cer'emony,  rite,  observance. 
dmmontel' nka ceremo'nial.  derentonimrfter 
master  of  the  ceremonies. 

deri'«  n  cerine. 

dernere  vt  surround,  invest. 

CTer om  c  -er  seroon,  ceroon. 

dertepartt  n  -er  charter-party;  i  fjolge  -  as  per 
charter;  ligøer  unber  .  is  under  charter. 

dersiflfa't  n  -er  certif'icate. 

deret  ter  pi  cherooto. 

dernela  tpilfe  c  saveloy. 

de«'  n  rniu  e  flat.    -e8  c  double  flat. 

det|aceeme  the  ceta'cea(n)8.  -o  lo 'g  c  -er 

deoeanerne  the  Cevennes. 

dbablø'n  c  -er  fe  Sfabelon. 

dqaariu'  n  shagreen. 

dljaffe  c  -r  chaise.  -iongne  c  -r  long-chair, 
chaise- lounge,  couch. 

dtjafo'  c  -er  shak 'o. 

dtjalbæ'|a  n  Chaldæa.  -er  c  Chaldean.  -iff 
a  Chaldaic;  n  (6prog)  Chaldee. 

dbaload'  n  (SIqqS  %b\)  shaloon. 

dpatnp'  c  .per  (tttjef*«)  barge;  fe  3otte.  •mere 
barge- men. 

(uam  6t6/  Ham. 

doama'be  c  chamade;  floa  -  beat  the  c. 

dpambriere  c  -c  longe whip. 

doampagn'e  n  Champagne:  o  (-Din)  champagne, 
•glat  champagne-gUss  (o.  ft.). 

dljampigttø'tt  c  -er  (meadow)  mushroom,  Aga- 
ricu*  eawtputrit.  -atrier  «t,  mushroom-anchor. 
-faace  ketchup. 

dbonce  c  -r  chance  (for,  of). 

dpongleant',  -e'renbe  a  shot(-coloured).  -e're 
vi  ØHibn.)  change  nand,  change  the  horse. 

dfcanter  o  chancre,  shanker. 
dtpapeattia'ft  c  opera-hat. 
dfaarabonf  c  break,  Bociable,  waggonette. 
diarge'|re  vi  mil  charge,    -ring  o  charge, 
dparlajta'«  o  -er  cha'rlatan,  (quack,  mounte- 

bank.     -iaueri'  *  cha'rlatanlsm,  cha'rlatanry, 

dftarløt'tefage  c  trifle. 

diamant'  a  cha'rmlng. 

dftarnie'r,  dftarner  m  -er  hinge,  joint.  -Hl 
Joint- file.  -Jamt  Joint-tool.  -Http  joint-g&uge. 
-pa«)fer  Jolnt-oompasses.  -tøft  Joint-wire.  -tang 

dftarpi'  c  lint;  pille  -  ravel  lint. 

dDOØfé  {Dont)  flgure  in. 

dqattdfé'  c  -er  (built,  macadamized)  road, 
turnpikeroad.    dffa«8fe'ret  a  causeyed. 

dQff»oittidme  e  jingoism. 

dljef  c  -er  chief,  head;  mil  commander;  (for 
$anbel*l>u*)  principal;  (for  Orlogftmanb)  captain 
—  dlje'f8|a)«lttp  barge.    ••gaarb  c  captain* s  el. 
colonel's  resldence.  -fat)fit  great  cabin.   -torlber 
the  captain's  store-room. 

dfpemi'fe  e  -r  chemise,  Bhlft. 

d^eniøe  c  chenille. 

d^ica'«|e  c  r  chicane.  -e're  vt  chica'ne,  apite. 
•ert'  n  -er  chioa'nery.    -#'fl  vexatious. 

dljiff onie're  o  -r  chest  of  drawers,  cheffonier. 

dbigno«'  c  -er  chignon. 

dBilifalpeter  n  nitrate  of  soda. 

daimpatt'fe  c  chimpanzee,  Sitnia  trogtodyu*. 

duoe'  n  onset. 

dqofola'be  c  choc'olate.  -fatritant  chocolate 
-maker.  -famet  a  chocolate-coloured.  -fage 
tablet  of  c.  -fanbe  chocolate  pot.  -pifter  c. -stick, 

dicero  o  typ  pica;  -  fturflo  small  pica. 

dierrone  c  -r  cicerone,  guide. 

diceroaia'nfl  a  Cicero'nian. 

diber  c  cider. 

dif ,  -fals  merc  c  *• f-  C00^  Insurance,  freight). 

difftr  n  -fre  flgure.  -oog  arithmetlcal  book. 
-irep  letter  in  cipher.  -tugle  cipher-key.  -ffrift 
cipher,  cryptography. 

dig«  c  -er  ciga'r,  sega'r.  -oroejaer  cigar 
-maker.  -afle  cigar  ash.  -totger  cigar-cup. 
•bæflblab  wrapper. 

digaret'  c  -ter  paper  cigar,  cigarette.  •mafTiac 
apparatlis  for  making  cigarettes.  -papir  smoking 

digar'lfoaeral  cigar-case.  doubler tobaoconist. 
•Ijolber  cigar-holder,  cigar-tube.  -fo*fe  cigar 
•box.  -ralo  cigar-cutter,  -mager,  -magerfre 
cigar-maker.  -rnltttttg  twisting  of  cigars,  -rpger 
cigarsmoker.  -rpgttfiig  smoking  cigars,  -rar 
fe  -Dotber.  -fpibS  cigar-tip,  cigar-end.  -fraiap 
cigar-end,  topper,  -taffe  fe  -fobcral.  -tffttber 
cigar-light,  vesuvian,  fusee.    -PiHer  pi  Allers. 

ditfi'be  o  -t  harvest-fly.  Oicada. 
ditø'rie  c  suc'cory,  chic'cory. 
dintb|rer  c  -e  Cimbriant     -riff  a  Cimbrian, 
Cimbric;  et  -  $1)1  a  furious  war-cry. 

dimme'rifl  a  Cimmerian. 
dinnobrr  c  &,  n  dn'nabar. 
dirren  fif!  a  circenslal,  eircensian. 
dirfa  adv  about. 

dirfaøfi|er  o  t,  -eritfbe  o  -r,  -fl  a  Circassiau. 
-ev'ue  c  woollen  cloth  like  cashmere  but  lighter. 

dirlel  c  -Iler  circle;  floa  en  -  draw  a  c, 
describe  a  c;  en  glimrenbe  -  a  brilliant  circle. 
•affnit  segment,  -tue  arch  of  a  circle.  clrcular 
arch.  -Patmet  a  clrcular.  -flabe  circle  plane. 
-gang  circulation,  rotatory  motion.  -l)ttg  flourifh 
•roabrant  quadrant  of  a  circle.  -line  ^  rudder 
-rope.  -linie  circular  line.  -Ub  fe  -gang.  -pro- 
fettion  circular  projection.  -m«b  a  circular; 
.  $u8rcette  circus.  -fob,  (*-f<»fl)  circular  saw. 
•tømme  circular  inch.  -ubfttit  sector.  *-geb 
waste  from  the  circular  saw.  dirtte  er  circle. 
dirfnlatio«  c  drcula'tion.    dtrfnte'rc  vi  cir'cu 




late.  QEtrhUft're  n  -r  dr'cular.  «trfularrbeMe( 
circular  travelling  draft,  oircnlar  note. 

Girfumjflefd'  c  -et  cir'cumflex.  -pøta'rlrjeme 
drcumpo'lar  star.  -boJ(atiø'*AUnie  droumvalla'- 

Qirftt*  c  -er  circos,  rinø;. 

Gid'  n  mut  C  sharp.    -tø  C  double-øharp. 

tøfel|e're  øt  cbase,  chisel.  -*'r  o  -er  cnaser, 

ttUføt'be  e  -t  ds'soid. 

CttftcrcteK'fer(mtt«f)  c  Cister'cian.  -(løfte?  C. 
monastery  (o.  fl.). 

(grfter'ue  c  -r  cis'tern,  tank. 

Qtfrsirøfe  e  rock-rose,  Oirtui. 

(LitaUV  *  -let,  citadel. 

(Kroat'  e  -er  plaintiff.  Citoatftabet  the  plain- 

Gtto't  n  -er  citation,  quotation.  -to'«  ø  dta'- 
tion;  (Stortmfnø)  sammons.  -tønftteg*  inverted 
oommas.  Gtte're  øt  cite,  quote;  (for  SSetten) 
summon;  .  af  quote  from;  -  urigtig  misquote. 

CHter  o  -e  dthern.  »fptller  player  on  the 

(Sitro'n  c  -er  lemon,  citron,  -totter  lemon 
dxunplingB.  -ørøb  lemon  biscuit.  -fugt  colias. 
•gul  a  lemon-coloured.  -føje  lemon-cake.  -Itmø* 
•abe  citron-water.  -melføfe  common  balm, 
Melina  o/ActHalii.  -oli«  oil  of  citron,  -breffer 
lemon-squeesers.  -foft  lemon-juice.  -fiol  lemon 
-peel.  -fHøe  slice  of  lemon.  -fommerfugl 
brimstone-butterfly,  Oonopteryx  rhamni.  -fur 
fratt  citrate  of  lime  (ofb.);  -t  6oIt  dtrate.  -fttre 
citric  add.  -tf«  lemon- tree,  dtron-tree;  (8eb) 
Jamaica  rosewood. 

tttøll  a  dy'il;  borre  tUebt  .  be  dressed  in  plain 
clothes  et.  p  in  mufti;  ~  Dragt,  -bragt  mufti. 
-tageaiør  civil  engineer.  (Jibiltf  atto'u  c  dvili- 
ca'tlon.  (Jibiltfere  vt  dv'iltee.  CibUtft'  o  -et 
civfrian.  Ctbill (ammer  conrt  of  common  pleas. 
-ftfltbt  a  fe  Cibit;  .  Solitiberjeut  plain-dothes 
man.  -lifte  dvll  list.  *ftrøee§  civil  proceedlngs. 
-retten  dvll  law.    -fag  dvil  sult. 

(gtairbøbaa'ce  c  wcond-slght,  clsirvoy'ance. 

Olaø/ae  c,  (Hoøttearer  pi  daque,  claquers, 
bired  applauder«. 

Clid)é  o  -er  cliché,  matrix.  -'re  vt  dab. 
-'rtttf  c  cliché-casting,  dabbing. 

&ød)entITe  o  coch'ineal. 

<t*øcøu'  e  cocoon. 

(Søpsac  e  cognac,  French  brandy. 

Gøfffurt  o  head-dress. 

(Søiof fea'fer  pi  Colos'sians. 

gonore  »e|ratet  Congreve's  rocket,  -tr*f  Con- 
greve  Impresslon. 

Contuaa'dam :  in  -  by  default. 

Soufaut'  a  easy. 

Houp*  o  &  n  hit,  stroke. 

(Eovjpé'  0  -er  (railway-)carriage;  compartment 
(of  a  r.  c);  (Zrin)  coupee. 

(Køttpøn'  o  -I  el.  -er  oou'pon,  interest-warrant. 

Gøara'ge  o  cour'age,  valour. 

Oøurtoge  o  møre  brokerage. 

Gøurti'ne  0  -r  /or*  cur'taln. 

<Eøuru'me  0  usage,  custom;  bet  et  -  at  it  is 
customary  that. 

Ortmørtar'tari  o  cream  of  tartar. 

(irerne  o  custard.    -fortet  cream-coloured. 

ttrøquid  n  (rough)  sketch. 

Grøttlrfe'r  0  -er  crou'pler. 

GttCttJ'ø  c  flre-fly  elater,  Hnvpkorut  noetilucut. 

Cul-de-sac  e  turn-again-alley,  cnl-de-sao. 

Snracø'o  o  curacoa. 

(Esrnctt  o  trogon,  Omruqua. 

Ctøo'v  n  cyan'ogen.  t-bri«t  fe  -banbftøf.  -før* 
bhibelfe  fe  -metal,  -famtfalittm  red  prussiate  of 
potash.  -!attøm  oyanide  of  potassium.  -metal 
cyanide.  ,-bc«bftøl  hydrocyanic  acid. 

Qtefttf!  a  cyclic(al).  (fftfløt'bc  o  -t  cy'cloid. 
Gbjlø'it  e  -er  cy'done. 

Cljflø'9  o  -er  cyclops.  -førbaubt  cyclopean 
masonry.    Gljflø'btfl  a  cyclope'an. 

dbtlnft  o  -tier  cyde. 

(BjUtt'ber  o  -bre  cyl'inder.  -blfltfer,  -ø«tg 
blowlng-cylinder.  -btttf el  (Dwp  )  cylinder-cover, 
-tabe  suruce  of  a  cylinder,  -form  cylindric'ity. 
•formet,  -førmia  a  cylln'drUbrm.  -gang  cylinder 
escapement.  -(at  chimney-pot  hat,  stove-pipe 
hat.  -lommer  art  cylindric  chamber.  -øø« 
round  stove.  -flbetang  (5)mb.)  oylinder-side-rod. 
-fiaual  dram  signal,  -fbibntng  slngeing  on  cyl- 
indere, -tap  ($)mp.)  cylinder  trunnion.  -rrpf- 
uiug  cyllnder-printing.  -ur  lever  watch.  <SbHn> 
brifl  o  cylindric(al). 

tfpmbel  0  -bier  cymbal. 

G9'n|ifct  o  -e  cyn'ic.  -ifl  a  cynic(al).  -i*  me 
e  cyn'idsm. 

ttbbergrfft  n  galingale,  Gyperut. 

GUb'erm  n  Cy'prus.    (E^lperiHii  Cyprus  wlne. 

(Sp^reØ'  o  -fer  cy'press. 

Cé«  0  «  Czar;  $eter  -  the  Czar  Feter,  -iitbe 
c  t  Czari'na. 

<Saeo)|er  o,  p/  —,  -tff  a  Czech,  Tchek. 

(lørfa'lriff  a  cesarean.    -rifl'me«  0  ce'sarism. 

tørfn'r  o  er  cæsura. 

Gølefti'u  n  cel'estine. 

(UieJHnermttuf  cel'estine. 

(Ulejb'rieu  n  Cælosyr'ia, 

(Uliøa't  n  cel'ibacy. 


^  b  [Dej  »  er  (©Ofljl.  øg  mat)  D,  d  [dee];  abbr 
D.  *s  Sag  day,  soto  date;  b.  —  ben  the,  bøb 
dead;  b.  «.  —  bette  Vat  this  year;  Dbg.  ■»  2>ann^ 
øtøa;  b.  e.  «  bet  et  that  is;  $brr.  «  Messrs.; 
$.  le.  <>.  ■-  5>ete«  Kongelige  Aøføb  Your  Royal 
Highneøs;  S).  «.  «  Deret  TOajeftat  Your  Møjesty; 
b.  VI.  -»  benne  ttaaneb  this  month;  M.  ■■  bennet 
Inst.;  b.  f.  *n  bet  famme  the  same;  b.  f.  f.  =  bet 
famme  føm  the  same  as;  D.  S.  ©.  Danffe  6tat8- 
baner  Danish  Government  Rallways. 

Da  adv  then;  oonj  (paa  ben  %ib,  bo)  when; 
{efterføm;  tbet)  as;  (ubtrbffet  ogfaa  meget  ofte  beb 
fcrerf .  9art.; :  -  jeg  bar  ftatwrtenbe,  htnbe  ieg  being 

absent  I  oould;  -  bette  forftolber  ffg  faa  this  being 
so;  nu  -  now  that;  -  jeg  bat  9atn  when  a  chlld; 
bet  bar  -  mcerfeligt!  that  is  Strange  now!  og 
tyril  be  .  fan!  when  tf  they  Bunk;  t  ™  ftønt. 

Da«  o  -et,  fe  Daabpt. 

•Xøa  fe  Tttut. 

$aåb  c  baptism,  christening;  (Døbefont)  baptis- 
mal  font;  l)olbe  ober  -en  present  at  the  font.  — 
Daa't*|afi  aet  of  baptism.  -atteft  fe  Døbe«. 
•brober  one  baptixed  at  the  same  time  with 
another.  -bag  day  of  christening.  -formular 
form  of  baptism.  -bue  christening-cap  (orugei 
tf  te),    -tjøle  christening  gown.    -tøf  te  baptismal 




vow.  -pagt  bapttsmal  covenant.  •ritualet  the 
Baptismal  Service,    -ptbne  fe  labber. 

Saab  c  deed,  achlevement,  exploit,  aet;  i  ttaab 
og  -  In  word  and  deed.  -fnlb  a  active,  deed- 
ful.  -1*9  a  inactive.  -Udpeb  o  inactlvity.  -rig 
f?  -fulb.  —  Saa'bø|fraft  energy,  en  terprise. 
-trafttg  a  energetic.  -HP  Uffe  of  great  ae  ti  vi  ty, 
of  great  deeds.  -monb  (Øerningømj  doer;  ($elt) 
bero.  -trang  restlen  activity,  desire  of  achieving 
great  thingB. 

Saabpr  deer,  fallow  deer,  Cervtu  dama.  -flittft 

Saae  c  $  hemptnettle,  Øa  eojm*. 

2>aa|f)ittb  doe.    -tjørt  buck.   -lalp,  -tib  fawn. 

Saane  vi  swoon,  faint.  -forbiø  a  ready  to 
faint.    -Ife,  -n  c  swoon,  fainting  flt. 

+Saaragtig  a  foolish,  nonsensical. 

Saare  o  -x  fool;  Sorberre  er  alle  -t*  grormpnber 
fools  have  fortune.  Saare  vt  fe  ftebaare.  -an* 
ftalt  lunatlc  asylum,  madhouse,  -færb  folly. 
-tommer  lunatic's  cell.  -lifte  fe  -an ftalt.  t-tifte* 
forlibt  a  madly  In  love.  -tifkegat  a  ravlng  mad, 
mad  as  a  March  hare.  •tiftegalffab  ravine  mad- 
ness.  -ttftclem  bedlamlte.  -tfftefnat  foolish  talk, 
nonsense  -loge  alienist.  -lagebibenflab  psy- 
chiatry.  -fptl,  -ocrrt  folly.  -ftofen  matters  rela- 
tive to  lunatics. 

Saa'rlig  a  (taaoelig)  foolish;  (flet)  bad,  poor, 
sorry,  worthless,  useles*,  (f.  CH.  om  SRaterialtrr) 
unsoand,  (ftartøi)  crazy,  shattered;  (fpg)  ill,  un- 
well,  poorly,  bad;  -t  ©ejt  bad  weather;  en  - 
Unbftolbntng  a  lame  apology;  -t  Aobeb  a  poor 
head;  be  -e  jomfruer  the  foolish  vL-gins;  bet  er 
tun  .  meb  føtm  i  Sag  he  is  but  poorly  to-day; 
—  adv  fooliBhly  etc.;  jeg  bilbe  tun  .  »ife  ofb.  I 
should  poorly  show  etc.  -bom  c  folly;  com- 
plaints.  -peb  c  -er  folly,  foollshness;  Jtnftuft  fom 
er  Roberne  en  gforargelfe  og  Qkæferne  en  .  Christ, 
unto  the  Jews  a  stumbling-block,  and  unto  the 
Greeks  foolishness.  Saa'rftab  c  -er  fe  Saarligbeb. 

Saarpg  c  saddle  of  venison. 

Saafe  c  -r  box;  *($raa*)  dip,  f  soft  fellow, 
nincompoop.  •libelle  box  level,  -ntab  potted 
meat  etc.  *-mtftel  fe  *Saafe.  -ntbean  fe  libelle. 
•ftilbpabbe  terrapin. 

Saabilbt  n  venison. 

Saca'po !  encore !  forlange  -  encore,  re-demand. 

Sarier  c  -e,  baciff  o  Dacian. 

Saba'  e  smæk  (bottom),  toco. 

Sabbet  o  -bier  date.  -fragt  date  fruit.  -Holme, 
-tro?  date  tree,  date  palm,  Phænix  dactyli/era. 

Sabel  c  blame,  censure,  blemlsh.  -fri  a 
blameless,  irreproachable,  unblamable.  -frit tb 
blamelessness.  -lad  fe  -fri.  -gpotnm  vote  of 
censure.  -patrbtg  a  blamabie,  reprehenslble. 
-barbirieb  blamableness,  reprehensibleness. 

Sable  vt  blame,  censure,  reprehend,  find  fault 
with.  -Ipfl  captiousness.  -n  c  blamlng,  etc. 
-r  c  -e  fault-flnder,  censurer.  -fpg  a  censorious, 
captious,  fault-flnding.  -fpge  censoriousness, 

Sag  c  -e  day;  ben  $ete  .  all  day,  the  whole 
day;  ben  Ijele  ubflagne  -  the  livelong  day;  i  b>le 
•  all  this  day;  jeg  giber  bam  en  gob  ~  (+  brpber 
mig  en  gob  -  om  fjant)  I  don't  care  a  flg  for  him; 
gøre  fifl  en  glab  .  make  a  day  of  it;  pber  anbrn 
.  every  other  day;  fe  Sar,  Støn,  f)berft,  i  Sag; 
alle  -e  any  day;  ftaoe  gobe  -e  live  at  ease,  have  a 
good  time  (el.  happy  davs)  of  it;  i  gobe  og  onbe 
-e  through  good  and  evil  report;  enbnu  er  iffe 
alle  -et  ttnbe  the  end  is  vet  to  come;  enbe  fine  -e 
finish  one's  days;  flart  fom  -en  clear  as  noonday; 
bet  grpr  «b  -  the  day  dawns  (breaks),  it  dawns 
(is  dawning);  bette  ©arn  er  gabeten  op  ab  -e  this 
chlld  is  the  picture  of  his  father,  his  f.  all  over; 
en  af  -ene  one  of  these  days;   paa  benne  Xib  af 

-en  at  this  time  of  day;  bringe,  tage  af  -e  pat  el. 
do  to  death;  tage  en  af  -e  fiø  put  el.  take  one 
down,  cut  one  s  comb;  tomme  af  -e  come  by 
one's  death  el.  end;  fe  røæt;  -  efter  .  day  by 
day,  day  after  day;  -en  efter  on  the  morrow,  the 
next  day;  anben  -en  efter  on  the  second  day;  _ 
for  el.  fra  -  from  day  to  day;  tomme  for  -en, 
for  en  -  come  to  light,  transpire,  turn  up;  bringe 
for  -en  bring  to  light,  lay  bare;  $emmeligtyeben 
er  nu  tommen  for  -en  the  secret  is  out  now,  the 
murder  Is  out;  logge  for  -en  display,  manifest 
fe  ©tben,  fra  -  Hl  -,  fe:  -  efter  -;  i  btsfe  -e  lately, 
latterly,  in  these  days;  i  mange  -e  for  many  a 
day,  these  many  days;  i  gamle  -e  in  days  of 
yore;  albrtg  i  mine  -e  never  in  my  llfe;  t  bore  e 
in  our  day,  at  the  present  day,  at  this  day;  bet 
goar  iffe  an  i  bore  -e  .  .  .  it  won't  do  at  this 
time  of  day;  o  m  -en  by  day,  d uring  the  day,  in 
the  day  time;  2  6$itt.  om  -en  2  s.  a  day  el.  per 
diem;  i  -  om  otte  -e  this  day  week;  om  nogle  -e 
in  a  few  days;  *$er  om  -en  the  other  day;  p  a  a 
-en  to  a  day;  bet  oar  langt  ub  (højt  od)  paa  -en 
the  day  was  far  advanced;  til  bøit  op  paa  -en 
tlll  late  in  the  day;  $t»ab  Xib  er  bet  paa  -m?  what 
time  of  day  is  it?  nu  til  -6  now-a-days;  tit  -ene« 
(Enbe  to  the  end  of  time;  -  u  b  og  -  inb  day  after 
day;  oeb  $øi  Ib*  -  in  broad  day -light;  oeb  -en« 
Brrembrub  at  dawn  of  day.  Sagjorbefbe  day 
work,  day  labour.  -blab  daily  (paner),  d.  print, 
-blibe  the  sun's  meridian  heat  (in  winter). 
-bf inb  a  day-bllnd;  en  -  a  nyctalops.  -blinbbeb 
day-blindness,  nyctalopy.  -bog  diary,  Journal. 
-brfftnittg  daybreak.  -bne  aet  diurnal  are. 
-cirtel  a*t  day-circle.  -briber  idler,  lounger, 
saunterer.  -btibert  lounging,  sauntering,  idling, 
dawdling.  -briberlib  life  of  idleness.  -bro>m 
day-dream.  «btjr  diurnal  animal.  Sage#  vt 
dawn.  Sagetal  number  of  days;  i  -  day  by 
day.  Saglffob  day-tide.  -f roft  day-frost.  -gomi. 
mel  a  one  day  old. 

Saggeb  c  fe  fBtrtetjære. 

Saggert  c  -er  dagger,  dirk,  poniard. 

Sa'glgtimt  peep  of  day.  -grp  fe  -bratntna; 
beb  .  at  break  of  day.  -fane  char-woman.  -lefe 
daily  hire.    -leier  day-labourer. 

Saglig  a  daUy,  quotidian,  diurnal;  (alminbe* 
lig)  ordinary,  common;  til  -  every  day;  for  e. 
d.  use,  -  Qeooegelfe  nit  diurnal  rotation;  -  (Bang 
a«f  (ftronometer)  daily  rate;  -  ^øi>  og  Sabbanbe 
daily  flux  and  reflux  of  the  tide;  .  Zale  fiuniliar 
language;  i  .  Sale  colloquially;  -e  ftlæber  every- 
day  clothes.  —  adv  daily;  tre  Øange  -  three 
times  a-day.  -anter  small  bower,  working 
anchor.  -bagf  adv  daily,  every  day;  a  common- 
place.  -b,eb  c  dalliness.  -tottting,  -top  small 
bower  cable.  -ftne  c  parlour,  Bitting -room, 

Sa'g|(ilie  day-lily,  Bemerocallis.  +-lp  shelter 
for  the  day.  -Ipg  daylight;  a  bright  as  day. 
-tydning  daylight.  -Un  daily  wages.  -Umier 
fe  -leier.  t-mrjning,  t-ntilbning  fe  -blibe.  -mober, 
-mor  poet  fe  SRorgenrøbe.  -mnlft  daily  fine. 
•morte  day  mark.  -maje  daily  toil.  Sagning 
c  dawn.  Saglort  min  alr-shaft.  -paafnglcoje 
peacock  butterfly,  Papilio  lo.  -penge  daily 
pay,  day's  pay.  -poft  day-mall.  -rapport  daily 
report,  -regifter  diary,  -regning  daily  acconnt. 
-rejfe  (fReife  om  Sagen)  Journey  by  day;  (Sag»- 
rejfe)  day's  journey.  -renopation  dust.  -rtno- 
pationdbe^olber  dust  bin.  -renooationdplabø 
dust- yard,  dump.  -rente  daily  interest.  -ro 
rest  by  day. 

Sagøjarbejbe  fe  -bart.    -befaling  order  of  tbe 
day.    -blabet  today's  number  el.   impression 
-frift  day's  respit«,    -gerning  fe  wert. 

Sa'gfignal  day-signal. 




+$ag*tolbe  c  quotfdian  fever. 

Sft'|ffo(e  c  day  school. 

Sagø|tofi  day's  food.    -fnr*  rate  of  the  day. 

Sa'glftb  a  shunnlng  the  light,  -fffltr  (Saggrb) 
dawii;  (beb  Sotnebgang)  evening  twllight,  cre- 
puscular  light. 

$ag*|ltrteratnren  current  Uteratare.  -lb$  day- 
light.  -mord)  march,  -måbet  today's  sitting. 
-nsmmeret  fe  -((abet.  -nMeber,  -nljt  news  of 
the  day. 

Sagfommerfngl  c  diurnal  butterfly,  day  but- 

$ag*|orben  order  of  the  day;  (ben  opflaaebe) 
the  notice  paper,  the  business  p.  (for  the  day), 
the  docket,  the  agenda;  fig  ftoo  paa  -en  be  the 
order  of  the  d.  -pløjning  one  day's  ploughing. 
-poft  day's  mail.  -preflfe  daily  press.  -rejfe 
day 's  Journey.  -ffole  fe  Dag*,  -fter  fe  Saggrt). 
-fptlbe  loss  of  a  day.  -rib  (mebenft  bet  er  Sag) 
daytime;  (oi*  2ib  paa  Sagen)  time  of  day.  -tje> 
»effte  day  duty, 

Sa'glfljeroe  c  (i  begge  ©et.)  day-star. 

Søgøitøget  today's  train. 

Sa'tlfrraate  rav  of  day  light.  *-1tøbt  adv  every 
day,  day  atter  day. 

Sagøbdtrf  n  day's  work;  tøoberi)  a  day's  soc- 

Sø'glfbotroer  fe  -fommerfugl.  +-f«t  sunset. 
-time  hour  of  the  day;  -tne  the  hours  from  6 
a.  m.  to  6  p.  m.  +-tinge  negotiate  (of  peace). 
-«-tingntng  negotiation.  -tjcwcfic  day  duty.  -tt'b 
idler.  -tosrfler  thrasher  by  the  day.  -tø  sun 

Søguerroltbp'  n  er  daguer'rotype.  -ttype're 
vi  daguer'rotype.  -tljpe'ring  c  daguerrotyping, 
daguerrotypy.  -tipi'  e  -er  b.  f.;  fe  Soguerrotbp. 
-tipi*/  c  -er  daguer'rotyper,  daguer'rotypist. 

Sa'glbaat  day-watch;  £  morning-  watch;  (poli- 
tiet«) ward.  -øaab  surface-water.  -bt§  adv  by 
tbe  day.  -oogn  stage-coach,  -batger  observer 
of  times.    -borrt  day's  work. 

Sa'galbenbe  a  then  in  force;  prevalent  at  the 

Sattttl  c   er  dactyl.    Saltftftf!  a  dactyl'ic. 

$oi  c  -e  valley.  vale,  dale,  »c  strath.  dalarne 
Daleca'rlia.  Sall  bo,  -boer,  -tygge?  dalesman, 
glensman.    -bnnb  bottom  of  a  valley. 

Sale  vi  sink,  go  down;  .  neb  paa  descend 
upon;  føinS  Cpffe  begbnber  at  .  bis  fortune  is  on 
the  wane.    -n  c  sinklng,  descent. 

Søler  e  -e  rixdollar,  dollar  [c.  2  ah.  8  d.]; 
•specie- dollar  (2  rixdollars).  *-febbeI  specie 
-dollar  note. 

Salebenbe  a  then  llving,  contemporary. 

Sø'llføre  n  -r  Gong)  valley,  basln  (ofa  river). 
•grnub  bottom. 

SøJita  Delilah. 

Søltart  e  Dalecarlian. 

S«fmø'|tten  n  Dalmatia.  -ter  c  -e,  -rif!  a  Dal- 
matian.    -tilo  c  dalmat'ic(a). 

Saflrbpe  willow  grouse,  Lagopits  »ubalpina. 
•ftrtttniag  valley  (of  some  extent).  -ftrog  direc- 
tion  ofa  valley;  fe  -ftaetning.   -fffnfning  bottom. 

*3>øtte  vi  dangle. 

Sam'  (Spil)  draughts,  checken;  en  -  a  king; 
fpifle  -  play  at  draughts;  foa  -,  trætte  i  .  go  to 
king;  gøre  tt(  -  crown, 

Sam'  c  -nte  pond;  t  og  *  (Sæmnmg)  dam,  dike. 

Søma'it  c  -er  hyrax,  rock-rabblt. 

Sømafce'iterl  blomme  c  damson,  dam'ascene 
plum.  -ffhite  Damascus  blade,  -rofe  dam'ask 
rose.  -ftøaf  damask  steel.  Samafce're  vt  damask, 
dam'askeen.    Samofce'ring  c  damaskaenlng. 

Samøff,  Samaft  n  damask,  -rå-  damask-. 
-fattif  damask-linen  factory.    -mønfter  damask 

pattern.  -Høner  damask  -weaver.  -babrri  fe 

Samfbrtt,  -brifte  draught-man. 

Sams-rub  n  breach  of  a  dam. 

Sambrat  n  draught-board. 

Same  c  -r  lady;  (t  Ifcort)  queen;  mine  -r !  Ladies ! 
en  -8  Soefen,  et  fB.  fom  en  .  ladylike  manners; 
min  -  (i  Sans,  beb  Sotbet)  my  partner;  fpifle  . 
affect  the  airs  of  a  (fine)  lady.  -agtig  a  lady- 
like, -bittarb  the  rocks  of  Scilly.  -bragt  lady's 
dress,  -fabber  female  sponsor,  -forening  ladies* 
union,  -tpaattb  lady's  hånd.  -tjanbffe  lady's 
glore.  -Ijtft  bonnet.  -Jeff  palfrey.  -iatet  vlsite. 
-|eatme  demijohn  -tat&t  lady's  cloak.  -tobinet 
lady's  private  room.  -fafé  café  for  ladies. 
-tabbt  ladies'  cabin.  -fjole  lady's  dress.  *-tttfre 
fe  -jatet.  -htpé  ladies'  compartment.  -Htmeb 
chemise.  »nobeae  lady's  novel.  -palttot  ladles' 
paletot.  -perfonale  staff  of  ladies,  -portræt 
lady's  portrait.  -pbnt  flnery.  -fabel  side-saddle. 
•fager  pi  ladies'  things.  -faløn  ladies'  saloon, 
-felflab  fe  ^mentimmei*.  -ffo  lady's  shoe.  -ffr<rb> 
ber,  -ffratbberinbe,  -ffræbbetfte  mantua-maker, 
dress  maker.  -fiol  lady's  chair.  -ftante  lady's 
boot.  -taffe  work-bag.  -traje  fe -iatet.  Maftt: 
^on  tjar  .  he  is  a  uvourite  with  ladies.  -be|r 
queen's  weather.  -ben  ladies'  man.  -berberne« 
the  fair  sex.  -beft  cardigan,  -bcrrelfe  ladies' 

Samlfifl  pond-flsh.  -fifleri  pond-flshing.  -ambe 
(foundry-)  plt.  -forb  (6t*bn.)  pit-sand.  -fttlrur 
piscicultura  (in  ponds). 

Samma'rliarpttd  c  dam'mar,  dam'mara. 

Sammndling  c  fresh-water  mussel,  Anodonta. 

SamoMeøfbørb:  fom  et  .  like  Damocles' 
s  word. 

Somp  c  -e  (Sonb*)  vapour;  (af  togenbe  Øanb) 
steam;  (ffiag,  Sunft)  smoke,  fume,  exhalation; 
for  fulb  .  roll  speed;  flippe  -en  blow  off  the  steam; 
flippe  -en  paa  turn  on  the  steam;  aabne  for  -en 
open  to  steam.  -aabniag  steam-port.  -affte« 
rittgåabpatat  expanslon  gear.  -afftæringSbent« 
expansion  valve.  -agtig  a  vaporous.  -avling 
fe  -bannelfe.  -baab  steamboat,  steamer.  -boa 
steam-bath,  vapour  bath.  -Barometer  elatero- 
meter.  -beforbring  conveyance  by  steam-ship. 
-bel|olber  steam  chest.  -blegning  bleaching  by 
steam.  -bagferbaab  steam  towboat,  Bteam-tug. 
-cblinber  steam-oylinder.  -bannelfe  generation 
of  steam.  -btyrtning  steam  culture.  Sampje  vi 
steam,  reck;  (gaa  meb  Samp)  ^  steam;  (røge) 
blow  clouds;  —  vt  steam.  -en  c  steaming  etc. 
•er  c  -e  vt  steamer.  -fart  steam  navigation. 
-farttj  steamer,  steam  vessel.  -ffejte  steam 
whistle.  -form:  i.  in  the  form  of  steam.  -for- 
fatning expansion.  -fregat steamfxigate  -fftrge 
ferry-  steamer.  -gong  steam  port.  -bommer 
steam-hammer.  -fane  steam-cock.  -I>at  steam 
-dorne,  -fcejfeinbrerning  steam-hoist.  -^nl  steam 
-hole.  -ittblabnittg  induction  (of  steam).  -fanøn* 
baab  steam  gunboat.  -toffe  steam-kiln.  -febel 
boller,  -tebelpnmpe  donkey.  -filbe  ramarole. 
•logning  steam-bolling.  -forbet  steam  sloop  of 
war.  -fraft  steam-power.  -Iran  (til  Aejftnhtg) 
st.  crane;  fe  -bane.  -fngle  eolipile.  -tni  steam 
coal(s).  -tnpptl  steam  dorne.  -Utten  steam 
kitchen.  -UniefHb  steam  line -of-battle -snip. 
•maaler  st. -gauge,  manometer,  -ntantel  steam- 
Jacket.  -maffine  steam -engine.  -maflinløtre 
steam-engineering.  -malle  steam  mlll.  Samp* 
ning  c  steaming  etc.  Samp  | potet  steam-packet. 
•pabfe  steam  gong.  -pibe  st. -whistle.  -plob  st. 
-plough.  -preåfe  steam-press.  -protier  apparatus 
for  trylng  the  power  of  steam.  -pnmpe  steam 
•pump,  donkey.  -paffer  aeollpile,  eolipile. 
-ramme(mofHne)    steam    plle-driving    engine. 




•tii  steam-chest;  Bteam-space.  -rar  steam 
-pipe,  steam-tube.  -fa*  st.  saw-mlll.  -flaaren 
a  mlll-sawn.    -ffib  fe  -øaab. 

DanM>fYibf  lefdpebttion  steam-boat  office.  -ett» 
pebitør  a  steamer's  agent,  -ftaabe  eteam  fleet, 
•team  navy.  førftittbetfe  steam  communicatlon. 
•faret  captain  of  a  steamshlp.  •fom^aøni  steam 
-navigation  company.  -Control  inspectlon  of 
steamshlps.  -fut  steam  coal(s).  -tejttgtyeb  con- 
veyance  by  steam,  passage  In  a  steamer;  meb 
førfte  .  by  firet  steamer.  -Unit  Bteam-llne. 
-marine  steam  nayy.  -mm  steam  tonnage. 
•fritabi  steam-navlgation.  -felffob  fe  -fompogni, 
-frrne  steam  propeller,  screw  propeller,  -traftt 
steam  traffie. 

Damp  |  flor  ften  waste-steam  pipe  e(.  fannel. 
-frrnebaab,  -frrneftib  steam  screw  »hip,  screw 
boat.  -fhj  vaporous  clond.  -tøørbej  tram  line. 
-ftorbøøn  steam  tram-car.  -f»røfte  steam  fire 
-engine.  -fpombinø  steam -tension,  -fteøe  vt 
braise,  stew.  -ftraafe  Bteam  jet.  -ftbrinø  slide 
-sweep.  'tap  steam  trunnion.  -tr$f  steam  pres- 
sure, -tr&tømaaler  manometer.  -tr&rftota  scale 
of  pressure.  -tarffemaftfne  steam  -tbrashing 
machine.  -tørret  a  steam-dried.  -tørring*' 
apparat  steam-drying  stand,  -nbblfltng  gene- 
ration of  steam.  -taft  steam-bolling.  -bafteri 
steam  -laundry.  -øentU  steam  -valve.  -»øg« 
steam-carriage.  -b«bber  steam-ram.  -øbenbe  a 
wasteral  of  steam. 

Dam|re«be  water-conrse.  -roffe  apus.  -flttfe 
slnice  of  a  pond.  -intppt  long-shanks,  Totanut 

Daafbtt  n  dranght-board  and  men. 

Damftøt  dam-stone,  bridge.  -tage  hydro- 
metra,   -toønb  pond  water. 

Davbty  c  -er  dandy,  exquislte,  amr  masher. 

Done  c  -r  Dåne;  -rne  the  Dånes,  the  Danish. 

Dovearb  c  unelalmed  succession  revertlng  to 
the  Ung,  escheat. 

Danebroø  (Drben)  Danish  order  of  knighthood; 
tørlag)  Danish  national  flag.  —  Da*ebrøøø|fna)fia 
white  fuchsia,  -tørt  cross  of  the  order  ofDane- 
brog.  -ntanb  one  who  is  honoured  wlth  the 
sllver  cross  of  the  order  of  Dbg.  -orben'  order 
of  Danebrog.    -ribber  knight  of  Dbg. 

Da«ef«  n  treasure  trove. 

Dane|gælb  Eng.  Rut.  danegelt.  f-tof  diet. 
•bier  Danish  army.  -(r)tønøe  king  of  the  Dånes, 
-øottg  f"**  Denmark. 

banalt  vi  dangle,  bob. 

Danife  re  of  Danlse. 

*Da«I  c  -er  F  copper  (-coin). 

♦Dan!:  bribe  .  f  loaf,  ldle. 

Danntart  n  Denmark. 

Danne  vt  (forme)  form,  shape,  monld,  fashion-, 
(bibringe  Ihiltur)  educate,  cultivate,  polish,  reflne; 
gram  -r  futurum  paa  makes  el.  forms  the  future 
in;  —  vr  flg  (opftaa)  form;  .  fifl  et  Begreb  om 
form  a  notion  of;  en  ban  net  SRanb  a  well-bred 
man,  a  gentleman.  Donnelig  a  pliable,  flezible; 
improvable,  cultivable.  Dasmetiabeb  c  pliability. 

$annelfe  c  -t  ((gerningen)  forming,  etc.;  (ftorm) 
form,  shape;  (Ubbanneife)  breeding,  refinement, 
polish,  (liberal)  education;  bette  Crb  er  en  engetfl 
.  is  an  English  formative.  —  Da«ttetfeø|attftait 
educatlonal  establishment,  -brift  turn  for  im- 
provement  el.  refinement.  -ebne  educability. 
-fejl  malformation.  -for«  form  ofcul  ture.  -tag 
cambium-layer.  -løn  law  of  formation,  -mibbel 
means  of  refinement.  -tnrøceø  process  of  forma- 
tion el.  development.  -trin  grade  of  civilisa- 
tion,   -btttt  cambium. 

Danne|manb  c  -motnb  gentleman,  -tøinbe 
woman  of  unblemished  reputation. 

♦Danner  c  -e  former. 

Danniø  o  uprlght,  worthy,  excellent,  brave. 
-tyeb  e  uprlghtness,  excellence,  worthiness,  ster- 
ling worth. 

Danø  c  -e  (ben  enfelte  San!)  dance;  (Qaitbltngeni 
dancing;  føre  en  -  op  lead  a  dance;  qaa  bag  of 
•en  go  down  the  wind,  go  to  the  wall. 

Danfe  vt  &  i  dance;  (om  $eft)  prance;  ~  beo 
ober  Bølgerne  skim  (over)  the  waves;  -  efter  en* 
$ibe  dance  as  one  pipes;  fe  olofe.  -bal  P  dance 
-biørn  dancing  bear.  -bob  low  dancing-house 
-bone  (en«)  partner,  -bragt  dandng-drea.  -gal 
a  madly  fond  of  dancing.  -gfttbe  pleasure  of 
dancing.  -Bjeft  lndefatigable  dancer.  -coater 
dancer,  partner,  -tnttft  art  of  dancing.  -føj 
passion  for  dancing.  -toftes  a  fond  of  dancing. 
-tarer  dancing-master.  -ntefrer  b.  f.;  tecå  inside 
and  outside  caupers.  -steløbi  dance  tune.  -ntnfl! 
dance  moste.  Danfen  c  dancing.  Dftttfeøtabå 
dandng-place;  room  for  dancing.  Donfer  c  -e 
dancer.  Dønferinbe  c  -r  (female)  dancer. 
Do*fe|fal  dancing- room;  (offentlig)  casino.  -fis 
pump.  -jtøte  dancing-school.  -fpø  a  passiona- 
tely  fond  of  dancing.  -fpae  rage  for  dancing. 
-talt  time  in  dancing.  -time  dandng-lesson. 
•tri«  (dancing)  Btep.  -tur  flgnre.  -øbetfe  danc- 

Xanfl  o  Danish;  en  •  a  Dåne;  be  -e  the  Dånes; 
paa  -  in  Danish;  bet  tril  paa  øobt  -  fifle  the  Eng- 
lish of  this  Is;  -e  Soo  the  old  Danish  statute 
-book  of  1688.  +$0ttfTe  vi  speak  like  a  Dåne. 
XonflleK  the  Danish  language;  the  Dåne.  -er 
c  -e  Dåne.  -beb  c  Danishness;  Danism.  -Kørff 
Dano-Norse.  -finbet  a  of  the  Danish  party,  pro 
-Danish.    -Sbft  Dano-German. 

Xaitfig  n  Dantzic. 

Sarbonetterne  the  Da'rdanelles. 

Xarre  vt  liquate  (copper).  -obn  capelling  el. 

^a'rttittlfl  a  Darwln'ian.  -i*  men  Da'rwinism. 
-IH'  c  -er  Da'rwinite. 

2)afe  vi  f  fe  $øfe. 

Xafl  n  (*c),  pi  »s«,  slap;  (om  6ejl)  clout;  -  i 
%æoe  (en  £eg)  Hot  Cockles.  XafTe  vt  slap;  vi 
dangle,  bob,  flap.    Gaflen  c  dangling  etc. 

Xafbmc'ter  n  dasym'eter. 

%at  fe  Dit. 

2>«t«  r(iuå)  c  da'tary. 

Xate'rle  vt  date;  -  fiq  date.  -i«g  c  dating, 

Xatib  c  that  age;  t  gram  imperfect  (tense). 

2)atiø  c  -er  gram  the  dative  (case);  Haat  i  - 
is  in  the  dative.  XatlbSenbelfe  termination  ot 
the  dative. 

$atø  fe  Saturn. 

Xarter  c,  pi  Døtre,  daughter.  -bor«  daughter's 
child.  -batter  granddaughter  (by  a  daughter). 
•bjertc  daughter's  heart.  Datterlig  a  daughterly, 
filial.  Datter|tøA  a  daughterless.  -manb  son-in 
-law.  -fbrog  daughter  language,  •føn  grandson 
(daughter's  son). 

Datuw  c  -er  date:  n,  pi  Data,  datum  (pi  data), 
faet;  (unber)  Daøtf  Dato  this  day;  Hl  Dato  ap  to 
the  present  date;  tre  fRaaneber  fra  Dato  three 
months  alter  date;  et  Øreø  unber  Dato  .  .  .  a 
letter  bearing  date  .  . .;  fig  af  gammel  -  of  long 
stan  ding. 

Dantøqeften  Burchell's  zebra,  Eqwu  montamu. 

Daøib  c  -er  ^  davit. 

Daøib  David,  F  Davy;  oeb,  bbot  .  tabte  pQet 
p  is  up  to  snuff.    DoøtbAbarpe  fe  ^arpefnelfe. 

Daøre  c  breakfast.    -børb  b.  table. 

Dobørenbe  a  of  that  time,  at  that  time,  then; 
for  the  time  being;  ben  .  dier  the  then  owner. 

De  proHptr«  they;  (tiltalenbe)  you;  be  felb  they . . . 
themselves;  (De,  i  tiltale)  you  .  .  .  yourself;  De 
bet !  hollo !  I  Bay  I  —  pron  dem  k  art  fe  Den. 




Debarfe'|re  vi  diaembark.  -ring  disem barka- 

Debat'  c  -ter  deba'te.    •ie're  vf  deba'te. 

Debattd)ere  fe  ©teje  ub. 

Debet  «  &  c  deb'it;  -  og  fttebit  debtor  and 
creditor.  -flbe  deb'it-  ri.  debtor-side.  Debitere 
©i  debit,  (en  fot  nt)  carry  el.  place  to  one's 
debit;  fig  allege,  pretend,  trump  up.  Debitor 
c  -o'ter  debtor. 

Debøagere  vi  mit  debou'ch. 

Deba't  e  debut,  firet  appearance.  Debutant' 
c  -er  debutant,  Debtttaattit'be  c  -r  debutant'e. 
Debate're  vi  make  one's  debut  (on  the  stage), 
oome  out. 

Decem'ber  c  December,  -tenttiaen  the  D. 

Deeew|W'r  c  -er  decem'vlr.  -»ira't  n  decem'- 

Decennium  n  -fer  decade,  decennium. 

Decentralifere  or  decen'trallze. 

Deftft'rge  c  discharge,  -l)b<rtbittg  discharging 

Deebtffre'r|e  «t  deci'pher.  -tag  c  decfphering. 

Dectbe'rc  vt  decide.    -i  a  dedded. 

Dedma'l  a  dec'imal;  —  c  -er  decimal,  (d.) 
plaoe.  -brat  d.  fraction.  -regntog  d.  arith- 
metic.    -øotgt  d.  balance  (o.  fL). 

Dedme  c  -r  mtu  tenth.  Dertme're  c*  dec'i- 
mate.    Dedme'rtug  c  declma'tlon. 

Ded'før  c  -o'rct  decider. 

Debitere  vt,  DebHario  n  fe  tilegne,  -ife. 

Deb«|ce're  vt  deduce.  -tering,  •ftiott  o  de- 
duc'tion.    -Høttttitbtag  declaratlon. 

Defett'  o  defective,  imperfect;  —  c  -er  defect, 

Defewlfiø'«  c  defence.  •{tonSttitie  line  of  de- 
fence. -fi'b  a  defen'sive;  forljolbe  fig  -  stand  el. 
aet  upon  the  d.  -'før  c  -o'ter  counsel  for  the 
defence.    -føra't  n  defence. 

Dejldt  n  deficit,  deflciency. 

Demlé'  e  -r  defile.  -tmtnf  n  defllement, 
deflla'ding.  -e're  vi  file  off.  -e'rtag  e  filing  off; 
march(lng)  past. 

SDcfi«ic're  vt  denne,  -ttto'a  c  -er  deflnit'ion. 
•ttt'b  o  defln'itive. 

Deformitet  c  -et,  fe  røiftbannelfe. 

Degetier|ariø'tt  e  degenera'tlon,  degen'eracy. 
-rre  vi  degen'erate. 

Deøer  »  -e  (10,  om  ©flnb)  dicker,  daker. 

Deggnt  fe  Btrteriære. 

tDeg«  c  -e (rarishOclerk,  deacon,  #e precentor. 
—  Degne  |  bolig  clerk's  house,  -embebe  fe  -folb. 
-Jørb  clerk's  lot  of  ground.  -folb  clerk's  offlce. 
"øffer  oblation  to  the  c. 

Degra'  c  spent  flsh-oil  in  shamoy. 

Degrabtere  vt  degra'de,  (hm  <£,)  disrate:  ~  til 
JRenig  reduce  to  the  ranks.  -ertag,  •ortø'tt  c 

Def,  Dejg  c  dough;  lægge  -  prepare  the  dough. 
•et  a  dougny.  -rottb  watery  streak;  krøbet  par 
.  the  bread  is  water-streaked,  dough-baked. 
•mile  paste-roller.  -frrabe  soraner,  -trug  knead- 
tng-trough.  •rrnømaJttag  mactra.  -altemafffoe 
kneading-machine,  dough-kneader,  -mixer. 

Sejlig  a  beauUful,  beauteous,  charmlng;  iron 
nice,  fine.    -(eb  c  beauty,  beauteodsness. 

+Detae  vt  knead  (dough).    -rmg  fe  Detøtrug. 

Dejf fe  vt  tumble,  toppie,  pitch,  &  make  Btern- 
way.    «*tøg  c  J,  steraway. 

De|i*"»e  c  de'ism.  -Hl'  o  -er  de'ist.  -IfHffa 

Defaie  c  -er  deca'de. 

Defabes'ce  o  deca'dence,  decay,  decline. 

Defaeber  n  -bre  decahe'dron. 

Defatø'gea  the  deCalogue. 

Dela|ttø't  n  deanshlp.  -at'  c  -er  dean.  -nt« 
btftriti,  -tttb«vbig|eb  deanery.  Se'fanni  c  dean. 

2)elate'|re  vt  sponge  (cloth).  -ring  c  sponging. 
-rtttgdmaf!itte  sponging-machine. 

^enainiariøn  c  -er  declama'tion,  recitation. 
-ariondmaabe  elocution.  -ationSmimmer  subject 
of  deolamation,  declamatory  theme;  cent  spout- 
ing-piece.  -o'tør  o  -er  declaimer,  reciter,  -atø'- 
riil  a  declam'atory.  -e're  vt  declaim,  redte, 
oont  spout. 

Seuavlatiø'n  e  -er  declara'tion.  -e're  vt  de- 
clare,  (f.  (tf S.  gforloøelfe)  publish,  make  public. 

Xenøjfe'ret  a  degenerate. 

^et(itt|a  bel  a  decli'nable.  -atiø'a  c  -er  gram 
declen'slon:  eutr  declination;  (9Ragnetn.)  varia- 
tion, declination.  -otiønddrtef  clrcle  of  declina- 
tion. -atiøadtabel  table  of  declenslon.  -e're  øl 
k  i  decline. 

Xefølt'  n  -er  deooction. 

SetøBese'ret  a  fe  Kebringet. 

^eføn^øtte're  vt  decompo'se. 

Xeførjatio'ii  o  -er  decora'tion;  -er  the  scenery. 
-ationfføranbdttg  change  of  scenery.  •atiøn9> 
moler  ornamental  painter.  -•tiøtttylante  orna- 
mental plant,  -atø'r  c  -er  decora'tor,  ornament- 
Iflt.    -e're  vt  dec'orate. 

Setort'  c  deductlon,  discount,  -e're  vt  deduct. 

Srtø'ntm  n  propriety,  decorum. 

^ehrebite're  vi  decrep'itate. 

Sefre't  n  -er  decree. 

^etabø'r  c  -er  cutter,  carrer. 

Xefit'lrie  c  -r  dec'ury.   -Ho'«  c  -er  decu'rion. 

Sel  c  -e  (af  et  j&elt)  part,  portion;  (af  ©og) 
Yolume;  (Ønbel)  snare;  (af  en  Sonate  o.  I.)  move- 
ment;  en  .  some  few;  en  -  heraf  part  of  it;  en 
flor  .  (SRængbe)  a  great  deal;  en  ^el  .  a  good 
deal;  en  af  -ene  one  or  the  other,  (^Diltenfom« 
fftlft)  either;  ingen  af  -ene  neither;  begge  -e  both; 
be  -e  that  sort  of  thlng;  ^aoe  .  i  have  a  snare 
in;  tage  -  i  (bare  Deltoget)  take  part  in,  partake 
of,  be  a  party  to,  snare  in,  (mfe  Seltagelfe  for) 
interest  one's  eelf  for,  sympathlze  with,  jeg  for 
mht  .  personally  el.  for  my  part,  I;  I  for  one; 
for  en  .  partly,  in  part;  for  en  flor  -  in  a  great 
measure;  fot  ben  fzørfxe  •  for  the  most  part, 
moøUy;  for  ingen  -  by  no  means;  bltoe  en  til  - 
fall  to  one's  lot  el.  snare;  til  -*  partly.  -og'tig 
a  (i)  (belenbe)  partaking  of,  sharing  in;  (tagenbe 
•  i)  concerned  in,  interested  in,  a  party  to, 
accessory  to.  -ag'tiggøre  vt  give  a  part  in. 
•aa'ttøteb  c  parucipatlon,  (i  Sotbtt^belfe)  com- 
plicity.    -bar  a  divisible. 

2)eicre'bere  delcred'ere. 

2>ele,  be'Ite,  be'lt  vt  divlde,  part,  (baoe  Del  i) 
partake  of;  (meb  cl.  imeflem)  ahare;  .  en«  9'^lfer 
snare  one's  feelings;  -  en  4Rening  concur  in  an 
opinion;  .  af,  fe  ttfbele;  .  i  to  lige  Sele  dl  vide 
lnto  two  equal  portions,  halve,  geom  bisect;  .  i 
fire  lige  Dele  quarter;  .imellem  divlde  el.  snare 
between;  fysn  ffol  .  08  imellem  he  shall  decide 
between  us;  .  balbt  meb  go  halves  with;  -  ub 
fe  tlbbele;  —  vr  fig  divlde,  (i  Ørene  o.  1.)  branch, 
ramlfy.    *$ele  n  fe  S)elingBlinie. 

2)eleg|atio'n  c,  jur  delega'tion.  -e're  vt  del'e- 
gate.  -erebe  pi  del'egates.  -erermtbe  assembly 
of  delegates. 

2>ele|Iig  a  divisible.  -liabeb  c  divisibiUty. 
-maffiae  divldlng-eogine,  (Urm.)  watch- wheel 
cuttlng-maohlne.  Deler  c,  bibl:  Dommer  eller  . 
a  Judge  or  a  divider.  Dcte|ffiøe  division  plate. 
-fkreg  fe  Delingftlinie. 

Deift'n  o  -er  (pgf.  9.  ftanon)  dolphin,  ($un) 
dolphinet,  Delpk\nu9  dtlpki*. 

Deflift  a  Delphian,  Delphic. 

De'lbaøer  o  -e  snarer. 

Delibere  renbe  a  delib'eratlve. 




Deltfa't  a  (fin,  flntfølenbe,  banffeltg)  del'lcate; 
(out  Smagen)  d eliclous,  dalnty,  choice;  en  -  Sag 
a  dellcate  subject;  bet  er  mig  en  .  Sag  at  I  feel 
some  delicacy  in  el.  about  -ing.  Delftate  re  fifl 
meb  feast  on.  —  Delifateøfe  c  -r  (fjølelfe);  delicacy; 
(Ret)  delicacy,  dalnty.  Delifateøfe)  Gonbel.  -I|tt9 
Itallan  ware- house,  -tønbler  I  Ulian  warehouse- 
man.    -Dårer  goods. 

deling  c  -er  division;  mil  subdivision,  platoon; 
$o(enft  -.  the  partltlon  of  Poland;  fpitte  paa  -  go 
halves.  Deling*  |  ar  tifel  partltive  article.  -cirfel 
mech  pitch  circle.  -fejl  error  of  division,  -for* 
retning  (deed  of)  partit  ion.  -farer  lieutenant. 
-(eb  divtsional  member.  -linie  division,  dividing 
line.  -løblot.  -ntaobe  mode  of  division,  -pnntt 
point  of  division,  -regel,  -regning  rul e  of  divi- 
sion, -ret  right  of  partltlon.  -ftreg  fe  -linie. 
•tal  divisor,  -tegn  tvp  break,  -bi*  adv  in  pla- 

Dettntøent'  c  -er  criminal,  culprlt.  -fag  cri- 
mlnal  case. 

S  el  i 'rin  ni  n  delirium,  P  horrors. 

Delifl  a  Delian. 

De'tø  adv  in  part,  partly. 

Deltaforotig  a  deltoid. 

De'ltagle  v%  (i)  take  part  el.  share  (in),  partake 
(of),  participate  (in),  -enke  a  sympathislng,  sym- 
pa  the  tic.  -elfe  c  (Sagen  Del  i)  participation; 
(SRebføIelfe)  sympathy.  -er  e  -e.  -erinbe,  -erffe  c 
•r  sharer,  partaker;  (f.  (EM.  i  ftonturrence,  Sæbbe* 
tamp)  entrant. 

Deftamnflel  c  deltoid  muscle. 

De'lttid  adv  In  part,  partly. 

Dent'  pronpere  them;  (i  lit  tale)  you;  pron  dem 
fe  Den. 

Demagnetife're  vt  demag'netize. 

Demafgo'g  c  -er  demagogue.  -gøgifl  a  dema- 

Dentant'  fe  diamant,    -ne  a,  poet  dlamond. 

Demartatio'neltnie  c  line  of  demarka'tion. 

Deraaffere  vt  unmask. 

Demee  t  fe  Dimiti. 

Dementere  vt  dlsclalm,  disavow.  -tf  n:  gibe 
en  et  -  give  one  the  Ile. 

Demtfeanne  c  -r  dem'ijohn. 

Deminton'be  c  deml-monde.   -bame  demi-rep. 

Demiøfio'n  c-  inbgibe  fin  -  give  in  one' s  re- 

Demøtra't  c  -et  dem'ocrat.  -i'  *  -er  democ'- 
racy.    -iff  a  democrat'ic(al). 

Dento(e'|re-øt  demolish.    -ring  c demolit'lon. 

Demønft|ratiø'n  c  -er  demonstra'tion.  -ratio 
a  demonstrative,    -re're  vt  demon'strate. 

Demont|e  re  vt  dlsmount.  -e'rbatteri  direct 
battery.  -erftnb  direct  fire.  -e'ring  c  dismount- 
Ing.    -e'rinadoøb*  dlsmountlng  gear. 

Demoralife  [re  vt  demor'alize,  corrupt.  -ring 
e  demoraliøa'tion,  corruption. 

Demøfrøe'niff  a  Demosthen'lc. 

Demo  Hf!  a  demot'ic. 

Den'  pron  dem,  n  bet  that;  pi  be,  bem  those; 

—  (ttbierrtoeraeø  oeft.  «rtitel :  ben,  bet,  be)  the; 

—  pron  pert  ben  it  (om  Dtjt  ofte  he  el.  sne),  bet 
it,  pi  be  they;  ♦  pron  ret  fe  Som;  ben  (bet)  .  .  . 
felt)  it  .  .  .  itself;  ben  fom  he  et.  sne  that;  he  el. 
sne  who;  ben  Vtanb  fom  the  man  who;  bet  fom 
that  which;  ben  9tot  I  fool  that  he  is;  ben  og  ben 
so  and  so;  F  ben  gaar  iRe  ((Branberg)  lt's  no  go; 
F  ben  »at  barre!  that  beats  all. 

Dena'r  c  -er  denarius. 

Denbrit'  c  -er  den'drlte. 

Den | gang  adv  then,  at  the  time;  that  time; 
bet  bar  ben  gang  times  alter,  you  see;  eonj  (ben 
Øang  ba)  when;  ~  bet  fyenbte  at  the  time  of  its 
occurence.    +-U«  fe  ftalMtøn. 

Denne  pron  dem,  n  bette.  this:  pi  btøfe  these; 

(ben,  be,  flbfmæønte)  the  latter;  ben  6te  -ø  tbe 
6th  instant  (inst);  benne  !>anS  gejl  this  fault  of 

Dent|e  vt  (tymbfter)  tambour,  stltch.  -ning  r 
tam  bou  ring. 

DentiH  *  c  -er  dent'ist. 

Dennnci|ant'  c  -et  denuncia'tor,  Informer. 
-attø'n  c  denuncia'tion. 

Departement'  n  -et  depart'ment. 

Depe'øje  c  -t  dlspatch:  (Delege.)  message,  tele- 

Deyenbe're  vi  depend  (af  on). 

Deatacentent'  n  displa'cement.  -écenrra« 
centre  of  d.  (o.  fl.). 

Deftløye'lre  øf  deploy.  -'ring  c  deploy,  deploy- 

Denolne're  vt  (i  ftortmrrog)  depos'it,  lodge, 
(bibne)  depose;  t  be  matriculated  (at  the  unl- 
versity).  -'nend  n  deponent,  -nent'  c  -er  de- 
pos'itor;  (Sibne)  depo'nent.  -ne'ring  c  depos'it- 

Deportation  o  transportation.  -e're  vt  trans- 
port; bltøe  -t  (ogf.)  go  over  el.  across  the  water. 
-e'ring  fe  -ation. 

Depa'ffltnnt  n  -ta  depos'it.  -toøant  bank  of 
deposit.  -ta'rtuS  c  depos'itary.  t-tft'  c  fe  artium. 
Xtyo't  n  -et  depot. 

Depraø  |  at io'n  c  deprava'tion,  depravity.  -e're 
vt  deprave. 

Dejnt|a't  n  -et  allowance  (granted  to  a  public 
functionary).  -ation  c  -et  deputa'tion.  -e'ret 
c  -tebe  dep'uty.  -e  rettammer  (French)  legislative 

Der  [æ]  pron  rel  who,  which,  that. 

Der  fæ]  adv  there;  t  eonj  =  Da,  $toor :  .  i 
Sanbet  in  that  country;  ^oem  .?  who  is  there, 
who  goes  there?  -  er  fjan  there  he  Is;  .ex  mange 
there  are  many;  .  figeø  it  is  sald;  .  fan  figei 
meget  much  may  be  said;  $t>o  -  whoever,  bøab  . 
what.  -ab  adv  at  it.  -af  adv  of  it,  of  this,  of 
that,  thereof;  .  følget  thence  (it)  follows;  -  at  . . . 
følget  iffe  from  the  faet  that  .  .  .  It  does  not 
follow.  -an'  adv  ilbe  -  badly  off,  In  a  strait. 
-efter  adv  (bernæft)  after  that,  afterwards,  subse- 
quently,  thereafter;  (oberenB^emmenbe  betmeb) 
according  to  that,  accordingly;  ■■  efter  bette. 
Katet  .  the  next  el.  followlng  year;  fort  .  ahortly 
(afterwards);  bet  bleo  ogfoa  .  the  result  was  as 
might  be  ezpected. 

DereØ  pron  pert  pi  (abjeft.)  their;  (abfolut) 
theirs;  (Diltale)  (abjeltibif!)  your;  (abfolut)  yours. 
—  pr  dem  of  those:  -  Sntal  fom  the  number  of 
those  who. 

De'rlfør  eonj  for  it,  for  that,  therefore;  on 
that  account,  for  that  purpose;  bet  et  -  at  this 
is  why;  (=  fot  bette).  -forbi  adp  past  there.  -fra 
adv  thence,  from  thence;  reffe  ~  leave  there; 
(=  fra  bette).  -ben  adv  thither,  there;  Iabe  ftaa  . 
leave  undeclded;  jeg  otbejbet,  fttcebet  -  at  I  make 
it  the  object  of  my  efforts  that;  forffarebe  bet  . 
at  explalned  it  to  the  effect  that;  fotanbtebe  fin 
$lan  -  at  changed  his  plan  in  so  far  that. 
-Ijenab  adv  in  that  direction.  -^enbørenbe  fe 
Dib-.  -benne  adv  yonder,  there.  -boå  adv  (tæt- 
øeb)  by  it,  .hard  by;  (brtuben)  besldes,  withaL 
-i  adv  in  it,  in  that,  therein.  -iblattbt  adv 
among  them,  lncludlng.  -igennem  adv  through 
it;  through  there.  -imellem  adv  amongst  el. 
between  them.  -intøb  adv  (imob  bet)  against  it; 
(paa  ben  anben  Sibe)  on  the  other  hånd,  on  the 
contrary;  i  eg  bar  intet  .  I  have  no  objection. 
-inb  adv  In  there,  therein,  into  it.  -inbe  adv 
in  there,  in  that  place.  -inbefra  adv  from 
withln  there. 

Derijbe're  vt  derlve,  -nbe  ttibler  derivatives, 




counter-irritants.  -oarlo'n  c  -er  deriva'tion. 
-oa'rnm  n  -ta  deriv'atlve. 

Seratotoløøi'  c  dermatol'ogy. 

2>e'r|meb  adø  with  it,  wlth  that,  with  this; 
therewith;  (meb  biife  ©tb)  so  saying,  at  this; 
Ijoab  mener  %t  ~1  wbat  do  you  mean  by  that; 

-  Bil  ban  intet  ubrette  he  will  gain  nothing  by 
that;  -  Dat  Sagen  afgjort  thatsettled  thequestion. 
-*eb  adv  down  there.  -aebe  adv  down  et.  below 
there.  -nebenfør  adv  below  there.  -uebenfra 
adv  from  below  there.  -nebeatil  adv  there  at 
the  bottom.  -næft  adv  next,  In  the  next  place, 
then.  '-ntefKme!)  n  middling.  -om  adv  about 
ft,  about  that,  on  the  aubject;  of  that  faet;  fan 

-  tbat's  his  affair.  -omffrfng  adv  there  about. 
-omme  adv  round  there.  -op  atfø  up  there. 
•oppe  up  there,  above  there.  -oøeapaa  up  there. 
-ooer  arfr  (ober  til  et  ©reb)  over  there,  across 
there;  (ober  bet)  of  it,  for  It,  etc.;  fanbrebe  og  - 
hundred  and  upwards;  faab  bet  er  -  what  there 
is  more  than  that.  -øOre  ad  i  across  there,  round 
there,  over  there.  -paa  adv  (paa  noget)  on  it, 
on  that,  thereon;  (bernæft)  after  this,  after  that, 
then,  next;  Sagen  -  the  next  day;  -  foaret  to 
that  the  answer  Is. 

dertil  c  -er  (tron)  derrick. 

$erfom  conj  if,  in  case. 

2>e'r|fleb8  adv  there  -Hl  adv  to  it,  to  that, 
to  that  place;  for  that  purpose;  besides:  -  tommer 
at  moreover,  add  to  this  that;  noor  Sejret  er  - 
when  the  weather  is  favourable.  t-tilmeb  adn 
moreover,  -ab  adv  out  there.  -abe  adv  without 
there,  out  t.  -nbefro  adv  from  out  there.  -ab- 
øøer  adv  over  there,  across  there,  farther  than 
that;  fe  -ober.  -avber  adv  under  it.  below  there; 
leas.  -toeb  adv  by  it.  thereby;  by  that  means; 
nær  -  close  by,  hard  by  there;  lab  bet  blitoe  ~ 
let  it  (the  matter)  rest  there;  ~  er  intet  at  gøre 
it  cannot  be  helped  el.  remedled;  ber  er  ingen 
ftunft  -  that  is  easy  enough;  bet  gobe  -  er  the 
beauty  of  it  is. 

$er*4fly  c  -er  dervish,  dervls. 

$e  rooreabe  a  of  the  place,  there  (present). 

Xe'S :  bare  -  be  on  terms  of  „%t",  say  „%t" 
(you,  not  thou)  to  each  other. 

Xt*'  n,  mm  D  flat. 

t>t*'  [é]  fe  Defto.  -oarfoø  adv  on  that  account, 
for  that  reason.    -aagaaenbe  adv  respecting  it. 

$e£atiøne'|re  vt  dlsavow,  repudiate.  -ring  c 

Xedbetre  adv  so  mnch  the  better. 

$e#ceabent'  c  -er  descen'dant. 

$efert|e're  vi  dese'rt.  -ion  e  dese'rtion.  *'r 
c  -er  dese'rter,  runaway,  (hm  J,)  straggler. 

SeØ'e*  n,  mim  D  double  flat. 

$e*|  fortabe«  adv  before  that  time.  -formebelft 
joc  fe  -aatfag;  _  at  for  the  reason  that.  -førnben 
adv  besides  that,  moreover,  withal,  over  and 

$e#ftjeØ'ere  adv  the  rather. 

Sefiønlatio'n  c  -er  list,  speciflcation.  -e'rei  a 
des'ignated  (til  for  el.  to). 

$e§taficc'|re  vt  desinfect;  deodorize;  -nbeSKibler 
derinfectants.    -ri«g  c  desinfection. 

$efrripti'»  a  descrlp'tive. 

$ef  |ftge  a  such,  such  llke,  simllar,  the  like. 
-li'øefte  adv  likewise. 

$e#atan  e  desman,  Myøale  moeekata. 

Stimer  c  dvet,  musk.  -aøtig  a  musky.  -baafe 
pouncetbox.    -b$r  fe  -fat. 

$e£me're  adv  the  more. 

Seimerløraø  fe  -urt.  -fat  clvet  (zibet,  genet) 
cat,  Viverre,  civetta,  k  tibetha.  -taøf  c  musk-ball. 
•lagt  smell  of  musk.  -porre  musk-pear.  -rofe 
musk  rose.  -rotte  musk-rat.  Mm  piloride*.  -urt 
moschatel,  Ådoxa  mosckatellina. 

$eøutn  bre  adv  the  less;  iffe  .  never  the  less, 
notwithstandlng  that. 

$edørø«ni|fe're  vt  diso'rganize.  -fe'ring,  -fa* 
tlo'n  c  disorganlza'tion. 

SeØøriente're  vt  put  out,  confuse. 

DeSøjnbe're,  -rinø  fe  »filte. 

$efpeft'  c  disrespect. 

$efpera't  a  desperate,  furious.  -ion  c  despe- 

Sefpø't  o  -er  des'pot.  -i'  n  des'potism.  -iff 
a  despot'ic(al).    -iø'me  c  des'potism. 

$e«fein  fe  Setfln. 

$e§fe'rt  c  dessert,  -fut*  d.  knife.  -fle  d. 
spoon.    -toUerten  d.  plate. 

$e*fta'  [fr.]  n  &  c  design.  2>e$ftaotor  c  -er 
designer.    $e£ftatraab  flgured  wire. 

$efrttta|tio'n  o  -er  desttlla'tion.  -tor  c  -er 

3eftiBe're  vt  destil'.  -far,  -tebel  still,  -foloe 
slembic,  retort,    -øø«  distilling  furnace 

$efti»ata'r  c  -er  consignee. 

Xrftø  (følget  efter-,  jo)  the;  ~  bebre,  mere,  minbte, 
barre,  fe:  Setbebre  ofto. 

Se^nte're  vt  destroy. 

2)ed|nagtet  adv  notwithstandlng  this  el.  that. 
•nben  adv  besides,  in  addition,  -narre  adv  un- 
fortunately,  I  am  sorry  to  say,  alas !  more's  the 
Ditv    P  worse  luck. 

%if  [F  be]  fe  3)en;  (upetfonl.  $ron.)  it;  bet 
tegner  it  ralns;  forfor  bet?  why  so?  fjoorfor 
giotbe  bu  bet  (meb  (tftertrtjt  paa  wbet*)  why  did 
you  do  that?  (paa  „gjorbe")  why  did  you  do  so? 
bet  bat  fymfi  Crb  such  were  his  words;  oot  bet 
fjant  flbfte  Orb?  were  those  his  last  words?  bet 
Ian  jeg  ogf aa  gøre  I  can  do  as  much;  bet  tænfte 
jeg  nof  I  thought  as  much;  og  fjbem  ^ar  tf  le  bet? 
as  (ci.  and)  who  has  not?  bet  er  (flgtenbe  til  et 
foregaaenbe  perfonl.  ©ubjeft  el.  Cbjeft)  he  is,  she 
is,  they  are:  bet  er  en  flet  ftatl  he  is  a  bad 
fellow,  etc.;  bet  er  mig  lt  Is  I;  bet  er  (oil  fifle) 
that  is,  bet  er  bet,  fom  Jeg  bil  bibe  that  is  what 
I  want  to  know;  ja  bet  et  bet  yes  lt  is:  bet  et  bet 
ogfaa  so  it  is  (indeed);  ifte  bet  jeg  »eb  not  that 
I  know  of,  not  to  my  knowledge;  iffe  bet  jeg 
tror  not,  I  belleve;  og  bet  en  $ame  and  a  lady 
too;  groebe,  bet  maa  m  iffe  weep  we  must  not; 
ja  jeg  oeb  bet  yes,  I  know;  gøt  bet !  do !  bet  at 
rejfe  (the  aet  of)  travelling;  bet,  at  ban  far  rejf! 
the  faet  of  his  having  tra velled;  fe  Borte,  Sibbe. 

$etad)e|ueitt'  n  -er  detach'ment.  -'re  vt  detach. 

2)etai('  c  og  n  -ler  detail,  particular,  fælge  i  - 
retail;  fanble  en  gro*  &  en  detail  deal  whole-sale 
&  retail;  gaa  i  -  enter  into  detalls  el.  particulars. 
•banbel  retail  tråde.  -Iianbler  retaifer.  -fnnb- 
flab  knowledge  of  (all)  detalls.  Detaitte  re  vt 
detai'l,  parti cularize.  J)etaiHe'ret  a  minute,  ex- 
plicit.  tetaiaifl'  o  -er  -fanbier.  2>etailopwaa- 
ling  a  minute  survey. 

SetenHo'tt  fe  »oretægt. 

Xetermtale'ret  a  deter'mined.  -U'me  c  deter'- 

Seto | ne're  vi  det'onate;  mua  go  out  of  tune. 
-ne'rinø,  -nario'a  o  detonation. 

a>etrønife'|re  vi  detbro'ne.  -rinø  c  dethrone- 

2)ette  pron  dem  n  this. 

Seoiotio'n  o  -er  devia'tion.  2>ebiation*|ffioe, 
-rofe  deviation  card.    1>eoie're  vi  de'viate. 

$eoi*  c  -er  ^  davlt. 
1>ebi  fe  c  -r  device,  posy. 
2>e»o'ttiff  a  De  vonian. 
Sebotio'n  c  devo'tion. 
Segtrfs  c  dex'trine. 
Siobo'Ø  c  di'abase. 
Xiabe'«  n  -er  diadem. 




Diagnø'fe  c  diaguosis;  frille  en  Sngbomø  - 
diagnost'icate  a  diseaøe. 

diagonal akc-tz  diag'onal;  efter  -en  diagon- 
ally.  -baonb  J,  diagonal  brace  (o.  fl.).  -øttgget 
adiagonallybuilt.  -reb  <£,  balance  reef.  -fronter 
diagonal  tlmbere.  -ffag,  -friøer,  -fttæøer  (Dmø.) 
diagonal  stay. 

DiaaranT  n  -mer  di'agram. 

Diafø'n  c  -er  dea'con.  -a't  n  -er  dea'conry. 
-tå  fe  c  -r  dea'coness.  -Wfeanftalr,  -itfeftiftclfe 
deaconessfes')  Institution. 

Dioiritiff  a  diacritic(al). 

Dialett'  e  -er  di'alect.   -førfffer  dialectol'oger. 

DialetfHt'  c  dialec'tlcs  pi.  -'ttfer  c  -e  dialect- 
ic'lan.    -riff  a  dlalectlcal. 

Diatø'g  c  -er  dialogue. 

Dialø'fe  c  dial'ysiB. 

Diamant'  n  -er  dl'amond.  -øgttg  a  diamond 
-llke.  -borb  diamond  powder.  •brnllitd  diamond 
wedding.  -fugt  spotted  manakin.  Pardalotus 
punctatuå.  -glaSftoerer  pencil  diamond.  -grnbe 
diamond  mine.  -baarb  a  bard  as  diamond. 
-lyatøbaanb  d.  necklace  (o.  P.).  -lyalbtg  a  con- 
tøining  diamonds.  -tnøø  d.  knot.  -nacl  d.  pin; 
(Deleg.)  d.  needle.  -ring  d.  ring.  -ffrift  diamond. 
-flange  fe  Hrgut*.  -fHoer  diamond-catter.  -flib- 
ning  grlnding  of  diamonds.  -fttøtte  set  of  dia- 
monds. -fnat  adamantine  spar.  -ftøø  diamond 
powder  el.  dost. 

Diame'|ter  c  -e  dlam'eter.  -tral  a  diamet'- 
rical;  -t  møbfat  diametrically  opposed  to.   -tra'l- 

S  (an  ^  longitudinal  midship  section.  -trtfl  a 
iam'etral,  dlamet'ric(al). 

Diana  |Hbe  diana  monkey,  spotted  m.,  Cereo- 
pithecua  Diana,    -tr«  tree  of  Diana. 

Diarré  c  diarrboea. 

Diafita'fe  c  di'astase. 

Diaflto  le  c  di'astyle. 

Diatomé  c  -r  di'atom. 

Diatø'niff  c  diaton'ic. 

Diatrt'be  c  di'atribe. 

Dible  vt  dibble.    -aafline  dibbilng  machine. 

Dtb  adv  thither,  there;  $ib  og  -  to  and  fro. 

Dtbat|tif  c  didac'tics.    -'Hf!  a  didactlc(al). 

Dt'blben  adv  thither.  -tøtenbe  a  relative  el. 
appertaining  thereto.  -tnb  adv  in  there.  -fømft 
c  arrival  (there).    -09  adv  up  there. 

Die  c  (mother's)  mllk;  diee  -  suckle,  give  snck. 
Die  vt  suck.  -»rober  foster-brother.  -giøenbe 
a  suck-givlng.  -øiøning  e  suckling,  givlng  suck. 
•laf*  sucking-calf. 

Die«  fe  Ditte«. 

Dieføfter  o  foster  sister. 

Difference  c  -r  difference,  mero  balance,  -for- 
retninger pi  Bpeculation  for  account. 

Differenf'  e  -er  difference,  -termometer 
differential  thermometer. 

Differentta't  n  -er  differen'tial.  Differential' 
differential,  f.  (Eft.  -metantime  differential  gear; 

-regning  d.  calculus,  etc. 
Dtffi        ' 

-ring  e  diffe- 

ferentie'lre  vt  differen'tiate. 
rentia'tion.    Differere  vt  diff'er. 

Difterit'|i*  c  diphthe'ria.  -iff  a  diphther'lc, 

Dtftøng'  c  -er  fe  Dbdbb. 

Dig  pron,  aocua  af  bu,  (bøftibelig  Dale,  i 
Vibelen,  af  jtbaetere  og  prov)  thee;  (alm.)  you; 
nfl  yourself,  f .  tttt.  øalt  big  i  wash  yourself. 

Dige  n  -r  t  (opfaftet  ftolb)  dike,  dam,  amr 
levee;  *ditch.  tDige  vi  dike,  raise  a  dike.  -aab- 
ning  breach  in  a  dike.  -anlæg  construction  of 
dikes.  -ørnb  sea-breacb.  -bøgning  fe  -anlæg, 
-freb  dike-laws.  -graner  dike-digger.  -grene 
dyke-grave.  -grøft  ditch.  -tntøettør  super- 
intendent of  dikes.    -tant  top  of  a  dike. 

Diget  e  -gier  crucible,  melting-pot;  tvv  piaten. 

Dføeløb  o  dike-laws. 

Diaet  jønn  crocible-furnace.  -brøbe  assay  of 
metals  -fmeltntng  melting  in  a  crucible.  -tang 

Dig eobfbji  n  superintendance  of  dikes. 

•Diger  a  thick,  big.    -bøben  the  black-death. 

Digere're  vt  digest. 

Digejffat  dike-tax.  -ftnfe  dlke-sluice,  dike 
-drain.    -fntntte  chat,  Saxicoia. 

DigeH'lerne  the  dl'gests.    -ør  «  digest'er. 

Digejføalc  dike-swallow.  Hirundortp<xria.  -tøa 
snrvey  of  dikes.  -øej  dike-path.  -borfen  dike 
-establishment,  matters  relative  to  dikes. 

Dignita'r,  Dignitæ'r  c  -er  dig'nltary. 

Digref  flø'n  c  -er  digress'ion. 

Digt  adv  J,  close,  chock. 

Digt  n  -e  poem;  (Onbigtetfe)  fiction,  -ørt  spe- 
cies of  poetry. 

Digte  vt  (tætte)  chlnse. 

Digte  vt  (ønbigte)  invent,  romance;  (frribe  $æfi) 
make  poetry  el.  verses,  compose  vene.  -tnnf 
(art  of)  poetry.  Digten  c :  al  ^anfi  -  og  £ragten 
gaar  ub  paa  his  every  thought  runs  upon. 

Digter  o  -e  poet.  -aanb  poetical  genius,  -øøre 
poetic  vein.  -ebne  poetical  talent  el.  turn.  -fog 
department  of  poetry.  -fiøttb  Farnassus.  -flnf  t 
poetic  flight  -fribeb  poetic  llcense.  -gane  fe 
-ebne.  -gnb  god  of  poetry.  -b,aanbba?rfet  the 
poet's  craft.  -be(b  success  as  a  poet.  -tlb  poetic 
fire.  Dlgterln'be  c  -r  poetess.  Digterinbftijbelfe 
poetical  inspiration.  Digteriff  a  poetical.  Digter)' 
falb  poetical  vocation.  -frøft  poetical  power. 
-tranø  poetic  wreath,  the  bays.  -tin  poet's  llfe, 
llfe  poetic.  -minbe  fe  -ri),  -natnr  poetical  na- 
ture, -nann  fe  -rp.  -ølbing  venerable  poet. 
-ro».  -rtj,  -rtjgte  poetical  farne  el.  renown.  -mi 
poetical  trance,  -fang  poetic  song.  -fan*  taste 
for  poetry.  -ffsl  poet's  soul.  -fnitte  poetic 
genius,  -førog  poetical  language,  -talent  poetic 
talent,  -vift :  paa  ~  after  the  manner  of  poets, 
•bær!  poem,  poetical  el.  imaginatlve  work. 

Dia t| ning  c  -er  poetical  composition,  poetry, 
-fantling  collection  of  poems. 

Ditfe  vi  (om  Ur)  tick. 

Dittebarer  pi  F  antics,  capers;  gøre  -  (Cm- 
beje)  mince  the  matter. 

DiffebiRebit!  ketchert  ketcher! 

Diffen  o  ticking. 

Ditotbjebø'ner  pi  dicotyle'dons. 

DiKlta'nten  n  dlctation.  »ta't  n  -er  dictation; 
frribe  efter  .  write  to  el.  from  d.  -tat  o 'riff  a 
dictatorial.  -tatftit  writing  to  dictation.  -torn'r 
c  dlcta'ture,  dictatorship.  -te're  vt  dlc'tate;  -  en 
en  Støbe  impose  a  fine  on.  -te'ren  o  dictation. 
-riø'n  c  dic'Uon.    -tiønæ'r  c  -er  dic'tionary. 

Dilb  e  dill,  Anethum  graveolen*',  bibl  anise; 
*  fe  Dille. 

Dilem'ma  n  -er  dilemma. 

Dilettant'  o  -er  amateur,  dilettante.  -føre* 
ftillittg  private  theatricals.  -niæøfig  a  amateurish, 

Dtligen'ce  c  -er  diligence,  (stage- )coach.  -fører 
guard.  -lyeft  stager.  -Køntør  coach-office.  -frø 
coachlng  inn.    Jnfl  stage-coachman. 

*DilIe  e  sowthistle,  Sonchua. 

*Dilt  n  slow  trot.    -e  vi  toddle,  dangle. 

Ditnbia'l«  dilu'vial. 

Dimenfiø'lner  pi  dimensions,  proportions;  vt, 
(af  Xømmer  el.  3æm)  scantiings.  -nøtabrl  scale 
of  scantiings. 

Diminntib  n  -er  k  a  diminutive,  -enbelfe 
d.  termlnation. 

Dimidbræbi!en  o  probatlonsl  sermon. 

Dimiti  n  dimity. 

Dtmitte'lre  vt  (t  Ulm.)  dismiss;  (til  en  (Etøamen) 
send  up  for  an  ezamination;  (til  Unib.)  oertificate 




for  the  universlty.  -nb'  e  -er  candidate  for  the 

Dtmttaa  e  -er  treeoall,  trennel;  cotter. 

Dtmmeivge  c  Holy  Week,  Passion  Week. 

Dimørf'  o  dlmo'rphous. 

Dt*  pro*  inm«.  n  bit',  pi  btne  (tøtibeitg  Dole 
øg  i  Sibelen:  (ablefturif!)  thy,  (øoføhtt)  thine;  (bgl. 
Za(e):  (abjft.)  yoar,  (aøfot.)  yours;  .  Rar  you 
fool,  fool  that  you  ar«;  bu  et  -e  ttjoe  Bor  you 
are  twenty  yean  (if  a  day);  bu  og  -c  you  and 
yoar  lamtly. 

Dtagelbasgel  n  (dangling)  gewgaws,  bobs. 

Dingeling  *  dingdong. 

Dingle  vi  dangle,  bob,  swing  to  and  fro,  (i 
•algen)  swing,  -n  ø  dangling  etc.  -Mer  rickety 

Dtngø  c  dingo,  Cfetifr  chaøo. 

+Dinfel  c  spelt. 

Dtø'øenetfatbøf  o  hermit-crab,  Ccmobita  Dio- 

Dtøb  rer  »  sigbt(vane),  diopter.  -lineal  alldad 
rnle.    Diøbtrtf!  a  dioptrlc. 

Diørts'  c  di'orlte. 

Dtøifn'rerne  the  Dios'curi. 

Diftlo'm  »  -er  diploma.  .-abel  patent  nobility. 
•a't  e  -er  dlplo'matist.  -øtø'rium  »  -ter  collec- 
Uoq  of  documents.  -art'  c  diplo'macy;  n  di- 
plo'macy. -art!'  ø  dlplomacy;  røabeøgr.)  diplo- 
mnt'ics.  -a'ttf?  a  diplomat'ic(al);  et  -  »tf  a  stroke 
of  oolicy. 

DtMeliøtle  e  DippeUl-oll. 

Dtnføaurni'  e  dipeoma'nia. 

Difttam  e  dittany,  Dictamnut. 

Direfjte  a  direct;  adv  d.,  directly.  -tiø'n  ø 
•er  (Wetntng)  direc  tion;  (©efttjtelle)  board  of  dl- 
rector«,  governing  body,  committee.  -tø'riet 
the  Directory,  -tri'ce  o  -r  direc'tress,  dlrectrlx. 
-tø  r  c  -et  direc'tor,  manager.  Dirigc'rc  øf  con- 
dact.  Dirigent'  o  -er  (i  «lm.)  direc'tor,  (af  Vtøbe) 
chairman,  wnu  eonduotor,  band-master. 

Dtr'«,  Dtrt  ø  -er  picklock:  &  fe  »ømbtet. 
Dirfe  vt  (en  2oa*)  pick;  J,  (en  vom)  top.  -fri  a 
not  to  be  plcked,  thief-proof. 

Dirre  r»  qaiver,  vibrate;  -nbe  Safter  quiverlng 
lipa;  Sttængen  -r  the  string  vibratos,  -n  ø  quiver- 
lng, vibration. 

Dti'  n,  må«  D  sharp. 

SU  fe  De'ft. 

Dii  c  -er  mytk  goddess. 

Sif  c  haee.  •ianfe  fog-bank.  +-b(aa  a  hacy 

Difctb'fcl  e  Ole  pupil,  scholar,  dlsci'ple.  -H'n 
e  -er  (Zuat)  dis'cipline;  ($fag)  branch  of  knowl- 
edge.  -tina'r  (el.  nøtr)farfeelfe  breach  of  dis- 
cipllne.  -fina'rftraf  discretionary  pnnlshment. 
-liner«  vt  disc'lpline.    -Mne'rlng  o  dlsdpline. 

Dtfet,  Diflg  a  hazy.    -(eb  o  hazineøB. 

Dtitarntølne're  vi  be  discordant.  -ni'  o  -er 
discord,  dishar'mony.    -'niff  a  discordant. 

Digfeønørc're  vt  OBettel)  diahon'our. 

Dii'ti  n,  mu»  D  donble  sharp. 

Didinntrib  a  diajunctive. 

Dtfr  e  -c  (Dauerfen)  small  plate;  (ftaftO  paten; 
(i  fjntif)  coonter;  ffiHe*  fro  Dug  øg  -  be  separated 
from  bed  and  board. 

Di*f  ont'  c  -er  treble,  soprano.  -nagle  soprano 
det    -ftcmnu  canto. 

Dtffe  te  -  øb  dlsh  el.  serve  up. 

Diffe|brønntng  p,  shop-woman.  •flap  flap 
(of  a  counter).  -ntanb,  -faringer  coun ter-Jumper. 

Dtifanitalel  a  discount'able.  -te're  vt  dis- 
count,   -te'ring  e  dlscounting. 

DUføntinnerlig  a  math  discontin'uous. 

^iøføa'tø  ø  -et  dls'count.  -bøn!  bank  of  dis- 
count. •( øb  rate  of  discount,  -f  ømtatage*  dls- 
coantø,  dlscounting.    -føffe  offlce  of  discount. 

•lam  loan  on  discount.  SttføKtø'r  c  -er  dis- 
coun'ter,  money-lender. 

$i8løtt'erisafiine  0  discover-engine. 

Diéfre't  a  dlBcreet;  -c  Størrelfer  discrete  quan- 
titie8.  -tø'n  0  discret'ion,  (Xab*$eb)  reticence. 
-tøn<e'r  a  discret'ional,  dlscret'ionary. 

a>l8t«lbe're  vi  discul'pate. 

DWt«r|re're  vi  discou'rse.  -#'  0  -er  discour'se, 

2>i#fn|#fiø'n  0  -er  discuss'ion.  -#fiøtt»felflab 
debating  society.    -te're  øf  discuss'. 

2)iflb(tgt  0  shop-balance. 

$iøtoø/ø)e  o  -er  statement  of  average.  -(åbn 
port  of  adjustment.  DiØpadVr  0  -er  average 
stater,  average  adjuster. 

XiØpenlfatføa  0  -er  dlspensa'tlon.  -fere  vt 
exempt,  grant  dispensation. 

$M)>ø|ne're  vi  dupo'se  (oøet  of);  —  vt  dispose 
(ril  to);  flet  -t  in  bad  humour.  -nenf  ø  -er 
(acting)  manager,  -tti'be!  a  available.  -fitiøn 
0  -er  disposition;  outllne,  skeleton;  (9taobta$.) 
disposal;  til  S)ere«  .  at  your  disposal;  mil  til  - 

XiØbitt'  0  -es  dløpu'te,  argument,  -ø'tor  0  -er 
dis'putant.  -ø't«  0  er  dispuU'tion;  (Kfømbl.) 
dissertation,  aet,  thesls.  -e're  vi  dlspute,  reason, 
argue  (the  point),  moot;  tyVbtt  of  at  -  is  fond  of 

;btåfe  pron  dem,  pi  af  Denne,  these;  eont  . 
meget  fromme  Øot!  your  very  plout  people. 

♦XWfe  0  -r  Bwimr;  ~  vi  swing. 

DWfelle're  vt  dlssect.  -riø'n  0  dissec'tion. 
-tiondbeflit  case  of  dissectlng  instruments.  -tiond> 
fttib  scalpel.  -tiønøfrne  dissectlng  room.  -tør 
0  dissector. 

Didfend'  0  difference  of  opinion.  Støfctt'ter 
0  -t  dissenter,  non-oonformlst;  f  chapel-goer  pi 

DUfonanØ'  0  -er  dlø'sonance,  discord. 

Xiftan'ce  o  -r  dist'ance;  fturS  oa  -  courae  and 
distance,  -fragt  rateable  frelght,  dutance-frelght. 
-maaltr  distance-meter,  -ntfltrfc  bench-mark. 
-øbferøatiøn  attr  (beb  60O  øun  lunar;  (oeb  Stjerne) 
star  lunar,  -penge  fe  Stile*.  $iftoace're  vt 
diBt'ance.    2)iftoaceribt  ride  agøinst  time. 

Dtfttføn  n  -to  distich. 

2>ifrin|gbe're  vt  distin guish.  -gøeret  a  dls- 
tinguished.  -tt'  a  dlsOnct.  -ftiøn  o  -er  distink- 
tion; mark  of  distinction.  -ttiønØflag  dlstlnguish- 

9i#rr|a4ere  vt  distract,  draw  away,  disturb. 
-ai't  [fr.]  a  absent.  -attiø'n  0  absence  of  mind, 

Stftrift'  n  -er  dls'trlct.  Difrrirt»|*førfø«ling 
meeting  of  electors.  -Qeft  cavalry  horse,  -tage 

Dit'  fe  Din. 

Dit'  og  Dat  one  thlng  and  the  other,  sundries, 
odds  and  ends,  odd  snatches. 

Ditmorffen  n  Dltmarsh,  the  Dltmarshes. 

Dtt'ø  ditto,  the  same. 

Ditte  vt  say  «you>  to;  •*  sav  you  to  eaeh 

Dit«jra«a'|ic  0  -r  dlth'yramb,  dithyram'bic. 
-lift  a  dlthyrambic. 

Diba's  0  -er  divan';  —  n  -et  the  Divan,  -børb 

Diøerg|e're  vi  diver'ge.    -em*'  0  diver'gence. 

Dibcr^e  a  sundry.  -øanbel  general  shop,  amr 
varlety  store,    •gambler  sundryman. 

DivertUfement'  n  -er  diver'tisement. 

Dtbilbemr  0  -er  div'idend.  -ben'be  0  -t  div- 
idend, -be're  vt  dlvlde;  -  16  meb  2  (.  2  i  16) 
divlde  16  by  2;  a  -t  meb  b,  a  by  b.  -'g  0,  frø 
hyphen.  -ftø'n  0  -er  divis'ion.  -fiø'ndAef  <L 
commander  of  a  division,    -fiønføeneral  divi- 




sionai  general.  -fiønSfrtttte  sum  In  division. 
-fiønttcgn  sign  of  division,  -'for  c  -er  divisor; 
frø  visorium. 

•Sirel  fe  Xangfel. 

Sia'refM  e  diær'esis,  dier'esls. 

Sia't  c  di 'et;  regimen;  fheng  -  low,  strict  diet 
el.  regimen;  Ijolbe  .  be  under  diet,  diet,  (ffreng) 
be  on  low  diet;  -er  pi  subsistence  money,  allow- 
ance.  -e'tiff  a  dietet'ic(al).  -fejt  mistake  in 
one'A  diet. 

Sionfe  e  -r  junk. 

SJorb  a  bold;  /«tn  compact.  -elig  adv  bold  ly. 
-Qeb  c  boldness.    -talenbe  a  free-spoken. 

Sjanel  c,  -'ble  dev'il,  flend;  en  -ft  Jlarl  a  devil 
of  a  fellow;  -*  8ift  diabollcal  art  el.  cunning. 
-fn'be  c  -r  she-devil.  -#  btb  devil's  bit,  Soabio$a 
imccisa.  -ff  a  dev'ilish,  diabollcal;  ben  -e  $unb 
(©og)  the  Dog  Fiend.  -flab  fe  -•  tøj.  -9  Hor  ^ 
tlmber-dogs.  •*  planter  J,  shiffting-boards.  •* 
Uf  n  devilry;  lnfernal  stuff,  abomination.  -unge 
e  devil 's  Imp.  —  $Jable|bef&æraelfe  c  exorcism. 
-befoorger  exorcist.  -befætielfe  demoniacal 
possesøion.  -Manbta  P  devillsh,  deuced;  con- 
founded.  -bprfelfe  devil-worship.  -maner  exor- 
cist. -mening  exorcism.  -taacn  Satanstoe. 
•troen  the  belief  in  the  Devil.  -nnge  fe  Sjabelø-. 
-bi§:  paa  .  diabollcallv. 

Søbbe  c  -r  (paa  ftiftefnøre)  float. 

Søbbel  e  game  of  hazard,  gaming,  gambling. 

Søbbef  t  a  double,  twofold,  +dual;  .  Spil  double 
-dealing;  .  $ogl)olbeti  bookkeeping  by  double 
entry;  -e  fieb  rickets;  —  ado  double,  doubly; 
twice;  fe  -  see  double;  -  faa  mange  twice  as 
many,  double  the  number;  .  faa  mrget  twice  as 
much,  as  much  again.  -aare  paddle.  -9  double 
flat.  -befTafltt  common  snipe,  Scolopax  Qallinaøo; 
•solitary  snipe,  S.  m»jw.  -billet  return  ticket. 
-blif  double  plate.  -boaftaft  ligature.  -bonbc 
doubled  pawn.  -brbbntng  double  refracilon. 
-bager  dice-box.  -battet  fregat  double-banker. 
.bør  folding-door.  -finnet  n  $>  bipinnate.  -flint 
double-barrelled  gun.  -flbttbre  double,  -føbbebe, 
•fobber  pi  amphipods.  -greb  double  stop.  -gan* 
ger  alter  ego,  double,  fetch.  -tage  double  cbin. 
-ftaffe  double  pick.  -barpet  a  twice  screened. 
Søbbeltfceb  c  doubleness,  (hin  fio)  duplicity. 
$øobelt|beHittg  i  mldshipman's  bend.  -bjnl> 
gang  duplex  escape  ment.  -fjfbt  double  plane. 
-torn  double  iron.  -fifleri  binooular,  binocle, 
(ntinbre)  opera-glass.  -tnap(per)  double  buttons, 
Bleeve-links,  -tnappet  a  double  breasted.  -fnnbe 
double  knot.  -tontroBen  the  Dual  Control. 
-trone  double  crown.  -frnm  a  of  double  curva- 
tnre  -trnb*  mu»  double  sharp.  -tbartet  double 
quartet.  -lorgnet  folders.  -Ibb  fe  Sjelttb.  -Ub 
fe  -flint  -lober  amphisl>æna.  -løbet  a  double 
•barrelled  -muffer  double-  headed  maul.  -mønt« 
fdb  bimetalllsm.  -pnnft  mat  double-point,  -rebet 
o  double-reefed.  -følt  double-salt.  -Ilbig  a  two 
"ided,  bilateral,  -ffoet  a  Bumpe  double-piston 
mimp  -flagwMturn.  -fpat  (leeland  )c^careous 
SSP'^il«t  ^  sprits  ferelock.  -f^r  double 
JE»i  Jkea  (af  fftwr)  haunch.  -frlng  d.  stitch. 
Serne  douU  8tS?.  Wt«  •  (*lano)  bichord. 
Ri«  diuloov  -fabe  two  seats  back  to  back. 
"!!f*  S  -trfte  double  shake.  *-trøft  mlssel 
Wrd^W.«  ™"civo~..     -tbbig  a  equivocal 

:^e'ioVot^.  ^^i^hlt^Qii^'  -1 

■Wft^iÆ %£ *»  e  gambler, 
rSaSfr  c  -er  teacher,  tutor  (at  -niversity) 

-e're  vt  lecture  on 

teach;  —  vi  lay  down  the 


fcøbber  c  gold  of  pleasure,  Oamelina. 

Søbentøp  n  caput  mortuum. 

SobSlyobeb  n  &  bowsprit  cap,  (af  3ærn)  cranc«. 

Døg  [aa]  eoni  however,  yet,  still;  though  (F 
og  altib  ftbft  i  Satninaen)  bet  er  -  farligt  it's 
dangerous.  though;  luf  -  ben  $»r  do  shut  that 
door;  bu  pat  -  faaet  »rebet?  you  have  received 
the  letter,  I  hope?  øg  -  (and)  yet;  nej  -?  you 
don't  say  so?  ^bab  er  bet  -?  what  oan  it  beV 
fe  - !  only  look!  bet  er  -  før  galt  it  really  is  too 
bad;  bet  ffal  i  o  -  engang  gøre«  after  all,  it  must 
be  done  sooner  or  later;  $bør  er  bun  -  tffe  pnbia 
how  lovely  she  Is,  to  be  sure;  .  aOtgebel  for  all 

Søge  c  t  doge.   -bøcrbigbeb  c  dogeate,  dogat« 

Søgge  c  -r  mastiff. 

Søggerfifierf-farttJ)  dogger(-boat). 

2>øglsp  c  dewlap. 

$øgaa|ttt'  e  dogmat'ics.  -  ttter  c  -e  teacher 
of  doctrinal  theology.  -Hfe're  vi  dog'matize. 
-  tiff  a  dogmat'ic(al).    Sogme  •  -x  dogma. 

$of,  Soffc  e  -ter  Jy  dock;  tor  -  dry-dock, 
graving-dock;  baob  .  wet  dock;  Sfibet  trænger 
til  at  fomme  i  -  the  snip  requires  docking;  gafl 
i  .  dock,  go  into  dock;  tage  ub  af  -ten  undock. 
-afgifter  d.  dues.  -antag  dock-works  (o.  fl.). 
Softc  vt  dock. 

$otte  e  -r  (i  Srejeftol)  poppet,  poppet,  mandrel. 
-brejeftol  mandrel-lathe. 

Xolining  c  vt  docking.  -pal  bollard.  -fatte 
fe  Sotte  vt. 

Softor  e  -er  doctor;  -  i  Xeotøgien  doctor  of 
theology;  btioe  -  become  a  doctor.  Xottoranb' 
c  er  candidate  for  the  doctor's  degree.  Sottørl' 
otteft  doctor's  certiflcate.  -biptøm  doctor's  di 
ploma.  -bifpntatd  thesis  for  a  doctor's  degree. 
Sottore're  vi  doctor.  Sottorlflft  surgeonflsh. 
Acanthuru*.  -grab  doctor's  degree,  doctorate. 
-bat  doctor's  cap  el.  hat.  +$ottørin'»e  c  i 
doctor's  wife.  Sottori  mine  doctorial  air.  -pro* 
motion  graduation  (of  a  doctor  el.  doctors). 
•vogn  doctor's  brougham,  joe  pill  box.  -notbig* 
Il  eb  doctorate. 

Softri'n  e  -er  doc'trine  -a'r  a  doctrinaire, 
viewy;  c  doctrinarian. 

Sølnment'  n  er  doc'ument,  deed,  paper,  in- 
strument. -bebiØ  documentary  evidenæ.  Sofn* 
mente're  vt  substantiate,  verifV;  .  fig  prove 
one's  self,  prove  one's  Id  en  ti  ty.  Sohtmentering 
c  sulistantiation.  Søfnmenrfafff  n  forgery  (of 

Søtoagter  ^  dock-gate  man. 

*2)olbørb  n  gunwale,  plankaheer. 

.  ?Di?'\ c  n  W)  dol'phin,  CbnpAcma;  & 
dolphin  buoy;  dolphin  striker. 

$øH|tt9  n  mad- house. 

t2>otborbet  a  proo  case-hardened. 

JøiitbøcefttUff  a  dolichoceph'alouB. 

a  XQlt  ki  I  d%er>  J>°nIa^-  -  SoBelfUnge 
daggerblade.  -nit,  .fbb  stab  with  a  daggex. 
aoMaie  sword-tail,  Limulus.  ^* 

h.«  SBLC  *idoUar-  -t««1  doUar  bird,  Austra- 
lian  roller,  Buryttomw  pacificu*. 

Solmatt  c  -er  dollman,  doliman. 

Solomit'  c  dolomite. 

K-i?J?,5!-SJlle^8e??Ilce;  Jadgment,  doom;  (Jren- 
belle)  award,  decision;  (TOening)  opinion;   »aOo« 

ESS^SK?1  jud«ment>  i"  *n  -  receive  eentence* 
?  St  lnriud;^?°TC'  pa88  »ontence;  ftbbe  til 
rate  at  ^SSJSi*1  h*L'  'mt  at  •»  exorbitant 
S« %™  extortionate  pricea;  paa  raenft  fcaa  in 
the  day  of  judgment;  æbet  oo  briHer  fin TcSh  «i 
eateth  and  drinketh  damnatTon ^^iSsLff     f " 

semmt  domestJc,   servant,   domertic 




Sømtfotlbe  vt  condemn,  convlct;  ben  -bte  the 
condemned  party,  the  convlct.  -fælbelfe,  -f<*lb> 
sing  c  condemnation,  con  viet  ion.  -før  a  com- 
petent  to  pass  sentence.  -fjaøer  c  -e  obtainer 

Sømljetre  canon.    -txerbigljeb  canonicate. 

SomljH*  n  judgment  hall,  court-house. 

Sontici  1  n  dom'icile,  address.  -ic're  et,  mere 
make  pa vable  (at);  -t  $etøel  addre6sed  bi  11. 

Somfnlant'  c  -ei  dom'inant.  •ontattorb  dom- 
inant chord.  •anrfeptimeaftørb  dominant  chord 
of  the  seventh.  -aattrettang  dominant  trlad. 
-fre  pr  dominoer,  lord  it  over,  bully;  mit  com- 
mand.  -eren  e  domineering.  -erenbe  a  com- 

Søminifa'ner  c  -e  Domln'ican,  D.  friar.  -flnfc 
American  cardinal,  Frineiila  dominicana.  -nonne 
D.  nun  (o.  fi.).    SontiairuS  Dom'inic. 

Søntino  c  -er  domino;  (©pil)  dominos,  -»ri! 

Sømltøpitef  chapter.    -firte  cathedral. 

$  o  m  tør  n  cathedral  choir. 

Sømnubag  c  the  day  of  judgment,  fdoomsday. 
Sømnubagd|arteibe  endleas  work.  -flag  stun* 
ning  blow,  stunner.    -øejr  judgment  weather. 

Sømmer  c  e  judge;  (i  ttoebbejmb)  adjudicator; 
(i  (Jritfet  o.  1.)  umpire;  -en  el.  -ne  (mobf.  Surtjen) 
the  Bench;  -ne«  9jøg  the  Book  of  Judges.  -eb 
judiclal  oath.  -emfteoe  office  of  a  judge.  -tøet* 
jndicature.  -falb  vocation  of  a  judge.  -magt 
judiclal  power,  -mine  Judiclal  air.  -PtabS 
judges'  box.  -pligt  duty  as  a  judge.  'pal  win- 
ning-post,  betting-post.  -rettigljcb  fe  Somtret. 
-ftønben  the  Bench.  -føærb  sword  of  a  judge. 
•førbe  judgment  seat. 

Sømpap  [6]  c  -per  bullflnch,  Pyrrhnla. 

Søntpengc  pi  Judge's  fees. 

Sømproøft  e  dean. 

fSømring  c  Judgment-ring. 

SømØaft  c  copy  of  a  sentence. 

*Somfal  c  court-room. 

Sontlflarnlng  concluaion  of  a  sentence.  -ftcb 
place  where  a  court  is  held.  -fløl  tribunal;  bibl 
judgment- seat. 

Soam'ne  c  -r  (public)  domain,  crown-land. 

tSøvø't  e  accidence. 

Sønøtio'n  e  -er  dona'tlon. 

Sønøn  e  the  Danube.  •fttrftenbømmerne  the 
Danubian  principaliUes. 

Søve  c  -r  snare,  gin.  -fangft  snaring  (of  birds). 
«fH  line  el.  series  of  snares. 

»Soning  c  implements,  tools. 

Sø*Iett|mafHne  donkey  engine.  -pumpe  don- 

Sø'nfraft  o  -er  jack-screw;  (SRatroSubtr.)  Jack 
-tn  the-box.    SøatraftSfartøj  dumb-craft. 

+Soiraeinør£  fe  Sunfcmmer. 

rSøttsev,  Sonnert,  c  f  brick  in  one's  hat. 

Sønner*  adv  f  ■.  tale  -  til  en  blow  one  up. 

Sønønigø  tiff  a  quixot'ic. 

Sønff  a :  be  -e  ftofatter  the  Don  Cossacks. 

Søttt  c  task,  business,  work;  paftfe  fin  -  mind 
one's  business. 

Sø>,  -frø,  fe  Sup,  Supfto. 

•Sør  fe  Som.  -c  vt  punch;  -  op  put  a  fld  into. 

Sørø'be  c  -r  dorado,  Coryphcena  hippuru$. 

Sorø  c  trolllng  line.    -e  øs  troll. 

Sort  er  c  Dorlan.    -fl  a  Dor'lc,  Do'rlan. 

Søriå  c  sea-lemon,  doris. 

»Søerne  w"  doze. 

Sør*  [6]  c  punch. 

Sorft  a  indolent,  sluggish,  slothful,  dull, 
torpid.  Sørffje  vt  k  i  ldle.  .lyeø  o  indolence, 
dullneøs,  etc. 

Sørtbe  Dorothy. 

SøfU  e  -fer  dose. 

X>ø toner  c  -e  dunce,  dolt.  -øgtig  a  stupid. 
-agtigbeb  c  dullness,  stupidity.  -Qoøeb,  -panbe 
booby,  noodle,  blockhead.    -febbel  f  reminder. 

So8fe  ring  c  -er  sloping. 

*Sø't  e  »port  death,  death  halloo;  intet  j  mort! 

*Søt'  c  -ter  tuft,  handful;  dough-face,  fellow 
without  backbone. 

$ot|øiio'tt  c  -er  endowment.    -e're  vt  endow. 

Sø'tfup  c  dram  in  celebration  of  the  death. 

$øu*|  le  (Sføift)  double  game.  -Ié'  o  double. 
-le  re  vt  &  %  double;  thøat  under-study;  «£,  . 

fjenben  double  upon  the  enemy.  -let'  c  -ter 
uplicate;  (©øfifc)  double-barrelled  gun.  -ion  c 
-'er  doubloon. 

Soiice  a  soft,  gentle. 

2>oncenr  c  -et  (<Baøe)  gratuity;  (^Belønning) 

Søøen  [aa]  o  lazy,  ldle,  slothful,  sluggish; 
(pi  o.  b.)  flat,  stale,  vapid.  -øøe  loris,  Stenop*. 
-btjr  sloth,  ÉradypuB.  -fugl  jacamar,  Gaibvla. 
-b,eb  e  flatness  etc.  -trop,  -(ard  F  lasy  dog, 
sluggard.  Søøen flal  c  sloth,  laziness.  Sonne 
vi  (brioe)  ldle,  loll,  lounge;  (Dliøe  boden)  become 
flat  el.  stale;  *(otn  SHrm  el.  Søen)  be  asie  ep. 

^Soønina  c  -er  meeting  of  neighbours,  to  get 
some  job  done  in  a  hurry,  (amr)  bee. 

Søtølad  n  dowlas. 

Sos^oøeb  ^  fe  Sobftljobeb. 

Sraøbe  c  -r  drop;  en  -  i  tabet  a  drop  in  the 
bucket.  tSraøøe  vt  drop.  -falb  dropping,  drip- 
ping,  trickling,  drip.  -fløfre  vlal.  -flbbenbe  a 
liquid.  -formet,  -formig  a  droplike.  -plettet  a 
guttate.  -ffilfelfe  form  el.  shape  of  drops,  -tal : 
i  .  in  drops,  drop  by  drop.  -Hlftanb  liquidity. 
-tfltOer  dropping-tube  el.   glass.   -øi*  adv  fe  -tal. 

-t-Sraaøjfalb  fe  Sraabe-.  -fri  a  free  from  drip 
el.  dropping.  -Kar  vessel  for  receiving  drops. 
•renbe  fe  Xagrenbe.    -rør  spout.    -tag  coping. 

SraB  n,  pi  ss,  manslaughter,  homicide. 

Srabant'  c  -er  halberdler,  yeoman  of  the 
guard;  cont  myrmidon;  a$tr  satellite. 

Sraletig  a  doughty,  tremendous,  p  woundy. 

Sra'ødløøberpl  fine  for  manslaughter.  -manb 
homicide,  manslayer.  -fag  sult  for  manslaughter. 
-fleb  place  of  a  homicide. 

Srag  n,  pi  =,  (Xraf)  pul l,  tug;  (af  9cet)  draught, 
haul;  (61qq)  blow,  stroke;  (af  Cigar)  wbiff,  puff; 
(i  SøømnJ  stroke;  ^  slatch  (of  wlnd);  back 
•sweep,  surf;  (©taft  af  &)  handle;  *  fe  Xræf; 
+(paa  Irøretøj)  shafts;  t  isthmus,  portage;  tømme 
i  eet  -  drink  at  a  draught.  -baanb  &  axle-tree 

Srage,  broø,  braget  vt  draw,  pull,  drag;  t  = 
Xopetfere;  —  vi  go,  pas«,  march,  move;  en  -n 
Sabel  a  drawn  sword;  ~  et  Sut  draw  el.  fetch  a 
sigh;  -  (Barnet  draw  the  net;  ©terne  ~  honning 
the  bees  draw  el.  extract  honey;  -  en  Slutning 
draw  a  concluslon;  ~  9(anbe  draw  one's  breath; 
.af,  fe  ttfbrage,  -  ^forbel  af  derive  ad  van  tage 
from;  -  af(Steb)  set  out;  -,  bort  go  away,  leave; 
vt  fe  Oortbrage;  ~  efter  follow;  -  nt  efter  flg 
draw  st  on,  lead  to  st;  fe  Omforg;  .  fra  deduct; 
~  fra  fjinanben  draw  asunder;  fe  S  rem  brage;  . 
$en  til  go  to,  leave  for;  -  i  Xøiøl  call  in  que- 
stion;  ~  i  felten  take  the  fleld;  .igennem  pass 
through,  traverse;  -  inb  i  enter:  vt  fe  ^nbbroge; 
-  o  øer  blow  over;  vt  cross;  ♦  (Jvlceber)  paa  put 
on;  -  flg  en  Ulbtfe  paa  $a(fen  bring  mlschief  on 
one's  own  head;  *-  ftenbfel  paa  recognize;  .til 
RegnfJEab  call  to  aeccount;  -  til  fifl  attrået;  .til' 
bage  retire,  retreat;  -  ub  march  out,  sally  forth; 
vt  fe  ZraRe  $en:  ~  en  ^eramelia^eb  ub  af  en  draw 
el.  worm  a  secret  from;  —  Brage*  dep  fight, 
quarrel;  -  meb  be  amicted  wlth;  .  meb  Søben 
be  in  the  last  agoni  es. 

Srage  o  -r  (Sor)  dragon;  =  -ftib;  (fiegetøj)  kite; 




(ttebn.)  kite,  life-kite;  flb&enbe  .  (fiuftfbn)  bolis; 
fætte  -r  op  fly  kl  tes  -agtig  a  dragonish.  -»lob 
dragon's  blood.  -blobStrtt  dragon- tree  Draeæna 
draoo.  -bl}ttfe  tarragon,  dragon's  wort,  Artemuia 
dracuncuiua.  -bttffc  propitious  fairy.  -fifl  dragon 
-flsh,  Pegwma  droco.  •Qøbeb  (ogf.  plante,  Draco- 
cepkalum.  oø  røfl,  A'oonxzna  draeo)  dragon's  head. 

$rag|elfe  c  bias,  bent,  leaning.  -enbe  a  attrac- 
tive,  irresistlble. 

brager  c  -e  porter;  arch  traverse-beam,  sommer, 
-aag  yoke.  -w«,  -penge  porterag©,  -fefe  porter's 
braces.    -ffong  porters  pole. 

$rage|fltb  ship  of  war  with  a  dragon's  head 
on  the  stem.  -flængninger  worm-ornaments. 
•fæb  fe  -tænbet. 

t$raget  a  (om  ftbag)  broad-striped  el.  streaked. 

$rage|tombcr  dragon's  teeth.    -«rt  fe  -bbnfe. 

2>ro  ø |  bjnl  water- wheel,  -fifle  chest  of  drawers. 
•fnnbe  running  knot.  *-to?m  handcart.  ••not 
fe  -oob. 

Xraøo'tt  c  -et  dragoon;  fe  (Elbraoon.  -»abe  o 
-t  dragonnade.  -officer  officer  in  the  dragoons. 

S  mg  |  rem  ridge-band.  *-fn/  -fng  surf  (on  a 
flat  snore),  sucklng  motion  of  the  wavee. 

$ragt  c  -er  (©brbe)  load,  burden;  (fttæbntnø) 
dress,  garb,  costume,  (tjel)  sult  of  clothes;  en  - 
$rbøl  a  sound  thrashing;  -er  (paa  $f&)  heel(s). 

Sra'gtift  fe  rølootift. 

Sragrntaler  c  costume-palnter. 

$ragtob  n  rope  for  haullng  el.  hoistlng. 

SragtbiS  adv  in  loads,  by  the  load. 

Sragtøj  n  harness. 

$ragtt'n  fe  (Etbraøon. 

TOra'gbob  n  drag-net,  sweep-net. 

2)raine  o.  fL,  Drolfine  fe  $tæ-. 

tital  imp  af  Stifte. 

Srafnte  c  -t  drachm,  drachma. 

Srato'niff  a  draconlan. 

1>rar  n  twist  (of  a  rifle). 

$ram'  c  -me  dram. 

X>rama  »  -mer  drama.  -'Hier  c  -e  dramat'ic 
author.  -tife're  vt  dram'atize.  -'tiff  a  dramat'- 
ic(al).  -tnrgi'  c  dram'aturgy.  -tar'gtff  a  drama- 

$ranf  c  (fBcrøne)  gralns,  dletiller's  wash;  fe 
Sutter  c:  p  Kart  fotn  .  as  clear  as  mud. 

Sranfer  c-e  drunkard,  inebriate,  toper,  drinker, 
tippier.  -galffa*  delirium,  -nirfc  tippler's  el. 
drunkard's  nose,  portwine-nose. 

$rap'  n  drab. 

titapa  c  &  n  herolc.  laudatory  poem. 

Sraple're  vt  drape,  hang  (with  drapery).  -eri' 
n  -et  drapery. 

2>raPba*re  c  oat-grass,  Avena  elattor. 

DraWff  c  drastlc;  fio  strong(-flavoured),  racy. 

t$rat'  «  scrap,  slop,  little  bit;  —  int  slap-bang ! 
crash !  -fingret,  -Ijanbet,  Dratteborn  a  butter 
-flngered.    Sratte  vt  &  i  drop. 

*$ra«g  c  -et  bogie,  sprite,  »o  drow,  kelpie. 

$rab  n  fe  $ranf;  Soen  bwmmet  om  -  the 
dreams  of  cata  are  always  about  mlce. 

Sraba't  c  thunder-gust,  sudden  gale  (and  the 
hard  work  in  consequence). 

Sra'øfar  n  mash-tub. 

♦krable  o  curds. 

Sra'øtrng  n  mash-trough,  plg-trough. 

•$rei  c  p  blow. 

»reje  vt  turn;  t  —  #am;wA  (tegne*)  count, 
run;  Jan  fotftaat  at  -  fine  Dtb  he  knows  how 
to  twist  and  turn  his  words;  -  en  en  Rnap  f 

Sill  one;  -  af  turn  asfde,  4,  bear  away;  -  af 
eien  strike  off  from  the  road;  -  ot  A  bring  to; 
.  talen  $en  boa  turn  the  conrøsation  upon;  _ 
om  &  round,  double;  -  om  tlnuttam/OM 
corner;  -  3fcølen  om  turn  the  key;  -  til  »inben 
^  haul  the  wlnd,  come  to;  -  til,  fe  «  bt;  stnben 

bar  -t  fifl  the  wind  has  shifted,  veered;  .  ftg 
om  (oøf.  fig)  turn  upon;  forben  -t  flø  om  ftn  Vfle 
the  earth  revolves  on  lts  axis;  -  fifl  om  paa  $alen 
turn  round  on  one's  heel;  Samtalen  -r  fta  om . . 
the  con  versa  tion  turne  upon . . .;  om  bette  ^untt 
alene  -t  6b«tøftmaalet  flg  the  question  hinges  on 
this  single  point;  bet  -t  fig  om  tybottribt  the  que- 
stion is  whether.  -bjalte  draw-beam.  -bro 
swing-bridge,  turn-bridge.  -one  drill  bow. 
•iawt  fe  $tefer-.  -far  revolving  light,  -tunge 
fe  ftattufel.  -|age  (»tejn.)  hook-tool.  -l>al*  > 
»enbe-.  -J«r«  tumer's  chisel.  •Umon  swivel 
-gun.  •fnnft  art  of  turning.  -{nb^el  revolving 

Sreiel  n  -et  diaper.  huckaback. 

Srejelab n turninglathe, turn-bench.  Stciettg 
a  revolving.    2>refemafH«e  self-acting  lathe 

Srejer  c  -t  turner,  j,  heaver,  (Weberb.)  laying 
hook.  -arbejbe  turnerB  work.  -barat  fe  Stejelab. 

Sreferei  A  Ue»  tve-  "W  hltcn  on  tae  bl^ht 
round  a  yard. 

2>reier|bnanbbcerf  turner's  tråde  el.  craft. 
•Itere :  fætte  i  -  apprentice  to  a  turner,  -lorling 
turner's  apprentice.  -mefter  masrer  turner, 
-fbenb  Journeyman  turner. 

DrejernHe  c  ferrule,  ferril. 

a>rejerȾrffteb  n  turner's  workshop. 

Srefelftibc  (paa  3farnbanen)  turn-plate,  -table, 
turning-platform;  ($ottem.)  pallet;  fe  8cettefjsl. 
•fff^lp  turning  gouge.  -fbaaner  turnings.  -\pt\t 
cneval-glass.  -fpfela  rotary  val  ve.  -ftaal  turn'ers 
tools.  -ftift  screw-arbor.  -fiol  turning  chair; 
fe  -lab.  -flige  turn-sick,  staggers,  sturdy.  •taorn 
revolving  turret. 

2>reii  fe  Steiel. 

Drefning  c  -et  turn,  turning,  rotation.  — 
Srcfttingdlobparat  turning  gear.  -^atiglyeb  ro- 
tatory  veloclty.  -lob  (for  winb)  law  of  gyration. 
•moment  momentum,    •pnnlt  fulcrum. 

Xttna  c  -e  boy,  (ftørte)  lad;  t  &  •  (servant) 
man;  (Scetebtenø)  apprentice;  gamle  -  old  boy: 
ba  jeø  bat  .  when  (I  was)  a  boy;  fto  -  af  from 
a  boy;  jeg  t>il  itte  bære  Sete«  .  I  won't  be  your 
fag.  —  2>remge|aat  boyish  years,  years  of  boy 
hood;  ftaa  fine  .  ub  serve  el.  serve  out  one's 
apprenticeship  el.  time.  -agtig  a  boyish,  puerile, 
•aøttøfjeb  c  boyishness,  puerillty.  -albere«  boy- 
hood.  -ariefbe  boy's  work.  »vant  male  child. 
-b,am;  fom  lige  Ijctt  ffubt  -men  who  has  just  cut 
his  eye-teeth,  budding,  -foab^eb  boyish  wan- 
tonness  el.  petulance.  -flabet  boy's  clothes. 
•leg  boy's  play.  *-Un  servant-man's  wages. 
-fffnne  A,  pre venter  plate.  -ffole  boys'  school, 
school  for  boys.  -ftemme  boy's  volce.  -frreg 
boyish  trick  el.  prank.  -frue  servant's  hall. 
•fb^be  boy's  whip.  ->a?e!  boy's  work.  *2)renø' 
fatt  old  bachelor. 

*$refg  e  -et  sult  (of  clothes).    -Uf  miiting. 

$re*f|e're  vt  traln,  (notml.  Solbater)  drill;  -t 
Sælb,unb  (0.  1.)  performing  seal.  -e'rtng,  -n'r  e 
trainlng,  drill. 

Sreb  imp  af  Stibe. 

»reb'  n,  pi  «,  (^iul)  plnion:  *(««rl)  oakum; 
♦snow  storm;  *§port  beaten  pi.  *-b»t  plece  of 

treben  a  expert,  versed.    -b^eb  c  expertness. 

a>ren|fll  pinlon  file.  *-frog  ^  rave-hook. 
0-mab  ^  shakings.  -ftaal  plnion  wire.  -frot 
trundle-stafif.   -tanb  leaf  el.  tooth  (of  a  plnion). 

Srift  c  -er  instinct,  impulse.bent,  incllnation; 
(Dtibning)  working,  conduct,  management,  Con- 
trol, economy;  (ftoaø)  drove;  t  «  ©ebrift:  øeol 
drift;  4,  drift,  («fbrtft)  lee-way;  af  egen  -  of 
one's  own  accord  el.  free  will,  unbidden;  goo  i 
~^go  a  drift;  fatte  i  -  set  a  golng;  i  fulb  . 
In  full  work;  b^an  flbbet  i  dot  •  he  has  an  ezten- 




sive  business,  much  upon  his  bands;  bringe  Sforb 
i  -  put  land  in  a  state  of  culti vation;  bet  er 
ingen  -  i  (am  he  has  no  energy,  enterprise,  go. 

$rifre  vt  winnow. 

°$>rifte|bønbe  owner  of  „fcriftefæ",  drover.  -f« 
tstray  bea*t;  *(drove  of)  cattle  fattened  on  tbe 
mountain  pastures. 

$rifte|f  otb  winnowing  sleve,  -tr*ø  winnowing 
trough.    -borrt  winnowing  machine. 

driftig  a  active,  stirring,  driving,  pushing, 
enterprislng.  -beb  c  activity;  fe  ftlrbeibfombeb, 

2)rifttompa*  *  drift-eompass  et.  -quadrant. 

Sriftåfaar  business  year.  -befaret  manager; 
traffic  manager,  -formue  fe  -topitat,  -B)ensaieliø' 
(eb  trade-secret.  -berre  employer.  -infpettor 
Oerrnb.)  inspector  of  the  plant  and  rolling  stock. 
•Jorb  land  under  tillage,  -(opital  stock,  capital 
(for  carrying  on  a  business),  trading  capital. 
-1«**  business  loan.  -maabe  mode  of  husbandry. 
-materiel  rolling  stock.  -omf  ofrninøer,  -ubøtfter 
working  expenses.  -øøerflnb  net  profits,  -rib 
time  when  land  is  in  tillage. 

$rtf*  c  -fe  drink,  draught,  beverage;  ($anbl.) 
drinking;  ftanrfe  -fe  (ardent)  spirlts,  spirituoua 
liquore  førfalbe,  flaa  fig  til  -  take  to,  addlct 
one's  self  to,  drinking.  -f  fflbfg  a  given  to  drink, 
addicted  to  drinking.  -ffflbigqeb  c  drunkenness, 
addictedness  to  drinking,  addiction  to  drink, 

Srtlfe  c  drink.  Srttte,  brat,  bruffet  vt  drink; 
-  X«  take  tea;  .  et  ©la«  Sin  take  a  glass  of 
wine;  .  font  en  €>oamp  drink  like  a  flsh;  b,on  -r 
he  is  addicted  to  drinking;  -  en«  Staal  drink 
(to)  one's  heal  tb;  .  tæt  drink  hard  et.  deep;  - 
fiø  fiitb  get  drunk;  -  en  fulb  make  one  drunk; 
.af  friaften  drink  from  el.  out  of  the  bottle;  - 
bort  drive  away  by  drinking,  drink  downj  - 
flø  tb  i  el  klll  one's  self  with  drinking;  -  et  ØtaS 
m  eb  en  take  wine  with  one;  .op  ($enge)  spend 
in  drinking,  drink  out;  .oser  Xørften  take  a 
drop  too  much;  .paa  enø  ttelgaaenbe  drink  to 
one's  health;  -  flg  en  læring  paa  golfen  drink 
one's  self  into  a  consumption;  -  en  til  drink 
to  one;  .nb  drink  off.  -brøber pot-companion, 
toper.  -borger  drinking-cup,  goblet.  -fob  drink- 
ing-trough,  <£  grog-tub.  -fane  pot-companion. 
-fflbe  drinking-bout.  -glat  drinking-glass. 
-|ol  pump-room.  -bom  drinking-horn.  -tamp 
drlnking-match.  -far  drinking-vessel.  -tag 
drinking-bout.  $riffetia  a  drinkable.  $rifle< 
Itgtjeb  e  drinkableness.  Griffel  løft  love  of  drink- 
ing. -a  c  drinking.  -penge  consideratlon,  drink 
-money.  -ri'  *  (hard)  drinking.  -fang  drinking 
-song.  -felfTab  drinking-party.  -ffaal  drinking 
-bowl.  -ffittisg  fe  -penge,  -frue  tap-room.  -fng 
fe  fcriffatlbig.  -røge  passion  for  drink,  dipsomanla. 
-trmg  drinking- trough.  -baub  drinking  water. 
•navr  habit  of  drinking.  -barer  drlnkables. 
-bffe  drinking  song.  $ritninø  c  drinking. 
$m'o|fer  drink  offering. 

a>rit*  c  drlll,  Papio  teucopkevw. 

»rtt'  c   le  drlll. 

$rtl':  paa  .  on  purpose. 

$ril'agtiø  a  teaslng,  lrrltatlng.  -beb  c  bother. 

$ril|bør  drill.  -bue  drill-bow.  -barø  d.-har- 
row.  -fatinr  d. -husbandry.  Grifle  vt  (bore  og 
aør)  drill. 

fritte  vt  (plage)  tease,  irritate,  F  roast.  -pittb, 
♦pøfe,  -rc-t  teaser.  -ri'  n  -er  teaslng,  irritation, 
•fbg,  -børn  «  given  to  teaslng. 

zriftje  vi  paa  +rely  on,  trust  to;  vr  fig  tit  pre- 
Mirae,  dåre,  venture,  -iø  a  bold,  nardy,  daring, 
ltriacfous;  ø«re  fon  .  at  make  bold  to;  be  -fte 
ftoneursinger  the  most  sanguine  ezpectations; 
—  adv  bofdly;  fe  ©ooe.  -iøbeb  c  boldness,  hardi- 

Sarfen:  Sanff-Cnøetfl  Crbbøø. 

ness,  hardihood,  assurance,  darlngXness),  auda- 
citv,  terner! ty. 

$ri'ø|aat  fe  Øaatb-.  -afbe  driving  azle.  -rater 
floating  anchor;  drag-sail.  -beb  fordng  frame, 
hot-bed.    -bolt  punch,    -banf  fe  -beb. 

$ribe,  breø,  breøet,  vt  (beøcege,  ogf.  fio)  drive, 
(tøtnøe)  force,  impel,  (hin  fio)  urge,  prompt; 
(SReial)  chase;  (talfatte)  caulk;  (TOafhne)  work; 
—  vi  lounge,  saunter;  &  drive,  drift,  be  adrift; 
drag  the  anchor;  ffjaoe  ttfbrift)  have  lee-way; 
ber  er  brebet  et  fBrag  paa  Stranben  a  wreck  has 
drifted  et.  has  been  driven  ashore;  Sneen  -r  the 
snow  drifts;  -  et  $jul  o.  b.  move;  -  en  ®oarb 
manage  a  farm;  -  en  Øeftøftigelfe,  Stubter  pursue, 
follow,  carry  on  an  occupation,  studies;  -  en 
9toringtbej  carry  on  a  tråde,  business;  -r  betttbettg 
$anbel  og  ftaoritbtrtfombeb  is  largely  engaged  in 
tråde  and  manufactures;  -  ftetøter  force  piants; 
.  tiibt  carry  far;  .  bet  bibt  i  noget  make  a  great 
proficiency  in  sometblng;  -  af  vt  fe  ttfbrite;  vi 
slink  away;  J,  drift  off;  Sftjemc  _  af  @.  ®.  the 
clouds  are  drlfUng  from  the  S.  W.;  @oeben  -r  af 
barn  he  drips  with  perspiration;  -  Siben  bort 
while  away  the  time;  -r  for  ttnferet  drags  her 
anchor;  -  en  fra  en  Øaarb  ej  eet  one  from  a  farm; 
_  Si  en  ben  fra  fin  $oft  dislodge  the  enemy;  - 
frem  propel;  -  igennem  (egt.)  force  through;  . 
igennem  en  6igte  rub  through  a  sleve;  ban  bret> 
bet  igennem  he  carrled  his  point;  bet  i  meb 
tDampfraft  it  is  worked  by  steam  power;  .  noget 
meb  iitjfl  prosecute  a  thing  with  ardour;  -  Spot, 
6psg  meb  make  sport,  fun  of;  -  i  mob,  inb  paa 
drive  against,  foul;  .  inb  fe  3nbbrioe;  -  om  go 
idling  about;  -  ©ilbt  op  start  game;  -  $anb  op 
force  up  water:  -  noget  op  (paa  ttottion)  force 
up  the  price  of;  -  fagterne  op  raise  the  freights; 
Uoefret  -r  o  ber  the  storm  wlll  passover;  fio  tabe 
Uoejret  .  ooer  let  the  storm  blow  over;  .paa 
(en)  urge  on,  (nt)  hurry  on;  *-  paa  nt  be  occu- 
pied  el.  engaged  in;  .  paa  Bftugt  put  to  flight; 
.  et  ©aanb  paa  drive  a  hoop;  .  bet  til  ©talelærer 
attain  the  rank  of  a  schoolmaster;  -  bet  til  at 
ftaa  op  manage  to  get  out  of  bed:  .  tilbage 
drive  back,  repel,  repulse;  .  $iæt>teub  cast  out 
devlls,  exorcise;  bet  aaax  briøenbe  it  gæs  on 
swimmingly,  Uke  a  house  on  fire;  fym  bar  en 
-nbe  færing  he  has  a  brisk  tråde;  -nbe  ooab 
dripping  wet;  *-nbe  bbib  white  as  the  falling 
snow;  mere  breben  i  noget  1«  well  skilied, 
practised  in:  breøet  9lrbe)be  embossed  work, 
chasing.  a>ri»e  c  -r  drift,  -ambolt  fe  Srtaftof. 
-bro  fe  Sftbbebro.  -fieber  fe  35rio-.  -fegle  trlblet. 
-file  wedge.  -Nt  cement  for  chasing.  -fraft  fe 
25rio-.  -tHøfr  (Øulbfm.)  pitch-block.  -mibbet 
cathartic.  -n  c  driving  etc.  t-pnloer  purgative 
powder.  -bnnfel  chasing  chisel.  Xrtber  c  -e 
lounger,  idler;  (ftbffø«)  drover;  (Srlapj.)  beater, 
&  (Seil)  ring-tail.  fe  ft  al  fatter.  Srtoerbøm  ^ 
ringtail  boom.  Xriøeri'  n  -er  (Sriolni*)  hothouse, 
forclng-house;  (paa  ©aben  ofo.)  lounging,  saun- 
tering. Sribert  c  -er  idler.  Drittel  rum  ^  sea 
-room.  -bej  drift- way.  -borøt  weight  (for  im- 
pelling  machine  ry). 

1>ri'ø|fjeber  spring;  fio  incentivc,  spring  of 
action,  incitement,  motive,  impulse.  -fterøe 
flying-bridge.  -garn  drift-net.  -bommer  charing 
-hammer,  -bjnl  driving-wheel;  fio  motive  power. 
-bolt  setter,  frø  shooting- stick,  -bvb  forcing 
-house,  hothouse.  -bnSfmgt  forced  fruit.  -bn#' 
plante,  -bndøæfft  hot  house  plant,  -i*  drift-lce, 
floating  ice.  -Jarm  oaulking  iron.  -la#fe  (»artn.) 
forcing-frame;  (p.  $sr)  swing  centre,  -fraft 
movlng  power,  motive  power,  -maaf  (llrm.) 
plnlon  gauge,  -mnr  espalier  wall.  -ning  c 
driving  etc.  -obn  reflning  furnace.  -punfel  fe 
Sriøe-.    -re«  driving  strap,  driving  belt,  wheel 




-band.  -font  drift  sand.  -fat*  bursting  charge. 
-feJC  drag-sail.  -ffrae  A  screw,  screw-propeller. 
-ffla  scud,  rack.  -fadt  drivlng-cord.  -ffcang  con- 
nectlng  rod.  -flof  chasing  ttake,  case-stake. 
-tap  punch,  -tror  wooden  setter.  -tømmer 
drift  ttmber,  floatlng  tlmber.  -Haato  n  trawl-net. 
-øoafe  a  dripplng  wet.  -»eb  drift  wood.  -bærbtg 
a  worth  worldng  el.  carrying  on.  -bær!  ma- 

Drøg  imp  af  Drage. 

Drag  [aa]  n,  pf  =,  good-for-nothlng,  useless 

krogben  the  Grounds. 

Drog«  |  er  faa],  -eri'aorer  pi  dragB.  -et  » 
drttg'get.    -iffc'  o  -et  drug'gist. 

Drømeba'r  c  -et  drom'edary. 

tDrømnnb  c  large  snip  of  war. 

Drøne  c  -t  drone,  -celle  d.  oell;  -r  d.  comb. 
-fag  killing  of  the  drones. 

Dronning  c  -et  queen;  -en*  JttMitter  J,  the  port 
watch;  gøre  til  .  (Staf)  queen;  Ballet*  .  the 
belle  of  the  ball.  -bønben  the  Queen'i  pawn. 
-Itjrfe  change  of  queens.  Dronninglig,  -mæøfig 
a  queen-like,  queenly.  -jUjett  (Stat)  the  Queen" s 
side.  -HiS :  paa  -  in  a  queenly  manner.  -btnb 
wind  right  aft. 

Dronte  o  dodo,  Didu»  inep*. 

♦Droøler  pi  dapples.    Drøftet  a  dapple. 

Dragt  pi  drops. 

Drøfte  ø  -t  cab,  fly,  fourwheeler,  f  growler. 
•teft  cab-horse.  -Ijølbebtab*  cab-stand.  -fnfl 
cabman.  -tatøt  cab  fkre(s),  (tttjft)  table  el.  book 
of  (cab)  fares. 

Drø&fet  c  -*let  thrush,  Turdu*.  -fangft  catch- 
ing  (of)  thrushes.  -tla*  throttle-valve.  -maftine 
fe  -fiol.  -fanger  reed-sparrow,  Sylvia  anmdinacea. 
-ftøl  throstle-frame.  -ftfltt  rose-coloured  grackle, 
Pattor  roteu». 

tDrøft  e  -er  Lord  High  Constable. 

Drat'  e  -ter  poet  lord,  klng. 

Drne  c  -r  grape;  (poa  ftanon)  button,  grape, 
-agtig  a  resembiing  a  grape,  botryoidal.  -bløb 
juice  of  the  grape,  -iør  wimble.  -brænbebtn 
brandy,  cognac,  -»orr  grape.  -bojle  art  neck 
•ring.  -eg  chestnut  oak.  -førmig  a  grapelike. 
-fttlb  a  covered  with  grapes,  -lyaget  grape-shot. 
•tyltft  art  neck.  -btnbe  uveous  coat.  -Ijbacint 
grape-hyacinth,  Eyacinthu*  botryoide*.  -Ijttlb 
red-berried  mountain  elder,  Sambucut  raexmoea. 
-løft  vintage,  -font  grape-stalks.  -ferne  grape 
-stone.  -ttrrel  conglomerate  gland.  -?laf  e  cluster 
of  grapes,  -for  grape-cure.  -ttoaS  hxuks  of 
pressed  grapes,  -lange  &  neck-sling.  -møfl 
unfermented  wlne,  must.  -manfe  bane-berry, 
Actcea  tpicata.  -orm  yine-fretter,  vine-grub, 
Eumolpu*  vitit.  -&fofter  grape-gatherer,  vintager. 
•røblnS  phylloxera.  -fofi  juice  of  the  g.  -flint' 
mel  grape-mould,  Botrytis  vulgari:  -ffab  grape 
-shot.  -farit  spirit  of  wlne.  -frilf,  -ftængel 
grape-stalk.  -fnffer  sugarof  grapes,  grape-sugar, 
glucose.  -fbam*  vine-mildew,  Oidium  Tuekeri. 
-fønlft  grape-swelling.  -tøre  racemic  acid.  -øalfe 
to  botryllus.  -ntø  adv  in  clusters,  in  the  form 
of  grapes. 

Drnt'ber  pi  Dru'ids. 

Drotten a drank  (præbitat), drunken (attribut.), 
tipsy,  intoxicated,  (disguised)  in  liquor,  the 
worse  for  liquor;  -  af  ©læbe  intoxicated  with 
joy;  Ijalb'  -  half  drunk,  nearly  intoxicated,  half 
seas  over;  britfe  flg  -  get  drunk;  naat  ban  bar  - 
in  his  drink,  -lølt  drunkard.  -bibri!  tosspot. 
+-$eb  b.  f.  f.  -flan  e  drunkenness,  intoxication, 
inebriation.    Druffet  *up  af  Drille. 

Drnfne  vt  drown;  vi  be  drowned;  -be  pi 
drowned  persons;  ben  -c  ej  fora  bængeft  f!al  he 
who  is  born  to  be  hanged  will  never  be  drowned; 

fe  tytlmjrraa.   -b,n8  morgue.  Drnfning  c  drown- 

Drommønbfl  &b*  Drammond-light. 

Dronte  vi  lag,  lofter,   -r  c  -c  lagger,  loiterer.  -rom  druse. 

Drofer  c  Druse. 

Drtoa  be  c  -t  Dry'ad. 

*Drttg  a  fe  Dtøf. 

DrW  c  -per  og  n,  pi  «,  drop,  drip.  -ning  c 
dripplng.    -nirfet  «  snlvelling,  snivelly. 

Drb^be  vi  &  t  drip;  .  en  6teg  baste  a  roaet 
-øab  drop-bath.  -fab,  -panbe  dripplng  pan. 
•Ife,  -it  c  dripping  etc.  -rt  e  -et  clap,  gonorrhea. 

Drtjp  | renbe  gutter,  -flag  one  beat  of  the  dram. 
-ften  stalactite.    -ootrt  drylng-house. 

DrttØfe  vt  sprinkle;  vi  drop  d.  ML  (in  small 
particles).    t-fle  fe  Strø.. 

tDr«  oi  flower,  be  in  flower.  Dr«  c  flower- 
ing  (8eason,  «*p  of  the  rye),  florescence. 

Dræb  | e,  -te,  -t  vt  kill,  slay,  put  to  death;  - 
meb  ©nat  bore  to  death  with  talking;  .  Siben 
kill  time;  -nbe  mortal,  deleterious,  fio  tiresome. 
-er  c  -e  fe  DtaMmanb;  &  norman.  +-ning  c 

Drarg'  c  -at  &  grapnel,  oreepen,  drag.  -ge 
vi  drag.    -flør  claws  of  a  grapnel. 

tDrægt  c  -et  rfinlb)  litter;  (gort)  tmpetus. 

Drørgrig  a  with  young;  &,  (fom  (a^er  gobt) 
burdensome;  100  Don*  .  of  100  tons  barden. 
-tjeb  c  state  of  belng  with  young;  tonnage, 

Drsgtob  n  ^  grapnel-rope. 

tDrane  vi  hum,  buzz. 

tDrflfttle.  *-e  te  vt  drain.  -fog,  -erfog  c  drain 
ing.    -eringdMt  fe  Dwentøt. 

tDtøtning  c  fe  Dræ. 

tDr«nr|e  vt  tread.  -stag  c  treadlng;  (i  ttfg) 

Dr«'n|r#r  draln(ing)-tile  el.  -plpe.  -øanb  drain 

tDræ^eriobe  fe  Dræ  c 

Dræflne  c  -t  velocipede;  (3«rnb.)  troUy. 

Drat'  ekn  (grifte-)  dranght,  haul,  take;  (Søber) 
linlng;  OBoone  o.  I )  draught;  fe  Cpbtat. 

tDrærib  fe  Dræ  o. 

-n  c,  -ri'  n  drawL    -»be, 

Drætte  vt  line. 

Dræbe  vi  drawl. 
-øorn  o  drawling. 

Drøbel,  Drøbel  c  -et  uvula;  (Dm».)  throUle 
•valve.  .falb  relaxation  of  the  uvula.  -ncntii 
fe  Drøbel. 

Dr*ft|e  vt  inquire  into,  sift,  canvass,  talk 
over,  compare  notes  on;  fe  Drifte.  -elfe,  -ning 
c  -et  inquiry,  sifting  etc. 

Drøf  a  (fbær)  substantial,  large,  heavy,  stout; 
(fom  ræRer  langt)  that  goes  a  long  way;  (følelig) 
hard,  smart;  ftge  en  -e  Dtb  ose  strong  language 
to  one;  et  -t  Vrbeibe  a  tough  piece  of  work. 
Drøfbe  o  heaviness,  stoutness;  ^an  bar  bet  i  -n 
he  makes  up  in  breadth  for  what  he  lacks  in 
helght.  Sr^Jf  v*  &  *  make  a  thing  go  far;  go 
a  long  way.  Drøjelfe  c :  bet  et  ingen  ~  i  it  gæs 
but  a  little  way.  Drøfb^eb  e  substantiality; 

Dram'  c  -me  dream;  i  -me  in  a  dream,  in  my 
dreams;  Itgefom  i  -me  like  one  in  a  dream; 
-menrft  £anb  dreamland;  oaagne  -me  day-dreams. 

Dramme,  -te,  -t  vi  dream,  be  in  a  dream; 
btøm  bebageligt!  pleasant  dreams  to  you. 

Dramme|agtig  a  dream-like.  -biOeb  vision, 
phantasm.  -Bøg  book  of  oneiromancy,  dream 
ing  book.  -fri  a  dreamless.  -fog!  white-backed 
barbet,  Chdidoptera  tentbrofa.  Afytm  fe  -berbcn. 
-H-Iøtr  a  fond  of  dreaming.  -liø  dream-life.  -la* 
a  dreamless.  -n  e  dreaming.  -abe  a  dreamy.  -r 
c  -e,  -rffe  c  -t  dreamer.    -rt'  n  -et  reverie,  dav 




-dream,  -rige  fe  -Derhen,  Drommeriff  o  dreamy. 
DrommelfpiT  fe  -bærf.  -fplub  chimera.  -fru 
vision,  -taoge  mistiness,  dreaminess.  -tanter 
reverie.  •tilftaub  dreamy  state  of  mind.  -tuber 
c  -e  interpreter  of  dreams,  oneirocritic.  -tyberi 
h,  -tybuiug  interpretation  of  dreams,  onelro- 
mancy.  +-oaubrer(ffe)  fe  6øbngamger.  -tterbeu 
dream-land.    -Uørr!  vision. 

Drompel  c  -pier  J,  npper  (port-)sill. 

Drøn  n>,  jtf  »  boom.    Drøne  vi  boom. 

drønnert  c  -er  drone,  slnggard. 

Drøfe  vi  dawdle.  -pinb  dawdle,  dawdler.  -rt' 
n  dawdling.    -børn  a  dawdling. 

Dr*u  11  end;  tygge  -  chew  the  cad,  rnminate; 
.fø  harp  (paa  on). 
Dr*»et  fe  Drøbel. 
+Dr*oelfe  fe  ©ebrøbelfe. 
Drøvle  vt  (Drap.)  throttle  (the  steam). 

Dr*'0|  tygge  vt  rnminate;  fiø  harp  on.  -tyg- 
genbe  a  rumlnating,  raminant,  cud-chewing. 
•tagger  e  -e  ruminant,  cud-chewing  animal. 
-ttoggeri'  *  harping.  -tygget  a  ru  min  at  ed;  fa 
hackneyed,  often  repeatéd.  -tygning  c  chewing 
the  cud,  rnmlnation. 

Df&igatat  c  dziggetai,  Eqmu  kemionus. 

Dftiiugiøtau  Genghis  Khan. 

t>u  pron  pen  (i  tøtibelig  talt,  i  ©ibelen,  af 
ftpceferne  og  prov)  thou;  olm.  you;  bu  .  .  .  felb 
thou  . . .  thyself;  you  . .  .  yourself;  bu  gobe  (øub ! 
irreat  heavensl 

Da«l|iØ  c  the  dual  number.  -tø'ute  c  du'al- 
ism.  -ift'  e  -er  du'alist.  -Ht'if!  a  dualist 'ic. 
-tte't  c  dual'ity. 

*Duifce  in  nod;  fe  ftniWe. 

♦Dnbbel  a  fe  &l«Moli. 

Dnbbel.  Dublet  o.  fl.  fe  Don«. 

Dubtø'8  o  doubtful. 

Dut-ulm  6VM  mandrakes. 

tDttbe  c  darnel,  Lotium  tcmulentum. 

tDubelfaf  c  fe  6affepibe. 

Dub«  fe  Dronte. 

Due  m  be  good,  be  flt;  bet  -r  ifTe  tit  noget  it 
is  good  for  nothing,  f  it  is  no  good;  bet  -t  itte 
at  it  doesu't  answer,  it  won't  do  to. 

D*e  c  -r  pigeon,  dove,  Gøfcmfa;  fpanft  -  runt. 
•agrig  a  dove-like.  -art  species  of  p.  -eiffer 
pigeon  fender,  -falf  fe  Sonore*.  -Hol  fllght  el. 
Ilock  of  pigeons,  -fob  pigeon-foot,  Oeranimm 
molU.  -fru øjfé  stew  of  pigeons,  -from  a  gentle 
as  a  dove.  -fuglene  the  columbidæ.  -tuf  pi- 
reon  house,  dove-cot.  -1jog  goshawk,  Astur  pa- 
lumbariut.  -I rammer  dealer  in  pigeons,  pigeon 
•lancier,    -htrreu  cooing  of  doves. 

Duel'  e  -let  da 'el  (paa  with). 

Duelig  a  flt.  apt,  able,  capable;  -  tit  flt  for, 
rapable  of.  -jet  c  fitness,  aptness,  ability,  ca- 
pability.    -bebfattefft  certiflcate  of  competency. 

Duellant'  c  -er  dn'ellist.  -le'rem  duel,  fight 
a  duel  el.  duels,  -le'ren,  •te'riug  c  duelllng. 
-'raferi  mania  for  duelllng. 

Dneatog  pigeon's  dang.  -par  palr  of  pigeons. 
-pøfr :  meb  -  by  carrier  pigeons,  -poftef  pigeon 
pie  -rebe  pigeon's  nest.  -ffubiofe  small  sca- 
tøous,  Scabtoøa  cotumbaria.  -ftttbntug  pigeon 
match,    -fag  fe  -bu*,    -fleg  roast  p. 

Dnrt'  e   ter  duet'. 

Duej'rroft  mlssel-throsh,  Turdu*  viicivoru*. 
•unge  young  pigeon,  -urt  willow-herb,  Epilo- 
Mnm;  fe  ftrebfø«;  <Øulbbu|I.    -arg  pigeon's  egg. 

Duft  o  -er  fragrance,  odour,  perfome.  Duft|e 
ri  exhale  odour  el.  fragrance;  bet  -be  af  Wofer 
•'here  was  an  odour  of  roses,  -c«  c  (exhalation 
rf  breath  of)  odour  el.  fragrance.  -eufee,  -fulb, 
~lg;,  -Hø  o  fragrant,  odoriferous,  balmy, 
Moroos.    -oanbrptlle  eont  sentimental  operetta. 

Dug  c  -e  cloth;  (Sejl)  canvas;  brebe  -en  spread 
the  cloth. 

Dug'  c  dew.  -braabe  dew-drop,  pearlofdew. 

Duge  vt  spread;  ^  -  op  bunt. 

•Duge  vi  fe  Due. 

Dng'lfalb  dew(-fall).  -fulb  a  dewy.  -ge  vt 
bedew;  vi,  impera  bet  -r  the  dew  is  falling. 

Dugge  vi  op  imob  Sinben  bibl  bear  np  into  the 

Dug|get  a  dewy.    -utaaler  drosometer. 

Dugmager  cloth- worker ,  clothier.  -fbenb 
clothier'8  joarneyman. 

Dug | torrie  fe  -braabe.  -pil  violet  willow,  Solix 
daphnotdf.  -Uttttft  dew-polnt  -robber  surfiice 
roots.  •robuiuø  dew-retting.  •flaaet  a  dewy, 
s  team  ed. 

tDn  gfbeub  c  sewer. 

Dugt  c  -er  strand. 

Dnglbaob,  -batbet  a  moistened  with  dew, 
bedew  ed. 

Duf'ottb  fe  Dbfanb. 

Dnfat  c  -er  duc'at.    -gulb  ducat  gold. 

Dutte  vt  duck,  plunge,  souse;  vi  (btjfte)  dive, 
.  frem  pop  out;  -  op  rise  to  the  suriaoe,  emerge, 
torn  up;  -  meb  $øbebet  stoop. 

Dufte  e  -r  (fiege<)  dolf;  (Wenneffefigur)  dummy; 
(SRarionet'  og  i  Drejerb.)  pappet;  ($iffe)  baluster; 
(Xraab>)  skeln;  vt,  (p.  ©angfpil)  drumhead.  DuKfe 
vt  wind  up  into  a  skeln,  -agrig  a  doll-like. 
•auflgt  doll's  face.  -lam,  -binebe  doll.  -bjem 
fig  doll's  house,  -b^oøeb  doll's  head.  -)m9  baby 
house,  doll's  house.  -leg  play  with  dolls. 
•mager  c  -e  doil-maker. 

Dufter  c  -e  fe  Dutfert;  unkumbi,  Cephalcput. 

Dultert  c  -er  F  i  header,  gioe  en  en  •  duck 
one;  tage  fifl  en  -  take  a  header. 

Duttelflao  press  for  doll's  cloth  es;  (^baaeliat 
Bærelfe)  snuggery.  -fbil  puppet-show.  -Wabl, 
-Uf  doll-finery;  (£egetøj)  toys,  baubles,  pi.  -Oogu 
doll's  perambulator. 

Dutnatfet  a  stooping,  poke-neck. 

Dut*  o  -er  head(-boyj,  captain;  (Sfolen*)  senior; 
-  i  fjerte  fttatfe  head  of  the  sixth. 

Dufølyotieb  d,  bull's  eye;  fe  Dobø*. 

Duffken  c  tuflk. 

Duft  fe  Dugt. 

Dulcia  n  c  -er  duldan'a;  kind  of  old-fiuhioned 

Dulgt  (part  af  Do(ge);  a  reserved. 

tDulb.ærbet  a  case-hardened. 

Dufle  p  c  -t  doxy,  trull. 

Dulme  vt  assuage,  allav,  soothe;  vi  abate,  sub- 
side, -u  c  abatement,  alleviation.  -uoe  a  sooth- 
ing.    +-r  e  soother. 

Dum'  a  stupid,  stolid;  (boarlig)  foolish;  fdull, 
dim;  .  Streg  folly,  foolish  prank;  ~  6nat  stuff. 
nonsense;  meget  -  a  great  fool;  -  not  til  at  fool 
enough  to;  bet  bar  -t  af  mig  at  1  was  foolish  to; 
ifte  faa  -t  not  half  bad;  itte  foa  -  fom  ban  fer  ub 
til  not  such  a  fool  as  he  looks;  t  (bibl)  -me  Pjne 
set  eyes. 

*Dttmbi*!be  e  -r  hamess  jingle,  slelgh-  el. 
sledge-bell.    -frouS  string  of  sleigh-bells. 

Dum|brifHg  a  fool  hardy,  rash.  -brifrigdeb  c 
fool-hardiness,  rashness.  -Ijeb  c  stupidity;  (bum 
@treg)  folly,  foolish  thing,  blunder.  +-fføg  a 
sage.  tDnmme  vt  dull.  Dnmmerlyoueb  n  fe 

°Duntu  e  fore-end,  bottom  of  a  sledge  el. 

Dump  a  (i  SIm.)  dull,  (tun  om  Stjb)  low,  hollow. 

Dnmp  c  thump,  plump,  -e  vi  thum^,  plump; 
f  (HI  9f»am.)  be  plucked  el.  ploughed;  •-•xr.  - 
en  ftanon  dip  a  gnn,  '    -  '  '.  * 

4Dnmpb.eb  c  dullness. 

+Dnmre  vi  roar,  rumble. 



100  Styb 

$ttm|riait  c  -er  fool,  dunderhead,  blockhead, 
loggerbead.  -ftølt  a  bumptious.  -ftøltteb  bump- 
tiousness.    -bigrig  a  consequentlal. 

Xtttt  c  og  n,  p/  =,  down.  -blobet  a  downy 
•leaved.    -støb  a  downy. 

SnnberØ  acto  F  :  tale  .  til  en  blow  one  up. 

$nnbre  vi  thunder,  rat  tie;  -  løft  (paa  Xromme) 
leather  away;  en  -nbe  Søgn  a  swinglng  Ile;  en 
-nbe  $ooebpine  a  splitting  headache.  -n  c,  $nnber 
n  rumbling  sound,  roar. 

$n'n|bbne  down-bed.  $sit|e  vt  make  downy. 
-et  a  downy.  -fiebet  downy  reather.  -fugl  blrd 
from  which  down  is  obtained.  -taaret  a  downy, 
pubescent.    -taget  a  having  down  on  the  chln. 

Sttnfjammer  reed-mace,  cat'stail,  Typha  toti- 

$unt  c  -e  stone  bottle  el.  jar;  (af  Xrte)  keg. 

2>nnl  n  &  c,  p/  s,  thump,  knock.  $ttttfc  trt 
&  i  thump,  knock;  vi  (om  fJutt  o.  1.)  throb. 

Xnntel  a  dark,  dlm,  obscure;  en  -  (Erinbring 
a  dim.  faint  el.  vague  recollection.  -blaa  a 
dark-blue.  -gran  a  dark-green  (o.  %).  -(eb  c 
darkness,  dimness,  (ogf.  conc)  obacurity. 

Xunlerqne  n  Dunkirk. 

*$tt'iiljebte  fe  Sunljammer. 

Xtt  nfraft  fe  fconrraft. 

+2>«ttfe  øt  thump. 

Xn'nlfeng  down  bed.    -flag  down. 

3>tt»ft  c  -er  vapour,  exhalation;  ($agD  dnst 
-shot;  -er  effluvia.  -bab  shower-bath.  2>nnft|e 
vi  (bort,  ub)  evaporate.  -fri  a  free  from  vapours. 
•fitlb  n  vaporous.  -Ijagl  dust-shot.  -bnl  pore. 
-frebi  atmosphere.  -moSfe  volume  of  vapour. 
•r*r  fe  (Em«,    -fflj  cloud  of  vapour. 

*$tt'U9ttr  n  place  where  down  is  gathered. 

$nø|be  cime  c  -r  twelfth.  -beeima'l«  duodec'I- 
mal.  -bej  c  (format  og  ©og)  dnodecimo  (12mo). 
-be&<  duodedmo.  -beAfbrfte  princellng.  -beftftat 
petty  state. 

$ttp'  c  -per  tack,  knob,  button,  (af  Ir«)  dowel, 
coak;  (i  ftompa«)  cap. 

*$«p'  n  nod;  curtsey. 

Stape're  vt  dupe,  lmpose  on. 

Supletøgang  c  duplex  escapement. 

2>npti!   c   fer  rejoinder.    -a't  n  -er  duplicate. 

Duplo,  in  .  in  dupUcate. 

2>ttpl*8  a  buttonless. 

*$ttppe  t*  dip  (bread  in  sauce  etc.);  —  vi  nod; 
fe  ftniffe.    $«ppe  c  dipping  sauce,  dip 

$up|pe  vt  stud  with  tacks.  -bet  a  knobbed, 
studded.    -flø  ferrule 

Xitr  c,  mw  major;  $  »ur  B  major;  F  tøa  »ber 
i  en  anben  -  change  ones  tone. 

*Xnr  c  roar  (low  thundering  noise).   3>nre  v% 

$nra'bel  a  du 'rable,  lasting. 

Surit  c  -fer  cock  pigeon. 

Sari  ad«  F  :  ~  igennem  straight  through;  løbe 
.  run  away.  -brebe«  a  wrant,  thorough(-paced). 
F$nrc»)  laiaytt8*eb  <>  Highness.  -to*  diarrhoea. 
-arte  vt  double-stitch.  -Hag,  -flager  punch;  fe 
SørW    -fnit  punching-machlne. 

Sitrra  c  durra.  Guinea  corn,  Sorghum. 

att'rltønart  major  key.    -treflasjg  m.  chord. 

Si:  Set  ®u«  øfl  -  lead  a  life  of  riot,  of 

re5?2iT  H«r#      mtb  en  say  thou  and  thee  to 

?U«h«!FSné   to?  on  te£ns  of  intlmacy  with 

SS?    -btøbe?  inlfmato  friend  (with  whom  one 

is  „au«-). 

info)  c  -er  douche. 

Støttet «.  *,*—■  ■«**• tram- 


DaMammerat  fe  $uØbrober. 

$«ff  |e#  -regne  m  drizzle.  -regn  drizzle,  mizzl 
ing  rain. 

*J)«ft :  iffe  en  -  not  a  particle. 

$nfør  fe  2)ouceur. 

Sttte,  btttte  vt  (fifle  bu  ril)  thou;  -  en  noget  paa     | 
father  something  on  one,  saddle  one  with.   •* 
c  thouing. 

Sttit«'bi|rer  pi  duum'viri.  -ra't  •  -<r  duum'- 

X»b|e  ^  w  pitch;  (fatte,  flampe  i  6øen)  send; 
—  vt  drive,  push;  .  an,  fe  fcnbube.  -ninø  < 

•Xttbf  n, 

J)t>ale  c  lethargy,  torpor;  (unarurttg,  magnetifl 
el.  be*l.)  trance;  ligge  i  -  (øgfaa  M  lie  dormant,    . 
(om  S)pr)  be  torpid,  falbe  i  -  become  torpid     I 
-bær  mandrake.     -brif  soporific.     -Hgaenbe  a 
lethargic.     -Hb  dormant  life.     -tib   season  of 
torpor.    -rMftanb  torpid  el.  dormant  state. 

Sbaff  a  dull,  indolent,  supine.  -teb  «■  dull 
ness,  indolence,  supinoness. 

Sbeil  e  fe  35oæl. 

$b«(e  vt  torry,  linger;  fig  -  beb  dwell  fup)on. 
•n  c  tarrying  etc.    +-r  o  loiterer,  lingerer. 

Sbiel,  Sbielg  c  &  mop. 

Sbølg  n  buckram. 

Sbttrg  c  -e  dwarf.    -agtig  a  dwarrlsh.    -omtt 
(øpe  busbbuck,  Cephalophua.   -btrt  dwarf-birch, 
Betula  nana.    -bønne  French  bean,   Pkatolu* 
comfftfua.     3>bsrgemaat    «dwarf-talk»,    echo. 
Sb«rgeba?I9t     dwarrlsh     growth.      ^bøtrgfalt 
merlln,    Falco    ceanlon.     -flagerma*    pipistrel 
Vetpertilio    pipistrel  lut.      -goad     whlte-fronted 
goose,  Aruer  erythropvi,    -glente  harpy,  CSrcv* 
æruginotuM.    -gren  stunted  branch.    -vejre  crab 
-eater,   Arden  minuta.    -%^axkt  aard-wolf,    Pro- 
telet  {Lalandii).    -ftøtte  ban  tam.    2>l»ærgtn'be  c 
-er  fe  male  dwarf.    Xbierg|(øttf  nasaa.    -tarvøer 
(^ane)  game  bantam.    -ntibe  water-bear,   tardi- 
grade.  -mifpel  dwarf-quince,  Metpilu*  cotomewter 
-ntttd  little  mouse,  Mut  minutw.   -norrabn  ægo 
theles.    -palme  dwarf  fan-palm,  Chamcerov  hu 
milt:    -papegøje  love-blrd,  Prittacula.    -plante 
dwarf  plant,    -mie  little  stint,   Trinoa  minuta. 
-Hlfeavb  little  grebe,  Podicej*  minor.    -fHttelfe 
dwarfish  flgure.    -terne  lesser  tern.    -trap(pc 
field-duck,  Otit  tetrax.    -tr«  dwarf-tree.    -ugle 
fe  @puroe>.    -bagtel  hemipode. 

^b  flg  vr  be  quiet.  restrain  one's  self. 

5)b«>  bif!  a:  .  Xalfbftem  binary  arithmetic. 

^b»  a  deep,  (meft  fig)  profoand;  hiivt  -en 
deepen;  en  -  gemtneligfteb  a  profound  aecret;  - 
laofi^eb  deep  el.  profound  sllence;  -  Semit  deep 
el.  fast  aleep;  -  Sorg  extreme  grief,  (pbre)  d 
mourning; .  foragt  profound,  soverelgn,  supreme. 
contempt;  .  Slenbig^eb  extreme  mtsery;  et  t 
»anbebrag  a  longdrawn  breath;  et  -t  iBut  a  lo>\ 
el.  profound  bow;  et  -t  ©ut  a  deep  aigh.  ^bb 
tt  5^'  Jepto;  et  the  deep;  bibl  O  ttiabom* 
~  2^£.e  deptb  of  the  niches,  -blaa  a  deep  blnc 
a5^u, l!re*vr  depthi  Proftmdity;  ^abetl  -  the 
•KL.  ?  the  8,ea-  "!«»•»««»  4^  tbe  Bounding* 
"mif?f*rU^i0f,oulldlllg8   -«^Tet)dMob.  -mail 

ch^ngham^r5   *****    emb0tS*      +*mmn 
S&ir «  doTelCPin).  treenail. 

$b*le  t?<  dowel. 
»•*»■  aeep-sea  soundtng.    *-(«enbt  a  (Qoti 




deep.  -ntng  c  deepenlng;  chasing,  embossing. 
-rpgget  o  saddle-backed.  -ribbet  a  deep-rooted. 
Spiøagn  hook  and  line  for  deep-aea  flshing. 
$pb[feenbe  a,  fe  StibK  -finb  fe  flnbigpeb.  -ftn'big 
a  profound.  -fln'bigpeb  c  depth  of  understand!  ti  g. 
Spbftlob  fe  Spblob.    $pb*»*b  fe  Spbtrnb. 

Spbt  arfr  deeply,  deep;  .  inb  i  Sfoben  fer  into 
the  wood;  Sfibet  Ritter  for  -  the  snip  bears;  fip 
ban  ftfYter  ilte  -  he  Ib  no  conjurer,  he  wlll  never 
aet  the  Thames  on  fire;  futte  -  heave  a  deep 
slgh;  føle  -  feel  keenly;  bøje  fifl  ~  bend  low; 
fpnfe  -  i  en*  Kgtelfe  sink  low  in  one'a  esteem. 
-gaoenbe,  -løftet  fe  $pb-.  -liggenbe  a  (jDjne)  deep 
-set.  deeply  recesøed.  -feenbe  a  penetrating. 
-{Hffenbe  fe  Spb«.  -førgenbe  o  deeply  afflicted. 
-tonenbe  o  deep-sounding.  -tant  enbe  a  profound, 
meditative,  contemplative.  $p'»|paob,  -pab 
deep-sea  fishing-net. 

$ttlpanbft|bøf  deep-water  dock.  -fiffer  deep 
-sea  flshing  vessel.  -paon  deep-water  harbour. 
-løbninger  deep-sea  soundings.  -løb,  -renbe 
deep-water  cbannel.  -termometer  submarine 
tb.  -nnberfagelfer  deep-sea  explorations  el.  re- 

$ttb  c  -er  virtue;  -en  virtue;  bet  er  juft  -en  berbeb 
tbat  is  Just  the  beauty  of  it.  Spbefnlb,  Spbig 
a  virtuous.  Spbigpeb  o  virtuousness.  —  $p'b£|« 
pelt,  -mønfter  pattern  et.  paragon  of  virtue. 
-prorbifont  morallzer.  -prabflcn  moralizing  ser- 
moo.    -præmie  prize  for  virtue. 

Spffel  c  duffel,  duffle. 

+£pgge  vt  sprinkle,  bedew. 

Spgøug'  c  dugong,  Indlån  walrus,  Ealicore 

fugtig  a  elever,  able,  capable,  effldent;  (an» 
feflg)  goodly;  ~  i  vtatematil  elever  at  mathema- 
tics;  en  -  llone  a  notable  woman;  en  -  portion 
a  goodly  portion;  bon  fit  -  ©an!  he  got  a  sound 
drnbbing;  lom  .  Suttet  i  gtabbtngen  put  plenty 
of  sugar  In  the  pudding;  adv  very,  remarkably; 
gufflclently;  -  ftor  el.  ftærf  bounolng,  strapping; 
ban  bleb  -  baab  he  got  a  complete  soaklng. 
-gøre  vt  render  capable  (HI  of;.  -(eb  o  fitness, 
aptneøø,  abllity,  efficiency,  capaclty.  •^cbøatteft 
certlficate  of  competency. 

^ptlonb  c  sea-duck.    -fe  fe  Sutte  vi  k  t. 

Spfter  pJ,  fe  Sptterter. 

X>pffer  e  -e  diver;  (ftuøl)  diver,  bibl  cormorant. 
-«9P«rat  diving  apparatus.  -bragt  diving  dress 
(o.  fl.).  -ebberføp  water  splder,  Argyroneta 
aquatica.    -I'  n  diving.    -fløftc  dlving-bell  ofb. 

Spfferter  pi  brads,  sprlgB. 

Spfnagel  c  nail-driver. 

Sptving  c  diving.    -#•  fe  Styrter-. 

Sple  o  -r  dowel-pin,  treenail. 

-$90e  fe  Sille. 

$paam|tt'  c  dynam'ics.  -ifeffett  gross  effect. 
•it'  e  dyn'amlte.  -itottentat  dynamlte  outrage. 
-itntasb  dynamiter,  dynamitard.  -ome'ter  n 

Spaaftli'  n  -er  dy'nasty.    -'tf!  a  dynastio. 

$p«b  11  mire,  mud.  -agttg,  -et  a  miry,  muddy. 
•bøjb  mud-bath.  -tntling  sea-gudgeon,  Periopk- 
thaimus.  (-pn*  t),  ->pt,  -p*i  slough.  -ftilbpabbe 
mud-turtle.  -fmerling  mud-flsh,  Cobitu  jos*M*. 
•nrt  mudwort,  Limoteila.   -bulfan  mud  volcano. 

Spne  e  -r  (Sanb-)  dune.  -rne  pi  (i  ben  brit. 
ftanal)  the  Downs. 

Styne  c  -r  feather-bed,  down-bed,  eiderdown, 
duvet;  (omme  fra  -n  i  galmen  fall  out  of  the 
frying-pan  into  the  fire.  -fplb  stufilng  for  a 
feather-bed.  -baar  case  ofa  feather-bed;  (Xøjet) 
bed-tick,  bed-sacklng. 

Spnfe  c  -r  heap,  mass,  pile.  Slinge  vt  op 
h6*p,  amass,  accumulate;  -  $enge  fammen  hoard 
up  money;  -  flø  op  accumulate.  -bannere  archæ 

mound-bulldera.     'tal:  i  -,  -btø  adv  in  heaps. 

Spngnaab  a  wringing  wet,  drenched. 

Xbntng  c  fe  Sønnina. 

$i»n?e  prov  k  *  fe  »pgge. 

tStinniKe  vt  plaster,  stucco.  -bfltrf  stucco  work. 

Sbplpe  vt  dip;  plunge,  immerse.  -ning,  -pelfe 
c  dipping  etc.;  (til  6tege)  sauce  for  roast. 

J)i|r  a  dear,  expensive,  hlgh-priced;  en  .  ttb 
a  solemn  oath;  b/in  er  -  he  is  dear;  gøre  -tre 
raiKe  the  price  of;  b,er  er  -t  it  is  dear  llving  here; 
bet  er  -e  Xtbet  bi  leoer  i  it  is  dear  living  now-a 
-davs;  $eftai  tofiebe  100  $unb,  og  bet  bar  ifte  -t 
and  was  not  dear  at  the  price;  fe  Øtaab,  Som; 
—  bljrt  adv:  bet  lom  b,am  -  at  fiaa  it  cost  him 
dear,  he  had  to  pay  dear  for  it;  fbærge  b«it  og 
«  take  a  solemn  oath;  fe  ftorfifre. 

Spr  n  pi  =,  anlmal;  (mefl  om  ftørre  $attebpr) 
beast;  (af  ^iorteflægten)  deer;  (firføbbet)  quadruped; 
(meget  ItUe)  anlmalcule;  cont  brute,  beast;  bibl 
Sbiett  tal  the  number  of  the  beast.  —  2>pre|art 
species  of  animals.    -bob  anlmal  bath. 

Sprebar  a  (t  foftbar)  costly,  sumptuous,  ex- 
pensive; Hq  dear,  dearest. 

SprelbeflpttelfeSførentng  Society  for  preven- 
tion  or  cruelty  to  animals.  -ep øg  beast  epic. 
•fcegrning  baitlng  of  wild  beasis.  -garn  net  to 
catch  deer  with.  -gnab  gnawing  of  animals. 
-grab  pitfall  (for  catching  wild  beasts).  -bagi 
buck-shot.  -pabe  zoologicai  garden;  (^nbeluffe 
til  ©ilbt)  park.  -pabdmantfbre  sham-fight.  -pi' 
ftørie  fe  -tore.  -tioøeber  animals'  heads.  -pub 
fe  -fttnb.  -pnle  den  of  a  wild  beast.  -pnd  pen. 
-tamp  fe  fægtning,  -remi  animal  chemlstry, 
soochemy.    -feer  a  fond  of  animals. 

$pre]tlagfe  class  of  animals.  -trebd  att  zodiac. 
•Ismper  beast  fighter.  -Købt  a  dearly  bought 
el.  purchased;  bibl  3  ere  -e  ye  are  l>ought  with 
a  price.  -tøb  venison.  -føfle  haunch  of  venison. 
-leje  lair.  -lignenbc  a  brute-like,  animal-llke. 
-Høet  animal  llfe.  -natur  animality,  animal 
nature,    -nabn  animal-name. 

Sprenbal  e  -er  joe  trusty  sword,  pamp. 

Sprejolie  animal  oli.  -rige  animal  kingdom. 
-rpg  saddle  of  venison.  -ffam  up  turnets,  -flit* 
felfé  form  el.  shape  of  an  animal.  -ftinb  deer 
skin.  -flfltgt  genus  of  animals.  -fteg  roast  veni- 
son. -ftemme  voice  of  animals.  -ben  friend  of 
animals.  -nerben  fauna;  -en  the  anlmal  world 
el.  creation.    -bogier  game-keeper. 

Sp'rpeb  c  dearness,  expensiveness. 

Spriff  a  animal;  brutish,  bestial.  -peb  e 

*$p'rfalb  relndeer  calf. 

Sprtlbar  a  arable.  SprYfe  vt  Oorben)  cultiv- 
ate,  tiil;  (*orn  ofb.)  grow;  (ftunfter  ofo)  study, 
cultlvate;  (Øttb)  worship.  Sprteltg  a  fe  Sprfbar. 
Sprtelfe  o  cultivation,  culture,  tillage;  study, 
punuit;  worship.  Spr!|er  c  -e  cultivator;  titler; 
votary;  worshlpper,  devotee.  -ning  c  cultivation. 
-ningømaabe  mode  of  cultivation.  -nfngftttlftanb 
state  of  cultivation. 

Sp'rrtoØe  hind.  -lignenbc  fe  Spre>.  -Høet 
anlmal  llfe.  -læge  veterinary  surgeon,  farrier. 
-l«getttttft  veterinary  art.  -Itegefløtc  veterinary 
school.  -lotre  zoology.  -maler  animal-painter. 
•plager  tormentor  of  animals.  -plageri'  cruelty 
to  animals.  -(e)plante  zoophyte.  -fine  cattle 
-show.    -frptte  painting  representing  animals. 

Sp'rtib  e  dearth,  scarcity,  high  prlces;  ber  er 
.  paa  IQq  eggs  are  Kcarce.  —  Sprtibélprifer 
famine  prices.  -tiKocg  increase  of  salary  (in 
consideratlon  of  high  prices). 

$p  r|t*mmer  tamer  of  wild  beasts.  -bogier 
fe  Spre«.    -nbfløpper  taxldermist.    •    - 

tSb'rbarbig  a  precious. 

Spfenteri'  c  dys'entery. 




Spépep  {!'  c  dyspep'sy.    -Hier  c  -e  dyspep'tic. 

Spéfe  c  -r  barrow,  cairn,  (feltift)  dolmen, 

Slpftfe  rf  lull,  lnish:  .  i  8øon  hush  el.  lull 
asleep;  >?y  send  to  sleep;  -  et  Sfttygte  neb  hush 
up  u  report,    -ti  c  lulling,  etc. 

XUft  o  (ftamp)  conibat,  fight,  tilt,  joust;  hrash, 
bout;  (Sammenfløbj  set-to,  shock,  brunt;  fig 
battle;  oooe  en  .  meb  en  venture  a  bout,  run  a 
tilt,  try  a  fa  11,  with  one. 

-t-Xljft  c  (fint  SRelj  fine  flower  el.  ineal;  en  . 
9tegn  a  shower.    2>pfte  vt  sprinkle. 

+2>pne  w,  fe  Ibftrenbe. 

Stifter  a  sombre,  gloomy. 

Stift  |  løb,  -renben,  -ribt  tournainent,  tilting, 
J( »usling,    -rcnbe  vi  tilt. 

'Sptte  rt  stop  up,  stuff. 

SbPflSibraf  c  asa  foetida,  stinking  assa.  -Klør 
J..  fe  SjaDclS-. 

Saggc  vt  topfoftre  t>eb  ftemmeb  9R«If)  cade;  fig 
>  for  coddle.  -barn  foster-child.  -b>rn  sucking 
-boule,  -lam  pet  larab;  fig  darling,  pet.  +-natm 
pet  name. 

Se!  »,  pi  =,  deck;  fortonet  meb  -  deck  ed; 
uben  ~  undecked. 

S«f  |  bejbf  e  reMst.  -bfab  J,  bract;  (Gtgar)  wrappcr . 
-farne  i»ody-colour.  -f  feber  covert,  p/  tectrices. 
-frøebe  pt  $  angiospenns.  -grnnb  grouud. 
-paor  dog-hair,  overhair. 

Satte  et  cover,  (Ubgifter)  mect,  cover,  (Sfaf) 
pro  teet,  (en  ftant)  overlap,  (om  ©coær)  fe  Samle; 

-  Sorbet  lay  the  table;  -  røibbag««,  ^rotoftborbet 
luy  tbe  dinner,  the  breakfast;  ber  er  balfet  for 
-Jo  $crfoner  the  table  is  laid  for  20;  -t  af  under 
cover  of,  -t  i  JRttggen  af  liacked  against;  .  fig 
reiraburse  one's  seff;  -  fig  for  tab  secure  one's 
self  against  loss;  bet  bil  nappe  -  fig  it  will  hardly 
cover  the  ex]>ense8;  —  vi:  -  af  take  away;  « 
op  for  en  trcat,  regale  one;  .til,  o  bet  veil. 
Satte  7i  -r  cover,  coveriug;  tfiag)  layer,  coat; 
t,  fe  IiTppc;  fpiQe  unber  .  collude;   Spillen  unber 

-  collusion;  ipille  unber.  meb  binanben  play  into 
oh  oli  other's  hunds,  -fob  dish-eover.  -garn  bird 
net.  -furb  tublc  basket.  -1  c  fe  Stubel.  -(fe  c 
covering.  rehnburscment.  -n  n  -er  horsecloth. 
Sotffengjorb  c  glrth.  Scettentøj  n  (horse-)rug. 
Sattetøj  table  linen.  Satfraft  (SRalj  covcring 

Sa»ftø8  a  without  a  deck. 

So»f|ntng  c,  covering,  (SuH.)  claying;  føge  - 
mil  seek  cover,  mere  reimburse  onc's  self.  -plabe 
cover-plate;  (p.  £øbl)  break-iron.    -8  fe  -Mob. 

So?M  baab  decked  boat.  -baonb  deck-hook. 
-bf  alf  e  deck-beam     -brebbe  breudth  of  beam. 

Sttffel  «  cover;  (ober  ftængbul)  apron. 

Sorte  fartøj  decked  vessel.  -flff  pi  partners. 
-flabe  urea  of  deck.  -glad  deck  light.  -Ijn* 
deck-hou^o,  round-house.    -tjøjbe  freeboard. 

Soefftrnp  c  treacle. 

Sofie  falittt  poop.  -fncc  deck-knee.  -trab el 
carling.  -taft  deckload,  deck-cargo.  -naab,  -nab 
deck-seam.  -padfager  deck  passengcr.  -plante 
deck-plank,  -port  side-port,  (i  $)ooen)  l>ow-port. 
-pøé  wa^h  deck  bucket.  -ribbe  ledge.  -ruf 
round  hoiw.  -fpr<jte  wash-deck  pump.  -ftøtte 

Dorf  ften  cover,    -ftifling  covercd  position. 

Dorf^  paterborbwaterways.  -bager  deck clamp. 

X)<xt  Paaben  weapon  of  defence.  -vinge  wing 
-sheath.  clytrum.    -P«rf  covering.  rt  dam.  -ning  c  -er  (6anb( )  dam- 
miug;  rnn<-  dam,  embankment;  fig  fætte  en  -  for 
put  a  stop  to. 

$amø»;r  *er  demon.  Sceno'nifl  demo'niac, 

$ø*in&f.t>f  quench,  suffocate,  smother,  (Sarer, 

Xroinme)  muffle.  (en  fiob)  deaden.  (et  3nfrr.) 
mute,  (Sejl)  splll;  .  3lben  sul>due  the  fire;  -  et 
Cprør  quell  an  insurrection,  »uppress  a  riot;  _ 
fine  iiibenffaber  suMue  one's  passions;  -  eni  ^oo« 
mob  humble  one's  pride;  -  ^eben  moderate, 
temper  the  heat;  meb  -t  JKøft  in  a  subdued  el. 
mutned  tone,  in  an  undertone,  -er  c  -t  mui 
sordet,  sordine,  mute,  >ogf.  Sp\ctlb  oq  fig)  damper, 
-gaarbing  c  -er  >t.  spilling  line.  -ning  c  quen- 
ching  etc,  suppression. 

Samnterffcer  n  ix>ct  faint  glimmering.  — 
2)cem|rr  t?$  grow  dark,  darken;  dawn;  —  vt, 
poet  dim.  -rcnbe  «  dim.  -ring  c  twilight; 
(SKorgen  )  dawn.    -rinødll}*  faint  fight. 

Sornge  rt  heap,  pile;  .  en  til,  ~  poa  en,  .  en 
thrash  one. 

Sø  ri  -be,  -et  part  -b  die;  .  af,  $en  (om  Binb) 
die  away;  -  af  ftolera  die  of  cholera;  -  af  £arter 
die  with  laughtcr;  -  bort  die  el.  drop  off;  . 
for  3ribfben(é  Sag;  die  in  the  cause  of  liberty; 

-  ben,  ub,  fe  ^enb»,  Ubbø;  ban  flal  iffe  .  |  Strøben 
he  will  catch  it;  jeg  oil  -  p aa  at  bet  er  fanbt  let 
me  die,  it  it  be  not  true;  en  -enbe  a  dylng  man 

Søbe,  -te,  t  vt  baptize,  Christen;  ^  (5Kb) 
name,  christ'  n,  (brb  linien)  duck;  joc  (gide  Cqe> 
naon)  dub.  -atteft  certincate  of  baptism,  bap- 
tismal  certiflcatc.  -boa  fe  SHrtebog.  -bragt 
christening-gown.  -fab  baptismal  basin.  -font 
i  baptism  al)  font.  -Ijanbling  christening,  baptiz- 
ing.  -||ne  fe  $aa&8'.  -fapel  baptlstery.  -fjole 
fe  -bragt. 

$6 bel  c  dobule,  Leuciacu*  dobula. 

$«be|nabtt  Christian  name,  tiaptfsmal  name. 
-r  c  -e  baptizer,  baptist,  3obanneS  ben  -  John 
the  Baptist,  -febbel  fe  -atteft.  -ften  fe  -font. 
-banb  water  for  baptUing. 

Søb  c  death,  decease,  demlse,  end;  ben  ebige 

-  perdition;  ben  forte  .  the  black-death,  the 
plague;  fyrn  fil  en  let  -  hc  died  an  eaay  death; 
ban  tog  [in  .  beroper  it  was  the  death  of  him; 
ftnbe  ftn  -  meet  one's  d.,  perish;  ben  Piefe  _  cer- 
tain  death;  bi  er  Sorberre  en  -  fIP,Ibige  we  all 
owe  Heaven  a  death;  .  oa  ^lage!  zounds!  the 
deuce!  by  Jove!  Xu  er  -fen«  you  are  a  dead 
man;  -fenS  iiugt  bibl  the  savour  of  death;  ligge 
for  -en  be  on  the  point  of  death,  at  death  s 
door;  jeg  Ian  for  min  -  iffe  ubftaa  føtm  I  can't 
abide  him  for  the  life  of  me;  goa  i  -en  meet 
death;  tro  inbtil  -en  (bibl)  faithful  unto  death; 
mob  -en  gror  ingen  Urt  there  is  no  medidne 
against  death;  græmme  fig  til  -e  grieve  one's 
self  to  death,  die  of  a  broken  heart;  febe  en  til 
-e  bore  one  to  extinction  (death);  ofgaa  peb  -es 
depart  this  life.  Søb  a  dead,  inanimate;  en  . 
a  dead  body,  a  corpse;  be  -e  pi  the  dead;  ben 
•e  the  dead  man,  the  deceased;  ligge  font  .  lie 
as  one  dead,  lie  as  if  dead;  be  -eS  9Kge  Hades; 
.  garoe  dull  colour;  -  (Sang  mee  end -play;  - 
3<inlel  unflanked  angle;  -t  Stio  abandouea  veBsel; 
-t  fiøb,  $unlt  fe  Søbtøb,  -puntt;  -t  Søb  dead  heat; 
oberbrage  ril  ben  -e  £aanb  transfer  in  mortmaln; 
bet  -e  $ab  the  Dead  Sea.  -bagt  a  dough-liaked, 
slack-baked.  -biber  drone,  snall,  fogic;  &  slov 
miller,  -blaa  a  livid.  -bleg  a  deadly  pale,  with 
blanched  cheeks.  -  bf  nnb  sleep  of  death.  -brin« 
genbe  a  fatal,  lethal,  -brenbt  a  overburnt. 
-brnfffen  a  dead  drunk,  blind-drunk. 

Søbe  vt  put  to  death,  kill;  fig  mortify;  ©ub  . 
mifl  !  upon  my  word ! 

Søbe|bag  day  of  death.  -banfen  the  Danee 
of  Death,  the  Danee  Macaber,  the  Dutch  series. 
Søbelif  a  deadly,  mortal;  (bøbbrinaenbe)  ikud; 
•t  Saar  mortal  el.  lethal  wound;  .  %\tnbt  deadly 
el.  mortal  enemy;  en  -  a  mortal;  —  adv:  _  foarct 
mortally  wounded;  «  forelflet  orer  head  and 




in  love,  (i)  dying  for.  Søb  e|  Ugl)  eb  e  (Mortalitet) 
(rate  of)  mortality,  death-rate(s);  (at  Bære  bræbenbe) 
deadline«,  -ligbebAforfcolbene  the  death  rate. 
-ligtebitatel  bill  of  mortality.  -lifte  list  of  the 
dead,  death-roll,  obituary;  (oder  Søbe  i  en  Di# 
Xib)  bill  of  mortality.  -Ife  c  mortiflcatlon. 
-fang  death-song. 

So  b|  farve  llvidness.  -far  ti  et  a  Hvid,  cadaver- 
ous. -frotfen  a  frosen  to  death.  -føbfef  still 
birth.  -fob*  a  still-bom,  dead-born.  -(eb  c 
deadness,  heavlneas.  -boveb  (Støb.)  runner, 
feeding-head;  ehem  fe  Søoenfob.  -(øvebet  a  dull. 
-fotb  a  deadly  cold.  -fttllrr^  -tulret  fe  Huller,  -ft. 
-lob  proud  flesh;  */tø  baw  .  i  fig  be  of  a  sluggiøh 
diaposition.  -lignenbe(+-lig)cr.death-like.  +-manb 
fe  løbning.  -morte  darkness  of  death.  -nelbe 
fe  Sov«. 

Sonning  ø  -er  (Sig)  corpse,  dead  body;  (Øen* 
ganger)  ghost,  spectre.  -(e)agtig  «  cadaverous. 
-emfigt  cadaverous  face.  +-oaare  bier.  -ben 
bone«  of  a  skeleton,  dead  men1  s  bones;  (forø* 
lagte)  cross-bones.  -bille  church-yaxd  beetle, 
Blaf*  n&rtiwåga.  -bleg  fe  Søb-,  -ban*  fe  Søbe*. 
•farve  cadaverous  hue.  -ftaanb  (ftoral)  dead 
man's  toe,  Alcyonium  diøitatwn,  -babe  cemetery. 
-fcjoveb  death's  head,  senil;  to  death's  head  moth, 
Sphinx  ntropo*.  -tybib  a  white  as  a  corpse. 
-tifte.  -Hoffe,  -flæber  fe  £ig*.  -fnøfler  fe  -ben. 
-lagt  cadaverous  smell.  -rab  skeleton.  -ret: 
bolbe  -  sit  in  Judgment  on  thé  dead.  -ffib  fe 
Søbøfejler.  -firm  poet  coffln.  -fffltr  cadaverous 
light,  -flag  dead-stroke.  +-førrf  shroud.  -ar 
death-watch,  Anobium. 

Svb|»(abe  (Smp.)  dead-plate.  -jmntt  dead 
-point,  centre. 

Soboaar  a  year  of  death. 

So'bfaaret  a  mortally  wounded. 

$ovå|aarfag  cause  of  death.  -angft  (  for 
Saven)  horror  el.  dread  of  death;  (bøbeltg  B.) 
mortal  dread  el.  fear.  -anmetbelfe  obituary 
notice.  -afieft  certiflcate  of  death.  -betragtning 
meditation  on  death.  -bo  estate  of  a  person 
deceased.  -bogen  the  Book  of  the  Dead.  -bnb 
(Oubflab)  tidings  of  death;  (ftoab  ber  bebuber  S.) 
forerunner  of  death.  -bag  day  of  death,  dying 
day.  -bom  sentenee  of  death,  death -warrant. 
•bvafe  death-Uke  sleep  el.  lethargy.  -bømt  a 
sentenoed  to  death,  fig  doomed.  -efterretning 
newø  of  the  death. 

S*  blfejler  c  ^  fe  biber. 

Sobøf engel  angelof  death.  -falbfeSøb.  -fare 
danger  of  death,  mortal  peril.  -fienbe,  -fjenbe 
mortal  enemy.  -foragt  contempt  for  death. 
•fragt  fear  of  death.  +-f*rb  fatal  errand.  -gave 
donation  mortis  causa.  -I am*  (Strib  meb  Søben) 
agonien  (of  d.);  (Stamp  for  fllbet)  mortal  strife, 
deadly  struggle.  -trampe  convulsions  of  death. 

+So'o(frnv  fatal  shot.    +-ffnbt  a  shot  dead. 

Sobilfnlbe  chili  of  death.  -fval  pangs  of  death. 

Sollftljtb  capltal  crlme.  -ffytbig  a  gullty  of 
a  capltal  crime. 

Sobfjteje  death-bed.  -maabe  manner  of  death. 
-•ribbe!  means  of  death.  -malm  poet,  fe  Søb* 
Bøtte,  -not  night  of  death.  -nob  fe  fare.  -pa- 
ptrnft  the  Book  of  the  Dead.  -Procent  death 
•rate.  -rollen  death -rattle.  -ret  fe  Søbning*. 
-rane  obituary.  -faar  mortal  wound.  -fog 
mortal  offence.  -falme  fe  Sig*.  -Tang  death 
•seng  -fcjlerphantom  ahip.  -feng  bed  of  death, 
deathbed.  -frrig  death-shriek.  -ffrcef  fe  -angu. 
•fvgge  ohadow  of  death.  -fmerte  fe  -fboi.  -fbtre 
dcath-germ.  -fHtfecb  dead  silence.  -fritte  a  silent 
ss  tbe  grave,  -frivfteb  cadaverlc  rlgidity.  -frraf 
capltal  punishment;  nnber  -  on  pain  of  death. 
-trio  fe -tamp.  -ftnnbhourof  death.  -ftob  death 
blow,  -otroke.    -fnl  dylng  groan.    -{vanger  a 

deleterious,  lethal,  -fpeb  sweat  of  death,  death 
damp.  -ft|g  a  mortally  111.  -fttgbom  mortal 
lllness.  -fttnb  mortal  sin,  deadly  sin.  -føbtt 
sleep  of  death.  -tanter  thoughts  of  d.  -tegn 
sign  of  d.   -tib  fe  -flunb.  -ribenbe  fe  -efterretning. 

So'blflttte  a  silent  as  death;  —  n  &  dead 

Søbdftinte  fe  -ftunb.  -troH  consolatlon  in  death. 

So'btøg  a  fe  Søbt*. 

Sobøjvarfel  forerunner  of  death.  •ojevttf 
moment  of  death. 

$ø 'b| taoØ  a  silent  as  the  grave,  -træt  a  dog 
-tired.  -nlb  wool  of  diseased  anlmals.  -panb, 
-vanbe  dead-water;  fig  ligae  i  -et  hang  fire.  -veir 
&  calms.  -Vinb  & :  faa  frøe  Sejl  i  -en  af  et  Sttb 
be  becalmed  by  a  ship.  -bagt  dead  weight. 
•ojet  a  dull-eyed. 

Sagenigt  o  -er  good  for  nothing  (fellow). 

Sa'gling  o  -er  beaked  whale,  Bypcroodon  rø- 

Sagn  n,  pi  *»,  day  and  night,  24  hours;  fire 
Sinter  i  -et  four  hours  in  the  twenty  four;  -et* 
6mag  the  fashion  of  the  moment,  of  the  day. 
-blab  ephemeral  print.  (+-b^r),  -fine  ephemera. 
•fugtig  a  ephemeral.  -gammel  a  a  day  old. 
-lang  a  of  twenty-four  hours,  ephemeral.  -lite* 
rarnren  current  literature.  -liv  ephemeral  Ufe. 
-orb  ephemeral  word.  -fcreøfen  fe  Sagø*.  -flrift 
paltry  pamphlet.  -ffribent,  -ffribier,  -{Trioer 
paltry  pamphleteer.  -flab ber  gossip  el.  rumours 
of  the  day.  -Varig  a  ephemeral.  °-vilb  a  uncer- 
tain  whether  it  Is  night  or  day  el.  what  day  of 
the  week  it  Is.  -barb  ephemeral  worth.  -barfen 
e   beinflr 

Saje  vt  (finte  fig  i)  brook,  put  up  wlth;  (libe) 

Saft  o  dolt,  ferthing. 

•Sal  o  -er  dalesman,  daleman. 

Sal'  fe  SøOe. 

Salg  n  fe  Sølgømaal. 

Salge,  buigte,  bnlgt  vt  conceal;  SRorb  fon  e)  * 
mnrder  will  out.  —  S*tg*|maat  n  concealment; 
begge  -  paa  make  a  secret  of,  conceal;  fobe  i  . 
be  dellvered  under  concealment  of  pregnancy; 
gfobfel  i  .  concealment  of  birth,  concealing  birth. 
•manb  concealer;  (^æ!et)  receiver  (of  stolen 

Satte  o  -t  socket. 

Samme,  bømte,  bømt  vt  &  i  (bebontme)  judge, 
form  a  judgment  of;  (om  Somflol)  vi  pronounce 
judgment,  pass  sentenee,  vt  sentenee,  judge; 
(foelbf)  condemn;  børn  felb  judge  for  yourself; 
faaoibt  man  fan  bømme  af  el.  efter  bet  Ubborteø 
to  judge  from  appearances;  -  en  fra  £ibet  pass 
sentenee  of  death  on  one;  -  i  Søber  flue;  .  en 
i  en  Øøbe  af  femti  $unb  fine  one  flfty  pounds;  - 
om  judge  of.  -traft  c  judgment.  -fog  a  een- 

San'  n  rumbllng,  boomlng.  Sone  vi  rumble, 

Soning,  Sonning  o  -et  s  well. 

Sar'  adv  &-.  bate  ~  haul  in  the  slack,  haul 
handtlght,  (Saije)  round  up,  round  in. 

Sar'  c  -e  door;  ^  (ftanonoort)  port-lid;  ber  er 
-en  you  know  where  the  door  lies;  bife  en  -en 
show  one  (to)  the  door;  man  fan  bberfen  fe  .  eller 
Sag  it  is  dark  as  a  pit;  fig  ftaa  for  -en  be  at 
hånd;  luffe  -en  for  Stefen  af  en  shut  tbe  door 
upon  one;  feje  for  fin  egen  .  sweep  before  one's 
own  door;  for  Inffebe  -e  wlth  closed  doors,  pri- 
vatelv; for  aabne  -e  wlth  open  doors;  gaa  en«  - 
forbt  fig  give  one  the  go-by;  man  fan  renbe  -e 
i  nb  (el.  op)  meb  bam  he  is  a  dunder-pate.  a 
beetle-head;  i  nb  en  -e  within  doors;  fibbe  wnt 
inben  -e  be  In  easy  drcumstances;  f«tte  fin  &ob 
in  benfor  en«  -  darken  one's  doors;  folbe  meb 




■en  inb  i  £ufet  drop  in  upon  one  like  a  bolt,  in 
an  abrupt,  unceremonious  manner;  60  -  om  - 
meb  fn  Live  next  door  to  one,  bc  one's  next 
door  neighbour;  jage  paa  -en  turn  one  out  of 
doors;  banle  paa  -en  knock  at  the  door;  renbe  en 
paa  -ente.)  pester,  bore  one  with  visits;  følge  en 
til  en  sée  one  out.  -aabning  door-way.  -afåel 
fe  (tabel,  -anflag  door-folding.  -beflag  monntlng 
of  a  Uoor.  -briter  door-secnrer,  door-weigbt. 
•falb,  -fang  janibs  of  a  d.  -ftøj  lcaf  of  a  folding 
d.    -fotbing  panel  of  a  d. 

*$*rge  fe  $orge. 

2>ørareb  n  door-handle. 

$*r(ale  J,  fe  Xøx  adv. 

$*r  i  (lammer  knocker,  rapper,  -fcanf  door 
-handle.  -bafpe  door-hinge.  -ijttl  fe  -aabning. 
•bangfri  d.-hinge.    -inb fatning  door-case. 

Xevl  c  the  gunner's  store-room. 

X>ør!tarm  door-case,  frame  of  a  door.  -tfinfe 
latch  of  a  d.  -Hofte  door  bell.  -llcrbning  fe 
•fnlbing.  -lob  d.-weight.  -maatte,  ••matte  door 
-mat.    -plabe  door-plate.    -toøft  fe  -ftolpe. 

$«rre  fe  $orge. 

Sør.ffraber  scraper.    -flaa  l>olt. 

Dørjflag  »,  pi  =,  sieve,  colander.  -flag,  -flager 
fe  $uif*.    -flagbammer  flattener. 

2>«r,fpejl  fe  -fnlbing.    -f  »rafte  chlnk  (of  the 

door).  -tabel  pivot  of  a  d.  *-t»t  fe  -t«rfM. 
-ftøffce  door-post.  -flotte  painting  over  a  door. 
t-føenb  fe  -øogter.  -tribfe  pulley  for  a  d.  -trin 
fe  -tærftel.  Mralter  fe  -greb.  -tv«  lintel.  -tftfifte 
door-curtain.  -tcrrffel  threshold.  -»inbne  window 
in  a  door.  -bo  g  ter  door- keeper,  porter,  janltor. 
•øøgterfle  portress,  janiiress.  -briber  fe  -greb. 
-bagt  fe  -lob. 

$0$  c  'state  of;  drowsiness.  $*f|e  vt  &  i 
doze,  mope;  _  bort,  ljen  doze  away.  -en  c  dozing. 
•ig  a  drowsy;  -  3 Ib  smoulderlng  fire.  -igtyeb  c 

2>øtre  pi  af  Satter.    -fløle  ladies'  school. 

$ø»  a  deaf;  .  9løft,  ftloRe  dull-toned  voioe, 
heil;  -  røg  dull  edge;  '-  for  deaf  to;  oste  -  for 
nt,  oenbe  bet  -e  £re  tit,  »ære  -  paa  bet  pre  turn 
a  deaf  ear  to  st;  -  paa  bet  ene  £re  deaf  of  an 
ear,  deaf  in  one  ear.  $øoe  vt  deafeu,  (bampe, 
linbre)  deaden,  (fløbe)  blunt,  (Sejl)  spill,  smother; 
(31b)  spill,  smother.  Søøebrit  anodyne  draught. 
$øo|elfe  c  deafcning  ete.,  apathy,  torpor.  -fobt 
«  born  deaf.  -gøre  vt  deafen,  deaden,  dull. 
•beb  c  deafness,  surdity.  -natbe  dead  nettle: 
Lamium  album,  -fhtnt  a  deaf  and  dumb.  deaf 
-mute.  -ftummeanftatt  deaf  and  dumb  institu- 
tion,   -ftnmmelcerer  deaf  and  dumb  teacher. 


©,  e  /»  ($øgft.  &  mui)  E,  e  [ee];  abbr:  e.  ■= 
efter  after,  er  is;  l&ft.  =  ©ftermtbbag  afternoon, 
p.  m.;  el.  =  eller  or. 

©bbe  c  ebb,  ebb-tidc,  low  water;  -  og  3flob 
flux  and  reflux  (of  the  tide),  tide;  bet  er  ~  the 
tide  goes  out;  ber  er  -  i  ftadfen  1  am  low  in 
funds.  ©bbe  vi  <k  impert  ebb.  -port  tail-gate. 
•ftrøm  ebbing  8  tre  am.  -tib  ebb-tide;  bet  er  - 
the  tide  is  ebbing. 

©Monit  er  pi  E'bionites. 

©bonit'  c  indurated  India  rubber. 

©bror  er  c  -e  He'brew. 

©djappa  be  c  -x  slip. 

©a)appement'  n  esca'pement.  ©a)appeme«tS' 
bjnl  svape- wheel. 

<fø)ø  fe  ttlfo. 

©djauffe  ret  a  hot. 

©ela't  c  nolse,  show,  flourish,  eclat.  -oitt'  a 
striking,  startling,  conspicuous;  Ieb  et ~  fteberlag 
was  signally  defeated. 

©b  c  -er  oath;  falfl  -  perjury;  aflægge  -  take  j 
one's  oath,  swear,  bo  sworn;  aflægge  -  paa  (til) 
Sronftituttonen  take  the  oath  to  the  constitution; 
gøre  ftn  -  paa  at  swear  that;  jeg  oil  gore  min  ~ 
berpaa  111  take  my  oath  of  that,  I'll  be  sworn 
to  that;  gore  falfl  -  perjure  one's  self;  betræfte 
meb  -  affirm  by  oath;  tage  en  i  ~  take  one's 
oath.  put  one  to  his  oath,  swear  one  in;  unbet 
■4  Xilbub  upon  oath.  -brbber  violator  of  oatlis. 
-bunben  a  l»ound  by  oath. 

(fbba  the  Edda.    Cbba«  Eddie. 

(fbber  c  r©ift)  ven  om;  (Viaterie)  matter,  pus; 
fcette  -  matter,  fester,  suppurate;  fig  fpD  .  og 
^oraift  vent  one's  venom.  -agtig  a  purulent. 
-bblb  l>oil.    -bannelfe  formation  of  pus. 

Gbberfttgl  fe  tfbet'. 

(ibber^Olbt  a  venomous.  -fnøl  quittor-bone. 
•løp  spider.  -føbnrt  splder-wort,  Aniherieum 
rcmotum.  -mljre  red  ant,  Formica  rubra.  -flange, 

-fnøg  venomous  serpent.    -fpsnbt  a  venomous. 
-fatning  festering,  suppuration. 

(SbbiKe,  *ogfaa  (fbbil,  c  vinegar.  -aal  micro- 
scopic  eel  in  vinegar.  -agnrt  gherkin.  -btfe 
acidiflable  base  -brigger  vinegar  manufacturer; 
surly  fellow.  •brbggeranfigt  surly  countenance. 
•bryggeri  v.  manufaetory.  -bannelfe  ucetlflca- 
tion.  -banner  acetifier.  -fabritation  fe  -brpggeri. 
-flaffe  v.  bottle,  (liben)  v.  cruet.  -ganrina  acetoas 
fermentation,  -honning  ox>*mel.  -Kirfeføer  cher- 
ries  preserved  in  vinegar.  -tralle  vinegar  Jar. 
-maaler  acetimeter.  -nafta  fe  -æter.  -rofe  French 
rose,  Ro*a  øallica.  -falmiat  acetate  of  ammonla. 
•fait  acetate.  -prnb  oxysaccharum.  -fprit  ace- 
tone, -fnr  o  sour  as  vinegar,  acetouø;  ckem 
acetic;  fig  vinegary;  -t  Salt  acetate:  -t  ©Itj  ace- 
tate of  lead,  etc.  -fooblftjre  sulphaeetio  add. 
-fbre  acetic  acid.  -tønbe  vinegar  barrel.  -ørter 
acetic  ether. 

(gbbre  [\q,  <£bbre§  vd  fester,  suppurate. 

©belig  a  on  oath;  .  Jortlaring  deposition, 
(nbenfor  Sletten)  amda\it;  —  adv.  .  befraftet  af 
verifled  upon  the  oath  of. 

(Eben  »  Eden. 

©ber  pron  you.    -S  adj  your;  ab»  yours. 

(Eberibtttt  eider  down.  -fngl  eider  duck,  amr 
St.  Cuthbert'8  duck,  JSomateria  mollis rima.  -longe 
king  eider,  JS.  *pe<:talili*. 

(f  blfafte  vt  swear,  swear  in;  oore  -t  be  upon 
one's  oath.    -faftelfe  c  swearlng-in. 

dbift'  n  -er  e'dlct. 

© binborg  n  Edinburgh. 

©bomit  er  c  -e  E<l'omite. 

©breé  r</  fe  Crbbre«. 

8b*|aflægaelfc  taklng  one's  oath.  -brnb  viola- 
tlon  of  an  oath.  -forbunb  (Helvede)  confedermcy, 
confederation.  -formular  formulary  of  anoaih, 
oath-fonnula.  -^ogt contract, sealed by a solenm    ., 
oath.  I 




(E'bfbørlen  a  sworn;  e  juror,  juryman;  -rne* 
Jtenbelfe  verdict.    -neret  c  jury. 

(E  b#b<rgrtng  c  refusal  to  take  the  oath. 

(E'btag|elfe  c  adminlsterlng  of  an  oath.  -en 
a  sworn. 

(Een,  eet,  og  6mf.  fe  (En. 

(Efeme'r  o  fe  -ifl.  -t'ber  pi,  a»t  &  lit  ephemer'- 
ides.    -ifl  a  ephem'eral. 

(Efe|ftt£  n  Ephesus.   -'fer  e  -c,  -'fifl  a  Ephesian. 

(Efen  c  ivy. 

(Effett'  c  effect;  for  -ens  6fblb  for  effect;  jage 
efter  .  straln  afler  effect.  -er  pi  effects,  chatteis; 
(Obltg.)  stocks.  *fnlb  a  full  of  effect,  impressive, 
telliog.  -i'ft  a  effec'tive,  efficient.  -løtte't  e 
effectiv'ity,  efflciency.  -Jageri  straining  after 
effect,  sensationalism,  claptrap.  -føn to  stock 
-account.  -mager  c  -e  performer,  -fteb  telling 
pasaage.  -nere  vt  effect,  mere  execute,  -ne'rtnø 
e  execution. 

(Effen  a  even;  -  etter  u»  odd  or  even. 

Effigie:  in  _  in  effigy. 

(Efø'r  e  -er  eph'or. 

(Efter  prop  (Sieb,  Xib,  &ølge)  after;  (bag)  be- 
hlnd;  (naflefter)  next  to;  (lom  (Efterfølger)  after, 
in  succession  to;  (ifølge)  according  to;  ben  ene  - 
ben  anben  in  succession;  typetit  -  appetlte  for; 
inbfinbe  fifl  -  et  VDertiftfement  call  in  answer  to 
an  advertisement,  _  Befaling  by  eommand;  be» 
gcerlifl  -  desirous  of;  _  Beljag  as  you  please;  at 
pleasure;  -  6agent  Beftaffenqeb  as  the  case  may 
be;  -  Boaftaten  literally;  -  Siftat  to  dictation; 
bøume  ~  bet  ttbborte*  judge  by  el.  from  appear- 
ances;  -  bet  ffranffe  from  the  French;  -  ftobt* 
oefinbenbe  at  dlscretion;  gribe  -  catch  at;  Ijanble 
.  et  Brincip  aet  up  to  a  principle;  b/b  3obn  _ 
fin  Sober  was  called  J.  after  his  fathør;  8  vage 
.  fjinanben  8  days  running  el.  in  succession;  - 
£utommelfen  from  memory;  -  b>ab  Jeg  tør  b>rt 
by  e(.  from  what  I  have  heard;  Var  .  ftrifli 
Søbfel  in  the  year  of  our  Lord;  .  Sefligtøb  as 
ouitB  yonr  convenienoe;  Iibt  ~  libt  by  little  and 
little,  by  degrees:  .  tøben  according  to  law; 
•løfte  en  -  prene  lift  one  by  the  ears;  ~  min 
Stening  in  my  opinion;  b>n  er  en  9tar  -  he  has 
a  mania  for;  -  Staturen  from  nature;  fbnge  - 
Støber  sing  by  note;  gaa  -  fRafen  follow  one's 
nose;  -  bette  princip  upon  this  principle;  .  benne 
Stege!  by  this  rale;  fifle  -  repeat;  flaa  ~  aim  a 
blow  at:  flaa  Søren  i  -  en  slam  the  door  on  one; 
_  min  émafl  to  (el.  in)  my  taste;  Hille  Uret .... 
regulate  the  watch  by;  tale  ~  speak  in  imitation 
of,  mimick  one's  speech;  .  Xux  by  turns;  .  mit 
Ur  by  my  watch;  .  »ægt  by  weight;  tøm  bar  ~ 
barn  he  gave  it  hlm;  Botttiet  bar  -  barn  was  on 
his  tracks;  bare  -  JDnfle  answer  one's  wishes; 
ronbre  Berber,  6ubft.  og  Vbj.  i  ftorb.  meb  (Efter, 
fe  btftfe);  —  adv :  Varet  -  next  year;  arre  nt  _,  fe 
eftergøre;  bab  Bønnerne  -  repeated  the  prayers 
(after  him);  fejle  92orb  -  stand  to  the  north;  — 
con) .  efter  at  b>be  . .  .  after  haying  .  .  .  (dfterat, 
fe  nbfr.);  (alt)  -  f  o  m  according  as  ((tfterfom,  fe  nbfr.) 

(Efteraar  n,  pi  =,  autumn,  amr  fall  (of  the 
year).  -Hg  a  autumnal.  —  (Efteraar*  lagtiø  a 
autumnal.  -tr bejbe  antnmn  work.  -bløntfk  au- 
tumnal flower.  -bag  autumn  day.  -ioranbøøn 
autumnal  equinox.  -jatnnøfønøjtnntt  autumnal 
point,  -fol  e  autumn  sun.  -florin  autumnal 
gale.  -troet  autumn  flight.  -befr  autumnal 

(Efterabe  vt  ape,  mimic.  -Ife  o  aping  etc. 
•t  et  aper,  mimic. 

(Efterat  conj  after,  when. 

(Efterieftffllnø  second  order. 

<Efterbetal|e  vt  pay  in  addition.  -Ing  addl- 
tlonal  payment. 

(Eftertlibe  vi  remain;  be  -nbe  the  survivors. 

(EfterMøntfrrtng  second  blossom. 

(EfterbUbninø  secondary  hemorrhage. 

+<Efterbørb  dessert. 

(Efterbrtta  small  beer. 

Qéfterbrtjunb  fe  Hnbenbage«. 

dfterbrftnbittfl  hanging  fire. 

dfterbnb  bid  after  the  fall  of  the  hammer. 
tcrøljrb  afler- birth,  secundlne. 
terbagd  adv  henceforth,  in  future. 

dfterbanne  vt  counterfelt.  -Ife  counterfelting; 
gram  development. 

Sfterbaterje  vt  overdate.    -tag  overdatlng. 

ttfterbi'  conj  slnce,  as,  whereas. 

dftcrbigtfe  vt  imitate,  copy  (poetry)  -ning 

QHterbrøn  after  peal. 

tvfterbsmnte  n  example,  pattern. 

(Efter***  fe  -brøn. 

(Efter*  Snbødfement  subsequent  endonement. 

(Efter fare  vt,  min  explore. 

(Efterførff|e  vt  lnvestigate,  explore,  scrutinize, 
search.    -wing  lnvestigation,  exploration. 

dfterfrøfl  anseasonable  frost. 

©I terfblbe  vt  flll.  add  (wine)  to. 

(Efterfsbning  e  late  born  chlld,  posthumoua 

(Ef terføtelf e  (af  et  6aar)  pain  of  a  healed  wound. 

(Efterfsllge  et  (følge  ogf.  fio)  follow,  (i  ttmbebe) 
8ucceed,  (jøge  at  ligne)  imitate.  -or  c  succession, 
-gclfe  e  folio  wing,  imitation;  JrrtfH  -,  imitation 
of  Christ.  -gelfedbarbifl  a  worthy  of  imitation. 
-genbe  a  subsequent,  -ger  ø  -t,  -gerinbe,  -gerffe, 
•r  follower,  successor;  Imitator. 

dfterfsrfel  o  carrylng  after. 

(Eftergaa  vt  lnspect,  examine. 

(Efter | gib e  tt  remlt,  pardon,  excuse;  (opgioe) 
give  up,  yield;  t  be  inferior  to.  -flinrifg  a 
remissible,  dispensable;  ve  ni  al.  •aioelfe  c  remis- 
sion.  -gibenbe  a  indulgent,  yleldlng,  pliable, 
compllant.  -gioenlieb  c  compllance,  indulgence, 

(Efterglanø  reflection,  reflex. 

(ffterglatte  vt  smooth  over. 

(Sfterglimt  after  glimpse. 

®ftergranff|e  vt,  -ning  fe  Cfterforffe. 

(Eftergrao|e  tt  dig,  excavate.  -ntng  o  er  dig- 
ging,  excavation. 

(Eftergrnnbr  vt  ponder,  meditate. 

(Eftergrod  after-math,  rowen.  -ning  grazing 
on  a  mowed  fleld. 

(Efterørsbe  after-crop. 

(Eftergorring  second  fermentation. 

(Efterø*r|c  vt  counterfelt,  forge;  (efterabe)  im- 
itate, ape;  -gjorte  Barer  counterfelt  articles.  -e(fr 
e  forge  ry,  forging,  imitation,  aping.  -er  e  -e 
counter felter,  forger,  imitator.  -Hg  a  that  may 
be  counterfeited,  imitable. 

(Efter  |  (jaauben,  -liaanbd'  adv  by  degrees, 
gradually,  by  and  by. 

dfterb.arbe  tt  narrow  over  again. 

df  terljebe  after  heat. 

dfterbige  or  covet  vehemently.   -n  c  coveting, 

(EnerfifffltP  c  after-help.    -e  vt  touch  up. 

(Efterfjufllt  second  felling. 

*dfter!jtiert'  adv  regularly,  Buccesslvely,  by 
little  and  little;  .  fom  according  as. 

(Efterbængenbe  a  importunate. 

(Eftcrtis  aftergrowth  of  hay. 

(Efterbsft  after-crop. 

(Efterjage  vt  chase,  pursue,  hunt  after.  -n  o 
chasing,  pursult. 

(EfterfUnø  resonance;  fig  re-echo. 

(Efterttine  fe  Xiltline. 

(Eftertløø  a  afterwise;  bet  er  ingen  Sag  at  bare 
•  if  things  were  to  be  done  twlee,  all  would 
be  wise;  it  Is  easy  to  be  wise  after  the  event. 





9f  tertømmc  vt  comply  with,  perform,  observe; 
ifffe  .  diaobey.  -Ife  c  complying  etc.  -abe  a 
Bucceeding,  subsequent.  -r  c  -e  successor;  (tsoelig) 
descendant;  -e  pi  poeterity. 

(Eftertraa  after  clatm;  Drregne  Dmtoftningerne 
fom  -,  tage  ~  Uke  charges  forward. 

(Éftertttlbe  unseasonable  cold,  May  cold. 

(Eftertalt  vt  k  r  leave,  leavebehind,  (efiergibe) 
remit,  (førfømme)  neglect,  leave  undone;  -bte 
Gfciftec  posthumous  works;  be  -bte  the  survivors. 
•Ife  o  remission;  neglect,  omission.  -IfeØfljab 
fin  of  omission.  -a  a  negligent,  remlas.  -ttbtb 
c  negligence,  remissness.  -affab  n  -er  property 
left.  effects;  Iiietaere  -er  posthumous  works. 

(gfterlcbe  vt  (tebe  efter)  search,  seek  after,  look 
for;  V©«ger)  look  over,  turn  over. 

tvfterleit  arriere-fief. 

Gfterleae  vt  fe  -tomme,  -(fe  c  compllance, 
observanoe.   -nbe  a  surviving;  be  -  the  survlvori. 

gfterleaeriag  later  supply. 

tGfterleaerfTe  c  -r  relict. 

(ffierlrtmtag  fe  Setming. 

(Efterlign  |e  vt  imitate,  copy.  -eftfl  a  imiUble. 
•etfe  imitation,  copy.  -etfefaerbif  a  worthy  of 
imitation,  -eabe  a  imitative,  -er  c  -e  imitator, 
copier.    -tag  fe  -e!fe. 

(|ftertob|be  vt  resolder.    -ni*«  reaoldering. 

(gftcrtagaiaa  second  weeding. 

+<f  ftertnUe  fe  -ntjnne. 

(Bfterlab  c  after  sound,  echo. 

QHterlaf|e  vt  advertise.    -ttittg  advertisement. 

tttftertceagte  vt  long  for. 

(gfterlorf  |e  vt  peruse,  read  over.   -»mg  perusal. 

(Sfterlabnlaø  c  (af  Staal)  subsequent  colouring. 

Qftrrlsa  e  pension,  -ve  vt  pension.  -atag  c 

<£ftermaal|e  vt  re-measure.    -tag  re-measure- 


(tftcrataatøaumb  o  prosecutor. 

(gfterøaalttb  after-meal. 

(Efterntflb  second  dish;  meat. 

(Eftermål  |e  vt  (male  om)  point  over  again; 
(fopiere)  copy.    -tag  c  paintiog  etc.;  copy. 

(gfterataab  follower,  ((Efterfølger)  successor,  (i 
øe(eb)   rear-rauk   man;    (p.   BetfteQ   subsequent 

endoraer.  A       _,,.        ..     _r  _ 

(Htemtib|bag  afternoon  (b.  e.  Xiben  efter  Sri.  2 
eller  mellem  lunch  og  Wtbbagen);  bet  ffete  *i.  8  . 
it  happened  at  three  o'clock  P.  M.  -»og*«  after- 
noon; post-meridian,  after-dinuer. 

♦»fteriBlabe  fe  ttftermoele 

Sfteroøbae,  -»  **  ripen  in  the  sheaf. 

(Eftermøft  ciderkin. 

flfterttcele  posthumous  farne,  renown.  name. 

ttfterourlne vi  darken,  grow  darker. 

(ffteraatm  surname,  family  name. 

(gtternttbclfr  after-enjoyment. 

(Efternbnae  vt  hum  after. 

(frteraater  laggard,  straggler,  marauder. 

*ffifter*aa  adv  aflerwards. 

We^Ujlr  «  plough  over  again.  -»tøfl  second 

P  «Uftmegii|e  vt  count  over.  -tag  oounting  over; 

■wSrtSU  dish,  deesert. 

a  Lrrt»itt«  c  -er  (inteUigcnce)  (uben  j>/),  ac- 
9fterret«titg  « >  « m        ^mation,  news;  en  - 

Befaling  -  obterw  «n  Injuncuuu, 

0 'wmtn^'^  »MCblng  *fter' foUowto8- 

(gfterfaa  »c  sow  over  again,  resow.    -aia| 

(gfterfaga  fe  (Eftermæle. 

(Sfterfaatle  t*  pick  up,  glean.  -er  c  -e  gleaner. 
•aing  c  gleaning. 

(Efterfe  rt  inspect,  examine,  see  to. 

(Efterfeabe  vt  send  after  el.  later. 

(Efterjige  trf  repeat;  say  atter  one.  -ffe  e  repe- 

(Efterflgtaelfel  blll  payable  after  sigrht. 

(Eftcrjfose  vt  create  in  imitation. 

(Efterftia  reflecUon. 

(Efter  Iffrift  c  postscript,  -ffriae  vt  imitate  fa 
handwriting);  forge,  counterfeit;  .  en«  Drb,  Xale 
take  down  one's  words,  -frrebne  the  foUowina, 
the  subsequent.  -ffrUmiftg  imitation  of  hand- 
writing, forgery. 

Sfterlffub  after-payment.  -fTabfbom  supple- 
mentary  sentence. 

dftcrlflaa  vt  (Wsnter)  forge,  counterfeit;  (i  es 
©og)  look  for.    -flag  after-note. 

vfterffotf t  posterity. 

9fterffio$ag  train. 

(ffterftcrt  c  after- math. 

dfterfmaa  after  taste;  tang. 

(gfterfmal  n  (*ogfaa  «)  after-olap. 

dftttjnat  e  after- talk.  -te  of  echo,  copy,  par- 
rot.  -ter  e  repeater  (of  what  has  been  said), 
copyer,  parrot.   -fe«  o,  -fer!  n  echoing,  parrotry. 

dfterfa«  conj  whereas,  as,  slnoe,  inasmuch 
as.  seeing  that. 

(SfterfoMBicr  end  of  the  summer;  after-sumxner, 
Indian  summer. 

(gfterforg  after- care,  gforforg  er  bebre  «nb  -  a 
stitch  in  time  saves  nlne. 

(ffterfpefbe  vt  spy  after. 

(Jfterjfjm  after-piece,  after-play,  conclusion; 
mut  postlude.  -fptHe  vt  play  over  again,  imi- 

<fftertøor|e  vt  (ogf.  fo)  track,  fig  trace  om. 
-elfe,  -e«,  -lag  o  tracking  etc.    -e-er  c  tracer. 

®fterf9*rg|c  vt  inquire  after,  ask  for,  make 
inquiry;  bi«fe  Barer  ere  meget  -fpurgte  these  goods 
are  in  great  demand,  request,  favour,  are  much 
run  after.  -fel  o  inquiry;  demand;  gøre  -  om 
make  inquiry  about;  bet  er  ringe  -  efter  tbere  Is 
small  demand  for. 

©fterftaaeabe  a  remalnlng;  following. 

4<Kfterft««b  remainder,  arrear. 

(gfterftfltelfe  affli. 

»fterimt  copy  (of  an  engraving).  -fHfre  vt 
copy  (an  engraving);  touch  up. 

dfterftiag  back  stitch. 

(Efterfrrabe  vt  (ftræbe  efter)  alm  at.  asplre  to 
affect;  (forfølge)  peraecute;  -  ens  fiip  plot  ajrainat' 
attempt  one's  life.    -Ife,  •«  o  aspiration    plot' 
attempt;  persecution.    -r  c  -e  persecutor'  ' 

(gfterftrocrning  second  Btretch. 

Sftcrftatfe  afterplece. 

Cfrerftorr  Becondary  cataract. 

(Kftcrftsb  after-thrust. 

CHtcr  »amn  after  swarm. 

(tfterfbbaing  c  reevaporating  waah 

(tfterfbgbom  secondary  disease 

«f terfaage  vt  aing  after. 

ttfterfab  late  sown  seed. 

gfterfcetaiag  consequent  clause,  apodoais 

9 fterfiette  vt  pursue  «kw*uh«. 




(Eftertegn|e  tt  copy  (a  drawing).  -ing  copying 
etc;  eone  copy. 

(Efterttb  after  times,  after  ages;  fot  -en  in 

fiEfrerrraa  vt  covet. 

lertragt|e,  -ntng  fe  -fitabe. 

tertran  rear. 

tertrøb  small  party  in  the  rear. 

(Eftertrbi  n  (ftDnb,  Betoning)  emphasis,  stress; 
(af  ©09)  piracy;  lægge  .  paa  lay  stress  upon, 
emphasize,  accentuate.  -te  vt  pirate.  -ter  c 
piratical  printer,  pirate.  -fclig  <*  emphatic(al), 
forcfble.  -wing  c  piracy.  -tabgabe  pirated  edi- 

(Efttrtræ)be  «t  succeed.    -bet  o  -e  successor. 

QtfteTtramgenbe  part  pressing  on  (behind). 

<Efterto;l|te  vt  coant  over,  re-count.  -Hag 
countlDg  over,  recounting. 

(Eftertonfje  vt  reflect  on,  consider,  ponder, 
weigh.  t-eltg  a  dubioos,  problematical.  -e», 
•ai*g  reflection,  consideration.  -føm  a  thought- 
ful,  circumspect,  pensive.  -font^eb  thought- 

9 ftertørft  thirst  conseqaent  on  hard  drinking. 

(Efterøaor  second  spring. 

4£frrr»a(g  second  election. 

tfftetbeer  after-pains;  fa  after-ooat;  føle  -  efter 
rafler  from  the  effects  of. 

<Efterbej|e  vt  weigh  over  again.  -ntng  weigh- 
ing  etc. 

(Efterøerben  posterity,  after-ages. 

(Eftertttn  afler-wine. 

(Eftrrtinter  end  of  winter,  after- winter,  second 

(EfterDlrfolKg  after-effect,  secondary  effect, 
alter-operation . 

+4Hter»ife  vt,  -Hg  a  fe  røaablfe. 

+<Efter*ro*nge  vt  caricature. 

(Efterøefft  after-growth. 

(Efremarenbe  a  succeedlng,  future. 

+<Efttgf  fe  doer«. 

tf'g  e  -e  oak,  Qu«rctM. 

(Eg at  a  equal,  even.    -tte't  0  evenness. 

(Ege  c  -r  spoke;  fatte  -c  i  et  $jul  put  epokes 
to  a  wheel. 

Age  e  -t  canoe,  punt. 

(Egejbart  oak-bark.  -btab  oak-leaf.  -bsrb  oak 
Uble,  *(9Jrcet)  oaken  board,  -gamet  a  tanned 
in  oak-bark.  -Iran*  wreath  of  oak -leaves. 
•(■nb  grove  of  oaks.  -løtt  oak-leaves.  -molet 
o  oak-painted,  wainsooted. 

(Ege*  a,  n  ført,  p/  egne,  own,  proper;  (ej en« 
bøsmetig)  peculiar  (for  to);  (fætegen)  particular; 
bet  Mitter  fltebet  i  en  .  ©og  it  is  written  in  a 
separate  book;  et  -t  TCennefle  an  odd  character; 
*bet  et  -t  it  is  Strange;  ban  er  fut  -  egen  $erre  he 
is  his  own  master;  ban  bar  (flt)  -t  $ut  he  has  a 
house  of  his  own;  boa  -  Øeloftning  at  one's  own 
cost  el.  expense:  et  -t  ttbttttt  i  et  Sprog  an  idiotism; 
en  -  600,  faa  fin  -  6ag  an  awkward  thing;  fe 
$oaab,  $etfon.  +-oet  pecullarlty.  -artet  a  pe- 
culiar. -beøogelfe  proper  motion,  -farte  self 
-colour  -føtbef  selx-interest.  -banbel  business 
on  one's  own  aocount.  -|eb  o  -et  pecullarlty, 
oddness,  slngularity,  idlosyncracy.  -baubig  o 
done  (written)  with  one's  own  band,  in  (one's) 
own  writing.  autograph;  .  Unberfftift  one's  own 
signature,  sign  manual:  -  6frittelfe  autograph 
(letter),  holograph;  maa  tnbaibe  .  flnføgntng  must 
apply  in  their  own  nand  el.  writing.  -fnnbffab 
le  €elt>«.  -ført,  -farlig  a  selflsh,  egotlstical. 
-ffftligfceb  selnshness,  egotism.  t-mørb  fe  6elø». 
-mjiiMg,  -mbnbtgbcb  fe  -mægtig,  -mægtigbeb. 
-aurgttg  a  arbitrary,  absolute,  despotic,  high- 
haoded-  —  adv  arbltrarlly;  -  at  ffaffe  flg  Siet  to 
take  the  law  in  one's  own  hånd.    -morgtigleb 

arbitrariness,  arbitrary  el.  hlgh-handed  pro- 
ceedlng.  -nottn  proper  name.  -nbtte  self-interest, 
selflshness,  self-seeklng.  -nbttig  a  selflsh, 
interested,  self-seeking.  -nb  tt  igbeb  fe  -nntte. 
-raabig  a  wtlful,  self-willed,  arbitrary.  -raablg' 
beb  wilfulness,  arbitrariness,  bibl  self- wi  11.  -ret« 
farblgfteb,  -rø#  fe  6elo<.  +-flnbct  fe  Sær».  -fin- 
big  a  wilfal,  self-willed,  obstinate.  -finbigfteb  c 
wilfulness,  self-will,  obstinacy.  -flab  c  -er 
quality,  property,  point;  gubbommeltg  .  di  vine 
attrlbute;  i  ~  af  in  the  capacity  of.  -ffabgørb 
adjective.  (Egentlig  a  proper,  real,  precise; 
ben  -e  Soerbi  the  intrinsic  value;  bet  -e  vanmotf 
Denmark  proper;  be  -e  Wber  the  monkeys,  pro- 
perly  so  called;  i  Drbets*  -e  ttetttbning  emphatl- 
cally,  in  the  true(st)  sense  of  the  word,  Ilte- 
rally; bet  -c  Srama  the  legitlmate  drama;  —  adv 
properly,  really,  by  rights,  after  all;  .  talt  prop- 
erly  el.  strictly  speaking;  itfe  -  not  precisely, 
not  exactly,  not  qulte,  scarcely.  vge*|ttttte 
self-conceit.  -barme  speciflc  warmth.  -neléel 
promissory  note.  -bilje  (egen  Silje)  freedom 
of  will;  ((Egenraabigl^eb)  wilfulness.  t-biWg, 
-ttlØlø^eb  ie  -raabig,  -raabigbrb.  -bagt  speclnc 
gravlty  el.  welght.    +-bocrt  original. 

(Ege|°n4b  acorn.    -pl*utt  oaken  plank. 

dgem  n  -er  squirrel.  -abe  squirrel  monkey, 
Callithrix  tciureui. 

(Egelflob  oak  wood,  oak  forest.  -flamme  trunk 
of  an  oak.  -ftatrl  a  strong  as  an  oak.  -fttamb 
oak-agaric,  Aøaricus  yuercinus.  -tro?  (da)  oak 
tree;  (Ceb)  oak  wood,  (ubenlanbft)  wainscot. 
-tømmer  oak  tlmber.  -øtller  leaf-rolling  Cater- 
pillar, Tortrix  viridana. 

S  øbfort  stag  beetle,  Lueanu*  cervus. 

Han  e  -e  country,  region,  parts,  neighbour- 
hood;  |er  paa  -en  in  these  parts;  en  Vtanb  bet 
paa  -en  a  man  of  those  parts. 

dåne  vt  &  impert  beseem;  -  flg  vr  (for,  til) 
be  flt  for,  adapted  to,  lend  itself  to;  -t  til  at 
calculated  to. 

<tgo|U  me  c  eg'otism,  eg'oism.  -if»'  e  -et 
eg'otist,  self«eeker.    -tftif!  a  egotistic(al). 

(Egrene  ringdmsfline  cotton-gin. 

(Ef  adv  not;  ej  beller  nor,  neitber;  ei  alene  not 
only;  ei  engang  not  even. 

tff!  int  ah!    oh!   aha!    why!   eigh!   ej,   ej! 
indeed!  bless  mel 
al  hey!  hey-day! 

[b  n,  pi  ■«,  isthmus,  neck  of  land,  spit  of 

(Ei'bomerofl  e  Dutch  cheese,  Edam  cheese. 

(Etberen  o  the  Eyder. 

(Eje  »,  t  e,  pouession;  gibe  noget  i  Vrtt  og  - 
grant  in  heritable  possession.  (Eje  vt  own, 
possess;  alt  boab  jeg  -t  og  bat  all  my  worldly 
possessions.    -form  e  (the)  genitive  (case). 

(Ejegob  a  sweet-natured,  tender-hearted,  be- 
nign,   -beb  o  tender-heartedness,  mildne«. 

(Eienbel  c  -e  property  (ub.  id),  possession. 

(Ejen|bom  c  -me  possession,  property;  engelft, 
tbfl  -  (øm  Slib)  British-,  Ocrman-owned ;  bibl 
3  ftulle  boere  mig  en  .  ye  shall  be  a  peculiar 
treasure  unto  me;  gif  ottet  til  at  boere  91  s  -  was 
appropriated  to  N.  -bommelig  a  peculiar, 
characteristic(al),  individual.  -bom'meligbeb  o 
•et  pecullarlty,  (peculiar)  feature,  characteristic, 
distinction.  —  (Ejenbomeibefibber  proprietor, 
lord  of  the  manor.  -folt  bibl  peculiar  people. 
-friljeb  full  and  tree  right  of  possession.  -fafieJ« 
flab  communlty  of  goods.  -aaarb  allodlal  el. 
freehold  larm,  freehold.  -gobf  allodlal  el.  free- 
hold  estate.  -gromfe  boundaries  el.  limits  of  an 
estate.  -|ctre  lora  of  the  manor.  -tnbgreb 
trespass,  violatlon  of  the  right  of  possession. 
•lommWflønær    solidtor.     -tø*    fe    Øefibbelfe«*. 




-mergler  estate- agent,  -oøerbragelfe  fe  -falg. 
-overgang  approprlation.  -pronomen  possessive 
pronoun.  -ret  right  of  possession,  ownershlp; 
fioben  om  ben  literære  _  the  Copyright  Aet;  -ten 
til  tingen  the  property  in  the  thing.  -falg 
estate  sale.  -flat  property-tax.  -ftøbe  deed  of 

(Ejer  c  -e  owner,  proprletor;  bare  -  of  he  the 
owner  of,  possessor  of;  fftfte  _  change  hånds. 

*(£iergrbn  c  semoule,  semolino. 

(ti er ia 'be  o  -r  owner,  proprietreas. 

(fjer | tø 0  a  unowned,  unclalmed.  -monb  fe 

(tfefteborb  n  possessive  pronoun. 

<£}nl)erier  mytk  dead  warrlore. 

tt'iØ  mu#  £  sharp. 

©JfenlfreØfer  c  braggadocio,  swashbuckler, 
flre-eater.    -gom  lostred  yarn. 

*«itet  fe  Kertel. 

*gf,  (Ete  fe  (Eg,  «oe. 

©tie!' ti  |  fer  o  -e,  -fir  a  eclectic. 

(Sflip'lfe  o  -r  ecllpse.  -tlf'e«  the  ecllp'tlc. 
-tttffraaQeben  the  obliqalty  of  the  ecliptic. 

©tfø  n  echo. 

(fflampfT  c  eclamp'8y. 

(tfto'ge  e  -r  eciogue. 

*<tfønge  fe  ttbetfugt. 

*(Sførn  c  og  n  -er,  fe  (Fgern. 

(tfftafe  c  ecstasy;  falbe  i  .  go  (off)  into 

<t!0«  (for&enboerenbe)  ex-,  late. 

(&UaU\atl9'u  o  over-excitement.  -e'retaover 
excited;  wild,  fantastlcal. 

(tf 8a  men  c  -er  el.  -mina  examina'tion,  +exa'- 
men,  f  exam;  unberfafle  flg,  tage  -  pass  (an 
examination).  QfØauenØJaitelt  pa&sing  certi- 
ncate.  bepntation  fe  -fommiøfion.  -feber  ner- 
vousness  before  examination.  •gebtjr  fee  on 
examination.  -faratter  mark,  class.  -føntuiØ' 
fiøtt  Examination  el.  Examining  Board,  B.  of 
examiners.  -opgave examination  paper.  -fp*rgØ> 
ntaat  examination  question. 

(ttøamiulanb'  c  -er  examlnee,  candidate.  -a- 
tiø  n  c  examlna'tion.  -a'tør  c  -ø'rer  exam'iner. 
•e  re  vt  exam'ine,  catechize,  try;  Glibe  -t  (paa 
Stolen)  be  on,  be  cailed  up. 

tttføe  vt  &  i  shlft,  warp, 

tfSIØc  vt  fe  $obmefterere. 

Qtøet;  ntiøu  c -er  distress,  attachment,  seizure, 
(ogfaa  om  DøbØftraf)  execu'tion;  gøre  .  put  in  an 
execution,  a  distress;  gøre  -  i  dlstraln.  -a  ti  ond* 
bom  fleri  facias.  -uttonØf  or  retning  distress. 
-ntt'b  a  exec'utive.  -nti'bmagte*  the  exec'utive 
(power),  -nto'r  (testamenti)  c  -er  exec'utor. 
-tttf'r  c  -er  performer,  exec'ntant.  -na'tur  n 
exequ&tur.    -ne're  vt  ex  ecu  te. 

(gføenrpet  n  -pier  example,  instance,  (tibligere) 
precedent,  uben  .  fe  -le«;  for  -  for  instance,  for 
example,  say;  et  -  paa  bet  mobfotte  an  instance 
to  the  contrary;  anføre  font  -  instance,  exemplify; 
oploft  beb  -pier  exemplify,  illustrate;  toge  -  af 
take  e.  by  el.  from;  ftatuere  et  -  paa  en  make 
an  example  of  one;  følge  -plet  follow  snit.  -1*0 
u  unparalleled,  unexampled,  unprecedented. 
-ni*  adv  as  an  example.  (ftøeatpla'r  n  et  (af 
Bog)  copy,  +exem'plar-,  (f.  ttf«.  af  Slante)  speci- 
men;  (røønfter)  exemplar.  (StØentpla'rtft  a  ex'- 
emplary.    GtØcmplo/rtftyeb  c  ex'emplariness. 

(ttøerce'rle  vt  i  i  ex'ercise,  drill.  -lind  drill 
-room.  -uefter  drill  serjeant,  master  at  arms. 
•patrøn  dumb  el.  blank  cartridge.  -plabØ  drill 
-ground.  -reglement  drill-book.  -fW»  drill-shlp. 
Qff  der  då  c  ex'ercise,  drill. 

CHØt'f  »  -er  ex'lle. 

(ttØiftenØ'  e  exist'enee.  -røibbel  means  of 
subsist'ence.    dtøtfte're  vi  exist. 

dtØttnlbe're  vt  expel,  af  ftiub  unelab.  -fcc'« 
ring,,  -fiø'n  o  expulsion.  -fl'ne  adv  exclu'- 
sive  of. 

(HØtorautuni|ce're  vt  excommu'nicate.  -ce'* 
ring,  -tatiø'n  c  exoommunica'tlon. 

vføfremett'ter  pi  ex'crements,  fteces,  excre't&. 

(SføfurlØ'  o  er  excursus.  -fiøn  o  -er  excur*- 

(ttøøge'a  a  exog'enous;  -  plante  ex'ogen. 

«Wøte  riff  a  exoter'ic. 

(tføo'ttff  a  exot'ic. 

(tføpanfio'n&l  apparat  expan'sion-gear  (o.  ft.). 

(ttøpebjere  vt  dlspatch,  ex'pedite.  -ienf  o 
-er  clerk.  -it'  a  expeditlous,  prompt,  business- 
like.  -itiø'n  e  er  expedit'ion;  (bet  at  eltpebere) 
forwarding,  sending;  (ftontor)  offlce.  -iriø*«d> 
afgift  duty  of  expedition.  -irionAførretttimg 
commis8ion-agency.  -itionåføntor  offlce.  *-ition©- 
fetretarr  Secretary  (of  a  Government  Office). 
-it*  r  c  -er  agent. 

dtøpeftaw'lce  c  -r  expec'tancy,  (paa  «ro)  rever- 
sion,   -t'  c  -er  expec'tant;  reyersloner. 

(ttåpettørjatiøn  e  -er  med  expectora'tion;  %U 
fiff  outpourings.  -e're  flg  vr  unburthen  one's 

Ot åpertntent'  n  -er  exper'iment  (meb  on).  -«'t» 
fljfll  experimen'tal  phllosophy.  -e're  vi  ex- 
per'iment.   -e'ring  c  experimenta'tion. 

(ttdplobe'rle  vi  explode.  -enbe  a  explo'sive; 
~  Sager  explo'sives.    -ing  c  explo'sion. 

dtøpløite're  vt  make  capital  out  of;  (%7cine> 

<£tSplo|fiø'n  e  -er  explo'sion.  -flø'nftfri  a  un- 
explosive.  -fiø  ndpnntt  explo'sive  point.  -Ilter 
pi,  gram  stops.    -fTøftof  explosive. 

9føpøa|ent'  c  -er  index,  expo'nent.  -enria'I- 
ligning  exponen'tial  equation.   -e're  vt  expose. 

(Eftfpørt'   e  exporta'tion.     -e're    vt    expo'rt. 
-forretning  export-house.    -ar  c  -er  expo'rter. 
(ttftpreø'  e  -fer  express;  meb  -  by  e.;  —  ade 
expressly.    -tugter  pi  Jacobs  shells.    -tøg   ex- 
press trøin. 

Sfdprøprilation,  -e'ring  c dispossession.  -e're 
vt  (en)  dispossesB;  (®runo)  appropriate  to  public 

Sfdtent'pøre  a  extempora'neous,  extem'po- 
rary.  —  adv  extem'pore,  off-hand,  on  the  ep  ur 
of  the  moment,  -'re  vt  b  i  extem'porize, 
speak  extempore.  -'ring  e  extemporiza'Uon. 
gtåtentpøra  IfHt  unseen  el.  sight  translation. 

dtotiutWt  o  -er  fire-extlnguisher. 

(ffdtirpa'tør  c  -er  grubber. 

Sførra  ado  k  a  extra.  (tfØtra<  extra.  -afgift 
additional  dues.  -arbejbe  overtime  work.  -Mas* 
supplement;  fly-sheet. 

vføtrabe're  vt  surrender. 

ØfØtrafltt  a  superfine. 

(£tdtrat)r're  vt  extract. 

QtéttaUi  e  bilge  keel, 

QUttaW  c  -er  ex'tract;  (Ubtøg)  abstract.  -tø'« 
o  extrae'tion.  -i'bftøf  extrae'tive  (principle  el. 

(ttØtramanbffab  n  extra  hånds. 

^tøtra  nfføle  e  day-school. 

(ttøtralørbinff'r  a  extrao'rdlnary,  exceptional. 
•poft :  xejje  meb  .  post.  -ret  j*r  a  special  sltting 
(of  the  court).  -tib  over-time.  -tin arg  gratuity. 
-tøg  special  traln.  -abgifter  pi  extraordinary 
expenses.  -nteri'nfnangcrftaft extrauterine preg- 
nancy.  -øagan'ce  c  extrav'agance.  -bag an t'  er 

(ttØtrem  n  -er  k  a  extreme.    -ite't  c  -er  ex- 


(tfnipl  a'ge  e  -r  eq'uipage,  carriage.  -agent efter 
J,  master  of  ordnance.  -e're  vt  equip,  flt  out. 
•e'ring  c  equipment,  fittingout.  —  (trbiperingé- 




fttnbet  outfitting  etabllahment.  -tyanbler  out- 
fitter.    -penge  out  At. 

Qtbtbot'  a  equiv'ocal;  indelicate. 

(SUt'm  n  eczema. 

twt'  e  -let  alder,  Alnu*. 

Stai'n  c  ela'ine.    -fare  elaid'ic  ac!d. 

Glonb  c  eland,  Anwøpe  orcot. 

(Blafr  o  elaatic  string  et.  band.  -trite't  c 
elasticity,  sprlnginess.  -icttetSgrænfe  limit  of 
elasticity.  -tf  c  fe  (Etafl;  caontchouc  tissue.  -iff 
a  elastic,  springy. 

(lifte*  c  the  Elb. 

(Elefant'  e  -er  el'ephant;  otte  ra  ftlue  til  en  - 
make  a  mountain  of  a  mole-hill.  -fører  ele- 
phant-drtver.  -orbro  order  of  the  Elephaut. 
-Hbker  knight  of  tbe  Elephant.  -fnabel  trnnk, 
proboscts  of  an  e.  -ftoge  elephantJ'asis.  -tanb 
elephant's  tootb  el.  tusk. 

(Sleglanf  a  el'egant.    -an*'  o  el'egance. 

•legi'  c  -er  el'egy.  -bigter,  (gle'giter  c  -e 
writer  of  elegles,  el'egist.  dfe'g iff  a  elegiac;  -e 
SSerf  eleglacs. 

(gleftriritc't  e  electric'ity.  -Sborrer  electro- 
ph'orus.  -tUber  conductor.  -Omtaler  electro- 

die!  triller  c  -e  electric'ian.  -fe're  vt  elec'- 
trtfy.  -fe'ring  c  electrifica'tion.  -fermaftine  c 
elec'tric(al)  machine.    -ff  a  elec'tric. 

(Hettro'be  e  elec'trode.  <Slettro|btonamtt' 
electrodynam'ics.  -fo'r  c  -er  electroph'orus. 
-temt'  electrochem'istry.  -Itt'fe  c  electrol'ysis. 
-magnet  electro-mag'net.  -magne'tiff  a  electro- 
magnet'lc.  -magnetisme  c  electromag'netism. 
-møto'rifl  electromo'tive.  -biet'  electroplated 
work.  -bnnfte'Hngelectro-punctura'tion.  -fto'b 
it  elec'troscope. 

(Element'  n  er  el'ement.  -(a'r)aanb  element'al 
spirit.  -a'rbog  primer,  -a'rlotrer  teacber  of 
the  rudiments,  -a'rflole  primary  school.  -frra 
precious  opal.    -oc'r  er  element 'ary,  primary. 

(Elenlbe  c  (+)  fe  -bigbeb.  -blg  a  wretched, 
miserable,  piteous.  -bigtyeb  c  wretchedness, 

(Eleonore  Eleanor. 

GteafTnfle  TOt>ft«ier  tbe  Kleusin'ian  mysteries. 

(Ete'b  c  -er  pupil,  scholar,  leanier;  min  -  my 
pupil  (ilte  s.  el.  1.).    -arbejbe  pupils'  work. 

éteøatto'n  c  art  eleva'tion;  meb  Hor  -  at  bigh 
elevations.  —  <|lebatiøtt*|cblinber  tangent-slght. 
-firme  elevatlng  screw.  -fhtb  tangent  firing. 
-tintet  angle  of  elevation.  —  Sleb  |  at  or  o  -er 
el'evator,  lift.    -e're  vt  el'evate. 

(tte'titøncert  students'  concert. 

elfenben  n  ivory;  hinftigt  -  protean  atone. 
-*-  ivory.  —  Glfenbentltbften  tbe  coast  of  Ivory. 
-*«b  ivory-billed  woodpecker,  Oampepkaøa  im- 
perialt*. -**b  ivory-nut.  -bofttr  ivory  paper. 
-»Unte  phytelepbas.    -fort  ivory- black. 

(Hg  c  -er  elk,  (ameritanfl)  moose(-deer),  Cervu* 
al  et*,  -antilope  fe  (Etanb.  -lo  female  elk.  -otte 
male  elk.   *(Elg*blat  (om  $eft)  grey  like  tbe  elk. 

(Elt'aft  Elias,  bibl  Eujab. 

Slibere  vt  elide. 

Wttfti  r  c  -er  ellx'ir. 

(EUmine're  vt  elim'inate,  exterminate. 

ati  fa  Elisa,  bibl  Elisha. 

•lit'e  c  pick,  elite.    (Bitte-  plcked,   f  crack. 

tdBe  fe  (El.    (&Ut>  alder. 

ttfOejbau*'  c  falry  dance;  (Qroeftplet  paa  (Engen) 
Calry  ring,  fe  KeOttefoamb.  -((Eloer)følt  fairles, 
elves,  fays.    -(d loer)! onoe  falry  klng. 

t€ue|trage  roller,  Coracia*  øarrula.  -Irttt 
alder-grove,   -mofe  bog  Burrounded  witb  alders. 

mt(9i*n)piQt  falry. 

<ffler  conj  or,  .  ogfaa  or  else;  enten  tyxn  .  Jeg 

eitber  be  or  I;  ftberlen  %an  .  ieg  neitber  he 
nor  I. 

QUerø  adv  else,  otherwise,  (for  øorigt)  for  tbe 
rest,  (til  anbre  Ziber)  ordinarily,  generally;  (i 
mobf ot  gfalb)  or;  .  Xal  thank  you  all  the  same. 
~  ingen,  intet  nobody,  notbing,  else;  er  ber  -  nt? 
anytbing  else? 

tCBeffttbt  a  elf-shot. 

tØØerrunte  c  stump  of  an  alder;  man  flat  lange 
fyigge  paa  en  -,  inben  man  faar  en  tttfbcerin  beraf 
it  Is  hard  to  make  a  slik  purse  of  a  sow's  ear. 

(EOeoe  elev'en.  -aarig,  -atr9  a  eleven  years 
old.  -tant  endecagon,  hendecagon.  -tantet  a 
hendecagon.  -ftabelfe*  bendecasyllablc.  dUebte 
eleventb;  ftaltt  -  ten  and  a  half;  ben  -te  Hugufl 
the  eleventb  of  August,  August  Uth.  (tOebtebel 

(SHebilb  a  crack-brained;  -  af  Olcebe  mad 
with  loy. 

(SHi|P'|fe  e  -r  oram  ellipsls,  gtom  ellipse.  -fo> 
graf  e  -er  trammel.    -foi'be  c  -r  ellip'soid. 

(&lm  e  fe  Wn. 

æimåilb  e  Elmo's-fire. 

t(EIritfe  c  mlnnow,  Cydrintu  phoxinu«. 

CMfad  n  Alsa'tia,  Alsa'oe.  -er,  -eriifbe,  -iff 

«Wbtir  n  fe  (Elg.    -«•  fe  (Elg-. 

*<flfl  c:  lægge  .  paa  take  a  fancy  to. 

Ulffe  vt  love;  +  •  op,  fe  Dpelfle;  ^sjt  -t  dearly 
beloved;  gøre  fifl  -t  af  win  tbe  love  of,  endear 
one's  self  to,  ingratiate  one's  self  with;  min  -be 
my  darling,  my  lady-love;  be  -nbe  the  lovers. 
-fnnft  art  of  love.  vlflettg  a  amiable,  lovely, 
bibl  beloved;  til  C*  -e  .  .  to  our  well-beloved  . . 
(glfteligljeb  c  amiabllity,  loveliness,  ami&bleness. 
—  Vifter  c  -e  lover,  (af  noget)  admirer,  -faget 
lovers'  parts.  Slflerinbe  c  -r  Bweetheart,  mis- 
tress.  (E(fler|bor  coupleof  lovers.  -rotte  lover's 

(Slfløb  c  love;  fatte  .  for  el.  tit  fall  in  love 
with.  —  <Elflø»ø|baaitb  tie  el.  band  of  love. 
-barn  love-child.  -blit  amorous  glance.  -breø 
love-letter,  billet  -douz.  -brljnbe  lust.  -bigt 
love  poem,  erotic  poem.  -brit  pbilter,  love 
•potion.  -bratte«  a  glowing  with  love.  -brøm 
dream  of  love.  -erllæring  declaration  of  love. 
+-fauge«  a  in  the  fetters  of  love.  -feber  amorous 
fever.  -flamme  love-flame.  -forbolb  amour, 
Intrigue.  -fnlb  a  amorous.  -garv  love-net. 
•gtøb  amorous  ardour.  -gab  god  of  love,  Cupid. 
•gnbinbe  goddess  of  love.  -bonbet  amour.  love 
-afifair.  -qeb  a  burning  witb  love.  -b^iftorie 
love  tale;  love-affair.  -itb  fire  of  love.  -Hage 
amorous  complaint.  -tanft  fe  (Elfle*.  -tøab  fe 
•bigt.  -løal  torture  of  love.  -lue  fe  -flamme. 
•ttrngfet  lovesickness.  -mtbbet  aphrodislac. 
-minbe  memorial  of  love.  -nube  lovers'  meet- 
ing, -ørbpi  wordsof  love,  loving  words.  -pant 
Sledge  et.  token  of  love.  -bit  love-shaft.  -rib* 
er  knight-errant,  gay  Lotbario.  -rig  o  amor- 
ous. -ru*  love  raptures,  -f  aaret  a  love-stricken . 
-fager  love  affairs.  -fang  love-song.  -fmerte  fe 
-fbat.  -ftraaienbe  a  beaming  with  love.  -fat 
love-sigh.  -fug  a  love-sick,  lo  ve-lom.  -fbge 
love<8ickness.  -tale  tbe  language  of  love.  ~tan* 
ter  love  tboughts.  -barm  a  glowing  witb  love. 
-bife  love  ditty. 

dtftbarr'big  a  lovely,  amiable,  lovable,  attrac- 
tive,  sweet,  likable;  (om  en  TOanb)  genial,  -beb 
c  loveliness,  amiabllity,  lovableness,  attractlons; 

(Jlnbere  vt  elu'de. 

®lø  c  -e  river.  Gtbe*  river  .  —  Otbc((Etbl|breb 
margin,  bank  of  a  r.  -brvb  n  overflowing,  lnun- 
darlon  of  a  r.  -brag  course  of  a  r. ;  water 
-course.    *-far  river-bed.    -flom  freshet(s)  of  a 




r.  -fønge  fe  fltanbftor;  $  reed  meadow-grasø, 
Olyceria  aguatica.  -løb  course  of  a  river;  river 
-channel.  -munbtng  mouth  of  a  r.,  estuary. 
*-w«l  (steep)  river-bank.    *-ø*  fe  -munbtng. 

©tbet|agtia  a  fairy-like.  -band  o.  fl.,  fe  ©He«. 
-luj  fairy-hlllock.    -ffnb  elf-shot. 

©lbe|feng  bed  ofa  river.  *-f»«  fe6no.  -ftrøm 
stream.  -fkå  murmur  el.  (flottere)  roar  of  the 

©Ib/flln«  n  elys'Ium.    -tff,  -cr'iff  a  elys'ian. 

©m  c  vapour. 

©mai  f(le)  c  enamel.  -e'rotn  fe  Stoiffel«.  -farne 
enamel-colour.  -maler  enameler.  -malning 
enamel  (painting).  -'re  vt  enamel.  -'rer  c  -e 

©ntanatio'n  e  emana'tion.  -g'teørien  the  doc- 
trine  of  emanation. 

©manciplariø'n  e  emancipation,  -e'rt  vt 

Smatte  re  vi  em'anate. 

©'man*  n  Em'maus. 

©tnbatt|a'ge  c  paoking.    -e're  vt  pack  (up). 

©mbargø  c  emba'rgo;  logge  .  paa  lay  an 
embargo  on. 

©mbarte  r|e  vi  embark.    -lug  c  embarkation. 

©ntbebe  n  -r  offlce,  place,  post;  beRobe  et  - 
hold,  fill  an  offlce;  føge  et -  apply  for  an  offlce; 
foreftaa  et  ~  discharge  el.  fill  an  offlce;  affatte« 
fra  et  .  be  dismissed  from  offlce;  anfatteft  t  et  - 
be  appointed  to  an  offlce;  ube  af  -  out  of  offlce. 
—  ©mbeb£|aat  years  of  being  in  offlce.  -alber 
age  requisite  for  obtalning  offlce.  -tnføger 
candidate  for  (the)  offlce.  -bone  official  career. 
-beretning  official  report,  -befottelfe  appoint- 
ment.  -bolig  official  residence.  -(rev  official 
letter,  -»røber  colleague.  -btorbe  burden  of 
offlce,  charge,  -bragt  official  costume.  •bneltg' 
b,eb  official  abillty.  -eb  oath  of  offlce,  official 
oath.  -efgamen  degree  ezamination.  -fejt  offi- 
cial mistake.  -følf  men  in  offlce.  -forretning 
function,  official  duty.  -fortabetfe  discharge 
(from  offlce).  -føreff e  discharge  of  office.  -gaarb 
fe  -bolig,  -gerning/  -ftøer*  fe  -forretning,  -inb* 
fømfl  emoluments  of  offlce.  -toer  official  real. 
-foget  place-hunter.  -jagt  -Jageri  place  hunt- 
ing.  -føntør,  -totale  offlce.  -tebigljeb  vacancy. 
•løg  a  unplaced.  -manb  functionåry,  (public, 
government-)  officer,  placeman,  (civil  el.  public) 
servant,  office-bearer;  en  b>j  -  one  high  in 
offlce.  -manblg  a  authoritative.  -ntanbigqcb  c 
offlcialism.  -mitte  official  mien.  -nttftbrng  abuse 
of  au  th  o  ri  ty.  -mbnbigQeb  official  authority. 
-pligt  official  duty.  -rang  official  rank.  -rejfe 
official  tour.  -fag  official  business,  -fegl  seal 
of  offlce.  -f-ffrift  official  document.  -ffrtoetfe 
official  letter,  -flanben  the  Civil  Service:  the 
public  fhnctionaries.  -frit  official  style.  -fttKtng 
(an)  official  situation;  uben  -  unplaced.  -fbSfel 
fe  -forretning,  -tib  perlod  of  offlce.  -tiltrobelfe 
entering  in  to  offlce.  -trøffab  fldelity  in  the 
discharge  of  official  duties.  -tegne:  poa  .  in 
virtue  of  one's  offlce,  officially.  -øej  official 
career.  -øerbenen  the  world  of  officialdom. 
-ntrfføutfceb  official  laboure.  -noten  cont  offl- 

©mble'm  n  -et  em'blem. 

©mbønpoint'  [ft]  n  stoutness. 

©ntbrftoløgt'  c  embryol'ogy. 

©mbrtjon  n  -et  embryo,  -nlff  a  embryonic, 

©ntbe  c  -t  orf,  ide,  Leucitau  Jdu$. 

©me  vi  steam,  reek. 

©ntenb|atio'n  c  -et  emenda'tion.  -ere  vt 

©me'rttn*  a  retired. 

©metiff  a  emet'ic. 

©mfa'lfe  o  em'phasis.    -rifl  o  emphat'ic. 

©mftntiig  n  sensitive. 

©mfbfe'm  n  emphysema. 

©mqat  c  ventilator. 

©migrant'  c  -et  em'igrant.  -agent  emigration 
agent,  -beførbring  conveyance  of  emigrants. 
•farten  the  emigration  tråde,  -fopret  emigrant 
-runner.  -tømmiØfUm  Emigration  Commission- 
ers.  -fflb  emigration  snip.  -notenet  emigration; 
the  Government  Emigration  Commissloners. 
©migre're  vi  em'igrate. 

©mil  Emil'ius.    -te  Em'ily. 

©minen' | ce  c  Eminence,    -t'  m  eminent. 

©mir  c  -et  Ameer,  Emir. 

©mtøf|iø'n  c  emission,    -o'r  o  em'issary. 

©m  |  toppe  fe  -b,at.    -flop  ventilator- val  ve. 

©mme  c  k  vi  fe  ©m,  ©me. 

*©mmtn  «  mawkish. 

©mmer  pi  embera. 

©mmert  c  -et  (i  $umpe)  lower  box. 

©mne  n  -r  subject,  theme,  matter,  subject 
-matter;  *material,  stuff.  *©mne  vt  intend  (for). 
*©mningg|rra,  -øeb  wood  for  implements. 

♦©molet'  e  F  multiplication-table. 

©motumen'ter  pi  emolumenU. 

©mpl|ri'  c  empir'lcism.  -'riter  c  -e,  -riff  a 
empir'ic.    -rlt'nte  c  fe  -ti. 

©mptøi'  o  employment.    -e're  vt  employ. 

©ntrør  n  ventilatlon-pipe. 

+©mflg  [t.]  a  fussy,  bustling. 

t©mter  pi  chaff. 

©mn  c   et  emu,  Cuwariui  emeu. 

©n  art,  n  tt,  a,  an;  for  en  tøbe  Vat  fiben  some 
twenty  years  ago. 

©tt  k  een  eard  num  &  pren  ind,  n  ti,  ttt  one: 
-  ©ang  ouce;  .  ©ang  -  et  -  once  one  is  one; 
_  ©ang  to  et  to  once  2  are  2;  -  for  -  one  by 
one;  100  for  ~  a  hundred  if  one;  -  og  tone 
twenty  one;  -  imob  -  og  to  imob  9anben  two  to 
one  is  odds;  -  nnbetlig  -  an  odd  fi&h;  ~  paa 
Prct  a  box  on  the  ear;  bet  lommer  ub  paa  eet  it 
is  all  one,  lt  comes  to  the  same  thing;  eet  et 
fotnøbent  one  thing  is  needful;  ©ub*  fiob  et  eet« 
9Rennef!et&  fiou  et  et  anbet  there  is  God's  law  and 
man 's  law;  ret  et  bet  at .  .  .  et  anbet  it  is  one 
thing  to  .  .  .  another  to;  eet  af  to  take  your 
choice;  al  Zing  løbet  i  eet  fot  mine  Ø\nt  my  head 
is  all  in  a  whirl;  meb  eet  all  at  once;  unbet  eet 
together;  be  folgeg  unbet  eet  they  are  sold  in  a 
lot;  mit  ene  Ben  one  of  my  legs;  ben  ene  meb 
ben  anben  one  wlth  another,  on  an  average;  bet 
ene  meb  bet  anbet  one  way  and  another;  og  bet 
ene  og  bet  anbet  and  what  not;  fe  fil.  -øarig  a 
one  year  old;  annual;  ~  ttotft  annual.  -aftg- 
one-act.  -armet  a  one-armed.  -baaren  a  only 
begotten.  -baflff  a  monobasic.  -benet  a  oue 
-legged.  -blabet  a  one-leaved,  (fttone)  mono- 
petalous,  (Boget)  monosepalous;  (fBærftsJ)  one 
bladed,  single-bladed.  -blomflret  a  uniflorous. 
-bø  monoecia.    -boplante  monoedan. 

©ncnclica  c  encyclical  letter. 

©nct)c(opo|bi'  c  -et  encyclopæ'dla.  -'blfl  <i 
encycloped'ic.    -bift'  c  -et  encyclope'dist. 

©nb  conj  &  adv  (efter  Jrompatattb)  than;  (foran 
ftomp.)  still,  even;  b.  f.  f.  enbnu;  anbte  -  others 
than  el.  besides;  _  om  what  if,  suppose;  -  «U> 
letterne?  how  about  el.  with  the  tickets?  tfte 
anbet  -  nothing  but;  $Dab  anbet  -  what  elae  but; 
ingen  anben,  ingen  anbre  •  none  but;  bbab  bet  _ 
ftal  bjenbed  happen  what  may,  whatever  may 
happen;  ljtoor  meget  jeg  -  lafer  however  much  I 
read;  om  fan  -  bøb  mig  nol  faa  meget  even  if  he 
oftered  me  ever  so  much;  .  en  Zing  maa  ieg 
omtale  one  thing  more  I  must  mention;  .  iffe 
not  even;   .  fUrte  still  greater;  -  fl(g)e  to  say 




nothing  of,  not  to  mention.  let  alone;  .  bibere 
moreover,  again.  -ba'  adv  even,  still,  even 
then;  iffe  -  not  even  then,  not  yet;  (Enben  er 
irfe  _  the  end  Is  not  yet;  itte  faa  gal  -  not  bo 
bad  after  all;  frøtft  b>n  -  .  .  .  If  he  only.  -bog 
conj  though. 

(Hbe  o  -r  end,  tennlnatlon;  (qberfte  -)  extrem- 
ity;  F  (®agbei)  fundament;  9  antler;  &  rope, 
rope's  end;  fpinbe  en  -  spin  a  yarn;  Serbrnt  . 
the  ends  of  the  earth;  bet  foar  bel  en  ©ang  en  - 
it  Is  a  long  låne  that  has  no  turning;  bor  toibl 
fif  en  -  onr  donbts  were  set  at  rest;  tage  en 
forgelig  -  oome  to  a  sad  end;  naat  -n  er  gob,  er 
alting  aobt  all's  well  that  ends  well;  fra  -  HI 
anben  from  end  to  end;  fe  Dberenbe;  bet  retter  (el. 
giber)  flg  i  -n  in  the  end  thinga  will  mend;  paa 

-  an-end,  on  end;  gøre  ~  paa  pat  an  end  to, 
malte  an  end  of;  gøre  en  «  paa  fine  Sibelfer  put 
one's  self  out  of  pain;  faa  .  paa  en  febfommelig 
Sag  get  through  a  tedious  day;  ban  fif  fnart  - 
paa  fat  gførntue  he  soon  ran  through  his  fortune; 
til  ben  -  for  that  purpose,  to  that  end,  to  the 
end;  bare  til  _  be  at  an  end;  b>r  mig  ril .  hear 
me  out,  hear  me  to  an  end;  Qou  bil  næppe  (ebe 
benne  Sag  tit .  he  will  hardly  live  the  day  out; 
tomme  til  -,  meb,  bringe  til  .  finish,  texminate, 
conclnde.  bring  to  an  end,  put  an  end  to. 
<liibe  vt  k  i  -te,  t  end,  finish,  close,  terminate, 
conclude;  f  fyrorbon  man  -r  og  benber  bet  what- 
ever  way  you  torn  it;  .meb  result  in;  .  meb 
at  lige  finish  by  saying;  .paa  end  el.  terminate 
in.  -artttel  suffized  artide.  -boaegaarb  ter- 
minus, -bogftao  last  letter,  final  letter,  -bolt 
butt-bolt.  -otiet  a,  gram  terminally  inflected. 
-6*i*iag  bend  el.  curve  at  the  end;  gram  ter- 
minal inflection.  -flabe  terminal  face.  ♦•frem 
a,  fe  Bigefrem.  -lafttgteb  terminal  velocity. 
-lamt  extreme  edge.  t-flemt  er  in  a  mortal 
funk.  -fnop  terminal  bud.  -tnnbe  knot  at 
the  end. 

(Hbc't  a  a  deal  of,  some;  —  adv  rather, 

(Hbejleb  (ogf.  fig)  last  link,  eztreme  link, 
Onf.)  tarsus.  (Hbelig  o  (begrowfet)  finite, 
limited;  (til  Slutning)  final,  ultimate,  definitive; 

—  adv  at  last,  at  length,  finally,  in  fine.  ulti- 
mately;  (forrefien)  indeed;  b>n  bil  .  rejfe  he 
must  needs  go;  b,un  bilbe  .  baoe,  at  jeg  ffnlbe 
trine  inb  she  would  absolutely  have  me  step  in, 
inaisted  upon  my  Stepping  in;  bet  maa  Se  .  iffe 
glemme  be  sure  not  to  forget.  (Hbeligleb  c 
finitenens;  end,  conclusion.  <Hbe|ltgt  n  end, 
death.  -Ife  c  -r  tennlnatlon,  deainenoe.  -toft  a 
endless,  interminable;  .  ®obe  blind  alley.  -mani 
end,  object,  aim,  goal. 

(Hbe  ntlf!  a  endem'io(al). 

<Hbc|  morerne  terminal  moraine.  -pnntt  ex- 
treme  point,  terminus,  -rim  concluding  rhyme. 
-fft»c  top-cut  (of  a  loaf).  -ftattoa  terminus. 
-ftapeffe  final  syllable.  -fttflet  o  terminal,  -ftptfe 
end  ptece.  -tarm  rectum.  -tiltog  suffli,  postfix. 
•tr«  end-grain.  -Kåbe  vt  turn  upside  down, 
capelie;  pat  the  back  part  foremost,  4,  turn 
end  for  end.  '»(rining  final  effect.  -total  end 
rawel.    -a«g  end-wall. 

Cmbt'bte  c  en' dl  ve,  Cichorium  endttna. 

(Hb|minbre  adv  still  less.  -«»'  adv  yet,  as 
yet,  still,  even  now;  -  en  ting  one  thing  more; 
.  en  (tang  once  more,  once  again,  over  agaln; 
_  en  9ang  faa  flor  as  blg  again;  .  i  Øftermtbbog 
fifle  longere  flben)  only  this  afternon,  (aøerebe) 
this  very  a.;  -  i  forrige  ftørb.  as  late  as  the  last 
century;  .  minbre  still  less,  even  less.  -og, 
-og/faa  even. 

trwbaimo'fe  c  endosmosls. 

I  (HboJfe'tre  vt  endorse,  back.  -ment'  n,  -'ring 
c  endorsement.    -nt'  e  -er  endorser. 

(Hbrc*  gtig  a  harmonious.  »tyeb  o  harmony, 

*(Hbffat  o  end,  termination. 

(Hblftønt'  conj  though,  although,  notwith- 
standing,  albeit.  -'Pibere  further,  again;  -'bjber* 
mere  still  further,  still  more. 

(He  c  -r  juniper,  Juniperm  commvnu.  -bor 
j.  leaves. 

(He  a  &  adv  alone,  by  one's  self;  (hm)  only; 
-  og  alene  solely;  -  og  alene  for  at  for  the  sole 
purpose  of.  -befalenbe  a  sole  in  command.  -be« 
rertiget  a:  bare  -  ril  have  the  monopoly  el. 
exelusive  prlvilege  of.  -bo  n  fe  -bolig,  -boer  c 
-e  anehorite,  hermit,  recluse;  (Sfrigl)  solltaire, 
Didua  øolitarius.  -boerliP  solltary  life,  hermit's 
life.  -boerffe  o  -r  hermitess,  anchoress.  -bolig 
hermitage.    -brag- sole  use. 

(Hebcrr  n  juniper  berry.  -bttf!  fe  (He.  -(rombe* 
»in  gin,  (bebfle)  Hollands,  -olie  juniper-oll.  -ri* 
fe  Sne*,    -tro?  juniper-tree. 

(He|for*anbter  sole  seller  el.  vendor.  -tyrabef 
monopoly.  -tyerre  sole  master,  autocrat.  -bjerre* 
hsmmt,  -b^erflab  sole  sway,  autocracy.  -lerffcr, 
-b)erfleriitbe  absolute  monarch;  sovereign.  -jagt 
exelusive  right  of  sporting,  -tamp  single  combat. 
-foagc  sole  king.  -lio  solltary  life.  -magt 
sovereignty.    -mergtig  fe  -roabig. 

(Hemffrler  pi  preeineta,  domain. 

(Heftige  e  maid  of  all  work,  general  (servant). 

♦«ner  (Xtæ)  fe  <Ene. 

(He|r  e  -e  one,  unit.  -raabrobe,  -raabfg  a 
uncon trolied  (master),  -raoblgb^eb  independent 
power,  -ret  -rettigbfb  monopoly,  exelusive 
right  el.  privllege.    -retftbebiHina  monopoly. 

(Hergi'  o  en'ergy.  (Ener  gift  a  energet'ic, 
earnest:  —  adv  energetically. 

(Heroeber  o  sole  owner. 

(Herta  n  juniper  twlgs.  4<Herla«g  decoction 
of  juni  per. 

<Her*e'r|e  vt  ener'vate.    -tng  o  enerva'tion. 

(Sned  vd  agree. 

dnelfamtaie  private  conversation.  -flaaeitbr 
a  solltary;  (enefie  i  fit  @l.)  unlque,  exoeptional, 
phenomenal,  isolated;  er  -  stands  by  itself. 

(Hefte  a  only,  sole,  single:  ilte  en  -  not  one; 
iffe  en  -  Stjerne  not  one  (single  el.  solltary) 
star;  en  -  Øong  only  once;  ben  _  the  only  (one), 
the  one;  be  .  the  only  (ones);  -  i  fit  Slags 
unlque,  only  one  of  its  kind;  b>er  .  every 
(single);  Ijoet  -.  en  every  one,  (all)  to  a  man; 
bet  ~  the  only  thing;  bet  -  mcrrteltge  beb  the 
only  remarkable  thing  about;  bet .  ban  nu  tøDbe 
at  tp  til  the  only  (el.  one)  recource  lefl  to 
him;  ban  bar  .  vatn  he  was  an  only  child. 
t-gaarb  isolated  farm  (outside  of  the  village). 
t-fliHing  farthlng. 

Qhtelftue  private  room.   -fkprmanb  only  mate. 

(Hctageft  a  one-storled. 

(He| tale  Boliloquy,  monologue;  fe  -famtale. 
-nbfala  sole  vendors.  -Panbring  solltary  walk. 
-Polbeperre  absolute  monarch.  -Polbåb,erre« 
bamme  absolute  rule,  autocracy.  -Polbåfonge 
absolute  king.  -botbfmagt  absolute  power. 
-bolbdregering  absolute  goverainent.  -pcrlbe  fe 
-bolbsmagt.  -oorlbig  a  absolute,  uncontrolled. 
•»orelfe  fe  -flue. 

<£ nfaroet  a  onecoloured. 

(Hfile're  vt  enfila'de. 

dnlfofb  (+-folbtgbeb)  o  slmplidty.  -fol'big  a 
simple,  silly;  en  -  Stattel  a  simpleton;  e  fom 
Suer  bibl  harm  less  as  doves.  -forbigdeb  o  sim- 
pilcity,  silliness.  *f  rabl  abet  a  monocotyled'on- 
ous.  -frott  a  one-seeded,  monospermous.  -f*b< 
bet  a  one-footed. 




(Bug  a  narrow;  -ere  fig  restricted,  circum- 

$ng  c  -t  meadow. 

<5ngage|ntent'  n  enga'gement,  (af  Sagfører) 
retainer.  -'re  vt  engage,  (Sagfører)  retain. 
-'ring  c  fe  -ment.    -ringftbnreau  general  agency. 

(Sngang'  ndv  (en  entelt  ®ang)  once,  on  one 
occaslon;  (i  Sortiben)  once,  one  day,  sometime; 
(een  Xtb)  at  one  time;  (i  SJremtiben)  one  day  (or 
other),  sometime;  ber  bar  ~  once  upon  a  time 
there  was,  el.  there  waa  once;  foreftil  Xem  ~ 
well!  imagine;  itte  -  not  even;  toent  -  only 
think;  tommer  35e  enbeiig  ~  here  you  are  at  last; 
_  imellem  now  and  then,  sometimes;  -  faa  meget 
as  much  agaln;  fe  (Bang. 

(Engltlontnte  globe  flower,  Trollitu  europæu*. 
-tlømft  meadow  flower. 

dngbrbftei  o.  fl.  fe  Stag«. 

(Snglbunb  meadow  land.  t-brøuuing  fe  Vtyøb* 
urt.    -btartning  meadow  culture. 

(Sngel  c  -gie  angel. 

(Sngefåbørg  the  Gastle  of  Saint  Angelo. 

(gttgelft  a  Eaglish;  paa  -  in  Engliah;  .  Doer« 
fættelfé  £.  translation,  Englishlng;  ben  -e  flirte 
the  Anglican  Church,   the  Church  of  England; 

-  3orb  rotten-s  tone;  .  Sæber  sateen;  -  ^lafter 
court-plaster,  sticking  p.;  -  Salt  (Epsom)  salts; 

-  ©øeb  sweating  sickness;  -  @bge  ricketa;  fom 
Iiber  af  -  Stjge  rickety;  .  Xotppt  British  carpet. 
•amerita'nft  Anglo- American,  -blaat  a  china 
blne.  -$anff'  a  Anglo- Danish;  .  Drbbog  Engllsh 
and  Danish  dictionary.  -ftranft'  Anglo-French 
(o.  fl.y    -ara*  thrift,  Armeria. 

<£ngelff|manb  Englishman,  amr  Bri tisher;  J, 
blackwall  hitch.  -r*bt  brown-red.  -{tabet  a 
Pro-English,  &  c  Anglophil. 

t€nge(ftar  c  angelica. 

Sug  el  |  fob  c  polypody.    t-nrt  fe  -ftor. 

Snglgrnnb  fe  -bunb.  -grad  meadow  grass. 
-Ijarb(e)  bush-harrow.  -bane  enclosed  meadow. 
-Qabre  meadow  oat- grass,  Avena  pratenris. 
t-Qolnt  plot  of  grass  land. 

<£ngt)0t>  c  contracted  feet. 

Cfnglb«  (natural  grasses-)meadow-hay.  -ftøbt 
mole-plough.  -tarfe  cuckoo-flower,  (Jardamine 
pratetm*.  -flotter  water-avens,  Oeum  rivale. 
-ttøoer  meadow  trefoil.    -tanb  fe  -bunb. 

(Bnglanb  n  England. 

dnglelagtig  fe  -lig.  -barn  little  angel.  -front, 
-gob  a  good,  sweet  as  an  angel.  -fromljeb,  -gob« 
tyeb  angelic  goodness  el.  sweetness.  -tyøbeb  areh 
cherub  s  head.  -tor  chorus  of  angel  s.  (Sngle* 
Hg  a  angelic.  (gngtejlib  blissful  life.  -larcn 
angelol'ogy.  -utagerfle  o  -r  baby-farmer(ess). 
-umb  a  angellcaily  mild.  -ren  a  pnre  as  an 
angel.  -røn  angelic  volce.  -fang  Bong  of 
angels.  -fjert  angelic  soul.  -f!øre  host  of 
angels.  -frøn  a  angellcaily  beautiful.  -finit 
angelic  smile,  -fremme  fe  -reft.  -ringer  angel's 

(?nglife'r|e  vt  (en  $eft)  dock.  -ing  c  docking. 
Sngfanber  c  e,  -in'be  c  -r  Englishman,  Engliah - 

<2ng|«larfe  fe  Sang«.  *-Ug  streaked  fleld 
•garlic.  Atlium  oleraceum.  -neoTf(e)  ragged  robln, 
Lvohnit  flo*  cuculi.  -nefliterob  fe  -flotter,  -piber, 
•biblærte  titlark.  -plante  meadow-plant.  -vap- 
gratf  smooth  meadow  grass,  Poa  pratenn*. 

<fngro'A|forretning  wholesale  business,  -banb* 
lenbe  w.  dealer.    -priS  w.  price,  tradep. 

(Énglftifte  meadow  lot.  -(c)ffar  saw-wort, 
Serratula.  -fnarre  fe  ftagteltønge.  -ft  jerne  bird's 
eye  prim  rose,  Primula  farinota.  -ffyf  fe  fe  -ftifte. 
•f  vinget  meadow  fescue- grass,  Fettuea  praUnna. 
-1»re    common  sorrel,    fiumex    aceiota.      -nlb 

cotton- grass,   Eriophorum.    -oaubing   irrigation 
of  meadows. 

9ng|t>io(  marsh  el.  bog  violet,  Viola  paltutri§. 

(£  nbannrt  <t  monandrous. 

(Snbarmo'nift  a  enharmon'ic(al) 

Ø'nlbeb  c  -er  untty;  ((igenftaben)  oneness,  (i 
ftompofttionen)  fusion;  (Sner)  unit.  -I^ebéberrf 
work  of  uniflcation.  -Ijefté'  one-horse.  *-bi«ler 
c  -e  unicycle.  •biorniug  c  unicorn;  fe  ftar^bal. 
-Rørnet  a  unicoraous.    -^oort  a  whole-hoofed. 

(Snlioer'  pron  every;  (nabnl.  en^oer  rfaer,  en^oer 
af  opøøO  each;  (lun  fubftantibift)  every  one, 
everybody,  any  one,  anybody;  afle  øg  -  every- 

9'n^ftnbet  a  one-handed. 

(Snig  a  (om  flere)  unanimous;  jeg  er  -  meb  fcm 
I  agree  with  him,  am  at  one  with  him;  bære  . 
(om,  om  at)  be  agreed  (about,  that);  blibe  . 
come  to  an  agreement  el.  to  terms;  &lioe  ~  om 
agree  el.  contract  for;  øsre  -  meb  fig  felo  have 
made  up  one's  mind;  biet)  .  meb  mig  felt)  om 
resolved  within  myself.  -(eb  c  concord,  har- 
mony,  union,  agreement. 

Sning  c  agreement.    +(SttinpJørb  parole. 

Sutanftjtt'  c  encauflt'lc.    -'iff  o  encaustic. 

(Enfe  c  -r  widow;  widow-bird,  Vidua;  flbbe  • 
live  in  widowhood;  efterlaber  fifl  -  leaves  a 
widow.  -aar  yeare  of  widowhood.  -bo  widow'8 
e state.  -bolig  widow's  el.  dowager  mansion; 
widows'  asylum.  -brub  widow  bride.  -bragt 
widow's  weeds.  -bronntng  queen  dowager, 
(ftongenl  SRober)  queen  mother,  -frite  widow 
-lady,  dowager  (itte  fom  Xitel),  -taftfr  widow's 
fund.    -føinbe  Hbl  widow  woman. 

♦Snfet  a  simple,  plain.    -(rb  c  plainneas. 

(Sntett  a  single;  (ttfe  fammenfat)  simple;  (fan:> 
egen,  Jjerfonlig)  individual;  (enfom)  solitary;  - 
SRennefte  single  man;  en  og  anben  ~  lloinbe  in- 
dividual women;  et  .  ©inb  (af  en  IRaefte)  an  odd 
volume;  en  ~  ®ang  once  in  a  way;  bber  -  every 
single  el.  individual;  -e  some,  a  few;  ingen  - 
SRanb  no  one  (single)  man;  -e  øemantnutger  a 
few  (Btray)  remarks;  nogle  -e  ®ange  occasionally, 
ben  -e  the  individual;  i  b>ert  -t  Xilfcelbe  in  each 
individual  case;  t  bette  -e  Xilfælbe  in  this  partic- 
ular  case;  gaa  i  bet  -e  enter  into  details.  -bel fa« 
fin  t  jack  snipe,  judcock,  Scolopax  øallinula, 
♦common  snipe,  S.  gallxnaffo.  -billet  single 
(Joumey)  ticket.  -breb  single  letter,  -batfer 
slngle-decked  vessel.  -battet  a  single-deck  ed. 
-garn  single  yarn.  -)eb  c  slngleness,  simple- 
ness;  (pi  -er)  detail,  particular,  incident.  -b*)be 
J,  single  altltude.  -tno^b^t  a  Binglebreasted. 
-manb  the  individual.  -rebet  a  single- reeied. 
^-ftining  fe  (£nefte>.  -ftaaenbe  a  isolated.  -tal 
the  singular  (number).  -birtenbe  a  single-acting 
el.  -action,    -oig  adv  singly.  -bofen  Individual. 

@nte|manb  widower.  -manbøftanb  widower- 
hood.  -manbAftøb  knock  on  the  funnybone. 
•benflo«  widow's  pension,  -feng  widowed  bed. 
•ftanb  widowhood.  -fabe  dowager  seat  el.  man- 
sion; f  fe  -ftonb. 

(f'nlfisnbtabet  a  fe  -frøblabet.  -ftang  unison, 
concord.    -tonnet  a  unisexual. 

(Snfta'be  c  -r  part  shut  in  by  forelgn  territorr. 

(Enttit'ift  a  enclit'ic;  .  Orb  encUttc. 

Sn|lni)ibcbe  pi  %  monadelphia.  -tøm  one 
-gralned  wheat,  Tritieum  monococcum. 

(S'nlig  o  lone,  solitary,  single,  lonely,  lone 
some;    ben  -e  Stanb  the  single  state,   eelibacy, 
joc   single   blessedness;    to   -e  ftolt  a  married 
couple    without    children.     -beb   c  (Snfom^eb« 
loneliness,  solitude;  (ugift  Stanb)  eelibacy. 

<£'n|maftet  a  single-masted.  -mag tig  a,  okem 

Chtørnt'  a  eno'rmous. 




En  passant  in  passing,  by  the  way;  «  Slog 
(Stal)  taklng  in  passing. 

<£'tt[raM  privacy;  i  _  in  private,  privately. 
-rnnmrt  a  $  one-celled. 

(J'nå  adj  <k  adv  ldentical,  the  same;  fe  (Enig; 
bet  er  mig  ganfte  -  it  is  all  one  to  me;  afle  ©ør- 
nene gaa  .  llæbte  the  children  are  all  dressed 
alike;  *  .  rørenbe  particularly,  on  purpose. 
•artet  a  homogeneous,  of  the  same  species. 
•artetljeb  c  homogeneoasness.  -beliggenbe  a 
(ginner)  opposite  (angles),  -betfcbeube  a  syn* 
onymous.    (+-boit),  -battnet,  -formet  a  uniform. 

wnfem'ble  n  ensemble,  whole,  entirety,  ag- 

(S'aSlfarøet  a  of  one  colour;  .  Xragi  dittos. 
-førmig  a  uniform,  monotonous,  same,  un 
diversifled.  -førutgtycb  c  uniformity,  monotony, 
samen ess     -tjeb  c  sameness,  unity,  identity. 

(f'ftlfibet  a  one-slded.  -fibig  a  partial,  one 
-sided,  unilateral,  F  all  one  way,  (om  $erføn 
øgf.)  of  one  idea;  $>  unilateral,  secund.  -fibig- 
fteb  c  partiality,  one-sidedness. 

CNffta'ge  c  en'silage,  storage  in  pits  of  fodder 
for  cattle. 

<£  n|ftaHet  a  univalve,  be  -be  the  univalvea. 
-IttØtttg  fe  ©nefte-. 

*<tVit»Uø  fe  fcnlig. 

(S'nftjliggeiibe  fe  -bellggenbe.  -Iijbnibe  a  of  a 
atmilar  sound,  oonsonous.  -løbet  a  of  one 

ttnifønt  a  lonely,  lonesome,  lone,  solitary; 
fcer  bliver  faa  -t,  naar  we  shall  be  so  lonely 
when.  -føntycb  «  solitude,  loneline&s.  -fpæuber 
c  -e  ($eft)  a  single  horse  (put  to  a  vehicle). 
-ftxraøcrøøgn  one  horse  el.  single-horsed  chaise 
el.  cart. 

(£  adfiubet  a  of  one  mind. 

(S'ajftaøelfe*-  monosyllabic.  -ftatetfeJørb  mo- 
nosyllable,  one-syllable  word.  -fteb8  somewhere. 
-ftemmig  a  unanimous;  mut  for  one  volce;  unison, 
in  unison",  -ftemntigt  adv  unanimously,  witfc 
one  voice  el.  accord;  mim  in  unison,  -ftemmig' 
fteb  c  unanimousness.  -ftreget,  -ftrøget  c  middie 
c,  e  wlth  one  stroke. 

Ø'vdlrøbig  a  synonymous,  convertible.  -ttybiø* 
4*b  c  Bynonymy.  -tinget  a  homopterous;  -ebe 
Tpi  homopters,  homoptera. 

<f 'Bftetet  a  haring  one  seat. 

(fcwtablentftti'  n  entablature. 

(i  utal  n  the  singular  (number). 

liftten  conj  either;  tøøab)  -  bet  er  rigtigt  el. 
galt  whether  (it  be)  right  or  wrong. 

(fvtbølbe  [i.]  ioc,  fe  »fiboibe. 

(fntia'tt  c  genttan.  baldmoyne. 

<S»tle  biae,  -tfe  [t.J  fe  «ff!ebige. 

&'u\t9m[mt]9  a  one-inch. 

<ftttømo;iø't  o  -er  entomol'ogiBt.  -løgl'  c  en- 
tomol'ogy.    -lo'gift  a  entomolog'ical. 

9'vtonig  a  monotonous.    -Ijeb  c  monotony. 

(fntontca  t  [fr.l  o  sun-sbade,  small  umbrella. 

(Entre  øf  k  %  (fiatre)  ascend,  climb;  <J,  _  op  i 
Rejsningen  mount  tbe  rigging;  _  ub  (paa  en  fRaa) 
lay  out  f  upon  a  yard);  .  mb  (paa  en  wao)  lay  in 
loff  a  yard);  (et  fjenbtltgt  Sftb)  board;  fom  Ian  -» 
boardable.  -itl(e)  pole-axe,  tomahawk.  -børn* 
sner  fire  booms,    -bræg  grappllngdron. 

(Entré  c  -er  (gorfhie)  entry,  (entrance)hall, 
lobby;  (Vbgang)  admission,  admittance,  admis- 
aicn-money;  <øa*  i  -en  hall  gass.  -billet  admis- 
sion ticket.    -nøgle  latch-key. 

(HtrreOja't  [fr.j  n  cross-caper,  cut. 

ttntrcigafter  pi  boarders,  -bage  grapple. 
-manbflabet  the  boarden,  -aet  boarding-nett- 
ing.    -pig,  -ftite  boarding-pike. 

vatrr&ø't  [fr]  n  bonded-warehouse,  entrepot. 

9atrei>mtaHt'  a  enterprl'sing.  -^reuør  c  -er 

Borfen:  $anft<(ingelf!  Otbbog. 

enterpri'ser,  undertaker;  (af  §lrbfjbe,  iieoerance) 
contractor.    -prt'fe  c  -r  en 'terprise. 

(Sntring  c  -er  j,  boarding,  -dforføg  attempt 
at  boarding. 

<t'it|  titrig  a  2aai  single  lock.  f-øangdbntg 
one-oourse  system,    ••btå  a  fe  Sgenflnbig. 

Chtrttfia9'|me  c  enthu'siasm.  -t'  c  -er  enthu'- 
siast.    -tiff  a  enthusias'tic. 

(Snøoné  c  -er  en'voy. 

Qr  n|øærbig  fe  -mægtig,  -øjet  o  one-eyed.  -øret 
a  one-eared. 

dpat'tt  c  -t  ep'act. 

(fpanlef  c  -ter  ep'aulet,  ahoulder- strap, 

(Spauititt^ax  c  red-winged  starting,  AøelaiuM 

($*\cnt\tl  c  -Iler  epicy'cle.  -lol'be  c  -r  epicy'- 

<f^ibe|mi'  c  -er  epidem'ic.  -mlff  a  epidem'- 

Qptber'mtØ  c  epide'nnis,  ep'iderm. 

^igo'net  pi  epig'oni. 

(Sbtqvam'  n  -mer  epigram,  -bigter  epigram '- 
matist.    -mtt'ttff  a  epigrammat'ic(al). 

dplttt  e  -e  ep'ic  poet. 

(Spituvce'ltx  c  e  Epicure,  Epicu'rean.  -iff  a 
Epicurean.    •{£  nte  c  ep'icurism. 

epileplfl'  c  ep'ilepsy,  falling  sickneas.  -'titer 
c  -e  epilep'tic.    -'tiff  a  epileptic(al). 

<£pftø'g  o  -er  ep'ilogua 

(E|piff  a  ep'ic;  -  Sigt  epic  (poem). 

Qpiffopa  I  a  epl8'copal. 

(E|pifø'b|e  e  -r  episode,    -iff  a  episod'ical. 

©pift  el  c  -filer  epistle. 

Spita  f  n  -er  ep'itaph. 

(Jpitbe  I  n  epithellum. 

(Spitb  eton  n  -ta  ep'ithet. 

dpo  be  o  -r  ep 'ode. 

Spole  c  -r  ep'och;  gøre  ~  form  an  era.  -gø« 
rettbe  a  epoch-maklng. 

©pope  c  -er  epopæ'ia,  ep'opee. 

&p9i  n  ep'ic,  ep  os. 

ffr  [c]  kø  e^  fe  Sære. 

(Jr'  c  fe  !&v. 

(Sragte  of  rule.    (Sragtnittg  o  rule. 

(Srbarntelig  [t.]  a  miserable. 

(Sreftiø  ttåpotent  deed  of  entail. 

(Sremif  c  -er  he'rmit,  anchorite.  -bolig  her- 
mi  tage.    -frebS  hermit-crab,  Pagurm. 

(Srftt're  (»wp  ogf.  erfor)  vt  experlence,  (faa  at 
Pibe)  learn,  ascertain^  understand,  -n  a  ex- 
perlenced.    -n^eb  c  experlence. 

(Srfa'ring  c  er  experlence,  practice;  -en  ex- 
perlence; tomme  til  ~  om,  bringe  i  ~  get  informa- 
tion of,  come  to  the  knowledge  of,  learn;  tale 
af  ~  speak  from  e.;  jeg  Peb  af  førgeltg  -  I  know 
to  my  cost.  —  @rfaringd|  begreb  empiricai  idea. 
-øebll  proof  from  experlence.  -genftanb  subject 
of  experience.  -trcbd  sphere  of  (one 's)  experl- 
ence. -fnnbflab  empiricai  knowledge.  -madfig 
a  empiricai.  -facriting  empiricai  maxim.  -øer- 
ben  external  world.  -øibenflab  empiricai  science. 

t årgang  en  a  [t.]  passea  (judgment) 

Sr4ø(|b'c  vt  obtain,  get;  .  flg  b.  f.;  (mobtage) 
receive.  -belig  a  obtaiuable,  (§orbring)  reco ver- 
able,   -belfe  c  obtaining  etc,  obtainment. 

(f  rl^øerø'  n  tråde,  livelihood,  f  fe  -elfe.  ©r- 
b.øerP|e  vt  acqulre,  earn,  gain.  -elle  c  acquiring, 
etc,  acquisition,  acqulre  ment  —  dr^erbd|brift 
instinct  of  acquisition.  -gren  branch  of  industry. 
-tilbe  source  of  gain,  means  of  Uvelihood  el. 
subsistence,  support,  dependence.  -løft  a  un- 
employed.  -løåljeb  c  want  of  employment. 
-Pirffomljeb  industry. 

»rielføen  Lake  Erie.    -tonale«  the  E.  Canal. 

(Trit  Eric. 





(Erit'd  o  %  eri'ca. 

(Ertttgabe  o  royal  progress. 

(Erist'b|rct>(  remerober,  recollect,  call  to  mind; 
(om)  re  mind,  put  in  mind  (of);  faabtbt  jeg  tan  ~ 
to  the  best  of  my  recollection;  føibe  nt  at  ~ 
have  st  to  say;  man  maa  -  let  it  be  remembered. 
(+-ren),  -ring  c  -er  remembrance;  recollection, 
reminiscence;  ($aaminbelfe)  admonition  (alle:  om 
of);  (Øafce)  keepsake;  til  -  om  in  memory  of; 
batte  i  ~  bear  in  mind;  bringe  i  _  remind  of, 
bring  to  memory.  —  (£rittbrtngS[bøg  memoran- 
dam-book.  -fraft  memory,  -frribelfe  monitory 
letter,  -tegn  memorial,  token  of  remembrance, 

Qrrin'nbrrne  the  Erinnyes. 

(Eric*  prvef  (fotftærtenbe)  arrant,  the  verieat; 
(førft  el.  fornemft)  arch.  -blflo^,  -Mtø  arch-blshop. 
~b\ftopptl\Q  a  archiepiscopal.  -bifpebømme  arch- 
bisnopric.  -begn  archdeacon.  -bttm  a  amaz- 
ingly  stupid,  -bnmbeb  amazingstupldity.  -engel 
archangel.  -fienbe,  -fjcnbe  archenemy.  -fer 
arrant  fool.  -facbrene  the  patriarchs.  -gatotijb 
arrant  knave.  -ftertttg  archduke.  -fcertugbømue 
archdukedom.  -Qerrugelig  a  archducal.  -bertug< 
Ittbe  archduchess.  -info*  arrant  coward.  -fol« 
tring  fe  -gaotbb.  -fætter  rank  heretic.  -Ugner 
arch-liar.  -nar  arrant  fool.  -ftetm  arch  rogue. 
-frtft  archdiocese.  -fæbe  archiepiscopal  see. 
-toåfe  fe  -fæ.    -tb»  arrant  thief. 

(grtcitb'lc  vt  acknowledge,  own,  admit,  re- 
cognise,  (for  fig  felo)  feel;  (fatte)  apprehend,  com- 
prehend.  -elfe  c  acknowledgment,  admittance, 
cognition,  recognition;  apprehension.  compre- 
hension,  understanding;  bringe  en  til  ~  af  nt 
bring  st  home  to  one.  +-en  c  apprehension. 
-tlfg  a  thankful,  grateful.  -tligfteb  c  gratefulness, 
thankfulness,  acknowledgments  pi. 

<ErNorr'|e  vt  declare;  ~  en  fot  declare  one  to 
be,  post  one  as;  -*  alminbetig  for  is  generally 
yoted;  -  fig  (fri)  propose,  declare  one'B  self;  - 
fig  for  en  declare  for  el.  in  favour  of  one;  -  fig 
ftøbig,  itfe  ffplbig  plead  guilty,  not  guilty;  ~ 
ftrig  declare  war;  -be  dnglanb  ftrig  declared  war 
against  el.  on  £.;  .  i  SRtget«  Mft  put  under  the 
ban  of  the  empire;  en  -t  $abet  af  an  avowed 
enemy  to.  -Ina  c  -er  declaration;  opinion;  certi- 
ficate;  biblomattf!  -  note;  offentlig  -  manifest, 
public  declaration,  statement 

(Ertytt'bige  (t  vt  inform)  vr  ft 
el.  in  to,  make  inquiry  after. 

tCrlong  e  [t.]  fe  Dpnaa. 

UtU  c  -t  wagtail,  Motaeilla. 

erlægge  vt  pay  down,  dlsburse.  -Ife  c  pay- 
ment,  disbursement. 

<Entcr'r|e  vt  maintaln,  support,  (tøflfO  nourish; 
P  cater.  -rlfr  c  fe  -tng.  -er  c  -e  supporter, 
maintainer,  breadwinner.  -ing  o  maintenance, 
support;  nourishment,  med  nutrition.  -ingølibtt 
nutrition.  -ingåorgan  organ  of  nutrition.  -ingfl- 
tttftanb  (state  of)  nutrition. 

(Erobre  vt  conguer.  -Hjftfe<Etobtfng8».  erobrer 
o  -e  conqueror.  (Erobring  o  -et  conquerlng,  con- 
quest.  —  (Erobringskrig  war  of  conquest.  -tyft, 
-ftjge  passion  for  conquest.  -ret  right  of  c. 
-tog  invasion  for  conquest. 

(froflø'n  c  ero'sion.  <Eroflo'ii*bal  valley  of 
erosion.  _.  ,     t 

(Ero'ltiff  a  erot'ic(al);  -  »tgt  erot'ic  (poem). 
•Hf  c  love,  love-making. 

(Erratift  a  errat'ic(al). 

(Erre  vt  (Sivet,  fe  3rre,  3ttet. 

<Erftat'|te  vt  (bet  manglenbe)  replace  (the  want 
of);  (flioe  (Erftarning)  compensate  (one  for  el. 
something),  indemnify  (one  for),  make  good, 
make  up  for.  -telig  a  reparable,  -Bing  c  -et 
compensation,    indemnlflcation,    damage  s.    — 

om  Inquire  about 

<Erftarniitg8|irab  claim  for  compensation;  gøre 
~  goelbenbe  sue  for  compensation,  claim  damages. 
-»ligt  liabillty.  -pligtig  a  liable  (to  make  com- 
pensation).   -føgSmaal  action  for  damages. 

*(Erte  vt  tease.    -tror,  -ftilfr  c  teaser. 

(Ertå  c  ore,  metal,  -aaremetallicvein.  -bolbig 
a  containing  ore,  metalline. 

GrrttJbe'nt  n  erythema. 

(B'  n:  i  fit  -  in  hl$h  Bpirlts;  tfte  i  flt  .  out 
of  sort«,  not  hlmself;  jeg  et  itte  rigtig  i  mit  ~  I 
dont  feel  quite  myself. 

(Ed  n  (*  ogf.  c)  -fer  ace;  fer  alle  ambeaoe;  -fet 
fjerbe  ace  three  small  ones. 

<g*'  mu»  E  flat.    -tg  £  double  flat. 

(Efai'af  Isai'ah. 

(Etbngt  c  (Xømt.)  S-roundlng, 

<Ef4eln  zafflr. 

(Edbrago'n  c  dragons  wort,  tarragon,  Arimiina 
Dracunculu*.    -ebbtte  tarragon  yinegar. 

(Efittg  fe  Sdflng. 

(Effa  bre  c-ti  squad'ron.  -d)ef  commander 
-in-chief,  Commodore.  (Sftabro'tt  c  -et  squadron. 
(Effabrottd'^ef  major. 

(Effamotere  vt  fe  $ott'. 

(&ttar  pt  e  -t  esca'rp,  sca'rp. 

(SfTtmø'  e  -et  Esqulmau,  pi  -aux. 

(SfTorte  e  es'cort.  -'re  vt  esoo'rt.  *'risg  c 

(Edo'teriff  a  esoter'ic. 

d\pal\t't  n  -et  espal'ier;  (om  RfCt.)  (double) 
row.  <gf^alie'r|e  vt  espal'ier,  nail.  -frugt  wall 
-fruit.    -bftg  fruit-wall. 

diparitt'(tt)  o  sainfoin,  OnobryckU  »ativa. 

SØplana'be  c  -t  esplanade. 

(Sdfe  c  -t  forge,  furnace.  -foft  sprinkle,  -frottf 
sweepings  of  xurnaces. 

CSfenS'  c  -et  es'sence. 

(^åfetrug  n  smlthy-trough. 

t(£8flg  a  P  fussy,  sharp. 

Gdftag  c  -et  gunwale.    -galante  sheer-strake. 

(Efftafa'br  c  -t  stockade. 

Øft]lonb  n  Estho'nia.  -Iflttbft  a,  -(amber  c  -e 

@ftra  be  c  -t  estra'de,  stand. 

(Sftragos  fe  SSbragon. 

(Et  &  eet  fe  Sn  one.  -atrig  a  of  one  year. 
-aard  a  one  year  old. 

Stabilere  vt  estab'lish;  -  ftg  settle.  -(e  ring  c, 
-fidfemeitt'  n  -et  estab'lishment. 

(Stage  c  -t  story,  floor,  flat;  i  neberfte  .  on 
the  ground- floor;  anben  -  the  flrst  floor,  amr 
the  second  story,  (i  Zeat.)  second  drcle  el. 
tier,  upper  dress-circle;  øoetfle  -  fig  ($ot>ebet) 
the  upper  story;  en  fmuf  -  a  fine  suit  of  rooms. 
•'re  c  -t  Canterbury,  etagere,  whatnot,  (til  Rober) 

(StamiW  [ft.]  n  tammy. 

(Stap(p)'t  e  -t  halting-place. 

(Stat  c  et  service.  (EtatØraab  c  -et  (titular) 
councellor  of  state. 

(Etbirr  n  herb  paris,  Paria  quodrifolia. 

(Etbbert  fe  Sn^oet. 

dril'  c  eth'ics  pi.    (E'Hf!  a  eth'ic. 

(StiUtu  c  etiquette,  conventionality;  (SebbeO 
label,    -'re  vt  label. 

(Etmaaf  n  ^  24  hours;  (©efKf)  dayfs  work. 
(Etmaaldttettgc  day's  pay. 

(Etnojgra'f  c  -et  ethnog'rapher.  -grofi'  o 
ethnog'raphy.    -grafifl  a  etnograph'ic. 

«tru  Iriff,  -ff'ifl  «,  -ff'er  c  Etruscan,  Etrariaa. 

©tfc^  c  (globen)  the  Adige. 

(Etlftebg  adv  somewhere.  -tal  (number)  one 
unit.  • 

(Etn'be  o  -t  stud'y,  exerclse. 

(Etui'  n  -et  case. 

(gtbmojlo'g  c  -et   etymol'ogist.     -logi'  e  -et 




etymol'ogy.  -logife're  vi  etymol'ogize.  -lo'gif! 
a  etymolog'ical. 

gufeuiéjnt'e  c  -t  eu'phemism.  -fHff  a  eu- 
phemist  ie(al). 

(Mør  bia  c  ^  spurge. 

(JNftat  c  tbe  Euphra'tes. 

Qhtge*  Euge'ne. 

<£nmeni'berne  the  Furies,  the  Eumen'ides. 

<$n«nf'  c  -et  eu'nuch. 

<?nro'p!a  n  Eu'rope.  -<e'er  c  -c,  -a'iff  a  Euro- 
pe'an:  _  ffluHanb  Russia  in  Europe. 

Gufia'dflfl  gtør  Eustachian  tube. 

Gtoa  Eve.    -batter  daughter  of  Eve. 

(gøatne'lre  «f  evae'uate.    -ring  r  evacua'tion. 

(Nangc'lttf!  a  evangel'ic(al).  -lift'  e  -er  evan'- 
gelist.  -'Itun  n  -ter  gospel;  SRattføei  .  the 
gospel  accordlng  to  St.  Matthew. 

<£»entn|a  ttter  adv  even'tually.  alite't  c  -er 
contingency.    -el'  a  even'tual. 

<£pentpr  n,  p*  s,  ($<tnbelfe)  adven'ture;  (ftor« 
talling)  (fairy-,  nursery-)  tale,  (flre-side)  story; 
gaa  ub  paa  ~  go  lu  search  of  adventures,  go 
seek  adventures;  t  paa  eget  -  at  his  own  ri  sk. 
-flgttg  a  fanciful,  unreal.    -bigter  story-teller. 

<*øentp'|re  vt  fig  venture,  -'ret  c  -e  adven'- 
turer.    -'rolle  e  -r  adven'turess. 

<Eøentpr|forfatter,  -forfatter  fe  -bigter.  -føntrbie 
fairy  comedy.  (fpentprltg  a  romantic,  marvel- 
lous  Gøentprligbeb  o  adventurousness;  (f$or» 
nnberitgf>eb)  marvellousness.  (fpentprPerben  fairy 

Qøert  c  -er  wherry-boat. 

<f»tb|en£'  c  obviousness;  tit  ~  to  demonstra- 
tion,   -ent'  a  ev'ldent. 

*<H'te  c  -r  eddy;  creek. 

(Evig  a  eternal,  perpetual,  everlasting;  bet  -e 
8it>  lifo  eternal  el.  everlasting;  ben  -e  forbørn« 
melfe  perdit  ion;  ben  -e  3lb  everlasting  fire;  ben 
-e  6ne  perpetual  ri.  perrennial  snow;  ben  -e  Stab 
the  eternal  city;  ben  -e  $øbe  the  wandering 
Jew;  _  €fat  perpetual  check;  HI  -  Xib  to  all 
eternity;  gooet  til  flt  -e  $iem,  ben  -e  $r»ile  gone 
to  his  loog  home;  bet  ctlbe  pære  en  -  Sfabe  it 
would  be  a  thousand  pities;  for  -  for  ever  (and 
ever),  eternally;  boer  -e  en  every  mother's  son 

(of  them);  Ijoer  t  9tat  every  mortal  uigbi.  — 
adv  (og  altib)  eternally,  for  ever;  F  ben  er  -  gob 
that  will  do  wonderful.  -glab  a  p  jolly.  -gren 
a  evergreen,  -tyeø  o  eternity;  bbor  i  al  -  er  bet 
muligt?  how  in  the  name  of  wonder  is  it  pos- 
sible;  en  (bel)  ~  an  age,  (untold)  ages;  albrig  i  . 
never;  bibl  i  atte  -er,  inbtil  -et*  .  world  without 
end.  •bebøblømft  everlasting,  goldylocks,  Gna- 
phalium.  -bebéftrne  endless  screw.  -Parenbe  a 
everlasting,  eternal. 

(gøtnleifg  a  continual,  perpetual;  adv  eter- 
nally, to  all  eternity.  -beb  c  fe  (SPigbeb;  i  en  . 
for  ever. 

(Evne  c  -r  abillty,  power,  faculty;  (Øtaab)  means; 
Ijar  -  til  at  has  the  faculty  of  -ing,  has  it  in 
him  to;  gobe  -er  good  parts;  bet  ooergaar  min  . 
that  exceeds  my  abillty,  it  is  beyond  my  reach; 
efter  -  according  to  one's  means;  to  the  best  of 
one's  abillty.  iføne  vt  Se  i  be  able,  have  the 
abillty.  -Ug  a  without  abillty;  without  means 
el.  fortune.  -UStyeb  incapacity.  -rig  a  gifled, 

(Søolntio'n  c  -er  evolution,  -teorien  the  e. 

ggantljc'm  n  exanthema.  -a'tif!  XtjfuS  spotted 

(2r.cel|len  ce  c  ex'cellence,  ex'cellency.  -fent 
a  excellent.    -Irre  vi  exeel'. 

Sgcen'tcrjring  excentric  ring.  -ffioe  e.  (wheel). 
-ftang  e.  rod.    -»anbring  throw  of  e. 

(Egcenltricitrt  c  eccentric'ity.  -ril'  c  eccen'- 
tric.    -wftang  fe  djcenter«.    -rifl  a  eccentric. 

dlttpHo'%  c  -er  jw  demurrer. 

Cfjeer^|e  re  vt  extract'.  -e  ring  c  extraction. 
-t'  c  -er  ex'tract.    -tbog  commonplacebook. 

(S{ceg'frr  pi  outrages. 

^jci^ere  vi  demur. 

Cfjegelfe  c  exegesls.    -tiff  a  exeget'ic(al). 

(fjergne  c  exergue. 

Wgi  bel  a  ex'igible. 

Exteaso:  In  .  in  detail;  at  length,  at  large. 

(fCterritoria'iret  exterritorial'ity. 

Qfse'fttei  Eze'kiel. 

©seti  aå  Hezekiah. 


9.  f  [«f]  n  -fer  (©ogjt.  Sl  mut)  F,  f;  a66r:  f.  « 
føbt  l>oro;  f.  V.  =  forrige  Sar  last  year;  f.  9.  « 
for  <Sf tempel  for  instance,  e.  g.;  ftbfr.  s^jerbing' 
tor;  ff.  «b  følgenbe  the  following;  fbb.  «■=  forben- 
Dcrrenbe  la  te;  f.  W.  =  forrige  Waaneb  last  month, 
ult.;  ftm.  »  fjormibbag  forenoon,  a.  m.;  f.  n.  ■= 
fra  neben  from  bo t tom;  f.  o.  ■>  fra  oven  from 
top;  %t.,  %tt.  «*  ^rsfen  Miss. 

3*4  a  few;  færre  fewer;  færrefl  fewest;  nogle  . 
a  few.  ilte  .  not  a  few;  nogle  .  uboolgte  a  select 
r(.  chosen  few;  nogle  ganfte  .  a  very  few;  -  eller 
ingen  few,  if  any;  meb  .  Orb  in  a  few  words, 

%a*,  fif,  foa(e)t  vt  (\  Ulm.)  get;  (mobtage)  re- 
ceive;  (opnaa)  obtain,  gain;  (er^Perbe)  acquire; 
F  Sn  ffal  . !  have  at  you !  lab  oft  -  libt  grotoft 
let  us  have  some  breakfast;  \ta  fif  et  IBreo  I  had 
a  letter;  *~  fig  take;  -  Unger  bring  forth,  pro- 
dnce  you  og;  ~  Qtialpt  whelp;  .  %»l  foal;  .  ørife 
pig,  Csrrow;  •  Sam  lamb;  .  Søn  fom  forftplbt  el. 

fin  fortjente  Søn  be  rigbtly  served,  get  one's 
desert;  -  (Øobbeb,  ØffTp  for  take  a  liking,  an 
aversion  to;  ~  Spfl  ril  take  a  fancy  to;  jeg  bar 
•et  min  &ratte  repareret  I  have  had  my  coat 
mended;  naar  jeg  -r  Oogen  Icrfr  when  I  shall 
have  read  the  book;  ieg  -r  pel  (at)  gøre  bet  I 
suppose  I  shall  have  to  do  it;  bet  -r  Pare  fom 
bet  oil  be  that  as  it  may;  bet  -r  at  bare  let  that 
pass;  bet  -r  bære  tillabt  at  it  must  be  allowed 
to;  -  at  fe  get  a  sight  of;  Pi  -r  at  fe  we  shall 
see;  *  bon  -r  fpife  ftiff  he  is  allowed  to  eat  fish; 
4  bu  -r  blibe  Ijfemme  you  must  stay  at  home;  - 
nt  at  Pibe  el.  bjøre  hear,  learn  st,  be  informed  of 
st;  b^m  funbe  flet  ilTe  foa  ben  Xante  af  $  o  Pebet  he 
never  could  dl  vest  hlmself  of  the  idea;  -  en 
fra  nt  turn  one's  mind  from  st;  ~  et  Crb  frem 
utter  a  word,  get  in  a  word;  .  igen  recover, 
re  gain,  (Smaopenge)  receive  (in)  change;  .meb 
not  to  leave  el.  omit;  fif  fyam  meb  made  him 
come,  brought  him;  .  en  til  (at  gørej  nt  make 




one  do  st;  -  til  at  le  set  oue  laughing;  jeg  fan 
irie  -  bet  til  1  cannot  get  on  wlth  it;  jeg  fan 
iffc  -  nt  ub  af  bet  I  c&n  make  nothing  of  it. 

$aa  |*fcrngt  a  valn;  adv  in  valn.  -(eb  e 
paucity,  fevvness-  +  ffinbig  a  ignorant.  +-tb»big' 
(eb  c  ignorance.  *-m«lt  a  fe  -orbig.  *-at<eabt  a 
fe  -taQig.  *-abtte:  Hl  .  to  little  purpose.  -orbig 
a  taeiturn,  chary  of  words. 

Qfaor  n,  pi  =,  sheep,  (fcunbbret)  ewe;  et  bræg« 
tigt  >  a  ewe  wlth  lamb.  —  føtarefagttg  a  sheep- 
ish. -anfigt  sheepish  face.  -art  breed  of  sheep. 
-abl  breedlng  of  sheep.  -bob  shoulder  of  mutton. 
•bremé  tnimpet-fly,  Oestm*  ovi*.  t-breag  shep- 
hord  tK>y.  -ftof  flock  of  sheep.  -ftynber  fluke, 
Dhtoma  hepatieum.  -følb  sheepfold.  -graftgaag 
sheepwalk.  -gobatag,  **g*bfe(  sheep' b  dung. 
-b|orb  flock  of  sheep.  -Ijotb  sheep- far  mi  ng, 
breedlng  of  sheep,  numberof  sheep  kept.  -bobeb 
fia  bloekhead,  nlnny.  -baab  shepherd's  dog, 
sheep-dog.  bud  sheep-cot  -bbrbe  shepherd. 
-bbrbiabe  shepherdess.  -tlibaiag  sheep-shearing. 
-Mtbber  sheep-shearer.  -Morte  sheep-bell.  »flæber 
6*6/  sheep' s  ciothing.  -toppet  tag-sore.  -fbøtttg 
cricket,  Gryllu*.  -t*b  mutton.  t-fofle  leg  of 
mutton.  -loar  fe  -fsQe.  t-leger  thrift,  Armeria. 
•lebcr  sheep 's  liver,  -luft  sheep-Uck,  Hippobosc* 
or  1*.  t-ntumcb  April,  -merit  sheep's  milk. 
-ab**  sheep 's  kidney.  -of»  sheep '8  milk  cheese. 
-bel«  (ftaaret*  $e(ft)  fleece;  (QraarrfCinbSbelS)  sheep- 
skln  Jacket  el.  coat.  -race  breed  of  sheep.  -fabel 
saddle  of  mutton.  -fart  shears.  -ffab  scab  (on 
sheep).  -ftlab  sheep-skin.  t-fae  April  snow. 
*-fob  polyporus.  -ftafb,  -fii  sheep-cot,  -pen, 
-fold.  -fteg  leg  of  mutton.  -tolaget  sheep's 
tescue-grass,  Fentucn  ovina.  -fbge  (bo*  Saatet)  rot; 
iboS  HRennrflct)  mumps.  +-t  a  sheepish.  -talg 
mutton  tallow.  -taage  sheep's  tonguc;  t  fe  Bej. 
breb.  -tbb  sheep  stealer.  -tbberl  sheep- stealing. 
•tæge  fe  -lu*  -alb  sheep  s  wool.  -baffning 
sheep-  washing. 

$aa*,  ftbrc  oligarchy.  -talenbe  a  fe  -orbiø. 
-fattig  a  small  iu  number.  -tattigbeb  fe  ftaabeb. 
•Stribe  oligarchy. 

$a*ef  c  -Wer  fable;  fip  story,  tale.  -ag  tig  a 
fabulous.  •ag'tigbcb  c  fabulousuess.  -alber 
fabulous  el.  mythlcal  age.  -bigt  poetical  fable. 
-bigter  fabulist,  writer  of  fables,  -bbt  fabulous 
animal.  -band  story- teller.  berbett  world  of 
fable,  -btrrf  fable,  idle  tale.  -b«fen  fabulous 
boing.    fraote  w  fable. 

ftabrif  c  -fer  inanufactory,  (ftot)  factory.  $a> 
brtfaat'  c  -er  mauufacturor,  maker  —  $abrit(ø> 
arbejbe  factorv-work.  niill-Ubonr;  (litereertt  hack 
work  -arbejber  factory -hånd,  f.  operative. 
-at  n  -er  manufacture.  -atio'a  c  manufacture, 
manufacturing,  -beftbrer  manager  of  a  faciory. 
-bo  manufacturing  town.  -bbgatag  factory 
buildinjr  -brift  manufacture«,  manufacturing 
fnduatrv  -cier  owuer  of  a  manufactory.  -c  re 
*  inanufaciure,  fr.  cont  fabricato  -galb  strong 
KOld-leaves.  -!«■  manufacturing  country, 
riteier  overseer  iu  a  m.;  &  siirveyor  of  the 
navr  -lacerle  fe  -fttmptl.  -****g  «  A  adv 
whSesal"  in  a  manufactory  way  -b^fle  «»*•  tory 
£3 1+?\*  manufacturers  priee  fiictory  prlee. 
™  «  Z~l*  {forftnt  faetory-chlmney.  -ftab  fe 
lh»m  .toiiel lurmark.  ^.»M«U  wholewto 
^oot    rt     w«rchouse   dot    for    ,tho   «Ue   of|> 

^a^oa'  c  -er  shape,  make,  cut.  -ae 'ret  o 
figured.    -flen  fe  gform«.    -traab  flgured  wire. 

grab  a  vapid,  insipid. 

$ab  n  c  (f)or  ZaQrrfen)  dish;  (Xunbe)  cask, 
butt,  hogshead,  puncheon;  *  fe  Unberfop;  PI  fra 
-et  beer  from  the  wood,  draught  beer;  fontme 
HI  -et  come  in  for  a  snare;  føbe  af  .  fig  pull 
together.  -biubet  cooper.  -brart  shelf  for  piates 
and  dishes. 

grabber  c  -e  god-father,  godmother,  sponsor; 
ftaa,  bare  -  Hl  et  Barn  stand  el.  be  god-father, 
god-mother  to  a  child;  bebe  en  Hl  -  ask  one  to 
stand  god-father  etc.  -breb  christenlng  card. 
-gabe  christenlng  present,  -glibe  christenlng 
party,  -ffab  sponsorship.  t^obberffe  c  -r  god 
-mother.  Qrabberlflabber,  -faaf  goseip,  gossiping 
-ftab«  fe  -gtlbe. 

gabe  vt  barrel. 

$abe|bnr  pantry.  -bnrdb^gt  houaekeeper. 
•laag  dish-cover.    -lange  ^  cask&llng. 

ftaber  c,  pi  ftabre,  father,  parent,  (poet  og  om 
^efte)  sire;  ^ecbre  pi  fathers,  ancestors;  -  Hl  the 
father  of;  er  gaaet  Hl  fine  frtebre  has  been  gathered 
to  his  fathers,  F  has  joined  the  majority;  §æbrenc 
our  fathers.  -blinbbtb  fatherly  blind ness.  -brbft 
paternal  breast.  -bab  father' s  command.  -fabn 
paternal  embrace.  -frtib  paternal  dellght, 
father's  joy.  -felelfe  paternal  feeling.  -glffbe 
fe  -frgb.  -baanb  fatherly  hånd.  -bed  sire.  -bfrm 
parental  home.  -bferte  father's  heart,  paternal 
heart.  -ba  fe  -flnb.  +-b»lb  a  kind  as  a  father. 
-(ørlig^eø  paternal  love.  føibertiø  a  fatherly, 
paternal,  parental,  ftaberligbeb  e  fatherliness, 
parental  klndness.  $aber|lbffe  paternal  happi- 
ness.  -Ud  a  fatherless,  bereaved.  -magt  paternal 
authority.  -ntilbljeb  fatherly  gentleneas.  -atørb 
parricide.  -atorber,  -atorberfle  parrlcide.  -aiar- 
bere  pi  f  side-boards,  -atørberfl  a  parriddal. 
-aaba  name  of  father.  -omb«  paternal  solicltude. 
-blittt  duty  of  a  father.  -flab  fatherly  affection. 
-ftoltljeb  fatherly  prlde.  -bor  n  the  Lord's  prayer; 
tro  fom  flt  .  believe  like  gospel;  ftmne  nt  fom  Tit 

-  have  st  at  oue" s  fingers'  ends;  fan  mere  enb  ftt 

-  is  up  to  snuff,  up  to  a  thlng  or  two.    -eje 
fatherly  eye,  fathers  eye. 

ftabebftrf  n  casks  pi.  -  ^ablfafbt  n  dishful. 
-b«l»  quarter  of  a  cask.    ~W**  fe  -brxet. 

2*^80  c  -er  body  (of  a  carriage). 

m  b|nab  fe  Srartlub.    -larb  basket  for  dishes 
and  piates.    -mtaltag  gauging  of  casks.     -*ia 
o  barrelmg     -fmag  taste  of  the  cask.    -fHf 
harnesa  hitch.  n 

ftabce'fc  c  -r  blunder,  solecism. 

gaftoa  c  -er  phaeton. 

Wn,  p/  =,  (i  Stigning)  bay,  window;  (i  Seol 
o.  I )  pigeon-hole;  (i  Sfole)  subject;  (cSmtoobe 

fyp  dox,  to  .  »tnbuer  two  wlndows    et        Okrr 
buter  a  set  of  curtalns  for  a  window^  af      bv 

I      S2«aÆ  qfli0k'  flwl-  -  «*•  qulckly 

m%tt  *  fair,  Uvuuiful     ^aa«  ahiM.i^v  '  a 
1  U.torH«.    -bcb  c  fairness    *         shelduek,  Ana, 

»«  g.forealag  iradevuMion    .r««^««*. 
;  s  onal  rt.  Bp<H.  ■,  kllowl^n-  JER?**  V*0*** 

-l«rb  r  pmfcnwional  Mudem*      tS22?  °  ef1frt- 
,  professional  twober    .mm  ^"l?re?   8PecJ*l  «■ 

I  the  1. ,  UasmnmiM  'ipiUtt  P^former  on 


»•-■•nu««  iuæ«  or  subje,,,,  subject.: 





-ftøfe  special  school.    -fpørgåmaaf  professional 
question.    •ftabiam  professional  study. 

fagter  pf  (-1-  fragte  c)  grimaces,  an  ti  es. 

$«g|ttbrrbt  technlcal  term.  -bibeaflab  special 
branch  of  science.  -»18  ad©  by  compartments. 
•utrrl  fe  Sinbing*'.    -ttarWbro  lattice-bridge. 

ft«bl| laber  shaft-leather.    -malm  fahlerz. 

ftajan  re  c  crockery,  Delft-ware,  delf.  -fatrif 
delft-manufactory.   -{sabler  crockery-ware  man. 

ftatlbne  hatter's  bow.    -feølber  bow-bat. 

ftaft'r  e  -er  fakir,  fakeer. 

•gfafre  vf  catch,  nab,  take  up. 

tfaftef  o  -tier  torch,  flambeau,  link,  cresset. 
-bærer  torch-bearer,  link-boy.  -bant  dance  with 
torcbes.  -brag er  fe  -barer.  -ibe\  -fft«  (glare  of) 
torch-light.    -tog  torch-light  procession. 

"  itnfag  e  (gattern.)  bowlng. 
iffta'ue  n  fac-simile.    -re  et  fac-sim'ile. 
itiageboøtt  parcels-delivery  cart. 
iftio'n  e  -er  fae'tion. 

Jcttifl  a  fonnded  on  faet;  bet  er  _  't  ia  a 
faet;  et  -  (Brunblog  a  substratum  of  faet,  a  found- 
atlon  in  faet;  ben  -e  (Ejer  the  virtual  possessor; 
—  adv  as  a  matter  of  faet.  ftattør  c  -o 'ret 
factor;  (8ogtr.)  overseer,  ftaftørf  n  -er  fae'tory. 
ft«tiø'tam  o  &  *  all  in  all,  factotum.  frattnm 
»  -a  faet. 

gfotra'ra  c  -rer  involce.  -bog  invoice  book. 
-beUb  amount  of  i.  -pH*  1.  price.  fyaftnrere 
vt  invoice. 

g«faf'itati»  a  optional.  -te't  *  -er  fac'ulty; 
bet  jnrtbiffe  -  tbe  faculty  of  law  (ofb.).  -ie't*« 
btfl tttniag  resolution  of  the  f 

ttøri  a  &  adv  for  sale,  to  be  sold,  venal  (fe 

•g«f  o  -er  (paa  6pbb  o.  b.)  socket. 
ilaitM  e  -er  pba'lanx,  phal'anx. 
lUfle  e  white  ashes. 

_  ilb(e)Ube  c  -t  furbelow,  flounce;  befatte  meb 
-r  furbelow,  flounce. 

$øj!bfebe  vt  offer  for  sale,  expoae  to  sale.  -(fe 
c  offeringa  for  sale. 

+5«tb  c  -et  nem,  welt. 

ftafb  n,  p/  s,  fall,  downlall,  (oberenbe)  tumble; 
(Zufalbe)  case;  (Zonefalb)  cadence;  J,  baliard, 
(af  en  Salletøber)  fall,  (af  Stabn,  Waf!)  rake;  øvre 
et  -  have  a  fall;  betl  -  bar  ftørt  bibl  great  was 
the  fall  of  it;  fhia  paa  -  be  on  the  point  of  fall- 
tng;  i  -  in  case,  in  the  event;  i  faa  -  in  that 
oase;  i  anbet  .  otherwise;  i  al  _  at  all  events, 
at  any  rate;  i  mobfat  -  on  a  contrary  supposi- 
tion, if  not,  on  the  other  nand;  i  paatommenbe 
.  on  an  emergency.  -bebogelfe  falling  motion. 
-bow  portcullia.  -borb  folding-table.  -bro  draw- 
bridge, -bnr  fowling-cage.  -bragtiø  &  fe  8f> 
falbrn.    -b#»  trap-door. 

*9«(be  vt  hem. 

fMbe,  -bt,  -bet  vi  fall,  drop,  tumble;  (i  *rig) 
fåll,  be  kil  led;  ftbagføfbet  -r  the  mercury  is  fall- 
lng; lobbet  -r  the  curtain  descends,  drops;  ber 
falbt  en  ftart  Regn  there  was  a  heavy  fall  of 
rain;  bn  falbt  nogle  Orb  some  words  passed; 
ban«  ftrebit  -r  his  credit  is  falling,  ber  er  -n  Som 
i  6ogen  the  cause  is  adjudged;  Sommen  falbt 
barn  fmob  the  sentence  went  against  him,  tøn* 
fltoge  -r  fire  Gange  om  Varet  his  salary  is  payable 
quarterly;  taøe  bet  fom  bet  -r  take  it  as  it  comes; 
ber  -c  gob  6æb  i  benne  (Egn  this  country  produces 
fine  eorn;  IRugen  -r  maabettg,  jæbn,  ganfte  gob  the 
rye  turns  out  but  indifferent,  ordlnary,  pretty 
fair;  Serfet  -r  tungt  the  line  Is  heavy;  frjolrn  r 
tffe  gobt  i  IRbgaen  the  coat  does  not  ilt  well  in 
the  back;  bet  falbt  mig  forunberligt  I  thought  it 
Strange;  bet  -r  mig  (et  I  find  it  easy;  bet  falbt 
meget  bort  it  emme  very  expensive;  feUang;  (abe 
en  følg  -  drop  an  afiair;  (abe  et  forfat  -  rellnquish 

a  design;  jeg  lob  nogle  Orb  -  berom  I  let  fall  ri. 
drop  a  few  words  about  it;  (abe  Vtobet  -  lotte 
heart;  &  (ab  -!  keep  her  off!  .  af  fall  off,  (om 
$aar  o.  1.)  come  off,  (afmagret)  fall  away;  fpab 
ber  -r  af  leavings,  shavings,  remnants,  Onbtagter) 
extras;  -  af  ^  fall  off,  keep  away,  keep  off,  (i 
fietntnø)  cast;  bet  -r  af  fifl  felb  it  is  a  matter  of 
course,  that  goes  without  (the)  saying;  fa  . 
bag  o  ber  be  taken  aback;  .bort  cease,  drop; 
bet  -r  bort  meb  Mårene  it  wears  off  with  age; 
.for  fflenbenft  6barb  fall  by  (beneath)  the 
sword  of  the  enemy;  .  for  occur,  happen,  turn 
up;  fe  SBrdfi;  naar  Seret  Bej  -r  forbi  when  you 
come  my  way;  .  fra  desist  from;  (blibe  oprørft) 
rebel;  (fra  fin  Xro)  apostatize,  fall  off  from;  (bø) 
die,  drop  off;  .  (jen  (til)  take  to,  addlct  one's 
self  to;  (fbgne  tøn)  (all  el.  pine  away;  .  i  (paa 
3ft)  fall  through;  .  i  $anberne  paa  en  fall  In  to 
one's  hånds;  -t  gobt  i  tytanben  Is  handy;  bet  -r 
i  bet  forte  it  has  a  sbade  of  black;  bet  -r  i  bet 
pøbefagtige  it  savours  of  vnlgarity;  bet  -r  i  min 
6mog  it  sults  my  taste;  bet  -r  ganfte  i  ban*  Smag 
it  falls  in  with  el.  is  quite  in  his  taste;  .i 
pjnene  ~  strike  e(.  catch  the  eye,  be  consplcuous; 
.  i  Zanfer  fall  into  a  re  very,  .  i  ^orunbrinø,  i 
©tabet  be  struck  with  aatonlshraent,  —  igen« 
nem  (blibe  forfadet)  be  rejeeted;  (ftorflag)  be  lost, 
defeated;  (beb  Balg)  be  thrown  out;  (oeb  røatlo« 
tering)  be  Dlackballed;  (beb  ClSamen)  be  refused, 
rejected,  plucked,  ploughed.  fall;  .  inb  happen, 
occur,  fall;  (meb  Crb  og  mw)  come  in,  strike  in, 
fall  in,  (meb  Orb)  interpose.  3ulebag  -r  inb  paa 
en  Sørbag  Christmas-day  falls  on  a  8aturday; 
.  en  inb  enter  into,  come  into,  cross,  one's 
mind;  bet  -r  mig  inb  it  strikes  me,  it  occurs  to 
me;  bet  funbe  albrig  tøoe  falbet  mig  inb  it  could 
never  have  come  into  my  head;  bet  falbt  mig 
plubfelig  inb  it  flashed  upon  me  on  a  siidden; 
.  en  inb  i  bang  (Embebe  interfere  with  another's 
official  duties;  .  en  inb  i  ban«  Sale  interrupt 
one;  .  inb  i  et  Sanb  invade  a  country;  .  inb  paa 
fall  upon,  charge  (an  enemy);  .  inb  nnber  fall 
under;  fe  $ør;  .  neb  rome  down;  .om  fall 
down,  (om  Zing)  tumble  over;  -bt  mig  om  $a(fen 
threw  nimBelf  about  my  neck;  .  o  ber  fall 
upon;  .  paa  hit  upon,  think  of,  bethink  one's 
self  of;  ban  falbt  paa  at  gifte  fig  he  took  it  into 
his  head  to  marry;  b.borTebei  -r  bn  paa  bet?  what 
mak  es  you  think  of  that?  ba  falbt  en  ftabfef  taa 
b>m  then  a  dread  came  over  him;  Katten  -r  paa 
night  is  coming  on,  closing  in;  Sf&tben  bil  . 
paa  Dem  the  blame  will  be  laid  on  you;  - 
(ammen  collapse;  .  fammen  meb  coincide  with; 
be  identical  with;  .  til  (f.  <E!8.  en  oHiibbør)  shut, 
close;  bet  -r  mig  til  it  falls  to  my  lot;  .  en  tit 
&efbar  be  troublesome  to  one;  .  tilbage  fall 
back  (om  Spgbom)  relapse;  .  tilbage  paa  Go 
recoil  upon;  fienet  -r  tilbage  til  Kongen  the  flef 
reverts  to  the  crown;  .  ub  fall  out,  come  out; 
fa  turn  out,  fall  out;  .  ub  i  (om  ftlobet) 
fall  into;  ben  er  -n  unber  ^ingf)en  V.  og  en 
banfl  ^oppe  he  is  by  A.  from  a  Danish  mare;  — 
w  fig  fall,  come,  chance,  happen;  naar  bet  -r 
fig  faa  in  good  time,  when  occaslon  offers;  — 
f afben  (Engel  fallen  angel:  -n  $tge  ruined  girl; 
falbenbe  6bge,fe^(bfot.  $a(be|farbig  a  tumble- 
down;  in  a  state  of  decay,  minous.  4*grab  fe 
ftalbgrube.    -b,at  fe  ^atb*.    gfafben  c  falling,  AU. 

9alb | gerrig  a  J,,  fe  Øffalben.  -gitter  portcullis. 
•grnbe  pitfall.  -b;a1tigbeb  falling  velority.  -tot 
(child's)  pudding-hat,  pad.  -bøjbe  height  of  a 

ftalbiftofiam  n  faldstool. 

$a(b|f(obft  monkey.  -traft  gravitation,  -iaag 
lid  on  hinges.  -lem,  -fttge  batch  on  hinges. 
•net  4/  (overhead-)  netting,  -paf er  pi  dropping 




pawls.  -port  large  trapdoor,  4,  hanging  port 
-lid.  -(e)reb  J,  gangway;  et  ©la«  paa  -et  a 
parting  cup,  stirrup-cup.  -rebébreag  side-boy. 
-rebStnob  manrope  knot.  -rebSlejber  side-ladder, 
-rebøfcepter  manrope  stanchiou.  -rebfttob  man 
-rope.  -(e)rebdtrappe  accommodation  ladder. 
•rcbåtrtn  steps  for  the  side.    -ter  waste-pipe. 

§albSjbarm  4,  head.  -blot  *t  halyard  block. 
-bolt  ^  head-lining.  -ijorn  ^  head.  ftalb* 
flotrm  parachute.  ftalb$|  Løjert  ^  head-cringle. 
-ntoal  n,  -maaldbøbe  fine  for  oontempt  of  court 
el.  conturaacy. 

ftalb  |f  oi  epilepsy,  falling-sickness.  +-f»trlg  a 
epileptlc,  -frriffe.  snare,  trap.  -tob  J,  middle 
rope;  man -rope  -trappe  trap-stairs.  -biitbue  sash- 
vvindow.    -part  stamp(lng).    -orøe  guillotine. 

fta  Utjolbe  vt  fe 

fra  1 1  c  -f  falcon,  hawk;  (p.  Sranon)  sight;  af* 
rette  en  -  reclalm  a  h.;  fætte  gatten  paa  el.  tage 
ben  af  en  -  hood  el.  unhood  a  h.;  loftc  en  - 
lure  a  hawk;  blmbe  en  ~  seel  ah,  (abe  -en  flige 
cast  the  hawk;  inbfætte  en  -  mew  a  h.;  -en  flaar 
neb  the  hawk  pounceB. 

ffatta  be  o  falcade. 

$alte|bj<tlbe  hawk's  bell.  -Mit  hawk's  eye 
el.  glance.  -fænger  c  -e  falconer.  -gaarb  hawk- 
ing  establishment.  -I|tt*  mew  for  hawks.  -tyatte 
hood.  -jagt  hawklng.  -Jager  falconer.  -flap 
fe  -fartte.  -flo  talon  of  a  h.  -ntefter  chief  fal- 

Øfalfene'r  c  -nerer  falconer.    -ntefter  fe  galte- 
mefter.     -titnft   falconry.     -tofte  hawking  bag. 
alfenterd  c  worm,  wad-hook. 
alte'rc  vi  make  falcades. 
at!e|rem,  -flo  jess.    -flag  pounce,  swoop  (of 
a  hawk;.     -Hang  perch  for  a  hawk.     -fpn  fe 
blif.   -nttgc  young  hawk,  eyas.   -bogter  keeper, 
feeder  of  hawks.    -øjne  hawk's  eyes. 

tal!(anb§øerne  the  Falkland  Islands. 

taltotter  c  fe  ftalfener. 

galfonet'  c  -tet  fal'conet. 

faUt  c  -r  bolt.    -laaå  trunck-lock. 

ftatttnt'  c  -et  bankrupt.  fallere  vi  fiail  (in 
business),  become  bankrupt,  break.  fjfattMfe- 
mtttt'  n  -et,  OrflDit'  c  -tet  failure,  bankruptcy, 
insolvency;  gaa,  gøre,  fpiOe  -,  fe  gradere.  tiaUit' 
a  bankrupt,  etflcete  flg  -  file  a  declarauon  of 
bankruptcy,  file  one's  balance-sneet;  etflære  en 
-  (om  fKetten)  adjudge  one  (a)  bankrupt;  forlange 
en  ernæret  -  present  a  bankruptcy  petition 
against  one. 

ftaaitl'beføntblittg  bankruptcy-inquiry;  fanft 
unoer  .  bcetenbe  ©o  his  insolvent  estate.  -bo 
bankrupt's  estate;  8  reb  tiørerne  i  fanft  .  tbe 
creditors  under  his  bankruptcy;  Seftnrer  af  - 
liquidator.  -erf  låring  declaration  of  bankruptcy, 
Schedule;  fio  confession  of  ignorance  el.  in- 
competency.  -lob  insolvency  aet,  law  of  bank- 
ruptcy, bankrupt  law.  -lobgibningen  the  bank- 

fcaHo  Piffe  fRør  fallopian  tubes. 

fralme  vi  fade;  fan«  Vnfigt  -be  bibl  his  counte- 
nance  fell.    -n  c  fading. 

t8ro(§  c,  fe  fcalft. 

$aIØ  c  er  (©ogb.  og  frøbberfl.)  fold;  (Xømmeiatb.) 
groove,  channel,  noten;  (flange)  flange,  -be« 

(Jalfe  vt  fold;  groove,  notch.    -brart  (©ogb.) 
folding- board,  (@arb.)   wooden  leg.     -lammer 
soldering-hammer.    -\axn  groover;  folding-tool. 
•maffiae  folding  machine. 
f  alf  et'  c  false  tto,  head-voice. 
raløb,**!  c  notching-plane,  flllister(-plane). 

Jatft  a  false,  (uægte)  spurlous;  (eftergjort) 
counterfelt,  forged,  aa,r  p  bogus;  (urigtig)  false, 
wrong,  unsound;  _  ffltønt  false,  base,  counterfeit 

coin;  -e  Seblet,  Betøler  forged  notes,  bilis;  -e 
ftibben  bastard  el.  false  ribs;  -e  JHnbtænber  pre- 
molars,  e  Stantanter  mock  dlamonds,  paste;  et 
-t  Vcennefte  a  double-dealer,  a  false  man;  ~  Spuler 
card-sharper;  .  Spil  card  sharping;  føre  .  3lag 
carry  false  coloura;  -e  Saaret  sham  tears,  -e  Zoner 
discordant  notes;  .  Wngiuelfe,  Ubtbbning  misstate- 
ment,  misinterpretation;  —  adv  falsely,  wrong; 
fptUe  .  cheat  at  play;  fboerge  -  perjure  one's 
self,  swear  falsely;  fange  -  sing  out  of  tune. 
fralft  c  ub  pi  (frorbr.)  forgery,  talsification; 
(Oralffb  )  falseness,  duplicity;  .  flaar  fin  egen  $erre 

§aa  ^ale  treason  does  never  prosper.  ftalffe  fe 
forfalfEe.  $alffetig  adv  falsely.  ^alfflieb  c  (tun 
om  ^erfon)  falseness,  duplicity  (Urigtigbeb)  fals- 
ity,  fallacy.  ^alff|røt|nter,-inønrner  c  ^(counter- 
felt) coiner,  p  smasher,  -mljnteri,  -nMnrnert  n 
coining.  -net  c  -e  forger,  falsifler.  -Heri'  n 
forgery,  falsification. 

aløning  c  folding  etc.  (fe  galfe). 

atfnm  n  forgery. 

•ami'Ue  c  -r  fomily;  i  .  meb  related  to,  a 
relation  of;  af  gøb  -  well  connected;  i  min  -I 
Støb  by  my  own  fireside.  -angaaenbe  fe  -fag. 
•baanb  family-tie.  -begrabelfe  fe  -graofteb  -faber 
filther  of  a  family,  paterfamilias;  -fæbre  heads 
of  families,  -fejl  family  failing.  -forblnbelfe 
connection.  -forb.o(b  family  relations.  -gobØ 
faml  ly -estate.  -grabfteb  family-  vault.  -ftcb» 
domestic  circle.  -ligdeb  family  likeness.  -Hu 
domestic  llfe,  home  life.  -atbtt  family -name, 
surname.  -pagt  family-compact.  -paraply  family 
umbrella,  joc  Mrs.  Gamp.  -raab  f.  oouncil.  -fag 
family-aifair,  f.  concern.  -famnteittomft  family 
•reunion,  -ftab  n  relationship.  -forg  mourning. 
-ftoltfteb  family  pride.  -fttytte  (en  fal  familie) 
family  piece;  (Vtb)  helrloom.  -fbgbom  ramfly 
complaint,  hereditary  disorder.  -tbift  fiunily 
discord,  -baabev  family-arms.  gfamiUoc'r  a 
famil  iar,  free  and  easy. 

Qfamlr  vi  grope,  fumble  (efter  for);  (i  Xalen) 
falter,  hesitate;  ~  beb  fumble  at,  finger,  handle, 
-a  c  groping  etc,  hesitation.  -bom,  famntel' 
fingret  a  who  has  itching  fingers. 

imnlué  c  amanuensis. 

anw'Ø  a  infamous. 

a»a'rt|fet  c  -e  fanat'io.  -fere  vt  fanat'lcize. 
-ff  a  fanatic(al).    -4'mt  e  fanat'iciam. 

Øfanbev  the  devll,  the  flend,  the  deuce,  old 
Harry;  for  - !  confound  it  I  -  og  fan*  Clbemober 
the  devll  and  his  dam;  .  til  fttjr  tbe  devll  of  a 
fellow;  bet  bat  fom  . !  the  deuce ;  fej  at  fom  bare  - 
deucedly  tough;  ftintet  fom  bare  .  stinks  like  heil; 
ingen  -  the  devil  a  one;  fbfor  ~!  fy!  shoetdng! 
gaa  .  i  £o!b !  go  to  the  devll;  you  be  hanged ! 
be  hanged  to  you;  tat  ljam  .!  Bmall  thanks! 
_  deller  devil  a  bit;  bet  gøt  fan  .  iffe,  ~  beHex 
the  deuce  he  does;  .  tage  el.  gale  mig,  om  ieg 
gøt  I  wlll  be  hanged  lf  I  do,  I  will  see  you 
hanged  firet;  .  et  løø  the  devil  to  pay;  noat 
man  taler  om  .  (malet  ~  paa  Steggen)  et  b^n 
nætmeft  talk  of  the  devil,  and  he  will  either 
come  or  send,  and  his  imp  appears,  and  he  is 
sure  to  appear;  jeg  tror  ~  plaget  (tibet)  bigl  are 
you  stark  raving  mad?  bet  btbbet  ieg  mig  -  om 
(I  don't  care)  a  fig  for  it!  bet  maa  gaa  til  meb  -I 
frunfter  the  devil  must  be  in  it;  fer  .  faat  6!ø 
paa  at  an  unearthly  hour  in  the  morning,  at 
some  unholy  hour;  ~  farter  el.  bjatbet  fine  el. 
noat  man  fat  -  til  Otarbtobet . .  .  the  old  Gentle- 
man helps  his  own;  noat  man  aioer  ~  ben  UUt 
Ringet  ofb.  give  the  devll  an  inch  and  he  wlll 
take  an  ell,  naat  man  taget  ~  paa  batten  ofb.  he 
that  has  taken  the  devil  into  his  boat,  must 
carry  him  over  the  sound;  faab  far  ifte  -  at  be- 
friQe  Satan  flnds  some  mischief  still  for  idle 




hånds  to  do;  fnatte  ~  et  jDre  af  talk  the  leg  off 
an  iron  pot:  —  ftanbenø  devilish,  diabolical; 
ni  -å  ftaxl,  Støj  a  devil  of  a  fellow,  noise;  t  -9 
Srernemnlf  (ftorteurt)  spurge;  -*  SRceltebøtter  (Søbe* 
tonb)  dandéllon.  -taolbff  a  f  dare-devii.  -ibolbfl* 
tyeb  c  recklessness,  flre-eating. 

ftanbt  imp  af  9inbe. 

*$«ne  fe  ftann. 

5«ne  e  -r  banner,  standard,  colours,  ensign, 
gonfalon;  (paa  $en)  beard,  vane;  «p  tail; 
^  standard;  t  ~  Sobfolf,  {Rytteri  Company  of 
soldiers,  troop  of  horsemen;  fbærge  til  -n  take 
a  mililary  oath;  meb  flnbenbe  -r  og  flhtgenbe  ©pil 
wlth  colours  flying  and  drums  beatlng.  -betroet 
case  for  the  colours.  -barer,  -brager  standard 
-bearer.  -eb  military  oath.  -inbbielfe  benedlc- 
tlon  of  the  colours.  -junfer  non-commlssloned 
officer,  who  Carries  the  standard,  colour-sergeant. 
•len  feoff  by  knight's  service.  -1*6  a  bannerless. 
-narø)  march  played  when  the  colours  are 

Qfaneroga'nta  phanerogam'ic,  phanerog'amous. 
-er  pi  p.  piants. 

$ane[ffo  sheath  for  a  banner,  -ftang,  -flot 
staff  of  a  standard,  -tog  procession  with  flags. 
•»agt  colour-guard. 

9&nfa|re  c  -r  fen 'fare,  flourish.  -ronnabe  c 

♦Stang  n  handle. 

_  tttg  n,  fe  ©løb;  fe  gatbfot. 

f$ang]arm  tentacle.  -ben  prehensile  palpus. 
•bæger  cup  (and  ball).  -(e)ba$mnittg  batterdeau, 

*£ange  vt  catcb,  capture;  t  fe  %aa;  bolbe.  bringe 
en  -n  keep,  bring  one  prisoner;  et  -n  fig  is  in 
the  toils;  gamle  5ugle  exe  ifte  faa  lette  at  -  old 
hirds  are  not  to  be  caught  wlth  chaff;  Sorbet  -r 
any  card  that  has  touched  the  board,  is  deemed 
to  be  played.  -  Sfluet  catch  files,  fig  Btand 
gaping;  -  af  =  gibe  gangft,  fe  $angft;  .an  F 
begin,  take  to,  go  about.  $auge  c  -r  prisoner, 
captive;  toge  en  til  .  make  one  prisoner;  blide 
tagen  til  -  become  a  prisoner;  bortføre  font  . 
carry  away  prisoner;  Ijan  gab  fig  til  -  he  surren- 
dered himself  prisoner.  *8fange  n  -r  armful. 
•blære  (Greenlandets)  buoy.  -bolig  prison.  -bolt 
Jz  norman,  -brat  pin-rack.  -bur  cage  (for 
conflning  prisoners);  fig  dungeon;  (til  ftugle) 
fowling-cage.  -bag:  bet  er  $oer  Sag  kagebag, 
men  tfle  boer  Sag  -  you  may  hunt  long  before 
you  catch.  -fogeb  jailer,  turnkey.  -bul  dungeon. 
-ftuØ  fe  -bolia.  -larm  irons,  fettersp/;  (til  ftangft) 
steel-trap.  -nampe  A*  thumb-cleat.  -toft  prison 
diet  et.  tåre.  ftangeitg  a  to  be  caught.  $ange|* 
line  line  for  catching;  &  painter.  -ttb  prisoner 
li  fe.  -tante  chain,  fetter.  -ntt  (spider  s)  web. 
9«vgenflab  n  captivity,  conflnement,  imprison- 
ment  -fflb  prison  ship.  -taarn  prlson-tower. 
-trnabe  (p.  Stebufer)  filaments,  -bogter  fe  -fogeb. 

Jonger  c  -e  sealer. 

ftnng  Kitte  fe  ftange«.    -ning  c  £,  stop,  seizing. 

*&<røafriKb  fe  SrøbfHnb. 

£«ng?nør  mil  (helmet)  line. 

tfragff  c  (bet  at  fange)  catching,  taking;  (©otte) 
capture;  (af  %ifl)  catch,  draught,  haul,  take; 
fig  windfall,  hit;  (tyinbene*  $el)  quarry;  gibe 
fjorten  -  give  (the  deer)  the  knife.  -baab 
whaling-boat.  -ewpebitiou  flshing  expeditton; 
whaliDg  el.  sealing  e.  -fartoj  whaling  el.  seallng 
ressel.  -felt  fe  -plaM.  -titib  hanger.  -trog  gaff, 
øc  clip.  -ntfltnb  whalers;  sealers.  -plabØ  whaling 
el  sealing  ground.  -reb  flab  er  flshing  gear; 
whaling  el.  sealing  gear.  -tiben  the  whaling  el. 
sealing  seaaon.  -tur  whaling  el.  sealing  ex- 
peditlon el.  voyage. 

*&«■*  e  -er  drift  (of  snow). 

*gfant  c  -er  tramp,  gipsy;  f  «  &  adj  impecu- 
nlous  beggar,  not  worth  a  farthing. 

$anta|fe're  vi  (paa  3nftrument)  play  volun- 
taries;  rove,  extemporise;  (i  Bilbelfe)  rave,  be 
delirious  el.  incoherent.    -feren  c  raving. 

fyautafl'  c  -er  fan'cy,  fan'tasy,  imagination; 
(paa  3nftrument)  fanta'sia,  voluntary;  efter  -en 
from  Imagination.  -bittebe  chimera.  -bragt 
fancy  dress,  -garn  fancy  yarn.  -U9  a  unimagl- 
native.  -fttlb,  -rig  a  imaginative.  -ri  g  bom 
imaginativeness.  grantoft'  c  -er  visionary,  fancy 
•monger.  $an  tafter  i'  n  fimtast'icalness;  fondes. 
$antaft'ift  a  fantasttetal),  whlmsical. 

*$rantr|f*lae  n  gang  of  gipsles.  -gut  gipsy 
boy.  -fftrrrtng  old  gipsy  woxnan.  -orb  tannt. 
-ri  n  fe  Starten. 

Sfant om  n  -er  phan'tom. 
Øor  n,  pi  =,  track. 

gfar  F  for:  fyaber;  nej,  min  $ar!  (t  ftaxltl, 
•^armin)  no,  old  fellow! 

graraø  Pharaoh;  (©pil)  fiu-o.  -rotte  ichneumon, 
nems,  Herpettew  Pkaraoni«.. 

&a'rbar  a  passable,  practicable;  navigable, 
•gøre  vt  make  passable. 

ftarbrober  c  brsbre  fether's  brother,  paternal 

arce  c  (ftøbO,  fe  %axl 
arce  c  -r  theat  farce,    -agtig  a  fardcal. 
a'rbag  (glbtte»)  removing  day;  (S!ifte»)  hiring 
tgfare  vt  (om  Soen)  farrow. 
wore,  for  (+  -be),  -t  m  (reife)  go,  travel;  (om 
Slib  og  Søfol!)  sail;  (flirte,  ile)  rush,  dart,  dash, 
bolt,  bounce;  labe  -  desist  from,  drop,  abandon, 
relinquish,  give  up;  -  ilbe  suffer;  Ironen  for  ilbe 
the  woman  mlscarried;  lomme    nbe  come  full 
speed;   tomme  -nbe  inb  rush  in;  Orbet  for  l)am 
q  f  SRunben  the  word  slipped  out  of  his  mouth; 
-for  »effen  ^  be  engaged  by  the  run;  -  for  (el. 
fom)  Jeot  i,  be  engaged  as  cook;  -t-  -  fort  go  on; 

-  frem  fig  behave,  aet,  proceed;  -  i  9Rag  go  on 
leisurely;  -  i  $reb  bibl  de  part  in  peace;  .  Sanbet 
igennem  traverse  the  country;  .  lang«  meb 
llbften  coast,  sail  along  the  coast;  .  meb  ftorn 
be  engaged  in  the  corn  tråde;  -  meb  et  @fib 
sail  in  a  ship;  -  meb  Søgn,  ®anb$eb  tell  Hee, 
truth;  .  bel,  ilbe,  lempelig  meb  deal  well,  ill, 
gently  with,  use  well,  ill;  f)tm  for  bam  om 
golfen  Bhe  threw  herself  about  his  neck;  .op 
start  up,  spring  to  one's  legs,  (i  ^orffratfelfe) 
jump,  (i  fBrebe)  fire  up;  Døren  for  op  the  door 
flew  open;  .paa  fDfterføen,  (Ørønlanb  tråde  to 
the  Baltic,  Greenland;  .  paa  en  rusb  at  one; 

-  f  am  men  start,  get  a  start;  -  til  6øS  be  a 
sailor,  be  at  el.  to  sea;  -  til  $immeI6  escend 
into  heaven;  .  til  gelbebe  go  to  heil. 

$fare  c  -r  danger,  perl l,  jeopardy,  hazard, 
risk;  fioo  (i)  .  for  be  in  danger  of;  løbe  -  for 
run  el.  incur  the  risk  of,  stand  the  change  of; 
qaa  -n  i  Vcøbe  face  the  danger;  bringe,  fatte  i  . 
endanger,  peril,  hazard,  place  in  jeopardy, 
jeopardlze;  bet  ingen  .  there  is  no  danger, 
no  fe  ar;  meb  -  for  at  the  risk;  uben  -  wlthout 
danger,  with  impunity;  out  of  danger;  +  paa 
egen  ~  at  his  own  risk;  forbunben  meb  -  perilous, 
dangerous;  -fri  a  free  from  danger,  safe.  -friljeb 
safeness.  -fntb  a  fe  Sforliø.  -U9  a  wlthout 

arm  a  bel,  ilbe  -  well,  badly  off. 

are|+ftebt  a  in  danger.  -trnenbe  a  perilous. 

arfaber  c  grandfather. 

a'rgobJ  n  luggage. 

•ri'n  n  (Sutter)  bastards,  moist  sugar. 

arifat'|er  c  -t  phar'isee.  -iff  a  phaiisa'ical. 
ifl^me  o  phar'isaiam. 




*før|toft  fe  -tøj.  -(c*  c  course,  track,  direc- 

førltg  a  dangerous,  perilous,  hazardous; 
P  en  -  $oben  røenge  an  awful  lot  of  money;  — 
adv  dangerously;  P  immensely,  excessively. 
-gøre  vt  endanger,  imperil.  -tyeb  c  dangerous- 
ness,  peillousness. 

tførlil(le)  fe  got  2. 

*førm  e  cargo,  load. 

førmål  cent  c  -er  pba'rmacist,  pharmaceu'tiat. 
-een  tiff  a  pharmaceu'tic(al).  -er  c  phar'macy. 
-føløgi'  c  pharmacol'ogy.  -føpé  c  pharmaco- 

fa'rmanb  c  traveller. 

farmober  c  grandmother. 

fome'flfl  a  Farnese. 

r«ri  c  forced  meat.    -e're  vt  force,  farce. 

tø'rføt  o  epidemic. 

rarlrøremaftine  c  sausage  machine. 

_  i'rt  (og  grart')  c  -er  (et  SfiM)  head-way,  way; 
(g.  nol  ril  at  ftpre)  steerage-way;  (Søfart)  naviga- 
tion, tråde;  ($afffg$eb)  hurry,  rate,  speed;  im- 
petus,  momentum;  (fRejfe)  voyage;  meb  en  _,  i 
en  .  in  a  hurry  el.  trlce;  tneb  en  .  af  at  the 
rate  of;  ban  tom  inb  meb  en  faaban  .  at  with  so 
much  way  upon  him  that;  t  fulb  -  (at)  full 
speed,  P  full  tilt;  i  fhpgenbe  -  at  a  flying  el. 
daahing  rate;  fomme  i  -,  flpbe  .,  begpnbe  at  ftobe  . 
put  on  the  pace,  ^  gather  way,  fetch  headway; 
gør  gob  -  &  has  good  way  on  her;  S  ti  bet, 
Strømmen  løb  meb  fpb  ffllileft  .  the  ship,  the 
tide,  went  at  the  rate  of  seven  miles;  fatte  et 
Stampftib  i  -en  oommence  running  a  steamer; 
benne  .  opftører  ncefie  SRaaneb  this  service  will 
cease  nezt  month;  Pære  paa  -en  be  on  the  move. 
ført|e  vi  (omfrtng)  gad  about.  -linie  route. 
-maaler  d>,  sillometer.  -plan  time  table.  -tibett 
the  season'  (of  sailing). 

fø'r|iøf  boat,  vesøel,  craft;  -er  (ogf.)  shipping. 
•tøjSflag  boat's  flag.  -tøføprøp  (boat's)  plug 
(o.  fl.).  -øanb  waters,  sea,  seas,  se a way;  bolb 
»em  mibt  i  -et  keep  in  the  middle  of  the 
channel,  in  the  fairway;  -et  er  frit  fig  the  coast 
is  clear,  -OonbibefTriPclfe  saillng  direction. 
•panbfmørrte  fairway-mark. 

føroe  c  -r  colour,  hue;  (garoeftof)  dye;  (Maling) 
paint;  (i  fcortfp.)  sult;  fe  Setenbe;  meb  gløbenbe  -r 
in  glowing  colours,  ftifte  .  change  colour;  fcbe 
en  fmu!  tlnflgt*«  have  a  flne  complexion;  fatte  . 
paa  fig  colour.  førte  vt  dye,  colour,  stain;  (om 
Ze)  face;  ~  op  new-dye;  en  -t  a  coloured  man, 
a  man  of  colour;  -be  people  of  colour,  fig  -t  af 
tinctured  with;  —  vi  .  af  rub  off,  lose  colour, 
be  discoloured.  -abfprebelfe  dispersion  of  the 
coloured  rays.  -afombring,  -anfrrøg  tinge. 
•Manbet  a  of  mixed  colours.  -tlaubing  mixing 
et.  mixture  of  colours.  -bleg  a  pale-coloured. 
-blinb  a  colour-blind.  -btinbbeb  colour-blind- 
ness,  daltonism.  -bøg  treatise  on  dyeing.  -trpb> 
ntug  refraction  of  colours.  »brænbt  a  stain  ed. 
-brat  pallet,  -eg  quercltron,  Quercus  tinctoria. 
-finte  tanagra.  -fotografi  coloured  photograph 
-fri  a  colourless.  -gføniug  colourlng.  -gfoni 
vividness  of  colours.  -gløb  glow  of  colours. 
-ørnnb  priming,  ground.  -Qanbel  colour  shop. 
-ianbier  colour-man.  -|orb  earth  coloured  by 
a  mixture  of  metal,  -talfe  paint-box,  colour 
-box.  -lebel  dyer'b  vat.  -foin  horn-spattle. 
•tnnft  art  of  dyeing. 

førøel'  int  &  n  good-bye,  adieu,  good-day, 
ftøjtib.  og  poet.)  farewell,  p  byo-bye;  .  faa  lange 
good-bye  for  the  present  el.  till  we  meet  again; 
ftge  ~  til  bid  farewell  to. 

før« 1 1 abe  fe  -taftfe.  -Ipining  light,  -latre 
science  of  colours.  -løn  cost  of  dyeing.  -Iø§  a 
colourless;  (om  opttfle  (Blåt)  achromatic;  fig  neu- 

tral, -løøfceb  colourlessness;  neutrality.  -mob* 
fatning  contrast  of  colours,  colour-contrast. 
-mølle  colour-mill.  -nnance,  -øøergang  shade 
of  colour.  -potte  pot  of  paint.  -pragt  brilliancy 
of  colour(8).  +-pra?gtig  a  rich,  bright.  -ørøøe  test 
of  colours.  førøer  c  -e  dyer.  førøejranb  iris. 
førøerbreng  dyer's  apprentice.  før«!  ri  »  -er 
Cbtcbet)  dye-house;  (Jhmft)  (art  of)  dyeing.  -rig 
a  richly  coloured.  -rigbønt  richness  of  colour. 
-ringe  coloured  rings,  -rioer  c  -t  colour-grinder. 
-ribning  c.-grinding. 

førøer  |  løn  cost  of  dyeing.  -røb,  -røbe  madder. 
-føenb  journeyman-dyer. 

førbeifanø  sense  of  colour,  colour-sense.  -ffal 
colour-shell.  -flala  scale  of  colours.  -ffiftntng 
change  of  colour.  -ffygning  (bet  at  ftiratterr) 
shading;  (6a)attering)  shade.  -ffo»r  tinge,  -fpil 
play  of  colours.  -fprebenbe  a  disper?ing  the 
colours  of  the  light,  -fren  painter's  grind! ng 
-8tone.  -ftift  crayon.  -ftof  dye,  dye-stuflf;  pig- 
ment, colourlng  matter,  -jtraale  ray  of  colour. 
-ftrøg  laying  on  of  colours.  -fuppe  bath,  dye. 
-tibfel,  -tiftel  safflower,  Cartkamw  tinctorivø. 
-tone  tone  of  colour.  -trøl  lithocromy,  colour 
-printing.  -trijlt  a  printed  in  oolourfs),  colour 
-printed.  -tro?  dye-wood.  -tøf  stuff  dyed  el.  to 
be  dyed.  t-nrt  fe  fBortemcet!.  -nrter  dyer's  weeds. 
•Pajb  woad,  hati«  tinctoria.  -Parer  drysaltery 
goods.  -øatt  weld,  yellow-weed,  Reseda  luteoia. 
-øirfning  efifect  of  colour.  -PiSfe  green-broom, 
green-weed,  QtnUta  tinctoria.  førøtting  c 

føfa'n  o  -er  pheas'ant;  ting  -  pheasant-powt. 
føfaneti'    n,    føfan|gaatb    pheasant    walk, 
pheasantry.     -fagt  pheasant-shooting.     -mefter 
breeder  of  pheasants. 
afbinber  fe  øabbinber. 
Scit  el  c  -tier  bundle. 
afe  c  -x  phase. 

affi'ne  c  -r  fascine.  føfWn|arbefbe,  -binbing 
fascine  work,  f.-making.  -baanb  fkgot-band. 
•bal,  -tant  tressel  for  fascines.  -fniP  bill-hook. 
hand-bill.    -ø«ert  f.-work. 

føfong  fe  gacon. 

+føft  adv  fe  taften;  prov  <k  *  fast,  quickly; 

-  conj  although. 

føft  a  (ogfaa  fig)  firm:  (mobfat  flpbenbe)  solid; 
(toet)  compact;  (ftanb^aftig,  ubeoagelig,  befttflet) 
fast;  fafrfat  beftemt  afgjort)  flxed;  en  .  Ilnfoettelfe 
a  permanent  situation,  a  regular  employment. 

-  ttrbejbe  regular  el.  permanent  work;  -e  Vtrbefbece 
regular  el.  established  labourers  el.  hånds;  be 
-e  Sele  the  solid  parts;  -e  (Ejenbomme  real  pro~ 
perty;  fatte  i  -e  (ffenbomme  put  out  at  mortgage; 
>  ftob  a  firm  footing;  et  -  norfcet  a  firm  el.  flxed 
purpose;  -  fortøjning  a  firm  mooring;  .  gor 
^  flxed  light;  en  -  Itfle  gljr  a  tight  little  fellow; 
.  føbe  solid  food;  -  Ørunb  firm  ground;  en  . 
$aanb  a  steady  hånd;  meb  .  $obeb  (om  ftaal) 
close  hearted;  paa  -e  ^anbet  in  safe  hånds;  . 
3«  firm  ice;  ben  -e  ftøl  the  main  keel;  en  _ 
Kunbt  a  regular  customer,  bet  -e  Sanb  the  main 
land;  -e  Segemer  solids;  ~  Søn  a  flxed  salarv; 
•e  Stebarbeibere  (peb  »lab)  staff-writers;  ~  Ooer* 
beoiøntng  firm  convlctlon;  ^  ben  -e  $art  the 
standing  part;  -e  $rifer  flxed  prices;  -e  frater 
established  rules;  en  .  ©tab  a  well  fortified 
town;  et  ~  6teb  el.  $un!t  a  fortress,  fastness, 
stronghold;  bet  er  fan«  -e  Steb  his  usual  haunt; 

-  Zro  firm  bellef  el.  (retig.)  faith;  blioe  -  peb 
persist  in;  blioe  -  boS  fin  ^uftru  bihl  cleave  to 
his  wife;  gøre  .  fasten,  make  fast;  ^  make 
fast,  belay;  bolbe  .  Peb  el.  paa  ftolbe  fig  i)  hold 
on  by,  fig  adhere,  stick  to;  fibbe  -  stick  (fast), 
i  Sabelen  have  a  firm  seat;  flaa  -,  fe  føfrflaa; 
ftaa  -  fig  be  at  a  dead  lock;  bet  ftaar  -  it  is  an 




establlshed  faet;  \taa  -  paa  insist  on,  at  i.  that; 
fatte  ~  commit  to  prison;  fio  puzzle.  non-plus, 
pose;  fatte  flg  .  settle  one's  self,  mil  lodge  one's 
self;  fatte  fig  mere  og  mere  ~  i  (anS  g)nbeft 
strengthened  her  hold  on  his  affection;  —  adv 
flrmly.  $aft|binbe  vt  tie.  -bombe  a  having  a 
flxed  habitation.    -boltet  a  secured  by  bolts. 

&«'fte  (ofl  gafl'e)  vi  fast.  gfafte  c  fest;  (^afte* 
tiben)  lent,  quadragesima.  -bag  fast  day.  -toft 
lenten  food.    -frtngler  lent-cracknels. 

Saftefab«  (*-a'b»j  c  shrovetide;  løbe  -  mask 
mum  at  shrovetide.  —  $afteta*n*|  bolte 
cross  bun.  -mattbag  Shrove-Monday,  Collop 
-Monday.  -leg,  -løben,  -tøjer  shrovetide-sports. 
•nat  merry  Andrew.  -fønbag  Quinquagesima, 

grøfte)  nbe  a  jeg  er  -  I  have  not  yet  eaten 
anything,  I  have  not  broken  my  fast;  paa  - 
$jerte  on  an  empty  stomach,  the  firet  thing  in 
the  morning,    -prabiten  lent-sermon. 

Rafter  c  -e  father's  siater,  paternal  aunt. 

Rafte  Ifpanter  pi  ^  frame- timbers.  -flag  fore 
and-aft  stays.  -flopper  deck-stopper,  -Ranger 
topmasts,    -ftabnen  the  main  post. 

itaftetib  time  of  fasting. 

Safllfroifen  «  frozen  fast.  -fgr  flxed  light. 
-aroet  o  grown  fast,  rooted.  -gallebe  pi  having 
tne  gills  fix  ed.  -gøre  vt  make  fast,  secure,  fasten. 
-(eb  c  firmness  (ogf.  om  ftaratt.);  solldity;  com- 
pactness;  fastness;  fixedness.  -(ølbe  vt  (Op» 
martfom(eben)  fix  (the  attention);  ($aaftanb  o.  1.; 
stick  to,  insist  on;  -  at  insist  that.  -(øibeife 
c  Ins&ting  (af  on).  -(øtber  cramp.  -(afte  vt 
fasten,  -(engen  c  clinging  (beb  to),  -file  vt 
wedge  tight,  seenre  by  wedges.  -fnattet  a  tied. 
-tabebe  pi  plectognaths.  -løbet  a  brawny. 
•loab  main,  mainland;  (florre  %.,  Berbenøbel) 
continent;  bet  europaiffe  .  the  continent,  Con- 
tinental Europe.  -fanbS  Continental,  -naafe 
vt  nail  fast;  -t  fio  rooted  to  the  spot,  flied  (with 
horror),  -ae,  -ned  vi  consol  i  date;  +  vt  fe  ftæftnr 
•raflet  a  flxed  by  corroslon.  *-ffole  permanent 
el.  regular  school.  -fimet  a  screwed,  fastened 
by  screws.  -flaa  vt  fix,  secure,  fio  etstablish;  et 
(ogf.)  conventional,  stereotyped.  -ftaarabe  a 
stationary.  -fnrre  vt  lash.  secure;  -fatte  vt  (en 
lib)  appoint,  fix;  (en  $rtt)  fix,  settle;  (©ettn- 
grffer)  stlpulate;  (Kegler;  establish,  lay  down;  . 
tonnen  til  fix  the  wages  at.  -fattelfe  c  appoint- 
ing  etc ;  appointment,  flxation;  settlement; 
stipulation;  establishment,  -fønerne  vt  nail. 
-trallet  a  charmed  to  the  spot.  -bo tiet  a  grown 

gat'  adv:  bet  er  ifte  faalebe«  .  tbat's  not  the 
way  of  it;  (borlebes  er  bet  ~  meb  (am  how  is  lt 
with  him?  bet  et  galt  -  meb  (am  alTs  not  right 
with  him;  gribe,  tage  .  paa  catch  hold  of,  (om 
Vrbejbej  turn  to,  set  to  work  with;  ftoffe  -  paa 
fetch,  produce;  faa  .  i  get  hold  of;  jeg  beb  ifte, 
(oør  ieg  ffal  faa  -  paa  (am  I  don't  know  where 
to  find  him;  (bor  (ar  Se  faaet  -  paa  bet  where 
did  yoa  come  by  it? 

ffata  pi  fortunes,  adventures. 

ftølaf  a  unlucky,  unfortunate,  calamitous; 
(oie(ogeIig)  odious.  -ii'me  c  fa'talism.  -ift'  c 
•er  fatalist,    -fte't  c  -er  calamity,  adversity. 

flratige're  vt  mix  (salad). 

tastning  c  composure,  self  possession;  bringe 
nb  af  -  disconcert,  discompose,  put  out  of 
conntenance,  (oeb  ©Hl tf)  stare'  out  of  coun- 
tenazfee,  outface;  ^neb  m,  uben  at  tabe  -en  with 
composure,  composedly,  coolly. 

%øxt  vt  (gribe)  catch,  apprehend;  (forjtaa) 
comprehend,  understand,  conceive,  imagine; 
ieg  -r  ifte  I  cannot  conceive;  -r  let  is  quick  of 
apprehension;  .  fig  compose  one's  self,  be  com- 

pose d,  f  come  to;  -  IKob  take  courage;  .  Zib 
oøieligbeb  for  form  an  attachment  for  (el.  to);  - 
ftarltg(eb,  Ubilje  take  a  fancy,  a  dislike  (to); 
-  en  Qeflutning  come  to  a  resolution;  _  et  forfat 
form  an  intention,  resolution;  for  at  -  mig  i 
Stort(eb  to  be  brief;  .  om  clasp  round.  -eb«e 
apprehension,  capacity.  -tiebS  reach.  ^fattelig 
o  compreheDBlble,  intelligible.  9f«fteltg(eb  o 
comprehensibility,  intelligibility. 

fratttt  c  p  paterfamilias,  the  governor,  the 
old  man. 

tatterebffab  n  prehensile  organ, 
attei  vd  (mangle)  lack,  want;  (fabne«)  be 
missing,  wanting;  bet  >  meget  i  it  is  far  from; 
(oab  -  Dem?  wbat  ails  you,  what's  the  matter 
with  you?  bet  -be«  (am  ifte  paa  Strøtig(eb  he 
was  not  wanting  in  capacity. 

pottet  a  composed,  collected.  -(eb  c  collect- 
edness,  composure. 

9attta  a  poor,  needy,  indigent,  portionless; 
ben  -e  the  poor  man,  person;  be  -e  the  poor; 
be  -e  i  Kanoen  bibl  the  poor  in  spirit;  .  paa  de- 
flcient  in,  destitute  of;  gøre  .  impoverlsh;  efter 
_  £e)tig(eb  to  the  best  of  my  poor  ability;  fe 
Ølibber.  -anftalt  fe  bug.  -befolrntngen  the  poor 
(people).  -blof,  -bøffe  poor-box,  alms-box. 
-borgermefter  alderman  for  the  charities  (in 
Copenhagen).  -b(rbe  (heavy)  poor  rates,  -bi* 
ftrltt  poor-law  district,  union,  -bom  e  poverty. 
penury,  indlgence.  -fogeb  (parlsh-)  beadle.  -fol! 
pi  the  poor,  the  indigent.  -forarm  a  shabby 
-genteel  -forftaaber  overseer  of  the  poor,  re- 
lieving  officer,  poor-law  lnspector.  -forførgelfe 
provision  for  the  poor.  -gaarb  fe  -bug.  -(eb  o 
poornees,  poverty.  -(fafb  parlsh  relief,  (i©jemmet) 
out-relief,  out-door  relief,  -(ofbital  hospital  for 
the  poor.  -(ni  poor-house,  alms-house.  -tatfe 
fund  for  the  relief  of  the  poor.  -ttrtegaarb 
paupers'  side  (of  the  churchyard).  *-fj«rri«g 
(old)  beggar  woman.  •toloni  colony  of  poor 
people.  -fømmiifiøn  Board  of  Guardians,  -fbar« 
ter  poor  quarter.  -le.«  pauper.  -loogioningen 
the  Poor  Laws.  -lage  parlsh  doctor.  -manb 
poor  man.  -manbf  batf elf  e,  -manb  pi  flead-cakes. 
-o«bet  pauperism.  "p\t\t  care  of  the  poor.  -flat 
poor-rates.  -fføle  chari  ty- school,  ragged-school. 
*&attig»lig  a  shabby,  threadbare,  seedy.  &«t- 
ttglftiftelfe  fe  -anftalt.  -unberfUttelfe  fe  (jalp. 
-bafen  institution  for  the  relief  of  the  poor, 
the  charities;  Unberftøttelfe  af  -et,  fe  -(ialp. 

ftatttttt  n  fate. 

grsnn  c  Faun.  Qfaana  e  fauna;  $anmart#  . 
the  fauna  of  Denmark.  Jyannabe  aapajou,  C«6u* 

føxntefraat  dead  freight. 

t&«ncr,  fa«r,  faber  a  fe  Sfager. 

gr«OK  c  -e  (^atjntog)  embrace;  (9Raal)  fathom 
(pi  fathoms  og  fathom);  en  .  Qrænbe  a  cord  of 
wood  (cord  »8x4x4  ^ob;  ftfotm  =  6x6x2 
å  V«  <eet);  paa  9  -e  Qanb  in  nine  fathoms  (of) 
water;  ftorte  fla  i  ens  -  rush  into  one's  arms; 
tog  (am  i  .  took  him  into  his  arms.  $f*bite  vt 
embrace,  clasp,  hug;  J,  .  inb  fathom  in;  _  op 

ftftbttejtrattbe  cord -wood.  9føbn(e)fang  a  a 
fathom  long.  -waal  fathom;  cord;  cord-plling 
frame,  -ramme  cord.  -ftljtfe  piece  of  cord 
-wood.  §aøtt(e)tbt  a  a  fathom  thick.  -beb  fe 
-brernbe.  -bi*  wiv  by  fathoms.  —  ^aonfatte 
vt  cord  (wood).  <e)f  atter  wood-measurer,  coider. 
-tog  embrace,  hug. 

$abor|a  be!  a  fa'vourable.  -ife  re  et  fa'vour. 
-it',  -itinbe  c  -er,  -r  fa'vourite,  mlnion.  -tt'» 
bafen  fa'vourltism,  &abø  r  o  Mere:  i  min  - 
to  my  credit;  tage  -  galn  favour,  take  well 
with  the  public. 




*8f*J  »,  pi  ■=».  mane. 

$e  c  -et  falry.    -agtig  a  tairy-like. 

fteber  c  -bre  fever;  let  -  febricula;  faa  -  take 
a  fever.  -agtig  a  feverish;  i  -  Stxrnbing  in  a 
fever  of  expectation.  -anfalb  paroxysm  of  fever. 
•bantenbe  a  feverishly  throbbing.  -bavl  Peruvian 
bark,  Jesuit's  bark.  +-blndfen  feverish  glow. 
-bag  day  on  which  the  fever  comes  on.  -bifltt 
fever  diet.  -brifceube  fe  -ftiHenbe.  -brøm  feverish 
dream,  delirium.  -b*d  fe  Hummet,  -fantafi 
feverish  hallucination,  -førnemmelfe  feverish 
symptom  el.  sensation,  -fri  a  free  from  fever. 
-gpfen  shivering  fit.  -tyaft  feverish  haste,  -beb 
a  feverish.  -bebe,  -i(b  fever-heat.  -tntbe  cold 
flt.  -mibbel  febrifuge.  ntitdinr  cooling  mixture. 
-patient  fever-patient.  -pul§  feverish  pulse. 
-Hummer  feverish  sleep.  -fttUeube  a  febrifuge, 
antifebrile.  -fPag  a  debilitated  by  fever.  -fag 
a  fever-sick;  e  fe  -patient;  Mere  -  be  ill  (sick)  of 
a  fever.  -tilftanb  febrile  state.  -Urft  feverish 
thi  ret.  -urt  skull-cap,  Scutellaria;  fe  6Iob* 
Anemone.  -Pilbel fe  delirium. 
tbrua'r  c  Feb  ruary. 
reb'  [é]  n  (low)  isthmus. 

Jeb'  [é]  n.  pi  =*,  skein,  lea;  measure  of  yarn, 
28S  yard;  'Webfl.)  haul. 

greb  a  fat;  tpf  og  ~  stout;  -  Strtft  large,  heavy, 
fat  faced,  type,  blacker  type;  -  ftoft  rich  diet; 
high  living;  ben  Ret  er  mig  for  _  that  dish  is 
too  rich  for  me;  et  -t  (imbebe  a  lucrative  ofHce. 
-  3orb  rich  soli;  bu  er  en  .  ftarl  you  are  a  nice 
fellow  (you  are);  lige  t  f  all  one;  MiPe  -  fatten 
(af  on).    -agtig  a  fattish. 

gfebbe  vt  bind  into  skeins.  -baanb  thread 

flfebbel  fe  ftebet. 

$ebe  vt  fatten,  fat  (meb  on).  -eune  fattening 
power,  -gaorb  grazing  farm.  -faltt  fatted  el. 
fattening  calf.  -tttl  baklng  coal.  -fP«g  fat  el. 
fattening  cattle. 

+$febef  c  flddle;  t  kind  of  pillory. 

Orebc|ffinb  skin  of  a  fat  calf.  -fine  fat- cattle 
show.  -ftalb,  -{li  fattening  stall.  -ftnb  fat  el. 
fattening  bullock.  -fpin  fat  ri.  fattening  pig. 
-tib  fattening  season.  'tirftbag  fe  ftebtirébag. 
-Harer  fat  goods,  provisions,  chandler's  wares. 

fte  bibeb  c  fatness.    -laben  fe  -agtig. 

(feble  fe  ftefc 

$eb'me  [éj  c  fatness;  Sanbet*  .  6*6/  the  fat  of 

the  land. 

biting  c  fattening. 
re  bronnina  c  fairy -queen. 
jpt  [é]  n  fat,  grease;  faa  flt  -  catch  it;  bpppe 
en  i  ban«  eget  -  pay  one  in  his  own  coin.    -af. 
lejring  layer  of  fat.    -af fatning  fe    Degeneration 
-aatia  a  fatty.     -biflc  bacon-beetle,   Derme*t?i 
lardariu*.    -brot  steatooele     -bnnb  cake  of  fat. 
-celle  adipose  cell.    -bannelfe  formaUon  of  fat 
-beaeneration  fatty  degeneration,    -braaber  (i 
SRelf)  oil-globules.     &*****  S^*86.  *><»mear 
with  grease;  t  v*  dally,  trifle. 

-brab  greased  bread 

t&ebtelbob  paltry  shop.   -W»  greased  bread. 
•fair  fat  sheeV;   fe  -P"-     •**'•   '•»««  \«  P 

fyebtet  «  greasy;   (om   Ulbgarn)  in  oli;  t  fiv 

sordid.  .     .      ^^j  jruacharo,  Strå- 

pen  gul  li,  Aptmodtftvt 

jaiet  «  fat-tailed.     *^J*$Fb^^ 
jfcrtt  fatty  degeneration  of  the  neari.      oorn 

grease  horn. 

ftebt|fUbe  lard-cream.      - -  l{xXf  Aptmodyt«. 
torat*  c«r.p«i.m.,    *«tt;^fIpoie  nVembrano. 

•ftc'btfråbag  Shrove-Tuesday,  Pancake-Tues- 

$rebt|tirie(  sebaceouB  gland;  oil-bag.  -ftnmp 
lump  of  fat.  -tugter  oil-globules.  -Jer  bole. 
-(ener  fatty  degeneration  of  the  liver.  -Inbmcl 
silicated  soap.  -laber  greased  leather.  -plet 
spot  of  grease.  -pnbefaar  fat-rumped  sheep, 
Ovi*  ttmtopwa.  -ftcn  elaolite.  -ftof  fatty  sub- 
stance  el.  principle.  -ftreng  lock  (of  wool)  -fnr 
a  ftali  sebate  of  potash  (ofo.)  -ftowfft  steatoma, 
lipoma.  -fbge  obesity,  corpulence.  -ftore  sebacic 
el.  fatty  acid.  -nlb  wool  in  the  yolk.  -*pM 
adipocere.    -P«P  adipose  tissue. 

fte'bpeb  resinous  wood. 

»eeri  n  -er  fairy -scene.  $re»eatpr  n  faJTy-tale. 

*3rrt  c:  i  en  -  P  in  a  twlnkling,  with  great 

$ejbe  c  -t  quarrel;  (mellem  ©tommer,  ^amtlierj 
feud;  (ftrig)  war;  (Iiterær;  controveray;.  ^ejbe  rt 
make  war.  -brep  (letter  of)  cballenge.  +-fctrb 
a  warlike  ezpedition.  -f-^anbffe  glore.  -tib 
time  of  war. 

(feje  vt  sweep;  (om  fijort)  rub  (off  the  skin  of;; 
~  af  sweep  oflf;  f  send  (one)  about  his  business; 
slur  over;  >  af  Steb  sweep  along;  -  ub  sweep 
out,  fio  Bell,  pawn.  -bing(e)  dust-hole,  dust-bln. 
-berfte  dust-brush.  -tone  woman  hired  for 
sweeping.  -toft  broom,  besom.  -f*n  pay  for 
sweeping.  -nbe  a  (af  Ubfeenbe)  dasbing;  bet  gif 
-  it  weut  on  swimmingly. 

*&eier  c  -e  country- da nce. 

&eje|faub  scouring  cl.  fine  sand.  -fTam«weep- 
ings.  -ffnffe.  -fpaan.  -fpabe  dust-pan.  -ngle 

Sfejg  a  cowardly,  dastardly,  recreant,  craven; 
t  &  *  fated  to  die  (»c  fey).  -$eb  c  cowardlce, 
poltrooneo';  oife  -  F  show  the  white  feather. 
-bjertet  fe  ^ejg. 

5eft  c,  pi  «=,  fault,  (^ejltagelfe)  error,  mistake. 
(Iegeml.)  defect;  f^o«  §tbt)  blemish;  for  en  -i 
Sfnlb  for  a  safety;  tron  as  it  happens,  it  is 
true.  »ej!  i  wrong,  erroneous,  incorrect;  iffe 
faa  -  F  not  amiss,  not  half  bad;  -  9flet>ering 
misdelivery;  gBte  -  ffleantng  fio  be  out  in  one's 
calculations;  flere  Winuter  .  several  mi  nu  tes  in 
error.  ^ejl  cuiv  amiss,  wrong,  erroneously,  f 
little;  afleoete  -  misdeliver;  afflrioe  -  miscopy; 
tage  .  mistake,  be  mistaken,  be  wrong;  3De  tager 
ftorhg  .  you  are  grossly  mistaken;  tage  -  af  Siben 
mistake  the  time;  tage  -  af  en  be  mistaken  el. 
dcceived  in  one,  mistake  one;  jeg  tager  -  I  am 
wrong;  ban  tog  iftc  meget  -  he  was  not  far  wrong 
el  out;  om  jeg  ilte  agter  -  if  I  mistake  not;  bet  ©il 
trte  fiaa  -  at  tøm  tommer  he  will  be  sure  to  come; 
batere  .  misdate.  gaa,  fare,  ribe  -  go  the  wrong 
way,  miss  the  way;  bugge  -  miss;  bare  _  mis- 
r*;  'e/  T  be  mlstaken,  ougioe  .  xnisstate:  frnbe 
-miss  (the  mark);   træbe  -  make  a  false  step, 

SI?i»Krp  fail*  .PL80*"7'  Prove  ftbortive;  bmi 
trte  mm  $ufommelfe  flaar  mig  .  unless  my  memory 

SSJES,*1*-  MflH?4  •  f™lty,  erroneouZ 
Æir,ng;  ;}  c«>8"«rt*  mlBstatement^ 
^?««u?bieIfe  m,8appUcation  (o.  fl.);  -  adv  m£ 
takenly,  in  error;  fremftiDe.  opfatte  - ^isTepresent 

te«  «/mL— ^"i1?;,  -'«***  c  fallibUity.   -bc 

Se       at  ban'hlr  "]  f?nl;  be  wan^8T;  bet  tan 
uic  .  ar  qan  par  ...  he  is  sure  to  håvA 

Sta?  ""*"  '  S  Sn"  JfLv  ^  ^»  ^  ft« 
mr^«hrw^  no:t  12SP  »<«;  bet  -b*  bom 
(ri.  itn  whaTVnJ ?Z\  wan"nK  fn;  «»ab   -r  Sera 




-greb  error,  misiake,  slip.  -tynffning  slip  of  the 
memory,  -toft  miss.  -Hlbe  source  of  error.  -!«*• 
ning  misreading.  -regning  miscalculation.  fen« 
belfe  missending,  -fenbt  part  missent.  -frrtfi  c, 
-ftriøntng  slip  of  the  pen,  misscript,  -flfnb  miss. 
-flag  (fteglefp.)  miss  -flaaet,  -flagen  a  disap- 
pointed,  baulked;  .  gforbaabning  disappointment. 
•tintning  erroneous  in  feren  ce.  +-f»or  fe  ©ilb«. 
•fting  wrong  stitch.  -faring  wrong  steering. 
-ftøb  (©iøatb)  miss.  -føn  error  of  the  eye;  fig 
misunderstandlng,  error  in  judgment.  •  -tabel 
table  of  errors  -tapelfe  c  -r  mistake;  af  en  . 
by  mistake;  gribe  en  i  en  -  catch  one  tripping. 
-trin  false  step,  slip.  -trtyf  foul  impression. 
•troet  (Staf)  wrong  move. 

fejning  c  sweeping. 

tflfefr  a  fair,  blooming,  beautiful;  i  fin  -e  Ungbom 
in  the  bloom  of  youth,  in  the  flower  of  his  age. 

3rejre  vt  celebrate,  solemnize,  keep.  -t  a 
popular,  mnch  admired. 

frelanb  n  fairy-land. 

$elbereb|er  c  -e  currier,  leather-dresser.  -ning 
«  leather-dressing. 

*$fetb  c  -et  large  skin  with  the  fur  on;  pelt; 
bed-cover  made  of  skins. 

ffelbfftat  c  felspar. 

*8fete  c  -r  F  fiddle. 

Stelle!  c  long-poil,  feather-shag. 

tfreft  n,  pi  ssst  her  fleld,  compartment;  (i  Wiffel) 
land;  (i  Srcetfpil)  square;  Ae  department,  pro- 
vine«, sphere,  fleld;  i  blaat  .  azure;  i  bbibt  ~ 
argent  (ofb.). 

grelt  c  fleld;  brage  i  -en,  tit  -*  take  the  fleld; 
ligge  tit  -»  lie  in  a  camp.  -apottt  medicine 
cbest  of  an  army.  -artilleri  fleld-artillery. 
-(ager  army-baker.  -bageri  military  bakehouse. 
-brøbaab  pontoon.  -flafte  canteen.  -fob:  oære, 
ftao  paa  ~  be  on  the  war  establishment;  letoe 
jwa  _  live  as  in  a  camp.  -gnbitjenefke  di  vine 
service  in  the  camp.  -ijerre  commander,  gene- 
ral, -berrebbgtigbcb  generalship.  -Qerrefnnft 
strategic  art.  -ftofbital  field-hospital.  -line 
foraging  cap.  -Itytte  hut  (for  a  sol  dier),  -loren 
band  cuffs.  -lonon  fleld-piece  el.  -gun.  -luppt 
capote.  -ta&fe  military  chest.  -titfert  field-glass. 
-level  camp-kettle.  -fot  army-cook,  sutler. 
-totfrn  fleld-kitchen.  -lafaret  fe  -^ofpital.  -lejr 
camp.  -linet  camp  life  -læge  army-physician. 
-manøber  sham  flght.  -marftal  field-marshal. 
•Hart  camp  park.  -bøft  army-post.  -ørorft  army 
-ehaplain.  -raob  watch-word,  pass  word,  parole, 
(mef!  fiø)  legend.  -feng  camp- beds tead.  -ffottfe 
field-redoubt,  fleld- work  -ffole  camp-school. 
-ffbti  fleld-pieces  pi.  -f!«r  c  -er,  -florer,  sur- 
geon.  -ftagbattle.pltchedbattle.  -flange  culverin. 
-fntenje  torge  of  an  army-blacksmith.  -følbat 
soldier  of  the  line.  -ftol  camp-stool.  -fttpfffe 
fleld-piece.  -tegn  sword-knot.  -telegraf  fleld 
-telegraph.  -tjeneftc  active  service,  service  in 
the  fleld,  fleld-duty.  -tog  campaign.  -tøgdblan 
plan  of  operations,  plan  of  campaign.  t-tøj 
anny-stores.  f-tøjmefrer  master  of  the  ordnance. 
-nagt  ootpost.    -øogn  ammunition  waggon. 

Stcfnf'(e)  c  -t  felucca. 

frent'  num  flve,  (i  Xærningfp.)  cinq;  fan  tan  itte 
ta>ae  til  .  he  doet  not  know  B  from  a  battle- 
door  el.  a  hawk  from  a  handsaw;  labe  -  bare 
lige  care  about  nothing;  gaa  fra  fine  -  stray  from 
one's  flve  wits;  fym  er  ilte  beb  fine  fulbe  -  he  is 
not  In  his  right  senses  el.  mind;  be  .  $at>ne  (i 
fnglanbj  clnque-ports.  &em|aar  lustrum,  quin- 
quenniam.  -aarig  a  flve  years  old;  (føm  inb« 
rcarffer  Ijbert  femte  eller  barer  fem  H.)  quinquen- 
nial.  -atrrlng  c  -er  flve  years  old  (horse),  -aari- 
beretning  flve-yearly  report,  -alt*  a  fl  ve-æt. 
-ormet  o  five-armed.  -blabet  a  qainquefoliated, 

fl ve-leafed.  *-børing  e  -er  ten-oared  boat.  -belt 
a  $  quinquepartite.  -bobbett  fe  -folb.  -boble 
vt  multiply  flve-fold.  t-fingernrt  cinquefoil, 
flve -finger,  Potentilla  rtptan*.  -fingret  a  qulnate. 
-fobet,  -føbbet  ©er«  pentameter.  -folb,  -folbig 
a  flve-fold,  quintuple.  -grenet  o  fivepronged; 
ben  -be  ©affel  the  Angers,  -fannet  a  pentandrian. 
-Quttnet  a  pentagynian. 

Sfentininnnt  n  the  feminine  gender  el.  form; 
et  -  (pi  -na  &  -ner)  a  feminine  noun;  er  -  af 
is  the  feminine  of. 

ftem|tant  pentagon,  -tantet  a  pentagonal. 
-toilet  fe  -fingret,  -toet  pope-Joan.  -labbet  a  $ 
flve-lobed.  -Ung  c  -er  knotted  s  purre  y,  Spergella; 
-er  flve  children  at  a  birth. 

ftentniel  c  fimble-hemp. 

$em|mer  o  -c  flve.  -ogtybeøre  3»/i  d.  -blan§> 
legeme  pentahedron.  -bnnbig  a  Iranon,  -bttn* 
binger  c  -e  flve-pounder.  -bnnbi  9lote  five-pound 
note.  -ribbet  a  five-ridged.  -fibet  a  pentahedral. 
-ftabclfeft  a  of  flve  syllables.  -ftemntig  a  for 
flve  volces  el.  parts,  -tal  the  number  flve. 
•taldblnnter  pi  dicotyledons  -tanbet  a  flve 
toothed,  qninquedentate.  Oremte  c  num  flfth; 
bet  -  ©ub  the  sixth  commandment;  -  Stofebog 
Deuteronomy;  for  bet  -  fifthly,  in  the  flfth 
place;  (fom)  bet  -  {»jul  til  en  Sogn  one  too 
many;  ftonqe.  ®ame  .  King,  Queen,  three  small 
ones;  Jtnegten  -  i  ftlø&er  four  clubs  to  the  knave. 
~femtebel  c  flfth  part,  a  flfth.  ^femten  num  flfteen. 

•emtenbe  the  flfteenth.  fttmttpatt  fe  -bel.  $etntt 
[fly.  Sfemtienbe  fiftieth.  &tm\*Tt,  *-<rtng  copper 
coin  worth  5  fS re  or  */s  d. 

gruber  c  -e  ^  fender,  -bnbe  skid,  -frit  cuck- 
old's  neck.    ^enbre  af  vt  fend  off. 

genier  c  -e  Fenian. 

gennet  c  fennec,  Cani«  fennec. 

tfrenner  pi  fens 

^ennitel  c  fennel,  Fænicniu»  anethum  -olie 
f.-oil.    -toanb  f.-water. 

f^ebalabS  n  fairy-palace. 

frede,  ferier  pi  vacation,  holidays;  (i  en  9(et) 
non  term;  (parlamentets  recess;  ^oer  ~  every  holi- 
days; rejfe  bjem  i  -rne  go  home  for  the  holldayB. 
•bef*g  holiday  visit,  -bag  holiday.  -gffft  visitor 
during  the  holidays.  -ladning  study  during 
vacation.  -rejfe  vacation  tour. 
rrle  c  -r  ferule. 

rer«  a  smart,  elever  (i,  til  at). 
rttma'tit)  e  -x  pause,  hold. 
•erment'  n  -er  ferment. 
•ermbeb  c  cleverness. 
rnambut  o  brazil  (wood). 

_  ;rnia  c  -fer  varnish.  -bal  ball  for  varnishing 
the  copper-plate.  -fe  re  vt  varnish.  -fe'ring  c 

fterriltlorib  ferrie  chlorid.    -fait  ferrlc  salt. 

Orerro|c))an  ferrocyanogen.  -tarbonat  ferrous 
carbonate  (o.  fl.) 

Qrerff  a  fresh,  sweet;  *  fe  ogf.  ftrif!  (nn,  ube* 
bærtjft);  fio  green,  verdant;  en  -  @ø  a  freshwater 
lake,  -t  Sømmer  unseasoned  timber;  gribe,  an- 
Ijølbe  paa  -  (terning  take,  seize  in  the  very  aet, 
red-handed.    $erffe  vt  fe  gftifte. 

jjferften  c  -er  peach.  -blontH  p.  flower:  (Har* 
toffel)  peach-blow  -manbel  nectarine,  Perwiea 
(cem*.    -tro?  peach-tree,  Atnyodatun  pfrøica. 

$erff|beb  c  freshness,  sweetness.  -ning  fe  %xift» 
ning.  -toanb  fresh  water.  -banbø«  fresh-water. 
feg'  n,  mu«  F  flat.  -ei  n  F  double  flat. 
'flot  n  fairy  palaoe,  enchanted  castle. 
peft  c  er  feast,  festival,  iete,  celebrntion; 
beøagelige  og  ubeøcegelige  -er  movable  and  im- 
movable  feasts.  -aften  festive  night.  -nrran« 
gene  master  of  the  ceremonles.  -bag  festival 
-day,  holiday.    -bel tager  guest,    -bragt  festival 

les  ti  ve  joy.     -jn 

Srtjtaatalt  festival  cantala.  -Ir) mit*  fete 
commlttee.  StRItg  n  feitlve.  Testfil,  ulemn; 
ndr  -  fmnrftt  festlvely  decorated.  iyfltllgbtk  n 
-er  frmivlly.  $tRllgb>l>f  uf  ælebrate.  fr**]- 
■aalttfc  feast,  banouet.  reatlve  en  terts!  ument. 
-narflal  marabal.     -adkkag  festival  dluner. 

Bfft««-  [rt.]  e  -tt  festooo. 

jktftlBBsrrtarr  festival  overture.  -»(ski  place 
of  fenival.  -»ro|tom  programme  uf  the  euter- 
tulnmenl.  -(■[  hauquetlng  hall,  UniDrrflttU  « 
the  Unlversity  Festival  Hall.  -(«■•  festal  aong. 
-ffaai  prindpa!  toast,  toast  of  tbe  evenlng. 
-fftifl  commemoratlve  writlng.  -lait  principal 
ipeech      -tag  procession. 

Rctt'Tt  il  mate  much  of,  iete. 

fftttd)ba.ilrlfn  c  feticblsm. 

jwtlrrag  n  purllntoof. 

fe«   [frj    (     («i   bni    Ina  duo«  1  -  he  has  so 

Sttattkta  c  fairy-wotld,  fsiry-laiid. 

fflafrr  c   i  etb. 

glatis  c  [Mure,  flmsco;  asrr .  lall  (egreglously, 

»tbrl  r  (MhtDak.)  vlve»  pj. 

rjlstl  t,  -ktarf  primer,  faombook. 

»ti«  c    &rt  Sbre.     -ri«  o  flbrlne 

glita'  *  (ihreecornered)  neckerchief. 

tBieitl  It  gtbtl. 

ffistlfDBiini.'  •  frt  entail.  feoffment  In  trust, 
-brftbkrt  feoflee  lu  trust,     -la'riff  a  el  entail. 

Stikt  f  -  Jolly. 

ftflibaS   c     rr    pajwr- match,    aplll,    (candle) 



fisfti  ■ 

-    -S«- 

T  fibre 

>ti<|  0.  R.  ft  Trifnttr. 
uontrlvaDce,  craft,  finesse    '-kane 
stylish  lady.    *-([  er  dr?a«,  make 

,,m  _  jIjf,  crafly,  uunning;  ^amart,  sljllsh. 

■Slå*  t  cutialng  dog 
•Mg  e  It  Enpani.     (gigt  «  bo.  one's  ears. 
Sigt«  e  pi  —  *  -te  tig.    -blik  flg-leaf.    -sten 
flgpear     -te«  flgtree. 

gig*  r  e  tr  ng'ure,  shaps  (Emtrttgnirint  dia- 
gram, flgure;  Sortten  1  bf!  -  full  length  portralt, 
t  balk  -  halMetiBth  portralt;  (i  frsttlalt)  cogrt 
-card.  honour  Sig  Km  Ilos«  oroamenled  chant. 
Ii«'»re-tr  opera  dancer,  figuranf; 
M  &  i  fig'ure;  -  Ist  (i  $nti»J  sel 
mi  It  is  posed  as.  -bt  tal  flgtirate 

-c  plitUnrthroplst,    -l(T  a  phllan- 

ch,  plirer. 

.  .  Ble-rutter. 

lafllnc  fflfng-machine. 

n  net-work;  e  (Set)  undercut. 

»Ilt Ira  ■  Bl Ing- board,  -block. 
»i  l|ru»  ft  BidMta*- 
ftiliiarmonfrt    u     phllharraoa': 

gi  IbBfl,  -bnggrr  ft  irilt.. 


r,i«a(ft()  1  Mg  urat 

Jb*  flied  idoa.  mo- 
nornania,  orolchet;  rn  Dlbltk  nttb  -t  3bm  mono- 
maniac,  f"  erotcheteer,  -  H  failio  quile  irady, 
trim  and  tlghl,  «■!  cut  and  dread-  .  liult  flied 
air-  p  .  tn«  nt(  olther  or.  Jill  c  (Aukl  |l 
e»iM.     fjlflatla*  «,   cAm.  n.atlnn.     »IMr   op 



-boi.     -glat  anaclastlc  glas.     -Ina*  p 


■,  dodges.   -  Klfrnt 

ri.  eatabllih- 
nent,  branch  (Office),   -kant  branch  bank     -fri- 
tak braueh  EOCietjr,  afflllation. 
_  S  lllatan   arbrlac  j  ■  Bligree,  flllgiaDS.   -|(al  fe 

the  Pblllp'piana. 

ia  o  pbiltlpic 
itt  c  -t  phllopene,  filipeen. 
aer«  Ihe  Philippines 
e  -t  (ogf.  .«Je)  Philistine,  Jte  dl.  snob, 
□arraw-miaded  person.   -a«ti|  a  narrow-mlnded. 
matter-of-fact      -agltgkc«  c,   -C  1  phllistlnlsm. 
-»nktatn  PhlUaUa.    f}Éliftt»'»  ft  -salig. 
M  llartt  flle-fard.    •«»,  -«»»  ir  Sife-. 
•»lllt  s  -i  rag,   latter     -rakt  fag  end.     -|a»l 
c  talterdemaliou.   -gan|  worthleaa  nag.    ■gttitr 
tiseli-n  trapa.   -»al  paltry  ti.  nasty  place.   -frakc 
paltry  craft.     »fntt  a  raoged. 
»iinlBfl  c  llTiiig. 

SU  als  g  c  -tt  philol'ogiM.  -f '  e  pbllology.     -ift 
-  --"-"w-lc(«l). 

ioph  ic  al). 

gllldmt  band-vice.     -fsstb  ft  -bngot 
ntt  flliuKs      -ftrjg  flle-Btroke.     -M«  Bl 

9111  c  felt     %ttu  M  felt;  -  flfl  beoomi 

nglemerit,  bother.    „ 

»tilt Mlltr  ,d  (^an.ifclicd 
cylinders.  Slll'fjal  feh  bat.  -|otra  basin.  -flakt 
fclt-cloth.  -»agn  c  -1  felt-maker.  -mfltae 
hardener,      -alng   t  feltlng      -tf    sf   entaagle. 

»Utro/t   •    -tt    1 

.  kb  fftat  Bitering 
pap  er.  -at  akt  ro 
bag,  Hlppocratea' 

i.  —  f>Urttt!aW«*at. 
lue.  -»a»it  Blterina; 
alner.     -klft   Blterlng 

-tta  filterinB  sumt. 
perootale      Siltttrfag 

rJilltBra    n    Hl  tering 

ifaal  fhlt-sola    Hlibng  parting  cl 
oe      -l(tb|r  feltcarpel,   l6fBg^] 
■<x,\  for  makirig  felt 
.'t  e  tt  »ly  dog,  wily  rogue.   -ert' 

dllarj-  motlou 

t»ftrtt  p  . 

r;  »Laplander. 
ni  ihe  fashioo- 
Sctlcn    elegant 




.  iagttager  a  shrewd  observer;  f  en  -  ftønbitor 
a  knowing  hånd,  a  deep  one. 

ftiita'le  c  -r  finale. 

ftinan'fer  pi  flnances.  $inanØ|aar  flscal  el. 
finandal  year,  revenue-year.  *-(og  Xolb<)bepar* 
trment  fe  -miniftertum.  -entbebimanb  finand'er. 
•iel'  a  flnan'dal.  -tømtté  committee  on  ways 
and  means.  t-loben  the  budget;  naar  -  et  oeb< 
toget  when  Supply  is  voted.  -tnanb  flnanci'er. 
-mtnifter  minister  of  flnance,  flnance-mlnister; 

i  i  (Englanb)  cbancellor  of  the  Exchequer.  -mini* 
lerinnt  ministry  of  flnance,  treasury.  -plan 
finandal  senerne,  -potfrit  flnancial  policy.  -nb- 
balg  fe  -fomtté.  -btbenftab  science  of  flnance, 
politicai  economy.  -bcrfen  flnance,  flnancial 

ftt'nbranbe  vt  reflne. 

ffinbe,  fanbt,  funbet  vt  find;  .  fattig  «f fatning 
meet  a  ready  sale;  -  Søben  meet  one' s  death; 
-  Jtøbete  meet  buyers:  .  Sejtigbeb  meet  with  an 
opportunlty;  -  6teb  take  place;  -  Zib  Hl  make 
time  to;  .  Xilflutnina  meet  with  encouragement; 
berføm  $e  r  for  gobi  if  you  think  proper,  if 
you  choose,  see  good;  *-  frem  fetch  out,  bring 
to  light;  -igen  recover;  ~  tnb  find  one's  way 
In,  .  paa  think  of,  hit  upon,  bethink  one's  self 
of;  t>an  fanbt  paa  at  he  took  lt  lnto  his  head  to; 
.  ttl  find  one's  way  to;  t-r  libet  til  does  not 
mind  much;  -  tilbage,  ub  find  one's  way 
back,  out;  .  ub  (ubfinbe)  make  out;  -  ub  af  make 
out,  unravel;  fan  (betten  -  ub  ettet  inb  can  make 
nothing  of  it;  —  vr  -  f ig  i  put  up  with,  ac- 
quiesce  in,  submit  to;  jeg  Ian  ilte  -  mig  i  I  cannot 
away  with;  (an  fanbt  ftg  bet  berbeb  (bet  betom  (am 
t»el)  it  did  him  good,  (bet  foatebe  ttegn.)  he  found 
his  aocount  in  it;  —  vp  bet  ftnbes  .  .  .  thereis, 
are  .  .  . ;  Crbet  -ø  enbnu  i  3&uanb  the  word  re- 
mains  (survives,  is  still  to  be  found)  in  Jutland; 
t>t  ftal  nol  -#  we  shall  meet  again;  ben  birtelige 
Sefofhting  Ian  -ø  oeb  at  the  proper  cost  may  be 
arrived  at  by.  {yinbeøobS  fe  flittegobø.  §inbeliø 
a  to  be  found. 

M'nbeling  c  commlnution. 

$inbejUn  flnder's  fee.  $inbc|r  o  -e  finder. 
•fteb  finding-place;  habitat,  station,  gfinbing  o 
finding  ftlnbingiret  flnder's  right  $tnblfnø 
c  -e  erratic  block. 

ftf 'nbribntng  c  cupellatlon. 

jyitticr  c  -eret  veneer.  -erfab  veneer-saw. 
•ere  vt  veneer.  -eret  o  -e  inlayer.  -ering  o 

tnet'fe  c  subtlety:  (pi  -t)  nicety. 
rittfift  e  rorqual,  Balæuoptera. 
rinfølelfe  c  delicacy. 
Ittgeliug  c  J,  gudgeon,  pintle. 
toger  c  -gre  finger;  (abe  lange  -g te  be  light 
flngered;  oil  ifte  røre  en  -  fot  at  wfll  not  lift  a 
finger  to;  gio  (am  en  .  og  ban  taget  (ete  Aaanben 
give  him  an  inch  and  he  will  take  an  ell;  pege 
•gte  ab  point  at:  -ne  af  ftabet!  bands  off!  paws 
off!  flirte  -tene  efter,  gote  lange  -te  efter  whistle 
for,  ban«  -gte  fist  eftet  at  he  is  dying  to;  faa  -e 
i  lav  hånds  on;  (abe  en  .  i  Suppen,  meb  i  Spillet 
have  a  finger  in  the  pie,  in  lt;  fe  igennem  -gre 
meb  connive  at,  wlnk  at;  6een  igennem  -gte  meb 
condonatlon  of;  ilte  tagge  -tene  imellem  handle 
(one,  somethlng)  wlthout  mittens,  not  spare 
one;  fnot  (am  om  fin  lille  .  turns  him  round 
her  li  ttl  e  finger;  faa  o  o  er  -grene  get  a  rap  on 
the  knuckles;  talte  paa  -ne  count  on  the  fingers; 
ban  oeb  bet  paa  fine  -gre  he  has  it  at  his  fingers' 
ends,  he  is  letter- perfect  in  it;  fe  en  paa  -ne 
w&tch  one  closely,  have  an  eye  upon  one;  fjor 
et  Cie  paa  (bet  -  has  all  his  eyes  about  him; 
Hoa  en  paa  grene  rap  one  on  the  knuckles.  -atl 
finger-grasø,  Diøitiria.     -breb   a  of  a  flnger's 

breadth.  -(i)breb  c  flnger's  breadth.  digit,  -fcøl 
n,  -bølle  e  thimble;  ^  fox-glove,  Digitalt*  pur- 
pure«,   -belt  a  $  digitate,  finger- parted. 

ftinøe're  vt  feign. 

iger|enbe  flnger's  end,  finger  tip.  -ere  re 
F  fe  gftngte.  -formig  n  digitate.  -flint,  -farbtg 
o  dexterous.  -f«rbtø(eb  dexterity,  mut  skill  of 
execution.  -(anbffe  (flngered)  glove.  -ItøUt, 
-Mattt  finger- Btall.  -Ilampe  thumb-cleat.  -rtøe 
itching  fingers,  -tb*  blown  kiss.  -teb  finger 
-joint.  -lebftben  pi  phalangeal  bones,  phalanges. 
•nem  a  handy,  -nent(eb  handiness.  -peg  hint. 
-ring  finger  ring.  -fpibi  fe  -enbe.  -fprøø  finger 
language,  dactylology,  manual  alphabet.  -ftyrfe 
strength  of  fingers,  -ftorrt  a  strong-fingered. 
•fbamto,  -*fop  clavaria.  -fatninø  (paa  $iano) 
fingering,  -faette  vt  finger,  -tegn  sign  with  the 
finger.  *-top,  -tnp  fe  enbe.  -ttof  a  thick  as  a 
finger.  *-naatt,  -pante  wollen  glove.  -øbelfer 
pi  finger  exercises.  ^inøre  vt  finger,  grinøret 
a  digitate. 

Pti'n] (altet  a  chopped  small,  -(eb  e  flneneas, 
delicacy.  -(nbet  o  beere  ~  have  a  delicate  skin. 
in(bat  c  finback,  finner,  rorqual. 
i'nljorb  fine  mould,  -tant  small-tooth  comb. 
tttfe  e  -t  finch,  Frinoilit.  -(øa  sparrow-hawk. 
intet,  p  -|øtnm  c  bad  brandy. 
intenet  n  4,  netting.  —  ^intenetl|tfffber 
hammock-cloths.  -lifter  quarter-rails.  -rafte 
topgallant-rall.   -feptcre  hammock-stanchlons. 

Mnter  pi  mlnced  liver  and  lights. 

jrinteribber  c  braggadocio. 

*tjfinfjffrring  o  Lapp  woman. 

9t'n|fomet  a  finegrained.  •trnfet  a  finely 
rlppled  el.  ruffied. 

9in|tanb  Finland,  -tanbft  a  Finland,  -tap 
•Laplander,  Lapp,  t Finlander.  t-tappertar 
wooden  utensils  made  in  Finland,  t-lapper- 
ftnbe  Finland  bark.  -tanber  c  -e  Finlander. 
-mårten  n  Finmark,  -martepoft  $>  fe  9oft. 
*-m«t,  -mnbb  fur-cloak  with  the  fur  turned 
out.    Qftnne  c  -t  Finlander. 

ftinne/  *§in«  e  -t  (i  Vnfigtet)  pimple. 

9inne  c  -r  fin.  -(nat  fe  9in(ba(.  -ftratle  fin 
-ray     finnet  a  Sr  plnnate,  pinnated. 

finnet  a  (i  Vnftgtet)  pimpled. 

grinlff  a  Finnish;  n  (the)  Flnnish  (language); 
ben  -fte  ©ugt  the  Gulf  of  Finland.  -fTø  Laplander's 
moccadn,    *-ftag  mat-grass,  Nardu§  itricta. 

ftrnlftrne  adjustlng  screw.  -fnebter  cabinet 
-maker.    -fpnnben  a  fine-spun. 

ftinftere  v<  «L  stern-windows. 

$i'n|ftøbt  a  finely  powdered.  -tanbet  a  fine 

ftfi'nt|b(øøet  a  finely  moulded.  -bannet  a 

Wntt  e  -r  (i  Qfaøtetunfl)  feint;  (Sift)  trick,  fetch; 
(Stofe)  wipe,  sneer,  skit;  gioe  en  -t  sneer  at. 
$inte  vt  sneer  at. 

$int|førntet  a  finely  moulded  et.  chlselled. 
-følenbe  a  sensitive,    -marfenbe  a  sensitive. 

ftinto.  Stonto  .  pro  formå  account  sales. 

$i'n|ttlbet  a  fine-woolled.  -baft  washlng  of 
fine  clothes. 

^iø  t  c  F  =  Biolin ;  tabe  -en  førge  f  drive  dull 
care  away. 

lo  le  c  -r  phi'al. 

iori'nøraS  fl'orin-grass,  Aøro*ti$  ntoloni/eri. 
ip'  c  -pet  tip.     -fraø  chintuft,   (fiøtte,  paa 
$aaen)  goatee. 

$ir[aaret  a  ^  four-oared.  -aarig  o  four  years 
(old);  (fom  gentaget  fig  bbett  4be  eOet  baret  i  4 
Sar)  quadrennial.  *-«artttø  c  -et  four  years  old 
(horse),  -ben  lizard,  Lacerta.  -benet  a  four 
-legged.  *-b!ab  herb  paris,  one  berry,  true-love, 
Pari«  ouari/olia.    -bUbet  a  four-leaved,  tetra- 




phyllous,  (ftronr)  tetrapetalous,  (tiager;  teira- 
sepalous;  (Strue)  four-bladed.  -bele  vt  quarter. 
-belittg  quartering.  -belt  a  quartered.  -bobbett 
a  quadruple,  fourfold.  -boble  vt  multiply  four- 

%\tt  vt  J,  ease  off,  lower,  veer,  veer  away; 
fio  (for)  yleld,  give  way,  give  up  (to);  -  af  cast 
off;  fir  neb  I  lower  amaln !  fir  rafl !  lower  cheerly; 
fir  faa  fmaat!  lower  handsomelyt  .  paa  fflanb 
lower  on  the  cap;  .  finteret  for  Kronen  cock-bill 
the  anchor. 

fjfire  nutn  four;  en  -  (i  Jcortfpil)  a  four;  paa  alle 
.  on  all  fours;  tore  meb  .  drive  in  a  coach  and 
four,  (om  Jhiften)  drive  four  in  hånd;  ftære  i  ~ 
Sele  quarter.  -aarig,  -aarS  four  years  (old). 
-belt  (o.  fl.)  fe  gfirs  -  tatt  quadruple  time.  -folb 
fe  $irbobbelt.  -ganglbane  four- way  cock.  -tnaoé 
fianbfter  four-button  gloves.  -manb?  (røttffi)  four 
-handed  (whist).  -manb&ftentbtl  four-handled 

ftiren  c  easing  etc. 

$ire|ogfetStienbebeti  9tobe  semi-demisemi-qua- 
ver.  -ogfetSttenbebeté  $aufe  semi-demisenii- 
quaver  rest.  -rabaaret  <5tib  quadrireme.  — 
$i'r|fobet  fe  -fobbet;  -  Bet*  tetram'eter,  verse 
of  four  feet.  -folb  fe  -bobbett.  -frøet  o  tetra- 
spermous.  -fobbet  a  fourfooted;  et  .  $br  a  qua- 
druped.  -grenet  n  four-branched.  -bonitet  a 
tetrandrous.  -bjntet  a  four-wheeled.  -bobebet 
a  four-headed.  -bttgget  a  Bquare.  -bnnnet  a 
tetragynous,  tetragynian.  -bombet  a  quadruma- 
nous,  four- hånd  ed.  -fcanbig  a  fe  -bombet;  mit« 
for  four  hånds;  —  adv  fpiHe  ~  play  duets,  -bojene 
the  corpora  quadrigemina.  -tant  square,  qua 
drauglc,  four-sided  figure;  ti  $ob  i  -  ten  feet 
square.  -fant  adv  J,  square;  brafe  en  tøaa  - 
square  a  yard.  -tantet  a  square,  quadrangular. 
-tantfii  square  file.  -tant  jomi  square-iron.  -tlanø 
chord  of  the  seventh.  -tUber  four-leaved  clover; 
fio  quartett.  firling  a  pearlwort,  pagina,  fir- 
linger pi  four  (children)  at  a  birth.  &irlobet 
a  fe  -traabet. 

rirnta  n  -er  firm. 
firmament'  »  fir'mament. 

Jirman  n  firman. 

tftrirme  vi,  prov  fe  Bimfe. 

#i  r|*menntng  c  -er  third  cousin.  -mægtig 
$  a  tétradynamous;  chem  fe  -borbig.  -blond" 
legeme  tetrahedron.  -bnnbig  o  of  4  pounds 
weight;  en  -  ftanon  (girepunber)  a  four-pounder. 
-rebet  a  four-reefed.  -S  F  fe  -flnbSttjbe.  -(e)flbet 
a  four-sided,  quadrilateral.  -finb§tb&e  num 
eighty,  fourscore.  -flnb*tb»e«beeightieth.  -ftnbd* 
tttbeaarig  a  of  eighty  years,  en  -  Olbing  an  oc- 
togenarian.  -ffooreit  «  (om  lammer)  square;  fio 
BQuare-bullt,  squarely  built,  thick-set.  +-ftaare*< 
beb  c  squareness  (of  build).  -ffoft(et)  a  twilled. 
-fint  four  handed  chess.  t-ftiMng  silver  coin 
of  4  „efifling".  -ftibet  a  (©lot)  fourfold.  -ftoet 
(om  Ddt)  shod  on  each  foot.  -jlaoet  fe  -traabet. 
.fnattet  a  in  four  columns,  -fpanb  team  of  four 
horses  tore  meb  -  drive  four-in-hand.  -f bring 
I  T?»  gSlop.  at  fuil  speed.  -fbomb  fe  .tøm*. 
-fianbt  a  drawn  by  four  horses;  -  naret  coach 
a£d  four.  -ftobelfedorb  word  of  four  syllables, 
tetrasyllable.  -ftrmntig  «  ^P"^  *Ie*  R 
-TaVbet  -ftrenget  a  four-stringed.  -ftrogne  C,  C 
wUh  four  sSrokes.  -f«bet  a  having  four  seate, 
aeate  for  four,  four-seated.  -tooet  a  four-toed. 
!«I  number  four.  -tom(mer)«  a  four-Inch 
-traobet  a  of  four  threads.  -tttnget  a  four-winged, 
tltmntørous  -bintlet  a  quadrangular.  -botrbig 
lC^TtraÆ    ♦-«!•«  c  -er  four-oareS 

boat,  four-oar.    ^Je  »^ePB„  doubie.8harp 

t»'  n  mut  F  Bharp.    -«  »  F  doume-snarp. 
I  c  fizzle.    -c  vi  fizzle,  nzz,  foist. 

SVifet  tr«  n  fustic. 

$ift  c  -e  el.  vi  s,  fish  (ogfaa  i  ftørt);  d>  (i  *%<** 
etc.)  partner;  tyv  pie;  -ene  cut  pisces;  faa  friff  fom 
en  -  as  sound  as  a  roach  el.  trout;  *en  ful  -  a 
sly  dog;  tage  -en  play  at  cat's  cradlea;  *tage  for 
gob  -  F  pnt  up  with,  be  satisfied  with,  be  put 
off  with;  bberten  &ugl  eller  ~  neither  fish  nor 
fiesh  (uor  good  red  herring),    -agtig  fe  grifte>. 

Briffa'l  c  -er  prosecutor  for  the  crown;  (i  Qcng* 
lano)  Attorney  General.    $riftft1  o  fis'cai. 

^tfte  vt  fish;  angle;  (fieg)  play  at  ducks  and 
drakes;  -  (efter)  Xorft,  Wborret  ofo.  fish  for  cod, 
perch;  .  i  rørt  Sanbe  fish  in  troubled  waters; 
^  -  et  Unter  op  fish  an  anchor;  .  efter  et  fL 
sweep,  drag  for  an  a.;  -  nt  (tomme  utlar  af  nt) 
foul;  .  Sejlet  inb,  -  fammen  paa  Sejlet  trice  up 
the  bunt  of  the  sail.    &iffe  n  flshing,  flshery. 

$ifte|affalb  offal  of  fish.  -aftog  fish  water 
•agn  bait.  -agtig  o  fishy;  fish-llke,  ichthyoid. 
-onb  (ftor)  goosander,  Mer  gu«  mer  pant  er,  (lille) 
red bre åsted  merganser,  Mergut  terrator,  (bDib) 
smew,  white  nun,  Mergué  albellut.  »art  species 
of  fish.  -abl  flsh-culture,  pisciculture.  -ctofer 
pisciculturist.  -ben  fish  bone;  (rilbetebt  4^  balbarbe) 
whalebone,  bbibt  -  cuttle-bone.  -benéftort  hoop 
-petticoat,  farthingale.  -beftrioelfe  ichthyology. 
**bj«rg  <fl8h-mountain»l  enormous  shoal  of  fish. 
-bjorn  fish-louse,  Æga.  -blørre  fish-bladder. 
-blober  preparer  of  stockfish.  -bolle  fish-batl. 
-bouillon  fish-stock.  *-brjigge  fish  quay.  -bnb- 
bing  fish-pudding.  -bngfrtnne  bellyrail.  -bag 
fish  day;  fishing  day.  -barn  fish-pond.  -banio 
fishdavit.  -brat  draught  of  f.  -fab  fish-dish. 
-fangft  fisbing,  flshery.  -far*  minced  fish.  -Une 
fishing  fly.  -fritabeller  fried  fish-balls  et.  -cakes 
-gaarb  wear.  -garn  fishing-net.  '-grejet  pi 
fishing-gear.  -grnnb  flshing- ground.  -gnano 
flsh-guano.  -gatfie  gill.  -gobning  fe  -affalb.  -bat 
fishmonger's  shop.  -bate  fish-tail.  -balebrernber 
fish-tail  burner.  -banbler  fishmonger.  -boxb« 
lerfte  fishmongeress.  -bejre  grey  heron,  Arden 
dnerea.  *4)jelb  fish-flake.  -bob  landing-net. 
-bnb  (Srjgb.)  ichthyosis.  -bug  fishmonger's  shop. 
-igle  fish-leech,  Pitcicola.  -(agt  fishing  smack. 
*-Jon  fe  orn.  -fager  fe  -frifabeaer.  -febet  fi&h 
-kettle.  -Hfte  cauf.  -trabbe  fisherman's  wooden 
grapnel.  -trog  fish(ing)-hook.  -tunften  the  pis- 
catorial  art.  -tam  fish-basket,  creel.  -tnafe 
wpll-boat.  -fbnbia  c  ichthyologlst.  -leg  spawn. 
-tint  Isinglass.  -lob  snare  of  a  take  of  fish. 
-Ingt  fishy  smell,  s.  of  fish.  -maage,  -mnafe 
common  gull,  Laru«  canu*.  -maancb  September 
-tnab  fish  diet.  -mabing  bait.  -mel  powdered 
fish.  -mefter  superintendent  of  a  flshery  -ntorll 
-malte  milt  -obber  otter,  Lutr«,  -bart  fe  -tam' 
-battebbr  jU  aquatic  mammalia.  -to en f el  fitch 
-pencil,  -btab«  fishing-ground.  -boftej  fish-pattv. 
*?.Fe«  f/e  ^enaanj  angler;  zo  fe  9ifEfMefél. 
"!!£?-  fishing-boat,  (minbre,  flabbunbet)  coble. 
-Dreng  flsher-boy. 

&ifte|rebffab   fishing-tackle. 
rf^nt,  privilege  of  fishing. 

A-S^Jft?^  flsn^g-vessel  el.  -craft.  -flaabc 
fleet  of.fi8hing- vessels.  -fbr  fishing  light.  -«arn 
hsbing  net.  -gnt  fisher-boy.  -buØ  (RilfcrtA) 
nIh'hoU01196  eI'  hUt;  »•  Wbct  fSSl  3»)} 
gift ttl  n  fishing,  flshery;   angling     -bcbrift 

S£ff^f^?!?AiFHhirie8  ^hibition* 

gift«  "lttMer  fi8hlng  lu««er-    -«a»b  «e 

»ifterogn  fe  Wogn. 

-ret,   -rettigbeb 




gifter  siøe  flsberman's  daughter.  -ring  papal 
seal.  -ftnbe  fishiug  vessel,  dogger.  -fntftffc 
nshing-smack.  -frit  sheet-bend.  -ftøbler  flsher- 
man's  boots.    -f*tt  son  of  a  fiøherman. 

$tflerufe  fe  SRufe.  -felffab  fishing-company. 
-ffe  flsh-slice,  flsh-trowel.  -fflfer  cupriferous 
slate.  -ffiab  flsh  skin.  -f!«l  scale  of  a  flsh. 
-florr  flshing-bank.  -fnor,  -fnøre  fishing-line. 
•fftabe  fe  fe.  -fnife  fe  -mob.  *-fb«*,  t-fbore 
caud&l  fin,  tail.  -ftanø  angllng-rod.  -{ration 
fisbing  station,  -ft eb  flshing- place.  -filt  feftifta:-. 
•Rim,  -ftiute,  -fHmmet  shoal  of  flsh.  -ft^tte  j, 
coaming  (of  a  mast-coat),  -fubbe  fish  soup. 
•talje  fish- tackle,  -tegn  flshing- ticket  el.  -permit. 
-tese  fe  tene.  -tib  flshing  season.  -tienbe  fish 
-tithes.  *-tite  common  sandpiper,  Totanua  hypo- 
leucot.  -torbebo  fi^h- torpedo,  -tor*  fish-market. 
-tTtt«  cod-liver  oli,  flsh- o  il.  -ttappt  fishladder. 
-tnnøe  sole,  Soiea.  -tnr  flshing  expedition; 
fi«hing  excuision.  -ttab  black-fisher.  -tttberi 
black-fiahing.  -tfttbe  fish  barrel.  -nbtltttttittø 
fish-hatchlng.  -banb  flshing- water.  -barer  fish. 
t-bob  fe  Bob.  '-bar  flBhing  station,  -biefel 
wood-shock,  pekan,  Martet  canadensi*.  -tingel 
fry,  yoong  fish.  -tebenbe  a  piscivorous.  -aber 
ichthyophagist.  -agte  ichthyosaurns.  -#je  feld- 
spar  adular.  -ørn  osprey,  bald  eagle,  Pandion 

tiflnd  c  fise. 
tjle  vi  p  backbite.    -«  c  backbiting,    -ri'  n 
scandal.    -r  c  -e,   p  gftøfeltnb  scandal-monger. 

$tftel  c  -tier  fistula.  -agtig  o  fistulous.  -fntt 
•yringotomy.    -fbulft  fistulous  uleer. 

ilifteK  fremme)  c  falsetto.  -tone  falsetto  tone. 
$ijbtlc're  et  sing  falsetto. 

fjante  c  -r  fool,  ailly  person,  fjante  *t  be- 
have like  a  fool.  -agtig  a  foolish,  Billy,  -ri'  n 
foolery,  tomfoolery,  foolish  behavlour.  -fnat 
nonsense,  stuff.  -t,  -bom  fe  -agtig.  $jantetl}eb 
c  foolishness.    Orianteocefen  foolish  mannere. 

$rfa£  n  foolery,  nonsense;  p  bet  er  ~  meb  bom 
r$elbreb)  he  is  poorly,  (ftoar)  he  is  poorly  off. 
tyjafe  vi  trifle,  toy. 

tf  eb  n,  pi  a»,  step,  (Spor)  foot-print. 
(e(bc)r  [*«]  c  -bre  feather,  pi  urne;  (ftjeber&uff) 
plamage;  (paa  Soaft,  $oqn  ofb.)  spring;  (boblet) 
tongue;  -bre  pi  ($ugl#)  plumage;  lige  tommen  ub 
af  -ne  just  turned  out;  træffe  -en  af  ef.  ooer  over- 
wind the  watch.  -agtig  a  feathery.  -arbejber 
feaiher-xnaker.  -tebftfuing,  •betiorbning  plumage. 
••Ub  a  soft  as  a  feather,  downy.  -bolb  shuttle 
-cock;  fpille  -  play  at  battledoor  and  shuttle 
-cock.  -boit  holdfast.  -bttft  tuft  of  feathers, 
plumage;  wlUow-leaved  dropwort,  Spircea  9<Ui- 
ci/olia  -bannet  a  penniform.  -bragt  plumage. 
-bytte  feather- bed.  -fil  spring- file.  -fliget  o 
pinnatifid.  -fnlb  stuffing  for  feather-beds.  -fort« 
bittg  fe  -tab.  -bage  spring- trigger.  -Ijam  feather 
-dre*a.  wings;  iler  allerion.  -ftanbel  feather- tråde. 
•boablet  dealer  in  feathers,  plumassler.  -tjat 
hat  with  feathers.  -Jne  plumed  cap  el.  bon  net. 
-|aå>  (i  Ur)  barrel.  -ijbibt  stone-alum.  -t«bt 
tongue- plane,  -tlttbi  o  feathered;  meb  -  9ReQem> 
fob  braccate.  -toft  feather- brush.  -traft  elasti- 
<ity.  -frabe  collar  of  feathers,  hækle,  -freatnr, 
-Ira;  poultry.  -trørtbl  poultry-breeding.  -laaØ 
ipring-lock.  -labbet  a  $  sinuate.  -(et  a  feathery, 
light  as  a  feather.  -leS  a  featherless,  callow. 
•mabraf  spring-mattress.  -ttWl  pterophorus. 
•mcllttc  (common)  pink,  Diantku*  jplumariut. 
•baifer  spring-divider,  -belftbonrt  feather-furs. 
-bc«  quill(pen>,  Dutch  pen.  -yøltjft  sertularia. 
•bofe  feather- bag.  -bragt  brilliancy  of  plumage. 
-jemg  feather  bed.  -ffifte  moult.  -f?b  clrrhus. 
•fltal  springsteel.  -ftobfer  side-spring  boots, 
elastic  boots,   congress-boots.     *ttHk   moulting. 

-tang  corn-iongs.  -top  tuft  of  feathers,  crest. 
-bifte  feather  fan.  -biibt  wild  fowl.  -binge 
featherbroom,  duster;  fe  -møl.  -bogit  spring-eart. 
-bcegt  spring-steelyard.  -øre  (jftugl)  ptilotis.  — 
Sfiebrc  vt  feather;  c*  .  el.  .  jtg  oe  springy  el. 
elastic,  bend;  •&  get  feathers.  -nbe  a  elastic, 

ftjenbe,  t  A*  &i  enbc  c  -r  enemy,  foe;  bsre 
en  -  af  be  an  enemy  to;  ftabe  el.  ftaffe  fig  -r  make 
enemies;  gøre  en  til  fin  -  make  an  enemy  of 
one.  -bloo  the  blood  of  enemies.  -gabe  the 
gift  of  an  enemy.  -ftaanb:  falbe  i  .  fall  in  to 
the  hånds  of  an  enemy.  -tjær  hostile  army. 
-(anb  a  hostile  country,  -bolb  fe  -baanb.  ^feubft, 
ftenbft  a  inimical.  ftienbffab  n  enmity;  lebe  i  . 
meb  live  at  enmity  with.  ftjenbtfig  a  hostile; 
(fjenbft)  inimical;  be  -e  Stifte  the  enemy' s  ships. 
OrjenbtligQeb  c  -er  hostility;  opføre  meb  -erne 
cease  hostilities. 

Sfjer,  fe  SJieber. 

5je'rbe  [et]  num  fourth;  bet  .  »ub  the  flfth 
commandment;  -  2Rofe6og  Numbers;  for  bet  - 
in  the  fourth  place,  fourthly.  -bel  fourth  part, 
fourth,  quarter;  -9  92obe  crotchet,  quarternote; 
-8  $aufe  crotchet  rest;  tre  -i  Xoft  three  crotchets 
Urne.  -manb  the  fourth  (man);  bære  -  make  a 
fourth.    -part  fe  -bel. 

$je  rbina  [æ]  c  -er  quarter;  *(Norwegian) 
quarter-mile;  en  .  Smør  a  firkin  of  butter.  -aar 
quarter  of  a  year,  three  months;  fem  -  fifteen 
months.  -aarlig  a  quarterly;  ado  quarterly. 
every  three  months.  -tor  half  a  peck.  -mil 
(Dan.  el.  Norw.)  quarter-mile.  -'fb^rfre  tetrarch. 
-Øjmiib  quarter  of  a  pound.    -bej  fe  -mil. 

jWe  rlbragt  o.  fL.,  fe  Sieber«. 

t$jcr«er  a  (^efl)  ofT  (horse). 

tHertt  a  far,  far-off,  distant,  remote;  i  bet  -e 
in  the  distance;  ber  er  en  .  Vluligfjeb  for  at  it  is 
remotely  possible  that;  itte  -ef)e  3bé  om  not  the 
remotest  idea  of;  itte  i  -elle  SRaabe  not  in  the 
least;  itte  -efte  ®runb  not  the  shadow  of  a  reason. 
ffitm\t  vt  k  r  (~  fia)  remove,  retire,  withdraw. 
+-e  n  distance,  -effe  o  removal,  withdrawal. 
-fteb  e  remoteness,  distance,  -fb«  prospect. 
-fbnet  o  far-sighted.  fjernt  adv  far,  far  off, 
remotely,  distantly.  $\txnt\botnbt,  -liggenbe  a 

ftje  rlboSfer  o.  fl.,  fe  Sieber«. 
leet  c  -e  fart.    -e  vi  fart,  break  wind. 
'jettret  a  spell-bound,  lald  under  a  spell. 
og  [aa]  n  dolt,  booby.    -et  a  doltish. 
ofie  vi  F     behave  like  an  idiot.    *3rjdD  n 
nonsense.     mottet  o  idiotic(al),  silly,  sottish. 
&foBetb,eb  c  Imbecil! ty.    t^folå  n  fool. 

grjøitga  stylisb,  smart;  —  *:  fætte.paa  make 

Jjor  indee:  i  -  last  year;  i  -  $øft  last  autumn. 

$10 'rb  e  -e  bay,  fri  tb. ,  fjord,  estuary,  inlet. 
-fart  frith  navigation.  *-b,eft  pony  of  the  sea- 
side  breed.  -id  ice  on  the  frith.  -anrabtng 
mouth  of  a  frith,  estuary.  -fotl  (common)  seal, 
Phoca  vitulina. 

^for | gammel  a  ayear  old,  (om  9bt)  yearllng. 
•falb  yearllng  calf. 

^forten  fourteen;  om  -  Sage  in  a  fortnight. 
-aariø,  -aarfi  a  fourteen  years  old.  -baglig  a 
fortnightly.  -bagéffrift  fortnightly.  -be  four- 
teen th.    -bebel  c  fourteenth. 

grjotte  vi  drivel,  grfottet  a  sUly,  driveUing- 
$|otteifjeb  c  silllness. 

fiorl  c  -e  &  -le  (thln)  board, 
foelb  n  -e  mountain,  hill;  (om  ©runben)  rock; 
ti!  -i  on  the  mountains.  -aa*  mountain-ridge. 
•-beite  m.  pasture.  -ieftiger  Alpine  cllmber. 
-bo,  -bonbe  mountaineer,  highlander.  -bbøb 
(inhabited)   mountain   district.     -(Ipgning  oro- 




graphy.    -bal  m.  yalley.   -belen  (af  Itnbmgbenet) 

the   petrous   portion   (of  the   temporal   bone) 

-brø*fr!   fleldfare,    Turdut  pilarU.      -bne  rock 
dove,   Columba  livia.    •-*,$  fe  -fme    "egn  m 

Æt!?.  8lu"0D'    G"*o*.      .fr«e  navelwort, 
ladys  cushion,   Saxifraoa  CotyUdon.    -taft*  fe 

SlTS!?-  r^0*8  f80611*  of  a-  m     f»  rnonn- 

*1-J??at'  *_Gapra  ,6cx-    "•*«*  mountain  grass. 

•gtfftoltna  hyrax     -dammer  crag.    *-bier»e  fe 

tfifjle.    -laabe  Alpine  lady's  mantle,  Aichemiui 

fif ,naV  *fflrw/re8t  of  a  m  -K*f*  »vine,  moun- 
tain cleft  el.  fissure.  *-Mat  crag!  -lap  mountain 
Laplander.  -li*  mountain  life.  Mo  fe  fiieile 
-manb  mountaineer.  ;.»p(r)  *  grass-wTllow; 
bahx  herbaeea.  *-nnt  fe  -tinb.  *-pift,  -pfttftré 
Je^iejle  *-ratte  fe -r*».  -rejfe  excureion  in  the 
mountains.    -ribø  m.  currant,   Æi6*t  alvinum. 

ZVA  ?  "f2UC;  mountwn  avens,  #T«m  oetopetala. 
'tottt  fe  Semimnø.  -r*ø  ridge  of  a  m.  -rbpe 
ptarmigan,  Laøopu*  alpina.  -r«b  polar  fox. 
CaiM    /arø**.      *.ffar    mountain-pass,    gien. 

-flyrb  fe  -rijpe.    -ffreb  mountain  slide,    -ffrant 

« Cliff  precipice.  -fltttt  table-land  -fnæppe  fe 
»tbflire •  MoUJ  buttercups,  J?«,«,J1«  W* 
om*.  .«  mountain-path  -ftrafninø  mountain 
range -ftrøm  mountain-torrent.  -fine  m.  sta- 
tion,   »-fare  mountain  sorrel,  Oxyria.    -tfnb(e) 

"i-SS^-K'V.™-  top'  hIllt°P     #-*"«  f«  -egn. 
irøft  fe  -brofifel.  *-baaø(e)  rough-legged  buzzard, 

taoopuM.    *-banb  m.  lake.    -bej  m.-road! 

•bceg  rock 

•ør?  moun- 

■et  a  malapert,  haru: 


*-btbbe  vast  mouutain  wilderness. 
wall,  bluff,  -bfftie  mountain  sprite 
tain  desert. 

+$j«(e  vt  hide.    -freb  hiding-place. 
$J«((()e|bøb   booth   (of  boards), 
farce,      -b  o  bd  teater    canvas- theatre, 



booth,  penny-gaff.   -bro  bridge  of  boards,   -ønlø 
deal  floor.    -bbtte  booth,  shed.    -toft  ceUing  of 



-bo gu  cart  made  of  boards. 

*matt  c  ebb,  ebb-tide;  beach,  strand,  sands. 
■mail   c  lug,   lug-worm,   Arenicola,  puoatorum. 
•mut   -pift  purpie  sandpiper,  Tringa  maritima. 
•Urt  Dover  catchfly,  Siiene  nuktru. 
~jarrjfb(b  o.  fL.,  fe  gieber«. 
ffrfinø  fe  gjæfing. 

Mft.  ^=,  F,  face,  physiognomy,  p  phiz. 
M«fe  oi  hang  in  shreds.    8rTtefer  p'  shreds. 
fturfing  c  -er  sting- bull,  Trachinu*. 

SI**  n>  *>'  **•  Dyre i  cow-house. 

tj«*fe  fe  3riæfe. 

fttaa  vt  flay,  skin;  ytø  fleece;  -  at  strip  off. 

•ftlaa  a  shallow.   -bygget  a  flat-bullt,  shallow 

$laab'  n  flux;  (p.  fyiffefnøre;  float;  bet  boibe  . 
the  whites. 

^Uabe  c  -r  (tantal  Sfibe)  fleet,  squadmn;  (en 
©tat«;  navy;  (Roffarbifl.)  fleet  of  merchantmen; 
liOe  .  flotilla;  (Xømmerfl.)  float,  rafl;  (Hrbejbfif.) 
floating  stage;  —  vt  float,  rafl.  -afbeling  divi- 
sion of  a  fleet,  naval  armament.  -bro  floating 
bridge,  -branbe  floated  flrewood.  -bbgger  raft 
-builder.  -bemonftration  naval  demonstration. 
-f*rer  raftsman.  -b«øe  raft-dog  *-ljolber  J, 
slow  ship;  fa  mediocrity.  -infbelUr  inspector 
of  the  navy.  -tetiinø  raft-chain.  -leje  roads. 
-materiel  materiel  of  a  navy.  -mittifter  fe  røa. 
rine«.  -mønftrina,  -rebb  naval  rcview.  -fratiott 
naval  station,    -førte  naval  force. 

8f(««»'løaUt  wlnd-gall,  vessignon.   -^øtt  float. 

ftlaajer  c  -e  usurer.  *-^offe  vt  pare  (grass 
-land),  -batte  c  mattock  for  paring.  -qarninø 
paring.   -!«ib  seal  knife.   -nlttg  c  flaying  etc. 

*$laa?  c  -er  malapert. 
glaatc  c  -r  tick,  Ixodes  ricintu. 
grfab  (og  %iab')  c  chaps;   ^olb  -   P  none  i 
your  jaw;   en  -  p  /h  a  malapert.    -et  a   mal 
pert.    -op  c  p  slap  in  the  face. 
jjfaeon    [fr.]  c  -er  small  (scent-)botUe. 
^lob  a  flat;  f  (flop)  blank,  nonplussed,  shee| 
ish;  føle  flg  -   feel  sat-upon;  ben  -e  ^aanb  ti 
palm  of  the  hånd;   -t  Sanb  level  land;    -t  S« 
shallow  water;  ftaa  -.  flatten;   falbe  -t  neb  ft 
flat.   -aøtiø  a  flattlsh.  -baab  punt,  flat-bottome 
boat.     -brpftet  a  flat-breasted.     -brøttber  fli 
flame  burner.  -brøb  fiat-cake,  bannock.  -bnnbi 
a  flat-bottomed.   *-bbØb  flat,  open  tract.    -bpf |l 
o  flat  built.    -botta,  -baOe  sweet-pea,  Latkvr* 
ftiabbermine  c  fougade. 
ftfabe  c  -x  flat,  plane,  plane  flgure;    (ben  fiol 
©ibe)  flat  side;  -n  af  Sablen  the  flat  of  the  svron 
+$(abe  flø  (af)  vr  flatten.    -ittbfjolb  superficdi 
con  ten t,   area.      -{bu    sheet-lightning.       -mat 
surface  measure.    -maaliug  planimetry.     -roi 
fe  -tnb^olb.    -bentil  disk -val  ve. 

$fo'b|ftl  flat-flle.  -flff  flatfish  -fobet  a  fli 
-footed.  -barn  mer  set  hammer,  -bamre  vt  flat  tee 
•beb  e  flatness.  -bøbeb  scupper-nail.  -bonet 
flat-hoofed.  -iotrn  flat  tron.  -tant  (af  ©jælff  el 
Sten)  broad  side.  -ru op  butterfly  orchis.  Pin 
tanthera.  -ttattt  a  %  salver-shaped.  -lanb  leve 
country  plain.  -linie  level  line.  -luf  cra! 
louse,  Pedicultu  pubis.  -forlibet,  *-Iombt  a  flat 
level,  -løb  flat  race,  f.  racing.  -nittø  c  -er  bot 
tom.  -ttffb  tody,  Todut.  -nørfet  o  flat-nosed 
-ørme  pi  planarla.  -puflrt  a  flat  crow ned.  -fenj 
shakedown.  -flbett  the  flat  (side).  -fHnne  plat< 
-rail,  flat-rail.  -flempet  flatter.  -fHf f e  flat  soooper 
flat  sculper.  -frintt  broad  stitch.  -frierne  stitch 
wort,  Stdlaria.  -fbning  broad  stitch.  -f*m  fla 
seam.  -taget  a  flat-roofed.  -tang  flat(-nosed 
pliers  -toppet  a  flat-toDped.  -traabt  a  fio  hack 
neyed.  -rrpfwiaø,  -trbrtQeb  c  flattening,  eom 
pression;  ftorbend  -  the  oblate  form  of  the  earth 
-trbft  a  flattened;  mut*  oblate.  t-»anb  shallow 
water.    f-banbet  a  shallow. 

gfiaø  n,  pi  =,  flag;  (ftampaaneflag)  vL  enslgnj 
(WationSfl.)  colours;  beife  -  holst,  heave  out  th« 
flag  el.  colours;  frrtrøe  -  strike,  lower  the  flag 
el.  colours;  føre  folff  .  wear  false  colours.  -bvfl 
hunting.  $l*lt  vi  hang  el.  put  out  a  flag  ti 
flags,  vL  dress  a  ship,  display  colours;  bet  -r  i 
Qtien  the  town  is  decorated  with  flags,  is  flagged. 
ftfaøe  c  -r,  **Caø  nt  pi  *=,  flake;  (jlor  3«flage 
floe.    t-Ieb  hurdle-gate. 

laøeKant'  c   er  flag'ellant. 
(aøeofef  c  -ter  flag'eolet.    -tone  f.  tone. 
.laøermui  c  bat,  Vetptrtilio.  -ben  pteiygoid 
bone.    -brotnber  bat's  wing  burner. 

gfla'ølfatb    ensignhaliard.     -gaffel    flag-gaff, 
monkey  gaff. 
$(agge  fe  glage  vi. 

$la  g|fapta|n  flag-captatn    -fifle  colour-che«t 
-(nap  truck  of  the  flag-Btaff.    -mager  c  -e  fla* 
•mak er.    -manb  ^  signal-man;  fe  frtb. 
^^rlagne  vi  flake,  peel  el.  scale  off. 
ftlagofficer  c  flag-officer, 
tftaørant'  a  flagrant;  in  fiapranti  in  the  ven- 

$(aøre  vi  (uroligt  Ijfb  og  bib)  flicker,  (ogf.  fi0^ 
flutter:  (flaa  meb  tBtngeme)  flap;  (flamme  uftabtgt 
flare,  en  -nbe  Sue  a  flickering  flame;  Sbfet  -r  the 
light  flares;  nbe  Sotrer  flowing,  dishe velled  lock s 
-abe  flying  lemur,   Qaleopithew.    -baanb  flow- 
ing ribbon.    -egern  fe  3ftøt>e«.    -øuCb  fe  gltiter-. 
-binbe,  -bnb  flying-membraue.    -Ipft,  -fpøe  flok 
leneas.     -pungabe  flying   phalanger,    Petaurut 
•børn  a  fickle. 





l  « 


j  iyla'g|ffi»  flag-snip.  -fmnttet  a  befiagged. 
•(fortete)  woodpecker.  -fpil,  -Hang  fiag-staff. 
•fpilgfnop  truck  of  the  flagstaff. 

$laV  o  flat;  £  flat,  shallow,  shoal.    &(*t'  n 
«t  flat. 

tttatte  vi  roam,  rove,  ramble,  +  [t.]  fllcker. 
•Ibtf  rambling  propenaity.    -n  c  roaming  etc. 
'ftlnffe  vi  flap;  .  meb  Stagerne  flap  the  wings. 
Haft,  $latte  fe  %\attt. 
lantttt'gø  c  flamingo,  /»AaatoøpterMt. 
amUrnber  c  -c  Fleming. 
(amme  c  -t  flame  (oø(.  >iø  Xilbebte),  blase; 
)  wave,   (i  Xræ,  ©ten)  Tein,  streak,  wave; 
t  meb  -  barn  wlth  a  flame:  flact  i  -  is  in 
»;   bringe  i  .  inflame.    flamme  vi  flame, 
en  -nbe  31b  a  roaring.   blazing  flre;  ~  i 
'  fB<ixei  flare  up.   -aainiug  fe  -Jul.  -Mil  flaming, 
,  fiery  look.   -bøb,  -grab  poet  death  in  the  flam  es. 
-Mb  ocean  of  flre.    -bnl  flre-hole.    -tartøffet 
'fluke.    -abe  a  flaming  etc.;  her  inflamed.    'Opal 
JJre-opal.     -øø«    carbonatlng    fnrnaoe.     -ffrift 
^ndellble  characters.    -fotbnina  gassing.    -t  a 
Tein  ed,  waved,  streaked,  curled. 
Umfl  a  Flemieh. 

lanberjn  n  Flanden.    -fl  a  Flemiah. 
Une  e  -t  giddy  girl,  flirt,  coquette,  flzgig. 
(Høne  tri  flirt, 
lanel'  fe  flonel. 
lave 're  v%  lounge. 

Isne  I  ri'  n,  -paf en  le  vi  ty  of  manne«,  -børn 
ddy-headed,  coquettl&h. 
(avøe  c  -x  flange. 

Wrnfe  c  -r  flank;  folbe  i  -n  take  in  flank. 
•Angreb    attack  in  flank.    -batteri  flanking  bat- 
tery.    -b>  fletning  flanking.    $lante  rfil   thinning 
fil«,    plante  re  vt  flank;  F  vi  lounge. 
ftlauø'r  e  -tt  loafer,  man  about  town. 
Y&ia»  n  dandriff. 

plaffe  c  -r  bottle,  flask;  («pøteterf.)  phial; 
lomme  poa  -t  bottle.  gflafte  vt:  -  op  (et  Bom) 
bring  up  by  nand,  dry- nurse;  -  flg  f  succeed; 
bet  tril  ilte  -  fig  it's  no  go.  -agnet  oalabaah 
-batte  bottle-tray.  -brev  &  boltlé-paper.  -bug 
twlly  of  a  bottle.  -øørfte  bottle-brush.  -bannet 
a  bottle-shaped.  -fober  bottle-case,  celiaret. 
-formet  fe  -hannet,  -arøgtar  calabash,  Oucurbita 
lagcnaria.  -grøn  o  bottle-green.  -)alft  neck  of 
a  b.  -tølft**'  -'*bf«l  capsuie  for  bottlea.  -font* 
fo)nt  raw  caoutchouc.  -ram  bottle  basket,  -laf 
sealing-wax  for  boules.  -Intte  bottle -stopper. 
•mane  belly  of  a  bottle.  -møben  a  rlpe  (for 
boUling).  -prøp  cork,  stopper,  -f  ebbet  4,  bottle 
-paper.  -ffoor  p/  broken  bottlea,  bottle-ends. 
-fim  label,  -flplnlng  bottle- washing.  -florin 
bottle-atADd.  -tol  fe  -prop.  -tro?  sweet-sop, 
iweet-apple,  Anona  §quamota;  calabaah-tree, 
Creøcenti*  etø  et#.  -ttcef  tackle,  block  and  pulley. 
t-trnfe  lapelled  bodice.  -æble  (a  kind  of)  me- 
lon-apple.  -*t  bottled  beer. 
•»tate  fe  fttaate. 
flottere  fe  6migre. 

$lebf*r|e  fifl  vr  surrender  real  property  for 
a  pension,    -effe  c  commutation  of  real  prop- 
erty for   ø>  pension,    -lug  c  -er  one  who  has 
turrendered  etc. 
leget  c  -øjer  lout. 

(egsnn  c  4  n  phlegm,  dullness,  indifference. 
•'tffer    e   phlegmat'ic  person,     -tiff  a  phleg- 
-fttrinfratbet  a  fe  fttenflalbei. 
melte  c   x  nou-corporate  town,  borough. 
flette  re  vt  inflect. 
t^teii  c  -e  prong,  line. 

tleaf  fe  flange. 
(rsf|e  vt  flenøe.    -er  c  -e  flenser.    -wing  c 

Sarfeit:  SaitfrønørifE  Orbbog. 

Sle'nffalbet  a  bald-pated. 
ler,  flere  (oompar  af  SRange)  more;  ilfe  .  no 
more;  (abftiHtøe)  several;  (for|YeQtge)  various;  - 
tøanøe,  ^erfoner  several  times,  persons;  1)t>tm  -? 
who  else?  efter  .  9Roaneberft  graoærrlfe  after 
months  of  absence;  fe  fromme  ftu.  —  gflerlaartg 
a  of  several  years,  several  years  old;  -  $lonte 
perennial.  -bafifT  a  polybasic.  $lereflebft  adv 
in  several  piaces.  $ier|gttberi'  n  polythelsm. 
-b;eb  o  majorlty,  plurality,  generality;  ben  ftou 
~  af  the  general  run  (f  ruck)  of.  -tantet  a 
polygonal.  -tnippet  a  V  polyadelphian,  polya- 
delphous;  be  be  polyadelphla.  -foneri'  n  poly- 
gamy.  -planilegeme  polyhedron.  -flbet,  -flbig 
a  many-slded;  fio  varled,  multifarious;  (om  ^er« 
fon)versatile.  -flobelfegorb  polysyllable.  -flem* 
mig  a  polyphonous;  .  6ang  part-singing;  (Sang 
ubfat  for  flere  6temmer)  part-song,  descant.  -tal 
gram  the  plural  (number);  fe  -beb.  -taliooclbe 
the  mie  of  the  majority.  -itobig  a  of  different 
meanings,  ambiguous.  -tlpbig^eb  c  ambiguity. 
-9<rrbig  a,  chem  polyatomic. 

t»lefe  fe  gtøfe. 

9ie'ff  [oøf.  fféft'  k  fiæft']  a,  tuperl  af  TOanae, 
most;  fom  ^olt  er  .  like  the  common  run,  the 
generality  of  people,  the  rank  and  flle  of 
hiunanity;  be  -e  most  people;  mine  e  ©øøer  most 
of  my  books. 

$lette  vt  plait,  plat,  braid;  .  en  Srurb  make  a 
basket;  .  en  ftrons  wreath  a  garland;  .  et  Oærbe 
wattle  a  hedge;  -  inb,  fe  ^nbflette.  *8rlette  c  -r 
plait,  braid.  -baønb  braid.  -gorrbe  hurdle, 
wattle.  -tone,  -pige  plaiter,  bralder.  -tøf  braid. 
•Pcctt  plait,  hurdle-work.  fletning  o  (bet  at 
flette)  plaiting  etc.;  (bet  ^lettebe,  pi-er)  plait, 

^lerio'n  o  -er  luflexion. 

*8rH  vt,  fe  SItt  vt  2. 

ftlibnf)  ier  c  -c  flllbuster,  freebooter. 

$Iib  o  diligence;  (Vrbeibfom^eb)  industry, 
(Honbftanfrrengelfe)  appllcation;  meb  ~  on  purpose, 
purposely;  øøre  fifl  megen  .  take  great  pains.  — 
^rlibdlarbefbe  palnstaking  work.  -belønning, 
-prormie  prise  for  diligence. 

§lteft  e  k  n  bet  el.  ben  g^Ibne  -  the  golden 

ftlig  e  -e  lap;  corner;  (p.  $ooebtøj)  lappet;  (p. 
ginter J  fluke,  (p.  Rortage)  arm.  -et  a  $  lobate, 
lobated.  -læbe  twayblade,  LiøUra.  -tåre  pepper 
dulse,  Laurentia  pxnnatifida. 

'Uf  c  -ter  patch. 
'(itflnt  n  cross-caper. 

titte  vt  (lappe)  patch,  piece,  botch,  vamp  up, 
(6!o)  cobble;  .  inb  fio  insert,  eont  foist  in. 
-orb  expletive.  &tltfe|r  o  -e  patcher,  botcher, 
vamper.  -ri,  -Part  n  patching,  patchwork, 
filtning  c  patching  etc. 

tltmnteropal  o  Orienul  opal. 
Hmre  vt  glimmer. 

•tårlin  n  p  grin.    grline  vi  grin. 

mini  a  smart,  quick,  brisk,  actlve;  elever, 
able;  .  i  $iftorie  elever  at  hlstory.  Sflittt|e  (op) 
vt  brush  up,  make  smart.  -b;eb  c  smartness, 
quickness,  brisknesB,  activity;  cleverness,  abillty. 

^lint  c  -e  flint;  tete  nær  oeb  at  fpringe  (el. 
flpoe)  i  .  be  hunting  wlth  rage. 

grlint  (Øebar)  c  -er  gun,  musket,  fowllng-plece. 
—  $linte|bøftfe  b.  f.  -tølbe  butt-end  of  a  gun. 
-fngle  bullet,  musket-ball.   -lang  flintlock.   -løb 

Sin-barrel.    -ftnb  musket- shot,  gun-shot;  poa  -s 
ffianb  within  gun-shot     -ften  gun-flint;  flint. 
»lintlfli«,  -ftertte  spall,  (regelm.  tilbannet)  flint 
flake.     -(e)glag  fllnt-glass.    -b;aarb  a  hard   as 
flint,     -ferne  archæ  flint  core.     -fnib  f.  knife 

(o.  n.). 

Sflip'  c  -per  flap;  en  .  (et  $ar  flippet)  a  ahirt 




chlne  of  pork.  -flbe  side  of  bacon.  -{Tittle 
ham,  gammon.  -fteg  roast-pork.  -{trimmel  slip 
of  bacon,  -fnppe  pork-soup.  -fostr,  (*-f*o*) 

*&U  vi  fe  fclobe. 

Sfløb  imp  af  $Idbe. 
ftløbe  ttf  float  (timber  down  a  river). 

&l*be  e  cream;  fcette  -  cream;  font  en  .  as 
easy  as  kiss  hånd;  ftumme  -n  af  (otfaajio)  cream 
off;  —  vt  fe  rlffUbe.  -aff atning  creaming,  rising 
of  cream.  -bonbc  milk-man.  -18  ice-cream. 
-lage  cream  -cake.  -tanbc  cream -jog,  -ewer. 
-taler  cream- cooler.  -Up  fe  -tage.  -maaler 
cream-meter.  *-mngge,  *«næbbe  fe  -fanbe.  -oft 
cream  cheese,  Bath  c,  rush  c.  -potte  c.  -pot. 
-pnbbing  clouted  cream,  clotted  cream. 

*&rtøber  c  -e  (amr)  river-driver. 

QrUbelfance  bechamel.  -ffe  cream-ladle.  -ftinb 
Bkin  of  boiled  cream.  -ffnnt  whipped  cream, 
whip.  -fteg  milk-sop.  -ftagget  «  beardless, 
effeminato.  -tærte  cream- tart.  -nbfttller  cream 
-separator.    -ttbftitting  Beparatlon  of  cream. 

*$tø'bning  c  floating,  flotage.  fyløbningftbej 
flotage  way. 

tloø  a,  prov  fledged. 
tøf  o  (♦  *)  -e  (Kino*)  vane;  (af  glaabe,  $«r, 
©Wing)  wing;  (af  »orb,  S)»r  ofb.)  leaf;  (»eb 
røro)  water-wing.  -abfntant  aid-de-camp.  -borb 
foldlng  table.  -bagning  building  with  several 
wings,    -bar  foldlng  door,  donble-leaved  door. 

tl*l,  fløjet  imp  k  part  af  ftlbM. 
løfenjib  c  4,  jib-topsail. 

•firlojfitt*  c  street  wench. 

3rUj|flff  dragonet,  Øalltonym««.  -fnop  acorn, 
truck,  -inanb  fugleman,  flugelman,  flle-leader, 
corner  man.  -mnr  wing-wall.  -møtrit,  -firme 
thumb-nut,  wlnged  screw.  -port  folding-gate. 
-fpinbel  vane-spindle.  -ftang  vane-staff;  vane 
-Bpindle.    -tab  fe  -fpinbel. 

gftøfl  n  velvet.  —  &(ø)tø|«gttg  a  velvetlike. 
-*nb  velvet-duck.  Ana*  fusca.  -baanb  velvet 
ribbon.  -befatntng  velvet  -trimming;  meb  . 
trimmed  with  velvet.  -Momfk  velvet  flow  er, 
French  marigold,  Tagetes,  -bteb  a  soft  as 
velvet.  -børfte  velvet  brush.  -bragt  v.  dress. 
•fugl  pipra.  -grorft  soft-grass,  Holcut  kmatu*. 
-grøb  (a  kind  of)  hasty-pudding  of  flonr  and 
butter.  -banbfter  pi:  tage  meb  .  paa  handle 
very  leniently.  -tyat  velvet  hat.  -tyne  v.  cap. 
•tiole  velvet  coat;  v.  dress,  -mibe  taint,  Trom- 
buiium.    -naat  cleaning-pin.   -fort  velvet  black. 

+ftløit  n  whistle. 

$løite  c  -r  flute;'  ($i*e)  whistle;  F  ftare,  fælge 
en  -  take  one  in;  —  vi  k  t  whistle,  pipe;  '•.  ab 
en  Aunb  whistle  for  a  dog;  -  for  F  curry  favour 
with.  -bloter  fe  -fpUTct.  -fifl  tobacoo-pipe  flsh, 
Fiftularia.  -fugl  plping  crow,  organ  bird, 
Ovmnarhina  tibicm.  -flop  flute-key.  -stager  c  -e 

ri | te«  fe  -fpinoel. 
Fløjten  adv  f  gone  ofif;  lost. 
rjte|»  o  whlstling.  -nbe  adv  f  utterly, 
ezcessively.  t-nifl  c  -er,  fe  -fpiHer.  -øtnlatiøn 
flute-grafting,  -pibe  (Org.)  labium-pipe.  +-fang 
flute-like  song.  -fløle  tutor  for  the  flute,  -toft 
playing,  performance  on  the  flute,  -fpluer 
player  on  the  flute,  Autist,  flautist.  -fftemme 
flute  part.  -tone  tone  ofa  flute,  flute-like  note. 
-øotrt  flute  stop.    gftøftftib  flute. 

ftfløjbinbne  n  French  window. 

*Sgløi'  n  dandriff. 

tp'8  o  c  gaping  mouth;  Ag  puppy,  jaoka- 
napes.    -et  a  stuck-up. 

&tø'ft«l  c  limpet,  Patella. 
*tjtøt  n,  pi  ^,  float. 

Srtøtft  e  -er  stratum,  layer,  flets,  l-bjgrg  moun- 

tain  formed  in  horisontal  strata,  -formation 
fletz-formation.  -laif  common  limestone.  -fonb* 
ften  new  red  sandstone. 

$uat'  n  itch,  scabies,  psora.  -bttlb  psoric 
pustule.  -mibbel  cure  for  the  itch,  psoric. 
-mibe  itch  mite,  Sarcoptes  scabiei.  -falbe  salve 
against  the  itch.  ^ttt  a  itchy,  .  Ubflcet  scabious 

Ønife  vi  titter,  giggle.  -»  c  tittering,  titter, 

tnol'  o  $  pappuB.    -nrt  sky-flower,  Cineraria. 
nng'  n,  p^  — ,  flue,  mote;  fe  %not    -^et  o 
fluffy.    -(et  a  light  as  thistle-down.    -piUtv  c  -t 
precisian.    -famle«  med  floccillation,  Ulmua. 
•fgfttnffreg«  f  drizzle. 

^nttfe,  fnø«  (fnijfte),  fitt)ft  (fnbfet)  vi  snort, 
snuff;  fig  fret  and  fume,  chafe.  -«  o  anorting 

fob'  mere  free  on  board, 
ob  o,  pi  gsbber  (TOaal  paa  =)  foot;  (®otb) 
leg;  (•(aft)  stem;  (SDcafl)  heel;  *v  scent,  faa  ~ 
find  a  scent;  tage  ~  i  ^aanb  (groben  paa  Gaflen) 
quicken  one's  pace,  take  foot  in  hånd;  gibe 
ftsbber  at  gaa  paa  make  one  find  his  legs,  (om 
$enge)  run  through;  fftfle  .  make  a  foot-hold; 
foette  fin  -  t  set  foot  in;  .for  .  slowly,  step 
by  step,  at  a  foot  pace,  foot  by  foot;  jeg  lafrebe 
mig  for  ban«  fttbbet  I  threw  myself  at  his  feet; 
$ugge  neb  for  t  cut  down  mdiscrlmlnately;  goa 
paa  fin  .  go  on  foot;  lomme  pac  -t  recover 
(from  embaiTassed  circumstances),  retrieve  one's 
self;  b^jslpe  en  paa  -e  help  one  on  his  legs,  set 
one  up;  paa  ftaaenbe  .  off-hand,  out  of  hånd, 
extempore;  fiaa  paa  en  gob,  flet  -  meb  en  be  on 
good,  bad  terms  with  one;  paa  en  fortrolig  .  on 
terms  of  intimacy;  paa  en  meget  fortrolig  .  on 
terms  of  great  intimacy;  ftaa  paa  føage  jobber 
be  shaky;  tomme  paa  fri  -  be  set  at  liberty,  be 
released;  ocere  paa  fri  -  be  at  large;  lebe  paa  en 
flor  .  live  in  high  style,  in  a  magnlflcent  style; 
bære  paa  lige  .  (meb)  be  on  an  equal  footing, 
on  a  footing  of  equality  (with);  fhUe  paa  Uge  . 
meb  place  on  an  equality  with;  falbe  til  -e  sub- 
mit,  yield,  humble  one's  self;  til  -%  on  foot, 
afoot;  oorce  rap,  fbag  til  -f  be  a  good,  bad  wal- 
ker;  tjene  til  -»  serve  in  the  Infantry;  trcebe 
unber  grabber  trample  under  foot;  fe  8orb; 
•etxer  oeb  .1  Mb  -en  ©etter I  ground  arms! 
-anget  man-trap,  caitrop;  (Slante)  hen's  foot, 
Caucali*.  -bab  foot-bath.  -balbe  ball  of  the 
foot.  -bebbing  J,  bowsprit-partners.  -bcbflrtning, 
•beflffbning  je  toj.  -blab  fe  -faal.  -blot  i, 
leading  block.  -bolb(t)  foot -ball.  -bolt  <£,  foot 
band.  -breb  (-dbrcb)  foot-breadth.  -bro  d* 
sholes  pi.  -brat  foot-board  (of  a  waggon);  fe 
•lifte,  -bortten  foot-basin.  +&ob|e  vi  set  foot. 
-enbe  foot. 

$ober  n  fodder,  provender,  forage;  et  .  fcaore 
a  teed  of  oats;  fatte,  bolbe  en  $efi  paa  .  pat 
out,   keep  a  horse  at  li  ve  ry;   vi  ftanbfebe  for  at 

8ioe  Jbeflene  et  .  we  stopped  to  bait;  gaat  fra  -et 
s  ofr  his  feed. 

ftober  fe  ^oer. 

iovttat  n  -er  case,  casing.  -mager  e  -t 

Qroberjart  spedes  of  fodder.  -bebe,  *-bete  cattle 
beet.  -bmg  fe  -bprfning.  -bønne  horse-bean,  F»- 
eia  faba.  -blprtning  culture  of  forage.  -emne  fe 
-ftof.  -gang  foddering  passage.  -fra$§  herbage. 
-babre  oats  of  fodder.  -bat  rack.  -torl  fod- 
derer.  -fifre  bin.  -tnop  fe  -trang  a;  -t  Var  year 
of  scarcity.  -fnapbeb  fe  -mangel,  -tnagt  fe  -torl. 
•trobbe  manger,  crib.  -Irbboeri  seasoning  for 
the  fodder.  -loag  stall-fed  cattle.  -lebe  want 
of  appetite.  -lefe  fe  -løn.  -to,  -loft  hayloft. 
-mangel,  -nob  scarcity  of  fodder.    -stepcr  dairy 




-manager,  -mibbel  fe  -ftof.  -plante  fodder  el. 
forage  plant;  green  el.  forage  crop.  -pøfe  nose 
-bag.  -røb  forage  root;  root  crop.  -roe  turnip. 
-ftanb  condition.  -ftof  feeding-stuff.  -ftnb  stall 
-fed  bullock.  -fø»f  fodder-bag.  -trang  fe  -mangel. 
-trang  a  defldent  in  fodder.  -urt  fe  -plante. 
-Pifte  common  vetch,  Vicia  •aftva.  -øeeffi  fe 
-plante,    -onrt  fleld-pea. 

gø'blfalb  prostration;  gøre  -  fot  prostrate 
one's  self  before.  -faft  a  sure-footed.  -følt  pi 
foot,  infantry,  foot-soldien;  en  trop  gobfott  a 
body  of  foot.  -fortie  footing,  foothold.  -gang 
foot-pace.  -grebe  foot-guards.  -gigt  gout  In 
the  feet,  podagra,    -giptøp  J,  foot-brail.    -gom* 

J\tt  e  -e  pedestrian,  (foot-)paaenger,  man  on 
bot;  bnrtig  ~  fast  walker.  -t)  ammer  chaslng 
-bammer.  4-porr  infantry.  -jotrn  tron  anklet. 
•tlaPiatnr  pedals  pi.  -tolb  a  feet-chilling. 
•fnlbe  oold  feet.  -fpg  foot-kisslng,  kissing  the 
(Pope's)  foot.  Mag  action,  -lager,  fe  -leje.  -leb 
ank  le- joint,  -leje  step.  -fet  a  nimble-  footed. 
-lifte  sklrtlng-board.  -fænfe  fettera.  -løg  a 
footless.  -rnaot  foot-measure.  -mttffef  muscle 
of  the  foot.  -morter  ^  fe  ttmnmgt*.  -panbe  fe 
-leje.  -panel  fe  -lifte,  -polfer  inside  callpers. 
•plabe  foot-plate.  -pofe  foot- bag,  foot-muff. 
-pøft  foot-post,  to wn -post.  -pnbe  foot-cusbion. 
-pmttP  foot-pound.  -punft  at  nadir;  geom  foot 
(of  a  perpendicular).    -rap  fe  -fnat. 

gøbre  ve  fe  gore. 

ftø'bre,  fore  vt  fodder,  feed;  -  vi  feed;  .  af, 
fe  Bffobre. 

fto  bl  rejfe  journey  on  foot,  pedestrlan  j. 
•rttfenbe  c  pedestrian. 

$ø  bring  e  feeding.  gføbrtngf  Iførføg  feeding 
expertment.    -mibbel  fe  $oberftof. 

fto'blrøb  tarsus.  -rnfrniuøj  greaves  pi.  «rpg 
upper  part  of  the  foot.  ftøbønklck.  ftobfaat(e) 
sole  of  the  foot.  9øb£b>eb  fe  ftobbteb.  ftøbfc 
vt  kick. 

$ø'b|*fib  a  reaching  down  to  the  feet.  -flabe 
a  bad  foot.  -ftammel  foot-stool.  -ffifte  pace. 
•fftPe  (p.  3gle)  (posterior)  sueker.  -ftrober  sera- 
per.  -ffrne  foot-ocrew.  -flag  foot-fall.  -fnar  a 
swift-footed,  fleet.  -f  øf  bat  foov  soldler.  -fpart 
kick.  -føør  foot-step,  foot- print;  ttabe  el.  gaa  i 
en*  -  walk  in  el.  follow  (in)  one's  footsteps. 
-fri  foot-path.  -ftpffe  foot;  (Xømmer)  gronnd 
-plat«  el.  -slll.  -Mb  support  for  the  feet.  -fur* 
rtmg  <b  heel-lashing.  -føeb  sweating  of  the 
feet.  -fat  fe  $ofe.  -talje  heel-  tackle,  -tap 
lower  gudgeon.  -tøb  heel-rope.  -tritt  footstep, 
footfkll,  tre  ad.  -tror  ground-plate.  -tur,  fe  ban* 
bring,  -fpart  washing  of  the  feet.  -tffppe  carpet, 
foot-cloth.  -tøj  boots,  shoes.  -tøtøbanbel  shoe- 
maker's  shop.  -tømmer  timber  for  ground 
•plat«,  -Pobftning,  fe  -tbæt.  -pa«b  water  for 
(wmahlng)  the  feet.  -Panorer,  fe  -ganger.  -Pan- 
bring  journey  on  foot,  pedestrian  tour,  walklng 
tour.  -tornteøpn  c  foot-stove.  -parmer  foot 
-wanner,  foot-stove.  -peittU  ($mp.)  foot- val  ve. 
-»rifl  instep.  -Port  pain  in  the  foot. 
fog'  n  spray,  shower,  drift,  storm. 
jberi'  »  -er  bailiwick,  vogtshlp. 

jøgeb  c  -er  balliff;  »normere  sheriiT;  Gongen« 
_  Kings  Bailiff.  -forretning  distress.  -tjenefte 
offlce  of  a  bailiff. 

firøf'  ø  -fe  4,  foreaail,  forecourse. 

frøtalbiftønce  fo'cal  distance. 

grøfte  jbra£  fore-brace  -bnggaorbing  fore-bunt- 
line.  -ønglinr  f.-bowline.  -brejereb  f.jeers. 
-falb  fore-nalyard.  -giøtøø  f.-clewgarnet.  -jali 
f.  tack.  -maft  foremast.  -nøtgaarbing  f.-leech 
line.  -pert  fore-yard  fbotrope.  -raa  f.  yard. 
•rafte  f.-truas.    -røft  fore-chains.   -fføbe  f.-sheet. 

-ftagfeil  f.-sUysaU.     -toplent  f.-lift.     -Pant  f. 
shrouds.    -Kfelpooeb  fore-cap. 
otn*  n  focuB,  pi  fod  k  focuses. 
olb  o  -e  (Soaref.)  fold,  pen. 

_ølb  pi.  gtoe  fem  .  yield  flve  times  the  seed 
sown,  t  yield  flve  „Xønber"  a  „Xønbelanb". 

ffcøfb,  Kolbe  e  -er  fo'ld,  plait,  crease;  .  paa  et 
©lab  doubling-down  of  a  leaf;  lægge  i  -et  plait; 
faa  -et  take  creases;  flaa  -er  pucker;  fig  flaa  fine 
-er  dlsport  one's  self;  latgøe  flt  Ønfigt  i  alborlige 
-rr  put  on  a  grave  face;  $jcertetø  bemmeligfle  -er 
the  inmoøt  recesses  of  the  heart;  tomme  i  fhte 
gamle  -er  igen  settle  down  (once  more)  in  one's 
old  wnys;  f  tagge  .  til  lay  strees  on.  -Hob 
white-hellebore,  Veratmm.  Qfølbe  vi  fold,  plait; 
.  $snbeme  fold,  clasp  one's  hånds  together;  - 
ftloebeme  op  om  fig  gather  up  one's  clothes;  . 
et  ©ret)  f ammen  fold  up  a  letter;  -  ub  nnfold. 
—  Stølbe|tafi  foldlng  of  drapery.  -fniP  clasp 
-knife,  spring-knife.  -trape  ruffle,  plaited  Mil. 
-matte  tripe.  -rig  a  richly  folded.  -feng  fold- 
ing-bed.  -fneal,  -fnette  volute.  -ftøl  camp 
-stool.  -tapie  folded  tablet,  diptych.  -pig  adv 
in  folds.  $ølbfrø  whlte  gentian,  laser-wort, 
LaterpUimm.  ftølbb)at  false  morel,  ti  elvella. 
gfølbning  o  folding. 

9ole  c  -r  colt.  t§øle  vi  foal.  -tib  foaling 

grøiiont'  e  -er  folio,    gfølie  c  foil;  tjene  font  - 
for  fig  serve  as  a  foil  to.     ftøliepotlletter  pi 
folls.   golfere rr (»og)  folio;  (Spejl  o.  I.)  follate. 
-e'rina  c  folioing;  follating. 
oltttg  e  foaling. 

'olie  o  folio;   (i  ©anfen)  account.    -format 

Brølt  n,  pi  es,  (Station)  people;  (QtennefTer) 
people,  folk;  (©efatning)  crew,  bande;  (ttrfiejbere) 
hånds;  (ZjenefteO  -ene  the  servante,  JL  mangle  ., 
ba»e  for  faa  -  be  shoit-handed;  -  ftger  people 
Bay;  i*g  fenber  mine  .  I  know  whom  I  have  to 
deal  wlth,  whom  to  trust;  tøoe  oæret  iblanbt  . 
have  seen  company,  the  world;  noar  fligt  Sipgte 
tommer  ub  iblanbt  -  if  such  a  report  should  get 
abroad  el.  transpire;  *ber  bliber  albrig  .  af  $am 
he  will  never  do  good.  *$o\H  fig  vr  get  more 
mannerly.  —  gfolte|aaab  national  spirit.  -af' 
ftemning  vote  of  the  people.  -beffntntng  decree 
of  the  people,  pleblscitum.  -bebtbftbeb  popular 
instinct  el.  mind.  -bepoegelfe  national  move- 
ment.  -blob  popular  newspaper.  -blanblng 
commixtion  of  nations,  people«.  -gøg  popular 
book,  people* s  book.  -bannelfe  civillzatlon. 
•bigter  popular  poet.  -bigtning  popular  poetry. 
-bom  lynch  law.  -bragt  national  dress  el. 
costnme.  -bøb  pestilence.  -egentjeb,  -ejenbom« 
meligbeb  nationality;  national  pecullaritv.  -etp- 
møløgi  popular  el.  folk-etymology.  -fattig  a 
thinly  populated.  -feft  national  festival,  public 
rejoicing.  -forbnnb  confederation.  -forening 
popular  association,  -førfører  seducer  of  the 
people.  -føraterelfe  increaae  of  population. 
-førlPftelfe  popular  amusement  el.  sport,  -før* 
famting  assembly  of  the  people,  public  meeting, 
-fripeb  national  liberty.  -fonrb  tribe.  -føbe 
food  of  men.  -følelfe  popular  feellng;  national 
feeling.  -gabe  gift  of  the  people.  -gaPn  public 
weal.  -gnnft  popularity,  popular  favour.  -pab 
public  hatred.  -perrebøntnte  democracy.  -tyortp 
assistance,  hånds.  -|øb  crowd  of  people.  -gølb 
number  of  servante  el.  hånds,  -pplbing  public 
nomade,  -bpre  wages  for  the  crew.  -berber 
national  glory.  -pøjftole  »Popular  High  School*. 
school  for  young  men  of  the  agricultural  classes. 
-bøpbing  chief  of  a  people.  -taaren  a  fe  -oalgt. 
-lalenber  people's  calendar  el.  annual.  -tommer 
servante'    hall    eL    room.     -toretter    national 




character,  -fifle  national  church,  established 
chtirch.  -Itaffe  claas  of  the  people.  -lømebie 
popular  comedy.  -løncert  people's  concert.  -teet 
a  popular,  beloved  by  the  people.  -leber  dem- 
agogue.  -leg  popular  game.  $øl!elig  a  popular; 
♦decent,  mannerly.  ftøtteligbeb  c  popularlty. 
SrOlIc] lille  muster  roll.  -lift  mannera,  customs 
of  a  people.  -iMgar  forecastle.  -lalaferne  pi 
the  men'B  berths.  -(tylle  national  prosperity. 
-tørrer  teacher,  instructor  of  the  people.  -Ia?8« 
King  popular  readlng.  -ten  servante'  wages. 
•magt  democracy.  -mangel  paucity  of  inhabit- 
ants.  -marleb  statute  fair.  -maøfe  crowd. 
-mening'  public  opinion,  -minbe  memory  of 
man.  -mnnbc :  bære,  lomme  i  .  be,  become  the 
common  talk.  -motngbe  population,  -nubr 
popular  meeting  el.  assembly.  -naøn  gentile 
noun.  $øllen§!  F  boys!  gføllcjnøb  public 
di  stress.  *-ønb  a  (om  QuRe  o.  (.)  vlcious.  -op- 
braget  educator  of  the  people.  -øblbøning  en- 
llghtenment  of  the  p.  -øøertrø  vulgar  super- 
stltion.  -parti  popular  el.  democratic  party. 
-bøefl  fe  -btgtning.  -race  race.  -regering  demo- 
cracy. -rejsning  rise  of  the  people.  -religion 
national  religion,  -rebræfentant  deputy,  re- 
presentative  of  the  p.t  member  (of  parliament). 
-refcrøcf  entation  legislature.  -ret  law  of  nations, 
international  law.  -retlig  a  of  international 
law.  -rertigteb  popular  right,  -rig  a  populous. 
•røi  popnlar  applause.  -mm  J,  crew  space. 
-røre  fe  -bebægelfe.  -fag  national  affair  el. 
question;  national  cause.  -fags  popular  tradi- 
tion, legend.  -famfnnb  community.  -fang 
national  song.  -fanger  popular  bard.  -feng  ser- 
vant's  bed.  -flare  crowd  of  p.  -flil  national 
custoxn;  *(good)  mannera.  -fføte  (offentlig  61.) 
public  sohool;  (6ogneft. )  parish  school.  -ffribent 
popular  writer.  -ffrtft  popular  book.  -flty  a 
shy.  -flføbeb  shyness.  -flag,  +-ftøat  people, 
nation,  tribe.  -fløegrninge  kindred  nations. 
-fnol  idle  reportes),  (town)talk,  scandal.  -førg 
national  mourning.  -førøg  popular  language. 
-flamme  tribe.  -ftemntng  popular  feeling.  -Ulm- 
mel  crowd,  throng.  -fkne  servanU'  room.  -frø« 
relfe  popular  government.  -frttrer  ruier  of  a 
people.  -ftørbne  fe  -møbe.  -fuøeromttet  sove- 
reignty  of  the  people.  -føttrm  swarm  of  p., 
crowd.  -fbjbom  epidemic.  -taler  public  orator, 
P  stump  orator,  -tot*  public  requirement  el. 
interest.  -tibenbe  national  gazette.  -ring  lower 
house  (of  the  Danish  parliament).  -ringimonb 
member  of  the  lower  house,  -tøg  public  pro- 
cession, -tøm  a  depopulated,  deserted.  -triønn 
tribune  of  the  people.  -trø  popular  bellef. 
-tælling  census,  -tfftttngilifte  census  paper. 
-nbgaøe  people's  edition,  -balg  public  election. 
-øalgt  o  elected  by  the  people.  -»anbring 
migration  (of  nations,  tribes).  -bant  a  accu- 
stomed  to  assoclate  wlth  people.  -»el  public 
weal.  -belftanb  national  prosperity.  -ben  friend 
of  the  people.  -øtlie  national  will.  *-»ii.  boa 
.  decently,  llke  rational,  civilised  people.  -bi* 
børn  popular  wisdom.  -Øife  P<>Pular  ditty. 
•øtrHgneb  popular  humour.  *-bønb  fe  -onb. 
-ørtmmel  throng  of  people.  -b«øning  arming 
of  the  people.  -øærbigbeb  national  dignity. 
-øørae  defender  of  the  people.  -ønbeft  popular- 
itv  "Røllføm  full  of  people,  much  frequented. 
*ftøul|l'el  c "tier foll'icle    -*«l«'*  a  follic'ular. 

éSSfn  Vé  5°tand,  stock;  back,  back-ground. 

Søubilbør«,  -marleb  stock  exchange. 

Jon 1 1  ti!    c  phonet'tca.    -tller   c   -e  phono- 

,0fffØ«."  c^VeWefernal  anow;  fe  »an«. 
$ønt  c  font,  baptiamal  font. 

ontanefl'e  c  -r  issne. 

ontæ'ne  c  -r  foun'tain,  jet,  jet  d'eau. 

or  it>p  af  gare. 

or,  $øber  «,  pi  «=,  lining;  (Bøøfem.)  frame, 
-lattnn  sarsenet.    -lærreb  (linen  for)  lining. 

$ør*  pnxp  fo'r,  before,  to  (o.  fi.);  t  =  før;  — 
/or:  en  Gtang  .  alle  onoe  for  all;  -  ftebfe  for  ever, 
iRe  .  albrig  bet,  ilte  ~  alt  i  Cerben  not  for  the 
world;  agtet  -  fin  rørtigfcb  respected  for  his 
honesty;  funbe  ilte  taie  -  Oraab  for  teare;  bbot 
meget  fCot  S)e  baoe  .bet?  what  do  you  charge 
for  it?  -  mit  Sebfommenbe  as  for  me,  for  my 
part;  —  btfort.  Uge  -  mig  stralght  before  me; 
-  en  let  Ørt«  before  a  light  breeze;  møbe  -  en 
Sommer  appear  before  a  judge;  f  ortoinbe  ~  vanlsh 
before;  —  to:  Mat  (ober)  .  right  opposite  to, 
over  against,  facing;  bet  er  let  .  bom  it  is  easy 
to  bim,  bet  er  bet  famme  -  mig  it  Is  all  one  to 
me;  ftemmeb  .  a  stranger  to;  af  Qigtigbeb  -  of 
importance  to;  flpbe  ~  guglcbunb  shoot  to  a 
pointer,  shoot  over  a  dog;  tog  $atten  af  .  took 
off  my  hat  to;  —at.  _  min  ^aanb  at  my  hånds; 
.  naroærenbe  at  present;  -  mine  $øbber  at  my 
feet;  -  en  $ri«  af  at  the  rate  of;  -  of  i  ftorb  - 
north  of;  bange  .  afiraid  of;  (Benftanb  .  subject 
of;  til  Øunf!  .  in  favour  of;  blioe  fri  -  get  rid 
of;  —  in.  .  faa  bibt  in  so  &x  as;  .bet  førfte, 
anbet  in  the  flrst.  second  place;  .  en  %t\  in 
part;  ban  talte  .  ijam  he  epoke  In  his  behalf; 
fhibe  9?oobe  .  eng  fSjne  find  favour  in  one' s  sight; 
.  Wdoi  in  earnest;  —  by.  ban  bor  .  fifl  he  Ures 
by  himself;  -  fig  felb  by  one's  self;  $ag  .  ?Vag 
day  by  day;  .  alting  by  all  means;  —  frt>m\ 
beoare  .  save  (rom;  ftjule  .  conceal  trom;  — 
over :  3agt  .  ^unb  sport  over  dogs;  —  o* :  lufTe 
2)øren  .  (92sfen  af)  en  shut  the  door  on  one,  in 
one's  face;  —  o«:  anfe  .  afgjort  consider  as  sett- 
led;  tjene  .  6rnebige  serve  as  house-mald,  — 
^bab  er  bette  .  nt?  what  is  this?  boab  er  bette  . 
en  $erfon?  what  sort  of  person  is  that?  i  eg 
bolber  bet  ilte  .  taabeligt  I  don't  think  it  ad- 
visable;  .  mig  gerne  with  all  my  heart;  nt  .  nt 
give  and  take;  ieg  er  itle  meget  -  bet  I  don't 
much  like  it;  .  længe  fiben  long  ago. 

Srør'  adv  (foran)  before;  ^  (mobfat  agter)  fore; 
(altfor)  too;  .  fangoinfl  too  sanguine  el.  over 
-sanguine  (o.  flL);  fat  noget  .  be  about  some- 
thlng,  have  something  in  hånd  el.  afoot;  (i 
Stolen)  ol  bar  tre  Stber  .  our  lesson  is  three 
pages;  meb  (Barbincrne  -  with  the  curtains  drawn; 
ben  Sag,  fom  nu  ligger  .  the  matter  now  before 
us  el.  in  hånd;  Sagen  bar  .  (i  Retten)  the  case 
was  heard;  \ta  Ian  IRe  gere  .  I  cannot  help,  it 
Ib  not  my  fiiult;  Jeg  er  iRe  meget  .  at  I  do  not 
much  like  to;  ber  er  ifle  anbet  -  enb  there  Is  no 
alternative  but,  nothing  for  it  but;  ^  fortøjet 
agter  og  .  moored  head  and  stem;  Støbet  er  - 
the  sneet  is  home. 

fjrør'  eonj  f  (forbi,  t^i)  because,  for;  -  at  that, 
in  order  that,   (meb  3nf.)  to,   in  order  to;   -  at 

2Jil?iiw-  itte  flt  not  toJ  -  flt  5»rf øgene  flal  Wøe 
ttlfrewpiDenbe,  er  bet  nøbbenbigt  for  the  experi- 
ments  to  be  satisfactory  it  Is  necessary. 
|ør  imp  af  gate. 

rør'aar  n,  pi  =,  spring;  om  -et  in  the  spring. 

oraarfa'ge  vt  cause,  occasion. 

'Øtmanb  c  carrier. 

orbffrt  n  fur. 
$øraavø|agttg  a  vernal.  -arbejbe  spring  work 
-bebuber  harbinger  of  spring,  -blomft  vernal 
el.  spring  flower.  -feber  spring-fever.  -frlfl  a 
alttng  er  -t  there  is  the  freshness  of  spring  about 
everything  -jerbnbøan,  -j<rbnbøgnS»nnltet  the 
vernal  equinox.    -taft  vernal  air"    -regn  sprtog 

mn '    "EUT411!,  8prlng  ^a«1^-     -f*«  vernS 
sun.     -fltoffe  spring  garment.     -tøning  spring 




work.  -rib  spring-time.  -nbfHHing  spring  ex- 
hibition.    -nejr  spring- weather. 

gro? agt'  c  contempt  (for  for  [tfær  om  $erfoner], 
of),  diødain,  soorn;  nære  «  for  en  hold  one  in 
contempt;  meb  -  for  in  contempt  of.  ftrøragte 
vt  despise,  contemn,  disdain,  soorn,  hold  in 
contempt,  ttfe  at  -  not  to  be  despised.  flrør« 
agteUg  a  (fom  fortjener  foragt)  contemptible, 
despicable;  (fom  bifer  foragt))  contemptuous, 
scornful,  diødainful.  3føragteiig$eb  ccontempt- 
ibleness.  t&oragtelfe  c  fe  ftoragt.  foragter  c 
-e  despiser,  oontemner. 

tot  atétl  e  fore  axle. 
ør'an  præp  before,  in  front  of,  in  advance 
of.  —  adv  before,  in  front,  in  advance;  -  i 
øogen  somewhere  in  the  earlier  part  of  the 
book;  bcere  -  lead;  gaa  -  take  the  lead;  tomme 

-  get  the  lead,  bolbe  fig  _  keep  the  lead. 
$ør«n'|ber(ig  a  changeable,  variable;  fickle, 

inconstant,  be  -c  Btnbee  Strøg  the  variables;  -t 
(p.  ©flrom.)  change.  -berltgbeb  c  changeable- 
ness,  variableness,  mutabillty.  -bre  vt  change, 
alter,  convert,  shift;  .  flg  change,  alter;  P 
marry,  alter  one's  condltlon;  Binben  ftar  t  flg 
the  wind  has  shifted;  ~  iBrebbe,  Søengbe,  make 
northlng,  touthing,  easting,  westing.  -bring  c 
-ex  alteration;  (Dmbefe(ing)  change;  (røøigelfe) 
variety;  (nb  3nbreining)  innovation,  g»re  -er  i 
innovate  on;  pi  fe  SRaanebtfløb;  til  en  -  by  way 
of  a  change  el.  variation,  for  a  change;  .  frpber 
variety  is  charming. 

9ør«nf'|re  vt  anchor.  -ting  c  staying;  eone 
■tavs,  grappling-irons. 

$øranle'b|ige  vt  occasion,  give  rise  to,  lnltiate; 
jeg  flnber  mig  ifte  -t  til  at  I  see  no  occasion  to, 
I  don't  find  myself  cailed  upon  to.  -ning  c  -er 
occasion,  cause;  »eb  mtnbfle  .  on  the  slightest 

&øranftøJt'|c  vt  cause  to  be  done,  see  done, 
arrange,  direct.  -ning  c  -er  Onbretning)  con- 
trivance;  (3forl)ø(MregeL)  provision,  measure,  ar- 
rangement, plan,  preparatlon;  (Birten,  Crbning) 
agency,  direction;  paa  min  -  by  my  directions; 
paa  ~  af  through  the  instrumentality  of;  træffe 
_  take  et.  adopt  measures,  take  action. 

^ørorbejbe  n  -r  preparatory  el.  preiiminary 
work;  -rne  the  p.  work. 

^ørarbefbe  vt  work,  manulacture,  make.  -Ife 
c  working  etc.;  manufactore. 

9ør|flrge vi scandallze, give offence el.  scandal 
to,  bibl  offend;  *  (.  ftg)  ooet  be  scandalized 
at;  bibl  be  -be*  paa  barn  they  were  offend  ed  in 
him.  -argelig  a  scandalous,  offensive,  -argelfc 
«  -t  scandal,  offence;  ø*ttc  -  give  scandal;  tage 
.  af  take  offence  at,  be  scandalized  at. 

før'OTBt  c  forearm. 
ørarute  vt  impoverish.    -Ife  c  lmpoverish- 
ment.    -t  a  impoverished. 

ftøra'fe  øf  knock  up,  jade. 

jfcøraft  *iug  c  indneration. 

$ørba'ge  øf  (bage  op)  coosume,  use  for  baking; 
(boge  før  meget)  overbake. 

grørban'be  vt  damn,  curse,  execrate;  -  flg  paa 
swear  to  el.  that.  -(fe  o  t  curse,  imprecation, 
execration;  Ibfe  -  ober  imprecate.  execrate,  curse, 
invoke  cl.  imprecate  evil  upon;  mit  JJiø*  -  the 
bane  of  my  exiøtence;  forbanbet  a  dam  ned, 
curøed;  f  a  k  adv  confounded,  denced,  devil- 
iah.    -Ifeiøærbig  a  execrable. 

*ørft*nb(t)'  n  bond. 

$ørbarme  ftg  vr  øøer  pity,  commiserate,  com- 
paøVdonate,  (i  Gerning)  take  pity  on;  bibl  have 
mercy  on;  Qub  .  fig,  tb  bu  -nbe  (<8ub)!  God 
bleaø  mel  (God)  bles«  my  soul!  faa  ®ub  moa  flg 

-  øbocJdngCly),  to  make  one's  hair  stand  on 

end.  -Ife  c  com  passion,  commlseration,  pity. 
-r  c  commiserator;  ben  ebige  -  the  God  of  mercy. 

$orbaø'|fe  vt  amaze,  astonish,  astound;  — 
-fenbe  a  amazlng  etc.;  —  adv  amazlngly, 
wonderrally;  -fet  a  astonished,  amazed.  -felfe 
c  amazement,  astonishment,  (oberltg)  stupefac- 
tion;  fatte  en  i  -  set  one  wondering. 

ftor'beber  c  -e  intercessor,  mediator. 

$ørbe  |berlig  a  impro vable.  +-ber(tgb;eb  c  im- 
provableness,  improvabillty.  -bre  vt  better,  im- 
prove,  amend,  amellorate;  ^frembringe  nooet  bebre 
enb)  improve  upon;  F  (et  ©la«)  repfenish,  refill: 
•  ftg  improve,  amend;  -  fit  Seftteb  mend  one's 
manners,  reform;  .  fine  ^nbromfler  lncrease  el. 
better  one's  income.  -bret  c  e  imp rover,  re- 
former, -bring  (+-bre(fe)  o  -er  improvement, 
amelloration,  amendment.  -bringSanftølt  re- 
formatory.  -briagd^ttA  house  of  correction. 
-bringébnearbeibe  fe  Xøangø*.  -bringéflib  re- 
formatory  shin. 

ftørbeb<ittblt«g  e  preiiminary  treatment. 

^ørbelbolb  n  reservation,  salvo,  clause;  (fBil* 
laar)  proviso,  restriction;  temmeligt  _  mental 
reservation;  meb  -  af  reserving;  uben  -  un- 
reservedly;  jeg  ftgec  bet  meb  (alt)  ~  I  speak  under 
correction;  tage  -  imob  take  exception  to.  -tølb'e 
c*  (en,  fig)  reserve,  keep  (for  one,  to  one's  self); 
.  fig  at  make  it  a  condltlon  that;  bibl  Ijnilfe 
gabeten  ^aøer  bt  fin  eaen  SRagt  hath  put  in  his 
own  power,  -bølbelfe  c  reserving.  -kølben  a 
reserved.  close,  reticent.   -bøl'benbeb  c  reserve. 

torbejbfe  o  weak  mordant. 
orbetnelbt  a  before  mentioned,  above  men- 
tionrd,  aforesaid. 

^grorbetnøtrlniKg  o  preiiminary  remark. 

Storben  n  fore  leg. 

#orbe|ned  vp  ossify.  -nlng  c  ossification. 
•ningdpntttt  centre  of  ossification,  ossific  centre. 

^orberebe  vt  prepare,  arrange;  .  en  til  el.  paa 
nt.  prepare  one  for  something;  (paa  en  Xitenbe) 
break  the  news  to  one;  -  Gagen  break  ground; 
_  flo  til  prepare  (one's  self)  for;  .  ftg  get  up 
one  s  lessons;  -  fig  paa  en  Xate  prepare  a  speech. 
-Ife  c  -i  preparatlon,  preparative,  arrangement; 
nlben  -  off-hand.  —  gørbere  belfe8|aar  year  of 
preparatlon.  -cf tamen  fe  $re!imincer*.  -Ilodfe 
elementary  form  el.  class.  -fignal  preparatory 
signal,  -ffole  preparatory  school,  dame  school. 
—  Sørberebenbe  a  preparatory,  initlatory. 

grørbetpb|e  (+)  vt  foreshadow.  -ning  e  forebod- 
ing,  omen,  prognostic. 

$ørbi'  proep  &  adv  past,  by;  adv  (tit  (Enbe) 
over,  at  an  end;  fomme  .  pass;  (abe  en  fiejligbeb 
gaa  .  let  slip  el.  neglect  an  opportunity;  goa  - 
(øeb  ttbancemeni)  step  over  the  head  of;  bet  er  ~ 
meb  barn  it  is  all  over  with  hlm,  he  is  a  dead 
el.  gone  man;  gøre  bet  -  (om  Qorlooelfe)  break 
it  off;  ftbbe  ~  miss.  &orbi  o  -er  miss;  ftøb  flere 
-er  i  fRab  misøed  several  times  running. 

$ørbi|be  vt  bite  severely;  -bt  af  Stopper  flea 

Storbt'e  vt  flg  prov  lose  time. 

^orbi  Ifarenbe,  -flbbenbe  a  o.  fl.  going,  firing 
past.  by.  -fart:  i  -en  in  paraing.  —  $ør'bi|g«o 
vt  (fprinae  oøer)  pass  (over);  (oøerfe)  overlook; 
(ubelutfe)  omit,  leave  out;  .  nt  meb  Xatribeb  pass 
by  st  in  silence.  -gaaelfe,  -gaaen  ø  neglect, 
omiMion.  -gaaenbe  a,  fig  temporary,  transitory, 
transient;   en  .  (ogf.  forbi'-)  a  passer  by;  t  .in 

Snssing,  as  I  pass,  by  the  way,  incidentally. 
'ørbi  gang  c  passing  by.  forbigangen  a  past, 
by-gone;  lab  oft  iffe  tale  mere  om  bet  -gangne  let 
bygone«  be  bygones;  bibl  bet  gamle  er  -et  old 
things  are  passed  away.  &orbi't*renbe  a  pass- 
ing, driving  past. 
$ørfcitteb|e    n    (paa    nt    Htfommenbe)    type, 




prototype;  (SRønftar)  model,  pattern;  tage  en  til 
_  take  one  for  a  model;  bibt  bttfe  Zing  ere  bleone 
-r  for  o#  tbeae  thlngs  were  our  examples.  -lig 
a  typical,  significant. 

$orbinb|e  vt  connect,  combine;  «.  et  Saar 
dress,  bandage  a  wound;  .  paanb  rebandage; 
jeg  -r  ingen  beftemt  Qorefttlling  bermeb  it  conveys 
to  me  no  (very)  de  fl  ni  te  idea;  .  fig  meb  league 
one's  self  wlth;  .  fig  til  bind  one 's  self  to, 
pledge  one's  word  to;  -bunben  meb  (f.  dt#.  gare) 
attended  wlth;  ben  bermeb  -bunbne  Bare  the 
danger  involved  in  it,  incident  to  it;  jeg  er  Sent 
neget  -bunben  I  am  very  much  obliged  to  you; 
be  -bunbne  the  allied.  -elfe  c  -r  (at  forbtnbe) 
combining  etc.;  (forening)  connection,  combina- 
tlon;  (ftorbunb)  league,  association;  (Samfotrbfel) 
communication;  ckem  compound;  i  benne  -  in 
this  connection;  i  ~  meb  together  wlth,  coupled 
with,  concarring  with;  fatte  i  -  connect;  fatte 
nb  af  -  disconnect;  fatte  fig  i  .  meb  communi- 
Cftte  wlth,  establish  a  connection  el.  communi- 
cation wlth.  —  $orbinbe(fei|baae  link  line. 
-leb  link  of  connection.  -puntt  point  of  union. 
-ftong  ($mp.)  connecting  rod.  -ftofle  thurl.  -i»ef 
road  of  communication.    -pcegt  fe  ttront'. 

grørbinb'ing  c  (af  Saar)  dressing,  bandaging; 
(af  lemmer)  binding.  —  $ørfcinbinn§|bølt  brace 
-bolt.  -fnat  (binding)  knee.  -Infaf  cockpit. 
-ffinner  diagonal  riders. 

$orbittb'|fdger  pi  dressing-apparatus.  -tøffer 
dressings,    -tofte  dressing- case. 

QrørbTnbt'Iig  a  obligiog,  complalsant;  — (igf  t 
adv  (Unberftr.)  yours  truly.  -|eb  c  -er  (Sforplig* 
telfe)  obligation;  tøøfligljeb)  obliglngness,  com- 
plaisance;  jeg  ftttlber  tøm  megen  -  I  am  under 
many  obligations  to  him;  paalægge  en  -  lay 
one  under  obligation;  uben  -  mere  without  pre- 

gførbilpaffereube  a  passlng;  be  -  the  passers 
-by.  -rejfe  c  Journey  past  (a  place).  -fejtenbe 
part  passlng.  -fejling  c:  unber  -en  in  passlng; 
6ttbe  i  .  passlng  vessels. 

$orbifk'ret  a  (forbanbet)  confounded,  dashed; 
t  k  gorottret;  —  adv  conlbundedly,  desperately. 

$ørbtt'|re  vt  (gøre  bitter  og  fig  embitter; 
(oporgge)  exasperate,  provoke.  -rejfe  c  exaspera- 
tion.  -ret  u  exasperated  (paa  agalnst,  oøer  at), 
enraged,  furlous. 

$orbj«rg  n  promontory,  cape,  headland,  fore- 

ftorbjærgrr  o  foreman  of  the  salvors. 

$ørblanbje  vt  confound.  -elfe,  -ing  c  con- 

ftørbltnb'le  ør  blind,  hoodwink.  -elfe  c  (©er- 
ningen)  blinding;  (ftgenftaben)  blindness,  infatøa- 
tion.  -et  a  blinded,  iniatuated.  $orb(iubetbeb 
e  infatuation. 

gørbliøe  vi  remain,  stay,  ablde;  berbeb  moa 
bet  ~,  Ijabe  fit  -nbe  there  the  matter  must  rest. 

ftorbløm  tnet  pore  expressed  by  innuendo, 
covert,  ambiguous;  -  tale  enigmatical  speech; 
gibe  at  forftaa  poa  en  .  Qcaabe  hint  darkly. 

ftørbtrning  c  leadlng. 

$ørbtamb  |e  vt  face.  •ingiften  Jacing-stones 
el.  bricks. 

ftorblorfer  c  bandmaster. 

$orbl#'b|e  vi  -  fig  vr  bleed  to  death.  -ntng 
ø  hemorrhage. 

ftør|bl*ff |e*f take  aback,  dlsconcert,  bewilder, 
p  flabberghast;  uben  at  fabe  fig  -  nothing  daunted; 
-bløffet  a  disconcerted,  taken  aback,  aghast. 
•btøffelfe  c  bewilderment. 

rørbob'me  vt  (mortgage  by)  bottomry. 
rorboaftaø  n  initial. 
rørbol'ne  fe  gorbutne. 
rørbol'te  vt  bolt. 

orbor  n  pitching-borer. 

orborg  c  bastion;  fig  bulwark. 
rbør  gen  a  hidden,  concealed,  occult.  -)eb 
c  concealment. 

ør  bob  o  fore  part  of  the  shoulder. 

ørbrafer  pi  J,  head-braces. 

ørbrog  c  J,  fore-hook,  breast-hook. 

ørbrug  c  consumption.  gørbrngfe  vt  (op« 
bruge)  consume,  use  up;  (opflibe)  wear  out  -er 
c  -e  consumer.  -ntng  e  consumption.  —  $ar< 
»rngilartitter  articles  of  consumption;  &  stores, 
-forening  cooperati ve  sodety.  -ftatexcise.  +$ar» 
brngttyrb  c  trlteness. 

ftorbrp'be  vt  (fortabe)  forfeit;  ty>ab  bar  jeg  for« 
brubt?  what  is  my  offence  et.  crimer  —  rr  _ 
fig  offend,  trespass.  -Ife  ø  -r  crime.  -r  c  -e 
criminal,  malefactor,  wrongdoer;  polttifte  -re 
political  offenders.  —  $orb  røber  laufigt  hangdog 
face.  -banen  evil  courses.  -emne  imp  of  de- 
pravity.  -loiøni  convict  colony.  -linet  criminal 
life.  -fl  a  criminal,  guilty;  bet  -e  beri  the  crimi- 
nality  of  it.  ^orbrttberffe  o  -r  criminal.  ^ør- 
brbberftib  convict  snip. 

éførbrbfl  (p.  ftøcea)  brisket;  (gugl)  upper  part 

of  the  breast;  Onf.)  flrst  sectlon  of  the  thorax. 

f$forbrffttb'|e  vt  burn,  scorch;  —  vtbe  deatroyed 

by  fire;  forbranbt  a  burnt,  adust,  (af  Sølen) 

ftarched.  -clig  a  combustlble.  -ing  c  (bet  at 
orbrambe)  burning  etc.;  (Oranb)  oombustion. 
-ingiprøceSfen  the  process  of  oombustion.  -iug*< 
barme  heat  of  c. 

$ørbnb  n,  pi  «s,  prohibltion,  interdlotion; 
(tjoortjeb  nt  ftanbfe«)  inhibition;  gøre  el.  nebtagge 
.  imob,  fe  ftorbnbe. 

J'ørbnb  «,  pi  ■=,  order  for  (el.  messenger  for 
ering)  relays  of  horses;  (Iranunerfourer)  har- 
binger,  (Qebuber)  forerunner,  precursor,  harblnger 
(paa,  for  of).  —  *&ørtnb*|ttt*  load  of  laggage 
sent  as  „ftorbub".    -febbel  wrltten  «9orbub~. 

ørbuf'tet  a  bent,  dlstorted. 

orbullne  vi  suppurate.   -ning  o  suppumtion. 

orbunb  «,  pi  =,  alliance,  league,  confede- 
racy,  confederatlon;  ($agt)  covenant;  inbgoa, 
flutte,  brtjbe,  opføeoe  et  .  enter  into,  form,  break, 
dissol  ve  a  league  etc.;  bet  tbbfte  -  the  German 

$orbnnben  pare  (^orbun'ben  fe  ftorbmbe) :  meb 
-bne  {Djne  wlth  (my)  eyes  bandaged. 

$ørbuub4|brttb  breachof  alliance,  -bog  (Ger- 
man federal)  diet.  -forfatning  federal  constita- 
tion.  -forfamling  federal  assembly.  -ftprftc 
prince  of  the  Confederatlon.  -falle  ally,  con- 
federate.  -føefrnfng  federal  fortress.  -protfibent 
president  of  the  Union  el.  Confederatlon.  -rege- 
ring federal  government.  -ftab  federal  town. 
-flat  federal  state.  -tropper  federal  troopa. 
+-oen  fe  -f«ne. 

^rorbnnb(t)'  n  lndentures  of  an  apprentice; 
fiaa  i  _  be  inden tured;  plante  træer  t  -  plant 
trees  in  a  quincunx.    -ter  c  -e  torn-over. 

Sørbtt'be  vt  forbid,  prohibit,  lnterdict,  inhibit; 
.  en  at  forbid  one  to,  _  ^am  mit  6ut  forbid 
him  my  house;  bet  -r  flg  felb  it  is  slmply  lm- 

Eossible,  out  of  the  question;  -bubne  Sårer  prc~ 
ibited  goods,  contraband  (gooos;;  -buben  girugt 
forbidden  frult;  ben  -bubne  Zib  close  time. 

^ørbb'be  ftg  vr  bid  too  much. 

jfrorbbg'ge  vt  .  fii)*ntngen,  Ubfigten  for  en  9cobo 
shut  out  the  light,  prospect  from  a  neighbour 
(by  building);  —  vr  «  fig  build  to  bad  purpose, 
waste  money  in  building. 

ftrørbbgntng  c  front-building. 

9orbl|t'|te  vt  change.  _  fig  make  a  bad  ex* 
change.    -ntttg.  -telfe  o  changlng,  change. 

Rørbombe  vt  &  turn  up,  turn  In. 




ftørbtt're  fig  vr  injure  one's  self  by  canylng 
too  heavy  a  load. 

ftørøjfntng  c  -er  bov. 

$ørøø»  c  intercession,  mediatlon;  gøre  -,  gaa 
i  -  for  interoede  for  el.  in  faroar  of. 

$ørce  c  force;  ^  (af  Sejl)  pren,  orowd  of 
cøurvass;  (i  Stort)  strong  snit,  great  sult;  fig  forte 
(ftumt  e),  strong  point,  -'re  ø*  force;  -  Spillet 
wln  the  game  by  force;  J,  (6eil)  press,  crowd 

$r*rbøw'p|e  vt  evaporate,  vaporize;  vi  evapo- 
rate. -King  e  evaporation.  -magtapparat  eva- 
porating  apparatus.  -nivgieone  evaporative 

ftørbanvelfr  c  preparatory  instruction. 

$ørøfe«'fe  fig  or  dance  to  excess,  overdance 
one's  self. 

forbanfer  c  leader  of  a  dance. 
ørbairfT|e  re  translate  el.  do  in  to  Danish; 
(gøte  bonfE)  Danize.    -ning,  (-t-elfe)  c  translating 
etc.;  eone  Danish  translation  el.  version. 

ftørørl  e  (forrefle  $ep  fore  part,  front;  (Øinbing) 
gain,  ad  van  tage,  profit;  (Qhinft)  behalf,  favour; 
meb  -  profitably,  to  advantage;  til  .  for  for  the 
beneflt  of;  »ife  fig  til  fin  -  appear  to  advantage; 
$aoe  -  for  rit  oitbrn  have  the  advantage  of 
another;  ftøfte  «.  af  derive  advantage  el.  beneflt 
from,  profit  by;  altib  at  fe  paa  fin  -  always  to 
have  an  eye  to  the  main  chance;  ieg  fer  min  - 
ttb  at  I  see  it  to  my  interest  to;  foranbre  fig  til 
fin  -  change  for  the  better.  -ag  rig  a  advan- 
tageous,  profitable,  lucrative;  bife  fig  fra  ben  -fte 
©ibe  appear  to  the  best  advantage;  -e  IBetingelfer 
liberal  terms;  et  -t  ©bte  a  prepossessing  appear- 
ance;  —  adv.  -  betenbt  favourably  known.  mg'« 
tfgtyeø  e  profltableness,  advantageousness. 

årørbe'fte  vt  (ubbele)  distribute,  apportion, 
divlde,  -  paant)  redlstribute  etc.;  (fprebe)  dis- 
sipate,  disperse;  med  discuss;  -  Rollerne  asslgn 
the  parts;  -  fig  disperse,  -enbe  a  med  discus- 
sive,  disentient;  -  gjttbbel  discutient.  -tao  c  -er 
distribution,  division,  apportlonment;  disper- 
sion; discuøsion. 

ftørfrelff  ag  c  object  of  profit 

$ørbeøtttb  adv  before  the  wind.  -ifefler  vessel 
rnnning  before  the  wind. 

fyørfci'  conj  because;  jeg  beunbrer  tø«,  ~  fcn 
er  ...  for  being  .  .  . 

^9ørbja'ølet  u  k  adv  fe  $orbanbet. 

$ørbøb  |le  vt  donble,  redouble;  J,  line;  .  fig 
double,    -nag,  +-lelfe  c  doubling;  llnlng. 

ftørbøffe  e  front-  el.  fore-pappet. 

forvent  c  -me  preiudlce,  prepossesslon.  $»r- 
»•milfri  a  unprejnaiced;  unconventional.  -fri* 
b*b  unprejudicedness.  freedom  from  prejudice. 
-fmlb  a  prejndiced.    -fvlbbrb  o  strong  prejudice«. 

ftorbraatfr  pi  singlings,  low  wine,  strong 

ftorøra'g  »,  pi**,  convention.  compact,  treaty. 

$ørløra'ge  vt  bear,  endure;  Jeg  fan  tffe  -  Sin, 
glafl  I  have  an  aversion  to,  a  dislike  to  wine, 
pork;  fa*  3  .  tøeranbre  i  frarlig^eb  bibl  forbeer- 
ing  each  other  in  love;  -bragei  vd  agree. 
•brageitg  a  tolerant;  +bearabie.  -brageligtjeb  o 
Indulgence,  toleratlon. 

$ørire  vt  claim,  demand,  require;  (meb  Wtjn- 
big|eb)  exact;  -  for  Retten  dte.  sum  mon;  -  en 
ub,  fe  Ubforbre;  -  Regnflab  af  call  to  account 

$ørørej'e  u  eg!,  og  fig  distort,  twist;  (tun  fig) 
pervert,  misrepresent,  put  a  false  construction 
on;  -  øjnene  roll  one's  eyes;  .  gooebet  paa  en 
torn  one  s  head.  -Ife  e  -r  distortion,  contortion; 
fig  perversion. 

ffarørtag  e  -et  (ftrav)  clalm,  demand,  debt; 
(til  fine  fjtebmemieftac,  fitætenfioner)  pretension; 
(boob  ber  ubfotbrei)  requirement;  Xibeni  -r  the 

exlgencies  of  the  times;  oste  .  paa  lay  claim 
to,  put  in  el.  advance  a  claim  to;  gøre  ~  paa  at 
Ottte  claim  to  be;  gøre  altfor  ftore  -er  Hl  exact 
too  much  from  el.  of;  gøre  fine  -er  gcelbenbe 
prefer  el.  put  in  a  claim.  —  $ørbriagg|fri  a 
unpretending,  unassuming;  unambitious;  +  at 
Qtølbfri.  -fnlb  a  fall  of  pretensions,  preten- 
tiouB,  assumlng;  ezacting,  exigent;  ambitious. 
•fttlbbeb  pretentlousness,  exactingness.  -tpaber 
e  -e  credltor.  -U#  a  unpretending,  unostenta- 
tious,  unambitious,  quiet.  -U#fceb  unpretend- 
ingness.    -fortning  postulate. 

ftorbrift'e  fig  vr  make  bold,  venture,  presume. 

^orbri'oe  øf  drive  away,  expel.  oust;  mil  (fra 
en  Stilling)  dislodge;  (abfprebe)  dlspel;  (planter) 
over-force;  biet)  -breben  af  fin  Jrurø  was  driven 
out  of  her  course;  •  Xiben  while  away,  pass 
(away),  time,  beguile  time;  -  et  ftofter  procure 
abortion;  .  en  SQgbom  remove  a  disorder;  - 
$art>eme  blend  el.  soften  the  colours;  .  Røgen 
drive  out  the  smoke;  fe  Onb.  -Ife  ø  (bet  at  for* 
brioe)  driving  etc.;  expulsion.  -r  c  -t  softenlng 

Qforbrurfen  a  drunken,  sottish.  -b;eh  c  drunk- 
enness,  addiction  to  drink,  t^orbruf'ne  vi  be 

Qforbrnm'meg  vj>,  min  throw  off  branches  into 
the  rock. 

ftørbttf'te  vt  evaporate;  joc  vanlsh  (into  thln 
airj,  make  one's  self  scarce. 

gorbttM  adv  anciently,  formerly,  of  yore. 

^orbnn'me  vt  make  stupid,  -i  vp  become 
stupid.    -Ife  e  stnpefaction. 

grørbnmi  a  former,  quondam;  i  -  Xib  fe 

gorbnnf'lte  vt  (gøre  bunfel)  dark  en,  obscure; 
ftartfte  fltj#)  eclipse,  outshine,  throw  into 
ihe  shade,  F  take  the  shine  out  of.  -Hag  o 
darkening  etc. 

^orbnnfl  |e  vi  evaporate;  fe  ftorbufte.  -»fug  ø 

9ørba#ø|e  vt  deepen;  —  vr  .  fig  i  lose  one's 
self  in,  be  absorbed  in,  absorb  one's  self  in, 
dive  into;  -  fig  i  en  6toø  dive  into  a  fbrest;  - 
fig  i  fig  felt)  be  wrapped  up  in  one's  own 
thoughts;  -et  sunk,  dished;  ^  -t  1  deep  in, 
buried  in;  -t  i  betragtninger  lost  in  meditation; 
-t  i  en  ©og  intent  upon  a  book.  -el fe  o  deep- 
ening;  absorption. 
ftørø&'Bltng  o  (Zømr.)  pegglng. 
$ørbl}1ttiiig  c  -er  deepening;  oone  groove,  de- 
pression, (oeb  6tøb,  Xrnf)  indentation,  dent  (i 
©ag)  recess,  (i  §lob«,  ^aoonnb)  pool. 

8r*roi)'re  vt  enhance  tbe  price  of;;  -rei  become 
dearer,  rise  (in  price).    -ring  c  rise  in  price. 
orbag  tig  [t],  fe  Wiltftntelig. 
orboif  n  fore  part  of  the  deck. 
ørbatt'  o  og  adv  covertly. 
ørban'me  vt  dam  (up),    -aiag  o  damming 
up,  (af  éprangbulj  tamping. 

^orbarø  c  k  n  fe  etfe.  Qrørbcrrø'e  vt  spoil, 
damage,  (tnorolff)  corrupt,  deprave;  (©lobrt  o.  1.) 
vitiate;  (Wawn)  disorder,  derange;  (Øt«be  o.  1.) 
disturb,  mar;  -  bet  meb  en  gel  in  bad  odour 
with  one.  -cllg  a  (fom  Ian  forbcerøel)  corruptible; 
(flabelig)  pernicious,  ruinous,  fatal;  let  -e  Barer 
goods  easilv  spoiled  el.  damaged,  perishable 
goods.  -elfe  c  (Pbeførggetfe)  ruin,  destruction; 
(Zilfl.  at  bare  forb.)  corruption,  depravation,  de- 
pravity;  (Øefmittelfe)  vitiation;  flirte  en  i  -  ruin 
one.  -er  c  -e  spoiler,  corrupter,  depraver,  -et 
o  (morolff)  depraved,  corrupted,  demoralixed;  _ 
ftøb  tainted  meat;  flaa  -  hurt  severely  (by  beat- 
ing),  maul;  le  fig  -.  be  ready  to  die  with  langh- 
ing;  arbeibe  fig  -  work  one's  self  to  death. 
fcørbøi'le  vt  dlgest.  -elig  a  disgestible.  -dig* 




teb  c  digestibility.  -elfe  c  digestion;  baarltg  . 
indigestion.  —  9ørb«jelfe6|bef»aErUgb;eber  in- 
digestion,  dyspepsy.  -fanat  digestive  tabe, 
allmentarycanal.  -traft  digestive  power,  -mibbel 
stomachic.  -ørgan,  -rebffab  digestive  organ. 
•pvocti  process  of  digestion,  -taften  digestive 
apparatus.    Qrorbofer  c  -e  digester. 

frørbøf  ge  ot  couoeal  (for  from;.  -Ife  c  conceal- 
ment     -r  c  ooncealer. 

gforbøn'lne  «t  condemn,  doom,  bibl  damn; 
førbømt  a  (bømt)  condemned,  (forbanbet)  con- 
founded,  damned,  - 1  damn  it !  confound  lt ;  be 
-te  the  damned.     •netia  a  condemnable,   cul- 

Sable.  •tsetigbeb  o  wickedness.  -mel fe  c  con- 
emnation;  bibl  damnation,  •melfetfbøm  vote 
of  censure.    •utelfeftfbge  censorioosness. 

t$øre  c  guise,  presence. 

$or|r  vt  line,  (meb  $e(iftsrl)  fur,  (meb  Sat) 

gføre«  [ofl]  J,  fore.  (9eb  løbenbe  el.  ftaaenbe 
(Job*,  bet  bruge«  faaoel  paa  ©tot-  fom  paa  flfor« 
toppen,  Ian  man  i  Reglen,  naar  man  tør  felt* 
Qrbet,  fatte  «fore»  foran,  bbor  bet  t>aa  fcanfr  ftaar 
-$ore")-  -©oøenbram-  fore-royal.  -f3øøenbram> 
fejl  fore-royal.  -f3ram»  fore- top-gallau  t-.  -brafer 

$øre|  bringe  [aa]  vt  advance,  state;  bet  er  bleben 
mig  -bragt  at  I  have  been  told  that.  -bringenbe 
n  statement  -bbgge  vt  prevent,  obviate,  pre- 
clude;  -nbe  røibbel  preventive.  -bbggelfc  o  pre- 
vention.  -btrøgetfedmtbbel  preventive,  prophy- 
lactic.  -brag  np/*,  (røaabe)  delivery,  elocu- 
tion,  diction.  mut  execution;  ($orelatning)  dis- 
course, leeture;  paper.  frit  ~  extemporaneous 
discourse;  fjolbe  -  ober  deliver  a  discourse.  lec- 
ture  upon.  -brage  ot  deliver;  mu*  execute;  (f 
b  froretræffe).  -brogSforenUg  lecturing  society. 
-brage  (|olber  c  lecturer.  +-b*mate  n  example. 
-falbe  vi  happen,  occnr,  take  place,  pass;  (fqne«) 
appear;  billig  til  at  gøre  tjoab  bet  -r  willing  to 
m%ke  himself  generally  useful.;  »eb  -nbe  fiejtigbeb 
as  opportunity  offers;  bet  -bne  what  has  taken 
place.    -flwbe  vt  find,  meet  with,  fall  in  with. 

tør 'efter  adv  J,  forward, 
øregaa  [aa]  vt  take  place,  go  on,  be  in  pro- 
gress;    -  vt,  -  anbre  meb  et  gobt  (Ef tempel  set  a 
good  example  to  others.    -enbc  o  (forubgoaenbe) 
preceding,  foregoing;  ben  -  Dag  the  day  before. 

ftore  ©affel-  [aa]  ^  fore- spencer- ,  fore-gaff-. 
-®a1?elfe|l  fore-spencer. 

+»øregang  [aa]  c  incidenoe,  faet. 

ftore|gi»e  [aa]  vt  pretend,  allege,  give  out; 
-n  pretended,  sham,  supposed.  -gtøembe  m  alle- 
gation,  assertion;  (Soojhib)  pretence  -gribe  vt 
Snticipate,  discount,  forestall; -  ©efbarelfen  af 
©pørgsmaalet  prejudge  el.  (petitio  principti)  beg 
Se Tquestion  -•ribelfe  c  antic  pation  fore- 
stalling  -gJgte  vt  (en  nt)  delude  (one  with  st), 
w$m  tip  "t  before  one.  -t«»e»be  part  in- 
tended-  -  n  r  intention,  purpose  Project 
SSe  W  represent  (to  one),  expostulate  (with 
one  for)  tax  (one  with),  reprove  (one  for)  re- 
mon«S2te "with  one  against  el  o^gMj 
e  representation.    -Uft« [Jf  <«  XiJSu^StfJSZ 

b&»  arvs wr«« 

Ttnbeø)   occur,   u«  *« ■  j      f    ery  frequent 

oecurrence.    -™~"*"!r  ."„„»„„.„uiaant.  -fem. 

tton    -«•-««»*" °^tncgo,SS?"'"J  «•*"- 
meabeb  c  obligingness,  cou*~?'  •     „•  ue    w- 

be  ptooed  before;  »«n  ^"/^V  betore   m, 

a  5JK& VSfcA  *• s'^ 

maat  the  immediate  question;  ber  -r  intet  iBetrti 
there  is  no  evidence  forthcoming;  i  bet  -nbe  XU- 
falbe  in  our  case;  fom  bet  (Bærret  el.  1.)  nu  -z  as 
it  now  stands,  in  its  present  state. 

StøreO'e  c  -r  trout,  Salmo  fario. 

Sørelfle  fig  (i)  vr  («i~e«)  fall  in  love  (with). 
-flfe  c  -t  love,  falling  in  love,  love-raptuxe, 
love-sickness.  -et  part  in  love  (with),  smitten 
(with),  enamonred  (of,  with). 

$ore'f»;»e  [aa]  vt  palm  (a  He)  upon.  -læg  * 
fe  -loggelfe;  ^statement,  -lagge  vt  produce, 
present,  (en)  bring,  place  el.  lay  before,  submit 
to;  t  repeat  the  summons;  -  en  et  Spøxglmaal 
put  a  question  to  one.  -Ife  e  bringing  etc. 
•l«fe  vt  read,  recite  (to),  -losfer  e  reader,  lec- 
turer. -lofniag  o  readlng;  lecture;  *mr  recita- 
tion, frolbe  -er  ooer  give  lectures  on,  lecture  on; 
gaa  paa  er  attend  lectures.  -Ifføttiiigirataløg 
university  programme,  lecture  list.  -l^big  a 
preliminary,  provisional;  (©eot#  o.  1.)  prima 
fade;  adv  temporarily,  pro  tern.,  provisiooally, 
for  the  present,  -male  vt  draw,  paint  before 
(one);  fio  depict,  represent  (to  onej.  -Vlerd  n 
X  fore-top.  -Werfe-  fore-top-,  fore-topsail-. 
-iReréfeil  fore-topsail. 

or  enbe  o  front  part;  ^  head,  dowb. 
or  en  bf  pare.  $p  dead. 

ore  n|e  vt  (famle,  forbinbe)  unite.Join,  com- 
bine,  connect;  (focfone)  reconoile;  -  ftg  unite,  - 
fifl  meb  Join;  fabe  flg  -  meb  be  consistent  with, 
stand  together  with;  alting  -r  flg  om  at  every- 
thing  combines  to;  -el  (ene«)  agree,  (glober, 
Sinjer)  meet.  -ebe  Stater,  be,  the  (United)  States. 
•ellg  a  reconcilable,  consistent,  compatible 
(with).    -eligbeb  c  consistency,  compatibility. 

*8for'en|for  prop  before,  forward  of  -fra  adv 
from  forward. 

Qføre  niag  c  -er  union,  comblnation.  function; 
association;  felftabelig  .  society,  club;  i  .  co Bi- 
bi ned,  jointly,  in  concert,  between  them;  fa  i 
.  meb  coupled  with.  —  ftore  niitgt|aaKb  spirit 
of  association,  -alt  aet  of  Union.  -øKliggenøf 
affair  of  the  society  -baanb  bond  of  union, 
•totale  club-room(8).  -mibbef  means  of  union, 
unlting  medium.  -)m«tt  point  of  union;  ornat 
commissure,  pky  focus.  -ret  right  of  association. 

•fcor'enom  pnxp  ^  forward  of,  ahead  of. 

^ore^ræte  [aa]  vt  f  din  into  one's  ears. 
oreriabrittg  c  preface. 

ore|raafeJl  [aa]  head  squaresail.  *.rtjet  fore 

$orertø'|e  ««  mineralke.    -ning  c  mineralixa- 


ftørc|f<t  [aa]  c  -te  superior,  snperlor  officer, 
-nge  vt  dictate  to.  -ffribe  vt  (ftrioe  for)  show 
one  how  to  write,  (Cefalinget)  prescribe  (at  to 
one),  order;  SJooen  -t  the  law  providea,  -frrebet 
prescrlbed,  (ooenffretoet)  above  written,  above 
mentioned.  -ffljbe  vt  plead,  allege.  -*aa  vt 
propose,  move;  -  en  Hl  et  dmbebe  present  one 
to  an  offlce;  •  en  til  Obtagelfe  recommend  one 
for  admission.  -fnaWe  vt  talk  (a  great  deal)  to 
?ve  !5Sui'  din  one'8  «*"  with,  talk  one  into 
2HF0PJ?1*-  "f,,e,I5  •*  hold  out(thepro- 
ffin*  2  $  "?  onei    -Wltef.  illusion,  vision. 

h£  «  7*pU»y« t0- ,  "f>*tBe  9t  *  r  inquire;  .  ftg 
bo«  en  om  nt  inquire  of  one  about  st.    -filmer 

2"h?hel?|in?pi^eni0t)  m*ua«e'  condu?t7be 
ZiJSL  d  °h  in  ^»»"ge  of;  _  et  (Smbebe  fe 
*en*be;  -  w  (»roe  n*r)  draw  rUgh  be  at  Smd 

whPaTaCw;aiu  'S^LF*  ^^^ig' 
waw  »waits  me,   is   before   me     in   stnm  rf 

PST*^  me>  ^««««be  a  ensuSg  aTOrS^hlM" 
forthcom  ng,  (truenbe)  imminenl ;  JBSS^iHl 
before,  dictate  to  (one).  .fHH?..  (ej^nel)^ 

Imagioe,  plcture  ri.  flgure  lo  one'i  Klf,  resliie; 
Tt  Ian  not  .  Snn  you  m»y  eauily  imagme. 
-frittng  c  rr  preecntatlon,  Introduction;  exhlbl- 
tiou;  reprtaen  talion,  (Jlntflgelir)  remonairance. 
<HrirtIlfl)  memorial;  (SruriBll)  performance,  play; 
(Begrri)  apprehenalon.  conreptirin,  perrept, 
ieiea.  -en  brnnnber  81.  7  to  uommenco  at  7;  folff. 
urigtig  -  miirepresentatlon,  misconeeptlon;  gire 
flg  nt  _  om  form  a  conceptlon  of.  aore  m  -i 
rem onstnue  w  1  ih  on e ,  ca tt r  -ni  o m  bo  i ugge«  ti  va  or. 
r>«rtiIllBi*  »ag  [«a)  day  of  repreaeoUtioD. 
-tu«t.  -heft  apprehenslie  faculty.    -'reb*  range 

!  ti.  be  present  to  one's  mind; 

-f»«i*  N  en  nt  ring  at  lo  oqb  -fottte  W  (firm- 
(cftir  far)  «et  before.  plæe  before;  (tritrnalr,) 
preflx,  »ppolnt.  -  (la  propoae  (to  one'a  aelf), 
determine.  -lagt  dl  •  undertake,  IniHtute, 
make,  go  through,  take  In  hånd,  Sagen  tral  -I  l 
røerarn  the  canae  will  rome  on  to  morrow;  i (9 
oil  intet  -  i  Saoeit  I  will  take  do  action  (In  tbe 
matter),  -tagrflt  o  tindertaklng  elc.  -tagelitf- 
aaab  (iplrlt  of)  enterpriae.  -tagel'tlllft  enter- 
prise.  -tagenke  1  t  undertakTng,  enterprlae, 
venture.  -lagfOK  a  enterpriulng.  -tagfoin&rb  e 
enterprlae.  -trtlfc  c  -1  phenomonon.  appear- 
ance.  -lekfrll  aquare-topoatl.  -ir« »c  a,  i* 
»noten*.  -ir«ltr  el  (tor)  prefer  (to),  et  al  .  U 
prefemble.  -ttffjgr  M  repeat,  explaln  ot~  —' 
over  agaf-  '-     -  •■      •  — —  -  '-    -'■■- 


viaa,  viee;  forHne  »eb 

ffarf  alk  n  Impedlment.  hlnderenee;  ivr  (los. 
Hatj   -   (aumclent)   eicuse;   laa.  tjncr  -  be  pre- 

ffarfafk'  *  (bet,  at  noget  foiialbei)  decay,  dls- 
repalr;  fip  decllne,  decadence;  et  £*nl  _  eecheat. 
reveralon  iof  a  feofr);  en  BrtttH  ,  expiratiOD, 
maturfty  (of  a  bl]]];  I  .laa  atete  of  decay.  on 
the  decllne  fyerfaUrt  ni  (aao  tllgrnnbf)  decay. 
(btmialbe)  be  rorfelt;  (Bettet  (te.)  becorae  due, 
'  "        i,  explre,  mature,  come  to  maturlty,  J, 

e  the  : 

.,  odd  Icl 

cayed,  delepldeted,  ont  of  repalr,  payahle,  due, 
malured,  (aner  Zikrn)  overdne;  addlcied,  given 
10  'rap  lo  drink),  -rakrk  c  decay.  delapidatton, 
ruluouo  atate;  addlctlon  to  drink.  —  $nfatkl'i' 
kag  mre  day  of  payment,  -ftrlDtt  perlod  of 
deåadenee.  -Hk  maturlty,  lime  of  payment; 
wb  .  at  mamrttj. 

ffarfalft  ie  ti  talilry.  tnrge,  (namtl  om  Barn) 
adullerate,  »opblitlcetc,  F  doctor,  (ntefl  om 
Ulanij  debaee;  .  en  Jatrtitng  cog  a  die.  -et  c  -r 
fauuOeT;  foraer;  aophlslkalor.  ndullerant.  -MlM| 
c  er  faialflcailcm:  forgery;  adulterallon,  aopblai- 
icatlon.     -al«(»miB»e[  adullanuil. 

PfBttinil    a  io.  fViflrinort.i   bottom,  (botlengtb, 

s  (om  *rfle) 

Serfaaaft  c  tint  cateh-    -rrt  right  of  Ont 

ftar|ar!e  ae  (uiaor)  eiamlna,  tleam,  be  ap- 
priaed  of;  —  et  J,  fleet,  shift;  t  (6«nole)  deal, 
procecd.    -ni  o  axperlenced,  yeraed,  trled.    gor^ 

;ipcrlence.    t-in|  e  knowledga. 

f>arfat'nlag  o 

plight;  (ElQHO  I 

InTrlDgeiueDt  of 

c   (tillnmb)   1 

stitution,  bon  er  I  meaorllg  - 

— ncei.  —  gorfnlninallkrak 

-laatk  ooLitllutional  mm  gale. 
-»■  cuiiauiuiiuiial  law.  -atmlfla  a  conatltn- 
tlonal.  -korriel  the  conatltuIlonalTata.  -Hrlklg  a 
unconstllullonal,  anticonatltutlonal.  -flrikigSek 
nnconalllullonalty.     -tro  a  conititutlonaliat. 

B-arfat  tt  vt  eompoee,  wrlte,  pen,  Indlte.  -(fe 
e  compoiltlon.  -r  c  -e  authgr,  compoeer.  wrller. 
-  prorf«l!er||or(atMgrItglir»  author'a  vanlty.  -tfO- 
aarnr  author'a  fce,  eefgnlorage.  -i'  n,  a>*i  book 
-wrlting.  -(akt  c  -t  (lady)  autbor.  womao 
wrlter,  authoreaa,  -Iel»ilan;  lanft:  .  dlctlonory 
ofDanlahaulhore.  -Iktfeluckaaanaulbor.  -aaka 
aothor'a  ruune.  -reilig»ek  aatbor'a  rlghta.  -ftak 
■  autbonhlp.  -ialeai  tlterary  powera.  -»itl- 
(oatbck  llterary  ellbne 

Brarffj  l,e  rt  mi«,  tall  in,  fall  ahort  of.  -af  a 
ralaiaken,  a  fallure      -iag  e  mlalng  etc. 

ÉrRl  o  baatard  file. 
tin«  redne.    -Hf  c  reflnement, 
rfikk'ltt,  -tl(e,  -ttkrk  e  fe  æefUtktt. 
rilaai'H«,   -|(«   M  confuae,   bewllder;  -flel 
a  confused,  bewlldervd.    -flrlft,  -ITalag  e  con- 

j  qnarter,  ahoulder. 

ply.     +-l(e  o  mulilpllcaHon 
>  (*  -  Ile)  volntlUr*.    -(((  o 

jorSnite  af  (en  BifioB)  tnuulate,  iVmbcMnamli) 
reruove.  (»eatrlngrni  enke  olo.)  tranifer.  (ttonwr) 
dlalodge;  kline  -t  ril  rom  Ctficfrei)  eichange  Into. 
•I[t  c  tranalatiou;  remora];  tranafer;    dlslodgo- 

"Ifarfk'ke  Pg  (.)  w  atray,  ftartafta  a  glddy, 
hetdleaa;  volatile,  harum-Karum.  <n  -  Itufllr  a 
random  ball;  en  .  Brrtna  a  heedleat  word;  en 
.JMi  »htmafcal  Idea. 

Sortok  c  forefool, 

'Sorfo'ke  et  ie  3orfabM. 

gor|ar»rl|e  M  prejndice.    -lag  e  prejudice. 

Kerforrifl  Ol  -t  Uqr  tbe  areek  before  last. 

5or(ra  adc  (msblat  bagirai  from  before.  In 
front;  (oai  iaeii)  over  agaln,  from  the  begln- 
nlng;  J,  from  forward;  from  ahead;  labe  -  load 
at  the  muxale,  ocannbt  Elbrt  -  begln  tbe  woria 

Borfrag'i'e  n(  charter,    -ntag  charterlng. 
Hartr*a'(t|r  «  frenchlfy.   -ni  ag  o  rreucblfylng, 

n  (ftfmmi)  fnrthar;  fkeferbre)  ad- 

Sorlrlff'le  et  refeeah,  recrealc;  J,  -  ftlkfcftt 
freihen  tbe  hawae;  råbt  *  refreahlng.  -el(e  e 
-i  (bet  at  lortriftr)  retreahlng.  iDamudlting)  recre- 

*  »artrS-tea'o^'frol«'™  bånumbed  wilh  cold; 
cbflly,  ablvery;  (til  SEobe)  frost-bitten.  -%t\  e 
chlllineaa     tyarfrkeaiag  e  frcatbiie 

Tjaifa  le  oi  putrafy. 

frorfnffl't  ol  bungle.  botch.    -Bing  r.  bungUiig 

HerfklH«  « 

i  Cotrfblke. 




rorflj'ret  a  eaten  away  by  dry-rot. 
jforfabre  pi  forefathers,  ancestors. 

Jorf«g'|te  vt  defend,  assert,  malntain,  vindi- 
cate,  advocate,  champion.  -Ife  c  defence,  vin- 
dication,  maintenance.  -r  c  -e  delender,  asser- 
tor,  vlndicator,  advocate  (of),  stickler  (for). 

ftørforngtliø  a  vain;  tage  (Øubft  9labn)  .  take 
In  vain;  bcere  -  af  pique  one's  self  on.  -t)cfc  o 

9ørf«r'»|e  vt  terrlfy,  appal,  affright,  dlsmay; 
-*  (+  -  fig)  be  terrin1  ed  eto.;  ftoa  ganfte  -t  stand 
aghaat,  be  struck  aghast  (ober  at),  -eiiø  a 
terriflc,  appalling,  frightnil,  borriflc,  dreadful; 
(umoabelig)  monstrous,  tremendous.  -eligtjeb  c 
frightfulness.  -elfe  (+•«)  terror,  borror,  frlght, 
consternation,  dismay;  bet  tog  en  Citbe  meb  ~ 
the  end  was  terriflc.    -t-r  o  anrighter. 

Qrørfær'bige  vt  make,  mannfacture.  -Ife  c 
maklng.    -r  c  -e  maker. 

&orføb'|be  vt  foot,  refoot,  new- front,  new-foot. 
-tttng  e  footing. 

$ørføf'|e  fig  vr  repair,  betake  one's  self  (to  a 

Slace);  (fltyte)  be  ofr,  decamp.  *-«i«ø  o  -er,  fe 

$orfølg|e  vt  (iage)  pursne,  (en  Sag,  en  for 
Retten)  prosecute,  (en  i  Um.)  persecute,  (6por 
ø.  1.)  trace,  (briM  igennem,  ifte  øpgibe)  follow  up; 
tanten  -t  mig  the  idea  haunts  me;  -fulgt  af  fire 
Golbater  with  four  soldlers  in  pursuit;  .  tilbage 
ril  trace  to.  -elfe  (+-«)  c  -r  pursuing,  etc.; 
pursuit;  persecution.  -elf etaanb,  -elfe*lttft  spirit 
of  persecution.  -er  e  -e  pursuer,  persecutor. 
-erffe  c  -r  penecutrlx.    -ning  o  proceedings 

ftorfø're  vt  (ftoinbe)  seduce,  debauch;  -  en 
til  at  gøre  gale  Streger  lead  one  aatray.  -Ife  c 
-r  seduction.  -Ifeftfnnft  art  of  seduction.  -*»e 
a  seductive.  -r  e  -e,  -rfle  o  -r  seducer,  debau- 
cher,    -rifl  a  seductive,  fasclnatlng. 

$ørøaa'  vi  (om  Xiben)  pass  away,  elapse;  (goa 
til  (Ørunbe)  perish;  *-  fig  offend;  taalmøbig&eben 
-t  mig  I  lose  all  pauence;  -  af  Jrulbe,  6ult 
perish;  starve  with  cold,  hunger;  ~  af  Aebe  die 
of,  ezpire  with  heat;  .  af  9tøgerrigb,eb  die  with 
curiosity;  er  fcerbig  at  ~  af  Kpøgertigbeb  efter  at 
Pibe  is  dying  to  know;  Smerten  -r  mrb  Xiben  the 
pain  will  wear  off  intime;  forgangen  Sag  the 
other  day;  forgangen  Uge,  Wtaaneb  last  week, 
month.    -elfe  e  offence. 

ftorgaarb  e  -e  anterior  court,  fore-oourt;  bibl 
(templet*)  court. 

»orgaar* :  i  .  adv  the  day  before  yesterday; 
i  .  TOorgtf,  i  -  Wibbog  the  day  before  yester- 
day in  the  morning,  at  noon. 

fcor|aa|be  fig  vi  (♦-*)  i  dote  on,  be  foolishly 
fond  of;  -gabet  a  (i)  doting  upon,  taken  with; 
•gabelfe,  -gabettjeb  c  infittuation  (i  for). 

forgaffel  c  &  fore-gaff. 
»rgong  (+)  e  precedence;  •fabe  \aa  meget  til 
-I  be  so  much  ahead,  have  so  much  on  nand. 

ftorgang'en  a  fe  fforgaa.    -øjfb  c  fe  ftortib. 

»orgaoeparti  *  handicap,  match,  game  at 

fførgema!  n  antechamber,  anteroom. 

Wørgemt'  kept  too  long;  (om  Sårer,  Stab  og 
fcrtffe)  stale;  -e  ©årer  F  shop-keepers. 

»orgiff  fe  Gift.  $ørgtft|e  « t  poison,  envenom. 
-elfe  c  polsoning,  -et  a  poisoned.  -Mig  fe  Giftig. 
-tting  c  polsoning.  -ninøSforføg  attempted  poi- 
soning.    -ningStilfælbe  case  of  poisoning. 

fcorgi'oe  vt  (meb  (Rift)  poison;  -  fig,  -  Slottene 
make  a  misdeal. 

tflforgjet  te  fe  forglemme. 

jtørøTat'Ife  vt  vitrify.    -mhiø  ø  vltrifaction. 

§ørg!em'|me  vt  forget;  ifte  at  -  last,  not  least. 
-»elig  o  to  be  forgotten.  -melfe  o  (GMemfomfj.) 
forgetfulness;  (Ølemfel,  »lemme)  oblivion;  oeb  en 

.  inadvertently.  +-meK  e  forgetfulness.  -«ni§ t\ 
e  scorpion-grass,  Myowtit;  ((Eng*)  forget-me-not, 
M.  paiuatriø. 

gorgU'blnittø  e  biacuit-baklng,  fint  fire. 
igføtm  biscult-ldln. 

ftorøna'tie  vt  gnaw,  corrode. 

^ørgøbt'befivbenbe  -  efter  .  at  pleasure;  ^anbte 
efter  eget  -  use  one's  pleasure,  discretion. 

Brør'arao  a  fore  moat. 

^orgre'vje  fig  vr  ramify,  branch  (ofif).  -et  a 
ramifled;  øibt  -  far  branching.'  -rnø  o  ramlflca- 

^rorgri/øf  fig  vr  (pca  frentmebeft  $enge)  make 
free  (with  the  money  of  others);  (bfla  Ijeuige  Zinøj 
profene;  (paa  en)  lav  hånds  on,  outrage,  use 
violence  against.    -Ife  c  outrage,  violenæ. 

Sorgrø'  vi  (om  Vr)  fiil  up. 
orgrmMb  e  foreground;  (af  Sfueplabfen)  front 
of  the  stage. 

ftørørotøt'  a  red  with  weeping. 

9ørgra?m'met  a  worn  out  with  a  grief,  grief 

&ørg«'fce  vt  deify;  fio  idolixe.  -Ife  c  deiflca- 
tlon,  apotheoeis.    -r  e  idoliser. 

^orlø^Cbe  vt  gild;  -  op  regild;  -gQlbt  a  gilt; 
6ølto  -t  silver  glit.  -gl)(ber  o  e  gilder,  -ø^l« 
berprnfel  brush  for  gilding,  -øbjittittg  c  gilding; 
toaab  ~  water-gilding. 

ftorgalbet  a  in  debt,  involved  in  debt 

^orgffnø  elig  a  perishable,  transient,  transi- 
tory,  passing.    -|eb  c  perlshableness,  tranaitori- 

gforgamger  c  -e  -ffe  c  -r  predeeessor,  fore- 

gorga'be«  a  vain;  —  adv  vainly,  In  vain. 

forgøre  vt  bewitch;  +-  Pt  £it>  forfeit  one's 

Sførtjaø/ftje  vt  expect.  -entlig  adv  it  is  to  be 
hoped.  -ning  c  -et  hope,  expectation;  tmob  al 
.  contrery  to  all  expectation;  gøre  fig  -  om 
expect;  bet  et  ingen  _  om  Qefrielfe  there  is  no 
hope  of  deliverance;  en  ung  <Dtanb,  bet  gibet  be 
bebfte  -et  a  young  man  of  the  fairest  promlse. 
-ningøfnlb  o  hopeful. 

Sførfcjaattb  e  (i  ftort)  lead,  elder  hånd;  (p.  <>eft, 
Wx)  forehand;  b^abe,  berre  .  have  the  lead;  Ae 
poa  .  beforehand,  in  advanoe,  by  anticipation, 
(a  priori)  at  the  outset. 

Øorb.aan'bm  adv  (peb  ^oonben)  at  band;  (nor* 
foteftaaenbe)  approaching.  -oærenbe  a  at  hånd, 
present,  existlng,  extant. 

Sørl)øøttbtf|bngt  ^  range,   -bom  prejudgment 
orb^aane  vt  scoff,  mock,  insult.     -Ife  c  -r 
insult,  contumely.    -r  o  -e  sooffer,  mocker. 

ftørtyaar  n  front  hair. 

^ørbabt'  a  (babet)  hated,  detested;  abhorred; 
(uoeboaelig)  odious;  gøre  fig  .  boi,  af  make  one's 
self  odious  to. 
orljat  te  vt  hack. 

orlyal  o  -(et  entrance  hall,  vestibule. 
orljai|e  vt  protract,  prolong,  retard;  ^  ahift, 
move,  warp  away;  —  ♦  vi  stay.  -er  c  -e  J,  guy. 
-inø  c  -et  protraction.  retardation;  4,  ahifting 
etc.  —  Srørb.alinø§|øobø  warplng  gear.  -lUmper 
transporting  chocks.    -pæl  warping-post. 

ftørbal#  fore  part  of  the  neck;  ^  fore-hood. 

$ørb<ratmel  c  fe  ^otftæt. 

t^orb^ammer  e  -e  sledge-hammer. 

9orl)anb'|Ie  <t  (arøanble)  transact,  treat,  nego- 
tiaie;  (fælge)  sell,  dispose  of.  -ler  ø  -e  vendor, 
vender,  -lmg  c  -er  transactlon,  negotiatlou; 
sale;  ($tøftelfe)  discusston;  -er  (f.  ftt*  parla- 
mentet«) proceedings;  tjaof  ©årer  til  .  have  goods 
on  commission.  —  &ørl)*Mbling8jetttnr.  -ge«- 
ftanb  subject  of  dlscussion.  •Prototøl  minutes, 
journal  of  proceedings.   -regning  account  salen. 




grørbaft'e  flg  vr  be  in  too  great  a  barry,  be 
too  has  ty,  overhurry  one's  self;  -be  flg  ttfe  meb 
at  was  in  no  great  haste  to.  -Ife  c  preclpitation, 
overhastiness.  -t  a  predpltate,  hasty,  prema- 
ture;  -  (Efterretning  premature  report;  -  Slutning 
hasty  inference;  ovre  -be  Slutninger  Jump  at  el. 
to  condusions. 

rør'paøe  c  garden  before  the  house. 
jørpef'te  vt  stitoh  wrong.    -Ife  fe  »epeftelfe. 
r$ørprj'le  vt  fe  ftortøle. 
8rørpeiø'|e  vt  bewitch,  enchant.    -elfe,  -atag 
c  bewltchlng,  enchantment. 

forlen  adv  formerly,  before,  heretofore.  -•«• 
reabe  a  former,  quondam,  sometlme,  past,  (nplig) 
la  te. 

rørperlige  vt  glorify.  -Ife  e  glorlflcatlon. 
irberftrabe  fe  føemperftenbe. 
rørpta'iøre  vt  hinder,  prevent  (i  from),  im- 
pede  (tfte  meb  fBerf.  fom  ObJ.).  -bring  c  -er 
hinderance,  impedlmeot,  obstacle;  meb  -er  joc 
ander  dlmculties;  ftøbbeløb  meb  -er.  -brivgdløb 

$ørpipp'|et  a  (poa)  eager,  eagerly  deairous  of, 
bent  npon,  intent  upon,  mad  about.  -elfe  c 

$ørpiftø|rie  c  prevlous  hiitory.  -riff  a  pre- 

•f!'e  vt  fe  Sorjøfte. 
eme  o  fore-brain. 

ni  «  fore-wheel:  (p.  fflapert)  fore-truok. 
aVpt  vt  help  (til  In  obtaining). 
ørne  m  fore  corner. 
►rpolb  n,  jW  ■■  el.  -e,  (Aonblemoabe)  conduct, 
bebaviour;  (m.  $.  t.  6tørrelfe)  proportion;  (Slcegtl' 
forpølb  ofo.)  relation,  connection;  (Dmftønbigpeb) 
faet,  circumstance;  pi  (Xilftanb)  affalre;  condl- 
tfons,  circumstances;  -ene  poa  føiftlanbet  (the) 
continental  afiairs;  matk  rate,  ratio;  genflbigt  - 
oorrelations;  i  .  'til  in  proportion  to,  propor- 
tionale to;  floo  i  .  til  be  proportionate  to  el. 
commenBurate  with;  (et  ^fruentimmer)  have  a 
love  intrigue  with;  ftao  i  et  gobt  -  til  be  on 
good  el.  friendly  terms  with;  pporlebet  bar  -et 
imellem?  what  were  the  relations  between?  bort 
.  er  øenftabcligt  we  are  upon  friendly  terms, 
upon  a  friendly  footlng;  -et  mellem  Qerre  og 
Ziener  the  relations  of  master  and  servant;  -et 
er  at  the  faet  is  that;  og  ...  i  -  bertil  (i  famme  -) 
and  ...  to  match,  corresponding;  efter  vore  fmoa 
_  In  our  little  way. 

^ørpølø  e  vt  (pølbe  tiltoge)  withhold  (en  from 
one);  —  vr  -  flg  (bart  fig  ab)  behave  el.  conduct 
one's  self;  6ogen  -r  flg  foolebeft  the  matter  stands 
thus,  noat  bet  -r  fig  faalebet  when  that  el.  such 
is  the  case;  poorban  mon  Gagen  egentlig  -r  flg? 
I  wonder  what  are  the  real  facts  of  the  case; 
-  fig  rolig  keep  quiet;  pan  bar  -t  fig  meget  for' 
figtig  he  has  acted  very  pruaently;  -  fig  til  pin' 
anben  fom  Varfag  og  Strtning  stand' in  the  rela- 
tion of  cause  and  effect;  10  -r  fig  til  5,  fom  16 
ril  8,  10  is  to  5,  as  16  to  8;  -r  fig  birefte,  omoenbt, 
fom  JhMbraterne  is  In  a  direct,  Inverse,  ratio  to 
the  squares  -Ife  c  retention,  withholding. 
fløribolberpammer  c  holding-up  hammer. 
$ørl|olb§|attefft  character,  -befaling  dlrections, 
instructions  pi.  -form  case.  -modfig  o  pro- 
portlonate,  proportional,  comparaUve;  -  Vnbel 
quota.  -ørt  gram  preposltlon.  -otbre  fe  -"bcfo« 
ling.  -regel  measare.  -rigria  a  proportionate, 
proportional,  -frnffe  (Jtononft.)  stopper.  -fø«» 
remøe  fe  -moftflg.  -tal  number  of  the  ratio. 
•talAøalg  proportional  representation.  -pift  adv 
proportionally,  proportionately,  In  proportion, 
comparatively;  .  faa  comparatively  few  el.  a 
comparaUve  few. 
$ørft)ø'ret  a  debauohed. 

ørpo'raet  a  horny. 
orpøo  o  toe. 

orpøøeb  n  front  part  of  the  head;  ornat  sin- 

$ørpub  o  foreskin,  prepuoe;  fio  uncircumci- 

$orpn'b|e  vt  sheathe,  metal  (a  shlp).  -aftag 
o  sheathing.  -aftagtylaøer  sheets  of  metal. 
•ningdføm  sheathing  nalls  (etc.). 

$0*9*6'  n,  pi  =,  barricaae,  (of  felled  trees). 
-ge  vt  spoil  by  cutting,  hack;  .  en  Bei  barricade 
a  road  (with  felled  trees).  -aiag  e  spofling  etc.; 
fe  fjorbug. 

ørpal  n  &  stay-hole. 

or|nngret  a  famished,  hunger-bitten,  (hun- 

Starbåd  n  front  buUding. 

tførpufT'e  fig  vr  mia-remember.  -Ife  c  lapse 
of  memory. 

$orbut  |le  vt  epoil,  bungle.  -Ung  c  spoiling 

ftørpøer'øe  vt  fe  (rrpøeroe. 

§orpp'r|e  vt  &  hire,  engage.  shlp;  -  poanp  re 
•engage;  -  flg  shlp  (one's  self).  -er  c  -c  ship- 
ping-master, -ing  e  engagement,  -tagftføatør 
shipping  offlce.  -ittgltøutraft  shipping  artlcles 
pi.    -ingftøilfaar  terms  of  engagement. 

Qforpang  n,  pi  «=,  curtain;  bibt  (Xempleti)  veil. 
Srorbangøfeng  fe  Ombcengi'. 

rbængt'  a  (ftøb)  hung  too  long. 
rparb  c  fore-hearth. 
rorlpfltr'be    vt    harden,    lndurate;    -pærbet 
a  hardened  etc.,  obdurate,  case-hardened,  cal- 
Ioub.    -øarbeffe  c  induration;  fio  obduracy;  (af 
^uben)  callodty. 

3ror|bøf'e  vt  (gøre  pøiere)  heighten;  'Søn,  9rii 
ofbj  raise,  enhance  -pøjet  a  mut  ff.  Qcf*.  Jrøart) 
fe  fyoxftivttt.  -Iføfeffe  o  heightening  etc.;  en- 
hancement,  -pøjatng  ø  -er  (©attf,  pøjt  6teb) 
rising  ground,  eminence;  (i  6tue  ofb.)  platform. 

$orpø'r  n,  pi  «=,  ezamlnation;  toge  i.,  examine. 
-c  vt  examine,  interrogate;  vi  f  ask,  lnquire, 
make  inqulry;  .  flg  make  inquiries:  mis-hear. 
-p^røbommer  examining  Judge,  e.  magistrate, 
examiner.  -p^rdprøtøtøl  record  of  evidence, 
prooess  verbal. 

t^or'ilie  n  protoxide. 

^orinb  adv  J,  ahead. 

9o ritt  ben  adv  (om  Xiben)  before,  ere  (that 
time),  flrst;  (inbøenbig)  wlthin,  inside;  —  fprtep 
wlthin;  —  conj  before. 

Sør'inbiem  n  India. 
øring    e    lining,    ^    ælling,    foot-waling. 
grøringdpfanle  ceiling-plank. 

Qforfø  re  fig  vr  grow  too  warm,  fire  up.  -Ife 
e  heat,  flt  of  anger;  hot-headed  blunder. 

Sførja  ge  vt  fe  gorbrioe;  over-ride,  Jade;  -t  (ogf.) 
hurried.    -Ife  fe  ftorbrløelfe. 

rjafl'e  vt  soli,  tumble,  rumpie. 
ørjpng'e  et  dlmlnish,  contract. 
_orjort'te  vt  promlse;  bet  -be  fianb  the  land  of 
promise,  the  promised  land.    -Ife  ø  -r  promløe. 
IfcØfnlb  a  full  of  promise. 
orf  o   e  pltchfork. 
ortabpt  o  fore  cabin. 
_  orlalt'je  vt  calcine.    -ning  c  calclnation,  (i 
Varerne)  pnlebolite. 

tørtamme  pi  (8aon.)  lowering-healds. 
orfammer  n  antechamber,  anteroom,  lobby; 
gjorteti  -mre  the  anricles  of  the  heart. 
ortant  o  fore-slde. 
ørtarl  c  foreman. 
ortaft  n  flrst  cast,  f.  throw. 
orfapie  vt  reject,  (^orflag)  negative,  (Sopf.) 
throw  out;  førfløget  blep  -t  (ogf.)  the  motion 
was  lost;  en  for  Uenge  flben    t  Zeori   a  theory 




long  sinoe  exploded.  -elig  a  objectlonable.  im- 
proper.  -eligtjeb  c  lmpropriety.  -elfc  c  rejeo- 
tion.    -elfegbont  condemnatory  judgment. 

$ørtcrt  *  wrong,  preposterous,  absurd;  bet 
er  ben  -e  ©etben  it  is  tbe  world  turned  upslde 
down;  —  adv  wrong,  the  w.  way;  begbnbe  - 
begin  at  the  wrong  end.    -fceb  c  absurdity. 

$orti  jle  vt  wedge,  key.    -Hug  c  wedglng. 

t&ortlaff  e  «*  calumniate. 

$ørfta'gc  or  prefer  a  oomplatnt  agalnflt,  com- 
plaln  of,  tell  of.    -Ife  e  complaint. 

Sørtlam'be  «t  chock  (off),  (5  to)  cleat. 
orflo'lre  vt  explaln,  ezpound;  (for  Retten) 
depose,  give  evidence;  (brrliggøre)  glortfy,  trans 
flgure;  jeg  Ian  ilte  .  mig  bet  I  cannot  accoont 
ior  lt;  ban  be  (for  Retten)  at  babe  fet  he  spoke 
to  having  seen;  -renbe  a  explanatory,  illustra- 
tive; -ret  'i  beatifled.  -retfe  r  transfiguration, 
glorificatlon.  -rer  o  explainer,  comme ntator. 
•ring  c  -er  ex p Unation;  (@ø..  (Ertlcering)  declara- 
tion;  (©ibne»)  evldence,  deposition,  -rlig  a  ex- 

gførflcf'ne  vt  disparage,  belittle.  -Ife  c  dis- 
credit,  reproach,  dlsparagement. 

tørtlent'ne  vt  jam,  pinch. 
ørHib'be  vt  spoil  in  cutting. 
tjfortlifl'ret  a  effemlnate. 
orflo  o  fore  claw. 

ørfføg  a  provident.    -flab  forethought. 
ørfløb  e  fore-hoof 
_ør!lnb'|re  vt  bungle,  murder,  make  a  mess 
of.    -ring  c  bungling. 

Orørtløcbe  n  -r  apron,  (Qarnft)  pinafore;  meb  - 
aproned,  pinafored.    -baanb  apron-strlng. 

Qrortla  b|e  vt  dlsguise;  -bt  fom  in  the  disguise 
of.    -ning  o  dlsguise;  unber  benne  -  in  this  d. 

ørtno*  c  ^  fore-truck. 

ørfnifrre,  $ortnit're  vi  decrepitate. 

ørfnuae  vt  hurt  by  squeezing,  pinchlng. 

ørfnu  f|c  vt  crush.    -Bing  o  crushing. 

ørtntot'  n  displrited,  cowed,  faint-hearted. 
-|eb  c  falnt-heartedness.  -te  vt  (gøre  tnobløt) 
di&hearten,  displrit;  (ftanbfe  i  ftefftt)  stunt  (the 
growth  of).    -tet  a  stunted  (in  growth). 

ortnør  n  knee. 
ortøb're  vt  copper. 
rfø'ge  vt  overboll 
rfogie  vt  bewitoh. 

orfønt  |me  vt  k  i  (forfoggt)  mislay;  (blibe  borte) 
be  lost,  miscarry;  (omlomme)  be  dytng,  starvlng. 
-melfe  c  mlscarriage.  -mem  «  exhausted,  starv- 
ing, overcome  (af  with),  (af  fhtfbe)  benumbed 
(wlth  cold);  (af  Sult)  famished. 

$ørforn  u  light  grain. 
t&ørført'  fe  tilfort. 

S  or  f  ørt  |  e  vt  shorten,  abrldge,  (øqf.  om  ©røt) 
re  via  te,  (tegn )  foreshorten;  .  Ztben  begulle 
time.  -elfc,  -ning  c  -er  shortenlng,  etc.,  abrldg- 
ment,  abbreviation;  foreshortenlng.  -ntugftegn 
sign  of  abbreviation. 

ftorfrab  f  |e  w  scratch;  -eta  roll  of  scratches. 
-nfng  c  scratching. 

ørrrant'me  c<  ruffle,  squeeze. 
ørtriftelig  *  pre-Chrlstian(ic). 

_  or  f rob  c  fore  part  of  the  body;  Onfetlerf) 

frortrbm  bet  a  stunted 

$ør!rbb  pet  a  bent  to  right  angles;  -  ©taal 
(Drein.)  hook(-tool). 

Brørfrnfre  vt  hurt  by  squeezing. 

&ørtr«n'fc|Iig  a  oorruptible,  perishable;  bette 
-e  this  corruptible.    -liggeø,  -Ife  o  corruption. 

ftortrø  ben  a  hidden. 

$ortrøb'j(e  vi,  -g  vp  shrlvel,  become  stunted 
el.  dwarfed;  -let  a  atunted,  scxabby. 

$orrr«fl'|e  vt  crumple,  rnmple,  tumble,  -isg 
o  crumpling  etc. 

§rør | tu'e  øf  stunt  in  growth;  (fue)  cow,  keep 
under;  -tuet  a  (fortntyt)  cowed;  (øanrreben) 
stunted     -fnelfe  e  stunting  etc.;  oppression. 

+$ørfulb'et  a,  fe  &orfrotfen. 

$ørtnu"|e  vt  oarbonize.  -et  a  charred.  -tag 
c  carbonization.  •iugø>roceg  process  of  carbont- 

ftørfunbfYab  c  foreknowledge,  prevlous  know- 
ledge;  pi  -er  rudiments  el  elements  of  know- 
ledge,  preparatory  knowledge,  precognlta 

&ørtnnft'|le  vt  over-reflne;  -t  over-reflned, 

9ørtn<t'|le  vt  mismanage,  bungle,  spoil.  -Ifog 
c  mi^managlng  etc. 

{yørtbtt'ning,  t  ^ørføeegning  o  amalgamation, 

Orøttttn'bc,  -te,  -t  vt  announce,  proclaim,  jur 
serve  (on  one);  .  Orbet  preach  the  word.  -beife 
o  -r  announcer;  prophet;  preacher,  minister. 

tgørfti'ft  part  frightened. 

gørt&g'fe  vt  kiss  to  excess. 

ftørtff'te  øf  spoil  (by  indulgenoe),  pet,  coddle; 
.  flg  nurse  one  s  self  too  much;  -t  ©am  spoiled 
child.    -Ife  c  petting  etc. 

Stortantber  c  -c  champion,  advocate. 

Sførfffrltg^eb  c  predilection  (for),  partiality 
(to),  præjudice  in  favour  of. 

jortørrre  fe  $Ioørcerre. 

9ørtøit'|re  vt  (anrlaøe  for  Starten)  accuse  of 
heresy;  (en  iiært)  stigmatize  as  heretical;  (nebfattr) 
decry,  disparage,  denounce,  -retfe,  -ring  c  accu- 
Batlon  of  heresy  etc.    -relfeftfttgc  zealotism. 

Qrørføb  n,  jd  =,  (fjorføbøret)  pre  emption;  (gor< 
prang  \  forestalling;  lomme  en  i  -et  forestall  one, 
be  beforehand  with  gain  a  march  on. 
ørtø'be  fifl  *r  buy  too  dear. 
ør'tobgret  e  (right  of)  pre-emption,  refusal. 
ortøb  n  meat  of  the  forequarter  (shoulder)  * 
ørf*i|e  vt  chili;  .  flg  catch  el.  take  (a)  cold; 
et  a  blibe  .  catch  el.  take  cold,  get  a  cold;  jeg 
er  -  I  have  (got)  a  (bad)  cold.  -elfe  c  -r  cold, 
chili,  -elfeéfeber  feverish  cold,  catarrhal  fever. 
•elfegfbgbøttt  disease  arislng  from  cold. 

fcotlø'Vt  vt  overdrive. 

førløbe  vt  (qaa  bort  fra)  leave,  quit;  (fbigte) 
forsake,  abandon,  desert;  (et  CNtbebe)  vacate; 
(Qartøj  i  ©øen)  abandon;  (tilgtbe)  pardon,  forgive: 
~  bette  Steb  leave  here;  .  bette  £tb  depart  this 
life;  b,ermeb  -r  bi .  .  .  (et  ftmne)  so  much  for  .  .  .; 
forlab  o«  øor  ©fplt  forgive  us  our  trespasses. 
^oem  3  .  Sonbeme,  bem  ere  be  -bte  whoøe  soever 
sins  ye  remit,  they  are  remitted  unto  them; 
bele  Qerben  bar  -bt  b,ara  he  is  forsaken  by  every- 
body.  alt  -bt !  all  right !  (fe  ftorlabt). 

ftorla'be  fig  vr  paa,  ^tii,  rely  el.  depend  on, 
trust  to. 

ftørløbelaenarr,  -fanøn  muzzle-loader. 

^orla  belfe  c  pardon,  forgiveness;  Sonberne«  - 
the  forgiveness  of  sins;  (jeg  beoer)  om  .  (I  ask 
el.)  beg  your  pardon;  jeg  beoer  tufenbe  (Bange  om 
-  I  beg  you  a  thotisaud  pardons. 

ftørlabe|r  o  -t.  -riffet,  -baaben  muzzle-loader. 

{pørlabuinø  c  -er  wadding,  wad.  &*rUbntng#j> 
gebær  o   fl.  fe  Qorlabe*.    -net  wad-net. 

^orlabt'  a  forsaken,  abandon  ed,  (6fio)  dere- 
lict,  (ttrb)  unclalmed;  .  ©rib  derelict.  -bjeb  c 

Rørlag  n  (af  9øger)  publishing;  fe  •latriner; 
dum  receiver;  ubgibe  paa  eget  ~  publish  at  one's 
own  expense;  boa  Qforfatterenø  ~  printed  for  el. 
published  by  the  author;  benne  ©og  er  ubtommen 
boa  bang  -  he  is  the  publisher  of  this  book, 
!øbe  -et  purchsse  the  copyright.  —  {forlagt; • 
artitel  publication,  publisher's  work;   pan*  -tier 




his  publication  stock.  -øøgtyaubel  publiahing 
-firm;  publtahing-husiness.  -bogbanbfer  pub- 
lisher.  -bureau,  -forening  publiahing  company. 
-fatafog  publisher's  catalogue.  -øutøftntnger 
publishlng  expenses.  -ret  copyright,  -ffrtft.fe 
ftorlanb  n  foreland,  headland. 
$ørlang'|e,  -te  -t  vt  (begære)  ask,  demand,  ask 
for.  call  for;  (attraa)  desire;  tøn  -gte  2  $unb  (af 
mig)  for  bet  he  charged  (mej  2  pounds  for  it; 
faa  frebelig  fom  nogen  Ian  -  as  peaoeable  as  need 
be;  bet  er  iffe  for  meget  -t  for  bero  they  are  not 
dear  at  that  price;  oet  er  for  meget  -t,  at  it  is 
an  unreasonable  demand  that;  f  [t.]  bet  jfal  ~ 
mig  I  wonder.  -enbc  n  -t  request,  demand;  paa 
-  when  required,  if  demanded.    -febbel  order. 

rørlato'pet  a  full  of  patches. 

rør l art  c  A,  fore- bold. 

forlaflet,  førlafHg  a  trimmed  el.  loaded  by 
the  head. 

torfeb  n,  mat  anteoedent. 
orte'be  vt  beguile,  mlslead,  seduce.    -Ife  o 
mislea  din  g  eto. 

rørte  ben  o  (Dag)  the  other  day. 

førle'et  a  ezhausted  with  laughter. 

Jørle'gex  [«]  a  (ufiRer)  embarrassed.  at  a  low, 
pnzzled,  perplezed,  put  out;  (af  fkefen)  shame 
-faced;  (begærlig)  anxlous,  eager  (efter  at  to);  bære 
_  ineb  et  eller  anbrt  not  to  know  what  to  do 
with  a  thiug;  -  for  $enge  in  want  of  money; 
aTbrig  _  for  ©bor  never  at  loss  for  an  answer. 
•beb  e  (ftortrtrring)  embarrassment,  perplexity; 
(Stntbe)  dilemma;  (Xrang)  want;  bcere  i  .  be  at 
a  loss,  (for  $enge)  in  want  of  money;  fatte  i  . 
perplex,  puzzle,  embarrass. 

forlem  n  fore  limb,  anterior  extremity. 
or  le«  |  e  of  (gtbe  tit  Sen)  enfeoff;  (frcenfe)  grant, 
-ing  c  -er  enfeoffment;  nef. 

tftørfet'te  fe  Sette. 

$or|li'»e  flg  or  i  take  a  fanoy  to.    -libeffe  c 
fancy.    -Hbr  a  smitten  (with),  spooney  (on). 
irlibe  vi  elapse. 
rørlig  n  &  fore-leech,  luff. 
irlig  adv  before  the  beam,  ahead. 
rorli'g  n,  pi  -»,  agreement,  adjustment,  re- 
conciliation,  acoommodation;   art  dispart;  gøre, 
fluttf,  inbgaa  -  meb  make  up  a  difference,  come 
to  an  agreement  with:  bet  fom  tit  .  matters 
were  aocommodated.   $ørli'g|e,  -te,  -t  vt  recon- 
cile;  _  flg  meb  be  reconciled  to;  -el  vd  agree. 
-clig  a  placable.    -etigfteb  c  placability.    -elfe 
e  reoonciling,  reconciliation.    •elfeøTontntiftfær 
commissioner  of  a  Court  of Conciliation.  -(elfe)f» 
!ommt#fføu  Court  of  Conciliation  (iffe  i  Cnglanb). 

forlig  ge  vi :  -nbe  (om  Barer)  lying  on  nand; 
•be  Boret  stale  goods,  old  goods  epoiled  by 
keeptng,  shop-keepers. 

9ortfg§|tlagc  declaration  (before  a  Court  of 
Conciliation).  -treb*  Jurisdiction  of  a  Court  of 
C.  -mergler  mediator.  -mægling  mediation. 
-tube  appeamnce  before  the  Court  of  C.  -ur«*e 
attempt  at  conciliation.  -btlfaar  pi  terms  of 
acoommodation     -ueefeu  Conciliation  system. 

$ørlt'§ *, pi bt,  (5tab)  loss;  (©ribbt.) shipwreck. 
&ørtif|e,  -te  -t  o*  lose.  (Stang  o.  I.)  carry  away; 

—  vi  be  lost,  wrecked.    -utng  o  shipwreck. 
Qrorfobi  nav  in  advance,  beforehand.  by  anti- 
cipation; Ion  ftal  faoe  -  faa  meget  af  ©oet  he  is 
to  have  so  much  paid  him  before  the  division 
of  the  estate  el.  in  priority  to  all  other  claims; 

—  n  reference  legacy. 

Strføft'e  ve  entloe,  (nabnl.  røtge)  seduce.  -(fe 
e  -r  enticement 

tfrørto're  vt  lose. 

fyørlø'reu  a  (fortabt)  lost;  ffalff)  false,  mock, 
■ham,'  ben  -tue  €*n  the  prodlgal  son;  -t  $aøx 

false  hair;  .  Ræfe  sham  el.  false  nose;  -  Gtilpabbe 
mock-turtle;  -  Støbeform  broken  mould. 

forlob  [ad]  eétn  leave,  permission;  furlough, 
leave  of  absence;  meb  -  with  (el.  by)  your  leave. 

ftorlo'be [aa]  otf(ttolobe)  betroth,  amance,  engage 
(to);  (nt)  forswear,  abjure;  ieg  bar  -t  at  tomme  ber 
tiere  I  have  made  a  vow  not  to  go  there  any 
more;  -t  meb  engaged  to  (marry);  ^ani  -be  hia 
promlsed  bride,  his  intended,  his  sweetheart. 
-Ife  e  -x  betrothment,  engagement.  —  (forloueU 
fed  |  bag  day  of  betrothment.  -gilbe  feast  of  be 
trothai.  -lert  card  of  betrothai.  4~maal  en- 
gagement,   -ring  espousal-ring,  engaged-ring. 

^rorfooer  [aa]  c  -e  sponsor;  he  that  gives  the 
bride  away;  (Ørubgommenft)  best  man,  bride- 
groom's  man. 

$or(uge  e  -r  fore-hatch;  (fUtbntngen)  fore 

ftorfufaf  n  forecastle. 

$ør(Qb  c,  ararn  initial  articulation;  i  -  at  the 
beginning  of  words,  when  initial;  bi  -  initial  b. 

frørlu'be  v  imp  bet  -r  it  is  reported,  understood; 
Iabe  flg  .  meb  hint,  lnUmate,  give  to  understand. 
-nbe  n:  efter  (frøect)  -  according  to  (authentic) 

ftorttoffe  vt  delight,  divert,  gladden;  or  .  flg 
amufie  one's  self  (meb,  beb  in,  with).  -Ife  c  -t 
delight,  amusement,  recreation;  offentlige  -r  pu- 
blic amusements.  —  8førtl)fielfed|fteb  n  placo 
of  amusement,  (p.  of  public)  resort,  -f  ttg  a  plea- 
Bure-seeking;  -t  9Rennef!e  pleasure-hunter.  -fbge 

Sorlæber  n  splash-leather. 
ørløtg'ge  ol   (flbtte)   transfer,   remove;  (paa 
urette  ©teb)  mislay;  (et  Sfrtft  —  i  benne  ©et.  ogfaa : 
forlægge)  publish.    -Ife  c  -r  removal;  mislaylng. 
&ør tagger  c  e  publisher;  (Srejn.)  rest. 

ftorlaggeriete,    *-#fe    soup  ladle,    dlviding 
ftørlørl'niug  e  leakage. 
&ørlang'e  vt   lengthen,    elongate,    prolonge 
peom  produce.   -Ife  e  lengthening  eta,  prolonga- 
tion; production.    -Ifeøfebbel  Møre  rider.    -IfeS« 
frbffe  lengthening  piece. 
orltmg'eø  vd  fe  Sornges. 
ørlomg*  fe  Qrorlaenft. 

orlaml  adv  forwards;  ftbbe  -  i  en  Sogn  sit 
on  the  bank  seat  of  a  carriage. 
orlcenøft'  adv  long  ago. 
orla'fe  flg  or  read  too  much,  overread  one'a 

gførfceø  |fe  vt  overload,  surcharge.  -uing  c 

fyotlaft'  n  knocked  up  with  reading;  over 
-stuffed  with  reading,  the  worse  for  excessive 
ftørløb  n,  9p  fore-leg. 

%*x\8'9  n  explration,  lapse:  (©ang,  f.  9t%. 
6pgbomt)  course,  progress.  ^ortøbje  vi  (om 
Ziben)  pass  away,  elapse,  ezptre;  bill  pocket 
one's  own  ball,  make  a  losing  hasard;  —  vt 
(Xømr.)  overlap;  overlauuch;  -  Safterne  give 
shifts  to  the  scarphs;  —  vr  -  flg  put  one's  foot 
in  it,  commit  one's  self,  blunder;  (løbe  for  meget) 
hurt  one's  self  by  run  ning;  .  fig  mob  fin  Ober> 
manb  happen  to  offend  a  superior  (by  presump- 
tuous  mannere  el.  language),  -elfe  c  -r  blunder, 
indiscretlon.  -en  « (9Renneffe)  vagabond,  vagrant; 
(ftbsg)  stray.    -er  e  -e  bill  losing  hasard. 

forløber  o  -e  forerunner,  precursor;  (om  ^efte> 
leader;  ^  stray-line,  (til  ^arpun)  foreganger, 
rørtø  bning  c  (Tomr.)  overlapping. 
rorløfte  n  -r  surety;  oail. 
_  ortøf 'te  flg  vr  overstrain  one's  self  by  llfttng; 
fio  -  fig  paa  oreak  dowu  in.    -Ife  e  strain;  fi& 
breakdown,  failure. 




+$ørl*j'et  a  Bham.  -|eb  c  sham,  pretence, 

ftørla'flc  et  release,  (ogfaa  om  ftøbfet)  deliver, 
(naonl.  re«)  redeem;  blioe  -t  ineb  be  delivered  of, 
brougbt  to  bed  of.  -er  c  redeemer,  deliverer. 
-ning  c  redemption,  dellverance;  (Kebiomft)  de- 

t&ørl*'be  vi  farlough;  -  en  fra  ilt  fcmbebe  grant 
le« ve  to  retlre  from  offlce.    t-lfe  c  furlough. 

»orm  c  -er  fo'rm;  make,  shape;  (Støbef.,  øgf. 
fig)  mould;  typ  form,  chase;  (i  3flbfteb)  twyer;  i 
-en  la  form;  for  enft  <5ft)lb  for  form  s  sake,  as  a 
matter  of  form. 

»orm««'  vt  -eb«,  -et  (at)  be  able  (to),  capable 
(of);  (en)  prevail  on,  persuade,  induce,  bring;  - 
meget  t>o9  en  have  great  inflaence  el.  interest 
with  oae;  alt  bbab  man  -r  all  ia  one's  power; 
itte  -  at  be  unable  to;  ieg  -r  iRe  at  fe,  tnbfe  I 
fail  to  see,  understand;  bu  maa  tage  tiltatle  meb 
Ijoab  $ufet  -r  you  must  take  pot-luck,  -em  o 
ability.  -ente  a  inflaential.  +$formaaen9eb  c 

»orntaat  n,  pi  «,  object,  aim,  end. 

»ørmaale  vt  measure  wrong;  -  fig  measure 
to  one's  own  prejudice. 

+8førmoal*|aarfag  c  final  caase.  -tjenlig, 
-tjenlig bcb  fe  Øenflgiømcrtflg. 

»ørmab  c  firet  dish;  (Søbemab)  spoon-meat. 

(formale  vt  grind. 

tSformalebi'bet  a  ■=  ftorbanbet. 

$ørma'|tier  pi  formal  'ities.  -llfe're  fig  w  ober 
find  fault  with.  -lib'me  c  fo'rmallsm.  -lift'  c 
•er  fo'rmallst.  -'liter  [1.]  adv  formally,  in  form. 
-IttC't  o  -er  formal'ity,  ceremony,  (matter  of) 

»ormanb  c  -nuenb,  (forgænger)  predecessor; 
(beo  ftaanbocerf)  foreman,  head  man;  (i  9orfam> 
ling)  chairman,  president,  leader;  (i  Unbertyifet) 
speaker;  (paa  Qetiel)  preceding  indorser;  *council- 
man  (of  a  division,  town,  con n ty),  member  of 
the  local  government  board,  -flab  n  presidency, 
leaderBhip;  *(town-,  division-,  county-)  council, 
local  government  board.  $ormanb*|bøft,  -Hørt* 
bigtpeb  presidency;  speakership. 

gførma  n|e  vt  exhort,  admonish,  warn.  -er  c 
-e  exhorter,  admonisher.  -ing  c  er  exhortation, 
admonition.  $oraaaitta9|flri»elfe,  -tale  admoni- 
tory  letter,  speech  el.  dlscourse. 

»ormafft  c  -er  foremast. 

»ørmaft'je  fig  w  presume,  have  theaudacity. 
•eltg  o  presamptuous,  aadadoas.  -ellgfceo,  -elfe 
o  presumption,  aadacity,  effrontery. 

format  n   er  size  (of  a  book). 
formotion  o  -er  forma'tion. 
formane  c  antestomach. 
førmbrøet  n  moulding-board. 
forme  vt  (banne)  form,  fashion,  shape;  (ftøbe 
efter  SRobel  el.  t  &orm)  mould;   —  w  -  fig  form, 
take  form. 

førme'belft  prop  on  account  of,  owing  to. 
førmeeøne  o  forming  power, 
førnte'get  adv  too  mach. 
formel  c  -mier  fo'rmula,  form. 
former  a  fo'rmal. 

fornelb'e  vt  announce,  report;  •  en  $tifen 
give  el.  present  compliments. 

formelig  a  fo'rmal,  in  due  form,  (biitelig) 
actual,  positive,  regular;  —  adv  formally,  in 
due  form;  f  absolutely,  fairly,  positively. 

»ørmelbd  fe  ftormlb*. 

jfornte'tte  vi  (mene)  deem,  hold,  opine,  be  of 

Øormene  vt  (forbnbe)  forbid,  prohibit.  -Ifc  c 

formening  o  opinion,  Judgment;  efter  mm  - 
in  my  opinion;  Jeg  ftob  i  ben  -  I  was  under  the 

impression;  ieg  er  af  ben  beftemte  -  at  I  am  of  a 
decided  opinion  that. 

»ormenneffelig  o  pre-human. 

$ørme'nt,  -lig  a  presumed,  supposed.  -lig 
adv  I  believe,  I  think,  I  presume,  I  submit. 

»ormer  c  -e  (^Qpirf )  vat-man. 

formere  vt  (banne)  form;  -  Øeleber,  Sinie  mil 
in  ranks,  in  line. 

formere  vt  k  r  (forøge)  increase,  multiply, 
(Sæløter)  propagate,  ralse.    -Ife  o  increase. 

»ornte'ring  c  formation. 

formering  c  increase;  propagation.  —  »or- 
merlng*|ebne  powers  of  multiplication.  -bad 

»ormei'fteae  vt  coat  with  brass. 

»orm |  fejl  informality.  -floffe  flask,  -for- 
anbring  ^  change  of  flgure.  +-fntb  a  courteout. 
-fnlbenbt  a  formally  perfect,  flnished,  artlstic. 

f-gibning  c  fiuhioning.  -9ogl  mould-shot.  -bnl 
UJlbffc.)  twyer-hole. 
ørmiba'bel  a  fo'rmldable.1 
ormibbag  c  forenoon,  morning,  A.  M.;  i  «, 
i  -4  this  morning:  ftt.  ti  om  -en  at  ten  (o'clock) 
in  the  morning,  10  A.  M.  —  $ormtbbogfi|g»b#- 
tjenefte  morning  service.  -m*be  morning  Bitting. 
•brabe  morning  rehearsal  (etc.).  -bagt  d>  fore- 

$ørmib'|le  vt  mediate.  -ler  c  -c  mediator. 
•ling  c  mediation. 

SforntU'bc  vt  soothe,  soften,  mollify,  appease, 
assuage,  alleviate,  temper,  mitigate;  -nbe  Cm* 
flftnbig^eb  extenuating  circumstance,  extenua- 
tion.    -Ife  e  mitigation. 

8forminb'ft|e  vt  diminish,  lessen,  extennate, 
take  from,  detract  from;  -er  ilte  takes  nothing 
from;  -  fine  Ubgiftet  retrench  one's  expenses; 
-et  a  mu»  dimini&hed;  -t  røoaleftol  redaced  scale; 
i  -t  Vtaafeftot  on  a  small  scale.  -elfe  c  diminu- 
tion,  reduction,  retrenchment,  abatement  -cHeA< 
enbelfe  diminutive  ending.  -elfedf laft  diminish- 
ing-glasB.  -elfeborb  ørom  diminutive,  -ning  c 
fe  -elfe. 

$ørm|t«9fe  art  moulding-box  el.  -flask.  -Mt 
moulding-clay.  -løbe  fe  -fotfe.  -ligb;eb  stmila- 
rity  of  form.  -Itob  mould(-candle).  -l«re  gram 
etymology,  accidence.  -M  a  formleas,  shape- 
less,  amorphous;  informal,  irregular,  immethod- 
ical.  -(Ǥb^b  c  formlessnese;  informality.  -mager 
e  -e  form-maker.    ftorntntttg  o  forming,  etc. 

formøble  vt  suppose,  surmise,  conjectnre, 
presume;  -t  6elbmørb  constructive  Buicide.  -entlig 
a  probable,  likely.  -entlifl(en)  adv  probably, 
presumably,  most  likely,  in  all  likelihood,  I 
suppose.  -ning  c  -er  supposition,  surmise,  Im- 
pression, guess,  conjecture,  theory;  imøb  al  ~ 
oontrary  to  all  expectation;  banne  fig  et  6tag4  . 
om  form  some  guess  at.  -t~ttingftbU  adv  con- 
Jecturally,  by  guess. 

Oformlbredfe  goldbeater's  press.  -ramme  ryp 
chase.  -reol  typ  form-rack.  -rig  *  rich  in  forms, 
-rigbom  richness  in  forms,  -fag  matter  of  form; 
(gøre  nt)  fom  en  ren  -  in  a  perfunotory  manner. 
-fanb  moulding-sand.  -fan*  sense  for  beauty 
of  form.  -fle  founder's  scoop,  •flørrer  carver. 
-flørrerfnnfl  art  of  carving  in  wood.  -flan  « 
beautifully  formed,  beautiful  in  form.  -ffonbcb 
beauty  of  form.  -fbinbel  (Støbn.)  spindle. 
-fbJrgåmaal  question  of  form,  formality.  -ften 
moula-stone,  form-pi ece,  (Zegl.)clinkertmoalded 
brick.    -rraab  ($ab)  wire  (of  the  mould). 

»ormne  o  (iRiblet)  fortune,  property;  (Sbne) 
ability,  power;  Ijaoe  en  .  paa  10,000  ^Su nb  be  worth 
10,000  pounds.  -nbe  awealthy,  opulent,  »ormnen* 
beb  e  wealthlness,  opulence;  +  ability.  $jførmne*< 
føxflebflab  community  of  goods.  »ørmnefTat 
property  tax. —Qf  ormne*)  ømflømbfgbebercircum- 




stances.  -raabigbeb  power  of  managlng  one's 
own  estate.  -øiltaar  circumstances.  —  gførmuc« 
Ifrraf  fine.    -tab  loss  of  pro  per  ty. 

formular  c  -er  fo'rmula,  form.  -bøg  fo'rmu- 

rø rat u Ib  ne  vi,  -g  od  moulder,  crumble. 
rørmnle'r  |  e  et  fo'  rmulate.   -itt||  c  formula'tlon . 
rørntum'jme  vt  mask,  disguise.  -ntclfe,  -ntng 

masking,  disguiaing,  mummery. 

lørmur  c  -e  front  wall;  .fo  bulwark. 
røratøefen  n  formali  ty. 
H I  n  fo'rmyle. 

Jøra&aøer  e  -e  guardian,  -øeflilfclfe  appoint- 
ment  of  a  guardian;  guardian 's  warrant,  -i'  n 
fe  Cøetformønberi.  -regering  regency.  -falar 
guardian'«  aalary.    -flab  n  guardianship.    ftør* 

fnberfte  c  -c  (female)  guardian. 
førmøri|c  vt  espouse.    -tag  c  nuptials. 
irmorr  fe  ut  perceive,  notlee . 
formeffetar  n  steeping-trough. 

>ørmør!e  vt  darken,  obscure,  eclipse.  -(fe  c 
darkenlng;  (om  ©olen,  SDtaanen)  eclipse;  (om 
Stjernet)  occnltation. 

&ørnag'|te  vt  (iilfpigre)  nail  up;  .  en  £eft  prick 
&  horse  In  shoeing;  _  en  ftanon  Bpike  el.  nail 
a  gun.  -limg  c  nailing;  pricking;  spiklng.  -Ungt' 
følger  »pikes  for  nailing  guns. 

rørnaøn  n  Christian  name,  fint  name. 
»roe  ben  adv  below. 

Jørse'trje  vt  lower,  debase,  abase,  degrade, 
huxnble;  bbo  fifl  felø  optøjer,  fiol  -ø  whosoever 
shall  exalt  hlmself  shall  be  abased;  -enbe  o 
degrading.  -elfe  c  abasement,  debasement,  de- 
gradation, -elfeåtilftanb  state  of  degradation. 
-twg,  fe  -elfe. 

ffømcm  a  of  qnality,  of  distinction,  of  posi- 
tion, of  rank,  p  s  well;  en  -  SRanb  a  man  of 
rank  el.  quality,  p  a  swell;  leøe  -t  live  in  8  ty  le; 
~  Vtine  an  air  of  superiorlty,  a  stately  ri. 
superior  air;  ben  -me  Serben  the  fashionable 
world,  (hlgh)  society,  high  life;  Ijan  paatager  fifl 
et  -t  Safen  he  plays  the  fine  gentleman;  -fte 
raper/  chief,  principal,  main. 

$ørneut  me  (ogf.  -nom,  -nummet)  vt  (føle)  fæl, 
be  sensible  of,  (erfare)  perceive,  notice;  t  inquire. 
-mcliø  a  perceptible. 

ftørttem'netig  adv  chiefly,  principally,  mainly. 

Rørnets  utelfe  c  -er  feeling,  perception;  (ftorubf.) 
presenttment;  fine  -er  high  notions;  fine-ladyism. 
rørnet  a  fe  frønnet. 
irait'|Ic  vt  nickel  plate.  -ting  c  nlckel-plating. 
»'rnletminger  pi  antiquities 
rorcorfte  vt  Norwegicize,  Norwegianize. 
rørttttft  c  reason;  ben  funbe  -  common  sense; 
tale  «  talk  sense;  bringe  en  til  -  bring  one  to 
reason  el.  to  his  senses,  restore  one  to  sanity; 
tage  imob  -  listen  to  reason;  txere  »eb  fin  (fulbe)  - 
be  in  one's  (right)  senses  -begreb  idea.  -beøid 
rational  proof.  -bnb,  fe  -Iod.  •giftermaoi  mani- 
age  of  convenience.  -grnnb  rational  argument. 
-ig  a  rational,  reasonable,  sane,  sensible;  dis- 
creet, judiclous;  et  -t  2>t)r,  Safen  a  rational  anl- 
mal,  being;  intet  -t  IRennefle  no  one  in  his 
senøeø;  Porre  faa  -  at  have  the  sense  to;  —  adv 
rationally  etc.  -fgtyeø  e  rationality.  -igøig  adv 
reaaonably,  in  reason.  -Iøø  law  of  reason.  -fore 
logic.  -tø*  o  Irrational.  -løgfceø  c  irratlonality. 
•aueifia  cc  rational,  -marøfigbeb  c  rationality. 
-parti  fe  -gtftermaal.  +-prtrg  stamp  el.  colour  of 
rationality.  -religion  rational  religion,  -fanbfceb 
truth  founded  on  reason.  -ftntmng  syllogism. 
•frrløftg  a  contrary  to  reason.  -rrø  rational  be- 
lief.  -øibcaflab  speculative  science,  -»aftn 
rational  (being). 

$ørm»'(e)  vt  renew,  renovate,  (Sefiel)  prolong, 
fSøtterifebbel)   renew;  -  Øngrebet  return  to  the 

fiarfen.  $anft'9nge!ff  Crbbog. 

charge;  -t  Cberoejelfe  reoonsideration;  tage  nnber 
-t  D.  reconsider,  think  better  of.  -Ife  c  renewal, 

ftørntt'Ug/  frørn**',  fe  »»lig,  SRtj«. 

fyørmrg  t|t  vt  (nægte,  ei  Pille  tilftoo  ojo.)  deny, 
disown,  disavow,  disclalm;  (fotfage,  ej  oebfenbe 
flø)  renounce;  bibl  (om  $eter)  deny:  -  fig  fetø 
deny  one's  self,  practice  self-denlal.  -(fe  c 
denial;  (©ubfi-)  atheism.  -et  c  -e  denier;  (af 
©ub)  atheist. 

ftonurr  m|e  vt  offend,  (flattere)  insult,  affront. 
•eltg  a  insulting,  offensive,  -elfe  c  -r  insult, 
affront;  bet  et  en  _  imob  (ogf.)  H  is  a  libel  upon; 
-er  c  -e  offender,  insulter,  -et  a  offended  (poa 
with,  ooer  at);  blibe  .  oøer  take  offence  at. 

tornaont  a  before-mentdoned,  aforesaid. 
ontø  ben  a  requislte,  needful,  necessary; 
fyibe  -  be  in  want  of;  gøte9  -  be  needed;  %ave 
bet  -ne  have  a  competence;  nægte  flg  bet  -ne  deny 
one's  self  the  necessaries  of  life;  i  -t  ftalb  in 
oase  of  need,  if  need  be;  gøre  fit  -ne  ease  one's 
self.  -beb  e  -er  neoessity,  requirement;  Sioeti  -er 
the  necessaries  of  life. 

Orørnøf  |e  vt  (tilfrebftfriOe)  content,  please;  (glabe) 
deught,  gratify;  ~  fig  enjoy  one's  self;  -  flg  meb 
amuse  one's  self  with;  .  {ig  oøer  be  delighted 
with,  at;  bet  -et  mig  at  I  am  glad  (to  hear)  that. 
-elig  a  (behagelig,  motenbe)  delightful,  pleasant; 
+  (nøjfom)  contented.  -ettgbeb  c  delightfulness; 
contentment.  -elfe  c  -r  pleasure,  gratiflcation; 
delight;  (gfotltjftetfe)  diversion,  amusement;  ftnbe 
-  i  take  pleasure  in.  deligbt  in;  ^aoe  -  af  deri  ve 
satisfaction  from;  gøte  flg  en  .  af  have  pleas- 
ure in;  bet  er  mig  en  flot  -  at  it  gives  me  great 
pleasure  to;  jeg  tøt  ilte  ben  .  at  lenbe  ^am  I 
have  not  the  pri vilege  of  knowing  him;  (ja) 
meb  .  with  all  my  heart,  by  all  means;  gob  -! 
I  wish  you  may  enjoy  yourself.  -et  «r  delighted, 
pleased,  happy  (at),  glad  (of);  (titfrebø)  content, 
contented;  berfom  man  itte  er  ~  meb  bem  if  they 
do  not  give  satisfaction. 

ør'lommelbt,  -omtalt  a  fe  ^omætnt. 

or'orb  n  (fortale)  preface,  prefatory  note; 
(gorbe^olb)  proviso,  con  dition;  meb  ~  with  a 
proviso;  -  brtjbet  (ingen)  Xratte  contract  makes 
the  law  void. 

&ørørø'|Me  vt  ordain,  order,  (om  Sægen)  pre- 
scribe.  -ming  e  -er  ordlnance,  edict,  order  in 

foro  øen  adv  above,  at  the  top. 
ør'øøer  adv  forward,   <£,  løbe    (lægge,   ligge) 
fonten)  weather  the  point,   -aøfaing  c  bendin£ 
Jørpaa  adv  in  front. 

$ørpagt'|e  vt  farm,  rent,  take  a  lease  of.  -er 
c  -e  tenant,  (tenant)  former,  lessee;  -ne  the 
tenants,  the  tenantry.  -ergaarb  farm,  holding, 
-erfle  o  r  larmeress.  -ming  e  -er  (bet,  at  forp.) 
farming;  (Vfgift)  rent;  ^aoe,  tage  en  Qtaatb  i  - 
rent  a  farm;  ban«  .  er  fnart  ube  his  lease  will 
soon  expire.  -nlngøafgift  farm-rent.  -ning*« 
lontrørt  lease-contract.  -ninggtib  term  of  lease. 
ørpat'te  vt  over-pack. 
orpart  c  *£,  fore-body. 

ørpad'fe  vt  (et  Spil;  throw  away  a  game  by 
paasing;  +  (Sarer)  provide  a  permit  for  (goods). 
^orpaø  fet  a:  ftjolen  er  .  the  coat  does  not 
fit  well,  is  a  misfit,  a  bad  fit. 
orpe'ore  vt  pepper  too  much. 
orpeft  |e  vt  poison,  lnfect.  -nlng  c  infectlon. 
orpia  c  «t  iore-peak. 
tftøTptMet  a  fe  9or^ippet. 
tjorøimpet  a  sottish  (with  drink). 
Orørpi'ttt  a  tortured,  rack  ed;   (om  3orb)  ex- 
fyørpifl'c  vt  lash,  scourge;  -  Øotben  exhaust, 





Boourge  the  soil.  -i  a  f  jaded,  fetigued;  hack- 

$rrbinfl'|e  vt  tumble,  rumpie.  -Bing  e  tumb- 
ling  ete. 

$orølaut'e  vt  (omplante)  tranaplant;  (ubbrebe, 
formere)  propagate;  (ooerføre,  tjene  lom  (Bennem« 
gangtfeb  for)  traasmlt;  -i,  „  fig  vr  (om  $fir)  breed, 
propagate,  (om  Itng)  be  transmitted,  spread. 
-elfe,  -ttino  c  transplantation;  propagatlon;  trans- 
mission. —  #ør»lattr»ittgfi|brift  instinct  of  pro- 
pagatlon. -»bfltifl  a  capable  of  procreation.  -eøne 
procreatiyeness,  power  of  propagating  its  kind. 
-rebffaber  sexual  el.  reproductive  organs.  -f»« 
flemet  the  reproductive  system. 

Sførlrtcj'le  vt  (forførge)  maintain;  (pleje)  nurse, 
attend.  -tting  o  nursing,  attendance;  mainten- 
ance.  —  $ør|rtejtti»g6jtta9fe  class  of  patients. 
-torp*  oommissariat.  -øBttøfrttinger  costs  of 
maintenanoe.    -b«fe»  oommissariat. 

gførpttgt'e  vt  bind,  engage,  oblige;  —  vr  ~  fig 
pledge  one's  self,  engage,  covenant;  -t  (in 
duty;  bound.  -Ife  o  -r  obligation  (imøb,  o  Derfor 
to),  engagement,  liability;  -r  responsibilities; 
fyiøe  en  -  (paa  fig)  til  at  be  under  an  obligation 
to.    -«be  a  binding,  obligatory. 

fførjrføø  o  -e  plough-head. 

+$orftlum'»e  vt  yulgarize. 

9ørt»lam'|re  vt  render  muddy;  fio  confuse, 
disturb,  mar,  make  a  mess  of;  -  fig  entangle 
one's  self,  get  confused,  make  a  mess  of  it. 
•ret  a  perplexed.  -ring  c  confusion;  perplexity, 

+$ør»t»1t'et  a  fe  fcortfuflet. 

fcør)pl*jnittg  c  -et  headland. 

;  tørpoummt  n  anterior  el.  nearer  Pomerania. 

tøf 90  ri  o  front  gate. 
•rørboft  o  outpost,  advanced  guard;  paa  -  on 
outpost  duty.     -fægtning   affair  of   advanced 
guards.    -tabe  line  of  outposts.     -tieaefte  out- 
post duty.    -bagt  picket. 

forpote  e  fore  paw. 
orpvanQ  c  forestalling,    -er  c  -e  forestaller. 
otptQp'pt  vt  stuff,  cram.    -Ife  o  stumng. 
ørpvfre  vt  (ftøbe)  buffet  severely. 

yøtynf'jfe  vi  ckem  detonate.    -»rag  c  -er  de- 

&vvpup'\pt  flø  vr  pass  in  to  the  ohrysalis  state. 
-»Rifl  c  -er  pupa  change. 

9ørb»r'r|e  vt  trustrate,  foil.  -elfe,  -i»g  c 

ffcørbaft'ei  a  breathless,  out  of  breath,  blown. 
.faeb  c  breathleøsness. 

ftørftat'te  vt  mislay. 

Sørbtt'Uc  vt  pile.    -Inge  -er  piling. 

+ftorb<rnt  vt  fe  ©ef morte. 

fforratb  »  (A  c),  1*  =.  røply,  store,  prpvi- 
rfon   booe  i  -  bave  a  store  of,  have  in  nand. 

frørriø'bc  vt  betray.    +-lfe  o  betrayal. 

ftørraab'lne  ri  fe  Roobne.  -nelig  a  putres- 
rfble  corruptible.  -»elfe  o  putrefaction,  corrup- 
tfon %om  fortuiorer  -  antiseptic;  goa  t  -  putrefy. 
*ørrVab«e!fe*|b«!terier  bacteria  of  putre- 
Zd&m -feber  putrid  fever.  -garlttg  putre- 
^tfvSfementation.  -br«e*,  .>røb«rt  proeess, 
£oduct ^oTputreraction.    frørraab«et  a  rotten, 

.rSSm    'tølber  store-cellar.    -fleb  store. 
~^— .-*  „  ftPAMdence;  baøe  -en  for  take  p.  of. 

££•?«  vt  take  by  »urprise. 

fKSebf  n  fs&oo)  plough-head;  tøm«) 
fgrømbe  *•  «iy^J»    *£  ^  (of  an  animal). 

bor  -t  bio  you  are  out  in  your  calculations. 
-»elfe,  -tttng  c  miscalculation. 

ftør'rejtttlttg  c  -er  &  fore-rigging. 

tøørreift'  a  knocked  up  with  travelling;  ♦  fe 
»orrreift;  ©erejft. 

førrenbt'  a  tired  with  running,  jaded. 
ørte»t'|e  vt  pay  interest  on;  ~  meb  6  procent 
pay  6  percent  on;  —  vr  -  fig  yield  interest;  - 
fifl  øobt  yield  good  interest  el.  a  good  return. 
-aing  c  payment  of  interest;  interest. 

Qforreft  a  foremost,  front;  ben  -e  the  leader;  — 
adv  foremost. 

Sforreft'en  adv  for  the  rest,  as  for  the  rest. 
otherwise;  however,  be  it  said,  by  the  bye,  by 
the  way;  ~  ogfaa  indeed;  iffe  bet,  forretten  ^oab 
3  bil  not  that,  anything  else. 

Qrørret  c  (albre  Ret)  prior  right;  (^rarogotte) 
prerogative,  privilege. 

forret  c  -ter  firet  dish.  entrée. 

Øorret'ning  o  -er  (i  Hint.)  business;  ($nanb> 
tering,  Wæring*M|)  tråde;  (ftolb,  ©eftæftig.,  ^aanbt.) 
vocation;  (Sag,  ffffcere)  aflkir;  ((tmbeb**)  fun etion, 
duty;  fe  Vrreft*,  »uftton«-,  €tjn«s  en  flor  -  a  large 
concern;  gøre  -er  do  business;  tøøe  mange  -er 
have  a  great  deal  of  business;  b\tr  to  -er  has 
two  businesses;  i  -er  on  business;  gøre  gobe  -er  do 
a  good  business;  ban  gør  en  gob  -  »eb  at  he  is 
making  a  good  thlng  (tor  himself)  in  -ing;  -eme 
(i  Hlm.)  tråde  (and  commerce).  ftorretni»gé(' 
anltggrabe  affair.  -brto  b.  letter,  -bårne  money- 
taker.  -bbgHøbeb  ability  for  b..  bualneas  quali- 
fications,  business  powers,  -f  øll  men  of  b.  -f ør- 
bolb :  ftao  i  ~  fammen  be  in  business  relations  with 
eachother.  -fører  manager  (of  ab.),  -gomgeoune 
of  b.,  routine  (work).  -gren  line  of  b.  -f>a««b 
b.  hånd,  round  hånd.  -løarter  b.  qa&rter. 
-Ibnbfg  skllled  in  business,  -totale  shop,  offioe. 
-lib  business  (-life),  tråde,  -toft  o  dull.  -U«beb 
trade-depression.  -manb  manof  buslneøø.  -nutd' 
fig  a  business-like.  -ørben  fe  -gang;  parlamentets 
-  ParUamentary  Procedure,  -rejfe  comme rcial 
trip.  -fag  b.  affair,  matter  of  b.  -fHI  official 
s  ty  le.  -fhrøg  b.  neighbourhood.  -rib  business 
hours.  -oant  a  experienced  in  business,  -»en 
b.  fri  end  et.  connection.    -øcereffe  fe  -lofale. 

»ørret'te  vt  perform,  discharge,  execute;  —  vi 
offlciate;  ben  -nbe  røræfl  (ogf.)  the  celebrant;  bon 
tom  birm  meb  oel  -t  6ag  he  returned  home  after 
having  rally  accomplished  his  purpose. 

gørretrigbeb  c  prerogative,  privilege. 

9ørre'»c»  a  scratched,  torn;  (om  Jeijft)  rugged, 

gorri  be  vt  override. 

/< «5,°!!lbeiL  °  "!  (To.w  ribec  fotan  »»«««)  ont-rider; 

"  •aJJ&lwa»b?  ft*"^  S<,anb  *^e)  P<»tillion. 
•»ørrig  c  \l  fe  5orrej«ning. 

»ørrlge  a  <tø  former,  prevlous;   .  «ar    Uae 

mto™'  week;  bcn  4be  *  -  TOaa,,eb  the  *» 

^8rorri'geife  o  enriching. 

jRESffi*  vt  (om  FBnV  d«>base;  (nebfortte,   fon 
^)dbping8;  detract  from,  derogate  from- 

nas2niS?^ir  bQt  X  mu8t  d«rease.    ?lf7  o  de- 
»o???iv ^P^Wment,  derogation.     ' 

EJ  tttiHLr c  (3uD)  flattener- 

«SSS,f  W  "^  -<  "«ar.    -»tue  c  rusting, 

I     ferr?!«/?re  f^  of  ^  back. 
1     *****  •rKbe  °  Sious,  tremendous. 




£mrttt'|te  vt  diflplace,  disturb,  start,    -leife, 
g  c  displacement;  mtn  flooking,  thrum. 
ftøTTtylt'  a  crazy,  cracked,  crack- brained.   -tjeb 
c  craziness. 

fiførree'b|er  c  -e  traitor  (mob  to),  betrayer  (of). 
-erT  n  treason,  treachery.  -erff  a  treacherous, 
traltOTOUB,  treasonable;  —  adv  treacherously  etc. 
-erffe  c  -r  traitress,  betrayer. 

røretter  pi  fore-yardø,  head-yards. 
rørret'te  t><  straln.    -Ife  e  straln. 
rørrø'get  a  smoky,  impregnated  wlth  smoke. 
rørfaa  Ile  t*  sole.    -ing  o  soling, 
rørfaabibt'  conj  in  so  far  as;  proyided  that; 
uben  -  any  farther  than. 

Srørfa'gr  vi  (tabe  SRobet)  despond,  lose  heart; 
t  -  om  despair  of;  t  -  paa  forego. 

$ørfa'ge   ve    forsake,    abandon;    .    $jæoelen 
renounce  Ihe   devil;  t  -  fifl  be  self-denying. 
-Ife,  f-n  resignation;  renunciation. 
tftørfa'gen  o  despondency. 
t&ørfagt'  a  aforesaid;   *  arbeibe  paa  -  work 
by  the  lump. 

$ørfagt'  a  de8pondent,  disheartened,  dlspir- 
ited.    -tpeb  c  despondency. 

rørfal  o  -e  antechamber,  anteroom,  lobby, 
forfalt'e  vt  overalt. 
w  irfanfle  vt  assemble,  congregate,  gather  to- 

Sether;  -  igen  re-assemble;  -  ftg  meet,  assemble. 
rorf  maling  c  -er  assembly,  assemblage,  meeting, 
convention,  gathering.  —  &ørfamtingØ|bag  day 
of  meeting,  -frifceb  right  of  public  meeting,  -fcnft 
house  of  assembly,  meeting-house.   -plabl  meet- 
ing-place.  -f  al  meeting-hall.  -ftcb  meetlng-plaoe. 
-rtb  time  of  meeting. 
t#ørfonb'  for  fanb  ad©  trnly. 
grørfanb'ei  vp  be  fllled  el.   choked  up  wlth 
t#ørfang  o  proem  (in  verse). 

forlanger  c  leader  of  the  cholr,  precentor. 
ørfatS|Mab  fly-leaf,  blank  leaf.  -b*r  donble 
-door.  -papir  end-peper.  -biubne  inside  window. 

grørfe'  fiq  vr  åo  amiss,  do  wrong,  make  a 
mistake;  -  ug  paa  look  too  long  at,  fall  in  love 
wlth,  (unber  Gøangerf!.)  take  fright  at,  get  a 
sbock  from;  bel  -t  &  in  proper  condition.  -elfe 
e  -r  mistake,  oversight,  fault,  error,  slip;  ingen 
_!  no  offence. 

flforfeg'|Ie  vt  seal;  seal  up.  -ting  o  sealing; 
nnper  -  under  seal,  sealed. 

irfejl  n  ^  fore-sall,  head-sall. 
rørjej'fe  vt  shift,  move,  sail. 
førfenb'e    vt   send    off,    dispatch,    forward, 
transmit.    -Ife  c  sending  etc.,  transmission. 

ftørfrnt  adv  too  late. 

gørfib'be  vt  press  down  by  sitting  on.  -i  a 
tired  with  sitting. 

$ørffbe  c  front,  fore  part,  foreside;  (Vuet*) 
the  obverse  (side). 

ftørfig'tig  a  cautious,  clrcumspeot,  prudent, 
wary,  guarded;  -  web  §oab  .  .  .  cautious  in 
wliat  .  .  . ;  bet  er  bebft  at  ocere  -  it's  as  well  to 
be  on  the  safe  side;  ~!  ($aaftrift)  wlth  care. 
-s>eb>  e  caution,  circumspection,  prudence,  wari- 
ness.  -beWbenfbn  Pi  prudential  motives.  -bebt> 
regel  c  (measure  of)  precautlon,  precautionary 
measure  (tneeffe  take).    +-bil  adv  prudently. 

gorfit'lre  vt  assure,  protest;  -  tøt  oi  bprt 
vow;  -  en  om  assure  one  of;  -  fig  en«  tøerfon 
secure  one's  person;  -  et  $ut,  Slib  insnre  a 
house,  snip;  ben  -be  the  insured,  the  tnsurant. 
•rer  c  -e  underwriter,  insurer.  -ret  a  insured. 
•ring  e  -er  assurance,  protestation;  (mob  31b  ofb.) 
Insurance,  assurance.  —  Qrorftringdj  agent  agent 
of  an  insurance-company.  -anftalt  Insurance 
-offlce.  -iebifi  fe  -pottce.  -Råberen  the  insured 
(party),  -police  insurance-policy,  p.  of  Insurance. 


-ntng  c 

•praratie  premlum  of  Insurance,  -felftob  Insur- 
ance company.  -fnat  insurance-sum.  -befe« 
Insurance  matters;  system  of  Insurance. 

*ftforfim'ple  vt  simplify. 

*3førftat'e  vt  fe  grotfænfe. 

3førfbit'e  vt  retard,  delay;  -t  (om  @hb,  $ofl) 
late,  belated,  behind  (its)  time,  after  its  time, 
overdue.    -Ife  c  -r  delay. 

$orfi'rje  vt  ornament,  deoorate.  -tag  c  -er 
(©em.)  ornamenting  etc.,  (ogf.  conc)  decoration, 
embellishment,  (hin  conc)  ornament. 

ftørftaane  vt  spare;  (en  for)  ezempt  (one 
from);  forftaan  mig  for  flig  tale!  pray,  forbear 
talking  so  to  me,  spare  me  from  such  language ! 
-Ife  c  sparing;  exemption. 

-rftorffa  bet  a  affected. 

frørflaff'e  ^  ®Me  vt. 

Sorffaife  fe  Stalle. 

f^orffal'lle  vt  board,  line  ti.  cover  with 
boards.  -Ung  o  boarding.  -Hmgftbraeber  boards, 

anl  e  shin. 

anf'le  vt  intrench  (ogf.  fig)>  barricade. 

ug  c  -er  intrenchment,  barricade,  pi  defences. 
•ningøfinie  lines. 

grørfte  v\  i  inquire  lnto,  investigate,  explore; 

-  efter  search  for;  -nbe  a  searchlng  (look), 
inqulring  (spirlt).  -Ibfl  love  of  research,  -r  o 
•e  inquirer,  searcher,  investigator,  philosopher. 

—  QforfTer |  aonb  spirit  of  inqulry .  -bit!  searchlng 
glance.    -øje  searching  eye. 

ftørftel  c  -le  difference;  (VbfTiHelfe)  distinc- 
tion;  .  i  Viber  difference  of  age;  -  i  Var  differ- 
ence in  years;  til  -  fra  in  contradistlnction  to; 
S  øre  .  paa  eller  imellem  distingui&h,  make  a 
listinction  between;  uben  -  indiseximinately; 
bet  rr  mig  uben  .  lt  is  indifferent  to  me;  ber  er 
Uben  .  there  is  little  to  choose  between  them; 
til  -  fra  by  way  of  distinction  from.  -'lig  a 
difTcrent  (from  el.  to);  (befiemt,  tbbelig  abfti(t) 
distinct;  (abftiQige,  aHefyaanbe)  varlous,  miscella- 
neous;  ocere  .  olflfer;  paa  -  SRaabe  differently; 
paa  -e  Waaber  in  various  ways.  —  QrørfFertigl* 
artet  a  varied,  heterogeneous,  heterogeneal, 
diverslfied.  -farbet  a  of  different  colours.  -før* 
met  o  dlverstform.  -fteb  c  -er  diversity,  fe  §ot» 
flel.    ftørfffel<l«9  a  indiscriminate. 

rnert'fe  vt  forfeit,  lose  by  one's  own  mult. 
orffib  n  head,  fore- part  of  a  snip. 
orffning  o  er  inqulry,  investigation,  research, 
orffo  o  fore-shoe.    gførftø  vt  shoe  the  fore 
feet  of  (a  horse). 
+$ørffolb'e  vt  fe  Sbfbe. 
orfløle  o  fig  preparation,  training. 
ørffløt  c  j,  fore  bulkhead. 
ornrøø'Ie  fig  vr  bawl  one's  self  hoane. 
orffre  gen  a  (Stemme)  over-strained. 
_ørfrrift  o  -er  (i  Sfole)  copy,  copy -slip,  copy 
-head;  fig  directions,  mstructions  pi,  precept, 
(Bage«)  prescrlption. 

torffri'ge  fe  gorfhaale. 
orffri'b|e  vt  (Sårer)  bespeak,  order,  wrlte 
for;  (ooerbrage  fom  $ant)  mortgage,  pledge, 
pawn;  (frribe  fejl)  wrlte  wrong;  —  vr  fig  make 
a  slip  of  the  pen;  -  fig  til  S)i<eoe(en  make  a 
compact  with  the  devil,  make  a  bargaln  with 
the  evil  one;  -  fig  fttl  noget)  bind  one's  self  by 
bond,  enter  into  a  bond.  -elfe,  -ning  c  order; 
bond;  slip  of  the  pen. 

Qrorflrn  |e  vt  over-screw;  -  ^ooebet  paa  en 
tnrn  one's  head;  tytn  er  -t  af  ftomanlæftning  her 
head  is  turned  wlth  novel-readlng.  -et  a  fia 
excentric,  extravagant,  high-flown.  -elfe,  -ctøeb 
e  extravagance,  excentricity. 

^orftrat  t|e  vt  frighten,  terriry.  -elig  a  fright- 
fu),  terrible,  dreadlul,  horrid,  grlevous.    -elfe  o 





-r  fright,  terror;  jeg  fif  faaban  en  _  f  it  gave 
me  such  a  turn. 

ftørfTrfrntt'  a  scared,  frightened. 

ftorffubbe  fig  w  shiit,  be  displaced. 

Srørftub  n,  pi  =,  advanoe  (of  money);  (paa 
ftugl)  rocketing  shot;  gøre  ~  advance  (money); 
ffaa  i  -  come  el.  be  under  advance.  $førftnbØ|< 
forening  loan  society.  -kranie  premlum  to  be 
paid  in  advance.  -bi*  adv  as  an  advance,  by 
way  of  advance,  by  anticipation. 

ftorffuntyjet,  -let  a  shaken  to  pieces. 

Jrørff>b|e  vt  (fra  fin  $labft)  displace;  fig  cast 
ofr;  disown,  repudiate,  put  away;  -  $enge  ad- 
vance money;  ben  Sten,  fom  tttrøningømænbene 
-fløbe  which  the  builders  rejected;  gregatten  bar 
albeleft  forffubt  the  frigate  was  cut  to  pieces, 
crippled;  6troget  &or  forfhibt  she  was  cut  up  in 
the  hull;  £efætntngen  føuibø>  forfhxbt  Srrubt  og 
Stualer  the  garrison  had  spent  all  their  powder 
and  hall;  —  vr  _  fig  get  out  of  his  place,  get 
displaced,  &  (om  Sallen)  shift.  -elig  a  sliding, 
shiftable.  -elfe  c  repudiation.  -ning  c  shifUng. 
•ttfng3|t>ebal  soft  pedal. 

&ørfri)lb'|e  vt  (fortjene)  deserve,  merit;  (en 
noget)  reward,  remuuerate;  ban  ftf  fin  -e  Straf 
he  suffercd  condign  punishment;  £øn  fom  -t; 
F  serve  him  right,  -t  a  well  deserved,  richly 

*{yørftV»|e  vt  displace.  -dig  a  fe  Sforftøbelig. 
-ning  c  displacement,  min  flooKing. 

$forfTæfte  n  fore  end  of  the  stock. 

tSforffar  n  master-bar. 

flrørftø'te  vt  spoil  in  the  cutting,  (©og)  crop; 
(Sin)  adulterate;  —  *  vr  -  fig  (om  Voab)  sheer 
acros.s  the  sea,  broach  to. 

S  orffærer  c  -e  carver.     -gaffel  carving  fork. 
v  carving  knife,  carver.   -tnnft  art  el.  science 
of  carving.    -fafØ  tendon  separator. 

førfttt'rittg  c  spoiling  etc;  adulteration. 
forfføber  pi  &  head-sheets. 
rørflønne    vt    embellish,    grace,    beautify. 
■Ife  c  -r  embellishment,   beautification.    -lfe§« 
mibbel  n  cosmetic. 

$ørflaa'  vi  sufflce,  be  sufficient,  avall;  faa 
pengene  til  at  ~  make  the  money  go  a  long 
way;  -  meget  Iibt  go  a  very  litUe  way. 

ftorfløø/  vt  bruise,  hurt  (by  beatlng);  -  Ztben 
kill  time;  -  Sorgen  drive  away  care;  .  en  lalje 
shift  a  tackle:  -et  (af  Sinb)  blown  off  (her 
course);  —  vr  fig  hurt  one's  self. 

^orflag  n,  pi  =,  proposal,  (om,  til  for,  of). 
proposition;  (ifcet  i  roabfl.  %ox\aml)  motion; 
(Sod*)  bill;  (førfte  ®(ag)  first  stroke;  -  mus 
appoggiatura,  grace-note;  art  wad;  gøre  en  et  - 
make  a  p.  to  one;  bringe  i  -  propose,  (i  parla- 
ment) move;  friUc  et  -  make  a  motion;  er  paa  . 
til  is  in  nomination  for. 

ftørflag  n,  bet  er  intet  ~  i  pengene  the  money 
goes  but  a  little  way. 

ftørfla  gen  a  cunning,  subtle,  crafty;  (ogf.  = 
Sorflaaet).    -Ijeø  c  cunning,  subtlety,  craft. 

Jtørflag'ge  vt  scorify. 
£ørf[agi|ret   right   of   proposing,    initiative. 
Iler  c  mover.  .  m    . 

frrflam'ImeS  vp,  art  get  foul.  -ning  c  foulness. 
jrørfii'øe  vt  spoil  by  grtading. 
worfli  Ibe  fifl  vr  overwork  one  s  self.    -bt  o 
w5n  out;  fio  Wkneyed,  stole,  trite,  well-worn, 

&SSfm;wle  vt  fill  with  phlegm,  mucus.  -ning 
e  Sling,  stopping  with  phlegm  el.  mucus. 

»ørfln'ae  fifl  vr  gorge  one's  self.  -If t  o  sur- 
feit.  Ta  griedy  (W of),  voraciouø.  &Øtfl«ge«. 
■eb  o  greedinea8,  voractty.  t 

^ørflæ'be  fig  vr  overwork  one  ø  øeu. 

ftørfmaa'  vt  slight,  disdøin,  refuse;  bet  er  ifte 
at  -  it  is  not  to  be  sneezed  at 

grørfnug  c  foretaste,  earnest,  instaliment 
(paa  of). 

Qførfmnf'lre  vi  crumble,  moulder.  -ring  <• 

ftørf  mørtel  lig  a  disgraceful,  ignominious;  in- 
supportable.    -Ife  c  ignomlny,  disgrace. 

$rørfmacgt'e  vi  languish,  pine  away,  starve, 
die  (af  with);  bibi  naar  SDtaraeffene  -  af  grbgt 
men's  hearts  failing  them  for  fear. 

"rorfmoclfe  o  front-board  of  a  cart. 
rorfnablifere  fig  vr  f  fe  gorfnaffe  fig. 

JorfttøJ'fe  fig  pr  (tale  fejl)  mistake,  err  in 
speaking,  make  a  slip  of  the  tongue;  bon  -be  ftg 
his  tongue  tripped;  (fige,  ^bab  man  iffe  ftnlbei 
babble  out  el.  let  out  a  secret,  let  the  cat  out 
of  the  bag.    -Ife  o  -r  slip  of  the  tongue. 

ftørfuø'  vt  twist  too  hard. 

$orfn<rt>  r|et  a  (§ox>)  contracted  (teet),  -ing 
c  med  contraction. 

-orfnø're  vt  lace  too  tightly. 
'ørfoff'en  a  F  drunken,  sottish,  vinous. 
orfolb  et  a  fe  ftorfoiret. 
orfommer  c  early  (part  of)  summer. 
•orfo'n|e  vt  (forlige)  reconcile;  tføimilbe)  pro- 
pitiate,  condliate,  appease;  (Stjnber)  atone  (for), 
expiate;  —  vr  fig  meb  en  be  reconciled  to  one; 
-  fig  meb  (nt)  reconcile  one's  self  to;  tabe  fig  - 
relent,   -nbe  træt  redeeming  feature,    -etc-f 
atoner,  ezpiator.    -ing  c  -et  reconciliation.  pro- 
pitiation;  atonement,  ezpiation.  —  ^orfoningftl« 
bag  day  of  atonement.    -bøb  expiatory  death. 
-fep.  •l^øfrib  feast  of  expiations.   -liere  doctrine 
of  atonement.    -mibbel  expiation,  atonement. 
-offer  sacriflce  of  atonement.     -trang  need  of 
atonement.  -øærf  work  of  atonement  —  ^ørf  on* 
liga  placable,  conciliatory.     -beb  e  placability. 

fførfø'rem  a  F  raklsh,  dare-devil,  swaggerlng. 
-beb  c  swagger. 

ftørførg  c  (provident)  care. 

Qrøtfø'ne  fig  vr  over-sleep  one's  selt  -t  a 
(boere)  have  slept  too  much;  fe  -  nb  look  drowsy, 

ftorlfpønb  n,  pi  =,  team;  (forrefte  Aefle)  leaders 
(ttl  at  fhfte  meb)  relay.  -f^anb^be^  addition&l 
horse;  (frifl  -)  relay. 

8førf|iil  n  (ogfaa  fa)  prelude;  (paa  Zeatret) 
introductory  piece;  &  fore  capstan. 

3farf>ilb'e  vt  (for  fig  felø)  forfeit,  loæ;  (for 
anbre)  spoil,  mar;  et  -t  fiiø  a  lifte  run  to  waste. 

^orfpitt  e  vt  (fine  ftort)  øpoil  (one's  hånd):  - 
fig  blunder  (at  cards). 

^ørfpifler  c  leader  of  a  band  of  music. 
ør  bjnbe  vt  spin,  consume  in  spinning. 

ft--J5plJ!be  vt  rove-    -««fK»«  (roving)   billy. 
QforfHttbing  o  roving. 

$Drj>i'f«  fig  vr  overeat  one's  øelf. 

frørfpring,  ^orfUrang  n  start,  lead;  baoe  - 
l?LwVe  ^V1*""11  of;  ffta  -  ^w  8^  tte  start  of, 
SS^ttJ?1*?11  up^n;  ffta  rt  »bfltter*  .  for  en  get 
SVe^theTead!7  *  *"«^  ^ «  hoor;  bebolbe 

^ørtørittge  pg  vr  hurt  one's  self  by  a  leap. 
arfprnmg'e  vt  overstrain.  F 

S8W  3.ttuted- scatt6red- 

c  £S£SSS£.  e0^e"tretch.  ovemtealQ.     4«| 
„•"S?",*""«  °  PoWng-to.    -t  *  pat  to-   bet 

■SRSl?1"^  c  lock-8ecurity. 




at  -  give  to  undentand;  (bob  -r  man  Mb?  what 
is  meant  by?  boa  ifte  faa  at  -  at  it  does  not 
on  tbat  account  folio w;  efter  alt  (bab  man  fon 
_  to  all  seeming;  —  vr  bet  -t  fig!  of  course! 
bet  -r  flg  af  fig  fe(b  that's  a  matter  of  course, 
that  goes  wishout  (the)  saying;  -  flg  paa  under- 
stand about,  be  a  judge  of,  have  a  knowledge 
of,  be  akilled  in;  -  flg  paa  $efte  f  be  a  jndge 
of  hone-fleøh;  lobe  fig  -  meb  hint,  intimate. 
-dig  a  intelliglble;  grre  flg  -  make  one's  self 
understood.  -elig(eb  c  intelligibility.  -elfe  c 
undentanding,  intelligence:  lomme  HI  -  come 
to  an  nndentanding;  tebe  i  gob  -  meb  live  on 
good  terms  with;  (an  oar  i  -  meb  frienben  he 
intrigaed  with  the  enemy. 

grørftaat|e  vt  steel.    -tag  c  steeling. 

$ørftaø  e  suburb.  —  $orftab§|  suburban.  -be« 
bser  c  suburban,  inhabitant  of  a  suburb. 

ftorftag  n  ^  fore-Btay,  head  stays,  -fejl  head 

ftørfftottb'  e  nndentanding,  intellect,  sense; 
(wentng)  meaning,  aenae;  min  ~  ftoat  ftiue  I  give 
it  up;  gob,  funb  -  good  sense,  common  sense: 
en  SRanb  af  -  a  man  of  sense;  gob  til  at  faa  ~  af 
fall  of  meaning;  efter  min  ringe  -  in  my 
hnmble  opinion,  gaa  fra  -en  lose  one's  senses, 
wits,  go  out  of  one's  mind,  run  mad;  »cere  fra 
_  be  deranged;  i  egentlig  -  in  the  proper  sense 
of  the  word;  i  en  »ti  -.  in  one  sense;  (an  (anblebe 
meb  megen  .  he  acted  with  great  Judgment; 
bet  gaar  o  bet  min  -  it  is  above  my  comprehen- 
sion,  is  beyond  me;  bet  gaar  ooer  min  -  (boriebeft  it 
passes  me  to  understand  how;  (abe  -  paa  be  a 
judge  of;  tage  Stabe  paa  fin  -  take  leave  of 
one's  senses;  bu  taler  fom  bu  (ar  -  tit  you 
speak  according  to  your  light«;  elever  fellow! 
a  bright  idea  I  ban  er  ilte  oeb  fin  htlbe  -  he  is 
not  in  his  right  senses,  not  of  sound  mind. 

9ørft*«ber  c  -e  manager,  director,  super- 
intendent, -ffe  c  -r  directress,  superior.  -flat 
n  direction,  management;  directon. 

$ørftan'big  a  sensible,  intelligent,  -(eb  e 
senslbleness,  good  sense.  —  §forftanbd|  begreb 
intellectual  notion,  idea.  -epne  intellectual 
iaculty,  intellects.  -mennefTe  mat ter-of- faet  per- 
son, nniioaginative  p.,  hard-headed  man, 
woman.  -madfig  a  rational,  -fpil  intellectual 
game.  -*belfe  mental  exercise. 
orHavg  e  J,  fore- topmast. 
ørft|auorining  ordinance  relative  to  woods 
ana  forestå,    -sftflfteni,  fe  -betjent. 

ftørftabclfc  c  preftx. 

ftørltaøn  e  bow,  fore  end,  prow. 

9orH|berjemt  forester,  forest-offleer,  ranger. 
-smRe  so  prionidæ. 

Sørftc'gc  vt  over-roaat. 
ørw|eleø    c    student    of    an   academy    for 
forestry.    -embebt  office  of  a  ranger  (of  a  royal 

$ørjfkem'ne  vt  mistune,  (ogf.  fio)  put  ont  of 
tone;  benne  (Efterretning  -te  (ele  Setftaoet  thls  in- 
telligenoe  cast  a  gloom  over  the  whole  Com- 
pany, •flemuing,  fe  -fiemt(eb.  -ftemt  a,  mus  out 
of  tune;  fig  bcere  -  be  low,  out  of  tune,  out  of 
spirlts,  in  low  spiritB.  -ftemt(eø  o  low  splrits, 
dejectfon  of  spirits. 

frorftenle  vt  (+  vi)  petrify,  turn  to  stone,  fossi- 
llze;  fip  -t  (af  6traf)  petrifled,  (om  Knfrurffer  o.  (.) 
fossilized.  +-e(fe  o  fig  fossillzation.  -tag  c  -er 
petrMactlon,  fossillzation.  -Ingdføtrobe  a  fossili- 

&ørfti!fe  vt  sting  all  over;  —  vr  flg  hide 

$ørtU1e  (+  vt  disguise)  vr  fifl  dlssemble, 
felgn,  simnlate,  sham.  -Ife  c  aissimulation, 
sham.    •Ifeftfanft  dissimulation. 

8ror|fHfling  art  limben.  -ftiHingftiaftfe  limber 

SforfrUt'  a  feigned,  sham.  +-(eb  e  fe  ftot« 

ftørfHng  n  running  stitch. 

$ørft|taubibat  graduale  in  forestry.  -tontoret 
the  Office  of  Woods,  -manb  forester,  one  versed 
in  forest-matten,  forest-engineer,  -netter  ver- 
derer,  inspector  of  woods  and  forestå,  -ftole 
school  of  forestry. 

ftorftøl'jfet  a  hardened,  obdurate,  cailous. 
-elfe  c  obduracy. 

ftorftotpe  c  front  post. 

ftørftoppe  vt  choke  up,  obstruct,  stuff;  - 
ttnberiioet  bind  the  bowels;  vare  -t  be  costlve, 
bound,  conflned  in  one's  body.  -Ife  c  obstruc- 
tion, conBtipation,  oostiveness.  -t  a  fe  obfr.; 
darned  all  over. 

ftorftroob  commissloner  in  the  offlce  of 

ftørftram  me  vt  oventretch. 

$ør|ftranb  c  foreshore,  sea-shore,  beach. 
•frranbSejer  lord  el.  proprietor  of  the  shore. 
-ftrtnbtret  right  to  stranded  goods. 

&ørftref'|fr  vt  (frwerre  for  mraet)  ovtrctretch; 
(en  Krrn  ofb.)  Btrain,  sprain;  ($enge)  disbune, 
(en  meb)  advance  (to  one),  help  one  out  in. 
-felfe,  -ning  c  strain,  sprain,  elongation;  ad- 

■  Jorfhtbier  pi  preliminary  studies. 

(orftnbrrpt  term  in  woodcraft. 

\ orftn  e  vt  strain,  sprain. 

forfare  c  -r  entry,  (entrance-)  hall,  lobby,  -bør 
hall  door.  -fPole  house  el.  chimney  swallow, 
Birundo  rwtica. 

$orfrnm'me  vi  (om  Verfon)  be  mute,  be  struck 
dumb;  (om  £bb)  die  out;  bringe  til  at  -  silence 

^orftnrnp  c  close-reefed  fore-topsail. 

Qforfht  b|e  vt  strain,  sprain;  J,  stow  away, 
cover  up.    -ning  c  sprain. 

$orft|bibenflab  science  of  forest  matten, 
forestry,  forest  science,  -bøffen  woods  and 
forests,  forest  matten,  woodcraft,  forestry. 

•&orfrpg'ge  vt  render  ugly. 

gforfipffe  n  front-piece;  (paa  ftanon)  chase; 
(paa  SRafx)  front-flsh,  paunch,  (paa  Slagtet.)  fore 
-quartere;  tkeat  fint  piece. 

^orftpr'lre  vt  (afbrpbe,  (inbre)  disturb,  inter- 
rupt,  interfere  with;  (bringe  i  Uorben,  forotrre) 
dlsorder,  derange,  discompose,  ruffle,  dlstract; 
.  et  Hnfiag  frustate  a  plan;  t  (obelaegge)  demol- 
ish;  ieg  (aaber,  ieg  iffe  -r  I  hope  I  don't  in- 
trude;  -nbe  (Sfterretmnger  cross-associations.  -ret  fe 
c  -r  disturbance,  interruption;  dlsorder,  derange- 
ment,  dlstraction;  bringe  -  i  derange,  throw 
into  dlsorder.  -rer  c  -t  disturber,  interrupter; 
deranger,  -ret  a  confused;  (i  ^ooebet)  distracted, 
deranged,  light-headed. 

8rorft«r!|e  vt  strengthen,  fortify;  (gore  tal* 
rigere)  relnforce;  (Ubtrpf)  give  force  to.  -ntag  e 
-er  relnforcement;  (bet  at  f.)  strengthening;  mil 
militia:  gaa  ober  HI  -en  joc  (bø)  Join  the  major- 
ity.  -ningJbne  binding-arch.  -ning»Up  J,  band. 
-ningAmanb  militia  man. 

grørfkfføti  c  4,  stem.  —  »orft«b«&|fob  stem 
foot.    -trar  stem  pieces  (o.  fl.). 

ftorft^b  n  (Srroeb.)  edging. 

ftorftø'be  vt  (forflaa)  bruise,  l>atter;  (forflbbe) 
cast  off,  disown;  .  fin  $uftru  repudiate  one's 
wife.    -Ife  c  bru Ising  etc.;  repudiation. 

§forftør'ce  vt  enlarge;  (ogfaa:  forøge)  magniiV; 
-t  mut  augmented.  -Ife  c  enlargement;  unber 
ftær!  .  under  high  magnifying  powers.  -Ifcø)- 
gfaØ  magnilylng-glass,  magnifler,  microscope. 

gorftøt  ;te    vt  steady,   »ecure;    (meb   Støtter) 




8hore  (up),    -ning  c  steadying  etc.    -ningftftorn 
*l,  ontriggor.    -nmgiftræber  i  pointer. 

jjorftø'ttet  a  dusty,  covered  with  dust. 

tyorful'teit  a  starved,  famished,  hungered, 
ravenous,  sharp-set. 

+$ørfn're  et  embitter. 

frorfbar  n  defence;  tage  en  i  -  undertake 
one's  defence,  stand  up  for  one;  laoe  ftg  til  - 
prepare  for  defence;  ftge  til  -  for  Bay  in  defence 
of;  til  flt  ~  in  el.  for  his  defence;  inbftrænte  flg 
til  -  stand  on  the  defensive. 

$ørfba'r|e  vt  defend;  (retfoerbiggøre)  Justify, 
(en  SRening)  advocate;  jeg  fan  if!e  -  at  I  cannot 
in  conscience,  I  am  nol  justified  in  -ing;  fan 
itle  -8  is  unjustiflable;  Di  paatage  o*  ilte  at  ~ 
(ogf.)  we  hold  no  brief  for;  -  fin  $(ab£  stand 
one's  ground,  hold  one's  own.  -er  c  -e,  -erin  be 
-r  defender;  (XalSmanb)  advocate.  -lig  a  defou- 
sihle,  warrantable,  Justiflable;  (orbentlig)  credit- 
able,  unexceptiouable,  F  (antagelig;  goodly;  -t 
Slrbejbe  warrantable  el.  creditable  work;  i  - 
@tanb  in  proper  condition;  —  adv  properly, 
warrantahly,  unexceptionably. 

ftorfbarSlonftalter  mcasurcs  of  defence.  -eotte 
defensibility,  defensive  power,  -forbnnb  defen- 
sive alliance,  -grnnb  defensive  argument.  -b,ter 
defending  army.  -tamp  defence.  -fraft  fe  -etme. 
-(rig  defensive  war.  -linie  line  of  defence.  -1*6 
o  defeneeless.  -tøøfyebcdefencelcssness.  -ntibbel 
meaus  of  defence.  -plan  plan  of  defence.  -ret 
right  ofself-preser  vation.  -flrif  t  apology.  -ftanb 
state  of  defence;  fætte  i  -  put  into  a  s.  of  d. 
-fHUittg  posture  of  defence.  -tale  apologetical 
discourse.  -baaben  defensive  weapon,  weapon 
of  defence.  -bi$  wlv  in  defence;  gaa  -  til  $ærfé 
æt  on  the  defensive,  -bærfer  pi  defences. 
rorfbeb'be  vt  .£.  shore  oli. 
jførfbebt'  a  perspiring  all  over. 
rørfben  fle  vt  Swedishize. 
rørfbinb'|e  ri  disappear,  bc  lost  to  sight, 
(plubfelig)  vanish;  forfmnb !  make  yourself  scarce ! 
-en,  +-elfe  c  disappear&nce.  -eiibe  o  vanishing; 
fio  infinitesimal,  evaneseent,  minimal,  -togø* 
pnnft  vanishing-point. 

ftrørføi'ret  «  knocked  up  by  revelry,  dissipated, 

ftrorfbær'ge  vt  forswear;  jeg  uilbe  l>abe  forfboret, 
at  bet  bar  b,am  I  could  have  sworn  it  was  not 
he;  man  flal  ingenting  -  let  us  swear  no  oaths 
about  it;  vr  fig  perjure  el.  forswear  one's  self, 
(til  S)jæoelen,  fe  ftorfrribe).  -Ife  c  (bet  at  forfb.) 
forswearing;  (falft  Cb)  perjury. 

ftorfbærm  c  first  swarm. 

ftorftm  it  providence;    et  Providence. 

*8rØ*|lJ*  c  bottom,  foot-length,  snood. 
jfcorftjnb  e  flg  vr  sin.   offend.     -(fe  c  -r  sin, 

$orfb/n|e  vt  supply,  furnish,  provide,  (meb 
fietmetSmtbler;  virtual,  provision,  (beb  UBorbet)  help 
(meb  to;;  fortøn  Dem!  help  yourself;  bel  -t  (meb 
»årer)  well  assorted;  -t  meb  ( Jilbeljør)  fitted  with; 
gobt  -t  meb  .1,  well  found  in,  gobt  -t  meb  ftlæber 
well  set  up  for  el.  with  clothes;  bel  -t  meb  Stolt&eb 
well  equipped  in  pride.  -elfe,  -i«g  c  supply, 
provision,  -lig  «  provident,  prudent,  cautious, 
careful.  -ligb^eb  c  (Cmforg)  providential  care; 
(fjorfigtigbeb)  circumspection. 

torfbnétro  belief  in  Povidence. 

i  rørfb/re  vt  sour,  make  too  acid. 
rørfæ'bning  c  saponiflcation. 

førfotbc  n  -r  front  seat;  presidency,  chair- 
manship.  bade  ~  preside,  take  the  chair;  unber 
-  af  en  Slbbofat  a  barrister  presiding,  with  a  b. 
in  the  chair. 

ftørM'ge  flg  vr  sell  with  Ion. 

$*Tf<K*f'|e   vt  sink,  (unber  8«nb)  submerge; 

teeh  counter-sink.  -er  c  -e,  -er bor  counter-sink 
(drill).  -ning  c  sinking,  submereion;  counter 
-sinking;  ($ul)  counter-sink  el.  sunk.  -ttittgdftør 
fe  -er. 

$or|fcet  n  -ter  (+pl=)  purpose;  meb  -  on  pur- 
pose,  purposely,  of  set  purpose.  -fttt'lig  o  inten- 
tional,  wilful,  studied;  jur  prepense;  meb  - 
Cnbffab  with  malice  prepense.  -ftttligteb  c 
premeditation;  deliberateness. 

forfatning  c  -er  gram  k  log  antecedent. 

&orfæt  ning  c  .£  drift,  deflection;  (9ta!et8) 

$orfærning£tegn  pi,  mu»  marks  of  transposi- 

»orfætSblab  n  fly-leaf. 

§orfæt  te  vt  (fætte  feiO  misplace;  (forflbttc) 
remove;  (om  6tr»m)  drift,  (om  fBinb)  blow  off 
(her  coursej;  -  ffobber  (meb  Xin)  alloy  copper 
with  tin;  ~  en  gob  Sin  meb  en  ringere  dilute  good 
wine  with  an  inferior  sort;  -i  i  fin  Scetft  \te 
stunted  in  growth.    -Ife  c  misplacing  etc. 

Stor} atter  c  -e  (5)rejn.)  rest;  taft  .  slide- rest. 

tyorffbe  vt  make  sweet,  edulcorate,  (ogfaa  Jig) 
sweeten.    -Ife  c  sweetening. 

ftforff'g  n,  pi  «=,  trial,  experiment  (meb  on,  of), 
attempt  (paa  at),  essay;  bet  er  et  -  bærb  the 
attempt  is  worth  making.  ^rorføge  vt  try,  essay, 
attempt;  -  paa,  b.  f.;  -  fifl  t  try  one's  hånd  at. 

—  0førf*g6|*  trial-.  •anfrlOrr,  -leber  c  experi- 
menter,  experimentalist.  -b^r  experimental 
an  i  mal.  -mart  experimental  plot  el.  fleld. 
-r«ette  series  of  experiment«.  -ftation  experi- 
ment station,  -bid  adv  experimentally,  by  way 
of  experiment.    ftorføgt  a  experienced. 

3rorfølb'|e  vt  plate,  silver  (over),  -er  c  -e 
Milverer.    -niug  c  piating. 

J^orføra  |me  vt  negl  eet,  (unbfabe)  orait,  -  fig, 
_  ben  belejlige  Xib  let  the  opportunity  pass  el. 
slip;  -  en  Xime  miss  a  lesson;  benne  iiccrer  -r  ofte 
fine  Ximer  this  teacher  is  very  remiss  in  his 
nttendance;  ber  er  ingen  Xib  at  -  thcre  is  no 
time  to  be  lost;  —  vr  fig  miss  the  opportunity. 
-ntelig  a  negligent,  neglectful,  remiss,  -meligljeb 
c  neglectfulness,  remissness.  -melfe  c  negleci, 
negligence,  omission.  -t  a  neglected,  inbb^ente 
bet  -te  make  up  for  the  lost  time. 

$ørf*r'ge  vt  provide  for,  take  care  of,  main- 
tain,  support;  faa  en  Satter  -t  get  a  daughter 
off  one's  hånds,  settled  (in  life),  well  married. 
-Ife  c  provision,  support,  niaintenance.  —  fjtør« 
førgel f el  janftalt  charitable  institution,  asylum. 
-berettigelfe  fe  -ret  -berettiget  a  entitled  to 
parish  relief,  settled.  -forenittg  provident  so- 
ciety.  -førfkanber  overseer,  -bfem,  -(ømmnne, 
-fteb  place  of  settlement,  -ret  settlement.  — 
$ørf*rger  c  -t,  -iit'be,  -ffe  -r  provider,  supporter, 
maintalner,  breadwinner. 

forfør  get  a  worn  out  el.  bowed  down  with 

ørt  n  -er  fo'rt. 

ort  [*6]  adv  off,  on,  forward;  (hurtig)  fast, 
qulckly;  fare  -  continue;  læ*  bibere  -  go  on;  øg 
faa  tribere  -  and  so  on,  and  so  forth. 

ottaa  <-  fore-toe,  toe  anteally  directed. 
ørta'jbe  vt  (tabe)  lose;  tb  bibl  perish;  —  or 
~  fig  i  be  lost  in.  -belig  a  losable.  -øetigteb 
c  amissibillty.  -belfe  c  loss;  ebig  .  perdiuon, 
damnation;  jur  unber  2it»8  og  Miret  -  on  pttn 
of  forfeiting  life   and  reputation;  bet   er  "Ni 

-  it   is   as   much   as   yonr    (i 
worth.    -bf  (par*  fe  obfr.)  *  tf 
(moblød)  disheartened,  d^~ 
lost;  jeg  giber  -1  I  g1*- 
3*raet*  $ui  the  lo»t 

Qforta'ge  vi  nm 

kla\    i 




Btrain  one's  self;   (om  Sørg  o.  1.)   pass  away, 
vanlah,  wear  oflf. 

fortal  n  first  nnmber  of  an  „?lmbe". 
fortale  c  -r  preface. 

Jortoic  vt  fe  Bagtale;  —  vr  fig  fe  $orf  natte 
fifl;  man  fan  fnarere  -  enb  fortie  fifl  least  said 
safest,  1.  s.  soonest  mended.  -Ife  c  r  slip  of 
the  tongue. 

•*9r*r'taler  c  advocate. 

tørtanb  c  front  tooth,  fore  tooth. 

Cortomb  tag  c  dove-tailing,  scarnng. 

tørlang  c  ft>øol.)  large  screw. 

førte  [*6]  vi  bet  -r  ilf e  fot  fjam  be  makes  slow 
progress;  —  *vr  fifl  (om  Ur)  gain. 

•frorte  [6]  fe  $urte. 

ftorte  adv  muå  fo'rte. 

fortegn  n,  pi  =■,  mu«  sharp  or  flat,  signature; 
math  sign. 

$førtegne  o<  fe  Optegne.  -Ife  c  -r  catalogue; 
inventory,  list;  optage  ~  o  Der  make  an  inven- 
tory  of. 

3førteg'n[e  vt  draw  incorrectly.  -et  a  incor- 
rectly  drawn,  out  of  drawing.  -tag  c  -er  in- 
correct  drawing. 

^fortegning  c  -er  drawing  copy. 

$ørte~pebal  damper  pedal,  -pi'ano  fe  $iano< 

ftøriaang  [*6]  c  progress,  dispatch. 

fyørtib  c  time  of  yore,  olden  time(s),  times 
past,  the  past;  lene  i  -en  live  in  the  past;  ^on« 
_  his  past  life.  —  $ortibd|lettntMøer  pi  an- 
tiqnities.    -minbe  monument  of  antiquity. 

$ørti'e  vt  conceal  (for  from),  keep  secret, 
suppress,  be  sllent  on;  —  w  fe  fjortole  fifl.  -Ife 
c  concealment,  suppression. 

$ørtifWa|tio  n  c  fortifica'tion.  -tionSarbefber 

fortil  adv  before,  in  front. 

~*»&ørriffalbe  n  precedent. 

$ørrin'|ne  vt  tin,  (meb  Xinamaløam)  platinate. 
-mer  c  -e  tlnner.    -ning  c  tinning. 

Øortjenle  vt  (f.  <Etft.  $enge)  earn,  gain,  make; 
(gøre  fig  øcerbig  til)  deserve,  merit;  .  mange 
fknøe  make  a  good  deal  of  money;  npber  -t 
Sgtelfe  is  deservedly  esteemed;  (fe  -t).  -efte  c  -r 
earaings,  gain,  profit;  merit,  desert;  (jooe  gob  - 
of  make  a  good  deal  by;  ijar  ftore  -t  af  has 
rendered  great  services  to;  bette  toar  bele  min  - 
that  was  all  I  made  by  it;  bet  er  iRe  bin  -  it 
is  not  your  merit;  regne  fig  nt  tit  _  make  a 
merit  of;  bebanbfe  en  efter  -  (iron)  give  one  his 
deserts;  berfom  bet  git  o«  efter  .  lf  we  had  our 
just  deserts;  otter  -  beyond  his  desert.  —  $or- 
rjeKft(fn(b,  -lig  a  deserving,  meritorious.  -me* 
balje  medal  of  merit,  -ørbem  order  of  merit. 
gførrjent  a,  en  meget  -  røanb  a  man  of  great 
merit;  ofte  fig  -  af  deserve  well  of. 

ortubenbe  [*6]  a  progressive,  contiauoue. 
ortne  [*6]  vt  accelerate;  fe  frotte  vi. 
ørtøft  c  grass-plot  in  front  of  a  house. 
ørtofte  e  fore  thwart. 

_ørtoib'|e  vt  pay  duty  (for),  pay  the  customs 
el'duties  on.  -er  c  -e  the  party  paying  the 
duty.  -et  a  duty  paid.  -ning  e  payment  of 
duty;  angibe  til  .  enter  at  the  custom-houue; 
ftngioelfe  til  .  duty  entry. 

gførtotl'je  vt  in  terpret,  expound,  (iibttobej 
construe.  -er  c  -e  interpreter,  expounder.  -ning 
c  -er  interpretation,  ezposition;  construction; 
-  af  Bibelen  exegesis.  -ningSfunfi  science  of 
interpretation,  theol  hermeaeutics. 

frørtojne  +  vt  slur;  —  vr  fig  loom,  appear, 
stand  out;  +  die  away.  -ning  c  -et  looming, 

$ørjtøp  c  &  fore-masthead;  fore-rigging. 
-t*)ig  «ftar  pi  fore-top  men. 

gfortøng,  forton  n  &  fe  gortroSfe. 

^ortob  n,  pi  =,  footway,  footpath,  (fiife&elagt) 
(foot-)pavement,  running  pavement,  amr  side 
-walk.  —  8fortø*6|flifer  flagstones.  -ret  right  to 
keep  one' s  way  on  the  pavement  (having  the 
roadway  on  the  right  hånd. 

ftortrampet  a  trampled  under  foot,  down- 

ftortrab  n  fe  fortrop. 

fortrin  n,  p/=,  (giøet  en)  preference;  (gor- 
rang)  superiority,  advantage,  preeminence;  (for- 
ret) pri vilege;  (vgenflab)  advantage,  excellency, 
merit.  •  (tg  «  superior,  excellent,  capital;  — 
adv  eminently,  preeminently;  capitally,  excel- 
len tly.  -'ligqeb  c  preferableness,  superiority, 
excellence.  —  ^ortrtnfi|ret  right  of  preference, 
especially,  above  all  others,  emphatically,  by 
way  of  eminence. 

&or|tro'  vt  intrust,  conflde;  fe  Oetro.  -trolig 
a,  en  -  SRebbelelfe  a  confidential  communicatlon; 
en  .  Sen  an  intimate  el.  familiar  friend;  tomme 
paa  en  -  %ob  meb  become  familiar  with,  on 
intimate  terms  with;  gøre  fifl  -  meb  make  one's 
self  familiar  with,  familiarlze  one's  self  with 
el.  to.  —  c  -e  confldant;  jeg  gjorbe  ^am  til  min  -e 
I  made  him  my  confldant,  took  him  lnto  my 
confidence.  -troU^bcb  e  confldence,  familiarity, 
intimacy;  ^aoc  _  ttl  have  confidence  in;  i  -  in 
confidence,  confidentially. 

+5ortrøll'e  ve  fe  ftor^eHe. 

(ortrop  c  -per  vanguard,  van  (of  an  army). 

j-ørtroéfe  c  -r  bow  fast,  head -fast. 

iortrntten  a  distorted,  fe  3førtta>tfe. 

f  ortrp  b|e,  -trøb.  -trubt  vt  rue,  repent,  regret, 
be  sorry  for;  -  paa  take  offence  at;  .  paa  en 
anbeni  £t)He  grudge  one  his  good  fortune,  -elig 
a  offended  (paa  with),  vexed,  hurt,  piqued;  pare 
~  paa,  ogf.  sulk  with  one;  tage  -  op  take  111,  in 
bad  part;  joc  Ijaobe  melbt  ftg  .  was  not  fortn- 
coming,  was  conspicuously  absent.  -neligbeb  c 
resentment.  -elfe  c  (Kiiger)  regret,  repentance; 
(WtSfornøjelfe)  displeasure,  resentment;  uben  . 
without  offending,  by  your  favour;  af  megen 
Xale  lommer  -  sllenoe  is  gold. 

ftørrrtyt'  n  oppression.  gfortrtMe  vt  (træffe 
ftarft)  press,  crowd;  (unberttpHe)  oppress,  grind; 
(trijfte  feil)  misprint.  -lelfe  c  oppression,  -t  a 
oppressed;  (i  Sinbet)  depressed,  bowed-down; 
t  -rtf  ftaar  in  strøitened  circumstances. 

^ortrbQe  vt  charm,  enchant,  fascinate.  -Ife 
c  -r  charm,  enchantment,  fascination;  b<ebe  -n 
disenchant  one.  -nbe  a  charming,  enchanting; 
etc.    -t  a  charmed,  enchanted,  etc,  ^ 

^ortrtr  b  c  harm,  mischief,  hurt;  trouble, 
annoyance,  vexation;  gøre  -  do  harm;  Polbe  - 
annoy,  cause  annoyance. 

Sførtrofbe  vt  tread  down;  -  ftoben  sprain  one's 

&orrr<r/b|ctig  a  (tilmobe)  cross,  out  of  humour; 
(ubebageltø)  troublesome,  vexatious.  -eligbeb  e 
ill-humour;  pi  -er  vexation,  trouble,  annoyance. 
-ige  vt  hurt,  annoy,  injure,  vex,  interfere  with. 
ortrabning  c  sprainlng. 

^ørtroe'ed  vp  become  wooden,  lignlfy. 
ortroeffelig  a  excellent,    -beb  c  excellence, 
ortnrfnina  c  affair  of  advanced  guards. 
ortræf  n  first  move. 
ørtrcefTe  c  series  of  forts. 
ortrotf  |fe   rt  (brioe  oøer)  pass  over;  (brage 
bort)  depart;   ban  maatte  ~  he  was  obliged  to 
withdraw,   to  take  himself  off;  —  vt  distort, 
twist,  -  Vnfigttt  make  a  wry  face;  uben  at  ~ 
en  Stine  without  wincing,  without  moving   a 
muscle  of  his  face.  —  vr  fig  (i  ©tætfp.)  make 
a  wrong  move;  (om  Unflgt)  be  distorted.   -wing 
c  -er  contortion. 

Soi « 

$ertro;!»|»«iB  n  abort  bedroom  curtaln, 
strål  ir  ht  eurtaln. 

goilcff«B'(  ni  (brint  ub)  expel,  dlalodge,  dls- 
plaee.  fog  tnbtagc  *1obtrni  aupplant,  superaede. 

-Sorir«'*™  a  unwllllng,  lonth. 

ft*rtuk'|t  vr  ris  tnwt,  put  eonndeuce  (»an, 
ttllni.  -BlBI  e  coufldence,  trust,  rellance  (In). 
-■InglfBlk  a  conlldent.      r 

Slferrfccrte  c(  coEliEue,  proæcute.  carry  on, 
roceed  with,  (Stol  m  anbcn  flo»|taa-e  up;  _ 
■  Stttf  proceed  on  one's  joiiraey;  l«rtitltri) 
-*  to  bo  contlnucd.    -Ift  c  contlnumlion,  proae- 

*  *8(it>rti  a  b*wlldered.Ua 

fforlBin'ltl  a  conflwed,  perpleied;  <or  af  Stel 
ri.  Slog)  ■tunned;  oaic  _  i  (morot!  (foninft;  be 
out  of  one's   mind,    wlit.    (raabnllb)   not   kuow 

rfeitB'na  Fo'rtun'e;  f}ru  .  Dame  -.  --trtBanf 
Fort  imam  s's  punc. 

•ffortnratr  'I.'  c  leader  (of  gyrunastlcs). 

gotlBtD'Ilt  n  despalr  lom  of);  til  al  .  eaougb 
to  drive  one  to  despalr.  •«!  a  desperate:  (o! 
Sorg)  broken-taenrted,  dlseonsolate.  In  despalr; 
laWurbl  prepoBtc:  ous;  —  adv  deaperately,  beait- 
brokenly.  -tlfr  c  deapair,  deiperation;  -n<  TOob 
Ihe  courage  of  dcapalr;  bringt  Itl  -  drive  to 
despalr.  >-ilft#fnlr.  a  AcsrmMng.  -clfrlftrig  ■ 
cry  of  despalr. 

•SortBort  ade  Inceaannlly. 

" r(  apoll  by  cbewlng. 

I    thlcken,   lrufplnate;  -  i  w  6) 

etblckenlng,  inaplasatlon.    -ulig 

c  \t  tn  rninfl 

rJirtSBk'r  et  dllute,  tbln;  (Iitni.)  dlminiah, 
beaTd:  -  Uuttm  rarefy  the  air  -tlfe  c  dlhuioa. 
Mienufitlon,  mrefacUoE.  -«  a  dllute,  dtluted. 
■(■g  r  .J.  acrape-Btmkes  pi. 

ØBrtafTIc  vi  (flan  IMO  eermauiic;  fcbfrforlW) 
iransliil*  Into  tiurman.    -utng  c  germanliatlon; 

Jitmg«  r(  ep 
•tiaf'ilc  et  t 
ken.   -luftet 

i>ort*Bt"|tr  Bf  J,  repoir  (eitenslvely).    - 
-rr  (eittnsfve)  repalra;  Unbrrlog  aleepers. 

Sirtarnk  Bf  offend.  provoke,  unger,  e 
rate;  ■(,  Bllo*    I  1*  offended,    —""    -"— 
with.    oon    at).      --([t|    a 
c  re&entment,   dlapleaaure. 


ffiorUr'rc  et  dry  up,  partb.   -Ift  c  drylng  etc. 

+  fforta  ■ »(  lt  Xaoc. 

9«r'K»  odv  In  odrance,  ahead.  before.  befor«, 
hånd:  (I  Slib)  forward;  .  for  abead  of;  (ara 
Jrronom:)  fast  of;  RI  Stiler  -1  a  aall  ahead! 
gifgattrn  rr  .  far  ol  the  frigate  la  ahead  of  us; 
flaa,  trjii  -  go  (on)  before;  Betalt  -  pay  la  ad- 
vanre,  gilt  (Il  nt  -  giv«  one  odd»,  faa  100 
Soint  -  receive  100  polnU  atajt;  .  fru  fin  Ztb 
la  advarrne  of  one's  age;  fom  llgan  -  for  nntedor 
to.  nt  Ung  baobt  ban  .  fol  bur  one  thlng  be 
had  before  roe;  ban  bor  brt  -  at  ban  rr  ru  be 
lian  the  advantige  or  belng  rlcb;  DbBan  .  fore- 
warn.  -anrlft  preeentlment.  -»tttfut  calculate 
beforehand.  -■CTt|«lK|  previoni  ealculatlou. 
-Btfttttrar  foreordoln,  preordain.  predetermlne, 
predcsliiie,  predestlnate.  -(tftmstlft  foreor- 
dalning  etc.,  predetermlnatlon,  predcsll nation. 
-Irftcnt  a  roreordalned  etc.,  pri'deatlQaleCd), 
predetermlnate.  -ItfrlDc  beapeok,  aecure,  (nt) 
pre-engage.  .»rftiBlng  prerlona  order.  -Bttale 
pay  In  adTonce.  •ItttTUaW  paymentln  advanoe, 
--■-      --•-  -    "-       * 1  pre-pald. 

cODcett,  prejudlce.    -fDrlBBBr  vi  prophefy.    -fn- 
taB»(I(r    prophesylng,    propheey, 
'ilrlft    prt -- 

*Jfwtn»ft  it  li  uiti  up. 

ftttaK'c  flg  rr  mlscnunt,  mlareckon. 
Brlall'i    n    tell,    relate,    narrale.    recounb 
_  igrn  rvpeat;   fort  al  „  U>  ahorterj  matlera;  ban 
-t   gobt   he  tells  a   ilory   well;   ftimlmt  -  Snbl 
»rt  declare  the  glnry  of  Gwl;   -tnbt  SUL  nar- 
rallve  rtvle.     -- BtMbtB  the  lodlcatlve  (mood). 
■    leller,    n anator,    relater.      gortotBrt' 
of  oarratlve.     Sartftnino  c 
larratlon,  relation, 
rjorrnai  t  ei  'rn  u  blame  one,  find  fault  with 
one  (fur).     •SoriotBlt  a  pvmled. 
Sjtftetnt  t  ™nain,  oct  drop. 
gortcr'rjr  nt  (Jbrlsggc.  forbrugt)  comume;  (op. 
abc)  devour;    t  (om  Urtal  o.  I.)  waate,  be  tittn 
M»v.    -c<f*  '  ojimimptlon.     -tB|   c  consump- 
,.  6(|Bje  _  jj  sjojjj  pgy  tHMfd  and 


.  previoua,  (bob)  deponed. 

»-grlbt  lt  jortnribr.  -bel*  mu  auipenalon,  «vn 
copatloo.  -iBklagt  (for  d,  imab)  prepoaw«, 
prejudlce  (in  farour  of,  agalrut).  -IbBC  bi  pro- 
rnlue  beforehand.  -nBkc  antidpota.  f-»pta|r 
aiitirlpate.  -f»l  at  provlded  ti.  Buppoaiag  i'that), 
lf,  ir  »o  lie(that).  -f(  foreaee.  -(f(Il|  a  Ihat  dut 
be  forewen.  -fcrK  c  foreHlgbt.  -Fcratc 
elghltd,  prorldenL  -fttBlirtofo — '-'-- 
(t  -W-  -fllt  ">  foretell,  predlet. 
-fl«[ft,    MrS,    ct  predi. 

-irtBBt  a  ioi 
foreslght.  -ft« 
et.  prognoetlci 


(CBrtrn'frtt  a  hsckneyed,  trltc,  well-worn. 

Ronni'  Bing  e  condenaation;  aolldlflt-allon. 
-BlBgiaBlntal  rondeniluij  apparsluB,  ->ln|<- 
>MBt»(  j-neumatti'  condenaer.  -BiflglBaBB  vaite 
waier.  -t(  el  mndensc.  -Ut  o  iCmp.)  coQdenier; 
SRaftlnr  airfc  .  londenilug  englne. 

30[i«j  n  hreiiKl-atrap. 

paonrj  nraoor  -aiag  c  -n  mooring.  —  %n- 
tfrjHiBBi;af|lft  moorage.  -bob-.  -InkrttBtBKr 
moorlngs       -tfflling     mooring    chaln    (o.    ft.).    ■ 

■fnn  foreulght.  -(elitna  e 
ullion.  aasumpUon,  preauppositlOQ,  hypolherii, 
Ihoory;  (fom  tectott)  qualiflcatlon.  -fortBhuful 
a  unblasaed,  uuprepoaaeaaed.    -fortBtBggill  od> 

hypothetically.      -fBfM    inppoee,    — --- 

as™ roe.    (mtb    K«bb.)    poatulate;    mi    -r    utu 
ibtt)  I  take  lt  for  granled. 

-llitnrrtlfc  pre-eili 
bCBbc  a  prene! en l . 
rrernlrtligr  ol 

g-bridle,  collor. 

SnBit)  bottom,  foot-letigth, 
)  fore-aanger,  (tU  rJortBln.) 
r,  CBatbg-Ilne. 

_.;  lomlommn 
k,  decayed;  ban  i 

■  forum,  pi  fbrama  k  tora, 
»otBn'be  M  Kiant,  vouchiafe. 
fJorHn'k(rU|  a  wonderful,  marreiloi 

Bnrprlilng;    mnbrrlla)    aingnlar,     a/U. 

itnngely,    nlngularly;    _    «•!  a*tH| 




-ten  c  marvellouBness,  strangeness.  quaintness; 
singularity,  oddity. 

før'unberftgeffe  c  prellmlnary  inquiry. 
ørnn'|bre  øf  surprise;  bet  -t  mig  at  I  am 
surprised  that;  —  or  f  i  g  (oder)  wonder,  marvel, 
be  Burprised  (at),  -bring  c  wonder,  surprise; 
falbe  i  -  be  struck  witb  surprise.  —  $ornn- 
bringf|fnlb  a  filled  with  wonder.  -tegn  sign 
of  surprise,  -nb »mb  exclamation  of  surprise. 
4-nørrbig  a  remarkable,  Burprislng. 

8ornre'|ne,  -n'fe  of  foul,  pollute,  oontaminate. 
iø-  -nfelfe,  -sining  o  pollution,  contamina- 

Sørnret're  øf  wrong,   Injure,  aggrieve,  pre- 
ce.    -Ife  c  -t  wrong,  injury,  grievance.    -t 
c  Injnrer. 

flførnrø'lige  vt  make  uneasy,  dlsqulet,  alarm; 
_  gH  roben  harass  the  enemy.  -Ife  c  disquiet, 
uneaainess;  harassing.    -«bc  a  alarming. 

fOTbaa'aet  a  exhausted  with  watching. 
orbalt  je  vt  admlnister,  manage.  -er  c  -e 
steward,  manager,  agent;  ^  paymaster  (and 
purser);  bibl  ben  utro  -  the  unjust  steward. 
•ning  e  administration,  management,  steward  - 
ahip.  -ningftøMrøffninger  costs  of  administra- 

&ør*oitb  |le  of  transform,  change,  convert, 
transmute,  metamorphose,  (til  6Iabe)  reduce; 
-9  be  transformed  etc.,  change.  -ling  c  -er 
transformation,  transmutation,  methamorphosis. 
-tinaffceue  transformation-scene. 

+#ørbanbr,  -flab  [t]  fe  »eflaøtet,  Slæøtftab. 

^ørbanjfle  øf  distort,  disfigure,  misrepresent; 
(betroet  Øobft)  embezzle;  ~  en  STeBt  doctor,  garble 
a  text;  teisten  er  -t  the  text  is  corrupt.  -ning 
c  -er  dlstortion,  misrepresentation,  perversion. 

*$ørbtt'r  n  fr  frortrøring. 

$ørba  r|e  vt  (aentme)  lay  by,  keep  safe;  (bebare) 
preeerve;  —  or  f tø  mob  beware  of,  guard  against; 
tøn  ex  tfte  txl  -t  his  head  is  not  quite  sound. 
•ing  c  keeping,  (safe-)cu8tody,  safe  keeping, 
charge;  preservation;  øi&e  en  nt  i  .  commlt 
el.  intrust  to  one'B  keeping  etc.;  babe  i  -  have 
in  charge,  be  in  charge  of;  fatte  i  .  take  into 
custody.  -er  c  -e  custodian,  -ingøfteb  reposl- 
tory,  place  of  custody.    -»-lig  a  cautious. 

t »mariner  c  -e  (Dmp.)  feed-heater. 
ømarlfel  n  presage,  omen,  foreboding;  pre- 
monitory  symptom.    -6te  vt  fe  Sarøte. 

ftørneb  adv  before,  in  front. 

gørvejrn :  i  .  (6teb  og  tib)  before,  (tib)  be- 
fbrehand,  ftibtiøere)  previously. 

$ørtKtø"jle  vt  mlstake  (meb  for),  confound. 
-ling  c  -er  confounding;  mlstake  of  identity. 

$ørl>e*b'e  vt  (fotbre  je)  distort,  wrest,  pervert; 
(betroet  Øobft)  divert,  (tilegne  fig)  embezzle;  - 
Retten  pervert  justice;  .  flt  SRæle  disguise  one's 
voioe.  -Ife  c  -r  distorting  etc.,  dlstortion,  per- 
version. Qforbenbt  a  (f.  (Kø.  6inb)  perverse. 
^erbenbtfpeb  c  perversity,  perverseness. 

ftør*en't|e  vt  expect.  -ning  c  -er  expectatlon; 
jhrjret  -  disappointment;  bet  fuatebe  ilfe  til  min  - 
it  fell  short  of  my  ezpectations;  imob  ~  contrary 
to  my  (his  etc.)  expectation(s);  ober  -  more 
(better  etc.)  than  could  be  exspected;  i  ~  af 
awaiting.  -ttintf  fnlb  a  expectant,  full  of  ex- 
pectatlon; en  -  Xabø&eb  a  hush  of  expectatlon. 

$ør*erbe*  c  -et  former  age(s),  former  world, 
aotediluvian  world. 

9ør*tt'|te  vt  entangle,  complicate.  -ling  c  -er 
compllcauon,  intricacy. 

&ør»ttb'Je  vt  (bringe  paa  Bilbføor)  lead  astray, 
mislead;  (brinae  i  gnlberebe)  bewilder,  perplex; 
—  vp  k  r  -ø  el.  -  fia  lose  one'B  way,  stray,  go 
astray.  -elfe  e  leadlng  astray  etc.;  bewllder- 
ment,   perplexity;   Unøbomø   -r   aberrations  of 

youth.  -et  part  run  astray  etc.;  (bleben  bilb)  run 
wild,  unmanageable;  jeg  er  øanfle  -t  i  $ooebet 
my  head  Ib  quite  bewildered. 
orøU'rret  a  wild,  run  wild. 
ør'bin  c  fore-runnings. 
or*inb'|e  øf  recover,  overcome;  (Sorø)  get 
the  better  of,  live  down;  -  et  %ab  recover  a 
loss;  -  en  Spøbom  recover  from  an  illneas.   -elig 
a  recoverable,  retrievable.    -elfe  c  recovery. 

ftorøinge  c  fore-wing,  anterior  wing,  front 

+$rørøinter  early  winter. 

^orbir|re  vt  confUBe,  (bringe  i  Uorben)  derange, 
(en  SpiHenbe)  o.  1.)  put  out.  -relfe,  -ringe  con- 
fusion,  bewilderment;  derangement;  brinae  .  i 
nt  throw  st  into  confusion.  -ret  a  confused, 

éørbi'fe  vt  banish,  exile;  .  til  (oøf.  fio)  rele- 
gate  to. 

^erbift'e  vt  rub,  fia  obliterate,  effiaoe. 

+$er»i#'ne|lig  a  perishable.    -f-lfe  c  decav. 

firørbi'Aning  e  -er  banlshment,  exile.  -ffteb 
exile,  place  of  banishment. 

forbiø '  |  ning  c  -er  assurance,  ascertainment. 
-fe  vt  assure;  .  ftg  om  assure  one's  self  of, 
ascertain,  make  sure  of;  boere  -t  (om)  be  sure 
tof);  $e  Ian  bcece  -t  om  at  you  may  rest  assured 

gforbifl^  før  nift  adv  for  certain,  for  a  cer- 

gforbi'Jrre  vi  weather,  decay,  be  desinte* 
grated  (by  the  operation  of  the  atmosphere). 
-tring  c  disintegration. 

~  orøoan  e  the  fore  part  of  the  vehicle. 
orbolø  n  bee-glue,  propolis. 
ørøbtØ'je  vi  fe  &otgto :  et  -et  ttaro  a  deformed 
chfld.    -enveb,  -ning  c  deformity. 

$rør*ø(b'e  of  occasion,  cause,  be  the  occasion 
of;  -  en  Ulejliøføb  give  one  trouble. 

Qførbor'ben  a  depraved,  reprobate.  -fjeb  c 

Qførbø'nen  [aa]  a  adventurous,  venturesome, 
daring,  rash,  audacious.  -fjeb  e  rashness,  temer- 
ity,  daring,  audacity. 

9ørbri'b|e  vt  (oøf.  fio)  twist,  (af  fieb)  dislooate; 
fio  warp,  pervert.  -ning  o  twlsting  etc.;  disloca- 
tion, lnxation. 

gforøromg'le  of  distort,  twist,  -er  c  -e  dis- 
torter,    -ning  e  dlstortion. 

&ornr*b('e  of  throw  into  a  hopeless  jumble, 
make  an  absurd  mess  of;  —  vr  fig  blunder, 
make  a  mess  of  it. 

*$ør&«0'e  of  parboil. 

$ør»om'|ne  of  spoll  (by  lndulgence),  coddle. 
-»elfe  c  spoiling.  -t  (fortstet,  om  tovnC)  spoiled; 
(Øbpetit,  omoa)  pampered,  dainty;  (om  ^elbteben) 
effeminate.  Jorbomtfjeb  c  pampered  taste;  et- 

ørbtrrelfe  n  anteroom. 
orbffrt  n  outwork. 
o  rbfltrf  fe  ^oerbærf. 

_ørøor'|re  vt  make  worse,  deterlorate,  (en 
Sag)  aggravate,  med  exacerbate.  -re§  tp  grow 
worse,  deterlorate,  worsen.  -relfe,  -ring  c  (bet, 
at  forbærre)  making worse  etc.;  (Zifftanb)  deteriora- 
tlon,  worsening;  exacerbation. 

^rorbng'e  of  make  young,  rejuvenate,  renew. 
-6  vp  grow  young  again.  -Ife  o  renewal  of 
youth,  rejuvenescence. 

*  ørsint'le  of  zink.  -ning  c  zinking. 
ortt'lbe  fig  vr  overeat  el.  gorge  one's  self. 
øra'b|le  of  refine,  improve,  ennoble,  elevate, 
(om  Race  o.  1.)  improve.  -Ung  c  reflnement,  im- 

^røraebt'  a  over-fed,  over-gorged,  pampered, 
(ttjt)  obese.    -fjeb  c  over-feedlng. 




fiførælb'|ed  vd  become  antiquated,  obsolete, 
-clfe  c  obsolescence,  obsoleteness;  jur  extinction. 
-et  a  antiquated,  obsolete,  out  of  date;  cont 
(fa&feret;  exploded;  jur  lost  by  prescription, 
extinguished.    $orælbetbeb  c  obsoleteness. 

3roræCbre  pi  parents.  -Ud  a  orphan;  et  -t 
©arn  an  orphan. 

ftoræ're  vt  en  nt  make  one  a  present  of, 
present  one  with  st. 

ftorærg'ret  a  worried,  fretful. 

ftforæring  c  -er  present,  gift;  faa  ril  ~  get 
as  a  present;  gøre  en  en  -  meb  make  one  a  pre- 
sent of. 

ftrorfble  vt  (t  Wm.)  waste,  (lun  om  $enge  o.  I.) 
dissipate,  squander,  consume.  -clfe  c  wasting, 
dissipation,  consumption.  -er  c  -e  waster,  squan- 
derer,  spendthrift.    -King  c  fe  -elfe. 

ftrorø'ge  vt  inerease,  augment,  add  to;  -*  in- 
crease;  -t  ^ntereSfe  ariditional  interest;  -t  Ubgabe 
enlarged  edition.  -Ife  c  -r  inerease,  augmenta- 

jjoranff' et  «  wished-for,  desired. 

t^ors'be  vt  commit,  perpetrate.  -(fe  c  com- 
mission,  perpetra  tion. 

tyor's&rlfe  c  preliminary  exercise. 

ftorsb'rigt  fe  C  o  rig. 

Trøé  c  -er  losing  card. 
foé'  c  -fer  waterfall,  eataract. 
rofe  vt  fe  ftobfe. 
rOØfa't  n  -er  phos'phate. 

joftfor  c  phosphorus;  forbinbe  meb  -  phos- 
phorate.  -agtig  a  phosphor'ic.  t-orint  hydric 
phosphide.  -bronze  phosphor-bronze.  -eSee  re 
vi  phosphoresoe'.  -førbinbetfe  phosphide.  -for« 
giftning  phosphorus-poisoning.  -ilte,  -orjb 
oxide  of  p.  -fur  a  phosphorated;  .  Stalf.  Natron 
ofb.   phosphate  of  lime,   p.   of  soda  el.  calcic 

Jmosphate,  sodic  ph.  (etc.  i;  -t  (Salt  phosphate; 
urt  -t  Salt  superphosphate.  -ftore  phosphoric 
acid.  -fbreanbbbrib  phosphoric  anhydride.  -ftor« 
ling  phosphorous  aeid.  -banbftøf  fe  -brint.  -Bits- 
flirt  Salt  phosphovinnte.  -binføre  phosphovinic 

*$od|toge  vi  bo  il  violently.  -fe  vi  stream  in 
torrents,  foam,  boil.  —  §fo9fe|bur  roar  el.  hum 
of  a  eataract.  -falb  n  waterfall.  -grint  c  nick, 
water-sprite.    Mali  c  fe  Sanbftær. 

tJrOØiii  a  fos'sil.  —  n  -ier  fossil. 

$oft|brøber  *o]  fe  Jofter«;  sworn  brother.  -bro« 
berlag,  -broberffab,  -brøbrelag  n  sworn  brother- 

grøfter  [*6]  n  -ftre  fetus;  (umobent)  embryo;  ./?ø 
produ etion;  et  -  af  f>an&  ^[nbbilbningdfraft  a  phan- 
tom  of  his  imaginatiou;  *paa  ~,\t:  i  $Ieje.  -barn  i 
foster-child.  -brober  foster- brother.  -batter  foster 
•daughter.  -faber  foster-father.  -forbrittrffe  feti- 
cide,  crimiual  at>ortion,  aborticide.  -forbrittenbc 
a  at>ortive.  -forælbre  foster-parents.  -fsbenbe 
a  viviparous.  -g emme  fe  -leje.  -bjnbc  anot. 
(Varetønben)  chorion;  (£ammelnnben)  amuion. 
•iorb  natlve  soil,  n  land.  -lanb  nativc  land, 
ii.  country,  -lanbff  a  nativc.  -lefe  uterus, 
womb.  -li©  life  of  the  fetus.  -lære  embryo- 
logy.  -Isn  pay  for  an  infant  put  (out)  to  nurse. 
-mober  foster-mother.  -raorb  fe  -forbribelfe  -bcnge 
fe  -løn.  -ftillittø  presentation.  -fbsb  fe  -binbe. 
-føn  foster-son.  -føfter  foster-sister.  -tilftanb 
embryo.'nic)  stute.  -banb  amniotic  fluid,  liquor 
of  the  amnios.    froftre  fe  Dpfoftre;  breed. 

^fotograf  c  -er  photog' rapher,  photog'raphist. 
•e're  rt  phot'ograph.  -i'  c  ub.  pt  photog'raphy; 
n  -et  phot'ograph,  F  photo,  (i  ©tfttfortf.)  carte; 
(i  profil  meb  ftærft  inbfalbenbe  iBelbSnlng)  a  Rem- 
brandt. -i'<9(buns  photograph-book.  -iff  a 

9øtojgra»*'«c  g  photo-engraving.    -litografi' 

photolitog'raphy.    -ffa're  phot'osphere.    -tb,bi' 
c  phot'otype. 

fourage  c  for'age.  -'re  vi  forage.  -'ring  c 
foraging.    -'riugd-  foraging. 

ftonre'r  c  -er  (C>ofO  harbinger;  (Unberoff .)  quar- 

onrne  re  vt  furnish. 

otoe'r  e  ( S  hi ef  billerne«)  greenroom;  (SJubliruml) 
refreshment-rooin,  foyer,  lobby,  saloon. 

ftra  pr<*p  from;  -  oben  from  above,  from  on 
high;  -  neben  from  beneath;  bon  er  ~  ftøbenfcbn 
he  is  from  Copenhagen,  a  natlve  of  C;  ~  Xib 
til  anben  trom  time  to  time;  -  i  $ag  af  from  this 
day;  .  ben  Xib.  af  since  (that);  -  nu  af  hence- 
forth;  b»ift  12  «len  fra  JBinbuet  within  8  yards 
of  the  window;  .  min  Ungbom  af  from  my  youth 
up;  bære  .  ftg  felb  be  beside  one's  self,  -  fnn* 
anben  asunder,  in  two;  ftille*  -  b^nanben  sepa- 
rate, part;  —  adv.  _  og  ril  to  and  fro;  bet  gør 
^oerfen  -  eller  til  that  is  neither  here  nor  there; 
træffe  fra  deduct  (i  from  el.  of);  —  co»v:  -  jeg 
bar  1  Var  gammel  since  I  was  four  years  old, 
~  jeg  bar  føarn  from  a  child. 

frraabe  c  (t  Jraab  n)  froth,  foam;  -n  ftob  b^iin 
om  SRunben  he  foamed  at  the  mouth;  —  wi 
froth,  foam. 

graabfte«  c  calcareous  tuflf. 

$raafe  ci  gormandize,  gorge  one's  self;  fig 
-  \  revel  in.  -re  -e  gormandizer,  glutton,  hage 
feeder.    -ri'  n  gormandizing,  gluttony  etc. 

Ofrabebe  fig  vr  (forbbbe)  deprecate,  prohtbit; 
(afflaa)  decline;  maa  jeg  -  mig  bet  en  anben  Qkmg 
take  care  not  to  do  that  again;  man  ieg  .  mig 
bine  Uforffammetb.eber  a  truce  with  your  inso- 

Ørabo'rbe,  fra  Sorbe,  fe  93orb. 

+^ra  brbbe  vt  break  off. 

jjra  bræffet  part  broken  off. 

ftra'brag  n,  pi  =,  deduction,  abatement;  efter 
_  af  Cmfoftninger  deducting  ex  penses.  grrabrtgie 
vt  deduct,  aha  to.    -elfe  c  deducting,  deduction. 

Qfrabømme  vt  condemn  one  to  lose  el.  forfelt; 
fig  fe  ftrafenbe.    -If€  c  condemning  etc. 

ftrajfalb  n,  pi  -=,  falliug  oflf,  defection.  (fra 
Religion)  apostasy;  +=  Vffalb.  -falbe  vt  (obgioe) 
give  up,  abandon;  (træffe  fig  tilbage  fra)  withdraw 
el.  secede  from.  -falken  «  &  c  apostate,  rene- 
gade,    -falbelfe  c  abandoning,  giving  up. 

^ra  fltjtte  vt  leave,  remove  from.  -ning  e 
removal . 

ftragaa  vi  (frabrage«)  bo  deducted;  —  vt  (tffe 
bebgaa)  disavow,  recede  from;  (benægte)  deny. 
•elfe  c  disavowal;  (af  foregaaenbe  Xilftaaelfe;  de- 
nial  (of  a  previous  confession).  *-enbe  a  (fra* 
træbenbe)  retiring.  ^ragang  c  fårabrag)  deduc- 
tion; (^ratræben)  retlrement. 

+Qfra  glibe  vi  glide  away  from. 

fragment'  n  -er  fragment,  scrap.  -ø/riff  o 
frag'meiitary,  scrappy. 

+8fragraoe  vt  dig  off. 

Sfragt  c  -er  freight,  (tillanb*)  carriage;  (fiobning) 
cargo,  freight;  (for  ^afifager)  fare,  passage  money; 
til  bøi  -  at  a  high  rate  of  fright.  -affnrtnec 
insurance  of  freight.  -(ebaab  lighter,  buge. 
-beløb  amount  of  freight.  -beretning  freifdit 
•report,  -bctlngelfer  terms  of  freight.  -Sif 
cargo-book.  -breb  (tiHanb*)  bill  of  carriage,  amt 
way  bill;  A.  bill  of  lading.  fragte  vt  frelfht, 
charter.  *§ragtetnanb  barge-man,  master  of  s 
barge.  $ragt]*farer  J,  carrier.  -fart  carrying 
tråde,  -farts!  tradlngvessel.  -forbring  dals 
for  f.  -f  orljolbene  the  state  of  the  freight-market 
-forfjøfclfe  inerease  of  f.;  rise  of  frdøjnto. 
-forretninger  freighting  business.  -forfttrtM  fl 
•aifurance.  -fri  a  freight-free;  (tiCanbi)  oaodig« 
-free.   -gobi  goods  (on  freight);  6tnHe  - ; 




^fratage  vt  en  nt  take  st  away  from  one, 
deprive  one  of  st.    -Ifc  c  deprivation. 
ftraterntfe're  et  frat'ernfee. 
ffra'trabe  vt  retlre  from,  withdraw  from,  leave, 
relinquish,  reslgn.    -(fe  c  retirement,  withdraw- 
ment,  resignment. 

rra'trat|te  vt  deduct.    -ning  e  dedactlon. 
rra'tratnge  vt  force  away. 
fratotnge  vt  en  nt  extort  el.  force  st  from 

tvataUt  vt  count  off. 
rannftof  erft  a ;  be  -e  Sinier  the  Fraunhofer 

8fraoenbe  vt  (bortoenbe)  avert,  torn  away;  ~  en 
nt  defraud  one  of  st. 

&raotge  ti  depart,  devlate  from;  (Zienefte)  ran 
away  from.  abandon.  -Ife  c  departure,  devia- 
tion; abandonment. 

ftraoinbe  vt  en  nt  win,  gain  st  from  one. 

$ra  »rifte  vt  en  nt  wrest,  wring  st  from  one. 
-Ife  c  wresting  etc. 

ftraoonne  vt  dlsuse,  disaccustom;  (&arn)  wean, 
ablactate.    -Ife  c  disusajre;  weaning,  ablactation. 

$ranatr|elfe  c  (*  ogf.  $raoar  n)  absence;  (Ubt* 
Mioelfe)  non-attendance;  glimre  oeb  fin  ~  be  con- 
spicuous  by  one' s  absence,  be  conspicaously 
absent.  -eiibe  a  absent;  be  .  the  absent,  those 
abeent;  en  .  (fom  ifle  burbe  oare  bet)  an  absentee; 
be  ~  §avt  alttb  Utet  the  absent  are  alwayB  at 

$reb  e  peace;  en  -en*  9tanb  a  man  of  peace; 
ber  et  -  imellem  bem  they  are  at  peace;  %att  - 
meb  be  at  peace  wlth;  »eb  -en  i.  i  -en  til  St.  by  the 

feaoe  of  K.;  oare  i  .  be  at  peace;  labe  en  oare 
•  leave  one  in  peace;  Iplbe  -  keep  the  peace; 
bolbe  «.  otter  keep  in  preservation;  ftifte,  flutre  - 
make  peace,  conclude  a  peace,  (meft  fig)  make 
one'B  peace  wlth:  tyfe  .  ooer.  fe  Steblofe;  man 
bar  ifle  ~  (anger  enb  fRabøen  bil  nobody  can  live 
in  peace  longer  than  his  nelghbour  pleases; 
troebe  ber  oar  .  og  ingen  {Jare  thought  all  safe.  ' 

ffrebag  c  -e  Frfday;  i  -•  last  Frlday;  paa  ~  on 
F.,  nezt  F.;  om  -en  on  Fridays. 

$reb|e  vt  ({tarme  oeb  3nbbegning)  fence,  en- 
close  with  a  fence;  .  el.  rt  _  om  (bevare)  fence, 
preserve,  protect.  -egob  a  peaceable.  -elig  a 
peaceful,  padde,  peaceable.  -eligbeb  c  peace- 
fulness,  peaceableness.  •  -elffenbe  a  peaceable. 

ftth(t)tit  Frederic,  F  Fred.  -'te  Frederica. 
reb|qenia  a  sacred,  inviolate.  -flotte  matin 
el.  vesper  bell.  -lær  a  peaceable.  -bil  pnrchase 
of  peace.  -lanb  free  asylum.  -Infe  vt  pro- 
daim  inviolate,  preserve.  -lagge  vt  paclfy.  -t*£ 
a  outlawed,  proscribed;  en  -  Gerning  an  aet 
punishable  by  outlawry;  gøre  -  outlaw,  pro- 
acrlbe;  en  .  an  outlaw.  -Ui  c  loosestrife, 
Lytimachi*.  •U#f)tb  c  outlawry,  proscription. 
-mtlb  a  peaceful.  -ning  e  fendng  etc.,  protec- 
tion.    -ningtrib  fence-season,  close  season. 

$reb!|aar  [é]  yearof  peace.  -artif el  article  of 
peace.  -bebrifi  work  of  peace.  -letingelfe  con- 
dition  of  peace.  -Irnb  breach  of  p.  -brttber 
peace-breaker.  -bnb  messenger  of  peace.  -bnb- 
ftal  news  of  peace.  -bommer  justlce  of  the  p. 
-bragt  dress  of  p.  -efterretning  fe  -bubf!ab.  -feft 
celebration  of  p.  -flag  flag  of  trace,  -fob  peace 
establishment,  peace  footing;  fatte,  oare  paa  ~ 
pat,  be  on  the  peace  establishment,  -forbnnb 
treaty  of  peace.  -forfcotb  paciflc  relation,  -før« 
flag  overtures,  proposals  of  p.  -førftyrrer  dis- 
turber  of  the  peace,  (i  ©efftab)  trouble-feast, 
mar-joy.  -fragt  peace  freight.  -flprfte  prince 
of  p.    -tongref  congress  of  p. 

Sre'bftøtt  o  enclosed  wood. 
re»6|t>*  jé]  kiss  of  peace.  -magler  mediator, 
of  p.    -uurgling  medlation  of  p. 

$reb|føm'me(ig  +$re'bfoni  o  peaceable;  falige 
rre  be  t  blessed  are  the  peace-makers.  -fønrnte- 
ligbeb  e  peaceableness. 

&rebf|pagt  [é]  fe-forbunb.  -paragraf  paragraph 
of  the  peace.     -parti  peace-party.     -pine  pipe 
of  peace,  calumet.     -politi!  policy   of  peace 
-pralinrinarier  pi  preliminaries  of  peace.   -flat. 
ning  conclusion  of  p.    -frtfter  peace-maker. 

fjfre'bfteb  n  sanctuary. 

føreb!  |  tanter  [é]  peaceable  thoughts.  -regn 
token  of  p.  -tiber  times  of  p.  -rilbnb  offer  el. 
proffers  of  peace.  -ttlftonb  state  of  p.  -rrattot 
treaty  of  peace.  -nbflgter  prospects  of  peace. 
-unberbanbler  negotiator  of  p.  -uubertymvttng  c 
negotiation  for  peace.  -»runerne  the  Peace 
Society.  -»iltaar  terms  of  peace.  -oært  work 
of  p  ;  conclusion  of  p. 

trebfal  a  peaceful. 
regat'  e  -ter  frig'ate;  -ten  fSrnen  the  Eagle 
frigate.  -fngl  frigatebird,  man-of-war-blrd, 
Tachupetet  aquila.  -tafttafn  captain  of  frigate, 
post  captain.  -rejdning:  Sampftib  meb  .  full 
•ship  rigged  steamer.    -ffib  full-rigged  ahip. 

aftegne  o  -t  freckle.  -blonb  a  fair  and  freckled. 
-t  a  freckled. 

ftrelbnrg  n  Friburg. 

grrejbig  a  (uforfarbct)  intrepid,  dauntless,  un- 
daunted;  (tillibtfulb)  confldent,  cheerfnl.  -^eb  c 
intrepridlty,  dauntlessnesB,  confidence. 

gfretoenld'  c  attendance.  -'tatio  a  k  n  -er 
frequentative.  -te're  vt  attend,  frequent,  resort  to. 

forelå  a  free- bom. 

9telfe  c  (fRebning)  rescue,  preservation;  libera- 
tion;  (Saliggorelfe)  sal  vation;  (SiRerbeb)  aafety; 
jur  freedom;  -ns  flrmé  el.  $ar  the  Sal  vation 
Army.  $re(fe,  -te7  -t  vt  (fra  noget  onbt)  save, 
preserve;  (befri)  free,  rescue;  en  -ft  Samoirtigbeb 
a  safe  conscience;  btn  Zro  batter  -ft  big  thy  fkith 
hath  made  thee  whole.  -nbe  a  saving;  .  (Engel 
saving  angel.  ftrelfer  c  -e  saver,  preserver, 
rescuer;  Vor  .  Dur  Saviour.  —  gfrelf erfare« 
the  Sal  vation  Army.    -manb  fe  Srelfer. 

Qfrent'  adv  forth,  forward,  on;  langer  -  further 
on;  _  meb  jer!  get  out!  -  og  tilbage  backwards 
and  forwards,  to  and  fro,  up  and  down;  fnaffe 
-  og  tilbage  shuffle;  ber  er  langt  -  we  have  a 
long  way  before  us;  tampe  ftg  .  fight  one's 
way;  *6interen  -  igennem  in  the  course  of  the 
wlnter;  fig  _!  say  on! 

trent'aanbe  vt  breathe  forth. 
rem  ab  adv  forward,  onward.    -ftribenbe  a 
adyandng,  forward. 
rem'atgel  c  fore  axle. 
remarbefbe  vt  work  out. 
rem  aro  c  succession  of  descendants. 
remaroiug  c  heir  in  the  descending  line. 
rem'ao|le  vt  beget,  engender,    -ting  c  pro- 

remben  *  fore  leg. 
remblif  n  prospective  glanæ. 
remblem|ftre  v%  put  forth  blossoms,  fig  rise, 
spring  up.    -firing  c  fig  rise,  growth. 
^ftrentblnftfe  vi  blaze  forth. 
+$rentbøife  vi  bubble  out. 
frembringe  vt  produce,  yield,  generate;  (bringe 
frem)  forward;  (fremfatte  f.  (Hft.  et  tffrinbe)  set 
forth.     -Ife   e  -r  producing,   productlon;    conc 
produce,  product.   -ifefenne  e  productlve  power, 
•r  c  -e  producer. 
+9rembrifte  vi  buret  forth. 
^rembntb  n  outbreak;  Sagen«  .  peep  of  day, 
day-break;  oeb  SRorfett  -  at  nlghtfall;  Sinteren 
oar  i  -  the  winter  was  setting  in. 
Jlrenilmninie  vt  growl  forth. 
ftrrmbrnfe  vi  swell  forth. 
&rentbrt)be  vi  fe  ©tube  frem.  -n  c  fe  5tembrub. 




$rembbbe  vt  present,  offer,  -ife  c  p res e ma- 

%ttmhctx\t  vt  (bære  frem)  bear  el.  carrv  for- 
ward; (tttbgbc,  ubtaie)  present,  offer,  -tvg  o 
p  resenting. 

t rembøje  et  bend  forward. 
rembeie*  adv  (enbnu)  still;  (enbbibere)  more- 
over, furthermore;  further,  agaln;  fertil  lommer 
_  add  to  this;  og  foa  -  and  so  fortn,  and  so 
on;  tjun  bitte  fifl  -  ilte  still  she  never  appeared; 
—  +  o  continuing. 

$rembr«ge  vr  (brage  frem)  draw  forth;  (bringe 
før  $aaen)  eliclt,  bring  to  light;  —  +  vi  advance. 
-Ife  c  arawing  etc. 

$rembrib|e  vt  propel;  fig  drive  el.  urge  on, 
ixnpel,  (planter)   force.     -«I«|  propelling  etc.,' 
propulsion.     -ningdfraft  power  of  propulsion; 
art   projectile   force.     •ntngtmibbel   means  of 

+ttrrmbut!e  vi  fe  £uRe  frem. 

♦Jrrembør  c  street  door. 

&remelffe  vi  (opeifte)  rear,  grow;  (fremme) 
cherifih,  promote. 

tremfalb  n  prolapsus. 
reatfarje  +  vi  pass  (on).    -en  a  by-gone,  past. 
-ettbe  a  rushing  forward;  bibi  et  -  bælbigt  ttejr 
a  rushing  mighty  wind.    -t-evtyeb  c  impetnosity. 
-t  c  progress. 

*&remfUbe  vt  float  down. 

gremfob  c  fore  foot. 

fremfor  prxxp  before,  above,  beyond,  in  pre- 
ference  to,  preferably  to,  rather  than;  *(om 
6tcb)  before;  -  alt  above  all. 

-t^remførbre  vt  call  forward,  summon  forth. 

+$remfor»agt|e  vt  underlet,  sublet.  -«ittg  c 
underlease,  sublease. 

Ørmfttfe  +  vi  rush  forth.  -nbe  a  headlong, 
predpitate,  lmpetaoos.  &remf«fe»f)eb  c  pre- 
cipltancy,  impetuoslty. 

$rtmf<rr»  o  conduct,  prooeeding;  *energy, 

*gfrcatf«fet  part  wintered. 

fremføre  vt  (frembringe)  produce;  (titre)  utter; 
(Ørunbe  o.  1.)  addnce,  advance;  -  fit  Wrxinbe 
state  one's  errand.  -Ife  c  producing  etc.,  pro- 

grragaa  vi  (ruebe  frem)  advance,  step  forth; 
bet  -t  af  b»ab  b.on  figer  it  is  evident,  it  appears, 
from  what  he  says,  his  words  prove,  show. 

+$remgabe  vt  yawn  (forth). 

$rem|ga«g  c  progress,  proflciency,  ad  vance- 
ment; meb  -  successfully;  ubeh  ~  unsuccesfully; 
babe  gob  .  i  et  ftøretagenbe  succeed  well  in  an 
andertaking;  gøre  ~  make  progress  el.  way. 
•gangimaabe  mode  el.  manner  of  proceeding, 
plan,  method,  line  of  action,  modus  operandi. 

ftrragtibe  vi  glide  on  el.  forward. 
*  -rentgtimte  vi  shine  el.  twinkle  forth. 
*— — tgra*c  vt  dig  out. 
irto  vi  dawn. 

lafte  vi  hasten  el  hurry  on. 
rtrafcevte  vt  fetch. 

_  remterftevbe  a  predominant,  prevalent,  domi- 
nant, prominent,  paramount. 

ftrralbjott*  c  help,  assistance,  -bjalfce  ol 
help  on  el.  forward,  forward. 

3rrewf)ølbe  vt  (tratte  frem)  hold  forth  el.  out; 
*  (blioe  øeb  meb)  hold  on,  continue. 

tremb;bif!c  vt  whisper. 
rtmWU  vt  sham,  feign,  make  a  hypocrit- 
lcal  show  of. 

Srfcmtyeftc  vt  set  off,  show,  throw  el.  bring 
into  (Btrong)  relief,  give  prominenoe  to;  (lægge 
Sagt  paa)  lay  stress,  emphatis  upon,  emphasize. 
-Ife  c  setting  etc. 

*$remige»'nem  præp  all  through;  in  the 
course  of. 

ftretnile  fe  gremljafie. 

$remfalbe  vt  (falbe  frem)  call  forth;  (for  Retten) 
summon;  (paa  Xeatret)  call  out  el.  for,  recall, 
call  before  the  curtain,  summon  to  the  foot- 
lights;  (foranlebige,  frembringe)  occasion,  produce, 
elicit,  call  forth;  pkot  develop.  -Ife  c  calllng 
forth;  summons;  recall,  call,  pkot  development. 
-elfeørum  phot  developing  room.  -cv  c  pkot 

rrmfafte  vt  throw  out. 
remtoglc  vt  conjure  forth;  c.  up. 
rerarøm|nte  vi  (treebe  frem)  come  forward, 
step  forth;  (opftaa)  arise;  ~  meb  bring  forward, 
produce.  -'melig  a  passable,  practicable,  avail- 
able;  +  =  SRebgørlig;  $er  er  itte  -t  there  is  no 
passing  this  way.  -'Meltgfteb  c  practicability. 
-fl  c  forthcoming,  appearance,  arrival. 

gfremfrbbenbe  part  creeping  out,  crawllng 

$remtnuftl|e  vt  affect,  feign.  -Ung  o  affecta- 

+8fremfø«(be  vi  fe  Srremboelbe. 

ftremtaan  n  loan  at  seoond  nand. 

fremlager  n:  meb  -  to  be  warehoused  for 
some  time. 

$remiebe  vt  (lebe  frem)  lead  forward,  guide; 
(fremføge)  search  out. 

fremleje  vt  underlet,  sublet.  —  o  under-letting, 

{ jrremltggeube  a  $  procumbent. 
rremlotre  vt  lure  out,  1.  forth,  elicit. 

tremtbb  c  $orlt)b. 

$remiipie  vt  pass  with  the  swiftness  of  light* 

$remltif|e  vi  (fremfHnne)  shine  forth;  (fremgaa) 
appear  (clearly);  vt  (i  Hbit)  advertise.  -Bing 
advertisement  of  artlcles  found. 

ftremlotg  +  n  papers  produced  in  court.  -ge 
vt  produce;  lay  on  the  table.  -gelfe  c  produc- 

remtøS  n  fore  part  of  a  load. 
remløb  n  run,  flow. 

remman|e  vt  conjure  forth,  c.  up.    -tag  c 
co nj åring  etc. 

fremme  adv  in,  out,  there,  on  the  spot;  labe 
nt  ligge  -  leave  st  about;  ban  bar  -  i  f*»rfte-  «ft 
he  was  on  (the  stage)  in  the  firet  aet;  langt  ~ 
far  forward,  fig  (fremffreben)  in  a  forward  state. 
gfremme  vt  forward,  further,  promote,  advance; 
(tjorflag,  Sag)  take  in  hånd.  ^<n«e  c  k  n 
furtherance,  promotion,  encouragement,  ad- 
vancement;  ntybe  «  be  taken  in  hånd. 

ftremmeb  a  (nabnl.  ubefenbt)  Strange;  (naonl. 
ubenlanbft)  foreign,  allen;  (iffe  b^ørenbe  til  Sagen) 
extraneous,  .  (rjenbom  other  people'B  proper  ty; 
et  -  ttnfigt  an  unfamiliar  face;  unber  et  .  Soon 
under  an  assumed  name;  tolb  og  -  cold  and 
distant;  en  g-  a  stranger,  (Ublcenbing)  foreigner, 
(Ublcenbing,  fom  iKe  bar  borgerret)  allen,  (©e- 
føgenbe)  vlsitor(-ter);  oilb  5-  e  entire  strangers; 
bebe  t  in  vi  te  company;  ban  %ax  mange  e  ^o«  fig 
i  liften  he  has  a  numerous  party  this  evenlng; 
jeg  er  -  ljer  I  am  a  stranger  here;  jeg  er  -  for 
I  am  a  stranger  to;  bet  forefommer  mig  .  it  seems 
Strange,  is  unfamiliar,  to  me;  bet  er  mig  (min 
Statur)  -  it  is  foreign  el.  allen  to  my  nature; 
falbe  i  -e  tyenber  fall  into  other  hånds;  bu  f!ol 
iffe  babe  e  Øuber  for  mig  thou  shalt  have  no 
other  gods  before  me.  §rreæmeb|a«g  foreign 
yoke.  -agrig  a  Strange,  outlandish.  -artet  a 
hetereogeneous.  -bøa  visitor's  book.  -t-gøre 
tt  estrange  (for  fromK  alienate.  •Ijerrefctntme 
foreign  dominion;  -labett  fe  -agtig.  -legion 
foreign  legion,     -lotten  the  Allen  Bill.     -orb 




foreign  word.     -ørbbørg  dlctionary  of  foreign 
words.    -øfflbe  foreign  dominion. 

$rentme!tig  a  advanced,  forward,  -re  comp  (af 
Stem)  a  fore,  anterior;  adv  more  forward,  -ft 
»uperl,  a  k  adv  foremost;  førfl  09  -  primarily, 
before  all,  in  the  flrst  instance. 

ftrentmbtbre  vi  iasue  forth  in  swarms. 

$rentmøbe  vi  come,  appear,  make  one's 
appearance.  —  *  n  appearance,  attendance. 

•ftrerø'oøe?  adv  forward. 

*&rentpaa  prop  &  adv  in  front,  on  the  fore 
part  (of). 

ftrentpani  n  pawn  at  second  hånd,  pawning 
of  Dorrowed  artlclea. 

$rempiøle  vi  ooze,  dribble  r(.  trickle  out, 
•tt  c  oozing  etc. 

rrempiue  vt  extort,  wrlng  ont. 
rrentplaøre  vt  babble  out. 
frentpreøfe  vt  express. 

Jranrag|e  vt  rake  forward,  -en  o  beeUing, 
projection;  Jfø  prominenoe.  -tabe  a  projecting, 
jutting  out,  beetling;  fio  prominent,  eminent, 
Ieading;  foremost,  outstandlng.    -tting  fe  -en. 

♦gremre  fe  ftremmere. 

tføemrebe  fe  ftorrebe. 

ftfremrejfe  c  onward  journey;  Journey  from 
home,  &  outward  passage,  pasaage  out. 

jjremrobe  vt  dig  out. 

$rentro!|fe  vt  k  i  advance,  move  forward. 
-tet  a  advanced.  -fen,  -ning  c  advance,  onward 

tremnette  vt  stretch  out,  hold  forth. 
remfatg  n  resale,  sale  at  second  nand. 
+$rentfagt  a  outspoken.     -$eb  c  outspoken- 

tremfeenbe  a  foreseeing,  forecastlng. 
rentfenbe  vt  forward,  transmit.    -Ife  c  for- 
warding,  transmission. 

*8frentfibe  c  foreside,  front(side). 

grentfige  vt  recite,  deliver.  -Ife  o  recital, 
recitation,  delivery.    -r  c  -e  reciter. 

ftremftaffe  vt  procure;  forward. 

ftremfrinne  vi  shine  forth. 

*&remftøt  c  bow  (of  a  boat). 

gfremlfrreben  a  advanced,  forward,  -frribe 
vi  advance,  proceed.  -ffriben  c  progression. 
•ffribenbe  a  advancing.  -ffribt  n  (ftremgang) 
progress,  way,  advance,  profidency;  (Sfribt  frem, 
oøf.  fig)  step  in  advance  el.  forward;  gøre  . 
make  progress  cl.  way,  go  on;  Cplqemngen*  - 
the  march  of  intellect.  —  ftfremfrribtd|bipløm 
diploma  for  progress.  -føtnbe  emancipated 
woman,  advanced  woman.  -!(ft  go-ahead  spirit. 
•Ibften  a  go-ahead,  -manb  go-ahead  man,  pro- 
gressionist,  progressist.  •mebalfe  medal  for  pro- 
gress.   -parti  progressive  party. 

ftrentffnenbe  a  far-seeing,  -sighted. 

$rentf!ttbe  vt  push  on,  p.  forward,  propel; 
-1-  (ubfeette)  put  off,  defer;  —  vi  (fpite  frem)  shoot 
forth;  -ffubt  $oft  advanced  post. 

+$rrotffblle  vt  wash  forward. 

ftremfftwbe  vt  hasten,  accelerate,  expedite, 
qulcken;  help  on,  hurry  on,  precipltate.  -Ife  c 

-$remfrælbe  vt  call  forth  by  scolding. 

ftremftebe  vt  drag  forth. 

»ftremflffsge  e  -r  young,  growing  girl,  bread 
-and-butter  miss.  -fitrngéaarene  pi  the  hobble- 
dehoy  age. 

-tgfrerafmile  vi  look  forth  smiling. 

$remfntge  fta  vr  creep  forth,  sneak  forth, 
steal  forth  el.  along. 

&remfpir|e  vi  shoot  up,  sprout,  spring  forth, 
germinate.  -en,  -tag  c  ahooting  etc.;  germlna- 

+8fremføøre  vt  egg  on,  spur  on. 

gfremlfpring  n  projection.  -fpringe  vi  (fpringe 
frem)  spring  el.  leap  forth.  -fpringenbe  a  (frem- 
ragenbe)  projecting,  salient. 

remfprnbe  vi  burst  forth,  spout  f. 
remfprnbte  vi  gush  forth,  well  f. 
rem*  fe  ftremmefx. 

remfiaa  vi  advance,  Btep  forward,  step  forth, 
present  one'B  self,  arise.  -enbe  a  projectinx, 
jutting  (out),  prominent,  outstanding;  -  linker 
tæbe  underhung  jaw.   +-ent)eb  o  er  protuberanee. 

ftrentftamme  vt  stammer  forth,  out. 

tfremfrige  vi  step  forward,  advance;  ljan  (om 
-nbe  meb  lange  Sfribt  he  came  stalking  et.  strid 
ing  along. 

føcKfrtffe  vt  thrust  forward;  t  vi  fe  ©ritte  frem. 
-abe  a  projecting. 

$remfttljle  vt  bring  forward,  produce,  present; 
fig  represent,  (ffioDe)  personate,  embody;  chem 
exhibit;  —  ør  fia  appear,  present  one's  self; 
represent  one's  self;  fe  Stille  fig;  en  Øetragfmnji 
-t  fig  a  consideration  oocurs.  -ler  0  -e.  -lerfnbe 
-r  (ai  Kolle)  exponent,  impersonator,  Interpreter. 
-Ung  c  -er  produclng  etc.,  presentation;  repre- 
sentation;  impereonation,  personation,  embodi- 
ment,  presentment;  view,  picture,  sketch.  — 
&remftintng£|etme,  -gabe,  -fnnf*  descxiptlve 
power,    -maabc  style. 

ftrentftintte  vi  issue  forth  (in  shoals). 

ftremfrraale  vi  beam  el.  shine  forth. 

-*-$retnftrffben  c  struggle  (to  get  on).  -be  o 

+ftrentfrr<efte  vt  stretch  forth. 

&remftrøntnte  vi  stream  el.  gush  forth. 

+$rrensfr1}rt|e  vi  rush  forward,    -nlng  c  rush. 

gfremjftøb  n  impulse,  Impetus,  spurt,  -ftøbe 
vt  thrust  el.  push  forward,  propel,  (Bob,  Drb) 
emit,  throw  out. 

gfremfbing  n  forward  swing. 

-t$rremfpffoe  vi  glide  forward. 

gfremftjn  n,  pi  — ,  prospect,  prospectlve  view; 
foreslght.  -et,  M  a  (forubfeenbe)  fore-slghted, 
far-seeing,  far-sighted,  prospectlve;  (fbnft)  second 

$remftmge  øf  slng  out. 

-t-$remfttning  c  -er  phenomenon. 

^remfoerte  vt  (foette  frem)  place  on  the  table; 
(f^orflag,  9Xening)  propose,  propound,  advance, 
state,  Beth  forth;  pari  bring  in:  (tfamobmng,  tte* 
fl^lbning)  prefer.    -Ife  o  placlng  etc. 

grentføge  vt  search  out,  seek  out 

fremtage  vt  take  out,  produce.  -(fe  e  pro- 
duclng, produ  etion. 

ftrenitarb  n  advancement,  beneflt. 

$remHb  o  future,  futurlty;  gram  future  (tensc); 
i  el.  for  -en  in  future,  for  the  future;  en  TOanD 
meb  en  -  a  rlslng  man;  i  en  iffe  fiem  .  at  some 
not  very  distant  day.  -ig,  -9*  fiiture,  comlng. 
—  SrremtibAlbinebe  vision  of  the  future.  -bage 
coming  days.  -brøm  dream  of  the  future.  -Qaat 
hope  for  the  future.  -ffb  after-llfe,  future  life. 
-løb  future  lot.  -øtanb  man  of  the  future, 
coming  man.  -mnflf  music  of  the  furure.  -plaø 
plan  for  the  future.  -ffæbue  fe  -lob.  -ftat  state  of 
the  future. -fb«  fe  •  billebe -nbfigter  future prospects. 

ftremtinbre  t?»  sparkle  el.  shine  forth. 

^remritte  vi  j>eep  forth. 

-t-Ørenttøa  n  advance,  onward  march. 

Iremtøntng  o  -er  phenomenon. 
remtorbne  vt  thnnder  forth. 
remtrine  vi  step  forward. 
remtrne  øf  compel  by  threats. 
remtmne  vt  conjure  forth. 

_resjitr*be  vi  (treebe  frem)  come,  stand  el.  step 
forward  el.  forth,  advance;  (lomme  til Spne) appear, 
make  one's  appearance,  present  one's  self.  -Ife, 
-n  o  Stepping  forward  etc.,  advance;  appear- 




ance.  -tfefførm  outward  form.  -nbe  a  salient, 
prominent,  boldly  deflned,  conspicuous,  em- 
phasized,  pronounced,  marked,  distlnctive;  pære 
ftørft  -  come  out  strongly;  f pille  en  -  Stolle  play 
a  prominent  part,  flgure  prominently;  i  .  <øtob 

t remtræffe  vt  drag  forward, 
remtrornge  vtki  pren  forward;  vi  issne  forth; 
+  er  fifl  press  forward,  obtrude  one's  self.    -n 
c  progress. 

Srrmtnre  vi  (i)  persist,  persevere  (in).  ,  -«  c 

JrrenttPinge  vf  force  out,  force  on,  compel, 
oroe.    -ffe  e  compulsion. 
+&remt*nrt  a  provident,    far-sighted,    long 
+$rempanle  vi  stroll  forth. 
&rent»irf|e  vt  effect,  bring  about.     -ning  c 

frraøie  a  provident. 
rewoif|e  vt  prodace,  exhibit,  display,  -ning 
c  -er  exhibitlon,  display. 

ftrrabøgn  fe  gor&ogn. 

§rraboføe  et  (ootte  frem)  grow  forth;  (gøre 
fyremgang)  make  progreas. 

rrentbarf  St  crøtemgang)  adyancement,  progreas. 
rrrmbfftbe  vt  gush  forth,  pour  f. 
fremborttc  vt  k  i  roll  on,  along,  forth. 
rremoff'e  vf  summon  forth,  challenge. 

,  renolo'g  c  -er  phrenol'oger,  phrenol'ogist. 
-i'  c  phrenol'ogy.    -iflf  a  phrenolog'ic(al). 

føreifø  n  fresco;  male  i  .  paint  in  fresco, 
fresco  vt.  -molet  fresco-painter,  muml  painter. 
-maleri  »  frescc-paintiug,  p.  in  fresco;  fresco 

&rt  o  free,  (fritaget)  exempt  (from);  (flår)  clear; 
(af  Batfen)  free  and  easy,  bold,  fast,  emandpated; 
_  flbaang  til  free  access  to;  pa&e  .  ftbgang  til  ©c< 
nnttelfe  af  (et  $ut  o.  I.)  have  the  run  of,  be  free 
of;  fe  $ob,  ftorebrag;  en  ~  Øang  an  easy  galt; 
booe  .  (Bang  i  have  the  run  of;  fe  &ru)oanb, 
tøanb;  mit  fjerte  er  -t  my  heart  is  disengaged; 
.  3agt  free  chase;  -  Jtcertig^eb  free-love;  be  -e 
ftunfter  the  liberal  arts;  _  Snft,  bet  -e  the 
open  air;  give  -t  Søb  give  full  play,  free 
scope  to;  give  fine  Xaarer  -t  Søb  give  vent  to 
one's  tears;  fe  SRonbog,  Styg;  -t  ©Nb  gør  . 
Saftning  free  snip,  free  goods;  fe  Spil:  gave  -t 
6prog  have  a  llcensed  tongue;  -  i  fin  Zale 
free-spoken;  bet  -e  Xartari  Independent  Tartary; 
.  Hbftgt  a  free  el.  open  prospect  el.  view;  fe 
Salg;  .  $arme  sensible  heat;  fe  ©ilje;  fejle  meb  . 
tHnb  be  sailing  free;  —  i  bet  -e  in  the  open  air; 
og  alting  -t  and  all  found;  meb  tornene  -  wlth 
Uteir  arms  at  llberty;  foa  ~  (løft)  clear;  folbe  i 
bet  -e  become  public  property,  lapse;  goa  ~ 
come  off  el.  pass  scot-free;  bi  gat  -  we  have  a 
holiday;;  bi  par  -  i  (iftermibbag  we  have  a  half 
-holiday;  ben  $aanb  Jeg  tøobe  .  my  disengaged 
hånd;  maa  jeg  boere  .  I  beg  to  be  excused;  maa 
ieg  barre  faa  -?  may  I  take  the  llberty?  -  af  ^ 
clear  of,  qolbe  (fifl)  .  af  keep  clear  of;  fætte  .  af 
clear  from;  .for  free  from  iel.  of);  -  for  Slatter 
exempt  from  dutles  el.  taxes;  maa  ieg  bare  -  for 
. .  .  a  truce  wlth  .  .  .;  bet  er  itte  t  for,  at  tøm 
britrer  he  is  not  free  from  drinklng;  bet  flaar 
$em  -t  for  at  gøre  bet  you  are  free,  welcome,  at 
llberty  to  do  it,  it  is  competent,  open,  optional 
to  yon,  you  have  the  option  of;  b.oIbe  en  .  for 
ni  secure  one  against  st;  bære  for  ~  imob  en 
make  too  free  with  one;  —  adv  ftrit  fe  nbfr. 
%x\  vt  free.  set  free,  liberale,  deliver  (for  from); 
-  en  (nb)  af  frutgenfrab  release  one  from  captivity. 

9H  v*  propose,  make  an  offer  (til  to),  F  pop 
the  question. 

friaften  c  («t#.  etnefpillerl)  off  nlght 

Brian!  n  Friuli. 

$ri|baaren  a  free-born.  •lager  baker  who 
does  not  belong  to  the  guild.  -binet  free  ticket, 
free  admission,  order,  f  (free^  ivory,  bone;  ber 
er  ingen  -ter  there  is  no  free  list;,  free  list 
suspended,  p.  3« m bone  free  pass.  -Håbet  a  $ 
polypetalous;  polysepalous.  -bolig  free-lodging; 
•bønbe  tpeasant  free  from  soccage:  (Sfaf)  pas- 
sed  pawn.  -borb  <L  freeboard.  -øreø  (potent) 
patent;  (^rrøebsbreb)  charter,  -brugger  brewer 
who  does  not  belong  to  the  guild.  -batter  o  e 
freebooter.  -batteri'  n  freebooting.  -btotterfrlb 
corsair,  plrate.  -bag  holiday,  llberty  day,  (Xbenbeø) 
day  out.  -bømme  fe  -fenbe.  -eteo  free-scholar, 
foundationer.    -elebplabé  free-place. 

$rier  o  -e  sultor,  wooer.  t-abé  c  fe  -i.  -agtig 
a  suitor-like.  -breb  proposlng  letter  -bage 
days  of  courtBhlp.  -feber  nervousness  (before 
proposing).  -fob,  -ffbber :  gas  paa  .  go  a-wooing; 
be  lookmg  out  for  a  wife.  -i,  n  courtship, 
wooing;  proposal,  demand  in  maniage;  gaa  paa 
~,  fe  -føbber.  -tanfer:  gaa  i  -  thinkofmarrying; 
be  in  a  brown  study. 

trieS  n  frieze,  dreadnought. 
ri|ef9em)ilar  presentation-copv.  -farbet  a 
free  coloured.  -flnbe,  -flttbelfe  fe  -fenbe,  -fen- 
belfe.  -følt  men  on  leave.  -forefHHing  free 
•performance,  -føbt  a  free-born.  -gi»e  vt  free, 
release;  (af  Zraclbom)  emanclpate.  manumit, 
-gibelfe  c  release,  emancipation,  -giben  o  freed- 
man.  -gotUet  a  with  free  gills.  -gonger  c  -e 
holder  of  a  complimentary  ticket.  -gøre  vt  set 
free;  (ftreb)  prepay;  .  fk  for  emanclpate  one's 
self  from;  ~  fig  for  ben  Xante  divest  one's  mind 
of  the  idea.  -gørelfe  o  emancipation;  prepay- 
ment.  -Ijaanb:  paa  ~  off  hånd.  -^aanbdfaaning 
broadcast  (sowing).  -ffaanbøtegning  freehand 
drawing.  -qaler  i  Jib-brail.  -Ijanbef  free  tråde. 
•^anbeløfnftentet  the  free-trade  system,  -banbelø- 
rttm  free-trader.  *-banbler  unllcensed  trådes- 
man.    -^abn  free  port. 

ftrtljeb  o  -et  freedom,  llberty;  (Spillerum)  lati- 
tude;  bigteriff  -  poetical  llcense;  toge  fig  ben  .  at 
take  the  llberty,  make  free  el.  bold  to;  Jeg  tager 
mig  ben  ~  at  I  beg  leave  to;  feette  i  ~  set  free,  at 
llberty,  at  large,  release;  tage  fig  -er  take  llber- 
ties.  —  &r<fjebø|aanb  spirit  of  llberty.  -alber 
age  of  llberty.  -begefftring  rage  for  llberty. 
-berøbflfe  (uloblig)  false  imprisonment.  -brett 
(©tet),  ^bort>eb  Sripeb  el.  politifte  ffiettiggeber  ftænfrt) 
charter:  (Qreo,  bborbeb  $ribilegium  gibrt)  prlvi- 
lege.  -brift  instinct  of  llberty.  -ff  tnhfl  a  inlmlcal 
to  llberty.  -følelfe  fe  -aanb.  -belt  champion 
of  1.  -bne  cap  of  1.  -(nmne  hymn  of  1.  -tamp 
struggle  for  1.,  war  of  independence.  -frig  war 
of  independence.  -lamper  champion  of  (for)  1. 
-fotrllgbeb  love  of  llberty.  -Ibfk  love  of  1., 
passion  for  1.  -manb  liberal,  democrat.  -minbe 
monument  of  1.  -princip  prlndple  of  1.  -pr«- 
btfant  bepraiser  of  1.  -ret  right  of  1.  -rn*  in- 
toxication  of  1.  -fang  song  of  llberty.  pfinb 
love  of  1.  -ffin  show  of  1.  -ftattb  state  of  1. 
-frraf  imprisonment.  -flige  rage  for  1.  -tab 
loss  of  1.  -rib  period  el.  era  ofl.  -tilftanb  state 
of  1.  -trang  thirst  for  llberty.  -rrte  tree  of  1. 
-Pen  friend  of  el.  to  llberty. 

&ri|berre  baron,  -berrebreb  patent  of  baron- 
age. -ber(re)lig  a  baronial.  -terrin  be  c  -r  bar- 
oness.  -berftal  barony.  -bolber,  -|ølt  *t,  fender. 
-boltlpnbe  skid.  -jorb  free  burlal  ground,  pau> 
pers'  side. 

ftrttabelTe  o  -r  fried  forced-meat  ball;  ber  er 
i  -n  P  it's  a  Jolly  go. 

$rttaf|fé  c  -r  fricassee.  -fe'rt  ve  fricassee, 

^rit'atiP  o  -er  frlcative  consonant. 




9ri|tirte  congregational  church.  -tirtelig  a 
congregational.  -tenbe  vt  acquit,  discharge. 
-tenbelfe  acquit  tal,  non  conviction.  -forpå  vo- 
lunteer-corps.  -rørt  winning  card,  king  c&rd. 
•trønbiobet  a  polypetalous.  -!*be  (I.  fri)  buy 
one's  freedom;  (fra  Xjenefre  el.  1.)  buy  off;  (lø*» 
løbe,  ubløfe)  ransom.  -tobelfe  c  buying  off,  ran- 

&rtttiø'n  c friction.  —  9rirtløn9jftrfHl!er  fric- 
tion el  lucifer  matches.  -(fomg)rør  friction  tube. 
-bjut  friction-wheel.  -tobliug  friction  coupling. 
-rafle  friction  roller,  -flipe  friction  plate.  -Mufti 
angle  of  friction  el.  resistan ce. 

$ri|rvglc  charmed  bullet.   -fParter  play-time, 

3 uarter  of  an  hour  for  play,  break,  recess. 
ager  bond,  bonded  warehouse.  -lanb  open 
ground;  i  .  in  the  open.  -laubftplanter,  -lanb*' 
urter  pi  garden  piants  el.  stuff.    -len  frank  fee. 

fjfrifle  c  -r  concubiue,  mistress.  -baaren  a 
illegitimate,  bastard,  -barn  lllegitimate  et.  nat- 
ura! child.  -tone  fe  fritte,  -lepnet.  -HP  con- 
cubinage.    -f*n  illegitimate  son. 

$ri|løb  (poa  6e*fionen)  lot  exempting  one 
(from  being  a  soldier);  (i  Sotteriet)  free  lottery 
ticket.  -lobdnuinb  one  exempted  by  lot  from 
being  a  soldier.  -luf  r§-  out-door.  -luf  tftllp  open 
-air  existenee.  -manb  soldier  on  leave,  4,  man 
off  duty.  -manbog  Saint  Monday.  -marfeb  free 
fair.  -menigbeb  free  paris h,  independent  con- 
gregation-  -nteuigt)ebdpraft  independent  mini- 
ster, -mefter  free-master.  -stitutter  minutes 
for  play,  recess.  -mø'btg  a  frank,  open,  free 
-bearted,  cheerful,  fearless,  of  good  cheer. 
»mø'bigt)eb  c  frankness  etc. 

{{frimurer  c  freemason,  mason.  -feft  masonic 
festival,  -glad  large  old-fashioned  wine-glass. 
•i'  n  freemasonry,  masonry.  -ttthtfip  fraternity. 
-loge  freemason's  lodge;  (tun  om  Cofalet)  masonic 
hall.    -fprog  cant.    -tegn  masonic  sign. 

gfrilmtrrte  n  stamp,  post-stamp,  -ntttrfeføu* 
Point  stamped  envelope,  post  envelope.  -mærfe< 
famler  stamp-collector.  -Btærtefamfiug  collec- 
tion  of  stamps,  ->a*  ($ad)  pass-port;  (6oIbat#) 
discharge.  -plabd  gratis  place;  (teat.)  free  ad- 
mission, -pøft'ig  <*  impudent,  bold-faced. 
-pøft'igfteb  c  effrontery.    -pracft  fe  grimenigljeb*.. 

ftrife  c  -r  arch  frieze;  (poa  ftanon)  moulding. 

fjrlf ebbel  •£*  bill  of  sunerance;  mil  permission 

to  marry. 

Bfrifer  c  Frieelander,  Frislan. 

ftrtfe're  vt  dress  (the  hair).  —  $rifér||ærn 
curling  iron.  -laabe  dresslng-gown.  -tant  dress- 
ing-comb.   -ftnnfel  friezing-tool.   -nlb  hair  wool. 

ftfrife'rerfre  c  -r  hair-dresser. 

ftriftnbet  a  liberal(-minded);  catholio(-minded), 
broad.    -beb  c  liberality,  liberal  vicws. 

frififf  a  Frislan. 
rifl  a  (i  «lm.)  fresh;  (funb,  rafl)  well,  hale. 
hearty;  (ttbeb*rbrt)  sound,  sweet;  -e  røg  new-laid 
em»   -t  »røb  new  bread;  -t  ©mør  sweet  butter; 
*  Stoppet  fresh  troops;  -  ®inb  fresh  breeze;  fe 

ES  j?K  toWASttAA.** 

flufftake  the  air   el.   an  airing;  -  adv .  traf 
wlLuiceremony;  J^^Smo^-j^u  .op 
cheer  up!    $rif!  c  F 
•poa  np  -  start  afreah 

n^2r  „nT  »rift  c  F   begbnbe  poa  en  -  (igen), 
SSf-?1  *&t  afreah  el  In  fresh.    -afflaaren  a 

-manb  volunteer. 

ftri'ftare  c  free-corps. 

new-rifle;  -  op  WSjJEJJ  fetch  the  pumps; 
the  flres;  -  *jnb  i  f^9%^t  vi  -  i  Wfet 
*  •  ftort  CftU  for  a  trean  ae»i. 

J,  freshen  the  hawse;  -  i,  op,  poa,  om  (Staben) 
freshen.    -balle  steep-tub. 

9riff|fttr  (unceremonious)  coxcomb,  swell. 
-f»>reri'  u  -fpripæfen  coxcombry,  flippancy,  free 
and  easy  proceeding.  -b,eb  o  (i  film.)  freshness; 
(Warig^eb)  vigour.  -ijterb  finery.  -j«rn  fine-iron. 
-ning  c  reflning. 

ffri  IfTole  free  school,  national  school.  -fføb 
fe  føebfroo. 

Sriffflagge^  -flaffer  reflning-cinders.  -fkaal 
rough  steel. 

$ri'|*fl*b9  fe  -ægt.  -flbtte  fe  Jrrpbfftjtte;  -n  the 

t^ri'flagter  c  butcher  who  does  not  belong  to 
the  guild. 

ri'dlanb  n  Friesland. 
riftler  pi  miliary  fever. 

_ri  Iflnfe  floodgate.  -fpa§:  (ar  (fin)  -  has  it 
all  his  own  way.  -fpitter  fe  -lobdmanb;  (i  ftrotrt) 
rover,  -fprog :  (an  tyxr  .  he  may  speak  freely, 
he  has  a  lioensed  tongue. 

ftrift  c  respite,  grace,  delay,  f  law;  (9io)  re$t. 

9ri|ftaaenbe  fe  ^rttfloaenbe.  -flab  free  dty. 
free  town.    -fiat  republic,  commonwealth. 

Qrrifte  vt  (Sioet)  sustain,  support  (life,  nature y. 
(libe)  experience;  (en)  tempt,  tempt  on;  (ptabe» 
try;  følte  flg  ifle  t  ril  at  was  under  no  tempta- 
tion  to. 

$ri'fteb  n  sanctuary,  (place  of)  refuge,  resort, 

8rrift|elfe  c  -r  temptation;  t  fe  fHemme;  lebe  i  - 
bibi  lead  In  to  t.;  falbe  i  -  fall  el.  en  ter  Into  t. 
-er  c  e  tempter.    -erinbe  c  -r  temptreaa. 

Sri'ftttler  c  -t,  fe  Sfrirort. 
rifur  c  style  el.  mode  of  dressing  the  hair; 
head  of  hair. 

rifjubag  (ZjeneftepigeS)  Siinday  out. 
rifø  r  e  -er  hair-dresser. 
rit  adv  freely  etc.;  gratis;  .  orabotb  free  on 
board;  .  fraborbe  free  ex  ship;  rejfe  -  meb  en 
anben  travel  at  another's  expense;  goa  -  otntring 
i  have  the  run  of;  ftaa  ~  (om  $ul)  stand  isolated, 
detached,  be  exposed  to  view. 

pfri|tage  vt  exempt  (from),  excuse  (from),   »t** 
gelfe    c    exemption,    dispensation,    immiinity. 
-talenbe  a  freespoken,  outspokeu.    -talen^eb'e 
freedom  of  speech,  outspokenness. 
gritbor  fe  ©ribbor. 

$ri|tlb  leisure  time,  off- time;  (i  Stole)  plar 
-hour.    -time  leisure  hour,  spare  h.,  interval  of 
leisure;  (Skegeft^  free  hour. 
r  &rit|ligfltnbe  a  detached,  isolated.    -omborb« 
falj  free-on-board  sale. 
ri  trappe  c  filers, 
rit*  Fritz,  Fred. 

ritftaaenbe  a  detached,  isolated:  _  Srtuattt* 

fritte  c  -t  (»pr)  ferret,  Mustela  /uro. 
rritte  c  teekn  frit. 

.  lr?SL5iquf,tloil»  interrogate,  ,  ub,  fe  Ubfritte. 
-n  c  quesuoning. 

frittejopn  calcar.    -poreeOora  fHt  porcellain. 
*i DJU  ?,u  (lncessarit;  questioner,    querist. 

$rt  |  tanter  freethinker.  -tomleri  n  .t»itf«i«« 
»J %*  Wow.  -»a«t»r»arteret  thelnrtih  below 
UnZS^     •*Wl«»rt  c  'oluntatlness.   «pon' 

tatUngs.  »oosenea«,  lmmoraUty;  pi  -a 

Jg»#  welght  aUowed.    n«,t  tteo  cony«y- 
»t«  a  poet  gay,  cheerful. 




$røøig  a  vigorou?,  luxurlant,  (oberboette*)  rank. 
-t)e»  e  ltixurianee. 

Ørotoft  c  breakfast,  (ben  anben)  luncheon, 
lunch,  liffin;  tøife  .  breakfast,  lunch;  tolb  -  cold 
collation;  tøab  tyvt  bu  fptft  til  _  what  have  you 
had  for  breakrast,  luncheon.  -lort  break  last 
table  (o.  fl.).  -bug  b.  cloth.  -e're  vi  breakfast. 
&rønt'  [*  6)  a  (blib)  gentle,  meek,  mild,  (gttb* 
frltørtø)  pious;  Subbig  ben  -me  Louis  the  Gentle; 
et  -t  pbnfle  a  vain  wlsh;  et  -t  ©ebtoø  a  pious  fraud. 
ftrøma'ge  c  creams. 

$rømjbeb  c  gentleness,  mlldness;  plety.  flaben 
a  sanctimonious. 

fromme  [*  6]  o  advantage;  paa  Sbffe  oø  .  at 
random,  at  a  venture,  at  hap-hazard;   labe  bet 
tomme  an  paa  fibfte  og  -  trust  to  the  chapter  of 
accidents,  take  one's  chance.  $rønttnc  vt  beneflt. 
grtøttt  o  -er  front;  gsre  -  (imob)  turn  head 
(againøt),    face.     -føranbring    changing   front, 
cbange  of  front. 
ftrøntiføi'ce  o  -r  fron'tispiece. 
9rønt|ltnje :  i  -  &  abreast.    -mard)  march  in 

rrønton'  c  -er  fron'ton,  pedlment. 
frø'»r*blten  c  matlnB. 
Jrøfo)  c  «N«w  nut. 
*$*0f*  c  -er  frog,  i?-ma. 
$rø*frn  [61  |Mr<  af  itøfe.  +-beb  o  Æø  coldness, 
frigidity.    -ølnb  F  chilly  el.  shlvery  body. 

$røfl  e  frost;  fåorf retning)  frost-bite;  i  W«rf  . 
du  ring  a  severe  frost  ri.  severe  frosts;  fytbe  -  i 
Acenberne,  ftøbberne  have  chilblains  on  the  hånds, 
teet.  +-øar  year  whea  corn  gets  frozen.  -øfleber 
protection  against  frost  (for  fruit-trees).  -ogtig 
a  Cros  ty.  •bunbtn  a  frost- bound,  frozen.  -bblb 
ulcerated  chilblain,  kibe.  -bøg  day  of  frost, 
day's  frost,  -øannetfe  frost  formation,  -fltttter 
e  -e  cryophorus,  frost-bearer.  -fri  a  frostlesB.  +-tg 
o  chilly.  +-feuøt  fe  -nem.  -tnnbe  chilblain. 
-Imft  fe  -bejr.  -møaler  a  kind  of  looper,  Oeometra 
brumaria.  -mibbe(  remedy  for  chilblains.  -nat 
night  of  frost.  +-nmt  a  exposed  to  frost,  -ren, 
•revse  (i  Xømmer)  frost-cleft,  shake.  *-røg  frost 
•mist,  frost-smoke.  -faar  sore  produced  by  cold. 
chilblain;  kibe.  -faløc  ointment  for  frost-bite. 
-ffabe  frost-bite.  °-fIobbe  fe  -røg.  -fne  snow 
(ihat  falls)  in  frosty  weather.  -fommerfngf  fe 
-raaoler.  -tøøge  fe  -tøg.  -tranø  wash  el.  lotion 
for  chilblains.  -øejr  frosty  weather.  -bi nb  frosty 

5røtte'r;e  vt  rub.  -børfie  flesh-brush.  -ftanbffe 
fleab  glo  ve.    -ing  c  rubbing. 

$rne  e  -r  (husfrue)  mtstress;  (abelig  Dame)  lady; 
en  ung  .  a  young  married  laay;  bor  -  (åomfru 
SRariø)  Our  lady;  ftru  fll.  Mrs.  N.;  er  -n  fremme 
is  Mre.  N.  el.  (tit  tjener)  your  mtstress,  at  home? 
min  -I  madam;  naabige  ~  your  ladyship;  $ere* 
fttu  SRober  your  mother;  joe  gru  Qerruna  Dame 
Fortune;  bor  -ø  Sengehalm  lady's  bedstraw, 
Thymn»  •trpyllum.  t-barr  stone  bramble,  Rubua 
•nxatili*.  -bøg  (25  IRartf)  lady-day;  (2  3uli)  the 
Visitation;  (15  ttug.)  the  Assumption.  -glød  fe 
TOaneglø*.  -Ijaar  $  maiden-hair,  Adiantum  ca- 
pUltu  Vf*ri*\  fe  Oorafrubaat.  -fiffe  Our  Lady's 
church.  -f loft  er  foundatlon  for  widowed  ladles. 
•noter  fe  -nbtter.  ftrurnøarbejber  women's  shoe- 

9rnentimnter  n,  pi  ■=»  &  -timre  woman,  female; 
trt  (the;  women.  -agiig  a  woman  is  h.  -ørøefbe 
female  work,  woman  s  w.  -bragt  female  attJre, 
f.  apparel.  -batnb  lady's  hånd,  female  hånd. 
•tafter  woman-hater,  mlsogynist.  -fjanbffe  wom- 
an's  glove.  -labbe  woman' s  cap.  -fjole  (lady's) 
dress,  -netbeber  pi  fancy  work.  -rotte  female 
part.  -fabel  slde-saddle.  -felffaø  ladles'  party; 
ladies'  company.  -ffø  womans*  shoe.  •flr«bber/ 

Sørfen:  Sønfl-Cngelf!  Orbbog. 

-flrocbberffe  dressmaker,  mantuamaker.  -fnaf 
women's  nonsense.  -ftemme  female  voice.  -føg- 
bomme  diseases  of  women. 

ØrnetnQffer  flne-ladyism.  ftraerfar  lady's 
bower.  gfrnerlpttnb  lap-dog.  fjfnterøige  lady's 
maid.  ftvuttftnt  gyneceum.  $rtte|ffø  ^  lady'8 
slipper,  Oypripedium,  -ftanb  wifehood. 
røgal  a  fru'gal.  -ite't  c  frugal  i  ty. 
rngt  c  -er  fruit;  fio  prodnct,  benefit,  profit; 
forouben  -  imager  bebft  forbidden  fruit  is  sweet, 
stolen  things  are  Bweet.  -aør  fruit- year.  -ab( 
fruit-horticulture,  orcharding.  -bar  a  fruitful, 
(ogfaayEø)  fertile;  (om  BcefJter,  Sur)  proliflo.  -bar* 
gøre  of  rertllize;  ($enge)  invest,  -bargørelfe  c 
fertilisation,  -bargørenbe  a  fertilizing.  -barbeb 
c  fruitnilness,  fertfiitv,  fecundity.  -blab  carpel. 
•blomft  fe  ^un>.  -bringenbe  a  productive,  pro- 
fitable, -bnnb  ^  receptacle,  thalamus.  -ønff 
fruit-shrub.  -berenbe  a  fructiferous.  -bønnelfe 
fructiflcatlon.  -htopt  fruit-drops.  -bbrtning  fe 
-abl.  $rngt|e  «  avail,  profit.  -c9Ud  a  fruitless, 
bootless,  unavailing.  -edløJtjeb  e  fruitlessneas. 
-følge  rotation  of  crops.  -gemme  ^  pericarp. 
-gren  fructiferous  branch.  -fjanbel  fruit- tråde, 
tråde  in  fruit.  -ftønbler  o  e  fruiterer.  -banblerffe 
e  -t  fruiteress.  -fjaøe  orchard.  -fjob  ^  cluster. 
-fjn«  green-house,  -bøft  gathering  of  frults. 
-faøe  fruit-cake,  tart.  -fammer  rruitery,  fruit 
-loft.  -terne  fruit-kernel.  -fnib  frult-knlfe. 
-tnoø  fruit-bud.  -fnnbe  ^  germ,  ovary.  -føne 
fruit-woman.  -tnrø  fruit-basket.  -føelber  fruit 
-cellar;  fe  -ubfalg.  -føb  pulp.  -leje  $  thalamus. 
-lød  a  fruitless,  bootless.  -ntøfer  fruit-painter. 
-ntøber  fe  -øje.  -øpfaU  fruit-stand.  -rig  a  fruit- 
ful, abounding  in  fruit.  -rlgbom  abundance 
of  fruit.  -fom'melig  a  pregnant,  with  child,  in 
the  family  way;  (i  fiobfpr.)  enceinte;  fio  gaa  - 
meb  be  big  with,  meditate  on,  brood  on,  be 
gestating.  -fommeligf)eb  o  pregnancy.  -ført 
kind  of  fruit.  -ftanb  fruit-bearing.  -ftilf  fruit 
stalk.  -ftblfe  fruit  piece.  -fnf f er  glucose.  -fuøøe 
fruit  soup.  -fottning  fe  -bannelfe.  -i aflerfe n  dessert 
plate.  -rib  frult-øeason.  -tr«  fruit-tree.  -Ur* 
ring  drying  of  fruit«.  -nbfølg  fruiterer's  shop. 
-øln  fruit-wine,  domestic  wlne.  -æbenbe  a  frugl- 
vorous.    -øje  tf  gem. 

9rttb  c  joy,  delight.  &rbbe  vt  rejoice,  gladden, 
cheer;  —  vr  -  fig  (el.  -9)  beb  rejoice  at.  Sfrl^bel' 
fnlb  a  Joy  ful,  joyous.  -Hang  joy  ful  tone. 
r>rbbe(fg  a  joy  ful,  joyous.  ftrbbe|røab  shout  of 
exultation.  -føng  song  of  joy.  -ffrlg  fe  -raab. 
•►Ørbbfød  a  fe  ©læbels«. 

ftrøg|ien  n  PhrygU.    -ier  c,  -iff  a  Phrygian. 

§rbgt  c  fear,  dread,  fright,  alarm,  apprehen- 
sion  (for  of,  ffor  en#  Sfljlb]  for);  boere  i  -  for  be 
in  fear  of,  afraid  of;  af  -  for  for  et.  from  fear 
of,  in  apprehenBion  of;  af  .  for  at  lest,  for  fear 
that;  inbiage  en  .  put  one  In  fear;  ieg  nærer 
ingen  -  for  at  I  am  under  no  apprehensions  that; 
Stibberen  uben  -  og  $abe!  without  fear  or  re- 
proach.  -øøtig  a  tlmorous.  -agtigbeb  o  timo- 
rousness.  mrøgtle  vt  fear,  dread,  apprehend;  . 
for  (frtogte)  fear,  (noget)  be  apprehensive  of.  (for 
en«,  en  Xing«,  efplb)  anxlous  about.  -blanøet  a 
.  ©labe  fearful  joy.  fyrlMietig  a  fearful,  frightful, 
dreadful,  formidable,  redoubtable.  +5rbgt|fnlb  a 
apprehensive.  -løS  a  fearless.  -font  a  timid- 
•fombeb  c  timidity. 

&rbttfe  c  -r  fringe;  befoette  meb  -r  fringe.  -eg 
Turkey  oak,  Quercu*  c*rr%:  -ø«ø  fringe  loom. 
•bteøer  fringemaker. 

Sfrl|fe#  frø«,  frotter  vi  k  tmper«  freeze,  congeal; 
(om  en  ^jerfon)  be  cold,  feel  cold,  l»e  chiiled, 
feel  chilly;  bet  frøs  ftsrft  it  froze  hard;  bet  -r  4 
©råbet  it  is  9  degreas  below  the  freezing  point; 
leg  fob  og  frø!  paa  Sognen  I  sat  on  the  waggon 





starving  with  cold;  .  bort  be  deatroyed  by 
frost;  i  pi  el  be  frozen  to  death;  ©ftøet  frø«  inbe 
the  sbip  was  frozen  in;  tøn  frø*  o  in  $anbetne 
his  hånds  were  cold;  jeg  -r  neget  paa  mine 
tyenbet,  Qøbbet  my  hånds,  feet  are  perishing 
with  cold;  -  til  be  frozen  up,  covered  with  lce; 
*  vt  fine  Øren,  ofo.  get  one's  ears  etc.  frozen. 
-lob  ice-house,  ice-room.  -tottt  freezing-pot. 
-mafttue  freeztng-apparatUB,  freeser.  -pnntt 
freezing  point,  -flao  ice-chest,  refrigerator. 
tjrtaøniug  c  freezing. 

~frbtle  c  woodrush,  LumuIu. 

jxttt  a  audacious,  impudent,  forward;  shame- 
leas.  -|eb  c  audacity,  impudence;  f  front, 
cheek;  meb  ben  ftørfie  -  aø  bold  aø  braøs. 

&rorabe  o  -t  kinsman,  relative,  relation,  -lob 
weregild  for  a  kinsman.  -(rebf,  -Ug  family 
party.  -l*f  a  with  out  relations.  -morb  murder 
of  a  kln&man.  -famfnnb  society  of  relations. 
-ftotbne  meeting  of  relations,  ftrorabftab  c 
kindred,  relaUonøhip.  $ramfe  c  -r  kins-woman, 
female  relation. 

*5r«fe  vi  hiss 

9r«fe  o  -r  cutting-flle,  clrcular  cutter,  $r*fe 
vt  cut.    -mafftne  cutting-engine.    -fab  fret-saw. 

ttS  e  -er  frog,  Rana. 
tt  »,  pi  «=,  seed;  gaa  i  .  run  to  seed.    -af- 
rensning waøte  seed.  -a»t  cultivation  of  piants 
for  seed.  -beb  seed-bed.   -bejbdning  steeping  of 

ftrjblb  $  frog-bit,  HydrockarU. 

$r*|btUe  seed-beetle,  Brucht*  granariva.  -blab 
$  Heed-leaf,  seed-lobe,  cotyledon.  -btanbing 
mixture  of  seeds.  -balg  pod.  -bannetfe  forma- 
tion of  rads.  -balfe  fe  -toppe,  -forfalffotng 
adulteratlon  of  seed.  -gemme  $  seed-vessel, 
pericarp.  -ftale  ^  persistent  style.  -t>ømbel  seed 
-tråde.  -fpaubler  seedsman,  seed-merchant.  -bnb 
fe  -tappe.  -fen*  $>  core.  -bbibe  albumen.  -s>»ibe* 
Ud  a  exalbumlnouø.  »b&lftcr  perisperm.  -lappe 
seed- coat,  aril.    -tapfel  capsule. 

ftrafe«  o  -et  (unmarried)  lady;  en  abelig  .  a 
nobleman's  daughter;  -  91.  Miss  N.;  Sete«  ~ 
Satter  your  daughter;  min  ~!  madam!  -Hofter 
foundation  for  unmarried  ladies. 

$r*'|(ttøp  seed-bud.  -(om  grain  of  seed;  •seed 

9r*'|(b«(  croaking  of  frogs.  -tor  n  frog 
•pond.  -laar  hind  leg  of  a  frog.  -leg  spawn 
of  frogs. 

ftrfmoragbe  o  quantity  of  seed. 

$rønn|e#  vd  become  brittle  el.  rotten,  -et  a 
brittle,  rotten. 

ftroolie  o  rape-seed  oil. 

Jrøpeber  o  leaser  spearwort,  Banuneulm  Ftam- 

&r*'|  plan  ter  pi  piants  left  for  seed.  *-p»tttté 
sets.  -pH*  price  of  seed.  -ffal  shell  of  a  seed. 
-flibe  lamel,  -ftole  seed-plot,  semlnary.  -fort 
kind  of  seed.  -fprebning  semi nation,  -frtlt 
seed-stalk.  -ftferne  meadow  rue,  Thalictrum 
flavum.  -fiol  $  columella.  -tro?  seed-  el.  stock 
-tree.    -ftbcnbe  a  granlvorous. 

$n4fi«  o  fu'chsia.  ftncbfTn  n  fu'chsine, 

ftnga  c  -er  fugue. 

ftnge  c  -r  groove,  furrow;  (Snebt.,  TOur.)  joint, 
ffnge  vt  (Snebf.)  Joint;  (Wur.)  point,  -bant 
(ftugbant)  c  jointer.  -bnf  shooting  trestle.  -*«bl 
long-plane.    -J«r»  jointer. 

ftnge  re  vt  treat  el.  compose  In  the  style  of  a 
fugue.    -t  part  in  the  style  of  a  fugue. 

ftngeftc  c  pointing-trowel. 

&ngl  [F  ubt.  ftu'gl  el  gul]  o  -e  bird,  fowl, 
(Sitøbefttoe)  popinjay;  gammel  -  et _ei  let  at  fange 
old  blrds  are  not  to  be  caugbt  witn  chaff,  een 

.  i  Aaanben  et  bebre  enb  ti  i  fiuften  one  bird  in 
the  nand  is  worth  two  in  the  bush;  jeg  bat  $ørt 
en  .  ftonge  om  I  have  heard  it  slily  hinted;  lab 
ben  -  finne  think  no  more  of  that;  bet  bat  iffe 
-*  $øbe  paa  ban«  ftnoflet  he  was  mere  skin  and 
bone.  Bfuglelagtig  a  birdlike.  -bfttrg  fowllng 
cllff.  -lur  bird-eage.  -bon?  wild  cherry,  bird 
-cherry,  -bartr*  wild  cherry,  Brun**  aet«*«, 
-bøffe  fowling-piece.  -bnnft  dust-shot.  -ebber* 
(op  bird-spider,  Mygole.  -fiffet  hird-fender, 
-fangft  birdcatching,  birding.  -fanna avi-feuna. 
-ficefb  fe  -biarg.  -flint  fe  -bøftfe.  -fiol  flock  of 
birds.  -flngt  fllght  of  hirds,  -fob  bird's  foot. 
-form  form  of  blrds.  -fr*  bird  seed;  *knot-gra«e, 
PoJvøonum  avicuiare.  -forager  bird  -  catcher, 
fowler;  ^enrif  .  Henry  the  Fowler.  -f«be  food 
for  birds.  -gant  fowler's  net.  -glo«  seed-glass, 
waterglass.  t-grttd  chlck-weed,  AUine  media. 
-gabning  blrd'B  dung.  -tage!  bird-shot.  -I)am 
skm  of  a  bird.  -tjanbel  dealing  in  birds. 
•banblet  dealer  in  birds,  bird-fancier,  bird-seller. 
-bu§  aviary.   -Jagt  fowllng.   -}agt6ttab  dacking 

funt.  -lenber  ornithologist.  -tirfebatr  fe  >bcr. 
lo  bird's  claw;  ^  bird's-foot  Ornitkopu*. 
-fønge  (SitgO  regulus,  kinglet,  golden-creeted 
wren,  Beoultu  crirtat**;  (i  6tbbefd{Kab)  captain 
of  the  popinjay.  -(ro  crop  el.  craw  of  a  bird. 
-(rømmer  (c  -^anblet.  -(bibber  chlrping  of  birds. 
-let  a  light  as  a  bird.  -lim  blrd-llme.  t-morlt 
star  of  Bethlehem,  Omitkogalum.  -oug  fe  -from. 
-net  fe  -garn.  -nceb  beak  (of  a  bird).  -orgel  bird 
-organ,  -peber  bJrd  pepper,  Capticum  baeeatmm. 
-perfpe(tib  bird'a-eye  view.  -pibe  blrd-call.  -rebe 
bird's  nest,  (ogfaa  tf,  Neottia  nidua  arie).  t*rat, 
-røbe  fe  -frramfel.  -famling  collection  of  birds. 
-fong  song  of  birds,  singing,  warbllng  of  birds. 
•ffare  fe  not.  -flam  bird's  dung.  -ffinb  bird 
-skin.  -{trio  screerhing  of  birds.  -ftrømfel, 
•fttttmme,  +ffratf  scare-crow.  -ffttbning  shoot- 
ing at  a  wooden  bird.  -flatgt  genus  of  birds. 
-fnar  a  swlft  as  a  bird.  -fnare  snare,  gin. 
-fnttlter  bird-parasite.  -fpaabom  augury.  -fp aa« 
manb  augur.  -fpib  spit  for  roasting  blrds.  -wong 
bird-pole.  -fteg  roast  fowl.  -flemme  voice  of 
birds.  -ftøt  bird-trap.  -ftrnbe  bird's  throat. 
-fUb  fe  -bunfi.  -foøerm  fllght  of  birds.  -f«*n 
sleep  of  birds.  -tab  tp  fe  -flatn.  -ntone  bird's 
note.  -traf  passage  el.  roadlng  (of  birds). 
•tunge  bird's  tongue;  ~  (>fil)  cross-flle,  entering 
-file.  -tbpen  the  avian  type.  -nnge  young  bird, 
nestling.  -barfel  augury.  -beten  befi.  as  the 
crow  flies,  the  bee-line.  -bille  wild  vetch, 
Vicia  cracca  o.  fl.  -bilbt  wild  fowl,  game  blrds. 
-binge  wing,  pinion  (of  a  bird).  -brimmel  swarm 
of  birds.  *-batr  place  where  down  and  eggs  of 
sea-birds  are  gathered.  -<rg  bird's-egg.  -certer 
fe  -bilTet.  -jjetrce  bird's-eye  maple,  Acer  taccAa- 

•fifngt  c  fe  ^ugrtgbeb. 
ngte  vt  mols  ten,  wet. 
ngtcl  c  whipplng,  punishment. 
ngtig  a  moist,  damp,  humid,   dank;  en  . 
©roter  a  thirsty  soul.    -beo  o  dampneas,  humid- 
ity.  cone  mols  ture.   -bebdgrab  degree  of  mols  ture. 
•bebémoaltr  hygrometer,  ftngtnfug  c  -et  moisten- 

&ugt|le  vt  beat  with  the  flat  of  the  sword, 
whip,  beat.    -ling  c  beating  etc. 

9u(f '  e  -er  (^efl)  sorrel  horse,  chestnut,  (i  Sfole) 
dunee,  4,  fox.  ftn(A|e  vi  J,  make  foxea.  -tab 
a  chestnut,  Forrel.  -fban*  whip-saw.  -fbonfe  vi 
fawn,  sycophant.  -fnanfer  o  -e  toad-eater,  syco- 
phant.    -fbeif  fe  -f&ant. 

ftttl  a  foul,  nasty;  »wily.    •Qrttlai  c  aly  dog. 

gulb  a  (opfplbt)  full  (af  of),  replete  (with); 
(fttibflonibig)  complete;  (berufet)  drunk;  (om  Waa* 




not)  full,  at  full;   ~  og  bi!   ^  flill  and  by;   løbe 
fulb  (af  8anb)  flll,    become  water-logged,    (om 
Saab)  be  swamped;   brilfe  flø  -  get  drunk;   laoe 
en  _  stuff  one  wlth  lies;   flaal  .  (om  ©aab)  be 
swamped;  tøve  -t  op  (af)  have  pien  ty  of,  abund- 
ance  of;  i  Orbetft  -e  fBetbbmng  in  every  sense; 
fjorten  -e  Jtoge  fourteen  clear  days;   et  -t  ©la«  a 
fall  glass,  bumper;   ftrige  af  .  $alt  roar;   fpino 
for  -t  $ul  play  to  crowded  houses;  meb  -e  tyenber 
freely;  i  -t  Vtaal  to  the  full;    -e  tftatm  name  In 
fall:   en  -  $ung  a  long  purse;  meb  -  Wet  wlth 
perfect  joatloe;  i  _  fRuftnina  armed  cap-a-pie;  ben 
-e  Sanblpb  the  whole  truth;  -e  6ejl  A  full  sails; 
-eSejl!  bolb  fulb!  keep  her  full!  for  -eSejl  wlth 
all   sails  set:   gaa  fot  -e  ©efl  go  under  press  of 
safl;   toge  Sfribtet  -t  ub  go   the  whole  length; 
flaa   t  Slag  (om  StloHen)  strike  the  hour;  n  ©æf 
_  a  sackful;  —  fulb t  adv  fully,  qnlte;  tRe  .  not 
quite;  ~  ub  fully,  every  bit,  (in  extenso)  in  full; 
fulb(t)    Ml  perfectly ;     -t   og  |aft   flrmly,    fully, 
quite,  fom  be  -t  og  fafr  troebe  paa  to  which  they 
pinned  their  faith;  Uge  -t  none  the  less.  -baøren 
a   full-grown  (fetus).    -barnet  a  full-breasted. 
-befaren  o  (9Ratro*)  able  (seaman).    -Hob :  af  -, 
fe  -Mob«,   -bløbig  a  full-blooded,  plethoric.  -9(0* 
bigfceb  c  plethory,  piethora,    -bløbf  a  thorough 
-bred;  fio  tn  ~  Wanfee,  tortt  (0.  fl.)  a  Yankee  of 
the  Yankee«,  a  Tory  of  the  Torles.   -blobøaørtng 
blood  yearling.  -btobøbeft  thorough-bred  (horse), 
blood- horse,      -bringe  vt  complete,    perform, 
accomplish;   bet   er   -bragt   bibl  it   is  finished. 
•nringelfe  c  completion,  consummation;  accom- 
plish ment.    +-ørtuger  c  accomplisher.    -(rober 
full  brother.    -bftgge  vt  complete  (a  building); 
-t  ftill-bnilt.    -bbrbe  vt  accomplish,  perform;   _ 
et  WEgteftab   consummate  a  marriage,    ben  -nbe 
2Jtaat  the  exeeutive  power,  the  executlve.    -btyr* 
belfe  c  performance,  accomplishment;  (af  røgte« 
flab)    consummation.     -barber   c    -e   ex  ecutor. 
•bovnet  a  fully  formed.    -etig  adv  fully;  +  a 
fu  11,  perfect.    -enbe  vt  complete,  finish;   »el  be« 
gtmbt  er  fait)  -enbt  the  beginning  is  half  the 
battle;    well   begnn   is  half  done.     -enbetfe  c 
completion,  consummation.   -enber  c  -e  finisher, 
completer,     -enbt  o  accomplished,  (ogf.   i  onb 
Set.)   consummate,   perfect.    -febet  a  finished. 
•firrbig  a  complete;   ready  made.    t-f*rb<ge  vt 
complete.    -føre  vt  (ubføre,  ioærffætte)  execute, 
carry  into  effect;  (fulbenbc)  complete.    -førelfe  c 
execntion,   accomplishment.    -geftalttg  a  stan- 
dard,   -gob  a  quite  good   enough.   very  good. 
-gnlfcig   a  perfectly  valid,     -gblbfgftcb  perfect 
valldity.      t  &   *-!***  vt  (falbenbe)   complete, 
finish;  (opfnibe)  fulffl    -beb  c  fullness,  plenitude. 
-■jøv  pumlced  el.  convex  foot     -bøøet  a  wlth 
p   feet.    -tantet  a  squared.    -Høg  <i  of  sound 
mind.     -flubre  vt  scribble  full.    -toge  vt  boil 
thorougbly     -togt  a   quite  done.    -tømme  (-be) 
et  perfect,  accomplish,  complete.     -tømmetfe  c 
perfection,  accomplinhment,  completion.    -f om- 
men a  perfect,  complete;  F  (naonlig  om  ftlceber) 
wide,  ample;  —  adv  perfectly,  to  the  full,  fully; 
_  lige  faa  F    every  whit  as.     -føntmengøre  vt 
perfect     -tømmenbeb  c  -er  perfection.    +-rraft 
full    power,    +-trøfiig,   -frøfti  a  fullpowered. 
-fngfc  round  shot.    -løftet  a  fully  laden.    -Icrrt 
a  finUhed,  a  master.    -løbig  a  standard,   sterl- 
ing,    -niøøne    full    moon.     -ntøøneønfigt  full 
moon  face.    *-ntøbet  a  full-eared.    -magt  full 
powers,  power  of  attorney,  authority,  warrant, 
proxy.    -magtf  breo  power  of  attorney.    -møben 
n  fully  ripe.     -møbne  vt  ripen  rally,   mature. 
•mønbig  a  (ben  bet  (ar  ftulbmagt)  invested  wlth 
full    powers;    (m&nbig)    of   age.      -mttnbiglKb 
full   power,     -ntttgtig   c    e   (paa  ftontør)   head 
r-lerk,    fint  cl.  leading  c;   (Vefulbmægtiget)  at- 

torney, agent,  -nerr  o  &  adv  very  near,  well 
nlgh.  -pattet,  -probpet  a  crammed,  full-stuffed. 
-prøøet  a  fully  tried.  -røablg  a  having  the 
disposal  el.  command  (of).  -rigget  a  fbll-rigged, 
completely  rigged.  -flab  c  drunkenness,  ebriety, 
inebriety.  -flriøe  vt  (fTrioe  fulb)  fill  with  writ- 
lng,  (flrfoe  farbig)  complete,  finish,  -ffteg  a  full 
beard.  -fløenfet  e  brimful,  owerflowing.  -flag: 
ftloflen  flaar  -  the  clock  strikes  the  hour.  -fnet 
a  full  of  snow.  -fnnbe  F  drunken  fellow. 
-fpnnben  a  fully  spun.  -ftegt  a  quite  done. 
-ftentniig  a,  mu»  harmonized.  -floppet  a  stuffed 
full.  -frnøet  a  stowed  full.  -fUrnbig  a  complete, 
full,  entire,  thorough,  utter,  out  and  ont;  — 
adv  completely  etc;  flaa,  obervinbe  en  -  f  beat 
one  hollow.  -ftøen'biggøre  vt  complete,  make 
complete.  -fttenbigbeb  c  completeness,  fulness. 
-ftølt  a  fully  cast.  -føffenbe  full  brothers  and 
sisters.  -tafte  vt  render  due  thanks.  -taflet  a 
full-rigged,  completely  rigged.  -tallig  a  com- 
plete in  number;  ®arnifonen  er  -  the  garrlson 
are  at  their  complement;  -t  SRøbe  a  quorum. 
•tøSig^eb  o  completeness  in  number.  8r>lvt' 
bemaubet  a  full-manned.  Qfnlbl  tegnet  a  sub- 
scribed  to  the  full.  $rntbtjf«rblg  a  fe  9urb> 
farbig;  -e  Steninger  cut  and  dried  opinions.  -tø< 
nenbe,  -tønet,  -toniø  o  full-toned,  sonorous. 
-tro  a  trusty.  ^vibtttbfprnngen  full -bio  wn. 
ftnlb|øe{  adv  perfectly.  +«btø  o  assured;  ben  -fe 
ynbfigt  bibl  the  full  assurance  of  understandlng. 
-botéen  a  full-grown.  -bøjgtig  a  of  the  full 
weight.    -bøjgtiøbeb  full  weight. 

ftrU'lbeb  e  ugllness;  *cunning. 

^ulminant'  a  ful'minating,  thundering.  -na't 
n  -er  ful'mlnate. 

gumaroie  c  -r  fu'marole. 

^nntø'rftire  c  ftimar'ic  acid. 

^^nrnle  m  rumble. 

9nnb  n,  pi  =,  flndlng,  discovery;  thing  found, 
find,   *  lomme  unber  -  meb  discover,  find  (out). 

$ttnbøntent'  n  -er  foundation,  basis.  -a'I  a 
fundament'al.  -ø'Oob  (0.  fl.)  fundamental  law 
(etc.).  -bolt  foundation-bolt.  -pi abe  foundation 

&nubl«riø'tt  c  foundation.  -ø't«  c  -er  charter 
of  foundation.  -e're  vt  found;  (om  $enge)  fund; 
fia  oel  -t  well  grounded;  —  *vi  muse,  medltate. 
-e'ring  c  foundation. 

tombgrnbe  c  fig  mine. 

$nuge're  vi  aet,  offlciate,  hold  office,  func- 
tionate,  function;  ben  -nbe  .  .  .  the  acting  .  .  ., 
the  .  .  .  in  charge,  for  the  time  being. 

ftunte  c  -r,  fe  ®nift. 

*%uuUi  c:  en  ltberlig  .  a  shameleøs  rake. 

8fnnt|le  vi  sparkle,  glitter,  -len  c  sparkling 

9nntt<ø'n  c  -er  duty,  (ogfaa  math  k  phyt)  func'- 
tion;  i  -  in  charge,  -flt'r  c  -er  mnc'tionary, 
officer,  office-holder,  office-bearer,  employee. 

ftuntné  interj  eure'ka. 

f9nr  n  p :  faa  .  be  sent  packing,  turned  out. 

ftnrø'ge  c  provender.    -ffib  provender-ship. 

»ure  vt  F  turn  out;  -  ub  J,  rig  out. 

*8fnre  fe  Sbr  4. 

Jrure  c  -r  furrow.    $nre  vt  furrow. 
rnré'r  c  -erer  quartermaster-sergeant.    -ftnttc 
cer's  servant. 

$ure|B<rb  keel-bill,  Crotophaga.  Qfuret  a  fur- 
rowed;  -be  $iQer  fluted  columns.  &Bre|rr*fniug 
opening,  drawing  of  furrows.  -bid  adv  in 

nric  o  -r  fury.    -øgtig  a  fury-like. 
nring  o  fnrrowing. 

nrø're  c  sensation;  gøre  .  make  a sensation, 
be  all  the  rage. 
*&nrte  vi  sulk.    •-«  o  sulky. 


t  fusel,    -fil  o  (tee  from  fusel,    -tilt 

tnflncic  •!  fualfla'd, 
npan  c  ftrsloo. 

-  Safter  c 

Stolen)  crJb,_oog;  -  rn  i  ^agnboatifet  Bpoil 

nworlimanllke.     -trtelbi 

., jUDgllag.   -tr<(i  »wlwinl 

Vjiud.    •Birrl  Ir  -at&eibe. 
»Kfto'ge  c  -t.  eask,  baml. 
gafle  c    t  (ifcirtai)  folBl. 
$nflMm»jet   c  bommer  rur  bemiiig 

jJufttHrn;  n  ftistlc. 

S  tit'  n  F  puff;  jij  F  »punk.  in*  crack  I  > 

V....  .  .-,.  e  futtllly. 

'S«8-  f"  -  F  1'  S"'- 

ftl<  (Mi.  fifl-  Mn«)  ri  drift;  F  n»b;  _  ittbf 
De  icowiii  up.    -I«  drift  inow.    .»r|t  n  ■  drift 

ftB(k  c  *  ■  (i  »One)  »turnoff,  (i  Sflut  o.  1.1 
packlng;  IS(|0  ballast.  S»lbe  c  'rlaelifl  Wangbc) 
pien  ty.     abundanee;     (Sulbfomitimfrb)    fullness, 

<9  of  Umi 


i"  ftblbe  te  -I  cl  AU.  replenish;  -  fSin  nm 
rack  off  wtne:  .  en  ®oa».  Kolrun  stuff  a  goose. 
turkey;  -  lallet  complole.  make  up  the  niimtier- 
.  ni  »ollsn  Inflate  a  balloon;  folb  ebert  «tal! 
charge  your  glasses;  Barnet  i  i  Sag  to  Hat  Ihe 
thi  Id  DOmpletM  IW  secondyear  to-Uay;  bar  n-qlig 
-ti  U  IMIMbt  fcot  Is  Just  entcring  on  her 
eightcenlh  year;  .  con  Sfabe.  ImMi  put  lnto 
casks  barreln;  .  ftul  coal;  StiG«  tnaalte  -  Banb 
ber  the  »hip  wm  obliged  to  wator  there;  gattaiel 
-btrt  og  fant  tbe  boat  filled  und  weot  down;  — 
ri  -r  tfte  rnrgrt  does  not  lake  up  much  room; 
_  op  be  bulky;  -  folbt  ••  »  double,  ful).  - 
Satge|kn*  glutton,  Biittler.  -i#ttt  ».f«-l  -|«l». 
l  —   (Smitten  bolt)   guiiler,    swlller,      -tara    le 

■»■L*-       '  ■' 

c  Alling  etc.  ([<  ftijlbe  M),  inflation,    ffllit  a  » 

fjalgje  c  -i  fetch,  altendlng  splrlt. 
»blte  ■  -t  ml  county,  shlre.     galtlc  c«   draw 
up  (In  b«ltle  array),     -lag   c  -er    line,    baltlp 

{Hu  n  Putten  (the  Island  of)  -»•  c  -n  nalire 
of  Funen. 

S  Out  c  umphuii.  plth;  bet  Dir  ..  og  Bi™  i 
gant  lale  hli  dlscourse  was  very  Impresaive, 
plthy.  -1|  o  plthy,  emphatlc;  min  metalllc,  rich 
'■'•"■  -,   raduesB.    -(krog  apothegm. 


jf Ihe  i 

(jlnton)   c  &  -a  fellow,  F  chap. 
(ItafoobotR)  dry-rot. 
„..  c  131b)  fire;  giOf  -  flre;   *an  rt  lutttt  .  og 
Blammr  he  la  all  fire  and  Bame. 

fr»t'   c,   *»itrn  -a  Ar,   Scotch  fir,    Pmh  •»'- 
B«(n'>.  (Srafnt)  pine(-wood),  red  deal. 
Sttt  M,  p/  =   llgbt.    -ifiift  tt  -BCTflf. 
ffSrolKK  c  time  for  leavtng  off  working;  feofw 
-  leave  off  worklng. 
**""":[ AAVaTat  llgbt  apparatua. 
;bliiou ■■-       "-"• 

Ihe  ligut 

-&«](■!  llgbtbciuH 

boteh,  fflllng  up 
garnlsh,  paddlog. 

8»TI»«lftM  wannlng-pau.  -babrr  flre-maker; 
Ænm.)  flreman,  Bloker.    •bik(rforø«N»  leadinc 

»grbirrfur  c  iapeiintendent  of  llghthouse«. 

ftM'cbcr  c  flre  tinor. 

frflt|(  ri  flre,  beat:  (ftgbr)  fire;  |«i!  fire!  gire 
flrel  _  af  flre,  diacharge;  -  t  PatrtloBnoi  Ughi 
tbe  flre,  heat  tbe  alove;  -  c»  flre  up;  _  (ffsWi 
laa  flre  at.    -ni  s  firing  etc.    -fob  obaAng-dlah. 

aleam  cools,   -lial 

-Kitt  F  fe  ftUtifiOBr;  i  -tur  in  the  forties. 
Brrt;,    •gnruiborb  deal-table;    *    ft   -Stat 

-"•-  " ■■'     i'— K  deal-board,   -bæbbn- 

-nuta.    •-mo  flr-barren. 

peg.  deal-pin     -plastr 

.    •>lantaU|  flr-planta 

•(»■an  deal-abavingj 



„ _ fllllngroot 

ufllng,  forcaroeat.  -»rt  eiplotive,  redundant 
word.  -ft'  i  (mr*  W«b)  atuffing,  crammltut: 
(mtb  »rifl  swllllng,  nuillnft.  •("  (fcmale) 
guiiler.    -i»a«t  fllllngl  In]  tlmber. 

Stlbtfl  o-  flitt  -  give  satlilaction,  be  »tl>- 
factory.  up  to  the  mark.  (for,  i  Sttbot  for)  eerve 
Inatead  of  replace,  (Itrflatning)  give  »Miaracllon 
(Or-  ban  fl«i  .  lor  to  he  la  worth  two;  laa  .  for 
tint  Betut  get  the  worth  ol  one's  momyi  i  [aflc 
fot  be  sattslled  wtth.  -flitc  il  (m)  »alisfy. 
oompetiaate,  lndemnify;  (m  S«»H»t"W  fri«, 
discharge.  '-■•"l(r.  c  satlstactlon,  atonement. 
.gartntt  n  »tlstaclory 

snlbrltitnm«  [r  -TdPnt.    .MM  gluttoti . 

Snlbltan  plump;  mil,  complete,  copfouj;  [om 

red  deals,  -tuonpec  pli 
•>aal  flr-leaf.  .plat  def 
deal-plauk;  vi  -r  red  dea 
•Ion.  -(Ibb  forest  of  f\r. 
I.  chips.    °.ftB[  lir  log. 

gaCTCtl.  B-rrtlP«  tard  non   forty.     -aarla  n 
ony  yeaia  old.    -anrtolbcten  the  age  of  forty 
nke  onl  n»m  forlicth, 
SVTKItM  lir-tree.    -aglt  plne-caterplllar,  Tra 

■i rfo,    -Ptt  fir-wood. 

.  llght-ship.  llght-veasel 
prlckett-bar).    -Hagl  flro-steel 
B  c  llghthonæ  station. 

^e  bishop, 
funiace.  fli 
kaak     leag 

[Db  prlncely  Wood. 

of    princea.       -gant 
Thatcr  ofprlnoes.    »-kat 

robe  of  a  nrlnc 

Hg(tn),   -ligt  adt  in  a  prlncely  n 
prlncely  power. 
»UTH«  o  flint. 

race  of  prioces.    -anrtlgkck  a  prlnceTy  dignlij- 

Sijr i 

Sfl'i'fltl,   -Mire  *  (tarifer)  match/  ftrBae  oi  . 
(at)  strike  s  light. 

§dt|Hnk't  c  -i  prtnoeee. 
n'rfkaup    B   oak   agarlc,    amadcm,    spuuk, 
Gerrnan  tinder. 

Sk/r,,,*™  lighUhouaeJ-system.    -Éaarm  light 

r?Q'*]t*1   apparatus   fcr  striklng  flre.    -mit 

ffB'mogltr  o  llgbl(hou»e)-keeper. 
»O  rmrrttT  e  -c  pyrotoehniM,  flre worker.    -i1 
■  flreworka  pi.    -!■■*  pyrolechnira. 

5  B  ri  »uf«    lighlhouae   system    ([.    eatabllth- 

c  pbys'lcsiit,  naturul  pbllosophy. 

ttp-ftl**  c  head  phyiidan  (of  a  dlstrlct) 
»ilelgtienti'ii  rrphyeiog'noniy,  couotenaace. 
•■Ir  e  physiogn'oiny  phyaiognomlcs.  -le'g 
t  phyaiologlat.  -lofll'  c  physiol'r — 
-  pbyaiolog'lcal. 

'     ';  i  -  «rn[rmBf  physlcally;  _ 
, .   ,  .      oaophtcal  inelrumei " 

-grogra'fift  a  phyBlco-geograpb'Ical. 
%*  m  cattle,  beast;  fat 

-on!  bret_    . 

Kt  alftoflrr  fe'cal  matter. 
'kW  pi  o)  Baku.    -(ni)ark  patrimony,   pa 
ternal  lnherltance.    -goark,  -gab*  paternal  farm, 

i,  booby,  block-bi 

-jOEll    )l 


-taft  native  tx_ - 

of  one'i  father«,  falberlend. 
Kanal  history.  -laMkft  <■  (to 
native;  .'entrioHft;  patrlotic. 
patriotlam,  love  of  (onc'a)  co 
patrioiiam.  -lankflrinkrt  a 
patriot,     -magt    r 

id'itary  soli;    native 

paternal   i 

gn'krrnr  a  patemal,  anceatrai.  -o«,  -Bfmt 
o.  S-,  (rgabif..  -maa!  native  language.  •fMmt 
bo«  -  on  tbe  father'a  ulde.  -flak  anceatrai  city. 
-iio  raith  of  one'a  fathen. 

tjttlkrlft  grailng.  -krinrr  drover.  -fok:  ligge 
fut  .  Ile  In  paature.  -gong  (»ralaong)  pasturage; 
(Sejl  peth  for  catlle. 

ftargte  ri  (IsniDr)  fight,  combat;  (fora  JSnelfe) 
fence,  F  8°  begging;  -  i  fluftnt  battle  wilb  air; 
—  or  _  fifl  fwoi,  inntntm  fight  one'a  way  on, 
through.  -beat  fencing  ground.  -honkftr  fenc- 
iugglove.  -taarkt  foll,  -fan!)  art  of  fencing. 
-Mtitn  fencing.  master.  -■  o  flghting;  fencing 
-»lak*  i«  -bnnt. 

Mftn  c  -c  fighter;  fencer,  p  beggar.  .-gaark 
le  ijigWbanr  -tant*  fencing-mateh.  -fnrk  felnt. 
*-trfk#  fencingrlng.    -Itg  gladlBtorlal  game. 

rVa-glrj'al  fencing  room.  -flair,  fencing  school. 
-akrifr  practlce  Id  fencing. 

S*  I  lul*  a  e  n  flghting;  fencing;  (trafning) 
fight,  engagement,  combat. 

ft«|ka«  cowhalr.  -bankrl  tråde  In  cattle. 
-tjakt  enclowd  Held  Tor  cattle,  paddock.  -Valk 
Ir  -aol  -toork  blockhead,  dunce.  -bank  shep- 
berd'a  dog;  F  Ir  iootb.  -bu>  au.ll  (1.  etable 
for  cattle.  -ajMM  Tiarda-rBaii.  -kaktk  le  Aakck. 
■Ifl  o  bertlal,  bratl«h;  atnpld.  -tflitk  e  bestlal- 
Itj-,  brutality;  »Inpldlty.    '-!bt1  drover.    -trtatnr 

Sari  a  dlagoatlng,  bldeotu,  ghutly,  grlrn, 
horrid.  rorbidding.    -t  adt  dlaguatingly  etc  ;  F 

S«[B  e  decay,  dllapldatlon.  S"'*t  »  ■(  "*p; 
fif  plUUl:   gu  i  -n   be  caught  in  tbe  trap,    fall 


with  cbafr.    ffslkt  (ogl  -«,  -t)  ur  (omBuiijd  fell; 
tfixabll    strike    down,    slay;    eacm    Ir    Wunt  ;    - 

r  -bf  Bom  bew 
-  BlaW,  Janbrr, 

Tom  paas  aentence;  brite ' 
jOnricted  on  that  evlden. 
tnfTer  shed  leaves,  Metb,  1 .       ... 

Inlo;  liamtnrn  (ay  (together)     ffalkrrit  moult- 
Ing  aeaion.    9alk|lng,   (-f-t(ft),    -Hittg  c  felllng 


:ommon,   Joint;   brl  aaoc  Ma 
^hargea  are  bomc  in  common; 

.é;  .  »tjtitllt  jur  Jofnt  uw;  for 

baafrl  cooperaliTe  faakary.  -brgrri  cotnmon 
QOtlon.  -brfti)rrl(t  Joint  adminiatralion.  -is 
olnl  cstate.  -kara  chlldren  of  the  same  pa 
euts.  -r|r  Joint  property.  -fnfalning  common 
o  rta  ti  tution.  -grrmoniff  a  Teu  tonic,  Qermanlc. 
gakg  c.  property.  -Ian  gram  c.  gender.  -tnaal 
mi*  common  meaaure.  -ataalllk  public  din. 
ler.  -martr  common  characteiistlc.  -non*  c. 
ieme;  gram  appellative,  common  noun.  -naibifl 
r  Scandluavlan.   •aUrkJBtr  common  denorol - 

-flat   t 


fellowsblp,  communlty;  - 
company;  Inkgaa- (I -.  mrk  c 
with;  i  .  Jointly.    -(»taning  Ir   maaltiB. 

c.  language,    -fine  (ftofp  )  common  war_.     

general   ti  tie.    -NnkrrkilBing  system   of  mixed 
achoolB.    f>>nlg  c  fe  Sanrlfrak. 

S«|*l«g«  n  catlle  station,  drover'a  hut,  d.'a 
atatlou  (on  the  hille)     -Mart   fleld    for  cattle, 

ifnikilt  t   ir  enslgn;   vco  Hgrtirirt  (tltliaeri) 

S>ng]tar  a  lnOammable.  -taclik  e  lnUam- 
mablllty.  naaglt  ri  catch  Sre,  lake  f,  lgnlle, 
klndle.    -dig  a  Si  -bar.    -kul  louch-hole,   vent, 

8 < 1 1  ker  vent- hit.  -kam  bonch  -kcttftl 
apron.  -lanal  match. hole.  •naktr  ir  -bar.  -»rok 
vent  plug.    -ftnl((  vent-piece.    -tom  [t  -born. 

rr<mg|kait«(P^rcuaslon)cap.  -la at  flat  -Irnkt 
prlmlng;  lagac  -  fon  prime,  -naal  needle.  needle guu.  -»anke  Srepan.  -var 
tube.    -rarékoajt  tube  box. 

ffaniicl  ■  -drt  (SKIS«)  prlaon,  Jail;  (Sanjrtf 
flok)  Imprlaonment,  conflnement;  baml  til  6  SBaa. 
nckrrt  .  sentenced  to  alx  monlhs'  priaOQ;  i  -flet 
in  prlaon.  -t-kankin  a  impriaoned,  conflned. 
—  ffrrngfrl*  goork  prlaon-yaid.  -Ilrlr  prlaon 
•Cbape).  -HD"  prlaon  lire.  -otnr  prisen  well. 
-krarfi  prhton- chapbtin.  -irlflok  dlacharged  prla- 
oner'a  aitl  soclety.  -Rraf  penalty  of  imprtiou 
ment.  -tik  time  of  1.  ■oi'tttrt  prlaon  matten, 
the  priaona.      ftnagllr  el  imprlson,   commlt  to 

c   bom    her   beauly    captivated    blm;    — 

t  A  °ff«ttglllg  a<tv :  .  anBoikr  take  Into  cuatody 
XattgktlHg  e  -tr  imprlaonment,  incarce ration. 
tBanaifr  c   r  pennon 

phennm'enon,     -n'l  a  pbe 


garrk   (ogf.   Sa'ik)    o  (»ÅW  expedlOom    (0»- 





førfel)  conduct,  behaviour;  (ftremgangftmaabe) 
proceeding;  *  (Spor)  track;  fro  førfte  -  from  tbe 
beginning,  from  the  very  outset;  Date  i  -  meb 
be  about;  gioe  flg  i  -  ineb  set  about,  embark  on, 
address  one's  seu  to;  gtbe  fifl  i  .  meb  flette  Øoif 
take  up  el.  associate,  with  bad  company;  tøab 
er  bet  paa  -t't  what's  the  matter?  ber  er  noget 
(galt)  paa  -e  there  is  something  amlss  el.  wrong; 
ber  er  &are  paa  -e  there  Is  danger  afoot,  mischief 
afoot  el.  brewing;  ffan  er  alt  paa  -e  he  is  stirring 
el.  astir  already.  -en  c  doings,  dealings.  -ei 
vd  (rejfe)  journey,  travel;  (»ære  i  Qebægelfe)  be 
in  motion,  on  the  move.  *cgmanb  traveller. 
-edbogu  open  travelling  car. 

$crrbig  a  (rebe)  ready,  prepared,  in  readiness; 
(fulbenbt)  finished,  done;  (øbet)  expert,  adroit, 
dexterous;  tore  -  meb  have  el.  be  done  with; 
gøre  .  (rebe)  get  a  thing  ready,  (fulbenbe)  finish; 
bolbe  flg  -  be  in  readiness;  boere  -  i  be  expert 
at;  -  (nar  beb)  at  ready  to;  F  *>«n  er  -  he  is 
flnished,  done  for;  -I  (ftommanbo)  ready!  - 
@cD«r!  make  ready!  — (t)  adv  dexterously;  tale 
.  speak  fluently.  -bygget  a  ready  built,  com- 
pleted.  -gjort  a  ready  made.  -fteb  c  dexterity, 
skill,  adroitness,  expertness,  address;  beflbbe  -er 
possess  accomplishments.  -møget  c  -e  finisher. 
-{treben  a  finished,  all  written.  -flprt  a  ready 
made.    -trftft  «  ready  printed. 

*ftorrbingftmaub  c  traveller. 

3f«rbfel  c  road-trarnc.  {jrOTbfeldmibler  means 
of  conveyance. 

ftarge  c  -r  ferry-boat,  wherry,  feny.  gfonrge 
vt  (ooer)  ferry  (over),  -baab  fe  ftarge  c.  -bro. 
.brtagge  pier,  jetty  (at  a  ferry).  -bampftib  ferry 
-steamer.  -fart  passage  of  a  ferry.  -føl!  ferry- 
men.  -gaarb.  -gvØ  ferryman's  house,  -fart 
ferryman.  -lab  ferrymen's,  watermen's  Corpora- 
tion -Ub  sound.  -l*n  ferriage.  -manb  ferry- 
man, watennan.  -fteb  ferry.  -iatfi  ferry  tariff. 
-tølb  ferry-toll.  -to*  ferry-rope,  -b*frn  ferries. 
+8rflttg»ing  c  ferrying. 

tirømng  c   er  Faroe  islander,  Faroese. 

tftrring  c  -er.  fe  fttræring. 

farre,  ffrarrefi  fe  gaa  a. 

Fart  c  scent. 

toraerne  the  Faroe  Islands. 

fcr'ftalb  fe  -luit. 

Jafte  n  -r  (noget  at  fafte  meb)  fastening;  (for 
Aanberne,  ftøbberne)  hold,  (paa  Sabel)  hilt,  handle; 
(ftotpagtnlng)  lease;  tønbfaftmng)  fine;  Hl  -  for 
for  securing;  gtbe  i  -  let  on  lease;  $abe  i  -  hold 
on  lease,  (tøfle  vt  (befafte)  fasten,  fix,  secure, 
(meb  Haale  el.  Wiefting)  fix;  (tage  i  -)  take  on 
lease,'  secure  the  lease  of;  (en  Scætefte)  betroth; 

-  en  ttnbe  fasten  a  stitch;  -  ftob  i  make  a  foot 
-hold  in;  -  «ob  take  root;  -  Xjeneftefølt  engage 
servanta;  -  fcoretfer  hlre  rooms;  -  en  woarb  bort 
lease  a  (arm,  let  a  f.  on  lease;  -  fcaaret  op 
lasten  the  hair;  -  ftne  £jne,  ftt  $aab  paa  fix  one's 
eyes,  one's  hope  upon;  -  paa  nn  refix;  refasten. 

—  vr  -  ftg  bort  hire  one's  self;  -  flg  t  ttrrø. 
bringen  take  hold  of  the  memory.  -afUiniita 
purchasing  the  freehold.  -bønbe  leasehold 
armer  -breb  lease-contract.  -efenbom  lease- 
hold property  el.  estate.  -fol!  betrothod  per- 
sons, -førftølbet  the  relations  of  landlord  and 
tenant.  -gaarb  leasehold  farm.  -gobf  fe  -ejen- 
bom.  -inbretnlnger  &  moorings.  *«**g« 
of  a  regiBtry  for  servants.  -»»tor  registry 
-Office,  registry  for  servants.  •*«»;•.  a  no* 
leased.  -løb  leasehold  law.  -lf«  «  5rn?»  **' 
techment.  -manb  fe  -tone;  (forlobet  flRanb)  be- 
trothed  (man),  -mibbel  n  fixative.  -m*  be- 
trothed  (maiden).  &a*en»gabe  gift  •'-*• 
celebration  of  betrothment.  **&****£*!*? 
of  betrothai.   &f*Hen*rfn§  ring  of  betrothment. 

&afte|penge  earnest-money,  •tastenlng-penny». 
-pligt  fe  -tbano.  3r*ftet  c  -e  tenant,  lessee, 
leaseholder.  ftafieretHgljeb  right  of  leasing. 
*$«fkerøt  fe  ^aftensgilbe.  gfttftelfag  leasehold 
case.  -rib  period  of  service.  -tbang  compulsory 
letting  on  lease,  -bofen  leasehold  matters. 
*8fæfrtgbeber  pi  fastenings;  (fortøjninger)  moor- 
ings.   $afrne  vt  fasten;  solidify. 

ftaftning  c  -er  fortress,  fort.  —  $<rfr*ina4  > 
agat  fortification  agate.  -«nlag  fortlflcation. 
-arbefbe  fortificatlou;  bømmeø  Hl  .  be  sentenced 
to  hard  labour,  -arreft  conflnement  in  a  fortress. 
-artilleri  garrison  artUlery.  -fange  fe  -flaøe. 
•flrfante«  the  Quadrilateral.  -grab  ditch,  moat 
(of  a  fortress).  -tømmanbont  commandant  (of 
a  place).  -mur  fortress  wall.  -ffbt*  fe  -artineri. 
t-flabe  hard -labour  con  viet.  f-floberi  hard 
labour.  -bolb  rampart.  -øorTter  fortiflcations, 

8f(etter  c  e  cousin;  F  en  fnurrtg  -  a  queer 
chap.  -i— tig  a  cousinly.  -flab  n  cousinahip, 
cousinhood.    +^«tterf!e  c  -r  cousin. 

ftelbaug  fe  -marl. 

$*be  c  food,  aliment;  (Dmp.)  feed,  tage  -  til 
flg  take  food;  man  ftol  gøre  noget  for  -n  root, 
hog,  or  die !  one  must  do  something  for  a  liv- 
ing.  ^øbe,  tt,  -t  vt  (nem)  feed;  (bringe  Hl  Ser« 
ben)  bear,  bring  forth,  give  birth  to;  *  af  ftg 
give  rise  to,  engender;  —  føbt  bom;  ban  er  en 
føbt  (tnglanber  he  is  a  native  of  England,  he  is 
an  Englishman  born  et.  by  birth;  pan  er  føbt  i 
Bonbon  he  was  born  in  London;  itfe  føbt  not 
high-born;  gru  «.  føbt  ©.  Mrs  A.  late  Miss  B. 
-apbavat  feeding-apparatus.  -bti  native  town. 
•bal  native  valley.  -egn  native  place.  -vjone 
(3)mp.)  feed-cock.  -bnø  house  of  one's  birth. 
-Jorb  native  soli.  -røm  fe  Orøbtorn.  -tran  fe 
-bane.  -lanb  native  country,  birth-oountry;  for- 
lob -et  left  his  n.  c.  -linie  (Xel.)  feed-line. 
-mangel  scarcity  of  food.  -maffinc  feedengtne. 
-mibbel  artiele  of  food.  -mørngbe  quantity  of 
food.  -nabn  born  uame.  -nab  stallied  ox;  f 
fio  idler.  -pnmpe  feed-pump.  *-raob  n,  -ronbi* 
manb  o.  fl.,  fe  ttftcegt. 

5øber|ali^'  o  -er  fed'eral.  -atiø'n  c  -er  federa'- 
tion.  -ati'b  a,  -aH'b*  fed'eral.   -e  ret  a  fed'erate. 

gføbflrig  a  (rig  paa  gøbe)  abounding  in  food; 
(ncerenbe)  nutritious.  -rør  feed-pipe.  -føg«  native 
parish.  -flab  native  town  el.  city.  -flabn  native 
soli.  -fteb  native  place,  birthplace.  -f«b  fe 
lørebtom.  -balfe  feed -roller,  -øanb  feed(-water). 
-barer  pi  provisions,  vietuals.  -benHl  feed-valve. 
-ø  native  isie.  *&øbflatf  fe  ftøbermærte.  løb- 
ning c  (S)mp.)  feeding. 

Bfabfel  c  -flet  (92eb!omft)  delivcry,  parturitiou; 
(©prb)  birth,  nativity;  ubetimelig  .  miscaniage, 
abortion;  beb,  efter  -en  at,  after  birth;  af  -  by 
birth;  Sanft  af  -  a  native  of  Denmark.  — 
$øbfetd|aar  year  of  (one's)  birth.  -abel  nobility 
of  birth.  -atteft  -breb  certificate  of  birth.  -bag 
birthday,  natal  day.  -bagdbamet  the  hero  of 
the  day.  -bagftgabe  birthday  present,  -bele  pi 
(female)  parts  of  generation,  -feft  blrthday-feast. 
-bi*lp  obstetric  aid;  fe  -oibenflab.  -bjalber  man 
•midwife,  accoucheur,  obstetrician.  -bjalberffe 
midwife,  obstetrician.  -bøftib  fe  -feft.  -lem 
genitals  pi.  -linie  springing  of  an  arch.  -læge 
obstetric  physician.  -nøb  labour,  travall.  -ret 
birth-right.  -fmerter  pains,  throesofchildbirth, 
birth-throes.  -fteb  fe  Øøbefteb.  -ftifrelfe  lying-ln 
hospital  el.  institution,  -ftnnb  time,  moment  of 
(one's)  birth.  -tang  foreeps,  extractor.  -rib 
time  of  birth,  of  delivery.  -Hme  natal  hour. 
-beer  fe  -fmerter.  -bibenftab  midwlfery,  obstet- 
rics  pi,  obstetric  medicine.  -øjeblit  moment  of 
birth  el.  delivery. 




ft#j!  int  fe  $d. 

little,  small,  short;  —  adv  slightly,  a 
abort  time. 

frrje  e  (fcarfog)  reason,  cause;  falbe  til  -  yleld, 

%*\t  vt  (fammen)  join,  connect,  unite,  pat 
together;  (pasfe)  adapt,  fit,  sult;  (befriHe)  ordaln, 
dispose;  (rette  fig  efter)  humour,  favour;  .  fine 
Crb  turn  one's  words;  -  til  add;  -  Unftalt  til 
take  measures  for,  —  vr  fig  efter  conform  to, 
accommodate  one's  self  to,  humour,  comply 
with  one's  humour;  bet  -be  fig  faalebe*  it  so 
happened;  .  fig  t  fe  gorføje  fig.  ftøfelig  a  (billig) 
lndulgent,  compliant,  complying,  accommodat- 
ing;  (gunfhg)  favourable,  propitious;  (betbem) 
convenient,  suitable;  tneb  førfte  -e  ©inb  with  flrst 
fair  wind.  Ofojeligfjeb  c  pliancy,  complaisance. 
Fitting  c  joining. 
*8r«ife  vt:  en  ub  turn  one  out. 

| te  vi  gad;  +  c  gadabout.    •*  c  gadding. 
I*  n,  pf  =*,  foal;  (ifæt  $ingft.)  colt;   ($oppe») 

{bar  a  tangible,  perceptible 
ile,  følte,  følt  vt  &  i  feel;  tøn  -r  Binbring  he 
feels  relieved;  .  btjbt  be  keenly  alive  to;  b,on  bil 
not  tomme  til  at  -  bet  he  will  smart  for  it;   jeg 
tør  faaet  at  -  I  know  to  my  cost;   ben.   bet  ilte 
bil  høre,   maa  ~  he  who  will  not  hear  advice 
must  Buffer;  .  paa  feel;  til  at  tage  og  .  paa  pal- 
pable;  .  en  paa  Xcenberne  sound  one;  bet  et  baarbt 
at  ~  paa  it  feels  hard,   it  is  hard  to  the  touch; 
ben  -te*  barm  it  touched  warm;  —  vr  fig  have 
a  high  opinion  of  one's  sell;  -  fig  fornærmet  feel 
Injured,   .  fig  forpligtet  feel  bound  (o.  fl.);  .  fig 
fom  et  ganfte  anbet  wennefte  feel  qulte  another 
person;   -  fig   for  el.  frem  feel  one's  way  el. 
ground.    &ølejebne   faculty  of  feeling,  tactual 
power,    -§aar  pi  feelers,   tentacles.    -Ijom  pi 
feelers.  antennæ.    følelig   a  that  may  be  felt, 
sensible,  peroeptible;   -t  tab,  Støb  severe  loss, 
blow;  en  -  Xrang  a  preBsing  want;  bar  meget  -t 
was  severely  felt.   $øle|lfe  c  -r  (i  aUe  SBet.)  feel- 
ing;   (ftornemmelfe)    sensation;    (6inbøbebaegelfe) 
emotion;  (i  ttbrrøftet)  pathos;   (tun  om  Sanfen) 
touch:  fin  -  sensibility;  meb  .  feelingly;   bet  fjor 
man  paa  -n  that  is  a  matter  of  instinct;   jeg  %ax 
en  -  fom  om  I  feel  as  if;  jeg  fyibbe  en  flært  .  af 
at  the  feeling  was  strong  upon  me  that;  jeg  %ax 
en  fxsrfere  og  tortere  -  af  at  it  beglns  to  grow 
upon  me  that.   -Ifeølib  emotions!  nature.  -lfe*» 
mennefTr  susceptible,  impulsive  man  (el.  womanj, 
emotional  man   (woman).     -lfeøfag  matter  of 
aentiment.     -Ifeiflbeti  the  emotional  side  (of 
human  nature).    •Ifeønbbntb   outburst  of  feel- 
ing.    -ttbe    o    sentient;    (aanbelig)    of  feeling. 
•seme  sensoiy  nerve,    -rebflab  fe  -traab.    -ri'  n 
sentimental!  ty.    -\and  sense  of  touch,    -øløå  a 
anfeeling,  lnsensible,  apathetic,  callous.    -ølø8- 
beb  e  insensibility,  apathy.    -traab  feeler,  ten- 
tacle.    -bifer  ØDtejn.)  instrument  of  preclsion. 
-borte  sensory  papilla. 
t&fffob  (plante;  coltsfoot,  Twuilago. 
ftølgagtig    a    compliant,    obedlent.     -$eb    c 
obedience,  compllance. 

tyolgr,  fulgte,  fulgt  vt  k  i  (tomme  efter)  follow, 
sucoeed,  ensue;  (lebfage)  attend,  accompany; 
(MaøJb,  Øint)  aet  on,  follow,  take;  -  Øjeblittetf 
&nbf!tjbelfe  aet  on  the  spur  of  the  moment;  - 
en  ttl  Søren  see  one  out;  -  flt  eget  $ooeb  have 
one's  own  way;  _  en  bi  em  see,  bring  el.  attend 
one  home;  -  iitg  attend  a  funeral;  følg  mit  ftaab ! 
take  my  advice l  —vi:  fan  fbacebe  fom  -r  he 
answer«d  as  follows,  to  the  following  effect,  in 
this  wise;  bet  -r  af  fig  felb  that's  a  matter  of 
courae,  goes  without  the  saying;  tøraf  -r  hence 
It  follows;   -   efter  come  after,   follow,   (fom 

efterfølger)  succeed;  efter  tøegn  -r  Sotftin  after 
rain  comes  sunsblne;  -  meb  fig  follow,  keep 
pace  (with);  ~  meb  (Xiben)  keep  abreast  of  the 
times,  move  el.  go  with  the  times;  ~  paa  follow; 
bu  maa  tage,  fjbab  bet  -r  paa  you  must  take  the 
consequences;  —  vd:  -8  ab  go  together,  fig  run 
el.  go  together;  -8  meb  go  along  with;  —  part 
-nbe,  fe  nbfr.  Qrølge  c  -r  (efter  $inanben)  succes- 
sion; (fRcette)  series;  (SRefultat)  result,  consequence; 
brage  til  -  serve  as  a  precedent;  tage  til  ~  comply 
with;  b>r  til  -  at  leads  to  the  consequence  that, 
result«  in;  bet  fan  Ijabe  bigtige  -r  it  may  be 
attended  with  important  consequences;  fom  -  af 
consequent  to;  fom  _  Ijeraf  in  consequence,  con- 
sequently;  fe  i  9ølge.  ftølge  n  -r  (éelftao)  Com- 
pany; (be  Iebfagenbej  retinue.  suite,  train,  attend- 
ance,  followers;  •(ftlof)  multitude,  gang;  i  -  meb 
in  the  c.  of;  gøre,  *flaa  ~  join  company;  gøre  . 
meb  accompany;  ^olbe  -  meb  keep  company  with, 
(famme  ^urtig^eb)  keep  up  with;  the  dogs  went 
rather  bIow  and  the  horses  were  able  to  live 
with  them;  J;  uben  lebenbe  ftoltø  -  abandoned. 
-blab  accompanying  paper.  -breb  accompanying 
el.  coverlng  letter,  ^følgelig  adv  (+  o)  conse- 
quently,  in  consequence.  $ølge|nbe  a  follow- 
ing; -  Orb  the  following  words;  i  bet  -  ftopitel 
in  the  ensuing  chapter;  -  er  en  ^ortegnelfe  ooer 
the  following  is  a  list  of;  i  bet  -  in  the  sequel; 
paa  Ijinanben  ~  successive,  -rig  a  pregnant  with 
consequences.  -ret,  -rigtig  a  (rigtig  flnttet) 
rightly  inferred;  (fonfefbent)  consistent.  -rigtig* 
l)eb  consistency.  -rætfe  succession,  series,  -feb* 
bel  accompanying  note;  (Xolbb.)  shipping  note. 
-flab  n  fe  gføfge  n.  -ftribelfe  fe  -oreb.  -flnrning 
conclusion,  inference.  -frreng  a  fe  -rigtig,  -fbeni 
follower,  attendant,  companlon,  fig  accompani- 
ment.  -føtning  c  consequent.  -t-tttttg  a  fe  -rig. 
-birtniag  consequent  effect.  -bftrbtg  a  worthy 
of  imitation.  +&*lgføw  a  obedient. 
ølboppe  brood  mare. 
liag  e,  mil  close  position. 
Ijeton  fe  geutaeton. 
OfaBe  vt  foal. 

grø  If  om  a  (meb  fin  gfølelfe)  feeling,  emotional, 
(ogma  ora  ^nfrrum.)  sensitive;  faffetteret  .)  senti- 
mental. -|cb  c  feeling,  sensibility,  sensitiveness; 

Ofol|tanb  colt's  tooth.  *-nnge  foal.  -øg  fe 

ftønici|eit  n  Phenicia.    -er,  -fl  Fhenician. 

»ør  a  stout. 

}jføx  prop  before,  prior  to,  previous  to;  adv 
before,  previously,  formerly;  eonj  before,  ere; 
(Rettere)  rather;  -  »il  jeg  fulte  I  will  rather  starve 
el.  I  will  starve  flrst;  jo  ~  fo  jetter  the  sooner 
the  beiter;  „  eller  filbigere  sooner  or  later;  lige  . 
on  the  eve  of;  t  |eg  bar  -  beb  b,an#  5)ø r  I  was  at 
his  door  a  while  ago;  forfteUige  fra  ~  different 
from  what  they  used  to  be.  t-batib  gram  the 
pluperfect  (tense). 

Jfa'rbar  a  transportable, 
larc,  fø'rte,  fø'rt  vt  convey,  bring,  carry;  (lebe) 
de,  conduct,  lead;  ftøreturen  -te  o4  gennem  en 
@tob  our  drive  took  us  through  a  wood;  ~  et 
gortøj  command  a  vessel;  -  ftaarben  wield  the 
sword;  bette  gartøj  -r  40  ftanoner  this  vessel 
mounts,  carrles  40  guns;  -  ftorrefponoancen  carry 
on  the  correspondence;  -  Srrig  make  war,  wage 
war;  -  en  Sabning  carry  a  cargo;  -  et  gubfrøgtigt 
Sib  lead  a  pious  llfe;  -  et  9taon  bear  a  name; 

-  Orbet  speak,  be  the  Bpokesman;  -  bet  ftore 
Orb  lay  down  the  law;  •  $ennen  wield  the  pen; 

-  ftor  9)ragt  live  in  grand  style;  -  fyxocti  carry 
on  a  lawsuit;  .  Wegnftab  keep  accounts;  _  6cep« 
teret  wield  the  sceptre;  .  et  6lio  command  el. 
sail  a  snip;   .  et  $øjt  Sprog   speak  in  a  lofty 




strain;  _  utømmelig  tale  use  indecent  language; 
-  Baoben  carry  arms;  „  ni  Såre  deal  in  an  ar- 
tlcle,  keep  an  a.  on  sale;  .  Sibner  produoe  ri. 
call  wltnesses;  .af,  fe  Afføre;  .an  lead  the 
way;  -  bort,  fe  Øortføre;  -  frem  for  en  usher 
lnto  one's  presence;  -t  ben  til  leads  to,  takes 
you  to;  -  f  ©rug  bring  lnto  vogue,  Introduce; 
.  i  $ennen  pen;  Ijbab  ban  -r  i  fit  Stjolb  what  his 
intentions  are;  .  igennem,  fe  Gennemføre;  - 
inb  Introduce,  (i  titegnftab)  enter;  -  meb  fla 
bring  along  with  one,  (boere  Iebfaget  af)  be  attended 
with;  fio  render  it  necessary;  -  neb  til  lead 
down  to;  -rte  o«  omf  ring  paa  Cjenbommen  walked 
us  over  the  estate;  -te  o«  omrring  i  kilten  took 
ns  through  the  church;  -  op  (i  »an«)  lead  the 
dance;  _  (Ulbfte  o.  I.)  ober  bring  upon;  -  paa 
strain;  -  fa  mm  en  bring  together;  ~  til  lead  to, 
result  in;  .  til  3nbto»gt,  Ubgtft  place  to  the 
account  of  income,  expenditure;  .  ub  bring 
out;  fe  Ubføre;  -  ub  i  fiibet  reallze,  bring  into 
concrete  ezistence;  Bærelfet  -rte  ub  til  en  ftorribør 
the  room  opened  upon  a  corridor;  _  et  8arp  ub 
<£,  run  out  a  warp;  «  et  Unfer  ub  carry  out  an 
anchor;  .  bilb  lead  aøtrav;  —  wfig  carry  one's 
self;  +  k  bibl  -  ftø  of,  .  ftg  i  put  off,  put  on. 

Qf«re  n  (state  of)  the  roads,  wheeling,  *sleigh- 
ing;  i  gobt  .  fører  man  Cejen  paa  to  limer  it  is 
a  two  hours'  drive  when  the  roads  are  in  good 
condition;  bet  er  baarligt  ~  it  is  bad  walking, 
the  roads  are  in  a  bad  state;  bet  er  baabt,  følet 
.  it  is  wet,  dirty  under  foot.  *-falb  «  bad  Btate 
of  the  roads  in  spring  (when  the  sleighing  fails). 

ftørtlfe  c  fe  ftørbeb. 

tirørelfe  c  guidance,  conduct,  dlrection,  ma- 
nagement; (af  et  6fib)  command;  (Øubø)  dis- 

ftøreub  conj  before,  ere;  +  prerp  before. 
&ører  c  -e.  fe  Anfører;  &,  master,  commander; 
mus  (i  ftuga)  subject.   -tabe,  -ffr  c  -c,  fe  ttnfører. 
-poft  c,  -flab  n  command,  leadership. 

ftø'rfceb  c  stoutness,  corpulence. 

frøriag  c  -er  load,  burden,  cargo,  freight; 
(fBefatningens)  venture;  prov  presents;  fe  ogfaa 
{Jørelfe.  —  fjfrrittøø|*øa«b  lighter,  cargo-boat. 
•follpassengers.  -Ian  carriage,  porterage,  freight. 
•manb  carrier.    -penge  fe  -løn.    ••pram  fe  -baab. 

ft*'r|laben  a  stoutish,  stout.  -labenbeb  c 
stoutness.  -(emmet  o  stout,  large-limbed.  ftør- 
Hg  a  stoutish;  (rafl)  hale,  hearty.  ftørligbeb  c 
health,  vigour;  (om  toøe  o.  I.)  size;  jeg  bar 
miftet  -en  i  mit  benfhre  ©en  I  have  lost  the  power 
of  my  left  leg.  ftørligbebøtabet  4*  scheme  of 

ftø  rjnntib  gram  the  perfect  (tense).  -omtalt 
a  before  mentioned. 

ftørfel  c  -flet  transport,  conveyance,  carriage. 
—  gførfe(ø|eime  carriage,  carrving  capaclty.  -fød 
carriere.  -ffib  transport,  -ub  season  for  trans- 

Qpørft  adv  flrst;  (i  fførfftiingen)  at  firet;  gaa  - 
lead  the  way;  -  paa  Sinteren  at  the  commence- 
ment  of  winter;  .  i  fRaj  early  in  May,  (meb 
Zonen  paa  «9Raj")  not  before  May;  ban  tom  -  for 
en  fralo  lime  fiben  he  came  only  el.  but  half  an 
hour  ago;  nu  _  now  for  the  flrst  time,  now  at 
last;  ~  nu  but  now;  ba  _,  ~  ba  adv  not  tlll 
then,  conj  only  when;  naar  -  (when)  once;  - 
nqttø  but  recently;  .  jeg  faa  barn  when  I  first 
saw  him;  as  soon  as  I  saw  him;  be  ffulle  -  bcee 
©rtjUup  om  et  fralbt  Kar  they  are  not  to  be 
married  for  siz  months  yet;  fra  -  af  from  the 
flrst,  at  flrst,  in  the  first  case  el.  inst&nce, 
originally,  from  the  beginnlng,  at  (el.  from)  the 
outset;  fra  -  til  fibft  from  first  to  last;  fe  ©roet, 
møde.  ftrørft  ord  num  flrst;  -e  SRofebog  Geneals; 
fra  min  -e  Barnbom  from  my  earliest  childhood; 
ben  -e  ben  bebfte  the  first  that  offers,  any  one; 
for  bet  -e  in  the  first  place,  first,  flrstly,  to  begin 
with,  for  one  thing;  itfe  for  bet  -e  not  yet  awbile; 
bet  -e  jeg  fer  barn  the  first  time  I  sce  him;  meb 
bet  -e  as  soon  as  possible,  at  an  early  day, 
shortly;  nt  af  bet  -e  ban  fagbe  one  of  the  first 
things  he  said;  nt  af  bet  -e  be  giorbe  one  of 
thelr  earliest  acts;  af  -e  ©ørt  first-rate;  F  tip-top; 
en  -e  ftlalfeft  $a*fager  a  firet-class  (pasaenger); 
beb  -e  SejHgbeb  at  the  first  opportunlty;  et  af  be 
-é  9lumre,  fttpitler  an  early  number,  chapter;  en 
af  be  -e  $age  at  an  early  day;  i  be  -e  SDage  af 
Uuguft  in  tie  early  days  of  August;  -e,  anben, 
trebje  Q3ana  (beb  Huftionj  golng,  going,  gone:  -e 
9teb  (i  6ejl)  first-reef;  en  Stjerne  af  -e  ©tørrene  a 
star  of  the  first  magnitude.  —  Qførfte|forefHHinø 
first  performance  (of  a  play).  -føbeube  c  primi- 
para.  -føbfel  primogenlture;  bibl  birth-right. 
•føbfeløret  (right  of)  primogenlture.  -føbt  a 
flrst-born;  bet  -e  {bibl  om  Sur)  firstUngs.  -grøbe 
flrst  fruits  pi.  ^aanM  a  flrst-hand,  original. 
t-farl  foreman,  head  servant  (on  a  farm),  -ton* 
mer  upper  house,  -farer  head  teacher.  -manb 
the  flrst  man;  ^  Jeg  er  -  I  have  got  the  first 
turn.  -minifter  premier,  prime  minister,  -rongft 
a  first  class.  -fccNe  first  el.  principal  theatre. 
-ftyrmanb  flrst  mate,  chief  officer.  -*aQt  <i»  first 
watch.    -bertifalen  i  the  prime  vertical. 

&ørft|!øMmcttbc  a  neit,  enBuing;  ben  3 bie  , 
on  the  3rd  prox(imo).  -ttittg:  i  -en  at  first 
•aabnte  a  the  flrst  mentioned  et.  named,  (af  to) 
the  former,    -praten  first  service. 

•ftøftre  m  brood.    -tibc«  the  brooding  season. 


ø  [®e]  n  -er  (JBogfl.Jt  ww)  G,  g  [jeel;  abbr: 

wm  geografift  SWtl; 

g.  TO. 


gi.  ■«  gammel,  old; 
•■  Orab,  degree. 

(8a«  vi  ait,  gaaet  el.  gaat  (t  imptr  gafl  (i 
Hint.)  go;  (lun  om  (Øang  [paa  ^øbbernel)  walk; 
(paøfere)  pas«;  (frraffe  flg)  run;  (om  TOafrine  o.  I.) 
move,  work;  bet  maa  —  fom  bet  bil  happen  what 
may;  bet  gif  faalebel  til  it  was  on  thls  wise;  bet 
git  flet  meb  bet  goretagenbe  that  en  terprise  did 
not  succeed;  bet  git  fom  jeg  tænfte  it  fell  out  as 
I  expected;  faalebet  -r  bet  (i  Cerben)  that  iø  the 

way  of  the  world;  bborlebeft  -r  bet  big  (røerbeu,? 
how  gæs  the  world  with  you?  f  bet  -r  iffe  it's 
no  go;  bet  gif  ilte  it  didn't  answer;  bet  -r  not  it 
will  be  all  right;  Søren  ait  the  door  was  opened, 
snut;  trommen  git  the  drum  was  beat;  Ziben  -r 
time  flies  (fast);  faa  Xiben  til  at  -  while  away 
time;  Stormtlotten  gif  the  alarm  bell  was  rung; 
Damppibet  -r  ft lotten  1  the  steamer  sails  el. 
leaves  at  one  (o'clock);  benne  Wønt  -r  itfe  ber  i 
Uonbet  thls  coin  is  not  current  in  thls  country; 
9.  -r  (Xbrat.)  Exit  B.;   V.  og  ©.  gaa  Ezeunt  A. 




and  B.;  bette  Stbffe  gif  tbbe  (Bange  i  Iræ!  tbls 
play  ran  for  twenty  nights;  QforeftiUfngen  gif 
ganffe  gobt  tbe  performance  went  offpretty  well; 
Uret  -r  ganfte  gobt  the  watch  keeps  time  well 
enough,  -t  noget  hurtig  la  rather  fast;  ©øen  -r 
bøjt  the  sea  runs  high;  Srt>ftet  gtf  ftærft  paa  barn 
his  cheet  heaved  violen  ti  y;  .  lebig  be  idle;  labe 
.  (i  Jtort)  pas8;  lab  ~  &  let  go!  fig  lab  ~!  here 
gæs!  men  lab  bet  -  but  let  that  pass;  —  vt  . 
ttn  Sej  go  one's  way,  come  away;  .  Sejt  weigh; 
fe  rørinbe,  Støble;  —  vr  .  fig  en  Sur  take  a 
walk;  ~  fifl  træt  tire  one's  self  with  walking;  — 
part  -enbe:  ljolbe  bet  -en bf  keep  the  pot  boiling, 
the  game  alive;  ljun  ljabbe  Spillet  -enbe  sne  had 
the  game  in  her  own  hånds;  her  -enbe  passant; 
—  (meb  pray  og  adv) :  !>bab  -r  ber  ab  (el.  af)  Ijam? 
what's  the  matter  with  him?  what  has  come 
to  the  man;  bet  -r  en  bøj  Sete  af  benne  Øaarb 
this  house  el.  farm  yields  a  high  rent;  .  af  (af« 
øaa)  re  tire,  (fraregne«)  be  deducted;  *(ttu)  break, 
snap,  part;  Bøffen  gif  af  the  gun  went  off;  ffatben 
-r  af  the  colour  comes  off,  rubs  off;  alting  gif 
*e!  af  every  thing  went  off  well;  btøfe  Sårer  - 
ftærft  af  these  goods  sell,  go  off,  rapidly;  -  af 
fm  Sej  go  out  of  one's  way;  Sejen  -r  af  til  ben* 
fire  the  road  branches  off  to  the  left;  .  af  meb 
carry  off;  -  af  meb  Sejren  carry  the  day;  _  af 
Vlobe  go  out  of  føshion;  r  af  fia  felb  is  mere 
child's  play,  as  easy  as  klss  hånd;  -an  *  (tage 
fat)  turn  to;  bet  -r  an  it  will  do,  it  answers  well 
enough,  it  is  pretty  fair;  goa  an!  (Dmp.)  go 
ahead;  bet  -r  albrig  an  that  will  never  do;  -  bag* 
otter  fig  be  taken  aback;  .  bort  go  away,  leave; 
ørt  bort  og  gør  bu  figefaa  bibl  go,  and  do  thou  like- 
wise;  -  bort  ■•  bø;  -  efter  (Ijente)  go  for,  (rette  fig 
efter)  go  by,  (unberføge)  look  into;  ber  er  -et  Sub 
efter  Ijam  he  has  been  sent  for;  fig  %ant  noget  at 
.  efter  have  something  to  go  upon;  -  efter  en« 
JjRaab  foUow  one's  advice;  alt  er  -et  barn  efter 
jCnfEe  everything  has  succeeded  to  his  wishes; 
*  _  efter  en  Sti  follow  a  path;  -  efter  Sbben 
follow  the  sound,  go  after  the  sound;  -  for  go 
before,  have  precedence  of,  (om  SRønt)  be  worth, 
be  current  at,  (paa  ttuftion)  be  knocked  down 
at;  _  og  gælbe  for  pass  for;  tyxn  -x  for  en  rig 
2Ronb  he  is  looked  upon  as  a  wealthy  man;  . 
for  en  go  for  one,  go  in  another's  place;  fe 
Waat,  Seje;  fyxib  -r  %tt  for  fig?  what  isgoingon 
el.  forward  here?  naar  flat  bet  .  for  fig  when 
la  it  to  come  off?  *  bet  -r  for  fig.  fe:  bet  -r  an; 
«  foran  (prop)  go  before,  precede;  fio  be  para- 
mount  to;  (adv)  lead  the  way;  .forbi  go  el. 
pass  by;  labe  fiejligbeben  .  forbi  let  the  oppor- 
tunity  slip;  -  forub  for  precede;  -  fra  leave,  1. 
behind;  (fraregne«)  be  deducted;  .  fra  ljberanbre 
(itu)  go  to  pieces;  -  fra  ftone  og  ©ørn  desert  wife 
and  children;  -  fra  fin  Stalle  be  out  of  character, 
of  one's  cue;  ~  føelt)  fra  bet  break  down;  -r  fra 
gebetet  Ib  off  his  feed;  .  fra  et  Stab  recede  from 
a  bargaln,  retract  a  bargain;  -  fra  fit  Orb  dis- 
avow,  deny  el.  go  back  from  one's  word;  bon 
gif  fra  Øaarb  og  (ørunb  his  estate  went  to  the 
hammer;  -  fra  ttrb  og  ©ælb  renounce  inherit- 
ance  and  liabilities;  ban  -r  næppe  Derfra  meb 
£ivet  he  will  hardly  get  over  it,  survive  it;  . 
fra  fig  fetb,  fra  Sforftauben  run  el.  go  mad;  .frem 
go  otj,  get  on,  advance;  (bære  fig  ab)  go  about 
it,  work,  aet,  behave;  -  fremabprogress,  make 
progrest;  .  fremfor  go  before;  .  Ijen  (om  Xiben) 
pass,  go  by,  elapse;  .  ubemætfet  Ijen  pass  un- 
noticed;  .  ufhraffet  ben  go  unpunlshed;  ljbor  -r 
bu  ben?  wbere  do  you  go  to?  whitber  are  you 
bound?  .  ilfe  $en  og  blio  føg  don't  go  and  fall 
sfck;  ~  let  ben  over  touch  lightly  upon;  .  $jem 
(i  ttovt)  come  home;  .  i  $unbene  go  to  the 
dogs;   tøn  -t  i  fit  18be  Vat  she  is  in  her  18th 

year;  Spejlet  gi!  i  30  Saler  the  glass  fetched  30 
dollars;  Søren  et  -et  i  Saglaa*  the  lock  (of  the 
door)  has  slipped  e(.  caught;  fejlene  .  i  $otb, 
$lob  the  horses  are  used  to  the  narrow,  plough; 
.  i  Srift  A  go  adrift;  .  i  Sorg  be  in  mourning; 
.  i  femte  fftaefe  be  in  the  fifth  class;  .  i  fttofter 
take  the  veil;  turn  monk;  .  i  Sejret  go  up, 
rise;  ber  -t  8  potter  i  xruffen  the  jar  holds  three 
quarts;  ber  gi!  Orm  i  it  became  worm-eaten; 
ber  gif  Kolbbranb  i  mortiflcation  set  in;  .  i  fig 
felo  think  better  of  it,  repen t;  .  igen  (om 
Uanber)  reappear,  haunt  the  house;  .  igennem 
go  through,  get  through,  pass  through,  (Iibe) 
undergo,  (om  en  Zone  el.  1.)  pervad e;  S)e  ljar  -et 
meget  Igennem  you  have  had  great  trials;  fym  -t 
bet  næppe  igennem  he  will  hardly  pull  through; 
fe  (Sennemgaa;  fjorflaget,  Unføgningen  gif  igennem 
the  motion  was  carried,  the  petition  was  granted; 
-  imellem  go  between,  interfere,  intervene;  - 
imob  go  against,  towards,  *(i  SRøbe)  go  tomeet; 
bet  -r  imob  Sinteren  winter  is  coming  on;  Sfæb* 
nen,  Sommen  gif  tøm  imob  things,  judgment, 
went  against  him;  -  inb  (treebe  inb)  go  in,  enter, 
(begtjnbe)  set  in,  begin;  Selffabet  gif  inb  the 
society  expired;  .  inb  af  SRaaen  lay  in  off  the 
yard;  .  inb  paa  ffiaaen  lay  in  upon  the  yard;  . 
inb  i  go  into,  enter;  .  inb  paa  (en)  fall  el.  set 
upon,  (nt)  agree  to,  fall  into,  submit  to,  (en 
Spøg  o.l.)  fall  into,  humour,  enter  into  the 
spirit  of,  (befjanble)  go  into;  jea  -t  nøbia  inb  paa 
at  it  goes  hard  with  me  to;  ~  inb  i  en  $abn  put 
into  a  harbour;  b,ån  er  ntjliø  -et  inb  i  fit  18be  tfar 
he  has  entered  his  18th  year;  bette  %ox\ctt,  benne 
Slan  gi!  inb  igen  that  project,  plan  was  aban- 
doned;  Sårerne  gi!  inb  paa  Quftionen  the  goods 
were  withdrawn  at  the  auction;  ~  inb  meb  Vn> 
føgning  apply,  make  application;  .  inb  meb  ftlage 
prefer  a  complaint;  gat  inb  til  bin  $erreft  ©læbe 
bibl  enter  thou  into  the  joy  of  thy  lord;  .itu 
break;  .  meb  (en  $erfon)  go  along  with,  Join; 
(Klæber  ofb.)  wear;  maa  jeg  .  meb?  may  I  go 
with  you?  faa  længe  Sbffen  gif  fyun  meb  while 
fortune  favoured  him;  ^an  -r  meb  $iftolet  he 
carries  pistols  about  him;  tøm  -r  meb  ftt  trebje 
Sarn  she  is  pregnant  with  her  third  child;  . 
meb  en  tæring  i  Kroppen  have  a  disposition  to 
consumptlon;  Ijborlebe*  -r  bet  meb$clbreben?  how 
is  your  health?  meb  Sroceifen  how  do  you  get 
on  with  your  lawsuit?  faalebet  -r  bet  meb  be 
ffefle  that  is  the  way  with  most  people;  ^ele 
Sommeren  -r  meb  it  takes  all  summer;  bet  -r  meb 
(paa  Købet)  that's  thrown  in;  bet  -t  meget  meb 
much  is  consumed;  .  neb  (om  ©olen)  go  down, 
Bet;  (om  Ur)  run  (itself)  out;  Sinben  er  -et  om  til 
Worben  the  wind  has  gone  about,  shifted, 
changed,  to  tbe  north;  in  ben  Varet  -r  om  before 
the  close  of  the  year;  .  ftabig  om  en  be  conti- 
nually  about  one,  .  om  igen  go  back  again,  be 
reversed;  .  om(fring)  go  about;  go  round;  jeg  -r 
om  meb  en  $Ion  I  have  a  scheme  in  my  head; 
.  op  (om  Stnbuer,  Søre)  open,  fly  open,  •  (om 
3«)  break  (up);  (om  Clb,  So)  open;  (Sot,  Sæppe, 
Sri8)  rise;  (om  ftnube)  come  untled,  (om  ^anbffe) 
come  unbuttoned;  2)øren  gif  op  og  i  the  door 
opened  and  snut;  bet  er  -et  op  i  Sømmen  the 
seam  has  given  way,  has  become  unsewn;  oort 
bele  gforraab  er  -et  op  our  whole  stock  is  con- 
sumed; .  op  ab  ascend;  7  -r  op  i  49  7  measures 
49;  .  op  i  (fmelte  fammen  meb)  be  merged  in. 
(blibe  optaget  af)  be  swallowed  up  by;  .  op  i 
Søg  end  in  smoke;  .  op  imob  coun ter  balance, 
be  set  off  against;  .  op  HI  (Ctflamen)  go  in  for, 
up  for;  bet  gi!  op  for  mig  it  dawned  upon  me,  I 
became  conscious  (of  el.  that),  began  to  realice; 
.  (ige  op  balance;  fig  bet  -r  lige  op  (*op  i  op)  it  is 
an  even  balance;  .  o  bet  cross;  (ooergaa,  obet* 



ftribe)  exceed,  surpass;  (i  SttttFer)  snap,  break; 
(Smerte)  cease,  go  off,  (©rebe)  vanish,  pass  away; 
(Uoejr)  cease,  subside;  (til  føénben)  go  over  (to 
the  enemy);  (til  en  Vtatinq)  come  round  (to  an 
opinion);  (f.  fcfft.  til  et  Orbfprog)  pass  into  (a 
proverb);  (ril  en  Religion)  embrace,  adopt  (a 
religion);  (til  noget  anbet)  turn,  go  on,  proceed 
(to);  fjan  lob  tjenerne  -  ober  alt  he  entrusted 
every  tbing  to  his  servants;  bet  er  -et  ober  i  bort 
Sprog  it  has  passed  into  our  language;  biftfe 
©etpbnfnger  _  otter  i  fjinanben  these  meauings  run 
into  each  other,  intennerge;  fe  ©rrb  c,  Obergaa; 
-paa  (fremab)  goahead,  goon,  make  play,  (om 
en  $anbfte  o.  betl )  go  on;  patt  lob  flg  itfe  -  paa 
he  stood  his  grouhd  like  a  man,  was  equal  to 
the  occasion,  a  match  for  .  •  _  paa  ©al  go  to 
balls;  fe  (Braft,  3agt;  -  paa  ©ærtftfntfe  frequent 
public  houses;  -  løft  paa  go  for;  bet  -r  paa  fiioet 
lod  it  is  a  matter  of  life  and  death;  tjon  -r  lige 
loft  paa  Sagen  he  does  not  beat  about  the  bush; 
~  paa  (et  otft  Drb)  refer  to;  bet  -r  paa  oanl  ©ung 
his  purse  suffers  for  it;  bet  -r  paa  panl  aftegning 
it  is  placed  to  his  account;  røunben  -r  paa  pant 
he  rattles  away;  bette  er  Ijaarbt  at  -  paa  this  is 
hard  lines;  bet  -r  for  tibt  paa  it  happens  too  fre- 
quently;  ber  -r  20  Shilling  paa  et  ©unb  20  shill- 
ings make  a  pound,  go  to  a  pound;  Sif  en  -r 
paa  SRelobien  ...  is  sung  to  the  tune  of  .  .  .; 
labe  et  $ampflib  -  paa  ftobenfyibn  run  a  steamer 
to  Copenhagen;  .til  (et  bift  fcarj  come  down 
to;  Sanbet  giC  barn  til  golfen  the  water  reached 
up  to  his  neck;  ber  r  mange  ©enge  til  it  tak  es 
a  good  deal  of  money;  fjoor  meget  %b\  -c  ber  til 
Jtjolen?  how  much  cloth  is  required  for  the 
coat?  Ijoørban  -r  bet  til?  how  is  itdone?  faalebeft 
gif  bet  til  at  thus  it  happened  el.  came  to  pass 
that;  faalebeft  -r  bet  til  i  ©erben  that's  the  way 
of  the  world;  bet  gif  muntert  til  it  was  a  jolly 
affair;  bet  gi!  unberligt  til  meb  ben  Sag  it  was  a 
queer  business;  t  -  til  (forførte  fin  (Sang)  quicken 
one's  pace;  ftloHen  -r  til  12  it  is  past  eleven 
(o'clock),  it  is  getting  on  for  twelve;  .  til  Xea- 
rret  become  an  actress;  .  til  Subart  af  &  weather; 
-  tilbage  (om  tønbel  et  c.)  go  back,  be  broken 
off,  go  off;  (om  ©anbet)  recede;  bet  er  -et  tilbage 
meb  fjam  his  affalrs  are  in  a  reduced  state,  he 
has  gone  down  in  the  world;  planterne  gif  ub 
the  piants  dled;  Siben,  iiofet  gif  nb  the  fire, 
candle  went  out;  .  ub  oa  inb  run  in  and  out,  (i 
et  $uft)  have  the  run  of  a  house;  .  ub  af  go 
out  of,  leave;  Jeg  -r  ub  f  ro  my  starting-point  is, 
I  start  by  understanding,  I  take  it  for  granted 
(at  the  outsetj;  I  write  upon  the  footing  that; 
pan*  CnbfTa6  gi!  ub  o  ber  pam  felb  his  malice 
recoiled  on  hlmself:  bet  bil  -  ub  ooer  pam  he 
will  have  to  suffer,  he  will  be  the  sufferer,  the 
person  to  suffer;  labe  bet  -  ub  ober  en  fall  upon 
one;  labe  fit  fflaferi  -  ub  ober  vent  el.  visit  one's 
rage  upon;  -  ub  paa  tend  to,  terminate  in;  - 
ub  paa  en  fRaa  lay  out  upon  a  yard;  ban*  Stræben 
•r  ub  paa  his  object,  aim  is;  Sparet  gif  ub  paa  at 
the  answer  was  to  the  effect  that,  .  .  .  paa  at 
beoife  was  directed  to  the  purpose  of  showing; 
ieo  faa,  poab  alt  bette  gif  ub  paa  I  perceived  the 
drift  of  all  this;  ©inbuet  -rub  til  $aoen,  Gaben 
the  wlndow  looks  into  the  garden,  street;  Eøren 
-r  ub  til  Galenet  the  door  opens  into  el.  on  the 
gallery;  -  ube  be  out;  ©pen  gif  unber  the  town 
was  destroyed;  SItbet  git  unbet  the  ship  went 
down,  the  ship  foundered;  tjan  -r  unber  9labn  af 
he  is  known  el.  goes  by  the  name  of;  labe  - 
oibere  pass  on.  _     f   r  t 

Øaabe  o  -r  riddle,  enigma:  gætte  el.  løfe  en  - 
guess,  solve,  flnd  out,  a  riddle;  bet  er  mia  en 
eoia  J  it  is  a  wonder  of  wonders  tome.  it  is  a 
perpetual  mystery   to  me.     -*00  riddle-book. 

•falb  a  (mørt)  enigmatical;  (uforUarlig)  mysteri- 
ous;  (oanfletig  at  finbe  ub  a0  puøzling.  -filbbeb 
e  my.steriousnes8.  -løftning  solution  of  a  riddle. 
-orb  explanation  of  a  riddle.  -rim  enigma  in 
rhyme.  -ffrifi,  -fprøg,  -fb«r,  -tale  enigmatical 
writlng,  language,  answer,  speech. 

Qaar  fe  3  ©aar. 

Qaa'rb  c  -e  (fflummet)  yard,  court,  court-yard; 
($uft)  house;  (^forpagter-)  farm,  farmstead;  (Selø* 
ejer-)  freehold,  (ftørre)  estate;  (om  Sol  el.  Utoane) 
halo;  rejfe  af  e  decamp.  tjene  fammen  i  -e  be 
fellow-servants;  gammel  i  -e  an  old  resident; 
©otrelfe  til  -en  back-room.  t-««l  river-eel,  An- 
guilla vuigarU.  f-bebøer  occupant  of  an  entire 
farm.  -brager  farmer,  +-brbber  fence-breaker. 
-bnnben  a  fe  Stabnftbunben.  -ter  yard-door.  -ejet 
(i  ©pen,  paa  flan  bet)  owner  of  a  house,  fiarm, 
-følt  farmer  and  his  wlfe.  -frcb  fe  $uftfreb. 
-fugl  domestic  fowl.  t-fcelb  fe  ffclb.  -faefter 
lessee  of  a  farm.  -f  afføring  lease-taking.  -tjone 
barn-yard  el.  farm- yard  cock.  -tytttb  house-dog, 
watch-dog.    -bøtte  barn-door  fowl. 

&aa'rbing  fe  (Borbing. 

<9aa'rb|*Jcnte  girl  who  is  (el.  is  to  be)  owner 
of  an  estate,  an  helress.  -følte  farmer's  wlfe  el. 
widow.  -tøb  purchase  ofa  house,  farm.  -ntanb 
(Seloejer)  freeholder,  t  (gceflebonbe)  farmer,  te- 
nant.  -nutnbøenfe,  -manbfttønc  fe  -tone.  -niftfe 
fe  92iftfe.  -falg  (i  ©pen,  paa  Sanbet)  sale  of  a 
house,  farm. 

$aa'rø9|bntg  husbandry.  *-breug  head  ser- 
vant  (on  a  farm);  fe  -farl.  t-fanø  ground  be- 
longing  to  a  farm.  -fol!  farm  servants.  *-gmt 
farm-boy.  -jorb  land  belonging  to  a  farm. 
-ført  man-servant,   ontdoor-servant,   (i  en  Qteft' 

Slioergaarb)  hostler.  Qaarbffel  boundøxy  of  a 
arm.  @aarbflagter  country  butcher.  9aarøø|> 
lob,  -part  farm  lot.  -plabft  court  yard.  -rcø« 
flaber  farming-implements.  -mm  fe  -plabft. 
$aarb|øi»bKe  back  window.  -øcerelfe  back 

@aa'rft |  aftenen  yesterday  nlght.  -blab  fe  nun* 
mer.  -bagen  yesterday.  -batø :  af  .  dated 
yesterday.  -nummer  lmpression  of  yesterday. 
-potten  yesterday 's  post  el.  mail. 

Gtaaft  c  (Bceft'  goose,  4>  wad;  fig  goose,  simple- 
ton,  ninny;  bet  er  fom  at  flaa  ©anb  paa  -en  it's 
like  pouring  water  on  a  duck's  back.  —  0«ofc|« 
aøtig  u  silly.  -abl  breediug  of  geese.  •blomme, 
•blomft  whltlow  grass,  Draba-  *  thrift,  Armtria 
maritim«,  »brbft  breast  of  a  goose  (smoked). 
-bilb  may  weed,  Anthemi*  ootul*.  -breng  fe 
-bogter.  -bnn  goose- down.  -febt  goose  fat. 
-Heber  goose-feather,  (ftor,  til  $en)  goose-quilL 
-fløf  flock  of  geese.  -føb  (plante)  goosefoot, 
Chenopodium,  ftintenbe  -  notch-weed,  C.  vulv  «rta; 
(5ob  af  en  0.)  foot  of  a  goose.  -førftanb  brains 
of  a  g.  -ftolb  goose-feathers.  -gong  single  file. 
Indlån  file,  goose-step,  follow-my-leader;  gaa  • 
walk  in  single  file,  walk  in  a  line,  one  alter 
the  other.  -bagel  goose  shot.  -balft  gooseneck. 
-tjaløtjarfe  gooseneck  hoe.  -lanbter  dealer  in 
geese.  -bnb  med  goose-skin,  goose-fiash.  -ifrer 
inside  fat  of  a  goose.  -famille  re  -bilb.  -tone 
fe  -panbler.  -fraafer  (goose)  giblets.  -føb  goose 
(-flesh);  fe  -$ub.  -laør  thigh  of  a  g.  (smoked). 
•leøer  g. -liver,  -teberpofte]  g. -liver  pie,  Stras- 
burg  pie.  -mob  food  for  geese;  t  wall-cress, 
Arabiå.  -niarKcb  g. -fair.  -ntarø)  fe  -gang.  -pen 
goose-qulll.  -pige  fe  -oogter.  -plntning  rducking 
of  geese.  -pøtentil  silverweed,  Potentilta  aiMcrtna. 
-pølfe  sausage  (stuffed  in  the  swallow  of  a  g ). 
-jlrig  noise  of  geese.  +-fnat  silly  talk,  twaddle 
-peg  roast  g.  *-flegg  gander.  -fri  pen  for  geese. 
-t  a  silly.  -ugle  eagle  owl,  Strix  bubo.  «■-«»« 
(ogfaa  Rafle)  gosllng.  t-nrt,  fe  -bilb;  datey,  BtUu 




peretmi*',  oxe-eye,  Chrynntkemum  leucanthemum. 
-btn  Adam's  ale,  water.  -Hinge  (ogfaa  ^)  goose 
-wing.  -bagter  tender  of  geese,  gosherd.  -øjne 
(ttnførfeMtegn)  inverted  commas,  signs  of  quota- 
tlon.    -øra  sea-eagle,  Aquila  albicilla. 

Qfab  n,  pi  =,  (SRunb)  mouth,  throat  (of  an 
animal);  (Haoning)  gap,  opening,  chasm;  Søren 
ftoar  paa  mb  -  (el.  ©aol)  the  door  is  wide  open; 
.£,  ube  i  -et  in  the  offlng. 

Øabbrø  c  gabbro. 

<Babe  m  gape;  (af  Søtmiglj.)  yawn;  .  paa  gape, 
stare  at;  —  part  -nbe  ^  ringen t;  -nbe  Saar, 
Stocelg  yawning  wound,  gulf;  meb  -nbe  9Runb 
agape.  -flab  fe  ©ronbfarfe.  +-tøflen  a  gaping. 
-n  c  gaping  etc.  -næb  open-bill,  Ana*tomu*. 
-h-t  c  -e  gaper.  -ftøl  pillory;  ftaa  i  -len  stand  in 
cl.  on  the  p.;  fætte  l  -len  pillory.  *-ftregcr  pi 
mischievous  pranks.    -ftygc  inclination  to  yawn. 

Øa'bjflab  chatterbox.  -flabet  a  chatty,  tatt- 
ling.  -mnnb  (ben,  fom  altib  tør  SRunben  aabeu) 
gaper;  fio  blab,  tattler.    -ntttttbet  a  babbling. 

feabbør  o.  fl.  fe  ©at. 

<&abe  c  -r  street,  paa  -n  in  the  street;  gaa  om« 
(ring  i  -rne  walk  about  the  streets;  fio  gaa  om  i 
rn  anben  -  veer  about,  make  a  change,  ©tue, 
Vcerelfe  HI  -n  front  parlour,  front-room,  +  street- 
ward  sitting-room.  -betydning  Ughting  of  the 
ptreets.  -betjent  Rtreet-ward.  -breng  street-boy, 
(street)  Arab,  blackguard  boy.  amr  guttersnipe. 
-brcngefrreg  blaokguard  boy 's  trick,  -bar  s. 
-door.  -børtnøgle  key  of  the  street.  -fejer 
street-sweeper,  scavenger.  -fejning  sweeping 
of  the  streets.  -fejningdmafline  dirt-scraper. 
-Hgar  street  character,  -færbfet  street-traffic. 
•-gnt  fe  -breng.  -bjørne  corner  of  a  s.  -b,ore  s. 
-walker.  -jnnfer  fe  -ftrnger.  -famp  street  fight. 
t-f«v  pool  of  water  (in  a  vi  Hage),  -lebning 
street  main.  -tygte  s.  lamp.  -løben  gadding 
about  the  streets.  -ninfil  s.  music.  -ntøbe 
appointment  to  meet  in  the  street.  -net  plexus 
of  streets.  -opløb,  -optøjer  street  riot.  -port 
gate  to  the  s.  -pøft  s  -pump.  -procbifant  street 
-preacher,  p  tub-thumper.  -raaben  s.-cry.  -rente 
gutter,  kennel,  -renøbatton  fe  -flam.  -røgte 
flying  report,  -fang  s.  minstrelsy.  -fanger, 
-fangerinbe,  -f anger flc  s.-slnger.  -ffarn  sweep- 
tags  of  the  streets.  -fnal  idle  talk.  -fnabft  fe 
-flam.  -fpell  fe  ffiefleltionS*.  -fprog  s.  slang,  s. 
parlance.  -ften  paving  stone.  -ftrtyger  s.  lounger, 
gentleman  of  the  pavement.  -ftant  splash  of 
mud.  t-føennc  fe  ©tjftetmr.  -fotiger,  -fælgerffe 
costermonger,  ooster,  street-seller.  -tigger  s. 
beggar.  -troppe  steps  of  a  door,  amr  stoop. 
-tøjte  s.  walker,  lady  of  the  street,  girl  of  the 
pavement.  -tø*  s.  wench.  -oinbttc  front  window. 
-btfe  s.  ballad,  -bog«  føoorpaa  Øabeflarn  bort« 
tøref)  scavenger's  cart.    -Pagter  watchman. 

Ønbftnat  «  gad-steel. 

Otaffcl  e  -flet  fork;  J,  (til  Sejl)  gaff,  (eller*) 
cnxtch.  -angreb  (Sfaf)  fork.  -baanb  &  mast 
-hoop.  -borg  &  trysall  sling,  -bnl  prongbuck, 
Antiiocapra  /urd/era.  -bannet  a  fork  ed,  fux- 
cated.  -bele  fia  vr  bifurcate.  -beting  bifurcation. 
•fil  tongne.  -fol  fore-trysail.  -formet  -førntig 
a  fe  -bannet.  -frotoft  meat-breakfast.  -giotøb 
J,  peak-brall.  -gjørb  *b  hank.  -gren  prong  (of 
a  fork),  -aørrber  1  vang.  -bjørt  pricket,  brocket. 
-toal  Jack  •  by  -  the  •  hedge,  AUtaria  oificinalU. 
•tør*  ker  pall.  -Ir abe  »f,  tumbler,  -lig  ^  head; 
bead-rope.  -niaal  instrument  used  in  measuring 
the  diameter  of  trees  -mob  solids.  -nol  d,  gaff 
-end.  -fcepter  4>  crutch.  -fejl  gaff-sail;  trysail. 
•fejttfalb  trysail  halyard  (o.  fl.}.  -ftaft  handle 
of  a  fork.  -fnnbe  glittering  goliath  bcetle, 
Dicronorrkina.  -fttOing  (Stat) :  i  -  forked.  -ftør* 
fejl main-trysail.  -ftørfejl**  main-trysail.  -t  opfej  l 

gaff- topsall.  -tøpfejtg'fatb  gaff-topsail  halyard 
(o.  fl.). 

Øaga't  c  jet. 

@affe  vt  F  -  i  H  fork  up. 

Øagc  c  r  salary,  pay,  wages,  stipend.  -'re  vt 
pay.  -regntatio  pay-table.  -'ret  o  (røbenbe 
oarlia  fiøn)  salazled. 

°©aier  c  ^  guy. 

t@at'!  imper  af  (Øaa. 

Sal  n  crow. 
al  a  (fortplt;  rafenbe)  mad;  rabld,  frantic; 
(fejl)  wrong,  improper;  en  .  TOanb  a  lunatic;  en 
~  ^unb  a  mad  el.  rabld  dog;  faa  -t  tyat  man  fet 
før  such  thlngs  have  been;  bltbe  ~  go  mad, 
(oreb)  fly  in  to  a  passion;  intet  er  faa  -t,  at  bet  jo 
er  gobt  for  noget  it  is  an  111  wind  that  blows 
nobody  good;  bet  er  alt  for  -t  this  is  too  bad; 
bet  fer  -t  ub  thlngs  have  a  bad  look;  bet  er  -e 
Xiber  the  times  are  out  of  joint;  naar  -t  flat 
bare  you  may  as  well  be  hung  for  a  sheep  as 
a  lamb;  bære  ~  efter  be  foolishly  fond  of,  be 
mad  after  el.  about,  tfvab  -t  er  ber  i  bet?  where 
is  the  harm;  t  -  i  ^obebet  angry,  amr  mad;  bet 
er  til  at  blibe  -  o  o  er  lt's  enough  to  drive  one 
mad;  it  is  quite  maddening,  that  way  madness 
Iles;  .  paa  en  angry  with  one;  bet  er  bet  -e  o  eb 
bet  that  is  the  de  vil  fl.  trouble  of  it.  —  galt 
adv  wrong;  tomme  -t  af  6teb  get  into  a  scrape; 
om  al  Xing  git  -t  even  if  the  worst  came  to  the 
worst;  Stlotten  gaar  -t  the  clock  is  wrong. 

Qata'tt  o  -er  paramour,  gallant'. 

Oalan'ge  c  galangal,  gal  angå. 

Qtalant'  a  polite,  complimentary,  (hm  mob 
S)amer)  gallant'.  -eri'  n  pollteness,  gall'antry. 
—  Øalanteriltanbct  fancy-shop.  -lanbler  fancy 
-stationer,  dealer  in  fancy  årti  cl  es.  -laarbe  dress 
sword.    -oarer  fancy  articles,  trinkets. 

Øalantine  e  gal  an  tine. 

@alat'|er  pi  Galatians.    -ten  n  Galatia. 

Øalbannm  n  galbanum. 

*Øatbe  fe  <0alber  1. 

Oalbc  c  gall,  bile;  fio  -  og  TOalurt  gall  and 
wormwood,  wormwood  and  bitter  aloes;  bringe 
en«  _  til  at  løbe  ooer  stir  one's  bile;  nbøfe  fin  - 
vent  one's  spleen,  -agtig  a  resembling  bile. 
-befl,  -bitter  a  bitter  as  gall.  -blanbet  a  mixed 
with  gall.  -btere  gall-bladder.  -bar  bryony. 
-bril  bitter  draught.  -feber  bilious  fever.  -febt 
cholesterine.  -ftnel  cystic  flstula.  -fri  a  free 
from  bile.  -fnlb  a  aboundlug  with  bile.  -gang 
biliary  duet.  -grøn  a  green  as  gall.  -følte 
bilious  collc. 

Øalber  c  (hanplanten  af  $amp)  flmble. 

9a  Ib  er  c  (trolbbom  ofb.)  witchraft,  sorcery. 

Øalb|cf«ag  bilious  taste,  -fot  fe  -fbgbom. 
•fprøngt  a  tainted  by  breaking  of  the  gall 
-bladder.  -ften  gallstone.  -fbg  o  bilious.  -fijg. 
bo«,  -fbge  bilious  complaint.  -f  J|re  choleic  acld. 
-tarm  duodenum. 

tOalbre  vt  (§amp)  pull  (fimble- hemp). 

Qlalbre  vi  (bruge  Xrotbbom)  practise  sorcery. 
•mefter  wizard,  sorcerer. 

Øate  (ogf.  gol)  vi  crow. 

Qtøtca't,  Øalca'fe  c  -r  (før)  galeas;  (nu) 
hermaphrodite  schooner. 

Øalcltofpital,  -|n9  lunatics1  asylum. 

Oatej'  c  -er  (ogfaa  <vp)  galley;  6,oab  oilbe  ^on 
paa  ben  ~?  why  would  he  meddle  with  that 
affalr?  what  business  had  he  there?  gaa  paa  -en 
P  lead  a  wild  life.  -baml  bench  of  a  galley. 
-flaabe  fleet  of  galleys.  -øøn  galley  -furnace. 
-flane  galley  slave,    -flabcfangfel  bagnio. 

Øalen  c  crowing. 

©alen  a  fe  (Bal.  -flab  fe  ttalflab.  ©alerøji  F 

Oaleri'  n  -er  (ogfaa  min  og  &)  gallery;    -et 




tkm   the  gallery,   joe    the    (theatrical)    gods. 
•biabae  X  g.  light. 

©ålet  te  c  hood,  hat-body. 

Qta'lfraab*  c  madcap. 

(Balge  c  -r  gallows,  gibbet;  bringe  en  Hl  -n 
hang  one.  -batte  place  of  executlon,  gallows. 
•formet,  -farmig  a  having  the  form  of  a  gallows. 
—  ©algeajfiatf  hangdog  look.  -frift  a  short 
respite.  -fugt,  -taabtbat,  -fnebrl  gallows  bi rd, 
hangdog,  Newgate-bird.  -ftnmør  grim  humour. 
Oftlgc^retfc  llthographlc  lever-press.  9«lge> 
ftttter  UV  gallows-bitts. 

GU  ibooebet  a  crack-brained. 

GUtbneft*  fe  QtaDeboep«. 

tJUUcta  a  Gallcia. 

GUUlce  |a  »  Galilee.    -er  c,  -iff  o  Galile'an. 

QUUmati  s*  n  gibberish,  gallma'ttas. 

&ali$  i«  *  Galioia.    -er  c,  -ft  a  Galician. 

<9«8a  r  sutc.  -bag  court-day.  -bragt  conrt 
dress.  Adl  dress,  evening  dress.  •førefHDing 
gala  repræsentation  (o  R.V  •taarbe  dress-sword. 
-aatfarm  dress*  uniform,    -bag«  8tate-carriage. 

OUBr  e,  rw  windgall. 

OkBe  c  gall  v-imO.  -ft»eM  gall-fly,  CYatj». 
-Wtt  gall  gnat,  (VWnmyiV 

tiUflrr.  -bomb  fe  flalber  I. 

OUBrr  te  c  jelly. 

pafl  le«  m  Gaul.  -iettme  c  gall  icism.  -(i)er 
e,  -er i«  *e  <*  *r  Ganl     *l  taaff  <i  Gall  ican. 

OUBia  « «*  er  J.  head  of  a  »hip.  -  (INflla'ttt* 

barb    -brttbrr  W  head  boardst*   fl.v    -flgBr  ^ 

ngure  head,  tlgure    -tril  »crolov head).  -*am»e 

Head  pump     -ribber,    -rottter,    -rating    head 


<9«Qt*t   +   t\  v£H^  gnll  iot. 

ØMB  t(T  *  i<auH«H,  tinUlo  ••«*'«  c  er  Jt  o 
i;*Uoma  ntao,  tøn  er  »  He  Haa  beon  hitten  by  a 
mad  Ftwtohman.  he  has  Franc*  o«  the  hrain. 
<#maat   o  lUllomH  nta 

øafla*  o  vtViirtt1  isailon 

tfUBnJftre  »•  gallte  aotd. 

4M  imaab«  fnat  »tale  galtmatta*,  nonsens*. 
«#*rt  ae«  ot  a  utMdmau. 

tital  mej    o  oalamtnc     »He«  **laintn*  aton* 

\**Ua*ft  H  v^\u,moa 

#a  IncHer  doadi\  m$Hi*Had*,   At*vr*  K«.a 
4t-*»»i     <a«  latna.  •*   «v  w«»vl\>mn.  madcap 

tft*t*4b  er  r*  s*Uv*w*.  o\  *r*Hoe»    •*  rt  c*  to* 

\%«U*  <  ty  K*\\\\\  el  aii\vO  lae*  »*"rtt  * 
,$v'd  rt    aiNeT  'a.NsV 

VMIa>  ,  A  *i  »^'lot,  v^i^  thvitt,  <s5*a*  t^w*' 
t*  %^\\  !*\1  <s  sswui  .  »>a%. ;«tM,  <  .  *i  et  m  a 
<*•  ,»:.  \  r*.l>  »*i  t\\\\  *««  op,  v\N-  «  t<»>t  . 
<u.-.a*.  V .  ,v  la",  a  »»a'.^ot.  »,vtie  i  put 
»>a*   «>e  <^*  *^xv    «im  be  .    »  c^r.  opa«i<\   «*  »,op 

>>*T«  r«  v*.  .»^p     >.Sv  <:  f.>  N,m  "J^o  •-■ap.d  »Ikvi'.^e 

••i?M»H  r*  >>v     »*  m<'    t\i>\ij 

\*a*  U>*b  ,  N^'  i  ^   wadm>»a.  fivw»jk ,  ^'  t  tnsi 

<Mt)i  ,  t  X^»«\K  tj  h»s<  tativ*.  •»n;va 
*N>*.  &*\tt  m*  ^,'*i  inv  •w^V  p\t  »fa*b 
»'.  \  •.  *\v  i    m»«v^    ♦  ,»N«.r*» ;»     Maab  *aw,\.d 

ømt*  ai»f  V€  «"   i>V.  xav    ,\      Mlttt^«^  .    ^ 
>•«.      *  .  »»       *  *m»t  •  k-»u    s      -at*  «*<  ,    v*. 

\>    v^     ^a^N«a«t     ,    k»'\*». .    v.v  ..»■       >aa 
'»c  «t  «  t»  v^«  ,'•>•"  ,  ♦>      «-*e*u*.»t   ,  v*>x*i  ^ 

d^at<  «i    *x     v«,  ,,  >       ^iariaa<^<bt)<    o*  -«>*s 
<tm««kK   .     ,     \^^  \  ,^'         Jk"  y«.- v  i'»«'>a     x.^^-A 

Øanfing  e  -er  F  old  man,  old  fellow;  -en  f 
the  govemor. 

°(Samme  c  -r  (Lapland er' s)  turf-hm. 

Øammel  a  old;  (fra  -le  Xiber.  ælbgammel) 
ancleut;  (bebaget)  aged;  (fra  Clbtiben.  gamtnet* 
bage)  antique;  (font  tør  befiaaet  længe)  lon^  es- 
tabllshed,  of  long  standing;  -t  ©røb  stale  bread; 
.  Xobaldreg  stale  tobacco  smoke;  -t  eip,  etc. 
broken  lead  etc.;  40  fcar  -  forty  years  of  age, 
aged  forty;  for  .  too  old,  superannnated;  i  bet 
-le  Kom  in  ancient  Rome;  fra  -  Xib  of  old;  be 
-le  (fom  babe  letxt  i  ftortiben)  the  ancients;  ben 
•le  Vtanb  the  old  man;  ben  -le  af  $agc  the 
ancient  of  days;  alle  be  -le  og  fattige  all  the  old 
and  poor;  fom  be  -le  fjunge,  faa  loibre  be  unge  as 
the  old  cock  crows,  so  cackles  el.  crows  tbe 
young;  ben  -le  ^iflorie  ancient  history,  (ben 
famme)  the  old  story;  beb  bet  -le  as  usual;  bxm 
bleb  ben  -le  he  remained  jnst  the  man  be  was; 
paa  Ttne  le  Sage  in  his  old  age;  i  -le  2oge  In 
olden  time,  of  old,  in  old  times;  F  fnalte  -t 
talk  over  matters,  have  a  friendly  talk;  for  -t* 
6fplt»  for  the  sake  of  old  times,  auld  langsyne; 
t  en  .  a  ducking;  a  drubbing.  -agtig  a  elderly, 
oldish.  t-alber  old  age.  -bagfta  old&shioued, 
antiquated,  oldworld;  adv  in  an  old  fashioned 
manner.  stvle.  -banft,  -eagetft  ofb.  old  Danish, 
old  English  ete.  -Chtglanb  old  England,  -(trit 
,  F  old  Nick.  -faber  prov  fe  »ebfle .  -tatalifer 
!  Old  Catholics.  -tembt  a  old  fluniliar.  -Mag  a 
preeocioua,  old-fashioned.  -membf«  of  old  age, 
senile.  -aianb«f#ii  old  mans  only  son.  -naa*ber 
pror  «e  **?ebfte .  -atobig  a  old-la&hioned.  -oft 
old-milk  eheese.  -frraab  .fibb.)  BiUingsgaie. 
-tetaatemtltg  a  old  testament,  of  the  o.  t.  -Taim 
Freneh  wine.    ■"•!  old  beer. 

(Hammen  c  mirth.  m emmen t;  lew  i  ftrtob  og 
.  have  a  merry  life  of  it.  Øammeaåiarb  merry, 
playfti!  word.    -I«le  merry  talk. 

*<Samb  c  -rt  f  jade,  nag. 

t^arn«  a  snap  Ko(  a  dog  .  9amfe  et  snap, 

'"ONm  c   Ijiplander's1  soreery. 

*($Min  c  c^i  m  otfals    of  fi<b'.    •«  ri  gnt,  g^p. 

tlkae  <■  -r  parate  nx»f  of  the  mouth  -fren 
)\a:a:e  K^ne  -bagtaa  palatal  -letter >.  -fcme, 
-bMrtatag  arv^h  of  the  parate.  -Irrtel  fe  IJhntbfl. 
-Ibb  i^'.a'.a)  <kv.:nd  -frilrt  the  soft  palate. 
•t>alte  c '.o:;  )*uau\  ben  bar-  he  has  no  roof  to 
lus  moush 

Øaag  c  -e  ^.frrr-T^fn  walk;  .'iRaabe  at  gaa 
rcj  o*-:,  v*  •♦♦'  e^-Av<aient:  (liben«,  Jtingend 
**  vvr.-v.  JftTr-^jrfrrr*  raxe.  (Slaget*,  Sbgbom« 
r»r'.^  prvx>>s^  ^i  *!cr  e«a  ^a«e  alley,  walk; 
,»  £•.  *x  ,vrr.v*.o-  pa«MOf.  nrrre  hall;  (plante*) 
4,  ^;--AXe  ^fft*^.-  t\v  r  1  1  ^isrgMerf)  veln, 
\\\*  f.T^v.v.-;  ,:  «*.r?f  ai<e  t  StfMrftoO  portee ; 
/  a^  i':.-(::rrT.X  ?<:,  «  *»  Cl  round;  (•«. 
t,^.  :v  .  v.-o  t  /»:•<;  t  -  in  motion,  in 
ovv  -n.v"  \r"rf  i  ^  Ws  a  c-v>:rg  »et  on  foot, 
\v  ;  v.  ,-*  v.  •?«■ v  ssart.  **?  iSctrhmi  i  -!  set 
o~  N*  V  -.'  :  .  Itxv  «  c.irg;  Shbet  er  i  -  the 
*v  1^  ix  ;.v.S'^  '••^  ur.* er  >;e«ffl;  ^eften  bar  en 
$„">      .^<   r,  -»f  h*.«  *  c.vd  pace,   tMaffanbte  fin 

c.  nv,*.^.  >  ^  px -e  ^  ?rrl*r  bcm  poo  -en  I 
V-  ,->»  >  -.r  :  >  vrs  s  s^.v  etc  x  .  mrt  set  to  work 
uv  ^s  Av  ,.\  >^  «  ^-*»:  ,  _  Hfj,  at  is  in  a 
«*  '   -**,x    .0     x  •■  >   .     r.   fr.Ts  activity;    tomme 


.  .  <-»%  .^rvv  mv-k.-jc  order.  taM  ftn  -  t  et 

*>  ,•    v  -  v  .v  *  ^^  ^.*e,   »rttra  fltal  booe 

.V  •**   v%x     »i.Vf  .^  <\"irse;    Sagen  tør 

«•   '-\>t       .*>„*  ^    vr**5<  ^Jii>  taken  another 

•  *t        -y  ^"x*  ,>n;  labe  bet  gaa 

'»■   ->«.    r  »kc  .»  iv.irse,    let  things 

^v      x-.  .-vf     pst  cr  ir  fcr:  »  rival 

>      * . ;    .«.  ♦■   h&ri.   ran  one  a  close 

i  >-  i 




race;  gaa  al  JrøbetS  -  go  the  way  off  all  flesh; 
iBegibenljeberne*  .  the  march  of  events;  faa  er 
Setben*  -  that  is  the  way  of  the  world;  faa  er 
Stigen«  - !  the  fortune  of  war !  een  -  once,  een  - 
ex  nigen  ~  once  does  not  make  a  habit,  once  Is 
no  custom;  een  ab  -en  one  at  a  time;  to  -e  twice; 
jeg  lob  mig  bet  ilte  fifle  to  -e  I  needed  no  second 
invitation  el.  bidding;  tre  -e  three  times,  thrice; 
3  -t  2  er  6  three  times  two  are  six;  a  -e  6  a 
into  b;  een  -  for  oBe  for  good  and  all,  once  for 
all,  definitely;  en  anben  .  another  time,  (i  5rem> 
tiben)  some  other  time;  en  og  anben  -  occasion- 
ally,  once  in  a  time;  meb  een  -  at  once;  paa  en 
.  at  once;  together;  for  een  -*  Stnlb  for  once 
(and  awayj;  een  -  til  faa  meget  as  much  again; 
en  -  ril  el.  enbnu  once  more;  ~  efter  -  over  and 
over  again;  benne  ene  -  this  once;  ben  ene  - 
that  once;  for  benne  -  for  this  once;  ilfe  en  enefie 
_  never  once;  fjoer  -  jeg  faa  jjam  every  time  el. 
whenever  I  saw  him;  fe  vnaang.  Qangjart 
(£eftS)  pace;  min  gangue.  -afiei  weigh-shaft. 
-baare  fe  ©cereftol.  -bar  a  current,  marketable; 
(om  9ej)  pracUcable.  -bartyeb  c  currency.  -borb 
fe  -bræt.  -bro  foot-bridge.  -bræt  plank  (across 
a  dltch);  &  gang-board,  gangway.  -bljgttittg 
nrckct  chamber,  passage-building.  -bag  soccage 
day  without  horses;  t-ene  rogation  week.  -bør 
passage  door.  $ange  in,  poet  fe  ®aa.  fanger 
e  t  steed;  *a  kind  of  rustic  dance  el.  march; 
ftolf  -  Rollo  the  Walker.  tøangergaag  amble, 
ambling  pace.    Qtøngrrpitt  poet  errand  boy. 

@aage*  c  the  Ganges. 

(Bangflabe  flooring.  -fob  ambulatory  foot. 
-før  a  able  to  walk.  -tjat  tread-wheel;  (i  Ur) 
coant-wheel.  -Jamt  hlnge.  -Måber  wearing 
apparel,  clothing,  ^  slops.  -fottc  (Støglonnerfte) 
cnarwoman;  (paa  $ofpitaI)  hospital  nurse,  -fttrb 
go-cart  (of  wicker-work).  -lem  ambulatory 

(ganglie  c  -r  ganglion.  -celle  ganglion'ic  cell. 
-firftem  ganglionic  system. 

&ang|iinneb  linen  clothes.  -lob  weight  of  a 
clock.  -moftfe  gangue.  -poft  foot  post.  -rum 
room  for  walking. 

(Bangrotne  c  gan'grene. 

Qkraglfpil  J/  capstan.  -f  pilbom  capstan  bar 
(o.  fl.).  *-\pæTTt  c  atiffness  after  walking.  -ftctt 
gangue-stone.  -fti  foot-path.  -fbn  han  1jac  - 
he  can  see  to  walk  about.  -tr«  foot-bridge. 
•t*j  fe  -flæbet,  -bej  foot- way.  -tog«  go-cart. 
-tMrrf  wheel-work,  movement. 

&auutt  c  fåugl)  gannet,  Sula. 

Qtanoi'ber  pi  gan'oids. 

Øoafte  a  whole,  entire;  af  mit  ~  fjerte  with 
all  my  heart;  —  adv  quite,  entirely,  wholly; 
pretty,  fairly,  enough,  sumciently;  .  anbre  for 
other,  quite  different;  -  anberfebe*  far  otherwise; 
noget  -  anbet  something  quite  different;  -  btft 
certainly,  to  be  sure. 

(Øantc  c  -r  fool,  simpleton;  $et  -ft  Øenbej  a 
roundabout  way.  +@ante  vt  make  a  fool  of. 
•ri'  n  -er  foolery.  •$  vd  toy,  play,  fool.  -faa! 
foollsh  talk.    -»om  a  foolish,  silly. 

@a*bme  be*  Qan'ymede. 

QMu  a  (8arb.)  dressed;  (fRetal)  good. 

QUrant'  c  -er  guar'antor.  -e're  vt  guarantee', 
guar'anty.  -c'rittg,  -i'  e  -er  guarantee',  guar'anty. 
-f'fcbbcl  luggage  ticket. 

tøarbrambing  c  hardening  on. 

9areon'  c  -er  waiter;  bachelor. 

9arbaf«cn  c  Lake  Garda 

Øarbe  c  -c  guards,  guard;  -  tit  $eft  horse 
-guards;  _  til  gobf  foot-guards.  -ftttfar  hussar 
in  the  horse-guards.  -taferne  barracks  of  the 
guards.  -Office«  officer  of  the  guards,  guards- 
man.    -r  c  -e  guardsman.    -'re  vt  guard,   ( ogf aa 

i  Staf)  protect.  -regiment  regiment  of  the 
guard.  —  Øarbcrlbajbe  height  requislte  for  a 
guardsman.    -farl  fe  -r.    -maal  fe  -Ijojbe. 

Øarberø'be  c  -r  wardrobe;  (Ssrelfe)  cloak 
-room,  crush-room,  wardrobe.  -forbalter  ward- 
robe-keeper.  -kolber  clothes-stand.  -barctfe  fe 

Øarbi'n  n  -er  curtain;  (»uBe«)  blind,  -bajle 
c. -band.  -kolber  c.-rest.  -lappe  valance.  -fbafter 
c.-tassels.  -prabiten  c.-lecture.  -ring  c.-ring. 
-fnor  c. -string,    -ftano  c-rod.    -flof  roller. 

<9arbift'  c  -er  gua'rasman. 

®ar|e  vt  reflne.  -gang  regular  process.  -b,«rb 
flnery  hearth. 

©aribalbift;  o  -er  Garibal'dist,  Red-shirt. 

ØariAim  bibl  Gerizim. 

Øa'rfobber  rose-copper,  refined-copper. 

(Ba'xn.  n  yarn,  thread,  cotton;  pi  =,  (ffifteg.) 
net;  fange  en  i  fit  -  entangle  one  in  one's  toils, 
meahes;  ^un  lægger  fine  .  ub  efter  fjam  she  sets 
her  cap  at  him.  -baab  seine-boat.  -fetnber 
netter,  net-knltter.    -bom  spread-beam. 

<9arner|e  vt  trim;  &  dunnage.  -ing  c  -er 
trimmlng;  flounce,  ruffle;  (for  Sabning)  dunnage, 
(faft)  ceUing. 

®a'rn|*flfre  net-flshing.  -lyanbel  tråde  in 
yarn,  twist  etc.  -b,anbler  hosier.  -fcafpe  hasp. 
*-t>«fbe  skein. 

Øantifo'n  c  er  gar'rison.  -e're  vi  (i)  be  gar- 
risoned,  quartered  (in,  at).  —  $arnefon?|ti»ct 
garrison  life.  -toraft  garrison  chaplain.  -fteb 
garrison.    •tjenefte  service  in  garrison. 

(Sarnittt'rc  c,  fe  Oarnerina;  (Suite)  set. 

©a'rnlttogle,  ^-nofte  ball  of  yarn.  -predfc 
bundling-pret».  -reitbe  reel.  -rafe  fe  92etrufe. 
-fllb  (large)  herring  caught  in  nets.  -fpole 
spool.  -ftang  pole  el.  rod  to  hang  flshlng-nets 
on.  -fatning  c  laylng  el.  spreading  of  nets. 
*-*«fe  tangle  of  nets.  -oinbe  reel.  -b«gt  quad- 

Øttroon  c  refining  furnace. 

&arpt  vi  croak,  caw. 

(9orrot|c're  vt  garro'te.    -O'r  c  -er  garro'ter. 

(Barttter  o  -e  gårdener,  -bolig,  -bud  går- 
dener's  lodge.  -brrwg  g.'s  apprentice  el.  man. 
-i'  *  garde  ning,  horticulture.  -farl  gårdener 's 
man.  -fnib  garden  -knife.  -fnnft  gardening, 
gardener's  art.  -fab,  A-fag  garden-saw.  ®art« 
nerffe  o  -r  (female)  gårdener;  gardener's  wife. 

@aroe  vt  tåuber)  tan;  (@Iinb)  dress;  (Staal) 
tilt;  F  -  en«  dtøgftbtter  tan  one's  hide. 

Øarber  c  -e  tanner;  saw-beetle.  Prxontu  cori- 
aritu.  -bart  tan.  -blot  paring-bench.  -breng 
tanner's  apprentice.  -febt  fe  Dcgro.  -gaarb  tan 
-yard.  -baanbooert  tanner's  tråde.  QTa roeri'  n 
-er  (Størtftebet)  tannery;  fe  -b^aanbbarl.  9ar»rr|* 
Jæm  tanner's  shaving-knife.  -talt  chalk-lime. 
-far  tan-vat.  -fule  tanpit.  -lab  Company  of 
tanners.  -Inb  ooze.  -Iarling  fe  -breng.  -malle 
bark  mill.    -fbenb  journeyman  tanner. 

(Øarbejftaat  German  steel.  -ftof  tannin,  -flof. 
b,olbig  a  contalning  tannin,  -fnmattr«  tanner's 
sumach,  Rhu»  coriaria.  -fljre  tannic  acid. 
•bocbfte  tan-liquor.    Øartmiitg  c  tanning. 

©a*'  c  -fer  gas;  lier  lugter  af  ~  there  is  an 
escape  of  gas.  -agtig  o  gaseous.  -apparat  gas 
•cooking-apparatus.  -arbejber  gas-ritter,  -art 
kind  of  gas.  -bab  gas-bath.  -bebolber  gaso- 
meter.  -belbftning  gas  light,  light  ing  with  gas. 
•befparenbe  o  gas-saving.  -blnl  gas-light,  gas 
-jet.    -bromber  (gas)  burner. 

(Sadcogne  n  Gas'cony.    -r  c  Gas'con. 

(BaAJbannetfe  gasiflcation.  -fittcr  gas-fltter. 
-flamme  fe  -blu*,  -forbrng  consumption  of  gas. 
•formet  -formig  a  gaseous.  -tjane  fe  -braenber. 
-bolber  fe  -bebolber.    -Ifølbig  a  contalning  gas. 




thea  the  gallery,  joc  the  (thcatrical)  gods. 
-øittbite  vL  g.  light. 

Qalet'te  c  hood,  hat-bod y. 

©alfronbå  c  madoap. 

(galge  c  -t  gallows,  gibbet;  bringe  en  Hl  -n 
hang  one.  -batte  piare  of  execution,  gallows. 
-fortnet  -forntig  a  having  the  form  of  a  gallows. 
—  @a!gen|fiac$  hangdog  look.  -frift  a  short 
respite.  -fugl,  -tonbtbat,  -tttebel  gallows-bird, 
haDgdog,  Newgate-bird.  -buutor  grim  humour. 
(Balgepreéfe  lithographic  lcver-preK«.  (galge« 
fatter  J,  gallows-bitts. 

Øa'lbobebet  a  crack-brained. 

ØalQøebØ  fe  ©aHefcoeb*. 

©oUCitt  n  Galicia. 

®ali(cr'|a  n  Gal  ilee.    -er  c,  -ift  a  Galile'an. 

QalintatiaØ  n  gibberish,  gallma'tias. 

Qtali)  i|en  n  Galicia.    -er  c,  -ff  a  Galician. 

<&atta  c  state.  -bag  court-day.  -bragt  court 
dress;  full  dress,  evening  dress.  -forefrilliug 
gala-representalion  (o.  fl.).  -taarbe  dress-sword. 
-ttnifornt  dress  uniform,    -bog«  statc-carriage. 

(Balle  c,  vet  wind-gall. 

(galle  c  gall  (-mit),  -ftbepd  gall-fly,  CVntp«. 
-Wbg  gallgnat,  Cecidomyia . 

(galler,  -bantb  fe  kolber  I. 

©aller 'te  c  jelly. 

(gaH|ieu  n  Gnul.  -iciS'me  c  gall'icism.  -(i)er 
r,  -eriu'be  c  -r  Gaul.    -i'tanft  a  Gall'ican. 

(galltø  n  c  -et  J,  head  of  a  ship.  —  (gaUiø'nS!' 
børb,  -braber  itf  head  -boards  (o.  fl.).  -figur  A 
flgure  head,  figure.  »fr-at  scrole(-head).  -pumpe 
head  •  pump.  -ribber,  -rafter,  -rasttug  head 

(gattiof  c  -er  (Sfib)  gall'iot. 

<9aU|ift  a  Gaulish,  Gallio.  -øma'tt  c  -er  &  a 
Galloma  niac,  tjan  er  -  he  has  been  bitten  by  a 
mad  Frenchman,  he  has  France  on  the  brain. 
-ømani'  c  Galloma'nia. 

(gallon  c.  (Wlaal)  gallon. 

(galltt&fbrc  c  gallie  acid. 

(ga(maubØ|fuaf,  -tale  galimatias,  nonsense. 
-botrt  aet  of  a  madman. 

(galtnet'  c  caiamin e.    -frett  ealamine  stone. 

(galtung  fe  ©aliemtig. 

(ga'luebdtr  deadly  nightshade,  Atropa  Bella- 
donna,   galning  c  -er  madman,  madcap. 

(galøoT|er pi  galoshes,  overshoes.  -e're  vtioe 
-cap,  fox. 

(gato'n  c  -er  (gold  el.  silver)  lace.  -e'ret  a 
(gold  el.  silver)  laeed. 

©alob'  c  &  n  canter;  (fulb,  flraft;  ogfaa  $an8) 
gallop;  tort  el.  famlet  -  canter;  i  -  at  el.  in  a 
canter;  i  fulb  -  at  fnll  gallop;  ribe  i  tort  - 
canter;  fatte  -  fall  into  a  canter;  fcette  i  ~  put 
on  the  gallop.  -toa'be  c  -r  gall'opade,  gallop. 
-toe're  vi  gal 'lop;  -nbe  Sbinbfot  the  rapid  decline, 
gallop  i  ng  consumption,  acute  phthisis. 

t(galbe  vi  voeiferate,  bawl. 

(gaiftab  c  (Sanbib)  madness,  frenzy;  (gal  Streg) 
mad  prank. 

(galt  r  e.  *<galte  -r  hog,  l^rrow,  *ogfaa 
boar.  (galteigrié  gelt  pig;  *male  pig.  -tuab 
dropwort,  tiptraa  filipcndulu.  *-taub  wound- 
wort,  all-heal,  Stachy. 

(galbalnife're  vt  gal'vanize.  -uife'riug  r  gal- 
vaniza'tion.  -nift  <i  galvanic.  -utø'mc  c  gal'- 
vaulsm.  -uofaufiit'  c  galvanic  etching.  -uø< 
neter  n  galvanom'cter.  -noptaftit'  c  galvano- 
plas'tics.  -noplaft  ifer  c  electrometallurgist. 
-Bøfttaft'ift  a  gal  vau  oplas  tic. 

Øot'dtble  n   r   fe  ©alle. 

(gamaft  er  pi  gaiters.  (gamaffetett  carpet 
toldier.  martlnel. 

QNmbe  c  -r  l>ass-viol,  (i  Crgel)  gamba  (-stop). 

Qk«bit  e   er 


gamling  c  -er  f  old  man,  old  fellow;  -en  F 
the  goveinor. 

*®ara»e  c  -r  (Laplander's)  turf-hut. 

(Bantntet  a  old;  (fra  -le  Ziber.  ælbgammel) 
ancient;  (bebaget)  aged;  (fra  Olbriben,  gammel' 
bagd)  antique;  (fom  t»ar  beftaaet  lange)  long  es- 
tablished,  of  long  standing;  -t  ©røb  stale  bread; 
>  Xobaférøg  stale  lobacco  smoke;  -t  8lt),  etc. 
broken  lead  etc;  40  Star  -  forty  years  of  age, 
aged  forty;  for  .  too  old,  superannuated:  i  bet 
-le  9tom  In  ancient  Roinc;  fra  -  %ih  of  old;  be 
-le  (fom  fjat>e  le&et  i  Sortiben)  the  andcnUs;  ben 
-le  Vtanb  the  old  man;  ben  -le  af  Xage  the 
ancient  of  days;  alle  be  -le  og  fattige  all  the  old 
and  poor;  fom  be  -le  fjunge,  faa  Ibibre  be  unge  as 
the  old  cock  crows,  so  caokles  el.  erows  the 
youug;  ben  -le  $iftorie  ancient  history.  (ben 
fammé;  the  old  story;  t>eb  bet  -le  as  usual;  f)<m 
bleo  ben  -le  he  remaincd  just  the  man  he  was; 
paa  fine  -le  Stage  in  his  old  age;  i  -le  £age  in 
oldeu  time,  of  old,  in  old  times;  f  f natte  -t 
talk  over  matters,  have  a  friendly  talk;  for  -ti 
8tb!b  for  the  sake  of  old  times,  au  Id  langsyne; 
t  en  -  a  ducking;  a  drubbing.  -agtig  a  elderly, 
oldish.  t-alber  old  age.  -bagØ  a  old-fashioned, 
antiquatetl,  old-world;  adv  in  an  old  fat>hioned 
mannor.  style.  -banft,  -mgelff  ofb.  old  Danish, 
old  English  etc.  -(fnglaub  old  England,  -(frit 
F  old  Nick.  -faber  prov  fe  ©ebfie-.  -fatoliter 
Old  C^tholics.  -fenbt  a  old  familiar.  -Høg  a 
precocious,  old-fashioned.  -maab^-  of  old  age, 
senile.  •ntaub£f*u  old  mans  only  son.  -møber 
prov  fe  ©ebfte.  -mobig  a  old-fashioned.  -oft 
old-milk  cheesc.  -ftranb  (ftbb)  Billingsgatc. 
-teftantentlig  a  old  testament,  of  the  o.  t.  -bin 
Freneh  wine.    -øl  old  beer. 

(gammen  c  mirth,  merriment;  leoe  i  &rt)b  og 
.  have  a  merry  life  of  it.  (Bammenftlorb  merry, 
playful  word.    -tale  merry  talk. 

*"©amb  c  -er  F  J«»^'i  »aK- 

t@am§  n  snap  (of  a  dog),  ©amfc  vi  snap, 

^©a«  c  (Laplander's)  sorcery. 

*<9au  c  og  «  offals  (of  fish).    -r  rt  gut,  gip. 

Qtanc  c  r  palate,  roof  of  the  moiith.  -ørn 
palate  bone.  -bogftaø  palatal  (letter;,  -bue, 
-bøalbing  arch  of  the  palate.  -tirtel  fe  SRanbel. 
-Ittb  palatal  sound,  -fejlet  the  soft  palate. 
•fpaltc  cleft-palate;  bfl«  b«  -  he  has  no  roof  to 
his  mouth. 

®aug  c  e  (terningen)  walk;  (Waabe  at  gaa 
paa)  gait;  (i  Ur)  escapement;  (Xiben«,  Xingen* 
©.)  course;  (ftronometerfi)  rate;  (Slaget*,  Sbgbom« 
mene)  process;  (i  S  too  eller  #abe)  alley;  walk; 
(i  ^h«)  corridor,  passage,  (ftorre)  hall;  (plante«) 
J,  strake;  (^»eftefto)  round;  (i  »jærgbærl)  veln, 
lode,  stratum;  (i  ftirte)  aisle;  (i  flSccverftof)  portec; 
(f.  ftt«.  etriffepinbe)  set;  (f.  «f*.  Cl)  round;  (»en« 
tagelfe)  time;  -e  bibl  goings;  t  -  in  motion,  in 
operation;  fætte  i  -  set  a  going,  set  on  tool, 
put  in  train,  ($mb.)  start;  fcet  Waftinen  i  >!  set 
on !  bolbe  nt  i  -  kcep  st  going;  6ttbet  er  i .  the 
ship  is  under  way,  under  s  team;  $eflen  bor  en 
gob  .  the  horse  has  a  good  pace;  paaftonbte  fm 
-  quickened  his  pace;  jeg  fenber  b,am  boa  -en  I 
know  him  by  his  step;  gaa  i  -  meb  set  to  work 
to,  set  alK)ut  -ing;  er  gobt  i  .  meb  at  U  in  a 
fair  way  to;  i  fulb  ~  in  fall  actMty:  foMM 
rigtig  i  -  get  into  working  ordex:  babe  fv  *  -• 
ftu*  have  the  run  of  a  house;  Itetaø  * 
fin  -  the  law  shall  take  iti 
faaet  en  anben  ~  the  business  hf 
tuni;  7iben  git  fin  -  time  roD-^ 
fin  .  let  the  matter  take  ita 
take  their  own  coorse;  fl 
one  (closely),   ran  one  lu 




»eme'n  a  low,  mean,  vlle;  (ubøbtfr)  græs, 
dirty:  -  6olbat  private  (soldier);  joc  bet  -e  bebfle 
the  public  good;  gftc  fig  -  demean  one's  self. 
-beb  c  vulgarity,  meanness;  -er  dirty  language. 
<Bemealig(en)  adv  joc  commonly.  -ftab  n  con- 
sex  ion. 

©emme,  -tf,  -t  ø*  keep,  lay  by,  hide,  treasure, 
save;  -  poa  keep;  .  fig  bide  (away);  benne  Rruøt 
fan  *  Sinteren  ober  tbis  fruit  will  keep  tbrougbout 
the  wlnter  (gemme  n  -r  (ftorbaring)  keeping, 
custody;  (-fteb)  deposHory,  repository,  receptacle; 
giøe  en  nt  i  _  give  one  a  tbing  to  keep,  commit 
a  thing  to  one's  custody.  Qcmmclfragt  fruit 
that  will  keep.  -gob#  deposit.  -fleb,  (Bcmfef  c 
fe  Glemme  n. 

Øemmc  c  -r  (cut)  gem. 

Qlemfe  c  -r  chamois,  Gopra  rttpioapra.  -(ørn 
chamois -horn;  må*  organ  stop  witb  conlcal 
pipes.  -Jagt  cbamois-bunting.  -jaeger  chamois 
-hunter.  -tngter  German  bezoar.  »læber  chamois 
(-leather).  -røb,  -art  leopard's  bane,  Arnica 

Ocmftfc  [t.]  n  le  »rønfager. 

@embt'  [t.l  m  -ter  temper,  disposition,  mind; 
feeling,  sensibility.  ØembtUg  a  (b&ggelig)  snug, 
pleasant,  comfortable;  (biertelig)  hearty,  genial, 
open-hearted.  Øcmbtligbeb  c  agreeableness, 
comfort;  good-nature,  kindness,  geniallty. 

Øm'  a  (tort)  short;  (let)  easy. 

(Øen'aabnittg  c  re-opening. 

Qkirafftaaelfe  o  retrocession. 

QknbrffMaiag  c  re-population. 

(grobeføg  n  return  visit. 

Qenbcøtuiag  c  new  vote. 

tøeabiflcbe  n  Jmpress,  image. 

Qlenblomfrrc  t>»  reflourlsh. 

Ocnbo,  -crffe  c  -er  opposlte  neighbour. 

Ocnbøg  fe  ftontraboø. 

(fknbøttab  n  the  people  living  (sitting)  oppo- 
site  to  one,  opposite  neighbour«. 

Øenoreb  n  receipt,  ackuowledgment. 

•entriage  vt  bring  again,  bring  back. 

<Øcnbab  n  fe  ttfbub. 

Øenbbrb  c  regeneration. 

<Øcabaab  c  fe  Øenbøbning. 

Øenbanne  vt  re-form. 

•embaf  m'  c  -et  genda'rme,  armed  policeman, 
(i  3rlanb)  constable.  -eri'  n  genda'rmery,  (i 
3rlanb)  oonstabulary. 

Øenbigte  ri  recompose,  reproduce,  re-create. 

<Beu|brtøe  vt  confute,  refute,  disprove.  -bri'» 
Delig  a  refutable.  -bribelfe  c  refutation,  dls- 

<Øenbøb|e  vt  rebaptize.  -er  c  anabaptist,  -c?« 
lorrc  c  anabaptism.  -King,  Øeabaab  c  rebapti- 

Qc*c  [fr.]  c  restraint,  Inconvenlence. 

Øracafløg  c  -et  geneal'ogist.  -logi'  o  -er 
geneal  ogy.    -løgiff  a  genealog'ical. 

t&eae'gea  [t]  a  inclined,  dlsposed. 

ØenelfTe  vt  love  in  return. 

9ener«'l  c  -ex  gen'eral.  (Stener«'!  a  gen'eral; 
ȣ,  ben  -e  ftars  the  average  course;  bf n  -e  $iftonce 
the  distance  run.  -abjntant  adj utant-general. 
•aagiøcife  general  entry,  -aabitør  auditor-gene- 
ral -bo*  thorough-bass.  •feltmarflair  fleld 
-marohal  general,  -fel  t '  tø  jm  efter  master- general 
of  the  ordnance  -flfral  solici tor-general,  attorney 
-general,  -forpagter  farmer-general,  -forfam* 
liag  general  assembly,  g.  meeting,  •falbmagt 
general  power  of  attorney.  -gnbernør  governor 
•general,  -inb'e  o  -r  generaf s  lady;  gru  _  R. 
Mr*.  General  N.  -intcnbaat  superintendent  of 
the  commlssary-department.  -ifatiø'n  o  gene- 
ralisa'tJon.  -Ife're  vi  gen'erallie.  -fd'fiwtt*  e 
generaliøsiino,    commander  in  cbief.    -ite't  » 

war-office.  •tommanbo  offlce  of  the  commander 
-in-chief.  -føufal  consul  general,  -tøufnlat 
consulate  general,  -forrefbønbaacea  (amr)  the 
Associated  Press,  -ført  g.  map,  g.  chart,  -irig'' 
fommieforr  commissary- general  of  war.  -far* 
average  course.  -fbariermefter  quartermaster 
general,  -tbit  tering  acquittance  in  full,  receipt 
in  full.  -løjtnant  lieutenant-general.  -major 
major-general.  -mara)  general,  flaa  ..  beat  the 
g.  -norbner  common  denominator.  -carbon 
general  pardon,  -panfe  pause  for  all  the  per- 
formers. -Iioft'bireftorat  General  Post  Offlce. 
-poffbirrftør,  boflm  efter  postmaster -general, 
-brofoø  provost-marshal.  -brøbe  dress-  el.  full 
rehearsal.  -regiftrat ør  Registrar  General.  @ene» 
raldebaalet  general's  epaulet.  ®eaeratf!ib#. 
maaler  Surveyor-Geueral  of  tonnage.  Øeaerald* 
officer,  -#»crføii  general  officer.  @enera(|ftab 
the  (general,  general's)  staff.  -ftabdtort  ord- 
nance map.  -flåterne  the  States  General,  -flat* 
tølber  regent;  (9leberl.)  Statholder-general,  ©ene- 
raføtitcl  title  of  general,  (general] flora  general 
aasault;  ^  tremendous  gale  of  wind.  -fnøer« 
intrabeat  superintendent-general.  (Benerafø' 
barbfgbrb  dignity  of  a  general,  ©enerotbifar 

@rneratio  a  c  -er  geuera'tion.  9eaeratioad|< 
flifte,  -beféel  alternation  of  generation.  Øenera< 
tri'cc  c  geom  gen'erant,  genera'trtx. 

©enere  vt  constrain,  cramp,  hamper,  annoy, 
embarrass,  inconvenlence,  incommode;  6tøjen 
-r  mig  I  cannot  stand  the  nolse;  -  fig  feel  embar- 
rassed,  constrained;  -r  $em  iRe  don't  put  your- 
self  out,  don't  mind  me;  make  yourself  at  home; 
jeg  -t  mig  for  at  I  am  ashamed  to  el.  shy  of;  jeg 
•r  mig  iffe  for  tøm  I  don't  mind  hlm. 

(BeaereC  a  gen'eral. 

Øcn'er^olbe  vt  get  back,  recover,  -lfe  c  re* 

Øen'cr^berøc  vt  regain,  recover,  -lfe  c  re- 

(Bea  erin|bre  vt  recall,  call  back  to  mind. 
•bring  c  recollection. 

©ene  riff  *  geuer'ic. 

<9cM'crob|re  vt  recapture.    -ri ag  c  recapture. 

<Sener|ofifC't  c  liberallty,  generos'ity.  -ø'#  a 
liberal,  generous.  • 

©cnc'rt  a  embarrassed.  -beb  c  embarrassment. 

Øenefii  c  gen'esis;  bibl  Gen'esis. 

©ene'tiff  a  genetic(al). 

(Benet'tc  c  -r  gen 'et,   Viverra  øenetta. 

@ene'ber  c  gin;  (bebfte)  Hollands,  geneva. 

©ene^aretb  n  Gennes'aret;  -  60  the  lake  of  G. 

(Øenf  n  Gene'va.  Qrnfer|  c  -t,  -inbe  c  -r 
G  ene' van;  -eme  the  Genevere,  -lotå  char,  Salmo 
umbta.  -føett  the  Lake  of  Geneva,  Lake  Leman. 
Oenfiff  a  Genevere. 

©eafolb  fe  Xilbaaefalb. 

Ocnfinbe  vt  find  again,  reflnd.  -Ifc  o  (mao 
omfrrioeft  f.  918.)  .  er  umulig  it  is  imposslble  to 
find  (it  el.  hlm  ofb.)  again;  jeg  $aaber  paa  .  I 
hope  to  find  (it  el.  him  ofo.)  again;  -nø  pjeblit 
er  forb^oonben  the  moment  is  near,  when  they 
8 hall  find  each  other  again. 

Øenforbfnbe  rt  re  join. 

Q)cnforbre  vt  reclaim  »ring  e  reclamation; 
(SRobforbring)  counter-claim. 

@eaforen|e  vt  reunite,  rejoin.  -lag  c  reunion, 

@enforfif|re  vt  re-insure..   -ring  c  reinsurance. 

<Settførta*H|e  vt  re-narrate,  re-tell.  -lag  re 

(genfrembringe  vt  reproduce.  -Ifc  repro- 

©ettfremftiøc  vt  reproduce. 



•ittbfttgning  laylng  on  of  gas.  -fait  gas-lime. 
-fanbeiaber  gas-chandelier.  -føfcø  gas  coke. 
-tompagtti  gas -company.  -traftntaftine  g&s 
-motor,  -trone  gazeller,  -fnl  gas-coal.  -fambe 
gas-lamp.  -iebning  gas-delivering  pipe,  main 
-pipe.  -lugt  smell  of  gas.  -Ibgte  gas-lamp  -lijS 
gas-ligbt.  -raoolcr  gas-meter,  -ntaftine,  -motor 
gas-motor,  -tnefter  gas-fitter.  -olie  gas-oil. 
•ome  ter  n  gasom'eter.  -ovn  gas-fnrnace;  gas 
-g  to  ve.  -regulator  gas-governor.  -rør  gas-pipe; 
-rne  the  gas-pi  ping. 

(Baéfc  c  -r  gander. 

t@aø|fc  oi  be  delicious;  -  fifl  vr  luxuriate,  fe 
©otte  fia. 

(Ba£|føl  star  of  gas-buraere.  -tøilb  waste 
of  gas. 

Øaft  c  -er  F  wight,  customer;  ^  man,  band. 

•Gtøftere're  vi  &  banquet. 

(Sfofttitbercbning  c  gas-making. 

(SaftrifT  a  gastric. 

<Staflro|no'm  c  -er  gas'tronome,  gastron'omer, 
gastron'omist.  -nomi'  c  gastron'omy.  -no'miff 
a  gastronom  'ic(al). 

&ad\tat  a  gas-tight.  •ttbftrømniMg  escape  of 
gas.  -nbbifling  generation  of  gas.  -ttr  fe 
•umalet,    -banb  gaswater.    -boert  gas-works  pi. 

®at'  c  &  n  bole;  anus;  narrow  inlet.  -tør  n 
anus.    -finne  anal  fin.    -firtel  anal  gi  and. 

Gtott  u  *  &  t  elever. 

GJaufre  re  vt  gaufFer,  goffer. 

*©ani,  Gtattgl  c  brent  goose,  Berniciatorquata. 

m®anpc  c  -v  lynx. 

Qtanr  c  gaur,  /fr*  oauru*. 

@abc  c  -t  (Sfænf)  gift,  donation,  endowment; 
(ftøræring;  present;  (9taturg.)  endowment,  turn, 
talent,  genius,  gift,  p/  parts;  milbe  -r  charitable 
donations;  Ijabe  ©ubé  r  af  nt  have  abundance 
of  a  tbing,  bave  st  galore;  man  ftal  ej  lafte  gioen 
.  one  must  not  look  a  gift  horse  in  the  moutb; 
tjQDf  -r  for  have  the  gift  of.    -bog  register  of 

C.    -breb,  •tontraft  deed  of  gift.   -løft  a  gift- 
-rig  a,  poef  fe  (Haomilb. 

Gtabia'l  c  ga'vial,  garial. 

<9ab(  c  -e  gable(end).  -mnr  g.  wall.  -flbe  g. 
side.  -fpib&,  -tøir  g.  head.  -tag  g.  roof.  -btit> 
bue  g.  wlndow. 

Qfa  btniib  «  liberal,  munificent,  bounteous, 
bountiful,  free-handed,  open-handed.  -tyeb  c 
munificence,  bountifulness,  bounteousness. 

(gabtt  n  (+  c)  (©ebfte)  benefit,  good;  (5  or  bel) 
gain,  ad  van  tage,  profit;  bære  til  -  for  en  benefit 
one,  be  of  b.  lo  one;  baoe  -  af  nt  benefit  el.  be 
beneflted  by;  bet  gor  mig  fyberlen  -  eder  ©tabe  it 
do  as  me  neither  good,  nor  barm;  gøre  .  work, 
make  one's  self  useful;  ger  .  for  to  is  worth 
two;  frøn  gor  albrig  -6  (Herning  he  never  does 
any  good.  —  Gtabnc  vt  &  i  benefit,  ad  van  tage. 
be  of  ad  vantage  to;  fjbab  -r  bet  SRenneffet  ofo.  bibl 
wbat  is  a  man  advantaged,  if  he  gain  the 
whole  world.  ©abncltjft  desire  of  being  useful. 
Øabngørenbc  a  serviceable.  (SJaonlig  a  (forbel« 
agttg)  beneflcial,  advantageous;  (nothgj  service- 
able; <  inbbringenbe)  profitable,  gainful;  mit  Slag 
er  -t  og  min  $*torbe  er  let  bibl  my  yoke  is  easy 
and  my  burden  is  light,  Qtabnligtyeb  c  service- 
ahleness,  profitahleness,  usefulncss.  <$abn|lø& 
n  profitless,  unserviceable,  unprofitable.  -lødfjeb 
c  unprofitablenosH.  -rig  o  useful,  profitable. 
-ffob  forest  of  timber  irees.  -træ,  -tømmer,  -bcb 
tim  b  er. 

Gtabøt'te  c  -r  gav'ot. 

tøaoftrit  c  -ter  rogtie. 

(Nbtljb  c  knave,  sharper.  —  @ab fabelagtig  a 
knavlsb.  -anfigt  hang-dog  look.  •ri'(cr)  (pi) 
knavery.  -f*«*  thi«Ves'  slang,  -ftreg  knavish 

®at)a'i  e  gayal,  jungle  oz,  /?<*  frontali: 
©aje  c  gauze. 

<SatfV(U)  c  -ler  gazel,  gazelle. 
GtaÅet'tc  c  -r  gazette. 
©eoe  t  n  -er  territory,  fig  (en*)  domain, 
(ijebiå    [t.]  n  set  of  teetb. 
t^ebom'merlig  lt  ]  «  F  tremendous. 
(Btbxot'Un  [tj  n  broken;  paa  -t  Danff  in  broken 
Danish;  tale  -t  æanfl  jabber  Danish. 
(iJcbræf  fclig  [t.]  a  crippled,  in  firm. 
OJebnrtftbag  [t.]  c birth-day;  ®mf.  fe gobfettbog. 
©cbti'r  [t]  n  -er  fee. 

tøebdtr'bf  fig  [t]   vr  gesticulate;  -  flg  fom  om 
take  on  as  if.    -r  pi  gestures. 
(JJeb  c  -er  (she-)goat,  nanny-goat. 
QJcbaft  [t.]  c  -er  stopped  register. 
QJebbe  c  -r  pike,  E*ox  luciwt. 
<9ebe  c  sap-wood,  alburnum,  blea. 
@ebc|blab  $  bonev-suekle,  woodbine,  Lonicera 
periclymenum    (og    (JaprifoUum).     -ftnt   he-goat, 
bllly-goat.      -flot    fe   -biorb.     -fob    goat's   foot; 
(Scrrlt.)  parting  tool.    -tjaar  goat's  hair. 
(åJcbetjara^  c   e  wasp,   Vetpa  cmbro. 
OJebe|ljJorb  floek  of  goats.    -^brbe  goatherd. 
-fib  kid,  kidling.    *-fUo  fe  «u!ffoiab.    t-malfer 
fe  9iatratin.    -mæl!  goat's  mllk.   -øft  goat's  mllk 
cbeese.  -ramØ  rose-bay,  Epilobtum  angtuti/olium. 
-ftæg  goat-marjoram,   goat's  beard,  Traøopogon; 
salsify.  T.  porrifoliua. 

Qebigen  [t]  a  (3o>rn,   6olbkofb.)  naUve;  fig 
genuine,  pure,  sterling. 
tGk'bing  c  -er,  fe  <Bebeb>m8. 
©ebnlt    [t]  a  f  secret. 
©eeft  c  high,  dry  land,  geeøt-land. 
@cfal  be  [t.)  vt  f  be  to  one's  taste. 
Øefrejbcr  [t.l  c  lance  corporal. 
©cfæ'rlig  [t.j  a  k  adv  f"   desperate,   despe- 
rat el  y.    -ijcb  c  fe  ^arligbeb. 
(ijetjalt'  [t  J  c  alloy;  fig  worth,  value. 
OJeljej'ra  ft]  a  privy,  secret.  —  @eb,ejme|artib 
privy  archives  el.  records.    -arfibar  keeper  of 
the  privy  archives.    -bog  secret  journal,    -raob 
c  -er  piivy  counsellor. 
(iJetjang'  [t.j  n  sword-belt. 
QJeljø  r  [t.j  n,   ti.u»  ear;  §p  eare;  fpille  efter  - 
play   by  (the)  ear;   finbe  .,   ftaffe  fig  .  find  a 
willing  ear,  a  hearing. 

®tll  a  (om  Xpr)  ruttish;  (om  Vtenneffer)  sala- 
cious,  lustful,  lascivious,  goatish;  (om  planter  og 
3orb)  rank    -b,eb  c  salacity,  lasciviousness,  lust- 
fulness,  rankness. 
Otejrfugl  great  auk,  Alca  impenniå. 
@e|fer  c  -e  gcyser. 

(9e|ft  [t]   c  -er  t  &  cont  fe  ttanb.    ØeJfUfa  a 
clcrical,  ecclesiastical;   ben  -e  Stanb  the  clerical 
order;  inbtræbe  i  ben  -e  Stanb  take  (holy)  orden; 
.  Seltalenbeb  spiritual  eloquence;  en  -  a  clergy- 
man,   divine,    -e  @obfer  churtb-property;   en  - 
8tet  a  spiritual  rourt;  be  -e  $errer  tbo  lords  spi- 
ritual,   (åkjftiiøtjcb  c  clergy. 
©ej  tf  er  [t.j  e  small  sideshoot. 
tøeffo  c  -er  gecko,  Aitcitacute: 
(øeladfen  [t.j  a  f  tranquil,  compliant. 
(Slelati  n  c  gelatine,    -øft  o  gelat'inou*. 
Øelbem  n  Guelderland;  (33 pen)  Guelders. 
i&tlct  [t  ]  n  -er  rank,  (i  ^bbben)  file;  rræbenb 
af  -et  <iuit  the  rauks;   trcebe  i  ~  All  in  rank; 
flutte  -erne  close  the  rank  s    i  enfeit  .  in  slngiø 
file:  aabnt  -erne,  mard)!  open  order!  march  I 

QJelé  c  -er  jelly,  glaze;  banne  -  jelly;  . . .  I  . 
aspic  of  .  .  . 
($tU\'U  [t]  n  es'cort.  —  tt  esco'rt. 
@eløn  ber  [t.]  n  -e  balusters,  bannisten, nfilM 
®em'  n,  pttt  fe  ©emme  n. 
Ørmat'  [t  ]  n  -rer  apartment. 
(Btmu'l,  -inbe  [t.]  c  -er  ooniort, 




Qennemfcerbfel  c  thoroughfare,  passage. 

Ørnnemfaie  vt  feel  intensely. 
-  (Bennemfør|e  vt  (ogfaa  fio)  carry  through;  fig 

irry  el.  work  out,  accompllsh,  go  through  with, 
'-  leet.     -r(fc  c  carrying  out,  accomplishment. 

tf  c  carrying  through,    -fciéiolb  transit-duty. 

Øennemøaa  t>*  (i  9um.)  go  through,  (libe,  ogf.) 

iffer,  undergo;  (aennemfe)  go  over,  look  over, 
'  o  through;;  (f.  (Tf*,  et  fhirfuS)  pass  through  (a 

ttirse   of  study);   ~  en  fieftie  mcb  en  go  over 

lesson  with  one.     -cnbe  a  (all-)  pervading, 

-  lorough  (-go  i  Dg);  -  ©ittet  through  ticket;  fælger 

X  -  8i&etter  til  fionbon?  do  you  book  through 

■)  L?  _  Reparation  thorough  repairs;  ~  Øobft 
rans  il  goods  p/.  —  od©  (i  tltm.)  generally,  uni- 

ersally;   C^elt  igennem)  from  the  beginnlng  to 
he  end,  throughout,  altogether;  f  all  round. 

(gennemgang  c  -e  going  through;  (Stebet) 
assage;  thoroughfare;  (lfrt)fto!l)  cleavage;  attr 
lansit.  —  @ennentgang»lattorb  transient  chord. 
tcf  ørbrfng  through  conveyance.  -billet  through 
Icket.  •førblnbelfe  through  oommunlcation. 
fragt  through  frelght.  -leb  connecting  link. 
"}nntt  point  of  transition,    -tolb  transit  duty. 

Gtennentgarge  it  tan  thoroughly. 

QknnemgUbc  vt  heat  through;  fig  inflame, 

(gennemgnave  vt  gnaw  through. 

(gennemgob  a  thoroughly  good. 

(gennemgranflc  fe  Gennemforfie. 

<$en nemgrat) | r  vt  dir  el.  cut  through;  (gen* 
■emftete)  intersect.    -ning  c  djgging  etc. 

Oenneragribeube  a  energetic,  decisive,  thor- 
ough, radical,  sweeping. 

(Bennentgrøct  o  oyergrown. 

(Bennentornnbc  vt  consider  thoroughly. 

Øennentiyaftc  vt  hasten  el.  hurry  through. 

Øennemfcb  a  thoroughly  hot. 

Øenuemtyebc  vt  heat  through. 

(gennemfteglle  vt  hackle  thoroughly;  fio  lash, 
cut  up.     -ting  c  lashing  etc. 

(Øennemfterfe  vt  f,  toil  through. 

dknnentftng  n  cut  through,  -ge  vt  hew  et. 
cut  through;  -  en  Sfob  cut  an  openlng  In  a 
wood.  -ning  c  -et  cutting  through,  (i  ©fob) 
glade,  vista. 

Øennentftnfe  vt  hollow  through. 

(MennemfenSet  a  perforated,  riddled. 

(gennemfarte  vt  harden  thoroughly. 

Øennemitc  vt  fe  Øennemføtfe. 

(Øennemitnc  vt  chili. 

Qennemjage  vt  chase  et.  hunt  through;  -  et 
Strbejbe  hurry  over  a  work. 

(Øennemtommc  vt  comb  out. 

Vtnntmtæmpt  vt  struggle  through. 

Øennemrarfcl  c  (bet  at  føre  igennem)  driving 
through;  (Stebet)  passage  for  carriages;  -  for« 
bpbei  no  thoroughfare. 

(Bennemflinge  vt  sound  through. 

+(9ennemrt«ftci  a  fissured. 

Øennemføge  vt  boil  thoroughly. 

(gennemføre  a  thoroughly  cola. 

Øennemfømjpønere  vt  set  (a  song),  through 
all  its  stanzas,  to  music. 

(gennemfrabfe  vt  scratch  through. 

Qennemterbfe  vt  sweep  through. 

Qennemirbjtc  vt  creep,  crawl  through. 

(9ennemfrl)bfc  vt  traverse. 

+@eitnemfttlbet  i  thi  lied. 

(gennemløbe  tf  transmit. 

(gennemfete  vt  search. 

(gennemlev*  vt  live  through,  pass. 

+(gcnneniHbe  vt  snffer,  undergo. 

(gennem  |ligae  fig  vr  get  bed-sores.  -liggen, 
-ligning  c  bed-sores. 

+(gennemtnc  vt  inflame,  kindle. 

Sacfen :  $anft*Cngelfl  Crbbog. 

(genncntlnfte  vt  air  thoroughly. 

(gennemløbe  vt  resound  through. 

(gennemlttne  vt  flash  through. 

(gennenttlife  vt  (o&tyfe)  illumine,  illuminate; 
(Tebe  Ofb  $jcefø  af  81)8)  search  by  candle-light. 

(gennemtttf  |e  vt  read  through,  peruse;  -  paanb 
reperufie.  -ning  c  reading  etc.,  perusal;  fontbet 
.  reperusal. 

Øennrmltøb  n  (bet  at  løbe  igennem)  running 
through;  (Stebet)  passage,  -Uøe  vt  run  el.  travel 
over  el.  through;  traverse;  igennemfe  Ijaftig)  glance 
el.  look  over;  b>n  -løb  89  o  gen  he  dipped  into  the 
book;  b,an  -løb  Qrebet  he  ran  his  eyes  over  the 

+<genncmmaaf  n  diameter. 

(gennemntarø)  c  march  (through). 

(genuemntftite  vt  satiate  thoroughly;  fig  sat- 
urate  th. 

Øenncmntfbc  vt  enjoy  thoroughly. 

(gennemfciffe  vt  whip  el.  lash  soundly;  -8  af 
Wean  be  soaked  el.  drenched  with  rain. 

dennembtøjje  tt  plough  thoroughly;  fio  toil 
et.  labour  through,    -ning  e  ploughing  etc. 

(gennemøredfe  vt  press  el.  squeeze  through. 

{gennentftriiie  vt  prick  through. 

(gennemyrirøte  vt  drub  soundly. 

Øennemraabbrn  a  thoroughly  rotten. 

+(gcnnemragc  vt  stir,  rake. 

(gennemregne  vt  reckon  over. 

gennemregnet  a  soaked  with  rain. 

(gennemregning  c  reckoning  over. 

(genneitt|  rejfe  c  journey  el.  passage  through. 
•rejfe  vt  travel  et.  pass  through. 

+©enncmrenbe  \t  (gennemløbe. 

@ennemrenf|e  vt  cleanse  thoroughly.  -ning 
e  thorough  cleansing. 

(Stønnerne Ib  |  e  vt  ride  through. 

Øennemrobe  vt  (gennemføge)  nynmage;  (om 
€bin)  root  through. 

Øennrmrnflett  a  rusted  through,  rust-eaten. 

Øenncmrlifle  vt  shake  thoroughly. 

(Sennentrtgc  vt  smoke  thoroughly. 

Qennemlfali  a  salt  throughout.  -fatte  vt  salt 

@ennemfao|e  vt  saw  through,  -ning  c  sawlng 

Øeunemfe  vt  see  through,  look  over,  inspect, 
revise;  -t  Ubaa&e  revised  edition. 

Øennemfejlle  vt  sail  through,  traverse.  -ing 
c  saillng  through,  passage. 

ØenncmHc  vt  filter  el.  strain  through. 

(Slennentfigt  c  view  et.  prospect  (through  an 
openlng),  vista. 

Qennentfigte  vt  sift. 

(Slennentfigtig  a  transparent,  pellucld,  dia- 
phanous.    -peb  o  transparency,  pellucidness. 

Øennemfltrc  vt  thrill. 

<8ennenflb|e  vt  percolate,  ooze  through,  -ning 
o  percolation;  phy*  osmose  (endosmose,  exos- 

(Hennemffin  n  light  (shining  through  a  pel- 
lucid  body).  -ne  vt  shine  through,  -ncnfce, 
-nelig  a  translucent. 

@ennemflribc  tt  stride  through,  traverse. 

(Scnnentffne  vt  see  through  et.  into.  -lig  a: 
let  .  easlly  seen  through. 

@ennemffbb|e  vt  shoot  through;  -  en  ©og 
(meb  rent  $o4>ir)  interleave  a  book.  -ning  o 
shooting  etc. 

<9enuemf!ntte  vt  wash  el.  rinse  thoroughly. 

-tøennrmftøfpc  vt  thrill. 

+<9ennemjf«r  n  glimmering. 

@ennemffar|e  vt  cut  (through),  intersect, 
(om  ^lob)  traverse,  permeate;  .  fwgeme  cleave 
the  waves.    -ing  e   er  cut,  cutting. 

tØennentftaa  vt  fe  Oennemblabe. 





Øeaaemfiftc  vt  grind  through. 

Qkanemfange  vt  interlace. 

Øennemjfait  n  (€uit;  cut  through;  (Xbojtmoal) 
diameter,  (t  Xegning)  profile;  (Utibbeltal)  average; 
i  «  on  an  average,  at  the  average;  i  .  belabe  fifl 
til,  brtbe  bet  til  øfb.  average.  -faftlig  a  average, 
medium:  <u£r  on  an  average.  -fnitftvtybbe  (o.  fl.) 
average  depth  (etc.).  -faitåfUbe  section.  -fnit#« 
tegning  iectlonal  view. 

Veanemfnnfe  vt  pry  into. 

Øennemtoejbe  vt  reeonnoitre. 

Ørnnemnabe  vt  spell  one's  way  through. 

Øeanemfteae  vt  roast  thoroughly;  -gt  done. 

QtamrafHRe,  -fHngc  v*  ran  through ,  pierce. 

•»Qknnemftirre  vi  stare  through. 

Øenaemftraole  fe  •ennemffinne. 

Øennemfhrege  vt  (fttpqt)  cross;  (en  »og)  rnle 

Qkanemfhretfe  vi  roam  et.  rove  through. 

<9eaaem|frrbge  vt(frrtage  igennem)  sweep  through; 
(genneotfireife)  overrun,  scour.  -frrog  sweeping 

Qkaaemfrrsmme  vt  flow  el.  run  through;  fig 
(om  ØøMfe)  thrill. 

Qknaemfttae  vi  beat  through,  explore. 

Øennemfnr  a  completely  sour. 

Øennemfnfe  vi  whistle  el.  sign  through. 

Øennemfbebe  vi  soak  with  sweat. 

Qkaaemfbcbt  o  perspirlng  all  over. 

+<Øennemf*«rme  vi  spend  in  revelry. 


borre  vi  blacken  thoroughly. 
bftbe  vi  float  el.  toar  through, 
btatme  vi  swim  through, 
b  vi  sew  through. 

9«   »  aeelng  through;   (Unberffgelfe) 
.  ezamination. 

Øeanemfbage  vi  aing  through. 

Øeanemianfng  c  sewing  through. 

(gennemfor  |e  vi  saturate  (with  an  acid);  (meb 
6urbejg)  leaven;  fig  leaven,  Interpenetrate.  -ing 
o  satu ration. 

<8enaemføg|c  vi  search  (through),  (efter  Ctlbt) 
draw.    -sting  c  searcbing  etc. 

Øranemtcgtt|e  counter-draw,  trace,  -lag  o 

Øenaeatterjtø  vi  F  toil  through. 

(Beanemtog  n  march  (through  a  country). 

(Øenncmtonc  vt  aound,  resound  through. 

Øenacmtrbt  fe  ftalfering. 

(Benacntirat  c  thorough  draught.  -Ir  vi  fe 
•brage;  (abe  noget  -t  af  en  Babfle  impregnate  el. 
saturate  with  a  fluid;  -truffen  og  forfeglet  ($rotofo() 
taped  and  sealed.  -aiag  c  aaturauon  (with  a 

Øennemtrorngc  vt  penetrate,  pierce,  permeate, 
(om  Bæbfte)  soak,  saturate.  -tig  a  penetrable; 
permeable.  -ffeftfraft  penetrating  force,  -abe 
a  (*ulbe,  fibb)  piercing  (cold,  sound). 

(Bennemtrart  o  dog-tired. 

(gennemtvinge  vi  carry  through  (with  the 
high  hånd),  force. 

Qlennemtbgge  vi  (tbgge  bel  igennem)  chew  el. 

masticate    well;    (m*ifomme(ig   gennemgaa)    toil 

hrough;  (gentage  ofte)  repeat  again  and  again. 

(Bennemiarf|te  vi  count  over.  -ling  c  count- 
ing  over. 

9en  nem  torat  |  c  vi  ponder,  meditate  upon, 
consider  thoroughly.    -aiag  c  pondering  etc. 

(Bennemttrrfic  vt  thrash  thoroughly;  fe  -pløje, 

4km>em|t*T  a  thoroughly  dry.  -tarre  vi  dry 

ØeiraeMaab  a  wet  through,  wet  to  the  skin 
drroched,  aoaking  wet.  wu» 

Mate  et  (batten) 
wmtching,  pam  (ihe  nlght) 

am  (af  •?$** 


QennemiMbe  vt  wade  through. 

ØfMttemttjUfe  vt  full  completely. 

(Benne*  van  [bre  vi  wander  el.  roam  tlirougb, 
over,  perambulate.  -bring  c  wanderfzi^  ete., 

(gennem  [barm  a  warm  through,  -matrone  r* 
warm  el.  heat  through. 

Øennembrj  c  passage,  thoroughfare. 

+(Bennembtfte  vt  breathe  through. 

Øeanemvirfe  vt  (btrte  $elt  igennem)  operas 
throughout;  Xæpperne  bare  -be  meb  ©Iomftrr  the 
carpets  were  wrought  with  flowers. 

Øennem]bøf*en,  -boWet  a  grown  through;  $ 

Qennemnstbc  vi  wet  el.  moisten  thoroughly, 
drench,  soak. 

Øenaemborbe  vt  interweave. 

(Branemotbe  vi  corrode. 

<»enaem*U|e  vt  knead  thoroughly.  -mtmg  e 
thorough  kneading. 

-t(Benttem<rogfted  w  be  terrlfled. 

Qtarnemarlig  a  thoroughly  honest. 

(Bcn'øbblndfen  e  resuscitation,  reawakening 
•be  part  reawakened,  rekindled. 

(Ben'øfttbgge  vt  rebuild. 

(Ben'obbag  c  vt  redlscover.    -Ife  c  redisoovery. 

(Øea'øbfmve  vi  inven t  anew.  -Ife  c  second 

©en'obfrifle  vi  fe  DpfrifJe. 

•en'optare  vt  rebuild,  re-erect. 

<Btu'optUix\n%  o  clearing  up  again. 

(Øen'øblebe  vi  live  to  see  again. 

Øea'oblibe  vi  revive,  resuscitate.  -Ife  c  re- 
vival,  resuscitation,  reviviflcation. 

®tu  *prt\9u\n%  e  re-erection;  fio  redresa. 

Øem'opretrt  vt  re-establish,  restore.  -Ifr  c 
re-establishment,  restoration.    -r  o  reatorer. 

©eaobfHUe  vi  reset. 

genoptage  vt  take  up  again,  resume;  (et 
6tt)Re)  revive;  (i  et  6eljlab)  re-admit;  .  5Di«bi«* 
ffonen  af  rediscuss.  -Ife  c  resumptlon;  (i  et 
©elffao)  re  admittance,  re-admission;  (af  StijtTf) 

Øenobtrsben  o  re-appearance. 

+($en'ørbuittg  c  reorganixation. 

9eaoberføtre  vi  re-translate,  put  back. 

Vtupavt  c  -er  copy,  transcript,  duplicate; 
tage  en  .  af  draw  up  a  copy  of,  copy  out. 

(Øenre  o  -t  style,  manner.  -maler  painter  of 
genre,    -maleri  genre,  peinting  of  incident. 

<Øenreif|e  vi  re-erect.    -aiag  c  re-erection. 

(Sen  mage  vt  resound,  ring. 

Qenfe  vi  see  again,  meet  again;  •«  meet 
again,  see  each  other  again. 

Øenftbben  c  (paa  Stolen)  detention. 

Oeaflblet  adv  fe  -iø  adv. 

Ømfibtg  a  mutual,  redprocal,  on  both  sides; 
—  adv  mutually.  reciprocally.  -^e»  e  reci- 
procity.  -^cbiprtnciact  the  reciprocity  prin- 

Øeaffabe  vi  re-create. 

@enmn  n  reflection.    -ae  vi  be  reflected. 

Oenflratb  n  re-echoing  crash. 

@enfføniKe  vt  (en  nt)  restore  (st  to  one). 

•f@eaf!cer  n  (faint)  reflection. 

Øeattaa  n  return  blow;  fe  Zilbageflag. 

(Benfmuc  vt  smile  again. 

©eafbejte  vi  reflect,  mirror.  -ing  c  reflec- 

Øraftaab  o  -e  (Sformaal)  object;  (fom  bifec  fifl 
or  Ganfeme;  (fmne)  subject,  topic,  matter,  sub- 
oct  matter;  bære  -  for  Oagtalelfe  be  the  object 
Jnf  calumny;  er  .  for  megen  Xbibl  is  a  subject  of 
murn  doubt;  bet  er  io  ingen  -  it  is  not  worth 
JJjJJntioTiing;  ^enge  er  ingen  -  for  mig  money  is 






no  object  with  me.  —  @enfto*b»jførm  gram 
tbe  accusative  (case),    -orb  gram  object. 

(Benfri  c  -er,  fe  (Benbej. 

+Øeitftifter  c  refounder. 

(Benfiraale  vt  reflect,  image  back;  w  be  re- 

(Benftribia  o  refractory,  recalcitrant,  obstinate, 
res  ti  ve,  stabborn.  -(eb  c  refractoriness,  ob- 

(Bestøvning  c  counter-summons. 

(Ben  flab  n,  pj  s,  counter  thrust  el.  shock. 

(Benjfoar  n,  pi  =,  rejoinder.    -fbare  vi  rejoin. 

tøenfbn  n  meeting  (again). 

+<Benføge  ol  reaeek,  return  to. 

(Britt  n  Gbent. 

(Bentagc  ©i  repeat,  reiterate;  -  fig  recur;  -gne 
(Bange  repeatedly,  again  and  again.  -Ife  o  -r 
repetition,  reiteration;  recurrence.  -tfedtegn 
sign  of  repetition;  mut  repeat.  -ttbe  (+  -ni)  acfo 

ØCttti'l  a  genteel. 

(Bentjenefie  c  return  el.  requital  of  service; 
ieg  flnlber  (am  en  -  I  owe  nim  a  good  turn. 

(Bentoae  fe  (Benlbbe. 

(Benrrbt  n  reprint;  frø  inner  form,  second 

+(Bent<ettbe  vt  rekindle. 

Øe'Mnl«  n  Gen'oa.  -e'fer  c  -e,  -c'flfl  a  Genoese. 

(Bennbbrab  n  breaking  ont  again,  renewal. 

(Bcnnbf«r|e  t>i  re-export.  -fel  o  re-exporta- 

(Ben'ttbgioe  vt  re-edit,  re-issne. 

(Brna£  n  genus. 

(Benbalg  n  re-electian. 

(Bentej  e  short  cut;  ffybe  -  make  el.  take  a 
short  cut. 

+(Benbifre  vt  waft  back. 

(Bcnbinbc  vr  regain,  recover,  retrieye;  .  fut 
gelfrreb  be  restored  to  health. 

(Bcnbirfning  c  reaction. 

(Benbifit  c  return  visit. 

(Bcsbør'big(tb  c  -et  adversity,  tribnlation, 
misfortune,  cross,  trouble. 

(Benbfftte  vt  reawaken. 

(Benbortft  c  reproduction. 

(Ben*«lg|c  el  re-elect.  -elfg  a  re-eligible. 
-etigbeb  c  reeligibility. 

<Beo|cen'rriff  a  geocentric.  -'be  c  -r  ge'ode. 
-bffff'  e  geod'esy.  -bs'tift  a  geodet'ic.  -gnofi' 
c  geog'nosy.  -gnofT  c  -er  ge'ognost.  -graf  c 
et  geog'rapher.  -grafT  c  geog'raphy.  -gta'flfl 
a  geographical;  .  Orboog  gazetteer;  en  -  røil  «-= 
4  geographical  miles,  -to  g  c  -er  geologiet. 
-Ugl'  c  geol'ogy.  -Ugift  a  geolog'ic(al).  -vant' 
e  -er  ge'omancer.  -ntanti'  o  ge'omancy.  -merri' 
c  geom'etry.    -me'triff  a  geomet'rieal. 

(Beorg  Geo'rge.  -'len  n  Geo'rgia.  -ier  c  -e 
Geo'rgian.  -it«  pf  the  Geo'rgics.  -i'ne  o  -r 
dahlia,    -'tf!  a  Geo'rgian. 

(Btyarb'  c  -er  cheetah,  hunting  leopard,  Felts 

(Bebfr  n  gnipure. 

(Bf?  e  (tømr.)  feather-edge. 

(Beraa'bc  [t]  vi  (i)  »11  (into);  bet  -r  (am  til 
megen  tøre  lt  redounds  mnch  to  his  hononr, 
renects  great  credit  on  him;  .  i  Hrmob,  8itb< 
forelfe  fall  into  poverty,  error. 

(Bera'ninni  c  -ier  geranium. 

(Bere're  fig  vr  f  behave. 

Øerlftrb  Gerard. 

Øertgt',  (Beritt'  [t.]  c  -er  mop-board. 

(Beraø/ajCY  pi  Teutons,  (ancient)  Germans. 
•ife're  vt  ger'manize.  -ifl  a  Teuton'ic,  German  ic. 
•tø'mc  c  -t  Ger  manifim.    -ift'  c  -er  ger'manist. 

Øerne  [æ]  adv  wiUingly,  fain,  readily;  (fom 
tftrfl)  commonly;  federe  enb  .  most  wiUingly; 

bet  tror  jeg  -  I  dåre  say;  bet  Ian  bu  ~  gøre  you 
may  do  that  if  you  like;  fan  -  fige*  at  bare  .  .  . 
may  foirly  be  sald  to  be  .  . .;  for  mig  -  I  have 
no  objection;  faalebeft  gaar  bet  ~  that  is  com- 
monly the  way;  jeg  bilbe  -  bibe  I  should  like  to 
know;  jeg  ønfTer  meget .  I  wish  very  much;  ^bor 
•  jeg  enb  bilbe  with  every  wtsh  to;  lige  faa  .  as 
soon,  (just)  as  well,  (billig)  as  lief;  fjerten«  - 
wlth  all  my  heart;  bet  fan  .  bare  lt  may  be,  it 
is  quite  possible;  f>an  riber  -  he  is  fond  of  rid- 
ing;  ban  er  .  hjemme4  paa  benne  Zib  he  is  wont 
to  be  at  home  about  this  time;  (an  tom  -  om 
Hftenen  he  would  come  in  the  evening. 

(gerning  c  -er  deed,  aet,  action,  doing,  work; 
(an  (ar  t»ift  bet  i  -  he  has  given  actual  proofs 
of  it;  paa  ferff  -  in  the  very  æt;  i  Orb  og  -  In 
word  and  deed;  ttpoftlenet  -et  the  Acta  (of  the 
Apostles);  Segn  og  unberlige  -er  signs  and  wonders; 
en  gob  -  a  good  action;  gjort  .  ftaar  iffe  til  at 
anbre  what  is  done  cannot  be  undone;  it  is  no 
nse  talking  of  spilt  milk;  bift  mig  bin  Xro  af 
bine  -er  btbl  show  me  thy  faith  without  thy 
works(0;  (an  bifte  fin  tro  i  fine  -er  his  practice 
attested  his  belief,  he  showed  his  faith  by 
his  works;  (an  ligger  paa  fine  -er  he  has  got 
his  deserts.  <8eroiag$|+rrafrig  a  vigorous. 
•flurab  doer,  perpetrator.  -orb  gram  verb.  +-fag 
faet.  -ficb  place  of  perpetration.  -fbnb  sin  of 
commission,  actual  sin. 

(Berrig  a  avaricious,  niggard;  ((abef(g)  covet- 
ons;  ~  paa  niggard  of.  -(eb  o  avarice;  covet- 

(Bert  fe  <Bet(arb. 

(Berrrnb  Gertrude.  *-#fngl  great  black  wood 
-pecker,  Pieut  martitu. 

(Bemn  bi|nm  »  the  ger 'und.  -'bift  a  gerun'- 

(Bed'  n  mus  G  flat.    -ri  G  double  flat. 

(Befonbt'  [t.]  c  -er  ambassador,  minister,  envoy. 
-flab  n  -er  embassy,  legation.  -ffab#(otel  em- 
bassy,  legation,  -ffabo^ofl  post  of  an  ambas- 
sador. embassy. 

GJefel'  ft.]  e  -ler  cont  journeyman. 

@efenf '  [t.]  n,  min  socket.  -(ammer  top-swage. 

(Beflmi'  c  -er  cornice.  «(j»bl  cornice-plane, 
sash-plane.    -fifl  ogee.    -flen  mould-brick. 

(Bcftaft'ig  [t.]  a  busy,  fussy,  offlcious,  meddl- 
ing,  spoffish;  en  ~  Serfon  a  busy-body.  -(eb  c 
fuss,  eagerness;  meadlesomeness. 

Qtiptnft'  ft.]  n  -er  joc  ghost,  spectre. 

©eflalt'  [t.j  c  -er  flgure.  -e  flg  vr  take  shape; 
-  fig  til  take  the  shape  of. 

(Bcftet'  ft.]  n  (i  Ur)  frame. 

(BejHtttI|aHø'it,  -e'ring  c  -er  gestlcula'tion, 
action,  -e  re  vi  gestic'ulate.  (BeftttØ  c,  pi  =, 

©efbinbt'  [t.]  fe  $urtig. 

(Befbo'meT  c  -e  surveyor  of  mines. 

(Bet(fe'mane  n  Gethsem'ane,  the  garden  of 

(Bebafbiaer  [t.j  c  -e  overseer  (of  convicts). 

(Bebalf  [t]  e  f  violence;  -!  police!  -ig  a  A 
adv  F  tremendons,  -ly. 

(Bebanbt'  [t.]  n  -er  raiment,  drapery. 

(Bebi  ert  [tj  c  -ve  typ  M-quadrat. 

(Bcoi»b(t)  [t.]  n  -er  (p.  Strut)  turn,  worm; 
(Cfiarnier)  joint. 

(Bebinfl  [t.]  c  -er  profit,  gains;  (t  fiotteri)  prize; 
ubtomme  meb  .  come  up  a  prize. 

(Btbi'r  [t.]  n  horns  pi,  head  (of  a  deer). 

^eborbea  ft.]  a  enllsted;  F  boa  -  9»b  in  a 
high-handed  manner,  with  military  rigour. 

©ebætft'  [t.]  c  -er  excrescence. 

(Bebor'r  n  -er  musket,  gun.  flrelock;  -  i  $bil ! 
slope  arms!  -  beb  ftobl  beo  9oben  .!  ground 
arms!  -  paa  Stutbert  shoulder  arms!  falb  .! 





(Bennentfltbc  vt  grind  through. 

Øemtemtønge  vt  lnterlace. 

Oeaaentjfatt  n  (Snit;  cut  through;  (Zbarmaal) 
diameter;  (i  Xegning)  profile;  (VHbbeltot)  average; 
i  _  on  an  average,  at  the  average;  i  -  belrie  fig 
til,  bribe  bet  til,  ofb.  average.  •fnttlig  a  average, 
medium:  ad*  on  an  average.  -fatt£»b>be  (o.  fl.) 
average  depth  (etc.).   -faiteftabe  section.  -fttiti* 

tegatag  sectional  view. 

lenaemfnnfe  vt  pry  Into. 

(Benatntfbefbe  vt  reconnoitre. 

<Bf«armft«bt  vt  spell  one's  way  through. 

<Beaaeuftrgc  vt  roast  thoroughly;  -gt  done. 

(Benacmftifte,  -fttage  vt  run  through,  pierce. 

4<Brnnem(Hrre  vt  stare  through. 

(Benaemftraole  fe  Øennemfttnne. 

(Bennemfrrfgc  vt  (ftnrøe)  cross;  (en  ©og)  rule 

Qkmiemfrrrjfe  vt  roam  et.  rove  through. 

Qeaaralftrbge  vt  (frrtjøe  igennem)  sweep  through; 
(gennemffreifr)  overrun,  scour.  -ftrog  sweeping 

Qkaaentfrrsmnte  vt  flow  el.  run  through;  fig 
(om  frøletfe)  thriU. 

(BrnnemfUbe  vt  beat  through,  explore. 

(Beancmfar  a  completely  sour. 

{Beanemfafe  vi  whistle  el.  slgh  through. 

(Beaaemfbebe  vt  soak  with  sweat. 

(Btnntmfbebt  a  perspiring  all  over. 

-t(Benarmfb*rate  vt  spend  in  revelry. 

<Benaratfb«rte  vt  blacken  thoroughly. 

Ocnneat  b«be  vt  float  el.  soar  through. 

(Bevar at  unat  «*  swim  through. 

(Beaaent  4  ve  sew  through. 

(Bennratfba  n  eeeing  through;  (Unberffgelfe) 
lnspection,  ezamlnation. 

(Beaaemfbage  øf  slng  through. 

Øeaaeufbafag  c  sewing  through. 

Øettn emtøf  | e  et  saturate  (with  an  acid);  (meb 
Surbejg)  leaven;  fig  leaven,  interpenetrate.  -lag 
o  saturatlon. 

<Benacmfog|e  o«  search  (through),  (efter  BUM) 
draw.    -ning  c  searching  etc. 

®eanemtegn|e  counter-draw,  trace,  -tag  c 

(BennemtfTbe  vt  f  toll  through. 

(Btaaemtøg  n  march  (through  a  country). 

{Beancmtone  vt  sound,  resound  through. 

(Brnacmtrbf  fe  ftalfering. 

(Brnnemtraf  c  thorough  draught.  -le  vt  fe 
-brage;  (abe  noget  -«  af  en  SabfEe  impregnate  et. 
saturate  with  a  fluid;  -truffen  og  fotfegtct  rørotofol) 
taped  and  sealed.  -ning  c  saturatlon  (with  a 

<Benarmtr*agc  vt  penetrate,  pierce,  permeate, 
(om  Scebffe)  soak,  saturate.  -lig  a  penetrable; 
permeable.  -tfe#traft  penetrating  force,  -abe 
a  (ftutbe,  fitob)  piercing  (cold,  sound). 

(Beaacattrat  a  dog-tlred. 

(Benatmtbiugc  vt  carry  through  (with  the 
high  hånd),  force. 

Ukanemtbgge  vt  (tbgge  bel  igennem)  chew  el. 

masticate    well;    (msjfommelig   gennemgaa)    toll 

hrough;  (gentage  ofte)  repeat  again  and  again. 

(Brnnemtottjle  vt  count  over.  -ting  c  count- 

(Beanerataatjc  vt  ponder,  meditate  upon, 
consider  thoroughly.    -atag  c  pondering  etc. 

(Bennemtarfte  vt  thrash  thoroughly;  fe  -pløje, 

gennem |  Ur  a  thoroughly  dry.  -tgrre  vt  dry 

(Benncmbaab  a  wet  through,  wet  to  the  skin, 
drenched,  soaking  wet. 

(Beanfntbaage  vt  (Slatten)  spend  (the  night)  in 
watching,  paas  (the  night)  without  sleep. 

(Beaaratbabe  vt  wade  through. 

{Braanattjrifr  vt  full  completely. 

Qfcaaeatban|bre  vt  wander  et.  roam  through, 
over,  perambulate.  -briag  o  wandering  etc., 

<Beanem|barai  a  warm  through,  -barme  ri 
warm  et.  heat  through. 

(Benncrabei  c  passage,  thoroughfare. 

•føeanembifte  vt  breathe  through. 

(Beaaentbirfe  vt  (birfe  $elt  igennem)  operate 
throughout;  Xæpperne  bare  -be  meb  Blomfter  the 
carpets  were  wrought  with  flowers. 

(Beanrmlbøtøea,  -bøføet  a  grown  through;  $ 

(Beaaemborbe  vt  wet  et.  moisten  thoroughly, 
drench,  soak. 

(Bcaaembørbe  vt  Interweave. 

Qenaeraabe  vt  oorrode. 

<Beaaenuttt|e  vt  knead  thoroughly.  -aiag  c 
thorough  kneading. 

+<Øemttm«ragfte*  w  be  terrifled. 

Øeaaeraarltg  a  thoroughly  honest. 

(Bea'opbtndfen  c  resuscitation,  reawakening. 
•le  part  reawakened,  rekindled. 

(Brnopbbgge  vt  rebuild. 

(Bea'opbage  vt  rediscover.    -Ife  o  rediscovery 

opbage  vt  i 
opflabe  vt 

invent  anew.    -Ifc  e  second 

(Bea'opfrtffe  vt  fe  ©pfriffe. 

(Øea'opfsre  vt  rebuild.  re-erect. 

(Bea'øpflariag  c  clearing  up  again. 

(Bea'opfebe  vt  live  to  see  again. 

(Bea'øptibe  vt  revive,  resuscitate.  -Ifc  e  re- 
vi  val,  resuscitation,  revtviflcaUon. 

<Bea 'oprejsning  c  re-erection;  fig  redress. 

(Ben 'oprette  vt  re-establlsh,  restore.  -Ifc  o 
re-establishment,  restoration.    -r  o  restorer. 

(Ben  opfHIle  vt  reset. 

<Bca' optage  vt  take  up  again,  resume;  (et 
©tofte)  revive:  (i  et  Setjfob)  re-admlt;  .  Si«fn#* 
fionen  af  rediscuss.  -Ifc  c  resumpUon;  (i  et 
©etftob)  re  admittance,  re-admission;  (af  SrtjfTe) 

Vtuopttavtu  e  re-appearance. 

+@ea  orbaiag  o  reorganisation. 

Om'oberfstte  vt  re-translate,  put  back. 

Ottt^art  e  -er  copy,  transcript,  duplicate; 
tage  en  .  af  draw  up  a  copy  of,  copy  out. 

Qknrc  c  -r  style,  manner.  -maler  painter  of 
genre,    -awteri  genre,  painting  of  incident. 

<StaurcJf|c  vt  re-erect.    -aia|  c  re-erection. 

Øenrnuge  vi  resound,  ring. 

(Beafe  vt  see  again,  meet  again;  -ft  meet 
again,  see  each  other  again. 

(Beaftbben  c  (paa  Stolen)  detention. 

ØcafiblcS  adv  fe  -Ifl  adv. 

Ømfibtg  a  mutual,  reciprocal,  on  both  sides; 
—  adv  mutually.  reciprocally.  -%th  e  reci- 
procity.  -btvtptintlptt  the  redprocity  prin- 

(Benffabe  vt  re-create. 

(Beaifia  n  reflecUon.    -ae  vi  be  reflected. 

<Beaffralb  »  re-echoing  crash. 

(Beaffomfe  vt  (en  nt)  restore  (st  to  one). 

+Øe«ftør  *  (faint)  reflection. 

Øcnllaa  n  return  blow;  fe  Zttbageflag. 

(Benfætte  et  smile  again. 

Øenfbcfrc  vt  reflect,  mlrror.  -ivg  o  reflec- 

(Brnftaab  o  -e  (Qfotmaal)  object;  (fom  bifec  Dg 
for  Sanferne;  Smne)  subject,  topic,  matter,  sub- 
ject  matter;  bsre  ~  for  Øagtalelfe  be  the  object 
of  calumny;  er  .  for  megen  Xbibt  is  a  subject  of 
much  doubt;  bet  er  io  ingen  -  it  is  not  worth 
mentloning;  $enge  er  ingen  -  for  mig  money  is 




do  object  with  me.  —  <8enftanb£|førm  ørom 
the  accusative  (case),    -orb  pram  object. 

(Benfri  c  -et,  fe  ©enbej. 

+©enftifter  e  refounder. 

Øenftrcale  vt  reflect,  image  back;  vi  be  re- 

(Btvftribta  a  refractory,  recaldtrant,  obstinate, 
restive,  stubborn.  -$eb  c  refractorineas,  ob- 

(Benfftoiraiftø  c  counter-summons. 

Øroftob  n,  pi  =,  counter  thrust  el.  shock. 

<9en[f»ar  n,  j>J  =,  rejoinder.    -fbare  c<  rejoin. 

Øenftt«  n  meeting  (again). 

+@enfoge  vt  reseek,  return  to. 

&tnt  n  G  hent. 

(gentage  vt  repeat,  reiterate;  .  flg  recur;  -gne 
Sange  repeatedly,  again  and  again.  -He  c  -t 
repetition,  reiteration;  recurrence.  -IfeSteg« 
sign  of  repetition;  nw  repeat.  »nit  (+  -nt)  aat> 

(gentil  a  genteel. 

&tnt\tutfkt  c  return  el.  reqnital  of  service; 
jeg  ftfllbet  fyim  en  -  I  owe  him  a  good  torn. 

(Øentøne  fe  Øenlbbe. 

(Bentrbf  n  reprint;  typ  inner  form,  second 

+<9ent«nbe  vt  rekindle. 

Øc'nnl«  n  Gen'oa.  -e'fet  c  -e,  -e'flff  a  Oenoese. 

Øen'nbbrnb  »  breaking  out  again,  renewal. 

(Øm'nbfør|e  of  re-export.  -fel  e  re-exporta- 

(Ben'nbøibe  ve  re-edit,  re-issne. 

9enn£  n  genus. 

Øtiodg  n  re  election. 

Gfenoej  c  short  cut;  fttobe  .  make  el.  take  a 
short  cut. 

+Øen*ifte  vt  waft  back. 

Øenbinbr  vt  regain,  recover,  retrieye;  -  fin 
gelbteD  be  restored  to  health. 

Oenbirtning  c  reaction. 

(Benoifit  c  return  visit. 

Qknborbigbeb  c  -et  adversity,  tribulation, 
misfortane,  cross,  trouble. 

Qknbfftte  o(  reawaken. 

(Benbortft  c  reproduction. 

Øenoatøle  ol  re-elect.  -etlø  a  re-eligible. 
•eligbeb  c  re-eligibility. 

<Beø|eett'rriff  a  geocentric.  -'be  o  -r  ge'ode. 
•boMT  e  geod'esy.  -bortiff  o  geodet'ic  -gnoft' 
c  geog'nosy.  -gnoft'  o  -er  ge'ognost.  -graf  c 
-er  geog'rapber.  -g rafl'  e  geog'raphy.  -gra'flfl 
a  geograph'icai;  -  Otbbog  gazetteer;  en  -  9JHI « 
4  geograpbical  miles,  -log  o  -er  geologiet. 
•logi'  c  geol'ogy.  -lo  gift  a  geolog'ic(al).  -nurat' 
e  -et  ge'omancer.  -nurarT  c  ge'omancy.  -mctrt' 
c  geom'etry.    •me'trtff  o  geomet'rical. 

Øe'orø  Geo'Tge.  -'len  n  Geo'rgia,  -ier  o  -e 
Geo'rgian.  -ita  pf  the  Geo'rgies.  -i'ne  e  t 
dahlia,    -'iff  a  Geo'rgian. 

Øeftorb'  c  -et  cheetah,  hunting  leopard,  Ftlu 

Qkpb'r  n  guipure. 

(Be?  e  (Zøntr.)  feather-edge. 

(Bertft-be  ft.]  vi  (i)  fell  (into);  bet  -t  from  til 
megen  VEte  it  redounds  much  to  his  honour, 
reflects  great  credit  on  him;  -  i  Vtmob,  8ilb« 
fatelfe  (all  into  poverty,  error. 

(geranium  c  -fet  gera'nium. 

(Bere're  flg  w  F  behave. 

(Berbarb  Gerard. 

(Berføt',  (Bertft'  [t.]  c  -et  mop-board. 

(Beraurn|er  pi  Teutons,  (ancient)  Germans. 
-ife're  vt  ger'manize.  -iff  a  Teuton'ic,  German' ic. 
-tø'we  c  -t  Germanism.    -fft'  c  -et  ger'manist. 

(Bernt  [«]  aefø  willlngly,  lain,  readily;  (font 
tfteft)  commonly;  bittere  enb  -  most  willlngly; 

bet  tror  jeg  -  I  dåre  say;  bet  fan  bu  -  gøre  you 
may  do  that  if  you  like;  Tan  -  figeft  at  bære  .  .  . 
may  fairly  be  said  to  be  .  . .;  for  mig  .  I  have 
no  objection;  faalebeS  gaat  bet  -  that  is  com- 
monly the  way;  jeg  bilbe  -  bibe  I  should  like  to 
know;  jeg  ønftet  meget  -  I  wish  very  much;  bbor 
-  jeg  enb  bilbe  with  every  wish  to;  lige  faa  -  as 
soon,  (Just)  as  well,  (tillig)  as  lief;  $iertent  . 
with  all  my  heart;  bet  tan  -  bare  it  may  be,  it 
is  quite  possible;  ban  ribet  -  he  is  fond  of  rid- 
ing;  ban  et  -  hjemme4  paa  benne  Ztb  he  is  wont 
to  be  at  home  about  this  time;  fan  tom  .  om 
ttftenen  he  would  come  in  the  evening. 

(Øerning  e  -et  deed,  aet,  action,  doing,  work; 
&an  %ox  t)ffi  bet  i  -  he  has  given  actual  proofs 
of  it;  poa  fetft  -  in  the  very  aet;  i  Orb  og  -  in 
word  and  deed;  ttpoftleneft  -et  the  Acts  (of  the 
Apostles);  Segn  og  unbetlige  -et  signs  and  wonders; 
en  gob  ~  a  good  action;  gjort  -  ftaat  ifte  til  at 
ænbre  what  is  done  cannot  be  undone;  it  is  no 
use  talking  of  spilt  milk;  bi8  mig  btn  %xo  af 
bine  -et  bibl  show  me  thy  faith  without  thy 
works(!);  ffQti  Diftc  fin  Sto  i  fine  -et  his  practice 
attested  his  belief,  he  showed  his  faith  by 
his  works;  tøn  ligger  paa  fine  -et  be  has  got 
his  deserts.  @emlng*|+trafttg  a  vigorous. 
•nanb  doer,  perpetrator.  -orb  oram  verb.  +-fag 
fttet.  -ftcb  place  of  perpetration.  -fbttb  sin  of 
commission,  actual  sin. 

Øerrig  a  avaricious,  niggard;  (^abefbg)  covet- 
ous;  .  paa  niggard  of.  -ijeb  o  avarice;  covet- 

Øert  fe  ©erfarb. 

(Øcrtrnb  Gertrude.  *-9fttgl  great  black  wood 
•pecker,  Picu»  martius. 

Øemn'bil««  »  the  ger'und.  -'bift  a  gerun'- 

(BeØ'  n  »itt*  G  flat.    -e*  G  double  flat. 

Øefattbt'  [t.]  c  -et  ambassador,  minister,  envoy. 
-flab  n  -et  embassy,  legation.  -flabS^otel  em- 
bassy,  legation,  -ffafttyøft  post  of  an  ambas- 
sador. embassy. 

Øefel'  [t.)  e  -\et  con!  journeyman. 

Øefettt'  [t.]  n,  min  socket.  -|«w«er  top-swage. 

@cfimØ'  c  -et  cornice.  -bobl  cornice-plane, 
sash-plane.    -lift  ogee.    -ftev  mould-brick. 

@effæftifl  [t.]  a  busy,  fussy,  officious,  meddl- 
ing,  spofflsh;  en  -  Setfon  a  busy-body.  -%t%  c 
fuss,  eagerness;  meddlesomeness. 

Øefpnifl'  [t.]  n  -et  joc  ghost,  spectre. 

©eftalt'  [t.j  o  -et  figure.  -e  fig  vr  take  shape; 
•  fig  til  take  the  shape  of. 

Øeftet'  [t.]  n  (i  Ur)  frame. 

©efHhtllatio'n,  -ering  c  -et  sesticula'tion, 
action,  -e'rc  vi  geaticulate.  ØefhtØ  c,  pi  =, 

©efbinbt'  [t.]  fe  ^urtiø. 

(Bef  oo'mer  c  -e  surveyor  of  mines. 

<9et()fe  mane  n  Gethsem'ane,  the  garden  of 

Øcoal'biaer  [t.j  c  -e  overseer  (of  convicts). 

Øeoalt'  [t]  e  f  violen ce;  .!  police!  -igaA 
adv  F  tremendous,  -ly. 

<9ebanbt'  [t.]  n  -et  raiment,  drapery. 

ØCbi'ett  [tj  c  -et  typ  M-quadrat. 

@ebittb(t)  [t.]  fi  -et  (p.  ©true)  turn,  worm; 
(Sbatniet)  joint. 

@cbi»ft  [t.]  c  -et  profit,  gains;  (i  Sortfri)  prize; 
ubtomme  meb  ~  come  up  a  prize. 

9e»ir  [t.]  n  horns  pi,  head  (of  a  deer). 

©eoorb  en  [t.]  a  enlisted;  F  paa  .  ^fob  in  a 
high-handed  manner,  with  milltary  rigour. 

@ett«tf»'  [t.]  c  -et  excrescence. 

Øcbø'r  n  -et  musket,  gun,  ftrelock;  .  i  $tril  I 
slope  arms !  -  beb  ftob !  beb  ^oben  . !  ground 
armsl  -  paa  €tulbet!  shoulder  arms!  fælb  -! 





bayonet  in  charge !  prefenter  . !  present  arms  t 
-  i  tøjre  $aanb!  trail  arms!  ftaa  unber  .  be 
under  arms;  {træffe  -  lay  down  one's  arms; 
raabe  i  -  call  to  arms.  -efterdi*  amall-arm 
drill.  -fas rit  manufactory  of  arms.  «*reb 
movement;  -ene  the  manual  exercise.  -fane 
cock  (of  a  gun).  -bblfter guncaae.  -llb muskeiry. 
-fadfe  gun-box.  -fifle  arm  chest.  -folie  butt 
-end  of  a  musket  el.  gun.  -trabfer  wad-hook. 
worm.  -trubt  gun-powder.  -fngle  bullet.  -laa* 
lock  of  a  musket.  -luftlagte  flre-ball.  -Up  gun- 
el.  musket-barrel.  -metantftme  meohanism  of 
tbe  gun.  -patron  musket  cartridge.  -pibe  fe 
•løb.  -Prop  plug.  -pr*be  proof  of  muskets. 
•ppramibe  pile  of  arms.  -ren  sling  (of  a  gun). 
-rette  gun-rack.  -falbe  volley  of  musketry. 
-ffttb  gun-shot,  musket-shot.  -ftofte  gun-stock. 
•fmeb  ($ø£femager)  gun-smith;  (Saabenfmeb)  ar- 
morer,    -ftel  fe  -ræffe. 

Øbibelli'ner  c  Ghlb'elline. 

*©i  fe  ©te. 

(Bian'r  c   er  giaour. 

$tbbe  vt  &  (Sejl)  gybo,  jibe. 

Qibbøtt  c  gibbon,  Hylobatce. 

Øiftt  fe  Gigt  2. 

©tb  interj  would;  I  wlsh;  O,  that;  -.  tøn  Dat 
tør  would  el.  O.  that  he  were  here!  .  Sonben 
tøbbe  tøm!  confound  him! 

©ibe,  gab,  gibet  vi  (obertale  fig  til)  induce  one's 
self  to,  prevail  upon  one's  self  to;  (tøbe  2bft  til) 
have  a  mind  to,  feel  inclined  to;  jeg  -r  itte  I 
will  not,  won't,  I  do  not  choose  to,  cannot  bc 
bothered  to;  jeg  gab  bibe  I  should  llke  to  know, 
I  wonder,  tøn  -r  gerne  tøffe  gobt  he  likes  good 
li  vin  g. 

GHbfet  fe  Øi»fe(. 

(Bie  c  &  purehase.  -blot  purchase-block. 
•Ubee  p.-fall. 

Øietøb  n  ^  fe  ØiPtob. 

GHft  a  manied  (meb  to). 

©ift  c  -er  -»-  (nt  gtoet)  gia;  +  (af  Ofober)  feed; 
(i  ftott)  hånd. 

©ift  c  -er  poison,  venom;  fpb  _  og  ®albe  vent 
one's  venom  el.  rage;  p  bet  fan  bu  tage  •  paa  1 
promise  you,  you  may  take  your  oath  on  it, 
amr  you  bet.  -blanber,  c  -e,  -blanberffe  c  -r 
poisoner.  -Manberi  n  poisoning.  -blanbfng 
(tøift&tanberi)  poisoning;  (felbe  ©tanbingen)  poi- 
sonous  mixture,  -blomft  poisonous  flower. 
-Mare  poison  bladder  el.  -bag.  -braab  venomous 
sting,  -boaer  poisoned  cup.  -bar  poisonous 
berry.    -brtf  poisoned  draught. 

Oifte  vt  marry,  wed  (mcb  to);  -  bort  give 
away  in  marriage;  -•  marry,  be  manied;  .  flg 
(meb  en)  marry  (one);  -  fig  igen  remarry;  -  fig 
$enge  til  get  money  by  one's  marriage,  marry 
a  fortune.  (9  tf  te  n  -r  marriage.  (Øiftelfærb 
marriage  preparations.  -ftrrbig  a  marriageable. 
•gal  a  mad  to  get  raarried,  insanely  eager  for 
matrimony.  -grifler  fe  -tanter.  -fnib  marriage 
-maker.  -Ujfl  longing  for  matrimony.  -Ibften 
a  anxious  to  get  manied,  eager  for  matrimony. 
-nytter  connubial  fanries.  Gfiftermaal  n,  pi  =, 
marriage.  GHftermaaléfaaer  matrimoniai  snits, 
m.  causes.  ©iftermaatøtlflabelfe  permission  to 
marry.  GHftelfbg  fe  laflen.  -tanter: 
absent  (like  a  person  on  the  eve  of  marriage), 
be  in  the  clouds.    «tib  marry  i  ng  time. 

©iftlf  anger  chimney  to  catch  the  araen ic. 
-fri  a  non  -  venomous.  -itøttt  arsenic-works. 
t-bfftte  fe  Stormtøt. 

giftig  a  poisonous,  venomous;  fig  venomous, 
virulent,  -qeb  c  poisonousness,  venomousness, 

Giftig  a  (om  planter)  yielding,  productive, 

fruitful;  (om  3  or  ben)  rich,  fertile,  -tøb  e  yield- 
ingness,  productiveness;  riehness,  fertility. 

GHft|tirtel  poison-gland.  -U*  fe  fri.  -mel 
white  arsenic.  -mtbbel  (SRobgift)  antldote,  coun- 
terpoison.  -morb  murder  by  poison,  poisoning. 
-morber,  -mørberfte  poisoner.  -n*b  vomic-nut. 
-pil  poisoned  arrow.  -plante  poisonous  plant. 
-røb  swallow-wort,  A#  elepia$  vincetoxicum.  -flange 
venomous  serpent.  -fnog  venomous  snake.  -fpp* 
enbe  a  virulent,  venomous.  -ftof  virus,  -fnmat 
poison^ash,  Rku»  t->xicodendron.  -tenb  poison- 
fang.  -rr«  upastree.  -tbjbe  cowbane,  Cicitn 

0Hg'  c  -ger  (ft*ret*i.  ©oab)  gig;  (talje)  jigger. 

Gigant'  o  -er  gi'ant.    -ift  a  gigantic. 

®ige  c  -r  flddle;  (Dan«)  jig. 

(Pigge  vt  <t>  clue  (up). 

Øiflt  e  (IRtøumatiSme)  rheumatism;  (nirteltg  9. ) 
gout,  (£ebe>)  arthritis. 

(Sigt  c  (Sag  i  Waøobn)  charge;  b.  f.  f.  -oai- 
nittg  furnace-top,  mouth. 

(Bigt|aufalb  attack  of  (tbe)  gout.  -boer  fe  Sot < 
bar.  -feber  rheumatic  fever.  -fifl  Indlån  bream. 
Plotax  artkriticuM. 

QHgtj  flamme  top-flame.  -ga*  waste  gas,  top 

®4gt|gr«ft  lesser  spearwort,  Ranumemltu  fiam- 
mula.  -ift  a  gouty.  -tnnbe  articular  node. 
•febe  antarthritic,  galvanic  el.  voltaic  chain. 
•mtbbel  antarthritic.  -plaffer  plaster  for  the 
gout.  -ring  galvanic  el.  voltaic  ring.  -rofe  fe 
fiion.  -fmerter  pains  of  the  gout.  -fbag  a  af- 
fected  with  rheumatism.  -ftpg  a  gouty.  -taft 
antarthritic  taffeta.  -tilfclbe  gouty  el.  rheu- 
matic affe etion,    »tut  gout-wadding. 

(slilb  a  able,  perfect,  excellent. 

@ilbe  vt  geld,  castrate. 

QJilbe  n  -r  (Øæflebub)  feast,  banquet.  merry 
-making;  (8roberftab)  guild,  fraternity;  tøn  tom- 
mer til  at  betale  -t  he  will  have  to  pay  the 
piper;  ffal  bet  oare  _  faa  lab  bet  bære  ~!  here 
gæs!  -brober  guild- brother.  -freb  safety  en- 
sured  to  guild-brothers.  -gobft  lands  beionging 
to  a  guild.  -(8  g«ft  guest.  -bu*  (6u*,  ^port  bet 
botbeft  @i(be)  house  of  festival;  (Øtlbebubrenei 
$\\i)  guild  hall.    -(Mag  fe  (Bilbt;  party. 

GHIber  n  -bre,  fe  ©ilbre  c. 

QHlber  e  -e  gelder. 

GHtbelftraa  statutes  of  a  guild.  -fine  banquet- 

Øilbing  c  -er  eunuch.  GHlbntef  c  gelding, 

Øitbre  c  -r  trap. 

@i(tar.  Qlilfaa  fermenting  vat,  f.  tub. 

(Øiflina  c  .X,  counter.  @iflittgd| plante  c.  plank, 
-tro?  c.  timber. 

Øimmcr  c  ewe  (that  has  not  lambed), 
gimmer.    -lam  ewe-lamb. 

(gimpe  vi  Sl  i  whip  about  with  silk. 

tQlimpe  o  -r  see-saw.  -brat  see-saw,  rocking 
-board,    -ntette  »ee-saw. 

(Stmpenaal  n  tool  for  twisting  fiinges. 

t(Dimfe  vi  (om  ^efte)  toss  the  head. 

(Bittpanø  n  gingham. 

@infeng  c  ginseng,  Pctnox  quinquef otium. 

@ip§  c  gypsum;  (brænbt,  til  Vfflebninger)  piastor 
(of  Paris),  -afflttbtttnø,  -aftrbf  plaster-cast,  gypso- 
plast,  -agtig  a  gypseous.  -aroejbe  plaster-work. 
stucco-work.  -arbejber  plasterer.  -banbage 
planter  of  Paris  et.  gypsum  bandage,  •biflebe 
plaster-  flgu re.  -blomfter  gypseous  spar.  -brnb 
gypsum  quarry.  -batte  fe  -loft.  <9ipf|e  vt  over 
lay  with  plaster,  (ogf.  om  ©in)  plaster,  -er  e  -e 
plasterer.  -fignr  fe  -billebe.  -farm  mould  for 
plaster-work.  -forb  gypseous  earth.  -toft 
plastered  coiling.     -marmor  artificial   marble. 




-maflt  plaster-cast.  -mel  powdered  gypsum. 
•»obel  plaster-cast.  -«i*g  c  plastering  -00« 
gypsum  furnace.  -r#r  plastering  reeds.  -ftatne 
plaster -statue,  •ftni  gypsum,  plaster -stone. 
-trftf  hod.  -*rt  gypsophlla.  -Pørrf  work  Id 

(Pir  e  4,  yaw,  sheer;  F  tyxoe  en  .,  Ⱦre  paa 
en  -  hare  a  brlck  Id  the  hat,  be  a  llttle  tlpsy. 

Øiraf'(fe)  c  -fer  giraffe,  camelopard,  Oirjffn 
ea  melopardali*. 

QHrant'  c  -et  endoner. 

©i  re  m  &  yaw,  sheer. 

Øire'rc  rt  endorse.  (Btro  c  endorsement. 
tøirøfeanf  circulatlon-bank. 

<ÉH*"  fi,  miM  O  sharp.    -tø  n  O  double  sharp. 

<9i*|«e  fe  Øtlfe.  -«t«g  c  -er  guesslog;  conc 
gueas,  conjecture;  J,  reckoning;  (6efHI)  dead 

Øtfp  »,  pJ  «,  gasp.  «ifp|e  vi  gasp;  t  (flabe) 
yawn.    -m  c  gasplng. 

(Piffe  vt  gueas.  4,  reckon;  -t  Ørebbe  latltude 
by  account,  by  dead  reckoning. 

GMtfel  c  k  n  -flet  hostage. 

Øitft*,  gifte«  o  cracked,  leaky.  Qtfhte  w 
become  leaky. 

Øtttr'  fe  Guitar. 

©irre  vt  &  skeet.    -r  (Gitter)  c  skeet. 

(Bitre  t*  grate,  lattlce. 

Øttter  ii  tre  (ttætoærf)  railing;  (bboroeb  Ser* 
foner  el.  Xing  inbefl.)  grate;  (Iralocerf)  trellls, 
lattlce.  -øjftltc  lattice-glrder.  -bro  lattlce  bridge. 
•brager  fe  -bjælfe  -bar  grated  door.  -begnet  a 
railed  in.  -port  trellised  gate,  iron  gate.  -fiol 
latticed  pew.  -»labne  lattlce  window.  -oflfrf 
(Ztaloart)  lattlce  el.  trellis  work;  (ttccfoart) 

Øioagt'  ii  :  ©Qtoiflonen  flob  i  .  the  battalion 
waa  at  attention.  Qi'Obant  c  the  loslng  game 
(at  draughts). 

OMole,  ood,  gioet  ol  (i  Wm.)  give,  (nbe,  frem« 
bringe)  yield,  prodace,  (betair)  pay;  (Port)  deal 
(caxds);  ~  øolt  make  a  misdeal;  bet  er  Dem,  fom 
ffal  -  il  is  your  deal;  Øub  -  Ood  grant,  would 
to  Ood,  bet  -r  ben  funbe  ftornuft  common  sense 
teaches  it;  bet  oil  Siben  .  time  will  show;  jeg 
ffal  -  barn  F  (truenbe;  111  give  it  hlm,  have  lt 
out  of  hlm  el.  with  him;  tøab  gi' er  3  mig  I  F  1 
like  that  (now)  I  -  et  (Etftempel  set  an  example, 
-  ftruøt  yield  fruit;  .  fulbt  A  keep  well  full;  - 
$oab  om  hold  out  a  hope  of;  -  en  tytanben  shake 
hånds  wlth  one;  -  ben  rige  Stanb  play  the  rich 
man;  -  Øieninø  make  sense-,  Jeg  -r  Sent  ttet  I 
grant  you  are  right;  -  en  flotte  aet  el.  play  a 
part;  .  et  €tntte  aet  a  play;  -  of  fifl  yield,  pro- 
dace; -  fin  Støtter  bort  give  one's  daughter 
away  In  marrioge;  -efter  give  way,  yield;  ban 
•r  ingen  efter  i  tøerbom  he  is  second,  inferior  to 
none,  yields  to  none,  in  learning;  .  en  et  fif 
bejbe,  en  SSeftie  for  give  el.  set  one  a  task,  a 
lesaon;  .  forub  give  el.  concede  points,  be 
handlcapped;  .  fra  fiø  give  up.  surrender;  - 
ilpb  fra  fiø  emlt  a  sound;  -  fit  Sio  b*n  sacriflce 
one's  life;  -  igen  give  back,  return;  -  $enøe 
igen  give  one  cbaoge;  jeg  Ian  itfe  -  igen  I  have 
no  change;  .  en  nt  inb  give  one  physic,  -  inb 
A,  brall  in  et.  up;  -  en  nt  raeb  give  one  some- 
ihing  to  take  along  with  hlm  cl.  on  departure. 
.  en  web  fig  »hare  with  one;  -  neb  4,  send 
down,  .om  (Srort)  deal  over  again;  ber  bleo  -t 
om  there  was  a  fresh  deal;  .op,  fe  Dpøioe;  . 
»ol ben  op  give  el.  deliver  the  ball,  feed;  t  - 
tttorcb  op  turn  the  cattle  into  the  rowens;  fiø 
give  over,  give  it  up  (as  a  hopeless  case,  a  bad 
job;;  -  (©ej let)  op  j,  clew  up;  .  paa  go  on, 
ronttnue,  .til  give  more,  add;  .  tiltenbe  make 
known;   .tilbage,   fe  .  igen;   .  ub  lay  out, 

expend,  utter;  .  en  ©op,  ub,  fe  Ubgioe;  .  ub  for 
give  out  el.  pass  off  for;  —  or:  bet  -r  fig  (af  fig) 
felo  that  Is  a  matter  of  course;  -  fig  (tabt;  give 
up  el.  in,  (tætte  fifl,  faa  et  $ælb  el.  en  ftebne)  give 
way,  foaa  ober)  wear  off,  (om  Storm)  moderate; 
.  ftg  af  meb  meddle  with,  have  to  do  with;  føut 
-r  fifl  itfe  let  ben  he  does  not  wear  his  heart  upon 
his  sleeve;  gao  fig  felb  ben  for  o*  bibl  gave  hlm- 
self  for  us;  .  fig  i  ft  loftet  retire  into  a  con  vent; 
.  fig  Xib  take  time;  .  fiø  af  Smerte  groan  with 
pain;  bois  en  Sejtig^eb  ffulbe  .  fig  should  an  op- 
portunity  present  ltself  el.  offer,  bet  Ian  bel  . 
fig  it  may  so  happen;  bet  Dit  .  fig  meb  Siben  it 
will  appear  in  time;  .  fig  i  Sære  bo*  en  bind 
one's  self  apprentiee  to  one;  -  fig  i  Sale  meb 
enter  into  convereation  with;  .  fig  (Pub  i  JBolb 
commend  one's  self  to  God;  .  fig  til  take  to, 
betake  one's  self  to,  give  one's  self  up  to;  .  fiø 
til  at  fange,  grsbe  fall  a  singing,  crying;  .  fig  ub 
for  (nt)  pasa  one's  self  off  for,  give  one's  self 
out  for,  set  up  for  something,  (en)  personate 
one;  —  ber  gibes  there  is,  there  are,  —  gioenbe 
ptrt :  faa  til  -  get  as  a  present;  jeg  bilbc  itfe  babe 
bent,  om  jeg  fif  bem  HI .  I  would  not  have  them 
at  (el.  as)  a  gift;  —  gioen  part:  unbet  be  gibne 
Omflænbigbeber  under  the  particular  circum- 
stances;  en  -n  6«g  a  matter  of  course,  a  fore- 
gone  conclusion.  bet  er  itfe  en^oer  -et  it  is  not 
given  to  everybody;  antage  for  -t  take  for  gran  te  d, 
•n  £rft  ftal  man  ifle  fe  i  9Runben  you  must  not 
look  a  gift  horse  in  the  mouth.  —  ØiPjer  c  -e, 
•erinb'e  c  -r  giver,  donor,  en  glab  -  a  cheerful 
giver,  -ttinfl  c  (i  Stort)  deal.  -tip  fe  Øiftig  2. 
•ton  11  &  clueline;  .  Hl  Un  ber  fej  l  clue  garnet;  . 
tit  6tag'  og  Qaffelfejl  brail. 

(Øialb  n,  pi  >s,  shout,  shrill  sound.  (Sjatte 
vi  ring,  resound,  echo,  reverberate. 

*@jeo  c  wry  mouth,  grimace;  brage  paa  -en 
b.  f.  f.  ©jebe  vi  make  a  w.  m.,  a  grimace, 


en'  0,  fe  Øie. 
enblof  fe  Øi  blot. 
enUber  fe  Øielober. 
*@  emmemflle  fe  Øennemfie. 
(Hjorb  e  -er  (bceoet)  girth,  (af  Iræ,  SRetal)  hoop; 
•flaa  .  trundle  the  hoop.  -bne  transverse  aren. 
Øjorbe  vt  gird. 

*®j«lb   «,  pi  =,    parson's  (Jjstrlct  (one  or 
seyeral  parishes). 

dtlb  a  (om  fto)  barren,  dry,  farrow. 
Klbbnt  c  wether. 
aelbe  vt  fe  ©ilbe. 

ff(b|foroe  fe  ^tmpineDe.    -to  barren  cow. 
fflborøe  e  bullock. 
_j*lboaber  c  wether. 
*@isrbeågaarb  fence. 
*<9)ffåp|t  vi  yawn.    -tting  yawning,  yawn. 
•@jate  vt  k  i  tend,  guard  (grazlng  anlmals), 
shepherd,  graze.     -r  e  -e  herd,  shepherd.   — 
<9j*ter|g«t  shepherd  bov,    young  herdsman. 
-jente,  -pige  shepherd  glrl.    tøjortning  c  tend- 
Ing,  shepherding. 
*9Mt  fe  $ebe. 

*<9)ob|fa(o  fe  fttbe-.    -ning  c  fattening.    -oje 
fe  gebeftub.     «fle  vt  manure,  dung.     -fling   c 
manuring.    -fri  fe  Øebefti. 
<9Uø  c  -t  cuckoo,  Ouculua,  0  F  chap,  customer. 
*<8iomaaneb  e  February. 
*9jon  ii  F   bribe  .  meb  have  fun,  sport  with 
one.    Øjone  vi  b.  f. 

*<Pjorste  c  dregs;  mud,  mire.    -t  a  muddy, 
•Ojori,  QM  c  -tv,  fe  6anbart. 
(ØlacébanbfTer  pi  kid  gloves;  F  kids. 
®(acial| formation  gla  cial  formation  (0.  fl.). 
-ften  erratic  block. 




(Øtøci*  n  glaciø. 

<£Mab  a  glad',  joyful,  joyous;  »ære  -  rejoice; 
Mere  .  ø&er,  »eb  (•  ogfoa  ~  i)  be  glad  of  el.  at, 
be  delighted  with,  at;  gøre  fifl  en  -  Sag  make 
a  day  of  it;  febebe  t  ben  -e  Zro  fondly  imagined. 
-eliø,  -eligen  adv  gladly  etc. 

(ølabiø'tør  c  -o 'rer  gladiator.  -tamb  gladia- 
to'rial  combat. 

Qløm  n  (vunbe«)  baying. 

(Ølømlyttl  n  louver-window. 

Ølantme  vi  bay,  bark. 

(glane  vt  stare. 

(BtanØ  c  (eaentl.  og  fiø)  splendour;  (Stroale- 
glan«,  $ragt,  Serømmelfe)  lastre;  (af  Xøi)  gloss; 
(politur)  polish;  fcette  -  paa  give  a  gloos  to;  tage 
-en  af  take  the  gloas  off,  Dtfte  ftg  i  al  fin  ~ 
appeared  in  all  his  glory;  gøre  nt  tneb  -  do  st 
in  grand  style;  (omme  fra  nt  meb  -  come  out  of 
st,  come  off.  wlth  flying  coloura.  -baaub  glossy 
ribbon.  -bille  sparkler,  Nitidula.  -bløb  tin-foil. 
-børfte  polishing  brush.  -faføn  monaul  lopho 
phorus.  -fifl  king-fish,  Lamprit  guttatuå.  -filte 
glow  worm,  Lampyri:  -førgblbning  false-gild- 
ing, -fugl  jacamar,  Oalbula.  -fult)  a  glossy. 
lustrous;  fiø  splendid,  illustrious.  -garn  glace 
-thread.  -bat  glazed  hat.  -bøib  a  glossy  white. 
-talttø  glazed  calico.  -tøntifle  gold  el.  silver 
purl.  -fobolt  shining  cobalt-ore.  -hil  glance 
-coal,  anthracite.  -laber  patent  leather.  -tærreb 
glazed  linen.  -1*0  a  lustrelesu,  lacklustre;  dull, 
dead;  fio  without  splendour  el.  pomp.  -lødbeb 
c  deadnes8.  -bobir  glazed  paper.  -fceriøbe  days 
of  glory,  palmy  days.  -pnntt  crowning  effort, 
crowning  hit,  noblest  feature,  acme.  -rig  a  fe 
-fulb.  -røfle  crowning  performance,  favourite 
part.  -flbc  glossy  side;  fio  bright  side.  -flibnlng 
burnishing.  -fncgl  agate  snail,  Achatina.  -fob 
shining  soot.    -ftibelfe  glazed  starch. 

QMøJfti  c  bewildering  path;  ©enfH  Miøer  ofte 
.  a  short  cut  is  often  the  Ion  gest  way. 

(Blør  (f  k  poet)  n  glass.  -1)89  bibl  sea  of 
glass.  -binbe  fe  (Blai».  -mefter  glazier.  -mefter* 
biømant  glazier's  diamond.  -meftertit  glazier' s 
putty.  -fbejl  poet  glassy  surface.  -Oæbffe  fe 
GHaelegeme.    -øjne  spectacles. 

QKol'  n,  pi  =,  glass;  (Plgla*)  tumbler;  &  bell; 
floa  fef«  -  strike  siz  bells;  jætte  i  -  og  Stamme 
frame  and  glaze;  i  -  oq  {Ramme  framed  and 
glazed;  et  -  Caftb  a  tumbler- ful  of  water;  brille 
et  -  meb  en  take  (a  glass  of)  wine  wlth  one; 
blide  ril  .  vitrify.  -aøf  Anglesea  morris,  Lepto- 
cepkaltu.  -af/alb  glass  cuttings,  cullet.  -agtig 
a  glassy,  vitreous,  glass-like.  -orbejbe  working 
in  glass;  glass-work.  -arbejber  glass  worker. 
-brænbing  annealing.  -bbg  hard  barley.  -bit* 
mønt  glass- diamond,  paste.  -braaber  glass  teare. 
-bør  glass-door.  -elettricitet  vitreous  electricity. 
-e  re  fe  -fere.  -fabrif  glass- works  pi.  -føbrif  øtiøn 
glass-making.  -farbe  glass  el.  bottle  green. 
•famning  glass  staining.  -flafle  glass  bottle. 
-flid  snive  el.  splinter  of  glass.  -fln*  paste  (of 
glass).  -gafle  sandiver,  glass-gall.  -grøn  a  glass 
el.  bottle  green.  -bøørb  hard  as  glass.  -Ijønbel 
tøanbel  meb  01.)  glass  tråde;  (ØtaSubfatg)  glass 
shop.  -banbler  glass  man,  glass-seller.  -bar- 
mønila  musical  glasses.  -biubc  hyaloid  mem- 
brane.  -bu*  glass  house,  -bjpebe  hard  wheat. 
-B>9tte  glass  house,  -tør  glass-vessel.  -tøjfe 
glass  case,  (til  (Ølaø)  cage  for  packing  glass. 
*-føb(  glass  float.  -tirfebar  egriot.  -fifle  fe 
•faøfe.  -lit  glass- cement.  -Kar  a  clear  as  glass. 
•Hofte  bell  glasB,  glass  shade;  (til  at  fatte  øøer 
planter)  (hånd)  glass.  -folbe  balloon.  -tora! 
glass- bead.  -fram  glass  ware.  -frøn  glass 
water-gauge.  -frnffe  glass  Jar.  -fræmmer  fe 
-fymbler.     -fugle  glass  globe  el.  -ball.     -fmpptl 

(ril   Ur)    glassnshade;  (til  Samtoe)  lamp    globe. 
•Inrn  glass-basket;  (til  gforfenbelfe)  crate.   -legeme 
vitreous   humour   (of   the    eye).     -Ibgte    glass 
lantern,    -møger  fe  -jmfter.     -maler  painter  on 
glass.    -maleri,  -maling,  -malning  glass-paini- 
ing.    -malm  silver-glance.    -møJfe  glass-metaJ, 
frit.  *-meftee  fe  QHarmefxer.  -mof aif  glass-moeaics. 
-opal  hyalito.    -øbn  glass  furnace.    -papir  glass 
•paper.  -^ofte  fe  -flufl.   -berle  glass-bead.  -*Ube 
glass-plate.    -bridme  glass  drop.    -bnfler  gla>s 
blower.    -ønfteri  n  glass-blowlng,   glass-works 
•bufterlamse  enamelfer's  lamp.  «nnierrør  glass 
-blower's  pipe.     -mbe  pane   (of  glass).      -r«r 
glass- tube.    -fager  glass-ware.    -fe're  vt  Rlaze; 
(ooertrætle  meb  Gufler)  ice.     -fering  c  glaxing; 
(glaøferet  Suffer)  ice.    -fet  a  glassy.    -ffaol  glass 
-cup.    -ffønr  fragment  of  glass,  pi  cullet.    -flab 
glass  press,   g.   cabinet,  g.  case.     -ffiM   glass 
-plate.    -ffnrn  fe  -galle,     -flør  a  brittle  as  glass. 
-flange  glass-snake,   Ophiowxunu.    -fliber  glass 
-grinder,    -fliberi,  -flibning  glass-grinding,  gla^s 
-cutting.    -fnegl  Venus'  chariot,   Uynlea.    -fnøg 
fe  -flange.     -f^Unt,  -fhtmb    splinter    of    glas*. 
-ftttffc  piece  of  glass.     »loJfu'r  c  fe   (Slof ur 
Øladlfbcrrmcr  sesla.    -tøarer  fe    braaber.    -tag 
glass-roof.    -tegning  drawing  on  glass.    -rraøb 
glass-thread.     -tragt   glasø-funnel.     -ubfalg    fe 
•banbei.  Olaf n  r  glazing,  glaze,  (lænbert)  enamel. 
(Ula*|ttrt  glass- wort,  Saiicornia.     -»ører  glass 
ware.   -bøgn  glass- coach,    ø  ab  fir  fe  -legeme.  -t»ag 
glass-partitlon.    -nært  glass-works.    -ab le  glass 
•apple.     -fttfer  glass- engraver.    -øje  glass-eye; 
(1)0*  $efte)  wall-eye.    -øjet  a  wall-eyed. 

Olaf  a  smooth;  ^  glabrous;  fig  insinuating, 
oily;  .  %<tl  flush  deck;  -  Sag  &  broadside;  - 
Snap,  Ring,   ©ilfetøj    plain  button,  ring,   silk; 

-  $aar  straight  hair;  .  3«  slippery  ice,  .  lunge 
smooth  tongue;  -  fom  en  Hal  slippery  as  an  eel; 

-  at  gaa  slippery  walking;  —  adv  smoothly;  ban 
buggebe  bet  -  af  he  cut  it  clean  off;  bet  gtf  ttle 
]aa  -  it  was  not  all  plain  sailing.  (ilotj  benet  a 
smooth-legged.  -branbing  hårde nJngon.  -balg, 
-bafle  bitter  vetch,  Orobiu.  -baføtørbet  fluih 
deck  corvette.  -fil  Bmoothing  file.  -file  vt  file 
smooth.  -tyaøret  a  Bmooth-haired,  sleek-haired. 
•baget  a  smooth-chinned,  smooth-fkeed,  board- 
less.  -bnj  smooth  dog-fish,  Mutteiut.  -beb  c 
smoothness.  -bnbet  a  smooth -skinned,  sleek 
-skinned.  -bngge  vt  hew  smooth.  -bØt>l  smooth - 
ing-plane.  -b^ønle  vt  plane  smooth.  -id  glazed 
frost;  bringe  paa  .  tempt,  put  to  the  test,  lead 
into  a  scrape.  -tæmmet  a  straight  combed. 
•løbet  a  smooth  bore(d);  .  (Beboer,  ftanon  smooth 
bore.  -ning  o  smoothing.  -raget  a  clean-shaven, 
smooth-Bhaven,  clean  shorn.  -rebt  fe  -tæmmet. 
-røfle  skate.  Ii<va  batit.  -fieben  a  polished. 
-flibning  polishing.  -tølenbe  a  smooth-spoken. 
(ølatte  vt  smooth.  ®latte|fam  smoothing  iron. 
(Bløtteften  sleek-stone,  smoothing-stone.  (Sløtrc* 
træ  burnishing  stick.  <9lat|  tunget  a  smooth 
-tongued.  -rnngetb^eb  c  smoothness  of  tongue 
-øæf  adv  without  further  ceremony  el.  ado,  quite 

Qlanberfaft  n  Glauber' s-salt,  sulphate  of  soda. 

(Sløbinb  n,  pi  «=,  poet  glalve. 

Øleb  fe  (Blib. 

(ellemme  •  obllvion,  forgetfblness;  bet  er  goaet 
mig  i,  ab,  af  -  I  have  forgotten  lt,  it  has  escaped 
my  memory:  bet  er  gaaet  i  -  (boø  ^ott)  it  has 
lapsed  out  of  memory.  Qllemme,  glemte,  glemt  tt 
forget,  (bbab  man  bar  lært)  unlearn;  gemt  er  itte 
glemt)  omittance  (forbearance)  is  no  acquittance. 
all's  not  lost  that's  delayed;  jeg  bar  glemt  ban* 
ftatm  I  forget  his  Dame;  bet  babbe  jeg  rent  glemt 
I  quite  forgot  that.  -bogen :  ffriøe  i  .  forget, 
consign  to  obllvion.  —  +<snem|migci  o  -er,  fe  got« 




ølemmiaej.  -fel  c  oblivion,  forgetfulness.  -fon, 
•-f!  a  forgetful,  oblivlous.  -fømlyeb  c  forgetful- 
ness, oblivlousness. 

Glente  c  -r  kite,  Miltma. 

Glerf Aer  c  -e  glacier.  -bonnclfc  glacial  forma- 
tion, -eib  glacier- torrent.  -ftribe  glacial  scratch - 
in  g;. 

*Glette  e  (i  fiuften)  clear  interval. 

Gift  c  -e  purse-net,  catcher;  gaa  paa  ~  catch 
with  a  purse-net.    ©iibe  or  b.  f 

Glib  n  sUp;  paa  -  a  going,  in  traln;  foo  paa  - 
set  a  golng,  draw  out. 

Glibe,  gleb,  glebet  vi  (ubiltaarlia)  slip;  (glibe 
paa  3«,  gaa  farte,  fnigc  fifl)  slide;  (bebæae  fifl  let) 
glide;  -  ub  slip;  -  let  qen  ober  touch  lightly 
upon,  slide  over.  -bane  slide;  glibe  paa  en  -  go 
down  a  slide,  -bro  (p.  Bogn)  sweep-bar.  -flabe 
slide.  -Jam  sweep-bar  plate.  -lovtalt  sliding 
friction.  -fol  slidlog  keel.  -n  e  gilding,  sliding. 

Gliber  c  -e  »«c  slide,  -aabaiaa  slide-bridge. 
-arm  (slide-)valve  lever,  -flabe  slide-face.  -faffe 
(o.  fi.)  slide-casing  (etc.).  -flag  slide-stroke. 
-ftang  (slide-)valve  rod.  -føling  gab  motion. 
-»anbring  travel  of  the  slide.  —  Glibe|fTala 
sliding  scale.  -nenttl  sliding  valve.  (Slibning 
c  gilding,  slide,  (Staten«)  slip. 

Gltebevmanb  [t.]  c  lay-figure. 

Glime  o  t  glade. 

Glimmer  c  (foogt  6tin)  glimmer,  glitter;  (falff) 
false  lustre,  tinsef;  min  mica,  glimmer,  -blømft 
ahowy  flower.  -gnejft  micaceous  gneiss.  -gnlb 
yellow  glimmer,  -ler  micaceous  clay.  +-U*  fe 
©rainfri.  -pragt  tawdriness.  -fanb  glittering 
sand;  micaceous  sand.  -f!ifer  mica-slate,  -schist. 
-Rat*  tawdry  flnery.  -fir«  glimmer,  mica.  »fol* 
argentlne  mica.    -Hib  flashy  wit. 

Glimre  vi  glitter,  gllsten,  glister;  fig  shine; 
fe  Gnlb,  Qrabærelfe.  -nbe  a  glittering  etc.;  fig 
brilliant,  splendid,  rich.  -rø,  -ftge  love  of, 
passion  for,  show  el.  display. 

Glimt  n,  pi  ae,  gleam,  gllmpse,  flash,  #c 
glint;  f aa  et  -  af  catch  a  gllmpse  of;  ft&ret  btfec 
et  .  tøert  Wtnut  the  light  exhibits  a  flash  every 
minute.  Glimt|c  vt  gleam,  flash;  bet  begtptber  at 
~  af  Sagen  day  begins  to  dawn.  -en  c  gleam- 
ing  etc.  -tør  n  flashing  light-  -bi*  adv  by 

Gltnfc  vi  gllsten,  shine. 

Glip'  adv.  gaa  -  af  miss,  fail  of;  bet  flog  - 
for  ham  he  failed,  he  was  dissappointed.  -pe 
(+  A  *  glap)  vi  (flaa  glip)  fail;  (om  tinter)  slip, 
give  way,  start;  —  -»-  ©t  fail,  forsake. 

Glippe  vi  (meb  øjnene)  blink,  wink,  twinkle. 

Gflåfan'bo  adv,  mut  slurred,  in  a  gilding 

*Gll*fen  fe  »risfen. 

Glitre  vi  glitter,    -n  e  glitter.  gUttering. 

Glitte  vt  caiender,  glaze.  -al  broach.  -tofte 
polishing-iron.  -mafflne  glazing-calender.  -r  c 
•e  calendrer.  -flrn  smoothing  stone.  Glltning 
c  calendering  etc. 

Gin'  vi  (fttrre)  stare,  gaze,  gape;  (ftinne  i  øjnene 
glow,  shine,  -bifl  c  -er  p  gaper,  gaplng  slm- 

Globs*  e  -er  globe. 

•Gl»(b)  e,  pi  Wober  (»laet)  meb  6mf.  fe  Web 
(bog  iRe  fio). 

Glo  i  en  c  staring.  -enbe  a  (fftnnenbe)  glowing; 
(ølobenbe)  red-hot;  -  Jtualer  red-hot  balls;  .  rob 
nery  el.  flaming  red.    -(eb  o  glowing. 

•Glor  n  gaudiness.  Glorje  vi  glare.  -et  a 
gandy,  glarlng. 

Glorie  c  (ogf.  fio)  glory,  halo,  nimbus  (om 
bete  fiegemetj  aureola.  <£|ør|rla,,  -barrblg  a 

+Gtor#b  a  flery  red. 

Glofe  c  -t  vocable;  f  taunt.  t&lofe  vi  sneer 
(ober  at),  -bog  vocabulary,  glossary.  -forraab 
vocabulary.    -trommer  vocabulist. 

GloØfa'r(inm)  n  -ter  glos'sary.  GloØfe  c  -r 

Glnblcnbe  a  ravenous,  ferocious;  -  Ulbe  bibt 
ravening  wolves.  -fl  a  ravenous,  rabid,  vora- 
cious,  ferocious;  bet  et  en  -  ftutbe,  -  (adv)  folM 
it  is  vMalnously  el.  biting  cold.  GHnftfteb  e 
ravenousnesB,  ferocity,  voradousness. 

•fGlnffc  vi  leer,  flout.   *t  pi  $ibea,  Jeers,  flouts. 

Ging,  *GlMgac  c  -ger  hole,  aperture;  pi  p 
(goggle-)eyes.  -qnl  peep-hole.  -maaneb  January. 
-Oinbae  small  window. 

Glnt'  c  (luTe  Barn)  babe,  baby;  (ftæleorb) 

Glnt'en    n    glu'ten.     -brob    gluten    bread. 
HBtntin*'*  a  gln'tinous. 
*    Glnt)n«ppe  c  greenshank,  Totanut  ølottii. 
Glttcerrn  c   glyc'erine.     -olie    glycerlne-(oll). 
-fflfoe  glycerine-soap. 

•Øltte  e  jeUy. 

Glufo'l  n  gly'col. 

Gl^Ptote'f  n   et  glyptotheca. 

Glme  «  poor,  Gadu*  min*tua. 

«lbt,  mUttt  fe  Ølst. 

Glotbc  c  -c  joy,  delight,  pleasure;  ^engtoen  ril 
Qotbets  -r  given  to  the  luxuries  of  the  table; 
bet  ec  mig  en  .  at  I  am  happy  to,  it  gives  me 
great  pleasure  to;  bet  bleo  en  .  there  was  great 
rejoicing;  ube  af  fig  felo  af  ~  beside  one's  self 
with  joy;  grsbe  af  .  weep  for  joy;  finbe  (fin)  .  i 
delight  in,  take  delight  in;  jeg  tør  ingen  -  af  .  ., 
.  .  gives  me  no  satisfaction;  meb  -  gladly;  HI 
ftor  .  fot  to  the  great  delight  of.  ®I*be  vt 
gladden,  cheer;  bet  -r  mig  I  am  glad  of  it;  bet 
•t  mig  at  I  am  glad  to  el.  thai;  —  vr  .fig 
rejoice,  -  fig  oeb  el.  ober  rejoice  at;  (htnne)  -  fig 
oeb  (befibbe)  rejoice  in,  enjoy;  -r  eber  meb  be  alabe 
rejoice  with  them  that  do  rejoice;  ~  fig  til  look 
forward  (with  pleasure)  to.  -bringcnbe  a  gladden- 
ing.  -bruffen  a  intoxicated  with  joy.  -f nlb,  -Ug 
a  joy  ful,  joyous.  -Ud  a  joyless,  cheerless,  dreary. 
-rii  fe  -fulb. 

GlcbeØjbaoi,  -btn9  bonfire.  -onb  messenger 
of  joy.  -bub(fTab)  joyful  message.  -bager  cup 
of  joy.  -bag  day  of  rejoicing.  -feft  festival, 
rejoicing,  jubilee  -t-flammc  transport  of  joy. 
-graab  tears  of  joy.  -Ijaab  joyous  hope.  -ilb 
bonflre.    -flang  fe  -Ujb. 

Glotbefftt  a  joy-shunning. 

Glcbef|I)|b  joyous  sound,  -maaltib  festive 
entertainment.  -orb  vi  joyful  words  pi.  -pige 
proetitute.  -raab  fe  -ffrig.  -ro*  transport  of 
joy.  -fang  song  of  joy.  -flrig  shout  of  joy. 
-ffttb  festive  salute.  -taarer  tears  of  joy.  -tegn 
token  of  joy.  -rib  time  of  rejoicing.  -time  hour 
of  joy. 

Glffbelfrraalenbe  a  beaming  with  joy.  +-f*an' 
ger  a  fraught  with  joy.  GlotbeWring  expression 
el.  demonstration  of  joy.  Glotbetom  a  joyless, 
cheerless.    Glotbffab  o  rejoicing,  merriment. 

*Gtøfft  «,  pi  bi,  (om  $unbe)  snap,  (short)  bark. 
Glorffe  vi  snap;  —  vt  -  i  fig  devour  ravenously. 

Gi«nå|e  vt  polish,    -nlnø  e  polishing. 

Glatte  fe  tttfiglatte. 

GUb  c  -er  live  cool;  (pO  embers  pl\  fig  glow; 
flbbe  fom  paa  -er  sit  upon  thorns. 

Gtfbe  vt  make  red  el.  white  hot,  make  glow- 
ing hot;  —  (ogf.  fiø)  glow;  fig  burn  (af  with); 
jeg  -be  af  ftampiber  I  was  flred  with  military 
ardour.  -fartic  heat  colour.  -lampe  glowing 
-lamp,  incandescent  light,  -n  c  glowing.  -nbe 
a  red  hot;  burnlng.  —  GUb|e*fe  anneallng  hearth. 
-|eb  a  glowing,  red  hot.    -|ebc  red  heat.    -ilb 




red  hot  embers  pi.  -ning  c  ignition,  healing. 
•ningdtab  læs  by  heating.  -obn  heating-furnace. 
-røb  a  red  hot.  -ffal  iron-scale.  •filial  pig  steal. 
-»øfø  gilder's  wax.    -botening  wax-gtiding. 

*(Bl*g'  a  shrewd,  sharp,  smart;  (om  tfnjtr.) 
sensible,  qulck.    -fønt  sharp-sighted. 

*@Ut:  paa  ~,  fe :  paa  »lem  ©løtte  vi  peep; 
.  pac  $øren  open  the  door  al  ar. 

*(&naalt  vi  ham,  Bing;  fig  harp,  beg  con- 
ttnuously.    ©naal  n  humming  etc. 

+®nab|re  vi  p  grumble,  growl.  +-rlg  a  fe 

*®«oa  n  bother,  importunlty. 

+©ttalb,  ©nalbe  c  -er  bit,  more  el.  ©nalbje  et 
nlbble.    -fnø  c  -er,  fe  ©nalb. 

©naffe  vt  (i  fig)  crunch.  -n  c,  -ri'  crunching, 

©nab  c  oø  n  f  grumbier;  n  gnawing. 

©nabe  irt  (meb  Zanberne)  gnaw;  (beb  ©nibning) 
fret.  chafe,  gall;  —  vi  p  grumble  (paa,  ovn  at) 
fret.  -ben  bones  to  gnaw.  Ønatoen  a  (af  fRatur) 
tretful,  peevish,  querulous;  (Stemning)  sulky; 
bare  -  sulk.  (Bnabeftfjeb  c  fretfulnefts,  peevish- 
nera.  ©nabepotte  c  grumbier.  ©»aber  c  -e,  fe 
©nao;  (5)pt)  rodent,  gnawing  animal.  —  ©naver  j> 
abe  aye-aye,  Chiromyt.  •pinbfbtn  porcupine, 
Hyitrix.  •pttngbbr  wombat,  Pkatcolomyt.  ©nab> 
faar  »  raw. 

t©nab|fer  c  -e,  -fet  a  fe  ©nier,  Qnibfr. 

©nei6  c  gneiss. 

®nib'  n  -bet  nit. 

©nibe,  gneb,  gnebet  vt  rub;  (for  at  barme)  chafe: 
-  løft  (f.  Sti.  paa  Ciolin)  scrape  away,  -  fig  i 
$anberne  rub  one's  hånds;  fig  -  fig  op  ab  en 
scrape  acquaintance  with  one,  rub  shoulders 
with  one;  -  efter  rub  over.  -biOebe  rubbing. 
-flabe  sliding-face,  rubbing  part.  •ften  sleek 
-stone.  -t*\  rubber,  cushion.  ©nibning  c  -er 
rubbing,  friction.  —  ©nibning$|eleitricttet  frie- 
tional  electricity.  -llsb  fricative  consonant;  med 
rubbing  sound,    -møbftanb  friction. 

©ntbre  et  write  a  close  and  crabbed  nand. 
-t  a  close  and  crabbed  (hand-writing). 

©nibret  a  (af  ©nib)  nitty. 

©nibf'et  c:  ©roab  og  Xanber«  -  weeping  and 
gnashing  of  teeth  ©nibft  a  niggardly,  stingy, 
sordid.  ©nibffbtb  c  niggardliness,  stinginess, 
sordidness.  ©nibfle  vt  (meb  Xanberne)  gnash 
the  teeth.  ©nie  vi  pinch,  be  stingy  (paa  of). 
©niepinb  c  niggard.  ©nier  c  -e  miser,  niggara, 
hunks,  curmudgeon,  Bcrew.  Gnieragtig  a  fe 
©nibff.  ©uteraattgfteb,  ©nteri  n  fe  ©ntbftøeb 
©nitte  vt  rub  (frequently).  *©nitfe,  ©ntøfe  vi 

t©nifpe  c  fe  S)bargterne. 

©ntft  c  er  (opf.  fig)  spark,  scintilla;  fig  vestige, 
remnant;  af  liben  -  tommer  ofte  en  ftor  3 Ib  a 
small  spark  makos  a  great  fire;  -  af  $aab  ray 
of  hope.  -fanger,  •fænger  spark-catcher,  bonnet, 
Bparker.  spark-arrester,  -ve  vi  sparkle,  *whine; 
fyinft  pjne  -be  af  ©rebe  his  eyes  flashed  with 
anger,  -regn  shower  of  sparks,  -ven  c  sparkling. 

+©nttre  fe  finitte. 

©nø|m(e)  o  -r  gnome.  -fHctø'ne  c  gnosticlsm. 
-friter  c  -e,  -fliflf  a  gnostic. 

©nu  c  -er  gnu,  Cattblepat  gnu.    -bljr  n  b.  f. 

©nubbe,  *øiMgøe,  »gnure  vt  rub,  chafe. 

©nb  n  din,  clamour. 

©nagae  vt  whinny. 

*©nanb  n  whine.    -e,  -te,  -i,  -re  vi  whine. 

©obelinS'  Xapeter  gobelins. 

©ab  a,  comp  bebre,  sup  bebft  (+  k  joc  gobefte), 

(i  Htm.)  good,  (tun  om  fyntetZ  fflobb,eb}  kind;  ben 

•e  the  good  man;  be  -e  the  good.  SJcanben  er  - 

not  the  man  is  safe  enough;  fyan  llioer  fnart  - 

gen   he  is  easily  reconciled,   he  soon  comes 


round  again;  tøn  er  ilte  -  at  lomme  nær  he  i*  a 
rough  customer,  be  er  (begge)  lige  -e  they  are  a 
pair  el.   of  a  niece,  f  ben  er  -  that  is  a  good 
one !  $an  er  mtg  ilte  -  I  am  not  in  his  favour, 
not  In  his  good  graces;  bar  f aa  .  be  so  kind  as 
to  .  .  .,  please,  if  you  please;  bær  faa  flob  at  tabe 
mig  bibe  klndly  let  me  know;  faa,  bet  er   gobt 
there,  that  will  do;  bet  er  meaet  -t  1    I  like  that 
(now) !  bet  er  -t  not  that  is  all  very  well,  so  far 
so  good;  bet  er  lige  faa  -t  at  it  Is  as  well  to;  for 
-t  for  good  (and  all);   lab  bet  bare  -t  let  that 
pass,  never  mind  that,  say  no  more  about  it, 
bet  bar  -t  at  bu  tom  I  am  glad  you  came,   bet 
bar  itte  -t  om  lt  would  not  be  well.  it  would  be 
a  bad  thing,  if;   bet  er  ilte  -t  at  mbe  lt  is  hard 
to  tell;  mere  enb  -t  er  more  than  is  good  and 
needful;  tøm  gør  meaet  -t  he  spends  much  money 
in  works  of  charity,  he  doea  a  great  deal  of  good; 
ben  bil  itte  gøre  -t  it  doesn't  answer  el.  work, 
won't  do;  snfre  en  alt  -t  wish  one  every  happlness; 
oøre  -t  igen  make  amends  for;  bet  bil  gøre  alt  -t 
tgen  that  will  set  all  to  rights  again;  jeg  gab 
barn  bet  lige  faa  -t  igen  I  gave  him  as  good  as 
he  brought:  fyaoe  -t  af  deri  ve  benefit  from,  profit 
by;  bet  bil  %t  Ijaoe  -t  af  it  will  do  yon  good;  bet 
bil  $e  ilte  tyxit  -t  af  that  will  do  you  no  good; 
mere  enb   fyan  b,ar  -t  af  more  than  is  good  for 
him,  agrees  with  him;  ntjbe  -t  af  have  the  beuefit 
of;  bet  par  Qan  -t  af  it  serves  him  right;  fpab  fa'  ban 
for  el.  til  -t?  had  he  anv  good  newsr  bet  gobe 
good,   what  is  good;   for  meget   af  bet  -e   too 
much  of  a  good  thing    overdoing  it;  gere  for 
meget  af  bet  -e  overshoot  the  mark;  bet  er  ilte 
for  bet  -e  it  is  for  no  good  purpose.  man  {lønner 
ilte  paa  bet  gobe  førenb  man  bar  mtftet  bet  the 
worth  of  a  thing  is  best  known  by  the  want, 
we  never   know    the   worth  of  water  till   the 
well  is  dry,  meb  bet  -e  by  fair  meant,  amicably; 
meb  bet  -e  eder  onbe  by  fair  or  foul  means,  . 
Sag!  good  morning!   (om  ttfterm  )  good  afler- 
noon;  (good  day  og  good  night  tun  oeb  Vffleb); 
how  do  you  do !  fige  .  S)ag  say  how  do  you  do; 
jeg  giber  t)am  en  -  Zag  I  don't  care  a  rush  el. 
straw  about  him;   ttaar  ttnben  er  -  er  alting  -t 
all 's  well  that  euds  well;  mangen  en  -  Qtang  many 
a  time  and  oft;   bu  -efte  @ub!  good  gracious! 
noget  aobt  ØutS  precious  trash;  -t  ftort  winning 
card,  king  card;  en  ~  Wil  a  good  el.  full  mile, 
a  good  long  mile;  bar  beb  -t  9Rob  be  of  good 
cheer;  en«  -e  %abn  og  ftbgte  one's  fair  name, 
fair  farne;  for  et  -t  Orb  for  a  trifle,  for  an  old 
song,  for  the  asking;  bet  er  itte  at  faa  for  $enge 
eller    e  Drb  lt  is  not  to  be  had  for  love  ox 
money;  gibe  -e  JDrb  give  fair  words,  speak  one 
fair;  en  -   Srunb  rather  a  long  time;  bet  bar  . 
Xib  it  is  time  enough;  i  -e  ti  Xtmer  for  (a)  good 
ten  houre;  \ta  vat  en  ~  Jo« ie  a  precious  fool  I 
was;  et  -t  Ubfalb  a  happy  issue;  -t  Ubtomme  easy 
competency;  ban  ^ar  et  -t  Ubtomme  he  is  well 
off,  well  to  do;  bet  bar  -e  Seje  that  is  all  right, 
never  mind  that;  -t  fBejr  fine  weather;  f  bebe 
om   -t   Sejr  cry  mercy.   meget  -e  Bennet  great 
friends;  _  SSinb  fair  wind,  ilte  meb  min  -e  Silje 
not  willingly,  not  if  I  can  help  it,  not  if  I  know 
it;  -  af  fig  good-natured;  oære  .for  (faa  og  faa 
meget)  be  worth  .  .  .;  gaa  el.  fige  -  for  stand  ball 
for;   entyoer  et  -  fot  fig  every  one  is  good  for 
somethlng;  bare  .  i  mob  (*  ogfaa  meb)  be  kind 
to;  be  er  lige  -e  om  bet  f  they  are  in  the  same 
boat,   *  $an  er  ilte  -  paa  mig  I  am  not  in  his 
favour,  not  iu  his  good  graces,   jeg  tjolber  mia 
for  .  til  at  I  am  above  -ing;  bu  par  -t  oeb  at 
tale  (om)  that  is  all  very  fine  for  you  (to  speak 
of);  —  gobt  adv  fe  nbfr.  —  ©øbjaf'ten  n  good 
evcning.   -artet  a,  me<t  mitigated,  benign,  mild. 
0-bib  dainty  bit,  d.  mors  el.    -bag  n  fe  obfr.  Øob 




Tqq.  -borbig.  -barbigfceb  fe  -gørenbe.  ©obe  n 
-t  good,  benefit,  blessing;  bet  bøjefie  -  the 
pupreme  good;  til  ~  due,  fe  Zilgobr;  Ijolbe  til  . 
overlook,  bear  with,  make  allowance  for,  gøre 
fifl  til  -  indulge  et  regale  one's  self;  gere  en 
til  .  benefit  one;  fe  til  -  treat  well;  jeg  lob 
XttDlrn  Tomme  bom  til  ~  I  gave  him  the  benefit 
of  tbe  doubt;  bet  tom  mig  til  -  at  it  was  for  my 
ad  vantage  that. 

t<9øbe  c  -r  (heatben)  prlest. 

©obejraab,  -raabftiagcr  waffles.  -rtabØJaru 
wafrle-irons  pi. 

©øVlf  jøt  c  meek  fellow,  dough-face.  *-gj*re 
ftg  rr  improve,  season;  -  fig  meb  enjoy.  -gøreabe 
o  beneflcent,  charltable.  -øørenfteb  c  benefl- 
cence,  charltableness.  -b,eb  c  goodness,  kind- 
ness;  fatte  -  for  take  a  liklng  to;  jeg  bar  megen 
_  for  from  I  have  a  great  regard  for  him;  poe 
ben  .  Q1  be  *o  kind  as  to,  have  the  goodness 
to;  en  Baret  .  the  quality  of  an  article.  +-ljeb#' 
fnlb  a  kind.  -bjertet,  -bjer  ttg  a  good hearted, 
kind-hearted.  -bjertiglieb  c  goodness  of  heart, 
good  beartedness,  kind-heartedness.  -fembe  vt 
sanction,  approve  (of),  endorae;  ifte  -  disapprove 
of.  -feubelfe  c  sanction,  approval.  -libeabc  fe 
-mobig;  *pleasant.  -Iibentyeb  fe  -mobig^eb.  Mbut 
o  good-tempered.  -lombt  a  (om  3orb)  of  good 
quality  -stobig  a  good-natured,  sweet-tempered. 
-tnobigfteb  c  good-nature.  -mor  gen  n  good 
morning,    -nat'  n  good  night. 

©øb*  n  goods  pi,  %1«  stores,  (til  ftartøj.  ©ejl 
ofo.)  gear;  (Xøbbojrt)  rope,  cordage;  (paa  jtanon) 
metal;  elenbigt  -  wretched  stuff,  bet  bjeergebe  - 
tbe  property  saved;  -et*  Xbttelfe  art  the  thick- 
ness  of  metal.  —  ©obé  n  -er  estate,  landed  prop- 
erty. -befibber  fe  -ejer.  -beftljrelfe  estate  manage- 
ment, -øefttyrer  fe  -forbalter,  -ejer  landed  pro 
prietor,  estate  owner.  -ejerffe  proprietress  (of 
an  estate).  -ejerariftofratl  landed  aristocracy. 
gentry,  sqnirearchy.  -ettyebfeitt  (3ærnb.)  goods 
service,  -eføbebitør  goods'  manager,  -forvalter 
land-steward,  agent;  (3«rnb.)  goods'  manager. 

Øøljitibet  a  good-tempered. 

©øbéllafbettør  fe  -forbalter 

©ø  bjfrrlbe  vt  credit,  give  credit  for.  ••B'ltg 
fe  -mobtg;  t  +cosy.  -*fnaffc  vt  meb  en  speak  one 
fair,  coax  one. 

00*4 j  tog  goods -train,  luggage -train,  omr 
freignt-traln,  baggage -train.  -traftf  goods  trafflc, 
carrying-tramc.  -traaftbort  transportation  of 
goods.  -tttftelfe  thickness  of  metal,  -bog«  (p. 
§arnb.)  luggage- van,  goods-wagon,  goods- van, 
amr  baggage-car,  -waggon,  freigbt-car,  caboose; 
(aaben)  goods -truck,  carriage- truck. 

©øbt  n  (fe  (Bob)  —  adv  well;  b,abe  bet  .  be 
well  off,  be  comfortable;  - !  good !  fort  og  _  in 
short;  -  og  bel  something  more  than,  (faa)  -  fom 
as  good  as,  all  but,  practically;  faa  -  font  ingen 
scarcely  any,  for  faa  -  fom  tngenting  for  half 
nothing;  fobe  -  sleep  sound  ly;  mene  bet  -  meb  en 
mean  well  by  one.  -beflubeube  a  discre tion, 
pleasure;  efter  eget  -  at  will,  at  pleasure.  ©ob|te 
Tig.  fe  ©otte.  -er  pi  F  goodies,  sweetmeat.  -fod 
(good)  people,  toor  -  er,  lommer  -  efter  birds  of 
a  feather  flock  together.  -garn  J,  robblns. 
-fare  vt  (erfiatte)  make  good,  (en  nt)  lndemuify 
(one  for  st);  (bebife)  prove,  substantlate,  make 
ont,  establlsh.  -førrlfe  c  ((Érftarntng)  compeusa- 
tion,  amends  pi,  allowance.  -røbåntøral  cbeap 
moral  (o.  fl.).  -tøbørotnaK  shilling  dreadful 
-tøbøabaabe  penny  edition,  cheap  e.  -føbé» 
abfclg  cheap  shop.  -raab  water-plantain,  Atiama 

©ø  b|tr ombe  a,  -trøenfteb  c  fe  Xroflbjbig.  ©obt« 
frriM  vt  rredit  (something  to  one).  ©øbt'øl 
itroogbeer.    ©øajtljile  fe  ®obtbeftnbenbe.    *-beb 

heart- wood.  *-»ejr  fine  weather.  '-bejrftbag 
fine  dav.  *-beirøfauteu  the  fine- weather  ouarter. 
*-bejr$fibe»  the  fine- weather  side.  *-bejroffber 
fine  weather  clouds.  *-bilie  hearty  good  will; 
(æage  -n  til  go  at  lt  with  a  will.  -billig  o 
voluntary,  willing.  -bifligjeb  wlllmgness,  volun- 
tariness.    -bfltgt  mere  cloff. 

(Øoffrc'fC  vt  goffer,  gauffer. 

<9olb  a  (ufrugtbar)  barren,  sterile;  (om  Stør) 
dry,  farrow.  -ole  (»W  uben  ftæme)  barren  ear, 
^  wall  barley,  Hordeum  murinum.  -amme  dry 
nurse.  <Øølb|e  vt  dry  up  (a  cow).  -ed  vp 
(om  fbør)  beeome  dry.  -b,eb  e  sterility,  barren- 
ness.    -motlfet  a  nearly  dry.    -flnfe  flood-gate. 

®øtf  c  -er  gulf. 

(»olffbil  n  golf. 

Qølffftrtnmen  the  Oulf-stream. 

Øølgatfca  n  (Mount)  Calvary,  Oolgotha. 

©oliatb.  Ooll'ath. 

(Sønbø'f  o  -er  gon'dola,  car  (of  a  balloon  . 
•e'rer,  -fører  c  -e  gondolier.  -fart  row  el.  ex- 
cursion  in  a  gondola.    -fang  ba'rcarolle. 

gongong   e  -er  gong,  tam- tam. 

(Soplt  c  -r  jelly-flsh,  *throatwort,  Campmulia 

9orbi«g  c  -er  &  (Sug-)  buntline;  (9{of<)  leech- 
Une  —  ©ørbi«g«|blot  buntline  el.  leechline 
block  ro.  fl.).    -bctnb,  -fHf  clinch. 

Øorbiff  a  Go'rdian. 

(Hørgø  n|e  c  -r  Go'rgon.    -iff  a  Gorgo'nian. 

*9oring  c  -er  *t>  gore,  gorlng-cloth. 

*&ott\m,  ©ortttte  c  -et,  -r  fe  Slrirfe. 

(Bøf em  n  (the  land  of,  Goshen. 

(Bøtfrcb  Oodfrey,  Geoffrey. 

«o-t(b,)|er  c,  pi  =,  Goth',  -it'  c  Gotb/lcism. 
-Iff  a  Goth'ic;  -e  ttogftaber  black  letter;  >  gor- 
banbt  FlemUh  bond.    -Uttb  Gothland. 

©otte  vt  delight,  tickle;  —  vr  -  fig  enjoy  el. 
regale  one's  self;  -be  fig  beb  Zonten  om  hugged 
themselves  with  delight  at  the  ldea  of. 

Øoua  ø)emaieri  n  gouache-painting. 

Qøurmanb  [fr.]  c  -er  gastronomist,  epicure. 

<3o*t  [fr.]  c  relish,  gus  to.    -e  re  vt  relish. 

(Bras  a  gray,  grey,  grizzled;  -t  $apir  brown 
paper;  j^oren  er  -  the  hare  Is  brown;  -t  Støbe- 
jcem  foundry-pig;  -t  ©fjr  dark  el.  cloudy  weather; 
ben  .  Olbtib  remote  an  ti  qu  i  ty;  bet  fatter  barn  . 
^aar  i  $oøebct  it  troubles  him  sorely,  joc  be  is 
greatly  exerclsed  about  it,  lalb  fram  -  og  lab  barn 
gaa  let  him  pass  scot-free,  -tit  monochrome, 
Indmn  painting;  fig  male  -t  i  -t  palnt  In  dark 
colours.  -agtlg  a  grayish,  grizzly.  -anb  wild  duck, 
maliard,  Ana*  botehtå.  -oft  (amerihmff)  American 
red  ash,  Fraxinua  pubenctnt.  •-be«  c  wolf. 
••benfUb  spring  herring.  -hiaa  a  bluish  grey. 
•blaffet  a  dingy  grey.  -bfløfet  a  gray  with  a 
white  blase,  -brun  a  brown.  -brøbre  pi  Grav 
Friars.  -btpHfe,  *-b«  mugwort,  Artcmuia  xml- 

©raab  e  weeplng,  brifte  i  .  buret  into  tears. 
•blaabet  a  mlngled  with  tears.  -f«lb,  -fttlbt  a 

(iraabig  a  greedy.  voracious..  -fjeb  c  greedi- 
ness,  voracity,  avidlty. 

©rtablføalt  a  stifled  by  sobs.    -lø*  a  tearless. 

©raa]*bbr  reindeer.  t-el  white  alder,  Al  hum 
incanx.  -filtet  $  glaucous  and  downy.  -fiffer 
pied  kingfisher,  Ceryie  rudi*.  -g as 6  wild  goose, 
Anter  cintreiu.  -grib  ash  vulture,  Vuitur  cine- 
reua.  -grimet  a  gray  with  white  (el.  black)  streaks 
arross  the  head.  -grøn  a  glaucous.  -gul  a  yel- 
lowish  grey.  -baaret  a  gray-halred,  hoary. 
-(are  common  hare,  Lepua  timid**,  -beb  o 
grayness  -fiejre  ft  gtfte-.  t'b,jfelmet  a  (om  Roo?g) 
gray  with  a  white  head.  -QObeb  grey -head  ed 
mau.    -b^øbebet  a  gray-headed.   -b^bibt  a  grayish 




white.  -barbei  a  hoary,  gray-headed.  -triff  fe 
grifl;  fe  3<etnfpurt>.  *-ljett  fe  ttøbben.  -flabt  a 
dressed  In  gray.  ••tølbt  a  n  raw  cold,w  raw 
chllly.    -trage  fe  ftrage. 

©raal  e  fe  »ral. 

©raallaben,  -Ha  a  graylsh,  grizzly.  -Iatøgrey, 
Salmo  eriax.  *-hjfing  early  dawn,  dusk  of  the 
morning,  grey  light  of  dawn.  -ntaage,  *-maafe 
herring  gull,  Larut  argentatuå;  fe  gfiftemaage. 
-mejfe  fe  @ump<.  -meleret  a  mixed  grey.  -mnnf 
gray  friar.  -naftc  fe  ftifTemaage.  -ne  vt  (blibe 
graa)  turn  gray;  (om  Beiret)  have  a  gray  el. 
cloudy  appearance.  •••r  fe  -el.  -pil  sallow,  tfa/tx 
cinerea.  -plettet  a  spotted  with  gray.  -poppel 
gray  poplar,  Populw  caneåcen*.  -pritfet  a  dotted 
with  gray.  •pare  Lammas  pear.  -rid  creeplng 
willow,  Salix  repen«,  -faløe  blue-butter.  •fanger 
whitethroat.&yfota  ctnerøa.  -f ej  fe  Seiuf*.  -føgen, 
MWI  redpole,  Frmoilla  linana.  -ffimmet  gray 
horse.  -frtnb  fe  -ocerf .   -ff ag  c  gray-beard.   -ffag- 

}|et  a  gray-bearded.  -fo  lump-fish,  Cycloptenu 
umpu*.  -fpragtet  a  motled  gray.  -fprængt  a 
mixed  with  gray,  grizzled.  -fpnrb  sparrow. 
-fpat(te)  gray  woodpecker  Picut  canui.  -fpattet 
a  spotted  with  gray.  -fteit  fe  Srampeften.  -ftribet 
a  striped  with  gray.  -foel  gray  seal,  Halichæru* 
grypuH.  -tavlet  a  dapple  gray.  -tiøret  a  gray 
-striped.  *-trøfl  fleldfare,  Turdut  pilarit.  -tårnet 
o  gray-checquered.  *-øagten  &  the  larbowlines. 
-ttaffe  gray-wacke.  -bejr  gloomy  el.  cloudy 
weather.  -bejrtbag  gloomy  day.  -bibje  fe  -pil. 
-bar!  gray  for,  minever.  -antag  wild  auckling. 
••jet  a  gray-eyed. 
(Drab  (Snebt.  o.  fL),  fe  ©rat. 

©rab  c  -et  fåføf.,  ©eogr.,  Vfrron.,  ©ram.,  Kfabem. 
og  i  Kim.)  degree;  (Rang)  rank,  grade;  (om  Slægt- 
fltb)  remove;  i  ben  ~  to  such  a  degree;  ril  en 
bis  -  in  measure,  in  degree,  to  some  extent, 
to  a  certain  extent;  i  bøj  .  highly,  eminently; 
i  bbor  b'i  -  to  what  extent;  i  tøefte  -.  in  the 
highest  el.  last  degree.  to  a  degree,  excessively; 
fire  -er8  Jhilbe  nine  degrees  of  cold;  en  -  (et 
Slummer)  flørre  a  size  larger.  -atiø'n  c  -er 
gradation,  climax.  •(c)bne  graduated  sector  of 
a  circle;  arc. 

©ra'bbne  c  arch  fe  ©rat-. 

©ra'b]  bøjning  comparison.  -c  vt  gauge,  -e're 
vt  graduate.  -e'rebttrf  drying-house.  -e'ring  c 
graduation,  -inbbeltng  graduation,  -maa(  scale. 
-maaling  measurement  of  degrees.  -nina  c 
gauging.  -(e)plabe  lndex-plate.  -Øforftel  diffe- 
rence in  degree.  -flibe  side-scale.  -(e)fiof  water 
-poise.  -tal  reading.  -na'le  n  grad'ual.  -ne'ret 
a  grad'uated.  -&U  a  gradual;  adv.  gradually, 
by  degrees. 

©raflfl  a  graph'ic(al). 

©rafit,  e  graphite,  black-lead.  -papir  carbonic 

©raj'iff  a;  be  -e  fclper  the  Qraian  Alps. 

©ral  e,  ben  Retlige  .  the  holy  grail. 

(Stam'  n  -mer  el.  «,  gram,  gramme. 

+©ram'  a  wroth. 

©rammajtif ' c  -fer gram'mar.   -tital 
mat'ical.    -ilter  c  -e  gramma'rian 

©rantpianbjargene  the  Orampians. 

©ram«  n  snatch;  rafte  $enge  i  .  (f.  (Hl.  til 
Jfcrenge)  throw  (boys)  money  for  scrambllng,  fig 
play  at  ducks  and  drakes  with  money.  ©rantfe 
vt  &  i  snatch,  snap,  grab;  .  pac  grabble  on, 
paw.  ©ramfen  c  grabbling.  ©ramfetag  snatch- 
ing  etc. 

©ran'  n,  pi  =,  atom,  smallest  particle;  (©ægt) 

©ran  c  -er  (Xrætt)  spruce  fir,  (Norway)  spruce, 

a'lfl  a  gram- 
-t'iff  a  gram- 

Abie*  exeelta;  (Xømmerfort)  fir,  white  Norway 
deal,  Christiania  el.  Danzig  deal. 

©ran'  a  fe  Oranb. 

©ranabiltra  fe  (Brenabtlttæ. 

©raua  t  c  -er  (VEbelften)  ga'rnet;  (^tugt)  pome- 
granate;  mil  grenade,  shell.  -blomft  pome- 
granate  flower.  -finte  grenadier,  IVinøilla  grma- 
tina.  -tanøn  shell-gun.  -farteffe  shrapnel  shell. 
-tr«e.  -able  pomegranate. 

©ra  n|bab  needle  bath.  -bar  leaf  of  the 
spruce.  -barf  barx  of  the  spruce.  -børb  deal 
•table,  *deal-board.    -b  ræb  er  deal-boards. 

©ran(b)  a  plain,  distinct,  accurate;  •slender 

©ranbe  c  -r  (fpanfT)  grandee'. 

©ranbe   c  -r  neighbour.     -tøne    neighbour. 
•lab  neighbourhood.   -manb  neighbour.    -måbe, 
-ftanne  public  meeting  of  neighbours  (for  the- 
adjustment  of  differences). 

©ran(b)| gi  Delig  a  plain,  obvious,  manifest; 
adv  nicely;  accurately.  -gi'beligbtb  e  accuracy. 
+-'b*f  o  quick  of  hearing. 

©ranbiø'Ø  a  grand,  grandiose. 

©ran(b)t    adv    nicely,    accurately,    plainly, 
distinctly.     -feenbe,   -frnmbe  a  sharp-sighted, 
keen-sighted.    ©ran(b)ooråen  a  slender. 
+©ra  naang  alley  of  spruces. 

©ramt' c granite;  (løj) oatmeal cloth.  -bjarg 
fe  -fiælb.  -blot  block  of  granite.  -brab  granite 
-quarry.  -faft  a  firm  as  granite.  -fjalb  granitic 
rock.   -gnejé  gnelssoid  granite.  -iftagranitic<al). 

©ra'n|føgle  cone  of  the  spruce.  -førtvab 
common  c  rossbill,  Loxia  curvirottra.  -ffeac  fir 
-resin.  -InA  chermes.  -mejfe  coal-mouse,  Arm 
ater.  -naalebab  fe  -bab.  -fanger  yellow  warbler, 
Sj/lvfa  abietina. 

©ranffje  vt  inquire  into,  search  into;  —  vi 
~  efter  search  for.  -en  fe  -nimj.  -er  c  -e  inquirer, 
student;  benne  Serbent  -e  6*6/  the  disputer  of 
thisworld.  ©ranflerlaanbinquiringspirit.  -btif, 
-øje  searching  glance;  investigating  eye.  ©ranfr* 
-ning  c  -er  inquiry,  research.  ©ranfTningdeøne 
power  of  research. 

©ra  nftob  c  spruceforest. 

©rant  fe  ©ranbt. 

©ra  ntra  fe  ©ran. 

©rannllatiø'n  c  granula'Uon.  -e're  vt  gran'ii' 
late.    -e'ring  c  gran'ulating. 

©ra  nøeb  flr-wood. 

©raptøllt'  o  -er  grap'tolite. 

©raø|fa't  adv.  gaa  el.  løbe  -  run  riot,  run  a 
muck.  -fe're  vi  rage,  be  prevalent,  prevail; 
cont  be  rampant,  run  rampant. 

©rat  c  er  (paa  en  røg  o.  I.)  burr;  (Snrbf.) 
rabbet;  arch  arris.  -bne  curved  arris-rafter. 
•bøbl  rabbet-plane. 

@rat|iale  n  -r  gratuitv.  ©rot|ie  c  grace. 
-ter  pi  the  Graces,  -ifitattø'n  c  -er  gratuity.  -tø 
adv  gratis,  gratuitously.  -tift'  c  -er  free  scholar. 
-iftplabd  free  place.    -U  S  a  gracerui. 

©ra't|fab  saw  for  cutting  grooves.  -fp«r  hip 
-principal,    -ftifdbjdtlfe  hammer  arris-beam. 

©ratnl|ant'  c  -er  vt  congratulator.  -arU'n  e 
congratulation.  -e're  vt  congratulate  (meb,  til 
on),  (meft  tron)  give  one  joy  (of). 

©ranbflnben  n  the  Qrisons. 

©raø  c  -e  (gorbtjbning  i  forben)  pit,  ditch, 
trench;  (for  bobe)  grave,  tomb,  (ifcer  om  Olbtibenl) 
sepulchre;  (gfaftningø*)  moat,  fosse;  ben  bellige  - 
the  (Holy)  Sepulchre;  jeg  troebe,  ben  fcOige  .  dot 
øel  forøaret  I  thought  alf  danger  was  past;  tabi 
fom  -en  as  silent  as  death;  rafte  en  -  dig  a  grave; 
følge  til  -en  attend  at  a  funeral;  bære  paa  -enl 
8Ranb  be  on  the  brink  of  the  graVe-,  ftaa  meb  ben 
ene  ftob  i  -en  have  one  foot  in  the  grave;  M 
lægge  en  i  -en  bring  one  to  his  grave;  fe  ub  fom 
en  bet  %ax  ligget  i  -en  look  like  one  risen  trom 




the   dead;   ben  font  graber  en  .  for  anbre,  falber 
frlto  i  ben  harm  watch,  harm  catch;  be  sets  a 
trap   to  catch   his  own  feet.    -anb  shelduck 
Ana*  tadorna. 

Ørabr  (ogf.  gtoo)  vt  dig,  +delve;  -  i  nb,  neb, 
op,  fe  3nb-,  Rebs  Opgratoe;  .om  dig  over  again; 
~  Sanbet  ub  af  én  SRofe  drain  a  bog;  —  vi  dig; 
-  (robe)  i  poke  about  in;  —  vr  -r  fig  inb  i, 
igennem  o.  fi.  digs  his  way  into,  through  etc.; 
part  -nbe  so  burrowing,  fossorial.  -be«  fossorial 
li  mb.  -bi  burrowing  bee,  Andrtna.  -føb  fos- 
Borial  foot.  -mafTine  excavator.  -mni  tucutuco, 

(Bratter  c  -e  sexton;  so  fossorial. 

Øraoere  vt  engrave. 

Ørabe'renbe  a : .  Qeftblbningergrievous  charges; 
•.  Cmftanbigbeber  aggravating  circomstances. 

Øraberfart  c  grave-digger. 

Øra'vjfreb  security  of  oemeteries,  peace  of  the 
grave,  -f  nnb  grave- flnd.  -gaaftfe-anb.  -gelanber 
n  grave-railing.  -bnle  crypt.  -ftbatbtug  burlal 
vault.  -tøj  (ftccmpetø)  barrow,  tomulus,  burial 
-mound;  (lille  §e\  ober  en  Ørab)  mound,  hillock. 

Øratoid  c  grave  accent. 

Øraoitiatfo'n  c  gravita'tion.  -e're  vi  grav'i- 
tate.  -et  c  grav'ity,  solemnity  (of  deportment). 
•Cliff  a  grave,  Holemn;  ndtt  gravely,  solemnly. 
•r'tåcenrrnm  centre  of  gravity. 

Ør«'*!  jagt  c  hunting  burrowing  animals. 
-lammer  sepulchral  chamber,  archa-  chambered 
tomb,  -fopel  mortuary  chapel.  -lifte  (af  ©ten) 
soxcophagus,  archce  sepulchral  cist.  -Il ofte  pass- 
ing  bell.  -tøri  monumental  cross,  -lampe  se- 
pulchral lamp.  -Ifgnenle  a  tomblike.  -Inft 
sepulchral  air.  -tugt  sepulchral  smell.  -Innb 
bepnlchral  grove.  -tagge  vt  commit,  consign 
lo  the  tomb.  -taggelfe,  -tagning  sepulture, 
interment;  ftrtfti  -  Entombment  of  Christ.  -mart 
burial- ground.  -minbe,  -monument  (sepulchral) 
monument,  -mnlm  darkness  of  the  grave. 
-male  (Ø-frrift;  epitaph;  fe  -minbe.  -nurte  dark- 
net«  of  the  grave,  >ning  o  digging,  excavation. 
-ran  violation  of  tombs.  -rnft  (corrodent) 
ruet.  -r*ft  sepulchral  voice;  meb  -  in  a  s.  v. 
•røver  violator  of  tombs.  -falme  funeral  hymn. 
-font  pit  sand.  -fang  dirge.  -ffil  funeral 
rite.  -ffrlft  epitaph.  t-fo  P  (fbtnf!  &nien» 
rintmer)  slut.  -fart  a  funereal,  lugubrious.  -fteb 
burial  place.  -ften  tomb-stone,  (opretftaaenbe) 
head-*tooe.  -fHf,  -fliRe  e  burin,  graver,  -frne 
fe -tommer,  -ftftic  (sepulchral)  monument,  -foette 
vt  en  tomb,  in  ter.  *f*bn  slumber  of  death,  sleep 
of  death.  -tabftbeb  silence  of  the  grave,  -nrne 
sepulchral  urn.    -al  funeral  (feast). 

Øraøa'r  c  -er  engraver. 

*Ørcg  c  grounds  pi. 

Øret  e  -e  dungfork. 

©re*  n,  pi  — ,  (efte*  noget)  grasp,  gripe;  (paa 
Socerb)  hilt;  (paa  $«r)  handle;  (paa  Sa!é)  branch; 
U  Øevongreb;  $a»e,  bibe  bet  rette  -  paa  have, 
know  the  knack  of,  have  a  knack  at  (-ing); 
oere  et  farft  -  take  a  wrong  note;  et  ftelbigt  ~  a 
happy  hit;  meb  flRert  -  with  an  unfalling  grasp. 
•brat  finger-board. 

tØrebe  vt  fork. 

Øreten  part  fe  Ørtbe.  Ørebetfteb  c  rapture, 

øre'fclfplbft,  -tunge  tang. 

Øre'gor  Greg'ory.  -ia'nft  o  Grego'rian.  ©re« 
|f  rinf  Gregory. 

•Øref  (grelb)  a  disentangled,  ready,  straight, 
orderly,  clear;  clear-headed,  expeditious,  straight 
-forward.  Øret  le  vt  disentangle,  clear,  make 
clear,  -ce-t  order;  pi  tools,  traps,  gear,  tackle, 
apparatus;  matters;  fe  Rebe.  -e  n  -r  harness. 
•mart  fe  Xaøtorm. 

Ørejfer  c  -e  mottled  pigeon. 

(Prel'  a  (ogfaa  fig)  glaring,  striking;  (TOal.) 
crude;  frilbre  meb  -le  %atvtz  overdraw;  pifTe  -t  of 
tmob  contrast  (strongly)  wlth.  -$eb  e  glaring- 
ness,  crudeness. 

Øren  o  -e  (i  Ulm.)  branch,  (run  af  Zrcc)  bough; 
(af  Øaffel)  prong;  fio  branch;  bele  fig  i  to  -e  bifur- 
cate;  t  bammrt  til  ©alge  og  .  come  to  the  gal- 
lo  wb;  fe  ©wnt. 

Ørenaber  c  -er  grenadier,  -nurftfiø  a  grena- 

Ørenabirtroe  n  red  ebony. 

Øren | e  fig  vr.  -e*  vd  branch,  ramlfy. 

Ørene|brarnbe  brushwood,  faggots.  -UA  a 
branchless.  -fprebning  ramiflcation.  —  Øren | et, 
-fulb  a  branchy,  ramified.  -JTttbenbe  o  branching. 
-torn  thorn.    -ttarøt  growtn  of  branches. 

Ørete  Margaret,  Meg. 

Øreoe  c  -t  count;  (i  drnglanb)  earl;  f  i  en* 
%ib  in  an  evil  hour;  *  in  the  nick  of  time. 
•latter  count's  el.  earl's daughter.  -trone  coronet. 
Ørebetig  a  of  a  count,  belonging  to  a  count; 
adv  like  a  count. 

tØreoer  pi  greaves,  graves. 

Øreoe|fianb  rank  of  a  count.  -febe  count's 
seat.  -titel  count's  title.  Ør  eb  in  be  c  -c  count- 
ess.  Øre'bffab  n  -er  (Øobt)  count's  estate;  ($ro* 
Dinl)  county,  shlre. 

Ørlb'  c  -be  vulture.  0 ribbe |f alf  carrancha, 

ØrtbbeniO'e  o  -r  termagant,  vixen. 

Øribbe | perlerne  vulturine  guinea  fowl.  Nu- 
mida  vulturina.  -rabn  white-necked  råven, 

Øri'bbroet  fe  Ørebbtæt. 

Ørlbe,  gteb,  grebet  vt  k  i  (i  Ulm.)  catch,  seize, 
pounce  upon,  grip,  (meb  et  faft  Zag)  grasp,  gripe, 
(poogribe)  apprehend,  (om  tinfer)  take  hold, 
bite;  fig  affect;  .  en  Seilig^eb  seize  et.  embrace 
an  opportunt  ty,  avail  one  s  self  of  an  o.;  -  en 
Xante  take  up  an  idea;  -  an  go  about.  attack; 

-  6agen  an  paa  ben  rette  Slaabe  go  the  right  way 
to  work-,  ~  eftet  catch  at;  -  fat  paa  take  el. 
lay  hold  of;  greb  for  fig  held  his  nand  before 
him;  .  I  Sommen  thrust  one' s  hånd  into  one's 
pocket;  .  i  fin  egen  ©arm  search  one's  own 
bosom;  -  en  i  Søgn  catch  one  lying  et.  in  a  Ile; 

-  inb  i  en  ter  into,  bear  on,  (utilbørligt)  encroach 
el.  intrench  upon;  -  inb  i  btnanben  work  into 
each  other,  catch;  .  inb  (a6«)  interfere;  -  o  m  fig 
spread;  -  til  et  Wibbel  resort  to,  have  recourse 
to  an  expedient;  -  tit  Saaben  take  (up)  arms; 
.  til  flugten  take  to  flight;  -  ub  (i  Critfet)  catch 
out;  grebet  ub  af  Sioet  true  to  11  fe;  fe  fiuft;  .  en 
unber  Srmene  fio  lend  one  a  helping  hånd;  — 
vr  -  fig  an  exert  one's  self;  -  fig  fammenshake 
one's  self  up  et.  together,  bestir  one's  self;  — 
otibenbe  part  affecting,  impresslve,  thrllling. 
ØHbejbrørt  fe  Ørebbrcet.  -ebne  power  ofprehen- 
sion.  -fald  catch.  -bate  prehensile  tail.  -Ho 
prehensile  claw.  -fnafl  catch.  Øribelta  a  seiz- 
able.  Øribellfe  c  seizure.  -n  e  catchlng  etc. 
•r  o  -e  (@bm.)  catcher;  (trittet)  neld(8man).  -reb- 
flab  prehensile  organ.  Øriberntafline  sewlng 
machine  with  catcher.  Øribeftrop  ^  slipping 

ØribfT  a  (efter,  paa)  greedy  (of).  -bcb  c  greedl- 

Ørif'  c  -fer  griffln,  griffon. 

Øriffel  e  (A  n)  -flet  slate  pencil;  (6tblut)  style; 
style.    -formet,  -formig  a  styliform,  styloid. 

iolber  port  crayon.  -ftifer  clay-slate  for  pencils. 

tattc  column. 

tørille  vt  (pine)  grill. 

ØriOe  e  -r  whim,  vagary,  crotchet,  fancy, 
crack;  foette  nt  -r  i  ^obebet  turn  one's  head; 




fange  -t  indulge  in  fancies,  in  fancled  cares. 
-fanger  c  -c  one  full  of  whims  and  crotchets, 
crotcheteer.    -forager! '  whims. 

Ørilte'te  vt  grill. 

Øriflcoarf  n  fancies,  whims  pi. 

@rtm  a  ugly,  (fæl)  hideous,  (i  minbre  <*rab, 
om  Iroinbe)  plain(-featured),  homely. 

<§rtma'ce  c  -r  grimace;  gere  -r  make  grimaces, 
make  wry  faces. 

©rime  c  -r  (til  $efie)  halter;  (6treg)  streak, 
stripe,  (i  ftiftenet;  large  mesh  of  a  fl&hing  net; 
tøgge  _  paa  halter.  +<Brime  vt  streak,  besmear. 
•fraft  halter  rope.  -t  a  (ftribet)  striped,  streaked. 

®rim|beb  c  ugliness,  hideousness;  plalnness; 
-ri««  c  -er  ugly  fellow,  fright.  acarecrow. 

®ri»  n  grin4;  f  fun.  -agtig  a  ranny.  Bri- 
tta taft  c  fe  Ørinebtber(*). 

*®rinb  c  -er  gate,  lattice-door;  (paa  6ab) 
frame,  sash;  pi  pen.  fold.  -e  c  -r  ca'ing  whale 
(ubt.  cawing  w),  Delpkinw*  ølobieept.  Qrtnbe« 
fangft  capture  of  the  ca'ing  whale.  Qrinbeb&al 
fe  -e.  Qrinbjfttg  frame  saw.  -fagblab  web. 
-ftotpe  gate  post.    -bogter  gate  keeper. 

®rine  (ogf.  -te,  -t,  *  ogf.  gren)  vi  grin,  simper; 
•turn  up  one's  nose,  frown,  f  weep;  bet  er  iffe 
Ørøb  at  -  ab  it  is  not  to  be  sneezed  at;  Kjolen 
-r  the  dress  gapes.  -biber  c  -e  grinner;  *  cross 
•grained  person,  -n  c  grinning  etc.  -r  c  -e 

®ripo'menu£  c  -er  F  myrmidon  (of  the  law). 

(Svie  c  -e  pig,  (om  $erfon)  beast;  money-box; 
(i  WaltføOe)  brick  vault  in  a  malt  kiln,  (i  »ittarb) 
fluke,  en  belbig  -  a  lucky  dog.  @rife  vt  ,  til 
dirty;  *vi  farrow.  —  ®rife|bøl  plg's  litter.  *-onfl 
(hog  s)  bristles.  -fobber.  Mobber  pig' s  pettltoes. 
-mab  pig-meat.  *-purfe  fe  jo.  -rt  n  nastiness. 
-fo  sow  with  pigs.   -følte  soused  pig.   -fteg  roast 

pig.    -t  a  dirty 

c  -r  grisette. 

9rife|ta?r  pi  fe  føbber.    ••unge  little  pig. 

*@ri*  ørb«  fe  Semoulegrbn. 

Qrtftfel  c  -»ler  (baker's)  peel. 

•©riflfen  a  thin,  wide  apart,  loose  textured. 

*©ro  c  -er  og  ©rør  toad. 

<9ro  et  grow;  •  (fpite)  sprout.  (bete*)  heal;  ~ 
faft  become  fixed,  strike  root;  Saarrt  er  -et  lam 
men  the  wound  is  healed  up. 

®rø'b(rjian  c  -er  churl,  brute. 

Qlro'jblab  waybread,  Plant  ago.  *-bb  part 
healed;  sprouted.  *-e  c  sprout;  young  grass  el. 

Ør oo'  c  grog. 

<§ro|*l|olb,  -tob;  gobt  .  easily  healing  flesh, 
disposition  to  heal  quickly.  -fttag  c  growing, 

*©ro'p  c  -er  cavity,  groove,  hollow. 

@ro  S  [fr.l :  en  ~  wholesale.  ØrøØ'  n,  pi  =, 
groas  (19  aoeen);  ttrmeene  -  the  bulk  of  the 
army.  Ørod'lbottbelcwholesale-business.  -bonb 
ler  c  whole-sale,  dealer,  (wholesale- )merch an t. 
-bttbari  general  average.  Ørø'Ømcrgtig  [t.]  f 
high  and  mighty.    ©roéf e  rer  c  -e,  fe  -banbler. 

QrotefT  a  grotesque. 

Ørotte  c  -r  grotto,  grot. 

Or  o  ti  [aa]  a  (egl.  og  fig)  coarse,  (uanftcenbtg; 
utiflabelig  flor)  gross;  (uhøflig)  rude;  (foær)  large, 
big;  -t  wrbeibe  drudgery;  -t  ttebragm  palpable 
cheat,  -t  rørøb  coane  bread;  ~  $ejl  grave  mis- 
take,  -  Qforbrbbelfe  high  misdemeanour;  _  gøbe 
coarse  food;  t  ^aanbflabe  rough  towel;  -  ftarl 
coarse.  rude  fellow;  -t  fflæbc  coarse  cloth;  - 
fturant  large  money;  -t  fioerreb  coarse  linen;  ~ 
£øgn  gross  Ile;  -  fiøgner  impudent  liar;  -t  @finb 
rough  skin;  -t  SfJjt«  heavy  ordnance;  en  .  Sbøg 
a  rude  Joke;  ~  tone,  ©temme  rough  tone,  voice; 
-e  Xræl  coarse  features,   .  Bilbfarelfe  gross  el. 

grave  error;  bet  er  for  -t  that's  too  bad.    -bw> 
coarse,  brown  bread. 

*©ro»eir  fe  (Srobe&ejr. 

@roo|e!igen  [aa]  adv  grossly.  -fil  bastard  file, 
(grooefte)  rough  file.  -Ijeb  coarseness;  grossness, 
rudeuess;  roughness;  pi  rude  behavioor,  lan- 
guage; fige  en  -er  be  rude,  say  rude  thing^  tc> 
one.  *bnbet  a  coarse-skinned.  *bai»l  rough 
plane,  -fall  coarse  shelly  limeetone.  -fomrta 
coarse- grained.  -tul  clod-coal.  -labca  o  coarse 
-featured.  -lemmet  a  large-limbed,  raw  boned 
-malet  a  coarsely  ground.  -moelct  a  having  a 
coarse  voice.  -flgte  c  coarse-sieve.  -flaarra  a 
coarsely  cut.  -fmeb  blacksmith,  -fmcbearbefbe 
blackwork.  -fjitnb  coarse-spun.  -tainbf  vt  slub. 
-talrnbe  a  foulmouthed.  -traabet  a  coarse 
-threaded.  -tarembe  a  voracious.  -nibet  a  coarse 
-wooled.    -o»ber  c  glutton. 

Oru  c  horror,  terror,  bet  er  en  -  at  fe  it  is 
horrible,  shocking  to  behold. 

tOrnbbe  et  hull  (grain).  -grbn  peeled  barley, 
Scotch  b.    -fttarn  hulling-mlll.    -mel  pollartL 

Ørnbbrr  c   e  grubber. 

<&rttbbeb*rf  n  machinery  for  hulling  grain. 

@rube  c  -r  (i  forben)  pit,  (©jæraoarr*«)  mine, 
(grorbtybmng  i  Vlm.)  hollow;  (i  Stanon)  honey 
-comb.  -arbefbe  mining  (work).  -arbejber  miner, 
pitman.  -bagning  timber  work  in  a  mine.  -brift 
working  of  mines,  -felt  allotment.  -følff  miners 
pi.  -gad  flredamp.  *iiif»e(Ur  mine -captain. 
-lob  share  in  a  mine.  -ItpØ  miner's  candle 
-rebfTab  miner's  tool.  -fiolpt  pit  prop.  -Uger 
gun-searcher.  -t  a  (om  ffanon)  honeycombed 
•tommer  pitprops.    -oanb  water  in  mines 

O  rub  |  le  et  (ober,  paa)  muse,  ponder,  brood, 
ruminate  (on).  -lett  c  musing  etc.  -fenbe  a 
brooding.  -ler  c  -e  muser.  -Uri  n  -er  umBing, 
revery.    -life're  vi  f  fe  (Gruble. 

Ombning  c  hulling. 

*©rub  fe  Øruag.    -et  a  full  of  grounds. 

t<9rubte  vt  grind  coarsely. 

(Brue  oi  for  dread,  tremble  at,  sh adder  at, 
—  vd  jeg  -et  beb  at  tænte  paa  .  .  .  it  makes  me 
shudder  to  think  of. 

@rne  c  hearth,  he&rth-stone,  fire  place  t-frbel 
c  range-boiler. 

®ru|elig  a  horrid,  horrible,  shocking.    -eltg 
beb  c  horror,  euormity.    -clfe,  (Srneii  c  horror, 
sh uddering.    -fulb  a  horrid. 

*©rugg,  Gkngge  c  grounds  jd. 

<9rum  a  cruel,  atrocious,  ferocious,  fell,  *  p 
splendid,  superb,  -beb  c  cruel  ty,  ferocity.  -me 
adv  very,  exceedingly.    -t  adv  atrociously  etc. 

(Sramd  n  (+  c)  sediments,  grounds  pi.  -et  a 
muddy,  thick,  turbid. 

©rnnb  c  -e  (8unb)  ground;  Oorb)  soil;  (8bg 
ning«.  o.  betl.)  ground,  plot,  aite,  utur  lot; 
(fornuft.)  reason;  (-lag)  fonndation,  (-lag  i  røaltn^ 

Sriming,  ground.  (i  fyavtt)  bank,  shoal,  bet  |Wlf 
lanb  bat  ben  bube  -  still  waters  run  deep,  be 
førfte  -e  the  elements;  S)e  fborger  om  mine  -e  you 
ask  my  reasons;  faa  af  ~  &  get  afloat.  get  off. 
Gnieret  er  af  -  the  anchor  is  atrip,  af  éjmen« 
_  from  the  bottom  of  my  heart;  a*  b^Ufen  -  ? 
for  what  reason?  fra  -en  af  radically;  formia 
noget  fra  -en  af  el.  til  -e  understand  thoroughly, 
perfectly;  i  -en  at  bottom,  in  the  main;  afler 
all,  considering  all  thtngs;  i  Qunb  og  -  utterly, 
totally;  meb  -  reasonably;  meb  gob  ~  very 
reasonably,  with  good  reason,  meb  en  oi#  - 
plauslbly;  paa  ^bib  -  on  a  white  ground;  paa 
min  .  on  my  p remises,  paa  $anft  .  on  Danish 
soil;  tomme  paa  .  run  aground,  strike,  flaa  paa  - 
be  aground,  on  snore;  fætte  paa  -  ground,  run 
Aground;  paa  ~  af  on  account  of,  owing  to,  by 
reason   of,   (at)  on   the  ground  that;  gaa  til   t 




fig  be  ruined;  Sfibet  gi!  til  -e  the  shlp  foundered; 
lomme  til  -en  i  en  ©ag  get  to  the  bottom  of  a 
thing;  ligge  til  .  fotunderlie;  lægge  til  ~  follow, 
take  for  one's  base,  make  ...  the  base  (for  of), 
ase  as  a  text-book:  take  as  a  text;  logge  -en  til 
lay  the  foundation  of;  -en  til  at  the  reason  why; 
bex  er  ingen  .  til  at  there  Is  no  reason  why; 
jeg  &ar  ingen  -  til  at  I  have  no  reason  el.  occa- 
sion  to.  Ørnnb  a  (om  JBanb)  shallow,  shoal, 
shoaly;  Sanbet  bltber  -ere  the  water  is  shoaling. 
-oarfaf  ($obebaatfag)  principal  cause,  main 
can.«e;  (oprinbelig  Barfag)  original  el.  primitive 
caiise.  -tbel  landed  nobility  el.  g  entry,  -afgift 
fe  -flat.  -atførb  primitive  el.  fundamental  chord. 
-anfrnctfe  principle.  -arbejbe  work  at  the 
foundatlon  of  a  building.  -areal  area.  -bad 
fundamental  base.  -begreb  fundamental  notion. 
-bemortelfe  fe  -betbbning.  -beflbbelfe  landed 
property.  -befiaffenlyeb  essen tial  nature,  -be* 
ftanbbef  primary  component.  -befftemmeffe  cate- 
gory.  -betingelfe  essential  el.  elementary  condi- 
tion.  -betragtning  principle.  -bettpbHtBg  pri- 
mary signiflcation.  -bjotrg  fe  Urbjærø.  -btflebe 
J>rototype.  -bfanblng  mixture  of  solis,  -bolt 
orm  bolt.  *-braab  n  ground-swell.  -bagning 
foundatlon.  -bel  atom.  *-bigetrt  drain,  thorougn 
-draln.  *-blg*ing  thorough-draining.  -brag  fe 
-traf.  -brift  innate  instinct.  •©rnnbe  c  -r  shoal, 
shallow.  Ørnnb|e  vt  (grunblægge)  ground,  found, 
establlsh,  lay  the  foundatlon  of;  (i  JRaling) 
prime,  ground;  fig  -  paa  found  on;  —  vi  reach 
the  bottom,  ground;  (paa)  ponder  el.  meditate 
on;  -  op  (ti)  silt  up;  (vi)  bet  -r  op  the  water 
shoals;  —  vr  »  fig:  $abnen  -r  fig  op  theharbour 
Is  shoaling  up,  sflting  up;  Sanbet  -r  fig  ub  the 
land  shoals  out;  -  fig  paa  rest  on,  be  fonnded 
on.  based  on;  —  grunbet  part  &  a  en  -t  3Ri<< 
tante  a  well  founded  suspicion;  prcep  -t  paa  in 
conseauence  of.  +-egen  a  original.  -egenfTab 
e««eniial  quality.  -ejenbom  landed  property. 
-c|er  (i  ©b)  house-owner;  (Sier  af  3orb)  landed 
proprietor,  (ground)  landlord.  -emne  fe  -ftof.  -en 
c  pondering,  meditation,  -ere  ri  prime,  ground. 
-ebne  primary  faculty.  -falff  a  radically  false. 
-farbe  (ben  Sart>e,  ftboraf  anbre  opflaa  beb  Wanbing) 
primitive  el  primary  colour.  (fremb^erfTenbe  5) 
predomlnating  colour;  (ttunbfarb  ground  (in 
painting).  -faft  a  flxed.  -fejl  radical  fault.  -fil 
hollow  edge,  equalling  file.  -fifl  bottom  flsh. 
-ffcelb  fe  Urbjærø.  -flabe  basis,  base.  -fonb  fe  (opi> 
tal.  -forbebre  vt  (gorbbunben)  improve  (the  soil); 
(moralf!)  Improve  radically.  -forbebring  improve- 
ment  of  the  soil;  radical  improvement.  -for« 
bring  essentlal  requirement.  -forbarnet  a  utterly 
demoralized.  -forefttlling  fundamental  idea. 
-form  primitive  form.  -førffél(ligtcb)  funda 
mentaL  essential  el.  deeply-rooted  difference. 
•forffeKIg  a  essentially  el.  intrinsically  different. 
•fngtigbrb  dampness  of  the  soil.  -fafte  n  fe 
Dolb     -fojfte  vt  build  on  a  solid   foundatlon; 

—  vr  .  fig  consolldat«.  -fafftelfe,  -forftning 
establishment  (on  a  solid  foundatlon).  -fbtetfe 
predominant  feeling.  -goaenbe  n  light  draught 
of  water  (a  fe  ®runbt*)>  -gerrig  a  miserly.  -gob 
i  extremely  good.  -gobft  jur  jetsam.  -araber 
work  man  at  the  fouudation  of  a  bundlog, 
excavator.  -gravning  working  at  the  founda- 
tlon. -%aat  the  coat,  the  real  fur.  -beb  c  shallow 
ne<is.  -beTre  fe  -ejer  ((Sier  af  3orb).  -ing  flrst 
course.  -tøbt  rouler  plane,  -ibé  fundamental 
idea.  Qmnbtg  a  profound,  solid,  thorough 
-going;  en  -  Aefbrebelfe  a  radical  cure;  .(t)  adv 
thoroughly;  feg  tyiber  bom  .  I  hate  him  from 
the  bottom  of  my  heart,  most  cordially  ■  febe  fig 

-  be  bothered  to  extinction;  -  babet  well-hated. 
Qtainbigbcb  e  profoundness,  profundity,  solidity, 

thoroughne&s.  Ørnnblng  a  priming.  Ørnnbjift 
ground-ice.  -iflæt  bottom-shoot.  -tapiraf  stork, 
funds,  paid  up  capital.  -farafter  essential  char- 
acter, -febelig  a  utterly  tlreaome.  -filbe  funda- 
mental source.  -Hang  fe  -tone.  -lamifT  "  highly 
comical.  -fraft  elementary  power,  -(ag  base, 
basis,  foundatlon;  paa  .  af  on  the  basis  of. 
•laPine  avalanche.  -leje  ground  rent.  -ling  c 
-er  gudgeon,  Oobio  vulgarii.  -linie  math  base. 
-lop  fundamental  law,  constitution.  -fobgiPenbe 
grorfamling  Constituent  Assembly.  t-loblig  fe 

($rnnbløbft|beftentme(fe  provision  of  the  fun- 
damental law.  -brnb  violation  of  the  f.  1. 
•bag  Constitution  Day,  the  anniversary  of  the 
Constitution.  -ffenbff  a  anticonstitutional.  -f  or  * 
anbring  amendment  of  the  fundamental  law. 
-førbar  preliminary  examination  (of  a  prisoner). 
-ntaftflg  a  constitutional.  -ftriblg  a  anticonstitu- 
tional.   -tro  o  constitutlonalist. 

Ørnnbjlnft  bottom  air.  -ftjb  fe  -tone.  -Itrgge 
vt  found,  lav  the  foundation  of.  -larggelfe, 
-latgning  e  foundatlon.  -Itegger  c  -e  founder. 
*-loenbt  a  (om  3orbbunb)  shallow.  -^«rb  a  pro- 
foundly  learned,  erudite.  •loerbom,  -lo»re  fun- 
damental doctrine.  -U8  a  groundless,  baseless. 
•Udbeb  groundlessness.  -maling  priming,  under 
coating,  -mangel  fundamental  want  el.  defect. 
•madfe  elementary  matter,  -mnt  brick  wall, 
*  fundament,  -mnret  a  brick-built;  fig  firm, 
deep-rooted,  unconquerable.  -nerbe  fio  vital 
element,  -onbe  radical  evil.  -opfattelfe  fun- 
damental view.  -orb  (Stammeoib)  primitive 
word;  (Subjelt)  subject.  -pille  main  pillar,  m. 
prop.  -plan  ground -plan.  -princip  fundamental 
principle.  -præg  essential  stamp,  e.  feature, 
-pal  pile.  -paling  drivlng  of  piles  into  the 
ground.  -raabben  a  thoroughly  rotten,  -reb« 
flabet  fe  -flatter,  -regel  fundamental  rule.  -ret' 
ning  elemental  bias.  -ribA,  -ribdning  ground 
plan,  draught,  (oøf.  fig)  outline.  *-rig  a  very 
wealthy.  -fanb^eb  fundamental  truth,  axlom. 
•fance  permanent  sauce,  -ffafter  grouiid-leaves. 
•flat  land-tax.  -ffrift  original  text.  -ffnb  shot 
between  wind  and  water.  -flfltp  a  fig  thoroughly 
perverse,  utterly  p.  -fmag  (SShtfi)  radness. 
-fpirc  germ.  -fprog  (bet  Sprog,  bbori  en  tji*  ©og 
er  ffreben)  original  language;  fe  Stammefprog. 
-flamme  stock.  -fremme  bass,  base.  -ftemning 
vein.  -ften  foundation  stone,  flrst  stone.  -ftof 
element,  -ftreg  ground  stroke.  -frbtte  piece  of 
land;  base  of  a  column,  -frøert  a  ((tær!  t  ®runb* 
oolben)  having  a  strong  foundation;  (meget  ftarf) 
very  strong.  -fUb  &  striking  the  ground.  -fUbe 
vi  strike  the  ground,  ground.  -ftttte  fe  pille. 
-fbtt  fundamental  view.  -foetning  principle, 
maxim;  math  axiom;  en  SRanb  uben  -er  an  un- 
princlpled  man.  -fettte  vt  ^  run  aground.  -fb 
ground-swell.  -tuttt  assessment  of  ground  rent. 
-tal  cardinal  number.  -taljer  &  relieving  tack- 
les, -tante  fundamental  idea  el.  notion,  -tap 
plug-tap.  -tegnina  fe  -rib*.  -teWt  fe  -flrift. 
(Srnnbtgaaenbe  a  ara  wing  little  water,  shallow 
-draughted.  9mnb|tone  keynote.  -tob  &  re- 
lieving tackle,  -trbf  original  edition,  -træf 
outline,  sketch;  characterlstic,  essential  feature. 
•«bttb  seine.  -banb  (under)ground  water;  ^ 
bilge-water.  -banbHanben  the  height  of  the 
underground  water.  -bibenflab  fundamental 
science,  -bllbfarelfc  fundamental  error,  -polb 
foundation,  basis,  base,  ground  work.  -potrl 
(QJrunblaget  for  bet  ber  btjggrt  i  Sanbet)  ground- 
work,  snbstructure.  -bcfen  (inberfle  Qæfen) 
easenoe;  (førfie  ©tunb,  Op^ab)  principle.  -PctP 
parenchyma.  -botbøcefle  parenchymous  cell. 
•a?rlig  a  perfectly  honest. 




Ømnter  pi  hoards  of  money,  f  tin. 

ØtnøbbftReube  a  shocking,  horrible,  horrid, 

(Stnppt  e  -r  group.  -plante  group-plant.  -'te 
vt  group.    -'Hug  ø  grouptag. 

Ørn*  n  (fmaa  Sten  og  ©anb.  ogfaa  6t)gb.) 
gravel;  (røur».)  rabbish;  Slottet  luger  i  -  the 
castle  is  a  heap  of  ruins;  fonte  i  -  xall  to  ruins; 
ftyrte  i  -  lay  in  ruins,  -aatig  a  gravelly.  -batte, 
-kante  gravel  bank.  -belægning  c  gravelling, 
(3srnb.)  ballasting.  -bnnb  gravelly  bottom. 
•b  nnte,  -bbnge  heap  ofgravel.  Ørafc  or  gravel. 
Ømfet  o  gravelly.  Øm '6 1  gang  gravel  walk. 
•grab  gravel -pit.  -Qarbe  screen  for  sifting  gravel. 
-Jørb  gravelly  land.    Ørn '6n  i  ag  c  gravelling. 

Ømføm  a  cruel.  -lyeb  c  cruelty;  en  -  an  aet 
of  cruelty. 

Øm  ø|tag  fe  -grab.  -bej  gravelied  road.  -vogn 
Oarnø.)  ballast- waggon. 

Ømt'  n  bruised  grain. 

*®rnt  n  grounds. 

Ømttr  fe  Ønibte. 

Ør*  m  dawn,  break,  peep,  Dagen  -c  el.  bet 
-r  ab  Sag  the  day  dawns,  the  day  is  breaking, 
it  dawnB.    Ørb,  n  fe  Dag-,  Vtorgengrb. 

*Ørbbing  c  <£,  score. 

Ørbbe  c  c  pot;  fmaa  -r  b>be  ogfaa  JDren  little 
pitchers  have  large  ears.  -ben  leg  of  a  pot. 
•fob  trlvet;  fe  -ben.  -frof  pot-hook.  -taag  pot 
lid.  +-ler  potter's  clay.  -malm  metal  for  pots. 
-øt*  oven  made  of  eartben  pots.  -ffe,  -fkb 
ladle.  -fteg  meat  baked  in  a  pot.  -ften  pot 
•stone.  -fiøber  Iron-pot  founder.  -ftoberi  iron 
-pot  foundry.    +-oen  trencher  friend. 

Ørb,n  n,  pi  «=)  groat,  grit;  f  (trunter)  tin. 
-et  a  gritty.  -grøb  boiled  groats.  -tyanbter 
dealer  In  grits.  -tb otier,  -mølle  grit  mill.  -balfe 
white  pudding.  *-fob  (bb)  broth.  -fttbpe  sweet 

Ørønt  n  grant.  Øtynt|e  vi  grant,  -en  c 
granting.  Ørb,nieøf*e  granting  ox,  yak,  Bo* 

Ørb/ntrontle  c  bolter. 

Ørorbntng  e  gutter  for  dnng. 

Ørabe,  gtæbe  (•  F  gtaat),  græbt  ri  cry,  weep; 
(ober  for,  af  ©læbe  for  el.  with  Joy):  -  ub  weep 
one*s  flll;  —  vr  -  flø  blinb  cry  one's  eyes  out; 

—  græbenbe  part:  meb  ~  Xaarer  weeping, 
dissolved  in  tears.  —  Ørabe|bag  day  of  mourn- 
ing.  -forbiø  a  ready  to  cry-  -bobeb  fe  -føfter. 
-tone,  -fninbe  hired  mourner.  -nem  a  easily 
moved  to  tears.  -pil  weeping  wlllow,  Salix 
babylonica.  +-r  c  -t  (bibl)  mourner.  -ri'  n 
weeping.  -ftbtte  teardistilling  drama,  lachry- 
mose  piece.  -føjter  lachrymose  woman.  -btfe 
dirge,  fio  lamentation.  -bom  a  lachrymose. 
-bornbeb  c  lachrymosity.  Ørabøjet  a  tearful, 
flushed  wlth  tears. 

øratlentanb  *  Greece.    -er  c  -e  el.  ■=,  Oreek. 

—  Øraterjinbe  c  -r  Greek  woman.  -ben  friend 
of  Greece,  philhell'enlst. 

Øromme  vt  grieve,  vex;  -  fig,  -#,  grleve, 
repine  (ober  at);  -  fig  i^iel  die  of  a  broken 
heart.  -ltø  a  vexatlous,  grievous,  distresslng. 
-Ife  o  -r  vexatlon,  tribulation,  affliction. 

•Ør*nb   e  -er  neighbourhood.     -følt   nelgh- 

Øronfe  c  -r  frontier,  conflne,  (ogf.  fio)  limit, 
bound,  boundary,  border;  ober  alle  -r  out  of  all 
bounds;  bolbe  fig  inbenfor  en  bi«  -  keep  within 
(certain;  bounds;  fatte  -  for  set  bounds  to;  man 
maa  et  6teb  fatte  en  -  you  must  draw  the  line 
somewhere.  Øf  *nfe  fri  til  be  bounded  by  (ogf. 
fa)  border  on;  bet  -r  til  bet  bibunberlige  it  is 
little  ahort  of  a  mlracle;  -  ftortt  til  go  to  the 
verge  of    WMtantt.  bet  -t  Hl  ©iSbeb  suspicions 

almost    amounting    to    certainty.      -bjavegøørt 

frontier  station,  -(be)boer  borderer.  -befnro| 
inspection  of  the  frontiers.  -bb  frontier  towa 
-egn  frontier.  -flob  boundary- ri  ver.  -foHrniif 
frontier  fortress.  -groft  boundary  dltch.  -betl 
boundary-hedge.  -fommiøfiott  boundary  tom- 
mission,  -trig  border  war.  -lanb  border  Urd 
-linie  boundary  line,  line  of  demarcation.  -fob 
a  boundless;  (oberbattei)  inordinate,  excessiv*. 
-Uftbeb  e  boundlessness.  -meribian  graduale 
meridian,  -mnr  frontier  wall,  boundary  wall. 
-mobe  meeting  on  the  horders,  -øtstaalisi 
survey  of  the  boundaries.  -parallel  gradumwa 
parallel,  -bttt  boundary  post.  -regnlrrnif 
settling  the  boundaries.  -ffel  bound,  lim' 
•fyørgømaal  boundary  question.  -ftab  frontier 
town.  -flat  frontier  state.  -ftem  boundaryrtone. 
•frrib,  -Hrlbig^eb  dispute  about  boundaries.  boun- 
dary-dispute.  -tolb  frontier  toll.  -vagt,  -nogter 
frontier  guard.  -bolb  rampart  markfngr  a  boun- 

0r«0'  n  -fer  grass,  herbage;  flaa  .  mow  grass,  , 
cut  grass;  føre  Rbofg  baa  .  drive  cattle  to  grare;  I 
fatte  paa  -  turn  out  to  grass;  gaa  paa  _  be  at 
grass;  btbe  i  -fet  bite  the  du»t;  babe  $criør  fom  -  ' 
roll  in  money;  tjene  $enge  fom  -  make  heaps  of 
money;  ftoen  bør  ment  -fet  gror  while  the  grås* 
grows,  the  steed  atarves.    -aar:  et  gobt  _  a  goc4  , 
year    for  grass.     -ager   grass- fleld,   lea.      -«*» 
gadwall,   Ana«  atrepera.     -art  species  of  grass 
-barina  gnss-plot,  glade,    •-bjørn  young  t>ear. 
-blab   blade  of   grass.     -blonbing   mixture  of 
grass  es.    -bleg  c  grass-bleaching.     -bleget  jmrf 
grass-bleachea     -blomft  grass-flower.     +-bUb  * 
poet  soft  grassy.    -bnnb  grass  land.    -banben  a 
overran  with  grass.    -bent  grasa-seat,  sod  seat 
^•bbr  fe  -bjørn,    -ente  grass- widow.     -familien 
the  grasses.    -farbe  grass-green  colour.     -fattig 
a  scantily  grassed.    -febning  fattening  on  gra-s 
-db  fe    ngle.     -fober  paa  ture.     -friff  a   gr«s*y. 
grass-green.   -fmgt  caryopsis.   -ft#  n  grass-9eed 
•gaarb  grazing  form.    -gang  pasture     -groet  a 
grass-grown.    -grobe  fe   -battt.     -grøn   a  grås* 
-green,  prasinous.  -g«(b  grazing  money.    +-bm 
grass-fed  horse.    -IjObbe  grasshopper,  AeriHimm. 
(agte  ®.)  locust.     -koppttittt   bastard    bird   of 
paradise,  Pattor  trittis.     -Ifnppttttt  locust- tre e, 
Bymencea  oourbaril. 

Øroe'ff  a  Greek,  Grecian;  .  91b  Greek  fire. 
Øræfl  n  (Sfcrog)  Greek.   -lati  nff  a  Greco-Latin 

0r*0| tant  grass-border.  -tor  gourd,  pumpkin. 
Cucttrbita\  perfift .  vegetable  marrow,  C.  otn/era. 
•tarflafte  gourd-bottle,  calabash.  -flabt  a  grass 
-grown,  verdant,  grassed.  t-føm  floating  sweet 
-grass,  Olvceria  /luitant.  -tøftf  grass-fed  cattle. 
-ianb  grass-land.  -leje  lea.  -lørrreb  grass-cloth. 
-Ug  chives,  Ållium  *choenopra*um\  fyellow  star 
ofBethlehem,  Ornitkooalum  luteum.  -lad  a  grass- 
less  *-maaneb  April,  -mart  grass-land,  tgrass 
field.  -malt  milk  of  cows  at  grass.  -mibe 
harvest-bug,  Leptu*  autumnalit.  -neSite  fe  ffng- 
nemte.  -ning  c  grazing,  pasture.  -ninairet 
commonage.  -ntnaåtib  grazing  time.  -otoe 
grass-fed  ox;  -øWne  bibl  oxen  out  of  the  pastures. 
-olie  lemon-grass  oil.  -papegøje  grass  parrakeet, 
Auphema.  -ptnat  fe  -galb.  -blante  grass  -nlet 
grass  plot.  -blåne  lawn.  -blamef1iB>er  lawn 
-mower    -rig  a  grassy.   -røb  grass-root.  -mttet 

l^L'  m.!in^or8ed;    +-rbtteri  a  fall  from  the 
norne.    ør«0|fe  vt  &  t  graze,  pasture,  (lun  c») 

SekS6,  (°m      fllC)  rebound'  sWP-febbel  grazta« 

Øroflfeiig  a  horrid,  shocking.    -beb  c  horrid 

i-?*5!'frt  °  grassy,  grass-grown.    -Rbe  sraæv 
side  (of  a  sod).    ♦-ftlb'smaU  hertng.    'il«5ning 




grass-mowing.  -flette  grassy  plaln.  -fmag  grassy 
taate.  -fnntte  petty-chaps,  Sylvia  eurruea.  -fmtr 
May  butter.  •fommerfngl  meadowbrown,  ifip- 
jxirchia.  -fhraa  stalk  or  grass;  blade  of  grass. 
-iømg  grass- wrack,  Zotttra  marina.  Mørt  fe 
-tør«,  -ton  coir-rope.  -tetppt  carpet  of  turf, 
v  elv  et  lawn.  -t*ro  green  turf,  sod.  -tørojørb 
green  mould.  •ugle  grass- moth,  antler,  Ckaræat 
ørxtminU.  -oarpetrøSfe  coir  warp.  *bølb  green- 
swaxd,  green,  lawn.  -bflffft  growth  of  grass. 
-<rt>e»be  a  graminivorous,  herbivorous. 
{Øretten  a  f  peevish,  cross,  whimperlng. 
+40re»  n,  pi  b,  pick,  mattock;  {ptta  6fo)  calk, 

40r«»fittg  e  er  badger,  grey-brock,  Mele* 
toxM».  ®r*t>lt«g(c)|araø,  -fmle  badger' s  burrow. 
-tjMitb  badger-dog,  dachs-hound.  -jagt  hunting 
tbe  badger,  badger- hun t.  -fftmi  badger's  skin. 
<9r*»  c  (af  9Re()  boiled  groats,  stirabout,  por- 
ridge,  basty  puddlng;  (af  føugt)  marmalade, 
jelly;  fe  ©tine,  Stat.  -agrig  a  thlck,  pulpy, 
pappy.    -»age  pi  J,  banlan  days. 

&r«be  c  -t  (gtoftt)  crop,  produce,  product, 
production;  t(Bof*efraft)  vegetation,  growth;  ftoa 
t  .  be  growing,  t-aar:  gobt,  flet  -  productive, 
nnproductlve  year.  t-bfibeabe  a  promoting 
vegetation,  f-falb  a  productive,  frultful.  t-tvtft 
productive  power,  t-regn  frultful  rain,  -Hg  o 
frultful.  t-0  9d  vegetate. 
Ør*bet  a  fe  Ørøbogtig. 

t^rtfbeltib  leason  or  vegetation,  -tejt  genial 

Ør*Y|fafc  dlah  of  stirabout.  -røbe  pot  of 
stirabout.  -booeb  booby,  blockhead.  -i*  brash. 
-møelf  milk  to  be  eaten  to  porridge.  -nnnb 
lover  of  stirabout.  -nnmbet  a  having  a  thlck 
utterance.    -ontflag  poultlce. 

Øraft  e  -er  ditch,  trench.   Ør#fte  vi  h  t  ditch, 
tØrøfte  vt  fe  ©rutte. 

9røfte|gr*ber  ditcher.  -tømt,  -ranb  edge  of 
a  ditch.  -bamb  ditch-water.  -bolb  bank.  (£hrtft* 
ning  c  dltching. 

Ømi'  a  (ogf.  fo)  green,  (hin  om  ©rå«  og  fio) 
verdant;  toge  ub  t  bet  -ne  take  a  trip  in  to  the 
country;  fomme  paa  (en)  .  Øren  d.  fttrfft  prosper, 
thrive;  f  fooe  poa  flt  -ne  JDre  be  fast  asleep;  joc 
oeb  min  -ne  6ibe  beslde  me;  bet  -ne  ftotbjærg  Cape 
Verd;  i  bon«  -ne  llngbom  in  his  salad  days;  gør 
mon  bette  meb  bet  -ne  Xtct,  b>ab  bil  ba  ffe  meb  oet 
tørre  if  they  do  these  things  in  a  green  tree, 
what  shall  be  done  in  the  dry;  fe  Øul.  *-««» 
year,  when  the  corn  does  not  ri  pen.  -agtta  o 
greenish.  -alge«  pi  green-spored  algæ.  -bunb 
o  green-blind,  -farbet  a  dyed  green;  green 
•colouxed.  -f«tt(c)  fe  -itift.  -fobe*  green  crops, 
a  green  crop;  green  food  el.  fodder.  -fobre  vt 
feed  on  green  food,  soil.  -f  øbftftg  soillng.  -g#b> 
nis*  green  manure.  -graa  a  greenlsh  gray. 
-g«I  a  greenlsh  yellow.  -beb  c  greenness,  virid- 
lty.  -iriff  green-flnch,  Fringilla  chiori*.  -jørb 
agr  (old)  lea;  mm  green  earth,  glauconite.  -faal 
kali,  kale,  borecole;  (Gimpe)  spring  soup.  -Ifebt 
o  fltøbt  i  Øtønt)  dressea  in  green;  (om  ©afret 
of».)  grass-grown.  -lone  herb-woman.  -Itbet  a 
greenfleshed.  -løbe«  a  greenlsh.  -Unb  fe  iotb 
«vr,  n  prvpr  Greenland,  -Ia«b8b«c  little  auk, 
Mrrgulu*  allt.  -loitbøfam  Greenland  man, 
whaler.  -tøftMtyMl  Greenland  whale,  common 
vbale,  Balctna  my*ricefiM.  -lrabfT  a  Greenland. 
•Unbitif  &  carrick  bend.  -fonbftfel  harp  seal. 
Pkoca  oroenlandica.  QrønHg  a  greenlsh.  @røn< 
taber  c  t -(oraberiMbe c -t Greenlander,  -malt 
green  malt.  -Mte  vt  green,  make  green;  -  flø 
bf.  f .  -«ei  vd  become  green,  turn  green,  -nlng 
c  -et  green,    -flettet  a  with  green  spots,    -^riffet 

a  dotted  with  green,  -fager  greens,  vegetables 
pi.  -fattet  a  corn  ed.  -fanb  greensand.  Ørønfet 
n  greens.  9rø«fifTe«  fe  @iflm.  *®rønfle  c  ver- 
dure;  green  stain;  green  confervæ. 

©rønfTofling  c  -et  greenhorn,  puppy. 

Ør#»|f«Hbe  fe  Ørønftolling.  -\pctt(tt)  green 
woodpecker,  Picua  viridi*.  -\pcttitt  a  green 
-spotted.  -ften  greenstone.  -flribet  a  green 
-Btriped.  -footr  c  k  n  green-sward,  sod.  -fabe 
soft  soap.   -t  fe  -fager,  -ternet  a  green-checkered. 

—  @r#«tf øbct  fe  Okønfobet.  -banbler,  -banblerffe 
green-grocer.  -tuling  ensilage,  -falg  selling 
greens,  -torb  vegetable  market.  ØrønUro 
green  sods.  Ørgftft'rte*  green  peas.  <$t9u*\tt 
a  green- eyed. 

*iBtøp  n,  pi  ae,  hole  in  the  road. 

*&ttpt  vi  grind  coarsely. 

*<»t9i'  n  F  Bhudder.    ©røfife  vi  f  shudder. 

*&vt'tfttu  e  pot-stone,  soapstone. 

©Hafal'lbat^iti  guaiacum.    -tttt  pockwood. 

Øttaja  barr«  n  gua'va. 

©narbein'  c  -er  assayer. 

(Snbbe  c  -r  old  man,  veteran. 

<Bnb  o  -er  God;  .  fle  flod!  -  btere  (obet!  thank 
God,  God  be  pralsed !  .  befalet !  farewell,  God  be 
with  you;  •  beoare  mig !  bless  me  l  dear  me !  ja 
.  bebor'«  by  all  means,  most  certainly;  bet  for- 
bt)be  .!  Heaven  forbid!  fe  Qibe;  beb  -  by  Godt 
faa  fanbt  tyalpt  mig  .1  so  help  me  God;  -  for* 
barme  flg!  Good  gradoust  mercy  on  usl  if),  bu 
gobefte  .  F  my  goodness  me!  ]eg  tafler  min  - 
I  thank  my  stars;  min  - !  my  stars !  dear  me  I 

-  fro!  tribe  Heaven  knows;  -  beb,  •  maa  bibe, 
^t>ab  Heaven  knows  what;  ia  bet  beb  -  jeg  bil  I 
wlll,  most  certainly,  most  decidedly;  t>an  bar,  - 
oeb  af  $oab  Qkunb  .  .  .  he  has,  for  some  reason 
best  known  to  himself;  -  og  t)t>er  TOanb  befenbt 
notorious;  om  -  bil  please  God,  please  Heaven, 
God  willing;  .  gibe  would  to  God,  God  grant; 
gibe  fig  .  i  8oIb  commend  one's  self  to  God; 
_  gabet  God  the  Father;  .  Son  God  the  Son; 

EØuberl  ye  powers  (above),  bet  ligger  i  -ernei 
føb  el.  ftuæ  it  lies  on  the  knees  of  the  gods; 
et  6bn  for  -er  a  sight  to  see;  et  Ønbø  ©om  a 
child  of  God;  meb  -i  fijcetp,  fe:  om  .  bil;  -«  3)pb! 
's  death  t  -«  flam  the  Iamb  of  God;  en  i  fltjffe 
a  most  fortunate  thing;  benne*-«  TOanb  this  godly 
man;  *  Wober  the  Mother  of  Our  Lord;  bbab  i 
*  9iabn  .  .  .  what  on  earth  .  .  .;  bet  er  en  -* 
Sanbbfb  it  Is  true  before  God;  for  i  6fblb  for 
God 's  sake,  for  the  love  of  God;  -•  tilffiffelfe 
diyine  dispensation;  *  llnber  miracle;  bet  bar  et 
-«  Unber,  at  ban  unbflap  he  had  a  miraculous  el. 

Srovidentlal  escape;  et  ••  8ejr  a  furious  storm; 
er  er  -•  Selflgnetfe,  *  ©o&et,  af  6toIe  here  is  pien  ty 
(el.  foison  plenty)  of  chairs,  here  are  cbalrs 
galore.  ®«b|bam  godchild.  -»-bebageHg  * 
pleasing  in  the  sight  of  God.  +-be»ibfl  a  con- 
scious  of  God.  -batter  goddaughter.  -bom  o 
-me  godhead,  deity.  dlvinity.  -bon'mclia  a 
divine.  -bommel  igHeb  c  dlvinity,  deity;  F  olioe 
beb  i  en  .  go  on  wlthout  intermission;  speak 
on  wlthout  stopping  to  take  breath.  —  ØHb* 
bomSlfbJbe  fullness  of  the  Godhead.  +-fblbt  a 
divinely  gifted.  -glanØ  divine  effulgence.  -gnift 
spark  of  dlvinity.  -fraft  divine  power,  -orb 
divine  word.    -oøtlbe  divine  power. 

«nbe|barn  child  of  a  god.  -biOebe  idol.  -brif 
nectar;  fig  delicious  drink.  -b«i  temple.  -t*mp 
divine  combat,  battle  between  gods.  (Pnbetig 
a  godly,  pious;  (anboegtig,  opbbggelia)  devotlonsi, 
oont  goody.  Øttbeltgbcb  c  godlineas,  piety. 
Ønbejlib  life  of  (the)  gods.  +-ln«b  holy  grove. 
-lare  mythology.  -maaltib  banquet  of  the  gods. 
-fag«  myth.  -jlcgt  race  of  gods.  -tøffe  am- 
brosia, food  for  gods.     -føn  son  ot  (a)  God- 




-berben  world  of  gods,   mythic  world,  mytho- 

Øu'b|faber  godfather.  -fortabt  a  god-forsaken, 
godless.  -frugtig  *  godly,  pious,  god-fearing. 
•frbg'tigbeb  c  godliness,  piety,  .  et  nyttig  til 
olie  Xtng  godliness  is  profitable  unto  all  things. 

{engiben  a  resigned  (to  the  will  of  Ood). 
engi'benljeb  c  resignation,  -ber'ren  the  Lord 
God.  -tnbe  c  -r  goddess.  -inbbiet  a  consecrated 
to  God,  devoted  to  God.  Gtabtig,  Ønb|tignenbe 
a  god-like.  -fø8  a  godless,  impious.  •løøtyeb 
c  godlessness,  impiety.  -tnennefle  God-man, 
God  and  man.    -mob er  godmother. 

(Rubel  barn  child  of  God.  -begreb  notion  of 
God.  -befpøttelig  a  blasphemous.  -befpøttetfe 
blasphemy.  -befpøtter  blasphemer.  -bebibftfteb 
notion  of  God.  -børb  the  Lord's  supper  el.  table. 
-bttb  commandment  of  God.  -bom  judgment  of 
God,  ordeal.  -bbrlelfe  divine  worship.  +-bbrfer 

(Øn'bfrnbt  a  sent  by  God. 

<Bnb*|  engel  angel  of  God.  -foragter  despiser 
of  God.  -forgaaeii  a  graceless,  abandoned, 
anointed.  -f  ørgaaenfteb  c  gracelessness,  deprav- 
ity.  -forbolb  religious  position,  -fortabt  fe 
<Bub-.  -fornagtelfe  atheism.  -fornægter  atheist. 
•freb  truce  of  God.  -frbgt  fear  of  God;  -  meb 
9cøifoml)rb  er  en  ftor  JBmbing  bibl  godliness  with 
contentment  is  great  gain.  -1}»*  the  house  of 
god,  plaoe  of  (divine)  worship.  -jammerlig  a 
pi  ti  ful,  miserable.  Øn'bfrabt:  b,ber  -e  $ag  every 
blessed  day. 

Qnbffe  vt  (Sop)  couch.    -r  c  -c  ooucher. 

<9nb*!rnnbfrab  knowledge  of  God.  -(am  (fjo* 
Iratoliterne)  Agnus  Del.  -Ibtte,  -manb  fe  Orb. 
-orb  word  of  God;  F  -  fra  Sanbet  innocent. 
-fanbbcb  fe  ®ub.  -tfenefte  divine  service;  efter 
-n  after  chnroh;  -n  begbnber  .  .  .  divine  service 
begins  .  .  .  -rjenWig  a  ritual,  liturgicai.  -nn'ber, 
-vejr,  -»elfignelfe  fe  Øub. 

£u  b|føn  godson.    -føffenbe  fe  $aab»fofknbe. 

@neri O  airrig  guerilla.  -torp*  guerilla  band 
el.  party. 

Ønerrc:  a  la  -  (biil)  pool. 

Ønffc,  Ønfle  vt  -  i  fla  gulp.  i 

*®nf*  c  -er  gust,  puir  of  wind. 

Øttibe  c  -r  (ogf.  mit)  guide;  ($mp.)  motion 
-bar.    -Mob*,  -tofte  guide-block,   motion-block. 

Ønibo  Guy. 

©nifloø)e*|ret>tguilloshee'.  -ring  c  gullloshee- 
ing;  cona  guillo'che. 

Øuiaøtt'ne  c  -r  guillotine,  -'re  tiguilloti'ne. 

Ønlnc'a  «  (ftDften  i  « fri  to)  Guln'ea.  -bagten 
the  G ulf  of  Guinea,  -orm  Guinea-worm,  Filaria 
medinemi*.    -fbin  Guinea-pig,  Cavia  cobayia. 

Øuiné  o  -r  ;3Ront)  guln  ea. 

Øntrtan'be  c  -r  gar'land,  festoon. 

Øuitar'  c  -er  gulta'r. 

@ttl  a  yellow;  flaa  en  -  og  btaa,  .  og  grøn 
beat  one  black  and  blue;  tøn  argrebe  ffg  -  og 
grøn  it  irrilated  him  beyond  endurance;  ben  -e 
Reber  the  yellow  fever,  Yellow  Jack;  bet  e 
yellow,  the  yetlow  colour.  -ogtio  a  yellowish. 
-at*  spring-grass,  Åmtkoxanthum  odoratHm.  -baon- 
bet  a  yellow-banded.  -blomftret  «  yellow-flowered. 
-brnn  a  tawny.  -brombe  of  pickle.  -branbing 
dip,  pickle.  -bng  fe  »ojtarbnattrrgal.  -b«r 
Avignon  barry,  tfCræet)  dyer  s  buckthorn,  Rham- 
nut  in/ectoria.  ^  ^         ...      #A        , 

Øulb  n  gold;  her  or;   bet  er  iffe  ott  -  fom 

glimrer  all  is  not  gold  that  glitters;  tobe  •  oo 
Stenne  Stobe  promise  wonders.  mouutatns  of 
SSd  trY  fom  -  true  as  steel;  bet  er  .  wtrbt  it 
U  worth  ite  weight  in  gold  -aare  veln  of  gold. 
iaatlg  a  gold-like.  -atber  golden  age .  j«ii gant 
axnalgam  of  gold?  -arbefbe  goldsmtth's  work. 

-arbefber  worker  in  gold,  goldsmith,  -baaaft 
gold  band.  -baanbØHlfe  gold-stripedlily,  Liltu* 
auratum.  -bab  gold-bath.  -bantam  gold  banUm. 
-barre  ingot,  bar  of  gold.  -baSfe  rope-bu?, 
Cetrmia  numta.  -beflagen  a  gold-moanted.  -t~be* 
ftnffen  fe  -broberet,  -bille  golden  beetle,  Chnr 
åomela.  -btab  gold-leaf.  -btanf  a  bright  a* 
gold.  -blif  plate  of  gold.  •blomme  arnica. 
-bogftab  golden  letter,  -bort  fe  -bræmme  -bxanb 
ring-flnger.  -brafen  gilt-head,  Sparu*  a*rnta. 
-bregne  rue-leaved  fern,  Gymtuxrramma.  -britter 
gold-rimmed  spectacles.  -brøberet  a  embroi- 
dered  with  gold.  -brobert  gold-embroidery. 
•brlyflnb  golden  weddfng.  -br^fln^Mag  golden 
wedding-day.  -bramme  gold  lace.  -bronantet  a 
ttimmed  with  gold  lace.  -brødfel  golden  oriole, 
Orioluå  gaibula.  -bttff  loose-strife,  Lyrimackia 
thyr&iftora.  -bunge  heap  of  gold.  -ert*  ore 
containfng  gold.  +-fager  a  beautiful  golden, 
-farbet  a  gold-coloured.  -fafan  golden-pheasant, 
Thaumrtlea  picta.  -finger  fe  -branb.  -fiff  gold 
-fish,  Cvprinu*  amrattu.  -føb  gold  standard, 
•folie  gold  foil.  -frtynfc  gold-fringe.  -fnnb  rind 
of  gold.  -førenbe  n  auriferous,  gold-bearing. 
-galon  gold  lace.  -gtand  golden  lustre.  -glimmer 
yellow  mica.  -glinfenbe  a  glitterlng  as  gold. 
-gtob  litharge.  -araber  (gold-)digger.  -gnrørri. 
-grabning  gold-digging.  -grnbc  goldmine,  amr 
(ogfaa  fiø)  placer,  -amnb  gold-ground;  gold  size. 
-gul  a  golden  (yellow).  -abtbcn  gold  florin, 
guilder.  -gøg  gilded  cuckoo,  Chryococcvx. 
-b,oar  (plante)  goldy  locks,  Chryoeoma.  $*artt 
o  golden- haired.  -$are  agouti,  Datyprocta  aguti. 
-barpe  golden  harp.  -babre  yellow  oats.  Arena 
/lavescen*.  •b.olbenbe,  -bølbig  a  containing  gold. 
•t|om  golden  horn.  t-4n*fa£fe  hair-bag.  -^vrb8 
golden  wasp,  C*ry*tt.  -bone,  -b^ng  fe  -bitte. 
-inbfatning  golden  settlng.  -inbbdtbct  fe  -birfet 
•falb  golden  calf.  -tant  gilt  edge.  -lap f el  golden 
case.  -farbc  \t  -pf!.  -tarfe  worm-seed,  Em- 
timum.  -Mang  ring  of  gold.  -ftuntb  fgold) 
-nug?et.  -rnajj  gold  button.  -tnabbet  a  (Stol) 
gold-headed  (cane).  -forn  grain  of  gold.  -trone 
gold  crown.  -tbften  the  Gold  Coast.  -toebe  gold 
chain.  -laa  auriferous  layer.  -lab,«  flattened 
gold-wire.  -Talø  argentine,  Argentina,  -la nb  gold 
-country,  gold- fie Ids ;  fig  eldorado,  -lefe  gold 
•diggings.  -lifte  gold  cornice.  -loftet  a  with 
golden  locks,  golden  haired.  -Iceber  gilt  and 
flgured  leather.  -Ug  fe  -rob.  -mager  c  -e  alchv- 
mist.  -magert,  n  -magertnnft  alchymy.  -mafr'el 
dolphin.  Coryphcena  hippurii.  -mebatfc  gold 
med  al;  brifter  til  ben  {tore  -  drinks  as  for  a  wager. 
-mine  gold  mine.  -monottorib  anrous  chloride. 
•mor  tissue,  gold  brocade.  -mnlbnarb  Cape 
mole.  ChrytocAlorit.  -mut  sea  mouse,  Aphro- 
due  acultoti.  -mønt  gold  coln.  -øbføgning 
soluUon  of  gold.  -optager  fe  ^orgoiberocnfel. 
-orbb  oxlde  of  gold.  -øgbbnf  protoxide  of 
gJ?i  *  r"**>lf#8ow  P*per.  -penge  gold-money. 
-plrøl  fe -broéfel.  -prønegold-test.assay.  -pnlner 
gold  powder  -purpur  gold-purple.  -ranbet  a: 
-  ©ro  gold-tipped  cloud.  -rafp  bookbinder's 
rasp.    ^rtgn  golden  shower;  (plante)  laburnum. 

ifi!f  "  ILv1  In  g£ld-  /rø»  (rooi  of  the)martagon 
IkLi  "Mb  aS°l&***-  -f«»b  gold-sand,  yellovr 
shining  sand      -ffrotppe  golden   dock,    R*»*x 

ZXX      SL   'ffaiiet    "*•«*«   «    mounted    with 

Ihnn     $2Z2lh£u?Uuta-  -f«*»e»»tifjewellers 
edS;-  'fZ?(C)f!J!?  y0^0«  Jeweller.    -f nit  gilt 
t*E5*  c? «  .'.  8111«1««!      -fbinb   spun  gold 
i?  i«?  fl,i,J^rt-    -1*«W  sold-jcwelry.    -lang 
fM  baiki^PS!  »^  of   Bethlehem,    GWw 
•W  fe  «blbenflbrle.   -(tø!  golden  chalr;  fe  3orbe. 




moberfiol;  >Ep  a  king's  cushion;  bære  paa  el.  t  - 
chair.  -ftrtbe  gold  stripe.  -ftrlbet  a  gold-striped. 
-fhjftc  gold  plece.  -fitøb  gold  dnst.  -fipve  auiic 
acid.  -førbe  silversmith' s  soap.  -ffger  gold- 
seeker,  gold-hunter.  -ttnttnr  tiucture  of  gold, 
potable  gold.  -tørbift  fe  -ftaftfe.  -traab  gold 
wire;  (fpunben)  gold-thread.  -tretfe  gold-lace. 
-triftørib  auric  chlorlde.  -trtfnlfib  auric  sulphide. 
-tr^f  gold-prlntlng.  -trætter  o  -e  gold-(wire) 
drawer,  goldlaceman.  -tøj  gold-plate.  -tarft 
thirst  of  gold.  -nøle  gamma  moth,  Pturia 
øamma.  *nlø  fe.Sjafal.  -nr  gold  watch.  -pabfter 
gold-washer.  -babyer  i,  -Pabffnlng  gold-washing. 
•fctsge  fe  -bille.  -Ulvtet  a  wrought  with  gold. 
-vagt  assay  balance,  gold  weight;  laaat  fine  Orb 
paa  _  welgh  every  word.  -gro  golden  eagle, 
Aquila  fulva. 

<9n\ | rr(c  yellow  wagtall,  Mntacilla  fiava.  -erøb 
carrot,  Dauctu  oarota.  -farvet  a  yellow- coloured; 
dyed  yellow.  -gran  a  yellowlsh  grey.  -grøn  a 
yellowlsh  green.  -%ta  king  of  the  herrings, 
Ckimctra  mon*tro*a.  -baaret  a  yellow-haired. 
-ftafet  a  yellow-tailed.  -bcb  cyellowness.  -bblb 
a  eream-ooloured,  creamy  white.  -jornftenswamp 

tønlt  c  maxillary  sinus. 

9m1  IfltPer  yellow  clover,  hop  trefoil,  Trif otium 
proeumbtnt.  -trøbet  a  (6tøp?e)  yellow-topped. 
-frøet  a  yellow-crawed.    -løbe«  fe  -agttg. 

(Unuanb  fi  Gothland. 

©»'I  I  Ug  fe  -aarig.  -male  vt  palnt  yellow. 
*-manre  yellow  lady'ø  bedstraw,  Æa/itm  rerum. 
•maten  a  yellow- rlpe.  -ne  vi  turn  yellow;  +  øf 
make  yellow;  -net  vd  turn  yellow.  -Hf«  c 

Øttlft  n,  pi  =,  gulp.  Qatpe  vt  &  t  (op)  gulp 
(ap),  dlsgorge. 

<9*'l|pll  golden  osfer,  £a/tx  vitellina.  -røb  fe 
Qtaletob.  *-fUre  yellow  mountaln  saxifrage, 
éSaxifraoa  aizoidm.  *-flmmer  yellow  anemone, 
Anemone  ranuncolouU*.  -f  øt  jaundlce;  (b,0«  ftPcrg) 
rellows  p/.  -føtttg  a  jaundiced.  -fparp  yellow 
-hammer,  Emberiaa  citrinetla.  -fhribet  a  yellow 
-striped.  -ftoraf et  a  yellow-spotted.  -f«be  yellow 
soap.    -tr«  fustic,  yellow  wood. 

Øalø  *  -e  fioor;  lægge  .  i  floor;  gao  ober  -et 
go  across  the  room.  -bfflrtte  fe  -tigger,  -t  rober, 
*-børb  flooring-  boards,  -fjtel  flooring  board. 
-fUbc  floor  area.    -flife  floor-stone. 

Øs1»<*fe  fe  ftarbeoiøfe. 

®vtø|tfab  rubbing  cloth.  -treti*  sweepings. 
•lagt  a  floored.  -ligaer  jolst,  floor  timber.  -tag- 
ntag  floor-laying,  flooring.  -maatte,  *-matte 
mat.  -maattetøf  matting.  -ptabe  floor-plate. 
•plante  flooring-plank.  -ran  floorage,  floor 
spare,  -faub  whlte  sand.  -ffrnbbe  scrubbing 
broflh.  -fprøttfe  orevice  in  the  floor.  -f#m 
brad.  -tappe  carpet.  -tteppetøf  carpet,  car- 

(gs'fPorUttg  fe  ©ulfpurb. 

Ønm[Ie  vt  mumble.  -len  o  mumbllng.  -fere 
pi,  zo  eden  ta  tes     -Ung  c  -et  morsel,  lit  tie  bit. 

(Hamme  c  -r  gum;  +  roof  of  the  mouth;  f  faa 
Paa  -ente  get  a  drubbing. 

(Bummtrt  vt  gnm;  -t  ftonbolut  adhesive  enve- 

Oummefbufft  c  lampass. 

(Panmi »  -er  (i  9tm.)  gum;  fe  •ftaittram;  (arabtff) 
gam-arabic;  (opløft)  gum-paffte, llquid  gum.  -agtiø 
a  gummy,  gummous.  -eltfl  intm  caoutchouc, 
India-rubber,  gum-elastle.  -fltob  exndation  of 
gum,  gumming.  -gatødK  India  rubber  galoche 
rt.  shne,  'India Ombber.  -gat  (5orw)  damboge. 
•bartrifå  gum  resin.  •(•!  gum  lac.  -plafter  gum 
pla«ter,  gal  ban  plaster,  -fpcet  shoets  and  biooks 
of  India  rubber,     -frrømper  elastic  stockings. 

iiarfrn :  ^anf^dnaelff  Crbbog. 

-træ  gum- tre e,  gum-wood,   Fieut  elattica    -tøf 
caoutchouc-tissue.    -Ptt«b  gum  water. 

®ttmp  c  rump. 

t««mpe  vi  p  jolt.  -fob  (ffatf)  grebe,  -taft fe, 
-tørre  tombrel,  cart  with  two  wheels. 

Onmplbane  tailless  fowl,  Persianfowl,  Galltu 
ecmdatuå.    -ft)|tte  rump. 

@tt»ge  e  -r  quagmire. 

ØHBgre  vi  resound.    -m  c  reaounding. 

&K»jt  e  rub.  pi)  (avour:  til  ~  for  in  mvour  of; 
til  .  for  mig  in  my  favour;  ftoa,  lomme  i  .  bo* 
be  in  f.,  obtain  f.,  with;  -  og  ®ape(r)  favouritlsm. 
venality;  flob  i  boj  -  $o*  was  high  in  the  good 
graces  of.  -bepfintng  (mark  of)  fevour.  -tg  a 
favourable,  propitfous;  -e  Scefer!  courteous 
reader!  .  fttmt  for  in  favour  of,  friendly  to. 

dtargte  fig  vr  gargle.  -n  c  gargling.  -banb 

Øurteneie  c  turmeric. 

*@«rme  fe  Øiørme. 

ØMrtbae  o  transverse  arch. 

(Bnfe  fe  ^abgufe. 

+<3nft  c  er  breath  of  air.  Øttfte  vi  Wow 

(^ttftap  Qusta'vus. 

duften  a  sallow,  wan.  -beb  c  sallowness, 
wanness.    -f<9ufrned  rd  grow  sallow. 

9ut'  e  -ter  (ifcer  *)  boy,  lad,  fe  $reng. 

^uttaperra  c  gutta-percha.  -manb  eontor- 

•(Uttttelarbefbe  boy 's  work,  (for  $iger)  tomboy 
work.   -ftøg  romp,  tomboy.   <9«t««ge  Ilt  tie  boy. 

@nttitra'l  oAc-et  guttural,  -iøgftab  gut- 
tural (letter). 

Qnber«  |  aa'te  c  -r  gov'erness.  -emest'  n  -er 
gov'ernment.  -g'r  c  -er  gov'ernor.  -øria'be, 
-ø'réfroe  c  governor's  lady. 

Øpbe  o  -r  låne,  close,  «e  wynd. 

®»?be,  g(\)9b,  gbbt  vt'  pour,  shed;  (om  gifl  o.  I.) 
spawn.  -ftff  spawner,  spawning  flsh.  -fotrbig  a 
ready  to  spawn.  -tsnbc  ewer.  -tib  spawning 
season.    Ø^baiag  c  pourlng  etc. 

Øljlbea  a  golden,  gold;  ben  -ne  Vare  the 
piles,  hæmorrhoids,  pi,  bet  -ne  SHnb  the  golden 
fleece;  en  -  Sejligbeb  a  golden  opportunlty;  -ne 
S)age  palmy  days,  f  pi  ping  times;  -ne  Orb  words 
of  gold;  ben  -ne  TOtbbeloej  the  golden  mean;  bet 
ne  ^orn  the  Golden  Horn.  @ piben  c,  pi  «=, 
florin,  guilder.  -*-biant  a  glitteiing  as  gold. 
+-gnl,  -løftet  fe  ®utb-.  -laf  wallflower,  uheirontku* 
ckeiri.  -(cbcr  )t  (Bulblftbet.  -rid  golden- rod, 
Solidago  virgavrm.  -frptte  gold  brocade,  cloth 
of  gold,  -tul  golden  number.  -P«nb  Dantzic 
brandy,  gold-water. 

(Sjlbig  a  valid,    -beb  c  validlty. 

+®pibne    t  gild. 

@Ulp  c  -er  (Sfrcfb.)  fly. 

QMiIpe  fe  (Bulpe. 

•©plte  c  wrasse,  rock  flsh,  Labrus. 

Øpmnn'lfinm  n  ler  gymnasium,  -frleere  vi 
practise  athletlc  exercises.  -ftif  c  athletlcs, 
gymnas'tics.  -ftlter  e  -e  gymnast,  gymnast'ic. 
-glf  lofale  gymnasium.  -fttNøtrer  teacher  of 
athletlcs.  -frtf  ff o  athletic  shoes  (o.  fi.).  -ft'iff 
a  gymnastic. 

t^pmpel  fe  Ørunbling. 

(Spnge  ol  &  i  flwlng.  rock;  -nbe  Ørunb  unsafe 
ground,  a  quagmire.  (Bpnge  e  -r  swing;  f  tomme 
i  -n  get  into  hot  water.  -baab  swing-boat.  -trøtt 
see-saw  (board),  -beft  rocklng  horse,  -terne 
rocking  churn;  oscillatlng  churn.  -n  c  swlnging. 
-ftøl  rocking- chair. 

<9paterfTala  c  Ounther's  scale. 

Øpnctøto'g  e  -er  gynecol'ogist. 

*@ppl<ng  c  -er  young  greenhorn,  whelp. 

(Bttrøftø'p  n  -er  gy'roscope. 





Qlud  n  shudder.  @bf|e,  -te  &  gø«,  -fet  &  ft  t?» 
shudder.  bet  -er  i  mig  I  shudder;  .  tilbage  for 
fthrink  from.  -elia  a  horrible.  -cltgbeb  c  er 
horror,  -en  c  shuddering,  shudder.  -ning  c  -er 

*<§btfe  c  mud,  mire,    -kafe  mud-bath. 

(»totre  t>«  .1.  sk  eet.    -r  c  -e  skect. 

*<Stobe.  giøb.  gjøbet  «•  (om  Støø  o.  beel.)  he 
driven  by  the  wiud,  whirl. 

Øbbtl  c  broom,  Spartium  acoparinm.  -løft 
broom.    -tbttfer  broom-rape,  Orobanchc. 

@«f  c  -te  (toobe)  fool;  (Spøgefugl)  wag,  jenter, 
buffoou;  (i  ifoai)  tumbler;  flaa  -len  løe  indulge 
in  jesting,  make  fun;  briøe  .  meb  make  fun  of. 
-le  vt  fool,  dupe.  +-feé  vd  jest,  joke,  play  the 
fool.  -fclig  a  foolish.  -fer i'  n  -er  (Xoarffab) 
foolery;  (Spo3)  drollery,  waggery.  -urt  fe  ©inter- 

Øcrlb  c  debt;  (omme  i  -  get  et.  run  into  debt; 
txsre  i  en«  .,  ftaa  i  ~  til  en  be  in  oue's  debt, 
stand  indebted  to  one;  flbbe  i  bunbløa  -  be  deeply 
in  debt;  gøre  .  contract  debts,  run  into  debt; 
attib  ~  claims;  baefito  .  liabilitics.  -bog  debt 
-book,  account-book. 

Gtolbbnubcn  a  involved  in  debt,  encumbered 
with  debt, 

Øørlbc  (gjalbt  &,  gælbte,  gælbt)  vi  _  for  pass 
for,  be  looked  upon  as;  bet  -r  (Cørnefp.  „gcelbø") 
i!!e  that  goes  for  nothing;  bet  fan  ifte  -  for  noget 
SJebi«  that  cannot  be  taken  as  a  proof;  benne 
iioo  -r  ifte  mere  this  law  is  no  longer  in  force; 
naax  bet  r,  ftal  man  ftnbe  mig  when  wanted  I 
»hall  be  found;  bet' .  bet  at  baoe  SRob  here 
all  depends  on  courage;  bet  -r  om  bbem  .  .  . 
the  point  is  who  .  .  . ;  for  bom  gjalbt  bet  the 
question  with  him  was;  boor  r  Wejfen  brnV 
where  are  you  goingV  where  arc  you  bound? 
bet  -r  ogf  aa  om  bette  it  holds  good  of  this 
too,  will  apply,  is  applicable,  relevant,  to  this 
too;  nu  -r  bet  uow  for  it;  —  rt  (vært  eærb; 
be  worth;  (angaa)  apply  to,  refer  to;  fyoab  -r 
$oebenV  what  is  the  prieo  of  wheat?  -  meget 
bo*  en  have  great  influenee  with  one,  fyanS 
Stteninu  -r  meget  his  opinion  carries  great  weight 
(with  it);  bet  -r  bane  røre  his  honour  is  at  stake, 
his  honour  is  conrerned;  fom  om  bet  gjalbt  bane 
Siio  for  dear  lifc.  as  if  his  life  dei>ended  on  it; 
om  bet  -r  (ajalbl)  mit  Slib  to  save  my  life;  bet  -r 
mig  it  is  aimed  at  mc,  (angaar  mig)  it  concerns 
uif;  boflb  -r  bet,  ban  tommer  i  $agV  what  will 
you  bet  he  comes  to-day,  bet  -r  et  ftorføg  let  us 
try;  —  part  gælbenbe  (©idet)  available,  (l'oo) 
in  force;  gøre  -nbe  (f.  (fcfs.  $aaftanbe;  maintain, 
urge,  (en  ^orbring)  advance  (a  claim),  ftunbflaber, 
Slonbeb)  eet  off,  (tørunbe  ofo  )  enforeo,  urge,  (fom 
llnbfttilbning)  plead;  qore  ftg  -nbe  ussert  one's 
self,  put  one's  self  forward. 

(Skribl  fri  a  frec  from  debt,  out  of  debt  -t 
©ob*  unincumbered  proper  ty.     -berre  creditor. 

+(8albnrr  c  -e  debtor. 

(ttatlbd:bebié.  -breb  bond.  -fange  prisoner  for 
debt.  -forbring  claim.  -forbolb  ftaa  i  _  til 
en  )>e  in  one's  debt.  -fotff  ribning  fe  -beblfr. 
•fdtngfel  debtors  (debtors')  prisou.  imprisonment 
for  debt  -lob  law  of  debtor  and  creditor.  -nøft 
item  fof  a  debt).    -fag  action  for  debt. 

i»  c  Gael.    -iff  a  A  #  Gaelic. 

(iJalle  v  -x  gill.  tøæHe  vt  remove  the  gills. 
-aabning  gill  openiug.  -aanbenbc  a  breathing 
by  gills.  -blab  gill  fibre,  -bttc  gill-areh,  bran 
chial  ar«  ti  -føbbrr  pi  braiicliiojKxls.  -binbe. 
-bub  gill  Hap.  -laag  gill-lid.  -laagében  oper- 
cular  plate.  -løé  a  abranchiate.  -orme  pi 
lerneans.    -fpalte  gill-clefl,  brauchial  cleft. 

Øotngc  c  -r  ipaa  Strue)  thread,  groove;  (paa 
6isbe)  runner;   (oaa   8ugge)  rocker;  —  ub.  pi 

baw  fm  . 
pre  valent, 


.  i 

(fremgang)  course,  progress;  gaa  el. 
take  its  course.  (Øcngg  a  current, 

C^ær   c  yeast,   l>arm,   ferment,    -celle 

@o?  r :  i  @lære  in  progress,  going  od,  brewlng, 
in  the  wind. 

GJo?  rbe  c  ^  vang. 

©ærbe  n  -r  fenee,  (lebenbe)  hedge;  (i  ftridet) 
wicket;  lpor  -t  er  labeft  biQe  aBe  ooer  the  weakest 
goes  to  the  wall,  where  the  hedge  is  lowent, 
men  commonly  leap.  ®a»rbe  vt  &  i  fenee.  -bri* 
break  i  ng  of  fences.  -fang  matorials  for  fencinf, 
brushwood,  amr  fencing.  -bølb  maintenance  of 

Øortbejg  c  leavened  dough. 

@arrfee;juigt  obligation  to  maintain  fencea. 
-bæl  hedge  stake.  -HØ  fe  -fang.  -fanget  White- 
throat*  Sylvia  curruca. 

OttrbefTtnfel  c  &  vang  pendant. 

(?æ  rbeftel  boundary  fenee.    -fntnt:te)  wren, 

kitty-wren,    Troglodyte*  vulgarit.    -f nerie  bind- 

weed,  Convolvolw  *epium.    -flage,  -flab,  -ftfløet 

fe  -bæl.    -ftflrnte  stile  across  a  fenee.    c-flør  fe 

pæl     *@jærbe*binbe  fe  -f nerie. 

®tt  rbetalje  c  >t*  vang  tackle. 

©ærbfel  n  fe  (Særbefang. 

@a?re  vt,  -ed  vd  ferment,  work. 

(Store  vt  (Xømr.):  .  fammen  mitre,  sypher. 
•maal  mitre  square.    faring  c  -er  mitre. 

(Diering  c  fermentation.  —  (Dæringdjfar  fer- 
menting  tun.  -fbp  dyer' s  steeptng-vat.  -ntibbfl 
ferment. .  -ntffgttg  a  fermentable.  -prøcel  fer- 
mcutative  process.  -ftof  ferment,  -tib  time  of 
fermentation,    -bcefter  ferment. 

®æ  r|f«etber  fermenting  cellar.  -blante  yeast 
plant,    -bnlber  yeast-powder.    -fbanib  fe  -plank. 

(9fféling  c  er  gosling.  -bløvtfl  whitlow-grass, 
Draha  ver  nu. 

©*ft  c  -er  gucst;  (Oeføgenbe)  visitor,  visitant; 
(ftremmeb)  stranger;  (i  ©ærté^ue)  \isitor,  customer; 
bbbe  en  til  -  invite  one  to  dinner  (lunch  et  c); 
ububen  _  lut  ruder,    ©fltfte  vt  visit  (+  fe  iBetMerte). 

@æfte|borb  table  for  guests.  -bnb  tiauquet, 
feust.  -bfem  free  hostelry.  -bnS  inn.  -lammer 
room  for  guests,  spare  room,  guest-chamber. 
-re  re  vi  feast,  banquet.  -eet  right  of  hospital! ty. 
siKM'ial  (siiting  ot  a)  court  in  the  ca>e  of  a 
s  tran  per,  special  session,  -retåbom  judgment  of 
a  wØ«fteret".  -retéfag  case  before  a  „Wflrfterei*. 
-ri  n  (^orbbrottenø  bo«  Sønbeme)  cosherlng.  -tøfle 
part  performed  by  a  s  tran  ger,  starring  part;  giøe 
-r  star  it.  -fa l  apartment  for  guests.  -feng  bed 
for  guests,  spare  bed.  -fialb  stable  for  travellers' 
horses,  -jtue  travellers'  room,  romnion  room 
(at  an  inn).  -ben  g  nest  -benlig  a  hospluble. 
-benffab  hospltality.    -boetelfe  fe  -f ammet. 

Qaftjfri  a  hospitable.  -fribeb  c  hospltality. 
•giber  innkeejær,  innholder;  landlord,  host. 
-giberbørb  ordiiiAry  at  an  inn.  -aibctf  aatb  inn. 
•giberi'  f£aanbteringen)  innkeepmg;  (©æftatoer- 
aaarb)  inn.  -giberftc  c  -r  innkeeper;  landlady. 
hosten,    -milb,  -tnilbbeb  fe  -fri,  -fru>b. 

OJæt  ning  c  -er  guessing;  guess,  conjecture. 

Wætte  vt  guess,  diviue;  -  flg  til  guess,  ~  en 
©aabe  sol  ve  a  riddle,  ieg  -r  paa  ftam  i  gue&s  it  is 
he.  -ebne,  -gabe  jtower  of  divination  -fund 
art  of  divination.  -leg  playing  at  riddlea  (fat- 
telig a  that  mav  1«  guessiid.  (Scttejn  c  gues- 
sing    -ti'  guessing.    -botrf  guesswork. 

®æ*  a  (urørlig)  excellent;  (brao;  gallant. 
•beb  c  excellence;  gallantry. 

®4  vi  bark,  bay  (ab  at);  ben  ^unb,  fom  -tr 
biber  itte  barking  dogs  seldom  bite. 

(Nbe  vt  manure,  dung;  •fejlebe. 
water  with  liquld  monure. 




ing;  manure,  dong;  •fattening.  —  @øbningø> 
karat  fe  fRijtbcenl.  -emne  manure,  fertilizer, 
manurial  substance.  -grube  manure  plt.  -iørfel 
carting  of  manure.  •fraft  cultivation.  -mibbel, 
-flø)f  fe  -emne.  -barbi  manurial  value.  <§«bfel, 
T<&øbffc  e  manure,  dung.  t<8øbffiting  e  manur- 

tiMe«  c  barking  etc.,  bark. 

@øg  c  -e  cuckoo,  Cucului,  •  P  chap,  customer. 
—  <9*ge|tlømjt  fe  Sngfarfe,  t  fe  -urt.  -lilje 
butlerfly  orchis,  Platanthera.  t-8tab  cuckoo's 
meat,  wood  sorrel,  Oxalis  acetotetia.  -støber 
petty-chaps,  Sylvia  curruca.  -rotte  fuller  ray, 
Jtaja  fuiconica.  -føbt  cuckoo-spittle.  »f patte 
gold-winged  woodpecker,  Coiapte«.  -fnattet  a 
cuckoo-spotted.  Mttte  fe  -mob.  -vr  cuckoo 
-clock.    f-«rt  orchis. 

Øøgl  n  humbug;  fe  Qøgleri. 

<£øg(e  vi  (gøre  Xaftenfpincrhmfier)  juggle, 
(brit>e  Karretøil)  play  the  buffoon.  -btllebe 
ph&ntom.  -fottft  art  of  Juggling,  legerdemain, 
sleight  of  band.  -Itoå  fe  Sogtemanb.  -n  c  fe  -ri. 
-r  c  -e  Juggler;  buffoon,  merry  Andrew,  -ri'  n 
juggling;  buffoonery,  an  tics  -rfl  a  deluslve. 
Qtøøierffe  c  t  Juggleress.  (Øøgterrrob  band  of 
jugglera.  GUglerørK  African  eagle,  Hetotarnu 
eoaudahu.  $øgte|fbil  Juggling  tricks.  -fb« 
phantasm.    -bort  juggling. 

<&*re,  gjorbe,  gjort  vt  (i  «lm.  oa  nabnlig  om 
abftrafte  Begreber)  do;  (om  en  fbectel  IJirten  og 
naonl.  om  fonfrete  Qenftanbe)  make  ($orjt.  omtr. 
iom  mellem:  tbun  og  ma$en);  -  en  ©al  bole 
a  b*U;  -  ftn  Bøn  say  one's  prayera;  -  $lb  light 
a  fire;  -  £onb  make  the  land;  bettr  $ar  gjort 
bang  fibtle  this  has  been  the  making  of  him; 
_  mange  Orb  use  many  words;  -  $labt  make 
room,  ban  gør  fine  Sager  gobt  he  plays  bis  part 
well,  does  very  well;  -  et  ©rrtbt  take  a  step; 
.  en  et  6pørg«maal  put  a  question  to  one,  ank 
one  a  question;  -  en  Ulejligfteb  give  one  trouble; 
_  røg  lay  eggB;  .  lo«,  fafl  A  make  loose,  last; 
.  en  Ibtfrlig  rig,  ofb.  make  (øgfaa,  om  barigrre 
tttrrntng:  render)  one  happy,  rich  etc.;  Itfe  faa 
rig  fom  man  gør  barn  not  so  rich  as  people  make 
Lim  out  to  be,  -  en  gal  drive  one  mad;  bon 
gør  big  itfe  noget  he  will  do  you  no  harm;  bet 
gør  onbt  it  hurts;  bet  gør  mig  onbt  I  am  sorry; 
bet  gør  mig  gobt  it  does  me  good;  bet  gør  ingen* 
ting  it  is  no  matter;  bet  gør  intet  til  Sagen  that 
is  nothing  to  the  purpose;  it  is  no  odds  at  all; 
boob  gør  bet?  what  of  that?  what's  the  odds? 
bet  gør  bserfen  fra  eller  til  that's  neither  here 
nor  there;  ban  bibfle,  bbab  bon  gjorbe  he  knew 
what  he  was  about;  fan  itfe  minbre  .bet?  won't 
les*  con  ten  t  you?  can't  less  do  the  turn?  ban 
qøt  bet  tfte  lange  he  won't  last  long,  he  is  going 
fast;  |eg  gør  bet  itfe  (Vfflag)  I  shall  do  np  such 
ihing,  I  shall  do  nothing  of  the  kind;  bebrage 
gør  ban  he  does  cheat;  og  bet  gjorbe  bi  and  so 
we  did;  gør  fom  $rceflen  preebitrr  og  ifle  fom  ban 

banbler  do  as  the  friar  saith,  and  notas  he  doeth; 
bette  gjorbe  at  this  had  the  effect  that,  did  so 
much  that;  bet  maa  -i  it  must  be  done;  -  fig 
elflei,  frbgtet  make  one's  self  beloved,  feared; 

-  flg  gal/  fbg  pretend  to  be  mad,  ill.  -  flg  Begreb 
om  form  an  idea  of;  ~  fig  ben  UlejXiøpeb  take 
the  trouble;  -  flg  et  rørinbe  feign  an  errand; 

-  flg  en  røre  af,  .  flg  til  af  take  pride  in,  pride 
el.  plume  one's  self  on;  bet  laber  fig  ilte  -  it 
cannot  be  (done),  is  not  to  be  done;  faa  oibt  bet 
laber  flg  -  as  far  as  practicable, .  fig  ub  til  Ørn* 
set  one's  self  against  it,  prove  refractory;  .  af 
en  like  one,  make  much  of  one,  joe  be  sweet 
upon  one;  qoor  tør  bu  gjort  af  .  .  .?  what  have 
you  done  with  .  .  .?  where  have  you  put,  lefl 
.  .  .  ?  jeg  trtbfte  ifle,  Ijoor  jeg  frulbe  ~  af  mig  I  did 
not  know  what  (o  do  with  myself;  ban  gør  mig 
for  meget  af  bet  he  bothers  me  too  much;  .  bet 
af  meb  make  away  with,  dispose  of,  -  nt  af  meb 
en,  fe  Afgøre;  -  efter,  fe  (Eftergøre;  jeg  fan  itfe 
r  for  bet  I  cannot  help  it,  it  is  not  my  fault; 
naar  jeg  bar  gjort  bet  fra  mig  when  I  have 
finished  it,  done  with  it,  got  it  off  my  hånds; 
.  (forretninger)  i  tråde  in,  deal  in;  -  i  $enge 
turn  Into  money,  gjorbe  bel  i  at  did  well  to, 

Jljorbe  itfe  flogt  i  was  not  doing  a  prudent  thing 
n;  .  en  i  mob  offend  one;  .  alting  meb  do  as 
others  do,  be  up  to  e very  thing;  qabe  meb  at  - 
have  to  do  with,  be  concerned  with;  -  et  meb 
en  make  common  cause  with  one,  be  gjorbe  meb 
barn,  btwb  be  oilbe  they  had  their  will  of  him; 
bet  er  itfe  gjort  meb  at  fnatfe  talking  will  not  do 
it;  frau  fartegnebe  Zigeren  fom  jeg  funbe  babe  gjort 
meb  en  JrarteriEing  as  I  would  have  done  a 
kitten;  gør  mob  anbre,  fom  bu  oil,  be  ftulle  . 
mob  big  do  unto  (el.  by)  others  as  you  would 
be  done  unto,  .om  alter;  bet  er  mig  om  at  - 
it  is  an  object  with  me,  I  am  anxious  about  it; 
bbab  ber  er  flet,  tan  ej  -8  om  what's  done  can't 
be  rindone;  -  op,  fe  Cpgøre;  -  oj>  meb  en  settle 
accounts  with  one,  .en  til  fin  Ben,  ffienbe  make 
a  friend,  enemy  of  one;  ban  bar  gjort  benbe  til  fin 
Stone  he  has  made  her  his  wife;  bet  fan  ingen 
.  noget  til  nobody  can  help  lt;  .  o  eb  et  Ur 
repair  a  watch.  bet  tan  jeg  itte  .  beb  I  can  do 
nothing  to  that,  I  cannot  help  that;  berbeb  er 
intet  at  .  it  cannot  be  helped;  bbab  bar  bu 
gjort  beb  Damet?  what  have  you  done  to  the 
child?  @øre|maal  n,  pi  =,  business,  avocatlon, 
duty.  -n  c  doing  etc.;  ban*  .  og  fiaben  his 
actions,  his  going«  ou,  sayings  and  doings.  -r 
c  -t  doer;  borber  Orbett  e  be  ye  doers  of  the 
word.  (Børlig  a  practicable,  feasible.  GUr- 
ligbeb  c  pracucabiUty,  feasibility,  feasibleness. 

Mørtler  e  -e  brazler. 

(Ba9  c  4,  (union)  Jack.  -ftlb  Jack  halyard. 
-ftøje,  -ftof  Jackstaff. 

®øta|elben  the  (river)  Gotha,  the  Gfltha  river. 
•taualcK  the  Gotha  el.  Gotha  can  al.  (Bøteborg, 
n  (foth'enburg. 



h.  I  ($oa]  a  -er  (»ogft.)  H,  h  faitch],  mus  B, 
»Ir  §.  —  $efte  part;  $b«.  Waj  ø  fcenbei 
TOojfftat  Her  Majesty,  A.  9W.  el.  $*.  9Raj.  «=  $an8 
IRojefiæt  His  Majesty;  (r.  ■>  §txx  Mr. 

fa!  interj  ha!  aha! 
lien  »hark,  dog-fish,  hoc,  S<tnai\u, 

*$aa  c  rowen,  aflermath. 

$aab  11,  pi  (+)  «=,  hope;  gore  fig  -  om  hope 
to  obtain,  have  hopes  of,  t  .  om  at  In  the  hope 
that,  in  hope«  that;  jeg  bat  .  I  have  some  hope; 
nære  .  be  in  hope  s,  ncere  gobt  .  I>e  in  good 
hope,  ncere  gobt  .  om  be  sanguine  of  el.  as  to; 





opgtbe  -et  lose  hope;  fatte  ftt  .  til  hope  in,  set 
one's  hope  In;  jeg  fætter  alt  mit  .  til  I  have 
fixed  all  my  hopes  on;  bet  gobe  *  førbjæra  the 
Cape  of  Good  Hope;  en  VHnifter  i  -et  a  would-be 
minister;  fe  Qefitæmme. 

'.fioabaØ  c  -er  mldsummer  (time  between  the 
so  wing  and  hay-cutting  seasons). 

$aab|e  vi  hope,  trust,  (meb  Dbjett)  hope  for; 
bet  tril  jeg  .  I  hope  so;  bet  cil  jeg  (ba)  tRe  .  I 
(should)  hope  not;  bet  er  at  ~  it  fs  to  be  hoped; 
~  paa  ®ub  hope,  trust  in  God;  -  HI  ®ub 
at  hope,  trust,  to  Qod  that.  £aab[efutb  a 
hopeful,  promising.  +-e»  c  hopfng.  -falb  full 
of  hope.  +-§ listt  ray  of  hope.  rUl  a  hopeless. 
-(*ft|eb  c  hopelessness. 

*&aøb'øH  fe  fyaabaU. 

*t*a  branb  fe  Øaamær. 

faag  fi  the  Hague. 
saj*gbttlug  fe  »ulbaa.    -iflng  long  dab,  Pleu- 
ronecte*  limandoid—.     *-!alI,  MJ  ær  ring  Green- 
land   shark,    Scymnu*   glacialt*,     -frøg    shark 

*$aal  a  slippery.  -fe  c  slipperiness  (of  ioé), 
glazed  road.    -f'et  a  frozen  and  slippery. 

Aaomær  e  porbeagle,  Lamna. 

Aaan  c  scorn,  disdaln.  -Mit  scornful  glance 
el.  look. 

$aøab  c  $ænber  hånd;  ben  flabe  .  the  palm; 
ben  bule  -  the  hollow  of  the  hånd;  gibe,  ræffe  en 
-en  shake  hånds  with  one;  gine  qinanben  -en 
shake  hånds;  ræffe  en  en  Itfætpenbe  .  stretch 
out  a  helping  hånd  to  one;  fe  Sabffe;  flaa  -en  af 
en  forsake,  abandon  one,  cast  one  oflf,  throw 
one  over;  for  .  by  hånd;  bø  for  enS  ~  die  at 
one's  hånds;  gaa  ub  for  -en  mob  en  go  out  with 
one;  bet  førfte  bet  falbt  fjant  for  -en,  i  $ænberne 
the  firet  that  came  to  hånd,  came  handy;  jeg 
tunbe  itTe  fe  (en)  ~  for  mig  I  eould  not  see  my 
hånd  before  me;  fra  en  og  i  ttunben  from 
nand  to  mouth;  gaa  fra  -en  go  off,  sell  (om 
Øarer);  faa  fra  -en  get  out  of  hånd;  Hrbejbet  gaar 
ffam  gobt  fra  -en  he  is  getting  on  well  with  the 
work;  ben  git  fra  .  til  -  it  was  hauded  about; 
jeg  bor  bet  fra  en  meget  fifler  -  I  have  it  from 
very  good  anthority;  tage  fin  -  bort  fra  en,  fe: 
flaa  -en  af;  fra  førfte  ~  from  the  best  authority 
el.  sonrce;  tage  i  -  shake  handB  with  one; 
jeg  tog  bet  i  -en  I  took  it  in  my  hånd;  meb  fraftig 
_  with  a  vigorous  nand;  ban  lobrbe  meb  -  og 
SRunb  he  pledged  his  word;  meb  egen  ~  with 
my  own  hånd;  ftrebet  meb  ban*  -  written  in  his 
hånd;  meb  bæbnet  -  arms  in  hånd;  _  ooer  (for, 
om)  -  vL  hånd  over  hånd;  tjolbe  fin  -  ober  hold 
out  a  protecttng  hånd  over;  paa  egen  ~  of  one's 
own  accord;  for  hlmself;  at  one's  own  risk; 
(alene)  single- handed;  paa  ^ojre  -  on  the  right 
nand;  paa  rebe  -,  $ænber  at  nand,  handy;  paa 
fri  .  by  nand,  only  with  the  hånds;  tegne  paa 
fri  ~  draw  without  the  aid  of  rule  el.  compass; 
fftjbe  paa  fri  .  shoot  without  rest;  paa  anben  - 
at  second  hånd;  gioe  $enge  paa  -en  give  money 
in  hånd;  fe  ©agpaa;  lægge  .  paa  noget  take  in 
hånd;  lægge  -  paa  en  lay  (vlolent)  hånds  on 
one;  lægge  -en  paa  Bærtet  put  one's  shoulder  to 
the  wheel;  lægge  ben  fibfte  .  paa  put  the  finishlng 
stroke  to;  -en  paa  fjertet!  honour  brlght!  til 
oenftre  -,  fefcenfrre;  unber  Ijan«  -  og  Segl  under 
his  hånd  and  seal;  fe  llnberfpanben;  beb  -en  at 
hånd,  handy;  —  gaa  en  til  fcaanbe  assist  one; 
bolbe  en  noget  tit  -e  hold  something  at  one's 
dlsposal;  bet  er  Tommel  mig  af  $ænbe  I  have 
lost  it;  lomme  en  i  Øænbe  come  to  hånd;  —  Ijaoe 
frie  $ænber  be  one's  own  master,  afree agent: 
gioe  en  frie  $ænber  til  at  leave  it  optional  with 
one  to;  fiænber«  Gerninger  handiwork;  leoer  af 
fine   -rt  Gerninger   lives  by  the  labour  of  his 

hånds;  f)ar  -ne  fulbe  has  his  hånds  full;  Hoppe  i 
•ne  clap  one's  hånds;  fafbe  i  -ne  paa  en  fall  in  to 
one's  hånds;  fpifle  en  nt  i  -ne  play  st  into  one's 
hånds;  ban  fir  troen  i  -ne  conviction  was  brought 
home  to  him;  lægge  $ænberne  i  Sføbet  sit  id  le, 
babe  $enge  imellem  jamber  have  money  in 
hånd;  bleb  borte  imellem  ne  paa  mig  slipped 
through  my  fingers;  meb  $ænber  og  ftøbber  tooth 
and  nail,  with  might  and  main;  toge  tmob  et 
XiiBub  meb  begge  $ænber  jump  at  an  offer;  bonbcn 
paa  $ænber  og  gøbbet  ti  ed  hånd  and  foot;  goar 
paa  -ne  walks  on  his  bands;  bære  paa  -ne  Ao 
dote  upon,  bibl  in  their  hånds  they  »hall  hear 
thee  up;  paa  fafte  -er  mere  not  in  the  market; 
flaa  Aænberne  fammen  af  grørfætbelfe  hold  up  one's 
bands  in  horror;  ftabe  et  Vrbejbe  unber  $æa» 
ber  have  a  work  in  hånd,  be  engaged  in  el.  on 
a  work.  —  $aaub|aare  scull.  •alfabet  manual 
alphabet.  -arbefbe  (Sbarbejbe)  needlework; 
(mobfat  Vlafttnarbejbe)  work  done  with  the 
hånds,  -arbejber  operative,  -armatur  small 
arms.  -atla&  hånd -atlas.  *-bag  back  of  the 
nand.  -balbe  ball  of  the  band.  -beaæaetfe 
movement  of  the  hånd,  gesticulation.  •biiliø- 
tef  reference  library,  -bil,  •-bile  halenet. 
+-Mob  fe  -flabe,  -bog  manual,  hand-book,  handy 
book,  tezt  book.  -breb  c  handbreadth.  -tre* 
a  broad  as  the  hånd.  -tre*  autograph  letter, 
-bne  (hånd-)  bow.  *-bttttbea  a  knit  by  hånd. 
-•ælte«  washhand-basln.  -bøjle  (p.  Sabel)  bow; 
fe  -jæm.  -bafl  slap.  -belt  a  palmate.  -bønfraft 
hand-screw,  jack-screw.    -bug  towel. 

$aa*be|(ag,  -lab  handiness.  manual  adroit- 
ness.  -lig  a  fe  tønbelig.  -benbtug:  i  en  -  In  no 
time,  in  the  turn  of  a  hånd,  in  the  twinkling 
of  an  eye;  joc  in  the  twinkling  of  a  bedpost. 

$aanb|faaet  a  $ant  pawn.  -faag  handle.  -faH 
a  strong,  »tout,  +  håndfast,  -faffeeb  stoutness. 
•fil  hand-file.  -flabe  palm  of  the  band.  -før- 
arbejbet  a  hånd  made.  -foraiig  a  hand-sbaped; 
fe  -belt;  -t  tløbet  ^  palmately  cleft.  -falb  c  t 
handful.  -fulbebi«  i  -  by  handfuls.  -fsrblf 
a  handy,  -færbigtyeb  handiness.  -førfte  hold 
-fæfrntug  c  charter,  -gangen  a  tna  belonging  to 
the  king's  housohold;  Aa  bære  en  .  render  one 
sult  and  service,  -gemæug  n  fray,  srutHe;  mil 
close  combat  el.  fight,  hand-to-hand,  come  to 
close  quarters.  •gerniug(Sarbejbe)  manual  work 
el.  labour.  •gerntngfmaab  handloraftsman 
-geraiagftfløle  school  of  handlcraft.  -ge*ær 
hand-weapou.  -granat  hånd  grenade.  -greb 
(fang)  handle;  (paa  Sbærb)  hilt;  (®re6  meb  §.) 
giasp;  fio  knack,  dexterity;  mil  movement;  pi 
the  manual  exerclse(s);  labe  en  gennemgaa  -ene 

f»ut  one  through  the  manual  exercisea.  -gribe' 
ig  a  palpable;  .  Spøg  practical  joke.  -fri  "»c 
lig^eb  palpableness,  obviousness;  pi  bet  tom  til 
-er  they  fell  to  loggerheads  ingen  -ex  no  fight- 
ing.  -Ijaffe  handhoe.  -baffe  vt  hand-hoe 
•beft  led  horse,  -biælp  manual  assistance;  (ftibn  ) 
appui.  -bætte  vt  maintaln,  assert,  vindicate. 
-qæbelfe  maintaining  etc.,  maintenance,  asser- 
tion, vindication.  -pæbrr  e  -e  maintainer,  vindi- 
cator,  assorter;  Orbenenø  -  the  custodian  of 
order.  -jofle  .£,  hauling-line;  whip.  -jæra  ma- 
nacle,  handcuff,  hand-fetter;  lægge  -  paa  mi- 
naele,  handcuff.  +-tamp  fe  -gemæng.  -faft  stone's 
throw.  -lebelpumpe  boller  hånd -pump.  -flap, 
+-flappen  olapping  of  hånds,  handclapping 
-flæbe  towel,  (uben  ttnbe)  jack  towel,  roller-towol. 
•tlæbebrejel,  -ffæbetaj  towelllng.  -Næbe|ølber 
towel-horse.  -fniplet  a  hånd  made  (lace).  -ført 
pi  (i  Spil):  gobe  .  a  good  nand.  -foft  short 
-handle  broom.  -fraft  strength  of  hånd;  (mobf 
Damp«,  Vlafftn )  hånd-power;  meb  -  by  hånd. 
-tuffert  portmanteau.  -furø  hånd  basket,  -føærn 




hand-mill.  -rø  klss  on  the  hånd.  -fedning 
Jdssing  of  bands,  -tørre  hand-cart,  truck. 
-fob:  fælge  i  .  Bell  over  the  counter.  Mag  fe 
itaanbelab.  -langer  c  -e  helper,  assistant,  tender, 
(Wturb.)  hodman.  -(eb  wriat.  -lefgttøn  fe  -orb« 
bog.  Mime  fe  -toft.  -linie  line  of  the  nand. 
-linning  wristband.  -lifte  gnard.  -lob  band 
-lead.  -lobline  band -line.  -lugning  weedlng 
by  band.  -Ibgte  hand-lantern.  -lånte  fe  -iarn. 
-løg  o  handless.  -<§)magt  fe  -froft.  -mejfet 
hand-chisel.  -mong(e)  fe  -gemang.  -nufle  hånd 
-mlll.  +-nem  a  handy,  adroit.  -orbbog  com- 
pendious  dictionary.  -orgel  hand-organ.  -pant 
fr  -faaet  $ant.  -penge  earnest  (money),  arle(s)- 
penny,  nand  money;  (til  €  ol  bat  er)  press-money, 
bounty.  -pig  fe  -fpbb.  -pløo  hand-plough. 
-Jjofe  bandbag.  -preftf*  hand-press.  -pumpe 
hand-pump.  -pufter  hand-bellows  pi.  -p$é 
bucket.  -ramme  fe  ftambut.  -nring  bracelet. 
-rob  wrist,  carpus.  -robtabe  tarsius.  -robgben 
bone  of  the  carpus.  -ralle  mangle,  -retning 
aid,  assistance,  band,  nand 's  turn.  -faaning 
(aowing)  broadcast.  -fab,  *-f«g  bandsaw.  •-fog 
florrer  band  sawyer. 

faanbgbreb  fe  $aanbfrreb. 
«anb|fetreta?r  private  secretary.  -ftitttng 
pocket-money.  -fflbe  hand-drnm.  -jrjofb  target. 
-ftreben  a  manuscript.  -ftrift  n  manuscript;  e 
bandwriting;  (ftorffrtbning)  note  of  band.  -ftrift« 
trebitor  creditor  by  note  of  hånd.  -ffriftlig  a 
manuscript.  -ftrtftlaøning  reading  of  manu- 
scripts  -ftriftfamlerautograph-collector.  -ftrift' 
nibrnftob  palcograpby.  -ftrfbelfe  fe  -breo.  -ftri 
ver  clerk,  amanuensis,  -ftrne  hand-screw. 
•ffnbebaaben  pi  nand  fire-arms,  small  arms. 
»ftarnt  banner-screen,  -flaort  a  hand-laid. 
-flag  (6tag)  hand-blow;  (AaanbtrOf)  squceze  el. 
ahake  of  the  nand;  (Softe)  solemn  promise. 
-finage  sling,    -fnore  band  line. 

fioanbåjopratuing  show  oi  hånds.  -paatag> 
grffe  Imposition  (of  hånds). 

$a«nb|fpa)e  small  spade,  -fpag(e),  -fbiger 
hand-spike.  -fpejl  band-glass.  -fpil  ^  nand 
-crab.  -fprojte  Bquirt;  (mobf.  Stamp  )  hand-engine. 
•fpnnben  a  hand-spun.  -fpbjb  abort  spear,  half 

taanbirøfning  c  a  band's  turn,  a  band. 
aanbiflige  small  ladder.  -flor  a  as  big  as  a 
fi-i  -flcrrt  a  strong-handed.  -foeb  hidrosis. 
-{normer  squib.  -flyet  a  nand  se wu  el.  -made. 
-fnning  nand -w ork.  -tag  fe  -greb,  -trut,  (til 
Zøitbeoaanb)  hoop-stick.  -tage,  -taoe  c  stroke  on 
the  hånd.  -talje  ^  burton.  -tegning  design, 
sketch,  (&ribaanb*tegning)  free-hand  drawing, 
drawing.  -ten  distaff.  -te  re  vt  handle,  manage, 
wield.  -te  ring  c  -er  handling  etc.;  (Øaanboart,) 
tråde,  crafl,  handicraft.  -te  rug  a  manageable. 
-tot  a  &  handtight.  -tromle  hånd-roller,  -trbf 
squeeze,  presning  el.  preasure  of  tbe  hånd, 
band&hake,  hand-grip.  -toatning  washiug  of 
bands,  -tarfln'.ug  thrashiug  by  hand-nail. 
•ubgane  compend.ous  edition,  -naaben  hånd 
weapou,  pi  small  arms,  portable  arms.  -babft 
ning  fe  -tastning,  -oiube  wiucli,  (til  ©or)  baud 
-braoe.  -binget  a  hånd- w  in  ged,  cheiropterous. 
-nifer  index,  -bogn  hand-cart.  -nol  handle 
(of  a  flail).  -»agter  pi  dumb  bells.  -borge  fe 
-oaaben.    -bart  tråde,  handicraft,  crafl. 

£aanboarter  c  -e  mechanic,  artisan,  crafls- 
man,  handl  craftsman,  tradesman;  mil  A  & 
artiflcer.  -bragt  artisan's  dress.  -forening 
mechanics'  association,  tråde- s)- union,  -i  n  -et, 
fe  $aonb»art.  -tåre  apprenticeship;  bare  i  ~ 
serve  one's  apprenticeship.  -ftiftelfc  mechanics' 
asyl  am 
$a«ttb*art*|breng  apprentice.    -brtft  tråde. 

-bttgtigtyeb  meehanieal  skill.  -folf  mechanics, 
craitsmen.  -lab  trade's  corporation,  craft-guild. 
-manb  fe  $aanbbarter.  -m  efter  master  mechanic. 
•ntadfig  a  meehanieal.  -ftole  industrial  school, 
school  of  arts.  -fbrøg  mechanics'  language. 
-flanb  industrial  class.  -flot  staff  of  artiflcers. 
-fnenb  Journeyman.  -tarer  tradesmen's  goods 
(for  sale). 

$aanbjo*9(erfiøi)  hand-loom.  -bonet  a  vvoven 
by  hånd.  -oWe  hatchet,  handy  bill.  -øoet  a 
skilled,  expert. 

#aant  vt  seorn,  scoffat.  —  ^aa'nlfnlb,  +-f*lbt 
a  scornnil.  disdainful.  -bjeb  (ftoragt)  Bcoru,  dis- 
daiu;  -t-(®fam)  shame.  -latter  scornful  laugh(ter), 
sneer.  $aanlig  a  &,  adv  fe  -fulb;  -  omtale  be- 
litUe.  $aan|ffrtg  hooting.  -fmil  disdainful 
smile,  sneer.  -9orb  scornful  words,  taunts  pi. 
•dnbrrbj  contemptuous  expression.  -t  adv  scorn- 
fully;  labe  -  om  disdain,  disregard,  make  light 
of,  think  scorn  of,  pooh-pooh  (om  at  to). 

6aat  n,  pi  «=,  bair;  fætte  flt  -  dress  one's 
hair;  rive  fig  i  -et  tear  one's  bair;  poa  et  .  to  a 
bair;  poa  et  tjeengenbe  -  within  a  hair*  s  breadth, 
within  an  ace,  tjan  er  itte  et  -  bebre  he  is  no 
whit  better,  there  is  not  a  pin  to  choose  be 
tween  them;  fig  tratte  mb  efter  (beb)  -ene  drag  in 
by  tbe  head  and  shoulders;  truttet  beb  -et  far 
-fetched;  tomme  i  -ene  tommen  fall  together  by 
the  ears,  come  to  loggerheads;  ligge  i  -ene  paa 
binanben  be  at  loggerheads  el.  by  the  ears;  fatte 
åfoll  i  -ene  paa  b>eranbre  set  people  by  the  ears; 
fatte  gatten  paa  tre  -  cock  one's  hat  (on  three 
hairs);  -ene  reifte  fig  paa  mit  $ooeb  my  hair  stood 
on  end,  meb  $ub  og  -  skin  and  all.  $aar|affatb 
med  alopecy.  -arbejbe  halr-work.  -arbefber 
artist  In  hair.  -baanb  hair  band;  (til  $aatet; 
head  band.  -betlabning  hairy  coat,  pile.  -be« 
»orøet  a  hairy.  -bolb  hair  ball.  -buttel  buckle, 
ourl.  -bnnb  roots  of  the  hair,  scalp.  -batte 
belt  of  hair  cloth.  -bojle  hairslide.  -borfte 

^aa'rb  a  hard;  (ftrcng)  harsh,  severe;  -  S»on 
heavy  sleep;  -t  Øejr  hard  weather;  -e  ©er*  rough 
vene;  bette  er  en  .  Talt  bibt  this  is  a  hard 
saylng;  .  tmob  hard  upon,  harsh  to,  Ijolbe  fig  . 
stand  out  (against);  tyibt  -t  SiD  be  cos  ti  ve,  bet 
bilbc  bare  -t  om  it  would  be  hard  lines  if,  -t 
imob  t !  F  pull  deVil,  pull  baker.  fatte  -t  imob 
•t  repel  force  by  force;  —  ftaarbt  adv  hard, 
hardly  etc  ;  bet  git  -t  til,  $olbt  -t  it  was  with 
difflculty.  with  much  ado,  jeø  faonebe  -t  I  sorely 
mlssed,  <£,  t  iBagborb  hard  a  port,  -t  i  fia  hard 
a-lee.    -agtig  a  bardish. 

tao  rbannet  a  capillary. 
aa'rb  |  barfeta  hard- riuded;  caUous,  hard  en  ed, 
case-hardened.  -braabt  a  annealed;  -e  9Rurften 
clinkers.  -bnnbfteng  upland  meadow  -bnnbøb* 
upland  hay.  ^aarbelig  ado  hard.  fiaarblf rodfen 
a  hard  frozeu,  congealed.  -for  a  nardy.  -for 
beb  hardinesB.  -beb  e  bardness.  (StrengVb) 
harshness,  roughness.  -biertet  a  hardhearted. 
•bjertetbeb  c  hard  heartednews.  -bnbet  a  hard 
-sklnned,  cailou  s.  -bnbetbeb  c  callosity.  -banbet, 
#-banbt  a  hard  banded.  -fnttbc  hard  kno t. 
-toge  vt  boil  hard.  -togt  a  hard  bolled;  (tKUtfte* 
lig)  hard  of  cooklng  -tinet  a  costive,  belly 
-bo and,  conflned  in  the  bowels.  -libetfaeb  o 
costiveness,  constlpation.  -mnnbet  a  hard 
•mouthed.  -maltet  a  difficult  to  milk  el.  to 
suck.  -nattet  a  stiff-necked,  obstinate,  perai- 
Bteut;  —  adv  obstinately;  fcotbet  .  faft  paa  ben 
Zro  at  persists  in  believing  tbat.  -nattealpeb, 
-nattetbeb  o  obstinacy,  stubbornness,  persistency. 
-ne  vi  harden  -raabe  kitt  ^aralb  -  Harold  the 
Tyrant,  Harold  Hardrada. 




t$aa  rbrag  n  pulling  by  the  hair.    -e  vt  pull 
by  the  hair.    -e»  vd  pull  each  other  etc. 

'§aa  rb|f  altet  a  strongly  salted.  -finbet  fe 
-bifTtct.  -ffaflet  a  hard-shelled.  -fmeltelig  a 
difilcult  of  fusion.  -tøffe  copper-brick.  -fttit 
<i  case- hard ened.  -talcnbe  a  speaking  in  a 
haren  voioe  el.  tone.  -trabevbe  a  hard-trotting. 
high  -  Stepping,  »fraøer  high-  stepper,  hard 
-trotter.  £aarbt  faaret  a  severely  wounded. 
$aa'rb  tugtet  a  undisclplinable. 

$aa'r|bag  haircloth,  horse -hair;  (til  fjlag) 
bu  n  tin  g.  -bnft  tuft  of  hair. 
taa'rbbebbet  a  hardwooded. 
►aare  vi  shed  the  hair. 
>aartt  a  hairy.  -beb  c  hairlness,  pi  los  i  ty. 
ia*  rjfager  a:  $aratb  ~  Harold  Fairhair.  -fa Ib 
falling  off  of  the  hair,  alopecy,  foxevil.  -farbe 
colour  of  the  hair.  -farte,  -farontngb'mibbef 
hair  dye.  -febt  grease  for  the  hair.  -filt  hair 
•felt.  -fin  a  fine  as  a  hair,  capillary;  fig  ex- 
tremely  nice.  -fletning,  *-f!ette  brald  of  hair. 
-for  mi  g  fe  -bannet.  -forretning,  fe  -Qanbcl.  -fri* 
fererfte,  -frifnr,  -frifar  fe  ftrifererfre  oft>.  -fblbe 
profusion  of  hair.  -fftlbuina  shedding  the  hair, 
(om  $ttr)  moulting.  -gople  fe  ftranbc«.  -Ijanbel 
hair- tråde,  tråde  in  hair  t-tyue  hair-cap.  -Cam 
bair-comb.  -far  capillary  (vessel).  -ntyntng 
hair  cutting.  -tUpptmaftint  hair-cutting  ma- 
chine.  -flabe  fe  -bug.  -flaner  c  c  hair  splitter. 
-flabert  n  hair- splitting.  -floøenbe,  -ttabertff  a 
hair- splitting,  -trnøntng  frizzling.  -trafle  curl, 
^ængenbe)  ringlet,  -funffner  hair-dresser.  -(of 
lock  of  hair.  -(ag  hair-bulb.  -laft  ci  hairless. 
•loåfceb  baldness.  -ntabra*  hair-mattress.  -ttaal 
hair-pln,  black  pin.  -net  net  for  the  hair,  hair 
-net.  -olie  oil  for  the  hair.  -arm  Guinea- worm, 
Filarta  meitinenri*.  -brnfel  hair  pencil.  -pH 
arrow  for  the  hair.  -pift  pigtail,  queue.  -^lefe 
care  of  the  hair.  -pubber  hair-powder  -pung 
hair  bag  -bnttfel  burnisher.  -bbnt  dressing  of 
the  hair,  hair  dre«s.  -rem  hairy  side  (of  a  hide 
or  skin),  -rifle  hair-rifle.  -rig  a  hairy.  -rig* 
bom  hairinena.  -ring  ring  made  of  hair;  ring 
with  hair.  -rob  (Koben  af  et  $.)  root  of  a  (the) 
hair;  (ffiobrretrt)  rootlet.  -robftebe  follicle  (of 
tlie  hair).  -rar  capillary  tube.  -roréfraft  ca- 
pillary action.  -fa»  hair-scissors.  -faloe  poma- 
tum,  halr-ointment.  $aarAbrrb  hair-breadth,  tg 
shade,  degree.  $aar|fibe  fe  -rem.  -fi.  -figte  hair 
sieve,  tammy.  -finte  (til  SRennefler)  *eton;  (til 
$bt)  rowel.  -ffaft  halr-shaft.  -ffel,  -ffilning 
parting  of  the  hair  (on  the  head),  ftjørte  hair- 
cloth shirt.  -ffoel  dandriff.  -florer  halr-dre«ser. 
flajfe  bow  of  ribbon  (on  the  hair)  *$aar£mon 
fe  fcaartbreo.  $aar,'fnør  cord  of  hair.  -fnore 
hair-line.  -folb  coaree  hair  sleve,  -tø  at  ter  pi, 
typ  hair  spares,  -tøibø  point  of  the  hair;  fig 
lige  ub  ril  -ente  every  inch  of  him.  -fften  needle 
-stone.  -filH  fe  -ffaft.  -ft  jente  hair-star,  Voma- 
tula.  -ftraa  (single)  hair.  -f«f  haircloth  sæk; 
(i  $uben)  halr-bag,  follicle.  -tanb  chsetodon. 
-tang  tweezers.  -tabe,  -tjao*  tuft  of  hair.  -top 
toupee.  -tot  knot  of  hair.  -truffen  a  far-fet- 
ched.  -tnr  tour,  tete.  -forøe  coverlet  made  of 
hair.  -tt(b  hair  wool.  -øabft  washing  of  the 
head.  -balf  roller,  -øanb  hair-wash.  -øilbt  four 
•footcd  game.  -bøf*  pomatum.  -øatft  growth 
of  hair. 

*&a*  frjocrbtng  e  fe  Øoafall. 

*$qa 'fntar  n  August  butter. 

$aatorft  c  dog-finh,  JSpinax. 

«$*a*  fe  $ob  1. 

habengut  [t.]  «  goods  and  chatteis. 
»abi'i  a  able.    -ite're  vt  qualify.    $abit'  c  -er 
hab  it.    £a'tituft  c  hab'it. 

$aa)i'*  [fr.]  c  hash. 

£ab',  *$a'b  n  hatred  (til  for,  of,  against,  to), 
ha  te,  spite  (against);  lægge*  for  .  incur  odium, 
be  subject  to  hatred;  nære  -  til  hate,  be*r 
hatred  towards.  $abe  vt  hate;  (Zraer)  fe  We 
ffsre.  6abefnlb  a  splteful.  +^obegaad  outcast. 
bete  notr.  ^abelig  a  odious.  $aber  c  -e  hater 
(of),  enemy  (to).  J&abff'  a  rancorous.  $abff4e» 
c  rancorousness. 

Aaft  fe  {»abe  v. 

Aage  c  -r  (ftrog)  hook;  (paa  ^efleffo)  calk. 
calkln;  (bao  %\tx)  barbule;  fio  drawback.  tege 
vt  hook;  -  fig  fafr  i  hook  on  to;  .  ftg  frem  na\ul 
along  (with  the  boat-hook). 

*^age  ($at>t)  o  -r  enclosure,  enclosed  pastnre. 
(minbre)  paddock. 

$age  c  -c  chtn.  -baaub  tie  riband;  fe  -re«, 
-ben  jaw-bone,  maxillary.    -binb  chin-cloth. 

^age|b(ab  hook-scarf.  -blot  hook-block.  -bolt 
(Dmp.)  hook -bolt.  -borflf  hooked  bristle.  -baftfe 

Åagelbng  bib.    -bnn  down  on  the  chln. 

Åageififf  old  male  sal  mon,  kelt.   -file  ^  gib. 

Åageflaft  c  dimple. 

$agef  ord  »  cross  cramponee,  cross  with  hooks, 
hooked  cross. 

agel  c  fe  røetfeftaget. 
agel  fe  Aagl. 

»agellaff  fe   blab.    Mat*  fe  fif*. 
agel  rem  chin-straps.   -ffinne  fe  -fibRe.    -fforg 
board  (on  the  chin),  f  goatce. 
ageffbtte  c  arquebusier. 
agefniøeffe  c  bib,  (eeder. 
ageftang  c  (p.  $ontraft)  spear. 
ageflbffe  n  chin-piece. 

agelftob  hook-butt.   -t  a  hooked,   »tap  tenon. 
•tob  nook-rope.    -*fe  eye  of  a  hook. 

^agl  n  A  c,  pi  =,  liail,  (et  enfelt)  hailstone, 
(til  at  frtjbe  mcb)  (small;  shot.  -beftabiget  a 
ravaged  by  hail.  -Manbet  a  mixed  with  h&U. 
-bbge  hail  shower,  hail  storm.  -b*3fe  fowling 
-pieoe,  sliot-guu.  ^ag(|e  vi  hail;  (om  ftuglrn 
fall  like  hail,  like  a  sliower,  patter;  Soeben  -be 
af  barn  perspiratlon  streamed  down  his  fare. 
-fabrtf  8hot-manufactory.  -forfifrtng  hail-insur- 
ance.  -gebttr  fe  -bødfe.  -iling  fe  -boge.  -font 
hail-stone.  -labning  charge  of  shot.  -maa! 
(shot  )<harger.  -bofe,  -bnng  shot- bag,  shot 
-pouch.  -ffabe  damage  done  by  hail.  -ffabelibt 
a  ravaged  by  hail.  *-ftur  fe  -bbge.  -fr>  hail 
-cloud.    -ftora,  -øeir  hail-storm,  haily  weather. 

*^agtom  c  hawthorn,  Cratno**  oxyacantMa. 

$*\  c  -er  shark,  Squalui.  -fifl  b.  f.  -trog 
ahark-hook.  -line  shark -line.  -tanb  shark 's 

»af'  n,  pi  s,  hack,  notch,  indentation. 
afelba ma  bibl  Aceldama. 
affmgter  pi  hoed  crops. 
»ofte  e  -r  pickaxe,  mattock.    £affe  vt  &  i 
hack,    hoe,    grub;    (om   ^rugle)   peck   (paa   st), 
iftøb)  chop,  mince;  (i  Za(en)  stutter;  jeg  -c  Xcenbrr 
af  ftiilbe  my  teeth  are  chattering  with  cold;   . 
baa  fip  carp  at;   -  Sefte  make  vests  of  Turkish 
crochet.     -blot  chopping-block.     -bolt  ^  rag 
-bolt.    -brat  chopping-board;  mus  dulcimer;  J, 
taffrail.    -fniø  chopping-knife. 

^aftelfe  c  chaff;  ffcere  .  chop  straw.  -fifle 
(Sfstettfie)  chaff-cutter;  (til  at  gemme  $.)  hin 
for  chaff.  -fniø  chopping-knife.  -maftine  chaff 

£affe|mab  minced  meat,  mince -meat;  fo 
gaUimaufry.  -balfe  white  pudding;  »c  (et  eget 
S(agft)  haggis.  -ri'  a  stuttering,  hemming  and 
h^wing.  *-tø*t  woodpecker,  Piau.  gafning 
c  hacking,  etc. 

Aal'  c  -ler  large  saloon,  hall. 

$al  n  pull. 




*£atb  fi  palring  season  of  the  reindeer. 

gate  vt  k  i  haul,  pull;  ~  an  Unberftøber  .£, 
haul  afl  sheets;  -  bar  A,  haul  in  the  slack  of; 
round  in,  round  up;  .for  SRerfrftøber  ^  sheet 
home  the  topsails;  -  i  fine  Cutter  hitch  up  one'B 
trowsers;  -  i  nb  vt  haul  in;  vi  paa  et  Slib  galn 
upon  a  Bhip;  f  ~  (en)  inb  overtake;  -  neb  haul 
down;  -  ub  delay,  put  off,  vi  step  out,  strike 
out,  (paa  Barerne)  streteh  out,  lay  out;  — 
balenbe  a  (røart)  ^  hauling  (part). 

$a!e  c  -r  tail,  (Slæbene)  brush;  nteb  -en  mellem 
Benene  with  his  tail  between  his  legs.  -ben 
rump- bone.    -braab  caudal  sting. 

-K$*lrbrø  c  ferry-bridge. 

£ale|b«tffeber  tail  covert.  -finne  tail  fin. 
-f  feber  tail  feathcr. 

talegat  n  4,  transporting  chock(s). 
alejbvirbet  caudal  vertebra.  +-t>«uger  echo, 
imitator,  -tratte  New  Zealand  crow,  Gtancopis. 
+-lana  fe  Sangqalet.  -lad  a  tailless.  -meffe  long 
-t&tled  titmouse,  Parug  cnudatu*.  -neger  tailed 
negro,    -rem  crupper.    -ftttfte  aitch-bone. 

faletøv  ^  swifter. 
ale|  tabte  tadpole.  -ventil  tail  val  ve.  -nitter 

fatte  P  for  #al. 
aflelnja!  hallelu'jah. 
Rafling  c  -er  inhabitant  of  Halliugdal;  a  kind 
of  rustic  solo-dance.    -ntanb  fe  SprceHtmanb. 
taflø    int,  n>  tallybo  t;  fe  fiauøj  ! 
»allttrtnatiø'tt  o  -er  hallucina'tion. 
»aUøi',  Aaftaj  l  int  halloo,  hollo,  holloa  t  — 
»  uproar,   hubbub,  row;  gøre  .  kick  up  a  row. 
-tyot  wide-awake.    -mager  c  -e  rioter. 

$atm  c  (+  n)  straw,  haulm;  (fcfgrobe)  crop. 
-baanb  straw  band.  -btyne  straw  mattress,  pal- 
liasae.  -et  a  strawy.  -føber  (feeding  on)  straw. 
t-|*f  »tack  of  straw.  -tntppe  bundle  of  straw, 
-farv  straw-basket.  -tot*  cart-  el.  waggon-load 
of  straw.  -maatte,  *-matte  straw  mat.  -neg  fe 
-tntppe.  -prit  beacon  surmounted  by  a  bundle 
of  straw.  -reb  straw  rope.  -rafter  c  -e  straw 
-shaker,  -ftraa  straw,  halm;  ben,  fom  er  nsroeb 
at  brufne,  griber  efter  et  -  a  drowning  man  will 
catch  at  a  straw.  -fæ!  straw-bed.  -tag  thatched 
roof.    -vift  wisp  of  straw. 

Stttot  bfttlt  n  haloid  salt. 
al«)  e  -e  (i  Vin.)  neck;  (Struben)  throat;  (paa 
Hobe)  stem;  .1,  (ril  Sejl)  tack;  (paa  <*affel,  Hntet) 
throat,  (paa  jjab)  q uarter;  -er  I  ^  raise  tacks 
and  sheets!  bratte  -en  break  one's  neck;  gibe  ~ 
give  tongue,  challenge  (paa  to);  gøre  .  stretch 
out  one's  neck;  tnsfte  en  paa  en  fttafte  crack  a 
bottle;  rætfe  -  pay  the  penalty  of  death,  p 
kick  the  bucket;  en  Ijaarb  -  a  rough  customer; 
raabe  a  f  fulb  .  cry  out  at  the  top  of  one's  voice; 
le  af  fulb  -  roar  with  laughter;  lugte  ub  af  -en 
have  a  foul  breath;  babe  onbt  i  -en  have  a  sore 
throat:  tomme  i  ben  gale  -  go  down  the  wrong 
way;  pibe  i  -en  paa  en  pour  down  one's  throat; 
aaben  t  -en  open  at  the  neck;  meb  $fertet  i  -en 
with  my  heart  in  my  mouth;  fe  Søgn;  ligge 
meb  Stnrborbt,  øagborM  $alfe  &  be  on  the 
staxboard  el.  port  tack;  falbe  en  om  -en  fall 
upon  one's  neck;  throw  one's  self  about  (upon) 
one's  neck;  breje  -en  om  paa  wring  the  neck  of, 
one's  neck;  bære  om  en  -  be  undone;  fritte  -en 
op  4,  raise  the  tack;  ober  ~  og  $obeb  in  hot 
hoste,  precipltately,  in  a  great  hurry,  with  the 
utmost  speed,  (om  Søb)  head  over  heels;  Ijabe 
(faaet)  paa  -en  be  encumbered  with,  have  got 
upon  one's  hånds;  foa  en  Reber  paa  -en  get  a 
fever;  berbeb  fil  ban  mange  §ølt  paa  -en  by  this 
he  made  himself  a  great  many  enemies,  brought 
the  world  about  his  ears;  ftaffe  en  (nt)  paa  -en 
saddle  one  with,  plague  one  with;  bore  en  paa 

-en  do  all  one  can  to  injure  one;  føra  er  en 
Specialift,  en  Xorti  (o.  fl.)  paa  fin  -  he  is  a 
specialist  of  the  specialists,  a  Tory  of  the 
Tories,  eto.;  ban  er  en  (Sngelftmanb  paa  fin  ~  he 
knows  English  thoroughly;  ribe  -en  unber  4> 
board  the  tack;  -  unber!  ^  board  tack!  $alø|- 
aag  (neck-)yoke.  -aare  jugular  (artery).  -baanb 
(til  »binber)  necklace,  necklet;  (til  $unbe)  collar; 
(paa  ftanon)  astragal.  -baanbåpapegafe  rose 
-ringed  parrakeet,  Palæornia  torquatu*.  -barm 
J,  tack.  -ben  vertebra  of  the  neck.  -betanbelf  e 
Inflammation  of  the  throat.  -binb  stock.  -blot 
tack-block.  -bolt  tack-piece.  -brtonbe  water 
-brash,  black  water.  -brinte  gorget.  -brattenbe 
a  breakneck.  *-brombe  fe  -brpnbe.  -bngftnnebe 
p/jugulars.  -btylb  boil  in  the  throat.  -banbffl^ 
tack-seizing.  -bng  fe  -dub.  6atfe  vi  give  throat 
el.  tongue,  bay;  j,  wear  snip;  -  grotten  unber 
board  the  fore  tack.  $alfeføt  fore-trysail.  $alfe* 
fbge  fe  $a!8fbge.  $alfetra  J,  bed.  ^al9|finnefifl 
fe  -bugfinnebe.  -ffeber  neck-feather.  +-føber  fur 
cover  for  the  throat,  comforter.  -grube  throat 
-pit.  -Ingge  vt  behead.  decapitate.  -bngning 
e  decapitation.  -bbirbei  vertebra  of  the  neck. 
-jam  iron  collar.  -tirtel  Jugular  gland,  tonsil, 
almond.  -ttampe  ^  chess-tree.  -ttnb,  -ftøebe 
fe  -tørtlabe.  -tnøb  ^  crowned  wall  knot.  +-tnbt' 
ter  necktie.  -tobbel  collar.  -trave  false  shlrt; 
(af  $fI8Dært  el.  1.  for  Samer)  tippet,  victorine. 
-t«be  neck-ohain.  -leje  collar,  bolster,  -linning 
band  of  a  shirt.  -Ityb  fe  Strube-.  -Ujert  ^f> 
tack-cringle.  -U9  a  neckless;  .  (Berning  capital 
offence,  hanging  matter  el.  affair.  -mnftet 
cervical  muscle.  -vnbe  complaint  in  the  throat. 
-opiater  <£*  tack  tridng-line.  -perter  beads  of 
a  necklace.     -pibe    gullet.     -pig  (paa  $unbe* 

Salftbaanb)  spike.  -pine  sore  throat.  -pnbe  (i 
olfttørfl.)  sdffener;  (paa  Seletøj)  pad.  -rant  a 
straight  necked.  -rem  throat  band.  -(og  ^aanbø)' 
ret  power  of  life  and  Umb,  of  life  and  death. 
-ring  ring  for  the  neck,  collar.  -rvg  back  of 
the  neck.  -ftaffe  neck-knot.  -fmerte  sore  throat. 
•fmtitte  ornament  for  the  neck.  -fnor  string 
worn  round  the  neck.  -ftarrig  a  stubborn, 
obstinate,  stlff-necked,  mule-headed.  -ftarrig« 
Ijeb  c  stubbornnes8,  obstinacy.  -ftemmc  falsetto, 
head -voice.  -ftivbeb  stiffnesa  of  the  neck. 
-flopper  4>  preven ter-stopper,  -frrimmel  fri  11, 
niff.  -fttjtfe  (af  flagtet  Sbr)  neck.  -fbgbom,  -fbge 
complaint  in  the  throat,  (onbartet,  *tronbb|emfl) 
diphtherla.  -talje  tack -tackle,  -top  upper 
gudgeon.  -tilføwc  complaint  el.  disease  in  the 
throat.  -tone  falsetto  note.  -tro?  ^  bed.  -tar* 
tloebe  neckcloth,  neck-handkerchief,  neck  er- 
chief,  necktie,  (tun  9Ranb8)  cravat,  (tun  Sames) 
fichu,  ^trittet)  comforter,  muftier,  -nrt  throat- 
wort,  Gampanvla  Trachelivm. 

Qatt  a  lame  (of  a  leg),  halting,  bibl  halt;  . 
paa  bet  ene  tørn  lame  of  one  leg.  galte  vi  halt, 
limp,  hobble,  walk  lame,  go  halt;  »lotten  -r  the 
clock  is  out  of  beat;  -nbe  Signelfe  halting  com- 

girison;  enbber  8.  -r  every  c.  halts;  .  paa  begge 
iber  bibl  halt  between  two  opinions.  $alte* 
fanben  the  Devil  on  two  sticks.  galten  c  halt- 
ing eta,  llmp.  $altbeb  c  lameness. 
atnnf  o  -er  villain.  scoundrel. 
alV  a  half;  en  .  tuen  half  an  ell;  .  Sorg 
haff  el.  second  monrning;  .  $riS  half-price; 
for  ~  $ri<  half-price;  .  Solb  half-pay;  .  ^aufe 
mlnim  rest;  -e  ^orboiMregler  half  -  measures; 
ben  -e  ftlobe  half  the  globe;  bet  -e  Sanmart 
half  Denmark;  to  og  en  -  Wil  two  miles  and  a 
half,  two  and  a  half  miles;  to  og  en  -  ftennb 
twopence  halfpenny;  en  -  (Bang  til  faa  Iana  half 
as  long  agaln;  »lotten  er  .  tolb  it  is  half  post 
eleven  (o'clock);  bet  -e  half  (of  it);   *øm  bet  -e 




children  half-price;  bet  -e  bar  not  it  is  too  much 
by  half;  bberten  $elt  filer  -t  neither  here  nor 
there,  aabne  paa  .  half-open;  $anen  ftaar  paa  - 
the  lock  is  at  half-cock;  —  ocfoba  I  b(t)  (t  balbe) 
half,  ~(t)  om  ~(t)  nearly,  well  nigh;  bele,  qolbe, 
bare  -t  go  halves,  F  go  snacks  (with);  ban  gor 
ingenting  -t  he  does  nothing  by  halves.  $alb|> 
aaben  a  half-open.  -aar  half-ear,  six  months. 
-aarig  a  half  a  year  old.  -uartig  a  half-yearly, 
seml-annual;  adv  half-yearly.  -aard  a  of  six 
months.  -aardefgamen  sessional  examination. 
•aar&bM  adv  half-yearly.  -abe  lemur,  maki. 
-an'ben  one  and  a  half;  -  $enni)  penny  half 
•penny,  a  penny  halfpenny,  three  halfpence. 
-anter  half  a  firkin.  -art  half  sbeet.  -atlafl 
satinet,  -boaren  a  (om  frotteret)  half- gro  wn. 
•bab  deml-bath.  -balance  <£,  half-beam.  -barbar 
semi- barbarian.  -befare«  (9Watro#)  ordlnary 
(seaman;;  -bemanbet  a  half-manned.  -bebibft 
a  half  conscious,  semi-conscious.  -btiab  a  pur- 
blind,  parcel-blind.  -Mob  n  halfblood.  -bløbé 
a  half-blood,  half-breed,  half  blooded.  -brat 
bastard  fallow.  -brigabe  deml-brlgade.  -brober 
half-brother.  -brngt  a  half- w om.  -bttff  low 
Bhrub,  undershruh.  *>bb,g  mangcorn,  oats  and 
barley,  dredge.  -cabence  half-cadence.  -drfel 
seini-circle.  -cirfelf orraig  a  semlcircular.  -cbtiu« 
bet  semi  cylinder.  -ctjlinbriff  a  semicylindrical. 
*-bater  half  a  (specie-)dollar.  -bamaff  half 
-damast.  -bounetfe  superficial  educatlon,  demi 
-civilization.  •baunet  a  half- bred,  half-educated, 
under-bred.  -babtb  *l>  half-davit.  -bet  half, 
mole  ty;  -en  one  half;  -en  af  bent  fom  half  those 
who.  -bete  vt  halve,  di  vi  de.  t-belé  adv  fe  -bejl. 
-blaneter  seml-diameter.  -brutten  a  half-drunk. 
-bnntelfjeb  e,  +-bnntet  n  half-light,  dimness. 
-b«f  half-deck.  -batøbjalt e  breast  beam.  -b*tø> 
rafte  breast  rail.  -bab  a  half-dead  -bar  half 
-door,  hatch.  -ebbe  half-ebb.  -edebte  ten  and 
a  half.  *-entelt  a  Øettaftn  jack-snipe,  judcock, 
JScolopax  Qallinula.  tølbe're  vt  halve,  bisect 
£alb|  etage  entresol,  mezzanine.  -feb  a,  typ 
full-face.  -fem«,  -fem  ftnbøtbbe  nlnety.  -fem- 
fln&fttbbenbe  ninetieth.  -fem  te  four  and  a  half. 
-finnet  a  p  pinnatifld.  -fjante  half  idiot,  -fjantet 
a  halfwitted.  -fie'rbe  three  and  a  half.  -fjer- 
bing  half-firkin.  -fjerbd',  -fjerbf  tnbfttbbe  seventy. 
-f  jerbf  inbåttjbenbe  sevenUeth.  -fjerbf inbétb.bC' 
aarig  a  septuagenary;  -  Olbina  septuagenarian. 
-flafte  half-bottle.  -fløb  balf-flood.  -ftbenbe  a 
se  mi-fluid,  -forbarøet  a  half- spo ilt  -førttcebe 
half-apron  -fnlb  a  half  full;  (om  et  wennefte) 
half  drunk,  hal  (gone.  half  sea*  over.  -franft 
btnb  half-binding.  -farrbig  a  half  done,  half 
-finished;  jtg  er  itte  -  meb  at  fpife  I  have  not 
half  done  eatlng.  -f  fletter  second  cousin.  -gaaen 
c :  ftlotfen  er  -  12  it  is  half  pas  11;  bun  er  .  abe 
has  gone  half  her  time.  t-gaarb  (farm  of)  half 
a  hide.  -gal  a  half  mad,  half  gone,  F  pan  er 
jo  -  (ubeflnbig)  he  is  so  extravagant,  whimsical, 
(ufornuftig)  he  is  so  senseless.  -gammel  a  oldish. 
-gennemngtig  a  trauslucent,  semi  transparent. 
-gennentfigttgbet  semi-transparency.  -gebiert 
semi-quadrat.  -gjort  a  half  done.  *«arpn  crushed 
barley-groats.  -graft  cyperaceous  plant,  cypera- 
ceæ  pi.  -gnb  demi  god  -banbftc  mitt.  -(eb  c 
incompletenefis,  fio  indecision,  vacillation;  half 
-meaanres.  -^oBøenber  washing  engine.  -bnn* 
brebe  flfty.  -bunbrcbaarig,  -bnnbrebaaré  a  of 
fifty  years,  flfty  years  old.  -bnnbrcbaarébagen 
the  flftieth  anniversary.  -tand  tuefall.  -^ajoba 
low  blast-furnace.  -^ajt  adv  in  a  halfwhisper. 
-lamgarn  fe  Waftmaaergarn.  -fapun  half-gelded 
cock.  -tafife  tøp  half  case.  -tlar  a  dim.  -Kobe 
hemisphere.  -flttbe  kerseymere.  -tnob  half-knot. 
•togt  a   half  boiled.    «tonge  half  king.    -trebø 

seml-circle.     -trebårnnb  fe  -ctrtetformig.     -fmgle 
hemisphere.   -tnglef  ormig  a  hemispherical,  semi 
-globular.    -tnbé  compartment.    -fnfinr   second 
cousin.     -fnalt   a   half-smothered.     -ftoorbet    a 
half-sung;   ban  forflaar  en  -t  ftife  he  can  take  a 
hint.     -lang  a  half-long.     -linbfil  second-eut 
file.    -lt|»  n  half-light,   dim  light,    -laer*  a  hall 
•learned.    -Ifltrbom  semi-learning.    -Ismb  half 
-linen    cloth.      -maane    half-moon,     crescent 
-moaneblig    a    half-monthly,     semi- mon thly. 
-maanebannet,  -maanef ormig  a  crescent-shaped, 
semilunar,  crescentic.   -monb  demi-man.    -maffe 
half  mask.    -mennefle  demi-man.    -mennefrrlig 
a  semi-human.    -metal  semi-metal.   -metan iffa 
semi-metallic.    -mil  half-mile.    -moben   a   half 
ripe.    -moå  liver-wort.    -morrft  half- top.     -ntirt 
a  half-satisfled;   jeg   er  itte  .  I  have  not   half 
done  eatlng.    -morte  twillght.    -ni'enbe   eighi 
and  a  half.  -nobe  mw  minim,  half-note.    -nagra 
a  half-naked.    -oftab  semi-octave.    -onfel  half 
-unde.     -opal    scmi-opal.     -op^ajet    a    mezzo 
-relievo,  demi  relief;  -  ferbejbe  b.  f.  -ørting  peck. 
-part  fe  -bel.    -peloton  section.    -pig  half  pike. 
-plan  half-breadth  plan.    -pot  pint.   -pottefUfte 
pint  bottle.    -port   half  port.    -profil  half- face 
el.  -profile.    -poe(ge)l  glll.    -raa  a  half  raw;  fa 
semi-barbarous.    -raabben  a  half  rotten,    -rim 
assonance.    -ring  fe  -tribd.    -ro  half-cock.    -r*> 
terenbe  a  semi-rotatory.    -rnnb  a  semlcircular. 
Maale  vt  half  sole.    *-faale  (new)  sole.    -fagte 
adv  in  an  under  tone.  -fanb  a  half- true.   -feln* 
Ibb  fe  -botal.    -flbe  column,     -filte  sllk-cotton. 
-mnpel  a  $erfon   cad.     t-ftilling   half-skiUing. 
•ftjorte  half-shirt.    -ftngge  half-shade,  aøtr  pe- 
numbra,    -fføeppe   peck.     -fTcerm    ^    corymb. 
-flag  ^t  half-hitch.    -flibt  a  half-worn.    -flan  a 
half-idiotic.  -folb  half-pay.  -forg  half-  el.  second 
mourniug.  -foveo«  doze,  be  halfasleep.  -fpant 
half- frame,   •fpænb(ing)  half-cock;  fætte  i  -  half 
-cock.    -flammet  a  half-grown.    -ftit  half-hitch. 
-ftof  røopurf.)   firet  stuff.     -flreg  (tomp.)   half 
-point,     -ftrofe    half   stanza.      -ftrtmpe    sock. 
-ft  nb  er  et  a  half-learned ;    -   9løber  (SlærMorb) 
smatterer,   Bciolist.     -ftnm  a   half- mule,   semi 
-mute.    -ftable  half-boot.    -foab  fools  parsley, 
Aethuia  Cynapium.    -fb«  hemiopia.    -fttre  oxide 
-ffjle  semi  column      -faflenbe  half-sisters  and 
half-brothere.  -fafter  half-sister.   -fann  slumber, 
doze;   i  -e  half  asteep.    -I  c  fe  -bel.    -taft  semi 
-sarcenet.     -tag   pent-roof,   lean-to   roof,   shed 
•roof.     -talje   gun- tackle  purchase.    -time  half 
(an)  hour;   boer  .  half-hourly.    -tinte  half- tint 
-tolb  (omtr.)  vingt-et-un    -tone  semi-tone.  -toåfe 
simpleton,    hali-witted    person       -toffet  a  fe 
•fjantet;    f    bu  er  not  -   you  are  not  iu  your 
right  mind!   you  are  not  quite  right!    -trebje 
two  and  a  hu'f    .  $ennb  twopence  halfpenny. 
•tr«be',  -trebf  inbdtbbefiity.  -trebrtnbfttttbeaarig 
a   flity  years    old.     -trcbftnbétbbcnbc    flftieth. 
-trinb  a  ^  half-terete.   -taj  fe  -ftof.   -tammere 
half-timber.    -tanbe  half  (a)  barrel,   kilderkin. 
-tam  ti,  half-hitch.    -nlb  half-wool.    -nlben  a 
half-wool.    -baagen  o  half  awake.    -bagt  half 
watch.    -bej:  paa  -en  half-way,  midway.    -bejg 
adv  half  way,  midway,  (næften)  almost,  insome 
degree,  in  a  manner;  -  tro  half -belle  ve  o.  fl.; 
jeg  b,ar  .  Sqft  til  at  I  have  half  a  mind  to.   -bert 
hemistich.    -Piben  half-knowledge.    -nilb  oåe 
semi- savage.  -binbue  half  window.  •bingeborttrbe 
pi  hemipters,  hemipterans.    -botal  semi-vowel. 
-botøen  a  halfgrowu.    •otbelftcn   halfpre<'iou8 
s  tone.   -ærme  half-sleeve.   -af  el  dzlggetai,  Eqvm 
hemionus.    -a  peuinsula. 

Aam'  pro*  pert  htm;  bet  er  -  it  Is  he,   F  it's 

^an'  c  -me  slough;  flobe  .  cast  the  s.  el.  skin, 




•Aamabrna'be  c  r  ham'adryad. 

<$antbørg  n  Hamburgh.  -er*  Hamburgh.  -er* 
blaat  neutral  Berlin  blue. 

$amle  vi:  funnc  -  op  meb  be  able  to  oope 
with,  be  a  match  for,  be  even  with. 

*£amfe  vi  back  watcr.   -baanb  oar-grummet. 

-røammel  a  (om  Jeotm  fall  ripe. 

gammel  c  -mier  Bplinter-bar.  -bolt  draugbt 
-peg,  draaght-staple.  -tappe  swingle-tree  cl  asp. 
-ret  trace,    -flot  wbipple-tree,  swingle-tree. 

Aammtt  c  -mre  hammer;  (paa  Sot)  knocker, 
(i  Cret)  malleus,  hammer;  ($tonof.)  Jack,  hammer, 
4,  (i  Sebbtng)  string*  pi;  (Vrbgaebooeb)  pier-head, 
(Xr«0  mallet;  (*©jerg«)  crag;  fe  ^uftion*-.  -bar 
a  maileable.  -bolt  fe  iiobbe-.  -formet  a  hammer 
-shaped.  -gar  a  at  tough  pitch.  -geftel  hammer 
-frame,  -gaf  hammer -head,  Zygwna.  -bale 
hammer-  tail.  -Ijøbeb  hammer -head.  -||i|lfter 
hel  ve-ring.  -ttaber  fe&fygel.  -mnøling  malleus. 
•morte  blaze.  -matte  forge.  -flaft  handle  of  a 
hammer,  -flacl  scales  of  iron.  -flag  stroke  of 
a  hammer,  -tegn  sign  of  the  hammer,  -b«rf 
fe  -malle,  -ajc  eye  of  the  hammer.  -atbe 
hammer-axe     -afterb  fe  -musling. 

£amp  c  hemp,  af  -  hempen.  —  $ampe|abl 
growing  of  hemp.  -blaar  hemp  tow,  codilla 
of  hemp.  -bug  hempen  canvas.  -fra  hemp 
-seed  -garn  hemp  yarn.  -locrreb  hemp  lineu. 
-aorlbe  hemp-nettle,  Gaieoptu.  -otte  hemp-seed 
oli  -reb,  -fkrifte  hempen  cord.  -fjæl  hemp 
-core.  *-ftrb  fe  -blaar.  -ftamgel  hemp-stalk. 
-f  tingel  swingle.    -tøb,  •troøfe  hemp  rope. 

£amp|tanbler  bemp-seller.  -begle  hemp-comb. 
-lage  hemp-seed  cake.  -mejfe  fe  Sump«,  -pat* 
ntsg  hemp-packing.    -plante  hemp. 

fastre  vt  hammer,  .  løft  paa  Xangenterne  pound 
away  at  the  keys.  $amreu,  kantring  c  ham- 

+$am§  c  hull. 

tamffifte,  -fliftning  moult,  moulting,  mewing. 
amfter  c  -e  hamster,  German  marrnot,  Orice- 
tu*  frumentariu* . 

£an'  pron  pert  be;  tøm  .  . .  felo  he  .  .  .  himself. 
§a*  c  -nei  he,  male.  (om  biøfe  Bugte)  cock. 
-bi  droneX-bee)     -Mømft  male  flower. 

tavbel  e  -er  ($aanbtag)  handle. 
aabel  c  -er  og  Mer  tråde,  commerce,  traffic; 
(en  ~.  Vftale)  bargain;  t  (Sag)  affair,  business, 
flutte  en  -  strike  a  bargain,  gøie  en  gob  .  (om 
Jttfber)  buy  a  bargain,  (om  Soelgrrj  make  a  good 
mark  et;  flaa  i  -  øm  be  bargaining  for,  bære  beb 
-en  be  employed  in  tråde;  bribe  ~  carry  on  tråde; 
bii&e  -  meb  (f.  (Hf.  Ofte)  carry  on  the  tråde  el. 
bubiness  of  (a  cheeac-monger),  tomme  i  en  come 
into  the  market;  er  ilte  i  -en  is  not  in  the 
market,  -  og  Banbel  conduci,  habits;  i  -  og  6. 
in  tråde,  in  business,  in  common  intercourse. 

$aabelig  a  mauageable.  -tyeb  c  manageable- 

$anbefb|aanb  commercial  spirit.  -abreøfebog 
commercial  directory,  -affære  fe  -anliggenbe. 
-agent  commercial  agent,  -afabemt  mercantile 
academy,  commercial  trainlng  college,  -anlig 
genbe  commercial  affair,  matter  of  tråde.  -ar« 
titel  article  of  tråde,  commodity.  -balance  ba- 
lauoe  of  tråde,  -beretning  commercial  advice 
el.  report,  -berettiget  a  licensed  tråder,  -betjent 
merchant's  clerk,  shop-man.  -blofabe  commer- 
cial blocade.  -bog  merchant's  book.  -borger 
trade*man.  -breb  commercial  letter,  -brug, 
-cøamme  cuatom  in  tråde,  tråde  u.«age  -bamp- 
ftib  merchant  stønner,  -bomftol  tribunal  of 
commerce,  commeicial  ro  urt  •briftiafceb  com- 
mercial en  terp  rise.  -bribenbe  a  tradlug,  com- 
mercial. -fag  mercantile  line.  -fart  mercantile 
tråde,    -firma  firm.    -fUabe  fleet  of  merchant- 

men;  mercantile  marine,  -flag  merchant  flag. 
•folt  commercial  nation;  tradesmen.  -førbiabelfe 
commercial  connection.  -foretagenbe  commer- 
cial enterprise.  -forretning  mercantile  business. 
-frlfceb  (ftrifanbel)  free  tråde;  (fcribeb  til  at  fianble) 
licence  of  trading.  -fnfbmaatig  head -clerk. 
-fbrfte  mercantile  prince.  -fftfle  partner  in 
tråde,  -flabe  thoroughfare  of  tråde,  -gartner 
florist  and  nursery  man,  market-gardeuer.  »gart- 
neri market  gardening.  -geografi  commercial 
geography.  -gren  branch  of  commerce.  -gab* 
ning  artificial  manure.  -tyabu  trading  el.  com- 
mercial port.  -tjtfftørte  commercial  history.  -tynft 
commercial  house,  firm,  mercantile  establish- 
ment, -tnftitttt  fe  -ftole.  -tafenber  commercial 
directory-  -tam mer  chamber  of  commerce. 
board  of  tråde,  -topital  stock  in  tråde.  *-fari 
(travelling)  country  tråder.  -tøUegtnm  fe  -farn« 
mer.  -tompagui  tøaHeéfrab  i  $.)  partnership; 
($.>felffab)  trading  compauy.  -tone  tradeswoman. 
-førrefpønbauce  mercantile  correspondence.  -fri« 
flb  commercial  crisis.  -fbubtg  a  commercial. 
-tbubtgbeb  commercial  knowledge.  -lanb  com- 
mercial country,  -lefbiton  fr  -orbbog.  -(iteratnr 
commercial  llterature.  -lob  commercial  law. 
•tobgibning  commercial  legislature.  -Ifltre  ($.. 
bibenftab)  commercial  science;  feette  i  -  bind  (one) 
apprentice  to  a  shopkeeper;  ban  er  i  .  he  is  in 
apprentice&hip  with  a  shopkeeper.  -loerlinn 
apprentice  to  a  merchant.  -magt  commercial 
power,  -mnab  merchant,  tråder,  -marine 
mercantile  marine,  -minifter  Minister  of  Com- 
merce -monopol  commercial  monopoly.  -uabn 
firm.  -ømfatning  commercial  transaction(s), 
business,  tråde,  -opfyrbelfe:  Ubfalq  paa  Qrunb 
af  .  will  sell  ofF  at  a  great  reducuon,  on  ac- 
count  of  giving  up  business,  -orbbog  commercial 
dictionary.  -plabb  place  of  tmde,  emporium; 
trading  station,  -pølitit  commercial  policy. 
•regning  mercliants*  accounts.  -rejfe  commer- 
cial journey.  -rejfenbe  travelling  clerk,  (com- 
mercial) traveller,  bagman,  amr  cont  drammer. 
-ret  (iiow)  commercial  law,  (Rettigbeb)  license 
for  trading;  fe  -bomftol.  -rettigfteb  fe  -ret,  pi 
commercial  privileges.  -famtbcm  commercial 
intercourse.  -felffab  trading  company,  commer- 
cial association,  -ftib  merchantman.  -flibb> 
faptejn  master  (of  a  merchantman),  -ftibøfart 
commercial  navigation  -ffif  fe  -brug.  -ftole 
commercial  acbool.  -fpctnlatiøn  tråde  venture. 
•fprøg  mercautile  language  -fpærring  embargo 
on  commerce.  -ftab  .commercial  city  el.  town. 
-ftanb  mercantile  clawi.  -flat  commercial  state. 
-ftatiftit  commercial  statistics.  *fbftem  commer- 
cial system,  -tibenbe  commercial  gazette.  -traf* 
tat  c.  treaty.  -tribunal  fe  -bomftol.  -tbang  res- 
traint  on  commerce.  -nbtrbl  mercantile  term. 
-nfancefe  -brug.  -bore  merchandise  -bcj  route, 
thorougfare  el.  highway  of  commerce.  -bejbifer 
commercial  directory,  -ben  friend  in  business, 
commercial  friend.  con  eapou dent  -berben  com- 
mercial world.  -bibenftan  science  of  commerce. 
-birtfom^eb  commercial  trausactions  el.  opera- 
tions, -bagt  avoirdupois.  -bfflbe  fe  -magt- 
•bdtrbi  value  in  commerce.  -bøfen  tråde,  oom 
merce,  commercial  matters,  -ørenbe  commer- 
cial errand.   -ajemeb :  i  -  for  purposes  of  tråde. 

$anb  I  lauger  fe  ^aanb  . 

(anble  ti  k  i  (i  Ulm.)  aet,  (omgooS  meb;  treat, 
use,  deal  with;  (bribe  ^anbel)  tråde,  deal.  traffic; 
•  efter  aet  on.  .  efter  eget  XnUe  use  oues  own 
discretion,  .meb  (tit)  deal  in;  -  meb  (en)  do 
buHiuess  with;  .  om  be  about,  treat  of,  be  -nbe 
^erfoner  the  dramalis  personæ,  the  actor.<>.  -byg» 
tig  q  vlgorons,  energetic.  -btjatig^eb.  -ebne  ae- 
ti  vi  ty,  energy.    -form  gram   tLe  active  (voice) 




-frtbeb  freedom  of  action,  -traft  fe  -bt)gtigb>b. 
+-traftfg  a  energetic.  -maabe,  +-0tø  proceeding, 
way  of  proceeding.  -nbe  c  tradesman,  mer- 
cbant;  be  .  the  tråde.  $ffnbting  c  -er  action, 
aet;  (i  Sfuefpit)  plot,  action,  business,  story;  -en 
foregaar  paa  the  scene  of  action  is  laid  at;  bet 
er  Wangel  paa  -  (i  StOfTct)  there  is  a  deflciency 
of  action  (in  the  play);  ni  en*  SRanb  a  man  of 
$dnbfet  c  handsel,  earnest. 

$aabfte  c  -r  glove;  gaa  meb  -r  use  gloves;  tit« 
tafie  en  -n  throw  down  the  gsuntlet  to  one; 
optage  -n  take  up  the  gauntlet;  trætTe  -r  (2egj 
bread  and  cheese.  -butit  glove-shop.  -faortf 
glove-manufactory.  -finger  stall.  -fnapper  c  -e 
button-hook.  -fort  promissory  card.  -mager  c 
-e  glo  ver.  -magert  *  glove  maktag.  -ftinb  glove 
leather.  -fring  glove  stitch.  -'nb)øiber  c  -e 
glove-stretcher,  -widener,  -stick. 

.ftan'bue  cock  pigeon,    -btr  male. 

$aue  c  -r  eock;  (paa  Xønbe  o.  b.)  (stop-)cock; 
se  re  w-  tap,  faucet;  fpænbe  n  paa  et  Øebar  cock 
a  gun;  fatte  -n  i  9to  half-cock  the  gun  el.  the 
lock;  fig  ben  røbe  ~  the  flre;  førfte  _  i  Sturben 
the  cock  of  the  walk,  the  captaln  of  the  show, 
the  head  of  the  drum.  -ben  F  00te  -  til  pay 
one's  adresses  to,  make  sheep's  eyes  to.  -bfalfe 
collar-beam.  -bjalfeloft  cockloft.  -bom  mil 
cock-stake.  -ffeb  cock- stride  el.  cock-step;  fig  a 
very  short  length.  -fob  cock's  foot;  j,  crow 
-foot,  (meb  to  (»rene)  spån;  $  upright  crowfoot, 
Ranuncitlui  acrii.  -fægtning  cockfighting,  cock- 
flght.  -gal  cock-crow;  (Siben)  cock-crowing. 
-tam  (ogfaa  Slanten)  cock's  comb,  Ctlo*ia  eri- 
Hat«,  •tamp  fe  -fægtning,  -frø  cock's  craw;  fe 
Oampencelbe.  -ftjUtng  cockerel.  -mar$  goose- 
step.  -mule  jaws  of  the  gun-cock).  -firme  fe 
Øtobbe*.  -ffæg  wattle.  -f*at  fe  -trit.  -fpore 
cock's -spur;  fe  SRelbrøje.  -ftifft  comb  (of  a  cock). 
-trin,  -trit  string-halt,  spring-halt.  -øg  cock's 

tønfafou  cock-phea.«ant.  -fifl  mil  ter.  -fug! 
male  (bird),  cock.    -føl  colt. 

$ang  n  bent,  bias,  inclination,  propensity; 
♦  fe  ftlabbang. 

fanger  c  -e  J,  pendant;  (til  Unberraa)  sling; 
(Xømr  )  lenghtening-piece.  -øløt  banging  block. 
-ring  sling. 

*4faaøle  vi  shift;  fcan  r  fig  frem,  igennem  he 
makes  a  shift  to  get  od,  to  make  botb  ends 
meet.    -flige  slckliness. 

Sangø  Obbe  Hango  Head. 
anqare  c  buck-hare,  male  hare. 
$auf  c  -e  handle,  ear;  °hank,  ring;  Ijooe  $aanb 
i  -e  meb  en  have  a  hold  of  one,   have  a  person 
under  one's  thumb. 
$au|taniu  buck-rabblt.    -fat  tomcat. 

^ante| balje,  -fnro  o.  fl.  tub,  basket  etc.  with 
handles,    -løå  a  without  a  handle. 

£antøn  male  sex,  male  gender;  gram  the 
masculine  gender.  +$an(ig  a  male.  gonmtynøe 

$anna  Jane,  Joan,  Hannah. 

$aunø'oer  n  Han'over.  -a,ner  c  -e,  -a'nff  n 

tøn'fobber  dog- otter,  -plante  male  plant. 
-rafle  male  catkin. 

-fconrej  c  er  cuckold;  gøre  tit .  cuckold.  -flat 
n  cuckofdnm. 

t anråb  c  he-fox,  dog-fox. 
anø  pron  poc«  his;   ttroberen«  og  .  Ørene  his 
brother's  letters  and  his  own. 

taaø  John,  Jack,  Hans. 
anfe  c  Hanse.    -a't  c  -er  native,  inhabltant 
of  one  of  the  Hanse  towns.  -a'tift  a  hanseat'lc; 

bet  -e  Qforbunb  b.  f.  f.    -førønubet  the  Hanaeatic 
League.    -flab  Hanse  town,  Hanseatic  town. 

$au|ffrne  male  screw.    -fpnrP  cock  apaxrow. 

£auØburft  a  Jack-pndding,   merry- Andrew, 
$an']unge  male  young.    -øefel  jack-ass. 

&ap'  n  puff  of  wind;  fe  fclp. 
$appe  vi  ntutter. 

ar  pratt  af  b>be  (I)  have,  (thou)  hast,  (he)  has. 

ar'alb  Harold. 

arauø'   c  -er    harangue,    screed.     -e're    re 

parcel  |  ad   c  ban  ter,   chaff.     -e're   vi   teaze, 
worry;  *chaff,  make  fun  of. 

arbcfnub  Hardicanute. 

arbieø  f r  c  boldness,  hardihood. 

are  c  -r  hare;  mange  ^unbe  er  -n8  Søb  rwo 
to  one  are  odds;  b^bem  beb,  bbor  -n  gaar?  where 
we  least  thiuk,  there  goeth  the  hare  away. 
-balg  fe  ffinb.  -fob  (ogfaa  planten)  hare's  foot, 
Tri/olium  arverne;  frrQge  en  om  SRunben  meb  en 
~  put  one  off  with  empty  promises;  fare  noget 
obrr  meb  en  -  do  a  thing  carele&sly.  -garn  net 
for  cstching  hares.  -|aor  hare-wool.  -|agel 
hare  shot.  -b,  jer  te:  fig  b,aoe  et  .  be  chicken . 
-hearted,  hare-hearted.  -fjertet  a  chi<ken 
-hearted  etc.  -|nab  hanier.  -jagt  hare-hunting, 
hare-shootlng.  -taal  fe  -mab.  -tiØina  leveret. 
-Høøer  fe  -fob;  kidneyvetch,  Antkytlt*.  Mao 
hare's  foot;  rudweed,  everlasting,  Onapkalium. 
-leje  form  of  a  hare. 

$arew.n  -er  harem,  seraglio.    ^aremøføinbe 
woman  of  the  harem. 

$are|mab  nipplewort,  dock-cress,  Laperma 
communu.  -mnnb  fe  -flaar.  -mn9  chlnchllla; 
fe  ^tbefiare.  *-mb;nbt  a  harelipped.  ^-mttnbtlpeb 
fe  -flaar  -ragout  jugged  hare.  -ren  n  free  from 
the  propensity  to  trace  hare.  -rug  alpine  bistort, 
Polygonum  viviparum.  -flaar  lagostoma,  harellp; 
b^abe  -  be  harelipped.  -fflao  hare's  skin.  -ff» 
a  timid  as  a  hare.  -fpor  trace  el.  priut  of  a 
hare.  -fpring  hare's  leap.  -fteg  roast  hare. 
•nuøe  young  hare,  leveret.  *-øi»pe  hare- springe. 
øre  (ogfaa  $Ianten)  hare's  ear,  Buple+rum. 
~a  rfang  c  fe  Gnrugle. 

arte  vi  hawk,  force  up  phlegm.  -n  hawking. 

arlettn  c  -er  harlequin;  fe  fphtber.  —  £*r!e* 
fia#IUjer  buffoonery.  °-fneppe  duaky  gambet, 
Totanu*  fy$c*$.  -fpiuber  tiger  moth,  Qeometra 

#avm  a  wroth;  +vexed,  grieved.  ^arm|e  c 
wrath,  ire,  resentment.  -e  vt  anger,  exasperate; 
—  rr  _  fig,  -eø  vd  feel  indignant,  be  vexed. 
-elig  n  (fom  bolber  ^arme)  vexatlous.  -fri  a  free 
from  grief.  -htlb  a  ireful,  wrathful,  resentful, 
Indignant.  -I«0  (eng.)  a  harmless,  inoffensive. 
$armø|ne're  vi  ha'rmonke;  fig  be  in  harmony, 
character  el.  keeping  with,  +  Jump  with;  ifte  - 
meb  be  out  of  keeping  (etc.)  with;  .  meb  en 
sympathize  with  one.  -ur  c  -er  ha'rmony,  con- 
cord,  unison,  -'nifa  c  harmon'lca,  (OJUøO 
musical  glasses  el.  accordion.  -'nifer  o  -e  ha'r- 
monist.  -ni'lære  harmon'lca  pi.  -tti'mnfit  har- 
mony of  wind  instruments,  -ui'orfeftar  brass 
-band,  wind-band.  -nife're vt ha'rmonize.  -nifl 
a  harmo'nious.    -  ninm  n  harmonium. 

^arntff  n  -er  armonr;  i  fulbt .  in  full  armour, 
armed  cap-a-pie;  bringe  i  -  provoke,  enrage; 
tomme  i  -  fire  up.    -ft«bt  (-net)  a  mail-clad. 

tarpe  c  -r  (dnfrrument)  ha'rp;  (9rn«%  Ihtl. 
)  screen;  fpifle  poa  -  play  on  the  harp,  harp. 
^orpe  vt  screen,  -affalb  screenings,  -tlang 
sound  of  the  harp.  -leg  fe  -fpil.  -nifl'  e  n,  fe 
-fptDer.  -fnegl,  -f natte  harp-ahell,  Harpa  -ffag, 
-fpil  playing  on  the  harp.    -fpifler,  -f^ileriKbe, 




-fptflerfte  e  -r  harpist,  harper,  -friø  a  ^  tight 
as  a  harp-string. 

$*rplf*  c  &  n  -er  resin,  (renfet)  rosin,  -agtig 
a  resinous.  4^ar)iif#|f  «e  rosin,  -eleftrfcttet 
resinous  electricity.  -øHe  oil  of  resin.  -fatte 
reslnons  soap. 

£arpa'K  c  -er  harpoon.  -e're  vt  harpoon. 
-<e'r)er  e-e  harpooner.  -e'rtagøtølb :  lomme  paa 
-  get  within  harpooning  distance,  -jojnt  har- 
poon head.    -taflet  fe  -erer. 

.garpb/er  vi  ha'rpies. 

^arr  c  grayling,  Thymallu*. 

giarft  a  rancid.  -beb  c  rancfdness,  rancidity. 
-«e  vi  become  rancid. 

tgart  atfø  cl  ose,  hard,  fe  fiaarbt. 

fart  ab  adv  nearly,  well  nigh. 

gartbngger  o  -e  stone-cutter,  (stone-)mason. 

$OTtforn  n  (Danish)  standard  of  land  tax; 
fotgge  Slat  paa  .  tax  the  land  according  to  ite 
quality;  renne  ®oarb  ftaar  Døjt  i  .  this  farm  is 
rated  high;  fig  flao  i  -  lump  toge th er. 

fartløber  c  hard  ranner. 
arb,  garøe  c  -e  og  -r  harrow.  garbe  vt 
harrow.  garøefbranb,  t-ø*l  harrow-beam  el. 
-bar.  -brag  draw  of  the  harrow.  -troø  harrow 
-hook.  -tant,  *-tinbe  tooth  el.  tine  ofa  harrow. 
.gørøninQ  e  harrowing. 

gar^'bjærgene  the  Hartz  mountalns.  -en  the 

£«*'  (f  k  *ga'§):  faa  -  paa  dispatch,  make 
and  end  of;  jeg  fan  ilfe  faa  -  paa  Siben  (my) 
time  lies  heavily  in  my  hånds. 

•gafalb  fe  ttfalb. 

gafa  rb  c  haz'ard,  chance,  risk.  -e  ret  a  bold, 
daring.  •føttrratt  aleatory  contract.  -fptl  game 
of  chance;  gambling.    -friller  gambler. 

tgafe  e  -r  (9tøbbe)  hu  11.    gafe  vt  hu  11. 

gaf,  gafe  c  -r  (Sene)  hamstring,  tendon  of 
the  barn;  (Web)  hough,  ham;  ffore  -rite  oøer  paa 
hamstring;  fmøre  -r  f  take  to  one's  heels,  cut 
and  run,  cut  one's  stick,  turn  tail.  -binbe  rt 
tie  the  fore  leg  to  the  hough  of  an  animal. 
-feb  fe  gafe. 

.gafpe)  e  -r  (til  $ør)  hasp;  (til  (Barn)  reel, 
hasp.  gafpe  vt  reel;  fig  .  afroeloff.  -gren  arm 
of  a  re^l.   M  c  -er  skeln.  -pinb  spindle- holder. 

gaffel  c  -er  el.  gafler  hazel,  Gorylv*  Avellana 
-»af?  hazel  bush.  -febt  f  stirrup  oil.  -i*øne  fe 
agerhøne,  -frøft  hazel-wood.  -Ictp  hazel-stick. 
-ataØ  dormou8e,  Mvoxu*;  lille  .  fe  -fober.  -*øb 
hazel  nut.  -rafle  catkin  of  the  hazel.  -røb, 
•*rt  asarabacca,  Atarum  turopæum.  -fob er  com- 
mon  dormouse,  M*$etirdinn$  avellanaritu.  -flagr, 
-vaanb  hazel  rod,  switch. 

gaft  e  hurry,  speed ;  bet  Ijar  ingen  -  there  is 
no  hurry;  i  .  in  a  hurry;  i  riøenbe  .  in  hot 
haste;  Iporfor  bar  $e  faaban  .?  wh'y  are  you  in 
snch  a  hurry?  tøn  fat  ingen  .  meb  at  he  is  in 
no  hurry  to.  -arøejbe  hurried  work,  (uben  bab(. 
Set.)  work  of  dispatch.  -bnb  fe  Sflbub.  gaft|e 
vi  &  imp  basten,  hurry,  speed,  haste;  -r !  (paa 
9reb)  immediate,  urgent;  bet  -r  ttle  there  is  no 
hurry;  bet  -r  meb  benne  @øg  this  business  requires 
dispatch.  -e«  e  hurry.  +-babenbe  a  pressed  for 
time.  »forbiø;  fe  3lfffrbig.  gafrig  a  hasty;  adv 
bastlly.  gaftlgtjeb  c  Olfinbetbeb)  hastiness  ($1) 
v elocity,  speed.  gafrøorl  hurry,  haste;  førte  meget 
ftørt  -  be  in  great  haste;  .  er  £aftøart  haste 
makea  waste,  good  and  quickly  seldom  meet. 
.gajrøttrfiarøejbe  fe  -arbejbe. 

føt'  e  -te  hat;  (ftame-)  bonnet,  hat  (naar  ben 
mere  lianer  en  gertebat);  fig  (gætte,  Skette  af 
forfr.  6lag#)  hood,  cap,  top;  tage  -ten  af  lift  el. 
take  off  one's  hat  (før  to),  +unhat;  tage  til  -ten 
touch  one's  hat;  fatte  -ten  paa  put  on  one's  hat; 
rrtjlte  -ten  neb  i  Øjnene  slouch  one's  hat;  flaa  -ten 

ober  linene  paa  en  bonnet  one;  f  bare  paa  -trn 
meb  have  a  nodding  acquaintance  with;  bet  er 
itfe  bøjrbt  at  tage  -ten  af,  før  man  fer  SRanben  it 
is  time  enougb  to  bid  the  Devil  good  morning 
when  you  meet  him;  oare  ftarl  for  fin  -  hold 
one's  own;  gibe  en  nt  at  fønge  fin  •  paa  give 
one  a  handle.  —  gatre |ba an b  hat  band.  -be« 
fenbtff ab  hat-touching  acquaintance.  -bef ætninø 
hat-trimmings.  -blot  hatter's  blocfc.  -bril 
bottom.  -bue  hatter's  bow.  -børfie  hat  brush. 
-fabrif  hat-manufactory.  -filt  hat  felt.  -ffeber 
feather  on  el.  for  a  hat,  plume.  -fober  lining 
of  a  hat.  -fømt  (QIot)  block;  fåacon)  form, 
shape  of  a  hat.  -føderal  hat  box.  •  garager 
c  -e,  fe  -ftarib,  -fnaøe  hat-peg.  -trampe  loop  of 
a  hat.  -mager  c  -e  hatter.  -mager bn tit  hatter's 
shop,  hatting  establishment,  -magert  n  hat  tin  g, 
manufacture  of  hats.  -magerføenb  Journeyman 
hatter.  -naal  hat-  el.  bonnet-pin.  -øøerrrorf 
case  of  a  hat.  -bnl  crown  of  a  hat.  -pbnt 
trimming  of  a  bonnet.  -finte  hat-stretcher. 
-flbgge  brim  of  a  hat,  (paa  Sameftat}  front. 
~1f<t&  curtain.  -ftoffe  cockade.  -fvør  hat-string. 
•ftattb  hat-stand,  -fftel  fe  -form.  -fbamp  pileate 
fungus.  -øffe  (til  grrrefat)  hat-case;  (til  Dame« 
bat)  band-box. 

♦ganbit  n  fe  galøbrbnbe. 

gaubftd  c  -er  howitzer.  -baab  howitzerboat. 
•bio!  bed  for  a  howitzer.  -granat,  -fngle 
howttzer-tihell  (o.  fl  ). 

*gang,  goug  c  -er  hillook;  heap;  heaped 
measure.  •følt  elves,  good  people.  -tagge  fe 

•ganfe  vi  shout. 

*gasi  e  -er  scull;  hummock. 
»an§fe  c  rise.    -fpefvlattt  bull. 
►autretief  n  nlto-relievo,  high  relief, 
»ab  n,  -e  (i  V(m.)  sea;  (Serbenøbab)  ocean,  main; 
1000  frob  o»er  -et  1000  feet  above  the  level  of 
the  sea;  til  -s  at  ?ea. 

*gøH  n,  pi  es,  (paa  €panb  o.  b.)  bail.  -øai 
conger(-eel),  sea-eel,  Conoer.    -aitb  pea-duck. 

gaban'na  n  (the)  Havana.  -brnn  a  cigar 
-coloured.  -cigar  havana.  gaøanefer  c  -e 
Havanese;  havana. 

gøøare'ret  adamaged,  (om  Karer)  sea- dam  age  d; 
i  .  Zilftanb  in  a  damaged  state. 

gabari'  n  -er  mere  average;  .  grmnt  general 
average,  gross  a.:  -  particuliére  particulnr 
average;  .  ordinaire  petty  average;  unbet  . 
under,  with  el.  upon  average.  -otteft  (o.  fl.) 
average  eertiflcate  (etc.).    -fag  rase  of  average. 

gab  |arm  arm  of  the  sea.  -baab  sea-golng 
boat.  -blif  (dead)  calm;  bet  bleb  .  it  fell  a  deae> 
calm.  -bø(er)  c  one  who  lives  by  the  sea-side. 
•brafe«  sparoid.  -øreø  sea  shore,  beach.  °-brø 
c  (extensive)  banks,  -brat  roar  of  the  sea. 
-brøn  sea -margin,  -bugt  bay,  golf.  -bnnb 
bottom  of  the  ocean,  sea-bed.  -banbel  grsss 
•wrack.  -bølge  billow,  wave  of  the  sea  -babbel 
pholas.  -brage  enaliosaur  ian).  -btab  the  deep, 
depths  of  the  ocean;  ttnberføgelfer  af  -et  deep-sea 
explorations.  -bbnb  sea-mud.  -bbnning,  »*«< 
ning  ocean  swell.    -btjr  marine  animal. 

gabe,  bar,  bwbe,  toft.  vt  &  avxil  have;  Ørebet 
føir  ben  Sato  the  letter  bears  that  date;  ban 
(ejer)  intet  he  does  not  pos«e*s  anything,  he  is 
worth  nothing;  ban  b^r  ingen  $enge  he  has  (got) 
no  money;  bar  bu  en  Stnio?  $enge?  have  you 
got  a  knife?  any  money?  -  Omgang  meb  asso- 
ciate  with,  keep  company  with;  ^bab  oil  X5e  -? 
what  do  you  want?  (om  Vtob  eder  Drifte)  what 
will  you  take?  b.bab  ffal  De  -?  (betaling)  what  is 
your  charge?  Va,  ben  fom  baøbe  en  Stol!  O  for 
a  chair!  bet  bar  bul  take  that  I  bøn  bil  .  at  jeg 
.  .  .  he  will  have  it,   that  I  .  .  .,  he  wants  me 





to,  man  bil  ~,  at  jeg  ftal  .  .  I  tin  required  to 
.;  tøn  tør  bet  gobt,  flet  (om  Qelbreb)  he  Ib  well, 
oorly,  (om  Staat)  he  is  well  off,  111  off;  tøorlebeti 
ar  De  bet?  how  are  you?  nu  tør  jeg  bet  I  have 
it;  ber  tør  »i  bet  that' s  it;  fe  $eb;  bet  tør  jeg 
forbi  jeg  that  ii  the  consequence  of,  tøn  tør  bet 
i  Drøjben,  fe  Drøjbe;  tøab  tør  De  at  befale?  : 
what  are  your  commands?  bbab  gobt  tør  Se  | 
ber  af?  what  are  you  the  better  for  it?  fe 
fljob,  Onb;  bet  tør  tøn  efter  fin  gaber  in  that 
he  taltes  after  his  father;  tøab  tør  De  for? 
what  are  you  about!  bi  -  enbnu  langt  $jem 
we  are  Btlll  far  from  home;  bu  tør  en  ftor  ©e- 
unbrer  i  tøm  he  is  a  great  admirer  of  yours;  jeg 
tør  iRe  meget  igen  I  have  not  much  lefl;  jeg 
par  intet  i  mob  at  I  have  no  objection  to,  jeg  tør 
intet  imob  tøm  I  have  no  quarrel  with  him;  jeg  tør 
meget  imob  I  object  strongly  to;  -  inbe  occupy, 
(ogf.  fio)  be  master  of;  tør  bu  ©og en  meb?  have 
you  brought  the  book?  tøn  tøbbe  fort  $at  paa 
he  wore  a  black  hat,  tøn  bobbe  gatten  baa  he 
had  his  hat  on,  tør  De  ftnio  paa  (tø4)  Dem?  have 
you  a  knife  about  you?  bet  tør  itte  ftort  pac  ftø 
it  is  no  great  matter,  of  small  consequence, 
eomes  to  very  little,  tøn  tør  4  Uger  tilbage 
(om  frugrf  ommelige)  sne  is  within  four  weeks  of 
her  conflnement,  jeg  tør  fun  to  tilbage  1  have 
only  two  lefl;  alt  tøab  jeg  tør  tilbage  all  that 
remains  to  me;  oi  ~  tngen  $enge  ti  lo ber*  we 
have  no  money  to  spare;  tøn  tør  meget  tiløber* 
for  mig  he  is  very  fond  of  me,  he  has  a  great 
regard  for  me;  tøn  tør  intet  titoberft  for  mig  he 
does  not  care  for  me;  tøn  tør  onbt,  tungt,  oanfie> 
ligt  o  eb  at  he  has  some  difflculty  in;  tøn  tør 
gobt,  let  beb  at  it  is  easy  for  him  to;  tøn  tør  nojjet 
tømmeligtøblfulbt  beb  ftg  there  is  some  mystery 
about  him;  —  or  tøorlebeø  tør  bet  fig  meb  benne 
€ag?  how  stands  tbis  matter?  —  vp  bet  baoefl 
ilte  ber  it  is  not  to  be  had  el.  found  here, 
ben  bebfte  (Srammati!  fom  -4  the  best  grammar 

t£abe  c  -r  (boa  Bogn)  rack. 

$abe  e  -r  garden;  t  k  °  fe  $age.  -anlarg 
garden  plot,  parterre  -arbejbe  garden  work. 
-batte  terrace.  -beb  garden-bed.  -ilømfr  garden 
flower.  -bog  gardening  book  -brng  fe  -burtning. 
•brugélanbibat  certiflcated  gårdener.  -Brug!* 
tibenbe  fe  -tibenbe.  -bragftubftifliug  horticultural 
exhibition.  -bbgntng  (ornamental)  garden  build 
lug.    -ban!  gardvn-seat. 

Sabebbertop  crab-spider,  Fpcnogonum. 
abe|bbrter  horticul turist.  -bbrtning  horti- 
culture, gardening  -bør  garden  gate.  -frugter 
fe  -fager,  -frø  garden  seeds.  -gang  garden  walk. 
-grøuft  gardeu  stuff,  vegetables  pi.  -goerbe 
garden  fe aee.  *tøt  garden-hat  -bud  garden  el. 
summer  house,  -Jørb  garden  mould.  -jorbborr 
garden  strawberry.  -taal  cabbage.  -farl  garden 
labourer.  -førfe  garden- cre«s,  Lipidium  suiivum. 
•tnib  pruning- knife  -lone  weeder.  -ful tur 
horticulture.  -Innft  horticulture;  ben  ftønne  - 
ornamental  gardening.    -laage  garden-gate. 

&ab|  elefant  sea  elephant,   Cv*tophora  probo* 
cidea.    *-eHe  fe  åabtit. 

tabelob  c  garden  plot. 
ab'eløf  e  inverness. 
+£abelfe  c  having 

$abe|maub  fe  -tarl.  -melbe  garden  orache. 
Atripiex  horten»i».  -mur  garden  wall.  -utljnte 
spear-mlnt,  Mentha  viridi*. 

tabeuge!  c  angel-fish,  Squatina  modus. 
abejblante    garden    plant,     -ftløb    garden 
plough.  -blofue  garden-lawn.  -brobufter  garden 
produce.    -rebflab  garden  implement. 

+&abjerltt,  «<rt  c  great  (bearded;  se  al,  Phoca  , 
barbuta.  I 

$abe|rofe  cabbage  rose,  Ro*a  centi/olia.  -f«fjrr 
garden  produce.  -fanger  becaflco,  Syløia  kor- 
tøm'«,  -fob,  *-f*f  gårdener1  s  handsaw.  -fat* 
gardeu(er' s)  shears.  -f  elfløb  horticultural  society . 
-flabe  fe  TOuntefugt.  -f matte  fe  -fanger,  -faegl 
(garden)  snail,  Btlix.  -fiol  garden-chair.  -frue 
gardeu  room. 

$abr|fbg  a  covetous.    -fuge  c  covetonsneaa. 

$abe|tibrnbe  gardener's  chronicte.  -tromle 
garden  roller,  -urt  pot-herb.  -varfi  garden 
plant.  -b*fcn  gardening,  horticulture.  -fletter 
garden  peas. 

$a  blfifr  sea-nsh.  "-fifle,  -fifleri  sea  fishing 
-flabe  level  of  the  sea.  -flab  inundation  of  the 
sea.  -fol!  pi  af  -manb  -frue  mermaid.  -fru 
faug  a  mermaid  s  so  Dg.  -fugl  sea-fowl.  ;§*ftrb 
ring  about  the  moon.  -gaffe  fe  Bom,  &t freons, 
flshirman,  sea -dog.  fig  shrew,  scold,  termagant. 
-graf  tassel-poudweed.  Huppiu.  -grøu  a  æa 
-green,  glaucous.  -gub  sea-god.  -gitbbom  aea 
-deity  -gubinbe  seagoddess.  *-gnle sea-breeze. 
-*ufe  sea  fog.,  -beft  (§tff  og  ^abelbtjr)  sea-horee, 
Sippoc<tmpus\  (t^uuO  fulmar,  Procellariu  alaciuii*. 
•bbirbrl  whirl  pool.  eddy.  -immer  great  nortbern 
diver,  Coiymbu*  glacialt:  -W  sea-ice.  -jnnter 
julis,  ralnbow-fish,  Juli*  mediterranea.  -lal. 
-falb  greenland  shark,  Scymnut  gUcialx*.  -faat 
beb  -en  at  the  seaside.  -fat  wolf-fish,  Antrrkica* 
lui>u*\  fe  Øuu)aa.  -Mit  down.  -lo  seacow, 
manatee,  Mmatu*  -fritime  samphfre.  Ckritkmum 
mnritimum.  -fbabbe  rockllng,  Motetla.  -r>ft  fe 
Stianbbreb.  -lambret  lamprey,  Petromvton  wm- 
rinus.  -leøparb  sea  leopard,  iStenorhyncku*  leo- 
pardinnø.    -Hg  fr  Stranboobffer. 

{>abltt(aub)  c  long-tailed  duck,  Anaa  glaci'ili*. 

£a'b!luft  sea  air.  -Ug  fe  Stranbløg.  -maate 
black-l>acked  gull.  Lånt*  marinu*,  herring  {roll, 
LaruM  argentatu*.  -manb  mermau.  -mn#  fe 

^abu  c  -e  (egl  og  fig)  harbour,  port,  haven, 
ligge  i  -  be  in  port;  beliggenbe  beb  en  -  situated 
on  a  port. 

*£abn  c  pasture.    ^abue  t>t  pasture. 

^abne  vi  put  into  a  harbour,  enter  a  port; 
fig  find  el.  get  rest;  -  i  end  in. 

$abne|abmtral  port-admiral,  -afgifter  harbour 
dues,  port  charges,  -anlæg,  arbejber  pi  harbour 
-works.  auorbniug  harbour  regulatlons.  -au- 
toriteter harbour  authorities.  -befotftaing  har- 
bour-defence .  -befrttrelf  e  harbour  administration. 
•betjent  harbour  offl-er.  -bom  bodm.  -bbgmefrer 
builder  of  a  harbour.  -bbgatng  building  of  har- 
bours. -birettiou  fe  -lommtCfion.  -birrf tør  direc- 
tor  of  harbour- works.  •bgatntng,  mole,  jetty. 
•fogeb  harbour  master,  -fororbniuger  harbour 
regulatioti>  -forfbar  fe  -befaftninj.  -fur  harbour 

•■ftabucf«  n  grazing  cattle. 

^abnef  aftigtøbcr  mooriugs,  wharfo  aud  quays 
of  a  harbour. 

^abnegong  c  pasture. 

^abuelbobebpier-lirad.  -iubUbet  theeutrance 
to  the  harbour.  -tabtaju  pt>it-captain.  -Kaj  quay 
(of  a  harbour).  -fa§.e  harbour  f\indh.  -tommif' 
fio«  Harbour  Commissloners.  -foutor  harbour 
-masters  offlce  -focbe,  -forttiaa  chain  of  a 
harbour.  -lobå  harbour  pilot.  -1*9  the  fairway  of 
a  harbour.  -UØ  a  harbourlesx.  -mefter  harbour 
master,  -mate,  -molo  mole.  -muabing  fe  -løb. 
-motrte  harbour  beacon.  -opmubriag.  -ot«rtaJ 
niug  cleaning  out  of  a  port.  -brugt  fe  -afarter. 
•fclabft  harbour  accommodation.  -perl  mooring 
dolphin.  -fuørriug  blockade  of  a  hart>our. 
-flab  seaport  town  -tolb  fe  -afgfter  -tømbc 
harbour  buoy.    -bagt  port-guard.    -borfenet  the 

£0:D  2 

administration    of  harboun;    the  herbour  au- 

*^alnin|  c  paaturlng:  put  ure 

$i'»|BBPjft  sea  nymph.  -ebber  seaotter.  En- 
kftrn  marima.  -d!((  i(  (o.  -10tb«It(l.  OWllMI. 
-•attreafft  n  sea-glrt,  aea-(en)elrcled,  Kiær- 
rounded.  »iMf  lomp -flsh,  Cyclapltrut  iurnjrnt. 
-»faair  ses  plant 

£aBrr  c  rjata  pi,  +  oat.  -agtr  oat-fleld.  -brik 
oalen  br™d.  -»»tin (mi  growing  ri.  ciiHlvaUon 
of  nat*,  -fagl  wag-tail,  Motarilla  nlba.  -aaof 
barnacle  goo»e,  Æni.icnricta.  -|r»a  'oeten) 
groala.  grltn.  -grat!  It  fceirt  (Ufrot>t);  MUMafl 
-«rak  "tir  about,  [oatmeal)  porrfdge;  (10  Cmllag) 
(fwlled)  groata  pi.  -belm  oet-Btraw.  -Q*ft  oat 
crop;  hrinRlDg  In  or  the  oata.  -|ara  oat  anil. 
-faor  oatcake.  -Hh  oat-bln.  -taB(tr  oat 
emaner,  -tom  oat-arali 
•satl  oatmeal.  -not)  K  X. 
of  oata.     -rdk  goat'a  beard. 


T-oterl    oat-fltld      cbrlatutni 

c  ituiamu* 
eard,  Tmgoi 

$«k(B  |erk  unronsecrated  ground.  -oli  hra- 
then  ages  pi.  ■(!  a  heathen,  pagan,  heathenish, 
gentile,    -fiol  n  [i  -bum. 

(citnerlkr  c  great  neltle,   Urtira  dioiat. 

.firtit  oberfnkt  It  Hot*. 

$tbr  sliBtBlaa  planllng  of  bealha.  -»I«  patrb 
or  hcatb.      -(tirfab    aodety   for   ciilUvnUon    ol 

firkrfleg  ■  »nu-itrokB. 
Atbtl«  c  heathtarn. 
4rbri<)  -  rub,  prlckly  heat. 
4tbt|l«r*  peat    -ag1(|r  Suinpuglt.    -Btt  hf  ath 

ttbeoarmr  c  baklng  heat. 
(oBiaa  [é]  c  -rt  heatben,  pagan.  gentile.  ■>-;(;• 

—    '■    f- SrtHlngdfriBar  Gentile 

the  BT— ^-    —  "--  ■— 


•«.    -atUfUara  fi_ 

©rbMlaa  book  pagan  dog. 

crop;    eowlng   of  oata.      -ful    eack    I 
-mening  oatmeal  pap.     -kfn|it  ]t  -fugl. 
*r*[fn)rl '■     ' 

usiat.  4mm 

Cktlomi:    -Ri 

-t«»    t 

»sand.     -*M#»»tgt  fr 

iter-snake,  Hvdropki*.  -(K(t»r  snipe 
snipe.  Cmlnim  iroiopax.  $aB#aak 
i  sea)     $eB  footmrrlBgl  butterfly  ftsh, 

a-fog.     -taflt 

i,  Aan 

gannet,   AVa 
Tt  SwcRab. 

»  burb- 

{rllf  a    t 

hlli,  handle, 

detalned,  stop. 

Ml  uf  (i  r 

haste;  (Tiest) 

(Xt(  af    Wog}   part,   numher;  {fjog) 
(stllcned)  manasciipt;  (nea  Svatt) 

retard,    delay,    detaln;    -ti    op    be 

attach,  fasten;  (mrt>  Sraob) 

Rwujprnaalr.  pin;  .  ep  rack  up;  - 

-■lab    seabreeie.      -jaic    ir    -Itauon.      -ara    sca 
eagle,  Bnitaema  nlbialla. 

Ati«  |lfl  o  Hetirew,  Hebra'ie-  i  (Sptoa.)  ... 
Hcbreo,  btt  rt  -  fut  mig  11  la  all  Greek  to  me.  '  nasrii 
-i i  Bit  e  -i  He'braism.     Qtttan  c  t  He'bre«  ' 

ttMtrlM  pi  the  Heb'rldee  pi. 
tb  a  bol;  -t  Biii!  heady  wlnes;  btn  ■*  Som 
the  Unrid  zone;  F  -  »m  Prowuneaaj,  MfToUK 
btt  re  mrflft  -t  Imfllrm  brm   Ihey  are  very  thlok; 
Bet  rt  itlt  ajlfor   I  im(Btm  btm  there  '"  ~" 

Ciiinw  pH  Hi  ■ 

be  llable  for;  .  tube  i  charge  npo_,  _.. 
ftot  Salb  poa.  brntir  Uirnbon  tbli  estate  II  greally 
encumbered.  -blil  plale-polnta.  -bon!  soning 
-boatd.  -fr*|  (katenlng  book.  -lab  [t  -batnl. 
•Ife  o  -r  (Rongning)  arreit;  («htlb)  lien,  enenm- 
branoe,  fihaige,  (fanti-)  mortgage.  .mafflnr 
scwlng-maehtne.  -aaal  »tltcblng  Deedle.  -»laftrt 
•ttrklng  plaster,  adheslve  p.  -rub  roolUke  fibre 
•fflbt  (tot  Cvmr)  root.    -fair  (IBogb )  eord. 

Atjlf Dl*  adt  In  part« 

4'ftlg  a  Tehement  vlolenl,  Impetuoua;  (Si 

-   brbt_. 

n  flll  -1 

waa   hot   work;    leg  bar  brl  iftt  |oa    

«>tbbr,  'btbt  btb  J°saf.  brtit|.  brbbtt  i  btbt  n 
i  imptn  be  oalled,  be  namrd;  boat  -i  Ir? 
Vhats  yonr  nune?  bMi  i  brt  paa  XonR?  how 
do  yon  rall  tbat  In  Danish?  what  Is  the  Danish 
for  thai?  btt  -t  iRn)  at  It  Is  sald  that,  the  tale 
la  that;  Ion  bel  -ti  ei[rn  as  Ibs  snng  has  11,  as 
the  nid  song  goes;  brt  -i  1  btt  gatnlr  Xrttaatirtt. 
al  foaf )  It  aayi  in  ibe  old  testameiil  that 

Atif  c  beat;  MftC  _  heal,   gel   heated;    1    btn 

*ebé  c    .     . 

erbetltaa  e  plmple. 

irbrtldaf«  heath-Hower.  ••*»  ium>wwi>  ui 
a  heath.  -braub  heatb  fire.  -nraa,  -tga  heathy 
conntry.     -fair  (Jullandl  heatb-abeep. 

Acbrfabt  c  hsatlng  snrface. 

értr  ba»  house  on  the  heath.  -Ian«  heath 
land.  -Ian  heather,  hrath,  CafJaaa  nicarv. 
-larrte  woorrlark,  Ala*da  arborea. 

Aekra  adv  hence. 

4*>ca  o  t,  fr  -R.   -»BBt  c  pagatilaia,  heathcu- 

(tbeatartti,  -gaagnt  n  departed,  deceased, 
-fatl.  -gaag  (Zwbj  de<yaae,  death. 

dty;    Intepslty.      -btktBbbrBb    oulbrei 

AtfliBlMf  c  filing  etc     -plafln  |t  fitflt-. 
*£t|iloni  a  tlme-waatlng. 

s  tg  mi  ai'  > 
ét|(t  c    i  b 

*  HegeT 


:kle;  fa  n 

BBftiar    | 

jackle:  fa 

cavu  ibw   -  igtnntm.  It  Vtnntnbtali. 
kllng-machlne.  __  -IjlMb     (SfalMctb) 

hatcholtng    concem.      -i  o  -t 
hatcheler.     -ri'   «  hatchellng  rvnoe 
-taab  looth  ti.  prlckle  oF  a  hatchel. 

(rfia  n,  pi  =.  fenoe,  encloaare;  (Ironibt)  bodge. 
^rgaTt  «  fenne,  encloae;  —  at  _  om  screen. 
-traak  fenclng  wire.     -triebltllBBtT  strong  nit- 

|bal  J--  •--"•■ 



p  luiQr  .  mib  to  måbe  a  foolofc 

*  ewir . 

HJi    -    oorr   coddle,  pet.     -bo »ri  n 
i'  ooddllng.  petting,  efftmlnacy . 
s  -rr  golden  ployer,   Ctoradriut , 

i,   Ardta;   \t  -gi«I.    '< 




Soimling.    -)ag*  heron-shootlng.    *nab  heron's 
blll;  (plante)  storksbill,  Erodium. 

$eife  vt  hoist;  (om  8rlag  og  lette  ting)  run  up; 
-nbe  $att  vL  holst.  -apparat  hotstiug  apparatus, 
holst,  elevator,  -bom  derrick.  -bro  J>  skids 
pi.  -bnf  vL  sheers.  -flaabe  &  floating  stage. 
•gaffel  vL  spider.  -bfnl  gin.  -Jolle  A,  whip. 
•maffine  ^  stem-hoist.  -ftrop  J,  gin-chain. 
-Ⱦrt  fe  -apparat.    $ejdning  e  hoisting. 

Setatombe  c  -r  hec'atomb. 
efxenfelbft  n  (Hekla);  p  goa  ab  -  til  go  to 
the  deuce. 
fielle  fe  øatle. 

(e!0  c  -e  witch,  hag,  soroeress;  ^  (connnect- 
ing-)  shackle;  F  $u  lide  -!  you  llttle  rogue, 
minx,  el.  glpsy!  en  gammel  -  an  old  hag. 

$etØaje'ber  n  -bre  hexahedron.  -e'briff  a 
hexahedral.  -e'nterøu  n  hexahem'eron.  -go'n 
r  -er  hex'agon.  •gonal  a  hexag'onal,  bet  -e 
Spftem  chem  the  rhombohedral  system,  -nte'ter 
n  -e  hexam'eter.    -metrift  a  hexamet'ric(al). 

$cl§e  vi  practlse  witchcraft;  ttoil,  fag;  fym 
fan  -  he  Is  a  sorcerer,  —  vt  call  up;  produce, 
coDvey;  change  etc.  by  magic;  &  shackle,  - 
lai  unshackle. 

$c!Øe|bab  fe  -prøpe.  •bop  conjuring  book. 
-granting  burnlng  of  witches.  -tør  cuckoo 
•pint,  Arum  maculatum.  -ban 3  witches'  dance. 
-bril  charmcd  potion.  -tyiftøric  story  of  witches. 
•(nubr  magic  knot.  -traft  power  of  witchcraft. 
•trebØ  magic  circle.  -fnnflt  witchcraft.  -lunfter 
pi  spells,  charms,  pi.  -fbinbe  witch.  -Ipgre 
magic  lantern.  -mel  vegetable  sulphur,  witch 
•meal.  *ntefter  wizard,  sorcerer,  necromancer, 
conjurer;  ban  er  ingen  -  he  is  no  conjurer. 
•starte  witch's  mark.  -orb  pi  conjurations, 
incantations,  pi.  -proced  trlal  of  witches.  -prooe 
witches'  ordeal.  -ri'  n  witchcraft,  witchery, 
sorcery,  necromancy,  art-magic;  bet  er  intet  .  it 
is  easily  done,  therc  is  no  sorcery  el.  witchcraft 
In  it.  -ring  fairy  ring.  -fabbat  witches'  sabbatb. 
-fang  incantatlon.  -ftao  magic  wand.  -fring 
herring  boue.  -ag  stlnkhorn,  Phallu*  impwlicm. 

fettif   c  hec'tic.    $eftift  a  hectic. 
ettogra'f  c  -er  mauifold-writer.  -e  re  vt  copy 
with  a  manifold. 

S  el  mytk  Hel,  the  abode  of  the  dead. 
el  a  whole,  entire;  .  Kobe  whole  note,  semi- 
breve,  .  (lafet,  $aufe)  bar-rest,  semibreve  rest; 
-t  %a\  whole  el.  integral  number;  integer,  -e 
Serben  all  the  world.  the  whole  world;  -e  ben 
Zib  (for;  the  whole  of  that  time,  ben  -e  t ib  all 
along;  -e  Sanmart  the  whole  of  Denmark,  i  -e 
Sanmari  in  all  Denmark,  fire  -e  Sage  four  clear 
days,  -e  tooe  as  maoy  as  twenty;  i  -e  Uger, 
Vfaaneber  for  weeks,  mouths,  *i  -e  (Baar  all  (day) 
yesterday;  -e  Varet  igennem  throughout  the  year; 
en  -  $el  a  great  deal;  en  -  Del  længere  F  ever 
so  much  longer;  en  .  Siælbentjeb  quite  a  rarity, 
en  -  9Jtanabe  quite  a  number;  et  -t  Spettatel  a 
regular  row;  bet  e  the  whole  (thing);  i  bet  -e 
(i  alt)  altogether,  in  all,  on  el.  in  the  whole, 
(i  bet  -e  taget)  upon  ri.  on  the  whole,  (i  JBettn* 
gelfetfatn.  og  efter  Supert.)  at  all;  bans  Uofeenbe  i 
bet  -e  his  general  appearance,  Samfunbet,  ©etben 
i  bet  -e  society,  the  world,  at  large;  bet  er  bet 
-e  that  is  all  (about  it);  -  og  bolben  safe  and 
sound,  adv  entirely;  —  bel  adv  quite,  perfectly; 
—  belt  adv  quite,  totally,  entirely;  ger  -t  om« 
(fring)  face  about;  t  op  right  up,  -t  ooer  right 
across;  laa  -t  ooer  &  lay  on  her  beam  ends,  -t 
forub  J,  chock  forward,  -t  agter  chock  aft;  -t 
igennem  right  through,  (fulbftanbig)  all  through, 
throughout;  -t  eller  beloi*  in  whole  or  in  part. 
£el|bef aren  ^  able.    -brfarcnbfbøgrab :  . 

is  rated  as  an  able  seanian.  -brat  bare  el. 
naked  fallow. 

$elbreb  c  k  n  health;  peb  gob  .  In  good 
health.  åelbrebe  vt  ftele,  lage)  heal;  (lurere) 
cure.  £elbre'brltg  a  curable.  $tlbtt'9\tli%%t*  c 
curabluty.  -cif c  c  (bet,  at  beførebe)  cure,  healing. 
(bet,  at  tomme  flg  el.  Pare  tommet  fifl)  reoovery. 

—  Adbrebdlbeufpn :  af .  from  motives  of  health. 
•tilftanb :  ^anS  .  the  state  of  his  health. 

£ei|brober  full  brother.  -cnbence  perfect 

^elb  n  good  luck,  sucoess;  et  -  a  piece  of 
good  fortune;  flbbe  i  .  be  in  luck;  Ijato  .  meb 
succeed  in;  bor  altib  .  meb  flg  is  always  In 
luck' s  way;  baobe  bet  -  at,  baObe  .  til  at  had 
the  good  fortune  to;  til  alt  -  as  good  luck 
would  have  it,  fortunately;  -  ben  fom  happy 
the  man  who;  -  Sanmart,  om  happy  were  it 
for  Denmark,  if.  -brinøenbe  a  salutary,  bene- 

^etbig  a  lucky,  fortunate;  successful;  (Ubtrpf 
o.  l.)  felicitous,  par  itte  -  (i)  failed  (in);  Par  tttr 
.  meb  Sejret  was  not  fortunate  as  to  the  weather; 
ben  Slag*  Stoler  er  itte  -e  that  kind  of  schools 
are  a  mistake;  et  -t  f)bre  a  winning  presenoe; 

—  adv.  bet  git  .  it  turned  out  well;  bol*  bet 
gaar  -  if  fortune  favours;  bet  flap  bu  -  fra  you 
had  a  narrow  escape  there.  -btb  e  luckineas, 
successfulnes;  felicitousness.  -PW  adv  luckily, 
fortunately,  as  good  luck  would  have  it. 

Aet | battet  a  flush-decked. 

^ele  n :  et  fammcnbangenbe  .  a  connected 

cle  vt  heal.  -*  be  healed,  heal  up. 
eleaa  Hel'eua,  Hel  en. 
c  Iflaffe  c  large  bottle. 
elfarb  c  poet  descent  to  the  lower  regions, 

•^elg  c  -er  holiday,  feast,  the  8abbath. 

helgen  c  -tr  4  -t  (+  A  t  «)  saint;  alle  4  Sag 
AllSainU'  Day.  -ben  pi  relics  of  salnta.  -biScbe 
image  of  a  saint.  -bag  saint's  day.  -bbttelfe 
dulia.  -gtaaé  glory.  -glorie  halo  of  glory 
•grao  saint's  grave.  -Ijiftorie  hagiologr;  fe  -fogn. 
-in  be  e  r  (female;  saint.  -(egenbe  fe  -fogn.  -(c* 
ninger  pi  relics.  -UP  saintly  life.  -fog«  legend. 
+-ftab  n  aainthood,  saintship.  -flin,  -ftar  fe 
-glans,  -ftrin  shrine,  reliquary.  -tilbcbelfe  fe 
-bprtelje.  -bie  vt  canonize.  -Pielfe  canouiza- 

Ae'Igebirt  c  tvp  quadrat. 

^pelgolanb  n  Heligoland,  Helgoland. 

^cl  grp«  fe  I9anfe6))g. 

$cibeb  c  -er  totality,  entireness,  eomer  entiretyr 
i  fin  -  in  its  eutirety,  in  whole. 

Srlbeft  c  fabled  three-legged  horse. 
ciboHanber  c  ($apirf.)  fiidshcr. 

^clio|centrift  a  heliocentric(al).  -fob  c  -er 
albino,  -grabn'rc  heliograph'ic  engraving. 
-Ironi'  c  helioch  romy  -flat  che'liostat.  -'rifl 
a  heli'ac(al).  -tro  p  c  -re  Onfrr.)  he  liotrope; 
^  he'liotrope,  turnsole,  Heiiotropium,  min  helio- 
trope,  bloodstone. 

4>e  Itronet  a  ^  gamopetalous. 

^cHe  c  -r  flat  stone  el.  rock,  slate,  slab. 

£ette  ol  vL  beud  (a  rope  to  another). 
elle  min  fieg!  (Oørnefpr.)  barley! 
eQebarb   c  -erhal'berd.  -ift  c  -er  halberdier. 
eOebanbdter  pi  >V  throat  and  end  seizings; 
cross  and  round  seiziugs. 

£e  Ur  flint  c  chert,  horn-stone. 

$eHc|flttttber,  •-flbnbre  hal  i  but,  hollbut,  Bip- 

poø/o**U9  vuiffarit. 
^eQcgat  n  vi,  Btore-room 
t^elletnop  c  wall- pepper,  Sedum  aer«. 





AeBemtffe,  *Aelgeme«  c  p  All  Saint«'  Day; 
tsorry  horse. 

AeBeube  adv  very,  extremely;  .  fulb  dead 

AeBeuJer  e  -e  Greek,  Orecian;  -erne  the 
lenes,    -ift  a  Hellen  le,   Hellenlan.     -ift'  c 

Acfler  oonj:  .  itfe  nor,  no  more;  ~  itte  ieø  nor 
I  (either,  nelther),  .  itfe  ieø  fagbe  et  Orb  and  I 
too  sald  no  word;  ftoerten  .  .  .  cuer  .  .  .  og  ~  itte 
nelther  .  .  .  nor  .  .  .  nor  yet,  itte  -  nor,  nelther; 
•  ingen  «  .  ifte  nogen;  bet  %ax  ~  albrig  baret 
paaflaaet  nor  has  it  ever  been  asserted;  Set  far 
|eø  -  ilte  fagt  lndeed,  I  have  sald  no  such  thlng; 
ifwib  -  whether. 

Aeflere  adv,  camp  rather,  sooner;  -  enb  gerne 
most  willingly;  i  o  fur,  jo  ~  the  sooner,  the 
better;  tri  mcui  .  goa  we  had  better  go. 

Acgeri#|et  a  engrav  ed  on  a  rock.  -vinger  pi 
ancient  engravingB  on  rocks,  rock-sctilptures. 

Aeflef*o»t'  Hell'espont.  -if!  a  Heileepon'- 

AcBig  a  holy,  sacred;  anfriBe  fig  .  F  saint  lt; 
intet  er  tøm  -t  nothing  is  sacred  to  him;  »eb  alt 
tøab  -t  er  by  everything  sacred,  by  all  that  U 
sacred;  ben  -e  ttanb  the  Holy  Ohost;  ben  -e  VBiance 
the  Holy  Alliance;  bet  -e  ©en  the  (os)  saernm; 
ben  -e  domfru  the  blessed  Virgin,  the  Holy  Virgin; 
.  Stag  holy  el.  sacred  war;  bet  -e  fiano  (the)  holy 
Und;  ben  -e  6trift  holy  writ,  ben  -e  ©tab  the 
holy  el.  sacred  City;  ben  -e  Stol  the  Holy  See; 
brn  -e  tffgteftanb  the  holy  state  of  matrlmony; 
£ub»ig,  Claf  ben  -e  Louis,  Olaf  the  Saint;  be  -e 
the  salnts,  (flinbeBige)  devotionista,  religionists: 
be  fibfte  $ageft  -e  the  Latter-day-sainte;  bet  -e  bibl 
the  Sanctuary;  bet  -Ile  bibl  the  most  Holy;  -«tre- 
Jrongerfi-Dag  Twelflh  Day,  Epiphany;  .«Vnberø 
8aint-Andrew;  —helligt,  ^etltgen  adv.  lo»e  - 
promise  solemnly.  -aanb  fe  ouenf or  -aften  eve  of 
a  holiday.  *lril(  (i  Slim.)  eacrilege.  (AeBigbag«') 
(fine  for)  sabbath-breaklng.  -bag  (ogf.  føibag) 
holiday,  b»i  .  festival,  -bagåtueber  holiday 
clotheø.  -bom  c  -me  (Steb)  sanctuary;  (ting)  sacred 
thlng.  Aeflige  vt  fteBiggøre)  hallow,  consecrate, 
sanctlfy;  ftoloe  fcuig)  keep  holy,  observe;  (inbvte) 
devote,  dedicate  (to),  Aenfigten  -r  TOiblct  the  end 
jnatlfies  the  means;  .  bem  t  bht  Sanbljeb  sanctlfy 
them  through  thy  truth;  -t  »ørbe  bit  9ta»n  bal- 
lowed  be  thy  name;  -t  til  (ogf.)  sacred  to.  AeBigj- 
aorc  vt  hallow,  sanctlfy.  -gørelfe  c  hallowing, 
sanctification.  -gorer  sanctlner.  -$eb  c  hollness, 
sacredness,  Aanft  -  His  Hollness.  -}otbe  vt  keep 
holy,  obeerve;  celebrate.  -bolbelfe  c  keeping 
holy,  observance;  oelebratlon. 

AeBing  c  J,  hawser-bend;  temporary  bend  fe 

Ae  lærreb  all-linen. 

tAelme  vi  f  cease,  leave  off. 

-røefmiife  c  -r  sorry  horse,  Jade. 
»elnobe  c  semlbreve. 
)ti9t  c  -er  Helot,  Hel  ot. 
teiranbet  a  p  eutlre. 

»elfea,  'Aelfe  o  health;  »ære  »eb  -  be  In 
health;  faa  jtn  .  igen,  tomme  til  ~  igen  recover. 
—  °Aelfe|bob  healing,  benefit  to  the  health,  cure, 
remedy.  *-bag  day  of  good  health,  day  free 
from  sickness.  ••log  a  broken  in  health,  in- 

Ae  IJfibebiflebr  full-page  illustration  el.  plcture. 
.filte  all  slik,  pure  slik. 

Aelfhtgor  n  Elslnore. 

$e1|fmtbet  a  with  a  wholeskin.  -ftftgge  per* 
feet  s  hade,  umbra. 

Aclfot  c  mortal  disease. 

Ae'lf»omb(itti)  fullcock;  i  -  at  fullcock. 

(elf  »otter  jwpetechiæ  pi. 

Aelft  adv  (tup  af  Aeflere)  preferably  (4-);  jea 
»tlbe  -  I  should  prefer,  .  en  ugift  Vtanb  (V»ert.) 
unmarrled  man  preferred;  bu  maatte  -  you  had 
best;  (ifcer)  especlally;  ^00  fom  -,  naar  fom  .  of». 
fe  $»0,  9taar  of». 

^e  llftat  whole-state.  -ftatlta  a  whole-state. 
-ftof  ($opirf.)  pulp.  -ftfbt  a  (all)  of  one  plece; 
fig  foursquare.  -ftabt^eb  c  wholenesB,  fusion. 
-føffenbe  full  brothers  and  sisters.  -fffler  full 

Aelt  c,  pi  =,  gwlnlad,   freshwater  herring. 
Coregonua  lovoretut. 
tit  c  -e  hero. 
e'Uag  n  square  roof. 

^*Ut\aau9  heoric  splrit,  herolsm.  -alber 
heroic  age,  age  of  heroism.  -bane  heroic 
career.  -baab  herole  deed,  exploit.  -bigt  epic 
(poem),  heroic  poem;  tomift  -  heroi  comic 
poem.  -bigrniug  heroic  poetry,  -bttb  heroic 
virtue.  -b»Jt  heroic  combat.  -bib  death  of  a 
hero.  -fiol  fe  -ftare.  -fott  heroic  people,  nation 
of  heroes.  -f«rb  heroic  deeds.  -gerning  fe 
-baab.  -ata*  hero's  grave.  -Ijlftorie  heroic 
story.  -q|erte  heroic  splrit.  +-MJ  fe  Stcem»e*. 
•tamp  heroic  combat.  -toab  herole  poem. 
+£eltelig  a  heroic.  Aelte|U»  heroic  11  fe.  -mob 
heroic  courage,  heroism.  -mobtg,  -maåflg  a 
heroical.  -ntebe  meeting  of  heroes.  -na»n 
heroic  name.  *olb  heroic  age.  -rang  the  rank 
of  hero.  -rolle  heroic  part.  -rtt,  -rsjgte  heroic 
farne,  -fagtt  heroic  legend.  -fana  Bong  in 
pralse  of  a  hero  -finb  fe  -aanb.  -fjat  heroic 
soul.  -ftare  band  of  heroes.  -ffiftelfc  heroic 
flgure.  -ftegt  race  el.  line  of  heroes.  -Hb  fe 
•alber.  -oi9:  paa  -  heroically.  -«t  fe  -flægt. 
Aeltinbe  c  -t  heroine. 

Ae  l| tone  whole  tone.  -toj  fe  -flof.  -nlb,  nlben 

Af  (»eb  I  e  n  heil;  rej«  ab  .  (til) !  go  to  the  devll ! 
you  be  hanged!  gøre  en  .  f)ebt  lead  one  a  llfe. 
-ougft  mortal  fear.  -rt  a  k  ad  o  devilish;  en  . 
ftari  a  devll  of  a  fellow.  —  Aet»ebed|branb  heil 
hound.  -ilb  heil- fire;  (Sngb.)  shingles.  -maflinc 
infernal  machine.  -olie  worst  oli.  -flen  lunar 
caustlc.  -fteudljolber  causttc-case.  —  Acl»eb|fart 
(Chrlst's)  descent  in  to  heil.  -t»al,  -»ine  infernal 
torment.    -bol  pit  of  heil. 

Sel»et|ien  n  Helve'tia.    -ift  a  Helvet'ic 
eioingebotftet  o  coleopterous;    be    -be  the 

Semiffce  re  o  -t  hem'isphere. 
emme  vt  check,  repress,  restraln,  hamper. 
Aem(me)tcebe  c  drag-chain. 

Aemmelig  o  (lønlig)  secret;  (i  6mug)  clande- 
stlne;  (mobf  offentlig)  private;  -t  WEgteftaft  private 
marriage;  -t  6triftemaal  auriculax  confession;  en 
.  SRiStante  a  lurking  suspicion;  —  ado  secretly 
etc.,  (unber  fire  (Dine,  i  6 til 6.)  in  private,  -fteb 
c  (bet  at  Ⱦre  el.  bolbeft  bemmeligt)  secrecy,  prl- 
vacy;  pi  -er  (noget,  fom  tyolbeft  el.  6ør  fyoYbti 
hemmeligt)  secret;  (StDfterlum)  mystery,  giorbe 
ingen  .  beraf  made  no  secret  about  it;  gøre  en 
bljb  .  af  noget  keep  something  a  close  secret; 
i  af  .  secretly,  by  stealth;  ftooe  en  -  for  en  have 
a  secret  from  one.  -|ebf fnlb  a  mysterious,  (af 
(ftaratter)  secretive;  en  .  Stine  an  air  of  mystery. 
•bebdfulblyeb  c  mysteriousness.  -^ebétrøemmer 
secretive  person.  -^eb9tr«rmmeri  »  secretive- 

tem»e  fe  fiantpe. 
emlflo  (ogf.  fig)  drag,  dog.    -*«rf  e>cape- 
*Ae»  c  -er  wheutone,  bone. 
Ae«   adv  (bort)  away,  off;  (frem)  ou,  tangere  . 
farther  on;  f enere  -  later  on;  b»or  gear  Se  ben? 
where  are  you  golng?  where  el.  whither  (are 




you)  bound?  fym  er  gaaet  -  og  .  .  .  f  he  has 
been  and  .  .  .;  ftrfnbe  -.  dwindle  away,  waste 
away;  træffe  Xiben  -.  draw  out  the  time;  b*or  ieg 
enb  øenber  mig  -  where-soever  I  tam;  fe  ogfaa  ®ioe, 
$otbe  o.  fl.  Serber;  .ab  Sejen  along  the  road; 

-  ab  ttften  towards  evenlng;  .  efter  9tfctaar 
Borne  time  after  new  year;  ftirre  lige  -  for  fig 
stare  at  vacancy,  at  mld-air;  -  i  mob  (Steb)  to, 
towards,  (Xib;  against;  aaa  -  o  Per  cross;  længere 

-  paa  Karet  later  in  the  year;  .  til  to;  gaa  - 
HI  en  go  up  to  one;  ieg  maa  .  til  I  mast  go  to; 
I  must  be  off  to;  jeg  flat  -  til  I  am  golng  to; 
fe  ~  HI    look  to,  ronsider. 

$en'aanbe  vt  breathe;  let  -be  Orb  words 
scarcely  breathed. 

ten'flb  prop  fe  oøfr.  fien  ab. 
rablit  n  look,  regard  (to),  consideration  (of); 
meb  -  paa  taking  in  to  consideration. 
+$enbolrre8  vp  fe  $entumle*. 
fienbrtnge  vt  (bringe  ben)  bring,  convey;  -KXib), 
fe  Xilbrtnge. 
+$enbrnfe  vi  rush  along. 
>enba?re  vt  bear,  carry. 
»enbøjet  a  (over)  bent  (over). 
»enbøtge  vi  wave. 
itntaant  vi  faint  away. 
»enbanfe  vi  dance  along;  —  vt  dance  away. 
Jenbe  pron  per*  her.    .IpenbeØ  pr  poå§  her; 
(abfol.)  hers. 

$enbrage  vt  (brage  efterbaanbrn  bort)  draw  off, 
carry  away,  (Xiben,  Sibet)  spend;  vi  go,  re- 

+$enbrej|e  vt  fe  Sreie  ben.    -elfe  c  turning 
Aenbrløe  vt  idle  el.  while  away,  waste. 
£rabrømme  vt  dream  away,  pass  in  dreaming; 

-  +  vi  Indulge  in  reverie. 

SenbttØfe  vt  lull. 
enbø  vi  die,  die  away,  ezpire;   en  -nbe  til« 
ocrelfe  a  languishing  existence.    -en  c  dying 

tenbøntme  vt  sentence. 
enbøfe  vt  doze  el.  drowse  away. 
"f  ene  vt  whet,  bone. 
t$en'egne  vt  refer,  apply. 
$enfaibe  vi  +  fall  away,  decay;  .  til  addict 
one's  self  to,    take  to;   .  i  tantet  fall  into  a 
reverie.     -n   a   emaciated,    fallen   away;   _  til 
addictcd  to,  given  to. 

tenfalme  ri  fade  away. 
en |  fare  vi  pass  away.    -fares  a  past,  de- 
parted,   by-gone;   (afbøb)    departed,    deceased. 
•fart  c  departure;  &  passage  out. 

"»enffagre  vi  flutter  (along);  —  vi  trlfle  away. 
penfttt  w*  have  recoun»  to,  resort  to. 

jeuføbe  vi  flow  away,  glide  away;  -  i  Xoarer 
dicsolve  into  tears;  -nbe  Satte  deliquescent  salts. 

$ettflpt|ning  c  removal,  transportation.  -te  vt 
remove,  transport;  —  vi  remove  el.  move  (into, 

$enflttøe  vi  fly,  pass  away,  glide  away. 

i-$cnfrifie  vt  go  through. 

$en?*r|e  ve  (til  et  Steb)  convey;  fig  .  til  refer 
to.  -elfe  c  reference,  relation,  -lig  o  referable, 

$en|gaa  vi  elapse,  pass  away;  ber  føigt!  megen 
tib  meb  a  long  time  was  passed  in;  ~  ufrraffet 
pass  el.  go  unpunifihed.  -gong  o  golng  (to  a 
place).    -gangen  a  fe  $ebengangen. 

Sengemme  vt  lay  by. 
engin|e  vt  (ooergi&e)  give  up,  resign;  vr  fig 
til  abandon  one's  self  to,  indulge  in,  give  one's 
self  up  to;  (for  anbrej  sacriflce  one's  self.  -elfe 
e  resignation.  +-etfeåfnlb  a  resign  ed.  -en  a 
(til)  given,  addicted  (to);  (en-)attached,devoted, 
well-affected  (to).  -  $engi»en|beb  c  (til  ©pil,  Dril) 

propensity;  røenffab)  affection,  attacbment,  de  ■ 
tion,  devotedness;  (fiengt&elfe)  resignation;  j 
banbt  bang  .  I  attached  him  to  me.  -tebdførn* 
(mutual)  attachment. 

$englibe  vi  slide  el.  glide  away.  -n  c  glidii 
$enørøbe  vt  weep  el.  cry  away,  pass  in  teai 
+fienørffiume  vt  pass  in  grief. 
-^enøtobe  vt  I""17  ont- 
"enbale  vt  haul  (off). 
enbjaftet  fe  $enjaffet. 

en|tjolb  n:  i  -  til  with  reference  to,  pursuai 
-bolbe  vt  (forhale)  put  off;  —  ©r  fig  til  refi 
appeal  to;   jeg  -r  mig  til  mit  ©reo  af  I  b4 
reference  to  my   letter  of.     -botbftøift  adv  n 

enbPtle  vi  rest. 
mbøtrøle  vt  whirl  along. 
,  enljøre  vi  til  appertain  to,  relate  to;    ©age 
•r  unber  en  anben  »et  the  cause  comes  withi 
the  jurlsdiction  of  another  court. 

ten'ile  vi  hasten;  -nbe  (Xib)  fleeting. 
en'tmøb  adv  (nærøeb,  næften,  føtoeb)  neai 
nearly.  almost,  towards. 

eniamre  vt  pass  in  wailing. 
enfaflet  a  slovenly  done. 
enralbe  vt  call  away,  summon  (to),    -(fe  * 

gentofte  vt  (fafte  bort)  cast  away,   fling  away 
(et  ©in!)  let  fall,  throw  out,  drop;  (paa  papiret 
write  down  hastily;  .  fig  throw  one's  self,    lei 
one's  self  fall;   en  løft  -t  Xegning    a  sketch;  -I 
gtring  casual  remark;  -t  Orb  chance- word;  i  en  -I 
Zone,  -nbe  adv  carelessly,  in  an  off-hand  way. 
-K&rnHinge  vi  ring. 
fienflttnle  vt  fe  ^eniamre. 
gentog je  vt  &  i  (bortfoge)  boil  away;   -t  Røb 
preserved  meat;  -gte  gføbeoarer  preserves.   -wing 
c  boiliug  away;  preservatlon. 
Aentømft  o  coming  (to),  arrlval  (at). 
^entør|e  vt  &  i  fe  9ortIore.    -fri  e  drive  (to 
a  place. 

$en!eb|e  vt  (lebe  b<^t)  convey,  conduct,  lead; 
fiø  direct;  .  Xalen  paa  turn  the  conversation  on; 
~  Oomarffom^eben  paa  direct,  draw  el.  invite 
(the)  attention  to.  -elfe,  -nhtg  c  conveyanoe 

enlefle  vt  trlfle  away. 
entege  vt  trlfle  away  (time). 
enlebe  vt  pass  (one's  li  fe),  —  vi  live;  jeg   r 
(ofo.  i  ©rebe)  I  remain. 

^en  I  ligge  vt  Ue,  remain.  -ligge«  c  (Sftb*) 
stay,  ae  ten  tion. 

enlifle  fig  vr  steal  away. 
en  (otte  vt  allure. 

enlotgge  vt  lay  by,  put  away,  put  aside, 
place,  -  Scenen  til  lay  the  scene  at  el.  in.  -Ife 
e  laying  etc. 

genne  adv  away;  t  k  prov  lost,  departed;  jfø 
oeb  iffe,  bbor  ban  er  -  I  don't  know  where(about) 
he  is;  b»or  bat  ba  »ceret  -  wheref ever)  have  yoa 
been?  oi  ere  langt  .  i  SRaaneben  we  are  far  ad- 
vanced  in   the   month;   r>ift   .  there,  yonder; 
længere  -  (i  Srrift)  hereafter;  bun  er  3-woanebet 
she  is  3  months  gone. 
en  o  øer  fe  ^en. 
enplonte  vt  plant  (put;. 
enraabne  vi  rot  away. 
enregne  vt  (til)  reckon  el.  class  (among). 
enlreffe  vi  go  depart.    -rejfe  c  (tiOanM)  jour- 
ney  (to   a  place);  (tilføt)  passage  out;  passage 
there,  outward  route. 
henrette  execute.    -Ife  c  -r  executioo. 
+6enribe  vi  ride  (off). 
+$enriet'te  Harriet,  Henrietta,   grarif  Henry, 

ni     •emrinae  vi  (nnoe  ben)  flow  along;  (om  Siben) 
•i  t  Bpae,  glide  (1.  slip  away. 
«fniMcailllt  ii  rtpple  along 

veariic  bi  (am  Biwnitabri  oio.)  carry  away, 

.  /  .»Qsport;  IfoiltnUc)  fosclnslc,  cnrapturo,  charm. 

III  s  faacinatlng.  cbarming,  ravlahlng 
,  ^ÆcarnBt  vi  k  i  roll  along. 

ptnrotte  «  (»Bl-  »9  ji»)  t '    '■ 

Brntijiatsly  1  »li  In  tha 

kbjr  C™1""  '■•'  '»"ght  up  lo  the  thlrd  heaven; 
-.i«:f  albelef  -Ft  otier  go  Into  ecataalea  over.    -Ifr 
jl  -|  i  transport,  rapture,  eostacy. 
i  [  <  4>e*ra*I:Ie  n<  stretch  Furth,   exteod.     -tttng  e 
,{:  aretrtilnR  etc.,  extenaion, 

fienfr  ni  til  regard,  cunsliier;  -  rart  Betalingen 
nul  ■  delay.  -'rakt  c  -r  reapect,  regard;  t  «■" 
ftnlBu;  i  -  lil  In  regard  lo,  wlth  reapect  to,  li. 
;;.«[*rt  of.  In;  i  oen  -,  i  f«  _  in  that  roapect 
,;■  1.  partleuuu;;  i  olie  -t  In  all  reapect«;  I  mange  -c  ' 
n  many  accounta;  1  mbDrt  -  lin)  every  vi;; 
ots'e  -t  ti  bet  notiigt  for  certain  purpoeea  lt  is 

Æenfrni*  n  send,  dlapatcb. 
g,    fte nii»»(  ri  retuain:  _  i  HfHttet  So  j«r  retain 

*ie  es tate  (or  a  deceaaed  person)  undivlded. 

!■■    tjntfigl  c  n  Intention,  dvalen,  purpoae,  intent, 

--  le«;  tneb  -  on  purpoae,  intentiooally;  oben   - 

mintentlonally;    i    ten    -   at  wtth  the  Intention 

S    for  the  purpoae  of  -tus;  bast  Hl  -  at  lnteml 

•  to.  cl.  -lag;  irg  giatbe  Ml  i   twn   bebfte  .  I  acted 

,  br  the  beat;  mir  n  bonourable  intentiona.  — 

K&rafifiHIar   a    baving   a   deflnlte    ob|ect    in 

vtnw.    -Ia#  o   wltbout   purpoae,   almleaa,   pur- 

I  jpotelem.    -lalbek  e  purpoaeleesnesa.    -ataffla  a 

Klultahle  to  the  purpoae,   adeqnata,  approprlate, 

eiT^-tive,    aetviceable,    oouvenlent,    (grant  Fjsiitit- 

nonne  d.  I.)  eipedlent;  Ⱦre  .  answer;    brt  ollbe 

bare  -t  at  lt  would  be  a  good  plan  to;  ^entønet 

lil.  6B«b  bet  et -I  the  consldemlion  of  expedlency; 

i    nn**l!o,6e»  s  aultableneaa  to  tbe  purposo,  fltneaa 

■-    ' "J — ,  auitability,  adequacy;   approprlate- 


fint'vtcit  « 
Jeaftan  »'  (f, 

trlfl  c 

.  (loibliue  rolig)  »tand  atlll;  (icrbalee) 
snu  over;  lobe  .  ufuiflatet   leave  unexplalned. 

S (*(!■■>  c  reaplte,  prolongation. 
eaftlt|lr  it  (Sntfattt)  pat  down,   plaoe;  _  til 
i«  StBBittmilit  leave,  aubmlt,   deter  cl.  reler  to 
DG('a  jtidgment),   put  it  to  one.    -In,  -ll«|  s 

.Smftltrt  vi 
-.ficHttmnlt  o 

c  gailng. 

Braltra  »<  acatter  abont. 
Sraflnoi;  it  stovr  away. 
BM Bavne  M  lt  Stavne, 
Benfttttt  it  slgb  away,  paaa  awa; 
otnfnfe  »  buu  ri.  rush  along. 
Benfslalt  vi  dwindle  away,   fadi 
3en|  paaa  avray,  gilde  away.    -■ 


i,  pollcy,   eipedlency.    -Riiilan  oontraiy  to 
purpoae,    lnappropiiate.      -fna — *~ 

'    purpoae,    in  approprlate. 

.■irnfHB«  le  fcmirtite. 
$enflH»c  vi  fis  {om  Xlbtn)  gilde  a 

éenffrlar  et  wrlte  down. 
-femiftie  ni  looli,  glane«,  gaie.    -i 
''-*'■""■—  -'   Istfllbnt  poo)   thro--   : 

i  (fin   Xib,    (it   8iB)   drag  o 

—  -  it  doae  away. 

fetniletbt  i«  drag  away;  ie  ftfnfltbr;  .  |ig  drag 
OD.  drag  lta  alow  length  along. 

$en(la;n|f  vt  fllng.  throw  (away). 
.  *eniBieLtt  n  (f  ncltc  bort  J  mell  away;  (om  Sonet  I 
dir   away   (gradaallyl-        1   * — 

e  I  nt 

I   loorer  melt  el.  dla- 

*enlf»nl»re.  (4-fmalkH)  n'crnmble,  moulder 
'(nfMtlttt  vi  aleal  away. 
■fjrnftungtr    vi    langniab    away;   vt  -   (lt  Elb 

fienfnige  Rg  er  tom  Xibm)  ateal  away,  creep  on, 
érn(a»e  gi  fig  die;  —  M  aleep  away. 
-■OenfnMe  n  cm,  fe  Ørnrobe. 
Wirle« :  Sanfl'Cngelfi  Otbbog. 

ni  droop,    langulpb,    decay.     -n   c 

-Bing  Ir  Sijlte. 
j>t  ™,    reapect,   regard,   eonaidflra- 

Id  vlew  of,  (ftolBIgl  firnl.)  in  delerenes  to;  mtb  . 
III  with  r.  to,  in  reference  to,  relative  to.  ae  to. 
uben  -  Hl  wltbout  r.  to.  regardleaa  of,  lrreapec 
tlvc  of;  ubrn  -  til  om  uo  matter  wbether  ...  or 
not;  bane  .  til  (t  pal)  refer  to;  taot  -  til  (»  tnal 



i  tilbarllgt  .  tage*  til  maklng 

te  egne  3ntrrr*[rr  a  regard  for  our 

,    ., .   .  .  .       ._lf  (i  in); 

-[nnent  1  lost  In,  abtorbed  lo,   wrapt  lu.     -n  e 

3  'Jjenftinilfom  "«■  datlve  (caae).  -(nik  a 
reapectful,  conalderate.  -fnlbkek  o  respect.  con 
(•Ideration,  deferenCB.  -lal  a  regardlen,  heed- 
leu,  rockle«,  indiicrimlnate,  uncompromiaing, 
rough.  -lalljek  c  regardtesaDeu,  heedleaaneg). 
rocaJessneaa.  —  $en(»n  tigtnbe  o,  -taaett  c  ie 
ftenfbnsfulb.  -6eb. 

$tJt|«Me  «  Katte  ten)  put  away,  put  by;  (ogf. 
fioi  irannport.  tninsfer.  remove;  t  i  Qanglel  be 
lodged  in  priion;  (i  Inn(rn)  .  flg  Hl  Inuuport 
one'i  aelf  in  tmaglnatlon  to,  lmagine  oneaelf 
In.  -l(r  e  putting  etc  ,  removal. 
fttniJroe  di  paaa  (away)  in  aorrow 
t^eoragr  il  take  away;  fis  tranaport. 

Jente   ot  feteh,    go  for,  come  for;  .  en  Soau 
a  cab;    .   flg   en  goruileKf  catch  a  cold;  . 

1.  fro  deri  ve  li 

*$entiMt(  i 

•  Årntrabe  vi  atep  oo. 
'éentnmle  «  paaa  In  rii 
*ent|  ni  have  reconrae. 
4«n|b|r  »tapply  (til  to 
advert  (Hl  to),  -ning  c  -ei 


o  toaaed  about. 




#eutær\t  vt  waste,  consume;  -*  waste  away, 
pine  away.    -lug  c  wasting  etc. 

trnUrfre  vt  dry  up.    -rttig  c  drying  up. 
>enoaage  vt  pass  In  waklng. 
»rttQanore  vi  wander  away,   depart;   —  vt 
$rn*eb  adv  about,  near,  nearly,  towards. 

$enoej  o  way  out;  paa  -en  og  $jentbejen  on  the 
way  out  and  the  way  home. 

$ett*tjre  •*  blow  away,  waft  away. 

Aenbenbe  vt  (paa)  turn,  direct  (to);  -  ftg  til 
address  one's  seif  to,  apply  to,  communlcate 
with;  _  fiø  om  apply  for.  -Ife  c  application, 
communication;  oeb  -  HI  upon  application  to. 

-sfeenoifte  vt  waft  away. 

+$ett*iBlf  vt  beckon. 

$ett»tfe  vt  (anuife)  direct;  (til  AjemmeUmanb, 
6rrift,  Bolbgiftsmanb,  ftomtté)  refer  (to);  vctte  -t 
til  be  reduced  to,  cast  upon,  beholden  to,  (til 
at)  under  the  necesdty  of. 

£entii*ne  vi  wither,  lade  away,  decay.  -lig 
a  evanescent. 

$en*i£ning    o   -er    direction;   reference;    (til 
anbct   Otb   i   ffiegifter,    Drbbog)    cross-reference. 
•Øtegn  reference. 
>enbafte  vt  roll  on. 
rtytarti'rt  the  hep'tarcby. 
jtt  [at]  adv   here;   -  i  ©&en,  fianbet  in  thi* 
town,  country:  ~  fra  ©pen  from  this  town  (ofo.); 

*~  om  Sagen  the  other  day,  -af  hereof,  of  this, 
from  this. 

£tralb|il'  c  her'aldry.  -iler  c  e  one  akllled 
in  neraldry,  her'ald.    -'iff  a  heral'dic. 

$rran' :  ilbe  -  111  off,  in  a  sad  pllght;  tom  .  l 
come  on! 

iSerbartnm  n  -iet  herbarium,  hortus  siccus. 

Åerberg(e)  n  -er  (»artabu«)  inn;  (ftoottet) 
lodglng,  quarters,  pl\  (SaoftljuØ)  hall  of  a  Cor- 
poration, house  of  a  call.  $erberg|e,  -ere  vt 
harbour,  lodge,  quarter.  -e'rcr  c  innkeeper. 
•mober  hostess  of  a  house  of  call. 

»ercD'nif!  a:  ben-t  6to»  the  Hercyn'ian  forest. 

>erb  c  -et  hearth. 

>erbe  c  thtat  latticing. 

»erb|  formning  open  sand-moulding.  -op» 
forge-hearth.  -faal  hearth-plate.  -fanb  river 
-sand  for  air-furnaces. 

^er |  efter  hereafter,  henceforth,  afber  this,  in 
future.  -efterbagø  fe  (Efterbog*.  -for  for  this. 
-fra  from  hence,  from  here,  from  this;  naar 
rejfet  S)e  ~?  when  do  you  leave  here,  el.  1. 
this?  -frem  this  way.  -fcen  here,  this  way, 
hither.  -Gib  hither.  -bjem'mc  at  home.  -to* 
(tæt  Iptbeb)  close  by,  hard  by;  (beeubrn)  besides 
this,  moreover,  add  to  this;  (i  ©reb)  annexed, 
under  this  cover,  -i  herein,  in  this.  -iblanbt 
among  this  el.  these.  -igennem  through  here. 
-imellem  between  these.  -imob  against  this. 
-inb  herein,  in  here.  -tabe  within.  in  here. 
•inbefra  from  within   here.     -tnbenfor   within 

here;  in  here. 
tferfomft  o  descent,    parentage,    extraction, 

oii  gin 

Seviulti  Hercules;  -'  ©tottet  the  pillars  of 
Hercules.    $erl*'lifr  a  Herculean.       • 

Aerlia  a  excellent,  glorious,  grand,  magni- 
ficent-  "  (-t,  t  -en)  adv  gioriously  etc.;  leoebe 
boet  i«g  -«  og  i  élabe  bibl  fered  sumptuously 
every  day.  -g#re  vt  glorify.  -g#reifc  c  glori- 
flcatton.  -*eb  c  -et  excellence,  glory  magnifl- 
oence,  grandeur;  bibl  glory;  (et  Øobfe«)  manorial 
right?  bet  et  $ele  -en  thafs  the  whole  concern; 

bet  ligger  tele  -en  there  it  lies   (all  smaahed 
føm*  .  his  lordship.    -bebdret  manorial  right 

tfermofrobit'  c  -et  hermaph'rodite.  -fcrtg  1 
brig,  brigantine. 

erme  c  .t  Hermes,  Henna  (pi  Hermæ). 

ermeb  adv  herewith,  with  this;  so. 

ermelin  o  -et  ermlne,   Mu$tela  eriminia;    lt 
ftfftnb   —  £erme(in&jraabe  robe  el.  cloak   lined 
with  ermlne.    -flinb  ermine. 

$erme*eii|ri!  o  hermeneu'tics.  -tiff  a  her 

termeøftao  c  Mercury's  rod,  caduceus. 
erme't|iff  a  hennet'ic(al);  -  nebtøgt  Støb  pr* 
served  meat;  ~  luHet  hermetioaUy  sealed.     -ir 
e  hermetic  philosophy;  h.  medicine;  preserved 

$er|neb  adv  down  here.   -nebe  adv  down  here 
-neben  adv  here  below.    -nebemfra  adv  from 
here  below.  -naft  adv  next,  In  the  next  place 

^ero'lbeJ  Her  od  fenbe  fra  -  til  $i(aht«  send 
on  a  sleeveless  (el.  bootless)  errand,  from  pillar 
to  post.    -bia'ner  o  -e  Hero'di&n. 

Aer  obo  t  Herod'otus. 

Aero|i  be  c  -t  her'oide.  -»we  c  her'oism 
-iff  a  heroic(al). 

terolb   c  -et  her'ald. 
er |  om  (om  bette)  about  this,  hereon,  on  thi« 
-om(me)  ( benne  Bej)  round  this  way.    -omfrfmg 

^eron»[br«nb  fountain  of  Hero,  tirculatiiig 
fountain.    -In gie  eolipile. 
tt\vp,  -i>ppt  adv  up  here. 
trog  o  -o 'et  hero.    -faltn*  hero-wonship. 
^cr|ooer    adv    over    here;    hereat,    hereon. 
ooerfor    adv   opposite,    on    the    other    side. 
-obre  adv  here,  over  here,  on  this  side,     -paa 
adv  hereon,  here  upon,  upon  this,  on  this. 
(er|»o|»  e  fe  ^aerfugl. 

Acrre  c  -t  (Obetberre)  lord;  (mobf.  tjener,  fcott 
Unbetfaattet,  éujfabet)  master;  (SRanbfoIT)  gentle^ 
man:  -n  the  Lord;  Bor  .-  our  Lord,   God,   the 
Lord;  bet  moa  «or-  oibe!  God  knows,  goodness 
knows;  SBot-  fCal  oibe!  goodness  knows;   8or-  er 
alle  $aatet8  ^ontujnbet  fortune  fkvour  fools,  -n* 
©orb  the  Lord's  8upper;   -n»  »on  the  Lord' s 
Prayer;   n»  Salbebe  the  Lord's  anointed;  et  -n* 
wejt  awful  weather;  i  mange  -nå  Wat  (for)  manv 
a  long  year;  i  bet  -n*  Vor  ...  in  the  year  of 
Our  Lord;  -n»  »ilje  f?e!  the  Lord's  will  be  done  • 
Waobige      f   my   Lord l    8Rin -!  Sir!    TOine -r  i 
Gentlemen;  SRtne  -t  og  »amet  Ladies  and  Gentle- 
SSL AH"«  •:- *""  «entleman;  $t.  ».  Mr.  N., 
(Ubfttift  til  ftoll  ooer  ben  laoere  røibbelftanb)  N.  X 
^•5  «•«•  ««neral  «R.  General  N.;   At.  General! 
(»orgntefør  ofo.)  Sir!    J>ere8  Ar.  gabet  (Mr.  N) 
your  father;  be  -t  (i  tiltale)  gentlemen,  you  .  .   - 
8.  Messrs.   A.    and  B.;  .  og  ^tue 
mlstress;   oære  fin  egen  -  be  one" s 

be  -t  fc.  o 
master  an 


own  master,  (om  ftotnbet:  mlstress);  be  a  free 
agent;   ooere  .   obet  fip  be  master  of,  master, 

cany  it  high;  enboet  et  .  i  fit  &u*  every  man's 

USL  l?e  roa8t'  ,the  »»y  mare  is  the  better 
ifw^i.5?1  'V1'  ffl,fl  føiBe  *am  Sben°e  Uke  master, 
rsrnmma^a  ^'l««««  «  cavalier.     -arbejber 

S,  noble  P»«ntase.     •**«   m,u«t  T» 

$«wt in  -nr  dlBtrict,  hundred,  dlrlslon 
genueman's  costume,  man '8  dreee.  ^ 




$errebØ|fogeb  Judge  of  a  distrlct.  -fnlbmaøtiø 
fe  -ftxixttt.  -øtfltnfe.  -flet  boundary  of  a  d. 
t-frrfttet  clerk  of  a  d.  ••frbrelfe  local  govern- 
ment  board.    t-tiHø  court  of  a  distrlct. 

$rrtt\*9vmt  n  sway,  rule,  dominion;  mastery, 
command,  grasp;  ~  ober  SpToaet  command  of 
language;   -   ober   fifl   felb  sellpossession,   self 
eommand,  self-control;  bar  et  ftort  _  ober  barn 
bas  el.  exercises  a  great  ascendency  over  him; 
bat  -  o  »er  Qeftene  has  the  horses  well  in  nand. 
-f  otf   qnality  folks,  people  of  rank.    t-fcerb  fe 
^Krrfcetb.     -føbe  a  lord's  fare.    -øøørb  manor, 
manorlal  estate,  gentleman's  seat,  manor-seat, 
manor •  house.       -øaarbftfftttte     game- keeper. 
-gaarbøfntot  prime  butter.    -ttilbe  lordly  ban- 
quet.    -ønb  int  dear  mel    well!    -øanft  favour 
of   the  great.     -tønbffer  gentlemen's  gloves. 
-Quø  House  of  Lords,    -bnlbeft  fe  -gunft.    -Ijole 
coat.    -(løfter  abbey.     -flabet  (foftbare  ftlaber) 
lordly  attire;  fe  -bragt.     -lort  conrt-card,    face 
•card.   -løft  fe  -føbe.  -tebnet,  -lib  lordly  life,  easy, 
luxnrioua  life;  føre  et  .  live  like  a  lord.    -løfte 
frreat    man  s  promise.     -løb  a  ownerless,   un- 
owned,  masterless;  en  ~  $unb  a  stray  cl.  owner- 
less dog     -maafttb  lordly  repast.   -mab  fe  -føbe. 
-magt  lordly  power,    -maitb  lord  of  a  manor, 
landed  proprietor,  squlre.   +-manbtø  a  squirely. 
-manbåftonb  gentry .  -ntibbaø  gentlemen'sdinner. 
-søbet,  -nbttet  lordly  caprices.  -portrat  gentle- 
man's portrait.  -bragt  lordly  pomp.  -ret  o  dellcl- 
oiis  dish,  feast.   -fallordly  hall.   -felftab  gentle- 
men's party;  gentlemen's  rompany.  -frtf te  change 
of  masters,   -ffjotb  armorial  bearing,  escutcheon; 
t   fe  $orftjorb.    -ffrabbet  (gentlemen's)  tailor. 
-ftørnt  lordly  gift.     -flot    fe    -borg.      -fiabø   fe 
pragt,    -ftanb  noble  rank.    -føjbe  manor-house, 
lordly  seat.    -ntø:  paa  .Ina  lordly  mønner. 
>etrnbnter  c  »e  Moravian. 
petfe  vi  (i  bet)  grind,  cream  one's  self. 
frfe  r  fe  $erbe. 
Jetffab  n  -er  tøertebømme)  dominion;  (familie) 
master  and  mistress,   my  lord  and  my  lady;  be 
bøie  -er  the  royal  family.    $erfta  belfø  a  (font 
tilhøret  et  abeligt  $erflab)  seigneurial,  manorial; 
.  feøfig,  Sejligfyrb  gentleman's  reeidence,  aristo- 
rratical  mansion.  —  $erffabd| bolig  fe  $erftabe1iQ. 
-børb    the   masters   table.     -tynd    gcntlemanYs 
house,    -læger  game-keeper,     -tøf  gentleman's 
eook.     •laf!    coachman.     -tøtfen    gentleman's 
kitchen.    -tjene?  footman.    -bøøn  a  nobleman's 
fgentloman's)  carriage. 

$erffe  m  (regere)  sway,  rule;  (bobe  Dberbaanb) 
reign,  prevail,  predomlnate,  obtain:  ben,  bet  -r 
ober  fin  tlanb,  er  bebre  enb  ben,  bet  tnbtager  en 
Stab  bibl  he  that  ruleth  his  spirit  is  better  than 
he  that  taketh  a  city.  -for  a  domineering, 
imperious.  -Inft  fe  -fbge.  -abe  a  reigning  etc., 
pre  valent,  ten  -  {Religion  the  established  el. 
prevailing  religion;  et  af  be  -  golf  i  Orienten 
nne  of  the  imperial  nations  of  the  East. 

$erftet  c  -e  sovereign,  master,  ruier,  despot, 
•øønb  ruler's  spirit.  -blif  commandlng  look. 
-bnb  command  of  a  sovereign.  -in'be  e  -r 
miatres«,  -frøft  ruler's  energy.  -tin  life  of 
a  sovereign.  -magt  supreme  authority,  sove- 
rcignty.  -mine  look  of  a  ruier,  commandlng 
air.  -finb  soul  of  a  ruier,  imperious  mind. 
-flcøt  race  of  miers,    -tib  reign. 

$etffe|fbØ  n  imperious,  domineering.  -tøfle 
appetite  for  mie,  ambition,  lmperiousness. 

$erjftebå  adv  here,   in  this  place.    -tit   adv 
(\U  bette   Steb  efler  benne  ting)  to  this,  hereto; 
-  fommer  add  to  this. 
éerte  fe  $erbe. 

øertnø  c  -er  duke.  -bø«me  n  x  duchy,  duke- , 
dom.    (ettn'øeliø  a  ducal;  be  -e   the  duke' s  . 

party,    $ettnø|iube  c  -r  duchess.    -trone  ducal 

$et|nb,  -abe  adv  out  here.  -nbaf,  -nbi  fe 
-af.  -i.  -nbabct  adv  on  this  account,  in  con- 
sequence  of  this;  farther  than  this.  -anber 
adv  under  here,  below  here;  -  b>iler  here 
lies;  _  forftaa*  hereby  is  understood.  -an'ter 
adv  [t.l  F  bare  _  be  low.  -beb  (beb  $jalø  af 
bette)  hereby,  by  this;  (i  $otument)  by  the«e 
presents;  (i  benne  $enfeenbe)  on  this  subject, 
point,  head,  concerning  this,  here;  tæt  -  close 
by,  hard  by;  -  et  intet  at  gøre  there  is  no  help 
for  it,  it  cannot  be  helped.  -betøet  redrøft. 
•botesbe  a  in  el.  of  this  place,  here,  hero  pres- 
ent, residing  here,  resident. 

grft'pettbetne  pi  the  Hesper'ides.  .fccS'berift 
a  Hesperian.    ^cS  pera*  Hesper,  Hespen^s. 

^eøjfe«  n  Hesse;  -  StaSfel  Hesse  Cassel  (ofb). 
-et  e  -r  -if!  a  Hessian;  ben  -e  fjlue  the  Hessian 
fly,  Cecidompa  dettructor, 

$eft  e  e  horse;  cont  nag;  (USe)  pony;  ^  (til 
(Jfærting)  horse,  (til  fflaa)  stirrup;  (Stjrb.)  cboking 
-lace;  til  .  on  horeeback,  mounted;  ftige  til  . 
mount  (a  horse),  take  horse;  flbber  gobt  til  . 
has  a  good  seat  (on  horseback);  fiø  tomme  til  . 
get  in  to  a  scrape;  paa  tnoc  -e«  ftraft  of  twenty 
horse-power;  ftaa  a\  -en  dismount,  alight  trom 
a  horse;  ftaffe  ftg  en  frtf?  .  procure  a  remount; 
fatte  fig  paa  ben  t)ø\t  _  give  one's  self  airs, 
ascend  the  high  ropes,  ride  the  high  horse, 
200  -e  mil  two  hundred  horse.  —  Aeftelaftetnitig 
horse-breaking.  -afrettet  horsebreaker.  -at' 
befbe  drudgery.  -abl  breeding  of  horses,  -bane 
horse- railway,  tramway.  -befløg  r (gerningen) 
shoeing  of  horses;  (Sro)  horse-shoes  pi.  -beftanb. 
-befatning  number  of  horses,  joc  hippie  strength. 
♦•bjørn  full  grown  bear.  -brebbetne  pi  &  the 
horse-latltudes.  -brewå  horse-fly,  Oettrua  eqvi. 
•bprbe  horse-load.  -bptte  bartering  of  horses. 
-bønne  horsebean,  ViciaFaha.  -barn  horse-pond. 
•bøltør  fe  -lage.  -braber  ^,  fe  Siaebo.  -bnm  a 
stupid  as  an  ass,  dunderheaded,  denBe.  -bnmbeb 
horrible  stupidity.  -bøtflen  horsecloth.  -elfTer 
horse-fancier.  Mør,  fe  -man.  -febt  horsegrease. 
-fine  forest-fly,  Hippobotca  equina.  -fob  horse 
-foot;  (ftanbenft)  cloven  foot,  cloven  hoof.  -føbet 
horse- meat.  -forftanb  the  sense  of  a  horse; 
knowledge  of  horeeflesh.  -gal  a  boning,  -gang 
horeewav.  -gitbet  horse-gelder.  -grad  sort 
•grass,  Bolcue  lannttu.  -øttnøe  merry-go-round. 
•øøbntnø,  -gøbfel  horse-manure.  -baør  horse 
-hair.  'baatøbetrørl  horse-seating.  -baørøbuø 
hair-cloth.  -baarØføfasofawHh  hair-top.  *-(aøe 
fe  -baoe.  -batte  horse-hoe;  —  vt  horsehoe.  -pale 
horse' s  tail,  horsetail;  $  mare's,  Hippuri* 
•f)ø(£  horse's  neck.  -baabel  deallng  in  horses. 
-banbler  horse -dealer,  -bøøe  enclosure  for 
horses,  -belbtcb  fe  -natur.  -Ijilbe  hoppie.  -b,j«Ip 
equlne  ald.  -bølb  keeping  of  horses,  -tyølber 
job-master.  -90P  horse's  hoof;  9  coltsfoot, 
Twttilngo  farfnra.  -bøbeb  horse's  head.  -b«b 
horse's- hlde.  -igle  horse-leech,  Aulantotnum 
mnguituga.  -fantbane  fe  -bane.  -faif c  horse-box. 
-la^anie  horse- chestnut.  Ænculu*  htppoccutanum. 
-fenber  judge  of  horses,  judge  of  horse  flesh. 
-ferne  churn  worked  by  horse  gear.  -ttaft 
(t)mp.)  horse-power;  et  Stampftib  paa  50  4>efteø 
ftraft  a  steamer  of  50  horse-power,  -ftbbbe 
horse  erib.  -fratfter  fio  strength  of  a  horse; 
fe  troft  -fnt  horsercmedy.  -tpnbiø  a  a  good 
judge  of  horses  el.  f  of  horseflesn.,  horsey. 
-tab  purchase  of  horses,  -løb  horse  flesh,  horse 
beef.  -leje  horse-hire,  -Ibtte  great  good 
luck;  ban  bar  en  .  he  is  a  lucky  dog.  -lagr 
horsc-leech,  farrier,  horse-doctor.  -lange  horse 
•sling,    -la*  horse-load.    -møn,  mønte  horse's 





mane.  -utarfeb  horse-foir.  -mebicin  horse 
-physic,  horse-drench.  -mftnte  capitate  mlnt, 
Mentka  aguatiea.  -mail  mare 's  milk.  -nwg 
horse-dong.  -mølle  horse-mill.  -natur  (fiø  og  F ) 
6an  bat  -  he  is  as  strong  as  a  horse,  -omgang 
fe  -gang.  -paffer  horse -minder,  horseman. 
-(»rang  horse-dealing.  pranget  horse-dealer, 
horse-coper,  jockey.  ~ptttt  horse-turd.  -race 
breed  of  horses,  -reje  shrixnp,  Oranoon.  -Ha 
a  rich  in  horses,  -rift  horse-rake.  -rumpe  fe 
•hale.  -røgt  tending  of  horses.  -r*Qter  groom. 
-fald  horse-shearo,  horaeclipper.  -flirte  changing 
of  horses,  -ffo  horse-shoe.  -fløbne  horse-Bhoe 
arch.  -flomagnrt  horse-shoe  magnet.  -ftonotfe 
horse-shoe-bat,  Rhinolophu*.  •ftofpleb  Antag,  *-ffo- 
fptei*  horse-shoe  splice.  -fløjønt  hobnail]  horse 
•(shoe-)nail,  clencher.  -frrobe  fe  -Angle,  -frne 
horse-show.  -fterer  horse-gelder.  -fragter  horse 
-butcher,  horse-slaughterer,  knacker.  -ff  agten 
tlie  equlne  race.  *-tør<rog  rock-brake,  AUotoru* 
cri*pu*.  -ftalb  horse-stable,  -ffr*get<t*fe-brebberne. 
-fbamp  common  sponge.  -fnøni  stone-brim- 
»lone.  -fpgbom,  fljge  disease  of  horses.  -fJjn 
public  inspectlon  of  horses,  -tors  horse-market. 
•tøn  J,  (capstan-bar)  swifter.  -tramp  n,  -trampen 
e  stamping  of  horses,  -tran  trotting  qf  a  horse. 
*-rr«  fe  -baoe.  -tunge  horse's  tongue;  $  sea- 
bugloss,  tStenkammaria  maritima.  -ttyp  horse 
-stealer.  -tpperi  horse-stealing.  -tommer  horse 
-tamer.  -uf  harness.  -ubfttQing  fe  -ftne. 
-panbring  fe  -gang.  -»artet  fe  -paftfer.  -»ilte 
common  vetch,  vicia  »otiva.  -PatbbeUb  horse 
-race.    -pønrl  horse-mill.    «#Je  horse's  eye. 

$eft|føtt  horse,  cavalry.  -f#l  foal.  -gorbe 

$etero|bof*'  a  het'erodox.  -ge'n  a  heteroge'- 

6etfonb*«erne  the  Shetland  isles. 

btttt'xt  e  -r  courtesan,  hetæra. 

'•©eje  «e:  -  i  flg  gorge,  devour  hurriedly. 

$t  n  (biørnene  2eje)  winter  lalr;  ligge  i  .  Ile 
dormant,  become  torpid. 

">ta't  c  -er  hiatus. 

rfb'.  *$i'b  n,  pi  «,  F  fling,  shy,  sklt. 
>ib  adv  hither,  this  way,  here;  .  og  btb  hither 
and  thither,  here  and  there;  -  meb  Bogen  l  give 
me  the  book  (directly)!  +-ab  adv  this  way. 
•bringe  vt  bring  hither.  -bore  vt  carry  hither. 
•braae  go  el.  more  hither;  —  vt  draw  hither. 
*-eufør  prerp  h  adv  (on)  this  side  (of)-  -f«rc  vt 
bring  (hither);  fa  bring  on,  lead  to.  -førfel 
conveyance  hither.  adv  hither.  -børenbe 
a  hereto  belooging,  connected  with  this  matter. 
-inbtil  fe  -ril.  -talbe  call.  +-tomme  vi  come 
here.  -fomft  arrival  here.  -tebe  vt  lead  hither. 
fa  deri  ve.  -tøfle  vt  aliure.  -rejfe  journey 
hither;  (til  ®f«)  passage  here.  -rare  vi  (fro) 
originate  (In),  arise  (from). 
>tb8bl*fenbe  fe  $cefebt*fenbe. 
>ibf e  fe  $t*fe  vt 

>ibfe  vt  tom  Sin)  heat;  (opfaibfe)  incite;  (ægge) 
set  on,  hound  on;  -  en  $are  run  down  a  hare; 
~  en  Biørn  bait  a  bear;  ~  fammrn,  paa  binanben 
set  together  by  the  ears;  —  -nbe  a  heating. 

$i'bfenbe  vt  send  hither,  forward.  -Ife  c  for- 

$ibfig  a  (opfarenbe)  hot,  hot-headed,  qulck 
-tempered,  passionate;  (fprig,  befttg)  fiery,  ardent; 
(begærlig)  eager;  -e  grifle  Bplrltuous  Uquors, 
ardent  spirlts;  e  Sbgbomme  acute  diseases;  ~ 
3eber  burnlng  fe  ver;  bltoe  -  fly  into  a  passion; 
ilTe  faa  .!  soft!  softly!  gently!  -  efter  el.  paa 
eager  for,  after.  -beb  c  passion,  heat;  eager- 
ness;  med  Inflammation,  -prop  F.  Magg  c 

$i'bffaffe  vt  procure. 

*£ib*paafant  mlschief-maker. 

Qvblfxørae  (+)  vi  advance  rapidly.  -fatte  vt 
append,  snbjoin.  -tibig  a  op  to  this  time, 
older.  -tit  adv  (btbtitbag«)  hitherto,  UU  now. 
so  for,  thus  for;  (til  bette  6teb)  to  this  plsvce. 
so  for.  -tilbag«  fe  -til.  -tilPartnbe  a  (what  has 
been)  hitherto,  till  now,  up  to  this  time,  as 
yet;  en  .  Soibat  one  who  has  been  a  soldler 
hitherto.  -Peniet  a  expected  here,  e.  to  anrtve. 

ti  er  |  otti'  n  hi'erarchy.  -or'tifr  a  hiera'rchlcal. 
terøgfttf  c  -et  hl'eroglyph,  hieroglyph'ic.   -tf? 
a  hieroglyph'ic(al). 

Sieronimnd  Jero'me. 
ige  vi  efter  covet,  hanker  after,  crave;  ~  mob 
press  on  for;  long  for.    -n  o  coveting  etc.   -b  «i 
(om  f>9i)  In  heat. 

4^tf '  n,  pi  =>t  hlceough,  hicknp.   «&itte  vi  hic- 
congh,  hickup;  (om  Ur)  be  out  of  beat.    $itte. 
AWtrn  c  hlocough(ing);  t  fe  Anllen. 
6il  !   £i(  big!  ^ifoare  big!  •n<«r;' hall !  all 

Ailarin«  Hilary. 

Aitbe  c  -r  snare,  noose;  t  (til  $eft)  hoppie. 
fiilbe  vt  ensnare,  en  trap,  entangle,  Inveigle; 
thobble,  hoppie;  -t  i  $orbomme  enslaved  by  pre- 
jndice,  prejudioed.    ^ilbninø  c  snaring  etc. 

~ilb)re  vi  loom.    -ring  c  looming. 
Ile  vi  (meb  giftefiwre)  bob. 
iDe,  ^iflfmøtnb!  hey-day!  bless  us!   hol  ty - 
toity!  p  my  eyes!  -  ben  flemme  6nge  zounds! 

^ilfe  (ogf .  -te,  -t)  vt  groet,  salute,  bow  to;  (mob' 
tage  paa  en  eder  anben  SWaabe)  hail,  receive,  wel 
come;  -  paa  en  (ftefoge)  give  one  a  call,  pay  one' s 
respects  to;  b.  f.  f.  bilfe;  ~  meb  flaget  dip  the 
colours;  -  meb  ^uttaraab  cheer;  ban  bab  at  ~  he 
left  his  respects;  ban  bab  mig  ~  aOe  Bennet  he 
desired  to  be  remembered  to  all  his  frlends;  bil* 
barn  fra  mig  remember  me  to  hlm,  Rive  hlm  my 
compliments;  jeg  frutbe  .  fra  $rofe«foren  og  ftge 
with  the  professor's  compliments  I  was  to  sav; 
btlft  benbe  farlta  I  desire  my  affectionate  love  to 
her;  jeg  tan  -  fra  I  have  just  seen.  -fob  o :  flaa 
paa  .  meb  en  have  a  nodding  acquaintance 
with  one.  Ailfen  c  -er  (perfonltg)  salutatlon, 
greetlng;  (fenbt)  compliments,  message,  words, 
remembrances;  formelbe  fin  ~  present  one's  com- 

timatolja  (bjærgene)  the  Himalayas  pi.    -bag 

tAimbegimbe  c  F  nondescript. 

4nmte  vi  F  give  up  the  ghoet,  pop  off.  be 
in  estacies. 

^immel  c  -mie  heaven,  heavens  pi,  sky,  skies, 
(Senge*)  tester;  (Xron*)  canopy;  -en  fa  heaven; 
unber  aaben  -  in  the  open  air;  $imlen  er  obet 
rrnften  the  sky  is  overcast;  Solen  flob  b'U  paa 
-en  the  sun  was  high;  fstte  -  og  3otb  i  Oebogelfe 
move  heaven  and  earth;  et  Sp.n  fra  Kar  -  a  bolt 
out  of  the  blue;  o  - 1  oh  heavens !  for  -eni  Sfblb 
for  heaven's  sake;  fare  til  -*  ascend  to  heaven; 
i  ben  fpoenbe  -  in  ecstacies,  supremely  happy, 
in  the  seventh  heaven.  -angfl  a  In  a  mortal 
funk.  -bib  c  delicious  morsel.  -blaa  a  skyblue. 
azure.  -borg  heavenly  dwelling.  -brcn  letter 
fallen  from  heaven  -brnb  nun.  -bne  vault  of 
heaven,  celestial  vault.  -bag  naked  barley, 
Hordeumvulaartcælente.  -Dttltezone.  -bronntlig 
queen  of  heaven.  t-b«g  fe  Solbug  -egn  sone, 
climate.  -falben  a  fallen  from  the  skies;  ban  ftob 
f  om  -  he  was  struck  with  amazement,  F  you  could 
have  knocked  hlm  down  with  a  feather.  -faren 
a  ascend  ed  into  heaven.  -fart  ascension  (of 
Jesus  Christy;  frriftl  -fartøbag  Ascenslon-day. 
•fortdøen  Ascension.  -farne  sky-colour.  -fUigt 
heavenward  flight.  -freb  heavenly  peace.  -frbjb 
heavenly  joy.    -gabe  gift  of  heaven.    -ginen  a 




beaven-given.  -glab  happy  as  a  king.  -glane 
heavenly  splendour.  -glabn*  celestial  globe. 
-glabe  fe  -frtjb.  -Mørne  quarter  of  the  heavens. 
-ftnnb  vlllain,  monster,  wretch.  -tynalbing  fe 
-bne.  -Mi  a  hlgh  as  heaven,  towering;  raabe  -t 
ery  with  all  one's  might,  bellow.  -flor  a  heaven 
-bright,  -flobe  fe  -fugle,  -førn  fe  -bbg.  -fort 
astronomicai  chart,  celestial  planisphere.  -fugle 
celestial  globe,  -legeme  heavenly  body,  celes 
tial  body,  orb.  -løft  roof  of  heaven.  -Ib* 
lumlnary.  -Ub  (Stjernernet)  motion  of  the 
heavenly  bodles.  -m«b  heavenly  food.  -nøgle 
key  of  heaven.  -pøl  celestial  pole.  -børt  gate 
of  heaven.  -raab  vociferation.  -raabenbr  a 
crylDg  (to  heaven),  revolting,  most  atrocious. 
-raab  borizon.  -re«  a  pure  as  heaven.  -rammet 
the  heavens.  -fettbt  a  heaven-sent.  -feng  tester 
bed,  four-poster.  -ff  a  heavenly,  celestial;  bet  -e 
røge  the  heavenly  kingdom,  (Stina)  the  celestial 
kingdom.  »flan  a  divinely  beautifnl.  -tyvtet 
n  toasing  in  a  blanket;  lege  -  meb  blanket,  toss 
in  a  blanket,  -flige  Jacob's  ladder.  -flora 
furious  tempest.  -ftørmenbf  a  heaven-storming. 
-tøruser  c  -c  heaven- stormer,  -ftrttbenbe  a  heaven- 
aspiring,  heaven-directed.  -frrøg  fe  -egn.  -føn 
meteor.  -f*b  a  divinely  sweet.  -tegn  sign  of 
the  zodiac.  -telt  canopy  of  heaven.  -bef  road 
to  heaven.  -bejr  furious  storm,  -brnbt  a  up- 
tumed.  -oib  a  very  wide,  very  distant;  ~  gør« 
Hel  very  wide  difference,  -ftibt  adv  wldely;  . 
forffellig  dlfferent  as  heaven  and  earth,  day  and 
ntght,  light  and  darkness. 

éintmerig(e)  n  heaven,  the  kingdom  of  heaven; 
-*  wige  the  kingdom  of  heaven.  —  fiinuufrigfl* 
fonen  the  heaven-descended  (Danish)  standard, 
the  Danebrog.    -mnnbfnlb  delicious  morsel. 

t£imbb,«oM>  e  f  jumble. 

£tn  pron  døm  that,  n  -t  that,  jrf  -e  those;  bette 
og  fjint  this  and  that;  -t  .  .  .,  bette  .  .  .  the 
former  ....  the  latter  .  .  . 

$inaubeu  pron  indtfe&ch  other,  one  another; 
rtøe  fra  -  tear  asunder;  om  -  promiseuously; 
paa  ~  følgenbe  consecutlve. 

finb  c  er  hind. 
inbbffr  n  raspberry,    -bnf!  raspberry-bush, 
Kubu*  idetun.   -eb  bi  fe  r.  vlnegar.  -foft  r.  syrup. 

+£iube  vt,  prov  fe  9taa. 

£inbe  c  -r  membrane,  pellicle;  (meget  ttjnb) 
film.  -agrig  fe  -t.  -borger  sea  lavender,  Statice 
limonium.  -frugt  utricle.  -Ina?  sand-spurry, 

$tuber  c  hinderance,  hlndrance,  impediment, 
obstacle,  obstruction,  bar,  let,  check;  »«re  til  - 
for  be  a  hinderance  to  etc.;  obstruct;  ber  er 
intet  til  ~  for  there  is  nothing  to  prevent.  -Hg 
n  hindering,  obstructive.  -løb,  -ribning,  -ribt 

$inbc|føøb  membranaceous  envelope.  -t  a 
membranous,  membranaceons.  -bingrt  a  hymen- 

Siaboflon  n  Hindostan'.  -ff  a  Hindostan'ee. 
inb|re  vt  hinder,  obstruct,  impede,  prevent; 
-  en  i  binder,  prevent  one  from;  -  en  i  el.  fra 
at  prevent  one  (from)  -ing.  -ring  c  -et,  fe  $inber: 
hegge  -er  i  8ejen  for  throw  obstacles  in  the  way 
of,  fen)  in  one's  way. 

£tnbu  c  -er  Hindoo,  Hindu. 

$ingft  c  -er  stallion.  s  ton  e-horse.  $tngffe> 
flue  siallion-sbow.  ^ingftiføl  horse -colt.  -gala 
horsing.  t-blag  c  horse-colt  in  the  second  year. 

6infe  fri  limp,  hobble.  -n  c  iimping,  hobbling. 

»i'u|fibe9  adv  k  prop  beyond,  on  the  other 
side  (of);  —  »  et  -,  fe  j£>i*fct.  -fibig  a  on  the 
other  side,  opposite. 

+6i»'  «  fe  fcib. 

ffo'l  ir.t:  „  -  $urra!  hip  hip  hun-ab! 

$itt'  fom  $ab  F  the  one  is  as  good  as  the 
other,  there  is  small  cholce  el.  not  a  pin  to 
choose  between  them,  it  is  as  broad  as  long, 
six  of  one  and  half  a  dozen  of  the  other,  p 
much  of  a  muchness. 

iBttøbrø'm  o   er  hip'podrome. 
ibjm'rfbre  c  hippuric  add. 
irb  c  (i  Dlbt.)  the  king's  bodyguard,  the 
king's  men.    -manb  king's  man.    -brøtft  king's 

$trfa)famger  [t.]  o  -e  hanger. 

Strfe  c  millet,  Panicutn  mUiaeeum.  -(ørn 
miilet-seed.    -bttfling  millet-pap. 

£ift'  n,  mus  B  sharp. 

$iøfe  vt  hoist,  .  neb  lower  down.  Ridning 
c  hoisting  etc. 

$iØfet  adv  in  the  next  world,  hereaiter;  n  er 
_  a  world  to  come,  a  rature  life,  a  hereafter. 

4>ift  adv  yonder;  -  og  %n  here  and  there. 
-benne  adv  yonder.  -nebe  adv  down  there. 
-Obbe  adv  up  there. 

$iftø'rie  c  -r  his'tory;  (fortælling)  story;  t  F 
glass  of  rum  toddy;  -n  history;  ben  nbere  . 
modem  history  (etc.);  en  flem  ~  a  sad  affair,  sad 
business;  bet  er  en  beilig  -1  a  pretty  piece  of 
business  this!  p  tb  i  s  is  a  nlce  go!  qbab  er  betle 
for  -r?  what  is  all  this  business  about?  bete  -n 
the  whole  concern;  berom  tier  -n  that  is  not  on 
record,  -bøg  story  book.  -granffer  historiau. 
-grenffning  historical  research,  -t^nbig  a  vened 
in  history.  -maler  historical  painter.  -maleri 
historical  painting.  -ffrioer  historical  writer, 
historiographer.  -flribning  historical  writing. 
fiiftorifer  c  -e  historian.  Aiftøriøgra'f  c  -er: 
tongelig  -  Historio'grapher  Royal,  filftorif!  a 
hi8tor'ical;  bet  er  -  it  is  a  matter  of  history;  — 
adv :  .  befenbt  of  historie  note. 

tift løbre  adv  over  there.  -nbe  adv  out  there. 
ilte  vt  find,  hit  on;  -  paa,  fe  ginbe  ooa;  . 
ub  af  find  out,  see  one's  way  through;  jeg  fan 
iffe  -  ub  af  bet  I  can  make  nelther  head  nor 
tail  of  it.  -barn  foundling.  -børnSbofbital 
foundling  hospital,  -gobfi  goods  found;  jur 
walf.    -løn  fe  fttnbeløn. 

&i*  n  heave.  $ibe,  beo,  beoet  vt  &  i  heave, 
(Tofte)  throw;  ^  heave;  .  i  el.  inb  paa  et  %ox> 
heave  on  a  rope;  -  paa  flg  heave;  .  ©afla ft 
discharge  el.  heave  ballast. 

tåibe  vi  pant,  gasp;  ban  ffat  længe  gaaet  og  -t 
he  has  long  been  peaking.   -n  c  fe  Sfrantenpeb. 

^iber(t)  c  heavy  gale;  F  fyavt  en  .  be  fuddled. 

-tøjobber  c  jabber,  twaddle.  ^J abre  vi  jabber, 
twaddle.    fifabberbørn  a  jabbering,  twaddling. 

t6|al  n,  $Jalb  c  flake,  loft,  (om  $tnft)  perrh. 

pjalte  n  poet  hilt 

t^Jabbe  rt  (om  ^unb)  yelp;  (om  TOffr.)  splutter, 
jabber.    -gat  -t  a  hare-brained.   -ri'  n  jabbering. 

efle  o  -r  golden  plover,  Charadriu*  ptuvial i*. 

Sitff  fe  3aff. 
lejlc  c-rgo_ 

'ijelb  fe  ftjælb. 

^iem'  n,  pi  ■=,  home,  (Bolig)  domicile;  i  -met 
at  home.  $jent'  adv  home;  er  b,an  iffe  tommen 
.  enbnu  is  he  not  come  in  yet?  berfom  Irnægten 
gaor  .  the  knave  making.  -ab  adv  homeward(s), 
towards  home.  -age  vt  cart  home.  t-able  vt 
house  (corn).  -bi«rge  vt  b.  f .  -bjergning  houslng. 
-bringe  vt  bring  home.  -bijgb  fe  -ftaon.  -botre 
vt  carry  home;  fig  carry  off.  -brage  vi  return 
home.  -efter  adv  homeward.  -egn  native  place. 
-eng  croft.  -falb  reversion,  escheat.  -falbe  (tit) 
revert,  fall,  eseheat  (to),  devolve  (upon);  -t  ®ob3 
escheat;  t)an  er  -n  til  Straf  he  has  incurrcd 
penalty.  -faren  part:  gift  og  .  married  and 
settled.  -fart  (ttl  ttanbø)  journey  home;  (til  Sø4) 
passage  home.  -førløbe  vt  furlough,  give  leavo 
of  absence,     -forløbelfe  fiirloughdng).     -fragt 




homeward  freight.  -fatb  e  fe  -færb  og  ©rbttupft* 
færb.  -fobing,  -fobninø  homeling,  horne-bred 
person;  stay-at  home;  provincial;  cockney.  -føre 
vt  lead  home;  import;  -  en  ©rub  take  unto 
one's  self  a  wife.  -forcffe  taklng  home  a  bride. 
+-$aa  vi  return  home.  -gaaeabe  J,  a  going 
home,  homeward  bound.  -øfttiø  going  home, 
return  home,  way  home.  -gabe  fe  3Rebgift. 
-gælb:  ljan  moQ  tage  ©Tabe  fot  -  he  will  have 
himself  to  blame,  he  must  do  so  at  his  own 
risk.  *-!jaøe  home  pasture.  +-ile  vi  hurry 
home.  -rafbe  vt  summon  home,  recall;  fio  (om 
3>«ben)  summon  one  away.  -tolb,  "fafbelfe  sum- 
moning  home.  *-!o  cow  kept  at  home  (while 
the  others  are  on  the  hill -pastures;,  -lommen 
a  returned  (homej,  arrlved.  *-tommer*(  flrst 
entertainment  given  by  a  new-married-couple 
in  their  new  home,  #e  home-coming.  -fømft 
return  home,  arrival,  home-coming.  t-l*rfeS 
drivinghome.  -la«b  native  land,  native  country. 
+-l<mbfl  a  home,  native. 

$Jemle  vt  (ffaffe  jpjemmet  for)  make  out  a  title 
to;  (bebtfe  fiooligieb)  prove  the  legality  of;  (beret* 
rige)  authorize,  bear  out;  -t  ((Efterretning  o.  I.) 
authenUcated.  $JemIer  o  fe  $jemmet*manb. 
$Jemlittø  ci  maklng  out  a  title  etc. 

$)em|ltg  a  domestic,  home-like,  cosy,  snug, 
comfortable.  -ligfjeb  c  cosiness,  comfort.  -liø« 
bebØfflelfe  feeling  of  being  at  home.  -ltb  home 
li  fe.  -lob  home  lot.  -lob  furlough,  leave  of 
absence,  -længfel  longing  aftn-  home.  -UØ  a 
homeless.  -UØtjeb  homelessness.  °-mart  home 

$jetnme  adv  at  home;  Ijer  -  (at)  home  here; 
oste  .  fra  Stolen  be  home  from  school;  er©.  -? 
is  B.  in?  fjan  bar  tffc  .  hc  was  from  home;  lab 
fom  om  bu  bar  -  make  yourself  at  home;  fjun 
er  felb  -  she  is  mistress  in  her  house ;  jeg  er  iHe 

-  for  nogen  I  will  see  nobody;  Ijan  nægtebe  fifl  - 
he  pretended  to  be  out;  bure  „  i  be  a  native 
of,  hall  from;  bbor  tjoter  <Sfibet  -?  where  does 
she  belong?  bet  fjorer  -  fjer  it  belongs  here,  is 
owned  here;  bat>e  -  i  (et  fiaub,  en  ©o)  he  domi- 
ciliated  in;  bet  Ijar  ingen  ©teber  -  it  is  neither 
here  nor  there;  arbejbe  -  (om  £aanbbærrer)  take 
in  work,  work  in  one's  own  room;  bære  -  i  be 
at  home  in,  conversant  with;   ube  er  gobt,  men 

-  er  bebft  east  or  west,  home  is  beat.  -arbefbe 
home-work.  -arbejbrr  home-worker,  pieceman, 
garret-master.  -ablet  a  home-grown,  horne-bred. 
-iaøt  a  home- bak  ed.  -brbøget  a  home-brewed. 
-brbttnp  private  wedding,  wedding  at  home. 
-bbflflft  ft  home-built.  -baab  private  baptism, 
home  christening.  •banffer  half-Danized  Nor- 
wegian.  -breøfrret  a  trained  ln-doors.  -bøbe 
vt  baptize  privately,  half-baptize.  -flib  applica- 
tion  at  home,  home-readlng.  -fra  adv  from 
home;  ba  jeg  rejfte  -  when  I  lefl  home.  -fraffe 
lounge-coat,  office-coat.  -fobttinø  fe  $jemføbning. 
-f*bt  a  home- bom,  native,  indlgenous.  -gjort 
a  horne-made.  -tøreube  «  native  (of).  indlgen 
ous,  belonging  to,  owned;  (bofat)  domiciliated. 

hjemmel  c  (ttbtomfi)  warrant,  authority;  (©eoie) 
proof  of  lawful  acquisition;  (^ulbmagt)  full 

emme | (aoet  a  fe  -gjort,   -leftie  home  lesson. 
>  emmelfaft  u  warranted,  authorized. 
»jemmeltg.  a  home-keeping,  stationary. 
emmelélbreb    written    authority.      -manb 
authority,  informant,   informer,     -pligt  obliga- 
tion to  produee  evidence  of  lawful  acquisition. 

-  hjemmel  fteb  authority. 
.$jemme|(æ3niitg  home-readlng.    +-piae  house 

-servant.  -røget  a  home-smoked.  -ribben  c 
silting  at  home,  sedentary  life.  -fibber  c  -e 
scdentary  person    -fpunbet  a  home-spun.  -fbe»< 

ffer  half-Swedlshized  Dåne  el.  Norwegian.  -tafler 
half-Germanized  Dåne.  -tbfferi  half-Gennaniza- 
tion.  -pant  a  at  home,  domesticated.  -baatljeb 
c  fkmiliarity.  -birfet  fe  -gjort,  -boføet  a  home 
-grown.  -bærenbc  a  at  home.  -tabet  a  woven 
at  home.    -bæbning  weaving  at  home. 

$j  em' løber  adv  homeward.    -permittere  fe  -for 
Iobe.  -rejfe  homeward  route  el.  journey.  -ribenbe 
a  riding  home.    -feabe  vt  send  home.   -fenbelfe 
forwarding    el.    sending    home.      *-ftOb    home 
wood.    -frrioe  vt  send  to  one's  place  of  settle- 
ment,    -ftabtt   homestead,    home-stall,   native 
soil,  native  land;  place  of  settlement.    -ftttbaøret 
right  of  a  native;  settlement,   -fleb  home-stead, 
native  place;  fe  -fiatm;  &  home  port;  antommen 
HI  -et  arrived  home.    •ftebØbrbtl  certificate  of 
settlement,   -ftebørrt  fe  -fiabniret.    -fbfl  «  home 
sick.    -fbøe  fe  -or    -foøe  vt  (paa)  visit  (upon); 
(forurolige,  plage)  in  fest;  -gt  af  6pgbom  afflicted 
with  8ickness.    -fjgelfe  c  visitation,   infliction 
-ting  inferior  court  (of  the  flrst  resort),    -tog 
return  home.    -banbrc  vt  wander  home.    -Horn- 
bring    wandering    home;    flg    (Dab)    decease, 
departure.     -be  homesickness,  nostalgia.     -bej 
way  home,  return  home,  walk  home,  ride  home; 
bære  paa  -en  be  homeward  bound.    -benbe  vi 
return  home,  wend  one's  way  home.    -benfet  a 
returned.  -ocntenbe,  -bentet  a  ^  ezpected.  -nife 
vt  send  from  a  superior  to  an  inferior  court. 
-biøninø  c  remlttal  of  a  cause  to  an  inferior 

fjerne  o  -r  brain,  (i  aanbelig  ©et.  ofte)  br&ins 
pl%  ben  ftore  _  the  brain  proper,  the  cerebrum; 
ben  litle  .  the  little  brain,  the  cerebellum;  btbbe 
fin  ~  meb  noget  puzzle  one's  brain   el.   brains 
about  something;  lægge  fin  -  i  ©Ub  rack  one's 
brains.    fjerne«  cerebral,   of  the  brain.    -aare 
cerebral  vein  el.  arter y.    -bctæsbelfe  inflamma- 
tion of  the  brain,   cerebritis.     -bjælle  corpus 
callosum.    -bløbQeb  softening  of  the  brain.   -bor 
trepan.     -boring  trepanning.     -brol  hernia  of 
the  brain,  encephalocele.  -bmb^fe^obebbrub. 
-feber  brain-fever.     -fofter  chimera,   phantom, 
ofispring  of  the  brain.    -øanøtie  cerebral  gang- 
lion.     -binbe   membrane   of  the    brain;   pi   -r 
meninges;  ©etænbelfe  i  -rne  meningitis,    -bnb  fe 
-binbe;  ben  fjaarbe  .  dura  mater;  ben  blobe  -  pia 
mater.    -t>ute  cavity  of  the  skull.    -loØfe,  -fifle 
F  skull,  cranium.    -faube  protuberance  of  the 
brain.    -lop  lobe  of  the  brain.    -libelfe  cerebral 
affection.    -lære  craniology.    -loØ  a   brainless. 
acephalous.     -UØ^eb   want  of  brains.    -mar* 
medullary    substance   (of  the  brain).     -maøfe 
cerebral  matter,    -nerbe  cerebral  nerve,    -p^lfe 
brain  sausage,  cervelas,  saveloy.    -rbftelfe  con- 
cussion  of  the  brain.   -ffal  skull,  cranium,  brain 
-pan.     -flag  apoplexy.    -fpinb  chimera,    -fub- 
ftoitØ   fe   -maftfe.     -fbnlft  abscess  of  the  dura 
mater,    -fbø  a  braln-sick.    -fbøbom  disorder  el. 
disease  of  the  brain.    -fom  suture,    -telt  ten  to 
rium  (cerebelli).    -banbfot,  -baiterfot  dropsy  of 
the  brain,  hydrocephalus.  -binbing  convolution 
of  the  brain.   -birrfonttyeb  ce  rebrat  ion,  action  of 
the  brain. 

Sjerpe  «  -r,  fe  3erpe.  *-troft  fe  ^uetrofl. 
jer  te  n  -r  heart;  (i  $umpe)  valve;  (i  %ox>) 
heart;  (paa  $jul)  boss;  (paa  Irnætommer)  throat; 
fe  Qnterlrbbø;  mit  ~  banfer  my  heart  beats;  mit 
.  banfer  ftærlt  my  heart  throbs;  aabne,  lette  ftt  . 
unbosom  one's  self,  disburden  one's  mind  (fot 
to);  bbab  -t  er  fulbt  af,  løber  9Rnnben  ober  meb 
what  the  heart  thinketh,  the  mouth  speak eth,  out 
of  the  full  heart  the  mouth  speaketh;  mit  -  et  fnt 
I  am  faney-free;  §  jer  ten  S  gerne  by  all  meaus, 
with  all  my  heart;  -nft  glab  heartily  glad;  -ni  <BIæbe 
heart-felt  joy;  -ni  gob  exceedingly  kind  el.  good 




•natured;  -n*  Wening  real  opinion;  -n*  Ben 
bosom  friend,  cbosen  friend;  -n*  Enfle  heart'B 
desire;  af  -t  from  the  heart,  cordlally,  heartily; 
af  mit  ganfte  .  with  all  my  heart;  af  -n8  ©runb 
from  the  bottom  of  one's  heart;  af  -n«  Soft  to 
my  (his  etc.)  heart' s  content  el.  delight,  at 
the  top  of  his  bent;  $abe  onbt  f  or  -1  feel  siek; 
paoe  _  for  have  some  feeling  for;  bet  tommer  fra 
•t  it  proceeds  from  my  heart,  I  am  in  earnest; 
bet  florer  mig  i  -t  it  ente  me  to  the  heart,  gives 
me  a  bitter  pang;  i  ftt  inberfte  -  in  his  heart  of 
heart«;  (et  om  -t  light  of  heart;  jeg  er  tung  om  -t 
my  heart  is  heavy;  tage  SRob  og  Stanb*  .  til  ftg; 
flo&e  -t  op  i  Sfoet  take  heart  el.  courage;  feg  fan 
tfte  bringe,  føre  bet  o  o  er  mit  .,  ieg  bar  ttte  -  til 
at  I  cannot  find  it  in  my  heart  to,  have  not 
the  heart  to;  pate  noget  paa  (flt)  -  have  some- 
thing  on  one's  mind;  bet  ligger  mig  tungt  paa  - 
it  Iles  heavy  on  my  heart;  qoab  ber  mefi  ligger 
mig  paa  .  what  I  have  most  at  heart;  ban  flger, 
bbab  bet  ligger  pant  paa  ~  he  speaks  his  mind; 
lægge  en  noget  paa  -  urge  somethlng  upon  one; 
$aanben  paa  -t!  honour  bright!  ban  bor  -t  paa 
rette  ©teb  his  heart  is  in  the  right  place;  pat  -t 
paa  Sæberne  has  his  heart  in  his  mouth;  tage  til 
-,  logge  fig  paa  .  take,  lay  to  heart;  bet  gaar 
muj  meget  nær  til  -  I  take  it  much  to  heart;  bet 
gtf  mig  til  -  it  went  to  my  heart;  bærer  unber 
ftt  -  carrles  under  her  belt  (+).  $}erte|aart 
aorta,  -anøft  agony  of  fear.  -anliøgenbe  affair 
of  tbe  heart.  -Panten  palpitation  of  the  heart. 
-PlaP  piamule.  -blob  heart's  blood.  -blof  J, 
bowsprit-heart.  -bløutft  bleeding-beart,  Dielytm. 
-Polt  A,  throat-bolt.  -brættenbe  a  woful,  pitiable. 
•PænPfel  <t,  throat-selzing.  +-bæøe*  c  fe  -banren. 
-Pannet  fe  form  tg.  -fefi  organic  disease  of  the 
heart.  -forfammer  anricle  of  the  heart.  -forraig 
a  heart-shaped;  ^  cordate,  om&enbt „  obcordate. 
-frrP  heart's  ease,  heart-ease,  peace  of  mind. 
-fri flt  ci  heart-wbole.  -garn  heart- yara.  -glab 
o  overjoyed,  dellghted.  -glæPe  heart-felt  joy. 
-goP  a  kind-bearted.  -granffer  searcher  of 
heart«.  -greben  a  deeply  affected.  -gribenb«  a 
affecting.  -græø  fe  tBæoregrxr«.  -pæpelfe  vet 
antikor.  -f ammer  ven tricle  of  the  heart.  -tenPer 
fe  granflet.  -tfaPappelfe  c  >oc  fe  -flemmelfe. 
•flap,  -flappe«  c  fe  -banfen.  -flemmelfe  oppres- 
sion of  the  heart.  -Ilemt  a  heart-sick,  agonized. 
-fanfenPe  a  killing,  -tunfer  e  -e  lady-killer. 
•frog  reoess  of  the  heart.  -fnlbe  coldness  of 
heart.  -fttle  pit  of  the  stomarh.  -fPal  agony. 
-lag  disposition,  -let  a  Ught-hearted,  cheerful. 
-lettelfe  relief.  $ierte(ig  a  heart-felt;  bearty, 
cordial,  genial;  adv  heartily,  eordially;  le  - 
laugh  heartily;  talte  en  _  thank  one  cordlally; 
-  gerne  with  all  my  heart.  $jerteligpfP  c 
cordiality,  heartiness.  $ferte|(iP  feellngs.  -lo* 
a  heartle«.  -loftpeP  e  heartlessness.  -ment  a 
slncerely  meant.  -mnølina  cockle,  Cardium 
(*dulc).  -nag  anguish  of  heart.  -nagenbe  a 

$Jerttn*  gen  fe  fjerte;  t  —  Øjettelig.  -frpb 
mellssa,  common  balm,  Melitta  officinalt*. 
•glæbe,  -gab  0.  fl.,  fe  $ferte.  -tær  a  dearly 
beloved.  -tær  c  sweetheart.  -pen  chosen 

$Jerte|ønPe  disease  of  the  heart.  -pofe,  -pnng 
pericardium.  fjerter  c  (i  ftortfpil)  hearts;  -  (E*, 
Konge,  Same,  »nægt,  %o,  %xt  ofb.  ace,  klng, 
queen,  knave,  deuce,  three  etc.  of  hearts;  en  . 
a  heart.  $Jerte|ro  fe  -freb.  -røb  (pos  planter) 
main  root;  fio  innermost  heart.  •run:  bbor  ber 
ex  -  et  ber  ogfaa  $uirum  beart-room  makes 
house-room,  where  there  is  a  will,  there  is  a 
way.  -rorrnbc  a  heart-touching,  affecting.  -faar 
woond  lo  tbe  heart.    -ffiPt  heart-wheel.   -fltjolP 

her  lnescutcheon.  -flnb  (©tub  i  pettet)  shot  in 
the  heart;  $  end  shoot  top.  -ftnbt  a  in  love, 
smitten;  blibe  -  fall  in  love.  -ffærenbe  a  heart 
-rending,  heartpiercing,  heart- breaking.  -flag 
pulsation  of  the  heart,  heartbeat;  (Slagt.)  pluck. 
-forg  heart-ache,  heart-break;  bs  af  -  die  of  a 
broken  heart.  -fpanb  motherwort,  Leonuru*  ear- 
diaca.  -fprog  language  of  the  heart.  -Ring  stltch 
in  the  region  of  the  heart.  -ftraa  fe  Bæoregræft. 
•ftpffe  (3æmb.)  tongne  (of  a  crossing),  frog.  -ftpr« 
tenbc  o  cordial.  -ftprtning  c  cordial.  -fk#b 
mortal  blow,  fatal  el.  finishing  stroke.  -fnf 
deep-drawn  slgh;  ejaculatory  prayer.  -fnnb  a 
sound  of  heart.  -fpg  a  Buffering  from  severe 
lllness,  sick  at  heart.  -fpgbom,  -fpae  disease  ot 
the  heart,  heart  disease;  serious  lllness.  -fat 
fe  -pofe.  -tttft  consolation,  relief.  -tpP  stealer 
of  hearts,  lady-killer.  -nbgpbf (fe  outpourlng  (of 
one's  heart),  effusion,  flow  of  sonl,  gush  of 
feeling.  -Panb  liquor  of  the  pericardium,  -Pavm 
a  warm-hearted.  -øarme  warm-heartedness.  -Pe 

^}arb  o  -e  herd,  (om  ftaar  og  fig)  flock.  -pift 
adv  in  herds,  gregariously. 

^Jort  o  -e  (red)  deer,  hart,  stag;  toaatig.brocket; 
tteaarig  ~  deer,  sorel;  flreaarig  -  staggard;  fem* 
aarig  .  stag;  tiaatig  -  hart;  .  fom  bat  taftet  fine 
fiorn  pollard.  —  ^|orte|brnn  a  fawn-coloured. 
•brnnfi  rutting-time  of  the  deer.  -geb  Indlån 
gazelle,  Cervieapra.  -paal  buck-shot.  -palø  (paa 
J»cft)  deer-neck.  -bom  horns  of  a  stag;  fe  -tot. 
-PornSfalt  fe  -tatfalt  (0.  P).  -b«b  1e  -læber. 
-pnnb  deer-hound,  staghound.  -jagt  stag  hunt, 
stag  hunting.  -talP  red-deer  calf,  (naar  fontene 
begpnbe  at  tomme  tilfpne)  knobber.  -(pile  haunch 
of  venison.  -leje  lair,  lodge  of  a  stag.  -læber 
buckskin,  deer-skln.  -Iceberdpanbfler  buckskin 
gloves.  -net  net  for  catchlng  stags,  -rob  hart- 
wort,  spicknel,  Seeeli  libanoti*.  -rpg  saddle  of 
venison.  -ffinb  fe  -læber,  -fpor  track  of  deer. 
-fteg  (roast)  venison.  -fpin  .Indian  hog,  baby 
roussa,  Porctu  Babyrmetu.  'tal  hartshorn;  rafpet 
.  hartshorn  shavlngs  pi.  -tafbraaber  spirit  of 
hartshorn.  -talter  pi  an  tiere  of  a  stag.  -tattlie 
oil  of  hartshorn.  -tatfalt  (volatile)  salt  of  harts- 
horn. -tafSbregne  elk's-horn  fem,  Platveerium. 
-tatfpiritnd  fe  -tatbraaber.  -talg  suet  of  deer. 
-tiben  the  stag  season.  -torn  fe  IBrietorn;  Zibfe. 
-trøffel  deer-ball,  hart' s  truffle,  EUphomyee*. 
-rraft  hemp-agrimony,  Eupatorium  carmabimtm. 
•rnnge  hart' s  tongue,  Atplenium  Scolopendrium. 
•tælle  fe  -talg. 

Itfnl  n,  pi  «,  wheel;  (Slotpiul,  Stappertbj.) 
truck;  (til  XriØebøt  0.  1.)  trundle;  (»ebflaaerpj.) 
iron-jack;  (paa  $ampft.)  paddle-wheel;  (paa  Spore) 
rowel;  (unber  Stol)  caster;  flaa  .  (om  &ugle) 
spread  his  tail,  (om  Drenge)  tumble  cartwheels; 
ban  er  fom  bet  femte  -  hl  en  Sogn  he  is  of  no 
use  at  all.  -afdel  axletree;  (Sampil.)  paddle 
-flhaft.  -atøelbærer  spring  beam.  -arm  wheel 
•arm;  paddle- arm.  -baab  wheel-boat, paddle-boat. 
-barometer  wheel  barometer,  -ben  pi  bandy 
-legs.  -benet  «  bandy-legged,  bo w- legged,  out 
kneed.  -beflag  tire.  -beflagning  tiring  (of 
wheels).  -bor  drill-brace,  bevel  wheel  drill. 
-Pænt  wheel-trestle.  -bor  wheel-barrow.  -Pam* 
per,  -bampffib  paddle- s  teamer,  paddle-wheel 
steamer,  side  wheel  steamer.  -bannet  a  wheel 
-shaped,  ^  rotate.  -breP  plnion.  -bPr  rotifer. 
-ege  spoke.  -flange  flange,  -forbinbelfe  gearing. 
-formet,  -formig  *  fe  bannet.  -fregat  paddle 
-frigate.  -fælge  felloe,  felly  (of  a  wheel),  -pul 
shoeing-hole.  -fa*fe  paddle-box.  -tnag  fe  -tanb. 
-forpet  paddle-sloop  (of  war).  -tranft,  -trone  rim. 
-læbe  trigger,  drag-chain.    -Iaa8  Qerman  wheel 




•loek.  -linie  cycloid.  -mager  wheel-wright. 
•magerarbejbe  wheel- wright's  work.  -manb  fe 
-mager;  *cyclist.  -maftine  paddle-engine.  -na* 
nave.  -naver  wheel-auger.  -ømbrejntng  revolu- 
tion el.  turn  of  the  wheel(s).  -pløø  wheel  plough. 
•-rebftab  wheeled  vehicle;  ufarbar  meb  -  impas- 
sable  for  wheeled  transport,  -ring  (Snip.)  paddle 
wheel  ring;  fe  -ftinne.  -røt  spinnlng- wheel. 
-f!ib  fe  -Pamper,  -ftinne  tlre.  -JtiPc  disk  of  a 
wheel,  -fføbl  paddle,  float.  -ftnffe  wheel-bucket; 
fe  -tøtnge.  -ftøremaftine  wheel- cutting  machine. 
-fnætte  rotella.  -f  piger  fe  -føm.  -fpør  rut, 
track.  -fpøret  a  rutted.  -ftøt  fe  -atøel.  -fine 
wheel-boz.  -føm  wheel-nail,  tire-nail.  -tanb 
cog  el.  tooth  (of  a  wheel),  -tbingc  trigger. 
-tømmer  timber  for  wheels.  -nbbctftling  gearing. 
-øanb  wake  of  the  wheel(s).  -Ptnbe  wheel-  wind- 
lass.  -Ptnge  fe  ftotol.  -Pøttnr  (wheeled)  carriage. 
-nær!  wheel  work. 

*$f<f Ib  e  -er  loft  floor  of  loose  boards,  nake. 
-pæugt,  -tørret  a  dried  on  nak  es. 

$i*lm  c  e  helmet,  helm;  (paa  fcefiillertolbe  ofb.) 
helm.  -baftlift  hooded  basilisk,  Battilukun  mi- 
tratut.  -bnfl  plume  e(.  crest  of  a  helmet,  -bannrt 
a  helme t-shaped,  galeated.  -bue  helmet,  Co/umba 
taleata.  -batte  mantling.  -bætt  u  helmed, 

t$jælme  c  sea-reed,  beach-grass,  Arundo 

$jælm|et  a  fe  $jæ(mbætt;  (om  febæg)  whlte 
-headed.  -fugl  touraco,  Corythaix.  -gitrer  visor, 
beaver.  -tatabne  great  surphur-crestea  cockatoo, 
Caliceph'iluå  øaleritu«.  'lam  crest-holder.  -tafuar 
helmeted  cassowary,  Ga*uar\u9  galeatu*.  -flap, 
-net  fe  -gitter,  -flæbe  fe  -bæfte.  -fmpfte  orna- 
ment, crest,  of  a  helmet,  -f  negl,  -fnætte  helmet 
shell,  Gauie.    -tag  cupola.    -tegn,  -top  crest. 

$jælp  c  help;  (tyiflanb)  assistance,  aid,  succour; 
(Unberftøttetfe)  support,  relief;  (mob)  remedy 
(against);  fciælp!  help!  (mob  Vtorbere)  murder! 
rjbe  ~  render  aid;  føge  en  £æget  «  apply  to  a 
physician,  call  a  physician;  føge  -  Ijo«  en  apply 
to  one  for  help;  meb  Qtøb*  -  God  (Heavcn) 
willing;  noeft  ©uM  .  under  Providence;  raabe 
om  -  scream,  cry  out,  for  help;  fRaab  om  - 
scream  el.  cry  for  help;  tomme  en  til  -  come 
to  one's  assistance;  bære  en  til  ~  be  of  help  to 
one;  boere  en  ti!  gob  .  stand  one  in  good  stead; 
tage  til  -  have  recourse  to;  toge  Katten  til  -  Bit 
up  all  night;  uben  .  unaided;  beb  -  af  by 
means  of;  øeb  -  beraf  by  means  thereof;  by  its 
means;  beb  Øubø  .  thanks  to  God. 

$j«Ipe,  bialp,  hjulpet  vt  &  i  help,  aid;  (unberftøtte) 
assist,  succour,  support,  relieve;  vi  (gabne)  be  of 
avail  el.  use,  (om  Sægemibter)  be  good  (imob  for); 
bet  bjalp  it  had  a  good  effect;  fjermeb  er  bon 
phitpen  that  will  serve  his  turn,  that  will  do 
for  hlm;  pbab  -r  bet?  what  avails  it?  ljbab  -r  bet 
at  what  is  the  good  of  -ing;  bet  -r  ilte  it  avails 
nothlng,  boots  not,  is  no  good;  bet  flat  (fiort)  ~ 
much  good  it  will  do;  faa  fanbt  -  mig  ®ub  so 
help  me  God!  bet  faar  itte  .  there  is  no  help 
for  it;  fjbab  bil  bet  -  mig?  what  shall  I  be  the 
better  for  it?  b,an  bjalp  mig  at  flpgte  he  aided 
my  escape;  fbømmebe  ub  for  at  -  mig  swam  to 
my  aid;  -  en  af  meb  rid  one  of;  -  en  frem  i 
Betben  help  one  up  in  the  world;  -  en  i,  ub  af, 
en  fBaab,  vogn  hånd  one  into,  out  of  a  boat, 
carriage;  bet  -r  imob  $obebpine  it  is  good  for 
the  headache;  ~  en  meb  at  assist  one  in  ing; 
~  paa  en  come  to  one's  aid;  for  at  -  paa  3nb> 
lægterne  by  way  of  eking  out  one's  in  come;  . 
paa  ene  $utommetfe  assist  one's  memory;  .til 
lend  a  (helping)  nand;  .  en  til  (noget)  help 
one  to  get;  ~  en  tilrette  put  one  in  the  right 
way,  set  one  right;  —  ød  pi  ntoa  -S  ab  we  must 

assist  one  another;  —  ør  ~  fig  make  (a)  shiit, 
manage,  get  on;  b>n  beb  at  -  fig  he  is  nev  er 
at  a  loss;  man  -r  fig  font  man  fan  that  will  do 
(for  the  nonce).  $jælpe-  auziliary,  <1>  preventer. 
•armé    fe    -bær.     -bog    mere  subsidiary   book. 
-bamptroft  auziliary  steam-power.  -bøtte  eollar 
•plate.    -jlaabe  auziliary  naval  force,    •aorbina 
i  slab-line.    -bær  auziliary  army.  -taprf  chapei 
of  ease.     -titbe  resource;  (Sog)  aid,   aid  book; 
rig  paa  -r  full  of  resources;  wigbom  paa  -r  re- 
sourcefulness,    rlchness    in    resources.     -forpd 
auziliary  corps.  -traft  auziliary  power.  ^faetft*' 
lig  a  serviceable.     hjælpe |  linie  math  artificial 
line,  mtu  leger-line.    -tarer  asslstant  teacber. 
-Ug  a  helpleas,  shlftless.   -tøftpcb  c  helplessness. 
•maftine  auziliary  engine.    -mafl  spare  mast, 
(ttøbmaft)  jury  mast.   -mibbel  remedy,  ezpedient, 
(literært)  aid,  help.   -ørb  auziliary  word.   -penge 
subaidies.  -præft  chaplain,  asslstant  clergyman. 
•r  c  -e  helper,  aider,  asslstant.    -rør  subøtitute 
rudder.    $|ælper£bjælper  accomplice,  abettor 
$jfelpc|ftat  eztra  taz.    -ffrne  auziliary  screw. 
-nag   preventer  stay.     -førte  auziliary  force, 
-fatning  math  lemma,   -tøø  preventer.    -tropper 
auzlliaries,   auziliary  troops  pi.    -trø&fe  addl 
tionalhawher.  -baterftag^cap-bob^iay.  -pernnm 
auziliary  (verb).     -btbeuftab  auziliary  science, 
^lælpfom  a  ready  to  help,  willing  to  help.  $icelp> 
fømb^eb  c  readlness  to  help. 

$}*'***  n  *r  corner;  F  humour,  mood;  breie 
om  -t  turn  the  corner;  Ijan  bor  paa  -  af  he  lives 
at  the  corner  of.  -baanb  angle-brace.  -belfag 
corner  clips,  head  piates.  -bob,  -bntit  corner 
•shop,  cmr  corner-store.  -felt  her  canton.  -gaarb 
fe  -bu«,    -(age  square,   bevel.    -bnt  bibl  corner 

Jiocket.  -bn*  corner-house.  -tlop  hedge-mustard, 
ry$imum.  -tnøp  azillary  bud.  -trøg  nook. 
-tætber  corner-cellar.  -mnr  corner- wall.  -mærte 
heading.  -piOe  corner-piUar.  -ret  a  square.  -fol 
corner  room,  corner-hall.  -flab  corner-cupboard. 
-fpær  corner-rafter.  t-ftcb  corner  house,  -ften 
corner-stone.  -flølpe  comer-post.  -frue  corner 
•room,  corner-parlour.  -ftøtte  (paa  $oø)  heel. 
-tanb  fe  {Sjentanb.  -binbne  corner- window 
•øærelfe  corner-room 

m!  interj  hem!  ahem! 

ø  pø!  interj  aha! 

øb  [ogf.  aa]  o  -e  (TOængbe,  Slaxt)  multitude, 
cro'wd,  shoal,  congeries;  (6unte)  heap;  en  -  $enge 
a  heap  of  money;  -en,  ben  ftore  -  the  multitude, 
the  common  herd,  the  vulgar.  fiøbe  vt  .  op, 
fammen,  fe  Op>,  Sammenhobe,  ^øben  e  (ub.  p() 
fe  §ob.  —  £øbe|tal :  i  -  (i  Starer)  in  crowds;  (i 
Spnger)  in  heaps;  $enge  i  -  lota  of  money.  -Pig 
ad»  b.  f. 

^øbø'  c  -er  hau'tboy,  o'boe.  -ifl'  c  -er  haut- 
\yoy  player;  (fRegimentø*9Rufitud)  bandsman. 

^o'bftø  cumulus,  stack  cloud.  -færning  (af 
9teg)  shocking. 

oa)  [t.]  n  cheer. 

øo)b,eimer  c  (Cin)  hock. 

obe  F  f*  ^obeb. 
_  øf  n  -fer  court;  beb  -fet,  beb  $obe  at  court. 
-abel  court  nobles  pi.  -agent  court-agent.  -bager 
bak  er  to  the  court.  -bal  court-ball.  -betjening 
employment  at  court.  -betjening  officer  of  the 
royal  household.  -Pogtrptter  printer  to  the 
court.  -a)ef  Lord  Chamberlain.  -bame  court 
lady,  lady  in  atten dance;  (gift  ^ofb.)  lady  in 
walting.  -bigter  court  poet,  poet  laureate. 
-bragt  court  dress,  -bnnn  ft  -luft.  -embcbe  fe 
-betjening,  -embebømanb  court  functionary.  -etat 
civil-list.    -feft  court  festival. 

Soffmanndbraaber  pi  Hoffmann' s  drops, 
øflfølt  courtiers,    -furer  harbinger.    -frøten 
maid  of  honour. 




Aøffar'biø  a  proud,  haughty,  supercllious; 
bibl  et  -t  fiebnet  the  prlde  of  life.  -Ijeb  c  haughti- 
neos,  superciliousness. 

$øflønnft  court  favour.  -fjolb,  -fjolbning 
(royal)  household.  -intenbant  master  of  the 
household.  -|tmfer  gentleman,  -faøemefter 
master  of  the  hounds.  -taarbe  dress-sword. 
•tabale  coort  lntrigue.  -(og  Statø)ta(enber  court 
-guide.  -tapel  palace  chapel.  -fapeQan  chap- 
lain-in-ordinary.  -topelraefter  director  of  the 
royal  orchestra.  -faoalrr  gentleman  of  the 
court.  -tirnrg  surgeon  to  the  royal  houeehold. 
-flaber,  -tlabning  fe  -bragt.  -frebft  court  clique, 
camarilla.  -trtoo  cringlng  courtierfs),  court- 
llng(s).  -trbberi  cringlng,  fawning.  -totten 
court- kltchen.  -len  feof  granted  for  court  ser- 
vice, -leberattbor  purveyor  to  the  court.  -lebnei, 
-tin  court  life.  -lnft  court  air.  -lage  physician 
to  the  royal  bousehold.  -manb  courtier.  -masbØ< 
ntaéfig  >»  courtier-llke.  -manér  fe  -fri!,  -mor« 
ffalt  Lord  Steward,  -metier  fe  $obmefier.  -ntefter- 
In'be  mistreas  of  the  robes,  -nar  court  jester, 
c.  fool.  -parti  party  of  the  court.  -perfønale 
memben  of  the  royal  household.  -pragt  splen- 
dour  of  a  court.  -ttrabitant,  -proft  king's 
chaplaln,  court- c.  -roab  (tltular)  aulic  coun- 
aellor.  Kog  ©taburet  inferlor  court  of  justice 
(In  Copenhagen).  -rantcr  court  intrlgues.  t-ftabe 
court -officer,  -ftit  court  fashlon,  etlquette. 
-flfrtøet  clerk  of  the  household.  -fmiger  adula* 
tion.  -fmfgrer  court  flatterer,  -fnoø  fe  -trbb. 
-forø  court  mourning.  -fprog  court  language. 
•Hot  royal  household.    -faber  court  manners. 

t$*ftc  vi  (om  ©firet)  abate,  subside. 

$ofte  c  -r  hip,  haunch.  -ben,  -blab  hip  bone. 
-betanbelfe  coxltis.  -brnbben  a  hipshot.  -gigt 
fe -bart.  -lam  fe -brubben.  -leb  hip  joint,  -mnfle! 
i liac  muscle.  -nerbe  sciatic  nerve.  -pnbe  bustle. 
-rart  a  palsled  in  the  lower  eztremities.  -fraal 
socket  of  the  hip  joint,  -flabe  affection  of  the 
hip,  dislocation  of  the  hip.  -fmerte,  -oe,  -bort 
rheumatic  affection  of  the  hip,  sciatica,  hip 

$øf|ribenbe    court    gazette,     court    circular. 
-tiener  servant.   -tjener!  court  service,  -tjenefte 
employment  at  court.   -tone  court  tone.   -tbang 
court  etlquette.    -bant  a  accustomed  to  court«. 
•»af  en  (fjtab  bet  fjører  til  et  $.)  court  establish- 
ment; ($offtit)  court  manners  pi. 
0\  interj  Hoy !  Ahoy ! 
otfotyoue  c  (ftugt)  currassow,  Orax. 
otnøpotuA  c,  pi  =,  hocus-pocus. 
r$ølb  n  fe  $ulb. 

$ø(b  n,  pi  =,  (paa  noget)  hold,  holding,  hold- 
fast;  (Sting)  pain,  stitch;  (Wfbeling)  party,  batch; 
(front)  quarter;  (Sarigljeb)  strength,  durability; 
(ftfftanb)  range  (of  gunshot),  distance;  +  gribe, 
tage  -  i  take  cl.  catch  hold  of;  frøoe  .  paa  have 
hold  of;  ber  er  intet  -  i  fjant  he  has  no  flrmness 
of  character;  paa  bi*fe  .  in  certain  quarters;  boa 
lcngt  -  at  a  great  distance,  far  off,  (om  Stub)  at 
loog  range;  paa  tort  el.  ncert .  at  close  quarters, 
(om  6tnb)  at  short  range.  $olb|bar  a  (ftæftning, 
Jlaajtanb)  tenable;  (Ørunbe)  valid;  (borig)  durable; 
-t  Smør  keeping  butter.  -barfjcb  tenability, 
valldity;  durability. 

Aolbe,  fjolbt,  fjolbt  vt  (foibe  fat  paa;  ogfaa  fa) 
hold;  (polbe,  men  ilte  ■■  booe  fat  paa)  keep; 
(unbertølbe)  maintain;  (babbe)  bet;  (i  fin  So(b) 
retaln;  (et  *lab;  take  In;  (et  9RoaI)  measure; 
(rumme)  hold;  -  en  $eft  hold  a  horse;  .  $eft 
keep  a  horse;  -  Staben  keep  the  lutT;  -  SRøbe 
«it;  -  fulbe  Sejl  keep  full;  moa  .  Sengen  Is  con- 
fined  to  his  bed;  .  ©tit  hold  good;  .  Søen  keep 
the  sea;  bear  sea;  -  en  tale  make  a  speech, 
deliver  an  address;  -  en  Zone  hold  on  el.  sustein 

a  note;  -  Sanb  hold  water;   .  Sejret,  *$uften 
hold  (in)  one's  breath;  -  Sogn  keep  a  carriage; 

—  vi  fom  Sogn)  stop:  stand;  (itfe  brtfte  ofb.j  hold; 
(bare)  last;  *  (i  en  Retning)  keep,  stand,  (figte) 
aim;  -  flo«  Sibebinb  sall  close-hauled;  bet  bil  . 
fjaatbt  it  will  be  hard  work;  .  gobt  (om  9ugt) 
Ile  close;  Sognen  -r  for  Dørert  the  carriage  is 
fwaiting)  at  the  door;  —  vr  fig  hold  out;  (om 
Srsbeoarer)  keep,  (gobt,  om  %ø\,  ogf.  fa  om  HJrffr) 
wear  well,  (fibre  fig)  forbear,  keep  quiet,  (Sot. 
fbai)  hold  out,  (6 fif  o.  1.)  continue,  be  still 
prevalent;  -  fig  tappert  behave  gallantly;  -  fig 
rolig  keep  quiet,  .  fig  borte  keep  away  (o.  fl.); 
bette  %b\  x  fig  iRe  i  Saflen  thls  stuff  won't  bear 
washing;  ^riferne  b,o!be  fig  b.oie,  fofte  ofb.  prices 
rule  high,  firm  etc.;  berfom  bet  gobe  Bejr  -r  fig  If 
the  weather  remalns  fine;  jeg  -r  mig  forbidfet  om 
I  am  satlsfled;  —  vt,  vi  k  vr  meb  præp  k  adv . 
.af  turn  (aside),  &  oear  away,  keep  off;  love, 
be  fond  of,  partial  to,  (Tun  om  Xing)  enjoy;  bolbt 
meaet  af  f^am  was  much  attached  to  him;  -r  af 
at  like8  to;  .an  (faft)  hold  on,  ($efr)  pull  up, 
rein  up;  .faft  hold  flrmly,  keep  hold  of;  . 
faft  paa  (ftorbring)  stand  out  for;  .  faft  beb  stick 
to,  adhere  to,  .  (onfe)  for  hold  to  be,  consider 
to  be,  look  upon  as;  .  for  rigtigt  take  to  be 
right;  vi  tøm  moa  .  for  beb  entøer  Beiligtjeb  he 
must  always  bear  the  brunt,  bear  the  heat  and 
burden  of  the  day,  is  always  the  victim  el. 
s  ufferer;  .  for  at  .  .  .  hold,  consider,  be  of 
opinion  that;  -.fro  keep  off;  -  fra  ljinanben 
keep  separate;  .  fig  fra  abstain  from,  shnn;  . 
fra  fifl  keep  off;  .frem  hold  out  (one's  hånd, 
a  child);  .  en  frem  (til  Stubermgemr)  defray  all 
the  expenses  of  one's  education;  .  (en)  tjen 
put  off,  amuse;  -  fjer  [+  bjb),  fe  -  for  vi;  *  .  i 
keep  hold  of,  bold  on  by;  .igen  resist,  retard 
the  motion;  .  imob  resist;  compare;  .  ti  hnob 
en  bet  ten  to  one;  -  inbe  (noget  for  en)  retaln; 
vi  (optøre)  leave  off,  hold  one's  band,  pause, 
stop,  check  one's  self,  (plubfeltg  i  talen)  stop 
short,  cut  one's  self  short;  .  inbe  meb  Støbningen 
cease  fire;  .  fig  inbe  keep  within  doors,  keep 
(to)  one's  room;  .  meb  (en)  side  wlth,  agree 
wlth;  -  en  meb  ftlaber  (ofo.)  find  one  (In)  clothes, 
keep  one  in  c.;  .  fig  felo  meb  Qtarn  find  one's 
own  cotton;  .  en  meb  Selflab  keep  one  Com- 
pany; .  en  meb  Snat  keep  one  in  conversatlon; 

-  neb  paa  fianbet  bear  in  with  the  land;  -op 
(i  Sejret)  hold  up;  vi  (aflobe)  leave  off,  cease, 
stop;  ~  op  meb  b.  f.;  .  en  op  put  one  off;  .  fig- 
op  ober  make  remarks  upon;  .oppe  keep  up, 
(paa  Sanbet)  keep  afloat;  .  fig  oppe  keep  afloat; 
_  ober,  fe  Cberfjolbe;  -  paa  (tilbageø.)  keep, 
detsin;  (parere)  bet  on,  back;  (en 'Stening  o.  1.) 
stick  to,  adhere  to,  stand  upon,  stand  out  for; 
(foretratie)  be  for;  .  paa  Stillingen  og  labe  Daleren 
gaa  be  penny-wire  and  pound-foolish ;  .  paa 
Ȍrerne,  fe  $oile;  F  ^olb  paa  mig  (Waabeione!) 
hold  me!  *.  paa  meb  be  engaged  in,  be  busy 
wlth;  keep  to,  go  on  with;  *  .  paa  at .  .  be 
-ing,  be  in  the  aet  of  -Ing;  .  fig  paa  denene 
keep  one's  feet;  .  fig  paa  Scenen  (om  Stolte) 
keep  the  stage;  .  fammen  vt  k  •  keep  el.  hold 
together;  .  fammen  paa  not  to  lose  one's  hold 
of;  .  til  vi  live;  .  til  meb  associate  with,  keep 
company  with;  vt  ~  Øjnene  til  keep  the  eyes 
shut;  .  en  til  ttrbejbe  keep  one  to  his  work;  . 
en  til  at .  .  .  make  one  .  .  .;  .  fta  til  abide  by, 
stick  to;  .  fig  til  en  for  Setaling  look  to  one  for 
payment;  .  tilbage  hold  back,  detain,  .  %aa* 
rerne  tilbage  refrain  from  tears  el.  from  weeplng; 
.  ub  vi  hold  out,  vt  endure,  stand;  .  ub  paa  en 
9tobe  dwell  on  a  note;  .  ub  fra  qinanben  keep 
distinct;  .  ub  fra  Sanbet  bear  off  from  the  land; 
.  ub  meb  en  bear  with  one;  .  ubober  <£.  M--J 




off;  _  »eb  t  stick  to;  »'  contlnue,  go  on;  ~  oeb 
(ige  keep  up,  keep  in  repair:  tjotb  beb  i  tibe  og 
Utibe  bibl  be  instant  in  season  and  out  of  season. 
$ølbe|bølt  holdfast.  -btmb  ^  anchor-ground. 
-eone,  -fraft  holding-power.  -lifte  (yp  stop  (on 
the  carriage).  +-lfe,  -n  o  keeping;  fe  fiooen. 
Itolben  a  (uffabt)  whole,  sound;  Ijel  og  -  (i  gob 
vebolbj  safe  and  sound,  (fu(bftænbtg)  adn  entlrely, 
every  inch;  bette  tilfører  mig  belt  og  -t  these 
things  are  wholly  el.  entirely  mine;  en  -  SRanb 
a  man  well  to  do  in  the  world.  $olbr|nem 
*  manageable,  docile.  -plab*  tøbor  ber  ffcanbfe*) 
balting  place;  (Dro«fer8)  (cab)stand,  (cab-)rank, 
stan ding.  -pnnft  hold.  $ølbcr  c  -e  subscriber; 
pen -holder;  (til  ©uTct)  holder.  $ølbe|fiaiig 
handle,    -fteb  halting-place. 

$ølb|l>age  dog.  -fcagelaa*  dog-shore.  +-ta  a 
fine.  -igljeb  c  fineness.  -fraft  fe  fcolbe«.  -mug 
c  (ubre  Bæfen)  bearing,  carriage;  (Cpførfel)  de- 
portment,  behaviour,  attitude;  flrmness,  balance; 
(i  røaleri)  keeping.  (mililcet)  appearance;  uben  - 
b.  f.  f.  -ntngélød  a  weak,  half-hearted,  vaclllat- 
ing.  -niNgøIøåbeb  c  weakness;  (moralft)  lack  of 
moral  balance.  +-ning8puntt  fe  jpotbepnntt. 
-ffrue  fe  fcolt«.  $ø(bt  inierj  halt!  gøre  _  halt. 
£ølbbtø  adv  in  parties  el.  gangs. 

$øle  [t.]  vt  f  catch,  get,  ber  er  intet  at  - 
there  is  nothing  to  be  got. 

$ølt  c    e  ferrule;  (Slib)  hulk 

*£olte  fe  $aal!e. 

$øBanb  n  Holland,  -f!  a  Dutch;  -  fiaft  tabled 
soarp;  -  Særreb  Dutch  linen,  holland;  -  9RøBe 
Dutch  wind  mlll.  smock-mlll;  -  $opir  Dutch 
paner,  ribbed  paper;  .  Binbue  sash-window. 

&oUo\'\  inteti  hollo!  halloa!  halloo! 

$øKomber  c  -e  Dutchman,  Hollander;  (gor» 
pagter  af  $oflænberi)  dairyman;  OJJapirf.)  cylinder 
-engfne;  <J,  (6tt!)  cat's  paw.  -i'  n  -er  dal  ry, 
milk  farm;  dairy  farming.  -iti'be  c  -r  Dutch - 

$ølm  c  -e,  *$ølme  -r  holm,  islet;  -en  (ftbfjabn) 
the  royal  dock-yard.  *$ølme  vt  (©jøntj  ring, 
encircle  (a  bear).  f£  olm  gang  o  wager  of  battle 
(fought  on  an  islet). 

ftolottyn  rier  pi  hol'othures. 

.ftolften  n  Holstein,  -er  c  -e  Holsteiner.  -ff  a 
Holstein;  -  <5ilb  smoked  herring  (not  split);  - 
Sogn  waggonnette;  -  Strage  carrion  crow,  Corvus 

4>olt  n  -er  grove,  wood  (of  small  eztent). 
(£olA-)fTrne  wood-screw,  »crew-nail.  -fnæppe 
woodcock,  Scolopax  rueticola. 

fomc'r  Ho 'mer.    -iff  a  Homer'ic. 
ømi|Ierit'  c  homiletics.    -le'tifl  a  homilet'- 
ic(al)     •  Ue   c   -r   hom'Jly.      -'Itebøg    book   of 

$ømø|fø'n  a  homophonous.  -ge'ti  a  homoge- 
neous.   -nb  m  a  homon'ymous;  n  -er  hom'onym. 

£øm*o|pa't  c    -er   homæop'athist.     -pat i'   c 
homæop'athy.    -pa'tif!  a  homæopath'ic. 
*$ø!t  fe  *$un  c. 

Aoitiiet'  a  fair(-dealing),  uprlght,  bonourable; 
-.  ambition  proper  pride.    -ite't  c  fairness. 

gonning  c  honey.  -aar.-  et  gobt  -  a  good 
year  for  honey.  -agtig  a  honey-like.  -vi  honey 
-bee.  -blomft  honey  flower.  -blære  honey-bag. 
-br#b  fe  -lage.  -btolb  meliceris.  -bæger  nectary, 
honey-cup.  -ceDe  honey  cell,  alveolus.  -brif 
honeyed  drink,  -bug  honey-dew.  -fugl  sun 
-bird,  CVnnyrt«;  fe  -fuger,  -gemme  nectary. 
-giøenbe  ««  mel)  i  fe  rous.  -græolttig  fe  -jert>.  -Mg 
honey-guide,  bee-cuckoo,  VucuIhs indxettor.  -foft 
honey-harrest.  -jer«  ratel,  Rateiu*.  -tage  (*i- 
tage)  honey -comb;  (Slagt  Srage)  gingerbread.  -tar 
nectary.  -fugt  smell  el.  flavour  of  honey.  -reb« 
-ftobrr  nectaries.    -faft  honey.   -fir«b  syrup  of 

honey.  -ffiøe  slice  of  honey-comb.  -fmag  taste 
ri.  flavour  of  honey.  -fmil  honeyed  smile.  -Hem 
honey  stone,  mellite.  -fuger  c  -e  honey  aucker, 
Nectarinia.  -flpre  mellltic  acid.  -fflfbe  honey 
soap.  -føb  o  sweet  as  honey,  honeyed,  honey 
•sweet.  -øanb  hydromel.  -æber  honey-eater, 

^oiiM'r  c  -er  hon'our;  militær  -  military 
honours;  gøre  -  do  the  honoure;  fire  -ex  four 
by  honours. 

^onor|a'r  n  -er  tee,  hon'orary,  honora'rioxa. 
-atio  reé  pi  the  quality.  -e  re  vt  fee,  pay, 
(6ef<el)  honour,  protect,  answer;  itte  .  dishonoiir, 
leave  in  sufferance. 

$op'  n,  pi  =,  jump,  (meb  Senene  famnten)  skip, 
{paa  eet  fdtn)  bop.  #oppt  01  jump;  skip;  hop; 
_  ober  et  ©ærbe  Ieap  a  fence;  fjertet  -be  i  barn 
his  heart  leaped  within  him. 

Aoppt  o  -r  mare.  -føl  filly.  -malt  mare  s 
milk.    t-pl«fl  yearliug  filly. 

opfa !  itu  heyday !  £ø*fa(o*!ft)  c  hop-dance. 

ør  n  ad u lte ry. 

oraente  pi  the  Hone. 

oragtig  a  adulterous,  {bibl)  whorish. 

prat*  Hor'ace.    -iff  a  Hora'tiao. 

ørbe  c  -r  horde,    -vift  adv  in  hordes. 

ørbe  c  -r  (ftletbcerl)  hurdle. 

øre  c  -r  (SGgteffobabr.)  adulteress;  (off.)  whore. 
harlot,  prostitute.  ^ore  vi  whore,  wench. 
•bar«  adulterous  offspring.  -but  whoremonger. 
-fagter  manners  of  a  w.  -Qølb  keeping  of  a 
brothel.  -bu*  whorehouse,  brothel.  -fffger  fe 
•buf.  -fipbe  fe  -lju*.  -føiitbe  fe  ^ortbinbe.  -le|c 
adulterous  bed  -febttrt  adulterous  li/e.  -U« 
wages  of  prostitution,  -ri'  n  whoring,  whore- 
dom.  -fceb  bibl  the  seed  of  the  adulterer.  -f*m 
whoreson.  -unge  bastard  child,  whoreson.  -»orrt 
brothel-keeper.  -bsrti«be  bawd.  -bftrtftefc  fe 
-^olb.    -bife  bawdy  song. 

^orifønt'  c  -er  hori'zon;  i  -en  on  the  horizon; 
oocr  min  -  above  my  reach,  f  above  my  hook, 
a  cut  beyond  me.  -a'l  a  horizon'tal;  -e  fftett 
square  yards,  -e  Irncr  lodging-knees.  -a'Dittie 
horizon  tal  (line).  -a'lparaHafS  horisontal  paral 
lax  (o.  fl). 

ørt,  ^orfe  c  -r  (&if!)  ruff,  Åcerina  cemua. 

ø'r|larl    adulterer,    whoremonger.      -fø«e, 
-tblnbe  adulteress. 

^ø'm  n,  pi  =,  horn;  {paa  fBabberflib)  beak;  ,1. 
(paa  (Øaffel)  cheek;  ^abe  et  .  i  Siben  paa  en  bear 
el.  owe  one  a  grudge.  bave  an  aching  tooth  at 
one;  ftøbe  i  -  blow  a  horn;  foette  en  .  i  $anbrn 
give  one  a  pair  of  horns,  cuckold  el.  coraute 
one;  løbe  -ene  af  fia  sow  one' s  wild  osts;  træffe 
-ene  tit  fig  draw  in  one 's  horns;  tage  loren  oeb 
-ene  take  the  bull  by  the  horns,    -affalb  horn 
•cltppings.    -agtig  a  horny,  corneous.    -arbejbe 
hornwork.      -blab     horn-wort,     Ceratopkyllum. 
-blenbe    hornblende,     -blenbegnejd    amphibole 
gneiss.   -blenbegranit  hornblende  granite.  -bien- 
beflifttr  hornblende- schlst.    -blmbefle«  amphi- 
bolite.     -b(b,   horn-lead.     -blæfer   horn-blower, 
-player.  -briller  horn  rimmed  spectacles.  -brager 
orchis.     -brejer   turner   in   horn.     -ertØ  horn 
-silver.     -et  u   horn  ed,  cornute(d);   -   Slutning 
dilemma,     -fil   horn-file.     -fifl   garfish,   Betone. 
-før »et,  -førntig  n  horn-shaped,  corniform.  -frø 
horned    frog,    Cerutoithry*    cornuta       -føbbet  a 
hornfooted,    hoofed.      °-gfebber    -gf*I    fe   -fifl. 
-gulb  gold  of  9Vt  to  10  carats.     -btnbc  cornea. 
•pub  horny  skin,  callosity.    -ift'  c  -er,  fe  -blæfer. 
-Kampe  ^  belaying  cleat.     -tfoft  cleft   in  Ute 
hoof.     -føral  gorgonia.     -fbeeg  horned   cattle. 
-lag  layer  of  horn,  horny  sheath.   -list  (strong) 
glue.     -lugte   horn  Ian  tern.     -l*å  a  homle^s 
-malm   fe  -ertft.     -mafit  horn-muslc.    -nifte  tf 


219  * 


hobblc.  -næb  (paa  ttlatfp.)  horny  hook.  -n*b 
water-chestnut,  Trapa  natana.  -plabe  horn-plate. 
-plante  hornwort,  CeratopkyUum.  -røfle  sea 
-de vil,  Cephaloptera.  -flgnal  horn-blast.  -{Taftet 
a  horn-håndled,  -ffe  hora-spoon.  -ffebe  fe  -lag. 
•fftfer  horn  slate.  -ftrab  horn  shavings  pi. 
-ffutye  horned  poppy,  Olattcium  tuteum.  -flange 
horned  snake,  Cenute*.  -f  natte  cerithium. 
-ftmaner  horn-shavings.  -fpalte  fe  -fløft.  -fpibd 
horn-tip.  -ftejfe  prov  fe  -tap.  -flten  hornstone. 
-ftof,  -fubfiand  horny  matter,  -ftraafe  horny 
frog.  -føiø  horn-silver.  -tap  eore.  -nøle  (lille) 
horn-owl,  Strix  otu»;  (|!ot)  eagle  owl,  Strix  bubo. 
-Hørte  knob.  -ø«g  crust.  -bort  homwork. 
-øM  corneous  tissue. 

£øroftø'p  n  -er  hor'oscope;  frille  .en*  -  caat 
one's  horoscope  el.  nativity. 

*<$•**  fe  $arr. 

f^erØ  n,  j>J  =,  horse,  e«p  mare. 

tør  fag  action  for  adultery;  adultery  case. 
ørfe|  bønne   fe   Slag.     -g«g    neighing  bird, 
common-snipe,  Scolopax  gvllinago.  -mør:  men« 
Gkoetfet  gror,  bør  _  while  the  grau  grows,  tbe 
mare  starves. 

>ø  rftraf  punishment  for  adultery. 

»ørten  fe  Hortensia. 

»orten'fia  c  $  hydrangea. 

»ørtuta'n  c  -er  o'rtolan,  Emberiwa  kortulam. 

>ø#'  fo]  prop  by,  wlth,  {røbe  -  fig  have  about 
one;  fibbe  -  en  sit  by  one;  -  Romerne  among 
the  Romans;  .  o*  with  us;  .  mig,  at  my  house; 
han  er  ~  ©ub  he  is  wlth  God;  ©efanbt,  fcoltor, 
ftaVtUan,  ftatferrr  -  ambassador,  physician,  chap- 
lain,  caahier  to;  i  Qunft  -  in  favour  with;  en 
6oag&eb  -  a  weakness  in;  en  ©ane  _  a  habit 
with;  fpffe  til  SWtbbag  .  dine  with;  tage  Xjenefte  - 
«'nter  (in to)  one's  service,  fe  &olt  -  ftg  see  Com- 
pany; jeg  øar  -  §t.  Smttb,  I  was  at  Mr.  Smitb's; 
man  lafer  .  C  etb  we  read  in  Ovid. 
£o»bønb  fe  $u»6onb. 
ttøivnnben  a  appended,  affixed. 
£ofe  c  -t  hose,  stocking;  gøre  ftne  -r  grønne 
curry  favour;  faa  let  font  ftøb  i  -  as  easy  as  kiss 

Søfea  Hoshe'a. 
øfe|baanb  garter.  -vaanbøørben  order  of  the 
garter.  -vaanb&ribbrr  knight  of  the  garter. 
•vinøer,  -blnberfte  stocklng-knitter.  +-bøb  fe 
-trammerbntit.  -fob  stocking-fcot.  -fremmer 
hosier,  slop-seller.  -fromt  mer  or  bejbc  slop-work. 
•Krørmmervnrit  hosier'a  shop.  -plub  knitting 
needle.  -ffaft  leg  of  a  stocking.  -fotter  stock- 
ing-feet.    -»arver  stocking-weaver. 

»oØ| føje  vt  annex,  subjoin.  -faigenbe  a  fe  lagt. 
»øftav  na  int  &  n  hosanna. 

^øfltaat  a  subjoined,  annexed,  accompanying; 
-e  ©rribelfe  the  subjoined  etc.  letter.  -tiggenbe 
a  adjolning,  contiguous,  adjacent;  fe  -lagt. 

^øfpitøf  n  -et  (Sbgebué)  hos  pital,  inflrmary; 
(frittigbjti)  almshouse;  paa  -et  in  the  hospital, 
-i  ter  c  -e  hos'pi taler.  —  ^øf pital« |  afgifter  & 
hospital  charges,  -branb  hospital  gangrene. 
•prøver  hospitaler,  -feber  hospital  fe  ver  (o.  fl.) 
-forflamber  warden  el.  governor  of  a  hospital. 
•tern  lnmate  of  an  almshouse.  -lage  physician 
to  a  hospital,  (font  bor  bet)  house  surgeon. 
•patient  inpatient.  -penge  hospital  money. 
-pleje  hospital  attentions.  -praft  minister  of  a 
hospital-church.  -fpgbom  hospital  disease;  -me 
pi  hospltalism.  -nbgifter  hospital  expenscs.  -vogn 

$ofpijte  re  øf  attend  school  el.  lertures  as  a 
Kiiest.    -tinm  n  -ter  hos'pice. 

$»ftftaaettbc  a  present;  fe  liggenbe;  —  c  by- 

$ø'fte  *$oft'e   [6]   e  [congh.    4?øfte  vi  cough. 

•anfalb  fit  of  coughing,  coughing  flt.  -tager 
cough-lozenges.  -trampe  convulslve  cough.  -n 
c  coughing. 

øfti'e  c  host. 

oSbarcnbe  a  present. 
_  øtel'  n  -ler  hotel,  inn;  ~  garni  iodging-house. 
-ejer  hotel  proprietor.  -tart  boots.  -regning 
hotel  bill.  -vart  master  of  an  hotel,  inkeeper. 
$øttentøt'  c  -ter  Hot  tentot.  -figen  hottentot 
fig,  (planten)  flg-marigold,  Meeembrvanthemum 
eau  le. 

t^øn!  ^Øb!  (boettenbe)  bolla!  hollo!   holloa! 
(tilftpnbenbe)  right!  push  on !  on  then!  go  ahead ! 
*$øng  fe  ^aug. 

\$oø  [aa]  c  (©am)  bag;  landing-net,  dip-net; 
tf  ØH'  o  (Stat)  vat. 

t<$ov'  e  -e  halo  (round  the  sun  or  moon). 
""  øv'  c  -e  (*$o'b,  vi  ^øber)  (paa  ^efte)  hoof. 

øøarbejbe  fe  ^oberi. 

øo ! bar  a  unsUod.    -ben  coffin-bone.    -beflag 
fe  ^eftebeflag.    -blab  sole. 

oøbonbe  c  soccager. 

øø  I  bragt    heel.     -bur    hoofed   el.   ungulate 

øve:  til.  beb  -  =  til,  beb  hoffet,  fe  $of. 

øve  fe  ^ue  vt. 

øøeb  (+  $obebe)  n  -er  (i  «lm.  og  i  be  flefte  ©ft.) 
head;  (Obermanb)  chief,  leader;  (paa  $tbe)  bowl; 
(paa  ftanon)  muzzle;  fatte  .  (om  ftaalj  cabbage; 
faa  mange  -er,  faa  mange  £inb  (so)  many  men, 
(so)  many  minds;  urolige  -er  turbulents  spirits; 
bat*  et  gobt  -  have  good  abllities,  be  elever; 
tabe  -et  lose  one's  head;  gøre  en  -et  traf  et  per- 
plex  one,  cause  one  no  end  of  trouble  el. 
anxiety;  oor  fcrbig  at  ribe  -et  af  mig  nearly  bit 
my  head  off;  følge,  gaa  efter  frt  eget  .  folio w 
one's  own  humour,  have  one's  own  way;  bet  er 
itfe  efter  mit  -  lt  is  not  to  my  fancy,  I  do  not 
approve  of  it;  tort  for  -et  snappish,  grufT,  short 
-spoken;  ftøbe  en  for  et  ofTend  one,  pique  one; 
fatte  fig  noget  i  -et  take  a  thing  into  one's 
head;  fatte  en  noget  i  -et  put  something  into 
one's  head;  regne  i  et  reckon  in  one's  head  el. 
by  tbe  mental  process;  jeg  Ian  itfe  faa  bet  i  mit 
_  I  cannot  understand  it,  lt  will  not  go  down 
with  me;  tjan  er  itfe  rigtig  i  et  he  Is  not  in  his 
right  senses;  J)aoe  onbt  i  -et  have  a  (bad)  head- 
ache;  fcoab  man  itte  fcar  i  -et,  faar  man  b,abf  i 
Øenene  a  weak  memory  makes  weary  legs;  your 
head  won't  save  your  heels,  t)QDe  (noget)  i  -et 
be  tipsy;  lagge  flt  -  i  Øløb  rack  one's  brains; 
forfbne  en  Bolt  meb  ~  head  a  holt;  bænge  meb  -et 
hang  down  one's  head;  bolde  en  o  øer  -  get 
beyond  one's  control;  fe  ooer  -et  look  down 
upon;  rage  et  Ijelt  -  op  ooer  stand  head  and 
shoulders  above;  meb  ^at  paa  -et  with  a  haton 
his  head;  tøringe  ub  paa  -et  take  a  header;  gtoe 
en  paa  -et  (ogf.  fig)  hit  one  over  the  head;  fio 
blow  one  up;  friHe  Sagen  paa  -et  turn  things 
upslde  down;  øm  jeg  ftaar  paa  -et  do  what  I  will; 
ieg  øeb  ilte,  om  Jeg  ftaar  paa  -et  eller  Benene  I  am 
as  one  in  a  dream;  efter  fom  -et  ftob  paa  bent 
according  to  the  mood  they  were  in;  fe  6sm; 
fritte  -erne  f ammen  lay  heads  together.  com- 
pare  notes,  (til  Sød)  compare  logs,  fe  Stige;  fan 
ttte  faa  bet  ub  af  -et  cannot  get  it  out  of  my 
head;  uben  -  headless.  £øbeb!aare  cephalic 
vein;  (otøttøftc)  principal  vein  el.  art  er  y.  -aarfag 
main  cause.  -afbeling  grand  el.  great  division; 
mil  bulk,  main  body.  -affnit  grand  division. 
-agentar  head  agency.  -agterftæøn  main  post. 
-af cent  je  tone.  -atfel  main  shaft.  -alter  bigh 
altar.  -anfører  ring-leader.  -angreb  principal 
attack.  -anfe  principal  grievance.  -anr— 
main   charge,     -anfebning  chief  motlve 




frtfier  ring-leader.  -arbejbe  main  work;  (meb 
$obebet)  brain  work.  -orm  main  branch.  -armé 
main  body  of  an  army.  -arttfef  leading  article. 
-arbing  principal  heir  (heiress);  (af  bet  øbrige 
Øob«,  naat  Øælb  og  Segater  ere  betalte)  residuary 
legatee.  -baonb  head  band.  -bab  bath  for  the 
head.  -(ja»ro)bane  trunk  line.  -banner  chief 
banner,  -bebalning  (head)  covering,  head  dress. 
-begibendcb  chief  event,  -begreb  essentlal  notion. 
•beifoftif  etfe  chief  employment.  -beftanb  main 
stock.  -øeftanbbel  main  ingredient  el.  conetit- 
uent.  -beftttretfe  directors.  -betragtning  chief 
consideration.  -bebagelfe  movement  of  the 
head.  -biitb  bandage  for  the  head.  -tjatte 
girder.  -tlontft  button-wood,  CephaiantAu*.  -bøg 
ledger.  -bolt  (paa  Sogn)  main  pin.  -bør  trepan. 
-brnb  racking  of  the  brain.  -bne  (Smp.)  main 
link.  -bunb  Bcalp,  skin  of  the  head.  -bbgning 
main  bnilding.  °-bøle  fe  -goarb.  -b  eb  i  tor  fe 
•ft&fbner.  -bel  principal  part.  -bng  head-cloth. 
-b^b  cardinal  virtue;  (en#)  main  virtue.  -baf 
main  deck.  -bør  principal  door,  entrance  door. 
•egenffab  principal  el.  leading  quallty  el.  feature. 
-emne  main  subject.  -efgpebittøn  Chief  Office 
-e»be  (©eng*)  bed's  head.  -facabe  grand  facade. 
-føg  principal  (siibject  of)study,  specialty.  -farne 
principal  colour;  primitive  colour.  -fejl  prin- 
cipal fault.  -figur  principal  el.  leading  flgure. 
-ffenbe  -fienbe  chief  enemy.  -fløj  main -wing 
-føranbrtng  radical  change;  principal  change. 
-førbrbbelfe  chief  el.  greateet  crime.  -førbring 
prime  requisite;  fe  -gælb.  -forfatter  leading 
author.  -form  main  form;  form  of  the  head. 
-førmaøl  main  end,  chief  aim.  -forretning 
principal  business;  head  establishment  el.  office. 
-f orfeelfe  principal  offence.  -forffel  main  differ- 
ence, -førflag  principal  motion,  -førftabn  main 
stem.  -førtjenefte  chief  merit,  -frentbrtngelfe 
fe  -probult.  -frifer  muzzle  -  mouldings.  -ftor 
principal  light,  -fffftning  principal  fortress.  -føb« 
bebe  pi  cephalopods.  -gaarb  inanor,  demesne. 
-gabe  main  street,  leading  street,  thoroughfare.  I 
-gang  principal  passage,  -genftanb  main  ob-  i 
ject.  -gebinft  grand  prize.  -gren  principal;  fi.g  i 
main  el.  head  branch.  -grnnb  principal  reason. 
-grnnbfatning  fundamental  principle,  firet  prln 
ciple,  leading  p.  -grabbe  main  group.  t-gnlb 
golden  diadem,  -galb  principal  debt.  -gorbe 
bed 's  head  -Qaar  hair  of  the  head.  -banb- 
Ung  main  action,  -baøn  principal  port.  -ben- 
figt  main  design  -bjttl  main  wheel,  -bførneften 
bibl  head  of  the  corner.  -fcolber  head-rest. 
-fcnb  skin  of  the  head,  scalp.  -Ijangeri  n  sanctl- 
moniousness,  pietism.  -bar  fe  -armé.  -inbgang 
main  entrance.  -inbbolb  snbstance,  main  pur- 
port;  chief  contenifl;  a  summary.  -ittbtøTfet 
main  entrance  el.  avenue,  -inbtagt  chief  revenue. 
-tøfe  crown  of  the  head,  -j  øer  ubane  fe  -bane. 
-jager  head-hunter.  -faal  (headed)  cabbage. 
•taftt  main  cabin.  -faåfe  pay  office.  -faøferer 
paymaster,  treasurer.  -fenbetegn  main  charact- 
er is  tic.  -rilbe  main  source.  -lirfe  principal 
church.  -fløøf  main  sewer.  -flabe  head-kerchief. 
-føntør  chief  office.  -tr  eb  i  tor  principal  creditor. 
-fnlbft  adv  head  foremost,  head  Ion  g.  -toarfer 
head-quarters  pi  -føb:  F  fælge  -  klck  one's 
heels.  -lag  (6elet.)  head -gear,  head-stall. 
•tabning,  -laft  bulk  of  the  cargo.  -lanb  main 
el.  mother-country.  -lanbevej  fe  -Dej.  -lebning 
main.  -lejr  head-qnarters.  -libenffab  master 
-passion,  -linie  principal  line;  fe  -bane;  -rute. 
-løb  fe  ©oeslob.  -lob«  chief  pilot.  -Inft  head 
•louse,  Pcdtculu*  capitiB.  -tongbe:  otnbe  meb  en 
.  win  by  a  head.  -longe  main  wing.  -Icerbom, 
•lotte  principal  dcnrine.  -løb  main  channel. 
-løå  a  (uben  $.)  headless;  fio  witless,  dull;  (uben 

Oberb)   without  a  leader,   headless;  be    e  tott 
the  acephals.     -ntanb   head    chief,    principal; 
(DPbftMm.)  author;  (i  Cprør)  ringleader.  -ntnngei 
main  defect.    -mabfe  bulk.    -maft  fe  Unbennatt. 
-motib  chief  motive;  tnw  leading  motive.    -nn 
belfe  chief  enjoyment.   -nbtte  main  use.  -mrring 
chief  food.  -nøgle  master  key,  pass-key,  skeleton 
key,    passe -partout,      -omfkonbtgteb    essentlal 
circumstance.    -opgabe  main  task.     -øbtaojftftefc 
chief  emporium.    -ørb  leading  word;  ør  noim 
•panbefteb  the  place  of  a  skull  (Bkulls).  -pertobe 
chief  perlod.    -berføn  principal  person;  (STeot.; 
p.    el.    leading  character,     -frille  main   pillar. 
-bine  headache;  jeg  bar  .  I  have  a  (bad)  head- 
ache.    -bøft  principal  item.    -poftfontor  central 
post-offlce.    -princip  fe  -grunbfoetning.    -prøbnft 
staple   product.     -prbbelft   ornaments  for  the 
head.   -praft  rector,   -pnbe  pil  lo  w.  -punft  main 
point,     -ppnt  head-dress.     -rebaftør  editor  in 
chief.    -reber  principal  owner.    -regel  principal 
rule.    -regifter  general  index,    -regning  mental 
calculation  el.  computation,  m.  arithmetlc.  -ren- 
gøring thorough  cleauing,  cleaning-out.    -Ttpa- 
ration  thorough  repair.    -refnltat  main  result. 
-ret  principal  dlsh.    -ribbe  primary  ridge.    -rig 
a  very  rich.     -rigel  (paa  Vogn)  riding- bolster. 
•røb  master-root.   -røHe  principal  part,  leading, 
principal,  chief  el.  central  character,  -rør  main 
rudder.    -rate   main  route.     -raften  abake  of 
the  head.  -rafte,  -rating  main  rail.   -fag  main 
point,  great  thing;  ban  pat  9?et  i  -en  he  is  right 
in  the  main.    -fagelig  a  main;  —  adv  mainly. 
-faM  pln-maker's  scissors.  -falat  cabbage  lettuce, 
Lactuca  wtiva.    -faløn  principal  saloon,     -fejl 
heavy  sail.     -fibc   principal   side;   {paa   Støan  ) 

front,  -ffal  skull.  -ffain  scalp.  -ffib  (i  Jhrtf) 
nave  -ffjolb  principal  escutcheon.  -ffblbner 
principal  debtor.  -flag  general  action,  pitebed 
bat  tie;  main  el.  decisive  battle.  -fntlpfte  fe  -pnj. 
belfe.  -fnøre  pi  (Socb)  cords.  -føgn  principal 
pari&h  -fbanter  pi  main  frames.  -fbH  (i  Slat) 
main  play.  -fbrøg  parent  language,  principal 
1.  -tøørgftmaal  main  question.  -flab  capital, 
metropolis;  (i  ®reoff ab)  county  town.  «|Ubé- 
metropolitan,  of  the  metropolis.  -fUtmnie  (træ) 
main  trunk;  i&ol!)  chief  tribe;  fig  main  stock. 
-fiatton  fftarnb.)  terminus;  (for  ^(aaben)  principal 
naval  station,  -fleb  important  passage  (in  a 
writing).  -frentme  principal  volce;  falsetto,  head 
-voice.  -ften  head-stone.  -frjerne  principal  star. 
-fiol  principal  (sum);  fe  -lag.  -Rørs*  general 
assault.  -ftreg  'p.  ftømpaø)  cardinal  el.  principal 
point,  -ftrøg  principal  thoroughfare  -frrøm. 
-ftrømning  main  current.  -ftljffc  (f .  «t«.  paa  Oibfel) 
head-pice;  head-end;  main-piece;  cbapter,  sec- 
tion.  -frbrfe:  band  -  mil  tbe  bulk  of  his  forces; 
fig  his  forte,  his  strong  point;  ^Iaabens  -  the 
bulk  el.  main  body  of  the  fleet.  -ftøtte  mainstay. 
-fnnt  stun-total.  -fbintntel  a  gid  dy;  bet  gør  mig 
_  it  makes  my  head  swim.  -fbimmcKbeb)  c 
giddiness.  -flpnb  cardinal  sin.  -f)|9fel  chief 
employment  el.  occupation.  -f«be  principal 
seat  el.  residence.  -fat  head  gear.  -fatning  ør 
principal  proposition;  fe  -grunbfætning.  -tal 
cardinal  number.  -tale  principal  el.  grand 
speech.  -taler  principal  orator,  -tanfe  leading 
idea.  -tegning  general  drawing.  -iib  (af  Serbum) 
principal  part.  -titel  principal  ti  tie.  -tøne 
primary  accent,  -trappe  principal  etairs  el.  sttfir- 
case.  -træf  main  el.  leading  feature  el  charac- 
terlstic.  -tbpe  main  type.  -tøj  (ogf.  Selet.) 
head-gear.  -babff  washing  of  the  head,  sbatn- 
pooing.  -bagt  main  guard(-house).  -øøjnb 
smelling- water.  -bonbøjlaffe  smelling-bottie. 
-banbdag  scent-box,  pouncet-boz.  -batterføt, 
-banbføt  hydrocephalus,  dropsy  of  the  bead. 




-nej  trunk  road,  principal  road.  -øibne  principal 
witness.  -binbenr  pi  the  cardinal  winds.  -ttirf- 
tting  main  effect.  -øølb  principal  rampart. 
-øøegt:  lægge  -en  paa  lay  partlcalar  stress  on. 
-øørrf  n  (fontemfte  Hr&ejbe)  principal  work;  (btg« 
tigt  C)  leading  work;  (i  Orgel)  great- organ, 
chief  manual,  -bfltrt  e  fe  -pine.  -øiemeb  main 

£oben  [aa]  a  swelled,  swoln,  fia  k  V  puffed 
up,  arrogant,  -tf tb,  -flab  c  tumefaction,  swell- 
iug,  fiff  arrogance. 

jonere  vi  exult,  crow.    -»  c  ezultation. 

åoøeri'  n  villein  socage,  villenage,  average. 
-aflønning  commutation  of  villenage.  -bønbe 
socager.  -bøg  day  of  socage-service.  •forening 
composiUon  ror  socage.  -fribeb  ezemption  from 
socage.  -gøbft  land  held  by  socage.  -tørfel 
socage-service  with  carts  and  horses,  -ben« 
averpenny.  -pligtig  a  liable  in  socage.  -rejfe 
socage  journey. 

.fiøøføbet  a  hoofed,  ungulate. 

.gøblfølf  socagers.  -gaørb  manor.  -gerning 
fe  -arbeibe. 

$øb|farn,  -Hinge  butteris.  -tapfel  box.  -Høft 
fissure  in  the  hoof.    -fraft  cancer  of  the  hoof. 

Søøntarf  o  field(s)  of  the  manor. 
øbmefter  c    tre  tøuMoerer)  private  tutor;  & 
steward,    -e're  vt  dictate  to,  school;  -erenbe  a 

$øb[ntøb  n  (+  c)  haughtinese,  arrogance;  $  fe 
(gngnellite;  .  goar  el.  flaai  for  ftatb  pride  will 
have  a  fall;  pride  gæs  before  and  shame  follows 
after,  pride  goeth  before  destruction  (bibC). 
-nsøbe  fia  vr  behave  with  arrogance;  ~  flg  af, 
ørør  priae  one's  self  on;  -  flg  ober  en  lord  it 
over  one,  look  down  upon  one.  -møbeS  vd  b.  f. 
-møblg  a  haughty,  arrogant,  -mobiøt^eb  c  fe 

tøøne  vi  swell,  tumefy. 
øølpattebbr  pi  hoofed  mammals.  -ring  fe 
-boeg.  -feneben  radius,  -flæg  fetlock.  -flag 
clattering  of  horses*  hoofe.  -fmeb  blacksmith, 
farrier.  -Jtrøate  fe  ©rraale.  -føm  hobnail.  -tang 
farrier's  el.  Carpenter' s  pincers  pi,  nail-nippers. 
•trang,  -røang  narrow-heelednesø;  tør  ~  is  hoof 
•bound.    -bog  ooffin. 

in!  interj  oh  I  (ezcl.  of  horror,  shuddering). 
m  •  fe  $uj. 

c  mind,  mood;  meb  belberaab  -  deliberately, 
purposely,  of  Bet  purpose;  tomme  t  .  (tlju)  re- 
mcmber,  bet  ranbt  mig  i  -  I  called  to  mind; 
band  .  ftaar  bertit  his  mind  is  bent  upon  it;  fe 
2Rob  a. 

*£ubro  c  -er  eagle  owl,  Strix  bubo. 

$**  c  -et  (af  SRenneffer  og  DDr)  skin;  (faebb.  om 
rntt,  fytaret  Sftnb)  bide;  fe  Sorfojbning;  9iem; 
ftetbe  en  -en  fulb  abuse  one  grossly;  meb  -  og 
$aar  entirely.  -afftrabntng  bruise.  -affonbring 
cutaneous  secretion.  -betornbelfe  erythema. 
-børfie  flesh  brush.  -farøe  colour  of  the  skin, 
(VnfLatett)  complezion.  -flette,  -flange  vt  scourge, 
la*b,  flog-,  Ao  cut  up.  -fletning,  -flettetfe  flagella- 
tion, scourging,  flogging.  -tttg  flap  of  the  skin. 
-fotb  fold  of  the  skin.  -form  (goldbeater's) 
mould  of  about  1000  leaves.  -lam  comb-like 
crest.  -tirtet  millary  gland.  sebaceous  gland. 
-Kraft  epithelial  cancer.  -lab  fe  -flig.  -tø*  a 
galled,  excoriated.  -tøØfteb  e  excorlation,  raw. 
•ntnffel  cutaneous  muscle.  -papister  pi  paplllæ 
of  the  skin.  -pleje  culture  of  the  skin.  -reb 
bide  rope.  -faar  skin-deep  wound.  -ftelet  exo- 
s  keleton.    -iltfte  casting  of  the  skin,  moult. 

£ttbføn*|bngten  (the)  Hudson  Sea,  Hudson 
Bay.    -flaben  the  Hudson. 

$n'b|ftr*|e  fe  -flette,  -ftrljgetfe,  -frrtrøntna;  c 
fe  -flefnrng.     •fbgbønt  cutaneous  dlsease,   skin 

-er  F 


disease.  -talgtirtel  fe  •tirtel.  -trødfe  hlde  rope. 
•nbbnnftning  persplratlon.  -nbfUrt  cutaneous 
eruption.    -batierfot  anasarca. 

fine  vt  please,  be  to  one's  liking,  +  like. 

$ne  c  -r  cap,  honnet;  (©arne-)  biggin;  +  faa 
en  -  be  hoodwinked.  -baanb  ribbon  for  a  cap. 
-blot  coif-stock.  -fføgøe,  -fherni  cap-peak. 
-fnegt,  -fnætte  slipper-shell,  Capului. 

*^nf!  fe  $u! 

$ng  »:  flbbe  pac  ~  squat  on  the  gro  und,  sit 
on  one's  hams. 

$U8'  «.  P*  =»  ou^i  Blash,  blow, 
cut;  foa  .  get  a  drubblng.    -a'f  c 
blade,    -bar  a  fit  for  felling. 

^nge  vi  prov  stoop;  *  vr  -  flg  frem  crouch 
forwards;  ~  ftg  neb,  famnten  crouch,  stoop. 
mgenøt'  c  -ter  Hu'guenot. 
ngfri  a  protected  against  blows. 
mgøe  (ogf .  imp  b^ug)  vt  cut,  hew;  (fmaat)  chop; 
(flænge)_  Blash;  meb  Sæbet)  plck;  peck;  J,  fe 
|>ufe;  F  (f noppe)  snatch,  clutch;  -  ttranbe,  ©eb 
chop  wood;  bet  er  er  Ijberten  -t  el.  fhtRet  it  is 
netther  here  nor  there;  —  vi  ©tibet  -r  the  ahip 
thumps,  bumps;  b^in  (ærer  at  -  he  learns  the 
broadsword  exercise;  —  -  af  cut  off;  -  efter  en 
make  a  cut,  level  a  stroke,  at  one;  ~  Øfften  i  plant 
one's  axe  in;  -be  Stiverne  i  seized  with  hlsclaws  el. 
in  his  clutches;  -  i  flg  swallow,  dispatch;  .  inb 
charge;  -be  inb  paa  fit  6mørtebrøb  f  was  walking 
in  to  his  bread  and  butter;  .  neb  for  ftobe 
cut  down  lndiscriminately;  .øm  cut  down; 
~  om  flg  lav  about  one;  .op  (flaa  op)  out 
open,  (i  Stbner)  cut  up,  (8Kb)  break  up;  -  ober 
cut  (in  two);  -  paa  +  fe  $at!e;  .  løft  paa  btn« 
anben  fall  upon  one  another;  .fønber  og  f am- 
men cut  to  pieces,  .tit  (flaa til) strike; (tilbygge) 
hew;  .  ub  t  Sten  carve  in  stone;  —  vr  %ax  -t 
flg  i  tyianben  has  cut  his  hånds;  .  flg  igennem 

|tg  t 


(§|enben)  cut  (one's  way)  through;  make  el. 
force  one's  way  through,  -baéfe  wlld  boar;  fig 
buliy,  fighter,  -blot  chopping-block.  -blb  lead 
anvil.  -baml  butcher's  chopping  board,  -ferbtg 
fe  ^ugbar.  -b, animer  pick-axe.  t-ljn*  carpenter's 
shop,  (farmer's)  workshop,  -feer«  chisel.  -rnib 
fe  ©oanbfnit).  -løn  wages  for  chopping  wood. 
-n  c  fe  fugning,  -pibe  punch,  -r  e  -e  hewer; 
Oergb.)  miner;  bibl  mason;  t  Carpenter,  -reb« 
"ab  cutting  implement.  -rt  c  -er  cutlass, 
hanger.  -fpaan  chip.  *-f»abbe  fe  blot.  -fosnter 
iron  anvil.  -tanb  tusk.  -baaben  pi  trenchant 
atuxbpI  -øtår  axe.  ^ngning  c  cutting  etc.; 
tøcegtn.)  broadsword  play. 

fngø  Hugh. 

$ng'ørm  o  viper,   Vipera  berui. 

+$n'gprub  a  poet  proud.  high-souled. 

$ug|faar  gash,  cut.  -ffifte  exchange  of  blows. 
$ngft  o  -er  felling  (of  trees).    *^ngfleløn  wages 
for  felling  timber. 
uaftistrt  fe  ^øifljært. 
nbef !  meb  Au  og  6ej  hurry-skurry. 
nj'l  interj  ho!  hallo!  i  .  og  Aafl  hurriedly. 
fin)|e  vi  shout,   halloo;  (truenbe)  hoot.    -en  c 
shouting  etc. 

Huj 'ns  inst.  (b.  e.  inslant). 

6nt  e  -fe  (lerog)  nook;  (Bintel)  angle;  (i 
Xnttra!)  out-corner,  sixjpoint;  *1>  (af  Sanb)  point. 

^nfe  vt  ^  hook;  .  fRoret  ahip  the  rudder;  . 
an  hook  on;  .  unhook;  unshlp;  -  flg  fafi  i  hook 
on  to. 

nffert  c  -er  <£,  howker. 
ufmanb  c  4,  quarter-pieoe. 
uførn  melfe  c  memory;  en  tro  .  a  tenaclous 
memory;  *  lægge  paa  -n  commlt  to  memory; 
efter  -n  from  memory;  min  .  flaar  fejl  my  mem- 
ory fails  me;  fom  fttjrler  -n  anamneatlc.  — 
^tt{ommelfed|fefl  slip  of  the  memory,  misre 




collectlon.  -Nfte:  J,  robe  op  i  fin  -  rub  up 
one's  memory.  -f««tft  mnemonics.  -franc  (+), 
-f«g,  -»ær!  aet  of  the  memory,  learning  by 

$uV  n  -lex  hole,  orlflce;  (fca6ning)  aperture; 
(boorigennem  noget  flipper  ub)  vent;  (©ab)  gap; 
(i  røarb)  pocket;  (flet  Rommer)  hole;  (Uatune) 
blank,  gap,  void,  deficiency,  lacuna,  chaam; 
.  i  ~  (perfectly)  riddled,  honeycombed;  flaa  fig 
et  ~  i  $ooebet  break  one's  head;  ftere,  flaa, 
branbe  -  paa  cut,  knock,  burn  a  hole  in;  ber  er 
~  paa  there  Is  a  hole  in;  ber  gaar  ~  paa  ttptben 
the  abscess  breaks;  tage  -  paa  (en  Xønbe)  broach 
(a  barrel),  (noget  opfpart  o.  I.)  break  In  upon, 
trench  upon;  Ijugge  ~  i  (et  ©rib)  scuttle;  fatte 
(en)  i  let  put  in  the  black  hole;  ftøbe  (Sal)  i 
•let  pocket. 

$nl  a  hollow;  (tonrao)  concave;  ben  -e  $aanb 
the  hollow  of  the  hånd;  en  ~  ©rober  a  knowing 
blade,  deep  fellow.  -aore  yena  cava.  -bor 
auger,  wimble.    -brpftet  a  hollow- chested. 

$nlb  n:  peb  gobt  -  in  good  case  el.  condltion, 
stout;  tabe  .  lose  flesh;  lægge  paa  -et  gather 

finlb  a  (tro)  faithful,  loyal;  (elfToarbig)  ami- 
able.  lovely. 

+4>nlb  n  fe  $ulbftab. 

*$«lber,  $nlbre  c  -r  hlll-lady,  wood-nymph, 
(Norwegian)  falry.    -følt  fables. 

\fcni|bige  n  fe  -grøft. 

åulbjgnbinbe  Grace,  -rig  a  graclous.  -fa'tig 
a  (passing)  graceful  el.  graclous.  -flab  c  fldelity, 
allegiance,  fealty;  foovge  -  og  Zroflab  take  the 
oath  of  allegiance:  opflge  -  withdraw  one's 
allegiance  from.    -ffabfteb  oath  of  allegiance. 

£ttle  vt  hollow;  -  ub  hollow  (out). 

$ute  c  -r  cave,  cavern,  grotto;  ($pre»  og  M 
den.  -(be)boer  c  -e  cave-dweller,  troglodyte. 
-bjørn  cave  bear,  Urtug  upelæus.  -bpr  cave 
animal.  -frntb  remains  found  in  a  cave  el.  caves, 
cave  find.  -bpaue  cave-hyena.  -treb*  cave-cray- 
fish,  Astacu*  peltucidut.  -løbe  cave-lion,  Felit 
wlctu*.  -ntennefle  caveman.  -pabbe  proteus. 
-pinbfpin  porcupine,  Hyttrix. 

Anltt  a  hollow. 

énlel  tempel  cave-temple.  -nøle  burrowing 
Owl,  Strix  cunicutaria. 

'^ulfalb  c  fe  $utføm. 

^n  II fil  round  file.  -gaft  *&  gunner's  yeoman. 
-glad  hollow  glass-ware.  -grøft  (under)drain. 
-peb  c  -er  (ogfaa  fio)  hollowness;  (f>ult  ©teb) 
oi  vi  ty,  -tyøøl  chamferiug  plane,  Hu  ting-plane, 
-ing;  c  -er  hollowing;  conc  hollow.  -jam  fe 

$ufte  vi  sob;  —  vt  op  (om  guøle)  disgorge. 

$n'l|teljle  flutlng,  hollow.  -fcøbl  fe  $uty*ot. 
-Jam  round  plane  iron. 

tullen  c  sobbing. 
n  I|femrt  «   $    coelospermou8.     -fisbet   a 
hollowcheeked,  Ian  tern  -Jawed.  -Itampe  ^  comb 
-cleat;  sad  die.    -fltnge  hollowed  blade,     -fugle 
hollow  ball,  shell. 
*$uØe  vi  troll,  hum. 
mllemaffitte  c  mort l si  ug- machine. 
mllet  a  full  of  holes. 

>n'l|labe    $   helleborine,    Epipactu.     -maat 
mcasure  of  capacity. 

$ulman  c  entellus  monkey,  Semnopitheeut 

&u 't|tm«rt  hollow  fleld.  -meffel  gouge.  -mnr 
hollow  wall.    -mønt  bracteate.    -ning  c  -er  hol- 
low, depression,    -pailletter  pi  grooved  tingel. 
•paøfer  inside  calipers. 
^ulpredfe  c  punching  machine. 

$u  Uprojettil  hollow  Droientiie.    -rob  fe  -urt. 

-mm  cavity.  -rnnb,  -rnnbet  a  concave.  -rigget 
a  hollow-backed. 

£utfaar  n  wound  penetrating  some  cavity  of 
the  body. 

$«'t|fiø»l,  -frnffe  (hollow)  shovel.  -frraber 
fluted  scraper.  -flette  nut.  -flibe  vt  grind 
hollow.  -fønbe  hollow  probe.  -ftteff  concave 
mirror.  -ftempel  hollow  punch,  -tes  pan-tlle. 

Snifring  n  hemstitch. 
n  ljfUbning  hollow-castlng-  -ftøbt  a  hollow. 
-fbøb  $  rough,  chervil,  Ckærophyllum  temulu*. 

tutføm  c  hemstitch,  open-worked  hem. 
n  l|tanbet  a  hollow-toothed.    -tang  hollow 
tongs.    -tegl  pan  tile,  gutter  tile. 

^nlter  til  bulter  pell-mell,  helter-skelter,  at 
sizes  and  sevens. 

S  ni«  c  motmot,  momot,  Momohu. 
nl|nrt  birthwort,  Arittolochia  clematitia.  -»ef 
hollow  way,  sunken  road,  defile.    ^-Peitniug  c 
drainlng.  -i|et  a  hollow-eyed.  -#lØc  spout  adze. 

tttttt!  fe  ^m. 
uma'n  a  humane;   liberal,     -tora  pi   the 
human 'lties.     -ife're    et   hu'manize.     -ilmc   c 
classic  education.    -ifl'  c  -er  hu'manist.    -ite't 
human 'i  ty,  liberality. 

^nntbng  c  humbug;  made-up  tie.  -mager 

•finmle  c  -r  humble-bee,  Bowtbua. 

£nmle  o  (planten)  hop,  Humulu*  lupulv; 
(©lomfterne,  Baren)  hops;  fig  gist,  point,  beet 
part.    -aPl  hop  culture. 

tnmle | bad  drone  (bass).    -bi  fe  $umle  1. 
umtejbørerftc  ghost-moth,  Bepiolut  humut 
-gaarb  hop-yard.    -bane  hop-garden,    -fnop^er, 
-topper  catkins  of  the   hop.     -løHe   hopoast. 
-lanb  hop-land.     -mel  lupuline.     -olie   oil    of 
hops.    -ranfe  hop-bind,  hop- vine. 

Snmlerebe  c  humble  bees'  nest. 
n mie |  {i  hop-sleve,  hop  basket,  -filte  dodder, 
Cutcutaeuropæa.  -ffttb, -fptre  hop-spring,  t-fnegle^ 
-balg  black  medick,  yellow  clover  Medicago  (**- 
pulina.  -flage,  -ftang  hop  pole;  lang  fom  en  - 
as  tall  as  a  bean-pole.  -ftcert  a  tasting  strongly 
of  the  hop.  -f«f  hop-bag;  bag  of  hops.  -«t 
hopped  beer. 

t$umme  vt  back  (a  carriage);  —  w  fig  (om 
$eft)  stand  back. 

*6ummcl  c  -mier,  fe  gammel. 

t-pummer  n  -e  (lille  Sarelfe)  closet. 

gummer  c  -e  lobster,  eoll  lobsters,  Homaru» 
tmtøarit  J,  hounds.  -bpfc  fe  -fmaRe.  -fangfi 
lobRter-fishery.  -gat  ^  dumb  sheave.  -Hø,  -f«W 
lobsters'  claw.  -falat  lobster -salad.  -fmalfe 
lobster  smack.  -fntør  lobster  butter.  -fttjpe 
lobster-soup.    -tene  lobster  pot. 

$umor  c  humour.  -eff'ecr  hu 'morous  story. 
+-fnlb  a  humorous.  -ift'  c  -er  hu'morist.  -ift'ifT 
a  humorous. 

tumpe  vi  llmp,  hobble. 
ump|el  c  -pier  hummock.  -let  a  full  of  hum 

^nmre  vi  whinny  (gently).  -gøg.common 
snipe,  Seotopax  o  Ulinaøo. 

$umug  c  humus,  -flirt  Salt  humate.  -fttr« 
hu  mie  acld. 

^unto'r  n  hu'mour,  mood,  temper;  (gobt  el. 
flet)  spirits  pi.\  i  flet  -  (ogf.)  out  of  sorts;  bringe 
i  gobt  -  bring  round.  -lød  a  humourless.  -fuge 
spleen,  mutnps,  blue  devils. 

*^ntt  c  (outside)  slab,  paling-board 

<^un'  ftron  per*  she. 
firf.    ^pr)    8he,    female; 

i-bird).  -abeshe-monkey.  -bjørn shebear.  -blømft 
female  flower. 

^nnb   c   -e   dog,    Canin;  ben  flore  .  att  tbe 

,  itn'  c  -ner  (i  Wm.  om 
i  91lm.  om  ^uglo  hen 




Graater  Dog;  ben  lille  -  the  Leaser  Dog;  gaa  i  -ene 
Ko  to  the  dogs,  (om  $erf.  ogf.)  go  to  the  bad; 
bob  -  biber  ilte  dead  men  tell  no  tales,-  fora  en 
tnxab  _  quite  abashed;  flamme  flg  fom  en  -  be 
thoroughly  ashamed;  tomme  fom  en  -  i  et  ©Dit 
Kegler  come  like  a  bull  in  a  china  shop,  (blanbt 
Xamer)  cause  a  flutter  in  the  dovecote;  ffu  itfe 
-en  paa  $oarene  appearances  are  deceltful;  for« 
liget  fom  .  og  frot  agree  like  cats  and  dogs, 
live  hammer  and  tongs;  -ene  efter  $aren  (£eg) 
foz  and  geese;  ingen  -  Ml  gø  ab  bet  no  one  will 
rare  a  straw  for  it;  røbe  -  med  rose-rash,  roseola; 
fe  $ote,  $u)benbc.  —  $anbe|agttg  a  canine, 
doggish.  -arbeibe  vile  drudgery.  -art  species 
of  dog.  -Mb  bite  of  a  dog.  -bjøjf  barking  of 
dogs.  -bage  dogdays.  •bagøgatflab  mldsummer 
madneas.  -bilb  may-weed,  Awtkemi*  cotula. 
-bøttør  dog-leech.  -breng  boy  that  tends  dogs; 
nare  en*  -  be  one's  drud$e,  fag.  -bøb  ^  dog' s 
bane,  Apocynum  andronæmt/ otium,  -føl  &  garnet. 
-fabe  dog's  food,  dog's  meat.  -gaarb  dog-court. 
•galflab  hydrophobia.  -glam  fe  -gøen.  -grotte«  the 
Dog  Grotto.  -græd  cock  s-foot  grass,  Dactyli*  glo- 
merata.  -gøenbaylng  ofdogs.  -tøar  dog's  hair; 
(i  Ulb)  dog-hair.  -baj  dog-flah,  Scyllium.  -bole 
dog's  tail;  (Stierne)  the  cynosure.  -batøbaanb 
dog's  coUar.  -bøvcb  dog's  head.  -bul  dog-hole. 
-find  kennel,  aog-house.  -bbatb  pup,  pnppy. 
-Iffteøe  wheat- grass,  TriUcwn  caninum.  -tyøene 
bent-grass,  AgrotHe  canina.  *-|øra  }t  Xrolbbog. 
-fcør  goldof-pleasure,  Camelina  foetida.  -jagt 
shooting  over  dogs.  •-fjacj  wild  chervil,  An- 
tAriecu»9vlve»tri$.  -lobbet  leash  ofdogs  el.  hounds; 
packof  honnds.  -tøtbavlllalnouslycold.  -fomebie 
performance  of  dogs.  -tøfl  dog's-fare.  -InSbe 
biting  cold.  -tunfter  dodges;  tomfooleries. 
-løb  dog's  flesh.  -lib  dog's  life.  -tante 
dog-chain.  -mab  dog's  meat.  -naøn  dog's 
Dame.  $nnbenbe  fag-end.  $nnbe|»erftne  fool'B 
parsley,  hedge  parsley,  Æthuea  cvnapium.  -pif! 
dog-whip.  -race  breed  of  dogs.  -ratler  flayer. 
-røfe  dog -rose,  Rov*  canina.  -rbg  (@tatbe> 
orb)  vfllain.  -røgter  dog-feeder,  dog-keeper. 
-fenne)  hedge -mustard,  Sitymbrimm  Sophia. 
'flan  dog's  dang.  -flat  dog-tax,  tax  on 
dogs.  -ffttttb  dog's  skin.  -flto  a  afraid  of  dogs. 
-flcrbe  dog  sledge.  -Pagten  the  dog -kind. 
•ftalb  kennel,  -ftejle  atickleback,  banstickle, 
Gatteroeteue  acuUatiu.  •(tjente  dog-star,  cani- 
cnla,  -f alten  a  rayenously  hungry,  -føg  a  dog 
-slck.  -fbg«  distemper  in  dogs.  -tanb  canine 
tootb,  lanlary.  -tegn  dog-stamp.  -traø  dog's 
trot.  -tange  $  honnd's  tongue,  Cvnoglwum 
ofAcinalc\  maiden-lip,  Echinoepermum  lappula. 
•»agt  ^  middle  watch.  -bejr  villainous  weather. 
-øiøl  dog- violet,  Viola  canina.  -bi*:  paa  ~  dog 

£nnbrebe  eard  Ana.  hundred;  ftort  -  long 
hundred;  om  ~  Var  er  alting  glemt  it's  all  one 
a  hundred  years  hence;  —  ord  hundredth. 
-r£nabreb)|aar  century.  -aarlg,  -aarft  a  a  hun- 
dred years  old;  (fom  inbtraffer  bøert  100  Sar) 
r-entennUl,  centenary;  en  -aarig  a  centenarian. 
•aarfbag  hundredth  annlversary,  centennlal 
day.  -aarftjttbileani  centenary  el.  centennlal 
jubllee.  -bfabet  a  centlfolious.  -bel  c  hundredth, 
eentesimal  (part.)  -følb  a  hundred  fold.  -fotbig 
a  cent  u  pie.  -føbbct  a  een  tipede.  -grabig,  -grab* 
a  centigrade  -pnabig  a  of  a  hundred  pounds 
weight.  -tal  figure  denotlng  100;  fe  -bie  -b!8. 
i  -  by  hundreds,  by  the  hundred.  t$nnbrettbf, 
tnnbrebfte  fe  £unbrebe  ord. 

$nnbfc  vt  treat  like  a  dog,  insult,  scout, 
ride  rough-shod  over,  sit  upon.  $nnbøføt  c  -ter 
scamp,  vile  wretch;  (paa  ©labe)  dickey;  ^ 
becket.     $nnbft  a  (meget   gerrig)  very  stingy; 

(groo   o.    1.)   cynlcal;   vile,   villainous;   —   adv 

£un|bnc  hen -pigeon,  -elefant  female  elephant. 
-fifl  female-flsh,  spawner.  -fugl  female  bird, 

$nnger  c  hunger;  (Qungerenøb)  famine;  bø  af 
-  perish  with  hunger  et  by  famine;  .  er  ben 
bebfte  Hot  hunger  is  the  best  sauce.  -Ubenbe  a 
starvlng.    -ptH  hunger-typhus,  famine  fever. 

$nugerø |  amt  year  of  famine.  -bøb  death  trom, 
starvlng  el.  by  starvation.  -ornbe  hollow  flank. 
-Røb  famine.  6nagrrtbfnd  fe  -peft.  $nngre  vi 
(boere  fulten  el.  forfulten)  be  hungry,  be  starvlng; 
(libe  Sult)  starve.  gnngrig  a  hungry,  sharp 

Annftare  doe-hare.  -bnnb  bitch.  -tanin  doe 
-rabbit.  -lat  tib-cat.  -løn  gram  the  feminine 
gender;  (flbinbel.)  female  sex.  -føuSenbelfe 
feminine  termination.  -tønftf  orm  feminine  form. 
•lønØorb  word  of  the  feminine  gender.  +$nn> 
lig  a  Zf  female.  $nn|Ube  lioness.  -mpnbe 
greyhound  bitch. 

bannerne  pi  (9olteftamme)  the  Huns. 

*^nnneraret  o  grey  trout,  great  lake  trout, 
Salmo  ferox. 

^nn | ralle  fertile  catkln.  -rotte  doe-rat.  -r*b 
bitch-fox.     -ffhrnc   female  screw.     -fbnvø   hen 
•sparrow.    -tiger  tigreas.    -ange  female  young. 
el  she-ass,  Jenny  aas.    -øm  hen  eagle,  eagless. 
nri  c  s  houri. 
urle  vi  (om  en  9ugl)  whir. 
nrlam^ei  o  hurry-scurry,  hurly-burly. 
nrra!  tntexj  huzzal  hurrah,  hurra!  raabe  - 
chéer,  hurrah,  husza;  raabe  -  for  cheer.    -raab, 
-raaben  c  cheer,  cheering. 

Snrre  vi  buzz,  hum. 
artig  a  (i  Ulm.)  quick,  fast,  (rafl)  prompt, 
expeditious;  (ilte  om  $erfon)  speedy,  rapid; 
t  elever,  smart;  -  tit  Vene  swlft,  swlft  footed, 
fleet;  —  adv  ~,  -t  qulckly,  fast,  rapldly  etc. 
•bejbfe  strong  acid  bath.  -gaaenbe  a  (ftunpft.) 
fast.  -b,eb  c  quickness,  speed,  rapid! ty,  celerlty, 
expeditlon,  promptitude,  despatch;  meb  en  -  af 
at  the  rate  of.  -ilb  fe  -ftnbning.  -løb  foot-race. 
-Ubenbe  fast  runnlng.  -løber  (fast)  runner, 
racer,  -maleri  tlme-painting.  -bredfe  fly-press, 
printing  machine.  -roenbe  a  swlft  to  row,  fast. 
•fejtenbe  a  fast  (-salling).  -fejter  fast-saUing 
snip,  fast  sailer.  -flrift  short-hand.  -ffrtber 
short -nand  writer,  stenographer.  -fmøning 
short-hand  wrlting,  stenography.  -ffbbenbe  a 
quick-flring,  rapid-flre.  -flnbning  c  quick  firing. 
•flrømmenbe  a  rapid,  -tog  fast  traln.  -botåettbt 
a  quick -growing. 
*^nrb  c  lot,  heap,  lltter. 
#ué  n  e  house;  (lille)  cottage;  (Snegle)  house, 
shell;  4,  (Olof^u«)  shell,  (til  Sfaft)  socket; 
(^anbeie<)  house,  firm;  Øube  .  the  house  of 
God;  Ijer  i  -et  in  this  house;  ber  i  -et  in  that 
house;  $erren  og  Qfruen  i  -et  the  master  and 
mistress  of  the  house;  Borten  i  -et  (fom  ejer  bet) 
the  landlord;  Kfcrttnben  i  -et  the  landlady;  fulbt 
«  a  crowded  house,  a  bumper;  t  fatte  paa  -et 
F  pawn;  bringe  i  -  garner,  get  in;  bo  i  -  f am- 
men live  in  the  same  house;  toge  i  -et  til  go  to 
live  with;  ber  bil  tigge  et  -  there  will  be  the 
devil  of  a  row;  fatte  -et  paa  ben  anbeit  dnbe, 
paa  Zaget  throw  the  house  out  of  the 
window;  jage  en  ub  af  -et  turn  one  out  of 
doors;  Dåre  til  -e  boe  en  be  an  inmate  of  one's 
house;  føre  til  -e  gather;  bebe  om  -  for  en  Wat 
beg  a  nlght's  lodging,  ^an  ^ar  et  ftort  ~  at 
unbrr^olbe  he  bas  a  large  establishment  to 
support;  føre  et  ftort  -  live  In  great  style;  førte 
et  gaftfrit  -  entertained  largely;  tjolbe  ~  keep 
house,   (fpare)  economize;  go  on,  rage,  storm; 

•    £«f 



bolbc  -  for  en  keep  one«  house ,  be  one's 
housekeeper;  bolbe  gobt  _  meb  husband,  be 
careful  of;  bolbe  flet  -  meb  waste;  bolbe  -  meb 
en   F    pla&ue  one;   abuse  one,  blow  one  up; 

5b  ot  {piber  bu  .?  whereever  have  you  been? 
øaa  9Ranb  af  -e,  march  out  all  men;  fe  $øt, 
Saane,  Xræffe.  -aanb  household  el  family  spirit. 
•alf  fe  »iøfe.  -alter  household  altar.  -onb 
domestick  duck.  -onbagt  domestlc  worship, 
famlly  devotion  el.  prayers.  -aøøtet  famlly 

$ufa  r  c  -et  hussar;  (ftoinbe)  vlrago;  be  forte 
-er  the  fleas. 

Jmfa'rabe  patas,   red   monkey,   Cercapithtem* 

»nftorbejbe  indoor-work. 
>nfa'rib«r  busby.    -laferne  hussar-baracks. 
>nø|arme  pi  out-paupers.    -amc  hearth. 
mf  a'rreaiment  n  regiment  of  hussars. 
tuøarrep  c  confinement  at  one's  own  house; 
bar  _  is  conflned  at  his  own  house. 

åufa'rfaoel  c  hussar's  sabre. 

$n'$|baøerbrøb  household  bread.  -bagning 
home-baking.  -sagt  a  home-baked.  -beboer 
inmate  (of  a  house),  resident.  -bc|øø  house- 
hold necessaiies;  til  .  for  household  use;  (netop) 
just  the  needful,  no  more  than  is  requlred; 
moderately.  -benjmring  domestlc  care.  -be. 
ftbreriube  housekeeper,  manager,  -beføø  domi- 
dliary  visit. 

gn'Øblad  c  isinglass,  carlock.  -flor  huso, 
Accipenter  hu*o. 

$u&  bonb  e  -er,  (J&erre),  master;  (WEgtemanb) 
hnsband.  \$u$bønbø|bre«ø,  -Karl  foreman,  head 
-servant  on  a  farm. 

$u'6|baftb  private  baptlsm.  -bas  day  of 
socage  service,  -bjæøel  vlxen,  scold.  -bragt 
home  dress,  -bue  domestlc  pigeon,  house 
pigeon,  -btjr  domestlc  animal.  -bljrbrng  treat- 
ment  of  domestlc  anlmals.  -bør  house-door. 
«$nf|e  vt  house,  harbour;  +  vi  reside,  dwell. 
-tbberfojl  domestlc  spider,  Tegenaria  dorne*  tica. 
-ejer  house-owner.  ■■-•8^1 

$nfe're  vt  go  on;  make  sad  havoc;  take  on, 

$u'8|faber  head  of  a  famlly,  householder, 
master,  (raeft  joc)  paterfamllias;  en  gob  -  a  good 
famlly -man.  -faberlig  a  paternal,  of  the  master. 
-tfaø  J,  house-flag.  -fiib  domestlc  industry. 
-flue  (common)  house  fly,  Mu*oa  dorne« tica. 
-føøcb  steward,  -følt  inmates  (of  a  house). 
+-f  or  retning  fe  -føtfel.  -freb  domestic  peaoe; 
fabob  gør  man  iffe  for  -end  Sfplb?  anything  for  a 
quiet  life.  -frit  ado  rent-free.  -frve  mistress 
(of  the  bouse).  -fngl  domestic  bird.  -fælle 
fellow  lodger,  housemate.  -fængfel  fe  -arreft. 
-foefter  leaseholder  of  a  house,  -førelfe  house- 
keeping,  management,  -gaøl  gable.  -gaøn 
domestic  profit;  bun  bar  lært  at  gøre  -  she  has 
learned  to  be  of  use  in  a  house,  -geb  common 
goat,  Capra  htrcu*.  -geraab  household  furni- 
ture,  chatteis  pi.  -øeraabøartifter  household 
el.  domestlc  artlcles.  -gerning  house  work, 
domestic  Industry.  *-grln  n  cross -tempered 
fellow.  -grnnb  ground  for  a  house,  fe  -tomt. 
-gub  household  god.  -tyerre  fe  -ejer,  -feber,  -biørne 
comer  of  a  house,  -dolbcr  householder;  en 
gob,  flet  _  a  good,  bad  economist;  ben  uretfærbige 
.  Mbl  the  unjust  steward,  -bolbertff,  -bøtberi! 
o  economical.  -bøtserfte  c  -r  housekeeper; 
($u*mober)  housewife,  manager,  -bolbninø  (bet 
at  b»lbe  $.)  housekeeping,  management  of  a 
house;  ($u8ftanb)  household,  establishment;  bibl 
gør  fRegnffab  for  btn  ~  give  an  account  of  thy 
stewardship;  (øub*  jRaabeø  .  the  dispensation  of 
the  grace  of  God. 

Au  ftbolbniagft'  household.  -arttlel  household 
article.  -bøg  book  of  household  account*. 
•eleb  housekeeping  pupil,  -forening  ooopera- 
tivc  society,  supply  association;  -»  tiutit  coopexa- 
tive  store,  -frngt  kitchen  fruit.  *-banbe(  grooer's 
shop.  -tul  household  coals,  house  coals.  -fnnft 
economlcs  pi.  -penge  money  for  household 
expenses.    -fager  household  aftairs. 

^n'dlboømefter  master  of  the  household, 
steward.  *-bnøfern  socket  chisel.  -Qnnb  house 
•dog  -bbøge  home  comfort.  -ilb  house  on  fire. 
-jøntfrn  housekeeper.  *-falI  house  -sparrow, 
PringUla  domettica.  -tottet  oratory,  private 
chapel.  -tabeHan  chaplain.  -torl  man -servant. 
(t  housecarle);  t  -e  king's  bodyguard,  -tørt 
domestic  cat. 

*#nf?e  c  -r,  og  vt  fe  Øtpige. 

£uffe  vt  remember,  recollect,  call  to  mind; 
Jeg  -r  gobt  I  well  remember,  I  perfectly  recol- 
lect; jeg  -r  ifte  tjanS  9toøn  I  forget  his  norne; 
bu  -et  fejl  your  memory  is  at  fault;  om  i  eg  -r 
ret,  om  jeg  iffe  -r  fejl  ir  my  memory  serves  ae; 
.  paa  remember,  mind,  bear  In  mind;  -  en  paa 
noget  put  one  in  mind  of  somethiog;  .  en  noget 
remember  one  for  something;  .  fig  om  bethink 
one's  self,  reflect,  conslder.  -esne  memory, 
-fejl  slip  of  the  memory,  -føøe  f  refreaher. 
-febbet  reminder. 

i^n'tjfenbt  a  well  aoquainted  with  the  house, 
^uflefhtc  e  the  relgn  of  misrule,  Dover  oourt, 
Donnybrook  fair. 

i>n§|nøltc  house  bell.  -fora  domestic  plague, 
affliction,  (bemmeligt)  skeleton  in  the  cupboard 
•trtbø  family  circle.    -løb  purohase  of  a  house. 

$tt'ffab  n  whim. 

£n  ø|lebning  service  pipe.  -leje  f house)  rent. 
•lejegobtgorelfe  house  allowance.  -lejligbeb 
house-accommodation;  lodgings.  ^nglig  a  (obob 
bet  bører  til  et  $uø)  domestlc;  (tom  bolber  Pø 
bjemme,  ciffer  hjemmet«  ©læber  og  Stjæler)  dome- 
stic, domesticated,  of  domestic  habits;  (btrøtig 
i  flt  &.)  thrifty.  ^nølløbeb  c  thrift,  dornes 
ticity.  $«ft|ti»  domestic  life.  -lob  collage 
allotment.  -løoc  domestic  laws.  -Ib,  shelter 
-læge  family  physician  el.  doctor.  -længe 
wing;  block,  row  of  houses,  -lærer  famlly 
tutor,  house  tutor,  private  t.,  domestic  t. 
•lærerinbe  (house-)  governess.  -lærerblabØ  sltTia- 
tlon  as  a  famlly  t.  etc.  -tøø  houseleek,  aye 
-green,  JSøwipermvum  tectorum.  -maar  houøe- 
-  mårten,  beech-marten,  Mwttela  foina.  -mater 
house- painter.  -momb  cottager,  cotter,  cottar, 
crofter,  small  tenant  el.  socman.  -manbåtøne 
cottager' s  wife.  -manbøf oft  homely  fare,  short 
commous.  -maubøløb  fe  -lob.  *-manb*>labé 
small  farm  (held  by  a  Auemanb).  -mibbel  do- 
mestic medlclne,  household  remedy.  -nuøer 
mistress,  housewife,  housekeeper,  -stoberliø  a 
of  el.  as  a  mistress  el.  housewife.  -mnr  house 
-wall.  -mnfi  house-mouse,  Mu»  mtuemlui.  -mæg- 
ler house-agent,  -niøfe  fe  9Høfe.  -nnmmer 
number.  -nøb  scarcity  of  lodgings.  -øorrrbbr 
pi  domestic  quadrupeds.  +-benge  rent  of  a 
cottage.  -blabft  fe  -grunb.  -øofnl(le)  family 
book  of  sermons.  -raab  household  remedy. 
-raabig  a  frugal,  thrifty,  economical.  -rab  row 
of  houses,  -rcbffab  domestic  utensil.  -ret  do- 
mestic authority,  house  jurisdlction,  domestic 
law.  -ro  fe  -freb.  -røtte  black  rat,  Mu»  rattu* 
-rnm  accommodatlon,  house-room.  -ræffe  fe 
-rab.  -faaer  domestlc  concerns.  t-Htibe  n  do 
mestlcs  pi. 

nøfit'er  pi  Hus'sltes. 
•I flat  house-tax.    -ffif  custom  of  a  house, 
socket  gonge,    -fsnrs  house -sparrow. 
fbigelfe  ghost  that  haunts  a  house.     -fl«nb 







household,  (amily.  *-ftctt  fe  -ixtfen.  -farelfe 
management  of  the  house.  -faste  martln,  house 
sw&llow,  Hiritndo  urbica.  -føamp  dry-rot  (fan- 
gus), Merouliw  dewutator.  -føenb  bibl  servant. 
-foftfel  domestlc  occupation.  -tag  roof  (of  the 
house);  forf^nbe  fta  -ene  proclatm  from  the 
housetops.  -taole  part  of  the  chatechlsm  re* 
ferring  to  domestlc  duttes,  -tiener  domestlc, 
house  servant.  -løft  home  lot.  -tømt  slte  of 
a  house.    -trøWer  household  troops. 

tudtrtt  c  -et  wife,  spouse. 
n'i\txcti  domestlc  drudge.  -tnøt  domestlc 
discl  pilne,  -hjenbe  dornes  tics  (ofa  house),  -rtaran 
domestlc  tyrant.  -ttjt»  house  thlef.  -tbøeri  do- 
mestlc robbery.  -tdtfninø  thatchlng  of  houses. 
-tømmer  timber  for  houses.  -tømmermanb  house 
-Carpenter,  -søle  tawny  owl,  Strix  aluco. 
-ueberføgelfe  domldllary  visit,  searoh  of  the 

£n'fMle  øf  soothe,  solace,  comfort.  -tfe  o 
solace,  comfort,  balm. 

^u'ftløsat  a  accustomed  to  the  house,  do* 
mestlcated.  -øabff  washing  at  home.  -varme 
house  warmth.  -øen  friendof  the  fiunlly.  -Oilb 
a  homeless,  houseless.  -ø«ø  wall.  -ø*ri  land- 
lord  (of  a  house),  -øarrtinbe  landlady.  -øcrfcn 
domestlc  economy,  household  affalrs. 

$nttc  vt  k  i  (forrette  i  $aft  el.  flet)  huddle, 
botch,  bungle;  -  flø  igennem  live  poorly  el. 
miserably,  keep  the  wolf  from  the  door;  blte 
on  tbe  bit;  -be  flø  igennem  (Efftamen  got  through 
the  examination  with  the  skin  of  his  teeth. 
-ri'  n  hotch,  bungle. 

*£ttt'ttttt!  inUrj  ugh!  oh,  shoktng! 

$»ab  pron  interroa  k  relat  what;  Qøab !  interj 
what!  how!  eh?  (irte  fanbt)  isn't  it?  lsn't  he? 
didn't  he?  won't  you?  etc.;  t  font  nu,  .!  come, 
won't  you;  -  bet  what;  i  ~  bu  (faa)  øst  whatever 
you  do;  »eb  bu  -  l  tell  you  what;  do  you 
know;  .  for  (en,  et,  nogle)  what,  .  er  bet  for  en 
Otanb?  what  man  is  that?  -  uar  bet  for  en  Støj? 
what  nolse  was  that?  -  oefjaøer?  (I)  beg  your 
pardon?  el.  (til  Øerrer)  8lr?  (til  Damer)  Ma'am? 
f  What?  Bh?  «  urimeliøt  er  ber  i  where  Is  the 
absurdlty  of;  -  betøoeft  bet?  where  is  tbe  necess- 
ity?  .  enten  whether;  -  om  suppose;  -  faa?  what 
then?  what  of  that?  whatnezt?  -fomftelfl  what- 
ever, whatsoever. 

$øa(  o  -er  whale.  *-aat  whale's  food,  Clio 
fforealU.  -art  species  of  whale,  cetacean.  -barbe 
whalebone,  baleen.  -bttr  cetacean.  -fanger 
fjRanbj  whale  flsher,  whaleman;  (@fib)  whaler. 
-f  angrrbaab  whaling  boat.  -fangerbrig  whaling 
brig  (o.  f.  d.)  -fangerbamøftt*  steam  whaler. 
•fangrrfUabe  whale-fleet.  -fanøerrebff  aber  whal- 
ing appllances.  -fangft  wbale-flshery,  whaling. 
•fif!  whale.  -fifleri  fe  -fangft.  -Ijanb  fe  Spat- 
buøøer.  -talø  young  of  the  whale.  -taft  i  fe 
tflortifte.    -(ni  whale  louse,  Cvimu*. 

Qvalp  c  -e  (oøf.  fio)  puppy,  (meft  Ag  &  <t) 
whelp;  tofte  -e  whelp,  pup.  $b*føc*gtig  <* 
puppy ish.  Aøaføj-ittg  e  j,  windlass-Iining. 
-iagfffinnrr  1  whelps. 

•poa'l^lanfc  c  <J,  arch-  board,  -lift  ^  counter 

$øa'l|raø  spermacet!,  -ro*  o  -fer  walrus, 
morse,  seahorse,  Trieheehue  roimaru*.  -rot* 
f«ttger(ffib)  walrus  hunter.  -rø*tanb  morse 
-tooth.  *$»alftfin  whalebone.  gøalifønb  har- 
poon.    -f»crf  whale  blubber. 

£  »ait  a  poet  arch  ed,  vaulted. 

$øa'(tron  whale  ollf  train-oil.    -unge  whale 


^oalo  n  poet  fe  $ocelo. 

Søaløgle  c  fish-llzsrd,  Ickthyotaurue. 
oa*    a  sharp,   koen,  acute;  .  $ub,  -t  Sfceg  , 

Sarfen :  SanfMEngelft  Ctbbog. 

a  rough  skin,  beard;  .  Stnb  keen  blast;  .  $en, 
$unge  caustic  pen,  tongue.  *-bnø  fe  -ftlb. 
-basret  a  rough-halred.  -beb  c  keenness ,  sharp- 
ness,  acuteness.  -tynbet  a  rough-skinne  d.  -fitb 
sprat,  Clnpea  »prattue. 

$*ebe  e  wheat,  (i  gngl.,  iffe  i  6fotl.  el.  Vme* 
tifa)  corn;  f  fe  -tbebat.  -aar  year  for  wheat. 
-aøer  wheat-fleld.  -ati  ear  of  wheat,  wheat-ear. 
-at»l  cultivation  of  wheat.  -avne  chaflf  of 
wheat.  -baife  wheat- blscult.  -brsb  wheaten 
bread,  w.  loaf.  -brsbftbage  honeymoon;  $ar 
»om  bolbe  -  honeymooners.  -bttrtnlng  fe  -aol. 
-ørbn  wheat  grlts  -balm  wheat-straw.  -b#ft 
wheat-harvest.  -|orb  wheat  soli,  w.  ground. 
-(age  wheaten  cake.  -Hib  wheat  bran.  -fno^ 
roll.  -(ørn  wheat-graln.  -(onb  wheat  land; 
wheat  country,  t-marl  fe  -aøer.  -mel  wheat 
-tour;  fint  .  semoule.  -mfeg  wheat-fly,  Ceci- 
itomvta  triciti. 

flueben  adv  whenoe. 

Abcbclfoanlng  sowing  of  wheat.  -flmle  roll. 
-ftloetfe  wheat-starch.  -frraa  wheat  straw.  -f«b 
wheat-crop.    -ttfebat  wheat  biscult. 

^oem'  vron  intorroo  (9lom.)  who;  (WR.)  whom; 
tjdem  af  (bem)?  which  of  (them)?  .ber?  who  is 
that?  who  goes  there?    -fombelft  anybody. 

£øene  c,  -øroe*  n  bent,  bent  grass,  Aøro$tu. 

^t»e>»,  tøsede  c  -er  wasp.  $oe*fe|bo,  *-bol 
fe  -rebe.  -fait,  °-øØØ,  -bøg  pern,  honey-buzzard, 
Pernit  apioora.  -resf  wasp  s  nest,  fig  oøf.  nest 
of  hornets.  -ftiC  sting  of  a  wasp,  wasp-bite. 
•foffrmer  sesia.    -øaagc  fe  -fait. 

^bcr'  pron  inde/  every,  (af  to  eOer  flere)  each; 
*  everybody;  fe  (infyier;  -  (ben)  fora  wboever,  . 
otiben,  fe  Ønben;  -  fln  «ang,  fin  Znr  turn  (and 
turn)  about;  -  fin  Uge  week  about  o.  fl.;  be  gif 
.  fin  ©ei  each  went  his  own  way,  they  went 
thelr  several  ways;  foare  -  flt  give  every  man 
his  due,  pay  one's  way;  ~  for  flø  separately, 
iudividually,  severally;  *  libt  af  -t  a  litUe  of 
everything,  thls  thlng  and  the  other,  what  not; 
®ub  oø  -  røanb  oeb  all  the  world  knows;  .  be< 
kolber  fin  røening  we  each  keep  o  ur  opinion. 
•anbrc  pron  inde/  each  other,  one  another;  om 
-  indiscriminately;  burtig  paa  .  in  rapid  suc- 

$oerbag  o  -e  week  day.  £øerbag#  a  every 
day,  commonplace;  trlte,  trivial;  til  -  on  week 
days;  usually.  —  $t>erb*gØ|*fte»  week-day  even- 
ing.  -aøtig  a  fe  Aoetbog«.  -anflgt  every-day 
face.  -arbejbe  daily  work,  every-day  work. 
-begiøenbeb  every-day  occurrence.  -fremarlning 
commonplace  observation,  -brng  every-day  use. 
-braøt  fe  -Flæbet,  -feber  quotidian.  -gøbd  com- 
monplace stuff.  +-beb  e  fe  -liøbeb.  -bambelfe  fe 
-begioenbeb.  -flotber  everyday  clothes.  -toft  daily 
fare;  homely  (are.  -lag:  i  ~,  fe:  til  Aoerbaød. 
*£berbaø9ltg  a  fe  Øbetbag*.  ^oerbagiliøbeb  c 
triteness,  trivlallty.  ^berbaøblltøet  every  day 
Ufe,  common  Ufe,  this  work -a- day  world  el.  life. 
-mob  fe  -toft.  -mennefle  every-day  person,  -orb 
pi  household  words.  -fag  every-day  aflfair.  -fnaf 
commonplace,  idle  talk.  -frrog  colloquial  lan- 
guage, common  parlance.  -ftøbler  every-day 
boots.  -ftt*fet  fe  -arbejbe,  (ubetqbefiat  arbejbe) 
trivial  pursuits  pi.  -talt  fe  -fprog.  -tsj  fe  -Hcebet . 
•nbtrttl  colloquiallsm. 

oerøanø  conj  every  time,  wh enever. 
øeraara  n  linsey-woolsey. 
oerfen  con)  ncither;  -  ban  eller  i  eg  neither 
he  nor   I.    $øerfen  n,  pron  k  *,  fe  Aoergarn. 
Un  the  neuter  geuder.    -lønnet  a  sex  le -w. 

$bermanb  o  every  man,  everybody;  ttreobog 
for  .  universal  lettcr-wrlter. 

<$øerø   n,  pi  s,    charge,    task,    com mission, 





mission,    dutles;    fif    bet    -    at    was    commis- 
sioned  to. 

,  $»ernc  vt  enlist;  m  recruit,  beat  up  for 
recrults;  -  Stemmer  canvass  (for  votes);  Tabe  flg  - 
enlist,  f  Utke  the  Queen's  shilling,  -breb  licence 
to  recruit.  -r  c  -e  recraiting  officer;  canvasser. 
—  $berbcr|fneb  recraiting  trick,  -penge  bounty 
money.  -btab*  recruiting  place.  -tromme  drum 
for  beatiug  up  recrults.  $berb(n)tng  c  recruitiug 
etc.;  ligge,  »otre  paa  ~  be  on  the  recruiting  ser- 
vice.   £oerbing*a)cf  regulating  captain. 

$bi  adv  poet  why,  f  how. 

$bib  a  white;  Aer  argent;  bet  -c  i  £jrt  the 
tvhite  (pi  -s);  be  -c  the  Whites;  -e  Soter  linen 
drapery;  -t  ©tsbejærn  forge-pig;  fe  Sort,  ftlaab: 
Søen  gaat  -  the  sea  whitens  with  foam. 
$btb  e  -e,  f  doit  (V*  of  a  Dan.  6flning);  iMe  en 
.  not  a  farthing.  -agtig  a  whitish.  -amtet  o 
whi  te-arm  ed.  -varmet  a  whlte-bosomed.  -bebe, 
-bete  white  beet;  mangold  wunel,  Beta  eieia 
•bir!  common  blrch;  Betula  alba.  -bjørn  white 
bear,  polar  bear,  Urens  maritim**.  -blaa  a 
bluish  white.  -Ilab  melancholy  thistle,  Car- 
duus  keterophylln*.  -blit  white  iron,  tin-plate. 
-Miftfet  a  white-blased.  -bløbet  a  white-blooded. 
-blomme  roowflake,  Leueqjum cestivum.  -btøerti 
white  lead  ore.  -broget  a  wbite-speckled.  -bog 
fe  tttmbøj).  $bib|e  c  (i  %ftg)  white.  -eg  white 


oak.    •$oibebabet  the  White  sea.    tØbibet  fe 

$bibe|l*g  fe  $bibløg.  -ri*  sallow.  -rnftlanb 
White  Russia.  t-fonbag  Low  Sunday.  -ttrftbag 
Shxove  Tuesday.  -barcbntit,  -bareforrerntng 
linen-draper's  shop.    -barelanblrr  linen-draper. 

^bfblfalf  gerfalcon,  Faleo  gyrfalco.  -farbe 
(Qtølb)  dim  colour.  -fif?  beluga,  white  whale, 
white  nsh.  Delphinus  lencae.  -fobet  a  wbite 
-footed.  -fngl  fe  ftltibe.  -ftbtng  c  -er  albino, 
-fobt  a  born  white.  -garbe  vt  taw.  -garber 
tawer.  -garberitawing-yard.  -garbntng  tawlng. 
-gUbcnbe  a  heated  to  whiteness,  white  hot,  in- 
candescent.  -gltbljebc  white  heat.  -gtøbntng 
incandescence.  -groo  a  grayiBh- white.  -gran 
white  spruce;  Silver  fir,  Abies  pectinnta.  -gut  a 
yellowish  white.  -tyaaret  a  whlte-haired,  hoary. 
-baj  white  Bh  ark,  Carcharia*  lamia.  -bolet  a 
white-talled.  -b)alfet  a  white-necked.  -fteb  c 
whiten  es*,  -ftobebet  a  white-headed;  -ebe  ($uet) 
baldheads.  -(røbet  a  white-Ekinned.  -fflfll  white 
cabbage;  f  fbtten&unbrebe  og  .  in  the  year  one 
-faaldbobeb  head  of  white  cabbage.  -fattet  a 
whitewashed,  white- lim  ed.  -f  tabet  a  white 
-cbeeked.  -flire  greenshank,  cbevalier,  Totanns 
plottit.  -ftabt  a  clad  in  white.  -ttober  white 
clover,  Tri/olivm  repen*,  -lobber  german  Silver 
•logning  c  blanching.  Mon  fe  -floter.  -fobet 
a  white-fleshed.  -labcn,  Met  a  whitish.  £»ib< 
Ug  a  whitish.  $*ib(ier«b  o  whitish  red. 
$bibling  fe  AoiOing.  $bib|l«g  garlic.  -maage 
ivory  gull,  Lams  eburneue.  -malet  a  painted 
white  *-manr  bedstraw,  Galinm  boreale.  -mob, 
••mofe  bog-moss,  Sphagnum.  $bibne  ri  whiten 
turn  wbite;  —  +  vt  whiten.  $bib|*or  fe  Øraael. 
*-ofl  sweetmilk  cheese.  -bil  white  whillow, 
Sati*  alba.  -pUtttt  a  Bpotted  with  white.  -bob 
bel  white  poplar,  abel-tree,  Popolus  alba.  -brtf 
fet  a  dotted  with  white.  -rob  Solomon  >  Beal, 
Convallaria  mvltiftora.  -roe  turnip,  Braarica 
rapa.  *-r«b  (white)  arctic  fox,  Cani*  laøopn* 
•Ube  white  nun,  Merpu*  aibc(lu$.  -fUb  white 
»talt,  Cfupea  alba.  *-fimmer  ie  -oeil.  -ffaQe 
dace  (Cvprinus  leuciem*);  bleak  (C.  alburmti). 
•ffrffffe  fe  -flbe.  -\nappt  conrmon  sandpiper, 
TotonuM  hvpoltvco*  fe-flire,  -fotfet«  white  footed. 
•fbrctngt  a  sprinkled  with  white.  -fb«tteta  white 

-spotted.    -ftribet  a  white-streaked.    -ftøfclrt  o 
whlte-booted.  -fborrmer  white  butterfly.  /Y«n* 

^Oibte  vt  white-wash.  -fait  whitewash.   -toft 
whlting  bruph. 

^bl'b | ternet  a  white-checkered.  -tin  wbite  tin 
-tj#rn  whitethorn,  hawthorn,  may,  Cmur/m* 
oxyaeantha.  Abibt'ning  whitewashiug;  (Stoffet' 
whitewash.  $bi'b|torn  fe  -tjorn.  -ir«  sap-woori 
^bibt#ISpale  beer.  £bib|nlbet  a  white- woolled 
-beb  fe  -tr«.  *-beiø  wind-flower,  Anemone  »*•- 
moroea.    -jrjc  fe  ^oinanb.    -#rrcb  fe  fiaffforrrfc 

^bil  c :  Øebæret  i  - !  slope  arms !  ftølbe  -  mako 
a  halt. 

$bitc  e  rest,  repose;  gaa,  Tagge  flg  HI  ^  re  tine 
(to  rest),  compose  one's  self  to  rest;  $<men  er  i 
~  the  gun  is  uncocked;  Mere  i  -  be  at  rest, 
3  or  ben  ligger  i  ~  the  ground  Iles  fallow;  gaa  inb  ni 
ben  ebige  -  go  to  one's  eternal  home;  ieg  øil  gtte 
eber  -  bibl  I  will  give  you  rest.  $btle  (ogj.  -te,  -t) 
vt  &  •  rest,  repose,  (om  3orb)  lie  fallow;  (uafgjort) 
Ile  in  abeyance;  bf  il!  ""i  stand  at  easef  _  paa 
Harerne  pause  el.  hang  on  one's  oars;  ^minber 
-r  here  lies,  ber  -r  en  Øalb  paa  Øobfet  the  ostet« 
is  encumbered  with  a  debt;  .  tungt  paa  weitrh 
el.  sit  heavy  on;  —  vr  fta  take  rest;  .  (fig)  ub 
rest  one's  self  (thoroughly),  (oanbeltg)  unbend 
one's  mind:  —  Ijbilenbe  a  (uafgjort)  pendlng- 
en  -nbe  Stilling  an  attitude  of  repose;  ol  brig  - 
unresting.  $btte|aar  fallow  year.  -ager  fallow 
field.  -bamt  seat  of  repose,  settee,  couch.  -bag 
day  of  rest,  bibl  sabbath-day.  -frit  perlod  of 
repose,  -gang  repose  escapement.  -tjent  asylum. 
almsbouse.  -Jorb  fe  -ager.  -lammer  fig  lonp 
home,  narrow  cell,  n.  house.  +-lbft  desire  of 
repose,  -loft  a  restless.  -loølyeb  c  restlesaness. 
t-marf  fe  -ager.  -blflb*  resting-place,  (paa  trappe) 
landing,  -(pnntt  (Xbngbeb.)  centre  of  gravity. 
meeh  point  of  support;  fulcrum.  -r  e  J,  tender, 
-feng  couch.  -fteb  place  of  rest,  resting  place. 
-frtuing  a  position  of  rest.  -ftnnb  interval  of 
rest,  spell.  -tib  time  of  rest.  -rilfranb  state  of 
repose,    -time  hour  of  rest.    *$bi!fober  «  bait. 

^bitten,  n  -et,  pl*t,pronrelat  i  interrog  which, 
what;  (af  flere)  which;  ~  er  .?  which  is  which? 
-  of  (bent)?  which  of  (them)?  -e  alle  who  all  (of 
them),  all  of  whom:  ben  Wonb,  om  -  the  man 
about  whom;  -et  BRennefte  bilbe  iffe  what  man 
would  not;  -  $eltl  what  a  hero!  ~  Xaarffab' 
what  folly!  •  .  .  .  enb  whichever,  wbaterer. 
-fombelfk  pr  inde/  (o)  any,  (♦)  anybody;  ni 
which(so)ever,  what(so)ever. 

^biOing  c  -er  whiting,  Gadve  mtrla*ø**. 

^bi'Ifom  a  peaccful. 

4^oin/   ^ben    purpie    melicgrass,    Enodinm 

^bin  n,  f)/»,  piercing shriek,  (8tnben«)  whistle 
-anb  golden-eye,  Clangvla.   $binlc  (ogf.  -tt.pwt 
born)   vi  shriek;   (om   Qinbrn)   whistle.     -en    r 
whistling.     -enbe  a  strident,   (Sfrig)   piercing. 
-ffrige  vi  shriek.    t-fnr  a  sour  as  vlnegar. 

£birrc  vt  k  i  whirl,  twirl. 

^birbel  c  -er  el.  -»ler  whirl,  (i  Ban  bet)  Whirl- 
pool, eddy,  (oft>.  fig)  vortex;  ( paa  $obebtt)  ctowd 
of  the  head;  fe  -flag;  ^  k  mtch  swivel,  (for 
92*glef)ul)  sbield.  drop:  anat  vertebra.  -agtig  » 
whirl ing,  eddying.  -ben  vertebra.  -beborgelfe 
whirling  motion,  -bille  whirligig,  bull-hesd. 
Gyrinwi.  -blof  swivel-bolt.  -centmm  central 
azis  of  the  wblrlwind.  -ban*  whirling  dance 
-bbr  vertebral  el.  vertebrate  (animal),  backbonvd 
anlmal.  4-gang  whirling  motion,  -tage  swivel 
hook.  -fanal  spinal  ran  al.  -legeme  anat  body 
of  the  verUhra.  -lob  whirling  course.  -Ué  o 
in  vertebrate,  invertebral;  -e  fctorp/invertebrates. 
-ffibe  vortez  snail,  f'lanorbi*  vort  ex.  -flag  roll; 
(bcempet;  ruff,  ruffle    -fnaffc  bottle-whelk,  Tvrlo 




•ftørm  hurricane,  tornado,  cyclone,  typhoon, 
rotatory  storm,  -ftrøm  whirlpool.  -ftøtte,  -føjte 
vertebral  column,  spinal  c.  -to>  crown  of  the 
head.  -øiab  whlrlwind.  -#fe  swivel  eye.  $øfrøle 
vt  k  i  whirl,  (om  »anb)  eddy.  Aøirøler  c  -e,  fe 

$øté'  con/  if,  In  case;  ~  ifte  unless,  if  .  .  .  not; 
(i  mobfat  fjatb)  lf  not;  .  ban  iffe  faabbe  bæret  but 
for  him,  were  it  not  for  him;  -  man  flat  tro 
t»om  .  ...  to  belleve  him  .  . . ;  -  eller*  if  indeed, 
at  least. 

$0i£'  gen  whose;  (fun  om  Sor  og  Zinø)  of 
which.  -aorfag  adv  wherefore,  for  whlch  reason. 
+-f*tge  ado,  jur  in  consequence  whereof. 

$0tffc  vi  k  i  whisper;  -  ril  en  whisper  (to) 
one,  -  en  nt  i  JDret  whisper  something  in  one's 
ear;  man  -be  om  at  it  was  whispered  that.  -n  c 
whlspering.  -nbe  a  wbispering;  nogle  .  Orb 
some  whispered  wordø;  —  adv  in  a  whisper,  in 
whispers.    -r*r  whispering  pipe. 

£»ttle  vi    hiss,   whistle.     -øogfltaø    sibllant. 
-!*;•   hissing    sound,    hiss;   gram    sibllant.     -n 
c  hissing,  slbilation. 
$»i*»a*  fe  Bttbae. 
4>0itte  vi,  fe  fibibte. 
+$»ttring  (e  $biHing. 

$øø  pron  mterrog  who;  .  af  (bent)?  which  of 
tb  em)?  .  fom  he  that,  whoever. 

4>*ør  adv  (Steb)  where;  (Orab;  tyrørtebeø)  how; 
.  er  bu?  where  are  you?  .  fan  bet  boere,  at  how 
doeø  it  happen  that;  -  flor  bar  min  gorunbring 
what  was  my  surprise;  .  fmul  $un  et,  .  fmul  er 
fpin  ifte  how  beautiful  she  isl  -  bet  er  nøbøenbigt 
where  neæssary;  -  (ibuor)  ban  fom  whereever  he 
caxne;  -  rig  ban  enb  er  however  rich  he  may  be. 
-af  adv  whereof,  of  which,  of  whom.  -barn' 
adv  k  a  (boorlebe  8)  how;  (af  $bab  6lagft)  of  what 
kind,  description;  fortal  mig  -  ban  er  tell  me 
what  he  is  uke;  (i)  *  ©ej  ret  er  no  matter  what 
the  weather  might  be.  -efter  conj  whereafter, 
after  which,  which  done;  —  adv  whereafter; 
wberefrom.  -for  conj  wherefore,  wby,  what 
for;  —  adv  for  which;  -  bet?  wby  so?  -fro 
adv  from  which;  whererrom,  whence.  -$elft  adv 
whereever.  -ten  adv  where,  whither,  whereto 
•tyøft  adv  besides  which.  -i  adv  wherein,  in 
which;  lnto  whlch.  -følanbt  adv  among  which. 
-igennem  adv  through  whlch.  -imellem  adv 
between  which;  (iblanbt)  among  which,  a. 
whom.  -Imøo  adv  against  which;  in  return  for 
which;  —  conj  wbereas.  Au'vtn  adv  witbin 
whlch.  -lebeé,  -Innbe  adv  how;  .  enb  howso- 
ever,  in  whatever  manner;  jeg  beb  -  man  ffol .  .  . 
I  know  how  to.  -Iceuge  adv  how  long.  -stang/e 
a  bow  many.  -me*  adv  w herewith;  ret  with 
which.  -neget  a  k  adv  how  much;  -  enb  however; 
much.  -aaa  r  adv  wben.  -ttaft  adv  whereupon. 
•om  adv  whereof;  ret  about  which;  -  alting  er 
any  way,  however  that  may  be.  •ømfring  adv 
round  whlch.  -øøer  adv  (rel)  over  whlch;  at 
which;  (interr)  _  beHager  bu  big?  what  do  you 
complaln  of?  ->sa  adv  (rel  k  interr)  whereupon, 
wbereon;  (fun  rel)  after  which,  when.  -fom* 
feelt  adv  anywhere  rtl  whereever,  where«oever. 
-ril  adv  (til  httilfet)  whereto,  to  which,  interr  (til 
bøab  9tqtte;  to  what  purpose;  .  natter  bet  at  what 
is  the  good  of.  -nboøer  ndv  above  el.  beyond 
whirb,  f  whereat,  for  which  reason.  -måber  adv 
under  whlch.  -»eb  adv  (øeb  botlfet)  whereat, 
at  which;  (øeb  botlfet  SRibbet)  by  which  means. 
-øel',  i  bel  conj  although,  albeit.  -Oibt'  adv 
how  far;  conj  whether  (or  not). 

6øøfømleifT  any   one;   rel\   ~  bet  whoever, 

$ø*l»  *,  pi  «,  arch,  vault;  *(af  ©aab)  bottom. 
$ø<rlo;e  vt  (♦  vi)  arch,  vault;  -  flg,  b.  f.;  —  *  vi 

fe  frantre.    -et  a  arched.    -ing  c  -er  arch,  vault. 

•IngØøiUe  abutment,  springwaU.   -ften  voussolr. 

$øofe  vi  (om  Slange,  ®aa§)  hiss;  (om  en,  ber 

er  trangbrnflet)  wheeze.    -m  c  hissing,  etc. 

ffifer  whet-slate. 
-fttn  sharpenlng 

$ø*øfe  vt  whet.  sharpen. 
-ftaal  steel  (for  sharpenlng) 
stone,  whetstone,  hone. 

$»aetiti$'  c  -er  hyadnth;  øifb  .  blue  bell, 
Byaeinthue  non  ecriptUM. 

*$Øbet  e  -bier  f  nest,  den.  cabin. 

gøoen  c,  pi  ■,  hip.    -bnff  fe  -torn.    -frø  hip 
-seed.    -Ijæf  dog-briar  hedge.     -røfe  dog-rose. 
-faW  hip-soup.    -tø?«  hlp-tree,  dog-rose,  dog 
•briar,  wlldbriar,  Roea  oanina. 
»ttbri'b  o  hyb'rid,  hyb'ridou«. 
»bati  be  c  -r  hyd'atid. 
øbrs't  n  -et  hy'drate. 
øbro« | Uf  e hydrau'lics pi   -Hff  a hydraulic. 

_1|brø|gra  f  c  -er  hydrog'rapher.  -grøft'  o 
hydrog'raphy.  -gra'flff a hydrograph'ic.  -meter 
n  -tre  hydrom'eter.  -øittge'ngadmtfroflø^  oxy- 
hydrogen  microseope.  »pu't  e  -er  hydrop'athiat. 
•pa'tift  a  hydropath'lc(al).  -ftntil  e  hydrostafics 
pi.    -fta'tiff  a  hydrostat'icXal). 

+&\)  e  complexion. 

*$*'t  vt  flog,  laah. 

tøf  er  pi,  moo  hyphæ. 
ijggc  o  comfort,  ease.    $*gge  vi  (før   el.  om 
en)   (*   vt)  make  (one)  comfortable,  study  el. 

fromote  one's  comfort;  —  +  vt  protect,  screen; 
-  flø  feel  at  home:  *  flg  til  take  to,  attach 
one's  self  to.  A ttggelig  a  oomfortable,  ssug,  coøy, 
home-llke.  i^ggcliglyeb  c  comfortableneøs; 
anugneas,  eoelnesø. 

^øai|ei  ae,  -e'ne  c  hy 'giene,  sanitatlon.  -d'aifl, 
-ettif!  a  hygien'ic. 

^øgro|mc  ter  n  -tre  hygrom'eter.  -ffø>  n 
-er  hy'groscope.    -fto^iff  a  hygroscop'ic. 

fittffelff  o  hypocrlticaL 

iljfle  vt  k  i  feign,  almulate,  dissemble;  (for 
en)  play  the  hypocrite  (to  one).  -fagter  pi 
hypocriUcal  grimaces.    -hh  e  fe  $qfleri. 

^totter  c  -e  hypocrite,  dissembler.    -i'  n  -er 
hypocrisy,  cant.    -iff,  -ff  a  hypocriticøi.    -ffe  e 
•r,  fe  Røfler,    -taare  hypocritical  tear.    ^^nø' 
fmil  hypocritical  smile, 
»øl  n,  pi  s,  bowl,  yell. 
»1|tø  c  -e  elder,  Sambmeut  nigra. 
iljløe  e  -r  shelf;  ocere  paa   fin  rette  -  be  in 
one's  right  plaoe;  logge  paa  -en  lay  on  the  shelf. 

*6ølbc  ø  -r  (til  $eft)  hoppie.  ^ttlbe  vt  hoppie, 

^>ølbe  vt  pay  el.  do  homage  to,  swear  allegi- 
ance;  labe  ffg  -  receive  the  oath  of  allegiance; 
.  en  SRening  hold  el.  embrace  an  opinion;  be 
fom  .  faabanne  Steninger  the  holders  of  such 

^ølbelølømfl  elder  flower.  -øufr  elder  bush. 
-b«r  elaer  berrles.    -bødfe  pop-gun. 

t^ølbemor  c  wood-nymph,  fairy. 

^nlbefaft  c  elder-syrup. 

ttftolbelffubt  -flnb  fe  flffmbig,  -freb. 

^øtbeft  c  favour;  homage.  +-føob  poem  of 

$atbc|fttWe  elder  soup.  -føømø  Jew's  ear, 
Fungue  eambuei.    -te  elder  tea.  -tr«  elder  tree. 

^btbeøejer  t)  c  ^  shelf(-piece),  strtnger. 

t^blbig  a  btbl  covered  with  tatness. 

^qlb(n)ing  c  er  homage.  —  ^ølbingljaft  aet  of 
swearing  allegiance.  -bag  day  of  homage,  day 
when  the  oath  of  allegiance  is  taken.  -cø  oath 
of  fealty  el.  allegiance. 

$tol|e  (ogf.  -tt,  -t)  vi  yell,  howl;  cry,  whine.  -eit 
c  yelling.    -er  c  -e  croaker.    -eri'  n  croaking. 

$&He  tf  wrap,  cover;  .  inb,  fe  ^nb^blle.  ^ttlc 
n  covering.    -neg  hood. 





•fttttUte,  4*Iite  c  -r  hood,  cap. 

ffittlfe  c  -t  caaing. 

•finiffter  n  -tre  coveriiig,  case,  røiltølb.)  holster; 
$  spath;  (Bløbbfit«)  mantle;  (frtotoætteti)  case, 
pot;  bet  JotbifEe  .  the  mortal  frame. 

$ttme«  c  Hymen;  anat  hymen. 

•$ttmtt|e  c  -r  hymn.  -ølø'g  c  -et  hymno- 
l'ogist.  , 

•ffønbe  m  -r  cnshlon;  belagt  meb  -c  cushioned. 
-fabe  cushioned  seat. 

t**' !  tnl«o  (til  ^efle)  hop ! 
tiø'  o  a  certain  game  of  chance. 

-fiWer'ibet  c  -biet  hyper'bola.  -bø'l  e  -er 
hyper'bole.  -bø'l(l)f! o hyperbol'ic(al).  •••roter 
c  -e  Hyperbo'rean.    -bør«'ifl  o  hyperbo'rean. 

.fittøe  riton  e  fe  Beriton. 
•pWerjtririt'  hypercrit'icism.   -frtt'iff  a  hyper- 
crit'ic(al).    -traf/  c  hyper'trophy. 

6Wte»  fe  $ty>  c. 

JtM»Kø|ttfe'rc  vt hyp'notize.  -'riff a hypnot'Ic. 
-tirme  c  hyp'nottan. 

tøøobermifT  o  hypoder'mlc;  .  Bebanbting  h. 

$ttøo!øn|bet  a  fe  -brrfl.  -brT  c  hypocon'dria, 
hypochondriasis'  f"  hyp.  spleen,  -brill  a  hypo- 
chon'drlac,  splenetlc,  hyppish.  -brifr'  c  -et  hypo- 

#\)po\tt't  n  -er  mortgage,  pledge.  -tennfe  o  -r 
hypot'enuse.  -te'fe  e  -t  hypoth'eslfl.  -tctfff  m 

VWpt  vt  hlll,  earth;  f  w  fifl  accumulate,  rise. 
-lorra  hoe.  -flot  earthlng  plough.  £Wtttng  c 
-et  hllling. 

•fittølpig  a  frequent;  (-c«)  adv  frequently.  -|eb 
c  nequency. 

åtjrbe  e  -t  berdsman,  (ftooteb.  shepherd; 
ben  gobe  -  the  good  shepherd.  -bolig  herdsman's 
cot.  -øren  pastoral  (letter),  -btgt  pastoral 
(poem),  eclogue,  bucolic,  Idyl,  madrigal.  -btgter 
bncolic  poet.  -bigtntng  pastoral  el.  bucolic 
poetry.  -bragt  pastoral  dress,  -brøtg  shepherd 
boy,  herdboy.  -Wte  shepherd's  pipe,  pastoral 
plpe  rural  p.  -fall  nomadic  trlbe  el.  nation. 
-fagi  spur-wlng,  Parra  chavaria.  -glib  god  of 
Bhepherds,  Pan.  -bv*b  sheep-dog,  shepherd's 
dog  -ft*§,  -bbttc  shepherd's  cot.  -taftr  caste 
of  herdsmen.  -Hotte  cattle-bell.  -longerne  pi 
the  shepherd  kingB.  -leønet,  -lib  pastoral  llfe. 
•Ittt  cowherd's  horn.  -U*  a  untended.  -maøfig 
a  pastoral,  aroadian,  bucolic.  -pibe  fe  -fløjte. 
-pige  shepherdess.  -bøtfl  fe  -biatning-  -fang 
pastoral  song.  -ftonb  station  of  a  shepherd. 
-Sao  pastoral  Btaff,  erook;  fig  crosler.  -Hatte 
pastoral,  -taft*  $  shepherd's  pouch,  8t.  James's 
wort,  Thlaspi  bma  pas  toris,  -rime  hour  of 
bllling  and  cooing,  an  hour's  courting.  -btfe 
pastorial  song.    $brbinbc  c  -t  shepherdess. 

Atare  c  hire;  J,  (Søn)  wages;  toge  -  meb  .  .  . 
snip  el.  sign  articles  onboard  the  .  .  . ;  foo  -  be 
engaged,  obtain  a  berth;  milte  fin  -  beunshipped; 
baøe  Tin  (fuibe)  -  meb  have  enough  to  do  with 
Aure  vt  hire,  engage;  fe  Øortaie.  -ba*  c  (anfot) 
RhlDping  master,  amr  boarding-master,  (Øoerøet) 
crlmp.  -be«  hack.  -faret  hackney-coach  -to«, 
ttatt  articles  (of  agreement).  -tn«  cabman. 
+-t|ctter    fe    fiejetjenet.     -bøg«    hired  carriage, 

^tog-T^n?«? '  hush!    (i    en    ftorfaml.)    order! 

oraer!  +  n  fe  $0*fen.     „    .  .  -   ,. 

*Anfe  c  -r  haddock,  Oadm»  ctglefinu§. 

iSéfe  vi  (toøfe)  hush;  (giw  fltilbog  tiMbc) 
hiss;    -   ob   en   hiss   (at)   one.     -Il   c   hushing; 

"SSSI«!  o  housing,  houseline.  •  pack-thread, 

Attfic|ri'  e  hyster'ics  pi.  -'riff  a  hyster'ic*], 
blibe  -,  ftto  et  -  Vnfalb  go  into  hysterlcs  jU. 

£l|ttc  vt  protect,  guard,  take  care  of;  prx*>  = 
ftafte;  -  fit  6ftnb  save  one's  bacon;  fe  ^auben; 
—  vr  fig  føt  guard  agatnst. 

•^tttte  vi  make  a  menadng  gesture. 

Abttc  c  -t  hut,  cottage,  cabin;  ^  poop;  mim 
smeltlng-house;  (Aoette)  cap:  en  -  oø  ban«  ^iertr 
love  in  a  cottage.  -arbefber  smelter,  -boer 
oottager.  -brift  smelting  business,  -bert  ^ 
poop-deck  (o.  fl.).    -bør  cottage-door. 

tttttefab  n  cauf,  well. 
bttej  fogeb,   -mefler  overseer  of  a  smelting 
-house,    -maab  smelter,   founder.    -Mg  vrnlte 
arsenlc.  -fange?  blue-bird,  Sialia.  -ffriber  clerk 
of  a  smelting-house.    -tog  ^  poop-deck. 

Atoa'ne  c  -t  hyena,  Bpcena,  (fribet  -  shøutl 
-wolf.    -bttttb  hyena  dog«  Lpoæon  piehu. 

$<*ber  c  honour,  glory.  -fntb  a  glorious, 
honourable.  -tranfet,  -rrønet  o  covered  el. 
crowned  with  glory* 

fiatberlia  a  (ogfoa  om  $erfon)  honourable,  Mgh 
-principlea;  (berømmelig)  glorious.    -|eb  e   hon 
ourableness,  honour.    $«bert*A  a  inglorious. 

AabeHlbane  career  of  honour.  •beøiftørlng 
mark  of  respect,  honour.  -bag  day  of  glory 
•btylønt  diploma  (of  honour).  -bragt  dresa  of 
honour.  -gong  road  to  glory.  -gabe  gift  el 
present  of  honour.  -gerning  glorious  d.eed. 
-gflpfl  guest  of  honour,  guest  of  the  occasiori 
-Falb  honourable  calling.  -lo«b  glorious  struggle. 
•tlffbning  fe  -bragt.  -Tran4  crown  of  honour 
-fbab  laudatory  poem,  poem  in  honour  of 
somebody.  -legiønen  the  legion  of  honour. 
+-liø  llfe  of  honour.  -Um  honorary.  -ntosittib 
banquet,  feast  of  honour.  -momb  honourable 
man,  worthy  (man),  -atebalic  medal.  -tttmbe 
monument,  memorial,  -moerte  fe  -tegn.  -ttotin 
glorious  name.  -btoba  place  of  honour.  -p*fk 
post  of  honour.  -brbb  fe  -tegn.  -ret  honourable 
privllege.  -fang  song  of  pralse,  eulogy.  -fasene 
decoration.  -fUrnb  honourable  condition.  -tegn 
badge  of  honour.  -titel  title  of  honour.  -fri« 
degree  of  honour.  -net  fe  -bane.  —  -$abcrb*rbig 
a  honourable.    $*bre  rt  honour. 

ofte  fe  ^efte. 

<eg'  c  -ae  bird  cherry,  Pnmu$  Padm. 

e|a^:  -t  og  -t*t  tight  and  staunch. 

fægbe  c  -r  hank. 
age  vt  p  preserve,  take  care  of;  -  fig  prink. 

"  fltggebær  bird  cherry,    -tr«  fe  feæg  c. 
ægte  c  -r  clasp,  hook,   -t  og  Vaner  hooks 
ana  eyes;   -t   f  fe  Ørunfer;  lomme  til   rne  igen 
recover;  l)bab  føneft  Se  om  -r?  joe  there's  nothin^ 
like  leather;  *  bet  øat  el.  flob  paa  -n  it  was  a 
close  shave.    gagte  vt  clasp,  hook;  -  op  un 
clasp,  unhook.  -Mager  hook-maker,  wire-worker. 
!  fægtning  c  clasping,  hooking. 
i     &*t,  Qctttt  c  -ter  (£egn)  hedge;    (i    @talb) 

1     -§*t' :  tigge  i  -  be  hatching,  breeding;  gaa  i  . 
j  begin  to  hatch. 

$æf  c  J,  stem  frame;  (paa  tBaab)  stern-sheeU 
;  -baab  stera-boat.    -bi alle  transom.    -bom  stem 
-davit.  -bræt  -børb  back-board,   -baøtb  fe  -bom 
*  -fartaf  fe  -baab.    -Jotte  stern-boat.    -iøttebøm  fe 

tæft   e  fe  §ctl  c. 
atle  pi  hatch,  breed,  nidificate.  -bur  breeding 
1  c*ie-..'fi,1l  breeder.    -gmnb  breeding  ground. 
^atfelUb    steeple- chase.     -fatg    gardener's 
;  shears  pi. 

^attelfteb  breeding-  el.  hatching  place     -rib 
nesting  el.  hatching  time. 
i     $atraa  n  J,  transom-knee. 




$atle  vt  k  i  crochet.  -arbejbe  crochet-work. 
-Staal  crochet-hook.  -fHnø  crochet- s  ti  tch.  -tøj 
fe  -arbejbe.    Aatlinø  c  crochet  work. 

»atitiaø  c  hatching  etc,  (fe  Gatle),  nldlflcation. 

>«t»|bfa(fe  o.  ff.,  fe  $«!». 

>at|f?eber,  -bart  (©ejrm.)  ban.  rags. 

tatftøttc,    -ftøvner    J,    quarter-stanchlon. 
-iraer,  -tammere  stern-timbers. 

$a(  c  -e  heel;  fatte  npe  -e  paa  re-heel;  følge 
en  altib  i  -ene  dog  one;  følge  Uge  i  -ene  tread 
<»losely  on  the  heela  of;  lige  i  -ene  paa  hot-foot 
xipon;  fægte  meb  -ene  take  to  one' s  heela.  -ben 
heel -bone. 

$*Ib  n  inclination,  slope.  A  rake;  fjabet  ftaar 
paa  -  the  cask  Ib  a-tilt.  ••Paffe  slope.  $a(b|e 
vi  slant,  slope,  (ogfoa  fio)  incline,  lean,  £  rake; 
Tagen  -t  the  day  declines;  ~  til  et  $arti  lean  to 
el.  towards  a  party;  SRuren  -r  mob  ©eft  the  wall 
«*ways  to  the  west;  —  vt  (en  tønbe)  tilt;  .  flg 
lean;  -  flg  op  Hl  lean  up  against;  -te,  -t  (gbbe) 
pour,  run; .  om  decant.  -(tt)ing  (@traaning)  slope, 
declivlty;  fio  (til)  inclination  (to),  bias,  leaning 
(towards);  bore  paa  -en  be  on  the  decline;  bet  et 
V<*a  -en  meb  mine  ©enge  my  money  is  ebbing, 
runnlng  low;  Sagens  .  the  decline  of  day.  -*re 
c  -t  sanctimonlous  person,  -øret  a  sancti- 

$ale  vt  k  i  (ftjule,  bølge)  hatbour,   conceal, 
_  meb  en  Xijb  recelve  stolen  goodø. 

tfflrpittb  c  heel-peg,  hobnail. 
åler  c  -e  receiver  of  stolen  goodø,   -en  er 
Itøe  faa  gob  fom  Gtjaleren  the  receiver  is  as  bad 
as  the  tnief.    -I'  n  receiving  (of  stolen  goodø). 
-ffe  c  -r,  fe  Aaler. 
>*leføm  fe  $alepinb. 
»elltHt.  -ffltfc  fe  Bog«. 

rlft(e)  c  fe  fialbbel. 
jaijarn  heel-piece,  -tip.    -lappe  back,  upper 
Aafltng  fe  Jelling. 
ealmc  fe  ftelme. 

geljflaal  ncel  tool.  -f*m  hobnail.  -ftftte  & 

>albt,  Øatbte  o  fe  tølbbel. 
tamme  fe  $emme. 

tamorlrtøai'  c   bem'orrhage.     -r|øi'ber  pi 
piles,  hem'orrhoids.  -rtyøiba'If!  a  hemorrhoi'dal. 
*$ampf  c  -r  loop,  strap. 
rirnbe :  i  -,  til  ..,  fe  Qaanb. 
£o*be  vt,  jur  _  Som  ober  obtaln  judgment 

Strube,  -te,  -t  vi  k  refl  og  -g  vd  happen, 
chance,  occur,  befal,  come  to  pass;  bet  funbe 
not  -  may  be;  bet  er  Ijanbt  tøm  en  Ulpfte  he 
has  met  wltb  a  misfortune.  $anbelig  a  acci- 
d  en  tal.  $o*be|Ife  c  -t  (Xræf)  chance;  (i  en  $i» 
ftotie  el.  i  et  6fuefp.)  incident;  (©eatoen$eb)  occur- 
rence;  (Xtlbraaelfe)  adventure  (ulojfelig  fi )  acci- 
dent, -ffeibiø  adv  by  chance,  acddentally, 

jamber  pi  af  Øaanb.  +-rbftenbe  a  shaklng 
hånds.  -brtbenbe  a  wringing  his  (thelr  etc.) 
hånds     +£aitbcbrtb  wringing  of  hånds. 

£o*big  a  handy,  dexterons  (wlth  the  hånd), 
-beb  c  dexterity. 

+6««g  n  fe  $ang;  •  .  af  ©inb  light  air!*« 
slant  el.  ølatch  of  wind. 

4>*agt,  føing  k  bangte,  -t  vi  (paa  el.  i)  hang 
(on)t  be  snøpendea  (by);  flbbe,  ftaa  og  .  sit, 
stand,  ldle;  .  faft  stick;  .  efter  en  dangle  after 
one.  be  at  one's  heels;  .  faft  stick,  adbere, 
r  t  laget  hangs  from  the  ceiling  el.  roof. 
(an  -r  i  $ufet,  »lubben  beftanbig  F  he  haunts 
the  elub,  house  perpetually;  t  -  i  F  keep 
at  lt,  work  hard;  -  i  en  Xraab  fio  hang  upon 
el.  by  a  thread;  fe  ftloffefhreng;  .  meb  (f.   vtø. 

^ooebet)  droop;  hang  (one's  head);  Xrceet 
-r  fulbt  meb  ighntgter  the  tree  is  loaded  wltli 
fruit;  Stoppen  -r  $am  neb  til  ^ebbetnc  the  cloak 
hangs  down,  comes  down,  to  his  feet;  ~  o  bet , 
fe  oberb>nge;  .  ober  ©»gerne  be  poring  over  the 
books;  -  paa  ©æggen  hang  against  el.  on  the 
wall;  f  .  paa  bs  afgænge  af;  -  f  am  men  stick  el. 
hold  together,  cohere;  (borlebei  -r  bet  fammen 
meb  benne  Sag?  how  doeø  that  matter  stand?  bet 
-r  itfe  riatig  fammen  there  iø  something  wrong; 

-  »eb  adhere  to;  ~  beb  nogen  (af  $engibentyeb)  be 
attached,  cleave,  cling  to  one;  -  beb  en  Stening 
ofo.  be  wedded  el.   cleave  to  an  opinion  etc. 

-  garage,  -te,  -t  vt  hang,  suspend;  ^  (Motet) 
ship  (the  rudder);  -  en  Koa  sling  a  yard;  b^ocngef , 
blibe  -t  be  hanged,  p  swing,  hang,  fe  trufne;  — 
vr  flg  hang  one's  self;  .op,  fe  $ø*nge;  .  flg  i 
fio  catch  hold  of,  carp  at;  —  (aengenbe  part  k 
a  hanging,  pendent,  &  pendulous,  cernuous; 
blibe  -  catch,  stick;  remain  hanging  el.  suøpended ; 
blibe  -nbe  beb  (ogf.  fio)  be  caught  el.  hooked  by, 
fio  be  saddled  wlth;  fe  $aar.  £ffnge|aff  weeping 
ash,  Fraxinut  pendula.  -birt  weeping  birch. 
-bro  suspension  bridge,  -bcrnt  min  pit-mouth, 
brace.  -bone  hanging  springe,  -bttiib  quagmire. 
-fj*lb  beetling  cliff.  -f«rbig  a  ready  to  hang 
one's  self.  -grad  fe  fMittergræft.  -(abe  hanging 
garden.  -|øveb  (Sf«lb*orb)  a  crest-fallen,  chap 
-tallen  person;  (gbHet)  bypocrite,  canter.  -|«nt 
fe  gsngtsm.  -tør  hanging  vase.  -tompad  hang- 
ing compass.  -traller  hanging  curls.  -Inrb 
pannier.  -tæbe  underhung  iaw.  -lafe  hammock. 
-1  c  -giet  lappet;  garland.  -laaØ  padlock.  -lampe 
hanging  lamp,  ceiling-lamp,  suspension  lamp. 
-(eje  bearing.  -ler  fe  bpnb.  -løft  hanging-floor. 
-Ibgtc  hanging  Ian  tern.  -man  hanging  mane. 
'maattt,  *-matte  fe  -føje.  -måbe  paunch,  swag 
-belly.  -møfe,  *-mijr  fe  -fag.  -ntttnb  blubber 
lip.  -ptl  weeping  wlUow,  Salt*  babylonioa. 
-plabe  arch  larmler,  corona,  drip.  -plante  hang- 
ing plant,  -potte  hanging  flower-pot.  -prbbflfc 
hanging  ornament,  -rem  brace.  -feng  fe  -føje 
-ftao  hanging  press.  -flhtr  penthouse.  -flingre. 
brat  4,  rack.  •fmttffe  arckæ  ornamental  pen- 
dent, -ftage  sconce.  -ftilling  hanging  el.  shirt- 
ing stage,  -fiol  waggon-seat  suspended  by  straps. 
t-fag  quaking-bog.  -føile  fe  j&angføjle.  -rib 
hanging  time.  Mtte  blackcap,  Panu  at  er.  -tra 
horse  (for  hanging  clothes  on);  fio  obtrusive 
idler,  hanger-on.  -bejr  <1,  calm  el.  light  weather. 
-bttgge  suspended  cradle,  barcelonnette.  -ormer 
pendant  sleeves.  -året  a  flap-eared.  gasgjom 
(©bøn.)  tie-band. 

éangfel  n  (+  c)  -flet  hinge.    -leb  anat  trochoid 
*  fe  $anafle. 

*gang|te  n  -r  fe  ftængfef;  boom  (to  catch  the 
tlmber).  -banb  ^  hopper;  $tam  meb  -  hopper 
-punt.    -lem,  -luge  hopper-door. 

gonglføjle  klng -post.  -bort  truss-frame,  sus- 

gar  c  -e  army;  (garftare  og  bibl)  host;  ben 
bilbe  -  Arthur's  chase.  -afbeling  division  (of 
an  army).  -bebaøclfe  movement  of  an  army. 
•bloft  poet  blast  of  trumpets. 

6arb  fe  fyxt. 

f  orbe  vt  harden,  indurate;  -  Staal  temper 
Steel;  -  9arn  ril  Staal  temper  lron  lnto  steel; 

-  paanp  retemper;  —  vr  fig  harden  one's  self, 
make  one's  self  hardv. 

tgarbc  e  -r  shoulder.  -breb  a  broad  shoul- 

garb|elfe  fe  -ning.  garbe[battb,  -babffe  tem- 
perlng-water,  chaly beate.  $orb|ne  vi  &  t  harden. 
-ning  c  hardening  etc.;  (af  SRetal)  tempering; 
(ogfaa :  bet  at  bare  b,atbet)  induration;  ($aarbQ. 
af  9RetaI)  temper. 




torrebift:  i  -  in  whole  armles. 
<e  rlfaber  mtrtÅ  the  fetber  of  hosts,  Odin. 
•fngt  hoopoe,  Ujmpa  epope,  -ftpftittg  poet  battle 
-array,  -færb  warfare.  -farer  commander  of 
an  army.  -farfel  command  (of  an  army);  gene- 

$«rg|e,  $<rrj|e  vt  ravage,  lay  waste,  devastate, 
harry.  -en,  -ning  c  ravaglng;  conc  ravage,  de- 

$or 'rittaber  (t  &  poet)  war-attlre,  annour. 
•tlabt  a  in  armour.  -løv  Anny  Aet.  -magt 
forces,    -manb  (t  k  poet)  warrior. 

*$ctxmt  vt  mimick. 

$<r'r|mcfter  grandmaster,  -mbre  fe  8anbre> 
mbre.  -orbnina  mllltary  organisation,  -or« 
army-worm,  Saara.  -pante  kettle-drum.  -plan 
fr  -lob.  -bob  fe  -fugl.  -roab  war-cry.  -ffare  host, 
posse;  -rneft  ©ub  cl.  $erre  bibl  the  God  el.  Lord 
of  hosts;  en  Ijimmelft  -*  SRangfolbirieb  a  multitude 
of  the  heavenly  host.  -ftjolb :  fure  .  imob  war 
against.    -frue  review. 

•ØfltrélittO  c  -er  dace,  Oyprinue  lemciicua. 

.&<r'r|frbrfe  (mllltary)  foroe.  t-tagen  o  cap- 
tured.  -n-tog  march  (of  an  army),  campaign. 
•»ært  assault,  vlolence;  ravage,  havoc;  +  fe 

t$o*'  c  (+  n)  -fe  stack,  rlck. 

§tti  a  hoarse,  (fnn  om  Stemmen)  husky.  -(c)* 
»tefenbe  a  out  of  breath,  wlth  one's  breath  al- 
most  gone;  F  fig  breathless,  flurried,  bustling. 
-btttfenfteb  c  breathlessness,  flurry.  *-e  vi  pant. 
-tyeb  c  hoarseness,  huskiness,  raucity. 

£<e6je  c  -t  framework  for  drying  hay. 

Odttltg  a  ugly,  hldeous.  -fteb  c  ugllness, 

*$a£pe  c  -r,  gatøpel  c  -er  skeln,  hank.  -t?« 

tøædfel  fe  tyilfel. 

$atte  c  -r  hood,  cowl,  cap.  -brobcr  capachin. 
•laabe  capuchin.  -maage  sea-crow,  Lam*  ridi- 
bundne.  «tenie  common  el.  great  tern,  sea-swal- 
low,  Sterna  hirundo. 

$*bb  c  (Brugt*)  prescrlption,  prescrlptlve  right; 
(©eflbbelfe)  possesslon;  *($ttrfning)  cultivatlon, 
(Øsbiel)  manure;  I)olbe  i  -,  fcolbe  -  ober  keep  in 
preservation;  faa  -  become  prescrlptlve  el.  flrmly 
established;  faa  .  paa  noget  acqalre  right  of 
prescrlption  to  a  thlng;  babe  *  paa  have  a  pre- 
scrlptlve right  to.  $<tbb(e  vt  malntain.  assert, 
uphold;  *cultlvate,  manure;  -  fig  noget  til  acqalre 
a  prescrlptlve  right  to;  .  fin  $labft,  -  flg  hold 
one's  own.  -elfe  e  assertion,  -et  fe  -bunben. 
+-fitter  a  prescrlptlve.  $<*bb&tib  period  of  pre- 
scrlption. gftbbbttttben  a  prescriptive,  vested, 
fig  tlme-hononred,  old-established. 

£<r»c  vt  (løfte)  ralse;  (gorlpnbringer,  Sbgbøm) 
remove.  (ftonlraft  o«  be*l.)  break  off;  (©elelring) 
ralse;  (Strib)  settle;  (SRøbe)  dissol  ve,  adjourn; 
(Stemmen)  ralse,  elevate;  (©in)  draw  out  wlth 
a  slphon;  -  Xolb  levy  duty  (af  on);  -  partiet 
break  off  the  match;  -  garberne  i  et  røaleri  throw 
out  the  colonrs  In  a  paintlng;  -  ©enge  recelve 
el.  draw  money;  .  ©enge  paa  en  ttnoftning  ofb. 
cash  a  check;  -  til  Stuerne  laud  to  the  skies, 
extol  to  the  clouds;  .  Ijinanben  (fRegn.)  cancel 
eacb  other;  bo  {Retten  be*  when  the  court  rose; 
—  vr  flg  rise,  swell,  (om  ©iærge)  tower.  rear 
themselves,  (om  Beja)  rise;  ~  flg  ooer  (noget)  rise 
superior  to;  -  flg  ub  fig  stand  forward;  bare  -t 
ober  fio  be  above,  superior  to;  -t  ooer  al  IRo*, 
Xtoibl  beyond  all  praise,  doubt.  $«be|bf<rlfe 
lever.  -bnt  gin,  crab.  -jammer  helve-hammer. 
-tant  arm,  knob.  -tfe  e  -r  rising,  swelllng,  tumor. 
•pumpe  lifting  pump.  -rt  c  -et  slphon.  -rtbaro< 
meter  slphon  barometer,  -rtftang  mandrel. 
$ttbtng  c  lifting;  pension. 

t$«ble  fe  $eile  vi. 

$KVn  c  revenge,  vengeance;   .  ober  revenge 
upon;  toge  en  grufom  .  ooer  wreak  a  cruel  ven 
geance  upon;  raabe  om  -  paa  call  down   ven- 
geance on;  -en  bører  mig  til  bibl  vengeance    i* 
mine.   $ffbtt|e  vi  revenge,  avenge;  -  fig  *>oa  be 
revenged  on,  avenge  one's  self  of  et.  on,    take 
vengeance  on,   wreak   one's  vengeance   upon; 
bet  -r  flg  it  brings  its  own  punlshment.      -er  o 
•e  a venger,  revenger.    +-fnlb  b.  f.  f.  'gerrig    o 
re  vengeful,  vindlctive,  unforgiving.    •ferriojfeefc 
c  vindictiveness,  revengefulness.   -gttbittbe  Fury 
-frlg  war  of  revenge.    -luft  thirst  of  et.  for  re- 
venge,    -plan  plan  of  revenge  el.  vengeance. 
-raabeube  a  calllng  for  vengeance.    -fbg,  -fuge 
fe  -gerrig,  -gerrig^eb.    -tante  thought  of  revenge. 
•tarft  fe  -Ibfi. 

^a'Pntng  c  rising;  3orbftorpen8  .  the  apheavaJ 
of  the  earth-crust;  fe  ^abmg. 

*$4  e  et  (large  and  roundedj  mountain  top. 

$4  n  hay;  alt  ftsb  er  -  all  flesh  is  rt*ss. 
*-aann  fe  -onn.  -«bl  fe  bjærgning.  *-ab(tng  hay 
crop.  -bjargtting  hay-making.  -bioergninadrib 
hay-harvest.    -bnnfe  cock  of  hay. 

t6#be,  ^abfel  fe  true,  Zrufel;  ingen  bør  af 
$øbTel  threatened  men  live  long. 

fafbe  c  -r  fe  ©une. 

Aofeber  c  hay  fever,  hay  asthma,  autumxtal, 
pollen  et.  rose  catarrh. 

^afltg  a  polite,  courteous,  civil,  urbane.  -Iicb 
e  politeness,  courtesy,  civillty,  urbanlty;  -  tofter 
ingen  $enge  soft  words  hurt  not  the  mouth, 
good  words  cost  nought;  een  -  et  ben  anben  Daerb 
one  good  turn  deserves  another,  p  scratch  my 
back  and  I'll  scratch  yours;  flge  en  -er  say  civil 
thlngs  to  one,  pay  one  compliments.  -lefr£' 
be^ag  visit  of  courtesy.  -beb#bebf  fer  pi  civilitles. 
a  | fort  pitch-fork.  -fra  hay  seed. 
rftc  c  -r.  fe  ©une. 

jj  c  -e  hawk;  -  ober  $ane  el.  -  ober  _  dia 
mdnd  cut  diamond;  the  biter  has  been  bit;  he 
has  caught  a  Tartar;  ~  og  Sue  (8eg)  catch.  — 
Qtat |  bnr  trap  to  catch  hawks.  -fangH  catchin^ 
of  hawks.  -ffne  hawk-fly.  Dioctria.  -fio  hawk 's 
talon,  -n/tb  hawk's  biU;  ^  rave-hook.  -rt»e 
hawk's  nest.  -ftotg  hawk's  beard,  Orepi*.  -nfte 
hawk  owl,  Strtx  nieoria.  -nrt  hawkweed,  Hi*  - 

&l[tictt  hay-rack.    •%*$  hay  harvest. 

$t\  e  -e  hlll,  eminence,  rising  ground;  (minbrr) 
knoll,  hillock,  (ifær  tunfttg)  mound. 

fioj  o  blgh,  lofty;  ($erfon,  %tct,  Stang  o.  I.) 
tall,  temmelta  -  talllsh;  &  (9taft  Gtorften)  uunt; 
(Ibbelig)  loud;  for  -  (falft)  too  sharp;  bet  er  for  -t 
for  mig  It  Is  above  my  comprehension,  it  is  be- 
yond me,  it  is  over  my  head;  ©ub  i  bet  e  God 
on  high;  .  Ølber  advanced  age;  i  en  fy\  -  Viber 
at  a  good  old  age,  at  a  great  age;  ban  er  fire 
5ob  -  he  Is  four  feet  high;  Sneen  ligger  tie  gob 
.  the  snow  is  three  feet  deep;  ben  -e  ØeifHigtKb 
the  dignittries  of  the  church;  paa  ben  -e  $eft  on 
the  high  horse,  on  the  high  rope;  -e  Qerret  great 
men;  -  til  SJoftet  lofty;  en  .  Wonb  a  tall  man; 
to,  tre  fire  SRanb  .  two,  three,  four  deep;  ben  -e 
Olb  high,  early  ri.  remote  antiquity;  .  $anbe  a 
lofty  forehead:  i  egen  -e  $erfon  in  person;  ben  f 
$ort  the  Sublime  Porte;  en  ~  ^ri»  a  liigh  el. 
long  price;  ftaar  i  _  %z\l  is  high;  en  -  Stemme 
mut  a  high  voice;  babe  en  .  Stierne  bo*  ?n  be 
in  ldgh  favour  with  one;  -  Straf  heavy  punlsh- 
ment; .  So  heavy  el.  high  sea;  bet  er  paa  -t  $ib 
it  Is  high  time,  it  is  quite  time;  -t  Sejr  clear 
weather;  —  bojere  ftladfe  higher  class,  (i  Stole; 
upper,  senior  el.  advanced  form  el.  class;  -ere 
Stole  advanced  school;  -ere  Cfficerer  superior 
officers;  -ere  ©ub  an  advance;  efter  -ere  Befaling 


by  oraer;  i  -ere  ftorftanb  ia  a  higher  sense;  — 
ben  $  øj  efte  9tagt,  bet  -efte  fflobc  the  supreme 
power,  good;  bet  -efte  ftott  the  superior  card; 
-efte  SJriø  top  prioe;  ben  -efte  Støb,  fjare  the  utmost 
distress,  danger;  ben  $øjefte  the  Most  High;  bet 
-efte  man  fan  fige  the  most  that  can  be  said;  i 
-efte  <*>rab  in  the  hlghest  degree;  Ⱦre  paa  fit  -efte 
be  at  its  full;  i  bet  -efte  at  most,  at  heat,  at  the 
oatside;  paa  -efte  Steb  in  the  highest  qaarter; 
—  b  ø  i  t  wfo  highly,  bigh;  (om  Stemmen)  load; 
s  i  bet  -efte;  -t  oppe  i  en  Baffe  high  up  a  hill; 
fpille  -t  play  high;  -t  regnet,  om  bet  tommes  -t  at 
the  outilde,  on  an  extreme  estimate;  Såterne 
ftoa  -t  i  røriø  the  goods  are  high;  -t  op  paa  Sagen 
late  In  the  morning;  elfte  en  -t  love  one  well  el. 
dearly;  fbcerge  -t  og  blpt  swear  most  positively; 
\ct\t  -i  read  out  et.  aloud;  højere !  speak  up !  — 
gvif  t  adv  (ofteft  bagefter  Øbjeft.)  in  the  highest 
et.  last  degree;  (foran)  most,  highly,  extremely; 
bet  et  ~  bigtigt  it  is  of  the  utmost  oonsequence. 
£«f  |  abet  peerage.  -abelig  a  (most)  noble,  -agt- 
bar  a  highly  estimable.  -agte  vt  esteem  highly. 
-agtet fe  high  esteem;  (i  Breo)  meb  -  yours  most 
reapectfully.    +-ogter  c  -e  esteemer. 

4?*iatberen  the  Age  of  Hills. 

£*fl  alter  high  altar.  -baabdntanb  ohtef  boats- 
wain.  -baarcn  a  high- bom.  -barmet  a  high 
-boaomed.  -bemetbt  a  above  mentioned.  -benet 
a  long-legged.  -bjørrge  high  mountains.  -børb : 
ftbbe  tit  -*  sit  at  the  head  of  the  table.  -borbet 
a  £,  lofty,  highsided.  +-børb*fltb  highsided 
ship.  -brbftet  a  high-chested.  -buet  a  high 

&*ibbggere  mound-builders. 

jlfrirøgct «  &  high.  -byrbig  fe  -baaten.  +-bat 
high-lying  valley.    -bonfl  n  written  Danish. 

J&afbe  c  -r  (ttbftrortnlna)  height;  (8*føt)  stature, 
tallness;  (ben  8eftaffen$eb  at  txzxt  optøiet  ooer 
3orbftaben)  height,  highness,  loftiness,  elevation; 
(Soben*)  loudness;  nw  pltch;  (tjøjt  Steb)  hill, 
height,  eminence;  oeoar  &  att  altitude;  -n  af  et 
6ejl  the  hoist  of  a  sail;  paa  -n  af  (Kabis  off  Cadiz; 
i  .  meb,  Ho  paa  -  meb  equal  to,  (on  a)  level 
with,  abreast  of.  -drift  circle  of  altitude.  -brag 
ridge  of  elevation,  of  hill«.  -førbølb  natura! 
elevation,  -grab  degree  of  altitude.  -grornfe 
limit  of  growth. 

$øi|bete  vt  cut  In  extreme  and  mean  ratio. 
-beting  o  cutting  etc. 

6ajbe|maaf  measure  of  height.  -ntaater  alti- 
meter,  quadrant.  -msatittg  c  measuring  of 
helghts,  €utr  talting  altitudes,  altimetry.  -paraf- 
toløe  parallax  in  altitude.  -ptmtt  height,  cllmax, 
summit,  zenlth.  -fpriitg  high  Jump;  -»-eminence. 
■*»g,  -ftrøjrning  fe  -brag.  -»intet  angle  of  eleva- 

$*J[bbI(er  fe  Xoplom.    -bbr  pi  quadrumanes. 

*$ø)ir  vi  make  hay. 

t£afe(n)|tøft  upper  story,  -IøftØbro  balcony. 
-føftdfal  hall  in  the  upper  story. 

£*ji erfares  a  highly  experlenced.  $øfefieret 
supreme  coart,  final  courtof  appeal;  (t  (Englanb) 
court  of  the  klng  in  parliament.  $øj|TJ«lb  high 
mountalDs,  top  of  the  mountains.  -formaaenbe 
a  very  innuential.  -fornem  a  of  high  quallty. 
-førnøben  a  highly  necessary,  much-needed. 
-førrørbfr  one  guilty  of  high  treason,  traitor. 
-forrørbert  high  treason.  -forrørberf!  v  treason- 
a»)le.  -fortjent  a  highly  deserving.  -frugt« 
f ommetig  a  in  an  advanced  state  of  pregnancy. 
-fbrftetig  a  most  serene.  -grebelig  a  right 
koQourable.  -gnt  a  bright  yellow.  -tyatfet  a 

$øfbrb  c  highness,  elevation,  loftiness,  sublim- 
ity;  (Xitel)  -er  Highness.  #*tteb9|ret,  -rettlg- 
toer  supremacy,  prerogative. 

$øj  | bellig  a  most  holy.  -bfertet  a  (bøimobig) 
high-minded,  magaanimous.  -bJertigbeb  c 
magnanimity.  -battet  a  high-heeled.  -lam 
(©æon.)  highwarp;  (©lagt.)  ohine.  -tant :  paa  . 
on  edge(  edgewlse,  on  its  narrow  end.  -firfe 
cholr  of  a  church;  (ben  engelfle)  the  high  church. 
-tirletig  a  high-church;  be  -e  the  high-churoh. 
-men.  -longetig  a  royal,  -tanb  highland,  up- 

£«iUg,  -en  adv  highly,  greatly. 

jtøbeta  praised,  blessed.  -tøbtiga  glorious. 
tø*  a :  oeb  «  Sag  in  broad  day-llght. 

Aaitoegge  vt  bury  (in  a  calrn),  lay  in  barrow. 

^øjltaenber  c  -e  highlander.  -totnbet,  *-t(tnbt 
*  elevated.  -t*rb  a  erudite.  -maftet  a  taunt 
-masted,  high-masted.  -meSft  morning  service; 
(§oø  ftatolifeme)  high  mass.  -meAfegttbdtjenefte 
b.  f.  -nteSfeprøtft  morning  preacher.  -medfetelåt 
text  for  the  morning  service,  -mob  fe  -mobtøfjeb. 
•møbig  a  high-minded,  magnanimous.  -ntøbig« 
bcb  high-mlndedness,  magnanimity.  -møtgtig 
ft  most  puissant.  -martet,  *-matt  a  loud(-voiced). 
^ø{ne  vt  raise,  elevate;  .  fig  rise.  bøjning  c 
raising,  elevation. 

^øj|norben  n  the  high  North,  -nørbiff  a  of 
the  high  North,  -øbn  blast-furnace,  high  furnace. 
-øbnftatle  cinders,  -panbet  a  high-browed.  -pa> 
råbe:  fomme  tit  -  come  to  half-sword.  -prifeltg 
a  most  glorious.  -pnKet  a  high-crowned.  t-pbnt 
pinnacle.    ->-raab  supreme  counciL 

$*irc  a  right;  (^arti)  the  Riaht;  paa  .  6aanb 
on  tne  right  hånd;  $an  er  mm  -  ^aanb  he  iø 
my  factotum  et.  right-hand  man;  til  -  to  el.  on 
the  right;  .  om!  mii  right  ahout  face!  fe  tit  -  l 
eyes  right!  -  ©frue  right-hand  screw. 

$a(|reb,  -reb  fe  -ribber. 

$*Jre|btab  Conservative  paper.  -forening 
Conservative  Union  (o.  fl.).  *-b*nbt  a  right 
-handed.  -ntanb  Conservative.  -partiet  the 
Right,  the  (konservatives,  (i  Cngt.)  the  Tories. 
•finbet  a  conservative.  -benbt  a  zoo  with  eyes 
on  the  right  side. 

Ml  ribber  spare  ribs,  fe  ftilet.  -rttgget  a  high 
-backed.  -røb  a  high-red.  -røftet  a  loud,  voci- 
ferous.  -raftetbcb  a  loudness.  -fat  royal  saloon. 
-føtig  a  of  blessed  memory,  -fang  hymn;  Salo« 
mon*  .  the  song  of  Solomon;  the  canticles  pi. 
•finbet  fe  -mobig.  -finb,  -flnbetbeb  fe  -mobigbeb. 
•fløte  university;  academy;  (grotte*)  popular 
aoademy,  school  for  young  peasants.  -frotter 
pi  Highlanders.  -frøn  forest.  -ffnlbret  a  high 
plateau,  •fømmeren  the  middle  of  summer. 
-fpring  croupade. 

Aøjft  adv  fe  unber  $d\  a. 

&i\ |  flammet  a  high-stemmed .  -ftaotet,  -ftøptet 
a  (Ulb)  long-staplea. 

^ø|ft|befatenbe  c  fe  -fommanberenbe.  -beff attet 
•»  highest  tax-payer.  (ben)  -bjjbenbe  the  highest 

^ajlfkemt  a  hlgh-pitched.  -fti«rt  (Due)  fantail, 
Golumba  livia  laticauda. 

^øifkfømmanberenbe  c  oommander-in-chief. 

+$*)  (lol  throne.    +-ftroc!nlng  range  of  hills. 

^ijft  fontntc  he,  she.  -arret  c  much  respected. 
-ørrebe !  (much  respected)  Sir ! 

^øjlfarbe   (opbøiet   Scebe,   ftongefarbet)    throne 
high  el.  elevated  seat;  (Søbe  oeb  Qorbenben)  seat 
ofhonour.  t-forbedftfte  «high-seatchest».  t-forbed« 
ftøtte  high-seat  post.    -fager  ($unb)  pointer. 
tagen  a  »  øjcergtagen. 
øjtagtet  a  highly  respected. 

tafenbe  fe  -mælet,    -tatenbeb  c  loudness. 
t|  bebaget  a  well  stricken  in  years.    -bc< 
deeply  amicted.     -begaøet  a  highly 

gifted.   -berømt 
trusted,  trusty; 

a  illustrlous. 
inveated  with 

■betroet  a  highly 
high  authorlty. 




-riffet  a  dearly  beloved.  -ftybenbc  a  hJgh-flown, 
(bigh-)soaring;  ~  rørgerrig(eb  vaulting  ambition. 
•fortjent  a  highly  deservlng. 

Atjrlb  c  -er  festival,  feast;  F  gore  .  af  make 
a  XU88  about. 

gojtfoelig  a  solemn,  ceremoDious.    -(eb  c  -et 
solemnity,  pomp  (ub.  pi),  state  (ub.  pi),   cere 
mony,  formality.    -(olbe  vt  oelebrate.   -(olbelfe 
c  celebration,  commemoration. 

$4jttb6|bag  festival  day,  holiday.  -bragt 
festhre  garb.  -fnlb  a  solemn.  +-f*rb  pomp, 
procession,  -ilb  bonflre.  -tlffber  holiday  clothes. 
•flæbt  a  In  holiday  clotbes.  -offer  offering  to 
tbe  panon.  -brttbtlen  sermon  on  one  of  the 
grand  festival  days.  -»(nt  festlve  attire.  -fang 
festal  song.  -tale  oratlon,  discourse  (on  a 
solemn  occaslon). 

^ojt'ftingenbe  a  (bigh)soundlng.  -liggenbe 
a  elevated;  (om  S«rt*i)  high  in  the  water.  -li)' 
benbf  a  high-sounding.  -fatning  reading  aloud. 
-mølleri  high  milling. 

Afftonenbe  a  loud(-sonnding). 

Aojtøbtbft  a  highly  enlightened. 

£oj|tra*enbc  a  high-flown,  bom  bas  ti  c,  grand!- 
loquent,  sounding,  snedous,  +high-faluten;  . 
Xale  F  tall  talk,  fustfan.  -rroben(eb  c  grandi- 
loquence.  -trttf  flfcmb.)  high  presmire;  fe  Øteltrf- . 
-trbtøntaftfne  high-pressure  engine  (o.  fl.).  -trom« 
genbe  a  nrgent. 

£ojt[ftaarobe  o  high-placed,  high  in  authority. 
-frtlenbe,  -frrotbenbe  a  high-aspiring,  ambitions. 

£*j|Nfff  a  &  n  High-German,  High-Dutch. 
-tafler  High-German.  -banbe  high  water.  -»Mb* 
morrle  high-water  mark.  -belbaaren  a  right 
honourable;  (SexeS)  -belbaoren(eb  Right  wor- 
shipful  Sir.  -vigtig  o  all-importanl.  -bit  o 
most  sapient.  -bilbt  large  game,  etp  red  deer. 
-sinter  depth  of  winter.  -notten  a  tall.  -briflet 
a  having  a  high  instep.  -bfltrbig  o  most  worthy. 
-ttbel  a  most  noble  -a?rb*rbig  a  Right  Reverend. 
(fcereo)  -<erb«rb!a(eb  Right  Reyerend  Sir.  -<rtfe< 
tnnft  fe  fflelieftrbf.    -tttttt  a  of  noble  parentage. 

$Ofer  o  -e  ftailow-)chandler,  provision-dealer, 
•aattb  huckstering  spirit.  -agtig  a  hucksterlike. 
-bob,  -btttil  chandler's  shop,  provision-shop. 
-(tnbet  fe  -bob  og  $oteri.  -i'  n  chandler's  el. 
hackster's  tråde,  -loge  boz  bought  on  specula- 
tion.  $OterfTc  e  -r  chandler's  wife,  trades- 
woman.    $oterbarer  chandlery. 

$0|tnibbe  bottle  el.  pottle  of  hay.  -fnib  hay 
-knife.    -logning  bolling  in  hay. 

Aotre  vi  nuckster;  —  vt  ub  retall. 

Åol  c  -er  pool  (in  a  river). 

£o  flabe  bay-barn.    -le  scythe. 

*$Olfe  vi  neb  pour  down  (In  torrents). 

$0|løft  hay- loft,  mow.  -let*  load  of  hay. 
*-ntaaneb  July.  t-mavl  hay-fleld.  -natrad  hay 

£one  e  -r  hen,  fowl;  (ftelenabn)  chicken;  unp 
-  poult;  fe  ttger(øno;  Jeg  bar  en  ~  at  bluRe  web 
S>em  I  have  a  crow  to  pluck  (el.  a  bone  to  pick) 
with  you;  F  bet  gaat  ben  ©ej  $onen  fbarlrr  lt's 
going  down  hill,  golng  on  from  bad  to  worse. 
♦•blnnb  cat's  nap,  catnap.    -tbtttng  hen-chicken. 

Aon«  (barn-door)  fowls,  poultry;  bet  barer  fra 
.  Tlfibe  op  til  be  fltibe  neb  lt  is  a  nlne  days' 
wonder;  ttoge  -  Ian  ogfaa  gøre  i  ftaclberne  mis- 
takes  will  ocenr  even  In  the  best  regulated 

£onfe  vi  pay  garnlsh,  be  ah  od,  pay  one's 
footing,  &  pay  toll  money. 

$onfe|aatig  o  gallinaceons.  -art  species  of 
hen(s).  -bane  fe  ©ulmenrt.  -Mb  fe  -grce«;  fe 
guglegra*.  -bltnb,  -b(inb(eb  fe  Wattebltnb.  -tr*ft 
breast  of  a  chicken.  -bur  hencoop.  -baml  A, 
hen-coop.    -bær  dogberry.    -batrtr«  dog-wood, 

Cornu*  Mnøvtnea.  -bretif  poaltry  boy.  -fjeber, 
-fjer  feather  of  a  hen;  pJ poultry  feathen.  -fri' 
foifé  chicken-fxicassee,  fricasseed  chicken.  -fnat 
gallinaceoas  bird,  scraper.  -gaarb  poaltry  yara. 
hennery,  fowl -run.  -oaa*  cere-faoed  goose, 
Cereopaiø  JVbvc*  Hottcmdia>.    -garn  partrldge  net. 

$*nfegilbe  n  dlnner  given  on  one's  lnitlatioo, 
admission  dinner. 

Aovfe|gro>#  knot-grasa,  bloodwort,  Polygtmum 
av\culare.  -|agl  partridge-shot.  -%\x\t  barn 
-yard  grass,  Panicum  cru*  oalli.  t-bjal  rooat. 
-oolb  poultry-keeping.  -bnnb  pointer,  setter, 
-quø  poultry-house,  fowl- house,  hen-coop.  -bog 
goshawk,  Aitw  palumbariu».  -jagt  partrldge 
-shooting.  -faalen  cackling  of  bens.  -lalb  par- 
tridge-call.  -Fantmer  partridge-pen.  -Itttttei 
clucklng  (of  bens),  -tolera  fowl  el.  chicken 
cholera.  -lone  poaltry  woman,  ben  wife.  -fro 
craw  of  a  fowl.  -fræwwer  poultrydealer,  poul- 
terer.  -tratntnterffe  fe  -lone.  -lob  flesh  of  barn 
-door  fowls,  chicken.  -fobfnbbe  chicken-sovp, 
chicken-broth,  (et  6log«)  cocky-leeky. 

Aonfellaa  fe  -gilbe. 

^onfe|lu§  hen-loase,  Liotheum  pallidum.  -mob 
food  for  hens.  -ploe  poultry-girl.  -boftej  chicken 

Eie.  t-ra»e  fe  -bial.  -rebe  hen'B  nest.  -ri'  n 
ennery.  -mntbe  ^  pink-stem.  -fflnb  chicken 
-leather.  -f-fobe  fe  ^alnfobe.  -fteg  roast  fowl. 
-fif  hen-house.  -flige  hen-roost.  -fnbbe  fe  -l*b- 
fnbbe.  »tatm  J..  mouse-ear,  Ctrattium.  -toro 
poultry  market.  -t^O  stealer  of  poaltry.  -a*g 
hen's  eg«. 

AonØning  e  paying  garnlsh  etc.,  fe  ^øitfe. 

^a|*onn  hay-maklng  season,  (the  press  of) 
hay-harvest.    -bredfe  hay-presser. 

^or'  e  fiaz,  Linum  uritati*$imum;  bilb  ~  white 
flaz,  Linum  eatharticum.  -aat  stone  grig;  sand 
•prey,  Ammoeæteø  branckiali*.  -aget  flax  fleld. 
-obl  culture  of  flaz. 

Jo'rbar  a  audible. 
or | bereber  flax-dresser.  -blaar  barde  el. 
111a  of  flaz,  tow.  -Mobning  steeping  of  flaz. 
-bob  flax-dealer's  shop.  -brage  brake.  -brao* 
ning.  -brbbning  breaking  of  flaz.  -brbbc  fe 
-brage,  -brbbcr  fe  -bereber.  -bobbet  gold-of 
-pleasure,  Cameiina  foetida.  -bltg  flazen  canvas. 
-bMlle  skeln  of  flaz. 

$ore,  borte,  ^ort  vt  k  i  hear;  bet  bien  bort  it 
was  overbeard;  blibe  bort  (i  6folen)  be  called  up, 
be  on;  bor!  I  sayl  look  herel  (or I  bet  er  boTt! 
(ril  Zaler)  hear!  hear!  iRe  faa  (an  (ørte  bet  not 
in  his  hearlng;  bet  -4  mere  enb  bet  er  it  sounds 
more  than  it  is;  tabe  en  -  noget  reproach  one 
with  Bometbing,  take  one  to  task  about  a  thlng; 
be  (ar  intet  at  tabe  fjinanben  -  the  one  is  just 
as  good  as  the  other;  there  is  not  much  to 
choose  between  them;  tabe  fig  -  speak  (sin g, 
perform)  in  public;  bet  laber  fig  .  there  is  some 
reason  in  that;  lab  ~  let  us  hear;  ~  itbe  for  noget 
be  blamed  for  something;  jeg  (ar  -t  fige  I  have 
heard  lt  sald,  I  have  beard  tell,  I  have  been 
told;  nu  (ar  jeg  (ort  bet  meb !  el.  man  flat .  meget ! 
comef  come!  that  beats  all!  that* s  rather  too 
bad;  (bob  er  bet  jeg  -r?  what  is  this  I  hear? 
fom  bet  fig  (or  og  bor  as  is  meet  and  fltting;  du  ly 
and  dutifully;  .ab  lnquire,  make  inquiry;  jeg 
(ar  -t  bet  af  min  6øfta?  I  have  heard  lt  (rom  my 
slster;  f  .  an  listen  to;  .efter (bare opmcerfiom) 
listen;  .  efter  (nt)  listen  to,  attend  to,  give  ear 
to;  -.  efter,  -  fig  for  el.  om,  fe  -  ab;  -  (en,  fe 
$en(ore;  bet  -x  ilte  (tb  it  Is  notbing  to  the  pur 
pose,  lo  foreign  to  the  subject  under  considera- 
tion;  fe  hjemme;  .  S)rengene  t  bereo  Seftier  hear 
the  boys  (repeat)  thelr  leosons;  -  i  nb  (*inbom) 
tit  en  call  on  one;  -  m  e  b  be  one  of  .  .  .;  fe  - 
(ib;  Ao  (an  -r  hin  meb  bet  ene  £re  he  is  only 




half  listening;  .om  hear  of;  bilbe  intet  -  berotn 
would  not  hear  of  it;  .op,  fe  £pb>re;  -  op  til 
en  call  on  one;  .paa  listen  to;  !)an  -c  ilte  poa 
bet  fEre  (egl.)  be  beara  notbing  witb  that  ear, 
Ag  he  torns  a  deaf  ear  to  it;  -  fa  mm  en  be  of 
a  piece.  belong  to  the  same  dam  el.  series;  - 
til  (Mere  tilhører)  listen;  tøenbore)  belong  (to), 
be  among;  -  til  i  belong  in,  ~  til,  piemme  paa 
et  ®teb  be  a  native,  a  resident  of  a  plaoe;  ber 
•r  meget  ti!  a  great  deal  (of  time,  money  etc.) 
is  required;  bet  -r  (fig)  til  it  Ib  fit  and  proper,  it 
is  the  right  tnlng;  -  til  en  tog  inquire  after  an 
invalid;  jea  b>r  iffe  -t  noget  til  tøm  I  bave  heard 
nothing  of  him,  had  no  news  of  him;  man  bar 
albrig  -t  noget  til  barn  he  bas  never  been  heard 
of;  -  til  Snbe,  .nb  hear  out;  -  unber  fall  nnder. 
£*re|  apparat  hearing  apparatus.  -be«  fe  -Fnogler. 
-etme  facnlty  of  hearing.  -fej!  mlahearing. 
•gang  audltory  passage,  passage  of  the  ear, 
audltory  meatus.  -Ifør«  fe  -rar.  -(nøgler  ossicles 
of  tbe  tympanum.  -(fe  e  hearing.  -11  c  hearing. 
-tterøc  audltory  nerve,  -organ  fe  -rebflab.  -r  c 
-e  (Xilbører)  hearer,  auditor;  f  (Sarer)  nsher, 
teacber.  -rebflab  organ  of  hearing.  -rør  ear 
-trampet,  hearing-trumpet.  -fat  lecture  room. 
»fa««  sense  of  hearing.  -Pibbe :  inbenfor,  ubenfor 
_  withln,  out  of  el.  beyond  earshot. 

£ør|fr*  flaxseed,  linseed.  -fratager  linseed 
cakes.  -gant  flax  thread.  -gal  a  flax  en.  -bjaar 
flaxen  bair.  -tyanbel  flax  tråde,  -Ijanbler  c  -c 
dealer  in  flax.    -s)rgfe  fe  $egle. 

£øria  o  obedient.    -tyeb  c  obedience. 

6ørjførb  soli  for  flax.  -fager  fe  -fralaget. 
-tast  fe  -ribe.  -tneøler  pods  of  flax.  -(ram, 
•framparcr  commodities  of  a  $ørxrceminrr  (flax, 
hemp,  coals,  herring  etc).  •traemnter  coal 
-merchant,  dealer  in  flax,  hemp,  coals  etc. 
•løjen  linen  sheet.    -lanb  fe  -ager. 

Aø'rftø  a  audible. 

£ør!  lilje  flax-plant,  Phormium  tenax.  -løt  fe 
-butte.  -Icrrreb  linen  (made  of  flax).  -ribbe, 
-ribe  ripple. 

*$*rfel  fe  $ørelfe. 

4#r|fllfe  dodder,  Outcuta  europtea.  •flatber 
snives  of  flax. 

Jto'rføm  a  obedient.  -beb  c  obedience. 
>ør|føtitb  flax  thread.  -fpittbert  flax-spiuning. 
II,  -ftffttgei  stem  of  flax.  -foinger  o  -c  flax 
-dresser,  -fptngeri  n  flax-dressing.  -f«b  stand- 
ing  crop  of  flax.  -tabe  fibre  of  flax.  -tøt  bundle 
of  flax     -trøab  fe  -garn. 

$ø|  *f aate  hay-cock .  •ffroefffc  fe  TOarfgræHoppe. 
•flirt  mowing;  ($o  ft)  hay-harvest.  -fprebcr  c  -e 
hav-kicker,  hay- mak  er. 

$*fk  c  (baabe  om  3 or ben*  tørste  og  dm  $sfttiben) 
barvest;  (Kfgrøbe)  crop;  (Cf tenor)  autumn,  (mefi 
amr)  fall  (of  the  year);  i  -  this  autumn;  om  -en 
in  abe)  autumn;  til  -en  in  the  autumn,  -aften 
autumnal  evening,  evening  in  autumn. 

$*'ftat  hay-stack;  (Tang)  hayrick.    -lebel  hay 

•rick  boller. 

£øft|arbeibc  barvest  work.  -blomft  autumnal 
I  flow  er.  -bløbe  aufumn  wet.  -borft  hawkbit, 
I  Leontodon  autumnale.  *-b«r  a  calving  in  tbe 
I  autumn.     -bag  harvest  day;  day  in  autumn. 

•band  harvest  dance. 

$afte  vt  harvest,  (ogfaajEø)  reap;  fom  man  faat, 
'  faa  -r  man  as  you  sow  you  must  reap.    -farbig 
i  a  flt  for  reaping.    -mafTine  reaper. 
i     $øft|feber  autumnal  fever.     -feft  fe  -proebiien. 
i  -fifleri  autumn  flshery.    *-fiøel  fe   borft.    *-ffom 

autumn  flood,  a.  freshet.  -føl!  harvesters, 
1  reapers.  -gilbe  harvest  supper,  harvest  home. 
1  -ttrabe  bibl  latter  growth.  t-taøer  pi  rack. 
,  •jftPAbagttØpttttf  ret  the  autumnal  equlnox.   -Far! 

harvest  er,  reaper.  •fbinbe  harvest  woman.  -føatb 
I  fe  -aften,  $*fftltg  a  autumnal.  $øfl|iuft  autumnal 
.  air.  t-lætter  le  -baber.  -løn  reaper's  wages. 
|  -naaneb  month  of  August,  -manb  fe  -!arl.  -titure 
i  harvesting  ant.  -nat  nlght  in  autumn.  *-p(øje 
1  vt  plough  in  the  autumn.  *-pl*jittttg  autumn 
,  ploughing.     •prttbifeit  thanksglving  sermon  of 

I     fø'ftrøa  n  hay-stalk. 

I  Saft | fi Ib  autumn  herring.  -{toner  fe  £ebmirt. 
i  -fol  autumnal  sun.  -ftorme  autumnal  gales. 
I  Mbjng  autumn  assizes.    -tib  harvest  time.   -nb* 

figter    look-out    el.   prospect  for  the  barvest. 

-pefr  (til  at  b>fte  i)  barvest  weather;  (ttfteraaré« 
i  peir)  autumnal  weather.    -Plnb  autumnal  wind. 

*-øøgit  rock  waggon. 
|     $*'!f)amge  hay-loft.    -te  hay-tea.    -torp  hay 
.  -market.     -tpø,  -tppe  pitch-fork.    ••far!  drying 
I  of  tbe  hay,  dry  weather  for  hay-making. 
,     $*Pbing  «  -er  eblef,  chieflain.    -bømmc  n  -r 
i  chieftainship.    -U9  a  chiefless. 

tøpeb  n  -er  head  of  cattle;  fig  blockhead. 
ppebønanb  c  leader,  captain,  bibl  centuriou, 
I  captain. 

I  %*\*9tit  (good,  bad)  haymaklng  weather, 
,  -Penber  fe  -fprebet.  t-»e»l  bay-rope.  -pifl  wisp 
!  of  hay. 

i  $*Pif!  a  modest,  decent,  decorous;  for  t  jSren 
to  modest  ears,  to  ears  polite.  -b,eb  c  mode« ty, 
decency,  decorum. 

£*Pt  o  e  plane;  (Qogb.)  plough(-knife);  F  faa 
.,  fe  -e.    -bio!  stock. 

^able  of  plane;  fio  F  rate,  blow  up;  -  igennem 
rate  soundly;  -  af,  fe  flfb>ole.  -boml  joiner's 
bencb,  planlng-table.  -maffine  planing  machine, 
planer,  -rt  n  planing  establishment.  $*p|> 
formig  a  $  runcinate.    kabling  c  planing. 

^aPlljfltm  plane- iron.    7-laft  dressed  deals  and 
boards,     -fpaati  shaving,  eoll  sbavingB;  (Hage) 
wafer.    -flot  fe -blot.    -ftrag  stxoke  of  the  plane. 
$P0øgtt  c  hay  cart. 
*^OPre  n  saddle  (of  the  harness). 
^>aPffgt  machine  for  weighing  hay. 


(fom  æøfal). 

5,  I  «  er  I,  i  [eye];  abbr.  if.  as  tfsige  accord- 
ing  to. 

5  pr<*p  (paa  6tebet)  in,  within;  (foran  fBper« 
9amie)  at  el.  in  (bet  ftbfte  naonltg  beb  fiørre  ©ber); 
(til  6tebet)  lnto;  i  (inb  i)  tfufrt,  i  Vanbet  into  the 
house,  into  the  waier;  en  89  i  dtalien  a  city  of 

el.  in  Italy;  jeg  b,ar  albrig  oaret  i  en  ftirfe  1  bave 
never  been  into  a  church;  b  i  a  (a :  b)  a  by  \> 
el.  b  in  a;  a  i  fjerbe  a  to  the  fourth  (power);  i 
og  for  fig  in  itself,  per  se;  gob  nof  i  fig  felo  good 
enougb  of  itself;  gob  i  fit  Slag«  good  of  its  kind; 
gaa  i  Cperaen  go  to  the  opera;  frnbe  en  i  <Sfo(e 




send  one  to  school;  bare  i  ©fole  be  at  school; 
t)an  tjat  oceret  borte  i  4  Vtaaneber  he  has  been 
4  months  absent;  i  flere  fRinuter  for  several 
minutes;  i  be  flbfte  ti  Hat  durlng  tbe  last  ten 
years,  for  ten  years  past;  i  forrige  Uge  last  week; 
tage,  Ijolbe  en  i  $aanben  take,  bold  one  by  the 
hånd;  ftære  fta  i  $aanben  cut  one' 8  band;  bet  fob 
to  8fugle  i  et  Zrce  two  birda  were  altting  on  a 
tree;  ftaaren  i  %xct  cut  on  wood;  b>n  er  i  J)iref- 
tionen  he  Is  on  the  committee;  —  ado  f albe  i  »U 
through,  be  immersed;  bære  i  meb  be  engaged 
in;  tomme  i  meb  get  into  company  wlth,  become 
associated  wlth;  ligge  i  meb  have  an  intrigue 

3  part:  i  b>o  bet  enb  er  whosoever  it  be;  i 
b>orban  howsoever;  i  Ijoab  whatsoever;  i  fjoab  ber 
enb  fler  happen  what  may;  iQborbel  although, 

3  pro«,  pi  of  bu,  yon,  (f,  p  &  proø)  ye. 

Saa'r,  tofte«,  iaf'ted,  lagt'  fe  «ar,  *ften,  «gt. 

3agttaae  vt  (gibe  fcgt  paa)  observe,  notlee, 
wateh;  (efterleoe)  observe.  -Ife  c  -r  observation 
(ootr  oa);  observance;  unber  -  af  subject  to.  — 
3agttagetfeå|aanb  observlng  mind.  -etine  faculty 
of  observation.  -gave  talent  for  observation. 
-ræffe  series  of  observations.  —  iagttager  c  -e, 
•tube,  -ffe  c  -r  observer. 

3«l'falb,  talmln  belig^eb,  Ulf  fe  &atb,  «(■ 
minbeligljeb,  81. 

eb'  James. 
botttet  part  knocked  in,  driven  in. 

3ben|l)ølt,  -tt«  n  ebony;  gøre  fort  fom  - 

3 beregn | e  vt  include  (in  an  account);  -et,  meb 
^beregning  af  .  .  .  including;  b>ri  er  -et  this  in- 
cludes.    -lug  o  fe  obfr. 

3be  r|len  n  Iberia.  -erpJIberi,  Iberians.  -fff 
a  Iberian. 

3bertt  c  candy-tuft. 

fjbié  c  -er  ibis.  -bprfelfett  the  worship  of  the 

3  blanb|et  part  intermlxed.  -tog  c  -er  admlz- 

3blanbt'  præp  among,  amongst;  —  adv  f  at 
times;  .  anbre,  anbet  (o af.)  for  one,  for  one  thlng; 
-  fcenbe*  mere  oefatbte  Ⱦrter  bar  .  .  .  her  better 
known  works  included  .  .  . 

3boenbe  part  (fom  bor  i)  living  in  (lt);  fig  im- 
manent, inherent  (in),  indwelling  (in). 

Bbffot  c  scallop  (s heil)  Peoten  iacobatu*. 
$ne  union  c  -er  ichneumon,  Herpette*. 

3a)tpolo'g  e  -er  lchthyol'ogist.  -I'  e  ichthyol'- 

c  (SpJfel)  pursult;  ($enflgt)  intention. 

_  >a'g  ado  to  day;  •  otte  $age  this  day  week; 
(enbnu)  ben  Sag  .  (to)  this  day,  at  this  day;  at 
the  present  day;  fra  •  af  from  this  day;  •  mig, 
imorgen  big  to  day  mine,  to  morrow  yours; 
„Slime*"  for  .  today's  Times. 

*3»«  °  eddy. 

3bé'  c  -r  ide'a;  ieg  faor  en  ~  an  Idea  strikes 
me,  I  have  a  plan;  qan  fjar  ben  taaoelige  .  at  he 
has  a  stupid  notion  that;  gøre  fig  en  -  om  form 
an  idea  of;  gioe  -n  til  suggest. 

3ber(  n  er  ide 'al,  be&u  ideal.  3bea  l,  -iff  a 
ideal,  -lfe're  vt  ide'alize.  -ife  ring  c  ide'alizing. 
-id  me  c  idealism.  -tft  c  -er  idealist,  -iftifl 
a  ideal  i  s  tic.  -tte't  c  ideal'ity.  -f!  a  ide'al.  .flat 
ideal  state  (o.  fl.). 

3béadfoeiation  association  of  ideas,  (forftpo 
renbe)  cross-association. 

Bbeel   a  ide'al. 
bé'jforitiibelfe  fe  -alfoetation.    -forlast  a  fe 
-lød.     -fdlbe  fe  -rigbom.     -frebl  sphere  of  ideas. 
+-f«r  a  idealifltic.     -lære  ideol'ogy.     -lag  a 

1  idealess,   un-ldea'd.     -Mtjcb   flatness.     -rig    « 
rich  in  ideas.    -rigbøm  wealth  of  ideas.    -rctf  e 
l  chain   of  ideas.     -berben  ideal  el.  imaginary 
i  world. 

3»*l  a  sheer,  mere,  nothing  bat.     -Ig  a  coa- 
;  Unual,  perpetual;  —  ado  continually,  perpeta- 
allv;  »  og  alttb  b.  f. 

3bentjtfite're  vt  iden'tify.     -ifl  a  identical. 
-itet  c  iden'tity. 

^beolgra  fift  a  ideograph'ic.    -lo 'g  c  -tt  ideoi-- 

3bet'  conj  (Xib)  when;  (Uarfag)  sinoe,  ia  that. 
because;  (i   begge  Xilf.  ogfoa  pr««  part):    _  fynt 
fom  inb,  faa  baa  .  .  .  on  entering  he  saw. 
3betmiab'fte  adv  at  least. 
jbetfamme  ado  at  the  same  moment;  —  c j«> 
the  moment. 

ebio  m  n  -er  id'iom.     -a'tift  a  Idiomat'io(al) 
biofpRJfrafi'  c  idlosyn'crasy.  -rra'ttfl  a  idio 

3btot  c  -er  id'iot,  natural,  natural  fool.    -•«. 
ftalt  lunatics'  asylum.   -ifl  a  idlot'ic(al).    -ift'ømc 
c  (<Sgenb,eb)  id'iotism;  (Sumb^eb)  id'io(t)cy. 
~  bU§  a  idle. 

bøtra'd  e  id'ocrase. 
_  brat  e  -ter  (fiegemAøbetfe,  legemlig  ^Ætbiab^bi 
manly  ezerclse;  sport;  (Oebrift,  ^anbling)  achieve- 
ment,  deed,  action,     ^brfftdmattb  man  skilied 
in  exerclses,  sporting-man,  sporting  character. 
brom  me  ado  fe  J)røm. 
bbanb  eddy,  eddy-water. 
bol'  o   ler  idyl.    -lift"  a  idyl'iic,  pastoral. 

3b«mme  vt  (6traf)  sentence  (to);  (Søber)  im 
pose;  bet  -mte  the  fine  imposed;  fjan  bleb  -mt  en 
)Bøbe  paa  ti  $unb   he  was  fined  ten  pounds. 
-Ife  e  sentence;  lmposlng. 

falb'  conj  if,  in  case. 

falbe  vt  be  liable  to. 

ffo'c  fe  8fior. 

flette  vt  interweave,  lntertwlne. 

flang'  fe  8flo»ng. 
t3folet  a  (§oppt)  covered. 
tforffor  ado  the  year  before  last. 

for'gaard  ado  fe  flforgaari. 

for'oejen  fe  Sforoejen. 

fra'  (•  og  prov)  fe  gra. 

føjbning  c  -er  Alling  up. 

folbt  pvrt  filled  up;  poured  (into). 

fælbet  part  mortised,  let  In. 

far  ro  fe  5«rb. 
_f«t'ge  præp  pursuant  to,  agreeably  to,  aocord- 
ing  to,  in  consequence  of,  (om  &oo  o.  1.)  by  the 
operation  of,  under;  .  Qfaftura  as  per  tnvoiee; 

-  Snbbqbelfer  in  response  to  invitations. 

3f*re  vt  array  in,  attire  in;  -  vr  fig  put  on; 

-  fig  bet  npe  Vtennejte  put  on  the  new  man; 
iført  grøn  ftrafTe  dressed  in  a  green  coat.  -Ife  e 

t3gaaet  a  lntimate. 

3gaar  ado  yesterday;  .  røorget  yesterday 
morning;  .  Sfteø  last  night;  »c  yestreen. 

3gang'fftt|ning  c  starting,  netting  on  foot. 
-ntitgøabparat  starting  gear  (o.  fl). 

3getfa?r  c  sea-urchln,  sea-hedgehog,  Echintu. 

3gnt'  ado  again;  flaa  -  return  a  blow;  gioe  . 
(tilbagegive)  give  back,  restore;  (gibe  $enge  .)  give 
chauge  (paa  for);  tage  -  take  back;  ber  er  tKe 
meget  .  there  is  not  much  left;  iffe  mine  Crb  - ! 
that's  bctween  you  and  me,  »tell  it  not  In  Gath« . 
mum's  the  word;  *IuRe  Døren  ~  ahut  the  door; 
fe  Berberne. 

Sgea  leoenbe  a  surviving,  survivor. 
gennem  pnxp  k  adv  through;  flaa  fig  ttaale* 
ligt)  -  make  both  ends  meet;  belt  -  thoroughly; 
uniformly;  out-and-out;  tjele  Sagen  -  all  day  long; 




bete  Varet  _  all  the  year  round;  $ele  Bogen  . 
throujrhout  the  book;  mit  tyde  SiD  .  throughout 
the  whole  course  of  my  life;  fe  Qer&eme. 
(Sammenfatninger  fe  (Bennem-). 
tøfe«'f*gei  fe  tilføget. 
følCK'flrøet  part  overgrown. 
[øj en  taftet  part  fllled  up. 
[gtettlaat  part  fllled  up;  laid  down. 
jatca'tøft  parr  locked. 
(Trier  e  Sammenfatninger  meb  3g*»-  fe  Øen-)- 
*3øiea'mttret  part  =  tilmuret. 
*5si**'ftteet  part  b  ZUfneet. 
*5flf enfaset  fe  3gienatoet. 
3ølr   c   -r  leech,    Hirudo.     -bib   leech-bite. 
-græt  buttercups,  ifanimcKlii«  repcan«.    -famler 
leech-gatherer.     -fatning  c    er   appllcation   of 
leech  es. 

Bguatfnftbøune  c  Ignatius'  beau. 
g«ør|  ant'  c  -er  ig'norant  person,  ignora'mus. 
•antbrobre  pi  Ignoran'tines.     -e're  vt  take  no 
notice   of,  igao're,   disregard;  (en  $erfon)  give 
(one>  the  cut,  cut  (one). 
3gt  c  core  (of  a  boil). 
^'g øefb  c  jw  compensation.| 
l*'rc  fe  Øorb. 

I  ?  itOerj  wby !  oh !  _  nu  why. 
[bjefte  vt  stitcb  into. 
jbjeWe  vt  &  shackle. 

3Wei  [a]  adv  dead,  to  death;  bibe,  floo,  ftbbe 
en  -  bite,  strike,  shoot  one  dead;  bu  fiol  iffe 
floa  -  thou  shalt  not  ldll,  thou  shalt  do  no 
tnurder;  frille  .  stab  (to  deatb);  fulte  -  die  of 
etar  vation;  britfe,  arbejbe  fig  -  drink,  work  one's 
self  to  death  el.  into  his  grave,  -ftybe  o.  fl.  fe 
ooenfor.    -floa  (ogf.)  slay. 

31)  u'  adv  fe  Au.     -tønt'nte  vt  remember,  bear 
in  mind,  be  mfndful  of.    -fon  utetfe  c  remem'- 
brance,  memory;  bibl  til  min  -  in  remembrance 
of  me,  iolig  _  of  blessed  memory  (o.  fl.). 
"|l)«fe  vt  J,  hook. 
tøb«  m  o.  fl.  fe  3. 

Jagte  vt  hook,  clasp. 
æu'be  adv  in  hånd,  in  one's  hånds,  -qaøelfc 
c  possesrion.  -faber  c  -e  holder,  bearer;  deposit- 
ary;  Obligationen  Ibber  paa  -en  the  bond  is  payable 
to  the  holder.  -boberbobir  note  payable  to 

e  tange  vt  hang  on. 
barbig  a  persevering,   peraisting.     -Ijfb   c 
perseverance,  tenacity  of  purpose. 

[b«ft  adv  fe  $øft. 

|fa'ri|en  n  Icaria.  -if!  a  Icarlan. 
fenbe  vt  fe  Sbømme. 
Jflc  adv  not;  -  mere  no  more-,  -  minbre  no 
1«m;  •  bibere  no  further  (o.  fl.);  Jeg  fer  -  I  do 
not  see,  (ogf.)  I  tall  to  see  (o.  fl.);  berfor  .  minbre 
oot  the  less,  none  the  less  for  that;  og  bet  er  . 
hbt  and  that  is  no  little;  i  -  ringe  (Drab  in  no 
sllght  degree;  to  ffltenneftec  tunbe  ~  no  two  people 
coald;  jeg  jetter  -  nor  I  (neither);  .  nogen,  noget 
do;  -  nogen  nobody;  .  noget  nothing;  .  bet? 
indeed?  no?  really  not?  fritten  Saarftao  er  bet  ~ 
what  a  folly  it  is;  $bor  forfte  Dige  ere  -  .  .  .  how 
dinerent  are  .  .  .;  ftbem  maa  tffe  .  .  .?  who  but 
must  .  .  .:  om  .  .  .  eller  -  whether  ...  or  not 
ri.  no.  *3*ftt  the  Non-Ego.  -leber  non-con- 
dactor.  -mebleni  nonmember.  -metattift  a  non 
metal lic.  -opfblbelfe  non-performance,  failure 
to  perform.  -briøiligerct  a  non-p  ri  vileged. 
-fmittrføreube  a  non  susceptible,  unsusceptible 
•orcontagiou).  -tiloarelfe  non-exlstence,  nonen- 
tity  o.  ra.  fl.).    -trøfler  miss. 

|R»u  fe  frun. 

'tforbje  vt  fe  3f»«.  Ao  clothe  (in  words). 
•afrig  c  fig  clothing,  (turn  of  an  idea);  Zantenø 
.  the  garb  of  tbought. 

3føuøtlatt'  c  -er  icon'oclast. 

*3!orn  fe  Cgern. 

Jt  øf  ae 'ber  n  -bre  icosahedron. 

3trafttrabeu  c  coming  into  force  el.  opera- 

!tt(e)  e   r  fluke,  Ditfoma.    -fbge  rot. 
ftalbet  a  meb  covered  by. 
fl  c  haste,  hurry. 

[lanb'  fe  fianb.  -øjarget  a  saved  ashore. 
•bragt  a  landed.  -bjærgning,  -bringelfe  c  land- 

Jln  øe  fe  Qavt. 

jljbaob  fly-bo&t.  -bnb  courier,  expresB, 

t3(b  o  evil. 

31b  c  -e  fire;  (3!bløS)  fire,  conflagration;  fio 
fire,  ardonr;  S)iamantenø  .  the  lustre  of  the  dia- 
mond;  Piet*  ~  the  brilliancy  of  the  eye;  aabne 
•en  mob  o  pen  (the  fire)  upon;  faa  .  get  a  light; 
fatte  ~  catch  fire;  ber  giC  -  i  Qtarbinet  the  curtain 
took  el.  caught  fire;  gøre  .  make  a  fire;  gtbe  - 
fire;  gioe  en  -  (til  en  Cigar)  give  one  a  light; 
floa  -  strike  a  light;  fe  Sprube;  brsnbt  Barn  f!br 
-en  a  burnt  child  dreads  the  fire;  fritte,  fatte  ~ 
paa  set  on  fire,  set  fire  to,  fire;  tænbe,  fluffe  -en 
light,  put  out  the  fire;  ubbolbe  -en  stand  the  fire; 
gaa  i  -en  go  into  fire;  gaa  i  -en  for  en  go  through 
fire  and  water  for  one;  bare  i  -en  be  under  fire; 
be  eng&ged;  fe  Olie;  fenbe  i  -en  send  under  fire, 
brinae  i  en  bobbelt  .  enclose  between  two  fires; 
tjÆtje  Sanbet  meb  -  og  Sbarb  carry  fire  and 
sword  through  the  country;  fe  $erre;  Qolber  ^am 
ti  I  -en  keeps  him  at  it,  is  down  upon  him,  gives 
him  no  quarter;  fe  $ufle;  tratte  ffg  nb  af  -en  re- 
tire  out  of  fire;  o  eb  -en  at  the  fire;  toge  oeb  -en 
cook  by  the  fire.  3f(ø|agtig  **  fiery,  igneous. 
-bagt  a  baked  over  the  fire.  -beifølber  fire  box. 
-befcttenbe  a  fire-proof.  -beflanbig,  -beftanbigbeb 
fe  -fafl,  -fafrøeb.  -ølit  fiery  glance.  -brug  (o rug 
af  31b)  use  of  fire;  (3(bfleb)  flreplaoe.  -brygge 
fire-bridge.  -bttl  andlron.  -bæften  flrepan, 
chafing  dish.  -boab  baptism  of  fire,  maiden 
engagement,  -bomb  flredamp.  -brage  fe  -flange. 
-bbrtelfe  flre-worship.  -bprtcr  flre-worshipper. 
3(be  vt  k  %  heat. 

3lbe  adv  1U,  badly;  bet  bil  gaa  big  -  you  will 
fare  badly,  it  will  go  hard  with  you;  bet  er  - 
it  Is  a  bad  thlng,  f  a  bad  job;  tøm  er  xlft  ~ 
she  is  rather  pretty,  not  amiss;  toge  .  op  take 
amiss  el.  in  bad  part;  fømDle  -  meb  treat  ill;  fe 
9are  vi;  -  oplagt  out  of  tune;  tom  meget  .  af 
5teb  came  to  great  grief;  maatte  børe  -  for  be 
blamed  for,  taken  to  task  for.  —  Ølb(c)  a(+Af) 
evil.    -befinbenbe  n  indisposition. 

Elbe|branb  fire,  conflagration;  t&  F  (®ranbfel) 
.    -branbdtioffe  flre-bell.    -branbfel  fuel. 
31be|tlingevbe  a  ill-sounding.     -Ingtenbe  a 
malodorous,  unsavoury,  evil-smelling.    -(bbcnbe 
a  ill-sounding,  harsh. 

Blbenbe  adv  .  røb  flery  red. 
(ber  c  -e  fltchet,  pole-cat,  foumart,  Mmtela 
putoriu*.    -falbe  trap  for  fltchets.    -flinb  pi  fit- 

31oe|fet  a  disliked,  unpopular.  -finbet  a  ill 
-natured,  evll-minded,  ill-intentioned,  evil-dis- 
posed.  -finbet^eb  c  ill-will,  malevolence.  -f»C' 
genbe  o  ill-flavoured,  unsavoury.  -fpaoenbc, 
-bardlenbe  a  itl-boding,  ill-omened,  of  ill  omen. 

31b I  f ab  fe  Bfbrfab.  -farlig  a  inflammable,  com- 
bustible,  liable  to  take  fire.  -ftrltgfteb  c  in- 
fiammability.  -farbe  flame  colour.  -farbet  u 
flamecoloured.  -faft  a  fire-proof,  flre-reslstiiig, 
incombustible;  .  ftit  fire-lute;  ~  iier  fire-ulay;  ~ 
Sten  fire-brick.  -faftl^cb  quality  of  beitxg  fire 
-proof,  incombustibility.  -'fjotlb  volcano.  -flabe 
heatlng  surfaoe.    -flage  flake  of  fire.    -flue  lire 




•fly,  Etater  noctilucué.  -forfttlbning  hot  gilding. 
-forl  poker.  -førfflbniug  hot-ellvering.  -fnlb 
a  full  of  fire,  flery.  -fulbljcb  c  ardour,  flre. 
-fmt fe  fe  ftunfe.  +-fnntlenbe  o  sparkllng.  -firu' 
geube  a  inflammable,  lgnitible.  -gang  flue. 
•gangøfebel  flae-boiler.  -gerning  misdeed.  -ger 
utugømanb  evil-doer,  malefactor.  -gener  fe 
oaaben     -gitter  fender. 

3fblguift  spark  of  flre.  -grube  flre-place 
•grbbe  flre-pot.  -bage  fe  Vranbbage.  -bab  orean 
of  fire.  -bebe  heat  of  a  flre.  -tytnunel  empyrean. 
•bjttt  flre- wheel.  -tyn*  brew-house,  wash-house. 
+3lblg  a  flery.  31*11***1  flue.  -far  bibi  center. 
•faSfe  flre-box.  -Nemne  (flre-)tongs  pi.  -Hobe 
globe  of  flre.  -longe  flre-eater.  -f  oral  millepore. 
-Iran*  fe  Segfranf .  -fugle  flre-ball.  -fort  port- 
able grate.  -lanbet  Tierra  del  Fuego.  -lilje 
bul  bi  fe  rous  lily,  orange  lily,  Litium  bulbiferum. 
-linje  line  of  flre.  -Idtnber  c  -e  Fuegian.  -1*0 
c  a(n  outbreak  of)  flre.  -maling  encaustic 
painting.  -utnr  flre-wail,  back.  +-ui«rje  c 
embers  pi.  -morfer  fe  Wørfer.  -neg  flre-sheaf. 
-uerenbe  a  supporting  combustion.  -offer  burnt 
offering,  holocaust.  -obat  flre-opal.  -or«  glow 
•worm,  Lampyrt*.  -øberftabe  fe  flabe,  -obn  bibi 
furnace  of  flre.  -banbe  flre-pan.  -blabe  fe  Stør* 
blabe.  -pottt  foot-stove.  -nrøbe  flery  ordeal. 
•Onfter  pair  of  bellows.  -bol  lake  of  fire.  -bølfc 
pyrosome,  Pyrotoma.  -rage  coal-rake.  -rager 
poker,  -regn  shower  of  fire.  -rifl  grate.  -røb 
a  flery  red,  flaxne-coloured.  -ror  pipe,  flue; 
(6fbbeb.)  firelock. 

+3lbfølt  a  too  much  salted. 

31bd|fare  danger  of  fire.  -farlig  fe  Stbfatliø. 
-østift  spark  of  fire. 

*3lbfmt  a  ill-lempered,  irascible. 

31bffabc  c  damage  (caused)  by  fire. 
*3lbffe  c  illness;  ill-temper,  fury. 

*31bffrige  vi  sbriek  viciously. 

31b|ffnffe  flre-shovel.  -fTp  a  afraid  of  flre. 
•ffDtA  —  $lbbaaben.    -flange  fire-drake. 

3(b!fl*r  gleam  of  the  fire.  -ffarm  flre-screen? 
-fførnrt  a  rendered  friable  by  fire.  I 

SlbØlne  c  flane  of  fire.  I 

Ibflufoiugftanftalter  arrangements    for    the  | 
extiDguishing  of  fires. 

31b*;*tb*  candle-ligbt.  -u*b  peril  from  fire. 
-baofamelfe  incendiaiism. 

3lb|fbrnbenbe  a  ignivomous;  ~  Qjcerg  volcano. 
»fprubntng  c  spouting  of  flre.  -ftaal  fire-steel. 
-flang  J>  (fire-)slice;  pricker-bar.  -fteb  flre-place, 
hearth.  -ftebøbor  iurnace-door.  -ften  fire-stone. 
-frraale  radiance.  -ftribe  streak  of  fire.  -ftrøm 
tor  rent  of  fire.    -flotte  bibi  pillar  of  fire. 

31b*baabc  c  fire. 

31b[fbcbcn  a  (+)  scorched,  singed.  -fbttlg  pi 
cannou,  artillery.  -fojle  column  of  fire  {Bibi, 
pillar  nf  flre.  -tang  tongs  pi.  -tilbebelfe  wor- 
ship  of  fire,  pyrolatry.  -titbeber  fe  -bbrfer. 
-tjørn,  -torn  pyracanth,  evergreen  thorn,  Cra- 
tcegv*  pyracantha. 

*3lbtrlbc9  vd  pine. 

3(b|tnbfe  glistering  toad,  Bombina  ignea. 
-tunge  flery  tongue.  -tornbere  vi  fire- wheel*, 
flre-lighUer)«,  lightwood.  -tøj  fire-lrons,  fire-set. 
•tønbe  tar  barrel  (for  a  bon  flre);  (i  Øranber)  fire 
•barrel.  -tørft  burning  thirst.  -baaben  fir  e-arm. 
•balfe  ($)0r)  fluke,  pyroeoma.  -banb  flre-water. 
-nerben  world  of  fire.  -bifte  fire -fan.  -bir!« 
ntngen  the  effect  of  the  flre. 

>31bb*rf»manb  fe  •øerninøimanb. 

31b; aben be  a  flre-eating.  -aber  flre-eater, 
salamander.    +-ofet  a  flery-eyed. 

3le  (oøf.  -te.  -t)  ti  hasten,  hurTy,  run,  make 
haste;   _  tit  hurry  off  to;  -  en  ril  $i*lb  hurry 

hurried.      -fceb   <- 
31gøb*   dispatrt 

to  one's  ald;  i  en  -nbe  gert  at  a  rapid  rate;  - 
meb  hurry  (sometbing)  on. 

•Jle  c  -c  well. 

*3le  c  -r  sinking-stone;  b.  f.  f.  Slerob. 

3le  bfortning  c  setting. 

Jlw  c  fe  3fl. 

^letono  n  hauling-line. 

Slfffr'btg    a    precipitate, 
precipltation,   precipitanoe. 


Stia'ben  c  the  D'iad. 
li'gemaabe  adv  likewise,   in  llke  manner; 
(6bar)  the  same  to  you  (Sir)! 

igne  vt  -  en  en  6fat  af  assess  e(.  rate  one  at. 
Ung  c  -er  (passing)  shower. 
tbe  fe  fiib. 

ibera'l  a  iUib'eral.    -ite't  c  IlUberaJ'ily 
ttotja'l  a  disloyal,    -ite't  c  dlsloyalty. 
Onbe're  vt  illu'de. 

Onøtijna  teme  pi  the  IUuminatl.  -nation  c 
er  lllumina'tion.  -ne're  vt  illu'minate;  (en  ?eg* 
ninø)  colour.    -ne'ring  o  colouring. 

30nifio'n  c  -er  lllu'sion;  jeg  øor  mig  ingen  -ei 
om  I  cheiish  no  illusions  el.  vain  hopes  about; 
rioe  ub  af  -en  disillusion,    -f  o 'riff  a  illu'sory- 

3Dnft|ratio'n  c  -et  illustra'Uon.  -re'rt  n 
illustrale.  -re'ret  a  illus'trated,  pictorial 
30b  t|ien  n  Illyr'ia.  -ler  c  -e,  -iff  a  Ulyr'ian 
3i|ntaro)  forced  march,  -boft  mail-coacii. 
-rejfe  hasty  journey.  -ffnbet  a  hasty.  -finberbrb 
c  hastiness.  -ffrift  short-hand  (writing),  steno 
graphy.  4-fnart  adv  in  great  haste,  -font 
•fombeb  c  fe  fcerbig,   farbtgbeb. 

t3it  c  oxygen,  -e  n  -r  oxide.  -e  vt  oxidiie, 
.  ftø  be  oxidized.  -eltg  a  oxidizable;  iffe  - 

3tter  o  hasty,  testy,  peppery,  petulant;  irri- 
table, irascible.  -b.eb  e  hastiness,  petulanoe. 
irritability.    -t-born  a  fe  3iter. 

3Uefbre  c  oxygenated  acid.    teltning  c  oxida- 
3'ftog  n  fast  train. 
+3ftre  vt  irritate. 
fltrig  a  rlch  in  oxygen. 
(«'  fe  fiæ. 

ffg  n  fe  -ning.  -ge  vt  (TOultt)  impose  (a  fine 
on.  3(ffggerabb*rat  feedlng-apparatus.  31«fl 
ning  c  laying  in;  (i  Ctm)  firing;  (af  SRuIrt)  im 

Un'  fe  £øn  3. 
ns  fe  (Em. 

magina'r  a  Imag'lnary. 
mber  c  great  northern  dlver,  imber,  Coiym 
bv»  ølacialu. 

3me  ben*  oonj  while,  whilst;  alt  -  all  the 
time  that;  —  adv  fe  3miblettib. 

3menem  pnrp  between,  betwixt;  -  Var   oø 
3)og  throughout  the  year;   .  of  fagt  between 
oureelves,  between  you  and  me,  be  it  whispered; 
fifl  .  between  themselves;   bet  er  fornmet  brm 
noøet  ~  they  have  had  some  disagreement;  bet 
ftaar  .  beøøe  the  matter  is  in  suspense;  -  bt^er- 
anbre  pell-mell,  promiscuously;   Httebe  frem  .... 
peeped  forth  from  among  .  .  .;  —  adv  between, 
(unbertiben)  at  times;  bet  laa  en  bbb  Dal  .  forrnb 
a  deep  gien  intervened,  before;  Icegge  fifl  .  in  ter- 
vene,  interpose;  engang  .  now  and  then,  between 
whiles;  alt  ~  every  now  and  then.   -ftunber  at^r 
oceasionally,  at  times,  from  time  to  time 
mene'  fe  3mtbenft. 
mib'bag*  fe  Ocibbaø«. 
,mib  lerttb  adv  (imebenS)  meanwhile,  mean- 
time,  in  the  mean  while;  (bog)  however,   still. 
at  the  same  time. 
3mit|atio'n  e  imita'tion.    -e'rt  vt  im'ltate. 
jmmanent'  a  im'manent,  inherent. 




nnel  Emman'uel. 
immateriel'  a  immate'rial,  incorporeal. 
[mmarrifnle'|re  of  matrlc'ulate.    -ring  c  ma- 
t ru  plation. 

3mmer  ]t.]  adv  always,  ever.    -»af  adv  in- 
c  essantly,  ever. 

immoralitet  c  immoral'ity. 
[mntaxite't  c  immu'nlty. 

'b  prap  fåienbtHgtøb,  Wobftanb)  agalnst; 
(Uonereniftanmelfe,  SRobfsrning)  contrary  to;  tøen« 
imob)  toward(s);  (fig  et  fjotbdb)  to,  toward(s); 
( Sammenligning)  comparea  to,  to,  as  agalnst;  ~ 
Giftenen  towards  evening;  -  (at  faa)  on  (condltion 
of)  receiying,  in  consideratlon  of  (receiving); 
.  at  ban  lobebe  at  on  his  promise  to;  ~  fin  **ilfe 
agalnst  his  wlll,  in  spite  of  himself;  fymble  . 
end  j?nfter  aet  In  opposition  el.  contra vention  to 
one's  dealres;  b)øflig,  gob,  Ibbig,  tatnemmelig  -  po- 
lite,  kind,  obedlent,  thankful  to;  jeg  qar  iffe 
noget  -  tøm  I  have  no  partlcular  disfike  to  him; 
bet  er  mig  -,  Jeg  er  -,  at  ban  tommer  I  object 
to  his  comlng;  jeg  bar  irTe  noget  ~,  at  ban  tommer 
I  have  no  objection  to,  do  not  object  to,  do 
not  mind,  his  coming;  berfom  2)e  iffe  bat  nt  - 
bet  if  yon  have  no  objection;  ban  bar  meget  -  bet 
be  was  very  much  opposed  to  lt;  pligter  *  dutles 
to  et.  towards;  gøre  fin  $ligt  .  do  one's  duty  by; 
jeg  bar  ilte  noget  -  at  (meb  Sfnf.)  I  have  no  ob- 
jection to,  am  nothing  loth  to,  do  not  mind 
to;  gøre  en  ~  aet  contrary  to  one's  wlll,  cross 
one;  fige  .,  fe  SRobfige;  ooebbe  ti  -  een  bet  ten 
to  one;  —  adv.  Sinben  er  -  it  is  a  contrary 
wind,  an  adverse  w.;  Sinben  er  frit  -  the  wind 
is  right  ahead;  Støtten  bar  barn  -  fortune  did  not 
favoar  him. 

[mor  gen.  åmor'ge*  fe  Worgen. 
fm*a**tio  n  e  lmpana'tion. 
jmberatib  c  -et  gram  the  imperative  mood. 
•iff  a  imperative. 

3mber«'|tor  c  -er  imperator.    -to 'riff  a  im- 

3mberfettttm  n  -ter  gram  the  imper'feot  el. 
past  tense. 

3mbertal  c  -et  (boa  Sogn)  imperial;  frø  nine 
-lines  pica.    -papir  impe'rial  (paper). 

3m*errt|nen'ce  c  imper'tinence,  insolenes, 
•nest'  a  impertinent,  pert,  insolent. 

3»btt|ee're  vt  implicate.  -'rite  adv  by  im- 

3tt»one  re  vt  awe,  overawe.  -enbe  a  imposing, 

3mbørt'  c  importa'tion.  -c're  vt  impo'rt;  (inb* 
bringe)  yield.  -banbel  im'port-trade.  -ftanbter, 
•%MM,  -*'t  c  -er  impor'tetfs). 

[aibøft'  c  arch  im'post;  chaptrel. 
jmbojtenø>'  c  Im'potence.   -tent'  a  im'potent. 
(mbregnc'rr  vt  imbue,  satnrate  (wlth). 
imprrfario  o  manager. 
intbrimatnr  n  imprimatur,  typ  for  press. 
Imbront'bttt  adv  k  n  impromptu. 
jmbrøbilfatio'n  c  improvisation,     -fationft- 
talent  talent  of  improvisation,     -fa  tor  c  ex- 
tempore    poet,    ImprovisaLo're,    improvisator, 
improvi'ser.    -fere  vt  improvi'se,  extemporize; 
(f  remtomme  meb  ubentet,  uanmobet)  volunteer;  -t 
rxtemporaneous,  Impromptu;  rough-and-ready. 
-fc'riag  c  improvisation. 

3*jml*'  o  -er  im'pulse;  gibe  -en  til  give  the 
flrst  imputse  to. 

3mo  be  fe  fRobe.  -gaa  vt  (ftanbfe)  obviate; 
(btlotmpt,  genbribe)  oppose  (one),  meet,  refute, 
disprove  (an  argument  etc.).  -tomme  vt  aocom- 
modate,  humour,  hold  out  a  hånd  to.  -tom- 
menbe  a  friendly,  obliglng,  gracious.  -tømmen 
c  friendliness,  obligingness,  graclousness.  -fe  vt 
look  forward  to,  antlcipate,  expect. 

nabafba't  a  inad'equate. 
nauitio'n  c  inanit 'ion. 
nobbella'bet  a  final,  inappea'lable. 
not'  fe  9tat. 

ncibenøbnntt  c  inddental  question. 
nctte're  if  stimulate. 

nb  adv  in;  -  ab  in  at,  in  by;  -  i  into;  floa 
Kuberne  -  break  the  wlndows;  i  Dag  gaar  Baret 
.  the  year  commences  to-day;  (fe  etter*  Serberne); 
fe  Ub;  .  til  Sonbon  up  to  London;  +-  unber  3u( 
near  Christmas,  just  before  C. 

3nbaanbje  vt  faanbe  inb)  lnhale,  breathe, 
respire;  -  SRob  i  inspire  wlth  courage;  -  8ib  i 
infuse  life  into;  <Ktnfbttere)  inspire.  -l«g  c  respira- 
tion, inhalation,    -ingåapbarat  inhaler. 

3nbab  adv  in,  inward,  inwards;  goa  -  paa 
Senene  turn  in  one's  toes  in  walking;  —  prcep 
fe  3fnb  ab.  -bojet  a  bent  inwards.  -gaoenbe  a 
directed  inwards;  inverted;  geom  re-entering,  re 
-entrant  (angle),  -til  adv  inwardly.  -oenbt  a 
tnrned  inwards;  fig  introapective,  contemplative. 
•benbtfteb  c  contemplatlveness. 

t3«b|age  vt  drive  el.  cart  in.  -ttittg  c  cart- 
Ing  in. 

3nb«nf|e  vt  jur  appeal,  -ning  o  appealing, 

ftnbarbeibe  vt  work  in;  en  (gobt)  -t  gortetning 
a  well  established  business;  -  fig  i  en  §ag  make 
one's  self  thoronghly  aoqnainted  wlth  a  matter. 
-Ife  o  worklng  in  etc. 

+3nborrig  o  fe  inbæbt  arrig. 

^nbabl  o  breeding  in  and  in. 

t3«babl|e  vt  (ftorn)  house,    -ing  e  housing. 

Sfnbbage  vt  bake  In;  -gt  Wrblc  baked  apple 

*3nbballe  of  huddle  in. 

3ttbbaaote|re  vt  elect  by  ballot.  -ring  c 
electdon  by  ballot. 

3fnbbalfame|re  vt  embalm.  -ring  e  embalm- 
ment,  embalmlng. 

^htbbanfc  vt  knock  in. 

jnbbarf  c  inner  bark. 

jnbbarfe  vt  tan  thoroughly:  -t  fig  F  inured, 

3ttbbefat|tetrtinclude,  comprise,  comprehend, 
embrace.    -telfe,  -ning  e  induding  etc. 

3»bbe|greb  n  comprehension;  conc  epitome, 
summary;  meb  -  af  induding,  comprising,  em- 
bracing.    -gribe  fe  3nbbefatte. 

3nbberet|te  vt  report,  -ning  c  report,  return; 
gøre  ~  om  make  a  report  of. 

Sfitbbetajte  vt  pay  in,  pay  up;  1te  Vttier  paid 
-up  snares.    -Ung  c  payment. 

•f^nbbibe  vr  fig  i  penetrate. 

3nbbilb|e  of  make  (one)  believe;  bet  ffal  bu 
iffe  -  mig!  don't  tell  mel  —  vr  fig  imaglne, 
fancy,  delude  one's  self  into  the  belief,  F  hug 
one's  self  wlth  the  idea;  .  fig  meget  af  prlde 
one's  self  greatly  in  el.  on;  —  inbbilbt  a  imag- 
inary,  fanciful;  f  «  ^nbbilbft;  -bt  Sbgbom  imag- 
inary  illness.  -»tag  c  -er  imaginatlon,  fancy; 
(om  fig  felo)  conceit;  bar  flore  -er  (om  fig  felo) 
thinks  a  great  deal  (f  no  small  potatoes)  of 
himself;  en  &ilofof  i  egen  .  a  would-be  philo- 
sopher.  -ntagfttraft  c  imaginatlon,  fancy.  -ft 
a  concelted;  er  bel  -  fancies  himself  rather  too 
much.    3nbbilbffbeb  o  conceit,  conceltedness. 

Øtbbinbje  rt  (Soget)  bind;  (ftbæg)  tie  up;  J, 
turn  in.  strap,  (9ttggai)  turn  in;  tnbbunben  f am- 
men meb  boand  up  wlth.    -ing  c  binding  etc. 

3nbb|aerg|e  vt  get  in,  gather  in,  house;  -et  ^. 
salved,  taken  in-  -ning  c  getting  etc,  harvest- 
ing, in-gathering. 

3ttbblanb|c  of  lintermingle,  intersperse;  -  frem' 
mebe  Drb  i  fin  Sale  -  interlard  one's  discourse 
with  foreign  words;  —  vr  fig  (i)  meddle,  inter- 




fere  (with).  -effr,  -en,  -(»g  c  intermixture; 
(SWeHemtomft)  meddling,  interveDtion,  interfer- 
ence,  interposition. 

enbblif  n  Jnsight,  glimpse,  peep  (into),  vista. 
nbblafje  vt  blow  into;  fio  suggest,  prompt, 
inspire;  -ft  af  (Øub  bibl  given  by  inspiration  of 
God.    -ninø  biowing  etc,  inspiration. 

+3nbbtunbc  vt  fall  asleep. 

$nbbf*be  vt  steep,  soak. 

5flbbø  n  furniture,  moveables  pi. 

3nbbø|re  rt  bore  into:  —  vr  ftg  i  perforate, 
penetrate,  bore  into.  -ring  c  boring  into,  per- 

Ønbbriuge  »f  bring  el.  take  in;  tønbtagt)  yleld, 
realize,  ($rt8)  fetcb;  ~  et  ftorflag  make  a  motion. 
•Ifc  c  bringing  etc.  -ube  a  lucrative,  profitable, 

$nbbrnb  n  honsebreaking,  bnrglary;  flute  -  i 
cii  ©urt!  break  open  a  shop;  gøre  -  i  et  $u& 
break  into  a  house;  bet  bar  bleben  gjort  «  t 
fcufet  the  house  had  been  broken  Into,  —  3fub« 
ørubd|tb;b  c  burglar,  house-breaker.  -tljberi 

3nbbr*be  vi  k  t  \t  ©rijbe  inb;  •  nb e  part  ap 

3nbbrørcb|e  vt  brand,  mark  with  a  hot  iron; 
(gforber)  bum  (into).  -tng  c  -er  branding;  burn- 
ing  in.    -t  a  (iKaleri)  encaustic. 

*3«bbrattet  a  turned  in,  fe  Crætte. 

+$nbbnet  a  concave. 
fnbbugfering  c  inward  towage. 
Fnbtngt  c  frith,  cove,  creek. 

htbbuøtninø  c  -er  bend,  curve. 

jubbuf|te  vt  bend  inward.  -ninø  c  bending 

enbtnttet  o  bulged  in. 
nbbtjbe  vt  In  vi  te;  .  til  goTirolig&eb  invite 
confidence.  -Ifc  c  -r  invitation.  —  3nbbbbe(feØj'  ' 
bre»,  -frrføelfe  letter  of  invitation,  -fort  card 
of  invitation,  -flrift  program,  3nbbbbenbe  o 
inviting;  ltbet  .  uninviting.  3nbbnber  c  -e  (til 
9R»be.  ftoretagenbe)  con  vener,  promoter. 

3nbbngger  c  -e  inhabitant.  -antal  number  of 

gnbbljgget  a  built-in,  closed-in,  covered-in. 

5nbbljguing  c  fe  Bune. 

dtøbbljrbc*  a  mutual,  reciprocal;  -  Giftermaal 
intermarriage;  -  Unberbiftntng  mutual  instruction; 
—  adv  mutually;   .   arøcengtge  interdependent; 
bf  flop e 4  .  they  fought  among  themselves. 
fnbbtMte  fe  3nbbe»le. 
fubbaube  vt  fe  3nbbinbe  J,. 

Jnbbfflrc  tt  carry  in.    -ring  c  carrying  in. 

3nbb*j|e  vt  bend  in(ward);  -et  ©lob  $  incur 
vate  leaf.  -ning  c  (bet  at  <nbb.)  bending  etc.; 
(ftrumning)  incurvation. 

enbbantpje  ti  vaporise.  -ning  c  vaporisation. 
nbbe|le  vt  divide;  classify.  -Hug  c  -er  divi- 
sion, claesification.  -lingågrunb  basis  of  clsssi- 

3nbbig|e  vt  embank.  -ttinø  e  -et  embanking. 

Snbbrage  vt  (trælle  inb)  draw  in  el.  into; 
(Vføftt)  call  in;  (Cbligationer)  retire;  .  en  $oft 
draw  off  a-post;  .  et  Stnbrbe  abolish  an  offlce, 
_  eirfr  $enfion  siop  one's  pension;  -  en  Sjenbotii 
confiFcate,  seize  an  estate,  ban«  Sjenbomme  blebe 
-ne  unber  Kronen  his  estate  s  were  confiscated, 
blibe  t  i  en  Sag  be  impllcated  in  el.  mixed  up 
with  an  affair;  —  +t>t  fe  $tage  inb.  -Ife  c  draw- 
ing  etc;  confiscation. 
(nbbreje  tt  turn  in. 

[nbbrrøet  part  driven  ashore,  stranded. 
fnbbritfe  vt  imbibe. 

3nbbrib!e  tt  drive  in;  (ftorbringrr)  call  in, 
recover;  ((glattet)  coUect  (taxes);  —  +  t>i"sJBribe 

inb.    -elfe,  -ninø  c  driving  etc.;  (af  ©fatter  1  co! 
lectlon,  levying. 

3nbbrb,ø|pe  vt  drop  in,  instill.    -ninø  c  droj> 
ping  in,  instlllation. 

uøørnøfe  vt  sprinkle  (i  into). 
bbttéfe  vt  hush,  lull. 

nbbam|nte  tf,  -ning  fe  Snbbtge. 

ubbømnte  vrsentence;  b,an  et-mt  i  ftørbtbnngf 
fiufét  he  has  been  sentenced  to  the  house  t>f 

3nbe  adv  in,  withln;  f  «=  ^jennie;  bet  -  in 
there;  langt  -  i  Sanbet  far  up  in  the  interior,  in 
the  heart  of  the  country;  en  ©b  -  t  Sanbrt  an 
inland  town;  gjmben  babbe  C  pen  _  the  enenr 
had  got  poBsession  of  the  town;  b^rt  5  $ob  8onb 

-  has  five  feet  of  water  in  her;  Xiben  er  -  the 
time  is  come;  bare  -  t  noget,  baoe  nt  _  have 
mastered  something,  be  an  fait  at  st;  jeg  ty>fbrr 
mig  - 1  keep  my  apartments;  fe  Qerbeme.  -DraTnbc 
vt  burn  one  (to  death)  in  his  house;  Stangen  b\ra 
•t  meb  ftne  Ocasnb  the  king  with  his  followers 
perished  in  the  flames;  -«■  blibe  -bt.  -bren- 
bing  c  burning  etc.  +-b«re  vt  signify,  implv. 
-frnfe  vi  be  frozen  up,  ice-bound.  -frlyftutnø  c 
freezing-in,  freezing-up. 

Bnbefter  adv  &  uishore. 
nbeøentt  a  latent;  (Suft)  stuflPy. 

+3«begne  vt  incorporate. 

^nbejqabc  vt  hold;  ben«  -nbe  fiabntng  the  cargo 
with  which  she  is  laden,  -(aner  c  -e  possessor, 
proprietor,  occupant;  (af>,  Cmbebe)  incnm 
bent;  fe  å&cenbebaber.  -Ijotbe  vt  f(nimme)  hold, 
contain;  (b,oIbe  tilbage)  withhold,  keep  back. 
-tlemnte  ve  jam  in;  -ntt  ©tor  incarcerated  et. 
strangulated  hernia;  -ntt  £atter,  taxmt  suppressed 
laughter,  anger,  -fletnntng  c  Jamming  in;  in- 

Jnbefliaabel  a  indecll'nable. 

Snbefåbe | beret  part  entered  el.  clearedinwards. 
•bition  c  entry  el.  clearanoe  inwards. 

3nbc|lnffc  vt  lock  up,  shut  in;  -be  {foTbansr 
land-locked  waters.  -lufte  n  -c  inclosure.  -Int- 
ning  c  locking  up. 

nbemnite't  c  indem'nity. 
ubrntnre  vt  fe  3nbmure. 
nben  adv  &  prop  (Steb)  withln,  inside;  (Tit. 
før)  before,  within;  for  ~  (om  €teb>  withln.  (on 
the)  inside;  —  conj  (fjftenb)  before,   ere;  -  jeg 
rejfer  before  leavlng.     -ab  adv:  læfe  -  read  by 
book.  -abøfotfniug  reading  by  book.  -borbé  aet* 
on  board,  in  board,  inside;  -  Klæbning  *1>  internal 
planking,   celling.     -bb*  a   &  adv  within   the 
town;  -  golf  towns-folk,  towns-people;  -  SSeb. 
lemmer  (i  Klub)  town  members;  -  Qetiel  promis- 
sory  note.     -big6  adv  inside  the  dike.    -bar* 
adv  within  doors.   -for  prp  k.  adv  withln,  inside. 
•fra  prp  k  adv  from  within,   from  the  inside. 
-i  ptp  &  adv  within,  inside,    -(anbft  adv  In  the 
country,  at  home.     -lanbft  o  domestic,  home, 
nat  i  ve;  -  ^anbel  country  tråde,   internal   com 
merce;  -e  #Tebe  inland  letters;  -e  92ttb>ber  home 
-news:   -e  planter  lndlgenous  piants.    -om  atir 
(round  along  the)  inside;  —  prarp  inside  of. 
-boa   ude   inside;   —  prop  on  the  Inside  of. 
-rigd  adv  within  the  realm;  a  fe  -Ionbfl.    -rigv 
fart  home  tråde,  -ria&banbcl  internal  com  merce 
-rigff   fe  -lanbfT.     -rtgøntinifier  minister  of  the 
interior;   (i  Sngf.)  home  secretary.    -rigimini- 
fterinm  ministry  of  the  interior,  ministryofhome 
•afl'airs;  (i  (fcngl.)  home  department.  -riødtjenefre 
home  service.    -ffcrrS  adv  inside  the  (ledge  or 
rocks,  inshore,  along-shore.    -ff otrøførf »ar :   til 

-  for  river  and  harbonr  defences.  -fltertifra 
the  ice  between  Ihe  shore  and  the  surroundinit 
rocks,  -fteréfejfab*  navigation  i.  t.  r..  inland 
navigation,     -fognå   a   of  the  parish,    —   adr 




•fade   luner 
»ffrcc  female 

within  the  pari  ab.  -til  adv  inside,  within. 
-»ølb*  adv  within  the  ramparts,  -b<*gft  adv 
within  the  walls. 

itabrjienbct!  terne  the  Indepen'denta. 

*tnber  pi  Indiana. 

3nberjøøne  ^  pale.  -bøjle  &  quarter  boom 
-iron.  -bel  inner  part,  interior.  -cnbe  inner 
*nd,  (af  Qrbage)  (andward  end.  -falb  <£,  inner 
halyard  (o.  fL).  -flabe  inner  surface.  +-aaarb 
inner  court.  -lyavti  inner  harbour.  -(Mb  Inner 
coating,  -lunt  Inner  edge;  inside,  -tf  ørtcl  Inner 
garment.  -tlabnfng  J,  fe  3nbenborb*-.  -laar 
inside  of  the  roand. 

3nbet Hg  a  heartfelt;  t  Kenftob  intimate  frlend- 
ship;  bet  er  mit  -ftt  £nf!e  it  is  the  wlsh  nearest 
to  ny  heart;  —  adv  from  my  heart,  heartlly: 
fiffe  .  love  deeply  el.  dearly;  ftaøe  en  -  far  be 
deyotedly  attached  to  one,  love  one  dearly; 
gtebebe  benbe  pat  bet  -fte  gladden  ed  her  to  the 
core;  -  teb  heartlly  tired;  bltv  -  flov  felt  des- 
perately  abeeplah;  bet  gør  mig  -  onbt  I  am  trnly 
sorry:  -  øerne  with  all  my  heart.  +-gøre  vt 
deepen.  +•  gørelfe  c  deepening.  -ftcb  c  cor 
diality,  heartineas. 

3«bef|rcb   inner-roada.     -faøl, 
pole.     -fibe  inner  side,   inside. 
«crew.    -fløbc  atudding-eall  sheet. 

3vberft  a,  tnperl  af  3nbre,  Inmost,  innermost;  i 
nit  -fle  Alerte  lu  my  heart  of  hearta;  —  adv  nxtheat 
in;  -  i  Stuen  at  the  arther  end,  in  the  inmoBt 
part  of  the  room.  3tt>*ffte  ":  Higet*  -  the 
heart  of  the  kingdom;  $jertrt8  _  the  heart's 
core,  the  lnmoat  receaaea  of  the  heart.  3nberfr, 
3«berflc  c  -er,  -r  lodger  (with  a  peasant). 

3«ber|ftobtt  &  (paa  fJgterfteøn)  inner  atern-poat, 
ipaa  ftorftccbn)  apron,  atomach  piece.  -faw  lap 
-aeam.  -tg|  Unlng;  inner  garmenta.  -bøfs  inner 
ram  part. 

3ttbc|gbbc  vi  fe  6fbbe  inbe.  -{tøben  c  keeping 
the  house,  ataylng  at  home.  -ftattc  rf  (lægge 
tnben  i)  inclose;  (inbelutle)  conrlne,  look  up; 
omringe)  Invest,  anrround,  hem  In;  (inbbefatte) 
include,  eom  prise;  -r  tjam  i  fine  Bønner  remem- 
bers  him  in  his  prayera.  -ftattet  a  (i  fig  felo) 
reserved.  -fhtttetbeb  c  reserve,  -{fatning  c  in- 
rlo&ing  etc.  -f«e  fe  3nbfne.  -føam  vt  ahnt  np, 
look  np,  lmpriaon.  -fb*rriflg  e  ahntting  etc, 
ixnpriaonment,  detention,  -ftaa  vi  (om  en  Jrotoitol) 
be  lodged,  depoaited;  (»ære  anfbarliø  for)answer 
for,  vouch  for;  f  .  for  at  go  bail  that.  -t-ftcgc 
roaat  alJve.  -fftørege  vt  ahnt  up,  conrlne.  -bant 
a  accustomed  to  confinement.  -øarrcnbe  (Har 
ofø.)  a  present,  current  (year  etc). 

3nbeg  c  index,  pi  indexea  k  in  di  ces.  -fejl 
index -error. 

3ubfalb  n,  pi  «,  (i  et  fianb)  invation,  irrup- 
tion,  Jnroad,  incuralon;  (Qbé)  conceit,  fancy; 
(forfløjent;  wbim,  freak;  Hrftløt  -  Joke,  jest,  sally; 
leø  fif  et  -  a  thought  struck  me;  tjtoot  Innbe  %t 
foa  bet  ..?  how  could  you  take  such  a  thing 
into  your  head?  3«bfalble  vi  ie  fcalbe  inb;  «Rtjt 
aaTibaa  -i  paa  en  Sønbag  NewyearVday  falls  on 
a  Snnday.  -en  a  (fammenft&rtet)  fallen  in;  (mager) 
emaciate;  (pine,  tlnfiøt)  sunk,  sunken;  -neftinber 
hollow  cheeks.    -enbe  a,  ojt  incident. 

3nbralbA|Iinfe  line  of  incidence.  -lob  axis  of 
incidence,  perpendicular.  -bnntt,  -oinfel  point, 
ans  le  of  Incidence. 

3«bføif|e  »c  let  in,  mortfce;  ØBoøb.)  fold  in. 
•aiaø  e  letting  etc. 

3«bføag)e  vt  captnre.  -ninø  c  capturing, 

3«b  iføre  vi  fe  $are  inb;  bon  fom  -nbe  i  Stuen 
ae  bounced  into  the  room.  -fart  c  entry, 
en  trance. 

3«bfat!<e  vt  border,  edge;  (i  Hamme)  frame; 

(3ubc!et)  aet.  -ttittø  c  ($anbling)  bordering  etc: 
conc  (paa  6ibeme)  border;  frame;  setting;  (albele« 
omfluttenbe)  casing,  case;  tage  (6ten)  ub  af  -en 

3«bfeb  a  fat  on  the  inside;  bare  _  have  much 
internal  fat. 

3«bfi|le*i;e  file  in.  -ting  c  filing  in;  conc 

3*bfi!rre  fe  fytltre. 

jnbfittbe  vr  flg  appear,  attend,  make  one's 
appearance,  put  in  an  appearance,  preaent  one's 
self,  come  to  the  fore. 

fttibffaabe  vt  float  in. 

3nbflet|te  vt  plait  into,  (oøfaa  fio)  interweave, 
Intioduce.    -ning  c  plaitlng  etc. 

3ttbfftrte  vt  F  put  ln(to),  thruat  in(to);  (noget 
uocøte  el.  falff)  foiat  in(to).  -ning  putting  etc. 
Id  aer  tion. 

+3nbfft)  vi  have  recourae  (to). 

Snbflbbe  vi  flow  in;  Iobe  et  Crb  .  put  in  a 
word;  Iabe  Sfamt  -  l  fin  Zale  lntersperae  one's 
dlacourae  with  pleaaantry;  t  -  paa  inflnenoe. 
-Ife  e  influence;  qabe  .  paa  influence;  tøoe  .  %oi 
have  interest  with;  bruge  fin  .  bol  make  interest 
with.    -Ifeftrig  a  influential,  potent. 

3nbflt)t|te  tt  k  %  move  ln(to).  -ning  c  -er 
moving  in(to);  beb  -en  i  betle  $uft  on  moving 
into  tbis  house. 

Jnbflbbe  vi  fly  in, 

jptbfølbc  vt  fold  inward;  .  Irrearurer  pen 

3nbførb|re  vt  call  In,  fe  3nblrabe;  (inblalbe; 
Bummon.    -Hag  c  -et  summons;  fe  3nbfrabntng. 

-^3nbforIine  ft.]  vt  emoody,  incorporate 

3nbforfTrine  tf  rall  in,  mere  write  for,  order; 
mbforftrevne  Sarer  imported  goods. 

3nbfragt  c  freight  of  imported  goods. 

3nbfreb|e  vt  enclose,  fence  in.  -nlng  c  -n 
encloaing  etc, 

3nbfri(e)  vt  (oøfaa  fio)  redeem;  -  en  8eKeI  pay 
a  bill.  -clifl  a  redeemable.  -elfe  c  redemption; 
Befftlen*  .  the  payment  of  the  bill. 

ftabfTøftfctt  a  frozen  up,  (om  ©fib)  ice-bound. 

3nbfnge  vt  flt  in. 

+^nbfnatle  vt  beat  in,  thraah  In. 

♦Jnbfnf  a  wily,  crafty. 

43nbfn(gt  part  attended  in. 

ftabfbget  a  w*  3nbfneet. 

3«bfblb|e  vt  pour  in,  fillup.  -King  c  fegtjlb- 

3nbfb|re  vt  prime,  -ring  c  priming;  ltghttng 
(the  fire). 

3«bfalb|e  vt  put  in  (on),  let  in;  .  i  let  into. 
•{njing  c  putting  in  etc.;  (bet  inbfælbte,  i  Xræj 
inlay,  (i  %»\)  in»ertion,  (i  8!jorte)  shlrt-front. 

+3»bf<erb  c  entry. 

3nbfaftje  tt  fasten  (into);  (toge  i  ftccfte)  take 
a  lease  of.  -ning  c  fatte  ning  etc;  (beb  ftorn&elfe 
af  frrfte)  fine. 

3*b|f«b(aji«g  o  -er  Dativ e.  -ftbtret  c  right 
of  a  db  ti  ve  el.  naturalized  person;  gine  en  . 
naturalize  one;  berøbe  en  .  disnaturalize  one. 
foa  .  get  certificate  of  naturalization.  -føbt  » 
native;  en  ~  Xanft  a  native  of  Denmark;  en  3 
a  native;  a  native-born  citizen. 

3<tbføjie  ri  put  el.  let  into,  insert;  —  vr  fig 
flt  in.    -ning  c  ineerting  etc. 

3nbføre  rt  (Parer)  import;  (i  Selftab,  noget 
nb.t;  ftiffe  inb)  inuoduce:  (anmelbe)  usher  in;  -  t 
ffiegnflab,  Vcø  enter  in  an  account,  a  book;  foa 
et  Ctb  -rt  put  in  el.  interpose  a  word  -elfe. 
-ivg  c  introduction.  -rr  c  -e  usher.  -fe!  e  im- 
portation,  imports;  jvr  distresa;  gøre  .  i  dls- 

3«b  førfejl  ar  titel  import,    -bom  distress-war 
rant.    -forbnb  prohlbition.    -forretning  aet  of 




distress.  -prtø  Import  price.  -brofmie  bounty 
(on  importatlon).  -tarif  tariff  of  import  dutles. 
•tolb  import  duty,  import-dues;  (Eftergiuelfe  af  - 
drawback.    -Horer  imported  goods,  imports. 

$nbgaa  vi  enter,  go  in;  (mobtageø)  come  to 
hånd;  -  meb  en  ttnføgning  present  a  petition, 
(til  en)  memorialize  one;  i  -enbe  Uge  next  week; 
-enbe  Såter  imports;  -enbe  førtøj  inward(-bound) 
vessel;  btøfe  Stitaar  Oilbe  ban  IHe  .  paa  he  would 
not  accede,  consent,  to  these  oonditions;  —  vt: 
-  et  røgteftab  enter  into  el.  contraot  a  marriage; 
.  et  Sæbbemaal  make  a  wager;  -  et  forlig  make 
a  co  mp  rom  ise.  -elfe,  -en  c  acoeding  etc.;  -en  i 
bet  entelte  entering  into  detalls.  -enbe  a  fig 
thorough;  &  .  Stibøafgifter  lnward  charges;  - 
©årer  imported  goods;  -  %axi»\  inward(-bonnd) 
vessel;  gøre  .  Xotbflarering  clear  lnwards;  S  trem- 
men er  -  the  corrent  is  runnlng  in-shore;  (fe 
ogf.  ftnbgaa).  -enbe  n:  for,  paa  .  inward-bonnd, 
-et  s  (meb)  intlmate,  F  thick. 

3nbgong  o  -e  entry,  entrance,  ingress;  (3nb» 
lebntng)  preamble;  oeb  -en  at  the  door;  en  aabneø 
SM.  7  doors  open  at  seven;  »eb  Varet«  ~  at  the 
beginning  of  the  year;  finbe  .  Ijoø  find  favour 
with.  ben  tro  »taber  mere  og  mere  .  iblanbt  there 
in  a  growing  belle f  among;  ffaffe  .  introdace; 
»anbt  ingen  -  foand  no  hearing,  —  3nbgangØ| 
afgift  fe  -tolb.  -bør  entrance  (door).  Mone 
chorched  woman.  +-penge  entrance-money. 
-port  entrance  gate;  i  entering  port.  -ret 
right  of  admission,  -falme  introit.  +-febbel 
ticket  of  admission,  entrance  tlcket.  -tale  in- 
augural  discourse  el.  address.  »tap  (Um».)  steam 
trunnion.    -tolb  Import  duty. 

tftnbgenne  vt  drive  in. 

Inbgetøgen  [t.]  a  retlred.    -beb  c  retirement. 
tnbgtft  c  -er  dose. 
fnbgtfte  vr  fig  i  marry  into. 
fnbgirre  vt  enclose  with  iron  bars,  rail  in. 
Fnbgiufr  vt  (inbleoere)  give  in,  present;  (inb- 
ftybe)  inspire  one  with,  instil  into  one,  suggest 
to  one;  (om  Sagemibler)  administer;  -  Vnføgning 
om  ttffleb  send  in  el.  tender  one' s  resignation. 
-elfe  c   -r   Onbftobelfe)  suggestion,   inspiration; 
-Kfrrtftltg)  memorial;   fe  ogfaa   -ning.     +-enbe  n 
memorial,   -ning  c  giving  in  etc.,  presentation. 

ftnbgnabe  vt  i  vr  fig  gnaw  (i  into). 

3nbgnib|e  vt  rub  in;  -  meb  rub  with.  -ning 
c  rubbing  in,  inunction;  Scibbel  til  «  embroca- 

3nbgrav|e  vt  grave,  engrave;  Staben  1)ar  -t  fig 
i  $øjen  the  fox  has  earthed  in  the  hill.  -ning 
c  engraving. 

3nbareb  n,  pi  =,  fig  encroachment;  (»eb  $fut) 
gear;  t  el.  unber  -  in  gear;  ub  el.  ube  af  ~  out 
of  gear;  gøre  ~  i  encroach,  (ln)trench  upon, 
trespass  on. 

3nbgrib|e  vi  (om  $ju(tatter)  catch  (in);  -  i 
(anbree  ScRettigbeber)  encroach  upon;  fe  <Bri6e  inb; 
af  -  n  b  e  ©etp  biting  of  vital  importance,  -en  c  fe 
-ning;  fe  3  nb  greb.  -ning  c  catching  (in);  fe  3nb« 

3nbgro  vi  grow  in;  —  inbgroet  fig  deeply 
rooted,  inrooted,  ingrained,  inveterate;  -et  tøegl 
ingrown  nail. 

3nbgrontf'|e  vt  bound,  limit,  clrcumscribe. 
-ning  c  limitation. 

+3nbgr*ft  c  inside  dltch. 

3nbgr*ft|e  vt  dltch,  enclose  with  ditches. 
-ning  c  -er  dltchlng. 

Ønbgnø  n  geat,  git.    -aabning,  -renbe  b.  f. 

3nbgt)be  of  pour  in  (into);  fig  inspire  with, 
instill.    -Ife  c  -r  Inspiration. 

3nbgo»lb  c  debts  due,  debts  active. 

^nbgærbe  vr  hedge  in,  fence  in.  -Ife  c  hedg- 
ing  etc. 

nbbage  vt  hook. 
nbbaf  n  fe  fyit. 
vnbbaMc  vt  hack. 

3nb|f>ate  vt  (fiale  inb)  haal  in;  (inbfeente)  come 
up  with.  -(åler  c  -e  i  inhanler.  -ftnlertaljc  c 
relieving-tackle.    •ftaling  c  hauling  in. 

3nbtant|re  vt  hammer  in.  -ring  c  -er  h&xn< 
mering  in. 

nbbaroe  vt  fe  9tebtyrc»e. 
nbboti  n  inland  sea. 
nb^aott  c  inner  harbour. 
_nbljefft|e  vt  stitch  in,  sew  in;  -  i  s.  into. 
-ning  o  sewiug  in. 

3nbfcegn|e  vt  fence  in,  enclose.    -ing  c  ger- 
ningen)   fencing    in;    (6egn)    fence,   enclosur** 
-IngSgrøft   enclosing    ditch.     -inggnmr    stone 
-wall,  stone-fenae. 

^fnbf)ent|e  vi  overtake,  come  up  with,  cateii 
(up  with),   run  down;  (ftening,  Samtbtfe  ofo. 
procure;  (bet  forfømte)  make  up  for,  recover. 
-elfe,  -ning  c  overtaking  etc. 

JnbfterVjc  vt  beat  in.    -ning  c  beating  in. 
nbljivning  o  ^  af  9atta$  takiug  in  ballast, 
Onb^olb  n  (t  c)  contents  pi,  substanoa;  subject 
-matter,  argument;  (Qegrebt)  Intension;   (Sere4 
.  .  .  mobtaget)  og  farame*  .  Demcerfet  and  contente 
noted.  —  ^nbbo(bØ|angi»e(fe  argument  -fattig 
fe  -løft.    -førtegnelfe  table  of  contents.     -fnt> 
fe  -rig.    -fttlbe  oopiousness,  fullness.     -lifte   fr 
-fortegnelfe.    -U§  a  of  no  el.   trifling  contents. 
meagre,  empty.    -U§l|eb  o  emptiness.    -rcaiftcr 
fe  -fortegnelfe.    -rig  a,  +-fo«r  full  of,  rlch  in  el 
with  matter;  full  of  import,  replete  with  interest 
-foanger  a  fraught  with  import,    -tøm  fe  -tø*, 
■f^nb^olt  n  -er  rib,  frame-tlmber. 
Ofnb^ng  n  (ftatMderiO  charge;  gøre  -  paa  charge . 
gøre  .  paa   Staben  fall  to;  fig  gøre  et  flort  -  i 
make  a  great  inroad  upon.    -ge  vt  cut  in,   en- 
grave,    -ning  o  cutting  etc. 
Bnbt)tttning  c  ^  hooking. 
nb(nl  a  concave.    3nb^nl|e  vt  hollow  out. 
-ing  c  hollowlng. 
+5*»bbtt#  n  dwelling  house  (on  a  farm). 

BnbbOftloe  vt  arch,  vault.    -t  a  concave. 
nb9^1|le  vt  envelop,  wrap  up,  fold  up,  muffle 
up,  shroud.     -Ung,  -ning  c  enveloping    etc.. 

+3nbb*lbe  vt  pour  in. 

•i-3nbf|«nbe  vt  hånd  (over),  deliver,  tender. 
+-lfe  c  handing  etc. 

^nb^ænge  vt  hang  in. 

^nbtjøft  c  harvest,  crop.  -e  vt  house,  gather 
in,  harvest,  get  in.    -ning  o  houslng  etc. 

ftnbia'ner  c  -e,  -inbe  c  -r  In'dlan.  -b«»bing 
Indlån  chief  (0.  fi.).    3nbianf!  a  Ia'dian 

^fnbice'revf  in'dicate.  ^nbiciebenig  presump- 
tive  el.  circumstantial  evidenoe.  «3«bic'ittm  n 
-ter  indication;  jur  presumpUve  ground. 

Ønbi|en  (Jorinbtcn)  n  India,    -er  o  -e  Indian. 

Sfnbiffe|ren9'  c  IndUTereace.  -rcng'punit  in- 
different point,  -rent'  a  indifferent;  .  O^t 
ueutral  oxlde.  -rentig'nte  c  indifferentUm,  in- 
diff erency.    -ren rift'  c  -er  indlfiferentist. 

ftabigeftio'n  c  indlgest'ion. 

Snbignajtiøn  c  indigna'tion.  -e'ret  a  indlg- 
nant  (o »er  at). 

3nbigo  o  Indigo,  -blaa,  -btaat  indigo  blue. 
•finte  iudigoblrd,  Cgano*pi*a  cyanea.  -plante 
iudigo  plaut. 

Ofnbirariø  n  k  c  gram  the  indioative  (mood 
e[.  mode). 

^ttbita'tør  c  -et  (Drop.)  indicator.  -biagrnm 
i.  diagram.  «£eftetraft  indicated  horse -power, 
•trttt  indicated  pressure. 

^nbittio'n  c  indic'tion. 




'^nbtnteltatt  prcep  (scattered)  between;  —  adv 
lere  and  there. 

3nbireft(e)  a  lndirect;  -  Xalt  oblique  speech; 

—  adv  indirectly,  by  implication. 

3nb|tfe  vt  cut  (a  snip)  in  through  the  loe. 
•Ilet  a  (inbeflutttt)  ice-bound. 

3ttbtff  a  Indlån;  .  fjtgen  prickly  pear,  Opuntia, 

-  el.    inbianfl  ftatfe    Indlån  cress,    Tropæolum 


labtøfre'ft  a  indiscreet.    -tø'*  o  indlscret'lon. 
[ubtéboneret  a  indisposed,  not  in  humour. 
fttbiftjmtt'bel  a  indispu'table. 
[■bibi'b  n  -et  individ'ual.    -naUfere  vt  In- 
divid'ualize.     -naltfe'rtag  c  individualiza'tion. 
-ualtte't  e  individuality.    -mel'  a  individ'ual. 

3nb|aøe  vt  fe  3age  inb;  fa  -  en  Srrce!  strike 
terror   in  to  one,  strike  one  with  terror.    -Ife  c 
<Jriving  in  etc. 
^nbforb  c  home- fieids. 
Jabfafbe  vt  call  ia,  (inbftøbne)  summon,  cite; 
«  Bolbatcx,  Søfol!)  call  out,  order  out;  (Vtbinger, 
parlament!.  Summon;  (røønt,  Sebler)  call  in;  blibe 
bt   (t>eb   (Sf  tanten)  reoelve  a  public  encomium. 
-Ife  c  calling  in;  summons;  calllng  out  etc.;  (af 
Itotfamentømeblemmer,  for  at  ftemme)  whip. 

3nb  tabftie  vr  fig  become    encysted,   enoyBt 
themselves;  -t  encysted. 

3>fcfaøfc'|re  vt  casb,  receive,  recover,  collect. 
•ting  e  cashing,  colle etion,  recovery. 

3nbtaft|e  vt  cast  in,  throw  in  (in to),  -ning  c 
ca&ting  etc. 

fnbfig  n  peep  (into).    -em  c  peeping  (Into). 
[nb (ile  vt  wedge  in(to). 
tnbfitte  vt  fasten  in  with  putty  el.  cement, 
[»bilage  vt  fe  3nbflcebne. 
[nbttantlre  vt  enclose  in  brackets;  bet  -be  the 
words   in   brackets,   the   parenthetical    clause. 
-ring  c  enclosing  etc.    -rtagttegB  brackets. 

3abtlare|re  of  enter  inwards,  clear  in.  -ring 
c  entry,  clearanoe  inwards. 

3»bftent|nte  vt  press  inward;  fe  3nbeBemme. 
-«i«g  c  pressing  etc. 

3nbr1i|ne  vt  fasten  in  et.  flll  with  some  ad- 
hæsive substance,  lute;  -  Ser  i  Sprættet  flll  up 
crevices  with  clay;  .  et  ©lab  t  en  C  og  paste  a 
leaf  into  a  book.    -«tag  e  fastening  etc. 

3nbllittle  vt  rivet  in. 

Snbjtfib  cllp  -ttibie  vt  cut,  dip  (in,  into). 
•tftbtting  c  incialon. 

Jnbrtfnre  vt  paste  in. 

jnbflatb|e  vt  invest,  array,  dothe  (in);  lobe  fig 
-  (om  Rønne)  take  the  veil;  -  Xavier  i  Crb  clothe 
thoughts  with  words;  -  moraifte  Batbomme  i  en 
Sabel  mould  moral  lessons  into  the  form  of 
fable;  -t  (meb  ©ræbet  o.  1.)  covered-in,  caøed-ln. 
•wing  c  investing  etc.;  eonc  wording,  garb, 

3nbftteben  a  contracted,  narrow;  .  obenril  & 
tumbling  home;  -t  adv  bo  -t  be  narrowly 

Snbtneblet  a  J,  toggled. 

3abhtib|e  vt  pinch  in,  squeeze  in;  fa  reduce, 
confine.    -a-tag  c  pinching  etc.,  contraction. 
[nbfnnae  vt  squeeze  in. 
[nbfftttft  part  stuve,  crushed  in. 
Inbtntttte  vt  tie  up  (in). 
labføble  vt  ($unbe)  couple,  leash. 

3abfbgie  ol  boil  down;  vi  boil  away,  evapo- 
rate  by  bolling.    -niHg  c  boiling  etc. 

3abrom(ae  vt'  come  in;  -  meb  deliver  in;  -nb« 
Uge  next  week;  -nbe  førtøjer  incomlng  vessels. 
••me  c  lncome.  -ø*enbe  a  J, :  beb  -  in  entering. 
-fl  e  -er  lncome,  revenue.    -Ulf at  lncome  tax. 

3nbtrcbfe  ot*encircle. 

*3»bfrøg  e  nook,  reces«. 

&rfeii:  $anft<(ingetft  Orbbøg. 

3ttbfram|ae  vt  bend  inwards,  incurvate.  -niHg 
c  bendlng  etc.,  incurvation. 

3nbtr*bning  c  creeplng  (into);  (fammen)  shrink- 

3»bin>mb|e  vt  shrink  (oloth);  +  -  fig  shrlnk. 
-ntitg  c  shrinking. 

3nbfrantge  vt  turn  outside  in.  -lig  o  capable 
of  being  turned  outside  in. 

3nbfr*b|e  vt  collect,  gather.  demand  payment 
of.    -elfe,  -ning  o  collecting  etc. 

3nbfoarter|e  vt  (Solbater)  qnarter,  billet;  - 
b,o«  billet  upon.  -tag  o  quartering;  fym  (ar  faaet 
en  flor  -  he  has  had  a  great  many  soldlers 
billeted  upon  him.  -ittgtgobtgmlfe  billeting 
allowance.    -IngØfebbel  billet. 

3fnbfæb|e  vt  chain  together.  -ntøg  o  con- 

f)nb;Ub  purchase.  -Ube  vt  purcbase.  -I^bf* 
pvw  prime  cost,  cost  price,  tråde  prlce;  unber  - 
at  a  sacrince. 

^nbUr|e  ve  cart  in,  drive  in;  *fe  liltvte.  -fel- 
c  -er  (f.  ttte.  Jeornetl)  carting  in;  (8ei)  en  trance, 
avenue,  approach,  carriage-drlve.  -\tl9p9M  en- 
trance  gate. 

3ttblattt  n  borrowing.  -flrente  interest  on 

jfttblabe  vt  snip,  take  in,  load. 

3nb(ab|e  vt  let  in,  admlt;  rtf  ~  fig  $a*  engage 
in,  enter  Into  cl.  on;  fåoretagenbe)  embark  in, 
(Unberfsgelfe  af)  entertain;  bette  ©tlfaot  tan  leg 
iffe  _  mig  paa  I  cannot  accede  to  these  terms; 
_  fig  paa  at  undertake  to;  -  fig  i  Samtale  join 
in  conversatlon,  enter  into  c;  feg  bil  afbelef  itte 
.  mig  meb  (am  I  will  have  nothlng  to  do  with 
him.  -elfe  fe  -ning.  -enbe  a  communicative, 
familiar.  -ning  c  admittance,  admission;  (S)mb.) 

^nblabning  c  shipping,  -gfteb  port  of  loadlng, 
loading  berth. 

^nblabnittgdbentiler  pi  (Dmp.)  induction- val- 
ves,  inlet-valves. 

enblagt  a  fe  3nbtagge. 
nblanb  n  (mobf.  ublanbi  horne-country;  (bet 
3nbre)  inland,  interior.    -g(«b  inland  sea.    -fl 
fe  ftnbenlanbfl. 
^nbfafle  fe  3nblabe  i. 
+$nblebbet  a  articulated. 

gnbtcb|e  of  (føre  inb)  lead  in(to),  usberintto); 
feaangsfone)  church;  (Ørunbe;  et  Sttift  bfb.) 
introduce;  preamble,  preface,  usher  in;  (Unber- 
føgelfe)  set  on  foot;  (flanet  ofb.)  initiate;  -  en 
nb  Xibfalber  usher  in  a  new  epoeh;  .  et  ©etenbt« 
flab  brin^  about  an  acquaintance;  .  Unbetbanb« 
tinget  enter  into  negotiatlons;  -  en  Samtale 
begin  a  conversatlon.  -enbe  a  introductory, 
preparatory,  prefatory,  prelusive.  -er  c  -e  in- 
troducer, initiator.  -ning  c  -er  leading  etc.; 
(f.  SI«,  af  Damp)  induction;  fa  introdnction, 
exordium,  preamble.  -ningøforebrag  (førfte)  in- 
troductory el.  preparatory  lecture,  (beb  l)i«hi*' 
Hon)  opening  address.  -ntagMabttet  introduc- 
tory chapter.    -ntngdtaie  introductory  speech. 

enbleje  fig  vr  hlre  el.  take  lodgings. 
nblejet,  inblejret  a  min  imbedded. 
-K^nbtem  n  fe  ^nbbolb. 

3ttb(emnte  vt  incorporate;  (i  et  Selftab)  admit 
(into).    -tfe  o  i ncorpo ration;  admission. 

^fnblebe  vr  fig  (i)  accustom  one' s  self  to,  enter 
into  the  spirit  of,  di  ve  into. 

3nb(eber|e  vt  deliver;  (i  $of!en)  post.  -tag  * 
delivery;  posting.  -ingfttontør  %  receiving  el. 
collecting  offlce.  -ingøtib  c  Urne  of  delivery; 

enbliggenbe  a  enclosed. 
nbUme  vt  glue  into,  paste  into. 





3f»Mtte  vt  get  In  by  stealth;  —  vr  fig  fig  creep 
in,  slip  in. 

»løbide  «f  solder  In  (lnto).  *titiig  c  soldering. 
blobf|e  vt  pilot  in.    -ning  c  pfloUng  in. 
bioørre  \t  lodge,  quarter,  berth;  —  vt  fig 
take  lodgingB. 

ablolte  «f  lure  in,  decoy  in  (into). 
nblnrte  »  -r  enclosure. 
nblnffe  *t  enclose,  inclose;  fe  fiuTTe  inb. 
nblnlle  vt  fe  3nbbb*fe. 
_Bbftob  c:  i  -  in  tbe  middle  of  words,  me- 
dlally,  when  roedJal;  Ubtale  i  -  medial  sonnd. 

$ab(bfe  vi  be  evident,  -abe  a  evident,  ob- 
vious,  manifest;  gøre  en  nt  .  bring  st  borne  to 
onefs  conviction). 

3nbl*a  n,  pi  — ,  (i  ©reb)  enclosure;  (6fræbb ) 
tuck;  (i  §f  jorte)  shlrt-front,  bosom;  (af  6olbater) 

Siartering;  jur  plea.  3nbl*glge  vt  (i  ©reb)  en- 
ose;  (Hl  ftorbaring)  lay  up,  deposlt;  (Golbater) 
quarter,  billet;  (meb  Clfrnben,  ffulb  ofb.)  inlay; . 
t  fiaTftu*  warébouse;  -lagt  (i  ©teb)  enclosed,  under 
this  cover;  -lagt  Vrbejbe  inlald  work,  marquetry; 
-  et  gabt  Orb  fot  en  put  in  a  word  for  one;  ~ 
©efatning  i  garrison;  —  vr :  _  fig  fffre  gain  honour, 
cover  one's  self  with  honour.  -gelfe  c  quarter- 
ing,  billeting  (of  Boldiera).  -t-gei  c  e  inlayer. 
-nTng  c  (af  ft()  taking  in  d.  up;  (inblagt  Wtbetbc) 
inlaying,  inlay. 

3*bl<rnbtng  c  -e  natlve. 

3abt<rnT|e  vt  link  togetber.  -atng  c  Unking 

gablil  »  (bet  at  løbe  inb)  running  in;  (til$abn) 
entrance,  inlet.  mouth  (of  a  harbour);  (6tobn.) 
geat,  git.  3nbl*b|e  vi  (flføbe)  run  in,  flow  in 
(into);  .  i  $atm  enter;  (anTomme)  arrive,  come 
to  nand,  be  received;  (fysnbe)  nappen,  occur; 
bet  er  -t  mange  Sejl  many  errors  have  slipped 
in:  -i-  vt  (inbbente)  overtake,  come  up  with.  -elfe, 
-ning  c  -  i  $aon  running  into  port.  —  3«bl*vf  ;> 
ftefe  entrance  lock.    -lab  (6ttbn.)  head. 

jnbUfte  vt  lift  in. 

3»bl*f|r  tf,  -ning  fe  3nbfri;  (pontfct  fcjenbom) 
dismortgage.  -ninaøret  c  right  of  redemption. 
-niagftfaui  piice  of  redemption. 

3»bm«af|e  vt  measure  goods  received.  -ing 
c  measuring  etc. 

3nbmab  c  pluck. 

-t3nbntager  a  emaciated. 
nbnardi  o  entry,    -ere  vi  march  in,  enter. 
nbatarf  c  -er  home-fleld. 
nbmelb|c  vt  (angibe)  report;  (fnbtegne)  enter, 

et  6elfrab  ofb.)  propose  for  admission;  —  vr 
g  enter  one's  name  (on  tbe  books).  -ajfe,  -ing 
c  reportlng  etc;  report;  entry. 

3*bw*r|e  vt  wall  in,  mason  in,  (ogf.  fig)  im- 
mure.    -ing  c  walllng  etc. 

nbrntrflje  tt  mash.    -ning  c  masbing. 
nbmanftrr  vt  enrol. 
bnagle  vt  nail  in;  (Xa&)  wedge. 
bo|rbrobæi  ffa  Indo-European.   -germanifl 
a  Indo-German'lc. 

^nbofnlelrerf  inoc'ulate.  -ring  c  inocula'tion. 

3nbo|lent'  a  indolent,    -ten*'  o  ln'dolence. 

%Jnbom  prop  p  within,  inside;  Tom  -  Saren 
step  in;  jeg  ftal  Tomme  -  big  I  shall  call  your 
way;  gaa  -  J,  touch  at;  call  at. 

3*borb|«e  tt  place  in  an  order  el.  series, 
dispose  in  the  proper  ord  er;  .  noget  i  et  Styfxem 
place  a  thlng  in  a  system  in  the  proper  order; 
•  nnber  eet  ©egreb  refer  to  the  same  idea.  -ning 
c  disposlng  etc. 

*3«bø9er  adv  in,  lnwards,  (mob  Sanb)  in 

*3(>*M»  pr"?  F  :  tomme  •  come  in  contact 

3nbbaf!te  tt  pack  up,  (©om)  pack;  -  paanb 


repack;  -  fig  wrap  one's  self  up.   -wtag  c  pack 
ing   (up);    conc   package.     -ntagJamrøfHttBgeT 
package.     -ningdbabir  packing-   el.    wrapping 

3abbaft  n  access,  admittance,  entrance;  -K3nb» 
greb)  encroachment. 

nbbaolfe  vt  flt  in  (into).     -wtna  c  fltting  in 

»blaffere  vi  pass  in  el.  lnwards,  enter. 

nbttae  tt  pinch  in, 

ubbiffe  vt  beat  in.     +-r  c  -e  ($ai(.)  whipper 

Snbblanfe  vt  enclose  with  plank«. 
nbb(ant|e  ri  transplant;  fig  implant.     -et  a 
fig  innate.    -tttna  c  transplanting  etc. 

3abb(*j|e  vt  plough  In;  (©net)  tongue.    -«isf 
c  ploughing  etc.;  encroachment  in  ploughing. 

3nbbob|e  vt  ingraft,  graft;  -  en  nt  lnoculate 
one  with  st.    -ning  c  grafting. 

nbbotlte  vt  pot.    -ning  c  potting. 
abbraftlfere  vt  slip  in. 
nbbramme  vt  carry  in  in  lighters. 
_nbj>rent|e  vt  imprint  on,  impress  on,  incul- 
cate  on;  —  vr  fig  impress  el.  imprint  on  one's 
mind.    -ning  c  imprinting  etc. 

3nbbrel|fe  vt  pren  el.  equeese  in.    -ttlsg  c 
pressing  etc. 

^nbbrifTe  vt  prick  in(to);  (i  6frift)  dot;  ^.  (et 
9oroanb)  beacon. 

bbrobbe  re  stuff  with. 
bprotoToflere  vt  fe  ^cotoToflere. 
nbprbgle  vt  beat  in  (i  into). 
nbbrtrg  fe  |}rcrg.   d«o|ir«gje  vr  stamp  (i  on); 
(inbftarpe)  incnlcate,  fe  3nbprente.  -ning  c  stamp- 
ing etc.;  (dføbftøtpelfe)  incnlcation. 

^nbbrffTe  vt  en  nt  preach  st  into  one,  cram 
st  down  one's  throat. 
ubbnbre  vt  powder. 
ubbnmbe  vt  pump  in,  inject. 
nbbnfte  vt  breathe  (i  into). 
_nbb<t(|e  tt  enclose  with  stak  es,   palisade. 
ing  e  encloaing  etc. 
ftnbraabe  vt  call  in. 
jlnbrammc  fe  Rebramme. 
+3«bramme  vt  frame, 
'nbrangelre  et  range,    -ring  c  rangfng. 
nbropborttre  vt  report. 
nbre  a  inner,  interior,  inward,  inside;  bet  - 
Vfrtta  the  Interior  of  Africa,  Central  Afxica;  ben 
.  WUfion  the  home  mission;  ben  -  Stemme  the 
inner  voice;   mit  -  6tjn,   f&Je  my  mind's  eye; 
.  Uroliflbebn:  domestic  diFturbances;  .  ©ibnefbbrb 
internal  evidence;  .  ©otrb  intrinsic  value,  bet  ~ 
the  interior;  ^r^artementet  for  bet .,  fe  3nbrebeb. 
3«bre  n  interior:  SRennefTetft  .  the  heart  of  man, 
the  inner  man;  i  mit  .  inwardly,  mentally. 
t^fttbreke  vt  measure  (land  with  a  line). 
^nbrebe  vt  flt  up,  furnish. 
*3nbrebebar1ementet  the  Home  Department; 
awr  the  Department  of  the  Interior. 
nbrebnlug  o  flttlng-up,  conc  fittings. 
nbregiftrere  tt  register,  record,  book. 
nbrebobn  c  Inner  harbour,  basin. 
nbre||fe  o  journey  el.  way  in.    -rej f enbe  vi 
ingoing  travellers,    -rejft  o  ar  ri  ved. 
Jnbre  fiibbotter  pi  &  thick  stuff  in  bilge 
jnbrelmid^onen   the  home  mission.     -miS« 
fiondfelftab    home   mlsidonary   society.     -mig« 
fiontrr  home  mlssionary,  City  mlnrionary. 
^nbrenbe  of  overtake  (by  running). 
+3nbrrote  vt  yield,  bring  in. 
^ttbre  61emf)olt  a  J^  deadwood-knee  on  tbe 

3nbret|te  tt  arrange,  put  In  order.  (rfl.  efter. 
adapt  for,  to;  -  flt  $nt  flt  up  one  s  house;  . 
(mage)  bet  faa  at  contrive  that;  (f.  Si*,  efter  til- 
porerne«  Sbne)  adapt,  proportion  (to);  -r  fm  ftrrm« 




ganglmaabe  bereftet  shapes  his  course  accordingly, 
—  vr  fig  arrange  matters;  -  flg  paa  at  be  pre- 
p&red  to.  -ttittg  e  -er  (Drbning)  arrangement; 
(Sroranftolfninø)  contrivance;  (£00,  StatSinbr.)  in- 
stitution, organisation;  (betbem  3nbrj  accom- 
modation;  (Cprettelfe;  «nf»alt)  establishment;  -er 
applianoes;  appolntments,  contrivances. 

attbrettaterftaget  A,  the  ianer  bobetay. 

3nbribe  vi  (ribe  inb  [il)  ride  in,  into:  —  tt 
?<ribe  ranbt  om)  ride  round  (a  fleld);  *fe  titribe. 
-I fe,  -n  c  riding  etc.,  entry,  entrance  (on  horse- 

3«»rtbf|e  vt  scratch  (on).  -iiHig  c  scratching 

+3fttbrift  c  rent. 
[ubrigget  o  Ooob  inrigger. 
[nbrlnbe  vi  ran  In. 

[■»ringe  vt  (omringe)  endrcle,  sarround;   - 
Sum  ring  swine. 

3»bring|c  vt  (meb  IHotTe)  call  in  by  a  bell, 
ring  in,  -  Steffen  ring  for  mass.  -ttittg  e  ring- 
inK  in. 

^nbri|l|e  tf  engrave,  carve.  -ttittg  c  engravlng 

enbro  vt  row  in. 
nbrøbe  vr  lig  i  bury  one's  self  in,  bnrrow 
in;  fig  -  fig  i  fyocetfet  entangle  one's  self  in 

Qnbrnfle  vt  roll  in;  (fammen)  roll  up;  inb- 
ruilet  a  $»  involnte. 

3nbrnK(t|e  vt  enrol,  -t  paant)  re-enrolled; 
labe  flg  -  enllst.  -ing  o  enrolment.  -l*gøa)ef 
reglstrar-general  of  seamen.  -tngøtontor  naval 
rendezvous,  shipping  offlce.  -ingøofficiattt  officer 
in  charge  of  a  rendezvous. 

+3nbrom  »  space,  extent. 

3«br*t  »  fe  »toMnb.  3nbrbf|!e  vt  (ffbtte  til- 
bage) more  farther  back;  .  i  en  Zibenbe  insert 
in  a  paper;  —  vi  (om  Golbattr)  march  in,  enter. 
-telfe  c  (i  et  ©lab)  insertlon.  -ttittg  c  movtng 
etc.;  entrance;  insertlon. 

3«brtttt!|e  vt  gather,  pucker,  -ning  c  gathering. 

Mmtaftt  vt  hånd  in. 

5nbr*mtttc  tt  grant,  admit,  concede;  (afflao) 
cede,  give  up  (en  nt  st  to  one);  jeg  -r  at  I  admit 
that;  jeg  -t  $em  at  I  grant  you  that.  -Ife  c  -r 
admission,  concession. 

3nbr*re  vt  mix  up  with. 

3ablfaat,  -faale  fe  3nbet». 

"3n»fage  fe  3nbfaoe. 

~|«bfait]e  vt  salt,  pickle.   -ning  c  salting  etc. 
jnbfoloe  vt  anoint,  rub  in. 
t«bfoJB|te  vt  collect,  gather;  .  ftorraab  lay  up 
a  store.    »Ung  c  -er  collection. 

r^nbfaabe  pi  sands. 
IMbfante  fe  3nbfamle. 
fnbfatft  c  -et  (i  Spil)  stake,  stakes. 
jnbjabe  vt  saw  into,  cut  into. 

jttbfr  vt  tee,  perceive,  comprehend,  be  sen- 
sible of.  -cttbe  n  superlntendence;  følte  -  meb 
superintend;  føioe  -  meb  at  see  that. 

trjnbfeil  n  seal. 

+3nb  fejle  c«  sail  In,  enter. 

3nbfeili*g  o  entering;  (6!iosløb)  entrance, 
approach;  unbet  -en  on  entering.  —  ^nbfrfltngøj 
fir  leading  light,  -geb^r  inward  piloUge.  -leb 
c  entrance,  channel.    •mtrrte  leading  mark. 

Onbfenbc  vt  (fenbe  inb)  send  in;  (ooerfenbe) 
remit,  transmit;  -bt  VrttfrI  letter  to  the  editor 
•Ife  c  sending  in;  forwardlng,  transmission,    -r 
t  -e  sender;  remitter,   transmitter;   (af  fMbrag, 
9rnge  of».)  con  tribut  or,  (i  et  ©lab)  correspondent. 

rtnbjlbbcr  o  -e,  fe  dnberfle. 

Cfnbflbe  c  inside;  paa  n  af  inside  (of). 

*3«bjia  n  (ølow)  approach,  advance,  pourlng 
in  <of  nsn  towards  the  land). 

3nbfigetfe  c  -r  objection,  exception,  protest, 
remonstrance,  jur  demurrer;  gøre  el.  neblotgøe 
fraftifl  -  imob  take  strong  objection  to. 

Snbfigt  c  -er  insight  (i  in,  into),  (thorough) 
knowledge  (of),  information  (oOe  ub.  pi)\  efter 
min  .  in  my  opinion,  as  I  view  it. 

dttbfigtttittfl  c  sightlng. 

ånbflgtøfttlb  a  well-informed,  Intelligent, 
skllful,  competent. 

■nbffaar  n  fe  3nbfnit.    -en  o  fe  3nbftare. 
nbuanfe  vt  entrench. 

nbfrib|e  vt  ship,  embark;  ~  paa  ni)  re- em  bark, 
reship;  —  vr  fig  embark,  take  ship; .  fig  paa  nt) 
re-embark.  -ning  e  shlpment;  embarkation. 
•ningftfteb  place  el.  port  of  embarkation.  -tttttgØ< 
rib  hour  el.  time  01  embarkation. 

3*bfriffe  vt  send  in. 

+3*bf?øte  vt  (planter)  traln. 

3nbffrib|e  vi  fiUl  in,  give  way;  fig  fe  Stribe  inb. 
-en,  -tiittg  c  falling  in  etc.;  fig  interference,  in- 

dttbftrift  e  -et  lnscription,  legend. 

3nbfrHb|e  tt  (fom  Snbfrrift)  inacribe;  (inbføte) 
enter,  book;  labe  fig  -  enter  one's  name,  be 
entered,  (for  at  rejfe  meb  hoften)  book  one's  self 
at  the  post  offlce;  -ft  fom  etnbent  be  entered  at 
a  college;  bet  et  -ftrebet  i  mit  fjerte  it  is  loscribed 
on  my  heart,  -ffteben  i  g*m  inscribed  in;  -ffcenet 
fruentimmer  registered  el.  Ucensed  prostitute. 
-ttlttj  c  entering  etc.;  (fom  Utebtem  af  et  Unioerfltet 
el.  Selftob)  matriculation.  -ningØIontor  booking 
-offlce.  -ningflpenge  (f.  9tt  paa  $often)  booking 
-fee;  (fom  Deltoget,  Vteblem)  entrance  money; 
(f.  *f8.  »eb  et  Unioetfltet)  matriculaUon-fee. 

Ønbfhntc  vt  screw  in  (into). 

3ttbffrnmp|e  vi,  -e*  vd  shrink,  shrlvel.  -en 
-ttittg  e  shrinking. 

ftebffrnttfttg  o  screwing  in. 

5»bftramf|c  vt  restrict;  (begtcenfe)  limit,  con- 
flne;  (tun  fig)  drcumscribe;  —  vr  ftg  (Iet»e  fpar* 
fommere)  retrench;  bet  -t  flg  til  it  is  conflned  to; 

-  fig  til  confine  one's  self  to.  -et  a  restricted, 
etc.;  (SRonarfl)  llmlted;  (af  Vanb)  weak,  of  a 
conflned  lntellect,  of  mean  capacity,  shallow; 
i  ~  gorflanb  in  a  llmlted  sense;  —  aav.  bo  noget 

-  be  rather  cramped  el.  conflned  for  room. 
3nbfft«uf  |elbeb  o  shallownesB.  -ning  c  -er  limit- 
ing  etc.,  1  imitation,  restrictlon,  clrcumscriptlon; 
(af  Ubgiftet)  retrenchment;  (TOooififailon)  modifl- 
cation ,  quallflcation . 

^nbffnb  n,  pi  =»,  (Sibtag,  Snbel)  contrlbution, 

3 nota;  (oeb  ^nbttcebelfe)  entrance  fee;  (i  Øanf) 
eposit;  (i  Gtrift)  interpolation;  fe  dnbffubibttRe, 
-plabe.  —  3nbfrnb*|b*ttc  (Søm.)  false  celling, 
sound-floor.  -plabe  (til  ttorb)  (sliding)  leaf. 
•feng  sliding  bed. 

ftabffnre  vt  furrow,  rub. 

9ttb)fnb|e  vt  (fttjbe  mb)  shove  in;  (i  6ftift) 
Insert,  put  in,  (foigagtig)  interpolate;  (f.  9tø. 
6fubbag)  intercalate;  meb  -frubte  »labe  inter- 
leaved;  -  et  Qbtvarc  pro  ve  (a  gun);  (om  $enge) 
pay  in;  _  en  noget  suggest  to,  inspire  with,  put 
into  one's  head;  fe  6tybe  inb;  —  vr  fig  unbet  en 
tøere  Domfiol  appeal  to  a  higher  tribunal,  -elfe 
c  -t  suggestion,  inspiration;  min  førfie  .  my  firet 
impulse;  fulgte  Stoleben*  .  followed  the  dic- 
tates  of  her  pride.  -er  c  -e  (\  Van!)  depositor. 
•ttittg  c  shoving  in;  insertlon,  interpolation; 
Qøcfemtø  .  trial  of  the  guns,  determinlng  the 
range  of  the  guns. 

3fnbf!ttfle  te  (om  6øen);  vi  rush  in, 
pour  in. 

3nbfTotr|e  vt  cut  in  (into),  carve;  ^  (tnbe, 
Søber)  reeve;  —  vr  fig  i  make  Indentationa  in; 

-  tnbffooren  (f.  (Sti.  ftt)fl)  inden  te  d,  $  inci- 





se(d).   -tag  c  -et  cutting  etc.,  Indsion,  conc  notch, 
score;  inden tatlon.    -tngftaro  JL  fixed  skids. 

3abftorac  vt  inculcate,  enforce,  enjoln  (en 
nt  st  on  one),  bring  home  (to),  -(fe  c  inculca- 
tion,  injunctlon. 

Sabflaa  øf  (6»m  o.  1.)  drive  In;  (i  Staffer) 
knock  In,  break,  smash;  (plantet)  cover  np, 
earth;  (fjoab.)  fold  dowa;  +  «  é\aa  inb  paa. 
3nbflag  brlmstone  (for  oasks).  aabflagning  o 
(af  ©tjnaale)  marking.   dabftaggmtne  camounet. 

$abflagt|e  vt  lrfll  (cattle)  for  salting.  -ning 
e  killing  etc. 

ftnbfleifning  c  dove-tail  hole. 

3abflib|c  vt  grind  in  (into),  flt  on  by  emery 
-grindlng.    -ning  c  grinding  in. 

Inbfftpnittg  e  admission, 
jab  labre  vt  slabber,  sup  up  hastily. 
[nb  luge  vt  fe  Kebfluoe. 

fttbftamre  vi  (all  sileep;  -be  Sibenftaber  dor- 
mant  passions,    +-en  languor,  lethargy. 

Jabflatte  fe  3nbeflutte. 

3abf!taaø|e  vt  (flDtiøe  inb)  sling  in;  (fltjngr  fam« 
men)  twist  in,  tangle.    -ning  c  twisting  etc. 

Inbflæbe  vt  drag  in  (into). 
[nbnæage  vt  fling  el.  hurl  in  (into). 
fabfUre  vt  vell,  shroud. 
[ttbf«eU|e  vt  melt  down.    -ning  c  melting 

ftnbfniergte  vt  fe  ftnbfltbe. 

jnbfmigre  vr  fig  1)oft  en  lngratiate  one's  self 
with  one  (by  flattery),  insinuate  one's  self  into 
one's  favour.  -n  ingratiation.  -abe  o  ingratia- 
ting,  ingratiatory,  insinuatlng. 

3abfntngf|e  vt  sxnuggle  (in).  -Ung  c  sxnng- 

^nbfatare  vt  mb  cl.  smear  (with  an  ointment); 
.  meb  gebt  grease.    -Ife  c  rubbing  etc. 

3nbfne  vt  snow  up;  -et  snowed  up,  snow 

Snbfnerfcje  vt  conBtringe,  constrict,  contract. 
-ning  e  contract  Ion. 

3nbfaig|e  vt  smuggle  in  el.  into;  —  vr  fig 
slip  in,  creep  in  (into);  -  fig  i  en*  Ghmft  insinu- 
ate one's  self  into  one's  good  graces.  -elfe, 
-ning  c  creeping  in. 

$nbfntt  n,  pi  — ,  incision,  cut,  notch,  (meb 
Sao)  kerf. 

Snbfno  vt  Uvist  together,  entangle. 
abfn(rr|e  vt  ensnare;  (inbtnibe)  constrict.  -ing 
e  enBnaring  etc. 

3abfua?br|e  vt  narrow,  straiten;  -4  narrow;  -t 
Stamp  wlre-dxawn  steam.  -ring  c  narrowing  etc.; 
(8ej)  narrow  pass,  pass,  deflle;  (af  $abet)  strsit, 
strål ts,  channel,  sound. 

5« b fnat | e  vt  lace  in,  lace  tightly.  -tag  c 
lacjng  in. 

fnbfoiiet  part  fallen  asleep. 
Fnbfftare  vt  save. 

jabfbifle  vt  bring  out  the  tone  of;  gobt  -be 
(om  $erfonex)  well  practised  together. 

3nbf»tnblc  vt  enclose  in  a  web;  Sitteormen 
førc  inbfpunbet  fig  the  slik  worm  has  spun  its 
cocoon.    -ing  c  enclosing  etc. 
Snblfblibfe,  -fblejfe  vt  splice  in. 
3nbfaroag|e  vt  buret  open,  force  open.    -t  a 

3abfpr*it|e  vt  squirt  in(to),  inject,  syringe. 
-aiag  c  injection.    -aingfattparat  (2>mp.)  feed 
injector.  -ntngtfjane  ($mp.)  Injection  cock  (o.  H.). 
•tttngdmaftine  injector.   -ningfr*?  (2>mp.)  Injec- 
tion pipe. 

3ubtø*nb|e  vt  claap,  buckle;  stretch;  (Drein.) 
monnt.    -lag  e  clasping  etc. 
i»f>«et|rc,  -ring  fe  3nbeførrre 

linbftage  vt  stake  In,  enclose  with  stakes. 
3nbS«lb|e  or  stall. 

-stag  c  stalling. 

3nbftom»r  vt  ram  in,  drive  in. 

+3»bftebe  vt  admit. 

+3»b9entnte  vt  fe  3nb*otne. 

3fttbfftew|we  vt  (SnebF.)  mortise.    -aiag  c  mor 

ftabfteatple  vt  stamp. 

Jjubfttfte  vt  Insti tute,  ordain.  -ffc  c  institution 
-Ifeifejt  festival  of  the  institution.    -tfetora  & 
appolntment.    -r  e  -c  institutor. 

3nbfftig|e  vi  fe  6tige  inb.  -aiag  c  Stepping  in 
(into),  entering. 

3nbfrit|te  vt  thrust  in,  put  in,  stick  (in);  hib 
{hitten  2aai  mortise-lock.     -Jærn  (©lit.)  horse. 
-ter  c  -e  4/  stealer,   stealing-strake.     -aiag   •■ 
thrnstlng  in  etc.;  (Bøgb.)  inset;  (af  JtnappenaaW) 

3nbftU|le  vt  (foreflaa)  propose,    (til   (Embebe) 
nominate,  (gejfiltøt)  present;  (waftine  o.  I.)  adjust; 
(obrrlabe)  submlt;  .  fine  betalinger  suspend  et 
stop  payment;  ftomitérn  t  (poa)  at  thecommittee 
recommends  that;  ben  -be  the  nominee;  -t  Saqt 
shooting  in  a  wood  sourrounded  by  beaten;  — 
vr   fig   appear.     -lelig   a  adjustable.     -Hag  c 
proposition;   nomination;   presentation;  adjust 
ment;   (ftotnitéft)   report;    (HI    dtftamen)   recom 
mendation  (to  his  Majesty)  for  meritorious  pas 
sing.    -lingftret  right  of  nomination,  (til  gfjfM. 
(Emb.)  advowson. 

^nbftobpe  ol  stuff  in. 

+ftabfkørae  vi  rush  in  (like  a  whirlwind). 

^$nbflramaic  vt  constrict,  tighten. 
abftroabie,  -ing  fe  6tranbe. 
nbftrege  vt  score,  mark. 

_nbfftrøJP|toe  vt  ^  strop;  -t  ©lot  block  with  a 
strop,    -ntng  e  fltting  of  block- strops. 

3nbftrtog|e  vt  rub  in.  -ninggfit  slitting-ftle. 
screw-heaa  file. 

^nbfrra  vt  strew  (among),  interspene,  throw 
in.    -elfe  c  strewing  etc. 

3inbfrram|me  vi  stream  in,  (ogf.  fig)  pour  in 
el.  into.  -mea,  -aiag  c  streaming  etc.,  influx, 
inflow.    -ningteaaning  (3)mp.)  Injection  orince 

^nbftaberle  vt  study,  con,  get  (by  heart);  mu* 
pracUse;  (om  et  Stylte  paa  Zeotret)  Iobe  -  put 
into  rehearsal.   -ing  c  studying  etc.;  b«re  unber 

-  be  in  rehearsal. 
abftnbf  |e  vt  lop,  cut  down.  -ning  c  lopplng. 
nbUntten  fe  3nbftitte. 
nbfta*|e  vt  stow  in,  take  in.  -ning  c  stowing 


Bnbfttatte  vt  patch  in,  piece  in. 
nbftbrtje  vi  (all  in,  give  way;  —  +  vt  knock 
in.    -ning  o  nUling  etc. 

^nbftora'big  a   urgent,  pressing,  earnest:  — 

adv  urgently,   earnestly;  bebe  -  beaeech.    -|eb 

c  earnestness,  urgency. 

ijabftænge  vt  enclose  with  stakes  d.  posts. 

3ab{ta*n|e  vt  summon,  cl  te;  .  en  6og  for 

Qejcfttztt  bring  an  action  in  the  Supreme  Coart. 

-  unber  følbtmaal  sub-poena.  -te  c  the  defen- 
dant,  (i  oiøfe  Sager  ogf.)  the  respondent,  -ing 
c  summons,  citation. 

3nbftab|e  vt  thrust  in,  knock  in.  -ning  r 
thrusting  etc. 

Ønbfng|e  vt  stick  in,  absorb;  (ogf.  fip)  imbibe. 
fig  labe  -  imbue  with;  -enbe  Stat  absorbent  vessels. 
-ning  e  sucklng  etc.,  absorption. 

3abfat|rc  vt  candy,  ice,  preserve  with  sugar. 
-ting  c  candying. 

3nbfbigt|e  vt  &  swift,  swifler.  -ningøtaife 

^nbfbinb|c  vi  shrink,  dwindle  away,  waste 
away.    -ing  c  shrinking,  wasting. 

^abfbiagniag  c  mil  locking  up. 

3Bbfbob|te  vt  fumigate  with  sulphur.  -ting  c 
fumigation  etc. 




3nbf»*9  n  envelope.  3nbfb*b|e  vt  envelop, 
wrap  up,  muffle  up.    -ning  c  wrapping  etc. 

3«bfto  ol  sew  up,  stitch  in;  embrolder;  (6b- 
nurftine)  try. 

[nbftobe  fe  3nbtoge. 
fnbfblt|e,  -nino  fe  ©tjlte. 
[nbfljnge  vt  praotise;  gobt  -fungne  well  prac- 
tised  together. 

Snbfbntng  c  tnrning-in. 
ttifirat|e  vi  sink  in;  inbfuntne  £>jne  Banken 
eyes.    -ntng  e  sinklng  in. 

^3«bfbrtng  c  ensilage. 

f^nbftrbtr  vt  (©tegget)  lather;  (Xtj)  soap.  -m, 
-«uiø  c  lathering,  soaping. 

(tnbfaratnhig  c  dent,  lndent,  hollow. 

3«»f«t|te  vt  (fatte  inb)  pnt  in  el.  into,  place, 
inaert,  flUn,  fix;  (WÉbelft.)  net;  (Wafi)  step;  (3«tn) 
case-harden;  (i  Sfcengfel)  imprison,  commit  to 
prison;  (falVfe  Xanbet)  pnt  in;  ((Embebftmcenb)  in- 
stall,  lnstate,  -  igen  reinstate;  (fefiligt)  inau- 
gurate,  (en  $t«ft)  insti  tute,  (en  ©tflop)  enthrone; 
(i  6pi!)  stake;  (i  ©an!)  deposit;  .  fora  $ont 
pavrn,  pledge;  tøm  inbfatte  ffam  til  fin  Srbfoa  he 
made  him  his  heir;  Wet  til  at  inb-  og  affætte 
right  to  make  and  nnmake,  to  make  and  de- 
poae;  -  i  ftt  Steb  substltute.  -ning  c  setting-in; 
case~hardenlng.  -telfe  c  putting  in  etc.;  im- 
priaonment;  pawning;  installment;  inauguration; 
enthronisation;  relnstatement. 

ftabff  ø  lake,  »c  loch. 

3«bf*agttg  a  lakelike. 

+3«bf*m  c  inside  hem. 

3«bf*ante  vt  hem. 

3nbtag  n  (»eb  Banbt.)  intake.     3fnbt«g|e  vt 
lake  in;  (i  6tib)  ship,  take  on  board:  -  pao  nt) 
reship,  reload;  ($(ab8)   take  up.    occupy;   flll 
(TOaattib)  partake  of;   (røebtetn)  take,  swallow 
(»eb   (Itfrbærbigbeb)  captivate,  charm,  fasclnate 

-  en  Qp,  føefmtng  carry  a  town,  fortress;  .  ©attafl 
take  In  ballast,  ballast;  boere  inbtaget  af,  i  be 
taken,  smitten,  captivated  with;  ocere  -t  for  be 
prepossessed  in  favour  of;  sete  -t  imob  be  pre- 
judiced  against.  -elig  a  tbat  can  be  taken,  not 
impregnable  (fføftning  etc).  -etfe  c  (af  Ød  etc.) 
taldng.  carrying;  (af  ©allaft)  taking-in  (of  bal- 
last), ballastlng.  -etibe  a  captlvating,  lascinating, 
engaglng,  charming,  prepossessing,  winning;  libet 

-  unprepossessing;  bet  -  i  ^enbeft  fltøfen  the 
fascination  el.  charm  of  her  manner.  -enbc  »  vt. 
capacity.  -enbeb,  -ettyeb  c  prepossession;  admT- 
ration,  infatuation.  -ning  c  (étrifn.)  taking  in, 
narrowing,  diminishing. 

rfoit  tfe  vt  j*r  claim;  reclaim. 
3«ita*|9e  vt  (i)  mortise  el.  tenon  (into).  -ning 
c  mortlslng. 

SfniregBJe  vt  note  down,  write,  enter  fin  a 
book;,  book.  -etfe,  -tag  c  noting  etc.  -Ing§> 
fantot  n  booking-offlee. 

3«bttf  prcep  (f  tb  og  6teb)  to,  as  far  as;  up  to; 
(tun  ttb)  til],  until;  -  Såret  1400  down  to  the 
year  1400;  am  -  6bag$eb  tender  to  weakneas; 
en  SRulft  af  -  a  fine  not  exceeding,  fe  ©ibere; 
conj  until,  till;  faa  længe  .  until. 

3*bri(tenB  adv:  gaa  -  tum  one's  toes  in- 
wards,  be  parrot-toed. 

tabrftfgc  vt  t  ftoft  (|oft)  board  (witb);  —  vr  flg 
*.  T.    -tfe,  -it  e  boarding. 

Onbtog  n,  pi  =,  entry,  en  trance;  Ijolbe  fU  - 
make  one's  entry.  3abtog91p{ttbe(tgbeb  solemn 
entrance  el.  reception. 

(nbtalb  c  ub.  pi  importation  duty. 
ibtolbe  fe  ftortotbe. 
ibtrtae  vi  step  in. 
fnbrrnffen  fe  3nbttæffe. 
iMtipf  n,  pi  ■>,  impressiou;   gøre  et  gunftigt 
•  poa  impress   one  favourably  (o.  fl.);  gat  et 

fletxtt  -  is  very  impressive;  gere  et  -  af  at  con- 
vey  the  impression  that;  mobtagelig  for  -  im- 
pressionable.  ^nbtrbt|te  vt  impress,  imprint; 
(trbHe  inbab)  prene  inward;  force  In;  200  i  XeMten 
-fte  ftort  200  maps  intercalated  with  the  tezt. 
-ter  c  -e  (i  Ur)  knot.  -ning  o  -er  impressing, 
etc.;  conc  depression,  impression,  inden tation. 
-t  a  depressed;  ^  retuse. 

Jnbtrbfle  vt  (i)  conjure,  charm  (into). 
nbtroebe  vt  tread  in;  -  et  6sm  i  gfaben  run  a 
into  one's  foot. 
3nbtr<rbe  vi  (trsbe)  walk  in,  (ogf.  fin)  enter; 
(bsnbeft)  happen,  oocur,  come  to  pass,  set  in, 
supervene;  (oegbnbe)  commence;  ~  i  en  forening 
join  an  association;  -  i  en*  6teb  take  one's 
place,  replace  one;  oeb  -nbe  Sejttgfcb  as  oppor- 
tun! ty  offers,  -tfe  o  entrance;  oommencement; 
occurrence.  -tfeønengc  entrance,  entrance  fee, 
initiation  fee.  -tfeøtorarbiten  inaugural  sermon. 
•tfefttale  inaugural  discourse. 

^nbtroeffe  vi  (an! omme)  arrive;  (^oenbef)  happen, 
occur,  fall  out;  (fulb6prbe#)  be  acoompllshed, 

3nb|tr<efte  vi  draw  in,  drag  in  el.  into.  -ning 
c  drawlng  etc.;  (ttlif)  raislng  in. 

3Hbrr<rcg|e  vt  (fTaffe  inb  meb  Slagt)  force  in, 
thrust  in,  squeeze  in  el.  into;  —  vr  flg  obtrude 
one's  self,  lntrude;  —  vi  fe  Stange  inb.    -(fe, 
•elfeftettne  (Øeoarl)  penetration,  -tn  c  intrusion, 
entrance.    -enbe  a  impressive,  forcible,  earnest; 
bbbt  .  penetratlng.    -ntng  fe  -en. 
+3*»t"Q'c  vt  beat  in. 
♦Jjnbtttfie  vt  huddle  up  (in). 
nbtur  c :  poa  -en  on  the  passage  in. 
mbtnittge  vt  force  in,  squeeze  in  el.  into. 
Jnbtffgt  e  -er  income,   revenue;  (af  @fuefpil, 
Koncert  ofb )  recelpts,  takings,  proeeeds  pi.;  bat 
bettjbeligf  -er  has  a  large  income;  .  og  Ubgift 
recelpts  and  ezpenditure(8);  baoe  en  6ntule  -  af 
make  something  by;  for  at  pjælpf  paa  -erne  by 
way  of  eking  out  one's  income;  tage  til  .  ap- 
propriate,  joc  (f.  (Sti.  ^riReborer)  dlscuas.  —  3fnb< 
tatgt*|bog  books  of  recelpts.    -litbe  source  of 
revenue.   -fanto  acconnt  of  recelpts.  -poft  item 
of  revenue.    -flbc  creditor's  side. 

^inbtdrt|te  vt  count,  count  over.  -Hag  c  count- 
ing  etc. 

btorabt  o :  arrig  savage,  furious. 
[nbUntntere  pi  £,  timberg,  ribs. 
'nbtar  a  thoroughly  dry. 
bUrre  vt  dry  up;  -*  od  be  drled  up;  (ftrumpe 
inb)  shrink. 

3Kbn!|tloa  c  phil  &  phvt  induc'tion.    -tiøHf  > 
apparat  inductive  electrical  machine.    -tio»3- 
eleftricitet  induced  electridty.    -tiongralle  in- 
duc'tion bobbin.    -ti'b  a  induc'tive. 
^abnlgeiiø'  c  indulgence. 
*3f«bnttber  prtxp  (in)  under, 
^fvbttsgflobett  the  Indus. 
5»bBftri'  c  ln'dustry,  indus'trial  arts,  tråde, 
•bribenbe  a  industrlal;  —  c  manu&cturer;  ben  * 
ftlaftfe  the  industrlal  el.  indastrlous  classes.   -cl' 
a  industrlal.    -forening  Society  of  Arts.    -gren 
branch  of  industry.  -torobatt  product  of  industry. 
-ribber,  -ribber ffe  swindler,  F  swell  mob.  -flole 
industrlal  school.   -nbftlfling  Industrlal  Exhibl- 
Uon;  ftunfl*  og  .  Exihlbition  of  Art  and  Industry. 
[nbbaauer  c  -e  inhabitant. 
inbbalfe  vt  full  close. 
fnbualfe  vt  roll  in. 

[nbban|bre  vi  immigrate.   -brer  c  immigrant. 
mg  c  immigration, 
rtabbarpe  vi  warp  in. 

5nbbarø|fe  vt  fe  3nbpotone;  (beramme)  appoint, 

announce;  fio  inaugurate.  -ting  c  fe  3nbftctontng. 

^Bbbeube  vt  (imob)  object  (to);  Jeg  &at  intet  at 




-  berimob  I  have  no  objection;  bet  er  meget  at  - 
imob  there  are  strong  objections  against. 

3ab»enbtg  a  ioteraal,  Inward,  inside;  bet  -e 
the  inside,  interior;  -  Øerntng  in-door  work; 
_  $tøe  house  maid;  _  jomfru  lady-help,  -  flgintel 
internal  angle;  adv  lnternally,  inwardly;  (e  - 
laugh  inside;  -  fra  from  the  inside. 

3«bbettbtng  c  -er  objection  (imob  to  el.  agsinst); 
gote  -er  urge,  raise  el.  make  objectlona;  demur; 
tngen  .  gote  offer  no  objection;  bet  er  ingen  ~ 
imob  that  is  no  argument  against. 

Ønbbetglle  vt  change.    -Ung  c  changUuj. 

3nbbte  vt  eonsecrate,  (til  nt,  fig)  dedicate; 
(om  ilte  ttrteltge  Ceremonier)  inaogtirate;  (kræfter) 
ordain;  (i  en  $emmelig$eb)  initiate  lu,  take  into 
(a  secret);  be  -be  the  initlated,  those  (who  are) 
in  the  secret.  -(fe  o  consecration;  dedicatlon; 
inauguration;  ordination;  initiation.  —  3«b- 
trte(fe9|feft  inaugural  solemnity.  -gilbe  inau- 
gural  feast.  -præbitcK  inaugural  sermon.  -tale 
inaugural  address,  i.  discourse. 

Sabbig  c  creek,  cove. 
nboitjte  vt  (inbfoobe)  fold  up,  wrap  up;  (bringe 
i  Urebe;  forbitre)  entangle;  (melt  fig)  invoive, 
impUcate;  (i  6trib  o.  be*I.)  embroil;  .  Sanbet  i 
en  Jrrig  embark  the  country  upon  a  war;  -t  i  en 
6ammenfooergelfe  mixed  up  in  a  conspiracy;  — 
vr  Og  i  get  entangled  in.  -let  a  intricate,  com- 
plex;  gøre  .  complicate;  intrigen  blider  mere  og 
mete  -  the  plot  thlckens.  -Ung  c  folding  etc.; 
involution;  entanglement;  intrlcacy,  complica- 

3«bbil((i)ge  vi  i  grant,  comply  with;  ~  i  at 
oonsent  that.    -(fe  e  granting  etc.;  consent. 

3nbbt»be  vt  (blfle  inb)  wind  up,  roll  up. 

3nb*iab|e  vt  (fortjene)  earn,  gain;  (foa  tilbage) 
recover;  (fianb)  reclaim.  -Hig  c  recoyery,  re- 

*3ub»iittre  vt  keep  through  the  winter. 

3nboirfc  vt  (arbejbe,  oæbe  inb)  work  in,  weave 
in  el.  into;  -t  Srbejbe  flgured  work. 

3nbbirt|e  vi  paa  exert  influence  on,  aet  on, 
react  on,  operate  on,  influence,  affect.    -enke  a 
influentlal,   actlve;   gram  transitive,     -itlwg   c 
influence;  action. 
Jnbbife  vt  show  In. 
fnbootfe  vi  grow  in  el.  into. 

Jnbbolbep*  ( +3nbbolb  c)  entrails,  bowels;  Jjotenbe 
til  -ne  intestfnal.  —  $iib»ø(b9|tere  splanchnology. 
-orm  intestinal  worm. 

3nbborteg  a  inward,  internal,  inner;  fe  3nbre; 

—  n,  fe  3nbre  n;  —  adv  inwardly,  lnternally; 
_  fra  from  within. 

fnbootere  vt  elect  by  ballot;  -  i  vote  into. 
fnbbribr  cl  twist  in,  wrench  in  el.  into. 
[nbonage  vt  fe  3nbbb*fe. 
jubdttttting  c  J,   cutting  (a  snip)   through 
the  ice. 
ftabbttlte  vt  &  i  roll  in,  tumble  in  el.  into. 
3nbb<rb|e   vt    weave    In  el.   into.     -wing  c 
3tttb1jm9e  vt  fe  Snbpobe. 
Snbénbe  vt  en  pog  gain  one  the  favour  of;  — 
vr  Og  bo*  ingratiate  one's  self  (with). 

3«b*be  vt  fig  swallow;  —  vr  flg  i  eat  into. 
3fnb*bt  a :  ~  $arme,  Staferi  suppressed  anger, 
indignation,  rage;  —  adv:  ~  arrig  mad  with 
suppressed  rage. 

3«btt(t|e  vt  knead  into.  -ning  c  kneadlng 

$«baffe  fe  3nbfl*tme. 

jfnbAtfe  vt  etch  in;  imprint  by  cauterization. 

3*b*f|e  vt  pour  in,  bale  in.  -nlag  c  pouring 

3f*bf»e  vt  practise,  exercise,  (Solbater)  train, 

discipUne,  (Refroter)  drill;  tøeft)  break,     -ffe  c 
pracoslng  etc.,  training  etc.;  driuing;  breaking 

Bnerti'  c  iner'tia. 
nfa'm  a  in'Camous.  -e're  vt  render  infamous. 
brand  with  infamy;  -erenbe  a  infamous,    igno- 
mlnious.    -i'  c  in'famy. 
ftufant'  e  -er  infan'te,  in'fant. 
3nfantert'  n  -er  in'fantry,  foot  (soldlen).  -§e«e 
ral  general  of  innntry,  -officer  c  infkntry  officer, 
-regiment  foot  regiment;   anbet  .  the  second 
(regiment  of)  foot.    -fabel  infkntry  sabre.    -fk    r 
-er  foot-soldier. 

afanrinbe  c  er  infcn'ta. 
nfeftionftfligbom  c  infectious  diseaae. 
aferna'lff  a  infer'nal. 
»Rce're  vt  infect'.    -ring  o  infection. 
*flttre|  re  vt  filter  in;  —  vr  fig  InnTtrat*. 
-ring  e  infiltration. 

Jfnfinitefimalregttingen  the  infinitesimal  cal- 

3fafiK'itio  n  -er  gram  the  inflnitive  (moodj. 
-iff  a  infln'itive,  infinitival. 

3irflam|mario'n  c  -er  inflamma'tion.  -mata'rift 
a  fnflam'matory.    -me're  vt  to  infla'me. 
nttne'rt  vi  paa  influence. 
njluensa  c  the  influenza. 
nformfatio'n  o  -er  lessons  pi.    -ato'r  c   -er 
tutor,    -e're  vt  give  lessons. 

fjfnflT*  n  inm'sion.     -io'llØblir  n  lnfu'sory,  pd 
inrasories  el.  infuso'ria.    -o'rier  pi  b.  f.    -o Tic 
Jorb  fe  Oicergmel. 

^agefær  c  ginger,  Amomum  aingiber;  feltet  - 
preserved  ginger;  banft  -  cuckoo-plnt,  wake 
-robln,  Arttm  maculatum.  -o(fe  ginger-oil.  -•! 

3ngen  a  (bebfojet)  no;  (abfolut)  none;  **b*t  no 
one,  nobody;  -  anben  no  other; .  Snben  nobody 
else;  -  anben  enb  bu  no  one  but  you;  ieg  bar  _ 
fet  I  have  seen  none;  -  af  bem  (om  to)  nelther 
of  them;  .  af  bem  talte  (they)  neither  of  them 
spoke;  $enge  baobe  ^an  -  af  money  he  had 

3ngenU'r  c  -er  engineer.  -aroefbe  operative 
engineer.  -t ovpi  engineer  corps.  -officer  officer 
of  the  engineen.  -fuKft,  -sibenftab  engineering. 

JngeaU  g  a  inge'nious. 

3ngenjlttnbe  adv  by  no  means,  not  at  all. 
-finbe  adv  never.  -fombelfl  o  no  .  .  .  whatever: 
none  whatever;  «  no  one  whatever  (fe  3ngen). 
-ftebg  adv  nowhere.  •ftebftbea  adv  nowhiUier 
-tib  adv  never.  -ting  nothing;  (om  Jeg  fif  bet) 
for  -  at  a  gift;  labe  fom  -  look  innocent,  look 
as  if  nothing  were  the  matter;  bet  gor  (on 
fom  -  he  makes  nothing  of  that.  -begne  adv 

ngermonUinb  n  Ingrla. 
ngrebieng'  c  -er  ingre'dient. 
nb  ab  il    a   disqualified;   gore   .   diaqualiry. 
-ite't  c  disqualiflcation. 

9nba(a|tio  n  e  -er  lohala'tlon.  -tionoa^^arat 

Bnbibe  re  vi  inhib'it. 
n^nman  a  unfeeling,  unkind,  harsh.    -ite't 
c  harsh  nesa. 
ØnbArlenr  o  inhe'rent  (in),  -e're  vt  insist  on. 
^niHlaaer  pi   initials.     -ftMjafNftteb    initial 
veiocity.    -altraft  momentum,    -atfb  n  init'ia- 

Snjettio  n  c  injec'Uon. 
njnlriant'  c  -er  insulter,  libeller,    -'rie  c  r 
Insult,  defamation,  (llriftlig)  li  bel.  —  3nfu  rit| 
^roceo  action  for  insult  el.  libel.   -'re  vt  insult. 
-faj  libel  case. 

nfamine're  vt  commence,  institute,  open. 

nta^abel  a  inca'pable. 

iBtamltftioii  c  incarna'tion.    -e'ret  a  inca'r- 




nate;  ben  -ttbe  Soalinøbtg^eb  tbe  incaraa'tlon  of 

3n!a»|fatio'a  o  fe  3nMa«fering.  -ft'tør  o  -er 
colleotor  (of  debta),  receiver,  -fe're,  -'fø  c  fe 
3nbto*fete,  -rinQ. 

3uffinatiø'n,  c  love,  fancy;  f  Vtaanetn.)  inciina'- 
tioo,  dip.  —  ftBtlinttiøBf ItosBpaø  dipping-com- 
pass.  -«m1  dipping-needle.  -parti  love -match, 
marriage  of  øentiment.  -Phtfef  angle  of  in- 

Øttflufibe  adv  (bagefter)  inclu'sive,  (foran)  in- 
clusive  of,  incluaing. 

Ønfømmenfnra'bet  o  lncommen'surable. 

5ntø«tmøbe/re  vt  incom'modate. 

3tttømpelte«$'o  incom'petency,incom'petence. 
-tcnt'  a  inoom'petent. 

3ntø*fe|tpe«0'  c  inøonsistency.  -fpent'  a  in- 

[ntønøenienø'  c  -er  inconve'niency. 
Fntørpørc're  vf  inco'rporate. 
jnfrsme're  ø*  incrust. 

J*r*ba|rtø'n»Hb  period  of  lncuba'tion.  -'tør 
c  -er  lncubator  (for  infants). 

3*(ft*a'Me?  j*  inounabula. 

jntnra'bel  a  incu'rable. 

3nføi|re*t'  c  -er  jur  examlnlng  magistrale. 
-re're  vt  ezamine.  -'flt  c  -er  prisoner,  criminal, 
cuiprit.    -flrto  w  e  inquisit'ion.    -9tiøn§ 'tjener 
fluniliar.    •fftø'riff  a  inquisltorlal. 
[niterøattø'n  o  innerva'tion. 
fnfeft'    »    -er  in'sect.     -brartenbe  o  insect 
-killing,     -teaper  entomologist.    -larve  larve, 
(of  an  Insect).  -Ugaeabe  a  insectlie,  insect-llke. 
•tøm  entomology.    -at*(  pin  of  entomologlsts. 
-*ttl*erinsect(-de8troying)powder,  vermin-killer. 
-famler  collector  or  lnsects.    -famting  collec- 
tlon  of  lnsects.    -øerbenen  the  insect  world. 
-crPeaPe  a  insectiv'orous.    -erbere  insec'tlvores. 
Ittfer a  t  n  -er  adver'tiøement 
løflbU«  o  inaid'lous. 
[nftg  nirs  pi  insignia  pi. 

JafinB|«Bt'  a  insin'uatlng.  -triø'u  c  -er  in- 
siaua'tion,  innuendo.  -e're  øf  insin'uate;  —  vr 
fig  lnstnuate  one's  self. 

lafffte're  vi  inslst  (paa  on). 
jaføtP|ea#'  c  insol'vency.    -eat'  a  insol 'vent, 

jnfpetltio'n  c  lnspection.  -tiøafftapeabe  a 
superintendent;  -  Officer  lnspecting  officer. 
-Hønønwaftring  muster  for  lnspeotion.  -tionf« 
rejfe  tonr  of  inspection.  -trt'ee  o  -r  ($ofp.) 
matron.  -Ur  c  -er  inspec'tor;  - paa  8afeb«re(fet 
Saperintendent  of  the  Reading  Room. 

3nfp(ce|re  vi  inspect,  examlne.  -ring  c  ln- 

3nfpir|atiø/a  o  -er  lnspira'tioa.  -e're  or  in- 

fafpiøfe're  vt  tnspis'sate. 
føfcøøUtie't  ø  instabil'ity. 

[ttfttOlere  vi  install.    -ariø'a  c  insta'iment. 

JafttBØ'  e  -n  jur:  førfie  .  oourt  of  the  flrst 
tn'stance;  i  førfie  -  in  the  flrst  instance;  i  fibfle 
-  in  the  last  resort,  finally;  be  laøere  -er  the 
coarts  below. 

3nfHtttt'  n  -er  in 'sti  aet.  -møttfig  a  lnstinct'- 
ive,  intuitive,  —  adv  iastinctively,  by  instinct. 

3nfHrnt'  »  -er  school;  -ente  pi,  Jur  the  Insti- 
tutes.  -peftprer,  -beftprerinbe  c  sohool-master, 
s.  mløtress.    -lø'a  c  -er  insti tu'tion. 

3afrra| e're  øl  instruot,  give  dtrections,  F  coach, 

en  Oorlj  direct  el.  charge  a  jury. 
ifrae'rtag  fe  3fnfrrurtion. 

faltratØ'  e  -er  Instruction«  pi. 

jafrrajtHø'a  c  -er  Instruction,  dlrection.  -f 'Ha 

tnstruc'ttve.  -ftø'r  c  -er  (8«rer)  instruc'tor; 
(oeb  Cfterdft)  drill-instructor;  (Scene*)  stage  ma- 

nager; (CleøO  instrnctor  of  aspirants  for  the 
stage;  (®anø/)  condnctor.  •tU'rftøl  condnctor's 

^nftmmenr  *  -er  instrument,    -a't  a  instru- 
men'tal.    -almufit  instrumental  moslc.    -e're  vt 
adapt  for  the  orehestra.    -e'rtwg  e  instrumenta- 
tion,   -ifl'  c  -er  instrumen'tist.    -SMger  e  -e  in 
strument-maker;  fpfifE  .  phllosophical  i.;  øptifK 

-  optician,  maker  of  optical  instruments. 
Ønfuøørbittlttlø'N  einsubordlna'tlon.  -*Høk*> 

f ørfeelfe  milltary  offence.  -e'ret  a  insubo'rdinate. 

SnfnUner'  c  in'sular,  islander. 
nfntt'  o  -er  in'sult.    -e're  vi  insult',   -e  ring 
e  insult'ing. 

nfnrøent'  c  -er  insur'gent. 
[Kic  adv  p  not. 

jatejgrtl  »  -er  in'tegral.  •grølregning  c 
integral  caloulus.  -grerenbea  integral,  -grfte'i 
c  integ'rity. 

SnteHlefrneC  a  intellec'tual.  -tgené'  c  in- 
'igenoe.    -Igent'  c  lnteU'igent,  Intellec'tual. 

^ntenbont'  e  -er  inten'dant,  oommissary.  -n'r 
e  inten'dancy,  commissa'rist.  -»rførraav  com- 
missariat  stores,    -wrøafenet  the  commlssariat. 

flfitewlfite't  c  inten'sity.  -fip  a  (flcerl)  inten'se; 
-t  Vgerbrua  high  farmlng  el.  culture. 

dnterbifr'  n  -er  in'terdlct;  belægge  meb  -  inter- 

3ntereilf«Hr  a  in'terasting,  of  in'terest;  i  -e 
Omfhenbigpeber  in  an  interesting  situation  el. 
condltion.  ØKtereffe  c  -er  in'terest;  tyivt  el.  Pife 
.  for  interest  one's  self  for;  ffavt  ~  af  hare  an  in- 
tenst in;  flnbe  .  i  take  (an)  Interest  In;  bet  ligger  i 
min  •  at  it  Is  (to)  my  interest  to;  bet  ligger  ffte  i 
min  -  it  Is  not  to  my  interest;  i  ftetfarbigbebent 

-  in  the  interests  of  Justice;  Paretage  en*  -  look 
after  one's  Interests;  9tybebenft  -  the  charm  of 
novelty;  uben  .  uninteresting.    ^nteredfeUd  a 
uninteresting;  uninterested.    3ntere$|fent'  c  -er 
shareholder.    -fent'ffab  n  oompany,  association. 
-fc're  vt  interest;  oonoern;  —  cr  (tg  for  interest 
one's  self  for,  take  an  interest  in;  ~  flg  teøenbe 
for  take  a  lively  Interest  in.    -fe'ret  a  ((Igeaffab) 
8elf-interested,  covetous:  pcere  .  i  have  an  in- 
terest in,  be  concerned  in;  .  i  at  oonoerned  that; 
jlcerft  -  i  closely  interested  in. 

fjfsterfferenØ'  c  interfe'rence. 

3«terfolif  re  vt  interleave,  interfoliate.  -rlxg 
e  lnterleavlng. 

9nter|iai  n  prorislonal  arrangement,  -iaifl'iff, 
-issØ'  a  provisions!,  temporary.  —  3«teriøl#|- 
•frie  scrip.  -vePU  provisional  oertiflcate.  -Kult* 
tering  receipt  ad  interim,  -minifrer  minister  ad 
interim,    -regering  c  provisional  government. 
aterW  r  n  -er  lnte'rlor. 
nterjeeriø'tt  o  -er  øram  inteijec'tlon. 
nteriinea'roøerfdrrtetfe  o  interlin'ear  transla- 

dttterløtttto'ricrenbeife  o  interloo'utory  decree 
e(.  Judgment. 

^ntermea  fto  n  -er  interlude,  intermezzo,  in  ter- 

tttermtrte'renbe  a  intermlt'tent. 
atemationa'I  o  international. 
ntemla't   n   -er  boarding-school;    boarding 
•house,   -e're  se  oonflne  to  the  interior;  interne. 

^nterpeQIant'  a  -er  questioner,  in  terpeli  ant. 
•artø'N  c  -er  qaestion;  jfiae  en  -  til,  b.  b.  f.  -e're 
vt  (en)  put  a  question  to  (one),  interpel'(late). 
•e'rittg  c  questioning. 

3nterpø|le're  ør  (ogf.  matk)  inter'polate.  -le'* 
ring,  -Utio'n  o  -er  interpolation. 

Suterpnaiøe're,  -Ite're  vi  interpoint,  point, 
punctuate.  •ge'ring,  -IHø'n  c  punctuatlon. 
-frfønØtegH  punctuatlon  mark. 

^nterrcg'nnøi  n  interregnum. 




ftaterbal'  n  ler  in'terval. 
jwtemmlc  rt  vi  interve'ne.  -tent'  c  -er  lnter- 
ve'ner.  -ttø'N  c  interven  tion. 
terbteiø'c  [rng.]  vt  interview. 
tetta'tarøtage  heir-at-law. 
ttia  nevt  fe  3ngen;  (6ubftantu>)  flet  -  nothin  g 
at  all;  ban  agtet  bet  for  -  be  slights  it;  regne« 
foi  .  goes  for  nothing;  faa  aobt  font  for  -  ($tt§) 
for  next  to  nothing,  at  an  almost  nominal  price; 
bercf  blioet  bet  -  it  can't  be  done,  tøm  bat  -  af 
Qtobetenl  ffctbigbeb  he  has  none  of  his  Drotner*  s 
dignlty;  bbo  -  øober,  -  tinbet  nothing  Tenture, 
nothing  have;  faor  -  ex,  bat  geiferen  tabt  fin  fflet 
where  nothing  Is  to  be  had,  the  Idng  must 
lose  his  right;  et  -  (a  mere)  nothing,  nonght; 
ban  fontet  tilbage  til  et  -  he  sinks  to  nothingness; 
.  imob  (i  Sammenl.  meb)  nothing  to;  fe  røinbre. 
•betbbenbe  fe  -figenbe.  -beb  e  nnlllty,  nothlng- 
ne8s.  -farte  blank  letter  bill.  -?**  *,  gram 
the  neuter  gender.  -f*a»*  nenter.  -figenbe  a 
insigniflcant,  unmeaning,  fatuous.  -ftebø  adv 
nowhere;  bet  fiøtet  .  bieinme  it  is  neither  here 
nor  there. 

nti  at  a  in'timate. 

tttimattø'a  c  introduction,  preamble. 
ntimibere  vt  intim 'idate. 
atimtte't  c  in'timacy. 
ntole|ran'ce  c  intolerance,  intolera'tion. 
-rant'  a  lntol'erant. 

3«tøK|e'rc  vt  in ' ton a te,  into'ne.  -atto'a,  -e'ring 
o  intona'tion. 

utrabrr  pi  revenue(s). 
ntranfigent'  a  &  c  intransigent. 
arranfftib  a  intransitive,   nenter;  —  n  -et 
intranaitive  verb. 

3atri|gant'  a  intri'guing,  scheming;  —  e  -et 

schemer,   intrl'guer.     -'ge  c   -t  intri'gue,  plot 

(ogf.  tkeat),  machina  tion.    -ge're  vi  intri'gue;  — 

4  vt  (fr.J  embarrass. 

fjarrlla  t  a  (inbbiflet)  intricate;  (fnebig)  artfnl. 

5«ttoba|ce're  vt  introduce.    -friø'«  c    et  in- 


nratrio'tt  c  intuit'ion. 
nnlin  »  in'uline. 
Jflbalt'b   a  invalid  (el.  invali'd),  infirm;  - 
c  -et  in 'valid,  disabled  sol  dier,  valetudinarian. 

Snbalibebofbital  hospital  for  invalids.    3n»a> 
be're  of  invalidate. 
nMfiø'tt  c  -et  inva'sion. 
nøefti  øer  pi  invec'tives. 
nøenta  rielgenftaube  fe  -fager,    •gobø  stores. 
fifle  inven'tory.    -fager  articles  of  in  ven  to  ry, 
stores,     t-ftrtber    clerk   of    the   lost  propert  y 
office.    -følte  article  of  the  inventory.   dunen* 
ta'riam  n  -iet  inven'tory;  stores;  (til  en  ©ebttft) 
plant;  (Sanbbt.)  dead  stock. 

3wøen|terc  vt  (opfinbe)  in  vent';  (optegne)  in- 
ventory. -Ho'«  c  -et  inven'tion;  (f.  <H9.  i  Ur) 
works.    -ti*'f  a  inven 'ti  ve,  ingenloua. 

Bnøerlfiø'M  c  inver'sion.    -te're  vt  invert'. 
nøeftirn'r  c  invee'titure.   -ret  right  of  inve* 

3«øl|  forton   c  -et  In  vita' tion.     -t'e  o  -t  in 
vitation;  (i  ©røt)  (flrst)  lead.    -te  re  vt  (tnbbtjbo 
invite;  (i  Obtft)  lead;  .  )aa  (Eftfrt  lead  from  the 
ace;  -  i  en  førøe  lead  el.  open  a  suit. 
nøotøe'rc  vt  involv  e,  imply. 
Cnttftb  I-mutation. 

overmorgen  adv  tbe  day  after  to-morrow. 
bot'te,  -Wing  fe  3nbpotte. 
breflfe  fe  9nbøre*fe. 
r'  e  ærugo,  rust  of  oopper,  verdigris. 
ra'aifl  o  Iranian. 
rer  c,  pi  —,  fe  Sttenbet. 
ret'telagge  vt  produce. 
3rrt'tfferte  vt  reprove,  rebuke,   reprimand. 


•tfe  e  -r  reprimand,  reproof,  rebnka. 

lrg ang  c  mase,  labyrinth. 
rrt'bfnw  «  iridium.    -Ilte  irid'ic  oxide. 
friø  c  (i  alle  ©ettjb.)  iris.  -e'renbe  a  Irides'oent 
-e  ret  a  i'risated.    -c'riag  c  irisa'tion. 

S  rift  c  -et  linnet,  Frinoilla  oaaaoMmt. 
H#|»a»H«g  ear-shell,  Baliuit.    -rr*t  iris* 
tion,  hisated  print. 

3rlanb  *  I'reland.    -fl  o  I'rish;  .  Wol  pearl 
moss.  caragheen,  Chondnu  cri*pu*. 

grib*  n  will  o'the  wisp,  Jack  o' Ian  tern. 
rlornber  c  -e  I'rishman;    co»t  bog-trotter, 
-ne  pi  the  I'rish;  joc  Pat,  Faddy.    -itt'a*  c  -r 

grote'fer  c  -e  Ir'oquis. 
rø|tti'  o  i'rony.  -nifer  c  -c  i'roniat.  -aif c  re 
vi  speak  iron'lcally.     -'ttiff  a  ironicai;  —  adv 
lronically,  by  way  of  irony. 

^rtatiolnai,  -nel'  a  irrational;  -  Stsrrefft 
tjrre  rt  fe  tirre. 
tjrre  vi  (fate  oilb)  err. 
irre  (ftrte)  vi  rust. 
rtegulæ'r  a  irreg'ular. 
irreieaaitt'  a  irrelevant. 
rreligU*  a  irreligious.   -tte't  c  irrelig ious 
ness,  irrelig'ion. 

%Tttt  o  ssruginons,  rusty;  -  Smag  taste  of 

errlag  c  -et,  fe  Bilbfotelfe,  ftejltagelfe. 
rrilta'bel  a  ir'ritable.    -tatioa  o  irritation, 
-te're  vt  ir'ritate. 
3lrff  a  Irish;  -  3nbfolb  Irish  bull,  Hibernianism. 
+5rttfj  c  mistaken  way,  error, 
'rningila'ner  c  -e Ir'vingite.  -rafta  Irvingite. 
rare  vt  &  (Snfettoftet)  bend. 
e  ice;  (f  pif  el.)  ice  (-cream);  ffbbe  -en  throw 
off  the  ice  in  tbawing;  bringe  en  paa  glat  _  get 
one  into  a  scrape;  brbbe  -en  break  the  ice;   mit 
©lob  biet)  ril  -  my  blood  firose. 
>fabrl  lefornet  a  is'abel-colourea. 
»lafUlet  a  iced.    -agtig  a  icy. 
Ifai  Jesse. 
*3fa»'ntt»  adv  fe  6ammen. 
3#|a«b  long-tailed  duck,  Ana*  glacial™,  -avfer 
ice-anchor.    -baab  ice-boat.    -baanb  J,  pointers 
pi.    -bab  ice  bath.    -banfe  bank  of  ice.    -bal« 
ice-pack.   -bebilber  fe  -ftob.   -belagt  a  coated  el. 
covered  with  ice. 

B'flben  n  shareboDe. 
»Ibjorrg  iceberg.  -bjara  polar  bear,  Urm* 
marinuM.  -blini  ice-blink.  -blaf  block  el.  (flab) 
slab  of  ice.  -blomft  ice-plant;  (poa  ttnbe)  ice 
-fern.  -bsra  ice-gnard.  -borb  lce-table.  -krage 
cleft  in  the  ice.  *-branb  injury  on  the  grass 
from  ice.  -bro  bridge  of  ice.  -brøbb,  -brobbe 
ice-spur;  amr  calk.  -bmb  breaklng  up  of  the 
ice.  -brbber  ice- breaker;  (©uab)  ice-boat.  -fere 
glacier.  -bræffer  fe  -btbbet.  -Irontbt  a  (om 
(ørarifrt)  frost-bitten  (by  being  covered  with  Ice). 
•branb  ice- well.  -bubbiug  iced  cream.  -bnnbea 
a  lce-bound.  -bæger  ice-cup.  -bælte  ice-belt, 
dong«  ftbftat)  Ice-  ioot.  -baSft  freezlng-pot.  -batte 

3fce'nefættelfc  c  getting-np,  get-up,  mise-en 

3'e|bannelfe  formation  of  ice.  -breb,  -brift 
drift  of  ice.  -brit  iced  drink,  -bne  Iced  pigeon. 
-bøffe  covering  of  ice.  -batffet  a  covered  with 

$fe  vt  k  i  ice,  -  inb  ih  become  ice-bound,  rt 
cut  in  (through  the  ice);  -  ub  cut  out  (through 
the  ice);  -  op,  fe  ©æffe,   nbe  tolb,  fe  3itoIb. 

*3fe  c  -t  porpolse,  DelpAinuø  pAoccrna. 

jeebbite  c  anbydrous  vinegar. 




3fen|bob  c  -er  hardware-shop.    -forne  black 

Sfeaf  fe  6«g. 

3fen|fram  hardware,   ironmongery.     -tram< 
tjonnel  hardware  business,  -rumme?  hardware- 
man  ,  tin  and  tron  man.    -(»arte  fe  -farte. 
flfet  c  -e  ice-cuter.    ftfet  a  icy. 
3'8|fart  c  tour  d.  travelling  od  ihe  ice.  -faft 
a  lce-bonnd.    -fenber  ice-fender.   -fifleri  fishing 
od  the  ice.    -f  jfflfe  mountaln  covered  with  ice. 
-flabe  plain  of  ice.    -flage,  *-fUg  sheet,  flake  el. 
(li ben)  patch  of  ice;  (flor)  floe.    -form  ice-form 
-fri  a  free  from  ice.     -frøgfen  a  trozen,  con 
gealed.   -fnal  kingfisher,  Ateedo.  -fang  drifting 
of  the  ice,  drift-lce.    -glag  frosted  glans,   -graa 
a    hoary.    -grabering  graduation  by  freezing. 
+-grøet  o  Ice-coverea.    -gatrbe  moraine.    -b*» 
icy   sea,   frozen   sea;  Arctic  sea  (bet  norbtige), 
Antarctlc  sea  (bet  fbbfige).     -bøpgfarer  Arctic 
navigatør  (o.  fL).    -(nb  (poo  6tib)  ice-sheathing. 
fcsft  ice-house.    -tyofl  ice-crop.   -fcobl  ice-plane. 
ffgfteb  e  (i  Xtce)  shake,  shakiness. 
finb'e  fe  6tnb. 
Mg  c  -er,  fe  Slette  røftft). 
*3*»g  c  fe  3Hag. 
3'g*-Jafel  lcicle.     -lage  ice-cake.     -talø  calt 
of   ice;   fe  dfigfcb.      -tamp   hnmmock   of  ice. 
•lånte«  the  edge  of  the  ice. 
rwtariø't  iBcar'tot. 

3'»|taffe  ice-box,  ice-chest,  renigerator.  *-ta* 
aludge.  -tlaafnl  ^  ice-clause.  -ftnmp  lump 
of  ice.  -Ustøt  a  covered  with  ice.  -Haft  (ftUft 
t  3fen)  cleft  in  the  ice;  (fyroftrebne)  cleft,  crack 
causeri  by  frost.  -tnolb  hummock  of  ice.  -tølb 
a  cold  as  ice,  icy,  key-cold,  ice-cold.  -trap 
bav-ice,  yonng  ice. 

['flme  vt  screw  in,  fasten  with  a  screw. 
'øjlvnflal  c  ice-crystal.     •  tamme  ice-basln, 
ice-pail,  (p.  Sorbet)  lce-cellar. 
IMtelber  ice  cellar. 
3'ffente  vt  pour  in  el.  in  to. 
'flom  vt  4,  reeve. 

['gjUIft  o  Teed.    -faring  transport  of  ice. 
rftaa  vt  drive  in. 

I'glagt  o  covered  with  ice,  frozen. 
\élam  Islam,  -tø '»en  c  Is'lamism. 
J*g|Ianb  Iceland.  •lombfl  a  Icelandic,  Iceland; 
-  fRoé  Iceland  mose,  Cetraria  itltindica;  .  Vgat 
obsidian,  volcanic  glasø;  —  n  Icelandic.  -lom 
great  northern  diver,  Colymb**  gtacialit.  -læg  n, 
•lorgntng  c  freezing,  congeallng.  -(amber  o  -e 
Icelander;  ($efi)  Iceland  pony.  -lænbertnbc  c  r 
Icelandic  woman  el.  lady.  -Iftnøing  c  -er,  fe 

e'flart  c  woof.    -filte  weft  silk.    -traab  shoot. 
'#|  (øgningen   the   breaking  op  of  the  ice. 
-macge  ivory  gull,  Larm  ebvrnevt. 

rWmaet  Ishmael.    -it'  c  -er  Ish'maelite. 

3'g|ntanb  ice-man.     -mart  fleld  of  ice.    -røa 
ffine  freezer,  lce-cream  machine.     -magfe  mass 
of  ice.     -mejeri  dairy  on  the  Swarz  system 
*-ntørt    pollack,    Gadu*  polio  ckius.      -mur   icy 

3#  ne  vi  chili,  run  cold;  bet  -be  i  mig  of  6frcrt 
my  blood  ran  rold  with  fear;  bragte  mit  ©lob 
til  at  -  made  my  blood  freeze.  -nbc  a  freezing. 
-n  c  chili. 

ft'gaing  e  iclng,  ice-cuttlng. 

5fø|øo'r  e  er  i'sobare.  -ba'rifl  a  isobaro- 
met'ric.  -øsjna'merplisodynam'ic  lines,  -gø'ner 
pt  isogon'ic  lines,  -Ili'ner  pi  isoclinal  lines. 
•fti'niff  a  isoclinal. 

Ctføllatio'algttlø    insulatlng  floor.     -a'ior   c 
oret  invulator.     -erff ammet  insulatlng  stool. 
•e're  vt  i'solate,  In'sulate. 

3#ølie  anhydrous  sulphurio  acid. 

3fo|me'r(tf!)  a  isomer'ic.   -meri'  c  isom'erlsm. 
•morfi'  o  isomo'rphism. 
oatfUg  n  ice-poultice. 
<\op  c  hyssop,  HvopMå. 
"•>•  ber  pi  i'sopods. 
opfhtbning  c  Ice  gorge. 
Ifoterm'  a  isother'mal;  c  -er  i'sotherm 
'g|balfet  o  packed  in  ice.     -p\\  ice-ueedle. 
•plante  ice- plant,   flg-marigold.    Metembrvonthe- 
mum.     -ptob  ice-plough.     -pofe  lce-bag.     -pofl 
station  on  the  ice. 

^ffprængning  c  sprinkle,  sprinkling,  vein, 

^  fbrorngt  o  sprinkled,  (om  QHnbe)  speckled, 

g|pnna)  iced  punch,    -porl  starling. 
fpoenbc  cl  buckle. 

_  raelit'  o  -er  Is 'ra  elite,  Jew.  -ifl  a  Israel  i  tic, 

3'#fab  e  lce-saw. 

Jftfe  c  -r  crown  (of  the  head);  fig  top,  sum- 
mit.  -ben  pl  skull  bones,  -lam,  -last  edge  of 
the  skull  bones. 

*$gfct  e  milt.    -fifl  milter. 

3ftfe|p(abe  upper  surface  of  the  crown.  -pnntt 
zenith,  vertex.    -binfel  asimuth. 

3'olflgnaJer  signals  for  ice.  -flat  ice-safe. 
-flo  shoe  for  walking  on  the  ice.  -fløbfc,  -floife 
hummock  of  ice.  -ffofle  patch  of  ice.  -fforpe 
crustofice.  '-ffnrcuttJngoftheice.  -flarcshake. 
-flag  glazed  frost,  -fpore  fe  -brobbe.  -ften  cryo- 
lite.  *-ftob  fe  -forpe.  -ftormfngt  fnlmar,  Procel- 
Utria  glacialt*  -frølc  piece  of  ice.  -fftørngfcl 
fe  -mur.  ••fbnfl  ice-swell,  swelling  ice,  ice- all. 
*-f«rpe  sludge,  (flørre  StljHet)  brushice,  brash. 

3fftaa'  odv:  qaa  .  come  to  a  standstill;  er  gaaet 
.  Is  at  a  stand-still. 

3flaab'  fe  6tanb.  -bringe  vt  bring  about. 
-fatte  vt  repair,  mend,  reflt,  restore;  fan  *  is 
reparable;  lob  fig  iRe  lænøer  .  would  mend  no 
more.    -fctteife  c  -r  repair;  res  torat  ion. 

S'g|tangc  tongue  of  ice.    -lap  i  dele. 
fte'berfor,  ifte^benf or  prctp  instead  of,  in  lieu 
of,  vice. 

3'ftemme  vt  ({lemme  i  meb)  Join  (in  singing), 
cbime  in;  (begbnbe  at  ftjnge)  commence  singing, 
strike  up;  fig  agree  to,  assent  to,  echo,  re-echo. 
3fter  n  fat.  *-b(orømc  fe  flomme,  -bng  paunrh. 
•  feb  a  roll  of  fat.  -flomme  fe  ftlomme.  -fipfbt  a 
fe  -feb.  *-fltb  matie.  *-bibfe  bay-leaved  willow, 
Salix  pentandra.  -oom  fe  bug.  +-POmmet  a 
pot  bellied. 

flbme  e  -r  isthmus.  * 

'gliben  the  glacial  period  el.  age. 
fritte  rr  4,  pasB,  (9lnfertoti)  bend. 
flbf'fer  adv  fe  3 ru;  bet  git  .  for  barn  fig  he 
broke  down. 
+3  ftamf  n  sprinkling. 

^'gjtarrte  ice-tart.  -baagc  opening  in  the  he. 
-banb  ice-water;  (8.  Kølet  meb  3«)  iced  water. 
-Olnter  severe  wintcr.  -søgn  refrigerator  car. 
•bfftning  cutting  the  ice.    -bart  ice-works. 

3fæ  r,  ifarbe'lefltfeb  adv  in  partlcular,  parti- 
cularly,  especially,  specially;  (t  b.  f.  f.)  bber  . 

~  'faJtte  vt  put  in. 
»arten  c  icy  desert. 

ta  [lien  n  It'aly.   -liener  c  -e,  -lienerinbe  c 
•r  Ital'ian.  -lienfl'  a  Italian;  -fl  6traabat  I/eghorn 
bonnet  el.  hat;  ~  6progeaenbeb  I  tal' i  cis  m.   —  n 
(Sprog)  Ital'ian.    -'fifl  a  ftal'io. 
3'tappe  vi  tap  (in to). 
*3tel  c  fe  Hirtel. 
3tem  adv  item,  also. 
*3tle  c  fe  Xlnte. 
•3'lrntlen  part  =  gført. 




*3'trøf  n  attire,  dress. 

ytt*t  adv  fe  træ!. 

jrn'  adv  in  two,  asunder,  to  pieces;  broken; 
torn;  Brætte  .  break  in  two  el.  asunder;  goa  . 
ro  to  pieces;  ©inbuet  er  -  the  window  is  broken; 
^raften  er  -  the  coat  is  torn.  -treti  ptrt  broken 
(to  pieces),  -renen  torn  (asunder).  -flaaet, -flagen 
smashed,  broken.  -fprittgen  c  bursting,  explo- 

Staa'r,  ipejen  fe  8aar,  Bej. 

3»er  c  real,  ardour,  eagerness;  meb  .  eagerly; 
ban*  .  for  Gagen  his  ardour  in  the  cause.  -fljg 
a  jealous  -føge  jealousy.  3»re  vi  (imob)  de- 
claim,  con*  rant  (againut),  (prabite  imob)  preach 

down;  (for)  be  wann  for;  ♦  -#  vd  _ 

c  fe  3origbeb.  3»rev  e  -e  zealot.  3»rig  a  sealoos 
ardent,  eager;  -  Samtale  animated  diacourse, 
-  efter  eager  for,  after,  on;  ~  efter  el.  paa  c 
eager  el.  anxious  to.   3fbrtgbeb  c  zeal,  eagerness 

3»ært  fe  Sart.  -følte  *f  carry  into  effect. 
execute,  give  effect  to.  -fai'teltg  a  practicable 
feasible.  -f æt  teltgbeb  c  practicability,  feaaibUity 
-fattelfe  c  execution. 

3«j  ne|falbenbe,  -fpringenbe  a  easily  percept- 
ible,  conspicuous,  obvions,  marked,  glaring, 
libet  -  ineonspicuous. 

ftørefalbenbe  a  ear-catching. 

5«'»ngt  adv  besides,  for  the  rest. 


(fom  Konfonont). 

3,  j  I3»ø1  n  -ber  J,  J  [jay];  abbr.  Jf.  =  jabnfør 
ep,  compare;  3fr.  -■  gomfru  Miss. 

$4  ado  fbetraftenbe)  yes  (Sir!  ma'aml),  ay; 
(i  bøftibelig  Xale)  yea;  ({ligenbe:  boab  mere  er)  nay, 
indeed,  in  faet,  (or)  even,  moreover;  beføare  meb 
3a  answer  in  the  afflrmatiye;  ber  bar  fen  3aer 
og  fbb  91  ejer  there  were  six  ayes  and  seven  næs 
(i  Doerbufet:  contents  og  non  contents);  -  men 
well,  but;  fa,  fcbab  er  berbeb  at  gøre?  well,  what 
is  to  be  done?  fon  fft  3a  (om  en  ftrier)  he  was 
accepted;  \a  bel!  m{a  ba!  oh  yes!  (yes)  certainly. 

'3«ale  vi  behave  et.  speak  foolishly.  $aafe  c 
-r  silly,  soft,  nonsensical  woman.  3>aaling  c  -er 
noodle,  driveller. 

*3aøte  vi  jog. 

lafcint'  c  Jab'iru,  Myeteria. 

'•røber  c  yea-brother,  echo,  Vicar  of  Bray. 
ifet  Japheth.    Safe'tiff  a  fe  3apetift. 

*3*f*  n  snatch. 

3ag  n  hurry,  hubbub;  darting  pain;  bet  &ar 
intet  .  there  is  no  hurry;  gøre  _  m*b  toy,  romp 
wlth;  rbaff,  *et  .  6ilb  a  drove  of  herring. 

^age  (imp  ogf.  Jog)  vt  (forfølge;  forjage)  chase; 
(jage  gjorte  ofo.;  forfølge;  bare  paa  Sagt;  fa  jage, 
bi«  [efter])  hunt  (after);  (forbrioe)  drive  (away, 
or?,  out  etc.);  J,  chase,  (lang«  ftanaf)  træk,  et  *t 
©tib  a  chase;  .  fiioet  af  en  kill  one  (with  fatigue); 
.bort  turn  el.  send  away;  .fra  faberanbre  scatter; 
ban  bleb  -t  fra  fin  Qtaarb  he  was  turned  out  of 
his  farm;  -  en  (flg)  en  frugte  gennem  $obebet 
blow  out  one's  bralns;  .  en  en  ftaarbe  gennem 
fiioet  run  one  through  (the  body  with  a  sword); 

-  i  nb  drive  el.  chase  in;  .  ©iibt  op  start  game; 

-  en  Vger^øne  op  spring  el.  flush  a  partridge;  . 
paa  Søren  turn  out,  send  about  his  business; 
.  paa  fttugt  put  to  fiight;  —  vi  hunt,  shoot; 
hurry;  -  af  éteb  dash  el.  øweep  along;  .  efter 
fi.o  run  after,  be  after;  .  efter  »itttgbebet  strive 
to  be  witty;  bet  -r  i  min  Singer  there  is  a  dart- 
ing el.  shooting  pain  in  my  finger;  ben  $unb  -r 
ifte  paa  $are  that  dog  does  not  run  hare.  -bolt 
<i,  drifVbolt.  -bag  fe  gfangebaa.  -beft  (Iranalf.) 
track-horse.  -line  (til  flefte)  training  line;  (Kanal 
fart)  track-rope.  -Uh  trackage.  -n  c  chasing  etc. 
-plabd  hunting  el.  sporting  ground. 

^<ger  c  -e  J,  (lagenbe  6tib)  chase r;  (Sejl) 
flying-Jib;  fe  tanon;  *(&atl)  kelt.  -barbttn  flying 
-jib  guy.  -tom  flying-jib  boom.  -falb  flying 
-Jib  halyard.  -tanon  (bow-  el.  stern-)  chaser. 
-port  chaseport.     -fptjtttenrt)ftttg  flying  mar- 

tiugale  fltay.     -ftøbe  flylng-jib  sheet.     -flamber 
flying-Jib  stay.    -ubftater  flying-jib  outhauler. 

3age|trø§fe  ^  hawser,  warp.  -pef  (lang*  IT  analt 
track-road.  bagning  o  J,  trackage,  trackiog; 
fe  »agt  2. 

Jagt  e  -er  (Sfib)  sloop;  (BbftO  yacht. 

jagt  e  -er  chase,  sporting,  sport,  hun  tim?, 
shooting;  (-ret)  right  of  killing  game;   (-parti  > 
huuting   party,   shooting  party,   hunt;    (ftann> 
huntsmanshlp,  sportsmanship,  sporting;  ben  trilb* 
-  the  wild  hunt,  Arthur' b  chase;  gaa  paa  -  go 
(out)  a  shooting;  bare  paa  -  be  (out)  shooting; 
fia  bare  paa  .  efter  be  in  pursuit  of;  gøre  -  paa 
pursue,  (Sfib)  chase,  give  chase  to.    jfagtafl«* 
nina  commutation  or  el.  buying  off  the  right 
of  chase     -almanat  sporting  almanac.     -fra ab 
(til  Aoalf.)  whallng-boat.     -nar  a  chaseable,  flt 
for  hunting  el.  shooting;   -e  ftigle  game-birds 
-barbeb   o  being  flt  for  hunung  el.  shooting. 
-berettiget  a  having  the  right  of  huntina;,     -fte- 
tfening  situation  el.  employment  in  the  royal 
hunt.    -betjent  huntsman.     -bog  book  on  fléld 
sports.    *%})ttt  game;  bag.    -tøffe  gnu,  fowling 
-pieæ.     -bag  shooting  day.     -btflritt  hanting 
-ground(s).      -bragt    hunting   salt.      -eøøertop 
hanting  spider,  Dkomédet  fimbriat*.     -ejer  one 
who   has   the  right  of  killing  game.     -efffer 
sportsman.    -embebe  fe  -betfening.  -embebimonb 
one  employed  in  a  hunting  establishment,    -er- 
faren  a   sporting,  fe  -ftjnbig.     -fait  gyrfalcon, 
jerfalcon,  Faleo  gyrfaico.    -flimt  fe  -bøøfe.     -for- 
orbning  ordinance  conoerning  the  chase.     -før> 
feelfe  sporting  crime.     -frUcb  right  of  killing 
game.    -følge  hunting  retinue  el.  party. 

eagtgalea*  c  &  fore-and-after. 
ag tfg am  hunting-net.  -genatrfe-bHfe.  -grnab 
hunting  el.  shootiug-ground(s).  -grenfe  boun- 
dary  of  a  chase.  -gnbinbe  Ooddeøa  of  hunting, 
Diana,  -bertigbeb  right  of  shooting  el.  hunting 
-ber re  sportsman;  fe  -el er.  -befl  hunter,  cover 
hack.  -biftørie  hunting-story,  sportsman's  tale. 
-bolb  hunting  equipage.  -(øre  hunting  horn, 
bugle-horn.  -Ijnnb  hound:  sporting  dog.  -b«# 
hunting-lodge,  h.-box.  -føorne  fe  Abonebunb. 
-fnvfer  gentleman  of  the  chase.  -ttlfert  fiold 

rjfagttlnb  c  yacht-club. 

jagtjf laber  p/  shooting  apparel.  -fniø  hunting 
-knife.  -trust  rlfle  gunpowder.  -tmnft  sports- 
manship, sportsmand  art.     -tfenbig  a  aklltod  in 




lieid  sports,     -ftosbigbeb  sporting   knowledge. 
-f  eø»arb  fe  Øeparb. 

*å««Hl,9  °  "Porting. 

3agt]u*  sporting  et.  sportsman's  life.  -to« 
game-aet.  -løbgiimtvg  game-laws.  -H|ft  love  of 
the  chase,  love  of  field  sports,  -ørb  sporting 
term.  -orbev  &  chasing  order.  -obertræbelfef< 
fag  fe  -fag.  -parti  fe  -feljfab.  'pift  huntlng-whip. 
-raab  hafioo,  whoop.  -rebffab  sporting  imple- 
ment.  -ret  -retttgbeb  right  of  killing  game. 
-resier  fe  -btfrritt  (frebet)  preser  ve.  -riffel  sports- 
man  s  rifle.  -rubbert  single  rubber  played  with- 
out  changing  partners,  -fabel  hnntlng-saddle. 
-fag  action  el.  suit  under  the  game  laws. 

gagtfefl  n  vi,  sloop's  boom-mainsail. 
stttlfelflab  hunting  el.  shootlng  party,  -fignal 
signal  with  the  bugle;  ^  signal  given  to  chase. 
-ff ilt  badge  worn  by  gamekeepers,  -ftrtg  fe 
-raab.  -flot  royal  hunting-lodge,  -flnfe  sluice. 
-f**°g  sporting  language.  -f praj  te  light  fire 
engine  -fpbb  hunting-spear.  -{træfning  chase, 
huntlng-ground.  -frpttepicture  of  hunting-scenes. 
-ftønfer  pl  sbooting-boots  pi.  -tftffe  game-bag. 
-tegn  shooting-ticket  el.  permit.  -telt  shootlng 
-tent.  -tib  hunting  el.  shootlng  season.  -tøj 
sporting  apparat  us.  -nbtrp!  sporting  term. 
-toast  a  trained  to  field  sports,  -oej  road  made 
for  the  purposes  of  the  chase.  -bejr  hunting 
el.  shootlng  weather.  -ben  sporting  friend. 
-»•g«  shooting-gig.  •notfen  hunting  el.  sporting 
matters  pl.    *»crffe  fe  -tofte. 

(agna'r  c  -er  Jaguar,  Felts  onea. 
faqerrc  c  fe  Sabrober. 

[ataran'ba  c  (black)  rose-wood,  jacaranda. 
laf  cl :  ttefler  .  (a  kind  of)  Punch. 
iffr  c  -r  jacket,  coatee. 
[atøb  James,   bibl  Jacob,     -ilte  Jac'obine, 
Jamesi'na.    -I'ner  c  -e  Jao'obin.   -iser*  Jacobin. 
-inert'   n,   -U'nte  c  Jac'obinism.     -t'nermaat ; 
Jac'obine.  -I'af!  a  Jacobin'ic(al).  -it'  c  Jac'obite. 
—  3afobg|bIømfft  marsh-mallow,  Altkæa  offici- 
nalt«.    -grffg  ragwort,  Senecio  Jaeobcea.    -fir ten  , 
St.  James,     -musling  scallop,  Pecten  jaeobæu§.  i 
fto»  c  Onfrrument)  Jacob's-staff.     -flige  Jacob' s- , 
ladder  (øgf.  Ølomfl  Polemonium  cæruleum).    -nrt 
fe  -ur««.  I 

fatonct'  n  jae'onet.  I 

lftt(b«lte)  e  guan,  Penelope.  I 

itap  Ibarpifft  resin  jal'ap.    -røb  jalap. 
jaKovnø'r  c  -er  mil  javelin-man. 
joloafi'  c  (pi  -er)  jealousy;  (for  fBinbue)  (win- 
dow)  blind,  nalf-blind;  pl  &,  loovered  boards. 
Jamaica  n  Jamaica,    -peber  J.  pepper,  Pi 
memta  arowtatica.     »rom  Jamaica,     -trot  J.  log- 
3*»|be  c  -r  iambus.    -Hfl  a  iambic. 
jammer  c  lamentation    wailing;  (fffenbigbeb) 
miaery;  en  -  at  fe  a  miserable  sight.     -bal  vale 
of  sorrow  el.  tears.   -f  »Ib  a  lamentable,  deplor- 
able,  doleful.    -flage  fe  jammet,     -leje  bed  of 
sorrow.    jammerlig  a  miserable,  wretched,  pl- 
tiable.    3fammerligbeb  c  wretebedness,  pitlable- 
ness.   3a  mater  |fa*g  doleful  di  tty.   -flabe  agreat 
pi  ty.    a   thousand  pi  ties.      -ffrig   doleful   cry, 
wail.    -f»»  miserable  el.  woful  sight. 

lam«*  c  club-moss,  wolf  s  claw,  Lywpodium. 
jamre  vi  k  r  (fig)  wail;  -  over  bewall.    •«  c 
3aia£røb  fe  flaml. 
r3a»  c  (i  6pU)  devole. 
ftmlba'gef  n   rabble,    tag  rag  and   bob-tail. 
•Katoen-fcobbe  fe  SuartfUx. 

3«strf£a'r  c  -er  Jan'izary.     -mnfW  Janizary 
et.  Turktsh  muaic. 
3Mle  e  prøv  soft  woman.    -t  a  soft,  sllly. 
3aafen|ie  mc  c  Jan'seuism.  -ifT  o  -er  Jan'senist. 

3anaa'r  c  January.  -befiet  the  number  for 

3faørb  n  betrothai;  bofbe  .  celebrate  one's 
betro  thai. 

3a'pan  n  Japan',  -e'fer  c  -e,  -eferiw'be  c  -r 
Japane'se.  -e'flff  a  Japanese,  Japan-,  —  n  (Sprog) 

[ape'ttfl  a  Japhet'ic. 
lappe  o.  fl.,  fe  sjappe. 
'3 ar.  $att  c  edge,  enp  selvedge,  selvage. 

^argo«'  e  (frauberbcelf!)  gibberish;  (9agfprog# 
foragtl.)  eant;  (i  beoae  ©et.)  Ja'rgon 

3o'rl  e  -er  earl:  Aaralb  .  earl  Harold  -baareii 
a  earl- born.  —  3arfe| barn earlschlld.  -<e)bamme 
n  earldom.  -fftbe  earl' s  seat  el.  residenoe.  -ø*r« 
bigbeb  earldom. 

v5afe  c  hare. 

Øaff  n  fe  -eti.  Sfaff  o  rag.  (Jafre  «t  (piafte) 
dabble,  paddle;  (fluffe)  work  hastily,  carelessly; 

—  vt  .  af  slur  (over),  scamp:  ~  fammen  jumble 
together;  .  til  (HlfmubfCe)  soil,  bespatter,  draggle. 

—  dfaftelbøbcb  careless  worker,  trifler.     -ri'  n 
dabbling  etc.,  slovenly  work.  hasty  work 

3afmV*  e  -er  (oicfelig)  jasmin,  jes'samine, 
Jcuminium;  (6uf!)  white  syringe,  Philadelphia 
coronorius.  -blømft  jessamine  flower.  -ølie  oil 
of  Jessamine. 

SaApiø  c  Jasper,  -bølbig  a  jasperated.  -opal 

*3«tte  »t  say  yes  to;  —  vt  meb  echo. 

3ana  n  Java.  >«lbe  wanderoo  monkey,  macaque 
monkey,    Micactu    cvnomoløut.     <ftafjfe    Javan 
ooffee,  Java.    -ne'fer  c  -c,  -te'fifl  a  Javanese. 
'eofttte  ©' Htc  Joan  of  Arc. 
efta  Jephthab. 

g'  pron  pert  I;  -.  felu  I  myself;  -  ulbtfeliae  ( 
unnappy  me!  wretch  that  I  am!  i  eg  ost  oet 
tKe  I  don't  (myself).  $eg  *  -er  ego,  self;  -et  the 
ego;  mit  anbet  -  my  second  self,  my  alter  ego; 
ban  tcenter  tun  paa  flt  eget  -  he  thinks  only  of 
number  one;  ban«  eget  tære  .  his  own  dear  self. 
-beb  c  lndlviduality,  egoity.  -bebffMe,  +-fdt 
egotism,  egolsm.    -t*lig(  -t^føttig  o  egotistic. 

fjfeuifei  c  the  Yenesay. 

Jeuubftol  c  (spinning)  jenny. 

Sent  Jack;  t  (Solbat)  Tommy  Atktns;  en 
gigernes  -  a  ladies'  man,  a  (male)  flirt. 

*3eute  e  -r  girl,  lass.    $eu range  little  girl. 

^ler'  pron  fe  dber. 

boa  Jerboa,  jumping  hare,  Diptu. 

jeremi'laø  Jeremiah.  -a'be  c  -t  lamentation, 
jereml'ad,  Jereml'ade. 

3ferid)orøfe  c  rose  of  Jericho,  Ana&tatica  hiero- 

Berfeulib  n  jersey. 
rru'falem  n  Jerusalem;  bet  befriebe  .  Jeru- 
salem De  li  ver  ed,  *  6fomager  the  wanderlng  Jew. 
gbttg  Fulham  barley. 

fe'fabel  Jez'ebel. 

efai'a«  Isai'ah,  Esal'as. 

efuit'  e  er  Jesuit.  —  3efKiter|ge«eraf  gene- 
ral of  the  Jesuits.  -Røfler  convent  of  Jesuits, 
•orben  order  of  Jesuits,  soclety  of  Jesus,  -ffole 
college  of  Jesuits,  -bftfettet,  ^efuitifl  men  Jes'ult- 
ism.  ^efuitin'be  c  -r  Jesultess.  ØefKtt'Iff  o 
Jesuit!  cal. 

^efttø  Jesus;  ~  Ihrifhil  Jesus  Christ;  9efu  Orb 
the  word  of  Jesus;  3efu  6iraa)l  ©og  Ecclesiasti- 
cus.  -barnet  the  chlld  Jesus,  the  infant  Saviour. 
-papir  super-royal. 

eté'  c  r  Jet'ty. 

fetøn'  [fr.]  c  -8  counter. 

tttt  Henriet' ta.  Har  riet. 

eon  fe  3ætm. 

Ibbe  fe  Øibbe. 

[ø  ado  yes;  b«r  bon  ingen  Oøin?   jo,  ban  bar 




mange  has  be  no  children?  yes,  to  be  sure,  he 
has  a  great  many;  bu  tør  jo  »året  ber?  you  have 
becn  there,  have  you  not?  ber  er  føm  jo  why, 
there  he  is;  $e  tør  io  felø  famtbttet  ben  why,  you 
have  given  your  own  consent;  bet  er  jo  noget 
Sntt  that  is  nonsense,  you  know  el.  see;  bon 
git  —  ban  hinbe  io  iffe  anbet  he  went,  since  be 
could  not  help  it;  bi  oibfte  io  meget  gobt  at  didn't 
we  know  very  well  that;  ber  er  ingen  Xbiøl  om. 
at  bon  to  faar  bet  there  is  no  doubt  but  that  be 
will  get  it;  itte  faa  alminbelig,  at  i  o  not  so  general 
but  that;  jo,  ban  er  ben  rette  ay,  he  is  the  right 
sort  of  fellow,  Indeed;  i  o  mere,  jo  bebre  the  more, 
the  better;  jo,  jo!  yes,  I  dåre  say;  jo  trift  to  be 
sure,  (boonl)  I  dåre  say,  over  my  left;  jo  not 
well,  yes. 

*3»  c  -er  skua,  Lestri*. 

Job'  Jo'b. 

$øble  vi  Job.     -?   c  -e   stock  jobber,     -ri'  n 

føb#|fiøft  evil  tidings.    -trgft  Job's  comfort. 
fotfett'  c  -er  Joc'key.    -tlnb  j.  club  to.  ffj. 
fob'  n  (the  letter)  Jay. 

jøb  n  i'odine.  -tf*  i'odlde  of  lead.  -brint 
hydric  iodide.  -forbtnbeife  iodide.  -forgiftning 
i'odism.  -bolbig  a  iod'ic.  •fattum  lodide  of 
potassium,  potassic  iodide.  -tbætftøf  iodide  of 
nitrogen,  mercuric  iodide  (o.  fl.). 

Sø'ble  vi  Jodel.    -n  c  jodeling. 

3o'b|  metaller  pi  iodide«.    3oboførm'  c  iod'o- 
form.     3ob|fnrt  Salt  lodate.     -fbre  iodic  acid 
-f«fb   iodide  of  silver.     -tinftnr  iodinewater 
•oønbfløf  fe  -brint. 

3øftan'  John;  -  uben  iionb  John  Lackland. 
-nc  Joan,  Jane. 

^oftan'neft  John.  -brab  carob-bean.  -brnbtrcr 
carob-tree.  Ceratonia  ti/iqua. 

3obanntt'er  forben  c  Orden  of  St.  John,  Order 
of  Malta,    -ribber  Knight  of  St.  John. 
[otte  vi.  -  af  Steb  brusb  along. 

Jøtte  c  r  <£,  (lille  frartoj)  yawl,  jolly-boat 
(<Sit}tte  Xob)  girtline.  -blot  glrtline-block.  -bom 
^  davit. 

3øntfrn   c    er  (ung   $tge)   young  lady,    girl, 
maid;   (9Rø>  virgin,  maiden;  (Xitel)  Miss;  ($u*-j 
house  keeper;  (©uttil-)shop-woman,  young  lady; 
(©røUepger)  rammer,  beetle,  (Stiernebillebe)  virgo. 
&  dead-eye:  -  SRarta  the  Virgin  Mary;  ben  belligt 
.  the  (holy)  Virgin;    -en  i   bet    grønne  golden 
thread,  devil-in-a-bush,  NigtUa  damatcema.  nøgne 
•er,  fe  Zibløe.     -ogtig  a  maidenlike.     -beflag  •!• 
dead-eye  binding.     -b«r  lady's  bower.     -bage 
maiden  days.    3ømfrttbont  c  virginity,  maiden  - 
head,   mal  denhood.     3omfrnbragt  dress  of  a 
maiden.     3fomfrn'eUg  a  (ubefmittet)  virgin,  vir 
einal;  (fom  egner  fig  for  en  3.)  maidenly,  maiden 
lømfrueligbeb  c  maidenliness.    jomfru | finger 
cornrlag,   gladiole,    Gladiol**   comtnuni:     -flot 
bevy  of  maldens.     -fob  maiden  foot      -fobfel 
parthenogenesis.     -gang   maidenly  gait     -gnlb 
vinrin  Kold.    -taanb  maiden  hånd  (o.  fl.).    -fjaar 
hair-moss,  Potytrichum    -Jonning  virgin  honey 
.bnØ  brothel.     -tam  Rhepherd  s  needle,   Venus 
comb,  Scmdix  pecten.     -farl  effeminate  fellow 
Mitter  asvlum  for  unmarried  females.     -flæbet 
„/maiden  habilimentspf.    -tran*  bridal  wreath 
frVSSfer  c  e  deflourer.   -fbltfylb  virgin  mercury 
fl«  maiden  life.     t-U»e  sphinx.     -mælt  phvrm 

ckamfrnlølic    virgin  oii.      -pergament    vellum 
^?Sfi  situation  as  a  housekeeper,     -ran.  -rob 
'*!!?      «f?  fe  Srøbtn*..     -råber  ravisher(ofa 
rape      -r •  fe  I«  »w  "J         mPan^   mftidenhood 

V£f»n  vl5taagaricn  -f»e»b  fe  tørl  -fbøbl 
•f»am*  ,TS5w!  ^r»«rm  flrst  swarm  of  a  bee- 
S3?D  tCe    grt^lckness.      -tale    maiden 

speeoh.    -trane  demoiselle,  AnUa  virgo.     •mN 
virgin  wax.    -øre  maiden  honour. 

t3fon'  [6]  c  (@Iælb*orb)  brute,  (whore's)  boHr. 

ftonglf'r  c  -er  balls-man. 

3ønt|en  n  Ionia.    -er  c  -e,  -erinb'e,  -r  Ionian. 
-ft  a  Ionian,  Ion'ic. 

åonottil'le  (-»ard«)  c  jonquil. 

*3ønføf  [6]  St.  John  the  Baptist' s -day,    mid 
summer -day. 

3o'rb  c  (6toffet,  3øtbfloben)  earth;  Ooroen« 
Ooerflabe)  ground;  (Sorbbunb,  Sonb)  soil,  land. 
OorbegoM)  land;  pi  -er  grounds,  land;  $Slaitctes 
-en  the  planet  Earth;  -en*  $Tomttter  the  prodtac 
tions  of  the  soil;  gaa  I  -en  sink  into  the  grav«, 
falbe  i  gob  -  fall  into  good  ground;  liflge  p  e  s 
•en  lie  on  the  ground;  ftér  pac  en  here  on  earti-; 
fatbe  til  -en  fall  to  the  ground;  ftebe  tit  -en  burry, 
følge  en  til  -en  follow  one  to  hi«  grave;  fwrfe  rit 
•en  sink  to  the  ground;  tofte,  flaa  til  -en  thro«, 
knock,  down;  unber  -en  under  ground.  3atb 
aanb  gnome,  -agtig  a  earthy.  -afie  axis  of 
the  earth.    -alber  geologic  age  el.  perlod. 

fYørban,  -g  ^lob  the  river  Jo'rdan. 

3o'rb|ttrbefbe  earth work.      -arbejbrr    na-vry. 
excavator.   -areal  acreage.   -art  species  of  earth. 
soil   -artiftot  fe  -ftof.  t-ame  fe  Suøleoræ*.  0-t>aømb 
fe  -ftorpe.    -baarm  a  earth -born    -baffc  mouud, 
hill  of  earth     -bane  the  earth' s  orbit.     -tefrøer 
inhabitant  of  the  earth,  +earthite.  -beg  bltumen, 
asphalt.     -begbolbig  o  bltuminous.    -brflktoelfr 
possession  oflandedproperty.  -beftribelf e  peog 
raphy.     -beffriber   geog'rapher.     -bi    andres* 
-blavbet  a  mixed  with  earth.    -blanbinø  mixture 
of  soils.     -bo  c  -er,   fe  -beboer,     -bonitering  va- 
luation  of  land.    -bøniteringømanb  land- val uer 
-bor  earth-borer,  ground-auger.    -b  arg  er  mortal, 
fe  Qerbensborger.     -boring  boring  of  the  earth 
-brønb   subterranean   fire.      -brug   agriculture. 
husbandry,  farmlng.     -brngenbe  a  agrlculturai. 
•bruger    agricul  turist,     husbandman,      farmer 
-trngertfatfen  the  culUvating  classea.     -brsn# 
føre  (science  of)  agriculture.     -bne   arck    ory 
arch.      -bnnb    soli.     -bnnben    a    earth  bound* 
-bnnbdiø  groundlce.     -»nniøføm   knowledge 
of  soils.     -bnnte  fe  -bbnge.     -btttte  exchange  of 
lands,    -bælte  zone. 

3o  rbbtrr  »  strawberry.  -beb  strawVerry-bed. 
•fløøer  strawberry  trefoil,  Tri/oiium  fraoi/emm 
-plante  strawberry  plant,  Fragaria.  -faft  (Togt) 
strawberry  sirup,  -fbiuat  strawberry  spinach. 
Blttum.  -fttltettf  strawberry  jam.  -tt>  straw 
berr>-season  -tro;  strawberry  tree ,  Arbutu* 
untdo.    -abfe  calvllle. 

3o'rb[bati»er  solitary  beaver.  -cirlel  terrevtriai 
circle.  -bamb  exhalatiou  rising  from  the  ground. 
-bannelfeØUrre  geology.  -belfaø  distribution  el- 
division  of  land.  -biameter  diameter  of  the 
«£  -i  ">ffe  etttt,fB  Mke.  -bragt  poet  mortal 
?.-*?  *?**  'M**  mode  of  cultuxeei.  tillage 
-brot  landlord.    -bnnft  fe  bamp.    -bnngr  heapof 

iru    " 

^iilLi  '***  terre8triaranlmal7  -bbrler  fe  "bruoer." 

3«SSJ  Ure-v  -**1"11"!  eovering  with  earth 

t£3&te$fign?"-     *^»  »^erraneous 
*3forbe  n  -r  fleld. 

earthfbe  "*  bUry>  mt6r;  vi  <om  ,hl«lf>  &»*>  ** 
obsequjfa'^0  (tn)  ftlneral.  «ep«Uure,  imermem, 

KS£4:  «#4TSSs:- 

®o%iJr BOb*  landed  P~P«fty.   eSate. 
3«»  rb'efe  possession  of  landed  property 


-ejer  \< 





*om  landed  property,  estate.    -ejer  landed  pro-  I  %  sow-bread,   Oyeiamen.     -flet  fe  Vtarf>.    -flot 

p  rietor 

3ø'rbej  flæber  fe  fiignæbtr.  -tagen  fe  fitglagen. 
-li«  fe  fligtlaber.  -Itb  fe  ftorblio.  -Ife  c  in  ter- 
ment,  -mober  mldwife.  -møbertnnft  mldwifery. 
-snøberftøt  obstetrlc  chalr.  -rig(e)  the  earth. 
øørfcet  a  (jorbagtig)  earthy;  (part  fe  3orbe). 
^torbetøi  fe  fiigYIceber. 

3o'rb|fttlb  n  slnking  bf  the  ground.    -farne 

Jerusalem  artlchoke,  Heliantkus  tuberonu.  -frølø< 
penber  centipede,  (feopkitu*.  -(Torben  the  cnut 
of  the  earth,  the  earth' e  cnut,  the  earth  rind. 
-ffreb,  -flab  land-8lidef  earth-slide,  land-slip, 
earth- shoot.  -ftbgjc  shadow  of  the  earth.  -flbib 
ground  rent.  -jnjlbøbog  fe  TOat  titel,  -flalb 
earth-quake.  -flalb*fattømener  earth-quake  phe- 
nomena.     -flatbøsnaaler  seismometer,   seismo- 

earthen  hue;  (ftarbeftøf)  mineral  colour.  -farbrt ,  graph.  -flaaet,  -flagen  a  milde wed.  -flaa  milde w. 
a  earth-coloured.  -fait  a  fixed  in  the  earth,  I  -flange  land  serpent.  +-fUrbenbe  a  fig  earthy. 
earthfast;  -  Cienbom  real  estate.  -febwe  bitumen,  '  -fmag  earthy  taste. 
a*phalt,  petroleum,  -fjerne  n  apogee.  -flabe  3  or  benton  n  soil,  ground. 
surface  of  the  earth.  *-fog  driving  snow  el.  3ø'rb|ftttnlb,  -fmnt  fine  mould.  -ført  »  coal 
sand.  -fragt  Cruit  of  the  earth.  -fugl  terrestrial  ,  used  in  fresco-painting.  -føitbc  waste  of  land. 
Hird,  ground  bird.  -fngtigfteb  dampness  of  the  3ø'rbf|baalaftelfe  ceremony  of  casting  earth 
soil.    -fnnb  thing  found  in  the  earth.    -fnnben    upon  the  coffin  at  a  burial.    -bart  fe  3orblob. 

30'rblftrtmmel  narrow  strip  of  land.    -ftrat* 

ntng  tract,  region,   -ftrag  region,  cllmate,  sone. 

-flanget  underground  stem.  -Mb  shoek  of  an 
ground  passage,  -gemt  a  hidden  In  the  ground,  earthquake;  tstump  (of  a  tree).  -fb«ie  sand 
i>uried.   -globn*  terrestrial  globe.    -gøb*  (Zobal)    martin,   ffirundo_  riparia.     -fbantb  mushroom 

a  found  in  the  earth.  -fbjtb  (loose)  earth,  gravel. 
•foeleåffab  community  of  land.  -fatte  fe  ^orbe 
tyt      -faftelfe  burial,  Interment.     -gang  under- 

st) rubs.  -gran  pit  el.  hole  dug  in  the  ground. 
-graner  fe  -fbin.  -galb  earthen  floor.  -gabning 
compost.  -Mg  pheasant  cuckoo.  Centropu*. 
-tiafxe  mattock.  -fatning  hoeing.  -qarfte  screen. 
-t$atplW  fe  -beg.     -tegn  bank,   turf-fence.     -but 

fttin  aard-vark,  Orycteropui  eapemne.  -fttttntttg. 
•fantning  fe  -falb.  +-fatte  fe  -fafte.  -tange 
Isthmus,  neck  of  land.  -tifligenbe  adjaoent  land 
el.  groands  -tratte  dispute  about  land.  -tne 
hillock.     -tange  spit  el.   tongue  of  land.    -nb* 

hole  in  the  earth.    -tyale  cavern,  cave.   -bnmle    fratntng  parceUing.    -banb  underground  water 

tSt.  John's  wort,  Hyperieum-  bindweed,  Conrol- 
voiu9  o.  ft.  (*miUefoil,  AchilUa  Mille folium). 
-t)«A  subterranean  dwelling.  -IfttU  mud  cabln. 
-V#f  fe  -batte.  -|*r  earth  flax.  -ttb  subterranean 
fire.  Øø'rbif?  a  earthly,  terrestrial,  sublunary; 
bibl  af  3arb,  .  of  the  earth,  earthy.  3o'rb|file 
mil  witness.  -Itobe 
-Ivetb  clod  of  earth 

the  earth.  -fnib  miner's  knife.  -lønott  cobalt 
ore.  -trcM  mole  cricket  Qrylloiilpa.  -rrebft 
circumference  of  the  earth.  -fugle  globe. 
-tnl  fotiil  coal.  -tnrb  miner's  basket  el. 
corb.  -talber  cellar  under  ground.  -lab 
purchase  of  ground.  -tag  layer  e(.  stratum  of 
earth.  -lame  surface-grub,  Agroli*.  -lebntng 
earth  connection  (of  lightning  conductorj. 
-legeme  globe,  -leje  c  rent  of  land.  -leje  n  bed 
on  the  ground.  -tib  earthly  exlstence.  -løb 
lot   of  ground.     -løbne  flea-beetle,   turnip  fly, 

»anbring  earthly  career.  -barmen  the  tempera- 
ture of  the  earth.  -bfbbenbe  ground-ivy,  ale- 
hoof,  Oleekoma  keder acea.  -nej  unpaved  road; 
•arable  laud.  -binbenbe  a  fleet;  tør  et  -  ftobfltfte 
oovers  the  ground  well.  -bole  ozokerite.  -bøtb 
earthen  mound  el.  rampart.  -bffbfte  humidlty 
globe,  -ftn'mb/  (t-nimp),  (of  the  earth).  -nag  earthen  wall.  -b«t§t  land 
-Ifaft  cleft  el   fissure  in    plant,    -batrf  earth-work.    -«blc  fe  -ftot.    -otber 

'iførte  [6]  tn  chew  the  cud. 
~  ølef  Joseph,  f  Joe.    -ine  Josephina. 
øft'o*  Josiah. 
øfba  Joshua. 
øta  n  iota. 

øtnn  c  -hier  giant  (of  Northern  mythology), 

3ønr  [ft.l  c:  tyibe  -  be  on  duty;  å  .  up  to 
date,  posted  up;  å  -  meb  posted  up  in,  abreaat 
of,   level  with,  au  eourant  of.     -|abenbe  a  on 

Haltica.  -tngt  earthy  smell.  -latre  geology.  duty,  in  charge. 
-La*  a  without  land.  -UØning  redemption  of '  (Sfønrna'l  c  -er  Jour'nal,  news-paper;  mere 
land.  -nuial  surmce  measure.  -magneHdnte  •  journal,  day-book;  ^  journal,  log- book;  Ijolbe  - 
terrestrial  magnetism.  -manbel  rush-nu  t,  Cj/pe-  {  keep  a  journal;  inbføre  i  -en  en  ter  in  the  J., 
nu  menlenime.  -maflr  mil  travene,  -maftfe  |  journalize.  -bjølb  keeping  a  Journal,  -i 3 'men 
mast  of  earth.  -mib(e)  tant.  -møber  fe  3orbe>  ,  c  journalism.  -tf  c  -tr  jour'nallst,  gentleman 
måber,  -møi  dub  mose,  Lpeopodium.  -mnø  field  of  the  press,  pressman.  -iflforenittf  journalists' 
mouse,   HypwUeut.     -Httorr   a   near  the  earth.    dub,  press  dub.     -ifNf  c  jour'nalisin.     -ifl'tff 

-norre  n,  -norr^eb  perigee.  -nab  earth-nut, 
Bunium  bulbocaåtanum;  peanut,  earth-nut,  Ara- 
cai»  kypog&a.  -nab fager  pi  earth-nut  cakes. 
-nabalie  oil  of  earth-nuts.  -ølle  petroleum,  rock 
oil.  -ømfejler  clrcumnavigator  (of  the  globe). 
-ømfeflina  drcumnavigatlon  (of  the  globe). 
-smncirntng  convulslon  of  the  earth.  -oberflabc 
eur&oe  of  the  earth.  -baafaftclfe  fe  3orbft<. 
-babegafe  ground  parrakeet,  Pemopoma.   -neriobe 

a  Journaliatic.     -nbbrag  extraot  of  the  journal 
el.  log-book. 

3øbta  1  a  jovial,     -tte't  c  jovial'lty,  jo'vial- 
ueas.    -ff  fe  dobtal. 

Soblft'  fe  3o  adv. 
nbel   c    (^rbberaab)    exultatlon,    jubilation; 
(Øtebe)  mirth.     -aar  (year  of)  jubilee.     -bmb 
bride  jubilant.     -brnbgom  bridegroom-Jubilant. 
btgt  (^unbreboari*)  secular  poem.  -bøftør  doctor 

xeological  period  el.   epoch.     -pttt  ($\tt  3orb)    -jubilant  (o.  fl.).     -fcfl  jubilee.     -lørrer  teacher 

spot  el.  patch  of  ground;  Oorbflag)  mildew. 
•øøl  pole  of  the  earth,  terrestrial  pole.  ^-brangrr 
jobber  in  landed  property.  -r  ab  taft  radius  of 
the  earth.  -»-rebntag  measurement  of  land. 
-revle  ground-rent.  -rotte  water  rat,  Rypwtæu* 
nmphibimø.  -rbbning  dearing  of  land.  -rbg 
elevation,  ridge.  -rbtelfe  earth-quake  shock. 
-tag  fumatory,  Fumara  offieimalie.  -fait  fe  6te* 
fait.  -faab  pit  sand.  -ggte  riddle.  +-ffabe 
<Umage  to  a  field.  -fHfte,  -ffiftntaa  parcelling 
cl    division  of  land.     -fWn  earth-shine.    -fftbe 

-jubilant.  -anptt,  -ment  medal  struck  in  comme- 
moration  of  a  jubilee.  •øtbiitg  an  old  man 
celebrating  his  Jubilee.  -brirbtren  jubilee  ser- 
mon.  -raab,  -ffrig  shout  of  joy,  of  triumph. 
-fang  song  of  jubilee.  -tøve  Joyous  accent. 
-ttbgabe  fe  3ubilæum*..  3nbite're  et  F  fe  duble. 
Ønbtla  nm » -aer jubilee; }.  meeting,  ^nbilanmø' 
ttbgabe  Jubilee  edition,  dfntte  vi  shout  with 
joy,  ezult,  be  Jubilant;  -nbe  jubilant,  exultant. 
Ønblen  c  exultatlon,  jubilation. 
3nba  Judah;  3ub«  Kige  the  kingdom  of  Judah 




-røfl  fe  -mob. 
game  of  forfelt. 
C.  provisions. 
pi  prognostics. 
to  the  parson. 

•ffrrntbe  a  Judaizing.   -ig'me  c  Ju'daism.   -|f| 
c  -et  Ju'daist. 

{{■bat  Judas;  3ub*  ©ret)  the  Epistle  of  Jade. 
-tO  Judas  kim.     -JirKge  a  traitor's  wages;   $ 
money-fiower,  Lunaria  bienni*.    -tr«  Judas-tree, 
6*«re»*  MtfrøMfrwm.     -*rc  ^  knighthead;  <t,  be- 
gonia,  (6»amp)  Jew's  ear,  />eraa  a«rte«/a. 
rufciclirl'  a  judic'ial.    -'tnm  n  judgment. 
Jabara  n  Judea. 
lufter  pi  yufts,  Russi  a-leather. 
jugere  [fr]  vt  estimate. 
r3»gl  »  gaudlness.    -et  a  gaudy. 
lul'  n  <t,  yoke. 
laf*  fe  3uj. 

Jttf  e  Christmas;  tYule;  tølbe  .  apend  el.  cele- 
brate  Christmas;   t   -en  at  Christmas;   anffe  en 
gfobelig  -  wish  one  a  merry  Christmas.    3nfe 
vi  spend  C,  oelebrate  C,  Christmas. 
#3aie  vt  f  thraah,  lick. 
$afe|afteii  Christmas  eve.  -ttgtig  a  chrlstmassy 
•altté  C.  bonflre.    -bnf  (C.)bugbear.    -bag  Christ 
mae-day;   anben  .  St.   Stephen  (iRe  fteaigbag) 
•ferle  C.  holidays  pi,  C.  vacation.    -fej  festival 
of  Christmas,     -førsjjelfer   merry-maklngs  ofi 
C.      -ga»e    C.    gift,    C.    box.      -gifte   C.    party 
-globe  C.  merrymaking.     -grab   C.  puddlng 
•f  efttgft  «,  ♦-telg  c  C.  holidays.   -fjbmite  c.  carol 
-Mjtib  C.  festival,  -toge  C.  cake.  -falb  December 
calf.     *-tla*  c   -bet,   fe  -gaae.     -hrabc  C.  log 

-I**  C.  candle.   -mab  C.  cheer, 
•morgen  C.  morning,     -marter 
•nat  C.  nlght.    -offer  C.  offering 
-otle  16]  C.  matlns. 
fnltp'  e  Ju'lep. 

[af ejtrebfel  panon's  Christmas  perquisltes  pi 
•røfe  C.  rose,  Hellcbor**  niøer.  -falme  C.  hymn 
-fang  C.  song,  C.  carol.  -fhte  room  for  C.  game* 
el.  merry-making;  (©elfrob)  C.  party,  -ttb  Christ 
mas  (time),  YuJe-tlde.  -tilberebelfer  prepara- 
tions  for  C.  -rrablbcb  busy  time  before  C.  -tre 
<-.  tree.  -taabe  C.  barrel  of  beer.  -abfHIItag 
C.  show.    -uge  C.  week.    -blfe  C.  carol. 

3nlt(  raaanrb)  o  (the  month  of)  July'.     -a'nff 
a  Ju'lian.     -e  Julia;   ffiomeo  og  ~  Romeo  and 
*3*l<*g  «  a  thrasbing,  Ucklng. 
IfttlfrcbOlttHotte«  the  revolution  of  July  (o.  fl.) 
iliff  a  Julian. 
tage  c  -r  bucket. 
^ange  e  r  knife. 
~|fa*ømaab  o  ordlnary  (scaman). 
paai(-inaaneb)  (the  month  of)  June. 
la«t[e]  c  4,  Junk. 

JUK  ler  c  -e  young  gentleman  el.  nobleman; 
squire,  coat  lordling.   -agtig  a  ca valler,   -bømme 
«  squlrearcby,  fe  -fjerrebsmme.    -c  re  et  play  the 
gentleman,     -g  1)1  te  julis.    -Qerrcbømme  mie  el. 
ascendency  of  tbe  petty  noblliiy.    ^unlerfig  <» 
squlrarchal.     3Knrcr|m«gfig  fe    oøttg.     -o  ir  fen 
arrogance  of  lordllngs. 
frnuo  ntf?  a  Ju'no-like. 
gvt'iter    (®uben)    Jove.    Jupiter;    (planeten) 
Aura  e  law. 

3«ra|ba«nelfe    Jura  el.   Jurauic    formation 
-fait  Juia  limestone,  Jurassic  1.  (o.  g.). 

Ittrli'bift  a  jurid'ical;  bet  -e  frifeltet  the  facultv 
of law;  -  ©og  law  book;  -e  forelæsninger  lectures 

ttrblem  af  en  ~  sit  el.  be  on  a  jury;  en  (agi  1 
the  box  (mobf.  the  bench  Stemmerne),  3?ar* 
maab  c  juror.    3ttr*faW(e*at  c  talesman 

^■#'  c  fe  3uro. 
n'g  [fr.]  c  (ftøbfaft)  gravy. 

jnft  adv  just,   preclsely,  exactly;    .  iftt  not 
exactly.    3nfl  a  (om  TO»nt)  oorrect. 

3Bf»é'r|f»  adjusting  file.  -tommer  offiee  of 
standard  weights  and  measures.  -flobé  (Otanta  ) 
adjusting  block.  -mefter  c  inspector  of  weights 
and  measures.  -ffrue  adjusting  screw.  -tof 
gaugingrod.  -tbber  (Unn.)  bevelled  graver 
•ttotgt  adjuating-balanoe. 

3«fle'|re  vt  adjust,  sise,  gauge;  t  Olen  standard 
yard;   -t  Qagtlob  Government  stamped   w^ight 
•rer  c  -e  adjuster,  gauger;  type-Justifler.     -riaa 
e  adjusting,  sizing  etc,  assay. 

^nftiflce  re  vt,  jur  pursue. 

3«niti|«  ria*    c    lord  chief  jusUce.     -el'    a 

^■fH'tg  c  administration  of  juatice;  bltoe  fat 
unber  en§  Xtltale  be  crlminally  prosecuted  holbrx 
frrceng  -  rules  with  a  rod  of  iron.  -»eHesit 
•embebgmanb  officer  of  juatice.  *-(ofl  politi  ) 
be^artemeat  fe  -miniflertum  -mtsiter  minister 
of  justice,  (i  Cnalanb)  Lord  High  Chancellor 
-mtNifteriam  minlstry  of  justice,  joatice-depsurt- 
ment.  -morb  judiclal  murder.  -aratafal  record 
of  the  court.  -raab  (titular)  counsellor  of  juatice. 
-reform  judiclal  reform,  -fag  crimlnal  action, 
-ferretotr  secretary  (of  the  court).  -feracsnu 
provost-marshal.    -aerfea  matters  of  juatice 

3ttte  c  jute(-hemp).     -piautt  Jnte-plant,    Cbr- 


ntnt  e  -er  giant  (ofpopular  supersti tion) 

ab  »,  pi  a=,  gorge,  ravine. 
3«be  f  c  -er  jew'el,  gem. 
3»bele;r  c  -erer  jeweller.     -arbejbe  Jeweller's 

^rk  -i?1.1 1*™11?*'8  8h°P      -1«**  Jeweller's 
,  art.    -oorgt  jeweller's  welght. 

I     3ttbe'ff jTri«  jewél-box,  casket.    -fmbjRe  aet  of 
jewels.    -fmbtlet  a  coat  bejewelled.    -iffe  jeweJ 

?Æ!{l!.Atruixlpe7'  tr^;  •cheating,  tricka;  gare 
Ter/'  fe  3u°  °heat-    °'e  *'  *  *  <**"- 

inå?be.f-;fr  JuSduUft?der;  t*rw   r  *****  hel- 
ings,   -farl  =  3&be.    -far,  -baabe   -sarte  tmmpi 

•arter  c  fe  3are. 
S.  Æ.g  AreS8      "brc"«  huntsmaiTs  bov      ff«Ii 

on  jurisprudence;  -  Honfulent  law  adviser;  een  - 
©frfon  one  person  in  law;  .  ©rnbent  law  student, 
iwnbibot  young  lawyer  (cailed  to  the  bar) 
rtåbifrio  n  c  -er  jurisdic'tion.  -Iflbrnbea«'  r 
juiispru'dence.  -«»'  c  -et  («et*I«rb)  lawyer 
jurtoE  (Siubeni)  law  student.  -Ifleri'  «  legal 
cSSme    lawyer's   tHcks.     3arb   c  Jury;    t>*x< 

a  spoitsmananv«      .•.™i,rc*  l!?Und«-    -W«r*Sg 


g.  -mener  Master  of  the  1 buck^ £ound.  *2S!' 
sportsmanslike.  -*St  do^-cal? Und8^'*«*Rg 
among  sportsmen  -U«*  k  ,  S1,  "rrt  coetom 
host  of  YnJSmen  f ^J^EP*  mm§-  -•"*» 
2«gerffi1t  fe  aootniit  J«SS!!SL.e  Ir  huntress 
Sægerlfprpg  rø£  laS^al?"^?0^111*11- 
P«tB  -fattet  IhVchlSe  ^SJS™  "?1  h«»«W* 
;tH  hunung  expedition  5!l??le"bllS'  Pouch. 
•••*ffe  fe  -tSfrer  "*•**  httnting-jacket. 




*3*f*  c  -et  kind  of  square-rigged  coaster  In 
tlie  North  of  Norway,  jagt. 
~3«ffcl  fe  Seriel. 

S  aftag  n  £  jaekstay. 
or'ra  a  lron;  gammelt  -  scrap  iron;  fmebr, 
ment  -et  er  barmt  strike  while  tbe  lron  is  hot; 
t>ax>e  mange  -  i  3Iben  have  many  irons  In  the 
fire;  Ueage  en  t  -  pnt  one  in  iront;  bbgget  af  - 
•X-  iron-built;  f  tøm  er  et  -  he  it  a  regular  steam 
-engine.  3*ra|sag  lron  yoke.  -tave  vein  of 
iron  ore.  -artig  a  irony,  ferruginous.  -aftl  bog 
iron-ore.  -afser  iron  age.  -aitler  iron-braces. 
-ara-ejbc  iron-work.  -erbefber  iron-worker.  -arm 
^  g-ooseneck.  -baaab  iron  band  el.  hoop.  -ballaft 
iron  ballast,  (faft)  kentledge. 

^rmbatte  c  railway,  (tfcer  amr)  railroad;  reife 
paa  ~  go  by  raJl(way).  -ettie  railway-share. 
-analotg  constructlon  of  a  railway  el.  railways. 
-arfecfbrr  navvy.  -betjeat  railway  officer,  -billet 
railway  ticket.  -bra  vladuct,  railway  bridge. 
-airettar  director  of  a  railway  Company,  -brager 
railway  porter,  -brift  worklng  of  a  railway. 
-fart  railway  speed,  -jorbiabelfe  commnnloatlon 
by  railway.  -gabaiafbettar  goods-manager. 
-ft)»f  ti  railway  hotel.  -iageatsr  railway-engineer. 
-iafJKttar  railway  lnspector.  -faabatta*  guaid, 
amr  oondnctor.  -tange  railway  king.  -tort 
r-map.  -tabe  compartment.  -farfel  railway 
raflic.  -lefeate  fe  ftanrlegeme.  -liate  (railway) 
jae.  -lob  R.-Act.  -aet  system  el.  plexus  of 
railroads.  -bofrtog  mailtrain.  -felffab  railway 
-company.  -ftlaaerail.  -flatfsarailway-station, 
amr  r.  depot.  -frlng  craay-stiich.  -fbelle  (r.-) 
sleeper.  -tafat  r.  Uriff.  -tøf  (rallway-)train. 
•rraafbort  r.  conveyance.  -taanet  r.  tunnel. 
-tar  ride,  run,  trip  on  the  railway.  -to*bbe  rail- 
way rng.  -albttc  r.  accident,  -bebbeabc  bone 
set,  German  ivy,  Mikania  tcanden*.  -bag II  rail- 
way-carriage  el.  -car.  -sogter  signalman.  -batfen 
railway  matters. 

3<rra|bejbfe  lron-llquor.   -beflag  iron  binding, 

iron-attap.     -beflagea,   -befUaet  a  lron-bound, 

mounted   el.   tipped  with   iron,   iron-studded. 

-bifaffb  fe  -ri«,    -bjojlte  iron  beam.    -blaafart 

6oIt  ferro-cyanate.     -blaafbrc  ferro-cyanic  acid. 

•bleat  blne  iron-earth.     -blit  »he  et -lron,  iron 

-plate.     -blot  pig  of  iron.     -bslt  iron  bolt  el. 

pin.    -baabea  a  lron-bound,  -hooped,  -strapped, 

-  Irnfr,   U  -tøfl-     -bbrb  ordeal  of  carrylng  hot 

iron.     -braaber  fe  -olie.     -crté  iron  ore.    -fang 

articlea  of  tron.    -farte  iron-oolour.    -fafl  a  (om 

€lib)  Iron-mstened;  fø  iron.    -fllfpsaa  iron  fl- 

linga  pi.    -fUb  unwearied  application.     -flittig 

a  iDdeflUigable.     -ferbfabelfe  combination  of 

lron.    -ferbiabing  iron  fiistenlngs  pi.    -fortabet 

a  iroD-*heathed.     -forhåbning  iron  sheathing. 

t-fortfte  fe  -ogtabuf .    -fortinnet  o  of  tinned  iron. 

-gtag  fe  -oare.    -gat«  lnstred  ysrn.    -gitter  lron 

-grate,   iron  raillng.    -glan*  specular  iron  ore, 

tron  glance.    -glat  very  brittle  iron  ore.    -glim* 

■er   micaeeons  iron   ore.    -graa  a  iron-gray. 

•greb  iron  hilt.    -grnbe  iron -mine.    -grb,be  iron 

pot.    -Issab  iron  hånd.    -tyaarb  a  hard  aa  iron. 

•b««rb|eb   lron   hardness.      -bage    iron    hook. 

~*aataier  iron  hammer;  (»Bært)  forge,  iron-mill. 

-lavbef  iron-trade.    -baabler  dealer  in  iron,  lron 

monger.     -bar*  narrow  wlth  iron  teeth;  lron 

harrow.    »%*t  morion.    -Qelbreb  iron  constitu- 

tion.    -bolbenbe,  -bolbig  a  (om  Øorb)  ferruginous 

<en  Saab)  chalybeate.    -bObrogbb  ferric  hydrate. 

-bbbtagabml  ferrous  hydrate.     -batte  smelUng 

bouse.    t-ilte  fe  ojqb.    -forb  femigtnous  earth 

-talf  calcined  iron.    -file  iron  wedge.    -fif  ferric 

mlphite,   lron  pyrites.     -Hfel  lron  flint,     -lit 

tron-gine.    -tfonater  lron  cramp.    -tlcbHiag  «i. 

cxtemal  piating.    -ftabt  a  iron- c  lad;  steel-clad. 

-fao  knnckle-dnster.  -fa*  iron-kneo.  -taaftvat* 
tiaa  iron  frame,  -fsrfet  the  iron  cross,  -fraat 
old  iron  ware.  -frsatfte  iron-cramp.  -traaea 
the  iron  crown.  -fræmmer  iron-monger.  -fat« 
tav  iron  culture.  -lav  iron-cure,  chalybeate 
conrse.  -tbartd  ferriferous  quarts.  •taft  iron 
-bound  coast.  -lal  iron-work  black.  -ler  iion. 
-clfty;  *  &Ufer  iron-bricks.  -lifl  iron  band  el. 
rail.  -larate  lron  cbaln.  -malm  fe  -ert*.  -ataaa. 
iron  man.  -maattfattaraarer  pi  iron-monger y. 
-naffea  the  iron  mask.  -ataaafalflb  fe  -fulfib. 
-msr  black  oxlde  of  lron.  -maaaie  mlnium  of 
iron.  ••aameroe  the  rYosty  nights  in  August. 
•atter  iron  ochre.  -slie  liquid  muriate  of  iron. 
•o^lOØaiag  solution  of  iron.  -obs  iron  s  to  ve. 
-egtab  peroxide  of  iron,  ferric  ozide.  -osbbal 
protoxlde  of  iron,  lerrous  oxide.  -kaabe  iron 
pot.  -beabe  fio  front,  (ftce  of)  brass.  -big 
iron-point,  -pike.  -biller  iron  pllls.  -btabe  iron 
plate;  belagt meb  t ironplated.  -blsb iron plough. 
-p9*t  iron  gate.  -*r*be  (^cabning)  trlal  of  the 
quality  of  lron;  (6tptte)  sample  of  lron;  (3ara* 
bqrb)  ordeal  of  hot  iron.  -balter  pulyeriied 
iron  filings  p^.  -rebftab  iron  tool  el.  implement. 
•Hag  iron  ring.  -rift  iron  grate.  -rtbC  iron  rake. 
-rafl  rust  of  iron.  -rastbort  iron  fence  el.  rail- 
lng. -råbt  colcothar.  -fafraa  martial  crocus. 
-faab  iron  sand,  ferruginous  sand.  -fcebter  irou 
sceptre;  fø  iron  rod,  rod  of  iron;  ^  tion-stanch- 
ion.  -feag  iron  bed.  -flbe  iron  side.  -Haaer 
ni  droas  el.  scorla  of  iron.  -flra*  iron  syrup. 
-ffaftet  a  iron-handled.  -flib  iron-ship.  -ffiaae 
(-baonb)  iron  band;  (f.  «f#.  boa  3«tnbanen)  iron 
rail.  -ftrab  scrap-iron.  -ftrta  iron  boz  el.  safe. 
-ffarl  fe  -finner,  -flag  iron  beetle.  -fmag  taste 
of  iron.  -fateb  iron-smith,  black-amith.  -fatelt* 
aiag  lron-smelting.  -faaaa.fe  -filfpaan.  -ffcatte* 
bcri  slltting  rollers,  -fkaater  iron  frame«. 
-tøaatet  o:  et  -  has  a  frame  of  iron.  -fbat 
sparry  iron-ore.  -fbarb  bedge  sparrow,  hedge 
warbler,  Aecentor  modulariå.  -flaag  (etang  af  3) 
lron  bar;  (jtoben)  iron-crow.  -fmi  iron-stone. 
•ftrob  iron  strap,  -ftrabbtt  a  J,  iron-strapped. 
•ftcerf  a  strong  as  iron.  •  flaber  ironfounder. 
•flabcri  iron-foundry.  #-flar  crowbar.  -falfib 
ferrous  sulfid,  -fart  Galt  femte.  -fbaau>  ixon 
sponge,  -fbonrte  iron-llqnor;  Japan  blacking. 
-fag  a  ^  iron-slck.  -fbge  iron  sickness.  -fbre 
ferric  acid.  -fafle  iron  column  el.  plUar.  -tatttlaé 
wire-rigging.  -tinttnr  tinctuie  of  lron.  -traab 
(iron-)wire.  -traabmaal  wire  gauge,  -traab«' 
fetnlag,  -tbifl  (iron-)wire  cloth,  wire-netting. 
•tromle  lron  roller,  -tre  lron-wood.  t-taelUe 
ferric  oxide.  -t*J  iron  tools  el.  utenslls.  -art 
vervain,  holy  herb,  Verbena.  -baab  chalybeate 
water.  -baabtaSfe  iron  tank.  -barer  pi  irou 
ware,  hardware,  Ironmongery.  -(og  6toal)*barc* 
forretaiag  hardware  business,  -»eb  iron  wood, 
Siderojcyium.  -be|  fe  -bane.  -bil|e  iron  wlll. 
-bia  ferruginous  wine.  -biaftea  tartrate  of  irou. 
-Oitriot  green  vitriol,  copperas.  -bffggc  iron 
wedge.  -bart  lron  work(s).  -bertt*i  iron  tool 
ri.  implement.    -afeftinne  hoop  wlth  eyes. 

ftørbe  c  -r  hszel  grouse,  Tctraa  bontuia-  *-troft 
-e  vuetroft. 

3«  rtega  n,  pi  «=,  sign,  prodigy,  miracle. 

5<rr0  e  -e  glutton,  amr  wolverene,  Ouio 

3*ttt  e  -r  giant,  (fettin).  -grbbe  giants'  ketile 
el.  caldron.  -boj  fe  ftæmpebb*fe.  -taw»  batUe 
of  giants.  -tbiabe  giantess.  -ma,  -bige  yonng 
giantess.  -ftittelfe  gigantic  figure.  -flcgt  giant 
race.  -flor  o.  fl.,  fe  Jrampe*.  -ftac  sepulchral 
chamber  in  a  cairn,  dolmen.  3«tti«  be  c  r 

3«raa  a  even,  level,  plaln,  smooth;  uniform 




cqaal,  steady,  constant;  (flmpel)  plaln,  simple, 
natural,  artlees;  (Stlima,  Xeinperatur)  eqaable; 
(Suppe)  thlckened;  -  (Bang  even  pace;  et  -t  furner 
an  even  temper;  -  Vtanb  plaln  man;  gører  fjant 
Stier  -e  6i6f  make  his  paths  stralght;  —  joebnt 
adv  evenly  etc.;  *(tibt  og  .)  continually.  -atrio 
o  of  the  same  age.  -albrenbe  o  (af  famme  Hiber) 
of  the  same  age;  (famtibig)  contemporary,  coeval. 
-b««ren  fe  -btjrbtg.  •(reb  a  equally  broad,  of 
ud  i  form  breadth.  -birbig  a  of  equal  birth;  co 
-equal.  +-bbrbigbcb  c  equality  (of  birth). 
+-btrb*  adv  as  equals.  -beting  division  into 
equal  parts,  -telt  a  divided  into  equal  parts. 
-bøgn  equinox.  -bognitolur  equinoctial  colure. 
•bognøttuie  equinoctial  (line).  -bogntnnnrt  equi- 
noctial point.  -bognøflørui  equinoctial  gale. 
3*bne  vt  level,  even;  (lømr.)  out  even  el.  square; 
to  smooth  (down),  adjust,  set  right;  -  en  Stribia/ 
f>*b  adjust  a  disput«;  .  Suppe  meb  Wel  thicken 
soup  with  flour;  .  meb  forben  level  wlth  the 
ground;  bet  bil  nol  -  fifl  that  will  sooo  be  all 
right.  3«*ne  n:  i  _  meb  level  with.  3«on|f*re 
vt  con  fer,  compare,  collate.  -førelfe  c  compari- 
son.  -gammel  fe  -albienbe.  -øøb  a  equal;  -t  meb 
equal  el.  equlvalent  to.  -f  btbtg  a  equlvalent. 
3otbnbeb  c  evenness,  plainness.  3dtva|b*i  a  of 
the  same  helght.  -bojbc  c  i  ~  meb  (on  a)  level 
wlth.  ^åbning  o  er  peer,  compeer.  Sonning 
c  levelling,  etc;  thickening.  3«onlig  o  frequent; 

—  adv  frequent  ly.  3f<ron|ltø  a  equal;  bine  -e 
your  equals.  -Ubenbe  a  parallel  (meb  to  el. 
with).  -mt«l  n  level;  average.  -mob  c  equa- 
nlmity.  -moblg  a  placld,  easy-golog.  -møbtg' 
beb  c  fe  -mob.    -flbe*  adv  side  by  side,  abreast; 

-  meb  alongBlde  of.  'fUeøøintel  adjacent  angle. 
•fibig  a  adjacent.     -{hib,  -finbet  fe  -mob  -mobig. 

-IHIIc  vt  place  side  by  side,  put  on  a  level 
-traabet  a  even-threaded.     -rbt  a  of  uniform 
thlokness.    -tæt  a  of  uniform  closenea,  density 

*9«£fl  c  -gier  molar  (tooth),  double  tooth. 

3«be  c  -r  Jew;  (i  $ioe)  pipe  lees;  ben  etrigr  . 
the  wanderlng  Jew;  f  flaar  bu  min  -,  foo  flaar 
i  eg  bin  -  you  kill  my  cat,  and  I  will  kO!  your 
dog.  +-aager  extortionate  uøury.  -agtifa  Jewish. 
•btlfam  balm  of  Gilead.  -barn  Jewish  child 
-beg  Jew's-pitch,  bitumen,  asphalt.  3«brb>om  <■ 
On)  Judalsm.  3obe|brrag  c  Jewish  boy.  -frfae 
persecution  of  the  Jews.  -fjenbft  a  antlsexniac. 
•foll  Jewish  people.  -forfølaelfe  fe  feibe  -gase 
Jews'  street,  Jewxy.  -bob  hatred  of  the  Jew<> 
•tlrte  synagogue.  -tirtegaarb  Jews'  burial-cround. 
•firfebar  wlnter-cherry,  alkekeugl,  PkvmOUm  atke- 
kengi.  -fone  Jewish  woman,  Jew's  wife.  -trifbrs 
nie  Jewish  Christian,  Judæo -Christian,  -fritte*' 
bom  Jewish  Christianity.  -f borte?  Jew's  ward. 
-lanb  Judea,  Jewry.  -linet  Jewish  life.  -palmer 
pi  palmetto  leaves.  -$lge  Jewish  girl.  -p>ri# 
Jewish  price,  exorbitant  prioe.  -9r*ft  Jewish 
priest,  Rabbi,  -renter  Jewish  interest,  exorbitani 
interest.  -ffat  impost  on  Jews.  -f?*g  wandering 
Jew,  strawberry  saxifrage,  Sxxifrao*  earmmtoma 
•ffote  Jewish  school.  -fftrøg  Jewish  dialer  t. 
•tom  Jujube,  Zizypku*  vutøariå.  -tro  Jewish 
creed.  -trort  (Stal)  fool's  mate.  -bl*:  paa  .  in 
Jewish  fashion.  $«bin'be  c  -r  Jewess.  3#bif! 
*  Jewish. 

3*fel  o  net  glacier.  -etb  glacier  tor  rent 
•gotrbc  moraine.  -id  g.  ice.  -fnor  traok  of  a 
glacier.    -oolb  fe  -gosrbe. 

Sorgen  George. 

300feé  interj  P  Jesus!  Lord! 

*$otnn  c  -tner,  fe  3orun. 


Drb,  fom  tf  te  flnbtf  unbei  St.  Ian  føget  unber  0  og  (Tb 

ft   I  [froal  n  -er  K,  k  [kay],  abbr.  ft  »ftøben>  < 
baon  Copenhagen,     ftanb.,  fe  »anbibat;  Jtap.  « 
Scanitel  chapter;  ftbb.  =  ftøbenbaon  Copenhagen; 
Stal.  —  ftongelig  Roval;  Sti.  «  ftloffen  o'clock, 
JNaftfe  class;  Stpt  «  ftaptain  captain;  Stt.  =  ftrone. 

tftat  o  -et  jackdaw,  Corvut  monedula. 

ftoabe  e  -«  cloak;  baffe  meb  ftsclig^ebeno  .  cover 
with  the  cloak  of  charity;  fe  Slappe,  -batte  c 
capoch,  hood  (of  a  cloak).  -i-fTJttl  fig  cloak. 
-floø  cape.    -Urtlsbe  half-shawl. 

ftoob  a  wanton;  (luftig,  øoergioen)  frollcsome; 
-  Wunb  a  flippant  tongue;  ~  $reng  mischievous 
bov;  _  %$l  romping  girl.  -beb  e  wantonness; 
(»ilbflab)  wildness.  -mnnbet  a  flippant.  -mnn- 
betbeb  c  fllppancy. 

tRøobner  e  -e  cotter. 

tftoog  c  flat-bottomed  sloop. 

Staal  c  cabbage,  Brastica  oieracea;  (Suppe) 
cabbage-soup,  *broth;  gøre  -  paa  put  an  end  to, 
put  down,  make  havoc  of;  be  føbe  itfe  gobt  . 
tommen  tbey  don't  pull  well  together;  bet  ffal 
iffe  gøre  -en  feb  that  won't  make  the  pot  boil; 
bafte  .  not  keeplng  time  (in  rowing);  *  bet  et 
togt  bort  i  -en  it  has  come  to  nothing.  -ager 
cabbage-fleld.  -beb  cabbage-bed.  -blob  cabbage 
leaf.  *ft«ole  ol  cut  off  the  leaves  and  top  of 
(turnips  eto.).  ftoairflb  c  fe  ugle.  -gaarb, -bane 
vegetable  garden,  -grøn  a  cabbage-coloured. 
•boorb  head  of  cabbage.     -moro  pith  of  the 

cabbage  s  talk.  -orm  Caterpillar.  -(ttreu)*alme 
cabbage- tree,  Årtca  oieracea,  -plante  cabbage 
-plant,  -rabl,  *-rob  c  turnip-cabbage,  kohl-rabbi, 
arauiea  caulorapa.  -rand  (oole-)rapeI  Braenea 
napuø  oleifera.  -roe  navew,  Braeetoa  napve. 
•fommerfngl  fe  ^bibfocermex.  -flot  cabbage-stalk. 
-fnppe  cabbage-soup.  -tage  slater,  Strackw 
oieracea.  -ugle  cabbage-moth,  Mammeetra  bra*~ 

SUar  n,  pi  as,  oondiaon,  cireumstaoceo  pi. 
*  fe  aftægt;  ban  er  i  gobe,  flette,  fmaa,  trange  - 
he  is  well  off,   badly  off,  in  easy,  poor  circum 

fttarbe  c  -r  (stralght)  sword,  rapier;  broq  -n 
drew  his  sword.  -balg  sheath,  scabbard.  -bnft 
Hword-knot.  -Hobe  flat  of  the  sword.  -fortie 
sword-hllt.  •geborng  sword-belt.  -Hinge  sword 
blade,  -tnajp  pommel  of  a  sword.  •&*$  fe 
buff.  •Jrtabe  guard  of  a  sword.  -ffebe  fe  -balg 
-fpibd  point  of  a  sword.  -frit,  -tob  stab,  sword 
-thrust.    -flot  sword-8tick,  sword-cane. 

ftaare  c  opossum  shrimp,  mysis. 

ftaarje  vi  choose.    -int  c  chooslng;  oalgt  oeb  - 
elected  by  show  of  hånds 

ftaai  e  course;  gaa  fin  egen  .  go  one's  owo 

fraba'te  c  t  cabal';  (meb  Srort)  patience.  -stager 
o  caballer. 

ftabb«|U  cabala.    -lift  ifl  a  cabaiistic. 




Stabbelej'c  c  maren  marigold,  Valtha  pafwttri*. 
Safte  e  seamark,  beacon. 
ftabcl  n,  *c  -bier  ^  cable. 
tfiabela  ring  c  J,  mesaenger. 
Rabefa  r°9lntte  c  &  roller  for  the  mes9enger. 
•Seifing  c  J,  nipper. 

Rabei|bebbing  cable-bitts  pi.    -bampfti*  cable 
-steamer.    -feff  fault  in  the  cable.     -atm  rope- 
yarn.     -gat  fe  rum.     -bplfter  external  cover! ng 
of   the    cable.     -tegning    laying    (of)    cables. 
-fcrngbe  cable' a  length.    -prøve  test  of  the  cable. 
-mm  cable-tier.    -ftib  cable-shlp.   -flaaet  o  cable 
-laid,  hawser-laid.    -tegn  hand-swab.    -telegram 
cablegram.    -løb  (fbcert)  cable,  (fmcelfert)  cablet. 
Stadepenge  <J,  beaconage. 
Statinet'  «  -ter  (i  alle  ©etpb.)  cabinet:   (lille 
kammer)  closet;  (Raljpt)  state-room.  —  Ra  b  in  rt&|- 
befaling  government-order.     -bnbbing  cabinet 
-pudding.    -fipgel  semi-grand.    -jnftitå  arbitrary 
justice.     -trife,  -frifl*  ministerial  crisis.    -orbre 
fe    -befaling,     -prorbilea    private  sermon    in    a 
prince's  palace.     -rcob  cabinet  council.     -fejl 
privy  seal.   -fe! ret«r  private  secretary.    -føørgø- 
maal  cabinet  question.    -ftptle  cabinet  piece,  c. 
fiabltan  c  -et  cod-fish,  fe  Xorft. 
Rabriøtet'  c  -ter  cabriolet,  cab. 
Statubé'   c  -er  fur  cap.    -Coal  fe  $oøebtaat. 
*  •totte  fe  Rlapmpbfe. 
Rabbier  pi  Kab  yles. 

fiabpf  c  -fer  (Rabplpui)  galley,  cookroom; 
(Rogeinbretmng)  caboose.     -affalb  refuse  of  the 
galley.  -beflit  random  reckoning.  -bjtg  feRabp«. 
-ilb  galley-fire  (o.  fl.)  -lanterne  cook's  Ian  tern. 
Rao)|et'iift  a  cachec'ttc.    -ej i,  c  cachex'y. 
Raba'ber  n  -e  carcass.    »gift  ptomalne. 
Stab  et'  c  -ter,  fe  fianb>,  Sølabet.     -nteftfe  gun 
-room,   the  midshipmen's  mees.    -ftib  tralning 
phip  for  naval  cadets. 
Rabi  nølie  c  cade-oil. 

Stabminm  n  cadmium,  -tlørib  cadmicchloride. 
-fnlfat  cadmic  tulphate  (o.  f.  d.). 
Rabrer  pi  skeleton  (of  a  regiment). 
ftabrej'er  r  -e.  bumboat-man,  (9aaben)bumboat. 
Rafer  ejerfie  c  -r  bumboat-woman. 

ftafé  c  -er  coffee- house,  refreshment-rooms  pi; 
(i  £otel)  coffee- room. 

*cafe  c  coffee;  branbe  -  roast  coffee.  -vade 
coffee-tray.  -bUnbing  coffeemixture.  -»run 
«  coffee  -coloured.  -brornber  coffee  -  toaster. 
-brømbing  roastlng  (of)  coffee.  -brab  rusk. 
-bnft  coffee-shrub.  -bønne  (coffee)  berry.  -bøSfe 
coffee-canister.  -baafe  coffee-box.  -efitratt  es- 
sence  of  coffee.  -fU be  cream  for  coffee.  -fro* 
tøfl  luncheon  with  coffee.  -arnmØ,  -graf  +-grng. 
•grnb  coffee- grounds  pi.  -pn$  coffee-house. 
Raffei  n  n  caffe'ine. 

Raffejtanbe  coffee  pot.  -febel  coffee-kettle. 
•Htm  in  g  stuff  used  for  reflning  coffee.  -Inagt 
cup  of  coffee  with  brandy,  laced  coffee.  -løger 
coffee  urn.  -løb  coffee  cup;  F  cup  of  coflfee. 
-(barn,  -mailtcoffee-mlU;  f"  (Sogn)  shandrydan, 
(ifirc)  burdy-gurdy.  -plantage  coffee-plantation. 
•planter  coffee-planter.  -pøfe  biggin,  coffee 
•atrainer.    -bund]  coffee  and  brandy. 

Rafler  e  -e  Kafflr  -tanbet  Kaffra'rla.  -ofte 
Cape  ox    Cape  buffalo,  Jiubalu$  ca/fer 

Raffei  felflab  coffee-party.  -fte  coffee-spoon. 
-flabber,  -flabbera*  gorolp.  -Hel  coffee- service. 
•fnrt  Salt  caffeate.  -fnrrogat  substitute  for 
roffiee,  coffee-substitute,  coffee-surrogate.  -Ure 
r&ffeic  acid.  -ført  coffee-bag.  -fatter  a  glass 
after  coffee.  -føfter  f  coffee-drlnker;  fig  go^slp. 
•tib  time  for  coffee  -tilfatning  an  addition 
to  coflfee.  -tragt  coffeestralner.  -tr«  coffee- tre  e, 
t'oifei  arabica.    -tøj  coffee-things.   -bille  Swed- 

fiarfen:  Sanfl'<Snge(fl  Crbbog. 

isn  coffee,   Aitragalm  txttica.     -art  chick-pea, 
Cicer  nrietinum. 

Raftan  c  -er  caftan. 

Rag  e  -e  whlpping  post. 

°Rog'  c  -ger  Norway  yawl  wlth  sharp  ends, 
skiff;  fe  Ragge. 

Rage  c  -r  cake;  (i  ©Ifube)  comb.  flage  vr  fig 
cake.  -bager  paøtry-cook.  -bageri  pastry-cook'ø 
shop  -befg  cake-dough.  -form  cake- form.  -^jnl 
jaggingiron.  -lafife  tin  for  cakes.  -tone  basket 
-woman.  -(at  lump-lac.  -mile  rolling-pin.  -fle, 
•fbabe  cakeslice.    -fbr#jte  baker's  syringe. 

*Ragge  c  -r  keg,  cag. 

RagTe  vi  cackle.  -»  c  cackling.    -r  c  cackler. 

Raglpifle,  -ftrpge  vt  whip  (publicly)  at  the 
whipping-post.    -ftrbgnivg  (public)  whlpping. 

Statut'  o  -ter  cabin,  (liben,  paa  Spflbaabe^cuddy; 
(faiflilt  for  $aftfagerer)  state-room.  —  Rapptd|< 
breng,  *-gnt  cabin  boy.  -inbrebning  cabin  fltt- 
ings  (o.  fl.).  -lappe  companion  (hatch)  -neb- 
gang  fe  trappe,  -padfagér  cabin  passenger,  firet 
-claes  passenger.  -plabd  cabin  (passage),  -frriber 
captain  s  clerk.  -trappe  cabin  stairs,  companion 
•way.    -bhtbne  cabin  window,  stern-light. 

9aj  c  -er  quay,  wbarf,  (meget  lang)  embank- 
ment.  -afgift  fe  -penge,  -anførg  erection  of  a 

•Rate  c  t,  fe  Raa. 

Raje  c  -r  p  fe  Rceft  p. 

Rate  ftg  vr  &  cant,  slue. 

Rajman  c  -er  cayman.  Alligator. 

Rajmur  c  quay-wall. 

Rajn  Cain.  ftaJRØmørrtet  the  mark  el.  brand 
of  Cain. 

Rafl  penge  quayage,  quay  money.  -pfabft, 
-rum  quay- room. 

Ra  re« 'fer  pi  Calreenes. 

Sta  tøb  n  ^  fe  Kolofttøb. 

Rttjal   e  -er  kay'ak. 

Ratepnt'ølic  c  caj  eput. 

Raiabne  c  -r  cockatoo,  Ptitaccut  cristattu. 

Rata'o  c  (2>rif)  cocoa.  -b#nne  chocolate-nut. 
•frngt  cocoa  pod.  -ma^fe  cacao-paste.  -fntør 
cacao-butter.    -tro?  cacao,  Theobrovm  cacao. 

Rale(r)laf  c  -er  cockroach,  fltatta,  albino. 

Rafle  vi  cack. 

Ralle  c  Dutch  tile. 

Rallelobn  c  -e  s  to  ve;  lægge  i  -en  light  el.  make 
a  fire  (in  the  s  to  ve);  fe  tit  -en  mend  the  fire.  — 
Ra!!elobuft|bør  door  of  the  »tove.  -f erte  holiday 
during  stove  cleaning.  -flgn'r  top  ornament  of 
a  stovc.  -larl  stay-at-home.  -Irøg  chimney 
corner.  -ntanb  stove-mender,  cbimney  doctor. 
-plabe  stove-plate.  -pnlber  powdered  black  lead. 
-rør  tube  el.  pipe  of  a  stove.  -flørrm  flre-screen 
•fpffflb  register,  t-ftnbent  student  matriculated 
without  public  examination.  -barme  stove  heat. 

Raloføni'  c  cacoph  ony. 

Raltnd  c   et  cactus. 

tRal'  c  prov  (iiæg)  calf. 

tRal'  c  vein  in  a  tree  round  the  pith. 

*Ral  c  -er  rope. 

Ralabaft'  c  fer  calabash.  -fra  calabash  tree, 
Orcfcentio  cujetf. 

Rala'bjrien  n  Calabria.  -re'fer  c  -rifl  a  Ca- 

Ralamite't  c   er  rålam 'i  ty. 

Ralan'ber  c  -e  calender. 

Ralan'berltrrle  c  calandra,  Mehnocorypka  ca 

RalanbØ'brøbre  )>rethren  of  the  Cal'ends 

ftalad  n  -ec  F  carousal,  feast,  entertainment, 
treat,  feed. 

•Ralbeit  c  cold  chisel. 

Ralcine're  vt  cal'cine. 





galdum  n  calcium,     -ftorib  calclc  chloride 

(o.  flU 

ftalb  «,  pi  — ,  (tiloøjeiføfcb)  inclination  (to, 
for)  turn  (for);  call;  (6tanb,  $aanbterinø)  calling, 
vocatlon;  ($r*ftetalb)  llving.  Stolble,  -tf,  -t  &  -et 
vi  call;  (Hl  øejfxliøt  vmbebe)  present  (to  a  living); 
labe  en  .  send  for  one,  call  one  in;  tom  font  ban 
øar  -et  came  most  opportunely,  in  the  nick  of 
time;  bet  r  Jeg  at  fange  that  is  something  like 
slnging,  that's  what  I  call  singlng;  +  ab,  fe  - 
paa;  -  for  Retten  cite,  snmmon;  -  en  for  nt 
call  one  at;  -  for  fifl  cite  to  appear  before  one; 
.  frem,  fe  fremtatbe;  .  en  meb  et  9taøn  call 
one  (by)  a  name;  -  op  efter  call  after;  -  poa 
call;  .  en  til  flø  call  one,  bid  one  come;  borre 
•t  til  føle  fifl  -t  til  noget  be  fit  .or,  feel  incllned 
for  a  thing;  falb  Qunben  til  Sent !  call  off  your 
dogl  ~  til  fiibe  call  into  Ufe  el.  being;  .  tilbage 
recall;  .  en  beb  9laøn  call  one  by  (his)  name; 
mange  ere  la l bebe,  men  faa  nbbalgte  many  be 
cailed,  bnt  few  chosen;  be  -be  they  which  are 
cailed.    -elfe  e  fun  Jio  call,  inclination,  turn. 

ftatb*|arøefbe  labour  In  one's  calling,  profes- 
sional 1.  -bøf  church  register,  -øreø  letter  of 
presentation  (to  a  llving).  -fælle  colleague.  •terre 
patron,  -Ivøtagter  pi  revenue  of  a  llving. 
•maøb  summoner.  -pligt  duty  of  one's  calling. 
•ret,  -rettigteb  right  of  presentation.  -febbel 

*ft«Ie  fe  **al. 

ftaledVe  c  -r  calash,  c.  top,  head.  -øøøv 
headed  carrfage. 

SUfebø'Mlteit  n  Caledonia.  -ler  c,  -iff  a  Cale 

Stalejbøftø'p  n  -er  kalei'doøcope. 

tStalemavf'  c  calamanco. 

ffalm  ber  c  -e  cal'endar.    mat  caiender  year 

(o.  fl). 
Stalf«'t|  tømmer  caulklng  mallet.   -førm  caulk- 

ing  iron. 

ftalfa't|re  vt  caulk.  -rer  c  -e  caulker.  -ring 
e  caulklng.  -rlnøftfløøbe  floating  stage.  -riMøft* 
trampe  caulklng-nall. 

Stali  n  ehem  potaah. 

galiatti'rrr«  n  caliatoor- wood ,  Pterooarptu 

ftati  ber  c  -bre  cal'iber.  bore;  fig  kind,  stamp 
.bor  gun- borer.   -følb(e)  barrel-plug.   -maalefløt 
caliber  compasses.    -fkøf  caliber  rule. 

ftalibre'lre  vt  cal'ibrate.   -riuo  c  calibra'tion. 

ftalif  c  -er  caiiph.    -«'t  n  caliphate. 

Stalifornt|en  «  Califo'rnia.   -ff  a  Califo'rnlan. 

ftaMWbrat  n  hydrate  of  potash,  potassic  hy- 


gøt'itø  n  calico. 

ftallltttb  potash-lye.  -opløsning  solution  of 
potash.  -f  alieter  nitrate  of  potash.  -fait  potassic 
salt.    -f«»e  potash  soap. 

ftalivm  n  potassium.  -ørømib  n  potassic  brom- 
ide -nitrat  potassic  nitrate  (ofb.).  -øøeriltc 
peroxide  of  potassium.    -øanbølag  potassic  sili- 

aftalt  c  -e  (ftirlen*)  chalice;  $  calyx;  fiQ  cup; 
#t  bet  muligt,  bo  gaa  benne  -  fra  mig  if  it  be 
nnssible  let  this  cup  pass  ftom  me. 
^talt  c'-e  lime;  (blontet  meb  6anb,  til  at  mure  meb) 
mortar;  (til  fitribtning)  whitewasb;  br*nbt .  quick- 
Hme  -øøtfø,  -«rtet  a  calcareous.  -øab  Urne 
hlth  limepit.  -øj«r«  calcareous  mountain. 
"bUat  fe  ©lærgblaat.  -Uaøbet  a  mixed  with 
Urne  -Mrt  c  (steeping  in)  lime-water.  -øriib 
uSlnuarrv  -bnrober  Ume-burner.  -branberi 
iwSK^-*r5  plasterer's  hawk.  -øn«b  cal- 
cSe^us1  "bottom  el'soil  ^^^J-a- 
ftairibiff  paten,  patel,  patin.  -bøg,  -bæffel, 
oorporal,  communlon-cloth. 

ftalte  vt  plaster;  -be  Øtatøe  whited  sepulcbres. 

ftatfe  c  -r  traclng. 

ftalfeføft  e  mason's  brush. 

gaffr'rle  vt  calk,  calque,  counterdraw,  txmee. 
•inø  c  caiking  etc.  -locrreb  tradng-cloth.  ¥mpiz 

ftalljfattiø  a  poor  in  lime.    -fmte  lime-pit. 
•aruub  calcareous  soli.    -bolbig  a  llme-clxarged 
•qøbrat  slacked  lime,  calcic  hydrate.    -fsirfc  cal- 
careous earth.     -rnle  fe  <øruøe.     -tolle  toecuer. 
•laa  stratum  el.  layer  of  lime.  -leøer  sulpboraxe 
of  lime.    -lvb  calcareous  lye.     -lø*  lime-U^bt 
-lebrr  lime-dressed  leather.  -maleri  (resco-padnt- 
ing.  -mel  lime-powder.  -mergel  calcareous  nuui. 
-møfll  lime-water,  lime-milk-    -atørtel  mortar. 
ftaltKittg  c  plastering.    Staltfttlirer  pi  æptaria. 
•opløøtttttø  solution  of  lime.    -oøerrrart  coavt  of 
whlting.     -øøv   lime-kiln.     -polttø   Uthopbyte. 
-øubd  stuff,  stucco.    -rig  a  aboundlng  in  lime 
-fait  salt  of  lime.    -fanø  calcareous  aand;    aan4 
mixed  with  lime.  -finter  calcareous  sinter.    -{Se 
trowel.    -fiffer  calcareous  slate.    -ftofcf,  -Ifmfffc 
lime  shovel.   *f!«a  vt  fe  ftalle.   -flag er  c  -t  mixer 
of  mortar.  -flaøttinø  c  mixing  of  mortar.  -faikeri 
n  stucco- work.  -fpaf  calcareous  spar.  -fte*  llxne- 
stone.    -Henébmb  limestone  quarry.    -ftoømimg 
slaklng  of  lime.      -ftøø    powdered  Umestone 
•f«be  lime-soap.    -trwø  hod.     -tøf  calcaxeoos 
tuff.    -ulb  sklnner's  wool. 

Stolt« '«  o  -er  turkey,  Mtleagria  gaUatvtno.  -ff 
a  fig  stuck  up;  -  §ant  turkey-cock,  f  gobbler, 
bubbly-jock;  >  ^øne  turkey  hen. 

ftairøanb  n  lime-water. 

*JtaH  c  -er  f  old  man,  goodman;  fe  fttMømeføJX. 

ItaUt  c  $  calla. 

tftaHet  o  rotten  at  the  pith. 

»oDiløraf  c  -er  callig'rapher,  oallig'rapbist. 
-gran'  ccalllg'raphy.  -grafifl  o  calUgrapb'icfal). 

Scalltt'tt  n  -er  trlpe,  chawdron;  F  (om  »frr  ) 
guts.  -maøe«  tbe  fourth  stomach.  -imam*, 
-étøne  tripeman,  trlpe-woman.  -fttpøe  trip« 

ftalmar  c  -er  (eiaffprutte)  calamary,  LoHqo. 
ftalmerttc  pi  the  calms;  -l  fReoiøn  the  calm 
ftatmrrøb  c  fe  ftatmnS. 
Stalmvl'  c  -fer  Kalmuck. 
ftalmuf  n  (XbJ)  dreadnought. 
ftalmttft  o  sweet  flag,  Acoru*  calamu*. 
Stalømel  n  cal'omel. 
ftalovj'  c  fe  fttøbenbe  ^unb. 
Aaløfal'c  c  -r  galoche;  (5troj.)  dog. 
goløt'  c  -ter  scull  cap,  caiotte.    -fee  ladle. 

^J  «»lf.  detached  telet;  (i  lob)  heart:  (tømr) 

Si°fCkW,  ?U,n?  (i  *uJe'  *™>  PocketTmebTm 
^.Plø>JL?eb  «  flJloen«  -  Plough  with  another 

wl!S      :•*»*;*  in-kneed,  knock-kneed.  baker 

voS^i  .-*8?100"  veal  te*     -■•»  shouldef  of 
veal.  -ørlåfel  sweetbread.   -ørtofl  breast  of  v«ai 
♦-baø«  curds  of  biesU  ngs    -bobørr  knSL      «„ 

llfe  and  h&  *%  TSSP^il       V^lT  °' 
-løRb  calfs  tooth-  o^SaJS^'  *'*L  «alfP«n 
calving  time  dentll,  denticle.    -rib 

»•løm-e  c  -r  calviUe. 




RalPiitiØ|'me  c  Cal'vinism.  -t'  c  et  Cal'vinist. 
-t'tff  a  Calvinlfltic(al). 

Stalbtting  c  calvlng. 

Ram  c  -me  (til  $aar,  paa  $ane)  co'mb;  (paa 
9tagle)  bit;  (paa  $iul)  cog;  (paa  £i«lm,  ©icerg, 
"©»lflc)  crest;  (i  Sæberfiol)  re  ed;  (Jømr.)  notch, 
notebed  Joint;  (paa  Jtreatur)  neck;  .  til  (ETØpanfløn 
($mp.)  cam  (for  expansion);  flære  alle  ober  ren  ~ 
treat  all  alike;  tør  faaet  -  til  fit  $aar  has  found 
his  master,  is  henpecked;  røb  i  -men  flushed. 

Stamarabtri'  *  dan,  clique. 

ftamafnVcr  pi  galters.    6c  ©araafter. 

Stambia'lror  *  cambium-layer. 

Stambreane  e  hard  fern,  BlecAnum  »picant. 

Stamørif  *  ca'mbric. 

ftamørift  a  Cambrian. 

ftamlbnnte  crested  halr-grass,  Koeleria.  -borlte 
comb-brush.    -belt  fe  -formig. 

Stamé  e  -r  cameo. 

Stame  t  c  -er  (ogfaa  ,£)  cam 'el. 

Stamelbtontfter  fe  StamiUe. 

ftame1|briorr  camel  -  driver,  -gant  mohair 
yara.  -ges  Angora  el.  Angola  goat.  -baar 
camel's  hair.    -batø(fltte)  snake-fly,  Baphidta. 

Stame'tia  c  camellia,  Camellia  japonica. 

Stameloparb'  c  -er,  fe  OHraf. 

Stamcløt'  «  camlet,  camelot, 

Stame'ne  c  -r  Muse. 

*itameralf*/  c  -er  financier,  flnanclalist.  -'tft  a 
oameralistic.  Stamera'lftf  beajfaben  cameralist'ics. 

Stomfer  n  camphor.  -braaber  camphor-essence. 
•olie  camphor  oil.  -fptritnd  spirits  of  camphor. 
-fare  campbor'icacid.  -rr«  camphor  tree,  Launtt 
eampkora.   -tttt  stinking  ground-pine,  Chumpho- 

Ha« IH'*  c  cam'phene. 

Stamjførmig  a  comb-shaped,  *  pectinate. 
-fatteral  comb-case.  -garn  worsted  yarn.  -greØ 
dog's-tail-grass,  Cynotunw  crittatm*.  -gamet  a 
withpectinatedgills.  -JorP(e)  drill-harrow.  -bjnl 
cog- wheel. 

ScamtB'e  e  wild  cam'omile,  Matricaria  ehamo- 
milla,  ttonterft  -  camomile,  Anthemit  nobilti. 
•te  e  camomile  tea. 

Stami'*  c  -er  fire-place,  chimney.  -geflutØ 
rnantle-piece.  •gitter  fender,  flre-guard.  -ilt 
chimney  fire.  -tøfl  flre-brush.  -trøg  chimney 
corner.  -øon  stove  chimney.  -ptabc  hob.  -rift 
flregrate.  -r#r  rannel  of  a  chimney.  -flot 
American  chair.    -tappe  hearth-rtig. 

ftaøt|labe  (tøton.)  comb-tray.  -mager  c  -e 

Stammer  n  -amie  chamber;  room;  6lat-  ex- 
chequer; ©ø»e-  bed -chamber.  (i  6tbbeoaaoen, 
Humpe,  $Ipbebof)  chamber;  ($ar!oinent)  house, 
chamber.    -abPøtat  lawyer  of  the  exchequer. 

Stammeret  c  -er  companion,  friend,  f  chum, 
teomrade;  (til  60«)  sbipmate;  (i  Tiltale)  old 
fellow;  (Officer)  brother  officer,  (Solbat)  brother 
soldier  (etc.);  (Sfole)  school-fellow,  (UmøerfHett) 
fellow-student,  college-frlend;  fjan  bar  (fulbftæn* 
bio;  .  meb  bem  he  was  hall  fellow  well  met 
with  them.  Jtammerat(0)(ig  a  brotherly.  Stam* 
aeratfTab  n  fellowsbip,  companionshlp. 

ftanmrrjbaanb  (paa  ftanon)  vent-astragal  and 
øllets,  -øerjent  confidential  officer  (wlth  persons 
"f  rank). 

ftaaintcrbag  n  cambric. 

Rtnnerlfrae  lady  of  honour.  -frofro  maid 
r,f  hononr.  -gabt  crown  lands  pi.  -tyerre 
chamberlain.  -Ijerreiabe  rhamberlain's  lady. 
-brrremagle  golden  key  ofachamberlain.  -berre- 
bsfk  chamberlainship.  -bnfar  harbinger.  -jc  - 
fra  lady's  maid.  -jnafer  gentleman  of  the  bed- 
'-haraber.  -lager  rat-catcher.  +-ti#fe«  c  joe 
Abigail,     -ittbatugigepar  etc.,   fe  ©aglabning«-. 

-lalaj  valet.  -atttfU  chamber  mnsic.  -mafifaø 
court  musician.  -argcl  chamber-organ.  -pige 
lady's  maid,  (i  hoteller)  chambermaid.  -patte 
chamber  pot.  -raab  c  (titular)  •chamber-coun- 
sellor».  t-ret  court  of  the  exchequer.  Jtammet* 
a  F  f*  ftammer.  ft«mmer|fag  matter  of  the  ex- 
chequer. -fanger(litbe)  private  Singer  to  the 
prince.  -f-flflen  fe  -fitfen.  t-frrttoer  clerk  at  the 
exchequer.  -frrae  breech-screw.  -flnfe  lock. 
-farg  private  court  mourning.  -fPaabdfrrne  fe 
-ftrue.  t-fbenb  fe  -tiener,  -teme  waiting  maid. 
-t|e«er  valet.    'tout  concert-pitch. 

ftamntttøliag  c  ecallop,  Peeten. 

Stamp  e  fe  ftampeflen,  *  {pi  -er)  (rounded) 
mountain  top. 

Stamp  c  -e  fight,  combat,  struggle,  con  test, 
conflict;  engagement,  inbre  -  an  inward  struggle; 
en  ulige  -  an  unequal  con  teet,  -en  for  Ziloceretfen 
the  struggle  for  existence;  -  paa  fiio  og  Søb 
mortal  strife. 

ftampagne  c  campaign.  -flag  ensign.  •{««< 
terae  poop- Ian  tern. 

ftantp  I  begærlig  a  eager  for  the  combat.  -berebt 
a  fe  -færbig,  her  combatant.  -bulber  din  of 
battle.  -sag  day  of  combat  el.  battle.  -bommer 
Judge  of  a  combat,  umpire.  -bpgtig  a  able  to 
fight,  in  fighting  condition,  mil  effective.  -br;ft 
struggle,  strife. 

Stampe' 4etra>  n  logwood,  campeachy  -  wood, 
Hæmatoxylon  campeehianum. 

Stampefjttlb  n  granlte  rock. 

Stampere  vi  camp,  be  encamped.  Stamper« 
pat  picket. 

ftampelfteit  hard  stone.  -ftciiamur  rubble  wall. 

StamplforOc  fellow-combatant,  companion  in 
arms.  -ferbig  a  in  fightina  trim;  ready  for  the 
combat  el.  action,  -forrbigbeb  readiness  for 
action,  -fareife  strategy.  -gnfe  fe  -bulber.  -bane 
game-cock.    -^øaft  game-fowls. 

StamptØ  e  packed  ice. 

StampltPrr  fe  -tøfl.  -leg  warlike  el.  martial 
game.  -linie  line  of  batttle.  -(øp  fe  -regel,  -taft 
eagerness  to  fight,  love  of  fighting,  f  fight. 
•Ipfrro  a  eager  for  the  fight,  eager  for  battle, 
F  full  of  fight.  +-UI  fe  Stoptøb.  -lafea  war 
-cry  -ntinifterinm  fighting  minlstry.  -møbia 
fe  -liften,  -måbe  hostile  meeting.  -ptabØ  field 
of  battle,  battleground,  scene  of  action;  arena, 
lists.  -priØ  prise,  -regel  fighting  rule.  -raab, 
-ffrig  war-cry;  (3nbianeme«;  war-whoop.  -»-ftfltrf 
strong  in  fight.  -ft«t»«e  flxed  meeting  for  a 
fight,  -ttbpøtia  a  not  in  a  fighting  state,  dis- 
abled;  gøre  -  disable. 

Stam  I  renfer  fe -bøcfle.  -ftpfle  neck-piece.  -taftet 
a;  -  ©aol  gable  with  corbie  steps,  -tromle  clod 
crusher.  -ttlb  combing  wool,  worsted  wool, 
long  wool.    -Pefle  cam-shaft. 

Stamorieoit  c  -er  chameleon,  ChamceUo. 

ftant  erffe  c  comb-box. 

Stan'  fe  Shmne. 

StanaaM  n  Canaan. 

Staajaba  n  Can'ada.  -o'biff  a  Cana'dian;  . 
SRoar,  fe  ^ifTebafel;  ~  poppel  Canadian  poplar, 
Populv&  moniliferu. 

ftanai  c  -er  (funftigt  Qanbløb  og  anat)  canal; 
(naturligt  Sanbleb  og  fig)  channel;  (unberiorbif7) 
drain,  sewer,  fieq)  flue;  (en;  ben  btitiffe)  the 
Channel.  -anlfltg  canal  works;  canallsation. 
•arbejber  navvy.  -baab  canal-boat.  -bpgning 
canallsation.  Stanalifcre  vt  can'alize.  Stanali- 
fering  c  canalisation. 

Stanalfe  c  -r  rogue,  villain. 

Staaai|tebel  flue-boiler.  -fr|IabØ  canal-naviga- 
non.  -flnfe  canal  lock.  -fpftem  net  of  canals. 
•tunnelen  the  Channel  tunnel,  -tur  tour  on 
the  canal. 





Stana|nit'  o  -er  Ca'naanite.  -wce'iff  a:  en  - 
Stbinbe  a  woman  of  Ca'naan. 

Stonapé  o  -r  sofa,  couch. 

Stana'riifrø  n  canary  seed.  -fngl  c  canary 
(blrd),  Frxngilla  eanaria.  -graØ  canary  gran, 
Phalari*  canarieneu.  -%**,  -tytttl  male.  female, 
canary.  t-felt  Canary  (wtne).  Stana'rtf!  a.  be 
•fte  C  er  the  Canary  Islands,  the  Canaries. 

Stanafter  fe  Jtnafter. 

StanceM'  n  -er  government  office;  (før  i  3>an- 
marf)  Board  of  Justlee  and  Home  Department, 
-betjent  officer  of  the  board  etc.  -breb  writ  of 
the  board  etc.  -bnb  messenger  etc.  -baanb  oourt 
-nand.  -raab  (titular)  •counsellor  of  chancery>. 
•Jegl  seal  etc.  -frrift  fe  -Ijoanb.  -flfrtbelfe  fe 
•oreo.  -ft'  c  -er  up  per  clerk  in  a  government 
offlce.    -  ftit  official  style,  offlcialese. 

Staabo'r  c  ourb-bit. 

Stanbc  r  -r  (Driftefar)  can,  mug,  jug;  (TOaal) 
pottle.  -varer  $  pitcher-plant,  monkey-cup, 
Nepentke*  dutillatorta.  -bøje  ^  can-buoy.  -tang 
cover  of  a  jug. 

Stanbel  aber  c   bre  candelabrum. 

Stanbe|tnaal  pottle  measure.  -muøltng  water- 
Ing-pot,  An  [ter ei  llnm.  -Røber  pewterer;  polittfT . 
state-monger,  pollticaster;  „ben  potitifle  »*  the 
Tinkcr  Poli tician.  -ftøberi  n,  (-t-ftøben  c)  tråde 
of  a  pewterer;  poItrifT  -  nonsensical  talk  about 
politics,  -tnb  spout  of  a  jug.  -ptf  adv  by  the 

ftonbiba't  c  -er  (Stnføger)  can'dldate,  pos tu lånt, 
(ben,  ber  bar  taget  (fcmbeMef ftamen)  f.  («*.  tbeol.  « 
young  divlne;  juribifl  .  nominee;  mebicinf!  - 
young  physician;  ftlologiff  -  young  philologist 
el.  humanist,  filofofifl  -  (omrr.)  sophister;  3)øben* 
-  past  hope.  Stanbibatn'r  c  can'didateship, 

ftanbtø  c  sugar- candy.  -ere  vt  candy;  vr  fifl 
candy.  -c'ring  c  cand Isation.  -'eringØtaéfe 
candying- vessel.    -fttffer  fe  Stanbiø. 

Stane  c  -r  sledge,  sleigh,  sled;  føre  i  -  sledge, 
drive  in  a  sledge.  -bjalbe  harness  jingle,  sleigh 
-bell.  -fart  (SReife  i  en  Kane)  drive  in  a  sledxe; 
(Staneførfel)  sledging;  sleighing  party,  sleigh 
ride.  -føre  sledging,  sledding,  sleighing,  condi- 
tlon  of  a  road  with  regard  to  sledging;  bet  er 
baaru'gt  -  it  is  a  bad  sledging.  -flange  fe  -mebe. 
-beft  sledge-horse.  -luf!  sledge-driver,  driver  of 
a  sledge.    -lørfel  sledging. 

Stane  l  c  cinnamon;  Stang  -  stick  of  cinna- 
mon.  -bart  cinnamon.  -blømfter  j>l  cassiabuds. 
-brun  a  cinnamon-coloured.  -farbc  cinnamon 
colour.  -ølle  cinnamon  oli.  -røfe  cinnamon 
rose,  Roea  einnnmomea.  -fte*  cinnamon- 8 tone. 
•flire  cinnamic  acid.  -tnr  cinnamon  tree,  Lauru* 
cinnamotium.    -ttaub  cinnamon  water. 

Stane  |  mebe  runner  of  a  sledge.  -net  sledging 
net.  -pift  sledging  whip.  -fclffab  sledging 
party.  -ftttttpcr  shafls  (of  a  sledge).  -røto  tassel 
for  the  head  of  a  sledge-borne.  -tnr  fe  -fart. 
•tttppt  sledge  apron.    -tøf  sledge  harness. 

Stanbamb'e  adv  perhaps,  may  be. 

Staui'n  c  -er  rabbit,  cony.  -gaorb  rabblt 
-warren.  -(am  net  for  catching  rabbits.  -boar 
rabbit's-hair,  cony  wool.  -bule  rabbit-burrow. 
-ffinb  rabbit  skin.    -Ugle  Athene  cunicularia. 

Stanuele're  vt  channel,  flute. 

Stanneltul  n  cannel   (candle-)coal. 

StannebaØ  n  canvas. 

ftanniba't  c  -er  can'nibal.    -ft  a  can'nibal. 

Stamtit  c  -er  canon.  —  Stannife|bøm  canonry, 
canonshlp.  -goarb  residence  for  canons.  -ftøl 
prebendal  stau.  -fabe  seat  of  a  chapter  of 

Stanø'  e  -er  canoe. 

Stanon  c  wm«  can'on,  round,  catch. 

Stanon  c  -er  can'non,  gun,  piece  of  ordnamt 
Stanona'be  c  cannonnade,  cannonading.  ftomøi 
baab  gunboat.  -befatningen  the  gun  number? 
-betjening  service  of  the  guns.  -brøg  breecbiiu 
-ftyalup  gun-vessel     -bøtf  gun -deck. 

ft«ttø|ttér  c  -nerer  gunner.  -ne'rc  vi  cannonaoe 
-ne'ring  c  cannonading,  cannonade. 

Scano'n|etØercitØ  c  (great-)gun  exercise.  -fcrtii 
gun-vessel.  -feber  cannonfever.  -før«  jr- 
-mould.  -fnlb  a  dead  drunk.  -føbe  canno:. 
-food,  food  for  powder.  -barbvn  gun-harpoos 
-^obcb  muzzle  (of  a  gun).    -i(b  fire  of  cannoo 

ftano|nifere  vt  can onize.  -nifering  c canor 
iza'tion.  -ntff  a  canon'ical;  ben  -e  8cet  tL« 
canon  law.    -nlØ'fe  e  -r  canonesa. 

ftanø  n|fantmer  chamber  of  a  gun.  -t omsus 
bør  J,  captain  of  a  gun.  -rrabfer  gun-«(ean,be: 
•Intbt    c>annon    powder.      -fugle    oannonbaL 
-laaf   gun-lock.     -labeftøf  rammer,     -labntat 
charge  of  a  can  non.    -lag  ^  tier  of  c&nnon  c. 
guns.    -tanterne  fighting  Ian  tern.     -lav>et  gui 
-carriage.    -løb  bore  of  a  cannon.     •numbpak 
gun's  orew;  fe  -befætning.     -metal  gun    metal 
•ntnnbing  muzzle  el.  mouth  ofa  cannon.    -børf 
artillery-park;  ^  gun-wharf.   -bart  ^  gun-por 
•brøb  tompion.  -brø&e  proving  (of)  guns.  -raøen 
guncarriage.    -rør  fe    løb.     -faløe  volley,   dik 
charge  of  guns.     -ffnb  gun-shot.     *frmb»ibbe 
tnbenfor  .  wlthin  gun-shot.    -flag  fueee.    -flabe 
slide,    -fbejl  fe  -prop.    -fprangninger  bursila^ 
of  guns.     -ftøberi   cannon  -  foundry,    ordnaoc. 
foundry.   -ftøbning  founding  (ofj  cannona.  -far 
ring  J,  breast-frapping.     -føg er  (gun-)searcher 
•tap    trunnion.     -forben    thunder  of    cannon 
cannonade,  peal  of  artillery.     -bifter  spongt. 
-bogn  gun-carriage. 

•fftcnØ  c  chance,  opportun! ty. 

Stange'  adv,  joc  tauffe  frni  perhape,  may  U 

Stanfler  c  -e  cliancellor.  -ret  Court  of  Chancer; 

Stant  a:  -  og  Har  quite  ready,  in  full  ordei 
ship-shape;  fatte  Sejl  .  ^  trim  sails. 

Kant  c  -er  (fRanb)  edge,  border,  margin,  rim 
fttgn)  q uarter,  region,  part  of  the  oountry;  vå- 
ben -  in  that  quarter;  fra  aQr  -er  from  even 
quarter;  on  all  hånds;  Hl  alle  -er  in  all  direc 
tlons;  paa  ~  on  edge,  edgewise;  fomme  paa  -  m^ 
en  fall  out  with  one;  cære  paa  ~  meb  en  be  ol 
bad  terms  with  one;  *  paa  en  -  muddled. 

ftantt'bel  a  melodious. 

Stanta'tt  c  -r  cautata. 

Øant|b(omft  ray  floret,  -borger  apple-of-Peru. 
Nicandra  r>hv*aloide*.  -bøflg  Winged  pea,  Tetra 

ftante  vt  (bælte)  cant;  *  tumble  (over  <'<■ 

ftante  vt  border,  edge,  welt.  -baanb  edging 

Hantelttbbe  c  -r  can'taloupe. 

xantefpont  n  &  cant  timber. 

Stant |  et  «  (fom  t>ax  hjørner)  angnlar,  edge<l 
f^oonb,  ©eoægelje)  angular;  fio  (om  »af en)  rougb. 
tre-  threecornered,  triangular,  ofb.  »fil  fihan1 
-edged  file.  -^ngge  vt  (Zømoier)  øquare.  -bttfl* 
ning  squaring.    -b^bl  cdge-plane. 

Jtantue'nc  c  -r  cantilena. 

ftantU'je  c  -r  purl 

ftantinr  c  -r  cantoen. 

Stant|frnmning  c  ($Ianteft)  sny  (lonlao)  bane 

Kantning  c  bordering  etc;  (Stant)  border,  welt 

Stanton  c  &  n  -er  canton.  -ne're  ti  cantoo 
-ne'ring  c   er  cautonmeat. 

Stantør  c  -er  precentor,  choirmaster. 

ftantnerle  c  round  pea  ri. 

ftantre  vi  (balte  øm  paa  Siben)  upset,  capsuc. 
of  (lømmer)  cant.  -ferbig :  laa  .  waø  on  her 
beam  ends.    -b^ogc  cant- book. 




Aanrrigel  o  flush-bolt  (of  a  door). 

ftanrring  e  upsetting. 

ftantlfaø,  *-f««  edge-øaw.    -fftfte  fe  »ulfrtfie. 

øtant'f*t|ntnø  ^  trimmlng.    -te  ol  trim. 

øtantné'fe  e  -r  (f)  a  kind  of  short  cloak;  fe 
eføamen.    -bat  vulgar  ball.    -efSamen  firet  part 
of  a  medlcal  examlnation. 

Stantctbit  n  edged  apple. 

Stanntter  pi  \   assocJates,  gossips. 

Staølt'n  c  ka'ollne. 

SNøt  n  chaos.    Staø'tift  o  chaot'ic. 

Stop  n  cape,  promontory,  headland,  gtoo  the 
Cape  (of  Good  Hope). 

6*9':  o«-,  *i-  atfø  in  emulation.  in  competi- 
tlon.  løbe,  renbe  om-  run  a  race;  læfe,  ftribe,  britte 
om-  Tie  with  each  other  in  reading,  writing, 
dxinking,  endeavour  to  outdo  el.  ezcel  one  tn 
reading  etc.,  read  etc.  against  cl.  with  one  (for 
a.  wager). 

Jtopa  jbef  a  ca'pable  (of).  -ettet  c  -er  ability, 
talent;  eone  elever  fellow,  genius. 

Stapel'  n  ler  (KUe  Jttrfe)  chapel;  (Drfefter) 
orcbeøtn,  chapel.  -lo«  c  -er  enrate.  -(antyølo 
n  keeping  a  curate.    -la ni'  n  -er  curacy. 

Jta$ef'(Ie)  c  -r  cAem  cu'pel.  cop'pel. 

Stayer Imefter  leader  of  an  orchestra.  -nnfirn* 
muøldan  of  a  chapel.    -fttø  floatlng  chapel. 

-Pa^ emne  *  fe  $riØøpgaøe. 

Staper  c  -e  privateer;  (Vtatroøfjøerber)  ninner. 
•fcaab  boat  of  a  privateer.  -øren  letter  of  maraue. 
-fartøj  privateer.  -gaft  privateer's-man.  -r  n 
.£,  prlyateerlng;  (om  ftaane)  plying  for  hlre, 
nurslng.  opposing.  -faptajn  captain  of  a  priva- 
teer. -rafl  driver  of  an  opposition  carriage,  a 
carriage  plying  for  hlre. 

SUpert  c,  pi  =,  caper,  pi  capen,  -plante 
caper-bush,  -plant,  -tree,  Caparit  tpinoéa.  •fauce 
caper- sauce. 

StaperlfTib     privateer.      -ftonnert     privateer 
echooner.   -tøf  privateerlng  expedltlon.    -øøgn 
opposition  carriage,  (a  kind  of)  Janntlng  car 
-øtrfrn  privateerlng. 

Scoplgasen,  -gaantnø,  -gang  c  pedeatrlan  match. 

Jr*pill|arite't  o  caplllar'ity,  cap'illary  action. 
•ørr  a  cap'illary. 

Stapitai  e  -er  (ogf.  forti/)  cap'ital;  (Drifts«) 
nock  in  tråde;  bob  .  dead  capital;  -en  (mobfat 
Stenten)  the  principal  (sum);  -  og  {Renter  principal 
and  intereat;  gøre  el.  floa  -  af  make  capital  out 
of,  tråde  in.  SUpttal  a  thorougb,  abøolute. 
-forørløclfe  capital  crime.  -førfifrfnø  endow- 
ment  assurance,  -ifc're  vt  cap'italise.  -ift'  c  -er 
cap'italiøt.  -løvtø  stock-acconnt.  -øerbi  capital 

ftftplt'ef  »  -tier  (i  afle  fjetj  chapter.  -faft  a 
well-grounded;  en  .  flRanb  a  chapter  and- vene 
man.  -øøerftrift  chapter  beadlng.  —  tftoøitrff  |> 
ret  fe  lampenet,  -tarft  flxed  rate  el.  price  for 
corn,  imperial  average,  «c  flan  (prioesV 

StO»ttø't|tnni  »  the  Oap'itol.  -t'tifl  a  Capi- 
lo  lian,  Cap'itollne. 

ftapitnl|e're  vi  caplt'ulate.  -attø'n  c  -er  capi- 

ftapittt'l  c  -er  (paa  en  6«j(e)  capital 

fto^iøa'r  e  -er  cab'ial,  capib'ara. 

fta  plføtønien,  -lanøet  Cape  Colony. 

Stapltørc  vi  drive  a  race.  -føring,  -lørfet 
trottlng  match. 

ftaølaf(e)  c  mere  primage. 

Stop  j  løb  running  match,  foot-raoe,  heat.  -løbe 
run  a  race. 

fta'pUøen  the  (»pé  11  on,  Leo  capen«*«. 

Scanning  c  polling,  etc.  (fe  Jtaøøe  vt). 

fta^øf  e  f  lady 's)  hood,  calash 

fiaøøøer'biffr  C  er  the  Cape  Verd  inlande. 

ftaøøe  re  fafftare  Xoppen>  poll;  ^cut,  clear  away; 

-t  Ztet  pollard;  -  Øntertoøet  ent  the  cable;  -  og 
gaa  unber  6ejt  ^  cut  and  run;  -  $oøebet  af  en 
chop  one's  head  off. 

Stappt  e  x  (paa  @totøj)  heel  piece. 

Scap^e  e  -r  (Døertøi)  cloak,  mantle;  (5 tuen. 
rimmerO  cap;  (TOunfe-)  hood,  cowl;  (tjoé  VcolIuVl.) 
mantle;  (oøer  ftab.Pt)  companlon;  (oøer  Aorrb) 
hood,  mantle;  (øøer  ©orbin)  valance;  (paa  Iriole) 
flounce;  (paa  <Braøftiffe)  cannel;  (paa  ftotbe)  heel 
-plate;  mifte  -  og  ftiaøe  be  unfrocked;  tage  noget 
paa  fin  -  tak*  the  responøibiUty  el.  blame  of  a 
thing  on  one'ø  self;  boere  -n  paa  begge  Sfulbre  be 
a  double  dealer,  carry  two  faces  under  one 
hood;  bange  -n  efter  vinben  set  one's  sails  to 
every  wind,  turn  a  cat  in  a  pan,  be  a  Jack  on 
both  ildes. 

Stoppe | aøe  honnet  monkey,  Macacu*  radiatu*. 
•øaaøø  pi  ribandø  for  a  cap;  (Oinbebaanb)  cap 
strlngs.  •baøian  derrlas,  Ov*oe+pkaiu$  kama- 
drytu.  -øremnte  fe  -ranb.  t-brager  pall-bearer. 
•bue  capnchin. 

•flctppefefl  e  race. 

StaPpegaaØ  fe  ^onfegaaø.  -garbin  valance. 
•Itøcrløing  cope,  Welsh  vanlt.  -fyettr  hood, 
capoch.  -foiibri  long-tailed  humming-bird, 
Aithuru*  polytmw.    -fraøe  collar  of  cloak. 

icappeløft  c  competitive  øpirit,  (splrit  of)  emula- 

ftappelorøer  n  heel-piece. 

-^ftapprn  c  emulation. 

ft«ppe|oøtt  jacket  rarnace.  -pilt  cap-ruche. 
-ranb  c  (Vatøl.)  margin  of  the  aperture.  -ren 
jockey-belt.  t-røl'llte,  -rønnile  (old-fashioned) 

ftappeØ  vd  vie  with,  conteøt  with,  emulate, 
(om)  compete  for. 

It«ppe| flag  cape.    -ftrimntel  fe  -pibe. 

Stoppet  a  (9ngl)  tufted,  crested. 

StappebiØ  adv  in  emulation. 

Sta'pre  vt  &  (ogfaa  fio)  aeixe,  capture,  make  a 
prize  of,  (SRatrojer)  kidnap;  fio  pick  up,  —  vi 
(om  Sogne)  ply  el.  canvaøs  for  hlre,  nurse,  oppose. 

Stop  |  renbe  fe  -løbe. 

Stapri'lce  c  -r  caprlce,  whim.  -eiø'«  a  capric'- 

Stap|ribe  vi  ride  a  race     -ribning  horse-race. 

fttpri  nfpre  c  caprin'ic  acid. 

Staprifo  linm  o  -ier  honeysuckle,  Lonicera, 

Staprio'l  c  -er  caper,  capriole;  gøre  -r  cut 

Staplro  vi  row  a  match,  -roning  rowing-match, 
regatta,  boat  race,  (meb  en  ttare  i  boer  $aanb) 
sculling-match.  -røningf baaø,  -røeriaab  racing 
-boat.    -roningéflnb  rowingclub. 

Øftapfag  c  cross-cut  saw. 

ftaplfefle  tn  sail  a  race.  -fcJfaM,  -fejiing 
sailing  match,    -fejler  racer. 

Stapfrjfe  cf  capsize,  upset;  —  be  capsized  el. 

Stopfel  c  -fler  (ogf.  V)  capsule;  (paa  Wing)  collt  t, 
l>ezel;  (til  barometer)  cistern;  ^eib.)  saggar. 
•barometer  cistern  barometer,  -frnøt  capsular 
frult     -ftøbning  chlll-castiug. 

Stapffpbnlng  c  shooting- match,  rifle-match. 

5ta'pftaben  Cape  Town. 

Stapfn'n  c  er  cav'esson;  fio  logge  .  paa  en 
keep  one  in  check. 

ftaptaj'u  c  -er  cap'tain;  (paa  tymbetftffib  ogfaa) 
master;  -  af  fianbetaten,  coetaten  captain  in  the 
army,  In  the  navy;  -erne  A  og  B  captains  A 
and  B:  frru  N  (gift  meb  ftapt.  N)  Mrn.  Captain 
N.    -laitnant  commander. 

Staptiø  #  n  rap  tious 

Staptø  r  c  -er  oaptor. 

Stapnci'ner  c  e  capnchin  friar)  -abe  rapu- 
chin(-monkey),  06w*  ra|i*ciuM«.     -tappe  capa 




chin.    -Rafter  capuchin-convent.    -tofe  yellow 
rose,  Bon  dumetorum. 

Stapnn  c  -et  ca'pon.  -e,  -e're  vt  capon,  capon- 
lze.    -e'rtng  c  caponing. 

ftapnt'  o  k  adv  roined,  done,  dished,  done 
for;  8**  -  capot';  gøre  8a«  .  capot. 

fta'pøin  c  Cape  (wine). 

•SUr  fe  ftarl. 

ftar'  n,  pi  «,  (ogfaa  fig  og  i  S)tjt  09  planter) 
vessel;  (fiort  Har)  vat. 

ftarabt'n  c  -et  c  car'abine,  ca'rbine.  -ét  c 
•rter  car(a)bineer.    -bage  spring-hook. 

ftaraff  el  c  Her  decanter,  (til  Conb)  water 

ftarat'blft  a  Caribbean  (sea,  islande). 

ftarata'f  c  car'acal,  Felts  earaeal. 

ftarafø  le  c  -r  car'acole. 

ftarafte'r  c  -r  character;  (6inb)  disposition, 
temper;  (titulær  Stang)  titnlar  rank;  (i  ©fole) 
mark.  -(øg  character- book.  -bone  character 
-dance.  -bragt  fancy-dress.  -fafl  o  firm,  deter- 
mined,  unwavering.  -fflftljes  flrmnew  of  charac- 
ter el.  princlple.  -fejl  foult  of  character,  -fut* 
a  characteristic.  -g ibning  c  givtng  marks,  -ife're 
or  char'acterize.  -tfllf'  c  characterlza'tion,  molA 
characteristic,  index,  -iff'if!  n  characteristicfal). 
-løé  a  char'acterless.  -Ufttyrb  want  of  character, 
-marfe  characteristic.  -rolle  character  part. 
•[tilbring  fe  -tegninø.  -ftnef  piller  character  actor. 
-førte  strength  of  character,  -ftorf  a  strong  of 
character,  -f  øøgljrb  weakness  of  character,  -teg- 
ning portratture  of  character,  character-drawing 
el.  sketch  i  ng.    -rrcf  trait  of  character. 

ftaramel'  n  car'amel;  c  -ler  lozenge. 

Jtarantor  ne  c  quar  anttne;  tjolbc  -  perform  el. 
paas  quarantine  -afgifter  q.  dues.  -t aftalt 
lazaret  to.  -autoriteterne  the  health-guard.  -boab 
guard-boat,  health  boat.  -brtanbling:  unberaaa 
~  be  subjected  to  q.  -beftemmelfer  q.  regula- 
tions  (0.  fl.).  -betjent  health-omcer.  -testø*  fe 
-pa*.  -etabliffement  health  station,  -bn§,  -inb- 
retning  fe  -onftolt.  -tommiøfløtt  q.  board,  -paé 
pratique.  -pligtig  a  liable  to  q.  -fHb  (floaUng) 
lazaretto.  -tiben  the  perlod  cl.  term  of  q. 
-bagt  health  guard.  -øcefen  q.  system,  Q  Board. 

Størst'  c,  pi  =,  car  at,  sillqua. 

ftaraba'ne  c  -r  caravan.  -farer  caravanee'r. 
•bn#,  -ferai  caravan 'sary,  caravan'sera.  -te 
souchong.    -nej  c.  route. 

ftcrjbaaub  hoop.  -bob  tubbath;  (mobf.  aabent 
».)  private  bath. 

Rarbo'l|øtte  carbol'ic  oil  -tøre carbol'lc add, 
-banb  solution  of  carbolic  acid. 

fttrbøna  be  o  chop,  cutlet.    -følte  neck. 

ftarbunbt  c  vascular,  bundle. 

ftarbn'nfrt  c  -Ker  ca'rbuncle. 

Jtarcinø'm  n  med  carcinoma. 

Barbe  c  -r  (til  Ulb)  c  ard.  Starbe  vt  card. 
-bølle,  -borre  burr  of  the  teasel;  fe  -tibfel.  -tone 
carder.  -mager  c  -e  cardmaker.  -maftine  card- 
ing-machine  el.  engine. 

ftarbemø'me  c  cardamom,  Ålpinia  oardamo- 

Jta'rbejpige  carder,  -f*m  pi  card-nails.  -tanb 
tooth  of  a  card.  -tibfel  teasel,  Dipeaau  fullo- 
num.    -nlb  clothing  wool. 

ttarbialgt'  c  cardUalgy,  heartburn. 

Starbtnal  o  -er  ca'rdinal,  rogf.  fcugl:  Fritujilla 
cardinali«).  -bbb  cardinal  virtue.  -bnntt  cardinal 
point,  -tal  cardinal  number.  —  ftarbinalé|bat 
cardinal's  hat.  -lofleainm  college  of  cardlnals. 
-bøfl,  -b«rbigbeb  cardinalate,  the  purpie. 

ftarbøbenebift'  c  blessed  thistle,  Carduui  bene 

Starbøa'  (-ffrtefrot)  c  cardoon,  Cynara  cardun 

ftarbua'n  n  co'rdwain. 

ftarbn'd  c  -er  (til  ftanoner)  ca'rtridge,  carto'uch. 
(XobaW-)  paper  packet  (of  tobacco);  børe  -es 
prime  the  gun;  oribe  en  i  -en  seize  one  by  the 
poll.  -før«  cartrfdge  form,  former,  -rifte  car 
trldge  chest.  -tøggeri  cartridge-box.  -p*$ix 
oartridge  el.  packing  paper,  brown-pmper.  oap 
-paper.  -tøffe  cartridge-box.  -tøba!  tobacco 
packed  in  paper.    -tøll  former. 

ftarbeffe  c  -r  (til  ^efle)  curry-comb,  fe  Irartsfte 

+ftmtt  vt  rake. 

ftøref'uing  c  canroylng. 

ftaren  Catherine,  Kate. 

ftareé'fe  c  -r  caress,  endearmen t.  -'re  øt 

flare't  c   -er  coach,     -bn!  coach  box.     -bor 
coach  door.    -f  ab  in  g  body  of  a  coach,    -fnlb  a 
coachrol.  -Ijeft  coach -horse,   -bimniel  coach  top 
-mager  coach-maker. 

fløret'te  ( ffilbpabbe)  c  -r  loggerhead  turtle. 
Chelonia  imbrieatu. 

Scare'tPinbnc  n  coach-wlndow. 

♦ftarføl!  fe  fttrlfolt. 

Starfnv'tel  e  -rier  ca'rbuncle. 

ftariffe  ^ao  the  Cara  Sea. 

ftariø'l  c  -er  cariole,  (road)  sulky,  -bet 
carlole  horse,    -fele  cariole-haraess. 

ftori'JØ  o  ca'rious. 

ftar!a»'(fej  c  -r  (^røielril)  ca'rcass. 

Scarflnb  c  dish-clout. 

5cs  ri  Charles  fe  (Karl. 

Pari  c  -e  (SRanb)  man,  (Stør,  ftnogt)  feUow, 
(XienefleO  man;  (i  $ot<\)  booU,  (6talb-)  ostler. 
en  årlig  _  an  bonest  feUow;  en  raft  -  a  brave 
ri.   fine  fello*;   en  gemen  .  a  shabby  el.  meas 
feUow,  ofø.;  b,an  et  .for  fin  ^at  he  can  hold  hb 
own,  he  is  not  to  be  trifled  with;  tftaa  .  hold 
one's  own.  —  ftarlejagtig  a  mannish,  maacu- 
line.    -anflgt  man's  face.   -gerning  man's  work 
•lammer  servants*  room.  -tiarber  man's  clothe? 
-lag  mens  company.     -ton  wages  of  a  man 
-rafl  man's  voice.    -fine  servanta'  hall.    -frnRe 
manly  feat.    Starlfolf  n  man;  men. 

ftarli  ne  c  carli'na,  ca'rline-thistle,  Cxrlma 

fta  rlftpøgnen  Charles's  wain. 

fta'rlbøtlen  a  marriageable. 

ffarlsre  c  angiology. 

ftarm  c  -e  (SUtmrne)  frame,  case;  4,  (omrrhrg 
Suae)  coaming;  tciose  carriage. 

»arniellt  erjbne  nun.  -mnnf  Carmelite  (monk, 
rriar).    -nonne  Carmelite  nun. 

ftarmefl'u(r*b)  a  crim'son. 

Starmlføb  sill.    -f Ribning  d>  beam-filluigs. 

Starmi'n  c  ca'rmine.  -laf  fine  lake.  -fbre 

ftarmlngc  o  ^  booby-hatch. 

Starnab'  c  &  n  -per  jutty,  projecting  bay.  -frnc 
bay-windowed  room.  -binbnc  bay-  (el.  bow-) 
window,  compass-window,  (ftørce)  oriel  (-win- 

ftameø't  c  -er  cornelian,  carnelian. 

Stamenal  n  -er  carnival.  -åagrig  o  carnival 

tftamiffel  c  -fler  cuff.  Stamiflc  vi  f  caff, 

Itamld'  c  k  n  -fer  co'rnice,  mouldlng.  -bobl 
cornice  plane,  mouldlng  plane,  -fronå  oorona, 
drip.    -piano  seml-grand. 

ftarnafie  fe  ftarntffe. 

ftarøline  Carolina,  Car'oline;  (Hallen)  the 
red  ball;  (Spillet)  carline.  -me  pi  the  Carolines, 
the  Caroline  Islands. 

ftarolin  Igeme  pi  the  Carlovingians.  -fifl  a 

+ftarøi'fe  c  -r  coach. 




ftarotte  e  -r  (tobal)  carrot;  (Qtulerob)  small 

St*rpa't%ttnt  pi  the  Carpathlan  mountains. 

fiorpe  c  -t  earp,  Cyprimu  oarpio.  -bom  carp 
pond.  -leg  spawn  of  carps.  -totub,  -rlpø  roach 
-back.    -tunge  (Bil)  tongue.    -tingel  carp  fry. 

Aarplanter  pi  vascular  plant«. 

fttrre  o  -r  car,  cart;  føp  carriage. 

fttrré  e  -r  øquare.  -ntafttne  square-rose  en- 

fiarrejfntb  c  cartful.  -b,eft  cart-hone.  -tnft 
carter.    -flanger  shafts  of  a  cart. 

fiarri  c  curry-powder;  fåfrifoSfé  meb  .)  curry; 
Jlaloefritaøfé  meb  -  currled  veal  (ofo.j. 

Jtorricre  c  gallop;  (Søbebane)  career;  i  »ilb  - 
in  mad  carreer;  gøre  .  make  a  career. 

Jtarrig  a  stingy,  miserly,  niggardly;  -  paa 
aparing  of.    -$eb  o  stinginess,  niggardllness. 

Jrarrtføtn'r  o  -er  car'icature;  tegne  .  car  icature. 
-tegner  car'icaturist.  ftarrite're  vt  car'icature, 

Jlarrl|ret  curry.    -fløf  curry-powder. 

Starrønabe  c  -r  car'ronade.  -bløf  bed  for  a  c. 
-flcebr  c  glide. 

ftarrnfel'  cAn  roundabout,  merry-go-round; 
t-' Spil  *  tilt.    -bane  roundabout. 

Jtarfe  c  pepper-wort,  Lepidium;  $abe»  cress, 
crenes;  oilb  -  cardamine. 

Jtarft  a  hale,  in  health;  be  -e  Ijaw  iRe  Sagen 
beboø  bibl  they  that  are  wbole  need  not  a  physi- 
cian.    -tKb  c  health. 

Jtarlftrnbbe,  -ffrnppe  icrubblng-brush. 

*£ø'rfig  a  fe  Rarleagtig. 

Starlfrreng  fe  -bunbt. 

+fttrt  c  -er  hard  funripe)  fruit  el.  berry. 

Htaxt  n  -er  map;  (Sø«)  chart. 

Harte  »  -t  letter-blll. 

jtarie  c  og  v«  fe  ftarbe. 

ftartef'  c  -ler  cartel;  (Ubførbr.)  challenge,  cartel. 
-ffib  cartel-shlp. 

Startere  vt  enter  (on  the  letter-blll). 

ftartejia'nff  a  Carte'sian,  -  Sjattet  Carterian 
de  vil;  -e  £øirOler  C.  vortices. 

•torten 'fer  c  e  Carthuaian.  -nnnt  G.  monk 
fo.  ft).  -ncflife  Carthuaian  pink,  Dianthus  Car- 

ftortt«'a|ø  n  Ca'rthage.  -inien'fer  e,  -inienfift 
a  Carthagln'ian. 

*ftartlo*g|ge  vt  map  (down),  chart.  -ning  o 
mapping  etc. 

ftartnegt  c  diaeaaed  nail. 

Hart  øf  f  el  <*  -flet  potato;  -flet  meb  boib  ©auce 
atewed  potatoes.  -aar;  gobt  -  good  year  for 
potatoea.  -ager  potato-fleld.  -avl  culti vation 
of  potatoea.  -bille  potato-bug  el.  -beetle,  Dory- 
vkora  døcem-Uneata.  -bronbeøi*  potato  whiskey . 
-crna  potato-groats.  -grab  maahed  potatoea. 
•fatte  hoe.  -luft  potato  crop.  -Jørb  potato 
aoil.  -totfber  root-houae  el.  cellar.  -Ug  large 
ahalot.  t-mort  p.-field.  -mel  potato  flour. 
-møg  maahed  potatoea.  -n*fe  bottle-nose. 
•plante  potato-plant.  -plot  hoe-plough.  -fago 
aago  of  potatoea.  -falat  potato-salad.  -ftører 
potato-cntter.  -fribelfe  potato-atarch.  -fatter 
augar  of  potatoes.  -fnppe  potato  aoup.  -fug« 
bo«,  -flige  potato  dlaeaae. 

ftartøn  c  -er  ($opet)  ca'rton;  (I egn.)  cartoo'n. 

tftortø'be  c  -r  car'ronade. 

ftartteft  r  c  -t  art  grape-ahot,  case-ahot,  canlater 
-•hot.    -baofc  canlater  of  grape-snot.    -ilb  fire 


ftornf'fc  e  -fer  bastard  carp,  Cvprimu 

Starte  e  fe  Jhitnmen. 

ftarar  vt  (ftøm  %uxn)  nick,  noten;  (ftore  i 
tøflet)  mince,  chop.    -brat  chopping  board. 

'ftarbetaaf  c  caraway;  caraway  aoup. 

Star»e|rnib  chopping  knife.  -morrte  fe  80- 

•RoroeoHe  c  oil  of  cumin. 

ftarbfftot  e  tally,  nick(-stick). 

ftarQatibe  e  -r  caryat'ld. 

ftatåemir  n  cashmere.    -geb  Caahmere  goat. 

ftafe  o  -r  turd. 

Jtafe'ttt  n  ca'seine. 

ftafe'mat|te  c  -r  ca'aemate.  -tf 'ret  a  casemated. 
•flib  casemated  ahip. 

ftafer'ite  e  -r  barrackCs;,  ca'sern.  -gaarb  bar- 
rack-yard. -Ho  barrack-life.  -'re  vt  lodge  el. 
quarter  in  barracks,    -ffib  tender. 

ftafimir  n  caa'simere. 

fta^net'  n  cas'slnets. 

ftaøfa'be  c  -r  cascade. 

ftaflorlliebart  c  cascarilla  bark. 

-t-ftaflc  c  -r  casque.  cask. 

ftaffelot'  c  -ter  cachalot  el.  spermacetl  whale, 
Phweter  macrocephalua. 

ftaffet'  c  -ter  cap,  bonnet.  -nager  cap-maker. 
•frbgé«  cap-peak. 

Slalta  c  £  Ssfurance  paa  .  Insurance  on  the 
ahip  (hull,  bottom);  ^abari  paa  .  damage  to  the 

leafpiffe  føb  (bet)  the  Caspian. 

ftadfa'|bel  a  useless,  worthless.  -Ho'«  c  cas- 
sation;  condemnation  etc.  (fe  ftasfere).  -tiø'Blret 
court  of  cassation. 

flaøfe  e  -r  case,  box,  coffer;  f$engettfre)  cash 
•box;  ($engef.  af  ftarn)  lron-safe;  (til  6tøbn.)  flask; 
(til  ftaniner)  hutch:  (Hl  dnbfatn.  af  røbelfit.)  coUet, 
bezel;  fio  exchequer,  treasury,  purse;  -n  F 
(føengfel)  the  black  hole;  gammel  -  cent  (om  6fib) 
old  tub,  ocere  oeb  (per)  -  be  in  cash;  iffe  oære 
oeb  .  be  out  of  cash,  short  of  money;  blibe  oeb  -' 
get  into  cash;  flaa  for  -en  keep  the  cash:  F  foa 
paa  -n  get  a  box  on  the  ear.  -ovv-ii ni«g  ex- 
chequer bill.  -bebotbttiag  cash  balance,  -betjent 
keeper  of  a  public  fund.  -bøg  cash  book. 
•bloker,  -bclg  cheat-bellows.  -efterfb«  inspec- 
tlon  of  the  cash.  -førmnlttg  sand-casting  be- 
tween  flasks. 

StaØfeNttg'  c  -er  jacket,  jerkin. 

Staøfe|tøntø  cash-account.  -tøwtør  pay-offlce. 
•UaØ  case-lock. 

Staffcler'ØuIt  Cassel  yellow. 

StaØfelwavgel  deficit,    -nefter  treasurer. 

Sraafere  vt  (gioe  Vff!eb)  cashier,  (om  Officerer) 
break;  (forfafte)  reject,  condemn;  (Som,  Salg) 

ftodfe  re  tnb  vt  fe  3nbta«fere. 

ffaftferegnftab  »  cash-account. 

ftoøfe'rer  c  -e  treasurer,  cashier,  cash-keeper, 
paymaster,  -føwtør  pay-offlce.  ftøJfererffc  e  -r 
money- taker. 

gaSferorrle)  o  -ler  saucepan,  skillet. 

««øfe|froffe  great  attraction.  -ftøbwiwg  fe  -form* 
ning.  fbig  embeczlement,  defalcation;  (meft  om 
offentl.  $enge)  peculation.    -tab  loss  in  cash. 

ftadfette  c  -r  areh  coffer.  -ret a Soft coffered 

ftaØfe|t)b  embezzler.  -t*»eri  fe  -foig.  -Utnvtag 
emptying  of  the  boxes.  -bearil  double-beat  valve. 
-bøgn  caravan. 

Sfagfia  c  cassia.  -bart  cassia-bark.  -rrc  caøsla 
-tree,  Ca—ia  fittula. 

ftaøfiaet'  n  cas'sinets. 

•taft  n,  pi  ->,  throw,  cast,  (meb  6ppb)  dart; 
(af  8htb)  gust  (of  urind);  *one  cast,  drawlng  el. 
haul  of  the  drag-net;  *place  for  flshing  with 
the  drag-net;  et  .  meb  $oøebet  a  toas  of  the  (el. 
one's)  head;  et  -  trtfe,  ^oalpe  a  litter  of  pigs, 
puppies;  farte  alt  paa  et  -  stake  all  on  the 
cast  of  a  die,  put  all  one's  eggs  in  one  basket; 




gibe  fig  i  -  nicb  engage,  encounter,  (ogf.  fig) 
tackle,  aasail,  fio  (noget)  grapple  with;  Ijoorlebe* 
tom  ban  i  -  meb  faabanne  SWennefrer?  how  came 
he  to  take  up  with  surh  people? 

ftaftagnet'ter  pi  cas' tenets. 
.  StafUtrie  c  -c  chestnut;  bilb  -  horse-chestnut; 
vet  horny  excreacence;  rage  -rne  ub  af  3 Iben  for 
en  be  oue's  cat'spaw.  -brnu  a  auburn,  chest- 
nat.  -olie  chestnut  oli.  -rifler  chestnut-roaster. 
-ffop  chestnut  wood.  -rr«  (agte)  c.  trea,  Faøut 
cattatiea;  c.  wood. 

Aøfte  vt  throw,  cast,  (opab)  tom;  (om$unbe  o.  fl ) 
bring  fortn,  Utter,  whelp,  (før  Ztben,  om  Sro)  cast, 
slink;  (en  ftjrnbe)  throw,  overthrow;  (ftort)  dis- 
cord, (i  røitet)  lay  out,  (betmbe  meb)  throw; 
(SDning)  overcast;  -  en  tørøft  dig  a  pitch;  .  ftorn 
stir  corn,  *winnow  corn  by  hånd;  -  fil}*  ooer 
throw  el.  shed  light  on;  —  vi:  Binben  -r  the 
wind  is  chopplng  about  fl.  is  biowing  in  sudden 
gusts;  $iorten  -r  the  stag  is  shedding;  •flsh  with 
the  casting-net  et.  drag-net;  —  .  fig  (om  %ié) 
warp,  (om  gcerebe  Babffer)  turn  sour,  (om  Sab« 
ning  shift;  —  mrb  prctp  og  adv.  .  af  throw  el. 
cast  off,  (Witter)  throw;  .  ©roen  af  break  up 
the  bridge;  .  af  fig  (©eoinft)  yield;  _  (i  »t-  heave 
to,    bring   to;   .  bort  fe  ©ort  rafte,  (tabe)  lose; 

-  efter  en  meb  en  Sten  throw  a  stone  at  one: 
_  $ei(er  for  Sbin  cast  pearls  before  swine;  - 
fig  for  en*  ftob,  ftøbber  throw  one's  self  at  a 
person'8  feet;  -  fra  J,  cast  off;  .  fig  b,en  throw 
one's  self  away;  .  i  (om  $eft)  overreach;  -  i 
føengfef  cast  in  to  prison;  .  en  en  Sten  i  $  o  Debet  j 
hit  one's  head  with  a  stone;  .  en  noget  i  ftcefen  ; 
taunt  one  with  something;  fig  i  Jrloeberne  fling  I 
on  one's  clothes;  fe  ttaite;  -  neb  af  Trapperne  j 
kick  down  stairs;  .om  throw  down.  (om  ©inb) 
shift,  fio  shift  one's  ground,  wheel  round;  . 
SRaftinen  om  reverse  the  engine;  -  om  fig  meb 
lard  one's  speech  with,  air;  .  fig  om  en*  $al* 
(all,  throw  one's  self,  about  one  s  neck;  .op 
throw  up,  vomit,  (et  Orb)  look  for,  look  out; 
pøbelen  fafiebe  b<un  ooer  meb  Starn  the  mob 
pelted  him  with  dlrt;  Sfibet  bleb  -i  frit  ooer  she 
was  thrown  on  her  beam  ends;  -  fig  ooer,  fe  -  fig 
paa;  -  ooer  © orb  throw  overboard;  .  paa  ^ 
(til  ©inben)  heave  to;  -  Stene  paa  en  pelt  one 
with  stones;  _  9tt*tanfe  paa  throw  suspicion  on; 

-  £>ab  paa  conceive  an  aversion  to,  be  set 
against;  .  paa  Søren  turn  out  (of  doors);  - 
fttceberne  paa  (el.  om)  fig  fling  el.  huddle  on  one's 
clothes;  .  fig  paa  ng  apply  el.  devote  one's  self 
to,  (om  Sbgbom)  fly  to,  attack;  .  f  am  men  (tøj) 
baste  (together);  -  til  (betenbe  meb)  throw;  . 
til  forben  fling  down,  (en)  throw  (down);  ~  en 
<Brob  Hl  fill  up  a  grave;  -  til  ^  (Zoo)  belay, 
(for  Storm)  lay  to;  .  nb  turn  out,  (oeb  ftetten* 
Wibbel)  eject;  (i  ftridei)  bowl  out;  .  ub  i  ©erben 
throw  upon  the  world. 

JNfle  c  -r  caste;  mifte  fin  .  loose  caste.  -aa*b 
spirlt  of  caste. 

ftafle|bebarge(fe  projectile  motion,  -bløl  ^ 
snateh-block.  -bølb(t)  hand-ball;  Steffen«  .  the 
sport  of  fortune.    -bro  fiying  bridge. 

Rafte  Iførbont  prejudice  of  caste  -forftel  dia- 
tinctlon  of  caste(s). 

Rafte | garn  seine.  -frarafe  (ftritfet)  bowling 
-crease.  -gknge  swing.  -1}  arp  nu  band  harpoon. 
-tyil  flash-wheel. 

ftafteinbbeltng  c  division  into  castes. 

Røfte|  flabe  wrapper,  shawl.  -f«p  ban  er  ingen 
_  he  is  not  to  be  trifled  with. 

Hofte!'  n  ler  castle,  ci todel. 

RafteUnie  o  line  of  protection,  trajectory. 

StafttUa'n  c  -er  cast'ellan,  constable. 

Staftelmafifue  (©libe)  catapult.  -n  c  fe  jraftning. 
*-ttot  fe  garn.    -pil  dart. 

JUftepreg  n  stamp  el.  characteristic  of  caste. 

ftaftepJØ  c  J,  draw-bucket. 

Safter  c  -e  (i  Andet)  bowler. 

Rafte|ftibe  discus,  quoit.  -fløpj  shovel  for 
stirring  corn;  *winnowiog-shovel  (bibl  fan.. 
•fTnb  vertlcal  fire;  fe  Snapftub.  -fTpt*  mortars. 
-fpbb  javelin.  -flige  rope  ladder.  -f*l«g  whip 
-stitch.  -flapper  S  dog-stopper.  -fra  overe*.«; 
-seam.  •tørftarbe  fe  -Hcebe.  -baabe*  missile 
-baab  fe  -garn.  -bibbe  range,  -bimb  purt  of 
wind,  sudden  gust  of  wind,  eddy-wind,  flaw, 
white  squall.  -blnbe  ^  spunyarn  wincli.  -»ab 
fe  -garn. 

Raftebarfen  n  division  into  castes. 

ftafti'li|en  n  Cas'tile,  Castilia.  -aner  c  c, 
-«'«fT  n  Castil'ian. 

fttflning  c  -er  casting  etc.;  (af  Staal)  warpiDg; 
(Soning)  overcast. 

Paftor  fe  ©ceber. 

ftaftrametatio  n  c  mil  castrameta'tion. 

ftaflrat  c  -er,  SUftre're  vt  fe  •tlbtng,  fe  Olilbe. 

Scafua  r  c  -er  cassowary. 

ftafntft'  e  -er  oas'uist.  -ti'  o  casuietxy.  -frff 

StafHØ  c,  v1  =,  case.    -enbeffe  c  case-ending. 

Stat'  o  -te  (tam)  cat,  Felit  domettieuM;  rnlb  - 
catamountain,  catamount,  Fcli*  catu*;  &  (til 
finter)  cat(-tackle),  Zamp)  cat  o'nine  tails;  fort 
cavalier;  (til  $enge)  moneybelt;  ttre  en  -  not  a 
soul;  bon  gør  itfe  en  -  gorrræb  he  wouldn't  burt 
a  fly;  i  Størte  ere  alle  te  graa  all  cats  are  grev 
in  the  dark,  when  candles  are  out,  all  cats  are 
grey,  Joan' s  as  good  as  my  Lady  in  the  dark; 
en  -  tør  fe  paa  en  ftonge  a  cat  may  look  at  a 
king;  *ifte  for  -ten  not  to  be  sneesed  at,  not  half 
bad;  UU  -ten  i  Sætten  buy  a  pig  in  a  poke; 
forlige«  fom  fiunb  oa  .  live  like  cat  and  dog; 
bare  faa  leb  af  noget  fom  .  af  Sennep  be  heaxtily 
sick  of  a  thing;  naar  -ten  er  borre,  fpiDe  Qcufene 
paa  ©orbet  when  the  cat  is  away  the  mice  will 
play;  gale  -te  faa  rebet  Sfinb  brabbling  curs  never 
want  sorc  ears;  fom  -ten  om  ben  barme  ®røb  like 
a  cat  about  hot  mllk;  fer  ub  fom  en  -  i  ©læft  is 
quite  thrown  off  his  balance. 

ftattblop  trlff  i  catadioptric(al). 

Scattfolr  -er  catafalque,  catafalco. 

ftatarom  be  c  -r  cat'acomb. 

Slataleplfi'  c  cat'alepsy.   -ftff  a  cataleptic(al). 

ftatalo'ø  c  og  n  -er  cat'alogue;  flaar  t  -en  is 
on  el.  in  the  catalogue.  -ife-re  vt  cat'alogue. 
•febbel  catalogue  card,  c.  slip. 

fta talø 'ailen  n  Catalonia.  -er  c  t,  -ff  a  Cata- 

Scataplaft'ma  n  cat'aplasm. 

ftatopttlt'  e  -er  cat'apult. 

ftataraft'  c  -er  cat'aract. 

»atari'na  Catherine. 

Statatrtf  o  catarrh,  cold,  influenza,  hi  Iff  a 
catar'rhal,  catar'rhous. 

ftotafrrø'fe  c   r  cat'astrophe,  crash. 

Stotitøf  e  ^  cat-block. 

ftate  ber  »  -brr  chair,  cathedra,  (paa  Stole) 
(masters)  desk. 

Statebra  Uittt  c  r  cathe'dral  (church). 

ftategolrl'  e  -er  cat'egory;  F  pare  i  famme  - 
be  in  the  same  boz.    -riff  a  categor'ical. 

Statc|fc'l  c  -er  (ben,  fom  Ian  latetifere)  cat'e<>hi8t; 
(fyjælpepræfl)  the  youngest  curate  in  city  churches. 
-fif  c 're  vt  cat'echise.    -fif  e  ren,  -life  ring  c  cat 
echising.    -tid  mni  e  cat'echism.    -func'w  c  -er 

ftatc't  c  -erne  the  sides  (which  form  the  right 
angle),  f  the  cath'etl. 

Rate  ter  n  -tre  »  rd  cath'eter. 

Stat |*gan pc  lynx  of  a  certain  colour  (rescm 



bling  the  cat,  Felis  Cerwxria.    -gnt  n  cat-gut. 
-f)age  J,  cat- hook. 

ftatftø'b  c  elect  cat h  ode. 

fiatiflnrriff  a  Catllinarlan. 

Sa  tiø'tt  c  e/ec*  ca'tion. 

JUt|frøg  vi,  cat-book.    -Uber  cat-fall. 

ftat|øIieU'me  c  cathol'icism,  (rom.)  Romanism. 
-oH?  c  -et  cath'ollc,  (rom.)  Romanist,  -oifl  a 

Statøbltrtf  c  catop'trics.   -ttift  a  catoptrlc(al). 

Stftt'oft  c  mallow,  Malva. 

ftarrine  Kate.  -blomme  c  -r  French  prune 
el.  plum. 

Jtarrtjgget  a  (Sfib)  cam  bered. 

ftatSttp  c  catcbup,  ketchup. 

ftatftibe  e  <J,  sheave  in  ibe  cat-head. 

Stattt  vt  &  (gitteret)  cat;  (et  ttnfet  tit  et  anbet) 
back,  (et  Xoto)  point;  (prtjgle)  flog. 

Statteiagtig  a  catlike,  cat  ti  ah.  -«rt  (H.  af  Hatte) 
kind  of  cat;  (frattenatur)  cat  nature,  -bjørn 
panda,  wah,  Ailuru*  rtfulgetu.  -bblb  whitlow. 
-ffeb :  meb  .  stealthily.  -fob  cat's  foot  cudweed, 
Gfnupkalium  dioicum;  <£.  cat's  paw.  -føbe  cat's 

ftattegtt  n  the  Cattegat. 

Aatteignfb  gold  glimmer,  -Ijale  cat's  tail;  $> 
loose-strife,  Lythrum  aaicaria.  -Ijoøeb  cat's  head; 
ri  2aat)  protruding  bolt,  notch;  art  small  mortax. 
-tal  cathole,  cat's  hole.  -jagt  chasing  of  cats. 
-fffltng  kitten.  -flo  cat's  claw;  fig  poa  -flot,  fe 
fieb.  -fnnr  purring  of  cats;  med  purring  sound. 
-føncert  caterwaullng.  -(ab  fe  fob.  -mtaben 
mewing  of  cats  +-mitb  fe  -venlig,  -ntnfit  chari- 
vari;  (af  Hatte)  caterwaullng.  -muntr  fe  -urt. 
•pine  scrape,  stralt,  hoppie.  *-*nØ  puss,  pussy. 
•rift  scratch  of  a  cat. 

totterne  pi  the  Catti. 

ft«tte|rig  vi,  camber.  -ffinb  cat's  skin.  -flto 
a  afraid  of  cats.  -ffag  whiskers  of  a  cat;  $ 
mat-grass,  Nardus  ttricta.  -flagten  (the)  catkind, 
the  fellne  race.  -fbor  &  rider,  -fprittg  cat's 
leap.  -frjorrt  j,  point.  -foib  cat-silver.  -tarm 
+($lante;  cinque-foil,  Potentill«  reptant.  -ttrt 
cat-mlnt,  Nepeta  cataria.  -babf!  an  apology  for 
washlng.  -benlig  «  oily,  bland.  -Dtntigtyrb 
blandness,  blandishment(8).    -øje  cat's  eye. 

ftattn'n  n  -et  calico.  -larreb  printed  calico. 
-trtoffer  calico-printer.   -trtaftert  calico-printing. 

Slet' |  ugle  tawny  owl,  strix  uluco.  '-unge 

ftatenitmmer  [ti  c  fe  Zømmermænb. 

ftøJ'jøjeften  (en  Opal)  cat's  eye,  girasole.  -*\et 
a  rat-eyed. 

Jtanberbalff  »  gibberish,  jargon. 

*ft«ue  vi  halloo,  hollo. 

JttutajfuØ  n  the  Caucasus.  -'flet  c,  -'fifl  o 

Stan*  e  fe  Jrou*. 

fianf«  1  '«,  ft«nfa'l>  cau'sal,  cau'sative.  -fte't 
r  causal'ity. 

ftautøer  tøeb.]  a  p  pure;  right,  correct. 

ftanftifT  a  caust'ic;  .  Stali  potasslc  hydrate. 

*Stant  -t  bumptions,  rollicking. 

ftnnte'l  c  -et  precaution. 

ftanierifjatlon  cauteriza'tion.  -e're  vt  eau'* 

fNutiø'n  e  -et  security,  sure  ty,  bail,  caution; 
fttHe  -  give  security,  pnt  in  bail;  gaa  i  -,  -e're 
w  be  surety,  stand  surety,  bail.  -ifl'  c  -er 

Aantfd^ttt  a  India  rubber,  caoutschouc.  -manb 
Indiarubber  man,  con  tortioner,  -olie  caout- 

*lcø>b  a  &  rtdv  p  complete,  completely,  stark, 
f.  <tt«.  ~  bruften  dead  drunk,  o.  fl. 

*&**  n  f  laying  abont  (wlth  the  arms);  tur- 
moil,  bustle. 

ftabaf'  c  -et  greatcoat;  ftifte  unbet  -en  jco 
lay  in. 

ftattale'r  o  -et  (ogf.  ^arttnaon  og  forti/)  ca valler, 
(oeb  hoffet)  gentleman  In  waiting;  (i  Sans)  partner; 
(fpottenbe)  beau,  gallant.  -moelfig  a  (i  gob  Set.) 
gen tlemanlike,  gentlemanly;  (i  flet  ©et.)  cavalier. 

ftabalfa'be  c  -r  cav'alcade. 

ftaoaQeri'  n  cav'alry,  horse,  -regiment  regi- 
ment of  horse,  -ft'  c  -et  trooper,  horseman, 

ftaoatine  c  -x  cavatina. 

tftatte  vi  (om  Staben)  yelp. 

*$ta*t  vi  lay  about;  exert  one's  self,  bustle, 
make  arms. 

*lla»e  e  fe  6netaoe. 

♦ftaoe'lre  vi  fe  ftautionete.  -ringtntanb  fe  Sfot* 

fttoia'r  o  caviar,  caviare;  -  fot  ben  ftorc  ^ob 
c.  to  the  general. 

*fta»(  c  -et  float,  buoy  (for  flshing-nets). 

*Sta9\t  o  -t  fe  ftæble. 

ftabrt  c  cowry. 

Sta'bring  o  -et  rusk,  cracker,  biscuit. 

m$t&tt  o  -r  F  mighty  man,  big  gun,  big-wig, 

fteb  a  (af)  weary  (of),  tlred  (of,  with):  blibe  . 
af  Ure  of;  -  og  leb  af  sick  (and  tlred)  of.  ftebe 
c  weariness,  boredom,  tedium,  ~  beb  fiibet 
weariness  with  life.  ftebe  vt  tire,  wearv,  bore; 
-  fig  be  bored,  dull;  .  fig  røiel  be  bored  to  ex- 
tinctlon,  eat  one's  head  off;  \ea  -be  mig  boa 
ftomebien  I  was  quite  tlred  e(.  sick  of  the  play; 
-es  vd  be  tired  el.  wearied;  -  beb  fiioet  be  weary 
of  life;  og  ~  irre  oeb  fan«  Straf  6»6/  neither  be 
weary  of  his  correctlon. 

Stebcl  o  -biet  kettle;  »ofte-  e(.  Stbggfts 
ftobbett.)  copper;  (f)ot)  caldron,  (Damp«)  boller. 
-arbejber  boiler-maker.  -arne  furnace  for  the 
boller,  -blll  boiler-plate.  -brnnt  fe  ftobberafte. 
•bn!  boiler-sheers.  -bnnb  bottom  of  a  kettle. 
•etdplofion  boiler-explosion.  -fabritant  boller 
•maker.  -flitter  tinker.  -formet,  -formig  a 
kettle-shaped.  -fnib  c  boilerful.  -greb  handle  of 
a  kettle;  ordeal  by  boiling  water.  -(age  pot 
•book.   -b«t  boiler-cap.   -Ijn§  hall  for  the  bollers. 

ftebclig  a  tiresome.  tedious,  stupid,  prosy, 
wearysome,  irksome,  slow;  F  (atgetlig)  annoying, 
unpleasant;  +  _  ooet  annoyed  wlth,  .  9etfon 

&ebel|!øbber  copper  piates  for  kettles.    -frsg 

Sot- hanger.  -mager  e  -e  boiler-maker.  *-oft  fe 
QlDfban«.  -piabe  boiler-plate.  -brooe  testing  a 
boller,  -mm  boller  space.  -ftal  boller  shell. 
-fmcb  coppersmith;  boilersmith.  -ften  fur  (-stone), 
(boller)  scale,  incrustation.  -tromme  kettle 

Stebfom,  ftcbføm'mcttg  fe  Itebelig.  -beb  o 
tediousness,  wearlsomeness,  boredom,  tedium. 

ftebi'b  c  khedive. 

fteborlaomer  chedorla'omer 

fteglc  c  -r  math  cone;  tvp  shank,  body;  *rope- 
maker's  reel;  p>  r©pil)  ninepins,  (et  anbet  Slag«) 
skittles;  affTaaren  .  iruncated  cone,  n-ustum  of 
a  cone;  fpiue  let  play  at  ninepins;  f  en  natagtig 
>  funny  customer;  fe  f>unb.  -bane  ninepin 
•alley,  skittle-ground.  t-bo«fel  bowl.  -br«t 
skittle-board.  -bannet  •  conkal.  -flabe  conical 
sur  face.  -form  conical  form.  -formig  fe  -bannet. 
-bfnl  bevelled  el.  conical  wheel,  -longe  king 
pin  -fugle  bowl.  -nab(bebe)  pi  conlrostera. 
-reffcr  c  e  marker  at  ninepins,  sticker- up  of 
skittles.  -fignat  cone  signal,  -fncgi,  -fnoette 
volute,  Omnn.  -fnit  fl  conlc  ^ections,  conica  pi. 
-fnitdtinie  conic  section.     -fpit  game  of  ninc- 




pil«;  (et  Stntal  Jtegler)  set  of  nineplna.  -friller 
player  at  nineplna.  -tog  conic  roof.  -ventil 

Arftt  [t.]  e  groove,  channel.  -bUelte  collar- 
beam.  Aefyle  of  channel.  flute,  ftetfrmaflittc 
moulding- machine.     SreQlb}**!  mouldlngplane. 

tSceife  vt  choose,  elect. 

Arffer  c  -e  emperor,  tøor  intet  er,  bar  -en  tabt 
fin  ffttt  where  nothing  is,  the  king  must  lose 
his  right;  givet  en  tjoab  en*  ec  bibl  render  unto 
César  the  things  which  are  César' s;  fpille  om 
-en«  6fog  play  for  love;  fe  $aoe.  -borg  im- 
perial castle.  -bøntme  n  -r  empire,  -ftytbe« 
florin  of  the  empire,    -(of  imperial  court. 

fteiferin'be  c  -t  empress.  -poire  white  batter 

fteffe?|Ia«øc  imperial  robe;  silver-streak  but- 
terfly, ArgynnU  papkia.  -trone  imperial  crown; 
$t  fritillary,  crown -imperial,  Fritillaria  im- 
perialt*, -fedning  coronatlon  of  an  emperor. 
ftcffrrlig  a  imperial.  ftejfer|ntagt  imperial  power. 
»nube  congress  of  emperors.  -*abn  imperial 
titte,  -paltb*  imperial  castle.  -print  Prince 
Imperial,  -rige  fe  -Dømme.  -ftUt  tarragon. 
-[Hit  cesarean  section  el.  operation,  hysterotomy. 
-Mb  imperial  city,  empire  city.  -flat  empire. 
-te  imperial  tea.  -tiben  the  time  of  tbe  empe- 
rors el.  empire,  -titel  title  of  emperor.  -trone 
Imperial  throne.  -Mig  election  of  an  emperor. 
•øerbigljeb  imperial  dignlty.  -#ra  golden  eagle, 
Aquila  imperiale. 

tfte|t(e  e  the  left  nand.  -et  a  awkward, 
clumsy.  -ettyeb  c  awkwardness.  -baanb  fe  Srejie. 
-taavbet  a  left-handed. 

Jtellner  [t.]  c  -e  waiter. 

ftelp  c  kelp. 

ftett  c  -ec  arekæ  celt.  -et  e,  pi  b,  Celt.  -ifl 
*  k  n  Celtic. 

ftettrlng  c  -er  sooundrel,  vlUain;  t  pi  gipsles. 
•agttg  a  villainous,  sconndrelly.  -agtigbeb  c 
vulainy.  <e)pat  a  pack  of  scoundrels.  <e)fprøg 
thieves'  slang.  -(e)frrcf  vlllainy.  -bié:  paa  - 

Stemt  e  chemistry.  Jcemlta'Her  pi  chem'i- 
cals,  drysalteries,  drugs.  Ste-mtter  e  -e  chem'ist. 
Ste'mif?  a  chemical. 

Steiibe,  -te,  -t  vt  know;  (bømme)  judge,  pass 
sentence;  •  feel;  lerte  at  -  en  make  one's  ac- 
quaintance;  -  ftolblg  find  guilty.  .  flg  ffblbtg 
acknowledge  one's  guilt,  (bctenbe.  Mb  be  engelfte 
»etter)  plead  guilty;  .  en  af  Ubfeenbe,  9caon 
know  one  by  sight,  name;  *  flg  f  o  r  feel  one's 
way;  Xffi.  -«  for  tøet  The  sentence  of  the  court 
is;  .  fra  fiioet  sentence  to  death;  .  en  paa 
Røflen,  (Sangen  know  one  by  his  voice,  gait; 
*~  paa  fell,  touch,  try;  .til  know  of  el.  about; 
—  vr  .  fig  oeb  acknowledge;  fenbeft  mi  oeb 
acknowledge,  own.  -t  oeb  ftjaalne  Irøfter  identify 
stolen  goods.  Steabe  c  bit,  small  quantity;  bet 
er  en  .  for  ftort  it  is  a  trifle  el.  a  thought  too 
large,  tStenbe  n  fe  -moerte;  toge  .  paa  note, 
take  note  of:  gioe  flg  til  -  make  one's  nelf 
known.  -ftøgftc*  characteristic  letter.  Stenbclig 
a  (font  fan  tenbeft)  recognizable  (paa  by),  f mart- 
bar)  peroeivable,  perceptlble,  discernlble,  (be* 
tnbelig)  contdderable.  (øjenfonltg)  evident,  con- 
spicuous,  obvious.  ftenbellgbeb  o  perceivable- 
ness,  discernlbleuess;  evidence,  obviousness. 
ftenbelfe  c  -r  judgment,  decision,  award,  Ånd- 
ing, rullng,  Ourtj«)  verdict;  (Wultt)  fine,  mulet, 
ameroement;  (Bebrrlog  i  $rnge)  acknowledge- 
ment,  gratuity,  consideratlon.  Stenbe|m«rfe 
mark,  sign,  criterion.    -orb  gram  article. 

Struber  c  -e  judge,  connoissenr.  -Mil.  -mine, 
-aie  look,  air  e(.  eye  of  a  connoissenr;  meb  ~ 
with  the  look  etc. 

Stenbe|ta(  arith  characteristic;  logar  index. 
-tegn  fe  -mærte. 

Jtrnbing  c  (af  Sanb)  J,  sight  (of  land;.;  (Se* 
fenbt)  pi  -er  aoquaintanoe.  —  Stenbingiibøgfbft 
distinguishing  letter,  -flag  distinguishing  flag 
el.  pendant,  -mørrfe  distinguishing  mark  el. 
feature,  -minimer  <t*  distinguishing  el.  official 
numbers.  -fignal  distinguishing  signal  el.  num- 
bei-8.  Srenbdgernfng  faet.  Stenbjfab  n  knowl- 
edge,  acquaintance  (til  with).  tSteabtfag  well 
-known  fket. 

ftenbt  a  known,  familiar;  acquainted;  et  ~ 
iKnflgt  a  familiar  el.  friendly  face;  ieg  er  iRe  .  ber 
I  don't  know  my  way  about  here;  1jan  er  gobt 
.  i  $ben  he  knows  the  town  well.  -ssosb  (pri 
▼ate)  pilot,  coast  pilot. 

ftenttnr  fe  Centanr. 

ftevtbom  n  kent-bngle,  key-bngle. 

ftepi  e  -er  kepi,  military  cap. 

fteplerft  a.  be  -e  Sooe  Kepler's  laws. 

Stepørtaf  c  humpback,  megapUra  boop*. 

Sceramit'  c  the  oeram  ic  art. 

*fcerat  c  [t.  fte^rrab]  water- wheel  with  two 

ftennrJ  c  (§efl)  wake,  fair. 

Sermelbarr  (3nf.)  kermes;  ^  poke,  pigeon 
-berry,  Phytolacea  decandra.  -eg  kermes  oak, 
Quercu*  cocci/era.  (-ftiolb-)lufe«  the  coccus 

Scerøft'uølie  c  ker'osene. 

fterfrf  n  kersey. 

Herte  c  -r  candle,  taper. 

tSerteføevb  c  taper-bearer. 

ftern'b  c  -er  cher'ub. 

fferb  o  kerf,  slit. 

Sletfer  c  -e  (til  »olbfpiQ  batUedoor,  racket;  (til 
gfanqft)  catcher,  landing-net. 

fttb  ».  pi  =,  kid. 

tftttbife  (-Ræbbife)  c  Jolnted  charlock,  Bapka 
nav  raphanftntm. 

ftibfflnb  n  kid  skin. 

SHeierlfllb,  -fprnt,  -fpr#t  c  smoked  sprats. 

Stig:  baoe  .paa  f,  fe  ^aoe  i  SriRerten;  faa  - 
paa  set  eyes  upon,  catch  sight  of;  +g*re  -  i 
peer  into.  <Ha|e  (t  A  +  feg,  feget)  vi  peep, 
peer;  (fe  nøje,  Tpejbe)  pry;  -  frem  peep  (out);  - 
for  bnbt  i  Ølaftfet,  ftntfet  take  a  drop  too  mach; 
.  en  i  Hortene  try  to  see  one's  carde,  fio  see 
through  one's  game,  discover  one's  designs;  — 
vt:  -  6riemer  gaxe  at  the  stars,   -c«  c  peeplng 

SHgbøfte  o  hooping  cough,  chincough. 

ftigbnt  n  peep-hole. 

Jtiferonrt  o  chlck-pea. 

SHtaJø*  n  bibl  (3on.  4)  gourd. 

»ilte  fe  ftige.  -rt  c  -er  (i  Vin.  og  uteft  om  ft#rre) 
telescope;  (minbre)  spy-glass.  fleld-glass;  (teater*) 
opera-glass,  lorgnette;  baoe  i  -en  have  one's  eyes 
upon,  be  on  the  look-out  for,  have  st  in  the 
wind.    -rtflørfte*  telescope  tunnel. 

fttf*  pi  biscuit. 

ftit»  n  k  e,  biU  a  miss;  t  fon,  sport.  Mtfc 
vi  make  a  miss,  play  at  marbles.  ftiffetagle 

*ffif  c  -er  creek,  long  and  narrow  inlet. 

Jtilbe  ve  fe  ftilbre. 

Stilbe  o  -r  spring,  fountain,  (Ubfprmg)  soaroe 
(aVLe  ogf.  fig),  (førfie,  oprinbelige)  fountain-bead. 
(ffriftl.)  source;  fra  paalibelig  .  from  good  an- 
thorltv.    mare  water  veln. 

tJtilbebett  n  leg  of  a  fowl. 

£Ubc|breb  margin  of  a  spring.  -ftr#Hb  spring 
•well.  -bør!  head-stream.  -fr#  oommoi  frog, 
Kan«  eå&Uenta.  -g«^  visltor  at  a  wateiing 
-place.  -talt  calcareous  tuff.  -Uft  ooorse  of  a 
spring,    -møg  water-moss. 

»tlben  a  tickllsh,  ticklesome;  fia  (Sag)  deli 



cate,  awkward;  ($erfon)  testy,  touchy.    -(eb  o 

fttlbelrejfe  trip  to  a  spring,  -fait  spring-salt. 
•fanb  fine  white  sand  at  water-Bprings.  -ftrtft 
original  ftext);  primary  source.  -faring  fe  uælb. 
•fte»  source.  -nnbinm  Btudy  of  the  sources. 
-tt»  season  for  vist  ting  a  spring.  -Uanb  spring 
water,  ftortiøbeb  oø  -  love  in  a  cottage,  his 
heaxt  and  a  cottage.  t-boøn  light  open  vehicle. 
-øorlb  fonntain  head.    -bort!  fe  -flrift. 

Jtifbjre  vt  tickle;  vi  ^  shlver.  -te*  c  tickling, 
titillation.    -rer  c  cli toris. 

•»ile  vt  F  fe  ffilbre. 

frite  c  -1  wedge,  (f&ær)  slice;  (i  Xøi)  gore;  (til 
flanon,  ©tHtile)  quoin;  (i  SRafrineri)  key;  her 
pile;  .  ©røb  hnnch  of  bread.  Srttc  vt  wedge; 
*fe  Jrole;  —  vi  ~  paa  bestir  one's  self;  -  affteb 
harry  off;  F  vamose;  -  (ftø)  ub  min  dwindle. 
-■en  sphenoid  bone;  (i  9obenj  cuneiform  bone. 
•bannet,  -formet ,  -firårig  a  wedge-shaped, 
cuneiform,  $•  cuneate.  -brtber  tvv  shooting 
-stick,  -tnt  mech  cntter-hole.  »inbftrtft  cunei- 
form el.  arrow-headed  inscripUon. 

•»len  a  F  fe  ftilben. 

SHlejramme  frø  quoin-chase.  -ftrift  cuneiform 
el.  arrow-headed  characters  el.  letters  pi,  wedge 
-writing.  -tøør  keyway.  -føorfil  cutter-flle. 
-ft«ftl  key- steel.  -ftra  feather-edged  brick  el. 

ftttilaJ'me  c  chil'iasm.    -nft'  c  -er  chil'iast. 

JHlfe  c  -t  ($ue)  barb,  beard. 

tbWle  o  fe  Stolle. 

*ftiHe»iat'  c  -er  boz  on  the  ear. 

fttflt»ø  e  -er  (Stattt-)  kitten;  ($are>,  ftoninO 
young  one;  *(9tbe<)  kid. 

ftUølgranT * -ormer kil'ogram.  -meter,  n kilo- 

ftilte,  filtre  vt  truss,  tuck.  ftiltuing  c  tucking 

ftin,  Stimle,  c  -er  germ,  corcle:  fiø  germ,  seed. 
-Hab  cotyledon,  seed-lobe.  -blære  germinatiye 
veeicle.  -bonnelfc  embryogony.  Sine  vi  (fptre) 
sprout,  germinate. 

ftime  vi  (rinøe)  ring,  chime;  bet  -r  the  bells 
are  ringing.  -n  c  ringing,  chiming.  -r  c  -e 

ftinitng  fe  JNmmrng. 

fti'm|tnø»,  •forti  proliflc  germ.  -rraft  ger- 
mlnative  power.  -Ug  head-bulb;  azillary 

ftinuninø  c  (sea)  horizon;  (paa  ©fib)  bilge. 
•baftng  dip  of  the  horizon.  —  Sri  nuningé|  gang 
bilnestrake.    -plante  btlge-plank  (0.  fl.) 

ftl'ntlplante  cotyledonous  plant.  -»let  chalaze. 
-røb  radicle. 

ftimfr  vi  toss  the  head;  .  ab  noget  turn  up 
one's  nose  at  a  thing.    -natte  haughty  minz. 

Sti  m|fttt  embryonlc  sack.  -tilftaitb  embryonic 

Jttaar|re  c  -r  chlmera.    -rift  o  chtmer'ical. 

Stina  n  Chlna.  -bart  (Jesuit's)  bark,  Peruvian 
bark,  qulnquina,  cincbona.  -farer  e  -e  Chinaman. 
•bomb  jute.  -rob  China-root,  Smilax  ehina. 
•røfe  C.  rose.  —  SHne'Ifer  «•  -e,  -fertn'be  c  Chi- 
nese;  -ferne  the  Chinese.  -fifl  a  Chineøe;  -  $opir 
India  paper.    Stinl'n  n  quinine. 

Jtrni  c  (+øaf.  n)  -er  cheek.  -batte  (3nf )  man- 
dible.  -ben  check-bone.  -bnegren  zygomatlc 

Srtnber,ftiuber*[t.]WFchildren,boys.  -pntber 

Mnbtbeit  boz  on  the  ear.  -tabe  curb-chain. 
-fr«t  whiskers.  -fJrlpffe  fp.  ©tbfel)  cheek-piece. 
-tanb  grinder,  jaw-tooth.    -tofte  mumps  pi. 

*ftlnaelø«b  c  cobweb. 

fttalcc)  e  -t  klnk;  floa  -er  kink. 

Stinrajtt  c  potto,  kinkajou,  Cercoloptt*  caudi- 

ftitttbørn  n  trumpet-shell,  whelk. 

Stino  n  kino. 

SH'nftøf  c  min  carcass. 

fttøft'  c  -er  kiosk. 

ftiber  n  fe  Seipper. 

Stibbaøe  e  d>  fish,  fish-hook. 

Stippt  c  -x  low  alehouse. 

Stippt  ve  jerk,  fling;  ^  (Vntetet)  fish,  (Sejt) 
gybe;  (9»»nt)  dip;  —  vi  bet  -be  i  miø  I  got  a 

Sti»»er  n  twill.  Stibre  vt  twill;  -rebe  Zøjer 
twllled  cloth,  twills. 

ftiplftinfet  e  <t,  fish-pendant.  -talje  c  ^  fish 
•tackle,    -øoøn  tip  cart. 

fitrgi'fer  pi  Kirghiz. 

flirte  c  -r  church;  øaa  i  -  go  to  church; 
ban  er  i  -  he  is  at  church;  jeø  bar  »året  i  - 
I  have  been  to  church;  falbe  i  6øøn  i  -n  fall 
asleep  in  church;  Oarn  i  •  a  christenlng:  -n« 
ØbftiQrife  fra  Staten  disestablishment.  ftirteU 
aar  ecclesiastical  year.  -aitbagt  public  wor- 
ship.  *-bafte :  Icefe  fra  -en  publish  at  the  church. 
-ban  ezcommunication.  -beftiHing  church  offloe. 
•beføø  attendance  at  church.  -berjest  church 
official,  -blot  poor-boz.  -bob  penance  Tin  a 
church).  -bøg  church  el.  parochlal  register. 
-brbttuø  marriage  in  a  church.  -brøb  commu- 
nion  bread.  t-bb  church  Tillage,  -bøøninø  (bet 
at  bbøøe  en  ft.)  church  building,  builaing  of  a 
church,  (©uøninø,  beftemt  tit  tt.)  church,  church 
edifice.  -b««l  church-bench.  -bøn  church 
prayer;  (i  Cnqlanb)  common  prayer.  -ccremøiii 
ceremony  of  the  church,  cnurch-rite.  -baob 
christening  in  a  church.  -beø«  fe  Seøn.  -bøbt 
a  christened  in  a  church.  -ejer  church  patron, 
-embebe  ecclesiastical  offlce.  -fabcr  father  of 
the  church.  -fait  kestril,  Falco  tinnunculu*. 
-feft  church  festival,  (tf ær  i  fotolfff  Sanbe:  -inb* 
btelfeftfrft)  church  ale,  wake.  -følt  church-goers, 
church-people.  -førbebriwg  fe  deformation,  -før* 
fatning  churchship,  church  government.  -før- 
retning  church-rite.  -førfamting  council.  -før* 
ftanber  fe  -ocerge.  -freb  public  peace  with  regard 
to  a  church  and  divhie  service,  -ftorfte  eccle- 
siastical prince.  -f*rb  church-going.  -gaarb 
graveyard,  cemetery,  (»eb  SKrten)  churchyard. 
-øaarbibofte  churchyard  cough.  -øaarbininr 
cemetery  wall.  -gang  (6anblinaen)  church-going: 
(Øanø  inbeni  tt.)  aisle;  (en  Sarfeltonet )  churching 
of  a  woman;  tjolbc  fin  -  be  churched.  -øang§* 
tone  churched  woman.  -gøbd  church  property. 
-gnfb :  paa  -tt  in  (the)  church  (ofb.).  -aoragcr  c  <, 
-øørngerfte  c  -r  church-goer.  -M^anbltng  fe  -for* 
retning,  -berre  fe  -eier.  -biftorie  church  historv. 
ecclesiastical  h.  -b;ba*(øing  church  vault.  -bøjtib 
fe  -feft.  -bøbbing  ecclesiarch.  -tnbbiclfe  con- 
aecration  of  a  church.  -forb  (fom  eie*  af  tt.) 
church  land;  (inboiet  Horb)  consecrated  ground. 
-tor  church  vessels.  -faftfe  funds  of  the  church. 
-ttøtte  church  beU.  -Hfltber  (Itirtebetiente«  Klæb«) 
church  vestments;  (^øjttMbraat)  holidays  clothee. 
-!na»  steeple  knob.  -Comatif  fiøn  church  com- 
missionerB.  -Cøncert  sacred  concert.  -tøncitinni 
ecclesiastical  council.  -tut  prepared  cbarcoal. 
-taaøe  churchyard  wicket.  t-labe  barn  for  tithe 
corn.  -len  church  feoff.  -(e|e  rent  paid  to  a 
chtirch.  -lig  n  corpse  to  be  burled  in  a  church. 

fttrfelig  o  ecclesiastical;  church-;  -t  Spørg** 
maal  church  question;  ben  -e  ttnftuelfe  Grundtvig- 
ian i  am.    -beb  churchmannhlp. 

ftirte|løb  canon  law.  -Ib*  church  candle.  ltti< 
ning  publishing  of  the  bans.  -l«re  church  doc- 
trine.  -l«rer  teacher  of  tbe  church;  (-taber) 
father  of  the  c.  -magt  church  authority.  -nteøfe 




te  -frft.  -unfif  church  music,  service  muaic; 
sacred  music.  -m*be  synod,  church  conferenoe. 
oblat  communion  el.  sacramental  wafer.  -orbi< 
uanft  church  ord  In  an  ce.  -yarabe  church  parade. 
•batron  fe  -ejer.  -penge  church  funds,  -pille 
church  pillar.  ->ort  gate  of  a  church  el.  ehurch- 
yard.  -raab  conslstory.  -ran  church  robbery, 
rhurch-breaklng,  sacrilege.  -raner  e  -e  church 
-robber.  -regimente  church  government.  -regn« 
ftab  church  account.  -rensning  reformation. 
-ret  canon  law.  •ritual  church  ritual,  -rotte: 
faa  fattig  font  en  -  as  poor  as  a  church  mouse. 
-røb  fe  -ran.  -min  ecclesiastical  min.  »råber 
church  robber.  -fog  ecclesiastical  affair.  -falme 
church  hymn.  -falntebøg  church  hymn-book. 
•famfnnb  religious  commun'.ty  el.  communion. 
•fang  church  slnging.  -fanger  fe  2) egn.  -flat 
(S fat,  fom  Srirferne  betale  HI  Staten)  tax  laid  on 
churches;  (ftoftbarlpber)  church  treasure.  -fTib 
nave  (of  the  church).  -frit  church  rite,  c.  usage. 
-ftøfe  parish  school.  -ffriber  church  accountant. 
•flamber  sacrilegist.  -ftabtfT  Church  -Slavic. 
-fmbfte  church  -  ornament,  -føgn  parish.  -fpir 
church  spire,  -fptib  church  schism.  -flabe 
(church)  pew.  -ftaten  the  Ecclesiastical  States, 
the  States  of  the  Church,  the  Roman  States, 
the  Papal  States,  -fti  church  path.  -fti(  church 
style.  -fiol  (church)  pew;  t  rent-roll  of  a  church. 
-fhrof  penance  (prescrlbed  by  the  church). 
-fftyreffe  fe  -raab.  -ftatr  fe  -foale.  -ftarbne  parish 
meeting,  -fbote  black  raartin,  swift,  Cyp»etut 
apus.  -fty*  inspection  of  a  church.  -følb  church 
plate.  -taarn  church  steeple.  -tag  church 
roof.  -fable  church  box  for  collecting  money. 
-tib  church  time;  efter  •  en  after  church.  -tibcnbe 
ecclesiastical  journal,  -tienbe  church  tlthes. 
-t|ener  fe  -betjent,  -tjenefte  church  service,  -tone 
church  mode.  -tro  creed  (of  a  church).  -tugt 
church  discipline.  -tbang  religious  restraints. 
-tbb  fe  -røber,  -tbperl  fe  -ran.  -nåle  screech 
owl,  Strix  noetua.  -vr  church  clock.  -bej 
church  way.  -bielfe  nuptials  solemnized  in  a 
church;  fe  inboielfe.  -bin  communion  wine. 
-binbne  church  window.  -borbigbeb  clerical  el. 
ecclesiastical  dignlty.  -bøcrge  church-warden. 
-bfffen  church-matters  el.  affalrs. 

Stirømanti'  c  chi'romancy. 

SMrøplaft'  c  -er  hand-director. 

ftfrfeb*r  n,  pi  =,  cherry.  -»løntft  cherry 
blossom.  -brarabebin  cherry(-brandy,  -cordial). 
-fttgl  grossbeak,  hawfhich,  Coccothr«u*te*  vul- 
trari*.  -ferne  cherry  kern  el.  -r*b  a  cherry. 
-faft  cherry-juice.  -fteti  cherry  •  stone.  -ftitf 
cherry -s  talk.  -fuppe  cherry -so  up.  -tro?  cherry 
(tree).  -nbftiftet  cherry-stoner.  -lin  cherry 

SHrfej  fe  Srerfej. 

Stirfteu  Christina,  Chrissie. 

ftirtel  c  -tier  gland.  -agtig  a  glandular, 
glandulou*.  -blare  follicle.  -fttolb  ulcerated 
gland.  -formet,  -føratig  a  glandiform.  -fcaaret 
a  $  glandular- hairy.  -boebclfe  gland  ularswelling. 
-tttttbe  indurated  gland.  -lignenbe  fe  agtig.  -larc 
adenology.  -ntabe  merabranous  stomach.  -fbag, 
-fbg  a  scrofulous.  -fbagbeb  fe  -ftrøe.  -fonlft 
struma,  -ftjge  glandular  dlsease,  scrofula,  king's 

ftirnrg'  c  -er  surgeon;  «o  surgeon  flsh,  Acnn- 
thunta  chirurgu*.  -i'  c  surgery.  -iff  a  surgical; 
_  VJtabemi  Surgeon's  Hall. 

ftié  e  pyrites. 

Slid'!  maar  man  talbet  paa  en  Seat)  pu*s !  pussy! 

Stift:  gøre  -  meb  toy  el.  romp  with. 

ftifel  c  (ren,  ftifelfbre)  silica;  (i  uren,  naturlig 
Xilftanb)silex;'' dementer)  silicium,  silicon.  -agtig. 
-artet  a   silicious.     -flnftfbre   fluo-sllicic  acid.  I 

-gatmef  sllicate  of  zlnc.  -baarb  a  hard  as  flint. 
•forb  Bilicious  earth.  -mel  pounded  pebble?. 
-finter  silicious  sinter,  -ftlfer  flinty  alate.  -ten 
pebble  (-stone).  -fnrt  Salt  sllicate;  -furt  Natron 
sllicate  of  soda  el.  sodic  sllicate  oft>.  -f»awp 
halichondria.  -fare  silicic  acid,  silicic  hydrate, 
silica  -facbe  silicated  soap.  -tuf  fe  finter. 
-bffbffe  liquor  of  flints,  -staf  hydrous  sllicate 
of  zinc. 

•Stiéle  vt  kitten. 

StiØpnb*  puss  in  the  corner.  tStiifefao  n  F 
fuss.  bustle,  hurry.    Sttøfetat  c  pussy-cat. 

♦Sriåfet  o  -er  top,  whipping-top,  peg-top. 

Stiffeftaf'e  F  c  -r  wench,  hussy. 

Stifte  c  t  chest;  &  (faft)  locker,  (Binge)  bin; 
(af  Zrtt(aft)  staple,  trunk;  (Big-)  coffin;  (nnber 
Sej)  culvert,  archæ  cist.  SHfte  vt  &  (tr«!oft> 
staple  up,  (ftauaft)  trench.  -beflag  hlnges  et. 
mounting  of  a  chest.  -bnnb  bottom  of  a  chest; 
lægge  $enge  paa  -en  hoard  (up)  money;  f  tym 
Ijar  noget  paa  -en  he  is  well-to-do,  warm.  -tomt 
locker.  -fob  trestle  for  a  chest;  -gemt  a  kept 
in  a  chest  -glab  a  f  awful  glad.  -glcbe  glee. 
crowing  exultation.  -ff ole  holiday  coat  eL  dres* 
•tlabrr  holiday  clothes,  one's  Sunday  beat.  *-tJ«r« 
ttatyeb  old  predllection,  sneaklng  kindness.  -Uag 
lid  of  a  chest.  el.  coffin.  -laaf  chest  lock. 
-lagt  n  laid  in  a  cofflin.  -l«g  n  laying  in  the 

SNt'  n  putty.     -ning   c  puttying,   ceroenting 
-flof  cementing-staff.    SHtte  vt  putty.    SHttefnfo 
putty-knife,  stopping- knife. 

Rittet  c  -tier  smock- frock,  blouse. 

Slib  c  quarrel,  dispute,  wrangling;  nppe  - 
quarrel.  -agtig  a  quarrelsome,  contentfou?. 
-ag'tigbeb  c  quarrelsomeness,  oontentiousness. 
-eå  va  quarrel,  dispute,  wrangle.  Sribefbg  a  fe 

Stibt  c  -er  kiwi-kiwi;  apteryx. 

'Sti rip  c   er  ^  score,  gab. 


jelb  c  -er  oyster-catcher,  sea-ple,  Hæmatopui 

•Sljenbfel  c  knowing;  brage  .  paa  recognize, 
identify.  *Stfenbfpag  a  good  at  recognizing 

*Stienbtfolf  known  people,  acquaintances. 

*Stje  Pfcocnbt  a  le  ft- hånd  ed. 

fti  es  c  biscuit,  cracker. 

^«Jej(baab)  c  skiff. 

ftjole  c  -r  (^erref.)  dress-coat,  eveniug-coat; 
(Damef.)  dress;  (til  Smaapiger  el.  émaabrenge) 
frock;  (lang,  til  ©pæbbørn)  long-clothes.  -iefttt' 
Bing  trimming8  of  a  dress,  -flig  skirt  of  a  coat. 
-bolber  dress-holder,  -flabt  a  dress-coated.  -frabc 
collar  of  a  coat.  -lib  bodlee .  -lomme  coat 
pocket.  -flab  coat  tail.  -flæb  train.  -flof  dress 
-pattern.    -orme  coat  sleeve. 

•Rjone  c  -r  kiln. 

tRJortel  [6]  c  -tier  coat. 

ftjobe  c  -r  arctic  gull,  Le*tri*. 

*StiflCflc  fe  Stødle  vi. 

♦fliotrring  fe  SræDing.  -rW  fe  Sbeergbirf.  -rot 
fe  $abberot. 

*Scf«rri9  c  Lapland  er' s  sledge. 

^ftjotrp,  Srfcrbe  c  -r  notch,  incision.  StJ«rbt 
vt  (f.  (tf*,  ftifli  gasb. 

•ftjætte  c  tib-cat. 

*Srføtble  n  r  rolling  pin.  *Sc jttblc  vt  roll  (dough 
el.  paste) 

^fiia'ljniaft,  -ntarl  wire-worm,  Etater  ttQttvm. 

•Sffar  pi  af  fto. 

*Stfar  n  tftare  c  p  :  i  een.  eet  -  incessantly. 

•ftfarrel  h,  pi  =,  (meft  /»/)  (\voo<h>n)  tnr«  *n«l 




fitaabe  c  -r  J,  track,  (ftor)  bull's  eye;  f  (ogf.  n) 
=  ftlobrtan. 

fttt  aftager  c  one  who  has  the  habit  of  finger- 
ing every  thing. 

*ftt«bbe  »r  fig  fommen  stick  together,  cake. 

ftfobbe  c  -i  rough-draught,  foul  copy;  ftrtbe  i 
.  make  a  rough-draught  of.  -bøg  wa*  te-book, 
blotter,    -journal  waste-journal. 

Atabberi'  n  -er  trumpery. 

•Jclaf'  c  -fer,  fe  ftlap  c  -(»nb  ^  hopper. 
ftlaffrbørb  folding-tabie. 

tftlaffe  or  fe  ©agoabffe,  Sagtale.  ftlaffer  c  ca- 
lumny.  Staffer  c  -t  backbiter.  fttaffer|tale 
calumny.    -tanb,  -tunge  venomous  tongue. 

fttage  o  frozen  crust  on  the  soli. 

Afaae  11  (i  alle  ©rtpbn.)  complain  (ober  of; 
for,  HI  to;  paa  against,  of)  —  vt  -be  fin  9tøb  for 
mig  disclosed  his  tronbles  to  me;  —  vr  flg  f 
(om  Spgbom)  be  eomplaining,  indlsposed,  ill; 
(ooer)  complain  of.  fttagc  c  -r  complaint;  (Se* 
flage;  lamentation;  Oamren)  waillng;  (©ff næring) 
complaint,  grievance;  føre  .  ooer  complain  of; 
inbgiøe  en  -  imob  en  lodge  a  complaint  against 
one;  blioe  aftrift  meb  fin  .  (for  letten)  be  non 
•suited;  ttaaenbea  plaintive,  doleful.  dolorous. 
Mage  i  brev  letter  of  complaint.  -btgt  elegy. 
+-f»lb  fe  oufr.  -nbe.  -groob  wall,  lamentation. 
-ffctnbe  bibl  mourning  woman.  £lageti§  o  fe 
-nbe.  $tlage|lb>  plaintive  el.  mournful  sound. 
-»--tøf  a  without  a  grievance  -moal  fe  ftlage 
($fioaring).  -pøfl,  -pnntt  count,  charge,  -r  c 
-e  plalntiff.  -raab  loud  complaint.  Stlageritt'bc 
c  -r  plalntiff,  prosecutrix.  fttagejfang  elegy. 
-ffrift  w  rit  ten  complaint.  -ffrig  mournful  el. 
plaintive  shriek.  -fnf  moan.  -tone  fe  -lt)b. 
-*erå  fe  -btgt. 

+ftlat  c  -re  og  -ter  blot. 

♦Sciafe  c  fe  »lage  1. 

+Stlat|tc  vi  &  t  blot.    -papir  blotting  paper. 

Matø  r  c  -er  hired  applauder,  claquer. 

Mam'  o  clammy,  damp;  t Sneen  er  -  the  snow 

MamaJ'  c  n  J,  caiking  el.  horsing-iron;  fe 
£o»He».  Manaije  vt  horse  up.  -flag  n  calk- 
ingmallet,  beetle. 

fllama  muØ  c  f  lamentation. 

Mamjljeø  c  clamminess,  dampness.  f-mc  vi 
(om  Snej  dog. 

Stamme,  Stammer  c-ti  -mre  clamp,  cramp, 
clamp-iroD;  pt  typ  (ogf  [])  brackets  pi. 

Stammer  c  clamour,  outcry,  vociferation. 
Mammer|i'  n  -et  altercation,  quarrel.  -art  bed- 
straw,  Galium  verum. 

"ftlamp  c  -er  (small)  wooden  block;  fe  Stampe. 

Stampe  c  -x  &  clamp,  cleat:  (om  ftoben,  til 
ftrearurer;  ogf.  om  @ne)  clog.  -raffe  rolling  cleat. 

tHampUU  key. 

Slamre  tnb,  fe  3nbftamre. 

ftlamrc  vr  fig  til  grasp,  gripe,  cling  to.  -abe 
npider  monkey,  Atele*. 

Slamreft  vd  quarrel,  squabble. 

Stla'tt  c  -er  elan'. 

'Slanbre  vt  blame,  censure. 

Slang  c  sound,  clang,  ring,  clink,  chink; 
Sloffernes  .  the  ringing  of  the  bells;  $engenet  . 
the  clink  of  the  money;  tTfr  ben  rette  -  (f.  (Ett. 
om  Wønt)  not  the  right  ring,  a  false  ring; 
9?atmet  fjat  en  gob  -  (i  iianbet)  the  name  is  very 
l>opular.  -bnnb  sound-board,  sounding  board. 
-farve  timbre,  tone  colour.  -pauver  pi  sonorous 
figuren,  -f*Ib  a  sonorous.  -fntbfe/eb  e  sonor 
ousnes*.  -bul  sound-hole.  -t«n  mode.  -roere 
ftcoustics  pt.  -las  a  soundless,  dull-  toned, 
husky;  fe  ©temmelo«.  -løfttyeb  e  huskiness. 
-naaler  sonometer.    -birtuing  sonorous  effect. 

Stønner  c  Onf.)  dermeates. 

Stiap'  n,  pi  =,  (Slag)  tap;  (ttifalbMI.)  applause, 
clapplng  of  hånds,  ftloj  c  -pet  (Sorbt.)  leaf, 
flap;  (€oebe)  flap-seat;  (poo  ^foefeinftrumenter)  key; 
(Cenrti  og  i  fjertet)  val  ve;  (paa  ^ueflag)  trapdoor; 
(Stt)f.)  eye  flap;  (©ogb.)  tuck;  (paa  $umpe) 
clapper;  (i  SRubberpram)  hopper;  (paa  ©uf fer)  flap. 
-bro  lever  draw  bridge,  -lammer  c  mallet.  -tørt 
folding  hat  -l|ingfl  c  rig.  -I øl!  n  -er  clapboard. 
•bom  key-bugle.  -b,ne  cap  with  flaps,  -jagt 
battue.  -løber  vi/  douple  whip.  -mnftling  spon- 
dyle.  -mb;ffe  c  -r  crested  el.  hooded seal,  bladder 
•nose,  Cyitophora  crittata.  Stlappt  vt  &  i  (i  $031' 
berne)  clap  (one's  hånds),  applaud;  (om  fjertet) 
throb,  palpitate;  (en)  pat,  caress;  -  efter  Silbt 
beat  for  game;  -  frem  fe  $remfalbe  tkeat;  -  fam< 
men  clap  up  a  match  between;  -  f ammen  vt 
collapse;  -t  n  flart  all  ready,  all  right;  flappe? 
vd  caress  each  other. 

5Happe|feJl  fe  -tygbom. 

Sclappen  c  clapplng  etc.  fttapper  c  -e  applauder, 
clapper;  (gagt)  beater;  fe  ftlopb^ingft. 

ftlapperffange  c  rattlasnake,  Crotalu«. 

ftUpperften  c  eaglestone,  aetites. 

ftltppert  c  -er  (tøgetøj)  snapper. 

fifoppelfpif:  fjertet*  .  the  play  of  the  heart 
•val ves.  -fiol  fe  Jelopftol.  -fbgbom  valvular 

ftlapre  ri  datter,  rat  tie,  (om  Xoenber)  chatter; 
mine  Zænber  -be  af  ftutbe  my  teeth  chattered 
with  cold,  my  teeth  beat  the  devil's  tattoo. 
-«  c  clattering  etc. 

ftlopØ  n,  pt  =,  slap;  pi  a  drubbing.  -e  vt 
slap;  box  one's  ears. 

Ålaplffo  clapper.  -fiol  folding-chair.  -trompet 
chromatic  trampet,  -trtt  cow's  halter,  -beurit 
clack-valve,  flap-valve.  -biflr  folding-sight.  -øret 
a  flap-eared. 

»Ur  a  (i  Kim.)  clear,  (tøé,  ftraalenbe)  bright; 
(om  *anb)  limpid,  (Sejr,  ^immel)  serene,  bright, 
(begribelig)  plain,  evident;  &  clear,  ready;  en  - 
ftjole  a  clear  muslin;  fym  er  ~  (færbig)  nu  he  is 
ready  now,  meb  -e  Orb  distinctly,  in  plain 
language;  bcere  -  beb  &  stand  by;  .  til  at  benbc 
&  ready  about;  gaa  -  af  clear,  go  el.  pass  clear 
of;  flaa  til  -t  6 Tib  beat  to  quarters;  gøre  -t  @fib 
clear  (a  ship)  for  action;  bare  -  paa  el.  ooer 
have  a  clear  understanding  of  el.  that;  fiob  -t 
for  mig  was  clear  before  me. 

Jclartt  Clare,  Clara. 

»lare  vt  (i  9Um  )  clear;  (afflare)  clarify;  (ftaffe) 
set;  fig  (efepebere)  manage,  f  negotlate,  give  a 
good  account  of;  -  Begreberne  clear  up  the 
ldeas;  .  fin  93o*lb  clear  one's  debts;  .  en  Xalje 
clear  a  tackle;  ~  Sanbet  fra  fig  ^  claw  off  the 
Hhore,  —  vp  -»  (f  *!«.  ftaffe)  settle;  vi  (op)  clear 
up;  .  for  fig  know  how  to  answer  for  a  thing; 
—  vr  fig  become  intelllglble,  (flarne)  clear  up, 
(rette  flg)  come  right,  (biarge  Tig,  P  -  SCrterne) 
hold  one's  own,  pull  through,  find  a  way  out 
of  something,  come  right,  manage,  (om  ©aabj 
live,  lab  b,am  felb  .  flg  leave  him  to  his  own 
devines,    -febel  clarifler,  (Sufferr.)  blow-uppan. 

ftlarear|e  vt  clear;  -  en  Stegning,  -  meb  JBcerten 
settle  au  account,  settle  with  the  landlord;  -  et 
6fib  nb,  inb  clear  a  ship  out,  in.  -ing  c  mere 

Sløret'  c  clarified  dripping. 

ftla  rgør|e  vt  make  clear,  clear  up.  -elfe  c 
clarification.  -ing  c  &  clearing,  ftfar^eb  c 
clearness;  limpidity;  plainness:  (Øennemfigtig^eb) 
transparency.    ftlarbobebet  a  clear  headed. 

Jclarinet'  c  ter  clar'tnet.  -blæfer,  -fpiHer,  -ift' 
e   er  performer  on  the  clarinet. 

Klaring  c  clearing  etc.,  clearanoe,  (i  S  fob) 

»loridferiii'be  c  -r  Clare. 




Kla'rlig(m)  adv  clearly.  +ft(a'rt«age  vi  set 
out.  »ftla'me  et  clear  up.  —  Stlarlflfb  fe  riart 
6ti&.  -feenbe,  -fbnet  a  clear-slghted,  clear- see- 
ing;  ben  meft  -be  the  cleacest-sighted.  -fonetQeb 
e  clear-alghtedness.  -pejr  fair  el.  clear  weather. 
-bejrfbag  clear  day.  -Pinget  a  hymenopterous. 
-•let  a  bright  eyed. 

ftfofe  e  -r  cluster,  bunch.  ^  racerne,  -formtg 
a  racemous.    -ftoerm  water-dropwort,  OenanCå«. 

ftlaft  »  smack.  KlafT|e  tt  A(  smack.  -et  a 
sticky.  squab. 

Klaøfe  c  -t  class;  (i  Stole)  form,  class;  be  Itøere 
-t  the  bJgher  classes,  (i  Stole)  the  senior  classes, 
tipper  forms;  be  tabere  -t  the  lower  classes  el. 
orden,  (i  Sf  ole)  the  junior  classes,  lower  forms; 
en  BiUet  til  fsrfte  -  a  flrst  class  tlcket;  (tao  i  en 
.  ^  be  on  &  class;  fætte  i  .  meb  class  with. 
-anfottelfe  &  classlnr,  classification.  -fortorn 
class-prejudice.  -forftanber  prepositor.  -(pab 
class-batred.  -tobbeling  classification.  -tamme« 
rat  class-mate,  class-fellow.  -lotteri  lottery  (on 
the  class  principle).  -(irrer  head  teacher  of  a 
class,  form-master,  -rib  vt  class.  -balg  election 
by  classes.  -ptf  adv  in  el.  by  classes.  -bærelfe 

»laftfUcite'tcclaasical'ity.clas'sicalness. -Hct're 
vt  classiry,  class.  -Heering,  -fltatto  n  c  classi- 
flca'tion.  Kla*  flfer  c  -e  classic.  JtlaftUff  a 
dassic(al);  F  bet  er  .!  that's  delidous! 

»laf  e  -ter  (3orb,  loer)  bit  (of  ground);  (©lært.) 
blot;  (Smule)  trifie,  bit;  &ele  -ten  the  whole  lot. 
-finger  clumsy -flngered  person.  -fingret  a  clumsy 
-flngered.  -g«(b  petty  debts,  driblets.  -gabe 
dlbble  in  the  manure.  -tage  fritter.  -papir 
blotting  paper. 

Klatre  vi  clamber,  climb;  (opob  en  Xræftamme 
el.  I.)  swarm,  squirm;  -be  op  i  Sofaen  cllmbed 
on  to  the  sofa;  —  part  -nbe  $  scandent. 
-a»or(re)  climbing  perch.  Anabat.  -broØfef  hook 
billed  creeper,  Dmdrocolapte:  -fob  climbing 
foot.  -fngl  climber,  scansorial  (bird).  -plante 
climbing  plant,  -pnttgopr  phalanger,  Phalanr 
pUt  t.  -rotte  capromys.  -fpibftmuft  banxring, 
Ctadobatew.  -tvang  climbing  pole,  may-pole. 
-traab  tendril.    Klatring  c  clambering  etc. 

JflatfHUing  c  F  aole,  pittance. 

matte  vi  (meb  ©laf  o.  I.)  blot;  (om  Strift) 
scrawl;  (TOaleri)  daub;  (meb  ft"rbejbe)  trlfle,  dabble; 
—  rt  -  fine  $enge  bort  spend  one's  money  use- 
lessly,  muddle  (fritter)  away  one's  money;  -  til 
blot,  daub.  -matt,  -mitte!  c  F  dabbler,  bungler. 
-ri'  n  -er  blotting  etc.;  (ttibejbe)  desultory  work. 
-t  a  blotted. 

ftlat  |n(b  clotted  wool.  -bi*  adv  in  small 
portions,  pengene  bleoe  betalte  -  the  money  was 
pald  in  driblets.  -bom  a  clumsy,  awkward. 
t»*Jet  blear-eyed. 

Klan*  Nicholas. 

Jttaufnt  c  -er  clause. 

tftfaoe  fe  Irlage  o  1. 

*ft(aoe  c  -r  (cow's)  collar;  J,  shackle,  hasp. 
•bnnbne  pi  (stabled)  heads  of  cattle. 

Matte  r  n  -erer  (foractbet  3nft.)  clavichord; 
(pianoforte)  piano,  forte-plano,  piano-forte. 
-éanier  c  -e  pianoforte  etrummer.  -banteri  n 
strumming  on  the  piano,  -citfter  clavicytherium. 
•tadfe  case  of  a  pianoforte,  -flole  fe  pianoforte- . 
-fpU  playing  on  the  piano;  piano  music.  -fpifler 
performer  ri.  player  on  the  piano,  pianist. 
•firmater  pianoforte-tuner,  -fiol  music-stool. 
-nbtog  pianoforte  score. 

*Klat>erbng  (a  kind  of)  duck. 

Kfaoiatu'r  c  -er  clavier,  key -board. 

Ktattictomba'l,  Ktabrci'n  ti  harpsichord. 

SHatttft  c  clef. 

ftlabre  vi  scramble,  clamber.  -m  e  tcramblmr; 

Klejn  a  Blender,  slight,  delicate,  tiny;  *poorly 

Klejne  c  -r  flead-cake. 

ftfe]n|mobif  a  faint-hearted,  dispirited.  -■•• 
biglpeb  falnt-heartedness.  -mattet  o  having  a 
faint.  weak  volce.  >fmeb  locksmith.  -fnertr 
arbejbe  locksmith's  work. 

Klem'  e  ub.  pi.  paa  -  ajar;  meb  gtonb  og  - 
forcibly:  ber  bat  fjpnb  og  .  i  ben  %aU  it  was  a 
plthy  discourse. 

Stteuati*  c  clem'atis.  yirgin's  bower,  CUmurti*. 
traveller' g  joy,  C.  vitalba. 

Stlemea*  Clem'ent. 

Klem|(|age  c  holdfast.    -(parte  c  prop  fe  Irnibe  e 

ftlrmme  c  -r  (til  Zø\)  cloth-peg;  (SCom.)  clams 
pl\  (Irnibe)  plnch,  strait;  tomme  i  -  (egl.)  get 
Jammed;  bi  lom  net  i  -  ber  we  got  into  a  nice 
scrape  there;  bringe  en  i  -  put  one  in  a  cleft 
stick,  bring  one  to  bay;  fyrfbe  i  .  keep  at  bay. 
babe  en  .  poa  en  have  a  hold  of  one.  Stemme, 
-te,  -t  vt  squeeze,  jam,  (ogf.  fig)  plnch;  .  paa  W 
F  press  on,  bestir  one's  self;  -  Zænberne  fammen 
fe  Oibe.  -feriOer  double  eye-glass.  -j«r«  pincers 
pi.  ftlemme|(fe  c  pinchlng  etc;  fe  ©eflrmmrife 
-patron  elastic  chuck.  -ring  ferrule.  -fimr. 
Srlemflme  c  binding-screw,  jam-nut,  adjusting 
screw.  ftfemntng,  ftlemfet  c  pinching  etc;  fa 
oppression,     ftlemflopper  e  compressor  stopper. 

ftlemt  «,  pi  =,  toll  (of  a  bell).  -e  vi  toll 
-en  c  tolllng. 

ftleno  bie  »  -t  jewel,  gem. 

ftfep'  fe  nloep. 

ftlepaal  fe  fBrebpanbe. 

SttepflfT  fr  fflipfifl. 

ftlepper.  Stleppert  c  -ter  nag,  pony. 

Kleptomani'  c  kleptoma'nla,  klopemania. 

ftlerrfi'  n  clergy,  prlesthood;  f  lot,  set.  ftle* 
ritai  »  cler'ical. 

ftlerifto  rinm  ti  cler'Istory. 

ftferl  c  -e  priest.  —  A(erte|bne  priest.  +-flab 
n,  fttrnt*  e  clergy. 

*ft(e«fe  fe  ftlilfe. 

•ftleb  e  -er  crag,  shelf,  cliff  (e»p  on  a  road). 

fllelM  m  Cleves 

ftltb  m  el.  pi  bran.  -agtig  a  branny.  -feejbfe 
Iles.  -brob  bread  made  of  el.  mixed  with  bran. 
-et  a  branny.    -mel  pollard,  middlings. 

ftlimt'  c  -er  client.  fttiente'I  n  cllent'elage. 
ftltent  flab  n  clientship. 

fttil   c  ($(et)  blot,  staln,  blemish. 

Stlit' :  miss-flre;  floa  -  miss  fire,  snap,  fig  fail 

ftlite  o  t  set,  gang,  clique.  »amb  spirit  of 
clique.    -bocfrtt  cliqulsm. 

Klit | te  vi  miss  fire.    -ning  c  miss-flre. 

Klima  n  -ter  climate;  banne  til  -et  cllmatlze. 

KlimaU  c  cllmaz. 

Klima!  teriff  a  cllmacter'io. 

Klima  t  »  -er,  fe  Klima,  -feber  climate  ferer. 
-ift  a  climat'ic,  cli'matal;  -e  5orb,oib  climatlc 

tKlimp  c  -er  clod  of  earth.    -et  a  cloddy. 

Klimpre  vi  &  t  thrum,  strum,  twaug.  -n  c 

tKlin  n  F  thrashing. 

Klin | r  vt  (niftre)  paste;  (tilritte)  lute;  (bbggr 
meb  iicr)  build  with  mud;  fig  (palte)  cram,  crowd, 
—  vi  &  ligge  og  -  op  i  Sinben  shave  too  close, 
borrow  too  much;  t  .  Ise  paa  thrash  away  at. 
•et  fBæg  mnd-wall,  cob-wall.  -er  c  -e  mud-wsll 
builder.    Klinrborg  fe  obfr. 

Klinge  c  r  blade  of  a  sword  el.  dirk;  ben  flabe 
.  the  nat  of  the  blade;  ^aa  en  paa  -n  press  one 
(close Ly),  ba  man  git  brnbe  paa  -n  i  ben  Snlebntnø 
belng  pressed  on  the  subject;  labe  fpringe  obet  -n 
put  to  the  sword. 



Kling  je,  flana  (+-ebe)/  tunget  vi  sound,  jingle; 
-  igen  resouna;  —  part  -enbe  fia  (Orb  o.  I.) 
resounding,  sonorous;  meb  -enbe  6pil  with  drams 
beating  and  trampeta  sounding;  -enbe  SRønt  hard 
cash,  specie;  -enbe  Jtonfonanter  voiced  consonants. 
-at  c  sounding.  t-cr  a  sonorous,  -Hang  %  ding- 
dong;  (Ctbtlang)  jingle  of  words,  tuneful  non- 
sense.  -re  vi  jingle,  tlnkle,  clink,  chink;  en 
-nbe  groft  a  hard  frost,  -ren  o  Jingling  etc. 
-Hen  phonolite. 

fttlnit'  e  clin'Ical  medidne;  (Knflalt)  dinic 
el.  clinical  hospital;  (ttnberviftning)  cllnlc  el. 
dini'que.    Jtlt'ufft  a  clin'ic(al). 

ftlining  e  pasting;  lutation. 

ftlint  n  (©pil)  chackmrthlng;  fpiae  -  play  at 

ftlimt:  bygart  paa  ~  clincher-built.  -ørambft  a 
fe  Jrlinle'.  -kigget  a  clincher-built.  -ligning 

JUinte  o  -r  (paa  $øt)  latch;  (rit  røorcettæn)  rivet; 
(©ten)  clinker.  ftlinte  vt  røorcetken)  rivet;  (en 
Bolt)  clinch;  —  vi  meb  en  touch  el.  clink  glasses 
with  one,  clink  one's  glass  against  another's, 
bobnob  with  one.  -baanb  latcb-string,  sneck 
-band.  •■•tt  clinch-bolt.  -øronbt  a  gRurften 
clinker.  -f«l»,  -fong  cramp,  staple.  -Gage  catch. 
-tømme?  riveting  hammer;  clinch -hammer.  -Jorn 
l&tch-key.  -mani  m  ender  of  broken  china. 
-tnafftne  riveting  machine.  -n  c  riveting,  clink- 
lng.  -nogle  rivet,  clincher  nail.  -plabe  rivet- 
ing plate.  -r  c  -e  fe  -monb;  fe  Irltofe  (6 ten),  -fast 
clincher  nail.    -tratte?  latch-key. 

Jtftntltage,  -kammer  fe  Iriinte«.  -nagle  fe 
ffltnfeføm.  ftlintntng  c  (of  »olt)  cllnchlng;  (of 
$ørcefla>n)  riveting. 

RHnøue  ter  »  clinom'eter. 

ftlint  c  -et  cllflf. 

ftlinte  c  cockle,  Agrottemma  giikago;  bibi  tåres. 

Rit*'  fi,  pi  — ,  dip,  snip. 

ftliftftft  c  split  cod. 

ftffttfflmi  «  slitted  iron. 

JUi»tla*  n  tick-tack,  pit-a -pat. 

Jtltfl  runer  split  haddock.  -langer  pi  split  Ung. 

ftlijmtng  c  clipping  etc.  (fe  Srltppe  vt). 

ftltjbe  vt  clip,  cut;  .  tøaret  cut  the  hair;  . 
%oax  shear  sheep;  .  $oaret  tort  crop  the  hair; 
.  en  cut  one's  hair;  -  of,  fro  cut  off;  -  ober 
cut  in  two;  .til  cut  out;  —  vi  -  meb  fDjnene 
wink,  blink;  -  meb  prente  prick  up  his  ears. 

filtype  c  -r  rock;  .  nnber  Sanb  sunken  rock. 
-agrig  a  rocky.  -anfoeg  rockery.  -tjargeae  the 
Rocky  mountains,  f  the  Rockies.  -bUt  block 
of  stone.  -borg  mountain  castle.  -bue  rock 
•pigeon,  Columba  livia.  -egn  rocky  country. 
-føjt  a  firm  as  a  rock.  -fafttyeb  rocky  firmness. 
•førbjsrg  rocky  promontory.  -fnlb  a  rocky. 
•grnnb  rocky  ground.  -grævling  hyrax.  -(poorb 
a  hard  as  a  rock.  -(po(  rocky  hall.  -(pule  cavern 
in  a  rock.  -tøoclvtng  vault  in  a  rock.  -filbe 
rock-spring.  -tUft  cleft  el.  rissure  in  a  rock. 
-fafl  rocky  coast.  -tomgnrn  brush-tailed  rock 
wallaby,  Petroøale  pentcillata.  -lonb  rocky 

ftlijrnemaffine  c  shearing-machine;  (6ptger<) 

ftliyjpemnr  c  steep  rock,  rocky  wall. 

Stiipptu  o  clipping. 

ftli*peparti(er)  »  rock-work.    * 

Stiipptx  e  t  clipper.  -lavt  c.  barqae  (o.  fi.). 
-iMaet  o  clipperbuilt. 

ftlt»pe|rab  range  of  rocks,  -rebe  aerie,  eyry. 
-ren.  -rot  reef  of  rocks,  -revne,  -rift  crack  el. 
chink  in  a  rock. 

ftliJM>erfrib  n  clipper  ship. 

ftttWfifejIer  alpine  swift,  Cyptelui  alpinut. 
-fttar  fe  -tløft.     -ftreb  fe  Bjærg',    -ffromt  rocky 

slope.  -flot  fe  -borg.  -fris*  pinnacle;  point  of 
a  rock.  -fnrongning  rock-blasting.  -ftejt  a 
steep  as  a  rock.  -fH  rocky  path.  -{trans-  rocky 
shore.  -fh|tte  fragment  of  rock.  -ft«r  bower 
•bird;  Ptxlonorckynckui.  -tørt  a  strong  as  a 
rock     ftliWet  a  rocky. 

ftlip)pf|tang  cutting-nlppers.  -rib  shearing 

Ali^^eltinb,  -Hnbe,  -ton  mountain  summit, 
summit  of  a  rock.  -ngle  fe  fJfcerg*.  -vei  rocky 
road.    -v«g  rocky  wall.    -*  rocky  Island. 

tftttybing  c  -er  (TOsnt)  pollard. 

ftli^lfrinb  woolfell.  -fant  cut- nail.  -nlb  shear- 

ftliv'  n  clsflh,  clink,  jingle,  clank. 

ftlire  c  sandplper,  Totanu*. 

Stlirre  vi  clash,  clink,  jingle,  clank.  -n  o 
clashlng  etc. 

•ftli»fe  vi  lisp. 

^ftltffet  a  viscous,  sllppery. 

Stlifler  n  paste.  -nol  paste  eel,  Anguillula. 
•agtig  a  pasty.  -*9ttt,  -Hotte  paste  bowl,  paste 
pot.    Stlijtre  vt  paste.    ftliftring  c  pasting. 

StUt'  e  -ter  down;  fe  oafaa  -tag.  -satte  down. 
•oo(er)  inhabitant  of  a  down.  -bonnelfe  down 
formation,  -egn  downs.  -foor  down  sheep. 
t-fcolm  fe  -tag.  -plantning  planting  of  the 
downs.  -vofe  burnet-leaved  rose.  -fU  baltic 
rush,  Juncu*  balticu*.  t-(ftlitte)tag  sea-reed, 
beach-grass,  Arundo  arenaria.  Srlittetibfel  sea 
•holly.  Eryngium  maritimum. 

•ftiive  fe  ftlbbe  vi. 

ftlø  o  ftlBt,  (paa  Dt)r)  daw;  (en  Wobfuglft)  talon; 
(paa  $oge)  prong;  (paa  Hoben,  Drag)  claw;  (til 
Zømmet)  dog;  (træforb.)  triangular  notch;  & 
(paa  «affel,  ©om)  jaw.  throat,  (paa  Sejl)  tack; 
fe  Irlofb);  »ræg;  fig  (6hift)  scrawl,  fist;  pi  ($æ«ber) 
clutches;  faa  ftlør  i  get  In  to  one's  clutches. 

ttloaf  e  -er  common  sewer;  (^o«  $or)  cloa'ca; 
forjbne  meb  er  sewer.  -gtft  sewage  gas.  -len- 
ning  sewer.  -rar  pipe-drain.  -flng  gully-hole. 
-Ponb  sewage.  -vonbtng  irrigation  with  sewage. 
-»<rfen  sewerage. 

Stlob  fe  ftlo(b). 

-t-ftlobberagtig  a  bangling,  awkward. 

ftlobe  o  -t  globe,  sphere,  ball.  -mnb  a  spheric. 
-ftb  cumulus. 

ftlobrian  c  -er  bungler,  F  butterflnger;  (taa) 
bumpkln,  lout;  (enfolbig)  simpleton,  muff. 

ftlobft  a  k  adv  dose,  F  chock;  A,  .  bibebmb, 
-  beb  8inben  close-hauled;  .  til  Staben!  keep 
her  to;  -  op  chock  up;  .  inb  chock  home. 

SttobØ  e  -et  log,  block,  stock,  stub,  stump; 
fig  fe  ftlobrian;  pi  (6lo)  clogs;  f  paa  -  upon  tlck. 
-baje  wooden  buoy.  ftlob^|e  vi  F  avail;  .  paa 
load.  -et  a  clumsy,  awkward,  left-handed. 
•bobeb  square  pipe-bowl  of  meerschaum.  -major 
fe  ftlobrian. 

ftlobftrebet  a  close-reefed. 

JtlobélfTo  wooden  dog.  -tegning  drawlng 
from  blocks.    -tst*  turf  (not  made  in  a  form). 

ftlolfalb  0,  throat-halyard.  -fob  water-scor- 
pion,  Nepa. 

ftlog  [oa]  o  prudent,  judlcious,  elever,  (om 
Dtjr)  sagacious;  fym  er  i!Ie  riatig  -  he  is  not 
quite  in  his  Benses;  var  .  not  til  at  had  the  wis- 
dom  to;  jeg  tan  itte  blioe  .  berpaa  I  cannot  make 
it  out,  I  can  make  nothing  of  it;  jeø  er  enbnu 
lige  -  I  am  just  as  wise  as  I  was,  I  am  as  wise 
as  ever;  jeg  er  lige  faa  -  fom  et  Vtennefte  F  I can 
Bee  as  far  into  a  millstone  as  otber  people;  et 
-t  Barn  an  intelligent  child;  .  9Ranb  unlicensed 
practitioner,  empirlc,  quack;  .  ftone  wise  woman. 
-elig(t),  -t  adv  prudently  etc.;  gjorbe  -t  i  at 
ezercised  sound  judgment  in  -lng,  was  wise  to. 
•flab   c  prudence,  eleverne«,   ($t>r8)  sagacity 




-ftabftfteufbu :  af  -  from  prudential  motives  el. 
considerations.  -fttbfiregel  prudentlal  rule  ri. 

Mob ammer  c  claw-hammer. 

fttotte  c  -r  (at  Tinge  meb)  bell;  (9orb>)  hånd 
•bell;  (Ur)  clock;  (fttomft)  campanula;  (Unbetffort) 
under- petticoat;  ljDob  et  -n?  what's  tbe  time? 
what  time  is  it?  what  o'clock  is  lt?  -n  et  $alb 
et  it  is  half  past  twelve  (o'clock);  the  time  is 
half  etc.;  -n  et  mange  it  is  late;  -n  et  tnete  enb 
jeg  tjabbe  tæntt  the  time  is  later  than  I  thought; 
fifle  ty>ab  -n  et  tell  the  hour;  -n  manglet  ofb. 
it  is  flve  minutes  to,  it  wants  flve  minutes 
to  el.  of  flve  (o'clock);  f  btbe,  tjoab  -n  et 
flagen  know  what  o'clock  it  is;  -n  Meo  fetø  siz 
o'clock  came;  -n  et  tfte  meget  obet  fbb  it  is  not 
long  gone  Beven;  -n  fir*  at  four  o'clock;  naat  -n 
et  føb  by  seven;  ftide  -n  set  the  clock.  -atftel 
beam  of  a  bell.  -atm  arm  of  a  bell,  bell-crank. 
-baab  bell-boat.  -blomft  bell-flower.  -b«je  bell 
buoy.  -baab  baptism  of  a  bell.  -bannet  a  bell 
-shaped.  -bdr  vortic  el.  -(Snttau  marsh  gen  t  Ian. 
lung-flower,  Gentiani  pneumonanthe.  -faar  bell 
-wether;  fig  slmpleton.  -febt  old  grease  from 
church-bells.  -form  form  of  a  bell.  -formtg  fe 
-bannet.  -fr*  bull  frog,  Bombinator  fusctu. 
•galge  belfry.  -gab*  fe  -malm.  -tømmer  hammer. 
•Ijttl  fe  ftlangljul.  -tpuØ  belfry.  -fttyactnt  blue 
•bell,  Scilla  nutan*.  -fadfe  clock -case.  -timen 
ringing  el.  peal  of  bel  la.  »Hang  sound  of  belle. 
-tnebel  tongue  el.  clapper  of  a  bell.  -to  bell 
-cow.  -lebniug  electrlc  bell-apparatu9.  -(nb 
sound  of  bells.  -Ityng  cross-leaved  heath,  Eric  i 
tetralur.  -malm,  -metal  bell  metal.  -b»Ib)> 

ff lofter  c  -e  sexton,  bell-ringer;  fe^Degn;  (XoSfe> 
Ijobeb)  numskull. 

Slotte]  raub  edge  el.  rim  of  a  bell.  -ret  bell 

Icl  offer  rmbebe  n  sexton's  office. 

Utofter  en  a  of  belllike  clearness. 

Stlottergaarb  c  sexton's  cottage  el.  farm. 

Jttøtfe|ring  bell  ring.  -ringning  ringing  of 

ttloff er|f  oerltgljeb  fe  ftiftc- .  -tone  sexton's  wife. 
•onøbag  fe  ttffe*.  -Jpenge  sexton's  fees.  -tjenefte 
fe  -embebe. 

fttoftcjfang  chime.  -fignal  bell -sign  al.  -flafi 
bell  handle,  -ftnr  belfry.  -flag  stroke  of  a 
clock;  paa  -et  at  the  stroke  of  the  clock.  -flet 
fe  -flag;  paa  et  oift  _  at  a  certain  hour;  tnbtit 
tybilfet  -  up  to  what  o'clock.  -fnor  bell-string. 
-fpil  peal  el.  chime  of  bell  s.  -fpir  fe  -taam. 
-fftabef  belfry.  -ftang  bell-pull.  -ftemme  bell 
•like  voice.  -fiol  belfry.  -ftreng  bell-wlre,  bell 
•rope,  bell-pull;  fyenge  i  -en  be  a  slave  to  the 
hour.  -ftober  bell-founder.  -ftøberi  bell-foundry. 
•taam  steeple,  bell  tower,  campanile.  -time 
hour  by  the  clock,  stricken  hour.  -tr«  abutilon. 
•traf  n  bell-pull.    -Pif er  hånd  of  a  clock. 

Itlønebtyater  c  J,  throat  downhauler. 

*IMop'  c  -pet  log  bridge. 

ftlopl  fagter  prizeflghter.  -Hammer  batting 
machine.  -Ijølt  typ  planer,  -fnit  screw  stock. 
•ften  lapstone. 

Illor  n  chlorine. 

•ftlor  n  fe  Stloreri. 

Itloratte  c  ^  jaw-rope. 

Moral  n  chlo'ral. 

fttør|alnmininm  aluminic  chloride.  -Mb 
plumbic  chloride  (el.  chloride  of  lead)  o.  fl. 
t-brint  hydric  chloride. 

*ftlore  vt  scratch  (with  nails,  claws).  -ri'  n 

lttø'r|forbtnbetfe  chloride.  -foftfor  phosphor- 
ous  chloride.    -Ijolbig  a  containlng  chlorine. 

fttorit'  c  chlo'rfte.    -ffifer  c.  slate. 

Jttø'r|talt  chloride  of  lime.  -foalftøf  hydro 
chlorate.    -metaller  pi  chlorides. 

Ifcførøform'  c  chlo'roform.  -e're  vt  chlo'roform 

lltor|øberfbre  hydric  perchlorate.  -fart  Salt 
chlorate.  -fttre  hydric  chlorate.  -f*lb  muriafc 
of  silver,  horn-stiver,  -banb  chlorine  water 
•banbftof  fe  -brint. 

Illod'  adv  &  fe  mob«. 

'Jttøfag  c  frame-saw, 

fttofet'  n  -ter  watercloset,  W.  C. 

Utofter  n  -frre  cloister,  monastery,  con  rent, 
abbey;  (tøønnefloftet)  nunnery;  (i  prøteftonrifff 
fianbc)  asylum  for  ladies;  gaa  i  -  turn  monk, 
take  the  veil;  fatte  i  -  shut  up  in  a  convent 
-agtig  o  conventual.  -betjent  lay-brother.  -bonbe 
tenant  of  a  ferm  belonglng  to  a  convent.  -brobet 
monk,  friar,  conventual.  -bagning  monastic 
bullding.  -celle  oell.  -bragt  monastic  et.  con- 
ventual habit,  -enfomteb  monastic  seclusion 
-f ogeb  steward  of  a  monastery.  -f oli  conventual*, 
inmates  of  a  cloister.  -frue  widowlady  of  as 
asylum.  -friten  unmarried  lady  of  an  asylum 
-gaarb  court-yard  of  a  convent.  -gang  cloisters 
j»7;  fe  -gioeffe.  -gtoe  flg  vr  take  the  monastic 
vow;  take  the  ven.  -gtbelfe  c  taking  etc.  -gioes 
a  clolstered.  -gobØ  land  el.  estate  belonglng  to 
a  monastery.  -babe  convent  el.  monastery 
garden,  -tyftalfting  cloister- vault.  -jomfrn  fr 
-frøfen.  -titte  conventual  church.  -latin  moni 
Latin,  -lem  lnmate  of  an  almshouse.  -leonet 
fe  -lio. 

Itlofterlia  a  monastic,   conventual.     -tjeb    - 
conventual  character. 

fttofter|lib  monastic  el.  conventual  life.  -lob« 
a  destined  for  the  convent.  -latrreb  kind  of 
fine  linen,  -lafte  monastic  el.  conventual  vow. 
-mnr  wall  of  a  monastery.  -m«  nun.  -p9Xt 
gate  of  a  monastery.  -nrttft  priest  of  a  convent 
el.  asylum.  -regel  conventual  el.  monastic  rule 
•ret  judicial  session  in  a  monastery.  -ffit  custom 
of  a  monastery.  -ffole  monastical  school.  -ftrof 
monastic  punishment.  -folier  nun.  -togt  mo- 
nastic discipline.  -tbang  conventual  restraint^ 
pi.  -bid :  paa  -  in  conventual  fashion.  -«*r!fer 
pi  rellgious  exercises  of  a  monastery«  +ftttftre 
flg  vr  cloister  one's  self  up. 

ftfo|tob  n  vL  jaw-rope. 

Jtlo(b)  c  (ffiebft.)  tongs,  cramp,  vloe. 

ftlob  c  -e,   -et  et.   ftløoet  hoof;  meb  fpaltet  - 
cloven-footed.    -bbe  cloven-footed  beast. 

ftlobe  e  -t  cow's  collar.    -binbe  vt  stable. 

ftlooelfebt  neat's-foot  oil.    -fljge  whitlow,  foot 
-rot;  fe  Wunb'.    -big  slit. 

Iclobtt  e  -et  clown,  buffoon. 

ftfobolie  neat's-foot  oil. 

Stto  ftfab  c  frame  saw. 

ftlnb'  c  -bet  club.    -bal  ball  at  the  dub. 

•fttnbbe  c  -r  club,  mace. 

Itlnb  |  f ammerat  fe    oen.    -mebtem  member  of 
the  club.    -rib  club  jtime.   -ben  fellow  el.  brother 
clubman.   -berbrnen  clubland.    -bife  club  song 
•borrelfe  club-room.     -bart  steward  el.  cook  of 
a  club. 

Itlnb  c  -e  rag,  clont;  bber  enefte  -  ^  everj- 
stitch  of  canvas,  every  rag. 

Itlubber  n  bungling,  botching.  -agtig 
bungling.  -arbejbe  bungled  el.  clumsy  work 
-i'  n  fe  Klubber,  -mabft,  -mittel  fe  JMubrer.  -bom 
fe  -aatifl.    -bart  fe  -arbejbe. 

Atnbelbanbel  rag-trade,  ragman's  shop.  -b«nb 
ler  fr  -frammer.  -tram  rags  pi.  -trammer  mp 
man,  rag-dealer,  -papir  paper  made  of  rags, 
rag-made  paper.  -pofe  rag-bag.  -famletffte)  rsg 
-gatherer,  rag-picker,  p  paper-maker.  >-firabbrr 
fe  Soppet,    -ffnffe  rag-drcwer.    -torb  rag-market 





rag-fair.  -toppe  carpet  made  of  patchwork, 
patchwork  counterpane.    -ulb  shoddy(-wool). 

Sintre  vt  k  i  bungle,  botch.  -r  c  -c  bungler, 

JWttT  «  duck  ri.  ducking  of  a  hen;  (&eb  6tjnf- 
mng)gulp.  -t>*ne  clucking  hen.  Sttttftt  vi  cluck. 

Jclnuute  c  -t  typ  column. 

*ftlummer  a  sultry. 

ftlnmp  e  -er  lump,  dump,  J3orb«)  clod;  i  . 
in  a  cluster,  dustered;  -en  (©lagt.)  the  under 
buttock.  ftwmpe  vt  k  i  clot;  vr  fig  dot.  — 
Jtf*mpe|blb  pig-lead.  -tørn  pig-lron.  -Innfer 
clod-CTuaher.  -mal!  fe  Vonemalt.  -t  a  lumpy, 
clotted.    -nlb  fe  ftlarulb. 

SHnmplflf!  sun-flsh,  OrtkaffortMU  mol*,  -fob 
club-foot.  -fobet  a  club-footed.  -baanb  dub 
•hånd.  -laf  lump  lack.  -x«fe  bottle-nose. 
-Hørjet  a  bottle-nosed. 

ftlamret  a  stuffy. 

+JttttXger  c  brier,  Ro%a  oanina. 

'ftlttMf  c  -er  cluck,  gurgle,  goggling  el.  gurgl- 
ing  noise.    -e  vi  clnck,  gurgle. 

ftlmn*  c  J,  (pac  6tonø)  eight-squares. 

JHsMt(e)  c  -er  log,  block.  +«e  vi  Jog,  stump. 
-et  a  dumsy,  awkward. 

fttttp'  e  -per  screw-stock. 

»Oluf  n  ftlitftf  e  vi  fe  SHnbber,  «ubre. 

Stfbbe  c  -r  scooper,  Becurvirortra  avocttta. 

fHbjbi  »  4.  hawse(-hole).  -baanb  dowsing 
-chock.  -brille  buckler.  -foring  hawse-boz, 
bawse-pleces.  •gat  fe  fttbbft.  -laag,  -plabe  fe 
•brtRe.  -jprab  hawse-plug.  -p»be  hawse-bolster 
<o.  p.).  -flopper  controller.  -tr«, -tommer  hawse 
-plece,  hawse-timber. 

ttttpne  c  -1  kind  of  peat. 

Slange  e  -r  cluater,  knot;  en  -  Srceer  a  dump 
of  trees.    fttynge  vt  cluster,  crowd;  -  op  hang 

(by  the  neck),   string  up;   —  vr  fig  cluster, 

~       fa  o» 
©eb  cllng  to;  -I  vd  cluster. 

crowd;  -  fig  op  damber  up;  .  fig 

•  Mg  < 

fofl  m. 

tfHlitger  e  bramble,  Buhn*. 

Jtlbjaaebtf  adv  in  dusters. 

ftlbnF  a  fe  -en. 

Sclljnfe  vi  whimper,  whine;  -nbe  a  (ogf.)  pip- 
ing.  -ftobeb  fe  -r.  •*  c  whimpering  etc.  -potte, 
-*  «  -e  whimperer,  whiner.  -ri'  o  -et  whlmper- 
ing,  whinlng.  -r*H,  -ftemme  plaintive  voice. 
-tøtte  querulous  tone. 

*ftl)pe,  -te  t  vt  pinch,  squeeze.  Mbte  c  r 
pinch,  pugil. 

*Jtlbpper  c  -e  f  clipper,  stunner. 

m**'  fe  ftl*b*. 

»Jttbfr  e  -t  clot  (of  spittle). 

mirfopom'pe  c  -r  dyster-pump. 

mvfce'r  »  -fierer  clys'ter,  Injection,  enema; 
fætte  et  .  give  an  injection.  -pibe  dyster  pipe. 
-fprajtc  syringe. 

Snude,  Rrø,  Rbbet  (*R*bel)  vi  dlmb.  ftlb'bbor 
a  climbable. 

Selvver  c  -e  ^  (standing)  jlb.  -borbM«  jib-guy. 
-•øm  Jib-boom  (0.  fl.).  -bømågabg  jib-boom  gear 
(o.  fl).  -Mie  Jib-traveller.  -folb  Jlb-halyard. 
-t*»b;ftler  Jib  inhauler.  -lejber  Jib-stay.  -»eb* 
taler  Jlb-downhauler.  -flabe  Jib-sheet.  -ftaxber 
Jlb-atay.  -nblfaler  Jib-outhauler 
lae%|e    '     " 

|e  vi  stick,  cleare,  adhere  (oeb  to);  fig  . 
Mb  beset;  —  vt  stick,  paste:  -  op  paste;  —  vr 
lig  (HI),  fe  tkebe  vi.  meberftea  c  steatite,  soap- 
stone.  ftf«b{rig  a  sticky,  adhesive,  vucous. 
-rijleb  e  adhedveness,  vlsddity. 

globe  *  -r  (6ti)Re  %»\  til  at  bebaRe  noget  meb) 
dotb;  ub.  pi  (Stoffet)  woollen  doth,  broaddoth; 
doiben  ful  crJbef  fom  et  -  the  earth  shall  waz 
old  Uke  a  garment. 

SUrbe,  -U,  t  vt  clothe,  dress;  fe  &ig;  6teile; 
— ■  vi  k  i  (paffe)  become,  be  becommg,  sit  well 

flarfen :  Sanf!*(lngelf!  Orbbog. 

on;  4,  (et  6tiiRe  Zoo)  serve,  (et  6fib)  plank, 
(meb  $Iaber)  plate;  .  ftebelen  (meb  Zræ)  lag  the 
boller;  fort  -r  be  flefte  black  becomes  most 
people;  bet  -t  ilbe  it  is  nnbecoming,  looks  badly 
—  vr  fig  dress,  .  fig  felt)  find  one's  self  in; 
clothes;  —  meb  prop:  .  fig  af  undress,  take  off 
one's  clothes,  (ganffe)  strip;  .  en  af  til  6rjorttn 
strip  one  to  the  skin;  .  fiø  i  bare  Råbt  i  wear; 
•  fig  om  change  one's  dress;  .  fig  paa  dress, 
put  on  one's  clothes;  -  fig  nb  i  ^fruentimmer« 
håber  disguise  one's  self  in  female  apparel.  — 
ftlsbe|bob  draper's  shop.  -bon  »  garment,  ral- 
ment,  garb,  attire.  »bOTfte  clothes  brush.  -bragt 
dress,  apparel.  -fabrit  doth-manufactory.  -fa* 
brifation  manulacturing  of  cloth.  -fobrilor 
doth-manufacturer.  -farber  doth- dyer.  -tyanbel 
doth-trade.  -banbler  dothler,  draper,  -lammer 
wardrobe.  -leaber  Jndge  of  doth.  -Uentmer, 
•-(*)nbpe  dothes-pln,  clothpeg.  *-løfl fe -borfle. 
-rrøg  fe  Stnoge.  -Ircemmer  fe  -banbler.  -fnro 
dothes'basket.    -lalle  ^  serring-mallet. 

ftfttbeUg  a  becoming,  graoeful.  -bjeb  e  beoom- 
inniess,  suitableness. 

ft(sbe|(ift  selvage  of  doth.  -mager  e  -e  cloth 
-worker.  -mon  fe  -bon.  -mal  doth  moth,  Tinea 
aarcitella.  •opfaa  doth  warehouse.  -obnrabfer 
teaseler,  -orm  fe  -mal.  -perfe,  -preøfe  doth 
press.    -pragt  sumptuousness  of  dress. 

JMaeberpJ  (Dtaøt)  clothes,  garments,  wearables, 
P  dothing;  -  fraée  %o\t  fine  feathers  make  flne 
birds,  the  tailor  makes  the  man;  meb  -ne  boa 
with  his  dothes  on,  in  his  dothes;  ban  er  tRe 
rigtig  i  -ne  he  is  not  in  the  vein,  out  of  sorts; 

ftlttbelramme  frame  for  Btretchlng  cloth.  -»■ 
(-fraRe  ofb.)  doth,  of  cloth.  -fat*  shears  for 
dressing  cloth.  -flab  dothes-press,  wardrobe. 
-(nor  dothes-llne.  -fpaon  ^  serving-board. 
•ftatib  dothes-stand.  -ntorb  rag-market.  t-tbat 
fe  -babfl.  -babfl  washing  of  dothes.  -baller 
cloth-fuller.  -balrnixg  fulling.  -parer  pi  clottas. 
•barber  fe  Sugmager.  -bameri  fe  -fabrif .  -baemitng 
c  cloth- weavtog,  manufactoring  of  doth.  ftlorb* 
tting  o  er  (^aaflcebnino)  dress;  (6«t  ftlæber)  sult 
of  clothes;  j,  (ubenborbg)  planking,  (inbenborbd) 
ceiling,  (om  %ov)  service,  (om  8cunb$oIt)  rounding, 
(om  Jrebelen)  lagglng,  (om  Varer)  muming. 

ftlsbningØjgobØ  ^  rounding.  -matte  *U  chaf- 
ing-mat.  -plaber  outside  piates.  -planter  om- 
side planks.  -tblle  article  of  dress;  pi  (fom  ©ore) 
apparel.  J,  slops.  *ftlsbpUg  »  article  of  dress. 
*ft(0Ebfe(  e  dress,  apparel. 

•ftla?g'  c  -ger,  tiltoge,  -t  horse-fly,  cleg,  Ta- 

tttlacg  e  k  n  loam,  alluvial  day.  tftteg,  -et 
a  loamy;  -et  8rob  doughy  bread.  -lag  stratum 
of  loam  el.  day. 

*JM«r  a  frail,  feeble. 

*Stiattt  v  imp :  bet  Ral  i  barn  he  got  a  (radden) 

SrlacHe  vt  hatch;  .  op  rear,  breed;  -  frem  raise, 
grow;  -  ub,  fe  UbRæRe. 

msttelig  a  considerable,  sumdent,  round. 

Stlal letib  hatching  time.  ftletitiiig  e  hatching. 

•ftlomgenab«  fe  Pge*. 

*ftl«p'  e  -per  dump. 

*JH*p   c  -per  (til  fifleri)  gaff,  «o  dip. 

ftlonrfel  c  (6uRerfaft)  cleare. 

fttf  of  scratch,  daw;  F  (banle)  thrash;  .  fig  i 
^obebet  scratch  one's  head;  .  fig  bag  JCret  scratch 
one's  ears;  vi  k  imp  itch;  mine  fingre  .  efter  at 
my  fingers  itch  to;  tønt  Kafe  r  efter  at  he  has 
an  itching  desire  to.  Illa  F  a  thrashing.  HUe, 
SlUen  e  itch,  itching. 

Sttaft  o  -er  cleft,  chink,  crack,  crevlce,  rift, 
cranny,  flssure,  (i  ^age)  dlmple.    -arm  ($mp.) 




gab-lever.  +-c,  -c  fig,  fe  Srløoe.  -et  a  cleft,  doven. 
+ftf«fterre  fe  Xoege.  Stt*ft|føiet  a  doven-footed, 
flssiped.  -bage  cleft  chin.  -ftale  forked  tail. 
•lammet  claw-hammer.    -lonct  fe  -fobei. 

tftUftiø  a  shrewd. 

SrUft|naal  fe  Stranblaal.  -ning  c  splitting:, 
furcatlon.  -fabel  fe  Sti***,  -flagget  a  with  a 
forked  beard.   -f  a«ø  fe  -arm.   -»ef  ravine,  deflle. 

tSMøge  fia  w  reten.    StUgaing  c  retebing. 

StUgt  c  shrewdness,  sagacity,  elevernes*,  -tg 
a  Bhrewd,  elever,  sagadous;  ifte  meget .  not  very 

Jitøjittag  fe  Stløgning. 

•ftløpper  fe  Jtlbpper. 

♦»tørre  vt  fe  Sttatte,  ftlubre. 

*Stl*ft  c  oø  »  -er  pack  (for  a  horse),  sumpter. 

ftlø'bbtor  fe  SKøobbt. 

*ftf*fte  øi  load  <a  paok-horse);  transport  on 

ftløbe  et  eleave,  split;  ~  8anbet  cleave  (through) 
the  water;  -  $obebet  paa  en  split  one's  head; 
fønf  fiooeb  bar  -t  his  head  was  cut  open;  .  flg 
i  to  bisect.  t-broenbe  split  flie-wood.  -j«m 
iron  wedge.    -Hle  wedge. 

Jtløøer  e  -e  (i  Scørtfpil)  dubs;  en  -  a  dub;  . 
<H,  Xo,  Zte  ofb.  the  ace,  deuce,  three  etc.  of 
dubs;  -  ftonge,  Same,  Jtncegt  the  klng,  queen, 
knave  of  clubs. 

Støtter  c  ($fante)  clover.  trefoil,  Tri/olium. 
•aget  clover  field.  -avl  culUvation  of  c.  -blab 
o.  leaf;  Jlø  trio.  -lue  trefoil(ed)  arch.  -baft 
smell  of  clover.  -eng  meadow  sown  with  c. 
-groe*  e.  grass.  -t>ø  c.  hay.  -lord  A«r  cross 
bottony.  t-mart  o.  field.  -filte  clover-dodder, 
Cmtcuta  trifolii.    -fhll  c.  stubble. 

•ftlø'Obefl  o  sumpter-horse,  pack- horse. 

fttø  fcfrone  c  great  chickweed,  Malackiumaqva- 

*ftl$'*mtto  c  pannler. 

*ftlørite  vi  split. 

&(ø'øxing  o  cleavlng,  deavage;  so  segmenta- 

•JHø'øfabet  e  pack-saddle. 

t»løbfe  e  -r  fe  SHafe. 

ftU'øtraabftttge  c  -t  diatom. 

*Jflr»t>rj  e  riding-path. 

*Jr»a  fe  ftnabe. 

+Stttab'  e  -bet  (©færg.)  nab.  knoll. 

+Stnabøe*  vrf  fight,  quarrei. 

ftnabe  c  J,  button,  hutch-hook. 

*ftvabe  ol  knead. 

ft«øa,(e)  c  -r  (til  at  bange  paa)  wooden  peg; 
(paa  $jul)  cog;  (paa  Kat)  spoke. 

ftaage  vi  creak,  groan;  complaln;  bet  et  -nbe 
folbt  it  Is  an  ezceeding  hard  frost;  faa  lange  bet 
-r,  (olber  bet  cracked  cups  (el.  creaking  doors) 
last  longest.    •*  o  creaking  etc. 

ftnagerofte  o  rack. 

ftnsgfrofl  e  very  hard  frost. 

ftaa'Mjitl  n  cog- wheel. 

Shtalb  «,  pi «,  report,  explosion,  crack;  ($lfto) 
smack,  crack;  y  merry-making;  bet  bar  -  og  £alb 
meb  bom  he  had  a  sudden  downfall.  -bltt  ful- 
mlnating  el.  detonating  lead.  -bob  low  tavern. 
•bonbon  cracker.  -øreø  fulminating  paper. 
-Mfe  popgun.  Shulb|e  vi  explode,  make  a 
report;  .  meb  en  $ift  crack  a  wbJp.  -ef/eft  dap 
-trap;  meb  -  with  grand  effect.  ftiiatbeptft 
cracking  whip.  ftnalberi  o  -er  cracker.  ftnalbj* 
famgrør  percussion-tube.  -gaf  fe  -luft.  -glo* 
detonating  ball,  candle-bomb.  -g« Ib  fulminating 
gold,  fulminate  of  gold.  -bommer  detonating 
•hammer,  -btttte  hovel,  -I|ffite  percus&ion-cap, 
copper-cap,  detonating  cap.  -I  øiffatø  fulminating 
mercury.  -Itftf  percussion-lock.  -iMft  exploslve 
air.   -lMftlotttpe  hydrogen  gas  blow-pipe.   -perle 

fe  -glo«;  fe  -batte,    -pmlber,  -fat«  fulminating  e* 
detonating  powder.     -fait  fulminate.     -Ret  im- 
pressive  passage,     -fart  €alt  fulminate.     -tøt 
fulmlnic  add.    -følø  fulminate  of  ailver.    -trr 
sandbox-tree,  Hura  crepitani.   -tdttbfttt*  fe  -\tti 

*Shtaøfl  e  a  kind  of  soft  old-milk  cheeae. 

Snap'  a  scant,  scan  ty,  ahort,  (fnæoer)  strut, 
narrow;  (gerrig)  stingy,  close;  -  8ægt  short  weigh; 
Xtben  er  for  -  the  time  is  too  short;  t  pe  Zita 
in  Urnes  of  scardty;  bet  er  biopt  meb  el.  om  ;re: 
er  -  Zib  paa)  ^enge,  røg  ofo.  money  is  scarce 
eggs  are  scarce,  there  is  a  scardty  of  etc;  - 
fnap  adv  scaroely,  scarce,  hardly,  barely;  - 
fnapt  adv  scantUy  etc;  fe  Srnap  adv;  maale  t 
give  short  measure;  bet  bar  -t  nof  at  Jeg  ...  I 
only  just  .  .  . ;  t  .  .  .  f orenb  soarcdy  .  .  .  when. 
no  sooner  .  .  .  than. 

Shtsp'  e  -per  (i  Jtloebet)  button,  (løg)  stud;  (pst 
Stol,  ftuffert  o.  betl.)  knob;  (paa  6abd,  &ab?: 
pommel;  (paa  Stang)  ^  truck;  taQe  paa  -pera 
count  the  buttons;  F  breje  en  .  tell  a  flb,  storv. 
P  mifle  -pen  lose  one's  head.  *-Kø*afl  fe  tag- 

•Jcnabfobriap  c  Btarving. 

jhtaplform  button-form  el.  -mould.  -gaftl 
mil  button-stlck.    *-graei  fe  Anopurt. 

Shiapbeb  c  scantiness;  straitness;  stinginess, 

Shtaplbnl  button-hole;  Womfter  i  -let  a  buttoc 
-nose.  -fjnlfaW  button-hole  sdssors.  -|alfr4af 
-^nlfam  button-hole  stitch.  -balfbjerfle  buttoc 
-hole  maker.    -mager  c  -e  button-maker. 

ftaappe  vt  button;  .  til  button  up;  -  op  nn- 

ftaappe  vi.  af  t,  af  paa  stint,  curtaiL 

irnappeaaal  c  -e  pin;  et  ©ret)  -e  a  paper  of 
pinB;  man  tunbe  naften  fare  en  -  falbe  one  might 
almost  hear  the  falling  of  a  pin.  —  Stnoppt 
naaldl^oaeb  head  of  a  pin.    -Penge  pin  money. 
-fpibø  point  of  a  pin.    -tit  prick  with  a  pin 

Sraaplftilt  -#je  button-shank. 

tftnar'  c  poet  merchant-ship. 

Shtaranb  fe  (Bræftanb. 

Itnarf  c  -e  crabbed  fellow,  fogey. 

Shiarte  vi  creak,  grate,  jar.    -m  c  creaking 

Stnarooro  a  morose,  cross,  crabbed,  peeriah 
-(eb  e  moroseness,  crossness,  crabbedne«,  pee- 

JrnøJ  n  (Irommerg)  a  lark;  (6liReri)  sweete  pi; 
gaa  f  -  go  to  sniven;  gøre  -  knock  up  a  lark. 
make  fun.  ftnafe  vi  crackle;  vt  cruah,  scrunch. 
ShtafT'e  vt  crush  between  the  teeth;  vi  (ftaxe 
Zænber)  gnash  the  teeth. 

Jhtsft  c  -er  knot,  knag,  gnarl;  mecA  stop;  M 
en  gammel  ~  an  old  crabbed  fellow,  old  chip. 

tfhtaftenf  a  F  capital,  delightful. 

ftaafter  c  (Zobaf)  canister-tøbacco. 

fraaftlet  a  knotty.  -fri  a  dean.  -(ml  knot-hole. 

Shia  dtor  a  dry  as  a  bone. 

*9tnat'  o  -ter  crag,  nab. 

%ftaaaø  c  -er  knoll. 

tftaanfer  e  F  niggard.    -i'  n  niggardliness. 

JtnauØpsre  o  yellow  musk-pear. 

Jtnaøel  c  knapwell,  Scleranthu*. 

Jcneb  ti,  pi  8,  (ftniben)  pinch.  squeeze;  $W) 
trick,  artifioe;  .  i  Slatten  grfpes  pi,  grlping  pains. 

tftnebber  c :  Iabe  -en  løbe  el.  gaa  chatter  away; 
-en  ftoor  albrig  ftiQe  paa  (enbe  her  tongue  is  never 
at  rest. 

Jcnebei,  JhtebeWbart,  Shieble  fe  ftneoel  ofo. 

Srneben  a  fe  ftnap;  en  -  TOaioritet  a  narrow 
majority;  -  meb  sparing  of;   -t  adv.   bo  -t  be  | 
pincbed  for  room.    -beb  c  doseness. 

Srnebre  vi  (om  Storfen)  cackle;  fio  chatter, 
gabble.    -«  e  cackling. 

ftaefpe  c  -r  publlc-house,  tavern.   -bnft  odour 




of  the  tavern.  -fanger,  -fangerinbe  muslo-hall 
Binger.  -øart  keeper  of  a  tavern.  -pife  musie 
-hall  song. 

Stnejfe  vi  stnit,  carry  the  head  high;  Slottet 
-t  otier  ©ben  the  castle  towers  over  the  town. 
-n  c  strutting. 

ftncp',  Stutpi  n.  pi  — ,  snap,  crack,  (meb 
9ingrenr)  (finger- )filllp;  gibe  en  et  -  paa  ttafrn 
give  on e  a  flflip  on  the  nose;  floa  -  meb  gringrene 
snap  el.  crack  one's  fingers.  -pe.  -fe  vi  snap 
one  s  fingere  (ab  at);  .  en  paa  ftafen,  fe  obfr.;  — 
re  filllp. 

'Jtoerfe  fe  Jenirre. 

•frnert  c  -er  dram. 

tftae*  fe  irnøb. 

Jtoeftet  e  -bier  (i  røunben)  gag;  (i  StloHe)  tongue 
ef.  clapper;  <£,  toggel,  becket;  pi  podi  of  flax. 

Onepelfbart  c  -er  mustachlo:  (paa  Dtjr)  whisk- 
ers; en  $erfon  meb  -  a  mustachloed  el.  mustached 

Stoeft'er,  forøre  fe  Stne&ber,  Jtnebre. 

Stoe'Ple  vt  gag;  .  6ør  ripple  flax;  -mb  4* 
becket.  -Jorn,  -rebflab  ripple.  -flampe  thumb 

•ftnib  n  (i  Staben)  fe  len  eb. 

Jfttilbambfe!  c  4,  nip. 

Jfttibe  c  pinen,  dilemma,  hobble,  scrape;  bore, 
f  omme  i  -  be  in,  get  lnto,  a  scrape,  a  cleft  stick, 
up  at  tree;  tøn  er  flemt  i  -  he  is  in  a  sad  scrape 
el.  plckle.  Jtniøe,  hteb,  fnebet  vt  k  i  (nemme) 
plnch,  nip;  (fpare)  spare,  plnch;  (i  Stort)  finesse; 
(rapf  e)  purloin;  nu  -r  bet  I  now  for  a  push  I  now 
coxnea  the  tog  of  war!  noar  bet  -r  at  a  plnch; 
bet  tneb  I  that  was  a  hard  rub,  a  close  shave; 
bet  -r  for  tøm  he  is  out,  hard  up;  -  f xafø  shlrk; 
.  en  i  Vrmen  plnch  one's  arm;  -  fifl  igennem 
sllnk  through;  _  fig  fnb,  femmen  narrow;  bet  -r 
meb  Vtønt(en)  money  Is  scarce;  -  paa  be  sparing 
of;  -  paa  ftnogten  finesse  the  knave;  ~  tat  ttl 
Staben  J,  hug  the  wind;  -  {Siet  til  for  wink  at; 
.  ub  F  slink  away,  make  off;  amr  skedaddle. 
Stolte  |n  e  pinching  etc.  -r  c  -e  (paa  Ror)  rudder 
-chock.     -ri'  »  stlnglness.     Stnl'bntng  o  plnch- 

in*  etc. 

liøff  a  prudlsh,  coy,  pert.  -(eb  c  prudery, 

Stolttong  c  pincers,  pinchers  pi;  (Slomogerf ) 
clam*;  f  swallow-talled  coat. 

Storø  n,  pi  «,  courtesy.  -e  vi  drop  a  cour- 

Jhitple  vi  make  lace.  -tort,  -Irort  fe  -pnbe. 
-n  c  lace-maklng.  -naat  lace-maker's  pin.  -pige 
lacemaker,  laceworker.  -pinb  bobbin,  bone. 
-p«be  lace-maker's  cushion.  -pult  fe  -ftrin.  -ri' 
n  lace-maklng.  ftnlplerfTe  e  -r  lacemaker. 
Jtoit>ie|frri»  lacemaker's  desk.  -fol  fe  -pinb. 
•traob  lace  thread. 

ftoipttnger  pi  lace.  —  Jr»ipling»|agHg  a  lace- 
llke.  -t-ef  »tving  lace  trlmming.  -garnering 
lace  flouncer.  -grnnb  lace  ground.  -ftønbel 
lace- tråde;  lace-shop.  -loppe  lace  bonnet.  -fjole 
lace  dress,  -frøpe  lace  collar.  -fremmer  lace- 
man.  -nunfter  lace  pattern.  -fUr  lace  veil. 
-tr*  gauze-tree,  lace-bark  tree,  Lagetta  lintearia. 
-arve  sleeve  trimmed  wlth  lace. 

Stoftppe  n  -r  bunch;  (®unbt)  bundle;  -  &»  truss 
of  hay.  ftnippe  vt  tie  in  a  bunch.  -brænbe 
faggots.    -bannet  o  bunched. 

Jtotppel  c  -pier  cudgel,  bludgeon;  pi  art  bar 
•hot.  -bronbe  brushwood,  stlcks  pi.  -fugle 
bar- snot. 

Stoippetfbtnbe  e  <$,  (spungarn)  wlnch. 

JhilpperpiSe  c  cluøtered  column.  Srnippepid 
adv  In  bnnches. 

&mipt,  Jtnipfe  fe  Jtnepft. 

frnirle  vi  creak,  jar,  (om  Sne)  crackle.   -taber 

creaking  leather.     -n  o  orealdng  etc.    -ftøPtet 
creaklng  boots. 

*Jrni»  •  titter.    ♦Jhtife  vi  titter,  snicker. 

-t-Shtift  n,  pi  -*,  F  titter. 

Jcnifrre  vi  fe  Ihtitre;  (le)  titter;  •  (om  $unb) 

ftnitre  vi  crackle.    -n  c  crackling. 

Jhttttelber«  fe  Irnuttel«. 

Shtib  o  -e  knlle;  tabe  -en  paa  Struben  have  the 
halter  round  one's  neck;  fatte  en  -en  paa  Struben 
clap  a  knlfe  to  one's  throat,  bring  one  to  bay; 
bore  paa  -en  be  at  daggers  drawn;  Irrig  paa  -en 
war  to  the  knlfe.  ft«i»](e)oefHf  knlfe-caBe.  -(e)* 
bnf  fe  -fiol.  -bannet  a  formed  Uke  a  knlfe,  $ 
cultrate,  cultrated.  -fif  knife-flle.  -fober  fe 
-beflir.  -laéfe  knlfe-tray.  <e)fnrb  knlfe-basket. 
•mndling  razor-shell,  Selen  cultellu*.  -pnlber 
knlfe-cleanlng  powder. 

Jrnib«|bag  back  of  a  knlfe.  -blab  blade  of  a 

Jtni'*Jff«ft  handle  of  a  knlfe.  -fromme!  fe 
-fiol.  -fnrbe  sheath  el.  caseofak.  -flibemafrrne 
knlfe-sharpener.  *-flire  fe  -ffebe.  -fmeb  cutter, 
•fmeberi  cuUeryworks.  -fult  out  el.  lndslon 
wlth  a  knlfe. 

StniPØøb  e  point  of  a  knlfe. 

Jcni'blfpib«  e  point  of  a  knlfe. 

Stnt*9|r»g  fe  -bag. 

ftnt'blftaal  steel  (for  knives).  -fHf,  -fHng  stab 
(with  a  knlle).    -ftøl  knife-rest,  knlfe-support 

Jhtib^ag  e  edge  of  a  knlfe. 

«ni  btboer  o  (Qrabfl.)  knlfe-tool. 

Jhto  o  -er  knuckle. 

Jtnob  o  -e  ,£  knot,  bend;  (paa  Soglmen)  knot; 
vi  løbe  7  .  sne  makes  seven  knots.  -e  vt  knot; 
vi  make  knots;  -t  E)je  Flemlsh  eye. 

ftnofebt  n  F  cufn,  blows. 

•ftnog,  Stnoge  c  -er,  fe  ftnoRel. 

Srnoale,  Jcnoffel  c  -ler  (Ven)  bone;  (paa  fingrene) 
knuckle.  -agrig  a  bony.  -btøb^eb  c  rlckets. 
•bagning  osseous  structure.  -før  a  bony,  large 
-boned.  -^aønb  bony  band.  -t>nle  bone-caye, 
osslferou8  cave.  -Ub  joint,  -manben  the  klng 
of  terrors,    -ftarf  fe  -før.    Snøftet  a  bony. 

Shiolb  c  e  (9iarg0  knoll,  Oorb>)  clod;  $  tuber; 
fia  boor,  bumpkin.  -begonia  tuberous-rooted 
begonia,  Begonia  tuber o*a.  -borenbe  a  tuber- 
iferous.  -et  a  (fnubret)  knotty;  ^  tuberous;  - 
jRobftof  corm.  -fnnfer  clod-cruaher.  -røb  tuber- 
ous root.  -rabblfe  turnip-radish.  -fefleri  celerlae, 
turnip  rooted  celery,  Apium  rapaeeum.  -fiffe  fe 
dforbflol.    -bafit  plant  wlth  a  tuberous  root. 

Sfnøteb  n  knuckle. 

ftnop'  [6]  c  -per  (noget  fremfxaaenbe)  knob;  (£øp* 
eller  fJIomfter«)  bud;  fyibe,  ffube  -per  be  In  ond, 
put  fortn  buas.  -bannet  a  formed  Uke  a  bud. 
t-graft  oouch-grass,  Triticum  repen*,  -røftet 
tegument.  -leje  (fjregnerA)  coneeptacle.  -ntng 
c  budding,    -pe  vi  (+),  -peø  wd  bud. 

Srnopper  pi  acorn-galls. 

ftnoppet  [6]  a  knobbed. 

ftuopjftybenbe  a  [6]  gemmlferous.  -ff^bning 
gemmatlon.  -ffal  ^  raments.  -ftempel  thlmble. 
-f bane  tame  swan,  Oygnu*  efor.  -urt  knao-weed, 
Centaurea  Jacea;  (flor)  black  top,  C.  ecabiota. 

Jrnor'  fe  ftnar. 

ilttørt'  [6]  e  -e  knot,  gnarl,  knag.  —  ftmørte|. 
fttlb  a  knotty,  gnarled.  -gaaJ  fe  <Van(.  -tap, 
-flot  knotty  el.  ragged  stick,  -et  a  fe  -fnlb;  (om 
8eO  rugged,  rough. 

Stnot'  e  (3nf.)  Hand-fly,  Simulium;  (Bfngl)  sand- 

*Stoot'  e  knob,  button. 

'Stnot  n  affected  way  of  speaklng.  -e  vi  speak 
with  affected  correctness,  mlnce. 

iliittb'  e  -be  log,  block;  en  .  af  en  $reng   a 




brick  of  a  bov.  +-te  vt  fe  fllnubbe;  ftnubfe.  -■€# 
©d  bicker.  -iet  a  knotty;  fig  -bebe  Ocb  e(.  -ørt 
hard  el.  sharp  words.  -gla*  bull's  eye  glass. 
-tø«l  fe  ©lof-. 

ShMøØ  »,  jtf  s,  blow,   thump.    -c  vt  thump. 

Stnnb|fHb  canoe.  -flabe  drag.  -fbane  fe  Stnop*. 
•»eb  log-endø. 

Stnnb  Canute. 

Jtnube  c  -t  knot;  a#tr  node;  (UbboJlt)  bump, 
protuberance;  (i  ftomebie)  plot,  intrigue,  knot; 
flot  en  .  tie  a  knot;  bugge  -n  oøer  cut  the  (Gor- 
dian)  knot;  •ftoa  i  -  be  stunted  in  the  growth; 
bet  lom  en  _  paa  Xroaben  they  quarrelled;  gøre 
-r  F  bother;  bet  er  -n  there  Ib  the  rub,  there  Iles 
the  løsne,  -arbe  bastard  pimpernel,  Centunculus 
minimut.  -binber  c  chir  star-bandage.  t-bronbe 
knotty  wood.  -feber  ret  surfeit.  -fnlb  a  full  of 
knots,  knotty,  gnarled.  -ftbufer  pi  knotted 
frlnge.  -gra*  knotgraøø,  PkUum  nodotum.  -la ti 
kohkabi.  -løbet  a  haylng  large  anklebones. 
•linie  nodal  line.  -bnnft  (paa  3otnbane)  Junc- 
tion;  fig  turning-point.  -fttør  knotted  oord. 
•fting,  -ftxing  knot-øtltch.  -to*  knotted  rope. 
Jtttttbret  a  (ogfaa  fig)  rugged;  (Stil)  ungracenil. 

Jhmø  n,  pi  ss,  pressure,  squeeze;  bet  bar  bom 
et  fraarbt  .  it  waø  a  severe  blow  to  him.  Shragje 
vt  press,  squeeze,  fig  -i  al  be  oppreøsed  with; 
en  øob  -t,  fhibbet  øø  oberfløbig  røaobe  bibl  good 
meaøure,  presøed  down,  ahaken  togetber  and 
running  over;  .  $iortet  fommnt  paa  en  wring 
one's  heart;  —  vr  f  i  g  femmen  preas  together:  - 
flø  til  cling  to;  —  +w  paa  press  on.  -en,  -xing 
c  preøBing  etc.,  preøøure.  +-bolbe  vt  hold  aø  in 
a  yice. 

Stunt'  n  (ftnurren)  growl,  ønarl;  fig  murmur, 
grumbling,  remonøtrance ;  t(om  Hatte)  purr. 
*ihW  c  fe  -føne.  -føar  whiskers  pi.  -Isne 
gurnard,  gurnet,  Trigla. 

Sbmrre  vi  growl,  ønarl;  t(om  Starte)  purr;  fig 
murmur,  grumble.  -n  c  growling  etc.  -boife, 
•potte  grumbier,  p  grumbletonlan.  Stnnrborn, 
-beb  fe  ftnarborn. 

Sfosfe,  tnu'fte,  fnu'fl  vt  cruøh,  smash;  break, 
(fmoat)  bruiøe;  -t  6aar  bruiøed  wound;  bibl  bet 
-be  ftør  the  bruised  reed:  bet  -i  mit  $jarte  it 
breaks  my  heart;  meb  -t  $iarte  with  a  broken 
heart;  -  en  %aaxt  bruøh  away  a  tear;  f  -nbe 
øal  furious.  -utaflixe  crushing  machine.  -tønb 
molar,  molar- tooth.    -bort  crushing-mill. 

*Sr*nf!  e  fe  ftørfbamb. 

Jtmt'raiitg  c  cruøhing. 

*ftx*b(e  vt  knuckle. 

*Jhmø>e  vt  crunch;  vi  crackle,  cruneh. 

Jcnnt'  o  knout;  øibe  .  knout.    -te  vt  knout. 

Stnb  n  Bllghteøt  sound;  føn  oab  ttte  et  .  not 
the  slighteøt  sound  eøcaped  him.  Shtb  vi  A  t 
(et  Orb)  breathe  a  word. 

t£sbØ  n  ønow  storm,  -c  vi  blow  a  ønow 

Sfosjft  c  -er  bunion.   'pint  (pain  from)  bunlonø. 

•*n*tt  fe  ftnbtte. 

fi»l|t|ø)øiøriiø),  -uaøe  c  (clenched)  fist. 

ftnbrninø  e  tying  etc.,  (fe  Stnbtte). 

ftxbtte  vt  tie  (in  a  knot,  with  a  knot;  (forene) 
bind,  knit,  unite;  (fhifle)  knit;  -  ftaben  clench 
the  nat;  -  Kozben  ab  en  øhake  one's  fist  at  one; 

-  gforftentninger  til  form  expectatlonø  of;  .  en 
Samtale  meb  begln  a  conversation  with;  —  vr 

-  fla  til  (en)  attach  one's  self  to;  ber  -r  fig  en  bi* 
3ntete*fe  til  some  interest  attaches  to;  ben  3nter» 
rtfe,  bet  -r  fig  til  the  Interest  attached  to,  asso- 
ciated  with:  (faft)  -t  HI  bound  up  with;  føn* 
9tabn  er  -t  tu  his  name  is  identlfied  el.  aøøociated 
with;  bertil  -r  fta  en  $iftorie  hereby  hangs  a  tale; 
-lift  el.   *  (om  §tugt;  set.  —  Stnbtte|garn  knit« 

ting    yarn.     -fmtbe  intricate   knot.      -Ifet  J, 
knittles  pi. 

ftnijttf  (»erf  pi  doggerei. 

Shtljtte*  c  tying.  Ifrnbitepinb  knitttag-needl? 

ttuet  n,  pi  «•  &  -tr,  knee;  (Seb)  joint;  ^  knee 
føn  øaar  i  -ane  he  doeø  not  strøighten  out  k- 
kneeø;  tbana  barn  i  -  foræd  him  on  hi*  knee?. 
falbe  paa  (el.  f)  .  fall,  go  el.  drop  (down)  er. 
one's  kneeø;  Iiøøe  paa  -  be  (down)  on  one* 
kneeø;  lomme  paa  -ecne  be  reduoed  in  one's  cir 
cumøtanceø;  boa  - !  down  on  your  kneeø !  rfl  -i 
knee-deep,  knee-high,  up  to  the  knee;  fcøie  .  fer 
bow  the  knee  to  el.  before.  -baanb  garter,  knet 
-string,  -benflsber  fe  -burler.  -bolt  knee-bolt 
-bugt  hollow  of  the  knee,  ham.  -baMer  breechtf 
knee-shorts,  (ben  ntjere  lib«,  bibe)  knickerbocker> 
-bøf  et  a  kneed;  kneellng;  ^  geniculatesd' 
•bøjning  bendlng  of  the  knee,  genuflectlon 

tltnitbe  vt  knead. 

Shiit|bbø  a  knee-deep.  -følb  kneellng,  gecn 
fiection;  (i  ftirten)  altar  øteps,  communion  rails 
Hølbe«  a  on  his  kneeø.  -forbfttbtsft  &  tox* 
-faøtenlng.  -fortlaEbe  short  apron.  -fønnio  a 
knee-shaped,  geniculate. 

*Jrnægae  fe  »nægge. 
Jcnojløfgt  g< 

gout  in  the  knee.    -groci  horse- ta£ 
Equuetum\  spurrey,  Spergula  (o.  fl.) 

ftnsøt  c  -e  (8før)  fellow,  chap;  (Zjener)  rata 
-øervant;  (i  Stort)  knave;  (6teIb*orb)  rogue;  tti' 
at  bære  nt)  bracket;  oøløben  .  overgrown  boobr 

fht«|baf(0  ham.  -Mf  a  (reøchlng)  up  to  uw 
knee,  knee-hlgh.  ••bøne  o  cbicken-hearted 

Jrnaf  n,  pi  es,  crack,  spring;  (fHntef)  elbov. 
(paa  Xaø)  angle;  fe  %tb;  bet  øab  et  .  there  wtf  * 
crack;  ban*  felbreb  bar  faoet  et  -  his  health  btf 
recelved  a  shock,  Is  broken;  føn  fif  et  -,  fr> 
føn  albrig  forbinber  he  recelved  a  blow,  a  shoct 
from  whlch  he  will  netrer  recover;  ban  før  frø 
fit  .  it  Is  all  over  with  him.  *-a«b  garganey 
Ana§  querquødula. 

ftnoeffe  be  (i  ogfac:  Ina!)  vt  crack,  (i  to)  snøp 
spring;  fig  break,  humble,  bring  down;  —  " 
crack,  break,  ønap;  .  ooer  snap;  -t  fttnge  brokec 
wing.  -brøb  a  kind  of  hard  flat-cake,  *e  (omtr : 

&næl\pat*\ot  parasol  with  jolnted  handle 
-bil  crack  willow,  Salix  fragilt*,  -tag  ^øpring 
-øtay.    -ftobbrr,  -tob  J,  ønubbing  stopper. 

ftwttle  vt  kneel.    -bom!  kneeling-bench. 

ftnsleb  n  knee-loint. 

Irnar(|en  o  kneellng.    -et  c  -e  praylng  mantis 

Sht<r|ba9fer  knee-compass.  -bløbe  knee-plat£ 
•bredfe  American  press.  -b«be  hasøock  -re« 
ønoemaker'ø  øtirrup.  -ribet  ^  iron  rider  knee 
•rør  elbow-plpe.  *-flb  a  reaching  down  to  tbe 
kneeø.  -flabe  a  bad  knee.  -fføt  e  knee-pan. 
knee-cap.  -ffinb  knee-guard.  -ff1n«e  pullej 
•piece.  ••ffjocl  (9RufI.)  limpet;  fe  -flal.  -ffo  knee 
-leather.  -(bombe  knee-buckle.  -frbtfe  (90a  9«r; 
knee;  (©rtjfbotrn)  genouillere;  (9ta(eri)høif-lengtb 
(portralt).  -fUbler  jaokbootø.  -føn«*  wblte 
swelling.  -forrning  e  pladng  etc.,  (fe  nbfr./, 
(Vboption)  adoption,  -fatte  vt  (fatte  paa  fine  -> 
place  upon  one's  kneeø;  (abortere)  adopt 
•tømmer  knee-tlmber.  -bønner  knee-cap.   -øjrrt 

f«  Jtøt. 

ftnølbbal  e  fe  freborfat. 

Ihiøf  c  -e  lad;  t  øcamp. 

'Stnøf!  fe  ftnnff. 

^Shiøtter  c  fe  Sfarøirifl. 

IhtøH  a  prov  smart,  spruoe;  elever. 

ftø  e  frøer  cow;  (Snebf.)  templet;  ø(o  fom  e«  - 
boa  en  røb  9ort  støre  like  a  øtuck  pig;  -en  bt 
men*  Øtaffet  arot  while  the  graøø  grows,  the 
øteed  starveø;  faa  (et  fom  ben  ftugl,  man  falber  •«" 



as  nimble  as  *  oow  in  a  cage;  ^  mørtt  fom  i  en 
_  dark  as  a  pit. 
Jtoagnle're  vi  coag'ulate. 
ftøalirtø'n  e  coallt'ion. 

Jtøjantiløpe  African  antelope,  BubaHa.   -tao* 
fe  Vaaft. 

iløbalt  fe  »obølt. 
Stobbe  c  -i,  fe  6ætyunb. 
Støiiel  c  -bier  aør  enclosed  fleld. 
Støbte!  n  -Mer  (Qal*)  collar,  couplings;   ($br) 
leash;  et  .  $unbe  a  leash  (tre)  el.  couple  (to)  of 
honnds;  et  .  fcefxe  a  string  of  horses,    -baaxb 
leash.  dog-lead. 

Stobbetb rag  n  rotation  of  crops. 
Støbbelltnnbe  pi  houndø  in  couples.    -fnnbe 
hame-thong.   -febe,  -rem  fe  -baanb.    -Hug  hame 

Jløbber  (falm.  ttbt.  Sraa'øer)  n  copper;  (Stobber* 
fiil)  p/  -e  oopper-plate,  copper-print;  beflao  meb  . 
copper.     -aore  copper  vein.     -agtig  a  coppery. 
-aiber  copper  age.     -alnn  alnminate  of  copper. 
•orfcejbe  copper  work.    -afle  c.  scales,  copper 
-aahes,   furnace-brown.     -biotrg  hill  containing 
c.  ore.     -btergbørrt  fe  -tørt.    -blanbet  a  mixed 
with  c.     -stil  c-sneet,  sheet  c.    -bolt  o.  bolt. 
•løftet  a  c.-bolted.    -brunt  fe  -afle.    -bracfftang 
ripping-lron.  -bnnbet  a  copper-bottomed.   -banf 
copper.    -erti  c.  ore.    -fatte  c.  colour.    -fartet 
a    copper-coloured.     -foft    a    copper-fastened. 
-førtytbet  a  coppered,  sheathed  wlth  c:  copper 
-bottomed.     -forhåbning  c.  sheathing,  copper- 
ing.     t-forilte   protoxide    of  copper,    cuprons 
oxlde.    -førfbøble  fe  -fulfure.    -glan*  c.-glanoe. 
-grube  c.  mine.    -grønt  c.  green,    -Qommerftel 
fe  -afle.    -Ijanblrr  ($.  meb  Ir.)  dealer  in  c;  (ftob* 
berfKttiaitbter)  print-seller.   -ftabet  bibl  the  brazen 
sea.    -(polbenbe,  -^ølbig  a  containing  c,  coppery, 
cnprlferouø.    -øøbfb  copper-head,  Trigonocepha- 
Iub  contortnx.    -b,nb  fe  -forbubning.     -bbbrø 
cnpric  hydrat«,     -Qtybrøgtpbul  cuprous  hydrate. 
-Ilbrie  c.  smelting  house,   -ftøne  fe  -fnæpøe.   i-iUt 
oxlde  of  copper  el.  cnpric  oxlde.    -fait  subsalt 
of  c.    -tor  c.  vessel.    -rebel  c.  kettle;  c.  boller. 
-ftt  c.  pyrites.   -Minfblabe  rove.   -flørbr  cnprous 
chloride.     4af«r  azure  c. -ore.     -malm  fe  -ett*. 
-mine  c.  mine.     -mølle  c.  mill.    -mønt  c.  coln, 
copper.   -nagle  c.  rivet.   -nittet  c.  nickel.   -ttflffe 
c.  nose.     -øblgøuing  solution  of  c.     -øgtb  fe 
•ilte.    -øgnbrn  fe  -forilte.    -pragt  fe  mønt.  -»tabe 
$labe  af  ft.)  plate  of  c,   c.  sheathing;  (graberet) 
copper-plate.   -brefife  rolling  press.   -røb  yellow 
asphodel.     -rojt  verdigris.     -rsb  a  copper-co- 
loured.    -vag  copper  smoke.     -fafØ  shears  for 
cottlng  c.  piates.    -famler  collector  of  prints. 
-famling  collection  of  prints,    -faitb  atacamite. 
-flat  tax  peid  in  c.    -fiffer  c.-schist.    -flitltttg 
copper.     -fram  c.    scum.     -ffocl    dross    of  c. 
•flangen  bibl  the  brazen  serpent.    -fmeb  copper 
-smith.       -fmebljantmer     planlshing     hammer. 
•fnabbe  godwit,   Liww*a.     -fbcrtte  red-headed 
woodpecker,  Colapte*  Mexicanuå.   -fblger  fe  -føm. 
-te«  coarse  metal,   -fttf  copper-plate,  engraying, 
print,    -ftttføntting  fe  -famling.   -fritter  engraver, 
chalcograpber.    -fttRerrnnfi  the  art  of  engray- 
ing on  c,  chalcography.    -fHtttlttg  o  engraving. 
•tuffen  o  engraved  in  c.    -ftbtte  fe  -{lit.   -flaber 
copper-fonnder.   -fnlfib  dentosulphide  of  copper. 
•ftttfnre  protosulphide  of  copper.    -føm  c.  nail. 
-tag   c.  roof.     -taft  fe  -tællet,     -tabte  fe    fri!. 
•traab  c.  wire.   -trbf  copper-plate  print,   -traller 
copper-plate  printer,  -trbttert  copper-plate  print- 
hig.     -rrnfferlpreøfe  fe  -prelle,     -trtolterfbarrte 
lamp-black.     -teltning    printing  of  c.   piates. 
•trwabie    plate-paper.     -tbefboble    fe    -fulfib. 
•tcftrt  o  roofed  with  c.    -tøj  coppers,  c.  uten- 
sils  pi.    -banb  water  lmpregnated  wlth  o.    -bi' 

triol  blne  vitriol,  -b*rl  (-mine)  c.  mine;  (Bærfft.) 
e.  works;  (©og)  book  wlth  c.  plate*. 

*ftobbtIbfe  c  p  jeUy-fish. 

fto|be«  (SBoerftøi)  crowbar.  -biabfel  fe  -Hobe. 
-bjtelbe  fe  -flofle;  ♦  pasqne-tlower,  Pultatilla. 

ftoble  tft  (ogf.  Jig)  couple;  -  af,  fe  UffoMe;  — 
vi  (bribe  9rufTert)  pimp,  pander,  -brat  travers« 
-board,    -fomba*  travene-board. 

ftobteaft  n  Coblence. 

ftobler  c  -e  matchmaker;  pimp,  pander,  -i'  n 
(Øhtfferi)  pimping,  pandering.  ftøblerfTe  c  -er 
matchmaker;  bawd,  procuress. 

ftoblejfø  chopping  sea.  -t  a  $t  digitate. 
'UMt  i,  travene,    ftøbting  c  coupling. 

tftø'blømme  e  marsh  marigold,  Caltka  palut- 
tris;  fe  (btgblømme. 

ftøbolb  e  goblln. 

ftobølt  c  An  (SKetal)  cobalt.  -agrtg  a  cobalt'lc. 
-blaat  cobalt  blue.  -alonø  cobalt-glance.  -glim* 
mer  aneniate  of  cobalt.  -arønt  cobalt  green. 
•nitrat  cobaltous  nitrate.  -fbe|»  speiss.  -bfltrl 
cobalt  work. 

ftobre  vt  copper. 

ftøbremb  o  gadfly,  bnrrel  flv,  Outnu  bovit. 

ftobret  a  coppery;  fe  ftobberforbubet. 

Stø'bmgge  e  J,  gangway. 

ftobbe  c  -r  testicle. 

Støbe  c  -r  ankle-bone;  (paa  ^eft)  pastern.  -ben 
pastern  bone.   -tsar  fetlock.   -leb  pastern  joint. 

ftobetø  c  -bicei  codex,  pi  codices.  —  ttøbi|flce'rt 
vt  co'dify.  -fllatio«  c  codiflca'tlon.  -cil'  c  -ler 

ftøbiO'e  e  (i  S^ombre)  codllle. 

»ø  briber  o  (Icbæg.)  drover;  (©lomfl)  cowslip, 
Primula  teri*;  melet  -  bird's  eye,  P.  fatinow. 

Koefficient'  c  -er  co-effic'ient. 

»of  fe  ftnf. 

ftpfanger  c  cow-catcher,  amr  pilot. 

Sløffarbi  •  F  fore  til  «  be  in  the  merchant 
service,  -boinbfrib  merchant  steamer.  -fart 
merchant  service;  navigation,  -flaabe  (et  Sanb«) 
merchant  service,  mercantile  marine;  (en.  i  ttlm.) 
fleet  of  merchantmen.  -b«btt  commercial  port. 
-tobtajit  captain  el.  master  of  a  merchantman, 
merchant-captain.  -maab  fe  -fftb.  -marinen  the 
mercantile  marine,  -matrøø  merchant  sailor 
el.  -seaman.  -fftb  merchantman,  tråder.  -rje> 
nette  merchant  service. 

ftøffert  fe  Ituffert. 

ftølllttagle  c  -t  vt  pin,  belaylng  pin.  -bamf 

ftolføb  (Barlt.)  crow,  iron  crow.  -førbagter 
fe  AoHoenber. 

Jcofte  [*6]  e  -r  coane  coat,  peasant's  coat; 
short  cloak.  -tløEbt  a  dressed  like  a  peasant 
el.  fiarmer,  be  -e  the  peasantry,  the  country 

ftøjfugl  cow-bunting,  Molothrw.  -føbe  food 
for  cows;  fe  -Ijbebe. 

ftog  [aa]  e  -er  (ftartøi).  fe  Haag. 

tftog  e  -e  (BRarfllanb)  piece  of  marsh  land 
(lately  reclalmed). 

Slog  [øø]  n  boiling,  boiling  state;  bcere  i  -  be 
boiling;  gaa  af  ~  cease  el.  have  done  boiling, 
be  off  the  boil. 

ftogaag  c  pasturage  for  cows. 

ftooe  [ad],  -te,  -i  vi  k  t  boil;  (fbbe)  seethe; 
(løbe  wcøb  t  Wnt.)  cook;  .  for  meget,  forloge  t 
overdo;  -gt  i  £øfer,  ^oHQer  done  to  rags;  -  før 
libt  underdo;  bet,  Ølobet,  -flte  i  mig  my  blood 
bolled  (within  me);  .  inb  boil  down,  (albeleø) 
boil  away;  .  ©rnibet  inb  til  bet  bjilbe  boil  till 
the  water  is  half  reduced;  .  op  igen  re  boil;  . 
ober  boil  over.  —  ftøge|bog  cookery  book;  bet 
dot  ifle  efter  min  .  I  did  not  very  much  relish 
it.  -elev  pupil  in  cookery.  pot,  aéether. 




-bal  cook(ing)-house.  -ilb  cooldng-fire.  -i*b» 
retning  cooklng  apparatua.  -Jomfni  (female) 
oook.  -faftelopx  fe  -obn.  -far  cooklng  vessel. 
•tont  (female)  cook,  professional  cook.  -fiutft 
(art  of)  cookery,  cullnary  art.  -fmtftner  master 
of  the  culinary  art.  -mafriae  tin-kltchen,  cui- 
sine.  -tt  c  boillng,  -øoa  cooklng  støve,  -patte 
cooklng  pot.  -pnttft  boillng  point,  -renbe  4, 
kiln,  støve,  steamer.  ftogeri'  n  oooking.  ftogrT* 
ram  boillng  space.  -rar  heating  tabe.  -peb 
oooking  plaoe.  *-flfI  cooklng  apparatus.  -tis 
cooklng  time.    -artet  boillng  peas. 

ftøgge  e  -r  fe  ftoog. 

Jtøgger  n  -e  qulver. 

ftøgger*  c    -er  or«  (til  Storbufer)  cartridge  box. 

fto'glbeb  [aa]  a  boillng  hot,  F  plplng  hot. 
-|ebe  boillng  heat. 

ftøgle  01  &  i  juggle,  charm. 

Jtøgle  e  -r  (ftrugt)  cone,  stroblle.  -atø  dub 
-rush,  Seirpu$lacustru.  -børrenbe  a  cone-bear- 
lng,  coniferoos.  -bonnet,  -formet  a  cone-shaped, 
strobilifonn.    -palme  cycas. 

ftøgle  |r  c  -e  juggler,  magician.  -ri'  n  -er  jug- 
glery,  hocus-pocus.   -rffe  c  -t  (female)  magidan- 

ftogaarer  pi  cog'nates. 

Jtø'glnixg  [aa]  c  boillng;  cooklng.  -fait  n 
common  salt 

ftoltoar  cow's  hair.  -ftofet  a  close-hammed. 
-*;ape  fe  -gang.  -bjørb  herd  of  cows.  -(polb 
cow-keeping.  -bolter  cow-keeper.  -fjor«  cow's 

ftatjør'te  c  -r  co'hort. 

ftøføitb  cow's  hlde.  t-bbebe  cow-wheat,  Me- 
fampynm.    -tørbe  cowherd. 

ftøba|rea»'  o  cohe'renoe.    -fU'a  c  cohe'slon. 

ftøtffu're  o  head-dress. 

ftøfe  fe  »øje;  *hut. 

Jtøt'  c  -te  cook,  man-cook;  6unøer  er  ben  bebfle 
.  hunger  is  the  beat  sauce;  jo  flere  -fe,  jo  terre 
Saab  too  many  cooks  spoil  the  broth. 

Hat'  o  fe  $one;  +hay-cock. 

Stotalo  c  cow-calf. 

ftøfar'be  c  -r  cockade. 

ftøfafe  e  cow-turd. 

Jrøfe  *t  <t,  coak. 

ftpfe«  fe  ftott. 

ftøfet'  a  coquettish.  -te  e  -r  coquette,  flirt. 
•te're  vi  coqaet',  flirt,  -ter!'  n  coq'uetry,  fllrta- 

ftøtif'  e  -ter  shot-mould. 

tftøfte  vt  ($0)  cock. 

*ftatffe  c  fe  -pige. 

ftotfe|b*nt  ^  cook's  locker.  -breng,  -gut 
oook's  boy,  scu  Ilion,    -hit*  kitchen-knife. 

ftøffelaforn  n  Indlån  berry. 

ft  otte  Ildrage  J,  butt-sllng.  -pige  cook,  cook 
•mald.  ftoffera'bø,  Stotfereren  c  cookery,  cook- 
lng. ftoffelfleb  vt  oook's  ladle.  -rro?  &  bed. 
•tai  *L  cook  s  utenslls,    -Uf  kltchen  wench. 

Hø7] flane  fe  -tlobe. 

Jtaftea're  o  scurvy  grass,  spoonwort,  Cockle- 

Sta'l  Katte  cow-bell.  -flobfeftlob.  -tloae  cow's 

ftøta's  c  -er  coooon. 

ftøføppr|r  pi  cow-pox,  the  vaccine  disease. 
•iabpøbniug  vaccination,    -ftof  vaccine. 

ftof 'aø|  taft  coir.  -n*b  cocoa-nut.  -(n*b)»lie 
oocoa-nut  oli.  -palme  fe  -træ.  -fm*r  fe  -olie. 
•falle  cocoa-soap.  -tot  coir-rope.  -tro?  cocoa 
(•tree),  Cocoi  nuciferat 

ftøfi  o  coke. 

ftofømat  o  4,  oook's  mate. 

ftø'tøb  «  (cow-)beef. 
.    .ftoKat  c  -r  (poa  $ebaer)  butt-end;  art  head; 
joke*  encurbit,  retort;   $  spadlx;   benbe  -n  op 

dub  the  musket,  -omb  red-crested  duck,  Fult 
aula  rnfina.  -blømfrrebe  pi  araoeæ.  -toti  small 
of  the  stock.    -toJfe  rifle-trap. 

ftof  batte  c  -r  somerset;  floa  (ftsbe,  flabe)  1  cut 

ftølb  a  cold,  frigid;  ben  -e  Qont  the  frigid 
zone;  jeg  bleb  -  I  got  a  chili;  f  bet  bor  en  .  es 
that  was  a  bitter  pill,  rather  a  damper.  -Måbet, 
-tlo'bia  a  (ogf.  fig)  cold-blooded;  (rolig)  cool; 
adv  coldly,  in  cold  blood;  coolly.  -iloligsjcb 
coolness.  -iraab  punch.  -Iranb  gangrene, 
mortiflcation,  sphacelus;  (i  %xa)  dry-rot.  fHafbca 
d.  ben  Itølbe  the  ague.  ftolb| feber  agne.  -for 
dry-rot.  -garbet  a  tanned  in  cold  ooze.  -|asare 
at  (om  SRetaUer)  hammer  cold.  -H-Hiertet  a  cold 
-hearted.  -bjsa  greenhouse,  -frem,  -trim  cold 
cream.  -meffet  cold-chisel.  -pW  Btrangury 
-fin'big  a  cool,  calm,  collected,  dlspasalonaie 
•fix  bigbeb  c  coolness,  calmness,  dispasslonate- 
ness.  -ffaal  spiced  beer  wlth  biacult.  -flår 
a  (om  3æm)  cold-short. 

ftolbratnbelbelpamblixg,  -tur  cold  water  cure 
-tran  (2)mp.)  injection-cock.  -pnmpe  cold- water 
pump.  -rar  cold-water  pipe.  -fpftemet  the  cold 
water  system. 

ftolbbaft  o  washlng  wlth  cold  water. 

Stolefe  c  cow-hire. 

ftofera  «  (the)  chol'era.  -ogtf l  a  choler'iform 
cholera'ic.  -epibemi  epidemlc  of  c,  c.  epldemic. 
-fine  thrips.  -gift  cholera(-infectlng)  matter. 
-qofpital  c.  hospital.  -Poait  cholera  scsare 
-fmittet  a  infected  by  cholera.  -fpgbom  chole- 
raic  disease.    -tilfoctbe  case  of  cholera. 

Itøle're  vt  percolate. 

ftoIe'ri|trr  c  -e  choler'ic  man.    -ff  a  choleric. 

Stoleri'ne  c  chol'erine,  British  cholera. 

fføiibri'  c  -er  hammlng-bird,  Trockilu*. 

StoliV  c  col'ic,  gripes. 

^ftølje  c  -r  hadaock,  Oadwt  ASøU/lnu: 

•ftøu  c  -er  knoll,  round  mountaln  top. 

+&oaabøra'tør  c  -er  asslstant  teacher. 

Itøflapa'  c  collapse. 

ftøøaiiøtt  e  -et  (i  aøe  Set.)  coUation.  -e re 
et  collate.  -ering  c  coUation.  ftoltattomftpltgt 
fe  Vftorrntngft'. 

*ftolIe  c  -r  (wooden)  milk-pan.- 

ftolle'lga  c  -er  colleague,  brother  official, 
-gia'l  a  (af  ftoUega)  brotherly;  (af  ftollegrum) 
colle'giate.  -gie^efte  note-book.  -'glam  m  -ter 
college;  (Samfunb  af  dmbebfmænb)  coundl, 
board;  gaa  paa  -ier  attend  lectures. 

ttøneft'  o  -er  (3nbfamlina)  collection;  (Bøn; 
col'lect.  -i«'«  fe  fiotterf..  -tb  a,  -i'p.  coUective; 
n  -er  collective  noun.  -a'r  e  -er  collec'tor;  fr 

•ftøDet  o  fe  Hullet. 

ItøOi  pi  packages. 

StoUibe  re  vi  collide,  clash,  interfere 

Jtøaimatio'n  c  collima'tion.  -#fejl  Index 
error,  error  of  c.    -øltnte  line  of  c. 

Stollifio'n  o  -er  oolllsion,  clashing;  tomme  i  - 
meb  Interfere  wlth. 

StouVbittttt  n  collodlon. 

ftaflnlbe're  vi  collude.    -fio'a  o  collu'sion. 

ftolo  b  o  -er  king  monkey,  Colobu*. 

ftølø'føntttst  n  resin,  col'ophony. 

ItølofPint'  c  ool'ocynth,  bitter  apple,  oolo 
quint'ida.  -agnrf  bitter-gourd,  Oitrullm*  cd* 

Aoloa  n  -er  colon. 

Støløni'  e  -er  col'ony,  settlement.  -a'I  a  oolo'- 
nial.  -albonbel  colo'nlal  tråde,  grooary  tråde 
-« llpanbler  grocer.  -a'lregeriag  colo'nlal  govern- 
ment.  -a'lbarer  (articles  of)  colonial  produce. 
grooery  (goods),  amr  grocerles.  -bbjr  aggregate 
el.  compound  antmals.   -fariø'a  e  colonltation. 




-fe'te  vt  col'onlze,  settle.     -|l'  "c  -er  col'onist, 
«ettler.    -føpunge  pi  compound  ascidlans. 

Jløløuna'be  c  -r  coi'onnade. 

Stølov/ne  c  -r  col'umn. 

Møra'botiKe  fe  Scartofjel.. 

ftøtor|atu'r  c  col'orature.  -fang  passage  sing« 
tog.  -fangerinbe  passage  slnger.  -Tre  trt  col'our. 
-iji*  c  -er  col'ounst.    -tf  c  col'ourlng. 

StøløØ'  e  -fer  colossus.    -fa'I(ff)  a  colos'sal. 

Jtotøgfenfente  the  Colos'sians. 

Slotpørtjere  o/  distribute  by  colporteurs,  col- 
port.  -#'r  c  -er  tract-distributor,  colporteur, 
colpo'rter.  book-canvasser,  bible-pedlar. 

Rolfaolte  te  colza  oil. 

Støtnmlorøi-  c  Calumba  root,  Menitpermum 

ftølam'ne  c  -r  col'umn.  -titel  running-title, 

ftøtarer  pi  colures. 

tftøfo  c  -e  shaft,  arrow;  *clapper,  tongue  (of 
&  æll);  butt-end. 

Støma  n  coxna. 

^Srømager  pi  Laplander's  bcots. 

Stømatø/9  a  co'matoufl,  comato'se. 

ftamfcattaa'fter  pi  com'batants. 

Jtømbitt|attø'n  c  -er  comblna'tion.  -ttttøn*« 
€tm«  synthetical  faculty.  -ation*taa*  combin- 
ation-lock.  -ere  øt  combi'ne.  -e'ring  c  com- 
blning,  combination. 

Oømebiant'  c  er  actor,  player. 

ftømetic  e  r  ($tø1tf»H)  oom'edy;  (Sfuefptt)  play; 
Qaa  paa  -  go  to  the  play;  bære  paa  ~  be  at  the 
play;  fpille  .  aet,  play,  perform;  bet  er  blot  en  - 
(øm  en  6!if  el.  1.)  it  is  a  conventional  humbug; 
bet  ex  en  bel  -  lt  is  a  farce,  it  is  as  good  as  a 
play.  -billet  licket.  -flanger  play-goer.  -tø* 
playhouse.  -pfafflt  playblll.  -f?rtøer  playwrlght, 
dramatic  irriter. 

Scøme't  e  -er  com'et.  -bane  comet's  orbit. 
-bole  comet's  tall.  -ferne  comet's  nudeus. 
-føger  comet-seeker,  -finder. 

Scømført  c  comfort.    -c'bet  a  com'fortable. 

ftøufu  r,  ftoutfb/r  c  k  »  -er  kitchen -range, 

ftøwif  c  com'ic  art.  —  ftø'mi|ter  e  e  com'ic 
actor;  (i  Operaen)  buffo;  (i  tttrfu*  o.  1.)  funnyman. 
-ft  a  comic,  comical. 

ftømma  ti  -er  gram  &  mut  comma.  -facil 

ftøinttatt|b*ttt'  c  -er  commandant,  governor. 
-øavtflab  n  garrison-staff.  -be're  vt  (befølt)  order; 
(ober)  command,  be  in  charge  of;  -i  af  (ogf.)  be 
officéred  by;  ben  -nbe  the  commanding  officer, 
the  o.  In  charge;  -nbe  ttbmiral  commander-in 
-cWef,  -nbe  General  generallssixno.  -be'rfergeani 
«  sergeant  major,  -bi  te  c  branch  establishment; 
UmJted  liability. 

ftøKtttaxlø  o  command;  (ftømmonboorb)  word 
of  command;  $abe  --en,  føre  -  be  in  command; 
von  tør  -  ober  en  gregat  he  has  the  command 
of  a  frigate;  $ejfe,  frrbge  -en  put  the  snip  in,  out 
of,  commission;  unber  Bobfen*  -  In  charge  of  the 
pilot;  Stibet  er  ifle  længer  unber  -  the  snip  has 
become  unmanageable;  Ijabe  $efiene  unber  -  hare 
the  horses  well  in  hånd.  -brø,  brat  bridge. 
•*.•§  the  Admirals  flag.  -tyt* pilot-house,  -ørb 
word  of  c.  -Penge  c.  money.  -fcflb  baton. 
•farte?  broad  pendant,  -ftemme  commanding 

ftøauBaitbJ'r  c  -er  (i  Søetaten)  Commodore  (of 
the  flrst  class);  (af  Wibberorben)  commander  (of 
an  order);  .  beb  en  Stanon  4,  captain  of  a  gun. 
-ftttcftt  oommodore  of  the  second  class.  -ftonber 
fe  Éommanbø'. 

ftø«Mate're  vt  punctuate  with  commas. 

ftøstwc,  tøm',  fommet  vi  come;  nu  -i  mi«  tur 

now  is  my  turn;  naar  bet  -r,  -r  bet  alt  paa  en  Øang 
it  never  rains  but  it  pours;  ti!  en^øer  føm  -r  to 
all  comers;  bet  er  bebjt  at  lob«  Sagen  -  it  is  best 
to  send  for,  call  in,  the  doctor;  bet  bil  -  tøm 
bbrt  at  ftaa  he  wlll  pay  dearly  for  it;  t  -  at,  fe 
.  tit  at;  bet  tom  mig  ubentet  it  found  me  unpre- 
pared;  jeg  -r,  jeg  -r  I'm  eoming,  I'm  coming; 

-  vt  put,  mix;  —  vr  ^an  -r  flg  gobt  he  is  im- 
proving  (in  health  et.  drcumstances);  —  meb 
pnxp  øg  adv.  ~  fig  af  en  S&gbom  recover  from 
an  illness;  ~  af  (Ørunben)  come  off;  jeg  beb  iffe 
^borfebeS  el.  tyboraf  bet  -r  (flg)  I  don't  know  how 
h  happens  el.  to  what  lt  Is  owing;  bet  -r  af  it 
come«  of,  is  from;  $boraf  -r  bette?  why  is  thls? 
.  af  meb  (blibe  fri  for)  get  rid  of,  (mifte)  lose; 

-  af  S teb  get  away;  fig  -  galt  affteb  get  into  hot 
water;  nu  -r  bet  an  paa  Bbab  tøn  bil  gøre  now  it 
depends  on  what  he  wlll  do;  bet  -r  an  paa  big 
it  rests  with  you;  bet  -r  an  paa  (abt)  it  depends, 
that  depends;  bet  -r  iffe  foa  meget  an  paa  .  .  .  it 
does  not  so  much  signify  .  .  .;  bet  er  .  .  .  føm 
bet  -r  an  paa  it  is  .  .  .  that  imports,  that  is  the 
main  point  (of  conslderation);  bet  ftat  iffe  -  an 
paa  ...  I  don't  stick  at  el.  mind  .  .  .;  bi  moa 
Iabe  bet  -  an  berpaa  we  must  take  our  chance; 
fom  an l  come  onl  .  bort  (flippe  bort)  get  away, 
(blibe  borte)  be  lost;  _  bort  fra  Sagen  wander, 
dlgress,  travel  out  of  the  record;  -  efter  (følge) 
follow,  succeed,  fig  (i  en«  gobfpor)  follow  sult; 
(finbe  ub  af)  find  (out),  get  at,  acqulre,  ascertaln; 
jeg  -r  efter  om  en  Zime  I  wlll  join  you  in  an 
hour;  _  efter  en  (fttaffenbe)  be  down  upon  one; 

-  efter  (for  at  tjente)  nt  come  for  st;  .for  (inb* 
træffe)  occur,  happen;  (om  en  Sag)  come  on;  bet 
fom  mig  for  it  appeared  to  me;  .  for  riblig  (øm 
en  frugtf.  ftone)  miscarry;  fe  pje;  -  f  ra  ftt  (imbebe 
lose  one's  offlce;  -  fra  ^inanben  part  company; 
tøn  Tom  rent  fra  bet  he  was  falrly  put  out;  jeg 
er  -n  fra  bet  jeg  øilbe  flge  I  forget  what  I  was 
golng  to  say;  .  bel,  ilbe  fra  bet  get  off  well,  111; 
han  fom  gobt  fra  bet  (Urbejbe  el.  I.)  he  got  on  el. 
did  very  well;  -  (elbig  fra  bet  (øgf.)  mil  on  one's 
legs;  ber  er  fter  ^bor  be  fom  fra  the  cry  is  still 
they  come;  8  fra  13  -r  6,  8  from  18  leaves  5; 
.  frem  get  on,  (i  »etben)  rise  (in  the  world), 
make  one's  way,  (bife  flg)  appear;  -  frem  af,  fra 
emerge  from;  Brevet  fom  iffe  rigtig  frem  the  letter 
xniscanied;  -  frem  meb  produce,  bring  forward, 
advance;  -  ben  til  come  (up)  to,  (en)  come  up 
with;  jeg  -r  ftoft  *.  I  visit  at  A.'s;  .  i  %axt,  flet 
Selffab  ofb.  get  into  danger,  into  bad  company 
eta;  -  i  et  $u3  visit  at  a  house;  .  i  (^orbinbelfe) 
meb  form  a  connection  with,  get  assodated  with; 
.  i  meb  (at)  get  into  the  habit  of;  .  i  Sejen  for 
en  cross  one;  -  meget  iblanbt  ftolf  go  much 
into  company,  mix  much  with  the  world;  - 
igen  come  back,  return;  jeg  ftat  -  igen  en  anben 
tfana  I  shall  call  again;  bet  t  igen  it'll  pay  in 
good  time;  -  igennem  get  through;  ber  er  -t 
bem  noget  imellem  they  have  fallen  out;  .inb 
come  In,  (i  Stort)  get  the  lead;  .  inb  meb  (inbgibe) 
give  in;  .  inb  paa  et  Spørgfmaat  trench  on  a 
question;  .  inb  unber  en  fiøb  come  within  the 
danger  of  a  statute;  .meb  come  along  (with 
me,  ub.  them  etc);  get  a  place;  lom  ^er  meb 
Øogen  bring  me  the  book;  .  meb  (noget)  fig  set 
fortn,  utter,  come  to;  .  meb  (regne!  meb)  come 
In;  .  bel  meb  stand  one  in  good  stead;  meb  bet 
-r  bu  iffe  langt  you'll  make  no  great  way  with 
that;  .  neb  come  down;  fe  ftebfomme;  -  op  fig 
become  known,  come  out;  .  op  af  en  Sbabom 
recover  from  an  illness;  .  op  at  flaaft  fall  a  flght- 
lng,  come  to  blows;  *.  op  imob  compare,  bear 
comparison with;  .ober (fiøbe paa)  come across, 
light  upon;  .  ober  en  come  upon  one;  bet  -r 
unbertiben  ober  tøm  at  .  .  .  he  sometimes  takes 




it  lnto  his  head  to  .  .  .;  ban*  ©lob  .  ober  oft 
hiø  blood  be  on  ub;  ben  $ettigaanb  (om  ober  bent 
the  Holy  Ghost  came  on  them;  -boa  happen, 
come  to  pass;  (^ri*j  come  to;  Katten  (om  paa 
night  came  on;  jeg  (an  i(fe  .  paa  ftabnet  I  can- 
not  hit  upon  the  name,  (ogf.)  I  cannot  place 
htm;  (borlebet  (om  $e  paa  bet  3nbfalb?  what  pat 
that  into  your  head?  -  paa  Jtale  be  mentioned; 
.  f  am  men  come  together;  .til  noget  get  at  el. 
reach  a  thing,  (faa)  come  by  a  thing,  .  til  ftaefter 
recover  strength;  .  til  en  6lutning  arrive  at  a 
conclusion;  ba  bet  bar  -n  til  at  when  the  time 
had  arrived  that;  bet  bat  nu  -t  bertil,  at  matten 
had  now  arrived  at  such  a  pass  that;  fertil  -r 
at  besides,  moreover,  add  to  this  that;  -  til 
(bberltgere)  supervene;  _  til  at  (titfctlbig)  happen 
to;  Jeg  (an  ifte  -  ril  at  fe  bet  I  cannot  get  a  sight 
of  it;  jeg  bar  ifte  funnet  -  rit  at  flge  barn  bet  I 
have  not  feeen  able  to  find  an  opportunlty  of 
telling  him;   naar  ban  (an  -  til  when  he  has  a 
chance;  let  at  ~  til  easy  of  access;  berfom  bet 
ffulbe  -  mig  noget  til  if  any  thing  should  happen 
to  me;  labe  bet  -  til  $roceft  go  to  law;  bet  -r  til 
at  (tofte,  ubgøre  ofb.)  it  will  (cost,  amount  to 
etc.);  {eg  -r  til  at  gøre  bet  I  shall  have  to  do  it; 
Ijan  bil  ~  til  at  forrrbbe  bet  he  will  repen t  of  it; 
.  ril  flø  fetb  come  to  one's  self,  recover  one's 
senses,   f  come  to;  -  en  til  at  le  make  one 
laugh;  °~  ril  be  born;  *-   fifl  til  at  persuade 
one  s  self  to,  take  courage  to;   .tilbage  come 
back,  return.  .  til  (et  (finne)  recur  to;  .  ub  (om 
83  og)  be  publlshed:  .  ub  af  get  out  of,  fio  find 
out  of,  make  anything  of,  get  over,  get  on 
with;  bet  ftal  bi  nof  .  ub  af  I  think  we  can 
manage  that;  .  ub  af  bet  make  both  ends  meet, 
•fe  .  fra  bet;  bet  (om  ingenting  ub  af  bet  nothing 
came  of  lt;  -  ub  af  bet  meb  en  get  on  with  one; 
bet  er  -t  ub  tbfanbt  golf  lt  has  got  abroad,  got 
wind;  -  ub  for  encounter,  fall  in  with;  bet  -r 
ub  paa  et  it  is  all  one,  it  comes  to  the  same 
-(thing);  -  beb  concern,  regard;  bet  -r  i((e  6agen 
beb  that  is  nothing  to  the  purpose;  bet  -t  mig 
ifte  peb  it  is  no  business  of  mine;  b>ab  *r  bet 
mig  beb?  wbat  is  that  to  me?  what  has  this  to 
do  with  me?  —  (ommenbe  part  k  a  coming. 
next;  ben  .  Uge,  SRaaneb  nest  week,  month;  i 
be  .  Dage  in  the  days  to  oome;  .  ©lægtet  after 
ages;  be  -  og  gaaenbe  comers  and  gærs.   Komme 
n  (t  c)  coming,  advent. 

Rommen  o  coming. 

flommen  [6]  c  fe  Jtummen. 

floutmexfura'bef  a  commen'surable. 

flommen]  ta'r  e  -er  com'mentary,  com'ment. 
-e're  vt  com'ment  on. 

flommer  ce  c  fe  $anbel.  -føttegium  board  of 
tråde.  -lo?ft  commercial  last.  -raab  o  -er  (titular) 
counsellor  of  commerce.  ftommereier  a  com- 
mer'cial.  flom  mer  0'  o  a  row,  a  lark;  bare  paa 
-  be  on  the  spree;  F  $ele  -en  the  whole  lot. 

flømmtø '|b røb  ammunition  bread.  -flæbe  army 

ftommi*fa'r  e  -et  røefulbmægtiget)  com'missary, 
commiø'sioner;  (flurator)  trustee;  (i  ^fallitbo)  as- 
signee.    -i«'t  *  -er  commissa'riat. 

flømui*fiø'x  o  -er  (i  afle  Set.)  commls'sion, 
(Ubnabnte)  board;  i  -  in  commlsslon;  gibe  en  i  - 
charge  one  with,  order  one  to;  jeg  bar  i  -  at 
I  am  ordered  to.  —  flommi$fløuS|gebbr  com- 
mission.  -tantet  (general)  commlsslon  business. 
-fontør  agency-offlce;  intelligence  offlce.  -lager, 
-barer  goods  in  commlsslon.  ttøutmtøflonae  r  c 
•er  commissioner,  (commlsslon-)  agent,  factor. 
flomwWforium  n  commlssion.  flømmttfoe'r  fe 

flommUjté  e  -er  oommit'tee;  fibber  i  -n  is  on 

the  committee.     -rent'  c  -er  commltter.    -tc"re 
vt  commlsslon. 

floumø'be  c  -r  (small)  chest  of  drawers,  (ow) 
ftømmøbo'r  c  -er  Commodore. 
ftommuna't  a  local,  parochlal,  (i  ©*)  muni- 
cipal.  -afgifter  fe  flommuneffatter.  -øeftprelfe, 
-raab  munTclpal  council,  local  c.  el.  board;  <*mr 
townsmen,  selectmen.  -nbgifter  local  expend- 
iture.    -Pcefen  municlpal  institutions. 

Stontun'ne  c  -t  communlty,  Corporation,  local 
body,  municlpal  body  el.  Corporation,  munici 
pallty;  amr  townshlp;  (i  ftianfrig)  commune 
-læge  dlstrict  physician.  -regnffaler  corporailoo 
accounts.  -reprttfentatiøn  corporate  body.  -Kat- 
ter local  taxation,  town  el  parish  rates,  local 
burdens.  -ffole  board  school,  communal  school. 
ftømmuuilce're  vt  commu'nicate,  impart;  — 
vi  communlcate,  (gaa  tit  Vlters)  go  to  com- 
munion,  partake  of  the  Lord's  supper,  -faut' 
e  -er  commu'nlcant.  -fatiø'tt  e  communica'tion, 

ftouunnt(atiø'n9|  linie  line  of  Communications, 
-mlbler  means  of  transit  el.  intercourse.  -pentil 
communlcatlon-valve.    -Pttfen  fe  -mibler. 

flommnnio  n  fe  ttitergang.  ftouuuntonøfalme 
commu'nion  hymn  (o.  Ji.) 

ftontmnnjtt'nte  c  com'munism.  -if  c  com'- 
munist.    -ifftift  a  communistic. 

ftompagni'  «  -er  (©otbater)  company;  ($anbel»0 
company,  partnership,  copartnership,  osre  i  - 
meb  F  be  partners  with;  gaa  i  ~  meb  enter  s 
partnership  with,  f  go  partners  with.  -ø)ef 
captaln.  -ffab  »  partnership.  •-traner  medioc- 
rlty,  dummy,  ftompagnøn'  e  -er  partner,  co- 
partner;  optage  fom  -  take  into  partnership. 

ftømpaft'  a  compact,  solid,  dense.  -b,eb  c 

Aontpa'n  c  -er  fellow,  customer. 

fiomparl  atio'n  e  compar'lson.  -'atib  a  com- 
parative.  ~'at\*  n,  gram  the  comparative  (de- 
gree);  et  .  a  c.  adjectlve.  -atø  r  e  comparlng 

flompsrent'  c  -er  jur  appearer,  appearant. 

ftompare  re  vt  compare. 

flompar'fer  pi  fe  Statifl.  -i'  n  (number  oO 

flømpa*'  n  -fer  compass,  mariner's  compass; 
fan  bu  -fet?  can  you  box  the  compass?  -baafe 
*k  fe  -falfe.  -bOP  cap  of  a  compass-card.  -(pufi 
blnnacle,  bittacle.  -løjofc,  -(op  compass-box, 
(ben  inbre)  compass-case.  -mager  compass  mater. 
•naal  needle.  -peiliug  o.  bearing.  -plamtc  com- 
pass-plant.  -prøver  compass-adjuster.  -rofe 
card  el.  fly  of  a  c,  compass-card.  -ffipe  fe  -rofe. 
-ftreg  point  el.  rhumb  of  the  c.  -PorffteP  com- 

ftompeii^i|nm  n  -tre  compen'dlum,  com'pend, 
summary,  abstract.    -0'8  a  compen'dious. 

ftompenfatio  n  o  compensa'tion.  fløm^esfo* 
HønA|magnet  magnetic  compensator.  -peitøul 
c-  el.  gridlron-pendulum. 

ftompetett'lee  o  com'petence.  -t'  a  com'petent. 

ttomPil|atio'n  c  compila'tion.  -a'tpx  e  -er 
compi'ler.    -e're  vt  compile. 

flomple| ment'  n  com'nlement  -me«t*  com- 
plementary.  -t'  a  complete;  i  .  ®tanb  (when) 
complete.  -tte're vt  flll up,  complete.  -ttering 
e  comple'tion. 

ftomptec'  a  com'plex;  n  -er  collectlon,  mass. 

ttomptilcere  vt  com'plicate.  -fotioii  c  et 

flomptiment'  o  er  com'pliment;  jeg  gør  ingen 
•er  I  do  not  make  much  ceremony,  do  not  stand 
upon  ceremony;  uben  -er  unceremoniously.  -e're 
vt  pay  one's  respects  to. 





«.  *>. 

ftømølot'  n  -ter  plot,  oom'plot,  conspiracy, 
comblnatlon.  -maøer  o  -e  complott'er,  conspi- 
rator.    -te're  *•'  complot'. 

Scømjøjne're  tt  mu&  compose,  -»tf  o  -er 
(musical)  compo'ser.   -fltiø'n  c  -er  compotit'ion. 

ftøntyøfitiø'nSflirre  fart  of)  compositlon.  -mø« 
Ung  compositlon  paint.  -metal  compositlon 
metal,  -talent  m«#  talent  for  compositlon,  (om 
forfatter)  constructive  skill  el.  power.  ftømøø'* 
les«  n  com'pound  (word).  ftombøfT  c  com'post. 
tosøøøt'  o  com'pote,  stewed  fruit. 

ftømøreø'fe  c  -r  com'press,  bolster. 

ftøm*rø|mtø'  n  -fer  com'promise. 
vt  com'promit,  commit'. 

*ftømfe  e  *r  half-decked  boat. 

ftomteft'fe  c  -r  danghter  of  an  earl:  - 
Lady  C.  D. 

ftø|mbfeoft  whey-cheese  from  cow's  mllk. 
-malt  c  cow's  mllk.    -møg  cow-dnng. 

Støncen|tre  re  vt  concen'trate;  -*,  ~  fifl  con- 
centrate,  be  concentrated;  fio  -  ftg  om  centre  in, 
be  centred  in.  -rrering  c  concentra'tion.  -'triff 
a  concentric(al). 

Stønceøt'  o  -er  rough  draught,  foul  copy;  bringe 
ub  af  -eme  confound,  disconcert,  nonplus;  øaa 
fra  -ente  be  disconoerted,  put  out,  lose  one's 
bead.    -papir  copy(-paper). 

ftøncert'  c  -er  con'cert;  \tq  ftøl  paa  .  lam 
going  to  a  concert.  -gløer  concert-glver.  -mefter 
concert-maøter.    -fat  concert  room. 

ftøncedflø'n  e  -er  conces'sion,  contract.  -f  ftøøer 
concessionai're,  contractor. 

Stønrf'f,  ftønet'tinm  n  -ter  coun'cil. 

Stønctylere  vt  draw  up,  draft,  pen. 
penner,  writer,  draftsman. 

Stønei'ø  a  concise. 

ftøubeun|e're  tt  condemn'.  -otiø 
demna'tion.  -atiottøatt  ^  sentence 
cate  of  condemnation. 

ftønbenf  latlø  n  c  condensa'tion.  -atiønftøwa* 
ret  condensing  apparatus.  -ørlonøøonb  waste 
-water.  -ø'tør  o  -er  conden'ser.  -atorbrønb 
condenser-well.  -e're  vt  condense.  -e'ring  o 

ftonbitio'a  c  -er  (Betingelfe)  condlt'ion,  term, 
provlso;  (X|ettefle)  place,  service:  uben  -  out  of 
place;  tage  -  go  out  to  service;  i  goo  -  in  good 
condition;  paa  -  mere  on  sale  or  return,  -altø 
•  the  conditlonal  mode  el.  mood.  -e're  vi  serve, 
be  In  service,  -e'ret  a  (befCaffrn)  conditioned; 
(af  ©tonb)  of  position,  of  quality.  -e'ring  o 
drying  and  weighing  (of  slik). 

Jtønbtt'ør  c  -er  confectiooer;  coffee-house 
keeper,  -øarer  confectionery.  -i'  n  -er  (Bageriet) 
confectionery,  (VutiRen)  confectioner  b  shop; 

Jtønøøfjatiø'x,  -en'ee  c  condolence.  -e're  vt 
condole  with. 

Jtønbø'r  e  -er  oon'dor,   Sarooramphu*  grypkut. 

ftønbnit'e  e  con'duct;  management.  -Ufle 
'conduct  book. 

ftønbnt't|ør  e  -o'rer  phv*  conductor;  (i  VtøBe) 
conveyor.    -ø'r  o  -er  guard,  amr  conductor. 

Aøne  c  -t  tøufrru)  wife;  (ftoinbe)  woman;  en  gift 
.  a  married  woman;  ~  i  §ufet  mistress  of  the 
house;  tage  flg  en  •  take  a  wife;  tage  til  -  take 
for  one's  wife;  $an  tjat  .  he  has  a  wife.  -baab 
(i  Ørønlanb)  boat  rowed  by  women.  -brober, 
•faber  fe  6øøger,  Gøigerfaber.  -ftne  wife's  bonnet 
el.  -cap.  -løb  widow's  lot  el.  snare  of  a  suc- 
cession. *-mønb  uzorlous  man.  -mørber  one 
who  murders  his  wife. 

Jtøttfeft'  o  dry  sweetmeats;  groø  -  fig  rough 
treatment.  -lo'«  ready-made  dresses.  -røflner 
layer  el.  jar  rafslns. 

ftønfer|en  ce  c  -r  con'ference,  parley.    -en'ee« 

•tft'  c  -et 

'il  o  con- 
el.  oertin- 

raab  o  (tltular)  •councellor  of  conference*.  -e're 
vi  (roabflaa;  oøerbrage)  confer';  (fammenligne)  com- 
pare,  check  (off);  (lottationere)  collate;  .  meb  en 
confer  with  one. . 

ftønfer'øer  pi  confervæ. 

ftonfeøflø'n  o  -er  confes'sion,  creed.  -ø'rtnft 
o  tongelig  .  Clerk  of  the  Closet.  -i'fø*  a  non- 

ftøuftbenrier  a  conflden'tial. 

ftønngnrøHø's  c  -er  conngnra'tion. 

ftonflrmjanb',  -øm'  c  -er  candldate  for  con- 
flrmatlon.  -arlo'n  o  confirma'tion;  (Sefrceftelfe) 
ratiflcation;  ftaa  til  .  be  conflrmed.  -attoitft* 
arteft  certlflcate  of  conflrmation.  -arioxfttøaaø 
compnlsory  conflrmation.  -e're  vt  conflrm;  (be« 
fræfte)  ratlfy. 

Hønfifllatiø'n  c  er  conflsca'Uon,  selzure,  for* 
feiture,  arrest,    -e're  vt  oonfls'cate,  seize,  arrest. 

ftønffift'  e  -er  oon'flict,  collision. 

ftonførm'  a  in  confo'rmity. 

ftøn(røiit|arlø'ii  o  confronta'tion.  -e're  vt  con- 

Ironlfnnbere  vt  confu'se.  -fii'f  <x  confu'sed. 
-fnflon  c  confu'slon.  -fnflønfmager  author  of 

ftønføber|ariø'n  c  confedera'tion,  confed'eracy. 
-e'ret  a  confed'erate. 

fiong  o  -er  (©tjlb)  furuncle;  fe  ftonl. 

Jtonge  e  -x  (ogf.  i  6øi()  king;  -nft  ftbarter  vt 
the  starboard  watch;  førfte  -rnef  ttog  the  flrst 
(book  of  the)  Kings;  -rnef  -  the  King  of  Kings; 
gøre  en  til  -  make  one  a  king,  king  one.  -arø 
escheat.  -laab  royal  barge,  -bøørtx  a  king 
•bom,  of  royal  blrth.  -bar«  royal  child.  -blaat 
royal  blue.  -blob  (en  ftonaef  91)  king's  blood; 
(longel.  Slægt)  blood  royal,  -øøftg  royal  resi- 
dence.  -børb  royal  el.  king's  table.  -borg  royal 
castle.  -bregne  flowering-fern,  Oimwuia  regalte. 
-breø  royal  letter,  (aabenr)  letters  patent;  (til 
røgteffab)  marrlage  license.  -bmb  royal  bride. 
•bnb  royal  ordinance.  -bttrb  royal  blrth.  -baab 
kingly  el.  royal  achlevement.  -bøtter  king's 
daughter.  -t-bøst  n  fe  -bømme.  -bragt  regal 
attire.  -bbb  royal  virtue.  -bømme  n  royalty, 
monarchy;  (8Hge)  kingdom;  -t  af  Øubt  Waabe 
di  vine  right,  -eberfitgf  fe  Qragt>.  -familien 
the  royal  family.  -fartøj  fe  -baab.  *-fift  fe  Uer. 
-fiffer  fe  3*fuøl.  -flag  royal  standard,  -fløaber, 
*-tønbre  fe  »øbføtette.  -fløjen  de/  (i  SfaD  the 
king's  side.  -fngl  klngbird,  Tyrxmnm  intre- 
pidu*.  -føbfel  royal  blrth.  -føbt  a  fe  -baann. 
-følge  e  succession  (of  king's);  n  king's  sulte. 
-gøarb  fe  Ironaøgaarb.  -gob«  royal  domains, 
crown  lands  pi.  -graø  royal  tomb.  -grib  fe 
ftonbor.  -gult  king's  yellow.  -flttnft  royal 
favour.  -bøb  hatred  of  kings.  -faber  king- 
hater.  -(øl  royal  hall,  king's  hall.  -tyuø  royal 
house,  dynaaty.  -^ar  royal  army.  'ffatttt  (Wabe) 
bonnet,  king's  hood.  -Jagt  royal  hunt;  (6tib) 
royal  yacht.  -laabe  royal  mantle.  -(ørøl  isis. 
-trøge  king-crow,  Dicrovnu.  -trone  royal  crown. 
-I røning  coronation  of  a  king.  -frønite  chronicle 
of  kings. 

ftøngellg  a  royal,  regal,  kingly;  bet  -e  Quø,  be 
-e  the  Royal  Family;  -e  ©Tottet  Imperial  taxes; 
-  TOoicfiat,  $ørøeb  Royal  Majesty,  Highness,  i  -e 
$erfonerft  92cerøcerelfe  in  the  presence  of  royalty; 
w-  Xjenefte"  O.  H.  M.  8.  (on  Her  Majesty's  Ser- 
vice),   -finbet  a  k  c  royalist. 

ftønge|liø  royal  life.  -løge  royal  box.  -loø 
king's  law,  Lex  regia  (i  2)anmarl).  -11)9  high 
taper,  Aaron's  rod,  Verbascum  thapmu.  -føler 
(Staf)  king's  bishop.  -løfte  royal  promise.  -løft 
a  kingleas.  +-løfe  n  interregnum,  -magt  royal 
et.  regal  power;  -en  (ogf.)  the  prerogative. 
-ntøber  king's  mother,  -ntørb  regicide.  -mørber. 




-morberfte  regicide,  king- kiiler.  -m*  royal 
maid.  -m*be  meeting  or  kings.  -«a»n  regal 
ti  tie.  +-nor  royal  infant,  -orb  royal  word. 
•bar  royal  oouple.  -barabiftfttgl  king  blrd  of 
paradise,  Oieinnurue  regiue.  -ptu  cat's  ear, 
Hypchæru.  -bengbix  king  penguln,  Aptenodyteå 
pataff&nica.  -bltgt  duty  of  a  king.  -bragt  royal 
cl.  regal  state.  +-rab  fe  -tæfte,  -rejfe  royal 
progreas;  fe  -ægt.  -rettigtyeb  royal  prerogative. 
-rige  kingdom,  realm;  -t  Sanmarf  the  kingdom 
of  Denmark,  -rigfl  a  of  the  kingdom.  -rok 
anphodel.  -rotte  line  of  klngs;  Ilet  of  Idngs. 
-rtgelfe  incense.  -fol  royal  hall.  -falat  fe 
Cftbragon.  -f tint  a  royal  saiute.  -falbe  basillcon. 
-fin*  royal  spirit.  -ftt»  king' g  snip.  -ffifte 
change  of  kings.  *-fhpbft  fe  -ægt.  -flag  &  com- 
mander.  -flange  boa-oonstrictor.  -flot  royal 
palaoe.  -ftøgt  royal  race.  -f  nette  poet,  fe  -ftib. 
-{pir  sceptre,  -faringer  (Staf)  klng's  knlght. 
-flab  royal  residence.  -flamme  royal  raoe  el. 
lineage.    -ftebne  fe  -mtbe. 

ftøngeftto'nrrpl  (tilgooebet)  congefltlons  (abont 
the  head). 

Konge  |ft  ol  royal  seat.  Hrott  «  royally  proud. 
•ftebe  fe  -trone,  -fon  son  of  a  king.  -trone 
royal  throne.  -tienbe  royal  tithes.  -tiger  royal 
tiger,  Felt*  Hørig,  -titel  royal  title.  -tornftabe 
fe  -fugl.  -træ  royal  wood.  -balg  electlon  of  a 
king.  -balgt  a  chosen  by  the  crown.  -banb 
aqua  regia,  royal  water.  -beb  fe  -tes.  -bef 
<king'B)  highway.  -ben  royalist.  -bi*:  paa  . 
in  a  klngly  manner.  -bftlbe  fe  -magt.  -barbigQeb 
royal  dignlty,  royalty,  -b*rl  royal  work.  t-ttgt 
crown -Boccage  driving.  -ørt  fe  -flægt.  -ørn 
golden  el.  imperial  eagle,  Aquila  fulva. 

"ftongle  e  -r,  fe  ftogle.  -blb  pine  bullflnch, 
Corytkue  enucleator. 

konglomerat  n  -er  conglom'erate. 

ftongreft'  c  -fer  con'greas.  -meblent  congreu- 

ftongre'btft  a  Walet  Congreve  rocket. 

Stongrnlenft'  c  congru'ity.    -ent'  a  con'gruent. 

ftongftlcntne  heir  to  the  crown.  -gaarb  royal 
castle  el.  palace.    -forl  guardsman. 

Jtonif!  a  con'ical;  -  $jul  bevel-wbeel. 

ftoniat  o  cognac,  French  brandy,  brandy. 

ftonieltn'r  c  -er  oonjec'ture.  -a'ltrittt  con- 
jec'tural  crltlclam. 

ftonjngaltto'n  o  -er conjuga'tion.  -tio'ttøtabet 
table  of  conjugation.  Jtoninge're  vt  con'jugate. 

ftonfttttttio'n  o  -er  (oqf.  cut)  conjunc'tion. 
£on'jnnt|tib  ti  -et  the  suhjuno'tive  mood.  -tn'r 
c  -et  conjunc'ture;  state  of  affairs,  state  of  the 

ftont  e  whelk,  Buccinvm  undatum. 

Jtonta'b  a  con'cave.  -ite't  c  concav'lty,  con'- 
caveness,  roonding-in.  -fouta'b  a  concavo-con'- 
cave.    -tonbetft'  a  convavo-con'vex. 

ftontla'be  n  -t  con'clave. 

Jtontlnflo'n  c  -et  concln'slon. 

ftontorb|  au*'  c  -et  conco'rdance.  -«'t  n  con- 

Jløiifor'bie|  bogen,  -formelen  the  Form  of  Con- 

Jtontre't  a  oon'crete. 

ftoutnbt|na't  n  ooncu'binage.  •'«  c  -r  con'- 

ftonfttrlren'ce  e  competltlon;  aaone  .  om  thxow 
open  to  o.  -rent'  e  -et  competitor.  -rentin'be 
c  -r  competitress.  -re're  vi  oompete  (meb  with, 
om  for).    -9  c  -et,  fe  -rence;  ftatttt. 

front* '1te  c  -r  shell.  -famler  collector  of 
•hells.  -femling  collectlon  of  shells.  -flab 
cablnet  of  shells.  —  Scontblto|to'g  c  -et  con- 
-chol'ogist.    -logi'  e  conchorogy. 

ftonneta'bel  e  -61«  oon'stable. 

ftonnegio'n  o  -er  connec'tion. 

Sonning  o  -et  poet  fe  fhmge. 

ftonnoøfement'  »  et  bill  of  lading. 

Stonoi'be  c  -t  co'nold. 

ftonret'tor  o  -et  assistant  master. 

ftonfejr  n  coun'cil.  —  ftønfejlftlbrffflbent  pre- 
sident  of  the  councll,  premier.  -brafibium  pre- 

ftonfelfbent'  a  consistent;  adv  consistently,  in 
consiBtency.  -IbenB'  o  oonsistency ;  (pi  -et)  con'se- 
quence,  con'seqaent. 

ftonferb|atio'n  e  preservation.  •otio'nWriOcr 
pi  presenres,  goggles,  green  protectors.  -attd'snc 
o  conser'vatiBm.  -atib  a  conservative;  be  -t  the 
conservatlvea.  -a'tor  o  o'tet  keeper,  -ato'rimnn 
n  -iet  (i  begge  ©et.)  conser'vatory.  -a'torboft  c 
keepershlp.  -'er  pi  con'serves.  -e're  vt  keep, 
preserve.  -e'riug  c  fe  -orlon.  —  ftonfer'brd- 
fabrilant  conserver. 

ftonfigtt|ata'r  c  -er  consignee'.  -atio'n  c  -€r 
mere  consign'ment;  SSarer  i  -  consignment(»); 
mobtage  ©året  i  -  recelve  goods  by  c.  -e're  vt 
mere  consign. 

ftonRftenft'  c  consis'tency,  compactness. 

ftonflfto'lrittm  n  -iet  consis'tory.  -rialret 
conslsto  rial  court,  consis'tory. 

ftonffri|be'ret  c  -rebe  con 'script,  -ption  e  -er 

ftonfol'  c  -et  conso'le,  bracket.  -borb  n  pier 
-table,  console-table.  -flab  console-cupboard  ri. 

ftoufolibe'lre  vt  consoridate.  -ring  e  consoli- 

ftonfonant'  c  -et  con'sonant.  -forbinbelfe  con- 
gonant  comblnation.  -for  bo  Mia  g  doubling  (of) 
the  consonant,  consonant-doubllng. 

ttottfor't|er  pi  compeers.  -ium  n  -iet  part- 

ftonfbirere  vt  conspire. 

ftonft  fe  ftunft. 

Stonfta'bel  o  -biet  gnnner;  policeman. 

ftonftan*  »  (Stab)  Constance. 

ftonflant'  a  inva'rlable,  con'stant.  -'e  c  -r 
math  con'Btant.  -'ia  n  Con'stanoe.  -i'M  Con'- 
stantine.    -ino'bel  n  Constantinople. 

ftonftate're  vt  substantiate. 

ftonftettatio'n  o  -et  conBtella'tion. 

ftonflern | atio'n  e  consterna'tion.  -e'ret  a  dls- 

fton^itnlent'  c  -et  constit'nent.  -e're  et  de- 
pute,  appolnt  ad  interim,  -e'renbe  a  conatlt'aent 
•e'ret  a  deputy,  actlng.  -tio'n  o  -er  constitu'tion; 
(fifflem*-)  c,  temperament;  aflægge  (Sb  paa  el.  til 
-en  take  the  oaths  to  government.  -tionel', 
-tio'ndmttbfia  a  constitn'Uonal.  -tionffrriblg  a 

ftonflrn|ere  vt  oonstruct';  gram  con'strae. 
-ttio'n  c  -et  constrnc'tlon:  structure.  -f tiottf  Aef 
<t,  chief  conBtructor.  -tttonøbanblinien  ^  the 
constructlve  load  line.  -fto  r  o  -et  constructor. 

ftonfnl  e  -er  consol,  ftonfttla'ragent  con'Bnlar 
agent  (o.  fl.).    ftonfnla'rift  a  con'snlar. 

ftonfttla't  n  -et  con'sulate,  con'sulship.  -afgift 
con 'sulage.  -certifitat  consular  certlficate.  £ge* 
burer  consular  fees.  -lontor  oonsnlar  oftfee 
(o.  fl ).  -bcefenet  the  consular  servioe  el.  system. 

JtottfMt|est'  o  -et  counsellor,  adviser,  rerene; 
.  i  SRaflinb.  Consulting  engineer;  luribfp  -  legal 
adviser,    -e're  vt  consult. 

ftoMfni»|f«nfHotter  consular  datles.  -imftrnfl 
consular  instructiong.  •perfon  consular  official. 
•poft  consulshlp.    -ftation  consular  station. 

fionfttlta|tio'n  c  -et  consnlta'tlon.  -tiosåbarti 
(STflf)  consaltation  match,  team  match. 

ftonfn'm  c  oonsum'ption.  -e're  vt  consu'me. 
-emt'  o  -et  consu'mer.  -forentag  fe  $u*ty>tbningf'- 




-tiø'«  e  consumptlon;  (Xolb)  excise.    -ttø'ftffor* 
batter  superintendent  of  the  excise. 
ftøatagtø'*  a  conta'gious.   Jcøtttaft'  c  con'tact. 

—  ftøntaft|førgb(but*g,  -forføløntng  electrogal- 
vanic  gilding,  sllvering.  -bog«  contact-carriage. 

ftøntant'  a  &  acto  In  (ready)  money,  in  cash. 
money  down,  F  in  pocket;  -e  $enge,  -er  pi 
ready  money,  cash;  (an  betalte  alt  ~  he  pald 
for  everything  In  cash  down;  .  Betaling  imme- 
diate  cash;  -  Ublag  money  disbuned,  ont-of 
-pocket.    -løb  cash  business. 

Støxtra'platiø  a  contemplative. 

Støntenance  c:  $otbe  -n  keep  the  coun'- 
tenance,  brave  lt  out;  tabe  -n  be  put  out  of 

ftstttegt  e  con'text. 

ftønrinmt'  n  -er  oorttinent.  -a'l  a  continen'tal. 
-alftftemet  the  continen'tal  system. 

ftømttagent'  n  -er  contln'gent;  subscription. 

JtøntinMa|tiø'x  c  continua'tTon.  -riongetøamen 
ægrotat  degree.    ttontinnere  vi  continue. 

ftontø  c  -er  el.  -nti  mere  accoont;  aabnt  en  en 

-  open  an  account  wlth  one;  pribe  poa  en«  « 
pat  down  to  one's  acoount,  a  -  on  account. 
-bøg  account-book.  -ftv'tø  pro  formå  el.  simu- 
lated  account.    -tnrattt'  account  current. 

ftonto'r  » -er  offlce,  ($anbel«<)  counting-house. 
-arbejbe  desk-work.  -b«b  offlce  messenger. 
-toger  office-books.  -a)ef  head  el.  chief  of  an 
office;  chief  el,  secretary  of  a  department.  -fag: 
t  -et  as  a  clerk.  -forretninger  pi  office  dutles. 
-baøvb  clerkly  hånd.  -bols  offlce  expenses. 
Jtøtttørift'  c  -er  clerk.  ftø*tor|falmber  office 
calendar.  -top  breakfest  cup.  -mani  business 
man.  -perfonale  clerical  staff.  -pult  counting- 
house  desk.  -faget  offlce  requisites.  -flot  office 
-stool.    -rib  office  hours,  houra  of  attendance. 

ftontra  praip,  jur  yersus;  pro  og  .  pro  and 
con.  -alt  o  contralto.  -bøMb(e)  o  contraband. 
-»o*  double- base,  vlolone.  -bøg  o  pass-book. 
-bf af  <£,  preventer-brace.  -bamp  steam  employed 
to  reveree  an  engine.  -ban*  c  contradanoe. 
-bittø'rtft  a  contradic'tory.  -fej  n  -er  portrait, 
fac-dmile.    -forbring  counter-daim. 

ftøntrafte'lre  vt  A  •  contract.  -xi'  c  -er  con- 

ftø*rra|txbl«g  counter  plea,  replicatlon.  -fas* 
tiø*  counter-Beourlty.    -flage  counter  charge. 

ftønrroft'  a  paralytlc. 

Jtøxtratt'  c  -er  con'tract;  flutte,  inbgaa  .  make 
-a  contract.  -<g)bmb  breach  el.  violatdon  of 
contract.  -mtelfig  a  as  contracted;  stipulated 
by  contract. 

ftønrrattx'r  0  -er  oontraction. 

ftøtttramaxbe're  vi  countermand'. 

ftøntra|maxøbre  counter-manoeuyre.  -maro) 
oounter-march;  (Samt.)  couper.  -milte  counter- 
mine.  -minere  vt countermTne.  -morte check. 
-møtrtt  counter-nut,  check-  nut.  -orbre  counter 
•order;  faa  -  be  countermanded.  -part  adversary, 
opponent,  -prøve  counter- Teriflcation.  -pnxrt 
ma#  counter- point,  -pnxftifl  a  contrapun'tal. 
-pxxftift'  o  -er  contrapun'tist.  -pnnfel  counter 
punch,  -fearpe  o  counterscarp.  -fignant'  c  -er 
coun'tersigner.    -figxe're  vt  coun'tersign. 

ftøstraft'  o  -er  con'trast.    -e're  vi  contrast'. 

ftøxtra  I  f) amning  counter  summons.  -f  øgømaal 
cross -action,  counter  sult.  -rrbl  autography. 
-trbft  a  authographed.  -tøm  A,  clove  hitch. 
•bexrU  reserve -val  ve.  -biøti*  fe  -6a«.  -ølfit 
return-Tlsit.  -bagt  counter -balance,  counter 

ftøntrclftbmtrale  -er  Rear- Admiral.  -ttbutirølø- 
føj  Bear-Admlral's  flag. 

ft*tttrittt|Cre  vt  contrib'ute.  -Ho'«  c  -er  con- 

ftonrrot'  c  supervision,  control.  -lømmitté 
inspecting  commlttee.  -Ie're  vt  check,  verify, 
test,  supervise,  -le'rtng  o  checklng  etc.  -tø'r 
c  -er  controUer,  check-clerk;  (i  Seatret)  box 
-keeper,  stall-keeper.    -nr  tell-tale. 

Jløttirøber*'  o  -er  con'troversy. 

Jtontra'r  n  con'trary. 

Srøntttbercai  c  -er  chum. 

Jrøxramacle'bom  o  judgment  by  default. 

ftontnnbe'ret  a  brulsed. 

ftønrn'r  o  -er  outline,  contour.  -b.aar  long 
hair  (of  fur),    •fring  serging  stltch. 

ftontafio'n  c  -er  contu'sion,  bruise. 

ftowøal  e  -er  llly  of  the  valley,  Convallaria 

ftonøefd'  a  con'vex.  -tte't  c  convexity,  round- 
ing  out.  -føntø'b  a  convexo-con'oave.  -fon- 
oett  a  convexo-con'vex. 

ftøn*en|*'be(  a  conve'nient.  -e're  vt  sult,  be 
convenlent  to,  sult  one's  convenience.  -ieni' 
o  convenience,  propriety.  -teni'gifterntaal 
maniage  of  convenience.  ftonøen|t'  n  -er  (9or* 
famling)  convention;  (ftlopft)  con 'vent.  -rit'el  c 
•tier  conven'ticle.  -Ho'n  c  conven'tion.  -Høner 
a  conven'tional.    -tnalin'be  c  -r  conven'tual. 

ftonøerglenJ'  c  conver'gence.  -e  re  vi  con- 

ftonøerfla'bel  a  conversa'tlonal.  -ario'n  c 
conversa'tlon.  -atio|n01effiton  encyclopædla. 
-ariø'nftfrbfle  comedy  of  døily  life,  drawing 
-room  piece.  -atiø'nØtalent  conversa'tlonal 
powers,    -e're  vt  k  i  convene  with. 

ftonoeriflo'n  c  -er  conver'sion.  -te're  vt  con- 

ftonbøi'  e  -er  con'voy.  -d)ef  commander  of 
the  convoy.  -e're  vt  oonvoy'.  -gebnr,  -penge 
c.  dues.    -fig*al  c.  signal. 

ftonbolnt'  o  -er  envelope,  aftørre)  wrapper;  i  - 
under  cover,    -e're  vt  envelop,  wrapper. 

Sronøol'øøluft  o  -er  blnd-weed,  Convolvolu*. 

ftønøttlfjlø'a  o  -er  convul'sion.  -t'btft  a  con- 
vulsive;  adv  oonvulsively. 

ftoørbi|ttø'ter  \pl  co-or'dinates.  -ne'ret  a  00- 

Stop'  e  -per  cup-,  *(wooden)  vessel,  bowl;  (til 
ftopfærning)  cupping  glass;  J,  drum-head,  (poa 
jRor)  rudderhead;  et  %at  -per  a  cup  and  saucer; 
en  -  %t  a  cup  of  tea;  fcette  en  -per  cup  one. 

*ftop  o  -er  starer,  starlng  fool. 

ftøpai'øa|balfam  c  balsam  of  copaiba  el.  ca- 
pivl.    -rr«  n  capivi-tree,  Copai/era  officinali: 

ftopa'I  e  co' pal.    -femti  copal  varnish. 

ftøb'lar  pock-mark.  -arret  a  pock-marked, 
pitted  with  the  small-pox. 

*ftope  vi  gape,  stare  (like  a  stuck  pig). 

icøpe'f  o  -er  co'peck. 

Aøpemita'nff  *  Coper'nlcan. 

ftopformet  a  $  strobiliform. 

ftøpt'  e  -er  copy,  transcript:  (af  Vtaleri)  copy, 
(beb  Wefteren  fett>)  replica  -blaf  cop'ying  ink. 
•bøg  cop'y-book,  letter-book.  -e're  vt  cop'y, 
transcribe.  -e'rntairine  copying  machine.  -n' 
o  -er  cop'ier,  cop'yist,  transcriber;  (anfat)  copy- 
ing clerk,  (government)  writer. 

icoplpe,  -ntxg  fe  -fatte,  -fatning. 

Stopper  pi  small- pox.  —  ftoppe|atteft  vacdna- 
tion-certificate.  -blegne,  -bttlb  variolous  postale. 
•feber  variolous  fever.  -gift  virus  of  the  small 
pox.     -inbpobnlng   inoculation  of  the  small 

ox.     -f mitte    contagion    of   the   small-pox. 
tgbønt  variolous  disease. 

Øo'pronger  o  cow  dealer. 

ftoprolit'  c  -er  cop'rollte. 

ftøplfaløt  fe  ^obeb-.  -flat  c  poll-tax,  capita- 
tion(-tax).  -ftifte  (i  9Rur)  leading-course.  -Hm 
header.    -fl^Ke  half-brlck. 





ftøpf«t|te  «f  cup.  -tetfe,  -ning  o  cupping. 
-ter  o  -e  cupper. 

ftøptfer,  -ertn'be  c  Copt.    -ifl  a  Coptic. 

Jtopnlla  o  cop'ula.  -attø'n  o  maniage,  mar- 
rying;  ($obn.)  whip-grafting.  -atiø'nMre*  mar- 
rlage  lioence.  -aitø  a  cop'ulative.  -e're  oc 

ftorab'fig  a  p  game. 

»or  n,  pi  s,  (b/t  funene)  choras;  (Sangerne) 
cholr  (quire);  (®r.  irag.)  chonu;  (ftirfe-)  chancel, 
choir  (qulre).  ftøra'l  e  -er  cho'ral.  Jtøralagrig 
a  choral-like.  ftøraibog  choxal  book,  antiphon- 
ary.  Jtørlalter  high  sitar,  -biflod  suffragan 
bishop,    -»an*  dandng  in  chorus. 

Støraf  e  -ler  cor'al.  -agat  ooral  agate.  -tante 
coral  shoal.  -bnnb  o.  bottom.  -fatte  belt  of 
coral.  -bbr  coral- polyp,  -fattet  a  coral-hued. 
•fiffet  coral  diver  ri.  toner,  -fifleri  coral  fishing. 
•gren  coral  branch.  -grnnb  fe  -bunb.  *-grnnbe 
fe  -bante.  -baløbaanb  coral  necklace.  -fait 
coral-rag.  •rirfeboer  winter-cherry,  Pkyøafis. 
•flippe  coral  rock  el.  knoll.    -log  o.  bed. 

ftørafliner  pi  oor'allines, 

ftøral'lmøg  cor'alltne.  -perle  coral  bead.  -ren 
coral  reef.  -røb  coral-wort,  coral-root,  Corallo- 
rhina.  -fanb  coral  sand.  -flot  coral  stem.  -tr« 
($(.)  coral  tree,  Erytkrina.    -ø  coral  Island. 

ftora'neu  the  Ko  ran. 

ftorborr  n  dewberry,  Rubu*  eceriui. 

ftorbe  c  -r  cho'rd. 

fto'rbegn  o  precentor. 

ftorbe'f  c  -er  &  sti-and.  StørbelMtøt  jeer 
-block.  ftorbellfprnngen  a  stranded.  -fkrøp 

ftorbe're  ec  cover  wlth  screw-threads. 

ftorbeftata  c  scale  of  chords,  artificial  scale. 

Storbirterue  the  Gordilleras. 

Storbon  o  -er  mil  k  arch  cordon.  -gefiutft 

ftø'r|breng  ministrant  boy,  chorister(-boy). 
•fører  corypheas.  -tyerre  canon,  prebendary. 
•ifl'  e  -et,  je  -fanger,  -taabr  cope.  -meftfc  high  mass. 
-omgang  aisle  round  the  choir.  -fang  choral 
song,  c.  slnging;  choras  slnglng;  choras.  -fanger 
chorister,  choras  singer.  -fiol  stall  (in  a  church). 
-tone  choral  pitch.    -bitør  fe  -Iperre. 

Jtorbna'n  n  cor'dwain. 

Jftore  e  -r  border,  edge.    Jtore  vt  border, 
torenb,    ftorintl'   o   -ex  (grocer's)  cur'rant, 
carrant  grape,    -bollee  enrrant  dumplin gs. 

Storta'nber  c  coriander,  Coriandrum  tatttmm. 

ftoriatt)'  »  Gor'inth.  -ler  c,  -ifl  a  Co- 
rinth  i  an. 

Storintb'tr«  »  fe  Jlalbrio«. 

ftort  e  co'rk.  -affalb  oork-shavings  el.  cutt- 
lngs.  -agrlg  a  corky.  -alm  fe  -oelm.  -atbefbe 
cork  work.  -bnnbt  bundle  of  cork.  -batte 
cork  li  fe- belt.  -bøje  cork  buoy.  *ftort|e  vt 
cork.  -eg  fe  tror.  -atm  cork-elm,  Ulmtu  §uberota. 
Størfepenge  pi  corkage. 

ftørtlfenber  £,  cork  fender,  -ffaab,  *-ftet 
cork  float.  -(piler  fe  -feuber.  -f »rattet  alcyonian 
polyps,  prop  cork,  cork-stopple.  -fnat  -faale 
cork  sole.  -florer  cork  cutter.  -fpaaner  fe 
-affalb.  -frnf  saberine.  -fnrt  Salt  suberate. 
•ftjre  suberic  acid.  -faet  fe  -fenber.  -tolb  fe 
-prop.  -trat  cork-tree,  Querau  mberota.  *-tf atttx 
cork  screw.    -trøje  cork-jacket.    -bøtØ  cerine. 

Jtørmora'n  e  -er  cormorant,  Garbo  cormoranu*. 

go 'en  n.  pi  =,  corn,  (ifte  om  6æb  paa  Starten) 
grain,  (6tgte-)  alm;  sight;  (om  røønt)  alloy,  et 
(titte)  -F>  bit-,  tage  paa  -et  take  one's  aim  at, 
cover,  -aager  Te  -pugeri.  -aagrer  fe  -puger,  -aar 
corn-year.  -afgift  fe  -ffat.  -afgrøbe  crop  of  c, 
whlte  crop,  cereal  crop.  -aget  c.  fleld.  -at* 
ear  el.   spike   of  o.     -erbetbe  (tøulb.)  miUing. 

-art  species  of  c,  cereal.  -abl  (bet  at  avle  Jt.) 
raldng  of  c ,  cereal  culture;  t  (Wgroben)  c 
crop.  •-•»Ung  c.  crop.  *-baanb  fe  -neg.  -H> 
b;Ob  reqnislte  qoantity  of  c.  -bille  oorn 
-weewil,  Calandra.  -bio(tgning  houaing  of  c, 
c.  harvest;  f  fe  -ab(.  -buta  a  blue  like  the 
corn-flower.  -blontft  c.  flower,  corn  blnebottle. 
Centnwrea  cyanu*.  -branb  fe  Qranb.  -brflmberf 
whiskey  distillery.  -brsnbebin  corn  brandy, 
whlskey.  *-bnr  granary  (on  pillars).  *-bfcga  fe 
-egn.  -battenbe  a  grain-bearing.  -aot*  corn 
exchange.  -beaget  corn-porter.  ftome  vi  gtmnn- 
late;  —  vi  take  aim;  ti  vd  grannlate.  fiftnegn 
corn-growlng  district. 

ftøroel'lftrfebar  oornellan  cherry,  -tt«  dog- 
wood,  Comuå  maåcuia. 

Homefigte  c  sleve  for  blasting-powder. 

ftotnet*  e  -ter  co'rnet. 

fto'rnet  a  granulary,  granulous. 

ftø'tnlfebe  vt  fatten  on  corn.  -frø  mnstard 
•seed.  -gaotb  arable  farm.  ••gjøbe  fe  -febe. 
•gramfen  the  limit  of  the  cereab.  -banbel  c. 
tråde,  -^anblet  corn-merchant.  -borne  fe  fyaipt. 
-bnø  granary.  t-b<eé  stack  of  c.  -bøfl  c.  harvest. 
-inbførfel  import  of  c. 

Jto'mtng  o  granulation.  -#bnf  (til  ftrnøt) 
cornlng  house. 

fto'm|tantnter  granary.  -trage  rook,  Corvu* 
fruffileo**.  •ttnbt  granulated  gun-powder.  -l«l» 
bet  corn  cellar.  -tøb  purchase  of  c.  -løbe  fe 
Skibe,  -lat  seed-lac.  -tanb  corn-growlng  country, 
-tø  threshing  floor.  -løft  c.  loft.  -tøb  c.  law. 
-tcetfe  fe  -fpurb.  -lerJ  cart-load  of  c.  -ntaøt  c. 
measure.  -maaler  c.  meter,  -taagafta  c.  ma- 
gazine.  -mangel  scarcity  el.  dearth  of  c.  t-mott 
c.  field.  -marteb  c.  market.  -mo.  -ntøb  c  og  * 
corn- lign tning,  heat-lightning.  -møl  c.-moth, 
Tinea  graneiia.  -møtte  c  mill.  -neg  sheaf  of  C 
-oplag  magazlne  of  grain.  -orm  corn-worm;  fe 
-bitte;  -møl.  t,petrr  F  dram  of  whiskey.  -plante 
fe  -oatøt.  -prang  fe  -pugeri.  -pranger  fe  -puger, 
•prifer  pi  price  of  c.  -prøbe  specimen  of  corn. 
-puger  e  -e  engrosser  el.  forestaller  of  corn. 
•pugeri  n  engrosslng,  forestaUlng,  speculative 
purchase,  of  corn.  -pnnfel  grain  puncheon. 
-renfer  winnowing  machine.  -renøning  win- 
nowing.  -rengningftmoftine  fe  -renfer.  -rig  a 
abounding  In  c.  -røfe  fe  -balmue.  -rnfl  rust, 
Uredo  rubiffo.  -ftal  husk  of  corn.  -ftat  O.  tax. 
•ftobl,  -ftnffe  corn-shovel,  scoop,  -ftraa  brnised 
grain.  *-frrife  fe  Stooftabe.  -ftme  conveyor. 
-folb  riddle,  crlbble.  -ført  fe -art.  -førtertmafHne 
gVain-sorting  machine.  -fpnrb  common  hunting, 
Emberiaa  mitiaria.  -ftat  stack  of  c.  -ftraa  straw. 
t-ftøuge  c.  loft.  •-ftør  «corn-pole",  pole  for 
drying  corn  on.  •fbiubing  shrinking  of  c.  -f«b 
(ftomet)  seed-corn;  (bet  at  faaj  sowingofc.  -ført 
c.  sæk.  -tang  corn-tongs.  -tienbe  c.  tithes.  -tin 
grain  tin.  -tolb  corn  du  ty.  -torb  corn-market. 
-rbbcr  tool  for  forming  clasps.  -tat  a  grain 
-tlght.  -tørring  drying  of  c.  -øatmne  corn 
•rose.  Papavtr  rkcca§.  -parer  pi  corn,  grain, 
breadstuffs.  -bøgn  c.  waggon.  -Pagt  c.  weight. 
-øaWt  cereal,  grain-plant.  -POPtliug  fe  -fpuro. 
-øbelagjet  fe  $e*ftft  %\\xt. 

ftørofla'rlnm  n  i«  cor'ollary. 

itøroman'beltbften  the  Coast  of  Coromandel. 

*itørp  e  -er  råven,  fe  Stabn. 

ftorpøra'l  c  -er  co'rporal,  X  ship's  corporal. 
-ftab  co'rporalship;  squad.  ftørpøratiø'n  c  -er 
Corporation,  ftørpø'rttg  a  co'rporal,  bodily. 
_  wb  corporal  oath;  —  adv  corporally. 

fto'rpg  n  -er  corps,  body.  -aonb  pride  in 
maintaining  the  corporate  reputation,  brotherly 
spirit,  class  feeling.  -lørge  regimental  surgeon. 
-tamønr  dram-major. 




ftørpttJIen'ce  c  co'rpulence,  corpulency;  obes- 
ity.  -trut'  a  obese,  co'rpulent.  ftørpitå  n  body. 
typ  long  primer;  .  juri*  body  (pandect)  of 
laws.    ftørpndarritel  leading  artlcle. 

ftørrctt'  a  correct;  ado  correctly.  -tjeb  c  oor- 

ftorrettiø'n  c  -er  correc'tion.  —  ftørreftion*|> 
appatat  correcting  apparatus.  -magnet  magnetic 
compensator  e(.  oorrector.  -ptabe  <£  correction 
plate.    ftørretti'b  n  correc'tive. 

ftørrefta'r  c  -ft  proof(-sheet);  2ben  .  reviae, 
eeoond  proof;  tefe  -  read  the  proof-sheets,  oor- 
rect the  press.  -arf  proof-sheet.  -gøbtgjrelfe 
payment  for  correctlons.  -Ifltfer  (press-,  proof-) 
reader,  corrector  of  the  press.  -Tætning  proof 
-reading.  -tang  plncers.  -tegn  mark  of  correc- 
tion.   ftørreftf'r  c  -er  corrector,  fe  -læfer. 

ftørrel'atiø  a  correlative. 

ftørrefpø«b|att'ce  c  correspon'denoe.  -anet- 
parti  correspondence  match,  -end'  c  oorrespon'- 
dence.  -rat'  c  -er  correspon'dent;  (paa  ftontor) 
correBpondingcIerk.  -e're  vi  correspond'.  -erenbe 
fteber  managlng  owner. 

Hørves  c  f  reprimand.    -e  øl  F  reprimand. 

ftørribø'r  c  -er  cor'ridor. 

ftørrige  re  vt  oorrect'. 

ftørraprio'n  o  corrup'tion. 

ftørt  n,  pi  s,  (ogf.  Orben)  cross;  (Sibelfer)  af- 
flictlon,  tribulatlon;  (for  Xonlen)  crox;  gøre  -et« 
Segn  make  the  sign  of  the  cross;  floø  ~  før  fifl 
cross  one's  self;  tørre  ftt  -  take  up  the  cross; 
lægge  Slnnene,  Ørnene  oøer  .  cross  the  arms, 
legs;  meb  Benene  oøer  .  cross-legged;  frbbe  til  -et 
taumble  one's  self;  .  i  interj  Lord  I  Biets  me: 
en^øer  bat  ftt  -  to  each  his  suffering;  nu  mcut  øt 
ftnøe  •  unber  ©jætten  we  must  make  a  mark,  we 
mast  write  that  down;  mark  it  wlth  a  white  stone. 

ftørfafrttø  c  corsac,  CanU  eertae. 

ftørfa'r  c  -er  co'rsair. 

ftørøjarni  arm  of  the  cross,  -baanb  cross 
•band;  ($oft)  postal  band,  unber  -  under  cover 
in  bands,  by  book  post.  -baonbftførfenbelfe 
book- packet,  -banner  banner  of  the  cross,  -øen 
aacrum.  -tetegnelfe  making  the  sign  of  the 
cross,  -biabet  a  cruciform.  -blømfter  pi  cruci- 
form  piants,  cruciferæ,  crucifers.  -btømftret  a 
cruclferous,  -børn  (paa  Øangfti)  turnstile.  -brober 
crusader.  -bne  ogive.  -bøjning  building  in 
the  form  of  a  cross,  -børb  procession  with  the 
cross.  -t«r  bucktborn  berry.  -btrrtr«  buck- 
thorn,  Bkamnut  catharticu*.  -banuet  a  cruciform. 
-brager  cross-bearer.  ftørfe  fifl  vr  cross  one's 
self,  make  the  sign  of  the  cross;  _  fø  øøer  be  aw- 
fully  shocked  el.  scandalized  at.  ftørtebbertøp 
cross-spider,  Epeira  diadema. 

ftørfet'  *  -ter  co'rset,  boddJce,  stays  pi. 

ftørølfone  banner  of  the  cross,  -firer  c  -e 
crusader.  -HfP  fe  -trolb.  -fag  fe  -banner.  -fgf 
transept.  -f*ft'e  vt  crucify.  -faft'elfe  c  crucl- 
fixion.  -gabe  cross-street.  -gang  cross-walk, 
croes- passage,  arcade;  «ccl  clolster,  cloisters. 
-øeøorr  partisan.  -terre  knight  of  the  cross. 
•|ø*(øtng  vault  with  oglves. 

ftørflta  n  Co'rsica.  -'ver  e  -e,  •'«{!  a  Co'rsiean. 

ftørå|ttrte  church  in  the  form  of  a  cross. 
-flabe  brow  band.  -fnap,  -fnøø  ground-ivy, 
cat's  foot,  Glechofa  ktderucta.  Mroobe  fe  -trolb. 
-lagt  a  crossed.  -logge  vi  cross.  -tamb  natch. 
-nuife,  -miøfe  (ben  8bie  TOaj)  the  invention  of 
the  cross;  (Hbe  September;  the  exaltation  of  the 
cross,  holy  cross  day.  -n«b  cross-bill,  red-back, 
Lootia.  -prøøe  cross-ordeal.  -ribber  fe  -bene. 
*-rbg  loins,  relns.  -r«b  cross- fox.  -fntt  fe 
ftr&bf*.  -frra  cross-stone.  -fttng  cross-stitch. 
•frreg  cross,  -tegn  sign  of  the  cross,  -tegne  vi 
cross,     -tøg  crusade.     *-trølb  star-flsh,  cross 

-flsh,  Asteria*  rubena.  -nrt  groundsel,  Senecio 
vulgari».  -øeb  fe  -bcerttæ.  -be)  cross-road.  -biå 
adv  crosswise,  across,  crossways. 

ftørt  n,  pi  — ,  (Spillff.)  card;  (Sanbt.)  map; 
(6ø'  oq  Sejrt.)  chart;  (tBifitl.)  card;  («iflet)  ticket; 
i  4fpil)  at  cards;  et  Spil  -  a  pack  of  cards;  giøe 
.  (i  6ptQ  deal;  Åobe  .  a  good  hånd;  tag  mine  . 
take  my  hånd;  fe  SHae;  afleøere  ~  bo*  leave  one's 
card  on. 

ftørt  a  k  adv  short;  (tortfattet)  brief;  inben  el. 
om  .  Sib  in  a  short  time,  shortly,  wlthln  short, 
before  long;  for  -t  Sib  ftben  a  short  time  ago; 
-  efter  shortly  after;  -  før  man  Kommer  til  just 
short  of;  en  ere  8ei  a  nearer  way;  .  6iøt  mure 
short  sight;  -e  Varer  hardware;  haberdashery; 
.  8etftel  short  bill;  fe  6troa;  fatte  flø  .  be  brief; 
•  fagt  in  short,  to  cut  the  matter  short;  -  og 
gobt  in  so  many  words,  curtly;  giøe  en  .  fBefteb 
cut  one  short;  send  one  about  his  business; 
fomme  til  -  come  off  a  loser;  .  for  Aoøebet  hasty, 
short-spoken;  gøre  ~  %xocH  make  short  work  of 
it.  -aoubet  a  asthmatic,  short-breathed.  -mtwtt, 
-braet  ofo.,  short-armed,  -lesged  etc. 

ftørt|beftriøelfe  ^  sailing  directions;  dlrectlon 
book.  -btflebe  picture  on  cards.  -blob  card; 
sneet  of  a  chart. 

ftørte  øf  aborten;  .  af,  fe  Sftorte;  .  inb  shorten 
in;  -ø  shorten. 

ftørteflr  -e«  adv  shortly,  briefly. 

ftørtralfpll  nfit  card-playing.  -fpiller  c 
P  k  t  cardplayer. 

ftørternt  n  chart-case;  chart-box. 

Aørteøarer  pi  hardware,  haberdashery. 

Aørtfobril  card  manuiactory.  -ømt  card-maker. 

ftørt  I  fattet  a  concise,  compendions,  brief,  suc- 
cinct.    -ffraber  J>  short  fender. 

ftortlatøer  dealer,    -aiøning  deal. 

ftørt|øaaret  a  short-naired.  -gaffet  a  short 
-necked.  ftørt^eb  o  (i  VIm.)  shortness;  (fun  om 
Zib  og  Xale)  brevity,  brlemess;  (ftorrfattet^., 
Gaminentrangrø.)  conciseness;  for  -brb«  6(ølb  for 
brevity's  sake,  f  for  short;  i  -  briefly,  put  in 
short,  in  a  few  words.  ftortlbømrøag  short- 
horns.    -Ijøøebet  a  brachycephalous. 

ftørtlb^nd  house  of  cards,  card-castle.  -infpef- 
tør  Superintendent  of  charts. 

ftørtflippet  a  closely  cropped. 

ftørt|hmfl  trick  with  cards.  -fonfttter  one 
who  shows  tricks  with  cards,  juggler.  -lagt  a 

ftørtjiebet  a  short-jointed.  -febSIfttrlvg  short 
-link  chain.  -Høet  a  short  bodied  el  waisted. 
-lørbe  germander,  Teucrium. 

ftørtlcgge  øl  chart,  charter.  -Ireggen,  -f«g> 
ning  c  charting.    -mager  o  -e  card-maker. 

ftorrning  o  shortening.  ftørt|wrbbet  a  short 
-billed.    -ttfltfet  a  short-nosed. 

ftørtlpatfe  parcel  of  cards.  -papir  paper  for 
cards  el.  maps.  -penge  card-money.  -plabe 
engraved copperplate forprintlng maps.  -preife 
card  el.  map  press.    -mtfe  roll  of  maps. 

ftørtrftffrabe  a  short  range. 

ftørrfamflng  ø  collection  el.  volume  of  maps. 

ftørtlflgrtg  a  of  short  date,  short(-dated). 
-ffoftet  a  short -håndled,  -ffnlpe  %t  silicle. 
-fffnlpet  o  siliculose.    -fløbet  a  short  skirted. 

ftørt|fpi(  card-playing;  card -game.  -fplHer 

ftørtlfplej*  ^  short  spUce.  -fteblet,  -fUtplrt 
a  (Utb)  short-stapled.  -flagftøi*  ^  a-short  stay 

ftørt|frempe(  stamp  on  cards.  -Hitter  engraver 
of  maps.    -ftitning  engraving  of  maps. 

ftørt|fHfI  c  shank  apple.  -frraaet  a  short 
•strawed.  -fbnet  o  short-sighted.  -fbnetbeb  o 




ftort| tegner  drawer  of  mans,  draughtsman. 
-tegning  mapping. 

ftørttrøie  c  &  greggoe. 

ftørtnbgiber  e  publisher  of  a  chart  d.  charts. 

ftørrntbrt  o  short-woolled. 

ftørta'fe  c  bear's-ear  sårdele,  Cortwa. 

ftørtjborig  a  of  short  duration,  short-lived, 
evanescent,  transitory.  -borigfceb  c  short  dura- 
tlon.   t-biflia  a  amusing,  f&cetious. 

ftort|b*rt  fe  -fomlinø. 

ftørnnb'  c  corundum. 

ftorøet'  o  -ter  co'rvet,  sloop  of  war. 

ftørøbanter  jrf  coryban'tes,  cor'ybants. 

ftorbfaer  pi  leadera. 

ftørøgter  o  cowherd. 

ftofaf  e  -Ter  Cos'sac.    -fejl  Cossac's  horse. 

+ftøfe  flg  er  make  one's  self  comfortable,  en- 
joy  one's  ease. 

ftøfefovi  c  co-øe'cant. 

»ftofetig  a  snag,  oosy. 

ftoflnng  o  co-sine;  -  berfut  covers'ed  sine. 

ftø'lfrørn  fe  -møg. 

ftøøm|e'tif?  a  cosmet'ic.  -*iff  a  cosmical. 
•Ogoat'  o  cosmog'ony.  -ølogt'  o  cosmol'ogy. 
-øpøfit'  o  -et  cosmop'oUte,  cosmopol'ltan.  -opø« 
Ht'iK  a  cosmopol'ltan.    -ørø'mø  n  cosmorama. 

ftø'fpot  c  jardes. 

ftøfl  e  (ftøbe)  food,  ylctuals,  fare.  living; 
(Unbetbolb.  gføbe  meb  alt  tiføørenbe)  board, 
t  (Omtofl.)  cost,  expenses;  -  og  Xcering  food  and 
expenses;  .  og  Bøn  board  and  wages;  -  og  Jlkebet 
board  and  clothes,  back  and  belly;  tjatb  -  half 
board;  en  font  et  paa  fyilb  .  half-boarder;  fnat  - 
Blender  fare;  tøoe  fri  -  hare  free  board;  fætte  en 
i  -  put  one  out  to  board,  board  one;  bære  i  . 
fto*  board  with;  toge  ©tro  i  .  take  children  In 
to  board;  tø&e  en  i  -  board  one. 

ftøfl  [6]  e  -e  broom,  besom;  *(Bøtfle)  bruah; 
nt>e  -e  feje  bebfl  new  brooms  sweep  clean. 

ftø'ftølb  o  cow-stable,  byre. 

ftøftoør  a  (af  flor  Bsrbi)  precious,  valaable; 
(bbt)  expensive,  costly,  sumptuouB;  gøre  flg  - 
make  one's  self  precious.  -beb  o  costllness,  ex- 
pensiveness;  -er  pi  articles  of  value,  precious 

ftøfte  vi  coBt;  Ijoab  -r  bet?  what  Is  the  price 
el.  flgure?  how  much  Is  it?  bet  -r  iffe  noget 
there's  nothlng  to  pay;  tøab  -r  bet  Dem?  what 
does  it  stand  you  in?  Qbab  -t  benne  Stol?  how 
much  for  thi  s  chair?  bet  -  Ijbob  bet  bil  at  any 

grice,  at  all  costø;  bet  tør  -t  fyrni  meget  at  birøge 
ette  $u«  he  has  spent  a  great  deal  of  money 
in  buhding  thls  house;  bet  bil  -  tømt  Si«  he 
wfll  pay  with  his  life  for  it,  it  is  as  much  as 
hiB  life  is  worth;  ~  meget  paa  spend  a  good  deal 
of  money  on,  bestow  some  coat  on;  bet  tytr  -t 
mig  meget  (Umage)  I  have  taken  great  pains;  .  flg 
nt  bc  at  the  expense  of,  invest  in  st. 
*ftøfte  [6]  vt  bruah. 

ftøftelbinber  [6]  broom -maker,  broom-man. 
•fibbel  broom,  Sparlium  eurapceum. 

toftelig  a  (ofte  ironif!)  precious;  (loflbar)  costly; 

(fortræffelig)  excellent,  exquisite;  (morfom)delight- 
ful;  en  -  ?erle  bibl  a  pearl  of  great  price. 

ft  ofteløng  [6]  c  heather  for  brooms. 

ftøftrabe  n  cost. 

Stoller  pi.  fliaalne  -  stoolen  goods. 

ftøftelriå  [6]  twigB  for  brooms.  -fføift  broom- 
stick,  broom-staff.    -»øger  beacon  and  broom. 

ftøfoførøgter  døinty  feeder;  bon  er  inoeti  ~  he 
is  not  oyer-nice,  not  very  fastidlous.  -fri  a  free 
from  el.  of  expense.  -fmfcv  e  -«  15°^er- 
♦-bolber  dletary,  d.  scale,  diet-roll.  -bn#  boarding 

b8SfhieHKe    \6]    c    Deptford    pink,    Uianthtu 

ftøftnifj  n  Constance. 

StøftpCRge  pi  board  wages.  -ratiøn  allowance 
(of  food).    -ffole  boarding-school. 

Støfrm'me  n  -r  cos'tume;  i  -  in  character.  -&*! 
ImncyV-dress)  ball,  costume-ball.  -'re  vt  dress<out). 

ftø'jfter  fe  -fngl. 

*ftøt'  n,  pi  =,  cot,  narrow  cloøet,  hole. 

ftotaugettt  o  -er  co-tan'gent. 

ftote  e  -r  curre. 

ftotelet'  e  -ter  cutlet,  chop;  .  meb  brunebe  9ar> 
tofler  chips  and  chops.  -ffreg  mutton-cbop 

ftøteri'  n  -er  coterle,  cllque,  fraternity,  ring. 
•aanb,  -batfe«  cliquism. 

RoHflon'  e  -er  cotil'lon,  cotllllon. 

Stø'trtt  n  cow-tree. 

ftornrne  c  co'thurn,  buskln. 

fiong  o  &  thimble. 

Sto\*ana  fe  -gang. 

♦ftobe  [aa]  c  -r  cloøet. 

ftøjøeabe  vi  ^  veer,  wear.  -øenbtog  o  Yeering. 
•bogter  fe  -Iwtot.  -bommet  o  (om  ^efre)  big 

♦Sfoj  e  -er  small  tub. 

Itolbber  cow's  udder.  -øje  <t,  og 3«Tnb.  boils 
eye.    -øiet  o  ox-eyed. 

•Scraale  fe  Jrrage  2;  (lady'a)  hood,  sun-bonnet, 
all-poke;  (paa  ^ob)  frog;  fange  en  -  «&  cateh  a 
crab;  ftupt  ~  cut  el.  throw  somersets.  -teBe 
sea-urchin,  Echintu. 

ftrøaå  o  -e  k  -et  (Jrro)  crop,  craw.  -er  pi 
giblets  pi.    Stxaa\t\nppt  glblet  soup. 

Rrab'  e  (Xømr.)  raced  mark. 

•Traøøft'  e  whip,  scourge.    -e  øf  F  whlp. 

*ftraba'gtøwmer  (floaUng;  tlmber,  the  owxter 
of  which  is  unknown. 

ftrøbø't  o  -er  chap,  fellow. 

ftrøba't  a  J,  prime,  excellent. 

ftrøbbe  vt,  .  af  (Zømr.)  raøe. 

*Scrabbe  vi  crawl. 

ftrøbbe  c  -r  crab,  Cancer;  (6tranbfcø5be) 
grampie,  Careimu  metneu;  (i  Soai)  staple;  pi  ^ 
boat's  gripes.  -bbjffer  litUe  auk,  Meryulu*  alle. 
-flø  crab's  claw.    -fra«,  -føil  ^  wlnch,  crab. 

ftrøble  vi  fe  ftrible. 

ftrøa)  (t.J  n  crash,  collapee. 

ftrab* |  børfie  wire-bruub,  scratch-brush.  -i#(r)* 
fHg  a  f  saucy,  quarrelsome. 

Irrøbfe  vt  scratch,  claw,  scrape;  -  Sttben  op 
paa  Jrtebe  tease  cloth  .  en  Zobattpibe  ub  scrape 
out  the  ashes  of  a  tobacco  pipe;  -  Hib  øcribble 
wool;  f  bet  er  noget  fom  r  that  is  the  right 
stuff.  -børfte  fe  oofr.  -jrtm  scraplng-iron,  scraper. 
-mofline  gig-machine.  -n  c  scratching.  -re-« 
scraper;  (Øebcerf.)  worm;  (en,  fom  trabfer  ftlabe) 
teaseler;  (Dljt)  thorn-headed  worm,  Echinorkyn~ 
chut.  f  astrongdram.  ftrab#ni«g  fr-n.  ftrøbg* 
tt(b  sboddy  (wool). 

*ftrøffe  vt  k  i  scrape,  scramble. 

Strøft  e  pi  tfrann,  (étbrte,  legemlig,  oanbdig, 
ogfaa  DritfeoarerØ  ©t.;  ftrafter)  strength:  (9tmt, 

IegrmUg   og   a  an  belig)  power;    (ftrafteng    Btrina, 
galbe)  force;  (ftraftiabeb)  vigour;  ^nb,  ttnergi. 

with  all  one's  might;  raabte  af  alle  ftræfter  øhouted 
at  the  top  of  his  voice;  løb  af  aOe  ftcøifter  ran 
as  hard  as  he  could,  as  fast  as  his  legs  could 
carry  hlm;  anfpanbe  alle  ftræfter  øtrain  every 
nerve;  fætte  -  paa  throw  a  straln  on;  gaor  meb 
fulb  .  is  going  (at)  full  speed;  prøbe  ftweftrt  meb 
try  one  s  strength  against;  f  try  a  fall  with, 
try  conclusions  with;  lomme  til  ftraftet,  famle 
Rrattet  gain  el.  recover  strength;  i  fulb  -  in  full 
force  and  vigour;  i  fin  Ungbom«  fnlbe  -  in  the 




foll  vtgour  of  youth;  i  .  af  (en  Sod  o.  I.)  in  el. 
by  virtue  of;  i  -  af  tyanø  Vnbefaling  upon  the 
strength  of  his  recommendation;  farte  i  .  put 
in  force;  execute:  fatte  itb  af  -  annul,  abrogate; 
trabe  i  .  come  into  force  el.  operation,  take 
effect,  operate;  become  avallable;  Date  i  -  be 
in  force.  Sfraft|anfpanbelfe,  -anfrrengelfe,  -an« 
»enbelfe  exertlon  of  strength,  (powerful)  exer- 
tion;  (ylgorons)  effort.  -beotø  proof  of  strength; 
strong  argument,  -nwb  gluten-bread.  ftrafteå« 
tø*  fe  -lø«.  »r  af  t|  fatning  fe  -oberførelfe.  -føber 
Btrongfood.  «f  or  anbring  change  of  power,  -far' 
ørnø  expense  of  power,  -forplantning  fe  -ooet* 
førelfe.  -fnJi  a  vigorous;  powerful;  strong,  for- 
cible:  energetic.  -fblbe  abundance  of  strength. 
•føleife  consclousness  of  power,  -geni  rare 
genius,  -gøbninø  powerful  manure.  ftrafrig 
a  fe  -fulb.  ftrafttgt  adv  fordbly,  powerfuUy. 
strongly.  Jtraft|tarl  p  muBcular  fellow.  -lilbe 
source  of  power;  prime  mover. 

JrrafrHrfe  fe  Irrbptttrle. 

ftraft|rnnfter  pi  feats  of  strength.  -tebning 
transmission  of  motion;  transmission  rope.  -(irre 
dynamics  pi.  -løø  a  impotent;  (afmaatiø)  power- 
less-,  (foag)  nerveless;  invalid.  -løøbeb  ø  fack  of 
strength,  impotence;  (6bagetigbrb;  lnyalidlty, 
feebleness.  -maaltr  dynamometer,  -manb  fe 
-fort.  -mel  starch-flour.  -ntibbel  powerful  re- 
medy.  -olie  essential  oli.  -orb  powerful,  ener- 
getic word.  -ooerførelfe  communication  el. 
transmission  of  power,  -Drøoe  trlal  of  strength. 
-r»b  ginseng,  Ihnax  Qutnque/olium.  -fpitbe  fe 
-tab.  -fprøa  energetic  language,  -f  eb  eflectlve 
passage,  -føl  power-loom.  -fuppe  strong  soup; 
jelly  broth.  -tab  loss  of  power  el.  purchase. 
-tag  vigorous  pull.  -tatenbe  a  enervatlng, 
debilltaung.  -ubtrnt  powerful,  energetlcal  ex- 
pression. -nbbilltna  development  of  power; 
mtek  purchase.  -btubtng  purchase  (gained). 
-srtrtniug  gross  eflect.  -btring  manifestation  of 
power,  effort. 

ftraø  o  min  eng. 

Jrrage  0  -t  (Jtrbbefang)  climbing  pole. 

ftrage  ø  -t  crow,  (ben  bos  o#  alm.)  hooded 
crow,  Ccrvtu  cornix,  (ben  i  wnglanb  olm.)  common 
el.  carrion  crow,  C.  eorone;  .  føger  Stage  birds 
of  a  feather  flock  together;  like  will  to  like. 
-oub  fe  Zejfte.  -bor  fe  ftrafling.  -fob  marsh 
dnque-foil,  Comarum  palurtre.  -gntb  cat-gold. 
-Jolle  (a  kind  of)  salling-boat.  -flo  crow's  claw; 
reatharrow,  Onanis  §pino$a.  -utaat  gibberlBh. 
-rebe  (ogf.  &)  crow's  nest.  -røb  fe  -no.  -føl* 
cat ailver.  -tøruffabe  crow  shrike,  Cracticus. 
•tier  (flet  6frifft  pot-hooks,  scrawl.  -nnge  young 
crow.    -øjne  pi  Yomic-nuts. 

Jfra'gf  eu  0  corbel,  summer. 

Strata  n  Camiola. 

♦Ifra!'  0  -fer  wooden  stool  el.  bench. 

Srral'an  n  Cracow.    -er,  -]J  Craco'vian. 

Strofen  0  oV  (fabelagtigt  føbbbt)  the  kraken. 

Jtrafi'tlcr  0  -e  caviller,  chicaner.  -erl'  n  chi- 
cano, -ff  o  cayillous,  contentious,  cantankerous. 

Jtrafmanbel  0  shell-almond. 

JrraBe  0  -r  claw. 

Jtraffit  0  -er  Jade. 

+ftram'  a  6neen  et  -  the  snow  clogs. 

ftrant'  0  k  n  (Baret)  wsxe,  wares  pi;  (Jtram* 
Bteri)  trumpery,  trash;  ($a!)  rabbi e,  yermin;  bet 
er  $ele  -niet  there  is  the  whole  concern;  bet  paffer 
ilte  i  tørns  .  that  does  not  sult  his  book;  ban 
fnnbe  pabe  bete«  .  (el.-  -uiet  paa  bein)  he  could 
manage  them. 

Jtrambom'bott  0  brandy  burnt  with  sugar. 

ftram|bob  shop.  -bobbreng,  -bobgnt  shop-boy. 
-boblrfe  shoprent.  -bobfoenb  shopman,  (fotaotl.) 
counter-iumper.     -Ijanbel    retail    tråde,     -fart 

pedlar.  -fifle  chest  for  petty  ware;  fig  heap  of 
lumber.  -marteb  fair  for  petty  ware.  ftraunuc 
ub  vt  display. 

Stramme  vt  crumple,  crush.  -n  0  crumpllng 

StrauMueri'  »  -et  trumpery. 

Strampagtig  a  fe  Srrampe-. 

Strantpe  0  -t  Oarnt.)  cramp,  clasp;  (liben) 
staple;  (paa  $at)  loop. 

Strantpe  0  -t  (Sbflbotn)  spasm,  flt.  convulsions; 
(Iofol)  cramp;  ligge  i  _  be  in  a  flt:  Jeg  fif  *  I 
was  taken  with  a  cramp.  -aol  electrical  eel, 
Oymnvtut  electricuå.  -aare  varix.  -agtig  a 
spasmodic,  conrulsive.  -onfalb  flt.  -braaber 
flt-drops.  +«brag  convulsive  twitch.  -fifl  tor- 
pedo, -graab  convulsive  et.  hysterlc  crylng. 
•fnnbe  fe  aare. 

ftrcmpefna  »  ^  staple-knee. 

Jrrampe| latter  hysterlc  langhter.  -rafte  fe  -fifl. 
-fag  epilepsy.  -fmil  convulsive  smile.  -fHHenbe 
a  antispasmodic;  .  OHbbel  spasmodic,  anti- 
spasmoaic.  -tørte  convulsive  strength.  -fsg  a 
afflicted  with  spasm.  -tilfalbe  spasmodic  affec- 
tlon.    -traf,  -trafning  convulsions  pi. 

ftrampofc  0  trumpery  bag. 

Jtramlfngl  0  trash,  Turdu*,  —p  fleldflue, 
Turdut  pilarU;  fe  ogf.  6anabro<fel. 

ftrambarer  trading  articles. 

*lfran  ø  -et  stop-cock. 

ftra«  c  -et  crane;  Vnteret  et  for  -en  the  anchor 
is  a-cockbifl;  fire  Vnfetet  for  -en  cockbill  the 
anchor.  -afgift  cranage.  -anfer  ^  bow-anchor, 
bower.  -arm  arm  of  the  crane.  -bjalte  arm  of 
a  crane;  J>  cat-head. 

*ffro«e  T<f  *fttan. 

ftra'nfortsj  n  sheer  hulk. 

♦Jhrangel  n  quarrelllng,  dissension. 

"ftrangle  vi  pick  a  quarrel  el.  quarrels.  -font 
quarreller,  quarrelsome  fellow.    -t  a  intrlcate. 

ffnmltlnl  wheel  of  a  crane.   -tøveb  top  part 
of  a  crane.    -tytå  frame  of  a  crane. 
Jtraninnt  «  -iet  cranlum. 
tftranl  a  poor,  sorry. 
»ranfe| bogter,  -»agter  ^  slckberth  attendant. 

ftranlntefler  master  of  the  crane.  -penge 

Jtronft  o  -e  wreath,  garland,  chaplet;  (Zob*) 
4,  grommet;  ^  whorl;  (King  til  at  bare  nt)  pad; 
(paa  6abel)  cantle;  grønne  -e  wreaths  of  wood 
-roof;  binbe  en  -  weave,  plait  (plat)  a  garland; 
oinbe  -en  bear  the  bell.  -aare  coronary  vein  et. 
artery.  -børfe  wild  basil,  Clinopodivm.  -bannet 
a  shaped  like  a  wreath,  coronary.  ffranfe  vt 
crown  with  flowers. 

ftranfelbinber  weaver  of  garlands.  -bnnben 
a  garlanaed.  -forlabtttttø  grommet  wad.  -gilbe 
rooflng  supper,  -fage  cake  made  of  macaroon 
paste  and  formed  of  a  number  of  rings  piled 
one  on  the  top  of  the  other  in  the  shape  of  a 
pyramld.  -fonbal  Solomon's  seal,  Convalloria 

JrranlfTib  n  fe  -fartøj. 

ftranø|lif  e  dripstone.  -naal  %t  chara.  ftra«i- 
ning  0  crownlng  with  flowers.  ffrovi | nubier  pi 
vermlceUi.  -ffillet  a  verticlllate.  *-øl  fe  fttanfe« 

Sfra'nraftet  n  crane  tackle. 

Rrap'  a  scant,  strait,  difflcult;  .  60  fe  -fø. 

ftrop'  0  madder,  Bnbia  Hnctorum.  -abt  (Sbtfn). 
culture  of  madder;  (^øft)  crop  of  madder,  -farne 
red  dye  of  matter,  -farter  one  who  dyes  with 
madder,  -gnl,  -gnlt  madder  yellow.  -laf  madder 
•lake,  madder- carmine.  -mølle  madder  mill. 
-plante  madder,  m.  plant,  -røb  rootof  madder, 
•røb,  -røbt  madder  red. 




Strapjlftnbet  a  hidebound.  -flanet  a  tlghtly 
•laid,  short-laid.    -fa  short  sea,  ctaopping  sea. 

SttftM'l  n  rabble. 

Seraf'  a  grøn,  crass. 

ftraé :  floc  i  -  break  to  sniven,  -f  vi  fe  ftnafe. 

tStrafte  vi  rustle.    -n  o  rustling. 

8r*t'  n,  pi  wb,  thicket,  copice,  copee,  spinny; 
t  Reol  og  -  bag  and  baggage.  -Balle  hill  over- 
grown  with  copee  wood.    -bttff  bush. 

Sirater  n  -tre  crater. 

ftratffob  e  copse  wood. 

Sttattt  vt  k  i  »Grape,    -ri'  n  »crawl. 

ftratbøtfft  c  shrubby  plant. 

Stal*  n,  pi  s,  (gocbring)  claim,  call;  ($igen) 
craving;  gøre  ~  paa  lay  claim  to. 

+ftrab  n  thin  cruit  of  ice,  new-formed  ice. 

ftrabal'  n  row. 

*ftra*e  vi  k  -  ftg  cri»le. 

Sirabe  c  -r  (paa  ftlæber  og  Sinneb)  collar;  (S9rt>fH.) 
shirt-front,  shlrt-boeom,  (lo*)  false  front;  ($ett* 
o.  I.)  tippet;  (paa  6ts»ler)  tops:  J,  collar;  ($mp.) 
cover  (paa  9t*r  o.  I.)  flange;  $  Unib;  tage  en  i 
-n  collar  one,  take  by  the  collar.  -baanb  collar 
-string,  -ben  collar  bone.  -fafan  ringed  pheas- 
ant.  -fttgl  bower-blrd,  Chlamydera.  -fip  shirt 
•collar.    -jflcnt  crisplng-tron.    -tnop  shirt-stud. 

ftrabc'l  c  -er  <t,  (i  Dctt)  carling.  -bygget  a carvel 
-built     -btagntng  carvel-work. 

Strabe|  linning  band  of  a  false  front.  -Uå  a 
collarless.  -naal  breast-pln.  -porabiåfngl  superb 
paradifle-bird,  Lophorina  tuperba.  -fftstø  leather 
for  boot-tops.  -fløbler  top-boots.  -tørffabc  lady's 
necktie.    -•gie  ruff-lizard,  CMamydoKturAu. 

ftra'bfri  a  ezempt  from  claim. 

Sfrobl  *  crawling  things,  small  vermin. 
+ftr*bl  c  dimping  pole.  Scrabt|r  vi  crawl, 
creep;  ~  oser  et  (Barbe  scramble  over  a  hedge. 
•en  c  creeping.  scrambling. 

Jtra'bUb  fe  ftrabfri. 

Streaølarrcb  n  creas. 

Streatt'n  c  cre'atine.    -i'«  c  creat'inine. 

St  reatn'r  n  -er  animal;  pi  (Jtueg)  cattle,  live 
stock;  (Qaanfocb)  creature;  fio  (en*)  tool.  -be« 
fatning  live  stock.  -forfMrfng  insurance  of 
live  stock.  -fører  drover.  -tømmtØfløa*r  sales- 
man.  -paffer  neatherd.  -fngbomme  pi  dlseases 
of  live  stock.   -fijge  murrain.   -bog«  cattle-boz. 

Strebd  c,  pi  bb,  crawflsh,  crayflsh,  Åttacua 
fiuviatili«;  a»t  crab,  cancer;  -en«  Benbecirtel  the 
troplc  of  Cancer,  -bbr  crustacean,  crustaceous 
animal,  crostacea  pi.    Sfrebfe  vi  catch  crawflsh. 

ftreb(e|agtig  a  crustaceous.  -barn  pond  for 
crawflsh.  -fangft  catching  of  crawfijih.  -gong 
retrograde  movement;  qaa  -  go  backward;  fio 
decline,  sink.  -Hø  claw  of  a  crawfish;  $  water 
-soldier,  Stratiotea  aloteUx.  -rnfe  bownet,  bow 
•weel.  -ffal  shell  of  the  crawflsh  el.  cravnsh. 
-ftttør  crab's  butter.  -flen,  -øje  crab's  eye.  -fuppe 
crawflsh  soup. 

ftreben'fje  vt  present  after  tasting  it.  -borb 

ftre'bit  e  cred'it. 

ftrcbit'  c  cred'it,  trust,  F  tick;  paa  .  on 
credit  el.  trust,  tage  paa  -  take  upon  trust,  take 
up  upon  credit;  give  -  give  credlt,  trust  (one); 
mere  aabne  en  -  fy>ft  lodge  el.  open  a  c.  with. 
-bebiå  blll  of  credit.  -breb  letter  of  credit. 
Jtrebite'rc  vt  (en  noget)  sell  on  credlt  (to  one), 
trust  one  for  something;  (en  for  noget)  credit 
(something  to  one),  give  one  credit  for,  pats  to 
one's  c.  ftrebitt'b  n  -er  letter  of  credit;  cre- 
dentlalspl  ftrebit'lfaåfe  credlt-instltution.  -op. 
ftg  goods  in  bond;  bonded  warehouse. 

ftrebitor  «  -oret  cred'itor.  -nbbatg commlttee 
of  inspection. 

Jtrtbttfibe  c  cred'it-side. 

Strebir'lfptlbe  loss  of  cred'it.    -verfet 

Irrebg  [él  c  -e  drcle;  (af  9erfoner)  rinr, ' 
ningM.)  sphere  (of  activity);  (Cmganoit  ••! 
circle;  røamilief.)  family  drcle;  (^iftnfti  d^ 
precinct;  fe  ealgfreM;  i  (en)  -  in  a  circle;  3« 
.  bibt  the  face  of  the  earth;  floa  el.  flntte 
a  circle.  -baaeorbit.  -bebffgelfecircularmc 
gyration.    -banå  ring-dance,  carol.     -bi 
circular.  -belemaftitte  dividing  engine  for  to 
wheels.   ftrebfe  vt  (noget  inb)  endrde  (s 
vi  circle.   ftreb§|f orf  atatng  division  of  a  cos 
in  circles.  -f ormanb,  -forflanber  (i  Unt 
foren.)  distrlct  yisitor.  -formet  a  fe  -tonnet 
circular  course.    -inbbelittg  fe  -forfatning 
clrculatlon,  circular  motion;  gyration. 
a  cy'clootome,  cydos'tomous.  -amfref  orbfc 
muscle.    -ret  distrlct  court.    -mnb 
-fteb  capital  of  a  distrlct. 

Srree're  vt  crea'te. 

ftttmone'fer  (Biolin)  c  -e  Cremo'na. 

ftrenortar  tari  o  cream  of  Tartar. 

ftremferbbibt  n  Krems  white-lead. 

ftrrnelere  vt  oren'elate. 

ftreo'I,  -ertn'be  o  -er  Cre'ole.    -neger 
negro,    -fl  o  Creo'lean. 

Screofo't  n  cre'osote. 

ftrep'  n  crape.  i 

ftrepe'r|e  vt  p  give  up  the  ghost;  vt  f  ann^ 
•lig  o  P  aggravating. 

ftreplflor  n  crape.  -maftine  craptng  machis 
lereppe  vt  crape.    fhreppet  a  (om  mb)  curled 

Jrreftomati'  c  -er  chrestom'athy. 

Ihre't|fl  »  Crete.  -en'fer  o  -e,  -en'flff  o  Cre'* 

Jcreti  og  $Ieti  the  common  herd. 

ftreti'n  c  -er  cre'tln.    -ig'me  c  cre'Unism. 

Jrrible  (og  rrob(e)  vi,  fe  Straote;  creep,  hsre 
creeping,  pricklng,  ttckllng  sensation.  -> 
creeping,  creeps. 

frrtbe're  vt  chalk. 

icribboib  (F  (ribenbe  ^bib)  a  white  as  ct*l 

Uribt  n  chalk;  tage  paa  -  F  oay  upon  tia 
-agtig  a  chalky.  -bofle  chalk  hill.  -bjerg  cbti 
rock.  -blanbet  a  mixed  with  ohalk.  ->ri 
chalk  plt.  -bannclfe  chalk-formation.  ItrW 
vt  chalk.  -flint  flint  found  in  layers  of  cb«l 
•formation  fe  -bannelfe.  -grnnb  Oorbb.)  chsu 
soil;  (fRalerubtr.)  chalk  prunlng.  -but  provs 
(a  kind  of)  pen-case;  tomme  i  -et  f  get  ui 
high  favour;  bare  i  -et  $ot  en  be  in  one's  *x 
graces,  in  one's  books.  +-bbib  fe  Jerib^trlb.  -i*1 
chalky  earth.  -Hint  chalky  diff.  -lag  layer 
chalk.  -ler  chalky  clay.  -linie  chalk  tø 
-mergel  chalky  maxi.  -periøbe  chalk  perio 
cretaceouB  p.  -pibe  clay  pipe,  earthen  piP 
•fnor  chalk  line.  -flen  chalk  stone.  -frref 
-rtnie.  -froffe  piece  of  chalk.  -regning  cray 
-palnUng;  crayon. 

Jhrig  c  -t  &  gripe. 

ftrig  o  -e  war;  rufle  fifl  til  ~  prepare  for  w* 
føre  .  wage  war,  make  war.  war;  ligge  i  -  m 
be  at  war  with;  ertUtre.  fortbnbe  -  declax 
proclalm  war  agalnst;  flotte  flg  i  -  go  to  wi 
gaa  i  .  go  to  the  wars;  tiene  i  -en  serve  in  ti 
wars;  faa  gaar  bet  ril  i  -,  faa  er  -en<  Øanø  ** 
bring  scars;  fatte  fin  -  igennem,  faa  fin  -  fa 
carry  one's  point;  paa  .  in  spite.  Strigle  vi  waj 
war,  war  (agalnst);  -e«  vd  be  at  war,  war  up< 
each  otber.    -elflenbe  a  fond  of  war. 

ft riger  c  -e  warrior.  -aonb  warlike  sPir! 
-bane  career  of  a  warrior.  -baab  warlike  ezp101 
•grab  soldler's  grave,  -baber  military  &0T 
•lafte  warrior-caste-  -lib  fe  ftrigft«.  -mob  warrioi 
courage,  valour.  -fl  a  martial,  warlike.  '"a\ 
troop  of  warriors.  -ftanb  fe  JWg»«.  -flat  stal 
of  warriore.    -irre  military  honour. 




e  ^iz  Arfgførenbe  a  belligerent,  at  war;  be  -  (Slagter) 

e  belligerent,  the  powers  at  war. 
,;«££- ftrigdlaar  year  of  war.  -aarfag  cause  of  war. 
...-'  >*el  military  nobility.  -ofabemi  military  acad- 
,y-.  ;.-ay.  -ammunition  munitions  of  war  pi.  -an* 
„,  '-■  ilter  warllke  preparationa.  -artitler  articles 
^'^  war.  -bebrift  martial  exploit.  -befaltngømanb 
^  -llitary  commander.  -begiøenbeb  military  event. 
JJ  v.  ibon  neceasaries  of  war;  fe  -brug.  -bemaubtng 
:,,---  -befarning.  -berebftnb  readlness  for  military 
:::  >eratlonfl.  -beftbreffe  war-omce,  war-depart- 
;  ■  r,'  ent.  «bef otntua  (paa  Orlogømanb)  complement 
5      -  men.    -betjening  employment  in  the  army. 



Mg  (@Hf)  usage  of  war;  HI .  for  war-purposes. 


r^ib  messenger  of  war.    -bnbffab  mesøage  of 

^■r.    -bntber  din  of  war.    -bbgmefter  military 

1  Oigineer.    -bbgniugituaft  military  engineering. 

-sljrbe  bnrden  of  war.  -blotte  booty.  -bouprayer 

1       i  time  of  war.    -baub  fe  -bebrift.    -bamler  war 

teamer.    -bani  war-dance.    -bommer  military 

l!&  tdge.    -bragt  martial  garb.     -bbgtig  a  fit  for 

J*    nilitary)  service,  -b&gtfgtyeb  fitness  for  service, 

1      fllciency  for  war  purposes,    -eb  military  oath. 

gfarcu  o  experienoed  in  war.   -erfarenljeb  ex- 

4*  erience  in  war.  -ertlaring  deolaration  of  war. 

fag  military  art  el.  science,    -feltet  torch  el. 

arne  of  war.  -fange  prlsoner  of  war.  -fangen* 

nb  captivlty;  falbe  i  -  be  taken  prlsoner;  bare 





~  be  prlsoner  of  war.    -fare  dangers  el.  risks 



€  war.      -fartøj  man-of-war.     -fejt    strategio 

*ror.  -fUiabe  armada,  navy.   -fob  war-establlsh- 

m  „?  ænt,  war-footing;  fcette  paa  ~  put  upon  the 

\*  m  establishment,  on  a war-footing;  Aofiaapaa 

£»,■.  meb  be  at  enmlty  with     -fol!  soldiers.  -fore* 

V  ngenbe  warllke  enterprlse.  -forfaren  fe  -erfaren. 

/forbør  trlal  by  court  martial.    -førnobcuteb  fe 

bebob.     -forraab  military  suppues   el.  stores. 

'^  Mtrfte  warllke  prlnce,  warrior  prince.    +-f erb 

"**  military  exploits.    -forelfe  warfare.   -foreube  fe 

•Hig«,  -gat  a  (madly)  bent  upon  war,  bellicose. 

^•goiftab  mania  for  war,  warllke  ardour.    -glib 

:;  vfod  of  war.   -gnbtnbe  goddess  of  war.   -tjaanb* 

j(fl(b«rf  tråde  of  war.    t-tyrnbef  fe  -f«rb.    -Ijabn 

.' .  military  port,  (Sø')  naval  port.    -tyclb  success 

■Z  fin  war.  -å)e!t  martial  hero,  warrior  hero.  -berøtb 

;   herald  of  war.    -bjerre  (trigerft  Jtonge  el.  §nrfte) 

;{   warllke  king  el.  prince;  king.  sovereign.    -ben 

I;,.- warhorse,   charger,  steed.     -jiftørfe  history  of 

7  V  war,  military  history.  -ttftørtfl  a  forfatter  mili- 

-  tary  historian.  -blaf*  military  aid.  ~M  war 
,.;  whoop.  -tør  army.  -tøbbiug,  -Ijøbebømonb 
•' :'  military  chief.  -tnbfigt  fe  -erfarenljeb.  -lunte  war 
^  junk.     tftrigft  a  fe  Srrtgerfl.    Strigft|tammerat 

■  fellow  soldler  el.  officer,  companion  in  arms. 
:1'  -toao  war  canoe.  -tadfe  army-chest,  military 
1  é  chest.      -tløgftab  prudence    in    war,    military 

«  sagacity.     -tiaber  pi  military  clothing.     -tUgt 

1     fe  flogftab.    -tommidfar  commissary.     -tøuren« 

taube  contraband  of  war.   -toiitrtbttttott  (forced) 

.     contribution.    -førrefbøttbance  war  correspond- 

•  ence.  -tørref  bønbent  war  correspondent.   -tnnft 
'  art  of  war,  military  art.     -tt^ttbig  a  skilled  In 

the  art  of  war.  -tarm  din  of  war.  -lejr  camp. 
.     'Itn  military  feoff.   -lift  stratagem.    -ttb  military 

•  life,    >(oo  marttal  law.    -tnr  poet  war-trumpet. 

-  -(bf te  fortane<B)  el.  chances  of  war.     -liften  a 
:.    desirous  of  war.     -(an  reward  for  military  ser- 
vice.   -Uf en  watchword.    -magt  military  force, 
(titoanbd)  naval  force,   -manb  warrior.   -marinen 

;'     tbe  (Royal)  navy.     -mafHne   engine  of  war. 

•wtteriet  material  of  war,  warmacerial.  -mintfler 
r     minister  of  war,  war  minister;  (i  (Snglanb)  secre- 

tary  of  war.  -minifterinm  war-office  el.  depart- 
fi     ment;  (i  (Engf.)  horse-guards.  -motefl  molcstation 

of  war.  -mnflt  martial  muslc.  -omtofinlnger  pi  ex- 

penses  of  war.  -øbbnb  levy  call  to  arms.  -opero' 

^arfen:  9anft*<fngelft  Orbbog. 

Høner  warllke  operations,  -optrin  fe  -begibenbeb. 
•ørben  order  of  war.  -banit  war-scare.  -blån 
warllke  scheme.  -brflmtiewarpremium.  -bnbå  fe 
•lifi.  -rflob  war  cry,  battle  shout.  -raab  e  (Xitel) 
councillor  of  war.  -raab  n  (gorfamling)  council 
of  war.  -ratet  military  el.  war  rocket,  -rebflab 
lmplement  of  war.  -ret  (JrrigenS  fftttWaff.)  law 
of  war;  (bømmenbe  Ret)  court  martial;  fatte«  nnber 
-  be  trled  by  a  court  martial.  -rifitø  risk  of 
war.  -rnftning  (Ubruftn.  til  ft.)  preparation  for 
war;  (ftrigerS  Stufht.  ofb.)  warllke  equipment. 
•r^gte  rumour  of  war.  -fang  war-song.  -ffabe 
damage  by  war.  -ff abfJerftatnf na  war  indemnity. 
•ffat  war-tax.  contribution.  -frib  man  of  war, 
warship.  -frit  usage  of  war.  -ftole  military 
academy;  (trrigenft  & )  school  of  war.  -ffrig  war 
-cry.  -frneblaøg  theatre  el.  seat  of  war.  -ftntå 
ordnance.  -ftabne  fortune  of  war.  -fpiflet  the 
game  of  war.  -fbrøg  (technical)  military  language. 
-ftanb  ( ftriøerft . )  military  profession .  -fHen  the  war 
trail  el.  path.  -fh|r  fe  -flat.  -ftt|r?e  fe  -magt. 
•fttåfel  military  business,  -tib  time  of  war. 
-ribenbe  news  of  war.  -titf albe  case  of  war. 
-tilftanb  warllke  situation,  -tjenefte  military 
Bervice,  war  service;  ftaa  i  -  serve  in  the  army; 
gøre  -  do  military  duty;  goo  i  franft  .  enter 
the  French  army.  -tog  military  ezpedition. 
•trtbnn  military  tribune,  -tngt  military  discip- 
line.  -tummel  turmoil  of  war.  -nbfigter  warllke 
prospects.  -nrøtiglyeb  troubles  of  war.  -oaaben 
warllke  weapons.  -bant  a  skilled  in  war.  -blben* 
ffab  military  science,  -biø  usage  of  war.  +-bitb 
fe  -gal.  -bogn  war-chariot.  -berfen  military 
matters,  -ere  military  honour  el.  glory.  -ajemeb : 
i  .  for  war  purposes,  for  the  purposes  of  war. 
«*betfe  military  exercise.    -aberfte  chief. 

ftrit'  e  k  n  -ter,  Stritte  c  -r  (Øg)  nag. 

Srrit'anb  c  teal,  Awu  erecea. 

Stri'let  cricket;  fpiHe  .  play  (at)  cricket,  cricket. 
-tantb  cricket-match.  -fbiHer  cricketer.  -fbiOet 
the  game  of  cricket. 

frriOe  vi  ltch,  tingle,  prlck;  vt  tickle.  -løfte 
tlckling  cough  -n  c  pricklng,  etc.  -fbge 

ftrim'  n  the  Crlmea. 

•ierim(e)  c  fe  Snue. 

ftrimina'tacrlm'inal.  -bømsentence.  -bommer 
jndge  of  a  crown  -  court.  Srrtmtnattfi'  c  -er 
aim'inallst.  lrrimina(|(Iøb)bøg  penalcode.  -bro« 
ceø  criminal  proceedings.  -ret  (Sobe)  criminal 
law;  (felbe  Retten)  crim'inal  court.  -fag  criminal 
case.  ftriminet'  a  criminal;  .  gotbrtjbelfe  c.  e(. 
lndictable  offence;  -  Xiltale  c.  process. 

Irrimtrigen  the  Crime'an  war. 

ftrimgtramd  n  trumpery,  rubblsh. 

String  (t  k  poet)  fe  Omrring.  -bygget  a  built 
round.    -bafet  a  bent  round.  ' 

Stringelv  fe  ftrintel«. 

Stringte  c  -r  ring-twisted  cake  el.  bun,  twist; 
^  figure  of  eigth:  *small  circular  disk. 

String |  (abenbe  a  surrounding.  -ftø  vt  shoe  on 
all  four  feet,  shoe  all-fours.  -ftntte  vt  environ, 
beset,    -fatte  vt  place,  set  round;  fe   flutte. 

Srrinlelfgange  pi  meanderings.  -troge  pi  odd 
nooks  and  corners. 

Strinøli'nc  c  -r  crin'oline. 

tStrittø  c  fe  Ihebe. 

Strife,  StrifiØ  c   r  crisls. 

Strid!  ej  am  n  glass-cutter. 

Strifble  vt  (Uaber)  board.  Strifbeltra  boarding 

»rift  fe  Shifrue.  Striftelig  a  Christian,  Christian 

Srriften  a  Christian;  en  -  a  Christian,  -børn  c 
Christianity.  -bømåtttnbftab  Christian  knowl- 
edge.   -forfalgelf  e  persecution  of  the  Christians. 





-beb  o  Christendom.  -Jørb  consecrated  ground. 
-Inabe  chrlstening  gown. .  -Hu  Christian  llfe. 
-tro  Christian  fitfth.    -tøj  chrlstening  clothes. 

Striftt  $unmetfart  the  ascension  of  Christ;  « 
$.>$ag  Ascenslon-day;  -  iBlobftbraabe  fuchsia. 
ftrtfUan  Christian.  StrtfH'ne  Christina,  Strifr- 
tn'be  c  -r  Christian  (woman).  Striftmaaneb  De- 
cember.  Striftne  ol  Christen.  Striftøff'er  Chrls'- 
topher,  Kit.  Strtftpalme  Palma  Christ!,  castor 
-oli  plant.  Strifttørn  holly,  Ilex,  Chriat's  thorn, 
Mhamnut  tpina  Ckruti. 

Strtftai  c  Christ;  før  .  B.  C,  before  Christ. 
-biflebe  image  of  Christ.  -ørbenen  the  Order  of 

Strtt|e'rHtm  »  -ier  criterion.    -tf  c  -er  crit'i- 
cism,   criti'que;   (ftecenflon)  review;  unbet  ol  - 
oontemptlble,  below  notiee.    -ilaf'ier  o  .e  critl- 
oaster.    -'tter  c  -e  critlc;  (Recenfenf)   reviewer, 
-ir  tø*  a uncritical.  -ife're of crit'icise.  -tfe'ring 
c  crlt'icising,  criUclsm.    -'iff  a  crltical. 
^Stritte  [t.]  ot  carp,  cavll,  pick  holes. 
Stritte:  ftøb  og  - !  F  by  Jovel 
$tro  c  -er  (bos  Sfiigle)  craw,  crop.    Uro  fifl  or 
swell  the  craw;  fa  plnme  one's  self,  look  big. 
Strø  e  -er  (wayside)  inn;  public  (house),  ale- 
house,  tavern;  house  of  call  (for  journeymen). 
-aotlg  a  tavern  like. 

ftroa't  e  -et  Cro'at.  -ten  n  Croa'tia.  -tf!  o 

Strøbne  c  powter,  cropper,  Coluwtia  øuttwrota. 

Strøejer  inn-keeper.  tftrøerfte  e  -r,  fe  Strofone. 
Strøfa(be)r  host  of  a  house  of  call. 

Strøg  [aa]  o  -e  (flftrog,  ft.  i  en  Stue)  corner. 
nook;  (3farn>)  hook,  crook;  (gifCe«)  hook;  •round 
•about  way,  detour;  fatte  -en  for  Søren  hook  the 
door;  fpanbe  -  for  en  trip  up  one's  heels;  Sejen 
gør  en  -  the  road  makes  a  bend;  bibe  paa  -en 
catch  et.  swallow  the  bait,  rise  to  the  bait,  blte 
at  the  hook;  faa  en  fcifl  paa  -en  hook  a  fish; 
♦trafte  .  pull  each  other  by  the  Angers,  -trinet 
a  havlng  crooked  arms.  -benet  a  crook-legged. 
•bib  crooked  bit  (for  hard-mouthed  horses). 
-blot  ,£,  hook-block.  Strøg  |e  of  crook;  t(en  $ør) 
hook.  -et  a  crooked;  »tricky,  wily.  -fifleri 
angling.    -tyalfet  a  crook- neckea. 

Strø  gltap  \aa]  hooked  stick,  crook.  -flam- 
me(r)  timber-dog,  holdfast.  -(af*  old  male  sal- 
mon.  -liniet  fe  Staimliniet.  -lob  law  qulbble. 
•Strøgjne  (trofne)  ot  crook.  -n«b  pine-bullflnch, 
Corythna  enucieator.  -nøtfet  a  hook-nosed.  -nøgle 
pick-lock.  -poter  pi  crooked  claws.  -rigget  a 
crook-backed.  *-ff  ab  corner-press.  -fMb  barbed 
spear.  -flab  (Jrrbffe)  crutch;  fe  IHfpeftab.  -tanb 
(pol  $efte)  eyetooth.  -tang  crooked  tongs  el. 
plncers.  -tarntileum.  -tømmer  crooked  timber. 
•nej  circuitous  el.  round-about  way,  fa  goa  (ab) 
•e  lise  indirect  el.  underhånd  means. 

Strø|gonger  o  -e  tavern-haunter.  -gafl  visltor 
at  an  inn. 

Strø  |lj  o  tb  keeping  of  a  country  Inn.  -bjøtber 
inn-keeper.    -lynå  fe  Stro. 

•Strøl  fe  Jtrog. 

Strofe  re  vi  (i  Strotet)  croque,  croquet. 

Strore  |re  of  (tegne)  sketch,  -ring  c  (eye-) 

Strøt'et  e  croquet. 

ftrøti'  n  -er  eye-sketcb. 

*Strøtne  [6]  fe  Strogne. 

Strotøbt('(!e)  c  -r  croc'odlle.  -graob,  -taarer 
crocodlle  tears. 

Strofone  c  ale-wife,  mistress  of  a  country  inn. 

StrøtnØ  c  -er  crocus. 

Strøfib  n  tavern  life. 

Strøm  [6]  n  chro'me,  chromium.  -tin«  chrome 

Strø|m*nb  fe  -hotber. 

Strøma'tifr  o  chromat'ic. 

Strømlgrøn,  -grant  chrome -green.  -gal  s 
chrome-yellow.    -bAbrøftb  chromic  hydrate. 

Strømtjftørib  chromic  ohioride.  -følt  chromk 
salt  (o.  ft.). 

Strømo(be)r  fe  -fone. 

Stromofalt  chromous  salt  (o.  ft.). 

Strøm  |ø£bb  chromic  oxide.  -røb  a  chrome-red 
•fnrt  ©alt  chromate;  -  Stali  chromate  of  potaab 
ofb.    -fbre  chromic  æld  el.  anhydride. 

Strønfcar  golden  year.  *-arbe)be  hard  labonr 
for  the  support  of  an  illegitlmate  child.  *-ar 
bejber  one  sentenoed  to  hard  labonr  in  support 
of  his  child.  -arrifløf  (true)  artichoke.  -trbisf 
heir  to  the  crown.  -ben  coronal  bone.  -i-åetient 
officer  of  the  crown.  -btsb  petal.  -bil f  crown 
tin-plate.  -bør  erown-eaw.  Strøn|børg  Cronen 
burg.  t-btter  crown-plece.  -bne  crested  pigeon. 
Columba  coronata.    -bbt  red  deer. 

Strøne  c  -r  crown;  coln  of  the  valne  of  100 
Pre  (1  s.  IV«  d);  ($qm*)  tiara;  (Vbettfr.,  •reoefi ) 
coronet;  (af  et  Ira)  top,  crown;  OBtomfterfr.) 
corol,  oorolla;  (af  ^ob)  coronet;  (nHnbtøenberl) 
corona;  fe  Ofønt;  *ban  er  en.  he  is  a  jewel;  fatte 
-n  paa  fa  crown,  put  the  coplngstone  on. 
Strøne  ot  crown;  (Snben  -r  Sonet  the  evening 
crowns  the  day.  -bønnet  a  coronary,  coroni- 
form.  -fiflet  flstula  in  the  coronet.  -gal*  gold 
of  eighteen  oaratø.  -marfe  broken  knee.  -ntørrfet 
o  stamped  with  a  crown.  -løbning  crown  graft- 
ing, -tornbet  a  adorned  with  a  crown.  -f*m 
coronal  suture,  -tra  standard  tree.  —  Strø 'ni- 
fiflet  qulttor.    -gtat  orown-glass. 

*Strøng(et  [6]  a  kuotty,  rugged. 

Strø'mgøbg  crown-land.  -gnlb  fe  Strøne*.  -bjort 
(royal)  stag.    -bjnt  crown- wheel. 

Sbønlf  c  -er  chron'lcle. 

Strøning  c  coronation.  —  Strontng>|bag  day 
of  coronation.  -bf  (er  coronation  medal.  »hlgt 
coronation  poem.  -bragt  coronation  garb.  -fø« 
ftine  trench  fascine.  -feft  coronation.  -meb«Ife# 
-m#nt  fe  -baler.  -ftnt  tax  imposed  on  account 
of  a  coronation.    -tog  coronation  procession. 

Strø'nift  a  chron'ic. 

ftrø'nljorn  crown-iron.  -Jnrifl  crown-lawyer, 
King's  counsel.    -Jnbet  crown  jewel.    -tanb  fe 

Job«,  -ten  crown  feoff.  -titjer  liliaceous  piants. 
•0  o  apetalous.    -mafl  mast-tre«. 

Strønølgrn'f  c  -et  chron'ograph.  -to'g  e  -er 
chronoroger.  -logi'  c  chronol'ogy.  -lø'gtff  <* 
chronolog'ical.  -me'ter  n  -tre  chronom'eter. 
•meteriøgttøgetfe  chronomet'ric  observation, 
•mctertangbe  longitude  by  chronometer.  -merer- 
mager  c  -t  chronom'eter-maker.  -ffo'b  n  -er 

Strø'n|brtn9  prince  royal,  crown-prince.  -nrin* 

ieøfe  prinoess  royal,  crown-prlncess.  -nrøtten* 
ient  pretender  to  the  crown.  -rage  ot  shave 
the  crown  of.  -raget  a  tonsured,  shaven-headed. 
-ragning  tonsure.  -raner  usurper  of  the  crown. 
-ff abe  (bol  6efte )  crown-scab.  -ftolbet  a  bald  on 
the  crown.  -ftat  tax  paid  to  the  crown.  -fHH 
fe  ©Iomftrrftin.  -tin  crown-tin.  -trone  crowned 
crane,  Balearica.  -bitte  scorpton-øenna,  Cbro- 
nilia.  -nitbt  red-deer  pi.  -barf  (i  ^afrning) 

Strønaring  c  inn-keeping. 

ftrønart  c  crown-pea,  Pinm  umbeltatmm. 

Strob'  c  -pe  (fiegeme)  body;  (uben  ^oorb,  Vrøe 
og  Oen)  trunk,  barrel;  (flagtet)  carcase;  F  fellow, 
fréaffes  paa  -pen  surfer  corporal  punishment;  rpfte 
ober  fin  bele  .  shake  all  over;  ban  bar  itte  6fjortf 
paa  -pen  he  has  no  shiit  to  his  back. 

Strop'  c  ftos  SRenneftet)  bronchocele,  strums, 
Derbyshire  neck;  (^os  $efie)  strangles  pi;  fr 
-falat;  $eften  bar  -  the  horse  Is  affected  with  the 




strangles.  -onb  oommon  shoveller,  Ana$  clvpeata. 
-bøjlbrtan  fe  Salat.  -ø*lb  swellingof  the  glands. 

JhrøbbrøJ  o  stout,  bulky. 

ftrøpbne  fe  Jrrobne. 

Jhrøjtfler  c  body-feather. 

ftrøplfløb  discharge  from  the  nostrils  of  a 
bone  anected  with  the  strangles.  -tyalfet  a 
bAYlng  a  ■trumoai  swelling  of  the  neek,  (om 
Mie)  thick-necked.  -Ijøfte  (bol  Øefle)  cough 
from  the  strangles.  -fonte  (tjog  SRenneftet) 
bronchocele,  struma;  (Bol  fteften)  swelling  of 
the  glands  (in  the  lower  jaw). 

ftrøbltinaeb  body -linen.  -Inø  body-lonse, 
Ptdiculus  corpori*.    -føg  a  bodiless. 

ftrøømtbbef  remedy  for  the  struma  el.  the 
sti-angles.  ftrøMert  e  -er,  fe  Brobue.  Irrøb- 
*ul»tt  (til  $ef!e)  powder  agalnst  the  strangles. 

StrøpHnge  pi  (ring-like)  sections. 

ftrøplrøi  knotted  figwort,  Serophularianodom. 
-følnt  corn-søJad,   Valericméila  olitona. 

+fltrø»fmtblg  a  supple. 

atrøøfmitte  c  contagion  of  the  strangles. 

ftrøblfifttte  fe  -linneb. 

ftrølrettigbeb  privilege  of  keeplng  a  oonntry 
inn.  -fKIt  sign  of  a  country  inn.  -fhte  common 
room  (of  an  inn). 

*Shrøte  vt  adorn  with  scrolls  ri.  spiral  orna- 

ftrøtø'nøtte  e  cro'ton-oil.? 

fltrø|*«rt  fe  kolber. 

ftrndfltø'  n  -er  cru'cinx.! 

Strnbt  (tJrrub)  n  powder,  gnn-powder;  f  e 
$1onte;  -  og  Jingler  powder  and  shot;  ftybe  mcb 
lefl  .  lire  blank;  !>an  $ar  iffe  obfunbet  -et  he  is 
no  conjurer,  no  great  luminary,  he  will  never 
set  the  Thames  on  fire;  iffe  et  Stub  .  b«rb  not 
worth  powder  and  shot;  ban  fjor  bragt  alt  fit  - 
he  has  shot  all  his  bolts.  -øetjølbntng  fe  -forraab. 
••»ranber  dwarf-orchls,  Orchis  uituiata.  -hamp 
smoke  (of  gnnpowder).  -fabritattøn  mannfac- 
ture  of  gnnpowder.  -flamme  flash  of  powder. 
•førraab  sapply  of  gnnpowder.  -fblbing  All- 
ing powder.  -ga§  powder -smoke.  -grebet 
coarse  gnnpowder.  -tenter  c  -e  <k  powderman. 
•tørn  powder-horn,  powder-flask.  -bnø  store 
•house  for  powder.  -lammer  powder -room. 
-farre  powder  cart,  lumbrel.  •-fjarrf  ng  maroon. 
-tf  am^er  rotten  powder.  -fø«  graln  of  powder. 
-fol  charcoal  for  gnnpowder.  -folbee  powder 
-eellar.  -labniiig  charge  of  powder.  -(anger 
<L  powder-boy.  -langning  handing  powder. 
-TongntngØrnm  <t  handing  room.  -lebnlng 
train  of  gon-powder.  -lugt  smell  of  gun -powder. 
-maal  powder-measure.  -nag a fin  powder-maga- 
sine.  -mine  (powder-)mine.  -mølle  powder 
-mill.  -møller  gunpowder  maker.  -øbfefning 
sweepings  of  gnnpowder.  -øonbe  powder-pan. 
'pitt  spot  on  the  skin  from  gun  powder. 
-bøf  ermølle,  -pøtertønbe  glazing  tub.  -brøøe 
test  ri.  trial  of  gnn-powder.  -brøøer  instrument 
for  testing  gun-powder.  -renbe  train  of  gun 
-powder.  -mm  powder- room.  -røg  fe  hamp. 
-fammenføirrgclfen  the  gunpowder  plot.  -fat* 
powder-com  position,  -frib  powder- vensel.  -flam, 
-fob  fonling,  foulness.  -følb  powder-Rieve.  -føilb 
waste  of  powder.  -tørdrage  vt  blast,  blow  up 
with  powder.  -tørte  strength  of  gunpowder. 
•fvam*  ftponge  prepared  with  gnn-powder. 
•taarn  powder  magazine.  -tønbe  powder-barrel. 
-••g«  powder- waggon.    -øfltrf  powder- works. 

ftrnfTe  c  -t  pitcher,  jar;  (elpoteler)  gallipot; 
en  .  6mør  a  crock  of  butter,  -n  floar  faa  lange 
tit  Øanbt,  tif  ben  tommer  føtnfeløt  tjjem  the  pitcher 
goes  to  the  well  till  it  comes  home  broken  at 
last;  fmaa  r  håbe  ogf aa  Pren  little  pitchers  have 
large  ears;   p   gioe  en  paa  -n  box  one'e  ears. 

•bonitet,  -førmia  a  shaped  like  a  jar  et.  pot,  $ 
urceolate.  -tyanf  handle  el.  ear  of  a  jar.  -brage 
^  jar  sling. 

+ftrnH  c  -er  ourl,  oluster. 

Hmm'  a  curved,  crooked;  .  Sutte  curved  ri. 
cnryilinear  line;  «t  Xømmet  compam-timber. 
-benet  fe  øiulbenet.  -bit(e)  hollow  adze.  -blot 
(6tom.;  cramp  -bugtning  Winding,  -bøjet  a 
bowed,  curved.  -bannet  a  curved.  -b vejet  a 
twisted  into  a  cnrve.  -fingret  a  with  crooked 
fingers,  -fobet  a  with  crooked  feet.  -tyal*  bu- 
gloss,  Lvcopti*  arvtuaiå.  -jaffet  a  wry-neeked. 
Irrnmtyeb  c  crookedness.  ftrnmftølt  fe  -tømmer. 
-bøltftyr  dwarf  mountai n-pine,  /Snu*  pmmiiié. 
•oottølic  Hungarian  balsam,  -tyørn  cromorna. 
-g  ørn  et  a  with  crooked  horns,  -(julet  a  hollowed 
in  a  cnrve.  -lage  (rolled)  wafer.  -lam  curved 
comb.  -tntb  curved  knife.  -foteet  a  knock 
-kneed.  -tintet  o  curvillnear.  -tøbenbe  a  Wind- 
ing, tortnous.  ftmmme  vt  bend,  bow;  ieg  nit 
itfe  -  et  baax  paa  tyinl  ^obeb  I  will  not  nurt  a 
hair  of  his  head;  ~  fig  bend,  fig  (om  $erfon) 
cringe,  croucb. 

ftmmme  c  -r  crumb;  -t  ere  ogfaa  ©røb  still  he 
fisheth,  that  catoheth  one.  -fftmmmc  øf  crumble. 
-valle  crumb-tray.    -børfie  crnmb-brnsh. 

ftenmmeln'rer  pi  f  oonvolutions,  twists,  flour- 

ftmmmefnRev  fe  SruefuRer. 

Shmmlning  o  bendlng  etc.,  bend,  cnrve,  curv- 
ature.  -ningøvabinø  radius  ofcnrvatnre.  -norbbet 
a  with  a  curvlng  beak.  -norfe  acquiline  nose, 
hook-noBe.  -nfffet  a  havlng  an  acquiline  nose, 
hook-nosed.  -øøn  cupole  smelnng-nirnace. 
•balfer  caliper  (caliber)  compassespi,  caliperspi. 

ftrnmøen  a  bowed  together,  doubled  up. 

Arnm]rt)gget  a  crook-backed.  -fabel  sdmltar. 
-fenter  c  A  harping  -ftaftet  a  with  a  curved 
handle,  -flnrntng  punishment  of  sitting  in  a 
doubled  up  posture,  -fnøet  a  twisted.  -foring 
pi  capers,  gambols,  antica;  gøre  -  cut  capers; 
fig  shuffie,  prevarlcate.  -flaø  fe  9ifpeflab.  -tang 
crooked  tongs  pi.  -tab  crank.  -tabarat  crank 
web.  -tanbott  crankpln  (0.  fl.).  -tarm  ileum. 
-tømmer  compass-timber,  knee-timber.  -øef  fe 
Srrogbej.    -ttoWet  a  grown  in  a  cnrve. 

ftmøøft  ftanon  Krupp  gun. 

Strnft  n  -e  jug,  mug,  cruise. 

ilrnØ  n  ripple;  f  complimentary  nonsense, 
fuss.    -blabet  a  with  curled  leaves. 

»ftrn'iørøt  n,  pi  «,  pot-sherd. 

Jrmfe  vt  (^aorrt)  curl,  crisp,  ripple,  (en  Strint« 
mri)  ruffle;  vi  f  ~  for  en  make  a  great  fuss 
about  one;  -  ftg  ripple.  ftmfe  c  -r  ripple. 
-bntter  flourlshes.  -j«rn  crisping  iron.  -maffine 
frllling  machine.  -m^n'te  curled  mlnt,  Mentha 
criipa.  -naat  crisping  pin.  ftrnfet  a  curly; 
gøre  en  Aobebet  -  worry  one. 

*ftrn'0fab  n  earthen  dish. 

ftm'ØJflør  fe  Irre^flor.  -^aar  curly  hair.  -bttret 
a  curly-haired.  -Rommer  (acing-hammer.  -bjnt 
milling-wheel.  -Ijobeb  curly  head;  fig  odd,  fil 
tempered  fellow.  -faal  crlsped  colewort.  ShmØ* 
ning  c  curling  etc.;  (paa  8anb  o.  I.)  ripple. 
ftendløailettev  pi  friezed  spangles.  -ptxfUt 
curled  parsley. 

Amftace'er  pi  crnsta'ceans. 

S?mfte  c  cru8t.    Jlntfteret  a  crus'tated. 

*ftrn'9tø)  n  earthenware,  crockery(-ware). 

ftrnønlbct  a  with  curly  wool 

Jtrn  a  proud,  self-assured,  conceited;  plucky, 
spry,  briBk. 

*Krb  vi  crawl  about  In  great  numbers,  swarm. 

ftrtjø  n,  pi  «,  vermin,  creeping  thlngs. 

ftr^bbe  c  -r  manger,  crib;  noor  -n  er  tom,  bibel 
$efiene  when  poverty  comes  in  at  the  door, 





love  leaps  out  of  the  wlndow,  when  the  Btall 
is  empty  the  horses  bite  each  otber.  -viber 

ftrb'b|b*nne  kidney-bean.    -btor  reptile. 

Jtrtjbe,  frøb,  tuftet  vi  creep;  (Iraole)  crawl;  fe 
~  inb;  man  maa  tære  at  -,  før  man  Ian  qaa  you 
mast  learn  to  creep  before  you  go;  fio  -  for  en 
fawn  upon,  cringe  to;  bet  (røb  i  %om  he  fretted 
(inwardly);  man  fan  lige  faa  øerne  fprtnøe  i  bet 
fom  -  i  bet  it  is  do  use  beatlng  aboat  the  bush; 
.  inb  (om  Zøi)  åbrink;  mine  Øentfober  -r  op  my 
trowsera  keep  getting  up;  -  o  o  er  et  Qktrbe 
scramble  over  a  hedge;  .  f ammen  crouch;  fe 
ftor*;  —  Ir  toben be  a  crawling;  %t  trailing;  fio 
servile,  crlnglng,  grovelling,  -fifl  climbing 
percb,  Anabat  tccmdea*.    t-rrige  fe  -ftong. 

Jtrtob|ea  c  creeping;  fig  cringing.  -er  c  -e 
creeper;  fig  cringer.  -ert'  n  cringing.  Strube« 
ftang  peg-ladder,  cllmblng-pole.  Jtrubnittø  c 
creeping:  Onbfbinbing)  shrinkage. 

frøb  |  mitte  poacher.  -flotter!  poaching;  •stalk- 
ing.  -Oibje  creeping  willow,  Salix  repens.  -*rter 

ftrbbber  n  fe  Jtrtobberi;  fio  fatte  -  paa  add  a 
zest  to.  -aøtig  a  spicy,  aromatic.  -bob  medi- 
cated  bath.  -br*b  n  spiced  bread.  +-bnft  aroma, 
-ebbile  medicated  vlnegar.  Strbbberi'  n  -er  spice, 
seasoning.  Strbbberjlngt  aroma,  -nettile  clove. 
-aettifetrtt  clove-tree,  CaryopkyUue  aromaticu*. 
-oft  green-cheese.  *-peber  allspice.  -pofe  sweet 
-bag.  -fraaø  aromatic  flavour.  -te  herb-tea. 
-tacøal  spiced  biscuit.  -urter  pi  aromatic  herbs. 
-Pi«  hippocras.  -feme  the  Spice  Islands,  Jtrbbre 
vt  spice,  season;  fig  (Zalen)  Interlard,  point, 
ftrobret  a  spiced,  seasoned.  ftrbbrtaø  c  season- 

Strtab*  n,  pi  =*,  (Hor«)  cross;  (paa  Vlennefler) 
chine,  loins,  (paa  Dbr)  hlnd-quarter,  rnmp; 
(Boblers)  brand-iron;  (for  en  9cobe)  sharp;  A, 
(JrrnWtog)  cruise;  (brafet)  i  ~  og  $ig  ^  apeak;  fe 
locer*.  -baab  revenue  cruiser.  -baanb  cross 
band;  «&.  cross-stay;  fe  ftorfi*.  -barbnn  mizen 
•topmast  back-stay.  -befrugtning  cross  fertilisa- 
tion, -(en  os  sacrum.  •betjent  coast-guard 
officer,  -binb  cross  bandage,  -bøbrabram' 
mizen  royal,  -bram*  mizen  topgallant.  -braø 
mizen  topsail  brace.  -vue  areh  ogive,  cross  arch. 
-bnggaarbing  mizen  topsail  buntline.  -bngline 
mizen  topsail  bowline.  -bul  &  sheers.  -bombfel 
cross-seizing.    -brejereb  mizen  topsail. 

ftrbbfe  vt  cross,  cut  across;  (om  Stor)  cross; 
-  fig,  -4  cross  each  other,  intercross;  -  en  Jrnob 
<t,  crown  a  knot;  vi  &  (Iabere)  tack,  beat;  (fejle 
frem  og  tilbage)  cruise;  .  (fig)  op  beat  up.  -plab* 
cruising  ground.  -mm  sea  gro  und.  Shrtobfer  c 
•e  cruiser. 

9rtabø|falb  mizen -topsail  halyard.  -fartøj 
revenue  cutter,  -forbanbt  cross-bond.  -forfjor 
crost-questioning,  cross-examination.  -forvare 
vt  cross-question,  cross-examine.  -øibtob  m. 
topsail  clewline.  -gobft  <k  mizen  rigging.  -jam- 
mer cross-hammer.  -ftølt  <£,  kevel,  cavil.  -ftøbeb 
(Dmp.)  cross-head.  -øjttg  (&il)  second  couree. 
-bbiroel  sacral  vertebra.  -b>tt(»,  •bbæloing  cross 
-vault.  -ilb  cross  -fire.  -jolle  mizen  -  topmast 
rope.  -joirtt  brand-iron.  -tlampe  J,  belaying 
cleats.  -taap  <£,  mizen  truck.  -latter  revenue 
•cutter,  -tam  a  paralytic  in  the  loins.  -tøbenbc 
a  running  cross-wise.  -maft  mizen  mast.  -mejf  el 
cross-cut  chisel.  -merå  mizentop.  -motrfe« 
mizen- topsail.    -motråfeil  mizen  topsail. 

ftrnbøttinø  c  crossing  et«.;  (om  $or)  crossing, 
intercro8s(ing),  interbreeding.  ftrtobØningdpnnft 
n  crossing(-point). 

ftrttbåjopfton  coast-guard.  -pejling  (taking) 
cross-bearings.     -perfønalet  ^  the  coast-guard 

(men).    -pnnlt  intersectlng  point  of  two  lines 
•raa  mizen  topsail  yard.     -rafte  m.  topma&i 
parral  rope.  -rejåttinø,  -riø  m.  topmast  rigging. 
-rem  crupper.  -famltng  cross,  diagonal  bracin* 
-fd}attering  fe  -flagning,    -fej!  m.  topsall.     -fejl- 
fri* full-rigged  shfp.    -fltogatnø  counter  el.  cross 
-hatebing.   -flbfrrober  mizen  skysail.   -fløder  m 
topsail  sheets.     "-fltite  small  revenue-cutter 
*t«8  *lr  cross-turn.  -fnit  crucial  incision.  -f^riwø 
caper.    -fta«§  m.  topmast.    -fHnø  crosa-stitch- 
-friber  (Dmp.)  cross-stay.    -ftreg  cross,   -frmtgrt 
a  overstrung.    -flamøebarbBa  m.  topmast  rmck 
stay.  -ftttnøeftlbiø  m.  topmast  cross-tree  (o.  II.) 
-farrinø  cross-laahing.    -tog,  -togt  cruise.     -ta# 
mizen  masthead.     -tøpient  mizen  topsail    lift 
-topøgafter  mizen  topmen.  -tur  cruise.  *tfmmer 
coupung  reins.  -tørn  cross-tum.  'Pant  n  mizen 
topmast  shrouds.   -»ej  cross-road.  -bisbe  wlnd- 
lass.    -bi*  adv  cross-wise,  acroas.    -b«fe«et  the 
preventive  service. 

•Ztptit,  ScrtoWe  o  -r  (friø!)  kittdwake,  Xorw 

ftrtolle  o  -r  crutch;  øaa  paa  -r  walk  with 
cratches.  -bovnet  -formiø  a  in  the  form  of  a 
crutch.    -lor«  her  potence.  -flan,  -ftil  fe  Stritte. 

Srrbmpe  vt  (om  ftlæbe)  shrink,  sponge:  —  tn 
ahrink,  run .  up;  .  flø  fammen  shrink;  fiø  -  ft* 
(fom  en  Orm)  writhe,  .  fiø  Mb  el.  for  be  losttb 
el.  reluctant  to,  shrink  from,  hang  back  from. 
tftrtompel  c  -pier  stunted  tree.  ftranufri  a 
shrlnkless.  -fftrttmplitig  c  -er  crlpple.  ftrbjømt* 
nittg  e  shrinking. 

Shrtoolfor  c  -er  cryoph'orus.  -tit'  c  -er  cry'olite. 

Strtopte  o  -r,  ftrbptfirle  o  -r  crypt. 

Shfbpto)øa'm  a  oryptog'amous,  crvptogam'ic. 
-garner  pi  crypt'ogams. 

tirrbdlingcr  pi  fe  Zbtteborr. 

Scrofo|(it'  e  -er  chrysollte.  -pro'ft  c  chrys'o- 

ScrtoftaC  o  -ler  crys'tal.  -aøtig  a  crys'talllne 
-form  form  of  a  crystal,  chrys'tøiline  form. 
-glo«  (031a«  af  *.)  crystal  glass;  (SrrbftaO  cryatøa. 
-grube  mine  of  rock  crystal.  -bntbe  membrane 
of  the  crystalline  lens.  -flår  a  (clear  as)  crystal, 
crystalline.    -linfe  crystalline  lens. 

Jtrttftatti  |«fl  a  crys'talllne.  -fere«  up,  -fere 
fig  ør  crys'tallise,  be  cry'stallized.  -fe'rina  c 
crystalliza'tion.  ftrtoftainff a crystalline.  |frø> 
ftafløørafl'  c  crystallog'raphy. 

ftrbftai|ren  a  pure  as  crystal.  -fait  salt  in 
crystals.  -fnegl  vitrine,  -fpat  spar  resembllng 
rock-crystal.  -ftoftem  system  of  crystallizattoD, 
crystallograph'ic  system,  -fffbe  transparent  aoap. 
-banb  water  of  crystalllzation. 

firofte  øt  squeeze,  press;  -  en  i  fine  ttrme  hug 

ftrkfrer  c  -e  coward.  "U^%  o  oowardly.  -i' 
n  cowardice. 

Stttt,  n,  pi  s,  creature,  animal;  t(sroog)  oattle. 

Irroift  c  (Stogbom)  cancer;  (i  træet)  canker. 
'aqH^  a  cancerous;  cankerous.  -btilb  cancerous 
uleer.    -rette  cancer-cell. 

ftratfter  pi  af  ftraft. 

ftroiftlhivbe  cancerous  Induration,  schirms. 
-mibbel  remedy  against  cancer,  -ftar  cancerous 
sore.  -f aft  cancerous  discharge,  -f afpe  unguent 
against  cancer,  -flabe  fe  -faar.  -fbalft  cancerous 
tumour.    -banb  lotion  for  cancer. 

ftrergr  c  -r  bullace,  Prunu*  ineititia. 

•ftropf  n  fe  Irrbb.    -e  vi  creep.  crawl. 

Stxttltbttv  n  ffræfiing  c  black  crowberry, 
crake,  Empetrum  niarum. 

ftrffmmer  o  -e  shopkeeper,  retailer.  -aaab 
spirit  of  a  shop  keeper,  -brtnø  shopboy.  -føll 
nation  of  sbopkeepers.  -b,ttft  cornet,  cap,  corUn; 
^  ochrea.   -tneb  shopkeeper's  trick.   -Urtia  dog 




-latin,  -tott  oozporation  of  shopkeepers,  -rcg* 
siiiO  shopbill.  -fj*l  mercenary  soul.  -foenb 
shopman.    -tiMt  avoirdupois. 

*ftrcrate  o«  clear  one's  throat,  cough. 

tftrong  a  smart,  elever. 

Strenge  ni  ^  lie  along,  careen,  heel;  —  of 
torn  inside  out;  &  (ober  til  Jtøtyatinq)  heave 
down.  Jtarnge  c  -t,  fe  Rit.  -tnnnb  fe  Qarpc 
fnalte.  -fHI  ^  overhånd  knot,  cat'B  paw.  ftrang. 
wing  c  tnrnlng  etc.;  <t,  heel,  heellng  over. 

Jtrangntng*|fej!  i  heellng  error.  -førfog  ln- 
cllnlng  ezperiment.  -mnaler  cllnometer.  -bfnlet 
angle  of  heel. 

ftramte  vi  (gøre  »tub  poo  o.  I.)  violate;  (en) 
hart,  injure,  offend,  vex,  mortiry;  (en  $tge) 
violate,   dishonour;  bet  -be  mig  I  felt  Injured 

(by); trcenfenbe  a  insulting,  offensive.   -tfe 

c  violation,  injury,  vexation,  mortiflcation,  in- 
dignity;  meb  -  af  in  violation  of.  -r  o  -e  violator; 

Str*4  t  n  dainties  pi.  ftr«f|e  vi  ob  for  en 
treat  one  with  dalnties.  f-clig(en)  adv  bibl  deli- 
cately,  in  pleasure. 

Strofen  a  dainty,  nice,  particular,  fastidious; 
(an  itte  Mere  -Sne  cannot  be  choosers.  -^eb  c 
daintiness.    •tonb  c  sweet-tooth. 

ftartå  a  sweepings  j>/.  -mølle  almalgamating 
-mill.    -nabftntng  rednction  of  dross. 

Jtrar'Obar  a  clalmable. 

ftr*oe  vt  crave,  demand;  (forbre)  claim;  (fom 
»et)  exact;  (ubtrcebe)  require:  -  en  (for  Øcelb) 
demand  a  debt  of  one,  call  for  payment  of 
one's  debt,  (oaattængenbe)  don;  -  ©fatter  inb 
gather  el.  collect  taxes;  .  $enge  inb  collect 
money;  -  til  ttegnftab  call  to  account;  .  HI 
Qibne  call  el.  take  to  witneas;  ttfgtften  fan  *  af 
faabanne  Sftbe  fom  the  dues  are  chargeable  on 
auch  vessels  as;  Sornet  -r  flg  the  child  wants  to 
do  something.    -n,  Jtrarbntng  c  craving  etc. 

ftrobbctjgang  crippled  walk.  *-flaa  vt  cripple. 
-f*U  n  £  winch.  -fjrtttebbing  winch- bitte, 
t-tt«  n  stanted  tree,  dwarf  tree.  -borfft  crippled 
Ftature.    Jtrobiing  c  -er  cripple. 

flroge  vt  bend;  bet  -*  i  Xibe,  fom  gob  Ittog  ffol 
bltøe  soon  crooks  the  tree,  that  good  gambrel 
would  be. 

»Itrøfle  fe  Smelt. 

9tøV  e  fe  frrølle.  ftrnljbaar  (prepared,  curled) 
honehair.  -gearet  a  curly -haired.  -Iyaar*' 
manen*  horsehair  mattress.    -boocb  curly  head. 

Strjfle  c  r  (om  Aaar)  curl;  (om  $a*lr)  crease; 
(paa  Øattion)  scroll;  (i  ftift)  milt;  flaa  -t  paa 
9ta?fen  torn  up  el.  wrlukle  one's  nose  (ab  at). 
ftr«He  vt  (om  $aat)  curl;  (om  $obir,  frlæbei) 
crumple,  rampie,  tumble,  crush;  _  flg  curl; 
crumple.  -Nev  curled  feather.  -jam  n  curling 
lron,  crimping  iron.   JtrøKet  a  curly;  crumpled. 

ftrøt'ftttg  curly  beard.    -ton  fe  -tøbeb. 

Strøn'ife  c  -x  chronicle,  annals;  F  fable;  lfte 
og  2ben  -mrt  8øg  (the  fint  and  seoond  book  of) 
the  chronicles.    -{trioer  chronlcler,  annalist. 

Stor**  e  (©øbt.)  croze. 

ftroØ'  n,  pi  s,  anat  mesentery;  (Iral&eftø*) 
frill.  -betanbelfe  mesenteritis,  inflammation  of 
the  mesentery. 

ftr*'d||obl  crozer,  notcher.  -j«ro  croze-iron. 
ftraiftrtef  c  mesenteric  gland. 

ftnba  n  Cuba.  -cigarer  pi  cubas.  -'nev  c  -e, 
•'njf  a  Cu'ban. 

ftnøaitø'n  c  cu 'bature. 

*Shtbte  c  -r  block,  stump,  short  log.  -fenber 
^  rough-tree  fender,  -fiol  ohair  hollowed  out 
of  a  block  el.  log. 

finne  e  r  hive,  prov  skep. 

Stnfte'be  c  -r  cu'beb,  Piper  cubtba. 

Shtbelbinber,  -mager  c  -e  makei  of  hives.  -b»l 
entrance  (of  a  bee-hive). 

Shtbere  vt  cube. 

ftttbetag  n  straw  cover  for  a  hive. 

Shtbit*  cu'bic.  -alen,  -fob  cubic  ell,  c.  foot, 
foot  cube.  -ittbljolb  solid  content,  solidity. 
-maal  cubic  measure.  -rob  cube  root.  -ros« 
nbbragtting  extraction  of  the  cube  root.  -tal 
cubic  number.  Shtbifl  a  cubic(al).  Shtbng  c 
the  cube. 

Shtblt  o  -er  koodoo,  Antilope  ttrepiicero*. 

Stut  vt  cow,  subdue,  coerce,  (i  Itetftten)  stunt. 
-n  o  cowing,  coercion. 

ftMf  c  -fer  ftoaanbff  6fib)  koff. 

Shtffert  c  -er  (flor)  trunk,  (minbre,  af  Sæbet) 
portmanteau,  (ifcer  til  ^enge)  coffer.  -fiff  trunk 
-flsh,  Ottnxcion.  -tebcl  wagon -boller,  -laag  lid 
of  a  trunk.  -(oai  trunk  padlock.  -ftitbpabbc 
coriaceous  turtle,  Sphargi*  coriacea.  -f*m  trunk 

Jhlflff  a  Kuflc. 

*Shtfte  c  -x,  fe  Hoftes  (Stame*)  basque. 

Shtgle  e  -r  (i  film.)  globe,  sphere,  orb;  math 
sphere;  (Ranonv  Qbtwtx*,  $nxol>)  ball,  shot; 
cannon-ball,  musket-ball,  pistol -ball;  (Kanon-) 
round  shot;  (Tun  om  Øe»ær<  el.  $iftol>)  bullet: 
(»iCtarb)  baU;  (til  Salg)  ballot;  (til  Iregler)  bowl; 
(paa  en  Søjle)  arck  balloon;  ker  round  el;  (paa 
ferm.)  bulb;  (fRebidn  o.  1)  pellet;  -r  og  ftrubt 
shot  and  powder;  jage  en  en  .  igennem  £  o  Debet 
blow  one's  brains  out;  fig  ftøbe  -rne  pull  the 
wires,  -offtemtttng  ballot.  -arbejbe  (®ulb)  mill- 
ing.  -afterØ  ball-flower,  Spkaranthuå.  -batterier 
pi  micrococci.  -baae  (til  Hegler)  bowling  path; 
art  trajectory.  -bitte  fe  $i(Ie<.  -blaat  blue 
starch.  -blomft  globe  flower,  TtoIUmb.  -bljj 
lead  for  balls.  -bttltebQr  apar,  Evphractes  apar. 
•iagfe  musket,  rifle.  -battnet  a  globular,  apher- 
ical,  round  as  a  ball.  -btjr  globe-animal,  Volvoae. 
-fofl  a  shot-proof.  -ftff  globe- flsh,  toad-flsh, 
Tetrodon  (hispidtu).  -flabe  surfiace  of  a  ball. 
-ffngt  flight  of  a  ball.  -fob  round  foot  e.  g.  of 
a  table.  -fober  rifle-patch,  -form  (9-  fom  en 
Jt.)  globular  form;  (til  Støbning)  bullet-mould. 
•formet  a  fe  -bannet.  -fri  a  fe  -fan.  -gaarb  park 
of  artillery.  -bal  ehot-hole.  -bOfflOtng  cupola. 
•tyOAiitt  grape- hyacinth,  Hyacinihus  botrvoide*. 
•iafbiø  Egyptian  Jasper,  -tømmer  shot-room. 
-fifte  fe  -fcelber.  -tranø  shot-garland.  -trone  tf 
globe  daisy,  Globulana.  -tdbershot-locker.  -lab- 
ning  load  of  shot.  »la!  round  lac.  -lanterne 
globular  lantern.  -leb  ball  and  socket  joint,  -l^n 
balMightning.  -ItjØ  globular  light,  -maal  fe  -ftabe« 
Ion.  -oon  hot-shot  furnace.  -OUfter  fe  -fober. 
-bofe  shot  bag.  -brob  shot -pi  ug.  -ratet  shot 
-rocket,  -ramme  &  shot-rack.  -regn  shower, 
storm  of  balls  el.  bullet«.  -riffel  rifle.  -rnnb  a 
round  as  a  ball,  spherical.  -rette  shot-rack. 
-faar  gun-shot  wound.  -fegment  spherical  seg- 
ment, -flgnal  Rignal  made  by  a  ball.  -fiateton 
snot-gauge,  -ffc  shoVbearer.  -fnit  spherical 
section.  -fbib^bf«  ballpointed  pen,  semi-circ- 
ular  point  pen.  -fbil  game  played  with  bowls. 
-fbrojte  machine  gun,  mitrailleuse,  Gatling  gun. 
-tabel  shot- pile.  -ftober  founder  of  balls. 
-fUberi  ball-foundry.  -ftobning  founding  of 
balls.  -fager  c  bullet-probe.  -tang  ehir  crow's 
blll;  ^  pincers  for  hot-shot.  -tratter  bullet 
-drawer.  -nager  balloon  buoy.  -oalg  ballot. 
•ventil  ball-valve. 

Shtgna'r  c  -er  cougar,  Puma  concotor. 

tftnje  vt  fe  ftufte. 

ftnjo'n  c  -ercoward,  poltroon,  dastard,  craven. 
•ere  vt  cow.  -et i'  «  cowardice,  dastardlineøs, 

tftnf  n,  pi  b,  note  of  the  cuokoo. 



SrnHrin're  v*  mope,  sit  moping. 

tShttte  vt  (om  (Bugen)  cook.    -n  c  cooking. 

Staf  teabager  [t.]  c  pastry-cook. 

tStatter  e  -f  cuckoo,  Cfccufa«.    -urt  orchls. 

Staf  n,  pi  »,  (Iro>)  charcoal;  (Sten-)  coal; 
brcenbe  til  .  char;  gloenbe  -  livtag  cool;  fanre 
øloenbf  i  paa  enft  $ooeb  heap  coate  of  fire  on 
one's  head;  ubbrcenbte,  ubfluftc  -  dead  coal;  inb* 
toge  _  coal;  forfine  meb  .  coal. 

Stalont'  a  easy. 

Stal' |an»t9n  ing  vein  of  coal.  -affe  coal  ashes. 
-otØ  fe  ©ronbal«.  -bebalbntng  øupply  el.  stock  of 
coal.  -befparenbe  a  coal-saving.  -befparelfe 
economy  in  el.  of  coal.  -biflebe  (øfot.)  autotype. 
-blenbe  c  anthracite.  -blot  block  of  coal.  -»øM 
coal  bunker.  *boring  boring  for  coal.  t-brinte 
hydrocarbon.  -brtntegad  hydrocarbonate;  car- 
bureted  hydrogen  gas.  -brnb  coal  mine.  -brom* 
bet  charcoal-burner.  -brambfna  charcoal-burn- 
tag.    -branbfel  coal-fuel.    -bfftlen  chaflng-pan. 

ftutb  n,  pi  a;  to  .  Som  children  of  two 
(marriage-)beda;  ©ørn  af  førfie  -  children  of  the 
firet  bed;  .  (ftuale,  f.  SM.  j  Je&Uinger  brood  el.  batch 
of  chickens;  (fcattebttr,  f.  dtt.)  Ørife  litter  of 
pigs;  (fclsfciple)  remove;  tøfe  i  -  og  ftøn  legiti- 
mate  (a  natural  child). 

Stal|bamp  coal  vapour.  -bampfftb  iteam  collier, 
-bonnelfe  coal- formation. 

Stalle  c  cold,  frost;  (ffgenffob)  coldness,  (meft 
fio)  frigidity,  frigidneas,  4  (»taber«  .  23  degrees 
(9  degrees  below  the  freezing-potat),  8  o  .  14 
degrees,  16  o  -  4  degrees  below  zero;  gqfe,  flælbe 
af  -  shiver,  ahake  with  cold;  faa  n  efter  fieben 
(i  grebet)  get  the  cold  fit  after  the  hot;  mobtage 
en  meb  -  recelve  one  coldly  el.  give  one  a  cold 
reception,  -blanbing  freezing  el.  frigoriflc  mix- 
ture, -grab  degree  of  frost,  -gtafen,  -gtaftniug 
cold  shiver,  shlvering  fit.  -polpoleof  maximum 

Stafbepøt  n  coal-depot. 

Shtlbet  fe  Stallet. 

Stalbarane  fe  Srulegraoe. 

Stalbfaftje  vt  overthrow,  subvert,  upset;  .  et 
Xeftamente,  Sotument  set  aside  a  wlll,  disanuul 
a  deed.    -eife,  -ning  c  subversion,  overthrow. 

KnlbUfflc  vt  legitimate  (fe  Jhilb).  -ning  c 

Stal | bøf  coal-dock.  -brager  coal-heaver;  fe 
-fartøj,    -brift  working  of  coal  mines. 

Stalbfell  fe  Seulfejf. 

Stalbfe](|e  vi  capøize,  be  upset.  -ing  o  cap- 

Stalblftor  a  Busceptlble  of  cold.  -fTatrbeb  o 
susceptibility  of  cold.  -ffoa  vt  take  ofr  the 
chili;  -et  with  the  chili  off.  t-fbi(b)e  of  blast 
by  cold. 

Staibbnge  o  heap  of  coato. 

Stale  vt  blow;  .  op  freshen. 

tStale  o  -r  prov  ($eft)  jade. 

Stale  o  -r  pit,  hollow;  J,  waist.  -grabe  vt 
trench.  -gravning  trenchtag.  -latf  slaked  lime 
(in  a  pit). 

Stallfartøf  collier,  -fattig  a  poor  in  coal. 
-føte  fe  -gang.  -forbrag  consumpUon  of  coal. 
-formation  coal- formation,  -førraab  fe  -bebolb- 
ning.  -førfttnina  coaling;  fe  -be^olbning.  -fttlb« 
ning  coaling.  -ffiibttfngftbal  stoke-hole.  -færge 
ooaF-lighter.  -føreabe  a  carboniferous.  -gang 
ooal-fleld,  coal-bed,  pi  coal-measuree.  -gaå  coal 
-gas.  -gUbcr  (beb  Shilafre,  (Emmer)  (char)coal 
embers;  (gloenbe  itu I)  living  coal.  -grnbe  coal 
mine,  c.  pit.  -grøåf  erer,  -baabler  coal-merchant, 
collier,  -babn  coal  port.  -botber  elect  carbon 
•holder,  -bul  ^  stoke-hole.  pf)ni  coal  house. 
-tjftbrat  carbonic  hydrate. 

jtalt  c  -et  coolle. 

Stal'lllb  coal  fire.    t-itte  carbonic  ojdde. 

Stal  tno 'rift  a  cu'linary. 

Saling  c  -ex  breeze;  friff  .  freah  breeze;  fKo  - 
stiff  breeze. 

Stalid'fe  e  -r  (side)  scene,  wing,  slip;  (Dnq> , 
connecting-llnk;  bagbeb  -ene  behind  the  scenes; 
tale  ub  i  -rne  speak  to  a  person  behind  the 
scenes,  -beodtgelfe  link-motion,  -feber  stege 
-funk.    -fttore,  -fr^ring  gab-motion. 

Sta(|f ffmften  black-band.  -fatt  fe  Cjfltm-.  -ie^fc 
(i  Dampffib)  coal-bunker,  coal-boz;  (i  ftøRen  el. 
Stue)  coal-boz,  -scuttle,  -hod. 

tfttttte  vi  gulp. 

*Jtn(!e  vi  bungle. 

ftnlllnro  coal-basket,  c.  measure,  -telvrr 
coal-cellar,  coal-hole.  -Ug  f'  -gang.  -Cavger  c  >e 
coal-passer.    Stnfle  vi  (om  Cigar)  char. 

Stufle  c  -r  knoll. 

«ni|leje  fe  -gang.  -(entrer  (i  Dam^frib)  coal 

tScnQer  c,  pi  «=,  haddock,  Gadtu  ægl&mm*; 
breb  .  pout,  O.  barbatu*. 

Staller  c  (Spgbom)  staggers.  -fl  a  afrocted 
with  the  staggers. 

Stallet  o  (om  ftosg)  polled. 

Senflet  a  blackened  with  coal. 

Senil loåf er  o  coal-whtpper.  -toefl  last  of  coal. 
-manier  coal-meter.  -magtfin  coal-house.  -wclfc 
coal-mouse,  Ptxrm  major,  -mile  pile  of  wood 
to  be  charred,  coal-pit. 

Stnlminatfo'n  o  culmina'tion. 

Icnlmtne  o  coal  mine, 

Scnlmine're  vi  cul'mlnate. 

Staljntttle.  -mnnb  hake,  Mtrlucdu*  vubari*. 
•mægler  coal-fltter.  -m#rl  a  pitch  dark.  -nafta 
coal  naphtha.  -olie  coal  oil.  -optag  coal-depot. 
-øfttagøftib  coal  hulk.  -o*  fe  -bamp.  -øbn  fur 
nace  for  charring.    -ojttb  fe  -Ute. 

Sfnlb  e  -er  pool  (in  a  river). 

Staljpanbe  chaflng-dish.  *pUM  coal -yard. 
•pøl  anode,  positive  pole.  -port  ^  coal  port. 
-pram  coal  -  lighter,  keel.  -pnlber  charooal 
powder.    -rage(r)  poker. 

tScnlre  vi  show  symptoms  of  staggers. 

Stalrenbe  c  coal-shoot. 

Scnlret  a  cracked,  crazy. 

Stnlfanbften  c  coal-grit,  pennant  rock. 

Staifefl  n  windsail,  ventilator. 

Sen  løgaft  o  «£,  walster. 

Slnllfføner  coalwhipper.  -ffit  collier,  -ffifer 
coal-slate.  -fTipper  master  of  a  collier,  -ffonl 
coal-shovel  -flfnffe  c. -scoop  el.  shovel;  fe  -faife. 
-fø  lump-flsh,  Ct/clopteruå  Iwmpwt.  -ført  o  coal 
blæk,  jet  black.  -fiation  coaling  station,  -frift 
charcoal-crayon.  -ftof  carbon,  -ftofbotbig  o 
carbonaceous.    -ftøb  coal  dust. 

Stalfntfer  comfrey,  bruise-wort,  Svmphrtum 

Stnllfar  a  carbonic;  -t  6alt  carbonate,  ~  Sroli 
carbonate  of  potash  el.  potasslc  carbonate  ofø. 
-foler  fe  -bomber,  -fbiertro  blind  belief,  un- 
reasoning  faith.  -f^re  carbonic  acid.  -f^regai 
carbonic  acid  gas.  -ftaremaater  anthracometer. 
-fttret  a  containing  carbonic  acid.  -fort  (ogf .  «*t 
og  i  Waftobn)  coal-sack. 

*Shtlt  e  block,  log;  fig  strapper. 

ShUtegning  c  charooal  drawing. 

Stalti|be're  vt  cul'tivate.  -ba  tor  c  -et  cul- 

Jcnl'l  tj eet e  coal -tar.  -tjæring  c  blacking  (with 
coal-tar).    -tortt  coal-market. 

Stnltnr  e  -er  culture,  civilisation,  -følt civil- 
ized  nation,  -bifrørie  history  of  civilisation* 
-lag  stratum  of  civilization.  -plante  cultivated 
plant,  -titfranb  (state  of)  culture.  -ttbbining 
progress  of  civilization. 




Stalin*  c  cult.  -mintfler,  -minifterium  fe  TOi» 

Sta(|»aubftof,  -ntnbfløfgai  fe  -brinte,  -vogn 
coal-waggon.    -tutrt  oolliery. 

Stat*  r  c  -et  col'our;  (til  ftøenbebin)  caramel. 
Stsl*  rt  a  col'oured;   e  gqgter  variegated  lampe. 

ftttl'ltfe  fe  -ftuffe. 

Sfnnt(me)  c  -r  bowl,  basin. 

*ftummet  c  whiskey-liqueur,  kummel. 

Stammen  c  caraway,  ($r«ft)#  caraway-seeds, 
Oarum  carvi;  fort  -  fennel-flower  seeds,  Nigella 
mtMtiva;  romerfl  _,  fe  @ptø(ummen.  -brambfbia 
corn-brandy  flavoured  with  caraway  seeds.  -olie 
oil  of  cumln.  —  Stammen*  |  (age  seed-cake. 
-trin§le  ring-twiBted  bread  flavoured  with  cara- 
way seeds. 

Summet  c  grief,  sorrow,  distress,  affUcUon. 
-ilaubet  a  mixed  with  sorrow.  -fri  a  free  from 
care.  -fulb  a  sorrowful,  fall  of  care.  stammer* 
lig  a  miserable,  wretched.  +stammerf  (g  fe  -fulb. 

Jramfaa  fe  Jtompan. 

Stumt,  Stamte  c  -er  collar.  -tøjle,  -jceru  hame. 
•foJtye  hame- cover.  -bnbe  collar.  -fe(e(t*J) 

Stam  nl|nØ  c  m^  cu'mulus,  woolpack.  -e're 
*e  cu'mulate. 

Stum**  o  koumlss. 

Jrait'  aet*  only,  but;  -  ban  he  alone,  nobody 
but  he;  naar  -  provided  that,  so  that,  lf  but. 

Stanbbar  a  manifest,  notorious.  -(eb  ø  notor- 
iety,  notoriousness. 

Sruube  e  -c  eualomer,  patron,  client;  $ufet3  -r 
the  goodwill  of  the  house;  mange  -r  a  good  run 
of  custom.    -taftrer  c  -e  barker,  clicker. 

Staubgare  vt  make  known,  publlsh,  notlfy. 
-Ife  c  publication,  notiflcation. 

ftuubftab  c  -t  knowledge,  information;  (tfter- 
retn.)  intelligence;  (abe  -  om  be  informed  of; 
ban  bar  mange  -er  he  is  amanof  great  learning, 
acqalrements  el.  information;  gobe  -er  i  TOote« 
matit  a  good  knowledge  of  mathematlcs;  ban 
bar  ovetflabiffe  -et  i  (ftngelft  he  has  a  smattering 
of  Engliah;  -en*  træ  paa  gobt  oa  onbt  the  tree 
of  knowledge  of  good  and  evll;  tomme  til  -  om 
aacertain.  eome  to  the  knowledge  of.  —  Stunb- 
ffaMlbrtft  thirst  of  knowledge.  -frugt  fruit  of 
knowledge.  -(reb*  sphere  el.  compass  of  (one's) 
knowledge.  -rig  a  rich  in  knowledge,  possess- 
ing  much  information,  well-infbrmed.  •rigbom 
gramt  store  of  knowledge.  -tr«  tree  of  knowl- 
edge. -»efeu  matten  relative  to  education  el. 

Staane,  fan,  fnnbe,  tonnet  vi  be  able:  ieg  fan 
I  cmn,  I  am  able,  (maa  gortne)  I  may;  ieg  funbe 
1  could,  I  was  able,  (maatte  gerne)  I  might;  ieg 
(at  lunnet  I  have  been  able;  jeg  bat  -t  gore  bet, 
ba  jeg  bat  (ngre  I  could  do  it  when  I  was 
younger;  (an  begtmbet  at  -  tefe  be  is  beginnlng 
to  read;  at  bule  et  et,  at  .  et  anbet  willing  is 
one  thing,  being  able  is  another;  gøt  bet  faa 
onrtigt  og  gobt  Se  (an  do  your  swlftest  and  best; 
bet  gaar  fom  bet  bebft  ton  it  gæs  on  anyhow; 
Staffen  (an  fatte*  i  €tonb  the  coat  will  mend;  nu 
fon  bet  bore  not  that  will  do;  jeg  fan  iffe  mere 
I  am  exbausted;  bet  (an  gætne  oate  that  may  be; 
—  ti  -  Øtceff,  Satin  oft>.  know  Greek,  Latin  etc.; 
bt  fom  iffe  (an  6fctoget  those  ignorant  of  the 
language;  Stengen  funbe  fbi  flettie  the  boy  knew 
nis  lesaon;  bet  ton  jeg  iffe  I  cannot  (do  it);  p 
ben  fan  jeg  iffe  that  is  beyond  me;  —  meb  prop : 
bet  fon  ieg  iffe  fot  it  is  not  my  fault;  bbab 
las  |eg  fot  at  is  it  my  fault  that?  how  can  I 
help  that;  jeg  (an  iffe  (noget)  meb  I  can't  away 

ftssl  adv  fe  Kun. 

Stanfl  c  -et  art;  -en  at  behage  the  art  of  pleas- 

lng;  bet  et  netop  -en  there's  the  art  of  it;  bet  et 
ingen  -  that's  easy  enough;  bet  ble«  en  (el  -  at 
it  became  a  science  to;  gøte  -et  perform  et.  play 
tricks;  bruge  -et  employ  artiflce;  be  ftønne  -et 
the  fine  arts;  be  frie  -et  the  liberal  arts;  greben* 
-et  the  arts  of  peace,  peaceful  arts;  rejfe  boa  fin 
•  travel  for  improvements  in  one's  art;  .  og 
goanbbærJ  liberal  and  industriel  arts;  ben  forte 
-  the  black  art,  necromancy;  meb  -  artfully. 
•atabemi  academy  of  arts.  -antog  turn  for  the 
arts;  pleasure-ground.  -anmelber  art-critic.  -an* 
ftnetfer  views  about  art.  -arbejbe  work  of  art. 
-arbcjber  artist  -art  branch  of  art.  -beb*m» 
melfe  art-criticism.  -tegejfrring  enthusiasm  for 
the  arts.  -beriber(f(e)  equestrian  performer, 
clrcus-rider.  -bertbrrfelftao  horse-riding  estab- 
lishment, band  of  equestrian  performers,  •■lab 
art-periodical.  -brober  brother-artist.  -bommer 
(art-)critio.  -brejer  ivory  turner,  -brift  instinct- 
ive  sklll.  -ciffer  lover  of  the  arts,  art-lover, 
dilettante.  -erfare«  a  skilied  in  an  art,  expert. 
•erfarenbeb  sklll,  experience  (bi  an  art),  -fag 
line  of  art.  -farver  dyer  in  fancy-articles. 
•filøføfi  philosophy  of  art.  -flib  (mechanical) 
industry.  -foragter  despiser  of  the  fine  arts. 
-forening  art-union,  -form  form  of  art,  art 
-form.  -fo-rftanb  knowledge  of  art.  -forflonbig 
o  artistic.  -frembringelfe  production  of  art. 
+-fnlb  a  artistlQ.  -fnlbenbibeb  perfectlonof  art. 
-farvarferpyrotechnist.  -f(rv«rtert  flreworkspl. 
•fatte  fe  -brober.  -far'big  a  expert,  sldlful.  far'« 
bigfteb  sklll,  dexterity  (in  an  art),  art-a  kil  1.  -gort« 
ner  horticulturist,  nursery-man.  -gartneri  hortl- 
culture.  -tenftanb  object  of  art.  -tree  (Sfæt* 
biøb.)  knack;  (ftneb)  device,  artiflce,  trick,  -gren 
branch  of  art.  -gær  patent  yeast.  -gøbuing 
artificial  manure.  -banbel  dealing  in  works  of 
art;  (Qutifen)  print-seller's  shop;  fancy-statloner's 
shop.  -bonbler  dealer  in  work's  of  art;  print 
-seller,  mncy-stationer.  -(erligbeb  art-glories, 
-biftorie  history  of  the  fine  arts,  art  history. 
-(ijoriff  a  of  art  history.    -bjnl  water- wheel. 

ftnnflig  a  (mobfat:  naturlig)  artificial,  imitative, 
elaborate,  (f.  «(».  ^ri<)  factitious;  (bejfl  fulbenbt, 
fin)  curious;  (fnilb)  ingenious;  (uogte)  imitation. 
-(eb  e  artifldalness,  artlficiallty. 

ilnttfklinbnfrri  art  industry.  -iubnfrriel  of  art 
industry.  -fabinet  cabinet  of  curiosities.  -(am- 
mer museum,  -(enber  judge  of  the  fine  arts, 
connoisseur,  virtuoso.  -lenbert  n  connoisseur- 
ship.  -fritif  fe  -bebømmelfe.  -fritifer  art-crltic. 
•flpnbig  a  versed  in  an  art  el  in  the  flne  art«. 
-(ijubigbeb  art-knowledge. 

Anuflle  vi  &  t  employ  meretricious  art;  over 
-reflne.  -n  <?,  -ri  n  -et  over-refinement,  subtlety. 
•t  a  elaborate,  afftected. 

ftnnH|(on  law  of  art.  -lorre  philosophy  of  art. 
-Ui  a  artless,  simple,  inartiflcial.  -maler  artist 
painter.  -mefter  great  artist;  engineer.  -malfig 
a  done  according  to  the  rules  of  art,  artistic. 

ftunfrner  o  e  artist,  -aulffg  fe  Srunft>.  -(ane 
career  (of  an  artist).  -b(grigbeb  artistic  ikill. 
-forening  artists'  union,  -baonb  hånd  of  an 
artist,  -(jern  artlst's  home  (o.  fl.).  Stanfrner« 
in'be  o  -t  (female)  artist,  lady  artist,  ftnnftnc' 
riff  a  artistic.  fhtnftaerl Jargon  art-cant.  -(in 
artist's  life.  -uib  fe  ftunft*.  ftnnftnerff  a  artistic. 
ftnnflner|f(o(e  school  of  artists,  -fttnb  profes- 
sion of  artists.  -flo(t(eb  artist's  prlde,  profes- 
sional  pride.  *b«rb  worth  as  an  artist,  artistic 
merits.  -«re  artistic  el.  professional  honour. 

ftnnfl|ttib  professional  envy.  -ubbelfe  artistic 
enjoyment-  -orb  technical  term.  -nrobnft  pro- 
duction of  art.  -race  artificial  breed.  -regel 
rule  of  art.  -rejfe  artist's  Journey.  -ret  ode 
conformably  to  the  rules  of  art.   -retning  style 




of  art,  school  (of  artists),  -rig  a  very  skllful 
In  an  art.  -rigtig  a  conformable  to  the  rulea 
of  art,  artlstic.  -rtgtigfceb  a  artistlc  correct- 
ness.  -retter  fe  -beriber.  -fager  pi  works  of  art 
el.  virtu.  -fomltag  collection  of  works  of  art. 
-fonbfteb  artistlc  trutb.  -fan*  taste  for  the  flne 
arts.  -ffttt  art-treasure.  -ffole  school  of  arts. 
-fmag  taste  for  the  flne  arts.  -fm*r  artificial 
butter,  butterine,  oleo-margarin.  -fnebler  cabl- 
net-maker.  -fptl  artistlc  playing.  -forøg  tech- 
nlcal  language.  -tøffe  aet,  trick,  sleignt  (el. 
slight),  sleight  of  band  trick;  fe  ogf aa  -barrf. 
•ttbfriuing  fine -art«  exhibition,  art -show,  art 
exhibition.  -nbrrt)f  technical  term,  technical- 
ity,  term  of  art.  -nbbitling  development  of  art. 
-ttlbshoddy.  -babff  inachine-washing.  -pefbuilt 
road.  -ben  fe  -brobfr;  -elffer.  -berbeit  art  world. 
•ifn  artificial  wine.  -berb  valne  as  a  work  of 
art,  art  value.  -»ert  work  of  art.  -tynber  fe 
-fifler.    -øbelfe  artistlc  exercise. 

Stnnterå,  Jhtntfe*  pi  i  qnoins. 

Jtnnt|»agter  o  boat's  gny.    -øje  cut  splice. 

Stup'  fe  ttonp. 

Stupé  fe  ttoupé. 

ftnpe'ret  a  rough,  rugged. 

ftnpt'bø  Cu'pid. 

jtnpfet'  n  -ter  couplet;  yerse. 

ftnppet  o  -pier  cupola,  dorne;  (glass-)shade. 
-formet  a  domical.  -Ijbttlbing  cupola.  dorne, 
•øbtt  cupola.  -fat  dome-roofed  hall.  <frjøtb)fttb 
cupola-ship,  shield-ship. 

&ttpri|nttr*'t  cupric  nitrate.  -fait  oupric  salt 
(o.  fl.).    ftaprøf alt  cuprous  salt. 

Stur  c  -e  cure,  medioation;  ligge  unber  -  be 
under  medical  treatment;  lægge  ffg  i  _  $o«  place 
one's  self  under  the  treatment  of;  fig  tage  en  i 
.  take  one  in  hånd. 

Star  c  (beb  $of)  levee,  drawing-room;  botbe  - 
hold  a.  1.  etc.;  gøre  •  til  make  love  to,  pay 
(one's)  court  to,  make  up  to. 

ftnra'bel  a  cu'rable.    RnranfUlt  sanatory. 

fturant  a  current. 

StKra|te'(nguardianBhip.  -'tør  c  -to'rer  (Borge) 
guardian;  (for  offentl.  ©riftelfer8  SRibler)  trustee; 
-  bonorum  asslgnee. 

Sturbjer  c,  pi  «,  Koord.    -iff  a  Koordish. 
-iflan  n  Koordistan. 

Sture  vi  make  love. 

Store  vi  lie  quiet,  rest;  (om  en  &ugl)  sit  brood- 
ing  el.  brood. 

tStare  vi  neb  slide  down. 

Starér  c  -erer  courier,  express.  -tog  express 

ftnre're  vt  cure,  heal. 

Sta'rfbrftje  o  -r  elector,  electoral  prince.  -eftg 
a  electoral.  -enbømme  n  electorate.  -buå  elec- 
toral house,  -in'be  c  -r  electress.  -bdtrblgtyeb 
electoral  dignity,  electorship. 

fht'rgfffft  e  visitor  (at  a  wa  tering- place). 

Stn'rbedfen  n  Electoral  Hesse. 

Sta'riut  n  pump-room. 

Staria'lftU  c  curialist'ic  style. 

Sturia'tferne  pi  the  Curiatii. 

Starien  c  the  papal  court,  the  p.  government. 

Itn  ri' (jerne  the  Ku'rile  Islands,  -iff  a  Kuril'ian. 

Start]  øfftet  c  -er.  -ø'fum  n  -ofa  (object  of) 
curios'ity.    -*'g  a  cu'rious,  singular. 

Shtrtuma  c  fe  (Burgemeje. 

*Star!(e)  c  bee-flower,  LUtera  cordata. 

St«'r|lanb  n  Courland.  -{amber  c  -e  Cour- 

Sta'r  Imager  c  admirer,  lover,  beau.  -magert' 
n  court,  loye-making. 

Sta'rmetobe  c  medical  treatment,  curarJre 

Starre  c  -r  knot,  twist,  tangle  (of  thread);  bet 

er  lommet  en  -  paa  Iraaben  they  have  quarrelled; 
F  they  have  had  a  mifif.    ffnrre  vi  twist. 

Starre  vi  (om  2>ue  0.  1.)  coo.    -n  c  cooin^. 

Sta'rft  o  -er  «&  course;  mere  (rate  el.  come  of) 
exchange,  (mefi  fig)  currency;  -  og  $iflance  vi. 
course  and  distance;  beljolbne  -,  fejlet*  -,  fftrrefee 
-  course  made,  c.  sailed,  c.  steered;  faeite  -es 
mob  make  for,  shape  a  course  for;  oige  ~  give 
way;  -en  er  falben,  firgen  there  is  a  general  f&llt 
rise;  -en  paa  Statsobligationer  er  stocks  are  mx; 
falber,  friger  i  -  are  falling,  rising;  farte  ub  af  . 
demonetise,  efter  eQer  ril  en  -  af  at  the  exclimxtge 
of;  fig  ftoa  i  lab  -  be  at  a  discount,  i  f*ai  _  at 
a  premium,  i  meget  b>i  -  very  mnch  at  a  pre- 

Sht'rfal  o  pump-room. 

An'rd|beregning  quotation.  -ftlb  fall.  -f»r- 
anbring  alteration  et.  change  of  course. 

JtnrfFb  c  italics.  -ere  vt  italicize.  -ertmf 
e  italicizing.    -ftrift  italics. 

Jhi'til Hule  (paa  ftort)  rhumb(line).  -fifle  fe 

ftn'rfmeb  c  ferrier. 

Sht  rø|notering  c  quotation. 

Sturfo'riff  a  cur'sory. 

Sht'rffcbbel  c  mere  exchange-list,  list  of  ex- 

ShTrfteb  n  health  resort. 

ScnrfnØ  n,  pi  3=  k  fturfer  course,  currictilum. 

Anrrifa'ne  c  -t  court'esan. 

Scnrtiffe  re  vt  flirt  with.  -fø'r  c  er  (male) 

*ftur»  e  fe  $s(fe. 

ftnrb  o  -e  basket  (oaf.  p.  ftaarbe);  (flor  til  finl 
0.  beftl.)  corf;  ($alturb)  hamper,  (ril  Waft  0.  bciL) 
crate;  $  head:  fe  -arbejbe;  ^un  gab  |am  en  -  sbe 
rejected  him,  p  gave  him  the  mitten;  gine  en 
paa  -en  tip  one,  pay  commission.  -øtømftrct  a 

Srnrbe  o  -r  curve. 

fturb(e)arbcfbewickerwork.  -baflon  &  wlcker 
ball.    -binber  fe  -mager.   -(barf)blabe  pi  $  Pbyl- 
laries.     -bfftle   ^   involucre.     -fabing  body  of 
wicker-work.    -figen  basket -figs.     -faftc  wlcker 
bottle,  (meget  flor)  deml-john.     -flerning  wicker 
-basket  work.  -bjanl  handle  of  a  basket,  •^amft« 
bne  basket-handle  aren,  surbased  arch.    -t«ne 
stall-woman.      -fram   basket -work,   basketry. 
•maatte,  -matte  wicker  mat.  -mager  c  -e  basket 
-maker.    -magerarbejbe  fe  -arbejbe.    -^arérpUbe 
basket-hilt.    -pil  osier,  Salix  vininalie.  -rofUter 
basket-raisinB.   -feng  wicker  bed.  -flæbe  wicker 
sledge.    -fiol  basket  chair,  wicker  chair.  -bog« 
wicker  waggon,  basket-chaise  el.  phaeton.  -bttgge 
wicker  cradle.    ftnrbfnlb  a  basketful. 

ftn  rbfflf!  a  éb  n  Wallachian;  Romansh,  Ru- 

ftuft'»e  c  -r  cous'in. 

jlttfl  c  -e  coachman,  driver,  joe  Jehu;  f  hedge 
-lawyer;  ast  -en  the  Wagoner,  Auriga. 

Jhtffc  vt  keep  down,  subdue. 

ftvffelbr«t  coachman'B  foot- board,  -bnf  fe 
-fsbe.  -etåamen  f  a  kind  of  lower  examination 
for  practiUonerB  in  law.  »IjtyBbe  ooachman's 
cuRhion.  '-tappe  coachman's  cloak  el.  pelisse. 
-pttbe  fe  -ftønbe.  -f*be  (coach-)box,  drivers eeat. 

*Stn£ma  c  the  mumps. 

Shtfto'å,  ftufto'be  c  -r  custos,  custodian;  (i  ©og) 
catchword?  direction  word. 

*Stutt  vt  gallop,  run. 

ftntling  c  -er  goby,  Oobiut. 

Rntte  o  -r  (monk's)  cowl. 

Shttter  o  e  cutter,    -brig  cutter  brig  (0.  H.) 
-rigget  a  cutter -rigged.     -t  af  Ung:   babe  -  be 

tftvtting  c  -er  keg,  small  cask. 



ftvftcrt'  c  -er  (i  begge  ©et.)  cover. 

*fht*et  a  convex. 

Stut  c  •**  share  (in  a  mine). 

St»**|be  c  -r  burbot,  Zota  vulgari*.  Jtbabbei, 
fDotfet,  !»aø|feb  o  squab,  squabby.   -fø  c  ff  ftulfo. 

ilttab  n,  pi  =,  lay,  song. 

tfttoaøber  n  (©tonb)  soft  mud,  mire;  (3*)  brash; 
(Snobren)  quacking  (of  du  eks). 

Stttafce,  Støae  o  resin. 

ftøaøerfiea  c  sqoare  stone,  freestone. 

ftfcoøroitt'  o  -er  quad'rant. 

Srøabrat  n  A  c  -er  square,  quad'rate;  twp 
quad'rat;  mut  natoral;  to  %ob  t  .  two  leet 
sqiiare.  -alen  square  eU.  -føøn  square  fathom. 
-fø»  square  foot,  foot  superfficial).  -tnbljolb 
square  contents  pi.  ftøoørartff  a  quadrat'ie, 
square;  bet  -e  @bftem  (llrttfi.)  the  square  prismatic 
system,  Srøabratjjttrn  square  bar-iron.  -maat 
square  measure.  -mil  square  mile.  -røb  square 
root.  -fftift  square  character,  -tal  square 
nuxnber.    -tomme  square  inch. 

Sh»aør|atn'r  c  quad'rature,  squarlng.  -e're  of 
square.  -c'rtttg  fe  Jtbabratur.  -lire  o  -r  quadrllle. 
•iøalent'  a  cÅem  tetratomic. 

ftøobrnpet  c  (SB&ift)  lurch.  -alliancen  the 
quad'ruple  alliance. 

Stift  fe  Jtatbe. 

tftøag:  flaa,  fplintre  i  »  shatter,  destroy;  famfe 
i  _  send  to  the  bottom. 

StMøgf  c  -er  quagga,  iføoi«  qvaøoa. 

ftøafjie  vi  (meb  el.  paa  noget)  bungle  at, 
dabble  In  a  thing;  (fufle  i  fRebicinen)  dabble  in 
medicine;  ban  bar  længe  -t  paa  fifl  paa  felb  he  has 
long  been  quacking  with  himself  et.  trying  to 
cure  himself.  -lert'  n  -er,  *-lel  n  ub.  pi  (Rufferi) 
bungling;  U  fiogehtnften)  quackery;  (gorttabe- 
Itgbrb)  trouble,  vexation,  annoyance,  bother, 
controversy;  ban  bar  boft  mange  -er  meb  ©ørnene 
the  children  have  given  him  a  great  deal  of 
trouble.  -fatter  c  -e,  -fatøerff  e  c  -r  quack(doctor), 
mountebank,  empiric.  -faløeri'  n  quackery,  em- 
piridsm,  mountebank ery. 

Støal  o  -er  pang,  agony,  anguish,  torment. 
•falk  a  agonizmg,  excruciatlng. 

Jt»attfl|ce're  vt  qualify,  -t  (ftoror.)  aggravated; 
-t  Xtjberi  compound  larceny.  -fatte 'n  0  -er  quali- 
flca'tion,  pretension. 

ft»*rt{tatiø  a  qualitative.  -fe't  c  -er  qual'ity; 
øinbe  -en  (©tor)  win  the  exchange.  -tf'tøtatget 
natura!  seleotion. 

fløalf,  ftøalfje  o,  -øeb  gelder-rose,  maren- elder, 

ftøalm  a  close,  oppressive,  stuflfy.  Stbatnt  c 
fen  af  Sunfter  opfblbt  Suft)  suffocating  air;  (Støj) 
row;  gøre  ~  ooer  ingenring  kick  up  el.  raise  a 
dust  about  nothing. 

Srøolme  e  -r  nausea,  sicknesstofthestomach), 
qualm;  bon  faor  let  -  he  is  squeamish.  Srøalme 
vt  k  impert.  bet  -r  mig  I  feel  sick,  I  am  qualm- 
teh;  SRaben  -r  mig  I  feel  sick  when  eating  el. 
when  I  have  eaten,  bet  -r  mig  at  fe  paa  fligt 
I  am  qualmish  at  the  right  of  such  things; 
•nbe  a  nauseating.  -brit  nauBeating  drink. 
+-mibøel  emetic.  -ptnb  (tttaat)  penny  Pickwick. 
ftøalmfntb  a  close,  suffocating. 

+frøalfter  c  phlegm. 

Srøa'lt  part  af  ftboele. 

»ftøanne,  fScbsuner  c  angellca. 

Stø«s'ri|tattø  a  quantitative.  -tt't  c  -er  quan'- 

ftøantøøi*  adv  d. 
in  pretence. 

fttiantnm  n  -ia  ouantity. 

Sttsravtdt'ne  fe  Jtarantome. 

HtPtat  fig  er  go  to  rest. 

tSbarre  c  sludge.    vi  be  fuli  of  sludge. 

paa  ftbantt(biø)  feignedly, 

ScbOTt  c  -r  (9)erbebel)  quarter;  mus  fourth; 
second  string  (of  the  violin);  (i  føegtning)  quarto, 
carte;  (i  Jtori)  quart. 

Jroarta't  n  -er  quarter  (of  a  year);  *block  of 
bulldings,  amr  square,  insula;  ban  maa  betale 
mig  ^bert  -  he  must  pay  me  every  quarter 
day.  Scbarta'liter  fe  -bi«.  «bartai|pen§e  quarter 
money.  -regning  quarterly  account  el.  reckoning. 
•flat  tax  pald  quarterly.  -ffrift  quarterly  (Jonrn- 
nal),  trimestrial  review.  —  ftbOrto(å|afreMi«g 
quarterly  liquidation.  'beretning  quarterly  re- 
port,   -biø  adv  quarterly. 

ftbarta'nfeber  c  the  qua'rtan  fever. 

Srbart|binb  (volume  in)  quarto.  -frlab  quarter 
of  a  sneet. 

Srborte'r    n    -erer    (af    ©b,    fRaanen#    6TioIb) 

? uarter;  (af  Xtben)  quarter  (of  an  hour);  (Op* 
o(bøfieb)  quarters;  (Waal)  six  inches;  ^  watch; 
t(9orbon)  quarter,  ftloRen  er  et  -  paa  el.  til  tolb 
it  is  a  quarter  past  eleven,  tre  -  .  .  .  a  quarter 
to  twelve,  three  quarters  past  eleven;  bi  bentebe 
3  -  we  waited  for  three  quarters  of  an  hour; 
et  -r«  Zib  -(about)  a  quarter  of  an  hour;  i  bet 
fibfie  -c  Zib  this  quarter  of  an  hour;  Jtongenft 
-,  Dronningen«  «  j,  the  starboard  watch,  the 
larboard  watch;  ligge  i  -  bo«  en  be  quartered 
in  one's  house,  be  billetted  upon  one;  (sgge  i  . 
quarter;  gaa  i  .  go  into  quarters;  tage  ftt  .  take 
up  one's  quarters;  gibe#  bebe  om  -  grant,  ask 
quarter.  -anbilning  assignments  of  quarters. 
-øløt  ^  quarter-block.  -bøjle  quarter(boom) 
-iron.  -fane  small  flag.  -frilyeb  exemption  from 
quarterlng  soldiers.  -moitb  foreman.  -meter 
mil  k  &  quarter-master;  (paa  ©aab)  cockswain, 
quarter- master,  -penge  money  paid  in  lleu 
of  a  soldier's  quarters.  -fcbbel  billet,  -ffifte 
change  of  lunar  quarters  el.  the  quarters  of 
the  moon.  -flag  quarter-stroke;  flaa  -  strike 
the  quarters.  -ftrop  ^  quarter  strop,  -øtf 
adv  quarterly,  by  the  quarter. 

Jtøarterø'«  o  t  quadroon. 

ftbartet'  c  -ter  quar'tet,  quartet'to;  (forening) 
quartet,  glee-club. 

Aøørtlførmat  quarto.  -grab  quarter  degree. 
-Inge  &  scuttle.  -mafø'r  quart  major,  -mil 
(TOtnut)  mile.  Srøartø  quarto.  Srøortrcø  quarter 
of  the  yard. 

Jtøartft  c  qua'rtz.  -aare  veln  of  quartz.  -agtig 
a  auartzy. 

Røartfelfing  c  ^  quarter  gasket. 

ftøartå|ga«g  layer  el.  stratum  of  quartz. 
-lyolblg  quartzous,  quartziferous. 

Scøotrnbe  c  quarto  page. 

Srøartgi'Hfl  a  auartzy.  —  Scbartø|fanb  arena- 
ceous  quartz.    -fftfer  granitoid  schist,  gneiss. 

Srøortttreger  pi  i  quarter-points.  -ftøb  quarto, 
carte,  -taffel  &  quarter  tackle,  -nbgabe  quarto 

*JhM*'  a  fe  ^bai. 

Srøaft  n  brushwood,  faggots. 

ftøad  n  pomace,  squash;  flaa  i .  squash;  falbe, 
gaa  i  -  be  squashed,  crushed.  iløafe  vt  squash, 
squeeze,  crush. 

Iløafe  e  -r  fishlng-boat  with  a  well,  welled 

ftbaøfia  e  quassia.  -rr*  quassia.  -beb  wood 
of  the  quassia. 

ftøaft  c  -e  k  -r  tassel,  tuft,  frog;  $  cyme; 
^anø  -  coxcomb,  fop.    -blomfrret  a  cymose. 

Aøater'lne  c  -r  quaterne.  -n«'r  a  quater'- 

#ftøe  c  -er  fold,  pen. 

Høejl  e  -er  coll.    -c  op  vt  coll  up. 

•ftøeiå,  frøcifc  e  fe  £K 

*frøeitc  e  -r  halibut,  HippogU*&u»  vulgarU. 

•Rbete  c  fe  ftbitgra«. 




•Jtbetbing  c  evening  twilight.  *Stnc(b*|f»arter 
^  noon  watch. 

Stoibber  c  k  n  chlrping,  twittering,  chir(ru)p, 

ftblbe  c  paln,  agony.  tftbibe  vi  wall,  moan. 
•fnlb  a  painful,  agonizing. 

ftotbre  «•'  ohirp,  twitter.    -rot  c  fe  ftbibbet. 

♦ftofe  ftg  or,  fe  fttnmjK  fig. 

ftrie,  *Rbige  c  r  helfer.    -totn  cow-calf. 

Itoit'  a  lively,  quick;  elever,  smart,  wltty. 
-gr<ed  n  quickgrass.  quitchgrass,  couch-grass, 
Triticum  repen*.  Jtbttfjeb  c  llveliness  etc.  ftbtf|- 
tbebe  fe  -øtort.  Mc  vt  enliven,  rouse,  cheer 
up;  .  op,  b.  f.  *-ne  (til)  vi  revive.  -rob  coach 
•gnus  root.  »fanb  quicksand.  t-flifltrt  wagtail, 

Scbiffatb  n  quickflilver,  mercury;  belægge  meb 
.  quickailver;  fyrø  tør  ~  i  Ktaiene,  p  i  (Enben  he 
is  ever  on  the  wing,  very  restless.  -agtlg  a 
mercurial,  quickailver  -like.  -barometer  mer- 
curial  barometer,  -betog  quicksilvering.  -barn* 
mercurial  vapour.     -førute  fe  -ojljbul.    -grube 

?[uicksilver  mine.  -fcølbig  a  mercurial.  -f)øri< 
out  mercury  horlzon.  t-ilte  fe  -ojtjb.  -jøbtb 
periodide  of  mercury.  -Jobnre  protoiodide  of 
mercury.  -tlørib  mercuric  chloride.  -Hørttr 
mercurous  chloride.  -tolonne  fe  -fajle.  -tnr 
mercurial  cure.  -mibbel  mercurial  remedy, 
mercurials  pi.  -mor  æthlops  mineral.  -øbtoø* 
nin§  solution  of  mercury.  -øgnb  ozide  of  mer- 
cury el.  mercuric  oxide.  -øjftbnt  merourous 
oxide.  -falbe  mercurial  ointment.  -fnlfib  mer- 
curic sulphide.  -fnlftor  mercurious  sulphide. 
•fbae  diøease  induced  by  the  use  of  mercury. 
-fruen  the  mercurial  column,  -termometer 
mercurial  thermometer. 

Stbiroanb  n  quickwater,  quickenlng. 

Jtbtnb  c  oont  quean,  woman.  -agrtg  a  eflfem- 
inate.  womanish.    -ag'tigljeb  c  effemlnacy. 

Stotnbe  c  -i  woman,  female;  -n  (i  Ulm.) 
woman.  Stblnbe|aag  female  yoke.  -aonb 
female  mind;  female  intelligence,  -abe!  female 
dignity.  -onfigt  feminine  el.  womaniah.  face. 
•ariejbe  woman's  work.  -art  way  of  women. 
-(arm  female  bosom.  •bli!  woman's  glance  el. 
•eye.  -btyfl  female  breast,  breast  of  a  woman. 
•o»b  a  woman's  command.  -baab  woman's 
deed  el.  achievement.  -bragt  female  dress, 
woman's  dress,  -bbb  female  virtue,  woman's 
vlrtue.  -elftøb  female  love,  woman's  love.  -fabler 
god-mother,  female  sponsor,  -fange  female 
priaoner.  -fienbft,  -fjenbjl  a  hostile  to  women; 
pon  et  .  he  is  a  woman-hater.  -flot  crowd  of 
women  el.  females.  -fob  woman's  foot.  -frbb 
woman's  delight.  -frugt  woman's  fear,  woman- 
isn  fear;  (ftttjgt  for  febinbec)  fear  of  women. 
-fomgfel  prison  for  women.  -fart  womanly 
conduct.  -fobt  a  born  of  woman,  woman 
-bom.  -fatetfe  woman's  feeling.  -følge  female 
sulte  el.  retlnue.'  -gerning  woman  s  work. 
-graab  woman's  tears.  »gnnft  woman's  favour. 
-g«!  one  foolishly  fond  of  the  sex,  dangler 
(on  women;.  -ffaanb  woman's  hånd.  -lab 
(Jrbinbeft)  woman's  hatred;  (til  ftbinber)  aversion 
to  the  sex.  -tyaber  woman-hater,  misogynist. 
~f>errcbomme  female  government  el.  dominion, 
petticoat-government.  -Ijferte  female  heart, 
woman's  heart.  -tjefto  female  help  el.  assistance. 
•fen  fe  -finb.  -tyne  woman's  cap,  hood.  -toar 
pi  conditlon  of  women.  -(art  milksop;  fe 
-gæt.  -fenber  connoisseur  of  the  sex.  -flaber 
pi  female  dress,  woman's  attire.  -flttbt  a  in 
female  attire.  -ttogt  female  sagacity.  -rram 
women's  flnery  el.  fallals.  -tnnbfrab  knowl- 
edge  of  woman.  -rander  womanly  tricks. 
^tn*é  fe  Same*.    -Inx  a  fond  of  the  sex.    -l«r» 

(tgfecb  fe  -elftob.    -ton  female  sex,  womankinrt 
-log  party  of  women.    -(en  female  fief. 

ffntttbeftg  a  (mobf.  manbligj  female;  (mob* 
manbig)  feminine;  (fommelig  for  Jtbhtber)  womanly, 
womanllke;  -e  9Km  female  el.  double  rhymes. 
•fjeb  e  womanliness,  womanhood. 

Sbinbej linie  female  line.  -IHI  female  cunning, 
woman's  wiles.  -lob  fe  Saftet*,  -tone  capricerL 
humour  of  women.  -tylle  success  with  women. 
-In*  woman's  longing  el.  fancy.  -tofte  woman  s 
promlse.  -magt  female  power,  -atewnefft 
coat  woman,  quean.  -mob  female  courage, 
-ntnnb  female  lips.  -malt  woman's  milk.  -mta> 
fter  model  of  women.  -nabn  (ftatmet  af  ft.)  the 
nameof  woman;  (gyntentimmernabn)  female  name, 
woman's  name.  -nbtter  pi  female  whixns  d. 
caprices.  -ømfja  female  care.  -brtjbelfe  female 
ornament,  -raab  female  el.  woman's  oounsel. 
-ran  rap«,  abduction  of  women.  -regering 
female  government  el.  reign.  -ro*  fe  -ton. 
-roft  c  female  voice,  woman's  voice.  -rottet 
ravisher.  tStninbei  vp  marry,  take  a  wife. 
ftninbelfabel  side-saddl&  -fagen  the  woman 
question.  -famfnnb  association  of  women.  -fibe 
female  line.  -flab  female  temper  el.  heart. 
-fjæl  woman's  soul.  -ftabtttug  female  form. 
•frare  fe  -flot.  -ffil  female  habit  el.  manners. 
-fftrtelf e  female  form  et.  shape;  the  flgure  of  a 
female.  -fro  woman's  shoe.  -ffil  a  shy  of  wo- 
men. -ftonfeeb  female  beauty.  -(labber  fe  -fnat. 
•fmlt  woman's  smile,  -fmnlfe  female  ornament 
-fnat  women's  el.  female  gossip.  ftninbe»>erfon 
woman.  itoinbe|fnargimaa(et  the  woman  ques- 
tion. -ftabe  female  el.  women's  flnery.  -ftemau 
fe  -tøfl.  -fnagfeeb  womanly  weakness.  -fnig 
female  decelt,  f.  guile.  -fngbom  disease  of 
women.  -fnøfet  female  pursuit.  -forker  pi 
womanly  manners.  -tale  women's  talk  el. 
words.  -tant  female  vanities.  -rro(ffab)  the 
fldelity  of  woman.  -tral  woman's  slave,  -tratte 
women's  quarrel.  -tange  woman's  el.  female 
tongue.  -rbb*  female  type,  type  of  women. 
•baaben  female  weapon.  -ben  lover  of  the  sex. 
•benftab  woman's  friendship.  -biå  the  manner 
el.  way  of  women.  -ttølb  the  power  of  women, 
female  power,  -bom  o  fe  ffbinbeagtig.  -Mrrb 
female  worth.  -borrt  woman's  work.  -norfen 
female,  being  et.  creature  of  the  other  sex; 
female  nature  et.  ways.  -oje  woman's  eye. 
Jhrinbfott  womankind;  woman. 

ftbine  c  -t  quint. 

ftbintele  re  w  plpe. 

ftbtnt  c  -et  (i  nægtn.,  Jcott)  quint;  (baa  Biolin) 
flrst  string,  treble  string;  (*}nterbal)  flfth;  fotfre 
-et  consecntlve  flfths.  Sroittt  n,  pi  s,  flve 
grams,  Vu»  (Danish)  pound.  ftbinteffena'  c 
quintes'sence,  elixir.  Stbintet'  c  -tet  quin'tet, 
quintet'te,  quintetto.  Abtntillion  c  -et  quintil'- 

itointt'n  n,  pi  =»,  drachm.  -bit  adv  by  the 

ftbirtnalet  the  Quir'inal. 

*ftbiA(e  o  -t  hranoh  et  fork  of  a  river. 

ftbifl  c  e  (Øren)  twig,  sprig,  spray;  "knag, 
gnarl,  knot;  fe  Øtøn. 

itolfl  c  -e  k  -et  ((Stage)  garret,  attic  -beaetr 

Stbifte  vt  lop  off  twigs. 

*ffbifregran  branchy  spruce.  •ftbifret  e  knotty. 
•Jlbiftfri  a  clean,  free  from  knots. 

Itoiftl  tommer  garret.  -lejligieb  dwelling  in 
the  garret,  garret  rooms. 

Stb iltning  c  lopping,  trimming. 

Jrbiftlfttt,  -frne  parlour  in  the  attic.  -arabae 
garret  -window,  dormer-window.  -baertffe  fe 




St*W  a  rid,  quit  (of);  *  F  knocked  up,  done 
for;  bliue  noget  .  get  rid  of,  be  quit  of;  F  be 
shot  of,  a  thlng;  nu  etc  Di  .  now  we  are  quits; 
_  eOer  bobbett  double  or  quits.  ftbitjte  vt  k  t 
balance  accounts;  (af)  deduct,  abate;  •brt  -r  eet 
It  ia  all  one.  -te're  ol  receipt,  give  a  receipt 
el.  acquittanoe  for,  discharge;  p  (beb  Stotg.) 
vold;  betalt,  forfor  -9  settled.  -te'rittf  o  -er 
receipt,  aoquittance,  discharge. 

ftftøta  c  -bel  quota.  ftbøtirat'  o  -er  artt* 
quo'tient.    ftbotnm  n  fe  ftbota. 

ftttffbe,  fbab,  t  »<  A  t  Bing,  chaunt.  ftbotbc 
»  -r  lay,  song. 

Stvcebe  e  -r    qulnce.    -terne  qulnce  kernel. 
-foft  qulnce  juice.    -flim  bandoline,  flxatrioe. 
-tr«  qulnce  tree.  Pyru$  Gydonia. 
Stvff'bling  o  -et  littie  son*, 
tftftørø  a,  ftbftg>,  fe  ftoit  Wil*. 
ftfcørg  »  cattle;  .fø  et  -  an  ass;  StyRer  -  heads 
of  cattle.     -abl  breedlng  el.  rearing  of  cattle. 
-boas*  cattle  boat,  cattle  Bteamer.    -beftaiib,  -be- 
fatning  Btock  of  cattle.    -brcmi  fe  Jtobremft. 
-brift   drove  of  cattle;  fe  -abl.    -brite?  drover. 
-bab  cattle-plague. 

Jtoørge  vt  refresh,  recreate;  -  fin  Øjne  beb 
feast  one's  eyes  on  ri.  with.  -brif  refreshing 
beyerage.    -Ite  «  refreshment,  recreation. 

JtottglfebttittQ  fattening  of  cattle.    -fiol  herd 
ef .  drove  of  cattle.    -føber  fodder,  provender  (for 
cattle).   -fobring,  -foring  feeding  el.  foddering  of 
cattle);  (nsbrr)  fodder,  provender.   -følb  pen  for 
«attle.  -førfifring  Insurance  of  cattle.  -grortntng 
pastuxe,  pasturage  for  cattle.    -gøbnittfl  manure 
of  cattle.    -b>ar  hair  of  cattle.    -tyiabef  tråde 
in   cattle.     -Ijanbler  dealer  in  cattle.    -bjørb 
herd  of  cattle.    -b,otb  (bet  at  fyrtbe  *.)  keeping 
of  cattle,  stock-keeping;  (ttntal  II.  fom  fcolbee) 
stock    of  cattle.     -ftotber    herdsman.     -Ijobeb 
fSfalbtorb)   block-head,  dunce.    -Ijbrbe  herds- 
man.    -tjatte  shed  for  cattle.    -fpbeb  head  of 
cattle.    -iné  louse  of  cattle.   +-l«ge  cow-leech. 
-starfeb  cattle-lair;  cattle-market.  -myg  sandfly, 
Simulium.    -møg  dung  of  cattle. 
ftsir'gttittg  c  fe  ftbceøelfe. 
Ir»<rg|pffer  offering  of  cattle.    -øpbrat  cattle 
•rearing.    -øpbrcrtter  stock-raiser.    -pef*  fe  -fnac. 
-pranger  dealer  in  cattle.   -prl*  price  of  cattle. 
•race  oreed  of  cattle.    -r«»  robbery  of  cattle. 
-rig  a  rlch  in  cattle.    -vagt  tending  of  cattle. 
-fagter  herdsman,  oowherd. 
tlrbatgfanb  fe  Jrbiffanb. 

ftba  ølffabe  løss  of  cattle.   -flot  taz  on  cattle. 
•frae  cattle-show. 
ftba'gfom  a  refreshing. 
Shurglftatb  stable  for  cattle.    -flomme  breed 
of  cattle.     -fbgbom  disease  of  cattle,   cattle 
disease.     -fbge  murrain,  cattle-plague,  tinder- 
t*»*gf*lb  fe  ftbiffølb. 

ftbff'g|rie«be  tithe  of  cattle.  -tittag  breedlng 
of  cattle  -tølb  duty  on  cattle.  -tor«  cattle 
-market.  -rji  cattle -stealer.  -tbbert  cattle 
stealing:  -bog«  cattle- truck,  -bøgter  herdsman. 
-bøaterfte  herdswoman.  -bøgtning  tending  of 

ttvctl  »,  pi  =-,  (om  Qfrøer)  croak,  croaking; 
(om  Qkeft)  cackle,  cackling;  tym  gab  ilte  et  -  he 
did  not  atter  a  sound;  f  ieø  forftaar  iffe  et  . 
I  am  quite  at  sea. 

Starter  o  -e  quaker.  -gøtig  a  quakerish, 
quakerlike.  -familie  quaker  family.  -flale 
moontain-finch,  FringUla  montifringtlla.  -tyat 
quaker'shat.  Jtbfittcrfo'be  c -r  qua'keress,  quaker 
Hb«tft  fe  ••tette. 
ftbcfte  vi  croak;  cackle.    -«  o  croaking  etc. 

ftbcrtb  e  eye;  fe  ttften;  i  -  tin  the  evening, 
•this  evening,  to-night.  ftbttlb|c  vi  (om  Sol  el. 
SRaane)  set,  go  down;  imp  (aftnel)  grow  towarda 
night.  -rnoT  c  -rer  goatsuoker,  nlght-jar,  Capri- 
mulffut  europæu*.  —  ftbfflbft|mab  supper,  evening 
meal.    -nabbtre  late  supper. 

Stbølb  n  fe  «ælb.    -e  vi  well  forth. 

Stbir(e#  (balte,  fbalt,  vt  (beb  at  fammenpreftfe  6tnt» 
ben)  strangle;  (beb  Røg  el.  1.)  stifle,  suffocate;  (beb 
at  Struben  fblbe«  meb  et  eller  onbet)  choke;  (beo  at 
berøbe  Suft  [f.  <H*.  beb  tst  lilbæfnina])  smother; 
fig  qnell;  (bæmpe,  unbertrbfle)  stifle,  smother; 
(flanbfc,  unbertrblfe,  liaefom  beb  ftbælning  f.  SIS. 
planter  i  beret  Sæfftt)  choke;  t  (plage)  plague, 
torment,  torture;  {eg  er  noerbeb  at  -•  (Struben 
fammenfnørei  baa  mig)  I  am  nearly  choking:  fig 
.  i  gføbfelen  "•  Spiren  nip  in  the  bud;  +F  ~  Vbe* 
fatten  wet  one's  whistle;  tbalt  Stemme  stifled 
voice;  tbalt  Stat  smothered  check,  ftbøtler  o  -e 
strangle.  ftbieterflaMgc  boa  constrictor.  Abffi- 
(n)ing  c  strangllng  etc.,  suffocation. 

Scbivlftof  n  azote,  nitrogen,  -forilte  fe  ojt)buI. 
-fri  a  non  -  nitrogenous.  -ga»  nitrogen  gas. 
-qotbig  a  azoted,  nitrogenous,  nitrogenlzed. 
-mette  vt  nitrogenize.  -orb>  nltric  ozide. 
-ø^bbnl  nitrous  ozide.    -fbeilte  fe  -ojtjb. 

Stvctn  c  -er  Finlander. 

ftbarr  odv  poet  silently,  quietly;  tie  -  be  silent. 

Scbavt  o  throttle,  (oøfaa  ^)  throat;  (paa  Zob) 
fork.  -barm  *t,  nock,  throat.  -bio!  throat- block. 
-bolt  nock-plece;  throat-bolt. 

Stborfe  o  throttle.  Jrbøtrte  c  (tøft  fy\tt) 
strangles.  -bbjlb  throstling.  -fttø,  a  affected 
with  the  strangles.  *-tag  seizing  by  the  throat. 
ftberrtgibtøb  S  throat  brail. 

Stvet7™  c  -t  quern,  hand-mill;  *mill.  *-bm« 
corn-mill.  *-fø*  mill-force.  *-*,«*  mill.  *-!ali 
a  kind  of  tub-wheel;  fe  Sanbftar.  -tnbe  mill 
-hopper.  *-renbe  mill-race,  mill  channel.  *-ften 
mill-stone.  •-ftenøbmb  mill  stone  quarry.  ••banb 
water  for  the  mill,  mlll-head  (flere  Smf .  fe  TOøOe«). 

*ftbonrfU  fe  ftbærle. 

ftbærlføtttc  vi  arrest,  sequester;  be  fatte  Sttbene 
for  Sinteren  they  hauled  up  (their  yessels)  for 
the  wlnter.    t-tftb*  o  perfectly  silent. 

ftbftff  c  -r  bladder-worm,  Gænurug. 

ftb<rft|e  vt  wound,  hurt,  -ljuft  naval  hospital, 
-ning  c  wounding,  hurting. 

ftbøtftor  o  -er  treasurer,  bursar.  ftbæfta'r  e 
bursary,  bursarship. 

Sbtctvntt  e  great  burnet,  bloodwort,  Sanøuti- 
orba  o/fieinalu. 

ftlftcliftj'I  int  cock-a-doodle-doo! 

Styt  vt  fling,  toss  (with  yiolenoe). 

Srbttiug  c  -er  chicken,  (meb  Øjer)  pullet.  — 

Stbttinge|bnr  coop  for  chickens.  -førftanb  poor 
head,  clouded  perception,  -b^obeb  nlnny,  booby. 
-b^ne  hen  with  a  brood  of  chickens.  -mob  food 
for  chickens.  t-førg  trivial  sorrow.  -fleg  roast 
chicken.    -rib  chicken  season. 

ftljlué  e  chyle.    -far  chyiiferous  vessel. 

ftttmrer  pi  Kymri. 

tftbmttd  o  chyme. 

AbnbetmtØfe  c  Gandlemas. 

tn^nber  pi  incipient  pains  of  labour. 

fttynbig  a  welHnformed,  (i)  conversant  (with). 
-Ijeb  o  knowledge,  skill.  ftbsbing  o  -c  aoquain- 

ftbjiiilrr  o.  fl.,  fe  dbniter. 

fttype  c  -er  dyer's  caldron. 

Sttiptx  o  -t  cellarman. 

Abrabft7.  ftb^røJ'  n  -er,  -fer  cui'rass,  breastplate. 
-bbr  chlamyphore. 

ft^roåfc'r  o  -ferer  cuirassier.  -beft  cuiranler's 
horse,   -regiment  regiment  of  cuirasslers. 




W  n,  pi  —,  +!-fe  (•  ogfaa  o  -fer)  kiss,  F  buss; 
bebatte  meb  ~  load  with  kisses. 

Stbfe  c  -r  (woman'fi)  hood,  calash. 

StM*/  -te,  -t  vt  scaie,  frighten. 

ftbølbaanb :  ban  giorbe  bet  meb  -  he  was  glad 
enough  to  do  it;  tog  i  mob  Xilfrubet  meb  -  jump  ed 
at  the  offer. 

Stbft  a  cbaste.  -(eb  c  ch  os  ti  ty,  chasteneH. 
-(ebøtofte  vow  of  chastlty.  -IjebØtra  Agnus 
castus,  chaste  tre«. 

Stbdning  c  kissing. 

StbØØ)  tru  (til  Slat)  scat! 

Stbdfe  vt  kiss,  p  bues;  -  paa  fingeren  ab,  til 
en  kiss  one's  hånds  el.  finger  tips  to  one;  . 
gabene  $ob  kiss  the  pope 's  toe;  —  fb*fe»  kiss 
(each  other).  -far  a  fe  -ftig.  StbØfelig  a  F 
worth  kissing,  charming.  Stto§fe[lljft  passion  for 
kissing.  -Ittfren,  -flsg  a  fond  of  lussing.  Stto*fen, 
StbØtting  o  kissing. 

Stbfft  c  -er  coast,  shore;  langt  -en  along  shore, 
coastwise;  fejle  lang«  meb  -erne  coast.  -baab 
coaster,  coastlng  boat.  -batteri  coast  batte  ry. 
•beboer  lnhabitant  of  the  coast.  -befalinaø« 
manb  commander  of  a  coast-guard.  -brføtrntua 
maritime  population,  -betjent  coast-guard  of- 
ficer, -beoøgtning  coast-guard.  -bo,  -boer  fe 
-beboer,  -bto  seaside  town.  -bomb  fri  b  coastlng 
-steamer.  -bambflib§f  art  steam-navi  gation  along 
the  coast.  -effobre  Inshore  squadron.  -farer 
coaster,  -fart  coastlng,  cabotage,  coaBtal  navi- 
gation, -far to j  coastlng  yessel.  -fifleri  coast 
fishlng.  -flob  coast- river,  -forfjor:  til  -  for 
shore-defence.  -fnnb  coast-find.  -tør  n  coast 
-light,  -tør  e  (Xra)  cluster-pine,  Ptntu  mari- 
timtu.  -tyanbel  coastlng  tråde,  -Ijofbital  seaside 
hospital,  -fort  coastlng  chart,  -l«nb  coast; 
maritime  country,  -lanbffab  coast  scene,  -linie 
coast -line.  -lob*  coast -pilot,  -mtlttd  coast 
mllitia.  -operationer  operations  on  el.  along 
the  coast.  -obmaaling  coast  survey.  -barri  c. 
scene,  -blabø  fe  -flab.  -brotøeft  shore  view. 
•prebtnø  maritime  proyince.  -ronb  sea  margin. 
•res  fringing  reef.  -rute  route  coastwise.  -ro- 
oeri  depredation  on  the  coast.  -fejlabø  fe  -fart. 
-fifrtng  protection  of  the  coast.  -flab  c,  seaside 
el.  maritime  town  el.  city.  -frrafning  (tract  of) 
coast.  -taam  Martello  tower.  -telcgraf(fiariøn) 
semaphore.  -tog  coastlng  expedition.  -bagt 
coast  guard.  -bogter  coast-guard  man.  -barn 
(8faftmng*barfer)  defence  of  a  coast;  (RtjfrmilitS) 
coast  mllitia.   -bafenet  the  sea-board  authorities. 

*Stt)te  vi  F  boast,  brag. 

Stabe  fe  Stabe. 

Råbe  c  -r  chain;  fe  fflenbegarn;  fe  Roet  ting;  mil 
line,  cordon;  (i  $ane)  (the)  right  and  lefl  (flgure); 
fig  series,  chain,  traiu;  banne  .  form  the  chain. 
Røbe  vt  chain.  -bom  warp-beam.  -bro  chain 
-bridge,  -brbgge  chain -pi  er.  -bro!  continued 
fractions  pi.  -bragen  u  measured  with  a  chain. 
-gang  concatenation.  -garn  warp.  -laaø  chain 
-lock.  -(eb  link  of  a  chain.  -linie  catenary 
(cur ve).  -nuMling  measuring  with  a  chain. 
-9I0&  chain  plough.  -bnntbe  chaln-pump. 
-regel,  -regning  chain- ral e.  -rim  chained  rhyme. 
-ring  fe  -leb.  -mm  fe  Hatting-,  -falbt  aggregated 
Balpa.  -fab  chain-saw.  -fille  thrown  slik. 
-ftorer  warper.  -{fatning  log  sorites.  -fting 
chain  stitch.  -ftøbber  fe  »ætring-.  -føm  chain 
-stltches.  -traab  warp-thread.  -bid  adv  in  the 
form  of  a  chain. 

Stafert  c  p  intoxication,  brick  in  the  hat. 

Stoft  c  p  jaw,  muzzle,  chops;  (i  Barftøj)  Jaws, 
chop,  month;  botb  -  hold  your  tongue,  joc  hold 
yonr  noise,  ifte  en  -  not  a  llvlng  soul.  *-e§  vd 
sqnabble,  bicker. 

Stagle,  fægte*  fe  Stable  vt. 

Staf  a  brave,  bold,  F  game,  (*  &  amr)  stotn. 
•b,eb  c  bravery,  boldneas,  stoutnees. 

tStatte  vi  cackle.    -n  c  cackling. 

Stalber  e  -c  oellar,  (bbalbet)  vault;  ^  stort 
-room;  (Staefe,  til  grlafter)  celiaret;  fe  -etage;  lag? 
i  -  cellar.  -breng  tabster  boy.  -biir  ceuar-da* 
-etage  cellarage;  (til  ©eboelfe)  underground  story. 
(undergTOund)  basement.  -f 00  (Beboere  af  rn  t  .1 
occupants  of  the  (nnderground)  baaexnent.  -gøte 
casement  floor.  -balg  descent  into  a  cellar.  > 
mezereon,  Daphne  mezereum.  -^hI  air-hc^. 
•lem,  -Inge  trap-door  of  a  cellar,  ællar-nsp. 
-luft  air  of  cellars.  -manb  (Oeboer  af  tni.> 
occupant  of  a  basement;  (Orbftit)  pon,  count- 
dram;  en  fom  gør  -mcenb  a  punster.  -mega 
butler,  -bige  barmaid.  -bo|l  pump  In  a  cellar 
•rnm  cellarage.  -ffnr  penthouse  of  a  cells;. 
-frue  (Seslberoatelfe)  basement  parloor;  (Stæxfc 
pie)  taproom.  -fbenb  tapBter,  drawer.  -rrotfe 
cellar-BtaiiB.  -bef§el  accommodation-bill,  f  kiie 
-binbne  oellar- window.  -ofel  wood-louse,  Om*- 
eu»  avellut, 

Sale  vi  (for)  fondle,  caress,  pet.  -børn,  -bagt' 
c  fondling,  pet,  darling.  +-bdtgge  v*  fe  finlf. 
-n  a  (ømftinbet)  tender,  delicate;  (øm)  fond, 
loving,  affectionate.  -nabn  pet  name.  -nfUl 
c  &  n  Boftneas;  effeminacy.  -orb  word  of 
blandishment.    -ri'  n  caressing.    -unge  fe  -ben 

Ralfe  e  -r  little  sledge,  hand-sledge,  nand 
-sleigh,  sled;  t  «8ænge)  runner.  'Stialtt  vi  amr 
coast,  toboggan,  -ager  c  -e  coaster.  -*$***% 
coastlng,  tobogganing.  -batte  gilding  hlll,  slope 
for  gilding  down  on  hand-Bledges,  coastlng  mil 
toboggan(lng)  slide;  age  .  coast.  -lord  nasii 
-sledge  load. 

Stalling  c  -er  old  wife  el.  woman,  crooe 
R«ning(e)agtig  a  effemlnate.  -agtigbeb  c  effemi 
nacy.  RffOlttgje  vi  (for,  ober)  pet,  coddle.  -fobfl 
old  woman" s  tale.  -graab  the  crying  of  old 
women;  effemlnate  weeplng.  -bofte  old  woman  * 
oough.  -tnob,  -tnnbe  granny's  knot,  granny. 
-brotft  F  milksop,  softling.  -raab  old  woman  c 
cure.  -ri'  n  effeminacy.  -flabber,  -fnat  old 
woman's  twaddle^  -tanb  bird's-foot  trefoil, 
lady's  slipper,  Loiut  comicuiatus;  petty  whin, 
Qenista  anglioa.  -tøj  trampery.  -nage  petted 
child.    -barrf  fe  -tøj.    -bafen  effeminacy. 

tftdtloe  ri  calve.  -rib  calvlng  time  el.  season. 
ftorlbning  c  calving. 

Stamme  vt  comb;  (tømr.)  damp.  -tom  <" 
small-toothed  comb.  Stann|men,  -ntng  c  comb- 

Sttrmner  o  -e  chamberlain.  -embebe  chamber- 
lainshlp.    -tontor  chamberlain 's  offlce. 

ftormbe  o  -r  (StriMmcutb,  feelt)  champion,  hero; 
(ftort  Vtennefre)  giant;  (6nærte)  Midas'  ear,  Sfrom- 
bm9  fiiøar,    pi    $    waybread,    Pimitotgo   major- 
Stccmpt    vi    fight,    combat,   contend,   struggle; 
.  om  $rifen  contend  for  the  prize;  -  meb  fig  felo 
struggle  with  one's  self;  —  vt  fight;  -  ub,  fe  nb« 
tampe;  —  or  fig  frem  fight  one's  way;  be  -nb« 
the  combatants,  the  con  ten  din  g  parties,    -aont 
heroic  spirit.    -arbefbe  gigantic  el.  Herculean 
work.      -art  gigantic  species.     -*bi6  monster 
(news-)paper.   -biOebe  colossal  figure.   -bi«rtaie 
the  Giant  mountains.     -bobift  giant-ball,   Cr» 
perdon  oiøanteum.     -bdtltebbr  giant  armadillo, 
Dasvpu*  giga:     -booenb&r  megatherium.    -M* 
gigantic  animal,  twp  megatherium.  -bb§fedolmeD. 
-fifler  fe  ^sgerfugl.   -f oli  race  of  heroes  el.  giante. 
-gang  mighty  pace,  poet  mlghty  deeds.    -jtrtb 
fe   -btjofe.      -gøg    channel-bilT,    Seuthrop§  Nova 
Hollandiæ.   -baanb  giant 's  hånd.    -baj  fe  8rtybf 
-bjort  Irish  elk,  Vervua  furycero«    -bøj  c  barroff. 
tumulus.   -^øi  a  tall  as  a  giant,  gigantic.   -bøjle 
gigantic  el.  colossal  height.   -tonon  monster  gxm 




•far I  gigantic  lellow.  -traft  glgantic  strength. 
-tvaftiq  a  of  glgantic  Btrength.  -trøløbil  meg- 
alosaunu.  -frø*  gig&ntic  frame,  -tag  Company 
of  heroes  et.  giants.  -tanb  land  of  the  giants. 
•legeme  fe  -trop.  -lig  a  fe  -mortflg.  -møb  heroic 
courage.  -mnØling  giant  clam,  Ciama  gigai. 
-maefftø  a  glgantic;  glantltke.  -øtøe  fe  ttrotte. 
-•Ib  heroic  age.  -baofngt  Javanese  peacock, 
Pavo  mutiau.    -bfatat  monster  placard. 

Stampet  c  -e  champion;  ($one)  game-cock; 
arrh  lmpost.  -linie  springing  of  an  arch,  spring- 
\Vkfz  line. 

ft<rot9e|fal  giants'  hall.  -falamoaber  glgantic 
aalamander.  -fang  fe  -bife.  •  flute,  -flan  heroic 
mind,  soul.  -flare  host  of  heroes.  -fnø  monster 
ship.  -ffiftelfe  glgantic  flgure.  -ffilbøabbe  green 
tortle,  CkeUmut  mydat.  -ffriøt  giant-strlde. 
-Hag  glgantic  Wow.  -flange  boa.  -ftogt,  -flamme 
race  of  giants.  -fnegl  qneen  conch,  Strombtu 
gigaa  -ftør  a  gigantic.  -ftørmfngt  large  petrel, 
/^roeeilaria  gigant ea.  -ftttrfe  fe  -haft.  -pari  a 
of  gigantic  strength.  -fUrretfe  gigantic  size. 
-futtbbeb  iron.consti  tution.  -føorbglant'ssword. 
-fø  monster  sea.  -tis  age  of  giants  el.  heroes. 
•»i*  the  manner  of  giants  et.  heroes.  -øife  an- 
dent  (Northern)  ballad.  -øalftt  glgantic  statnre. 
-bart  gigantic  work.  -*t  fe  -ftogt.  røgter  pi 

Srasgrnrn  c  -er  kangaroo,  Halmatunu.    -bjørn 
tree-kangaroo,   Dendrologi*  urrinni.     -rørte   k. 
rat.  potoroo,  Hypeiprymnu*. 
ftomtre  fe  ftantre. 

Vtttp'  c  -pe  stick,  cudgel;  font  .  i  $Jul  like  a 
house  on   fire.     -lefl   (ogfao  fig)  hobby-horse, 
Stabbøl  a  arrogant,  overbearing,  big. 
Stabøejbaovb  hoop.  -rbggeban* ;  tabe  en  banfe 
.  give  one  a  good  nlding. 

ftorr  a  dear;  Ijobe  en  ~  love,  be  fond  of,  one, 
bold  one  dear;  fao  en  .  become  fond  of;  bet  et 
mig  Uge  -t  it  Is  all  one  to  me;  bet  fcabbe  baret 
mig  ete,  at  .  .  .  I  had  rather  that  .  .  .;  bet  et 
mig  -t  I  am  glad  el.  happy;  bet  bitbe  bare  mig 
•eft  1  would  greatly  prefer;  bbi9  bit  Sib  er  big  -t 
for  your  life;  fjet  bjafoer  ingen  -e  TOo'r  there  is 
no  help  for  it;  -e!  røorunbr.)  dear  mel  (8øn) 
pray;  mm  -e!  my  deari  mine  ~  my  dear  one«, 
those  dear  to  me;  mit  -efte  what  is  dearest  to 
me;  -  efter,  +  of  fond  of;  *.  i  in  love  with:  gøre 
.  endear. 

ftor'  n,  pi  ■■,  (©umb)  bog,  fen;  *fltrat)  thlcket; 
(jhBefiaaenbe  8anb)  pool.   -anb  fe  SRofeanb.   t-bnn 
cotton-grass,  Eriophonm. 
Såre  fifl  om,  fe  ttrbbe  fig  om. 
tStoremaal  n,  pi  =»,  complalnt,  grievance. 
itar'efte  c  -t  betrothed  brlde  et.  bridegroom, 
intended,  sweetheart,   young  man;  bore  .  meb 
keep  company  with,   sweetheart  with.     -øreø 
lo  ve-letter,     -følt  amorous  couple,   couple  of 
loven,     -ri'  n  -er  love  aflalr;   sweethearting. 
-førg  love  trouble. 

tt*t[%*  bog-hay.    -|*g  harrier,  Ctrcu«.    -jørb 
fen  land. 
fta'rfømrnen  a  welcome,  acceptable. 
Storlig  o  kind,    affectlonate.     -en,    -t   adv 

Startigfteb  c  love,  affection;  (fpftia)  passion; 
(friørtig)  charlty;  branbenbe  -  $  fe  ©ranbe(nbe); 
flamme!  -  ruflet  iffe  old  love  Iles  deep;  frøn  fif 
•en  at  føle  he  caught  it.  —  Storligtøbøjbaanb  tie 
of  love.  -øeøiø  proof  of  love.  -billet  billet 
•doux.  -breø  love  letter,  -bub  commandment 
of  love.  -bigt  lo  ve -poem.  -brif  love- potion, 
philter.  -ertlaring  declaration  of  lo  ve.  -eøentnr, 
-førblnbelfe,  -fortolb,  -førfiaaelfe  love-affalr. 
•ftrflfriag  protestation  of  love.   -fntb  a  loving. 

-gerning  aet  of  charlty.  -griller  love  landes, 
-gnb  God  of  love.  Cupld.  -gnbiube  Goddess  of 
love,  Venus,  -Qavbet  love  intrigue,  amour. 
-tyiflørie  love-tale;  loveaffair.  -tnob,  -tnube 
true-love  knot.  -følte  happy  love.  -U8  o  love- 
less.  -maattib  love-feast,  agapæ  pi.  -minbe 
memorial  of  love.  -bagt  alliance  of  love.  'pant 
pledge  of  love.  -bttgt  duty  of  love,  charitable 
offlce.  -^røøe  test  of  love.  -fager  matters  of 
love.  -trang  yearnlng  for  love.  -øife  love  dltty. 
-øorf  (work  of)  charlty.  -ttble  love-apple, 

SlarliKg  fe  ftaffmg. 

ftarmte'be  o  -r  forget-menot,  MyouotU. 

Slarmøfe  c  shallow  moss. 

Statut  c  -t  (6mør0  churn.     ftome  vt  churn. 

Statut  e  -x  (i  VtbU,  Køb)  kernel,  pip;  (i  Xra) 
pith,  heart;  (i  ftonon)  bore;  (Siometl)  nucleus; 
(Ijoé  §tftt)  mark  in  a  horse's  mouth;  (beb  Støb* 
ning)  core;  (i  en  Sag)  substanoe,  essence,  plth, 
heart;  (i  en  $or)  flower,  plcked  men:  (bet  oebfte 
af  noget)  flower,  plck;  ©oinet  maa  pabe  mere  - 
the  hog  must  have  more  grain;  bil  man  b>øe  -n, 
maa  man  htaRe  Købben  (there  are)  no  gains 
without  pains.  -biber  fe  irirfebarhigl.  -banfl 
genuine  Danish,  -føber  fodder  consisting  of 
grain.  -frifl  a  healiby,  robust,  unsophisticated, 
thoroughly  sound,  -frvgt  kernel  frult.  -fntb  a 
(futb  af  -t)  kernelly;  fig  plthy.  -fntbb,eb  c  plthl- 
ness.    -føbe  fe  -fober.    -f-aøb  thoroughly  good. 

ftarttebeft  c  churning-norse. 

Stormet ftixbe  pelllcle.  -(«#  core.  -lort  stal- 
wart  el.  sturdy  fellow;  genuine  fellow,  f.  of 
sterling  worth,  F  trump,  brick.  -toife  (Støbn.) 
core-boz.  -ttje  (6tøbn.)  core-prlnt.  -laber 
leather  of  the  beat  quality.  -tgg  a  empty, 

Stamental!  c  butter-milk. 

ftame|orb  plthy  word.  -puutt  heart,  essence. 
-roab  rottenness  in  the  heart.  -ribfe  shake, 
eblnk.  -rig  a  (om  Horn)  plump,  (well)  plumped. 
-fat  a  kernelled.  -flatt  rlng-wall.  -fiol  shell 
of  a  kernel.  -flattet  a  with  circular  crevlces 
Inside,  -fløte  seedling  nursery.  -ffttb  point 
-blank  shot.  -ffbjgge  perfect  et.  central  shade. 
•ftøre  disease  in  the  plth  of  trees.  -fbrøg  plthy, 
energetic  language;  apothegm.  -flamme  seedling. 
-Hang  (Støbn.)  core-stick. 

ftame  ftavg,  -flaø  ohurn-staff,  swape. 

Starntfttu  stone  of  frult.  -f««b  fe  -frifl. 
•fnxb^eb  healthlness.     -føor  fe  -rig.     -fb«b  fe 

Snbe.  -f«*e  curd-soap.  -fatning  kernelling. 
øøøer  choice  el.  picked  troops.  -tra  fe  -beb. 
-rang  fe  -rig.    -beb  heart- wood,  duramen. 

ftornebart  n  horse-churn.  ftamtag  c  churn- 

Jtarntlen  n  Carinth'ia. 

Harre  c  t  small  car;  *cart. 

ftarfanger  c  marsh-warbler,  Sylvia  palwtri: 

Star|tegtt  caress,  endearment.  -tegne  vt  caress. 

tftor'lnlb  fe  -bun. 

Rarø  c  -t  sheaf. 

Stofe  e  rennet,  runnet. 

Ratter  c  t  heretic.  -aanb  heretlcal  spirit. 
-boal  pile  for  burnlng  heretics.  -bøg  heretlcal 
book.  -baab  baptization  by  heretics.  flatter!' 
n  -er  herefiy.  Statter|tare  heretlcal  el.  heterodox 
doctrine.  -mening  heretlcal  el.  heterodox  opinion. 
-meftet  grand  inquisitor.  -ret  (court  of)  inquis- 
ition.    -flnb  fe -aanb.    -fl  a  heretlcal,  heterodox. 

Starting  c  -er  chain,  (9Inter<)  (chain-)cable. 
-talber  ohain-well,  chain-locker.  -Ko  claw 
•stopper,  -trøg  chain- hook  (o.  fL)  *-rig  wire 
rlgging.  -mm  fe  Rælber.  -flabet,  -ftatbe  stud. 
•ftobber  chaln-stopper. 

Stabe  c  -r  (ogfaa  *X,)  jaw;  pi  (øaa  lang)  jaws, 




cheeks  pi.  -baanb  (fflhmbflemme)  locked  Jaw, 
lock-Jaw.  -ben  Jaw-bone.  -bnnben  a  affected 
wlth  lock-jaw.  -føb  maxIUlped,  foot-Jaw,  Jaw 
-foot.  -tabe  fe  JKnbfabe.  -ham*  J,  (snateh) 
cleat.  -fule  maxillary  sinus,  -lop  wattle  -paller 
pj  palps.  -pofe  cheek  pouch.  -re«  throat  laah. 
-Httfte  cbeek-piece.  -feter!  a  f  long-winded, 
voluble.    -ton*  fe  ftinbtonb. 

ftabl  n  (+  c)  fe  -eri. 

tHirb!,  »»ble  c  r  round  billet  (of  wood). 

ftanle  *t,  -cd  txf  wrangle,  squabble.  -tt  c, 
•ri'  *  wrangllng,  squabbltng.     -r  c  -e  wrangler. 

ftø  c  -er  (©tn.)  ene;  i  -  In  file;  i  -en  on  the 

«øb  «  pi  =,  ((fctøberbelfe)  purohase;  tøonbel; 
Wiforb;  bet  føtøe  etter  folate)  bargaln;  -  af  pur- 
chase  of;  »årer  gjorte  paa  Røb  ready  made  goods; 
flutte  et  -  conclude  a  bargaln;  for  gobt,  billigt  - 
at  a  cheap,  reasonable  rate;  flippe  for  gobt  ~  get 
off  cheap;  foo  for  meget  gobt  -  buy  a  bargaln; 
oben  i  -et  into  the  bargaln,  to  boot;  bet  gaar  meb 
i  -et  that  is  thrown  in;  og  .  .  .  paa  -et  and  .  .  . 
thrown  in;  gifte  .  abate;  fig  give  in,  yield;  ril 
-«  for  aale.  Støbt,  -te,  -t  vt  bny,  purchase-  -  inb 
buy  el.  lay  in;  .  op  bny  in;  -  olie  fine  $enge  op 

lay  ont  all  one'a  money  In  purchases;  _  fig  inb 
i  et  flhnbebe  obtaln  a  place  by  porchase;  -  ftg  fri 
bny  one'B  self  off;  -  en  til  at  gøre  noget  brlbe 
one  to  do  something;  ben  fmunejie  fora  tunbe  -• 
for  Senge  the  finest  that  money  could  buy;  jeg 
beb  iHe,  enten  jeg  er  -tø  eller  folgt  I  don't  know 
what  to  ezpect.  -tre*  purcbase  deed  (of  real 
property),  (paa  Bø«øre)  bill  of  sale.  -ebne  pur- 
chaaing  power.  -gobØ  (Borer,  fom  ere  ttitøb«) 
goods  for  sale;  (Krbejbe,  gjort  til  at  fcelgeø)  sale 
-work.  -fonrratt  fe  -breb.  Mbbe  blemish,  de- 
fect,  flaw.  -luft  inclination  to  buy;  demand. 
-liften  a  eager  to  buy.    -n  c  buying  etc. 

Støbenbatw'  n  Copenhagen  -er  c  -e  native  of 
C.,  pi  people  In  C.  -ed'  n  C.  ways.  -erin'be  o 
•r  lady  in  el.  from  C.    -ff  a  Copenhagen. 

ftøbe|pri*  purohase  price.  Røbe|r  c  -e  buyer, 
purchaser.  -ret  right  of  purchase.  -fnm  pur- 
chase  money.    tftøbfarb  tråde. 

ftøbmanb  (ifar  ©roeferer)  merchant,  tråder, 
(ifar  »etoilbanbl.)  tradesman;  f  4  p  =  fteber; 
•mænbene  (ogf.)  the  tråde.  —  ftøbmanb*  |aanb 
mercantile  spirit.  -agtig  a  mercantlle.  -bog 
merchant's  book.  -bre*  mercantile  letter,  -brng 
custom  of  tråde,  -familie  tradesman's  fiunily, 
commercial  family.  -fartøj  merchant  vessel. 
•gaarb  tradesman's  house.  -gob*  merchandise, 
commodities;  *fe  -fllb.  -tjanbet-  general  shop. 
•btt8  firm.  ftøbmoabftob  tråde;  gøre  et  gobt  . 
buy  a  bardaln.  ftøbmanbf  |!art  shopman.  -tone 
tradesman's  wife.  -UH  body  of  merchants. 
*-fW»  mercbantable  herring,  (crown)  fulls.  -fflb 
merchantman.  -fprøg  commercial  el.  mercantlle 
language,  -ftanb  mercantlle  class,  the  tråde. 
-fH!  mercantile  style.  -ftølrøeb  merchant  pride. 
-Harer  fe  -gob*.    -oafen  tråde,  commerce. 

ft*b(ffaa  vi  bargaln,  make  a  bargaln.  -flaaen 
c  bargalning,  -ffuttttn g  c  conclusion  of  a  bargaln . 

ftøbftab,  -fteb  c  -flaber  (market)  town.  incor- 
porate  city;  tprovlncial  town.  —  aøbjtabC*)!' 
-agtig  a  townish.  -barn  town-born  chtld;  fyin 
er  et  -  he  is  born  in  town.  -boer  fe  -manb 
-bbgning  fe  -$u».  -fo«  town  people.  -fribeb 
charter  el.  privilege  of  a  (market-)  town.  -frøfen 
cont  town  bred  miss.  -gob  3,  -grnnb  land  el 
ground  belonging  to  a  town.  -ftnØ  town  house. 
-falb  town  living.  -Ha?bt  o  dressed  like  town 
people.  -tone  townswoman.  -li*  town  life. 
•mob  town  føre.  -manb  townsman.  -nortng 
tråde  of  country- towns.  -pige  town  girl.  -prist? 
Irginm  fe  -rettigbeb.   -ret  (fiooe)  chartered  rights 

of  a  town;  (Somftol)  court  of  a  m&rkeMoirc 
-rettlgb.eb(er)  chartered  privileges  of  a  maite 
-town,  incorporated  city  privileges,  charter  & 
in corporation.  -flll  custom  el.  usage  of  a  tovn 
•ffole  town-school.  -Pant  a  accuatomed  to  tfae 
life  in  towns.  -Hirfen  t  provincial  manners 
Avblflirnne  market,  fair.    -fnenb  shopman. 

SUb  n  flesh;  (fom  gfrte)  (butcher's)  meai;  (w 
frugter)  flesh,  pulp;  fig  flesh;  bøbt  .  fungous  ri 
proud  flesh,  hvpersarcosis;  .  og  Qlob  fie  humu. 
nature;  efter,   t  -et  alter,  in,  the  fleah,   t  fae  -i 
Doge  in  the  days  of  his  flesh;  i  -et  booret  vog  iSt 
i  Sflæberne  ftaoret)  bred  in  the  bone;  gaa  alt  -tf 
Gana  go  the  way  of  all  flesh;  fe  «rm,  $:  2$ 
•agtig  o  flesh-like.     -ben  bone  with  some  m& 
on  it.   -bifltrg  mountainof  flesh.   -bio!  batchers 
block.    -bob  butcher's  stall.   -botte  foroe(d-jmest 
ball,  resole.   -bro!  sarcooele.    -borger  fe  éozbbet- 
fpinat.    -bag  meat  day.    -bonnenbe  a  flesh-fom 
ing.     -banner  c  -e  flesh-former.     -bejg  forted 
meat      -eb  profane  oath.  rapper,     ftobclie  « 
earnal,   fleshly;    -e   Saflenbe   full    (el.   nterme 
brothers  and  Risters;  .  ©rober  til  own  brotber 
to;  -  fætter  cousin-german;  .  Slagtning  Wood 
relation;  —  adv :  .  finbet  carnally  minded.   SUK 
ligbeb  c  fleshllness,  carnality.     ftthtt  a  flesh; 
ftab|eWrraft  extract  of  meat.     -foor  fettenim 
sheep.    -farø  forced  meat.    -forne  flesb-colotu 
-farnet  a    flesh-coloured;    .   fteBite  camarlon. 
cloye-gillyflower.    -flne  fleah-fly.   -fnlb  a  fleshr. 
(6logt.)  meaty,  (om  frugter)  pulpy.  -føbe  animftl 
food;     -fabe  vr  fig  supply  its  own  population 
with  meat.     -gaffel  meat-fork;  ^  (cook's)  tor 
mentor,    -gelé  sonp-stock.   -gloce  portable  sonp 
•gr^be  flesh-pot.    é-gr^n  broth.    -gummi  sarco- 
oolla.  -battemoffine  meat-cuttlng  machine,  meat 
-chopper.     -jammer  mallet.     -binbe    ceUaUr 
membrane.    -bøbeb  blockhead,  numakull.  -4** 
belfe  fleshy  excrescence,  sarcoma.     -Jn5  gravy 
-tage  forcemeat   cake,    (fri ed)    forcemeal  ball. 
•flnmp  lump  of  flesh  el.  meat.    -fnis  clearer. 
-toft  animal  diet,  flesh -meat.   -traf  i  stock.   -frff 
flesh-hook.     -ful  animal  charcoal.    -roorn  sao- 
sage  mill.     -lim  fe  -gummi.     -U8  o  fleahless. 
-mob  (flesh-)meat.     -mabbil  maggot.     -malft 
lump  el.  mass  of  flesh.    *-mejfe  great  tltmoose, 
ox-eye,  Panu  mqjor.  -mel  flour  of  meat.  -matJ 
lover  of  flesh-meat.   -pofc  (f.  ft».  paa  Dbr)  wallet 
of  flesh.    -poftej  meat-pie.    -palfe  meat  sausage 
-ret  dlsh  of  meat.   -rig  a  fe  -fulb.   -wb  fe  -farbet. 
-faar  flesh  wound.    -faft  juice  of  meat.    -flbf 
fleshy  side  of  a  hide.     -flab  meat-safe.    -frlbe 
slice  of  meat. 
JU'b6|lbfi  earnal  lust.  -paatagelfe  incarnation. 
SU  b|fmnle  acrap  of  meat.   -fplfe  animal  food. 
-fpiøning  eatlng  of  flesh.    -tøRe  piece  of  flesh 
el.  meat.     -fnppe  soup.     -toMt  regulated  priæ 
of  butcher's  meat.    -table :  i  fjertet«  -r  bill  in 
fleshy  tables  of  the  heart.     -ter»  i  tieroe  of 
beef.   -torn  meat-market.   -rrebl  muscular  fibre 
-tbebat  meat-biscult.     -Unbe  salt  meat  barrel. 
-ubfalg  butcher's  shop.     -bare  butcher's  mest 
-borte  caxuncle;  granular  protnberance.  -aabffts 
the  Juice  of  flesh.     -bagt    butcher's  wdgbt. 
-abenbe  a  carniyorous.  soophagous;  ~  $br  car 
nlvora,  zoophagans.  -aWe  butcher's  axe,  chopper. 

ftøgemefter  c  (beb  $offet)  superintendent  of  s 
royal  kitchen;  (i  9ibelen  og  beb  BonbebrbOitppa 
i  9torge)  ruier  el.  governor  of  the  feast. 

ftøj(e)  o  -er  ^  (i  Ulm.)  berth;  ^onge*  hammock; 
ffllorameO  cot;  fafl  -  bunk;  gaa  rilJføj«  nestlein. 
ftøie|bunb  bottom  of  a  cot  el.  bunk.  -bng  can 
vas  for  hammocks.  -jolle  hammock  girtlinc 
-flaber  p/  bedding,  -f røg  hammock-hook.  -plibf 
bertb.    -rob  tier  of  berths.    -ribber  pi  hammock 



-racks,  -ftffltrt  hammock  lanyard.  -tæppt  blanket. 
-toi  bedding. 

gatten  n  -er  kitchen;  <t,  gaUey;  (Stabens  %\U 
Iatming)  cookery;  folbt  .  cold  victuals.  -affatb 
kitchen  refuse  el.  stuff.  -arbefbe  kitchen  work. 
-borb  dresser,  -bebartement  kitchen  et.  cnlinary 
department.  -breng  kltchen-boy,  scullion.  -bor 
kitchen  door.  -feb*  dripping.  -førttebe  kitchen 
apron.  -fragt  kitchen  frnit.  -(aanbltebe  kit- 
chen-towel.  -)abe  kitchen  el.  vegetable  garden. 
-bttlbe  kltchenshelf.  -ilb  kitchen-flre.  -jomfrn 
cook.  -tor  kitchen  el.  culinary  vessel.  -ful* 
kitchen  knlfe.  -latin  dog-latin,  apothecary's 
latin.  -Iipø  kitchen  candle.  -me#er  head  cook. 
-nftørbbtttg  kitchen-midden.  -bojtfr  kitchen  paper. 
-berfønoie  persons  employed  in  the  kitchen. 
-btge  cook-maid,  Htchen-maid.  -regning  kit- 
chen-account.  -Hm  doggerel  rhyme.  -ratte 
plate-rack.  -fager  kitchen  el.  cnlinary  articles 
cl.  matters,  -fait  common  salt;  kitchen-salt. 
-frbbel  bill  of  fare.  -flab  kitchen  press.  -fle 
ladle.  -flørften  kitchen  chimney.  -frrtber  clerk 
of  the  kitchen;  joc  kitchen-hunter,  mollycoddle. 
-flufte  alnttlsh  kitchen  wench.  -førog  kitchen 
-language,  -terne  oookmald.  -tttppt  kitchen 
-stalrs,  back-stairs.  -t*j  kitchen  ntensile  el. 
fornltnre.  -nbftbr  kitchen  furnlture  and  requis- 
ites.  -surrer  pot  herbi.  -babff  kltchen-Bink. 
-btabne  kitchen  window.  -bøgn  carriage  for 
provisions  and  kitchen  ntensils.  -batøt  kitchen 
-vegetable.  -bofen  cnlinary  concerns  pi.  -otøe 

t«Ul  a  fe  ftøtig, 

8*1  c  -e  (ogf.  $)  keel;  paa  ret  »  on  an  even 
keel,  righted;  fao  paa  ret  -  right;  lomme  boa  ret 
-  right  ltself;  meb  -en  i  Sejret  bottom  up(wards). 
-blaf  keelblock.  -bolt  keel-bolt.  -bntbt  a 
broken-backed,  hogged.  -bne  arch  ogee  arch. 
-bagt  cuxratnre  of  keel.    -bannet  a  keel-shaped, 

Stole  vt  cool;  vi  blow  a  light  breeze;  -  fit  BRob 
boa  vent  one's  rage  on;  -nbe  o  cooling,  refri- 
gerant.  ftote  o  fe  ftøltng.  -brtl  cooler,  cooling 
dranght.  -fab  cooler.  -lammer  chamber  for 
cooling  flonr.  -for  cooler.  -løft  fire  swab. 
•mibbel  cooler,  refrigerant.  -øbn  cooling-furn- 
ace.  -bonbe  cooling-pan.  -falbe  cooling  oint- 
ment.  -flange  worm.  -flot  cooling-vat.  -trag 
cooling  trough. 

fto^ganggarboard  utrake,  -ftale  vt  (et  6Kb) 
careen;  fen  wranb)  keelhanl.  -foling  c  careening; 
keelhauling.  -ftali«aØabb***rer  careening -gears. 
-talisgøflaabe  floatktg  stage,  -tattnaøgter  ca- 
reening tackle  (o.  fL).  -bjalingøfbif  heaving 
-down  capstan. 

floltg  a  (fbal)  cool,  coldish:  (fbatenbe)  cooUng. 
•b*b  c  coolnea.  Saling  c  tøanbl.  at  tale)  cool- 
ing; (*ften%  røorgen«)  coolness;  (Suftning)  breeze. 

ftot|tram*e  keel-dog.  -laf!  scarf  of  the  keel. 
-linie  line  of  keel.    -langbe  length  of  keel. 

Stolle  c  -i  (fcørreobn)  kiln. 

ftøøe  c  -r  (Boasen)  club,  mace;  A  mallet;  (af 
S&r)  hind  leg.    -bitte  dayiger. 
ftaaelbrønbt  a  bnrnt  in  the  klin. 

ftoffe|b«rer  fe  bille,  -bannet  fe  -formtg.  -brager 

fløBejffet  drying-board.    -flage  drying-plate. 

ftoøeforatta  a  club-shaped;  $  clavate. 

fløllearfø  fe  (»ril. 

JtøBefbørnebe  pi  clavicorns.   -bng  fe  -flag. 

flanemalt  «  klln-drled  malt. 

ftaOert  c  -et  buff  Jacket. 

So8e|f!aft  handle  of  a  clnb.  -flag  blow  of  a 
mare.  -fbamb  oak-leather,  club-shaped  fangus, 

AøBetomt  a  klln-dried. 

fiøBebalmae  c  prickly  poppy,  Papaver  argt- 

ftaln  n  Colo'gne. 

Aalne  vi,  fioineø  vd  cool,  become  cool. 

fta'Ublabe  keel-plate.  -plante  (one  of  the 
planks  of  the)  garboard  strake.  -blanlerang, 
-blantørange,  -rang  fe  -gang.  -flart  armadillo 
-shell,  Okiton.  -flab  ^  keel-butt.  -fnegl  Venus' 
slipper,  Garinaria.  -fbramgnina :  ^abe  -  el.  vent 
-fbramat  a  be  hogged,  hog,  (meb  nebaba.  flrumn.) 
sag.  -fbnnbing  rabbet  of  the  keel.  -fbin  keel- 
son.  -fbinøbalt  keelson  bolt  (o.  fl.)  -fbinØfna> 
sternson.  -fbtttftftreng  llmber-strake.  -tr«  keel 
-piece.  -bttnb  wake;  (i  6Hbrt)  bilge-water. 
-banbllinie  line  ahead. 

Jlon'  n,  pi  ™,  sex;  grom  gender;  bet  fmuRe  - 
the  mir  sex;  bet  bele  menneflelige  .  all  mankind. 

flan'  a  handsome,  pretty,  comely;  en  -  6nm 
a  handsome  el.  ronnd  sum:  bet  bar  ifle  -t  af  $em 
that  was  not  well  of  you;  ber  ftob  jeg  en  -  I  was 
in  for  lt  now;  tønt  ode.  gaa  nu  -t  føem  be good, 
go  home  now;  ba>r  -t  artig  be  a  good  child. 
-(eb  e  handsomeness,  prettlnees. 

flonUØ  fe  ftønltø«.    flamtet  a  sexual. 
Stonrøg  c  lampblack,  pine-soot. 

flønslbajtting  inflection  denoting  the  gender 
of  a  word.  -bele  sexual  organs,  -brift  sexual 
desire  el.  lmpulse.  -egenflab  sexual  peculiarity. 
-enbttfe  termination  of  gender.  -førqolb  sexual- 
ity.  -forffel  difference  of  sex.  -lem  genital 
member.  -lib  sexual  functions.  -laø  a  sexless, 
asexual,  ^  neuter.  -UØ^eb  c  absence  of  sexual 
characterlstlcs.  -moben  a  arrived  at  puberty, 
pubescent.  -møbenl|fb  o  puberty.  -nbbelfe 
sexual  gratiflcation.  -øb^ibfelfe  sexual  exdte- 
ment.  -orb  article.  -organer,  rebftaber  fe  -bele. 
-balg  sexual  selection. 

fta'rbar  a  practicable  (for  vehicles). 

fløre,  -te  -t  vi  drive,  ride  (in  a  carriage);  vt 
($eft,  Bøgn,  en)  drive;  (noget)  carry,  cart;  *  4  F 
(fage)  chase,  drive,  run;  .  en  Xut  take  a  ride  in 
a  carriage,  a  drive;  -  en  runbt  fig  bewllder  one; 
Sejen  fan  iKe  (taaler  ifie  at)  -i  paa  the  road  bears 
no  vehicles;  &  .  et  Sartøj  track  a  veasel;  .  Røret 
steer  large;  ben  -enbe  the  rider,  ftbiø  Ian  fører 
felb)  the  driver;  -  fra  en  (biflancere)  outride  one; 
.  inb  (vi)  drive  in,  (vt)  fe  dnbtøre;  -  meb  fire 
drive  four  in  band;  -  op  meb  fig  bring  forward; 
F  $an  er  lommen  forfert  (tron  gobt)  op  at  .  he 
has  got  into  a  fine  mess;  Barnet  Meb  -t  ober 
the  child  was  run  over;  -paa  F  go  ahead;  . 
Ae^e  til  break  el.  train  horses;  .  til  vi  drive 
fester;  før  til!  drive  on!  all  right!  —  w  fig 
faft  (ogf.  fio)  come  to  a  dead  stop;  .  fig  en  Xar, 
fe  obfr.  -bane  road,  roadway.  -bib  snaffle. 
-breb  coachman's  certlflcate.  -bro  carriage  bridge, 
•bmg:  Aeft  til  .,  fe -beft.  *-bontng  fe  -tøj.  -fa- 
IHg^eb  (3<ernb.}  rate.  -befl  carriage  el.  waggon 
horse,  -farl  driver.  -Ibfl  passion  for  drivlng. 
-larrer  driving-master.  -Ian  (for  $erfoner)  fare; 
(for  Barer)  cartage,  waggonage.  -n  c  drivlng 
etc.  -biff  whip-stock.  -blån  tune-table.  -reb- 
flab fe  -tøj.  -fttterteb  safety  of  conveyanoe. 
-fiol  perambulator.  -fbenb  driver,  -toti,  -troøfe 
J,  track-rope.  -tnr  drive,  ride.  -toj  carriage, 
conveyanoe,  f  trap,  turn-out.  -tomme  rein. 
-bej  carriage  road;  cart  road  florins'  n  f 
thoroughfare,  trafflc.  florøm'  n  old  milk  stlrred 
aboat  with  sugar  and  grated  bread, 

tflorne  vt  (Bbø)  hummel.  -appatat,  -mofTine 

floraer  c  (Srrjn.)  centre-punch,  entering 




ftfrfam'men  n  f  medley.  ftarfel  c  -flet  driv- 

ØørOel  c  chervll,  Soandix  certfoiium\  fpanff  • 
cicely,    MyrrkU  odorxxta,   bilb    -   wild   chervll. 

CAceropAyttum  •vlveutrt.     -røe   paranip   chenfi 
Ctoropftyfttøn  6«Mo«iur.    -fuppe  chervil  soup 

ftøter  o  -e  (ogf.  Gtelblorb)  cur.     -aøtig  a  cor- 


8,  I  [<SC]  n  -ler  L,  1:  a66r:  S.  _  Btnte  line; 
t.  «=*  Itanenbe  the  like;  Spb.  —  fliøpunb. 

Ea,  la  fe  6aa. 

Saa  3mpf.  af  Sigge. 

Saab'  nf  +e  (©tnterulb)  fleece;  (Sun  paa  planter) 

Saaobeu  a  shaggy;  (bunet)  downy;  (ulben) 
woolly;  tøaatet)  halry;  .  6ue  for  cap;  øenbe  bet 
-bne  nb  F  cut  up  rough,  -føbet  a  shaggy-footed. 
-gra?9  soft-grass,  Hoicm*.  -Ijeb  o  shagginen, 

*£aag  c  decoction. 

Saag  n,  pi  =,  cover,  lid;  (paa  $oftej)  upper 
-crust;  fpate  fra  -et  spare  at  the  brim.  -saml 

Saage  e  -r  gate,  wlcket;  ($ør,  fom  et  belt  paa 
tbcetø,  f.  (Kl.  til  en  Stolb  ofb.)  hatch. 

gaa'g|fanbe  mug  with  a  Ild.  -Inro  baaket 
wlth  a  lid.    -lø*  a  without  a  lid. 

+Saa!  o  poor,  mean,  had. 

Saau  n,  pi  =,  loan;  bringe  et  .  i  Stanb,  flutte 
et  -  negodate  a  loan;  gøre  et  -  raise  a  loan; 
til  -8,  fom  ~  on  loan;  faa  til  -ø  have  the  loan  of; 
jeg  tør  faaet  Bogen  til  -»  af  en  Ben  I  have  bor- 
rowed  the  book  from  a  friend.  a  friend  has  lent 
me  the  book;  tøn  fjat  ben  til  -i  he  has  bor- 
rowed  it. 

Saane,  taa'nte,  laa'nt  vt  (borge)  borrow  (of, 
from);  (ublaane)  lend,  amr  loan;  ~  paa  $ant  lend 
npon  pawn;  arte*  .  1  carry  one;  -  en  Øre  listen 
to  one;  .  en  $uø  shelter,  lodge  one;  F  (B  Ionfle) 
laan  mig  Bogen  hånd  me  the  book;  .  en  et  $ar 
Pine  look  daggers  at  one;  btøfe  Bøger  -*  ifte  ub 
these  books  are  for  reference  only  (and  not  to 
be  taken  away).  Saane  |anftalt,  -la«!  bank  for 
loans,  loan-office.  -Dtøliøtcf  lending  library. 
-forening  loan  society.  -gøb§  borrowed  articles. 
-jnf ,  -faftfe,  -føntør  loan-office.  -ørb  loan- word. 
■te-«  borrower.  -f  ebbel dupllcate,  pawn tlcket. 
•funi  sum  lent.    -fatning  lemma. 

Saa'n  Igloer  lender.  -ffgenbe,  -føget  c  -e  loan 
-seeker.    -tager  c  -e  borrower. 

Saar  n,  pi  =,  thigh;  (af  flagtrt  $br)  leg,  (Dtte, 
fto)  mouse  el.  upper  buttock;  -  og  Jtlump  round. 
-arterie  femoral  artery.  -øen  thigh-bone.  -orøf 
femoral  el.  crural  hernia.  -brub  fracture  of  the 
thigh- bone.  -ø«at,  -bøjning  fe  frig.  -tøl*, 
-Qoøeb  neck,  head,  of  the  thigh-bone. 

Saartng  c  -er  i  quarter.  —  Saaringft|baab 
quarter-boat.    -øinb  q.  wind  (o.  fl.). 

Sao  ri  frig  groin.  -frinne  cuish,  cuiase.  -frttffe 
(af  DMe)  rump-plece,  round;  (af  minbre  Dpt)  leg. 
-ftttrf  a  8 tout  about  the  thlgha.  -tyl  a  thick  as 
a  thigh.    -ulb  breechlng. 

Saag  c  e,  *ogfaa  n,  pi  =,  lock;  Ude  -  (paa 
fialtbaanb  cl.  beø(ige)  looket;  tøængeO  padlock; 
(til  Øetxer  of».)  lock;  (i  Sømmet)  dowel,  coak; 
(p.  Sof8)  shield;  (Xinfi.)  joint;  *shoal  of  herring 
locked  in  by  the  aelne,  enclosure;  fatte  -  for 
(noget)  padlock;  luffe  i  -  lock;  unber  -  og  fluffe 
under  (one'a  own)  lock  and  key.  gaaf[bli(  fe 
Saafe*.    -bne  cross-bow,  arcubaliat. 

Saafe  vt  &  i  lock;  (fatte  tyxngelaaft  før)  pod 
lock;  -  af,  -  i  lock;  -  neb  lock  up,  lock  awaj. 
-  op  unlock;  -t  og  lullet  locked  and  bolled. 

fcaaf ejoeflag  lock-furniture.  -Wab,  -»HI  mair 
plate;  (p.  ©øffe)  lock-plate.  -gomfe  fe  £otf 
-ft^lfter,  -tyrtte  lock-cover.  -lappt  thumb-stali 
•lagfe  case.  -line  art  trigger-Une.  -^foøe  veo> 
-fleld.  -ptop  dowel.  coak.  -pmn§  lock  purse 
-riget  fe  fioaft*.  -rina  J,  clasp-hoop.  *-{Ub 
herring  taken  in  a  „Saai*.  -flrne  lock-acrew 
-fmeb  locksmlth.    -føw  dog-muL     -tmp  fe  -pro» 

Zua'i  |  fieøer  spring  of  a  lock.  -fatrfciø  a  pro 
vided  wlth  a  lock,  lockable.  -fosgr  -f *•*< 
wards  of  a  lock.  -^one  cock  of  a  gun-lock 
-Hal  art  vent-patch.  -laag  gun-lock  cover 
-rigel  bolt  (of  a  look),    -rrnfter  handle. 

*1Uat,  Saate  fe  fibb,  Snbe  vi. 

*%*a*t  c  -i,  fe  Sabe.  -brø  barn  bridge  el 
landing.  , 

Sao'  e  -bet  paw;  fuge  paa  -ben  bite  on  the  bit. 
suck  one'a  paws  el.  tnumbs. 

Sooon  c  -er  lout,  rowdy  fellow.  fiøbamiøiørrfi 
the  hobbledehoy  age. 

t&a&oe  vi  Jog  trudge. 

Saooetafler  pi  J,  nipping  cheeks. 

Saoe  vt  lap.    -n  o  lapping. 

•SabelenfT  n  gibberish. 

gaber  a  (om  ©tnben)  light. 

Saberban  c  haberdlne,  Aberdeen-flah. 

Sabb^arø(e)  c  grubber. 

gabia'lpioe  la'bium  pipe.    Sa 'oinm  n  labium. 

&abør|ant'  c  -er  chemlst;  aøsistant  In  a  labor- 
atory.  -oiø'rinM  n  -ier  lab'oratory.  <'tt  vi  ex- 
perimentalise;  fa  a\  øuffer  from. 

Sobfalole  vt  &  pay,  pay  over  (with  tar).  -tag 
e  coat  (of  tar). 

Sabur'nnnt  o  laburnum. 

&ao*rint'  o  -er  lab'yrlnth,  mase.  -iff  o  labr 
rinth'ic,  mazy.    -føral  meandrlna. 

Sacebormø'nlier  o,  -ifl  a  Lacedsmonlan. 

Sab  a  lazy,  indolent,  slothful;  ligge  paa  ben  •* 
6ibe  be  idle,  do  nothing. 

Sab  n,  pi  «t,  fe  Sreie*,  6abe*  o.  fl. 

Saoa'ngnmntt  n  lad'anum. 

•Sabber  pi  coarse  over-stockings,  snow-øocks. 

gabe  e  -r  ($ue)  barn;  f{6rrin)  case,  chest;  (po« 
^eft)  bar. 

gabe  c  -r  (meft  i  pi)  gesture,  mariner. 

gabe,  lob,  tabet  vi  &  imper*  (fonef)  seem,  ap 
>ear,  (gtbe  fig  6fin  af)  feign,  pretend,  affect;  - 
rom  feign  (etcj  to  be  pious,  feign  piety;  bet  -r 
mult  it  looks  well;  -  ttl  at  appear  to,  look  *? 
f;  bet  -r  til  bet  it  appears  so;  fom  bet  -t  til  u 
would  seem;  *  fom  om  pretend  to  el.  that;  -  \om 
ingenting  look  innooent,  unoonsclous,  appear  *» 
if  nothing  were  the  matter;  fe  Aaont;  bet  lob  pa* 
bam  at  el.  fom  om  he  spoke  as  if. 

gabe,  lob,  labet  vt,  a)  (unblabe)  oralt;  -  en,  noø^t 
bære  let  one,  something  alone;  ~  ocre  at  desf( 
el.  refraln  from,  forbear;  lab  bære!  have  done. 
lab  batte  meb  bet  drop  that!  lab  faa  oase!  well 
and  good !    6)  (tiHabe)  let,  pennit,  suffer;  lab  o* 




gaa  let  us  go:  lab  børe!  let  us  hear!  man  maa 
labe  barn,  at  qan  et  en  buelig  Sæter  it  Is  but  ju- 
st ice  to  say,  it  la  fair  to  say  of  him,  I  must  Bay 
that  for  him,  that  he  is  a  good  teacher,  to  do 
him  Justice,  he  is  eta;  -  fe  display,  evluoe;  let 
it  be  seen;  .  en  (røre)  ene  leave  one  alone;  .  en 
borre  i  føeb  let  one  alone;  lab  bem  bet !  let  thexn; 
c)  ( efter  lobe,  forlab«)  leave;  .  ftt  gib  lay  down 
one's  life;  .  ftønbet  make  water;  .  (noget)  f)aa, 
liftfle  (f.  (Jtt.  paa  Botbet)  leave  (a  thing)  (on  the 
table);  -  Xøren  ftoa  aaben  leave  the  door  open; 
_  m  uben  6i«lp,  ubelønnet  leave  one  unaided, 
unrewarded;  .  lø«  let  loose.  _  fare  leave  off;  - 
en  (i)  Wø  let  one  alone;  bet  -r  ieg  barn  om  I  leave 
that  to  him;  —  d)  \pcttt  Sarfag  i,  betrirte)  .  en 
bente  send  for  one;  -  en  flae,  at  send  one  word 
that;  lab  falbe  Hnler!  ^  let  fall  the  anchor!  lab 
faibe  &of,  Vtertfefl!  down  forasall!  d.  topsails! 

-  et  ©ejl  falbe  let  fall  a  sail;  _  Løbe  et  6ejl  lower 
a  sail;  ~  af,  in b,  op,  fe  »flabe,  $nblabe,  Oplabe; 

—  vr  ~  fig  gøre  en  Irjole  have  a  coat  made;  bet 
-t  fig  itfe  gøre  it  can't  be  done;  foabibt  bet  -r  fig 
gøre  as  far  as  practicable;  bet  -t  fig  forffare  it 
admits  of  explanation;  bet  -r  fig  flet  ilte  nægte  it 
is  lmpossible  to  be  denled;  .  ftg  Ijøre  play,  sing 
(puhlicly);  bet  -r  fig  børe  that  is  something  like; 
lab  btg  obertale  surrer  yourself  to  be  persuaded, 
listen  to  reason;  lob  fig  btæbe  suffered  himself 
to  be  killed;  -  fig  fe  come  forth,  make  one's 
appearance;  fe  SRcerte,  9lø|e. 

+£abe  fig  vr  give  one's  self  up  to  lazinets. 

Sone  vt  (Slib,  JBogn  ofo.)  load,  lade,  charge; 
(Srnbeoaabe  n)  load,  charge;  (Stift,  ftanon)  for  ftærft 
overload,  (tneb  Jtrubt)  overcharge;  .  en  Sebbner 
gtafte  load  a  Leyden  jar;  .  meb  løft  charge  (with 
powder;;  -  meb  flarpt  load,  shot  (a  gun).  -bog 
cargo-book.    -børn  derrick.   -breo  blll  of  ladlng. 

Sabebrombt  (om  Horn)  a  spolled  in  the  barn. 

Sabej  bnt  fe  -bom.    -bag  loading  day. 

£abeb#r  c  barn  door. 

Sabefenber  c  ^  skid. 

Sabel  føgeb  overseer  (of  farming  operations). 
-gaorb  farm-yard;  f-en  the  workhouse  (in  Copen- 

Sabeaaffel  c  <t,  derrick. 
Babefgnlb  (ljbor  ftornet  tægael) 
auto)  threshing  floor.    -bǤ  barn 

corn-floor;  (So« 

-linie  load-water 

Sobebabn  c  port  of  loading. 

Sabeførrn  fe  tforelabe«. 

£abe|lem  i  gangway(-port). 
line.    -merle  fe  Safte- . 

gaben  c  omiøslon :  Øøren  og  -  doings,  actions, 

£ibe|penge  tonnage-dues.  -plabS  place  of 
lading;  quay. 

fcabepørt  o  barn-door. 

£abe|port  loading  port,  (til  Zralaft)  raft-port. 
-pørtrnle  friction-roller.  gaber  o  -e  art  loader. 
Sabel  rebffab  sponge  and  rammer,  -fføbt,  -flnffe, 
•fflffel,  -fløffel  art  Udle,  shovel.  -fUff  er  j,  skids, 
-fptl  wlnch.  -fteb  fe  -plab* ;  *small  town,  where 
shlps  mav  take  in  but  not  discharge  their  car- 
gæs.  -ftiHing:  i  -  in  loading  position,  -flot 
ram-rod.  -ftøfffer  ramrod-spring,  -ftølrenbe 
groove  for  the  rod. 

Sobeifbate  e  house  swallow,   Hirundo  ruttica. 

£abe| taffel  tackle  for  hoisting  cargo,  garnet. 

-tøf  implements  for  loading. 

ItonØ  Thomas  Idle.   -beb  c  laziness,  indo- 
lence,  sloth.    *-bnnb  lazy  dog,  lazybones. 

galning  e  ($anblingen)  loading;  (Saft)  cargo; 
(ftrabt)  charge;  (Sfarpt)  load.  —  Sabnlngil' 
afgifter  charges  levied  on  the  cargo.  -angibetfe 
minifest;  ship's  content.  •ejer  cargo  owner. 
•f ofte  electric  jar.  -førtegnene  manifest,  -møb- 
tiger  consignee,  receiver  (of  the  cargo).   -martr 

Sarfen:  ftmfMEngellz  Crbbog. 

fe  Safte*,  -nagle  t«l  communlcator.  -papirer  pi 
popers  relatlng  to  the  cargo. 

Sabeø 'neme  pi  the  Ladrones. 

Sa'bfibe  c  fe  Sab. 

£abb  c  -er  (foran  9taønet)  Lady;  en  -  a  lady  of 

*£aft  c  -er  coin,  corner  joint  (of  a  log-house). 
Safte  vt  dove-tail  (the  corners  of  a  log-house). 
Saftetbgnittg  log-house. 

Sag  *,  pi  «,  Ootb«,  6ten«  ofo.,  ogfaa  fo)  layer, 
stratum;  (Sdftab)  party,  Company;  (gabe,  Jtanoner) 
tier;  (BRaling  o.  1.)  coat,  coating;  *way,  nature; 
nack;  fe  Sabe;  gibe  Sienben  bet  glatte  .  give  the 
enemy  a  broadside;  otte  fit  Crb  meb  i  -et  put  in 
one's  oars;  gtoe  fig  i.  meb  (en)  assodate  with. 
fnt)  Bet  about;  fe  Haft;  bare  i  .  meb  be  about; 
tomme  i  -  meb  fall  in  with;  oil  i  .  meb  wants  to 
get  at;  $bor  P°Q  -  whereabouts;  paa  bet  .  there- 
about;  about;  about  the  time  that;  ja,  paa  bet  • ! 
save  the  mark !  over  the  left;  *paa  beb  -  remain 
unaltered;  *ligge  .  paa,  fe  SRagt;  *t  ftørfle  -et 
somewhat  large,  almost  too  large;  *mtbt  i  -et 
middling;  «til  -i,  fe  tilpas;  *paa  nbt  .  anew, 

SagabBtee  kUt  the  Law-mender. 

Sagbe  imp  af  Sagge. 

Sa'glbeling  stratlncation.    -beft  a  stratifled. 

*£age  fig  vr  fe  Urte  fig. 

Sage  o  brine,  pickle.  Sage  vt  pickle,  lay  In 
brine.    -agnrt  pickled  cucumber. 

Sagen  n  -er  &  ■»,  sheet.    -lærreb  sheeting. 

Sager  n  -e  stock,  store;  store- room(s),  store 
-house;  mach  bearing;  paa  ~  in  stock,  on  band. 
•betaelbttixg  stock  on  hånd.  -bøffel  keep.  -fal- 
be? vaults.  -metaller  brasses.  -ramme  carriage. 
-af  lager-beer. 

*£ttget  part  destined,  fated;  a  fe  Sagbelt. 

^Saig  e  -er  chlme,  chimb,  chine. 

Sagtage  e  sponge  and  Jam  cake  made  in  lavers. 

Sa'gre  vt  store,  warebouse. 

*£a'g|rette  o-ra  kind  of  jury,  but  with  power 
only  to  give  advice.  -rtttetmanb  member  of 
a  „Sagrette". 

Sa'gfltt  e  stratus. 

•fiagter  o  fe  9atm  (ttaat). 

*£a  gtbing  n  upper  house  of  the  Norwegian 

Sagn'ne  c  -r  lagoon. 

Sa'gbiØ  adv  In  layers. 

Sa'gbønrge  c  widow's  guardian. 

Sabn  c  ansel,  flatted  wire. 

t&af  F :  uben  .  eller  Ebbe  without  blemis h. 

Saf  e  (100.000)  lac,  lack 

£af  c  &  n  (HI  gorfegling)  (seallng-)wax;  (HI 
gemiø)  lac;  en  Stang  .  a  stick  of  Bealing-waz. 

Saf  af  c  -et  lackey,  flunkey.   -bfffen  flunkyism. 

*£afe  c  -r,  fe  ftbabbe. 

Saftbi  bente  pi  the  Lac'cadives. 

Safe'v|e  vt  lacker,  Japan;  -be  €tøbler  glazed 
boots.  -er  c  -e  Japanner.  -ing  e  lackering  etc.; 

•fiafefllb  c  vendace,  Cortoonu*  alba. 

Saflfarbe  lake,  drop-colour.  •ferniø  lac  var- 
nish.    Saffe  vt  f  seal. 

Sofie  vi  k  i>u  per  i  draw  nigh,  approach;  bet  -r 
ab  Hf  ten  night  is  drawing  on;  bet  -r  ab  $nben  it 
is  drawing  to  an  end  el.  close;  -  biera  wend 
one's  way  homewards. 

Saflaf  c  lac-lake. 

SafmnØ  c  litmus.  -papir  1.  paper.  -plante  1. 
plant,  Cryophora  tinctoria;  archil,  Boccella  tine- 

Safø'n|ifl  a  lacon'ic.    -U'me  c  lac'onism. 

fiafritø  c  llcquorice.  -plante  licquorice  (plant), 
Qlycvrrkita  glabra;  bilb  .  wild  licquorice,  Attrå- 
øaiu«  glycyphyUuM.     -røb   1.    root,    sweet-root. 






■faft  1.  Juice.    -ftaag  stick  of  licquorioe. 
1.  water. 

Sa!b"  c,  pi  k,  (•-rr)  salmon,  jSiafao  talar;  lille 
•  ssJmonet,  samlet. 

SaKart'b  n  -er,  fe  SaHermibbel.  —  £at*er|brtl 
purge.  -mtbbel  purgative,  cathartic,  aperient. 
-paføer  purgative  powder. 

Sat*e|famUteii  tbe  salmonidæ.  -farbet  a  sal- 
mon-coloured.  t-fa*gft  -fifleri  salmon  flshing 
el.  flahery.  -flue  salmon  fly.  -gaarb  wear. 
-f am  salmon  net.    -far,  -fifle  fe  -tene.    ••nøt  fe 

Satte'r|e  c*  purge.    -i«a  c  purging. 

£a»e|fUb  pearl-eide,  Scopelv*.  -fragte*  the 
genus  salmo.  *-fUrfe  king-flsh,  opah,  Lampri* 
ffuttatus.  -tene  cruive.  -troppe  sslmon-stair,  s. 
-lodder,  -baab  selne  for  flshing  salmon.  *-barp 
device  for  catcbing  salmon  (on  the  sea-ooast). 
-tpitgeC  salmon-fry,  (ftørre)  salmon  peels.  —  Saf*|> 
førelle,  -#rrcb  c  salmon-trout,  sea-trout,  Salmo 

SaffrjølMM  c  lac-lnsect,  Coccus  lacca. 

Saftaf  c  lettuce,  £acr«<M;  (Salat-S.)  garden 
•lettuce,  Z.  »ativa;  (giftig  S.)  wlld  el.  strong 
•scented  lettuce.  L.  vtroøa. 

Sora'ne  e  -r  blank,  gap,  lacuna. 

Sala  fe  6aa. 

SaHe  c  -r  paw. 

Satte  vi  k  t  babble.    -*  c  babbling. 

Sam'  n,  jtf  »,  la'mb;  fsheep;  lille  -  lambkln; 
Øubf  -  the  lamb  of  God. 

Sama  c  -er  llama,  lama,  4«c*«jita;  (JØreeft) 

Sambertflte  SRøbber  Alberts. 

Samett'er  pi  lam'els,  lamell'æ, 

Sament|atio'K  c  -er  lamenta'tion.  -e're  vi 

Samljeb  «  palsy;  (ogfaa  Ag)  lameness.  Samme 
vt  palsy  (ogfaa  fig)  paralyset  -  enft  iTraft  unnerve 
one;  —  vi  halt. 

Samme  vi  la'mb. 

Samme|bob  shonlder  of  lamb  el.  fmutton. 
-fierbtttg  qoarter  of  lamb  el.  fmutton.  -fferbfngØ* 
iløl  %1»  top-block.  -grib  lammergeyer,  bearded 
yulture,  Qvpattu*  oarbatu*  -fate  enclosure  for 
lambs.  -bjabe  amnion.  -ftøneb  lamb's  head. 
•løb  lamb;  fmutton.  -tobfappe  lamb-broth; 
fmutton-broth.  -laar  hind  qoarter  of  lamb  el. 
fmutton.    f-leper  sheep's  liver. 

Sammelfe  c  fe  Samtøb. 

Samme  |nof  fer  lamb's  stones.  -anre  sheep's 
kldney.  -fffnb  lamb-skin.  -fteg  roast-lamb; 
froaat  mutton.  -alb  lamb's  wool  el.  fleece. 
Samttiftø  o  lambing. 

Sampe  c  -r  lamp;  f  fe  Stiftet  (9tob);  bon  tør 
tHu*  (el.  en)  paa  -en  he  has  taken  a  drop;  en 
foragtet  -  bibl  a  lamp  despise d.  Sampejarm 
Bconce.  -balle,  -briffe  lamp  mat.  -blné  lamp 
-light,  flame  of  a  lamp.  -fabrifant  lamp-maker. 
-feber  stage-funk.  -fob  foot  of  the  lamp.  -ftr 
lamp-Ught.  -glo«  lamp-glass,  chlmney.  -tøt, 
•batte  lamp  chlmney  cap.  -ilb  fire  of  a  lamp. 
-tttppel  lamp  globe.  -tø*  lamp-llght.  -»matte 
fe  -batte,  -net  net  used  as  an  ornament  over  a 
lampshade.  -ølfe  lamp  oli.  -ø*  lamp-smoke. 
-pnbfer  lamp-lighter,  lamp-trimmer.  -mm  & 
lamp  room.  -rafle  (paa  Xeatret)  foot-lights  pi. 
-rag-  foa  -  be  baulked,  miss  the  mark.  -fat* 
shiel'd-scissors.  -ferbiet  whlte  lamp-mat.  -fti* 
glare  of  a  lamp  el.  lamps.  -flora  lampshape. 
-fob  lamp-black. 

£amtaet'  c  -ter  sconce,  bracket  lamp. 

gampe|toiiber  fe  -publer.  -Pape  lamp- wick;  (af 
ajomulb)    lamp-cotton.      Samptft     c    -er   lamp 

lampret'  c  -ter  lamprey, 

J*etromv*yn  marintu. 

vinciax  aeputy  (in  Poland),     -im 
buildlng.      •bttgntngøtnnft    rural 
-bag  diet;  &  liberty-day.     -blge 
-blftrttt    rural    distrlct,    country- 

Somflaa  vt  paralyse. 

Sancafrermetøbni  the  Lancaste'risvn   metto*! 

Sancere  vt  Ag  start,  set  up.     Soscftiaf  r 

shooting  the  weft,  shooting  in. 

Sattcet'  o  -ter  lan'cet.   -førmlg  a  >  Uuiæolatc. 

SoHcte'r  [fr]  e (iXui8)  the  lancer«. 

Saab  n  -e  (mobfat  tBanb,  $at;  dorbeøoba,  §otH>  , 
mon)  land;  («gn;  Sanbet  [mobfat  ©9«i];  9<eferefai:t> 
country;  (mobfat  6ø)  terra  firma;  fafr  -  main 
land,  continent;  brat  .  fallow  grouud;  bs/rlet  . 
arable  land;  flabt  .  low  land,  flat  land;  bøn  - 
hlgh  land;  et  Stbtte  .  a  piece  of  grouud  ef.  land; 
.  T  6igtel  land  hol  inbefluttet  af  .  land-locked; 
I  -  on  shore;  gaa  i  -  go  on  snore,  dftsembark. 
fstte  i  .  set,  put  on  shore,  land;  tør  i  -et  In  this 
country;  inb(e)  i  -et  inland;  en  8b  råbe  t  -et  ao 
inland  town;  (angl  *  along-shore,  op(pt)  i  -et 
up-oountry;  rejfe  ober  -  go  by  el.  overland, 
paa  -et  in  the  country;  tage  ub  paa  -et  go  into 
the  c.;  ligge  paa  -et  live  in  the  country,  ruralise. 
fatte  paa  -  beach;  ftartøjet  ftaar  paa  tørt  .  the 
veøsel  is  hlgh  and  dry;  til  -I  by  land;  rejfe  al 
af  -et  go  abroad;  ub  fra  -  offshore,  offvrard; 
nnber  -  in-shore,  under  the  land;  bu  fiol  faa 
al  -fen S  (tøm)  Ulbfte  I  will  make  an  example 
of  you.  Saab  label  country  nobllity  (landed 
gentry).  -afftaaelfr  cession  of  territory.  -almme 
peasantry.  -arbejber  farm  labourer.  -omé  land 
-army,  land-forces. 

Sanbaa|er  c  -e  landau.    -let'  c  -ter  landaulet . 

Sanb | bageri  country  bakery.  -batteri  battery 
(onshore),  -befoltning  rural  population.  -t|«rn 
common  bear,  Urnu  arofot. 

Sa«bbø|(er)  conntryman,  farmer,  country 
•dweller.  -førening  agricultural  society.  -f øt« 
(ølbene  rural  matters,  -tøjflølc  (veterlnary  and) 
agricultural  college,  college  of  ajgrlculture.  -In« 
bttfrri  rural  lndustry.  -inbnfrriel  a  of  rural  in- 
dustry.  -intereøfer  agricultural  interesta.  -!•»■ 
øibntaøm  the  agricultural  laws.  -fagrr  agri- 
cultural afiairs.  -flole  school  for  husbandmen. 
-flanb  country  people.  -tibfttbe  agricultaral 

Sanb  |  b Hf e  land-breeze.  -brø  abutment  (of  a 
bridge),  -brag  agriculture.  -brager  agricultur- 
ist,  mimer. 

SanbbrngØ  |  arbejber  pi  mrxning  operations, 
-bone  agricultural  railway.  -fo«f«lent  Consult- 
ing agriculturist.  -rebflab  agricultural  imple- 
ment.  -flole  agricultural  school.  -faftem  fium- 
ing  system.  -Hbettbe  fe  £anbbo<;  (i  tibit)  fanning 

Sanb|brnggeri  country  brewery.  -brøraberi 
country  distfllery  -brat  fe  Sanbgangf*.  t-*r»> 
(round)  bread  made  of  bolted  rye.  f-bttb  pro- 
vincial  deputy  (in  Poland),     -bbgntng  country 

ral  arcnitecture. 
(main)  dike 
country-side.  f-bøfl 
(rnstic)  boor.  +-braae  vt  draw  on  shore.  -brød 
(i  Stjfn.)  hlgh  baiUff.  -brot  fe  3orbbrot.  -b^r 
terrestrial  animal.    Sanbe  vi  land. 

Sanbe|  fabel  general  ram  o  ur.  -feibe  intestine 
war.  -feft  national  festival,  -freb  the  klng's  ri. 
queen'8  peace. 

Sanbefen|bøm  c  -me  landed  property.  -bømi* 
brfibber  landed  proprietor. 

Sanbelfmobe  n  Synod,  »c  Aosembly  of  the 
Church.    -maerte  boundary  line. 

Sanbepfabb  o  landing-place. 

Sanbcjplaae  general  plague  el.  scourge.  -rtfi 
raln  throughout  the  country,  -ret  law  of  the 
land.  -røb  (unlawful)  annexation.  -ri  general 
rumour.  -flat  general  tax.  -fttfte  partltion  of 
land;  exchange  of  land.     -førg  general  sorrow 




el.  mourniug.    -fot  fe  -fbge.    -fleb  landlng-place. 
-ftogc  endemlc.    -fæb  custom  of  the  land. 
Vemb  etat  c  army  list. 

SombelbeJ  (hlgh)road,  highway;  ub  ab  -en  fa 
in  the  beaten  track,  in  a  jogtrot  way,  a  jog 
-trot,  oommonplaoe.  -beiØløfomotib  steam-car- 
ringe,  road-locomotlve.  -befftrfber  highway  man. 
-»amt,  -børrnømaub  fe  2anb«. 

£avb>|faar  Inland  breed  of  sheep.  -farfot  epi- 
demic.  -faft  o  (meb)  contiguous  (to),  connected 
(with);  ~  3*  land  ice.  -fafljeb  o  contigulty  etc. 
•fttlO'Hg  a  exlled,  banished.  -fli|g'tig|pcb  c  exile, 
banlshxnent;  {age  i  .  exile.  t"fogeb  sheriff, 
bailifT.  t-folt  country  people  el.  folk.  -fragt 
land  carriage  (of  goods).  -friten  country  miss. 
-f ugl  land  bird.  -f aftning  inland  fortress.  -fJrfel 
fe  -fragt,  -gang  landing;  (fjenbtl.)  descent;  (Ub- 
{linning  [af  tropper])  disembarkation  (of  troopsj; 
gote  -  paa  make  a  descent  on. 

KaubgaugØjboab  (fætliø  bygget  berril)  surf-boat. 
-bro),  -brttgge  landing-pier,  landing- stage,  -brat 
gangway,  gang- board,  -etter rid  exercise  on 
snore,  -førfog  attempt  at  landing,  -tauon  fleld 
-piece.  -ffaber  go-asbore  clothes.  -parti  land- 
ing party.  -plabØ,  -ftcb  landlng-place,  (for 
Xropper)  place  of  diaembar  kation,  -fruliug  stage 
-gangway.    -tropper  landing- troops. 

&*nb|gilbe  rent  (of  land),  vlctual  el.  grain  rent. 

-gøb*  fe  Sorbeoob*.   -grebe  landgraye.   -grebelig 

a  belonging  to  the  1.,  of  the  1.    -grebiube  land- 

gravine.    -grebflab  landgravlate.    -grnuben  the 

beach.    -granfe  frontier;  (mobfat  Sogranfe)  land 

frontier.     -gorngØ  a  current.     -baj  land  shark. 

-Ijaabel  country  tråde.     *«l|aubler  fe  -Kæmmer, 

7-6ambleri  n  country-shop;   fe  -fyinbel.     -b,abre 

wild    oats,    bastard-oats ,    Avena   /attta.      -Ijeft 

farmer's  horse.     -fp»f   point    (of  land).     -IjnØ 

country  house,    -IjuØbolber  hnsbandman.    -4uØ< 

ftølbaingølørre  rural  et.  farming  economy,  farm- 

ing,  agriculture.     -tynøtyofbuinøøfelffab  agricul- 

tural    society.      -$«r    land    army   el.   force(s). 

-tøjbc  beight.    -tyffer  fe  -fremmer.    -|#nØ  com 

mon   fowls.     -iubbiubing  reclaiming  of  land, 

reclaimed  land.    jBanbtng  c,  gaubingØ>  fe  Sanb« 

gang.     £anb|inf pettor  land-surveyor,  divMonal 

engbeer.      -10  land-ice.      -forben   (dry)  land. 

-lunter  country  squire,  cont  squireen     •JuriØbii« 

tiøa  country  district.    -tabet  pupil  of  a  milltary 

academy.     -fabetafabemi    milltary    academy. 

t-tenbe  land-mark.     -fenbing  A,  land-fall;  ($ej< 

Unger)  bearings;  faa  -  make  el  sight  the  land. 

-tommnne  rural  communlty  el.  (amr)  township. 

-lort  map.     -frabbe  land-crab,   Qecardntu  ruri- 

cota;  (©falbøøtb)  landsman,  (land-)lubber.  -frabbe- 

agtia  a  lubberly,  unseamanlike.     -frig  war  by 

land.      -friger     warrior.      -trommer    country 

tradeeman;  country-dealer,    -tjjnbtg  a  (font  tenber 

et  fianb)  acquainted  wlth  a  country;   (+fom  er 

brlenbt  i  bele  fianbet;  notorious  throughout  the 

conntry.     -tøbmaub  fe  -(rammer,     -lebø  adv  by 

land.     Saublig  rural,  rustical.   Saabjliggenbe  o 

runlising.  -liggen  c,  -Uggeri  n  ruralising,  -ligger 

c  -e  resident  in  the  country,  ruralist.    Saublig* 

beb  c  ruralness,    rurali  ty;    (Simpetø.)    rusticity. 

Sanbllib    country   el.  rural    life.      -lob    liberty 

.aahore),  land-leave.  -løbØbag  liberty  day.  -lobØ« 

ftsfl  liberty  man.     -luft  country  air.     -luffet  a 

land-locked.    -lqfl  rural  enjoyment.    -fogb  rural 

levylng  district.     -lorrreb  homespun.     -løbe  vt 

k  i  run  (a  vessel)  ashore.    -løber,  -l*berfte  c  -t. 

-t  vagabond,    vagrant;    -løber,   fe  3nbift   ftarfe. 

•loø  a  detached  from  the  land.     -maaler  sur- 

veyor;  <3nf.)   geometrlclan,    looper,    Geowetro. 

•maaierfontboJ    circumferentor.      -maalerfabe 

furveyor's  chain.    -maalerftaug,  -maalerftof  sur- 

veyor's  rod.     -ma sling  surveying.     -maalingØ* 

toutor  snrveyor's  office.  -maalingØtnnH  art  of 
surveying.  -magt  land  forces:  (Stat)  Continental 
power,  -manb  countryman,  larmer.  manbØ' 
farmer's,  agricultural.  -monbØforfamlittg  agri- 
cultural  meeting.  •maubftmaØflø  a  farmer-like, 
rustic.  -manbønr  stem- winder.  -marteb  country 
fair.  -militl  land  militia.  -tnarfe  fe  -fenbe. 
t-naring  husbandry.  -officer  officer  in  the 
army.  -emraobe  terrltory.  -befUng  (taklng  the) 
bearlng  of  a  point  on  land.  -politi  country 
police.  -boH  overland  mail.  -bøftbub  rural 
postman.  -boflbiffrift  rural  walk.  -prang  pedd- 
ling.  -pranger  unlicensed  peddler.  -probufter 
agricultural  produce.  -Mut  fe  -bur.  -raab  (i 
Xbftt.)  county-judge;  (i  6d)toetd)  diet  (of  a  canton). 
-race  country  race  el.  breed.  -rean  general  rain 
(throughout  the  conntry).  -reffe(tiuanb<)  overland 
journey;  (ub  paa  £anbet)  country  trip.  -ret  (Som* 
fiol)  provincial  court  of  justice;  (Ketlbebtagter  for 
et  Sanbftab)  provincial  law.  -robbbr  pi  terre- 
etrial  carnivora.  -rbg  ridge  (of  land).  -fa(a- 
ntanber  salamander,  SaUtmandra  maculata. 
Sanblbnm  native  of  a  country. 

SonbØbb  e  -er  vlllage.  -ogtig  a  (fom  fra  en  S.) 
village-like;  (flmpel,  ubannet)  provincial.  -begn 
parish-clerk.  -fefl  village  festivlty.  -fod  villagers. 
-frofen  country  miss. 

*£aub6bbgb:  paa  -en  in  the  country,  in  the 
rural  district. 

£attbdbb|t)tfrorier  village  tales,  -folb  country 
living.  -tirfe  village  church.  -foft  village  fere. 
-fro  village  tavern.  -Pige  country  girl.  -præft 
country  parson.  -ffoie  village  sohool.  -{fole* 
ntefter  village  schoolmaster. 

SanbØ|bel  part  of  the  country,  -bommer  pro- 
vincial judge  el.  justice.  -egn  part  of  the  country. 
•faber  sovereign,  father  of  a  people.  -faberlig 
a  kingly,  paternal.  -folf  country  people.  -for* 
rober  traitor.  -f orraberi  treason.  -forraber(i)ff 
a  treacherous,  treasonable.  -forblfe,  -forbiftutng 
fe  ^orbife.  -fbrffe  fe  -fcrre.  -ablbig  a  current. 
-b^erlig^eb  royal  prerogatives  pi.  -b;erre  regent, 
ruier,  sovereign.  -fcerrelig  a  (belonging  to  the) 
sovereign.  *-qnØb.elbuing  country  household  el. 
house-keeping.  •boib.eb  sovereignty:  (Oberbojipb) 
supremacy.  -I^bbin^  governor  of  a  province. 
Sonbflbt  (ogf.  om  po)n.)  land  side. 

Sanbftab  n  -er  (<f gn  m.  $.  t.  Ubfeenbe)  landscape; 
($roøinS)  province.  Sonbffabelig  a  provincial. 
—  &anbffabØ|biflebe  landscape,  prospect.  -gart- 
ner landscape  gårdener,  -lob  provincial  law. 
-maler  landscape  painter,,  landscapist.  -maleri 
(peintlng  of  a)  landscape;  fe  -malning,  -malning 
landscape  painting.  -m*be  provincial  meeting. 
-orb  provincial  word.  -tegning  landscape  draw- 
ing.  t 

SanbØfalb  n  country  living. 

ganblftat  Oorbftplb)  land  tax;  (Sanbeffat)  gene- 
ral tax.    -ffilbpabbe  tortoise,  Te§tudo. 

£anbØ|firfe  country  church.  -tnagt  c  (ogf. 
6pil)  lansquenet.  Mommidfiott  county  conaln. 
-løft  country  fare. 

£anb|ffblb  fe  -gilbe.  -flag  land  battle.  -flot 
country  house. 

Sanb8|lob  law  of  the  land.  +-maa!  popular 
language;  a  kind  of  written  language  made  up 
of  the  dialects.  -manb  countryman,  compatrlot; 
F  (i  Xiltale)  old  fellow  i  -manbinbe  c  -r  country - 
woman.  +  manblig  a  compatriot.  -manbffab  n 

Saublfneal  land  snail.  -fogn  country  parish. 
•følbat  soldler.  -fot  endemic.  Sanbdooerret  (i 
Xanmar!)  high  el.  superior  court  of  justice. 
SanbfbibØ  point  of  a  cape. 

SanbØlpraft  country  parson.  -ffif  custom  of 
the  country,    -fprog  language  of  a  country. 





&anb|flab  inland  town.  -fleb  country-house, 

SanbllNne  t»  land.    -frfgttiltg  landing. 

&attbft|tfng  upper  house  (of  the  Danish  par- 
llamentj.  •rittgfttttanb  memher  of  the  upper 

Sanblftorat  levy  en  masse,  -frrtwmel  strip  of 
laud.  -fbttger.  -ftrbgertte  c  -e,  -t  tramp,  tramper, 
vagrant,  vagabond,  -fhrdtfnltta^  -ftrag  tract  of 
land.  -tratter!  provincial  stud.  f-ffør  general 
taz.  t-ftonber  pi  chamber  of  deputies.  -fnale 
fe  Sabe«. 

&anbf]t>e)  country  road.  -Vigtig  a  all-import- 
ant,  of  national  interest. 

Sanblfobe  coontryseat.  -fatte  vt  (fatte  i  2.) 
land;  disembark;  (et  ©Rb)  run  ashore,  beach. 
•fatning,  -fortelte  c  landing,  disembarkatlon. 
•f*  fe  jnbfø.  Sanbåtvrtrteb  magistracy  of  a 
country.  Saab] tante  isthmus,  neck  of  land, 
land-strait.  -tilboret  enlargement  of  territory; 
(naturlig)  accretion  of  land.  -tjcnefte  land  ser- 
vice, -tag  expedition  by  land.  -talb  duty  on 
goods  carried  by  land.  -toning  appearance  of 
the  land,  landmark,  -ton  snore-rope,  fast. 
•tranøbørt  landcarriage.  -tropper  land  forces, 
-tunge  tongue  of  land,  spit;  +  «=  -tange,  -tæge 
land-bug,  Oeaeore*.  -nlb  upland  wool.  -bej 
way  by  land,  overland  route.  *-tieir  fe  -binb. 
-be}*  adv  by  land.  -bin  horne-gro wu  wine. 
•bittb  land-wind.  -btnbittg  conquest;  fe  -tnbtrtn- 
btng.  -torn  (milltary;  defence  of  a  country; 
milltia;  (frtøiOtgt)  yeomanry.  -tornSmnnb  mili- 
tin  man.  -Ⱦrt*  fe  -oei*.  -bofcn  agriculture, 
husbrandry.  -bofenøeleb  agricultural  student. 
t-bofenørøntnttøfiøtt  agricultural  board.  t-bo« 
fenMøusntiøfor  member  of  an  a.  b.    -bøtter  pi 

fuardian  splrits  of  the  country,  -onber  country 
ucks.  -#  oasis  -agle  green  lizard.  •øtononti 
fe  -buftftotbning.  -arouomffl  a  agricultural.  -*rn 
fe  ftongetrn. 
Saner  pi  (paa  fcefl)  bars. 
Sang  a  long;  Ziben  falber  mig  .  I  find  the  time 
long,  time  hangs  heavy  on  my  hånds,  the  hours 
drag;  en  Zib  -  for  some  time;  i  -  Zib  for  a  long 
time,  this  long  time;  tager  -  Zib  takes  long; 
gøre  -e  ftingre  be  lightflngered,  pilfer;  8  lommer 
-  og  4  lommer  breb  8  inches  long  by  4  broad. 
8  inches  by  4;  faa  -  ljan  eat  at  full  length;  falbt 
faa  -  ban  bar  measured  his  length  (on  the 
ground);  temmelig  -  lengthy;  ban  bleo  -  i  Hnfigtet 
his  face  fe  11;  nar  meget  .  i  Hnflgtet  wore  a  very 
long  face;  mere  trætte  (©etøel)  paa  -  6tgt  draw 
at  a  long  date;  fe  Qcenl,  9toefe,  6t)t»;  i  længere 
Zib  for  a  length  of  time;  et  longere  Øefag  a  pro- 
tracted  el.  lengthened  visit;  i  bet  longf te  at  the 
longest;  jeg  bil  i  bet  langfie  tro  I  cling  to  the 
belief;  bu  b«  boret  fftt  bin  langfie  Zib  your  time 
here  is  soon  at  an  end;  —  langt  adv  (Vfftanb) 
far;  (foran  ftomparatioer)  much,  far,  greatly,  a 
great  deal,  a  long  way;  +  (oeo  Supert.)  by  far; 
(longe)  long,  a  long  time;  friø  faa  .  half  that 
distance;  m  $ar  -  pfem  we  have  a  long  way 
home;  ~,  -  bebre  far  and  away  better;  -  anbet 
entlrely  diflferent;  .  anberlebeø  quite  differently; 
•  borte  fra  far  off;  -,  langre,  longfl  borte  far, 
farther,  farthest,  off  el.  away;  ~  fra  (i  Hf« 
ftanb)  from  a  distance;  (mobfat  nor  beb  og  fio) 
far  from;  (langoejft  \ta)  from  afar;  -  fra  (iffe) 
Ipffetig  far  from  happy;  bet  er  .  fra  (iffe)  faa  fmutt 
fom  .  .  .  it  is  not  nearly  (el.  not  anything  like, 
notbing  like)  so  fine  as  .  .  .;  bet  er  -  fra  faa  flet 
it  is  far  from  being  so  bad;  .  fra !  far  from  it; 
bet  bore  .  fra  mig  far  be  it  from  me;  ban  er  itfe 
.  fra  bet  (rette)  he  is  not  far  out;  _  frem  far; 
ban  faa  -  frem  i  Ziben  he  looked  far  in  to  futurity; 
.  fremme  far  on;  .  ben  far;  ~  ljenne  far  away; 

-  inb,  ,  inbe  far  in;  ~  inb  i  far  into;  -  es 
longe  at  last,  at  length,  after  a  long  time;  .  e; 
ab  Sagen  late  in  the  day  el.  morning;  bet  »or  - 
paa  Sag  the  dav  was  far  advanced;  bet  wr  - 
boa  Rormibbagat  lt  was  far  on  in  the  momuK 
.  tilbage  far  back;  .  nb  boa  Karren  at  el.  ti 
a  late  honr  of  the  night,  far  into  the  nigbk  Bi 

-  ub  boa  Sommeren  far  into  the  summer;  +  -  n? 
(»eb  Supert. )  by  far;  fe  Ub*. 

Sangjaarer  pi  oars.  -agtig  a  rather  long. 
lengthy,  longish,  elongated.  -atlet  a  Ion? 
-eared.  -armet  a  long-armed.  -be«  fe  9Xriec 
-benet  o  long  legged:  mere  ~  longer-legged. 
t-bil  long  Carpenter  s  ase.  -bjolre  &  *helf 
(ptece).  -bolb(t)  (Danish  &  Norwegian)  ball.  & 
kind  of  rounders.  -bølb(t)fbitteT  player  si 
„SangbouV.  -bom  fe  -oogn.  -bant  long  beach. 
settle.  •-ban!  thread  the  tailor's  needle.  -brag 
trofte  i  .  (vt)  protract,  spin  out;  gaa  el.  rcsflr  i 

-  hang  fire,  make  slow  progress;  +  i  -  at  Ion* 
draughts.  +-brogtigbeb  c  fe  6en».  -b^»fe  oblong 
barrow.  -baW  adv  along  the  deck.  Sange  c  -c 
Ung,  Molva  vuløarit.  • 

Sange  vt  nand,  pass;  -  en  et  ©log  fetch  one  t 
blow;  —  ©t  (efter)  reach  (after,  at);  -be  ftttttg  til 
ftabft  fell  to  with  a  will,  played  a  good  knift 
and  fork;  did  justice  to  the  victuals. 

*Sangeleg  fe  Sangleg. 

fiangelig  adv  slowly;  wistfhlly.  fianøeniaab  t 
(finger)  long- man. 

2ang|*fant  gipsy.  -fnrt  fe  -rur.  -fenber  ^ 
fore-and-aft  fender,   -finger  middle-flnger.   -#> 

(ireri  n  pilfering.  -fingret  a  long-fingered;  to 
ight-flngered.  f-ffenberob  fe  ftragetlo.  -frfbai 
Good  Friday.  -fnoe  horisontal  Joint,  -wrrb  it 
-tut.  -griflet  a  $  Tong-styled  *-grnnb  a  shelr 
ing  and  shallow.  -baanbet  a  long-banded,  longi 
manous;  .  ^»at.  fe  ^uftelbbal.  -tyttttt  a  Ion« 
-haired.  -bage  (long)  boat-hook.  -^aget  a  long 
-chlnned.  -palet  a  long-tailed.  -bal«  long 
straw;  fio  thrashed-out  straw;  torfte  -  do  a  boot* 
less  work;  torfie  -  boa  wear  threadbare,  ring 
eternal  changes  on.  *balmet  a  long-strawed. 
-bol«  (ftreb«)  bamacle,  Leptu.  -b«Ifet  a  long 
•necked.  -batøftrøp  <L  long  strop,  -banbflf 
long  glove.  -bel*  ^  long  shackle.  -garner  a 
long-horn(ed);  .  ftoog  long  horns,  -boaebrt  « 
dollcbocephalous.  -fcjni  nave.  -bonbet  fe  boanW 
-baj  long-barrow.  -Usvl  jointer.  -jom  ooulter 
(of  a  plough),  (i  Woffe)  azis,  central  shaft.  •taai 
stewed  green  cabbage;  f  fiaier  oa  -  gammon 
and  spinage,  capltal  fun.  -tjote  long  (child's) 
frock  -fobet  a  long-jointed.  -fnmmen  fe  Spi*' 
fommen.  -febet  a  long-limbed.  -leg  c  an  ancient 
kind  of  cithern.  Sanaltg  a  longish;  paa  -c  Ztbet 
this  many  a  day.  Sanglliaet  o  long-waisted; 
(fom  letter  longe)  long-lived.  -tiaetbeb  c  longe- 
vity.  -mabtg  o  long-suffering.  -mobigbeb  c  iong- 
animity,  long-suffering.  -morte  <£,  long-mark. 
-naab,  -nab  seam. 

Sangntng  c  handing,  passlng.  SattgningØtøge 
&  scuttle. 

8ang|n*bbe  godwit,  Limota.  -nobbet  a  long 
-billede  -nofet  a  long-nosed;  fio  dlsoomfltea. 
*-bine  fe  ®eig«.  -bnbe  long  pillow.  -reffe  long 
Journey;  t  f«  -*flt-  •*«»  &  swifter.  -r»«b  a 
oval.  °-r#r  broad-nosed  whale,  Bal<**opt«™ 

Sangl  adv.  paa  -  (efter  Songben)  lengthwi«. 
-ways,  longitudinally;  beftbbe  paa  -  rake;  " 
pnrp  (t  Strolning  meb)  along;  .  ab,  -  efter,  -  n"* 
along,  lengthways  of;  goa  -  meb  (ftanten  af)  skirt. 
.  Sanbet  along  the  snore;  .  Siben  (af  et  Sti) 

Sangljating  ^  trestle-tree.  -fan  pit^aw,  *W 
saw.    -fabflorer  sawyer. 




Savgtefter  adv  fe:  paa  tang 8. 

2a«g|fent(er)  *J,  ribband.  -ftben  the  lengtb. 
-Hørig  a  long(-dated).  *-fl«t  o  bearing  malice, 
iinplacable,  unforglving.  -f|al  scarf.  -flaftet  a 
long-handled.  -filt  (Northern)  war  galley;  (i 
fttrfe)  nave.     -flibØ  fore-and-aft;  befftjbe  _  rake. 

finngfllbølafge  longitudinal  axis.  -farm  fore 
-and-aft  ooaming  (o.  fl.).  -itb  raking  fire.  -fnit 
longitudinal  section.  -tegning  elevation,  sheer 

gaaglfløbbrr,  -flot,  -{fob  shifting-boards. 
-fru  ty  e  silique.  Jfttlpet  a  8illquoae.  -jtøgget  a 
long-bearded.  -f!*l  razor-shell,  Sole*.  -fløbet 
a  long-skirted.  -fltre  fissure.  *-ffatt  gently 
sloping.    -fnnbet  a  long-beaked. 

fiaugfom  a  slow,  tardy;  +tedious;  -t  men  fifiert 
slowly  bul  surely,  by  slow,  but  certain,  degrees. 
+-g*re  vt  retard.  -bjeb  c  slowness,  tardiness. 
floagfømntelig  a  (fom  baret  længe)  long- lasting; 
(lang)  long;  ban  &at  i!fe  baret  ber  i  -  Xlb  F  he 
has  not  been  here  this  age. 

fiougrfpU  fe  leg.  -fpitbSntttg,  «-f|pIeiØ  long 
splice.  -ftagåbtg  adv  ,£,  a-iong-stay-peak.  -frtlfet 
a  loug-stalked.  -fHng  long-stitch.  -ftraaet  o 
long  atrawed;  -ebe  Hfgrjbrt  white  crops  -ftratt 
a  lengthened,  Btretched  in  length.  -f  belle  longi- 
tudinal sleeper.  -fip«  far-sightedness.  -fbuet  a 
long-slghted,  far-aighted.  -tønetQeb  c  presbyopy. 
•fø)  long  sea. 

£angt  adv  fe  Sang. 

£avg|  tønet  a  with  a  long  accent,  -truffen  a 
lengthy,  prolix,  F  long-winded.  £angtrntim> 
Bjeb  c  longwindedness.  £angtrat!enbe  a  far 
-reaching;  (om  Gtbbebaaben)  long- range. 

£aag|tr*Je  long  Jacket.     -t«r  a  long  vovage. 
•time  long  rein.    -albet  a  long-wooled. 
flaagttft  e  c  -r  sea  craw-flsh,  Falinurus. 

£aag|b*ab  long  seine.  -barig,  +-tMre«be  o 
long,  of  long  duration,  protracted,  long-lasting, 
tedlous;  -e  6bgbomrae  lingering  el.  chronio  dis- 
eases.  -bartgbeb  c  slowness,  protraction.  -*peb> 
fag  pit-saw.  -»r|9  adv  (fra)  (from)  afar;  (langt 
bort)  far  off.  •bejøfart  fe  -rur.  -bog«  perch  (of 
a  carrlage  el.  cart).  -bag  main  wall.  f-agt 
long  (Boccage)  driving.  -tre  long-eared  bat; 
Wejtet  .  (WtfeJ)  Neddy.    -året  a  long-eared. 

Sanfe  c  -i  lanoe,  spear,  pike;  brnbe  en  -  meb 
break  a  lance  with;  fa  enter  the  lists  with. 
-brbbntng  fe  -tamp.  -bnpflo  shoe  (of  a  lanoe). 
-brager  lancer,  -flag  flag  (of  a  lance).  -tamp 
fight  with  lances. 

flaafener  c -nerer lancer,  spear-man, pike-man. 

£«*fe|ob  fe  -fpibs.  -f!«ft  spear-sbaft.  -flange 
copperhead,  Trigonocephtilu*.  -fpib#  pikehead, 
spear-head,  lance-head.  -ftaag  fe  floft.  -ftøb 
thrust  with  a  lance,  lance-thrust.  -tror  lance 
•wood,  Ghiatteria. 

tflanter  e  lanterloo. 

flantrr'ne  o  -r  Ian  tern,  lan'thorn.  -balje  vL 
fire-bucket  (for  the  flghting-lantern).  -bræt 
stand  for  the  lantern.  -bøjler  lantern-guard. 
•brager  lantern-fly,  Fulgora.  -breb  lantern 
(wheel),  trundle.  -lammer  &  light-room.  -fedter 
lantern-crank.  -flgaaler  pi  signal- 11  ghu.  -flonnt 
Ught-screen.    -tag  lantern-roof. 

£«*'  «  -per  patch;  .  $opir  scrap. 

£np'  e  -per  $  anat  lobe. 

£*p'  o  -per  Laplander,  Lapp. 

t*ap'  c  -pet  fe  £ab. 

fSobbarb  fe  XJabtjaxt). 

Sapbjttl  *  paddlewbeel. 

Sapiba'rfHl  o  lap'ldary  Btyle. 

SopUnb  n  Lapland,  -fl  a  Lapland,  Lappisb. 
—  Sopianbøifpnrb,  -børling  Lapland  buuting, 
Emberwa  lapponica. 

gapla  ta  |  floben  the  River  Flate.  -ftatemc  the 
R.  P.  territory. 

£apftt«ber  o  -t,  -inbe  c  -r  Laplander,  (Lapland 

Sapning  c  patebing,  piedng. 

Sappa'lter  pi  trifles. 

fiappe  vt  patch,  plece,  botch. 

Sapprbutler  c  -e  grebe,  Podicep*. 

.  Sapperi'  «  -er  patchwork;  (ftluberi)  trumpery. 
Sappefrrdtbber  mender  of  old  clothes,  patcher. 

Soppet  a  $  lobate,  lobed. 

Sappeltffppe  fe  ftlube*.    -bært  n  patchwork. 

fiappiff  fe  Saplanbft. 

£apg  e  -e  spark;  (ung  £ops)  puppy;  (Vtobejunfer) 
dandy,  fribble,  masher;  (Wor,  SprabebaCfe)  cox- 
comb,  Dundreary. 

Sap(alb|e  vt  ^  black  (down).    -i«g  c  blacking. 

Sapfe  Rg  vr  strut,  swagger,  cut  a  figure;  .  (tg 
meb  sport,  flourish,  air. 

£tpfe|ri'  n  -er  coxcombry,  puppyism;  (lopfet 
OpforfeO  foppish  el.  frlvolous  conduct.  -frreg 
puppylsh  trick,  -t  a  foppish,  frivolone.  -bfffen 

£ap*t««ø  c  lobscouse. 

£opflabet  a  &  lap-Jolnted. 

£ap[fpnrb  fe  Soplanbft'. 

£apf  nØ  c  slip,  lapse;  -  oalami  slip  of  the  pen; 
_  linpuce  slip  of  the  tongue. 

fiopfbejfe  vt  lap-weld. 

Saptaffe  o  -r  hussy. 

flap  I  tappe  fe  ftlube«. 

fiapoarrf  n  patchwork. 

flarifa'ri  n  twaddle,  fiddle-laddle. 

Sarisg  c  -et  J,  alight  breeze,  cat's  paw. 

fiorm  c  noise,  din,  alarm,  -e  vi  make  a  noise. 
-ea  o  fe  fiarot.    -eabe  a  noiay. 

£arK0b«nt'  a  patheiic,  tear-dlstining. 

£arnt|pibe  o.  fi.,  fe  iltarm'. 

£arØ  Lawrence. 

*£arb  e  caitiff,  beggar. 

£arbe  c  -r  larva,  larve,  Caterpillar,  grub. 
•finger  caterpillar-eater,  Campepkaga.  -Hlftaab 
larval  state,  grubhood. 

£aå  e  -er  rag,  tatter,  shred. 

Safe'rr  vt  glase. 

flafet  a  ragged,  tattered. 

£aff  c  er  (om  Zra)  scarf;  (om  lej)  gusset; 
(om  ©finne)  fish(-plate);  (Shnv)  butt. 

£afla  r  e  -er  pi  Lascar. 

£af?e  vt  scarf;  -be  ^onbffet  drawn  gloves.  £affe|» 
bolt  flshbolt,  butt-bolt.  -eabe  buttend.  -før* 
binbelfe  (3æmb.)  fish-jolnt.  -b)age  butt-end. 
-Jam  fish-plate.    -lao#  cook,  dowel. 

Saftet  a  fleshy,  sleek,  obese;  (part  af  flaffe). 
fiafffeb  a  b.  f. 

Safli'fer  pi  four-penny  nails. 

fiaffning  c  er  scarflng;  scarf.  £afrfbttiag  flat 

£a8fø  e  -er  lasso,  lariat. 

£aH  c  -er  (gejl)  vice,  depravity;  t  fe  »abet. 

£af»  e  (Bbrbe)  welght,  burden,  charge;  (£ab> 
ning)  cargo;  (Saflrum)  hold;  *(Xrætaft)  timber, 
amr  lumber;  brpbe  -en  ^  break  bulk;  -en  fax 
forfhibbet  flg  ^  the  cargo  has  shifted;  fhibe  -en 
stow  the  cargo,  trim  the  hold;  falbe  til  .  faU 
on;  lægge  en  noget  til  .  lay  a  thlng  to  one'g 
charge,  charge  a  thing  agalnst  one;  lunne  lægge« 
en  til  -  be  chargeable  agalnst  one.  fe  ttraft. 
£aft|bar  a  flt  for  burden.  -bjalle  holdbeam. 
-brager  porter:  ^  carrier.  -bbr  beastof  burden. 
fisfte  vt  load;  -t  laden;  t  meb  Rul  coal  laden 
(o.  fl );  —  vi  ben  -r  aobt  the  Carries  well. 

£afte  vt  (bable)  blame,  censure,  reprehend, 

£afte|brø  ^  skids,  -bage  loading  days.  -bamp' 
ftib  cargo  steamer.    -brffgtigtyeb/  -ebne  carrying 




capacity.  -fartøf  cargo  snip.  *-ftaabe  timber 

Saftefnlb  a  vtcious,  depraved.  -b,eb  c  depra- 

Safte  |*b,  avbter  timber  merchant.  -Hule,  -mor- 
ter j,  load-water  line.  -penge  tonnage  (dues). 
•plab*  port  of  loading.  -Hørt  (i  6tib)  raft-port. 
-pram  lighter.  -rnlle  frictlon-roller.  -mm  hold. 
-fttainø  <£,  brow. 

Safrelfbg,  -flige  fe  S)aMe>. 

Safreptomt  tlmber-yard.  -ttrtt  loading  tnrn. 
-banbltnte  fe  linie.  SafHnbfpraJrninø  J,  bilge 

Saftfri  a  blameless. 

fiaftmø  n  lasting,  prunelle. 

SafWnie  ie  Safte«.    Saftning  c  loading. 

Saft»tngø,|bb;bbe  load  draught.  -omfeftninger 
loading  expenses. 

Saftlpnmpe  bilge-pump.  -fHb  transport,  car- 
rier.    -ffibmanb  captaln  of  the  hold. 

Saflbttrbig  a  blameable,  reprehenslble.     -b,eb 
blameableness.    Saftbart  fe  $aftbart. 
Suftt'r  c  (fe  Safere)  transparent  coating. 

Sa'fvr  c  azure.  -blaa  o  azure.  -farne  azure 

Safn'rfarbe  c  glazing-colour. 

Safnr.'mejfe  blue  titmouse,  Pam«  cyan«««, 
-ffte«  (lapis)  lazuli. 

Satent'  a  la'tent. 

Satera'n|et  the  Lat'eran.    -fl  a  Lat'eran. 

SateriØ  mere  carried  forward. 

Saternama'gica  c  magte  Ian  tern. 

Satt'n  n  4  c  Lat'in.  -er  c  -e  (Kation)  Latin; 
(6tubium)  Latin  scholar,  Lat'inlst.  —  Sart«! Ife're 
vt  latlnlse.    -g'me  c  lat'inism.    -te't  c  latin 'ity. 

Satt'n|Hoffe  latin  class.  -linie  classical  line. 
-fejl  n  lateensall.  -fejfer  lateener.  Sart  af!  a 
Latin:  -  ©til  Latin;  -e  Øogftoaer  roman  letters. 
Satin  Iftole  grammar  school,  classical  school. 
-Jtobent  classical  student. 

Satrt  ne  c  (og  n)  -c  prlvy;  pi  mil  latrin«. 
8arrln|ø*bnlng  night-soil.    -rir  soli  pipe. 

Satte  c  -r  lath. 

Satter  c  langhter,  laugh;  brifte  i  «  bnrst  out 
laughing;  flaa  en  l>»i  -  op  set  up  a  loud  langh 
el.  horse- laugh;  flaa  bet  b>n  i  -  turn  it  off  wlth 
a  langh,  laugh  lt  off;  funbe  iRe  bare  mig  for  . 
oould  not  help  langbing;  gøre  tit  .  ridlcule, 
turn  into  ridlcule;  øste  flø  til  -  make  one's  self 
ridlculous;  bringe  -en  paa  fut  6ibe  turn  the  laugh 
against  one;  boere,  blibe  til  .  for  otte  flfolf  be,  be- 
come  a  common  laugbing-stock.  -rørflet  the 
laughing  humour.   -trampe  convulsive  laughter. 

Saiterltg  a  laughable,  ridlculous,  ludlcrous, 
droll.  -gare  vt  ridlcule,  turn  lnto  ridlcule,  cast 
r.  upon.  -&eb  c  laughableness,  ridlculousness, 

Satter  |maage  sea-crow,  Larus  ridibundu*. 
•mllb  a  risible.  -milbbeb  c  risiblllty.  -msfrel 
risible  muscle.  -falbe,  -nbbrnb  burst  of  laughter. 
•baffenbe  a  mlrth-movlng. 

Sarn'n  ii  lat'ten  (brassj. 

Satbærøe  c  electuary. 

"Sane  c  fe  Baje. 

*Saftg  fe  *£aag. 

Sanrbar  n,  pi «,  bay-berry,  fa  pi  bays,  laureis 
pl\  b>ile  boa  fine  ~  repose  on  one's  laureis.  -btab 
laurel  el.  bay  leaf.  -Måbet  ftræøe  cherry-bay, 
cherry-laurel,  Prumu  lauro-eenuue.  -blabet  6ne> 
bolle  laurustine,  Vibumum  tintu.  -arm  laurel 
el.  bay  b ranch,  -tam*  laurel  wreath,  laureis. 
-frase  laurel  crown,  bays  pi.  -trone  vt  laureate. 
-fronet  a  laureate,  laureled.  -lunk  laurel  grove. 
-alle  laurel  oli.  -bil  bay-leaved  willow.  Salix 
pentandra.      -rafe    oleander,    Nerium   ol  tander. 

-tre  laurel  el.  bay  (tree).   Sanre*  poet  the  laarex 

Sanrttt'ttitå  Law'rence,  Lau'rence. 

fcanflb.  n  Lusa'tla.    -er  c  Lusa'tian. 

Sab  a  ri  alle  Bet.,  oøf.  fa)  low;  (om  ©«* 
low,  shallow;  (usbel)  low,  mean,  base;  mua  lo« 
(falft)  flat;  -e  Xrin  shallow  steps;  en  -  Tomate  4 
shallow  dram;  ben  -ere  tlbel  the  inferlor  nohiliiy; 
be  -ere  fttaSfer  the  lower  classes,  (i  €føle)  th« 
junior  classes;  —  labt  adv  low;  fan  tRe  anfliul 
-ere  cannot  be  estimated  at  a  lower  figure. 

Sab  e  -er  lichen. 

tSat  n  fe  Saø. 

Sab  n,  pi  =,  Company,  cornpration,  guild; 
fa  oralt,  fraternlty;  famtlioe  .  (tijonbon)  Uvery, 
optage  i  et  -  make  (one)  free  of  a  Corporation. 

—  £abØ|a*nb  spirlt  of  caste,  tråde  spirit.  -ar> 
titler  statutes  or  a  guild  el.  corporatlon.  -brobrt 
fellow  member  of  a  guild,  freeman;  (i  Bonbon) 
llveryman.  -førfamling  corporatlon  meeting. 
•frib.eb  (^fri^eb,  fom  er  tiaaat  et  S.)  freedom  of  s 
guild;  (ftartnøtfruyb)  abolition  ofgnllds,  free- 
dom of  industry.  -øilbe  corporatlon  feast.  -tal 
hall  of  a  Corporation,  gulld-hall,  corporate  hall. 
-iftbretaing  Institution  of  guilds,  corporatlons. 
-mefter  master  of  a  guild.  -mebe  fe  -forfamlntø. 
•olbermanb  bencher.  -penge  corporatlon  fee». 
-rettiøb,eb  freedom  of  a  corporatlon.  -famltal 
fe  -forfamlinø.  -tbang  corporatlon  restrictlon  on 
trådes,    -berfett  fe  -inbrehiinø. 

Saba  e  lava.    -glad  obsldlan. 

Sabalber  c  responslble  age,  majority;  oøf. 
minimum  age. 

Sabart  c  species  of  lichen. 

Sabaftram  c  torrent  of  lava. 

Sa'b|benet  a  short-legged.  -barbet  a  lowsided. 
-borbetb.eb  c  lowness  of  hall.  -bbggrt  a  low 
-built.    Sab(be)brag  dell. 

Sabe  indecl :  i  .  in  order;  af  -  out  of  order, 
out  of  gear;  bringe  af  -  fa  unhlnge;  bringe  eder 
fatte  i  .  put  to  rights;  fatte  flø  til  -  seat  one's 
self  comfortably;  %an  er  rent  aj~  he  Is  quite  oat 
of  his  senses. 

Sabe  vt  prepare,  make  up;  oont,  fa  ooncoct; 
(Orb)  coln;  (et  0(aS  $unf<fi  o.  1.)  mlx;  .  Øtob 
dress  victuals,  oook;  -  til,  fe  Sabe;  -  flø  til  make 
(one's  self)  ready,  make  arrangements,  prepare; 

-  til  (Barfel)  be  in  the  ftunlly  way;  —  la  bet  a, 
fa  made-up,  artificial,  mannfactured. 

*Sabe  vi  dangle,  hang  (in  abundanoe,  heavy, 
on  the  point  of  falling). 

Sabement'  n  dyster,  injection. 

gaben  bel  c  -bier  lav'ender,  Lavendul*  tpiea. 
'blaa  a  violet  blue.  -bKft  |scent  of  lavender, 
-olje  oil  of  lavender.  -fpirirnJ  essence  of  lav- 
ender,   -banb  lavender  water. 

Sabe  | re  vi  ^  tack,  beat.  -riag  c  tacklng. 

Eabet' e -ter mi (gun)caniage.  -ramsse  frame. 
-rigel  transom.    -fbaȤ  trall. 

fittblbalfet  a  low-bodled.  *-b,alt  a  badger 
-legged.    -(eb  c  lowness.   -bjertet  a  low-mlnded. 

Sabine  e  -r  avalanche. 

Sa'bltirtelig  a  Low  Church. 

Sa'bnøbt  a  llchened,  covered  with  llchens. 

Sa'bltomifl  a  farcicai.    -tanb  lowland. 

Sa'blig  a  suiUble. 

Sa'b | loftet  a  lowcelllnged.  Mænbe  low-lving 
land.  -lombt  a  low-lying.  -maol  mlnimam, 
level,  -malet,  *-malt  a  low-voioed.  Sabninø 
c  -er  hollow. 

Sa'bttivg  c  preparatlon. 

8a'b|pa«bet  a  fa  base-mlnded.  -pnOet  «  low 
-crowned.  -finb  low-mlndedness.  -fisket  a  low 
•minded,    -flab  underwood,  copse. 

*8a'bftriøe  o  Siberlan  jay,  Garrulu*  infant*. 




£«'*|f(ette  bottom.  -ftottmet  a  low-stemmed; 
fia  undersized,  dwarfed. 

Ea'øfHbelfe  c  lichenlne. 

fia'øtrbt  low  pressure.  —  Sabtrb!3|bamp  low 
-pressure  steam.    -mafYtne  low-pressure  engine. 

fiabtlmaBeri  n  low  milling.  -ftaaenbe  a  low, 
ixiferlor.  -frilfenbe  a  of  small  draught.  -tøm« 
t ritte  a  low-minded,  low-tboughted. 

fi«'»jb«ube  low  water,  (lowest)  ebb.  -banbet 
o  shallow.    -oanbØUHrrle  low-water  mark. 

fia'ftbtrrge  c  guardian  (to  a  wldow). 

Såbaret'  «  -ter  lazaret,  lazaretto;  (omborb) 
cockpit;  (i  Saften)  platform. 

£a$orø'ner  j>f  lazzaronl. 

£e  c  -er  scythe. 

ge,  (o,  let  vi  laugh;  _  bfertelig,  inbetlig  chnckle; 
_  af  ganfle  fjerte  have  a  hearty  laugh;  -  ftøfenbe 
set  up  a  horse-laugh;  -  bøjt,  ~  op  laugh  out- 
rtølit;  -  en  op  i  Ejnene  el.  ftafigtet  laugh  in  one's 
face;  .  ab.  otter  laugh  at;  ~  til  en  smile  on  one; 
-  en  ub  laugh  at  one,  (befpøtte)  laugh  one  to 
scorn;  fig  ibjel  el.  forborroet  die  el.  split  one's 
sides  with  langhing;  bet  er  iRe  til  at  -  ab  thls  is 
do  laugbing  matter;  ben  -r  bebft,  fom  -r  ftbf*  they 
have  most  to  laugh  who  laugh  last,  he  who 
wins  may  laugh;  -enbe  laughing,  with  a  laugh. 

fica  Leah. 

fiean'ber  Leander;  ($antom.)  Pantaloon. 

Sete«  [t.]  n  F  nolse,  uproar;  goings-on. 

fie'blab  scythe-blade. 

gcfr,  lebt  (é)  a  (fæl)  disgusting,  loathsome, 
odious;  Mexe  -  og  Teb  af  be  sick  of. 

fieb  c  (6tbe)  side,  direction. 

£e*  c  &  channel,  fairway;  t  og  +langt  af  .  far 
out  of  the  way. 

Ee»'  (*2e'b)  n,  pi  «,  (Stage)  wicket,  gate. 

8*V  (*£«'b)  n,  pi  ",  (Bebemob,  togfaa:  -be, 
•øafaa:  c  -er)  joint;  (ftnotletne*  Sebføintng)  arti- 
culation;  (af  Jtabe)  link;  (@Icegtj?ablgtab)  degree 
(of  kindred),  remove,  generation;  arith  term; 
(om  Sofbater)  rank;  $  joint,  node;  af  -  out  of 
joint;  fatte  i  .  set;  i  rrebje  og  fjerte  .  bibl  unto 
the  third  and  fourth  generation,  £ebj  af  fatning 
amputation  of  a  llmb.  -«r»  succession  of  heirs 
-at-law.    -baanb  ligament. 

+£e'btar  a  conductible.  -}eb  c  conductibility. 

£*b|brttb  fracture  of  the  joint,  -bttlb  abscess 
m  a  Joint,  -bælg,  -bortte  $  loment.  -banneffe 
articulation.  »ebbe-  fe  Seb-  og  flebe«  Eeb|bell«g 
division  in  joints;  articulation.  -bfe>r  pi  articu- 
lata,  Jointed  el.  articulated  animals.  *2ebe  vt 
bend  (a  Joint). 

8c»e  c  (Ulnft)  diagust,  distaste,  loathtng;  (*eb- 
fombeb)  tedlum;  fole  -  beb,  fe  8ebe*. 

Bebe.  -te,  -t  (é)  vi  (foge)  seek,  search,  look 
(efter  for,  alter),  (meb  Tanten)  cast  about  for; 
-  op  seek,  seek  out;  *~  paa  tax,  try  (one's 
■trength),  be  trying. 

Set*  (ogf.  -te,  -t)  vi  (beb  flaanben)  lead;  (bejlebe, 
fote.  fttore)  guide;  (»eb  iRør,  anføre)  conduct; 
(ftbre)  direet;  (et  tog)  command;  -  &orfymb* 
Ungerne  be  in  the  chøir,  preside;  fa  lead,  con- 
duct, guide;  -  bort  (Banb)  carry  off;  .  Samtalen 
ben  paa  lead  up  to;  labe  fifl  -  af  be  governed,  guided 
by;  -t  af  (et  $enføn  o.  1.)  guided  by;  —  lebenbe 
fttttfet  leader,  amr  editorial;  -nbe  xanfe  leading 
el.  dominant  idea;  -nbe  Ørunbfætntng  guiding  el. 
actuating  principle;  -  $egibou)eber  governing 
inddenta.  £ebe|aftørb  chord  leading  insttnct- 
ively  to  another.  -baanb  pi  leading  -strlngs; 
gaa  i  en«  -  be  led  (entirely)  by  one.  -bam 
•bild  in  leading-strlngs. 

Seb(b)cbaWe  Jointed  puppet,  mannikin. 

Scbeifb  train  of  gunpowder.  Sebetfe  c  direc- 
tion, guidance,  management;  unber  -  af  under 
tbe  charge  of;  overtoge   n  af  take  charge  of. 

£ebe|l«0  a  slack  about  the  joints,  rickety, 
(ogf.  fig)  limp,  week-kneed,  invertebrate.  •&•§■ 
beb  e  8lackness  etc.    -mob  joint. 

Sebentotib  n  representatiye  theme. 

Scbemitå  c  cartilagenous  concrements. 

Sebemarte  n  ^  leading  el.  fairway  mark. 

JJeben  o  seeking  etc.,  search. 

fieber  c  -e  guide;  pky  conductor;  (i  VbiS) 
leader.    fiebernlle  guide-pulley. 

£ebeå  vd  (oeb)  loathe,  be  weary  of. 

£eb(b)eftaal  c  fe  Sebgrube. 

fiebeflinner  pi  check-rails.    -ffrne  worm. 

£eb(b)efmerte  fe  -boetf. 

Sebelfnov  fe  -baanb.  -fpinbel  guide -screw. 
-tøjerne  load  star. 

Eeb(b)e|foamp  o  white  swelling. 

£ebefoenb  c  attendant,  guide. 

8eb(b)et  a  jointed. 

Sebejtone  leading  note  el.  tone,  sensible  note. 
•traab  (92ogle)  clew,  due;  (Seilebning)  guide. 

£eb(b)e|banb  dropsy  in  the  joints,  -barlgout. 

Kebftabe  o  artlcular  surface. 

Se  bfbr  n  loading  light. 

£eb|fa|ning  articulation.  -ambe  cotyle.  cotyla, 
socket.  -bart(e)  jointed  narrow,  -btnbe  fe 
-fapfeL    -bnle  fe  -grube. 

fSeblbtt*,  -bJjtte  gate-keeper's  hut. 

Sebig  a  (om  $1abl)  vacant,  unoccupled,  dis- 
engaged;  (tiloberft)  spare;  (ubefteftiget)  unem- 
ployed,  idle,  dlsengaged;  (nben  ilrbeibe,  ftonbi* 
tion)  out  of  work  el.  place;  *(i  Oebagelfer)  agile, 
nimble;  (ufor^inbret)  at  llberty;  løf  og  -  (ugift) 
single;  ~  $lob*  vacancy;  .  lime  lelsure  hour, 
spare  hour;  blibe  -  (om  $(aM)  be  vacated. 
fiebiglgang  idleness;  .  er  Sfæblene  ^obebpube 
idleness  is  the  root  of  all  evil,  the  parent  of 
▼ice,  an  idle  head  el.  braln  is  the  devU's 
workshop,  -gamger  o  -e  idler,  yagrant.  -beb  e 
vacancy;  want  of  employment. 

tSebing  e  levy  (of  men,  snips  etc.);  war  con- 
tribution;  war  ezpedition,  brage  \  -  go  to  war. 
—  SebtttøØlbKb  summons  to  arms.  -qonr  levied 
army.  -farb,  -tog  war  ezpedition.  -ttbbab  fe 

Sebfapfel  e  synorial  capsule. 

2ebfUnle  c  latch. 

geb|f«nbecondyl.  -fora!  Jointed  coral.  -fnartf 
itacolumite.  -w^g  a  supple,  agile,  -m&gbeb 
suppleness,  agtllty. 

Ée'bning  o  OBanb-  ofb.)  main;  (Xelegraf-)  line; 
phyt  conduction.  —  SebningØleone  conductiyity, 
conductive  power,  -forbinbelfe  connexlon.  -ror 
conduct-pipe,    -traab  conducting  wire. 

Sebora  c  annelid,  pi  annellata. 

Se'brag  n  snath,  snead. 

Bebregning  o  genealoglcal  computatlon. 

Eebf0fl|e  vt  (t  bife  8eh  direet,  guide;  (følge) 
accompany,  attend.  -elfe  c  guidance;  atten- 
dance;  (til  ftorfoar)  esoort.  -et  o  -e  (-erinbe  c  -r) 

fulde,  attendant,  companlon;  (Stib)  consort;  (i 
uga)  answer.    -ning  c  fe  -elfe. 

Eeblflnlpe  lomentaceous  siliqua.  -fwerte  pain 
in  the  Joints. 

Sebftolpe  c  gate- post. 

Eeblftbfle  ^  internode.  -fbantpfeSebf.  -fætte 
vt  set.  -fatning  e  reduction.  -fatter  bone 
•setter,    -tap  head,  end  (of  a  bone). 

Se'btøg:  bore  i  .  meb  en  be  one's  accomplice. 

*£ebøeb  c  fly  honeysuckle,  Lonieera  Xvto- 

SebbiS  adv  joint  by  joint. 

tfiebøøgtet  c  gate-keeper. 

Sebjøreben  a  sprained,  dislocated.  -pabfle 

+8een  c  laughlng. 

fieer'fle  o  cut-grass,  Ltertia  orywidw. 

Sef  3 

SeRr  H  coquet,  flirt,  M  dally  -[Haft  coquetry. 
-I«*  flirtlng  propenalty  -n  c.  -ri'  n  airtatlon. 
-Fag  "  coquetiish  -f<ge  manla  for  fllrtlng.  -lale 
ainoroius  ti.  word« 

•Srffe  e  -i  a  klDd  of  son  flatcake. 

Beg  c  -e  game,  play:  *the  cry  and  anlica  of 
some  birda  belore  pilring.  brt  Sleb  ttnbm  poo  -m 
ttrni  waa  the  end  ni  It.  iolbt  op,  mtni  -tn  tt  geb 
let  well  alone. 

£«g  c  (Riffel  og  «-taer«)  spairn. 

Staal!  fr  re  M  authentlcale,  le'gaUie  -falla'n 
c  authenticatlon,  legalisation. 

8«M'I  <  -er  legale.  Btg«'l  »  -ti  leg'acy, 
bequest.  -a't-(i«f)  e  legatee.  Eegstla'n  t  -tt 

StflaHrmllanrR  chaplain  co  the  legation 
■nat  counaellor  of  legation.  -ftlreter  >ecre 
tary  or  legation  el.  embassy.  Btll'tM  c  teatator, 

Ktgt  n  (fane  Mop)  apawn. 

Bege  fogf.  <lt,  -I)  ci 4  I  play;  .  (f.  (Hl.  Blinbf- 
bul)  play  at  (hUndmans  buffi;  .  SolOa 
(betog)  soldlera;    -*"      -  " 

w  mtb  fin  Bitte  trilling  wltli 

■   '■  "---*-■     Eegtlaar  pi  age 

»port.     -Iraker 

tErgr!  c  -gltt  keg,   -^,. 

""irrn.  Stitut  n  -r  body,  (mefl  om  IRtnittfltt) 


—  . lalion,   +   bodytng  fortn. 

•bel  a  corporallty.    Beger*!«*  a  bodiless. 

Beges*  Iteftaktaelfe  hun.  In  m 

oonatltution,  habit  (of  body).  er 

dee.      -btaf,    -kraft    bodlly  ng 

frame  (of  body),  (bodlly)  at  lf< 

form  of  body,   bodlly   form.  ht 

body.    -ff)l  ft  -Srafl.     -Ml  C  ly, 

-I omarnitlft  (aaaault  and)  bal  ng 

oontortlon.     -fllbr,  -fqtBlgb''  ly. 

-Tnr.lae.rt   actlvlty    of    bod;.  .  Ily 

accomplishmeut.  -bejae  size,  etature,  tallneas. 
-Irnft  bodlly  strengtb.  -frnftte  a  ponrerfal, 
muaonlac.  -l|ke  |t  b»R.  -»leje  rare  or  tbe 
body.  -fflflelfe  ft  -bannrllt.  -featrlt  bodlly  pain. 
-flllllng  attitude,  oarrlage.  -flat  a  full-ilze. 
-Irraf  corporal  punlihment.  -hil*  ft  -rtaft. 
-ftartrllr  Uie;  l  lulb  -  [In)  full  »lie,  as  large  a* 
llfe;  tt  Sotttort  i  fiilb  -  b  Hfo-WiB  ri  folMlfc 
portrsit.  -fragtet  bodlly  Inflrmlty.  -svelle 
bodlly  excerclse.    Btgentaerktti  corporeal  world 

Kegen'bt  o  -r  le'gend  (el   leg'end), 

Eege»l«b»  a  (fttflt«)  breedlng-grouiid. 

Vtgtklakf  a  play  gronnd.    »Beter  e -e  player. 

2  2ei 

Bt  galag  a  (jHfteai  apawnlug;. 

gegna'H  c  -er  Iguaua. 

Hein  le  u™. 

Vtiofarntl  It  Balter.. 

■Sel  o  le  Etb;  tedions;  embarraaeing. 

« tot    ■    (t  c)    au  fe  conducL     -krea   letter  o( 

Er  11  mer.  ft  Sttttentf. 

gtjkee  c  J.  (Irapoe)  ladder^  (Babeflang)  hor«^ 
(til  stag!  ri  i ;  stay 

Bele  «  -r  couph-  (trilbe  Sari)  lalr:  (ftaitl  ti 
Mctolj  cover:  mn  atratum:  Ølot4]  bed:  (for  6B 
bertb:  Solkt  i  .  keep  in  piare  el.  poaltlon^  orinse 
ub  af  _  dlaplace;  gan  i  -  (om  dam)  be  lald  ti 

Btfr  «  (1  «lm.)  hiM:  (fal.  3ort)  rent;  -  tta 
hlre  out,  rent;  .  ub  lend  on  hire;   -t  fllaakt.  -bt 

?ol!  æfirtMty  fleet,  people  Etft  c  hlre,  rem, 
ufet  tr  til  -  the  hoaae  la  to  let;  bo  lil  _  t*  « 
lenaut  ti.  lodger;  ban  Hl  .  rent;  .  gaar  for  Sir 
(til  Smbog)  »uting  le  poeaeealng  (til]  mmivlni 
day'i,  boor  megtt  goor  1  -  at  ketre  0uf''  what  i- 
ihe  rent  of  thls  bouae?  how  touch  does  it  rest 
for?  flobe  foi  en  bal  -  pay  a  high  house- reni; 
kttale  i  ,  pay  Tor  rent  8rfr|a!sift  hirlrjg,  hire: 
(for  Aul)  rent.  -kikllatet  elnulatlDg  library 
-toti  |f  Mtr.  -kallg  hlred  lodging.  -tre«  con- 
tract,  leaae  or  house  el  tenement  t-kmtg  ser 
vant  lad.     -fait  (J   fe   Seier.     -fri  a,  -trit  adr 

"øjelåge  c  horiionUl  WOt 

Etjt  b.eft  Imnk.  -bal  hlred  house,  -balaiaat 
rottager.  -tae  hlred  array,  -firk  fe  gafttiort. 
-font  char-woman.  -fanlralt  fe  -krro.  -rteeg 
hlred  cattle.  -Irtlg  a  unoccupled  -aaatl  Urne 
of  lease  ti.  reotlng     ^r  c  -e  hlrer,  renter,  lodger 

Befer|aiaal   «   fomlcatlon.     -maaMMker   flue 

■CH'  II  ■• 

Etgelftl  play  roora.    -fttk  Te   »labt.  ■ 
-room,  playhouie     -t«*et  playfellow. 

Begttlk  c  (Siftet)  apawnlng  seaaon. 

Beitlllk  playtlme.  -tleae  play-bour.  •! 
plsytblng,  toy.  -l»i»bnll[  toy-shop.  -»nrrl  mi 

"Stgg  c  le  Boa  b. 

S  talt  bttt*  WoBn  (el,  Sal)  er  -  thelr  name 
i__/7-    ti,0,-  .~  l.uimi      Btats'B  c  -rt  l.vcli 

H  leglt'lmate;  .  Bg  get  ooe  a  aelf  recognlied, 
tuitifled,  proreoue's  iuentlty.  fri««,  e  iegitlrus. 
tton  -itv  «  n.  -Wlff  <•  legitlmbt.  -Ild  c 

BcjrfKk  e  lodgiug. 

Befeifagnike  c  person  In  ae&rch  of  a  lodging. 
-tager  e  e  hlrer.  renter,  -tik  ft  -Mal.  -tfraet 
lilred  rraiter.  -tfeut fte  mental  serrlce.  -Ira* »er 
mercenarlee.    -Bag«  hackney-ooaeh,   hlred  car- 

Belle  c  t,  ft  Btnel. 

Eeillgbe«  o  -er  (kelefllg  Zlb  el.  fCietlff)  oppor- 
tunity,  chance;  (Snltknlng)  occaalou;  (belDtm  XU>) 
eonvenlence;  (l  ftnt)  accommoditlons  pi;  (fleltg) 
dwelllng,  rootns,  flat.  nulte  of  room 9,  apart- 
ments,  house;  3!e  fan  gate  kel.  naat  S«  bar  - 
you  may  do  that  at  your  couvenlence;  grike  tn 
.  seiie  fl  an  opportunlty;  gribe  -en  Kb 
ftaattne  tske  time  by  the  forelock;  gnb  -en.  ka 
ker  »ot  en  ¥«ufe  took  the  opportunlty  of  a  pause: 
fe  fin  _  see  one  s  chance;  -  gat  £o«  oppottunlty 
makea  the  tttlef;  lene  efter  fin  .  live  wltliin 
one's  incoroe;  efttr  fattig  _  in  my  little  w«y; 
tftti  likem  -  aa  Umeå  go,  went;  trjfe  ratb  - 
talte  a  chance,  conveyance,  STal  p a a  gHirmnr  og 
-  lncome  tai;  finke,  giw  ,  til  al  lind,  gire,  an 
opportunlty  of  -log;  ftofft  en  _  HI  pol  one  lu 
the  way  of;  ftg  bat  iflt  _  til  ket  I  cnnnol  alford 
it  (tn  al  lo);  atb  -  on  ocoaalon;  at  your  con- 
venlence,  wben  opportunlty  offera;  neb  bni  - 
upon  that  ocoaalon,  at  tbe  time:  keb  farte  lort. 
folbenbe  -  at  your  earlleot  convenlence,  by  rt. 
at  the  ant  opportunlty.  —  Belligltklaarfst 
ooeaslonal  el.  accldental  cause,  sterfprocatarcuc 
cause  —  -arbefke  occastonal  work.  -klgt  poem 
on  Bome  particular  oceaslon,  topical  poem;  -r 
poems  on  serenu  occaaiona,  -kfgtet-  wrfter  of 
oesaalonal  plecea.  -ffrift  occasfonal  trealise, 
pamphlet.    -Bttlle  pieee  oomposed  tot  tbe  oom- 




aion.  -talt  speech  on  some  particular  occasion. 
-»tå  ado  occasionally,  on  an  occasion,  inci- 

"gejlanbiug  c  -er  tenant,  lease-holder  (mostly 
for  life),  (omtr.)  copybolder. 

SefntagØforbolb  n  arrangements. 

2e|*ftiB  n  Leipzic. 

Sejr  c  e  camp;  ligge  i  ~  be  encamped;  flaa  - 
pitch  a  camp;  bringe  Uro  i  -en  cont  cause  a 
flutter  in  the  dovecote.  -baaf  watch-flre  £ejre 
Hg  rr  (+  -»)  encamp;  fip  settle.  Sejret  fe  3 nb«. 
fiejr)  feber  camp-ferer.  -line  foraging  cap.  -butte 
hut.  fiefrtna  c  min  stratiflcation.  £ejrjtam> 
nitrat  camp-fellow.  -tranø  castrenslan  crown. 
•tnnlt  castram  etation,  camp-craft.  -tinet  camp 
life.  -orben  order  of  encampment.  -talabø  place 
of  an  encampment.  -rebflab  camp-equipage. 
-famltag  pleasure-camp.  -ftcb  place  of  encamp- 
ment. -bagt  camp-watch.  -øbelfer  camp  exer- 

fietlang  e  clangor  of  scythes. 

£eløif|on  n  feOrbbog.  -a'tfl  o  lexical.  -øgra'f 
c  -er  lexlcog'rapher.  -øgro'fifl  a  lexlcograph'- 

£el|tle  c  -x  lesson,  task;  gine  en  .  for  set  one 
a  task:  læfe  paa  fin  -  con  over  one's  lesson; 
hinnr  fin  .  know  one's  lesson;  kere  en  .  learn 
a  lesson,  get  up  a  task.  -ti o  n  c.  fig  gioe  en 
en  -  read  one  a  lecture.  •HnnØiataløQ  fe  fjore« 
iaøningø*.  -tør  c  -to'rer  lecturer,  tesener,  -tø- 
r«'t  n   et  lec'tureship.    -ttt're  rreadlng;  books. 

gem'  c  -me  (gfalbbsr)  trap-door;  (fluge)  snutter; 
•(£oft)  loft. 

firm'  n  -mer  member,  (tun  om  Verne  og  ©en) 
limb;  SiD  og  -mer  life  and  llmb. 

fiemanb  c  mower,  reaper;  fig  -en  the  reaper, 

ficnsfal'bta  a  lenient,  mild,  indulgent.  -(eb 
c  lenity,  mildness,  softness,  tenderness. 

fiemfoefle  vt  matilate,  maim,  disable,  cripple. 
•Ife  e  mnUlation,  maiming. 

tfientme  |  bøfler  o  -e  fio  may-pole.  -1*0  « 

£emmrr|gat  «  vt  limber(-hole).  -gatøtørting 

SesBwelfHftclfe  asylum.  -flat!  o  strong  lim- 

tSCMMlfC  c  brook-lime,   Veronica  beccabunoa. 

ficatmtng  c  -et  lemming,  Lapland  marmot, 
Lemnu*  bor  en  lit. 
ficotnifl  o  Lemnian;  -  3orb  L.  earth. 

fieno'n  c  -er  lem'on,  lime.  fiemøn«  >e  c  lemo- 
nade. £emonf«fle  lime  pickle.  -faftlemon  juice. 
-tre  lime,  Oitru*  limonium. 

Semfce  vt  (efter)  adapt,  sult,  aocommodate  (to); 
»J,  sblft,  (Irul  o.  1.)  trim;  vr  flø  be  accommodat- 
ing,  aocommodate  one's  self  (efter  to).  £em*e 
«  gentleness,  softness;  meb  -,  fe  lig  adv:  il  meb 
-  the  more  haste,  the  less  speed;  meb  .  fan 
man  lomme  røg  i  en  fmmlefæl  soft  and  fair  gæs 
far  in  a  day.  -jota  pi  shifting  ballast,  fientyelig 
o  gentle,  soft,  mild,  lenient;  adv  gently  etc.; 
tone  .  pas  handle  gently;  flge  en  nt  baa  en  - 
Dfaabe  break  something  gently  to  one.  fientyelfe 
c  -r  ooncession. 

•fientfter  a  fe  ttamfrer. 

*gett«?s  n,  pi  =*,  fe  £emming. 

Se's  w,  pi  *=,  feoff,  flef,  fee,  feud. 

£ena  e  (globen)  the  Lena. 

tene,  fieno  Magdalen,  Maud. 

fienø  a  &  free  (from  water);  fig  devoid  (of); 
•  for  Senge  out  of  cash;  .  for  Ihtl  run  out  of 
coal;  $unaen  er  -  the  purse  is  empty;  »fe  . 
bele  out-,  folbe  ~  free. 

SenØjabet  feudal  nobllity.    afgift  quit-rent. 

-arving  feudal  lnheritor.  -befibber  feoffee.  -bre» 
charter  of  enfeoflment. 

£enfe  vt  empty,  free.  *£enfe  e  -r,  fe  *$ajngfel. 

£enje  vi  ^  scud,  spoom. 

fieufebarbnner  pi  A,  preventer-backstays. 

fie'nøeb  c  oath  of  feudal  homage. 

fienfrfcnl  n  4*  plag-hole. 

fienfelrm  e  J  wash-board. 

fienfeøort  c  dead  light. 

fienfefpumøe  bilge  pump.    -tøl  boat's  plug 

fienø]  førfatning  feudallsm,  feudal  system. 
•forbolb  mutual  relation  between  feoffer  and 
feoffee.  -fri  a  not  enfeoffed,  freed  from  feudal 
obligations,  -følge  feudal  succession.  -gobØ 
feudal  estate.  -grebe  feudal  count.  -grebflap 
feoff  of  a  count  -berligtcb  fe  -ftøj^eb.  -berre 
feudal  lord,  Hege  lord.  -bblbing  feudal  homage, 
11  ege  homage.  -%s\1)tt  feudal  supremacy.  -inb« 
retning  fe  -forfatning,  -magt  feudal  power,  -manb 
vassal,  Hege,  feoflee;  (før  i  "Da nm.  og  9torge)  lord 
-li  eu  tenant. 

*£enlmanb  c  balliff,  constable  of  a  parish; 
F  pipe  lees,  dottle.  -  £enØmanbØ|fari  bailifrs 
man  -fønn  forty  winks,  a  cat's  nap.  -tolb 
bailiflTs  dues. 

fienøning  c  &  scudding. 

£e'«0|»(fgt  feudal  duty.  -pligtig  a  bound  by 
feudal  duty. 

SeuØbnmjnittg  c  pumplng  out. 

£e  nØ|regerina  feudal  government.  -ret  fe 
-boj (eb.  -rettiojjeb  feudal  rights  el.  pririleges. 
-fag  feudal  affair.  -ftrib,  -ftribigbeb  contest 
about  a  feoff.  -f«be  feudal  manor.  -tib  feudal 
age.    -bæfen  feudallsm.    £e  ntnger  c  -e  feoffee. 

£entieel  ler  pi  lenticels. 

£eoni  nfl  a  le'onlne. 

£ro  nifl  a  Leone 'se;  false. 

fieøbørb'  o  -et  leop'ard,  Feh's  leopardui. 

£er  n  clay,  (mere  mulbblonbet)  loam.  -ager 
clayey  fleld.  -agtig  a  clayey.  -art  species  of 
clay.  -breb  clayey  bank.  -bnnb  clay  bottom; 
fe  -grunb.  -bbgntttg  fe  -^u*.  -bnnl  earthenware 
bottle.  *£erc  c  clayey  soli.  fieret  a  clayey, 
loamy.  fierffttb  earthen  dlsh.  *-falb  steep 
clayey  bank  el  landslip.  'formning  loam  cast- 
ing.  -grab  clay  pit.  -grnnb  clay  soil.  -grbbe 
earthen  pot.  -gn(b  clay  floor.  -gøg  ocarlna. 
-bolbig  a  argillaceous.  -I|n0  clay  hut,  mud 
cabin.  -jfltrnften  clay  iron-ore.  -jorb  clay, 
clayey  soil;  ckem  alumina,  alumlnic  o  ri  de; 
fooolfur  .  alumlnic  sulphate  (o.  fl.).  -Jorb^brat 
alurainic  hydrate.    -iorbftrbe  soap-earth. 

•fierf    fe  ficebife. 

fie  r|!ar  earthen  yemel.  -Itlnet  a  mud-walled. 
-Hining  e  mud-walling.  -frnø  earthen  jug. 
•-Ibfltrn  fe  -rnoDe.  -Uut  beater.  -tag  stratum 
of  clay.  -mergel  clay  marl.  -mnlb  loam, 
clayey  mould.  -mnlbet  a  loamy.  +-ntff(  fe 
-falD.    *-nulje  clay-sllt.    -ntette  pug-mill. 

fiernaifl  a  Lernean. 

fie'rlpibe  clay  pipe.  -o  or  te  earthen  pot.  -flaal 
earthen  bowl.  -fltfer  argillaceous  slate,  clay 
-slate.  -ffrotnt  clayey  bank.  -ftantttet  a  of 
beaten  clay.  *i*\.  -barer  earthenware,  flctile 
ware.  -nrne  earthen  urn.  -barefabrilant  potter. 
-nej  clayey  road.  -borg  mud-wall.  -btrtting, 
•  orlte  mud  pool. 

fieØbif?  a  Lesblan. 

fie  flaf t  n  snath,  snead. 

£et'  a  (mobf.  tung)  light;  (mobf.  oanflelig)  eury, 
facile;  (ubetpbrltQ,  foag)  sllght;  (r)urttg,  bebanbig) 
nimble;  (om  %obat)  mild;  &  (om  Vnferet)  awelgh, 
atrip;  .  ril  OenS  light-footed;  -te  Zropper  light 
troops;  -te  Officerer  (i  Staf)  mlnor  pieces;  et  . 
©inb  a  buoyant  disposition;  ~  til  ®inbØ<  om 
fjertet  light-hearted;  r)an  bien  .  om  fjertet  his 




heart  grew  light;  bejei  oq  funbet  for  .  welghed 
and  found  wanting.  8et  adv  lightly;  casily, 
readily;  slightly;  bit  »er  ....  is  apt  to  be  .  .  .; 
-  faaret  slightly  wounded;  tage  ~  paa  handle 
lenlently;  {an  bar  ~  for  (el.  beb)  $iftorie  he  is 
quick  at  history;  fym  tager  fig  ©etben  .  he  takes 
the  world  easy. 

Eetai  o  le'thal. 

fietarlgl'  c  leth'argy.    -'gift  a  letha'rgic(al). 

get|be»æbnet  a  light-armed  -beoægeltg  a 
easily  moved,  impulsive,  -blnnbet  fe  -føtmet. 
*-øtog  barley  of  lnferior  weight.  -b&gget  a 
Bllght  of  build.  »-øreøen  a  easy.  -fattelig  a 
intelligible,  facile,  -flbbenbe  a  (om  Wetauer) 
very  fusible;  (paa  Sanbet)  buoyant.  -f»bet  a 
light-footed.  -fornøjelig  a  easy  of  digestion, 
-forbøfeligbeb  c  digestibility.  -fregat  fe  Seoroet. 
•fængelig  a  inflammable.  -fær'big  a  frivolous, 
(om  Ssber)  wanton,  loose.  -fær  bigbeb  c  frivol- 
ity,  frivolousness,  le  vi  ty,  looseness.  fietfceb  c 
lightnese;  (mobf.  fiSanfleligtjeb;  Sfærbigbeb)  faeility; 
<mobf.  »anffeligljeb;  Srtt^eb)  ease.  fietlbænbet  a 
handy,  adroit.  -Hæbt  a  lightly  clad.  Mørn 
corn  of  inferlor  weight,  tailing.  -lait  a 
cheap.  -ført  a  light  in  hånd.  -Uftmærferne  pi 
A,  the  light  mark.  -linet  a  easy-going,  buoyant, 
llght-souled.  -lojft  o  easily  read.  -tøbenbe  a 
easy-golng.  -matrod  ordlnary  seaman,  light 
hånd.  *8etne  vi  grow  lighter;  he  relleved;  (om 
Xaage  o.  1.)  clear,  lift.  Set | nem  a  quick  at  learn- 
ing  -nembeb  quickness.  £etnlng  c  .1,  getting 
under  way;  (Bnferetø)  welghing.  fietjøpløfelig 
o  easily  dissoluble.  -roet  a  light  pulling. 
-fejlenbe  a  light  -  sailing.  -flnb  fe  -flnbtgbeb. 
•fin  bl a  a  light- minded,  thoughtless,  fllghty, 
inconsiderate.  -fln'ø-ig^eb  c  thoughtlessness, 
flightiness,  giddiness,  ievity.  folly,  extrava- 
gance,  recklessness.  -fflpet  a  lightly  clouded. 
•fmeltetlg  fe  -ftybenbe.  -fpaltellg  a  easily  split. 
•fbæbenbe  a  buoyant,  airy.  -føbnet  a  light 

£ette  vt  (gøre  minbre  tung)  lighten,  ease;  (gøre 
minbre  banftelig)  fadlitate;  (løfte)  lift;  (ftt  Sinb) 
dlsburden;  (fjertet)  ease,  relieve;  .  Unf eret  weigh 
the  anchor;  _  en«  9l*b,  6orger  ajlevlate  one's 
distress,  cares;  meb  -t  fjerte  with  a  feeling  of 
relief;  —  vi  &  get  under  way  (weigh);  (om 
Ctaage)  clear,  lift;  -  paa  lift.  -lom  <!,  large  hand- 
spike.    -lamel  A,  floatlng  derrick. 

Setteltg,  letteTtgen  adv  easily.  fiettelfe  c  light- 
ening  etc.;  facilitation,  (fciælp)  relief;  (Xrøft)  com- 
fort;  (Binbrinø)  alleviatlon.  8ette|pram,  Mfrje 
lump,  weigh  lighter.    Setter  fe  fiægter  c. 

8ett|er  pi  Letts.    -ifl  a  Letto'nian. 

£et|troenbe  a  credulous.  -troenbeb  c  credulity. 
*-øiat  a  handy,  easy  (to  manage),  facile.  -0*0 • 
net  fe  -bevæbnet,    -øerr  regulator. 

Sentom  n  leucoma. 

tSeø  a  fe  Iter. 

*&e»  c   er  (flat)  loaf. 

Seøang(e)  o  &  scruhblng-brush. 

geøant  |eu  the  Levant.  -er  c  ^  easterly  wind 
(in  the  Mediterranean).  -t'tt  n  levan'tine.  8e> 
øauteften  turkey-stone. 

Sene  vi  live,  be  alive;  ^  (om  Sejl)  shiver,  lift; 
bbil  tfan  -x  enbnu  if  he  be  still  alive;  $r.  S.  - ! 
Mr.  9.  for  ever;  længe  -  Kongen!  long  live  the 
klngl  tyrørlebet  -r  $e?  how  are  you?  —  vt  -  et 
førgeligt  Sit>  lead  a  miserable  life;  -  af  live. 
subsist,  (tun  om  Styr)  feed,  on;  .  af  fine  $enge 
live  on  one's  fortime;  ban  -r  af  fin  $rofe4fion 
he  lives  by  his  tråde;  intet  at  «  af  no  means  of 
livelihood;  ftDtrten  til  at  .  eQer  bø  af  merely  to 
•tarve  upon;  lab  08  faa  noget  at  -  af  let  us 
have  some  food;  -  for  live  for;  •  for  fig  felo 
live  a  retired   life;  -  ^en  live  on;  .  fig  fnb  i 

familiarize  one's  self  with;  .op  tåen  revive 
.  fut  fformue  op  run  through  one's  fortune;  - 
o  o  er  fine  doner  outrun  one's  income;  ban  -1 
paa  ?n  flor  %oh  he  lives  in  great  style;  lev  od' 
fare  well,  good  bye!  Sebe  n  ubbringe  et  -  fot 
drink  long  life  to.  Sebejaar  years  of  (one'f 
life.  -alber  age,  length  of  life;  generation,  -atte*. 
certiflcate  of  existence.  -brøb  (Ublomme)  liveli- 
hood; (SefflDing)  plaue,  situation,  employment. 
-brøbømanb  (politift)  -brøb§^ølitifer  one  who 
makes  politics  a  means  of  livelihood,  place 
•hunter,  offlce-seeker,  amr  carpet-bagger.  -teage 
life,  born  days.  -bpgtig  a  capable  of  living, 
viable.  -bbgtig^eb  vitality.  -epne,  -Ircft  vital 
energy,  vitality.  +-let!»eb  cheerfulness.  -ibt 
enjoyment  of  life.  -tnaabe  (9c.  at  lebe  paa)  mode 
of  living,  habits;  (SBæfen)  mannere,  breeding; 
p  (Jtoft)  food,  fare,  provisions.  +£e»eit  c  living. 
fieoe«  n  p  fe  fieben. 

fieoenbe  a  living;  (i  Sibet)  alive;  (natml.  foran 
2)prenaone)  live;  fig  lively;  be  *  the  living:  Dømme 
-  og  bobe  bibl  judge  the  quick  and  the  dead; 
2)pr,  fom  føber  -be  Unger  vlviparous  animal;  _  $ob 
intense  hatred;  ingen  .  Sjæl  not  a  living  soul; 
irfc  et  -  Orb  not  a  syUable;  ~  gølefle  lively 
feeling;  .  I^nfle  strong  desire;  -  9arfte  vi  vid, 
bright  colour;  -  $egn  (quickset)hedge;  -  3nbttuf 
vivid,  strong  im pression;  .  Snbbilbningftfraft  vivid 
imagination;  -  Zro  living  faith;  -  6proø  living 
el.  modem  language;  _  Gejl  &  shlvering  sails; 
brafe  et  8e|l  .  shiver  a  aall;  ber  er  oaaet  .  t 
Røbet  the  meat  is  alive,  by-blown:  —  adv  mtnber 
mig  -  om  reminds  me  foroibly  of.  -fø^eitbe  a 
vlviparous.  -føbfler  pi  bom  alive.  -gøre  vt 
bibl  give  life.    -oergt  live  weight. 

Seoeplan  c  plan  of  life. 

8e»e  r  [fr.]  c  (beb  ^offet)  levee. 

Sener  c  -e  liver;  tale  fra  -en  speak  freely, 
plainly,  out. 

eeperan'lce  c  -x  delivery;  supply,  contract; 
requiBition;  paa  -  on  delivery.  -bar  e  -er  fur- 
nisher,  provider;  (nabnl.  af  Sebnetlmibler)parveyor; 
frTrmé-  og  grlaabe-)  contmetor. 

Eener|arterie  hepatic  artery.  -betæubelfe  in- 
flammation of  the  liver,  hepatitis,  -b  tø  mit  grass 
of  Paraassus,  Parnania  palustru.  -brasø  (^0* 
^aar)  core.  -brun  fe  -farbet.  -bttfb  abscess  in 
the  liver,    -celle  hepatic  cell. 

fieoe  re  vt  (fip)  hånd;  (aflettere)  deliver;  ($or> 
nøbenbeber)  furnish,  supply,  pro  vide;  (probncere) 
produce;  (til  et  ffllab  0.  1.)  contribute;  -  et  €laa 
fight  a  battle,  give  battle;  p  tøm  er  -t  he  is 
done  for. 

Seoereget  c  rule  of  life. 

Seøerjert*  liver-ore.  -farøe  Uver-colour.  -farvet 
a  liver-coloured.  -flftei  hepatic  flstula.  -flamber 
(Orm)  gourd-worm,  liver-fluke,  flukeworm. 
•gong  hepatic  duet.    -ifte  fe  -fønber. 

fieoering  o  -er  delivery;  tøorfynino)  supply; 
(af  ©og  ofo.)  part,  number.  —  SeøerutgØI ortre 
order  of  delivery.  -bærl  work  published  in 

8eber*|iø  skua,  Le*trU  paratitica.  'lap  lobe 
of  the  liver,  -malm  fe  -ertø.  -wøø  fe  $a\&. 
^-mølfe  mixture  of  flsh-liver  and  broken  oat 
cakes.  -orm  fe  -fl^nber.  -plet  liver-spot.  -|pøHej 
(goose-)liver  pie.  -pølfe  liver  sausage.  -rist 
extempore  rhyme.  -fmerter  pains  in  the  liver, 
-ften  liverstone.  -f^g  a  afllicted  with  the  liver 
-complaint.  -tran  (cod-)  liver  oil.  -nrt,  tyrib, 
fe  btomfl.    -bene  hepatic  vein. 

Seoelfll!  mode  of  living,  habits  of  life.  -Ud 
residence  el.  place  of  abode.  -fort  mode  of 
living,  habits,  -tib  life.time;  (^iftorif!)  date; 
lang  -  long  life,  longevity.   -bej  business;  oareer. 




-tpif  c  mode  of  living,  habits,  -nit  bom  worldly 
wisdom,  wisdom  of  life. 

Senia'tan  Levi'athan. 

Senira  tagteffan  m  levirat'ical  marriage. 

Senlt'  e  -er  Le'yite. 

Setoføf  e  -er  stock,  ØAeirtmfAttf. 

genne  trf  leave. 

Sennet  n  life;  banbre  i  et  nbt  .  walk  in  new- 
neaof  life.  —  Sebnetilaar  year  of  (one's)  life. 
-fceffrinelfe  life.  biography.  -leftrtaer,  -fortæller 
trfographer.  -løb  career.  -miller  pi  victualø, 
provisions,    -tegning  fe  -befrribeife. 

Senntag  c  -er  remnant;  pi  (ogfaa  Vffalb)  leavingB; 
(af  Stab)  broken  victuals;  jorbifCe  -er  mortal  re- 
malns;  -er  fra  dbtiben  ancient  remains,  relics 
of  antiquity. 

Senre  [éj  vt  (ifar  øm  ©lob)  ooagulate;  -8  vd 
clot,  coagulate.  Senret  a  clotted;  .  ©lob  (ogfaa) 

£ennct'  n  farewell,  good-bye. 

Seje  F  fe  Seftie. 

Senben  r  Leyden.    Sebbnerffofte  L.  jar. 

Sftømbre  c  fe  Sombec. 

•Si  c  -er  (wooded,  grassy)  mountain  side  el. 

Siaifon'  c  connectlon,  liaison. 

£i«'tt(e)  o  -r  liane,  liana,  Paullinia. 

Sibanon  n  Lebanon. 

Sinntiø'n  o  -er  liba'tion;  Æø  notation,  llbatlon. 

£ls«ne  o  -r  level;  Onfett)  dragon-fly,  Libtl- 

Stier«!  a  lib'eral;  (i  »nfTuelfer,  ogf.)  catholio; 
be  -e  the  liberals.  -ii'me  o  lib'eraiism.  -ite't  c 
Uberal'ity;  catholidty,  breadth. 

Sineri'  »  -er  liv'ery. 

Stnertiner  c  -e  lib'ertine. 

£11*«*".  Silftancr  [t]  c  -e  fancler;  (intend- 
ing)  buyer.    -i'  »  -ec  flmcy. 

Si»n|en  »  Lib'ya.    -er  c,  -f!  o  Lib'yan. 

Siceni'  e  -er  ITcence.  Sfcmtitt'  o  -er  licen'- 

£trit|e're  vt  offer  on  contract;  i  TOoraen  -« 
Senerancen  af  ofb.  to-morrow  tenden  will  be 
received  for  etc.  -atio  n  o  -er  oontracting, 
public  offer  for  contract,  reception  of  tenders 
for  contract. 

•SU  e  -tz,  fe  Si. 

Sin  o  trnst,  confldence;  fafte  ~  Hl  credit,  give 
credence  to;  flaa,  fatte  fbi  -  ril  pnt  confldence 
in;  pin  one's  faith  to;  bet  Ian  ingen  -  fafteø  Hl 
no  reliance  can  be  plaoed  on.  Sine,  leb,  HM 
vi  paa  (en)  oonflde  in,  trust,  (nt)  depend  el. 
rely  on. 

Stne,  leb,  lebet  vi  rom  Uben)  glide  on,  wear 
on;  bet  leb  poa  dftermibbagen  the  afternoon  was 
getting  on;  bet  leb  længere  og  længere  paa  C  the 
a.  wore  on;  ba  bet  leb  mob  Vften  as  nlght  was 
approaching;  *ba  bet  leb  paa  later  on;  -  mob  fin 
llnbergang  go  to  wreck,  totter  to  its  fall;  bet  -r 
iffe  meb  Vrbetbet  the  work  makes  no  progress. 

Sine.  leb.  Itbt  vt  Buffer,  endure;  (taale,  forbrage) 
tolermte;  (fpnei  om)  like;  iffe  .  object  to,  hate; 
leg  fan  iRe  -  (au  I  don't  like  Mm;  jeg  fan  gobt 
•  (am  I  rather  like  hlm;  -  onbt  suffer  (great) 
bardships;  -  Vtangel  paa  suffer  from  want  of;  - 
et  tab  suffer  el.  sustain  a  loss;  —  vi  suffer;  .  af 
folier  from;  t~  bel,  ilbe  fare  well,  ill;  er  meget 
libenbe  suffers  greatly,  is  in  great  pain;  ben 
-noe  the  sufferer.  —  Sibeform  oram  the  passive 
(voice).      Sibelig  a  tolerable. 

Sfnclfe  c  -r  sufferlng;  JrrtlH  .  the  passion  of 
Christ.  —  Sinetfe*|«*r  year  of  sufferlng.  -tager 
cup  of  misery.  -baa  dav  of  misery.  -fnlb  a 
tøfl  of  suffering.  -fane  feuow-sufferer.  -(iftorie 
(ftrifH)  history  of  the  passion  of  Christ;  min  . 

the  history  of  my  sufferings.  -tamuerat  fe 
-falle.    +Siben  c  sufferlng. 

Siben  a,  n  Hbet  little,  small,  diminutive;  n 
libt  little,  (tonløft,  en  Smule)  a  little,  some;  en 
-  Stunb  a  short  while;  .  for  min  Viber  under- 
sized  for  my  years;  fra  -  af  from  a  child;  libet 
eller  intet  little  or  nothing,  next  to  nothing; 
.  »læbe  small  joy;  bet  er  Itbt  beb  ben  Vivt  that 
honour  is  not  worth  much;  en  $ennt)  for  libt  a 
penny  short;  bi  (ar  en  (Staffel  for  libt  we  are  short 
of  a  rork;  om  libt  shortly,  presently;  og  libt  Hl  and 
something  more;  —  libet  adv  little;  libt  little, 
(en  Smule)  a  little;  (ibt  efter  libt  by  (slow)  degrees, 
by  little  and  little,  little  by  little;  lige  faa  .  fom 
no  more  than;  albrig  .  . .  lige  faa  .  fom  never 
.  .  .  any  more  than.  -(eb  o  littleness,  smallness, 

£iben|ffab  c  -er  passion,  -ffabelig  o  passion- 
ate,  impassioned;  enthasiastic.  -fta'belig^eb  o 
passionateness  -ffabftUft  a  dispassionate,  pas- 
sionless,  unimpasslooed.  •flabALøftb.eb  o  apathy, 

Siberlig  a  lewd,  lecherous,  bawdy,  dissolute, 
debauched.  -(eb  e  lewdness,  lechery,  bawdl- 

Stttøø  n:  briRe  -  ratify  a  bargain  by  a 

fiibfe  e  -r  lace,  string.  Sibfe  vt  &  lace.  -(ni 
*t,  eye-let  hole  (for  the  lacing).  -Ug  ^  luff; 
mast-leech.  -ton  ^  lacing.  Sinfntng  c  ^ 

8ibt  fe  Siben. 

gfe'ret  a  (meb}  intimate  (with). 

Sifjlanb  n  Livo'nja.  -lanbff  a,  -lanber  o  -e 

Sif  lig  a  delicious.    -(eb  c  delidousness. 

Sig  n,  pi  ■«,  ^  boltrope;  (ftaaenbe)  leech; 
(Unberl.;  foot;  (Oberl.)  head. 

Sig  n,  pi  =,  corpse,  dead  body;  ligge  -  lie 
dead;  bleg  fom  et  -  pale  as  death;  et  -  i  Saflen 
a  skeleton  In  the  cupboard;  flabe  (et)  -,  laage 
et  .  til  6fue  lay  out  a  corpse;  bebe  HI  ~  invite 
to  a  funeral;  fslge  .  attend  a  funeral;  (an  er  Hl 
„  he  is  attending  a  funeral. 

Sig  a  like;  (naonl.  lignenbe)  simtlar;  (om  Stør* 


relfer)  equal  (to);  ban  er  fin  gaber  .  he  is  like 
his  filther;  •ere/  -eft  better,  beat;  *-t  og  uligt  all 
sorts  of  things;  *btjtte  -t  cry  qults. 

Siga  e  league. 

Sigatn'r  c  -er  med,  mu»  &  typ  lig'ature.  -naal 

Sig|baal  funeral  pile.    -baare  bier.    -negan* 

Selfe  funeral,  obsequiee.  -befigtigelfe  fe  -fbn. 
He  fe  -lagen,  -bleg  a  pale  as  death,  ghastly. 
-Ilen(eb  paleness  of  death,  ghastllness. 

Srglolt  o  4,  leech-lining. 

Si  glbronber  cremationist.  -branbing  crema- 
tion.  -branbing ftf orening  cremation  sodety. 
-barer  coffln-bearer,  under-bearer.  -bragt  grave 
-clothes,  shroud. 

Sige  o  (ret)  straight,  dlrect;  (af  famme  ©effaffrn« 
(eb)  equal,  alike;  i  .  Sinie  in  a  straight  line, 
(ftebfi.)  in  the  direct  line;  -  Zal  even  numbers; 
gøre  .  straighten;  equalixe;  labe  fem  bare  .  be 
(so)  careless;  -  Viber  parity  of  age;  af  .  Hiber 
of  the  same  age;  fe  ffob.  —  Sige  adv  straight: 
equally,  alike;  (nøjagtig)  ezacUy;  floa  -  stand 
erect;  stand  straight  el.  even;  stand  equal;  . 
flor  equal;  .  libet  as  little,  none  the  more;  bet 
er  mig  -  meget  it  is  all  the  same  to  me;  bet  fan 
bare  ~  meget  enten  no  matter,  whether;  Jeg  er  - 
glab  I  don't  care,  iffe  faa  -  not  ezactly;  .  nu 
this  moment;  .  bet  famme  the  very  same;  -  bet 
mobfatte  the  very  opposite,  the  dlrect  contrary; 
funbe  -  fe8  could  Just  el.  barely  be  seen;  —  meb 
prafp:  brille  -  af  friaften  drink  out  ofthebottle, 




_  efter  immediately  after;  .  for  opposite; 
•  for  $orten  right  before  the  gate;  pille  en  nt 

-  for  pje  put  st  full  In  one's  eye;  -  for  b>n8 
«Ræfe  under  his  very  nose;  _  (nænneft)  foran, 
før  immediately  before;  -  fra  (om  ©tebet)  straight 
from;  noar  ban  tommer  -  fra  ttnioerfttetet  when 
fresh  from  college;  ~  fra  i  SRanbagt  all  the  time 
slnce  Monday;  gtt  -  Ijen  ril  tøm  went  straight 
up  to  him;  .  i  Øjebliffet  at  the  very  instant, 
immediately;  -  i  6bb  due  South;  fe  en  -  i  Vn< 
flgtet  look  one  full  in  the  face;  .  igennem 
straight  el.  right  through;  ftaa,  fætte  -  meb  be, 
be  put  on  a  par  wlth;  .  neb  straight  down, 
right  down;  .op  straight  up;  goa  -  op,  fe 
Qtaa  op;  -  ober  right  above;  -  ooerfor  right 
opposite  (to);  ftaa  .  oberfor  binanben  face  each 
other;  -  paa  Kippet  on  the  very  point  (of); 
.  paa   Ejeblittet  directly.   .  fiben  ever  since; 

-  til  Sonbon  all  the  way  to  London,  as  far 
as  L.;  følge  en  -  til  $ufet  el.  Søren  accompany 
one  up  to  the  very  door;  .  til  ben  @tunb 
up  el.  down  to  that  moment;  -  op  til  ben  Itrfe 
$ag  till  broad  day-llght;  .  til  adv  plain;  easy; 
ftulbe  -  til  at  gaa  was  on  the  (very)  point  of 
going,  -  ub  straight  on;  fig  frankly,  in  plain 
words;  -  ub  ab  (af)  straight  along;  -  unber 
right  under;  .  o  eb  close  by;  .  oeb  at  on  the 
point  of.  —  Sige  c,  %U  «,  (SRage)  match;  fe 
•manb;  uben  .  unparalleled,  unlque;  ban  tyxz  itte 
|ln  -,  føger  fin  -  he  has  not  his  match,  is  un- 
rivaUed;  gioe  en  -  for  -  return  like  for  llke, 
give  one  as  good  as  he  brings,  F  give  one  tit 
for  tat;  _  for  -  noar  Benjtab  ffal  bolbet  give  and 
take,  one  good  turn  deserves  another,  f  scratch 
my  back  and  I  will  scratch  yours;  -  tøfler  - 
blrds  of  a  feather  flock  together.  £tge|aarig  a 
of  the  same  age.  -arm et  a  straight  armed. 
-artet  a  homogeneous.  -artetbeb  c  homoge- 
neousness,  homogeneity.  -benet  a,  veom  iso- 
soeles.  -berettlgelfe  equal  right,  eqnallty  of  r. 
el.  rights,  reciprocity.  -berettiget  a  (om  String  o.  I.) 
equally  legitimate;  (om  $erføn)  bare  -  have  an 
equal  right  el.  e.  rights.  -ban  a  (en*,  lige)  equal, 
alike;  (af  famme  Sortn)  of  the  same  form,  equi- 
form.  -ban  adv  in  the  same  manner;  the 
same.  -banbeb  c  equiformity.  -bannet  a  uni- 
form, similarly  shaped;  øcom  similar.  -bannet' 
beb  c  uniformity,  similarity.  -finnet  a  ty  pari- 
pinnate.  -forntig  fe  -bannet.  -frem  a  plain;  (Tun 
om  $erf.)  straight-forward,  blunt;  (fulbflænbig) 
downright,  flat;  —  adv  straight  on;  fig  bluntly, 
roundly,  plain  ly,  in  a  straightforward  manner, 
point-blank;  (abfolutj  simply,  downright.  -frem« 
|  eb  c  plainness,  elm  plicity,  bluntness.  -fnlbt 
adv  notwithstanding,  nevertheless,  for  all  that. 
-glab  o  happy-go-lucky,  devll  may-care,  reckleas. 
t-gobt  adv  p,  fe-fulbt.  -gblbig  o  indifferent;  un- 
concerned  (bef  at);  careless;  regardless.  thought- 
less  ffor,  beb  of);  of  no  consequence;  qan  er  mig 

he  is  nothlng  tome;  en  <Berfon,  fom  er  mig  - 
a  person  to  whom  I  am  indifferent,  -gblbig  tj  eb 
c  indifference,  unconcern;  diaregard,  reckTess- 
ness  (for  of).  -gtflbenbe  a  equivalent,  equipol- 
lent  -bolber  plaster  of  Paris  jacket.  -tantet  o 
rightangled.    -Ithti  adv  likewise;  (ogfaa,  tillige) 

fiiaelia  a  proportionate,  in  equal  proportion; 

(-en  -t)  adv  proportionally,  in  equal  propor- 
tions,'equally.    -beb  c  equal  proportion. 

fitoellintet  a  straight-lined,  rectilinear.  -I*, 
bcnbe  a  (ipbenbe  rat)  similar  in  sound;  (orbret 
ftemmenbe)  exactly  corresponding,  of  the  same 
Knor  -tøbenbe  o  runnlng  in  a  straight  line; 
««S2uel  -tfbirrappe  stal«  with  straight  fligbts. 
SSrnb  equS  P™?  -»*'*«  •*  equally;  a  the 
sSSS    rquantity,   amount),    equally    much,   as 

much;  bet  er  (mig)  -  it  is  all  one  (to  me);  -! 
never  mind,  no  matter,  -orbnet  a  equal,  paral- 
lel, -oberfor  right  opposite  (to),  over  against, 
facing;  fig  in  presence  of,  in  the  face  of,  is 
view  of,  (om  SRobfærning)  as  against;  ftaa  -  $s> 
anben  face  each  other.  -ret  eqnallty,  reciprocity. 
£lger»lft  adv  likewise.  £ige|fta  adv  (ligelebe*.  bet 
famme)  likewise,  the  same,  as  well;  (beb  «bi.)  as, 
equally;  ....  fom  as  .  .  .  as,  .  bel,  fe  Soabel;  - 
Iibt  as  little;  jeg  tunbe  itte  fe  bet,  -  Itbt  fom  . 
I  couldn't  see  it,  any  more  than  .  .  .;  _  gerne 
just  as  well.  -ftbet  a  of  equal  sides,  equal  on 
all  sides,  equilateral.  -flbetljeb  cequilateralness. 
•finbet  a  of  the  same  mind,  of  one  mind,  simi- 
larly disposed,  like -minded,  -ftoftet  a  straight 
-håndled,  -fom  adv  (lig)  like,  in  common  with; 
in  imitation  of;  (fom  om)  as  if;  (foa  at  ftge)  as  it 
were:  conj  (ret  fom  Tom  Xiben])  just  as;  (alt  fom, 
efter  fom)  as,  according  as;  -  .  .  .  faalebef  as  .  . , 
so  also;  -  Iibt  foranbret  altered  some  way;  a 
little  bit  a.,  p  a.  like,  amr  kind  of  (el.  kinder) 
a  ;  ber  bleo  en  -  6tanb9ning  there  was  something 
of  a  check;  ~  bet  ogfaa  er  unøbbenbigt  lt  being, 
besides,  unnecessary.  -fttmt  a  fig  congenial,  of 
like  mind.  -frillet  a  equally  situated.  -HiBclfe, 
•ftlKen  c  equalisation.  -Rining  equal  position. 
-flor  a  equal.  -flrengeta  vertical-stning  (piano). 
-til  adv  straight  on;  *a,  fe  -frem.  -tr^tølinie 
isobare.  -tbbig  a  synonymous.  -t^big^eb  c 
synonymy.  -nb  adv  straight  on;  -  ab  all  along. 
•bintlet  a  equiangular.  -bagt  equilibrlum,  equi- 
poise,  balance;  i  -  equilibrlous;  ube  af  -  un 
poised;  bringe  en  ub  af  -en  (ogfaa  fig)  take  one  off 
his  legs,  throw  one  off  his  balance;  bringe  eller 
bolbe  i  equilibrate,  keep  In  equipoise  d.  in 
an  equilibrlum.  balance;  bolbe  -en  poiæ;  tabe  -es 
lose  one's  equilibrlum  el.  balance;  ben  eutoponfle 
_  the  balance  of  power  in  Kurope.  -tergtig  a 
of  equal  weight,  equiponderant,  equiponderate 

2igebægt4]gliber  equilibrlum  slide,  -linie  line 
ri.  axis  of  equilibrlum.  -lære  statica.  -pantt 
point  of  e.    -bentil  e.  val  ve. 

2i'g|faltel  funeral  torch.  -falb  fialling  Bick- 
ness.  -farne  colour  of  a  corpse,  cadaverous  hue. 
-fornet  "  pale  as  a  corpse.  -forgiftning  post 
mortern  room  poisoning.  -fotrb  funeral.  -føjlge 
funeral  procession. 

2lgge,  \aa,  ligget  vi  Ile;  (om  ^øne)  sit;  (om  Bhb\ 
i  en  ot*  Sletning)  stand;  *(om  did)  be  frosen  over; 
-r  i  f^ranrrig.  beb  9ttlen  is  in  France,  on  the  Nile. 

-  i  Sengen  be  in  bed,  .  til  Seng«  (fbg,  ^olbe  Sengen) 
be  ill  In  bed;  keep  one's  bed,  be  bedridden 
(bedrld);  -  Iebig  be  Idle,  unoccupied;  -  parat  be 
in  readiness,  available,  handy;  tab  bet  -1  let 
that  alone!  lab  bet  .  &er!  leave  it  here:  fyior  -r 
6tblben?  whose  fault  is  it?  Qønen  oil  itte  -  the 
hen  won't  hatch  her  eggs;  SBorbet  -r  fulbt  af 
Montrer  the  table  is  littered  with  papers,  blioe 
-nbe  remaln,  Ile  over;  be  left;  fall;  —  meb  pnxp 
og  adv.   .  (fog)  af  be  in  bed  el.  laid  up  with; 

-  an  J,  be  heading;  ftlampen  -r  itte  an  the  chock 
is  not  home;  —  -  gobt  an  imob  bear  well  against; 
-bi  for  lotiel  og  %ov  A  lie  a-hull;  -for  »ob« 
»tnb  be  wind  bound:  -  for  fcøben  be  on  the  point 
pf  death;  @pørg«maalet  -r  itte  for  the  question 
is  not  now  before  the  court;  bet  -r  itte  for  mig 
JL  ui0t  l\  my  line;  ^  *r  t«wmeltg  fiernt  for 

22!»k  8  rither  out  of  mv  way:  -  forober  ^ 
weather;    Sagen  -r  b,en  the  cause  is  standing 

ZSSiZ  u6e",»Pift«  remain  idle;  .  ^ofUewith; 
©tblben  -r  bo8  J5em  the  fault  U  yours   ot  møa  - 

toivt?  1#e«m,!!t  toJet.uP  °or  quarters  at  the 

lun,  DC  _  i  XTStte  mrh  hinnnh^    tK«>«    -.-.    „„o- 





-c  ligefrem  i  bets  9tatur  la  in  lts  very  nature;  bet 
-ri   .  .  .  it  Is  a  conaequence  of  .  .  .;  bet  tao  iffe 
i  min  fyan  it  was  no  part  of  my  derign;  _  fl 
igennem  pet  bed-sores;  .  ir>  i  et  overlay;  fyxi 
t>er    -r  ol  t mellem  the  point  at  issue  between 
ns;  -  in boner  ^  stand  in  el.  lnshore;  tymbelen 
-t    nebe  tråde  ifl  in  a  languishing  state;  tunbe 
iRe    -  op  *b  eould  not  fetch  the  harbour;  . 
otter,  fe  Strange;  .   ober  et  $ar  Søge  xnake  a 
Btay  of  a  conple  of  days;  .  ooer  (paa  et  6teb) 
om   Vinteren  winter;  -  paa  Sanbet  stay  in  the 
country,  -r  gobt  paa  Sanbet  vt>  sits  well  on  the 
water;  .  paa  Bibbet  (om  $e|l)  be  heavy  in  hånd; 
.  paa  en  Rejfe  be  on  a  Journey,  .  paa  Ilt  bberfte 
be   at  the  last  extremity;  .  paa  fine  Gerninger 
be   slain  in  the  aet  (of  commltting  crime  el. 
violence):  .  en  paa  Aalfen  be  an  Incombrance 
to   one;  bet  -r  mig  oftib  paa  Sinbe  it  la  always 
on  my  mind;  bet  -t  til  tøele)  Qfamilten  it  runs  in 
the  family;  étoen  -r  gobt  til  the  shoe  is  a  good 
ftt;  -  gobt  til  fot  be  well  plaoed  for;  -  tilbage 
fiv  lag  behlnd;  .  ube  (ubenfor  flt  &{tm)  pass  the 
nijrht  from  home,  stay  out  all  nignt,  sleep  out, 
(i  bet  fjrie)  pass  the  night  in  the  open  air,  (paa 
Søen)  keep  the  sea;  -  nnber  auocumb;  get  the 
wont  of  it,  of  the  battle;  bet  -r  noget  berunbec 
tbere'a  something  at  the  bottom  of  it;  Staben 
-t  t»eb  en  ftlob  the  city  »tands  el.  is  situated  on 
a  river;  $ufet  -r  oeb  Stranben  the  house  stands 
on   the  seashore;   —  liggenbe  prp  k  a  lying 
etc.;  situated;  her  couchant,  lodged;  i  Ijalb  . 
GtiUinq  half  reclined,  recumbent,  in  a  recum- 
bent  posture.   —  £iggr|  ambolt  bar-anvil  wlth 
bent   ends    -(i  fe  $rone.     -bage  ^  lay  days, 
layingdays.  -bagipenge  demurrage.  -fil  rubber. 
-gal  fe  -tøa.    -b;*ne  brood  hen.    riggen  o  lying, 
Testing,    Siggenbefa  n,  pi  ■=  treasure.    £tgge> 
»tab*  anchorage,  berth.    gigger  c  -e  nether  el. 
lower  mtllstone;  &  (Qab)  leaguer;  (Vnfer)  spare 
el.  walst  anchor;  Oæmfnnne)  sieeper,  (Solfem.) 
barrel-pattern;  baker's  boy.  £igae|faar  bed-sore. 
•fUg  a  broody.    -rib  hatching  tune,  time  of  in- 
cu  bation. 
fitalgemme  fe  -fifle,    -gift  ptomaine. 
St'gftjeb  c  -er  likeness,  resemblance.  slmilarity, 
stmflitude;  geom  congruity;  (i  fflettigoeber)  equal- 
ity;  (i  Rang  ofo.)  oo-ordinateness:   (Slgebanfeeb, 
Ooerenfftemmelfe)  conformity;  -  i  Viber  parity  of 
age;   -  for  Soden  equality  before  the  law;  i  - 
meb  like,  in  conformity  with.  in  common  with, 
after  the  fashlon  of,  on  the  lines  of;  fyroe  megen 
.  meb  bear  a  close  reaemblanee  to.  —  £igbebØ|< 
pmilt  point  of  reaemblanee.     •regel  fe  flabe«. 
sign  of  equation. 
S'flH«*  (Sorgeb^ul)  house  ofmoorning;  (flopet) 
dead-bouse.     -fapel  dead-houae.    -talfe  burlal 
club.    -Nfte  coffin.  -flotte  pasning  bell,  (funeral) 
knell.     -flabe  pall,    (til    balf.   Sig)    oerement. 
-flabet  pi  grave-clothes.  -franf  funeral  wreath. 
-lage«  wlnding  sheet.   -lugt  death-soent.   -mart 
fleld  strewed  with  dead  bodies. 
+£t'gmobig  a  aquanimouB. 
Si'gnaaf  c  ^  roping  needle,  bolt-rope  needle. 
Signe  vt  (bare  lig)  resemble,  be  like;  (fammenl.) 
liken.  compare;  (om  Starter)  apportion,  assess; 
-  i  etat  tax    assess,  rate;   be  .  bjnanben  meget 
they  are  mach  alike,  be  -  tynanben  fom  to  Sraaber 
tfonb  they  are  as  like  as  two  peas;  bet  tunbe  - 
bom  at  he  is  very  likely  to;  bet  -r  itte  nt  it  is 
too  bad,  it  is  absurd;  itte  bet  ber  -r  no  such 
thing  (as),  not  a  vestige  of.    Sigaeffe  c  -r  (Sam- 
menligning) comparison;  (©iHebe)  likeness;  (biHeb« 
lig)  almile,   similitude,  Ubt  parable  (i  fin  -  in 
bis  own  likeness).    Signenbe  a  similar,  the  like; 
og  -  and  the  like;  (ban  jagbe  . . .)  eller  noget  . 
or  worda  to  that  effect. 

Stgni'n  e  lig'nine. 

Signing  c  -er  (af  6 fat)  apportioning,  assess- 
ment;  math  k  art  equation.  —  Signingf  |tom- 
milfioa  commisslon  for  the  assessment  of  tazes. 
-ffat  assessed  tax. 

gignit'  c  llg'nlte. 

Si  glpeaae  burlal  dues.  -plet  llvid  spot  (on  a 
dead  body).  -port  lich-gate,  corpse  gate.  -pro« 
celflon  fe  -ffare.  -Hpntnf  funeral  pomp.  -pr«« 
biten  funeral  sermon. 

filgro  in  n  llg'roine. 

Si'glfalnte  funeral  hymn.  -fang  funeral  dirge. 
-feng  bed  of  state  (for  a  corpse).  -ffammel  stool 
to  rest  a  coffln  on.  -ffare  funeral  procession, 
-ffjorte  shroud.  -ffae  fe  -fon.  *-fP«*tt  winding 
-sheet  (in  the  candle). 

*£t'gfpletø  e  ^  sailmaker's  splice. 

Siglftabø  funeral  pomp.  -fren  tombstone. 
-fhraa :  ligge  paa  -  lie  dead.  -fine  room  in  which 
a  corpse  te  laid;  (p.  Qofpita!)  mortuary;  t  fe  Saage* 
flue.  -fbob  fe  -lagen,  -fttn  inspection  of  a  dead 
body,  post- mortern  ezamination;  (i  (fnglanb)  coro- 
ner'slnquest.  -fnnf manb  coroner.  -fartshroad. 
-tale  funeral  oratlon. 

Sigtlenfer  c  ^  port-fire. 

21  g  I  tog  fe  -ftare.  -tom  oorn.  -torneøperttgr 
chiropodi8t,  corn-cutter.  -tornring  corn -plaster. 

Si'gtrolfe  c  ^  boltrope. 

Sl'gltra  grave-post.  -tnbertler  anatomicai 
tubercles.  -tnn  body-snatcher,  resurrection-man. 
-tai  grave-clothes. 

Signe  c  -r  league. 

Sigaft'er,  SignH'mnt  e  prlvet,  Ligwtntm  tml- 
ffare.  -f Harmer  prlvet  hawk-moth,  Sphinx 

fiigjbagt  lich-wake.  -bero*  funeral  poem. 
•sogn  hearse.  -tøgnffttft  hearse-driver.  -not* 

*Site/  lifte,  lift  vt  Uke;  -  ffg  paa  et  6teb  like 
a  place. 

filffe  of  p  llck. 

Sitni'b  a,  mere  payable,  (justly)  due,  clear. 
-ere  vt  liq'uidate.  -ario'tt,  -e ring  o  liqulda - 

filU'r  o  -et  Uqueur,  cordial.  -f abrifant  dealer 
in  cordials.  -ffrin  cabinet  for  cordlala.  -flet  u 
liqueur  stand. 

fiilje  o  -r  lily,  Lilium;  her  fleur  de  lis.  -arm 
My  white  arm.  •banneret  the  Lilles,  ♦barm 
lily-white  bosom.  -blab  flower-leaf  of  the  lily. 
-Diomfl  llliaoe oua  flower.  -arnfl  fe  -barm.  -grant 
iris-green,  -taanb  lily-whlte  hånd.  -balf  lily 
-whlte  neck.  -bnb  llly-white  skin.  -tyrfb  a  lily 
-white.  -flab  lily-whlte  cheek.  -fnop  bud  of  a 
lily.  -tonaal  lily  of  the  valley,  uonvallaria 
majalu.  -for!  her  cross  flory.  t-maaneb  Oc- 
tober.  -f-rant  a  straight  as  a  lily.  -ren  a  pure 
as  a  lily.  +-ftør  lily-white  tinge,  -flangel  stalk 
of  a  lily.    -baonb  poet  slender  mal  den. 

SiSa  a  mauve,  lllac. 

Sine  a  fe  fitben;  en  -  $e|l  a  llttle  bit  of  a 
horse;  en  -  bitte  6mulc  a  llttle  wee  bit;  en  . 
a  litUe  one:  bf t  .  ber  er  what  llttle  there  is; 
ben  -  OJom  the  Leaser  Bear;  $ipin  ben  .  Pepin 
the  8hort;  .  Zerl  minor  thlrd;  ~  Oftao  mtu 
dimlnished  octave,  (Oogb.)  small  octave;  b,ot  . 
8en  I  say,  llttle  one.  SiSe| aften  Asia  Minor. 
-belt  fe  Oelt.  -bitte  a  diminutive,  -cirtef  less 
circle.  -finger  llttle  finger,  -fjnft  fe  $ribat. 
-pige  scullery-maid,  kitchen-maid.  -plabe  (p. 
Ur)  dlal-plate.  -pnt'er  (f oroanftet  fronn  bannet  af 
fiiOiput)  c,  pi  =,  LiUiputian.  -rnflonb  Llttle 
-Ruaaia.    -rnlftft  a  Llttle-Russian. 

Sint  e  fe  flair. 

2im  c  (n)  glue;  (fbagere#  9et|oment*  o.  b.)  size; 
(Bruø^O  Urne.    -agtig  a  glutinoua. 




gimønø  e  (paa  6etttoni)  limb. 

gime  ttf  gloe;  -t  $opir  sized  peper. 

Stase  c  -r  broom.    -ftøft  broom-stjck. 

gi  mf ørne  size  paint,  distemper. 

gi'mfjørøcn  the  Lymfiord. 

gi  m'ginenne  a  yielding  gloe.  -føn*  gloe-sub- 

gt'mnren  c  oift/  slime-pit. 

gt'mtng  e  gluing;  gaa  øp  i  -en  get  unglned, 
oome  off. 

gimite  re  ø*  limit.    gimitnm  n  limit. 

St'«tttr%cf  fe  -potte;  (Bør)  size-copper.  -føjer 
gineboller.  -føgntng  glne-making.  -forøer  hide 
-parings,  spetcbes.    gimning  fe  girning. 

gimø'n  ofo.,  fe  genuin. 

gimønif  c  lim'onite. 

gi'mfpenfel  glue-brush.  -ptnb  lime-twig.  -* »tte 
gine  pot.  -fteng:  løbe  meb  -en  go  on  a  wild 
-goose  chase. 

gt'mnen  c  limestone. 

gi'mifnfter  gelatine  sugar.  -fatnge  cramp, 
cramp  frame,  -t«!  a  tight  enongh  to  be  glued . 
-art  catchfly.  Stierne.  -nanb  size.  -Pøt*  fe  grø- 

Sin  ipi«,  a  linen  band  for  the  head;  i 
£mf.  og  *  fe  $ør. 

gine  fe  £hte. 

*gi  nlbcnb,  -notabel  c  $  sporty,   Spccnla 


ginb  e  -e  linden(-tree),  lime,  Tiiia  tmropæa. 

gittb  a  sort,  mild.  ginbe  «c  loosen,  alleviate; 
*  r»  -  »eb  Saren  open  the  door  ajar.  +£tnne  c 
fe  £tnb»ejr. 

♦ginbe  or  wrap,  swathe,  swaddle.  Stene  c  -c 

ginbe]  *n>  alley  of  lime-trees.  -natt  bark  of 
the  lime-tree. 

*ginbebørn  n  baby  (in  swaddling-clothes). 

gtanefbeH  lirne-bast.  -ilet  leaf  of  the  linden. 
-biørn*  linden-blossom.  -gang  fe  tUIé.  -fml 
charcoal  of  llme-wood. 

gtnbeinorø  «  the  Naze. 

giabejfpinber  oz-head  moth,  Pyg<*m  bmeepkala. 
-tro?  lime-tree,  lime-wood. 

ginbfU  smooth-flle.    gtnbfceb  c  softness,  mild- 

giabørm  c  (faboloos)  serpent. 

ginbre  vt  relieve,  alleviate,  ease,  aasuage. 
gfabring  e  relief,  alleviation. 

gtablfølret  a  mild  cored.  -nejr  open  weather. 

Sine  e  r  line,  rope;  (Hl  SRffcri)  long-line, 
bulter,  night-line,  trimmer;  lab  Ijam  løbe  -n  ub 
let  him  have  his  swing,  give  him  rope  enough, 
play  him  to  the  end  of  the  line;  paa  flap  .  on 
the  slack  rope. 

Sine  Caroline,  Carrie. 

giaea't  c  -er  rule,  mier;  a  lineal. 

gineømen  ter  pi  lineaments,  features. 

gtnea'r  perfpetrinet  the  lin'ear  perspective. 
•tegning  iine-drawing,  linear  drawing. 

gine  balje  &  line-tub.  -bombfel  <t,  line 
-seizing.  -bonf  rope-dancing.  -baufer  rope 
-dancer.  -fifler  long-line  flaner,  -fifleri  long 
-lining  -førmig  a  linear.  -gøbn  £  line,  smal) 
stuff.    -bolber  0>  Hne-holder.    -ring   ip.   Sele) 

terret.  M       .„       „ 

•ginerie  c  wagtail,  Jfotacif/a  alba. 

ginecer  a  math  lin'ear. 

gtngeri'  «  linen  -drapery.  -«rttner  linen 
draper' s  goods.    -ftanblcr  linen-draper. 

giugøift   c  -er  linguist.    -Ifl  a  lingui'stic, 

*gi'nbammer  c  pod  of  flax. 

ginie  c  -r  <x  alle  Set.)  line;  pa»fere  n  cross  the 
line  t  -  in  a  line;  i  -  meb  on  the  line  of,  in  a 
line'  with;  frille  paa  -  mil  put  in  line,  dress; 
fHDe  i  lige  -  meb  Ao  put  on  a  level  with;  D«re  i 

frrftr  .  hold  the  fint  rank;  fejle  i  ta»tHarte  . 
sail  in  cloee  order;  Zol  nnber  -n  inferior  fifrur«. 
BogØaoer  oper  -n  superior  letters;  olier  bek  -t 
fig  all  along  the  line.  fe  gige.  -*r»  lineal  so> 
cession.  -aegraPdfe  interment  on  the  panpers 
side.    -bane  le  £ute>. 

ginie  naaffine  c  raling  machine. 

gintcifømrig  *  linear,     -^arr  rcøjolar  army 
-øfflcer  officer  of  the  line.  -ørmøjaentil  ornamen- 
tation  formed  by  lines,    -papir  ruled  paper. 

ginie' | re  vi  rule     -ring  c  raling. 

ginie| regiment  regiment  of  the  line.     -fKb 

i  line-of-battle  ahip.     •føfbat  regular.      -filtaf 

;  forming  into  lines.    -Ment  mm*  staff.    •fømcr 

compositor  of   the    companionahip.     •tranper 

troops  of  the  line,  regulan.  -PdJleT  I«/  oommu 


giniatent'  »  lin'iment. 

gi'nfÉgc  e  oil-cake. 

ginfe  vi  limp 

Si'n|tfiebe  linen-cloth.    -Urnen  linen. 

Sinné  Linnæus. 

ginneb  n  linen;  shirt;  —  «  linen.  -Httei 
linen  smock,  -ffeb  preas  for  linen,  -fpinb 
linen  thread.  •føning  plain  needle-work,  plain 
sewing.  -fønt  them;  #fe  -fpntng.  -øartr  linens, 
-norner  linen-weaver.  -PørPnfng  linen-weavinc 
ginnet  a  fe  ginneb. 

ginnina  c  -er  {paa  frkebet)  band. 

ginnoe  tf!  o  Liiinæan,  Linnean. 

Sinølie  e  llnaeed  oil. 

glnøn*  [fr.|  n  French  lawn. 

ginfe  c  -r  lentil,  Enmm  Urne;  en  Ret  -t  bibi  s 
pottage  of  lentiis;  (&\ai  og  i  Cjet)  lens;  (Un 
bob.  -apparat  lenticular  apparatua.  -bennet, 
-førmia  a  lenticular,  lentiform.  -før  lens  light, 
lenticular  el.  dioptric  light,  -g laø  lens.  -lerne 
nucleus  of  the  lens.    -fnnpe  lentil  aoup. 

gi'nlflan  Unt.     *-frrp  fe  Aørblaar.     -fen  lin 
seed.      •-føm    fe    gtnnebfbmng.     -rraab    linen 
thread.    -tøj  linen,    -nomct  linen-weaver. 

gipa'rift  a .-  be   e  Cer  the  Lipari  Islands. 

gire  c  -r  (TOønt)  lira. 

♦gire  c  -r  shearwater,  t*ufjinna. 

gire  c  -r  barrel  organ,  street  organ,  band 
organ,  (i  ftonn  af  IRanbolin)  hnrdy-gurdy.  gire 
vi  af.  fe  tfflire. 

girejtagfe  fe  gtte.  -HM  screwing-table. 
Ktaøfeymonb,  -f pifler,  girennreirr  organ-man, 

gfrte  vi  k  t  wriggle,  worm,  tamper;  ^an  fiob 
øg  -be  øeb  Saafen  he  was  tampenng  with  el. 
trying  tlie  lock;  .  nb  wrickle  out;  .  fig  nb  af 
wriggle  out  of;  -  fifl  inb  i  worm  one's  self  into, 
~  for  cajole,  coax,  try  to  bring  round. 

tgirre  W  fe  fiirte. 

girnmlamm  «  jingle,  ding-dong. 

♦girJjpe  c  fa  kind  of)  ptarmigan,  Norwegian 
grouse.  Laoopu*  ntbalpina. 

gifabet  gidbet,  gife  Elisabeth,  Lizzy. 

gife  c  solace,  relief. 

gifen  c  -er  list. 

giftpnnb  n,  pi  s,  stone,  16  pounds  (Dan.  & 
Norw.  weight).  i*  biftmer  steelyard  for  weighing 
by  stones.    -Isb  stone  weight. 

gitfebøn  n  Lisbon. 

gift  c  cunning,  wile,  stratagem,  artifice,  fatte 

-  imob  -  oppose  art  to  art;   øeb  SRaa*  el.  -  by 
mijfht  or  by  slei>rht. 

gift,  tgi^e  c  -r  ifiant)  list;  (forgnlbt)  AU*1; 
(paa  Zøj.  ftlffbe)  selvage.  vrt  spavin.  gifrbjtfll« 
J,  counter-rail,  breast-beam.    glfle  of  list. 

gifte  n  move  gently,  steal;  -  af  steal  away; 

-  vt  (noget  fra  enl  sbuffle  (one  out  of  a  thing); 

-  noget  inb  insert  by  stealth;  -  ub  eilcit,  worm 
out;  —  vr  ftg  sneak,  sUnk;  (i  Hørte)  prowl;  -  Ba 




bort  slip  el.  steal  away;  .  flg  inb  creep  in;  -  fig 
omfrtng  steal  about;  .  fig  inb  paa  steal  upon; 
_  flg  til  obtain  by  stealth  el.  surreptitiously; 
fifl  til  at  contrive  surreptitiously  to. 

gifte  e  r  (goriegnelfe)  list,  inventory,  catalogue. 
-afftettuing  scrutin  de  liste. 

+£iftefnlb  a  cunning. 

fiiftefører  c  registrar,  (»eb  Botering)  poll-clerk. 

Siftefeøbl  o  cornice -plane. 

Siftelia  adv  cunningly. 

£ifte|ffø  list  shoe.  -tappe  list  carpet.  -Pctxt 

£ifte|balg  fe  -afftemning. 

£iftig  a  cunning,  artful,  sly,  wily.  -$eb  c 
cnnning,  slyness. 

£itøni'  n  -er  lit'any,  anthem. 

fitt'er  c  liter,  litre. 

Siterl«'*  e  -er  lit'erary  man.  -fttn'r  c  -er 
lit'erature;  -en*  fttge  the  commonwealth  of 
letters.  -atn'rtiftøne  history  of  llterature  el. 
letten,  -ata'rraubflaø  knowledge  of  litterature. 
-atttrtibenbe  (critical)  review.  -ir'r  a  literary. 
-iz'rtfftørie  literary  history. 

£it'øjan|en  n  Lithua'nia.  -er  c,  -f|T  a  Lithu- 

£itø|føai'  c  lithoph'any.  -graf  c  -er  litho- 
g-'rapher.  -grafe're  **  lith'ograph.  -grafT  o 
litbog'raphy;  n  -er  lith'ograph.  -gra'flfl  a  litho- 
gTaph'ic(al).  -fromt'  o  lithocrom'ics.  -trit'  c 
-er  lithotri'tor. 

£itfenbrøber  o  porter  (in  a  post-offlce). 

£it«r|gi'  c  -et  lit'urgy.    -  giff  a  litur'gical. 

8f»  n,  pi  «=,  life;  (om  »læber)  body;  (3Rtbie) 
waiet;  (Sibligbeb)  gaiety,  spirit,  animation,  go, 
activity,  stir;  et  -  efter  bette  a  hereafter,  a  future 
state;  i  Vtober*  .  in  the  womb;  aabent  .  open 
bowels;  baoe  fyiarbt  -  be  bound;  ber  »at  meget 
.  i  tøit  Xale  his  speech  was  very  animated; 
ber  er  intet  .  i  tøm  he  wants  spirit;  fætte  -  i 
stir  up;  øeb  biftfc  Ctb  tom  ber  -  i  bem  they 
startea  into  life  at  the  words;  om  bet  gialbt  mit 
_  for  my  life;  meb  ~  og  6jæl  heart  and  soul; 
Stamp  paa  -  og  S)ob  a  war  to  the  death,  a  mor- 
tal combat;  faaloeitge  ber  er  .  er  ber  $aab  while 
life  remains,  there  Is  hope;  førø  fbaeber  imellem  . 
og  5Døb  his  life  hangs  by  a  thread;  om  bit  .  er 
big  fcert  as  you  value  life;  *  er  fom  paa  fit  -  is  in 
bodily  fear;  efter  bet  Dfrtelige  .  from  life;  fætte 
til  £tto*  dispatch;  trille  en  tit  -*  want  to  pick  a 

Suarrel  with  one;  af  aHe  SiD  fen*  (gi.  (Ben.) 
rosfter  for  dear  life,  desperately;  -fen*  Itce  the 
tree  of  life;  faa  bil  ieg  give  big  -fen*  Srrone  bibl 
and  I  will  give  thee  a  crown  of  life;  i  fiibe 
alive,  above  groand;  i  lebenbe  -e  in  his  (etc.) 
lifettme,  in  the  body;  lomme  til  -e  igen  oome 
to  life  again,  revive ;  lalbe  til  -c  call  into 
existence;  flioet  life;  gøre  en  -et  furt  lead  one 
a  life;  fom  om  bet  gjalbt  -et  (as  if)  for  (dear)  life; 
-et*  ©og  the  book  of  life;  tage  -et  af  {tg  felo  lay 
riolent  band  upon  one's  self,  make  away  with 
one 's  self;  joc  bu  tager  -et  af  mig  you  will  be 
the  death  of  me;  plage  -et  af  en  worry  one  out 
of  his  (very)  life  el.  to  extermination;  (nceften) 
ffrsmme  -et  af  en  terrify  one  within  an  inch  of 
his  life,  frighten  oue  out  of  his  wits;  tragte  el. 
ftrasbe  en  efter  -et  attempt  one's  life,  conspire 
against  one's  life;  for  t>ele  -et  for  life;  6Ht>  mig 
tre  ©fribt  fra  -et!  keep  your distance  1  stand off! 
botbe  flg  en  fra  -et  keep  one  at  a  distance; 
bømme  fra  -et  sentence  to  death;  gaa  en  inb  paa 
-et,  øaa  inb  paa  -et  af  en  press  hard  upon  one; 
fætte  -et  inb  paa  stake  one's  life  upon;  tomme 
herfra  meb  -et  escape  alive;  tog  benbe  om  -et  threw 
my  arm  around  her;  fmal  om  -et  slender(-waisted); 
flaanc  en  paa  -et  spare  one's  life.  fiibPaare 
artery.     -ag'tig  a  (legemlig)  bodily;  (om  Sigljeb) 

life-like,  lively,  as  like  as  life;  (f.  «».  om  $røm) 
vivld;  fyin  er  Woberen*  -e  fHBebe  she  is  the 
living  picture  of  her  mother;  adv  exactly. 
•agtigfceb  c  lifelikeness  *-baab  life-boat.  -baønb 
sash.  -betjent  favourite  servant.  -olømft  favourite 
flower.  -bælte  (waist)  belt,  girdle,  cincture, 
baldric.  -bøje  life-buoy.  -brabant  lifeguards- 
man.  Sine  vt  &  i :  .  en  op,  f  -  op  paa  en  rouse 
one,  cheer  one  up. 

•giøe  vi  paa  ease. 

£lb  |  egen  c  serf.  -egenflab  n  bond- service, 
villauage,    serfdom,    serfage.     -e*  tabron    flrst 

?luadron.  -fatte  principal  colours  of  a  regiment. 
«rbe  favourite  colour.  -fnlb  a  lively,  -fnlb  n 
et  .  ^ttjgl  a  sound  drubblng;  faa  et  -  W*  be 
well  whipped.  -fobi  a  F  albrig  i  mine  -e  S>age 
never  in  all  my  born  davs;  ingen  .  Sfobning  no 
living  soul.  -garbe  fe  -bagt.  -garbift  lifeguards- 
man.  -gebing  n  jointure.  -giøenbe  o  life  giving. 
•giørbgirth,  baldric.  -$eft  favourite  horse.  -Ijølttr 
pi  ,£  bllge-planks,  thickstuff.  -l)ølt*gange  J, 
thick  s  trakes. 

Siøia*  Liv'y. 

Si'ø||ager  (Xjener)  chasseur;  (TOeblem  af  £ib* 
jagertorpfet)  rifleman  in  the  Copenhagen  mllitia 
-corps.  -falb  calf  for  rearing.  -tintrg  surgeon 
in  ordinary  -rjole  body-coat.  -tjortel  tunic. 
•tn«gt  fe  Ribefnægt.  -tø  milch-cow.  -tomttaani 
colonel's  company .  -ttifl  state-coachman.  2b 'li  g 
a  lively,  vivacious,  animated,  brisk,  mercurial, 
spirited,  sprightly,  gay;  en  .  ^anbel  an  active 
tråde;  en  -  6cene  an  animated  scene,  a  stlrring 
s.;  en  -  Stil  a  brisk  (and  fluent)  s  ty  le;  et  -t  6fib 
a  lively  ship.  Bin'ligleb  c  livellness,  vivacity, 
sprightlinesa,  gaiety. 

fii'blline  life-line,  (Sob^iber*)  breast-band, 
breast-rope.  -(age  physician  in  ordinary.  -U8 
a  Ufeless,  Inanimate;  ben  -e  Statur  inanimate 
nature.  -Uifteb  e  lifelessness.  •mebifad  fe  -lege. 
-mober  womb,  uterus,  fiib'ae  vi  &  i  revive. 
•£ibn«'re  flg  ©r  f  keep  soul  and  body  to- 

Siøør'no  n  Leg'horn. 

8tbré  n  -er  liv'ery. 

£i'9|rem  fe  -giorb.  -reate  annuity.  -rentefør- 
fifring  the  annuity  branch  (of  Insurance),  -rente* 
attber  annuitant;  -ret  favourite  dish.  -rina 
arckæ  body-ring.  *-r«b  a  cowardly,  in  mortal 

£t**|aa*ber pi  animal spirits.  -afføit  fe  -periobe. 
-alber  age. 

fitbftt  lig  a  blessed,  blissful,  genial,  -beb  o 

Siøø|anftue(fe(r)  vlews  of  life,  moral  views. 
-Ørting  helr  (of  the  body),  child;  -er  issne. 
-bane  career,  course  of  life.  -bebrift  exploit  of 
one's  life.  -øegibenfteb  event  (of  one  s  life). 
•øeftewatelfe  destination  In  life.  -betingelfe 
esscntial  conditiou,  condition  of  life;  en  -  for 
of  vital  importance  el.  vital  to;  bet  er  en  -  for 
bem  it  is  the  breath  of  their  nostrils.  -betragt« 
ning  way  of  looking  at  life.  -biHebe  picture 
from  life.  -brøb,  faa  -  be  provided  for  (for  life); 
P  be  done  for.  -elifftir  elixir  of  life.  giøfenø 
fe  fiib. 

fiiø*|erfaring  ezperience  in  el.  of  life,  life 
experience.  -rrljberb  means  of  subsistence. 
-fattor  constituent  of  life.  -fange  prisoner  for 
life.  -fare  danger  of  life;  meb  .  at  the  peril 
(risk,  hazard)  of  one's  life,  øocre  i  -  be  in  danger 
of  one's  life;  ubfætte  flg  for  .  endanger  one's 
life.  -farlig  a  perllous;  mortal,  -foragt  contempt 
of  life.  -for^olb  relations  of  life.  -formaal  aim 
el.  object  of  (one's)  life;  -fomøbenbeb  necessary 
el.  requlsite  of  life.  -forfitrtng  life- Insurance. 
-førfi!ring*anftalt  life -Insurance  offlce.     -for* 




fttrittirtfefflab  life -Insurance  company.  -før* 
førgelfe  provision  for  llfe.  -friff  a  healthy, 
robust,  -frobig  a  ezuberant,  vlgorouB.  -frngt 
issue.  -fnnte  spark  of  life,  vital  spark.  -fUttt 
tiener  vital  functions.  -røbe  a  fullness  of  llfe, 
exuberance.  -fblbia  a  full  of  llfe,  fe  -frobig. 
-fotfte  tenancy  for  llfe,  lifebold;  lease  for  life. 
•følelfe  (anlmal)  spirits.  -førelfe  life,  career, 
conduct  through  llfe.  -gate  donation,  -gerning 
llfework.  -glat  a  light-hearted,  buoyant.  -glotbe 
joy  of  llfe.  -gnlft  fe  -funte.  -greben  o  llfe-like, 
reali8tic,  from  llfe.  -gramfe  limit  cl.  term  of 
life.  -Ijaab  hope  of  life.  -bjftørie  history  of 
one's  life,  life  history.  -fatr  pi  circumstances. 
-f«lb  vocatlon  in  iife.  -tamp  life-struggle.  -feb 
a  llfe-weary;  world-weary.  -febe  fe  -lebe.  -tilbe 
Boaroe  of  llfe.  -Høg  a  worldly  wlse.  -fløgfføø 
worldly  pradence  el.  wisdom.  -fn«be  $  neck, 
collet,  collum.  -frøft  vital  power,  -fraftig  o 

St'bffytte  c  mounted  huntsman  to  the  king. 

Si**|lebe  c  disgust  el.  tedium  of  life,  llfe 
-weariness,  world-weariness.  -(ebføger,  -lebfager- 
inbe  partner  for  life;  partner  of  one's  existenoe. 
-luft  vital  air.  -tøffe  the  happineaa  of  one's 
life,  tøele)  lifelong  happines«.  -(tyg  the  flame 
of  one's  life.  blæfé  en*  .  ub  make  away  with 
one,  give  one  his  qaletus.  -tøfl  joy  of  life, 
happiness.  -Ub  career,  course  of  life.  +-løgn 
sham.  -maal  term  el.  spån  of  llfe;  alm  of 
(one's)  life.  -mob  spirlt.  -nbjbelfe  enjoyment 
of  life.  -naring  fe  -opftolb.  -øpføttetfe  fe  -an- 
fluelfe.  -opgabe :  tyin*  .  the  task  el.  aim  of  his 
llfe,  his  one  purpose,  aim,  business  el.  mission 
In  life.  -øptyøfb  (means  of)  sustenance,  subsist- 
ence,  maintenance  of  life.  -pertøbe  period  of 
life.  -plan  plan  of  life,  plan  for  life.  -princip 
life-principle.  -prøceg  vital  process.  -pnftbreath 
of  life. 

Si'tfpombe  n  buckle  of  a  girdle. 

£i»*|  retning  line  el.  sphere  of  life.  -røre  stir, 
fermentation,  -rørelfe  symptom  el.  pulsation  of 
life.  -føg  capital  indictment;  fe  -fpøralmaal. 
t-fa«*  interest  in  llfe.  +-felgt>eb  fe  6eigllbetb>b. 
-fføere  walk  of  life.  -fftfte  period  el.  stage  of 
life.  -flabe  plifer.  -fptre  germ  of  llfe.  -fpørgft> 
møal  matter  of  life  and  death,  of  vital  import- 
ance. -fHOing  position  in  life,  profession,  walk 
of  el.  in  life.  -ftraf  capital  punishment;  unber 
^  on  paln  of  death.  +-ft*rf  a  robust,  -t-fbøttørr 
a  life-gtving.  -tø«  fe  -betragtning,  -tegn  sign 
of  llfe.  -rfb  lifetime,  time  of  llfe,  pao  -  for 
llfe,  (om  føengfel)  during  royal  pleasure.  -traab 
thread  of  life.  -tro?  tree  of  life.  'txctt,  -trortøeb 
fe  -Feb.    febe. 

Si '»tøffe  bodice;  favourlte  piece. 

£ibft|nnberf)øtb  fe  -opftolb.  -bøøbe  extreme 
danger.  -bon bel  conduct  (of  one's  life).  -baner 
habits,  ways.  -barlg  u  for  llfe;  -e  Oteblentmer 
compounders  for  life.  -barigbeb  duration  of 
life,  longevtty.  -barme  vital  warmth.  -vej  path 
of  life.  -biltøar  circumsUnces  et.  conditions  of 
life.  -blrff omfteb  activity,  energy  (of  one's  life); 
labouT  of  one's  life;  sphere  of  activity;  med 
vital  energy.  -biftbøm  wisdom  of  life.  -bicffenbe 
a  stirring.  -balb  source  of  life.  -barbier  ele- 
ments of  life.    -boring  manifestation  of  llfe. 

£i  b|tag  n  wrestling;  tage  .  wreBtle.  -bagt 
bodyguard,  -ttøgtttarf  guardsman,  private  of 
the  guard.  -pagt*  officer  officer  of  the  guards. 
♦•øre  fe  Hftægt. 

°S{o,  Sjøø  o  -er  scythe.    -ør*  anath,  snead. 

*Siø«t  c  echo.    -c  vi  boom,  resound. 

•SJøre  c  -r  louver  (opening  In  the  roof  for 
the  smoke). 

Sø  imp  af  Se. 

Sø  c  -er  threshing  floor. 

Socø  mere  on  the  spot. 

Søb'  n,  mtt  solder 

Søb'  c  k  n  -ber  (Hnbel)  lot,  snare,  portion. 
Sotteri)  share;  binbe  bet  frote  -  win  the  gra 
prize;  fafle,  tratte  .  om  cut.  draw  lots  el.  en 
for;  en  Ibjteltg,  rung.  følgelig  .  a  happy,  har 
sad  lot;  falbe  i  en«  -  fidl  to  one's  lot;  bet  ■ 
falbet  i  min  -  at  lt  has  been  my  fortun e  to;  & 
iffe  Del  eller  .  i  bibl  hast  neither  part  n< 
lot  in. 

Søb'  n  -ber  (poa  fM*mer,  Uc)  weizht;  tøaosfr 
varter«)  plummet,  plumb;  (fSogt)  halfem  oono 
4,  lead;  Staren  ftaar  i  .  the  wall  is  plumb;  øu 
-bet  i  throw  the  lead;  bet  gaar  meb  -ber  thei 
is  no  mir  play.  t-b*lfe  rifle  that  Carries  ha 
an  ounce  or  shot.    Søbbe  vt  k  i  plumb,   souqi 

Søbbe  vi  draw  el.  cast  lot. 

*Sobbe  r.  -x  capeian,  Mollotw  arcticu*. 

Sobbe  vi  Sl  t  (om  wetal)  solder.  SøbDefs>aa 
toldering-pit.    -bolt  soldering-iron. 

Søbbe[bløl  4/  deep-sea  line  block.  •Iiib,  -fon 
banb  soundings. 

Sobbefebt  n  soldering  mixture. 

^Sobbeflffe  capelan-fishery;  cod-flshery  in  Fis 
mark,  at  the  time  when  the  capeian  is  ptirsue« 
by  the  cod. 

Sobbefttge  c  soldering-aeam. 

^fiobbebbal  fe  Rin^bal. 

Sobbe |  (ambe  soldering  lamp.  -li«  ateel-soldei 

Sobbett  a  lotted. 

Sobbemoffine  c  A,  Bounding-machine. 

Sobbe |  metal,  -mibbel  solder. 

Sobbe«  a  fe  Saabben. 

Sobbe|panbe  soldering-pan.  -rør  soldering 
•pipe.    -fait  chlorate  of  Eink.    -flei  semm. 

Sobbetalg  o  <k  arming  of  the  lead. 

Sobbe|tang  hawk-bill  (plyer).  -ti«  Boldering 
•pewter.    Søbffffle  n  flux. 

Søb  løfter  4/  leadsman.    -bjorlb  ^  rake. 

•fiobfe  c  -r  Russlan  smack. 

Søbtøft  n  cast  of  the  lead,  sounding. 

Sob|!afl#  -faftning  casting  of  lotø,  sortileKo. 

Søb | line  J>  lead-line-,  (Snor  meb  Sob,  boonw* 
ben  lobrette  Sinie  finbe*)  plumb-line.  -H«fe  plumb 

Søbtøft  a  shareless. 

Sobning  c  plumbing;  sounding. 

Sobning  c  soldering. 

Sob  | perler  ounce- pearls.  -pibe  narrow  chim- 
ney,  swept  by  a  weight.  -ret  «  perpendiculax, 
vertical.  -retpeb  c  perpendicularity,  vertlcalness. 
-retftiSet  a  *  strict. 

fio'b*  c  -er  pilot;  fe  -fifl;  tage  .  take  a  pilot, 
-afgift  pilotage.  -anfbar:  boere  -  be  liable  as 
pilot,  -baab  pilot  boat.  -getbjrelfe«  the  Pilot- 
age anthoridefl.  -betaling  pilotage.  -gøg  (hook 
of)  pilotage  laws  and  regulauons.  -biftrift 
pilotage  district.    Søbfc  vt  pilot. 

Sobfebbel  c  lottery  Ucket.     SøMcfcr  c  snare 
Sobfeffamen  pilotage  examinatlon. 
Søbferi'  n,  fe  SoM|ftaHon;  -bfffen. 

Sob*|far»ønb  pllot's  water.  -fif!  pilot -fish. 
Naucratet  ductcr.  -flag  pilot  flag.  -føMUMb 
deputy  pilot  master,  -fri  a  exempt  from  pilotage. 
-gut  pllot's  apprentice.  -b^Mre  pilotage.  -inflitn< 
rtonen  the  Pilotage  Service,  -tenbt:  a  b«re  « 
know  the  pilotage.  -tø«iør  pilot-office.  -lørpø* 
ratio«  body  of  pilots     -fort  pilot  chart. 

Sobflttb  n  &  sounding;  bi  fif  intet  -  we  found 
no  bottom,  no  Boundinga.  SøbffnøttøjRte  «  bank 
of  soundingB. 

S ø'b»J futter  pilot  cutter,  -funbigbjeb  pUotage 
•fbittering  receipt  of  pilotage.     -tø«   pilotage 




w.  -tnarle  landmark;  distlnguishing  mark  of 
pilot-boat.  Sobgning  c  piloting,  pilotage. 
fiofefttor  c  plumb-line. 
tfø'bølolbcrmanb  pilot-master,  patent  pilot's 
pence,  -penge  fe  -$ore.  -pligt  compulsory 
llotBLge.  -pligtig  a  under  compulsory  pilotage. 
eg  fem  en  t  pilot  regulations.  -ffilt  pilot-badge. 
tøjte  pilot-boat.  -ftation  pilot  station,  -tafft 
11  o  tagre  rate.  -tarif  rates  of  pilotage.  -tegn  fe 
Kilt.  QtDf  -  holst  tbe  pilot-flag.  -tjeuefjte  pilot 
»rvice;  forrette  -  aet  as  (a)  pilot,  -tbang  fe 
tliqt.  -txefett  pilotage;  pilotage  authorities; 
ilot  establishment. 

Hob) tager  c  -e  partaker.  -trafning  drawlng 
f  loM;  afgøre*  beb  -  Is  determlned  by  lot. 
•£øf  o  -fer  a  kind  of  wheaten  loaf. 
lioft  n  -er  (Hl  $u«j  loft,  cockloft;  (til  Sxrelfe) 
ellingr;  t  story;  *  npper  room.  -tam mer  room 
a  a  cockloft.  -lægge  vt ceil.  -maleri  paintlng 
»d  a  ælling,  oeiling-paintiitg. 

£øf  t8|B*r  garret-door.  -fjpalPtng  vaulted  ceil- 
ng  -te«  trap-door  of  a  cockloft.  -lage  snutter 
tf  a  cockloft.  -maleri  fe  fioft-.  -ram:  i  bette 
}ud  er  meget  -  thls  bouse  has  a  roomy  cock-loft. 
fprnrWe  crack  in  the  ceillng.  -trappe  loft-stairs. 
fttnPne  (Sroifro.)  dormer  window;  (Sago.)  sky 
fiofmgf  e  fe  Stranbflabe. 
£og'  e  &  log. 

°fioø'  c  (ftimming)  chlmb,  chine. 
ttogarit'me  c  -r  log'arithm.    -toiel  table  of 
Logaritbms.    Søgarltmlff  a  logarithmlo(al). 
g  ag  I  bøg  log-book.    -brat  log-board. 
Soge    [fe]   c  -r    (l    leater)    box;    (ftrimurer-) 
Lodse.     -Bagning  masonic  hall.    -ptabf  seat  in 
a  boz.      rab,  -rafle  tier  (of  boxes),  box-tier; 
førfxe  _  the  dress  circle. 

S*  og  e 're  pi  lodge;  live  in  apartments  el. 
lodglngs.    -abe  c  lodger. 

Søglftvnber,  **ftpnbre  log-chip.  -gafl  reeler. 
Søgge  tn  log.  Soggemaflinc  patent  log.  Søggfaft 

Søgt'  [fr.]  n  -er  lodglng.  -fortal  receiving 
-ship;  recelring-hulk.    -|ttl  lodging-house. 

Sogit'  c  log'ic.  So  gi  fer  c -e  logio'lan.  Sø'glft 
a  log'ical. 
SogttMe  e  vt>  log  line. 
fiogogrif  c  -er  log'ogriph. 
Sogre  vi  wag  the  tatl;  -  før  en  fawn  upon 
one.    -n  e  waggtng  etc. 

tt  øg  (rufle  log-reel.     -fable  fe  -brat.     -ur  fe 
Sognfp  n  threshlng-floor. 
SoqgarPle  vt  tan.     -er  c  Uaner.     -ising   c 
•Sol*  o  fe  Soffeptbe. 
Sot'  e  -fer  lock,  curl,  tress,  ringlet. 
Søltp  a  lo'cal.    -afgift  local  charge,   -aftraf' 
rion  local  attraction  (o.  fl.).    -breb  town-letter. 
Søtate  n  -r  place,  room(s),  set  el.  sult  of  rooms, 
premlaes,    office,    shop.     fiofaftfaroe  fig  local 
colouting.    -føriolb  local  peculiarltiefi.    Serail« 
fe  re  vt  lo'calize.    Sotattfe'ret  a  well  acquainted 
with  the  place,  having  a  good  local  knowledge. 
Søtaflte't  e  -er  locaVity,  amr  location.    Søt*'l|' 
fmuffab  local  knowledge.    -fan!  fe  Steb. 
got'anb  fe  Softeanb. 
Søtiejtcf  e  mortise  chisel. 
Søfet  e  -ter  roll. 

Sotbammer  e  punch,    Søtfe  vt,  meoh  punch, 
»ofte  vt  tøaari  løfte*  od  curl. 
«øtte  vt  k  i  aliure,  lure,  entice,  decoy;  tempt, 
*educe;  .  ab  call;  -  noget  fra  en  ooaz  one  out 
of  a  thing;  ieg  fif  -t  ub  af  barn,  at  I  fished  out 
or  him  that.    -anb  decoy  duck. 
Stttcbørn  o  bear. 

Sarfen  :  $anff*(tngeff!  Qrbbog. 

£otte|bne  stool-pigeon  (oafaa  fig).  -f«gl  decoy 

Sotte|fjaar  curly  hair.    -bøPeb  curly  head. 

Sotfetfe  c  -r  lure,  all  ure  ment,  entioement. 
Søttemob  c  bait. 

Sottemaftlne  c  punching-machine. 

Søtfe|mlbbef  means of enticement,  lure.  Sorten 
c  call,  calling.  Softe|pite  bird-call.  -fang  allur- 
ing  song.    -fmil  all  uring  smile. 

fiøf f et  a  curly,  curled. 

fioffetone  c  call. 

fioftnejfel  c  punch.    Sødting  o  punching. 

Søfomøbi'l  n  -er  travelling  8  team  en  gine. 

Søfomøti'P  n  -er  locomo'tlve  (engine),  engine. 
-bebagetfe  link-motion,  -farer  (englne-)drlver, 
tmr  eaglneer.  -gliber  locomotive  slide,  -ftalb 

fiof | ring  e  bore.    -fflbe  bolster. 

Søtitm  n  -er  privy,  necenary,  water-closet , 
offlce.  —  Sotnmølbnt  seat-hole.  -renfer  night 

fiøtnfl'ltra  lo'cust-tree.  -aagler  pi  locust-tree- 

fiaflaub  n  (the  is  le  of)  Lolland,  -ff  a  (of  the 
isle  oO  Lolland.  SoOit  o  -er,  fiøuanber  c  -e 
native  of  the  isle  of  Lolland. 

Søm'  [+6]  c  -mer,  (poa  en  fiaxt)  loom. 

Som.  1*6   e  -mer,  (gufll)  loon,  loom,  Colwnbuå. 

Sømbarb  'et  Lom'bardy.  Sombarbif!  a  Lom'- 

Sømler  [6]  o  ombre. 

Somme  [*6]  o  -r  pocket;  joc  pouoh;  fritte  i  -n 
(ogf.  fig)  pocket;  tøbe  $enge  paa  -n  be  flush  (of 
money);  {eg  Ijar  ^am  i  min  -  I  can  do  any thing 
with  hlm.  -aabntng  pocket-hole.  -bog  pocket 
-book.  -faffe  pooket-flask.  -føber  stuff  for 
pockets,  -format  pocket -ske.  -fam  pocket 
•oomb.  -tiffert  pocket-telescope,  pooket-glaas. 
-flab  fe  -tsrtlabe.  -tnlb  pocket-knife.  -tempaf 
pocket  -compass.  -orbbog  pocket  dictionary. 
-Penge  pocket-money,  spendlng- money.  +-poli« 
tlfer  vestry  politiclan.  -protnrator  pettifogger. 
-pnffert  pooket-pistol.    -fpefl  pooket-(looking-) 

flass.  -tpp  pickpocket.  -tttperl  pooket-plcking; 
egaa  .  piok  pockets.  -tarflabc  pocket-hand- 
kerchief,  P  noserag.  -nbgaoe  pocket-edltion. 
-nr  watch.    -paterpaø  plumb-rule. 

+SomPie  [6]  e  -t  gulllemot,  Uri*  troite. 

Sonbon  n  London;  i  .  in  London,  in  town; 
Xoget  fra  -  the  down  train.  -er  o  -e  Londoner, 
cont  cockney.  -er'Xøget  (til  S.)  the  up  train. 
-ff  a  London,  Londonesque. 

*Søp'  o  -per  frog. 

Soppe  o  -r  flea.  Soppe  vt  flea,  catch  fleas; 
.  fig  catch  one's  fleas.  »atant  flea-bane,  Ptdi- 
car%n.  -blb  flea-blte.  -fangft  flea-catohing  -fra 
fe  -urt.  -Jagt  flea-huntlng.  -fnabo  flea -spots. 
-flif  fe  -bib.  t-torpet  the  rag-fair,  old  olothes 
market  in  the  open  air.  -nrt  flea  wort,  PtyLlium. 
•aber  keel-blll,  Crotophxøa. 

Sorb  o  -er  Lo'rd.  -tang 'ler  Lord  High  Chan- 

Søren*  Lawrence. 

Sørge  c  r  punt,  lump. 

Sørgnet'  c  -ter  eye-glaas,  qulzzing-glaw;  §at\ 
flat  -ten  i  Plet  he  screwed  the  eye-glass  in  his 
eyes.    -te're  vt  eye-glass. 

Sorl  c  -er  (ftual)  lory,  Loriur,  fe  ^ooenabe* 

Sort  [6]  c  -e  p  tard,    -et  a  P  dlrty,  foul. 

*Søg  o  *&*rt  challenge,  full  bay,  full  cry. 

Søg'  e  -fer  lynx,  Fetii  Ipnx. 

Søg'  a  &  loose;  .1  let  go  amaln!  let  go! 
rafte  .  let  go;  tafte  et .  Zob  .  cant  off  a  rope; 
fafte  et  6fib  -  cast  a  shlp  off;  tafte  en  ftanon  . 
cast  loose  a  gun;  tafte  et.  gøre  et  Sejl  -  loose 
a  sail.    -bolter  pi  (i  Slnbue)  cross-bars. 





goftnfng  e  discharglng,  unloadlng. 

Soffflffr  o  ligure. 

Søife  vt  k  i  discharge,  unload,  land;  (gfte 
lo*)  loose.    -bage  dlscharging  days. 

Søffetat  c  (American)  wild  cat. 

£oØfe|ntantel  <£,  gin-chain.  -orbre  landing 
order.  -ipmge  fees  for  unloading.  -plan*  place 
of  discharge;  (©olbar!)  wbarf.  -part  (til  Zrælaft) 
raftport.  -pram  lighter.  Søtfer,  2oøfe(fjobcr 
lumper.    -fteb  fe  -plabø. 

Søefeften  c  belemnite. 

So'ftilt  c  lovage,  Iem*#<icum  o/Jfcina  e. 

Soi'ltiet  a  lynx  eyed.    -#fne  p/  lynx's  eyes. 

Sø  'tir  Ingen  n  Lorrai'ne. 

Søtte  Charlotte. 

Søtteri'  n  -er  lot'tery;  fatte  i  -et  put  in  the 
1.;  frille  i  -et  play  in  the  1.  -gentoft  prize  (in 
the  lottery).  •løBeltiøn  lottery-oflice.  -løOettør 
lottery-office  keeper,  -febbel  lottery- ticket.  -fpil 
playlng  in  the  lottery.  -nøtfenet  lotteries,  the 

£otn*|blømfft  lotus,  lotos.  -bnff,  -trøt  lotus, 
African  jujube,  Zitvphu*  UUt:  -plante  lotus, 
Nymphcta  lotut.    -f  pif  er  lotus-eater. 

Søttp'c  e  -t  magnifying  glass. 

Son  n  (iyrtøeb,  tillabelfe)  leave;  .  fra  Stolen  a 
holiday  (at  school);  bu  foar  bel  .  (blider  nøb!) 
til  at  gøre  bet  I  suppose  you  will  have  to  do 
it;  ben  @ønbao.  Jeg  ($tgen)  tøtr  .  my  8unday  out. 

Søn  c  -e  (i  ttlm.)  law;  (enfeft)  statute,  aet  (of 
parliament);  -  og  Wet  law  and  justice;  i  Øfølge  -en 
according  to  law;  mob  -en  contrary  to  law;  beb 
-  by  statute;  gibe  -e  give,  enact,  make  laws, 
blibe  til  become  a  law,  pass  into  a  law;  op- 
f)cebe  en  -  repea]  a  law;  gøre  fifl  til  -  make  it 
a  law;  efter  ~  og  $om  pursuant  to  a  legal  sen- 
tence;  uben  -  og  Som  setting  aside  the  forms 
of  law;  ban  Meb  uben  ~  og  Som  henrettet  he  was 
ezecuted  without  (tbe  form  or)  a  trial;  -end 
Sarfel  legal  notice;  forbreje  -ni  put  a  false  con- 
struction  on  the  law;  foreffribe  en  e  dlctate  to 
one,  give  laws  to. 

Søn  o  &  n*)  (tøol)  prals©,  commendation ; 
(STub&moal,  ffibgte)  character,  reputation;  @ub  f?e 
.1  Qod  be  praised!  tbank  Godl  -  og  $riø  bære 
®ub!  praise  and  glory  be  to  God!  bbab  ber 
bar  gobt  .  wbatsoever  things  are  of  gooa  report; 
ben  .  ftal  ban  Ijaoe,  at  fjan  to  do  him  justlee 
he  .  .  .,  I  will  say  that  for  him. 

Søvante  fe  Sobbante. 

Søb  |  befalet  a  ordained  by  law.  -neftcwmelfe 
legal  ri.  statutory  provision,  -seftemt  a  fixed 
by  law,  statutory.  -bog  code  of  laws.  -nøgfton 
letter  of  law.  -brnb  violation  of  the  law. 
-brtyber  lawbreaker.  -bnb  enactment,  ordinance, 
statute.    -bnnben  a  bound  by  law. 

Sone  [aa]  #  paa  Xro  og  -  on  word  and  pro- 
mise,  on  trust;  en  Vtanb  af  tro  og  -  a  man  of 
his  word. 

•  &  t  Sone  e   r  palm. 

Søbe  [aal  vt  (prife)  praise,  laud,  eztol;  ©ub 
bare  -t  God  be  praised. 

tSone  [aaj  et  love. 

Sone  [aa]  vt  (gibe  en  Søfte  paa)  promise;  (olbe 
ftbab  man  b,ar  -t  keep  one's  promise;  be  as  good 
as  one's  word;  .  for  en  pledge  one's  word  for 
one;  (gaa  i  Borgen)  be  ball  for  one;  jeg  ffal .  for 
at  I  will  warrant  that,  you  may  be  sure  that, 
I  promise  you  that;  —  w  fig  meget  af  expect 
much  from;  Jeg  tør  -t  mig  bort  I  am  engaged; 
jeg  -be    mig   felb  at  1  registered  a  vow   that. 


Søben  c  promising;  .  er  enlig,  $ø(ben  bdoar*^ 
to  promise  is  one  thlng,  to  perform  anothtr 
saying  and  doing  are  two  things.  Søvcmnc  j 
promising,  of  promise,  (ifte  om  $erfon;  auapid 
ous;  Itbet  -  unpromi&ing. 

•Søne  re  vi  saunter. 

Sonlføfl  o  legal,  regular.  -faftbeb  legality.  -før* 
bebrina  law  reform,  -førfløring  explarjaiR-ii 
of  the  law.  -f ør'mefig  a  legal,  conform&ble  t 
law:  .  ftøntraft  specialty.  -førffoø  bill.  -før 
folier  Interpreter  of  the  law.  -gine  vi  legisla:« 
-gibenbe  n  legislative,  -giner  lawglver,  lep- 
lator.  -gibning  legislation;  laws,  statute*. 
-gtbnlngfimagt,  •gi»ntng6mnnbigb/eb  legi&Utr.r* 
-grnnb  fe  hjemmel,  -grnnbet  a  founded  in  la«, 
-gblbig  a  valid  in  law.  -gblblrteb  validity  i= 
law.  -ø)iftorie  legal  history.  -tfemlet  a  autfn> 
rlzed  by  law.  -I)  fem  mel  legal  authority.  -fifføb 
legal  eonflrmation  of  possession.  •fniibfTtb 
knowledge  of  the  law,  legal  knowledge.  -fnndi« 
a  learned  in  the  law;  en  -  a  lawyer.  -Dmnlgfte) 
(9orfarenb>b)  legal  knowledge;  (8iben1taoert)  law 

Sønlig  adv  bet  er  -  narmt  it  is  ratber  warm 

Sønlig  a  law  ful,  legal;  aaa  i  fit  -e  ttalb.  tGriote 
be  about  one's  lawful  calling,  business,  -fen  c 
lawfulness,  legality. 

£øb|lbblg  a  law-ablding.  -inblgbeb  loyaity, 
law-abidingness.  -lb,fe  vt  give  legal  notice  of 
-lafrb  a  learned  in  law;  c  jurist,  lawyer.  -tøm 
teacher  of  law.  -Uf  a  (tilobltg,  fom  ingen  Uon  agter' 
lawless.  (uben  Sobe)  without  laws.  -lø#|en  lawl&s- 
ness;  anarchy.  -maal:  nben  ~  og  t)om  withoui 
legal  proceeding8.  -mebl|ølb(el)ia« legal,  -wot^fig 
a  according  to  law,  legal.  -«øi#fig(en)  adv  cod 
formably  to  law.  -«æ*fig^eb  c  confonnity  t^> 
law,  lawfulness,  legality.  -opfnlben¥e  a  law 

Sonorb  n  praise,  commendation. 

Sonlonerrræbelfe  misdemeanour,ofTence.  -oner- 
rrotber  ofiender,  statute-breaker. 

Søbprifle  et  praise.  laud,  eztol.  -er  c  t 
pralser,  lauder,  -ntng  o  -er  praising:  etc. 

Sobfamling  c  body  of  laws. 

Sonfang  c  hymn,  pæan. 

tSonfigemanb  c  (3*1.)  «law-speaker». 

SønStrøf  t  c  legal  validity. 

Sonlfprøg  juridical  language,  -fteb  passage 
in  the  law.  -fHftntng  legi^lature.  -frrin  antimony. 
•ftribig  a  contrary  to  law  el.  statute,  illegal, 
•ftribiabeb  lllegallty.  -flnberenbe  c  law-student. 

gobffbnge  vt  (®ub)  sing  praise(B)  to  (God),  (i 
Vlminbeligqeb)  hymn,  celebrate  one  in  øong. 
-tale  eulogy,  eulogium,  panegyric,  encomium; 
b^olbe  en  .  ober  en  pronounoe  a  panegyric  upon 
one.    -taler  eulogist,  panegyrist,  encomiast. 

Søn|tibenbe  Law  Gazette,  Law  Times,  •trobi 
mutluous  spirit,  contumacy.  -trørlter  o  -t  ohi- 
oaner,  pet  ti  fogger.  •trfffferl  n  cbicanery,  legal 
chicano,    -nbfaft  fe  -forflag.    -nbtflpf  law-term. 

•Sø  b  |  ban  te,  -bott  c  mitten. 

Sosøfcrømi'  a  -er  rhumb  line,  loxodrom'ic 
curve  ti.  line. 

Sønø'l  a  loy'al.    -ite  t  o  loy'alty. 

Sn  c  nap. 

Sn  c  (8pt0  loo. 

Snb,  Sttøve  t  fe  Snr;  *tadpole  flsh,  fanicep* 

cSnlben  a  plumb. 

Sncer'ne  c  lucern,  Medioago  raftVa. 


*)  Ude  biøfe  tre  Crb:   fioo,  famt  be  nebenftaaenbe   Sammenfatninger   og  Vflebntnger,   ubtalr«  < 
Sanmart  meb  tort,  i  ftorge  meb  langt  aa. 




fincte  Lucy. 

fiub  c  lye,  lixlvium;  gaa  for  -  og  fofbt  8anb 
"toe  left  to  take  care  of  one's  self.  -agttg  a  lix- 
IvJal,  llxivtous.  -ofte  buck-ashes.  -batte  fe  -For. 
*     fitt'bbopen  a  f  awfully  lazy. 

fiube  vt  steep  el.  soak  in  lye. 

fiube  vi  (mcb  $obebet  ofb.)  stoop,  bend,  lean 
forward;  (om  et  »jærg)  beetle.  ffinbe  c  r  (©fur) 
shed,  penthouse.    -n  c  stooplng  etc. 

finter  c  -e  p  a trampet,  prostitute. 

finter  n,  art  quickmatch. 

fiu'blfiff  drled  cod  steeped  in  a  lyeofpotash. 
•far  bucking-tub.  -fnrb  bucking-baaket.  -uing 
c  steeping  etc.  fe  fiube.  -|iofe  leach,  letch;  ft 
igennem  -  letch.  -fait  lixivlal  salt.  -ft  fe  -pofe. 
-nabft  -oabffning  bncking. 

finooig  Lewis. 

fine  c  -r  cap,  bonnet. 

fine  r  -r  blaze,  flame;  éufet  fiaar  \  -x  the 
liouse  Is  in  flames;  i  IXfi  .  all  in  a  blaze  el.  in 
flames.  Sne  vi  blaze,  flame;  ftenbeft  ftinber  -be 
lier  cheeks  glowed;  bon  -be  af  Stribftlbft  he 
t>urned  with  desire  to  fight.  -Mit  poet  flaming 
look.  -brcrnbe  vi  blaze.  -forgblbt,  poet  -gliben 
€M  xichly  gilt.  -ban  ocean  of  fire.  -Mb  blazlng 
fire.  ♦•rig  a  blazlng.  -rob  a  flame-coloured. 
-ftrift  fe  flamme«,    -barm  a  flaming  hot. 

Snff  n  4»  luff.  finffe  vi  luff;  luf!  luf;  lufT 
you  mayl 

finffe  c  -r  t  (Cante)  mitten;  pf  (paa  Abalbtir) 
swimmere,  pectorals,  (paa  Sftibpabbe)  flippen. 
-gaa*  fe  $engtrin.  -poter  fe  Suffer  pi.  -ffilbpabbe 
fe  $ab>. 

finft  e  (+  -e)  air;  t  fri  -  in  the  open  air;  træffe 
_  draw  breath;  (an  tan  iffe  faa  .  he  cannot 
draw  his  breath;  tratte  frift  .  take  (the)  air;  gaa 
nb  for  at  træffe  frift  -  walk  out  for  an  airing; 
fltce  fri  $ierte  -  ease  one's  heart,  gibe  fin  $arme 
_  give  vent  to  one's  ire;  maa  flaffe  flg  -  must 
hAve  its  vent;  ftaffe  flg  -  i  find  vent  in;  fri  fom 
fuglen  i  -en  free  as  air;  et  Slag  i  -en  beatlng 
the  air;  (prange  i  -en  blow  up;  Stiftet  fløj  i  -en 
the  snip  blew  up;  bbgge  SrafteHer  i  -en  build 
castles  in  the  air;  bet  ligger  i  -en  lt  is  in  the 
mir;  greben  ub  af  -en  gratuitous,  utterly  unfounded; 
let*  af  -en  live  upon  air;  fe  fragte.  finftlaabning 
•ix-openlng,  air-course.  -aanb  aerial  splnt,  sylph. 
-nanbenbe  a  air-breathing.  -agttg  a  aeriform. 
-art  gas.  -bab  air-bath.  -ballon  alr-balloon; 
fejle  i  -  balloon.  -bane  fe  -jarnbane.  +-tebrag 
mirage.  -blflebe  aerial  image,  -blanbing  mix- 
ture of  gases,  -ilttre,  -boble  air-bubble.  +-bolb 
fe  -ballon,  -bronb  air-shaft.  -cirfnfatiøn  air 
drculation.  finfte  vi  blow  gently;  bet  -r  libt  paa 
Banbet  there  is  a  light  breeze  on  the  water;  fio 
.  op  i  let  fresh  air  into;  —  vt  air;  —  vr  ftg  take 
ao  airing,  take  the  air. 

finft  [egn  region  of  the  air.  -fart  aeronautic 
ezcursion.  -farve  alr-colour,  sky-blu e.  -forbrug 
consumption  of  air.  -forbotb  pi  condltlons  of 
the  air.  -form  aerial  form.  -forntig  a  aeriform. 
-føm^elfe  c  ventilation,  -fornyer  c  ventilator. 
-førtpmbina  rarefaction  of  tbe  air:  (i  Htmoftf.) 
dlmlnlshea  pressure  of  the  air.  -fri  c  vold  of 
air.  -gang  air  course.  -bane  air-cock.  -fjab 
k«  of  air.  -|nl  air-hole,  ven  tf -hole);  (Hanbebul) 
breath  i  ng-hole.spiracle.  -inttfiap  valve.  -bbirøel 
Tortez  of  air. 

finftig  a  airy,  breezy;  flg  al  ry.    -beb  c  airiness. 

finft  i  jarnbane  elevated  railroad.  -famnter  air 
chamber.  -fonaf  air  course.  -faffe  (Smp.)  air 
-casing.  -taftet  castle  in  the  air,  airy  castle. 
-tegle  (fcmp.)  air-cone.  -flap  valve.  -flofet  air 
closet.  •irebft  atmosphere.  -fnbe  cube  of  air. 
-fugle  eolipile.  -fnnfter  aerial  feats.  -lag 
stratum  of  air.     -febninglobn  fe  ftoppe>.     -let  a 

light  as  air,  airy.  -naaler  ærometer.  -mabraft 
air-bedding,  -malt  air-dried  malt.  -matfe  body 
el.  mass  of  air.  -mobftanb  resistance  of  the  air. 
Sufrnlug  o  -er  ((et  Stnb)  breeze;  (Ublufitung) 
airing.  £nft|perfpeftioet  the  aerial  perspective. 
•piftot  electrical  pistol,  -plante  epiphyte.  -port 
<£,  air  port.  -pofe  air-bag.  -prøver  eudiometer. 
-pnbe  air-cushion.  -pnmpe  air-pump.  -pumpe« 
bæffel  air-pump  cover  (o.  fL).  -puft  breath  of 
air.  -rejfe  aeronautical  excursion,  aerial  voyage. 
-renfer  ventilator,  -rensning  ventilation,  -mm 
fe  -freb*.  -robber  pi  aerial  roots.  -rar  air-pipe, 
ventiduct;  (i  Aalfen)  windpipe,  trachea.  -rard» 
betænbelfe  inflammation  of  the  trachea.  -rarft- 
bobeb  larynx.  -rarfnit  laryngotomy.  -fejlabf 
ærostatlon,  aerial  navigation,  ballooning.  -fejler 
aeronaut.  -ffib  fe  -ballon,  -ftifte  ventilation. 
-f«n  fe  -fbn.  -flipper  fe  -fejler,  -flot  fe  -taftet. 
-fmag  (p.  Cin)  twang.  -fpejling  mirage,  fata 
morgana.  -fpring  caper,  gambol,  capriole. 
-fpringer  vaulter.  -ftrag  current  of  air;  clime. 
-ftrom  current  of  air.  -ftatte  fe  -fojle.  -fbing- 
ning  vibration  of  the  air.  -fbnlft  emphysema. 
-fbn  meteor,  -f o jle  column  of  air.  -termometer 
atmospherical  thermometer.  -rilfarfel  supply 
of  air.  -tilftanben  the  state  of  the  atmosphere. 
-tom  a  voidofair;  -t  9rum  vacuum,  vold.  -tom* 
ljeb  vacuity.  -tone  air-tone.  aerial  tone.  -tragt 
ventilator,  -trtyt  pressure  (of  the  air),  atmospher- 
ical pressure.  -trttMmaaler  barometer,  -træ 
violet-wood.  -trøtt  draught  of  air.  -toet  a  air 
•tight.  -t«t|eb  density  of  the  air.  -tottteb** 
maaler  manometer.  -Urret  a  air-dried.  -oanb 
atmospheric  water.  -barmeopparat  calorifere, 
air  stove.  -Pej  air-passage,  pi  bronchla.  bron- 
chiæ.  -nejning  aerometry.  -nefitina  ventilation. 
•PeMHngéapparat  ventilator.  -Pe»Hng*fbf»eni 
ventilatlug  system.  -Pentil  (Xmp.)  reverse-valve- 
•Ottlran  air-volcano.  -batfen  aerial  being.  -Pægt 

fing'  e  (8obt.)  chimb,  chine. 

*Sng'  e  F  hair  of  the  head,  forel ock. 

•gnga'r  c  J,  forecastle. 

finge  e  -r  trap-door;  (til  at  lægge  ober)  shutter, 
^  hatch;  fVabningen)  hatch-way;  mil  blank  file. 

■Jjafte,  -f«rn  weedlng-hook, 

•fappe  J^  tarpaulin. 

•ring  b.-ring  (o.  fl.) 

fingr  vt  weed 
weed-hook,  spud. 

Sngeljtern  ^  fe  ftang. 
-farm  J,  coaming. 

fingeTnib  spud.    -tone 

Sngeplabe  hatch-plate 

fingelfpabe  fe  -jam. 

Sngeftang  e  &  hatchbar. 

*8ngge  vt  pull  by  the  hair. 

Sngge  e  fe  Sug  (Oobt.).  fingge  vt  croze.  -tnip 

fiugger  c  e(Sfib)  lugger,  -fejl  lug-sail.  -taflet 
a  (Øaab)  lug-sail  boat. 

éngbammer  o  (ttobt.)  beetle. 

Sngt  o  (ogfaa  om  @an(en)  smell;  (tun  om  Sanfen) 
smelung;  (baabe  om  (Konen  øg  om  bet,  bet  lugte«) 
scent;  (bebagelig  el.  ubehagelig)  odour;  fatte  .  paa 
noget  perfume  el.  scent  a  thing;  gibe  -  fra  fig 
emlt  a  smell;  brænbt  -  burnt  smell. 

fingte  vt  k  i  smell;  .  Sunten  smell  a  rat;  . 
gobt  have  a  good  smell;  .  af,  efter  smell  like  el. 
of;  .  til  ri.  paa  noget  smell  (at)  a  thing;  -  paa 
fio  take  the  bloom  off.  -breb  sachet.  -baafe 
»cent  box.  -emne  fe  -ftof.  -flaffe,  -glaf  smelling 
•bottle,  scent-bottle.  -nerne  olfactory  nerve. 
-organer,  rebff  aber  pi  organs  of  smell,  olfactory 
organs,  -fait  volatile  salt,  smelling  salt.  -fan! 
Benseof  smell.  -ftof  smelling  substance.  -traabe 
ftoø  Stxtbi)  smelling-threads. 

finatlfri,  -tot  a  inodorous,  scentless,  odourleat. 
•grcel  fe  TOirftfe. 





Sug'|«t*e  e  fe  -tømmer. 

gaffe  Louisa. 

Suta'f  n  -er  clouet;  (i  6ftb)  berth;  fcolfene«  . 
J,  the  fbrecastle. 

Sttf'aS  Luke. 

Sutte  n  -r  fastening,  lock;  fe  Sku«.  Sttfff  (part 
ogf.  luft)  ot  shut  (up),  close;  -  Sutifrn  P  k  fio 
snut  up;  vr  ftg  shut,  close;  .  af  look;  -  efter 
en  shut  the  door  after  one;  _  Søren  for  en  ahut 
the  door  on  el.  against  one;  «  for  (noget)  lock 
up;  .  i  shut,  close;  -  i  Haat  lock;  •  en  in b  let 
one  in;  -  en  inbe  lock  one  up;  .op  (aabne) 
open.  (b»ab  bet  er  luffet  meb  Staal)  unlock,  (naax 
bet  ringer)  answer  the  door  el.  the  bell;  .  fifl 
o  o  er  close  on;  .til  shut;  -  en  ub  let  one  out; 
~  en  ube  shut  one  out;  ezclude;  —  luftet  part 
k  a  closed;  en  -  Sogn  a  close  carriage;  en  ~ 
Wog  fig  a  Bealed  book;  for  -be  $øre  with  closed 
doors,  in  private.  Suffetrøg  locking-hook. 
Suffelfe  c  fastening.  Suftentuffel  constrictor, 
sphincter.  Staffen,  Snfniug  c  ahutting  etc.  S«l» 
uiugtrib  hours  of  dosing. 

Sut'jrotio  a  lu'cratlve.    -re're  vi  make  profit. 

Sufre'Ha  Lucrece. 

Surø  e  -er  f  cunning  fellow. 

SuMnriø'A  a  magnificent,  extravagant,  sumptu- 
ous;  (meft  om  ftnbelfer)  luxurious. 

Sufftuft  e  show,  magnificence,  splendour;  lux- 
ury.  -auørbniug  sumptuary  law.  -artifler, 
-tarer  articles  of  luxury,  fancy-goods.  -Iieft 
horse  ofgreat  price. 

Sult  adv  F  straight,  straightways,  plump; 
lige  -  b.  li  •floa  fig  .  ir>jel  be  killed  on  the  spot. 

Snfulfiff  a  luxurious,  sumptuous. 

Suf'aje .  Ole  -  the  dustman. 

Sitfle  vt  k  i  lull.    -■  c  lulling. 

Sumiu*'«  a  lu'minous;  fig  oont  bright. 

'Summer  o  fir-moss,  Lyoopodium  »elaøo. 

gummer  a  sultry,  sweltering,  close.  Summer* 
tjeb  e  sultriness. 

Summerlbeb  a  sultry.  -tete  sultry  heat,  sul- 
triness.   -nør«,  -»arme  fe  -beb,  -bebe. 

Sumpe  vt:  ifte  labe  fig  _  hold  one's  own. 
Sumpen  a  (utfel)  paltry;  (nebrig)  scurvy,  ahabby, 
xnean.  Sumpener*  o  (ttftfefyeb)  paltriness;  (Rebrig« 
(eb)  shabbineas,  scurriness,  meanness. 

Sumpfuifer  n  lump-sugar. 

Sumre  vi  (brambe  uben  at  bluftfe)  smoulder;  bet 
er  faa  oarmt,  at  bet  -r  om  Prene  the  heat  is 

Snmff  a  cunning,  sly,  deceitrul;  (f.  (EIS.  om 
6t)ob.)  insidious;  en  .  Sttttanfe  a  shrewd  sus- 
piclon;  —  adv  slyly  etc.;  .  febelig  dull.  Sumffe 
ar  fig  nt  til  obtain  st  by  underhånd  practioes. 
Sumflelig  adv  slyly.  Sumftyeb  o,  Snmfleri'  n 
cunning,  deceitfulness. 

Sun  a  lu'nt  sheltered,  warm,  snug;  (on  fibber 
-t  tøben  Sore  he  is  a  warm  man;  en  -  $tyr, 
©rober  a  sly  fellow,  sly  dog.  .    -±Jm 

Stttto)  o  luncheon,  lunch.  «    uwujiJ 

Suub  e  -e  grove.  '  'é 

Suub«  c  -r,  Suubefugl  pufflnj  Mormon  frater- 

Sttttbftlffe  o  -r  linch-pin. 

Sune  vi  shelter:  vt  make  warm. 

Sune  n  -r  (Sinbftflemning)  humour,  mood, 
spirits;  (©rille)  whim,  caprlce;  dåre  i  gobt,  flet  - 
be  in  good,  bad  spirits;  ffribe,  tale  meb  -  write, 
speak  with  humour.  -fortabt  a  humourless. 
-fu(b  a  (fulb  af  finner)  humoursome,  capricious, 
whlmslcal;  (f.  Ctft.  om  Sinb)  fltral;  (oitrfg)  humour- 
ous.  t-let  a  humourous,  facetlous.  Snuet  a 

femtene  o  (©lo«;  fort)  lunette. 

Snnge  c  -r  (ben  ene)  lung,  (ben  bele)  langs  pi; 
(fun  om  ©b«)  lights  pi;  faa  ftne  -r  ruftebe  be  nearly 

splitting   with    laughter.      Sungejaa*a»e*»e    d 
breathing  by  means  of  lungs.    -aore  pnlmon&n 
vein.     -arterie  pulmonary  artery.     -»etcrsfeeift 
inflammation  of  the  lungs,  pulmonary  inflam 
mation,   pneumonia.     -blab  fe  -lap.     -feløaaan 
pulmonary  vein.     -oUere  veaiole  of  the  lungs 
-brøf  pulmonary  rupture.    -attjtt  abaceaa  in  (of 
the  lungs.     -fiff  lepidosiren,  mud-eel.      -feiuir 
pleura.    -bule  pulmonary  cavity.   -faiarrfc  bron 
chiti8.    -firtel  bronohial  gland.    -rre»*fmcs  the 
pulmonic  cirole.    -lap  lobe  (of  the  tangs).    -U» 
tree-lichen,  Sticta  pulmonaria.    -Itbetfer  pulmo- 
nary complaints.   -moé  fe  gfinfer.   -pMe»  roartn^ 
-pioer  roarer.    -prøoe  experiment  on  the  langs 
-putøaarc  pulmonary  artery.     -pslfe    German 
sausage.    -rob  rootof  the  lungs.    -ruttet f  e  f.  <Ké 
Oi  fif  o«  en  bugtia  -  we  enjoyed  a  hearty  lavu^h. 
-ffrumpuing  pulmonary  atrophy.     -ftaø.  -flag- 
flob  apoplexy  of  the  lungs.     -fuegl  pnlmonate 
snail.     -fot,  fuiubfot  pulmonary  conaoxnption. 
phthlsis.    -fug  a  phthi&ical,  consumptive.    *fW 
fe  -fot;  vet  (onbartet)  contagious  pleuro-pneumonia, 
lung  plague,  lung-slck.    -focf  pleura.    2«møct  « 
pulmonate,  lunged.    Suugejtffriug  fe  -fot.    -urt 
lungwort,   Pulmonaria.     -Utrffombcb   action  of 
lungs.    -*«*  lung-tissue. 

Suubtb  c  warmth,  genial  temperature. 

•Sunf  n  jogtrot,  dog-trot,  shamble.  8mmte  vi 
fe  Sunte. 

Suufeu  a  tepid,  (ogfaa  fio)  lukewarm;  fig  half 
•hearted.  -!jeb  eteplaneas;  (ogfoa^)lokewBxm- 
ness.   Sunfne  vt  ki  make  el.  beoome  lukewarm. 

*Suun  e  -er  pile  of  tlmber.  Snuuc  vt  pile  up 

Sunte  e  a  little  bit  (of  distance). 

Suute  in  lag,  lotter;  bon  fom  -nbe  efter  he  omme 
jogging  behlnd;  ligge  og  -  dawdle,  idle  away 
the  time. 

Suute  o  -r  match;  (p.  ftæoen)  brush;  fuøre  -e 
smell  a  rat.  -balle,  -(alle  match-tub.  -Méft 

Suntegaua  c  loitering  pace. 

Sunte|b9l|ter  tinder-barrel.  -lao*  match-lock. 
•Mente  star-match,    -ftof  linstock. 

Suntetrau  n  jogtrot. 

Sunteuager  c  vf>  match-tub. 

Santfrtffe  fe  Sunbfrifte. 

Sup't  o  -r  magnifying-glass,  lens. 

Supin  c  -er  lu'plne,  Lupirnu  albu*. 

Svippe  c  -r  Ooernf.)  ball. 

Sur  o  -er  cowherd's  horn,  alp-horn. 

Sur  o:  fiaa,  ligge,  boere  paa  .  stand  el.  be  on 
the  watch,  Ile  in  wait  (efter  for);  ferie  paa  . 
post,  set  on  the  watch. 

Sur  o  -er  (Slummer)  nap,  doze,  snoose;  tag« 
fig  en  -  take  a  nap.    Sure  vi  (flurare)  nap,  doze. 

Sure  vi  (lutte)  listen,  eavesdrop;  (paa  en;  Ma 
Sejitgbeb)  lurk,  spy,  lie  in  wait  (for),  waylay 
(one);  (i  Irort)  finesse;  —  ve  ctrcumvent,  over- 
reach,  outwit,  dish;  lur  ^aml  (you  won't)  oatcb 
him  napping  I  -  af,  fe  Vflure;  —  vr  .  fig  tU 
snatch,  (at)  snatch  an  opportunity  of.  Saren- 
brejer  c  rogue.  Sureubrejeri  n  roguery;  tsmugg- 
ling.  Surepoft  lurking-place.  Surer  o  -e  liatener, 
eavesdropper;  lurker.  Sureri'  n  listening.  Surf' 
tappe  couvre-pied,  rug.    SurifaS  o  rogue. 

•Sn'rlof  e  melody  played  on  the  alp-horn, 

*Snr*  c  cont  shock  of  hair,  mane. 

•SnrOeleoen  n  tumult,  hubbub. 

Surftrt  a  rough,  ragged;  (ogf.  fio)  shabby.  •!<> 
c  shabbiness. 

Su*  c,  pi  ■>  louse;  (Xegn.)  drawingpin;  m* 
blown  blot:  p  en  fulten  .,  en  -aagel  a  loosy 
knave.  Safe  vt  louse.  —  8ufe|fra  sabadOla. 
-graf*  fe  -urt  (o.  fl.)     -fnæffer  c  -e  skinflfnt 




-f  mb  stavesacre,  Delphiniwn  åtaphimgria.  -plat- 
ting  ,t  sennit.  -raab  <!,:  angrebet  af  .  druxy. 
-fafre  olntment  against  lousiness.  -ftge  phthirl- 
avsis,  lousy  disease.  £nfet  a  lousy;  fig  stlngy, 
shabby,  £nfetQeb  c  sttnginess.  Sttfeltorb  fe 
fioppe«.  -urt  lousewort,  red  rattle,  Pcdiculari* 
jmlustru.    +£nfl)flt  fe  Stormhat. 

£ttftng  c  -et  boz  on  the  ear,  drubblng. 

Safte  vi  sneak,  skulk  about;  .  a  f  slink  away, 
sneak  off-  —  vr  .fig  fra  sneak  away  from, 
evade;  -  jfa  til  noget  obtain  something  by  cun- 
ning.  Saften  c  sneaking  etc.  Snfteøeter,  taller 
c  -e  prowler;  fig  cunning  fox.  JBnflcri'  n  under- 
hånd practices. 

Stt'fUbt  a  threadbare. 

SnØftog  fe  Buflng. 

Snfrre  [fr.J  n  (Xøi)  lustring. 

£ni',  Sittq  c  -er  lu  te. 

tSutenbrant  c  hippocras. 

£ttfber|a'ner  c  -e  Lu'theran.  »anit'tne  c  Lu'- 
theranlsm,  Lu'therism.    Snttyerft  a  Lutberan. 

Sntre  vt  purify;  chasten,  sanctify;  (om  Vtetaller) 
try;  J,  hog;  -t  Salpeter  depurated  nitre.  -bigel 
crucible.  -n  fe  Sutring.  -øpn  furnace.  gatrer 
c  ^  hog.    Surring  c  purlficatlon,  depuration. 

Sntter  o  pure,  sheer,  mere;  made  up  of;  man 
faa  _  Øulb  og  ©ølb  nothing  was  to  be  seen  but 
gold  and  Bilver.  Sntterftnu*  c  vtt  diabetes,  pro- 
ftise  staling. 

Stttia)  n  Liege. 

Snu  fe  Su. 

Sno  o  ^  weather;  _  ©rafet  the  weatber  brace; 
paa  -  ©ob  on  the  weather  bow;  -  Sanb  a  weatber 
ahore  (o.  fl.).  —  Snu  c  botbe  -en  keep  the  luff 
el.  the  wlnd;  babe  -en  have  the  weather  gage; 
fntbe  el.  prife  -en  hug  the  wind;  tage  -en  fra  en 
get  to  wlndward  of  one;  fig  beat,  outdo,  outstrlp 
one,  (i  $raieri)  outbrag  one,  (i  Sri!)  outdrink 
one  ofo.  £nb|art  &\  til  -  to  wlndward.  -art«« 
flben  the  weather  side.  -barbnner  shirting- back- 
stays.  Snberiluff.  Sno  |  gerriga  griping,  ardent; 
Mere  .  gripe,  carry  a  weather  helm.  -øerrigbeb 
ardency.  -(ofter:  en  gob  -  a  good  plyer,  a 
weatherly  ship;  en  flet  -  a  leewarcQy  shlp.  -flben 
the  weather  side. 

Såtern  n  Lucerne. 

£n  »  shelter,  cover;  bare  i  -  be  sheltered; 
føge  «  take  shelter;  t  -  af  under  shelter  of. 

£*  a  lukewann. 

Sfpef  n  Lubec.    -fere  -e  lnhabitant of Lubec. 

£*9l|en  n  Lybia.    -f!  a  Lyb'ian. 

Snnff  a  (of)  Lubec. 

*Sttéfl  fe  Søbft. 

Sljcac  nu  n  lyceum. 

8&b  c,  pi  —  k  -e  sound;  føm  gab  iffe  en  -  fra 
ftg  he  did  not  say  a  word,  he  did  not  stir; 
Srongen  begcerebe  -  (Stifljeb)  the  king  demanded 
to  be  heara;  gib  - !  (Ⱦt  ftiQe)  keep  silence,  be 
still;  flaa  ril  -  (gibe  tegn  til  Sttlbeb)  order  silence. 
Sn'bjbeirgaflfe  phonetic  system;  fe  -tegn.  -beteg- 
nenbr  a  onomatopoetic. 

Sp'bbtftøp  c  sufrragan  bishop. 

Sb'bjbrijbningMffre  diacoustics.  -bølge  wave 
of  sound,  -bel  partiel e  of  sound,  -batte  fe 
-bi  mind. 

Sftbe,  løb,  (bbt  vi  sound;  faalebeft  lob  Crbene, 
faalebeft  lob  ban*  tale  these  were  the  words,  he 
spoke  to  this  effect;  ©rebet  -r  font  føløer  the 
letter  runs  el.  reads  as  follows,  bet  -r  enbnu  for 
mine  JDren  lt  still  rings  In  my  ean;  $aftfet  t  paa 
bani  Wabn  the  passport  is  made  out  in  his  name, 
Bnbttninaen  lob  paa  5  $unb  the  cheque  was  for 
£  5;  Cbltgarionen  -r  paa  3$ænbr$aberen  the  bond 
is  payable  to  the  holder  ri.  bearer;  ttnbi&nfnarn 
bor  -  paa  the  order  should  be  made  payable 

to;  —  tbbenbe  part  paa  (en)  payable  to,  (en 
Sum)  to  the  amount  of;  fe  Vtalm. 

£)>be,  tøb,  Ibbt  vt  (ablbbe)  obey;  -  en*  «aab 
follow  one's  advice;  -  et  Watrn  answer  to  a 

Stybc  c  -r  (Sejl)  blemiah,  fiuilt,  defect,  vice. 
-fri  a  faultless,  without  blemish.  -fnfb  a  full 
of  defects. 

£bbe|Ha  audible,  loud.  -ttg(en),  -ligt  adv 
audibly,  loudly,  aloud.    -Ife  o  tenor. 

&1|be(l)l*g  a  without  blemish. 

fibbe«  c,  £*benbe  n  fe  Sbbelfe. 

Sij'bfolt  n  subject  nation. 

£b  b(f oranbring  sound-change.  -forbinbelfe 
sound-  combination.  -for|ølb  phonetic  peculiar- 
ity.  -fremfhjbning  c  change  of  letters,  trans- 
mutation  of  consonants,  consonantal  permuta- 
tion, •fbftøleøi  pbonetics.  •bimmel  soundlng 
-board  (or  a  pulpit).  -!j«l  sound-hole;  (i  ftir!e< 
taarn)  louver  window.  -Ifør  a  quick  of  hearing. 
•l^ørfaeb  c  quickness  of  hearing. 

&9bi|«  Lyd'ia.    -en  n  Lydia,    -ff  a  Lyd'ian. 

fibbtg  a  obedlent,  dutiful,  obsequious.  -beb  e 
obedience,  dutifulness;  forbre  .  af  en  exact  obe- 
dience  of  one;  bife  .  mob  Sooene  yield  obedience 
to  the  laws;  toinge  til  -  compel  to  obedience; 
ftaffe  fig  .  get  obeyed.  Sb'btonge  vassal  king. 
Sb'bUnb  dependency. 

Sb'blig  a  phonetic. 

Sa'bllig^eb  slmllarity  of  sound(s).  -længbe 
quantity.  -larve  acoustics  pi:  phonology,  pho- 
netics,  -t-soundlore.  -Ug  a  (uben  £bb)  soundless; 
(frum)  mute,  silent,  speechless.  -ijg^eb  sllenue. 
-metoben  the  phonic  method.  -øoergaug  sound 

Sb'brige  n  dependency. 

Sb'blfrrtft  phonetic  writing,  sound- wri ting. 
-fprøg  voeal  language,  -fbingning  fe  -bølge, 
-ftfreni  phonetic  system,  sound-system,  -t  adv 
fe  -eligen.  -tegn  phonetic  character,  -tragt  bell 

£t)gte  c  -r  Ian  tern;  (©abe-)  (street-)lamp;  blinb 
.  dark  Ian  tern.  -arm  lantern-crank.  -brager 
fe  Ban  terne«,  •mønb  Jack-o' -Ian  tern,  Will-othe 
-wisp,  marsh-fire.  -b*l  lamp-post.  -flat  lamp 
-tax.  -fftn  lamp-llght.  -fnenb  lantern-bearer. 
•tornber  lamp-lighter. 

fytlt  e  -r,  fe  Bøtte. 

•  £9ttc  c  (Sfæbne)  for  tune,  luck,  chance;  ($elb) 
good  fortune,  good  luck,  prosperity,  sucoess; 
(i  følere  ©et.)  happlness;  —  paa  $e)fen  a  pleasant 
journey  el.  voyage  to  you,  success  attend  you! 
-n  ^ar  gioct  bam  ooermobig  succesB  bas  made  hlm 
insolent;  -n  bac  bebre  enb  førfxanben  be  was  more 
lucky  tban  wise,  -n8  ilalebagge  the  spollt  chlld 
of  fortune;  bet  bar  ban«  .  at  it  was  fortunate 
for  him  that;  bet  nar  en  ftor  -  at  it  was  by  great 
good  luck  that;  bpbe  -n  $aanben  court  fortune'« 
»touts;  forføge  fin  .  try  one's  luck  el.  fortunes; 
Sunbbeb  er  en  ftor  -  healtta  is  a  great  blessing; 
frifie  -n  tempt  fortune;  gøre  -  be  successful, 
succeed,  take,  make  a  hit;  giørbe  flor  _  was  a 
great  success,  took  great  ly;  qun  gjorbe  megen  - 
paa  ©aUft  she  was  much  adinired  at  the  ball; 

S  øre  fin  .  make  one's  fortune;  berbeb  giorbe  ban 
n  -  that  was  the  maklng  of  him;  føibe  -n  meb 
(fig)  be  fortunate;  jeg  bar  baft  ben  -  at  I  have 
been  privileged  to,  had  the  good  fortune  to; 
Tætte  fin  .  i  place  one's  happlness  in;  paa  -  og 
fyromme  at  hap-hazard;  naar  n  bar  gob  when 
the  chances  served;  labe  bet  tomme  an  paa  -n, 
(abe  -n  raabc  take  one's  chance,  leave  it  to  chance; 
til  -,  til  al  -  fortunately,  luckily,  as  good  luck 
would  have  it;  til  al  Øubt  .  providentially;  til 
min  .  fortunately  for  me;  til  .  meb  I  give  you 
joy  of;  ønfte  en  til  -,  fe  £t)tønfte.  £btte [bringenbe 




a  auspiclous,  lucky.  -friftcr  adventurer,  dåre 
-devil.  -tøul  wheel  of  fortune.  -jæger  fortune 

Sl|(feliø  a  (^elbtg)  lucky,  fortunate,  happy, 
prosperous.  successful;  (i  bofere  ©et.)  happy;  en 
_  2>ag  a  white  day;  en  ~  SRanb  (i  fine  frorbolb) 
a  happy  man,  tøelblg)  a  fortunate  man;  .  otter 
happy  about.  -gift  adv  fortunately,  luckily, 

tthtte|pettge  fe -fttlling.  -pofe  lucky-bag.  -Hotte 
fortune's  urn.  -ribber  adventurer.  stytteø  vd 
succeed;  prosper;  bet  -bed  barn  at  he  succeeded 
in;  goif øget  -be*  Dam  he  succeeded  In  the  at- 
tempt;  alt  -  for  tøm  every  thing  prospers  wlth 
hi  ni;  m<n  Slugt  -be«  I  made  good  my  escape;  at 
bet  itte  -be*  bein  at  opbage  their  non-success  in 
detecting.  fiptle|fftfte  revene  of  fortune.  -ffil« 
ting  lucky  penny,  purse-penny,  -flab  random 
shot.  -fpaaenbe  a  auspicious.  -fpil  hazard. 
+~\plUtv  gambler,  -ftjerne  lucky  star.  -foger 
fe  -jæger,  -traf  lucky  hit.  -barfel  lucky  omen, 
augury  of  success. 

gptfa'llg  a  happy,  blissful.  -gore  vt  make 
happy,  bless,  beatify.  -oørelfe  c  beatification. 
-beb  c  happiness,  bliss,  fehcity,  beatitude.  -beb*« 
brift  innate  desire  of  happiness.  -tyebMære  doc- 
trine  of  true  happiness. 

S^fttro/  Lycurgus.    -if?  a  Lycurgean. 

fipfonff'le  vt  wlsh  el.  give  one  Joy  (meb,  til  to), 
congratulate,  felicltate  (upon),  -ainø  c  -er  oon- 
gratulation,  felicitation.  -tttttøøoreo  letter  of 
congratulation,  congratulatory  letter.  -Hinge- 
tale  congratulatory  address. 

fipmfa'ttft  a  lymphat'ic.  finmfe  c  lymph.  — 
£omfe|far  lympb-duct,  lymphatic.  -ttrtel  lym- 
pbatic  gland.  -legeme  lymphatic  corpuscle. 
-ftawme  lymphatic  trunk. 

fipn  n,  pi  =,  (Spnilb)  lightning:  (Spnfrraale) 
flash  of  lightning.  fig  (£  jet*.  SanFenS)  flash;  ffpbe 
.  fig  flash;  bet  ene  -  fulqte  følflig  paa  bet  anbet 
flash  followed  flash  in  quiok  succession;  -et  flog 
neb  i  fcufet  the  house  was  »truck  by  lightning; 
bet  lom  fom  et  ~  fra  flat  $immel  this  was  a 
thunderboll  out  ofa  clear  sky;  meb  -et*  $urtigbeb 
qulck  as  lightning.  £pn|afleber  ligbtning  rod 
el.  -conductor.  -oli!  quick,  fiery  glance.  -klint 
flash  of  lightning. 

fipncftle  vt  lynch,  -jttjtttØ,  -lotte«  Lynch-law. 
•tting  c  lynching. 

£pne  vi  k  impert  lighten;  —  Ipnenbe  part  k 
a :  et  $ar  -nbe  Øjne  a  pair  of  flashing  eyes;  i  en 
-nbe  Sart  In  hot  haste,  at  a  furious  rate;  —  adv 
-nbe  »reb  furious,  in  a  great  passion;  -nbe  fulb 
raving  drunk 

fipng  c  (+»)  heather,  heath.  ling,  Erica,  -art 
species  of  heath.  -taffe,  -t-ojærg  heathery  hill. 
•o«ft  heath- bunh.  -fober  fodder  consisting  of 
heath.  -groet  a  heathery.  -grædninø  heath 
pasture  -tjebe  heath;  (af  flor  ubfhætning)  moor 
(covered  wilh  heather).  -jorb  beath-soil.  -toft 
heath-broom.     -tra*   heather.      -lanb   fe  -jorb. 

•-time  fe  -toft. 

fip  ngltmt  n  flash  of  lightning. 

fipng  |*mart  heath.  *-mo  fe  -bebe  t-nor  heath 
-mould.  t-mofe  bog  covered  with  heather. 
-orm  adder,  viper.  t-ftjolb  fe  -mor.  -flort  cut- 
tiug  of  heath.  -top  tuft  of  heather.  -tor* 
heath-turf.    -otte  fe  iB totfugl. 

fipnlllb  lightning.  +-llb«ftraale  fe  -ffraale. 
+-!tle  thunder-bolt.  -nebflag  fe  -flag.  -ror  ful- 
gurite.  -flag  stroke  el.  flash  of  lightning.  -flage« 
a  struck  by  lightning;  fig  thunderstruck.  -fnar 
a  swift  as  lightuing.  -fnarbeb  rapid  i  ty  of  light- 
ning. -ftraale  flash  of  lightning.  -tog  fast 
express-train,  limited  mail  train. 

guo«'  n  Lyons. 

fipr  o  -er  pollack,  Oadut  pollachiu*. 
tEttrt  c  -r,  fe  8jore. 

Bure  e  Onftr.)  lyre;  a*tr  Lyra,  Lyre;  fe  Cfre- 
tntb.    -forwiø,  -formet  a  lyrate.    -Ijate  ljre-bird, 

Sttrtt'  c  lyr'ic  poetry.  fiorlter  c  -e  lyr'ic  (poet ;, 
ly'rist.  8»rif!  lyr'ical,  lyr'ic;  .  Sigter  lyxic  poei, 
.  Sigt  lyric  (poem). 

Sol  n,  pi  =,  (Stof,  Sgenflab)  light;  -et«  fatter 
the  Father  of  light;  en  -et*  Øxngel  an  angel  of 
light;  tøm  er  et  ftort  .  he  is  a  abining  Ught, 
ber  bor  -  t  Øinbuet  a  light  burned  in  the  window. 
there  was  a  light  behind  the  blinds;  ber  gi!  et 
.  op  for  mia  a  ifght  flashed  el.  dawned  upon 
me;  bringe  for  -et  bring  to  light;  bringe  .  i  clear 
up;  fe  -et  (blibe  f*bt)  see  daylight,  see  the  light; 
qaa  af  -et!  get  out  of  my  light;  ftaa  ftg  felo  i  -et 
stand  in  one's  own  light;  lafte  .  oaa  el.  ooer  en 
Zing  throw,  el.  let  in,  light  on  a  subject;  fsttc 
noget  i  fit  rette  -  set  a  thing  in  its  proper  light. 
fe  t  et  anbet  ~  take  a  different  view  of;  fore  en 
6ag  -et  impose  on  oue,  humbug  one. 

épft  n,  pi  =,  (fiegetne,  ber  afgtber  .;  oafaa  fig' 
light,  luminary;  (af  Xalg  ofb.)  candle;  £ør*<  wax 
candle;  Zalq-  tallow  candle;  neb  -  by  candle 
light,  by  lamp-light;  fcubfe,  flufle  -et  trim,  put 
out  the  candle;  -et  git  ub  the  candle  went  out; 
bet  6Ieb  bragt  -  lights  were  bro  ught  in;  fUbe. 
brænbe«  tænbe  .  mould,  bum,  light  candles;  -et 
brænber  flart,  msrft,  Isber,  b(u*ferr  oifter  the 
candle  burns  brightly,  dimly,  runs,  flames, 
flares;  rbae  el.  gaa  i  -et  end  in  smoke,  come  to 
nothing;  \tBU~fig  bob;  fætte  fit .  unber  en  Slappe 

f»ut  one' s  candle  under  a  bushel;  fiu  bolbe  -et 
or  en  serve  one  as  a  cloak;  bolbe  barn  til  -et  give 
it  him,  bring  him  to  book,  not  give  him  a  leg 
to  stand  on. 

&9*  a  light,  luminous,  lucid,  lightsome;  bet 
er  -  S)ag  it  is  broad  morning,  broad  daylight; 
beb  b»i  .  Sag  in  broad  daylight;  bet  oar  truHJt 
bleoen  -t  enbnu  it  was  yet  scarcely  daylight;  fig 

Jløre  -t  clear;  -t  $aar  light  el.  fair  hair;  .  ^ub 
air  skin;  et  -t  ^ooeb,  en  -  ftorftonb  a  clear  head, 
intellect,  tron  a  bright  genius;  e  ^orefttHtnger 
clear  notions;  -e  gfor^aabninger  radlant  hopes; 
-t  Vtellemrum,  PJebli!  lucid  interval;  et  -t  Smil 
a  bright  smile;  et  t  ©ærelfe  a  light  room;  ben  -e 
Sibe,  fe  £n*flbe. 

fip«  |  alf  light-elf,  white  fairy.  -bifle  lampyris. 
-billebe  (Ipft.  flinnenbe  ».)  shilling  el.  radiant 
image;  (fotografi)  photograpb.  -brbbenbe  a  re- 
fractive.  -brtobning  refraction.  -oronb  light 
-room.  -oolge  light  wave.  -eilabe  laatern-fty, 
Fuigora.    -buutel  a  clare-obscure. 

fipfe,  Ip'fte,  Ip'ft  oi  shine;  Solen,  Sampen  -r  flart 
the  sun,  the  lamp  shines  brightly;  .  for  gire 
light;  .  frem,  fe  føemtpfe;  Soten  -r  om  Sagen  the 
sun  gives  us  light  in  the  day;  Sktmpen  -r  gobt 
the  lamp  gives  a  good  el.  strong  light;  .  i,  ooer 
illumine;  ® læben  Ipfte  af  ban*  Sine  bis  eyes 
beamed  with  joy;  ban*  ttnfigt  Ipfte  af  his  face 
was  lighted  up  with;  .  til  tttgteftab  publish  tlie 
banns  (of  marriage);  ber  bleo  -t  for  bem  their 
banns  were  publish  ed  el.  read;  -  i  Voiieme  efter 
en  advertise  one,  raise  the  hue  and  cry  after 
one;  —  vi  .  Selflønelfen  pronounce  the  benedic- 
tion;  _  en  ub,  neo  ab  Xrappeme  light  one  out, 
down  stairs;  _  noget  op  advertise  the  Ånding  of 
any  thing;  —  Ipfenbe  a  luminous;  fig  shining, 

fiUfearm  a  branch  of  a  candlestick  et.  chande 
lier,  candle-branch. 

fipfelblaa,  -brun  ofb.  a  light  blue,  1.  browa 

8pfe|borb  candle-mould  frame.  *-branb  ie 
-tone.    -bril  dipping-frame.     -buf  large  candle* 




-stick  (standing  on  the  floor).  -fobrif  candle 
-maxrafactory.  -fora  candle-mould.  -gir«  wick 

Sttfegrøa  a  light  green,  Ag  verdant. 
&9'fc]f)ø(»rr  candle-holder.  -taife,  -fifle  candle 
-tx>x.   t-np»(c)  reflinou8  peat.  -trone  chandelier. 
-trønetøft  chandelier  loft. 
Stfefagle  e  flre-ball. 

£9fc|aumft  etter      pi      candlestick -ornaments. 
-penge  money  for  candles.     -bibe  socket  (of  a 
candlestick).     «tolabe  bedroom-candlestlck,    flat 
-candiestick,  chamber  c.   -profit  saveali.  -bnbfer 
candle-snuffer.     -fat*    snuffers  pi.     •fatfbatfe 
anufTer-tray.     -fib  candle  rush,   Junctu  effiumu. 
-ff  ørns  screen,  shade.     -ffaller  (candle  )extln- 
gruisher.    -fbeb.  -f»tb  broach,  candle- rod.    -flage 
candlestick.    -fiam*  candle- end,  bit  ofa  candle. 
-finter  tallow-chandler.     -fttberbørb   fe  -borb. 
-ftøberi  candle-manufactory.     -ftøbaing  candle 
-making.    -talg  fe  -tælle,     -tanbe,  -tave  snuff  of 
a  candle.    -totne  candle-tallow. 
Stenne  c  illnminative  power. 
Xafengge  c  wlck  of  a  candle. 
£n'åfar*et  a  light-coloured. 
fibftlfølføm  a  sensitive  to  light,    -gaarb  back 
-yard.     -gaf  lllnminating  gas.     -giner  fe  -tilbe. 
-øland  lustre,   brlghtness.     -glimt  glimpse   of 

Stt'fttaaret  a  light-  el.  fair-haired. 
Sa'øjtøb  sea  of  light,  blaze.    -tøgfft  thinning. 
-fttu  opening  for  light. 
Stof!**  c  -er,  fe  goiuwg;  ftulmule. 
*£t)flna  c  dawn,  daybreak. 
•         fitt'øfaøfe  c  light-room,    area-opening  (sunk 
before  a  house). 
Sttfle  vt  louse. 

Sbfle  e  -r  groin.     -Prof  inguinal  hernla  el. 
rupture,   bubonocele.     -bblb    swelling    in  the 
groin,  bubo. 
Sn'ntegle  c  cone  of  rays. 
Slføcftrtcl  o  inguinal  gland. 
Stt'$|tUbe  source  of  light.    +-t\ax1)th  flood  of 
Sb'øtlffbt  a  dressed  in  light  eolours. 
£b'ø|traft  fe  -tom.    -fngle  lnminous  ball. 
Saftning  c  lousing. 

Srfjlaben,  Met  a  fair,  blonde.  -lebenbe  a 
one  s  own  living  self,  bodlly;  jeg  faa  $am  «  I 
eaw  him  bodily  et.  his  own  living  self;  pifer  ol 
©cenen  -  brings  the  scene  before  ns. 

Sa'§|lnge  skylight.    -lære  optics,  photology. 
-maaler  photometer. 
Stt  dmølet  a  painted  a  light  colour. 
Sa'ø|maftlne  electric  dynamo.    -ataøfe  mass 
of  light. 
Sa'øneffe  c  Gandlemas. 
Sa'g (urørte  candle-berry  tree,  Myrica  oeriftra. 
-momgbe  quantity  of  light. 

Sut 'lue  vi  lign  ten;  (bage«)  grow  light,  dawn; 
+vt  clear  up;  bet  -r  i  Stafferne  the  ranks  are 
thinning  -uittg  e  lightening  etc.;  (i  6tot>)  glade; 
arek  clear,  day,  opening;  en  fr«Tf  -  a  great  light, 
a  flare  of  light;  en  føag  -  a  faint  light;  et  Kør 
meb  7  tommer«  .  a  tube  el.  plpe  7  inches  in 
clear  diameter. 

gu'ftaiug  c  publication  (of  the  bans  of  mar- 
riaoe),  bans. 

£n'å|b«ntt  lumlnous  el.  bright  point  el.  spot. 
•tanb  luminons  margin,  -refletd  reflection  of 
light,  -rige  kingdom  of  light,  -rifl  grating. 
-reb  a  afrald  of  light,  -flbe  (oploft  6.)  Ught  el. 
lumlnous  side;  (fiff  mobfat  @fnggrfibe)  bright  el. 
favourable  side.  -fftw,  -ffoer  gleam  of  light. 
•ffft  e  luminoua  cloud.  -f!b  a  fe  -ræb.  -ft&tyeb 
dread  of  light;  obscurantism.  -Hof  substance 
of  light;  material  for  light,  »flraale  ray  of  light. 

-ftribe,  -frrtate  streak  of  light,  -fir««  stream 
of  light,  -fturfe  power,  brilllancy.  -fbingntag 
undulation  of  light. 

Sbft  c  -er  (gornøjelfe)  delight,  pleasure;  (ZiU 
6øjelig$eb)  incllnation,  liking;  fanfelig  -  (sensual) 
desire  el.  appetite,  lust;  Irøbetø  _  the  lust  of  the 
flesh;  ©etben  forgoar  og  bene  ~  the  world  passeth 
away  and  the  lust  thereof;  faa  .  Hl  take  a  fiuicy 
to,  (at)  take  it  into  one's  head  to;  tøøe  _  ril, 
paa  at  feel  inclined  to,  have  a  (great)  mind  to, 
be  desirous  of;  jeg  $ar  tabt  -en  bertil  I  have  lost 
all  desire  for  it,  I  am  out  of  conceit  with  it; 
jeg  hinbe  babe  .  til  at  I  oould  find  it  in  my  heart 
to;  jeg  tør  faaet  en  uimobftaaelig  -  til  I  have  set 
my  heart  on;  gibe  en  .  til  give  one  a  liking  to; 
betage  en  -en  ttl  put  one  out  of  conceit  with; 
$ar  fin  -  af  delights  in;  labe  fig  benribe  af  fine  -er 
be  carried  away  by  one' s  desires;  jagten  er  fymø 
-  hunting  is  his  delight;  $ber  Wanb  fin  .  every 
one  to  his  liking;  -en  brioet  Sartet  nothing  seems 
hard  to  a  wllllng  mind;  faa  bet  er  en  -  in  good 
earnest;  faa  fin  -  floret  get  one's  fill  (til  of);  af 
fjerten«  .  to  one's  heart' s  content;  meb  ~  with 
pleasure,  with  a  will,  with  splrit;  ej  blot  til  - 
not  for  amuaement  only. 

S^'f  Itaage  lumlnous  haze.   'tab  waste  of  light. 

Sl9ft|aut*g  pleasure  grounds  pi.  -arbejbe  work 
of  pleasure.    -baab  pleasure  boat. 

Safte  vt  desire;  5De  fan  faa,  Ijbab  Se  -r  you  caa 
get  whatever  you  choose;  noar  2)e  -r  whenever 
you  choose;  gør  font  bu  -r  pleaøe  yourself;  tn  Jk 
imper§  -bet  -r  mig  I  should  like.  Saftelig  «  pleas- 
ant,  pleaslng,  delightful;  -t  at  fe  til  bibi  pleasant 
to  the  eyes.  Saften  a  desirous,  covetous  (efter 
oO;  b«n  Dlrb  -  efter  &rugt  she  got  a  longing  for 
fruit.    Safteit^eb  o  longing,  cravlng. 

Safter  e  -e  (salmon-  el.  eel-)spear,  (pair  of) 
grains;  «e  lelster. 

Safilfart  pleasure-trip.  -fartøj  pleasure- vessel, 
yacht,  »flfreri  flshing  for  amusement.  -fttr»«r- 
teri  flreworks  pi.  -følelfe  pleasurable  sensation, 
-gaarb  villa,  -ga*  laughing-gas.  -Mbe  pleasure 
garden,  -ftaoenbe  c,  -^aber  o  -e  one  desirous  of 
purchasing,  (intending)  buyer.  -^nø  (af  Zra  ofo.) 
summer-house,  pleasure-house;  (Søb^btte)  arbour, 

Saftig  a  merry,  gay,  jolly,  jovial,  blithe,  joe- 
und;  gøre  fig  .  ooer  make  merry  with,  ridioule, 
(tun  om  $er[on)  quiz;  en  .  ©rober  a  jolly  fellow. 
•beb  e  mlrth,  merriment,  gaiety,  jol  li  ty,  hilarity; 
(inltfgt  Sag)  merry-making.  -mager  o  -e  funny 
el.  comic  fellow. 

Sbft|Ub  bonflre.  -jagt  (fartøj)  (pleasure-) yacht. 
-lam*  sham  flght.  -fatter  yacht,  -lejr  camp 
( for  great  revlews  and  military  exerclses).  -Innb 
grove,    -bart  park. 

*Saftre  vt  spear  (flsh);  vi  bum  the  water  (for 

S^ftre  vt  obey;  (Roret)  answer  (the  helm),  -n 
e  obeying. 

Sttftlreffe  pleasure  trip,  excursion.  -rejfeabe 
travelier  for  pleasure,  excursionist,  holiday 
-maker.    -ribt  ride  for  pleasure. 

Saftriitg  c  (tøj)  lustring. 

^Saftring  e  spearing. 

Sb  ø|trb!  n  photolithography. 

Sbft| fejlabØ  yachtlng.  -ff onncrt  schooner  yacht. 
-flos  park.  -flot  country  palace,  country  seat. 
-fbil  comedy.  -failbigter  writer  of  co medies, 
•fteb  country- place.  t-fbfl«  venereal  disease. 
-tog  excursion  train.  -trafit  excursion  traffin. 
-tur  fe  rejfe,  -banbre  vi  promenade,  -banbrer 
promenader,  -banbring  walk  (for  amusement), 
promenade.    -b«rt  fe  -arbejbe. 

Sb'Abaageit  a  wide  awake,  broad  awake. 

£b'*|beaiter  friends  of  enlightenment.   -aer ben 




world  of  light,  -pibbe  (f.  (Ét«.  $br«)  range;  fe 
Saftning,  -nlnfel  illuminating  arc.  -»trfning 
effect  of  light. 

Stt  fiøjet  a  light-eyed. 

Sljtte  w  listen,  heørken,  give  ear  (til,  +paa  to); 
.  efter  lieten  for,  -  til  aøa  listen;  .  fifl  frem  pick 
one'a  way  by  listening;  Ipi !  hark !  «B  c  listen- 
ing  etc.    -pøt*  lurking-place.    -rar  ear-trumpet. 

Sflttid)  n  Liege. 

+Sft»  h  a  lie. 

Sttbc,  løf,  løjet  et  &  *  lie,  tell  a  lie  el.  false- 
hood,  tell  a  flb;  .  faa  ftajrtt  fem  Qeflen  renber  lie 
like  a  trooper,  like  a  dentlst;  -  for  en  tell  one 
a  lie;  .  poa  en  belie  one,  tell  lies  of  one;  -  rn 
nt  poa  impute  st  to  one  falsely;  ben  font  r,  fljoelrc 
ogfaa  show  me  a  liar,  and  I  will  show  you  a 
thief;  for  ille  at  .  to  tell  the  truth,  with  no  non- 
sense;  —  vr  fifl  fri  free  one's  self  by  a  lie;  -  ftg 
celbre  overstå  te  one's  age;  —  løiet  a  feigned. 
sham.  Sttben  c  lying  etc.  Stybefbge  mania  for 
romancing,  confirmed  mendacity. 

Stt  n  shelter;  <£,  leeward,  lee;  rn  Sejler  i  -  ! 
a  sail  to  leeward !  ligge  i  .  be  »heltered;  Kor  i 
. !  helm  a  lee!  i  .  of  Sonort  under  the  lee  of 
the  land;  —  a  lee;  -  ©raft  lee  brace. 

Sarbe  c  -r  lip;  bibe  fip  i  -en  bite  one's  Up;  bet 
ligger  mig  poa  -rne  I  have  it  on  the  tip  of  my 
tongue,  jeg  fan  ilte  faa  bet  oorr  mine  -r  my  lips 
are  sealed  on  the  tubject;  bet  fiol  iffe  tomme 
oeer  mine  -r  it  shall  not  pass  my  lips;  paa  aQce 
•r  in  everybody's  month;  tyar  fjertet  paa  -rne 
has  his  heart  in  his  mouth;  bor  SDøben  poa  -rne 
is  at  death's  door,  dying.  Satbel  baoab  commis- 
sure  of  the  lips.  -bjørn  juggler  bear,  Prothilu* 
labiatw.  -blømft  labiate  flower.  -blomftret  o 
labiate.  -begftap  labial  (letter),  -bannet  a  lip 
-shaped,  labiate.  -fifl  wrasse,  Labrvi.  -Hamp 
<£,  thumb-cleat.  -frarft  cancer  of  the  lip.  -Ibb 
labial  Bound.  -løft  a  lipleps.  -løft  e  $  bugle, 
Ajvoa.    -pibe  fe  gabtal*,    -p  o  måbe  lip-salve. 

SorbørUe  n  sheltering  belt  of  trees. 

Sorbblf  fe  Scebite. 

Sarler  n  leather;  af  -  leathern;  træffe  fra  -et 
draw.  -øffafb  1.  cuttings.  -øgtig  a  leather}*, 
coriaceous.  -berebning  dressing  of  leather.  -tint 
leather- binding,  calf.  -bufSer  leather  breeches, 

S« be  re  vt  hurt,  injure. 

SorberlfU  buff-stick.  -floffe  leathern  bottle. 
-garn offer  leather  gatters,  -garvning  tanning 
ot'leather.  -ønmmi  India-rubber,  -giring  (Cogb  ) 
putting  on  the  leather.  -tyanbel  leather  tråde. 
-banlter  dealer  in  leather,  leather-* eller,  -Qanbffe 
leather  glove.  -tyoøeb  fri  ar- bl  rd,  TnpidorkyncAi« 
ccrniculuhu.  -(nb  corium.  -lytilftcr  leather  case. 
-farpe  leather  carp.  -Iforbnlng  (om  Vater)  leathei- 
ing  (of  oars).  -tøggcrø  ar t  budge-barrel.  -fora! 
zoanthus.  -la!  pouch-varnish.  -Iorrrrb  double 
milled  cloth.  -marmor  (ttogb  )  tree-calf.  -rem 
leathern  strap,  -rbg  leather  back.  -ffttbpabbe 
coriaceous turtle,  Dern-atoehelyda  coriacea.  -flange 
leather  hose.  -fnffer  fe  fNegliftfe.  -for!  leathein 
bag.  -toffe  leathern  wallet.  -tonger  tawer. 
•tøj  leather  articles,  leather  straps  el.  belts  pi. 
•barer  pi  leather  goods.    -otbfe  leather-coat. 

Sorbif(e)  o   r  locker,  till. 

Sarg  (*£o;g*)  c  ge  calf;  (Vnfer*)  shank. 

Sorg  (*Scrg')  n,  pi  =,  fold,  plait;  (poa  ftlcebning*- 
fibtfe)  tnck;  (paa  *ob)  lay;  et  -  ©rtfe  a  litter  of 
pigs;  [orgge  i  -  fold,  plait,  lay  in  folds. 

Sørg  a  &  low;  iffe  -ere!  nothing  off! 

Sorg  a  lay.  -abbeb  commendatory  abbot. 
•brober  lay  brother. 

Sotgb  n  -er  levying  district;  *society  of  small 
propriet ors  required  to  furnlsh  one  soldier; 
•poor- district  (that  supports  one  pauper). 

Sarøb,  Sojøbe  c  4 situation,  aite;  *gaa  i  2ag» 
(om  ftørnet)  be  lodged  el.  laid. 

*Sorgbegut  fe  SorgbsV 

Sorgbommer  c  unlearned  Judge. 

Sorgbflførfranber  superintendent  of  a  levyinf 
district.  *-g»t,  Ment  parfeh-pauper.  -rafle  roU 
of  a  levylng  district.  -febbel  aoldier's  levying 

Sarge  e  -r  doctor,  physidan,  suxgeon,  medicsi 
man,  practitioner;  t  *  cont  leech;  rbtnbeiia  . 
doctreas.  Sarge  (ogf.  -'gte,  -'gt)  vt  heal,  cure,  — 
vd  Icege«  heal  (up);  —  lægeabe  o  beading, 
curative,  therapeutic.  Sotgelatteit  medicsi  c^erti- 
flcate.  -balbrian  officinal  valerian.  -øel)øinbliaf 
medical  treatment.  -beflgtigelfe  fe  -ftoit.  -beføl 
professional  el.  medical  visit,  -betøitie  betony. 
JStachyø  betoniea.  -løg  medical  book.  -»rag 
medical  use.  Sargebom  c  (Ssgemibbel)  medicine. 
(^elbrebenbe  ftraft)  healing  power;  (^elbreieiie1 
cure,  recovery;  bi  (aoe  faaet  -  beb  bon*  6oar  l»t+ 
by  his  strlpes  we  are  bealed.  £*ge|ferit  poiioa. 
-bforlp  medical  aid  el.  advice,  medical  relkf. 
-qonorar  physician's  fee.  -igle  leech.  *ffø«gicf 
medical  congress.  -fraft  healing  power,  -fa ab' 
ffob  medical  knowledge.  -fnnpf  art  of  healip*, 
medical  art.  -tnnbig  a  skilled  in  medlcine, 
therapeutic.  -føb:  gobt  .  easlly  healing  flesb, 
disposition  to  heal  quickly.  Sørgelig  a  rumble 
Scge|(øtt  fe  -honorar,  -maabe.  -metobe  meil  od 
of  cure.  -mibbel  medicine,  drag,  mediceam  nt. 
•plante  medicinal  plant,  -blafter  healing  plaster. 

Satger,  -»al,  -øolb  c  <£,  lee  shore,  fig  dis  tre«; 
TIaTe  en  -  fra  fig  claw  off  the  shore. 

Sorge| raab  medical  advice.  -fprog  medical 
language,  -ftanben  the  medical  profession,  -fbn 
medical  inspection.  -tilfttn  medical  attendance. 
-nrt  fe  -plante.  •Ptbenffab  medical  science, 
science  of  medicine.  -oibenffabelig  a  med;cal; 
professional.    -OifUation  fe  -fbn. 

Sar'gfølf  pi  the  laity. 

Sirgge.  Iogbe,  lagt  tf  put,  lay;  (ffortofler  o.  b.) 
plant;  (Smør,  €tlb  ofø.)  pack;  .  wg  lay  (egg?1; 
.  fin  $at,  Coerfjole  put  down  one  s  hat,    take 
off  one's  great  coat;  jeg  bil  -  mine  ©en  b*r  I  will 
end  my  days,   close  my  eyes,   here;   >  en  $lan 
draw  up  a  plan;  læg  Moret  Gthrborb,   ©agborb' 
starboard  the  helm,  port  the  helm;  —   er  fig 
lie  down,  (til  Senge)  go  to  bed;  *(om  <EIt>)  fneze 
over;  fig  gaa  (jern  og  ~  fig  shut  up,  go  home  to 
one's  mother;  .  fig  fbg  lay  up;  Uoelret,   Qtnben 
bar   lagt   fig   the   storm,    wind    has    subsided; 
$laoben  lagbe  fifl  poa  ffibeben  the  fleet  anchored 
in  the  road;   Vffggen  bor  lagt  fig  the  edge  is 
turned;  —  meb  prcep  og  adv:   -  af,  fe  Øfhrgge; 
typ  distribute;   •-  affteb  go  off,   hurry  away; 
.an  level,  take  aim;  Iceg  an!   take  atm!   -  an 
paa  (noget)  affed,  study,  (en  Aerre)  set  one's  cap 
at  cl.  for,  make  a  set  at;  -  bi  lay  to,  bring  to; 
~  fio  efter  apply  one's  self  to,  cultivate;  lay 
one  s  self  out  for;  .for  (beb  Vorbet)  help  el. 
serve  (a  dish);  f  (begbnbe)  lead;   .  fig  for  Vnfer 
anchor;   *.   ftg  fore  stop;  -  en  $bnt  forover 
weather  a  point;  lagbe  bet  fra  fig  put  it  away. 
put  it  from  nim;  +.  fig  noget  fra  clear  one's 
self  of  something;  .  fra  ilonb  put  off;  -  ^en  lay 
aside;  .  (3«b)  i  (Cbnen)  light  a  fire  (in  the  store); 
•.  i  »ej,  fe  .  offtrb;  .  Ubtrpf  i  throw  ezpreaaion 
into;   ol  ben  $*jtibeligfcb  feg  fnnbe  .  i  mit  Safen 
all  the  solemnity  I  could  throw  into  my  manner; 
.  fig  imellem  interpose,  interiere;  .  inb  (*anb, 
toai)  lay  on;  Oorb)  reclaim;  .  Varerne  hib  un- 
ship  the  oars;  ~  en  Kjole  inb  take  in  a  dress;  - 
et  gobt  Crb  inb  for  en  put  in  a  good  word,  say 
a  kind  word,  for  one;  .  fig  inb  poa  et  Cerrt#bn* 
put  up  at  an  inn;  .  ©rent,  grugt  neb  pieserre 
vegetables,  irult;  ..  gRoftcn  neb  lower  the  mast 




—  en  ©abe  om  repave  a  street;  -  fin  9t[  om  ab 

et  Sxeb  go  round  by  a  place;  -  op  (Hl  Cffomen) 

take  up,  offer;   (et  €fib)  lay  up;  .  Varerne  op 

UDship  tbe  oars;  .  fine  llort  op  face  one's  carda 

on  tbe  table;  -  $enge  op  lay  up,  lay  by  el.  save 

mooey;  -  Walt  op  make  curd:   .  Waab  op  lay 

plans;  .  (fifl)  o  »er  ^  beel  (over);   lagbe  fifl  fjelt 

o  toer   was  thrown  on  ber  beam  ends;   -  paa 

S*  r  tf  en  råbe  tbe  prlce;  (ftefte)  saddle,  barnets;  - 

©traf  paa  impoee  a  penalty  on;  .  f ammen  put 

f>getber;  fold  up;  (abbere)  add  up,  sum  (up); 

(fta»t  ofl)  «  fammen  spell;  (loi)  fold;  -  et  ©ejl 

famsien  make  up  a  sail;  .til  add;  (et  ©fib)  come 

aloDgtide;  *(en)  strike  at,  let  drive  at;  .  ftreo- 

turer  til  raise  animals;  ben  ene  (ogbe  $efie  til,  ben 

anben  Bogn  one  found  bones,  the  other  a  carriage; 

bon   bat  lagt  3  fiispunb  til  fin  ©agt  be  bas  put 

on  3  stone;  $abrt,  (3nb«)Sjcn  er  lagt  til  tbe  sea, 

lake  Is  frozen  (over);  •  fifl  til  (noget  not)  invest 

in,  set  up,  start,  (9enge)  accumulate,  (ftunbjTab) 

pick  up;  -  fia  en  Stone  til  take  unto  one's  self 

a  wtfe;  .  tilbage,  fe  Silfragelagge;  -  enftioleub 

let  out  a  dress;  .  $enge  ub  lay  out  money;  .  en 

Sao  ub  set  el.  turn  tbe  teetb  of  asaw;  .  Varerne 

ub   ship  tbe  oars;  .  alting  ub  til  bet  bebfte  put 

the  be»t  construction  on  every  thing;   -  en  ub 

font  Qarnefaber  fatber  a  cbild  upon  one;  -  ub 

(i  Øiflarb)  lead  off;   .  ub  af  en  $abn  put  out  of 

a  port;  -  fia  ub  grow  stout;  ~  fifl  ub  meb  q uarre  1, 

fall  out  witb;  .  fifl  ub  for  en  ezert  one's  influence 

in  a  person' 8  bebalf,  use  one's  In  te  rest,   mako 

interest,  for  one;  •-  ub  bold  for  tb,  lay  down 

the  law;  .  unber  fteblen  fire  tbe  boller. 

Seggebeu  n  fibula. 

2«fge|brob   ovipositor.     -tyage    saw-set,  saw 
-wrest.    t-tartoffer  pi  sets,  seed-potatoes. 
gaggetrampe  o  cramp  of  tbe  leg. 
Sorggeatafftae  (til  ftartofler)  c  dibber. 
Saggemnftel  c  peronæus. 
Saagen   c  lnying  etc;   -  tytnberne  i  €  fe  bet 
inartion,  passiv!  ty. 
Sotggcr  c  -e  (Bob)  leaguer. 
£*gge|tib  laying  teason.    -arter  seed-peas. 
Sorgimaab  lay  man,  one  of  tbe  laiiy.   -ntaab8> 
prabifen  lay  sermon. 
Stt'gutag  e  bealing  etc.  (fe  fiage  »0. 
Segaiag  c  laying. 

£«  giprabitaat,  -protft  lay  prcather.    -Tofter 
lay  »ister. 

2«gie  c  -t  latb.     2  ag  te  vt  cover  witb  laths. 
•jammer  claw-bammer.    -profil  gauge  oflatb. 
Sargter  c  e  &  lighter,     -forer,  -manb  lighter 
•man.    -peage  pi  lighterage. 

2agie|fom  latb-nail.     -torring  c  drying  (fisb) 
on  laths.    -bær!  trellis. 
ftøkegn  n  shel tering  row  of  trees,  hedge-row. 
Son'   o  lesk.     2*1'  a  leaky;   blibe,  fpringe  - 
spring  a  leak. 

2*tat  c  ermine,  Muitela  erminta, 
2«tb*ftfiag  leak-box.  gaftab«,  Borttage  c  leak, 
leakage.    Sorlfe  vi  leak;  (om  Sartoj)  make  water, 
te  leaky. 

gaffer  a  dainty,  nice,  delicate;  flere  fifl  -  foT 
curry  favour  witb.  -biftca  tit-bit,  dainty,  deli- 
cacy.  -fjeb  c  -er  da  in  tine  s*,  delicacy.  -i'  n  -er, 
le  -bifrctt.  -manb  sweet-tootb;  pate  en  .  have  a 
sweet  tootb.  -fait  appetite  for  daintles.  -futte  a 
a  lickerish,  dainty.    -tanb  fe  -munb. 

Hatte; Pia   drippings   (of  wine),    spilt    wine. 
-bort  drying-houte.    gafning  c  leaking. 
fcsfre  vi  for  feed  witb  daintles. 
t  gomme  t»*  lamb.    -tib  lambing  season.   2am- 
aiaj  e  lambing. 
*2*atter  a  stiff  in  tbe  limbs  el.  joints. 
Kan  fe  Sen. 
«2«a  n  support. 

gcenb  e  -er  loin,  (tun  om  $t)r)  rump.  2<mbe« 

*SambC  n  land  (with  respect  to  its  nature, 

£<rnbe|bett  hipbone.  -brnb  (18.  af  Ssnben)  frac- 
ture  of  the  bipbone;  (£.'bccrf)  lumbago.  -bJjlb 
boil  on  the  loins.  -gigt  ie  wetf.  -bbirpet 
lumbar  vertebra.  -pnoe  pad  for  tbe  loins. 
-region  lumbar  region,  -fmerte  pain  in  tbe 
loins.  -ftttlte  rump  piece,  loin  (of  beef)  -Part 

fiamblng  c  4,  band-rail,  rall(Ing).  —  Sotnbin gul- 
net head  netting,    -f  ep  rer  rail  stanchion. 

fiflene  t-r  k  r  lean,  incline;  .  fig  til  el.  mob  lean 
against;  -  (fig)  paa  lean  on.  fcotne  n  (+  c)  bup- 
port.    -fiol  armchair,  easy-cbalr 

Somgbe  c  -r  lengtb;  geogr  longitude:   affarenbe 

-  ^  longitude  from;  paafommenbe  -  ^  longitude 
in;  Rejfen*  -  the  duration  of  the  voyage;  efter 
•n  lengtbways,  longitudinally;  i  -n  in  lengtb;  fig 
in  the  long  run,  permanently;  bidigft  i  -n  cbeapest 
in  the  end;  i  Xiberne*  -  In  proces«  of  time;  i  fin 
fuibe  .  at  length.  2(rngbe|afftanb  longitudinal 
distance,  -affte  longitudinal  axia.  -cirtel  circle 
of  longitude.  -bal  longitudinal  valley.  -bia« 
meter  longitudinal  diameter.  •eMamen  mate's 
extra  examinations.  -enbeb  standard  of  lengtb. 
-foranbrlng,  -forffet  difference  of  longitude. 
-fare  longitudinal  furrow.  »grab  degree  of 
longitude.  -trebl  fe  -cirtel.  -maat  measure  of 
lengtb.  -maaling  longimetry.  -obferbatioa 
observation  for  longitude.  -profit  longitudinal 
profile,  -retning :  i  6ttbet*  .  In  tbe  fore  and-aft 
dl  reet  ion.  -fibe  longside.  -ftala  (p.  Itort)  gra- 
duated  parallel,  -fait  longitudinal  section;  1. 
lncisiou.  -fpring  long  jump.  -ftribe  longitudi- 
nal stripe.  -tabel  table  of  longitudes.  -tega 
(ooet  SBofol)  macron.    -ur  ebronometer. 

Sarage  adv  long;  faa  -  so  long,  tbat  length  of 
time,  till  then;  ftta  -  (fom)  as  long  as,  while; 
faa  -  til  until;  blio  itte  .  don't  be  long  gone; 
bet  fan  itfe  Date  -  fiben  Ijan  a\f  he  can't  have 
been  long  gone;  bet  barer  ~  inoen  $an  tommer  be 
is  long  in  coming;  bet  blioer  itte  -  til  (bet)  it  wlll 
not  be  long  firet;  fib  neb  faa  «  sit  down  tbe  while; 
faroel  faa  - !  so  long !  *r)ar  itfe  oacet  I)et  paa  - 
bas  not  been  bere  this  long  time;  fjan  gor  bet 
itte  .  be  is  not  long  for  tbis  world,  is  drawing 
fast  to  an  end;  for  .  fiben,  for  Icengft  long  ago; 
for  -,  -  Ttben  long  and  long  ago;  (an  fan  .  not 
fige  .  .  .  it  is  all  very  well  for  Mm  saying  .  .  .; 

—  I  an  g  er  (e)  longer;  ifTe-r  no  longer,  n o  more; 
bet  er  itte  -r  fiben  enb  i  ®aar,  at  only  yesterday; 
fe  ^enne;  —  (angft  longes t;  (for)  længft  long 
ago;  ec  (for)  Ianøft  forbi  bas  long  gone  by;  ben 
Icengft  lebenbe  tbe  tur  vi  vor,  the  longest  liver. 

Sange  vt  fe  forlange  -I  (+-  fig)  grow  longer, 
lengtben;  Vftenerne  -I  the  evenings  are  drawing 
on;  —  t  r»,  fe  £anget. 

tfange  c  -r  wing,  range  (of  buildings). 

Satage  c  x  &  sling(s),  .  til  Valler  bale-slings 
(o.  fl.).  Saage  vt  an  sling;  .  af  uusling,  fiange* 
ring  c  sling-noop. 

fiange«,  -ité  td  (efter)  long  (for,  alter);  -  efter 
at  long  to;  -  tilboge  til  regiet,  fiangfel  c  -flet 
longing,  yearning  (efter  ot  to).  —  2anøfelft|b(it 
longing  el.  wistful  glance.    -fnlb  a  longing. 

Kaugft.  -lebenbe  fe  unber :  2ange  adv. 

*fiangte  ot  fe  £angel. 

*Sant  c  -er  link. 

Samle  c  -r  cbain;  (til  Cenene,  gobiam)  fetter; 
lagge  i  -r  put  in  irons,  fetter;  tage  -me  af  un* 
cbain.  Sotafe  vt  cbain,  fetter;  (jammenlanfe)  link. 
•beoagelfe  link- motion,  -binbe  <t  chain,  fetter. 
•blnbiag  link-motion,  -fri  a  free  from  cbains, 
unfettered.     •tjaro(e)   chain-barrow.     -lyetbe  ri 




keep  in  fetters.  -Ijnnb  chain-dog.  -frapper 
link- buttons,  coat- links,  -ræbe  ring-chaln.  -(eb 
link.    -M  fe  -fri.    Sænftting  o  chaining  etc. 

Sænfe  fe  Senfe. 

fiænfelprop  fe  -tol. 

tSænte  tn  tarry,  linger,  stay  away. 

$æp'  c  -ter  lobe,  ear. 

*8<r>»j€,  Sæppe  w  fe  Babe. 

Særb  o  learned,  erudite;  en  .  Stole  a  grammar 
-Bchool;  et  -t  Selffab  a  literary  society.  Særb  e 
scholar,  man  of  letters;  naar  be  -e  ere  uenige  when 
doctors  disagree.  Særbørn  c  -me  (ftorraab  af 
ftunbltaber)  learning,  erudition,  scholarahip; 
(UnberbiSning)  instruction;  (Slbbarfel)  lesson,  moral; 
(Seere)  doctrine;  (ZroSfcetning)  dogma;  -«  ttinb 
wind  of  doctrine.  —  Særbøtt8|rtt  reputation  for 
learning.    -f  æbe  academy,  seminary  of  learning. 

Sære  c  -r  (Stabel)  templet. 

Sære,  -'rte,  -'rt  vt  (anbre)  teach;  (felb)  learn;  - 
at  fenbe  become  acquainted  with,  get  to  know; 
_  ubenab  learn  by  heart  et.  by  rote;  loer  felt), 
fvrenb  bu  bil  ~  anbre  learn  yourself  before  you 
attempt  to  teach  others;  man  -r  faa  længe  man 
leber  we  live  and  learn,  it  is  never  too  late  to 
learn;  løb  bet  bebfle  ban  fcaobe  -rt  ran  as  fast  as 
his  legs  would  carry  him;  ~  af  learn  of  (meft  om 
Jerf.)  el.  from  (meft  om  ting);  .  fra  flg  teach;  - 
ftg  til  at  acquire  the  knack  of;  .  en  at  teach 
one  (how)  to.  Sære  c  (fætning)  doctrine,  dogma; 
(Unberottning)  lesson,  instruction;  (Sbbarfel)  lesson; 
($aanbbært*»)  apprenticeship;  -n  om  the  doctrine 
of;  bet  bil  bære  tøm  en  -  it  will  be  a  lesson  to 
him;  ben  friftelige  .  the  Christian  doctrine;  banne 
beb  -  og  (Ef tempel  form  by  precept  and  example; 
fætte  i  -  boB  bind  apprentice  to;  ban  bar  bæret 
tre  Var  i  .  he  has  served  three  years'  appren- 
ticeship. 8ære|aar  year  of  apprenticeship;  han 
bar  ftaaet  fine  -  he  has  served  his  time  (of  ap- 
prenticeship). -anftatt  academy  for  public  in- 
struction, seminary  of  learning.  -begreb  system; 
doctrine.  -begærlig  fe  -tbfien.  -bog  class-book, 
text-book.  -breb  letters,  ariicles,  Indentures  (of 

Særebne  c  cradling,  centering,  centre-scaf- 

Sære]  bagning  system,  -bigt  didactic  poem. 
-breng  apprentice.  -barre  women  under  pro- 
fessional Instruction  for  midwifery.  -emoebe 
Office  of  a  teacher;  -t  (bet  rirfrlige)  the  ministry. 
-faber  father  (of  the  church).  -fag  branch  of 
instruction,  -fritjeb  liberty  of  instruction,  -ganer 
pi  talent  for  teaching.  -genftaub  object  of  in- 
struction, •-gnt  fe  -breng.  *-jømfrn  pupil 
teacher.  -tlnb  sewing-cloth  for  practlce.  -føn« 
traft  indentures,  articles.  -træfter  staff  of 
teach  ere.  -(bft  desire  of  learning.  -iPften  a 
desirous  of  instruction,  studious.  -maabe  me- 
thod  of  instruction,  mode  el.  method  of  teach- 
ing, tutorial  method.  -m efter  fe  tørrer,  -mefter« 
labe  fe  Særerinbe.  -raetobe  fe  -maabe.  -mibler 
appliances  of  instruction,  -møber  head-mistress. 
-nem  a  quick  (at  learning),  quick  to  learn. 
•nem (peb  quickness  (of  intellect).  -penge  teach- 
er s  fee;  fig  premium;  jeg  bar  maattet  betale  .  I 
have  learned  it  to  my  cost. 

Kærer  c  -e  teacher,  master,  instructor,  tutor, 
bihl  doctnr.  -bolig  teacher's  cottage.  -embebe 
Office  of  a  teacher,  appoiutment  el.  situation  as 
a  teacher.  -forening  teachers'  association. 
-forfamling  fe  -msbe.  -gage  salary  of  teachers, 
teacher's  s. 

Særerig  o  instructive,  inforining,  suggestive. 
•tyeb  c  instructiveness. 

Særerinbe  c  -r  (female)  teacher,  lnstructress, 
preceptress,  tutoress,  schoolmistress,  governess. 

-etfamen    certlficate  examination;    font    bor  - 

£ærer|m*be  teachers*  meeting,  -»erf smøle 
tutorial  staff.  -pUbø\  -poft  fe  -embebe.  -front 
(profession,  class,  of)  teachers. 

Sære | f al  lecture-room.   +-ftanb  ministry.    -fiol 
(professional;  chatr,  professorshlp.    +-frnrte  task 
lesson.  -fbenb  disciple,  -fætning  axiom,  maxim 
thesis,    theorem,    tenet,      -tib    apprenticeship. 
•time  hour  of  Instruction. 

Sært  Særfe  c  -r,  fe  Særterræ. 

Særfe  c  -r  lark,  Alauda,  f  poeket-flask,  pocket 
-pistol,  -bnr  lark's  cage.  -falf  hobby,  #W<* 
tubbuteo.  -fangft  lark-catching.  -garn  net  for 
catching  larks,  day-net.  -rebe  lark's  nest. 
•fang,  -flag  the  song  of  the  lark.  -fpib  lark-spit 
t'fbore  larkspur,  Corydali: 

Særtejfbamp  larch-agaric.  Polyponu  officinali* 
-træ  n  -er  larch,  larch-tree,  Pimut  larix. 

Sær  fe  |  træf  migration  of  larks.  -n*f  e  yoong 
lark.    -æg  lark's  egg. 

Særling  c  -er  learner,  disciple;  (Særebteng)  ap- 
prentice. Sær(iuø/e)|trlg  tratning-brhj.  -!•«• 
traft  fe  Sære-,    -fttb  training-shlp. 

Særreb  n  -er  linen,  linen  cloth,  (9tafer*)  can- 
va%s.  —  Særrebéjblnfe  smock-fræk.  -bob  linen 
-draper's  shop.  -bntØer  linen  trousers.  -frotte 
smock- frock  -tyanbet  linen  tråde.  -tymiler, 
-træmmer  linen-draper,  -ffjorte  linen  shirt. 
-pæber  llnenweaver. 

Sæ'rPtOig  o  docile,  teachable.  apt.  -Qci  «• 
docility,  teachableness,  teachabillty. 

SæØ'  n,  p<  =,  load;  (i  piquet)  cards;  .  fopnt 
•rapot;  gore  -  f.  capot;  fro  træffe  -fet  bear  the 
burden  of  the  day,  bear  the  brunt;  bet  frtnbrr 
-fet  tliat  is  the  key-stone;  jeg  bar  mit  ~  meb  fram 
he  leads  me  a  life;  (iben  tue  bælter  ofte  ftørt  . 
little  strokes  fell  greatoaks;  •  what  greai  effects 
from  little  causes  spring*;  «what  mighty  con- 
tests  rise  from  trivial  things*. 

t&*8æfe  fe  Saafe. 

Sæfe,  -'fte,  -'(l  vt  k  i  read;  (gennemlæfe)  perose; 
(faolbefjfotelæftn.)  deliver  lectures;  Øoifen  -i  (af  en 
anben)  the  paper  is  in  hånd;  -  Jrorrrtrur  read 
for  the  pres*:  .  fejl  misread;  -  fig  træt  Ure  one's 
self  with  reading;  læft  og  paaffrebet,  fe  ^aafrnw, 
.  noget  efter  read  over;  .  for  en  read  to  one; 
take  le*son8  with  one;  .fra  Sorbet  sav  grace 
ofter  meal;  .  t  en  ©09  read  a  book;  -  meb  en 
give  one  lessons;  .  fin  Settie  op  say  one's  lesson; 
.  op  af  en  ®og  read  from  a  book;  -  o  ter  (et 
(Smne)  lecture  on,  deliver  lectures  on;  -  ober  poa 
study,  read  up;  .til  ©orb*  say  grace  before 
meal;  -  til  (ftftamen  read  (up)  for  an  examina- 
tion; -  flg  til  read  (for  one's  self);  -  (f.  *t#.  en 
©og)  ub  finixh.  8æfe|bibliotef  reading-librmry. 
•bog  reading-book,  reader,  delectus.  -torb 
reading-desk.  -bag  lecture-day.  -brama  reading 
drama,  closet  drama,  -fejl  misreadlng.  -for* 
ening  reading-societv  el.  club.  -færbig^eb  knowl- 
edge  of  reading.  -glaØ  reading- glass.  -b,eH  hard 
reader,  plodder.    +-l>ob  eont  mob  of  readers. 

Sæfefl  n  ^  studdingsail  (ubt.  srunsl).  —  Sæ> 
fejld|  beta  jer  studdingsail  tripping-line.  -fa(b 
studdingsail  hal  yard.  -gobØ  s.  gear.  -3  nb  er- 
fKobe  s.  sheet.  -neb taler  o.  downhauler.  -raa 
s.  yard.  -fplr  s.  boom.  -frit  s.  bend.  'Phcv 
flabe  s.  tack. 

Sæfe|infpeftar  inspector  el.  superintendent  of 
the  reading-room.  -tabinet  reading-room.  -tam* 
mer  study.  -tretd  circle  of  readers;  fe  -forentna 
-tnnfr  art  of  reading  el.  elocution.  -lampe  read- 
ing-lam  p. 

Sæfelig  a  leglble,  readable.  -I»eb  c  legibllity. 

£æfe|lbft  love  of  reading.     -Ibfren  a  fond  af 




reading.  -maabe  (TO.  at  lajfe  paa)  xnaaner  of 
reading;  (Bariant)  reading.  £<rfen  c  reading; 
f&eimemteøning)  peruaal.  8<rfelpr*»e  (poa  et 
<&tuefptt)  reading  (-rehearsal).  -pnltreading-desk, 
reading-easel,  reading-atand;  (i  gi.  flirter)  am  bo. 

fifltfer  e  -c  reader;  °devotionali8t,  (a  kind  of) 
pietist,    -in'be  c  reader,  fair  reader. 

£<tfe|rø  quiet  lor  reading.  -fal  lecture-room; 
fe  -frue.  -fetffab  fe  -forening,  -flole  tkeat  elocu- 
tlon  class.  -ftof  reading  matter,  -flot  reading 
-chair.  -fhte  reading- room.  -ftljfte  reading-pieoe, 
selectlon.  -flige  rage  for  reading.  -ttb  reading 
-lime.  -time  readlng-hour.  -»erben  the  reading 
public  el.  world.  •btrrbtg  a  worth  reading;  en 
_  S3oø  a  book  to  read.  -botrelfe  fe  -frue.  -*»elfe 

ficefiben  J,  the  lee  side. 

£<*#•'«  c  -er  injury. 

Seeffe  o/  slake,  quencb;  .  ftatl  slake  lime;  gib 
mi#  en  3)rif  Sanb  at  .  mig  paa  give  me  a  drink 
of  water  to  quench  my  thirst;  —  loeffenbe  a 
refreshing.  *btit  refreshing  beverage.  -far 
slaklng-tub.  -toft  sprinkle.  -Ife  o  quenching 
etc.  -rr«g  smitby  trougb.  Saftning  c  slaking 
(of  lime). 

£<r£nittg  c  loading. 

&<c'ftttittø  e  fe  SJafen,  (Støn.)  elocution;  en 
3Ranb  af  megen  -  a  man  of  extensive  reading, 
a  well-read  man;  beb  anben  -  part  on  the  second 

*£*fp  a :  bare  -  lisp. 

£<cfp|e  vi  lisp.    -en  c  lisplng. 

£cr$fe  t*  load;  -  en  ttogn  for  ftarft  overload  a 
waggon;  ~  paa  load;  .  of  unload,  (fturte)  shoot;  j 
_  om  (paa  en  anben  Sogn)  shiit  a  load  from  one  i 
waggon  to  another,  (igen)  reload.  —  £frøfe|peKge 
money  paid  for  loading.  Saedfer  c  -e  loader. 
£<réfe|reb  rope  to  a  hay-pole.  -trie  hay-pole. 
-»i*  adv  by  the  load,  in  loads. 

£<rft  c  -er  (SRooI)  last. 

£<rit  e  -er  (Stomagerø)  last;  Sfomager,  bltb  ceb 
bin  -  the  cobbler  is  not  to  go  beyond  bis  last. 

"fiirft  c  yonng  tillering  corn  el.  grass.  fiæfte 
flø  nr  til  ler  (out). 

£<cfte|  afgift  tonnage  duty.  -bragtig  a  burden- 
some.  -feraegtiøtefe  c  tonnage,  -fabrifant  fe 
-fTcerer.  -maal  measure  by  the  last.  -penge  fe 

Éarfrerere  c  fe  Spanbrem. 

Sarflerlig  a  f  dreadful. 

£<rfte|ff<rrcr  t  -e  last-maker. 

£<rftaitø  adv  by  the  last. 

£<rta(je  c  &  relieving  tackle. 

£«rlrct  *i  tree  for  s  hel  ter,  sheltering  tree. 

tSdtrtcr  pi  racks  of  a  cart. 

£<r»anb  n  ^  bilge-water. 

£<rtartft  a  &  farthest  to  leeward. 

•fifltring  c  -er  grilse. 

*£#»  c  -er  a  kind  of  wooden  box  el.  basket. 

&*fc  n,  f>;  s,  nm,  conrse;  (om  en  ftlob)  course; 
(i  »ø«fe,  røftol)  barre  1;  (i  ftanon)  bore;  (p.  »ilbt)  ' 
leg:  (om  tiben)  course;  mu*  run;  (Cæbbe«)  race; 
(fejlbort)  fairway,   channel;  mibt  i  -et  (in)  mid  i 
Khannel;  ffaffe  SÉtanbet  frit  -  give  free  course  to 
the  water;  gtbe  Sorgen  frit  -  give  a  loose  to  I 
sorrow;  gibe  fine  Zaam  frit  -  give  a  free  vent  i 
to  one's  tears;  gif  i  -et  was  lost  el.  gone;  i  -et  af  i 
during;   i  Siben*  .  in   the  proces«  of  time,   i  -  | 
rnnaing;  -et  er  ilte  i  be  lette«  Vlagt  og  ftrtgen  iffe 
i  be  balbiøe*  bibl  the  race  Is  not  to  the  swift 
nor  the  battle  to  the  strong.    £ob|  bereber  barrel 
•breecher.    -front  mandril. 

JUbe,  løb,  -et  vi  run;  (glibe  frit)  travene;  (om 
fcbr  i  $artingtHb>  rut;  *(om  ©ar!)  peel;  Støjet  -r 
the  candle  runs;  lønben  -r  tbe  barrel  runs  el. 
lea£s;  tabe  TOunben  _  run  on,  jabber  away,  rattle 

away;  labe  et  6ejl  .  strike  a  sail;  bet  -r  runbt  for 
mig  my  head  swims;  ber  -r  et  fRb.gte  a  report  is 
current;  —  vt  (om  TOsIf)  curdle,  *(om  ©arl)  peel; 

-  ftare  for  run  el.  incur  the  risk  of;  ~  Storm 
storm,  assault;  -  fin  £ej  run  away,  make  off, 
decamp;  -  vr  fig  trst  fatigue  el.  ti  re  one's  seif 
with  running;  —  meb  prcep  &  adv:  .af  meb 
carry  away;-$ibfigtøben  løb  af  meb  b^am  his  temper 
got  the  better  of  him;  lob  %»lel\tn  ~  af  meb  fig 
let  his  feelings  run  riot;  -  bel,  ilbe  af  go  off  well, 
ill;  -.  ub,etbig  ar  prove  a  failure;  .  rolig  af  pass 
off  quietly;  .  af  Ijeneflen  leave  the  service; 
^ejen  -r  af  paa  benflre  ^aanb  the  road  turns  off 
to  the  left;  -  dornene  af  ftg  sow  one's  wild  oats; 
Staal  -r  an  beb  ^ugtigtøb  steel  is  tarnished  by 
humidity;  .  an  berpaa  take  one's  chance;  .bort 
run  off;  Strømmen  -r  ajler  efter  the  current  sets 
eastward;  ~  efter  Sagen  run  for  the  doctor;  « 
efter  (om  Staal)  colour;  -  for  en  run  away  from 
one;  -  fra  en  give  one  the  slip;  Ziben  -r  føtjtigt 
fjen  time  files  rapidly;  Xtben  løb  b.en  i  Samtale 
the  time  slipped  away  in  convervation;  lob 
fingrene  .  b,en  ober  ran  his  fingers  along;  lob 
øjnene  -  ben   ooer  passed  el.  ran  his  eyes  over; 

-  i  $atn  j)ut  into  port;  bet  fif  fBjnene,  Zanbeme 
ril  at  .  i  oanb  paa  mig  it  made  my  eyes,  mouth, 
water;  -  i  fttø  run  to  seed;  bet  fan  unberttben  . 
inb  it  may  sometimes  happen;  -  inb  (om  %øi) 
shrlnk;  .  inb  i  en  $abn  put  into  a  port;  -  en 
Dør  inb  buret  open  a  door;  t~  en  inb  come  up 
with  one  (running);  .  en  inb  paa  gibet  close  with 
one;  lab  bet  .  meb  let  that  follow  the  rest;  - 
mrb  Slabber  go  about  gosslping;  .  meb  et  fflljgte 
spread  a  report;  .  meb  en  fig  gutl  ooe;  bet  løb 
mig  folbt  neb  ab  fttyggen  a  cold  shlvering  ran 
down  my  back;   .om  noget  run  after  a  thing; 

-  om  (om  Sinb)  fly  about;  ~  en  om(fulb)  knock 
one  down  (by  running  against  him);  .op  (ogfaa 
.fig)  run  up.  é  øm  men  er  -n  op  the  seam  is  ripped 
up;  .  en  op  overtake  one  (by  running);  Karret  -r 
ober  the  vessel  runs  over;  -  ooer  (om  fto)  go 
ferrow;  .  ober  ril  føenben  go  over  to  the  enemy; 
Øjnene  løb  ooer  paa  b,am  his  eyes  fllled;  -  blinbt' 
paa  rush  on  blindly;  .  paa  i,  (ftlippe  el.  anben 
faft  (Øenjt.)  strike  (on),  (Slib)  run  into,  run  foul 
of;  .  en  paa  Søren  importune  one;  noget  at  -  paa 
a  margin;  fjaoe  noget  at  .  paa  have  somethlng 
to  come  and  go  upon,  (om  $enge)  somethlng  in 
hånd;  b,er  .  to  ©eje  fa  mm  en  here  two  roads 
meet,  .  fammen  (i)  converge  (to);  -  fammen  (Vtal.) 
run  into  one  another,  blend;  SRælfen  er  -t  fammen 
the  milk  is  curdled;  bet  er  itfe  at  -  til  it  is  not 
to  be  done  in  a  hurry,  it  is  no  easy  matter; 
globen  -r  ub  i  fiabet  the  river  disembogues  el. 
discharges  itself  into  the  sea;  .  ub  (f.  (SU.  om 
©tæt)  run,  (om  S  rib)  put  to  sea;  8eH(en  -r  ub  i 
SRorgen  the  bill  becomes  due  to  morrow;  Zer* 
minen  er  ubløben  the  term  is  explred;  Uret,  Zime* 

Slaefet  er  -t  ub  the  watch,  hour-glass  has  run 
o wn,  .  ub  i  en  Spibe  taper  into  a  point:  bet  -r 
ub  paa  et  it  comes  to  the  same  thing;  —  la  ben  be 
4  running;  her  courant;  .  Øobø  ^  running  rig- 
ging;  .  ^ob  running  feet.  pr.  ~  9»b  per  foot  run; 
.  ©lo!  fly-block,  alt  .  ^  all  the  running  gear; 
.  ftommentat  running  commentary;  .  Stegning 
current  account;  .  ttar  current  year;  .  forret* 
ninger,  Ubgifter  business,  expenses  of  the  day, 
current  expenses.  &#be  c  rennet,  runnet;  (Vtabe) 
runnet-bag,  fourth  storaach.  Eøbe|aar  current 
year.  -baanb  running  string,  -bane  (til  at  løbe 
vaa)  running  track;  (til  ©abbeløb)  race-course; 
(et  SXenneflee)  carecr.  -oiOe  ground-beeile,  Ca- 
rabu».  -breb  circular.  -bro  flying  bridge,  -bag 
mere  day  of  grace.  t-begn  ambulatory  (parish-) 
clerk.  -bøtte  bi rd  springe,  -breng  errand-boy. 
-fob  foot  adapted  for  running,  curaorlal  foot. 




•fugle  pi  courters.  •gong  tuck  (for  lacing). 
-grab  trench,  pi  approaches;  J,  (i  Saften)  trunk- 
way.  -Ub  traln  (of  gunpowder);  (af  Qebcerer) 
running  fire;  vtbgtet  foer  lom  en  -ilb  ofo.  the  report 
spread  llke  wtld-flre.  -fuøn,  -tnnbe  running 
knot.  -fugte  fe  fflenbetugle.  -mn*  jumping  mouse, 
Mer  tone*.  Sølen  c  running  etc.  Søøejuummer 
running  number,  progressive  el.  oontinuous  n.; 
forf&ne  meb  -  number  in  succession,  -pat.  toøe 
.  cut  and  run,  take  French  leave;  gine  en  . 
turn  one  off,  dismiss  one.    -punfel  tracer. 

Stier  c  -e,  (font  (ar  $<*Tbig(eb  i  at  løbe;  tjener; 
ninner;  running  footman;  fe  -Mile;  (i  Vtuv) 
stretcher;  (i  3Røu>)  upper  millstone,  runner;  (i 
Stal)  bishop;  (til  ftaroertDning)  muller;  (p.  fiineal 
o.  I.)  cursor;  (røigl)  courser,  Cunoriu*,  J,  fall: 
fe  Søbetappe.  Søber|*tøt  A,  fly-block.  -(ue  run- 
ni  og  footman 's  cap.    -flifte  stretchlng-course. 

Søtejrtogte  fioating  rumour,  flying  report. 
-febbel  circular,  handbill.  -flrift  Italics.  -fplu 
kel  screw-mandril.  -flag  &  horse,  -fialb  boz. 
•tik  (Xtjrft)  rutting  time;  mere  date.  -tur  run. 
-tappe  venetian  carpet.  -tøjr  allonge,  -øje 
running  knot. 

Sø'b|pa*fer  calipers.  -ptabe  brand,  plate. 
•polerer  flne-borer. 

tSøtff,  •Stjbff  a  apt  to  run  away;  (om  $unbr) 
in  heat;  $eften  tøb  -  the  horse  ran  away,  bolted, 
en  .  $fft  a  runaway  horse,  -(eb  c  aptness  to 
run  away. 

Sø'bfmeb  c  barrel-forger. 

Søb  imp  af  fibbe. 

Søb'  c  hue,  colour.  tSøbbe,  Søbe  vt  dye, 

tSøbe  vi  8 well.    -tø  cow  about  to  calve. 

Søbe | grube,  -febel  dying  vat. 

Søbetøulb,  -følø  tine  silver.  Søblo  a  (16)  t 
Sølo  pure  silver:  lS'/rt  €ølo  standard  silver. 
Søblg(eb  c  flneness. 

gøft  n,  pi  »,  lift.  Søfte  et  lift,  raise;  (»ro 
o.  I.)  receive;  (aanbeligt)  elevate;  -  til  Sfbente 
extol;  —  vi  paa  lift  at;  -  op  paa  $eften  lift  In 
the  Faddle;  løft  paa  Srengen,  (bor  tung  (an  et  feel 
how  heavy  the  boy  is;  -  paa  fyattin  lift  one's 
hat;  —  rr  nu  -r  flg  mit  fjerte  (sit  my  heart 
grows  light  within  me. 

Søfte  n  -x  p romise;  bøjtibeiipt  -  vow;  gøre  et  - 
vow  el.  take  a  vow;  aflægge  (fMofierO  -t  take  the 
vows;  (olbe,  bttibe  et  .  keep,  break  a  promise; 
(obbe  faoet  -  paa  had  a  pr  om  ise  of;  tage  bet  -  af 
en  at  make  one  promise  that. 

Søfte | apparat  lifting-gear.  -arm  (til  Wapert) 
side-lever,    -bro  swipe-bridge. 

Søftebrub  n  breach  of  promise. 

Søfte|tran  cross-lever.  Søftclfe  c  elevation. 
Søfte  Imnftet  levaior;  $alen*  -  the  extensor  of 
the  tail.  -pumpe  lifting  pump.  Søfter  c  -e  (paa 
$julat»el)  cog,  lift.| 

Søfterig  a  promlsing,  full  of  promise.  Søftefeb 
promissory  oatli 

Søfte  fir ne  c  lifting  el.  levelling  screw. 

Søfteølntanb  suiety.    -rig  fe  £øftf. 

Søftelftaug  lever,  -øeuttl  lifting  valve.  -borrl 
lift,  lifter,  elevator.  fSøftivø  c  raised  poop  (of 
ancient  snips  of  war).    Søftnlug  c  lifting. 

Søg  n,  °c,  pi  =,  onion;  fBlomftrr>  bulb.  -agtig 
a  roembling  an  onion.  -(eb  bed  of  onions. 
•børreube  «  bulbiferous.  -braaber  essence  of 
asafoetida.  -fømig  u  bulbous.  -frø  onlon-seed. 
•grøn  u  leek  green,  -larfe  Jack-by-the-hedgv, 
Ållinrin  otjieinuiit.  -(nippe  bunch  of  onions. 
•fnolb  bulbotuber.  -fuøp  bulbel.  -lugt  onion 
•smell,  smell  of  onions. 

Søg«  c  -e  lie,  faJsehood;   liUe  -  fib;   uftblbtg  - 

white  lie;  aabenbar  -  palpable  Ile;   tf  Pig*  new? 

£  Biper  story;  bet  er  .  It  is  a  lie;  fige  en  -  tell  s 
e;  beft&lbe  en  for  -  give  one  the  lie;  gribe  en.  \ 
-  catch  one  in  a  lie;  bet  er  -  i  bin  6al»  you  Ik 
in  your  throat;  -en*  gaber  the  fatter  of  liea. 
-ag 'tig  a  lying,  mendacious.  -og 'rigle*  c  lyinj 
disposition,  mendaoity,  mendaclouaness.  Søigmt* 
pøfe,  Søguer  o  -e,  Søgiierffe  o  -r,  Søg«Hu»  c 
liar;  gøre  en  til  Søgner  give  one  the  Ile.  Søgn- 
profet  a  false  prophet. 

Søg |  olie  garlic-oU.  -plante  fe  -txrttt.  -p«re 
onion-shaped  near.  -rene  fe  -tnippc.  -fønee 
onion  sauce,  -ffo*  fe  -fnop.  -ffctl  onion-peel. 
•fmog  onion-taste,  taste  of  onions.  -fuppe  onioa 
broth.  Søggnrt  germander,  Teucrium.  Søg | urt 
esculent  bulb;  fe  -farfe;  fe  6anftban*urt.  -partit 
bulbous  plant,    -øble  flat  pippin. 

Søi  imp  fe  S&be. 

Sø|  a  lazy,  sluggish,  slothful,  desultory;  en  . 
Shiling  a  slack  wlud;  Stibet  er  .  paa  »oret  the 
snip  carries  a  slack  helm.  -børn  *1*  horse, 
-bom!  couch.  Søje  vi  (læne  ftg  mageligt,  ftiattt 
fifl)  loll;  -  (paa)  J/  abate,  moderate;  .  af  become 
el.  fall  light. 

•Søie,  tSøier  e  bleak,  Atpiu*  albmmmø. 

Søjev  pi  tun,  sport;  for  -  in  Jest,  for  fun,  for 
the  fun  of  the  thlng,  p  for  a  lark;  gøre  _  nteb 
make  ran  of,  poke  fun  at;  (aoe  -  meb  en  have 
fun  with  one.  Søjerfiø  a  (pubferlig)  ftinny, 
droll,  ludicrous;  (unberlig)queer,  odd.  Søjrrtig* 
(eb  c  drollery,  oddity. 

Søjert  c  -er  swaddling  cloth;  <£>  cringle,  bank. 

SøflgaKg  fe  -bom. 

Søltøant  e  -er  lieuten'ant,  subaltern;  .  i  £*• 
etaten  1.  in  the  (Royal)  Navy;  -  i  Sanbetaten  L 
in  the  army.    Søitnantgpoft  lieuten'ancy. 

Søflttøtig  fe  -bom. 

Sølfc  c  -r  (3nb(rgning)  inclosure;  *vill*. 

Søffe  e  -t  noose;  *link.  -rnnbe  running  knot, 
slip  knot.    -tcetting  short-link  chain. 

Sømmet  c  -mier  looby,  lubber,  lout;  (6bragel) 
scamp.  -agtig  a  lubberly;  base,  vile.  -aøxeite, 
-albcren  the  hobbledehoy  age. 

Søn'  c  O  pi  -net)  (Beberlag)  recompense,  re- 
ward;  (for  tii  Zib,  Vrbejb*  )  wages,  wage;  (Øage) 
pay.  (^onorar)  salary;  meb  en  .  af  at  a  salary  of; 
en  Arbejber  er  fin  -  bærb  bibl  the  labourer  is 
worthy  of  his  hi  re;  bet  Par  .  fom  forfrnibt  serve 
him  right. 

Søn'  c  -ru,  -ner  (Norway)  maple,  Acer  plat*- 

Søn'  «:  i  .  adv  prlvately,  secretly,  clandes- 
tinely,  in  private,  -dø  ($ianter)  cryptogamia. 
-brep  private  letter,  -bnb  secret  message.  -bom: 
i  -,  fe  i  Søn,  bibl  in  secret.  +-bom§fntb  o  my- 
sterious.  -bør  private  door.  -gang  secret  passage, 
-grab  terre t  trench.  -lammer  privat  closei. 
-frog  private  corner,  by-place. 

Sønlig  a  secret,  private,  -(eb  c  secrecy,  pri- 

Søn|mørb  assassination.    -mørøtr  assassin. 

Sønne  vt  (gengslbe  [meb  gobt  el.  onbtj)  repay; 
(betale)  pay;  .  onbt  meb  gobt  repay  good  for  evil; 
bet  -r  itie  timaaen  it  Is  not  worth  the  trouble  el. 
while;  -t  f£prig(eb*perfon  stlpendiary  magistrale; 
en  bel  -t  8mbeb4manb  a  well-paid  functionary;  — 
vr  .  ftg  pay;  bette  ^oretagenbe  -r  ftg  gobt  ibis 
enterprise  yields  a  good  return;  en  Spetnlation 
fom  iffc  -r  ftg  a  losing  speculation;  —  lønnen be 
a  paying,  remuneraUve;  (ibet  -  nnremunerative« 
ill-paid,  unprofltable.    Sønning  c  pay. 

Sønntng  e  ^  raillng,  barricade. 

SønnlngØjbag  pay  day.  -før(øjelfe  rite  el. 
increase  of  salary.    -grab,  -tlaife :  (ngfte  .  tl^se 




on  lowest  salary.  -fat«  rate  of  pay.  -ffala 
scale  of  pay. 

£ø*afng«ftøtrer  W  4*  stanchions. 

2ø*ning«|  tiltag  fe  -fortøelfe. 

£øtt{pørt  sally  port.  -r«ab  secret  advice;  ØuM 
»ife  .  the  wlse  and  hidden  counsels  of  Provid- 
ence  el.  Heaven.  -flrlft  cryptography,  ctpher. 
-flaffe  secret  drawer.    -fri  fe  -Dej. 

+Søn|tøg  a  mercenary.   -tager  c  -e  stipendiary. 

fcøn|troppe  secret  stairs  j>J.  -Hej  secret  way; 
fio*  pi  underhånd  deallngs.  -øraa  hidden 

£ørbag  fe  Seberbaa. 

&ø*  a  k  adv  (baabe  egentlig  øa  >fo)  loose;  (flap) 
slacks  (ubunben)  lax;  nu  et  gonben  -  there's  the 
devll  to  pay  now;  -e  $ol!  people  out  of  place; 
-t  6oat  diaheveiled  hair;  -  3orb  friable  el.  light 
■oli;  -t  Irorn  (Sabning)  corn  In  bulk;  -t  Jrrubt 
blank  cartridgeg;  .  Sermulb  free  loam;  -t  fiio  a 
relaxed  stomach;  gøre  et  -t  Dberflag  oøer  estimate 
zoughly;  -e  SRngter,  Safter  vague  reports  et.  ru- 
mours,  v.  promises;  -t  Stub  blank  shot;  «e  6ft)et 
detached  clouds;  .  Snaf  idle  talk;  .  Stteito  open 
string;  goa  -  get  loose,  come  loose,  (i  ftrtpeb)  be 
at  large;  nu  goar  bet  -!  now  for  It!  Jeg  faa,  bet 
toilbe  gaa  paa  elag«maat  .  I  saw  we  were  In  for 
a  fight;  be  Gif  .  paa  ftinanben  meb  Støberne  they 
set  to  with  thelr  flute;  blu*  .  get  loose;  flippe  - 
vt  let  el.  tnrn  loose.  vi  escape;  floa  .  paa  let 
drive  at;  flaa  fifl  .  (bogft.)  break  loose;  fig  enjoy 
one's  self  in  good  earnest;  .  oa  lebig  free,  un- 
fettered;  idle,  unemployed,  (ugift)  single;  -t  og 
faft  all  sorts  of  things;  paa  bet  -e  vaguely;  — 
løH  adv  loosely  etc.  8ø«|agltg  a  loose,  light. 
-ag'HalKb  c  looseness,  lightness.  -arsejbe  vt 
work  loose.  »-sar«  illegitimate  chUd.  -brbbe 
vt  break  loose.  -kvalt,  -»rattet  a  broken  loose, 
started.  -brbbaing  c  breaking  loose.  -brite*  c 
4,  golng  adrift. 

8«fe,  -'Re,  -'ft  vt  loose,  loosen,  unfasten;  (IH« 
tabe)  let  loose;  (Itfe  op)  untie;  (befri)  release; 
(Ufe  fro,  fritage)  absolve;  (affyre)  fire,  discharge; 
-  en  Jhtube  (ogf.  fig)  untie  a  knot;  -  en  ©ue  un- 
bend  a  bow;  .  fanger  release  prisonen;  .  ©ittet 
buy  a  ticket;  .  frongebreb  get  a  marriage-llcense; 
•  «*  .Støn*  redeem  a  pledge;  -  en  Øaabe  solve  a 
riaale;  .  en  Opgabe  solve  el.  work  out  a  pro- 
blem; -  en  tblbt  solve  a  doubt;  -  en  Banffeligtøb 
settle  a  dlfflculty;  _  af,  fe  UfUfe;  la«  af  I  J,spell 
bo!  .  fra  absolve  el.  relieve  from;  -  inb  (noget 
tantfot)  get  out  of  pledge;  f  i  Sag  bleb  ber  Itft 
•9  for  ftenbe  to-day  she  was  released;  -  ub  (beb 
Betaling)  buy  out. 

fc*feilg  a  (fføgrig)  cursory,  yague,  (oocrflabif!) 
deøaltory,  perfunctory,  superflcial;  -i  ©Uf  (paa), 
Betragtning,  »efhielfe,  JremfHtttng  (af)  cursory 
vievr  (of);  efter  et  -t  Støn  by  free  estimate;  — 
*wfo  "W*1*-  vaguely;  (ttTe  grunbig)  desultorily; 
(siwrflabtf!)  superflcially;  omtale  -  glance  upon; 
gennemje  -  run  over. 

Stffeilf  o  solyable.    -tes  o  solvability. 

£øfea  n  word,  watchword,  countersign. 

Eøfefaøgte  power  of  forgiving  sins  -penge, 
-fnøs  ransom.    gøfer  c  -e  (Stal)  solver. 

Sf'ljgibe  vt  release,  set  free.  -gtselfe  o  release. 
•gals  odd  debts.  -ganger  o  -e,  -gangerffe  o  -r 
vagrant,  vagabond,  tramp,  -gangeti  »  vagrancy. 
-asre  vt  loosen,  loose,  disengage,  detach.  -g** 
«M«  looaening  etc.  -toger  pi  J,  (ttl  %axt9\) 
bpat-faooks,  (tit  at  tøfe  gfabe  meb)  can-hooks  pi. 
•pssjsjcl  swingle-tree.  -^stt n crossbar.  •-!«! 

Bsfte  vt  louae. 

8f '»llenbe  fe  ^rifenbe.  -Use  vt  ransom.  -U* 
beffe  e  ransoming.   -fabe  let  loose,  release.  -Ic- 

belfe  c  release,  liberation.  -lobelfegpad  ticket 
of  leave.  -lipet  a  loose  in  the  bowels.  -Inge 
hatch.    **mnnbet  a  light  in  hånd. 

8*0«e  vt  loose,  loosen,  relax;  ~  et  6tub  dis- 
charge a  gun;  vi  &  vr  fig  get  et.  become  loose, 
loosen.    Sødning  c  loosing  etc. 

Sa'dning  c  er  loosing  etc.  (fe  Ssfe);  (af  Opgaoe) 
solution;  (3 agt.)  fewmets,  crotels,  flants  —  2s«» 
nlnggjret  right  of  redemption.  -tnrnering  solu- 
tion tournament. 

8a  «|ribe  fe  Slibe  Is«;  (fa  fra)  disengage,  ex- 
tricate  (one's  self  from),  (om  ftoloni  o.  t.)  break 
off;  -tebne  Silater  disconnected  quotations.  -ri- 
belfe  c  break,  emancipation,  -fige  vt  (fenbe  fri) 
declare  free;  _  Rg  declare  off;  .  flg  fra  et  Safte 
retract  a  promise.  -figelfe  c  renunciation,  re- 
tractation.  -Jiaatt  part  knocked  away;  a  (Sob) 
slacklaid.  -fluppen part (%ua\)  uncaged,  (Qanb) 
unpent.  -fpranat,  -ftabt  part  started.  -tbnnbet 
a  loosely  twisted.  *-nnge  f  fe  -barn;  i  reef 
•point  loose.  -pebet  a  open-grained.  -are  n 
moveables,  chatteis  pi.  -areanttion  sale  of 
goods.    -areeffetter  fe  -øre. 

gøp  n,  pi  ss,  leaf;  ub.  pi  leaves,  foliage,  leaf- 
age; fto«  Oregner)  frond;  (^o*  Iabere  $1.)  thallus; 
©fooen  er  i  -  the  woods  are  (out)  in  leaf;  tøn 
er  bonse,  naor  -et  tarer  fig  the  rustling  of  a  leaf 
startles  hlm.  -btab  leaf.  -bne  festoon  of  boughs. 
*-bnfI  fe  buf!.  -bærenbe  a  leaf-bearing,  folifer- 
ous.  -bnfl  bunch  of  leaves,  (leafy)  spray,  -batte 
covering  of  leaves,  leafy  cover,  -boltet  a 
covered  with  leaves.  Babe  vt  deck  with  leaves; 
*vi  collect  leaves  for  fodder;  —  løbe«  vd  leaf, 
put  forth  leaves. 

Søbe  o  -r  llon,  Felti  leo;  (Stjetnebittebe)  Lion; 
F  (9Robe)unferj  dandy;  ung  -  lionet,  lionel;  -n« 
9att  the  lion's  share;  gaa  lige  i  -n*  Qah  plunge 
straight  into  the  lion's  mouth;  court  defeat; 
goar  omfring  fom  en  brøtenbe  -  as  a  roaring  lion 
walketh  about.  £øbe|abe  tamarin,  Midcu  ro$alia. 
-agtig  a  lionlike,  leonlne.  -brøl  lion's  roar. 
-føb  %  lady's  mantle,  Alchemilla  vulgarU. 
-aaarb,  -greb  lions'  den.  -bjerte  lion-heart. 
•biertet  a  lion-hearted.  -bnb  lion's  skin.  -bnle 
lion's  den.  -bunb  lion-dog.  -bbalp  fe  -unge. 
-Jagt  lion-huntlng.  -fager  lion-hunter.  -fnle 
lion's  den.  -ntan,  -manle  lion's  mane.  -mob 
lion  courage,  -male,  -utanb  %  snapdragon, 
Antirrhinum  najtu. 

Sømen  u  Louvain. 

Søtieparten  c  the  lion's  snare. 

fiøberbag  o  Saturday;  i  -g  last  Saturday. 

Søse|ffinb  fe  -l)ub.  -tanb  (en  Søbe«  tanb)  lion's 
tooth;  ^  dandelion,  Taraxaeum.  -unge  lion's 
whelp  el.  oub,  lionel.     -bilb  a  flerce  as  a  lion. 

gø'blfotb,  -fafb«Hb  fiall  (of  the  leaf).  -fattig 
a  of  scanty  foliage.  -fober  fodder  conslstlna;  of 
leavea.  -frø,  ••frofl  tree-frog.  Hyla  virtdi*. 
•fttlb  a  full  of  leaves,  leafy.  -fnlbbeb  riohness 
in  leaves.  -falbenbe  a  deciduous.  -gang  bow- 
ery  walk.  -gren  leafy  branch.  -grøn  a  verdant, 
green.  -b;egn  foliage.  -^balbing  bower,  canopy 
of  leavea.  -tjatte  bower,  arbour.  -bbttefe|l  fe 
-fattfefl.    *|ang  festoon  of  boughs. 

SøbiVbe  o  t  lioness. 

8ø'b|Jorb  leafmould.  -htippe  bundle  of  leaiV 
branches  (for  fodder),  •taøp  leaf- bud.  -(rotti 
wreath  of  leaves.  -fronet  a  leaf  crowned.  -lotb 
fe  »fnippe.  -malfe  (mass  oO  foliage.  -mat  fe 
©lab«,  -rig  fe  -fiifb.  Mag  fe  -fab.  -fa!  bower, 
arbour.  -føllfeft  feast  of  tabernaoles.  -famling 
collection  of  dried  leaves.  -fanger  willow-wren, 
Svlvia  troehUut  -fab  buhl-saw,  fret-aaw,  pierc- 
ing-saw.  -fabblab  turning  web.  -ffiftenbe  a  fe 
•fatbenbe.    -flop  wood  of  foliferous  trees.   -ff^b* 




ning  fe  -fpring.   -fmatte  fe  -fanger,   -fporeplawter  |  foliage,  leafy  canopy     »-ttfttl  &lpiue  meadt* 
pi  thailogens,     -faring,  *-\pxæt  shooling  of  the    -rue,    Sauawrea   alpina.      -t?«   follferous    tree 

leaf,  leafing. 
««btfiffe  c  *  fe  SofHir. 
£*  »Iftrøelfe  litter  of  leaves.     -tag  roof  of 

-tagt   leaf-cutting  (for  fodder).     -t«rt   a 
•leaved.      -berør  growth   of  the   leaf. 
follage.    -*je  fe  ©fabfnop. 



SW,  m  [(Em']  n  mer  M,  m  [em],  abbr:  Vt.  = 
Wtnut  minute,  3Ri(  mile;  m.  Q.  C.  =  meb  anbre 
Crb  in  other  words;  m.  fl.  =  meb  flere  and 
othere,  etc;  m.  $.  =  min  $etre  8ir;  m.  £.  t.  = 
meb  $enftin  til  with  regard  to;  m.  m.  3=  meb  mere 
and  more,  etc. 

SRaabe  p«  mope.    -n  e  moplng. 

Waabe  c  -t  manner,  way,  fashion;  (TOaabebolb) 
moderation;  6*6/  (røaal)  measure;  ben  betingenbe, 
bftbenbe,  fremfattenbe  .  oram  the  subjunctive, 
imperative,  indicatlve  mood  el.  mode;  Ijolbe  - 
be  moderate,  keep  within  compass,  observe 
moderation;  bolbe  -  i  Vtab  og  fcrtffe  eat  and 
drink  with  moderation,  i  Uge  -,  paa  famme  .  in 
like  manner,  (eftct  fiufenftning)  I  wish  you  the 
same;  i  ode  -r  every  way;  i  tninbfte  .  in  the  least, 
in  the  slightest  degree,  at  all,  ever  so  little,  i 
en  -  dumbfonndered,  po9ed;  meb  -.  til  _  mode 
rately,  with  el.  in  moderation,  alting  meb  -  there 
is  reason,  el.  a  mean,  in  all  things;  ber  er  .  meb 
not  excessively;  otter  al  -  excessively,  beyond 
measure;  paa  en  (oi*)  .  in  some  way,  after  a 
fashion;  in  a  certain  measure,  to  some  extent. 
paa  bebfte  ~  in  the  best  manner;  paa  en  eDer  anben 
.  by  some  means  or  other;  paa  min  ~  after  my 
fashion;  paa  ingen  -  by  no  means,  on  no  account, 
F  not  a  bit  of  lt,  nothing  of  the  kind;  bet  gør 
jeg  paa  ingen  -  I  shall  do  no  such  thing,  I  shall 
do  nothing  of  the  kind;  ban  er  paa  ingen  .  nogen 
Dumrian  he  is  not  half  a  fool;  paa  ingen  mulig 
-  by  no  manner  of  means;  not  on  any  consider- 
ation;  jeg  Fan  ifte  paa  nogen  mulig  -  I  cannot  by 
any  possibility;  jeg  betowlet  paa  ingen  -  I  have 
no  manner  of  doubt;  *  ber  er  ingen  -  paa  it  is 
beyond  all  measure;  paa  brnne  -  oliuer  ban  albrig 
ftefbig  at  this  rate  he  will  never  have  done;  paa 
anben  ~  otherwise;  til.,  fe:  meb..  fflfaftbejftolb 
n  moderation,  (i  9lt)belfer)  temperance.  -bølbcn, 
-bøfbcttbe  a  moderate,  temperate.  -botbeufaeb 
e  fe  -Ijolb.  -bolb&fdrenlng  fe  -bolbSfelff  ab.  -bolt*, 
mebfem  member  of  a  temperance-society.  -tyølbft' 
felffflb  temperance-society. 

gRaabeltg  a  (maabebølben)  moderate;   (mibbfl 
maabig)  middling,  mediocre,  indifferent;  adv  in- 
dlfferently,    -fteb  c  moderation;  mediocrity. 

*flRaafaø:  i  -  in  vain;  paa  .  at  haphazard. 

trøaag  c  -e  (6ooger)  brother-in-law;  (Sbigerføn) 

•flJUage  vt  fe  røuge. 

anaage  c  -r  gull,  mew,   Lnrw.     -ffrlg  noise 
el   clamour  of  gulls  .    -««  gull  ■  egg. 

Wa*l  »,  P*  -»  dwnge.)  tongne  language, 
idiom-  (SWaile)  ▼oice,  speech;  ban  ftob  fom  fan 
bnerfwi  OODbe  -  etter  «R*le  he  stood  speechless; 
bit  .  r.b£  big  KU  thy  speech  bewrayeth  thee; 
hart  SRanbø  -  hear  speech. 
^%aaln,pl  =,  (baite  egentlig  og  fiø)  measure; 
(Omfang)  dimension;  (PJemrb)  ^a1,  end  objec  . 
hKi'  ftrifteb)  home,  house;  (at  røbe  tin  butt, 
2^k-Tbeb^«bbebVb,  winning-post;  fe jrfaaltib; 
S^od*  (iw  feet  square),  mine  puffer*  -  the  object 

of  my  wishes,  tage  .  af  measure  (out);  tage  -  c* 
en  (til  ftfaber)  tAke  one's  measure,  measure  on- 
(for  garments);  gjort  efter  .  made  to  measure, 
-  og  ©cegt  weight(s)  and  measure(s);  gioe  gofct  . 
give  full  measure;  fraa,  bolbe  -  be  up  to  th£ 
standard;  bibe  boerfen  .  etter  SRaabe  know  no 
bounds;  meb  boab  -  5  maale,  ffal  eber  igen  ntaalrf 
bibl  with  what  measure  ye  mete,  It  shall  be 
measured  to  you  agaln;  i  fulbt  .  amply,  io 
ample  measure;  ftttbe  HI  -«  fire  el.  shoot  at  a 
mark  el.  target;  ftgte  til  et  -  aim  at  a  mark, 
fætte  ftg  et  .  aim  at  a  something;  føre  ril  e: 
answer  the  purpose;  ban  naaebe  |it  -  he  gained 
his  end  el.  point,  attained  his  end  el.  objeri. 
i  -et  for  bere*  ©eftræoeifer  the  goal  of  thelr  ende* 
vours;  -et  for  atteé  ©lifte  the  observed  of  all 
observers.  -Beftibft  a  uiiswerving,  purposeful 
•beoibftbeb  settled  purpose. 

Waa  l|binbc  vt  silence,  pose.  -»j«rr»  a  free 

»Jaale,  -att,  -lt  vt  k  i  measure;  Onb^olb  & 
3fabe  ofo.)  gauge;  .  om,  efter  re- measure,  -  Solrae 
^øjbe  aat  take  the  altitude  of  the  sun;  Zcarrt  -i 
tre  $ob  i  diameter  the  tree  measuresetc.;  .  gobt 
give  good  measure  —  vr  -  ftg  meb  en  compete 
with  one;  ban  fan  -  flg  meb  Ijam  he  is  equal  to 
him,  a  match  for  hlm,  equals  bim;  fan  ilff  .  fta 
meb  cannot  be  compared  with.  9Rac(e|»cftK> 
measuring  tape.  -borb  surveyor's  table,  plane 
•table.  -brcn  <£,  bill  of  admeasurement;  bill  of 
a  ship's  tonnage.  -cnl|eb  unit  el.  standard  of 
measurement.  -glad  measuring-glasa.  -gsW 
measurement  goods.  -far  vessel  for  measuring. 
•fuafl  practical  geometry.  -fæbe  measuring 
chain,  land-chain.    9Ro«lcli|  a  measurable. 

røa«le|Ubpiummet.  -Utt  fe-penoe.  -ntaffiur 
standard.  Wlaaitn  c  fe  SRaaling.  SRaaletprnge 
measurer's  fee,  metage.  -plnb  surreying-arrow. 
-puntter  ^  points  of  measurement. 

9Raaftr  c  -e  meter,  measurer;  (3nf.)  looper, 
geometer,  Geometra.  -atttft  meter' s  certiflcate; 
fe  ZRaatebttti. 

9Raale|rebffab  surveying  instrument.  -ri«t 

WoalerUn  c  fe  SRaalepenge. 

aitaalelftinc  fe  -Botb.  .fmr  measuring  line. 
SS?iL?er?h'  (m«wuxing.)rodt  pole,  rood;  (hl 
fJSSF)  stanchion.  -ftof  standard,  rule;  (»tb 
fionbfort,  leaninger  ofø.)  scale;  fa  efter  en  fror, 

£L*  on  &  **'*!•  sma11  scalei  *  forminbffet,  for« 
K^fL"  ?n  ,aJreduoed.  enlarged  scale.  -ftrøftpe 
pattern  stocking  -fijftrm  system  of  measnre- 
m;Si-    «J««lfotJofb  pi  proportions. 

rølJiii-  bett  a  ^"»nough  to  become  a  soldier. 
ll«aålftV?&  °il!JSuri,lg»  measurement.  -  9Rao> 
tonnage  dtifertIfl?te  of  measurement.  -bflff 
f?røX        '    -«rt^  measuring  dues.    -røre« 

lene  ne  was  struck  speechless  with  astonishmenL 




-I*£t;eb  e  loss  of  speech,  aphasla.  -fag  o.  %,  fe 

SNaa'lélborb,  -braber  pi  fcll-sized  boards. 

SDtarlfibbtting  c  target  practice. 

SNaa  (Øm anb  c  spokesman,  advocate. 

SRaaljfnilb  a  eloquent.  •-frrocb  linguistic  ri. 
neologic  movement,  m.  for  reforming  the  lang- 
uage; neology.  *-fftr«ber  c  -e  reformer  of  the 
language,    t-ftobne  n  meeting. 

9Ra«'f  flagning  e  measuring.  -tegning  c  work- 

Waaltib  n  -er  meal. 

*a»ia'ltrof»  c  fe  SongbroSfel. 

SWaa  (tønbe  c  barrel. 

9Raane  c  -r  moon;  F  (paa  fiooebet)  bald  pate; 
tro  at  -n  er  gjort  af  rn  grøn  Cft  think  the  moon 
i>  made  of  green  cheese;  SRaune*  lnnar.  -aor 
lunar  year.  -bane  orbit  of  the  moon.  'beboer 
inhabitant  of  the  moon,  lunarian.  -belJjft  o 
moonlit.  -beflribelfe  selenography.  -bjargenr 
pi  the  Lunar  Mountains.  -bllnb  a  moon-eyed, 
moon -blind,  -blinbfteb  moon-blindness.  -cbNne* 
fe  -treb*. 

9Raaneb  e  -er  month;  om  en  .  inam.;  i  benne 
.  thi«  m.;  ben  førfie  i  benne  .  on  the  first  of  this 
m.;  en  *  lib  a  month 's  time;  en  tre  -er8  Itb  ber> 
efter  In  about  three  month  s. 

SRaanelbag  lunar  dav.  -biftancc  lunar  distance. 

Vtoaneølig  n  monthly;  ado  fe  Staanebfbif . 

9Raaneb6|arbejbe  monthly  work.  -barn  fetu* 
a  month  old.  -betaling  monthly  allowance. 
-btab  monthly  paper.  -blinb  fe  9Raane>.  -bag 
day  of  the  month;  -en  beretter  that  day  month. 
-brølfet  fe  Sling«,  -bne  common  pigeon,  -flaab, 
-Høb  (monthly)  flowers,  courses.  -tøfler  fe  -barn. 
•fri  fe  -løb.  -f rift  month'*  rcspite.  -gage  monthly 
Kalary.  -gammel  a  a  month  old.  -bljre  fe  -løn. 
-lønbitløn  employment  by  the  month.  -tone 
woman  hired  by  the  month.  -leje  monthly 
rent.  -løb  a  monthly  holiday.  •løjtnant  ship- 
master  engaged  as  a  lieutenant  in  the  navy. 
-løn  monthly  wages.  -mønftring  J,  muster  at 
open  list.  -penge  monthly  allowance  of  money; 
fe  -løn.  -pige  girl  hired  by  the  month.  -vegn* 
flab  monthly  account.  -rente  monthly  interest. 
-røfe  monthly  el.  Damask  rose.  -rørbbtfe  monthly 
radish.  -flat  monthly  tax.  -ff rift  monthly 
(journal,  magasin  e,  review).  -følb  monthly  pay. 
-fttge  fe  -Hob.  *-ibing  monthly  assizes.  -tiber 
fe  -nob.    -bid  adv  by  the  mouth,  monthly. 

Øtaanelfafe  c  phase  of  the  moon.  -fifl  moon- 
fl*h,  Mota.  -førmig  a  lunate.  -førm*r!elfe 
eclipøe  of  the  moon.  -gaatb  ring  el.  halo  about 
the  moon,  lunar  halo.  -gat  a  lunatic.  -glan? 
fe  -Ib*,  -gtaf  crown-glass,  flaahed  glass.  -glimt 
glimpøe  of  the  moon.  -bob  fe  -goarb.  -bøjbe 
altitude  of  the  moon.  -folb  mole.  -Hav  o 
moonlight.  -Innbe  moon's  node.  -tørt  chart 
of  tbe  moon.  -frater  lunar  crater.  -frcbb  (ben 
ftreb«,  Dtaanen  beffriber)  orbit  of  the  moon; 
(SRaanecDjlut)  cycle  of  the  moon  (of  19  yeara), 
Metonic  cycle.  -fbarter  quarter  of  the  moon. 
-fanbffob  lunar  landscape,  -legemet  the  lunar 
orb.  -It*  a  moonlight.  -IbØ  a  fe  -nar.  -løb 
revolution  of  the  moon,  1  unation,  -mælt  fe 
«icrrø .  -mart  a  moonlem;  bet  bar  -t  there  was 
no  moon.  -mør fe  moonless  nights pi.  -obferba- 
tion  lunar  observation,  -omløb  lunation.  -plet 
»pot  in  tbe  moon;  fe  ttinbefpinber.  -ranben  the 
lirab  of  the  moon.  -regnbue  lunar  rainbow. 
•ring  fe  -goarb.  t-rube  moon-wort,  Botryckiwn 
lunaria.    -rafter  J,  moon-raker. 

VlaaneØjfrø,  -faat  [t.]  poppy-øeeds. 

9Iaane|ftifte  change  of  the  moon.  -ffin  moon- 
liirht.  moonshine.  -ffinøagttg  a  moonshiny. 
-ffinf nat  moonUght  el.  moonshiny  night.   •flint'' 

fkptfe  moonlight  picture.  -ffibe  disk  of  the 
moon.  -ffnlpe  fe  -biol.  -flbgge  (*&.»  8t.)  shadow 
of  the  moon;  (Stbgge  af  et  Beoerne  i  SJl-ftin) 
moonlight  shadow.  -ffotr  poet  Te  -ffin.  -fnegf 
screw-  shell,  wreath-shetl.  -ftaal  moon-steel. 
-ften  moon-stone.  -fkraale  moon-beam,  moon 
-ray.  -fbg  a  lunatic,  moonstruck.  -fbg  c  lunatic. 
-fboe  lunacy,  moon-madness.  -tabel  fe  -taole. 
•tal  golden  number.  -tabte  lunar  table.  -ur 
moondial.  -biol  satin- flower,  Lunaria.  -bifer 
fe  -ur. 

tVIaar-  Vcaa'rb  e  virgin,  mald. 

SRaar  c  -er  mårten,  Muåtela.  -felbe,  -fifle  trap 
for  mårtens,  -bald  throat-piece  of  a  mårten. 
•flinb  marten-skin. 

WaaS  c  p  fe  Qagbel. 

9Raa«  c  (globen)  the  Meuse. 

*9Waafe  c  fe  9Raage. 

IDIaaffe'  adv  perhaps,  may-be,  perchance;  ban 
gør  bet  -  og  -  ilte  he  may,   or  may  not,  do  it. 

IRaotte  vi,  pr&9  maa.  *'mp  maatte,  iup  maattrt 
(Zillabelfe)  may,  imp  mfglit;  (Købbenbig^eb)  must, 
am  obliged,  imp  must,  was  obliged;  (gforbub)  maa 
iRe  must  not;  maa  jeg  fpørge?  may  I  ask?  maa  jeg 
gaa  meb  ?  may  I  go  along  with  you  ?  $u  maa  (gerne) 

fiere  bet,  &oii  bu  fan  you  may  do  it,  if  you  can, 
or  mig  maa  ban  rejfe  eller  bltbe,  tigefom  ban  oil  he 
may  stay  or  go  for  aught  I  care;  bet  maa  gaa,  f  om 
bet  oil  happen  what  may;  ban  maa  fifle  l)bab  ban 
bil  say  what  he  will;  «  ingen  af  oø  oplebe  ben  $ag 
may  none  of  us  live  to  see  that  day;  tjan  tøurgte 
mig,  om  ^an  ~  gaa  he  asked  me,  whether  he 
might  go;  ^an  bab  om  at  bun  .  blibe  inblabt  he 
requested,  that  she  mlght  be  admitted;  bborfor 
.  bon  itte  gaa?  why  would  you  not  allow  him 
to  go  ?  ban  .  gerne  gaa  he  was  free  el.  at  liberty 
to  go;  maa  bu  gaa  ub  at  fpobfere?  are  you  allowed 
to  take  a  walk?  bet  maa  jeg  lit*  I  like  that; 
maa  jeg  fpørge  .  .  .  would  you  pennit  me  to 
ask  .  .  .:  jeg  maa  (nøboenbigoit)  gaa  I  must  be 
off;  jeg  maa  meget  ofte  fenbe  &am  til  C  tjen  I  am 
obliged  to  send  him  to  town  very  often;  jeg  maa 
rejfe  imorgen  I  shall  be  obliged  el.  forced  to 
depart  to  morrow;  jeg  maa  bemærfe  I  am  bound 
to  remark;  bet  maa  man  fige  it  Is  only  fair  to  Bay; 
bette  Sanb,  maa  man  erinbre,  er  .  .  .  this  country, 
let  it  be  remembered,  is .  .  .;  ban  maatte  gaa  he 
was  obliged,  he  had  to  walk;  bet  maa  bu  ilte 
gøre  you  must  not  do  so;  jeg  ~  (funbe  itte  labe 
bære  at)  le  I  could  not  help  laughiog;  jeg  maa 
affteb  I  must  be  off;  jeg  maa  tøtnt  I  must  go 
home;  jeg  maa  (tage)  til  ©tjen  I  must  go  to  town; 
ber  maa  mange  $enge  til  much  money  is  needed; 
bet  maa  til  it  cannot  be  helped;  Ijan  .  til  he  had 
to  aubmit;  ban  maa  ub  paa  Karten  he  must  go 
into  the  field;  paa  Waa  og  ftaa,  +paa  iRaafaa  at 

IRaatte  o  -r  mat.  -biuber  mat-maker.  -lurb 

Wacibiabenifi'iff  a  Machiave'Uan. 

flRacebø'ttt|en  »  Macedonla,  Mac'edon.  -er  o 
•e,  -fl  a  Macedonlan. 

Utab  o  (eptfe,  Søbe,  Ræring)  meat,  food,  provi- 
sions; (tiQaoet  flRab)  vlands,  es  tables  pi;  laoe  - 
cook;  to  Retter  .  two  d isnes;  ~  og  2)rtfle  meat 
and  drink;  gaa  i  Seng  uben  -  go  snpperless  to 
bed;  -en  faa  ub  til  at  bare  meget  gob  the  dinner 
looked  very  good;  er  en  ubmarfet  .  is  excellent 
eating;  -en  (Wibbag*',  ttften«-)  er  anrettet  dinner, 
supper  is  on  the  table,  Is  ready;  -en  fmager  barn 
itte  he  does  not  take  his  meat;  bet  er  ~  for 
SRont  that  is  meat  and  drink  to  him;  F  gibe 
en  bon«  barme  .  give  it  one  (finely).  -affalb  fe 

IRabam'(e)  c  -r  mistress  (P  miasus),  (Tun  i 
tiltale  uben  9tabn)  madam  (ma'am);  bør,  HQe  . ! 




I  Bay,  goody  I  el.  missus ;  -n  er  fffe  hjemme  missoa 
is  not  at  home;  gobt,  gobt  - !  all  right  misBUs  el. 
ma'am;  .  3.  Mrs.  I. 

VU'b|beff&tter  circulator,  mtlk  saver,  -b ob  fe 
-rammer,  *-bømme  provision-chest.  -øorb  table. 
-•rll(le)  wooden  plate.    -bær  egriots. 

tRabbif,  Wabife  c  -er  maggot. 

Ølabbtiiø  c  fe  OTabfng. 

SRabbttr  »  food-autmal.  tRabe  vt  feed;  (fatte 
SRahing  paa)  bait;  •-  fig,   *  (om  Jrorn)  plamp. 

tRabel'ra,  Øtabe'ra  n  (ogf.  »inen  c)  Madeira. 
-bnbbing  tipsy  pudding. 

♦TOabet  a  (well)  plumped. 

JRa'b|fab  ($ab  til  at  fpife  af)  dish  for  meat; 
(&.  meb  SRab)  dish  of  meat.  -faber  fe  $utbonbe. 
•febt  kftchea  ntuff,  g  re  ase,  dripplng.  (til  6inø» 
relfe)  slush.  -frier  trencher  fri  end.  -frieri  cup- 
board courtship.  -fragt  kltchen  fruit.  -gaffel 
fiesh-hook.    -gr&be  pot,  seether.    -ftnØ :   et  gobt 

-  a  house  where  a  liberal  table  Is  kept. 
Vtnbia,  Viabie  «  madia. 

SRabtug  c  bait. 

tRa'b|forb  mould.  -rammer  pantry,  larder. 
-faøfe  fe  -æfte.  -tebel  J,  mess-kettle.  -ftrfeøatr 
egriots.  -f tofte  dinner-bell.  -tntb  table-knlfe. 
•frog  flesh-hook;  *glutton.  -fnrb  provision 
•basket,  -tølfc-rr  cellar  for  provisions,  -lad' 
Bing  dressing  of  victaals,  cooklng,  cookery. 
•lebe  loathing  of  food.  -lugt  smell  of  hot 
dinner,  dinnery  atmosphere.  -laft  appetite;  gao 
mig  .  gave  me  an  appetite.  -luften  a  bære  - 
have  a  good  appetite.  -Ug  onion.  -snober 
mistress  of  a  house.  Vtcbning  o  feeding.  9tab|< 
♦ntotttg  a  eatable,  flt  for  food,  food-yleldlng;  e 
$br  food-anlmals;  -e  ftijt  food-flshes.  -offer  meat 
offerlag,  (nb  Ooerf.)  meal-offering.  -ofte  sweet 
oil.    -Hoab  a  niggard  of  food. 

ftabonua  c  Madonna,  -agrig  a  Madonna-like. 
-btllebe  image  of  the  Virgin. 

flRab|opflrtfi  (food-)recipe.  -pibe  gullet,  oeso- 
phagus.  -pofe  wallet,  scrip  (for  provisions). 
-potte  fe  -grbbe.    *-pra?ft  aont  lay  preacher. 

tRab'ro*  n  Madras'. 

ttlabra*'  c  fe  TOattat. 

9Ra  b|ratton  c  allowance  (of  food).  -ro  peace 
for  eatlng. 

Stab*  Matthew;  the  he-goat;  F  $u  fan  tatbe 
mig  - 1  I  am  a  Dutchman  (tf);  *  noa  bu  -  i  good 
graciouB  me! 

SRablfat  dining-room.  -fra*  meat-safe,  provi 
slon  oupboard;  gaa  i  -et  go  to  pot,  go  to  the 
dogs.  -flat  tax  on  provisions,  -flrtn  bos  for 
pro  visions,  -ffroef  loathing  of  food.  -fmør 
kitchen  butter.  *-fott  eatable  fangus,  -fpnnb 
meat-carrier.  -fteb  eatinghouse.  *-ftett  oookery, 
house-keeping.  -frrcrb  toll  for  the  material 
wants  and  comforts.  -ftne  fe  -fammer.  -fbenb 
hel  per  in  the  kltchen.  -tib  meat- time.  -torb 
market  for  provisions,  -urter  pi  hot-herbs. 
-varer  pi  eatables,  provisions,  -bin  ordlnary 
wine.  -bogn  provision- waggon,  -ørener  dainty 
feeder,  proud  stomach.  -«ble  baking  apple, 
kitchen  a.  -«ffe  provision  box. 
►iWag  e  ease,  qulet,  leisure;  i  (9to  og)  -,  i  al  _ 
leisureiy,  at  one  s  ease;  -•  Qeir  easy  el.  moderate 
weather;  -•  6inb  moderate  el.  light  wlnd;  fare  i 

-  take  one's  ease. 

VUgaR  a n er storehouse,  (ogf.  fio ftepertorium) 
mag'asine.  -arbejbe  sale-work.  -baab  magazine 
-boAt.  Dtagafiae're  vt  store,  warehoase.  fRaga> 
fine  ring  c  storing,  warehousing.  fflttgaflnlfor' 
batter  store-keeper.  -genier  magazlne-gun.  •rom 
warehouied  oorn.  -pfab9,  -rum  warehouse  ae- 
commodation.    -flabe  colonyhive. 

Jtagbale'ne  Mag'dalen.  •ftlfrelfe  Magdalen 
asylum,  Magdalene. 

ØUge  a  matohing;  Strømperne  nt  iffe  _  the 
fitockings  do  not  match.  Vinge  o  -r  (8xae,  SUa** 
manb)  match,  equal;  (om  ting,  fom  ubajrce  e 
$arj  fellow;  ($an  el.  ^un;  WEgtrfoelle)  mate;  i  tf 
bar  albrig  fet  -n  I  never  saw  the  llke  of  it  d 
anything  like  it;  boor  er  -n?  where  is  the  fellow 
one?  ber  er  -n  til  Deret  brune  $eft  there  is  a 
horse  to  match  your  brown  one;  .  ril  9tat  saeh 
a  night  as  this;  .  til  |>eft  flnbe«  iffe  i  Sanbet 
there  is  not  snch  another  horse  in  the  countnr. 
ftrage  fager  .  birds  of  a  feather  flock  tosjether. 
llke  loves  like.    flRage  fig  vr,  -#  vd  pair. 

9Rage  vt  (bet  faa)  manage,  contrlve;  bon  -be 
bet  faa,  at  (+*be  at)  ^on  flap  he  manasied  to 
escape;  $un  -be  bet  faa.  at  $un  rom  til  at  flbbc  r*b 
ban«  Sibc  she  contrived  to  get  nest  him;  ban  -be 
bet  faa,  at  be  giorbe  bet  meb  9labe  he  contrived 
to  make  them  do  it  joyfully,  $an  -be  bet  faa- 
Ubti,  at  aHf  bleoe  rilfrebfe  he  a  min  ged  matter« 
so  as  to  make  all  contentei;  jefl  ftal  -  bet  faa. 
at  bu  faar  ben  bebfre  $lab*  I  shall  arrange  it  so 
as  to  secure  the  best  seat  for  you;  jeg  fÉal  «  bet 
paa  bet  bebfie  I  shall  arrange  it  In  the  beat  way 

SRageltg  a  easy,  comfortable,  commodioos;  -t 
Vtenneffe  indolent,  ease- lo  vi  ng,  easy  goinsj  per- 
son; .  Stol  easy  chair;  ban  er  ~  he  loves  hU 
ease;  gøre  flg  bet  -t  take  one's  ease;  —  adv  at 
one's  ease,  comfortably;  f  (meb  Setfteb)  qnite 
oasily.  -(eb  e  ease,  comfort,  (om  ^erfon)  indo- 

9Rage0a'K|fl  a:  be  -e  6fper  the  Magellan'ic 
clouds     -Øtraebet  the  strait(s)  of  Magellan. 

9R«øe|(a?g,  -Icegge  fe  -ffifte.  -Ué  a(ufotligaelig' 
matchless,  peerleas,  unparalleled,  incomparable; 
(uben  fiige,  eneftaaenbe)  unexampled;  adv  wonder- 
fully,  ezceptionally;  .  fmut  of  matchless  etc. 
beauty.    -Uf  (eb  c  matohlessness. 

IRager  c,  pi  —  k  -e  maglan  (pi  ogf.  magi) 

■Hager  a  (ogf.  Ag)  lean,  meagre;  (tanb)  spare, 
(fmaf,  f matfer)  thin:  (ubtceret,  inbfatben)  gaaat; 
(tarbelig)  poor;  -  3orb.  Op  poor  »oil,  cheese; 
.  ftoft  scan  ty  fare;  be  fpt>  -gre  ttvtt  the  se  ven  lean 
•fleshed  kine;  .  8in  thin  wine;  bet  -gre  (om  Jløbi 
the  lean.  -beb  o  leanness,  meagreness.  -sxanb 
vi,  topsailbowllne,  -flanet  -fCeaen  a emaciated. 

9tage| ffifte  n  exchange.  -ffifte  vt  exebaoge. 
-fliftebren  deed  of  exchange.  -fllftnlng  c  ex- 

Aagi'emag'lc.  TOt'gier  e  fe  TOager.  fJta'glfer 
o  -e  (Zrolbmanb)  magio'ian.  9Rc  gift  a  m*g'ic(al). 

flRaglfter  c  -frre  master  of  arts  (A..  M).  -grab 
degree  of  A.  M.    -mine  magiste'rial  mien. 

tRngltra  t  c  -er  mag'istracy.  9Ragi|trattperfoa 
c  mag'istrate. 

ftHagnaneri'  n  oocoonery. 

Slagna't  c  -er  mag'nate. 

Sttgne  fta  e  magnesia. 

SRagneflnm  n  magnesium,  -brom  Ib  magnesic 
bromide.    -foffat  magnesic  phosphate  (o.  fl,). 

Élagnet  o  -er  magnet,  loadstone;  tnnfKg  - 
(artificial)  magnet.  -a»e  magnet'ic  axis.  -tf e  rf 
vt  ma'gnetize,  mesmerlze.  -iferlng  e  magnet!- 
sa'tion.  -iff  a  magnet'ic,  magnetical.  -il'me  c 
magnetism;  bnrifJ  .  animal magnetism,  mesmer 
\*m.  -Hfa'r  e  -er  magnetiser,  mesmeriser.  -Jær«, 
-farnften  magnetic  iron,  mag'aetite.  -fif  maf- 
netlc  pyrltes.  -naal  (magnetic)  needle.  —  9tag> 
netoleiertrtcite't  magneto-electrlc'ity.  -elef  triff 
a  magneto-electric.  Sttonetpol  pole  of  a  magnet. 

Wagn  i  nm  n  fe  TOaanelhim. 

nHsgot'  e  mag'ot,  Macacu*  tuuat. 

Angre  vt  fe  Ubmagre.   Vragref  vd  grow  lean. 

««  g8be|r  fe  Vtag(l  «cjc). 

TOagt  c  (ogfaa  Stprte,  ffraft)  might,  poteney; 
tnaonlig  Sttjrfe,  trraft)  power,  strength;  ($rrrf 
Dømme)  sway;  (pi  -er)  power;  be  frigførrnbe  -er 




the  belligerent  powers;  ben  nbøbenbe  .  the  exe- 
cutive  power;  tbingenbe  -  force,  onbe  -er  powers 
of  eril;  bruge  .  use  main  force;  babe  -en  bear 
8way;  Siben  bobbe  faaet  faaban  _  the  fire  had 
obtained  such  a  hold;  af  al  (fin)  -  wlth  all  one's 
might,  with  might  and  main;  -  gaar  for  Wet 
might  is  above  right;  bare  i  en*  -  be  in  one's 
power,  at  one's  mercy;  bet  ftaar  itte  i  min  -  it 
is  out  of  my  power;  baøe  Orbet  i  fin  -  speak 
fluently,  have  words  at  command;  meb  .  by 
(main)  force,  fordbly,  by  the  strong  hånd;  foa  ~ 
ineb  get  the  upper  hånd  of;  fatte  -  mob  -  repel 
force  by  force;  babe  -  ober  have  power  over; 
(en  Sone  el.  1.)  tøbbe  foaet  (ftørre  og  ftørre)  -  ober 
tjam  had  grown  upon  him;  bet  ligger  -  pac  it  is 
of  moment;  rjoab  .  ligger  betpaa?  what's  the 
odds?  lomme  t  il  -en  come  into  power;  gir*  en 

-  til  at  gøre  noget  authorize  one  to  do  some- 
thlng;  boloe  beb  -  maintain;  bet  ei  el.  ftaac  ueb 

-  it  is  in  force,  is  valid;  bør  beb  -  at  flanbe  must 
be  affirmed;  bare  bel  beb  .  be  in  good  el.  com- 
fortable  case;  bare  oeb  -en  be  in  power.  8Ragt|> 
begår,  -brvjnbe  lust  of  power,  -b»b  imperative 
command.  Slagte  ol  (noget)  manage,  master, 
grasp,  get  the  better  of;  (at)  be  able  to;  iffe  . 
en  Cpgabe  be  unequal  to  a  task.  Vt*gt|(e*)Ub  a 
powerless,  impotent;  (ugblbig)  null  and  void. 
•<e£ J«øb*b  c  powerlessness,  impotency.  -f  ørfcølb 
relative  power  el.  strength.  -førøget  fe  increase 
of  power,  -fntbtømmettfceb  sovereign  el.  absolute 
power,  -fttlbe  pien  i  tude  of  power,  -følelfe 
øeose  of  power,  -g (abe  enjoyment  of  (one's) 
power,  -grif!  fe  -Ififlen.  •ftøttbling  aet  of  author- 
ity.  -laver  c  -e  ruier.  -lufte«  a  greedy  of 
power,  -ntibbel  instrument  of  power,  -omraabe 
dominion,  domain,  -ørb  imperious  word.  -pta> 
ttøøenbe  a  important,  momentous,  of  great 
consequenoe;  labe  flg  bet  oare  .  at  be  anxious 
to,  take  pains  to.  -pøaliggenbeb  c  importance. 
-ran  usurpation,  -raser  usurper,  +-jifter  a 
oonfldent  of  one's  own  power,  -ffare  fe  -om- 
raabe. -tørøg  imperative  el.  dictatorial  language. 
-Rining  strong  position;  fe  -forbolb.  '-ftjaalen  a 
(struck)  powerless.  ••ftjale  vt  strike  powerless, 
unnerve.  -ftrab  struggle  for  power,  -tag  fe 
•luften.  -fi|ge  fe  -begår,  -nbfolbelfe  display  of 

Ragnar  o  -er  Magya'r.    -iff  o  Magyar. 

Øtabø'gai  n  mahog'any;  a  mahogany:  fio  F 
elegant,    -tra  mahogany,  Swittenia  mahooanp. 

9tab;ømcb  Mohammed,  -aner  c  -e,  -anff  Mo- 
ham'medan,  Mahom'etan. 

Mal  e  May;  Sibett  .  the  heyday  of  youth, 
the  opring-tide  of  llfe;  _  ftulbe  gør  Bonben*  Sober 
fnlbe  a  rold  May  and  a  windy  makes  the  barn 
fet  and  flndy;  t  pante  meb  -  deck  with  May 
i-twigs,  -flowers);  t  føre  -  i  Op  celebrate  May 
-day.  •blømft  May-flower,  Majanthenum.  -brus 
fe  greoinbe.  -bar  fe  -tirfebar.  -bøg:  en  -  a  day 
In  May.  •bagen  May-day.  -brll  May -drink 
(wine  seasoned  with  woodroof).  -bug  May-dew. 
flRife  vt:  .  ub.  fe  ttbmaie.  SRaflfifT  alose,  Alo*a 
vuioarit.  -frøfl  frost  in  May.  -fugl  fe  8tpfti«rt, 
gul.  -gifbe  oelebration  of  May-day.  -grebe, 
•grebiabe  May-king,  May-queen.  +-gr*M  a  pea 
srreen.  -firfebar  may-duke.  -fronS  garland  of 

bJtollanb  n  Milan.    -f!  a  Mllanese. 

OtaJlUlje  fe  SUiefonoal.  -møaneb  the  month  of 

Wain  e  uytoben)  the  Maine. 

ØUIttJt  n  MenU,  Mayence. 

Vtall'nape  fe  -roe.  -regn  May-shower.  t-roe 
haaty  turnip,   -røfe  cinnamon  rose,  lioia  einna- 

fltafl  e  maize,   Indlån  com,  Zta  rnait.    -al$ 
£arfeii:  Sanft'Sngelfl  Grbbog. 

omr  comcob.  -b otter  passover-balls.  -brøb  torn 
•bread.  -grøb  (Indlån)  mush.  -følbe  fe  -o!«. 
-mart  maize  field.    -mel  Indian  meal. 

Waflfmør  May-butter.  -føl  May-sun.  -Rang, 
-tra  May- pol  e. 

SRajfttbb  c  (Bfugl)  purpie  grackle,  QuUccdut 

aRafefla  ft  o  -er  maj'esty;  $ere*  -!  8ire!  $ere* 
.  moa  bibe  your  majesty  must  know.  -iff  a 
majes'tic(al).  —  Waieftat»|førbrbbelfe  lece-  (el. 
lese-)  majesty,  high  treason.  -førøruber  one 
guilty  of  leze- majesty. 

aWafoiita  c  møjol'ica. 

Ølajø'r  c  -er  major.  -«'t  n  -er  estate  entailed 
on  the  eldest  son,  majorat.  -bo'mitØ  c  major- 
domo,  mayor  of  the  palace.  -iii'be  c  -r  major's 
lady;  flfru  .  92.  Mis.  Major  N.  -ite't  o  major' - 
ity,  osre  i  -  be  in  a  el.  the  majorlty.  bHajorb« 
poH  major'lty,  ma'Jorate. 

flRafttff'irr  pi  capital  letters,  majuscules,  ma- 

*JWaf  o  fe  •TOarl. 

flRøfa  børn  c  macad/am;  metal,  -ife're  vt 
macad'amize,  metal;  -t  Qej  macadam  road.  -fe'* 
ring  e  macadamlsatlon. 

watatø'nl  pi  macaroni  pi. 

Vtatad'farølie  c  macassar-oil. 

flRafebøsiftt  fe  Wacrbonien. 

SRafebnfe  c  -r  bulky  woman. 

3Wa!i  e  -er  maki,  lemur. 

9Ra!  ilitøfø)  e  macklntosh. 

Watta ta'erne  pi  the  Mac'cabees;  Vtatfaboer 
c  mangaby,  Ceroopitheeu*  futigino$u*. 

flRofte  vt  < noget  fammen)  bungle,  huddle  (up); 
+vi  .  paa  trine  wlth. 

tRaffer  o  -e  partner  (at  cards);  F  en  baarlig  . 
a  sorry  customer.  -i'  n  fe  Slalbarf.  -flab  n 

flKatrel  c  -ler  mack'erel,  Soomber.  -baab  m. 
boat.  -fangft,  -fifleri  mackerel  fishery.  «gar« 
mackerel  -  net.  -gebbe  saury  •  pike  ,  bill  -  flan, 
skipper,  Scomberetox  &aurui.  -ftber  cirro-cumull, 
a  mackerel  sky.  *-fl#rJe  tunny,  Thyn***  vul- 
tfarit.  -terne  common  el.  great  tern,  Stema 

flRofro'tt  c  -er  macaroon.  -bejg  macaroon 

aRaMima'l*  max'imum. 

SRatø'tme  c  -t  max  im. 

SRafdlmum  n  maximum.  bTcafbimsmd*  maxi- 
mum,  outside.  SRatØimnmdtermømeter  maxi- 
mum thermometer. 

SRafnllatn  r  n  (graat  $afpapir)  lining  paper; 
(Ubftubipaplr.  beftreoet,  iturevet  ofo.  ^avir)  waste 
-paper;  (Ubftubftarl)  waste  sneet,  flao  i,  gsre  til  - 
put  to  the  waste  paper.  -e're  vt  mac'ulate, 

ftTlafbort  n  miserable  workmanship,  bungling 
work,  botch. 

a»a(  c  (Xøm  )  bevel. 

Walaba'rllft  a  Malabar;  —  n,  fig  gibberiøh. 
-tljnett  the  M.  coast. 

Waiafit'  o  malachite. 

aWolatt  |er  c,  pi  — ,  Malay.  -iff  o  Malay, 

9ftale  (ogf.  malte,  ma'lt)  vt  (meb  ^arøe)  paint; 
-  af.  fe  Vfmale,  -  meb  Qanbfarbr  paint  in  water 
•coloura,  -  efter  toturen  paint  from  nature,  labe 
fig  .  sit  for  one's  portralt,  have  cne's  portral t 
taken;  ban  -r  paa  et  &inbftab  he  is  (engaged  in) 
painting  a  landscape^  (tjer  er)  -t!  (til  Vbbarfel) 
wet  paint  i  -r  flg,  ftaar  -t  (i  banø  9lnfigt)  is  paioted 
el  depicted  in  his  face;  —  malenbe  a,  fig 
plctonal,  graphlcal. 

Wale  vt  (om  ftorn  ofo.)  grind,  crush,  -  ©anb 
ub  pump  out  water;  —  vi  •(om  Katten)  purr. 





9Nalr»i  »erne  pi  the  Mal  di  ves. 

Vtalrftfant'  e  -re  malefac'tor. 

SRalrlgang  c  groove,  channel.  -fnbe  mill 

SRalemnl'  c  (8ugT)  fulmar,  mallemoke,  /W- 
Morta  gtacialii. 

SRalejtf  n,  -penge  money  for  grlnding.  Utalen 
c  grlnding. 

Violer  c  -e  (baabe  om  ftunftneren  oa  om  $aanb< 
oarfftmanben)  painter,  (tf  ar  TOfniat.)  limner.  -an< 
lag  talent  for  painting.  -arbefbe  palnter's  work, 
painting.  -atelier  painter's  studio.  -brug:  til 
.  for  the  use  of  painters.  -brat  pallet,  -breng 
palnter's  apprentlce.  -forne  paint,  painter's 
coloura.  -ferniØ  palnter's  varnish.  -fllfe  grlnd- 
ing-stone.  -forening  painters'  union,  -gangen 
J,  the  paint-strake.  -gnlb  palnter's  gold,  shell 

ØUteri'  »  -er  palntlng,  plcture.  -tymbfer  pic- 
ture-dealer.    -fe  ab  er  judge  of  pictnres. 

flRalerin'be  c  -r  lady  artist. 

Vtaleri'l  ramme  c  picture-frame.  -famler  col- 
lector  of  pictures.  -fauting  colleotion  of  paint- 
ing«. picture-gallery.  Waleriff  a  picturesque. 
VtalerinbfHfllng  picture  exhibttlon. 

9taler|fanbe  paint-tin.    -fatfe  painter's  box 
-f  ølif  painter's  colic.  -toft  painter's  brush,  paint 
•brush.     -fnnft  art   of   painting      -la*   house 
-painters' corporatlon.  -lim  Uning-paste    -fore 
fatte,   bære  i  .  bind  apprentlce  to,  be  in  ap- 

f)renticeship  wlth,  a  house-palnter.  -tarltftg 
e  -breng.  -mefter  master  house-palnter.  -mus- 
ling palnter's  gaper.  -olie  palnter's  oli.  -benfri 
painting  brush,  hair-pencil.  -potte  palnter's 
colour-pot.  -b**  paint-bucket.  -rebflab  paint 
ing  implement.  palnter's  tool.  -fager  painter's 
stores,  -fol  theat  scene-room.  -flab  &  paint 
-locker.  -flole  school  of  painting.  -fir nb  paint 
-scrubber.  -ften  stone  ror  griuding  colours. 
-fkof  xnostlck,  maulstick.  -flot  easel.  -ftne 
painter's  studio.  -fnenb  joumeyman  painter. 
-fain  painter's  silver.  -øarf  fe  -arbejbe.  -n*rl 
•fteb  house-palnter' s  workshop,  -*Je  painter's  eye. 

9Rale|tanb  mill-tooth,  molar  tooth.  -nanb, 
-tierrf  fe  9Røue*. 

Walifce  c  malice. 

Vtaling  c  paint. 

Vtaffe  fe  Walle  2 

SRa'tfant  e  moulding-edge. 

ItRaffe  vt  mllk;  vi  give  el.  yield  milk;  -nbe 
fto  cow  in  milk  -aag  yoke  for  carrying  mllk 
•palls.  »Mtt.  -fanbe  milk-pall.  -to  milk  cow, 
milch  cow,  mllker.  -Iran*  pad,  roll.  -føag  mllk 
-cowsp/.  -bige  milk-mald.  -»fabl  milklng-place. 
-{rammet  fe  -fiol.  -fftanb  milk-pall  el.  -bucket. 
•fiol  milking-stool.  -tib  milking  Urne.  Wall- 
nlttg  c  milking. 

8Ra(|iønbnit  e  c  misconduct.  -fonten!'  a  dis- 
contented,  mal'content;  —  c  -er  malcontent. 

flRaH'a*  e  molas"ses  pi. 

SRa'KaflFcr  pi  (tømr.)  scarphs  of  mouids. 

8Ra0e  c  -r  ($iff)  sheat-flsh,  Situru*  glam«. 

SWaHe  c  -r  (til  $aate)  eye.  -fra»e  gorget. 
-banfer  ringed  coat  of  mail. 

9Ra  Koft  n  &  mould(ing)  loft. 

IRalm  c  k  n  (metalbolbig  Sten)  ore;  (TOetal) 
metal;  (9Retat,  Ijnori  ber  er  en  ©lonbing  af  »oboer) 
bras«;  (Oranenft,  forrent)  heart,  heart-wood;  bibl 
en  lubenbe  -  eller  en  ftingenbe  ©jælbe  sounding 
bra«s  or  a  tinkling  cymbal.  -aarr  metallic  vein. 
•agtla  a  metallic.  -art  species  of  ore.  -brnb 
metal  mine.  -farne  bronze  colour  -ffarlb  moun- 
taln  contalniug  ore.  -fnlb  a  (rig  paa  BRetal) 
aboundlng  in  ore;  (flonofulb)  sonorous;  (træ) 
free  from  sap.  *-fnrn,  -fnr  red  deal  free  from 
sap.     -gang  fe  -acre.     -glan*   metallic  lustre. 

-gmbe  fe  -brub.  -arftbe  metal  pot.  -%of»if  a 
metalliferous,  metaiUne.  -fanou  brass  cannon 
-Hang  metallic  sound,  -lejr  stratum  of  ore 
-morter  brass  mortar.  -rig  fe  -fnlb  -røfrsiag 
roabting  of  ore.  -raft  sonorous,  powerful  voice. 
•ffunt  scum  of  metals,  -frrog  fe  -aavt.  -flæber 
brass-founder.    -foørb  bronse  sword. 

9Raining  c  painting. 

8Ri'(ning  c  grlnding. 

flRollbface'ret  a  mlsplaoed.  -»ro'bec  a  slovenly, 

bxalfkrom  e  -me  whirlpool;  -men  (i  9corge)  the 
Mr  el  s  trom. 

flta'tfager  e  £  timber  converter. 

9Ratt  n  malt;  gore  .  malt,  make  malt. 

Ocalto  n  MalU. 

SRaftlbing  maH-chest.  -bonbon^  -brnftfnlteT 
malt  losenge«.  -bngmaltlng  barley.  -brtl  malt 
-drink  el.  -liqnor.    IRalte  of  malt. 

IRa(t|et*traft  extract  of  malt. 

SRttltefer  c  -e  Måltese,  lor*  cross  of  Malta. 
Måltese  cross,  -orbenen  the  Order  of  Malta, 
-ribber  knlght  of  Malta.    Walte'fifi  a  Malteae. 

8Ralt|fjat(e  pf  malt-floor.  -gorer  c  -e  maltater, 
malt-man.  -goreri  malt  house,  -gåring  c  malt- 
ing.    -bnft  malt-house. 

»Jaltbnlflttn  er  c  -t,  -'fifl  a  Malthu'slan. 

9Ralt|foofm  fe  -rasDf.  -UHe  malt-kiln.  -loft 
malt-floor.  -m«He  malt- mill.  -maller  malt 
-miller,    -obn  malt  klin. 

fltaltrafte're  of  maltreat. 

9Ra(t|robber  fe  -fpirer.  -flrnb  fe  rtftrah.  -flat 
malt-tax.  -flirer  malt-dust.  -fnlfer  malt-sugar. 
-Oirfning  fe  -goring. 

Hcafurt  c  wormwood,  ArUmuia  abnntkium. 
-branbeoln  absinthlated  spirlts,  abslnthe  -b&nfr 
fe  SRalurt.  -bager  cup  or  bitternes«,  -braaber 
essence  of  wormwood.  -brif  fip  gall  and  worm- 
wood, fe  -baget,    -»in  wormwood  wine. 

Øcaloa  e  mallow(s). 

SRalnafTer  c  malmsey. 

SRam'a  mamma',  mam'my;  lange«  efter  fin  - 
be  mother  slck. 

©Jantelttf  c  -ler  Mameluke;  pi  (Qenflober) 
pantalets  pi. 

IRammam  c  (Øømefb.)  pap. 

IRammon  n  &  e  mammon,  richespf;  ben  urette 
.  the  unrighteous  m.  —  ØtammonØIbnrrcffe, 
•tilbebelfe  mammon-worshlp.  -bbjrfrr,  -tllbeber, 
-tral  w orebipper  of  mammon. 

9Rammnt|b&r  mammoth,  EUpha*  prxmiøenna. 
-bnte  mammoth  cave. 

Vton'  pron  indtf  (i  VfminbeligVb)  one;  (i  Zil« 
tole,  naax  bet  ubfagte  naonlig  snffeft  anoenbt  |Ma 
ben  tiltalte)  you;  (naønfig  i  tiltale,  naar  man  inb« 
befatter  flø  felo  meb  i  bet.  ber  ubfigeftj  we;  («*  Brit) 
people  el.  $alfio;  (naar  Subirftet  er  belenbt  af  bet 
foregaarnbe)  they  el.  en  Omftritming  mrb  $asfiv; 
naar  ~  er  trort,  bolbet  .  af  at  b^ile  when  one  Ib 
ti  red,  one  likes  to  repose;  gobt  mm  -  (DO  maa 
berfor  ifte  tro  . .  .  well,  but  therefore  you  must 
not  think  .  .  .:  bi  b<3be  rigtignof  iffe  baret  ber, 
men  *  (2>e  og  Jeg)  et  ba  beller  iffe  banf  Slaver 
indeed,  we  have  not  been  there;  but  then  we 
are  not  his  slaves,  you  see;  -  (ftoll)  flaer  people 
say:  it  is  said,  -  (bet  i  bet  foregoaenbe  naonte 
Suojfft)  fanbt  $am  they  found  hlm,  he  wat 
found;  .  bar  fagt  mig  I  have  been  told;  -  ran 
iffe  oibe  bet  there  is  no  knowing;  .  maa  ifte  mi*- 
forftaa  mig  let  me  not  be  misunaVratood;  »  ben- 
oenbe  flg  til  apply  to. 

an  an  c  -er  mane 

flWan   n  the  lsle  of  Man.  -boer  c  -t  Manx-man. 

Vt anb  c,  pi  Wanb.  (X  i  tiltale :  Vianbet  9Ranne  I) 
man;  (røgtern.)  husband;  (til  at  forrette  Urbffbf) 
band;  -  og  Kone  man  and  wife;  8000  ~  8000  men; 




i  -8  SRtnbe  in  the  memory  of  man,  within  livtag 
memory;  alle  .  all  hånds,  oHe  fom  een  .  one  and 
all,  all  to  a  man.  wlth  one  consent,  all  unani- 
raously;  torfc  fig  fom  en  .  play  the  man;  finbe  fin  - 
find  one's  match;  $an  er  iffe  ben  -,  font  gat  he 
is  not  a  man  (el.  the  man,  the  sort  of  man)  to 
do;  t  et  gobt  ftaffel«  .  a  poor  soul;  fe  $øj  a,  Orb; 
_  of  -  male  descendtng  from  male;  -  f  or  -  man 
by  man;  Mere  -  f+-cn)  for  noget  (iftanb  til)  be 
eqiial  to,  (foare  for)  warrant,  be  responslble  for; 
pille  en  .  for  flg  pro  vide  a  substitute;  jeg  bar 
(min)  .  for  mig  I  have  my  authority;  -en  for  bet 
tjde  the  cock  of  the  waik;  bare  -  i  flt  $ue  be 
magter  in  one's  own  house;  -  og  -  imellem 
t>etween  man  and  man;  -  i  mob  .  man  to  man; 
€ftbet  forgit  meb  -  og  SJhi*  the  ship  went  down 
wlth  every  mother' s  soul,  wlth  all  hånds  on- 
board;  en  ~  paa  en  SRiKion  a  man  worth  a 
million;  per  .,  til  -S  a  head,  a  man;  1000  .  til 
$ob*  og  200  .  til  $eft  1000  foot  and  200  horse; 
til  fibfte  -  to  the  last  man. 

SRaiifeaø  c  -e  Monday;  fri  .  (Qfoamanbagl  Saint 
Monday;  i  -«  last  Monday;  om  -en  every  M.,  on 

SRonbant'  c  -er  constituent. 

SRaubari  n  c  -et  mandarin,  -anb  mandarin 
durk,  Dendronena  øalericulata.  -trit  mandarin 
orangc-tree,  Citrtn  nobili*. 

9Rø«ba't  n  -er  man 'date;  nebfægge  flt  .  resign 
one's  seat.    -tt'r(ia«)  c  -er  man'datary. 

3Ranb|bør  a  marriagcable,  nubile.  -bartycb  c 
marriageable  age,  marriageableness.  ••blbfl  a 
tbat  bltes,  given  to  biting,  -bjørn  man-eatlng 
bear.  -børn  c  manhood,  virility. 

9Rø«bbøaØ  | nar,  -ølber  years  el.  age  of  man- 
hood, -gerning  aet  of  manhood  -frøft  strength 
of  manhood  -orb  manly  word.  -rbgte  renown 
for  manhood.  -ftttrfe  fe  -traft.  -bø»rl  fe  »gerning. 

SWanb|br«b  (i  «tm )  homicide,  (iife  oberfagt) 
manslaughter.   -braber  c  -e  homicide,  manslayer. 

tøanbe  vt  &  man;  -  ftaa  man  ship,  .  fig  op, 
fe  Ovmanbe,  t  *  be  married,  marry. 

9Ranbe|oløb   human   blood.     -bob   weregUd. 
+-bøb  mortality.     -føtb  slanghter,  loss  of  11  fe 
•bf  O  eb  human   head.     -bat  man-hole.     -Hø  gi 
fe  -trtb. 

BRanbrl  c  -bier  almond;  anat  almond,  tonsil, 
-brfbalmond-biscult.  -bnbbing  almond  pud ding. 
-bfjg  almond  poste,  •førmlg  a  almond-shaped. 
-gr  art  far  vegetable  marrow.  -grøb  almond  pap. 
•gnmnti  almond  gum. 

IRan  belig  adv  manfnlly. 

tWanbeltft  c  man's  cunning.  -  er  bet  bebombe, 
men  Stbinbelift  er  uben  dnbe  man  may  plot,  but 
woman  can  counterplot. 

SRanbeljfage  almond-cake.  -terne  (kernel  of 
an)  almond.  -fllb  alroond-powder.  -m*ff  almond 
mllk,  orgeat.  -olie  almond  o  11  +-oft  blanc 
•manger  -»il  almond-wlllow,  Salixamygdalina. 
*-*ubbiug  fe  -bubbing.  -fteu  amygdalold.  toad 
-stone.  -føebc  almond-soap  -tro?  almona-tree, 
AmyødaUs  eommun*'*.    -tætte  almond-tart. 

9ranbr|møb  manly  courage,  -bib  human  wis- 

IWttnblfttlb  fe  røanbefalb.  -følt  male,  man,  pi 
men.  F  men-folk(s). 

9Ranbfolfc|baanb  man's  hånd.  -tøt  man's  el. 
gentleman's  hat.  -nobn  fe  9Ranb*>.  -felfføb  fe 

9Ranb|før  a  fe  -bar;  -  $ef*  horse,  that  can  bear 
a  rider  -gaf  a  mad  after  men.  *-gar  c  large 
ring  el.  row  of  men.  -bøf  tig  a  stout-hearted, 
donghty,  stalwart;  (om  fyruentimmer)  mannlsh. 
•baf  Hgbeb  c  donghtiness.  -b«l  man-hole  -fculø' 
bør  man-hole  door. 

SWanbt'bler  pi  man'dibles. 

Vtavblg  c  man  ful,  donghty.  -Ijcb  c  manful- 
ne*s.    SRanbin'be  c  woman. 

9R  anb  føn  male  sex,  masculine  gender.  9tattb< 
Hg  o  male,  masruline,  virile;  -t  8Rim  male  el. 
single  rhyme.    tSWanbløS  o  husbandless. 

VlanbøIi'H  e  -er  man'dolin. 

9Ranbøfm  a  vlcious. 

aWanbrii'  c  -ler  («be)  man 'd ril  1,  drill,  Cynocc- 
pk'tluå  mormon. 

8Rflnb9|ølber  (2Renneftealber)ageofman;  (manb> 
lig  Viber)  man's  estate.  -anfigt  man's  face. 
•ørbejbe  man's  work el.  labour.  -ørbejber (STont.) 
man's  man.    -ørbing  male  helr. 

SRønbfø^tt'ler  c  Manehoo,  Manchu,  Manchow. 
-ri  et  Manchu'ry. 

9Ranb9|bragt  male  attlre.  -føbber  godfather, 
male  sponsor,  -fange  male  prisoner.  -banbfle 
man's  gi  o  ve.  -bjerte  manly  fortitude,  intrepid- 
ity;  \}ax  bu  Wob  og  .  if  you  are  not  a  coward, 
if  you  are  a  man.  -bølbning  manly  bearing. 
-b*l  o  of  a  man's  height.  -Ijøjbe  a  man's  height 

SRønbftab  n  troops,  men  pl\  A,  crew,  ship's 
company;  *n  -er  man,  private;  pabe  for  tibet  . 
be  under  man  ned  —  9Ranbfrab£|førtegnelfe, 
-lifte,  -mile  crew's  list. 

9Rønb#|ljøte  coat.  -flæber  men's  clothes, 
male  apparel.  -ttørbttlng  male  attlre.  -før  male 
choir.  -tøfl  man's  allowance  (of  food).  -fraft 
manly  strength.  -len  male  fee.  JDtanbØttaø  c 
-er  bit  of  a  man,  manikin.  8Ranb£|linie  male 
line.  -lift  a  man's  cunning  -løb  male  share 
of  a  succession,    -tengbe  fe  -bøjbe. 

tSRanbflfft  n  manslaughter,  homicide. 

aRanbøiminbt  fe  9Ranb(«  9Rinbe).  -mob  fe 
-fjerte,  -nabn  man's  name.  -terføn  male;  ugift 
.  bachelor. 

tSRonbfbitbe  c  waste  of  human  life. 

gWanb&lfang  men's  singlng.  -fangforenlng 
men's  voeal  soclety,  male  voice  glec  society. 
-flbe  fe  Swerbrtbf.  -frø  man's  shoe.  -ffrocbber 
(men's)  tallor.  -florgt  male  kindred,  agnates  pi. 
-flamme  fe  -linie,  -ftemme  a  man's  volce  el. 
male  volce.  -fine  (i  et  $ofpitaf)  male  ward.  -tro 
eryngo,  sea-holly,  E  pnpium  maritimvm.  -tugt 
disciplin e.    -tbf  a  of  the  thickness  of  a  man. 

flRaubftoer!  a  strong  in  men  el.  numbers,  in 
great  force,  in  strong  force,  wlth  a  great  force, 
numerously  attended;  mobe  -  muster  strong. 

9Rønb|tal  register,  census;  ^olbe  .  take  a 
censu«,  make  up  a  return  of  population.  -tal8- 
lifte  return  of  population;  census-paper.  -bofØen 
fe  -bar. 

9Wane  vt  (frsoe)  dun;  (Øanber)  conjure,  raise; 
^  (rn  Ønbe)  pass  (a  rope);  .  frem  conjure  up, 
raise;  ~  bort,  neb  exorcise,  lay.  -breb  dunning 

9Rane'øe  c  manege,    -ttlff  longe- whip 

9Ranelfe  c  r  admonitlon,  warning.  SRcnen 
fe  Vtantng.    SRaner  o  -e  exordser. 

Wanér  c  -er  m&n'ner;  (TOaniertbeb)  manner- 
ism.  -lig  o  man'nerly,  decorous.   -lig^eb  o  man 

SRøncr,  9Raneb  pi  manes. 

*2Wane  t  9Rau*'t  c  er  Jelly-flsh,  Meduai. 

Wanga'n  n  mangane 'se  -^bbrocbb  manganic 
hydrate  -bbbrojbbnl  manganous  hydrate.  -Ilte 
manganic  oxide.  SRanganoftorib  manganous 
chloride  (o.  fl ).  8Wangan|ooerilte,  -oberojbb 
manganic  dioxlde.  -ojb*  fe  -ilte.  -\pat  mangan 
-spar,  dialogtte.  -furt  ftali  potassic  manganate 
(o.  fl  )•    -fbre  manganic  trloxlde. 

ta»onge  o  -r,  fe  tBlibe. 

IRønge  a  many,  «  many  (people).  fsrbeled  - 
very  many,  a  great  many,  _  $enge  much  money; 
ubb^e  .  $enge  a  våst  lot  of  money.  bbab  ffal  br 
gøre«  meb  be  .  iBøger?  what  is  to  be  done  v 





all  these  book«?  -  %al  many  thanks,  I  thank 
you  very  much;  Ijoor  -  er  JMorTen?  what  is  tbe 
time?  ben  er  .  it  Is  late.  9Range|aartg  a  of 
many  years,  of  many  years'  standlng.  -armet 
a  many  arm  ed.  -artet  a  multifarious.  -Mønt* 
firet  a  many-flowered,  multlflorous.  -bøftøeft 
a  manifold,  multiplled;  ado  many  times,  -farøet 
a  many-coloured,  variegated.  -følb  m  manifold; 
n  multiple.  -føbbet  a  multipled,  multipede. 
-gifte  n  polygamy.  -øaanbe  a  varlous.  -fast 
polygon,    -tantet  o  polygonal. 

SRanget  c  -gfer  want,  lack,  absence;  (Wøb, 
I  rang)  need;  (ftnapfcb,  ringe  Éforraab)  scarcity; 
(ftejl)  defect,  defledency,  shortooming,  drawback, 
demerit;  take-off;  libe  -  suffer  want;  tøbe  .  paa 
bo  in  want  of,  be  sbort  of;  af  -  paa  for  want 
of,  i  -  af  in  default  of,  for  lack  et.  want  of,  in 
tbe  absence  of;  i  -  beraf  faillng  tbat,  that  failing. 

SRangeteøet  a  witb  many  joints. 

Stangelfnlb  o  defective,  deflcient.  -beb  c 
defecti venes*,  deficlency. 

t9Rangelnnb(e)  adv  in  many  ways. 

Stangen  pron  inde/,  n  mangt  many,  .  en  many 
a  one;  -  (Sang  many  a  time,  often;  in  many 
cases;  mangt  og  meget  (a  great)  many  tbings. 

3Range|  røbet  a  multiserial.  -fUig  a  many 
-sided,  venatile.  »fiblgtyeb  c  versatility,  many 
•sidedness.  +-flHbe  adv  many  times.  -ftaOebe 
pi  zoo  mul  ti  val  ves.  -flag*  a  of  many  kinds. 
-ffteøl  ado  in  many  piaces.  -ftemmig  a  for  many 
voioes.  -ttybig  a  ambignous,  capable  of  many 

SRangfot'blg  a  multifarious,  manifold,  multl- 
tudinous;  -e  ever  so  many,  numbera  (of)-  -g« re 
vt  multiply.  -gørelfe  c  multiplication.  -b,eb  c 
mnltipllcity,  multitude,  variety. 

SRanggoød  n  fkind  of)  pewter,  tin  of  a  mean 

tRangte  vt  (fatte*)  want,  lack,  be  destitute  of; 
—  vi  be  wanting;  bet  -r  mig  ...  I  want .  .  .;  bet 
-be  run!  tbat  only  was  wanting!  what  next!  ber 
•r  ilfe  ttntybninger  til  there  are  not  wanting 
hints;  ben  -r  ti  »Knutter  i  5  ifs  ten  minutes  to 
five,  wants  ten  minutes  to  el.  of  five  (o'clock); 
bet  bil  tffe  -  bem  paa  .  .  .  they  wlll  not  want 
(for)  .  .  .;  bet  -be  tffe  paa  there  was  no  want  of; 
lob  bet  ilfe  ~  paa  was  not  sparing  of,  gave 
abundant  .  .  .;  intet  fttnrt  at  .  i  ban«  Storbeb 
notbing  seemed  wanting  to  his  grandeur;  bet 
•nbe  what  is  wauttng,  the  deficlency,  tbe  de- 
fect(s);  -nbe  Betaling  non-payment. 

{Rangle  vt  (rullr)  mangle,  caiender,  -ør«t 
(flfprb.)  rolling -board,  -fj*l  mangling- board. 
•ftof,  -ir*  roller. 

SRangø  o  mango,  -tr*  mango-tree,  Mangifera 

Stanorø'pe  c  -r  mangrove. 

flRonf  c  -er  ma'nia,  craze. 

flRania)fle'|cr  c  -e  Manichee,  Maniche'an.  -'ifl 
«  Manicbean.    -tt'me  c  Man'ichelsm. 

SRanie'ret,  SHaniere  ret  a  mannered.  -beb  c 

Watttfeft'  n  -er  man'ifest,  manifes 'to.  -otiø'n 
e  -er  mantfesta'tlon.    -e're  vt  man'ifest. 

SWanibot  fe  SRantoT. 

StaniH'a  n  (Øen)  (the  isle  of)  ManUla.  -cigar 
Mantlla,  cheroot.    -tyamp  Manllla  (hemp). 

tRanifl'e  c  (i  fiomberfp.)  manille. 
SRaning  c  dunning  etc.  (fe  9Ranr). 
Dtaniot  c  manioc,    manihot,   Manikot  tttilit- 
§i  na.  -brøb  cassava-bread.  -mel  cassava  (meal). 

Vlantt  e  -r  wither*  pi;  fe  TOon.  -ørnbt  a 
wlther-wrung.  -febt  melted  horse's  grease,  horse 
-oli.  -fiflet,  -mnft  fistulous  withers.  -baar  mane 

9Rante'r|e  vi  f  fall,  be  wanting;  —  vt  miss. 
•Ha  a  P  annoyed. 

flRantelrem  wither-strap.  -ftø(  sad  ole.  fRontet 
a  måned. 

9tanna  c  manna,  -af!  manna  ashv  Fnurinnt 
ornua.  -cifaøe  manna  fly.  -grpn  manna  groats 
-grttf  floatlug  meadow-grass,  Featxci  Jluitam*. 
-f af t  manna-emulsion,  -futter  mannlte.  -fblnget 
fe  •arsft.  -tr«  manna- tree.  tRannit'cman'nlte. 

SRonøme'ter  a  -tre  manometer. * 

SRanfa'rbtag  n  man'sard  el.  curb  roof. 

tRanft  a  Manx. 

SRanflet'  c  -ter  cuff,  ruffle  (for  the  wristj, 
(fafl)  wriMtband;  ftøbt  paa  -terne  F  piqued.  -tna>- 
per  studs,  sleeve-llnks.  -fljorte  gentlemans 
(full)  shirt. 

SRantct  e  -tier  (ogf .  i  Waioøn)  mantle;  ^  runner; 
0(ooer  6forften)  mantel,  mantle-piece.  -tløf  .£, 
rnnner  block.  9Rante(et'  o  -ter  mantlet,  mantelet 
9ftantet|oøn  jacketfurnace.    -fat  fe  Sabfat. 

tRanttO'e  o  -r  mantilla. 

Wantiø'fe  c  -r  mantissa. 

flKanna'l  c  -er  mere  wawte-book,  w*u*  keyboard; 
-er  rdaanbbcegte)  dumb  bells. 

fftannbn|cenb'  o  -er  pupil,  -cent'  c  -er,  fe  -ftør. 
•ce're  vt  prepare  (a  student)  for  an  examlnation, 
coach,  f  grind,  cram.  -ttiøtt  c  coaching  etc. 
-ttø'r  c  -er  (special)  tutor,  coach,  F  grinder. 

9Rannet'  a  man'ual. 

9Rannfattn'r  c  -er  manufae'ture,  n  (9abrif> 
(manu)fac'tory.  -orbejbe  fltetory  work.  -arøefber 
manufactory-man.  -banbel  drapery,  amr  busi- 
ness in  dry  goods;  (©utif)  draper' 8  shop,  dry 
-goods  store,  -bnnbler,  SRannfattnrifl'  e  -er 
draper,  dry 'goods  merchant.  -Parer  manufac- 
tured  goods;  drapery,  dry  goods. 

9Ranuftript'  n  -er  man 'uscript  (ffribel  i  Reglen 
MS);  (til  ©(etteren)  copy,  matter;  tøn  mangler  - 
he  is  out  of  copy;  trptt  fom  .  privately  printed, 
printed  for  private  ciroulatlon.  -famling  collec- 
tion  of  MSS. 

•Wanflf  t  fe  TOanet. 

SRanøPer  (SRana  øre)  c  -rer  manoeuver,  ma 
noeuvre,  evolution;  (ftrtgløørlfe)  manoeuver, 
sham  fight;  &  manoeuver,  working  of  tbe  ahip. 
•bar,  -lig  a  manageable,  easy  to  manoeuvre. 
Stanøbre'te  vi  &  t  (l  tttminbeligbeb)  manoeuver; 
<i.  work  et.  handle  a  ship,  fio  manage;  6ftbet 
tunbe  ifte  *  the  ship  was  unmanageable.  røfl- 
nøøre'ring  c  manoeuvres. 

9Roppe  c  -r  portfolio,  paper-case,  (Sfriw«) 

SRaraøn'(fftorf)  c  marabou.  -fjer  marabou 

aWarabut'  c  -er  marahout. 

9ftarafa)t'nø  e  maraschino. 

*3Wa'rbaffe  c  sandbank,  sea-bank  (where  the 
bottom  suddenly  sh elves  into  deep  water). 

9Rarcelli'n  c  persian,  ma'rceline. 

Ward)  c  -er  ma  rch,  paa  -en  on  the  march; 
begioe  fio  paa  -en  march  off,  start;  floa  el.  blæfe 
en  -  strike  up  a  march. 

VtartilanøMntag  route.  -øataiffon  marcbing 
lttittalion.  -bag  marching  day.  -btigtig  a  able 
to  march.  9Rara)e're  vi  march;  tabe  -  march. 
9Rard)| fægtning  encounter.  -førrbig  a  ready 
to  m.rch.  -tolønne  marching  column,  -linie 
line  of  march.  -aarity  double-  quick  step. 
•orben  marching  order.  -orbre  marching  order, 
qtoe,  faa  -  put,  be,  under  marching  orden.  -r*te 
fe  -Hnie. 

SRarcipa'n  c  ma'rchpane. 

TO  are  c  nicrhtmare,  incubus. 

Warclbalm  c  lyme-grass,  Elvmuø  arenariw; 
grass-wrack,  Zontera  marina,  -fat  c  (long-tailed) 
monkey,  Cercopithecut. 




,   Vlareltorft  two  triangles  interlaced.   -lal  c  elf 
-lock,  plica. 

tfiRareitftinbe,  •mfnbc  mermaid. 

SRaren  Mary;  p  .  flmme  barridan. 

9Iare*g'fer  [ft.]  j>4  meringue*. 

Vtarertbt  n  attack  of  the  nightmare. 

IRaveltom  c  holly,  //ex  aqucfolivm.  -ttibfe  c 
creeping  willow,  Å'o/tx  repen«, 

tfRarelbib  fe  -fblnbe. 

9Iarg  fe  Vtargen. 

*IRarg  fe  TOaib. 

VJargarin  c  ma'rgarine.    -føre  margaric  acid. 

Øtarge«  c  et  (i  en  Bog)  margin;  i  -  on  el.  in 
the  margin,    9Rargina'tnøte  ma'rginal  note. 

9Rarg(a)re'te  Ma'rgaret.    -tafle  alms  bag. 

*tRargftja?le  vt  enervate,  unman. 

fltargiterit'e  c  marguerite,  Paris  daisy,  Ltu 
eanthtmum  grandiflorum. 

SU'rbalm  fe  Warebalm. 

tIRari  adv  troth. 

VUria'ne,  Mary  Ann. 

fltari'o,  tRori'e  Ma'ry,  Mari'a;  jomfru  .  the 
(Holy)  Virgin,  the  Virgin  Mary;  Woriæ  *ebubelfe 
Annunciation  day;  SNariæ  fceføgelfe  Visitation 
day.  —  9Raric|bab  ehem  water-bath,  balneum 
Mariæ.  -blOebe  Image  of  the  Virgin,  -bbrfetfc 
mariolatry.  -btorfer  mar lolater.  -  n)glaØ  mica. 
*-gttlb  corn  marigold,  Chrytanthea,um  tegetum. 
*-<9Raria)gttibft*  lady's  slipper,  Lotvt  cornicula- 
tv§.  *-boa»b  palmate  orchis,  Orthi*  macutata. 
-|alm  fe  -Sengefyalm;  twild  thyme,  Thymut  ser- 
pvllum.  -b*«e  flady-blrd,  CoccineUa;  »butterfly, 
Fépilio  -toabe  fe  £ø»efob.  -flrte  St.  Mary('s) 
Church).  -Hofter  monastery  dedJcated  to  the 
Virgin.  -metfe  Lady -day.  -(Wariæjnaglebaaitb 
fe  Robrtber.  -rat  (the  constellation  of)  Orion. 
•(9Rarice)6ettgebatm  Lady's  bedstraw,  Qalium 
verum.  -ribfel  St.  Mary 's  thistle,  Cardutu  Mu- 
rianua.    »SRa  rl|gulb,  -b#ne,  -faobe  fe  Warie«. 

SRarifb  (e  «ortlb. 

Vtar tarbe  c  pickled  meat. 

Vtari'ne  c  -r  navy;  +  «=»  -maleri,  -aarbog  Navy 
List.  -arf  ettal  naval  arsenal,  -bnbgettei  the  Naval 
Estimates.  *-<  og  $oft)bebarteme»t  navy  (and  post) 
department.  -be^ot  naval  depot.  -etabtMfement 
naval  establishment,  -flag  naval  flag.  -førraab 
naval  stores,  -faragfel  naval  prison.  -bofbttal 
naval  hospital,  -falenber  fe  -aarbog.  -Ilftcrt 
binocular  telescope.  -tømtaanbo  Navy  Board. 
-tømmtøfariat  Commissioners  of  the  Navy. 
-maler  marine  painter.  •maleri  sea-piece.  -ma- 
teriel naval  material.  -minifter  minister  of 
naval  affaire,  m.  of  marine,  -mlatfterium  min- 
istry  of  naval  affairs;  (i  ffnglanbj  Royal  navy 
department.  -mbnbfgteber  naval  authoriiies. 
•»ærter  beacons  and  buoys.    -pl*n  Navy  plan. 

Vlari'iter  c  -e  marine,  -f  orbft  corps  of  marines. 

9tarine're  %t  (neblægge)  mar'inate,  pickle;  -t 
(brftobiget)  seadamaged. 

9Rari*e|følbat  marine,  -fftotft  naval  ordnanee. 
-tøffe  fe  -maleri,  -ftbrelfen  our  Naval  admini- 
strators.   -Oflftft  naval  dockyard. 

Ocariotiet'  e  -ter  puppet.  -batte  b.  f.  -tømebie 
-føll,  -teater  puppet  show  el.  play. 

Vlariti'm  a  maritime. 

TOart  c,  p/  -=,  (oafaa:  *9lcerfrr  i  »ft.  Bægt), 
(Bagt)  half  a  pound;  tORønt,  ViarTftpHe)  mark 
(tabout  4»/t  pence,  *10«/»  pence);  •  *anfo  ($antø» 
Slarf)  Banko  mark;  en  -  ®ølt>  eight  ounces  of 
illver;  en  -  Oulb  24  carats  of  gold;  et  $ar  -e* 
$enge  a  couple  of  marks. 

•IRarf  c  -er  worm. 

Vtart  e  -er  fieids,  ground,  land;  t  (•  tun  fio) 
fleld;  *woods,  pasture,  common,  aaben  -  open 
fleld,  en  øib  ~  for  a  wide  fleld  for;  brage  el.  njlft 
i  -en  take  the  fleld;  flaa  af   en  beat  out  of  the 

fleld,  off  the  fleld,  joc  put  ont  ot  court;  rømme 
•en  quit  the  fleld;  Iabe  en  beljotbe  -en  leave  one 
in  possession  of  the  fleld.  -ab om  maple,  Aetr 
canpe$tri».  -arbeibe  fleld  work.  -arbeibrr  fleld 
labourer.  -btømft  fleld  flower,  wild  flower. 
t-bog  Burveyor's  inventory  of  land.  t-bfgf  fleld 
dike.    -bse  fe  ffiingbiie. 

SRarteb  n  -et  fair;  mere  (ttffceintngifleb;  flffst« 
ning  af  Varer)  m arket,  (6trb)  emporium;  gaa  paa 
-et  go  to  the  fair;  ber  baobe  naret  -  there  had 
bten  a  fair;  ber  er  et  gobt  -  for  ftaffe  it  is  a 
good  market  for  coffee;  et  nt)t  .  a  new  outlet 
for  commodities;  noor  Tolfrn  tommer  til  ~,  faar 
Srræmmeren  $enge  a  fool  and  his  money  are  floon 
parted.  —  9RartebØ|  beret  ti  lug  niere  market-re- 
port.  -bob,  -bittit  booth  at  a  fair.  -bag  fair 
•day.  -folt  frequenters  of  a  fair;  (fom  brage  til 
W.)  people  going  to  a  fair.  -ga«g  fairing. 
-gabe  fairing.  -gabft  goods  sold  at  a  fair.  -g«rft 
frequenter  of  a  fair.  -trom  fe  -goM.  -tranumer 
shop  man  at  a  fair.  "Uh  (ftøbmanbftab  paa  Ot.) 
purchase  made  at  a  fair;  (Xoro-  el.  JR.'bri«) 
market  price.  -ylabd  place  where  a  fair  is  held. 
-prfft  market- price.  -rettig|eb  privilege  of  hold- 
ing a  mir.  -flabe  stall  at  a  fair.  -tib  fair  time. 
-barer  fe  -gobft.    -tejr  weatber  for  the  fair. 

9Rartej*gaarb  hill-farm.  *-gang  survey  of 
boundarle8.  '-Ijø  wood  el.  mountaln  hay.  -ras 
fe  Olarttbberi.  TOarf  (Jntian  fleld  gentian,  Gen- 
tiana  oan>j>e«tria. 

SRarte're  tf  mark;   eret  o  marked. 

8Rarfe|ftet  boundary  of  a  fleld;  *boundary 
between  farms.  *-fU«t  hay-cutting  on  the 

aWarfeten  ber,  Warf eten  ter  c  e  sutkr.  -i'  n 
(^anbel  meb  DJ. »Dater)  sutler's  tråde;  (Voben) 
canteen.    9Rartetenterffe  o  -x  sutler-woman. 

9Rarf|freD  public  security  with  regard  to  fieids. 
-frugter  pi  fruits  of  the  fleld.  -frø  n  grass-seed. 
-fra  e  fe  Søofra.  -fnnb  fe  3orb*.  -gerning  [e 
-arbejbe.  -grebe  ma'rgrave.  -grebcfig  a  beloug- 
ing  to  a  margrave.  -grebinbe  margravine.  -greb« 
flab  margra'viate,  ma'rgravate.  t-grornfe  boun- 
dary of  a  fleld.  ^xtté^oppt  græshopper,  Acri- 
dium.  t-graft  ditch  round  a  fleld.  t-fttg« 
hedge.  t-bbebe  keeper  of  a  fleld.  -tja  tfleld 
hav:  *fe  Worte«. 

fttartl'fe  fe  Vlarquife. 

9Rart|tJorb  arable  land.  -iorbborr  wild  straw- 
berrles.  -tfeb  gate  to  a  fleld.  -lob  fe  3<"blob. 
•lærte  fe  éanglcerte.  -Un  fe  -ab. om.  -maal  fe 
3orbmaal.  t-mattb  fe  -bblb.  -mad  fleldmouse, 
fleld  vole,  Hypudctu:  -ran  fe  -tquert.  -rcbftab 
implement  of  husband  ry.  -rofe  wlld-rose,  Jfoøa 
eanina.  -fo)eiber  [t.]  surveyor  of  mines,  -ftel 
fe  TOarfe*. 

Ocartffrlger  o  -e  quack,  mountebank.  -i'  n 
quackery,  mountebankery.  -ft  a  quackish,  puif- 
ing.    -btd :  paa  .  in  the  way  of  quacka  etc. 

VUrflfbringrr  green-  tiger- beetle,  Cicindela 
camptttriå.  -fte«  fleld-stone.  -fti  tfleld  path; 
*wood  el.  mountain  path. 

tSRarfflbtte  n  mark. 

*9Rarf|ftntYm,  -otbt  a  worm-eaten. 

9Rarf  Ifbafe  chlmney  bwallow,  Hinmdo  rustica. 
t-tbb  fleld  robber.  -tbberi  fleld  robbery,  crop 
-lifting.    -urt  fleld  herb. 

SRartuØ  Mark. 

flKarf|bei  tfleld  way;  'mountain  road.-road 
through  a  wood.  -biol  fe  (unbeoiol.  -bogter  fe 
-bb^be.    -orrter  fleld  pea.«(e),  Pi*um  arcente. 

URarfa'r  c  -er  marker,  walter. 

SWa  rlot  fe  TOarelot. 

ffcarmefa'be  c  ma'rmalade,  (af  røblemoft)cheese. 

9Rarmelrry  IRarmelfMgler  pi  marbles. 

SRarme'ring  c  \.  pump-nozzle;  a  short  hose- 




SRarmor  n  &  c  ma'rble;  brbbe  .  quarry  m. 
•ttflte  veln  of  m. 

SRarntøratøbet  the  sea  of  Ma'rmara  el.  Ma'r- 

9tarmør|arbrjbe  work  in  marble;  pi  ogf. 
marbles.  -arbejber  m.-worker  el.  m.  cutter,  -art 
species  of  marble.  -biOebe  m.  statue,  -blnb 
marbk'd  binding,  -blot  marble  block.  -kork 
m.  table.  -bmb  marble-quarry.  -bne  m.-arch. 
-cement  marble-cement.  3R  ar  more  re  vt  marble; 
•t  $apir  marble-paper;  meb  -t  Snit  marble  edged. 
IRarmor|figur  marble  figure  pi  ogf.  marbles. 
-ffoctb  macble  mountain.  -fiffe  ru.  flag.  -glat  a 
smootb  as  marble.  -gruppe  m.  grmip.  -anlb 
m.  floor.  -ftaarb  a  hard  as  marble.  -tyblb  a 
white  as  marble.  -lait  m.  cement.  -Ilrle  m. 
-church.  -fifle  m.  coffin.  -tøfb  a  cold  as  marble. 
-trøttlffn  the  Parian  chronicle.  -leje  stratum 
of  iLarble.  -mølle  m.-mill.  -blabe  m.  slab; 
Seroante  meb  .  washstand  with  marble  top. 
-flot  marble-palace.  -fint  marble  stucco.  -fiøtte 
m.  column,  marble  statue,  -tøjle  marble  column. 
-rable  fe  -plabe.    -trappe  marble  statrs. 

Scarmøfet'  c  ter  marmozet,  ouistitis,  Uapale 

tSRarne  c   r.  fe  røalle  2. 

9Raro|be(r)  a  knocked  up.  -bf' re  r*  maraud. 
-b*  r  c   rr  marauder. 

SDcarotjtø  n  Morocco.  -la  ner  o  -e  iuhabitant 
of  Morocco.    -fo'tifl  a  Morocco. 

ffltaro  uer  pi  Itallan  chestnuts. 

SRarønit'er  pi  Mar'onltes. 

9Raron  neger  c  Maroon. 

SRaroqnin'  »  morocco. 

SRarquetert'  n  ma'rquetry,  inlald  work. 

9Rarqui  *  c  er  ma'rquis.  9Rorqni'fe  c  -r 
marqui'se,  (i  ffngl.)  marchioncss;  (Soltelt)  awniug, 

SRarru'(be)  c  white  horebound,  Marrubium 

SRorfctøt  c  -ler  ma'rsbal.  9tarfctøl(a't  n  mar- 
shalship.  9Rarf tyalin  be  c  r  marshal's  lady.  — 
9Rarfa)alØ!ftab  marshal's  staff  el.  baton.  -taffel 
marshal's  table  at  court.  -bocrblgtøb  marshal- 

9tarf ffianbi  fer  fe  SRarfTanbifer. 

SRarfetae  n  Marseilles,  -fæbe  Marseilles  white 

SRarflpa  u  c  -er  ma'rchpane. 

fStarft  c  -er  (lord  higbj  conslable. 

IRarft  c  marsh. 

tRarflalt  fe  TOarfctøl. 

SRarflanbl  fer  c  t  fripper,  frlpperer,  dealer  in 
aecond-hand  goods,  broker,  old  furniture  seller. 
-bob,  -banbel  frippery. 

9Rarfl|bonbe  marsh  farmer,  -bnnb  marsh  y  soil. 
-egn  te  -Ianb.  -eng  marshy  meadow.  -faar 
marsh-sheep.  -feber  marsh- fever.  -jorb  fe  -bunb. 
•Ianb  marshland,  marsby  country. 

9Ra'r*o»n  fe  TOq«odh. 

3Ra  rftafb  c  ioyal  stables. 

SRa'rfbin  »  porpoise,  Dtlphinui  phoca:i,a\ 
guima-pig,  Ca^a  cob'tya. 

SDtartelf  øtaarn  »  Martello  tower. 

SRarter  c  fe  $tne.  -bab  paiunil  denth.  -fulb 
o  excruclatiug.  -lummer  torture-chamber.  -reb- 
flab  instrument  of  tor  ture. 

SWartla  Ifl  a  ma'rtial,  fierce. 

SRa'rtørn  fe  Waretorn. 

©lartre  vt  fe  $t»e  vt. 

3)tartd  c  March,  -maaneb  the  month  of 
March,  -bio!  March  violet,  sweet  violet,  Viola 
odotnta.    -ti  March  beer. 

fRartbr  c  -b'r«  martyr;  gere  ttl  -  martyr;  en 

foc  ben  gobe  Sag  a  m.  in  the  good  cause, 
tøfle    .  protomartyr.     -bøg   book    of  martyrs. 

martyrology.  -bom  e  martyrdom.  -bafc  di*:h 
ofa  martyr,  -glorie  halo  o f  martyrdom.  -b)tftø?ic 
martyrology.  aKartttrife're  vt  ma'rtyrize.  8R«r» 
tb'rlnm  *  -ter  ma'rtyrdom.  flRartbrtrøvr  crown 
of  martyrdom. 

Vcarnrbe)  fe  Slarrube. 

*aWarnlf    c    father-lasber,    Cottu*    Scorjriw, 
angler,  Lopkiu$  piscutoritt*. 

SWarb  c  (i  «en  og  fiø  [bet  bebfte,  inbre  ftraft 
marrow;  (i  Xrc)  pith;  fa  (Styrte,  Jtraft)  vigouf, 
gennem  .  og  Øen  through  uerve  and  bone;  bet 
git  ^am  gennem  -  og  t)en  it  penetrated  to  tre 
very  marrow  of  his  bones,  plerced  hlm  to  the 
marrow;  cut  hlm  to  the  quick.  -agtig  a  mar- 
row ish,  marrow -llke,  medullary.  -ben  marrow 
•bone.  -bølle  marrow-dumpling.  -bnbbiitj  nx±r- 
row-pudding.  9Rarøe  ub  vt  fe  flbmarof .  9car«ei 
a  marrowy,  having  marrow.  tRamjfutb  a  mar- 
rowy,  pithy.  -fnlbl|eb  pilhlness,  vlgour.  -b«le 
cavity  el.  pipe  of  a  bone  containing  the  marro« . 
-f nogle,  -tnøttel  fe  ben.  -taft  a  marrowless, 
pithless.  -laddcb  e  hollownes*.  -olie  eoojtow 
•oil.  -pibe  fe  -b^ule.  '-pnbbing  fe  -bubbtng.  -fte 
marrow-spoon.  -ftøre  e  shake.  -ftroale  med- 
ullary ray.  -flbtte  marrow- part.  -fnbftanå  i 
92prer)  medullary  substance.  -føamp  medullary 
sarcoma.    -fa|(e  medullary  column. 

aWara'ne  o  fe  Sateftlb. 

3Wa*  n  f  (Sefwer,  Støje)  trouble;  b^iøe  .  meD 
noget)  have  much  difflculty  wlth  a  thlng;  i  eg  bar 
-  not  meb  be  ttørn,  jeg  tør  the  children  I  have 
are  trouble  enough  to  me;  Ijoillet  .  jeg  tør  tørt 
meb  bet!  such  trouble  it  has  given  me! 

9Rat  c  -rr  (i  «tfl  )  maoe. 

9Ra* :  trcebe  i  .  scrunch;  fl*»be,  tnnfe  i  .  pound, 
grind  to  atoms;  Toge  t  .  bo  i  l  to  piecea  el.  rag*, 
masb  (by  bolling).    9Rafe  vt  mask. 

9Rofe  ti  f  .  meb  noget,  fe:  tøoe  Wal  meb;  vi 
flob  og  -be  meb  tøm  we  had  a  great  deal  of 
trouble  wilh  hlm. 

Vtafl  c  nb.  pi  grains. 

aWafle  c  -r  (t  92c  t)  mesh;  (i  Strømpe  o.  1 ) 
8  ti  te  h;  tabe  en  .  drop  a  mesh  el.  »tttch.  SRafTe 
vt  net. 

9Kafte  c  -r  (for  ffnfigt)  mask;  fio  disgui>e; 
(StuefpiQeri)  make-up;  (i  Sort)  vinderplay,  nne>s- 
ing;  tage  -n  af  (Hg)  uumask;  ribe  -n  af  en  unma»k 
one.  fWafte  vt  fe  Waftere.  -bal  masked  baU. 
-blomftr^t  «t  ^  per>onate.  -banØ  dance  of  masks. 
-bragt  mnsquerading  el.  fancy  dress,  -bveøpot. 
-fabritant  ma^kmaker.  -formet,  -føemig  a  ^ 

Slaffetar  n  vat,  tub,  containing  grains. 

aRaflehtbttet  o  nttttd. 

Slaftemager  c   e  mask-maker. 

SWoffepi'  [tøQ]  n  fellow?hip. 

Staffer  c  -e  knitter. 

92aftera'be  c  -r  mas'querade,  mask,  mummery. 

9(Wa flere  vt  mask;  -  flg  raa^k,  put  onamask; 
-t  mt  eri  masked  batiery.   9Ra fte  ring  c  masking. 

flRaftefpil  n  masque. 

9Rafteft«rrelfe  c  size  of  meshe*. 

aWatTejtønbe  fe  -tar.  * 

9lafte|nibbe  fe  -ftørrelie.    -Mtrt  mesh-work. 

9Kaftin|arbejbe  machiue  work.  -atéel  engine 
shaft.  -arbejber  fe  -imrb.  -balanct  side-lever, 
•bbgfier  machinlst;  engine-builder.  -bnogeri  fe 
-fabrif.  -bbgnlng  construction  of  machines  el 
engincs.  -bele  pf  parts  of  an  engine  el.  machine. 
-brejebornt  self  acting  lathe.  slide  lathe. 

9Hafti  ne  c  -r  (i  *lm  )  machine;  i^nabnitg.  (tøne 
TO.,  i)ampm)  engine;  (Xe.)  (tea-)ura;  forfpne 
mrb  -  engine  (a  ship).  Waflhie  vt  (ftøm)  winnow. 
ffllnftfneri'  n  machi'neiy. 
JRaftlnlfabrit  engine  el.  machine  metory. 
-fabritant  fe  -bogger.    -følt  pi  engineers  pk,  {W 




Hmm)  scene-shiftera  pi.  -garn  machine-spun 
yarn,  machine  cotton.  -fjuØ  engine- house,  -in* 
»eatartum  fe  refoiflter.  SRaff  inifl'  c  er  engineer. 
9Rafll*|jomfrit  machinibt.  -journal  steam  log 
book;  engine-room  register,  -farl  engine  man, 
engine-minder;  theat  sceneshifter.  -fraft  engine 
-power.  -førlber  theat  (machlnery)  dock.  -Inge 
engine  hatch(way).  -lajre  (applied)  mechanics 
pi.  -maub  fe  -farl.  -mefrer  engineer,  machinlst; 
(»oa  Seatre)  master  of  the  scenery.  -ntBØfig  « 
like  a  machine,  mechanical.  -nebgang,  -opgang 
ladderway  leading  to  the  englne-room.  -otte 
lubrfcating  oil.  -ob  Riller  engine-ad  Juster,  -pablr 
machlne-made  paper.  -ba&fer  engine-minder, 
-tender,  -pige  machinlst.  -ramme  engine  frame. 
-retot  firer  pi  engineer's  stores,  engine  fittings. 
•rem  fri  etion- band.  -rufle  fe  String*,  -mm  (i 
6rib**$ampm.)  englne-room.  -fald  shearings-ma- 
chlne.  -ffaaren  o  machine-cut,  ($r«laft)  mill 
-sawn.  -flot  englne-room  bulkhead.  -flanet  a 
machine  laid.  -fmeb  blacksmith  for  machlnery. 
•f pante«  a  machine  spuu.  -jtatio  (i  St.»$m.) 
engine- framing.  -ftroer  (i  Sf.'$m.)  pi  engine 
Bleepers.  -fnet  a  machine  made,  machine  stitched. 
-ffctting,  *-f*m  machine  work,  machining.  -leg« 
ning  machine  •  design ,  cngineering  drawing. 
-telegraf  englne-room  telegraph,  -tiloctør  engine 
fittings.  -nnberlag  engiue-bearers.  -oirtet  a 
machlne-made.  -oarrf  (SRaftinO  machine;  (meb 
$enfbn  til  Sammenfatningen  ofD.)  machinery,  mech- 
anlsm.  -Oørrtftcb  machine- facto  ry,  machine-shop. 
-nerfen  machlnery,  engineering.  -PctP  power 

gRaffnltnKm  n,  ub.  pi,  the  masculine  gender; 
n  -er  masculine  noun. 

flRaØoOR  c  smelting  furnaoe,  blast  f.  -flag 
blastfurnace  slag. 

9Ra  Øret  a  measled. 

SRaØfa'ge  c  shampooing,  massage. 

SRaØfage'terne  pi  the  Massag'etæ. 

SRaØfa'fre  o  -r  mas'sacre.  -'re  vt  mas'sacre; 
.  en  Welobi  murder  el.  ex  termina  te  a  tune. 
•  ring  c  massacre,  massaciing. 

flRaØfe  c  -r  mass,  bulk;  (tjoett)  assets,  estate; 
(9apit')  pulp;  en  tyaarb  .  a  hard  mass;  en  - 
SKenneffer  a  crowd;  fig  en  -  el.  -r  af  lots  of;  l  .; 
fe  -Di«,  -n  the  great  body  of  the  people,  the 
million,  the  masses,  -agtig  o  massy.  -formning 
dry-sand  moulding.  -berrebomme  mobocracy. 
-moro  Wholesale  murder.  -morber  wholesale 
murder  er.    -ønbnb  levy  in  mass. 

Mao  fe  re  vt  shampoo,  massage. 

flRaØfe|rrjØning  rising  in  ma>».  -ttbfirloning 
fe  -opbub.  -OiØ:  l  ~  in  maskes,  in  gieat  quantf- 
tics,  in  multitiides,  wholesale.  -oorlbe  fe  -%tvct* 
bomme.  VtaØfi  o  a  massive,  mas*y;  (\ltt  bul) 
solid;  min  massive;  fig  coarse. 

StaØficøt  n  massicot,  yellow  lead. 

VtaØføre'tift  a  massoret  ic(al). 

flRaØf*  r  c  -er  shampooer. 

SRaft  c  -er  ma'st;  foifbne  meb  er  mast;  fatte  en 
-  inb  step  a  mast;  ifstte  -en  (i  $aab)  ship  the 
mast;  nebtage  ($aab)-en  unship  the  mast;  lægge 
-en  neb  lower  the  mast;  ubtage  -ente  unmast  a 
»bip;  tappe  -en  cut  away  the  mast;  et  Sfib  uben 
-er  a  dismasted  ship;  paa  b<*lb  -  balf-mast  high. 
3Rafte  vi :  Stibet  -er  gobt  the  ship  is  well  masted 
and  rfgged.  —  Vtafte|baanb  mast-hoop.  -balje, 
•oafle  mast-tub.  -bolt  mast-cloth.  -but mastiug 
-sheers.  -bøjler  clamps.  -emner  rough  masts. 
-frit  fe  -fntor.  -fifl  mast  partner,  -fob  heel  of 
the  mast.  -gran  mast-pond.  -ftngger  fe  -mager. 
-ftngfl  felling  of  tlmber  for  masts.  -ftttø  mast 
-house,  -bojtte  rigging  cap.  -file  mast  wedge. 
-flamme  mast-chock.  -logger*  case  of  mast. 
-tran  (faflj  crane,  iflpbenbej  sheer-hulk.    -tranø  i 

garland.  -trane  collax  for  the  mast.  -tarv  top. 
-taaø  mast-coak.  -lig  fore  leech,  luflf.  -UØ  a 
dismasted.  -mager  mait-maker.  -mager!  mast 
•making.  -fntor  mast-grease.  -fob  casing  of  a 
mast.  -fbor  .step  of  the  mast.  •ftuntO  stump  of 
a  mast.  -ton  mast- head.  -rr«  mast(-tree). 
SRafltøØ  a  mastless,  dismasted. 

9RafftilØ  o  mastic.  -cement  mastic(-cement). 
-fernlø  m.  varnish.  -tro?  mastic(-tree),  lentisk, 
Piitacii  lentitcu*. 

SWofttarra  fe  (Enbetarm. 

W  af  ur  fa  o  -er  mazurka. 

9Rat'  c  ^  male. 

Stat'  a  (om  Vlennefer)  falnt,  languid;  rom 
Drirfe,  ogf.  fio)  flat.  vapid;  (foag)  falnt;  (ilte  ftin- 
nenbe)  dim,  dull,  dead,  not  glossy;  (Stat  o.  1.) 
dull,  flat;  (i  Sfaf)  mate;  gøre  .  (i  Stal)  mate: 
-  ftugte  spent  ball  el.  shot;  _  gorgljlbning  dead 

Wotabo'r  o  -er  (ogf.  fig)  mat'adore;  mighty 
man,  big-wig,  s  well. 

SRatema  |  tit'  c  mathemat'ics  pi.  -'titer  c  e 
mathematic'ian.  -tit'lotrer  mathemat  ical  master. 
•'tiff  a  mathemat 'ical;  -e  figurer  diagrams. 

9Hateria  le  n  tiet  mate'rlal.  —  aRaterUl'Ifor- 
brng  expenditure  of  stores,  -foroalter  store 
-keeper,  material-man.  -gaarb  yard  for  stores, 
•bonbel  (^anbel  meb  Watertaloarer)  tråde  in  drugs; 
(©utirteu)  druggist's  shop.  -banbirr  druggist. 
-tnø  store-house. 

aRateriailiØ'me  o  mate'riallsm.  -lift'  c  -er 
(gag)  druggist;  (Uanbftretn.)  materialist,  -lift'ift 
a  materialLst'iccal). 

9Raterla  litammcr,  -loft  store-room.  -ftrioer 
store-keeper.  -ffnr  tool-shed.  -narer  pi  drugs. 
-nogn  baggage- waggon. 

aRateric  e  r  matter,  .stuff;  (f.  fftt.  i  et  Saar, 
SSor)  matur,  pus;  (fig  dmne)  subject;  en  *og  i  - 
a  book  in  sheet*,  In  qulres.  9RaterleI'  a  (legem* 
lig,  janfelig)  mate'rlal,  corporeal,  seusual,  sub- 
stantial;  -le  92nbelfer  f  creature  comforta.  9Ra* 
teriel'  n  materiel. 

9Rat|førlng  c  che-  k-matlng.  -araa  a  dull 
gray.  -gron  a  dull  gixen.  Watfacb  c  (KraftU ø« 
$eb)  faintness,  languor,  debility,  (Sunlelqeb)  duli- 
ness,  dimnebs;  (om  Driffe)  flatueas,  vapldity. 

aJtatbil  be  Matilda,  Maud. 

9Raritté  c   r  morning  concert. 

Vtatttoge  tf  deaden.  -logning  deadenlng. 
-Infenbe  a  dim  glaring.    -bnn*(el)  tarnisher. 

WatraØ'  o  -fer  mat'treas. 

2Rat  rem  c  fever-fvw,  Matricaria  PurtAcniun. 

SKatrice  o  -r  matrix. 

SRotril  el  c  -flet  register,  roll.  Jfét  ground 
-tax.  -ntefen  registry  (of  lands).  SRatrltnle're 
vt  register.    9Natrifnle  ring  c  registration. 

SRatro'ne  c  -r  ma'tron;  head  nurse,  -agtig  a 
ma'tronly,    -bragt  matronly  dress. 

SRatro'Ø  c  er  sailor,  seaman,  mariner,  f  tor; 
Slibet  bebooer  fire  er  the  ship  wante  four  sailors. 
-agtig  a  sailor -like.  -arbejbe  sailor's  work. 
-bragt  sailor's  dress,  -breng,  *-gnt  sailor-boy. 
deck  boy.  -formanb  lead  i  ug  seaman.  -I|n0 
sailors*  boarding-houxe.  -b;ttre  sailor's  wages  el. 
hire.  -jagt,  -jaegert  -labert  crimpage,  crimplng. 
•jaeger,  -taber  runner,  crimp.  -fifle  seaman  s 
chest.  -flæbe  sailor's  cloth.  -flæber  sailor's 
clothes,  (fom  ^anbeltoare)  slops.  -tone  sailor's 
wlfe.  -lorrreb  mixed  checks.  -m*Øf!g  a  seaman 
-like.  -natent  registry  ticket.  -f^rog  sailor's 
language,  -tjenrfie  sailor's  service,  -trøje  grego, 
peajacket.  -taj  fe  (laber,  'ttbtrbt  sailor's  phrase. 
-nnberofficer  petty  offflcer.  -nittig^eb  sailor's 
joke.    •borrt  boarding- master. 

8N  at  i  fir  ben  a  frosted,  ground.   -ftming  check- 





mate.  jtraolenbe  fe  -tpfenbe.  SRatte  vf  enfeeble, 

Øtatte  e  fe  Vtaatte.    -lægge  rf  mat. 

gRitte're  «c  deaden.    -tønbe  tarnisbing  tub. 

9Rattlj*'»»  Mat'thew. 

9R<tt«|et  a  dim-eyed. 

*9Raure  o  fe  énarre. 

SRanrjer  c  Moor.  -ift  a  Moorish;  (fun  om  Stil) 

tRabe  c  -r  stomach,  belly;  førfie  -  (I)o«  Irøbt.) 
paunch,  (bo«  Tornabenbe  ftugfe)  gizzard;  anben  - 
bonnet,  cap;  trcbjc  .  maw,  venter;  fjetbe  -  rennet 
•bag;  en  forbarnet  -  a  disordered  stomach;  b,aoe 
en  baørlig  -  have  a  weak  stomach;  ligget  tungt 
i  -en  Ib  heavy  to  di  gest;  føtpe  onbt  i  -en  have  a 

raln  in  one's  stomach;  ban  goar  meb  en  SRtnifter 
-en  he  høs  an  eye  to  the  mlnlstry;  -n  inbl 
hipa  back!  (fstomachs  in!);  ligge  paa  -enlieflat 
on  one's  belly;  ligge  paa  -n  for  crlnge  to;  lægge 
fig  _  til  be  getting  stout.  +9WaPC  fig  er  gro  vel, 
crawl,  -ittre  gastric  veln.  -betrxabelfe  Inflam- 
mation of  the  stomach,  gastritis,  -bitter  bitter(s). 
•brof  gastrocele.  -batte  abdominal  belt,  flannel 
waist.  -broaber  pi  stomachic  essenoe.  -egn 
epigastrlum.  -feber  gastric  fever.  -b ofte  stomach 
-cough.  -tyttb  skin  of  the  stomach.  -fjocbert 
stomach  pump.  -taget  pi  stomachic  lozenges. 
•Tatarrb,  stomachic  catarrh.  -fneb,  -fa  tb  belly 
-ache,  grlpes  pi.  -trampe  spasm  in  the  stomach, 
cardialgy.  +-frpben  c  cringing.  +8Ra*elig  a 
stomachic.  9Rape|mu«b,  -mnnbing  pylorus. 
•onbe  fe  -fpgbom.  -pibe  æsophagus.  -pine 
stomach-ache,  belly-ache;  b,aoe  .  have  the  belly 
•ache.  -platter  stomach-plaster.  -bort  pylorus. 
-pumpe  stomach-pump.  -pølfe  black-pudding 
(bolled  in  the  maw). 

SHoper  a  fe  Slager. 

9RaPe|faar  wounds  in  the  stomach.  -faft 
gastric  juice.  -fHm  mucus  of  the  stomach. 
-fmerte  fe  pine.  -ftftrfeube  a  stomachic;  .  TOib- 
bel,  -ftprTning  stomachic,  cordial.  -fpgbom  dis- 
ease  of  the  stomach.  -fuge  diarrhæa.  -fort 
stomach.  -rrpMea,  -trbfaina  cardialgy.  -Pia 
stomachic  wine.    -Ptebfte  fe  -faft. 

flRed)  eln  n  Mechlin,  Malines. 

Web  n,  pi  =,  aim,  end,  object;  'landmark; 
fishin g-bank  (known  by  landmarks). 

9Reb'  (*langt  et.  ogf.  i  alle  be  følgenbc  6mf.)j>rap 
(ofteft)  with.  (i  SelfTab  m.,  tidtgrtneb)  along  with, 
together  with;  fpob  er  ber  (i  iBejen)  -  fyotn?  what 
is  the  matter  with  hlm?  -  en«  tin  ab  el  fe  with 
el.  by  one's  permission;  —  by:  en  €øn  -  (en 
ftone)  a  son  by  .  .  •;  .bet  gobe  eller  onbe  by 
fair  or  foul  means:  multiplicere,  bioibere  -  mul- 
tiply,  divide  by;  —  in:  -  liben  in  time;  -  rebe 
$enge  in  ready  money;  -  Ijaj  ffløft  in  a  loud 
voice;  -  anbre  Orb  in  other  words;  man  Ton  fige 
_  $orat*  it  ran  be  said,  in  the  words  of  Horace; 

-  eet  Orb  in  a  word;  male  -  ftatoe  paint  in 
colours;  banbfe  -  deal  in;  —  on:  ~  forfat  on 
purpose;  Ijolbe  oaagent  pje  -  keep  a  watchful  eye 
on;  fcabe  SReblibentyeb  -  have  compassion  on;  — 
at:  -  eet  Spring  at  one  bound;  -  eet  at  once, 
all  at  once;  —  about:  ben  $iftorie  ....  that 
affair  el.  story  about .  .  .;  borre  flg  galt  ab  -  noget 
set  about  a  thlng  in  a  wrong  way;  —  of:  en 
Jrrutte  -  fconmng  a  pot  of  honey;  bpotig  -  $rnge 
plenty  of  money;  —  for:  -  alt  bet  for  all  that; 

—  among:  tøm  bar  -  be  førfie  he  was  among 
the  first;  —  from :  trbft  -  ntje  Spper  printed  from 
new  type;  —  (paa  anbre  SRaabet) :  bet  blibrr  bebtt 
.  $am  he  is  getting  bet  ter;  bet  gaar  (angfomt  - 
Btbejbet  the  work  gets  on  slowly;  —  adv  t^an 
par  -  i  gølget  he  was  one  of  the  suite;  bil 
£c  Porre  -?  will  you  make  one  of  the  party? 
jeg  bar  iHe  -  I  was  not  present;  fig  er  $e  -?  do 

you  follow  me?  ban  gi!  -  he  went  along  wtit 
us  (them  etc);  gøre  alting  -  do  everythtn* 
that  others  do;  b,an  bil  gøre  alting  -  he  must 
needs  have  his  snare  in  what  is  going  oo. 
og  i<g  -  And  I  too;  Mere  _  til  join  in ;  en  9ta& 
fom  et  -  (i  Qetben)  a  man  about  town;  en  ffiaai 
jom  bar  bceret  -  a  man  who  has  neen  life;  bet  r. 
mig  itte  ret  -  I  dont  altogether  like  it. 

vtebaarfag  c  concurrent  cause. 

SRebaf 'je  c  -r  med  al,  floa  en  -  strike  a  medal 
-fa binet  cabinet  of  medals.     -ntoab  med'alist 
•famlittg  collecUon   of  medals.     -fritter  «    f 
SRebalj*  r  c  er  medal  engraver.    9Reba(ioa  c 
-et  locket. 

Dtebatttligebc  c  the  co-defendant. 

Webjiafpar  n,  •ivfMrUgb.eb  c  co-responsibil 
ity.    -anfttitUg  a  co-responsible. 

SRebanfoger  c  -e  fellow  candidate  el.  appli 

fReblarbefbe,  -arbefberfrab  n  oollaboratioD 
-arbejber,  -arbeibertnbe  -arbefberfte  c  fellow 
-labourer,  co-labourer,  collaborator,  cooperator. 
ri  et  *!ob)  contributor  (to);  be  fafte  -e  (peb  »lo* 
the  staff. 

SKebcrreftant  c  fellow-prisoner. 

SRebarsiag  c  co-heir,  joint  heir. 

9R ebbeboer  c  fellow- resident. 

9Reb»efalittgtmattb  e  fellow  in  command. 

Vtebbefalbnucgtiget  c  ioint  commisaioner. 

9«ebbejler  c  -c  rival,  -i  -flat  *  rivalry.  -iabe, 
-fte  c  -r  rival. 

røebterettiget  a  entilled  to  a  snare. 

Webjbefibbelfe  c  joint  possession.  -Iiefibber  « 
joint  possessor. 

SRebbeffatteft  c  fellow-tazpayer. 

Wcbbcftemmemae  a  a  concurrent  motive. 

flKebjbeftbrelfe  c  joint  direction  el.  manage 
ment.    -befarer  fe  bireltør. 

aRrbbeoøfgelfe  c  joint  motion. 

røebborgen  c  joint  security  cl.  bail. 

9Keb | borger,  -borgetiabe  c  t,  -r  fellow  citisen, 
(fellow-)townsman,  (af  en  tetat)  fellow-subject. 
-borgerlig  a  civlc,  suitable  to  a  fellow-eiUstrn. 
-borgerflab  fellow-citisenship. 

9Rcb|brfnge  of  bring  el.  carry  (along  with  one. 
•bringer  c,  weck  driver,  -brittgerbaffe  drag-link. 
-bringerbrejebornl  centre-lathe. 

fRebbrober  c  colleague,  brother.  -flab  «  con- 

SReb|bpbettbe  c,  -bpber  c  -t  joint-bidder. 

aWcb|bor  c  fair  wind.    +-bør*biitb  b.  f. 

SRebbanferiinbc)  c  partner. 

SRebbebitor  c  tvilow-debtor. 

SRebbelogHg  fe  SelagHg. 

9Reb|bele  vt  (i  Vlm.)  communicate  (to);  fgioe> 
impart  (to),  give;  +  or  fig  til  communicate  with. 
-beielig  a  communicable;  ♦■=  -belfom.  -bcleliglKb 
e  communicability.  -belelfe  c  communicatlon; 
gøre  en  en  .  tell  one  somethlng.  -belelfe*« 
-mibbel  n  means  of  communicatlon.  -belelfe*- 
Pøerbig  a  worthy  of  communicatlon.  -btlet  r  -e 
informant,  -be'lf  øm  a  communicative.  -be  If  oat- 
b,eb  c  communicativeness. 

IRebbepttterct  c  fellow  deputy. 

SRebblreffUv  c  -et  fellow-dlrector,  fellow- man 
ager,  co-director,  co-manager. 

flWfbbifeipel  c  fellow-pupil. 

Vicbbomttcr  c  fellow-Judge. 

9Kebbømønt«ab  il  men  who  aasist  in  passing 
sentence;  Jurymen. 

9Rebbrager  c  (3Kbfb>  (eurface-)gauge. 

flWfbbprfer  c  -e  fellow  cultivator. 

t9Rebe  c  -r  (poa  Slabe)  ninner. 

»Jebe  vi  &  t  angle;  fig  (efter  noget)  aim  at. 

VIcbcbftmanb  c  cojuror. 

9Beb,eie(«bora)  fe  eameie.     •ejeabømdret  joint 




ownenhtp.  -ejer  c  joint  ri.  part  proprietor  el. 
owner,  co-owner. 

9Rebe|!røø  flshlng-hook.    *-mavt  earth-worm. 

9Rebc«l  prop  whlle,  whilst;  .  bethnob  whereas; 
.  ban  »at  bet  while  there,  _  ben  et  »atm  while 
hot  (ofo.  faa  ofte  Subjettet  et  bet  fainine). 

Weber  c  e  Mede. 

9Rcbelf«ør,  -fnøre  fishing-line.  -ftanø  fishing 
-rod.    -tø|  toning-tackle. 

Webfabber  c  fellow-sponsor. 

Webfanøc  e  fellow-captive  el.  -prisoner. 

Wcblfaren  part  treated,  bandled;  et  bleben  ilbe 
_  (om  fperføn)  has  been  ill  treated,  (om  Xtnø) 
has  suffered  severely.   -fart  e  treatment;  uaage. 

SRcbførbnnben  a  (oo-)alUed;  ben  -ne  the 

Wcbjørfattrr  c  joint  author;  part-author. 

flRebførløber  c  joint  bail. 

Webformbnbcr  c  joint-guardian. 

9Rcbfør»aøter  c  co-tenant. 

fflicbførpliøtet  a  also  engaged. 

SRebfrier  c  rival. 

Webfarb  fe  »ebfort. 

flRcbføbt  a  oongenltal,  congenite;  natlve,  in- 
bom;  Innate,  connate,  natural,  oonstitutlonal; 
en  -  born  el.  inbred  in  one. 

Webføllelfc  c  sympathy;  fellow-feeling.  -embe 
a  srmpatnisJng. 

IRcbfoJge  n  suite,  attendance;  J,  uben  leoenbe 
goir#  -  without  a  living  soul  on  board,  -føløe 
vi  k  t  accompany;  -nbe  ©teo,  ftaøfe  theaccom- 
panying  letter,  box.  -føløer  o  -e  attendant, 

9tcb|f*r  *  pursuanoe,  consequence;  efter 
S Gøen*  -  according  to  the  nature  of  the  case; 
i  flfmbebi  .  in  vlrtue  of  one's  offlce,  in  the  dis- 
charge el.  course  of  one's  official  du  ties.  -føre 
vt  carry  el.  bring  (along  wltb  one),  convey;  fa 
involve,  entail,  be  followed  by:  font  .  .  .  funbe 
_  (tbat  migbt  be)  involved  in  .  .  .;  -  €anbbeb 
be  correct,  6fibet  -r  £aøe  the  ship  will  carry  a 

SRebgaa  vi  be  spent,  be  con  sum  ed. 

SRrbøaag  e  prosperlty. 

SRebløtft  e  dower,  dowry,  (marriage-)  port  ion. 
-give  vt  furnlsh  el.  proylde  with;  '(inbrømme) 

SRebgoraøer  c,  chem  anion. 

flRebøaft  c  fellow-guest. 

ttebøørliø  a  manageable,  pliable,  facile, 
amenable,  complylog.    -beb  «•  pliancy,  fadlity. 

9Rcbbanb|le  vt  treat,  use,  handle.  -Itnø  o 
treatment,  usage. 

flRebftaøe  øi  fe  flRebbrinøe. 

SRebljerfier  c  co-regent. 

Vtebjbi«!*  fe  $j«ip.  -tjatter  c  -t  a&sistant, 
coadjutor;  jjrerften*  -e  vestxymen;  Jtitfeøætøeft  -e 

SRetftøtb  m  (Øifalb)  approbation;  (Unbetfløttelfe) 
countenance,  support;  ban«  Vteninaet  fonbt _  bol 
mange  many  aasented  to,  approved  of,  indoned, 
embraced  his  opinions;  ban  fif  _  af  alle  every- 
body  agreed  with  him;  Støberen  tøir  altib  øtøtt 
barn  .  (Øifalb)  his  mother  always  applauded 
him,  be  always  met  with  his  mother's  applause, 
(Unbetfløttelfe)  he  was  always  backed  by  his 
mother;  ffun  øtøet  føim  _  i  alt,  bbab  tøm  øøt  she 
applauds  anythlng  he  does,  whatever  he  does 
is  sure  of  her  applause;  ban  bat  ftaft  .  af  Re« 
grrinøen  he  has  been  supported,  favoured  by 
Kovernment;  bette  ftnbet  itle  -  (Befrctftelfej  i  §v 
ftorfcn  this  is  not  borne  out  by  hi  story;  i  -  af  (i 
Cberenftøemmelfe  meb)  conformable  to. 

Vtebbnfhrn  c  concublne,  fellow-wlfe. 

Vtebia  npapir  n  me'dium  (paper). 

Vtebtcnt'  c,  mu§  me'diant. 

Webiatiø'B  e  mediation. 

Webiattlfere  vt  me'dlatize.   -fe'rinø  c  media 

Hedlea  foreasls  med'ical  jurisprndence. 

flRcbict'tt  e  med'icine,  physic. 

Webicinallforraab  Å,  medical  stores,  -føv* 
vatter  ^  medical  storekeeper,  -fontor,  ftlaobenft 
.  the  Medical  department  of  the  Royal  Navy. 
•baat  apothecaries1  weight.    -bocfen  fe  -tontot. 

SWebictiet  e  -e  medical  student.  Webietne're 
vi  take  physic. 

aWebiei'nlflafle,  -ataft  vial,  phial.  -banblet 
medicine  vendor.  -fibøiber  feeder.  -fa«fe,  -fifle 
medicine-chest.  -Imltc  gallipot.  -fl  a  medical, 
medicinal;  bet  -e  gotultet  the  faculty  of  medicine. 
-rratt  cod  liver  oil. 

flRebictt'tfl  a  Medicean. 

Wrbien  n  Mede,  Media. 

Webtcriiø  c  mediation. 

aRcbifament'  n-etfeSJæøemibbel.  WebHamenU'« 
a  medicated.    9RcbitnØ  c  medical  man. 

aWebinbbefattet  part  (equally)  included. 

9Rebinbbnbt  part  invited  to  be  of  the  party, 
to  join  them. 

Webiibcbaber  o  joint  posøessor. 

^9Rebinbf(bbe(fc  c  joint  influence. 

IReblttbftømttt  c  co-respondent. 

Wcbinftrnttør  o  joint-conductor. 

Wrbinteredfent  c  partner,  share-holder. 

flRebiø  In  the  mlddle  of. 

Vlcblff  a  Median. 

SRcbift'erbølfe  c  pork-aausage. 

SRebinm  n  -iet  medium  (pi  media  &  mediums); 
gram  the  middle  voice. 

Webtejfer  c  co-emperor. 

IRcbflaøcr  c  co-plaintiff. 

Webfonøe  c  fellow-king. 

Wcbtontrabent  c  joint-contractor;  min  -  the 
other  party  to  the  contract. 

flRebtrebttør  c  fellow-creditor. 

Vlcblrtøer  c  fellow-soldier,  companion  in 

IRebtriftm  c  fellow  Christian. 

9Reb!crmber  c  fellow-combatant;  rival. 

flRcblcfer  c  co-lea«ee. 

flReblem  n  -met  memoer;  (af  et  latb  6eIfTab,  en 
©tiftelfe  ofo.)  fellow.  -  Weblem« [antal  fe -tol.  -bi* 
-brag  contribution  el.  subscrlption  of  the  mem- 
oers, -forteønelfe  fe  -lifte.  -lontinaent  fe  bibtaø. 
-tørt  tieket  (or  admission),  -lifte  list  of  the 
members.  -møbe  meeting  of  the  members.  -tal 
number  of  (the)  members,  membership.  -balg 
election  of  members. 

9Rcblebenbe  a  &  §  comtemporary. 

3Reb(fbrn|be  a  compassionate,  sympathlzing. 
-ijcb  c  pity,  compassion,  sympathy;  føle  -  meb 
have  pity  el.  compassion  on,  pity,  compassionate; 
baoe  >  meb  take  pity  on.  -bebdføletfe  feellng  of 

Vleb|ll)b  e  consonant,  articulation.  -(tybenbe 
a  consonant.    -ItjbS*  fe  Sronfonant". 

IRebjlarcr«  -larerlnbe  c  fellow-teacher.  -totr- 
Ung  c  fellow-pupil. 

BKebmennefre  n  fellow -man,  fellow -being. 
fellow -mor  tal,  nelghbour,  -fneighbourman. 

flRebmi'nbre  conj  unless. 

SRcbøfficer  c  brother-omcer. 

3Rcbopf))n  n  joint  superlutendence.  -#manb 

SRcbttadfager  c  fellow-passenger. 

Wcbreber  c  (af  Slib)  part  owner. 

Webfreøent  c  co-regent.  -regentfr ab  n,  -re* 
øertnø,  c  joint  government  el.  regency. 

flRebreane  tf  inriude  (in  the  sum). 

SRebrcffettbe  a  min  -  Sanblnianb  my  country- 




man  troveiling  along  with  me;  o,  pi  »,  fellow 
-trav  eller. 

Webret'te  adv  fe  Het  e. 

gRebrQeber  fe  Vtebreber. 

SRcbfatnutenfboren  c  -ne  co-conspirator. 

SRebfanger  c  fellow-singer. 

Stebfenbe  o(  send  along  wilh  one. 

3RebfTabning  c  fellow-creature. 

SRfbffabt  o-  fe  Webffabt. 

SRrblfrttlb  c  fe  -ffnlbfabeb.  -ftøbtg  o  (i)  ac- 
cessory  (to);  c  -e  accompllce,  accessory.  -ftbjlbig* 
|eb  c  (ac)eomplieity.    -ffylbttcr  fe  Selbffyfbner. 

flRebl  frittende,  -friøer  e  fellow- play er. 

SRcbftifter  c  joint  foimder. 

SRebftribrr  o  fellow- combatant. 

SRebfboren  a  k  c  partner  In  a  solemn  oath  el. 

flRebfoommer  e  fellow-swimmer. 

flRebtoger  c  fellow-applicant. 

flRcbf  offer  c  sister,  one  of  a  Bisterhood. 

flRebtage  vt  (tage  meb)  take  (along  with  one); 
(ubfræoe)  require;  Stibet  -r  qtaftfagrrer  the  ship 
will  convey  passeugers,  fan  -  200  $.  can  ac- 
commodate  two  hundred  p.;  bet  mebtod  en  Uge 
it  took  us  a  week;  -n  (om  Xtnj)  damagéd,  (flibt) 
the  worse  for  wear;  -n  af  Rulbe  starved  with 
cold;  rjan  et  bleuen  meget  -n  i  benne  Spgbom  he 
has  fallen  off  very  much  in  this  illness,  this 
illness  has  taken  it  out  of  him;  Sanbet  bUv  meaet 
-t  i  fir  igen  the  country  was  much  exhausted  by 
the  war;  Øogen  bleo  flemt  -t  af  Jtrittten  the  book 
was  roughly  håndled  by  the  critics. 

flRcbtiltøite  c  ihe  co-defendant. 

Vcebtiener,  -inbe  c  fellow  servant. 

SHebtroenbe  c  fellow-believer. 

(9Rebtrnffer  ftorbanff.  af  Vtøttrtt). 

gRcbtral  c  fellow-slave. 

flRebnbgioer  c  joint  editor. 

3Rcbunbrr|ffrtft  c  joint  signature.  •ffribe, 
•tegne  vt  add  one's  signature  to.  -{trioer,  -tegner 
c  joint  signer. 

Vcrbufa  c  Medusa,  Gorgon;  fe  STOebufe.  -anfigt, 
-bøoeb  Gorgon  face,  G.  head,  Medusa'e  head. 
Vtebnfc  c  -r  meduta,  jelly-fish,  Aculephcr. 

flRrbloaubrenbe,  •oanbrcriffe)  c  fellow-pilgrim. 

flRcbjblbenbe  a  privy  to,  consciousof.  -bibenbe 
n  privity.  -oibenbeb  c  privity;  ($eoibflbfb)  con- 
sclousuess.  -otbcr  c  -e,  -oibcrffr  c  -r  (one)  privy 
to  fl,  cognizaut  of,  a  party  to. 

flRebbibnc  n  fellow* wituess;  be  bare  -r  (for 
Retten)  they  were  Joint  evldence. 

Vcebbinb  c  fair  wind. 

SRcbtoirtje  vt  (til)  co  opera  te,  eoncur,  contrib- 
ute,  be  conduclve  (to,  towards);  -nbe  hårfager 
concurrent  causes.  -en  c  cooperation,  concur- 
rence,  agency;  intervention,  -er  c  co  operator. 
•ntng  c  fe  -en;  unber  -  af  with  the  cooperation  of. 

9Rebb<e(ger  c  fellow-elector. 

flRfbtynt  c  pity,  compass-ion,  commiseratlon; 

Jiabe  .  meb  have  pity  on;  føle  .  &eb  anbre*  tø»b 
eel  com passion  for  the  distress  of  others,  pity 
the  etc.  —  flttebbnfffnlb  a  compassionate,  full 
of  pity.  -log  a  pitiles*.  merciless.  -fmil  smile 
of  compassion.  Vcebtynffom  a  compassionate, 
tender-hearted,  easily  moved  to  pity;  -fomt  adv 
com  passionately . 
9Refjftofelif!  a  Mepbistophelcan. 
flRefit  iff  a  mephitic(al). 
flRegrn  a,  n  m.  get,  much;  ben  .  9Rab  bi  fi!  the 
quautity  of  food  we  got;  ben  -  glib  the  great 
pains;  jeg  (pr  iffe  .  XiDib  til  t)am  I  have  no 
great  confldence  in  him;  ban  (an  -t  he  knows  a 
good  el.  great  deal;  bet  oar  -t?  indeed!  you 
don't  say  k>!  b>n  bar  faaet  Itbt  for  -t  (rjan  er  be« 
flænfet)  he  is  (rather)  tipsy;  bet  er  mig  lige  -t 
(ligegbtbigt)  it  is  all  the  same  to  me;  be  fif  alle 

lige  -t  (en  lige  flor  $el)  they  all  shared  al  i. 
they  bad  all  an  equal  snare;  bet  Aar  -t  a:  :ti 
font  flg  it  was  a  wonder  that  he  recorered 

ttg  i 

Dtlbe  iffe  for  .  (gobt),  at  I  would  not  for  somett-r.' 
that;  bet  ffal  -t  til  at  tro  bet  it  is  hard  to  be*.> - 

fiøre  for  -t  af  bet  overdo  it,  overshoot  the  mft  *. 
e  (Uob;  for  -t  og  for  libt  forbaroer  alting  it  t*-* " 
rains  but  it  pours.  Vleget  adv  (foran  fcfci  i 
Vbb.  i  Vofitiu  og  $ræf.  *art.)  very;  (foran  »•  £ 
Vbo.  i  ftomparatitj  foran  $erf.  $art.  og  o*a%s?<r. 
oeb  Serber)  much;  bet  glsber  mig  .  I  am  ve  ~ 
glad;  jeg  omgaaef  -  meb  barn  I  see  him  vt. 
often,  I  have  very  much  intercourse  with  N-. 
jeg  beber  .  om  j^orlabelfe  I  beg  a  tliOG*jcI 
pardons;  ban  bab  mig  .  om  at  fomme  he  ^ 
me  a  very  pressing  invitation;  faa  .  t\.  i  tt.r 
_  b^an  enb  ftraber  however  much  he  exerts  hin 
self;  faa  .  mere  fom  (so  much)  the  more  bew>. 

flRcgetfigenbe  a  that  says  (el.  said)  much 

flRegoe'rc  c  -r  Megæra;  jfg  termagant. 

•SRebanf  o  -er,  fe  9Rnbanf. 

•røet  c  -er,  fe  røebe. 

9WeJe  vt  reap,  mow  (down).  -bog  mowfng  dxr 
-brag  scy the- handle.   -J*m  scythe.  -frog  crati.«* 
•maffine  mowing  el.  harvostiug-machlne,  mow-  r 
røcjrr  e  -e  reaper;  Onfeft)  harvest-man,  Pk*- 
lanøium.    -reb,  -rebe  cradle-scythe. 

Vcefevi'  n  -er  dairy;  dairy  farm;  fe  -brag.  -be 
fttjrer  manager  of  the  dairy.  -brtifl,  -»rift  da:-  • 
-farming,  dalrying.  -forpagter  dairy  -  farm- r 
•gaarb  dairy  farm.  -øft  skim- mil k  chcese.  -fra 
bnfter  pi  dairy  produoe.  Scrjtrlft'  e  -t*.  fe  U 
fttjrer;  -forpagter.    flRejerffe  c  -r  dairy-woman 

flRefeftib  mowing  time.  -Uf  fe  rebe.    »ei«ii| 
c  reaping. 

Vie  ir  an  fe  Vcerian. 

*1Dceig  c  -er  pannier. 

aWejfe  c  -r  tomtit,  titmouse,  Parut. 

aWeffet  c  fler  chisel.  -bov  pitching-bciv- 
-bannet  a  chisel -shaped. 

9ceigle  vt  chisel,  carve,  chip. 

UReffljnit'   c  mechan'ics  pi,   meehanieal  p  .- 
losophy.  fe  -nierne,  -nifer  -nifnfi  c  mechank-'iar 
me<'hanical  englneer.    -'Kfffa  meehanieal,  auto 
matic;  adv  mechanically.   -nid'me  e  mechaiii^n 
action,  gear,  gearing. 

aWeffabalfam  c  balm  of  Mecca,  b.  of  Gileal 

TOef owi'n  c  meconlna.  Vtefo'niuni  n  meoouiuiu 
SWcfo  nfljre  mecon  ic  acid. 

9WeI  n  meal;  (fint  -,  Sigtemel)  flour.  -agttg  a 
mealy,  farinaceoue. 

Vce(an|i9'ne  c  meranism.  -folt'  c  mel  au 
choly.  -lo  lifer  c  -e  melanchol'io.  -fo  Iff  » 
mel'ancholy,  F  hipped.  -ofe c melanosia.  -frtft 
a  F  mel'ancholy. 

flRefa*  fe  c  molasses,  melasses,  tino. 

Vtt'l] bille  meal  worm  bcetle,  Tentbrto  mol\t>.<- 
•bing  meal-bin.  -bolle  flonr-dumpling.  -babbinf 
flour- pudding.  -b^g  soft  barley.  -bfltr  be.r 
-berry.  -berrrift  bearberry  (-bush),  trailing  ht- 
butuj«,  Arct.étnphyloi  uva  urti.  *-DOlr  fe  -brng 
-batte  meal-tub. 

IflRelb,  Wielb  c,  pi  =,  (9Ubbetræet9  *af^) 

SRrlbe,  -te,  -t  vt  report,  notuy;  (førfbirtf1 
announce;  (bebube)  intimate;  (omtale,  fortabt 
mention,  make  mention  of,  state;  (gioe  Unbrr> 
retn.  om)  give  information  of;  Iabe  fifl  -  >eod 
in  one's  name  el.  card:  berom  -r  ^tftorien  intet 
that  is  not  on  record;  fe  Zugt;  —  or  -  fifl  -tw* 
en)  announce  one's  self,  »il  report  one  s  hia 
(to  one),  (fom  føgenbe)  apply,  become  a  eandi- 
dato,  stand;  -  fig  Hl  et  $rofeiforat  stand  for » 

Srofessorship;   ber  r)ar  melbt  flg  mange  til  be«nf 
jenefte  there  have  been  numerous  applicatic^ 
for  this  otnce;  ber  ^ax  ingen  Srrebttorer  mrftt  ^ 




no  c:  editors  have  come  forward;  Sinteren  -t  fig 
tbe  winter  herolds  his  approach;  -  fig  inb,  fe 
3nbmelbe;  .  fig  fog  put  onea  self  on  the  aick 
list;  -  fig  ub  af  et  Selflab  withdraw  one's  name 
from  a  society,  take  onea  name  off  the  books. 
9ftelb(n)tag  c  (førtyttbelfe,  Unmeibelfe)  announce- 
ment;  (beretning)  statement;  Onbbetetmng,  Wop« 
port)  report. 

Wc  l|br«Je,  -br«|er  o  ergot,  tiecate  eornutum. 
-brtfefbge  ergotism.  -bng  mlldew,  EryripJie. 
Vtcle  vt  mix  el.  sprinkle  with  flour;  .  fin  Stage 
featber  one's  nest,  line  one's  own  purse;  mel  ed 
vd  become  mealy. 

SRc(é  c  affray,  Bcuffle,  melee,  battle  royal. 

*9Rc!t«  fe  røefct. 

SRclc're  vt  mix;  -er et  a  mixed. 

SRetet  a  mealy. 

3Ne  (jgrtb  meal-  el.  flour-pudding  (meal,  flour 
boiled  in  water  or  mllk).  -^iltl  ($anbel  meb  .) 
meal-man's  tråde;  (©utiten)  meal-man's  shop. 
-fcanbier  o   e  meal  man. 

ØRctUo't  c  mel'llot. 

ØtettMtt'  c  mel'inlte. 

flRclil  o  Bingle  reflned  (loaf-sugar);  ftøbt  . 
crushed  loaf-sugar,  fnuft  .  lumps. 

SRcliØmattf?  a  florid,  ornamented. 

9RrU*'fr  c  fe  ^jettenlfrob.  •ftrtrit«*  extract 
of  balm,  meli.«sic  alcohol. 

Wc  ttaU  slaked  lime. 

•»elle  vt  k  i  fe  røaUe. 

Vie  i |  fifle  fe  -btng.  -f lifter  paste  (made  of 

•Wettniwg  e  milking. 

JRc'Ijtmfct  mealed  powder.   Mbotrn  fe  -nuDe. 

VteØem  prøp  between,  betwlxt;  (iblanbt) 
among;  .  Sri.  fire  og  frm  (at)  between  four  and 
five;  .  o*  between  you  and  me. 

9RcØemaat  n  average  year,  middling  season 
(as  to  crops). 

9RcØemaarfaa  c  secondary  cause. 

SRrflemafgrsse  c  catch  crop. 

røeflemafrita  n  Central  Africa. 

ØRcØfmaløel  c  intermedlate  shaft. 

VttØem  |  alt  c  (SReuemftyrte,  Ontermetøo)  inter- 
act,  iuterlude,  intermezzo;  (Oplplb  mellem  totterne) 
interval  between  the  aet«,  wait,  entr'acte.  -ttttØ« 
-tæppe  aet  drop. 

VteØcmamrrtfa  n  Central  America. 

9ReHemanfTnclfe  c  intermediate  view. 

WeKemarbtfbe  n  intermediate  work. 

VtcØemavt  c  intermediate  species. 

WcOestafieit  n  Central  Asia. 

SReØcnbearek  n  intermedial  ldea. 

Wfflembeftemuelfe  c  middle  term. 

VteØemblaa  a  middle  blue. 

fReOembUnbc  vt  intermlx. 

fReØembøgftab  n  typ  media  1  letter. 

fReØtmbrnbt  adv  inteiruptedly. 

SRtØemøritft  c  intermediate  cartilage  (e.  g. 
between  the  noBiril*). 

JReØenbiib  n  (ben,  bet  bringer  ©ub  int.lXem 
anbre)  me^sengcr;  (Øubffab)  message. 

9ReØrmbbgntug    c    intermediate    ef.    middle 
flReØrmbflraøfct  c  ^  middle  sebing. 
SReØemccØeftof  n  intercellular  substance. 
WeØemblge  middle  dike. 
SRcØemørfft  c  wadding,  padding. 

9ReØem,bat  n  ^  between  deck;  steerage;  i  -let 
in  the  'tween-decks.  -bat*  adv  between  decks. 
•børttbjalte  hold  beam.  -batétafteit  the  cargo 
in  the  'tweendecks.  -bafåpøjfatrr  c  steerage 
passenger.  -bortø*  (ab9  steerage  berth  el.  aceom- 
modation.  -batøftøtte  'tween-deck  stanchion. 
•bftttbtrget  hold-beam  damp. 

ØReØemøtr  c  middle  door,  dooz  ot  communica 

9RcØemettrøpa  n  Central  Europe. 

ØReØemfafbfiibe  a  iutervening. 

flReØemfarøe  c  middle  colour,  mezzo-tinto;  kt 
SKalerfunften)  demi-tint. 

BReØemfitt  a  middling  fine. 

aRffUntfjnger  o  middle  finger. 

SReØemnafl  n  middle  of  a  flitch  of  bacon. 

flReØem|UJ  c  middle  wing. 

SReUemjfob  c  metatarsus.  -fobØben  metatarsai 

aWeKemlfober  n  fe  -brat. 

+Vteflemfø(te(lg  a  international. 

flRellemffrifl  c  interval,  respite. 

SceOemfitrc  c  middle  furrow. 

aRrOriMgasrb  c  middle  court  el.  yard;  middle 
-sized  farm. 

flRettemaabe  o  intermediate  street;  (Xtxergabe) 
cross  street. 

9ccHemga(o^  c  canter. 

fReQemgang  o  passage. 

flRrOcmgibtob  n  &  middle  brail. 

9Renemgob  a  middling,  of  a  middling  quality. 

flRcflemgobå  n  goods  of  a  middling  quality. 

ScfflcBxarab  e  intermediate  degree 

WeOcmgrnnb  o  (paa  et  Violen)  middle  (dis- 

WeØemircenfc  c  boundary. 

3RcQemgrsit  a  ordinary  green,  in  between. 

SReOcmgnib  n  midriff,  diaphragm. 

aRcOrntlbsonb  c  unat  metacarpus;  (i  Srortfpil) 
middle  band,  thiid  haud;  Hbber  i  -en  is  the 
third  hånd.    -Qaanbøbrn  metacarpal  bone. 

Vceflemjliaiibel  o  carrying  tråde,  transit  tråde, 
•banbler  c  (Unbrr^anbler)  negotiator;  cWcegler, 
Mellemme  nb)  mediator,  interposer.  -^anbling  c 
(iHæaling)  intervention,  negotiation;  (i  Soctæaing, 
Slunpil)  episode,  intermezzo. 

3Rellcmt)<>bn  c  intermediate  port. 

VttUtmitqn  n  parti  tion  fence. 

tflRcBembeft  c  fio  go-between. 

flRcaembtnbe  o  iutermediate  el.  parti  tion 

9tteUti»b{mte  c  mid-brain. 

flReOemlilnt  n  middle  wheel. 

VccØemlittt  n,  bid  middle-pocket. 

a»caewb«jbe  fe  Olibbel*. 

flReaemitafien  n  Central  Italy. 

VleØcmiagt  c  •middle-cha«e>  (hunting  roes 
boars  and  grouse). 

fiRcØeMiarnalberen  the  Middle  Iron  Age. 

ØReØemtlaåfcvp/  middle  classes,  i  Stole  middle 

aWeflcmtibbcr  c  middle-jib. 

8RcØeint(«be  n  cloth  of  a  middling  quality. 

flRcØemlføwmenbc  «  interveuing.  -fowft  e 
intervention,  iuterference,  interpoition. 

SKeØcmtob  n  perinæum.  -tMaaxt  perineal 
vein.    -tsbdbrot  perineal  herula. 

SRcflemlag  n  intermediate  layer;  (beb  ©tjttp) 

flReØenlagt  part  laid  between,  interposed. 

fiReØem(afØ  c  the  middle  of  the  salmon. 

flRcØemfeb  n  (iieb,  fom  er  meUem  anbre)  inter- 
mediate link;  (af  3inure  el.  Xcttx)  middle  pha- 
lanx;  (i  en  Slutning)  middle  term;  nrith  mean. 

flReØewttøgenbc  a  (fom  ligger  imellem  to  anbre 
Øenftanbe)  iuterjaceut,  lying  between ;  .  %x\> 
Intermediate  time,  InUrval;  -  tø  in  f  el  includcd 

VteØemlinlc  c  middle  Hue. 

HReØemflib  c  middle  sound. 

flRcØemlfotenbf  •*  (lobenbe  imellem)  runnlng 
between;  (temmenbe  imeQem,  tilflsbenbe)  lu  ter  ven- 





ing.  -løber  c  meddler,  interloper;  pi  the  middle 
horets  (In  a  team  of  six). 

flReØemmaolttb  n  collation,  lunch,  tiffin. 

flRcØemmab  c  luncheon,  snack. 

ØReØeinmagt  c  intermediate  power. 

SceØeumaub  c  middleman,  in  termediary,  go 
•betveen;  deputy. 

IRcØemwar  c  partition  wall. 

ØRcØempiØe  c  middle  pillar. 

aNeØentplabe  c  (HI  ©otb)  leaf. 

ØReØempfob*  c  middle  place. 

ØRcØeinprl*  c  medium  prlce. 

ØRcØcnpropørtløMaØrb  n  mean  proportional. 

ØReØemrøce  c  cross. 

ØReØemrang  e  Intermediate  rank. 

8ReØem|reb.  -reb  n  (Slagt )  middle  ribs. 

ØRrØcmregering  c  interregnum. 

ØReØemrrgtfter  n  middle  part  of  the  voice. 

ØReØemrrgntng  o  account  current  between 
two  persons;  et  tyaue  opgjort  dot  -  we  have 
settled  accounts. 

ØReØemret  c  side-dish,  entremets. 

ØReØemrigå  adv  (mutually)  between  two 
realms  el.  countrles.  -Qanbrl  tråde  between 
two  countrie*",  international  tråde. 

ØRcØeurø  c  balf-cock. 

ØReØemrum  n,  pi  «*,  (ogf.  fig  om  Zib)  inter- 
Tal;  lille  SR.)  interstlce;  ({Rum  mellem  to  Xtng) 
intermediate  »pace,  space  between;  typ  k  mu» 
(i  ttobefoft.)  space,  (mellem  Sejler)  intercolumnia- 
tion;  mrb  ~  (fig  om  Zib)  at  intervals,  intermitt- 
ingly,  between  whiles;  meb  lange  -  at  long 
intervals;  bøbe  meb  foa  Zageft  -  died  withtn  a 
few  days  of  eaoh  other;  meb  -  (Jorn  Ijar  9fab* 
ninger)  having  intervals,  interatitlal ;  inter- 
mitten tly. 

ØRrØemrtr  n  middle  pipe  el.  tube. 

ØRrØcnifafi  c  mu$  parenthesis,  intermezzo. 

ØReØcmftabniiiø  c  'f.  *W.  $lantebør)  conflner; 
fe  -ting. 

ØReØemffei  n  boundary  of  land. 

ØReØemflob  c  wood  of  middle-sized  trees. 

ØRcØem|frrepen  a  interlinear.  -frrtvnittø  (SRet- 
telfe  imellem  fiinjerne)  interlineation. 

ØRcØemffnbt  a  inserted  (between). 

ØReØemfttggc  c  middle  ahade.  demi-tint. 

ØReØent|ffag  fe  -race;  typ  blank,  -flagt,  -fort 
c  middle-sort. 

ØRrØrmfptt  n  lnterlude;  by-play. 

ØReØemtpøetre  c  middle  spotted  woodpecker, 

Pien*  n,cdiu9. 

ØReØeinfi  a  k  adv  middlemost,  midmost. 

ØRcØemftab  c  theat  the  second-class  actors. 

ØReØentftøgfeii  n  middle  stay-sail. 

ØRcØrmftaub  c  middle  rank  el.  claas. 

ØReØemftation  c  intermediate  station. 

SceØemffteber  pi  intermediate  ports. 

aReØeuftemme  c  mean,  tenor;  r  pi  middle 
el.  mean  parts  pi. 

ØRcØcmfHØing  e  Intermediate  position. 

ØReØemftøf  c  $  rhizome. 

ØReØemftor  a  middle-sized. 

ØRcØcmfrrrg  e  byphen. 

ØRcØentftae  ".  middle  room. 

ØReØemftanb  c  intermediate  time,  interval. 

ØReØemfWfe  n  middle  piece,  (af  røafi)  main 

ØRcØemftamgefftøgfejl  n  middle  topmast  stay- 

ØReØentfitrrelfe  c  middle  el.  medium  size;  af 
-  pi  betweens. 

ØReØemfarb  c  intermediate  crop. 

ØReØemfortntng  c  (Gerningen  at  fcette  imellem) 
putting  el.  placing  between;  (i  en  Slutning) 
medium,  middle  term;  gr  intermediate  sen- 

-tØReØemtattfe  c  middle  term. 

ØReØemtap  c  ($mp.)  second  tap. 

ØRrØemtarm  c  ileum. 

ØReØemtib  c  interval,  interim,  Intermisf 
time;  i  -en  in  the  interval,  in  the  intens. 
(imib(eTtib)  in  the  mean  (time). 

ØReØcmtilftaiib  e  middle-state.1 

ØReØenilme  c  {%.  mellem  to  anbre  limen  inw* 
mediate  hour;  (ftrittmr)  leteure  hour. 

ØReDcnttng  c  intermediate  thlng;  somethiag 
between,  joc  cross. 

ØReØcmtøiier  pi  middle  tones. 

ØReØemtritt  n  intermediate  step  el.  stage 

ØReØcmbarer  pi  middllng  goods. 

ØReØcmbej  c  (Cej  mellem  tø  anbre)  middle  vat 
el.  road;  fe  ogfaa  ØRibbeløej. 

ØReØeuølbbe  c  mean  distance;  m.  widtb 

ØReØcmbøfØet  a  grown  between. 

fReØentøolb  c  curtatn. 

ØReØembøtg  c  partition  wall. 

ØReØem|b«tft  fe  -ftørrelfe. 

ØReØenbømlfc  n  fe  WrUemflue. 

ØReØcmbarettbe  a  intermediate;  —  *  -r.  -,Rf| 
ning)    account;   (6trib)   difference;    afføre  et  . 
(Regning)  settle  accounts,    (Strib)  make   up  & 

SRcØembørrt  n  insertions. 

ØRrØcwbørfcii  n  intermediate  being. 

SReØcmøre  n  middle  ear. 

SReØtt'  e  melllte.  -flire  mell(it)ic  acid.  -fart 
Salt  mell(it)Ate. 

9Re'(|mab  farlnaceous  food.  -møtisg  grinding 
of  flour.  -manb  fe  -banbler.  -mibt  meal-mite. 
Acaru§  /arinas.  -møØe  flouring  mill.  -møørc 
owner  of  a  flouring  mill. 

ØRrløbi'  c  er  (Qeftiang)  melody;  (til  en  Sas§ 
tune,  air;  ben  gaot  paa  -en  .  .  .  it  is  (sung)  io 
the  tune  of.  *angtbe(fc  indication  of  tbe  air. 
•rig  a  melodious.  -rigbom  melodionsness,  riet 
nest;  in  melody.  gRelø'btfT,  atcløbiø'9  a  melo'd: 
ous,  tuneful.  IRcio|bøttt%  -bnste  «  f  tune 

9ReIøbra'tna  n  -mer  mel'odrame,  melodram* 
-'tiff  a  melodramat'ic. 

SRelo  n  c  -er  mel'on,  C*cumi$  melo.  -bel 
melon-bed.  -førøxtg  a  melon-ahaped.  -grøtAftr 
squash,  Cncubita  melopqpo.  -taftmé  melon 
-thistle,  Turk's  cap  cactus,  Melocaet*§.  -taéfe 
melon-frame.  -ferne  melon-seed.  -parre  meloa 
-pear.  -fiol  melon-peel  el.  rind.  -tr«  papaw, 
Cariea  papaya. 

IRclørm  c  meal-worm. 

aReiø'tenlHøøer,  fe  Welilot.,  -pUfler  n  melilot 

ØRellpanemøffiMe  c  machine  forpacklng  flour 
-pap  flummery.    -pofe  flour-bag.    -pirre  fe  -bat. 

*Wcelrattc  o  -t  fe  Øjcelbrab. 

8Rel|renbe  scuttle.  -rig  a  mealy,  farinaceoo* 
-rør  fe  -renbe.  -ftgte  bolter,  -frrubbe  fe  -biøe 
-føtb  fe  -rtgte.  -fpinat  fe  ^abemoeibe.  -fpife  fe 
•mob.  -ftrøet  a  floured.  -ftøtt  farina,  flour-dost. 
-fuppe  fe  -DceOing.  -faf  mealsack.  -tønbe  flour 
-barrel.  -binaet  o  lepidopteral.  -bøtgt  floor 
•scales.    -pcrømg  gruel.    -øfe  flour-ladle. 

SRembra  n  c  -er  (fiinbe)  membrane;  (c«wi^ 
flrift)  veilum  manuscript. 

ØRemøt'rcr  pi  memoirs.  Weraoi'refrriøer  me- 

SRemolran  bnm  n  memorandum,  -re  re  *' 
commit  to  memory,  memorize.  -riø'l  c  -er  me- 
mo'rial;  mere  mtmOTan'dum-book. 

ØRe«'  conj  but,  -  bog  but  yet.  —  *  -ner  but 
ber  er  bog  et  „Veen"  beroeb  there  is  a  but  in  the 
question,  you  see. 

9Ren  c  (fr ) 0  defect,  blemish;  (9ørfeelfe>  offence, 
(Stabe)  barm,  hurt,  damage. 

ØRena  ge  c  fe  ^uø^oløning;  mil  mest. 




SRcmtgert'   .    -er  menag'erie,  show  (of  wild 
asts).    -ejer  owner  of  a  menagerle,  showman. 
•  telt  showman' s  teni.    -bøgn  caravan. 

Wttut,  -'nte,  -'m  vi  A  t  (oare  af  ben  TOening) 
>o  of  opinion;  (tøbe  1  Stnbe,  tante  paa,  flgte  til, 
ytVLe  flge)  mean;  (tctnte,  tro,  bolbe  for)  think;  -  bet 
jo  tot  mrb  en,  -  en  bet  gobt  mean  well  by 
:>ne,  be  well  Intentioned  towards  one;  »an  mente 
»et  aobt  he  meant  klndly;  jeg  mente  intet  onbt 
»ermeb  I  meant  no  harm.  man  -r  .  .  .,  they  Bay, 
ri.  it  is  aaid  .  .  .;  bet  bar  Iffe  faalebe*  ment  I 
didn't  mean  that,  bet  fhttbe  jeg  .  I  should  thlnk 
&*>,  I  belleve  you,  rather!  ban  -r  at  bibe  at  bels 
ronfident  that;  -  bet  aløorligt  be  in  earnest;  -r 
rber  iffe  fe(o  fløge  bibl  be  not  wiøe  In  your  own 
ro  ncei  te 

91  tul  eb  perjury,   false  oath;  begaa  -  oommit 
perjury,  perjure  one's  self.    -eber  e  -e  perjurer. 
-efecrfT  a  perjured,  mainsworn.     *-f***  imprac- 
ticable  state  of  ihe  roads. 
SRcnaele're  vt  P  miz. 

SRentg   a.   .  Solbot   el.   .  common  soldler, 

private,  pi  rank  and  file;  fcommoo.    -tyet  «  -er 

(borøerl.  Samfunb)  eommunlty;  (Samfunb  af  tro«. 

for  Her)  communlon,  chnrch;  (Sogn)  parish;  (6ogne> 

folf)  parishloners  pi  ;(T isørerne  i  en  srirfe)  con- 

Kregation.    -bcbøauliggenbe  m  parochlal  affair. 

-befedførftaaber  vestry-man.     -teblraab  vestry. 

-feetåfag  parochlal  affair.    -(ebtfaag  congrega- 

tion&l    slnglng.     -fbarter    soldlers'    quarters. 

-øsanb  the  common  people;  (©or  gerfon,  fimpie  9.) 

tbe  commonalty,  the  commona  pi.     -utanbtg  a 

<iemocratlc(al).  -maubigteb  c  democratic  views. 

flttnisg   c  -er  opinion;  Ben  ti  ment;  (ttetbbn.) 

meaning,  sense,  acceptation,  Import,  purport; 

<$enflgt)  intention;  (Sætning,  $eriobe)  sentence, 

proposition;   i  en  gob  -  with  good  intentions; 

foranbre  •  change  one's  mind;  bele  en  -  concur 

in    an   opinion,   a  vlew;   tyat  ingen  .  has  no 

decided  opinion;  bobe  en  gob,  flet  -  om  have  a 

good,  bad,  opinion  of,  think  well,  ill  of;  banne 

fifl  en  -  om  form  an  opinion  on:  flge  fin  -  rent 

ub  speak  one's  mind  plainly;  fige  en  fin  •  tell 

one   fa  bit  el.   plece  of)  one's  mind;   bet  fan 

u  ara  tig  Mere  $eteft  .  you  cannot  posslbly  mean 

that,  berom  er  bet  iffe  to  -er  there  is  no  doubt, 

can   be  no  mlstake,  ahout  that;  -erne  ere  belte 

opinions  differ;  bet  ljaøbe  bet  oaret  nogen  -  i 

there   woald  have  been  some  sense  In  that; 

bet   er  bet  ingen  .  i  that  is  nonsense,  there  is 

no  gense  In  that;  fjøab  er  -en  meb  what  is  the 

meaning  of;  gifter  ingen  -  makes  no  sense;  ub> 

tale  fom  fin  «  give  it  as  one's  opinion;  optage  i 

en  gob  -  pat  a  good  construction  on;  efter  min 

-  In  my  opinion;  bare  af  ben  -  at  be  of  opinion 

that,  ben  offentlige  .  public  opinion.  —  9Rening£|- 

berettiget  a  competent  to  form  an  opinion;  alle 

-be  all  who  are  qualined  to  judge,  to  pass  an 

opinion,     -førflet  difference  of  opinion,    -for 

ftarrrabe  a  fatal  to  the  sense.    -fri b eb  freedom 

of  opinion,  -falle  one  belng  of  the  same  opinion 

with  another;  bet  er  mine  potitiff  e  -er  these  are  of 

the  same  polltical  opinion  with  me;  Di  ere  -er 

we   are  of  the  same  opinion.    -tamp  war  of 

opinions.     -Hg  a  of  similiar  import,     -ligbeb 

Sigbeb  i  SB.)  simllarity  of  opinion,  (Sigbeb  i  9e* 

ttbuing)  similarity    of   meaning.     -lignenbe    a 

*ynonymous.     -loft  a  meanfngless,  unmeanlng, 

nonsenslcal,  irrelevant.     -loØfccb  c  unmeanlng- 

ness,  lrrelevancy;  en  -  nonsense.     -fag  matter 

of  opinion,    -ftrib  controversy.   -tiftenbrgiortfe 

demonstration,    -toift  fe  -ftrib.    -abbefSling  dis- 

rusvlon.   -aligbeb  fe  -forflet.   -totrtttg  expression 

»f  opinion. 

Vte«+|if    impracticable    et.     dangerous    lce. 
*fnlig  a  fnjurious.   flRe'n*|latfe  c  latent  leak. 

•to*  a  innocent,  inoffensive;  -funinjnrea.    -lo»« 
tyeb  c  inoffensiveness. 

3Renueffe  n  -r  man,  human  being,  man  and 
(el.  or)  woman,  person;  bet  nne.  gamle,  inbre  - 
the  new,  old,  lnner  man;  -ni  6øn  the  Son  of 
man;  -ne*  ©ørn  the  sons  of  men;  intet  ~,  iffe  et 
-,  nobody,  no  one;  otte  r  all  men,  everybody; 
unge  -r  young  people;  bi  ete  olie  -r  we  are  all 
weak  mortals;  er  (Re  mere  enb  et  -  Is  no  more 
than  man;  fetb  en  9rofurator  er  iffe  mer  enb  et  - 
even  attorneys  are  human:  -ne  ere  bøbefige  man 
is  mortal;  bvab  er  bog  bi  -r!  (alas  for)  poor 
humanlty !  03ub  ffabte  -t  i  fit  øiDebc  God  created 
man  after  his  own  image;  -t  fpaar,  ©ub  raa'er 
man  proposes,  God  disposes;  fym  er  et  ffiffeligt . 
he  is  a  good  soul;  blibe  et  nbt  .  take  a  new 
lease  of  life,  (møralf!)  turn  over  a  new  leaf; 
gste  en  tit  et  ntjt  .  give  one  a  new  lease  of 
li/e;  en  Stængbe  -r  a  crowd  of  people;  tybab  er 
bet  for  et  .?  what  kind  of  a  person  is  he?  men 
-  bog!  Oh  man!  (et.  woman!),  F  man  all  ve!  tab 
o#  nu  bare  -r;  let  us  have  no  nonsense!  jeg  er 
iffe  SRennefff  før  at  I  cannot  by  any  means. 
9Renneffe|aanb  human  splrit.  -abet  dignity  of 
human  nature,  -alber  (ben  Viber,  fom  et  AR. 
opnaar)  age  of  man;  (6Iægtfø(ge)  generation,  age. 
•aaflgt  human  face.  -art  (S.  af  Strnnefler)  race, 
variety  of  the  human  species;  (Vtennefleitanir) 
human  nature,  -barn  man.  -ben  human  bone. 
•bteoen  a  incarnate.  -Mob  h.  blood.  -bolig 
human  dwelling.  -brbft  human  breast.  -bnb 
h.  law  et.  commandment.  -fjettbe,  -fleabe  fe 
-fjaber.  -fjenbfl,  -fienbtlig  a  hostile  to  man. 
mlsanthropical.  -fje«bffaø  muumthropy.  -ftib 
human  industry.  -forrtanb  h.  understandlng; 
bon  (ar  iffe  engang  atminbetig  -  he  wants  even 
common  sense.  -lofter  human  foetus.  -fragt 
human  frelght.  -ftbgt  fear  of  man.  -fobe 
human  food.  -folelfe  human  feeling.  -gerning 
work  of  man,  human  labour.  -gnnft  the  favour 
of  men.  -bøønb  nand  of  man,  human  nand. 
'%ab  misanthropy.  -(aber  misanthrope,  man 
•hater.  -^anbel  trafflc  in  human  flesh.  flRen* 
neffe^eben  c  mankind,  humankind.  flRenneffel' 
bjerte  human  heart.  -bfalp  human  ald.  -bøb 
crowd  of  people.  -bobcb  human  head.  -fenber 
judge  of  character,  humanist,  one  who  knows 
man  el.  human  nature,  -flaife  class  of  men. 
-flagt  hnmau  sagacity.  -fraft  human  power, 
•frop  human  body;  h.  carcass.  -fnnbffab  know 
ledge  of  men  el.  human  nature,  -farlig  a  humane, 
charltable,  phllanthropic.  -tartigbeb  philan- 
thropy,  charity,  love  of  mankind,  «the  milk  of 
human  kindneaa«.  -fob  human  flesh.  +-fon 
fe  -flogt.  -tibelfe  human  sufferlng.  IRcnneffe. 
Hg  a  human;  (menneflef artig)  humane;  bet  et  -t 
it  is  human  nature;  berfom  bet  fhtlbe  (anbe  mig 
noget  -t  if  anything  should  happen  to  me;  — 
adv  humanly;  humanely;  -  talt  humanly. 
Vlenneffcfiøbeb  c  humanity.  flRntneftetlgneabe 
a  anthropomorphous,  anthropoid.  3Rennef!etig< 
bid  ado  after  the  manner  of  men.  flRenneffel- 
liv  human  life,  %ab  af  -  loss  of  life.  -»agt 
human  power,  -maftfe  crowd.  -wtjlv  swarm 
of  people.  -mangbe  crowd.  -natur  human 
nature,  -nabu  name  of  man;  (an  fortjener  iffe 
engang  -  he  does  not  even  deserve  the  name  of 
man;  (fom  man  giøer  f.  (Ef6.  en  $unb)  mans 
name.  -offer  human  sacrifice,  anthropothysia. 
-ofring  human  sacriflee.  -orb  word  of  man. 
•paofttttb  device  of  man.  -par  pair  el.  couple 
of  human  beiugs.  -plager  tormentor  of  men. 
•pligt  duty  of  man.  -race  race  of  men,  race 
of  mankind.  -ran  kldnapping.  -raner  kid- 
napper, -r ett i gbeb  right  of  man.  -roe  pralse 
of  men.  -røb  fe  -ran.   -raft  human  voice.  -rooer 




fe  -raner,  -famfuib  community  of  men,  buman 
sodety.  -fait 3  fe  -forflanb.  -flnb  human  dis- 
position. -fj«l  h.  soul.  -ffabaing  human  betag. 
-flam  h.  ordure.  -fiflet  human  skeleton.  -flir 
Iflfc  human  shape.  -fty  a  shy  (of  man);  bære  . 
shun  the  society  of  men.  •ftttbeb  shyness 
•flocbue  destlny  of  human  beings  -flagtert  but- 
chery.  »flagt  mankind,  human  specien.  -fremme 
fe  -r»fl.  -flttrfe  human  strength.  -fttotrm  swarm 
of  people.  -taft  Ions  of  human  life.  -til  øarelfe 
exlstence  of  man.  -tom  a  deserted;  (ubeboet) 
desolate.  -tomt) ri  solitude  -tummel  the  stir 
el.  bustle  of  (many)  people.  -fcanbrl  conduct 
of  man.  -set  weal  el.  wellfare  of  mankind.  -se  » 
philanthropist.  -venlig  a  philanthropic,  bene- 
volent.  -0  i  db  om  human  wisdom.  -trimmel 
crowd  el.  throng  of  people.  -v*tbe  human 
power.  -Ootrb  worth  (of  manV  -øfltrbig  a 
human,  worthy  of  (a)  man.  -»otrbtgbrb  dignity 
of  man.  -øotrt  work  of  man  -nafen  (et) 
human  being;  (Vtenneflett  ©aftn)  h.  nature. 
•ocbenbe  a  anthropophagous,  man-eating  -aber 
man-ester,  cannibal,  pi  anthropophagl;  ($qI) 
white  shark,  Squaliu  carcharia*.  -ffberl  cannl- 
baltern,  anthropophagy. 

fljtrtiø  adv  while. 

9Reitfa'I|øaarb,  -gob*  estate,  lands,  appro- 
priated  to  a  church  living. 

fljte'aflaa  vt  maim. 

9Rtnftr»atto'it  c  menstruation. 

flRrofn'r  c  mensura'tion,  measurement. 

fljte'nlføorc«  a  mainsworn.  -footrør  vi  main- 
swear,  perjure  one's  self,  swear  a  false  oath, 
make  a  false  affidavit. 

attentat  a  men'tal     flRrn're:  1  i  -  carryone. 

ftttentor  c  mentor,  monitor. 

attrnn'  [fr]  c  bill  of  fare. 

flRennet'  c  -ter  min'uet. 

atter,  flRere  a  A  adv  more,  i!le  .  enb  no  more, 
not  more,  than,  an  little  as;  -  enb  titflrceffeHø 
amply  sufficient;  ifle  et  Orb  .!  not  another 
word;  fyiab  .?  what  el  se?  btwb  .  er  more  than 
that,  moreover;  bet  er  en  Varfaq  -  that's  an 
additlonal  reason;  jeg  fer  $am  albriø  -  I  shall 
never  see  him  again,  I  shall  see  hlm  no  more. 
$an  er  ille  .  til  he  is  no  more;  jeg  Ian  ilte  fptfe 
•  I  can't  eat  any  more;  jeg  Ian  ilte  -  I  give  in, 
give  it  up,  I  am  exhausted,  knocked  up,  worn 
out;  f  o  .,  befto  bebte  .  .  .  themore  .  .  .  the  better; 
faa  meget  _  fom  especially  el.  all  the  more  as. 
faa  meget  -  oarbffulb  fom  the  more  valuable  that; 
noqet  anbet  og  -  enb  Bomething  more  and  other 
than.  atter  lagttø  a  fe  TOeret.  -bcmelbt  a  oft- 
xnentloned.  stterenbrll  adv  f  mostly.  deret 
o  F  morisb.    flRe  rf orbrng  extra  oonsumption. 

stterøel  c  marl.  -agttg  a  marly,  marlaceons. 
-art  species  of  marl.  -blanbet  a  mixed  with 
marl.  -bøØe  (spheroidal)  concretlon  of  marl. 
-brnb  fe  -grab.  -grab  marl-pit.  -graner  marl 
-digger.  -gravning  digging  of  marl.  -gru« 
marly  gravel.  -Qøbning  marllng.  -|orb  marly 
soil.  -fait  mTly  limestone.  t-Varrc  tlp-cart. 
-lag  layer  of  marl.  -fanbftrn  marly  sandstone. 
•flifer  marl  slate.  -ften  marlstone.  IRerøle  vt 
marl.    fttterøHitg  c  marling. 

flttrrian  c  marjoram,  Oriøanum. 

atter  ibian  c  -cv  merid'ian;  qaa  igennem  -en 
pass  el.  cross  the  m.  -bue  meridional  arc. 
•>a3faae  meridian  pa«sage  el.  transit.  flRrri« 
biona  l  a  merid'ional. 

SRrrtabtagt  c  surplus  rcoelpts 

attertno  n  meri'no.    -faar  merino. 

Vterlt'rr  pi  f  achievements. 

SRrrfantli  o  mer'cantile 

flRrrlu'r  c  (CBub  og  a*t)  Mer'cury;  ehem  mer- 
cury.   tttcrlnrta'I  c  mercu'rial  (medicine).   9Rcr* 

tsrial«  mercurial.  atterfnrialif 'm *  c  diset*- 
induced  by  the  use  of  mercury  iRcrlnrialiif  c 
blue  plll.   Werlurialfl a  mercurial.    fRrrlmrUl 

ftlflbom  fe  TOerTurialiéme. 

-fait  mer 

crlu'ri]llorib  mercu'ric  chloride. 
curie  salt  (o.  fl.). 

9Rerln'rol)obib  mer'curous  lodide.  -fait  mer 
curous  salt  (o.  fl.). 

flRerle,  aWerliuø  fe  9R«rfe. 

Otero»iitfi/|er  c,  pi  «,  -ifl  a  Merovinglan 

IRerf  fe  Vcarl. 

■fflRerl  ep«  Slommerl. 

Vterftnm  n  meerschanm,  klefekil,  aea-foam. 
seafroth.  —  9RerfTinRe|l)0teb  m.  bowl  ->ibe 
meerschanm  (ptpe). 

9Re'r|fmag  f  a  moiish  taste,  -sbblytte  extrs 
profit,    -ttbglft  excess  of  expenditure. 

AReØaOlan  re  c  -r  misalU'ance;  mbgaa  en  - 
make  a  misalliance. 

flReffl'tt  cA,  spanker,  (+  mlsen).  -barn  spanker 
-boom    -gaffel  spanker  gaflT    -gafler  mizen  men 
-øltttone  sp.  brails.    -ba(d  sp    tack.     -mail  m 
mast      -rafl    mlzen    channel.     -flag    m    stay 
•ftaøfejl  m  staysall.    -ftasg  m   topmast.    -boat 
m   shronds  et.  rlggtng.    -atfelbotieb  m    oap 

WeØmerif'vie  c  mes'merfsm. 

flRfiniug  e  fe  Steffen. 

flRefo)pota'm|ien  n  Mesopotamia.  -iff  a  Meeo- 

Weftfe  e  -r  mass;  (for  ^eløen)  aalnt's  day.  (ftort 
SRarleb)  fair;  øaa  t  -,  1i*vt  -  attend  maas:  oolbf 
-  celebrate  mass;  lorfe  -  sav  mass,  mass.  fReffe 
vi  &  t  (i  proteftanrifle  IKrter)  chant,  Intone,  In- 
tonate;  (lotolff)  say  mass. 

flReflfe  e  ^  (fælle«  »orb)  mess;  fe  -lulof;  t)oti* 
.  fatnmen  mess  together.    flReefe  vi  mess. 

flRetfe|bøg  mass-book,  missal.  -borb  fe  Vlter* 

Weifeborb  ^  me<s-table. 

flReøfe|br«b  communion  bread.  -beg«  sexton, 
verger.  -bragt  (massing)  vestment.  -bng  (lotolff » 
corporal.    -falb  no  (di vine)  service,  failure  of  s. 

IRetfeforflanber  c  J,  caterer. 

Otesfelbaøel,  -laabc  chasnble. 

flReøfelanmerat  c  &  mes«- mate. 

flReøfe|laoeI  cbant(e)ry.  -tataloø  the  Leipzic 
list  of  new  publicatlons. 

flRtøfelebel  c  J,  mess-kettle 

røc«fe|ljortelfp  -færl.  -Itolle  mass-bell.  -Itotber 
fe  -bragt. 

flReøie|lol  J,  mess  cook.  -Ialaf  mess-room, 
mess-place;  (Offtcerftmeffe)  wardroom,  gnn-room. 

VlrefelcrøMing  c  saying  of  mass.  flRelfe«  <* 
chant,  intonation.  flRcftfeøfftr  sacrirlce  of  the 

Weøfe^enge  ^  table  money,  (beb  ^nbrrcebelft 
entranoe  (money). 

SReøfelprafl  mass-priest.  -fang  singlng  «f 
mass.    -fljorte,  -farl  surpllce,  (latolfl)  alb. 

SReøfetjrner  c  J,  mess-man. 

SReøfebin  c  communion- wine. 

BReØfTlaø1  the  Messiah.    -a'nfla  messian'ic. 

flReøfiKg  ti  og  c  bras*,  -arbejbe  bnss-work 
-beflaaet  a  brass-mounted.  •blif  latten-bra^, 
bra«8-plate.  -brotnber  brass-maker.  -bl|tte  bras* 
-forge.  -Iaa>  brass  button.  -pi abe,  -fiHt  bra» 
-plate.  -flrue  brass  screw:  f  en  bitto  meb  -r  one 
more  of  the  same  type.  -fmeb  brazier.  -frreat 
(paa  muflfalfle  Snflrumenter)  brass- wire  string. 
-traab  brass-wire.  -tvifft  brass -wi re  gauze.  -tø], 
-barer  pi  brass- ware.    -øatrl  brassforge. 

røe'fl  (T  oof.  mefl )  a  k  adv  most;  min  -e  Xi& 
most  of  my  time;  for  bet  -e  mostly,  for  the  most 
part;  generally;  bet  .  mulige  as  mnch  as  possible 
ban  er  -  ærgerrig  he  is  the  most  ambiUous,  paa 




i  -  rorrtonmenbf  In  she  most  obliging  manner. 
trftcBtcle  adv  fe:  for  brt  mefle. 
SReftcr  «  -e  master;  frimurer«  ma?ter-mason; 
aanboaerf*-  master-workman;  Mibe  -  (i  rt  Saø) 
H  the  freedom  of  a  Company;  gere  HI  -  (btanbt 
naturerne)  raise;  Mere  -  t  (en  ftunH)  be  master 
f,  be  an  adept,  a  proflcient  in;  ingen  -  no  good 
ind  (at);  bære  -  paa  (et  dnffrumentj  be  a  pro- 
cent on;  fyyem  tør  beeret  _  for  bette?  whose 
orkmanship  is  thi«?  han  bar  funbet  fin  -  be  bas 
tet  with  his  match;  (pille  -  play  tbe  master; 
n  (i  Spil)  the  conqueror,  the  decider,  (i  ©bi|t) 
le  conquering  rubber;  -  vrtt  F  the  rod,  switch. 
Qrfterlarocjbe  masterwork.  -breft  master- tråd  es- 
ian's  certlflcate.  -baab  masterly  deed,  master 
troke.  -bigt  masterly  poem.  -bigrer  master 
>oet.  -tyoanb  the  hånd  of  a  master,  a  masterly 
and.  tVtefterin'be  c  mistress,  master*«  wife. 
Reftrrjfmrgi  hangman's  assistant.  -føf  master 
look.  -(øø  body  of  masters  of  a  tråde.  -Icftir 
>p-fnnn,  head  class  (in  grammar  schools). 
trtianer  c  -e  scholar  of  the  head  class.  SteffteV' 
[g  o  masterly.  IRefterttgtcb  o  masterliness. 
RtfterfLøn  master's  hire.  +-maleri  master- piece. 
naab  (Sfarprexter)  ezecutioner.  -mønbtfølf 
xecutioner's  servants.  -mønbftprngc  executl- 
ner'K  fee.  -aøba  name  of  master,  -penfel 
«ncil  of  a  master,  -prabe  fe  -fltotte.  -paløer 
nagistery.  -røb  fe  -urt.  -roer  champion  rower. 
fang  master-gong.  •fanger  master-minstrel. 
Refterffaø  a  mastery,  mastership.  W  efter  |f?nb 
oanerly  shot.  -ftølm  arch-rogue.  -fpU  masterly 
»erfonnance.  -f  pifler  masterly  player  el.  per- 
ormer,  -friftc  master-piece;  master  etroke,  (for 
i  blioe  Vt.)  piece  of  work  done  by  a  journey- 
nan  for  missing  as  a  master,  -førnb  foreman 
»fa  workshop,  head-journeyman.  -frøet  masterly 
aove,  master-stroke.  -tnne 'ring  (efaf)  masters' 
ournament.  -i**  master-thief  -urt  master- 
fort, Imjxratorii.  -ø*rl  masterly  work  el.  per- 
ormance.  fRefrre  vt  school,  criticise,  find  fanlt 

IRefH'i  c  -er  mestixo,  mestino,  mestee. 

Btøøeearntttt  n  metacentre. 

Wetafo'r  e  -er  met'aphor.     -ifl  a  metaphor'- 

SRetaføt'førftort  e  hydric  metaphosphate. 

Wrta[fpgt'  metapfcys'ics  pi.     -ft'fifer  meta- 
Ph^icjan     -tø-fif!  a  metaphys'ical. 

JsRetal'  n  -(er  metal;  brass,  bronze,  -øøre  vein 
o  metal,  -ogtig  a  metall'ic.  -ørbrjbe  m.  work. 
'•fbtfber  worker  In  metals,  brasler.  -affe  me- 
tallic ashes  pi.  -bab  balneum,  bath.  -fteførftet 
«  metal-fastened.  -blanbtng  metallic  composit- 
'J>n,  compound,  -brwb  fracture  of  a  metal. 
•J**ji«g  brass  coak.  -brcjer  turner  in  metal. 
■J«»be  (metalagtig  g.)  metallic  colour;  (&.,  fom 
niwrebfl  of  TO  )  metalline  colour.  -ferniS  me- 
u'jic  varnish.  -forlibe  vt  metal,  -forraab 
^J.iion.  .føftet  «  metal-fastened.  -giaaft  metallic 
l'ivtre.  +u\%  Dutch  gold,  leaf-brass.  -Ijoibig 
9  metalliferous.  -tab  metal  sheathing.  t-Ute 
a«Ullic  oxlde.  -Jorb  metallic  carth.  -latt  fe 
•tit*,  .foaon  brass-cannon.  -rnop  metal  button, 
(;«I>  shellbntton.  -fømpofitløn  fe  -Manbing. 
•""8«  (albeleft  renfet  Wetal)  regulus.  Wetaflif! 
^..^Wlic,  metalline.  WeUfloi  b  n  -er  met- 
juoid.  aRrtaHurg'  c  -er  met'allurgiRt.  røetfli 
*"rt1'  c  met'allurgy.  røetfli|mober  gangue. 
'*«  crystal  tin.  -opUftning  meUllic  solution. 
TO*  metallic  oxlde.  -pafntng  metallic  pack- 
1QS  -fnnbe  (t)mp.)  brass.  -papir  Duich  meUl 
*£**-  -^Ube  metal-plate.  -ring  brass  ring. 
"JJ1^^.)  metallic  back.  -fepter  J,  metal 
a*0L  0n-  mf**m  scoria  (pi  scoriæ),  scum  el. 
a«>»  of  metals,    -fpejt  metalUo  mirror.    -f piger 

compositlon  nail.  -frreng  wire  string,  muslo 
wire.  -f)«ber  metal  faunaer.  -f«lP  false  leaf 
•eilver.  -traab  wire.  -tb Ifl  wire  gauze.  -»aver 
pi  hardware,  metallic  goods.  -bcrrb!  intrinsic 

aRrtamorf'iifT  a  metamo'rphic.  -o  fe  c  -r 

fRrtantfmø  nfbre  c  hydric  metantim'onate. 

flReta'tefi«  o  metath'esis. 

IReteo'r  n  -er  me'teor.  -faib  fall  of  aerolltes. 
flReteo'rtff  a  meteor 'ic(al).  9Reteorig  me  c  me'- 
teorism.  flRcteorit'  c  -er  me'teorite.  Weteo  r< 
jam  meteor'ic  iron.  9Rrteorolo'g  c  -er  meteorol'- 
ogist.  flReteørolool'  ø  meteorol'ogy.  flReteor* 
øfø 'g Ifl  a  meteorolog'ic(al).  |Releør|fla«(  mete- 
oric  steel.    -ften  ærollte,  meteoric  s  tone. 

flRerev  c  -tre  meter,  metre,  -f bftcmet  the  met'rtc 

flRetbn'falem  Methuselah. 

iRrtbri  n  meth'yl,  methyle.  -attø^ot  methyl'ic 
alcohol  el.  spirits.    -«ter  pyroligneous  ether. 

SWetle  r  [fr.]  n  tråde,  calling. 

flRrtø'Ibe  c  -r  meth'od;  system;  bringe  ~  i 
meth'odize,  reduce  to  method.  -bif  o  method'ic. 
-'biff  a  method  'ical.  -bi«  me  o  meth'odism. 
•bift'  e  -er  meth'odist.   -blfl  ifl  a  methodistic(al). 

flRetøn^mi'  o  meton'ymy. 

SRetø'ipe  ø  -r  met'ope. 

flRrtrir  e  met'rical  art.  iRe'trifl  a  met'rical. 
aWctrifer  c  -e  metricist.  aWctrøno'm  c  -er  met'- 

SRetrøpoliir,  -lltø'n  c  -er  metropol'itan.  -H> 
tø'«-  metropol'itan. 

9Rrtmm  n  metre. 

flRettMnrf)  c  German  sausages. 

aWrjifo  n  Mexico.  aRfjiføier  c  -t,  -in'be  o 
-r,  meglta'nft  a  Mex'Ican. 

Wt^auVn  e  -er  mez'zanine. 

WeiAøfopran  e  low  soprano,  second-treble 
voi'-e,  mezzo  soprano. 

IRiaØ'ma  n  miasma.    -'tifl  a  miasmat 'ic(al). 

Wiab  n  k  imt  mew.    -e  vi  mew.    -em  c  mew* 

n§Ri4a'el  Michael. 

VHø)tgatt|«e*  Lake  Michigan. 

9Rlb  c  -er,  fe  WHbe. 

røib'øfte«  e  afternoon.  IRibaftew'Itøfl,  -mak 
aflernoon  repast. 

røib  ølbrenbe  a  mlddle-aged. 

Wibaftare  n  Midas'  ear  (ogf.  so,  Halioti*  Midce). 

flRibbag  o  (Zib)  noon,  mldday,  noon-day; 
(røaaltib)  dinner;  om  -en  at  e(.  about  noon;  i 
waør  .(f)  yesterday  at  noon;  fpife  til  .  dine; 
fpife  ftafantr  Hf  .  dine  off  el.  on  pheasants;  bliøe 
til  -  stay  (for)  dinner;  bebe  en  hl  .  invite  one 
to  dinner;  $t  fpifer  naturligbi«  -  bo«  mig  of  coune 
I  shall  see  you  to  dinner;  bwtb  ffot  øi  babe  til  .? 
what  shall  we  have  for  dinner?  foøe  til  -  take 
a  nap  after  dinner;  foøe  inbtil  -  sleep  till  noon; 
en  Cigar  før,  efter,  -en  joc  an  ante-prandial,  post 
•prandial  cigar  —  9RibbagØ|abonnent  c  half 
boarder,  -beflif  day's  work.  -blnnb  fe  -lur, 
•føøn.  -børb  dinner.  dinner-table;  øeb  -et  at 
dinner.  -cirfel  meridian,  -flabe  meridian  plane. 
•glibe  dinner-party.  -gafr  dinner  guest.  -bebe 
noon-day  heat.  -bbile  rest  at  noon,  siesta, 
nooning.  -bajbf  att  meridian  al  ti  tude.  -f  i  Heri 
transit-instrument.  -!reb#  meridian,  -lag  noon 
-tide;  i  -et  about  noon.  -linie  meridian  line. 
-luft  air  at  noon  -Ur  fe  -føbn.  -Ih*  light  of 
noon.  -maaltib,  -mab  dinner.  -puntt  meridional 
point,  -ro  fe  -bbile.  -fclfftb  dinner  party,  -ffttgge 
øhadow  at  noon,  noontide  shadow.  -føl  meridian 
sun,  noonday  sun.  -fpife  dinner.  -fir øø (r  noon- 
tide ray,  meridian  snn-beam.  -ftnnb  noon-tide, 
hour  of  noon.     -føbn  nap  after  dinner,  after 




-d ioner  {Joe  post-prandial)  nap.  -taffel  fe  -borb. 
•tib  noon- tide.  -time  (fra  12—1)  hour  of  noon; 
(©Pifetime)  dlnner  hour. 

SRibbel  n  -bier  means;  vehicle;  expedient; 
hjælpe-  remedy,  pkvt  medium;  pi  (formue) 
means;  iffe  labe  nogrt  -  uforfogt  leave  no  stone 
unturned;  -bierne  til  at  (the)  wherewithal  to; 
Ieue  af  fine   biet  live  upon  one's  means. 

SRibbel  a  middllng,  .  af  $ejbe  of  middle  height. 

Vilbbefaar  n  average  year. 

SRibbelafflaub  c  middle  distance. 

9Rlbbe(|a(ber  c  middle  age:  •«  Ib  et  en  the 
Middle  ages  pi.  -albertiø  a  med  læ  val.  -afbrenbe 
a  middle-aged. 

Sfttbbelbar  a  iadlrect,  medJate.  -|eb  «  me- 
diateness,  indirectness. 

Viibbelbeøabet  *  fiurly  glfted. 

IRibbelbebaøeffe  c  mean  velocity. 

SRibbetbrrbbe  c,  <ut  middle  latltude.  -feflabd 
m.  1.  sailing. 

9Ribbe(br*b  n  (i  2aai)  ward. 

SRtbbefbQbbe  c  mean  depth. 

fDtibbeibpbøaaettbe  n  average  el.  mean  draught. 

VtibbclertØ  c  middllng  ore. 

SRibbelfarbe  c  middle  colour,  mezzo  tlnto. 

9Rlbbe(øena  c  (Irron.)  mean  daily  rate. 

Viibbeløøbe  n  middllng  goods  pi. 

flRibbelørab  c  mean  degree. 

fDtlbbeffjaftlølKb  e  (f.  (SM.  Sbjetft  ofo.)  mean  el. 
average  speed  el.  velocity. 

SRibbeltjabet  the  Medlterranean.  —  SRibbel. 
ta»*|flaabe  c  Medlterranean  fleet.  -Unbe  Me- 
diterrauean  countrles,  countrles  of  the  Mediter- 

VHbbet|b*i  o  of  middle  height  el.  stature. 
-t«ibe  e  lørnnemfnitft*)  mean  height;  (9Reuem>) 
middle  height,  medium  height;  omtrent  af  - 
about  the  middle  height;  unber  -  under  the 
average  height:  en  SRanb  unber  .  an  undersized 

Bttibbelbøft  c  average  crop. 

VHbbelfUØfe  c  (i  Stole)  middle  form;  -n  the 
middle  classes 

Vcibbelflotteflet  n,  at  mean  time. 

SRtbbeltnr*  ø  mean  el.  medium  course. 

+9RibbelIattbft  a  Medlterranean. 

VttbbeOeb  n  middle  member;  (af  en  ftinget  el. 
%aa)  middle  phalanx. 

VHbbeUepertb  c  average  length  of  llfe. 

JRibbeHinte  o  middle  line. 

Vtibbelmeablø  o  middling,  Indifferent,  me- 
diocre     -beb  c  mediocrity. 

SRtbbelmibbag  c  mean  noon. 

fRibbelmibnat  c  mean  midnlght. 

ttibbelplan  n  (Cpfln)  half-breadth  plan. 

SRibbelprtt  c  average  price. 

Vtibbelpttttft  n  centre. 

*3Ribbet*  a  middling,  average,  medium,  -aar 
average  year. 

9Ribbelfa(t  n  neutral  salt. 

•artibbclflib  c  herring  in  the  fourth  year. 

flRibbelfføle  c  lower  grammar  school. 

9RibbelfIaøft  c  average  kind,  middle  sort. 

fRibbelfol  c,  a&t  mean  sun.  -aar  mean  solar 
year.  -bag  mean  solar  day.  -tib  mean  solar 
Urne.    -ur  mean  solar  clock. 

Vtibbellført  fe   fl«8*- 

JRibbelfpant  n  4,  mldshlp-frame;  (paa  6fib*. 
tejntna)  dead- flat. 

Øtlbbclftanb  e  the  middle  olasses  pi;  (f.  er*, 
©arometer*)  ordinary  level. 

Øttbbclfftor  a  middle  size,  mcdlum-slzed. 

Vtibbellftreø  fe  -linie 

9Rtbbetfl*rrelfe  c  middle  el.  medium  size. 

9Hbbclt«(  n  mean;  tage  -let  af  strike  au  average 
of  efter  et  -  on  the  average. 

SRibbelrraperatnr  c  mean  temperature;  er, 
aariige  .  the  mean  annual  t;  Sinteren*  -  xt* 
mean  winter  t. 

SRibbettib  c  mean  time. 

SRibbclHlf»tt»b  c  middle  state. 

aWibbelHng  c  fe  TOetlemtmg;  (liøegblbiø  T.)  some- 
thing  indifferent,  adiaphoron. 

AR ibbel I tn)t  n  mean  el.  middle  preæmre. 
-trvftmaffinr  middle  pressure  engine. 

SRibbel  |*anb  *,  -panbe  pi  &  half  flood. 

aWtbbelbarwe  c  fe  røibbelfrmperotur. 

9tibbe!be|  c  middle  course,  mean;   ben  øbttac 

-  the  golden  mean,  the  happy  medium;    tølbe 
.  hold  the  mean,  strike  a  mean,  steer  between. 

9Ribbef»«øt  c  mean  weight. 

9»ibbel|b*rb  n,  -barbl  e  mean  value  el.  priee. 

SWibe  c  -r  mite,  Aearu*. 

ARibfaHe  c  the  middle  of  Lent,  mld-lent 
•fønbaa  fourth  Sunday  in  Lent. 

aWibianlter  pi  Mldianltes. 

9»ibje  c  middle,  waist.  -ntt  po«,  fe  TOibmai 
+-fb«r  a  thickset. 

SRible  vi  mediate.  Wlbler  c  -e  medlator. 
intercessor.  ^Otiblrrfff  e  -r  medlatress,  media 

TOlbler|tib  adv  fe  dmiMertib.  -rtblø  a  proviv 
ional,  temporary,  interim;  —  ad*  provisloually, 
ad  interim,  temporarily. 

flRibnat  «  midnlght;  om.  »eb  -  about,  at  mid- 
nlght. SRiftttaMa  a  midnlght.  —  9H»««tftit*J 
n  midnlght  crow.  -b#)bc  alUtude  at  midnlght 
-Hofte  midnlght  beil.  -miilm  m.  gloom  (o.  fl. 
-folen  the  mldnight  sun,  the  unsetting  son 
-flKKb,  -tib  mldnight,  dead  of  the  night.  -ftt«e 
midnlght  hour. 

rølbret  a  mity. 

SRibfbibmanb  o  mldshlpman,  F  mlddy. 

flRibfommcr  o  mldsnmmer.  —  TOibfo«mer#  • 
bag  mldsummer-day.  -nat  midsummer-night 
-tib  midsummer-tide. 

Vlibt  adv.  >  ab,  fe  .  efter;  (Jrommanbo)  eye> 
front  1  -  efter  after  el.  along  the  middle  (of 
.  for,  .  foran  before  the  middle  el.  centre  of 
straight  before;  -  i  in  the  middle  of,  Ho  amldst 
amid,  In  the  mldst  of;  .  i  Suften  in  mid-alr. 
.  iblanbt  in  the  midst  of;  .  igennem  throofrh 
the  middle  of,  straight  through;  ~  imellem 
midway  el.  half  way  between;  .om  Dagen  in 
the  middle  of  the  day;  -  om  Statten  in  the  dead 
of  night;  tage  en  -  om  Sibet  seize  one  round  the 
waist;  bi  er  -  oppe  i  fia  we  are  in  the  thlck  of: 

-  o  o  er  above  the  middle  of,   straight  above. 
qaa  .  ober  break  in  two;   -  paa  in  the  middle 
of;   til  .  paa  Senet  mid  leg;  .  paa  Aaoet  in  mid 
-ocean;  •  u  nt  er  under  the  middle  of,  (om  5ttben.< 
in  the  midst  of.     Wlbt|ab  fe   obfr.     fJlibtc  «- 
middle;   i  bor  .  in  the  midst  of  us,   among  us; 
af  fin  egen  -  from  themselves;   en  af  bor  _   one 
from  among  us.     Otibter>   (i  6mf.),   fe   9cibt- 
Vribterft  a  $up  midmost,   mlddlemost,   middle 
Wibtlfignr  centre  flgure.     -fiorb*  adv  fe   UW, 
in  the  middle  of  the  bay.     -jla?fl  filten,     -gjamø 
middle  walk  el.  galle  ry.    -ørnppe  central  group 
-linie  middle-  et.  centre-line,  median  line.    -Ub4 
ad  o  (in)  mid-channel.   -nerve  Zr  mldrib.   •parti 
central  part.     -puntt  centre,  central  point;   Å«r 
(i  Sfjotb)  fesse-point.  -ptmttflbenbe  «  centrifugal 
•puntttøøenbe  «  centripetal.     *Vlibtrf  eomp  fr 
TOibterft.    9)Hbt|Hbbe  mldrib.    -fflb  central  nave 
-flibø  adv  in  (the)  mldships,  amids  hip*.    .fHb# 
afbeling  mldship  compartment  (o.  fl.)     -ffib4 
»iwfenetter   waist  nettings.      -frtMpartirt   th« 
midships.     -fTjolb  her  inescutcheon.     -fommer 
fe  Wibjommer.     -flrom  centre-current.     -fkgmmé 
ado  in  the  middle  of  the  stream  el.  current,  in 
mid-stream.  -ftrømdrettbe  fe  -jlrem.  -fritte  centre 




-piece,  central  piece.  -fttttbø  adv  in  the  mlddle 
of  the  sound,  mld-channel.  •taatn  central 
tower.  -banbø,  -baterft  adv  mid-channel,  mld 
»stream;  in  mld-sea.  -øej  mid-way.  -nejø  adv 
(fetnab  IRtbteii  af  en  ®ej)  in  the  mlddle  of  the 
road,  (9albbejl)  balf-way,  mid-way.  Wibbtttter 
c  mid-wlnter.  VHb(t)btttter*  in  the  mlddle  of 

Stig  pron  pert  me  (fom  Objett,  naor  Gu&jeftet 
er :  jeg)  myself;  bet  er  -  lt  is  I;  for  -  gerne  I  have 
no  objection,  I  don't  care,  I  don  t  mind;  en 
røen  of  -  a  niend  of  mine. 

9tigr«'iic  c  me'grim. 

tttttte  o  (Webfl.)  stake  head. 

Stiftet  Michael;  (Stobn  for  Mæcen)  Renard, 
Charley;  coat  the  Germans.  —  9HitfeIØ|aftm 
Michael8mas-eye.  *-b«r  fe  Bøtte,  -bafl  Michael- 
mas-day.  -go*J  Michaeimas-goose.  -gUbe  Mi- 
chaelmas-feast.    •meøfc  Mlchaelmas. 

Vttttebørl  o  (Sfcenfl.)  warping-post. 

ØHImaf  n  F  f e  »tflrøafr. 

flOtlfø  e  (Vbe)  mico,  Jaeekut  argentaliut. 

Øtitrø'b  c  -ex  microbe. 

Vtitrøjfo'u  c  -er  mi'crophone.  -totter  W  mi- 
crococd  -tøf'mc,  -tøømu*  o  ml'crocosm. 
•meter  n  microm'eter.  -ffojp  n  -er  mi'croscope. 
-ftøfet'  e  micros'copy.  -ffø'bift  a  mioroscop'ic(al). 

flttl  c,  jrf  «*  4  -e:  banfl .  (41/*  engeltte)  Danish 
mile.  norft  .  (7  engelffe)  Norwegian  mile;  engelfl 
~  mile;  tnfl  el.  geograflf?  -  Oerman  mile;  franff. 
league;  geometri«  -  measured  mile;  en  Dtttl  ftei 
about  a  (Danish  el.  Norw.)  mile;  et  $ar  Wil« 
&t\  a  (Danish  el.  Norw.)  mile  or  two;  en  gob  ~ 
a  (good)  long  mile. 

Øttla'lnø  n  Mil'an.  -ne'fer  c  •e/  -ne'flft  a 
Milanese  (pi  ■»). 

©Hib  «  (iRe  ftatt),  føarb  el.  fur;  fio  fagtmobig, 
©enlig)  mild;  (lemfælbig)  lenient;  (Hib,  from)  gentle; 
-t  Sejr  mild  el.  open  weatber;  _  IRegn  gentle 
rain;  -e  ©ttftrifer  charitable  institutions;  -e  Øaber 
«barities,  benemetions;  —  mtlbt,  t  milbelig 
adv  mildly;  leniently  eto.;  eft  talt  to  say  the 
least  (of  it),  to  say  no  worse,  speaklng  below 
tbe  mark  (fættei  gerne  bagefter),  -røb  c  mlldneøs, 
jrentleness;  lenity.  -ne  vt  (formilbe,  Iinbre)  mit- 
i  gate,  allc7iatet  temper;  (formilbe,  berolige)  soothe. 
appease;  —  vt  ~  fla,  -0  grow  milder;  bet  -r  i 
Sejret  the  weather  is  getting  milder. 

Wllc  ø  (+n)  -r  (paa  Sømme)  bit. 

»ile  e  -r  (Jtubnlle)  charcoal  klin. 

Wile|  antal  mileage.  -breb  a  miles  el.  a  mile 

Øtilebroiibe  n  wood  for  charring. 

SRUcbfj  a  miles  el.  a  mile  high. 

9H(efu(  n  charcoal. 

fRitrtebe  c  curb-chain. 

fltilejUag  a  milei  el.  a  mile  long.  -raaal 
mile-measure.  -benne  (riuonbi)  mileage;  & 
distance  money.    -bon  mile-stone. 

SRilerøg  c  amoke  from  a  charcoal-kiln. 

»ile  fif!  a  Milesian. 

9ttle|frtfte  relay  at  every  mile.  -ftc«,  *-ftøl**, 
-futte,  fe  -pal. 

»Ilet  m  Miletus. 

VHle|t*t  number  of  miles,  -blbt  adv  miles, 
for  miles. 

SRI  lien'  [fr.]  n  surroundings,  entourage. 

»Ultariø  me  c  mti'itaryløm. 

Øfilitr  c  militia. 

ØtMtøt'Y  a  mll'itary.  SRUltøt'r  o  mll'itary 
mao,  soldler.  fJtftfta'r  n  miUtary,  soldiery. 
•eb  military  oath.  -tt*t  army  (list),  -fraffe 
military  coat.     ■•■-fri  a  free  from  military  ser 


rice.     -arffUfea 

m.   confines   el.   frontier. 

-bue  soldler's  cap.     »tappt  m.  cloak.     -flabe 
army  cloth.     -lage  military  sorgeon.     -orfefler 

torfen :  2)anfC>dngelfC  Orbbog. 

military  band.  -berføn  military  man.  -flønb 
m.  profession,  -flraf  m.  punishment.  *t|eitejle 
iyi    service 

iWllicgra«  n  millet-grass,  Mitiun. 

VHntarb'  c  -er  mil'liard. 

amning  c  (mi  \*  Søiet. 

SRiatøa  c  -er  mil  lion.  flRIBiø'nte  a  millionth. 
flliOiøtttebel  mllliouth  (part).  røUHonbt«  adø 
by  millions.  VHUiona't  c  -er  millionaire,  plum 

flRKt  c  milt,  spleen,  -(blob)aare  splenic  veln. 
-betcenbclfe  splenitis.  •branb  anthraz,  splenic 
fever.  -brcgae  hart's-tongue,  Soolopendrium  of 
fieinarum.  -blafter  antisplenetic  plaster.  -fHnø 
stitch  in  the  region  of  the  spleen.  *fba(|t 
swelllng  of  the  spleen,  -føg  a  splenetlc,  hypo- 
chondriac,  hipped.  -ftogbøm,  -føgc  spleen, 
hypochondria.  -urt  golden  saxifrage,  Ckrp&o*- 

Stime  c  -r  mime.  VHmif  o  mim'ics  pi, 
mim'io  art;  play  of  feature.  SRimifer  o  -e 
mlm'ic.    Wl'mifT  a  mim'ic(al). 

fltlmø'fe  c  -r  mimoea,  sensitive  plant. 
fVRimre  vi  mumble,  munch. 

flRin  pron  pon,  n  mit',  pi  mine  (toniunrrio) 
my,  (abfolut)  mine,  my  own;  mit  ©am  my  chlld; 
©arnet  er  mit  the  child  is  mine;  ban  førgebe  for 
mig  og  -c  Le  took  care  of  me  and  my  famlly; 
i  .  (fgn  in  our  part  of  the  country;  benne  - 
Vtabe  this  stomach  of  mine;  min  Aerre,  o.  fl.  fe 

ferre,  grue,  fyrøten,  S)ame;  ieg  forlanger  tun  mit 
only  ask  for  my  own,  for  my  pioperty;  jeg 
fan  gøre  mcb  mit,  tyøab  ieg  bil  I  can  do  what  i 
will  with  my  (mine)  own;  mit  og  bit  the  right 
of  property;  ban  bar  felb  bragt  »reoet  t  til  mit 
he  took  the  letter  to  my  home  in  person;  jeg 
ftal  gøre  mit  berril  I' 11  do  my  beat;  jeg  gør  ban« 
Orb  til  -e  I  am  entlrely  of  his  opinion,  I  agree 
with  every  word  he  says. 

Vttaarft  e  -er  min'aret. 

tSfthtbe  n  (røunbing)  mouth,  outlet. 

mtttbe  n  (Samtttflc)  consent. 

flRinbe  n  -r  (Srinbring)  reminiøoence,  remem- 
braDce;  (Vmtnbelfe,  3^utommeffe)  remembrance, 
memory,  commemoration;  (d  rinbringfitegn,  Winbe* 
tegn,  Scinbelmarfe)  memento,  remembrance,  me- 
morial; association;  bet  fom,  ranbt  mig  i  .  it 
entered  my  mind,  thought,  I  was  reminded  of 
(it);  talbe  en  nt  i  .,  føre  en  nt  til  .  call  st  to  one's 
remembrance;  Jeg  brageø  itfe  til  -  I  cannot  call 
to  mind;  bet  er  øft  enbnu  i  frift  -  it  is  still  freøh 
in  our  memory;  bet  er  gaaet  mig  af  .  it  has 
escaped  my  memory;  lægge  paa  .  keep  in  mind, 
treasure  up  in  one's  memory;  ril  •  om  in  comme- 
moration of,  commemorative  of;  fornb,  -t  om  re- 
vive  the  memory  of;  i  SRanbØ  -  withln  el.  in 
tbe  memory  of  man,  within  living  memory. 
fllittbe  vt  (om)  rem  ind,  put  in  mind  (of;,  call  to 
one's  remembranoe,  (abbarenbe)  warn;  —  min beø 
vd  (-fminbe  flg)  recollect,  remember,  call  to  mind; 
jeg  -0  at  bsoe  truffet  barn  I  remember  meeting 
htm;  om  jeg  •#  ret  if  my  memory  serves  me. 
8Rlnbe|blab  memorial,  -blomft  memorial  flower. 
-bøg  records  pi.  -bager  commemorative  toast, 
tømme  -et  for  drink  a  toast,  commemorative  of. 
•bigt  commemorative  poem.  -feft  commemora- 
tive festival,  commemoration.  +«frtob  pleasures 
of  memory,  -gabe  remembrance,  souvenir, 
keepsake,  memorial.  +-gHmtreminiscence.  -beØig 
a  of  sacred  memory,  -bøjtib  fe  -feft.  -forø  me- 
morial cross,  -frtnd  memorial  wreath.  -fbøb 
fe  -bigt. 

9Rtnbrliø  a  amicable;  .  Ufgørelfe  compromlse. 
-tytb  c  amicable  adjustment;  t  -  by  consent,  by 
agreement  of  both  parties;   Sagen  bl  ro  afgjort  i 




-  the  matter  wu  compromised  ef.  amicably 

Winbejtfe  c  -r  røaammbelfe)  admonition,  re- 
minder; (af  6fcgbom  øf*.)  slight  touch,  return, 
leminiacenoe.  -ørb  vi  commemorative  words 
pi.  -penge  medal.  -rig  «  rlch  in  recollections 
-rmmr  fr  Mat.  -fang  fe  -bigt.  -ffrift  memorial; 
Oabfhift)  inacrlption.  fJHa*efmamt  •  -r  mono- 
ment,  tomb;  memorial.  Wiabefften  monumental 
■tone.  -tuttte  monumental  colnmn.  -tømre  tear 
of  remembrance.  -tale  commemorative  oratton , 
memorial  addreas.  -taøle  memorial  tablet  el. 
plate.  -regn  remembrance.  -aer*  memorial 
verne.    -øarrbig  a  memonible. 

Wtabre  «  smaller,  leas,  mlnor,  +lesser;  . 
psetifre  6Irrfter  mlnor  poems;  .  Srigtere  mlnor 
poets;  bea  -  ftatrflftarat  the  aborter  catechiam; 

-  Sejtigbeber  (rather)  small  houses;  —  adv  leas; 
(eab)  .  still  leas;  fe  Vrhraft;  «?e  -  no  leas;  en 
Xomme  .  eab  3  Etas  an  inch  short  of  sfx  feet; 
boa  er  miet  ~  eab  tig  he  is  any  thing  but  rich: 
fæ  meget  «,  be*-  so  mach  the  leas;  tøet  meget  - 
how  mnch  leas;  aieb  -  nnleas  (ba  indeed);  ifte  - 
.  .  .  foTbi  not  the  leas  .  .  .  becauee;  -  gob  not 
qnite  good,  not  so  good  as  mJght  be;  .  anbefa< 
ldfeftMrrbig  hardly  to  be  recommended  (o.  fl.). 
Winbre|aorig  o  under  age;  eftertabeabe  en  .  éøn 
learing  a  son  in  his  minority;  Mere  -  be  a 
mlnor,  be  noder  age.  -aerlg|eb  c  minority, 
nonage.  -omring  c  -er  minor.  t-momb  one  de 
clared  inmmona  by  a  legal  sentence.  -tal  mi- 
nority. Wimbfte  vt  dlminish;  .  6ejl  sborten 
•sil;  -  et  6fib*  gart  lessen,  slacken,  deaden,  a 
ahip's  way.  Wimbfletfc,  Wimbffming  c  dlminut- 
ion.  Wiabft  a  least,  smallest;  ifte  bet  e  not  a 
yestlge,  not  a  bit,  not  a  farthing;  I  bet  e  at 
least;  iffe  i  -e  Woobe  not  in  the  least;  (tiset  talen 
er  o«  to,  bruse*  gerne  ftonpaTath)) :  Qto  mig  bet 
-e  Gtbffe,  og  be$olb  bn  bet  aabet  give  me  the 
smaller  piece,  and  keep  you  the  other.  bet  - 
mulige  a  minimnm;  reburere  ta  bet  -  urolige  mi- 
nimize  (as  much  as  possible);  bet  -e  of  Børneår 
the  youngeet  of  the  children;  —  adv  least;  (i 
bet  mintpe)  at  least,  (gerne  bagefter)  at  the  least; 
bet  -e  mon  rater  beroeb  at  the  alightest  touch  el. 
if  you  touch  it  ever  so  slightly. 

Wtae  c  -r  («nftgtstr»f)mien,  air,  look;  en  barfr 
.  a  stem  look;  gioe  fifl  -  af  pretend  to  be,  set 
np  for;  gøre  -  til  at  make  a  show  of,  make  as 
if  be  would;  gøre  -t  HI  en  make  slgns  to  one; 
nben  at  fortræfte  en  -  without  changing  a  feature; 
tofbc  gobe  -t  ateb  en  keep  up  appearances  with 
one;  gsre  gobe  -r  til  flet  Spil  put  a  good  face  on 
a  bad  business,  set  a  good  face  on  it. 

fRtae  e  -t  (unberjøibift  Ørao  ri.  Anle)  mine; 
labe  en  .  (»ringe  spring  a  mine;  Tabe  alle  -r 
fpringe  fig  leave  no  stone  unturned.  -arbcjber 
miner,  -»eab  torpedo(-boat).  -broms  well. 
-bbgger  miner,  'bagning  mining,  construction 
of  mines. 

WinrlforUf  fe  -boab.  -forløst  defence  by  tor 
pedoes.  -galleri,  -gang  gallery  (of  a  mine) 
•eraøer  miner,  -grabnfng  mining.  -laf*  neck 
of  a  mine.  -tamme*  chamber  of  a  m.  -trig 
mining.  -fnrO  mine-basket  -labntmg  charge 
of  the  mine.  -mefter  mining-engineer.  -aalfc 
tauciraon.  ,       -   ^ 

Wtaera  f  n   er  A  -irr  min'eral.     -bsb  mineral 
-bath.    -Mast  fe  »færg.,    -farte  mineral  colour. 
-feøibt  mineral  whlte  (o.  fl).    -fablnet  fe  femling 
-lal  pink  colour.    Wineralog  o  -et  mineral  ogist 
Wineralogi     ø  mineral  ogv.     Wlneralo  gift  „ 
mlneralog'ical.    Wtnerøl  I  olie  mineral  oli.   •»«*. 
ønr  mineral  purpie.     -rigbom  mineral  wealth 
-rfoe  mineral  kingdom.     -femling  collectlon  of 
mineral?.    aWneralfl  a  min'eral.    Wlueratjført 

slate-black.    -tørt  mineral  add. 
water.    •swaMfaMtamt  mineral 

Wtaé'rfsar  miners  borer,   -ebbcriø*  trmp-door 
spider,  Cumiaa.    -frrnbt  bløstingpowder.    -tamt 
art  of  mining.   -lalesledge.   -tante  slow-majcfa 
-Mrrttai  miners  toola. 

Wttmt'tt  ri  mine;  -  bort  blast 

9RineT'øaø|aglc  fe  IHrle«. 

ffJHae|f^il  play  of  features,  -ftrøf  psustomiiae. 

ØHmejftirstmgmimg  ezplosfcm.  -rraart  formel 
of  a  mine.  -trsrtNtrl,  -tømmer  linlng;  pltprof« 
-nam  arraign. 

VHaietm'r  c  miniature;  i  -  In  miniatnre,  in 
little;  diminuttve;  tegne  i  .  diaw  In  little. 
-maler  miniatore-painter.  -maleri  miniature 

Winie  fe  fAømie. 

Ørimimmm  n  minimum;  rebmerre  til  et  -  mini 
mise.  —  ■rrmimmm»|aftama  minimum  distance 
(øf*.),    -grsrafen  the  lower  limit 

fRimifl'er  c  -fire  minister,  secretazy  of  atate« 
(•efsnbt)  envoy,  minister;  t-  for  Jrrrie«  og  Dabcr- 
t»i*ningsocrfea  minister  of  eccleaiaatieal  øJTain 
and  of  public  instruction,  -amnaae  tmpeack- 
ment  of  a  minister,  -amf øarfiglcb  a  minister  * 
reaponsibility,  ministerial  r.  -ftarb  miniaten' 
table.  •aamt  ministers'  bench.  sttteiflhtTia-lteg 
church  register.  ØHnitrrier  «  ministerial,  be 
-le  the  miniaterialisu.  ■Hallre'rimm  a  -ter  <bet 
bele)  ministry,  cablnet;  (bet  cnlelte)  depaurtxnent; 
træbe,  mmme  tab  i  -iet  enter  the  ministry,  oome 
in  (el.  into  offlce);  ttebe  ab  af  -let  go  out;  eøra 
t  -iet  be  in  (offlce);  t-iet  for  Jrirlr«  øg  nabeiut»aiag*» 
Mrfemet  the  church  and  achool  d>paruiient 
ØHaifrerl  tomferemce  ministe'rlal  oonfereooe.  -frrf  e 
ministerial  erteis.  -^øft  miniater's  offlce.  -pr« 
fibemt  premier.  -raab  coundl  of  state,  coundl 
of  ministers,  •rrfmeat  resident  minister,  -fflfre 
change  of  ministers  ri.  ministry.  -raamret  seal 
in  the  cablnet.    -øarrbigbeb  ministerial  offlce. 

fRimre  wi  F  decreaae,  get  low;  ri  fe  IRiabffr. 

ØHamefamger  o  Minnealnger  (a  kind  of  Gexman 

a»inor|e'rt  +  vt  lessen,  dlminish.  -is'cr  jA 
Min'orites.  -ite't  e  -er  minority;  Mere  i  .  be  in 
a  el.  the  minority. 

Vtinotem'r  c  Min'otaor. 

Vtinfemøt'em  mdv  F  really,  on  my  word. 

flRinnemb'  c  min'uend. 

Stina«  m  minus;  adv  leas,  minus.  -taøcfAfejl 
subtractiYe  indez-error.    -tegn  minus  sign. 

ØtinmfTel  c  -pier  minuacule. 

rølnar  n  A  c  -er  (ZIMm.  og  ©nem.)  min 'u te: 
(nøjagtigt)  »aa  -en  to  a  m..  to  the  m.;  jea  Hal 
Dåre  bet  psa  -en  I  ahall  be  here  in  a  m.;  fer  et 
.  fiben  this  m  ;  nogle  -er  før  U  at  a  few  mtnutes 
of  eleven.  ffJHnntere  vt  (mb)  retaJl.  SHaatj- 
gtal  minute-glass.  -Mat  minute  wheel.  Oli* 
nntU'l  a  minute.  miamt|frmb  minute  gnn. 
-fHmg  dolling  stitch.  -mr  minute-watch.  -affer 

flRlna'r  c  -er  miner. 

ØHøcr'aift  a  mi'ocene. 

VHrat'el  n  -ner  mlr'acle;  gøre  -fler  do  eL  work 
miracles.    -boftør  quack.    -far  mlrac'uloos  cure 
-mager  mlracle-worker,  -monger,  thaumaturgus, 
theurgist.     -mamb  wonderful  man.     -tro  bellef 
in  miracles.    9K  Ira  talø  g  a  miraCulous. 

Wire  e  -r  levelling-euff. 

Wi*   e  -fer  (mL«s)  Puas. 

S!!'!^  ^  di«regard,  alight. 

Vtjtaalem'rc  fe  Wesaaiaare. 

Hil  aabefaile   vt  disparage,   discredit;  be  a 

bsd  ^"^»»CDdation  to.     -Hag  c  bad  rerom 
mendation.  ° 




VNeea|rrø'9  e  -er  mii'anthrope.  -tro  pift  a 
xnis*nthropic(al  j . 

flRMttaige  vt  disapprove  oi  (oøf.  uben  of).  -Ife 
«?  disapprobation,  disapproval. 

9Hø|bntø  c,  p/  s,  abute,  misuse,  mlsusage, 
mlsemployment;  malpractice.  -braøc  r<  abuse, 
misuse,  misemploy. 

9Hø|bab  an  offer  far  below  value.  -b^bc  øf 
fen)  offer  one  an  unreasonably  low  price;  bet 
-r  lefl  biø  ttte  the  price  is  lUr. 

VuøceK'er  pi  mfs'cellanles. 

Stiøbaaae  vt  deform,  mislashion,  misshape. 
-Ife  c  deformity,  mal(con)formatlon. 

♦  SRiØblrrtelfe  o  erroneous  worship. 

Vtiøbøeber,  -fif  c  -c,  -t  malefactor,  mlsdoer. 

SHøbammc  vt  misjudge. 

JRtfe're  [fx.]  c  pitiableneas,  pttiable  aflalr. 

VHfrrc're  n  miserere;  med  Ulac  passion,  ilens. 

SHffaiiøft  c  milure  of  the  flahery. 

Vtiifare  vt  miscarry. 

Vtiøfarøet  a  disoolonred. 

VHeforbiabclfc  c  fe  ateøaOtance. 

Sttfførtøtb  n  disproportion,  inoongrulty;  mis 
anderstanding,  disagreement. 

VH*føra#i|et  a  displeased,  discontented,  dis- 
aatisfled.  -elfe  c  discontent,  displeasnre,  dia- 
satialkction,  dlsgust. 

Vtiøførjftoa  of  misunderstand,  mlsoonceive, 
miaapprehend,  mistake;  -  miø  ille  don't  mistake 
me;  -et  3bet  mistaken  seal.  •ftaaeftg  «  mis- 
apprehendable.  -ftaeelfe  e  -r,  -ftottb  e  (oøfao 
om  Ueniøtøb)  misnnderstanding;  (bet  at  forfraa 
nriatiat)  misapprehension,  misoonceptlon. 

Øtiøføfter  n  -ffre  monster,  abortion. 

tVHef*b|c  ø»  miscarry.  -fef  o  miscarriage, 

Øtiøøeratvø  c  misdeed,  crime,  offence;  bibi 
j  eg  er  fobi  i  _  I  was  shapen  in  inlquity.  —  9H1< 
geraiaøøjmaub  malefactor,  evildoer,  lawbreaker. 
-fag  crimlnal  case. 

9Riø|iøulaø  c  false  conjecture,  erroneous 
frue*  s:  »1,  error  of  the  dead  reckoning. 

Vtiøgreb  n  mistake,  error,  blunder,  fault, 
wrong  move;  beøaa  -  commit  blunders,  faults. 

fJttl'gttiift,  -ønaftlø  fe  Uøunfl. 

SRiølijaab  n  despondency,  hopelessness. 
-»•iaabe  vi  despair  (om  of). 

ØtiØltøø  »  displeasure,  dislike,  disapprobation; 
ftnbf  -  t  noøet  dislike  a  thing;  fatte  -  til  take  a 
dislike  to.    -tage  vt  displease.    -tøgébrftttg  ex 
pression  of  disapproval. 

flRii  fianbfle  vt  iil-treat,  maltreat,  ill-use.  -linø 
ill-treatment,  111-usage. 

Øiiøbelb  »  mischance,  mishap. 

flRii tolken  a  wronged;  bære  _  meb  en  ftontratt 
be  a  loser  by  a  contract. 

Sti  0  bug  n  miss. 

ØtlØbnibolbaiag  c  bad  economy. 

91  if  |  f enke  vt  miejudge,  misvslne,  mil  to  ap- 
preriate;  -fenbt  unappreciated,  mlsappreciated. 
-feabclfe  c  misjudgment,  want  of  due  apprecia- 

flUdltlang  e  dissonance,  jarring,  cacophony, 
inbarmonlous  sonnd,  discord,  Jar.    -tilagende  o  ! 
H1-»ouDdiDg,  inharmonious. 

lRløtlfebe  it  misbecome,  misbeseem. 

affiffmafl  n  hodge-podge,  medley,  Jumble, 

Blløfrebit  o  dlscredit;  btinae,  fæite  i  .  bring 
into  discredit  cl.  disesteem,  dlscredit,  tomme  i  - 
ret  into  dlscredit. 

flRiflan'bc  vr  flg  oøer  have  meicyon.  Vttftaabe- 
lis  a  merdnil.  ffltifl'Nttbtøb  «  mercy,  mercl- 
niTiiess,  loTing-kindness. 

VIiflebfe  tt  mislead,  misguide,  -aing  c  mis- 
leadiDg,  misguidance. 

SRUUg  a  doubtml,  precarlous,  haaardous; 
questionable,  irregular.  -beb  c  precariousneas; 
irregularity.  -Ijøfbe  vt  break,  fiail  to  fulflU. 
-bølbelfe  c  f.  d».  ftonttoltl  .  breach  el.  non 
-rulfilment  of  a  contract;  (af  Dbliøarion)  non 

ØHå|lb;b#  -Hjbeabe,  fe  Hanø,   ninaenbe. 

»tflbttjefl  vd  mil,  not  suoced,  be  firustrated; 
fforfaøet  -bel  the  attempt  failed  (of  success);  bet 
-be*  tyam  at  fanae  ftiiølrn  he  ftdled,  did  not  suc- 
ceed,  in  catohing  the  bird;  et  -t  ftorføø  *n  un- 
successful  attempt,  a  fallure;  er  olbeleft  -t  is  a 
perfect  milure;  en  -t  Siøter  a  would-be  poet. 
-elfe  o  Bilure. 

WiØUaae  vt  reward  badly;  t  ill-rewarded,  111 

9Hø|mob  n  (■»•  e)  despondency.  -møbit  «  de- 
spondlng,  despondent,  dispirited.  -møbtøb.cb  e 
fe  -mob. 

Wm  fe  iRplfe. 

aRtømaie  n  4  c  discontent.   -t  a  discontented. 

nHityel  o  -pier  medlar.  -tv«  medlar  (-tree), 
Mwpiiuå  gørwumica:  cotoneaster. 

9Ri»>rU  c  (nnduly)  low  price;  Mere  t  -  be  at 
a  discount. 

ØHøprifc  vt  dispraise. 

aRiøfrttbe  vt  diaflgure. 

flRiørcøeriaø  c  misgoyernment. 

aRiølretne,  -rejrniaø  fe  gørteøne. 

SDIUfa'f  e  typ  French  canon. 

Wløfa'Ie  n  -r  mis'sal. 

røiøfc  w  (meb  Cinene)  blink,  wink,  twinkle. 

Øttlfetat  o  fe  Wil.  .      ^  , 

røiøflø  tt  e  -er  mis'sion.  —  JBH#fløBø|aBt«lt 
mission,  -arbefbe  mission  work.  -mart  mis- 
sionary  field,  misslon-fleld.  -måbe  misslonary 
meeting,  -»re*  misslonary.  -felffab  mis'slomuj 
society.  •bttfea  misslonary  concerns  pt.  Wlw* 
fiøaoer  c  -et  mis'sionary. 

ØHéftemniaø  o  ill-humour,  .  imob  dissatialac- 
tion  with.  ,_  ^ 

WHif*  n,  pi  =,  mista-ke.    +-e  vt  mlatoke 

aWiøtsafe  c  -t  susplcion;  misgiving;  fatte  -  til 
en  conceive  susplcion  sgainst  one;  baøe  •  ttt  en 
suspect  one;  fatte,  føtbe  -  (om  noøet)  conceive, 
entertain,  a susplcion  of  (a  thing);  batte,  create 
susplcion;  brinøe  en  i  -  make  one  suspecied; 
-n  faltt  paa  tøm  he  was  suspected. 

9)ifib(tut  ø  hotbed,  forclng  frame. 

IRifte  vt  loee,  be  depzlved  of;  (unbøare)  do 
without,  dispense  with. 

Vliftel  c  mistletoe,  VUewm  <U6aai.  ,  -brøøfel 
missel  bird,  missel  thrush,  Turdu»  v%9e%voru». 
-te«  fe  røiftel.  w  jj  .    ... 

SWifteliø  a  that  may  be  lost  el.  dispensed  with. 

aRiøtiOib  c  mistrust,  distrust,  (if«r  tU  ftajefj) 
diffldence;  tøøe  .  til  misirust,  distrust.  »»#• 
tiUibøøotnm  a  vote  for  (e(.  as  to)  want  of  con- 
fidence,  w.  of  c.  vote. 

IRiøtøltle,  -«i»ø  fe  røtøtttbe. 

+8Riøtøneabe  o  Jarring. 

Wiftrsl  c  mistral. 

flRtø;tro  c  mistrust,  distrust;  b«Re  -til  dls- 
credit. -tro  øl  mistrust,  distrust.  -t*™]|«  <"•* 
trusiful,  misuustnil,  suspiclous,  -traiiHeb  c 
suspiciousness.  ,,  -    . 

Wiøtrøfr  poor  consolation,  cold  comfort. 
-trafie  vt  dishearten.  -trafHø  o  despondlng, 
disconsolate,  disheartened.  -ttaltigfCb,  -f-MWH- 
Miaø  despondency. 

Otiøtbibt  c  diffldence,  despair;  misgiving(B). 
-e  vi  (om)  despair,  despond  (of). 

9HØtttb|e  vt  misinterpret,  mlsconstrue.  -Ring 
c  mlninterpretation,  misoonstruction. 

tWIØtbfte  n  fe  TOifboø. 

9)tø|to*!c  vt  (før;  suspect  (of);  jeg  tør  tøm  ft 





for  at  tjabe  ftjaalet  bet  I  suspect  him  of  havlng 
stolen  it;  fym  er  -ft  for  at  fijarte  he  la  suspected 
of  stoaliug;  blibe  -ft  fall  Into  susplcion.  -tamfe« 
Hg  o  (fom  giver  fcarfag  HI  SRiStanfe)  liable  el. 
open  to  susplcion,  susplcious,  suspect;  (af  Ub* 
feenbe)  suspicious-looking;  +(=»  mtøtænffom)  sus- 
pidous.  -tøttf'eftgnare  vt  render  suspect,  throw 
suspidon  on.  •tflrnretiggoTelfe  c  throwing  sus- 
picion  on.  •tcrnt'eligbeb  c  suspiciouBness.  -toml'' 
fom  a  susplcious.  •tcrnt'føml>eb  c  suspiciousness. 

fRié'Innbe  ©tenvy,  grudge.  -nnøeltg  a  envious 
(oder  of,  at);  bære  -  paa  en  for  nt  envy  one  st. 
•nn'belfe  c  envy:  ©enftanb  for  alle«  .  the  envy 
of  all.  -nntelfetøarbig  a  enviable;  libet  -  un- 
enviable.    -nnber  c  -e  envier. 

fJttøoiflenbe  a  J..  by  compass,  magnetic;  fig 
misleading,  deceptive;  .  Shirt  course  by  com- 
paw.  -nlng  c  -er  variation;  fig  mistake,  delusion. 
•ningØtort  variation  chart,  -ntngdlinier  pi  iso- 
gonic  lines. 

IRMOtttøt  c  failure  of  crops,  deartta.  -«ar  l>ad 
year  el.  crop;  year  of  dearth. 

rølt  pnm  pot«  (Tonjunftiot)  mv;  (abfolut)  mine; 
fe  oafaa:  røtn. 

fjmraillrtt'fe  c  -r  mitrallleur,  mitrallleuse, 
Gatling  gun. 

9RUtrl  c  tvp  middle  plca,  medium. 

mitte!  [t.]  »   tier  (13 ergo.)  mineral  mass. 

Stlgeri'  n  fe  Wiffmaff. 

Mixtum  composltnm  n  omnium  gatherum. 

fJtigrn'r  o  er  mixture,  draught;  org  furniture. 

VHab  o.  fl.,  fe  9Rtab. 

twtjelb  fe  3Relb. 

flRjøb  c  mead,  metheglin.  -btaaotng  (bet  at 
ulaube  el.  Tabe  SR.)  mead  mizing  el.  mead-making. 
-brun  <•  mead-brown.  -borger  mead-beaker  el. 
-bowl.  -fob  mead-cask.  -t)om  mead-born.  -urt 
meadow-sweet,  A'jrirora  ulmaria;  fnolbet  -  drop 
•wort,  tf  filipendula. 

Øtnemoinif  e  mnemon'ics.    -ntler  o  -e  mne-  i 
monician.    -tefttif'  c  fe  Wnemontf.  I 

*8Wo  c  -er  heath,  (barren  and  wooded)  plain,  I 
amr  barren.  j 

°Vto  e  Kultriness. 

3Roabit'er  c,  *>/  «=,  Mo'abite;  ben  moabitifte 
Sfbinbe  the  Moabitess. 

SRoafttgt  c  moa,  DinomU. 

SRobitia'r  n,  fr  SRobilier.  -formue  c  personal 
proporty,  m  o  vables.  9Robi'ltrr  pi  mo  vables, 
chattcls.  SRobtlife  re  vt  mob'ilize.  9flobilife  • 
ring  c  mobiliza'tion. 

Wob  n  ($u,  ©inbsftemning)  heart;  (ft«r$eb) 
courage,  mettle,  pluck,  beart;  frifl.!  cheerup! 
never  say  die!  fætte  _  i  encourage,  reasaure; 
bære  beb  gobt  -  be  of  good  cheer  el.  heart;  bære 
ti!  -e  feel;  mere  bel,  ilbe  til  c  feel  at  ease,  be 
iineaay  ri.  uneoin fortabte,  blice  unbrrtig  tt!  -e 
feel  awkward  el.  Strange;  Ijabe  gobt  .  paa  at 
have  a  g<x>d  mind  to;  ftabe  -  til  at  have  the 
courage  to;  ljaebe  itte  -  til  at  had  not  the  heart 
to;  baoe  -  i  tørt} fir t  have  the  heart  of  a  man; 
fatte  -  take  courage  el.  heart,  cheer  up;  tage  . 
ti!  fifl  pluck  up  (one'H)  heart  el.  courage,  take 
heart  of  gracc;  tabe  -et  lose  courage  el.  heart, 
be  disheartencd;  fyolbe  -et  oppe,  ilte  tabe  -et  keep 
heart;  -et  forgit  barn  hi«  heart  failed  him;  betage 
-et  discourage,  dlshearten;  !ole  fit  -  paa  en  wreak 
one'«  rage  upon  one. 

tfltob  a:  -  i  jpu,  Sinbe  low-spirited,  dowu 

flRob  prtpp  fe  3mob. 

SRobalite  t  c  log  modal 'ity. 

SRobanrlage  c  coun ter  charge. 

Wobaalag  n  counter-project,  counter-plot. 

Wobaiftaft  c  counter-meaBure;  gere  -er  take 
oontrary  measures. 

fRobarbejbe  it  oounterwork,  countemuw, 
counteract,  counterplot,  withstand.  -!fe  c  c«m- 
termining  etc.    +-r  c  -e  opponent. 

SRo'bbafte  c  up-hill. 

9Ro  bftefalUg  c  counter-order. 

Wo'bbemaTfiiing  o  counter-renuak,  connter 

SRo  bbefrbibwiwg  c  recrimination,  connter 
•charge;  gøre  en  -  recriminate. 

8Ro  bbeti«  n  dlsproof,  refutatton.  -c  tt  a> 
prove,  reftite. 

aftøtbetagelfe  c  counter-movement,  contrsrj 

aRo'bbiflebe  n  contrast. 

9Robib;'be!ig  a  disgusting,  loathsome,  disuste- 
ful.  -I»rt  c  loathsomenefw,  disgust;  (aoe  .  ftr 
feel  disgust  at,  aversion  to. 

9Ro  bbar  c  contrary  wlnd;  M  oppositioD,  ie- 
sistance,  check. 

Øtøbe  fe  Vcob  n. 

røobe  c  -r  fashion,  mode:  leve,  bo  paa  -■  Ure 
fashionably,  live  in  a  fashionable  style;  ftek 
fig  paa  -n  dress  mshionably;  ttæbt  efter  b^fefb  . 
dressed  in  the  extreme  of  ftubion;  briate  i . 
bring  into  fashion;  gaa  af  -  go  out  of  fiuhion: 
bet  er  -,  efter  el.  paa  n  it  is  flahlonable,  it  b 
the  fashion,  it  is  in  vogue;  tomme  paa  -  oome 
in;  angibe  -n  Bet  the  fashion;  efter  gammel  -  oW 
-nuhioned.  flRobe|artitcl  fancy-artiole.  4føs 
journal  of  fashions.  uuhion  paper.  -ftmtit  ndlll- 
nery  shop.  -otarfniP  fashionable  fblly.  ••amt 
fashionable  lady,  lady  of  fashion,  exquistte. 
-bigter  fashionable  poet  -bragt  fajhlonaMe 
dress,  -bnfte  dress  doll,  fisahionist.  -ftnff 
fashionable  colour.  -forfatter  fashionable  antbor. 
-førlttfteffe  fashionable  amusement.  -gsef  fe  -atr 
-baabe!  milliner's  tråde;  milllner's  shop.  -gamb- 
ier manmilliner.  -Itmblertiibe,  -ijsmlrrlle e  t 
milliner,  -terre  fashionable  el.  fine  gentleman, 
dandy,  exquisite.  »jøttraa!  fashlon-book,  msnioo 
-sheet.    -fram  fe  -barer.    -tuUr  fe  -farne. 

flRobel'  c  ler  mod 'el;  (lebenbe)  model,  sitter. 

9Robe|lapA  c  fe  -nar. 

Wobel  Iftgnr  c  academy-flgure. 

flRøbefiteratnre«  c  fashionable  literature. 

W obel  lammer  n  model  chamber. 

ØtobeuVrlpisb  c  boaster.  -ffamtme!  postare 
-frame,  -ftøf  fe  -pinb.  flRøbele're  «€  model 
WobeOe'rer  c  -e  mod 'eller.  VtoocBe'rtai  <" 

aWobel  |plan  &  lialf-breadth  plan,  floor-pUn 
•femling  collection  of  models,  -flote  school  for 
drawlng  after  living  models,  -fnefcfer  mod'eller 
-tegning  drawlng  after  a  living  model,  model 

SRobemaU  c  back  enamel. 

SRobrn  a  ripe,  (meft  fig)  mature;  s3tt!bes  øst  - 
the  Ik>11  had  come  (el.  grown)  to  a  head  (øff- 
fio  om  flomplot  o  1.);  -  til  ripe  for;  en  -  fltes* 
a  stald  man;  en  Stanb  i  fin  -enere  fUber  a  mso 
of  mature  age;  i  ben  -bnere  Wber  in  malarUj; 
efter  -t  Coerlag  upon  mature  consideration. 

Wobenar  c  dandy,  fop. 

Wobenlieb  c  ripeness,  maturity;  brtnge  ni  - 
mature,  maturate;  lomme  HI  -  ripen,  matore; 
naax  bet  er  fommet  til  .  on  acqulnnr  matorny 
—  SRobenbebdlalberen  maturity.  -Ie»l»  **u- 
monial  of  capacity. 

tWobentf  u  fashionable.  modiKh. 

aRobe|p(and)e  Cashion-pl&te.  -prsefl  nuhtonable 
preacher.  -pijnt  mllllnery;  min  for  -  the  i*  * 

IRober  c,  pi  SRøbre  mother,  matemal  psrejW 
(fuit  om  $br)  dam;  med  womb,  uterus,  n*#*j 
gaa  i  Tin  .  igen  F  come  to  nought;  Ko'er  9^S 
Mrs.  P  ;  .  iistur  Joe  Dame  Nature;  OJsM  -  O0 





Lady,  the  Virgin  Mary;  Ønbftfrtjgt  er  alle  Støberi 
.  piety  is  the  parent  of  every  vlrtue;  blibe  . 
become  a  mother;  bare  -  tit  flere  8ørn  be  the 
mother  of  several  children;  Dåre  en  i  -I  Steb 
be  as  a  mother  to  one;  ingen  -#  6jæt  do  living 
soul;  tyber  enefie  -*  ©fæl  every  mother' b  son; 
9axnet  i  -*  £ib  the  child  unborn;  fe  6bg  Sløser  |* 
amre  uterine  vein.    -arm  mother's  arm. 

9Vøbe?a'|t  a  mod'erate,  reasonable.  -tio'tt  c 
moderation;  (ttfflaø)  ahatement.  -tør'laatbe 
modera'tor-lamp,  carcel  lamp. 

Øtøber|søaiib  ligament  of  the  uterus,  -»arm 
maternal  el.  a  mother's  bosom.  -Mit  a  mother's 
eye.  -brøt  hysterocele.  -brbfl  a  mother's  breast. 
-celle  original  cell.    -bljr  mother-animal. 

Wobere're  vt  mod'erate. 

flRøberlbijv  female.  -faarewe.  -f aba  motherly 
arms.  -fas  the  whites  p/.  -frib  dellght  of 
a  mother,  -følelfc  maternal  feeling.  -gløebe 
maternal  joy.  -g re«  main  branch  (of  a  fruit-tree). 
-g tattb  randus  of  the  uterus.  -talø  neck  of  the 
womb.  •Mette  a  mother's  heart.  »tøfle  hystericai 
cough.  -lage  placenta  -fals  vocation  el.  call- 
Id  g  of  a  mother,  -fiffe  mother  churcb,  parent 

Vtoberftarina  c  counter-declaration,  protest. 

JRoberlfoni  blight,  blast  (in  rye),  -frambe 
spasm  of  the  matrix,  hystericai  spasm.  -tran* 
pessary.  -ty*  mother's  klss.  -farlig  a  motherly. 
•Iser Iig|ea  maternal  el.  a  mother's  love.  -l«»b 
mother  country,  parent  country,  home  country, 
old  country,  metropolitan  country;  -et*  Statte» 
borgere  t  he  home  tax-payen  (o.  fx.).  Woberlig 
a  (mefl «  glober*)  maternal,  (meft  =  lig  en  Viober) 
motherly  Wobertlgbeb  o  motherliness.  Støberi' 
loge  mother-lodge.  -lltb  mother-Uquor,  mother 
-vrater.  -tytte  maternal  happiness.  -ftofr  fe 
-glsbe.  -M  a  motherless,  bereaved.  -menigbeb 
mother  congregation.  -morb  matricide.  -mørøer, 
•snarberffe  matricide.  -mnnb  mouth  of  the 
womb.  -mæl  fen  the  mother's  mllk;  inbfuge  (f. 
$f§ .  begreber)  meb  -  imblbe  (notions)  from  one's 
earliest  infency.  -morte  mole,  mother's  mark, 
congenital  mark.  -nafta  the  name  of  mother. 
•aelliter  fe  ler&bber-. 

flRober|«c  a  (paa  SRoben)  fashionable;  (nuba* 
renbe)  modem,    -nife're  vt  mod'ernise. 

fJtøber|ømbji  a  mother's  care,  maternal  soli* 
citude.  -plante  mother-plant.  -»ligt  a  mother's 
el.  maternal  duty.  -ring  fe  -franc,  -ffebe  womb 
•pipe,  vagina,  -ftøb  mother's  lap  el.  bosom; 
jio  womb. 

fRøberø|sar*  fe  TOober*  ©i«l.  -ft»  (mother's) 
womb.  -ataal  mother-tongue,  native  language, 

9Røber|føt  hystericsj)/.  -fbejl  speculum.  -tørog 
parent  language,  -fbrajte  womb-syringe.  9Rø< 
•erffjaf  fe  TOober*  6jæl.  flRøbrrlftab  mother 
city.  -frabe  parent  hive.  -flamme  parent  stem. 
•ftonb  motherhood.  -flat  mother  el.  parent 
state.  -fbfltrm  parent  swarm.  -føge  fe  -fot. 
•troffab  motherly  fldelity.  -abfalb  prolapse  of 
the  womb.  -oøttb,  -babfle  liquor  amnil,  mother 
•water.  +-banne  motherly  warmth.  -øje  a 
mother's  eye,  maternal  eye.  -ømbeb  maternal 

flRøbc|fog  quite  a  fashion.  -fføatyeb  fashion- 
able el.  professional  beauty. 

taWsbefr'  c  -er  a  kind  of  small  mantllla. 

flRøbelfbgbøm  fashionable  complalnt.  -tøj 
fashionable  stuff.  -nbrrlpf  fashionable  expres- 
sion, -barer  pi  articles  of  fashion,  fancy  goods 
el.  articles. 

Vtøbfalben  a  disheartened,  displrited,  de- 
spoodent,  crest-fallen.  -teb  c  despondency, 
dlsmay,  dejection. 

Vtø'bftate  c  (fc«grn.)  eaveating. 

flRø'bføYøitab  n  counter-allianoe. 

9Ro'bførbring  c  counter-claim. 

IRobforefHlIuiger  pi  remonstranees  (to  the 

9Rø'bførfløg  n  counter-project. 

flRø'bførføg  n  counter-attempt. 

flRo'bgaag  c  adversity;  ban  $or  ffaft  megen  - 
he  has  experienced  much  adversity;  i  -en«  ©fole 
in  the  BChool  of  adversity;  i .  ffal  man  fenbe  fine 
$enner  a  friend  in  need  is  a  friend  indeed. 

Wo'bgift  o  antldote,  counter-poison. 

flRo'bgranb  c  counter-argument,  counter 
-reason;  l)øre  Qntnbe  og  -e  hear  the  arguments 
for  and  agalnst  el.  pro  and  contra;  F  hear  the 
pros  and  cons. 

IRø'bgcrlb  e  jur  redprocal  debt;  9ælb  og  ~ 
debts  active  and  passive. 

9Rø  bgerager  e  ch*m  cation. 

9Ro  bqage  o  barb;  forfinet  meb  -r  barbated. 

SWøbifflcere  or  mod'iiy;  (beb  dnbffrænrninø) 
qualify;  -be  ttopptt  varioloid.  -ce'Hag,  -fatio'n 
o  modiflca'tion;  qualiflcation;  6anbfaeb  meb  -fa- 
tion  truth  with  a  difference,  -farionøtegn  mo- 

IRobig  a :  groebe  fine  -e  Zoarer  weep  bitterly. 

flRobiga  coarageous,  mettlesome,  stout-hearted. 
-|eb  e  courageousness,  Intrepidity,  pluck,  cour- 

aftøbilløtf'  o  areh  cantalever. 

SRøbinbider  pi  counter evldence. 

flRøbiH'  c  -er  milliner. 

røø'btamb  cadveree  straggle,  struggle  agalnst. 

SRøbfanbibat c  competitor,  rival candidate. 

IRøbfejfer  o  anti-emperor,  rival  e. 

flRø'bflage  cjur  recriminatdon,  counter-charge, 
cross- bi  11. 

flRøbfOKge  e  antiking,  rival  k. 

flRø'bfrøft  o  counteracting  power. 

Stø'bfraø  n  counter-clalm. 

^9Røbrcrmbc  vt  combat. 

flRø'bltggembe  a  oeom  opposite. 

9Rø  bliff  e  counter-plot. 
'    WøbU«  a  faint-hearted,  out  of  heart,  spirit- 
leas,  displrited,  desponding.  -tøb  e  falnt-hearted- 
ness,  pusillanimity. 

afto'bmanøbre  c  counter-manæuvre. 

8Rø  b|«e  vt  &  i  (+vr  fifl)  ripen.  -uté  vd  ripen. 
-atag  c  ripening.  -ningfttib  seaaon  el.  time  of 

9Rø  bbart  c  adversary,  opponent,  opposite 

9Ro  bbarti  n  adverse  el.  opposite  party;  b>lbe 
meb  -et  side  with  the  opposite  party. 

røø  bba*fst  c  anti-trade. 

flRø'bbsbe  c  anti-pope. 

9Ro  bbetitiøn  c  counter-petition. 

flRø'b^Mbe  fe  ftontrobrøbe. 

IRø'bregtttag  ø  sett-off. 

Vta'bf at  a  opposite,  contrary,  (omoenbt)  revene, 
converse;  (fjenbtlig)  adverse;  -te  Olabe  ^  opposite 
leavee;  i  .  ^alb  on  a  contrary  supposition,  if 
not;  netop  bet  -te  the  exact  revene;  bet  -te  of 
the  revene  of;  (Erfaringen  babbe  lært  o#  bet  -te 
experience  had  taught  us  to  the  contrary;  ub* 
tale  fig  i  -  Sletning  express  one's  self  to  the  con- 
trary; —  adv  (i  Wobfatning  til)  (as)  contradisting- 
uisbed  from,  in  contradistinction  to. 

flRø'bftbe  e  opposite  side. 

Vø'bnge  of  contradlct,  gainsay;  —  -nbe  a 
contradlctory.  -Ife  o  -r  contradlctlon;  uben  ~ 
(nfrribigen)  unquestionably,  beyond  all  dlspute, 
nem.  con.;  fomme  i  -  meb  fifl  felb  daah  with  one's 
self;  ftaa  i  -  til  be  in  contradlctlon  to;  -ni  Ønmb« 
fætning  the  principle  of  contradlctlon.  -Ifeiaonb, 
•Ifeaitjf)  spirit  of  contradlctlon. 




Vlø'bffrift  n  reratatlon,  rejoinder. 
flRø'bftribi  e  fe  ©pinol. 
flRø'btøtl  n  defenoe. 
SRø'bffttller  e  advenary. 
ttø'bfftaa  vt  resist,  withstand;  fan  ....  is 
proof  agalnst  .  .  . ;  -f  nbe  o  opposite;  ben  -enbe 
6ibe  ti!  en  Sinfrt  the  opposite  side  to  an  angle, 
the  side  sabteoding  an  angle.     -ftoa'cltø  a  re- 
sistible.    -ftatb  c  resistance,  opposition;  uben  - 
without  reeistance,    pari  unopposed,    without 
opposition;   gøre  ~  mob   oppose  resistance   to, 
bold  out  agalnst;  ille  ofte  .  offer  no  resistance. 
-ftonber  c  -e,  -fhreberlfe  c  -r  opponent,  antag- 
onist. —  SRobftanbélaaub  spirit  of  opposition, 
-btøtia  a  capable  of  resistance.    -f ørfag  attempt 
at  resistance.    -eøne,  -fraft  power  of  resistance, 
re*isting  power,    -mibier  pi  means  of  resistance. 
-pille  buttress,  counter  fort. 
9Rø  bftemntc  c  vote  agalnst,  dissentient  vote. 
SRo'blfrrib  e  opposi'tion;  ftoo  i  -  meb  claah 
with;  bette  er  iffe  i  nøgen  ~  meb  tbis  is  not  at 
all  at  variance  with.    -Jhribe  vt  contend  agalnst, 
(raeb  Crb)  impugn;   -enbe  a  incompatible,  con- 
tradlctory,  conflicting.    -frribiø  a  irrecondlable, 
incompatible,  conflicting.     -frribtøbeb  c  incom- 
patibility.         «.<,      >**4B 
Vtø'bfrrofe  c  antistropbe. 
Wø'b|ftr*be  vt  striye  agalnst,  struggle  agalnst; 
-ftrabenbe  a  reluctant;    —    adv   reluctantly, 
grudglngly;  gab  -nbe  flt  6amt!)fte  yielded  a  reluc- 
tant consent  -ffcrceien  c  repugnance,  reluctance. 
SRø'bfrrøm  c  counter-current;  adverse  current, 
cross  current. 

IRø'bfrljttc  n  (TOobf«tninø)  contrast;  (fjenbant) 
companion  (work);  (rUfbatenbeertyffe)  counterpart. 
fRo'bftøb  n  counter-shock. 
fflto'bføarenbe  a  opposite;  correspondlng;  equi« 

9Rø'b|f«ralug  opposition,  contrast;   (Vntitefe) 
antithesis    i  _  til  In  contradistinction  from  el. 
to,   as  airainst,  as  contradistinguisbed  from,  as 
distlnct  from;  banne  en  .  til  stand  opposed  to. 
•fcetNtflø&fonjnnttiøK   adversative  conjunction. 
-farniaødøiø  adv  by  way  of  contrast.    -fatte  vt 
(fatte  imob)  oppose  to,   (frifle  i  3Robfa>tninø)  con- 
trast (witb);  -0  (noget  anbet)  be  contradistinguished 
from;  —  or  fig  set  one's  self  el.  one's  face  agalnst, 
oppose,    -faettelfe  c  opposition. 
jRø'bfø  o  head  sea. 
Øto'bføøØmoai  n  cross-action. 
Wø  b|iaøe  vt  (taqt  imob)  receive;   (iffe  offlaa, 
antage)  accept;  m  (abe  -t  $erei  Iffrebe  we  are  in 
receipt  of  your  favour,   y.  f.  is  to  band,   has 
come  to  band;   .  et  Xilbub  close  with  an  offer. 
-ta'øcllø  a  (antagelig)  receivable;  .  for  (Daimeife, 
fcøfelfe,   3nbtrb!   ofo.)   susceptible  of,   (fom  Ian 
møbtage,  rumme)  receptive  of;  (for  Styjbom  o.  I.) 
liable  to;  -  for  Øntnbe  amenable  to  reason;  gøre 
_  (for)  predlspose  (to),     -ta'gefifbeb  c  receiv- 
ableness,  receptlbility;  susoeptibillty  (ofr,  recep- 
tiveness;  (TOobtagelfeØeøne)  reoeptivity;  (for  Strø* 
bomme  o.   I.)  liabillty  to,  predlsposition  (for). 
•taoelfe  c  (af  $erfoner  (09  ting])  reception;  (af 
Xing)  receipt;  (Cbtaøelfe,  Wntagelfe)  acceptation; 
efter  -n  af  tereø  »reb  on  receipt  of  your  letter; 
til  -  af  for  the  reception  of.     -tagelfelbtbtø  re- 
ceipt,  acqulttance.     •taøelfeftrib   honrs   of  ad- 
mission.   -t*ger  c  -e  receiver,  recipient. 
fRø  btrbt  n  counter-pressure. 
flRø'btrcrf  n  countermove. 
Wøbii|(  c  mod'ule.     -Uri o«  c  modulation. 
-fe're  vt  mod'ulate.    -I«*  c  mod'ulus. 
flRøbttØ  o  -bi  gram  mood. 
Mø'bøeic  vt  oounter-balance. 
øjlø'bøetfcl  c  counter-bill  of  ezchange. 
£tø  bøenbt  a  fronting,  fadng,  opposite. 

■tø'bbibiic  n  counter-evidenoe. 

9Rø'b|9iIje  c  reluctance,  repugnance,  conro 
macy,  refractorlness.  -butig  a  reluctant.  or 
oonsenting,  refractory,  contumaeioas.  -»itigbeft 
e  fe  -btlie. 

flRø'bbtttb  c  oontrary  wind,  head  w.;  batx  ti! 
.  have  the  wind  right  ahead;  ligge  for  -  t* 
wind- bo  und. 

9Ro'bbirt|e  ol  counteract,  oounterinfluenre, 
discountenanoe.  -en,  -mtaig  c  oounteracting, 
oounteraction,  reaction. 

Wø'bøffgt  e  counter-weight,  counter-balanoe, 
(mefl  M  oounterpoise. 

93Ro  bbocrge  n  defence;  øribe  HI  el.  fastre  fig  ni 
.  put  one  s  self  in  a  posture  of  defence;  f 
show  fight. 

SRø'bMrm  n  means  of  defence. 

ffltøfet're  c  -t  noxlous  ezhalation. 

ntøøe»a  Magnus. 

SRøi«  le*  tbe  Mogul'. 

SRoqøir  n  mohair. 

SRobamebaner  fe  SRa^omebaner. 

flRøqøre  e  aøhygrey  hare,  Lepu*  eone«c«»4r. 

Øtotlfmer  c  e  MChlcan;  ben  fibfte  -  the  laft 
of  the  Mohicaiis. 

SRoiré  n  watered  slik,  tabby. 

•a»o|iriff  fe  ØraafifErn.    -Jorb  heath  soli. 

9RoUnt'  a  saucy.  SRofe're  vr  ftg  oimt  ridi- 

UKotøØfi'iier  pi  moo'caslus. 

flRoIta  n  Hocha.  -faffe  Mocha  (ooffee).  -ftai 
moss-agate,  mocha-stone. 

Vtøtø'tø  e  macauco,  Lemur  catt*. 

SRol'  *  (løj)  mull,  book-muslln. 

Wol  e  mus  minor,  the  mlnor  key  el.  mode, 
$  -  B  mlnor.    -afført  mlnor  chord. 

aWølaØ'fe  e  (©ten)  molasse. 

SRolbøemc  pi  the  wiae  men  of  Ootham. 

Wølban  n  Molda'via.  -er  c  -e,  -iff  a  Molda' 

flRøIe  fe  TOolo. 

aRølefn'llet  pi  mol'ecules.   -løt'r  a  moleo'ular. 

ttølefl'  e  moleota'tlon.    -e're  vt  molest'. 

Wofet're  e  -r  grooved  roller.  Wøterte'rtug  c 

Wølebit'  e  f ;  fftlt  -ten  the  whole  lot. 

9RøB«f!'  c  -er  mol'lusk. 

fRolo  c  -er  mole.    -tjø»eb  molehead. 

Vtøføfft,  SRøiof  c  Moloch. 

9Røfffa(a  c  minor  scale. 

flWolfftnb  n  moleskin. 

♦HRøIter  pi  fe  røultebær. 

WølltøMørt  minor  key.  -trcfløliø  minor  chord. 

flRolnf 'ferne  pi  the  Moluocas. 

tmøfUbbøi'm  n  molybdenum.  -gi«««,  -H# 
molybde'na.  -fnrt  6alt  molyb'date  -frre 
molyb'dic  acid. 

fRømtent'  »  er  (PjeMif  og  meck)  moment; 
(^unft)  momentum  (pi  -U),  point.  9Røa»»tør« 
a  mo'mentary.  9Rømettt|bil(eber,  -føtografieT 
pi  instantaneous  photographs.  •luffer  e  -e  In- 
stantaneous  shutter,  drop  shutter. 

9Rø«'  adv  I  wonder  (whether  el.  10,  I  should 
like  to  know  (whether  el.  if);  .  banlet>er  enbna? 
I  wonder  if  he  is  still  all  ve?  ty>or  -  bon  bor*' 
where  doea  he  live,  I  wonder?  -  bet  er  mnliøt? 
is  that  really  the  case? 

tVtøn'  n  advantage.  •Won'  e  -er  difference, 
degree,  effect,  avail;  en  -  bebre  a  Uttle  better; 
taøe  fin  .  iøen  indemnify  one's  self;  alle  -ner  bra'r 
P  all  Is  flsh  that  comes  to  the  net;  that  i*  ao 
much  gained. 

Wøna'be  c  -r  mon'ad. 

JKonarf  c  -er  mon'arch.  -i'  n  -er  mon'arcby. 
-tf?  a  mona'ichical. 

9)øttb«r  c  fe  Wunberinø. 




3Rø«c'ter  pi  F  tin,  rhino,  biunt. 

Vtøttgø'l|er  e,  pi  ■»,  Mon'gol.  -t'et  Mongo'lia. 
-ff  a  Mon'gol,  Mongo'llan. 

flRøniø'mc  e  mon'iøm. 

9tø'«itør  o  -er  mon'itor.  -føno«  turret  gan. 
-tlaøfe«  the  monitor  class. 

StøttUfv  e  Monlteur. 

9Rø««e  (forfortet:  mon)  ufulbft.  Qjatyenerb.  t& 
po«f  dolh,  did;  may,  mlght;  tøm  fer,  tjoorban  bet 
_  labe  øhe  is  trylng  how  it  doth  (may)  look;  be 
-  fatte  fifl  they  sat  (did  sit)  down. 

*flRoane  vi  avall,  have  effect,  make  difTerence. 

»øttolfttfU'er  pi  Monoph'ysites.  -fbfit'ift  mo- 
nophysitical.  -garn  a  monog'amous.  -gømi'  a 
monog'amy.  -grafl'  c  -er  mon'ograph.  -gram' 
n  -mer  mon'ogram.  -fti'nift  a  (Suftem)  obllque 
priømatio  f  system),  -torb'  c  An  -te  mon'ochord, 
trumpet  (el.  tramp)  marine.  -føhjlebø'«  c  -er 
monoootyle'don.  -trø'Bt  n  -er  mon'ochrome, 
brooch.  -Ilt'  c  -er  mon 'oli th.  -lø'g  c  -er  mon'o- 
logue,  øoliloqny.  -ma'n  o  -er  monoma'ulac, 
crocheteer.  -mani'  c  -er  monoma'nia,  crochet. 
-|>ø'I  «  -er  monop'oly  (jwa  of).  -boltfe're  o/ 
monop'olize.  -fcøftfk'  c  -er  monop'olist,  monop'o- 
lizer.  -teiø'me  c  mon'othelsm.  -teift'  c  -er 
mon'othetst.  -teiH'iff  a  monotheiøUc.  -tø'«  a 
monot  onous,  monoton'ical,  sing-øong.  -tøtti' 
c  monot'ony. 

VtønØ  c  fe  flRogenft;  (ftatten)  Paøø;  bar  Stab  for 
_  waø  nutø  to  him. 

SRønfrrønØ'  c  -er  mon'øtrance. 

'VtoaØtro'  fe  fflton  adø. 

fRønfrrofUe't  c  -er  inonøtros'ity.  aftonfrntm 
n  -rø  monster.    Wønfrrø'3  a  mon'øtrous. 

SRønfan  c  -er  monøoon.  -fttftc:  i  -t  at  the 
shirting  of  the  m.    -flrøget  the  m.  region. 

Vtønte'jre  vt  (Oroberi,  diamanter,  ftanoner  ofb.) 
mouDt.    -Hag  o  mountlng. 

fRøMtre  e  -r  øhow-caøe. 

*fRøntrø  fe  SRon  adt>. 

fRøaa|me«t'  n  -er  mon'ument,  memorial. 
9t  -  for  fRemton  a  monument  to  Newton,  -men* 
røi  a  monumental. 

Vlø*»e  c  -r  (SRurften)  øtock. 

SRøppe  c  -r,  føtøftå  c  -er  pug,  pug-dog;  P  S)u 
Ian  tro  nei.  Stoppe  you  won  t  catoh  this  chicken. 
VtopØønflgt  pug-dog  fece.  føtotfet  a  f  sulky. 
9ø  jp* I  flager  mne  barbastelle  (bat),  Svnotu*  bar- 
bartetitu.    •aøtfc  pug-noøe. 

IRør  c  -er,  fe  TOorion. 

JRør  11  ekem  aethiops. 

flRør  n  fe  Ønlbmor,  Gølømor. 

Wør  F  fe  flRober. 

tflføt  c  (SRofe)  moor,  moraøs. 

Øtørø  ø  jur  delay. 

ØtørøbØ'  n  -er  moraøs.   -tg  a  marshy,  swampy. 

Vtorø1  «  -er  mor'al;  (6ttbetore)  moral  pbilo- 
aopny,  ethioø  pl\  (af  ftabel  el.  bell.)  moral,  moral- 
ization  -flløføfl moral philosophy.  IRøralifc're 
vi  mor'alize.  9Roralifr'ri«g  c  mor'al iøing,  mo- 
raliza'Uon.  SRøralift'  e  -er  mor'alist;  mor'aliøer. 
Øføralitft  o  moral'ity,  morals  pi;  -er  (Sfnef&il) 
moralltleø  Vtørøl|(øb  moral  law.  -^riacili 
moral  prindple.  -*r*bltaitt  mor'alizer.  -^r«- 
Mie«  moral  øermon.  -fttHem  system  of  ethics. 
IRørø'IfT  a  moral;  adv  morally,  in  reøpeet  of 

Wørøtø'rittm  «  letters  of  respite. 

Wørørøber  c  mother' s  brother,  maternal  uncle; 
fe  ttifb. 

Ølørtwr  n  mulberry.  -Hab  mulberry-leaf. 
•^geatrce  sycamore,  Fiewt  »ycotnorut.  -føft, 
•flr«^  mulberry-syrup.  -ftea  (@tytb.)  mulberry 
calenlus.  -tror  muiberry-tree ,  Moru$.  -al« 
mulberry- wlne. 

fRø'rb  n,  pi  «■,  murder;  begaa  et  -  commit  (a) 

murder.  -anflag  murderous  design,  attempt  on 
life.  -øegcevftg  a  blood-thirsty,  sanguinary. 
•brøab  arson,  lncendiarlsm.  -braaber,  -broen* 
berffe  o  -r  incendiary. 

SRorbeat'  c  -er  mut  beat,  mordente. 

Worber  [6]  c  t  murderer.  -bolt  assassln'ø 
dagger.  -engel  destroying  angel.  -grabe  mur- 
derer's  den.  -lyaøKb  hånd  of  an  aasaøøln;  bø  før 
~  die  by  the  nand  of  an  assasøin.  -Jjale  fe  -grube, 
gRørberif!  o  murderous,  bloody.  9Rørber|fniø 
murderer's  knife.  -htalc  murderer's  bullet. 
-tHte  fe  -grube.  Worberlig  a  f  huge,  vast,  pro- 
digious;  adv  hngely  etc.  Øtørøerbu  murderer's 
arrow.  fllørberfT  fe  SRorberift.  SRørbcrfTe  o  -r 
murderees.  ØtørberjfUg  murderous  blow.  -føoerb 
murderer's  sword. 

9Rø'rb|før)«g  attempt  on  life.  -gerning  murder, 
murderous  deed.  -gerrig  fe  -begcerlig.  -biftørte 
tale  of  murder.  -fycevtt  fe  ©lob'.  SRørbiff  a 
murderous.  Vlø'rbjlafreii  a  fe  -begcerlig  -plan 
murderous  design,  -rebflab  murderous  instru- 
ment, -flrig  cry  of  murder.  -flag  mil  carcaøs. 
-ftaal  murderous  steel.  -fbaager  a  murderous. 
-tavle  thought  of  murder.  +-trort  o  weary  with 
murdering  el.  killing,  •toaahtu  murderous  weapon. 
-øant  a  inured  to  murder. 

Vtøre  vt  amuøe,  divert,  entertain,  (foø  til  at  le) 
tickle;  ~  fifl  enjoy  el.  amuse  one'ø  self,  tomme 
til  ftøben^abn  for  at  -  fig  oome  to  C.  for  a  little 
pleaøuring;  -  fig  meb  amuse  one's  self  with;  - 
fig  otier,  øeb  be  amused  by,  with. 

IRørel'  c  -ler  mor'el  (cherry),  morell'o.  -firfe« 
b«r  b.  f.    -tr«  morel-tree. 

tWøreag  c  swampy  meadow. 

Wøreafob  c  black-headed  horse  et.  pigeon. 

IRorc*  pi  F  mannerø. 

Worfaber  c  mother's  fkther,  maternal  grand- 

SRørfead  Mo'rpheus. 

SRorfi'a  ø  morphia,  mo'rphine.  -iabfbrøjt» 
aittg  injectlon  of  morphia.  SRorflttift'  c  -er 
person  addlcted  to  the  uøe  of  morphia.  flRor- 
fi'Mfbrøite  morphia  syringe. 

9Rorfølø|gi'  e  morphol'ogy.  -'gift  a  morpho- 

Wørgana'tift  a  morganat'lc. 

JRørgett  [F  ubt.  maaren]  c  -er  morning,  mora; 
(Vtorgrnbag)  morrow;  bet  bttøer  -  the  morning 
dawns;  fooe  til  ben  Iqfe  .  sleep  till  broad  day- 
light;  ~  og  Kften  (every)  morning  and  evening; 
fra  -  til  tiften  from  morning  till  nlght;  i  benne 
.  this  very  morning;  i  aarle  -  poet  early  in  the 
morning;  i  _  to-morrow;  i  -  Kften  to-morrow 
nlght;  i  -  Dag  to-morrow;  i  -  tiblig  early  to 
-morrow  morning;  Hl  i  -  beb  benne  Zib  till  thiø 
time  to-morrow;  gear  tilbage  til  Ztbenft  .  gæs 
baok  to  the  night  of  time;  om  -en  in  the  morn- 
ing, of  a  morning;  i  SRorgei,  t  F  Hl-  this 
morning;  igaar  IRorgel  yesterday  morning. 
9Rorgen|anbøgt  morning  devotion.  -arbeibe 
morning  work.  -abiø  fe  -Mob.  -belba»(ng 
morning  light,  -beføg  morning  visit,  -betragt* 
ninger  pi  morning- meditations,  -blab  morning 
paper.  -blaab  morning  slumber  el.  nap.  +-blnabe 
vi  take  a  morning  nap.  -bløbe  morning  shower. 
•bø«  morning  prayers.  -bag  morrow.  -bragt 
morning-dress,  -bram  fe  -fnopø.  -brit  morning 
-draught  el.  beverage.  -bram  morning  dream. 
t-buelig  a  an  early  riser,  -bnft  morning  fra- 
grance.  -bag  morning  dew.  -bormriag  morning 
twilight,  dawn  of  morn.  »førte  hue  of  moru. 
-følt  early  risers.  -frøtte  night-gown.  -friftawith 
the  treshness  of  morning,  -froft  morning  frost. 
•frne  marigold,  Cilenduia  ofjicinalu,  coru-maxi. 
gold,  Ckrytantcmum  tegetum.  #-f«gl  early  riser, 
early  bird,  early  stirrer,    -gang  morning  walk 




-flane  •  morning  gift«  (bridegroom's  gift  to  the 
bride    on    the    morning    after   the  wedding). 
-glat  a  happy  as  the  morn.     -fllani  splendour 
of  morn.   -glimt  gleam  of  the  morning.   -gitatoe« 
a  who  has  got  out  of  hed  the  wrong  ilde. 
-grb  dawn  of  morning.     -tanen  the  wakeful 
cock.    -bjlfen  morning-greeting,  morning  salut- 
ation.    -bjmmel  morning-sky.   -faffc  morning! 's) 
coffee.    -fatotoc  mob-cap.     -fjolr  morning-gown. 
♦-flage  morning  complaint.    -Hav  a  f.  «fs.  Buft, 
$immel  bright  morning  air,  morning-sky.    -flaffe 
morning  bell.    -f øseret  morning-concert.  -tolke 
morning-cold.   •f»iH :  paa  -en  in  the  early  morn- 
ing,  in  the  small  hours.     -fl#  morning  kiss. 
•ftiig %t b  cool  of  the  morning.    -lanb  the  East. 
-lanbft  a  Eastern,  Oriental.    -laKbffai  morning 
•landscape      -Inft   morning-air.     -luftning  m. 
breeze.     -tøf  morning  light.     +-iftft  morning 
joys.    -mab  breakfast.   -maitb  early  riser,  -meife 
matlns.     -mufti  a  morning  serenade,     -malt 
morning-milk.     -øffer  morning  sacriflce.    -toipe 
early  el.  matutlnal  pipe.   -tovagt  fe  -alant.   -veg« 
morning  rain.    -ringning  morning  bell-ringing; 
(af  Batfer)  alarum.     -rak  a  red  as  the  morn. 
•råbe  c  (+r*bt  »)  dawn,  aurora.    +-r*be#  vd: 
inbtil  bet  .  till  the  firet  blush  of  day.    -falme 
morning-hymn.     -fang  morning  song.     *-fUe: 
paa  -n  in  the  (early)  morning,     -ffin  morning 
light,  -flø  slipper,  -ffnb  morning  gun.  -ffnmring 
fe   barn  ring.     -ffto  morning  cloud.     -flår  peep 
of  day.  +-fføn  a  beautiful  as  the  morn.  -flnnittier 
fe  -blunb.    -fnatoi  morning  dram.    -føl  morning 
sun.    -ftrmning  morning  mood.    -lejerne  morn 
in$  star.  rgtaaben)  roundhead,  watchman's  dub 
(with  iron  spikes).    -firtale  morning  ray.    -ftanb 
morning-time;   en  tibliq  -  one  early  morning; 
_  tør  Gulb  i  ÉJtunb  early  to  bed,  and  early  to 
rise,   makes  a  man  healthy,  wealthy,  and  wise; 
the  early  bird  catebes  the  worm,  picks  up  the 
worms.    t-foale  cool  of  morning,     -faun  morn- 
ing sleep.     -taage  morning  mist.     -rib  fe  -fhinb. 
•tinte  morning-hour.    -tog  morning  train.    -rar 
morning- walk,  morning's  walk.    -nbgatoe  morn- 
ing issue.    -nagt  morning- watch.    -»anbring  fe 
-tur.      -oinb    morning-wind.      -bifit    fe    -beføg. 
-»ranten  fe  -anaben.     *8Rørgne  flg  vr  shake  off 
sleep,  get  well  awake.    Vtørgnei  vd  dawn. 

tWo  rgrnnb  o  fe  -jorb. 

flRørian  c  -er  Moor,  blackamoor;   babfle  en  - 
b>ib  wa&h  a  blackamoor  whlte. 

gRøritb  c  phosphorescence  (of  the  sea). 

fjtørfa'  n  (løj)  moreen. 

99  or  in   *  ehem  mo'rlne. 

SRoriug  c  ^  mooring.    -gøaje  m.-buoy. 

fjtørion  n  black  mountain  crystal. 

9Rørtt»  Maur'ice. 

tSRo'rforb  c  maxshy  soil,  moorland. 

gRørfel  c  -flet  morel,  Moreketia  ttculenta. 

«9Rørfrit  a  (om  Ira)  decayed;  rotten. 

t  flRorfanb  n  country  of  the  Moors. 

t«WorHD  e !  good  woman ! 

fjtørmøber  c  mother's  mother,  maternalgrand- 

gRormo'n  c  -er  Mo  rmon.     -øtffoto   Mormon 
bishop  (o.  P.).    -li'««  Mormonism. 

a»o  rning  [aa]  c  P  morning. 

SRor'ø  [6]  o  fe  Wørffob. 

SWorob  c  wild  carrot,  Dauewt  earrcta. 

fjtørfeO'er  pi  losenges. 

•»ørff  tø]  a  F  a^111«  flcrcef-looking). 

Øtørfrab  c  (+  »)  amuoement,  diversion,  pas- 
time?  finb"  -  t  take  delight  in;  for  -•  Srbtb  for 
ftm,  for  the  fun  of  the  thing.  ^»aKBent'a 
•aké  til  -  for  amusement.  -  Worfrabi|bofl 
Kook  of  entertainment.  -1«*»««B  "*nt  read  ng. 
f*U  play  for  amusement.   -tib  time  of  diversion. 

flRo'rfom  a  tmnaing,  diverting,  enteiteintag. 
fnnny,  droll;  |ea  fan  tffe  fe  bet  -me  (beri)  I  c*m>oi 
tee  the  Joke  (of  it).  Wo'rfømqeb  c  (ggarfrabn) 
amusing,  entertaining  quality;  (pi  -er,    uaoxføau 

3nbfalb)  joke,  jest,  witticism; 

■r  be  wttt}, 


sav  witty  things,  crack  jokes. 

*flRørt  [61  o  -er  roach,  Cvprinm*  rmtilt 
ooal-fish,  Merlangmt  carbonariwt. 

flRortaliteti|(ifle,  -tabel  table  of  mortal  ity 

flRorten  Martin;  (Qart)  puss,  Wat.  —  Stovtes*  > 
aften  Martlnmaa-eve.  -bag  Martinmas.  -g*** 

flRorter  [o]  o  -e  mo'rtar. 

flRørrér  c  et  mortar.    -ioab  m.  botit  (o.  H\ 

flRortifilcere et  declare null and  void,  nallify. 
annul.     -fatio'nibom  a  sentenoe  declawriog  etc 

flRorb^toe  o  (red)  grouse,  moor-cock,  Z**p*pw 

flRora?  ne  c  r  moraine. 

9Røi  o  pulp,  mash. 

3»o#'  [6]  n  -fer,  *9Røfe  e  -r  moss.  -***t  mo*s 
tgate.    -agtig  a  mossy,  moss-like. 

Wofaif  e  mosa'ic.  -arbejbe  moeaic  Cwork). 
tessellation.  -arbejber  inlayer,  mosa'lcist.  -gmj» 
mosalc  pavement. 

TOofa  lift  a  Mo«aic(al).    -ii'me  o  Moaa'lsxn. 

TOofaift'  c  -er«  fe  Vtofaifatbejber. 

SKofait'  c  -er  Jew. 

9toi'|art  species  of  moss.  -Ittter  cetiaiine. 
-btøb  a  soft  (as  moss),  of  mossy  softneas.  -sMKmt 
mossy  seat.  -bannelfe  formation  of  moss.  -»ar 
bryozotn.    -bortfet  a  moss-covered. 

*Wofe  fe  9Ro*  n  og  6mf. 

SKøfc  vt  mash,  pulp. 

SKøfe  o  -c  bog,  moor;  fe  Ugle.  -agtig  •  boggy. 
-anb  fen-duck,  Ana*  botcha*. 

Wofeboa  o  book  of  Moses;  førfte  -  (the  first 
book  of  Moses,  called)  Genesis;  anben  .  (the 
second  b.  of  M.,  c.)  Exodus;  rcebje  -  (the  third 
etc.)  Levitlcus;  fjerbe  -  (the  fburth  etc.)  Numbers; 
femte  .  (the  flfth  etc.)  Deuteronomy;  be  fem  -b«ger 
the  Pentateuch. 

9iofe|branb  bog-flre.  -bnnb  boggy  land,  b. 
ground.  t-laOe  marsh-whortleberry,  Vaecimimm 
uliøinonm.  -brag  stretch  of  boggy  land.  -ktjrf> 
ning  cultlvatlon  of  bogs.    -fnnb  bog  find. 

*fRofeeng  o  moss-grown  graas-land. 

tSKøfelgrii  fe  3orbrotte.  -arnnb  fe  -bnnb.  -gr«* 
bog  grass.  -Ijnf  slough.  -b>  bog  hay.  -b)ig  fe 
Sump«.  -Jorm  fe  W&rjarn.  -jorb  boggy  soil. 
t-fønen  brbgger  the  mist  rises. 

SKøfef  c  the  Mosell'e. 

•»•(«;«•  o.  p.  Smf.  af  TOofe.  fe  Stof*. 

tWofelanb  n  moor-land. 

Wøfelotoeii  the  Mo?aic  law,  the  Levitical  Uw. 

Wofelbin  c  moselTe. 

*flRofemar(  o  moss-grown  land. 

VtøfejtoUfeStaørftar*.  -tofantc  bog-plant.  -*•?#, 
-toøft  fe  tfort,  $oft  ^.  -Hrcrrning  fe  -Kag.  Wøfet 
a  boggy.  •  ^ 

Øtøfet  a  pulpy. 

saSow  *ft  ff  'p{ant*'    *****  bog-water.    t-b)laje 

«!ll?i?n,rA1tJWof«r,ct  °  moaa-grown. 
2!5S!lll,e  W  c  mo«-bee,  Bombvø  Mtuoomm. 
SKofle'  c  -r  mosque. 

mo?quTto:nS?Pfllt°  °  •"  *"»**'*•    Wmrwet 
-f ørol*l?" VrC6]  a  m088"gPOWX1»  »oaa-dad,  moasy. 

SDEDI,f  '*'  c  m««covado. 

SSa  m  t#  c  "t  *lff  a  Mna'covite. 
duck  5LJ  *,!i"5L  "•"i  »»sk^uck,  muøcovy 
fSh" ^Sf^S-   ;*"' mnak-beeUe, Atom*<fer*..  .faar  fe -of*e.    -Ug(t  odoix  of  S*T 




•øffe  musk-ox,  Ocibo«  motckahu.  -palper  musk 
-powder.  -røb  fe  SumbuU.  -røfe  mask-rose, 
J?0#a  mo»ehata.  -rotte  musk-rat,  Fiber  tibethi- 
cu*.    -føia  peccary,  Dicotyl*. 

Viol  | fag  [6]  mosa- cover,  »røfe  moss-rose, 
Jiota  wnucoH».    -fHøetfe  Ucbenlne. 

•loft  [6]  e  (røble«)  cider,  ($««•)  perry,  (Srue.) 
must.    -ePPite  cider-vinegar. 

•løfter  e  -tre  mother's  rister,  maternal  aunt. 
-ataaP  unele. 

•loftlperfc,  -pretfe  [6]  cider-pren.  -pom  perry 
-pear,  wlld  pear. 

•loi|tcrppe  [6]  (sod)  mon.  -Pøtffl  growth  of 

•lotet*  e  -ter  motet. 

•lotion  c  excerclse;  tage  fifl  .  take  exerciøe; 
Oftlff  -  om  more;  en  Spabferetnr  før  -I  ©følb  a 
constitutional.  -e're  flg  w  be  out  for  a  consti- 
tutional, walk  constitutlonally,  take  exerciøe, 
take  the  air. 

Vløti'ø  n  -er  mo'tive;  (Vluflf)  mo'tive,  motl'vo, 
thexne;  (røaletf.)  incident;  et  (til  fioø  o.  I.) 
preamble,  grounds.  -e're  tf  make  ø;ood,  pro  ve, 
øtate  tbe  motive  of,  mo'tive;  occasion,  give  rise 
to,  explain,  account  for.  -e'ring  o  explanation 
(of  tbe  reasons),  vindlcation. 

•lø'tør  o  -ø'rer  mover,  motor, 
•lotto  »  -et  motto. 

•løaffc'rc  et  effervesce;  -nbe  ttønbe  aérated 

*Vloøar«t  a  øultry. 

Vtøøe'rc  vt  move;  .  fifl,  fe  motionere. 

tSRoren  adv  almoøt. 

SRncrn  c  mu'clne.    -fpre  m'ucic  acid. 

•Wnbb  c  -er,  fe  $et«. 

•tapper  n  mad,  mire;  fig  F  noiøe,  uproar, 
dtøturbance;   gøre  -  (Optøjer)   kick   up  a  row, 

ieprltøfler.  8forftprrelfe)  kick  up  a  dnøt,  (fiarm, 
løøJm,  gtefen  ofø.  [om]  make  a  fuøø  (about). 
-«gtia  a  muddy.  -tante  mud- bank.  -tnnb 
muddy  bo« om.  -Pige  mud-dike.  -fifl  mud-flsh. 
-graaø  fe  -bnnb;  <t>  (grunbt  6teb)  mud-flat;  mud 
-øpit.  -pal  ($mp.)  mad-bole.  -jørP  muddy 
eartb.  -flire  fe  -{nappe,  -fuge  fe  -Jul.  •møffine 
(mud-)dredging  machine,  dredger,  mad  dredge. 
•pram  mud-barge,  mud-flat,  mud-llghter;  fe  -ma« 
frrne.  -pøl  ølough.  -fløøf,  »flnlfe,  -fpanø  mud 
•»hovel,  dredging-bucket.  -fnappe  common  sand- 
piper,  Totetmt  kwpoleuco*.  -øanb  muddy  water. 
MaPre  u  k  i  (optratte  SRubber)  dredge;  -  en 
£aøn  ofø.  dredge  a  port  etc.;  ^  (om  Slib)  make 
fonl  water;  f  fe:  gøre  9Rubber;  t(en)  trip  (one) 
up.  Slubret  a  muddy.  Vtaøriag  c  dredglng. 
fltatriagf  arteføer  pi  dredglng  operations. 

•luffe  o  muff;  mecA  coupling-box;  (paa  tøør 
o.  I)  socketi  parre  ørb  -n  p  be  nush  (of money). 
Vtaffebf'fe  o  -r  muffetee,  wristlet,  cuff. 

•laffet  e  -fler  muffle.  -f arpet  muffle-coloun. 
*øøa  c  mufile-furnace. 

Øraffoa  c,  -faar  n  moufflon,  musmon,  Caprovi* 
■ur  ti  mon. 

Ølø)g'  e  k  n  mould. 

•lage  et  k  i  clear  of  dung,  clear  away  tbe 

•laget  c  (9if!)  gray  mullet,  Mugil. 

'•Ingge  e  -r  ewer,  Jog,  mug  (with  spout  and 
handle),  amr  piteber. 

•taggen  a  muøty,  mouldy,  fusty;  (mut)  sulky, 
cros  ty;  t  p  bare  .  paa  at  be  sure  tbat;  -t  adv : 
lugtet  -t  baø  a  mouldy  smell.  -b,ep,  »ffab  c 
muøtineøø  etc.  Vlagac  v%  grow  musty_fl.  mouldy. 

*W«g(  n,  Vlagle  vi,  Vlagfet  a  fe  SRug,  SRugne. 

Vta'gning  o  clearing  away  tbe  dung. 

VlttMø*cø  0-  fl-,  fe  Sla^omeb. 

9»«l'  o  (^eftefpgbom)  greaøe,  be^eftet  meb  - 
greaøy,  greased. 

Ølar  n  mutter,  grambling;  jeg  Pil  tlte  ^øre  et 
.  I  wlll  not  bear  tbe  slighteat  sound;  føin  fagbe 
iHe  et  -  he  did  not  open  biø  mouth;  forftob  ttfe 
et  Ieøenbe  -  was  qulte  at  øea.  Vintre  vi  mutter, 
grumble.    Øltttfea  o  grumbllng. 

*flRntter  n  chips  of  wood. 

Ølafte? ,  Vlalfett  e  two-handed  hammer,  maul. 

•Inl'  n  fe  Viol  n. 

fVlaC  c  k  n  fe  Slug. 

tØlal  *  *  drabbing. 

VtaUt'  o  -ter  mulatto.  -ia'te  c  t  mulatto 

Ølalb  c  k  n  mould;  øøen  -e  above  ground; 
unber  -e  burled.  *-aj  bligbted  ear.  *-bafte:  ber 
er  -  øeb  Stranbeu  tbe  shore  Is  øteep  to.  -blanket 
a  mixed  with  mould.  -Pratt  mould -board. 
Ølnlbet  a  rich  in  mould.  Wnlb|farøet  a  mould 
-coloured.  -fjarl  fe  -brat.  -Jorb  mould.  -Hamp 
clod  of  eartb.  -lag  layer  of  mould.  -ler  clay 
mixed  with  mould,  loam. 

tWnlbne  fe  Wugne. 

9Kn(b|p(tbe  fe  -brat.  -rig  a  abounding  in 

•latbriPer  e  muletee'r,  mule-driver. 

flKnlblfanb  sand  mixed  with  mould  -fort  a 
black  as  mould.  -føre  humle  acid.  -p«rp  c  -e 
mole,  Talpa.  -ParpeførlPe  mole-trap.  -parpc* 
flap  mole-blll,  mole-caøt. 

9Ra(Ppr  n  mule,  Eguua  mulmt. 

tSKalc  vt  F  drub,  pommel. 

Vlale  c  -r,  fe  Vlulbpr. 

Ølale  o  -r  (Vlunb)  muzzle,  snout;  (^ul  i  ^iul) 
nave-bole.  Ølale  vi  pout.  -baanb  muzøle. 
-Ireaife  barnacles.    -bnnben  a  muzzled. 

Ølalelgara  mill-spunyarn.  -mofTine  self-acUng 

Vlafe|tarø  muzzle  (for  dogs).  -pløpe  Hncb 
-clout.  -poje  noøe-bag.  -ring  (paa  $jul)  linch 
•hoop.    -ffil  half-stitch. 

Vlalelftøl  mule  Jenny.    -tPift  m. -twist. 

Ølalig  a  poseible;  bet  er  meget  -t,  at  ban  troebe 
bet  he  very  likely  believed  lt;  meget  t  I  dåre 
say;  ben  bøteft  -e  Søn  for  bet  minbft  -e  ttrbejbe  tbe 
maximum  of  wage  for  the  minimum  of  work; 
brrfont  faabant  Par  -t  if  øuch  tbingø  could  be; 
paa  alle  -e  Vtaaber  In  all  manner  of  ways,  ben  t 
føre  tbe  danger,  if  any;  -fi  lortfattet  as  brief  aø 
poøsible;  bet  er  ilte  -t  onbet  tbere  iø  nothing  else 
for  it.  Vlatif  ea(J)  adv  posøibly;  for  .  at  on  the 
chance  of  -ing.  Slatiglgprc  vt  make  el.  render 
possible.  -beb  c  -er  poøsibility,  chance  (for  of); 
potentlality;  (Cøentualitet)  contlngency;  ber  er  en 
-  for  at  it  iø  Just  possible  tbat;  bet  er  blanbt 
•erne  it  is  on  the  cards;  en  fjern  -  for  the  ofr 
chance  of.    -ØM  adv  posøibly. 

Vtafft  o  -er  fine,  mulet,  amercement;  blep  ibømt 
et.  iloflt  en  flor  .  was  heavily  fin  ed;  ilagt  en  - 
af  14  sh.  fined  14  sh.  —  Wnlfterle  ri  fine, 
amerce.    -ing  o  flning. 

VlaO  n  fe  TOol  n. 

Vlatte  o  (ftiff)  mullet,  M*Uu»\  røb  .  plaln  red 
mullet,  M.  larbaha,  gulftribet  .  surmullet,  M. 

tSUHea  a  fe  TOuggen. 

•lal«  n  darkness,  gloom;  i  .  og  Wørfe  in 
total  darkness.  -fort  o  black  el.  dark  as 

SRnlne  vi  fe  SRugne. 

Vlalre  vi  fe  Wumle. 

•talte  e  -r  (gljt)  gray  mullet,  Muail. 

•lalteborr  n,  *Vlalter,  Sløltrr  pi  cloud-berry, 
Rubut  chomamoniå.  —  ØlaltelgrpP  cloud-berry 
Jam.    -mør  bog  covered  witb  cloudberry  busbes. 

Wnltlplilce  re  vt  mul'tiply.  -tanb'  c  er  mul'- 




tiplicand.  -tering,  -ration  c  maltipUca'tion. 
-tatiø'aotabel  multiplicatlon  table.  -tato'r  c 
mul  ti  plier,  mul'tiplleator.  Øhtttlplnm  n  mul- 

SRultum  n  swan-skin,  molton. 

Wulfffri  n  hinny,  Equus  kinnut. 

SRum'ie  e  -r  mummy.  -agtig  a  mummylike. 
Vtuntifice're  vt  mummify. 

mumle  vt  &  i  mutter,  mumble;  *mumble  (eat 
with  lips  close);  -  i  @tægget  mutter  to  one's 
self;  mon  -r  om  at  it  is  mut  ter  ed  that.  -n  c 
mutter,  muttering. 

TOuauae  c  (Ol)  mum. 

tVtuntmebraat  e  mummiug-dress. 

fSRnmmel  c  Te  røumlen. 

9Rnntnteri',  +9Rnmmc|ffj«(,  -fpil  n  mummery. 

SRnntbtn  n  Munich. 

SRnub  c  -e  mouth;  bane  -  flaor  albrig  frille  bis 
tongue  it  never  at  rest;  bruge  -  lise  impertinent 
el.  abusive  language;  ^olbe  rrn  -  keep  a  secret, 
be  discreet;  bolb  _!  hold  your  tongue!  joe  shut 
up!  shut  up  your  pant  tage  -n  fulb  (forbre  for« 
meget)  bo  exorbltant  in  one's  demands;  (oberbrioe) 
ezaggerate,  draw  a  long  bow;  ban  bar  en  ufor« 
flammet  -  he  is  a  foul-mouthed  fellow;  bet  flap 
barn  af  -  it  escaped  him;  af  band  egen  .  from 
his  own  lips;  fe  !Btøb;  f natte  en  efter  -en  coax 
el.  wheedle  one;  fpibfe  -en  efter  cast  a  sbeep's 
eye  on;  bu  faor  en  Ultitte  for  bin  -  your  tongue 
will  get  you  into  mischief;  tage  ©labet  fra  -en 
speak  out.  speak  one's  mind,  tell  a  piece  of 
one's  mind;  lerøge  en  Orbene  i  -en  put  words  in 
another's  mouth;  lægge  nt  i  -en  paa  put  st  into 
the  mouth  of;  ban  par  bet  meft  i  -en  he  is  all 
talk;  føre  i  -en  make  use  of;  font  ban  ftabig  fører 
i  -en  which  is  hardly  ever  out  of  his  mouth; 
fnatte  i  en  paa  bberanbre  speak  all  at  onee,  talk 
together;  i  alle  &oIl*  -e,  fe  ftoltemunbe;  meb  een 
-  with  oue  voice;  meb  tørre  e  dry;  fmøre  en  om 
-en  amtifie  oue  with  fair  words;  tpsfe  en  paa  -en 
kiss  one's  lips;  flaa  Hg  felo  paa  -en  give  one's 
self  the  lie.  contradiel  one's  self;  \aa  -en  paa 
(Bang  set  one's  tongue  a-going,  l>ecome  con 
vereational;  -en  gaar  paa  barn  he  is  rattling  away; 
leg  bar  bet  lige  paa  en  I  have  it  on  the  tip  of 
my  tongue,  fioope  en  paa  en  stop  one's  mouth, 
silence  oue.  9ttunb!aabning  mouth,  oriflce  of 
the  mouth.  -art  dialoet.  •ben  pi  (bod  ftreb«)  foot 
-jaws.  -bib  c  morsel ,  little  hit.  -bib  (af 
i  omme)  bit:  (paa  røibej  uiouth-piece.  -borger 
particular  cup.  -baff  slap  on  the  mouth.  -bjærø 
(i  out -spoken.    aWunbf:  vi  .  nb,  fe  Ubmunbe. 

SRunbf  re  vi  (om  ©olbater)  accoutre,  equip. 
•ing  c  -er  uniform,  uccoutreincnt,  equipment. 
-ingotantmer  store  rooin  for  soldiers'  uniforms. 
-inaøfager,  -ing&ftpffer  regimentals.  -ingøtrejr 
regime  utal  jacket. 

Wuttb'forraab  provisions,  -fulb  c  mouthful. 
-føbbebe  p>  stninatonods.  -føbber  b.  f.;  fe  -ben. 
-gab  fe  »åbning,  -glaå  particular  glass.  -gobt 
delicacies  j>/,  (Kætterier,  bonbon*  ofD.)delicatesf>/, 
goodies  pt,  eahdy;  t(fiærttpi)  strong  beer.  -$ar« 
monita  fe  -orgel,  -barpe  jew's  harp.  -belb  by 
-word,  faml liar  saylug,  adage.  -buggen,  -buggeri 
wrangling,  blokering,  -bugge*  vd  bandy  words. 
w rangle,  hicker.  -bule,  -balfteb  c  cavity  of 
the  mouth.  9Rnnb<ng  c  -er  (af  ftlob,  ftanal) 
mouth,  ontlet,  (fiurre,  oeb  $abet)  estuary.  (paa 
gfpbeoaoben)  muzzle 

9Rnnbingt|bøje  ,t.  out  er  fairway  buoy.  -frife 
art  muKzle-tistragal.  -bætte  muzzle  (tap.  -ring 
muzzle -ring  -fin fe  entrance  lock.  -flrop,  -far- 
riti,  -ton  muzzlo  laMiing  ri.  rope. 

Vtaab||ærn  vet  balllng  iron.  -taab  a  flippant, 
impertinent,  pert.  -taabbeb  tiippancy,  pertness. 
♦•tb  fe  -bnfløfn.     *tltv-m  ^^-Jaw,   trismtu. 

-taeoet  gag.  -tot  head-oook  (to  a  prlnoe).  -lu 
favourite  el.  particular  cup.  -tipper  »vomtte 
cup  and  saucer,  -trlg  war  el.  battte  of  word*, 
-triften  lip-christian.  -rrøg  fe  -Pig.  -far*  fdon>> 
muzzle;  gtoe  .  paa  muzzle;  meb  ~  muxxled.  -niti' 
lo*  gag-faw.  -tflbttingtgroærmaxzle-loader.  4lm 
lip-glue.  -læber  glibness  of  tongue,  yolubUtj; 
babe  et  gobt  .  have  the  gift  of  the  gab.  -orgel 
(child's)  harmonica;  mouth-organ.  -partira  ra- 
tion, -ret  a  fluent;  phonetic.  -fair*  lip-salve. 
•flæg  mustachios  pi.  -ftæat  cup-bearer,  MM 
butler,  -flag  slap  on  the  mouth.  -fatal  taste, 
-fpafte  fe  -aabning.  -fpibf  (paa  $ibe)  mouth-piece. 
-ftbtfe  ihk«  mouth-piece,  embouchure;  fe  -{pibl. 
-ftært  a  loquacious,  garrulous.  9cn«bi»r|r  mare 
words,  idle  promises,  breath.  V)a«»|f»lr  son 
mouth.  -fpge  aphtha.  -(og  Jtlobe)flgc  the  toot 
and  mouth  disease.  flRnabtlif  o  verbal,  oral; 
-  (Htamen  viva  voce  (examination);  øj!  op  i  I« 
-e  went  in  for  his  vlva-voce;  fe  Zeftammte;  - 
Unbermening  viva-voce  instruction;  —  ode  rer 
bally,  orally  by  word  of  mouth.  Vcttabtllflbrb 
c  oral  proceedings. 

92nnbnv  c  fe  iRunbering. 

9Rnnb|»anb  gargle.  -Pig,  -alge  c  -r  corner  of 
the  mouth.    -Out  favourite  wine. 

SRnngo  c  (Ulb)  mungo;  xoo  mongoose,  Btr- 

Wunicipa  l  a  muniei'pal. 

aRunitiou  c  ammunition,  munitlon. 

TOnnt  c  -e  monk,  frlar,  conventual;  fyp  friar; 
(beb  Slufe)  sluice-stay;  (t»unt)  bed-warmer  *fe 

Wunte  c  ^  sheep's  bit,  Jarime  wumtmma. 

Vtante|aanb  monklsh  spirit.  -btoatoxe  fe  SngeW' 
græe.  -bo  monastery.  -bogflaoer  black-letter. 
•bolig  fe  -bo.  +-brober  frlar.  -kagamg  monattie 
buildlng.  -celle  (monk's)  cell.  -blaf  monkish 
fiction,  -bragt  monastic  dress,  -fngl  blackcap 
Syleim  atricipilla.  -gang  clolster.  -grib  klog 
vulture,  Neophron  pileatu«.  f'boPCb  f  fe  £#•*' 
tanb.  -batte  (SRunt*  ^.)  monk's  bood;  t  > 
monk's  hood,  wolTs  bane,  Aoomitum  Njptll— 
-loer  monkish  zeal.  -foaiaier  fe  -ceDe.  -tappe 
eowl.  -Hofter  monastery.  -ttæber  fe  brttt. 
-tutte  cowl.  -latin  monkish  Latin,  -leonet,  -lis 
monastic  life  ^-Uft  monkish  cunning.  4n# 
woodlouse,  O/titen*,  -lære  monkish  doctrine. 
-(Ofte  monastic  vow;  gøre  el.  aflægge  -t  uke  the 
monastic  vow.    -orben  monastic  order. 

*9Rnntrr  pi  fe  tøbleftioer. 

Wuute|rege(  monastic  rule.  -ftit  monkish  el. 
monastic  eustom.  -ftrift  black  letter  writing. 
-ftanb  monastic  estate.  -Hol  prebendal  stall- 
•fæl  monk-seal  Pelagiu*  monachtu.  -tant  monk- 
ish superstition.  -tønfnr  monastic  tonsure.  -taft 
monastic  discipline.  -oæfen  monachlsm,  monait- 

SKnnter  a  lively,  cheerful.  sprightly,  merry. 
gay,  blithe,  jocund.  -beb  c  cheerfulnew.  lire- 
liness,  gaiety.  sprightliness.  flRnnrratio'n  e  -et 
F  jolliflcation,  outing.  SRnntre  or  cheer,  en- 
liven;  -  op,  fe  Cpmuntie. 

Wnntjatbiort  c  muntjac,  Cervu*  muntjae. 

Vtunffntetal  n  Muntz's  yellow  metal. 

aWur  c  -e  (stone-  or  brick-)wall;  tic  fom  ei  - 
i>e  mute  as  a  flan;  faft  fom  en  .  firm  as  a  rock. 
-aabning  breach  In  a  wall.  -affatb  rubbish. 
-aafer  cramp-iron.  -arbefbe  fVrbeibet  at  mim 
bricklayer's  work;  (9R.oært)  brick-work,  masoarr. 
•baonb,  -bivber  fe  -antet.  -li  mason-bee,  ttka/t- 
•vioma  muraria.  -grotter  frf  brickbaU,  rnbbtsb. 
-bntb  fe  -aabntna.  -brætter  c  -e  battertng  ram. 
*-bb  town  conafsting  of  atone-  or  briek- 
-bbining  brick-houoe.  -bmtg  fe 
-bærte  fe  -tog.  Hart  wi  k  i  bnlld  wttfc 




at  one,  do  mason's  work;  -  en  8og  build  up  a 
wall;  -  inb,  fe  Snbmure;  -  HI  wall  up,  brick  up, 
bulld  up;  -t  brickf-built). 

*9t«rc  c  cinque-foil,  Potentilla;  sllver-weed, 
P.   mnierina. 

fØtarer  e-t  brlcklayer,  waller,  (meft  meb  natur- 
lig Sten)  mason,  (ftrimurer)  (free  and  accepted) 
mason.  -arbefbe  fe  røur«.  •breng  bricklayer's 
apprentice.  -iaanbianger  hodmsn,  mason's 
tender,  -iaaabborf  maaonry.  Ølareri'  n  (gn. 
muren)  (free-)masonry.  Vtnrerjlang,  -Ian  ma- 
aona'  company.  -lerre :  fatte  i  ~  apprentice  (one) 
to  a  brlcklayer;  bore  i  ~  be  in  apprenUceahip 
with  a  brlcklayer.    -torlinø  fe  -brenø. 

Sln'*l|labe,  -flnøt  surffcee  of  the  wall,  naked 
wall.  -fat  base  ti.  foundation  of  a  wall,  foot- 
ing.  -foll  pi  bricklayers  pi.  -forliabelff  band. 
-gr«*  rtibblsh.  *-gr«ttfe  boundary  line  within 
wbicb  no  wooden  buildlngsareallowed.  -iaaab* 
Uager  fe  TOurer*.  -tømmer  mason's  el.  brick- 
layer's hummer.  -fatning  niche,  recess.  -|«9 
brick-house.  -|Pep#  walf-wasp,  OxybeluM  uni- 
oivmi*.  -bsalPing  vault  of  briekwort.  lenring 
c  walling,  brick-laying.  3Rnr|tøtt  mortar.  -tit 
cement,  -fønfftrnttføn  fe  -forbtnbelfe.  -frani 
battlement.  -trone  mural  crown.  -trabt  wall 
-pellitory,  Parieturia.  -tnttft  masonry.  -tbebrent 
mural  quadrant.  -Icr  bricklayer's  clay.  -lagte 
wall-plate.    -User  fe  -fpoettr. 

Starmrtbpr  n  mannot,  Arehtomw,  (bet  arner!« 
lajrffc)  ground-hog,  A.  monax,  p  surly,  crabbed 

9t*'r|meftcr  master -mason  el.  brlcklayer. 
•mefrerf)aanbpart  fe  fRurertømbbarl.  -nafbe  fe 
-Irnbt.  -piffe  pier.  -boltrer  foreman  (of  working 
masons).  -pabi  plastering.  -raabbenfteb  rot  of 

Stam  m  mutter,  grumble.  Øtarren  o  (i 
lanberne)  grambling. 

IRarrbt  aft  <*■  -e  ftot  mur'rhine  vases. 

Vta'f  |rabc  c  $  wall-rue,  Atplenium  rut*  mu- 
raria.  -falpeter,  -fait  anatron.  -fans  sand  for 
mortar.  -fejler  fe  -foale.  -fle  trowel.  -ffefsnuet 
a  p  del  told.  •fforftcr  fe  -broffer.  -fpibi  top 
of  the  gable.  -fpatte  wall-creeper,  Tickodrom* 
mvraria.  -feen  brick.  -ftenftølie  brick-oil.  -fteni' 
fflftc  course.  -ftraite  brick-tea.  -fMft  cramp 
-iron.  -frtttabi  scaffolding.  -fNffe  a  stock-still. 
~fb«le  swift,  black-martln.  Cvptelu*  apws.  -fpenb 
journeyman  mason  el.  brlcklayer.  -taant  turret. 
-tag  coping.  -tofter  pi  merlons.  -tinb(e)  battle- 
ment.  *-tbang  compulsion  to  use  brick«  or 
atones  as  building  materlals.  -bols  rampart  of 
maaonry.    -bart  brlckwork,  masonry. 

Vhtra'ae  c  misgnm,  misgurn,  Mmrcena. 

fltarsgte  e  wall-lizard,  Lacerta  murali*. 

ftHai  c,  pi  ae,  mouse;  thick  lower  part  of  the 
tbumb;  i  mouse;  noar  Starten  er  borte,  fpiQe  -ene 
paa  Borbet  when  the  cat  Is  away,  the  mice  will 
play;  bet  git  unber  meb  SRanb  oø  -  (om  et  ©tib) 
it  went  down  with  every  mother's  soul;  naar 
-en  er  mat,  er  TOefet  beft  the  full  soul  loatheth 
an  honeyoomb. 

Aafafaa  e  -net  student. 

flta'ablaffct  fe  -farbet.   Kafe  vi  A  tø,)  t  mouse. 

Aafc  c  -r  Muse;  be  ni  -r  the  nlne  Muses. 

fltnfe|lib  hairy  greenweed,  Qeni$ta  pilom. 
*-bol  fe  -rebe.  -fait  fe  Jaarn«.  -fngle  pi  conl- 
rorters.  -false  mouse-trap.  -fanger  c  -e  mouse 
-catcher.  -grai  cudweed,  Filago.  -tyale  (plante) 
mouse-tail,  Mvo$uru».  -bal  mouse-hole:  jage  en 
i  et  .  frighten  one  out  of  his  wits.  -jager  fe 
•fosser,    -bag  fe  6purbefy*g.    -fat  mouser. 

flfafefttUM  c  Musulman,  Moslem,  Mohamme- 
dan,  Mabometan. 

*llafca  e  (^eft)  the  mouse-dun. 

V)afe|pttlber  powder  for  killing  mice.  -rese 
mouse's  nest.  *-ffjar  fe  Spibému*.  *Vtafet  fe 
Wuffarott.  Wafetor«  (ftitfenbe  -)  knee  holly, 
butcher's  broom,  Ru»cu»  aculeatut.  -tanber  pi 
mouse- teeth-,  fio  small  teeth.    -nøle  fe  Sump*. 

flRafc'a«  n  -eer  museum. 

V)ttfe|nnge  young  mouse.  -art  fe  -groft,  -»ilte 
fe  Suølc.  -siet  a  pink-eyed.  -afne  eyes  of  a 
mouse;  ^aoe  -  have  pig's  eves,  be  pink-eyed. 

Vht'slfalt  fe  laamfair.  -farpet,  -graa  a  mouse 
•coloured,  mouse-dun.    -|*g  fe  Spuroe^øg. 

flRngcere  vi  make  music;  ber  Meb  -t  we  had 
some  music. 

Øtttftt'  c  mu'sic;  ten  (SRuflttorpfet)  the  band; 
fatte  -  til  set  to  music.  Øfafitalic'r  pi  music, 
muslc-books.  flRnflta  Ift  a  (itte  om  $erfon)  mu'- 
slcal;  ^an  er  .  he  is  fond  of  music.  is  a  musician. 
9Rnfitant'  c  -er  player,  musician,  (militarr)  bands- 
man.  9R»fit|b«ttb  band  boat.  -birettar  con 
ductor,  leader.  -elfter  amateur  el.  lover  of 
music.  9Ra'fiter  ø  -c  musician;  Dbgrtgfyb  fom  . 
muslciansnlp.  IBt«flf|fcfl  musical  festival,  -for- 
eaina  (phil)harmonic  sodety.  -Ransel  (*uHt) 
music-shop;  (^onbel  meb  Vt.)  tråde  in  munic  and 
musical  instruments,  -bassier  c  -e  music-seller. 
-lifrøric  musical  history.  -|iflorifl  a  of  el.  in 
musical  history.  -iaførnator  fe  -lærer,  -laf ar* 
matton(er)  pi  music-leasons  pi.  -iafhraftar  band- 
master, -tenber  Judge  el.  connolsseur  of  music. 
•tonferbatorinat  conservatory  of  music.  -torPi 
band  of  musicians.  -t babtg  o  skilied  in  music. 
•Upet  the  development  of  music.  -larer  music 
master,  professor  of  music.  -lorerinbe  music 
-mistress.  -namater  piece  of  music.  -aagte  clef. 
•foaa  taste  for  music.  -fhjtte  piece  of  music. 
-riaie  music-lesson.  -trilnae  music-loft  -nabrr- 
•Piiaiag  instruction  in  music.  VcafituØ  c  ri 
musician.  Vhtfiftanber  friend  el.  lover  of  music. 

VtaRag  o  ^  mouse. 

Wnji  »Ittrbejbe  n  fe  Wofoit.  -galb  mosaic  gold. 

*Vraft(fCgn)  n  miszle,  drizsling  ratn. 

SRuftat  c  -er  nutmeg;  p  tntbe  paa  -en  be 
close-fisted.  -balfam  fe  -olie.  -Itøame  mace. 
rønftatener-  fe  Vhiftat«.  TOnffat|bpaci»t  grape 
•hyaclnth,  Hyacintku*  mwoari.  -{ara  nutmeg 
-grater,  -lagt  smell  of  mace.  -aab  fe  Otuftat. 
-olie,  -fnur  oli  of  nutmeg.  -pare  muscadine 
pear.  -tra  nutmeg-tree,  Mvriatica  motehaia. 
•Pia  muscadel. 

Waftebon'ner  c  -e  (Qsafe)  musketoon,  blunder- 
bus8;  ^  fe  2>un^ammer. 

SKaffel  c  -filer  muscle.  -aafrreagelfe  muscular 
exertion.  -icpagelfc  muscular  motion,  -aaaat 
muscular  bundle  el.  fasciculus.  -ceDe  muscular 
cell.  -elettricitet  muscular  electricity.  -flgnr 
ecorché.  -far  a  brawny,  muscular.  -biabe,  -(ab 
muscular  coat.  -tvaft  muscular  strength  el. 
power,  muscularlty.  -traatpc  fe  -tratninø.  -tab 
brawn,  muscle.  -lare  myology.  -stabe  gtzzard. 
•aerbc  muscular  nerve,  -ffebcsheath  of  a  muscle, 
perimysium.  -flappelfe  enervation  of  the  muscles. 
-fpil  play  el.  swelling  of  the  muscles.  -fproag 
mag  rupture  of  the  muscles.  -ftraamiag.  -flrat< 
niag  tension  of  the  muscles.  -ftttrte  fe  -traft. 
-•art  a  muscular.  -traab,  -trabl  muscular 
flbre.  -tratninø  spasm,  cramp.  -bab  muscular 

Wnffet'  c  -ter  mus'ket,  p  Brown  Bess.  Øta* 
ftete'r  c  erer  musketeer  9taftet|ilb  musket 
-fire,  musketry(-fire).  -tolbe  butt-end  of  a  mus- 
ket, -trabt  gun  powder.  -fngle  musket-ball. 
-falbe  volley  of  musketry.    -flab  musket-shot. 

Øfaffft'ø  fe  %Hostito. 

WnftoPabe  fe  SRoftooabe. 

Vhtftnfatn'r  c  muscles,  muscllng.  Vtaffal*'* 
a  mus'cular. 




9tafr«ft  fe  TOoffuft. 

ØrniUt.  Øtnfttig  a  sbelly,  shell-llke. 

Øitttting  e  -er  (T  btbere  ©etnb.)  shell,  bl  val  ve; 
(i  enoere  Betbb. :  Mytiiui,  Slaamuftiing)  muml, 
muscie;  fpifelig  -  common  el.  eatabfe  mussel. 
Vtttgiing(e)øan(e  bank  of  shell.  -komet  a  con- 
chylaceous.  -f raget  mussel  -catcher.  -fangfi 
mussel  -catehing.  -farne  shell -colour.  -gnlb 
shell-gold.  -Ulf  sheU-lime.  -treti  pi  entomo- 
straca.  -sum« or  shell  -  marble.  -fance  mussel 
-sauce,  -fllfe  byssus.  -fløj.  *-ftjeI  (mussel-) 
shell.    •vogter  oyster  crab,  Pinnotkerei. 

*ØtaØfe  e  young  herring. 

Wnefelt  n  n  mus'lin. 

tØrnfflg  a  F  crusty. 

•fRtt'ftffjær  fe  Sølblmu* 

Vtnftang  e  -et  mustang. 

ØhtiOit  e  -et  titmouse,  tomtit,  Parti*  majar 

Øttt'f|*aag  fe  9Rufr>.  -om  cudweed,  Ærtmn« 
Utr**pern>um.  -øre  golden  mouse-ear,  mouse-ear 
hawkweed,  Hieracium  piloieila. 

Wnr   a  sulky. 

*ØNt'  c  fe  SRubb. 

JRnt'a  c  -tæ  ørom  mute. 

Vintaiiøn  c  miu  change  of  voice. 

"flintr  vi  sue  for  permission  of  working  a 

Ørntteb  c  sulkinees. 

"Wnt'febbel  certiflcate  of  permission  to  work 
a  mine 

Øtotter  o  p  the  mother,  the  goodwife,  the 
old  woman;  en  gammel  .  an  old  crone.  Øhttterd 
adv  f  :  .  ene.  .  alene  all  alone.  ØiRttcrnri  Ij  [t.] 
n  mother-wit. 

WtoM  a  llmber,  lithe,  (ogfaajiø)  pliable,  supple; 
gøre  en  .  beud  one,  render  one  submissive. 

3»bg  c,  pi  -=,  gnat;  langbenet  ..  fe  6tanlel6en; 
gøre  en  .  tU  en  (Elefant  make  mountalns  of  mole- 
hills; ffobe  -  meb  Sfanoner  break  a  butterfly  on 
the  wheel,    -ølomft  bog  orchis,  Malaxit. 

"flRbge  vt  make  pliable. 

flRftgpne  c  sand-ny,  Simulium. 

■»nggelfføf  fe  fooetm.  -net  mosquito-net.  -Hit 
sting  of  a  gnat.    -f»«r m  swarm  of  gnats. 

9Rb  gb'b  c  llmbernett  etc.,  fe  Vhjg  a. 

Ving' bøvet  n  tumor  In  the  eye. 

•røbgl  »,  -et  a  fe  6!immel,  6fimlet. 

Vta'gne  v%  become  pliable. 

*WHaNf  c  -er,  fe  Stanfelben. 

flRftføIø'g  c  -er  mycol'oglst.    -i'  o  mycol'ogy 

*9Wbe  «t  k  i  crumble  (the  earth),  cover  (the 

SRblbr,  flRnØer,  Vtølr  c  k  n  throng,  crowd, 
shoal.  flRblrc  vi  k  impøn  swarm,  shoal;  (Kåberne 
•  af  røenneffer  the  streets  are  swarming  wlth 
people.    Vtørrft  c  swarming. 

Wbnbe  e  -r  grey-hound.  -bnnb  fe  SRtjnbr 
-fagt  coiirsing  (wlth  greyhounds). 

9Rbnbig  a  (mtegttø)  powerful;  (bbbenbe)  im- 
perious,  baughty,  authorltative;  jur  of  age;  bare 
.  be  of  uge;  frtl«re  for  -  emanclpate,  blide  - 
come  of  age.  -beb  c  authority;  (b&benbe  gtefen) 
autboritAtivenes8;  jnr  majority;  af  egen  -  on 
one's  own  authority,  arbitrarily;  be  beftaaenbe  -er 
the  con*tituted  authorlties;  meb  meøen  .  wlth  a 
very  high  hånd;  bibi  fom  ben  ber  baobe  -  as  one 
having  authority.  -tyebfatber  (full)  age.  -beb£> 
øcbiUing  letter  of  majority.  -bebfterf  låring 
coming  of  age.  -fcebfrrebi  provin ce.  -bebe- 
ttfgbrng  abuse  of  power.   flRbnbling  o  -er  ward. 

»Øhjnt,  røbnte  o.  fL,  fe  røønt. 

Vhjutr  c  mint,  Ment  ha.    -olie  oil  of  mint. 

flRnr  c  -er  marsh,  morass;  *bog,  moss.  *fltbr< 
øer  fe  TOultibcer. 

Vtørbe  vt  morder;  ban  er  bleoen  -t  (oøf.)  he 
has  met  with  foul  play.    -luft  thirst  of  murder. 

Wtrben   c  murdering.     flR*r*eri  «  massam, 

*9R)f  r|btt«  fe  sterufb.  -bbrfer  reclaimer  of 
bogs.  -bljrrning  reclaiming  el.  cnltfvation  of 

Ørt*  c  e  -r  ant,  emmet,  pismlre,  Formica.  *tt 
species  of  ant.  -bob  forxnic  bath..  -tjørn  k 
-fluøer.  -gtttg  ant-walk  -frtftea,  -to*  *«^ 
formicatlon.  -Uøe  ant- lian,  Myrmeieo.  -sitr 
formic  oil.  -ptabfbtn  porcuplne  svnt- etter, 
Eekidna  kyttrix.  -finger  ant-bear,  ant-eater. 
Mvrmecopkafft.  -fbirim«  formic  apirit.  -tik 
-gang.  -fnrt  Salt  formiate.  -f»re  formic  acid. 
-hie  ant-hill.  -aber  (^uøl)  ant-catcher;  Formid- 
vorm:    -arg  antegg.    -arter  formic  etber. 

•TOJf'rlfiol  fe  Cng>.    -bat  fe  ftragefob. 

flRbria  be  c  -r  myrlad. 

flRb'rllonm  awamp-ore,  bog  iron-ore.  *-J»rt 
hoggy-soil.  Mambt  a  boggy.  -«at«i  fe  icni. 
°-ttambifrem«er  foggot-vote*.  «-mamb#øarf»d 
•the  practice  of  splitting  freeholds  fbr  the  pur- 
pose  of  multiplying  votes*  (Macaulay). 

Wbrmibo'ner  pi  myr'midons. 

fltnrølaUi'Ker  pi  myrob'alans. 

»brrba  c  myrrh.  -eifemi,  -tiartmr  Uncture 
of  myrrh.    -rr«  myrrh -tree. 

*WVT\\nlpt,  -\pB9t  fe  sroboer*. 

Wbrt,  IRbjrtc  c  -r  myrtle,  Myrtu*.  —  SRtrtt  • 
blomfl  myrtle-flower.  -gren,  -luit  myrtle-brancb 
•trang  myrtle-wreath.  -Innb  myrtle-grove.  -rxar 
fe  TOljrte.    -nøti  myrtle-wax. 

•Wb'r|«or»  peat.    -nlb  fe  fraralb. 

•Wbje  c  whey.    -ofl  whey-cheese. 

SRbfife,  SRbfte  c  wood-roof;  woodruff;  A*per*<* 

+Vllif  ling  ø  -er,  fe  $u*linø. 

SRQife  e  dragon's  water,  CcUla  paluttrU. 

TOnftle  rtnat  n  .in  mys'tery.  -crU'i  a  myste- 
rious.  -icifnie  o  mys'ticlsm.  -ificc'rf  vt  mys '• 
tify,  hoaz,  play  on.  -ififariø'tt  c  -er  mystiflca- 
tion,  hoaz.   -iler  c  t  mystlc  -'iff  a  mystio<al) 

°flRQte  vi  moult,  mew. 

Øtøte  c  i  myth.  -bannelfe  derelopment  of 
myths.  Wbtift  a  mythic(al).  VlntøU'g  «  ^ 
mythol'ogist.  Wbtoløgi'  c  mythol'ogy.  «>«• 
løjifl  a  mytholog'ical. 

Wbtteri'  n  -er  mu'tiny;  gøre  -  mutaoy,  torn 
mutinous;  frlfte  -  raise  a  mutiny;  Seltogernr  t 
-et  the  mutineers.  -aanb  spirit  of  mutiny.  -(** 
mutiny  aet.  -fignal  mutiny  signal.  -W« 
ringleader  of  a  mutiny. 

Worcen,  flRorecnad  c  patron.  røaeceno'rel#f»' 
blår  presentatlon  copy. 

WæflHc  c   r  turbit-. 

SKtf'gle  vt  k  i  mediate,  negotiate  (peace);  fc° 
oilbe  .  bem  imeOem  he  trled  to  effect  el.  bring 
about  an  agreement  between  them;  -ntt  a 
mediatorfal.    -n  c  fe  Scogling. 

SKot'gler  c  -e  mediator,  interoessor;  mor«  broker; 
(p.  ffiainbut)  guide-pole;  (p.  Xtoypt)  spindle.  -ottet 
broker's  certiflcate.  -cønrtage  fe  -løn.  -ef*««1* 
ezamlnation  required  for  carrying  on  a  broker  s 
business,  -eatbebe  offlce  of  mediator.  -førrcraiiif 
broker's  business,  -iøttrnal  broker's  day-book 
•løn  brokersge.  -rolle  the  part  of  a  mediator. 
Worglerffe  c  -r  mediatress.  Vtegfteg  c  medis- 
tion,  intercession.  ttiarglingiførfog  attexnpt  st 

Vlcgtle  vt  be  able,  have  (sufficient)  streng"* 
el.  power  (to);  bet  -r  Jeg  itte  I  am  quite  unsbj« 
to  do  it;  jeg  -r  ffte  mere  I  can  do  no  more.  -|l 
a  mighty,  powerful,  potent;  min  extensive,  rich; 
vttxe  noget  -  be  master  of,  have  the  full  ooffi' 
mand  of;  -  (til,  for)  at  able  to.  -tg  adv  F 
mighty.  -igljeb  c  extent  el.  richneaa  (of  a  stratum 
ei.  mine). 




9l«tr|eu  n  Moravia.  -et  Moravian.  -Iffe 
ftarbre  ftforavians,  United  brethron. 

fltftk«  n  (fe)  nlnny(-hammer),  dough-face,  yay 

•Worre  ti  (om  <*eben)  bleat.    -gant,  -gjog  fe 

•Wol  c  -et  bluff,  Treti. 

Øtalarfoeu  Lake  Mælar. 

9t«Ib,  røalbe  c,  -tout,  -flot  orach,  Atriplex 
korUnøit;  goose-foot,  Cacnopocfttim. 

gRttle  »  speech;  (Wofl)  voloe;  tøn  flob,  fom  om 
ban  bberten  fyiobe  TOaal  eller  .  he  stood  as  one 
etruck  dtimb;  mtfø  ftt  .  lote  tbe  power  of 
apeech;  tøm  talte  meb  tqft  -  bis  utterance  was 
thick.  Vtale  vi  atter,  articulate;  føn  -be  ifle  et 
Crb  be  spake  do  word;  —  vi  speak.  +-»  o 

**taliug  c  -et  rood  (100  feet  square). 

Walt  e  milk;  fe  TOelte  e.  -agtig  a  mllky, 

TOalte  c  (8eg  bol  9ifEe)  milt. 

9Raltr|aare  lacteal  veln,  lactiferous  duet.  -uf» 

foubriugsecretlonofmllk.  -baabdingy.  '-blaube 

milk -and -water.     -løb   dairy.     -brøber  foster 

•brotber.   -br*b  bolled  mllk  and  broken  bread. 

-tføtiaujigt  fe  -fjas.    *-bnufe  milk-pan.    -twtre 

(».   til  TO.)  mUkpail;  t  ganben*  .  (plante)   fe 

&e*etaub.    -beje  fe  TOaUeptge.    -fob  milk-dlsh. 

-farte  milk-colour.    -fartet  a  fe  -$bib.    -feber 

mllk  fever.  -fifl  milter.  -fjog whey-face.  -flafte 

milk-bottle.     -flov  plain  crape,  tlflany.     -for* 

faiftuiug  mllk  adulteration.    -forpagtet  dairy 

•man.     -ftoug  lacteal.     -gl«f    alabaster-glass. 

-grif  sucking  pig.     -grob  t  boiled  groate   in 

warm  mllk;   *groats  el.  flour  boiled  in  milk. 

-gpfeu  (slight)  milk  fever.    -banbler  c  -e  dalry- 

man.    -bat  milk-musbroom,  Lactariuå.    -bbib  a 

mllk-white.    -røbe  sbelf  in  a  dairy.    t-juuge 

milkpail.  -taffe  coffee  and  milk.  -fol*  suoking 

colf.     -femmer  mllk-ehamber.     -fanbe   mllk 

pitcher,  mllk-Jug.    -far  milk-pan;  fe  ogf.  -gang. 

-Hotel  lacteal  gland.     -tuube  swelling  or  tbe 

breast.    *-!o  fe  TOatte-.    Møtte  fe  -bunfe.    -tøue 

milk-woman.     -topper  miliary  fever.     -trutte 

mllk-pitcber.     -fugle  milk-globule.    -tur  milk 

-core.  -frnfl  driver  of  a  muk-waggon.     *-fbag 

dairy  cattie.  -fatter  milk-cellar.  -ft|  a  fe  -tarm. 

•»Miet  fe  -prober,    -mab  milk-food,  milk-meat. 

•maub   milk-man.     -muub  one  fond  of  milk. 

-opal  milk-wbite  opal.    *-pop  fe  fuppe,    -penge 

milk-money.   -pige  milk-girt;  *  fe  TOa(te>.   -potte 

mflk-pot.     -prober  lactometer.     -pttlber  milk 

•powder.     -pund)    milk-punch.      -ret  kind   of 

milk-food.     Wattert'  fe  TOeiert.     *talte|rti  a 

abounding  In  milk.     *-rtnge  fe  -bunfe.    -fuft 

cbyle.  t-fl,  MII  milk-atrainer.  -(KU  milk-seller's 

sign.    -fftub  skin  of  mllk.    -fforpe  milk-scab. 

Mop  fe  -foit.    -fpaub  milkpail.    -fptfe  fe  -mob. 

-Hue  dalry-room.    -fuger  fe  ftatraim;  cA*>  breast 

-glaas.    -futter  sugar  of  milk,  lactlne.    -fuppe 

milk-porridge.    -fbaler  milk-eooler.  -fipre  lactic 

add.    -taub  milk-tooth.  (ftoft  $ef»e)  oolt's  tooth. 

••Hb  fe  TOalff.  f-Hbfel  fe  ©btnemall.  -tro  milk 

•tree.   -ubfalg  milk-sbop.   -urt  milk-wort,  hedge 

-hyssop,  Folygala.    -patte  whey.    -barm  a  milk 

-warm.    -barme  new  milk  beat.    -*ej  a$t  mllky 

way,    galaxy.     -bogu    milk -waggon.      -oabftc 

emulsion,     -battiug  fe   -fuppe;    *milk-porrldge 

tbickened  witb  groata  or  rice.    TOalffebet  a 

fattened  wlth  mllk. 

Hotftue*  vd  torn  mllky.    Wælfurt  fe  TOælfe. 

ttaltje  vt  malt.    -uiug  c  malting. 

Vlaua'be  c  -t  mæ'nad. 

tHomb  pi  af  TOanb;  adv  f  :  nei  mcenb  om  Jfø  bil 
no  I  won't  indeed,  not  I. 

Vlatugbe  c  -t  multltude,  number,  numbers 
pl\  i  -  fn  plenty,  in  abundance;  en  Ijel  -  a  lot 
of,  a  great  many;  -n  af  Xifftuerne  tbe  majority 
of  tbe  spectators;  ben  flovt  .  the  million;  tbe 
valgår,  tbe  general;  fogte  at  unbbrage  flg  -ni  Pine 
snrunk  from  tbe  public  gase;  en  -  forftrDige 
a  variety  of. 

Vtamgc  vt  mix,  mingle;  —  or  -  Hg  i  meddle 

Vte'r,  *V>arr'  o  -e  k  er  (^oppe)  mare;  (tofte, 
ftbinb)  Jade. 

flRotrtc  ø  smallage,  water  parsley,  Stum. 

9t*rte  n  -r  (Zegn,  fttnt>t>)  mark,  token,  sign, 
note-,  t  (Banner)  standard,  banner;  (Sømarte) 
beacon;  J,  forfpne  meb  -r  mark,  buoy.  bibe  -  i 
F  note,  take  note  of,  single  out;  (cegge  -  Hl 
take  notice  of,  notlee,  attend  to;  lægge  od  -  til 
take  good  notice  of;  vcttb  at  lægge  -  til  note- 
wortby;  fig  tyvt  fat  -  i  boa  made  nis  mark  in. 
SRerte  vt  (fatte  TO.  paa  noget)  mark,  (meb  ftog- 
ftflder)  letter,  (meb  tal)  number;  (Iagge  TO.  til) 
beed,  note,  notice;  (fornemme)  find,  perceive; 
bel  at  .  mind  well,  observe,  remember;  mart 
mine  Orb!  mark  my  words;  .  (oef)  paa  pay 
(good)  heed  to;  man  -r  bet  paa  .  . .  you  perceive 
it  from,  it  is  apparent  from!  .til  perceive,  be 
sensible  of;  —  or  .  fig  mark;  mart  big,  bu 
maa  irle  .  .  .  mind,  you  must  not  .  .  .;  jeg  far 
•t  mig  Gtebrt  I  took  note  of  tbe  place;  labe  flg  - 
meb  hint,  give  to  understand;  lab  Dent  iffe  - 
meb,  at  $e  bar  talt  meb  tøm  don't  let  it  appear 
that  you  have  spoken  to  nlm,  make  no  allusion 
to  your  having  spoken  to  him;  ^on  laber  fig  iffe 
«  meb  bet  he  does  not  show  it;  fym  lob  flg  iffe 
_  meb,  at  fan  bar  breb  be  sbowed  no  signs  of 
anger.  Starte) aar  memorable  year.  -baab  buoy 
-boat.  -Hart  marking-ink.  -logftup  mark.  -bog 
red-letter  day.  -brager  fe  TOartefmanb.  -jammer 
marking-  hammer,  (til  tommer)  timber-scrlbe. 
-foru  marking-iron;  -fuib  rasingknife.  -tortirr 
pop-punch,  -lup  label.  TOarteltg  a  (fom  er  barb 
at  lagae  TO.  til)  remarkable,  curious;  notable; 
(tenbeltg,  fom  let  fan  martei)  observable,  percept- 
Ible,  appreciable,  notlceable,  sensible,  marked; 
bet  -e  beb  @agen  the  remarkable  feature  in  the 
case;  —  ado  remarkably  etc.;  perceptibly  etc.; 
.  not  Strange  to  tell,  strangely,  for  a  wonder. 
TOartelig|rb  o  remarkableness  etc.;  remarkable 
thing,  curious  leature  el.  laet;  bet  er  en  tø  -  at 
fe  big  it  is  quite  a  rare  thing  to  see  you. 
TOarfrlfe  c  marking  etc.  TOarte|pengr  fe  ^rttte- 
uenge.  -piub  tally,  nick( -stick),  -paf  boundary 
post.  -fug  test  case.  -fcbbel  label,  -flet  bound- 
ary, bounds  pi.  -ftib  (beb  Itapfejl.)  starting  vessel. 
tTOarteimanb  standard  -bearer.  Warte|fpib# 
xnarking-point.  -ftoug  4/  beacon  post.  -fteu 
boundary  stone.  -ftal  marklng-awl.  -tegn  crlt- 
erion,  mark.  TOartuing  marking  etc.  Wart- 
bar  big  a  memorable,  imponant.  Vtartbar'big- 
beb  e  remarkableness;  Øben«  -et  the  curlosities 
of  the  town;  f  the  lions  of  the  town. 

TOarte  c  &  eyele^grummet. 

TOarle  vt  J,  marl;  (en  tyaftt  o.  I.)  quilt,  -bul 
marling-hole.  -naal,  -pren  prlcker.  -f piger 
marling-spike.  -frtt  marling  t'irn.  TOarliug  c 
marling;  quilt! ng;  cone  marllne. 

TOor«  n,  pi  **,  J,  top.  —  TOarfrlbraft  topsail 
•brace.  -buggaarbing  topsatl-buntline.  -bualine 
topsall-bowune.  -bnnben  the  platform  of  the 
top.  -brejereb  topsall-tye.  -falb  tops. -halyard. 
•gtbtob  tops.-clueline.  -ttabe  top-armour.  -Ian« 
rerue  top-iantern.  -rat  tops. -yard.  -rotte  tops. 
-parrel-rope.  -rebtalje  tops.-reef-tackle.  -ffobe 
tops.-sheet.    -topleut  tops. -topping-lift. 

TOarolfeJI  n  topsail  (ubt.  topsl).  -fefligob« 
topsail  gear.    -fejUtuling  topsall -breeze. 




Vteft  o  maah.  Ørsrjte  •*  (Mb  Srpgniag)  maah; 
(febe)  (atten,  cram.  —  flRttfrrjfar  maab-tuD.  -fiaag 
oai.  -ti  mttening  sty.  -føl«  fattened  hog. 
-auraer  warming-pan.  fltfffraiag  e  (»eb  Crpg> 
Hin«)  mashing;  (Rebning)  fattening. 

■catflinger  W  th«  meaalea. 

•Urt'  a  satisfied,  satiated,  aated,  full-fed;  jeg 
et  -  I  am  satiafied,  I  have  done;  fpife,  briRe  fifl 
.  eat,  drink  to  the  full,  one's  flll;  fip  _  af  (noget) 
tired,  sick  of  (a  thing):  _  af  Dage  fall  of  days; 
Te  Ag  -  laugh  one's  flll;  geeebe  fig  _  cry  one's 
All;  leg  Ian  ilte  fe  mig  -  paa  bette  wtaleri  I  oannot 
get  away  from  ihia  picture;  bibi  -  af  tttplter  full 
of  tronbles  (o.  II.);  be  aabe  alle  og  MePe  -te  they 
did  all  eat  and  were  filled;  en  -  ©jæl  rnxber  paa 
$onningfage  (6al.  Orbfpr.)  the  full  aoul  loatheth 
an  honey-comb.  Vtetprb  c  satiety.  Øtataiag 
c  fe  SWættelfe.  Vtetaiagf  paaft  point  et.  limit  of 

•tetref 'fe  c  -c  mia'tresa. 

flRsftte  vt  satiate,  sate,  satiafy;  cA«w  aa  torate; 
-«  ep  be  aaUifled,  satiated;   cA«b»  be  aaturated; 

nbe  a  satiafying.    Øtorttelig  a  that  mav  be 

satiated;   ekem   saturable.     Vtffttflfc  e  satiety; 
cJUm  aaturation. 

99  c  -er  mald,  maiden,  virgin.  -lam  female 

Stabel  n  -bier  piece  of  furniture;  Stabler  fanri- 
ture.  -benier  cane  for  beating  furniture.  -be 
tref  fe  -raf.  -fUjl  furniture-sammet.  -panbler 
upholsterer,  furniture-dealer.  -foarrttt  bill  of 
sale.  -fafl  fbrniture-brush.  -megafht  upholstery 
el.  furniture  establishment  -palita«  furniture 
polish.  -pep*  reps  for  furniture.  -fnrbfer  cabi- 
net-maker.  -fej  furniture  stunds),  upholatery 
stuff.  -Hag«  band- waggon,  (flor,  luffet)  furniture 
van,  spring-van.  ViaPIramtt'  n  -er  furniture, 
suite  (of  furniturej.  Woblere  te  furnish  (a 
room  el.  a  house). 

Vltbbiag  c  er  dunghill.  -PraaP  dung-pit. 
-pal  dunghlll-pool.    -PanP  dung-water. 

ftflpbe,  -te,  -t  ri  &  i  meet,  meet  witb,  fall  in 
with,  encounter;  (mobflaa,  gaa  [Vtobgang  o.  I.]  i 
TOsbr )  face,  front,  confront;  (panbei)  occur;  (inb< 
finbe  fig)  appear,  attend,  make  one's  appearance; 
iffe  -  make  default;  -  op  muster;  -  op  meb  put 
forward,  trot  out;  -  megen  Srntigføb  esperience 
great  kfndness;  —  måbe*  td  meet;  -*  meb  en 
meet  one.  VUbe  n  -r  meeting,  rendex-vous, 
rencounter;  ($arlamentf\  »et*  ofo.)  sitting;  fjotbe 
.,  fine  r  sit;  gibe  IRrbe  (i  ttrtten)  appear  (in  court); 
talrigt  -  a  good  attendance;  gaa,  ribe  ofb.  en  i 
.  go,  ride  etc.  to  meet  one;  Tomme  en  i  -  ad - 
vanre  to  meet  one,  fig  meet  one's  advancea; 
paa  ftaren,  Ssben  rolig  i  -  meet  el.  fare  danger, 
death  with  composure;  fe  i  .,  fe  3msbefe-  Viabe|< 
bag  day  of  meeting,  appointed  day.  Våben  c 
meeting  etc  VtabelpfaPØ  fe  -peb.  -pligtig  o 
bound  to  appear. 

røeberne  fe  SRøbrcne. 

flRabrlfpor  sldlng.  -fleb  piare  of  meeting, 
place  of  appointment,  meet,  rendezvous,  -i tb 
time  of  meeting. 

flRabig  a  weary.    -(eb  c  wearineas. 

Vlabom  c  maldenhood,  virginity. 

Vlabreae  o  maternal,  on  the  mother's  side. 
-arp  maternal  inheritance  el.  succession,  -Pprb 
materral  descent,  -gab*  property  inherited 
from  the  mother,  -flbe:  paa  -n  on  the  mother's 
side;  Cnfe!  paa  -n  maternal  unde. 

flRag  n  dung,  muck.  -agnlag  carting  of  dung. 
-Peb,  -bom!  hotbed.  -bar  dung-barrow.  »ovale, 
-bpage  dunghesp.  -tVlage  tf  (gebe)  dung;  — 
rr  fig  dung.  TOejlftac  dung  fly,  M**ca  ttercc- 
•forf,  -gaffel,  -greb  dung- fork.  -gpPaiag 


ducg-manure.     -paffe  dung-hook.     -bob   dung 

•heap.  -farre  dung-cart.  -Iraa  dung-hmik. 
-tarfef  fe -agnhtg.  -Iat#  cart-load  or  dung.  taWat/ 
niag  ø  dunging.  VUg|faft  dung-water.  -ftaal 
-ffnffe  dung-shovel.  -fprepniaa  apraadlxia;  the 
manure.    -tpP  fe  -greb.    mag«  dong-waggon 

Vløfc  c  paina  p4,  trouble;  b>Pe  -  meb  aaaei 
have  much  difflculty  with  a  thing;  amxt  %%  . 
take  paina;  meb,  nben  -  with,  without,  dUAcoUy. 
fRaic  vt  trouble.  -falb  a  laborious,  irksome, 
troubleeome.  —  fltéilfam,  -faai'aulig  «  tronble- 
some,  laborious.  -faWmcUgpcP  e  troubleeome- 
nem,  laboriousness. 

flRaf  n  A  c,  pi  ■»,  moth,  Tinea;  ber  er  gaaet 
-  i  frjolen  the  moths  have  been  at  the  eomt. 
•Pttr  fe  6o(Ptræ. 

^ARalJe  o  mixture  of  greaae  and  broken  oat 

Stalle  o  -r  mill;  (Spil)  merila,  nine  oaens 
morris;  (i  Stytfs)  see-saw,  crosa-ruff;  pbern  Per 
rommer  fanrfl  til  .,  faar  farft  malet  flrst  oome, 
first  served;  the  early  bird  picka  up  the  woraa; 
bet  es  Canb  paa  ^anf  .  tbat's  griat  to  his  mill, 
that  draws  water  to  his  mill;  tbat's  nuts  (o  him; 
penbe  .  tumble  cartwheela.  WUflelaa  mill-atrenm, 
mill-brook.  -afiel  axle  of  a  mill.  -arm  arm  of 
a  mill.  -batte  hill  on  which  a  mill  ataodi. 
-Poat  fe  -alle!.  -Img  tappurtenanees  of  av  mill. 
•mill,  mil  Is.  -Ipggrr  mill-wright.  -»pJtajCTi, 
•bpgning,  -PftgMaaJbmft  bnilding  of  milla. 
conatruction  of  mllla.  -bort  fe  -ca.  -P*me  mill 
•pond.  t-Pige  mill-dike;  b.  f.  f..  -bæmntmg  mill 
-dam.  -ejer  owner  of  a  mill.  -trap  fe  -aa. 
-gorft  customer  (to  the  mill).  -røt  mill-hoeae. 
-bf  ni  mill -wheel,  -ptti  mill-houie.  •)«»  mill 
-crank.  t-fPtrr«  fe  -berrf.  -penge  fe  Valepenge. 
-pari  mill-post. 

Staller  c  -e  miller;  *(ftugl)  leaser  whlte-Uiroat, 
Sylvia  cwruøtt.  -Preag  miller's  boy  d.  appren- 

SRaOerenbc  c  mill-race. 

WaOerlpeH  miller's  horse,  -paf  miller's 
house.  *%9nt  miller's  hen,  fat  hen.  VtMert' 
n  milling,  mill.  SKaØevitaae  miUer's  wire. 
-la?r(iag  fe  -breng.  -fpeaP  journeyman  millee. 
-Paga  miller's  waggon. 

fRaOelfePPet  fe  Vlalefepbel.  -feil  sail  of  a 
wind-mill.  -ffralbe  (mlll-)clapper.  -finte  hopper, 
-flplb  rent  of  a  mill.  -flnfe  mill-aluice.  -fp»il 
windlaas  (for  tuming  a  m.);  fe  JRfQe.  -Hers 
mill  stone;  et  $ar  -e  pi  a  run.  -fteafarab  mill- 
stone  quarry.  -Mart  mill- handle,  -ftal  bar- 
loom,  small- ware  loom.  -fott  corn  sack.  t-fø 
mill-pond.  -talb  pay  in  kind  for  grinding. 
-tragt  fe -fTrue.  -tpaag  socome,  thirlage.  -taatmer 
mill-timber.  -tav  a  dry  enough  for  the  mill. 
-PaaP  mill- ws  ter.  -pet  way  to  the  mill.  -Plage 
wing  of  a  mill.    -Pffvt  mill-work. 

flRal'lart  mothmullein,  Verbaicum  blattaria 
-arPt  o  moth-eaten. 

iWan'  c  ridge  of  a  house,  -aai  ridge-pole, 
•tree,  -piece,  roof-tree.    *ØUac  n  fe  Stan. 

Vlaa|e  c  red-lead,  minium. 

tflRaa|ae  et  cover  the  ridge  of  a  hou*e.  -aiag 
fe  V2øn.  -panbe,  -(ntngs)ftea  ridge- til e,  hip-Ule. 
*WonAaal  fe  92anaa«. 

flRanfter  n  fhe  (QforbiDebe)  model,  pattern, 
paragon;  (til  en  Ufole  ofo.;  i  Xai)  pattern;  gram 
paradigm;  efter  .  to  pattern;  et  -  paa  a  model 
of,  the  beau  ideal  of,  F  the  pink  of;  tage  til  - 
take  an  ezample  of,  take  one  for  an  example. 
flRaafterlbaeb  pattern-boat.  -barn  model  ehlld. 
-PtUcbe  fe  Ws nfler.  -Pag  pattern-book.  -faPrif 
model  manufactory.  -forfatte«  clasaical  author. 
-gaarb  model  farm.  -gipeabc,  -gplbig  a  model, 
worthy  of  being  taken  for  a  model,  -ffale 
specimen  dress,   -tontar  shipping  Office.   -plaPi 




mustering  place.  -ralle  musterroll,  crew's  list. 
-ffføtc  model  school,  normal  school.  -ffriber 
mnater-master;  &  muaterlng  clerk,  shipping 
master.  -Item  pattern -xnaker.  -flat  model 
state.  -frrttarag  flgnred  knitting.  -ftbtle  model 
specimen.  -berbig  <■  exemplary.  -botrbigbeb 
exemplarineaa.  -botrt  clauical  work.  Vtonftrr 
ri  marter,  revle w,  lnspect;  fio  (f.  Uf«,  be  forbi« 
gaaenbe)  eye  (over),  scan;  (bf tragte  naje  for  at 
rette  øfb.)  examine  critically,  review;  -  en  gobt 
igennem  read  one  a  lesson;  -  af,  paa,  fe  Øf* 
manfrre,  93aamønftre,  —  vi  pass  mnster  (for  be- 
fore). Vtoafrrct  a  flgnred;  .  Zvi  fancy-cloth. 
Wøaftriag  c  mustering,  review,  muster.  Stoafh 
ri*ad|plab§  o.  fl.,  fe  9Jtonfier>. 

9t*at  o  -er  coin;  (Stcbet,  Ijoor  9R.  flaal)  mint. 
flaa    -    coin    money;    fianbrx!   -  coin    of  the 
country;  gangbar  .  cnrrent  coin;  før  bu  _?  p 
are  yoa  flash?  meb  fftngenbe  .  in  cash  (down); 
betale  en  »eb  Hge  ~  pay  one  back  in  his  own 
coin  el.  in  kind;  forntye  fin  -  p  come  out  strong; 
-  oa  trrone  heads-and-tails,  head  or  tail,  pitch 
-and-ton;   fpifle  .   og  Jtrone   om   ton  up  for. 
9Uat|affatb  clippings  (of  coins),  sizel.    -aaorb* 
»fag  statute  respecting  the  cnrrency.  -oefltribelf  e 
numismatograpby.     -bct|eat  person  employed 
in  the  mint.    -tirfalatiøa  circulation  of  money. 
ØUate  vt  coin,  stamp,  mint;  -  om  recoin,  re- 
stamp;  bet  bar  -t  paa  Dem  that  was  meant  for 
yon,  aimed  at  you,  you  were  aimed  at.   Vtøat 
efffer  amateur  of  coins  and  medals.    -enbrb  un 
of  coinape;  nniformity  of  cnrrency.  Vtoateret  e 
Vcontfritøb.   flioateftebplaceof  coinage.  Øtoat 
falftaer  coiner,  forger  of  coin.    -fob  standard 
(of  coJnage);  (engen?  TO.)  sterling,    -forfaffrniag 
forgery    of   coin,    coining.      -førtolb    money 
matters,    -frifteb  right  of  coinsge.    -faab  find 
of  coins.  -gaarbefa  anayer  of  the  mint.  -tam* 
mer  planchet-bammer.     -berre  regent  having 
the  privilege  of  coining  money.  -(iførte  history 
of  coinage,    numismat'ics.     -iabfrrlft    legend 
•fobiart  cabinet  of  medals  and  coins.    -feaber 
nnmismatologist,  connoisseur  of  coins.  -tllpatag 
clipping    of   coins.      •flipper    money  -clipper. 
-føafereaee    monetary    conference.     -tnabflab 
knowledge  of  coins;  numismatics.    »faafl  art 
of  coining.    -tlmbig  a  skilled  in  numismatics 
-fob  fe  anørbning.  -maffine  min  ting-  el.  coining 
•mill  el.   pren.     -»efter  mint -master;   (CberO 

master  of  the  mint.  -aiøtrtc  mint-mark.  Vivat* 
aiag  o  coining.  Øtoat|omftttaiag  fe  -crrtulaiion. 
-pribileginai  fe-frifcb.  -preifc  fe  -maffine.  -brag 
imprenlon  of  a  coin.  -prøbc  assay  of  coin. 
-prober  fe  -guarbein.  -rebfTab  minting  imple- 
ment.  -regale  (royal)  prerogatlve  of  coinage. 
-rettigftcb  fe  -frifyeb.  -famler  collector  of  coins. 
•famltug  collection  of  coins  and  medals.  -flat 
mintage;  (i  Sngl.)  seigniorage.  -ffriber  clerk  of 
the  mint.  -fftb  wear  and  tear  of  coin.  -fort 
species  of  coin.  -fleb  mint.  -ftaapel  die,  coin. 
•frea  nummulite.  -fttjlte  piece  of  coin.  -fbftem 
monetary  system,  -tegn  (fom  angiber  9R.«étrbet) 
mint-mark.  -balfe  flattening-mill.  -bibenflab 
numismatics  pi.  -bært  work  on  numismatics. 
-bøffea  coinage;  (rø.'6t)ftem)  monetary  system. 

Vtor,  ms'rt  a  monldering,  crumbling,  (om  Hob 
og  aitbet  fpifdigf)  tender,  -iaate  rt  f  dnib 
soundly.  -orataiag  c  sound  drubbing.  -brob 
(tender-)  loin,  (af  Olie)  sirloin;  (ben  egentlige) 
underside,  -brabfteg  roast  loin.  -|eb  e  tender- 

Vtorf  a  dark,  (mrb  ©ibeør.  af  ttfitrøgeltgfteb  og 
fié)  gloomy;  for  bet  biet)  -t  before  dark;  benne  -e 
fctbsalber  these  dark  el.  benighted  ages.  -agtig 
a  darkish.  *9tørfe  vt  &  i  fe  ttørfne.  flR«rfe  » 
dark,  darknen,  gloom,  obscurity;  i  -  in  the 
dark;  »eb  -t«  tjfrembrub  at  el.  about  dusk;  -ti 
Gerninger  deeds  of  daiknen;  ttbibentyebt  ~  night 
of  ignorance;  i  Watten«  .  in  the  dead  of  night; 

~W*rfe|blaa,  -brun,  -graa,  -gro«  a  dark  blue, 
brown,  gray,  green,  -gat  a  deep  yellow.  -r«b 
a  afraid  in  the  dark.  -røb  deep- red.  *-ftobbe 
thick  fog.   -Hue  dungeon. 

flRortl  farbet  a  dark-coloured.  -ftaaret  a  dark 
-haired.  Vtørtyeb  c  darknen;  obscurenen, 
obscurity.  IRortj  tabet  a  dark-hued,  dark 
-complexioned.  -laben  a  ofadnsky  hue.  Moft 
cock-loft.  SRørtac  vt  k  i  (+  vr  flg).  Vtortaei 
vd  darken,  set  in  dark.  VUrtaing  c  night-fall; 
i  -en  alter  dark.    VUrføict  a  dark-eyed. 

•Wome  vi  grow  tender  el.  soft. 

WOTfer  o    c  (Mortér)  mortar.    -blot  mortar 
lVto(r)ff  a  sourish.    -ae  vi  turn  sourish. 
9Rortcl  e  mortar. 
Vtøtrit  e  -fer,  Woiring  c  -er  nut. 


«,  a  føn]  »  -ner  N,  n  [en];  abbr:  9c.  >»  ftorb 
North.  92«rrrbro  (the  northern  snburb  of  Copen- 
hagen): 91.  91.  Mr.***,  Mr.  such  a  one;  92r.  ■«= 
9)iimmrr  number. 

Hm  int  well,  why;  .,  _  (irettef .)  there,  there ! 
.  ba !  hollo  I  what  nest  1 

H**  et  reach,  get  at;  gain;  (opnaa)  attain  (to); 
(tnb^ente)  get  up  with;  (til)  reach,  extend  (to); 
»i  -ebe  loppen  of  øjsrget  we  gained  the  top  of 
the  mountaln;  -  en  $abn  gain  a  port;  jeg  -r  ilte 
foa  langt  I  eannot  reach  so  far;  jeg  tunbe  itTe  - 
bet  it  was  beyond  my  reach;  Sfterrrtningen  er 
tfte  -et  bib  the  news  hss  not  reach  ed  bere;  ifio 
bet  -r  bl  iRe  fat  blibe  farbig  meb)  i  Vften  we  shall 
uever  be  able  to  finish  it  to-nigbt;  min  Sbne  r 
itte  foa  bibt  (ftraRer  iRe  til)  my  ability  wlll 
nevet  suffiee. 

i     9laab'  o  -ber  A,  (i  £at  ofb.  el.  Sejt)  resm. 

9laabe  c  (Øunfl)  grace,  favour;  (9RiIbbeb)  clrm- 

ency;  (ParmbieTtiflbeb,  Webliben^eb)  mercy;  (titel 

for  obelige  Samer)  la dy»hip;  (litel  for  ^r|tft.  *eri ) 

grace;    mil   qnarter;  teret   -!    your    ladyship! 

,  your  grace  I   Mylord  I   Mylady !  .  I    - !    men  y ! 

•  mercy  on  me!  ubbebe  flg  fom  en  .  ask  (a  thing) 

I  as  a  favour!  ftongen  bifte  bom  ben  -  ot  .  .  .the 

|  king  was  grsciously  pleased  to  .  .  . ;  -ni  trone 

the  throne  of  grace;  af  ©ub«  -.  by  tbe  grare  of 

God;   fe  Itongebfinme;  lebe  af  en*  -  live  upon 

one's  charity;  af  -  og  Øarmfcierttgfteb  on  suffer- 

I  ance;  finbe  .for  en*  Pine  find  favour  In  one's 

sight  el.  eyes;  tabe  -  gaa  for  Siet  tempc  r  ju*tice 

I  wilh  me«  y,  extend  mercy;  faa  fin  VffTrb  i  . 

|  be  released  from  offlce  with  assurances  of  royal 

!  favour;   flaa  Ipjt  i  .  bob  en  be  in  high  favour 




wtth  one;  fe  I  -  til  en  look  in  mercy  upon  one; 
bebe  om  -  017  mercy,  sue  for  pardon,  beg  for 
one' s  life;  bebe  en  om  en  .  ask  a  favour  of 
one;  ooergiPe  fig  paa  ~  oa  Unaabe  surrender  at 
discretion,  unconditionally;  OøergtPelfe  paa  .  og 
Unaabe  unoondltional  surrender;  toge  en  til  - 
take  el.  receive  one  into  favour,  forgive  one; 
tog  barn  tit  -  igen  restored  him  to  his  good 
graoes;  uben  •  without  mercy,  wlth  the  utmost 
rigour  of  the  law.  ftaabe  vt  <9ub  .  bem  God 
have  mercy  upon  them!  Øub  -  btg,  berfom  .  .  . 
you  had  better  not  ...  I  wouldn't  advise  you 
to  .  .  .;  woe  betide  you,  if  .  .  .  91  tabe j »re ti 
letter  of  grace.  -*røb  fe  ftaabfenftbtøb.  -fnlb  a 
(naabig)  gracious;  (barmhjertig)  merciful.  -fane 
(Sfanf)  gratuity;  theol  gift  of  grace.  -terning 
deed  of  mercy.  -gøøi  enfeoflment  granted  by 
royal  favour.  -falb  gracious  calling.  -filte 
source  of  grace  el  mercy.  -traft  power  of 
grace.  tWaabelig(ew)  adv  graciously.  Waabe|- 
løftc  promlse  of  grace.  -tø«  (Gratiale)  gratuity; 
theol  gracious  reward.  -tø#  a  merciless.  »maaV 
Hb  the  Lord's  supper,  -mibbel  means  of  grace. 
Kfltbettdatr  fe  ftaabfenlaar.  9laabe|pagt  covenant 
of  grace.  -penge  fe  -løn.  -rig  fe  -fulb.  -fag  royal 
favour,  matter  of  graoe  el.  favour. 

fcaabeøjaft  aet  of  grace.    -beøitning  favour. 

9taabe|fatfl  gracious  smile.  -ftaab  state  of 

ftaabe*tefa  n  mark  of  favour. 

ftaabejftol  mercy  seat.  -fUb  death-blow,  ooup 
de  graoe.  f  quletus. 

9f«aøeø|nrt  water  hyssop,  Qratiola  o/fieinalu. 
•ttrring  demonstration  of  favour. 

ftaabe|tib  time  of  grace  el.  mercy.  -trone 
throne  of  grace.  -balg  election  (of  graoe). 
•øirfning  working  of  dl  vine  grace.  -verf  work 
of  grace. 

ftaabig  a  gracious;  <9ub  Mere  ol  .1  God  have 
mercy  upon  usl  <9ub  p«re  mig  Stonber  -!  God 
be  merciful  to  me,  a  sinnerl  pot  -{le  ffonge  our 
gracious  soverelgn,  —  adv :  befjagebe  aQernaabtgft 
at  wm  graciously  pleased  to.    t-berre  Mylordl 

ftaablfarw,  -rifter  J,  rasing  iron. 

ftaab|lc  vt  (lejet  paa  ©fo)  sew.  -Hug  c  shoe 

ftaabfeaf  |aar  year  of  grace.  -brøb  bread  of 
charity,  charitable  maintenance. 

fcaal  e  -e  needle;  (If nappe*)  pin;  Tange  -e  sharps; 
balbtange  betweens;  forte  blunts;  ftaa  fom  paa  -e 
be  upon  thorns;  gaa  fom  paa  t  walk  among 
eggs;  benne  $tge  bruget  fin  ~  gobt  this  girl  works 
well  at  her  needle;  ttabe  en  -  thread  a  needle; 
en  -#  Xraab  (en  9taat*traab)  a  needleful.  —  9taalej* 
løg  needle-book,  housewife.  -tre*  paper  el. 
packet  of  needles  cl.  pi  ns.  -borger  bastard 
toadflax,  Tkerium.  -bannet  a  in  the  shape  of 
a  needle;  -be  *BIabe  aolcular  leaves.  -fabrif 
needle-manufactory.  -fil needle-flle.  -fifl  needle 
-flsh,  pipe-flsh,  Synjnatkut.  -formet  -førmig  a 
fe  -bannet.  -tølber  cMir  needle-bearer.  -$ø*eb 
pln-head.  -b»»  needle-case.  -tram  all  sorts  of 
needles  of  pins.  -stager  c  -e  needle-maker;  pin 
-maker,  plnner.  -ob  point  of  a  needle.  -papir 
cartridge  paper.  -penge  pi  pfn-money.  -plobe 
(Spm.)  needleplate.  -pnbe  pin-cuahion.  -riffel 
needle  gun.  -fføP  pine  wood,  forest  of  firs  el. 
coniferous  trees.  -ftpfbø  point  of  a  needle. 
-ftang  (Sbrn.)  needle-ber,  needle-yoke.  -fte« 
needle-stone.  -frit  prlck  with  a  needle.  -fting 
needle-stttch.  -ftrtb«t  a  oorded.  -tang  needle 
-pincers  -tr«  tree  with  acicular  leaves,  conifer. 
Hefte  needle  -box.  -øje  eye  of  a  needle;  gaa 
igennem   et   -   bibl  go  through   the  eye  of  a 

needle.  , 

•JRsalpi  n  corpse-uandles  pi. 

ftaar  adv  &  conj  when,  at  what  time;  >1 
fom)  if;  -  jeg  mt  giorbe  bet.  faoab  ble©  ha  9»ic) 
if  ri.  suppose  I  were  to  do  it,  what  would 
the  consequence?  -  ieg  bog  blot  engang  enl 
maatte  fe  benbe  would  I  could  el.  if  I  couid  l 
see  her  only  once  more;  _  jeg  fan  mnbe  ne 
beroeb  if  1  can  gain  anything  by  it;  _  beo 
folb  when  cold;  .  man  f|ører  fram.  fru  Ib*  a 
tro  ...  to  hear  him,  you  would  think  .... 
fiol  fige  $em  6anbfreben  to  tell  you  the  trut 
-  faa  et  if  so,  if  that  is  the  case;  oa  -  faa  *i 
then;  -  fun,  .  blot  if  only,  (forubfot)  so  thi 
naat  ban  taler,  taler  ban  gobt  when  he  d<x 
speak,  he  speaks  well.  -fombelft  oane  whenev« 
whensoever,  at  whatever  time,  at  what  tin 
soever;  adv  (at)  any  time  (whatever). 

ftaaøibbr  c  reach. 

ffaøo  e  -er  neighbour;  notrmefte  -  next  do 
n ;  man  fjar  ifte  &teb  lerngere  enb  -en  Pil  yt 
must  ask  your  neighbour,  if  you  shall  live  i 
pesce.    ffaio*  neighbouring,  next. 

9faiøø  c  -er  nabob. 

92  obo  I  Ib  neighbouring  town  el.  village.  -bn 
fe  -fonge.  -bør  next  door.  -fffalselfQ  •#  neigl 
bourly.  Kaboerffe  o  -t  (female,  fair)  nei^hboa 
9fabø|f««ilie  neighbours  pi,  family  next  do« 
-fi«tb  neighbouring  hill.  -følt  (golfeftag)  neigh 
bourlng  people  el.  nation;  (Raboer)  neighbour? 
•fortfoib  neighbourly  relations,  -freb  gooi 
neighbourship,  neighbourliness,  klndly  intez 
course  between  neighbours.  -gcarb  fe  -bal 
neighbouring  farm.  -|ab  hate  between  neigh 
boare.  -b»*  neighbouring  house,  next  (-door 
house.  -bb*t*  neighbouring  oottage.  -fo«< 
neighbouress  f.  -fonge  kiug  of  a  nelghbourini 
country,  -lanb  neighbouring  country  el.  Und 
-lag.  -lap  (famttige  ftaboer)  neighbourhood, 
neighbours;  (et  6tebt  ncermrffe  Omegn)  viclnity. 
neighbourhood.  -løb  neighbour's  lot  (of  ground  >, 
neighbour's  grounds  pi.  -løi  a  nelghbourless, 
wiuout  neighbours.  -ato'er  f  the  old  woman 
next  door.  -proft  neighbouring  clezgyman. 
-rige  neighbouring  kingdam  el.  country,  fltaøø* 
flab  n,  fe  -lao;  bolbe  gobt  -  meb  en  live  upon 
terms  of  good  neighbourship  wlth  one,  be  a 
good  neighbour  to  one.  9t«øø|føfa  neighbour- 
ing parish.  -fprog  neighbouring  langaage. 
•Hat  neighbouring  state.  -frjerae  neighbouring 
star.  -ftrtb,  -trortte  quarrel  between  neighbours. 
•penlia  a  neighbourly.  -Penffab  neighbourliness, 
friendly  interoourse  between  neighbours.  -pinfel 
adJacent  el.  contiguous  angle. 

*«ab  c  fe  9taab. 

9fabi?  n,  a$t  nadlr. 

WabPer(e)  c  supper;  ben  beStge  -  the  Lord's 
supper,  -borb  supper-table;  communion-table. 
-brøb,  -obiat  consecrated  wafer.  -tib  supper 

ftaft*  e  naphtha.    -li'n  c  naph'thaline. 

Kag  n  (Sambittig^ebsn.)  remorse,  oompunc- 
tion;  (^ab)  rancour,  splte;  bare  .  til  en  bear 
malice  to  one,  bear  one  m.  el.  a  grudge,  owe 
one  a  splte;  fatte  .  til  en  conceive  s  grudge 
agsinst  one.  flage  of  gnaw;  -nbe  ffummer  cor- 
roding  care,  carking  care. 

«agfl|faft,  -fmeb  0.  fl.  fe  Kagle-. 

9fag(e  e  -r  nail;  (of  træ,  ffofunagle)  pin,  tree- 
natl;  (fflinfO  rivet.  Kagle  vt  nail;  .  en  $sr  til 
nail  up  a  door;  fig  t  til  6tebet  rireted  to  the 
spot;  ban  fab  fom  -t  til  6toIen  he  sat  as  if  he 
were  nalled  to  the  chair.  9fagtc|»fføf  &  rack 
•fabrif  nailery.  -faft  a  nalled,  lmmovable,  e 
»enftanbe  flxtures.  -aab :  -ene  i  banl  ^*nber  the 
print  of  tho  nalls  in  his  hånds,  -hooeb  hetd 
of  a  nail.  -bub  J,  doubling.  -|h1  nsilhole; 
treenail-hole.    -j«rn  heading  tool.   -Mb  row  of 




•flag  beetle.    -fnteb  nail-smith,  nailer. 
fe  -icem.    9tagting  c  nailing  etc. 
tøi'be  c  -r  na'id,  na'is. 
tøtfc    vt    *£,  frap,   seize;   -   en  Stabl   sew  a 
nt>le.      -Møl  seizing   block.     -brxnbfei    eye 
King-       -ftrøp    block    strap.      -løb    laahlng. 
Iitistø  frapping,  seizing. 
tat'tt  a  simple,  chlldish,  naive;  odø  naively. 
?t   e  nalveté,  native  slmpllclty. 
taf  a'fce  c  -r  Na'iad;  water-bed. 
taft  c    c    -r  back  of  the  neck,   nape  of  the 
dt,   jprov  8cruff  of  the  neck;  J,  (af  Olof)  arse; 
Stroø)  neck;  børenbe  HI  -n  cervical,  occipital; 
e  -n  for  .  .  .  bend  one's  neek  to  .  .  .;  tage  en 
D  seize  one  by  the  nape  of  the  neck  el.  by 
9  collar,  collar  one;  flaa,  tafte  nteb  (tpaa)   n 
m    up   one's  nose  (ab  at);  løfte  noget  paa  -n 
t    upon   one's  shoulders;   bcere  paa   -n  carry 
»ou  one' b  shoulders;  tage  Qfoben,  Øenene  paa  -n 
ke    to  one's  heels;  bare  en  paa    n  be  hard 
ton  one,   be  at  one;  fif  .  .  .  paa  -n  got  .  .  . 
»out   his  ears;  fatte  Ijam  Jfoben  paa  -n  pat  his 
ot    upon  his  neck;  førr  Øjne  i  -n  has  eyes  at 
te    l>ack  of  his  head.    tftatfc  vt  F   (en)  to 
ve    one  a  drabbing.     9taffe|iaaisb   cervical 
gament,    -te*  occipital  bone.    -bntb  fractare 
.  dislocation  of  the  neck. 
ttafteøar  n  Alpine  strawberry,  Fragaria  coi- 

9tatte|ø*«f  blow  upon  the  back  of  the  head. 
iftel  poll-evil.  -fletnina  halr-plait  at  the  back 
C  the  head.  -grube  hollow  of  the  neck.  -Ijaar 
ack-hair.  -Jjub  skin  of  the  back  of  the  head. 
fcut(e)  fe  -grube.  -lam  comb  for  the  back  of 
be  head.  -trøHet  back  corls.  -fnfe  fe  -grube. 
let  nape.  -nttti  fe  -flftef.  -pif?  fe  -fletning;  ($o* 
Dlanbfolt)  pigtall.  -pube  chignon.  -fene  (Slagt.) 
>ax-wax.  -ftitaing  back  parting.  -flilt  a  parted 
it  the  bæk.  -flag  bonnet  curtain,  cape  (of  a 
iood).  -flag  U>sb  of  the  head;  fe  -brag.  -frif  & 
Blackwall  hitch.  -fltøb  blow  on  the  back  of 
the  head. 

Mam  n,  jur  distress,  seizure.   —  Hantftjbom 
warrant  of  distress  el.  seizure.    -tage?  c  -e  dis- 
ftawbn  c  -er  nandu,  nandow,  Rhea  Amerieana. 
9tatt!lft  n  nankeen.    -Øøtttic?  pi  nankeens. 
ftaitneft  c  small  tlthes. 
ttantiff  a :  bet   ffe  Sbift  the  edict  of  Nantes. 
tWop'  adv  barely,  narrowly;  bet  bat  fnap  og 
-  at  bet  flog  til  it  was  barely  sufficient;  bet  bar 
(nap  og   -  ar  Ijan  flap  btrfra  he  had  a  narrow 
escape,  he  had  a  hair  breadth  escape. 

9* op'  n,  pi  «,  snatchlng,  snatch,  snap,  (af 

&irt)  bite. 

ttaplaøfe  c  tailor's  heil. 

Kappe  vt  snatch;  p  (fange)  nab;  (rapfe,  fijale) 

filch,   nap;   -   en  i  WErmet  plack  one  by  the 

sleeve;   .  meb  en  lang  seize   wlth  a   pair  of 

tongs;  —  vi  .  efter  snatch  at,  snap  at.   WappeØ 

od  .  om  noget  meb  en  tiff  el.  wrangle  with  one 

about  a  tbing;  bet  biDe  bi  -  om  we  will  have  a 

tussle  for  it;   ilte  gob  at  ~  meb  bad  to  beat. 

9tappeta*f  (pair  of;  nippers,  pincers,  tweezers. 

nat  i 'Kar')  o  -te  fool;  (f.  to.  $ofnar)  buffoon, 

Jenter;  (natagtig  i  $aaflabn.  og  Bafen)  coxcomb; 

t?olor  en  for  -   make  a  fool  of  one,  humbug, 

fool  el.  hoax  one;  gøre  -  af  rn  make  game  el. 

a  Je*t  of  one,  deride,  mock,  ridicule  ( f  roast) 

oue,  gøre  fto  til  -  make  a  fool  of  one's  self, 

play  the  fool,  make  one's  self  a  laughtng-stock, 

atultify  one's  self;  J eg  bat  en  -  at  jeg  ttoebe  f>am 

I  was  a  fool  to  belleve  him;  bare  til  -  fot  be 

the  langtung  stock  el.  butt  of;  boere  en  -  efter 

be  foolJshly  fond  of,  dote  on;  en  tnbbilbft  -  a 

concelted  Cool  el.  pappy;  naat  -ten  lommer  til* 

2arfen :  $anff*(Sngelf!  O  tb  bog. 

tøtb«>  faat  Strammeren  $enge  a  fool  and  his 
money  are  soon  parted.  9tar|agtig  a  (taabelig) 
fool  Isn,  nonsensical  absurd;  buffoon-like;  (pubflg) 
droll,  ludicrous,  ridiculous,  laughable;  adv 
foolishly,  etc.  -agtigtyeb  c  -er  foolishness;  drol- 

ftarctø'ffe)  c  -t  narcissus,  daffodil. 

ftarbbal  c  -et  narwhale,  Monodon. 

ftarto'lfe  c  narcosis.  -iff!  a  narcot'ic;  -  SRibbel 

Warte  vt  fffuffe)  dupe,  trick,  hoax,  fool,  F  sell, 
dlsh;  t(brtHe)  banter,  quizz,  rally;  j,  (om  Bi  nb  en) 
baffle;  .  en  fot  disappoint  one  of;  .  en  noget 
fra  trick  el.  cajole  one  out  of  a  thlng;  .  en 
noget  paa  humbug  one  into  taking  something; 
-  en  til  at  gøre  noget  lure  one  into  doing, 
induce  one  to  do,  something;  .  en  til  at  tro 
make  one  believe;  cheat  one  into  the  belief 
that;  ben  fom  bit  -  Sfanben,  ntaa  flaa  op,  før  ban 
faat  @fo  paa  he  that  will  deceive  the  fox,  must 
rise  betimes. 

ftarrejbifTop  bishop  of  fools.  -bjælbe  fool's 
bell.  -breb  hoaxing  letter,  -øriff  fool's  bauble. 
•bani  foolish  el.  ridiculous  dance.  -bragt  fool's 
el.  harlequfn's  dress,  -feft  festival  of  fools. 
•færb  foolish  el.  ridiculous  behaviour.  •fifiOc 
foolish  fancy.  -lyne,  -(etttc  fool's  cap.  -lappe 
fool's  cloak.  -florber  pi  fe  -bragt,  -laber  pi 
foolish  antics.  Warrerf  n  foolery,  nonsense. 
Warre«  vd  trifle,  joke.  «arre|ffif  foolish  el. 
ridiculous  custom.  -fnat  nonsense,  foolish  talk. 
•fpU  foolery.  -frreg  foolish  trick,  foolery,  non- 
sense. -bær!  foolish  aet,  nonsense.  -bfltfen 
foolish  el.  ridiculous  behaviour.  ftarrilfaM,  -f  a9 
o  -fer  coxcomb. 

9tar*  c  (paa  fioebet)  grain.  9* arne  vt  grala. 
Karøeicnt  graining-tool.    ftarbfibe  hairy  side. 

92afai  a  og  c  -et  na'sal. 

Waflra»'|er  c  -e  Naz'arite.   -at  n  naz'ariteshlp. 

Kaffe  vt  fllch  {<up  daintles,  sweetmeats).  -ri' 
n  filching;  -er  sweetmeats. 

ttaftur'He  e  -t,  fe  3nbiff  ftatfe. 

492at  fe  9taab. 

9l*t'  c  tættet  night;  -ten  obetfatbt  o«  night 
overtook  us,  we  were  benlghted;  Qanfunbig« 
Rebens  -  the  night  of  ignorance;  -ten*  Dronninq 
the  Queen  of  Night;  ^e(e  -ten  all  night;  Ijolbe  ub 
bele  -ten  make  a  night  of  it;  ønfte  en  gob  ~  wish 
one  a  good  night,  bid  one  good  night;  ben« 
i  mob  -ten  towards  night  el.  night  fall;  i  .  (fore> 
gaaenbe  .)  last  night,  (benne  ~  eller  fommenbe  ,) 
to-night,  this  night:  igaar  .  the  night  before 
yesterday;  i  -tens  éttl^eb  at  dead  of  night,  In 
the  dead  of  the  n.;  *  rent  bort  i  -ten  quite  ab- 
surd, preposterous;  -ten  igennem  all  night, 
throughout  the  night;  om  -ten  in  the  night,  at 
night,  by  night,  in  the  night- time;  om  -ten  ere 
otte  Starte  gtaa  all  cats  are  grey  in  the  dark, 
Jane  is  as  good  as  my  lady  in  the  dark;  ftbbe 
oppe  om  9tcetterne  sit  up  nights;  -ten  o  bet  all 
night;  blbe  -ten  oder  i  pass  the  night  in;  langt 
ub  paa  -ten  late  in  the  night;  til  langt  ub  paa 
•ten  to  a  late  hour  (of  the  night),  (till)  far  into 
the  night;  til  -ten.  (pr  the  night;  ben,  fom  gemmrr 
til  -ten,  gemmer  til  fratten  what  the  good  wife 
spares  the  cat  eats;  gøre  -  til  Dag  turn  n.  into 
day.  ftatjaaben  a :  -  ftafé  night-house.  -arbefbe 
nlght-work.  -borb  toilet,  dresslng-table.  -borbø« 
fpefl  dresstng-glass.  -bue  nocturnal  arch.  -batten 
bed-pan.  -bragt  fe  -flabet,  -bljr  nocturnal  ani- 
mal.  -fait  night  hawk,  Chordcile*  virøinivnu*. 
-flb  fe  -fommerfugl.  -fugl  (bet  tun  tommer  tflfone 
om  batten)  night-bird;  (-fbcermer)  night-butterfly. 
•fægtning  night  encounter.  -gammel  a  a  night 
old.  -ganger  c  -e  fe  9tattebanbrer.  -b«bit  fe 
•flcebet.  -befre  night-heron,  Nvctioorax  euro- 




jxruå.  -(immel  night  sky,  sky  of  night.  -tjolb 
fe  ©æfteri.  -b,ne  nlght-cap;  fig  nose  of  wax, 
dough  face,  nlncompoop.  -tyui  ^  binnacle. 
•QnØfombaØ  b.  compass  (o.  fl.).  -$$adnt  garden 
tuberose,  Poiyonthe*  tuberoia.  -Irøtte  night-hut; 
bibl  cottage,  lodge.    -ifb  night-flre. 

Nation  c  -er  na'tion.  National  a  nat'ional. 
—  Nationoljaanb  national  spirit.  -banf  national 
bank.  -tragt  national  dress,  -ejenbøm  national 
property.  -forbe  national  colour.  -fejl  national 
fault.  -fejl  national  feast  ri.  festival,  -flag 
national  flag.  -formue  fe  -efenbom.  -forfamling 
national  convention.  -følelfe  national  feeling, 
feelings  of  the  nation,  -galleri  national  gallery 
(of  arts),  -garbe  national  guard.  -garbift 
member  of  the  national  guard,  militia-man. 
-gøbfer  national  estates.  -gatb  national  debt. 
-biflørie  national  history.  -fttynne  fe  -fangen. 
Nationafife're  vt  fe  Naturalifere.  Nationalitet c 
-er  national 'i  ty. 

Natiønalite'tø|bebi#  certiflcate  of  natlonality. 
•botnmenter  natlonality  papers.  -nummer  official 
number.    -tortncib  principle  of  natlonality. 

Natiøna'ijfaratt  er  national  character,  natlonal- 
ity. -fonbent  national  convent.  -liberal  National 
Liberal,  -literatnr  national  literature.  -riabont 
national  wealtb.  -fag  a  matter  of  national 
importance,  -fang  national  song.  -fangen  the 
national  onthem.  -flat  national  treasure.  -forøg 
national  language,  -ftottteb  national  pride. 
•ftørbeb  national  greatness.  -teater  national 
theatre.  -træf  national  characteristlc.  -oelftanb 
national  prosperity.  -ære  honour  of  the  nation. 
-ofonom,  -ofonomt  fe  6tat#«. 

NatiOlte't  e  nativ'ity;  pille  en*  _  cast  one's 

Nat|faale  fe  -fjole.  -fabbe  (woman's)  night 
-cap.  -fiffert  night-glass.  -fjole,  -fjortef  night 
-gown.  -Hoffe  night-bell;  pettlcoat.  -flæber  pi 
night-clothes,  night-dress.  -tantye  night-lamp. 
-lejr  bivouac.  Ratlig  a  nightly,  nocturnal; 
.  ftamb  night  conflict.  Nat  |Jnft  night  air.  -tøf 
night-candle,  rushlight;  $  (commoo)  evenlng 
primrose,  Oenothera  biennu.  -tyfeube  a  night 
-phining,  noctilucous,  phosphoresoent.  -maaftib 
nocturnal  repast.  night -meal.  -ntanb  night- 
man.  t-manbøfolf  pi  Olpsies.  -manbfbogn 
night-cart.  t-ntefter  nightman,  head  nightman. 
-ntnlm  gloom  of  night.  -møl  night -fly,  Lam- 
svrit.  -ooferoatlon  night  observation,  -orbre* 
bog  <1>  nignt-order  book.  -yaafnafeofe  emperor 
moth,  Satumia  pawmit.  -politi  nigbtpolice. 
-Hotte  chamber-pot.  -rabn  night-Jar,  dor-hawk, 
fern-owl,  goatsucker,  Caprim%Ugu»;  fio  one  who 
keeps  late  hours,  night-reveller.  -rigel  night 

Ka'trtnm  n  sodium.  -bitarbonat  fe  (tøet.) 
Natron,  -l^brøjijb  sodic  hydra  te.  -forbønat 
Bodic  carbonate;  furt  .,  fe  tbefulfuri  Katron. 
-ortab  sodlc  ozide  (o.  fl.). 

Na'tron  »  soda;  lulfurt  ~  carbonate  of  soda, 
sodlc  carbonate;  tøefulfurt  -  bicarbonate  of 
soda,  sodic  hydric  carbonate.    -fafte  soda  soap. 

Nat|robfngl  nocturnal  bird  of  prey.  -fang 
nocturnal  song.  -flbe  dark  side.  -fiaaat  night 
-signal,  -fisre  night-sight.  -flabe  fe  fritoge. 
-ffforte  night-shlrt.  -ffrttt  close-stool.  -ffnmrlng 
gloom  of  night.  -ffttgge  nlght-shade,  Solamwn. 
-ffønne  marvel  of  Peru,  Mirabilu  JaUtppa. 
-fommerfngt  night  butterfly,  -flage  bed-room 
candlestick.  -fteb  night  quarters  pi.  -fliger 
Min  overseer  of  the  night  -  workers.  -flot  fe 
•ftrin.  -ftnffe  night-piece.  -f  banner  fe  -tommer« 
fufll.    -fat  carpet-bag. 

9lattt  vt  &  wet. 

Natte  I  orbefbe  night-work.     -beføg  night  el. 

nocturnal  visit.  -Minb  a  night-blind.    -ilia»|ci 
night-blindness,  hemeralopia.    •Unl    nocturne 
light,     -btaft  night- wind.     -bo  nightly   abodv 
•branb   nocturnal  fire.     -brag  nocturnal    us? 
nightly  use.  -bragt  fe  Nattlaber.   -brif  nocturn&i 
beverage.   -brom  night-dream,  nocturnal  dream 
•bng  nigbt-dew.     -{afben  a  fallen  in  the  night 
-fart    fe    -rejfe,    -fifleri     night- fishing.      -flngt 
nightly  escape,     -fober  nlght-fodder.      *  -frieri 
bundling.     -frtft  night'«  respite.     -froft   nigbt 
•frost,  -færb  nocturnal  doings;  fe  -reife.    -gammel 
fe   Nat«,     -gang   nightly   walk,   night  -rambl<> 
-gerning  fe  -urbejbe.   -glibe  night- feast,  nocturnai 
banquet.   -ganger,  -gangert  fe  -banbrer,  -Mmbrev. 
-gaft    night  guest.     Nattran  «   night -permit 
Natteherberg,  -herberge  night-lodgings  jU.   -|ø tt 
fe  Øtefteti;  (et  -  Krbejbere)  a  night  gang.    -%ofte 
nocturnal  cough.  -|oite  night's  rast,  night -rest. 
-ifb  fe  Kat-,    -jagt  chase  in  the  night;  jie  night 
-re vel.    -tømmers  revelry  at  night,   nocturnal 
revel.  -fnfbenight-cold.  -fnarter  night-quarters 
pi.    -feje  (£eje,  b,bor  mdn  ^Oilet  Katten   otter)  bed 
(for  the  night);    (Natteherberg)    night -lodging, 
night-quarters  pi.    -f efr  nlght-camp  ef .  encsunp- 
ment.     -fio   late  hours,   sitting  up    at    night. 
nlght-revel.    -fogif  night-lodging,  aocommodå 
tion  for  tbe  night.     -fttft  fe  9lot>.    -Ib;    »helter 
for    the    night,   a   night's  ahelter.     -(bjfHøb>b 
night  mie,    nocturnal    merry-maklng.      -feefen 
nocturnal  studie«.     *-Uberi  fe    -frieri,      -mare 
nightmare.    -mobe  night  meeting;  night-sltting. 
•morte  darkness  of  night,  nocturnal  darkneas. 
-ran  night-robbery.  *-rangef  fe  -fø«rmen.   -rnoa 
fe  Kat',    -regn  min  in  the  night.    -rejfe  night 
-journey,  travelling  in  the  night.    -reaømrtion 
night- soil.     -rcnooationfarielbe   night-work. 
-renooation#|p(abf    night- yard.     -refloaratio« 

Nattergal  o  -e  nightingale.  —  Narterfoifejrebf 
nlghtingale's  nest.    -ag  nighting&le's  egg. 

Natte|rø    fe    -b.oite.     -mm   njghtquartera  pi. 
9l*tit9  vd  grow  towards  night;  bet  -  night  is 
coming  on;  t  spend  el.  paas  the  night;  ber  -i  øq 
bagel  jan  that  is  his  nightly  and  daily  haunt. 
Natteftbben  sitting  up  late  at  night.  -fUber  c  -r 
one  who  keeps  Ute  hours.    -fjøo  fe  -lommetft. 
-ffjnf  ahelter  for  the  night.  -ffnrnmef  a  gloomy 
as  nigbt.     -ffttgge  shades  of  night.    -flnrnmer 
fe  -fobii.     -fbogelfe  nocturnal   spectre.      -flabe 
nocturnal  abode,  night-quarters  pc.  -ftorm  nigbt 
el.  nocturnal  tempest.     -flnnb  fe  -rib.     -foeb 
nocturnal  perspiration,  night-sweat.  •fnir>-fntren 
night-carousal,  nocturnal  revel.    -fbarm,  -fner« 
men    night -revel.     -fnarmer    night-reveller, 
night -brawler.    -føn  nocturnal  vision,     -fabe 
(&Uflle6)  nightly  roost;  t  (i  ©ærtfjufe)  nlght-revel 
at  a  public  house  after  the  hour  of  cloaing- 
-foon  night's  sleep,  sleep  at  night.    -tange  fog 
of  night.     -tanter  nlght-thoughts.    -rib   night 
-time;   beb  -  at  night.    -time  nocturnal  hour; 
hour  of  the  night.  -tog  (Sog,  ber  foretage«  om  91.) 
nocturnal  ezpedition;  (pao  taernb.)  night-train 
•tijb  night-thief.    -tyveri  night-robbery  el.  thefl. 
-nbfig  lookout  by  night.    -nbfitimanb  night 
look-out  man.   -Oaagcn,  *-0aag  night-watching, 
late  hours.     -bagt  night-watch;  night  service. 
•oanbrcn  night-wandering ;  (i  éobne)  oomnam- 
bulism.    -banbrer  night- wanderer;  (SobngftRaer) 
night- walker,  somnambulist.  -»anbring  (©anbring 
om  Katten)  night-wandering;  fe  -bonbren.    -iinb 
night-wind,  nlght-breeze. 

Kat |  timerne  the  hours  trom  6  p.  m.  to  6 
a.  m.  -tjenefre  night  service,  -tog  fe  Katte* 
(3arnb.).  -trøje  night-jæket.  -tof  night-dratf 
el.  clothes.    -ngte  fe  Ugle;  nocturnal  owl. 

Katu'r  e  -er  na'ture,  (om  Wenneffer)  nature, 




constitution;  -en  nature;  ben  ftønne  _  the  beauti- 
ful  scenery;  cf  -  by  n.,  naturally;  ^eftia  ~ 
vehement  el.  lmpetuous  disposition,  vlolent 
tein  per;  blist  til  -  become  second  nature;  Kanen 
er  ben  anbrn  -  habit  is  second  nature;  -en  gaar 
ooer  Obtugtelfen  (human)  nature  takes  out  his 
right,  nature  passes  nurture:  -en*  (tang  el.  Søb 
the  course  of  n.;  -en«  Orben  the  nature  el. 
natural  order  of  things;  efter  -en*  Orbeit  in  the 
order  of  nature;  efterligne  -en  imitate  ilfe,  copy 
n.;  bet  ligger  i  6agen*  -  it  is  natural,  a  matter  of 
course;  i  gføtfle  Sagen*  -  in  the  fitness  of  things; 
ifelge  fbi  ~  of  its  very  nature;  bet  laa  ilte  i  (til, 
for)  ban*  -  it  was  not  in  his  nature;  bet  følger 
af  ©agent  .  it  follows  as  a  matter  of  course; 
ben  ttbløfe  -  inanimate  n.;  tegne,  mole  efter  -en 
draw,  paint  from  life  el.  nature. 
Nata'ra:  betale  la  -  pay  in  kind. 
ttattt'raarfag  c  natural  el.  physical  cause. 
9tatttra'lie|r  pi  natural  objects  el.  products; 
n.  curiosities.  -tabiaef  cabinet  of  natural  objects 
el.  curiosities.  -faultng  collection  of  natural 
objects  et  curiosities. 

ttatnralilfe're  vt  naturalize.  -fat  i  o«,  -fe'rtag 
c  naturallzing,  naturalisation.  -Ø'au  e  nat'ural- 
ism.  -H'ijl  a  naturalist'ic.  —  9tatitra'I|brttftø< 
ti  o«,  -bbelfe  payment  el.  prestation  in  kind. 

ttara'r|anlø»a  natural   talent  el.  turn.     -«*• 
ftnelfe  view  of  nature,    -bara  child  of  nature. 
•beaibeabjcb  phenomenon,  natural  event.    -be» 
ftaffeabeb  nature,  natural  quality.    -beffribelfe 
description  ol  nature,  -beftøgtet  a  homogeneous, 
of  kindred    nature,    congenial.     -betragtning 
contemplation  of  nature.   -biQebe  natural  image. 
•bnnbea  a  natural.     -baml  rough  seat,  rustic 
seat.    -bigte?  natural  el.  self-taught  poet.   -bigt- 
ninø  natural  poetry.    -brift  natural  instinct  el. 
impulse.    -bbtfelfe  worship  of  nature,  nature 
•worship.    -borter  worshipper  of  nature,    -ege« 
a  peculiar  to  certain  natures,    -eøeaftab  innate 
quality.    ftararef '  n  nature,  natural  disposition. 
9tara'r|eljter  lover  of  nature,     -ebae  natural 
talent,    -fag  branch  of  natural  science,    -farbe 
natural  colour.     -fejl  natural   defect.     -filøføf 
natural  philosopher.  -filøføfl  natural  philosophy. 
•f  orfe)alb  fe  -befEaffenfjeb.  -føraabeateber  pi  wants 
el.  requirements  of  nature,     -førffer  naturalist, 
•forfteeatabe  meeting  of  naturalists,    -førftatag 
study  of  nature,    -frentbrtagelfe  production  of 
nature,   natural  product.     -fnft   a  rresh,   un- 
sophistlcated.  •frfftfteb  natural  freshness.  -farao« 
sxea  natural  phenomenon.    -føeebtgteb  natural 
dezterity.  -følelfe  natural  feellng.  •garn  undyed 
yarn.    -gabe  natural  endowment  eC  glit.    -gen* 
ftanb  natural  obJect,  object  in  nature,  -graafler, 
-graaftainø  fe  -forf!er,  -forftning.    -gntnb  fe  oar» 
fag.     -gramfe  natural  limit,     -bjftorie  natural 
history.    -fciftørifer  naturalist.    -sjiflorifT  a  be- 
longing  to  natural  hlstory,  of  natural  history; 
-e  samlinger  natural-history  collections.    -teaft 
power  of  nature  el.   of   elements,     -faabftab 
knowledge  of  nature;   k.    of  natural  objects. 
•tbnbig  a  versed  in  natural  history;  en  -tbnbig 
a  naturalist,    -flrobiflieb  knowledge  of  natural 
science«.    -legeme  natural  object,  material  body. 
ftanvrlig  o  natural;  .  Salpeter  nattve  salt- 
peter; .  ftarbe  natural  el.  native  colour;  en  -  Søn 
a  natural  son,   a  bastard;  .  ftorftanb  common 
wnse;  native  good  gense;  -  fjnbe  native  grace; 
rn  .  Søb  a  natural  death;  ben  -e  IReligion  natural 
religion;  bet  -e  Weitnefre  natural  man;  -t  ftefen, 
.  Stil  natural,  unaffected  manners,  styie  (of 
wrltlng);  bet  fattet  mig  ilfe  -t  it  does  not  come 
nataral  to  me;  —  adt>  naturally;  bette  gaar  iffe 
.  ttl  there  is  something  supernatural  in  this; 
bet  float  ganfrc    t   til  there   is  notbing  eztra- 

ordinary  in  it.  -tyeb  c  natnralness;  unconsdous- 
ness.  -bli  adv  of  course,  as  a  matter  of  course, 
in  the  nature  of  things;  f  =■  naturlig. 

»atnr|lib  (8ib  i  91.)  life  of  nature;  (fiio  obex> 
enftflemmenbe  meb  9t.)  life  agreeable  to  nature. 
•løb  law  of  nature,  -(øbmatflg  a  conformable 
to  the  laws  of  nature.  -Ibb  natural  sound, 
-tøre  physlcs  pi  -løb,  bet  alminbelige  .  the 
natural  course  of  things.  -ntennefte  child  of 
nature,  -Møcrtbttrbtabjeb  natural  phenomenon 
el.  curiosity.  +-mttijtg4eb  e  naturalness.  -nøb- 
benbig  o  inevltable.  -nabbeabigteb  physical 
necessity.  -ømbfflraing  revolution  of  nature, 
-obfattelfe  view  of  nature,  -obtrin  natural 
scene,  -boble  toned  paper.  -pøefl  natural 
poetry.  -brøbntt  natural  product.  -rrligiøn 
natural  religion,  -eet  law  of  nature,  natural 
law.  -rcttigtyeb  natural  right,  -rige  kingdom 
of  nature,  natural  kingdom.  -frab  a  true 
to  nature.  -faabieb  truthfulness.  -fjøtlbealjeb 
natural  curiosity.  -jfaitteb  beauty  of  scenery. 
•ffagrftab  natural  amnity.  -fmør  natural  butter. 
-fb«  freak  el.  sport  of  nature,  -fbeoø  natural 
language,  -frtab  state  of  nature,  natural  state. 
-fle«  unhewn  stone,  boulder.  -fløt  natural.  -fløl 
rustic  chair.  -frribig  a  contrary  to  nature. 
•frribigftrb  unnaturalness.  -fb«,  -f«efb«  phenom- 
enon. -talent  natural  talent,  -tUbeber,  -til« 
-bebelfe  fe  -btirfet,  -borfelfe.  -Hlftanb  fe  -ftanb. 
-ring  natural  object.  -tro  a  true  to  nature  el. 
life,  natural.  -trøffttb  naturalness,  fldelity  to 
nature,  -trbt  nature-printlng.  -tro?  round  wood. 
-traf  natural  trait.  -«tb  undyed  wool.  -bølg 
natural  selection.  -bfbenffab  science  of  nature, 
physlcs  pi.  •pibenfTabelig  a  physical.  -bin 
genuine  wlne.  -bierninø  natural  effect.  -bfltfen 
fe  -genftanb    -tpteinø  natura!  phenomenon. 

9cat|bat  c  fe  TOaaltroft.  -batte  c  fe  6p«tmejfe. 
-baria  a  lasting  a  whole  nlght.  -binb  night 
-wina.  -biøl  night-smelllng  rocket,  Hetperit 
triåtiå;  (oilb)  butterfly  orchis,  Platcndhera.  -bøgn 
nightman's  cart;  nlgbt-coach.    -bøfgter  fe  9sgtec. 

ftånt  fe  klatre. 

*»ant  n  fe  9løb  n. 

fcattt|it'  e  nau'tical  science.  -11  c  -er  nau- 
tilus.     if?  a  nau'ticfal). 

fcab  m,  pi  ■=,  nave,  hob,  hub,  (Dmp.)  boss. 

ftabaflea  n  Navarre.  -re'fer  o  -e,  -re'flft  a 

9tob|bør  n  k  e  nave-borer,  auger.  -lainiag 

9taber  t  »,  *  c  -e  (©or)  anger,  wimble. 

9ta'bb)al  n  nave-hole. 

fcobigartø'a  e  naviga'tJon.  —  9labiøattoai|att 
Navigation  Aet.  -bøg  book  of  n.  -etiaaies 
ezamination  (for  a  certlflcate  of  competency). 
-eleb  n.  pupil,  -raabftaier  knowledge  in  n.  -løbe 
n.  laws.  -foreer  teacher  of  n.  -offleer .-  føtfle  . 
navigating  lieutenant;  anben  -  navigating  sub 
•lleutenant.  -ftøle  nautical  academy,  navigation 
school.  -laiettev  navigation  tables.  »obiøotø'r 
e  -et  nav'igator.    fcablge're  vt  navlgate. 

Kable  c  -r  navel;  $  hile.  -atre  umbillcal 
veln.  -baanb  umbillcal  band.  -blab  umbillcal 
bandage,  -bløbbrøt  haematomphalon.  -brat 
umbillcal  hernia,  omphalocele.  -førntig  a  navel 
-shaped,  umbilicate.  -tnabe  umbillcal  knot. 
-lab  tripe  de  rocbe  lichen,  Umbilicaria.  -reaios 
umbillcal  region.  -Hag  umbillcal  ring.  -faør 
fe  -ftttnq.  -fleb  umbillcal  region,  -frreag  navel 
string,  umbillcal  cord.  -fbla  peocary,  Ihcotyltt. 
-tarmebrøl  enteromphalos. 

fcaba  n  -e  name;  (Qensbnelfe)  appellation; 
boab  er  Dere*  ~?  what  is  your  name?  ^bab  er 
ttarnetl  .?  name  this  child;  oobt  ~  øg  WOate 
good   repute   el.  reputation;  bmbe  et  -  make 





one's  mark,  make  a  mark  In  the  worid,  wln 
a  reputation,  gain  eminence;  tage  Øubft  ~  for« 
fanøeligt  take  the  name  of  God  in  vain;  lenbe 
en  af  -  know  one  by  name;  )on  et  bet  mere  af 
_  enb  af  titabn  he  is  more  bo  in  name,  than  in 
reality,  rather  nominal  than  real;  af  bbab  . 
naebneø  fan  of  every  name;  tør  faaet  flt  .  af 
derives  its  name  trom;  forti  en  et  _  of  deøerves 
the  name  of;  ban  tør  .  for  at  Mere  .  .  .  he  is 
reputed  to  be,  has  the  repnte  of  being,  a  name 
for  being;  tøn  bil  ttte  tøbe  -  for  at  .  .  .  he  does 
not  choose  to  have  the  name  of  ...  el.  to  pasa 
for  .  .  .;  tør  et  tøjt  .  tø*  stands  hlgh  in  the 
opinion  of;  i  Qub«  .  in  God's  name;  tøn  tør 
itie  bet  bebfle  •  paa  fiø  his  reputation  is  none  of 
the  best;  fodrer  til  fU  .  is  no  misnomer;  unbei 
-  af  under  the  name  of;  gaar  unber  -  af  goes 
by  the  name  of,  is  known  as;  fatte  Rt  -  unber 
put  one's  name  to;  en  SRanb  beb  .  R.  a  person 
by  name  N.,  of  the  name  of  N.,  named  N.; 
falbe  en  Xtng  beb  fit  rette  -  call  a  spade  a  spade, 
ftabne  o  -r  namesake.  9fab*e  vt  mark.  — 
9tobne|bUrt  marking -ink.  -br*t  name-board. 
-bbtning  change  of  name.  -ciffer  cypher.  -b«fi 
name-day,  day  el.  annlversary  of  one's  name, 
Saint's  day.  -bigt  acrostic.  -bug  fe  flub.  -før« 
anbring  change  of  name.  -fortiariag  nominal 
el.  verbal  explanation.  -fortégnetfe  fe  -lifte,  -for* 
beflling  mistake  of  names.  Hofte  n  chrlstening 
present.  Jetter  namesake.  -garv  marking 
-thread.  -flab  sampler,  -ligtøb  resemblance  of 
names.  -lifte  list  of  names,  nominal  list,  name 
-roll,  nomenclatare,  poll.  t-ataabe  oram  the 
inflnitive  mood.  -morte  (an  unlettered  person's) 
mark  el.  cross;  monogram,  -opraat  call,  calllng 
over;  (Opraab  af  Solbaterneø  Rabne)  roU-caQ.  -ørt 
noun.  -plabe  name-plate.  -regifter  index  of 
names.  -rim  acrostic  rhyme.  -febbet  name 
•paper;  luffet  -  sealed  letter  giving  the  address 
of  the  author.  -flifte  change  of  name.  -ftilf 
signboard.  -{tempel  stamped  signature.  -fti«g 
marking  stitch.  -tror!  monogram,  cipher.  -beWel 
fe  -fltfte.  -bifet  fe  -regifter.  -borbi  nominal 

9tafttt|f«fk  n  fe  Btotme..  -g  ibe  vt  name,  men- 
tion  by  name.  -gibelfe  c  naming.  ftabtting  c 
marking.  Wabnjfrtfte«  nominal  Christian,  -hm'« 
big  a  celebrated,  renowned,  famous.  -tMfbif' 
beb  c  renown,  celebrity,  farne,  ftabnlig  o  (+) 
named;  adv  particularly,  specially,  notably; 
+  (-en)  by  name.  9tab»|(*»  a  nameless;  -  &rbb 
unspeakable  el.  unutterable  delight.  -UØtøb  c 
namelessness.  -plabe  name-plate.  °-fpnrgt  fe 

tKabr  c  maple,  Acer  campettre. 

92a 'bring  c  iron  hoop  of  the  nave. 

fta'ftarct  *  Naz'areth. 

9laaarff'er  c  -e  Nazarene;  (Seft)  Nazarean, 

ftaftirorer  fe  Kaflreeer. 

ftea  plel  n  Naples.  -olitaner  c  -e,  -otttanerinbe 
c  -r,  •otttanff  a  Neapol'itan. 

9cebiifabac'8ar  Nebuchadnez'zar. 

fteceffor're  o  -r  dresslng-caae. 

Web  adv  down;  -  meb  .  .  .  down  wlth  .  .  .; 
«L  -  meb  Koret  1  helm'sa-lee!  fejle  .  ab  en  fclob 
drop  down  a  river;  .  ab  fBaffe(n)  down-hill, 
down  the  hlll;  gaa  -  ab  Xrappen  go  down 

Kebab  adv  downwards,  downward;  —  prcep 
down.  -gaaenbe  a  downhill.  -benbt  a  turned 

ftebarbleø  vp  be  transmitted.  -et  a  inherited. 
handed  down,  transmitted.  -nittg  c  inherit- 

fte'btebe  vt  (ober)  implore  on,  invoke  on. 

tte'btinbe  of  tie  down,  bind  down. 

tte'bftllt  n  downward  look. 

We'bbfinte  vi  gleam  down,  twinkle  down. 

fte'bbtorft  part  blown  down. 

9tr'bbore  vt  i  bore  down. 

9tc'b|trttb  n  pulling  el.  breaking  down,  de 
molition.  -brbbe  vt  break  down,  demoli&h; 
tønt  $etbreb  er  -brubt  he  is  broken  (down)  in 
health;  -brubt  paa  @i«I  og  Seaeme  broken,  ebax- 
tered,  in  body  and  mind.  -frtbelje,  -fcrtjbKiag 
n  breaking  down,  demolition.  -br*belfc£*arr! 
work  of  demolition. 

9te  bbr*He  vt  fe  Rebbrljbe. 

9te'bbrombt  part  burnt-down,  burnt  out. 

+fceairffttct  a  turned  down,  t.  back;  .  Jttaøt 
lay-down  el.  turn  down  shirt-collar. 

fee'b|»*re  vt  carry  down.  tag  o  carrying 

fte'bMfc  vt  bend  down,  bow  down;  +  -  fig, 
b.  f ;  -t  af  Sorg  weighed  down  by  sorrow. 
downcast,  dejected. 

+9ic'i»*r  c  downpour,  (rain-)fall,  precipita- 
tion.  —  »e'bb4r#|btge  wet  days.  -bejr  wet 

»ebbile  vi  descend;  fe  Sale. 

Kc'bbammc  vt  ^  fey,  score. 

9le'bbing(e  vi  dangle  down. 

9te"bbrage  vt  draw  el.  drag  down. 

+fte'bbrafe  vt  drink  down. 

fte'bbribe  vi  beat  down,  drie  down. 

92e'bbrbppc  vikt  drip  down,  drop  down.  -a 
o  dripping. 

•»-Wc^tovnife  vt  sprinkle  down. 

fte'bbnfjle  vi  dive  down,  duck  down.  -mimg 

»Cbbnbning  c  4,  pitching,  sending. 

We'bbJjplpe  vt  dip,  immerse,  steep.  -ntmg  c 
dipping,  immersion. 

We'bbJjgfe  vt  hush  (up),  quell,  stifle,  (oeb 
$enge)  buy  up. 

Ke  bbtrmpe  vt  subdue,  suppres,  quell. 

Webe  adv  down,  bet  -  down  there. 

Webefter  adv  downwards. 

ftebett  adv  below,  beneath;  for  .  below;  fra  « 
(Sinie)  from  bottom;  —  +  prop  below.  -anført 
a  undermentioned,  uudernoted;  font  ~  as  under, 
-for  pnep  k  adv  below;  (i  et  Sfrift)  hereafter; 
(neberft  paa  Siben)  at  foot.  -fra  adv  from  below, 
from  beneath.  -navntt  a  the  undernaxned. 
•ow  adv  round  the  foot  el.  base,  round  below; 
joe  gaa  .  om  og  tøera  go  by  the  board,  go  to  the 
bottom.  -ftaaenbe  a  fe  -anfsrte.  -tit  adv  below, 
in  the  lower  parts,  inferiorly.  -Muter  prap  k  adv 
beneath,  underneath;  (i  $ufet)  below  stairs, 
down  stairs. 

IRebcrbet  c  lower  part,  nether  part,  bottom, 
foot;  (af  Styrte)  petticoat,  skirt  of  a  dreat. 

9)eberbr<eg'tig  a  vile,  base,  mean,  abject;  f 
fig  vile,  viUanous.  -beb  o  vileness,  baseness, 

Weberenbe  c  lower  end. 

fteberflabe  c  under  el.  lower  surfikce. 

Weberlag  n,  pi  =,  defeat,  owerthrow;  carnage, 
slaughter;  joe  ezecutlon;  (fun  fig)  dlsoomfiture; 
libe  .  be  defeated;  tilføje  -  inflict  a  defeat  upon, 
defeat;  tilføje  en  et  tnufenbe  -  give  one  a  crushing 

Reber] fanbene  the  Low  Countries,  the  Nether- 
lands,  -lanbfl  a  Dutch,  Flemiah.  -lornber  c  -e 
Netherlander,  Dutchman. 

+Weberlig  a  low,  lnferior. 

+»eberjpart  fe  -bel. 

92eberrbinff  a  of  the  Lower  Rhine. 

9teberfad)|fen  Lower  Saxony.     -fiff   o   Low 
Saxon;  f  vile. 
1     Weberftbe  c  lower  side. 




9teøerft  a  k  adv  lowest,  Dethermost;  fibbe  - 
t>eb  *  or  bet  sit  at  the  bottom  of  tbe  table;  be  -e 
planeter  tbe  inferior  el.  interior  planets. 

9leøertto;ff  *  Low  German.  -Itnb  Lower  Ger- 

»e'blf aU  *,  pi  -=,  downfell.  -fatbe  w  fall  down, 
drop   down;  -nbe  a  falling  (down);   ben   (bet) 
-nbe  Stean  tbe  falling,  pouring  raln;  bet  -nbe  Søb 
the   falling  leaves;  -nbe  grlip  turn-dowu  el.  lav 
-down   collar;   ten   -ne   Vtar  tbe  ruined  wall. 
•falbefot  falling  sickness,  epilepsy. 
9te'bfo1fe  vt  (tømt.)  rabbet. 
ftc'bfajre  vi  bibl  descend,  go  down.   -rt  e  -er 
92e'bfeje  vt  sweep  down. 
92e'bfit|e  or  lower,  let  down.   -ingltob  lower- 
ing  line. 
»Re'bVagrc  vi  flutter  down. 
9le'bffabe  v»  flow  down;  float  down. 
ftclMtlte  »*  move   down,  bring  down;  vi 
move  down.    -ning  c  moving  down. 
JRe'bftase  tj»  fly  down, 
•+ftc'bntnfle  vt  poef  twlnkle  down. 
tWe'bfnfe  w  rush  down. 
+92c'bftgc  r»  drift  down. 
9te'bf«(b|c  vt  (træet  ofo.)  fell,  bring  down. 
-ning  o  felling  etc. 
9le  bføre  r»  carry  down,  bring  down. 
fte'blgaaenbe  jwr«  desoending,  going  down; 
'om    ©olen)  setting.   —  t.   alle  ©tibe  for  ~  all 
vesaels  bound  down  the  river,    -gang  c  -e  (bet 
at  aaa  neb)  going  down;  (ftebfhgen)  descent;  (til 
et  Steb)  passage  down  (to  a  place);  fig  fiUling 
oflF,  (om  ©olen)  setting;  beb  Solen*  -  at  sanset; 
-  i  Qcetbi  depreclation;  unber  -en  In  descending. 
-gang&Hb  time  of  setting. 
ttebgtbe  vt  hånd  down. 
9?ebglibe  vi  glide  down,  slide  down.    -n  c 
gilding  down  etc. 
ttebgrable  vt  bury.    -ning  c  -er  burying. 
9le'bg*ntc  vt  fe  tøebtule. 
92e'bgbbe  vt  pour  down. 
fte'bftale  vt  haul  down.    -bålet  c  -e  ^  down 
-rumler.    •|aletb(of  downhaul  block  (o.  fL). 

fteltørtlc  vt  barrow  down  el.  in.    -ning  c 
barrowing  down. 
ftebtyente  vt  fetch  down. 
fte'bfaiøfe  vt  lower  down,  let  down. 
ttf'btynglge  vt  hew  down,  cut  down,  fell;  %t\t 
{Regimentet  ole*  -t  the  wbole  regiment  was  cut 
to  pieces.    -ning,  -ft  c  hewlng  etc. 
*9lc 'Mulet  a  cowering,  squatting. 
+9}ebb)ttling  o  hollow. 

fte'btntrnle  vt  burl  down,  fell  by  a  whirl- 
wind;  —  vi  come  whlrling  down. 
9te'bl|«ngenøc  a  hanging  (down),  pendulous. 
ftebile  vi  hasten  down,  hurry  down. 
*«e  bifet  o  covered  wlth  ice. 
9tr'bjtge  vt  chase  down,  bnnt  down. 
ftellalbe  vt  call  down.    -Ifc  e  calling  down. 
9te'bfaft|e  vt  tbrow  el.  cast  down.    -ning  c 
throwlng  etc. 
Hellange  vt  sqneeze  down,  press  down. 
+#e  brsnfe  vt  crush. 

9te'bftuel[c  ri  kneel  down.  -ing  o  kneeling 

9tebføm|me  vi  come  down,  descend;  (om 
Øarfeltoinber)  be  delivered,  brought  to  bed  fmeb 
of).  -ft  c  coming down  etc.,  descent;  (ftorlølning) 

#e'brrog|e  vt  (Stub)  lay  under  ground.  -ning 
c  layering. 

9te'b!nc  vt  oppress,  keep  under  el.  down.  -Ife 
c  oppression. 

xc'bfnlje  vt  (Sober)  ensile.  -ing  ensilage, 

9te'bf*mme  vt  comb  down. 

W«btør|e  vt  cart  down;  9ræ*fet  er  -t  the  grass 
is  beaten  down  by  carriages.  -fri  c  -gier  ($anbl.) 
carting  et.  driving  down;  (Stebet)  carriage  road 
down.    -fetfnratye  descent. 

ftebiabe  vt  let  down,  lower;  —  vr  fig  settle 
(down),  (om  gugl)  alight;  fig  (til)  condeeoend, 
stoop  (to),  -(fe  c  condescension,  stooping.  -nbe 
a  condesoending.    -nQcb  o  condescension. 

+9te'blag  n  slaying. 

9te'blafl|et  part  4,  submened,  immersed.  -ning 
o  immersion,  submersion. 

+9le'blebc  vt  draw  down;  deriye. 

KCbliggenbe  a  $  decumbent. 

Ke'btoblning  e  down  river  pilotage. 

fte'bløtfe  vt  lure  down. 

+9tc'b(ube  vi  k  t  bend  down. 

+ fteblbjne  vt  poet  strike  down  (like  light  ning). 

9tc'bleg|ge  vt  (om  Jtørbe)  lay  el.  put  down; 
røenge  ofo.)  deposit;  sink;  fio  (om  ftnbfiaelfei  ofb.) 
lodge,  place,  enter;  (om  Sefiiatng,  (Embebe)  give 
up,  reaign,  lay  down,  throw  up,  vacate;  (Irronen) 
abdicate;   (en   forretning)   give   up;  .  Baaonene 

f-ound  the  arms;  (bræbe)  slay;  (om  UnioerfUet, 
to  le  ofb.)  abollsh,  discontinue;  (en  Øaarb)  merge 
(a  farm)  into  another;  (nebftolte)  preserve,  pickle; 
(3nftinft)  implant;  ~  Ørbejbe  paa  ~  put  in  labour 
upon;  -  ttrbeibet  strike  work;  -  ©ub  %oi  leave 
a  message  with;  b>rmetift  neblagt  tinned,  canned. 
■aelfe  c  laylng  down  etc.,  deposition;  abdlcation: 
abolition.  -ger  o  -e  preserver.  -ning  c  (af 
Øøuiter  ofo.)  ptckling;  tin  ning. 

9lc'b|(øb  n,  pi  =,  run  down,  passage  down. 
•(øøenbe  a  ^  decurrent.  -Ubibrønb  gully-hole. 
-UHrenbe  waste-plpe. 

We'bløfe  vt  loosen,  let  down. 

Ke'bmanlc  vt  exorcise,  lay.  -ing  c  ezorcising 
etc.,  exorcism. 

Ke'bmrje  vt  mow  el.  cut  down. 

9Ze'bmn(be  vt  cover. 

»e'bober  fe  Hebab. 

9lehpat\U  vt  pack  up.    -ning  c  packlng  up. 

»ebberfe  vt  fe  ftebi>reftfe. 

+Webblaffe  vt  pop  down. 

fte'bpujle  vt  plough  down.  -ning  c  ploughing 

We'børeéfe  vt  press  down. 

9?e  bbntre  vt  put  down. 

Wt'hpctlt  vt  drive  el.  ram  down  with  piles. 

9te1rat|fc  vt  fe  Rafle  neb.  -ning  running 
down,  abuse. 

92ebram|me  vt  ram  down,  drive  down.  -ning 
c  ramming  etc. 

+fte'bra01e  vi  rattle  down. 

Webre  a  lower,  nether;  .  Sonau  the  Lower 
Danube;  _  tSgQbten  Lower  Egypt  (0.  fl.) 

9Zc'bregn(  vt  rain  down,  shower  down. 

•»-Kc'bregnc  vt  derive,  trace. 

We'brejfe  o  Journey  down,  going  down,  trav- 
elling down. 

fte'bribe  vt  ride  down. 

fte'brig  a  base,  mean,  vile,  abject.  -b,eb  c 
baseness,  meanness. 

•Webrianina  o  unrigging. 

Kebrtnbe  vt  run  down,  flow  down. 

92eb|Hnge  ri  (en  ftiole)  cut  low  (the  body  of 
a  dress),  -ringet  a  (ftiole)  low(-necked),  low 
-bosomed  (dress);  fig  fast. 

ftc'briølc  vi  purl  down. 

Webrible  vi  purl  down. 

9le'brib|e  vt  pull  down,  tear  down,  demolish; 
(bagtale)  cut  up,  revile,  run  down,  rail  against. 
-er  e  -e  reviler.  -ning  e  pulling  down  eto.; 
bære  unber  .  be  in  course  of  demolition;  løbt 
til  -  booght  to  pull  down. 




We  brafle  vt  k  i  roll  down;  -  Zappet  drop 
the  curtain. 

fte'brljtte  e*  pull  down,  jerk  down. 

Welrtyfte  et  shake  down. 

fte'bfta  vt  sow. 

9?ebfab|le  et  sabie,  cut  down,  put  to  the 
gword,  massacre.    -live  c  sabrlng  etc. 

9Zebf«lt|c  ø*  salt  (down),  pickle.  -»hig  c 
salting  etc. 

+9tc'bfe  o«  look  down. 

fte'bfegne  vi  sink  down. 

ftebfenbc  et  send  down. 

+9le'bfigt  c  downlook. 

»e'bfrrøaenbe  a  sloping. 

Webffribe  e»  slide  down,  glide  down. 

#«  bfrrine  vt  pen,  pat  down  (in  writing), 
commit  to  writing.  -r  c;  -en  Ijeraf  the  (present) 

+9te'bflnc  vi  look  down. 

9tc'bftb;b|c  e<  shoot  down,  batter  down;  push 
down,  (lob)  pay  down.  -ning  c  shooting 
down  etc. 

ftrbftoUe  vt  wash  down. 

9tc'bjflar|e  vt  cut  down.  -tag  c  cutting 

9?e'b|flaa  o«  strike  down.  knock  down,  beat 
down;  fig  (»e&tfer)  invalidate;  (Grunbe)  refute; 
(2Robet)  damp,  chtll;  ($aabet)  destroy;  bette  neb» 
flog  barn  ganfte  he  was  quite  disheartened  by 
this;  -et,  fe  -flagen;  ineb  nebflaaet  $aar  with  dishev- 
elled  hair;  meb  -t  »lit  with  (his  el.  her)  eyes 
cast  down;  meb  Sløret  -et  for  Vnfigtet  with  the 
veil  drawn  before  her  face;  meb  -et  fijcelmgitter 
ofø.  his  visor  closed  etc.;  -flaaenbe  a  dis- 
heartening,  discouraging.  -ftaaet,  -ffoaetøeb  fe 
-flagen,  -flag  n  (nebaaaenbe  ©lag)  down-stroke; 
mut  down -beat;  (Ifugle*)  graze;  (om  fitonilb) 
striking  down;  chem  preclpitate;  fe  ftebbør. 
-flagen  a  dejected,  desponding,  downcast.  -flagen« 

Qeb  c  dejection,  low  spirits._  -flagning  c  fe  flaøt* 

ning.    -fUg*biftrift  basln.    -flogøøiufef  angle  of 

fte'bflagtlc  vt  kill,  destroy,  slaughter.  -ising 
c  killing  etc. 

9tebflng|e  vt  swallow  (down),  gulp  down. 
-sting  c  swallowing  etc.,  deglutytion. 

ftc'bjltjnge  øf  sling  down,  hurl  down. 
ftebfuenge  fling  down. 
fte'bfmelte  vt  melt  down. 
fte'bfmtle  vi  smile  down  (til  upon). 
+9lc'bfntnttc  et  slip  down. 
fte'bfncet  part  snowed  up. 
røe'bfpigre  vt  nail  down. 
9te'bfprina  n  Jump  down,  downward  leap. 
•f »ringe  vi  leap  down,  jump  down. 
+9te'bfprnbe  or  spurt  down. 
9tc  bfpruble  vi  gush  down. 
9te'bfpr*jte  vt  squirt  down. 
»e  bfptcnb'e  vt  relax;  fig  lower. 

92c'bft«m|nie  vi  (om  6lo»gt)  descend,  be  de- 
scended;  bette  £rb  -r  fro  Satinen  this  word  Ib 
derived  from  the  Latin,   -melfe,  -ning  c  descent. 

ftc'bflampe  vt  stamp  down. 

fte'øftralnte  vt  (et  ftnbllrument)  tune  lower;  fig 
(»egejflring  ofb.)  abate,  moderate,  tone  down; 
.  fine  ftorbtinger  lower  one's  pretensions.  -ftent« 
ning  e  lowering  etc.;  6inbet«  -  dejection  of 
mind.  -fttnt  a  dejected,  cast  down.  -ftentteb 
c  dejection.  „.  . 

ftcb*ig|e  vi  descend,  alight;  -enbe  fitnte  the 
descending  line;  flamme  i  ret  -enbe  filme  fra  be 
lineally  descended  from.  -en,  -ning  c  descending, 

fte'bftifte  vt  stick  down. 

flfbftoppe  et  stuff  down,  cram  down. 

Ke'bftraate  vt  k  i  beam  down;  et  aend  do^ 
el.  pour  forth  beams. 

fte'bflreg  e  down  stroke. 

9le'b|ftruge  vt  stroke  down.  -fkrtjf er  c  alittim 
-file.    -flr*g  n  mut  down-stroke,  down-bow. 

fte'bftrøntme  vi  stream  down,  flow  dowr, 
course  down.    -n  e  streaming  down. 

fte'bfraøe  vt  stow  down  el.  away. 

fte'bjrtjrtle  vt  hurl  down,  throw  down;  «  :* 
precipitated  el.  hurled  down,  rush  down.  -« 
c  downfall.    -ning  c  predpltating  etc. 

fte'bftøbe  vt  thrust  down,  push  down;  {vt: 
©aaben)  stab. 

fte'bfnrring  c  låsning. 

fte'bføo'le  vt  cool  down. 

fte'bfbatje  vt  (tømr.)  dovetail,  tongne.  -tag 
c  tonguing;  eonc  swallowtail  scarph. 

9tcbfp«lg|e,  -ning  fe  ttebfluge. 

fte'bfoene  vi  filt  down,  flutter  down. 

We'bfolt|e  vt  preserre.    -ning  c  preaervtng 

ftr'bfon  n  downlook. 

ftfbftjnflc  vi  sink  down;  nebfunfen  i  «nncf 
sunk  in  to  poverty;  nebfunfen  i  ben  ttberfte  SrmoJ 
steeped  to  the  lips  in  poverty;  nebfunfen  t  ger- 
alemmelfe  sunk  into  oblivion;  i  Grublerier  deep 
in  meditation;  —  vt  swallow.  -tttng  o  atnking 
down;  swallowing. 

9le'bf<rnf|e  vt  sink,  lower,  (i  ttanb)  sabmerge. 
immerse.    -elfe,  -ning  c  sinking,  immersion. 

fte'bfartte  vt  set  down,  put  down;  ($rifer, 
Sfatter  ofo.)  abate,  reduce.  lower;  ~  en  ftøm 
miøflon^  appoint  a  oommission;  -  en«  grøetieneftrt 
depreciate  one's  merits,  detract  ell  derogate 
from  one's  merits;  -  en  (i  goltø  Øgtelfe)  diaparage 
one;  —  vr  .  flg  settle,  establish  one's  self,  til 
nebfatte  $rifer  at  reduced  prices,  fares,  at  a 
reduction;  til  oøerorbentlig  nebfat  $rit  at  an 
enormous  reduction  in  price.  -Ifc  e  setting 
down  etc,  abating  etc,  abatement,  diminution, 
reduction,  appointment;  depreciation,  dløpar&ge- 
ment;  settlement,  establishment,  -nbe  a  di< 
paraging,  depreciatory. 

We'btage  vt,  fe  Zage  neb.  -Ifc  c  taking  down: 
3efu  -  fra  frorfet  the  taking  down  el.  the  deposi 
tion  of  Christ  from  the  cross. 

fte'btappe  vt  tenon  (i  into). 

Ke'btegnc  vt  note  down. 

We'btraabt  part  af  Kebttæbe. 

*«e'b|traaffe,  -traf te  fe  -ttampe. 

92e-brramp|e  vt  trample  (down),  tread  down. 
•ning  o  trampling  down. 

ftebtride  vt  k  i  roll  down;  trundle  down. 

»ebltrptff  vt  press  down,  weigh  down,  de- 
press,  oppress.    -trnRclfe  c  (bet  at  nebtr.)  press 
ing  down  etc;  (Unbertrpffelfe)  depression,  op- 

Sression.  -trptt  a  fio  depressed.  -trnlt|cb  <* 

92e'btraeb(  vt  tread  down,  trample  upon; 
-traabte  Sfo  shoes  (trod)  down  at  (the)  heelfs.i, 
slipshoes;  -traabt  fig  hackneyed.  -Ifc,  -n  c 
trending  down,  trampliug  down. 

Webtrtct  n  (i  6frift)  down-stroke.  -fe  vt  draw 
down,  pull  down;  Øarbinerne  øare  -trufne  the 
blinds  were  down.  -ning  c  drawing  down, 
pulllng  down  etc. 

Kc'btnr  c  journey  el.  way  down,  (tilbanbt) 
passage  down. 

fte'btbingc  vt  force  down. 

9tr  btpnge  vt  weigh  down. 

9le  bøanbring  c  walking  et.  wandertng  down. 

ftr'bbeube  er  turn  down;  meb  -nbt  gottd  wiih 
inverted  torch. 

fte'bniftc  vt  waft  down. 

Webbinbe  et  (meb  fttan  el.  betl.)  let  down, 

We'bfttnte  vt  beckon  down. 




fte'bbeftle  vt  roll  down;  vi  tumble  down. 
-niitg  c  rolling  down  etc. 

tte'bberbige  vt  degrade,  disgrace,  debase,  de- 
mean,  abase.     -Ife  c  degradation,  debasement. 
ttefrtt'  c  neph'rite,  Jade. 
9teg    x,  nis,  sheaf;  oinbe  .  bind  el.  make 
sheaves,  sheaf. 

9teg|atiø'n  o  -et  nega'tion.    -'atib  a  &  c  -er 

«  e'g| baanb straw-band.  -binber c sheaf-binder. 
-bittbusg  c  binding  in  sheaves.    »ege  vi  sheaf. 
Wcgeuøje,  »egeuøjeu  c  (glob-j  lampern,  river 

ftfger  c  -gre  negro;  coat  nigger;  (røorian) 
moor;  Te  ©lab«,  -agtig  a  negrollke,  negroid, 
negrolold.  -arbefbe  negro-work;  Ag  drudgery. 
-barn  negro-child.  -beføltning  negro-population. 
-bføb  negro  blood.  -breng  negro-boy. 
ftege're  vt  deny. 

9teger|føtf  people  of  negroes.  -frifteb  liberty 
of  the  negroes.  -frittet  negro-asylum.  -baar 
negro-hair.  -ftanbel  negro  slave-trade.  -birfe 
dhurra,  guinea-corn,  Sorghum  vuloare.  +-bubet 
a  black-akinned.  -tuf  negro-barracks.  tteger- 
tn'bc  c  -r  negress,  negro- woman.  Reger  |faffe 
stinking-weed,  Cattia  occidentalt*.  -fbffen  the 
Slave  Coaat  -foub  negro-land.  -marteb  slave 
market.  -n«fe  negro-nose.  -pal  niggers,  -pige 
negro-girl.  -race  negro -race.  -fala  sale  of 
negroea,  slave-trade.  -flib  slaver,  -flabe  negro 
-slave,  -flaberiet  slavery,  -flat  negro-state.  -ben 

Hegl  c  -e  nail;  Zt  claw;   p  faa  -e  i  lay  hold 
of;  tbqge  paa  -ene  bite  one's  nails.    -bennet  a 
nail  shaped,  ungulform.   Hegle  vt  f  crib,  prfg. 
—  9legfe|bib  nailaehe  (from  cold).   -bblb  whit- 
low.   -børfte  nail-brnsh.   -greb  slot.   -bub  cuticle 
at  the  root  of  the  nail.    -leb  third  phalange. 
-motrfe  nall-mark.   -biet  white  spot  !n  the  nail. 
-rift  scratch  with  the  nail.     -røb  (Ørunben  af 
Heglen)  root  of  the  nail;  (afreden  $el  af  Auben 
beb  ©runben  af  Keglen)  bangnail.  -fatø  nail-scissors 
pi.    -f bring  disease  of  the  nails.   *-f*r«I,  -fbe«t 
fe    bib.    •trang  felon.    -bart  pain  under  the 
Regltgé  c  og  n  undrens,    -re  tf  neglect. 
ftego'tie  c  -r  business,  affair,  bargain.    -'re  vt 
tftegre  vi  prov  meb  $obebet  wag  one's  head. 
fteguf  o  negus. 
ftebemf'aft  Nehemlah. 

»ej  adv  no,  nay;  (fom  gbat  til  $erre)  no,  sir ! 
(font  6.  til  Dante)  no,  ma'am!  -,  flet  ilte!  no, 
not  at  all,  by  no  means;  .  btft  ifte !  no,  certainly 
not!  jeg  tror  ~  I  think  not;  .,  fe  en  Oangl  only 
see!  do  but  look!  ~,  nu  $ar  jeg  albrig  b^ørt  SRaaen 
well,  I  never  heard  the  like  of  lt;  —  n  -er :  fan 
bilbe  itte  børe  -  he  would  not  take  a  denlal,  he 
would  not,  was  not  to,  be  denied;  gloe  en  . 
give  one  a  refusal;  faa  -  af  en  $tge  (fom  &rier) 
be  rejected  el.  refused,  p  get  the  sack;  mit .  er 
faa  flobt  fom  bit  Ha  my  nay  is  Just  as  good  as 
your  sye;  -er  (i  Unberbufet)  næs,  (l  ©bet$.)  non 

Bejle  vi  courtesy,  make  el.  drop  a  courtesy. 
-en,  -tting  e  courtesying. 

9trfrø|lø'g  c  -et  obltuary  (notice).    -lø'gium  n 
necrol'ogy.    -*fe  c  necrosis. 
ftettar  c  nectar. 

WeflW,  Well  ile  c  -r  gilllflower,  (olm.  6ta>gtftnabn) 
pink;  (føbfarbet)  carnation(-pink),  clove- pink, 
clove  gilllflower;  (IrtbbberO  clove;  oilb  ~  maiden 
pink,  Dianthus  dtitoide:  -beb  bed  of  gllliflowers. 
••rau  a  clove-  coloured,  dark  -  bro  wo.  -farbe 
pink  eolour.  -farbet  a  carnatlon,  pink-coloured. 
.    -Hør  show  of  carnations.     -Ulør  clove- cordial. 

-olie  oli  of  cloves.  -btante  fe  9leHite.  -røb  c 
bennet,  wood-avens.  Oeum  urbanum.  -fbamp, 
-føb  fairy-ring  mushroom,  Maratmitu  oread&t. 
-fure  cariophyllic  acid.  -fømtack,  tacket.  -tror 
clove-tree,  VariophyUus  aromaticu*.  -bitt  wine 
spiced  with  cloves.    -«ble  English  calville. 

ftemtig  adv  to  wit  (jfribe*  i  Vlm.  viz),  namely; 
because,  for,  the  faet  is  that. 

9teø|fbt'  c  -er  ne'ophyte.  -lø'g  o  -er  neorogist. 
•logi'  c  -er  neol'ogy. 

9ltpo\ti\t  a  nepot'ic.    -rtø'me  c  nep'otlsm. 

Wtptu'u  Nep'tune;  -i  9Ranfletter  Neptune's 
rumes.  -ijl  a  neptunian.  -tø'mcu  the  neptu'nlau 
theory.    -tfl'  c  -er  Nep'tunist. 

»ereibe  c  -r  Ne'reid. 

Cerium  c  -ier  nerium. 

»eroli  c  ner'oli. 

9ierbe  c  -r  nerve;  ^  rib.  -agtig  a  nerve-like, 
nervous.  -aufalb  nervous  attack.  -bnnbt  fasci- 
culus  of  nerves,  -centrum  nervous  centre, 
-feber  nervous  fever.  -fiber  fe  -tcaab.  -fin  a 
having  delicate  nerves,  nervous.  -fletning  plexus 
of  nerves,  -gang  direction  of  the  nerves,  -gigt 
atonic  s;out.  -gren  branch  of  a  n.  -binbe  fe 
9let*.  -btnbebetænbelfe  retiniUs.  -fnlbbe  fe  -bunbt. 
-fuib  scalpel.  -rnnbe  ganglion.  -traft  nervous 
power,  -libelfer  nerve  pains.  -t«re  neurology. 
-ønbe  nervous  complaint.  -birvenbe  a  stimulat- 
ing  the  nerves,  -pirring  stimulation  of  the 
nerves.  -rnHelfe  nervous  shock.  -rbftenbe  u 
nerve-8haking.  -faft  nervous  fluid,  -flag  nerv- 
ous apoplexy.  -ffabbelfe  molliflcation  of  the 
nerves,  -fraerter  pi  neuralgia.  -ftørut  nerve 
-storm,  -frrønt  nerve  current.  -ftbrfenbe  a 
nervine,  tonic,  ne  uro  tic,  bracing.  -ftofrf  a  hav- 
ing strong  nerves,  -fbag  a  having  weak  nerves, 
nervous.  -fbagfteb,  -fbtttfelfe  nervousness, 
nervous  debil  i  ty.  -ftaa  fe  -fbag.  -fbgbøm,  -fbge 
nervous  complaint,  disease  of  innervation.  -fb- 
fteut  nervous  system,  -traab,  -treble  nervous 
fibre,  -babfle  fe  -faft.  »erbø*  a  nervous;  f 
fldgety.    Kerbøfite't  c  ner'vousness. 

»Wrtle  fe  %celbe. 

92eftør  Nestor;  zoo  Philip  Island  parrot,  Nt*tor 

9tef!ørta'tt|er  c,  -fl  a  Nesto'rian. 

9ltV  a  neat,  nice;  F  bu  er  en  .  en  you  are 
a  nice  el.  precious  fellow,  you  are;  bet  er  en  . 
$iftorie  that  is  a  pretty  business;  en  -  formue 
a  tidy  fortune. 

9ltr  n  pi  =,  net;  4,  netting;  fig  (Wttvf,  Vaxe* 
o.  I.)  plexus,  (Zarme«)  caul,  omentum.  -agtig, 
-formet  -formtg  a  reticular.  -bør  mesh.  -brof 
epiplocele.  -gaffel  forked  pole  for  hanging 
nets  on. 

9tetQeb  c  neatness. 

ftetbtube  c  (i  pjet)  retina. 

'fflettyttubt  a  handy. 

Wet|  mager  c  e  net-maker.  -mafte  mesh  of  a 
net.  -måbe  reticulum,  honnet,  -melon  netted 

ftet'øp  adv  Just;  .  benne  .  .  .  this  partlcular: 
(Sorunbring)  .  benne  9iat  this  night  of  all 
others;  -per!  here,  •  >f  all  piaces  (in  the  world). 

9letfberle  small  pearl.  -ribbet  a  %  reticulate. 
-riget  travene  (of  a  scaffolding).  -riug  (fiuftb.) 
hoop.  -rufe  bownet.  -ftang  fe  -gaffel.  9tette  vt 
net,  knot. 

9}ettelbng  c  muslin. 

9let(ø  adv  net,  neat;  ubgøre,  inbbringe  -  net. 
-beløb  net  amount.  -bragtigQeb  net  tonnage. 
-førtjenefte  net  profit,  margin  (of  profit),  -iub- 
t«gt  net  revenue.  -brl*  real  price,  short  priee. 
-ubbbtte  net  proceeds.  -bsgt  net  weight,  (meb 
5 råbt.  af  taxa)  suttle  weight. 

9tet|binget  a  neuropterus,  nerve- wlnged;  -be 




Snfetter,  -pinger  neuropten.  -ttott  net-work, 
reticular  work. 

Neural  |fli'  c  neural'gia.    -'gif!  a  neuralgic. 

Neutral  a  neu'tral,  neuter;  pram  neuter. 
•ifatiø'n  c  neutraliza'tion.  -ife're t?r neu'tralize. 
-ilet  e  neutral'ity.  -ttet'&erllaring  proclama- 
tion  of  neutrallly.  -itetftfromfelfe  viola tion  of 
neutral  rights.  Nen'trnm  n  -ra,  (Sr»n)  tbe  neuter 
gender;  (Orb)  neuter  noun,  pronoun  etc. 

letten'  c  -er  neph'ew. 

Nctotø'ntfl  a  Newtonian. 

Ni  nttm  eard  nine.  9ll(c)  e  -er  nine.  Niaarig 
a  nine  years  old. 

Niagara  n  Niagara. 

Nia)c  o  -r  niche. 

Nicar'iff,  ttictt'ttft  o  Ni'oene;  bet  -e  Stimbol  the 
^?iceno  creed 

Nib'  (*Ni'b)  o  &  n  envy,  spite,  malice,  -fttlb 
a  envious,  spiteful.  Nib(b)ing  c  -er  miscreant, 
faithless  villain,  traitor,  (fejg)  dastard.  —  Nib- 
ingdibaob  infamous  deed.  -brog  despicable 
wretch.  -flof  host  of  traitora.  -frygt  cowardly 
fear.  -ftaanb :  for  -  at  a  traitor's  hånds,  -frreg, 
-»fltrf  aet  el.  trick  of  base  treachery.  Nibtorr 
a  zealous;  t(frintøg)  jealous;  en  -  <Bub  a  jealous 
God.    Ntbtarbeb  c  zeal. 

Nibobbett  a  nine-fold. 

Nibff  a  (aw'nbfbg)  envious;  (forrig)  sordid, 
niggardly.  -beb  c  sordidness.  —  Ni  bjflrift 
slanderous  llbel.  *-ftirre  vi  stare  hard.  -fnge 
c  Jealousy.    -»er«,  -ttife  lampoon  in  verse. 

Nie'ce  c  -r  ni'ece. 

Niel|lere  ©f  work  in  niello.  -le  ring  c  work- 
ing  in  niello.    -lo  n  niello. 

Mel*  Nicholas. 

Nijenbc  nlnth;  for  bet  .  in  the  ninth  place, 
nlnthly;  -  (og  tienbe)  ©ub  tenth  commandment. 
-en(be)bel  c,  -enbepart  c  ninth.  -er  c  -e  nine. 
•ffe  rbebelé  Xaft  nine-fourths  time.  -folb  fe 

•Nife*  a  p  creepy,  unholy,  te  uncanny,  amr 

Ntgarndllne  c  nine-thread  line. 

Nigerffoben  the  Niger. 

Ni|fja(et  a  btn  -be  Stat  the  cat  o'nine  talls. 
•bamiet  a  $  enneandrous. 

9llf|il|iØ'nte  c  ni'hilism.  -ift  c  -er  ni'hilfst. 
•iftifl  a  nihilist'ic. 

Nibnnnet  a  $  ennegynous. 

Nit'  n,  pi  =»,  nod,  beck;  bare  paa  .  meb  en 
have  a  nodding  acquaintance  with  one;  —  c 

92  i  tant  c  enneagon.    -et  a  enneagonal. 

Mille  vi  nod;  —  rf  tie  neck  and  foot,  hobble. 
Nitte  e  r  (fPumpe«;  brake,  handle  fof  a  pump); 
(til  ffreatur)  hobble;  —  niitenbe  a  $  drooplng. 
Nitte)  bnf  te  c  jtø  blind  follower,  quockerwodger. 

Nittel  c  (TOetal)  nickel.  -blcnbe  fe  Sooblnlifel. 
•ataud  nickel-glance.  •bølbig  a  nickeliferous. 
•ilte,  -øgljb  oxide  of  nickel.  -fnlfat  nickelous 

Nifoba'rerne  the  Nlc'obars. 

Nltola  J,  Nlfola  «#  Nicholas. 

Nifonge  c  klng  at  nine-pins. 

Nitotln  o  nic'otine. 

Nilen  o  the  (river)  Ni  le.  —  Nil|balcn  tbe 
valley  of  the  Nile.  -beltaet  the  delta  of  the  Nile. 
-fløben  the  Nile.  -aaai  Egyptian  goose,  Chma- 
lopex  cegyptiacui.  -Ijejre  Nile  bird,  Ibu  religion. 
-tjeft  hippopotamus.  -tarpe  Nile  carp.  •trøtobil 
Nilotic  crocodile,  Crocodilus  vvløari*.  -fanbeue 
the  Nile  countries.  -maaler  nilometer.  nilo- 
scope.  -partier  monitor  (of  the  Nile),  Varanw 

Ntlrtet  a  nine-thread;  nine-barrelled. 

Ntmbttf  c  nimbus,  halo,  glory. 

Nimøcgen  n  Nimegnen. 

Ntn'ibe  n  Nineveh. 

Vlioht  Ni'obe. 

»iotteubebel*  taft  nine-elghths  time. 

9lip'  n,  pi  =,  (UOe  Slurf)  sip;  paa  -pet  on  tb* 
point  of,  within  an  ace  of. 

9lipflob  c  neap  tide. 

Wlppt  vt  twitch;  -  af  twitch  off,  .  nb  put 
out;  —  •«'  .  i  twitch;  -  til  el.  af  noget  alp  som* 
thing;  ban  -be  til  Ølaftfet  he  sipped  a  little  ont 
of  his  glass,  touched  the  glass  with  bie  Ups 
-brlf  c  sipping.    -briffet  alpper.  -m  c  alpping 

Wptsvtn  the  method  of  casting  out  the  9  s 

ftiyf  pi  fe  -fager,  -borb  whatnot.  Ktbterier, 
9lipi\ltuflanU.  -fager  p/trinkets,  knick  knacts 

Wlptauq  e  tweezers,  plien  pi. 

mptib  e  9HDfIob. 

9ltrté  ,c  mink,  Mustela  lutreoia. 

*9life  c  -r  porpoise,  Pkoccena  commnni*. 

ftifibet  a  enneahedral. 

«i»fe  vi  (»ornef.)  piddle. 

Wiftfe  c  -r  hobgoblin,  brownie,  puck,  Robin 
good  boy;  (Segetø])  tumbler,  -aatig  a  puckfeh 
-luf  fe  9{i«fe. 

Wftaselfeå  a  enneasyllabic,  of  nine  ayUable? 

*9Mfte  c  travelling-provisions,  viaticum.  *iff 
rt  -  en  ub  provide  one  with  viands  for  tbe 
Journey.  •bomme  provlsion-box.  -^»fe,  -ftrirf yc 
provision-bag,  wallet. 

9lt'|ftewmig  a  for  nine  voices.  -tal  figure  of 

9Hte  c  fe  9?itte  c. 

ftttbammer  c  riveting  hammer. 

9tifi'b  a  neat,  tidy. 

Witljorrn  rivet-iron.  -nagle  c  rivet.  Ktrnisf 
c  riveting. 

ftitra't  n  -er  ni'trate. 

Nitroglycerin  c  nitro-glyc'erine. 

Kitte  e  -r  (i  fiotteri)  blank. 

9titte  ot  (flinle  meb  Nagler)  clinch,  rivet.  -for 
binbelfe  riveting.  -bamtnrr  fe  9Ht*.  -fløb  rivet 
ing-clamp.  -m afline  riveting- machine.  -nteéjUg 

Nitten  nlneteen.  -aartg  a  nineteen  years  old. 
•be  nineteenth.  ftittenbebel  c  nineteenth  part. 
Nitteit | gr^n  c  (+n)  fån  -)  precisian.  +-fir^iteri 
n  precisianism. 

Nittelbaube  rivet-hole.  -ftembel,  -tratfrer  rivet 

Nitti  nttm  ninety;  (i  ^tlet)  repique.  -enbe 

Nioea«'  n  level;  bære  i  -  meb  be  on  a  level 
with;  i  .  (mrb  ^inanben)  (on  a)  level,  ••bergang, 
•ooerf«rfel  level  crossing. 

NibeOe 'rlhtftrument  leveUing  instrument,  -ror 
level.    NioeHe're  vt  level.    NibeOe'ritig  c  levcl- 


Nlj :  Nummer  -F  a  (mere)  cipher. 
Nis  c  P  fe  portemonnæ. 
Niua  n  Nice. 

Nifarrt  e  peasood  with  nine  peas.     -*Je  fe 
Noati  «rf  Noah's  ark;  boat-shell,  Årca  3W. 

Nob|el  a  noble;  —  c  -bier  noble,  -ilitere  pr 
nobil'itate.    -le«  fe  c  (egl.  k  fio)  nobil'ity. 

Nobc  c  -r  (musical)  note;  -r  (gRufitolier)  music; 
fpiQe  efter  -r  play  by  (the;  note;  fatte  en  SRelobt 
paa  -r  score  down  a  tune;  F  ocere  meb  paa  -me 
be  in  the  secret.  -art  -Mab  sheet  of  music. 
-bog  music-book,  singing-book,  (ffreoen)  musio 
copy -book.  -brat  music-fhune.  -etaartt  music 
-stand,  -beftc  fe  -bog.  -linie  music-une.  -Ure- 
ning  readlng  of  music.  -m  op  be  music- portfolio 
-papir  music-paper.  -pen  munic-pen.  -P«U 




9toner  pi  (gagter)  gestures,  antics  pf;  (»tøffer) 
wtiims  pi. 

9loht\fMft  notation,  -{friøer  copler  of  music, 
music  copyist.  -frribning  oopying  of  music. 
-fritter  engraver  of  music.  -fiol  music-desk. 
-fttfftem  staff.  -rrlfl  printing  of  music.  -tr(ff  er 
miislc-prlnter.  -trbfferl  music-press.  -tr(tttiuø 
printing  of  music.    -Denter  leaf-turner. 

9tø'gett  [aa,  F  noanl  pron  inde/,  n  noøet,  pi 
nogle   (abjetribtff,  partitibt  og  meb  unberfotftaaet 
^ubftantiD)  some;  bet  er  nogle  ©øger  there  ara 
some  books;  nogle  af  $eftene  some  of  the  horses; 
*n1ier  bu  ©øger?  (er  er  nogle  (©øger)  do  you 
want  books?  nere  are some;  nogle  og  t(be  twenty 
(and)  odd;  —  (ubeftemt,  tbiblenbe,  fpørgenbe,  nag« 
ttitbe)  any;  (ar  bu  nogle  (nogen)  $enne?  (ligegbtbig 
t)t>itfe)  have  you  got  any  pens?  (bi&  bet  et  nogen 
(fom  (elfl)  af  ebet  if  there  be  any  of  you;  (an  par 
<@enge,  (at  bu  nogle  (nogen)?  he  bas  got  money; 
have  you  any?  ffte  -,  ifte  noget  not  any,  no;  itfe 
_  ©og,  itfe  noget  $uø  not  any  el.  no  book,  house; 
-t  ufceøbantigt  something  unusual;   an   unusual 
tbing.  —  ftofien  (fubflantibtff,  en  el.  anben)  some 
ose,  somebody,  pi  nogle  some  (people);  (ubeftemt, 
tøiDtenbe,  fpørgenbe,  nægtenbe)  any  one,  any  body; 
ifte  -  not  any  body,  not  any  one,   none;  bebre 
mb  -  better  than  anybody  (else);  lab  -  gøre  bet, 
om  ban  fan  I  defy  any  one  to  do  it.  —   9løøet 
(fubfl.)  something;    any  thing;   iffe  -  nothing, 
not  any  thing;  (bob  for  noget?  what?  (oab  et  bet 
for  noget?  what  is  that?  $e  figer  -t  a  good  idea! 
-t  for  -t  one  good  turn  deseryes  another,  p  you 
scratch  my  back  and  I'll  scratch  yours;  noget 
farligt  -t  some  dangerous  stuff;   .  er  bebte  enb 
intet  better  half  a  loaf  than  no  bread;  bet  et 
noget  for  mig  that  is  just  the  thing  for  me;   bet 
»ar  noget  i  (enbeø  fBafen  fom  there  was  that  in 
her  manner  which;   faabant  -t  fom   something 
like;  ellet  faabant  -t  or  the  like;  bet  fer  ba  ub 
efter  -t  F  that  is  something  like  now;  (an  blioer 
nof  r<l  -t  he  will  get  on,  make  his  way,  do  well 
enough;  —  noget  adv  somewhat,  rather,  a  little; 
_  nar  about,  almost,  something  like:  bet  et  - 
Darmt,  fotbt  it  is  rather  warm.  cold;  noget  før,  - 
efter  a  little  before,  after;  -  fra  ©(en  some  di- 
stance from  the  town.  —  ftøgenlgang  adv  some- 
times,     -tebeø,  -Innbe  adv  (+  a  ■■  taalelig)  (paa 
en  el.  anben  Otaabe)  in  some  measure;  (taale(ig) 
tolerably,  fairly,  passably,  moderately;  (blot)  - 
gob  anything  like  good;  berfom  (an  -  er  i  @tanb 
berril  if  he  Is  at  all  able.     -finbe  adv  ever,   at 
any  time.    -fout(elft,  nøøetføm(etft  pron  inde/ 
any  whatever;  (fubft.)  any  body  el.  any  one  w.; 
any  thing  w.;  paa  -  BRaabe  by  any  meanB  what- 
ever, in  any  way  whatsoever.    -ftetø,  nøøetfteb* 
adv  any  where;  -  (en  any  where;  -  fra  from 
anywhere.    -rib  adv  fe  -finbe. 

9tøf '  •  &  a  enough,  sufficient,  plenty;  een  er  - 
one  will  do;  »i  bar  .  og  mere  enb  -  we  have  got 
enough  and  to  spare;  føn  bar  -  at  lebe  af  he  has 
wberewithal  to  live  el.  a  competency;  ban  faar 
albrtø  -  he  is  never  satisfled;  bet  »il  were  _  meb 
nøgle  øonfle  faa  a  very  few  will  answer;  fiø  felto 
.  selfcontalned,  self- centred;  -  fogt  enough;  _ 
er  bet  however  that  may  be,  sumce  it  to  say, 
all  I  am  certain  of  is  that;  itfe  -  at  ban  (ar  he 
bas  not  merely,  not  content  with  having;  itfe  - 
meb  bet  that  is  not  all;  funbe  (abe  baret  .  til  at 
might  have  served  to;  lab  bet  nu  boere  -  enough 
of  that;  ber  er  -  af  bent  fom  there  are  not  want- 
ing  those  who;  (an  gør  mig  -  af  bet  he  gives 
me  tzouble  enough;  nej,  nu  (ar  Jeg  -  af  bet  F 
well,  that  beats  all;  fe  $lage.  9tot  adv  enough, 
sufficiently;  flor  -  large  enough,  sufficiently  1.; 
bum  -  rit  at  fool  enough  to,  bu  forftaar  mig  -  I 
am  sure  you  understand  me;  bu  moa  -  le  ab  bet 

you  may  well  laugh  (at  that);  bet  maa  bu  .  fige 
you  may  well  say  that;  Jeg  gab  -  bibe  I  should 
(very  much)  like  to  know;  (an  finber  -  $ufet  I 
dåre  say  he  will  find  the  house;  bet  fan  ~  gaa 
I  dåre  say  it  will  do;  (an  rommer  .  he  is  sure 
to  come,  he  will  come  sure  enough;  bu  fan  - 
tænfe  you  may  easily  imagine;  bet  tror  i  eg  nof 
I  rather  think  so,  I  dåre  say;  bet  tror  jeg  nof 
I  believe  you,  I  should  think  so;  ja  ~  why  not, 
well;  bet  tænfte  jeg  -  I  thought  as  much;  fagbe 
jeg  bet  iffe  -?  I  told  you  as  much. 

9loY  adv  [t] :  om  ber  oar  -  faa  mange  if  there 
were  ever  so  many.  any  number;  -  een  one 
more,  another;  -  en  (øang  once  more,  once  again; 

-  en  Øang  faa  flor  as  large  again;  .  faa  ftot  fully 
as  large. 

Wør'  c  -fer  pin,  peg;  <t  (Kaanof)  yard-arm, 
(af  6p(b,  ©om,  ©rabfpil)  end,  (paa  ©affel)  peak. 
-(arm  peak,  (paa  ffiaafejt)  earing.  -bolt  peak 
piece.  -banbf el headearing.  -bøjle  goose-neck. 
-øaarbinø  leech-line.  -tlampe  arm-cleat.  -løjert 
head-cringle.    -pert  Flemish-horse. 

9cotfaa  adv:  -  gob  good  enough,  not  half  bad. 

ftotfejfittg  c  arm-gakket. 

ftøtføttt  adv  enough,  sufficiently;  (+  a  suffi- 

Ølotlfnrrinø  yardarm  lashing.  -taffel  yard 

Øcøfinr'ttc  c  -r  nocturne,  notturno. 

Kolons  volens  adv  will  he,  nil  he;  willing  or 

ftøma'be  c  -r  nom'ad,  nom'ade.  -folf  nomad'ic 
people,  nomadic  trlbe.  -liø  nomadic  life.  fcø» 
ma'btft  a  nomad'ic. 

bornen  n  -ina  noun.  -flatu'r  c  nomencla'ture 
(ogf.  no'-).  ftøntinariø  n  -er  gram  nominatlve; 
i  -  in  the  n.  (case).     Komfort'  a  nom'inal;  en 

-  8eje  a  peppercorn  reut. 

•Twon  (ogf.  t  prov)  c  nones,  the  time  about 
three  o'clock. 

9tøn>ftccepratiø'n  c  non-accep'tanoe. 

9co«o)al|an'ce  c  carelessness,  coolness,  non- 
chalance,   -aut'  a  careless,  cool,  nonchalant. 

Kone  c  -r  mw  ninth. 

92oniuø  c  nonius  scale,  vernier. 

Køitlømtattan'rer  pt  non-com'batants. 

Kønne  c  -r  nun;  fe :  -anb,  -bue;  night-butterfly, 
Liparit  monacka.  9^0«ne|agtig  a  nunlike.  -anb 
fe  (oib  ftifftanb.  -boje, -bøje  nun-buoy.  -ccHe 
nun's  cell.  -bragt  habit  el.  garb  of  a  nun. 
-bue  nun,  Colwuba  ve*tali&.  -fappe  biggonet. 
-(tøfler  nunnery.  -flaber  pi  fe  -bragt,  -liø  life 
of  a  nun.  -løfte  conventual  vow.  +-mober 
abbesB.  -orben  order  of  nuns.  -fang  song  of 
nuns.  -flår  fine  cambric.  -fUr  veil  of  a  nun. 
•ftaub  condition  of  a  nun.  -rit  c  kind  of  apple. 
-O  af  en  et  the  nunnery  institution. 

92onoi  c  -er  m««  novemole. 

Wønpareltt'e  c  non'pareil. 

Non  plns  nltra  n  ne  plu*  ultra. 

9tønfenØ  n  nonsense. 

92øn*6ølntion  c  non-payment. 

Mopal  c  prickly  pear,  Indlån  fig  cactus, 

Køppe  c  -r  frizzed  nap  of  cloth.  Woppe, 
Ropre  vt  friz.    ftøprinø  c  frizzing. 

øcør  »,  pi  «,  baby. 

9cør  n  frith  (with  a  narrow  inlet). 

9cø'rb  n  &  adv  north;  lige  i  .  due  north.  91. 
r.  ».  N.  by  W.  ».  t.  0.  N.  by  E.  ».  ».  ». 
N.  N.  W.  ofø.;  (i)  -  for  north  of;  i  -  (in  the) 
north;  fra  -  from  the  north;  mob  -  (to  the) 
north,  northward.  9?ørb|afrita  North  Africa 
(o.  fl.).  -auterifa  North  America;  -S  forenebe 
Stater  the  United  States  of  North  A.  -arner!- 
fanff  a  North  American,     -bagge   Norwegian 




pony;  joc  Norwegian.  -bone  Northern  (Railway). 
•bø,  -Boer  Northman,  Hyperborean.  -brebbe 
north  latitude,  latitude  north.  -efter  adv  north- 
ward. forben  »  the  North;  the  8candlnavian 
North,  Scandinavia;  bet  gamle  -  ancient  Scandi- 
navia,   ftørben  a  north.    ftorbenbe  north  end. 

9iø'rben|fj«lbf  adv  north  of  the  Dovre. 
-fforlbf!  a:  bet  -e  ttorge  the  northern  half  of 
Norway  (north  of  Dovre).  -før  frcep  (to  the) 
north  of;  adv  in  the  north.  -fru  adv  from  the 
north(ward).  -øm  pratp  (to  the)  northward  of. 
*-fnø  biting  wind  from  the  north.  -Hørm 
northerly  gale.  -ftrøm  northerly  current  el. 
stream.    -pinb  north  wind,  norther. 

9to'rber|  brebbe  fe  9tørbbrebbe.  -bel  northern 
part.    -tant  fe  9lorbfant. 

9tø'rb|farer  north  tråder,  -gaaenbe  a  (Strøm) 
northerly,  (6fi6)  going  north,  northward  bound; 
—  9  paa  -  on  her  way  north;  for  -  northward 
bound.  •gnrufe  northern  limit,  -bare  Scotch 
el.  varying  hare,  Lepu*  variabiii*.  -tønet  the 
Northern  Sea.  -bimmrl  northern  sky.  -Ijøaf  fe 
©cenlanb*«.  -i  adv  northward.  9lørbing  «  i 
northing.  ftørbtdbaoet  the  Arctic  Ocean,  »or- 
biff  a  northern,  Scandinavlan.  ftørbjfant  north 
side,  northern  parts  pi.  'lap  (the)  North  cape. 
•taber  nord-caper,  BaUxna  glacialt«,  -flifl  north- 
ern coast  el.  snore,  -(aub  northern  country; 
Norlaud  (in  Norway).  -(anbøførcr  fe  -farer,  -leb 
north  channel.  Mi  slope  el.  mountain  Ride 
with  a  northern  aspect.  ftørblig  a  northern, 
(Retning)  northerly;  -  rørebbe  north  latitude; 
ben  -e  $ofartrebf  the  Arctic  Polar  circle;  —  adv 
to  the  north(ward).  Wørbtigft  a  northernmost. 
92ørb[fb9  northern  lights,  aurora  borealis. 
-(arabing  fe  -bo;  native  of  Norland.  -magnrttøme 
north  magnetism.  -tnaub  fe  Wormanb.  -nørbø'ft 
North  North  East.  -nørbø'ftlig  a  northnorth- 
easterly.  -nørbbrftlig  a  northnorthwesterly. 
-o'ft  northeast;  -en  the  northeaster.  -ø'ftenben 
the  uorth  east  end  (o.  fl.).  -ø  ftlig  a  north 
•easterly;  ben  -fte  the  northeasternmost;  —  adv 
to  the  north-east.  -ø firing  c  easterly  variation, 
•o  fttotnb  northeast  wind.  -øøer  adv  (to  the) 
northward.  'paa  adv  in  the  north,  (Retning) 
northward.  -pøl  north  el.  arctic  pole.  -polar- 
egnene the  arctic  regions,  -pøfarbaøet  fe  -i** 
babet.  -polaritet  north  polarity.  -potteMpebltion 
arctic  expedition,  expedition  to  the  north  pole. 
•pøfdfarer  arctic  navigator.  -pnnttet  the  north. 
•ranb  northern  edge;  (®o(ent,  BRaanen*)  northern 
limb.  ftørbre  a  northern.  9tørbre  fig  vr  norther, 
haul  round  to  the  northward.  9?ørb|fibe  north 
side.  -ffitt  fe  -IM.  -fleøbig  Northern  81eswic. 
-fleøbfgcr  inhabitant  of  Northern  Sleswic.  -fpib« 
north  point,  -flåterne  the  Northern  States. 
-fif mie  north  star,  polar  star.  -ftørm  northerly 
gale.  -ftranb  north  shore.  -ftregrn  the  North 
point,  -føen  the  North-Sea,  the  German  Ocean, 
-tftft  a  North  German;  bet  -e  ftorbunb  the  N.  G. 
confederation.  -tuffer  North  German.  -tafNanb 
Northern  Germany.  -neft'  north west.  -øeft  - 
enben  the  north-weet  end  (o.  flj.  -beft'lig  a 
northwesterly.  -beft'tigft  a  northwesternmost. 
•beflpaøfage  north-west  passage,  -oeftre  a 
northwestera.  -bcft'rtng  c  western  variation, 
-øeft  øinb  north-west  wind,  northwester.  -øft', 
-øft Hg,  -tftiiflft  -øft'ring  fe  oft  ofø. 

ttøroe  n  Norway. 

ttørlff  a:  be  -e  Vlper  the  Noric  Alps. 

ftørm  c  -er  rule,  standard;  rrø  slgnature, 
direction  line.  9torma'l  a  no'rmal;  —  o  -et 
standard;  geom  normal.  —  ftørmø/llarbcibØbng 
normal  worklng-day.  -fob  standard  foot.  -Qaftig* 
beb  mean  el.  proper  speed.  9tørm*(ifc're  ti 
no'rmallze.     ttørmalife'rlng   c  normaliza'tion. 

9tørtttal|iompa*  standard  compass  (o.  fl.).  -trait 
proof  powder.  -maal  standard  measure.  -flstt 
n.  school.  'tap  normal  tap.  -ftfljtsmb  n.  stat* 
-tonarten  the  open  key.  -tøoe  normal  tone. 
-pagt  standard  weight. 

ttørmanb  [6]  c  -mamb  Norwegian;   ^  (Qosi 
norman;  (Stir)  cat's  paw. 

ftørmanbi'et  No'nnandy.  ftørmaVner  r, 
nørmnnniff  a  Norman;  be  -e  £er  the  Channel 

ftørme're  vt  regnlate. 

Kørne?  c  pi  Norns,  weird  staters,  Fat« 
Destinies  (of  Northern  mythology). 

ftørrbøtten  n  North  Bothnia. 

9tørr*n  o  None. 

ftorf!  a  Norwegian,  +Norse;  bet  tHt  paa  øobt  . 
fifle  the  English  of  this  is.  +9tørflte  «*  speak 
Ilte  a  Norwegian.  9tørflF|f«bt  of  Norwegian 
birth,  a  born  Norwegian.  -b.eb  e  Nomregiannes* 
(Gprogegentøb)  Norwegianlsm.  -nnrff  a  altra 

OTørtfjium'brifT  a  Northumbrian. 

9tørbag|ife're  ti  Norwegicize,  Norwegianize 
-iø'me  c  -r  Norwe'gianism. 

•Wøfe  vt  scent,  smell. 

tftøøfe  c  -r  testicle,  stone. 

ftøftøjgi'  c  nostal'gia. 

ftøTtrnm  n  -ra  nostrum. 

92ø't  o  -er  (6nebt.)  groove. 

•Wøt  (ogf.  jprov)  e,  pi  føter  selne,  sweep-net 

fHo'ta  e  mere  bill  of  parcels;  toge  fifl  ad  notam 
take  a  note  of.  ftøtabet  a  notable.  Wøta  bel 
førfamling  assembly  of  notables.  9tot*\bf*t 
adv  observe,  mind  (well),  -bcnr'ret  a  (©rer 
registered.  -bilite  t  e  -er  distmgolahed  person, 
notability.  -riai  a  nota'rial.  -ria'Itter  adv 
notarlally.  -riaifegf  notarial  seal  (ø.  fl.)-  -'rim! 
c  notary;  -  publitul  notary  public,  -rta't  » 
notary's  office.    9tota't  n  -et  note. 

ftøte  c  -r  note,  annotation,   (unber   Xttlttv 
footnote;  biplomartfl  .  diplomatio  paper  e(.  note, 
memorandum,    -bog  fe  9coteruig§'. 

*9tøte|baå  master-selner.  -fifleri  seining.  -tnfl 
sweep  of  the  net. 

»ote'r|e  vt  note,  record;  mere  (om  $xiflurant) 
quote.  -ing  e  -et  noting;  quotation.  -ingØbog 
note-book,  memorandum-book. 

*9tøtefømg  n  fe  6ilbe«. 

Wote|pefØeI,  -befMing  exchange  of  (diplomatlc) 

•Wø'tgr«*  $  water  lobelia,  Lobelia  Dort- 

92o'tb.øb(  c  groovlng-plane.   -tanb  plough  bit. 

Woti'ce  c  -r  note,  remark;  (i  fBfob)  parstgraph; 
tage  .  af  take  notice  of.  -bøg  fe  ftoterhigftbog. 
»otifice're  vt  no'tify.  Køtiflf otiø'n  c  notiflca'tion. 
Woti'tØ  fe  92otice. 

Woto  rift  a  well  known. 

*Wo  tf»b  c  herring  caught  by  the  seine, 

Wo'tfPage  c  J,  preventer  handspQce. 

ftoøaja  6em'tin  n  Novaia  Zemlfa. 

♦Støb'  o  -er  comer-Joint  el.  corner  (of  a  log 

ftøbeO'e  e  r  nov'el.  -agtta  a  fe  ^oMfliftiff 
-bigter,  -førfatter(inbe)  novel-writer,  novelist. 
MotxUtttt  c  -r  tale,  novelette.  92oPeHifty  e  -er 
nov'ellst.  KøpeKifltn'be  o  -r  (laåy)  novelist. 
ftøoeKtft'ijr  a  in  the  form  of  a  novel. 

9løøem'øer  c  November. 

9tø»i|ce  e  -r  novice,    -ctø/t  n  novic'late. 

Wk  adv  (Zib)  now,  at  present;  (nnber  be  sot' 
øorenbe  Omftænbig^eber)  as  it  is  el.  was;  (tonW 
9ort.)  well.  really,  yousee;  (=»naa)  well;  im  oø 
ba  now  and  then,  now  and  again;  nu.  ba  do» 
that;  fra  nu  af  henceforth,  henceforward,  from 




dow;  nu  ntplig  just  now;  ret  nu,  nu  firatø  dlrectly; 
nu  til  Sagt  fnuttlbagl)  now-a-days;  faab  rr  bet 
nu,  ban  fabber?  what  is  his  name  again?  ba  nu 
now  when;  naat  jeg  nu  now  if;  flben  jeg  nu  now 
that  I;  nu  moa  (an  tooree  ber  he  mast  be  there 
by  this  time,  by  now;  man  maa  nu  flge  fibab  man 
oit  say  what  you  will;  bet  et  nu  en  ®ang  faa  well, 
so  it  is,  for  better  or  worae.  9ta  n  the  present; 
i  bette  -  tbis  very  instant;  i  et  -  in  a  moment, 
in  a  twinkling,  in  a  trloe,  in  no  time. 

92tt«n|ce  c  -r  shade.    -ce'rc  vt  shade  off,  vary. 

•Wui'  c  -ber  brad,  sprig. 

ttnbbe  vt  fe  »uppe. 

9*  nb  i  |  en  n  Nubia.  -er  c  -e,  -erin'be  c  -r,  -ft  a 

**«*'  c  -ber,  fe  »ub. 

ftubcl  e  -bier  vermicelll,  noodles.  -befg  v. 
-dough  et.  -paste.  -mel  v.  flour.  -malt  v.  boiled 
in  milk.    -fuppe  v.  soup. 

9taf  n  -ler  zero,  cipher;  nonentity;  (a>  intet) 
nougbt,  naught,  nil;  ftoa  paa  .  be  at  zero;  er 
ncrften  Hg  .  is  almost  nil. 

Wnlebeube    a    now    living;    .    Hrter    recent 

»  n  1 1  tr  bbf biflancen  straight  of  breadth.  -! røb* 
front  dead  flat,  midship  frame,  -linje  (ftioeH.) 
datum-Une;  (5)mp.)  atmospheric  line.  9ctt!!ibø'rer 
pi  nnll'ipores.  ftufltte  t  c  -er  nnllity;  (røerfon) 
cipher.  ftntbnnft  (paa  Xermom.)  zero;  (ftioelt.) 

Rnmc|ra'fe  n  -Her  pram  nu'meral.  -re're  vt 
number;  -t  Ulab«,  fe  Kummer«;  ber  er  iRe  -be 
$labfer  i  parterret  the  pit  is  not  reserved.  -re'» 
ring  c  numera'tion.    -'riff  a  numer'ical. 

9fnmi'bi|en  n  Numid'ia.  -er  c,  -ft  a  Numid'- 
ian;    ff  %vli  barb. 

9tnmfØma|ii!'  c  numismat'ics  pi.  -'Hf er  c  -e 
Duml8'matist.    -'riff  a  numismat'ic. 

*9tnmnten  a  numbed. 

9htmmer  n  -e  number;  (af  ©fob)  impresslon, 
issne,  (af  en  føreftilling)  performance;  (oeb  8abbe> 
tamp)  event;  (paa  Kortion)  lot,  entry;  -  1  og  4 
Nos.  1  and  4;  mit  .  er  7«/*  (om  $anbfter)  my  size 
i&  Beven  and  three  quarters;  et  -  for  lide  a  size 
too  small;  F  ban  er  et  gobt  ~ !  what  a  fellow  he 
is!  bane  et  fajt  -  faft  en  stand  high  with  one; 
gøre  et  ftori  -  af  make  the  most  of.  -e're  fe 
Sumerere,  -flag  number  flag,  numbers.  -morte 
tally.  -plabf  (i  Xeatret)  reserved  seat.  -rtttte 
nuraerical  order.    -fignat  numerary  signal. 

fcautntnlit'  c  er  nummulite. 

ftantinf  c  -ier  nuncio. 

ttuomftanber  adv  now-a-days. 

»uperefler  pi  tattings. 

ttnppe  vt  pluck.    -jern  preen. 

*ftnrf  c  manlkin. 

fturnberg  fe  92pmberg. 

Hu*  n  (*srnef.)  kis«;  (©am)  baby,  chit. 

Ruste  vt  fe  K&ftle. 

fftutfe  vt  nurse,  coddle;  (Wofiner)  rub  the 
stalka  off  (raisins).    -ben  ducky,  darling. 

•But  c  -er  mouutain-top. 

Kutatiø'n  e  nuta'tion. 

9lu|tiben  c  the  present  times  pi,  the  present 
day;  øram  the  present  (tense).  -tibøaanb  spirlt 
of  the  present  age.  -tlbø  ftiftorten  modern  history. 
•iibøbiftørtf!  a  belonging  to  modern  history. 
-tiMf  bgbøntntc  diseases  of  modern  llfe.  -tilbage 
wlv  now-a-days.  -Pet'  adv  well  (then).  -øorreube 
a  present,  now  prevaillng;  ben  -  Jtonge  the 
present  klng,  his  present  majesty. 

fitt  u  new;  (og  ufæbøanlig)  novel;  (anben)  other; 
bet  .  Xeftamente  the  new  testament;  anftaffe  -e 
&aabe  (i  Stcbet  for  be  miftebe)  replace  boats;  -  i 
dmbebet  new  to  the  Office;  ben  -ere  $fftorie  modern 
hiftiory;  be  -ere  &prog  the  modem  languages;  be 

n&ere  the  modems;  i  ben  -ere  Zib  in  recent  times; 
-efte  (efterretninger  late  et.  recent  accounts;  af  t, 
fra  -t  af  anew;  paa  -,  *paa  -t  anew,  afresh;  -t 
©røb  fresh  bread;  -e  ©ifalbiraab  fresh  el.  more 
cheers;  t  ftofte  feje  bebft  new  brooms  sweep 
clean;  bet  er  bet  -efte  man  far  (SRobe)  it  is  the 
latest  thing  out;  —  9tpt  n  (9t&beber)  news;  boab 
•t?  what  is  the  (beat)  news  with  you?  -t  af  Varet 
something  new;  -t  og  gammelt  things  old  and 
new.  9llj  n  change  (of  the  moon),  new  moon; 
i  -  og  9tø  rarely,  at  long  intervals.  9lp|aar  fe 
$tttaar.  -anfommen  a  lately  arrived.  -aufommen 
c  new-comer,  new  arrival.  -anflaffelfe  pure  hase. 
-baaren  a  newborn.  -bagt  a  newly  baked;  fio 
new-fangled,  (om  ^erfon)  new-fledged,  upstart. 
-banet  (om  Seje)  newly  made.  -barberet  a  new 
-shaven.  -begnabelfe  (fresh)  start,  new  departure. 
•bea^nber  novice,  tyro.  -blaat  mixture  of  starch 
and  indigo,  -brnb  n  new-reclaimed  land.  -Irubt 
a  new-opened.  -brunt  pruraiate  of  copper. 
-brttgget  a  newly  brewed.  -bbg,  -bljgb,  -bQgge 
colony,  settlement.  -t-bMge  vt  build  anew. 
-bbgger  colonist,  settler.  -bsgget  a  newly  built. 
-bagning  new  bulldlng.  -b«r  a  (f.  HU.  fto)  (cow 
that  has)  newly  caived.  -bannelfe  new  forma- 
tion, -banner  a  new  el.  newly-formed;  bet  -ebe 
Ofinifterium  the  administration  newly  formod. 

Wpbe,  nøb,  nbbt  vt  enjoy;  jeg  bar  itfe  -bt  noget 
i  2)aø  I  have  tasted  no  food  to- day,  I  have  not 
broken  my  fast;  fywb  snfter  S)e  at  .  what  will 
you  take?  -  Unberottning  be  under  instruction 
el.  tultion;  ~ jaobt  af  have  the  beneflt  el.  pri vilege 
of;  .  famme  ©eflbttelfe  meet  with  the  same  pro- 
tection;  efter  at  fiavt  -bt  en  folib  gyroloft  alter 
partaking  of  a  substantial  breakfast;  fan  far  -bt 
en  gob  Opbrogelfe  he  has  recelved  a  good  educa- 
tion;  \tq  far  -bt  meget  gobt  i  bette  $u*  I  have 
met  with  much  kindness  in  this  house. 

ftnbeUa  a  nice,  charming,  elegaut,  adv  nicely 
etc.;  tpalatable,  dainty.  -beb  c  charmingness, 

Wtobelf e  c -t  enjoyment,  frultlon;  -r  enjoyments; 
sensual  enjoyment  el.  pleasure;  en  fal  -  quite  a 
treat,  relish;  affalbe  flg  fra  n  af  abstain  from 
eating,  drinking,  from  the  use  of;  ftratft  efter  -n 
af  immediately  after  partaking  of.  —  9tbbelfee> 
epue  c  power  of  enjoyment.  -rig  o  full  of 
enjoyment.  -fug  a  pleasure-seeking;  seusual. 
-fuge  addictedness  to  (sensual)  pleasures.  fRbben 
e  (bet  at  npbe)  enjoying;  fe  ogfaa  -Ife.  Wpber  c 
enjoyer;  possessor;  temporary  occupier. 

9{p |  emanciperet  a  newly  emancipated.  -eng« 
Unb  New  England.  -ertøerbet  a  recently 
acquired.  -falben  a  (om  6nr)  newly  fallen;  tjotb 
fom  .  6ne  white  as  the  driven  snow.  -figen  a 
greedy  of  news,  curious,  inquisltive.  -flgcnbeb 
e  greediness  of  news,  curiosity;  inqulsitiveness. 
•fiflet  a  new- fished  -fortabet  a  recently  engaged 
et.  betrothed;  be  -be  the  couple  recently  engaged. 
-fonnbtanb  n  Newfoundland,  -fonnblornbcr 
(^unb)  Newfoundland  dog.  -franfl  a&n  modern 
French.  -f rodfen  a  newly  frozen.  -fnnben  « 
new-found.  +-f«belfe,  -f«bning  new  birth, 
regeneration.  -f«bt  a  newborn.  -gift  a  newly 
marrled;  et  $or  -e  newly  married  pair.  -gjort 
a  newly  done,  new-made.  *-gJ*bflet  a  newly 

*9lMCe  o  -r  (boat's)  plug.  -tnf  plug  hole  (for 
a  boat  s  plug). 

9hi|groet  a  newly  grown.  -grotter  o  -e  modern 
Qreek.  -grøft  o  i  n  modern  Greek,  Romaic. 
-g«bet  fe  'oiobflet. 

ftbtyeb  c  -er  (©eflaffenbeben)  newness,  novelty, 
recentness;  (npt,  noget  npt)  news,  novelty.  en  - 
a  piece  of  news;  -en#  3ntere«fe  the  charm  <»f 
novelty.   —  ftttbcMIaanb  spirit  of  innovati 




•ciffer  ((fiffer  af  ftotanbring)  lover  of  novelty; 
(Sifter  af  at  tørre  nut)  one  fond  of  healing  news. 
-graabig  o  greedy  of  news.  -jager  quidnunc. 
•frarmmer  newsmonger.  -pøfe  budget  of  news. 
-pøfft  item  of  intelligence,  -rn*  transport  occa- 
sioned  by  the  novelty  of  a  thlng.  -fbanger  a 
fraugbt  el.  teeming  with  news.  -fug  o  fe  -graabig. 
•tøj*  passion  for  novelty. 

WblboflanbnNew-Holland,  Australia.  •(»tierbet 
a  newly  enlisted,  newly  ralsed.  -bøftbf?  modem 
Hlgh-German.  -inbrebet,  -inbrettet  a  newly 
furoished.    -iftanbfat  a  newly  re-fltted. 

*ftijtng  c  fire  (made  up  in  the  open  air). 

*9W  n  jerk,  snatch,  sudden  pull. 

9tb  ternet  a  fresh  (charned). 

tttjtfe  c  -r  whim,  crotchet,  fancy,  freak;  ljun 
f>at  -r  she  has  crotchets  in  her  head;  £eften  &ot 
•r  the  horse  is  vi  clous,  lt  is  a  vicious  horse; 
fa?tte  en  -t  t  Aobebet  turn  one's  head. 

*9l*rtr  et  k  i  snatch,  pull. 

9lQ|foat  a  new-boiled.  -tommen  a  newly  come. 
•lagt  a  freshlald.  -Ianb  new  land.  -larinft  a 
neo-latin.    -labet  a  new- made. 

92l|lig  o  recent;  adv  lately,  of  late,  newly, 
recently;  fe  «Rp*. 

Wt)  Ubcn  a  (om  ftøer)  newly  bulled.  -maane 
new  moon;  bet  bar  -  i  ©aar  there  was  a  new 
moon  yesterday.  -malet  a  fresh  painted.  -maltet, 
•maltet  a  new,  fresh  from  the  cow. 

Wbatfc  c  -c  nymph.  ftpmfømant'  c  nympho- 

92))  |  mob  end  a  newfangled,  new  •  fashioned, 
fashionable,  modish.     -møntet  a  newly  coined. 

9tyn'  n,  pi  =,  hum.  -ne  trt  hum  (to  one's 
self),  croon,    -ne«  c  humming,  crooning. 

Wqombcnbt  a  newly  converted;  c  new  convert, 
neophyte.  -opbaget  a  recently  discovered.  -op- 
funben  a  new-fangled,  newly  invented.  -opført 
a  newly  erected.  -oplebet  a  newly  experienced. 
-orb  ueologism. 

*%bpe  c  -r,  fe  $pben. 

*9ib  Iplatøntfer  c  -e  Neopla'tonist.  -platonlff 
o  neoplaton'ic.  -pin  tf  et  a  newly  gathered. 
•pløjet  n  newly  ploughed.  -praget  «  newly 
stamped,  fresh  from  thecoiner'smould.  -raget 
a  new-shaven. 

Ulttre  c  -r  kldney;  reins  pi.  -betambelfe  in- 
flammation of  the  kidneys,  nephritis.  -bager 
envelope  of  the  kidneys.  -berttrit  basin  of  the 
kidneys.  -frbt  suet,  kidney-fiu.  -banner,  -formet, 
-førmig  a  kidoey-formed,  kidney-shaped,  reni- 
form.  -gang  ure  ter.  -grnd  gravel  (in  the  kid- 
neys -follT,  -f  mer  te  pain  in  the  kidneys,  ne- 
phralgy,  nephrltic  colic.  -marb  medullary  sub- 
stance  of  the  kidneys.  -patient  nephrltic  person. 
-fnit  nephrotomy.  -fteg  roast  loin.  -ften  (©ba- 
bom)  stone  In  the  kidneys,  renal  calculi;  min 
nephrltic  stone.  -ftreng  ure  ter.  -ftbffe  loin. 
-fttgbom  kldney  disease.  -talg  suet.  -tilfalbe 
nephritic  complaint  el.  attack.     t-ttttfe  fe  -talg. 

ftbrnberg  n  Nuremberg.  9?brnberger|lram, 
-barer  German  toys. 

92ttrømantift  a  neo-romantlc. 

<RtoS'  adv  just  now. 

tøt|*'  c  poor,  Oadu*  miaitftt«. 

9li)é'  n  hint,  intimation,  lnkling;  faa  ~  om  get 
scent  of;  gløe  rn  -  om  noget  give  one  a  hint  of 
a  thing,  put  one  on  his  guard  respecting  a 

9tbd  »  pi  es,  sneeze.  ftljfe,  nø«,  «b'|t  el.  nbfet 
vi  sneeze. 

ftbfee|tanb  n  New-Zealand.  -føraber  c  -e  New 

ftbfeimibbel  sternutatory.  -n  e  sneezlng,  ster- 
nutation,  sneeze.  -pufver  sternutatory,  sternu- 
tative  powder.    -rob  hellebore,  HtUebonu  niøer, 

fKnfenbe  .  bear-foot,  setter  wort,  B.  /ætidmmi  bs=l 

-  white  hellebore.  t-wflife,  f-nrt  sneeae-vrurt, 
Achillea  ptarmica. 

9ty*gerrig  a  curious,  inquisitlve,  prylng.  -%«» 
o  curiosity,  inquisitiveness. 

9t)!*ffet,  *-fUet  a  mælt)  new.  -ftåbt  a  newl* 
created.  -ffotlanb  Nova  Scotia.  -ff*ntiii*t  * 
newly  sklmmed.  -jlaaet,  -flagen  a  fe  -præget 
•ftagtet  a  recently  kllled  el.  slaughtered. 

t&bSle  vi  be  busy  with  trifles,  keep  pegnln^ 
away,  (t)  peddle,  piddle.  -n  c,  -ri'  n  tridinf 

92b|{Ieben  a  new-sharpened.  -fne  c  new-falka 

92pdnabnt  a  just  named. 

^pgfclig  a  f  neat,  nice,  pretty,  dainty.  -%cb 
o  prettiness. 

»bSfenØ  adv  f  fe  91*«. 

Kblftrgt  a  fresh-fried.  -ftrøgen  a  fresh-ironed 
•følo  German  silver,  white  copper. 

9tnt  fe  9tb. 

9lQtaar  n  new-year;  Ijan  fif  10  Irr.  i  -  he  re- 
celved  a  new-year's  gratuity  of  10  er.;  fe  *pt- 
aarftgabe;  alcebeltgt  el.  t^Tfaligt  .!  a  happy  nev 
year.  —  9tytaar4| aften  new-year's  eve.  -tef 
new-year's  day.  -gave  new-year  gift;  (©oatitfi: 
annual,  Christmas  number.  -gratnfattoB,  -btlf  en 
-l*f«nfTning  congratulation  on  the  new  year 
•morgen  the  first  morning  of  the  new  year 
•nat  new-year's  nlght.  -n)|  first  new  moon  in 
the  new  year.  -prttbiten  sermon  preached  on 
new-year's  day.  -berØ  new-year'B  verses.  -ntifii 
new-year  visit.  -ønfTe  wl&hes  for  a  happy  new 

9l\)  [tapptt  a  (om  pi)  newly  drawn.     -rc^e 
mentlig  a  of  the  New  Testament.   -tiben  modern 

ftbttr  vt  &  i  (gabne)  be  ofuse  (to  one),  serve, 
avail;  (ubntjttc)  turn  to  aecount,  (aobt)  to  good 
accrount;  bet  r  tf  te  it  is  (of)  no  use,  lt  is  no  good. 

Sibab  fan  bet  .V  what  is  the  use  (of  thai)?  btx^ 
an  bet  .  at  what  is  the  use  of  -ing?  92otte  - 
ub.  pi  Utility,  use,  benefit,  advantage;  mcb  _ 
with  advantage;  gere  ~  be  of  use.  (t  $ufet  o.  t  . 
be  helpful;  gjorbe  gob  -  did  good  service;  bras* 
_  af  be  benefited  by;  føre  fig  til  -  make  use  of, 
take  advantage  of;  bære  en  til  -  be  of  use  to 
one;  bet  er  til  ingen  -  it  is  (of)  no  use,  of  no 
avail.  to  no  purpose;  tomme  en  Hl  nogen,  aob.  . 
stand  one  in  some,  good,  stead;  bet  gjorbe  famine 
~  it  did  just  as  well,  served  the  same  purpose. 

—  9tytte|bt)r  useful  aulmal.  -b^nfbn  considera- 
tions  of  utility  (af  from),  -morale«  the  utili- 
tarian  (doctrine  of)  morali  ty,  utUitarianism. 
•plante  useful  plant,  -rrtof  (Dmp.)  eflective 
pressure.  -birfning  useful  effect,  effecti ve  power. 
Rtyttig  a  useful,  serviceable,  profitable.  9$bttig> 
beb  c  usefulness,  serviceableneas. 

^lyltarrffct  a  newly  thra&hed.  -nbflarftet  a 
new-batched.  -nbrnfteta  newly-equipped.  -nb> 
fprungen  a  newly-blown,  newly-opened,  fresh 
-opened.  balg  re-electlon.  -balgt  a  newly 
-elected.    ••oaerpet  a  new-lald. 

9lct  n  wane  (of  the  moon;;  9Raanen  er  i  92« 
the  moon  is  in  her  wane. 

ftffi  [*fto*6']  n,  pi  «,  beak,  biU;  (*aa  Ssbber^ 
fftb)  beak;  (»aa  ttnferfttg)  bill,  pea;  ^  beak:  f 
^omge  meb  -et  (bære  mobfalben  ofb.)  be  che.p- fallen, 
crest-fallen,  hang  one's  ears;  pan  bar  gaaet  og 
bangt  meb  -et  i  lang  Xib  (om  en,  ber  er  ilbe  tilpas, 
fbg)  he  has  been  rather  poorly  for  a  long  time-, 
faa  otier  -et  be  snubbed;  ocere  bleg  om  -et  (bl  egnet  bet) 
be  pale  in  the  faee,  look  111;  meb  .  og  fttør  tooth 
and  nail;  en  Xalt.  ber  tyrobe  .  og  ftlør  a  speech 
with  a  vengeance,  a  s.  that  hit  right  and  le/t, 
did  not  mince  matters.    *9tetse  c  -r  small  ewer; 




tag-  *«<tøøebttx  »æbbeuø'fe  F  saucy  body. 
Rette*  ød  bill.  ftætøcffø  beaked  shoe.  ftæøtet 
[t  ogf-  net'bet]  a  beaked;  *saucy,  pert.  —  9t«ø]< 
»•rfter  fe  -fjebre.  -btor  ornithorhynchus,  duckbill, 
water-mole.  -fjebre  p/  feathere  about  the  beak. 
-formig  a  rostrlform.  -fr#  beak-sedge,  Rhyn- 
chotpora.  -f  «tb  c  beakful,  billfal.  •bfube  mem- 
brane  on  the  beak  of  certain  hirds.  -Qøai 
beaked  whale,  Hvperoodon  roåtratut.  *-mnf  fe 
SpibømuS.  -røb  root  of  the  beak.  *-flf  fe  Snæbel. 
*-fllb  fe  $ornftfT  -ffo  beaked  shoe.  -fttog  pipe 
-fish,  Svnønatkus.    -tang  pinchere,  pinoers. 

ftørgtc  vi  k  t  deny;  (en  noget)  reruse;  jeg  -t  tlfe 
(flal  ifte  -)  bet  er  en  føiatb  ©traf  it  Is  a  severe 
punishment,  I  own;  tyan  lob  f!g  -  hjemme  he  re- 
fused  himself;  bu  tør  -t  ben  hungrige  ©røb  tboa 
hast  withholden  (withheld)  bread  from  the 
hungry;  —  w  fig  forego;  -nbea  gram  negative; 
i  .  Xilfælbe  in  case  of  refusal  el.  denial;  gibe  et 
_  €dar  anewer  in  the  negative.  -Ife  o  -r  denial; 
negative;  gram  negation,  -Ifeåeb  oath  of  denial. 
-<(|eØ)ørb  negative.    -m  o  denylng. 

ftcelbe  e  -r  nettle,  Ortiea;  t  f  aøre  i  -tne 
stultify  one's  self,  make  a  blunder,  -blab  nettle 
-leaf.  -øuffheapof  nettle«.  -familie«  the  nettle 
femily.  -feber  nettlerash.  -gant  very  fine  spån 
cotton-thread.  -fouge  fe  Røbtælte.  -tur,  -pif!« 
nimg  urticatlon.  •fømmetfitgl  nettle-butterfly, 
Yonetta  urtieæ.  -rr«  nettle- tree,  lote,  CWrt« 

9tem'  a  (i  ftøtteebne)  qaiek  (of  apprehenslon), 
apprehensive,  apt;  (beftænbig)  handy,  adroit;  (let, 
betbcut)  convenient,  easy;  ben  -mefte  SRaobe  the 
readiest  way;  bet  flop  Di  -t  HI  that  was  easily 
managed.  9iæm|  fingret  a  handy,  -f^eb  c  quick- 
neat  (of  appreheneion),  aptness,  aptitude;  band- 
iness;  for  -4  6fplb  for  the  sake  of  convenience 
flamme  vt  apprehend,  learn.  Kæmme  » 
apprehenslon,  apprehensive  faculty;  tør  let  -  is 
quick  of  apprehenslon;  I>an  fcar  flet  ifte  -  bertil 
he  has  no  torn  at  all  for  it. 

9tøn|ne  vi  find  in  one's  heart,  have  the  heart. 
-f  om  a  (fparfom)  savlng,  chary,  sparing;  (ftaanfom) 
lenient,  lndulgent.  -fømljeb  c  sparingness,  cbari- 
ness;  lenity,  indirigence. 

*9tæpe  c  -r  turnip,  Branica  rapa.  -grøb, 
-fUp(pc)  mashed  turnips. 

Kæppe  adv  hardly,  scarcely,  scarce;  -  no! 
barely;  ....  førenb  no  sooner  .  .  .  than,  as 
soon  as  ever,  hardly  .  .  .  when. 

Worr  a  k  adv  near,  (mefl  poet  k  t)  nigh;  comp 
normere  nearer;  mperl  uærmcfs,  nørft  nearest, 
next;  prcep  near;  (forefiaaenbe)  at  hånd;  fe  Aolb; 

-  beb,  Ijoø  olose  upon,  hard  on,  near;  adv  hard 
by;  fet  .  øeb  on  a  near  vlew;  -  beb  Aaanben  near 
at  band;  Søben  -  at  death's  door;  fin  Unbergang 

-  on  the  verge  of  ruin;  bi  ere  alle  lige  .  we  have 
all  an  equal  title;  bi  ere  enbnu  lige  .  weareas 
far  off  as  ever;  Jeg  er  lige  nær  -  I  am  just  where 
I  was;  bet  ligger  .  at  antage,  ben  Øotmobntng  ligger 

-  it  is  an  obvlous  conclusion;  ©runbene  ligge  - 
the  causes  are  not  far  to  seek,  (fnublenbe  -)  stare 
one  in  the  face;  _  bet  ®teb  $bor  near  where; 
bore  -  beb  at  be  on  the  point  of,  ready  to;  tf  Fe 

-  not  nearly;  bet  lommer  engelft  Vrbejbe  meget  . 
it  is  very  nearly  as  good  as  Engllsh  work; 
tommer  barn  ifte  -  cannot  touch  hlm;  gaa  (en) 
for  -  treat  unfairly;  gaa  (noget)  for  -  violate, 
take  too  great  li  bertles  wlth;  tage  fig  noget  -  take 
a  thing  to  heart,  fxet  about:  jeg  bar  -  falben  I 
had  llke  to  have  fallen;  ieg  paobe  .  glemt  I  had 
almost  forgotten;  boa  libt  -  almost,  within  a 
llttle;  noget  -  well-nigh,  about;  noget  .  umuligt 
next  door  to  imposslble;  be  mobte  alle,  faa  ~ 
fom  en,  paa  en  -  they  all  met  except  one;  (inbtil) 
paa  fem  SRaaneber  -  within  flve  months;  paa  bet 

_  at  with  the  exceptlon  that,  except  that;  — 
nærmere  (btbere,  bberligere)  a  k  adv  further; 
•mere  Opl^ninget,  Omflsnbigbeber,  bet  -mere  par- 
tlculars;  -,  -mere  ^rorøinbelfe  close,  closer  connec- 
tion;  beb  -mere  9elenbtffab  on  better  aoquaintance; 
bltoe  -mere  befenbt  get  better  acquainted;  Ijdo  er 
-mere  til  at  who  has  a  better  right  to;  whom 
does  it  better  behoove  to;  tben  -mer  $eft  the 
near  horse;  fom  -mere  draw  near,  approach;  for« 
flare  flg  -mere  explain  one's  meaning  more  pre 
cisely;  -mere  befet  on  closer  inspection;  tænte 
-mere  ober  corudder  farther  of;  gaa  mere  inb  poo 
enter  into  ...  at  greater  length;  —  min  næ  ri 
mefte  9laoo  my  next-door  neighbour;  ben  -mefte 
Omegn,  familie,  Øenflanb,  gftemtib  the  immediate 
neighbourhood,  family,  subject,  future;  enfjber 
er  flg  felb  -mefl  cbarity  begins  at  home;  ben  -mefte 
til  at  the  proper  person  to;  oøre  -mefte  our 
(nearest)  relations;  paa  bet  -mefte  all  but,  as  near 
as  pOBsibie;  -meft  (nobnlig)  (more)  particularly; 
more  immediately.  —  ^ærjbeflægtet  a  nearly 
related;  fig  close-allied,  closely  allied.  -boeube 
a  residing  near,  neighbouring. 

Wære  vt  (gibe  Kærtng,  føbe)  nourish,  feed;  (er* 
nære,  unberqolbe)  support,  maintain;  .  flg  (fpflfl) 
feed,  live  (af  on,  (ernære  fla)  get  a  living,  earn 
a  Uvellhood;  t  F  jeg  fan  ftfe  -  mig  for  Irulbe, 
Barme  I  don't  know  what  to  do.  where  to  turn, 
with  cold  el.  heat;  t  jeg  fan  ifte  .  mig  for  fjant 
he  won't  let  me  alone,  quiet;  t  nu  tænfer  jea, 
^an  fan  ~  fig  (om  ben,  fom  par  føifi  el.  bruffet  nol) 
I  think  he  has  had  his  flll  now;  .  ^ab,  gfjenbfrab 
nourish  el.  bear  hatred,  enmity,  animosity  (to- 
wards);  ^abet  -be«  beb  the  hatred  was  fomented 
by;  .  Qaab,  Xttiol,  9Hstanfe  enteruin  hope, 
doubts,  suspidon;  .  VffVb  for  .  .  .  hold  ...  in 
aversion;  ieg  -r  ingen  Zbibl  om  at  I  have  no 
doubt  but  that.    -ttbe  a  nutritious,  nutritive. 

92æ'r|foreftaaettbe  a  approaching.  -gaaenbe  a 
(fornærmelig)  offensive;  (ubefleben)  indlscreet;  {paa- 
trængenbe)  forward;  en  -  Spøg  a  practical  joke. 
-gaaenbeb  indlscretion,  forwardness.  -grænfeube 
a  adjacent,  contiguous,  bordering  upon.  -peb  c 
nearness,  proximity,   neighbourhood,   vlclnity, 

rropinqulty;  bet  i  -en  near  there;  en  Sanbtbb  ber 
-en  a  neighbouring  vi  Hage;  i  min  -  near  me: 
i  -en  af  in  the  vlclnity  el.  neighbourhood  of;  i 
en  farlig  -  af  in  a  dangerous  proximity  to;  i  -en 
(nær  beb  $aanben)  near  at  nand. 

9tørtg  a  sordid,  near.  -fyeb  o  Bordldness, 

9tøring  c  ub.  pi  (ogfaa  concr)  nourishment; 
(fun  concr)  nutriment,  aliment,  food;  (Unberfjolb) 
support,  maintenance,  sustenance;  Uvellhood, 
living;  tøanbel)  tråde,  business,  custom;  fiø  gioe 
_  foment,  cherish;  bribe  borgerlig  -  carry  on 
some  tråde;  gaa  en  i  -en  spoil  (one's)  tråde;  fe 
læring.  —  9tæringd|abtømft,  -øcøiOtng,  -beøU 
licence.  -brug  tråde,  business,  -bruger  trådes- 
man.  -brift  tråde,  business,  -bribenbe  a  trading. 
•bribenbe  c  tradesman.  -eøue  means  of  susten 
ance,  nutritive  power,  -flib  industry.  -frl^eb 
Uberty  of  industry.  -gren  branch  of  Industry. 
-tyinber  restraints  on  tråde,  -(ølbig  a  nourish- 
ing,  rich.  -filbc  means  of  subsiHtence.  -traft 
nutritive  power.  -lob  trade-law.  -lø#  a  without 
a  Uvellhood;  -e  Ziber  hard  times,  when  tråde 
is  at  a  stand-still.  -UØfceb  stagnation  of  tråde. 
•ntibbel  artlcle  of  food  el.  subslstence,  aliment, 
food  resource.  -rig  a  nutritive.  -faft  (af  ^ebe- 
mibler)  chyle;  (i  planter)  sap.  -flat  tax  on  tråde. 
-førger  pi  the  cares  of  life,  cares  for  the  neces- 
saries  of  life,  uneasiness  about  the  means  of 
living.  -flanb  industrial  class;  i.  prosperity. 
-fleb  place  of  tråde  el.  business,  -fløf  nutritive 
Bubstance  el.  matter,  food-stuff.    -ta*  falUng-r 




In  one's  tråde,  -trpt.  -tpang  fr  -fjinber.  -»an* 
feed-water.  -øej  tråde,  business,  livelihood;  af 
_  by  tråde.  -Pib  knack  at  maklng  money,  thrift. 
-øabffe  fe  -faft.  -øarb,  -øarbt  allmentary  ri. 
nutritive  value. 

<Ra'r|famp  close  quartera.  -tiggevbea  adjacent, 
neigbbouring;  af  -  Ørunbr  for  obvloas  reasons; 
et  -  ffføemprl  a  ready  ri.  obvious  example. 

Harme  vt  bring  ri.  draw  near;  —  vr  flg  (+-8) 
draw  near,  near,  (ogf.  fig)  approach,  be  appro- 
aching;  „  fig  fig  (Enbr  be  near  one's  end.  -Ife  : 
approach,  approximation.  9raraer,  ftarmere, 
ftaracft  fr  92ær. 

9ta'r|*paa  ad©  nearly.  -paarørrnbr  a  fr  br- 
flagtrt;  en  -  a  near  relation,  -f  erobr  a  cl  ose, 

røa'rføtu  a  lkvonrable  to  tråde;  industrious; 
•  k  t  fr  Warenbe. 

fta'rlftaaenbe  9  jSø  fr  -beflaatet.  -fpnet  a  near 
-sighted,  short-sighted.  -fpuetqeb  o  near-slghted- 
ness,  shortness  of  sight,  short  sight.  -Peb  adv 
close,  close  by;  prop  fr  92  æ  1  brb;  frt  -  on  a  near 
viow;  ~  frbbrr  ingen  fcarr  a  miss  is  as  good  ae  a 
mile.  -Pejø  adv  a  short  way  off.  ftar'øaretfe 
(ogf.  -ba'rrlfe)  c  presene«;  f  =  9tørbrb;  i  frrtmnrbrt 
«  before  company.  ftar'øarenbe  a  present;  for 
_  (Xib)  at  present,  for  the  present,  for  the  time 
being;  brb  -  (©rrb)  by  these  lines;  br  ~  those 
present;  -  ftorfatter  the  present  writer;  bare  en 
.  be  present  to  one's  mind. 

9i<eø'  n,  pi  — ,  point,  headland,  naze  (i  6mf. 

Mafr  c  -t  nose;  (paa  Sfotøj)  to©;  en  trunt,  frogrt 
.  a  Roman  nose,  ru  flor  Rumprt  -  a  bottle-nose; 
en  gob  -  (fiugt)  a  fine  nose;  brejr  en  en  -  hood- 
wink  el.  mysUfy  one;  faa  en  lanø  -  be  disappolnted; 
gtbr  en  en  lang  -  disappoint  one;  gøre  lang  -  ab 
rn  take  a  sight  at  one;  lang  -  (ogf.)  Qaeen  Anne's 
fan;  gibr  rn  rn  .  for  noget  give  one  a  reprlmand 
el.  set  down,  take  one  up  sharply  for  something; 
bære  fætbiø  at  tabr  ~  og  tøunb  stand  aghast;  babe 
fin  -  alle  vegne  poke  one's  nose  into  every  corner; 
pubfr  -n  blow  one's  nose;  rttntr  -n  turn  up  one's 
nose;  fatte  -n  bjojt,  ftifte  -n  i  ©tb,  give  one's  self 
airs,  carry  it  high;  ornbr  -n  bjemab  set  one's  face 
homewards;  ornbr  -n  i  Sejret  (bo)  p  kick  the 
bucket;  aaa  lige  eftrt  -n  folio w  one's  nose;  gaa 
ri.  løbr  efter  -n  behave  thoughtlessly,  go  on  a 
fool's  errand;  tratte  efter  -n  lead  by  the  nose; 
F  fpibfe  -n  rftrc  ri.  paa  be  on  the  lookout  for, 
reckon  on;  lige  for  mø  .  under  one's  (very) 
nose;  over  one's  head;  fotn  foa  lige  for  -n  that 
was  just  touching  his  nose;  flaa  Søren  i  for  -n 
af  rn  slam  the  door  in  one's  face;  ftolbr  flg  for 
•n  stop  one's  nose;  brt  gil  bin  -  forbi  it  was 
not  for  you,  you  may  whistle  for  it;  $olbr  fin  - 
fra  not  to  thrust  one's  nose  into;  føiftrr  iRr  fra 
-(n)  til  Vhmb(en)  forgets  his  own  name;  rafte, 
rioe  rn  noget  i  -n  cast  ri.  throw  something  in 
one's  teeth,  cast  stup  to  one;  tale  i  el.  igennem 
•n  speak  in  ri.  through  the  nose;  ligge  ntrb  -n  i 
Sejret  be  dead  and  gone;  føengr  mrb  n,  fr  b- 
mrb  9tabet;  bltoe  bleg  om  -n  turn  pale;  bibr  rn 
o  Der  -n  snub  one;  foa  oorr  -n  besnubbed;  fpillr 
paa  -n  make  a  fool  of  one,  fool  one;  ligge  paa 
-n  &  be  (loaded,  trimmed)  by  the  head;  falbt 
paa  -n  fell  (prone)  on  his  face;  flaa  frrøHrr  paa 
•n  turn  up  one's  nose;  fnipfe  rn  paa  -n  give  one 
a  fiilip  on  the  nose;  mrb  fingeren  paa  -n  with 
his  finger  to  his  nose;  tage  -n  til  fig  Bhut  up, 
back  out,  beat  a  retreat;  toge  en  b  eb  -n  take  one. 
in,  gull  one;  føre  rn  orb  -n  lead  one  by  the  nose. 
—  9? af  r I  abe  kahau,  Sennopithccu*  nariea.  -baanb 
noseband.  -banbsge,  -binb  bandage  for  the 
nose.  -bro  nasal  bone.  -biørn  coatl,  Na»ua 
tociati*.    -bløb,  -»løbning  bleeding  at  the  nose, 

nosebleed;  tbabe,  •bløbe,  -  bleed  at  the  nos* 
•bor  n,  pi  «■   k  -et  nostril;   (Stup.)    nozzle* 
-briller  pi  barnacles.     -brnft  cartilag-e   ot  ih«? 
nose.     -bplb  boil  In  the  nose.     -bøj Ir  slide  «of 
a  musket),     -bannetfr  rhinoplasty.     +-bj<rr*  k 
ftatbit.     -brpp  dripping  from  the  nose.     t-bag 
pocket-handkerchief.      ••flff   first   fish    caught. 
-ftaab.  -flob  running  at  the  nose.     -Hig.  -føj 
wing  of  the  nose.     -gang  passage  of  the  nose 
-gru*  adv  flat  on  the  face,  prostrate.      -øjorbe 
septum  of  the  nose.    -s)aør  hair  in  the  nostriK 
•4*J   f(  6ilbr>.      -^øm  rhinooeros.      -ftersailr 
nasicornous  beetle,  Oryctes  naticorttis.  -^øinfagi 
rhinoceros-bird,  Bueerot.    -bnb  skin  of  the  no*e 
•bnl  fr  -bor.     -b*lr,  -bntbrb  cavity  of  tbe  no», 
nasal  cavlty.  -iam  (for  $eftf)  barnacle.   -tafabar 
long-billed  cockatoo,  Licmeti*  nottens.    -Hcmrr 
double  eyeglass,   barnacles  pi.     -flmb   fe   -bu*. 
bibl  bracelets.    -fnrp*. -hlip*  flllip  on  the  nose 
-tljb  nasal  sound.     -1#1  a  noseless.     *-s>crIr  F 
little  malapert.     -polbP  polypus  of  the    nose, 
nasal  polypus.    •rem  cavesson.    •Hag  noae-rin? 
-røb  root  of  the  nose.    -rim  bridge  of  the  nose 
-njnrra  c  frowning,  sneering.    -rar'  fe  -gong. 
-faar  sore  nose.     t-flat  poU-taz.     -flim  n&ucus 
of  the  nose.     -fpib*  fr  -tip.     -tøffe  (paa  $i«lm 
nasal,  (p.  8riHrr)  noae-saddle.     •tøper  rap  over 
the  nose.     -fø  head-sea.     -tip  tip  el.  point  of 
the  nose.    -par mer  f  cutty-pipe.    -binge  fe  -ffiøi. 
9^adbom  fe  9coefrborn. 
9t«sXfe)tøHge  c  ness-king,  petty  king. 
9tttft  o  &  adv  uezt;  prtzp  next  to;   -r  &04,  -e 
(Øang  (the)  nezt  day,  time;  bor  -r  92obo  our  next 
•door  nelghbour;  ban  bor  i  -e  ^u*  he  lives  uext 
door;  ben  4br  i   e  TOaaneb  on  the  4th  proximo; 
brt  -e  fom  bar  at  avrr  the  next  thing  to  be  done; 
-  ©ub*  ^ioelp  under  Provldence,  under  God;    - 
efter  immediately  after;  .  beb  close  by.     9t«fT> 
afbiflte  a  last.    -brbfl  a  seoond  best,  next  be^u 
-befalenbe  a  fr  -tommanbrrrnbr.  flagr  c  nelghbour; 
-n    our    nelghbour.      ftaflefarttgbeb    charity. 
9laftentanb  nelghbour,  the  next. 
Rafte  vt  baste,    -ttaal  basting  needle. 
Korften,  naftenbrlø  adv  almost,  nearly,  all  but, 
well   nlgh;    .   iffe    hardly,    scarcely;    -    albrig 
scarcely  ri.  hardly  ever;   -  tnaen  scarcely   any, 
.  flaar  ingen  Slanb  af  $rflrn  almost  was  never 

92aft|f orrgaaenbr  a  precedlng;  fe-afbigte.  -far- 
manb  vice-president.  -forrige  a  last  but  one. 
-følgenbe  a  the  following;  the  next  but  one. 
-tommanbrrrnbr  (i  film.)  seoond  in  command; 
(paa  et  6 Ho)  first-lieutenant,  second  officer. 
•I ommenbr  a  next.  -tteberfte  a  the  second  from 
the  bottom.  -narmefte  a  the  next  neare»t. 
-Hbft  a  last  but  one;  e  6tabelfe  the  penultlmatc. 
-f^ffenbep^cousins.  -føffrnbrbarn  second  coosin. 
-«lbft  a  oldest  but  one;  -t  Son,  Dattrr  second 
son,  daughter;  e  Officer  next  senior  officer, 
•øbrrftr  the  second  from  the  top;  -e  ffloifr  the 
second  form  ri.  class. 

9l(tt9\&  a  pert,  saucy,  impertinent,  malapert, 
irrepressible,  f  cocky;  Sconfirnr  .  Mr.  Impu- 
dence;  gfrøfen  -  Madam  Pert;  Miss.  -brb  e  sauci- 
ness,  pertness,  impertinence;  check. 

Waor  c  -r  fist;  fatte  -rne  i  Siben  set  one's  arms 
a-kimbo;  tn&tte  -n  clench  ri.  double  up  one's 
fist;  bet  paSfrr  fom  rn  rnbttet  .  til  et  blaat  pie  it 
is  nothing  to  the  purpose,  it  is  neither  bere 
nor  there;  Slag  i  .  (Sra)  hot  cockles;  en  .  flor 
a  knee  high.  92abr|bajf  fr  -flag.  -bpft  fr  -tamp. 
-fnlb  e  flstful.  -fagter  boxer,  puglllst,  p  bruiser. 
•faøtninø  boxing,  pugilism.  -bug  fr  -flag.  -tamp 
boxing  match,  pugilistic  con  test.  -tamper  fe 
-fagter.  -Mbttiø  a  (bebanbig)  handy.  -Mttiølrb 
han  di  ness. 




ftorber  c  outer  bark  of  the  birch. 

9l«»eret  c  club-law. 

*«atbtr|fføb  birch-wood  fit  forroofing.  -ffrntfe 
small  bag  cl.  scrip  of  bircb-bark.  -tag  thatcb 
of  bircb-bark.  -teltet  a  thatched  with  bi  reb 

•Watt*  vd  f  sbake  handl. 

<Rorbe|flag  ciiff,  slap,  thump.  -flor  a  of  the 
eize  of  a  fist.  •ftaxt  fe  $aanbfaft.  -fbtt  hit. 
•irbf  squeeze  of  tbe  fist. 

tftabn  c  jury. 

ftfttme  (oaf.  -te,  -i)  Dame,  (folbe)  call;  (omtale) 
mention.  •form  e  gram  nomiuatlve.  -Ife  nam- 
lng,  mentionlng.  -r  c  -e  arrtA  denominator. 
-txrrbig  a  worth  mentionlng.  fftabniuger  pi 
jurymen.    9te»n  Ingeret  Jury. 

9t*b  ti,  pi  as,  (mefi  coll)  neat,  neat  catUe;  ,fo 

9Ub'  c  -bet  fåfrugt  og  ftiøeft)  nut;  en  faaatb  .  at 
fnatte  a  hard  nut  el.  task,  a  poser. 

9t*b  e  ub.  p/  need,  want,  necessity,  distress; 
fftaaboilbbrb)  perplexity;  libe  .  suffer  vant;  . 
brobet  alle  fiobe  necessity  has  no  law,  needs  must; 
-  (ærer  nøgen  Sronc  at  fpinbe  need  xnakes  the  old 
wife  trot  el.  tbe  naked  quean  spin;  noot  -en  er 
f**tft,  er  QJalpen  nætmefi  when  things  are  at  tbe 
worst  they'll  mend,  matters  at  worst  are  sure 
to  mend;  bet  bat  ingen  .  no  fear  of  that;  bet  tør 
ingen  -  nteb  barn  no  fear  of  him;  Jeg  bar  min  ~ 
meb  at  forftaa  barn  I  am  hard  put  to  lt  to  under- 
stand him;  af  -  from  want;  i  -enø  Xime  in  the 
hour  of  need;  i  -en  fiol  man  fenbe  fine  Bennet  a 
friend  in  need  is  a  friend  indeed;  flebt  i  .  in 
distress,  distroned;  bet  bar  mcb  .,  jeg  fif  barn 
ootrtalt  it  was  with  dlmculty  I  could  persuade 
him;  ban  fan  mcb  .  tebe  he  can  just  make  shift 
to  live;  meb  .  og  nappe  flop  ban  betfra  he  had  a 
narrow  escape,  he  escaped  by  the  skin  of  his 
teeth;  til  -  fan  man  bet  bjeetpe  flg  bermeb  one 
may  make  shift  with  it  at  a  pinoh;  ban  bar  bet, 
ban  til  -  fan  Iebe  af  he  has  just  barely  enough 
to  live.  9Ubjabrt9fe  m*rc  (directlon  in)  case 
of  need.  -anfer  sheet-anchor.  -orbrjbe  work 
of  necessity.  -bro  temporary  bridge.  -baab 
private  baptism. 

tftfbbe  o  -r  (Zræbammer)  mallet. 

9øbbe|brn«  a  nut-brown.  -»nfl  haxel(-shnib), 
Corvlu*.  •frugt  nut(s).  -laffer  nat-hatch,  Sitta 
emropaa.  t-tøfe  hull  of  a  nut.  -b«f  basel 
hedge.  -|éfl  nut  crop.  -hsbbriber  cramp  of 
the  nut.  -Ja?rn  nut-stamp.  -terne  kernel  of  a 
nut.  -ftafe  cluster  of  nuts.  -tnortter  (palr  of) 
nut-crackers  pi.  -trage,  *-rr«ate,  t-frlge  nut 
cracker,  Oan/ocatacte*  gultata.  -frøg  nutUng 
-crook.  -tul  nuts.  -olie  nut-oil.  -blnfning 
gatberlngtof)  nuts.  -ffal  nut-shell,  (ttaab)  oockle 
-shell.  -fnbc  (Øebar)  tumbler,  nut.  -ffob  hszel 
wood.  *-frrtge  jay,  Oarrulus  gla*dariu*.  -flrnc 
fleather-screw.  -top  pivot,  -tre  (i  røm.)  nut-tree; 
'£aftfel)  fe  -bnff;  (Beb)  walnutwood.  -nbbriber 
nut  driver.    +-b«tfe  fe  -battet. 

ftø'tbige  «  temporary  dike. 

ftøbe,  -te  -t  of  oblige,  constraln,  force,  compel; 
(obettale)  urge.  press;  lob  flg  iffe  (længe)  -  needed 
no  second  bladtag;  .  paa,  fe  Saanobe. 

Røvrlbaar  cowhair.  •iaariflit  cowhair  drugget 
el.  felt. 

Urten  c  (Owrtafai)  pressing,  urging. 

9U1ffla*»e  temporary  rafl.  -Hag  flag  of  dis- 
tress; meb  ~  oppe  with  a  flag  of  distress  flying. 
-grab  (en  bfcbft)  retreat  (of  a  fox).  -bage  flgure 
-of-s  hook.  -babn  harbonr  of  refuge;  foge  -  put 
lnio  a  port  of  refiige.  -bjalp  make-shift,  shiit. 
-Mfflper  friend  in  need,  Jack  at  a  pinch.  -bule 
f«  -gro©,  -tabetsi  temporary  gin  ftøbig  a 
needful,  neeessary,  requlslte;  babe  -  have  occa- 

sion  for,  want,  need,  stand  In  need  of;  bet  gøreé 
iffe  -  that  is  not  required.  9t*blg  adv  (ugerne) 
reluctantly;  jeg  bil  -  (Ijabe)  I  do  not  like,  I  ob- 
Ject  to;  jeg  gor  bet  -  I  do  not  like  to  do  lt;  ban 
bil  .  HI  it  gæs  hard  with  him.  9t*b|ltb  need 
-fire.  -libenbe  o  needy,  necessitous,  indigent, 
distressed;  (om  ®ef*el)  not  honoured.  -løgn 
white  lie.  -ntaft  jury-mast.  -ntibbel  fe  -bioup. 
-raa  jury-yard.  -raab  cry  of  distress.  -ret  right 
in  case  of  necessity .  -rigget  a  jury-rigged.  -ror 
jury  rudder.  -fagc  vt  necessitate,  constraln, 
oblige,  force;  fe  flg  nobfoget  til  be  under  the  ne- 
cessity of.  -fat  o  fRujærn  grey  pig-iron.  9tøbA#« 
bag  day  of  need.  9t*'b|frjt  jury-sail.  -fetetøf 
spare  harness.  ftøbå'følb :  i  -  in  case  of  need, 
at  a  pinch,  in  (on,  at)  an  emergency;  for  • 
against  emergendes;  i  pberfte  «  at  the  last  resort. 
9c«'b|figna!  <&  signal  of  distress,  distress  signal. 
•ffiUing,  -ffarb  spare-money;  lægge  en  -  ^en  put 
something  by  for  a  rainy  day.  -ffrig  fe  -raab. 
•ffnb  distress -gun.  -ftatb  trave,  -ftano  distress. 
WoWrib  time  of  need.  W«b§'rilf«lbe  emergency; 

i fe  i  -falb.    »tf'btalje  ^  ruddertackle.    -tr*«. 

genbe  fe  -libenbe.  -tbnagen  a  necessitated,  forced, 
eompelled  by  necessity.  -tbangenbcb  c  necessity, 
compulsion.  -tbberi  theft  committed  in  extreme 
need.  -t#rft  o  necessities  of  life;  forrette  fin  - 
do  one's  business,  pluck  a  rose.  -Urf'Hg  a  fe 
-libenbe.  -Urf'tigbeb  c  need,  necessity.  •tant 
&  fe  ^islpe*.  -bea'big  o  necessary,  need  ful, 
requisite;  mangle  bet  -e  want  the  necessarles  of 
life.  -ben  bigg^re  vt  necessitate,  compel.  -ben« 
bigbeb  c  necessity,  needfulness,  matter  of  neces- 
sity; af  -  from  necessity;  gøre  en  Styb  af  -  make 
a  virtue  of  necessity;  bet  er  ingen  -  for  at  there 
is  no  necessity  to;  ollbf  fat  i  ben  -  at  be  reduced 
to  the  necessity  of;  er  pi  necessarles.  -ben  bi  g- 
beb&arttfler  haberdashery,  amr  yankee-notions; 
be  førfie  .  the  articles  of  primary  necessity. 
-bea'bigbebøiare  fatalism.  •bew'bigoi*  adv  ne- 
cessarily,  of  necessity;  maatte  -  was  bound  to. 
-barrge  self-defence;  af  -  In  one's  own  defence. 
-bargebrab  homicide  in  self-defence.  -barn 
defence  in  time  of  need. 

»age!  fe  9L*ale  c 

92øge»  a  naked,  nude,  bare;  flabe  flg  .  strip 
to  the  skiu;  -gne  Stenblgemlnget  hard  facts, 
•fraebe  pi  gymnosperms.  -balfet  o  naked-necked. 
•9eb  e  nakedness,  n  udi  ty. 

tftfgfe  n  -r  (Zraab  ofo.)  bal],  clue,  bottom. 
R«gte  vt  «Varn  op)  wind  up  (thread)  Into  balls, 
bottom  (thread);  -  af  wind  off. 

Wtfgle  e  -r  key;  mu*  clef,  key;  (til  (Øaabe)  clue; 
breje  -n  om  to  (fange  double-lock  the  door;  fio 
giber  -n  til  constitutes  a  key  to.  -ben  collar 
•bone,  clavicle.  -brat  keyboard,  -bue  bow  of 
a  key     -b*Øfe  pop-gun. 

92«gle|bannet,  -runb  a  spherical.    . 

»«gle(gemmcr  keeper  of  the  keys.  -bauf  fe 
-fnippe.  -bul  key-hole.  -b,Mlffibe  key-bolster. 
-tam  bit  el.  web  of  a  key,  key-bit.  -famflob 
blt-pincers.  -fnippe  bunch  of  keys.  -fnrb  key 
•basket,  -magten  the  power  of  the  key«.  *-oft 
a  kind  of  spiced  Dutch  cheese.  -penge  key 
•money.  -pibe  shank.  -retten  fe  -magten,  -ring 
ring  for  keys.  -r*r  key-pipe.  -ffaft  fe  -pibe. 
-ffili  scutcheou.  -fmeb  locksmith.  -traf  (éforj 

Ktfgfenii  adv  by  the  clue. 

Røgtern  a  sober;  ~  ftalb  baby  calf. 

9cafag  tig  a  exact,  preclse,  accurate,  true; 
punctual;  adv  exactly  etc.;  for  at  tale  -  to  speak 
by  the  book.  -beb  c  exactness,  precision,  pre- 
clse ness,  accuracy,  punctuality;  -  er  Sjcelen  i 
alle  forretninger  punctuality  is  the  soul  of  busi- 




9tøfe  vt  (abe  flg  .  be  content,  content  one's 
self,  rest  satisfled  (meb  with);  nøje«  vd  b.  f.;  -• 
meb  at  be  content  to;  -*  meb  bet  3  fytoe  616/  be 
content  wilh  such  things  as  ye  have.  +9t*je  n 

9t*je  a  accurate,  exact,  precise;  ben  -fte  $ri* 
the  lowest  price;  ftcux  i  bet  -fte  ftortøolb  til  en  be 
on  terms  of  the  closest  intimacy  with  one. 
9t*jc  adv  accorately,  exactly,  minutely;  man  maa 
iHe  regne  bet  faa  .  meb  tøm  one  mast  not  be 
over  particular  wlth  him;  tog  bet  tffe  faa  -  meb 
was  not  scrupulous  about;  jeg  oeb  bet  itte  faa  - 
I  don't  know  exaotly;  be  bare  -  forounbne  they 
were  closely  connected;  fenbe  noget  paa  bet  -fte 
be  thoroughly  acqaainted  wlth;  fe  -  efter,  ril 
look  narrowly  (In to);  flutter  -  Ib  a  tight  flt;  paftfe 
-  paa  keep  a  Bharp  look-out,  watch  closely; 

iagttage  ~  observe  minutely.  ft*je|rtffttent< 
•feenbe  a  particular,  nice  (meb  abont);  econom 

ftøjføm  a  easily  contented,  contented  with 
llttle.    92*1føm1)eb  c  contentment 

9tøt'  (Koften)  o  river  sprite,  Nirie.  ftaftrroft 
fe  Votanbe. 

Køle  vi  linger,  dawdle,  delay,  heaitate,  (i  &• 
oæge(fe)  loiter.  -n  fe  -ri.  -nbe  a  hesitating;  ad? 
hesitatingly.  -per,  -r  e  -e  lolterer,  dawdler.  -ri 
n  loitering  etc.    -Horn  a  tardy,  slack,  slow. 

tftørte  vi  prov  fe  »nsle. 

Større  a  +  north.  -flabe  North  street  -jpbr 
Jutlander.    -jtjttaub  CNorth)  Jutland. 

*ftøfl  ».  pi  =,  boat-house,  boat-ahed. 

*Wøfle  n  -x,  fløfkt  vt  fe  «sgle  n. 


O,  o  *  -er  O,  o;  abbr:  O.  =»  Drb  word(s),  Dft 
East,  E.;  0.  (a.)  b.  =  og  (anbet)  beftttge  and  the 
like;  0.  f.  b.  =  og  faa  oibere  etc.;  obfr.  -»  obenfor 

O!  interj  O!  Oh! 

Ole  wow- wow,  Hylobates  leuciåcui, 

Ca\t  c  -r  oa'sis. 

Cbabi'oS  Obadlah. 

Obbn|cent'  c  -er  dlssector.  -ce're  vt  dissect. 
•ftio'n  c  -er  dissection,  (forretning)  post-mortern 
examlnation.    -ttiøuftftae  post-mortern  room. 

Cbelif!'  c  -er  ob'ellsk. 

Døerft  c  -er  colonel.  -in'be  c  -r  colonel's  lady. 
gru  .  «.  Mrs.  Colonel  A.  -løjtnant  Lieutenant 
-Colonel.  -(øjt'nantøpøfi  lieutenant-colonelcy. 
-pøfl  oolonelcy,  colonelship. 

Cbjeft'  n  -er  ob'Ject.  Ob'jettliø  o  objec'tlve. 
•i'»  n  -er  object-glass,  objec'ttye.  -iøe're  vt  ob'- 
jectlze,  objec'tify.  -iøeriug  c  objectification. 
-i'toglad  fe  -it>  ».  -t'øif!  a  fe  -tø  a.  -inite't  c 
obtec'tiveness,  objectiv'lty.  -i  øf  pejl  object-glass. 

DM  at  c  -er  wafer;  forfegle  meb  .  wafer.  -figner, 
-træffer  wafer- seal.    -fltfle  wafer-box. 

Oblt|ga't  a  obligato.  -gation  c  -er  bond; 
(Statéo  government  bond;  (Stat*-)er  coU  stock, 
(flere  Stag*)  stock 8  pi.  -gattoudbebltor  obligo'r. 
-gatiønøejer  fundholder,  -gatiøuøgalb  bond  debt. 
-gattondtrebitor  obligee'.  -gato  rifl  a  ob'ligat- 
ory.    -'go  e  obligation  to  pay. 

Obo',  Cløtfi',  fe  $obo. 

Oloi  c  -er  ob'olus. 

Cbfcø'n  a  obscene.    -ite't  o  -er  obscen'ity. 

Obfrrøjatiø'n  c  -er  observa'tion,  sight.  -atioad< 
armé  army  of  observation,  -ationétarantome 
quarantine  of  o.  (0.  fl.).  -ationS  officer  J>  navi- 
gating  officer,  -atiønøur  4,  hack  watch.  -a'tør 
c  -er  art  observator,  observer,  -at  o  riunt  n  -ier 
obser'vatory.  -e're  vt  observe;  -t  ttrebbe,  fi«ngbe 
latitude,  longitude,  by  observation. 

ObRbia'tt  c  obsid'ian. 

Obffn'r  a  obscure.  -ant'  c  -er  obscu'rant, 
obscu  rantist.    -antid'nte  o  obscu'rantism. 

Cbfterna  flg  a  p  refractory. 

Cbftetrir  o  obstet'rics. 

Cbftrnttio  n  o  obstruction,   -ift'  c  -er  obstruc'- 


Cbtine  re  vt  obtain. 

Occiben'ten  the  Oc'cident. 

Ocea'u  n  -er   ocean;    mibt  i  -et  mid- ocean. 

•bamper  ocean  steamer.    -len  n  Oceanla.    -il!« 

Ob  e  od,  odyle. 

Cb'  c  -ber  (Spibe)  point. 

Obalift  (e)  o  -er  o'dalisque,  o'dalisk. 

tObbe  ri  point. 

Obbe  e  -r  point,  head,  tongue  of  land. 

Cbber  c  -e  otter,  Lutra.  -bo  otter's  burrow 
-ottlg  fe  -frinb.  -fangft,  -jagt  taklrtg  of  otter«, 
otter-hunting,  -tjnnb  skye-tenier.  -fifle  otter 
-trap.    -fatø  otter-trap.    -ftinb  otter-ikizi. 

Obe  c  -r  ode.    -bigter  writer  of  odes. 

Obel  c  allodial  possession,  allodlum  (wlth  right 
of  redemption  when  parted  with),  ådal  (Sheil 
A  Orkn.).  —  ObeId|am  allodial  succession,  -ar- 
tiing  allodial  heir.  -oaaren  a  possessed  by  btrth 
of  allodial  rights.  -berettiget  a  having  allodial 
rights.  -bøube  proprietor  of  an  allodial  tarm. 
udaler,  udalman,  yeoman  farmer,  -tre*  patent 
of  allodial  pri vileges.  -eje,  -ejenbom  allodial 
property.  -ejer  allodial  proprietor.  -fri  a  not 
subject  to  allodial  redemption.  -f«lge  allodial 
succession,  -gaorb  allodlum.  -goøg  allodial 
-state.  -bedtqVb  allodial  pri vileges.  -s>erre  ie 
•ejer.  -f|sPb  allodial  prescription.  -jørb  allodial 
land.  -i eb  purchase  of  an  allodlum.  -løn  allodial 
law.  -løfrr  redeemer  of  an  allodial  property. 
-Uditing  redemption  of  an  allodial  property. 
-manb  fé  -bonbe.  -regning  genealogieal  oomput- 
ation  of  allodial  succession,  -ret  allodial  law; 
a.  privilege.  -fag  lawsuit  concernlng  an  allo- 
dlum. Obelflab  n  institution  of  allodinm 
Obelølflotgt  line  of  allodial  proprietors.  -ring 
lower  house  of  the  Norweglan  parliament. 
-tratte  fe  -fag.    -at  fe  -ftegt. 

Obin  Odin.    Cbin«|l>ane,  -Dtne  phalarope. 

Dblø'å  a  invldious. 

O  btraft  e  od-force,  odio  el.  odyl'ic  force 

ObDdfeud  Ulysses.    Obljffe  en  the  Od'yssey 

Dfen  n  (©J»)  Buda. 

OffenfiP  a  &  c  offensive;  gribe  -en  assume  tbe 

Offentlig  a  public;  -e  Starter  imperial  taxes 
et  -t  fruentimmer  a  woman  of  the  town;  -  Unber 
ftettetfe  a  grant  (-ln-aid);  paa  -  ©etoftning  at  the 
public  expense;  ben  -e  fflcening  public  opinion, 
en  -  $tmmeligbeb  an  open  seere t;  bet  -c  Govern- 
ment, the  State;  „-  Sag"  (paa  Breve)  O.  H  M  S 
(On  Her  Maj  es  ty"  s  Service);  ftortooeflen  er  enbno 




ilte  -  the  engagement  is  not  announced  yet;  — 
arfv  publlcly,  in  public;  -  omtale,  arte  .  betenbt 
bring  before  the  public,  give  publicity  to.  Of» 
fntttiglgare  vt  publish,  give  publicity  to,  make 
public.  -gorelfe  e  publication.  -teb  c  publicity. 
Offer  n  -fre  (til  $t«ft  øfb.)  offering,  oblation; 
(fom  bringe«  en)  sacrifice;  fig  ($etfon)  victim; 
(et)  _  for  a  victim  to,  the  victim  of;  folbe  font  . 
for  fall  a  victim  to;  bringe  et  -  make  a  sacrifice. 
Offer |  atter  sacriflcial  altar.  -baaf  sacriflcial  pile. 
-berettiget  a  entitled  to  receive  offerings.  -Mob 
blood  of  victims.  -bolle  fe  -ffaal.  -borb  offering 
-table.  -brøb  bread  for  offerings.  -bager  aacri- 
ficlal cup.  -ban  offertory.  -bag  day  of  offering. 
-bomjt  fe  -rag.  -bragt  sacriflcial  dress,  -btyr 
virtira.  -bob  sacriflcatory  death. 
Offere're  vt  offer. 

Offer |  f ab  dish  used  at  offerings.     -fcft  aacri- 
ficlal feast.    -ftatntne  sacriflcatory  flame.    -glibe 
sacriflcial  banquet.   -gobe  heathen  prlest.   -(ørn 
sacrificlal  drlnking  horn.  -t»9  sacriflcial  temple. 
-fc)aj  aacrifldal  mount.     -fcritib  fe  -feft.     -lage 
offering-cake.    -tør  sacriflcial  veasel.    -tab  flesh 
of  victims.    -ttabning  fe  -bragt,    -tnib  sacrifidal 
knife.    -fbocg  cattle  for  sacrifice.   4a«  aacrifldal 
tamb;  fig  (innocent)  victim.    -Innb  sacred  grove 
for  sacrlfices.    -ntaattib  fe  -gilbe.    -penge  offering 
of  money.    -btabf  place  of  sacrifice.    -pligt  dnty 
to  pay  offerings  (to  the  parson).   pligtig  a  liable 
to  pay  offerings  (to  the  parson).  -profit  sacriflcer, 
sacrificing  priest.     -rebftab  implement  used  at 
sacrlfices.    -reittgftcb  parson's  right  to  offerings. 
-rag  smoke  of  an  offering.     -fang   offertory. 
-ffaal  sacriflcial  bowl.     -ffit  rite  observed  at 
offerings.    -fteb  fe  -plabf.    -ta*U  box  for  receiv- 
ing  offerings. 
Offerte  c  -r  offer,  tender. 
Offer  |ttb  Urne  of  offering.     -rjesteflc  offering. 
Offertørimft  *  offertory. 
Offer  (billig  a  selfsacrifldng,  willlng  to  make 
sacriflces.    -biOtgbeb  self-sacrifice.    -bi«  wine 
for  offerings.    -afie  sacriflcial  axe. 

Dfflee'r  c  -cerer  (military)  officer,  commls- 
sioned  officer;  (Staf)  piece;  lille  -  (Stal)  minor 
piece;  førfbne  meb  -er  officer;  bette  Regiment  Ijar 
bbgtige  -er  thls  regiment  is  well  officered.  — 
CfllcerS|afpirani  applicant  for  a  lieutenant's 
commiasion.  «bef  fletning  staff  of  officers.  etØ< 
arnen :  ban  bar  taget  -  he  has  paased  (his  exa- 
mination)  as  a  lieutenant.  -frue  officer's  wife. 
-bøjflølen  the  Staff  College.  -tl*b  Army  and 
Navy  Club.  -meøfe  mess.  -patent  commiasion. 
-perfønate  staff  of  officers,  -rang  the  rank  of 
an  officer,    -tjener  officer's  servant. 

Offirt|a't  c  -er  official,  -ant'  c  er  officer, 
offidal.  -el'  a  official,  -elt  ado  officlally.  -e'rc 
vt  offic'iate.  -'s  n  -er  printlng  offlce.  -wa'l, 
-net'  a  offlc'inal.  -ø*  a  half -official. 
Ofiffrt'b  c  -er  ophi'cleide. 
Ofre  vt  k  i  offer  (up),  sacrifice;  .  fiioet  lay 
down  one's  life;  .  fin  Xib,  flt  Sin  paa  devote 
one's  time,  life,  to,  ~  bet  en  Sanfe  give  lt  a 
thonght;  —  vr  fig  sacrifice  one's  self,  fig  (til) 
devote  one's  self  (to).    Ofring  c  -er  offering. 

Ofte  adv  often  (poet  oft),  frequently  (♦  a  fre- 
qoent).  tit  øg  .  often  and  often;  albrig  -re  never 
agsin;  foa  ~  (font)  whenever;  ban  tommer  .  paa 
bette  ©teb  he  frequents  thls  place;  fom  -ft  most 
frequently,  far  oftener  than  not.  -anførte, 
•neønte,  -omtalte  a  the  oft-mentioned. 

Og  faa)  coni  and;  og  bette  bar  iffe  alt  nor  was 
thls  all. 

Øgfoa  conj  also,  too,  as  well;  iffe  alene  .  .  . 
men  .  not  only  .  .  .  but  (also);  tøor  tibt  ban  - 
tommer  though  he  may  come  ever  so  often; 
eDet  .  or  else;  -  btrfelig,  ba  -  Indeed,  In  faet; 

Sorten:  Stanft-ttngeif!  Drbbog. 

og  ban  fom  -  (birfrttg)  and  he  did  come,  and 
come  he  did  (sure  enough);  et  bu  -  oiø  paa 
bet  are  you  perfectly  sure  of  it?  bet  bar  -  et 
6pørgsmaal!  what  a  question!  bet  et  -  fanbtl 
by-the-bye  I 

Offer  c  ocher.    -agtig,  -gnl  a  ocherous. 

OMnltatio'n  c  -er  ooculta'tlon. 

ORttblatiø'n  c  -et  occupa'tion.  -atiønfftar 
army  of  occupation.    -e're  re  oc'cupy. 

Otftc  e  -r  (og  piften,  jDfftne)  ox  (pi  oxen);  bullock; 
*bull.  —  Of*e  (antilope  fe  Ømt.  -Mob  blood  of 
oxen.  -blaere  ox  bladaer.  -brentft  gadfly,  Otttnu 
bovu.  -brbfl  breast  of  beef.  -brat  bellowing  of 
an  ox.  -briber  drover,  >  oxlip,  Primula  elatior. 
-fra  bull-frog,  Rana  mugient.  -gumme  beef 
-palate;  Ragout  paa  -r  beef-palates  stewed. 
-qaffer  ox-pecker,  beef-eater.  Buphaga  a/rtcana. 
-bale  ox-tail.  -balefabbe  ox'-tall  soup.  -banbet 
tråde  in  black-cattle.  -t^anbler  dealer  in  oxen. 
-børn  ox-horn.  -boøeb  head  of  an  ox;  OBinfcb) 
hogshead  (containing  240  Danish  quarts).  -bnb 
ox-hide.  -falb  bull-calf.  -fføb  hoof  of  an  ox. 
-fføbefebt  neat's-foot  oil.  -lUft  (p.  ^eft)  ox-foot. 
-tab  beef;  (mobfat  ftofsD)  ox-beef.  -fabfnbb« 

Otde|(eber  bullock's  liver.  -laber  neafsleather. 
•mam  ox-marrow.  -mule  muzzle  of  an  ox. 
-marbrob  sirloin.  -nttrc  beef-kldney.  -rhg  chine 
of  beef.  -ftat  tax  on  oxen  et.  horn  ed  cattle. 
-ftatb  cowstable.  -fteg  roastbeef,  -talg  ox 
-tallow,  beef-tallow.  -tunge  neat's  tongue,  ox 
-tongue;  $  alkanet,  Anckuta  offieinalu.  -tnuøC' 
fbantb,  *-tnngefob  beef-steak  fungus,  Futuhn* 
kepatioa.  -øje  (ogf.  9f)  ox-eye,  Chryantkemum 
leucmtthemum;  gul  -  yellow  bottle,  C.  legetum; 
(6fb)  bull's  eye. 

Oftaje'ber  n  -bre  octahedrou.  -nt'  c  -er  (^igur) 
oc'tant;  OnfttumJ  quadrant. 

Oftab  c  -er  (ftormat)  octavo;  (©og)  (volume 
in)  octavo;  mut  oc'tave.  -art  octavo  sheet. 
•blnb  octavo  volume.  -btab  octavo  leaf.  -fløjte 
octave  flute,  piccolo,  -følge  consecutive  octaves. 

Oftet  o  -ter  octet,  otiet. 

Oftober  c  October. 

Oftobe'A  e  -et  (format  0g  «og)  octodec'imo. 

Ottrof'  c  concession.    -e're  vt  grant. 

Otnla'r  n  -er,  -glaé  eye-piece,  ocular. 

Otule'lre  vt  (ftopptt,  planter  ofo.)  inoculate. 
-ring  e  budding,  inoculation,  sadle -grafting. 
Otniertnib  buddlng-knlfe. 

Ol  c,  pi  a,  fourscore. 

Olaf  Olave,  Olaf.  Olafiffarg  finger -fern, 

Olb  c  k  n  age.  -banff  a  k  n  Old  Danish. 
Olbrfaber  great  grandfkther.  Olbemober  great 

Olben  c  mast.  -aar  mast  year.  -børre  c  May 
-bug,  cookchafer,  Melolontha.  -bag  common 

Olbengelff  a  &  n  Old  English. 

Olbengalb,  -benge  pannage.  -toft  crop  of 
mast.  -ariå,  -fbin  pig  out  at  mast.  -ftøb  wood 
of  mast-bearing  trees. 

♦Olber  fe  Or. 

0(ber|manb  master  of  a  Corporation,  feSobf«; 
t(i  ttanblbb)  boroughelder.  -manbdbenge  master 's 
Corporation  fees. 

Clblforffer,  -forffning,  fe  -granfter,  -granffning. 
-f  ranff  a  k  n  Old  French.  -frne  head  laundress 
(at  a  public  establishment);  (paa  $ofpitat)  head 
-nurse,  -fnnb  find  of  antlqultles.  -gefefl  [t.]  head 
•Journeyman.  -granffer  antlquary,  antlquarian. 
•granffning  antlquarian  research.  Olbiug  c  -e  k 
-er  old  man.  OibingeagHg  a  senile.  Otbtngftalber 
old  age.  0(b|t»abancienipoem.  -tbnbig  a  skilled 
in  antiqulUes;  o  archæologist.  -tanbtgtøb  archss- 





ology.  -minbe  memorial  of  antiquity.  -nørbtfl 
a  Old  Northern,  -nørff  a  Old  Norwegian,  Old 
None.  -fager  pi  antiquities,  objects  of  anti- 
quity. -fag«  ancient  tradition,  -fagftfunb  fe 
-funb.  -ffrift  ancient  text.  -ffriftøfelffab  ancient 
text  society;  bet  norbille  .  tbe  Old  None  t.  s. 
•fprøg  ancient  language,  -rib  antiquity,  olden 
time.  -tibf  agtig  a  archalo.  +-rib$graa  a  hoary. 
+-ttb*gran,  +-Hbfbjøi  fe  ftampe«.  -rtbélebntnger 
fe  fager,  -Hbfmtnbe  monument  of  antiquity. 
•ribøMbenffab  archæology.  -rttfl  a  k  n  Old 

Ole  fe  Olaf;  fe  Bnløje. 

Olcan'ber  o  -e  oleander. 

Olei'n  c  olelne. 

Olie'  c  -r  oil;  gbbe  .  i  31ben  add  mel  to  the 
fire;  ben  fibfle  -  extreme  un etion;  fmøre  meb  - 
«=  Olie  vt  oil.  Ofie|aar  oil  vear.  -agtig  a  olly, 
oleaginous.  -ab  l  culture  of  the  oli  ve.  batte 
save-oil.  -beftølber  oll-reservolr  el.  ba&ln.  -bille 
oilbeetle,  MeloVpro*carab<ruM.  -bjerget  the  Mount 
of  Olives.  -blab  olive  leaf.  -bal  Mbl  river  of 
oil.  -bar  olive.  -barme  dregs  of  oil. -bannenbe 
Øaø  olefiant  gas.  -btyrler  cultivatorof  the  olive. 
-bbrtning  fe  qdI.  -fob  oil-cask.  -farne  oil-oolour; 
male  meb  .  point  in  oil.  -fcruil  oil-varnish. 
-ffafte  oil-bottle.  -gaarb  olive  plantation.  -gab 
oil-gas.  -gren  olive-branch.  -grnnb  (bol  ©talere) 
priming.  -b,anbel  oil-trade.  -banbler  oil -man. 
-bor«  bibl  horn  of  oli.  -tøtl  ($mp.)  otl-hole. 
-b*ft  crop  of  olives.  -lage  oil-cake.  -tage* 
bratter  oil-cake  breaker.  -tanbe  oll-can;  (til 
Cnbebaringaf  Olie)  oil- tin.  -flabet  oilskins,  -top 
oil-cup.  -frnlte,  -tru«  oil-jug.  -tbifi  olive  twig. 
-lampe  oil-lamp.  -lugt  smell  of  oil.  -maler 
painter  in  oil.  -maleri  oil-painting.  -maling 
oil-paint.  -malning  painting  In  oli.  -malle  oil 
-mi  11.  -maller  oilmiller.  -palme oil-palm,  Elæi% 
guineentu.  -panbe  (2) mp.)  drippan.  -papir  oil 
•paper.  -perle  oil-press.  -pibe  oil-cask.  -plante 
oleiferoun  plant,  -plet  spot  of  oli.  -prøbe  test 
of  oil.  Oliere  vt  oil.  01ie|renber  pi  ($mp.) 
oil-gTooves.  -rig  a  abounding  in  oil.  Citering 
c  oiling.  Oliefrnm  oil-room.  -faft  bibl  fresh 
oU.  -fance  mayonaise.  -falbe  ointment  of  oil. 
-flinb  yellow  parchment  (prepared  wlth  oil). 
-fmag  oily  taste,  -ført  slate-black.  -fprafte  oil 
syringe  e(.  squlrt.  -tfen  oil-stone,  oil-hone.  -fnrt 
Salt  oleate.  -fb«  oleic  acid.  -fabe  oil-soap. 
-tabt  glycerine.  Oliet  a  oily.  01ie|trttt  chromo 
-lithography;  typ  unclean  proof.  -tra  olive;  oil 
-tree.    -tøj  fe  -ftaber.    -tanbe  oil -barrel. 

Otiglarti'   n   ol'igarchy.     -artift    a    oliga'r- 
Oligotla'f  e  oUg'oclase. 

Oli 'ben  o  -er  olive.  -farne  olive  colour. 
-farbet  -gran  a  olive  -  coloured ,  olive -green. 
-baøe  fe  Dltegaarb.  -tranø  olive-crown  el.  -wreath. 
-Innb  olive  grove,  -olie  olive  oil.  -ftøa  fe  -lunb. 
-inegl,  -f natte  olive,  Oliva.  -tra  olive  tree, 
Olea;  (8eb)  olive  wood. 

tOBe  p  ile  (o:  oli). 

♦Olle  o  -r  well. 

Olm  a  (om  ftoag)  furious,  mad. 

Olmerbng  c  nistian. 

*Oi9øf  c  8t.  Olave's  day,  the  29th  of  July. 

Olbmp'  c  Olympus,  -ta'be  c  -r  Olym'piad. 
-'iff  a  Olympic,  Olympian. 

Om'  [*61  <xmj  whether,  if;  (berfom)  if;  l)bem  beb, 
om  tf  tf?  who  knows  but?  om  <Bub  bil  Ood  wil- 
ling;  om  enb,  om  \aa  though;  om  nu  \aa  bar? 
what  though  ?  om  bet  faa  bor  ftø ente,  faa  .  . .  the 
very  cows  .  .  .;  om  jeg  tril!  won't  I. 

Om'  [*6  oafaa  i  alle  be  føigenbe  Smf.]  prop 
about;   SotefrTning,   Xante,   (Erinbrtng,  $aab  ogf. 

om  ldea,  thought,  recollection,  hope,  etc.  oi, 
en  Øfyonbling  om  a  treatise  on;  obetbeoifk  øm  at 
convlnced  that;  bbob  mener  bu  om  .  .  .?  what 
do  you  think  of  .  .  .  ?  fpiHe  om  $enge  play  for 
money;  taflebe  fig  om  tøm«  $ala  threw  herself  on 
el.  about  his  neck;  bet  er  intet  om  ben  %m 
there  is  nothing  known  about  that;  bet  mao  ban 
om  that  is  his  airair;  oare  tre  om  een  be  thre* 
to  one;  bare  lange  om  ot  Håbe  fig  paa  be  long 
in  dressing;  jeg  rr  let,  tung,  om  fjertet  my  heart 
is  light,  heavy  (within  me);  bet  er  mig  om  at 
gøre  it  is  an  object  wlth  me;  om  binanben  prø- 
miscuously;  ^ør  om  Sør  meb  nexi  door  to;  €te 
om  6ibe  side  by  side;  $of!en  tømmer  om  aRanbagcB 
og  Sfrebagen  the  mail  arrlves  on  Mondays  and 
Fridays;  om  Scorgenen,  Sftermibbagen  in  the 
morning,  afternoon;  om  Sommeren,  Sinteren  in 
summer,  winter;  mibt  om  Sommeren  in  the 
middle  of  summer;  om  en  lime  in  an  hour,  in 
another  hour-,  om  en  Woaneb  in  a  month,  in 
another  month;  om  tre  SRooneber  in  (another) 
three  months;  om  nogle  Doge  In  a  few  davs;  om 
libt  shortlv,   presentiy;   tøle  Varet   om  all  tbe 

S  sar  round;  een  <Vong  om  Varet  once  a  year,  10 
åler  om  SRoaneben  10  dollars  a  month;  bare  ots 
fig  be  aotive,  ah  arp;  —  adv  falbe,  tafre  om  mil, 
throw  down;  gøre  noget  øm  do  a  thing  over 
agaln;  om  igen  over  again. 

Om'orbefbe  vt  remodel,  rexnake.  reeonstruct, 
recast,  new-model,  rewrite,  re-edit;  (for  8tu^ 
ptobfen)  adapt.  -lfe  c  (bet  at  omarb.)  recaating, 
remodelllng;  (omarbejbet  Sart)  remodelled  work, 

Om'arme  vt  embrace.  -lfe  c  -t  embradng, 

Ombagle  vt  bake  over  again.  -ning  c  baking 

Ombarnittg  e  &  boxhauling. 

Ombantning  c  (Qoab.)  backing. 

Ombebe  vt  fe  tlnmobe. 

^Ombejlet  part  courted. 

OmbeRgtelfe  c  re-survey. 

Ombeftemme  fig  vr  change  one's  mind  el. 
purpose     -lfe  c  change  of  purpose. 

Ombefatte  vt  (et  (frnbebe)  appolnt  another  man 
to  a  place.    -lfe  c  change  (in  office). 

Ombinlbe  vt  tie  el.  bind  round,  gird;  Bøgen 
moa  -I  the  book  must  be  rebound.  -ning  c 
tying  etc.;  bandage. 

+OmbIab|r  vt  turn  over  the  leaves  of  a  book. 
•ning  e  turnlng  etc. 

Omblanbje  vt  (i  ftortfpil)  re-shuffle,  abuffie 
over  again.    -ing  e  re  shuffling. 

Ombfit  n  comprehensive  view. 

Ombfofe  vt  blow  down. 

Omboenbe  a  residing  around,  surrounding, 

Ombøgflabere  vt  respell. 

Ombølte  et  re-bolt. 

^Omboltre  vt  (en  «  boltre  fig  om  en)  gambol 
around  el.  about  (one). 

Ombø'rb  adv  onboard,  aboard,  onshipboard, 
ouboard  »hip;  .  I  onboard  (of):  tage  fnt)  -  ship; 
rage  -  i  fall  aboard  of,  run  mul  of:  logge  .  i 
(entre)  board,  -bringelfe  c  shipping,  embarkation 
•lagning  fouling,  collision;  boarding,  -ragniat, 
•fejling  fouling,  collision.  -borenbc  a  onboard; 
be  -  those  onboard. 

Ombrafe  vt  fe  ørafe  om. 

Ombringe  vt  (noget)  enrrv  about.  deliver; 
(brabe)  put  to  death.  -lfenpenge  charge  for 

Ombrnfc  vt  roar  around. 

Ombrat|le  vt  tvp  overrun,  reeonstruct,  (enbdig) 
make-up.  impose.  -fer  e  -e  maker-up,  impos- 
itor.    -ning  c  overrunning  etc. 




*Øntbr«ttet  part  turned  over. 

C«! 6 mb  w,  pi  =  ,  oommisslon;  ($erfon)  — 
-bisbømanb  agent,  deptity. 

Cotfruflte  «*  turn  over.    -ning  turning  over. 

Dotbbb|e  vt  nand  round,  pass  round.  -en, 
•ning  e  handing  round. 

Owbbglge  o*  (omgibe  meb  Strøning)  build 
round  about;  (btaøe  om  igen)  rebulld.  -ning  c 
bullding  round  about;  rebullding. 

Om|bbtning  c  -er  exchanging.  -bbtte  o«  ex- 
change  (meb  for);  -*  meb  be  replaced  by.  -bljtte 
n  exchange,  change. 

Omb«lt|e  t><  gird  round.  -uf »g  o  girding  etc. 

Dmbiere  vt  bear  el.  earry  about;  .  Qrebe, 
Htrifer  deliver  letters,  newspapers.  -en,  -lug  c 
carrying  about;  (af  ©rebe  ofb.)  dellvery. 

+Ombttbe  «t  jxxt  tremble  around. 

Omb<j|e  «t  bend  down,  fold  down.  -et  a 
mere  annexed.    -ning  o  -er  bending  etc. 

Dmfctlge  vt  wave  round. 

Cmcirtle  vt  fe  Omfrebfe. 

Ombannc  vt  transform,  convert,  remodel, 
reshape.    -Ife  c  transformation,  conversion. 

Ombonfe  vt  dance  round  about. 

Omdebatteret  a  et  meaet  -  6pørgømaal  a  vexed 
question;  ben  -be  6ag  the  matter  under  disens- 

Ombrllr  vt  distribute.   -tag  c  -er  distribution. 

OmbefHHere  vt  rectlfy. 

tOmbige  vt  dlke  round. 

Ombfgtle  vt  compose  (a  poem)  anew,  remodel. 
•ning  c  remodelllng. 

Ombragenbe  a  ltinerant,  strolling,  circum- 
foran  eous. 

Ombrrje  vt  turn  round;  -nbe  a  pky  k  cut 
revolvlng,  rotatory.  Ombrejeruboætft  mtat  tro- 
chanter.  Ombrejntng  o  -et  turning  etc.;  revolu- 
tion, rotation.  —  OmbrfjningA|atf  e  axis  of  rota- 
tion. -beMegelfe  rotatory  motion,  -tøftigteb, 
-bnrtigfteb  velocity  of  rotation,  -manier  revolu- 
tion-coud  ter.  -jriftol  revolver,  -bnnft  centre  of 
gyratlon  el.  rotation,  (paa  Cægtftang)  ralorum. 

Omfbrift  rotation,  -bribe  vt  drive  round. 
•brise«,  -»ribning  c  driving  round;  (ørtefttøs 
Cmflatten)  idling  about.  -bri*e*be  part  drifting 

Ombnfte  vt  surround  with  fragrance. 

Omba!|fe  vt  lay  (a  table)  over  again.  -ning 
c  -er  laylng  etc. 

Ontb*b|e  øtrebaptlze;y!f7re-chrl8ten,  re-name. 
-es,  -ning  c  rebaptlzation;  re-christening. 

Ontbøntnte  *  judgment,  opinion. 

Om'egn  o  -e  neighbournood ,  surrounding 
country,  environs  pi. 

Omelet'  c  -ter  om'elet. 

Cmen  n  omen;  et  .  om  at  an  omen  that. 

Omenbffjnt'  fe  ttnbftønt. 

Om'erinbre  vt  mention,  remind  of. 

Omfab|e  vt  (tøbenbe  Barer)  rack  off.  ■ning  o 
racklng  off. 

Omfafben  part  fallen  (down),  upset. 

Omjfang  n  (Omtrebø)  drcumiference;  (ttbfhat« 
ning)  extent;  (Begreb*)  extension;  (af  et  Ira) 
glrth;  en  Stemme  af  flort  -  a  voioe  of  great 
compass.  +-fange  vt  embrace.  -fangirtg  a 
extensive;  bulky. 

*Omfor  n,  pi  — ,  round. 

Ømfajre  vt  (fare  rnnbt  om)  go  round;  (befare) 
travene  in  all  directions,  perambulate.  *-*eø 
vH  cross  each  other,  pass  each  other  (without 
knowing).    *rt  o  golng  round,  perambulation. 

Omfarb|e  vt  dye  over  again.  -ning  o  dying 

Omfat!  te  vt  (omflntte)  encompass;  (inbbefatte) 
comprise,  comprehend,  embrace,  cover,  -tmbe 
a  comprehensive,  extensive,  wide-ranging;  bcere 

meget  .  (egl.  oa  fio)  cover  much  groand;   $ 
clasping,  perfouate.    -ning  c  enoompassing  etc. 

Omfavne  vt  embrace,  bug.  -Ife  c  -t  embracing, 
embrace,  hug. 

Omflagre  vt  flutter  about.  -n  c  fluttering 

Omflaffe  vi  roam,  ramble;  +  vt  ramble  about. 
-ti  c  roaming,  rambling.  -nbe  a  roving,  strolling, 
wandering,  erratic,  F  gadabout;  -  Binb  baffling 
el.  chopping  wind. 

Ontffet|te  vt  plait  round;  re-plait.  -ning  e  -er 
plaiting  etc. 

Omftobe  vt  flow  round.  -n  c  flowing  around. 

Omfføt|te  vt  move,  remove.  -ten,  -ning  c 
moving  etc.,  displacement. 

Omflbb|e  vt  k  %  fly  about.  -en,  -ning  c  dying 

Omfolb|e  vt  refold.    -ning  c  refolding. 

+Oøjrføran|bre  vt  change  (enOrely).  -bring  o 
(entire)  change. 

Omforbolte  vt  re-bolt. 

+Omførenet  a  (mutually)  agreed  upon. 

-^Omforflore  vt  re-explain;  ben  -be  Vften  the 
aforesaid  night,  the  nlght  in  questlon. 

Omformle,  -en,  -ninø/  fe  Ombanne,  -Ife. 

Omfrcbe  vt  fe  grebe  om. 

-HDmfnge  vi  drut  about. 

Omf bible  vt  refill,  replenish.  -ning  c  refilling 

Omfalbe  fe  ffælbe. 

+Omfore  vt  fe  gøre  omfnng. 

Omgaa  vt  (aaa  om)  walk  round;  mit  turn, 
outflank;  (en  vefaling  ofb.)  elude,  evade,  (SperøS- 
maaO  fence.  -en  c  evasion.  -enbe  a  strolling, 
vagrant;  .  Bebægelfe  turning  movement;  meb  . 
(^ofi)  by  return  of  post.  -*  vd  (anbre)  have 
intercourse  el.  converse  with;  associate  with, 
keep  company  with;  (befømble)  manage,  treat, 
deal  with;  bi  -giffe«  meget  we  saw  a  great  deal 
of  each  other,  .  meb  xonfer  om  meditate,  have 
in  one's  head;  fig  mig  tyem  bu  -,  og  jeg  ffol  fige 
Mg,  bbem  bn  er  tell  me  with  whom  thou  gpest, 
and  ril  tell  tbee  what  thou  doest;  ~  meb  6baa> 
bom  (o.  fl.)  bibl  uge  divination  (etc.). 

Omgang  c  -e  (Ombreintng)  revolution,  rotation, 
turn;  (Samfbem)  intercourse,  commerce,  com- 
munion,  company;  (ftrebs)  aoquaintance;  OBe* 
banbling)  treatment,  management;  (i  ftorrfril, 
étrifning)  round,  (i  (Eritfrt)  innings,  to  t  (i  €trit* 
ning)  purl;  (af  Dampftrue  ofb.)  revolution;  (paa 
©frue)  convolution;  (paa  en  Btyraing)  gallery, 
arcade;  fortrolig  -  familiar  intercourse;  ^olbe  . 
meb  associate,  keep  company,  with;  bet  flet  efter, 
gear  paa  .  it  is  done  by  turns  el.  spella;  lob« 
jlriMfl  .  illegal  proceedlng;  legemlig  .  sexual 
Intercourse;  btnbe  beb  -  F  wear  well.  —  Om» 
gang«|breb  drcular.  -fatte  fe  -ben.  -frebå  clrcle 
of  one's  acqualntance.  -lib  social  Ufe  el.  inter- 
course. -Btaabe  mode  of  treatment.  -remwind- 
lng-strap.  -ftole  ambulatory  school.  -ftribelfe 
drcular.  -frrog  conversaUon  el.  colloaulal  lan- 
guage. -frro<i  breeching  torn-back.  -røge  epi- 
demic.  -tone  tone  of  oonversation.  -ben  asso- 
ciate.   -bi*  adv  by  turns, 

Omgift  a  re-married. 

Omoible  vt  encompass,  surround,  environ 
encircle;  Suften  fom  -r  o*  the  ambient  el.  sur 
rounding  air;  —  w  -  fig  meb  associate  with 
mine  -nbe  those  that  surround  me.  -elfe  o  -er, 
•(•ning  e  encompasslng  etc.;  (ens  Omgang)  as 
sociates,  clrcle  of  friends,  those  around  one 
ftbab  bet  omgiber  en)  surroundings.  surrounding 
obiects:  environments,  (tun  om  Sanoft.)  scenes  pi. 

Omg)orbe  vt  gird  round;  -  fine  Sambet  gird 
up  one's  loins.    -Ife  c  girding. 

+Omgnabe  vt  gnaw  round  about. 





Omgrab|e  vt  (grabe  ranbt)  dig  round;  (grabe 
om)  dig,  spade,  turn.    -ning  c  digging. 

Omgribenbe  a  extensive. 

Omgro  v»  grow  round. 

Omgranfe  vi  txrand. 

-HDmgrawfe  vi  graze  about. 

Omgrsft|e  vt  sarroand  wlth  a  dltch.  -stag  c 
surrounding  etc. 

Omgalbenbe  a  ooooerned. 

Omgang  ej liø  a  conversable,  convenive,  so- 
ciable.  •ligget  c  conversableness,  sodableneas, 
Bociability.    -Ife  c  intercourse,  conversation. 

Omgarbe  vi  fence  round,  hedge  round.  -Ife 
e  fenclng  etc. 

Omgøgle  vi  flit  round,  dazzle,  bewilder. 

Omgørfe  vt  make  el.  do  over  agaln;  .  ril 
convert  into  el.  to.    -lug  c  making  etc. 

Omtalte  vt  grub  el.  hoe  (the  ground). 

Omljalfe  vi  put  the  shlp  on  the  other  tack. 

Omfjaublle  vt  treat  of;  oeb  ben  tyr  -be  Sejtigfteb 
on  the  occaslon  in  question.  -ting  c  treat- 

Omf)arb|e  vi  narrow  over  agaln.  -ning  c 
harrowing  etc. 

Ombeg|ne  vi  hedge  round.  -»rag  o  hedglng 

Ombitbe  vi  impede,  entangle. 

Omqoug'  adv  an-end;  <£,  fcette  .  sway  up. 
•fatning  o  swaying  up. 

Ombu  e  care,  concern,  aoUcltude;  Ijobe,  bore 
-  for  take  care  of. 

©m(»g|ge  vi  cut  el.  new  down,  fell.  -«ing  c 
cutting  el.  hewing  down. 

*Omf)øert  n,  pi  -» ,  round. 

OmtølrtoCe  vf  whlrl  round,  w.  about. 

+Omb»i9te  ve  hlas  about. 

Omljbalve  ve  arch  el  vault  round. 

Omitøø  gelig  a  careral  (of),  painstaking,  solic- 
itou*.    -peb  o  oarefulness,  palns,  sollcitude. 

OmtyljlI|e  vi  wrap  round  el.  about,  envelop. 

•toge  wrapping  etc. 


)mbage  vf  take  great  care  of. 

Omjtyeng  n,  pi  =■,  bedcurtalns  pi.  -tomge ol 
(meb)  hang  round  (wlth).  -ftomgøfeng  fourposter. 
-  tent(-bed). 

Omtn*'9  a  om'inous. 

-HD«  irre  vi  wander  about. 

Om!aIfat|re  vt  J,  re-caulk;  fig  re-model,  trans- 
form,    -ring  c  tran&formatlon,  metamorphosis. 

Omtant|e  ve  edge  round.  -»hig  e  edging 

Om\tap',  -fa**/  fe  ftap. 

Cm  taft  |  e  vt  (rafte  oberenbe)  cast  el.  throw  down, 
overthrow,  upset;  (om  Jeorn)  stir.  -Bing  e  caatlng 

Omflamre  of  clasp,  cllng  to. 

Omflaffiflcerc  vi  re-clas*. 

•HDmffemme  vt  squeese. 

Omtltlne  ve  (meb)  line  el.  paite  round  (wlth). 
-ning  a  lining  etc. 

Omtlinfe  vt  re-clinch. 

Omtlipbe  ve  cut  over  agaln. 

OmNabe  ve  fe  Omfline. 

Omtlab|e  of  shlft  el.  change  one's  olothes  el. 
dress;  -fclothe,  encase;  —  or  change  olothea. 
-wing  o  -et  changlng  etc. 

Omfnate  vt  kneel  around. 

Om|  tog  «,  pi  wmt  re-bolUng.  -tøgc  vt  boil  over 
agaln.    -logning  c  -er  boillng  etc. 

Omtømme  o«  perish;  t  oe  destroy,  put  to 

Omtontraberet  a  agreed  upon. 

Omføftotog  c  -et  cost,  expenae,  charge;  betale 
•ente  defray  the  expenses;  ibømme  Sagen«  -er 
condemn  to  costs;  unber  Cftertrab  af  -er  taklng 
your  charges  forward. 

Om!ranf|e  ve  Inwreathe,  encircle.  -aistg  r 
Inwreathlng  etc. 

Cm|trebå  c  -e  drcumference,  clrcult,  oompas$, 
geom  drcumference;  i  -en  on  the  circumference, 
©nen  er  ftob  røile  i  .  the  town  la  seven  miles 
In  drcuit;  i  ti  Stilet  ~  (for)  ten  miles  round. 
within  ten  miles,  -frebfe  ve  enoompaas;  turs 
el.  revolve  round;  wheel  el.  fly  round. 

Omtring'  prajp  k  adv  round,  around,  about. 
bibt  -  far  about;  Utoften  -  tolb  by  twelve,  ;at 
about  twelve;  ffcabfere  -  walk  about;  goxe  - 
wheel  round;  goa  .  ©pen  walk  round  the  town, 
goa  .  i  ©ben,  ©aberne  walk  about  the  town 
about  the  streets.  Omrri«a|bøe*be  o  residm? 
around.  -bombe  §  pi  neignbours.  •liggrabe  a 
circumJacent.  -Løbenbe  a  running  about,  vågnet 
-fibbenbe  a  sitting  around.  -ftaaenbe  a  standing 
around.  -ftaaeabe  pi  by-standers,  -fozfcig  a  % 
perigynous.    -bartnbe  a  surrounding. 

Omtrtjbenbe  a  creeplng  about. 

+Omfrbbfe  ve  fig  wheel  about. 

Omfrang|e  vt  turn  inside  out.  -ni«g  c  turnin« 

Omfnlb'  adv  down.    -ooelte  vt  upset. 

Omfborb  n,  pi  »,  burden,  refrain. 

Omlabje  vt  (6n)bebaaben)  load  agaln;  (6iibr 
lade  agaln;  (Barer  HI  anbet  6fib  eller  ©eforbrtn^^ 
mibbel)  transhlp.  -nittfl  oloadlngetc.;  tranship- 
ment.  -Ntogiomtofhrtttgcr  tranahipment  ex 
penses.    -nfngøfkb  place  of  tranahipment. 

Omlanb  n  -e  surrounding  country,  environs  pi. 

Omlcbe  vt  lead  about. 

Omlejr |  e  vt  encamp  round,  inrest.  -img  < 
encamping  etc.;  re-arrangement. 

Omltggenbe  a  circumJacent,  nelghboorlng. 

iCnme  vt  flame  round. 

Omlnfte  vt  fan. 

Omlnrte  vt  shut  In. 

Oml))b  c  gram  modiflcatlon,  (yowel-)muuUon, 

Omlbne  vt  lighten  el.  flash  around. 

•fOml))fe  vt  illuminate  (all  round). 

Omlag n ^ (om Øomfruer) bindings.  Omlteggc 
vt  (lægge  om  igen)  lay  over  agaln,  relay;  (anbet 
lebeft)  chanse  the  position  el.  directlon  of,  lay 
el.  place  dUferently;  (Uegge  runbt)  lay  round; 
(Stenbro)  repave.  -ning  c  -er  relaying  etc.;  re 

+Omlfltfle  vt  re-read.    -ning  c  re-readlng. 

Omla#[fe  vt  load  over  agaln,  reload.    -ni»ø 

0  loading  etc. 

Om|Uo  n  circulatlon,  drcumvolution ;  aer 
oourse,  rotation;  art  revolution;  periobtft  -  at 
period;  bringe,  fatte  i  .  (SefMer  ofb.)  issne,  (et 
Wbøte)  circulate,  set  afloat,  (^enge)  drculate; 
-  i  Qooebet  quickness,  smartness,  brains,  readi- 
ness,  management.  -Ube  vt  (1.  forbi)  run  past. 
-tøben  c  running  about.  -enbe  a  (ømfrcejfatbe) 
running  about,  vagrant,  itlnerant;  (f.  *».  ^|ul) 
turntng,  revolving;  (f.  <Ef*.  JRbflte)  clrculAtlng; 
(Sinb)  variable,  -taber  o  -e,  -tøberfle  c  -r  stroller, 
vagrant,  vagabond.  —  Oml* W|  bane  orbit.  -bres 
drcular.  -bafriøbeb  velocity  of  rotation,  -ntibler 
circulating  medium,  -rib  mtek  k  art  time  of 
rotation  el.  revolution,  perlod.  -»eje  pi  clr- 
culatory  vessels. 

Ontmaalje  et  remeasure.  •tog  o  -tt  reineasurlng; 

Omme  adv  (til  Cnbe)  over,  at  an  end,  out; 
Siben  er  .  Urne  is  up;  ber  -  on  the  other  side; 
r>ift  -  »eb  Ajsmet  yonder.  round  the  corner;  .  i 
en  anben  »abe  round  the  corner  in  the  other 
Btreet;  ^er  -  on  this  side;  jeg  bar  -  at  fe  til  (am 

1  went  round  to  see  hlm;  tøn  bor  -  baa$i»mrt 
he  lives  round  the  corner;  bøbe  tnben  vTaxct  bar 
.  died  within  the  year. 




Ommelbe  vt  mentlon. 

Ommnrc  vt  wall  (about). 

Ommtytbre  vt  swarm  about. 

Oml  mynte,  -mtutt  vt  re-coln.  -møvtiitag  o 

Ommarft  vt  re-mark. 

Cmaibn!  e  -fer  omnibus;  f  buss.  -føitbnftør 
oxnnibus-oonductor.  -tørfele*  the  omnibus-ser- 
vice.   -H»ie,  -r»te  o.  line. 

Onm<*b|ne  vt  give  another  name.  -«t  a  be- 
fore mentioned. 

Om'orb|ne  vt  re-arrange.  -ning  c  re-arrange- 

Dittjat | te  vt  repack.    -Ring  c  re-packing. 

Ompanøre  vt  case  in  mail. 

Omplant  |e  vt  tranøplant,  (paa  famme  ©reb)  re- 
plant,  ($ottepl.)  repot;  +  (omtrlng)  plant  about. 
-ning  c  -et  transplanting  etc.  -ntngtinafrtite 

-MDmplaffe  rt  Bplash  round. 

OmpI*j|e  r<  plougb  over  again.  -»hig  c  -er 
plougbing  etc. 

Ompøbe  vt  regraft. 

Ompøfterle  vt  transpore,  -fug  e  transposition. 

Ompøtre  vt  repot. 

Omprtfle  vt  (fortn.)  prick  out,  transplant. 

Ompr«g|e  vt  restamp.    -ning  o  restamping. 

Ompabfle  vt  re-clean,  re-polish,  -ning  c  re 
-cleaning  etc. 

Ompnfie  vt  blow  down. 

Omporl|c  vt  stake  round.  -i« g  e  -er  staking 
round;  oono  palisade. 

Omraabe  «  -c  territory,  (mefl  fio)  domain, 

'Omraabe  lig  vr  cast  about. 

Omrage  vt  ruinmage  among;  shave  over  again. 

+Omranbct  a  encircled. 

^Omraate  vt  grow  round,  clasp. 

Omreg|ne  vt  re-calculate.  -ning  o  re-calcula- 

Om  i  rejfe  c  peregrinatJon,  travelling  about. 
•rejfe  vt  travel  el.  journey  round.  -rejfenbe  a 

Omrlble  vt  ride  round  el.  about.  -en,  -King 
c  riding  etc. 

Om 'rib*  n,  pi  -»,  outline,  contour.  +-ribfe 
ri  outline. 

Omrinbc  fe  Omflbbe. 

Omringe  vt  surround,  environ,  encompass, 
eucircle,  hem  in,  beset.    -Ife  c  surrounding  etc. 

Omrib|e  vt  pull  down.  -ning  c  -er  pulllng 

Omrøbje  vt  root  el.  grub  up;  rummage.  -uf ug 
e  rooting  etc. 

+Omrntte  vi  revolve. 

Omrbtjfe  vt  pull  down.   -King  e  pulllng  down. 

Omrpft[e  vt  shake.    -ning  c  shaking. 

+Omr«mme  flg,  fe  Onttaobe  flg. 

Omrør | e  vt  miz  up,  stir  up.  -lug  c  mizlng 

Omfat  vt  sow  over  again. 

Omfabl  le  vt  k  i  saddle  again,  resaddle;  fig 
turn  one's  coat.    -len,  •Hug  c  saddling  etc. 

Omfagn  a,  gnxm  predicate. 

Omfatte  vt  salt  over  again.  -ning  c  salting 

Omfe|ite  vt  sail  round,  circumnavlgate ,  (en 
Cbbe)  round,  double;  {Den  Meb  -t  we  salled  round 
tbe  Island,  the  Island  was  drcumnavigated.  -ler 
c  -e  clrcumnavlgator.    -littg  c  circumnavigatlon. 

Cmfenbc  v(  send  round  ef.  about.  -Ife  c  send- 
ing etc. 

Omfi'ber  adv  at  last,  at  length. 

Omfige  vt  (gentolbe)  unsay. 

Omfrg | griben  c  spreading,  rampancy .  -gribmbe 

a  spreading,  lncreasing,  growing,  rampant;  et 
.  Onbe  an  evil  galning  ground. 

Omlflgt  c  clrcumspection,  forethought,  fore- 
cast,  discretion.  -figrtg,  -figtftfulb  a  thoughtful, 

Omfinbet  a:  Mibe  ~  change  one's  mind. 

Omffasle  vt  new-model,  remodel,  transform. 
•elfe,  -ning  c  remodelling. 

Ovtfranfje  vt  intrenoh.  -ning  c  -er  intrenchlng, 

Omffebenbc  a  $  vaginant,  sheathing. 

Omfftbje  vt  tranship.    -»rag  c  transhipment. 

Omjftifte  vt  ezchange,  change;  .  Siben  meb 
(Etirieben  depart  this  life.  -frifte  n  -r  change; 
.  af  fcefce  relay.  -ftift'elig  a  changeable.  -friffe« 
ligbeb  e  changeableness.  -fftfteffe  e  -r,  -fritten, 
•frtfrning  c  change;  pi  (6I«6nen8)  vidssltudes, 
ups  and  downs;  jo«  brillen  er  ifte  gforanbring  eSer 
6fpage  af  _  bibl  with  whom  is  no  varlableness, 
neither  shadow  of  turning. 

OmfHfte  vt  fe  Omfenbe. 

OmfHnne  vt  lrradlate,  bibl  shine  round  about. 

'Omffjøb  e  (tømt.)  lap.  -frjøbet  a :  bel .  well 

Omffø  vt  shoe  again,  new-shoe. 

Omfføble  vt  stir  with  a  shovel. 

Omffrilft  c  -er  (paa  TOønt)  legend.  -be  vt 
(ffrtbe  baanb)  write  over  again.  rewrite;  (ubtroRe 
bibtlsfhgt)  ezprees  by  a  circumlocution;  describe 
in  a  roundabout  way,  paraphrase;  (TOønt)  con- 
vert;  geotn  drcumscribe;  be  -fftelsne  Barer  bar  jeg 
mobtaget  I  have  received  the  goods  mentioned 
in  your  letter.  -Irøtag  c  -er  re-writing;  circum- 
locution, paraphrase. 

+Omfrse*bc  o  circumspect. 

OmjfMge  vt  overshadow. 

Omftbue  vt  wash  (round);  +upset,  tear  down. 

Omffdtrc  vt  circumcise.    -Ife  o  drcumcislon. 

Omffaaet  o  (Zobb.)  twice-laid. 

Omflag  n,  pi  -»,  (fom  paa  Qreb)  envelope, 
wrapper,  ned  poultlce,  fomentation,  cataplaøm; 
(i  Sejret  o.  b.)  change;  (i  6temirtnaen  o.  I.)  revul- 
sion  (of  feeling),  re-action,  turn;  betle  frembragte 
et  .  i  Stemningen  this  changed  the  tide  of  public 
feeling;  (i  enft  SiMfor^.,  ril  bet  werre)  revene; 
t  fe  -termin;  logge  -  paa  apply  a  cataplasm  to, 

Soultlce,  foment.  —  Omftagå|bør  wimble.  -j«m 
atchet-stake.  -papir  wrapping  paper.  t-trrmiit 
settling-day.    -bejr  changeable  weather. 

Omflibe  vt  grind  over  again. 

Omftortc  vt  enclose,  include,  encompass;  .  en 
tæt  meb  Armene  hug  one,  press  one  in  a  close 

Omftyngle  vt  twist  round,  twine  round,  en- 
drcle;  .  ^aaret  meb  en  Qlomfkerfranø  engarland 
the  hair,  twine  a  garland  round  the  halr,  gatten 
øar  -t  meb  et  tøbt  ©aanb  a  red  riband  was  twisted 
round  the  hat;  (omfatme)  be  -be  tønanben  they 
embraced  each  other;  be  bolbt  binanben  faft  -be 
they  were  locked  in  each  other1«  arms;  fio  %atn 
•be  ^aben  the  rivulet  encircled  the  garden,  -ning 
o  -er  twistlng  etc. 

+Omftøbe  vt  drag  about. 

OmfUnre  vt  shroud  el.  wrap  in  a  veil. 

Omfmeb|(b)e  vt  forge  over  again,  reforge. 
-ning  c  forging  etc. 

Omfmeltje  vt  melt  over  again.  -ning  c  -er 
melting  etc. 

-t-Omfnige  vt  sneak  about. 

Omfnø  vt  twist  round,  twine  round,  wind 
round,  encircle;  fe  Omflbnge. 

Omfuonre  vt  fe  Omfnøre;  fig  insnare,  inveigle. 

Omfttøre  vt  cord  (about);  (fnøre  om)  lace  over 

Omføsfl'  [t.l  adv  (forgæørl,  frugtelløft)  in  vain, 
vainly;  (uben  betaling)  gratis. 




Omlforg  e  care;  brage  -  for  take  oare  (of  d. 
that),  see  that.    -forgifnlb  a  careral. 

Omf>rt|e  or  dig  up,  fe  Omgtaoe.  -Bing  c 
digglng  up. 

+Ostførate  vi  strut  el.  stalk  about. 

+jDttf*ttt€  or  play  round. 

Omf>mb|e  or  spin  round  el.  about;  Jfe  entangle. 

-tttj  c  Bplnnlng  etc 

Cm[[ " 

Omfprebe  or  spread  el.  scatter  about 

«|f»leM«ittg,  •tølei#«tng  c  re-epllcing. 

mfrrebe  or  spread  el.  s« 
tOatfyrittge  o«  run  about. 
Om»«vgt  part  in  questioi 
Omtøamble  or  (meb  tyianben)  Bpan  round;  (fcefte 

Om»«vgt  part  in  question. 
Omtøomble  or  (meb  $oanben) 
beb  Sbænbet)  buckle  on;  (føambe  om  igen)  buckle 

over  again;  change  horses;  (omringe,  inbeflntte) 
hem  in;  -bt  af  &arer  beset  with  danger.  -tag  c 
spanning  etc. 

Otttøøtgje  or  inquire  for.    -fe!  fe  $oreft>orgfel. 

Otttftaaenbe  a  standlng  round;  be  -  the  by- 
standers;  .  bil  De  ftnbe  en  førtegnetfe  ofb.  over- 
leaf, on  the  next  leaf  el.  page,  on  the  other 
side,  annexed,  you  wlll  find  a  list  etc.;  fe  - 
Sibe  see  over! 

Omftao|le  or  pile  up  again.  -ling  c  piling 

Omflcm|me  or  (et  fttaoer  ofo.)  tune  over  again; 
(bringe  en  til  en  onben  Stening)  make  one  change 
his  opinion,  bring  one  round;  blibe  omftemt  come 
round.   -ning  c  -er  tuning  etc.;  change  of  mind. 

Ostftettfej  le  or  re-stamp.  -Itng  c  -er  re-stamping. 

Omftttte  or  (fritte  poann)  engrave  over  again; 
(omgraøe)  dig  up;  (om  flnbenbe  Såter)  rack  off. 

OmftiU|e  or  (apfhUe  $if*  09  $er)  station  el.  set 
round  el.  about;  (frille  paa  anben  SRaabe)  set  el. 
dispose  dlfferenUy,  transpose.  -i«g  c  setting 
etc.;  transposition. 

Omftimle  u  crowd  round. 

Omfftøfe-fee  or  re-stuff. 

Cmftraale  vt  &  i  beam  el.  shine  round;  -t  af 
irradiated  with. 

Omfrvejfle  or  ro  ve  el.  roam  about.  -enbe  a  fe 
Omftr&genbe.    -ntng  c  -er  roving  etc. 

Ontftrtbt  a  at  issue,  in  dispute,  disputed, 
moot,  vezed. 

-HDmftrilfe  or  en  snare. 

Omftrirøle  or  (meb  Strbgejærnet)  smooth  el.  iron 
over  again.  -en  o  (Omfiatren)  roving,  roaming. 
-enbe  u  roving,  roaming,  vagrant.  -et  c  -e,  fe 
Sanbfrrbger.    -wing  c  ironing  etc. 

Onftrf  or  strew  round,  scatter  about. 

Omfrrrame  or  flow  round;  ftltppeøen  -i  af 
(Bioen  the  river  flows  round  the  rocky  Island. 

Omftua'ber  adv.  nu  _  nowadays. 

Omftub|e  ol  restow;  .  Bouaften  shift  the  bal- 
last,   -ning  c  restowing  etc. 

Omfftjrt|e  ol  overthrow,  overturn,  subvert; 
+  vi  fall  down.  -elfe,  •ning  c  overthrowing,  over- 
throw, subversion,  -aingiyartiet  the  destruc- 
tives.  destructionists. 

Omftanj'oettg  a  circumstantial,  detailed,  par- 
ticular.  -belig(en),  -beltat  adv  clrcnmstantially, 
in  detail;  -  not  in  sufficient  detail.  -icligljci  c 
circumstantiality,  particularlty.  -ligjjei  c  -er 
circumstance ,  faet;  (lebfaaenbe)  incident;  (bet 
faregne  oeb  en  fJegioenfteb)  particular,  detail; 
pi  (oberbreoen  $*fttgfeb)  ceremonies,  formalities; 
ben  .  at  the  faet  that;  bet  lommer  an  paa  -erne 
that  depends;  (alt)  efter  -rne  as  the  case  might 
be;  (abe  fig  lebe  af  -erne  be  governed  by  cir- 
cumstances;  tønble  efter  -erne  aet  as  occasion 
may  require;  tym  er  rafl  efter  -erne  he  is  very 
well  cousldering;  unber  btøfe  -er  such  being  the 
case,  under  the  circumstance«,  thia  being  so; 
unber  aue  -er  at  all  events,  at  the  beat;  unber 
forretten  lige  -er  other  things  equal;  b>i»  -erne 
ttuabe  bet  circumstances  permltting;  borre  i  gobe. 

flette  -er  be  in  good,  bad  circumstances;  vect  1 
oeiflgnebe  -er  be  in  the  flunily  way  el.  in  ar. 
interestdng  situation;  gør  ingen  -ex  don't  stand 
upon  ceremony,  don't  put  yourself  out  (of  the 
way);  uben  (btbere)  -er  without  (rurtner)  cere- 
mony, with  scant  ceremony;  b/on  gjorte  foa  mes^t 
-er  he  started  so  many  objecttons. 

OnrfU»|e  ol  recast,  re-mould.  ««isg  c  -er  re- 
casting  etc. 

Ottjfttfce  or  fa  subvert;  (otfkete)  aet  aslde, 
abrogate,  revene;  (afoeoife)  refute.  -ftsi'eiig  « 
reversible,    -fttfcelfe,  -fUbntng  o  subversion. 

Omfttrre  or  buss  round. 

Cmfnrrc  or  lash  (round). 

Cmfnfe  or  sign,  whisper  about  el.  round:  bas 
-fteS  af  ben  lette  «inb  the  light  wind  sighed, 
whispered  round  him. 

Cmlfoina  «,  pi  =,  swinging  round,  rotation. 
fa  (plubfelig  Sroranbring  ofo.)  sudden  change. 
revolution,  -ffttoge  or  swing  round,  tura  round 
•fningaing  c  -er  gyration. 

CmfHorrme  or  k  i  swarm,  hover  round  et 
about;  oi  -bel  af  ftntteriet  the  cavalry  swmrmed 
round  us.    -«ie  a  roving.   -t  c  -e  rover,  noamer. 

Cmfoorbe  or  hover  round  el.  about;  -t  af  Bogie 
fejlebe  Glibet .  . .  hirds  hovering  round  the  ship, 
it  sailed  .  .  . 

Ontlfooo  n  (om  en  Qknfianb)  wrapper,  cover, 
envelope,  (i  £aat)  boz,  rim;  pi  (i  Xalen,  Qibt* 
Uftiøb,eber)  ambages  pi,  drcumbendibus;  red 
-tape;  (i  Kim.)  drcumlocution;  gtre  -  beat  et. 
go  about  the  bush,  make  digressions,  -fseec 
or  wrap  up,  round  el.  about;  tøm  -ote  fir  tCnftgt 
meb  fin  Jlaty>e  he  wrapped  his  face  in  his  mantle; 
-bt  meb  fterreb  wrapped  up  in  linen;  bet  o*r  t 
meb  et  ftlæbe  a  cloth  was  wrapped  round  it. 
-fwoning  e  wrapping  etc.  -fMMkcysrtcsaesit 
n  red-tape  system,  circumlocution  Office,  -f MM' 
frift  detent. 

OmfMmme  or  k  i  swlm  about. 

Omftt  i-r  (fb  runbt  om)  eew  round,  hem;  (To 
paann)  sew  over  again,  remake. 

Omfii«  n  fe  Omftgt. 

Ottføttittg  c  -er  sewing  round;  sewing  over 
again;  remaking;  bi  moatte  foretaae  flere  -er  we 
had  to  sew  it  over  again  several  times. 

Omlfonte  or  (fatte  anberlebei)  transpose,  place 
dlfferently,  invert;  (om  planter)  transplant;  (fcette 
omtring)  set  el.  place  round;  typ  re-compose. 
re-set;  (Såter,  9enge)  sell,  turn,  turn  over;  (gvce 
i  $enge)  realise.  -fdtrning  c  -er  transposing  etc. ; 
Inversion;  sale,  turn-over;  en  (^enge>) .  a  monev 
transaction.  -fotrningimibbel  circuUting  me- 
dium, currency.    •fattelig  a  negotiable. 

Cm|taage  or  shroud  in  mist;  fa  dim,  cloud. 
•taaati  a  fa  dim,  hazy;  (bruffen)  F  muddled, 
fudcUed,  obrascated,  disguised  in  liquor.  -tasget* 
b,eb  o  muddinesss,  fuddled  condition. 

OmtsfSeve  or  value  over  again. 

Omtale  o  mention,  mentlonug;  (common)  talk, 
report;  bære  (Benfianb  for  baarlig  .  be  in  bad 
repute;  lenber  (am  af  -  know  him  by  repote. 
Omtale  or  mention,  make  mention  of,  notlee, 
speak  of;  refer  to;  ben  -1te  »og  the  book  in 
question,  before  mentioned.  -Murriig  a  worth 

Omtonfe  o  (Oberoeielfe)  deUberation,  reflection, 
meditation;  (Omtomffomb^b)  circumspecUon,  dis 
cretion,  forethought. 

Otttayerfcre  er  repaper. 
Omtaplpt  or  rack  off;  ~  paa  ^iaffrr  botUe 
-«i«g  o  -er  racking  etc. 

Omteglae  or  draw  over  again.    -si«g  c  pi  -et 
drawing  etc. 
Omtone  or  sound  round. 

Onttorbne  or  thunder  round. 




Outrrettt'  adv  aboat,  nearly;  -  fom  much  as; 

—  bet  famme  mach  the  same;  foa  -  thereabouts; 

—  etrfdformig  roughly  drcular;  .  fbarer  til  answen 
toroadly  to.  -lig  a  approximate;  adv  fe  Omttent. 
-liafccb  c  approximadon. 

£>mrrbt|te  vt  reprint,  (et  »lab,  et  «cT)  cancel. 
-sti«g  c  reprlnting. 

Omtrfttte  et  transform  by  enchantment. 

+Dmttttt  fe  OmrtM-,  +  altered  move. 

-HDmrnbe  vt  bowl  around. 

0*srnm|fe  v«  toss  el.  knock  aboat;  -t  af  Storm 
tempest-tossed.    -le«,  -ltag  c  tosslng  aboat. 

-HDwtnffe  vt  barter. 

Osntntte  vt  roll  up  anew. 

Dw|r»ifte  vt  contest,  dispate.  -tbtft'eltg  a 
contestable;  debateable,  disputable.  -rbift'ettg- 
Ijeb  c  contestableness.    -tufftct  a  fe  Omfhibt. 

Omrsible  vt  doabt. 

Omnjbe  vt  explsin  diflerently. 

-HDwtbgge  vt  jfa  chew  the  cad  on. 

Omtfffjre  vt  rethatch.    -tteg  re-thatching. 

Omtal  |le  vt  coant  over  again.  -ltag  e  -et 
counting  etc. 

Cnstomffout  <t  ctrcumspect,  conaiderate,  Ju- 
dicious.    -(eb  fe  Omtanfe. 

OttOafg  n,  pi  ■-,  re-electlon. 

£tt*an]bre  vt  wander  el.  ramble  about,  peram- 
bulate.  -brenbe  a  itinerant.  -bring  c  -er  wander- 
Ing  etc. ,  perambalation. 

JDttbanfe  vt  k  i  rove  el.  roam  about.  ••  c 
roving  eta 

OwneJ  o  circultous  el.  roundsbout  way,  detour; 
aøxt  rn  .  make  a  circult;  goa  en  lang  -  go  a 
lOJ»g  way  about. 

Ombefg le  vt  k  i  change;  (betlle,  afbettle;  alter- 
nate.  OntbetJltng  c  -er  alternation;  vitissitude, 
(Hl  bet  ocerre)  revene  (of  fortune). 

Ontoenjbe  vt  (forbanble  [til])  convert,  change 
(iato);  (ril  rn  anben  fteligton.  et  bebre  Sin)  con- 
vert; —  vr  fig  reform,  bibl  repent,  be  converted; 

—  fig  fra  repent  of;  -  fig  til  Qerren  return  to  the 
Lord;  ban  iar  -bt  fifl  he  has  changed  his  couree 
of  life,  en  -bt  a  convert.  -belle  c  -r  change; 
con  version.  —  Dutbeabelfeg|førf«f  attempt  at 
conversion.  -btftorie.  (anl  -  the  hlstory  ofhis 
converslon.  -|pe?  proselytlzing  zeal.  -ftyge  pas- 
sion for  making  proselytes.  —  Ostbettjbe«  o 
turning  round.  -bet  c  -e  converter,  -bing  c 
muM  inversion,  -bt  a  inverted:  $  ob-  (.  ogformig 
oborate,  etc.);  her  debased;  Aff  converse;  -e  6fo 
pi  pomps;  .  6aU  (p.  fieft)  deer-neck,  -  $uaftum 
turned  period;  -  frorpolb  inverse  ratio  el.  pro- 
portion; ftaa  i  »  &or(olb  til  stand  in  an  inverse 
ratio  to;  fotpolber  fig  -  fom  is  inversely  el.  con- 
versely  as;  bet  -e  af  the  converse  of;  Xilfatbet  er 
netop  -  the  case  Is  entirely  the  revene;  og  . 
and  vice-versa. 

Omverbrnen  déf  the  world  around,  the  sar- 
roundlng  world,  the  surroundings. 

Ombifte  vt  fe  Omlufte. 

Ombiille  vt  wind.    -ling  c  er  windlng. 

Ønt»in|be  vt  (en  meb  noget)  wind  el.  twist 
(something)  about  (one);  $atten  ©ar  -ounbet  meb 
et  rofenrsbt  ftaanb  a  pink  riband  was  wonnd 
round  his  (her)  hat.    -ben,  -bing  c  windlng  etc. 

Øm»if|e  tt  (en)  show  (one)  about.  -c?  c  guide, 
cicerone,    -ning  e  showlng  about. 

Outvofle  vi  grow  round. 

©nt|ortb  »  (paa  6true  o.  I.)  convolution.  -brise 
vt  wrench  round. 

Owbeltfc  vt  overturn,  upset  -ning  o  -er  over- 
turning  etc.:  (Statsompcelrning  ogjEø)  revolution; 
bevtrfe  en  .  i  revolutionize. 

Cmverenbe  a  surroundlng;  •  pi  bystanden. 

*Cmvmtmt  vt  fenoe  round. 

Omtalte  vt  knead  over  again. 

©Wombrle  vt  alter,  amend.  -tag  o  -er  altera- 
tion, amendment. 

Ditan|i'  c  o'nanism.  -e'rt  vt  commlt  onanism. 
-ifl'  e  -er  o'nanlst. 

Cnb  [6]  a  bad,  evil,  (uanbelig)  wlcked;  P  (breb) 
angry;  -e  Scebfler  bad  numoun:  -t  Sejr  hard 
weather;  -  Sngt  bad  smell;  -e  Ziber  hard  times; 
ber  fom  t  Xiber  for  bant  he  fell  on  evil  davs,  -t 
SReniiefte  bad  el.  wlcked  man:  .  frbtnbe  »hrew, 
vixen:  froe  en  -  tunge  be  maliclous;  -e  Znnaer 
bille  fifle  .  .  .  people  are  so  maliclous,  mischie- 
vous  as  to  say  .  .  .;  .  Vilje,  fe  Wobbilie;  i  -  8e> 
tbbning  in  a  bad  ænse;  -t  Øjne  evil  eyes;  en  . 
stanb  an  evil  spirit;  ben  -e  the  evil  one,  the  devil; 
ban  laber  fin  Sot  opgaa  ober  -e  og  aobe  bibl  he 
maketh  his  sun  to  rise  on  the  evil  and  on  the 
good;  bare  -  mob  fine  golf  be  a  hanh  el.  hard 
master  (to  one's  servante);  —  libe,  bøje  onbt  sulfer 
hardship;  -t  ful  meb  -t  forbrioel  one  heat  ezpels 
another,  like  cures  like,  take  a  hair  of  the  dog 
that  has  bitten  you;  gobt  og  -t  good  and  evil;  bet 

Siorbe  -t  bcerre  the  remedy  was  worse  than  the 
isease;  sitffe  -t  oser  en  wish  one  111;  fastte  -t  for 
en  $o«  nogen  slander  one's  character  el.  reputa- 
tion with  one;  farte  -t  i  en  egg  one  on.  foa  -t 
be  taken  111,  turn  slck,  p  feel  bad;  ^aoe  -t  be 
ill,  feel  111  el.  slck;  $oor  bar  2>e  -t?  where  do  you 
feel  pain?  (abe  -t  i  ^ooebet#  gRaben  have  a  paln 
in  one's  head,  stomach;  t  i  Benet,  Aalfen  a  bad 
leg,  a  sore  throat;  ban  b«  -t  af,  at  Jea  fif  Boaen 
he  Is  envious,  because  I  got  the  book;  ieg  par 
-t  af  (am  I  am  sorry  for  him;  bet  ost  -t  lt  gives 
me  pain,  it  palns  me,  it  hurts;  pet  gsr  mig  -t 
for  (am  I  am  sorry  for  him;  bet  gsr  mig  -t,  at . .  . 
I  am  sorry,  grieved  that  .  .  .;  bet  gsr  o«  -t,  at 
benne  Sag  par  taget  en  faa  nhlfnbgfruTenbe  Senbing 
we  are  sorry  for  the  unsatisfactory  torn  this 
matter  has  taken;  gibe  -t  af  fig  scold,  grumble; 
tale  -t  om  en  abuse  one;  ber  er  intet  -t  beri  tbere 
is  no  harm  in  that;  intet  -t  anenbe  unsuspicious; 
man  (ar  -t  beb  at  gøre  aOe  tilpai  it  is  hard  to 
please  everybody;  (an  (oc  -t  beb  at  fpnfe  he  has 
difDcttlty  in  swallowlng;  —  bet  regnebel  mig  til 
Onbe  it  was  laid  to  my  charge;  lægge  alting  nb 
til  bet  -e  put  a  bad  construction  on  everythlng; 
meb  bet  -e  eller  meb  bet  gobe  by  force  or  fair  means; 
fri  og  fra  bet  -e  deliver  us  from  evil;  ligger  i  bet 
-e  bibl  lletb  in  wlckedness;  man  maa  tage  bet  -e 
meb  bet  gobe  you  must  take  the  lean  with  the 
fat.  —  Cnbartet  a  (af  Smb)  iU-natured,  ill-tem- 

Ssred;  (om  6bgbomme)  dangerous,  malignant. 
ttbe  n  -x  evil,  ill;  malady,  compiaint.  D«b|< 
bjertet  a  having  an  evil  heart,  wlcked.  -finbet 
a  evU-tempered.  -fiabetbeb  c  evil  temper.  Dnb« 
flab  e  malice,  wlckedness,  malignlty;  ooerla+jt  - 
jnr  malice  afore-thought  el.  prepense.  —  0«b* 
ftabg|fa!b  a  mallcious,  malignant.  -f(nb  wll- 
ful  sin. 

Cnera  fe  Dnu*. 

Dnlel  o  -fler  unde  (ogfaa  F  om  Saanefontorj. 
Cntel'  (i  ©mf.)  avuncalar. 

*Dnn  e  -er  busy  time. 

CnomatoboietifT  a  onomatopoet'lc. 

Cnibog  o  Wednesday. 

Dntsflsgic  ontol'ogy.  -lo'glff  aontolog'lc(al). 

Cnng  n  -nem  tax,  burden. 

■Is'g  c  -er  ool'oglst. 

Onbl  e  -er  onyz. 

Coilltb'  e    er  o'ollte. 
-Ivjl'  c  -et  ool'ogy. 

Ob'  [*6,  ogfaa  i  ade  be  fslgenbe  Smf.)  adv  tip; 
luf  S)sren  op  open  the  door;  fiinbuet  fLsi  op  the 
wlndow  flew  open;  op  ab,  op  efter  up;  ftaa  op  ab 
(f.  9tt.  en  8ag)  stand  aaainst;  ftige  op  el.  op  ab 
(f.  «f«.  et  ©icerg)  ascend,  op  ab  Dagen  in  the 
course  of  the  day,  later  in  the  day;  op  i  fianbet 
up-country;  op  og  neb  up  and  down;  to  and  fro; 




»enbe  op  og  neb  turn  upside  down;  op  af  £anbet, 
op  af  Sengen  out  of  the  water,  out  of  (the)  bed; 
F  op  meb  (f.  (K*.  en  Gong)  up  with  (asong);  op 
(meb  btg)  t  get  up !  op  meb  Roret !  &  up  wlth  the 
helm !  belt  op  meb  Horet !  hard  up !  gio  op  nnber« 
fejl !  up  coursee!  op  paa  Saftet!  turn  up!  fe 

Op  ab  adv  up,  upward,  (.  Batte)  up-bill. 
•bøjet  a  bent  upwardt.  -gaaenbe  a  upward. 
-trammet  a  curved  upward.  -frrabenbe  a  aspir- 
in*,   -øenbt  a  upturned. 

Op'aaitere  of  work  up. 

Opa'f  a  opaque,  opacous. 

'Op'ale  of  rear. 

Opa'l  e  -er  o  pal.  -tfe're  vi  opalesce;  -nbe  a 
opalescent.  -tfe'rtng  c  opaJescence.  -{afpil 
opal-jasper.    -støbe*  opal-matrix. 

Dp'am|nte  vt  nurse,  suckle.  -welfe,  ning  c 

Dp'«nt|ret  part  brought  up,  anchored.  -ring 
c  ancborlng.  -riagftafgift,  -ringipenge  anchor- 

Cp'arbejbe  of  (3orb)  cultivate;  (Bej)  make; 
(en  voelb)  work  out.  -(fe  c  cultivation;  making 

Optage  of  bake  (up);  bake  over  agatn. 

Op  ber  eb  I  ning  c  min  dressing,  -ntagitore  the 
art  of  dressing  ores. 

Opbevar  |e  vt  save,  keep,  preserve.  -er  c  -e 
depositary.  -ing  c  saving  etc.,  preservation, 
safe-custody.  -tagirnat  store  room.  -tagftfreb 
depository,  place  of  deposlt. 

Opbiøffe  of  bridle. 

Op vinb|e  of  bind  up,  tie  up;  (ftørn)  bind  (in 
sheaves);  •  Vcalten  dry.  -er  o  -e,  -erfre  c  -t 
binder.    -t«g  o  binding  etc. 

Opblanb|e  of  mix  up,  dilute.  -ing  c  mixing 

Opbtømft|re  vi  shoot  up  (like  a  flower);  rom 
f.  ©f«.  $anbel,  Jhinft  ofb.)  flourisb;  (om  en  ©t)  oft>.) 
rise,  prosper.  -ring  c  shooting  up  etc,  pros- 

Opbtnøfe  vi  blaze  up;  -nbe  »rebe  passion.  •« 
c  blazlng  up. 

Op  |  blaf  c  ot  blow  up,  inflate;  -nbe  gføbemibler 
flatulent  food;  en  -ft  ©lore  a  blown  bladder;  -ft 
af  Stoltbeb,  af  Sorten  puffed  up,  inflated  wlth 
pride,  with  one's  good  fortune.  -blafelig  a 
lnflatable.  -blaftafag  c  biowing  up;  med  flatul- 
ency,  flatulence.  -blaft  a  (self-toonceited,  self 
-sufficient,  p  bumptious.  -tlaftyeb  c  conceit, 
conoeitedness,  self-sufflclency. 

Opbtøb|e  of  soften,  Bteep  in  water,  soak.  -ning 
c  -er  softening  etc. 

Opbore  of  bore  up,  re-bore. 

Opbragt  a  (forbitret)  enraged,  exasperated; 
(part  fe  Opbringe;;  blibe  -  get  into  a  passion; 
Nitte  frugtelia  ~  get  into  an  awful  passion,  -beb 
c  exasperation. 

Opbraft  a  &-.  ligge  .  lie  to  el.  by;  fEarpt  -  on 
a  taut  bowline. 

Opbringle  of  bring  up;  (et  Sfib)  øeize,  capture 
(a  sbip),  (fcefertør)  apprehend;  (gøre  »reb)  pro- 
voke,  exasperate,  inoense.  -elfe  c  capturing, 
capture,  seisure.  -elfetret  right  of  capture.  -er 
e  -e  captor.  Opbringerpenge  pi  prise-money, 
(for  Defrrtør)  straggling-money. 

Opbrub  n,  pi  «=,  breaklng  up;  departing, 
departure;  (fra  Øorbet)  rising;  mil  decampment; 
blafe  til  .  sound  the  march. 

Opbruge  of  use  up,  consume,  spend. 

Opbmfle  vi  effervesoe;  en  -enbe  gårafter  a  fiery 
teinper  et.  disposition;  -enbe  Sibenflaber  storm y 
passions,  -en  c,  -ning  c  -er  (boabe  egentl.  og  fig) 
effervescence,  ebullitlon;  (fun  fig)  huff,  emotion, 

Opbr»b|e  of  break  open;  (§v4b,  Btolaairc^ 
break  up;  (Vttne  el.  Stenbrub)  open.  -aras  c 
breaklng  etc. 

Opbraf|fe  of  break  open  el.  up,  (meb  Bragen' 
prise  open;  (tafit  op)  vomit  up.  -niaø  e  breakifig 
etc.;  vomiting. 

Dpbro«b|e  of  &  i  bum  (up),  consume  by  fire. 
-elfe,  -ing  c  burning  (up). 

'Opbrattet  part  turned  up. 

OPbnb  n  summonB  to  arms,  levy;  gvre  -  sur- 
render one's  estate  to  credltors,  eome  into 
liquldatlon.  —  Opbnb*|bø  estate  soxxendered 
In  trust  el.  to  asalgnees.  -øxavb  asslgiiee;  bank 

+DPb«nbte  of  fe  Qunbte. 

Opfb&be  of  summon  to  arms;  set  up,  offer  for 
sale;  .  en  til  totmi,  fe  SBbbe  op;  -  fix  ØoM  fur- 
render one's  estate;  -  aUt  Irrafter  exert,  pos 
forth,  all  one's  strength;  -  alt  do  one's  utmosL 
-bljbelfe  c  meb  .  af  exerting  etc.  (fe  obfr  i 
•bpber  c  -e  bankrupt. 

Op | b i>gge  of  build:  fig  edlfy.  -fel 
genbe  a  edifylog-  -b^ggelfe  c  bulle 
catlon;  (^orfamling)  conventicle.  —  Opl 
bog,  -ffrift  book  of  devotion,  religlous  book. 
(51t)oeffc.)  (religious)  tract.  -foreara«  edifyiog 
el.  religious  discourse.  -(Iteratnren  aeyotional 
Uterature.    Opbygning  c  ^  erection  on  deck 

Opbarerbinb  n  suspensory,  truss. 

Opbaring  c  carrying  up. 

Opbage  of  discover;  (opfpore)  detect;  (øjn^J 
descry;  (lomme  efter)  find  out;  +  ■»  røbe;  fon  a 
at  ~,  fan  -#  dlscoverable.  -Ife  c  -r  discovery; 
(f.  (Efc.  af  Zqneri)  detection.  —  Opbagelfr* 
betfent  de  tee  ti  ve.  -politi  detectlves  pi,  detectire 
police,  d.  service;  (an  (ører  til  -et  he  is  a  de- 
tectlve.  -rejfe  voyage  of  disoovery.  -reffenX 
c  explorer.  -f!lb  disoovery  ahip.  Opbager  c  t 

tOPbige  of  throw  up  (dikes). 

Oplbiat  n  fiction,  -bigte  of  mbrlcate,  trump 
up.  -bigtelfe  c  -i,  -bigtning  c  -er  abrication 
-bigtet  a  flctiUous. 

Opbirlle  of  pick  (a  lock);  ^  -  Stefanbommfo 
top  (up)  the  spanker  boom.  -er  c  -e  plcklock. 
-»Ing  c  -er  picklng  (a  lock). 

Opbif![e  of  serve  up,  dish  up.  -ning  e  -et 
serving  etc. 

Opbrag  [t.]  n  charge,  commission. 

Opbragc  of  educate,  bring  up,  breed  (up!, 
rear;  +  =  Xratte  op;  -nbe  a  educative.  4fr  c 
education,  breeding,  upbringing.  —  Opbragel> 
feé|a«ftalt  educational  establishment.  4arc 
pedagogy.  -moabe  system  of  education.  -porfen 
affairs  of  education  el.  public  Instruction.  Op* 
brager  o  -e  eduoator,  pedagogue.  Opbraøn'' 
i«  be  e  -r  tutoress,  governess. 

Opbrcfe  of  (en  ©frue)  unscrew. 

Opbreøet  part  stranded,  driven  aahore. 

Opbrift  c  buoyancy;  fe  Opbribning. 

Opbriffe  of  drink  up. 

OpbriPle  vt  (om  SStlbt)  rouse,  dlslodge;  (om 
$rifer)  beat  up;  (tilbejebringe)  procure,  raise; 
(Wob  o.  b.)  muster  (up),  sum  up;  (en  flkurD) 
improve,  raise  to  a  higher  state  of  cultivation; 
(©fif)  emboss;  -  $enge  raise  money,  f  raise  the 
wind;  bet  er  iffe  til  et  -  it  is  not  to  be  b*d. 
•ning  c  rouslng  etc. 

Opbratc  breeding,  rearing,  ralsJng(of  cattle); 
young  cattle.  -ning  c  b.  f.  -te  of  breed,  raise. 
•ter  c  -e  breeder. 

Opbnøe  of  (et  Sejl)  make  up. 

Opbnrfc  vi  fe  Sutte  op. 

^Opbnnfet  [t]  a  bloated,  puify. 

Opbnoning  c  J,  rising. 




Opbb*g|e  vt  heap  op,  amasø,  aocumulate. 
-elfe,  -minø  o  heaping  up,  accumulation. 

Op  bi)  rt  le  vt  reclalm,  bring  under  cultivation. 
-ni« g  c  -er  reclaiming  etc. 

Op|bffUe  vt  lay  (a  table);  -t  Stat  —  -batte*, 
(flaf)  c  dificovered  check,  -bafntng  c  -er  (bel 
at  opbætte)  laying  etc ;  bet  bar  en  prcegtig  .  the 
table  waø  laid  In  a  splendid  way. 

Opb(rm|nte  vt  dam  np.  -iriag  e  -er  dammlng 
tip:  embankment. 

Opefter  <ufo  np;  upwards. 

Op'fføe  fe  Dpaiøe. 

Op'eif!|e  vt  raise,  nurse;  fig  foster,  nurse, 
encourage.    -»tag  o  ralsing  etc. 

Opera  c  -er  op'era;  fe  -gu*,  -arie  air  of  an 
opera,  -birettør  manager  of  the  opera,  -biri« 
ømt  operatic  conductor.  -forefrtlliaø  operatic 
performance  el.  representation.  -bu*  opera 
-house,  •tømpønift  composer  of  an  opera.  -abt 
operatic  news.  -faaøer,  -faagerinbe  opera-slnger. 
-felffai  company  of  opera-slngers.  -tefSt  tezt 
of  an  opera. 

Operatiø«  c  -er  opera'tion.  —  Operatiø««  |' 
ømfi*  basis  of  action,  -iørb  operating  table. 
-f»tp  operating  knife,  blstoury.  -Hale  line  of 
operation,  -plan  plan  of  operations,  -fiol  ope- 
rating chair.  Dperaiø'r  c  -er  op'erator.  Dpe» 
rc're  H,  med  perform  an  operation;  (ogf.  mt/ 
og  i  Kim.)  operate,  aet;  /Sø  make  play;  -  fammen 
meb  co-operate  with;  —  vt  perform  an  operation 
on;  •#,  labe  flg  -  undergo  an  operation. 

Operet'te  c  -r  operetta.  Opcrift'  c  -er  opera 

Cpermettt'  n  o'rpiment. 

'Op'cpjc  e  eddy,  eddy-water. 

Opfange  vt  catch  (up),  pick  up,  (opfnappe) 
intercept;  .  fibtpiaalerne  intercept  the  rays  of 
ligbt;  .  fttfteber  flsh  up  news.  -Ife  e  catching 

Opfajrc  vi  (om  Irrifhiø)  ascend.  -rmbe  o  pas- 
tdonate,  cbolerlc,  flery,  hot-tempered,  lrasdble. 
-reabeb  c  vehemence,  irasdbility.  -rt  c  -er 

Opfarole  vt  dye  (over  agaln,  anew).  -«l«g  c 
dyeing  etc. 

Opfat | te  et  apprehend,  catch,  understand, 
Interpret,  construe,  read;  -  burtigt  be  qulck  of 
apprehenslon;  (paa  en  pil  Vtoabej  interpret,  con- 
»true,  read.  -telfe  o  apprehenslon;  interpreta- 
tioD,  construction,  reading,  view;  efter  min  . 
in  my  opinion,  as  I  understand  it.  -telfeftebae 
fpower  of)  apprehenslon;  (fanfelig)  perceptlve 
ability  el.  abilities.     -»tog,  -ainøøeøae  fe  -telfe. 

Opfeb|e  vt  fatten.    -«i«g  o  fattenlng. 

Opferniftfere  vt  new-varnish. 

*Opfif?c  vt  smarten. 

OpfUl  c  vt  (Sav)  reset.    -tog  c  resetting. 

Opnnbe  vt  Invent.  -ife  c  -r  invention.  —  Op* 
fiabeife#|aa»b  inventive  genius.  -ebae,  -fraft  fe 
Cpftnbfomfteb.  —  Opffnb|er  o  -e  inventor.  -erflfc 
c  -t  inventreøs.  -'fom  a  inventive.  -'føwtjeb  c 
ingenuity,  power  of  Invention,  Inventive  power, 
genius  el.  laculty,  inventiveness. 

OpflfT|e  vt  flsh  up,  pick  up;  +empty  (of  flsh); 
•t  Jtbantum  quantity  caught,  take.  -wing  c  .er 
tishing  up. 

Opflamme  vt  inflame,  klndle.  -Ife  inflaming 

Oplaffc  fe  ^lafle  op. 

Opiet  I  te  vt  braid  up.    -af  »g  o  braiding  up. 

Opflitfte  vt  patch  up,  (Stoiøj)  cobble  up. 
•aiaø  c  patebing  etc. 

OpflMffe  tf  fray.    -ntiiø  c  fraying. 

Cppptlte  vt  (flbtte  op)  move  up,  remove;  -  en 
dltv  (i  Stolen)  promote  a  disciple  (to  a  hlgber 

claes);  -*  rise.  -telfe,  -mteg  c  -et  moving  up  etc., 
(1  Stolen)  remove,  promotion. 

Opff&Pe  vi  fe  Ribbe  op. 

Oplade  ol  split  up,  slit  up. 

Opffevøe  vt  slash. 

Dpfo(b)ie  vt:  -  Zapleierne  line  the  bearingi. 

Opfo(b)jre  vt  (ttttctq)  feed,  ralse;  (fcober)  con- 
Bume  (in  foddering),    -ring  c  feeding  etc. 

Opfølbje  vt  fold  up.    -aiaø  c  folding  up. 

Dpforb|re  vt  require,  cali  upon,  challenge, 
lnvlte,  exhort;  gæftningen  5leb  -t  til  at  obergibe 
fig  the  fortress  was  summoned  (to  surrender); 
føle  fig  -t  til  at  feel  one's  self  cailed  upon  to; 
-r  til  irritit  invltes  critldsm.  -ring  o  -er  sum- 
mons pi,  challenge,  invitation,  appeal;  en  foobon 
Slobtagetfe  bar  ingen  -  ril  at  tomme  igen  such  a 
reception  was  no  encouragement  ror  me  to 
repeat  the  visit;  jeg  (ar  juli  ingen  .  til  at  gøre 
bet  there  is  no  occaslon  for  me  to  do  so;  paa  - 
upon  appllcatlon,  on  demand. 

Opfitaplbe  vt  regild. 

Opførføtbe  vt  re-silver. 

Opfortiaae  vt  retln. 

Opf  ofrre  vt  rear,  foster,  bring  up.  Opf  ofrriag 
e  rearlng  etc.  —  OPfofrriagølanftolt  fe  -bu«. 
•gatlb  alimony.  -tné,  -fHftcCfc  charity-house 
el.  -school. 

•fOPfraabfc  ør  eat  up. 

Opfrebe  vt  ralse  and  protect. 

Opfriff|e  vt  refresh,  rub  up;  (nabnlig  ftttnft* 
bærter)  touch  up;  (Sfubbaaben)  redress;  (8obn.) 
smooth;  fig  re  vi  ve.    -ni»ø  e  -er  refreshing  etc. 

tOpfrp««i«ø  e  fe  døbranb. 

+CPfnnb  n  Invention. 

Opfplb|e  vt  (fblbe)  fill(up),  replenish;  -r forben! 
bibi  replenish  the  earth;  .  et  Søfte,  en  Spaabom, 
et  J3nffe  falfll  &  promise,  prophecy,  wish,  meet 
a  wish;  -  en  Bøn  grant  a  request;  -  fine  pligter 
fulfil,  discharge  one's  dutles;  .  fine  ^orpltgtelfer 
aet  up  to  el.  meet  one's  engagements;  -  en* 
gorlongenbe  comply  with  one's  request;  mine 
$orbentninger  -te*  my  anticipations  were  realløed; 
-bi  af  Oeunbrfaig  filled,  impreøsed  with  admlra- 
tion;  -bt  af  ©træt  struck  with  fear.  -elfe  c  ful- 
fllment;  gaa  i  -  be  fulfilled,  come  true.  -ni«g 
e  Alling  up,  Alling  In. 

Opfbr|e  vt  light,    -ittø  c  lighting  the  fires. 

Opfafte  vt  fasten  (with  plns). 

Opføbie  ve  bring  up,  rear,  breed.  -niag  o 
bringing  up  etc. 

Opfør | e  vt  (en  Qbøninø)  erect,  ralse,  run  up, 
conBtruct  (a  buildlng);  (et  Stuefpil)  perform,  aet, 
enact,  bring  out,  produce,  give  (a  play);  (en 
Stans)  lead  off  (a  dance);  (i  et  ttegnftab  o.  1.)  put 
down,  enter,  specify;  —  vr  fig  behave  (one's 
self),  conduct  one's  self,  demean  one's  self, 
bear  one's  self;  •  fig  flet  misconduct  one's  self; 
be  fom  -  fig  bebft  the  best  behaved.  -elfe  c  -r 
erectlon;  performance;  unber  -  in  course  of  erec- 
tion;  bringe  til  .  bring  out;  fom  itte  til  .  was 
not  placed  upon  the  stage;  førfte  Øangø  .  the 
first  night's  peiibrmance.  -elfeSret  stage  right, 
actlng  iights.  -fcf  o  behaviour,  conduct,  com- 
portment,  demeanour. 

Opgaa  vt  ^  come  up,  ease;  *fiz,  trace,  stake 
out  (a  boundary  line  by  walking  along  it);  — 
vi  (om  Sol  o.  1.)  rise;  +  (fptre)  come  up;  J>  -  i 
SpiOet  come  up  the  capstan,  (for  at  ftranfe) 
surge  the  capstan;  fig  ber  opgit  et  £pf  for  mig  a 
light  burat  upon  me,  flashed  across  my  mind. 
-ett  c  ascent,  rise;  -  i  fig  merging  (one's  self) 
in,  identifying  one's  self  with.  -råbe  a  rising; 
ben  -  Sol  the  rising  sun.  -embe  n:  for  -  upward 
•bound.  Opgang  o  (Opfrlaen/  Opfort)  ascent;  (af 
$tmmel!eg.)  rise,  rising;  *traclng  the  boundary; 
(i  et  $u«)  stairs  pi;  (^orbebring)  rise,  improve- 




ment;  mat  i  .  In  ascending.  —  Opg«*g#|lage 
ladder-way.    -rib  time  of  rislng. 

Opgave  c  -r  mat*  problem:  (noget  bet  opgibeft 
til  at  ubføre)  task;  (StilO  subject,  question.  (Danjfe' 
Ug  -  el.  Spørggmaol,  Øaabe)  puzzle,  puzzler;  fe 
Cpgiftenbe;  fig  bet  er  en  banftelig  .  (€>ag)  it  is  a 
dJfflcult  matter;  mit  8ib«  -  the  object  of  my 
llfe;  bet  er  bor  -  at  it  Is  ours  to;  leg  $ar  gjort  bet 
til  min  ~  at  ...  I  have  made  a  point  of;  møre 
ifølge  .  aa  advised;  unbet  .  wlth  advice. 

Opgive  vt  (fforfttt  ofb.)  give  up.  forego;  ($lan, 
Zottle)  dismiss,  abandon,  relinqulsh;  (en  Sbg) 
give  over;  tøm  er  -t  af  flagen  bis  life  is  detpaired 
of  by  tbe  pbysician,  the  doctor  despairs  of  his 
life;  .  førretningerne  relinqulsh,  throw  up  el. 
decline  business;  -  alt  6aab  give  up  el.  relin- 
qnlsh all  hope;  jeg  -r  bet  I  give  it  up;  .  tampen 
f"  throw  up  the  sponge;  .  fUuiben  give  up  the 
ghost,  surrender  the  breath;  .  fine  Meninger 
yield  up  one's  opinions;  .  en  Øaabe  propose  a 
riddle;  ~  et  6ejl  <J,  due  np  a  sall;  meb  Unber« 
fejlene  -ne  with  her  courses  up;  -  en  en  fieftie 
set  one  a  lesson  el.  a  task;  -  fit  9tabn  give  one's 
name;  fønt  opgab  mig  fin  Vbreftfe  he  gave  me  his 
address;  ban«  Xab  -*  at  bare  ...  his  loss  is 
stated  to  be;  ban  -r  ttntatlet  at  bare  he  gives  the 
number  at  (el.  as);  .  nøje  spectfy:  •  for  labt 
understate;  .  be  nøjere  Omfxanbigbeber  state  the 
particulars;  .  fit  ©o  (til  Kerten«  ©efanbling)  sur- 
render one's  estate  to  the  credltore,  to  a  com- 
misslon  of  bankruptcy;  albelet  -t  (af  Xrattpb) 
completely  knockea  up;  -t  (i  6!af)  Mr.  A.  re- 
signed.  —  Opgtbe|lfe  c  (f.  «f«.  af  forfat)  glvlng 
up,  abandonment;  (f.  (ETS.  af  fin  Øalb)  statement; 
(nøjagtig)  spedflcation;  efter  .  according  to  state- 
ment, -abe  »  -r  statement;  efter  -  stated  at. 
-r  c  -e  (i  »olbfptl)  feeder. 

*Opgj«tb  c  (tilgift)  inbread. 

•Opgjar  n  making  up  etc.,  settlement. 

Opgtatte  vt  smooth  up. 

£pgtøb|e  vt  make  red  hot,  heat;  M  fire,  in- 
flame.    -niag  c  heating  etc. 

Opgra»|e  re  dig  up,  dlsinter,  uneartb,  exhume. 
-niag  c  -er  digging  etc.,  dlalnterment. 

Opgro  rt  grow  up. 

Opgrnmfe  vt  make  turbid. 

Dpgrunb|e*  vd  silt  up,  fiU  up.  -fag  c  sllt- 
ing  tip 

Opgplp|e  vt  fe  Øblpe  op.  -niag  o  dlsgorge- 

Opgatb  e  agio. 

+Opg*be  vt  manure. 

Opøare  vt  (om  ttegnflab)  make  up,  set  tie; 
-gjorte  Meninger  opinions  fully  formed.  -Ifc  c 
making  up  etc.,  settlement. 

Opbaflfe  vt  hoe  up,  grub  up.  -wing  c  -er 
hoenlng  etc. 

Op  bal  le  vt  haul  up.  -er(tob)  c-e^  tricing 
-line.  -i«ø  c  -er  hauling  up.  —  Opbalingij* 
bebfb)ing  (repairing)  slip.    -friart  J,  lanyard. 

D»b«mie  vi  fe  $am(e  op. 
Opqarø|e  vt  narrow  up.    -Bing  o  -er  harrow- 

JDpfcaJplc  vt  hasp  up.    -at«ø  o  -er  hasping  up. 

Opbat  n  (Oprtnbelfe)  ortgin,  source;  authorship. 
-Ømanb  origtnator,  author. 

Opfceble  vt  heat,  make  hot;  ~  for  fiorft  over- 
heat    -ntng  o  heating  etc. 

Cpbejfje  vt  hoist  up.     -«t«g  c  hoistlng  up; 

-  af  ©fruen  lifting  the  screw  out  of  the  water. 

—  Cpbej*ni*g*|prøpeuer,  -frrne  lifUng-screw. 
Opbente  vt  fetch  up. 

Dpqlbfle  vt  excite,  stir  up,  set  on,  provoke, 
inflame  tøm  oar  meget  -t  he  was  very  much 
irritated,   -t  af  But  heated  with  wine.     -elfe 

tøørbttrelfe)  Irritation.    -*tag  e  -te  indting  efc , 

Oprølfc,  -«i«g  fe  Opfcjfe. 

+Dpbirte  vt  fe  Cpftabe,  $ttte  paa. 

Cptøjalpe  vt  promote,  encourage.  -|f  atpaiai 
-tyælp  c  encouraglng  etc.,  encouragement. 
Opbsile,  -rnlng  fe  Dpbbnge. 

Opftølb  n  (paa  et  Steb)  stay,  sojourn;  (Haler 
tyolb)  subsistenoe,  maintenance,  Buaten&nce,  sup- 
port; (ttbfattetfe)  delay;  (6tanbininø)  intermissio^ 
miM  pause,  hold;  uben  -  without  delay,  (ss»- 
børlig)  without  intermission;  fem  TOinnterf  -' 
nve  minutes  (allowed)  herel  tage  -  take  ap 
one's  abode,  stop;  tage  fafl  -  i  settle  in;  b*w  f«s 
.  i  be  settled  in.  Cp^tlb|e  •*  (unbet^olbe)  np 
hold,  support,  suttain;  (jlanbfe)  delay,  detain, 
.  Sibet  support  llfe  el.  nature;  —  vr  ffg  (fotblisc 
bo)  stay,  reside,  live,  sojourn;  (nøle)  tarry.  stop; 
.  fig  beb  noget  dwell  on  a  matter;  bi  vil  ifte  - 
ol  beb  at  we  shall  not  wait  to;  -  fig  ober  no$e 
anlmadvert  upon,  censure.  -elfe  c  (iBetMiel« 
preservation;  (Cpret^olbelfe)  maintenance.  -er  c 
-e  upholder,  supporter.  —  Op^o(øg|iøø  permit 
of  residence.  -nlbe  source  of  subslstence.  -sti* 
bel  means  of  subslstenæ  et.  llvelihood.  -re« 
breechlng.  -ftcb  place  of  residence.  -ftrft*  bear- 
ing-strap.  -rib  period  of  (one's)  sojourn  ri 
stay.  -*ejr  interval  of  fine  weather  (betweea 

Opboft|e  øf  cough  up.  -tti«ø  c  -er  coaghxnf 
up:  orme  expecto ration. 

Cpbobale  vi  swell  (up),   -elfe,  -ing  c  awelling 

CP^«0|0*  *t  (ffuqat  ^ul  paa)  cut  el.  hew  open, 
break  up;  (i  Stgrter)  out  up;  (en  6tøb)  cut  down 
el.  fell;  (et  6Mb)  break  up;  (&il)  cut  again.  -ger 
o  -e  (shlp-)breaker;  (fiofmejfel)  punch,  -stag  « 
•er  hewing  etc. 

Cp^bibtje  vt  whitewaah.  -aittø  e  whitewafb- 

Dpbbirble  vt  whirl  up. 

Optj«ft|e  vt  fasten  up,  fix  up.  -King  c  er 
tastening  etc. 

Cpbagte  vt,  unhook,  unolaøp. 

Opboagle  vt  hang  up,  suspend;  -gt  hung. 
slung,  suspended  (i,  efter,  beb  by;  i,  fra  from;, 
bare  gt  (i  forretninger)  f  be  overwhelmed  with 
business.  Optjettø lerfømtié  hanging  committee. 
-niag  c  -er  hanging  up.  -aiagøpttttlt  point  of 

Cp^abe  vt  break  off,  do  away  with,  aboliah. 
abrogate,  repeal,  rescind;  ~  en  8eleiring  ralse  a 
slege;  .  en  Aonbel*forbinbelfe  dtssolve  a  partner 
snip;  .  et  ftlofier  suppress  a  monaatery;  _  biir 
anben  neutralixe  each  other.  -(fe  c  -r  breaking 
off  etc.,  abolitlon,  abrogation,  repeal,  (af  gor- 
lobelfe)  rupture;  gøre  mange  r  af  noget  make  a 
great  ado  el.  fuss  about  a  thing;  uben  -r  (o.  fl), 
fe  Omftænbigbeber. 

Ophøje  vt  ralse,  elevate,  eralt,  matk  in  vol  ve, 
-  i  trebje  potent  involve  to  the  third  power; 
~  en  til  føre  og  Qarbtgtyeb  ralse  one  to  honoar 
and  dlgnity:  .  til  6fDerne  extol  to  the  sides; 
fan  bteb  -t  i  tlbelflanben  he  was  ennobled;  bibl 
fe  ^ornebre.  -b«jclfe  c  ralsing,  elevation,  exalu- 
tion;  (Sforfremmelfe)  preférment;  m*th  involution 
't^9\et  u  .  tlrbejbe  relief,  raised  el.  embossed 
work;  ^albt  .  demi-relief;  f^eft  .  high-relief;  -bf 
©ogflaoet  (for  blinbe)  embossed  letters  el.  type; 
en  -t  Xantt  a  sublime  thought;  -  gorogt  supreme 
el.  superior  to.  Opbøjniag  c  -et  rising,  elevation. 

Oplyør  n  cessation,  intermiaslon,  disoontinu- 
ance.  Opftørt  vi  meb  cease,  disoonttnue,  leave 
off;  .  at  cease  to,  leave  off  -ing;  .  meb  fjorrft« 
ningeme  decline  business. 

Optøtle,  .«img  ^  Vf^øfle. 




Gpla't  n  -er  o'piate.  -øalntae  white  poppy, 
^vfMxvør  fOMftt/vnciN. 

C>'tlb(«)e  v*  (opvarme)  heat;  fig  inflame,  fire. 
-stiag  o  (i>mp.)  lightlng  the  flres. 

Optnis'n  o  public  opinion,  public  feeling. 
Ojrtaionåptrtng  expression  of  public  opinion. 

Opiafa'g  o  opium-eater. 

C^'irr|e  vt  irritate,  exasperate,  provoke.  -elfe, 
-i«g  c  -t  provocaUon,  irritation. 

*5*'if|e  of,  -nittf  fe  »eette. 

Oktant  *  opium.  —  Opt*mg|braaver  lauda- 
ntim.  -tanbelm  the  opium  tråde.  -plaate  fe 
©piaroalmue.  -m#  intozication  with  opium. 
•f  trtfcr  opium-eater. 

©pjogfe  *  (om  *WM)  rouae,  start,  dislodge, 
beat  the  bush  for.    -«tiig  o  rouslng  etc. 

Oplalbf  vt  (taibe  op)  call  up;  tøn  et  -bt  efter 
fin  ©ebftefaber  he  is  called  et.  named  arter  his 
grandfather.    -Ife  o  calling  up. 

Optanuiittgipløø  cdouble-mould-board  plough. 

Cptaptt  vt  fe  Jlapte. 

Optakt  vt  (fafle  op)  throw  up,  oast  up;  (i  Bog) 
turn  up;  (brætte  fig)  vomit;  -  et  Spørgtmaal  pro- 
pose, propound,  start  el.  raise  a  question;  —  vr 
ftø  til  set  up  for;  .  fig  til  Sømmet  assume  the 
authorlty  of  a  Judge:  -  fifl  HI  Jlonge  usurp  the 
crown;  en  nplig  -t  wnb  a  newly  dug  grave. 
-elfe  c  throwing  up  etc.  -ttt«g  o  vomiting, 

*Optaøet  a  worrled,  in  a  worry,  in  a  bother. 

Opttle  vt  wedge  up. 

Opftlt|(r)e  vr  tuck  up,  truss  up.  -»tog,  -ring 
c  -et  tocking  etc. 

Opflar  je  vt  (forføre)  clear  up,  elucidate;  $hulen 
-t  fig  the  sky  beoomes  clear;  (tofte  80*  paa,  op> 
In-fe)  illnmine;  fig  tønl  Vnfkt  -bel  his  face  bright- 
ened;  Sibenflaben  -t  &otftanben  science  enlightens 
the  understanding;  bette  -t  Sagen  this  throws 
light  upon  the  matter;  Øoaben  -be*  the  riddle 
was  unravelled.  -elfe,  -ittg  c  -et  clearing  (up), 

Opflatlre,  Dpftav|re  vt  olimb  up,  clamber  up. 
•rim  c  climbing  up. 

tOptll*|e  vt  (om  Stut)  raise  el.  run  up.  -t«g 
c  ralsing  etc. 

Optlifrre  vt  fe  Opttebe. 

DpfløbØitisg  o  i  (paa  ftsl)  dead  wood. 

Opttpttg|e  vt  hoist  up,  sling  up;  +  .  fig  tit 
cling  to.    -ttiva  c  -et  slinging  up. 

Opftfcbje  vt  (paa)  paate  (upon);  -t  paa  Barreb 
mouDted  on  linen.    -ntna  e  pasting,  mounting. 

Øpft«b|e  vt  clothe.    -mag  c  clothing. 

Cpnat I  te  vt  hatch,  rear.    -«t«g  c  hatching  etc. 

DptaoPlpe  vt  unbutton.    -»tag  c  unbuttoning. 

Optabtte  vt  tie  up,  untie. 

Optøble  vt  (f.  *tt.  $unbe)  unleash. 

Optog  n,  pi  »,  (fort  Stopning)  sllght  boiling, 
boil  (up);  (gentagen  ftogntng)  second  boiling. 
cooking  up;  fig  reiteration.  rehash,  ( F  recooked 
cabbage),  reproduction,  rehearsal;  gtbf  et  .  boil 
up;  W*fe  Vtrtitlet  ete  tun  et  ~  af  anbtr  fJlabe  these 
are  only  second-hand  articlee.  Optøg|e  vt  (toge 
tort)  boil  sllghtly,  boil  up;  (loge  paa  np)  cook 
up,  dress  up,  re-cook;  fig  3nbbenbinger,  ftortæl- 
tinget,  fem  føutbtebe  (Bange  ete  -gte  objections 
which  have  been  made  over  and  over  again  a 
hundred  times,  storles  which  have  been  told, 
repeated  over  and  over  again;  -gie  ©tttigbeber 
ofv.  trite,  hackneyed  witticisms;  —  +vi  boil  up. 
-King  o  -et  ebullltion;  (TOabtab.)  re-cooking. 

Optøntjme  vi  originale,  begin,  rise.  »Optø«*, 
-«e  n  well,  spring,  land-spring.  Mittg  c  -et 
upetart.  •*;  c  (Begpnbelfe)  origin,  rise;  (fcremaang, 
Srftnmc)  advanoement;  (Ubbraing)  development; 
(fjotbebring)  reform;  i  .  (om  enfet)  0.  1.)  rlsing, 
improving,  in  a  flourishing  state. 

Optontrnere  vt  manufacture,  construct. 

*Optrab«ing  c  (Søm.)  rasing. 

Optrabfle  vt  scratch  up;  (måbe)  raise,  teasel. 
-ning  e  -et  scratchlng  etc. 

Cpltrftmme,  -trampe  vt  turn  up,  cock. 

Cptraoie  vi  crawl  up. 

Cptmflc  vt  crisp.    -nimg  c  -et  crisplng. 

OptrHbS«i«g  c  J,-  bcete  unbet  -  be  worklng 
el.  beating  up. 

Optr<ep[e  vf  (6tatter  etc.)  gather,  collect.  -elfe, 
-ntng  o  (af  Startet)  collection. 

Opttøllle  vt  curl  up.    -ttiag  c  curling  up. 

CptPitte  vt  oheer  up. 

+Optbfe  vt  fe  Opfttaraime. 

OphnMBtt  part  combed  up. 

Cp\U%  n  buying  up,  engrossing,  engrossment: 
forestalling.  -Mc  vt  buy  up;  (i  bet  ftore,  en  gro9) 
engross;  (forub)  forestall,  regrate.  -Mer  c  buyer 
up  of  goods,  engrosser;  forestaller.  Cpttvét et 
right  of  buying  up  goods. 

Op  tor  I  c  vt  (forbætve  beb  ftøtfei)  cut  up;  .  St&tfet 
drive  up  the  cannon.  -fel  e  (^anbl.  at  fore  op) 
driving  up;  (Bet)  carriage  approach:  fe  Rampe. 

Oplabe  vt  (aabtte)  open;  (opgive,  afftaa)  give  up; 
oplab  btn  Røfl  raise  your  voice;  —  vr  fig  (oife, 
oabenbate  fig) :  ben  ^etlig^eb,  bet  -r  fig  fot  bott  pie 
the  glory  which  is  ezposed  to  our  view;  Sigteeeng 
Sicel  -r  fig  fot  ol  the  soul  of  the  poet  is  disclosed 
to  us. 

Oplag  n,  pi  s,  (af  Satet)  stock,  store;  (af  en 
©og)  impression,  isene,  edition;  npt  -  reissue:  i 
-  in  store,  (miblettibigt)  warehoused,  (paa  Zolb* 
bob)  in  bond;  6tibe  i  -  laid  up  snips,  (om  Jrrig«.) 
snips  in  ordinary. 

Oplagret  a  stored. 

Oplaailafgift  warehouse  rent,  warehousing. 
•tab*  harbour  where  a  ship  is  laid  up.  -bns 
warehouse,  storehouse,  magazine.  -omtofhiinger 
fe  -afgift,  -penge  money  laid  up.  -Plabt  place 
for  storing  goods.  -ret  staple  prlrilege.  -fleb 
fe  -plabs;  (6tabelplabs)  staple,  emporium.  -barer 
(©årer  paa  Oplagftplabl)  staple  oommodlties; 
(Qaret  i  $atyufe)  warehoused  goods. 

Oplagt  a  (part  laid  up);  jeg  et  itfe  -  betti!  I 
am  not  disposed  to  it,  not  in  the  (el.  a)  humour 
for  it,  in  no  humour  for  it,  not  in  tune  for  it; 
tøn  et  itte  -  ril  Spøg  he  is  in  no  joking  humour; 
baatlig  .  not  in  tbe  vein;  gobt  -  in  the  ve  in,  in 
good  cue;  .  SRælf  curds  (from  which  the  whey 
has  been  pressed;. 

Oplanb  n  -e  (Sanbfttætning  omfdng  en  ©p)  sur- 
rounding  el.  tributary  country,  tråde  district, 
the  country  behind  a  town;  "(bøjete  Sanb)  op- 
land.   *-ff  a  upland. 

Oplonger  ^  fe  Oplænget. 

Oplebfe  vt  search  out.    -mimg  o  searching  out. 

Opletlning,  -telfe  o  llfttng. 

Opleve  vt  ltve  to  see;  ^an  -be  en  tø  tttbet  he 
livea  to  a  great  age;  bat  -t  meget  has  had  many 
experienoes;  .  flere  Oplag  pass  through,  run 
through  el.  see  several  editions;  —  t  vi  revive. 
-Ife  o  -t  ezperience,  transaction  el.  passage  (in 
one's  li  fe),  adventure. 

OpliP|c  vr  (give  npt  Siv)  revive,  reanimate; 
(opmuntre)  enllven,  cbeer,  ezhllarate;  „oplivet" 
(af  S)tU)  elevated.  -elfe  o  revl  val,  reanimation; 
enlivening,  exhilaration.  -elfe*  (el.  -«ingg)forføg 
attempt  at  resuøcitation.  -embe  a  ezhilaratlng, 
lively,  -er  c  reviver.  -niag  c  fe  -elfe.  -«tagg> 
ntibbel  *  resuscitant. 

Opløb  n  (ftonbit )  puff-paste. 

Opltbbe  vt  sound  (over;;  .  og  opmaale  ($ar- 
banb)  survey.  —  Optob«ingø|ba«pftib  surveying 
steamer  (o.  fl.).    •liaie  line  of  soundings. 

Opløbgniag  e  up  river  pilotage. 

Oplosning  c  landing,  discharging,    -ningg- 




afgift  landing  charge,  -frt  part  landed,  un- 

Optne  vt  bring  into  a  blase,  inflame;  —  vi 
blase  up. 

Oplage  vt  weed  up. 

Optal  |  fe  vt  open;  (Ijøab  ber  rt  luffet  meb  Saaf) 
nnlock.    -«t«g  c  -et  openlng. 

Oplsøttittg  o  ^  haullng  the  wlnd. 

Optøfie  vt  light  up,  illumlnate,  Ulumine;  (f. 
tfg.  Mb  Cttempler)  elucidate,  throw  light  upon, 
illustrate;  (unbermfe)  enlighten;  (mebbele)  show, 
point  out,  give  information  of;  (unberrette)  in- 
form; (tabte  Sager)  advertise;  .  en  Dm  tyon«  Bilb« 
farrlfe  undeceive  el.  dlsabuse  one;  en  -ft  gforftanb, 
XiMalber  an  enlightened  mind,  age;  tyon  bar  nøie 
-fl  om  enfcber  Omftanbigljeb  he  was  accurately  in- 
formed  of  every  particular.  -eabe  a  elucidatory, 
light  givlng;  .  Cttempel  illustration:  .  meb  $en» 
ftjn  ti!  illustrative  of.  -ittng  c  -er  (f .  wfl.  af  »aber) 
lighting;  (aanbeltg)  enlightenment;  education; 
(Unberretning)  information,  intelligence,  evidence, 
pi  details;  -en«  Zilftanb  the  state  of  education; 
inbbente  -er  gather  el.  procure  information;  ncennere 
•  parttculars;  en  fortræffelig  .  a  pieoe  of  excellent 
information;  -en  friger  cont  «the  schoolmaster  is 
abroad».  -niagftontør  (universal)  Information 

©plfltglge  vt  ^y  UP.  (i  $a!fyift)  warehouse;  - 
ffiaab  conoert  el.   coneoct  a  plan;  +  -  en  Bog 

Sublish  a  book;  jeg  føtr  -lagt  Spil,  -lagte  ftort  I 
ave  the  game  in  my  hånd;  fe  Scegae  op.  »gelfe, 
-at«a  c  laylng  up;  warehousing.  —  Optagning*  |< 
afgift  (af  gartøi)  laying-up  rate;  fe  Oplag*'. 
-pfabi  depot. 

Opfanbing  c  -er  upland-dweller. 

Opfanger  c  -e  4,  futtock.    -ftøb  nittock-head. 

Optønie  vt  (en  Bamle)  shorten  (a  chain). 

Oplalre  vt  teacb,  train  fup),  indoctrinate, 
school,  tutor,    -telfe.  -ring  c  teaching,  training. 

Opjlfffe  vt  read  (aloud).  -lafer(tnbe)  o  reader. 
•laråning  c  -er  reading  (aloud),  (offentlig)  recital, 
elocutionary  entertainment. 

Op  |  løb  n,  pi  =.  dfsorderly  mob,  (i  oprørff  $en- 
ftgt)  riot,  tumult;  i  -et  (tkebbel.)  at  the  finish. 
-tøøe  vi  run  up,  grow;  fvt  overtake,  come  up 
with  (by  running);  Qkelben  er  -t  betbbeligt  the 
debt  bas  run  up  considerably;  en  lang  -n  Dreng 
a  tall,  overgrown  stripllng.  »løber  c  J,  (paa 
frølfoin)  stemson. 

Opløfte  vt  (lifte  op)  lift  up;  (Stemmen,  Sinbet, 
Sjælen.  Vtenneffet)  raise,  elevate,  -  Sjalen  til  ®ub 
exalt  the  soul  to  God;  .  et  Sfrig  set  up  a  cry; 
.  en  til  Sfberne  extol  one  to  the  sides;  et  -nbe 
Smt  an  ezaltlng  sight.  -Ife  c  (Stemmene)  eleva- 
tion; (Sinbet*,  Vanbens  ofo.)  ezaltation;  bibl  (Offer) 

Op  I  tøf  e  vt  (©aanb,  Jfouber  etc.)  loose.  untle, 
undo;  ($«t,  Regiment)  disband,  disemboay;  (f&or- 
famlina,  røgteflab,  ©enffab  etc.)  dissolve;  (=  bel« 
organifere)  disorganize;  ekem  resolve,  decompose; 
(mefamft,  tilintetgøre  Sammensangen)  dislntegrate; 
(Qtaaber,  løtøl  etc )  solve;  -  en  Signing  math  re 
solve  an  equation;  jeg  er  iffe  tommen  at  -  men 
at  fulbfomme  bibl  I  am  not  come  to  destroy  but 
to  fulfll;  -løfenbe  a  dissolving,  disintegrating, 
med  (for  €>ofte)  expectorant;  -nbe  SRibbel  expecto- 
rant;  -loft  a  i  Xaarer  dissolved  in  tears;  bolbe  ft 
hold  in  solution;  meb  -fl  6aar  with  dishevelled 
hair;  —  pr  >  fifl  (i)  dissolve,  melt,  resolve,  be 
dissolved  (into);  (om  Sftjer)  disperse;  ftorfamlingen 
-fie  ftg  the  assembly  broke  up.  -tø 'felig  a  soluble, 
dissolnble,  resolvable,  dissolvable;  decompos- 
able;  diflintegrable;  solvable,  solvible.  -tø  felig' 
(eb  c  solubility,  dissolubility,  resolvability. 
-løftning  e  -er  loosening  etc.;  (af  Øaabe  ofo.  so- 
lution; (af  fcær  etc.)  breaklng  up;  (af  gorfamling 

etc.)  dissolution,  (til  en  anben  Qkmg)  adioiinunesi 
(Seftorgantfation)  dlsorganization;  (i  tDøetfa)  n- 
solution;  ekem  resolution,  dlssolntfon,  decraa 
position,  eøftc  (en  -)  solution;  (mefosifP)  disinte- 
gration; (Døb)  dissolution;  tøn  goot  fin  -  i  9ø&e 
he  wlll  soon  die,  he  is  slnklng  ost;  bibl  sns  4 
Zib  er  forboonben  the  time  of  my  departure  i« 
at  nand;  fhtnbenl  -  the  denouement.  —  C*4øt< 
«tagS|mibbel  n  solvent,  dissolvent,  dissolver, 
resolvent,  resolver,  -tcftt  mø  fe  fttwbtat.  -til' 
flamb  a  state  of  deoomposition. 

Opmtal  n  heaped  measure. 

Opmøal|e  vt  measure;  (Jhjfrer,  fflcorfer,  ^srMabf  • 
Burvey.  -er  c  surveyor.  -i«g  c  -er  mesumrinc, 
surreying;  ben  rriaonometrtfle  .  the  TrigonosBe- 
trical  Survey.  -inglfartøJsurveyingvesseKo  i! 

Opmåle  vt  (ftont  0.  I.)  grind  up;  (8am»  rsis^. 

Opmal|e  vt  paint  over  again,  repalnt  -t*g  c 
painting  etc.,  repainting. 

Opsurab  c  umpire,  arbitrator,  referee,  «e 
o  veraman. 

Opmoube  vt  animate,  insplrit;  .  flg  man  ri 
recover  one's  self,  recover  heart,  smnmon  op 
the  man  within  one's  self. 

Opmane  vt  oonjure  up,  evoke. 

Dpmavåt  c  marchlng  up,  deployment.  -etc 
vi  march  up,  deploy;  labe  -  draw  up. 

Opntnbjre  vt  dredge.  -rtng  e  -er  dredgiag. 
•rlnglarbeiber  pi  dredging  operations. 

Opmnmtfre  vt  (txeRe  Ocunxertøbj  enllven,  ani- 
mate; (Meffe  9Rob)  encourage,  exhort;  (fremsu, 
beforbre)  encourage,  promote,  -reas*  o  encour 
aging;  libet  -  (rather)  dlscouraging.  -rrsg  e  -n 
enlivening  etc.;  enoouragement,  exbortation. 
lnoentive;  (tlbfprebelfe)  diversion,  recxeatios; 
TOongel  paa  -  discouragement. 

Opmnrje  vt  run  up,  build  up  (of  bricks  or 
stone).    -fug  c  running  etc. 

Opmterfle  vt  mark  el.  stake  out,  (»eb  ttøirr 
buoy.    -ningiøfffenet  the  system  of  buoymge. 

Opmsrf  fom  a  attentive;  gøre  -  paa  advert  to. 
point  out;  gøre  en  -  paa  noget  call  one's  atten- 
tion to  a  thing;  blioe  .  paa  peroeive,  remark, 
notice;  ocere  -  paa  take  notice  of,  be  alive  to; 
oære  .  mob  en  be  attentive,  civil,  kind  to  one. 
•beb  e  -er  attention;  oceffe  -  attrået  notice  ti 
attention;  »ife  en  megen  -  pay  one  great  atten- 
tion; en  -  an  aet  of  attention  (mob  to);  -er  (ffr 
tigbeber)  civilities,  attentions.  -IjeøSftg««!  atten- 
tion signal. 

Opnaa  vt  attain,  gain;  -  ftn  ^enftgt  gain  one's 
end,  achieve  one's  object,  compass  one's  design, 
(iTfe  meb  $erfon  fom  éubj.)  answer  its  end;  .  en 
^ri«  fetch  el.  command  a  price;  -  oetrre  frønbi* 
tioner  make  better  terms;  -  at  manage  to.  -'rflg 
a  attalnable.  -'eligbeb  o  attainableness.  -elfr 
c  attainment. 

Opnagle  vt  nail  up. 

Opnege  vt  bind  (in  sheaves). 

Cplnotfe  e  snub-noee,  pug-nose.  •ttsrfet «  snub 
•nosed,  pug-nosed. 

Opnotøae  vt  nomlnate,  appoint. 

Opobalfam  c  balm  of  Oilesd,  opobalsam. 

Opobel'bøt  o  opodeldoc. 

Op  ofre  vt  sacrifice,  immolate;  (bengtoe)  devote. 
-Ife  c  -r  sacrifice;  (dgenflab)  devotedness.  -nbe 
a  devoted. 

Opoø'fnm  e  -er  opossum,  Didelpky*. 

Op'oøer  adv  upwards. 

Oppaljtf  vt  pack  fol),  -ning  c  -er  packing  etc.; 
(til  Solbflt)  equlpment. 

Oppadfe  vt  watch;  (opøarte)  wøit  on.  -r  c  t 
attendant,  man  (servant),  (Dfsf.  Uniø.)  acout; 
ø»t7  boy. 

Oppe  adv  up,  above;  ber  -  up  there,  there 
above;   ^er  .  up  here;  -  fra  adv  from  above; 




t)li»e,  fibbe  .  sit  up,  Btay  up;  SRoanen  er  ~  the 
moon  is  up  el.  out;  tøm  re  ilte  -  enbmi  he  is  not 
out  of  bed  yet;  tyut  et  riblig  .  om  SRorgenen  he 
is  an  early  riser;  ftogen  tigger  -  (i  Borelfet  oben» 
o  toer)  the  book  Iles  up-stalre;  Døren  er  -  the  door 
is  open;  f  tym  er  rigtig  -  i  Dog  he  is  in  very 
good  spirito  to-day;  épørglmaalet  er  -  the  quest- 
ion  has  come  to  the  front.  Oppe  vt  (+)  revive, 
invigorate;  —  vr  _  flg  bestir  one's  self;  improve. 

©ppeble  vt  await,  wait  for. 

©ppe|b*re  vt  receive;  (om  offentl.  $enge)  col- 
lect;  fio  (noget  ubebag.)  come  in  for.  -borrette, 
-fcørfel  e  -per  receiving,  collecting.  -aørfeift« 
»etieat  receiver,  revenae  officer. 

Cppelfe  c  F  revival,  improvement. 

GpplUt  vt  pick. 

CppUnic  vt  fig  plant,  set  up. 

©pplaflie  vt  pick;  (om  fjift)  hash.  -itimg  c  -er 
picking  etc. 

Dpplttbfe  vt  fag,  untwist;  -«,  ~  fig  fag,  untwist, 
be  rrayed  out. 

Op»Uj|e  vt  plough  up.    -aiag  c  ploughing  up. 

©ppøle're  vt  polish  up. 

€>ppølftr|e  vt  stuff.    -tao  c  stuffing. 

Oppøjne're  vi  make  ef  raise  opposition;  - 
tmob  oppose,    -nemt'  ø  -ei  oppo'nent. 

Oppørranifi'  e  -ex,  -tff  a  opportu'nist. 

Dpptjlriø  a  c  opposition,  -et'  a  oppost t'ion- 
ist.  —  Oppøfirløaftibtab  opposition  paper.  -b«af 
o.  bench.  -maab  c  opposit'ionist.  -fortiet  the 

&ppabf|e  vt  bruah  up,  smarten  up;  ($u*)  re- 
plaster,    -aiag  c  brushing  up  etc. 

Oppumpet  part  pumped  up. 

£>p*aft|e  vt  blow  up,  puff  up,  inflate.  -aiag 
c  -er  biowing  up  etc. 

Dppftut|e  vt  dress  up,  hrush  up,  smarten  up. 
-aiag  e  -er  dressing  up. 

Oplraab  n,  pi  «=,  call;  fig  appeal;  (til  Soaben) 
summons  to  arms.  -raabe  vt  (beb  ftatm)  call 
(out),  (paa  Vuftton)  put  up;  -  ftabnene  call  over 
the  names.  -rcabm,  -raabaiag  c  calling  etc. 
-raaaer  c  crier;  auctioneer. 

•Cpraab  (bb)  a  at  a  loss. 

Øpraab|*c  vi  rot  completely,  be  thoroughly 
putrifled.    •-ben  a  completely  rotten. 

Dpragje  vt  rake  up,  scrape  up,  —  vi  project, 
protrude.    -aiag  c  -er  raking  etc. 

Øpramfle  vt  repeat  by  ro  te,  patter  over.  -ea, 
-atag  c  repeating  etc.,  repetition. 

ØpraaJe  flg  vr  elimb. 

Opreb|e  trt  make  (a  bed);  +  Ao  clear  up,  un- 
ravel;  Sengen  ftob  oltib  -t  the  bed  was  always 
made;  en  -t  ©eng  (Seng  meb  alt  ttlbe$ør)  a  bed- 
frtead  and  bedding,  -etfe,  -nittg  c  -er  making 

Dprtg|»e  «t  recount,  enumerate,  catalogue. 
-aiag  c  -er  reeounting,  enumeration. 

Øprtjfe  o  passage  up. 

0»|rejfe  vt  (rrife  i  Bejret)  set  up;  (om  8bgn.) 
erect,  raise;  (SRfnbelmcerfe,  g&rtaarn  rtc.)  erect; 
(©arrilabet)  throw  up;  -  en«  Røb  inspirit  one. 
-reifatmg  e  raislng  etc.;  (©eberlag)  reparation, 
redress;  (tllreSob.)  sausfaction.  -eejft  a  erect, 
upright;  kør  rampant,  -  og  tilbagefeenbe  rampant 
regardant,  -  meb  Qobebet  e»  face  rampant  gård- 
anti  fio  bet  tør  bolbt  mie  -  that  is  what  has 
kept  et.  buoyed  me  up;  feg  tnitbe  ilte  tøtbe  mig 
-  I  could  not  stand  erect;  Ho  tittroM  for  ane 
Wbjlfer  tøtbt  tyra  fig  .  he  kept  up  in  splte  of 
all  misfortunes. 

Opreabe  vt  warp;  tovertake  (by  running). 

0>re«f|e  vt  clean  out,  dredge  (out),  -aiag  o 
cleaning  etc. 

Opret  o  upright,  erect.  -ffybeabe  a  swimming 
upright.    -tøtbe  vt  (Debtigetølbe,  tøanbtøoe)  sup- 

port, uphold;  maintafn.  -tølbelfe  c  maintenance. 
-ftøtber  c  -e  supporter  etc.  Oprttaingftrraft 
rlghting  power.  Opretftaaeabe  a  upright;  « 
$tano  upright  piano,  cabinet-piano. 

Oprette  vt  (oprejfe)  erect;  (Stole,  ttniberfttet  etc.) 
institute,  found,  establish;  (et  Regiment)  erect, 
raise;  (om  Stabe)  repair;  (tab  ofr.)  retrieve; 
fåorfømmelfe)  make  up  for;  -  et  9tebertag  repair 
a  defeat;  W  maa  -  Qam  bet  paa  anbre  SRaaber 
he  must  make  him  amends  in  other  ways;  ban 
bar  faaet  fif  %ab  rigelig  -t  he  has  had  rich 
amends  for  his  loss,  he  has  been  rlchly  indem- 
nifled  for  his  loss;  .  et  Xeftamente,  en  ftonrcatt 
make  a  will,  a  contract;  .  et  ftorbunb  enter  into 
an  alliance,  -rettelig  a  reparable,  retrievable. 
-rettelfe  c  (af  Stole  ofb.)  foundlng,  foundation, 
institution;  (af  Stabe,  %ab  ofb.)  reparation, 

Obrtbaiag  c  riding  up. 

OjirtbS  n  elevation. 

Obribfe  vt  slit  open. 

Opriflet  part  rifled-up. 

Oprigaiitg  c  &  fitting  the  rigging  d.  gear. 

Oprigtig  a  slncere,  candld;  —  adv  ~  talt 
candidly,  to  tell  the  truth.  -!>eb  e  sincerlty, 

Oprillte  vt  furrow,  groove.  -«teg  c  furrowing 

€p|ri«be  vt  (om  Sot  os  Waane)  rise;  fig  (obftaa) 
arise:  ben  tib  er  enbnu  Ttte  -runben  that  time  is 
yet  to  come;  ben  %a%  -t  albrig  that  day  will 
never  come  et.  be;  -runben  af  en  gammel  Stegt 
sprang  et.  descended  from  an  old  fiunily.  -ri«'* 
belig  a  original,  pristine,  primitive,  prlmeval, 
primary;  Sanbet*  -e  3nbbbggere  the  aboriginals 
of  the  country;  —  adv  originally,  -rrn'beligljeb 
e  primariness,  primitiveness.  -rinbelfe  c  origin. 
•rinbelfeftbeoi«  certificate  of  origin, 

Oprt«f|e  vt  coil  (up),    -miag  c  colling. 

Dpriplpe  vt  revive,  rake  up.  -aimg  c  reviv- 
ing  etc. 

OptllPt  vt  scratch,  tear,  slit. 

Cpribfe  vt  rend  up,  tear  up;  tysren  bteb  atbele* 
opreben  the  army  was  entirely  broken  up.  -atag 
o  rending  etc. 

£prøb|e  vt  root  up.    -aiag  c  rooting  up. 

Cprn!|!e  vt  (rulle  fammen)  roll  up;  (r.  fra  ^in- 
anben)  unroll.  -Hag,  -aiag  c  -et  rolling  up; 

Oprnntpe  vt  fe  Rumpe  op. 

Øprafte  vt  rouse  (from  sleep). 

Oprbb|be  vt  root  up,  grub  up,  eradicate;  clear, 
reclaim;  fe  Oprømme,  -aiag  c  rooting  etc., 
eradication;  clearing. 

Oprbfl*  vt  smoke  up. 

Oprbf|fe  vt  pull  up,  pluck  up;  —  vi  rise,  be 
promoted.  -aiag  c  -er  pulllng  etc.;  promotion; 
(en  fyctzi  Opbrub)  moving  up.  -aiagiregter  rules 
of  promotion. 

Opr«t|fe  vt  lift  up,  hånd  up;  meb  optalte 
Romber  with  uplifted  hånds,    -aiag  e  lifUng  up. 

Of  rage  vt  (om  Zobat)  smoke  up. 

tOprøm|mc  vt  put  in  order,  put  to  rights, 
clear  out;  (Barebetølbning)  sell  off,  reallze,  clear 
out;  ~  et  ^nt  ream  et.  broach  a  hole.  -mer  e  -e 
broach,  reamer.  -aiag  o  clearing  out  etc., 
realisation,    -aiagtyrtt  realiaation  price. 

Obrømt  a  cheerful,  gay,  in  good  humour  et. 
spirlts.    -^eb  c  cheerfulneas. 

Oprør  n,  pi  — ,  (Bebcegelfe,  Uro)  uproar;  (Op« 
fionb)  rebellion,  »edition,  insurrectton;  (^3øbel» 
opløb,  tumult)  riot;  (Wtjtieri)  mutiny,  revolt;  (i 
Stnbet)  agitation,  excitement,  tumult;  (fiabetl) 
uproar,  agitation;  (CtementemeJ,  Sibenffabeme«) 
tumult;  gøre  -  revolt,  rebel,  rise  in  rebellion; 
frifte  et  -  stir  up  a  revolt.    Oprør |e  vt  (Sanb) 





trouble,  disturb,  render  cl.  make  turbid;  fio  (om 
Støber)  exdte,  rouse,  stir  up,  agitate;  (ægge  til 
Oprør)  stir  up;  (forarge,  faare  ben  moratfte  g»lelfe) 
offend,  shock;  -•  »eb  eller  ober  noget  be  shocked 
at  a  thing;  fiffe  i  -rt  ©onb  flsh  in  troubled  waters; 
-rt  $ab  a  rough  el.  agitated  sea;  et  -nbe  6pn  a 
shocking  et.  revolting  sight.  -er  e  -e  rebel,  in- 
surgent;  (RptterifKfter)  revolter. 

Oprør*  |aa  ab  rebelliousness,  sedittousness, 
Bpirit  of  revolt,  -att  fe  -lob.  -fane  standard  of 
revolt,  -fantate,  -llb  flame  of  sedition  el.  re- 
bellion, -bær  army  of  rebels,  insurgents.  ©p» 
rarff  a  rebellions,  seditlous,  riotous,  turbulent, 
mutinoas;  be  -e  $robinfer  the  revolted  provinces. 
Oprørftbeb  e  rebelliousness,  seditiousness.  — 
Optørftltebet  ringleader.  -Ion  riot-act.  -lae  fe 
•flamme,  -ntanb  fe  Oprører,  -prffbifant  preacber 
of  revolt,  -flab  fe  -aanb.  -frib  insurgent  snip. 
•ffrif  t  seditlous  writing.  -ftifter  matineer,  kindler 
of  riots,  ringleader.    -tale  seditlous  speech. 

Opf«b|(e  ør  saddle.    -Ung  e  saddling. 

Opfamlje  vt  take  up,  plck  up.  gather,  oollect; 
(«!*,  og  fio  meb  IRøje)  glean.  -mg  c  -et  gather 
ing  etc. 

Opfaag  o  song,  singlng  ont,  chorus-cry. 

Opfaafe,  Opfantntag  fe  Opfamle. 

Opfat  a  -  paa  bent  upon,  intent  on;  fe  Op* 

Opfat*  ø  -et  stand;  (frriftl.)  essay,  paper,  ar- 
ti  de;  (paa  ftanon;  back  sight;  (paa  ttaabut)  antler; 
fe  ©otb».    -tafler  pi  bearing-reins. 

Opfeflfe  vt  (et  SW>)  overhaul;  -t  f$ragt  freight 
earned;  -t  Bejlængbe  distance  run.  -Hag  c  sail- 
ing  up:  unber  .  salling  up. 

Opfeffiag  c  J,  racking  setelng. 

Opfete  vt  harness. 

Opfenb|e  vt  send  up;  -  Sønner  til  <Bub  offer 
up  prayers  to  God.    -tag  c  sending  etc. 

Opfibber  c  t  ttenant,  lessee;  *freeholder, 
owner  (one  or  more);  *bet  er  tre  -e  paa  Øaarben 
the  estate,  farm,  is  divided  between  three 

•Opflg  fe  3nbRg. 

Opftlge  vt  iXieneftrfoH,  Sejere  ofoj  give  warn- 
ing  el.  notice  to  gult,  order  on;  (froftge  flg)  re- 
nounce, throw  ofr;  (Settier  ofb.)  recite,  repeat, 
rehearse,  say;  (Zraftat)  denounce  (the  end  of); 
.  en  ftapitat  give  notlee  of  the  paying  off  of  a 
capital,  recall  a  capital;  -  fin  Zfenefte  give  notice 
(of  leaving);  bliøe  opfagt  get  notice  to  quit. 
•gelig  a  (Obligation)  redeemable.  -  geltgbeb  o 
redeemableneas.  -gelfe  o  warning,  notice  to 
quit  etc.;  denunciation;  (af  et  3nbfiub)  notice  of 
withdrawal;  en  TOaaneM  -  a  month's  notice; 
uben  -  without  givlng  notice;  gforpagter  paa  . 
tenant-at-will.    -gelfeørib  length  of  notice. 

Opfigt  o  survefllance;  (flot  Opmærffomfteb)  sen- 
sation, noise,  stir;  fcbe  .  meb  noget  take  charge 
of  a  thing;  qon  et  unber  min  -  he  is  under  my 
guardianshlp;  gøre,  oæfte  .  make  a  sensation, 
a  noise.    •»OJlteabe  a  sensational. 

tOpfTob|e  vt  fell,  cut  (and  pile).  -aiag  c  fell- 
ing  etc. 

Opftoote  vt  shovel  up. 

Opfrrift  e  -er  recipe,  receipt;  copy.  Opffribe 
vt  write  down,  set  down,  note  down.  Opfrriø* 
aiag  e  writing  etc. 

Opfhra|e  vt  unscrew;  -  $rifen  screw  up  the 
price,  -t  $tif  exorbitant  el.  extortionate  price; 
en  -i  ©til  a  bombastic  el.  affected  Btyle;  Sampen 
er  for  bøjt  -t  the  lamp  iø  too  much  on.  -en, 
-ning  c  unøcrewlng  etc.  -etbeb  o  bombast, 

•Opfrrbbe  vt  puff. 

Opftrona|ate  vt  startle,  rouse.  -aiag  c  start- 

♦OpfrWeppeaae  a  bragging. 

Opftttb  m  (om  $lanter)  shootlng,  springlag  op 

Opfjhtbt  fe  Cpftbbe,  Støbe  op;  Opløben. 

♦Opflamme  vi  poet:  -r  bøjt  lifts  itø  foaminr, 

Opfrare  vt  sconr  up. 

OpfTbbe  vt  (forbruge  oeb  Støbning)  expend,  coo- 
sume;  +  —  Opfatte;  -ffubt  (Zøb)  colled;  —  « 
spring  up. 

OpffPljle  or  fttaig,  3fotb  ofb.)  wash  up;  wasb 
aahore-,  (falle  Stnneb  ofo.)  rinøe;  -t  Saab  alluvial 
soil.    -Ung  e  -er  washing  up:  rinsing  etc. 

Opflotre  vt  (en  ©pib,  ©og,  6ønt  ofb.)  cut  opea. 
($ift,  Sugl)  draw;  (^ate#  scanta)  paunch,  bolt; 
(ftæte  alt  op,  foa  intet  leonet)  cut  up;  -ffaaret  tø% 
a  stew;  -fEoarne  9fttmer  slashed  sleevea.  -riøa 
c  cutting  etc. 

OpfTørte  vt  truss  up,  tuck  up;  -t  (om  fyt' 
shrunk  in  the  flank;  fio  vart  net  -t  be  in  a  fine 
pickle  et.  mess. 

Oplflaa  vt  (9lalater  ofb.)  post  up,  stick  op, 
paste  up;  (Staffer  ofb.)  break  open,  force  opeu 
(Zodoct!)  unlay;  (et  tdt,  en  Serr)  pltch  (a  tent. 
camp);  (Oobet)  set  up  (booths);  -  et  Gtefe  i  ei 
©og  look  out  a  passage  in  a  book;  -  fin  Oolig 
take  up  one's  abode,  flx  one's  residence;  ri 
ftrabe  turned  up  collar;  meb  -t  fjrflr  with  raised 
visor;  .  Sorter,  Pine,  fe  6toa  op:  meb  -et  $otapls 
with  his  umbrella  spread.  -flag  «,  pi  «*,  up 
-stroke;  (ftuaM)  ricochet;  vmum  np-beat;  (ptf 
ftlæbningeftbffe)  cuff,  ladng(s),  lapel,  (^lafot)  bill 
placard;  (af  førcloodfe)  breaking  off;  en  bros 
frtarfe  meb  røbe  .  a  brown  coat  turned  up  witb 
red.  -flagning  (af  Zobbart)  unlaying.  —  Op* 
flag«|brflrt,  -table  bulletin  board,  -gobi  ^  junk. 
-ftolpe  slgn-post. 

■ning  ø  grtndirjg  etc. 
-aiag  e  wearing  out. 


engulf.      -slag  ? 

*  a  unbridled. 


Opflemme  vt  deposit. 

Opftibe  vt  grind  up. 

Opnibe  vt  wear  out. 

Opnibfet  a  slashed. 

Opftifte  vt  lick  up. 

Opflngje  vt  swallow 
swallowing  etc. 

Opflnppen  port  af:  Glippe  op; 

Opfmebe  øf  forge. 

Opfmtnfje  vt  rouge,  point,    -aiag  c 

Opfnsbtite  vt  dress  up,  trick  out, 
smarten  up.    -aiag  o  dressing  etc. 

Opfmøg|e  ør  (tttrmetne)  turn  up  (the  aleeves); 
meb  -be  9(stmet  with  his  sleevee  turned  up. 
-aiag  c  turnlng  up. 

Opfmage  or  (Zoba!)  smoke  up. 

Opfmøre  vt  (alt  Smørret)  use  up  (the  butter); 
fio  (oppubfe  noget  gammelt)  brush  up;  (©rew, 
©labartiner  ofo.)  seribble  off. 

Opf  nappe  ør  snatch  up,  snap  up,  plck  up;  fio 
(om  Orb,  iBliffe  ofb.)  catch;  (»reb  o.  1.)  intercept; 
(Vtatrofer)  kidnap,    -ffc  c  Intereepting  etc. 

Opfao  ør  untwlst. 

Cpfnafe  vt  (i  9tefen)  snuff  up;  (al  SnuftøbaRrH) 
use  up  (the  snuff);  fiq  (opfpote)  scent  out,  ferret 

Opf  nar  |e  ør  unlace.    -iag  «  unladng. 

Opfpabe  vt  dig  up  with  a  spade. 

Opfpaatet  a  in  frame. 

Opf  pot ;  e  ør  save,  lay  by;  bet  ebe  the  savings 
•lag  c  saving,  laying  by. 

Opfparfe  vt  (fparte  op)  klck  open  (f.  9H.  Dørm 
the  door);  (tofte  op  meb  ftøbbeme)  throw  up  with 
the  feet. 

Opf  pil  |  e  øf  open  wide.    -iag  c  opening  etc 

•Opfptlt  a  in  high  spirits. 

Op|fpiab  n,  pi  b,  invention,  device,  fabrica 
tion.     -fpinbe  vt  (Øarn  ofo.)  spin  up;  (opWflif 
invent,  tramp  up,  fkbricate,  hatch. 


DpWit  et  ahool,  eprlug  up. 

E»f»Wt  K  e. 
Cafplltts  *i  : 
CpI»o!,r  M  a 

__.  up. 

il  aplll  up,  alit  up. 
'i  »pool  up.    -Iif  c  »pooltag  up. 

OM»W|e  <"  (»flinn  A)  t™ck  out,  trace  out, 
ecent  out,  net  the  Kent  of;  fig  discover,  find 
out.    -tl[t.  -Ug  c  -*f  iracking  etc. 

Cp  fprla«  ■  sprtnging  up,  start;  (Ihiglrt)  re- 
nound.  -låring'  in'  spring  np,  Mart  -fwf«< 
grebe«  >  dohlsi-ent;  A'rjosiant.  -(»rliflnintd 
angle  of  reflcilon 

Op  (»r»»e.  -fprattc  vi  1 1  ipout,  tpurt,  aputter 
np;  (om  Sntftttl  fly  np. 

C|rl)nl(t  et  ipout  up,   Buah  up,   bubble  up. 

CVfptmmc  vt  burst  open,  force  upon, 

Epfsrnt  tt  vt  rip  up.     -lim  e  rlpping  up. 

-Htttg  c  dllution, 


Opfgmlkf  W  (ubfnonbr)  eipsnd,  (Ilte)  unolasp, 
„ul.M.'kle;  (éanen)  coclt.    ->l*|  c  unbuckling  eto. 

09\V<tr\tv  el  I*  Sparre  op.  -(■■  o  opening 

Cpfparge  il  find  out,  inquire  out. 

C  S  Bao  «'  lise,  norne  up,  come  (nto  exlatence; 
(biler  lenenhr  Eaa  n6;  frrmtrnbe  [om  Utofrtti  oftj,]; 
opfonun*  ttllt  flg)  »o™:  -  f™  «  *■»*  ri"  from 
ttae  dead,  bon  ti  ertbnu  iftt  -tt  he  is  not  up  yet, 
afblalpe  enbotr  -enDtlceng  moet  eyery  upaprlng- 
ipg  need.  -*■.  +-dfl  o  rlslug,  upaprlnglng. 
•taac  'i  rining  etc.,  prominent.  .  Saft  pug  nosc; 
_  glipprr  ttlrk-up,  stand  up  il,  atanding  cdIUub; 
bn   -  J,  tbe  bulwarkn  and  atanchlona  pi. 

C  »Bat  Ilt  til  heap  up,  pils  up,    -Hag  o  plllng. 

Caftastt  t>(  ir  Cppntite. 

C»B«i|f  ei  >t>ke  out,  muk  by  atakea.    -»tap. 

'  CpBaHt  et  (ft.)  stack  (hay). 

CpBalali  ol  atable,  slall,  keep.  .*in|  c  atabl- 
ing,  keeplng. 

OpBnlt  "  arch  elevation. 

CpBaill  e  -t  liinirreclloa,  rfBing;  ur  _  rise 
an  rebellion),  robel,  revolt;  trttager  i  -lttanrgent. 

men  vi-  -ir  c  '  uprlghl  tt.  vertikal  beam, 
pier«,  plpe  etc.,  upright, 

Dpftrgt  M  (ftrgr  »nu  bo,)  roaat  up,  fty  up;  (op- 
bruse  wb  Stigning)  conaume  in  roaaliug. 

C»ttrs»|ntr  i*  (Banb)  dam  up.     -stag  o  dam 

Cv  (Ittaatf  vt  (rit  Sang)  [(  3fiemmr.  -Brat  a 
In  hlgh  npirita.     -Rcatttra  c  blgb  apiriti. 

Cpfctgif  n  Hk.  -el|«  (fra  Vtogtti)  cnn-tatlnu. 
-t«k(  q  u>lr,  tf.  mm  aaceadlng;  -  Cinir aacend- 
ing  line:    .  Buuor  oilr  aacendlng  node,      -ning 

C»*lt  tt  'vi  (f.  tit.  om  Aaatnnt)  pin  up;    (en 
Bnlb)  prlek  fe.  boll);   (tt  EHb)   broacb  (a  caak); 
toMctplabc)  touch  up  ti.  retoncli  (a  copper 
'    " "    pltch   up,  -  (wlitn  J,  raias 

t>  flOtOD)     Pltcl 

■■f«fl  c  p(unli 

t'iDrn:  »rrange.   form:   (I  HtnrHt  la.  i 
up.  manhal  (up),  -.  Matrinn  aet  ti.  C 

Mglrr,  XropMI  poit,  nation  s 
/v  -  tit  Sonitann  make  ti.  aet 
.  rn  Rtgri  lay   down  a  mie;  . 

•ila|  o    »etting   up,    puttlng   up; 
,  dlipoaitlon;  Bttuig,  lajdng,  ipiead- 


atatlonlng;  »-  »altdjt, 

Opfli»|(  ni  kIIIToe;  (mel  SrilbMrn)  prime, 
string  np.    -|U|  e  atiffoulng  etc. 

OpftaVIK  ol  iiun*  over  agalp.  -slag  c  atnffiug 
etc.     -titi  e  p  slup  In  the  face.   CaftopatrHttlt 

OptiaalMt  al  itretch,  stiffen;  fif  nerve,  -r  c 
-t  f  plck;-nie>-up. 

SflcBBit  af  amooth  up.  -«taa  o  amootblog  up. 
Bftrnor  vi  atrive  upvarda,  aosi. 
Cniltaltt  ol  itretch  up. 
Cpfirag  a  mat  up-bow. 
•CWlmil  c  ft  CpSbr. 

Cpfmift  oi  it  lufiuMt. 

0»«HHra   ft   CoHilte;    -htt   Slib«  ,1.  Howmg 

C»lra!nl«g  c  rivetlng. 

C»Hu»|t  il  atew  (up).    -Kfef  c  BtewiDg;  atew, 

0»««ltvt  a  stllted,  on  atilu. 

*0»B»t  o  F  hnbbub,  tumult,  dlaturbancp. 

Clflnnrt  el  apatter. 

CftM  ti  rining  ti  eructation  from  thn atomart]. 

0*t*>|(  N  (Habt  op)  ptuh  up,  thmat  np,  (BilBi) 
ralse,  (oabrtt  Kb  at  ftabt)  puah  open;  (fuiM  oli 
np)  pounil  up,  pouad  the  v-*-~'-       —      -'-'    - 


0»B«»,t  •(  .        „ 
out.     -tr  e  hunter.     -nl»B  o  ferretlng  blu. 

Cpfugit  ot  auck  up;  aCaorb;  .  Igtn  reabaorb, 
•■'"""      --•-■--  Up    ehaorptlon. 

ihing  open  etc.;  (tro  Konen;  eructation. 
'——*(nt  o  ahormg  (up), 

(tg.  og  fis)  ferret  out,  hnnt  np  (I, 

tide- rode. 
ute  by  alngetng, 
Stiarn,    Xtltogen,   Horagtllt)   riee; 
..rn  fjor  faatt  ti.  taget  tt  tttobtiigt 
laa   been  conalderably  Improvsd; 
jsotlirn  toa  ma  tamt  Dlgio  tt  ntjt  -  thls  writer 
lnu-oduced  a  new  æra  in  poetry,  tun  tlnbrti  fttc 
fin  Xonltt  -  Beb  ffirfltlttsnei  he  doea  not   check 
the  fllght  of  hla  thought  by  reflectiona     -|«fa|t 
Rg  er  aoer  (up),  mouni  (up);  (i.  (tit.  til  rn  ktjen 
tBoB)  elevate  el.  ralae  oue'a  aelf. 
Cpivlte  ol  waste  In  rlotoua  llrlng. 
Clfnnlaai  oi  bwbII.     -t  u  iwellcd,  iwoln.     -a 
o  awelUng. 
Oafaailt  et  blacken  afiesh, 
•OpfUB  n  aJluvlum. 

Cpfnamaiet  o  waabed  up,  noated  aahore;  - 
8onb  allnvial  soli, 
Dpit)  el  uae  up  by  aewing. 
CB|»n  ■  lnapectlon,  auperlntendenæ.  super- 
vision; hente  .  meb  have  the  inapectloo  (i.  super- 
Intendence  or,  aapeiinlend,  be  In  charge  of.  — 
Op(B»*;*fartai  veaael  In  charge  of  the  naherlea. 
-lanirtat  o  auperlntendlng,  In  cbarge.    -rnaal 

inapector,  auporiot'-"" — '     ""  —    "    -■■■--  - 

Cvlfat  a,  t*  -. 
fftlalng      -— -- 


■ffflRl  ■• 


refi-actciry,  (roward.     ■(orlHBS'l 
frowardueaa;  ntutlnoua  ooudiiL.,    ..™,m. 
InaubordluatlOD.     -fcetti  M  (opfHHt.   oottjlt]   pui 
up.  aet  up,  ralae;  (Urifti.)  pul  dovn,  write,  pen. 
cotnpo«,   diaw   (out);    (ublattt)   put  ofl",   defet, 

.    procraetlnate,   oDioet 
)Mb    bu   fan    out   ibog 
moerow  what  may  be  c 

to-day;  procraatlua- 

ihlef  ol  time,  -  ^aaiet  dreaa  tbe 
make  a  cap;  .  rn  ffiagefttle  n.t 
.     ._.  .     <nrt  deferred  annuity;  -|at  Rall 
bonny-elabber,   loppered   mllk,   —  er  Hl   net 
rebel  againat,  rite  up  againat.     ■fnrfttlig  a  »■!- 

■n  Soppe  ve 




mlttlDg  of  delay.     •fottelfe  c  (Ubfaettelfe)  post- 
ponement,  delay,  procrastlnation. 

Opføgle  »<  aeek  out,  find  out,  look  out,  search 
out;  for  at  .  in  search  el.  punuit  of.  +*er  c 
warcher.    -»luf  e  seeking  out,  search. 

tOpfømate  vt  hem  anew;  (meb  nu«  6øm)  nail 

Optaa  c  (paa  $eftefto)  clip. 
f  Opraante  o(  pile  up,  neap;  bet  -be  fig   nbe 
Banffeligbeber  new  dlfficultiea  aroae. 
;   *Optaffet  a  unravelled,  fagged. 

Optag  n  uphill  draught.  Optoge  vt  (løfte  op) 
take  up,  lift  up,  pick  up,  (noget  funfrt)  recover, 
OBrog)  raise;  (Xib,  Opmærtfombeb)  take  up,  en- 
gross, occupy;  (f.  *M.  i  en  ©og)  embndy,  (noget 
ttbligere  trtoft)  reproduce;  (i  fig,  mobtage)  admit, 
receive;  (epion  ofo.)  interoept,  take  up;  (frorflog) 
adTOcate;  ($roteft)  take  out;  -  et  gortjør  ober  en 
examine  a  person;  .  en  førtegnelfe  make  el. 
draw  up  a  list;  -  Sforb  take  ground  into  cultiva- 
tion;  .  Stampen  meb  enter  into  a  contest  wlth, 
enter  the  lists  wlth,  fight;  -  et  Stovt  draw  (up) 
a  map;  -  ftøæg  distrain  cattle;  -  et  Saan  make 
et.  raise  a  loan;  «  et  Sanbflab  draw  a  landscape 
alter  nature;  -  fin  Søn  take  up  one's  salary 
(before  it  is  due);  .  et  fremmeb  Orb,  en  nn  røøbe 
adopt  a  foreign  word,  a  new  feshion;  _  en  9taa 
J,  cross  a  yard;  -  en  Stang  J,  send  up  a  top- 
mast; _  fine  Stubter  (igen)  resume  one's  studies; 
~  blanbt  fielgene  canonize;  .  for  Spøg  take  in 
Jest;  .  for  nloor  take  in  earnest;  ~  i  XaUtt  take 
into  the  number;  -  i  ttbelfianben  ennoble;  -  ilbe 
take  amiss;  ~  bel  take  in  good  part:  -  ion  en 
ftonuermelfe  take,  look  upon,  as  an  Insult;  -  lom 
fReblem  admit  as  a  member;  enfjoer,  bec  stiftet 
at  -#  every  candidate  for  membershlp;  —  op« 
taget  (Dmntbu*,  $otel)  full;  Oærnbaneb.,  beftUt) 
retained;  $fabfen  er  -t  (en  flbber  paa  ben)  the 
seat  is  occupied;  (en  tør  forbe^olbt  Hg  ben)  the 
seat  is  engaged;  faa  -t  obtain  publication  for; 
blloe  -t  (i  «tri6)  appear;  leg  (min  Xib)  er  meget  -t 
I  am  very  busy;  min  ftærft  -gne  Xib  press  of 
business;  meget  -n  af  full  of;  +  »el  -n  $08,  fe  tin* 
ffreoen;  Sagen  er  -n  til  2>omft  the  record  is 
closed;  er  -t  til  $i6tusfion  has  been  made  the 
subject  of  discusslon.  -(fe  c  taklng  up,  etc. 
(fe  ooenfor);  recovery;  admission,  reception;  adop- 
tion, -ffetgilbe  admission  dinner.  -IfeØpeage 
ransom  for  stray  cattle. 

Optalte  vt  rig. 

Optatt  c  -er  mtu  rise,  arsls. 

Optatiø  n  the  optative  (mood). 

Optegne  vt  note  down,  put  down,  jot  down, 
take  down,  Bet  down,  record;  -t  on  record. 
•Ife  c  -r  noting  etc.;  cone  note,  memorandum, 
jottlng;  record. 

Opte're  vi  (for)  &  vt  choose. 

Optif  e  op'tics  pi.  Cp'it!|cr  c  -e,  -«*  c,  pi  -id 

Optimla'ter  pi  op'timates.  -tante  c  op'tim- 
ism.    -ift  o  -er  op'tlmist.    -ift'if!  a  optimist. 

"Optin|et  part  thawed.    -tag  c  thawlng. 

Optto 'afret  c  right  of  option. 

Optif!  a  optical. 

Optjene  vt  earn. 

Optø  vt  wash  up.    -tti«g  c  washing  up. 

Optog  n,  pi  =,  procession,  pageant;  (tttt)  aot; 
fe  Optaa. 

Optoppe  vt  pile  up,  heap  up;  —  ør  fig  rise. 

Optraotyet  a  well-trodden. 

Optreølfe  vt  unravel.    -Ung  o  unravelling. 

-HDptrtbfe  vt  holst  up  by  a  pulley. 

OptrWe  vt  (trille  op)  roll  up;  (trille  noget  for 
at  aabne  bet)  unroll. 

Optrt*  n,  pi  o,  scene;  (i  Xroppe)  riser. 

Optrnt  n,  pi  es,  impresslon,   reprint 
reprint.    -«f«g  c  reprinting;  (af  9lif)  rad« 

Optr«b|e  vi  appear,  come  forward 
upon  the  scene,  make  one'a  appearance; 
aet;  .for  (pac  ens  Segne)  appear  el.  aet 
half  of,  (paa  ens  ©ibe)  take  one's  part  - 1 
Stolle  play  el.  bear  a  part;  -  intøb  raise  01 
voice  againsi,  oppose;  -  førfte  Øong  (pxa  S 
plabfen)  make  one's  firet  appearance.  —  « '  ^ 
trample.  -tn  c  appearance;  (Qoefen)  deporca 
demeanour;  (^anblemaabe)  (course  of)  ^<rz 
manner  of  proceeding. 

Optrart  n  (af  Qogftab)  up-stroke;  (fiuft  )  up% 
draught;  (til  Dampfribffforften)  uptake.  -6«s 
chasing-hammer.  Oprrfff|fe  vt  (træffe  o  par  C 
up;  (Ur  o  l.)  wind  up;  (narre)  c  heat,  iinj 
upon,  take  in;  .  en  Sinie,  Øroenfe  draw  a  - 
ftlaflen  er  -trutten  the  bottle  is  uncorked,  op^n 
Sagten  er  -truffen  the  guard  is  mounted.  - 
bet  -nbe  Uoefr  the  storm  that  is  brewins. 
c  -e  swiudler,  cheat.  sharper.  -ferl  n  -er  s-wnj 
ing,  swiudle,  cheating,  extortion.  -frrffe  - 
(female)  swindler.  -afng  c  drawing  up  etc  ; 
tt(if)  raising.  —  Oprr*»|firtattt  (t  Ur)  pin 
the  key.    -bi ni  wheel  for  Winding  up. 

•Optnffet  a  fagged. 

Optugte   vt  disdpline,   tutor,   train.      -if 
disciplining,   etc.,   disdpline;   -  i    førtet?* 
bihl  instruction  in  righteousness;  fe  *otnt 
e  -e :  bibl  ba»e  baft  oore  løbelige  gabre  til  -  b 
had  fathere  of  our  flesh.  whlch  corrected  u« 

Optnr  c  journey  el.  (rilbanM)  passage  up. 

Oproiabe  vt  untwist. 

Oprblnge  force  up. 

Optal  I  lé  vt  (fammenregne)  add  up,   sum 
cast  up;  (opregne)  enumerate;  bet  ton  ban  -  I 
fingrene  he  has  that  at  his  fingers'  extds     -li 
c  adding  etc.;  enumeration. 

Optarnb|e  vt  light,  (ogf .  fig)  kindle,  fire.  A? 
flame,  heat,  ezcite;  -t  (af  ^anne)  enraged.  4 
(HU  fig)  -ing  c  kindllng  etc. 

Optomlfe  vt  devise,  hit  upon.  -!'elig  a  i  mag 
able,  conceivable.  -ft  a  premeditated,  pretx 

Optø  vt  &  i  thaw  (up),  -e*,  -»ing  c  thawi 

Optøfer  pi  (gate  Streger)  mad  pranks,  trid 
(trilb  og  faab  Opførfel)  row,  riot. 

Optøfle  vt  fe  Optømine. 

OPItømwe  e  bearingrein.  -tøøjme vt  (en  fy 
bridle  (a  horse),  •tømntag  c  brldling.  •tøroiKiKi 
frog  hook  for  the  bearlng-rein.  -tømisiagøtr 
fe  -tømme  c. 

Optømre  vt  (et  $uft)  raise  the  timber-work 
(a  house). 

Optørlre  vt  wipe  up,  dry  up.  -ring  c  wipii 
up  etc. 

-HDp'nglet  a  frightfully  dressed. 

OpttttnefafrnS  c  prickly  pear;  Indian  fl 
Cactus  opuntia. 

Opnft  n  work,  produotion. 

OpOMgvc  vi  awaken,  awake,  waken  up. 
e  awakening,  wakening  up. 

OpiPobffe  ol  wash  up.  -øabflerbaije  dlsh-tu 
-øabfterplge  scullery  nutid,  -babffaimf,  (°-»ai 
c  -er  washing  up. 

Opttatt  a  Intelligent,  quiok-witted;  et  «  ^oo* 
a  elever,  intelligent,  smart  fellow,  joc  a  brigl 
genius,    -beb  e  intelligence,  smartness. 

*Opøarbe  vt  mark  out  (the  road  by  cairc 
etc),  provide  with  landmarks. 

Optarmje  vt  warm,  heat;  (om  Sf'bePam)  wari 
up,  re-cook.    -cif c,  -«iltg  c  warming  up  elc 

Opø  ar  tie  vt  (gaa  til  ^aanbe)  wait  upon  el.  or 
attend;  (oeføge)  wait  upon  el.  on;  .  peb  SBørN 
wait  el.  attend  at  lable;  .  en  fog  tend  a  w 

<  — 




.,w  ion;  -  en  meb  regale  oae  with,  treat  one  to; 

-;.    i  maa  jeg  -  $em  meb?  whatmay  I  offer  you? 

;~\  it  will  you  take?  en  -enbe  Jrammertørre,  ftam« 

j  miler  a  chamberlain,  gentleman  In  waiting. 

.'.  e  -e  walter;  (Betjent)  attendant;  t  (Xitbeber) 

■'.,'  u,    lover,     -etfle,   +-erlnbe  c    -r    waitreu, 

t    ting-woman  el.   -maid.      -ntag    o    waiting, 

•*„'  mdance;  gøre  lin  -  tyot  en  watt  on  one,  pay 

's  reapects  el.  do  bomage  to  one.  —  Opvart* 

Sgjføme  sick-nurse.   -pige  waitress,  (waiting-) 
;  bar-maid. 

)ppeje  vt  balance,  connter-balanoe,  out-bal- 

»,   outwelgh,  welgh  down,  compensate  for; 
'"'  it  meb  Ønlb  pay  st  with  its  welgh t  in  gold; 
.       Ian  itfe  -  mit  Xab  that  cannot  make  up  for 
•^   •  loss. 
'r  Djppewfrt  part  tnrned  np,  upturaed. 

3p»itt|e  vt  nnwrap,  unwind,  nnravel.    -lug  c 

'     Dp»i»»|e  vt  (om  (Barn)  wind  up;  (om  en  Scegt) 

•  nd  up,  boist  up.    -tag  o  Winding  up  etc. 

"'  Dp»if e  vt  show  forth,  exhtblt,  point  to,  boast; 
m  Ian  ifle  let  .  9Ragen  berril  you  cannot  easlly 
id  the  tikeof  it. 
■'a  Opnlfle  vt  fe  Optørre. 

-  -  Opntiniag  c  showing  etc.  (fe  Opoife);  muiter, 
_  view. 

Opnøfie  vi  grow  up;  ben  -nbe  ©lægt,  Ungbom 

*e  growing  el.  rifling  generation. 
;  Oporifte  vt  wrench  open. 
\  Optøet?  c  vt  awake,  awaken,  rouse,  exdte,  stir 

p;  .  en  fra  be  bobe  ralse  one  from  the  dead. 

fe  c  awakening  etc.;  .  fra  be  bobe  resuscitation; 

Xligiøt)  revival.    -tfeåmøbe  revivallst  meeting. 

Dpn*t»lng  c  J,  (af  3«)  outting  the  ice;  (af 
',.  taab)  reemlng. 

Opnalft  c  growth;  i  min  .  in  my  youth,  in 
-*   Ay  younger  days. 

Opoatbe  vi  well  up,  spring  up. 

Oppctttjc  vt  roll  up  el.   upwards.     -Bing   c 

olling  up. 
.    Dp'abe  vt  eat  up.    -it  c  eating  up. 

Opagge  vt  egg  on,  instigate.    -Ife  c  egging 

-  Jtc.,  instigation. 

Op  af  e  vt  bail  out,  scoop  out;  (Stab)  ladle 

*  dut,  serve,    -nlng  c  -er  balUng  out  etc. 

Op'øoe  vt  train.  ezerclse. 

-  *0r  e  alder,  Al  nus. 
tO  raget  c  fidlow  fleld. 

Dtaf'ef  n  -Iler  or'acle.  -ntorffig  a  orac'alar. 
'„  *fbrog  oracle,  oracular  saying. 
;.  Oran'ge  c  -c  o'range.  Orangea'be  c  orange- 
ade. Orangejblomft  orange  blossom.  •ilomfl' 
ilte  neroli.  -blomfrøaab  orange-flower  water. 
"flttf  a  orange,  orange-coloured.  -tintet  a  orange 
-cheeked.  -Innb  fe  -ftoo.  Orange|ri'  n  -er 
orangery.  -fløp  orange -grove,  -wood.  -ir« 
orange(-tree),  Gitnu  Aurantium.  -otble  orange 

Oraagift'  c  -er  Orange-man. 

Orangutang'  c  -er  orangoutang,  Simia  Kxtyrw. 

Ora'nien  n  Or'ange. 

Oratlør  o  -o'ret  or'ator.    -ø'rtfl  a  orator'ical. 
••'tinm  ii  -ier  (Debetøft)  or'atory;  mut  orato'rio. 
i      O'rbobewaal  fe  Ubobemaal. 

*P'rb«g  o  chub,  Leueitcut  etpkalut. 

D'rb  n,  pi  ■■,  word,  term,  expression;  (QHofe) 
^ocable;  Qubft  -  the  word  of  God;  -et  bibl  the 
Word;  -et  bfep  ftøb  the  Word  was  made  flesh; 
Jf*  «  et  .  I  that' s  a  bargain !  et  -  er  et  -  og  en 
"tab  er  en  Vtanb  an  honest  man*s  word  is  as 
good  as  his  bond,  man's  word  man's  honour; 
y  gobt  ,  flnber  et  gobt  Steb  soft  and  fair  goes 
JJr;  bet  ene  -  tog  bet  anbet  one  word  brought  on 
JJje  other;  -et  gaar  at ...  it  is  said  el.  rumoured 
"^^  • .  .;  afaørenbe  -  decisive  word,   p  settler; 

|         darfenV  $anft*fcngelft  Orbbog. 

iRe  et  fanbt  -  not  a  word  6t  truth;  gobe  .  fine 
words;  gioe  en  gobe  -  speak  one  fair;  ntjt  . 
new  word,  neologlsm;  tomme  .  vain  words; 
^an  er  en  TOanb  af  .  he  is  a  man  of  his  word; 
bet  er  ilte  at  faa  ^nerien  fot  gobe  -  eller  $enge 
it  is  not  to  be  had  for  love  or  money;  bet  er 
fanbt  boab  man  faer  for  et  gammelt  -  the  old 
proverb  is  true;  gobt  -  igen!  no  oflence!  bet 
bar  atbrig  et  onbt  -  imellem  bent  an  angry 
word  never  passed  between  them;  meb  eet  - 
in  a  word;  meb  btlfe  .  with  these  words  el.  so 
saying;  meb  anbre  -  in  other  words;  meb  rene  - 
roundly,  in  so  mauy  words;  fyibe  et  gobt,  et  flemt 
.  paa  ftg  be  in  good,  bad  repote;  .  tit  anbet, 

-  for  -  word  for  word,  verbatim;  bebe  om  -t, 
fe  nbfr.  forlange  -et;  bttjbe  fit  Orb  violate  el. 
break  one's  word;  falbe  en  i  -et  interrupt  one, 
cut  one  short;  forlange  -et  request  leave  to 
speak;  føre  -et  be  the  spokesman;  gaa  fra  fit  . 
not  to  stand  to  one's  word;  iRe  foa  flere  fom  bet 
ail  ~  af  not  so  bad  as  report  made  it  out  to  be; 
fea  $ar  g  in  et  tøm  mit  -  berpaa  I  have  given 
hun  my  word  on  it;  jeg  tør  gioet  mit  .  I  have 
passed  my  word;  gibe  -et  til  en  allow  to  speak; 
gøre  mange  .  af  boast  of,  vaunt,  talk  much 
about;  tyabe,  faa  -  for  have,  get  the  reputation 
of,  acqulre  a  name  for;  tøoe  -et  have  the  right 
to  speak,  amr  have  the  floor;  bolbe  fit  -  be  as 
good  as  one' 8  word,  keep  one's  word;  lomme 
for  -e  become  the  common  talk;  lomme  i  -e  for 
get  the  reputation  el.  name  of;  lomme  til  -e 
obtaln  a  hearing;  naar  Ian  man  lomme  tøm  til  -e? 
when  can  he  be  spoken  to?  Ice  age  et  (gobt)  . 
inb  for  en  speak  a  word  in  one  s  favour,  say 
a  word  for  one,  put  In  a  (good)  word  for  one; 
ftongen  oilbe  iRe  ftebe  bem  til  -e  the  kingwould 
not  admit  them  into  his  presence  el.  give  them 
an  audlence;  tage  -et  rise  and  speak  (after 
another);  bet  ene  -  tog  bet  anbet  one  word 
brought  on  another;  tage  ril  -e  commence 
speaking:  tage  en  paa  -et  take  one  at  his  word; 
$e  Ian  tro  mig  paa  mit  .  you  may  take  my 
word  for  it;  før  Jeg  bib f  te  et  .  af  in  less  than 
no  time,  in  the  twlnkling  of  an  eye,  ocere  for 
-e  be  in  repute.  Orø|afleb«l«g  etymology, 
derivation  of  words.  -betpbnlng  (literal)  signi- 
flcatlon.  -Mbjatber  pi  jlngle(s).  -bog  lexlcon, 
dictionary.  -bogdarbejbe  dictlonary  el.  lezico- 
graphical  work.  -bogflrtøer  lexicographer,  writer 
of  a  dictionary.  -bogffignaler  J,  vocabulary 
signals  pi.  -bram  bombast,  xustian.  +-bram> 
meabe  a  bombastlc.  magniloquent.  -img  e  use  of 
words,  usage.  -braset  promise-breaker.  -bpgning 
construction.  -bøining  o  (verbal)  inflectlon. 
•aøjningftlare  (9orml«re)  etymology.  -bannelfe 
formation  of  words,  word- formation,  -bannelfe*« 
fare  (tttpmotogi)  etymology.  -bel  part  of  a  word. 

Orben  c  ub.  pi  (mobfat  Uorben)  order;  bolbe  - 
keep  order;  efter  .  in  order,  one  after  another, 
serlattm;  fot  -4  Slplb  for  regularity's  sake;  i  - 
in  order,  right,  (om  $apirer)  in  due  form;  iRe  i 

-  not  in  order,  not  right,  (om  $apireri  wrong; 
bringe,  fctte  i  -  put,  set  In  order,  set  right,  put 
to  rights,  adjust,  arrauge;  er  goaet  i  -  Is  settled, 
arranged,  all  right;  i  fin  ~  right,  fittlng,  r.  and 
f.;  falbe  til  -  call  to  order;  (patlamentarifT  ttbtt.) 
ril  Orben!  order!  chalr!  tøn  bien  lalbt  til  . 
he  was  cailed  to  order,  he  was  interrupted  by 
loud  cries  of  «order» !  «chair> !  ^ører  til  Dagen« 
.  is  of  every  day  oocurrence;  ubenfor  -en 
out  of  the  ordinary  course.  Orben  c  -er 
(Ribberorben  ofo.)  order;  optage*  i  en  .  be  ad- 
mitted  el.  recelved  into  an  order.  —  Orben* |< 
baanb  ribbon;  (3nf.)  red  underwing,  C*tocala. 
-beftentmetfe  fe  -regel.  -Prober  brother  of  a  (re- 
ligious)  order,  friar.    -bag  collar-day.     -bragt 





habit  of  od  order.  -bnle  monitor,  prefect.  -fcft 
festival  of  an  order.  +-aa»g  regular  course. 
-gcfftlig  a  regular.  -øcf|lltgl|ck  regular  elergy. 
-general  general  of  a  (religious)  order.  -tycrre 
soverelgn  of  an  order.  -inftgnier  pi  lnsignia  el. 
badges  of  an  order.  -fa udler  cbanoellor  of  an 
order  of  knigbtbood.  -tapttel  chapter  of  an 
order.  -lort  cross  (of  an  order),  -læse  collar 
el.  chain  of  an  order.  -Uf te  vow,  vows  (of  an 
order).  -manb  man  of  orderly  et  regular 
habits,  -meilem  memberof  an  order.  •menaefte 
person  of  orderly  el.  regular  habits,  -steller 
Grand-master  of  an  order.  -regel  rule  el.  statute 
of  an  order.  -risler  knight  of  an  order.  -fan* 
sense  of  order.  -ftjeme  star  (of  knlghthood). 
•føjter  aister,  nun.  -lal  ordinal  number.  -tegn 
badge,    -bebtagt  fe  -regel. 

Orbentltg  a  orderly,  regular,  regulated;  be« 
HifJer  intet  -t  does  no  regular  work;  .  8e» 
tønbting  honest  treatment;  part  er  en  -  Betaler 
he  pays  regularly;  et  -t  $uf  a  well-regulated 
house;  føre  et  -t  Sis  lead  an  orderly  lire,  keep 
good  hours;  -t  fReblent  af  et  Selftab  ordinary 
member  (fellow)  of  a  society;  ban  er  et  -t  røen« 
neffe  he  is  a  steady,  sedate  man;  -  $rofeAfor  pro- 
fessor in  ordinary;  pan  fif  _  $tbgl  he  had  a 
regular  drubblng;  et  -t  Slag  a  pitched  battle: 
—  adv  orderly,  regularly;  _  grott  f  downright 
rude;  bet  er  .  en  ftnbelfe  lt  is  quite  a  treat;  pan 
Mlber  flg  .  inb,  at  ban .  .  .  he  really  tb.inks  him- 
self .  .  .;  bet  er  -  Tolbt  ibaa  it  is  severely  cold 
to-day;  bet  broenen  itte  .  lt  does  not  burn  prop 
erly;  twere  -  flæbt  be  decently  dressed;  bepanble 
%o\t  ~  treat  people  honestly.  -beb  c  order, 
orderliness,  regularity.    -bi*  adv  as  a  rule. 

-HD'rbe*  vd  be  rumoured. 

O'rb|fabrttatioa  aeology.  +-fager  a  fine 
•Bpoken.  -faft  a  fe  -bolben.  -fafttyeb  fe  -bolbenbeb. 
-fattig  a  poor  in  words.  -fattigbom  poverty  in 
words.  -fejbe  fe  -frrib.  -font  torrent  of  words. 
•forbinbelfe  connection  of  words.  -forbrefning 
distortlon  el.  perversion  of  words.  -forf låring 
explanation  el.  definition  of  words.  -form  form 
of  words.  -førraab  supply  of  words,  vocabulary, 
word-stock,  word-hoard.  -forftrr  fe  -granffer. 
-fnlbe  abundance  of  words.  +-fnlblg  a  redun- 
dant, -fejning  constructlon.  -føintnaølare 
(6nntatø)  syntax.  -følge  ord  er,  succession  of 
words.  -førenbe  o  presioing.  -fører  spokesman; 
exponent.  *-gran  a  fe  -ret.  -granffer  etymolog- 
ist.  -granftntna  etymology.  +-gpbe«be  a  wordy, 
ezuberant.  -gtber  c  -e  great  tolker  el.  chatterer, 
bibl  babbler.  -gaberi  n  wordlness,  ver  bos  i  ty, 
verbiage.  -kølben  a  true  to  one's  word,  as  good 
as  one's  word.  -bolbenbeb  c  adherence  to  one'B 
word,  trustworthiness.    -bbaø  a  caustic. 

Orbtn|an*'  c  o'rdinance.  -a'ter  pi  geom  o'r- 
dinates;  (©pgn.)  o  Afiset  s.  -atto'n  c  ordaining, 
ordina'tion;  (af  ©tffop)  consecratlon.  -e're  vt 
ordain;  (om  fiæge)  prescribe;  (en  Qtftop)  conse- 
crate;  lobe  fifl  -.  oltoe  -t  take  orders,  enter  lnto 
orden;  -t  In  (holy)  orders.    -æ'r  o  o'rdinary. 

Orb|famp  war  of  words.  -tarrig  a  chary  of 
words,  sparing  of  one's  words,  reticent,  taciturn. 
•ftp  fe  -fttib.  -tlnnn  (Sone)  accent;  (tom  ftlang) 
jingle  of  words.  -RaSfe  part  of  speech.  -Iløgt 
nice  discrlmination  of  words;  (Spiblfinblgpeb) 
sophistry.  -flotter  fe  Aaartløper.  -flotter!  fe  ftaar« 
fløttert.  -fnap  a  fe  -farria.  -tnapbeb  charmen 
of  words,  taciturnlty.  +-fram  talk,  stuff,  moon- 
shine.  -Irig  fe  -flrib.  -fritif  verbal  criticism. 
t-fracng  a  prov  fe  -fnilb.  -fnnbffab  knowledge 
of  words.  -fnnfrner  artist  in  words.  -fan  gender 
(of words).  -laanloanof  words.  Orblogp/phrases, 
language,  -labert  n  word-colnage,  colnlng  of 
words.     -ligbfb  analogy.     -lifte  list  of  words. 

•Ibb  (Bnb  af  Crb)  verbal  sound;  (UbtrnRmaiv 
wording;  efter  -en  literally.  -Ibbeafee  a  literv 
verbatim;  adv  literally,  verbatim.  -lom  uror 
lore.  -iø*  a  speechless,  mate,  dumbfound*- 
•»ager  c  -e  coiner  of  words.  -magert  fe  -leset 
-mangel  want  of  words. 

Orbne  vt  order,  regulate,   adjust.    arran<re 
sort,  put  In  order;  (i  Rafte)  range;  (t  QKlitr 
fproget)  draw  up,  array;  (i  Jctalfer)  class,  distrit 
ute;  (Samlinger/  SRateriale)  digest;  .  fty  natBTtt: 
i  fire  Ørunper  range  themselves  naturally  in  fba- 
groups;  Jeg  Ian  iffe  .  mine  Xanfrr  I  cannot  si 
range  my  thoughts;   Sagen  er  -t  the  affafr  is 
settled;  -t  Slog  pitched  battle.  Crfcsimø  c  order 
ing  etc.,  arrangement^  adjustment. 

Crbonnonf  e  -er  mtl  orderly;  fe  Orbinonl;  m 
-  be  on  orderly  duty.  -officer  orderly  officer 
•fergeavt  orderly  sergeant. 

O'rblprogt,  -pnt«t  fe  -bram. 

Crbre  c  -r,  -#  order,  orders;  en  .  an  order 
efter  .  by  order;  abltabe,  oppebie  .  obey,  awai; 
orders;  mere  til  n's  Orbre  to  the  order  of  >'  i 
til  9c.  etter  -  to  N.  or  his  order;  jeq  ^or  -  rfl  c 
I  am  ordered  to;  gide  .  til  at  give  an  order 
that.    -bog  mere  order-book;  mil  orderly-book 

O'rbiregifter  index  of  words,  glossarial  index 
-ret  a  literal,  verbatim.  -retljeb  c  literalnes 
-rig  a  (fom  par  IRiabom  paa  Orb)  rich,  oopious  <^ 
language;  (m*btløfttg)  verbose,  wordy.  -rifbø« 
copiousness  el.  rlchness  of  language,  -ros  root 
of  a  word.  -rafte  series  of  words.  -fasmtinf 
oollection  of  words.  -fenbing  verbal  messairf 
•ffifte  exchange  of  words,  argument,  debate 
•ftrift  word-writing.  -ftøalber  biastering  talt 
verbage.  -ftnl  fe  ffrøm.  -fUrgt  famlly  of  words 
-fltrgtftab  affinity  of  words.  -fnar  a  quick  cf 
speech.  -fnilb  a  shrewd  in  speech,  voluble, 
eloquent.  -fpil  pun,  qulbble,  play  on  words 
-tørog  proverb,  adage;  Salomon«  .  the  (Book 
of)  Proverbs;  er  bleben  til  et  -  has  paased  into  & 
proverb,  tyanl  tapper^eb  er  noeften  bletoet  til  et  - 
he  is  proverblally  brave,  brave  to  a  proverb; 
ligefom  $unben  i  -et  like  the  proverbial  doj? 
•fproglig  a  proverbial.  •fprogdleg  actlng  cha- 
rades.  -fprogføie  adv  proverblally.  -damme 
famlly  of  words.  -fHlIing  position  of  (the)  words. 
phraseology.  -frrib  altercation,  dlspute,  argu- 
ment, wordy  war(fare),  logomac hy.  -Urøm  tor- 
rent  of  words.  '-ftttre  chairmanshlp,  chair 
•ftbrer  chairman.  -fUberi  fe  -lapert.  ^tag  paoi 
-word,  legend,  motto,  -tegn  character  expreesing 
a  word.  -tone  accent,  -balg  choice  of  words 
-øeteel,  -betøltng  altercation.    4-Høroer  proser. 

tOre  c  uncultivated  land,  forest,  common. 

*Ore  e  -r  loop  of  iron  or  leather,  by  whlcb 
the  shaft  Is  attached  to  the  collar. 

Crea'be  c  -r  o'read. 

tOrcbreb  fe  Ooerbreo. 

Oregon  n  Oregon. 

*Drepinbe  c  peg  put  through  the  „Ore*  to 
secure  it  to  the  shaft. 

Oret  vd  become  mouldy.  Oret  a  mouldy, 

"Oretrar  n  fe  Or. 

Organ  n  -er  o'rgan:  (speaking)  voice;  [i 
frenol.  ©rt.)  f  bump.  -tfatio  n  c  organisation, 
•ifatio'nitalent  organizing  powers,  -ife're  *t 
o'rganlse.  Orga  n|ift  a  organ ic(al).  -Wme  c 
o'rgan ism,  system,  frame,  -ift'  e  -er  o'rganlst, 
organ  player. 

OrganR'nfilfe  c  organzine,  thrown  slik. 

Orgeo'be  c  o'rgeat. 

Orgel  n  -gier  o'rgan.  -bbgger  organ-builder. 
-bngoeri  organ  building.  -balg  organ-bellows  pi. 
•***!«  organ  -gun.  -barmonita  organ-harmonium 
-la*fe  organ- case.    -Hang   sound  of  an  organ. 



,  on 

-f oral  organ-plpe  coral,  Tubipora.  -mefter  orgaa- 
i st.  -mørfer  partiidge-mortar.  -pifte  organ-pipe. 
-gtabd,  -palptr«?  organ-loft.  -p««ft  organ-point. 
-fftyt  machine-gun,  orgues.  -fpll  playing  on 
the  organ,  -friller  organ-player.  -tomt  note  of 
an  organ;  fe  Jrortone.  -tratter  fe  Boelgetrceber. 
-ixrrf  fe  Orgel. 
Orgie  c  -r  o'rgy. 

Orient'en  tbe  East,  the  O'rient.    -åler  e  -e, 
-a'lerinbe  c  -r  Orien'tal.  -alWme  c  Orien'talism. 
-olifi'  c  -er  orientalist,  oriental  scholar.   -o'lff  a 
Orien'tal,  Eastern.    -e're  vt  aet  right,  o'rient, 
orlen'tate,  -  ftø  vr  take  the  bearings,  find  one's 
bearlngB;  fyrn  funbe  iffe  -  flg  he  could  not  make 
out   where  he  was,  he  had  lost  the  bearings; 
fyr  he  conld  not  see  his  way;  jeg  fan  flet  iffe  - 
mig   i   benne  &aa  I  can't  at  all  make  out  the 
bearings  of  this  business,   -e'ring  c  orientation. 
Oriflammc  e  or'i  flamme,  or'iflamb. 
O  rigina  1  a  original;  novel;  (fort)  excentric; 
_  c  -er  (i  alle  ©et.)  original;  (til  portræt)  original, 
sltter,    -en  til  the  original  of;  øberfat   fra   ben 
franfle  -  translated  from  the  original  In  French; 
en  -  ($erf  on)  an  original,  a  character,  an  excen- 
tric.   -art  original  document.    Originaltitel  c 
orifriual'ity.    -abgabe  original  edition  (o.  fl.) 
Orion*  Salte  the  belt  of  Ori'on. 
Orfa'n  c  -er  hur'ricane.    -agtig  a  hurricane 
-like.    -eenrrnm  center  of  the  hurricane.    -ootf 
hurricane- deck.     -teori   theory   of  hurricanes. 
-rifecn  the  hurricane  season. 
•Crtafrenot  c  tuck  seJne. 
Drfe  pt  p  be  able  to,  capable  of. 
Drfeft'er  n  -frre  orchestra,  o'rchester,  band. 
.anfører  loader  el.  conductor  of  an  orchestra, 
orchestral    conductor,     (militær)    band -master, 
-føntpofitiøn    orchestral    composition.     -mafit 
orchestral   music.     -partitur   orchestral  score. 
-rrtinne  band-stand.  Drfefrre'ring  e  orchestra'- 

Orfibé  c  -r  o'rchid.  OrliS  o'rchis;  fe  grl« 
Ørr7em#erne  pl  the  Orkneys,  the  Orkney  Isles. 
Orlea«  c  (ftarbe)  annatto,  annotto,  orlean(a). 
-tro?  hearVleaved  bixa,  Bixa  orellana. 
Crfeaa'*  n  (6tab)  Orlea'ns. 
O'rlog  (aa)  c,  poet  (Srrig)  war,  warfare;  (6øfrig»« 
tjenefle)  oea-service;  fare  til  -#  serve  in  the  navy 
el.  on  board  a  man-of-war.  Ortøg£|flaabe  fleet 
of  men-of-war,  armament.  -flag  naval  flag.  -f  orrb 
war,  warfare.  -gafl  man-of-war's  man.  -gal 
Union  jack.  -boøn  naval  port.  -tjeft  naval  hero. 
•fcøfyital  naval  hospital,  -foptaj«  Captain  in  the 
Royal  Navy.  -fanøa  naval  gun.  -»agt  naval 
force.  navy.  -manb  man-of-war.  -maaøore 
naval  manoeuvre.  -marine  (Royal)  Navy.  -ma* 
tro«  fe  -gafl.  -martfia  adv  in  a  man-of-war  style. 
-fft*  fe  -manb.  -ffn«  naval  ordnance.  -folboter 
Royal  Marines,  -fftatiou  naval  station,  -tfeneffte 
sea- service,  naval  service,  service  in  the  navy. 
-tog  naval  expedition.  -togt  naval  cruise;  fe 
-tog.  -oi* :  poo  -,  fe  -maøTtg-  -POJrft  royal  dock 
-yard.    -Pørfenet  naval  affaira. 

O'rtod  (aa)  c  furlough,  leave  of  absence;  gibe 
-  forlough. 

Or«  [6]  c  -e  (ftrob;  $ø*  SRennefter,  $nnbe,  i 
%tæ  ofb.)  worm,  coll  worms;  t  &  *  (Slange) 
snake;  tøo*  $efte)  bots  pi;  ((Brille)  crotchet; 
baoe  .  have  worms;  gørfamgeligljeb  er  fyinS  . 
van  i  ty  lo  his  besetting  sin.  -oribenbe  a  verml- 
1     fogal,  anthelmintic. 

Orme j  agtig  [6]  a  resembling  a  worm,  vermi- 
cnlous.  -borf  worm-bark  (af  Andira  inermit). 
•bannet  a  vermiform,  vermiculated.  -feber  worm 
-fever.  -formet  fe  bannet.  -fr«  worm  seed  (af 
ArUmiria  nantonica  o.  fL.).   -ffbe  food  for  worms. 

-gaarb  snake-pen,  serpent-pen,  pit  of  snakes. 
•gang  serpentine  motion,  '-graft  fern,  Filix. 
-barn  Blough  of  a  serpent.  -tyoveb  cowry.  -!jm» 
skin  of  a  worm.  -bnl  worm -hole.  *-!»*§  fe 
SRuftbaag.  -tage  worm-loeenge.  -frnbt  tansy, 
Tanicetum  vuloare.  -maaneb  July.  -mel  dust 
of  worm -ea ten  wood .  -ntibbcl  vermifuge,  anthel- 
mintic. -mø*  worm-moss.  -mnftltag  fe  ©oreorm. 
-pabbe  cæcilia.  -bttloer  worm-powder.  -rebe 
snake's  nest.  •-fiø  slow-worm,  blind -worm, 
Angui*  fragilt*,  -fncgl,  -fnorffe  vermetus.  -f>l«b 
web  of  a  larve,  -frit,  -ftittg  worm-hole.  -fttffer 
sugared  worm-oeed.  •f&abom,  -flige  worms  pi. 
-tang  fe  -nto«.  -agle  amphisbæna.  —  Ormlfor« 
brioenbe  fe  brioenbe.  -frnrten,  -ftnffet  -«bt  a 
worm -ea  ten,  wormed. 

Ornalment'  n  -er  o'rnament.  -mentb^r  orna- 
mental animal.  -mente're  vt  o'rnament.  -mes- 
te  ri  ng  c  ornamentation.  -mentif  e  ornamental 
art.  •ment'rrat  ornamental  wood  (o.  fl).  Onta't 
n  -er  rdmbeMbragt)  robe;  (fulbt  geiftligt)  canonicals 
pl;  (Vteifebragt  i  ben  romerffe  fttrfe)  vestment; 
(^raftefiolf)  cassock,  gown;  ^cn  ($rceften)  bor  i 
.  he  wore  his  cassock. 

Orne  c  -r  boar.  -gat  a  in  heat.  -gliber  fe 
6&tnegilber.    -grU  boar  pig. 

Omttø|lø'g  e  -et  ornlthol'ogist.  -togt'  c  orni- 
thol'ogy.    -lo'gifr  a  ornltholog'ic(al). 

Orogra  fifl  a  orograph'io(al). 

OrfeiOe  o  orchil,  archll,  cudbear,  Bocella. 

Ort  [6]  c  -er  (««gt)  Vioo  (Danish)  pound,  flve 
gramB;  t  24  Norw.  skillings  (10*/*  d.). 

OrtolbofS  o  o'rthodox.  -bot*i'  c  o'rthodoxy. 
-e^i'  c  o'rthoepy.  -f oniff  a  orthophon'ic.  -groft' 
c  orthog'raphy.  -gra'fifl  a  orthograph'lc,  ortho- 
graph'ical;  fan  iffe  ftribe  .  cannot  spell.  -flad  c 
o'rthoclase.  -pflfbi'  c  orthop'edy,  o'rthopraxy. 
•tia'biff  a  orthoped'ic. 

OrtoU'a  e  -er  o'rtolan,  Emberiza  hortulana. 

tOrtftOfte  (6)  coin  of  the  valne  of  1  Ort. 

09' pron  per*  us;  (fom  Gb\tlt,  Jiaax  bi  er  €uDjett) 
ourselves,  (i  JrongefrU)  ourself;  en  8en  af  -  a 
friend  of  ours. 

09  c  smoke  (of  lamps,  candles  etc.)» 

tO«  e  (i  $fanter)  sap. 

*Od  e  -er  mouth,  outlet,  estuary. 

OAciHlatiøn  e  -er  oscilla'tion.  -e'renbe  a 
os'cillating;  -  SRafrhte  oscillating  el.  vibrating 

Ofe  vi  smoke,  (om  fiampe)  bum  black. 

Offnlotio'«  e  -er  oscula'tion. 

Oimaa'|er  o  pl  =,  Ott'oman.  -tfl  a  OU 'o  man. 

Otnio'fe  e  os'mose. 

O^nabrnif  n  Osnaburg. 

O'^  r  (Pft)  East;  O.  til  ».  E.  by  N.;  O.  «.  O. 
E.  N.  E.  etc. 

Oft  [61  e  e  (^obemibbel)  cheeee,  looe,  gøre  - 
make  cheese.  -agtig  a  cheesv,  cheeselike, 
caseous.  Ofte  fig,  -i  vr  k  d  curdle,  coagulate. 
—  Ofle|bob  cheese-shop.  -irob  bread  and  cheese. 
-bonnelfe  formation  of  cheese.  -fobrif  cheese 
-manufactory.  -fine  cheese-fly,  cheese- jumper, 
Piophila  caøei.  -form  cheese- form,  -mould  el. 
•vat.  -banbel  cheese -tråde,  -bonbfer  cheese 
•monger.  -b*f  cheese  rack.  -føje  cheese-cake. 
•tammer  cheese-room.  -font  fe  -fforpe.  -(Oft')'o? 

{e  -form.    -tit  cement  made  of  fresh  cheese  and 
ime.    -flotte  cheese-cover.    -fnib  cheese-knlfe. 
-frtemmer    fe    -^anbler.     -(DftOlobning    cheese 
-making.    -lobe  fe  Søbe.    -mejeri  cheese-dairy. 
-mibe  cheese-mlte,  Aeanu  eiro. 
Oftenbc  n  Osten d. 
Oftentatiø'n  c  ostenta'tion,  parade. 
OfteltireØfe  (6]  cheese-press.  -<»rooer  searcher, 
pale,  cheese  scoop,    -ffotye  cheese-parlng,  rind 
of  cheese.   -ftof  caseine.  «foger  fe  -prober.  Oftet 





m  cheesy.    Ofee|rienbe  tithe  of  oheese.    -Hatte 

OMtnltCM  n  India,  the  East-Indies.    -itt'ble- 
farer  c  -e  (East)Indiaman.   -tabiaaer  c  -e  Eaat 
-Indlån,    -tnbift  o  Eaat- Indlån,  India. 
Ofraiag  [6]  c  curdllng,  ooagulation. 
Oftlnørbø'ft  East  North  Eaat.     -flbo'ft  East 
South  Eaat. 
Oftractø'me  e  os'tracism. 
•Oter  fe  Obbet. 

*Cttt  c  -e  a  kind  of  fishing  implement  con- 
sisting  of  hooks  attached  to  a  board. 
Otinnt  a  leisure. 

Otte  [6]  c  the  early  morning,  cock-crow. 
Otte  [aa]  »«m  oard  eight;  -Stage  eight  days,  a 
sennlght;  i  Sag  ~  $age  this  day  week  el.  sen- 
night;  i  TOorgen  -  Sage  to  morrow  sennight  el. 
week;  omen.  Staget  Xib  in  a  week.    -aarei  a 
eight-oared.     -aorig.   -aatB  a  of  eight  years, 
eight  years  old.  -arm  octopus,  cuttle-flsh.  -sag* 
a :  et  -  Ur  an  eight-day  clook.     -fos  fe  -arm. 
•føls,  -folbig  a  octuple,  eightfold. 
»Ottrfngl  [6],  fe  TOotgenfugl. 
Otte|f*bbet  a  eight-  footed;   .  5Dtjt  octoped. 
-last  octagon.   -tantet  a  octogonal,  oetangular. 
Ottmbe  eighth;  for  bet  ~  eightly;  .  Snb  ninth 
oommandment.    Dtteabebel,  Ottenbepart  eighth 
part,  eighth;   -#  Kobe  quaver;  -*  $aofe  quaver 
rest.    Otte|panblger  o  elght-pounder.  -panbS  a 
of  eight  pounds  (weight).    Otter  o  -e  eight. 
Oitefattø,  e  [6]  matina. 

Ottelfibet  a  eight-aided,  octahedral.  -tal  flgare 
of  eight.  Ot(te)tl  eighty.  Ot(te)tie*»t  eightleth. 
•Otteår!  ag  c  -er  elght-oar.  Otttng  c  -er  eighth 
part  of  a  barrel,  half  (a)  firkin.    Qtttngtor  six- 
teenth  part  of  a  bushel. 
i  Otto  Otho. 
Ottoman  c  -er  ot'tomau.    -ifl  a  Ottoman. 
•Ottring  fe  Otteoring. 
Ouetfant'  n  Ouessant,  Ush'ant. 
Oatre're  vt  exaggerate,  overdo. 
Onfterta'rc  c  -r  ov'erture. 
Do  al  a  o' val.    Obtt'l  e  -er  o' val.    -brejntnf 
oval  turning.     -fritte  stagfeet  aculper.    m«rt 
oval  chuck. 
Obatio'n  e  -er  ova'tion. 
Oben  [oa]  adv  above;  -  i  ftsbrt  Into  the  bar- 
gain,  to  boot,  too;  fra  -  (i  Sog)  from  top;  — 
præp  .  Sanbe  above  water;  .  Senge  out  of  bed. 
-af  præp  from   the  top  of.     -anført  a  above 
mentloned.  -Iørbe  aj,.  Stabe  damage  to  the 
topsides;  —  adv  ben  bar  ttbt  meget  .  her  topsfdes 
have  auffered  severely.    •børbttffbnlng  topeide 
planktng.   -bør  bl  tø  voter  e  top  tlmbers.   -»ørbø* 
øotgt:  (ar  for  ftor  -  is  top-weighted.     -før  adv 
above,  higher  up,   farther  up;  —  præp  above. 
-fra  adv  from  above,  from  the  top;  from  on 
high.    -ttaftet  fe  Oben.    -tbft  top  light,    -melbt 
a  above  menttoned.     -««eønt  a  above-named. 
-øm  round  about.    -ømtalt  a  above-mentioned. 
•øøer  adv  above,  overhead;  meb  en  fort  ©tribe  - 
surmounted  with  a  blaok  stripe;  —  præp  above. 
-paa  prop  on,  upon;  (paa  toppen  af  en  anben 
Sting)  on  the  top  of;  -  Xaarnet  on  the  top  of 
the  steeple;  -  Omnfbulfen  on  the  top  of  the 
omnibus;  —  adv  on  the  top;  (bernaft)  siler  that; 
(befforuben)  in  addition;  flpbe,  føømne  .  float  (on 
the  surface);  (an  er  øbenpaa  (i  en  anben  Stage)  he 
is  above  stsirs;  up  stairs;  fa   F   he  has  the 
beat  of  it;  he  is  all  right;  ban  bor  -  he  lives 
over  head;  -  tom  ban  ben  til  mig  alter  that  he 
came  up  to  me;  førft  fif  i  eg  to  og  faa  tre  anbre  . 
flrst  I  received  two  and  then  three  others  in 
addition,    -ftaoenbe  a  k  •  the  above,  the  fore 
golng;  the  premises;  af  .  bil  bet  fe#  from  what 
precedes  lt  wlll  be  seen;  —  adv  m*- —     *w  ""<» 

Above,  at  the  top.  t-tørre  *:  bet  er  -  it  b* 
ceased  rainlng.  -nb  adv  out  above;  +  in  p**ta*ta* 
Oøer  [*a.  ogf.  i  otte  be  følgenbe  Sammeaic 
winger]  prop  (meft  om  Seoægelfe  etter  ttbftxa! 
ning  obet)  over:  -  bele  Snen  all  over  tbe  towr 
all  the  town  over;  fertte  -  Siben  put  over  ih* 
fire;  bon  rbftebe  -  Ijele  fiegemet  he  trembled  a: 
over;  bøn  bor  -  dåben  he  lives  over  tbe  wav 
ban  tom  Ibttdig  -  Qtaenfen  he  got  safely  ove 
across,  beyond  the  frontler;  {»ringe  -  en  •rw. 
jump  (over)  a  ditch;  —  (meft  om  Sacrrn  øøer. 
tørre  enb,  mere  enb)  above:  (1000  got)  _  $csr 
above  the  øea;  ban  er  .  be  70  he  ia  »bove  7 
el.  upwards  of  70;  Mine  _  »ben  atay  above  d 
beyond  the  time,  overstay  one's  nelf;  —  (pma  » 
anben  6ibe  af  noget)  across :  jeg  faa  bm  aae  ♦ 
Øaben  I  saw  Mm  cross  the  street  el.  go  acroff 
the  street;  —  beyond:  .al  Vfaabe  beyond  mes 
sure;  .  al  tteftrtbelfr  beyond  deøerlption;  bet  aac 
.  mm  gorftanb  that's  beyond  my  reaéh;  —  by 
bi  git  .  Broen  we  crossed  (the  stream)  by  tbe 
bridge;  b«n  reifle  -  «.  til  ».  he  went  by  tb<- 
way  of  A.  to  B.;  |an  rejfte  .  Bonbon  he  went  vii 
London,  by  way  of  London:  rejfe  -  Sanfe  go, 
travel,  by  land;  —  past:  -  flHbbag  past  noor 
ftlotten  er  -  to  it  is  past  two  (o'clock);  —  of 
et  Jtort  -  Danntort  a  map  of  Denmark;  *rn 
^erre  -  be  master  of;  Unber  _  Unber  wondc 
of  wonders;  (on  er  noget  -  40  Vor  gammel  be  :i 
tnrned  of  el.  on  the  wrong  side  of  forty;  —  o  c 
faa  ^cebn  -  en  be  revenged  on  one;  øuffe  gebi 
onbt  .  en  wish  bleøsings,  eurses  upon  one;  - 
at  -.  altib  .  Søgerne  always  ploddlng  at  tbe  book«; 
man  talte  berom  .  Borbet  they  spoke  abont  it  f< 
table;  benrntt  .  dellghted  at;  -  for:  Vager  - 
remorse  for;  —  (paa  forftellige  IRaaber ; 
ftortlaringer  .  ffoab  ber  øar  ftet  explanatlons  a> 
to  what  had  happened;  foøe  -  ftø  over-aleep 
one's  self;  tale  .  fa  rave;  ieg  falber  i  6ø»n  - 
Bogen  the  book  sends  me  to  sleep;  -  al  bei 
6nat  glemte  {eg  .  .  .  owlng  to  all  that  talk  i 
forgot  .  .  .;  bet  tog  ban  fin  lib  ober  that  was  tbe 
death  of  htm;  Sanbet  ftøb  .  alle  9mrtenir  tb« 
fieids  were  all  under  water;  Karaten  gaar  .  C? 
tugtelfen  what  is  bred  in  the  bone  won't  go  oai 
of  the  flesh:  (human)  nature  takes  out  ita  rtght; 
befal  -  mig  eommand  me;  neb  .  down:  Starten  - 
all  nlght;  ©inttten  .  throughout  the  wlnter,  bel 
gaar  nb  -  ban  he  is  in  for  it;  ieg  aiser  iRe  txra 
.  bet  I  don't  want  to  be  bothered  with  it.  - 
Ober  adv  goa  -  gaben  til  go  across  to;  fe  fnatf 

-  til  ot  you'll  soon  come  (round)  and  aee  ue 
brætte  -  break  in  two;  rlbe  -  rend  asunder; 
ftere,  tlippe  -  cut  through;  fane  .  saw  through 
fpringe  et  Orb  -  skip  a  word;  Uøeiret  breø  -  thr 
storm  blew  over;  bet  gaar  fnart  ~  it  will  soor 
go  over;  ben  Regn  gaar  fnart  -  that  raln  will 
soon  oease,  ben  Gtyfflng  fom  nor  -  the  extra 
shilling;  fe  Serberne. 

Oberabmiral  ol -er  cbief  admiral,  Lord  High 

tOberager  o  fe  Drager. 

Oøeralr  adv  (alleøegne)  everywhere,  in  every 
place;  (i  bet  bele  taget)  after  aU,  upon  the  whole 

-  ^oor  everywhere  that,  whereever;  -  i  Serber 
in  all  parts  of  the  world,  all  over  the  world. 

Ober | anfører  commander  in  ohief.  -onførftf 
e  (chlef)  oommand. 

Obtranlfpombe  vt  overstraln.  -frrenge  vt  over- 
work,  overtax,  overexert,  overstrain,  distres> 
-ftrengelfe  c  -r  overworking;  overwork,  over 
-exeraon.  -frrengt  a  oversworn,  overworked. 

Oøerantøsrbe  vt  deliver  up,  hånd  over,  sur 
render,  oommit.  -Ife  c  delivering  etc.;  surrender 




*D»eT)arbeibetrfretouch.  -arbejbenextra-work,  i 
work  after  hours.    -arbejbtlfe  c  retouchlng. 

CoeTtarnt  e  upper  part  of  the  arm.  -amøben 
kimnerus.    -armfbolb  overhånd  bowling. 

Coeroabitar  e  superior  milltary  judge. 

/Overbalance  e:  faa  -n  overbalance  one's  self; 
en  ~  af  a  balance  to  tbe  good  of. 

C»er bebprbc  of  overburden,  overburthen.  -lfe 
c  overpressure. 

C»erbefat|ing  c  (chief)  command.  -tngf  maab 
c  co  m  man  der-in- chief. 

C»erbefølt|e  «*  overpeople.  -ntng  e  (bet,  ot 
ooexb.)  overpeopllng;  (Xilftanben)  ezceaa  of  popu- 
lation, overcrowdlng. 

CPerbefrngrning  c  superfetation. 

JDftcrbftt  n  vet  splent,  splint. 

DPerbcriber  c  head  ridlng-maater. 

£>ocrbe|flgtelfe  c  second  survey.  -ffgtelfeimtab 
tblrd  survey  or. 

Cocrbe|ftbrelfe  o  chief  direction  el.  manage- 
ment; «  -ftprere.  -fnjrrr  c  head  et.  principal 
manager,  superintendent. 

efterbetaling  c  extra  pay. 

C  berber!  en  t  c  +(Dbertiener)  head  el.  upper  Ber- 
vant;  (Ooerpolttibetjent)  first  class  policeman. 

OPerbebif |e  vt  convince,  perauade,  satisfy  (om 
of  el.  as  to),  bring  something  home  to  one,  carry 
conviction  to  one's  mind;  jur  con  viet;  -  en  om 
bet  mobfatte  convince  one  to  the  contrary;  —  vr 
flg  convince  one's  self  etc.,  makesure;  -enbe  a 
convlndng,  cogent;  et  itle  -  carries  no  convic- 
tion.   -nina  o  -er  convlncing  etc.;  conviction. 

OberbtblTøtetar  c  principal  librarian. 

Oberbtb  n  (tø*  $efle)  protusion  of  the  upper 


OPerbibe  vt  blte  over. 

+£ptrbie  vt  stay  beyond  (the  Urne). 

Ober  btnb|e  vt  bind  el.  tie  over.  -lag  c  binding 
over  etc. 

tCberbjorffe  vt  bebark. 

Cberlblabc  vt  (tømr.)  scarf.  -btabning  c  scarf- 
ing.    -blabftrøp  (p.  ©ele)  back-band. 

Obcrblif  n  view,  prospect,  (oanbeltg  Caenft.) 
oomprehenslveness  of  survey;  et  -  af  bete  Vanen 
a  prospect  el.  view  of  the  wbole  country;  fo  et 
«  øpei  en  €og  a  view  of  a  subject. 

Cperbttoe  vi  rest,  remain,  be  left;  bet  -blevne 
the  remainder,  residue. 

Cbtrbløt  o  J,  upper  block. 

C»erbltttte  vt  ink,  daub  with  ink. 

0»erbUb|e  vt  soli  wlth  blood  all  over;  ban* 
Jtbrber  »art  -te  his  clothes  were  all  over  solled, 
beemeared ,  bedaubed  with  blood.  -uf  ug  o  solling 
with  blood. 

Oberbont  «  upper  tree  of  the  cart-rack. 

Cberborb  n  upper  board. 

Doerbø'rb  adv  overboard;  goa  -  go  o.  el.  by 
the  board,  -brortlet  a  carried  away.  -falben  a 
fallen  el.  lost  overboard,  -taftet  $obf  jetsam. 
•laUniag  (af  <*ob#)  jettison.  -fejlet  a  carried 

Dterbrat'  adv  suddenly,  on  a  sudden,  all  of 
a  sudden. 

•Dberbrebfel  n  bed-cover,  coverlet. 

CPerbrlage  vt  bring,    -r  c  bearer. 

Dterbrmfe  vt  sprinkle. 

Oberbiombe  vt  burn  through. 

Cbcrbab  n  outbiddlng,  higher  bid. 

*Obe?labetc  dairy-woman. 

Overbntier  pi  overalls  pi. 

Øberbnbe  vt  outbld,  overbid,  -nbr,  -r  «  out- 

Obcrbpg|ge  vt  build  over,  cover  wlth  build- 
ings;  -flet  (unber  laget)  coveredover,  -wing  c 
($anbl.  at  ooerboflge)  building  all  over  etc.;  (mobf. 

Ørunboolb  oa  paa  3arnbane)  superstructure.  -menter 
c  head  build  er,  chief  architect. 

£>»er|bsm  (+)  vi  fe  ©ære  ober.  -barenbe  a 
indulgent,  lenient  (meb  to),  -borelfe,  -barrobtb 
c  indulgence,  forbearance. 

DberceTemonimeftertn  e  Master  of  the  Cere- 

Obercibififerrt  a  over-educated. 

Onerjbaab  c  luzury.  -baabtg  a  luzurious; 
et  -t  Bennet  bibt  riotous  livlng.  -baa'blgfreb  c 
luzury.  baa'bigb/ebtartiftr?  pi  articles  of  luzury. 

ObeTbamp  c  top-steam. 

Oberbel  c  upper  part. 

Over  I  børn  (+)  c  final  judgment.  -bommet  o 
Buperior  Judge,  chief  Justice.  -bømfrøt  c  superior 

Ober|b?age  vt  (afflaa  øoboiHia)  make  over, 
deliver  over,  transfer,  (ttbnbiøfteo)  delegate,  (foft 
ffjenbom)  convey;  (aibe  ril  $oero,  betro;  charge 
wlth,  commission,  intrust  to  el.  with;  fe  Ober« 
trætte,  -bragetig  a  transferable.  -bragelfe  c 
maklng  over,  transfer,  transference,  delegation, 
conveyance,  charging  etc.  -bragelfefbørantent 
(deed  of)  conveyance.    -brage?  c  -e  transferor. 

tOverbrcb  n,  pi  ■■,  common.  common  pasture. 

Cberbreben  a  .  ^ril,  ftorbrtng  exorbltant  j-noe, 
demand;  .  Oeftebenbeb  excessive  el.  ezireme 
modesty;  -  6ambittja^eblfulb^eb  over-conscien- 
Uousness  (o.  fl.);  -  tvrelfølelfe  a  strained  sense 
of  honour;  bet  er  bift  -brevet  that,  surely,  is 
ezaggerated,  beyond  the  mark;  en  -breben  Stil* 
bring  an  ezaggerated  el.  overdrawn  pleture;  — 
adv:  _  cenofteltg  overanzious  (o.  m.  fl.);  .  font* 
bittiøbebffulo  conscientious  to  a  fkult. 

Cberbreniret  c  right  of  common. 

Onerbripe  vt  ezaggerate,  overdo,  push  to 
ezcess;  overstate;  tyxn  -r  F  he  is  drawing  a  long 
bow.  -lfe  c  -r  ezaggeration.  overdoing;  over 
-statement;  jamoittiflfeblfulb  til  .  conscientious 
to  a  tault. 

Cberbriyplpe  vt  drip  over.  -ning  c  dripping 

Cberbrpdfe  vt  sprinkle  over. 

Cbcrbnggt  vt  bedéw. 

Oberbbae  c  -r  feather  bed. 

Cbctbbnge  vt  overload,  overheap.  -lfe  c  re- 

Dber|b«t  m  upper  deck;  hurricane  deck,  spar 
-deck.  -bafte  vt  cover  (entirely);  (en  Jtant,  f.  to. 
om  Xagfften)  overlap;  -t  %axtwi  spar-decked  vessel. 
-betsiag  c  covering;  overlapping. 

Oberbornge  vt  load,  heap  upon,  overwhelm, 

Cberbgbe  vt  drown,  stifte,  overnoise;  min 
©temme  -I  af  flRangbenl  ©traal  my  voice  la 
drowned  by  the  clamour  of  the  multitude;  ^an 
-be  mig  meb  6triø  my  voice  was  drowned  by 
his  cries;  -  fin  6amt>tttiflb/b  stifle  the  voice  of 
one's  conscience;  tngen  Vtantertøb  fan  .  eberft 
9rpgt  no  mirth  will  overnoise  your  feare. 

Dbereet'  adv  in  line;  in  one,  on. 

Cberlefenbom  o  paramount  possession.  -ej en« 
bomlrtt  lord  paramount'B  right,  -ejer  lord 

ObeTCttbe  e  upper  end. 

CbeTenbe  adv  (otntulb)  topsy-turvy;  t(lipe  i 
Sejret)  on  end,  upright;  falbe  -  fall  el.  drop 
down;  tofte  en  -  tnrow  one  down,  floor  one; 
bleb  tepet  -  was  carried  off  his  legs;  treife  - 
raiee  (on  end;;  tflbbe  .  sit  up. 

Obfrntgel  c  archangel. 

Cbere'ni  adv.  ftemme  -  agree,  accord,  bar- 
monize;  itfe  ftnnme  .  disagree;  tomme  -  om  noget 
agree  on,  come  to  terms,  come  to  an  agree- 
ment  upon.  -tomft  c  agreement,  accord,  com- 
promise,  concert,  (meb  Irrebitoret)  eomposition; 




flutte  el.  træffe  en  -  make  an  agreement,  close; 
efter  fcrQeé  -  by  mutual  consent  el.  aecord. 
»ftemnselfc  o  accordance,  conformity,  agreement, 
harmony,  congruity,  correspondence,  keeping. 
•fcemmenbe  a  meb  conformable  el.  agreeable  to, 
in  conformity  to,  conslstent  witb,  consonant  to; 
—  adv  agreeably  el.  conformably  to. 

C»er|folb  n,  pi  «=,  (ttnfalb)  assault;  (uformobet) 
sudden  attack;  (§aføe)  hasp;  (paa  Jronoolut)  over- 
lapping part;  bemægtige  fig  beb  -  take  by  sur- 
prise, -folbe  vt  fall  upon,  assault,  assail,  attack: 
fig  seize;  Katten  bt  o*  night  overlook  us;  -bt  af 
en  ©pge  caught  in  a  squall;  eit  rejfenbe,  font  et 
blebet  -t  af  Katten  a  benighted  traveller,  -folbd- 
bige  waste-weir,  overfall-welr.  -falbfbjttt  over- 
shot- wheel.  -f*(ø3m*lle  overshotmlll.  -falM> 
ønnft  metacentre. 

Oøcrfantle  vt  fumble  all  over. 

Oøcrfangftglaø  n  glas«  partly  coloured,  partly 

Ooerjfare  vt  pass  over,  travene;  ~  noget  (meb 
en  $arefob)  slur  el.  hurry  over,  run  over  in  haste; 
bet  -for  mig  en  (B&fen  a  shudder  ran  through 
my  veins,  f  I  felt  all-overiah.  -fart  c  passage, 
run  (over,  across;;  (tort,  ooer  ftlob  o.  1.)  crosaing. 
•fartdfteb  place  of  crosaing,  fexry. 

Oøerfeb  a  overfat. 

Doerfeje  vt  sweep  all  over. 

Ooerjfue  vt  file  asunder  el.  through;  file  over. 

Olier  1  flabe  c  surface;  ooer  $aoetft  -  above  the 
level  of  the  Bea.  -flabeaftøiinø  surface  cooling. 
-flabeoanb  surface  water  (o.  fl.)  -fUbclig,  -fUbiff 
a  superflcial,  shallow.  -ftabiff^cb  c  superflciality, 
superticialness,  shallowness. 

Coerftaømanb  c  <£,  yeoman  of  signals. 

Oticrlftøb  c  fe  Cøerfføbigbeb.  -fløbftrør  fe  Coer- 

jDøerttøbe  vt  flow  et.  run  over,  overflow. 

Oøerjtatte  vt  transfer. 

Ooerfltjøe  vt  soar  el  fly  beyond. 

£>oerflø  big  a  imer  enb  ttlftraettelig,  rigelig)  super- 
fluous,  abundant,  superabundant ,  plentiful, 
copious;  (ooerflobenbe)  surplus;  (unøbbenbtg)  super- 
fluous,  uunecessary,  useless;  bet  bilbe  boere  en 
atbeleft  -  ©erning  It  wouldbe  a  work  of  superero- 
gation,  a  matter  of  surplusage,  —  adv  (-en) 
superfluously  etc.  -fceb  c  abundance,  super- 
abundance,  plenty,  profusion,  surplus;  oære  til* 
ftebe  i  -  abound;  baoe  .  paa  el.  af  abound  in  el. 
with  (ilte  om  røerf.).  -fcebøtyora  n  cornucopia, 
horn  of  plenty,  Plenty 's  horn. 

DttcrfUflc  vt  mil  out-flank,  torn  the  flank  el. 
hanks;  fig  outrun,  outstrip.  -wi*g  c  outflanking. 

+Oøerfobcr  n  fe  Doertrcet. 

Oøcrlfobrc  vt  feed  (cattle)  throughout  the 
winter;  (for  ftærft)  overfeed.  -føbrittg  c  feeding 
etc.    -føbrtaøølolil  colic  from  overfeedlng. 

Oøcrfor  præp  opposite,  over-against;  fig  in 
the  face  el.  presence  of;  -  fjinanben  face  to  face, 
facing  each  other;  —  adv  opposite. 

C»erforfht|et  a  over- refl ned.  -rife  over-reflne- 

Oørrførntbjii|beT  c  cbief  guardian,  -beri  n 
office  for  the  management  of  the   estates  of 

Cøcrfragt  c  røenge  fot  -)  extra  freight;  (»ægt) 
surplus  weight. 
Oøerfraffe  c  top-coat,  great-coat,  over-coat. 

•tøj  overcoating. 

Oøerfrøfe  vi  fe  Stlftbfe. 

OøeTfilb  a  brimful,  fllled  to  overflowlng. 
•f-bcb  c  brimfulness. 

Døerfitlbfifeabiø  a  superabundant. 

Cøerfsre  c  upper-  el.  top-furrow. 

Coerfafjt  vt  »huse,  load  with  abuse,  fall 
upon.    •tttttø  c  abusing,  abuse. 

Oøerfoge  vt  cover  el.  scatter  over,  overspreau. 

Døe?folø|f  vt  overflli;  (meb  Stenneflter  o.  L, 
crowd,  overcrowd;  (meb  altfor  flori  ^orraab  eL 
for  ftor  Øefatntng)  overstock;  (oberntætte)  cloy. 
glut,  surfeit;  -btoverfilledetc.,  overfall;  &ættfte 
bar  -bt  the  room  was  crowded  to  excess,  over 
crowded;  Vtartebet  er  -t  beraf  the  market  li 
glutted  with  it,  it  is  a  drug  in  the  market 
-elfe  c,  -aing  c  overfllling  etc. 

Oberfbrøærter  c  flre-master. 

Cøerfftrge  vt  ferry  over. 

Oøerføbe  vt  fe  Ooerfobre. 

Oøerføte  vt  feel  all  over. 

Døerifare  vt  carry  over,  oonvey  over,  bring 
over,  transport,  transfer;  -Koberbebife)  con  viet  (es 

nt  one  of  st); ført  a  (ttet&bn.)  metaphoricai, 

tralatitious;  (Regnf!.)  brought  forward,  -farttfe 
c  carrying  etc.,  transfer.  -føring!  blflebe  transfer 
picture,  scrap.  -førfet  c  transport,  caxriage. 

Døerførfter  c  -e  chief  officer  of  a  forest,  ver- 

Coergaa  vt  ezceed,  be  in  excess  of,  excel, 
out-do,  outgo,  outstrip,  surpass,  transcend;  bet 
-r  min  ftorftanb  that's  beyond  my  reach  el 
comprehension;  .  fig  fetb  out-do  el.  excel  one  s 
self;  bet  er  albrig  før  -et  mig  that  never  happened 
to  me  before;  efter  at  bemelbte  i)om  bar  fram  ooer< 
gaaet  alter  having  suffered  the  sold  sentence; 
—  +vi  i  pass  into. 

Cøergaari  fe  jtorgaarS. 

Oøergang  c  (Øemtngen)  aoing  el.  pasaing  over, 
crossing;  (6tebet)  passage,  crosaing;  (til  9 jente) 
desertion;  (fra  en  Zoneart,  XUftanb,  Øenftanb  til 
tu  anben)  transition,  stepplng-stone;  (Stemmen*.) 
breaking;  ^anS  Stemme  er  i  -  his  voice  is  chang- 
ing;  -  til  anben  øefyinbling  (i  ffligSbagen)  reading 
a  bi  11  the  fint  time  (and  thus  allowlng  it  to 
be  proposed  a  second  time);  the  firet  reading 
(of  a  bi  11);  J,  (paa  Saab)  sheer-strake;  •  til  en 
anben  IReligion  conversion  to  another  religion; 
benne  9<egn  er  tun  en  -  this  is  only  a  passing 
shower.  —  Oøerøaag»|øjerac  j>/  transition  rocks, 
-fob  c  head  of  a  beam,  corbel.  -form  transition 
-form.  -leb  connecting  link.  -øeriobe,  -rib 
transition  period,  t.  ttme,  period  el.  time  of 
transition,  -fteb  Oarnb.)  level  crosaing.  -til- 
ftaab  trausitional  state.   -trin  transitlonal  stage. 

Oøerøar  *  »»et  dry. 

Ooergartner  c  head  gårdener. 

Cøerjøemme  vt  keep  el.  preserve  over  winter; 
-gemt  a  spoiled  (by  over-keeping),  /Ur  stale,  old 

Oøerøeneral  c  coxnmander  in  chief;  (Øene* 
raliéflmu«)  captain-general. 

CoergUife  vt  plaster  e(.  stucco  over. 

Oøerigibe  vt  (ooer(eøere)  deliver  (over),  hånd 
over,  consign;  (Stab,  føefining  ofo.)  surrender; 
(fratrabe)  give  el.  make  over,  transfer;  .  i  enl 
Saretægt  give  into  one' s  charge;  .  til  ftotglem« 
melfe  consign  to  oblivion;  —  vr  _  fig  surrender; 
jeg  -t  mig  ifte  fig  I  have  nalled  my  coloura  to 

the  mast;  -  fig  (til  Zungjinbigfcb,  ftortbiøletfe  ofb.) 
give  one's  self  np  (to);  -  fig  i  Øubt  $oonb  re- 
sign  one's  self  into  the  hånds  of  God.    -giøelfe 

c  (af  en  Stab  ofb.)  surrender;  (Oberlebetuig)  de- 
Uvery  etc.  -f iøen  a  frolicsome,  merry  (to  excess), 
in  uncontrollable  spirits.  •øiøenbeb  c  exuberant 
mirth,  frolicsomeness. 

Cøergjorb  c  surcingle. 

€øerglat|te  vt  smooth  el.  polish  over.  -nlng 
c  smoothlng  etc. 

Oøerglo  vt  store  at,  gaze  at,  gape  at,  gloat 
at  (el.  upon;. 

Oøergnaøe  vt  fgnaoe  ooeralt)  gnaw  all  over; 
(gnabe  i  Stbtter)  gnaw  asunder. 





Oøergrantfe  vt  fumble  all  over. 

Cøergraø  c  millpond. 

Coergraber  c  sexton. 

Overgreb  n,  p/  «=»,  encroachment. 

Oergro  of  overgrow,  overrun. 

JDbergnb  c  chief  god,  over-delty. 

Oøergbbje  vt  pour  upon,  infuse.  -ning  c 
ponring  upon,  infusion. 

Cøergocr  c  surfece-yeast.  -ittg  c  surface  fer- 

£>orrgøb|e  of  (gøbe  obenpaa)  top-dress;  (gøbe 
for  flartt)  manure  to  excess.  -ntng,  -fratag  c 

£>ber|b,aanb  c  upper  nand,  ascendancy,  pre- 
valence,  predominance;  b>be  -  have  the  upper 
hånd;  faa  -  (ooer)  prevall  over,  get  the  better 
of,  get  the  upper  hånd  (of);  fcelbebe*  $orte  ftulle 
ttte  faa  _  ober  ben  6*M  the  gates  of  heil  shall 
not  prevall  against  lt;  toge  .  begin  to  prevall  el. 
predominate,  gain  the  ascendancy.  -Qaanbf  adv 
lmmensely,  exceedlngly,  enormously,  hugely. 
vastly.  -baonbtagen  c  growth,  spread,  preval- 
lence.  -baanbtagenbe  a  growing,  spreadlng, 
prevalllng.  rampant. 

Overmalle  of  J,  overhaul;  «  Riggen  reflt  the 
riffglng.  -Ing  c  -er  overhauling;  (ttuHing)  J, 
lurch;  fyr  blow-up;  tage  .  heel  over. 

Ottertyrift  c  upper  part  of  the  neck. 

Over  tømre  vt  cool-hammer,  hammer- harden. 

C»erb>rb|e  vt  narrow  (lightly).  -ning  c  (light) 

jDberl>eb|e  vt  overbeat,  super-heat.  -tting  c 
superheating.  -ningtapparat  superheating-ap- 
paratus.  superheater. 

Cøetljejfniug  c  <£,  hoisting  over  the  side. 

O  ter  Inerti  ab,  tb  c  sovereignty.  -terre  c  lord 
paramount,  liege  lord.  -Qerrebømme,  -b/erftab 
n  snpremacy,  sway;  babe  -tyerrebømmet  bear  sway. 

C»eT|bt»et  a  J,  (hove)  down.  -bjbntag  o 
heaying  down,  careening. 

Øncriof  | »ar flat  c  chief  marshal  of  the  house- 
hold.  •marfTauat  «  offlce  of  the  chief  marshal 
of  the  household. 

Øøettjofmefter  c  steward  of  the  household. 
-tofcr  c  firet  lady  of  Honour. 

Cøerlføtbe  vt  uphold,  maintaln,  keep  in  force, 
caxry  into  effect;  -  Orben  preserve  order.  -(fe  c 
npholding,  maintenance. 

Øøerfføbeb  «  (supreme)  head,  chief;  (paa  61ufe) 
hesvd-bay;  (paa  fjual)  upper  part  of  the  head. 

Øøertøbebet  adv  upon  the  whole,  after  all, 
generally,  altogether;  (bit  ban  .  tommer  if  he 
comes  at  all. 

Øøerbnb  c  epldermls,  cntlcle,  scarf-skin. 

Øøerbsgge  vt  hew  asunder,  cut;  .  Jfcnuben,  ben 
gørbifte  Ir.  cut  the  (Gordian)  knot. 

Ø»er t«ft  *  (ben  øberfte  $et  af  et  $ul)  upper 
part  of  a  house,  upper  bullding;  (i  bet  engeljfe 
parlament)  the  Upper  house,  the  house  of  Lords, 
f  the  Lords. 

Ø»er*»ibt]e  of  whitewash.  -nittg  c  white- 

Øøerljbttlpe  vt  arch  el.  vault  over. 

Øaerlfoffc  vt  veil  el.  cover  over. 

Øvcrtorbe  c  Great  Shepherd. 

Øøerljttlbe  vt  pour  upon,  cover. 

*0»ertfmblg  a  excessive,  vlolent,  tremendoos; 
en  -  €ø  an  over  grown  sea. 

0  »er  |  bang  «  importunlty.  -tørntte  vt  ixnpor- 
tane;  -gte  Sarer  last  season's  goods,  joc  shop- 
keepers. +-fjttngen  e  fe  -bang.  •boregenbe  a 
prolecting;  jig  (truenbe)  lmpendlng,  immlnent. 

Cøtrfcøjieb  c  fe  Dbertørtebømme. 

v0»erb^l|c  ø*  load,  overwhelm. 

Ø»rr|tjørr  vt  bear,  examine,  catechize;  bette 
Otb  bar  jeg  -t  I  did  not  bear  that  word,  that 

*.  -d  escaped  me.  -Iprelfe  c  examlning  eta, 
exk.nination.  -Jprcr  c  examlner.  -Jprlg  a 
dlsobedient,  ftbbe  -  disobey.  -børigljeb  e  dis- 
obedience,  insubordination.    -føring  c  fe  -bøtelfe. 

Oberl)øb[le  ol  plane  all  over.  -Hag  c  planing 

ØøerlUe  vt  precipitate;  berfom  et  Vtenneffe  blibet 
•t  af  nogen  Ørøft  bibl  if  a  man  be  overtaken  in 
a  fault;  —  or  fig  be  too  precipitate,  aet  pred- 
piutely,  be  overhasty.  -ilelfe  c  precipltation, 
precipitance,  preclpitancy,  overhastiness.  -ilet 
a  rash,  precipitate,  overhasty;  btog  ben  -be  Slut« 
ning  jumped  at  the  conclusion;  —  adv  precipi- 

tØnerUte  n  peroxide,  superoxide. 

CbeHngenUr  c  chief  englneer;  Warinen«  . 
the  Bngineer-in-chief  of  the  Navy. 

Obertnfpeltør  clnspector-  el.  Surveyor-Oeneral. 

Øberintcabsat  c  superintendent. 

Cbtrifet  part  covered  el.  (en)cased  with  ice. 

+Oberjage  vt  override  (a  horse). 

Ooerfagt  c  chase  of  large  game. 

Ober|forbif(  a  unearthly,  superhuman,  supra 
•mundane,  not  of  thls  world;  .  ftaafrabi  kohl- 
rabl,    •isrbl  a  above  ground. 

Oberfotger  c  (fsrfte  Hcger)  flrst  huntsman;  (i 
dftgerforpg)  non-comminioned  officer  in  a  corpe 
of  riflemen.   -wcfler  e  master  of  the  buckhounas. 

Ober  fair  |  e  of  plaster  (all  over),  -ning  o 

Øtcrfanraerltetrc  c  Lord  Chamberlain  of  the 
household.  'Janter  c  flrat  gentleman  of  the  bed 

Ønertanøner  e  -er  chief  gunner. 

Coertant  c  upper  side,  top;  tipper  edge. 

Ober|tafl  n,  pi  «,  light  cloak.  -tofte  (f.  C!«, 
meb  @tarn)  of  bespatter  el.  pelt  (with  dlrt). 

ØøerteØncf  [t.]  head-waiter,  hotel-clerk. 

Cbertirnrg  c  head-Burgeon. 

Cbertjole  c  great-coat;  (Damer«)  tunic,  panier, 

Onerinatte,  -natte  of  blot  all  over. 

+C»erfla»?e  of  climb  over. 

Øøetninc  of  paste  all  over. 

Obertliplpe  of  cut  (asunder  el.  across).  -ntng 
c  cutting. 

Dbertlift|re  of  fe  Ooerfltne.    -ring  c  pasting  etc. 

Øøcrftøg  a  overwlse. 

Øøerttørfbjre  fe  Jrloroberfbre. 

Cbet|tlftbe  of  cover  over.  -Hober  pi  upper 
garments.  -Hiebning  c  (Gerningen  at  ooettlabe) 
covering,  lining;  (ftlæbninglfttjtre)  outer  garment. 

Oberjtløgtfg  a  fe  -tlog. 

Obettøbe  vt  sprain  the  fetlock-Joint. 

Ober | tog  n,  -tøgntng  e  bolling  over;  (t)mp.) 
prlming,  foamlng. 

Obertot  c  head-cook,  master-cook. 

Ooertontntanbø  c  supreme  el.  chief  command. 

Ober|tø«nte  of  (b,ontbel)  befall,  happen  to; 
(beftribe)  (be  able  to)  manage,  be  equal  to;  (babe 
Øiaab  til)  afford;  t  And  out;  bet  -tom  (am  en 
plubfelig  TOatbeb  a  sudden  faintness  came  over 
hlm;  bet  -tom  b>m  en  plubfetia  ©traf  he  wai 
sehEed  with  a  panic.  -tøm'meltg  a  practicable, 
surmountable,  bearable,  to  be  reached. 

Øbertontplet  a  sunernumerary. 

Oøerfønge  c  chief  sovereign,  lord  paramount. 

Oberlfonftabel  &  fe  -tanoner. 

Obcrtonfrmttør  c  Chief  Constructor. 

ObertontroIUr  c  tkeat  acting  manager. 

Obertop  c  -pet  cup. 

Obertørf '  adv  crossly,  crosswlse;  lægge  ffrmene 
el.  Øenene  -  cross  the  arms  or  legs;  meb  Vrmene 
_  with  arms  crosøed,  cross-armed;  meb  Øenene  - 

Oberfrabfe  tf  scratch  all  over« 




Ovcrtramme  of  crumple  el.  rumpie  all  over. 

Overtribte  vt  chalk  over. 

Overtrigttømmtøfer  c  moster-muter  general. 

Overfrø*  c  upper  part  of  the  body,  buat. 

Overtreaget  par«  heeled  over. 

Overtaltar  c  over-education,  over-civilization. 

Overtebe,  Overleve  c  upper  Jaw.  -bea  upper 

Overtemncr  c  chamberlaln. 

Otter |  Ure  vt  drive  over,  ride  over,  run  over; 
(&efl)  override,  overdrive;  -rt  F  fuddled.  -foring 
drivlng  etc.    -tvrfel  o  passage  for  carriages. 

Overlabc  vt  (afflaa)  leave,  give  up,  deliver  up, 
surrender,  re&ign;  ban  -lob  mig  Jtlebei  for  3fnb» 
løbfvrifen  he  sold  me  the  cloth  at  prime  coat; 
fan  ve  .  mio  en  $en?  can  you  spare  a  pen?  b>n 
dot  ganfte  -bt  til  fifl  felv  he  was  quite  left  to 
hlmself,  to  his  own  device«  el.  resouroes;  -  fin 
Slebne  i  ØuM  $aanb  resign  one's  self  to  the 
will  of  God;  jeg  -r  bet  til  Setn  I  leave  it  to  you; 
jeg  -r  til  $em  at  brage  Slutningen  I  leave  it  to 
you  el.  I  leave  you  to  draw  the  concluslon; 
non  Ian  -  bet  til  bem  felo  at  gøre  .  .  .  they  may 
be  left  to  make  .  .  .;  —  vr  fig  til  give  one's 
self  up  to,  indulge  in.  Overlabclfe  <•  (af  Retlig« 
b>ber)  cessiou,  resignation,  surrender. 

Over  |  (abe  vt  (befeife  for  meget)  overload;  (meb 
Jtrubt)  overcharge,    •(åbning  c  overloading. 

Olier | lag  n  (bet  fom  legget  over)  covering, 
llning,  cover;  (øverfie  Sag)  upper  layer,  upper 
stratum;  &  upper  lier. 

Overlagen  n  top  sheet,  upper  sheet. 

Ovrrfagignlv  inserted  cefling. 

Overlagt  le  Ooerleage. 

Ovrrlanb'  ado  by  land. 

Overlanb9|merte  inland  mark.  -»øft  c  -er 
overland  post. 

*Overla«g'  adv  lengthways;  slowly. 

Overlaft  c  molestation,  injury;  gøre  en  - 
molest  one. 

Overlaffe  vt  fe  Overlabe  2. 

Overlebclfc  o  chief  direction  el.  management. 

O  ser  legen  a  superior;  masterful;  (i  Beten) 
supercillous,  uppish,  patronizing;  (iivartif!)  judlc- 
ial;  ~  TOine,  Zone  air,  tone  of  superlority;  vere 
en  -  be  Buperlor  to  one;  .  ffanb  mastermind. 
•b;eb  o  superlority. 

Overlemmer  pi  upper  limbs  et.  eztremities. 

Overlleve  vt  outlive.  survive;  -  fig  felo  live  too 
long.  «lag  superfluous*;  -t  Gbjlem  ene  te  system. 
-Icveitofreate  survivorshlp  annuity,  reversionary 
annuity.  -levenbe  pi  survivors,  outlivers,  longest 

Overleverje  vt  deliver,  hånd,  present,  sur- 
render; (til  vfterverbenen)  transmit  (to  posterity); 
er  ol  -t  has  come  down  to  us;  bet  -be  the  tradi- 
tions, -tag  c  dellverlng  etc.,  dellvery,  surrender; 
transmission;  tradition. 

Overlig  adv  supert  cially. 

Overlig  n  (paa  6  ej  I)  head  (of  a  Bail). 

Overligge  vi  &  stay;  (Xømr.)  overlap,  -bag 
e  *!,  day  on  demurrage,  extra  lay-day;  -boge  de- 
murrage. -bagåveage  pi  demurrage.  -nbe  a 
super-Imposed,  upper;  -  $og,  fe  -bag.  »r  o  -e 
top-stone.    -Ho  demurrage. 

Overlifte  vt  over-reach,  dupe,  outwlt.  -(fe  o 
over-reachiug  etc. 

Overliv  n  (Overhov)  upper  part  of  the  body; 
(CiD  f.  W«.  af  en  ftjole)  body. 

Overløb*  e  head-pilot,  Superintendent  of 

Ovcrtøbt  adv  aloud,  loudly,  vrlth  a  loud  volce. 

Overil  n  top  light. 

Overleve  c  upper  Up. 

Overløber  n  (juarter  (of  a  shæ),  upper-leather, 

Overleg  n  premedltatlon,  reflection;  bjossk 
ttben  -  aet  lnconsiderately  ri.  without  reflectioa; 
gøre  noget  meb  -  do  something  deliberately  el 
with  premeditatlon. 

Overlege  c  chief  physician,  head  doctor;  (paa 
©Nb)  master-surgeon;  JRarinenft  .  Hedlcai  Dl- 
rector  General  of  the  Navy;  -n  Veb  $ofjritalet  the 
Senior  Physician  ol  (el.  to)  the  hospital. 

Overlegne  vt  deliberate,  revolve  el.  canvmø  in 
one's  mind,  consider;  -  meb  en  anben  oonter  et 
concert  with  another;  bette  6(ribt  var  ilte  vef 
-lagt  this  was  an  inconsiderate  step;  vel  -lagt 
well-weighed,  judicious;  alt  vel  -lagt  all  things 
consldered;  -lagt  Onbffob  /er  malice  aforethoagfct 
el.  prepense;  -lagt  ftornænnelfe  studied  el.  deliber- 
ate iusult. 

Overlengbe  c  (Dmp.)  lamp. 

Overlerer  c  seoond  master,  senior  assistant 

Overlefefl  »  &  topmast-studdlng-aail.  -ifelb 
t. -s. -halyard  etc. 

Overtegning  c  reading  over,  connlng;  over 

Over|Ieffe  vt  overburden,  overload;  jfc*  over- 
charge;  (an  er  -t  meb  forretninger  he  is  weighed 
down  with  business;  ertlbringen  er  -t  the  picture 
is  over  pdluted.  »leffelfe,  -ledning  c  (bet,  at 
overlegfe)  overloading,  overburdenlnc;  (i  Stolen) 

Over  |  UV  n  (af  veføaenbe)  perpetual  run  of 
visitore;  (af  flvbenbe  Barer)  overflowing;  rril 
ftjenben)  desertion.  -Ube  vt  run  over;  (lave  paa 
Søren)  pester  with  visits;  (meb  Ufrubt)  overgrow, 
overrun;  (tømr.  o.  fl.)  lap  over;  tn-nfto  &  cow 
that  goes  farrow.  -laber  c  -e  deserter,  runaway; 
Jco)  fe  ovfr.  -tobntttg  o  running  etc ;  gjoing: 
farrow.  -Ubaingfrør  overflow  plpe.  -UbaviKgå). 
ventil  overflow  valve. 

Overntaabc  (ogf.  maa'be)  adv  exoeedlngly,  ex- 
tremely;  ezoesslvely. 

Ovcrwaal  n  (Xilaift  i  Staal)  overmeasure,  sur- 
plus measure;  (af  6unbfcb  ofv.)  superabundanoe, 
excess;  til  -  to  excess. 

Overmagaflnforvalter  o  Storekeeper  General. 

Overmagt  o  superior  force,  superlority,  upper 
hånd;  Ijaoe  -rn  over  have  the  upper  hånd  of:  en 
betbbeltø  -  greatly  superior  forces,  greai  odds; 
imob  en  cvervelbenbe  .  against  hopeless  odds; 
trelte  fig  tilbage  for  -en  reure  before  numbers. 

Overmaf|c  vt  paint  all  over,  daub  over,  coat 
(over)  with  paint.    -uittg  o  painting  etc. 

Overmonb  c  -menb  superior;  b>n  fanbt  fin  - 
he  iound  his  match;  b>n  (ar  ilte  fin  .  he  bas 
no  superior;  mine  Overmenb  (forefatte)  my  super- 
ion,  (i  en  eller  anben  ^enfeenbe)  my  betters. 

Overmanb|e  vt  overpower  (by  saperior  num- 
bers).   -Ina  e  overpowering. 

Overmafrinift  c  chief  engineer. 

*Ooermaftet  a  overmasted. 

tOvermaltig  o  audadous. 

Overmenneftellg  a  superhuman. 

Overaob  *  presumpUon,  arrogance,  insolence, 
overweening  prlde. 

Overatvben  a  over-ripe,  too  ripe.  -|eb  c  over 

Overmoblg  o  presumptuous,  arrogant,  insolent, 
overweening.    -(eb  o  fe  Obermob. 

Overmorgen :  i  .  the  day  alter  to-morrow. 

Overmale  c  (p.  OøAfe)  top-  el.  upper  jaw. 

Overmunb  o  upper  jaw. 

Overmnnbering  c  uniform. 

Overm^nbigbeb  c  fe  Overb^rrebvmme. 

Overmegtlg  o  superior  in  power  el.  force, 

Over|merferaa  upper  topsall  yard.  -auest* 
fejl  upper  topsail  (o.  fl.). 

Overimet  a  surfeited,  glutted,  cloyed.    •mmu 




lieb  e  eurfeit.  -matte  vt  surfeit,  overcloy,  over- 
grorge;  cA«m  supersaturate.  -msttteffc  c  (ogfaa 
>Sø)  surfelt;  cå«ih  supersaturation. 

Overnatte  *t  remain  the  night  over,  put  up 
for  the  night. 

Overnaturlig  a  preternatural,  supernatural. 

Øver*«*  *  opper  part  of  the  bill. 

Øperøbfigt  c  fe  Ooetobftm. 

Øfceroyjfta  n  supervision,  superintendence, 
chief  directlon,  control;  fire  -  meb  superintend. 
-fftaimaab  superintendent,  chief  el.  principal 
overseer  el.  director. 

Cøeror'tentltg  a  extraordinary;  adv  extra- 
ordinarily,  remarkably,  ezceedlngly. 

Øøerørbaet  a  k  o  -ebe  superior. 

Øverjtanbc  (i  Seje)  cap-piece. 

+C*ttp*xt  c  upper  part. 

Øperpebre  vi  over-pepper. 

*0»erblag  (gg) «  over-clothing,  outer  garment. 

+ػerp(ante  vt  plant  (all  over),  cover  with 

ØBeryltfrre  vt  plaster,  cover  with  a  plaster. 

-tøberblette  vt  spot,  cover  with  spots. 

ØverpUfle  vt  plough.    -ning  c  ploughing. 

ØtKrbolittbetJent  police  officer. 

Øtcryørt  c  J,  upper  half-port. 

Overbo*:  c  &  upper  (part  of  the)  quarter-plece. 

Øperbøfl|bttb  flist-class  letter-carrier.  -mefter 
Fofltmaster  General. 

Ø»cr»røbaftiøu  c  over-production. 

Øverjrrsflbeat  o  high-baillff  el.  mayor  (of 

Øver>nbre  vt  powder  over. 

Øverraa  c  upper  yard. 

Cterraabe  vt  out-roar,  out-voice. 

Overrabbiner  c  chief-Rabbi. 

Øtterranb  c  upper  edge;  (Gotenft)  upper  limb. 

ØverrafTe  vt  surprise,  take  by  surprise;  -t  oøet 
anrprised  at.  -Ife  c  -r  surprise;  til  alminbelig  . 
før  to  the  general  surprise  of. 

Øperregiftratør  c  Registrar-General. 

Øverrcgne  vt  (brappe  ober)  drench  el.  soak 
with  rain. 

Ø»emg|«e  vt  (gøre  Beregning  over)  reckon 
over,  calculate,  compute.  -stag  e  (bet  at  ober- 
regne)  reckoning  over  etc.;  føeregning)  calcula- 
don,  computation. 

Øtftrciber  «  J,  futtock-rider. 

Øoerrejfe  c  passage. 

ØBerlifBb,  -renbe,  fe  -lav. 

Ø»er|ret  o  superior  court  (of  Jastloe).  -»et§» 
•Øfeffsr  judge(-lateral)  of  a  superior  court. 
-rctftbøm  sentence  of  the  superior  court. 

Øverrtbe  vt  ride  over. 

*Øs«rrlgget  a  overrigged. 

C»erri#|lc  vt  (f.  tfft.  en  (Eng)  irrigate  (a  meadow). 
-fiag  c  -er  irrigation.    -Hngieng  water  meadow. 

Øoerrioe  vt  tear  asunder. 

Øver  |  ram  n  &  upper  hold.  -ramifUttet  tween 
-deck  stanchions. 

Øaerrampjte  vt  take  by  surprise,  take  one  off 
his  guard.    •Ung  c  surprise. 

Øoerrbfaiug  c  march  across. 

Øftcrratlte  vt  hånd  (over),  present,  deliver. 
•telfc,  -Bing  o  handiug  (over),  dellvery. 

Ønerfaoeiparf  strown,  sprinkled  over,  studded 
(meb  with). 

Oberfalte  vt  salt  all  over,  sprinkle  all  over 
with  salt. 

Øaerfanbe  vt  cover  with  sand. 

ØaerfoafeUg  a  supersensual,  supersensible, 
metapbysical,  transcendent,  transcendental; 
Soten  om  bet  -e  metaphysics  pi.  -$eb  tran- 
scendentallsm,  transcendentali  ty. 

Øperfabfe  vt  saw  over  el.  across.  -ning  c 
sawing  etc. 

Øberfabte  vt  beslabber. 

Øberfe  vt  (oberftue)  survey,  vlew,  have  a  (full) 
view  of;  (iRe  fe)  not  to  notlee,  pass  over,  over- 
look, miss,  mil  to  see  et.  detect;  (fe  gennem 
fingre  meb)  connive  at,  wlnk  at;  (ringeagte)  look 
own  upon,  treat  superciliously:  ve  fbnef  at 
(abe  -t  it  appears  to  have  escaped  you;  blioe  -t 
escape  notice.  -ellg  a  that  may  be  Burveyed. 
-en  c  over-looklng. 

Øberfejlle  vt  run  down,  run  lnto.  -ting  o 
running  down.     -Magftfag  running  down  case. 

C»etfenb|e  vt  send  over,  transmit.  -elft,  -ing 
o  sending  over,  transmission. 

•Ooerfeag  c  bed-cover. 

Øperfergeat  o  sergeant-major. 

ػer  Iffbbc  vt  (f.  ttt.  en  Befaling)  disobey;  vi 
fe  Sibbe  ooer,  -nbe  drenge,  -fibbere  boys  kept  in; 
(i  Jtlalfe)  boys  who  are  not  moved.  -{fratag  o 
being  kept  in. 

Oberfibe  o  top. 

Cberlflgt  c  survey,  general  vlew,  account 
(ober  of);  fort  -  summary;  synopsis,  conspectus. 
•-figtig  a  perspicuous.    -flgttig  a  synoptlc. 

+ػerlftattc  fe  -ourbere. 

Ooerffarmefter  c  Lord  High  Treasurer. 

Øberffib  «  ^  upper-works  pi. 

ØPerflib|e  vt  ship,  transport  in  a  ship.  -Bing 
c  shipping  etc. 

Øperfttnne  ol  (nbbrebe  fitji  obec)  shine  upon, 
Irradiate,  illumine;  (fotbuntle)  outshine,  eclipse. 

Øberffjørte  c  outer  shirt. 

•Øberffjab  (af  to  flabet  o.  1.)  (over-)lap. 

ØøerfTo  c  galoche,  overshoe. 

CMrfføric  c  upper  crust. 

OberfToo  c  forest  of  tall  trees. 

Cberftraale  vt  out-bellow,  out-roar. 

Onerftramnittg  fe  fttbbifamling 

Obcrffribe  vt  (gaa  ober  el.  bibere  enb)  overstep, 
surpaas,  exceed,  go  el.  pass  beyond;  (om  Defa* 
Unger)  transgress;  .  en  fereenfe  (6tronte)  pass  a 
boundj  bet  -r  min  wbne  that' s  beyond  my  strength, 
ezceeds  mv  abllity.  -Ife,  -n  c  overstepping  etc. 

Obetftrift  c  superscription,  inscription,  head- 
ingj  en  Vrtitel  meb  -en  an  article  headed. 

JDbcrffrigc  vt  fe  Oberroabe. 

Ooerffri»|c  vt  (fonte  Oberftrift  baa)  superscribe. 
head;  (folbe  meb  Sfrift)  scrlbble  el.  scrawl  til 
over;  -ftreoet  JDrb  word  written  on  anothex. 
-ning  e  Buperscrlbing  etc. 

+Øbetflrte»e  vt  fig  outrun. 

Oberfffotbl'  adv  astride. 

Cberftnb  n,  pi  «,  surplus,  overpluss,  excess, 
balance;  ((Øebinft)  profit,  margin  (of  profit),  lfty 
•by;  (oeb  $anteauftion)  bonus. 

Oberffnbt  a  cut  through  el.  in  half  by  a  shot. 

Ober | flue  vt  survey,  overlook,  command,  take 
in  at  one  view.  +-ff«e  n  r,  fe  flat.  -finelig 
a  that  mav  be  surveyed  etc.;  fig  clear  perspi- 
cuous. -ftneligbeb  o  cleamess,  persplcuity. 
•ffnelfe  c  survey. 

Oberffbnl^e  vt  wash,  dash  over. 

OoerfTbbe  vi  remain.  exceed;  bet  -nbe,  fe  Ober« 

Obctffaet  a  overcast,  cloudy. 

Oberffbgge  vt  overshadow,  overshade. 

Ober|f1)l|lc  vt  wash  over,  overflow,  inundate. 
-Ung  c  overflowing,  lnundation. 

Ooerftotg  *  mustachios  pi,  mustache. 

Ooerffftlbe  vt  overwhelm  with  abuse. 

-fOberffornbe  fe  Ooerflalbe;  fom  iffe  ftonbte  igen, 
ber  tyin  blrb  -bt  bibl  wno,  when  he  was  reviled, 
re  vil  ed  not  agaln. 

Oberftocnf  o  chief  cup-bearer. 

Oberlftorrc  ve  cut  (in  two),  di  vide;  mat  lnter- 
sect,  cut,  cross;  -  JMcebe  dress  cloth.  -fistrer  o 
clothdregser.     -fTsrernlb    flocks.     -fTotring    o 




cuttiDg  etc;  dressing  of  cloth;  (3fa»rnb.)  inter- 
section  (of  two  lines),  (af  BeJ)  level  crossing. 
-fTcrringepnntt  crossing  point. 

Øperfrøn  n  re-estimation,  resurvey,  second 

Otterftørt  n  outer  petticoat. 

+Dperflaa  vt  throw  over. 

Oøerlflag  n,  pi  =*,  (omtrentlig  Beregning)  esti- 
mate; (paa  ftiole  ofb.)  faclng;  (paa  gejftltgf  ftlabet) 
band;  i  outside  tura;  gøre  ft  -  form  an  esti- 
mate (of).    -flagifU  (©rpg.)  sparger. 

-t-Ottcrfllme  *t  cover  with  mucua. 

♦Operfløre  vt  veil. 

Ooerfntebntttg  c  polishing  (of  bullets). 

D»erfmør|e  »*  (be)smear,  bedaub;  .  meb  Xalg 
coat  el.  smear  with  tallow.    -ing  c  smearing. 

ØPerfne  vt  cover  (all  over)  with  snow. 

Øøerfnit  n  cut  across. 

Øøerfnnfe  vt  (om  en  $unb)  snuff  all  over. 

Øøer|fpetn(ere  fifl  vi  be  over-speoulative.  -fpt» 
tttlattøtt  c  overtrading. 

ØDerfpil  n  J,  upper  capstan. 

Øøerfpilbe  vt  spill  over  el.  upon,  dirty,  mess. 

ØPrrfpiOemanb  o  bandmaster. 

Øøerfpinbc  vt  spin  over,  whip  abont;  -fpunbne 
Jtnopper  buttons  covered  with  silk;  -fpunbne 
6trenge  spun  music-strings,  (meb  Sølbtraab)  sil- 
vered  strings. 

Øøerfprtnge  vt  skip  (over),  pass  over.  -Ife, 
-a  c  8kipping. 

-MDPrrlfprsblen  c  fio  exuberance.  -fprttblenbr 
o  exuberant. 

Øøerfprøjt|e  vt  sprinkle  el.  squirt  over  with 
a  syringe,  -nittg  c  sprinkling  el.  squirtlng  over 

Øøerfpp  vt  spew  over  el.  upon. 

Øøerfpptte  vt  bespit,  spit  over. 

Øørrlfpanbe  vt  overstrain,  o  verstre  tch;  areh 
spån.  -fpttnbtng  c  overstraining;  over-excite- 
ment;  fe  -fpanbtpeb.  -fpombt  a  extravagant, 
eccentric.  high-fiown,  romantic;  -e  ftorbrinaer 
extravagant  el.  immoderate  pretenslons  el.  de- 
mands, •fpcmbt^eb  c  extravagance,  eccentricity. 

Øperftaa  vt  overcome,  go  through,  get  over 
el.  through;  nu  er  bet  -et  now  it  is  over;  faa  bet 
-et  come  to  an  end  with  it. 

Øøerftaart  part  (om  Karer)  lefl  on  hånd. 

Øøerftab  c  regimental  staff. 

Øøerftablg  a  jubilaut,  elated;  —  adv:  ~  fulb 
excessively  drunk.    -tcb  c  exuberant  spirits. 

Øperftalbmefcer  c  master  of  the  horse. 

Øøerlftemrae  vt  (opetbøbe)  drown  by  one's 
voice;  (beb  6temmegiøning)  out-vote;  fio  ovemile; 
-  en  Streng  tune  a  string  too  high.  -tømme  c 
upper  voice  part.  -ftemning  c  drownlng  etc.; 

Øøerftempel  n  upper  die. 

•Øøerften  c  (i  SKøHe)  fe  fisbet. 

Øøerftig|e  vt  overstep,  overflow;  fio  exceed, 
surpass,  be  in  excess  of.  -ttfng  e  overstepping 

Øøerfrigrr  c  -e  (i  Cjargoærf)  master  miner, 

Øøerfriffe  vt  (i  ftorrfpil)  take  with  a  higher 

Øøerftraale  vt  outshine,  eclipse,  outblaze. 

Øøerfrrrae  vt  cross  out,  strike  out. 

♦Øøerfmbe  vt  get  over,  pass  through,  struggle 

Øøerftrpgje  vt  (meb  GtrpgejcenO  iron,  iron  over; 
<meb  Jjære.  Sfarøe)  coat,  pay  (over),  (paa  np)  re 
-coat;  (oøerfhege)  cross  out,  strike  out.  -Bing  c 
ironing  etc. 

Øøerftrø  vt  strew,  sprinkle  (over). 

ØPerftrøg  n  coat,  coating. 

Øøerftrømme  vt  overflow.  •«  c  overflow« 
•nbe  a  fio  exuberant;  .  Barme  effusi veneas. 

Øøerftytff  n  (i  Vlm.)  upper  piece  el.  part; 
(Jtlabn.)  outer  garment,  cloak;  ^  (til  ftanonport 
upper  port-sill. 

Øøernp'r  adv :  gaa  -  miscarry,  fall,  fisll  to  the 
gro  und,  fall  through,  prove  abortive,  come  to 
nought;  fortte  .  dissipate,  waste,  spend,  squander 
(away;,  run  through. 

Øørrftpr|ina«b  c  firet  el.  chief  mate.  -øxaaM 
pøft  situation  as  firet  mate. 

Øøerftprte  vt  throw  over,  pour  over. 

Cøerjtamt|c  vt  bespatter.  -»ing  c  bespattering. 

ØørHUøe  vt  cover  with  dust. 

Øperfntre  vt  sugar  (over). 

-MDperføamne  vt  swarm  over. 

Øøerføocrte  or  blacken  over. 

+Øpetfø«Pe  vt  hover  over. 

Øøerfpømme  vt  inundate,  overflow,  flood, 
deluge,  (tun  fio)  overrun.  -Ife  o  -t  inundation, 
del  uge,  overflow. 

Øørrfp  vt  sew  over. 

ØPerfpn  %  surveying,  overlooklng;  jur  re- 

Øøcrf  pnge  vt  drown  another's  voice  in  singing 

Øøerfpnlng  c  sewing  over. 

Øprrfttbig  a  $  superior,  epigynous. 

Oøerfotlbe  vt  sift  over. 

Coerftrtntng  o  (meb  ^artøi  ofb.)  ferrying  over, 
transporting  across. 

CPerfstmng  c  -ec  loo  major  (premiss). 

£>»er| fatte  vt  (f.  Sti.  paa  ftutft)  translate,  torn, 
render,  do  (into  Danish);  -  fra  Danft  ril  vnøefft 
translate  from  Danish  into  Bnglish;  -  meb 
render  by;  .  urigtigt  mistranslate.  -fattelig  a 
tran8latable.  -fattelfe  c  -t  translation,  version. 
•fttttetfe$førføg  attempt  at  translation,  -farttør 
c  -e  translator.  -f  atterfe j(  mistake  in  translation, 
•fatterinbr  c  -r  translatress. 

CPerføtfT  a  transatlantic,  oversea,  beyond  se*; 
beftemt  til  .  6teb  bound  oversea. 

Cverfølc  vt  staln  el.  sully  all  over. 

CPerføm  o  overcasting. 

Dprrtaarae  vt  tower  over. 

Cber|tag  »  grasp  over  the  arms  fin  wrestllng); 
fio  upper  nand,  overhånd,  advantage;  faa  -et 
get  the  upper  hånd,  get  uppermost;  $at  faaet 
-et  oper  ^am  F  has  him  on  the  hip.  -toge  vt 
(f.  «f«.  et  Øobft,  en  ©aarb)  take  poasession  of, 
receive  in  livery;  (et  (Embebe  ofo.)  enter  upon; 
(irommanboen  ofb.)  take;  (^otretning,  Hrbeibe  ofb.) 
undertake,  take  upon  one's  self,  take  charge  of: 
(en«  <Bo*lb)  assome;  ^  -  gabegoM  sling  caskø; 
.  Råerne  cross  the  yards,  -tagelfc  o  (af  en 
Sjenbom  ofb.)  taking  posseBølon  of,  livery;  under- 
taklng  etc.;  aasumptlon. 

CbertatUt  a  overrigged. 

Oberltatøation,  -tafit  c  revaluation. 

Oper | tale  vt  penuade,  prevail  upon  ef.  on;  — 
or  f  ig  tit  bring  one's  self  to,  bring  one's  mind 
to.  -talelig  a  persuasible.  -tafclfe  c  -r  persna- 
sion.  —  Dbertalelfellettne,  -gabe  power  of  per- 
suasion,  persuasive  powers,  -tnnfl  art  of  per- 
suasion.    CPertatenbe  a  persuasive. 

Cbertallig  a  exceeding  the  Just  number, 
supernumerary,  in  excess;  en  -  a  supemumerary. 

Cpertovb  c  upper  tooth. 

Cøertegning  o:  i  Xilfatbe  af  -  lf  more  snares 
are  subscribed  for  than  can  be  supplied. 

Obertilfpn  n  superintendence. 

jDoertimeUg  a  supertemporal. 

Cbrrto(b|beftpre(fett  the  Customs  department, 
the  Board  of  Customs.  -betjent  ttde-surveyor. 
-infprrtør  inspector  general  of  the  customs. 

Oøcftrø  e  supersti tion.    -iff  a  supersti tioas. 




Overtrumfe  vt  overtrump;  fig  outdo,  cap, 

Ofccrrrbt  n  transfer  on  stone. 

0»er|trabe  vt  transgress,  trespass  against, 
eontravene,  break  (through).  -trobelfc  c  t 
txansgresslon;  .  af  Iniringement  of.  -trabelfei' 
f9«b  sin  of  commlssion.  -traber  c  -e  trans- 
gressor,  violator  (of),  offender  (against). 

Øfterrraffe  vt  fe  Obergaa. 

Otterjtrat  n,  p/  «,  cover,  case;  (af  TOatiiifl  o.  I.) 
coating,  -tratte  vt  cover;  (nabnlig  om  Knflgtft* 
fane)  suffuse:  .  mrb  $aptr  paper;  -  meb  førnit 
▼arnlsh;  (f.  (EM.  en  $arafot)  re-cover;  Qimlen  bar 
-tru  tf  en  the  sky  was  overcast;  -trulten  Suft  cloudy 
weather;  •truffen  ftnap  covered  button.  -tral« 
min*  c  covering  etc.  -tratflø  fe  -flo.  -trati' 
ttxmt  half-sleeve. 

Cbetibarf',  -ibart'  fe  Xdart. 

Oncrtbbje  vt  (om)  convince  (of).  -fttng  c  con- 
▼i etion,  persnasion. 

Oberibuge  vt  overburden. 

Otertalle  vt  count  over. 

0»erfonf|c  vt  medltate  upon,  reflect  upon, 
ponder  upon,  oonsider  of  et.  about.  -uiag  e 
refle etion,  conslderatlon. 

Overtøj  n  npper  garments  pi,  over-clothlng; 
(i  SJeobfotn.  tit  fcoer)  stuff,  cloth. 

Oøfrtøimefter  e  master  of  the  ordnance. 
Obertømmer  n  <t  top-timber. 

Øbertømmermaitb  c  master-carpenter,  chief 

Obcrtørtlobe  n  oomforter. 

Obcrtøru  n  ridlng  turn. 

Obertørb  c  surface  peat. 

Ofterjbattb  n  &  water  shipped;  foa  .  snip 
water  -oattbc  vt  water  (all  over);  water  too 
much.  -boubøftar  rock  visible  above  the 
vrater's  edge. 

Obcrbeje  vt  (gatbe  mere  enb)  outweigh;  (nøje 
betonte)  weigh,  ponder,  fe  Obertaure;  alt  bel  -t 
all  things  considered.  -Ifc  c  -c  weighing,  de- 
llberation;  fe  Obertanfntng;  tage  unber  -  take 
into  conslderatlon,  think  about,  entertain;  tage 
unbet  forotjrt  .  reconsider,  think  better  of,  re- 
view;  efter  narmere  -  on  conslderatlon,  on  second 
thoughts,  after  a  second  reflection;  beb  rolig  - 
on  calm  reflection.  -nbe  a  predominant,  para- 
mount;  bet  -  fcntal,  ben  -  SDef  the  great  el.  vast 
majority,  —  adv  mainly,  chiefly. 

Oberbrfer  c  lnspector  to  superintend  the 
weighing  of  goods. 

Oberberben  c  (i  TOobf.  tit  ben  btrtelige  ».)  ideal 
world,  supernal  w.;  (i  røobf  HI  ttnberb.)  upper 

Ober  |  »tabe  vt  vanqnish,  conquer,  beat,  over- 
come,  worst;  -  Soufretigfieber  surmonnt  et.  over- 
come  difficulties;  .  fin  ftobbilje,  Øorbom  over- 
come  one's  antipathy,  prejudice;  (meb  Siben,  en 
6org  o.  I.)  live  down;  —  vt  fig  felb  gain  a  vic- 
tory  over  one's  self;  .  fig  til  at  prevail  on  one's 
■elf  to.  -otn'betlg  a  conquerable,  superable, 
turmountable.  -»tn'betigteb  e  vincibleness. 
•olubetfe  o  vanqulshing  etc.;  bet  loftebe  mig  megen 
•  it  cost  me  a  great  effort,  I  was  very  reluotant 
to.    -binber  c  -e  vanqnisher,  vlctor,  conqueror. 

Oberbinbne  *  upper  wlndow. 

Cberbint|re  vt  b  i  winter.  -ring  c  wlntering. 
-rtagftfteb  wlntering  station. 

Oberbogn  c  body  of  a  coach. 

Cberbøff  |c  vt  fe  Obergro;  ■»■  (bot»e  højere)  out- 
grow.    -atng  c  overgrowing. 

Oberbøtb  o  assault,  violence,  aggression. 

Oberbwrbelre  vt  overrate,  overvalue,  over- 
est i  mate.  -ring  o  overeBtlmation,  overvaluation, 

Oberbagt  c  over-weight;  (om  fflejfegobft)  ezcess 
baggage;  fig  preponderance,  predominance;  føtoe 

-  ober  outweigh;  F  fym  fit  -en  og  ftbrtebe  neb  he 
lost  his  balance  and  fell  down;  fig  faa  -en  pre- 
vail; faa  -  oder  get  the  ascendant  over.  -tg  a 
exceeding  the  full  weight,  overweighlng. 

Ober|ba(be  c  fe  Obermagt.  -balbe  vt  over- 
whelm,  overpower,  overoome,  be  too  much  for. 
-oatbenbe  a  overwhelming;  bet  -  ©tof  the  crowd- 
lng  matter,  -balbclfe  c  overwhelming.  -batbig 
fe  -mogtig. 

Ober  | bier  n  fe  -boretfe.  -bære  (-tarer,  -bar  k 
-barebe)  vt  be  present  at,  attend,  witness.  -btt« 
retfe  e  presenoe,  attendance  (af  nt  at  st);  i  min 
•  in  my  presence,  before  me. 

Oberbaretfe  n  -r  upper  room. 

Overnattet  o  excessive,  exceeding,  extreme; 

—  adv  excessively  etc. 
Overarme  n  half-sleeve. 

Ober*f|e  vt  meb  pour  upon  el.  over;  fig  heap 
upon,  overwhelm  with,  shower  upon.  -etfe, 
-ning  o  pouring  over. 

Ooerbbriglyeb  o  -er  chief  et.  superior  magi- 

Obn  e  -e  (©aøcr)  oven;  (Smelte*)  furnace; 
(ftatfetobn)  stove;  (Xørre>,  »rænbo  kiln,  (%*&•) 
brick-kiln,  (ftallO  Ume-klln.  Obtt|bagt  a  baked 
in  an  oven.  -brnb  n  tutty.  -bør  door  of  an 
oven.  -fugt  oven-bird,  Fumariwt.  -fttlb  c 
charge,  -gab  fe  -but.  -gaffel  oven-fork.  -gtttb 
brick-floor  of  an  oven,  furnace- bed.  -Ijnl  moutb 
of  an  oven.  -ilb  fire  of  a  stove  el.  oven.  -fa« 
min  stove  chimney.  -tit  stove-cement.  -log- 
ning cooking  on  the  stove.  -tang  cover  of  a 
furnace  el.  stove.  -(at  pastil,  -(er  lutlng  for 
stoves,  oven-lute.  -»effter  stoker.  -mnnbing 
mouth  of  an  oven.  -bibe  plpe  of  an  oven  ef 
furnace.  -btabe  iron  plate  of  an  oven,  stove 
-plate.  -rage,  -rager  poker,  -rør  plpe,  flue. 
-ftrabe  oven-rake.  -ftnffc,  -ffipbcr  peel.  -fltenn 
fire  screen,  -fob  oven  soot.  -fbjetb  fe  Spjdb. 
-fbov  tap-hole.  -ftang  fe  -rage.  -fcca  baked  meat. 
-jlcgt  a  baked,  oven-roasted.  -(tegning  oven 
-roasting.  -fort  batch,  -fatter  chimney- bullder. 
•Urret  a  oven-dried,  kiln-dried.  -tørring  klin 
-drylng.  -barme  heat  of  an  oven,  stove-heat. 
-bimer)  e  maulkin. 

tObre  adv  over,  across;  (forbi)  over,  past;  %n 
.  here,  over  h.,  out  h.;  ^ijt  -  yonder. 

Oia'llfar  a:  t  Salt  oxalate;  -  ftalt  oxalate 
of  lime.    -fbre  oxallc  acid. 

♦Ojetbor  n  fe  llfalb. 

Osb'b  n  -er  ox'ide.  -e're  vt  oxMdize.  -e'ring 
e  oxidation,  -nt  *  protoxlde.  Orimel  n  oxy- 
mel.    Orjfalt  n  oxysalt. 

Ozelot'  c  fe  ^antertat. 

O^o'n  n  chem  o'zone.  -t|Otbig|eb  c  amount 
of  ozone. 





»J,  p  røe]  n  -re  P,  p  [pee];  o66r:  $.  «  jBogino 
page;  fe  $b.;  p(Et.  «  procent  percent;  fjb.  ■- 
Stanb  ponndfs). 

«««  c  fe  goafual. 

$aa  pr«p  (ofteft)  on,  upon:  .  Sorbet  on  the 
table;  _  Sagaen  on  the  wall;  _  Scenen  on  the 
stage;  .  Sørfen  on  (the  ez)change;  .  min  Stbe 
on  my  side;  .  6tebet  (flrafft)  on  the  spot:  -  ben 
Settngelfe  at  on  (the)  condition  that:  -  Sorg  on 
trust;  betole  faa  mange  $enge  .  eet  »reet  pay  so 
much  money  down  upon  the  nail;  f  pifte  -  et 
3nftrument  play  on  an  instrument;  -  Sønbag  on 
Sunday  (nezt);   Sirtning  -  effect  on;  lagge  Slat 

-  impose  a  taz  on;  —  in:  ,  bette  Steb  in  this 
place;  60  -  et  Xorto  live  in  a  market-place;  «  en 
Saab  in  a  boat;  -  Øaben  In  the  street;  -  fianbet, 
Starten,  (ingen  in  the  country,  the  fleld,  the 
meadow;  .  Ralfter,  Scrn(otm  in  the  island  of 
Falster,  Bornholm;  .  SRørregabe  in  North  Street; 

-  Slottet  in  el.  at  the  palace;  -  min  Dib  in  my 
time;  ~  fine  gamle  Dage  in  his  old  age;  (an  fan 
gøre  bet  farbigt  -.  to  Dage  he  can  finish  it  in  two 
days;  .  *ng«lft  (i  bet  engelfte  Sprog)  in  Bnglish, 
(efter  engelft  Sttt)  in  el.  after  the  English  manner 
el.  fashion;  .  Ser*  in  verse;  .  en  ftor  ?$ob  in 
great  style:  ~  benne  SRaabe  in  this  way;  .  Sjæl 
og  Segeme  in  soul  and  body;  (an  bar  et  Aul  - 
fin  ftfole  he  has  got  a  hole  in  his  coat;  rig,  fattig 

-  rich,  poor  in;  enbe  -  end  in;  —  in  to;  neb  . 
Øaben  down  into  the  street;  rejfe,  brage  ub  - 
Sanbet  go  down  into.  set  out  for,  the  country; 

-  at:  .  Xeatret  at  tne  theatre;  -  $jørnet  at  el. 
on  the  corner;  .  Dolbboben  at  the  custom- house; 
bare  -  Bal,  ftomebie  be  at  a  ball,  at  the  play; 
tabe  -  førfte,  anben  $aanb  buy  at  firet  hånd,  at 
second  band;  Koge  -  bet  (berfte  be  at  the  point 
of  death,  be  at  death's  door;  arbejbe  .  work  at, 
be  engaged  in,  at,  on;  .  ben  Dib  at  that  time; 

-  min  Setoflning  at  my  ezpense;  —  a :  ber  lommer 
faa  meget  -  (eet  lt  comes  to  so  much  a  head; 
bære  .  3ogt  be  a-hunting;  —  to :  gaa  -  Sagt, 
©al,  Jromebte,  Sørfen  go  a-hunting,  to  a  ball,  to 
the  play,  to  the  ezchange;  gaa  11b  -  <E(rifrianft> 
babn  go  out  to  Christianshaven;  fejle  el.  fare  - 
OfHnbten,  ®Hbbel(abet  sail  el.  tråde  to  the  East 
Indies,  the  Mediterranean;  Sbar  .  et  Sreo  answer 
to  a  letter;  banbe  -  swear  to;  jeg  britter  (benne 
Staal)  «  Deres  l&ftelige  ttejfe  here's  a  pleasant 
journey  el.  a  prosperous  voyage  to  you;  ber  gaar 
16  $unb  -  et  £iftpunb  sizteen  pounds  go  to  (make) 
a  stone;  tnbb&be  en  -  Stilbpabbe,  $lumbubbina  ofb. 
invite  one  to  turtle,  plum-puddlng;  fat  bet  - 
min  Hegning  place  lt  to  my  account;  .  fito  og 
Døb  to  the  death;  .  bet  at  that,  to  the  end  that, 
in  order  that;  —  of:  fiooe  ~  et  $ofpital  physician 
of  el.  to  a  hospital;  en  ftone  ~  26  Var  a  woman 
of  twenty-flve:  et  Støtte  -  12  Sien  a  piece  of  12 
ellø;  en  norbrtng  -  100  fRigtbaler  a  clalm  of  100 
dollars;  fiøbet  .  Xroerne  the  foliage  of  the  trees; 

Soeflebteo  -  en  Øaarb  lease  of  a  farm;  fttgbom  - 
bag  abundance  of  cattle;  Vtangel  -  Senge  want 
of  money;  bøu  .  et  (Bre  deaf  of  an  ear;  mieunbelig 
.  envious  of;  betale  af  -  en  Qkelb  pay  off  part  of 
one's  debt;  —  with:  .  Sebrag  with  a  fraudulent 
intention;  —  with  in :  (an  (ar  foranbret  fig  meget 
•  nogle  Var  he  has  greatly  changed  within  these 

rew  years;  —  for  Iaone  -  en  Staaneb  borrow  for 
a  month;  -  min  Sibe  for  my  part;  —  After: 
Stnb  -  Stub  shot  after  shot;  fobe  -  Koben  sleep 
after  dinner,  take  a  siesta;  —  through:  -  urin 
Vnbefaling  through  my  recommendatioii;  — 
about:  (ar  bu  $enge  .  btg?  have  you  money 
about  you?  —  by:  jeg  fenber  bet  ..  et  (emnteftot 
Warfe  I  know  it  by  a  private  mark;  (anbrr 
SRaaber):  Solen!  $øjbe  i  Støtbianen  -  ftt  feøieftr, 
.  fit  labefie  tut  the  sun's  meridian  attitude  over, 
under  the  pole;  bbgge  ~  et  $u§  be  building  el. 
engaged  in  building  a  house;  jeg  frttfer  olrib  - 
Aanberne  my  bands  are  always  cold;  tøffe  en  - 
(aanben  kiss  one's  nand;  lafe  -  fin  Setrie  atndy 
el.  con  over  one's  lesson;  (an  lafer  enbira  -  ben 
føtfte  Del  he  is  still  reading  the  flrst  volume; 
frubere  -  study;  tage  noget  inb  at  fbebe  .  take  a 
Budoriflc;  tage  noget  inb  at  latftere  -  take  a  par- 
gative;  tage  noget  mb  at  bratte  -  take  an  emetlc; 
alle  -  to  non  all  ezcept  two;  bet  (ar  itte  ftort  . 
fig  it  is  no  great  matter,  of  small  consequenæ; 
(fe  forreflen  Serberne);  —  ad*  on:  begge  .  lav  on 
(oft>.);  (Bulbtæpperne  »are  itte  .  the  carpets  were 
not  down. 
$aa|aanben,  -oanbiiig  c  breathing  on. 

*3«a|aøtc  vt  fe  Vgte  poa.  -agtelfe.  -agtaing  c 
attending  to,  attention,  minding,  notice. 

9  aa  I  an  te  o  fe  Vnfe.  -ante  vt  complain  of. 
appeal  against.  -ontelfe,  •amtuing  c  complaint. 
-ontaingdfrilt  term  of  appeal. 

?aa»*ate  vt  flz;  nail  on. 
aabrg(nbe  vt  begin.  commence.    -Ift  c  be- 
ginning  etc,  commencement. 

Daaberaabe  vt  k  rifl,  fe  Seraabe  fla  paa.  -Ift 
c  appeal,  reference;  unber  -  af  appealing  to  (en); 
referring  to. 

aabfb  c  (Waaltib)  bite. 

aabibflc  vt  bridle. 

aabinbe  vt  bind  on,  tie  on. 

aabrsnb|e  vt  brand  with.    -i«g  e  branding. 

*3aa|vnb  «,  pi  =,  injunction,  order.  -tSjbe 
vt  enjoin,  command.  -bbbelfe  o  enjoining  etc., 

ftaabttgjge  vt  build  upon.  raise  upon;  et  -t 
Stib  a  ship  raised  upon.  -mug  c  building  etc.; 
conc  superstructure. 

^3aab(rbe  vt  burden  with,  encumber  with. 
-ffc  o  burdening. 

$aabigte  vt  falsely  impute  to  el.  charge  with. 
-Ife  c  falae  imputation. 

Daabrage  vt  draw  (down)  upon,  entail  upon; 
—  vr  fig  Vnfbar  incur  reeponsibility,  -  fig  en 
Sngbom  bring  on  one's  self  a  flt  of  illnesa;  .  fig 
Sbgelig(eb  contract  ill-health;  .  fig  en  $ortøietfe 
catch  a  cold. 

$aabrej|e  vt  turn  el.  screw  on.  -ning  c  turn- 
lng  etc. 

$aabriv|e  vt  urge  on,  push  on,  press  on. 
-ttina  e  urging,  pushlng;  (om  Stib)  foullng, 
driving  into  (a  ship). 

?aabr(p|pe  vt  drip  on.    -ning  c  dripping  on. 
aabrbølfe  vt  dredge  with.     -fen,   -«t«g  c 
dredging,  besprinkllng. 

faabne  fe  ^øifijart. 
aabntte  vt  fe  Dutte  paa.     -ffc  c  imputation. 




-niaf  o  heaplng 
-Ife  o  adjudg- 

fjoabtynglc  vt  heap  upon. 

fjoabjmnte  vt  adjadge,  dedde. 
In«,  adjudication. 

$oafalbe  vt  come  over  el.  upon;  wire  en  -be 
strike;  bec  -bt  bem  en  plubfetiø  étzæt  they  were 
selzed  with  a  sudden  terror,  a  sudden  terror 
came  over  them.  -nbe  a  (befønberliø,  ufabbanttø) 
Strange,  extraordinary,  noticeable;  (flaaenbe) 
striking;  bet  bat  mia  .  ot  flnbe  tøm  faa  fotanbtet 
I  wu  »truck  to  find  him  so  mach  altered;  bet 
-  (i)  the  Btrangeness,  the  strlklngness  (of);  — 
adv  strangely,  noticeably,  remarkably. 

fjoafinbe  vt  hit  upon,  lnyent,  devise,  -r  c  -e 
Inventor,  contrlver. 

+fjaa|fje»et  fe  $oafnøle«. 

$3aoforb|re  vt  demand,  ask;  naar  bet  -*  when 
required.    -ring  c  demand. 

$oafnøl  c  peafowl,  peaoock,  /tøo;  fe  -øje.  — 
$3aafuøle|9røøfcl  lyre-Urd,  Menura  svperba.  -fje- 
ber  peacock's  feather.  -tale  tail  of  a  peaoock; 
$>  flower-fence,  peaoock  flower,  OcBsatpinia  pul- 
ckerrima.  -bane  peaoock.  -|*ne  peahen.  -fol« 
te«  ocelUted  torkey,  Meleagris  octttata.  -!*> 
Ii«g  peachick.  -trane  fe  ftton«.  «#Je  peaoock'B 
eye;  (3nf.)  peaeock  (butterfly),  Vanessa  lo. 

Øatfttub  *  invention,  device. 

flaafnl^lc  vt  flll  up,  flll  in;  heap  on.  -ntnø  o 
Alling  up  eto. 

£«*ftre  vi:  bet  6teb  -t  the  fires  were  lighted. 

Baafa'rbe  adv  fe  ftærb. 

$aaføtgc  et  follow,  ensue,  sucoeed;  -nbe  (i 
Xib)  following  etc.;  subseqnent;  (font  føløe) 

fjaafore  vt  bring  on  el.  upon,  cause;  -  Stiiø 
war  on,  wage  war  against,  invade;  bette  -te  $am 
el.  flanbri  Srriø  this  gave  rise  to  a  war  against 
him  el.  the  country;  -  ftonosfementet  en  ©efterø« 
wef fe  insert  a  provision  In  the  bill  of  lading. 

$3aagaaen|be  a  requiaite,  required;  (om  $etfon) 
forward,  pushing;  -  Dmlofhtinøer  contingent  ex- 
penses.    -tøs  c  push. 

Øaagnibe  vt  rub  on. 

$aa'ørtb|e  vt  apprehend,  seize;  (fftetretntnøen 
om,  at  tøn  attec  bar  -øreben  the  news  of  his  re- 
capture.  -elfe,  -ntng  c  apprehending,  apprehen- 
sdon.  seizure,  arrest. 

-tSaa'grøet  a  fe  -bolfen. 

+ftoa'gr(tnfenbe  a  bordering,  contermlnous, 

$aogbb|e  vt  pour  upon,  infuse.  -elfe,  -ntnø 
c  pourlng  upon,  infusion. 

feaagtrlbe  tJ*  concern;  -nbe  in  question,  par- 
ticalar:  ben  -e  the  party  conoerned. 

fjaalftaae  o  peaoock,  fe  -fugl. 

$oaqaJb|e  vt  reel  up,  wind  on  (a  hasp  el.  a 
reel),    -ttlnø  c  reeling  up,  Winding  on  etc. 

Saa|eft|e  vt  fix  on,  fasten  on,  (fb)  stitch  on, 
(m.  SenapbenaaQ  pin  on.    -ttiwg  c  fljdng  on. 

Øaabetøe  vt  (f.  tf«,  en  ©bgbom)  bring  (a  sick« 
ness)  upon  (one)  by  wltchcraft. 

9«a|  jit  n,  pi  —,  fe  $aafunb.  -t>ittc  vt  lnvent, 

$aaIftolbe  vt:  unberffrtbe  meb  -n  $en  sign  by 
touching  a  pen  whicn  is  guided  by  another, 
srign  wlth  one's  haud  at  the  pen.  -botben  a 
sparing,  saving,  close.  -botbenbe  a  tenadous 
(of);  fe  -$ølben.     -ftøtbenbeb  c  parsimony,  olose- 

fjaabbtle  vt  be  incumbent  on,  Ile  upon;  bet  -t 
Ifle  mia  this  is  no  duty  of  mine,  this  is  not  my 
duty,  does  not  rest  wlth  me;  nbe,  fom  t  char- 
geable  to  el.  on. 

8aa|oilbc  vt  pour  on. 

$oa|4*«g  n  (Zrbøteri)  lmportunity;  (Stoøere 
ofo.)  hangers-on.    •gange  vt  hang  on,  attach  to. 

-tangen  o  hanging  on;  fio  lmportunity.    •s)oen* 
øellø,  -bocngenbe  a  lmportunate. 

"laalbøne  c  peahen,  fe  -fnøl. 
aahøt  n  hearing,  presene© . 

.  tøai aibe  vt  call  on  el.  upon,  invoke.  -Ife,  -n 
c  calllng  upon,  invocation,  bibl  suppllcation. 

$aataft|c  vt  throw  upon,  cast  upon,  fling 
upon.    -elfe,  -ning  c  throwing  upon  etc. 

fjaa'!enb|c  vt  decide,  adjudge.  -elfe  c  deci- 
sion, adJudication. 

*$aat  jenbing  c  strain. 

$aa  [flage  vt  complain  of.    -Hage  c  oomplaint. 

éaa'tline  vt  fe  SJaatlæbe. 

Saa  Hintet  part  riveted  on. 

Vaa'diftjre  vt  paste  on.    -ring  c  pasting  on. 

$aa'tt<rbje  vt  paste  el.  glue  on  el.  to.  -steg 
e  pasting  etc. 

Jtaa'tuebc  vt  dress,  attire.  put  on  clothes. 
-Iloibning  e  dressing;  (ftlcebebraøt)  dress,  attire; 
boere  længe  om  Rn  -  be  long  in  dressing.  —  Soa> 
tUebntngSl  lamme?  dressing-room;  (i  @rnefbi$nfe) 
tiring-house,  tiring-room.  -tone  tire-woman. 
•f^ejl  dresslng-glaas.    -bcerelfe  fe  -fammer. 

eaa'fnabbet  part  buttoned  on. 

faatomme  vt  (^anbes,  inbtroeffe)  happen,  bemll; 
(oberfalbe)  come  upon;  bet  baaiom  mig  en  befttø 
Ølbfcn  I  was  seized  wlth  a  violent  fit  of  sneez- 
ing;  bet  poafont  bem  en  bobeliø  SSat^eb  a  deadly 
f&lntness  stole  upon  them;  i  -nbe  Xitfcetbe  if  need 
be;  -nbe  ttrebbe  ^  latitude  arrived  at,  1.  in. 

?aa  Irab,  -traoe  fe  -forbrinø,  -foibre. 
M'Ur|c  vt  cart  upon,  drive  upon;  min  8oøn 
Meb  -rt  af  en  Omnibus  an  omnibus  drove  against 
my  carriage.    -fel  c  carting  upon,  driving  upon; 
driving  against. 

ftaalanbf  a :  .  VJinb  el.  -binb  c  sea-wind,  sea 
-breeze;  meb  ~  8inb  wlth  the  wind  biowing  on 
the  shore.    -florm  a  gale  biowing  on  the  shore. 
VaalangS'  adv  fe  Sang*. 
ftoataffet  part  scarphed  on  (to). 

iWti  a  pole-masted. 

*Baa(e|maH  e  polemast. 
•maftina  c  pole-masted  vessel. 

fiaalrbettg  a  trustworthy,  to  be  depeuded 
upon  el.  relied  on,  reliable.  -|cb  o  trustiness, 
trustworthiness,  reliabllity. 

Saallggt  vt  be  incumbent  on;  bet  -r  Sem  at 
øste  bette  it  is  your  duty,  rests  with  you  to  do 

$aatiø|ne  vt  assess,  rate,  tax.  -ning  c  assess- 
ment,  rating,  taxatlon. 

?aatint|e  vt  glue  on.    -ning  c  gluing  on. 
aalifte  vt  (en  noget)  impose  (a  thing)  upon 
(one)  by  craft,  by  cunning. 

Haalobbe  vt  solder  on  (to). 
laa'Htab  o  palstave. 

>aalbbenbe  a  stated,  specified;  DMtgoiionen*  . 
Sum  the  sum  specified  in  the  bond;  _  Seerbi 
(ofb.)  facial  value.  ^aalbbenbe  n  import,  tenor; 
stated  el.  nominal  amount. 

Baalbbe  vt  fe  $aabløte. 

$a«|lsø  n,  pi  *»,  (©emingen  at  tagge  boa) 
laying  on;  (Sfat  ofo.)  imposiaon,  impost;  Cpot* 
øøelfe)  addition,  advanoe,  enhancement;  (Øefa* 
Iinø)  injunction,  charge;  cheese,  meat(etc.)  laid 
on  bread  and  butter;  J,  (boa  Spant  ofb.)  chock, 
(paa  røafl.  ©oofprpb)  flsh;  .  paa  Søterflæbn  false 
stem-post;  .  boa  Rot  rudder  boards,  -laøøe  vt 
(lægge  baa)  lay  on,  put  on,  plaoe  on;  ($tigt,  Bob, 
Slot)  impose  upon-,  rinbftøtbe)  charge  (with), 
enjoin;  -  en  nt  enjoln  st  on  one;  .  en  at  enioin 
one  to;  -lagt  Saal  outsidelock.  rimlock.    -Ifltø- 

8 elfe  c  laying  on  etc.,  imposition;  ^ccnbfrt  - 
nposition  of  hånds.     -Isager,  -Itfaaerfle  o  typ 
layer.    -Ittøning  fe  •loøøelfe.    -lotglbroberi  ap- 
plloatlon,  appliqué. 
Haatoefe  vt  load. 




+$ftftla?ft  =  laft  (fe  røaoftrtbe). 

S  anløben  part  due.     -be  pari  running  on;  be 
enter  the  accruing  interest. 

Caama|(e  of  paint  on.    -Ung  c  paintlng  on. 

føaminbe  of  remind,  put  in  mind  of,  admon- 
ish.  -(fc  o  -r  admonition,  monition,  reminder. 
-?  c  -e  monitor,  admonisher. 

aamønft|re  r*  engage.    -ring  o  engagement. 
aasag|Ic  of  nail  on.    -liBg  o  nalling  on. 
aasitte  of  rivet  (on),  fluten  wlth  a  rivet. 
aonti',  baanbt'  adv  anew,  afresh;   begnnbe  - 
reoommence;  beftige  .  reascend  (o.  m.  fl.). 

Jtaanøbe  of  press  el.  force  on  el.  upon,  obtrude, 
intrude  on;  .  fig  en  obtrude  one  s  self  (upon 

$aaøftrøfere  øf  grant  (wlthout  the  power  of 
refusal),  thrust  upon  one,  force  down  one'a 

%aapat\tt  vt  pack  on;  wrap  up.  -ning  o  pack- 
lng  eta;  F  drubbing. 

Éaa|ba#fr  øf  take  care  of,  fe  $a6fe  paa.  -*«•"• 
felig,  -paffenbe  «  vigilant,  watchful,  attentive, 
careful.  -yat'feliatcb,  -yotfenteb  c  carefulneas, 
attention.  -t-paffen  o  taking  care  of.  -»aftfcr 
e  overseer,  overlooker. 

$aopege  øf  point  out,  indicate,  call  attention 
to,  (meb  9eflemt$eb)  put  one's  finger  on.  -Ife  c 
polnting  out,  indicaUon.  +-nbe  a  gram  demon- 

Jpas'brøttaing  c  mounting. 

$aa  |raab  n  calling  on.  -roobe  vt  jur  call  (on), 
call  loudly  by  name. 

$aal  regne  vt  reckon  on,  count  upon,  look  for. 
•regnelig  a  tbat  may  be  reckoned  on  etc. 

ftaaritlle  vt  furl  el.  roll  (round). 

$aarørenbe  c,  pi  ».  relation,  relative. 

$aafablet  part  saddled. 

ftaafagn  n  charge,  imputation. 

ftaafe  vt  take  care  of,  attend  to;  -  at  see 
that;  -  at  noget  bliber  ubført  see  something 
carried  in  to  effect. 

$aafej|le  vt  run  foul  of,  run  against,  run  into. 
-Ung  c  collision,  running  foul  of.  -lingitMfcelbe 
(case  of)  collision. 

9aafcjffng  c  ^  stop. 

fiaaftlr  vt  harness. 

$aafige  vt  charge  one  with,  lay  to  one's  door. 

fØaa'ffe  c  Easter;  Oøberneø)  Passover;  -n 
Baster;  i  -n,  til  -  at  Baster;  next  Easter;  ®ønbag 
efter  -  Low  Sunday.  -aften  Easter-eve.  -bereg- 
ning e  calculatton  to  find  out  when  Easter  falls. 
-bluf  Easter-bonflre.  -brøb  Easter  bread  ri.  -cake. 
-bag:  førfie  _  Easter-Sunday;  anben  -  Easter 
-Monday,  etc.  -ferle  Easter-holidays  et.  vacation. 
-feff  Easter,  festival  of  Easter.  -fteØigbage  pi, 
•-fcelg  Easter-holidays.  -b,  øj  rib  fe  fefl.  -fage  fe 
-brsb.  -(am  Easter-lamb;  Oøbernes)  paschal 
lamb.  -flife  daffodil,  Narci»9iu  pøeudonarcUtus . 
-maaneb  Easter-month.  -manbag  Easter  Monday. 
-meftfe  Baster  High -mass.  -morgen  Easter-morn- 
ing.  -nat  Easter-night.  -øffer  Easter-oflering. 
-fønbag  Easter-Sunday.  -tfb  Easter-time.  -ttgc 
Easter  week.  -binter  wintry  weather  af  Easter. 
•arg  pasch  egg,  paschal  egg,  Easter-egg.  -fften 
Eart  wind  at  Easter. 

?aaffraa*  adv  obltquely. 
aa'lffrift  c  -er  superacriptlon,  address;  in- 
scription.  -ftrivc  vt  write  on,  superBcribe;  fif 
baabe  lafl  og  -flrebet  f  got  it  flnely,  got  a  good 
rap  on  the  knuckles.  -frrlbning  e  -er  writing 
on  etc.;  fe  -ffrift. 

£aa'1rrn|e  vt  screw  on.  -ning  c  -er  screw- 
ing  on. 

$aa 'ffab  n  pretext,  pretence,  oolour;  unber  - 
af  under  (the)  pretext  of,  on  el.  under  pretence 
of;  unber  et  eller  anbet  -  on  some  pretence;  bruge 

Religionen  fil  .  for  make  religion  the  pretext 
for.    ftaaffbbe  of  pretend,  allege. 

$aa  fTnnbe  vt  hasten,  press,  accelerate,  quickeo. 
expedite.    -Ife  c  hastening.  acceleration. 

$aa  fl anfe  vt  pour  on  el.  upon. 

?aa'f!*nnc  vt  appredate.  -(fe  c  appredation 
aa'ffaa  of  hammer  on,  nail  on,  fix;  .  ea 
Xalje  clap  on  a  tackle,  ftaaflag  «  hammerisr, 

aa'fltyming  e  (af  $amø)  induction. 
aa  f mrltrt  part  melted  on. 
aa'fmøjre  of  smear  on,  spread  on,  lay  on. 
-ring  c  smearing  on. 

Jtaa'fnaRe    vt   persuade    el.   talk    one   into 
$aa  fntge  flg  or  steal  upon. 
f)aa'fnø|re  of  lace  (on).    -ring  c  låring. 
$aa'f»igrc  of  nail  on  (to). 
fjaa  fbrøjte  of  squirt  on. 

$aa 'fpffbning  e  addition,  admlxture. 
aa'fb*nb|e  of  buckle  on,  clasp  on,  strap  os. 
-ing  c  buckling  etc. 

tyuTflaa  of  (forbre)  lnsist  upon,  urge;  (en  9tt> 
ning  o  jo.)  maintaln,  assert;  Qan  -r  at  (ogf )  be 
will  have  it  that;  oebblioe  at  .  lnsist  on  el.  that, 
ben  -ebe  D&finbrr  af  the  reputed  inventor  of. 
-'e(ia,  -Mtnbc  a  positive,  opinionate,  opinionated, 
opinlonattve;  -t  TOenneffe  dogmatist,  dogmatizer. 
+'elig^eb,  +-en^eb  c  positlveness,  opinionative- 
ness.  Jtaajtanb  c  t  (oaaflaaet  Stening)  assertion, 
averment,  asseveration,  contention,  position, 
theory;  (Qrorbring)  clalm;  gøre  .  p*a  claim;  i«9 
f^ar  bebifl  min  .  I  have  proved  my  case. 

fØaaftanb'  adv  on  the  spot,  forthwirh,  lncon- 

$aa'fH!te  vt  &  bend  (to);  -trutten  bent  on. 
aa  frr bg | e  of  spread  on,  lay  on.     -ning  <" 
spreading  on,  laying  on. 

?aa  ftrø  of  strew  on,  sprinkle  on. 
aa'frrøg  n,  pi  =,   (»erninaen   at  »aaftrbgo 
laying  on;  (af  jfarbe  ofb.)  coat,  coating, 
ftaaftn'r  »  F  muddle,  turmoil,  row. 
*3a«  ftamlje  of  sprinkle  on,  besprinkle,    -ning 
o  -er  sprinkling,  sprinkle. 

9aa'ftteb|ne  of  bring  (a  cause)  into  court  by 
summons.  -ning  c  bringing  (a  cause)  before  a 
court  of  Justice. 

$aa'fkøbnlng  c  ^  grounding,  striklng. 
aafbejfet  part  welded  on  (paa  to). 

9aafi)  of  sew  on,  attach. 

$aafb«  n  presenoe,  sight;  i  mit,  bit  ofo.  -  1° 
my,  your  presence;  i  alle«  -  in  slght  of  all. 

^aafhning  e  sewing  on,  attaching;  come  trim- 

^aafcrtjte  of  add  to,  put  on,  set  on,  fix,  fasten 
(on),  afflx  to;  .  «n!erffoen  shoe  the  anchor; 
3Iben  bar  -fat  the  fire  was  the  work  of  an 
incendiary.  -telfe,  -ning  c  adding,  fixing  etc.; 
(3Ib«baafatte!fe)  arson. 

|)aa|tage  vt  k  r  (nboortrt  tilegne  fig)  aømnne, 
put  on,  aflect;  (obertage)  charge  one's  self  with. 
undertake,  take  upon  one's  self.  -tagelig  « 
palpable,  obvious,  tangible.  -lagetfe  c  assuming 
etc.    -tagen  a  assumed,  affected,  put  on. 

$aatalc  of  complain  of;  .  fin  Ret  assert  one'a 
right;  .  en  ftornarmelfe  resent  an  insult.  9**' 
talt  c  complaint.    -ret  right  of  action. 

$aa  | taøttlng  c  bottllng.    -tabbe  of  bottle. 

$aatcg|nc  of  (unberfrrioe)  sign;  (til  BetrceftelfO 
endorse,  certificate;  (gorft)i*ninfl*poat.)  visa,  vise 
-nelfe  c  signing,  etc.    -ning  c  signing,  signature; 
endorsement,  certificate;  visa,  vise;  (f9evutr(n.> 
remark   (bag  paa  Øetsel)  endonement. 

flaari'be  adv  fe  Ztb  (paa  Xibe). 

*£aatingc  of  bespeak. 

-h^M'trøbfc  of  fe  $aatro>nge. 




maa'true  vt  force  upon  by  threats,  bully  into 

maa'rrattca  jwrf  drawn  on;  ben  -trufne  mere 
the  drawee. 

fJaa'trttglc  vt  importune  one  to  accept. 

$aa'\ttyt  n,  pi  =,  impress.  •tralle  vt  impress, 
imprint.    -rrtttning  c  impression,  Impress. 

gaa'trftbe  vt  tread  on. 

Vaa'trttffe  vt  meet  with. 

$aa'tramtiag  e  (bet  at  iføre  fifl)  drawtng  on, 
putting  on;  (bet  at  trætte  paa  en  6nor)  filing, 

9<a'|trøtnte  vt  k  r  obtrude  apon,  force  upon; 
-  ftø  (m)  ODtrude  one's  self  (upon  one);  ben 
Xante  -te  fig  mig  the  idea  foræd  itaelf  upon  my 
mind.  -trøtngenae  a  obtrusive,  intruBive,  im- 
portunate;  -  nøbbenbiq  urgent,  of  u.  neceasity; 
_  9tøbbenbig$eb  urgent  el.  pressing  neceasity. 
-rnrngentøb  c  importunity,  obtrusion,  intrusion. 

f)aa  tøinøe  vt  force  upon,  press  upon,  thrust 
apon;  .  fig  (en),  fe  $aatrange  fifl;  -tbang  mig  ben 
Oterbebif  ntng  forced  the  convlctton  on  my  mind. 

faøtbar«7  fe  lixet*. 

Saataabt  part  set  on  fire,  set  fire  to. 

(notamtc  vt  intend,  contemplate,  propose; 
bet  et  -ti  at  bbgge  en  Bro  ober  globen  a  bridge  is 
intented  to  be  built  over  the  river,  it  is  in 
contemplation  to  bulld  etc;  bet  $ar  jeg  lange  -It 
I  have  long  had  an  intention  of  doing  so;  |eø 
tør  -ft  at  foretage  en  lille  ffiejfe  I  intend,  purpose, 
propose,  have  a  mind  to  make  a  trip;  benne 
®ag  fjor  længe  bceret  -It  this  matter  has  long  been 
lxi  contemplation. 

f^naiente :  i  -  af  pendlng,  in  anticipation  of. 

?aabinbe  vt  wind  on. 
aaDtrt|c  vt  aet  on,  operate  on,  afltect,  in- 
fluence;  sway,  play  upon.     -ning  o  -et  action, 
operation,  innuence;  -er  lnfluences;  nnber  -  af 
influenced  by. 

$aabif|e  vt  (ubpege)  point  out,  show,  assign; 
(fteoife)  prove,  make  out.  -elig  a  that  can  be 
pointed  out  etc.,  asslgnable,  ostenslble.  trace- 
able;  ftabbe  intet  -t  Ubbbtte  af  bere«  Brbejbe  had 
notbing  to  show  for  their  labour.  -e(tg  adv 
demonstrably.    -ning  e  pointing  out. 

latøøtøet  a  grown  upon. 
laabocltet  part  rolled  on,  thrown  on. 
taaøerenbe  a :  -  Steb  position. 
laaøf  |e  vt  pour  upon.    -nittg  c  pouring  upon. 
labbe  c  r  toad.     -tøt  mushroom,  toadstool. 
•sjdttøraf  fungla.     -leg  spawn  of  toads.    -ral  c 
horse-tail,  Equitttum.    -fptt  cuckoo-spittle. 

~ta»ifø)a  c  padishah'. 
laf!  int  bang l  puff! 

tagøf  c  -er  paddle;  ro  meb  -er  »  $aga}e  vi 
k  t  paddle. 

Vage  c  -x  page. 

pagina  c  k  n  -et  page.  -ne'rmaftine  number- 
ing-machine.    -ne're  vt  page.    -ne'rlng  c  paging. 

Sago'be  c  -r  pagoda. 

^agt  e  -er  covenant,  confederacy,  confedera- 
tion,  alliance;  tnbgaa,  flutte,  fHfte,  oprette  en  - 
meb  en  make  a  covenant  el.  an  alliance  with 
one,  en  ter  into  a  confederation  et.  an  alliance 
with  one;  ftabfæfle  en  .  sanctlon  a  covenant; 
oftfrtreebe,  btbbc  en  -  violate  el.  break  a  cove- 
nant el.  an  alliance;  bære  el.  ftoa  i  .  meb  have 
entered  into  an  alliance  with,  be  in  league 
with;  -eng  8rt  the  ark  of  the  covenant. 

fagter  c  -e,  fe  forpagter. 

Rainer  | ter  pi  spangles.  -tømmer,  -flot  ham- 
mer, anvil,  for  beatlng  spangles. 

fØalr  [fr.]  c  -er  peer.  —  $øirA|fammer  Chamber 
of  Peers,    -ftanb  peerage.    -Parbigbeb  peerage. 

fjøt'  n  (røøbel)  rabble,  raff,  mob;  low,  mean, 
shabby  set  (of  people). 

?øta  c  paca,  Calogenyw  paca. 
at|bob  store- house,  warehouse.  -baafe  ($mp.) 
packing  box;  stufflng-boz.    -bag  packing-cloth, 
sarpli  er.    -bftVfef  ($mp.)  gland. 

ftatet,  -baab  c  packet,  packet  boat,  liner. 
•forbinbelfe  p.  communication.  -linie  packet 
line,  line  of  packets. 

$ftt|fab  cask  for  packing.  -ffeber  (Dmp.) 
packing-spring.  -fobcr  packing-straw.  -ftttb  o 
crammed.  -gjorb  surcingle.  -gobf  packed 
goods.  -beft  pack-hone,  sumpter-horse,  -tøg 
warehouse,  store-house,  elevator,  -bulafgtft  fe 
-tøftleie.  -tøgforaalte?  warehouse-man,  store- 
house-keeper, -tøøfeje  warehouse-charges,  ware- 
house rent.  -tøgrnm  warehouse  accommoda- 
tion.  -tøtfter  case.  -19  pack(-ice).  -lammer 
store-room.    -tarf  packer. 

*3«lle  vt  pack;  .  i  eu 
Sogn  unload  the  cart  el 
unpack;  .  inb  pack  up;  . 
pack  up,  (i  en  Vbft)  do  up  in  a  bundle;  fio  snut 
up;  —  vr  fig  take  one' s  self  off,  make  off,  de- 
camp,  pack  (off),  go  packing;  pat  bigt  get  you 
gone,  be  gone,  go  about  your  business;  .  fig  inb 
wrapjrae'B  self  up;  -  ftg  fammen  (f.  dtg. 
o  -r  packet,  parcel,  pack- 
Uckets  in  packets.    -gøbl 

Ia9fe  packlng-case. 

ttttlt  bundle  up;  .  af 

waggon;  ~  op,  .  ub 

om  repack;  -  fammen 


muffle  el. 

om  3«)  pack. '  9^«llc 

age.    «a!te|biHetter 


JaHeaeO  itcr  pi  f  traps. 
allelpiab  packing-stick.    -poft  parcel 
heavy  mail. 

ftalllnrft  hamper,  -fttlber  store-cellar.  -lag 
(p.  ©el)  stone-coverlng,  bottomlng.  -lal  coarse 
sealing-wax.  -lejligbeb  warehouse-room.  4»ft 
atore-loft.  -lotrreb  packcloth,  packing-canvas. 
-maat  packed  measure.  -maatte,  -matte  pack- 
ing-mat.  -mefter  paok-master.  -mibler  packing 
-Btufls.  -aaal  packing-needle,  pack-needfe.  *3al* 
Bing  e  (ogf.  $mp.)  packing;  (mil.  Øbelfej  repos- 
itory  drill. 

Jtatningftltøs,  -baafe  stuffing-boz.  -bør  pack- 
ing-port.  -fjeber  packing-spring  (o.  fl.).  -laag 

^at;  papir  packing- paper,  brown  paper;  graat 
-  cap  paper.  -pabe  pad.  -re*  packing-rope. 
-rem  packing-strap.  -ring  (Dmp.)  packing-ring. 
-fabel  pack-saddle.  -flot  packing-stick.  -øøgn 
luggage- waggon;  (flor  brbaftet)  van.  -Dsrt&scine 
•work.    -flrfcl  pack-ass,  sumpter. 

al  c  J,  pawl;  —  adv  ^iøe  el.  fatte  .  pawl. 
alabi'n  c  -er  pal'adin. 

alabft'  n  -er  pal'ace.  -øgtig  a  palatial.  t-pra« 
felt  prefect  of  the  palace.    -reboltttion  palace 
Bølaatrn  c  -er  palankeen.  palanquin. 
(alata'l  a  k  c  -er  pal'atal. 
aibolt  e  ^  pewl-bolt.  ^alemober  pawl-bit. 
ålet   e  -ter  pal 'et  te,  pall'et. 
aletøt'  [fr.]  c  -er  pal'etot. 
alifa'be   c    r  palisade,    palisado.     -'re   ol 
palisade,    -ring  c,  $afifabe|rtttte,  -tt«rt  row  of 
palisades,  stockade. 
Balifan'ber  n  (black)  rosewood. 
$al|tam,  -trand  c  J,  pawl-rim.    -H1le  pawl 
*VøO  e  -er  bench. 

^aOablam  n  (i  alle  «et.)  palladium,  -amal« 
garn  amalgam  of  p.  -førtlør  protochlorlde  of 
p.  -forilte,  -øsvbttl  protozide  of  p.  -ilte  ozlde 
of  paladium. 
Banøft  c  -er  broad-sword. 
»atllarl'tt  n  -er  palliative 
-mtbbel  palliative  (remedy). 

?øfllnm  n  pallium,  pall. 
atme  c  -r  (Waal)  palm;  (Staal  for  6efie)  hånd. 

>tn?   p.   cure. 




Valme  r(:  .  inb  haul  hånd  over  hånd;  .  flg  op 
ascend  a  rope  band  over  band. 

•nitte  c  -c  (Vlante)  palm,  palm-tree;  binbe  -n, 
Sejren*  .  carry  of  the  palm;  flaa  meb  -t  i  6an« 
bcrne  come  off  with  flying  coioura.  $a(me|»ifle 
palmtree-beetle,  dlandra palmarum.  -blab palm 
-leaf.  -egers  palm-squirrel,  Sciuru*  palmarum. 
•gren  palm-branch.  -%ut  palm-leaf  hat.  -bnft 
palm-hooBe.  -frbtte  but  of  palm- branches,  -faat 
the  young  shoots  of  the  cabbage-tree.  -toger 
palm-oil  cakes.  -tot  palm-cat,  Paradoxurut 
ty  pus.  -lilje  Adom's  needle,  Yucca.  -Innb  grove 
of  palm-trees.  -ntaar  fe  -fat.  -mel  sago.  -n*b 
nut  of  the  palm.  -ølle  palm  otl.  -plantning 
palm-plantation.  -rig  a  palmy.  -fejler  palm 
-swift,  Cvpeelu*  palmarum.  -ftøø  forest  of  palm 
•trees.  -fmbHei  a,  poet  palmy.  -fm*r  fe  -olie. 
-flaben  btbi  the  city  of  palm-trees.  -futter  palm 
-sågar,  -føitbag  Palm-Sunday.  -tra  palm-tree. 
•»in  palm-wlne,  toddy.    -bøf*  palm-wax. 

?almttl'n  n  pal'mitine.    -flire  palmlt'lo  acid. 
at»|atiø'n  c  palpa'tion.    -er  pi  palps,  palpi. 
-itatio'a  o  palpita'tton. 
Va't|ring  pawl-rim.    -ftotpe,  -ftøtte  pawl-blt. 
Vftlaø|gra'f  c   -er   paleog'raphist.     -grafl'  c 
pafeography.    -gra'flff  a  paleograph'ic.  -ntølø'g 
e  -er  paleontol'ogist.    -ntøløgt'  e  paleontol'ogy. 
•typer  pi  incunabula.    -gølff  a  paleozoic. 
Valafti'na  n  Pal'estine. 
VamfTlittt:  en  Sutten«  ~  a  spoiled  cbild  of 

Vantflet'  c  -ter  pam'phlet.  -ffriver,  V*ufletift' 
c  -er  pamphleteer. 

Vamp«9|øra$  Pampas  grass,  Gynerium.  -bare 
e  viscacha,  Patagonian  cavy,   Dolickotit.    -tot 
pampas-cat,  Leopard**  pajer  os. 
Hampn$'fr  c  -r  list-sboe. 
Ian  Pan'. 

tonace'  c  -r  panacea. 

lanama'l  bat  Panama  straw-hat.    -tangen  the 
Isthmus  of  P. 

?anba  c  fe  ftatte&iørn. 
aabe  c  -r  (tf l  Stegning,  paa  8ø*fe  ofb.)  pan; 
(loplejcj  brass. 

Vanbe  c  -r  fore  head;  (meft  poet  og  fio)  brow, 
front,   meb  ftaf  ~  wlth  bold  front  e(.  forehead; 

Snfe  -n  knit  the  browa,  frown;  ftdbe  en  for  -n 
ow  out  one's  bralns;  flaa  en  for  -n  knock  one 
on  the  head;  renbe  -n  mob  Baggen  run  one' s 
head  agatnst  a  stone  wall.  -nag  head  yoke. 
-oore  frontal  vein. '  -baanb  flllet,  brow-band; 
(paa  ttibfel)  front-piece. 

?anbebagt  a  fried  in  the  pan. 
anbejben  frontal   bone.    -blnb  broad  brow 
•band.    -blii  blaze.    -braff  p  pate.  -bnen  anat 
the  frontal  sinus,    -bnlc  swelling  in  the  fore- 
head.   -battet,  -batfet  cover  of  a  pan;  (paa 
ftltntelaa«)  hammer,  -fjeber  hammer-spring,  -fob 
(paa  ©ø*fc)  nlb. 
lanbeanabcr  c  ($nf.)  thrips. 
lanbefarn*  fe  ftebelfien.    -grab  fried  porrtdge. 
lanbrjqaar  forelock;  (falftt)  front,    -jammer 
front  hammer. 

?anbeftat  c  still-head. 
«nbe|børn  frontal  horn.    -fnb  skin  on  the 

Vanbelbnle,  -ftnfing  (p.  ftlintelaai)  pan-bore, 
touoh-pan.  -batte  fe  -batfel.  -|arn  iron-plate 
for  pans;  (paa  toavtt)  counterknocker.  -tage 
pancake;  J,  Flemish  coll;  flaa  -  play  at  ducks 
and  drakes.    -fagebanbfef  <&  rose-lashing. 

Sanbet  terne  pi  the  pan'dects. 

Vanbe|taaa  lid  el.  cover  of  a  pan.  -leje  ($mp.) 
.  Vanbetof  c  tonpet. 

Vanbemab  c  fried  food. 

Vanbe  |  otte  fe  ©aijat.  -rem  fe  -baanb.  -rnntenie 
a  frowning.    -faar  wound  in  the  forehead 

anbeftaft  n  handle  of  a  pan. 

anbeftal  c  scull. 

anbefmeb  c  pan-smith. 

anbetntbtte  *  frontlet,  diadem. 

anbclftegt  a  fried.    -ften  fe  ftebelfren. 

anbejtbtre  n  front  piece. 

anbelfntfer  pan-sugar.    -tegl  pantile. 

anbit'  c  -et  pan'dlt,  pundlt. 

anboraft  tCfte  Pandora's  box. 

anbo're  c  Onftr.)  bandore,  pandore. 

anbn'r  o  -er  pandour. 

onbøftel  fe  $anbebo>Rel. 

anbotmo'ninnt  n  pandemonlum. 

anegb|rit'  c  panegyr'ic.    -'rlrer  c  -e  pane- 
gyr'ist.    -'riff  a  panegyrlojal). 

Vaael  n  er  wainscot.  Vanelle  wt  wsinsooL 
-fblbing  pane  of  a  wainscot.  Voneftag  c  wain§- 
coting.  Vancllntalcta  imitation  wainscot.  -papir 
panel -paper.  -bag  wainscoted  walL  -»ffrt 

ane're  vi  egg  and  crumb,  bread-craxab. 

anflajte  fe  Vanftfløite. 

anit'  e  -er  pan'ic,  scare;  bet  opflob  (en)  .  a 

ric  set  in.    ya'nift  a  pan'ic;  -  6fral  panic; 
Sttæt  in  a  panic;  flaa  meb  .  6trasC  strike 
panic  into. 

?anora#nia  n  -er  panorama;  panoramlc  vlew. 
anfer  n  -fre  mail,  coat  of  mail;  (paa  6ttbe< 
armour\-plating);  (ØrmabiaenS)  carapaæ.  -b«ltt 
(p.  ©ttb)  armour-belt.  -bragt  mail,  armour, 
pan  oply.  -b^r  armadlllo,  Dampus.  -fortø)i  tron 
-clad  (vessel).  -fifl  trunk-flsh,  Ottricion.  -fUabe 
iron-clad  navy.  -fregat  iron-clad  frigate.  -f ebbe 
lepidosteus.  -banbfTe  gauntlet.  -Htlttbe  fe  -bragt, 
-tlocbt  a  matl-clad,  mailed;  (Sttb)  armour-plated, 
iron-clad.  -mager  c  -e  armourer.  -plabe  plate  of 
mail.  -fflb  tron- piated,  armour  -  plated,  iron 
-clad,  armour -olad  vessel,  ironolad.  -ffjørte 
shirt  of  mail,  coat  of  mail.  -fmeb  fe  -mager, 
-fart  fe  -fejotte.  -nit  armed  bull-head,  A&,*m* 
catvphractu*.    -Ptebnct  a  matled. 

Sa  nftfløfte  c  pandean  pipes. 

VanflaolU'men  c  Pan-Sla'vism,  Panslav'dom. 
-if»'  c  -et  Pansla'vist.    -ift  iff  a  Pansia'vist. 

Van! re  vi  mail;  (StiB)  oase  with  Iron,  plate; 
-i,  fe  Vonfertisbt.  Vandring  c  piating;  come 

Vant  n  -er  (af  tøtliøt  <Øobt)  pawn,  pleige;  li 
fafte  (Kienbomnte)  mortgage;  (i  Vanteleg)  lorfeit; 
fatte  i  .  pledge,  pawn;  føumbfaaet  -  pledge. 
pawn,  gage  (given  in  hånd);  paa  -  on  (in,  at> 
pawn  el.  pledge  eto.;  laane  paa  .  (ubtaane)  lend 
on  pledge,  (borge)  borrow  on  pledge;  farte,  gipe 
i  -  (rørligt  Øobft)  give  in  pledge,  pledge,  pawn. 
(fafte   (Eirnbomme)  mortgage;   babe  t  .  hold  in 

Sledge;  løfe  et  .  redeem  a  pledge;  Jeg  farter  min 
fre  i  .  I  pledge  you  my  honour;  tøab  ftal  ben 
Sløre,  fom  efer  bette  ~?  what  is  the  owner  of  thls 
orfelt  to  do? 
Vante  vt  dtstrain,  seize;  (an  blep  -t  for  6tatter 
his  goods  were  distrainea  for  iaxes. 

V*nte|atteft  enoumbrance  certifloate,  eztract 
from  register  of  mortgages.  -bøg  register  of 
mortgages.  -breb,  -førflribnlng  mortgage,  deed 
of  mortgage.  -førbring  hypotheoary  claim. 
mortgage.  -gøbB  pawned  goods.  -galb  mort- 
gage debt,  hypotheoary  debt.  -befteife  mortgage, 
lien.  VøKtcfer  (af  tørligt  ØoM)  owner  of  a 
pledge,  pawner,  pledger;  (nabnl.  af  fafre  tti«- 
bomme)  mortgager.  Vontelfabe  P  fe  •looner. 
-frebitør  mortgage  bondholder,  -laan  loan  on 
a  pawn  el.  pledge.  -laonetontør  pawnbroker's 
omce.  -laoner  pawn-broker.  -laanerf ebbet  pawn 
tteket.    -leg  game  of  fortelts,    -fen  (et.  Vantlen) 




Tiiortgaged  crown  land.  -obligation  mortgage 
-bond.  -prøtorol  fe  -boa.  -ret,  -retttgbeb  right 
of  the  pawnee,  right  or  seizure;  bar  _  i  has  a 
Hen  upon.  -fag  mortgage- sult.  -fcbbel  fe  -attcft. 
-fttferfteb  mortgage-security. 

9?oratc|iø"me  c  pan'theism.  -Id'  c  -et  pan'- 
theiat    -IfHft  a  pantheist'ic(al). 

$anter  c  -e  panther,  /V/t«  pnrdut;  ker  dragon. 
-fnat  manakln,  Par  da  lotus. 

f£a«t|føiet  a  given  in  pledge,  pledged,  pawned. 
-give  vt  pledge;  mortgage.  -baber  c  -e  (af  rørligt 
<9ob3)  pledgee,  pawnee;  (nat) ni.  af  fafle  (BJen- 
t>ømme)  mortgagee. 

$autatug  c  -er  distraining,  distress,  selztng, 

ttantøff'elffø  c  (til  #efl)  panton(-shoe). 
$antøml'|me  c  -r  pan'tomlme,  dumb  show. 
-'mtfer  c  -e  pan'tomimist.    -mif!  a  pantomim'- 
ic(al),  a  &  adv  in  dumb  show. 

$ant[ftøbe  deed  of  conveyance  by  which  the 
use  and  profit  of  a  mortgage  is  transferred  to 
tbe  creditor.  -fføbe  vt  transfer  to  a  creditor 
by  a  deed  of  conveyance  the  use  and  profit  of 
&  mortgage.  -farte  vt  pawn,  pledge,  hypothec- 
ate,  mortgage;  t>«re  -fat  be  in  pawn.  -fattelfe 
c  pawning  etc.  -fatter  pawner,  pledger,  mort- 

$a*'  c  &  n  -per  pastebord,  (tor)  mill-board, 
(tnnb)  card -board. 
ftapa'  c  papa,  pa. 

$op'|arbejbr  pasteboard  work,  papyroplastics 
jA.  -arbejber  worker  in  pasteboard.  -bittb 
(paper-)boards,  boarding;  inbbinbe  i  -  bind  in 
boards;  tnbbunben  i  -  in  boards;  Søger  i  .  books 
in  boards. 

$apegø|e  c  -r  parrot,  P*itt*cu$  t  (ifær  beb 
ftuglejtbbn.)  popinjay,  (lille,  langhalet)  parroquet, 
Pai<xomi9\  fe  -fif!;  -fejt;  norfl  -,  fe  ftonglebtb;  tøm 
bar  ftubt  -n  he  has  made  a  lucky  hit.  amr  he 
bas  struok  ile.  -agtig  a  parrot-like.  -anb  fe 
tilte,  -bom  J,  Jlgger  boom.  -bur  parret' s  cage. 
-faff  parrot-flsh,  parrot-wrass,  JSeanu.  -f|eber 
parrot's  feather.  -grøa  a  parrot-green.  -mafft 
jigger-mast.  -«*b  parrot's  bi  11.  -raa  jigger 
-yard.  -fejt  Jigger.  -f»ø!  babble. 
$opet  e  -er  papula,  pi  papulæ. 

fopetert'  a  stationery. 
aplt'  c  -ler  papilla,  pi  paplllæ. 
$aptlløt'   c   -ter    (curl-)paper,   papillote;    -ter 
frillings  (for  hams). 

?api(ttia)'ttf!  Orpbe  (Papin's)  digester. 
api'x  ti  -er  (ogf.  fig)  pa'per;  betro  Hl  -et 
co m mit  to  paper;  -et  er  taalmobigt  all  that  is 
written,  is  not  gospel;  ftib  i  me  well  grounded. 
•affatb  paper-shavings  pi.  -agtig  a  paper-like, 
papery,  papyraceous.  -brflaremafniie  paper 
-cutting  machine,  paper -cutter,  -cirtntatiøtt 
note-circulation.  -fabrif  paper  -manufactory, 
paper-mill.  -fabritant  paper-maker.  -fabrita- 
Hø«  manufacture  of  paper.  -førbrug  consump- 
tion  of  paper.  -form  paper- form.  -grød  pap- 
yrus, -battbel  stationery  business,  -ftanbfer 
stationer,  -inbaftri  paper  tråde,  -Nemmer  paper 
•hinder,  -fttib  paper-knife,  pa  per-cutter.  -Fugle 
paper-pellet.  -furb  waste-paper  basket,  -lab 
fe  ftrimmel,  -Rump.  -mager  c  -e  paper-maker. 
-mangel  scarcity  of  paper.  -manffetter  paper 
-cuffn  -mappe  portfolio  for  papere.  -maffine 
paper-machlne.  -madfe  paper  pulp.  -maøfcfabrt! 
pulp  mill  -mefter  fe  -mager,  -morbartra  paper 
-raulberry,  Mortu  papyri/era.  -mølle  paper-mill. 
•olie  paper-oll.  -penge  pi  paper-money  el.  cur- 
reacy.  -pøfe  paper-bag.  -pre#fe  paper-pre9s, 
paper- presser,  -rolle  paper-roll.  -fald  paper 
$api'rftlbetrar!  papering,  paper-hangings  pi. 

fia r fen':  fcmifMJngelft  Crbbog. 

-mager  c  -e 

•baaf  c  paper-box.  -brage  paper-kite.  -fltp  paper 
•collar.  -b«t  p&per-hat.  $apirf!ab  paper-press. 
$aptrøllra»e  paper-collar;  paper-front.  -IrøDer 
curl-papers;  ljun  gaar  meb  -  she  has  her  hair  in 
papers.  -fugle  paper-pellet.  -ffcgte  paper-lantern. 

$api'r|fltaffe  paper  nautilus,  Arøonauta  ar  go. 
'ført  sort  of  paper.  -fpaanrr  fe  -affalb.  -fpifbc 
waste  of  paper. 

$apt'rft|pøfe paper-bag.  -fframteri rubbishing 
papers.    -tabeter  paper-hangings. 

?)api'r|ftempct  paper-stamp.  -ftrimmel  slip  of 
paper.    -ftsmp  scrap  of  paper. 

$apt'rt|øaffc  bowl.  -øtttbnc  paper-window. 
-barbier  paper-value.    -«fre  fe  -baafe. 

$apt'r|tbhtfler  paper-presser.  -ttynb  a  thin  as 
paper.  -tørb  lamellated  turf.  -barer  stationery. 
-bør!  paper-manufactory,  paper-mill. 

ftapjieme  c  popery,  pa'plstry.  -ift'  c  -er  pa'- 
pist.  -iftert'  n  fe  $apt«me.  -tft'if!  o  paplstic(al), 

?)ap|!aifc  bandbox.    -tim  paste. 

%apptnt)tlntr  c:  jeg  fenber  mine  -e  cont  I 
know  those  fellows. 

^ablfatd  oard-uhears.  -ftrimmel  strip  of  paste- 

ajma  c  -er  Pap'uan. 

abbruft  c  papy'nis.  -baanbftrift  papyrus. 
ap  «fle  c  pasteboard  box. 
ar'  n,  pi  =-,  (om  to  Xing,  bet  af  Gaturen  bore 
fammentf  om  to  mage  ling  el.  om  to,  ber  børe 
f ammen)  pair;  (to  af  famme  Slag«,  ber  ere  forbunbne 
el.  betragte«  i  ^orbinbelfe  meb  btaanben)  couple; 
fmeft  i  $agtfproget)  braoe;  her  gemel;  (]aa,  nogle 
foa.  blot  to  el.  omtrent  to)  couple,  a  few,  some; 
et  $at  JDren  a  pair  of  ears;  et  $ar  Cjne  a  pair 
of  eyes;  et  tyax  ^anbf!er,  ©ro,  ftpQinger  a  pair  of 
gloves  etc.;  et  -  Otter  a  pair  (el.  yoke)  of  oxen;  et 

-  fiefte  a  pair  (el.  spån)  of  horses;  et  Ujfffligt  „ 
(twgtefol!)  a  happy  pair  el.  couple;  et  -  3aor^- 
pprber  a  couple  of  shepherds;  et  -  2)raaoer  a 
couple  of  drops;  et  elfrenbe  -  a  loving  couple;  et 
~  røatefol!  a  married  couple;  -  og  -,  -  om  -,  fe 
$arbit;  er  iffe  -  are  not  a  pair  el.  pairs;  et  - 
Sage  a  couple  of  days,  a  few  days,  a  day  or 
two;  et  -  ©øger  a  couple  of  books,  some  books, 
a  book  or  two;  ber  dot  tun  et  -  SRenneffer  there 
were  only  very  few  people;  mao  jeg  tale  et  - 
Orb  meb  t)em  may  I  have  a  word  with  you;  et 

-  ftSnber  a  brace  of  ducks;  et  -  Qfafaner  a  brace 
of  pheasants;  et  -  SRtjnber  a  brace  of  greyhounds; 
et  .  !Bi^oIer  a  brace  of  pistols;  et  -  »opper  a  cup 
and  saucer.    $araarer  pi  sculls. 

Jtaraba'ttfbre  c  paraban'ic  ae  id. 

9ara'|bcl  c  -bier  (Cianelfc)  par'able;  math  pa- 
rabola.    -bo'lif!  a  (i  begge  ©ettjbn.)  parabolle. 

$aracba'n  n  paracyan'ogen.  -fbrc  paracyan'ic 

^ara'be  c  r  (militar)  parade;  ($ragt)  parado, 
pomp,  pageant;  ligge  paa  -  lie  in  state.  -beft 
palfrey,  state -horse,  -moro)  march  paat;  fe 
-ffribt.  -plabt  parade,  ^arabe  re  vi  parade; 
.  meb  f  sport,  trot  out;  -  gennem  ©aberne 
parade  the  streets.  $<urabe|fesg  bed  of  state. 
-ffribt  parade -step.  -uniform  full  uniform. 
-bogit  state  carriage.  -ø!øe  arekce  ceremonial 

farabig'ma  n  -er  par'adigm. 
ar'abiø  n  -er  paradlse.  -en!e,  -finte  widow 
bunting,  Vidua  paradite>i.  -figen  fe  Oanan.  -fif! 
polyneme  -fugl  bird  of  paradise,  Paradi*<a. 
^arabififf  a  paradisi'acal ,  patadisial,  para- 
dis'ic.  ^arabiøifom  grains  of  paradise,  Guinea 
-pepper,  -leg  hbp-scotch,  hoppers,  -pare  vir- 
goleuse  penr.    -ffabe  New -Guinea  thrush,  Attrti- 





pia   gularis.     -»eb  agalloch,   calambac.     -ttble 
paradiae-apple,  Malus  prcecox;  fe  I  o  mat. 

ftarobøtø  c  og  n  -et  par'adox;  —  o  paradox'- 
$arafe're  vt  countersign. 
arafl'tt  c  par'afflne.    -tyg  p.  candle. 
arafrafe  o  -t  par'aphrase. 
aragra'f   c  -er  par'agraph,  sectiou.     -tegn 
$aragnab'tr    c    Paraguay    tea,   mate,    /tee 

oratorfe  o  Para  creas,  Spilantes  oløraeea. 
aratit'  c  parrakeet,  paroquet,  Pnlccornis. 
aratte  ten  c  the  Par'aclete. 
ataUaU't  c  -r  atf  par'allax. 
aratte!'  a  par'allel  (meb  to);  —  c  -et  (i  aHe 
©cttjb.)  parallel,    -bepcrgelfe  ($mp.  &  mus)  par- 
allel motion,    -clrfel  parallel.    JBaraHelelpip'e. 
bum,  -plpe'b  n  parallelopi'ped.   »araHellfere  vt 
compare,  place  side  by  side.    $aratteli*  me  c 
par'allellsm.      VaraHet'!  lineal    parallel     raler. 
•Ubenbe  a  running  parallel.     waroøcløgram' 
n  -mer  parallelogram.   —  $aranelperfpctli»  n 
parallel  perspective.    -retholter  winding-lathea. 
•fejlab*  parallel  sailing.    -frrnefH!  parallel  vice. 
-fteb  parallel  passage,  reference,  -tonart  relative 

fearalb'lfc  c  paral'ysls.  -fere  vt  par'alyze. 
.'ttf!  a  paralytlc. 

$aramat'ta  n  paramatta. 

larame  ter  *  param'eter. 
taraaøbber  pi  Brazil  nuls. 
torapln'  c  -er  umbrella;  flaa  en  -  op  put  up 
an  umbrella;  flaa  en  -  neb  take  down  an  um- 
brella. -an  ter  mushroom  ancbor.  -fabritont 
umbrella-maker.  -bølber  fe  -ftatib.  -mager  c  t, 
fe  -fabritant.  -ftang  umbrella-stlck.  -ftatib  um- 
brella-stand,  -flel  skeleton  of  an  umbrella. 
•ftiøer  support  of  the  stretchers.    -ftof  fe  -Rang. 

jBarafit'  c  -er  par'asite.    -tf!  a  parasi tic(al). 

$araføl'  c  -ler  parasoi,  sun-shade.  -torøp  & 
parasol  plug.  -f  baw^  scaly  mushroom,  Ågarxeua 

IBara't  a  ready,  in  readiness,  at  hånd. 

fcarcel  c  ler  lot  (of  ground).  JtarceØc're  vt 
pa'rcel  out.  $arcet|Ie'rt»g  c  -er  pa'rcelling. 
-lift'  c  -er  holder  of  a  parcel  of  land. 

farcerne)  pi  the  Fates,  Destinies,  Pare«. 

Barber  c  -e,  fe  $anter. 

$arbo'tt  c  mil  q uarter ;  gi&e  -  give  quarter; 
bebe  om  -  ask  quarter. 

$arend)&'m  n  paren'chyma. 

farrntatio'tt  c   er  funeral  oration. 
arrnte'*  c  -er  paren'thesis;  i  -  parenthet'ic- 
ally;  i  .  bemarlet  by  the  way.    -tegn  sign  of  a 
parenthesis.    fJarentetift  a  parenthet'ic(al). 

$are'r  e  shoulder  (of  a  sword).  -plobe  guard. 
•ftang  bow  (of  the  hilt).  fJare  re  vt  parry,  ward 
off;  obey;  -  af  parry  off;  —  vi  (øæbbe)  bet,  lay 
a  wager;  t  «=*  parabere. 

9arfor'ce|jagt  hunting  with  hounds;  hunt. 
•jotaer  foz-hunter.    -rtbt  ride  against  time. 

parfume  c  -r  pe'rfume.  -fabritant  perfu  mer. 
-fabriratløn  perfumery.  -qanbel  perfu'mery. 
-battblrr  perfu 'mer.  —  $arftnt|e're  vt  perfu 'me. 
-e'rtng  c  perfuming.  -erl'er  pi  pe'rfumes.  -«'r 
c  -er  perfumer,  scentman. 

$ari  udv  par;  ril  -  (-tur«)  el.  al  pmri  at  par; 
ftoo  (i)  >  be  at  par;  unber  .  below  par. 

jBarla  c  -er  el.   *  Pariah. 

$aria'n  n  pa'rian. 

~lartVur*  c  fe  $ari. 
la'ri*  o  Paris. 
lari'ft  n  Paris;  fra  -  Parisian,   of  Paris;  bet 

Sfabe   -  gay  Paris,     tarifer  c    e  Paris 'ian.  — 
larlfrrjblaat  Parisian  blue.     -gnlt  Parisian  et. 

mineral  yellow.   ^aTifertmbe  c  -ex  Parisian  lady 
-r*bt  ieweller's  red.    ^artfifl  a  Faria'ian. 

?artff  Vtarmor  Parian  marble. 
arf  c  -e  (&i]te«)  pond;  (Sbnftoo)  park;  (i  gtffc 
Ibafe)    well;    »rrifleri'    artillery-park.       -tttUtg 
(ornamental)  park.    partere  vt  mil  park. 

$artet'  n  -ter  pa'rquet,  front  seats  in  the  pit, 
(orchestra)  stalls,  dress-circle.  -billet  ticket  for 
the  parquet  (etc.).  -gslb  French  ef .  inlaid  rloor. 
pa'rqueted  floor.  -toft  French  el.  inlaid  ceilin?. 
pa'rqueted  ceiling.  -loger  pi  ground-tiar,  p& 
-tier.  $artette're  vt  floor  (vrlth  French  flooring), 
parquet;  -t  laid  in  parquetry. 

?artflfl  c  pond-flah. 
ar(a|mritt'   n   -er  pa'rliament;  the  housen, 
flbbe  i  et  be  in  the  house,    -meata'rtff  a  per- 
liamentary.    -mea tarif  me  c  parliamea'tary  syv 
tern.    -mente  re  vi  parley,  negotiate.     -ssrait 
ring  c  parley,  negotiation.  —  ^arlaaamt#art 

aet  of  parliament.  -bcjKntaing  vote  of  parii*- 
ment.  -PtoffttM  house  of  parliament.  -brbct 
parliamentary  debate.  -berre  fe  -mcblem.  -fnti 
fe  -bbgntng.  -meblem  (i  ttlm.)  member  of  parlia- 
ment. M.  P.,  parliament-man,  (for  et  Ørrofrsbt 
knight  of  the  ahire;  (for  en  ftøbpab)  +  borgen 
-mobe  sitting  of  parliament.  -tater  parUamenfiary 
orator,  -titbøniger  parliamenta'rian.  -toalg  par 
liameutary  election.  9arIomritt«yr  e  -er  bearer 
of  a  flag  of  truce,  parlamentalre.  ^ariaaaevtcer  > 
flag  flag  of  trace,    -flib  cartel-ship. 

SorU'r  o  -er  phrase-book. 
'   Vormefa'noft  c  Parmesan'  cheese. 

9araaØ'  n  Parnassus. 

9aro|bi'  c  -er  par'ody,  burlesque.  -bie  re  vt 
par'ody.    -bifl  a  parod'lc(al). 

f(arol9)pA'|me  c  -r  par'oxysm.  -tiff  a  parox 

f^aro'l,  parole  o  parole,  password;  b<m  t»r 
paa  -en  he  was  at  the  parole:  bon  tom  ub  poo  . 
he  was  released  on  parole;  fig  bente  -n  bo*  take 
one's  cue  from.  -befaling  the  parole,  order 
given  out  at  the  parole,    -bog  order-book. 

jBarøttamafT  c  paronoma'sia,  paronom'asy. 

$arre  vt  pair,  match;  vr  -  ftg,  *  vd,  pair. 
copulate.  -brift  sexual  instlnct.  -Ibfl  c  semal 
desire,  heat.  -Hpftett  a  in  heat,  rank.  -flige  a 
certain  dlsease  of  cattle.  -tib  palring  time. 
(ifsr  om  ^iortebbrene)  rut.  parring  c  -er  (bet  at 
parre,  eller  parre  fig)  pairing  etc.;  (Samleje,  føbe* 
Ug  Omgang)  copulation.  —  f^arringgtbrift  fe 
$arre*.    -balgrt  sexual  selection. 

ftorfler  c  -e  Pa'rsee.  -Iff  a  Pa'rsee.  -Wme 
e  Pa'reeeism. 

$*rt  o  -er  pa'rt,  portion,  s  hare;  jur  party;  jeg 
for  min  .  for  my  part  I,  1  for  one,  for  one  1; 
faa  -  i  get  a  snare  in;  b&er  af  -ente  eaeh  party; 
tage  i  -  arith  take  the  aliquot  part(s).  -ejer 
part-proprietor,  part-owner. 

Varte' | re  vt  quarter.    -ring  c  quarterlng. 

Varter're  n  -er  pit,  amr  parquet.  -bittet  ticket 
for  the  pit.    -loge  pit-boz. 

f^artei  [(.]  pi:  overtage  en«  -  (undertake  to) 
supply  one's  place. 

Sartlbaber  o  -e  fe  -efer. 

$artfter  c  -e,  ^artblff  a  Pa'rthian. 

VartV  n  -er  («arcr)  parcel,  lot  (tonfignereO 
consignment;  (Dfl,  6tnHe)  part;  (f.  wH.  poltttf!) 
party,  faction;  (Sleber)  class;  mus  part;  tage  . 
join  a  party,  take  sides;  tage  -  meb  en  take 
part  with  one;  take  one's  part,  side  with  one, 
join  one's  party;  tage  ~  for  en.  tage  en«  -  take 
up  the  cudgels  for  one;  tage  flt  -  make  one's 
choice;  ocelge  bet  -  at  choose  to;  gioe  -et  fom  play 
the  part  of;  lab  o«  fpiOe  et  -  let  us  have  a  game; 
. !  game !  et  -  Sfaf  a  game  of  cheas;  et  gobt  . 
a  good  match;   gore  et  rigt  -  marry  a  (brtune; 





gøre  et  baarligt  .  throw  one's  self  away.  -aanb 
party-spirit     -lfab  party-paper. 

VaTttdp(lurø)  n  -ter  pa'rtlciple;  grafen*  .  the 
present  participle;  Verfeftum  .  the  paat  parti- 
el pie. 

V  årti  et  pant7  c  -er  partner. 

V«rrtet|rta'l(f!)  a  particip'ial. 

Varti'bannetfc  c  formation  of  parties  el.  fac- 

Vartiel'  a  pa'rtlal. 

Varti'Ifarne  shade  of  party,  -feft  party  festival, 
p.  dinner.  -førljolb  pi  state  of  parties,  party 
conditions.  -fortn aa(  factious  purpose,  party 
purpose.  -falle  fellow-partisan.  -farer  head  of 
a  party,  leader.  -gruppe  section  of  a  party. 
-ganger  c  -e  partisan,  -ganger!  n  partisanship. 
-tjab  party -hate  el.  hatred,  hatred  between 
parties.  -ftenfttn  party  consideration.  -tønbing 
leader  (of  a  party),  -interedfe  party  interest, 
-tamp  party-strife. 

Vartttel  e  -Her  pa'rticle. 

Jtorritnllarig'mc  e,  con*  vestry politics.  -Her 
'fr.]  c  private  gentleman.  -I a  r  a  private.  -!«?• 
frefe  separate  peace.  -lartagfen  the  ldng's  privy 

Vartt'lleber  fe  -fører,  -libenftab  party -rage. 
-te«  a  neutral.  -Ugfttb  e  neutral! ty.  -tnanb 
party-man.  -ntanfbre  party  manoeuvre.  -prtt 
wholesale  price.  -raferi  party-rage.  -fag  party 

ttortifa'n  c  -er  (i  begge  Set.)  partisan. 

Vartlft'  a  pa'rtlal.    -tcb  c  partial  itv. 

Vartt'lfitifie  change  of  parties,  -fieifi  party 
-writing  el.  -paper.  -fpalrntug,  -fplittelfe  schism. 
-Rifter  party-fonnder,  founder  of  a  party.  -fHWng 
position  of  parties,  -frrtb,  -frribigbeber  party 
-disputefs).    -tagen  taking  sides. 

ftarttri*  a  pa'rtitive. 

Vartt'rrøftab  c  fldelity  to  one's  party. 

Vartitu'r  c  -er  score,  parti tion.  -fpit  playlng 
from  the  score. 

Varti  !oi*  adv  in  large  lots.    -oofen  factions. 

Sarton 't  [fr.]  adv  perforce. 

Vart  I  reber  part-owner.  -regning  practice. 
VortSeb  e  oath  of  the  party. 

Vornenn-  [fr.]  c  -er  upstart,  pa'rvenu. 

VaroiØ  adv  in  pairs,  in  couples. 

V*rbf  c  -fer  per'uke,  wig,  periwig;  P  blibe 
gal  i  -ten  fly  into  a  passion;  fe  -bue.  -ave  fe 
xapptoavian.  -blot  wig-block.  -bne  pernke 
-pigeon,  jacobine,  Columba  cucuUata.  -mager 
r  -e  peruke-maker,  periwig-  el.  wig-maker.  -net 
caul  of  a  periwig.  -plaute  fe  -træ.  -frit  rococo. 
-fiben  the  rococo  age.  -fra  Venice  sumach, 
Rkun  co tin**,    -øjfle  wig-box. 

^ag'  indec :  beb  bet  -  (+  paa  en  .)  abont;  til  ~, 
fe  Xilpaft;  *faa  -  so;  *boor  -  how. 

^VaS'  n  care,  attention,  tending. 

V«*';  Uge  -  pass;  fio  jeg  ftget  -  for  mig  I  beg 
to  be  excused,  I  will  have  none  of  it. 

V**'  n  -fer  (trang  ^nbaang  el.  (gennemgang) 
pass,  passage,  defile;  (»eifep.)  passport;  f@unb- 
bebip.)  Mil  of  health;  t  =  6fub«maal. 

Vag  ffr.]  n,  pi  =,  step. 

Vflfd)  c  (lem.)  doublet. 

VaØbrejntng  c  turning  with  rosets. 

Vagførm  c  (%e\tx.)  measnring-form. 

Vogfrrøcfe  c  exemption  from  using  passports. 

Vad | gang  pace,  amble,  ambling;  goa  -  amble, 
pace.    -ganger,  -ganger  c  -e  pacer,  ambler. 

Vafba  c  -er  pa'sha,  pa'cha.    -lit  n  pasha'lic. 

Va»ta»er  c   e  holder  of  a  passport. 

Vaflgrifi'  c  paslg'raphy. 

VaftTr  c  (SaaS)  cross-bolt. 

Vagfontor  n  passport-ofnce. 

Vagfort  pi  passing  cards. 

aStort  n  sea  chart. 

agfngfe  c  proof-ball. 

agfntl'  c  -ler  pasquinade,  lampoon. 

agning  c  tending,  shepherding. 

Va§|paategningvisael.  vise  of  passport,  -penge 
pi  passport- money. 

VaSfa'bel  a  (eg.  og  fio)  passable. 

Vaåfa'be  c  passa'de,  passa'do. 

VaØfage  c  -r  pa'ssage;  (grarbfel  ogf.)  circula- 
tion,  traffic;  ingen  .1  no  thoroughfare  I 

Vadfage'r  c  -eret  pa'ssenger;  (t  fcroffe)  p  fare. 
-baab  passage-boat;  (^amp')  passenger  steamer. 
-beforbring  conveyance  el.  carrlage  of  pass- 
engers.  -befpentmellgtjeb  passenger  accommoda- 
tion.  -billet  p.  ticket.  -bampbaab  p.  steamer.' 
-efgttebitton  booking  office.  -fart  passenger 
tråde,  -foriegnelfe  list  of  passengers,  pass- 
enger list.  -fragt  passage-money,  fere.  -gøbg 
(passengers')  luggage.  -fabljt  passenger' s  cabin. 
-totttraft  contract  ticket.  -Itfte  fe  -fortegnelfe. 
-Infaf  state  berth.  -ntaaler  passage  broker. 
-ffib  p.  ship.  -ftoppebogn  break-carriage.  -tafft 
rate  (of  passage).  -trofTf  passenger- trafnc.  -tog 
p.-train.    -ts\  fe  -gob«. 

VaØfa'geinfrrnntent  n  transit  instrument; 

Vodfa't  e  er  trade-wind.  -ftreg  trade-wind 
region,  -binb  fe  Vaftfat. 
alfe  vi  (i  ftortfptl)  pass. 
aåfe  vt  flt,  adapt;  (pleje,  bogte)  tend;  (prooe) 
try  on.  -  bet  rette  Vtaal  give  a  thing  the  Just 
proportions;  .  fine  førretninger,  fine  ting  mind 
one's  business;  -  fin  tjeneftt  attend  to  one's 
duty;  -  bet  belejlige  (Dieblit  watch  the  favourable 
opportunlty;  -  iiben  be  in  time;  bu  maa  - 
Xiben,  naar  %an  tommer  you  must  seize  the 
opportunlty,  when  he  comes;  bon  Ijar  to  ^errer 
at  .  he  attends,  waits  upon  two  gentlemen;  tøn 
forftaar  at  ~  ^efte  he  knows  how  to  treat  horses; 
gatten  -r  Dem  iffe,  tS)e  fan  itte  .  ben  §at  the 
hat  does  not  fit  you;  bet  -r  (fonbenerer)  mig  itte 
it  does  not  sult  me.  —  vi  fit;  (bare  paøfenbe)  be 
appropriate,  to  the  purpose;  (ftemme  oberend) 
agree,  correspond  (with);  ben  -r  ubmærtet,  til  gulb« 
tbmmentyeb  it  is  a  perfect  fit;  fio  bet  -r  ubmærtet 
that  happens  very  well;  —  (meb  prop  &  adv): 
paSfe  en  Xing  efter  en  anben  flt  el.  adapt  one 
thing  to  another.  ~  for  sult  (the  case  of);  - 
inb  vt  let  in;  -  inb  i  vt  let  into;  _  inb  i  vt  flt 
in  with;  .meb  agree  el.  tally  with;  faa  nt  til  at 
.  meb  square  st  with;  -  en  op  (lure  paa)  lie  in 
wait  for,  waylay  somebody,  (font  Qppaftfer)  wait 
on;  ~  paa  (tage  Øare  paa)  take  care  of,  look 
after;  (t  «nfe)  need,  mind;  pat  paa,  ^bor  ban  goar 
ben !  you  must  watch  him,  and  see  where  he  is 
going!  pai  paa!  take  care!  beware!  look  out! 
-r  paa  et  $aar  fits  to  a  hair;  -  f ammen  go  (well) 
together;  bilfe  to  -r  itte  fammen  these  two  are 
not  well  met;  betle  %b\  -r  iffe  til  en  Sri  ole  this 
stuff  is  not  fit  for  a  coat;  benne  ^oroe  -r  iffe  til 
be  anbre  this  colour  is  not  in  character  with, 
in  keeping  with,  does  not  go  (well)  with,  the 
rest;  ftoglen  -r  til  £aafen  the  key  fits  the  lock; 
•r  til  Stollen  becomes  the  character;  en  ung  Stanb 
og  en  gammel  ftone  -t  itte  til  $tnanben  a  young  man 
and  an  old  wife  are  not  well  match  ed;  —  vr  f  i  g 
be  fit,   fitting,  become,  be  proper  el.  sultable; 

-  fifl  felb  take  care  of  one's  self,  mind  one's  own 
business;  paS  Dem  felo !  mind  your  own  business ! 

—  paefenbe  a   becoming,    befitting,    proper; 
sultable,  convenient;  adv  becomingly  etc.;  suit- 
ably,  conveniently.    *Vaftfe  adv  sultably,  con 

Va^felig  a  sultable,  convenient.    -tjeb  c  suit- 

Vadfer  c   e  (pair  ofj  compasses;  (olm.,  minbre) 
i  dividere. 





laøfe'rbar  a  passable. 
ladferben  leg  of  the  compasses. 
laftfe're  vt  pass,  pass  by,  pass  through;  . 
JJtnien  cross  the  line  el.  equator;  fe  Rettue;  paøfer 
Øabrnl  go  on!  bet  er  albrig  -t  mig  før  it  never 
happened  to  me  before;  ton  ifte  -« is  impassable 
—  pi  pass;  (føsnbe)  occur,  happen;  bet  Ian  til  9t»b 
_  it  will  do  (for  want  of  better),  let  it  pass; 
labe  -  pass;  patter!  proceed;  .  for  pass  for; 
fttrab  er  per  -t?  what  is  the  matter  here?  bet  er 
Dtrtelig  -t  it  really  happened;  bet  -be  what 
oecurred,  the  whole  occurrence. 

f?a*fe'rfebbef  c  permit. 

$a*ferfpib*  c  point  of  the  dividere,  compass 

$adfertegn  fe  -febbet.     -øcrgt  reputed  weight. 

$a*fta'r  c  (small)  talk,  gossip,  chat,  chattery, 
confab;  flaa  en  .  af  have  a  chat;  .,  min  8rn! 
nonsense,  my  dear!  it's  all  my  eye.  $a3flare 
ri  gossip,  talk,  chat. 

$aftftø'tt  c  -er  pas'sion.  9a*fiøKe'ret  a  im- 
passioned  passionate.  — $a6flø'nft|blømtft passion 
-flower,  Pai*i/lora.  -brøbre  Passionists.  -piftorte 
the  hi  story  of  our  Saviour's  passion,  -tøncert 
passion -concert  -mufit  passion  music.  -ørbeii 
order  of  the  Passionists.  -prcrbiFeit  passlon-ser- 
mon.  -(ffue)fptl  Passion-Play.  -nge  passion- week. 

fteøfiø  a  passive;  unresisting;  .  Seltoger  el. 
Kompagnon  (i  fttrma)  silen t  el.  dormant  partner. 
$aftfiø  n,  gram  the  passive  (voice);  -er  pi,  mere 
debts,  liabilities.  Jtaftfibite't  c  pas'siveness, 
passi  v'ity. 

HaØfrriøer  c  olerk  of  passports. 
to*fug  c  pa'ssage. 
tofta,  $afte  c  paste. 

laftel'  c  -ler  pastil,  crayon.  -farøer  vi  crayons. 
•maler  painter  in  crayon  el.  pastil,  -maleri 
pastil  el.  crayon  painting.    -frfft  pastil- crayon. 

$afri  ø)e  c   r  pasticcio. 

iaftiH  e  c  -r  pastil,  pastil  l'e,  lozenge. 
lafrinaf'  c  -ler  parsnip,  Partinica  »ativnt. 
taftor  c  -o 'rer  pa'stor,  parson,  minister  (of 
the  gospel);  .  ©.  Reverend  Mr.  B.;  (Ubffrift)  Zil 
£r.  -  »uH  To  the  Rev.  Mr.  Bull.    Jtafløra't  a 
pastoral.  —  9aftoral|breø  pastoral  letter,  -femina- 
rinm  ecclesiastical  seminary.  -fpmføul  pastorale, 
-teologi  pastoral    theology   el.    dlvinity.     -teø« 
løgiff  a  of  pastoral  theology.     $aftøra't  n  -er 
living,  parsonage.   Jtaftørfual  poe-bird,  Prottke- 
mtdera  Novcp  Zeelandifr.  $a|tøHnb'e  c  -r  parson's 
wife;  $ru  -  K.  Mrs.  N. 
•»aftø'ft  a  mellow. 

$aØbart  n  rose  engine.  —  *3a*P«r!*|paftrøK, 
•røjtf  roset. 

Saåøarfeit  n  passport-establishment. 

%at'  a  (i  Staf)  stale-mate,  gøre  .  stalemate; 
bliøe  -  be  stalemated. 

$atagø'|«ini  n  Patagonia.  -Kier  c,  -alff  a 

)aié  e  ottoman, 
late'ne  c  pat'en. 

Jatettft'  »  er  pat'ent;  (Shpper*)  certiflcate; 
(aabent  ©reø)  letters  patent;  erbolbe,  toge  .  paa 
take  out  a  patent  for.  patent'  o  f  ffrst-mte, 
prime,  patentere  vt  patent;  -t  patented,  pat- 
ent, registered.  patent  I  glar  patent-  glass  (o.  fi.). 
-baøer  c  -e  patentee'.  -fontor  patent-omce.  -loø. 
gtøitiiigca  the  Patent  Law(s).  -fUn  holystone; 
Sure  meb  -  holystone.  -føoiiøirrtte  chamber 
-breech.  -øart  patent  commodity.  •øsfeHct  the 
patent  system.  BA  ,A 

»ater  c  -e  father.  $aternite't  c  pate'rnity, 
fatherbood,  fathership.  $otfer|itøfr'er  n  Pater 
-Noster;  (»ofenfran«)  beads,  rosary;  Iæfe  flt  _  count 
one's  beads.   -*øf*'er»o?r!  n  chain-pump(-work). 

f>atetifTa  (grandly)  patbct'io. 

JJarienria  c  $  pa'tience. 

patient'  c  -er  pa'tient,  sick  person,  suffenr. 
fan  er  -  he  is  111.  -fhie  slck-ward.  -tal  nnmber 
of  patients. 

Marine    c    patina,     patinere    vt    give   tfa; 
appearance  of  patina. 
atning  c  sucking. 
atøl'*  [fr.]  n  brogue,  patois, 
at  o]  logi'  c  pathorogy.    -lo'øtfT  o  patholoc- 

9*M  e  (grand)  pathos. 

9atri|orl'  c  -er  pa'triarch.  -«rf«f  ft  «  patn 
a'rchal.    -arla't  n  patrla'rchate. 

•airl'ce  c  -r  punch. 

^stricl ia't  n  patric'iate.  -ier  c  -t  patrician 
-ierinb'c  c  -r  patrician  lady.    -'tfT  a.  patzidaa 

^arriato'lninat  n  pat'rlmony.  -niøjfgøbé  ■ 
patrimo'nial  estate. 

9atri|o  t  c  -er  pa'triot.  -nrtØ-mc  c  pa'trk>U«m 
-ø'tlfY  a  patriot' ic. 

*3arrift|if  c  patrist'ic  theology.  -iff  a  pa- 

^atrør  c  patro'l.  -baab  guard  boa\t.  —  9«trøl* 
le'r|e  «•  patrol,  go  the  rounds,  (tilføi*)  row  the 
ronnds,  row  guard.    -i«g  c  patrollingr  etc. 

^arro  n  c  -er  (HI  Oøøfe)  cartrfdge;  Øjoi  $aant 
øsrfeme)  mould,  form;  (tirein.)  chuck,    mahdril. 
ftarø  .  ball  cartridge;  Iø<  -  blank  cartrid^e 

patron  c  -er  (ØefYotter)  pa'tron;   en   frrarrig  - 
a  queer  customer.    Vatrøna't  n  pafrona^e    - 
^atrønatd  |  berettiget  a  entltled  to  the  p*tTon*pe 
-perre  patron,    -falb  donative.    -ret  advowsos 
patronage.    Batronefi'fe  c  -r  pa'troness. 

9arro  nlfabrif  cartridge-manufactory.      -fons 
former.    -bplfter  cartridge-caae.    -fotfe  cøutrid^ 
-box.     -^a|iir  cartridge  -paper.     -øl«b    former 
-rem  bandoleer.     -ffabelon  cylinder  csavrtrid?t- 
•gauge.    -flot  pocket  bevel;  fe  -pinb.    -tørfTc  c&r. 

Sarronp'mifon  n  -fa  patronym'ic. 

VatrøuiDe,  9armrfe  c  ofø.,  fe  patrol;  ro  -.  i> 

Sarfo)  c  -er  locket. 

9atte  c  -r  nippie,  (paa  $pr)  teat,  dug,    pap; 
p  (©rpft)  breast;  (%it)  suck;  giøe  -  suckle,  sive 
suck.    %attt  vt  suck.   -amme  wet  nurse.    -b«r» 
suckling.    -bri!  nippie.    -brober  foster-hrother 
-bpr  mammal,  mammifer,  mammiferous  an  i  mul 
-flaffe  sucking-bottle.     -glat  nlpple-cup,   breø>^t 
-glass.    -glut  fe  -barn.    -grib"  sucking-pig  (o.  II  - 
-føfler  foster-sinter. 

f)aufe  c  -r  kettle-drnm;  flaa  paa  -  beat  the 
kettle-drum.    -pøirøef  roll  of  the  kettle-drutn 
-flager  kettle-drummer.    -frøt  kettle-drum  stick 

^aul   Paul;  (papegøje)   Poll.     -i'ne   Paulina 
-i'nft  a  Pauline,  ^autgtirlta  St.  Paul' s  (churrh  < 
anlu'n  n  -er  pavillon,  tent. 
anlng  Paul;  ftauli  iBreøe  the  Epistlos  of  Paul 
auøerig'meK  o  pau'perism. 
anfe  c   -t  pause,  stop;   mu*  rest,     -"re   n 
pause,  stop. 

9aoe  c  -r  pope,  pontiff,  Holy  father;  (i  ^un- 
mer)  lady;  frribeø  om  -nø  ©fag  quarrel  el.  disput e 
about  a  pin 's  point,  split  straws.     +fia»e  vr  f 
.  fig  op  give  one's  self  airs.    $aøe|brt»  papal 
letter,  -butte  panal  bull.   -bne  fe  Alerte«,   -øøname 
n  papary,  nopeaom,  Romani sm.    -finte  palnted 
hunting,    Uv*no*p***    eim«.    -fjeube   annpapist 
-gplben   Peterpence,    Romescot.     -|errrø#mme 
papal  dominion,    •pifiørie  history  of  the  pope« 
-bøf  papal  court.    -bne,  -frøøe  tiara,    -tvriea 
the  Papal  Curia.    ^aøelig  a   papal,    pontifical 
9aøelIoø   c  (gtoet  af  $.)  papal  law;    (fttr!elo»> 
canon  law.    -magt  papal  power,    -mise  lord  ly 
air  el.  mien.    -foibat  papal  soldier.    -fhøf  papa; 
chair.     -fabe  papal  see.     -øalg  election  of  t 




l>ope.     -»en  papist.     -vaclbe   papal   dominion. 
-toorrbigbeb  papal  dignlty.    VaVtab'e  c  -r  papess. 
Saviuøn'  o   er  pavillon. 
$eber  e  kn  pepper;  fpanft  _  Guinea-pepper;  bel 
—  round  pepper;  ftøbt  .  ground  el.  (groft)  bruised 
pepper;  jeg  ønfter  ban  oar  $bor  -en  gror  I  wisb 
tie    were  at  Jericho;   ftøbe   -    F    (om  Ribning) 
pound  (along).    $eber|buft  pepperplant.  -tree, 
JHptr  ntørum,  -boftfe  pepper- box,  -caster,  -cruet, 
-pot.    -fltgl  toucan,  fihamphastu*.    -tage  ginger- 
l>read.  -font  pepper-corn.  -tvarn  pepper-qnern; 
SDhraben  git  paa  b^enbe  f  om  en  .  she  was  chattering 
avrty  at  a  famous  rate.    -taften  the  Grain  coast. 
-mfcnt'e  pep'permint,  Mentha  piperita.   -ntbnt  e< 
laae  peppermlnt-drop  el.   lozenge.     -mø   (old) 
spin£ter.  -ntfbspice-nut,  gingerbread-nut.  -ølle  oil 
of  pepper,  -tolattte,  -rift  le  -bufr.  -rob  horse-radish, 
CocÅiearia  Årmoracia.   +-ftanb  joc  bachelorhood. 
-fto*  pepper-dust.  -fvenb  bachelor,  -rr«  pepper 
-tree;  (xælbertyalø)  spurge-olive. 
Sebling  [é]  c  -e  school-boy. 
$e'brc  vt  pepper;  f  bet  er  -t  it  costs  a  good 
deal,  Is  very  dear. 
f$eba't  c  -er  ped'al(s).    >barpe  pedal-harp. 
$ebant'  c  -er  ped'aiit.    -eri'  n  ped'antry.  -iff 

kbel'  c  -Jer  beadle.    -Hav  mace. 
feber  Peter;  St.  -i  Urt  pellitory,  FariHaria. 
*1Jeg  ji,  p^  es,  trick,  dodge. 
9  cg  af  li«  Peg'asus. 

$ege  m'  (paa,  til)  point  (at,  to);  alt  boab  bun 
-r  paa  all  she  Bets  her  eyes  upon,  —  vi  -  fttngre 
ab  point  (one's  finger)  at;  -  ub,  fe  Ubpege.  -finger 
fore- finger,  Index;  bolbt  bet  imellem  en  og  Xommel» 
fingeren  held  it  between  his  finger  and  thumb. 
-pinb.  -ftttfe  fescue,  pointer. 

Betanøi'r  [fr.]  c  -er  combing-cloth. 
$ejl|e  vt  &  set,   take   a  bearing,  (gumpen) 
sound;  -  Solen  set  the  sun;  -  £anb  set  the  land 
el.  take  the  bearings  of  the  land;  (tap  @t.  Vin- 
cent -be*  i  S.  «.  Cape  8t.  Vincent  bore  S.  W. 
by  compass.    -Ing  c  bearing;  tage  -  af  take  the 
b.  of.  -tompaft  azlmuth-compas«.  -ftive  azimuth 
dial;  brass  circle  for  takiug  the  bearings.    -ftøt 
sound  Ing  rod.    -ftøt  compass- stand. 
*9et6  c  -er  hearth,  chimney. 
9f}fifc  vt  beat,  vi  .  paa  hurry  off. 
*$eiøptøc  c  chimney(flue). 
$ctti'n  n  pec'tine.     -fur  a  -t  Salt  pectate. 
-flpre  pectic  acid.    $etto'fe  c  pectone. 
Vetnntar  a  pecu  uiary. 
$elagia'|ner  c  -e  Pela'gian.    -niS'me  c  pela'- 
gianism.    -'nft  a  Pela'gian. 
$elagift  a  pela'gian,  pelag'ic. 
$elargo  n  n  pela  rgon.    £elargønjia,  -innt  c 
-erpelargo'nium,  storks  bl  11. 

$eia*|  gerne  pi  the  Pelasgi,  the  Pulasgians. 
•gift  a  Pelasgtc,  Pelasgian. 
Seteri'nc  c  -r  pel'erine. 
$ellta'n  c  -er  pel'ican,  FeUcantm,  chir  pelican. 
-fol  pelican's  foot  shell,  Aporrkai*  pet  ptUoani. 
$eløponue'g  n  Peloponnesus.    -iff  a  Pelopon- 

$elotø'n  c  -er  platoon.  -fører  leader  of  a 
platoon.    -ilb  platoou-nring. 

$el*  c  -e  (af  et  $qr)  fur,  pelt;  (IH«bntng»ftbHe) 
fur-cloak  el.  -p  el  isse,  fur  overcoat,  (Vat)  wadding; 

flioe  en  paa  -en  belabour  one,  curry  oue's  hlde; 
aa  paa  -en  get  a  drupping,  ftpbe  en  paa  -en 
shoot  In  to  one;  tja&e  en  paa  -en  be  fuddled; 
Dooe  -en  look  danger  in  the  face.  $elØjbr  ammet 
a  furred.  -bb;r  furred  an.mal.  -føber  fur-lining. 
-føret  a  fur-lined.  -f rafte  fur  lined  coat.  -førenbe 
a  -.  ~  Sæler  fur  seals.  -banbet  fur- tråde,  -ijanbler 
fur-merchant,  furrier.  -b,anbfte  furred  glove. 
-b,ur  fur-cap.  -taabe  fur  cloak.   »tant  xur-edgiiig, 

fur  trimmlng.  -tappe  fe  $eIØ.  -fiørtet  fur-coat. 
-trave  fur-collar;  (Samer«)  fur-uppet.  -mager 
(t^el»«er)  furrier.  fell-monger.  -fitø  fur-shoe. 
-ftøøle  fur-boot.  -fat  fur  seal.  -rrøje  fur-jasket. 
-nlb  pelt-wool.  -vante  fur-glove.  -vart  Airs, 
peltry,  furriery. 
Semmita«  n  pemmican. 
$en'  c  -ne  pen;  (paa  jammer)  pane;  ~  og  $Ia»t 
a  pen  and  Ink;  ftøre  en  .  make  el.  mend  a  peu; 
fpibfe  en  .  nib  a  pen;  føre  i  -nen  pen,  nme 
down,  put  down;  bet  er  ttfe  tommet  fra  ban^  . 
that  is  not  from  his  pen;  føre  en  gob,  tyai, 
bibenbe  .  write  well,  poignantly,  sarcasticaUy; 
gribe  -nen  take  pen  in  hånd,  take  up  one's  pen, 
set  pen  to  paper;  nebtegge  -nen  lay  down  one's 

en  a  fe  ^sn. 

ena  ter  pt  Penates,  household  gods. 

enbattt'  [fr.]  n   er  pen  'dan  t. 

enbet  c  k  n  -er  pendulum.  -linfe  pendulum 
-bob.    -lottflbe  length  of  the  pendulum. 
Senbeløq'ite  [fr.J  c  -r  drop,  pendant. 
$e«bet|1Iaø,  -føtngnlag  oscillation  of  a  pcu- 
dulum.    -ftaag  pendulum-rod.    -ar  pendulum 

enbentif  c  penden'Uve. 

eabfd)ab  n  Panjab,  Punjab. 

enbn'l  fe  9enbel. 

enelo  pehøne  penel'ope.  guan. 

enge  c,  pi  «=,  (^engeftljite)  piece  of  money; 
pi  ($.  oøerb.oøebet)  money,  »tnø;  -8  IBærb  money's 
worth;  mange  .  much  money;  rebe  -  ready 
money,  cash;  ftore  .  large  money;  faifte  .  base 
el.  bad  money;  fraøe  mange  -  have  lots  of  money, 
be  a  moueyed  man;  ingen  -  bare  be  out  of 
cash,  be  shortof  money;  fortiene.  make  money; 
ban  l>ar  .  fom  Oral,  Sanb  he  rolls  in  money; 
mange  _,  mange  Sorger  much  coin,  mudi  care; 
bet  oar  .  barb  at  børe  .  .  .  it  would  have  done 
your  heart  good  to  hear  .  .  .;  -ne  eller  Sibet! 
stand  and  deliver!  leoe  af  fine  .  live  upon 
one's  income;  ber  er  ingen  .  blanbt  fjol!  money 
is  scarce-,  gibe  en  Snat  f or  -  give  one  fair  pro- 
mises  instead  of  money;  jeg  bar  ingen  -bo* 
mig  I  have  no  money  about  me;  gøre  noget  i  . 
turu  into  money;  fatte  .  i  invest  money  in;  1 
$unb  i  bore  .  £  1  of  our  money;  betale  meb 
rebe  ..  meb  banfte  .  pay  in  cash,  in  Danish 
money;  forføne  en  (ftabtgj  meb  -  find  one  in 
money;  gifte  fig  ~  til  marry  a  fortune;  tomme  til 
-  get  plenty  of  money;  tomme  til  fine  _  igen 
get  back  one's  money;  bcere  »eb  -  be  in  cash. 
$enge|aager  usury.  -aagrer  uhu  rer.  -aanb 
mercenary  spirit,  love  of  lucre.  -abel  ptirchased 
nobility.  -affære,  -antigaenbe  money  matter, 
pecunlary  affair.  -afpresning  extortion  (of  hunh 
-money),  black  mail.  -anflalt  moneyed  institu- 
tion, -anvitning  money-order,  check,  -ariftotrat 
money-prince.  -ariftøtrati  moneyed  aristocracy. 
-baron  fe  -ariftotrat.  -begarligfjeb  covetousness. 
-bebolbning  fe  Hasfebebolbning.  -beløb  amouut 
of  money.  -belønning  pecunlary  reward.  -be* 
ViBinø  vote,  grant,  -bibrag  con tri bution  in 
money.  -blab  money wort,  herb  twopenre, 
Lynmachia  numuktria.  -blot  mouey-box.  -bøb 
pecunlary  fine  -brev  letter  containing  money, 
money-letter.  -balle  leathern  mouey-belt.  -bøbe 
fe -bob.  -cirtnlationcirculationof  money.  -bfavel 
demon  ofavarice.  -erbberb  making  money.  -er* 
ftatning  compensation  in  money.  -føranbring 
monetary  reform  -førbel  pecunlary  gaiu.  -for- 
bring  pecunlary  demand,  money  dobt.  -førb^øfb 
pi  monetary  el.  pecunlary  relations;  state  of  the 
money  market.  -fortegenbeb  pecunlary  embarass- 
ment,  money  dllticulty.  -førraab  stock  of  money. 
•forretning   money  -  tranfiaction ;   banking  -  busi- 




nes.s;  (fyut)  l.anking-house.  -førfeubiug  fe  -fru* 
bing.  -forftcrrtning  outlay.  -flane  present  of 
moiiey,  pecuniary  gift.  -gerrig  a  grcedy  of 
money,  monev-grubbing,  avariclous,  b%U  cove- 
tous.  -gerrigqeb  grecdiness  of  money,  avarice, 
bibl  the  love  of  money.  -grifl,  •griffbeb  fe  -gerrig, 
♦grotft  yellow  rattle,  Jthinanthu«  er  tit  a  gal  li. 
-boubel  money-trade.  -banbler  money-changer. 
-bffflp  pecuniary  assistance.  -^tt#  bauking-house. 
-tjndbølbuiug  administration  of  lluances.  -inb» 
tffgt  pecuniary  gain.  -infrltstt  moneyed  institu- 
tion, -interetfe  pecuniary  interest.  -jøbc  Jew 
money-broker.  -tadfe,  -tifie  strongbox,  slroug 
coffer,  (af  $ærn)  iron-safe.  -fat  fe  -bælte,  -tnap 
a :  -pe  Xiber,  -tuapQeb  dcarth  of  moucy.  -tnibe 
fe  -forlegen^ et*,  -tran  pecuniary  claim.  -Irife 
monetary  crisis  el.  moucy-crisis  -turd  exchange. 
-turdfebbel  note  of  the  eourse  of  exchange.  -teer 
fe  gerrig,  -laon  pecuniary  loan.  -labe  money 
-1h>x.  -biu  pecuniary  reward.  -lønning  pay  in 
money.  -lø$  a  moneyleas,  peunyless,  impecuni- 
ous.  -Ijefceb  c  impecuuiosity.  -magt  money 
-power,  -manb  moneyed  raau,  capitalist.  -mangel 
waut  el.  scareity  of  money.  -marteb  money 
-market.  -madfe  mass  of  money.  -mibler  pi 
pecuniary  means,  means.  tunds.  *-mnger  fe 
-puger,  -mullt  pecuniary  fine.  -mægler  money 
-broker.  -nob  pecuniary  distrcss.  -offer  pecuniary 
sacrifice.  -omlJb  circulation  of  money.  -omfat* 
ntng  money- transaciion;  circulation  of  money. 
•pofe  money  l»ag.  -t-pretntug  fe  -afpresning,  -pn« 
ger  c  -e  misur,  hunks,  rurmudgeon.  -pugeri  n 
hoardingof  money.  -pung  purse,  -rente  interest 
of  money.  -rigbom  pecuniary  wealth.  -fag  fe 
-affare;  (for  letten)  lawsuit  about  money.  -febbel 
note.  -fenbittg  reiuittance  of  money.  -ffab 
nioney-press,  sale.  -ftabøfabritant  safemaker. 
-ftat  tax  paid  in  money.  -ffrin  mouey-box, 
cash-box.  -ftuffe  (i  en  ttutitj  ti  11,  tiller.  -forg 
pecuniary  distress.  -fort  species  of  coiu.  -fpilbe 
waste  of  money.  -fpilbenbe  a  causing  a  waste 
of  money,  wasteful  -ftølt  «  purse-proud.  -ftott>- 
Ijeb  purse- pride.  -ftraf  fe  -bob.  -fttofte  piece  of 
money,  coin.  -fifleri  a  moneyed.  -fnm  sum  of 
money.  -fPig  einliezzlcincnl.  -fpg  «  very  greedy 
of  money.  -fuge  thir>t  of  money.  -faet  money 
-Uig.  -tab  los>  of  money,  iK*cuuiary  losa.  -tofte 
fe  -pofe.  -tilbub  offer  of  money.  -trang  pecuni- 
ary distre*>.  »eurcity  of  money.  -tronftattion 
inoney-traiisactioii.  -ibP  money  thief.  -tørft  thirst 
for  (after,  ol; money.  -ubbptte pecuniary  profit. 
•ubforfel  export  of  money.  -nbgift  expenditure, 
dishureement  of  money.  -nblaan  leuding  money. 
•ublaaner  money-  leuder.  -ublfltg  outlay  of  mouey , 
•nbpreøning  fe  afpresning,  -unberftøttelf e  pecuni- 
ary aid.  -urt  shepherds  purse,  Thlawi;  fe 
-blab.  -petdel  exchange  of  money.  -Beteler  mouey 
-changer.  -Pibeuftab  financial  science.  -pagt 
money  scales.  -palbe  plutocracy.  -porrb,  -parbi 
valne  in  money.  -Parfen  money  -  matters  el. 
aftal  r«. 

Vengoin  fe  $ingoin. 

Ven  bontnter  <■  chasinghamnier. 

Ve  ntjeb  ir  Vcenbeb. 

Vent  bel  «  pninful,  distressing. 

Venna'l  «'  -er  fag,  =  -ljnø  pen- case.  -iø"me  c 
favging  »ystt'Ui,  fuggisin. 

Denne  feibe  paper-war,  coutroverey.  -fejl 
slip  <>f  the  i*'ii  -f  jeber  <iuill.  -føberal  fe  -bu«. 
•fufter  MTibbK-r,  <iuill  driver,  -fufteri  scribbling. 
-fffgter  couttover>ialist  *-før  a  able  to  wield 
tim  i*mi  -foring  style  of  holding  the  pen.  -telt 
hero  of  the  ipiill.  -bolber  pen  holder,  -(jul  pen 
-case.  -tnio  penknifo.  -trtg  i>aper-war.  -manér 
pen-style.  -pofe  «iuill  -prooe  trial  of  the  pen. 
•flaft  peu-stock.     -ftitfe  pen -and -ink  sketch. 

-fterrer  pen-cutter,  -flitter  quill-driver.  -fpibi 
nib  of  a  pen.  -fpltt  slit  of  a  pen.  -tro  te 
-feibe.  -ftrog,  -foing  stroke  of  the  pen.  -tegmii| 
pen-and-ink  dxawing  el.  sketch,  -torrer,  -vifter 


$euuiug  c  -e  farthing.  -ntagoii«  ponny-magi- 

Senolfpibé  c  (Srejerb.)  centre. 

$enfé  a  violet. 

9enfel  c  -fler  hair-pencil,  brush.  -binoer  hrush 
-maker.  -bannet,  -fortnig  a  $  pencll-shaped 
penicillate.  -focrbigqcb  expertnesa  in  handlinc 
the  i>encil.  -føring  brushwork.  -baor  hoir  of 
a  pencil,  -^aaret  a  $  penicillate.  -taife  pencil- 
el.  brush-case.  -tlttb  brush-  el.  pencil-rag.  -fttft 
handle  of  a  brush.  -ffimmet  vinegar- plant, 
PenicUlium  glauemm.  -frrøQ  Btroke  of  a  hnuh 
el.  pencil,  -trug  brush  -trough.  -tsngepc  pi 
honey-eaters,  Metiphaga. 

^enflo'n  c  -er  pen'sion,  retiring  allowance  ri. 
pay,  (for  Officerer)  half-pay;  (Stole)  Doardiu? 
school;  fatte  i  .  place  in  a  Ixxarding-school;  tue 
Vfffeb  tneb  -  re  ti  re  upon  a  pension  el.  upon  balf 
-pay.  -ti't  n  -er  boarding-house;  (Stole)  boarding 
school.  -e're  vt  pension,  grant  a  pension  tn 
(one);  -t  pension  ed;  on  half-pay.  -e'ring  c  pen- 
sioning  etc.  -ift'  c  -er  pen'sioner,  annaitant: 
F  flaa  til  .  beat  to  a  miunmy.  —  ^enfutai' 
anftalt  iK>arding-school.  -bererriget  <«  eutitkd 
to  u  pension,  -fonb,  -talfe  pensiou-  el.  super 
annuation  fund.  -lop  Hupcrannuation-blll,  pen- 
sion -law.  -ret  right  to  a  pension,  -pcfei 
mattci-A  relative  to  pensions,  ^enfionotr  c  -et 
(en,  ber  nt)ber  $enflon)  i>ensioner.  pensioniry; 
(ft  o  ilgæng  er)  boarder. 

$eudlc  vt  pencil. 

^enfnm  n   fa  lask,  lesson. 

$enta|  me' ter  »  -e  pentam 'eter.  -ten  d)ei  tbe 

♦Vente  c  -r  sbeet;  spilet. 

tVentelljage  c-r  J,  fish-hook.    -top  fisli-fkll. 

$epogr*8tar  n  pumpkin,  Cucwrbtia  jxpo 

°$epperling  c  fiery  milk-mushroom,  Ltctariv 
piperat  hh. 

Sepfi'n  c  i»ep'sin,    feb  tiff  a  peptic. 

Ver  l'eter;  .  og  Voul  all  the  world  (and  hk 
wife,i,  anybody;  t-  £»bet  Jack  o'  the  clock 
-house,  fenbe  en  ab  -  (Stantet  Øcnoej  send  ooe 
on  a  fools  el.  sleevcless  errand;  -  %ot  muft- 
dough-face,  mollycoddle. 

Ver'  prcpp,  mere  (*ogb.)  by;  -  Sttttte,  fNJ 
a  plece,  a  pound;  .  Xag,  .  SRanb  per  dav,  per 
diem,  per  man;  -  $ambucg  via  Hamburg;  - 
DampfTib  by  el.  \ter  steamer.  Sabningen  -  9tepaw 
the  cargo  onl>oard  el.  ex  Neptune. 

Veremto'rift  a  per'cmptory. 

Verenne'renbe  a  percn'nial. 

Verfett'  a  f  per'fect,  deft,  smart,  famou*. 
ar/p  famously.  -i  bel  a  perfec'tible.  -ibilite'tc 
perfoctibil'ity.  -ione're  vt  make  perfect.  fer'1 
fettum  n  the  perfect  teuse. 

Verft  b  n  i>erfldious.  disingenuous.  -i'  c  pe'~ 

Vergament'  n  pu'nhment; (fint)  vellum.  -«gtif 
et  parchment-like.  -form  vellum -mould.  -mit*1 
c  -e  panhmenl  maker.  —  Ver  gant  euti[binb  paicb- 
ment  el.  vellum -binding  el.  -cover,  -blob  sbeet 
of  parchment.  -breb  deed  wrltten  on  veUo» 
el.  parchment.  -fabritatlon  parchmenl-makinS 
•papir  paper-parrhment.  -rufle  roll  of  velløA 
el.  parchment.   -ftrif ter .  I  parchmenta  (2  Zteo4 

4,  1.1). 

Vergamot'(te)  -r,  fe  Øergamot 

Veria'l  c.  -er  F  (slight)  1"*~ 
.«  oare  -ifc'ret  be  fuddlexJ 
somewliat  gone  in  drlnlr 




Perlc'alam  In  mora  delay  is  dangerous. 
fJertife'rt'  c  -et  peripb'ery,  circumference.  -fe'» 
riff  a  perlph'eral  peripher'ic(al),  clrcumferen- 

lerifra'fe  c  -r  per'iphrase. 

leriga'nm  n  per'igee. 

leriqefinm  n  perihelion. 

Feritø'pe  e  -r  peric'ope. 

terifum  o  St.  John 's  wort,  Eyperieum. 
9ertø'bc  c  -r  pe'rlod;  (&ogar.)  repetend;  p< 
(IttrinbfnS)  turns.  -bttøntttg  formation  of  periods. 
IBeriøbiclte't  c  periodic'ity,  period'icalness. 
$eTiø'bift  o  period'io(al);  .  $ecimai6røt  circulat- 
ing,  recurring  et.  repeating  decimal. 

Jtartnate't|iter  c  -e  peripatet'ic.    -tft  peripa- 

leriftal'Hf!  a  peristaltic. 

krta'l  n  cloth. 

IrrtnØfiø'n  o  percus'sion.  —  9ertnØflø'nø> 
pøittbc  percussion  staell.  -bronbrør  p.  fuze  (o.  fl.). 
-øeøorr  percusslon-gun.  -bortte  p.  cap.  -tnftrn> 
ment  percussion  instrument,  -faaø  percussion 

$erte  e  -r  (ægte,  oaf.  Jtø  »g  om  en  Store, 
Xuøbraabe  ofp.)  pearl;  (of  (Ølaft,  »oral,  fflao  ofø.) 
bead;  fig  Jewel,  treasure,  prize;  fe  ©Din.  $erle 
vi  sparkle;  6øeben  -be  paa  ban«  $anbe  the  sweat 
stood  in  beads  on  his  fore-head.  —  9erle|agtig 
a  pearly.  -anb  fe  ©ral.  -armbaanb  pearl 
bracelet.  -affe  pearl  -ash.  -ablenbe  a  pearl 
•bearing.  -anlinø  formation  of  pearls.  -øaonb 
string  of  pearls  el.  beads.  -bonlc  bank  of  pearl 
-oysters.  -bor  pearl-drill.  -boret  perforator  of 
beads.  -brobert  fe  -ftitfert.  -borb,  -bramme 
border  of  pearls.  -bønne  kidney-bean,  Pkaieolu* 
xmlgarut.  -bannet  a  pearl-sbaped.  -braabe  pearly 
drop.  -bnø  pearly  dcw.  -batter  pearl -di ver, 
pearl-fisher.  -eøfenø  essence  of  pearl.  -fanøfl 
pearl- fishing,  pearl-flshery.  -favne  pearl-coloar. 
-farnet  a  pearl-coloured.  -fil  Joint-flle.  -fiffer  fe 
-borter,  -fifleri  fe  -fangft.  -frbnferpibead-fringes. 
-afasi  pearly  lustre;  fe  -rtfen«.  -graa  a  shlning 
whitish-gray.  -grøn  pearl-barley.  -grpsdgrøb 
bo  Hed  pearl-barley.  -ørftnfttbbe  barley-gruel. 
-taløbaanb  pearl-necklace.  -tønbel  pearl -tråde. 
-tavbler  dealer  in  pearls.  -ftnntør  excellent 
ppirits,  the  best  of  humours.  -tynib  a,  -fyrtbt  n 
pearl-white.  -bane  Guinea-fowl  el.  hen,  tamis 
-bird,  Nttmida  meUagrit.  -flat  a  pearly.  -tranø* 
wreath  of  pearls.  -trane  crown  of  pearls.  -Ibf* 
pearl-coast.  -Ug  pearl  onion.  -maage  herring 
gull,  Lanu  argentatu*.  -malet  a  painted  of  a 
pearl-colour.  -møber,  -mør  mother  of  pearl, 
nacre.  -mørfngl  silver-streak  butterfly,  Argynni*. 
-møriarbefbcr  worker  of  mother  pearl.  -mørt* 
øland  nacreous  lustre.  •morgfnop  (mother  of) 
pearl  button.  -muøllng  pearl-oyster,  Unio  mor- 
øaritifera.  -nrøøe  ($røbe  af  6ptrttufi  »eb  at  labe 
ben  perle)  bead-proof.  -pung  bead-purse.  -nnnfel 
pearl-puncheon.  -rab  string  of  pearls  el.  beads. 
-rnnb  o  round  as  a  pearl.  -fait  phosphate  of 
soda.  -fonb  pearl-sand.  -fUfe  Ardassine  silk. 
-ffrtft  pearl.  -fmpffr  ornament  of  pearls.  +-fmbfte 
vt  adorn  with  pearls.  -fnor  string  of  pearls  el. 
beads.  -ftaf,  -flan  arek  round  bead,  paternoster. 
-flen  pearl-stone.  -flitter  embroiderer  in  pearls. 
•frifferorøejbe,  •ftirferi  -ftttntnt  pearl-embroi- 
dery.  -ftnften  a  embroidered  with  pearl.  -fatter 
twice  boiled  sugar.  -fige  tuberculous  disease. 
Verfet  a  pearly.     $  er  lej  te  gunpowder.    -nøle 

Strix  flamtnea;   bird  of 

-øen  intimate  fri  end. 

barn-owl,   screech-owl, 
death,  Strix  Tenømalmi. 
•n<eat  weight  for  pearls. 

*$erm  c  -er,  (boa  Qog)  board,  cover;  fra  -  til 
.  from  cover  to  cover. 

Permanent'  a  per'manent. 

$ermiff  a  Permian. 

^crmtdfiø'tt  c  -ex  mil  leave  of  absence,  fur- 
lough,  (for  @))geHgbeb)  sick  leave;  pi  trousers, 
continuations.  permittere  0/  furlough,  grant 
leave  of  absence;  -t  on  leave.  , 

flermntatto'n  c  -er  permuta'tion. 

éerør|atiø%  -ertng  c  perora'tion.  -e're  vi 
hold  forth. 

^erøenbit'lel  c  -tier  pendulum;  en  tebelig  - 
a  bore.  -nlcr'r  a  k  c  -er  perpendic'alar;  obrejfe, 
nebfalbe,  en  .  erect,  let  fall,  a  perpendicular. 

?er|ietne  re  vt  perpet'uate. 
erpe'taam  mobile  perpet'ual  motion. 

fierblctd'  a  taken  aback. 

perron'  c  -er  platform. 

*9er8  e  pressure. 

^Jerfe  c  -r  press.  ^erfe  vt  press,  squeeae. 
-børn  beam  of  a  press.  -fj*l  pressing-ooard. 
•j«m  (tailor's)  pressing-iron,  goose.    •••*  YAt- 

Verfer  o  -e  Persian. 

$erfejftme  screw  of  a  press.  -Hanø,  '*r*  i* 
-bom.  -fttlte  fe  rørrtfetøtte.  -trbt  pressure.  •«r«ber 
treader  (of  grapes). 

flerfien  «  Persla.  ^erfienner  pi  Venetian 
blinds,  Venetians,  sun-blinds,  jalousies.  ^erfi. 
cnnefabrilant  blind-manutacturer. 

^erPfjla'ge  c  quizzing,  irony.   -lere  vt  quizz. 

9erfi!ø  e  persicot,  peach-brandy. 

fJerfUfe  c  parsley,  Apium  petroteHnum;  øilb  - 
hedge  parsley,  foors  parsley,  Æthwa  cyntxpium. 
*-blab  fig  weakling. 

V'rfiø  o  cudbear. 

9ernft  a  Persian;  bet  -e  €prog  the  Persian 
language,  Persic. 

Verdning  c  pressing. 

verfo'n  c  -et  (ogfoa  om  SegemlfTiRelfe)  per'son; 
individual;  (©tatiMpetfon,  fornem  9erfon)  person- 
age; (i  6tuejpil;  actor,  character,  dramatis  per- 
sonæ  pi;  gram  person;  1>an  mangler  .  (om  Stue* 
fbiller)  he  is  deflcient  in  presence;  i  egen  .  in 
person,  joo  as  large  as  llfe;  ieg  for  min  .  for  my 
part,  I;  af  -  in  his  person;  tenbe  en  af  -  know 
one  by  sight;  uben  -i  Ønfeelfe  without  respect 
of  persons,  Ønb  anfer  ilte  -er  God  is  no  respecter 
of  persons;  fønbertnnfe  be  elenbige  -er  bibl  grind 
the  faces  of  the  poor.    $erf  ona .-  pro  -  a  head. 

^erfo|«a'ge  c  -r  individual.  -naien  -r  (f.  (tf*. 
Xeater«,  Itontor*  oftt.)  the  persons  belonging  to 
(the  theatre.  the  Office  etc.),  personnel,  staff, 
force,  -na'lta,  -na'lter  pi  personal  history, 
biographical  facts,  -na'l^iftørte  family  history. 
-naiffatter  personal  taxes.  -nbef orbrtng,  -rrcfit, 
fe  ^aøfoger«.  -«el'  a  personal;  -  Jtapellan  curate. 
-nel'  n  fe  nåle.  Verfonføranbrina  fe  -fftfte. 
^erfo|nifice're  vt  person'iry,  embody;  ^an  er  ben 
-be  Åæberltabeb  he  is  the  soul  of  hooour;  ben  -be 
døfliabeb  civility  itself;  ^nn  er  ben  -be  8nftanbig> 
peb  sne  is  the  very  pink  of  propriety.  -niflce'« 
ring,  -nlfitatiø'n  c  personiflca'tion,  embodiment, 

9erfonltø  a  personal,  in  person.  —  adv  per- 
sonally,  in  person,  by  bodil y  presence.  -øørelfe 
e  fe  $erfonifltarton.  -b'b  c  (ffgenft.)  peraonal'ity, 
indlviduality;  ($erfon)  individual,  character, 
person,  personage,  +pereonality;  lagge  fin  -  i 
throw  one'B  personality  lnto;  -er  (perlonlige  $en* 
tbbninger)  personal 'i  ties. 

ftarfønlbøjft  stage-coach,  -retten  the  Righta 
of  persons,  fcerfønøonfeelfe  fe  ^erfon.  9erføn|< 
ftifte  change  of  persons,  change  (in  offlce). 
•tatft  passenger  tariff.  -tog  (paa  ^arrnbanen)  pass- 
enger-train.  -bøøn  (paa  3«mb.)  passenger-car  el. 

^erfpetti  P  «  -er  perspec'tive.  -ift  a  per- 
speo'tive;  adv  perspectively.    -taife  peep-show, 




showbox.  -tørre  science of perspective.  -f«o?f  fe 
t>U  ir-case  shell,  Solarium  penptctivum. 

%tx%  c  -er  <t,  horse,  foot-rope. 

$ertent  lig  o  precise,  nimlni-pimini,  namby 
-pamby     -%rfc  preciseness. 

Vertliae  c  -r  <£,  bawser. 

Vrrrarbatiø  «  c  -er  perturba'tion.  -c'reaøta 
dis  turbing. 

$ert*rltse  c  -x  &  cal -stopper. 

lem  «  Peru.  -a'ner  c,  -a'«f?  a  Peruvian. 
-balfam  balsam  of  Peru,  MyroxvUm  peruiferum. 
-bart  Peruvian  bark.  Jesuit'*  bark. 

9tr»er*V  a  perverse,    -fre't  c  perver  sity. 

$efø)era?'rr  j>J  Fuegians. 

Veøfarie  n  -t  pes'Kary. 

$eifimtd'|nte  c  pes'simism.  -i'  c  -er  pes'si- 
mist.    -rifl  a  pessimist,  pessimlfl'tic. 

$eft  c  plague,  pest,  pestllence.  -agtig ,  -artet 
a  pestilent,  pestilential.  -beforagt  o  infected 
with  tbe  plague.  -bblb  plague -sore,  plague 
-token.  -bassp  pestilential  vapour.  -ebbtte 
aromatic  vinegar.  -f  ørbri»e«bc  a  aDtipestilential. 
•fri  a  free  from  tbe  plague.  +-ffe|øta  pesUlential. 
-gift  fe  -finitte.  -t«»  pest-house.  t-t}ft»te«i  Bed 

VefHlmft  c  -er  pes'tilence.  -urt  butterbnr, 
Tutti  h  go  petaritet. 

Uefl  luft  pesUlential  air.  -tøge  physician  to 
those  infected  with  the  plague.  -mtbbel  remedy 
agaiost  the  plague.  -plet  plague-spot.  -fstirfrøf 
pestilenUal  matter,  -fntitie  con  tagion  of  the 
plague.  -fUrat  pestilential  stench.  -f tanter  a 
pestiferous.  -føg  a  fe  -befængt,  -fttge  pestilential 
disease.  -tlb  time  of  plague.  -riifcrlbe  case  of 
the  plague.    -battb  pest-water. 

Setar'be  c  -r  peta'rd;  cracker. 

•eter  Peter.  —  $rteri;børg  St.  Petersburgh. 
-fifl  (John)  dory,  doree,  Zeus  /aber.  -fttgl  fe 

Seterfiu"e  c  fe  $erfUIe. 

$eter#  firte«  St.  Peter's  church.  -øeage  Peter 
-pence,  Rome-srot. 

SetUet'  n  point-net.    -g la*  fe  Xraabgtai . 

$eri't  c  tvp  brevier. 

Petltio  prlsclpll  begging  the  question. 

Vetitto  nSret  c  right  of  petition. 

"lerrer  c  -ler  fe  €tormf»ale. 
k'trtag  c  -er  q uarter  of  a  brick. 
tetrø'Ieum  m  petroleum.  —  9tirøfe«ttta;b,øfbJøj 
a  cbntaining  petroleum.  -l*w*t  petroleum  lamp. 
-ataaler    petroleum -meter,      -yaaftlber    lamp 

Set«'«ia  c  petunia. 

$faf    t.]  c  band  anvil  with  a  eonvex  face. 

Vfaffc  n  the  Palatinate.  -grene  count  palatine, 
palsgrave.  -grebelig  a  belonging  to  a  palsgrave. 
-arevtnbc  palsgravlne.  -greøftab  palatinate. 
ffalftifl  a  belonging  to  the  Palatinate. 

SbaOiff  <i  phallic. 

$ia  nt'no  n  -er  cottage-piano,  cabinet-piano, 
planino.  -ttifT  c  -er  pianist.  -*«ø  adv  piano, 
-'ttø  n  -er,  -nofør'te  «  -r  piano,  pianoforte,  forte 
-piano.  —  Via«øfør'te|et«be  pianoforte  study. 
•fabritant  piano(forte)-maker.  -fføle  tutor  for 
the  pianoforte,  p.  tutor  (school,  primer),  -frøl 

$ta#fa'*a  c  piassava,  piasaba. 

lia  fler  c   fire  plaster,  dollar. 
Itbagttg  a,  -beb  c  F  fe  JHbnremmi. 

r'ibe  c  -r  ;Xøbattpibe,  fcløite  i  Crgel,  Waal  af 
2  Cfleljøøeber  ofb.)  pipe;  (Solbaterp.)  flfe;  (lille 
fcløjte,  tamp«)  whistle,  (til  ©rug  i  teat.)  cat 
-call.  cat-plpe;  (Jiqfep.)  socket.  «&>o«rp.)  barrel; 
(Qen^  cavity,  shaft;  (paa  en  ftiole  o.  t.)  flutlng, 
quill;  (Storftenlp.)  chimney-top.  (paa  ^crøearao) 
outlet,  (p.  ©lafebalg)  nose-pipe;  logge  i  -t  flute; 

trabfe  ei.  banie  en  .  ub  nnstop  *  pipe;  icg  vStt 
ttte  gtoe  en  .  Sobat  berfør  I  would  not  give  * 
fig  for  it;  friffe  -n  inb,  ftifXe  -  i  S«!  come  dom 
a  peg  or  two;  banie  efter  en  anbeni  >  dance  a> 
another  pipe«;  -n  il!  en  oaben  £&b  they  all  sum 
another  song,  «a  change  came  o'er  tbe  spin*  ' 
my  dream*.    ^Jibe,  pcb,  pebet  vi  &  t  (fU]tr:pi^ 
whistle,  (nage ftgj  whimper,  pule,  whine.  ■  ost  Sii* 
whistle,  howl   (om  fiugler  ofø.'i  whixz;  :om9U» 
squeak,  (banne  $ibdag  i  %»\)  flute,  quill.  F  ^ 
-r  altib  she  is  always  complaining,  -  en  3» 
fptOer  ub  hiss  a  player  (off);  ber  blev  pebet  pejpte 
hissed;   6rbRet  bleø  pebet   nb   the    piece  *« 
damned;  ^  pib  faft !  pipe  belay !  pib  til  ftonoatw 
pipe  to  quarters!  (o.  ft.).  —  9ibc|«sb  wid^>r 
Amae    peneinpe.      -bca    marrow  -  bone,      -brfU| 
mounting  of  a  tobacco-pipe.    -bløssfl  pipt-nse. 
Dutchman's  pipe,  Arittolockia  npAo.    -bør  pip« 
-bore.    #-broab  a  chimney  on  fire.    -*r«t  ^helf 
for  tobacco  pipes;  (Crg.)  orgau-sieve.    -bøf!  ^ 
3a#min  (©uff).    -boaset  a  haTing  tbe  form  of  & 
pipe,  flstulous.  -f  abrit  tobacco-pipe  manoiactøry. 
•fabrifsnt  pipe-maker.    -fifl  tob*coo-pipe  fisk, 
F\9tularia.     -føberal  case   for  a    tobaeco-pip^ 
-førn  tobacco-pipe  mould.     -fri%eb  liberty  of 
hissing.    -bare  rat-hare,  Logoet*,    -ftøbcb  piF< 
-bowl.    -b»l  (Crg.)  mouth.    -|fettc,  -b>rxtc  pip* 
-cover.  -b*»l  barre!  plane,  gouge.  -jørmqailUM 
-iron,   Italian  irou     -fønerrt  hissiiig     -frobfer 
pipe-cleaner.    •frage  piping  crow.     -frase  ruff 
-frmfer  pi  ruffles.    -ler  pipe-clay     -I »ate  >T>W 
-Ifeb  piping,  whistling  sound,  sound  of  a  pip« 
el.  flfe.   -lag  flutuig,  quill.   -Icrte  pipit,  Amtkm* 
-løg  Welsh  onion,  stone  leek,  AU  i  mm  Jtatmtonm 
-il  c  whistling,  piping  etc.     -nbe  a  whistiiug, 
piping  etc.    -r  c  -e  piper,  fifer,  hisøer;  fe  -Isrle 
-rtabe  mil  bedding,  groove.  -rtmf  er  pipe-cleaner 
piberi  n  whimpering  ^tbelrøT  pipe-  stem  -f«* 
egg-iron,  gauifering-iron.     -ff«g   c  whimperer. 
-jpib*  mouth-plece,  tip.    -fluer  pi  pipe-stave 
-Milt  pipe-stem;  pi  (9Jen;  trapsticks,  spindle-legs 
-døl  (Crg.)  foot-board.   -frøpber  tobacco-stopper, 
pipe-stoker     -flrimnel  ruche,  rucheing     -t  a 
(om  $r«b,  Cfi  øfø.)  porous;  (om  %e\)  fluted;  -t* 
&eg  ruffles.    -tange  (Crg.)  tongue.    -tsi  «mok 
ing  apparatus.    -»eb  fe  SaØatm  i&uff).    -••«  a 
whimpering.    -bfltrt  pipes  (of  an  organ,,  pip* 

$ible  c«  bubble,  purl,  trickle. 

^l'bffib  e  p,  fe  $tbeft*g.  ^ibfnr  o  sour  s» 

WccøtøfUjfte  c  piccolo,  ocUve  flute. 

Wcbeftal  c  -er  ped'estal. 

jHemont  n  Pie'dmont.  -e'fer  c,  -eflff  a  Piea- 

f?ier  [e.]  c  pier. 
teri-ber  pi  Pier'ides,  Muses, 
ier'rot  [ir.]  c  clown. 

ietetepiety.  -te't«|enf fe« :  af.frompious 
considerations.  -ttinte  c  pi'etism.  -rifl'  c  -et 
pi'etist     -ifleri   n  St  -tUme.    -rifliff  a  pietistic 

$if'  paf!  int  piflpaff,  bang. 

tWfte  P  9%  whistle. 

Vig'  c  -ge  pike,  splke;  (dittrep.)  ^  bosrdiuf 
•pike;  *  vi.  fe  $tt;  Vinbfotnetg  -gc  the  quiUs  of  tbe 
hedge-hog.    -bbr  porcupine,  B»trix. 

Vige  c  -x  girl,  maid,  (meft  on  en  Stab******* 
laas.  ,W?)  maideu;  (Xjeneftebige)  maid  t-servsjH'. 
en  -mrt  ^rnfi  a  ladies'  man.  -aar,  -albcr  Prl' 
hood.  -aafigt  girlish  face.  -arbefbe  m*id'< 
work.  -bar«  (m  o  bf  at  drengebarn)  female  chU«l. 
girl  chlld;  (ung  * ige)  girl.  *-M«  c  fe  -Mb* 
•blb  a  ahy  as  a  girl.  -blø|eb  girliRh  Aynes^ 
•briib  maiden  bride.  -bage  gi  ri  hood.  ^øit  f* 
-arbeibe.  -bragt  girl  s  dress.  +.frø  a  girlisbjf 
n»ppy.     -gerning   fe  -arbejbe.     -gel   besuf  P 




»meU-smock.  -tyutab  girl's  hånd.  -frfcrte  maiden 
heart.  -Mern  mald-servants'  asylum.  -tyue  glrl's 
cap.  -iaftitut  school  for  glrls.  -jager  wencher. 
-tammer  maid-servant's  room.  -flange  bevy  of 
gi  ris.  -taibftlieb  girlish  prndery.  -lag,  -fa* 
jrirl's  company.  -li!  e  (poet)  mald.  -lave  girlish 
whim  el.  caprice.  -Ufte  girl's  promise.  -1«« 
maid-servant's  wages.  -mob  girl's  courage, 
-nat«  maiden  name,  glrl's  Dame.  +-ttor  girls* 
gi  ri.  *ttt|flcr  pi  girlish  whims.  -|ilabd  situation 
a-  a  servant.  -ran.  -rob  abduction  of  a  maiden. 
-1  eng  maid-servant's  bed.  -flab  girl's  mind  el. 
fancy.  -ftittelfe  girlish  flgure.  -ftole  glrls' 
school,  (bjpjere)  ladies'  school.  -ftaaber  c  -e  de- 
flourer,  ravlsher.  -ftantøb  maiden  beauty.  -fnat 
kiteben  gossip.  -forøer  girlish  troubles.  -ftaab 
girlhood.  -fftrmmc  girlish  voice.  -toate  girl's 
thought.  -rfenefte  maid's  service,  -tro  maiden 's 
plighted  faith.  •otrfett  girlishness,  mannera  of 
a  girl. 

$tg*|falb  fe  $i!>.  -finnet  a  sp'nous-flnned. 
*$if[gc  vi  slide  on  the  ice  by  nruans  of  pike- 
stans;  scud,  scamper;  vt  ^  fe  $ifte.  -get  a 
prickly,  spiked.  *-(jage  vL  hånd -hook  -laf 
picked  dog-flsh,  thorn-hound,  >SguaU§  Acanthiai. 
-|afr  uromastiz.  -b,al£baano  trainlng-collar. 
<»-|ammer  fe  $if*.  *-l>anger  ^.  peak  tye.  -babebe, 
•fcnber  pv  echinoderms.  -(o  ir,  -b>arre  c  turbot, 
bort ,  Pieuronettøt  maximu  ?.  -tao*  a  sharp 
-pointed.    -f«»  fe  -flab.    Miae  ^  peak-line. 

pigment'  n  pig'ment. 

$fgfamftliag  wing-shell,  /^iiww  nobiiit.  *-aeb» 
baler  ^  peak-downhaule-.  -rotte  sting  -ray, 
Tryøcn.  -rotte  echimys.  -fejler  American 
chimney  swaliow,  Acanthyli*.  -fiib  bansttcle, 
G<%»trro«ttu9  acutcatu*.  -f  natte  murex.  *-fo*  fe 
-foamp.  -flap,  -flot  pike-Btiff.  -fbafe  fe  -fejler. 
-foamb  spiny  el.  hedgehog  mushroom,  Eydnum 
repandum.  -tromle  clod-crosher.  -var  c  fe  -tyrar. 
-able  thorn-apple,  Datum  Stramonium. 

ttfot'tcrt  c  -er  peajack'  t. 

lif '  n ;  -  og  9oI  traps,  (bag  and)  baggage. 
lit'  c  -er  4,  peak;  fe  $it • 
Uf  «,  p*  — ,  tap,  rap. 

$itont'  a  piq'uant,  pungent,  high-flavoured, 
racy;  gore  .  give  relish  to.  fHfaatcrt'  n  -er 
piquant  (etc.)  remark. 

lite  c  -r  pike.    -ae'r  c  -er  pikeman. 
fileret  a  pl'qued. 

Htt't  c  m»{  pick'et,  outpost;  (Spil)  piquet'. 
)tt|falb  it  peak-halyard.  -jammer  plck,  stonc 
-cutter 's  hammer. 
Sitre  vt  k  i  tap,  rap;  (f.  ttt«.  om  Ur)  tick. 
"lifte  vt  J,  peak,  top. 
lit  telter  iag  c  jack-pudding,  pickle-herring. 
liffelljnc  c  morion;  spiked  helmet,  Prussian 
f  iffcmif  »  -ter  picnic.1 
f  ihra'ttrnbtpic'ratepowder.  fHtri'ttn  pic'rine. 
•ifri  nfnri  Salt  picrate.    Wtrt'ttfyre  c  picric 
mitter  pi  Picts. 
$tf*'r  c  -et  huntsman. 
t$it  *Mr  c  poleaxe. 
Vil  c  -e  el.  ■=,  wlllow,  Salix. 
fil  o  -<  (til  tøue)  arrow,  bolt,  shaft;  fig  arrow; 
fom   en  -  like  a  shot.     -aab   pin-tailed  duck, 
Ana*  acuta. 

lifa'r  c  -er  pillar. 
lilafter  c  -tre  pilaster. 
Nfa'ttt*  Pilate. 

ti i| b Ub  arrowhead,  water  archer,  Sagittaria 
•agitttfolia.     -Håbet  a  ftatte^ale  willow-herb, 
Lytkrum  •a/tcarta. 
9ilo)arb  c  pilohard,  Ciupea  pUckardu*. 

^i'lbanaet  a  arrowy,  formed  like  an  arrow; 
$  sagittate. 
$ile  vi  (affteb)  hurry,  hasten  (away). 

$Ue|art  species  of  wlllow.  -oart  w.  bark. 
-olab  wlllow  leaf. 

^ilelbattaet,  -formet,  -formig  fe  $ilbamiet. 
-fjeber  feather  of  an  arrow.  -flugt  flight  of  an 
arrow.    -gtft  poison  for  arrows,  woorali. 

pilegrim  o  -me  pilgrim,  palmer.  —  fHlegrtmø;* 
bragt  pilgrim's  dress,  -fait  peregrine  CaJcon, 
Fatco  pereoriwuå.  -f abrme  pi  the  pilgrim  fathers. 
-foerb,  -gaag  pilgrimage.  -kat  pilgrim's  ha'., 
-tappe  pilgrim  s  cloak.  -rejfe  f;  -fæ tb.  -ftare 
troop  of  pilgrims,  -ftab  pilgrim' s  staff.  -taftr 
pilgrim'«  scrip.    -oattbriag  pilgrimage. 

$ifeiflcrrbc  fe  -^egn.  -grea  wlllow  branch. 
^ilej^abe  nursery  of  willows.  -legn  wlllow 

Siletogger  n  quiver. 

ile |  tr at  copse  of  willows.  -t»ro  osier-basket. 
tbift  wlllow  twig.    -litab  fe  -trat. 

ileob  c  arrow- head;  her  pheon. 

ilelblattrning  c  planting  of  willows. 

ile|reg«  flight  of  arrows.  -ret  a  straight  as 
an  arrow.  -faar  wound  made  by  an  a.  -ffaft 
shaft  of  an  a.    -ftub  arrow-shot. 

tlcftub  n  shoot  of  a  wlllow. 

ileifbib*  fe  -ob. 
^ilefbinber   c  willow-moth,    Liparit  »aiici: 
-flage  willow-branch.  -tro;  wlllow;  willow-wood. 
-urt  polygonum.    -oaaab  wlllow -wand. 

$ilfittger  c  one  who  has  a  habit  of  fl  uge  ring 
thingn.  fingerer;  fig  meddler. 

il  flute  tree  sparrow,  Frtnøiiia  montuna. 

i'ljfor  iet  -formig  fe  ^ilbannet. 

Ugrim  fe  pilegrim. 

iT|booeb  '■  (Slange)  trigonocephalus.  -b^jbe 
pitoh,  rise  (of  an  arch). 

fpitC  e  tn-bait,  fly-hook,  stroke-haul.    filtr 
vi  fish  with  a  tin-bait,  snatch.    filtning  flshlng 
*f iltoffitt  c  hullingmill. 

JtHaa  c  pillau,  pilaff. 
ttte  vt  &  i  {Salat,  Bart,  et  Qen  ofb.)  plck, 
ter)  shell;  (ftoRner)  stone,  (Stal  el.  »art  af) 
peel;  -  af,  bort  pick  off;  .  beb  noaet  fumble, 
toy,  med  die,  with  a  thing,  finger  a  thing;  .  meb 
noget  busy  one's  self  with  a  thing,  coat  dabble 
at,  trifle  with;   .  ub  pick  out;  -  nt  ub  af  en 
knock  st  out  of  one;  .  af  (gaa  fin  Sej)  be  off,. 
take  one's  self  off. 
filte  vi  (Sømefb.)  plddle. 
fciHe  e  ub.  pi  F  bit,  particle. 

fillc  c  -r  pillar,  column;  (mellem  Binbuer)  pier, 
(i  Vtebicin,  ogf.  fig)  pUl,  (til  ^efle)  ball;  en  bitter, 
flem  .  (oflf.)  a  choke  pear;  forgblbe  -n  gild  the 
pill.  —  fiflc|biHe  ateuchus.    -borb  pier-table. 
-aul  shaft  of  a  column,  -bejg  pillmass.  -brager 
pill-wort,  pepper-grass,  Piluiaria.    -fob  base  of 
a  column.    -Qøbeb,  -tnaa  capltal. 
iBetartofler  baked  potatoes. 
iHeloge  c  stage-boz. 
.  i  Ile  |  m  ab  food  that  requires  picking.    -mel 
shudes.    -n  e  picking;  peeliug  etc.    giflen  a  f 
finicai.    9Mettl|Cb  c  flnicalness. 

fjitteiaiafter  pillar.     -biabe  (Ur)  plllar-plate. 
-rab,  -rafte  colounade. 
ViKeri'  n  -er  trumpery,  stuff,  trilles. 
Ville |  rum  intercolumnation.     -ffaft    fe  -bul. 
•\pt\l  pier-glufiB. 

iOeftea  o  peellng-stone. 
iHe|oibbe  fe  -rum.    -affc  pill-box. 
ilote|re  vt  pile.    -Hag  c  pillng;  pilework. 
Dilraabben  a  completely  rotten. 
9i'l|rap  a  fe  -{nar.    -rrt  a  k  adv  straight  as 




an  arrow.    -røtte  fe  $ig*.    -fn«r  a  swift  as  an 
arrow.    -ffttbft  fe  $t(e>. 

t$ilf«r  a  completely  sour. 

Si'tføm  c  sagittal  suture. 

$itt  c  -e  &  -er  poe<  littie  boy,  lad. 

**ilte  vi  toddle 

»U'orter  shelled  pease. 

$tntenft'  n  pimento,  allspice. 

$imje  vt  k  i  tlpple. 

jimjernifl  e  c  -r  F  prude. 

$imberc*b  c  Anthony-nut,  common  bladder 
-nut,  tStaphylea  pttmato. 

fHmpinelTe  c  pimpinella,  burnet-saxifrage, 
Potertum  »anguiwrba.    -røfe  burnet-leaved  rose. 

fttmplftcn  pumice,  pumice  stone.  -ftettø>a»t? 
pumice-stone  paper. 

tøinag'tig  a  psinful,  tormentlng.  -tyeb  c  -er 
pamfuluess,  pain. 

$tnaføte't  n  -er  pinacotheca,  picture-gallery. 

JHncene'&  [fr.]  c  double  eye-glass. 

pincet'  c  -ter  tweezers. 

$inb  c  -e,  »løinbe  o  -t  (af  Xræ)  stick;  (Stift, 
Staale,  $løt)  pin,  peg;  (fmaa  ftjebrc  bo*  fugleunger) 
pin-feather;  (i  tttidtt)  bail;  (i  $iubef»il)  cat;  bet 
Dat  en  .  til  banS  fiigtifle)  it  was  a  nail  in  bis 
coffin;  fatte  en  _  for  noget  put  a  stop  to  some- 
thing;  bet  fan  bu  fttobe  en  fitrib  -  efter  you  may 
whistle  for  is;  ftaa  paa  e  for  en  be  at  one's 
beck  and  call,  dance  attendance  on;  rioe  af  -en 
unseat;  rbge,  bratte  af  -en  be  unseated;  f  f  til 
-fi  dnbe  to  tbe  very  last. 

Itnba'rlft  a  Pindar'ic. 
Hnbe  vt  pin,  peg. 

ttnbe|agtig  a  slender,  tbin.  -bør  pin-drill. 
•brambe  small-cut  faggots;  F  bugge  -  catcb  at 
straws.  -ftnggcr  dealer  in  small-cut  faggots. 
-tuggert  n  f  cbeese  paring.  -bus'  rickety  house. 
-tømpad  traverse-board.  $inber  c  -e  pegger. 
t^Ubed  ©t  get  the  firet  pin-feathere.  $inbe|f!o 
pegged  shoe.  -ffrne  (5DmD.)  stud-bolt.  -fbtl  tip- 
cat.  -bøgn  open-slde  carriage.  -øcert  rickety 

$inb|grid  hedge-hog.  -bøfe  vet  grease.  -b«l 
neg-hole.  -ftcengfel  pin-hlnge,  peg-hinge.  -igel« 
tour  piper,  Ciduri*.  -mager  a  lean  as  a  rake. 
-fø  female  hedge-hog.  -ften  small  paving  stone. 
•fbin  hedge-hog,  Erinaccun-  porcupine,  Hytrix. 
-foinennge  hed ge -pi g.  -fbinftfl  porcupinefish, 
Diodon.  -fbintnø*  burreed,  Sparganiwn.  -fbin* 
Hbfel  hedge-hog  thistle,  Cacttu  mtlocactu*.  -ful 

$tne  c  -r  pain,  pang,  torture;  Døb  og  .!  by 
Jo  ve!  gør  -n  tort  dont  prolong  my  torture;  F 
bolbe  -n  ub  bear  the  brunt  of  it,  brave  it  out. 
|Mne,  -te;  -t  vt  torment,  torture,  plague!  -  fin 
SRufe  fatigue  one's  Muse;  -  fig  op  j,  forge  ahead. 
•bæn!  rack;  Iceggeø  paa  -en  be  put  to  the  rack. 
-fnlb  fe  pinagtig,  -gal  a  F  fe  fflaogal.  -Ife  c 
torturing,  tormentlng  etc.  -rebffab  instrument 
of  torture.  fHneri'  n  tormentlng.  $inefteb 
place  of  torture. 

lingoi'n  c  -er  peng'uin,  ApUnodytt: 
linrnføre  c  pin'ic  add. 
Httje  c  -r  stone-pine,  Pinuipinea.    -ftøb  pine 
•plantation.    -tro;  fe  $inje.  - 

$inf  c  -er  &  pink.    -gattet  a  pink-sterned. 

"linffalt  n  pink-salt,  pink-colour. 
Hntfltb  n  pink. 

H'nlig  a  painftil;  -t  ftorfyør  examinatlon  by 
torture,  question;  unbertafte  -t  $orbør  put  to  the 

fHunc  af  vt  thin.    •bammer  face- hammer. 

#infe  c  Whitsuntide,  rogfaa  3øbemeø)  Pente- 
cost.    -aften  eve  of  Pentecost. 

SiHfebeH  n  &  crow-bar. 

$tKfc|bag :  førftr  ~  Whitsunday;  anben  ~  ^Tilt 

-Monday;  trebje  -  Whit-Tuesday.     -ferie  Whi:- 
aon(tide)  holidays.  -feft  fe  finfe.  -HBiftett  v 
*-^Hg  c,  -bøitib  (feast  of)  Pentecost,  wriitsnnridc 

fli'nfel  c  -fler  torture,  torment,  pang. 

9infej(Hjc  poetic  el.  white  narcJssask  -SBørtfi 
Whitsunday  morning. 

fUnfefpaø  o  ^  lever  handspike. 

f  iafe|tib  Whitsuntide.  -uge  Whitsnn  w*«t 
•Hejr  weather  during  the  Whitsuntide  holidayv 

+^i'«fom  a  agonhdng.  excraciatJns;. 

Vis'«  c  fe  ^æon. 

$ione  r  c  -rt  pioneer. 

f  i*'  c  (Aønfef^gb.)  pip,  gapes. 

%W  n  (§ug»)  chirp;  ccmt  (TOffe)  chit.  fe  $?£e 
flæg;  int  peep!  pip!  f  toge  -et  fra  en  drive  oæ 
into  a  comer. 

^Mianb  fe  $i6e*. 

^ipatnbfe  e  pipa,  Surinam  toad,  P&a  Am*n~ 

t^bod  c  swelling  on  the  hock,  capped  hoc  i 

i|»Ung  c  -er  (tttbte)  pippin. 

ip\l*tlt  fe  SiD*. 

ippt  vi  (om  9ug()  chirp. 

Wppt  vi-.  .  frem  peep  np,  ahoot  ap,  spnnf 
np  el.  forth. 

t^Mi«  n  sickly  child.  Wp\t  vi  be  aWray« 

Vt^flag  n  down  on  the  cbin. 

$ioné  n  quilting. 

*¥«  c  young  mackerel. 

*»ir  c  (SlibSbro)  pier. 

*^iraal  hag,  Myxine  fflutino*a. 

fltra'ft  c  -er  pi  rate.    -Jnnf  pirat'ical  junk. 

^i'rftøveb  pier-head,  jetty-head. 
ir!e  vt  åo  i  ringer;  (flø)  itchu   -ri'  n  fingerizur. 
iroge  c  -r  pirogue. 
iro'l  c  -er  oriole,  loriot,  Oriolmt. 

^irre  r«  (i,  til,  oeb  noget)  stir,  poke;    —   vt 
(irritere)    irritate,    provoke,    stimulate;     (liTbze 
tickle;  -nbe  SRtbbrl  stimulant.    pirrelig   a   irr. 
table,  touchy.    ^irrelig^eb  c  irritablllty,  touch 
iness.     ^irrentibbel  n   stimulant,   provocattre. 
dirren,  pirring  c  stirring,  stimulatJng,  stimnla- 
tion;  tickUng.    fUrring^mibbel  fe  firremibbef. 

t^irrfft  puss,  pussy. 

»iruetre  c  r  pirouette. 

*^imm  advt  joc  mellow. 

Itt'  ii  pis8.  urine. 
lifono  c  plaintain,  Muao  paraduiaca. 
iøbriøenbe  a  diuretic. 
iféntsr  c  beaten  cobwork. 
itfl  c  -e  (Soøbe,  «ibe«)  whip;  (tteriber*)  longe 
-whip;   (fiaarpifl)   cue,   pigtail;   ^o(be   unber   -n 
keep  under,  hold  tight,  have  the  whip  hånd 
of:  ftaar  unber  -en  drags  his  chain,  plays  seoond 
flddle;   ffavt  en  -  ($eriaD,   boere  paa  en  .  be  in 
liquor,  fuddled.    ^iff  n,  pi  =,  laah,  stripe;  foa 
-  get  a  floggjng,  llcking.     ^iffe  vt  &  i  whip, 
lash,  flog;   («Sg  o.  b.)  whisk,  beat,   whip:  f  . 
affteb,   omfring  harry  away,  about;  Stormen  -t 
bølgerne  the  wind  lashes  the  wavea;  iBsIgeme  - 
mob  ftqflrn  the  waves  lash  the  shore;  Rrgnen  -r 
paa  Shiberne  the  rain  patters  el.   beats  against 
the  panes;  ban   oar  -t  til  bet  he  was  driven  to 
it;  F  -nbe  gal  raving  mad.  —  $ifTt]battnb   cue 
-riband.  -fasrirant  whip-maker.  -ffervlrgularia. 
-før mig    a    flagelliform.     -gal  a   raving  mad, 
absurd,  preposterous.   -bit  lash.   -tnalb  srnack- 
ing  el.  cracking  of  a  whip.     pattet  pigtail  wig. 
-ffaft  handle  of  a  whip.    -fTralb  fe  -ntalb.    -Hag 
lash.    -flange  whlp-Bnake,  Akeetulla.     -fmaKb  fe 
-rnalb.    -fncert  lash.     ©ifhting  c  -er  whipping 
etc.;  flagellation. 

9iAfe  vt  &  %  piss.    -bførre  (urlnarj')  bladder. 
•bu*   retiring-place.     -frog    fe    ©iftfoir.     -botte 




chauaiber-pot.    -trang  urgency  of  making  water. 
-trængt  a  pressed  to  make  water. 
1H£føl'r  [fe.]  *  -er  urinal,  lavatory. 
$tft!  int  sti 

*fjift  n  piping,  chirping.    $ift  c  -et  f  weak- 
linj?,  milksop.    -e,  -re  t>«  pipe,  chirp. 

Jptfta'rte  c  -t  (gtugt)  pistachio(-nut;;  (Xrceet) 
pistochio-tree,  Pistacia  vera. 

Sifttl'  c  $  pistil;  (Støber)  pestle. 
$Htø'(  c  -et  (Sføbeøaaøen)  pis'tol;  (TOønt) 
pistole;  ubfotbte  en  paa  -et  challenge  one  to 
flght  wltb  pistols;  fineftø  -  cracker,  fire-cracker. 
-titel  duel  with  pistols,  -fiflet  holster.  -følte 
t>utt-end  of  a  pistol,  pistol-handle,  -tagle  pistol 
-ball.  -I aaft  pistol- Lock.  -løb  pistol-barrel.  -pr*øe 
pistol  eprouvette.  -ffttb  pistol-snot;  inbenfot  -# 
Wfftanb  within  pistol  -snot.  -ftybniag  pistol 

fHftøn'  [fr]  c  -et  pis'ton;  (paa  Oeoæt)  nippie, 
pug.    -fyættt  lock-cover. 
$ir»røp*  pi  (pit-)props. 
Btctøreff'  a  picturesque. 
$tn*  Pio. 

*$jaa!ter  c  brandy  and  seltzer. 
Ujatt  c  -et  rag,  tatter;  fio  milksop,  coward; 
coutemptible  fellow,  ragamuffln;  folbc  i  -ec  fall 
to  rags;  flao  fine  -t  fammen  club  flnances;  row 
in  the  same  boat.  —  $jalre|bøb  rag-shop,  old 
clothes'  shop.  -|osbet  dealing  in  rags.  -tram 
rags.  -tremmer  dealer  in  rags,  ragman.  -!<rl< 
ting  rag-woman.  $jftltcri'  *  beggarly  conduct. 
Vjaltet  a  ragged,  tatter  ed;  fio  soft,  weak,  nerve- 
les«.    JHaltetørt  rag-market,  rag-fair. 

VJaaln  f  slip-slop;  fig  twaddle.  JMonfe  c  -t 
tilly,  nonsensical  woman.  %\wa\t  vi  fe  $jatte. 
9ja«trt  a  »illy,  childish. 

$jaf!je  vi  paddle,  splash,  plash,  dabble.  -en 
c  paddling  etc.  -øa«b  a  dripping  wet,  drenched, 

Viaftrr  c  -tre  plaster. 

_  n  prittle-prattle,  prate,  chatter,  chitchat 
-tja*  c  p  fe  røjatte&ooeb. 

9i*ttc  vi  prate,  chatter.  »gaaft  c  chatterboz. 
-loteb  trifler,  babbler.  -■  c,  -ri'  prating,  chat- 
tering,   -t  a  twaddling,  friyolous. 

firer,  $je*  [æ]  c  -et  (i  flete  *ettobn.)  pieoe; 
(Striii)  pamphlet;  cont  (om  $etfon;  chap. 

tfHøg  [aaj,  $Jøf  n,  oon<  dough-face,  milksop. 

*$|ø?  «  F   toddler,  chit. 

t*|it»*  n  fe  røøg. 

¥jnf!e  vt  rumpie,  tousle;  -t  $aat  dishevelled 

W«*  c  F   <*"'  chap. 

$lace'r|e  et  place;  station;  ($enge)  invest; 
(£aan>  negotiate,  dispose  of.    -i«g  c  placingetc. 

rølabber  n  (TOubber)  mud,  mire;  (6nat)  jabber, 
prate,  -falb  a  brimfull.  -rnunb,  -pofe  prater, 

91obe  c  -t  (i  Ulm.,  ogf. :  $anfet,  $atnifl)  plate; 
(ftorb-)  top,  slab;  (Sten-)  slab,  flag;  (i  JMæbe) 
flaw;  fe  ttnfe-;  Hille  Øtunb)  4,  flat;  (©ebrageri) 
swindle:  flabe  i  .  (fyxtnifl)  plate;  tlæbe  fk  i  - 
put  on  one'«  armour;  Iloebt  i  -  mail-clad;  f  floa 
•r  swindle;  floa  en  en  -  impose  upon  one;  jeg 
fløg  ijam  en  -  føt  10  Dalet  I  cheated.  swindled 
hlm  out  of  10  dollars,  flabe  vt  cover  with 
piates.  —  f(abe|baattb  tie-plate.  -M*  sneet -lead. 
-gang  J,  strake  of  piating.     -oUt  plate-glass. 

3IHlb  gold  in  piates.  -fjantnter  natting  hammer, 
em  sbeet-iron.  -flabniag  <t>  piating.  -lobber 
leet-oopper.  -Ul  keel  made  of  piates.  -meé- 
flag  brass  in  piates,  latten.  -øø«  stove  made 
of  lron  piates.  -pawfer,  •mfhrtag  plate  armour. 
•feti  metal-plate  shears.  -ft  ri  mm  el  strip  of 
plate  lron.  -falø  plate-silver.  -ttytfelfe  thick- 
nesK  of  piating.    -øalfeeart  rolling-mlll.   -øalé« 

niag  rolling  of  piates.    -jinl  sheet-zinc.    f  Ub* 

tttng  «  piating. 

•  f  labre  vt  (fammen)  mlz  up  —  vi  (oaafe)  prate, 


fHobi  c  -e  el.  -et  place,  position;  (Bnfættelfe) 
situation,  place;  (Slib*)  berth;  (Øø  o.  1.)  place; 
(i  et  ©lab  ø.  1.)  space;  part  seat;  'small  (cot- 
tager's,  labourer's)  mrm;  fri  .  open  place;  -  el. 
Øtunb  (til  at  bbgge  paa)  plot,  ground;  offentlige  -e 
public  piaces,  squares;  aaben  .  (regelmæøftg,  om« 
giøen  af  ^ufe)  square,  (meb  Buegange)  plazza,  mil 
open  town;  fe  Waben;  {eg  tog  -  øeb  Jrtrten  I  took 
my  stand  near  the  church;  bette  et  min  -  this 
is  my  seat;  -n  et  optaget,  fe  Optaget;  tage  -  take 
a  seat;  be  tog  ~  they  took  their  seats;  tage  (f.  <HB. 
megen)  -  ap  take  up  (a  great  deal  of)  room; 
.  til  room  for;  fyioe  .  Hl  afford  accommodation 
to,  accommodate,  . !  ger  .  I  make  way !  clear 
the  way!  gøre  el.  gtoe  -  fot  make  room  for; 
tjer  er  ingen  -  there  is  no  room  here;  gate  .  fot 
en  make  room  for  one;  en  tiflaber  oi  tf  te  space 
will  not  allow  us;  bebolbe  en  keep  the  fleld; 
blioe  paa  en  be  left  dead  on  the  fleld;  fct  paa 
-en  in  this  place,  in  our  place;  paa  ~ !  take  your 
piaces!  løte  paa  førfie  .  ride  el.  travel  flrst 
class;  fig  paa  fin  .  approprlate;  itte  paa  fin  .  in- 
appropriate.  out  of  place.  Blabfjaaent  local 
agent,  -beflewmelfe  determimng  a  snip's  posi- 
tion, •berfent  policeman  on  special  du  ty.  -for* 
brug  local  consumption.  -førretninger  local 
business,  -førøalter  inspector.  -b,jørt  stag  that 
maintains  the  ground.  -bnnb  watoh-dog.  -Iøm< 
ntanbønt  fe  -major,  -(øge  front-boz.  -major 
town-major.  *-maab  o.  ft.,  fe  fiutmanb.  -mangel 
want  of  space.  -fagenbe  a  seeking  employment. 
•øeflel  promissory  note.  -»ægter  private  watch- 

9 Uffe  vi  pop.    -ri  e  -et  popgun. 

Vlafønb'  c  plafond,  ceiling. 

tjlag  c  -ge  colt. 

'tag'  «»  pi  "»»  garment,  article  of  clothing. 

$lage  c  -r  torment,  worry,  infliction,  trouble; 
b* bl  (Uanbe*)  plague;  boet  vag  ^aøet  nol  i  fin  . 
sufficient  unto  the  day  is  the  evil  tbereof;  baoe 
fin  -  meb  be  worried  with.  $lage  vt  plague, 
torment,  worry;  .  Siøet  af  en  worry  one' s  soul 
out,  make  one's  life  a  burden  el.  a  torment  to 
him;  -  fifl  meb  bother  oue's  self  about;  min 
Satter  ••  ilbe  af  Djcewlen  61*6/  my  daughter  is 
grievously  vexed  with  a  devil;  fe  ftanben.  — 
fya*.t\aanb  Jiø  tormentor,  plague.  -n  c  plaguiug 
etc.  -r  c  -e  tormenter;  btbi  task- master,  -ri' 
n  plaguing  etc. 

9Ugi|a't  n  -et  pla'giarism.  -a'tør  c  -o'rer 
pla'giary.    -e're  vt  plagiarize. 

flaib  fe  *iab. 

fylalat  c  -er  plac'ard,  blll.  poster,  (Uft)  hand- 
blll,  broadside,  rZeat.)  fongelig  -  royal  mandate, 
manlfesto.  91afa't|(f«(b)  a  F  dead  drunk;  briffe 
en  -  make  one  dead  drunk.  -ntoitb,  fntarer 
bill-poster,  -sticker. 

lalø«rt  clay-linlng,  rammed  earth  work. 
lama'fe  e  -t  F  hlot. 

Ian  a  plain,  plane.  ^81an  c  -et  (Slette,  ftlabe) 
plain;  (Ubfafi,  ØrunbttM,  ^enfigt)  plan,  design; 
(plantegning)  plan;  .  ooet,  til  plan  of;  lægge  en 
~  lay  el.  form  a  scheme;  (cegge  -en  til  plan:  bet 
laa  itfe  i  ^an#  .  at  it  was  no  part  of  his  plan 
to.  tØlaa  n  -et  plane;  i  -  meb  evcn  with,  flush 

fManø)e  c  -t  plate. 

^lane'rlbammer  planishing  hammer,  -preife 
size-press.  -øanb  size.  fHane're  vt  (jaøne)  level; 
planish;  ($opir)  size.   glatte  Hag  c  levelling  etc. 

flanet  c  er  plan  et;  F  flaa  en  paa  -en  knock 
one  on  the  head.    *aar  planetary*  year.    ^la- 




neta'rift  a  plan'etary.  $teaeta'riant  m  -ier 
planetarium,  orreiy.  9trae'tbane  orbit  of  a 
planet.  $la«etoi'ber  td  plan'etoida.  Vlave'tJ* 
faftem  planetao*  system."  -tavler  pf  planetary 

Via  n [geometri  c  plane  geometry. 

*£Uni!glø'b(iam)  n  plan'isphere.  -metri'  c 
planim'etry.    -nte'trift  a  planimet'ric(al). 

*laafe  c  t  (if«r  fø*rj  plank,  (tun  om  ©ran  og 
Jor)  deal,  ("tom*  eflet  berunber)  batten;  betlæbe 
m/b  -r  plank.  $loatf  vt  enclose  with  plank«. 
$(antejbro  bridge  of  plan  kg.  4H|(t  o  built  of 
plank«.  -»øgning  building  of  plank«,  -e«be 
(Snitte)  deal  end.  plank-end;  (vnbe  af  en  $j 
butt.  -graf  strake.  -gul*  floor  of  plank«  d. 
deals,  -fogaing  boiling  of  planks.  -øemgc  J, 
plankage.  -fat  eaw  for  cntling  planks,  pit-saw. 
•frar    shed.     -flom    sawyer.     -ftnmø,   -frøtte 

Eiece   of  plank,     •■art  enclosure   of   planks, 
oard,  hoardlng,  railing,  pallng.    $lanfniag  c 

Via  ntldtgaiug  c  design.  -Ug  a  planless, 
designless.  -M|eb  c  want  of  design  ri.  pur- 
pose. -mcrØfig  a  according  to  a  plan,  system  - 
attcal,  Xøgrt  anfom  i  -  Tib  the  traln  arrived  in 
due  time.  -mørgflgQeb  o  regularity  of  plan,  delib- 
erate  planning.  -fftøe  ($rrjn.)  face-plate,  cfauck 
-plate;  ($mb.)  dressing-plate,  surfaoe-plate.  -fftefl 
plane  speculum  ri.  mirror. 

$lanta'gc  c  -t  plantation.    -rier  planter. 

plante  c  -r  plant,  herb.  plante  ol  plant. 
$lantejaftrøt  lmpression  of  a  plant,  -agttg  a 
vegetable,  herbaceous.  -aftalt  fr  -bafr.  -anatomi 
vegetable  anatom y,  phytotomy.  -anatomiff  a 
of  vegetable  anatomy.  -art  species  of  plant. 
-afte  vegetable  asbes.  -»af c  vegetable  alkali, 
alkaloid,  -brb  nursery-bed  (for  plante),  -beftrb 
bclfe  phytography.  -bor  garden  trowel,  trans- 
planter, -btrlte  vegetable  zone.  -celle  vegetable 
cell.  -bel  vegetable  substance.  -bør  zoophyte. 
•barter  cultivator  of  plante,  -elfenben  phyte- 
lephas  -familie  famlly  of  plante,  -farbe  vege- 
table dye.  -fiber  fe  -trrol.  -flitter  transplanter, 
•fra  seed  of  plante,  -føbe  vegeiables  pi,  vege- 
table food  el.  diet.  -gaarb  fr  -ftole.  -gaffel 
planting-fork.  -geografi  geography  of  plante, 
phytogeograpby.  -geøgraftfl  a  of  the  geography 
of jplante.    -gift  vegetable  poison. 

Øfa'ntegalng  c  drawing  of  plans;  floor-plan. 

9lattte|gren  »lip  of  a  plant,  -grabbe  group 
of  piants.  -gabning  vegetable  manure.  -batte 
planting-hoe.  -Ijaør  fr  -floir.  -bal  hole  for  plant- 
ing.  -bug  greenhouse,  conservatory.  -J orb  vege- 
table mould.  -fafetn  vegetable  caselne.  -teml 
vegetable  chemtetry,  pbytochemistry.  -tenber 
botanist.  -fim  germ  of  a  plant,  -tlaåfe  class  of 
plante  -toft  fr  -føbr.  -tul  vegetable  charcoal. 
-tnnbffab  botanical  knowledge.  -Ittttft  art  of 
planting.  -tøift  fr  -gren.  -ttynbig  a  skilied  in 
botany.  -lag  layerof  vegetable substance.  -legeme 
vegetable  body  -lim  gluten,  -lin  vegetable  life. 
-lubfalt  fr  -bafr.  -lorre  botany.  -maabe  mode  of 
plan  ting.  -maler  botanical  painter.  -mefter 
nursery-man.  -mnlb  fr  -joib.  -aoon  name  of  a 
plant,  botanical  name,  plant-name.  -nceriitg  ali- 
ment  of  plante,  -olie  vegetable  oil.  -øinb  plant- 
lng-stick,  dibble.  -r  e  -r  planter,  -rig  a  teeming 
with  plante,  -rigbom  abuudance  of  plante,  -rige 
vegetable  kingdom.  -faft  sap,  juice  of  plante, 
-fait  alcaloid.  -famler  collector  of  plante,  herb- 
alist.  -famltng  collection  of  plante,  (ftrrbaiium) 
herbal,  herbarium,  -filte  vegetable  slik.  -fjorf 
soul  of  a  plant,  -ffe,  fr  -bor.  -ftole  nursery. 
-ffab  shoot  of  a  plant,  -flag*  kind  of  plante, 
-flint  mucilage.  -f  nølter  vegetable  parasi  te. 
-føifer  vegetarian.   -flab  colony.    -ftrb  place  (nt> 

for  planting;  colony.    -ftem  lithophyl.     -fHttr 
-flot  fr  -øinb.    -flaf  vegetable  substance     -fbf 
bom  disease  of  plante.     4t$tt  vegetable  aci: 
-fbfftem  botanical  system.  -fMra  sleep  of  plan;* 
-tib   planting  seaaon.     -treti    vegetable  fibre 
-Mlb  vegetable  wool.     -befr  plan  ting   weathtT 
-øerbea  vegetable  world  ri.   creation.     -aibbr 
planting  distance,    -oibcaftab  botany.  botaniral 
science,    -bøff  wax  of  piants,  vegetable  vu. 
•øetot  growth  of  plante;  vegetation,    -»ars  veg~ 
table  tissue.   -ttbeabe  o  herbivorous,    vegeta)  e 
-feeding.  -ttggebøtbe  vegetable  albumen.  ^lant' 
aing  c  -et  (Gerningen)  planting;  ($laaraae>  plant 

$la'ntrigonometri  c  plane  irigonomeiry. 

9(annm  c  Oærab.)  level  plane. 

JMaørc  ri  babble;  —  vt  patter,  babble,  .  ai 
blab  out. 

+^lafr  c  fr  $tamafe. 

Vlafc'r  c  F  amusement,  fun. 

9laft  n,  pi  —,  splash.  ^laftir  vt  spia>h. 
(f.  Ctø.  i  Sanbrt)  dabble.  -en  c  splaatdng  cic. 
-rrjn  heavy  shower. 

%  laf  ter  n  -frrr  plaster;  lægge  .  paa  apply  s 
plaster,  -f marer  eomt  pill-  monger.  -flrmger 

f IaW|r  e  plas'Uc  art.    -ift  a  plastic, 
laftre  vt  plaster. 

lav  o  (flaby  flat;  ri  fole  ri.  Stil,  vulgar,  lo«, 
ort  ^  plane  chart;  6ejIabo  i  -  kort  plau- 
sailing;  .  og  Jtronr,  fe  røont.  91at  ndv  i  flat: - 
flat;  ~  ub  (ligrfrrm)  flatly,  bluntly;  (albeleg)  t-a 
tirely,  qulte,  «1>  (dead)  before  the  wind. 

^lata'K  c  er,  -trce  plane-tree,  plat 'ane,  /'« 
tanu;  bet  ameritanftr  .  button-wood,  /*.  ocrtd^* 

lat|bor  driU,  brad-awl.    -boje  can  buoy. 
Iat(be)meua'ge  c  -r  cruet-stand,  -frame, 
latera'  »  -er  plateau,  table-land. 
la 1 1 fil  lock-smith's  file.    -fifl  flat-flsh 
flat  foot;  ^   en  the  dog-watches.    -fobet 

»larfonb  fe  $lafonb. 

$lat|førm  platform,   -gattet  «  square-sterrK^l 
-tømmer  flat  ting -hammer.     -|eb   c    vulgarirr 
-fcoøcb  (rt  Slaa*  6 øm)  scupper-nøil,  clout-mul. 
flat  headed  nall 

Wtttiu,  fcla'tina  n  plat'ina,  pUt'inum.    «la 
ti  it|binørib  plat'inous  chlorid.    -blil  platinum 
plate.    -bigel  platlnum  cnicible. 

yiati'nc  c  -r  (HI  OeoArl.)  bkelp,  brand;  -r 
(8<ron.)  wires. 

Vlatine'r-e  vt  plat'inlze.    -lag  e  plaOnixing 

^tati'nlertg  plat'inum-ore.  -fbrtøj  platina 
match-box.  -^olbig  a  platiniferous.  t-iltr  fr 
-0£t)b.  -tlorib  platin'ic  chloride.  -tlørbr  fr  -bi. 
florib.  -0{bb  deutoxide  of  platlnum.  -fanb  fr 
•rrtft.  -fart  6alt  platinate.  -føamø  spongy  plat- 
lnum. -fbte  platinic  acid  -tetroflønb  fr  -tlonb. 
-traab  platlnum  wire.    -otter  ether  of  pl&tina. 

$lat|lat  lump-lac.  -laft  flat  scarph.  -loø 
apron.  -lorber  pressed  leather.  -menagr  fr  ¥iat- 
brmrnagr.  -nørb  tody,  Todu$.  -notfet  a  flat-no*ed. 

Slato'nliter  c    t  Plat'onist.    -ift  a  platon'io. 

Wat\p\attina  &  knittle,  senuit.  -ranb  .1.  top 
rim.  -rotte  skate,  Raja  bati*.  -fclctaf  brea>t 
-harness.  -filte  slack  slik.  -fom  fe -b^ooeb.  *31atte 
vt  natten;  i  plait.    ^(attrmaftinr  flatting-mill 

glatten | flager  c  -e  manufacturer  of  ironplate««; 
(Oebragrr)  swindler,  cheat,  Jeremy  Diddler 
-flogrri  n  cheating,  impo&ition,  imposture. 

IJIattrnføen  (Lake;  Balawton. 

^latteøffrt  flatting-mill.  JHatttøjg  c  -er  J, 
sennit.  $Iattttft  a  k  n  Low  German.  *3latbalfe 

Vlauft  bel  u  plausible 






^lebei  |er  c  -e,  -iff  a  plebeian.    ^Stcbif dt'  n 

-er    plebisc'U,  plebisci'tum.     $leM  c    F  mob, 

fcleia'ber  pf  the  Plei'adea,  Plei'ads. 
$lejc  øt  tøabe  Sone- til)  be  used  to,  be  accus- 
tomed  to,  be  wont,  use,  be  in  the  habit  of;  fom 
man  -r  at  ftge  (font  man  fiflet)  as  the  saying  is; 
1"  -  rum  f  =  pleje. 

$lejr  c  (+  pi  -r)  nursing;  (Dmfotg)  tending; 
<£egemexø)  care  (of);  (af  en  ftrigØb>r,  ©olbaiet) 
malntenance;  (af  Btomfta;  ofb.)  cultivation;  (af 
Jfcunftet,  Bibenftaber)  encouragement ;  (fRettens) 
administration;  fatte  i  _  put  (out)  to  el.  at 
nurse;  pære  i  -  be  (out)  at  nurse;  Ijatrc  i  -  bring 
up.  $teje  vt  (røgte,  bære  Omforg  for)  tend,  nurse, 
take  care  of;  -  flg  nurse  one's  self ;  .  {Retten 
adminlster  justioe;  -  Omgang  meb  en  have  inter- 
course  with,  associate  with  one;  _  legemlig  Dm- 
gang  meb  have  carnal  intercourse  with;  .  fRaab 
bold  &  council;  .  fin  $bile  take  rest;  -  fin  Stage* 
liflbeb  take  one's  ease;  +  -  fht  ttnbagt  perform 
one's  devotions.  —  $(eje|amme  nurse,  -anftalt 
fe  -{Hfteife.  -barn  foster-child.  -(rober  foster 
-brotber.  -batter  foster- daugh  ter,  adoptive 
daughter.  -faber  foster-  el.  adoptive  fiather. 
-forening  nursing  association.  -forørlbrc  pi 
foster-  el.  adoptive  parents.  -fn*  almshouse, 

9He|el  c  -er  flail.  -bttbe  strap  of  the  flail. 
-flag  stroke  of  the  flail.  -Hang  mach  rod  and 

9teie|mober  foster-  el.  adoptive  mother,   -ffelc 
a*ylum.  -fHftelf  e  (Opfofrringstpii)  orphan  asylum; 
(tfattiøbuft,  ^leje^u«)  almshouse.  -fine  ward.  -føn 
foster-  el.  adoptive  son.    -føjter  foster  el.  adopt- 
ive pister. 
JHettrmn  »  -ret  plectrum. 
Vtena'rmøbc,  ^mtam  n  fall  meeting. 
fjlcønøj'lme  c  -t  ple'onasm.   -tlff  a  pleonastic, 
Viet'  n  (electro-)plate,  piated  ware. 
IHct'  c  -ter  speck,   (ogf.  fig   Stemplet)   spot, 
stain;  (Steb)  spot;  (fom  er  en  Støbe,  i  røetal,  Stene 
o.  I.)  flaw;  (paa  Piet)  film;  (ftøbt,  f.  €B.  paa  $rugt) 
bruise;  .  3øtb  plot,  patch  of  ground;  paa  -ten 
on  the  spot;  rør  big  tfte  af  -ten!  don 't stir!  fætte 
-ter  make  spots-  tage  -terne  af  take  out  the  stains. 
$  t  et  |  aftager  scourer.     -aftagning   taking    out 
stains.    -feber  spotted  fever.     -fri  a  spotless, 
»talnless,  immaculate.    -frityeb  spotlessness,  im- 
maculacy.    -fugt  fe  ftøbbeftage.    -fugle  scouring 
-ball.     -fer  clay  for  removfng  stafns.     -faa  vt 
dibble.    -faamafrine  dibbling  machine.     -faa- 
ning  dibbling.    -flub  hit  in  the  center  el.  bull's 
eye.     -føfbe  scouring  soap.     ylette  vt  speck, 
f  øflf.  fio)  spot,  stain;  —  vi  get  stained  el.  spotted. 
JHettet  a  spotted;  stained;  (om  tøbetfhm)  muddy. 
flette' r|e  vt  plate.    -ina  c  piating. 
WetlttafnØ  spotted   typhus.     -bonb  scouring 
drops,  abstergent.    -bi*  adv  in  spots. 
ff(i  c  manners  pi. 
$ligt  c  -et  duty;  -en  duty. 
f  ligt  c  J,  (i  Sarte j)  foresheets  pi;   fe  -anfer, 
(Sot)  bow.      -anfer   sheet-anchor.     -anfertøb 
aheet  cable. 

9ligt|arbcjbe  work  of  duty.  -begreb  notion 
of  duty.  -bnb  moral  precept.  *ff  ligre  vi  be 
(in  duty)  bouud.  Stiatjertenbclfe  conviction  of 
duty.  -førgfentnutfe  dlsloyalty.  -førglemmenbc 
a  undutlful,  disloyal,  -førfømntelfe  dereliction 
of  duty.  -fri  a  exempt  from  duty.  -følelfe 
sense  of  duty.  -tyenføn  considerations  of  duty. 
fligtfmgger  c  J/  bowman. 
$(igt|ig  a  bound  in  duty,  obliged.  -førfet 
soecftge-  el.  statute-labour  with  horses.  -lore 
moral  phllosophy,  ethics  pi.    -ntennefTe  slave  to 

duty.  -møréfig  "  couformable  to  duty.  -øpft)l> 
belfe  fulfilment  of  one's  duty.  -øpfolbenbe  a 
dutiful,  loyal,  -fag  matter  of  duty.  -fftylbtg  a 
bound  in  duty,  dutiful.  -ffblbtgft  adv  as  in 
duty  bound.  -frribia  a  at  variance  with  one's 
duty,  disloyal,    -ftribigijeb  dlsloyalty. 

Jpligttøft  n  sneet  cable. 

*ltgi|trø  a  dutiful,  faithful.  -troffab  faithful- 
ness  to  (one's)  duty.  -billig  a  willing  to  do 
one's  duty.  -ijbelfe  performance  of  duty,  yield- 
ing  what  is  due.    t-«gt  fe  -førfel. 

JMuinft  Plin'y. 

flint,  $linte  c  -r  pllnth. 

$(ioccr  n  a  pli'ocene.   -bannelfe  p.* formation. 

$Ur|c  vi  blink,  -en  c  blinktng.  -ojet  a 

^liéfé  c  -er  plaitiug,  pleating. 

•»(iftre  fe  ^Itjftre. 

*¥Iog  fe  $lob. 

plombe  e  -c  mass  (for  nlllng  teeth);  mere 
Oead)  tally.  9l0tttbe'|rc  vt  mere  seal  with  lead, 
lead,  tally;  .  en  Xanb  ping  el.  stop  a  tooth. 
-'ring  c  leading  etc.;  (af  Xænber)  plugging, 

°f$lontnte  fe  blomme. 

^løngerflnb  a  gun  et.  shot  flred  at  depres- 
sion. —  fUonge'Ire  vt  depress  (a  gun).  -  renbe 
a  plunging.    -ring  c  depression. 

^loug,  ^løø  e  -e  plough;  Isgge  unber  -en  bring 
into  cultivation;  f  nu  gaor  6anfi  .  that's  grlst 
to  his  mill.  -aaft  plough-beam.  -beb  ridge. 
-brena  ploughboy.  -briber  plough-driver.  -brat 
plough-trace.  -b^r  plough-cattle.  -fj«i  mould 
-board,  -følt  ploughers.  -fnrc  furrow  (made 
by  a  plough).  'ferflig:  boere  i  -  have  one  plough 
in  common.  -før  a  flt  for  drawing  a  plough. 
-gang  ploughing  pace.  -greb,  f-^anbel  handle 
of  a  plough.  -qe)t  plough-horse.  -(j|»l  plough 
•wheel,  -bolber  ploughman.  -boøcb  fe  -løb. 
t-^uggcr  plough- wrlght.  -bøøl  plough  (plane). 
-Jocrn  coulter;  *plough-share.  -tarl  ploughman. 
-terp  plough-rake,  plough-staff.  t-terrre  plough 
-head.  -fører  driver  of  a  plough.  f-føring 
ploughboy.  -lanb  arable  land.  -lab  )t  -fæflig. 
-legcnte  piough- frame,  -løb  sole.  -ntanb  plough- 
man. -øffe  plough-ox.  "-ønn  ploughing-season. 
-rebftab  ploughing  implement.  -renfer  fe  -tæp. 
-ret  right  of  tillage,  t-rtjbbe  plough-rake.  ■  -flat 
plough-tax.  -flioe  fe  -fure.  *-ffJarre  coult«r. 
-f!*r  plough-share.  -ftørrbeit  vomer.  -fTrabe  fe 
-tæp.  -ftfcrrt  plough -tal  l .  -fhtb  plough-ox. 
-{tyrer  ploughman.  t-fnle  sheath.  -lift  bridle 
et.  muzzle.  -tøj  ploughing  gear  -bant  a  used 
to  the  plough.  -øenbtug  turning  of  the  plough. 
t-plbjc  fe  -filært.    -øg  fe  -fteft. 

t^Inbber  n  (DQnb)  mud,  sludge,  mire. 

IHttbbrr  c  (uforftaael.  Snat)  jabber,  gabble, 
babble,  gibberish.  -agtig  a  fe  -oom.  -agtig^eb 
c  jabbering. 

$lubber|bntder,  -b,øfer  pi  trunkhose  el. 

Vlnbberlb^nb  fe  ^lubber.    -i#  sludge. 

$(ttbber|mabd.  -ntnnb  jabberer,  gabbier,  bal>- 
bier.  91nbber|tørb  c  drag  turf.  -børn  «  Jabber- 
ing, gabbling,  babbling.  -bælff  F  gibberish, 
jargon.  $fnbre  vi  Jabber,  gabble,  babble. 
Slubren  c  jabl>ering  etc.    $fnbrer  c  t,  fe  -munb. 

$(ubre  vt  rXøtb)  moisten  the  peat  with  water 
before  kneading.  $lubriug  c  (Xørøened)  the 
molstening  of  the  peat  before  kneading. 

$lubfe(tg  a  sudden;  adv  suddenly ,  on  a  sudden; 
ftanbfe  .  stop  short.    -h,eb  c  suddenness. 

$(ubf|et  a  swoln,  bloated.  -feb  a  chubby. 
•febnte  c  chubblness.  -finbet  (F  -tabet,  -taftet) 
a  chubby-cheeked,  chul>-faced.    -røb  fe  ©lu? 




*$lttg'  c  -ger  wedge;  plag,  peg,  spile.  $(nøøc 
vt  ping,  peg,  spile. 

$lut'  n  fe  fyufteri.  -fifl  flsh  hashed  and 
stewed  up,  stewed  codflsh,  kedgeree.  -ø«Ib 
small  debts  p/,  driblet«  p/.  -fpttøfl  felling  (trees) 
here  and  there.  ffitultt  vt  (i  tthn.)  pick;  (gfrugter, 
©lomfler  ofb.)  gather;  (grinene  af)  pluck;  (en 
ftugf)  pick ,  pluck ;  fiff  (rn)  fleece ;  bluf  iffe  ben 
©lømft!  dont  break  that  flower!  WnUemab 
meat  minced  and  stewed  up.  $l«fteri'  n  (©lut« 
ning)  gatherlng  etc.;  (Smaating)  trumpery.  $lnt« 
ttittg  c  gatherlng  etc.  9(nt|tpbert  pilfering. 
-øtØ  adv  now  and  then. 

$lumage  Jfr.],  $t«ma'0  c  plume. 

$lumbnbbtna  c  plum-pudding. 

$(nmb  a  (flobfet)  clumsy;  (tao)  coarae,  low, 
vulgar;  et  -t  ©ebrageri  a  gross  deceit  el.  fraud. 

$lnmb  n,  pi  »,  plump,  splash,  pltinge. 
$tnatbe  vi  plump,  douse;  .  ub  mrb  noget  blurt 
out  a  thlng;  -  til  at  chance  to;  —  vt  _  (noget) 
fammen  Jumble  together. 

©lnmb|lKb  c  clumsiness;  coaraeness,  vulgarity. 
t-lmøøcr  boor. 

-røfnwtfar«  fe  Valeftang. 

*©fumynbbtiifl  fe  ©tumbubbing. 

plumre  vt  muddle,  make  muddy,  turbid;  - 
Sanbet  disturb  the  water;  — 0  vd  become  turbid. 
-fftftnø  fisherman's  pole  (for  beating  the  water). 
-t  a  turbid,  muddy. 

©(sra|(iØ  n  gram  the  plural  (number).  -Iltet 
e  -et  plural 'ity. 

9luØ'  matk  plus.  -ftttøcKfeJt  addltive  index 

©InØfeb  o.  fl.,  fe  ©luø-. 

tVInffc  vt  fe  ©iuffe. 

©luøqbamberfectsm  n,  gram  the  pluperfect 

©futart'  Pluta'rchus,  Plu'tarch. 

©(ntotrati'  n  plutoc'racy. 

©luto  n|tff  a  Pluton'ic,  Pluto'nian.  -iø'me  c 
Plu'tonism.    -IH'  c  Plu'tonist,  Pluto'nian. 

©tb>0  n  plush,  shagi  en  -eø  ©eft  a  waistcoat 
of  plush. 

©Ipbfe  vt  fe  Opplpbfe. 

©Ipnbrc  vt  pi  under,  pillage,  spoil,  rifle;  (Rej> 
fenbe)  rob;  (træ,  3ulettæ)  strip;  (en  ©pj  sack; 
—  m,  mil  maraud.  ©lpnbrefribeb  liberty  to 

©(pnbrearrbe  c  J,  poulterer. 

©lpnbrejlpftea  o  rapacious.  -tee  plunderer, 
marauder.  -fpge  rapacity.  JBlbsbrittø  o  plnn- 
dering,  pillage,  rifling,  sack.  ©tpnbrinøØtøg  raid. 

*©lpftrc  pi  whistle. 

$(<tb  c  &  n,  pi  =,  plaid. 

©tcrbe're  rt  &  i  plead. 

©tø'brew  c  rug-strap. 

©læne  c  -t  plaln,  (QJræØ«)  lawn.  -flaaataøø« 
mafline  lawn-mower. 

VUq,  ©tøøøe  o.  fl .,  fe  $(øf. 

©(•foar  a  fe  ©tøjelig. 

fjtøje  rt  plough;  (Snebf.)  tongue;  -  $abet 
plough  el.  furrow  the  sea;  -  igennem  fig  wade 
through;  -  fammen  (©ræber)  tongue  together. 
©løje|bag  dsy's  work  with  one  plough.  -tørt 
plough.  -Jorb,  -lattb  ploughland,  arable  land. 
©løjelig  a  ploughable,  arable,  flt  for  tillage. 
©løjc|løn  plough-hlre  -marf  fe  iorb.  -maffine 
steam-plough ;  (b  $søtebærf)  grooving-  (and 
tonguing-;machine.  -rebftab  ploughing  imple- 
ment.  -ftrimmef  furrow.  -tlb  ploughing-season. 
©tøjning  c  ploughing;  tonguing;  (ftal«)  rabbet. 
©føjningøarbejbt  ploughing  operations. 

© UV  c  -fe  peg.  ©løl|fe  vt  peg.  -tilnø  c  peg- 
ging.    -fpl  pegging-awl. 

t©tør  n,  ©Ure  n  k  c  slush. 

9(40  c   et  (i  5fo)  tongue. 

*^Ufen  fe  ©lubefeb. 

©senntatift  a  pneumat'fc(al). 

©ø  c  the  River  Po. 

$øba|gra  c  gout  (in  the  feet).     -frHT  c  ht 
gonty  person;  en  jjamrael  .  an  old  gouty  fellow 

fSobc  e  -r  (ogf.  fio)  scion,  shoot;   ben    tragft>  . 
the    youngest    hope.     ffiovt  vt  graft,    ingrmft 
-tUft  slit,  cut,  indsion.    -Tnib  grafting  knuV. 
-rbift  scion,  graft.  -ncHcr  grafter.   -flote  norserT 
of  grafled  trees.    -fpllt  fe  -flsft. 

^obeft'  c  landing. 

9obe|ftamnte  stock.  -rib  grafting  season.  -tnr 
grafted  tree.    -fcøfØ  grafting  wax. 

Vobes  e  fundament. 

9o  bninø  c  -er  grafting. 

¥aefl'  c  po'etry,  verse,  +po'esy;  -er  td  poems, 
poetry.  -løØ  a  unpoetic,  museless.  Øoe't  «-  ~a 
po'et.  +ffivtttvi'  n  po'etaatry.  $oetir'  c  poet'io 
pi.    -Hf!  a  poet'ic(al). 

9o'fIøben  fe  $o. 

$øa  [qo\  c  -e urchin.  $øøef!øie dame' s  school. 

9otnt'  [fr.]  n  tt  fø  point;  (øeb  (RØamen)  mark. 
Vøin'te  e  -r  point,  gist.    ^ølntere  vt  point. 

9oinrfer  [e.J  c  Octrnb.)  pointsman. 

Wota'l  c   er  goblet,  (drinking)  cup,  maser. 

Bøtte  fe  guffe  1. 

iotUntttU  n  lignum  vitæ,  pockwood. 

^øfftr  e  the  de  vil,  the  deuce;  for  ~!  hang 
it !  b,oab  ....  what  the  deuce,  what  the  blazc^ 
what  the  mischief  .  .  .?  -  peQer!  the  devU  yoti 
are!  the  devil  you  do!  aaa  -  i  9olb!  go  to 
blazes,  out  upon  you!  .  i  ©olb  meb  barn  con 
found  him;  faa  bar  ogfaa  .  løø!  there  woald  be 
the  devil  to  pay!  ingen  .  the  devil  a  one;  font 
bare  -  like  anything;  en  -0  @tøi  an  inferzial 
noise;  en  -0  (raf!)  $ige  el.  Xøe  a  brisk  girl.  the 
devil  of  a  girl;  en  -0  Srenø,  Starl  the  devil  of  a 
boy,  feilow;  ••  banffelig  deucedly  difficult;  git 
.  babbe  .  .  .  beshrew  .  .  . 

$øtuinø  fe  ^urning. 

$øtu|(e  re  vi  carouse.  -le'riiig,  -ta'Ø  c  carous 

Vøl  c  -er  pAy«,  artr,  geog  pole;  dgnen  ouifring 
-en  the  circumpolar  regions. 

^9 olaf  c  -ter  Pole,  Polander;  t  (Setminø  i 
Ølaliet)  heeltap;  t  (i  $iben)  rest  (of  tobacco\ 
dottle;  t  (X>rif;  half  and  half.  -in  be  c  -t  Pole, 
Polish  woman.  fSøURer  c  J,  polacca,  pola'cre. 
^øUrterriøøet  a  polacca-rigged. 

9ola  r  a  po'lar  -biørn  fe  3«bUrn.  -cirffel  fe 
-frebd.  -bifrance  polar  distance,  -bpr  arctic 
animal.  -egne  polar  regions;  be  norblige  -  the 
arctic  r.;  be  føbftge  _  the  antarctic  r.  -farer 
arctic  navigator.  -fart  fe  -rejfe,  -f orffntnø  arctic 
ezploration.  -gramfe  polar  limit,  -bare  polar 
hare,  Lepw  glacialt«,  -pab  polar  sea:  bet  norb< 
lige  -  the  Art-tic  Ocean ;  bet  fbblige  -  the  south- 
ern  polar  sea.  -10  polar  ice.  $øfartfariø'n  c 
polariza'tion.  *3øfarife're  vt  polarixe.  ^lølari' 
]to'p  n  polar'iscope.  polaritet  o  polarlty.  ^o> 
lar'føorbinater  pi  polar  co-ordinates.  -trebø 
polar  circle;  (norblige)  Arctic  c,  (ft)b(ige)  Ant 
arctic  c.  -lanb  arctic  country,  -tøm  black 
-throated  di  ver,  Colymbu*  glaciali«  -JoØ  Canada 
lynx,  Lynx  oanadenri*.  -IpØ  fe  9iorb*.  -øtØe  fe 
SRofhiø*.  -rejfe  arctic  voyage.  -røi»  arctic  fox, 
Cnnu  laaopw.  -flfertte  polar  Btar,  pole-star. 
•ftrøm  polar  current.    -binter  arctic  wlnter. 

^olef(  9Wbnte)  r  penny  royal,  Mentka  Puieøium. 

^ølejmit'  c  oontroversy,  polem'ic.  -'miler  c 
-e  controversialist.  -mife're  «t  -  imob  join  issue 
with,  combat.   -  mift  a  polem'ic,  controversial. 

^olen  n  Poland. 

Uoier|al  broach.  -ambolt  planiahlng-stake. 
-aørfte  polishing  brush. 

^ole'lre  vt  polish,  burnish,  furbiah;  _  ©inbuer 




ri  eau  wlndows;  en  -t  Kation,  -be  Sæber  a  pol- 
i-hed  nation,  polished  manners.  -rer  c  -e 
polisher;  (Sømmer«,  SJh:r>)  foreman.  -ring  e  pol- 
ishing  etc. 

^olerjfU  polishing  file.    -jammer  pollshing 
-hammer,   -jctrit  polisher,    -fribt  tripoli.    -mølle 
polishlng-mill.  -papir  smoothing-paper.  -ønlber 
polishing-pøwder.     -r*bt  red  oxide  of  lron,  je 
well  er' s  red,  rouge,  -fflfer  polishing-slate.  -ffinb 
fi^h-akin;  buff  leather.    -ffitte  glazer,   (af  %tæ) 
taufT.      -ftaat  burnisher.    -ften  burnishing-stone. 
•tøntbe  pollsbing-cask.    -øaøb  (diluted)  murlatic 
acid.     -Hoff)  rubbing- wax. 
$ø'lb*jbe  c  latitude. 
$ølt'ce  c  -r  (beb  Vftfurance)  pol'icy. 
$øltø)iiiel'  c  punchlnello,  punch. 
løltft'  a  sly,  cunning.  -fteb  c  slyness,  cunning. 
løltjtøt  c  pile-weft. 

tøltri'  n  poli'ce;  -et  the  police,  the  force. 
-auorbninø  police  regulation.  -aSftftent  police 
»ergeant.  -boab  police-boat.  -betjent  (police) 
constable,  policeman;  e  p  bobbies,  stops,  cop- 
pers,  peelera.  -djff  chief  of  the  police,  -btreftør 
director  of  police,  -bom  sentence  of  the  police 
-court.  -bommer  police  magistrate.  -embeb*« 
mauh  police  officer,  peace-omcer.  -føranftalt* 
nixø  measure  of  the  police,  -førbør  examina- 
tlon  at  the  police-court.  -fororbttittø  police 
-order.  -forfeelfe  offence  punishable  by  the 
police,  -fklbmcrgtiø  police  inspector.  -fonigfet 

9øttut"  c  (gremgang*maabe)  pol'icy;  (StatSfunft) 
pol'itioe  pi,  state-craft;  bet  er  en  baarltg  -  it  is 
bad  policy;  tale  om  -  talk  politics. 
~toltti 'tommer  n  police-Office. 
toltt'tlte?  c  e  politic'ian.  -tuf  c  f  old  fox. 
loHtt'ItOHftabel  fe  -betjent,  -lob  police  aet. 
-lovgivning  laws  reJating  to  the  police,  -magten 
the  force,  -manb  fe  -embebtmanb.  t  k  *-mefter 
fe  -btreftør.  -minifter  minister  of  the  police. 
-øbflgt  police  supervision,  -blatat  police  order. 
•»røtotøl  books  of  the  police,  -brefett  prefect 
of  police,  -ret  (Somftol)  police-court.  -fag 
matter  of  police,  police  case.  -retftadfeøfør 
police  magistrate.    -fegl  seal  of  the  police. 

$ø(ftt|ife're  vi  talk  poi'itics.  -ife'ren  c  (talk- 
ing) politics.  -'if!  a  politicai.  -'ifMitera'r  a 
politico-lit'erary.  -tff-religiø'S  a  politico-re- 

$otiti'jffitt  policeman's  badge,  -følbat  gen- 
danne, armed  policeman,  -fvtøn  police  spy, 
informer,  -ftation  police  station,  station-house. 
•flab,  -ftof  truncheon.  -flrraf  police-punishment. 
•ftobning  Bummons  before  a  police-magistrate. 
-tilftølb  warning  from  the  police,  -unberføgetfe 
investigation  by  the  police,  -vagt  fe  -ftation. 
-vebtagt  police  regulations.  -vanen  police-es- 
tøtitn'r  c  pol'ish. 

$olta    c  -er  polka,     -banfer  polka -danoer. 
•ormer    pudding    sleeves.     $olfe're   vi   polk, 
dance  the  polka. 
9ø'lfffbe  c  pile-warp. 

$øflen  n  pollen,    -tørn  granule  (of  pollen), 
pollen  gram. 
9øHutiø'tt  c  -et  pollu'tion. 
Voi|maft  c  &  pole-mast. 
tiolønør'fe  e  -r  polonaise. 
Vo'lff  a  Polish;  bet  -e  Sprog  the  Polonese;  F 
lebc  paa  -  be  polled  up;  .  røgteffab  concublnage; 
en  -  RørftaeMelfe  a  mortal   funk;   ~   ftotbanbt 
Flemish  bond.     •-ban*  a  kind  of  rustic  dance. 
f  ølftlre  vt  stuff.    -ring  c  stufflng. 
i  øl  fra  ab  c  pole-thread. 
føltron'  [fr.j  «  -er  poltroon. 
folbjanbrr  n  polyan'dry.    -e'ber  «  -bre  poly- 

hedron.  -font'  c  polyph'ony.  -fø'n(ifl)  a  poly- 
pho'nic,  polyph'onous.  -gamt'  n  polyg'amy. 
-ga'mfft  a  polyg'amous.  -glot'  c  &a  pol'yglot. 
-glot'btbel  pol'yglot.  -gø'tt  o  -er  pol'ygon.  -go  «• 
tjarøe  polyg'onal  harrow.  -bift'øv  e  polyhistor. 
-tjiftøri'  c  polymathy.  -biftø'rifV  a  polymathic. 
-ne'fien  n  Polynesia.  -ne'fier  c  e  Polynesian. 
-no'm  math  polynomial.    -nø'miff  a  polynomial. 

$ølb*'  «  -er  pol'yp,  (ogf.  med)  pol'ypus.  -aø> 
tig  a  pol'ypoid.  -bbr  zoophyte.  -førmig  a 
pol'ypous.    -bnf,  -ftol  polypary. 

9 ølbltriSme  o  pol'ytheism.  -tdft'  c  pol'ytheiat. 
-tdft'ifl  a  polytheistic(al).  -telnif  c  polytech'- 
nic«  pi.  -tel'niter  c  -e  polytechnic'ian.  -tef- 
niff  o  polytechnic(al);  ben  -e  Særeanftalt  the  poly- 
technic  academy. 

9nma  be  c  pomatum.  -tmlfe  p.  pot.  $øma- 
bife'ret  a  pomatumed. 

^ømerand'  c  -er  bitter  orange,  -blomft  orange 
-flower.  -blømftolic  oli  of  orange-flowers,  neroli. 
-fttgl  dotterel  plover,  Charndriut  mcrinellua. 
t-Iøne  orange- woman.  -olie  orange  oli.  -ff atter 
orange-peel.  -tror  orange-tree,  Vitrw  aurantium; 
orange- wood. 

9ømmr|raner  c  -t,  -rfnl'e  c  -r  Pomeranian. 
9ømmertt  n  Pomera'nia.  9ømmerff  a  Pome- 
ranian.   ^omrer  c  -e,  fe  ^ommeraner. 

Somolo'g  c  -er  pomol'ogist.    -i'  c  pomol'ogy. 

fyomp  c  pomp,  state. 
øm^e  fe  $umpe. 
ømbtj'i  n  Pompeii,  Pompei. 
ompejnå  Pom'pey. 
ompttmut  c  shaddock,  Citrus  decumana. 

Vomoøn'  [fr.]  c  pom'pon. 

$ømb*'g  a  pom'pous. 

^onee'retJt  pounce.  røønee'røofe  pounce(-bag). 

^oae're  vt  suppose,  posit. 

9øngØ  c  fe  Orangutang. 

tBønti'nfrt  Sumpe  (be)  the  Pontine  marshes  pi. 

9ønttfltaiier  pi  joc  canonlcals. 

Éovto  c  (i  fiftombre)  ponto,  punto. 

$ønton'  [fr.]  c  -er  pontoon,  ponton,  -bro 
pontoon-bridge.    -trom  pontoon-train. 

Sobc  c  -r  Russian  priest. 

^opeli  n  n  pop'lln. 

^opo'  e  F  bum,  posteriors. 

fBoøbtjbreng  poll.    -gøje  fe  ^obegøje. 

kobbel  ø,  pt  gopler  poplar,  Populu*;  b^bib  ~, 
fe  Sølb>;  italienft  ~,  fe  ^bramibe*;  ført .,  fe  poppel« 
px\\  graa  .  gray  poplar,  P.  caneiceni;  fanabifl  . 
co  t  ton -wood,  P.  monilt/ern;  ontariff  -  Ontario 
poplar,  P.  candican*.  -allé  avenue  of  poplars. 
-bil  black  poplar,  Populu*  nigra.  -ften  mala- 
chite.  -føoermer  privet  hawkmoth,  Smerinthus 
populi.    -træ  fe  poppel. 

9øbnllarifere  vt  pop'ularize.  -Iorife'riag  o 
populariza'tion.  -farite't  c  popularMty.  -!ari> 
tetØfagt  popularity  seeking.     -lær  a  pop'ular. 

^ørcettff'n  n  chlna,  po'rcelain;  facfjflff  -  Dres- 
den china.  -Øa  china.  —  ^orceaaen(*)|arbejber 
china-manufacturer.  -blomft  London  prlde,  St. 
Patrick 's  cabbage,  none-so-pretty ,  Saxi fragå 
umbrma.  -biael  porcelain  cmcible.  -bne  por- 
celain.  -fabrtt  china-manufactory.  -fabrifant 
china-manufacturer.  -fab  china  plate.  -g(a8 
porcelain  of  Reaumur,  -banbel  dealing  in 
china.  -tyaøbler  dealer  in  china.  -bøbeb  (til 
$ibe)  china  bowl.  -inbnftri  china  el.  porcelain 
tråde,  -fafbid  porcelain  Jasper,  porcellanite. 
-jorb,  -ler  porcelain-earth,  china-clay.  -maler 
china-painter.  -maleri  palnting  od  china,  china 
-painting.  -maøfe  mass  for  porcelain.  -øøtt 
porcelain  klin.  -fnøtfte  cowry.  Cvpntm.  -ttbfalg 
eb  i  na- shop.    -Parer  china  ware. 

Vorci'nbiørt  c  porcine  deer,  Cervw  pvrcinu*. 

SJore  c  -r  pore.     -fbamb  amadou,  Polyporu«, 




Vørfttr  c  po'rphyry.  -Ogtig  «  porphyrii'ie, 
porphyra'ceous.    -fanbften  red  sandstone. 

9»røfiie't  c  poros'ity. 
$ørre  c  leek,  Allium  porrvm. 

$ørØ  c  sweet  wlllow,  sweet  gale,  bog  myr  tie, 
Dutch  myrtle,  Myrica  galt. 

$ørt  [6]  c  t  (til  fiu*)  gate,  doorway;  (Sranon« 
port)  port,  port-hole;  ben  f>øje  .  the  Sublime 
Porte;  jage  paa  -en  turn  away,  send  packing. 
-aare  port-vein,  portal  veln. 

$ortatØe(  staple  of  a  gate. 

$orta'f  e  -er  porch,  ornamental  gateway. 

lørtatiø  a  portable. 
lortbrømpet  ^  npper  port-sill. 
Iørte|$aife  c  -r,  fe  Sareftol.  -a)atfebraaer 
chairman,  chatr- porter,  -tølje  c  -r  portfofio; 
OBrebtafte)  pocket-book;  SRinifter  meb,  uben  - 
minister  witta,  without  a  de  part  ment.  -f*(jc> 
mager  portfolio-maker.  -monnat'e  c  -r  (-leather) 
purse,  porte-monnaie,  pocket-book.  portepé'  o 
-r  9word-knot. 

»or ter  c  stout,  porter. 

$ørt|falØ  vL  port-flange.  -fUJ  leaf  of  a  gate. 
-0**0  gateway.  -{jammer  knocker.  -$unb 
watch-dog.  -fjøalbing  archway.  -bangfler  pi 
gate-hinges,  ^  poit-hinges. 

Vortiere  c -r  curtain,  portier-hangings.  -flonø 

Vort'itnø  o  po'rtico. 

portion  c  -er  portion,  share;  (ringe)  modicum 
el.  service;  en  -  (røab  paa  Spifefcuø)  a  plate  el. 
service,  (t) eb  SKtbbagøborb)  helping;  to  -er  f.  <W*. 
Icaffe  coffee  for  two;  F  ben  fine  -  the  upper  ten 
thousand,  the  better  sort.  Søriiø'ttdPi*  adv  in 
portions;  by  instalments. 

«ort|fammer  room  over  a  gate,  gate-chamber. 
•iimte  catch  (of  a  gate),  -flotte  gate  bell. 
-laage  wicket  (in  a  gate),    -{gøen  J>  fear-nought. 

$ørtlob  n  blacklead,  plumbago. 

$ørt|luøe  port-lid.  -fatning  rthe  time  of) 
closing  the  gates.  +-tto  shelter  in  gateway  s. 
•tpfing  gateway.    -løfter  o  .£  port-lifter. 

portner  [6]  c  -e  po'rter,  janitor,  lodge-keeper. 
-aabning  anat  pylorlc  val  ve.  -bolig,  -b,uØ  port- 
er*.s  lodge.  -flap  fe  -aabning.  -tone  po'rtre&s, 
janitress.  -muttt  curtalfriar.  Sørtnerffe  c  -r, 
fe  -tone. 

Sørrtwøle  c  key  of  a  gate. 

$ørtø  c  postage,  carriage.  -bog  postage-book. 
-fri  ci  franked,  post-paid,  free  of  pos  tage.  -fri- 
tjeb  exemption  from  postage.  -tonto  postage 
-account.  -nebfattelfe  reduction  of  postage. 
-pltgtlfl  ti  liable  to  postage.  -fa tå  rate  of  postage. 
-tarif  postage  tariff.    -tillag  additional  postage. 

$ørt|penge  gate-toll.  -ramme  port  frame. 
-ring  <£  port-shackle,  port-ring.  -rum  gateway. 
-ralle  ^  range  of  ports. 

ttørtrat'  n  -er  likeness,  po'rtrait.  -bufte  por- 
trait-bust.  fJortrate  re  vt  portray7;  labe  fig  -  sit 
for  one's  portrait,  have  one's  likeness  taken. 
$ortrat|tig()eb  likeness  (of  the  portrait).  -mater 
portrait- painter,  face  painter.  -maleri,  -malning 
portrait-painting.  -ftatne  portrait  statue,  »or- 
tratø'r  c  -er,  fe  -maler. 

»ortlfebbet  gate-ticket.  -fejt  port-sail.  -ffaufe 
ravelin,  -ffintel  ^  port-pendant.  -ftrløer  gate 
-clerk.  -jiaa  fe  -ftang.  -fparrinø  shutting  of 
the  gates.  -flabe!  fe  -atlet;  J,  port-hook.  -ftang 
bar  of  a  gate.  -frøart  &<  port-Ianyard  -ftotpe 
post  of  a  gate.  -ftøpper  .J,  fe  -løfter,  (til  9Ronitor< 
taarn)  port-stopper,  -ftnc  gate-keeper's  lodge. 
•fnrrinø  <£,  port-lashing.  -taarn  barbacan.  -tot« 
let,  -talje  &  port-tackle,  -tatjetøber  <J,  port 
•tackle  fall.    -tolb  gate-toll.    -tøø  port-rope. 

ttørtu'øat  n  Po'rtugal.    -gi  fer  c  -e,  -øiferin'be 

c  -r  Portuguese;  -ue  the  Poriuguese.     -gi  *it 

$ortutat'  c  purslain,  Portutatn  o/er  »e«a. 

$ortøagt  c  (Wanbftab)  guard  at  a  gate;  -.$ai 
b,u#)  guard-house  at  a  gate.  i 

Bør t| Pin  c  po'rt-wine,  port.  -øtnltøbbp  mull 

$ørt|*inbne  fan  light;  ^  port-sash.  -toøg* 
gate-keeper,  porter. 

9ot\t'é  a  po'rous.    -øfite't  c  po'rousues>. 

$ofe  c  -r  bag;  &  (61.  Qinbfløi)  pndding  \-&l 
tale  rent  ub  af  -n  speak  flatly,  bluntly,  &ankl| 
tal  rent  ub  af  -n!  speak  your  mind!  ftge  (en)  no^ 
rent  ub  af  -n  tell  one  a  thing  frankly;  bo&e  re 
Qrøb  (HRel)  i  n  have  clean  hånds;  man  fan  6 
fiartt  baabe  i  -  og  i  Sat  yoa  cannot  eat  yo 
cake  and  have  it.  Søfe  vi  (øm  Srlaber)  ba 
Bøfelaøtig  a  baggy.  t-J««'«r  proud  begsn 
-tiger  c  searcher.  -tabe  frog  orchis,  Cotlogii 
mm  viride.  4-nøt  purse-seine.  -arme  pufR 

Bofitiø'n.  o  -et  posit'ion;  (paa  Stoltn)  shin. 
Sofltio  nftlartifleri,  -ffbtø  position  guns.   -ni »I 
angle  of  position. 

$øfitiP  a  positive.  SøfittP  n  gram  the  pol 
tive  (degree).  Sofiti'V  n  -er  chamber  orgai 
•barrel-organ.  -iø'me  c  po'sitivism.  -ift'  c  * 
po  sitivist.  -iftlff  a  positivist.  ^øflti'øf^iOi 
fe  fitrenbrejer. 

Søfitn'r  c  -er  pos'tnre,  attitude. 

^odfementlarbefbe  lace-work.  -mag  er  c  frinj 
-maker,  lace-man. 

SøØ'feØfiP  a  possea'sive. 

Vøft  e  $  Labrador  tea,  Ledum. 

$oft  c  -er  (til  SJør,  Sinbue)  post;  (»anbpc« 

«øft  c  -er  (Stanbplabfi,  beftemt  €teb;  SriEiu 
(Embebe,  QefHQing)  post;  (Solbat  paa  .)  sentin« 
sentry;  (Wbtterpoft)  vedette;  (Officererne«  og  fRan 
ftabetd  $ofier  i  et  irrigSftib  unber  en  Stamp)  . 
quarters  pi;  (enlelt  ttrtitel,  Suntt)  item,  entr 
bare  paa  fin  -  be  at  one's  post;  Ae  be  on  one 
guard,  on  the  alert;  b,an  er  tRe  paa  ftn  -  btr  li 
is  not  in  his  proper  place;  ftaa  el.  bare  paa  .  t 
on  duty,  stand  sentinel. 

fiøft  c  -er  (^Beforbrtngfibafen,  Boftbeforbring  oft 
post;  -erne  the  mails;  beførge  fbt  -  write  one 
letters;  føre  -en  carry  the  mails;  rejfe  tneb  -< 
travel  el.  go  by  mail,  travel  post,  post;  meb  -i 
i  Dag  by  this  day's  post  el.  mail;  meb  omgaaenl 
.  by  the  next  post,  by  return  of  post  el.  toaI 
in  course  of  post,  post  for  post;  fbare,  mobtaj 
meb  -en  answer,  receive  through  the  post;  lagj 
i  -en,  inblebere  paa  -en  post;  naar  -en  tommer  whe 
the  post  comes  in.  $øft|*aa»ner  country  po? 
master,  sub- postmaster,  ••aabneri  country  poi 
-offlce.  -abredfebog  post-ofnce  gaxetteer  el.  d 
rectory.    Bofta'l  a  postal. 

Søftamcnt'  n  -er  ped'estal. 

$oft|auorbning  post-offl.ce  regulation.  -anftal 
fe  -fontor.  -anmøning  post-omce  order,  mone 
order.  -baab  mail-boat.  -beforbring  conveyauc 
by  post;  (O.  af  Soften)  conveyance  of  (the)  mail <• 
-øeftttrelfe  post-offlce.  -beftprer  fe  -mefter.  -bi 
tjent  post-officer,  -breø  letter  by  post.  -br« 
board  8howing  the  arrival  of  the  mails,  -bu 
postman,  letter-carrier.  -bag  post-da y;  om  t 
$ar  -e  in  a  post  (el.  mail}  or  two;  i  £ebet  o 
nogle  -e  in  a  few  posts;  fig  en  -  for  fent  a  da; 
atter  the  fair.  -bag Ug  adv  each  post  dav 
•bampftib  mail-steamer.  -bampftibølinie  liii< 
of  mail  ateamers. 

$oft|bate  re  vt  po'st-date.    -bUnPianfT  a  post 
dilu\-ian,  postdilu'vial. 
9oft|birehton   general   post-offlce.     -bireftøi 




stmaster-general.      -biftrttt    postal    district. 
te   carrler-pigeon. 
Potte  fe  $umpe. 

t?ofre|  c  -er  patty,  (meb  ftrugt  i)  tart,  (flor,  meb 
b  i)  pie,  pasty.  -o ager  pastry-cook.  -bageri 
»try-(cook's)  sbop.  -br«t  pie-board,  pastry 
>ard.  -bejg  pas  te.  -fab  pie-dlsh.  -form  pie 
o  uld.  -ftørpe  pie-crust. 
PoftemvebØtnanb  c  post-officer. 

^ oftc're  vt  station,  place,  (oøf.  om  ftegnfl.)  post; 
f!g   take  post. 
f$oftc|re*be  fe  tpumpe*. 
Jpoftereftante  (to  be  lefl  at  tbe)  post  offlce,  to 
>  left  tlll  cailed  for.     -font or  Poste  Restante. 
Bolte  ring  o  stationing  etc. 
$øftcrio'ra  pi  f  poste'riors. 
^oft|efé>ebition  (branch)  post-offlce;  <t>  mail 
>om.    -erøpebtent,  -etøpebitør  (sub-)postmaster; 

^oftejwr  fe  $umpe<.   -tr«  pump-stock.  -ø*ef 

39  oft  i  før  anbring  postal  change.  -forbinbeife 
>sUal)  communienton,  c.  by  post.  -foreningen 
ie  Postal  Union,  -forftnb  fe  -opfrsoning.  -fri 
-frit  ad*  free  of  postage,  f ran  ked,  post  paid. 
rit>cb  exemption  from  postage.  -ftintørrfe 
»ostage)  stamp,  -fnlbntagtig  clerk  in  tbe  post 
►ffice .  -fører  guard  of  a  mail-coach,  -gaarb 
ost- house,  post-offlce.  -gang  arrival  and  de- 
arture  of  the  mails.  -gobS  goods  conveyed  by 
ost.  -bcft  post-horse;  reife  meb  -e  travel  post. 
jolø  stage,  -tølber  keeper  of  posthorses,  post- 
laater.  -børn  post-horn;  to  splrula.  -tyørnfnegt 

$oftl)tt'nt  fe  $ofhim. 

Vøftlpni  n  post- house. 

VoftiC  c  -ler  book  of  sermons. 

$øfHUøn'  c  -er  postillon,  post-boy. 

$oft|iubt«gter  revenues  of  the  post.  -tnf  bef- 
or superintendent  (in  the  post-office).  -jagt 
»acket.  -talcd)e,  -faret  mail-coach,  -tarl  post- 
Ho  n.  -taffc  letter-box,  plllar-box;  ($enge*)  post 
office  fund.  -toubuttør  mail -guard.  -føntør 
>ort-office.  -fonrrølUr  controller  to  the  post 
office.  •tønoenttøn  postal  conventiou.  -ført 
Hwt-bill;  (Sanbtort)  post-map,  map  oftheroads. 
trebi  fe  -biflrift.  -fup*  mail-carriage.  -tnfl 
nail  coach  driver,  -f  bittering  post-office  receipt. 
•linie  postal  liue,  line  of  postal  communication. 

9øftln'binm  s,  -ter  po'stlude. 

fjøftj  løber  footpost.  -ntefler  postmaster;  J, 
nailmaster.  •meffermtbebe  offlce  of  postmaster. 
•mefterinbe  o  -r  postmaster's  wife.  -mit  post 
mile.  -mer  te  (Stempel)  post-mark;  fe  -  frimark. 
»nurrteVonøølnt  embossed-stamp  envelope.  -øp« 
tvsvuing  (ettifterer  itte  i  (Englanb,  i  ttmertfa  fcoef 
noget  Kgnrnbe,  bog  ifte  i  forbinbeife  meb  $of!oafenet 
og  $aategnlngen  er:)  coUect  on  delivery,  C.  O.D. 
•patet  mail-paoket.     -papir  postfpaper),  letter 

paper,  (ttmbt)  forelgn  post.  -penge  postage. 
"porto  postage. 

?øft»o'flttb  a  post  pos  i  ti  ve. 
ofl |  reglement  postal  regulationa.    -rejfe  Jour- 
ney  by  post.     -riber  fe  -rntter.     -min  forelgn 
post.    -rnte  fe  -linie,    -rbtter  mounted  postman. 
•røver  robber  of  the  mail.    -fcbbcl  fe  -roittering. 
•1«gl  postal  seal.    -fefrctcer  secretary  to  the  post 
offlce.    -ftib  packet,    -fflfte  fe  -ftotb.    -frili  post- 
man's  badge. 
tyoftftrip'tnm  n  -ta  postscript 

9øft|ffriber  post-offlce  clerk.  -{matte  packet, 
•nation  post(-8tage),  stage,  -lempet  post-mark. 
•f«!  mail-bag,  post-bag.  -taflc  letter-bag.  -tabte 
"  brort.  -toa  mail-train.  -tbberl  robbing  (of) 
the  mail. 

fiarfen:  $anff*<tnøelft  Orbbog. 

9oftnt|a't  n  -er  post'ulate.  -e're  vt  beg, 

$øftn'm  a  post'humous. 

$oft|bel  post-road  -bøgn  mail  coach,  Ooerno.) 
mail-carriage.  -barfen  post-establishment,  mail 
-service.    •-Pcrfte  fe  -tofte. 

S  øf  ør  c  -er  actor,  performer. 

$of  o  -ter  quart;  balo  -  pint. 

fota'gefte  c  soup-  el.  tureen-ladle,  §e  divider. 
ot'afTe  e  potash.  -Ittb  potash-lye.  -fbberi  n 
manufactory  of  potash. 

Bøte  c  -r  paw;  øcef  meb  -me!  paws  off! 

$oteni'  c  -er  math  power;  a  i  fjerbe  (•)  a  to 
the  fourth  (power);  anben  -  the  second  power, 
the  square.  ftøtenfe're  vt  raise,  intenslfy,  maxi- 
mtze;  mith  involve.  $øtenfe'ring  c  raislng, 
involution.  ^oten#|e!ftponent  index,  -opbøjelfe 

VJotenta't  e  -er  po'tentate. 

9otentiaf  ii  c  the  poten'tial  mood  el.  mode. 

fSøtenttf'  c  cinqne-foil,  Potentilla. 

•fottt  e  -er,  9øte'te*,  pi  =«,  fe  ftartoffet. 
-avling  potato-crop.  -grcr*,  -laat  stalks  and 
leaves  of  potatoes.  -ftap,  -flappe  mashed  po- 

9øt  fifl,  -l|øai,  fe  Itaftelot. 

sot  tcci,  -oft  e  potted  cheese. 

$øtponrri'  n  potpourri. 

^øtflitler  e  lick-dish. 

i  otte  c  -r  pot;  fatte  i  .  pot:  plante  ub  af  -n 
unpot;  en  .  ftegter  a  game  at  ninepins;  f  -  og 
$anbe  all-in-all;  f  paa  -n  in  a  fix;  flemt  paa  -n 
in  a  bad  fix;  F  -n  er  ube  there's  an  end  (of  lt). 
9otte|aø(  potted  eel.    -bob  potter's  shop. 

føtteftaftc  ø  quart-bottle. 
otte|fitg(  fe  gfuefnapper.  -(valbiKg  tubular 
vaultlng.  -fbbe  Jutlander  selling  crockery.  -tiger 
kitchen-hunter.  -tram  crockery.  -fræmmer 
dealer  in  crockery.  Atitiq  pot-lid.  -ler  potter's 

Søttemaøt  n  quart-measure. 

pottemager  o  -e  potter,  -arbejbe  potter's 
work  el.  pottery,  -t-pottership.  -ftjnl  potter's 
wheel,  -tnnften  ceramfc  art.  -ter  fe  $otteler. 
-oon  potter's  oven.  -ffibe  fe  -^lul.  -barer 
pottery,  earthen  ware.  -boertftcb  potter's  work- 

$øtte|ntari€b  pot-fair.  -oft  potted  cheese. 
•øv n  fe  -mogeroon  -plante  pot-plant.  *$otteri' 
n  pottery  #øtte|f!aar  pot-share.  -sherd.  -Ile 
ladle.    -ffinler  o  -e  cache-pot.    »flitter  lick-dish. 

føttebiø  adv  by  the  quart. 
otte|b«lit  fe  -plante. 

9otteøl,  fjotøl  n  small  beer. 

Soubrette  c  poudrette. 

9oh1,  ^øbt  fe  $aul. 

^ondfere  øf  push:  —  Bøtfere;  .  fig  push 
one's  way.  —  9on8fe'r|ftof  embossing-stiok. 
-botø  moulding-wax. 

^raaft  ø  -e  dip;  fiv  f  muff. 

9rag  a  Prague.    ^Sragerlten  Bohemian  stone. 

^ragma'tif!  a  pragmat'ic. 

9ragt  o  pomp,  magnificence,  splendour.  -bile 
buprestidan,  burn-cow,  BupYtttU.  -binb  magni- 
flcent  binding,  -btontft  ornamental  flower, 
splendid  flower.  -bpgning  splendid  ediflce. 
•ebberfngl  king  duck,  Somateria  tpectabili: 
-etøempur  splendid  el.  admirable  specimen,  (af 
en  Bog)  splendid  copy.  -elftenbe  a  fond  of  dis- 
play, magnificent.  -fngl  pipra.  -fnlb  a  splendid, 
showy,  gorgeous,  rich.  -beft  fe  SuHui*.  -tlfltb« 
ning  magniflcent  dress.  -Ipft  love  of  pomp. 
-luften  a  fe  -  elftenbe.  -løft  a  unostentatlous. 
-øptøg  pageant.  -fat  state  room.  -feng  bed  of 
state.  -flabe  epimachus.  -HJeme  bachelors 
button,  LycMnit  dioica.    -ftfejftc  splendid  article. 





-fHø  o  fond  of  pomp.  -føøe  passion  for  show. 
•abgabe  splendid  edition,  -n<øgn  state  carriage. 
-ocrrelfc  state-room.  -b«rf  splendid  (literary, 
work . 

Vraje  vt  vL  bail;  .  et  Stift  bail  a  sbip,  speak 
a  ahip;  .  til  ftorgangeren  con  the  helm.  -Qo(b 
speaking  el.  hailing  distance,  hall;  paa  .  within 
hall.    -n,  Vrajning  c  batling,  speaking. 

Vraffe  vt;  »  rn  noget  pac  put,  infilet,  foist  off, 
a  thing  upon  one;  .  fig  nt  til,  -  nt  fammen  obtaln 
st  by  begging;  .  flg  paa  en  intrude  e(.  force 
one's  seif  upon  one. 

^rafter  c  -e  (fattigt  SRennefte)  beggarly  fellow; 
(Stbmper)  poor  wretch.  -oatifl  a  beggarly.  -tt) 
beggarly  town.  -fog eb  fe  Stobberfonge.  -folff 
beggars.  Vrattrri'  n  beggary  Vralter  |le»n  et, 
-lin  beggarly  llfe.  -ftabØ  shabby  flnery  -ftott 
o  proud  and  beggarly.    -ftoltljeb  beggarly  pride, 

VratØiØ  c  practice;  i  -  practically. 

Vrafti]  ta  c  pratique.  -to  bel  a  prac'tlcable. 
-Ter,  -tud  c  practical  fellow,  practitioner;  en 
gammel  -lut  an  old  stager  el.  practitioner,  an 
old  band.  -fere  pi  k  t  practlse;  en  -nbe  ficege 
a  medical  practitioner;  f  ~  noget  ub  af  Sommrrne 
paa  en  sbuffle  a  thing  out  of  one's  pockets;  . 
bort  shuffle  el.  spirit  away;  .  fig  bort  slip  away. 
•ff  a  practical. 

Vrål  c  k  n  ostentation,  parade,  show.  •bønne 
c  scarlet  bean,  Pkateoln  muitiftorttå.  Vråle  vi 
(meb  noget)  make  a  show  el.  display  (of  a  thing), 
vaunt;  (af  noget)  brag,  boast  (of  a  thing);  -nbe 
førøer  gaudy  colours.  Vralelbf!  love  of  show 
el.  display.  Vr*(|*»  c  braggin  g,  boasting,  »et 
c  -e  boaster,  braggart,  braggadocio.  -err  n  fe 
-en.  -er(i)ft  a  bragging,  yaunting,  ostentatious. 
•fri  a  unostentatious.    -4a(0,  -ftanø  fe  -er. 

S  ram'  c  -me  lighter,  barge,  pram.  -fart 
_  terage.  -fol!  ligh termen,  bargemen,  •fører 
barge-master;  fe  -manb.  -labninn  lighter-load. 
•lab  lightermen's  company.  -leje  fe  -penge. 
-manb  lighterman,  bargeman.  Vramme  vt  trans- 
port in  a  lighter,  Vram|penge  hire  of  a  lighter, 
lighterage.  -f  praj  te  floating  fire-englne.  -{lifter 
fe  -manb. 

Vrang  c  fe  -en.  Vrange  vi  (briue  $rangeri) 
higgle;  .  meb  $efte,  ©tube  deal  in  horses,  cattle. 

Vrange  vi  (prunfe)  shine,  glitter;  fan  -t  i  fin 
bebfle  fragt  he  wears  his  most  gaudy  dress;  - 
meb  display,  show  off. 

Vrange  vt  &  -  6e}l  crowd  Bail,  carry  a  press 
of  sail. 

Vrangjer  c  -e  higgler;  f 6 tube.)  cattle  dealer; 
(feefte«)  norse-dealer.  -en  c,  -erl'  «  higgling; 
(øefte«  og  6tube>)  deallng  in  bones  and  cattle. 

Vrat  c  prittle -pratt le,  pratet  jabbcr;  *talk, 
chat,  fiff  nonsense.  Vrat|e  •»  prate,  Jabber, 
*talk,  chat.    * -mager  c  -e  (great  el.  idle)  talker. 

lrect'0  fe  Vræciø. 
Iretcr  r  a  precarious. 

tretjbom  recoil,  rabbit.    -Hob«  an  ril.   Vtelle 
f  tir  (af)  glance  off,  rebound  (imob  fiom). 

Vrefle  vt  importune,  tax.    -ri'  n  exaction. 

Vrrlrinø  c  tallring. 

Vremie  fe  Vtæmie. 

Vrentie  r|f*Jtnant  c  lieuten'ant.  -minifier 
prem'ier,  prime  minister. 

VremtØfer  fe  VramiSfer. 

Vren  c  -e  stlletto,  eyeleteer. 

Vrent  c  print;  paa  -  in  print.    Vrentc  vt  print. 

Vred  (fr.J  adv.  lagge  en  Val  -  enshion  a  bail. 

VreØ  n  pressure;  strain,  stress;  fore  ~  af  6ej( 
carry  a  press  of  sail.     -bjøtlte  tyv  press-cbeeks. 

VreØb9teri|a'ner  c  Presbyte'rian.  -a'nfJ  a 

Vrcfen'nlng   c    er  tarpawllng,   tarpaulin.  — 

VrefenntngØjbng  tarpaulin  caziTaa.     -fliget  t 

Vrcfent'  c  -er  pres'ent,  gift;  ©og,   fKHrt  ni  - 

Vred  | gænger  c  -e  man  belonging   to  a  pre* 
-gang.    -gær  pressed  barm  el.  yeaat,  press-yeaft 
German   yeast.     -torn  pressed   horn  sharing* 
VreØning  c  pressing  etc.   (fe  JSreØfe  ©O     frt# 
pap  pressing -boards  pi.    -pantpe  force-pump 

VreØfe  c  -r  press;  Bogen  er  unber  -n  the  boet 

is  in  (the)  press,  at  press,  in  the  printer' s  nand* 
togge  unber  -n  put  to  press.     jhrrtfr  vt  pres, 
force;  -  6ejl  <1>  cariy  on;  -  noget  af  en  extor. 
something  from  one;  ~  V^ge  (ub)  af  en  bUck 
-mail  one;   —  presfet  a  pressed,  compre*«ed 
-t  Ørbejbe  (Wet.)  chased  work.     -feengel  roun*. 
press-stick.     -bom  press-lever.     -kroet  prewiD* 
board,      -følt    pressmen.      -fors»r||beIfe    aia^ 
against  the  press-law.     -forfalgelfer  pi  perse 
cutionB  of  the  press.    -forb;oIb  p/  eonditions  cf 
the    press.      -forfeelfe    fe    -forbrnbeffe.      -fri|ei 
llberty  of  the  press.     -frorfftcb  licentiouaness  o: 
the  press.     -jæm  (tallor's)  pressinaj-iron,  goosr 
-tarm  caniage.     -toa  press-law.     -Is)Hgi9ninges 
the  press-laws.     -obertrabetfe  trespaas  agaio^t 
the  press-law.     -pap  fe  VteØ*.     -ptoctt  fe  -fap 
-ramme  frisket.    VreØ  fere  vt  urge;  vi  be  urgeot. 
•nbe  o  urgent.     Ørcéfclfaø  action   for  libel  er 
for  intringement  of  the  newspaper  lawa.    -ffrar 
press- screw.      -ftang   press-bar.      -fUlre   brawn 
*-torb/  t-tarb  pressed  peat.    -tbaag  restrlctionf 
on  the  press.    %tt6jio'n  e  pressure.    ftetftiflMtft 
fe  -pop. 

Vreti|o  fa  pi  valuables,  ttp  jewelry  -#*0  * 
aflfected,  prim. 

VrenØ|fen  n  Prussia.     -fer  c,  -flff  o  PtuhbUd 
VrcnØferboefm  fiorussianism. 

Vrlt'  c  -ter  dot;  (paa  6fbbef«be)  bulFs  eye;  d- 
beacon;  paa  en  ~,  til  Vuntt  og  -fe  to  a  turn,  to 
a  T,  to  a  tittle,  to  a  nlcety. 

Vrifte  vt  (punttrre,  meerte  meb  Vunttnr)  dot. 
(flitte  Imaat  meb  en  92aa(  ofb.)  prick;  -t  o  %  dotted 
-n  e  dotting;  pricking;  fe  Vritlen  -»  a  teaty, 
touchy;  ban  er  meget  -  paa  bet  he  is  very  testy. 
touchy.  -naal  pricker.  Vtitfenbtb  c  teatines-«, 
touchiness.  V rittepenge  ^  beaconage.  beacon 
money.  VHffcri'  n  pricking;  triffes.  Vriftr«  ' 
(i  Srrobpen)  pins  and  needles. 

*V"»  fe  Wbfeoft. 

Vrima  a  flrst-class.     •bon'na  c  primadonna, 
leading  lady.    -form  tyr  outer  form.   f£rtma'ner 
c  scholar  of  the  head  class.    VHmai  e  prim**?. 
Vrima  t  n  pri'macy.    VHmabctØel  starc  flrst  (of 
exchange),   flrst  bi  11.     VHttte  c  -r  mm$  prima, 
(ftorgt.)  prime.    Vrime  vi  talk  nonsense,  babble 
Vrimelnin  cowslip  wine.    Vtim'itib  a  primitive 
Vrimo  adv,  pro  primo,  in  the  flrst  plaee.  V***0 
gen  itu  r  c  primogen'iture. 

»Vrimoft  fe  9R0fecft. 

Vri'mlfianc    tt    give    the    -prima  slgnatio* 
-ftab.    -ftof  e   Runic  calendar    el.    stick,    clog 
(almanac).     -tal  n  prime  number.    VHmnta  c 
primrose,  r-oeriø)  cowslip.    (riMi a  pri'marj 

Vrincip'  n  -er,   fe  Ørunbf »tning:   af  .  on  prin- 
ciple;   i  -et   as  a  prindple.     Vnnrtpa*!  a  prin' 
cipal.    V^ttcipa't  c  -er  master,  employer,  eblef; 
(Crg.;  principal.    Vvlncipa't  n  supremacy,  head- 
fhlp.    Vtlncip'lfafft  a  of  prindple.    -faftbeb  iirm 
uens  of  principle.     Vrtnciptel    a  fundamental 
Vrincip  .UØ  a  unprin'cipled.     -leØbeb  want  ot 
prinriple.     •rbtteri  riding  a  principle  to  destb. 
overstraining  a  principle.    •fparøØmaal  quettion 
of  principle.    -ftojr!  fe  -fali.    -tro  o  true  to  one* 
principle*.     »trefTab  fidflity  to  one's  principis 

VrinØ  c  -et  prluce.    Vnnfrliø  a  princely. 




f£riitfe*fe  c  x  prln'cess.  -p«re  blanket-pear, 
trianquet.    -able  princeRs-pippln. 

9£ria*|gemal  Prince  Consort.  -metal  prince's 
metal.  -ptrol  recent  blid,  Serieulu*  ohryo- 
<ca>kalu».    -regent  Prince  Regent. 

f?rior  c  -er  prior.  fJriøra't  n  priorat«.  *.rt*r< 
i« 'be  c  -t  pri'oress. 

%$riorite'ret  o  secured:  .  Irrebitor  creditor  on 
mortgage,  secured  c.  ".risritet  c  -er  (i  Win.) 
prior'ity,  precedence;  (fymV  mortgage;  fsrfle  -* 
^panteret  a  fint  mortgage.  —  $riørire'ti|afrie 
preferential  el.  preference  share.  -g*lb  mort- 
gage debt.  -låner,  -berre  mortgagee.  -l«o« 
loan  on  mortgage. 

-grippen  a  hasty,  testy.  -fjeb  c  hastiness, 

J5H*  e  er  OBæibi)  prlce,  rate;  (forlangt  ttetalina) 
charge;  (Ro«)  praise;  falle  -er  flzed  prices;  neb« 
fatte  er  reduced  pricea;  -erne  fHge  prices  are 
rining,  are  getting  el.  looking  op;  for  enftber  - 
at  any  price;  at  all  risks;  for  ingen  -  not  for  all 
the  world;  unbex  -en  under  price,  for  less  tban 
the  value;  til  en  -  af  at  the  rate  of;  til  biEtg  . 
at  a  cbeap  price;  bet  flaar  mig  i  en  -  af  10  Saler 
1t  Ih  worth  10  dollars,  it  has  costme  10  dollars; 
ftaa  i  bei  -  stand  hlgb  in  price;  fpsrge  om  -en 
paa  ask  the  price  of;  fatte  -  paa  value,  prise, 
set  value  upon,  be  appreciatlve  of,  (at)  be  am- 
toitious  of;  fcette  flot  .  paa  value  el.  appreciate 
highly,  attach  a  high  value  to,  bold  in  bigh 
estimation,  set  a  great  price  upon;  fatte  tilbørlig 
.  paa  duly  appreciate;  fatte  en  -  paa  eng  tøoeb 
set  a  price  on  one's  head;  .  og  fCEre  Pore  (Rub! 
praise  and  glory  be  to  God ! 

JMi  c  -er  (Belønning  ofo.)  prise;  en  .  Xotat  a 
pincb  of  snuff;  fe  fmff  e;  bore  -en  bear  away 
tbe  palra  (from);  ptnbe  -en,  gaa  af  meb  -en  win  the 
prise,  bear  away  the  bell,  carry  the  day;  gtPe 
til  .  for  abandon  to  the  mercy  of;  gibe  en  ©p 
til  .  for  $lQnbring  give  up  a  town  to  plnnder 
el   pillage.    Vrieaftanbling  prise-essay. 

$rtø|angiøelfe,  -anfattelfe  appralsement,  upset 

JM'ebeUvnet  a  prise;  en  -t  Jrclhin  a  prise 

prisberegning  c  appraisement,  quotation. 

$r  i  I  berettiget  a  worthy  of  a  prise. 

•Jri'fberetning  market  report,  -øeftrmmeffe 
valuaiion,  estimation.  -øeøttgelfe  movement  of 
the  prices.  -biOig  a  cheap.  -biOigbeb  cheap- 

$H  f  Ibømmrr  awarder  of  prises,  adjudicator. 
-tomme  tf  (et  6fib)  condemn.  -øtmmelfe  c  con- 
<1  em  nation  of  a  prise.  9Hfe  c  -r  (et  opbragt 
©ftb)  prise;  gob  -  lawful  p.,  a  fair  prise;  Pi  tog 
to  -r  we  made  two  prises. 

9Hfe  (ogf.  te,  -t)  vt  praise,  glorify,  laud,  eztol, 
celebrate,  magnify;  -  fta  Ipftetig  deem  el.  tbink 
one's  self  fortunate  (øeo  at  to);  nei  ba  -r  jeg 
feonbon  London  for  my  money.  $rifeltg  a 
praiseworthy,  laudable. 

Srt  tfalø  n  fall  of  price(s). 

$r  i 'øf  ar  tø  i  n  prise  vessel. 

9ri'ø|føranbriitg  cnange  of  prices.  -førpølb 
proportion  of  the  prices;  -ene  the  (state  of)  prices. 
•førbøf  elfe  increase  of  prices  el.  of  the  price. 
•førtegaelfe  fe  -turant. 

9rt'*|giøe  vt  ti(,  for  give  up  to,  abandon  to 
the  mercy  of,  leave  at  the  mercy  of.  -gøb# 
prise-goods.    -faiferer  prise-cashier. 

Vrf'åjfnrattt  -lifte  price-current,  price  list, 
priced  list. 

■rilm«.  *riime  n  -mer  prism;  (paa  UPfefrone) 
drop.  -brejebanl  bar-lathe.  Vriema'tifl  a 

$ri'f|maitøffaø  prise  crew.  -meøalie  prise 
-medal.    -(«;rife-)»efler  &  prise-master. 

*Jri  #|uarfe  mere  private  mark.  -nebgang  fe 
-falb.  -nebfattclfe  reduction  (of  prices).  -nø» 
tering  quotation. 

$rf*|øpgape  prize-question.  -part  &  share 
ofa  prise.  -(^rifeOpettøe  prise-money.  -(".rife«) 
ret  prise-court.  -ffirift  fe  -afbanbling.  -fpøTge« 
maal  fe  •  opgave. 

$riefrigning  c  rise  of  prices. 

?ri#nbbeliitg  c  distribution  of  prises. 
riØøarbig  a  prai'seworthy,  commendable. 
-|eø  e  praiseworthlness. 

$ri'ø|P«rf  prise  work.  -affiling  competition 
(for  prises). 

Vrioa't  a  pri'vate;  .  Sag  rSøgftmaal)  civil 
action;  -e  private  individuals.  »riMt«  private. 
9ripat|anbien#  private  audience(o.  fl.)  -botent 
lecturer.  ^riPatim  ado  privately.  ^ribatifere 
vi  live  as  a  private  gentleman,  hold  no  official 
situation.  ØriPatit'  c  -er  private  pupil,  out- 

9riP'attP  a  privative. 

»rlPa'tlaifc  privy  purse.  -Hpct  private  life. 
•maitb  private  individual.  -ret  civil  law.  -ret#» 
lig  a  of  civil  law.  -fag  private  affair.  -tisse 
private  lesson. 

^riPe't  h  -er  privy,  house  of  Office,  -fejer, 
-renfer  nigbtman. 

9rtPile|ge're  vt  license,  priVilege.  -ginm  * 
-ter  license,  priv'ilege. 

re  Vnno  per  annum;  -  et  fonrra  pro  and  con. 
rsbabiiire't  c  probabil'ity. 
rsba't  n  proved,  approved,  unfailing;  killing, 
robe'rjbigel  coppel,  cupel.  -M«gp  teaser. 
•fnnft  docimacy.  -meller  assayer.  -«aal  touch 
•needle.  -SPn  assaying  furnace.  -flest  touch 
-stone.    -Pagt  assaying-weigbt. 

".røbenrenter  [t.]  c  t  commercial  traveller, 

froberle  vt  (F  «prøpe)  try;  (WetoIIer)  assay; 
.  paa  try.    -ing  c  trying  etc.;  fe  9roberhnifi. 

problem  n  -er  problem,  ".roblema rifl  a 
problematie.  Vroblessrttmerlng  problem  tour- 

9røce|Pe're  vi  be  at  law,  go  to  law;  carry  on 
el.  conduct  a  lawsult,  jw  proceed.  -bn're  c 
proceas,  oourse  of  proceedings,  (way  of)  con- 
ducting  a  lawsult. 

procent'  o  -er  per  cent,  percent;  til,  efter  fem 
-  at  Ave  percent;  tjene  fem  -  make  a  shilling 
in  the  pound;  betale  Pilfe  -er  af  pay  a  pereentage 
on;  mob  -er  af  Ubbbttet  at  a  pereentage  on  the 
profits;  4  -é  Obligationer  4  percents.  -Pift  a  k 
adv  per  cent;  bet  -e  ttntal  the  number  per  cent. 

Brøcei'  e  -fer  (Sag)  lawsult,  aetion;  (remift$.; 
Orben  i  Søgsmaal)  proc'ess;  ligge  i  ^tocts  meb  en 
be  at  law  with  one;  gsre  fort  -  make  abort 
work  of  it,  cut  tbe  matter  short.  *Jr*ce6|atter 
pi  proceedings.  -form  form  of  proceas.  -forelfe 
management  of  an  action,  procedure,  -gal  a 
litigious.  -maabe  oourse  of  proceedings.  -mager 
e  -e  litigious  person,  -omtøftninger  pi  costs. 
-ret  (Common  Law)  Procedure  Acts. 

Vrocedfio'n  c  -er  proces  sion.  9r*ceøfi*'nø|' 
larpe,  -fpinber  proces'Blonary  Caterpillar,  Bom- 
byx  procettionea. 

Srøceifuel'  a  of  legal  procedure,  legal. 

$røeeA'fPge  c  litiglousness. 

i)robn|ce're  vt  produ'ce.  -cent'  c  -er,  -ce'reabe 
c  produ'cer,  grower.  -It'n  -er  prod'uct,  prod'uce; 
math  product;  -et  af  SRaåfen  og  tøfHaprben  the 
product  of  mass  into  velocity.  -Iris«  c  -er 
produc'tion,  yield;  (Ojargp.  o.  1.)  output;  fiø 
performance.  —  ØrsbKfnø'nilbfPU  cerUflcate 
of  origin.     -epne    -fraft  fe  ^robuttitntrt.     •for- 





cming  co-operatlve  society.  -Heb  place  of 
origin.  frsbnrttb  a  prodnc'tive.  frøbHftibtte't 
o  produc'tiveness,  productiv'ity.  $robKft'< 
mariebet  the  market  of  inland  produce. 

fprøfa'n  a  profane;  -e  ©lifte  the  eyes  of  the 
profane,  -atis'a,  -e'rtng  o  profanation,  -e're 
øf  profane.  -Itf JtøHen  profane  history.  -ite't  c 
promirfty.    -ffrfbettt  profane  writer. 

9r*fe»'||itft  »  Ocfuit.)  profeiBed  house,  -tofte 
tow  of  a  professed  member. 

9rofe4|fts«  e  -et  tråde,  business;  en  Spillet 
af  -  a  gamester  by  profession,  a  professional  g. 
-ftater  a  professional,  •gøttijr'  c  -er  tradesman, 

fprøfef'før  o  -o'ret  professor.  9r*felf*r|a't  * 
-er,  -embebe  professorship,  chair;  -et  i  (BrotfT  the 
Greek  chair;  -et  i  teologi  the  chair  of  theology. 
•gage  salary  of  a  professor,  tyrofeåforin'be  c  -r 
professor's  wife.  fjrsfeøfør |smtnc  a  professorial 
air.  partiet  the  doctrinarians.  -pøft  fe  -embebe. 
-tone  dogmatic  el.  professorial  tone.  -btttbigfteb 
professorship.    •Jrsftffa'r  o  fe  $røfrøforat. 

$rø|fe't  e  -er  proph'et,  seer;  ingen  -  er  bel  an- 
tagen i  fit  føebretanb  &»M  no  prophet  is  acoepted 
in  his  own  country,  -fete're  vi  proph'esy. 
-feti*  c  -er  proph'ecy,  -fetin'be  c  -r  proph'etess. 
•fe'ttfl  a  prophet'ic,  prophet'ical. 

$rø|fi'(  e  -er  pro'flle;  et  OiHebe  i  baln  .  a 
three-quarts.  -file  re  vt  pro'flle.  -file  ring,  -fil* 
tegning  drawing  in  profile;  profile,  side  eleva- 
tion. — '•^sssr^C 

$rø|flt'  c  profit;  meb  -  at  a  profltT*-fita'øel 
o  profitable,  -flte're  vi  profit  (af  by);  bet  et 
intet  at  -  there  Is  nothing  to  be  made  by  it. 
fprøflrftage  save-all. 

fprøfør'ma  adv  for  form's  sake;  —  a  simnlated, 
mock,  pro  formå,  -forivr  mock  trial.  -betle! 
aooommodation  bill. 

Srøføå'  e  -fer  mit  prov'ost(-martial). 

fcrojgns'fe  c  prognosis.     -gnøfHce're  øl  pro- 

Siost'icate.    -gnoftifet  prognosticator.   •gnsft'i' 
ll  n  prognostlo  (lign),    -gttøft'iff  a  prognostlc. 

fprøgram'  n  -mer  programme,  programma; 
(Xeatet.)  handbiU,  play-bill,  theatrfcal  bill;  (f. 
9H.  poUtif!)  platform,    -mnfif  programme  music. 

9røgretpo'ii  c  -er  progres'slon.  9rø'gretflb 

9røfttb|e're  vt  prohlbit.  -'i  ttb  a  prohibitory, 
prohibitive.    -iti'bfbftemet  the  p.  system. 

fprollett'  n  -er  proj'ect,  senerne,  -feriere  vt 
project',  scheme.  -Jetti'l  n  -er  projec'tile.  -je|> 
tis'*  e  projec'tion.  -Jettio'nifatre  theory  of 
projection.  •fettto'nftplan  plane  of  projection. 
-jeft'mager  c  -e  projector,  schemer,  specalator. 
■Jrøfiee're  vt  project'. 

$roH«'|m«  n  -mata  legal  notlee .  -«tftttø's£o 
-er  proclama'tion.    -me're  vt  proolalm. 

•rsfTit  iff  a  proclitic. 

$røton|fnl  c  proconsnl.  -falat]*  procon'- 

Vrstrnft'eøfeng  c  procrustean  bed;  logge  paa 
-en  (øaf.)  procrusteanlze. 

9røttt'r|a  e  mere  procura'tion;  bet  -  by  pro- 
curation.  -«nt'  fe  -ift.  -atiø'n  fe  ^  tora  to. 
••/tør  o  -o'ret  attorney,  solicitor.  —  SrøtHratørl« 
brftaOing,  -bebifliag  calllng  to  the  nar.  -f«(b« 
mag  tf  g  attorney 'a  clerk.  -fneb  law  qnibble, 
pettlfogging.  -mttftfig  a  lawyer-like.  fprøfnrift' 
c  -er  mere  authorlzed  agent,  confidentlal  clerk. 

$role|ta'r  «  -er  proletaire,  +prol'etary.  *tt* 
rla't  n  proleta'riat. 

Irøtig'  a  prolix. 
hrøtø'g  e  -er  prologue. 
hrslongjario'n  fe  -ertng. 
trøløn'ge  c  art  gay,  binding-rope,  prolonge, 

fprølø*g|e're  vt  prolon'gate.     -e'ri»g   c  pr> 

longa'tion,  extension. 

*3romemø'ria  c  memorial. 

f$r»mena'be  c  -r  promenade,  wsUJc.  -brast 
walking-dress.    f^rsmejie're  vi  promenade. 

Srssxei'fe  o  -t  mere  sexip. 
rsms|tis'm  c  -er  graduation.     -ne'«e  t*  &  • 

Vrsat(b)te  o   prompt,   punctual;     ud*    ponr- 
tually;   Orbrei  ubfrrrt  -  orders   pooctusdly  ar 
tended  to.     fptbmbttcb  c  promptitiide,    pon< 

^romalglatis'n  c  promulga'tion.  -r'rt  **  pro 

9tsns'|men  «  -miner  pro'noun.  -ssiH«!  c 

fjrob'  ø  -ber  k  -be  (irorf*)  oork:  (i  «Im  /)  atoppi^ 
stopper;  (ril  at  ftopbe  et  6ul)  plug;  &  (tit  at  fto»f 
•runbflub)  ahot-plug,  (hl  ©piøertjallfr  o.  I  .  <^>tl- 
(5)ei  af  Vflterenben)  tuck;   fjronon«)  tompion,   *r 
(iben  .  (Dreng)  a  little  urchiu. 

9røfag|**'ba  c  propaganda;  gsre  .  for  « 
-e're  vi  for  prop'agate. 

^roparria  c  fonlscap. 

QtoptV,  fprpbea'er  c  screw  (-propeller),  -sféei 
screw-shaft.  -blab  screw-blade.  -bi«l  propelle 
•wheel,  •ramme  screw-frame.  -t«bn  body-post 
•rnnnel  screw-tunnel. 

•Jrs'per  a  tidy,  clean.    -beb  c  tidiness. 

9vob|fntb   a   brimful,    choke-fall,    crammed 
-bal  plug-hole.    »mat  a  F  gorged,  crammed 

9robo[nent'  o  -er  proposer,  mover,  -mere  t* 

9tobor|tio'n  e  er  propo'rtion.  -tiøtuil  a  A  - 
-er  propo'rtional.  -Hsna'Icirtel  sector.  -tiøaali 
tt't  c  proportionaTity.  -tisaa  Oinie  proportion^: 
line  (o.  R.).  -tisne'ret  a  propo  rtioned. 

f^robofltiø'n  o  -er  proposit'ion;  *fonøe!ig  . 
government  bill. 

9tsbbe  t>f  (meb  en  $top)  oork;  (Hoppe)  stuff 
cram  (with).  ram  in  to;  (lømr.)  scarf;  -  ftoglrr 
spile  treenails;  —  vr  ffg  gorge  one'sself.  -snø 
friite  corking-machine. 

Vrøbbelbenge  corkage.  -fffltrer  cork-cutter. 
firobtrfffter  c  -e  cork-screw. 

9rs btietoc  r  c  -er  landed  proprietor,  landowner 
country  gentleman. 

$rop<eben|tif'  o  propædeu'tics.  -'tifl  a  pro 

fif  o  rata  <ufø  pro  rata.  •Jrsra'tsbel  propor- 
tional snare,  quota. 

firoroglatioa  o  -er  prorog'ation.  -e're  n 
proro'gue,  proro'gate. 

^røfa  e  prose;  baa  -  in  prose.  -førf atter, 
firofa'ifer  o  fe  $rofai|t.  ^rofa'iff  a  prosaicCal', 
(om  ^etfon)  unimaglnative,  matterof-fkot,  lne- 
motional;  -e  Srriftet  prose  writings.  f^tøfaif 
o  -er  prose-writer,  prose  author. 

9r*|fte'ninm  n  proscenium.  -fcemiassJløge 
stage  box,  corner  boz. 

fjrofef  tor  o  -o'ret  demonstrator  in  anatomy. 

fprofetnt'  c  -et  pros'elyte,  convert;  gsre  -et 
proselytise.  -mager  c  -e  pros'elytixer.  -møgeri 
n  pros'elytism. 

9røflt  God  bless  you !  (fpott.)  much  good  may 
it  do  you !  I  wish  you  may  get  it  I 

$røflri|be're  vt  proBcribe.     -ptiø'n  o  -er  pro 
scrip'tion.    -ptif  aålifte  bill  of  proscription. 

Srøfløbi'  e  pros'ody.    -ø'biff  a  prosod'ical. 

$ro|fpett'  n  -er  pros'pect,  view.  -fpetral  c, 
pi  a«  k  -er  prospeetus. 

9røife  fe  ^totfe. 

*f3roft  f6]  o  -et  fe  $roeft. 

9røf'tøta  c  the  prostate  (gland). 

$røfritiile're  vt  disgrace;  vr  f  i  g  make  a  fbol 
of  el.  stulUfy  one's  Belf,  make  an  exhibition  o; 




oneTs   self.     -ti«'*   o  -er    disgrace,    expoture, 
scandal;  (fhrinbert)  proatlta'tlon. 

Sroteigé'  e  -t  protegé,    -ge're  vt  patronize. 
$rotern  c  pro'teine.    -ftoffer pi proteine  sub- 

f£*øtef|ttø'a  e  -er  patronage.  -tiøalø"me  e 
protec'tion.  -ttønifr'  e  -er,  -ttønift'ifl  a  protec'- 
tionlflt.  -'tør  c  protector.  -tor«  t  a  protec'- 

f£røteft'  «  -er  pro'test;   _  de  non  aceeptaiione 
protest   tor  non-acceptanee;  -  de  non  eolutione 
p.  for  non-payment;  tømme  tilbage  meb  -  return 
dishonoured;  nebtøgge  -  enter  a  protest;  anmelbe 
_   note  a  protest;  optoge  -  make  ont  a  protest. 
-out'  e  -er  prot'estant.     -aa'tifl  a  prot'estant. 
-nntiønu  c  prot'estantlsm.     Vrøtefle're  vt  pro- 
test' el.  dishonour  (a  blU);  vi  protest  el.  cry  ont 
(against).  —  ^røtcft|flaø  protest  signal,    -øm* 
løftninger  protest-charges. 
S* øten*  Protens.    -agtig  a  protean. 
$rotøf  ol'  e  -ler  record,  register,  minutes,  (tfcrr 
i  Sttplomatien)  pro'tocol;  føre -len  hold  the  register; 
føre  -  oøer  keep  a  register  of;  afgifte  til  -len  de- 
pose;   tilføre  -len  (ens  ttrtlating  el.   Bibnetbbrb) 
take  down  (one's  declaration,  evidence);  inbføre 
i  -len  register;  optage  .  ooer  draw  out  a  verbal 
process  of.    -fører  recorder,  actusry.  —  $røtø» 
toHerle  vt  register,  record,    -tng  c  reglstration. 
Vrøiølollift'  c  -er,  fe  fører. 
Brøtøtnp'  c  -er  pro'totype. 
$røtfe  vt  -  af  dismount;  .  paa  mount.  $røtf(e)|> 
bolt   bolster-bolt.     -tabe  limber-chsin.     -trøg 
breast-hook.    -ring  cross-beam  ring.     -flammet 
fore-train  stool. 
fjrøinoerau'fer pi  protu'berances. 
•JJroø  «,  pi  ■■,  evidence.     Vroøe  vt  depose; 
-be  at  tyi&e  .  .  .  deposed  to  el.  spoke  to  having  . . , 
9røørnea'|ler  c  -e  Provenca'l.    -Ifla  Proven'- 
cial,  Provenca  1.  —  trøøen'ce n Provence.    $rø- 
øence |  ølle  P.  oil.    -rofe  P.  rose,  Proven 'cial  rose. 
Brøøena'  n  proceeds. 
$røøerb'  n  -er  drawing-room  piece,  prov'erb. 

$roøtant'  c  provisions,  victuals,  stores  pi, 
inbtage  -  victual;  forfine  meb  -  provision,  vlctual; 
»or  .  er  fluppen  op  we  arc  out  of  provisions. 
Vrøøiantoaab  provision  boat.  Vroøiante're  vt 
victual,  provision;  vi  victual,  cater;  -t  pro  vi - 
eioned.  $røøiante'ring  c  vlctuallng,  provision- 
ing.  —  9røøiantering*|tøntmifflon  commission- 
ers  of  tbe  victualing.  -tontronør  Controller  of 
ihe  victualling. 

$r*øtant'Jfab  J,  cask  el.  barrel  of  provisions. 
•fartøj  fe  -baab.  -forraab  supply  el.  Btock  of 
provisions,  -forøalter  fe  -mefter.  -gaarb  vic- 
tualing Office  el.  yard.  -ftattbler  provisioner, 
provision  merchant.  -lammer  *T,  steward's  room. 
•lifte  victual ling-bill.  -maoafinfe  -gaarb.  -mangel 
want  of  provisions,  -mefter  victualer;  J,  pay- 
master, -oplag  depot  of  provisions,  -mm  store 
•room.  -ffiP  provision-snip,  victualer.  -ftrtøer 
psymsiJter's  clerk.  -forter  articles  of  provisions. 
-nbbeltng  issuing  (of)  provisions,  -øoga  pro-* 
vision- waggon,  -øorfen  victualing  establishment. 

froøibfrtngf ilømmiøfiøa  fe  ^roøianteringe*. 
roøini'  c  -er  prov'inee,  county;  ti  -eme  in 
the  country,  in  the  counties.  (røøinftlaøii, 
-blab  county-paper.  -bp  country  town.  -efen« 
PommeligljeP  provlncial  peculiarity.  -følt  pi 
provincialsp/.  -forflefltgpeb  provlncial  difference. 

9roøinfia  l  a  provin'dsl.  -førfamling  county 
-meeting.  V^ølnflaliøme  c  -r  provin  cialism, 
localism.  ^roølnfialtft'  c  -er  provln'cialist,  coun- 
try person.    Vroøtnfiet'  o  pro  viu  cial. 

frøøinØ  IliPet  provlncial  life,  life  in  the 
country,    -nøbeb  country  news.     -rofe  fe  $ro> 

Pence*,     -ffnrf piller  country  actor.     -tab  pro- 
vinclal  d.  country  town.     -tolb  internal  duty. 

$røøi|fl*'n  c  mere  commission.  -'før  c  -re 
foreman  in  an  apothecary's  shop.  -f o  rifl  a 
provis'ional,  provi'sory,  temporary  -fø'rinm  n 
-ier  provis'ional  arrangement,  institution,  law. 

9roøo|ce  re  vt  provoke.  -ratio  n  c  provoen'- 

Vroøft  e  -er  dean.  —  9røøfte|bøg  dean's  mi- 
nute-book.  -øre*  dean's  dronlar  to  the  elergy. 
-bom  sentence  of  the  dean's  court.  -gaarb 
deanery.  -mobe,  -ntøbe  synod.  -penge  dues 
paid  to  the  dean  by  the  churches  in  his  juris- 
diction.  -ret  dean's  court,  diocesan  court. 
•rerrigteø  fe  -penge,  -fag  case  in  a  dean's  court. 
-øtfUntJ,  -øifltatfon  dean's  visitation,  -øønrbigi 
peb  deanship.  Vroøfti'  n  -er  deanery.  f*røp#» 
tn'øe  e  -t  wife  of  a  dean. 

rr!  interj  (til  fceft)  wo!  way! 
rnb  a  poet  stately,  magniflcent. 
kanel'  c  øelf-heal,  heal-all,  prunella. 
rnnel'  n  (Xøi)  prunello. 
rnnt  c  pomp,  parade,  show.     $rnnt|e  vi 
shine;  (meb)  make  a  parade  el.  display  (of).    -en 
c  parading.    -ls#  a  nnootentations.    -Uipeb  un- 
ostentatiousness.    -f pg  a  fond  of  display. 

9mft  n  snort.  #rnftje  vi  snort.  -en  e  snort- 

*9rnt  n,  QtnU  fe  grutten  c,  grutte  2.  **m  t- 
ninglmon  margin  for  haggling. 

frntte  vi  (fjærte)  poop. 
rntte  vi  chaffer,  haggle,  higgle;  .  af  beat 
down;  -  meb  en  beat  oue  down.  -n  c  chaffery, 
haggling  etc.  -n  a  stingy,  cloøe-nsted;  ffan  er 
ilte  faa  -  paa  bet  (meb  en  Stilling  el.  to)  he  is  not 
so  nlce;  he  does  not  make  nice  of  a  penny  or 
two.    +-r  c  chaffer,  haggler,  higgler, 

$rhb  e  fe  -elfe.  ttrpbje  vt  adorn,  ornament, 
embelllsh,  grace,  decorate,  deck.  V^belig  a 
handsome,  pretty.  ^rpbelfe  e  -t  ornament, 
embelllshment,  decoration,  adornment  ^rpb|* 
fngl  ornamental  bird.  -baPe  ornamental  garden, 
•lød  a  unadorned.    -plante  ornamental  plant. 

?rp'gl  c  -e  (llnippel)  bludgeon,  cudgel;  9rpgl 
pi  a  thrashing,  drubbing,  flogglng;  ffon  fil  mange 
~,  en  (aob)  S)iagt  .  he  got  a  sound  drubbing; 
p  en  ftor  .  a  thumping  fellow.  13rpg|le  vt 
cudgel,  cane,  trounce,  flog,  thrash,  drub,  pound. 
-en  e  cudgeling  etc.  -erv  b.  f.;  fight.  $rpgle< 
fpftem  flogging  system. 

»rot  n  advantage;  fe  ^tcecetrri*. 

$r«abamit  |er  pi  pread'amites.  -ifl  a  pre- 

9rttøen'se  c  -r  preb'end. 

^rffcebeni'  *  -er  prec'edent. 
rttceø  tør  c  preceptor,  tutor. 
ircrceifiø'n  c  preces'sion. 
race  rer|10  n  a  first  (class).    -ifl'  c  -er  first. 
r«cipi|tat  n  -er  precip'itate.     -te re  vt  pre- 

9roi|ci'A  a  predse,  punctual;  —  adv  punc- 
tually;  -  tt\.  1  at  one  o'clock  »harp.  -cife're  vt 
deflne  precisely.    -ciflø'n  e  precis'ion. 

^r«befti|nntiø'n  o  predestina'tion.  -ne're  vt 
predes'tine,  predes'tinate. 

^rofbilat  n  -er  gram  pred'icate;  (9taøn)  titte, 

^rotbitant'  c  -er  preacher,  pulpit  orator. 
8ra?(øl)te  vt  k  i  preach;  -  imob  declalm  against, 
denounce.  —  $rabite)brøbre  pred'icants,  preach- 
ing  fhars.  -embebe  minis try.  -goøer  gifts  el. 
talents  for  preaching.  -mntøe  style  of  preach- 
ing.  ^rorbilen  c  -er  sermon;  bolbe  en  *  preach 
el.  deliver  a  sermon;  gaa  fra  fin  -  be  put  out 
el.  come  to  a  stand  in  preaching.  Vratbttenøøg 
book  of  sermous,  bermon-book.     ^wbilenfnni« 




Hng  oollectlon  of  sermons.  fprebiftirepreaoher; 
-enø  Bog  Eccleslastee.  -Hil  pulpit  style.  -*ol 
pulpit.  -ref#t  test.  -tone  snuffling  e(.  canting 
tone-,  sermonising  tone. 

«rabiø>one'ret  a  predispo'sed. 

Bracbouine'rtiibe  a  predom'inant. 

$nref#ifte*«'  c  pre-exis'tence. 

$r«fett'  e  -er  pre'fect.  -«'r  n  pre'fecture, 

$r<rfere*'eeettier  pi  preferenual  el.  preferred 

?r«fc'  n  -er  pre'flx. 
tæ%  n,  pi  «=,  impression,  (ogf.  fa)  stamp, 
impre&s,  fa  character;  bcere  -  af  bear  the  im- 
preas  of;  bar«  Sanbbebent  .  bear  the  Impress  of 
trnth;  Geniet*  .  the  stamp  of  genius.  $r<rge 
vt  (f.  <fts.  røetal)  stamp,  coin;  fa  stamp;  im- 
print,  impreaa  (on);  Sorg  øø  Sibelfer  ere  -bf,  tør* 
-t  fiø  i  ban*  ttnfløt  grief  and  sufferlngs  have 
left  their  traces  on  his  countenance;  bet  fxaor  -t 
i  banfc  $jerte,  ©inb  it  is  stamped  on  his  heart, 
lmpressed  on  his  mind;  -t  i  $ufommelfen  im- 
pressed  on  the  memory.  —  fpraøeltamner 
stamper.  -I««  ooinage.  -ttreSfe  stamping-  el. 
colning-press,  fly-press.  -freb  place  of  coinage. 
-ftempef  stamp,  coin.  $r<r'gl*å  a  characterless. 
9r<t'gning  o  -et  stamping. 

$r<rg|ttattr'aconcise,  compendious,  preg'nant. 
-Mani'  e  conclseness. 

Sr<rgre»e  re  vt  endanger,  detract  from. 

$r«grig  a  splendid,  magniflcent;  f  (ubmærfet) 
capital,  excellent.  -beb  c  splendonr,  magnifl- 

$?«fttbi'jee  e  prej'udice.  -ce're  vt  prej'udioe. 
•la't  n  -er  precedent. 

Ir«!  n  prate,  rlgmarole. 
teætot'tt  fiø  vr  take  care  of  one's  self. 
tecttt  vi  f  fé  $r<ebife;  eont  prate,  hold  forth, 

gréachify.  •^efl  preachlner.  -«  o  -er  f  fe  $r<e» 

Vrotflnlbe're  vt  preclu'de.  -flo'it  c  preclu'slon. 
-fl'»  a  preclu'sive. 

Srala't  c  -er  prel'ate.     -oarbigbeb  prelature. 

$r<ritnii|na  rier  p*  prelim  inaries.  -aotr  a 

9r<tlnjbe  re  c»  prelu'de.  -'binm  »  -ier  prel'ude, 
▼oluntarv;  -ier  fa  preambles. 

^rteotie  e  -r  (f.  (Hl.  Slfurancrp.)  premium; 
(Belønning)  reward;  (fJri*)  prize.  -barn  prize 
child.  -ieløb  amount  of  premium.  -belønnet 
fe  fki*'.  -belønning  prise.  -førftøfelfe  increase 
el.  rise  of  premium.  -lifte  prize  list.  -nebfttt- 
telfe  reduction  of  premium.  $r<r mie're  vt  award 
a  prize  to.  $ratmie|fatferpi  rates  of  premium. 
•fYttbning  competition  shooting.  -tager  prize 
-winner,  prizeman.  -t»r  prise -bu  11.  -nbbeltng 
distribution  of  prize«.  -otrrbig  o  worthy  of  a 
prize.  -otflenbe  a  competing.  -oefTttiMø  compe- 

$r<rot«'fer  pi  prem'ises. 

Sroratonftraten  f  er  c  -e  Premon'strant. 
r<rnuiner|an'bø  adv  in  advance,  beforehand. 
-ere  o.  fl.,  fe  Wonnere. 

$r«ba|rant'  c  -et  prepar'ator.  -r«'t  n  -er  pre- 
para'tion.  -rc'rt  vt  (diasect  and)  prepare,  dress; 
pkoi  sensitize.  frirnaremølfe  roughing-roll, 
puddler's  roll. 

Sraføfliiø'n  e  -er  gram  preposit'ion. 

$r<rrie  c  -r  prairie.  -antilope  prongbuck, 
Antiloeapra.  -ftnnb  wistonwish,  Arctomyi  ludo- 
vicianui.  -fcøne  prairie-hen,  C*p*do**a  ameri- 
eana.    -ni*  prairie-wolf,  coyote,  Canu  lutraiu. 

Srorøgari*  *  -er  prerogative. 

$r«fenø  n  gram  the  present  (tense);  .  $arti< 
cipium  the  present  participle;  -  ftonjunftio  the 
present  subjunctive. 

^r«fe«t|a^el  a  pres'entable.  -«tia'n  c  -et 
presenta'tion.  -erbafte  tray.  -c're  vt  presezu , 
(en  for  noøen)  introduce  tone  to  a  peraoxi  .  . 
Qkttar  present  arms;  -  en  vefffrl  present  as  bil 

^ræfer'»«H»  n  -er  preservative,  preTentsuiTt 
kirfeft  e  chairman;  (oeb  SHCp.)  respoodent. 
^rcfibeat'  o  -er  (fenoebej  pres'ident,  (i  9«cfsB 
linø)  chairman;  -en  (oøf.)  the  Chair;  (i  VLnbe&ma 
speaker.  ^rftjUenrin  »c  c  -r  pre&ident'a  wife 
(female)  president.  —  ^r(tflb«st|naftr  chair 
man's  beli.  -toBeøiet  the  chairmea.  -at^matø 
%€h  chairman's  el.  president1  s  power.  -9I1M 
chair.  -Jpoft  pres'idency,  pres'identahip;  spanker 
ship.  yjrarfiaemtflab  »  pres'idency.  $r«iUrsr  • 
»aljl  presidential  election.  'aoeraig^ra  prer. 
dency,  presidentship.  —  $ue|fl»e're  tri  preside. 
hold  el.  take  the  chair  (i  et  Støbe  at  a  meeting: 
•fitittm  n  chalrmanship;  et  Vtøbt  usber  _  af  » 
meeting  presided  over  by. 

$ratflrt|be're  pare  lost  by  prescription.  -ptie's 
e  prescrip'tion. 

^r«fl  c  -er  (Qeifiltø  i  Ulm.)  clergyxaan,  t«r 
om  latolfle  og  foraøiel.)  priest,  iSoqnepx  )  pastor 
parson,  rector,  (til  $attoitatfan>)  vicar,  ;mrd  i 
6fotI.  oø  om  Sidfentecpr.)  minister;  4,  conmuuHkr 
•eme  the  clergy,  eont  the  prieats;  blioe  .  ente: 
the  Church,  take  (holy)  ordere.  -  3  o  bu  Preater 
John;  ~  oø  Weniøbeb  pastor  and  flock.  f  gav 
til  -en  is  attending  a  conflrmation  class;  bex  n 
flere  brogebe  $øn*  enb  -enø  there  are  more  maid< 
than  Mary,  and  more  men  than  Michael. 

$tæft\a#9*  pi  duties,  engagements,  -attøa 
c  -rr  performance,  achieyement. 

9rsfte|tger  fleld  belonging  to  a  paraonage 
-atteft  a  ciergyman's  certincate  (for  good  char 
acter).     -barn  ciergyman's  child.     -beb)rst§  rel; 
gious  fraud,  priestcraft.  -bolig  parsonageC-houf«. 
manse,    rectory.     -brug   clerical   næ.      -batter 
ciergyman's  daughter.    f-beic  priest'a  concubine 
-bragt  clerical  el.  sacerdotal  robes.     -k^sBsae  ■ 
priesthood.    -eb  ordination-oath.    -e«b)cbc  cler 
ical  el.  sacerdotal  Office,  minis try.    -emme  young 
dtvine.     -rate  ciergyman's  widow.     -Hente  it 
-baber.  -fjenbfl  a  anticlerical.   -f orfalgelf e  per»e 
cution  of  priest«.     t>f(onber  large  plaice      -fad 
(Øeiflltø^eb)  clergy;   (TOanb  oø  Stone)  parson  and 
his  wiie.     -fribeb  minlsterial  freedom.      *§aarb 
pareonage.    -gaarbéforb  fe  -jorb.    -geraimf  min 
is  try.    -gilbe  clerical  banquet.    *-gi<rlb  fe  *©jcpic 
n.     -bnb  hatred  of  priests.     -(aber  prieat-hater. 
-berrebamme  hierarchy.     -bne  caiotte.     -(nå  U 
•bolig,    -jorb  ground  belonging  to  a  pareonage, 
glebe.    -felb  clerical  living,  church  living.  bene- 
fice,   -fafte  sacerdotal  caste.    -tjtle  clergyman'fe 
gown,  cassock.    -tlæber  sacerdotal  robes,    -tone 
wife  of  a  clergy  man.     -fraoe  ciergyman's  rufl" 
el.  band;    $  tøoib)  ox-eye  (daisy),   moon  daisy, 
ChrytuntkeiHum  leucarUJumnm;  (oul)  yellow  bottle. 
corn  marigold,    Ch.  »egeHnH,  (grUQl)  ring  plover 
Charadriu*  hiaticula.    ^rotftelig  u  priestly,  sacer- 
dotal.   9r«fte|!«rb  fe  $rcrftlarb.    -maxb  clergy 
man;   eont  pulpiteer.     f-warf  fe  -ager.     -ssfbe, 
t-mobe  synod.     -offer  offering  to   the  parson 
-orbination  fe  -oielfe.     -ornat  fe  Ornat,     niart« 
clericals.    -»enge  churchrates  pi.    -part  priest  s 
pear,  table-pear. 

Sræfte're  vt  furnish,  yield,  perform 
ræftelregering  hierarchy.  -rettigbeber  per- 
son s  dues.  -raitre  series  of  paatora  -femtiis- 
rinm  ecclesiastical  seminary.  fSroHreffab  ■ 
priesthood,  clergy.  »reftelfret  tax  for  tbe 
mainJenance  of  the  clergy.  -ftrift  hieraOV 
character,  -ftanb  priesthood,  clerical  stele  el 
order.  -flat  hierarchical  state.  -ftatfe  tidbit. 
-flige  relaxed  throat,  parson's  throat  »fa*  par- 
son s  bag.     -fen  son  of  a  clergyman      -Heabe 




parsorx's  tithes.  -talg  election  of  a  clergyman. 
-»efeu  the  clerical  profession,  -øen  Meod  of 
the  clergy.  -Henlig  a  clerical.  -øte  vt  ordain. 
▼oielf c  ordination  of  a  clergyman.  -bU :  paa  ~ 
in  prieetly  fashion.  -øatbe  hierarchy.  -barbig- 
fcefc  aaoerdotal  dignity.  -bofen  priestcraft, 
s&cerdotalism.  $r«ftin  be  c  -r  priestess.  9**1** 
torv*  a  skilled  in  divliiity. 

^r«fmw|e're  vt  presume.  -tiø'n  c  presum'p- 
tion.     -ti*  a  presum'ptive. 

fratern |  »nit'  c  -er  preten'der,  preten'dant, 
claimant.  -be're  vt  pretend  (to),  lay  clalm  to. 
-Rø'tt  c  -er  preten'slon;  locket.  -tU'i  a  preten'- 

Jlrørte'ritum  n  the  pret'erit  (tense). 
^rørtør  c  -ører  pretor.    9**10*[f  *'*** pi  pre- 
to'rians,  preto'rian  gnards.    -ia'nfl  a  pretorian. 
•nørrbigbeb  pretorsbip. 
*£rcencttiib  a  preveu'tive. 
$r*»e  e  -r  (ftorføg)  trial,  proof,  test;  (af  noget) 
sample,    specimen,    (nabnl.    af    %e\n)  pattern; 
(f.  <ÉW.  paa  XeaterflnKe)  rehearsal;  (f.   «tt.   meb 
SrtobeooaDen,  paa  flRegneføffe  o.  b.)  proof;  (af  9Re< 
taller)  asssy;  auftiQe  en  -  meb,  gøre  -  paa  (i  Slim.) 
make  a  trial  of,  try,  (6fobebaaoen,  IRegnefibtfe  o.  b.) 
provo;   bære  paa  -  be  on  (one's)  probation,  on 
trial,  on  approval,  on  liking;  ftaa  fin  -,  ubtølbe 
•n  stand  the  test;   bet  fear  ide  flaaet  ftn  -   it  has 
been  tried  and  found  wanting;  fatte  paa  -  pot 
to  the  proof  el.  test;  gennemgaa  en  tøarb  .  pass 
through  a  severe  ordeal;  tøbe  mange  -r  paa  en* 
Scnftao  hare  many  proofs  of  one's  friendship; 
afkroge  -r  paa  exhibit  proofe  of;  aflægge  -t  paa 
ftn  $Dgttgtøb  i  show  one's  proficlency  in;   til  - 
by  way  of  trial;   til  en  -  for  a  trial;   tage  paa  - 
take  on  trial;  bet  fbarer  ilte  til  -n  it  is  not  ac- 
cordlng  to  the  sample,   it  £oes  not  annwer  the 
sample;  tøtbe  -  paa  (Sfaefpit  ofo.)  rehearse;  6e« 
gbnbe  -rne  paa  et  6tt)Ife  put  a  piece  into  rehearsal. 
—  JJrøøe  vt  (fotføge)  try,  (ilte  meb  Qnf.)  test; 
(erfare)  experience;  (Slueipil  ofb.)  rehearse,  (SRe> 
taller)  assay;  (fatte  paa  Srsbe)  prove;   -  paa  try, 
essay,  jo*  try  on;   fjan  bil  itle  .  paa  bet  oftere  he 
will  not  try  that  on  agaln;  -r  aue  Xing,  6etølbrr 
bet  gøbe!  prove  all  things;  hold  fast  that  whicb 
in  good;  .  ©in,  fRatt  ofo.  test  wine,  milk,   (DeD 
at  Image  paa)  taste;  ~  et  fJar  6lø  try  on  a  pair 
of  shoes;  -  et  (Berner  try  and  prove  a  gun;  Øub 
-r  be  bebfte  og  {hoffer  be  flette  Heaven  proves  the 
beat  and  punishes  the  bad;   tøn  ec  -t  i  Sibelfer 
be  has  been  tried  by  sufiferings;  tøn  tør  -t  Serben 
he  knows  the  world;  prøbenbe  a  searching, 
scrutinlzlng;  pro  bet  a  tried,  proved;  tøn  er  en 
-t  6olbat  he  is  an  experienced,  beaten  soldier. 
—  ^røbe| sar  year  of  probation.    -aftrpt  (f.  <EM. 
«f  et  ftobberftif)  proof-print.    -arbetbe  sample  el. 
specimen  of  work.     -orf  proof( -sneet),     -atteft 
test  certificate.     -balløn  experlmental  balloon, 
pilot  balloon.     -øtUebe  proof.     -øinb  pattern 
-binding,     -blab  proof  (-print),     -tog  pattern 
•book.    -boring  trial  slnkfng.    -bag  day  of  trial. 
-bigel  coppel,  (QHalf.)  ass&y-crucible.    -bbfl  com- 
bat  for  a  trial   of  strength.     -fart   trial-trip. 
-forelaåntng  probation-lecture.     -farm  melting 
-cone    -giftermaal  mock-marrlage.    -gnlb  stand- 
ard gold.    -tøne  (p.  Sampfebet)  gauge-cock,  (p. 
Xarapcqlmber)  test-cock.  -|ef re  specimen  number. 
•|ø(big  a  proof,  standard,     -flnb  sampler;  jig 
vare  -  serve  to  ezperiment  upon.    -fort  pattern 
•card,  sample-card.     -Ivan  fe  -bane.     -tunfl  art 
of  aoaying,  docimacy.     -(åbning  proof-charge. 
9rø»etfe  e  -t  trial.     9rø*elfeøttb  time  of  trial, 
trying  time.     $rø»e|f  toften  a  bent  on  trying. 
•IcrrliBg  apprentice  on  trial.     -ntaal  standard 
meatore.    -maftine  testing  machine.     -mibbet 
test,  re -agent,     -merle  hall 'mark.     •mønfter 

sample,  pattern.  -naal  touch- needle.  -nnmaier 
specimen  number.  -obn  fe  fProbetobn.  -papir 
test  paper,  reactive  paper.  -pløjning  ploughing 
-match,  -prabiten  probation-sermon.  -tegning 
proof.  -ribt  triøi-ride.  -vattet  fe  $robenreuter. 
-fantling  colleotions  of  patterns.  -fejflabS  fe  -tur; 
foretage  ~  try  the  rate  of  sailing.  -fenbing  parcel 
of  samples,  -fibe  specimen  page.  -flrtft  c 
specimen  of  hand-writiug.  +-fnrift  *  specimen 
of  composition.  -flnb  trial  snot.  -flnef piller 
actor  on  trial.  -ffbøe  of  prove.  -ffnbning  prov- 
ing  of  flre-arms.  -fnug  taste  (for  a  trial).  -flanb 
state  of  trial  el.  probation.  -ftentpel  hall-mark. 
-ften  touch-stone.  -ftll  probation-theme.  -frnnb 
hour  of  trial.  -fttotfe  sample,  specimen.  -følb 
standard  sil  ver,  hall-marked  sllv  er.  -føfler  novice. 
-tefegraflfk  probationary  telegraphist,  t.  on  pro- 
bation.  -tib  period  of  trial  el.  probation,  proba- 
tion-time,  probationary  period.  -togt  trial  ef. 
ezperimental  cruise.  -trbf  proof  -  hnpression. 
♦tnr  trial  trip.  -balg  prehminary  election,  amr 
caucus.  -bagt  standard  weight.  -nar!  work 
done  for  a  trial.    9?0bning  c  provlng,  testing. 

? falme  ofov  fe  ®alme. 
fatter  c  kn  (ønfrrum.)  psaltery;  (8og)  psalter; 
gøre  9Re(obier  efter  -el  £ob  bibl  chant   to  the 
souud  of  the  viol. 

Vfenbø'nntn  a  pseudon'ymous.  .  e  -er  pseu- 
don'ymouB  writer.  -  n  -er  paeu'donym,  pen 

9t!  **t  at! 

«f»f|ia'ter  c  psychi'ater.  -iarri'  e  psychi'atry. 
-ffl  a  psychic(al).  -olo'g  c  -et  psychol'ogist. 
•øloai'  c  psychol'ogy.   -olo'gifl  a  psycholog'ical. 

9ft)frometer  n  -tre  psychom'eter. 

ftro!  int  fe  $rr! 

?tolema  |nå  Ptol'emy.    -ifl  a  Ptolemaic. 
nber|tet  c  pu'berty.    -tetialber  age  of  pu- 

fPntlilce  adv  publicly.  -ce're  vt  pub'lish, 
(fioo  o.  1.)  promulgate.  -eift'  e  -er  journalist. 
-cift'lfl  a  journalistic.  cite't  e  publicity.  -It' 
tiøn  publica'tion.  f^ns'UInm  n  (ttlmentøb)  the 
public;  (ttltøteme  ofo.)  audience;  -9  fjerte  the 
public  heart;  -s  Sommer  the  public  pocket. 

Sttb  n,  pi  »,  (Sagt)  pood. 
nbbel  fe  $ubel. 

9ttbbef<  fe  Vuble*. 

$nbber  n  hair-powder.  -baafe  powder-boz. 
-bnfl  powder-puff.  -lappe,  -fjole  combing  cloth. 
-løft«  -foaft,  fe  -buft.  -møfle  hair-powder  mlll. 
-par^f  powdered  wig.  -pøf e  powder  bag.  -puffer 
zest.  -fljorte  fe  -lappe,  -fnlter  brown  sugar, 
moist  sogar.    -afle  fe  -baafe. 

°9ttbbtng  fe  Subbing.  -pnlper  pudding-powder. 
-ften  pudding-stone. 

9nbe  c  -r  cushion,  pillow,  pad;  (tit  ftoreblrø. 
af  (knibning)  washer,  i,  bolster;  arch  coassinet. 
*ube|betr«l  pUlowcase,  -tick,  slip.  -fttlb stuff- 
ing  for  pillows.    -bbnbe  cushion. 

tpnbel  e  -bier  poodie;  (i  Spil  el.  Støbning)  miss. 
-^nnb  poodie  (dog).  -b»alp  poodle-puppy.  -torne 
poodie  bitch. 

fittbelfabe  cushioned  seat.    -naar  fe  -betral. 

$nble  vt  puddle.    -Jam  puddled  iron.    -øøn 

Suddling  furnace,  puddle-  el.  puddled  s  te  el. 
Inbttng  e  puddltng. 

finbre  vt  powder.    $nbren  c  powdering. 

9ttbØ  n  fe  $u8. 

9nb9  c  ($qnt,  Stab«)  trim;  (paa  Wuc)  plaster, 
fine  stuff;  i  fulb  -  F  in  mil  flg. 

Vnbd  n,  pi  =,  (+-ec)  (lifligt  $aafunb)  trick; 
fpiHe  en  et  -  play  el.  serve  one  a  trick,  play  a 
trick  with  one.    9ubfe  of  (narre)  trick,  dupe. 

$ubfe  øf  ~  en  $unb  paa  en  set  a  dog  at  one; 
pub*!  interj  at  hhn! 




$nbf  e  re  (frille  beb  bet,  font  uboortef  er  til  Qinber, 
til  Sanflr  ri.  oberflsbigt)  trim;  .  træet,  gættet 
prune,  lop  treeø,  hedges,  .  Øeoarer  clean  guns; 
~  SRetalfagerpolish  metals;  -  ffiafen  blow  one'a 
nose;  .  en  Wur  plaster,  finish  a  wall;  .  et  Sbft 
snuff  a  candle;  _  fionterneme  trim  the  lights; 
..  6 tt Diet  bru*h  el.  clean  boots;  -  op  brush 
up,  touch  up.  fjnbfejopparat  blowing-macbine. 
-tril cleaner.  -bræt  (tout.)  trowel-board.  -tøfte 
(6fom.)  polisher,  -gant  waste.  -talt  fine  stuff. 
-tnib  currier's  knlfe.  -mafrine  (Spinb.)  stripper. 

Mnbfe(n)mager  [t.]  o  e  practical  joker,  comical 
fellow.    -i'  n  practical  joking. 

?nbfepnlber  *  Bcouring-powder. 
nbfert'  n  -er  drollery.    Vnbfe'rMg  a  droll, 
comical,  funny.    fJnbfe'rltgbtb  o  drollery,  droll- 

fJnbfe|fle  (large)  trowel.  -ften  Bath  brick.  — 
$nb*ltølt  polishing  stick,  -tørt  smoothing 

ttubjig,  -b.eb  fe  J&ubferlig.' 

Snbølmafriue  stripper,   -mejfel  outting  punch . 

$nerti  a  pu'erile. 

Éuerpera'ifeber  c  puer'peral  fever. 

$ttf,  n  k  c,  pi  =,  (finalb)  bang,  pop;  (Stob) 
buffet,  thrust,  push,  (shoulder)  shove,  p  dig; 
tage,  faa  paa  -  take,  get  on  tick;  *lafe  pna  -  get 
up  one's  tasks  ou  the  sklpping  principle. 

fjnf '  e  -fer  boz-ottoman,  sofett(-8tool);  (p.  fSnne) 
puffing,  puff. 

^ttffe  vt  k  i  (fnalbe)  pop,  crack;  (ftsbe)  buffet, 
thrust,  push,  shove,  shoulder;  *(til  (itsamen)  skip, 
get  up  -with  a  difference;  f  ~  for  puff.  fpuffer 
c  -e  (yærnb.)  buffer,  an,r  bumper,  SJnffert  c  -er 
pocket-pistol;  fe  -fer.  Vnffeng  sofa-bedstead. 
fenf'arme  *  puffed  Bleeve. 

Vage  vt  ($enge  fammen)  scrape  money  together. 
-r  c  -c  miser,  nlggard,  hoarder  of  money. 

9ngeftøle  o  unlicensed  school. 

*VȤ0*  vt  k  i  f  learn  by  rote,  rote,  grind, 
sap,  cram  one's  self.  $uggeri'  n  grind.  $ng- 
beft  griuding  fellow. 

fhib!  ugh!  oh! 

t$nf  a  kind  of  cribbage.  -brat  [cribbage 

$nlfe  vt  (om  ttrtl)  stamp,  beat. 

$nffe  vi  -  paa  noget  confide  in,  boast  of, 
plume  one's  self  on  something. 

$nffel  o  -flet  hump,  hunch;  F  gibe  en  paa  -en 
duHt  one's  jacket.  -blaat,  -febt  F  stirrup-oil. 
-Citabe  tree-hopper,  Membraeina.  -Ijoal  hnnch- 
backed  whale,  Megaptera  boopt.  -labe  muek 
orchis,  Bertninium  monorcki*.  -oMe  bison,  Bon 
biton,  zebu,  Indlån  bull,  Bo$  lndicuå.  -rbj 
hump -back,  hunch -back.  -rtjgaet  a  hump 
-backed,  hunch-backed;  p  bet  er  flfe  faa  -  it  is 
not  half  bad. 

fjutfen  c :  benne  .  paa  egen  Kraft  ofb.  this  con- 
fldence  in  his  own  power,  tbis  boasting  of  his 
own  power. 

Dnflet  a  havlng  a  hunch. 

$u!|mel  stamped  ore.  fatning  c  stamping, 
beating.  9nf|  (tempel  stamper,  -flen  metal. 
-bart  stamping-mill. 

*nt',  $«lb  c  -le,  -e  (paa  $at)  crown. 

tønlar'be  c  fattened  pullet. 

*9nlbre  vi  bubble,  purl. 

«nlfe  o  (i  Spil)  pool. 

•Snit  c  -er  pulk  ha,  Lap's  sledge. 

t$nfie  c  -t  shallow. 

JButtert  c  -er  ^t  Umber  head,  bollard. 

$ttHet  o  crowned. 

$Ulp  e  pulp. 

$nlpitu'r  n  -er  gallery-pews  pi. 

tfpnlØ  c  -e  pole  for  chasing  flsh  into  the  net. 

jfntø  c  pulse;  føle  en  paa  -en  feel  one's  pulse; 

•en  er  fbag  the  pulse  is  low;  -en  ftaar  igen  »is; 
the  pulse  has  rallied.    *nl§|aore  artery.    -anre« 
fbulft  aneurlsm.    *ntfatio'n  c  pulsation 
tVnlfe   vi   chase   flsh   into   the    net  wiih  « 

Vulfe'lre  vi  pul'sate,  pulse.  *ri«§  c  puløatios 

9ttl#|banmer    pulse-glaas,    water-h«ouBcr 
•tlttb  compreas.    •!**  a  asphysiated.     -Imé1)<%  r 
asphyzy.    -maaler  pulsimeter.    -flag  pnlamtiozi 
throb  of  the  pulse. 

SnlSHagc  c  fe  9n»  l. 

$■19  j  tanter,  -barniere  pi  wrist  gloves,  pulse 
•warmers,  wristers. 

CullPob  n  a  kind  of  flshing-net  (fe  9hiU). 

#u(t  o   t  (writlng)  de&k. 

^nlteri'  n  Jumble,  medley.  Vnltertftaatrr  • 
lumber-room.  ^nltre  vt  fammen  haddle  <i 
jumble  together. 

9«U|laa*  desk-lock.    -tag  lean-to  roof 

gulner  n  t  powder.  -b.e»  hag,  beldame 
gulner | ifntian,  -Ife'ring  c  pulverization.  f  al 
nertfere  vt  puVverUe,  levig&te. 

?nma  o  -er  puma,  Felt*  eoncoior. 
umpe  c  -t  pump;  -n  er  lens  the  pump  sncks; 
F  bare  paa  -me  be  at  the  last  extremlty.    fSnape 
vt  ogf aa  fio  (nbfritte)  pump;  .  en  for  noget  rid 
one  of  a  thing.    9ttntpe|af#el  crank-shait  of  * 
pump.     -bolt   pump -bolt.     -bor   pump -borer 
•boring  pump  bore.   -bronb  pumping-well.  -ri 
flerne  >X>  pump  cistern.    -cnltnoer  pump-baxrel 
-brag  stroke  of  the  pump.  -emmen  fe  -ffo.    -f  ff 
A,  partners,   -fob  heel  of  a  pump.   -gaffel  pump 
-brake  standard.     *-greierne  the  pump   gear 
-bage  pump-hook.     -bjerte  valve  of  av   pump 
-bul  pump-nousle.    -batte  pump  hood.    -ftfit 
pump-case.    -flab  f*  -bierte.    -folbc  plunger  of 
a  p.    -trabe  &  collar  of  a  pump.    -frog  pump 
-hook.  -fnrbrose.  -laber  pump-leather.   -mager 

Sump-maker.  -marmering  &,  pump  hoee.  -ma> 
ine  pumplug-engine.  -neail  fe  >f»m.  -niffe 
pump -brake.  -rebftober  pump -gear.  -rcabc 
pump  dale.  -renfer  pump -scrape  r.  -rar  pipe 
of  a  pump.  -faa!  tank.  -ffo  ^  npper-boz 
-ffofpir  st,  pump-spear.  -flraber  fe  -renfer.  -flag 
fe  brag.  -flange  hose.  -fob  j,  pump -well 
-fbanb  fe  -fto.  *-fpiger  fe  -font.  -fptl  <£,  patent 
windlass.  -fpir,  -fpor,  -ftang  pump-spear;  fe 
-foingel.  -ftempel  piston  of  a  pump.  -ftof  pipe 
of  a  pump;  fe  -fbingel.  -ftøble  cbamber  of  a 
pump.  0-fbefo  pump-crank.  -fbingel  pump 
-brake.  -fatter  pump-maker.  -fam  pump-tack. 
•tra  pipe  of  a  pump.  -traf  fe  brag.  -tnb 
spout  of  a  pump.  -oanb  pump-water.  -nenttler 
valves  of  a  pump.  -»art  pumps  pi.  9nm|mtng 
c  pumping. 

9nno)  o  punch;  folb  .  cup.  9nnø)e  vi  drink 
punch.  —  9ttno)e|boSe  punch -bowl;  (OoUe 
fyina))  bowl  of  punch,  -glad  punch -glats. 
-tanbe  punch -tankard.  -fclffab  company  of 
punch -drinken,  -fle  punch -ladle.  —  fjaaa)  • 
effen*,  efdtratt  essence  of  punch,  -tage  punch 

*n«b  n,  pi  =,  (Saat)  pound;  (Qrbner)  talent; 
et  .  Sterling  one  pound  sterling  (ftrioeg  £  1  el.  1  /:; 
nebgraoe  flt  .  hide  one's  talent;  flagre  meb  fH  - 
turn  one's  talent  to  account.  fSnnber  i  émf. 
-pounder.  *9nnber  c  e  large  steel-yard.  %+nU> 
biø  adv  by  the  pound.  ffjnnbeoogt  ponnd 
weJght.    ^nnblfob  foot-pound.     -gor  fe  $xrt-. 

Snnbig  o  (tun  i  Sammenfatninger) :  en  trepnnbig 
anon  ofo.  a  threepounder  etc.  f|nttb|r1rfebar 
moreli  o.  -(aber  thick  sole  leather,  butts.  -pare 
pounder  (pear).  9unb*!ob  pound-weight.  fpnnbo* 
note  one  pound  note.  9nnbtraob  coarse  thread. 
9«ng  c  <  (pengepung)  purse;  (Bofe,  twv) 
bag,  (bos  «ungbbr)  poucb;  (XefHteip.)  scrotum; 




en  fpoetfet  .  a  long  purse;  lufte  -en  op  loose  el. 
untie  one's  purse-strings.  fj nug| abe  phalanger, 
Phalangitta.  -te«  marsupial  bone.  -bjørn 
koala,  Pka§eolaretot  cinereut.  -brot  scrotal 
hernia.  -boanet  fe  -fortniø.  -bl|r  pouched  ani- 
maJ,  marsupial.  Snage  vi  ub  meb  fork  out, 
come  down  with.  $ung|  egern  flying  phalanger, 
Peta*ru».  -elefant  diprotodon.  -gnøper  wombat, 
PhatcoUm*.  -gr«Plittg,  -bare  (puned)  bandl- 
coot,  Parameles.  -bunb  fe  -ultJ.  -løøe  thylacoleo. 
•øaaar  dasyure.  -nejfe  pendulous  titmouse, 
/fem«  pendulinut.  -nta*  tarsipes.  -øbber  water 
-opoafium,  Ckironeete*.  -parpt  bag-wig.  -rem 
purse-string.  -rotte  opossum,  Didtlpkit.  -fkorr 
iroopial,  Oaåncu*.  -ttlP  zebra  wolf,  Tasmanlan 
wolf,  Thylacinu*. 
JØKtttf!  a  Funic. 

$Uttft  n  (t  e)  -er  point;  ($ri!  09  »••»#)  dot;  fig 
point,  particular,  head,  item,  article;  om  bettc 
_  on  this  head;  i  bette  -  in  this  particular;  paa 
aUt  -et  everywhere;  fig  in  every  particular. 
$nnftagat  dotted  agate.  ^uuttt'tt  vt  point, 
punctuate;  (i  tegning,  Qubering)  s  tippie,  dot; 
cÅir  puncture;  -t»u»  dotted;  t  SKanér  stlppling; 
-t  fiinie  dotted  line.  —  $nnfte're|binl  dotting 
-wheel,  -Jorn  fe  -naal.  -tnnft  stlppling;  (Xrolb* 
bom)  geomancy.  -naal,  -pen  dot  ting  needle  el. 
pen.  Suntte'ring  c  pointing  etc.,  punctuation; 
stlppling;  ehir  puncture.  punction.  $uuttlfg  a 
pnnctnal;  adv  punctually;  $an  inbfanbt  flø  - 
(efter  aftale)  he  was  punctual  to  his  appoint- 
xnent;  be  bat  -e  til  at  møbe  they  were  punctual 
in  their  attendance.  $nnttligt)eb  c  punctual'ity. 
$ttwttnel'  a  detailed.  Vunttnm  »  et  full-stop, 
period;  og  berateb  ~  and  there  is  an  end  (of  it). 
fennttur  c  ekir puucture;  typ points,  $uttttnt' 
b-KØer  typ  points*  holes.  tyanttPt*  adv  point 
after  point. 
Sun*  je  fjunfel. 

$nnfel  c  -fler  puncheon,  punch. 
Vuntlacber  fe  $unb«. 
Éapit'  c  -let  pu'pil. 

ftappe   c  -c  nymph,    chrysalis   (pi  -lides  & 
-lises),  pupa.    -bannelfe  pupa-change.    -bPlfler 
cocoon.    -raner  calosoma.    -fnegl  pupa.   -fpinb 
fe  bfilfler.    -tilftanb  chrysalis  state. 
•ttr'  e  ^  call;  flaa  -  call  the  watch. 
ynt'  n  shock  (of  hair). 
in?  a  (ten,  ftær,  ublanbet)  pure;  (lutter)  mere, 
nothing  but;   bet  er  bet  -e  Støbt  this  is  sheer 
nonøense;  ben  -e  Ubiben^eb  sheer  ignorance;  af  -e 
SRilunbelfe  from  mere   envy;   men  bet  er  bet  -e 
$anb  but  this  is  nothing  but  water. 
Svré  [fr.]  c  soup. 

$vrgér|brif  purgatlve  potion.  -mlbbel  pur- 
gative.  -nøb  purgatlve  nut.  -pille  purgatlve 
pill.  -pulper  purglng-powder.  $nrge'r|e  vt  &  i 
purge.    -ing  c  purging. 

$nr|baar  a  crisp,  curly  hair.  -baaret  o  having 
crtep,  curly  hair.  -bapre  sand-oata,  Avtra  »tri- 
gota.  -bøøebet  a  shock-headed.  -|a*e  c  ruffled 

$ar|tf 'me  c  pu'rism.  -ift'  c  -er  pu'rist.  -ita'- 
lier  c  -c  Pu'ritan.    -ita'nfr  a  puritan'ic(al). 

Slat!  c  -e  urchin. 
f  nrfe  c  -z,  fe  €0. 

larlei  a  fe  futtet. 

InrUg  o  &  n  chives,  Allium  thoenoprxuum. 

Inrpnr  n  (ogfaa  fio)  purpie.  ^urPnra  c  med 
purpies,  purpura,  purpie  fever.  |9urPar|b(ob 
pott  purpie  blood.  +-branb  poet  purpie  glow. 
-br*vt  purpie  edge.  -braaber  purpie  drops, 
-bragt  purpie.  -fsrae  purpie  colour.  •fttPe  or 
purpie.  -far Pet  a  purpie.  -feber  fe  tpurpura. 
-finte  purpie  flnch,  Varpodacu*  purpur e%a.  +-flag 
purpie  flag.    -gtani  splendour  of  the  purpie. 

•gUb  pott  purpie  glow.  -lejre  purpie  heron, 
Ardea  purpur ea.  -laabc  p.  robe.  -Ilttber  piy 
bibl  p.  raiment.  -tlffbning  fe  -bragt,  -tlabt  a 
clothed  in  p.  -fttentmerfte  bibl  seller  of  p. 
•lal  columbine  lac.  -leje  bed  of  purpie.  -Ipd 
pott  purpie  light,  -læber,  -atnnb  coral  llps. 
>9«rpum  Tt.]  a  purpie.  ^urpnrlpil  purpie 
willow,  Salix  purpur ta.  -røb  «  purpie  (om 
VnflgtSf.)  scarlet,  crimson.  -rtbme  p.  colour. 
•taft  purpie  of  mollusca.  -fip  purpie  clond. 
•flot!  fe  -jnæfle.  -flat  purpie  hue.  -fmpftet  a 
purple-robed.  -fncette  p.-flgh,  Purpura.  -frram 
purpie  stream.  -ftsr  purpie  grackle,  Qui*calu§ 
veriicolor.  -fnr  a:  -t  €alt  purpurate.  -fpale 
purpie  martin,  Proøne  purpurea.  -fpre  purpuric 
acid-.  -tap  purpie  top.  -tr«  violet- wood.  -tappe 
p.  carpet.    -Pam  a  pott  warm  and  crimson. 

$urre  o  leek,  Allium  porrum. 

fcnrre  vt  &  •  (op  i  dlben)  poke,  stir  (the  fire); 
ban  -be  op  i  $aaret,  -be  fig  i  $.  he  ran  his  fingers 
through  his  hair;  fig  _  en,  -  beb  en  remlnd, 
warn  (one);  -  ub,  op  (batte)  rouse,  4,  turn  out. 
purret  a  bushy,  tufted.  ^nrrct op  ebushy  hair; 
fig  quick-tempered  fellow. 

nrf4|gattg,  -jagt  [t.]  stalking. 
nd  c  (ftat,  ogf.  om  ^aten)  puas,  pusBy. 
u#'  a  (Viatetie)  pus. 

h*'  n  (©am)  chit,  ducky,  darling;  eont  fe 

Vn#le  vi  (om  £t)b)  rustle;  jeg  tøtte  bet  .  I 
heard  a  rustle,  a  faint  sound;  t)an  gaat  altib  og 
-t  meb  noget  he  always  busles  himself  with 
something;  |un  -be  libt  omtting  i  ^ptten  she 
busied  herself  about  the  cottage,  ban  gaat  og  -r 
i  $aben  he  Is  buBy  in  the  garden;  -  om  en 
nurse,  coddle  one;  —  vt  tend,  take  care  of  (a 
child);  make,  shake  up  (a  bed)  Vudlert'  n 
•et  (émaaftjeler)  trifling  employments;  (@pogeti) 
ghosts  pi;  t(9*agert)  trumpery;  bet  er  -  i  Stuen 
the  room  is  haunted. 

^nølefpil  n  puzzle. 

*^nølet  a  seedy,  sickly. 

^uiliug  e  -et  (nnbetjotbift)  imp,  sprite;  (lille 
9RennefIe)  manikin,  dapperllng,  puny  person. 

Vudfelan'ter  pi  30c  uotters,  stumps. 

9ndfere  vt  fe  $ouøfete. 

Suft  n  (Dpft)  shock,  brush,  t(€Iag)  blow. 
nft  n,  pi  «,  (Binbpuff)  puff,  blast,  *c  (*anbe.) 
breath;  *  ftobe  -en  fetch  breath;  labe  ^eftene  ftpbe 
•en  give  the  horses  breath.  ^nftt  vt  k  i  (bort) 
blow,  puff  (away);  (aanbe  ftarlt)  pant;  (bbile  fot 
at  ttatte  fiSejret)  breathe;  _  paa  noget  blow  upon 
a  thing;  >  paa  (f.  (HØ.  €uppen,  fot  at  tale  ben) 
blow  (the  soup);  -  @tooet  bort  blow  away  the 
diiflt;  -  et  £9«  ub  blow  out  a  candle;  .  Glat 
blow,  make  glass;  -  til  3!ben  hlow  the  fire,  fig 
add  fuel  to  the  fire,  fan  the  fire;  .  op  puff  (up), 
inflate;  ~  ftinbeme  op  puff;  .  fig  op  fig  look  big. 

$nftel  c  -tiet  pustule;  bebattet  meb  -tiet  pus- 

Snften  c  biowing  etc.  Vufter  c  -e  pair  of 
bellows.  Vufternm  breathing  time,  respite. 
^ufterar  trunk,  shooting  trunk,  pea-shooter. 
^nftning  c  biowing  etc. 

*$utre  vi  bubble;  mutter. 

Vnite  c  -t  (§BX\t)  hen;  (Italenaon)  fe  ^u*  3;  .! 
pull,  pull!  biddy! 

Sutte  vt  put,  stick;  .  i  Sommen  (ogf.  fio)  pocket. 

^K^ola  njorb  puz'zolan,  pozzola'na. 

Étogmot'  c  -er  pig'my,  pyg'my. 

Tpplre  c*  -  om,  ooet  coddle,  nurse;  —  vt  -t 
fine  ^iebre,  -c  fig  plumes  herself,  her  feathers. 

Spitt  c  -et  (Sanbp.)  point. 

$pnt  c  ub.  pi  (Stabe)  finery,  dress.  $pnte  vt 
dress,  deck,  decorate;  .  ©agge  p  be  wallflowers; 
—  vi  -  paa  fig  embellish;  —  vr  ~  f  t  g  dress,  make 




one's  øelf  smart.  —  $bate|borb  toilet  -table. 
-tutte  dress-doll.  -terre  dandy,  man-milliner. 
-fømfra  chambermald;  ikmt  tlrewoman.  •!««! 
ornamental  cabbage.  -favtmer  dressing -room. 
-!øae  tlrewoman.    -tant  art  of  dressing. 

•bnrelljage  c  -x  &  flsh(-hook). 

$batelig  a  fine,  smart;  •honourable,  gentle- 
manly. -|eb  c  smartness.  9bnte|lbfl  fe  -lage. 
ffaatea  e  dressing  etc. 

Jtonteaet  n  -ter  &  martingale,  dolphin-striker. 
—  Baateaetf  Igafrr  m.  backrope.    -flag  m.  stay 

(o-  n ) 

Jtøttteiftger  artlcles  of  finery.  -fM  o  fond  of 
finery.  -fuge  passion  for  finery.  fjbntaing  c 
dressing  etc. 

9brattibo'tj(fl)  a  pyramidal,  -tal  pyramidal 
nnmbers.  Vbrawi  be  c  -r  pyr'amld;  bill  pyra- 
mlds;  mil  pile  (of  arms);  fKfle  Øeba»rrrne  i  -  pile 
arms.  —  Jtørøssibelbftaaet,  -fønaig  a  pyramidal, 
pyramid'ic(al).  -poppel  Italian  el.  Lombardy 
poplar,  pyramidical  poplar,  Populu*  pyramidalt* 
el.  faøtiøiata. 

9brea«'|erae  pA  be  -Ifte  Bjtrge  the  Pyr'enees, 
the  Pyrene'an  moontains;  ben  -iffe  $alo»  the 

$brft'  c  pyri'tes.    -lolbig  a  pviitiferous 

$brø|fo'r  c  pyrophorous.  -f øø'førfbre  hydric 
pyrophosphate.  •goSaffbre  pyrogallic  acid. 
•mani'  c  pyroma'nla.  -me  ter  n  pyrom'eter. 
-fto'tt  n  pyr'oscope.  -tetaif  c  pyrotech'nics. 
-tet'aiter  c  -e  pyrotechnist.  -tct'atff  a  pyrotech- 

Vbrrftaåfefr  e  pyrrhlc  victory. 

Vbrfapøgt  c  (deer-)etalking. 

?9l'  tnterj  pshaw!  tut!  poo! 
bf  c  -ter  pool,  puddle;  Sejen  bar  «  i  ~  the 
road  stood  In  puddles. 

9btbagorar|er  e  -e,  -ifl  a  Pythagorean;  ben 
-iffe  £a>refatning  theorem  of  Pythagoras. 

Vbtfttff  a  Pythian;  be  -e  £ege  the  P.  games. 

tørring  |  bolt  c  J,  futtock-staff.  -jøtra  pi  chain 
-piates.  -tranø  chain-necklace.  -Hag  futtock 
-hoop.  -fltaae  futtock-plate.  -frrob  necklace. 
-baat  futtock-sbroud. 

*brtb  c  pyx. 

fib«aii'  c  pyæ'mia. 

$a»bø|gø'g  e  -er  ped'agogue,  educatloniat, 
edncator.  -goglt'  c  pedagog'ic.  -go'glft  a  pe- 
dagog'ic(al),  educational. 

9«beraft'  c  -er  ped'erast.    -I'  c  ped'erasty. 

V«  g(e)i  c  -gie  balf  a  pint.  $*gel|,  $«gle|- 
ffefte  half-plnt  bottle.  -glo«  half-pint  glasa. 
-taabe  balf-pint  pot.  -maal  nalf-pint  measure. 
-btt  adv  by  the  half  pint. 

9«l  c  -e  ((obret  Stage,  Xrentme  i  Statit  el. 
<B«leg«tbe)  pale;  (Stage)  stake;  minbre,  til  telt 
o.  1.)  picket;  (»runbpaO  pile;  (Stolpe)  post; 
(Slanfepæl)  palisado;  Aer  pale;  ri  tjtøttfrud)  pin, 
peg;  fplbbe  pac  en  -  em  pale;  en  -  i  ftøbet  a 
thorn  in  the  flesh;  briRe  til  *  drink  at  pins. 
ftele  vt  stake,  drive  piles. 

9*te  vi  drink  hard. 

S*le|oag  pile-pier.  -befotftntag  stockade,  pali- 
e.  -bro  pile- bridge  -bat  rammer,  -bbgger 
arcket  lake-dweller.  -bbgning  fe  -ocerf;  arcAcc 
pile-building,  pile-dwelling,  lake  dwelling. 
-graab  pile-work.  -garbe,  -$ega  fence  of 
stakes.  -(jobeb  top  of  a  pile.  -fra*  peg-tankard. 
-maft  pole-mast.  -mailtag,  -orm  pile-worm, 
teredo.  -penge  j,  stake-money.  •rontning  driv- 
ing  of  piles,  paliflcation.  -rift  pile-grating.  -røb 
tap-root.  -ratte  row  of  piles,  -ftaafc  fe  -brfocft. 
ning.  -fto  pile-shoe.  -Rit  bowline<knot).  -f*t- 
atag  drivlng  el.  ramming  of  piles,    -bart  pile- 

work,  palisade,  stockade.    $<rlai*g  c  -ex  stak 
ing  etc. 

9ora  a  (Ubfeenbe)  nice,  smart,  dainty,  M 
tåanMeuaabe  o.  I.)  handsome;  *  ^  faibf;  et  -: 
wenneffe  a  well-mannered,  mannerlj  fellow;  ø 
.  fftr  iro*  a  nice  fellow;  *  et  .  a^tomoie  deceu: 
means;  pant  adv  nicely  etc.,  *carefally:  fan-.* 
meb  take  good  care  of,  economise;  sm  fnl  m  -' 
.  .  .  now  be  a  good  child  and .  .  . 

$øro'n  ø  -ex  peony,  Pwonia. 

93cre  c  -r  pear,  bi  -i,  bi  fbønuae  how  we  apple* 
swlm;  ftffl  bn  -n  I  wlah  yon  may  get  IL  vmn 
a  F  arrant,  rile;  bet  -Ile  $*jt  the  veriest  thrast 
florelbanaet  a  pear-shaped,  pyriform.  -baafl 
a  ultra-  Danish,  -baafflcb  nitrat  -  Daotshn*« 
ultra-Danism.  -barn  a  extremelj,  ezcessireb; 
stupid,  -fonaet  a  fe  -honnet.  -fKlfc  a  desd 
drunk.  -grab  stewed  pears.  •%«•  e  swellin* 
on  the  hock.  -Jscra  tool  for  making  spanete 
in  the  shape  of  pears.  -tbsbe  pesor-quJnce. 
Pyrut  cydonia  obtonga.  -møg  fe  -Mefltng.  -sul 
perry.  -betle  pear-shaped  pearl.  -|Hbt  fe  fnosi 
-ftibbet  coaster.  -fYeamtager  pear-paxioga.  -ffasc 
smack.  -fnabf  F  mere  thrash.  -trar  pear-tree 
Pynu  eommumit.  -brøbf  nonsens©,  balderdash. 
-botliag  pears  and  grits  boiled  in  milk;  Af  f 
fe  brs»T. 

*^<rfe  oi  pant. 

Isabel  c  popnlace,  mob,  rabble;  -en  the  grest 
Cnwashed,  King  Clog.    -agttg  a  valgår,   mob- 
bish.    -agrlgbeb   c  vulgarity.    -btab   low  ner?- 
paper.   -fsrboat  vulgar  prejadlce    -f««fl  Csvoar 
of  the  mob.    -fterrebawme  moboermey,   ochlo- 
cracy.    -bob  mob.   -bbbbing  demagogue,  leader 
of  the  mob.     9abe(lft'  c    er  cad,    Tulgartan 
9#bel|abUb,  -øbrbr  rising  of  the  mob,   rabble 
-riot.    -bat  rabble.    -rrgtaieatc  fe  ^eTrebømatf 
-flare  fe  -fpb.    -fnat  vulgar  talk.    -fbrøf  vulgar 
language  el.  slang,    -fbotrm  rabble-crovrd     -as 
trbt  vulgar  expression.    -øti :  paa  .  la  the  vaj 
of  the  vulgar.  -bife  low  ditty.    -bttrifleb  vulgsx 
wit;  vulgar  joke  el.  wltticism. 

9*Jt  n  (boorligt  %»\,  Xøieri)  trash;  Cboorligt 
^ritfebareT)  weak  drink,  cat-lap;  (8oal)  nonsens«, 

VI  e  -e  pool,  puddie. 

t9«(,  9*&e  c  roll,  pad. 

9blft  e  -r  sausage;  4,  puddenlng;   igoftutf 
fascine;  ©lob-,  forte  -r  black  puddiugs.  fom  *^' 
ftnen  i  (Enben  of  -n  last  but  not  least,  the  plck 
of  the  basket;  en  .  i  Slagtetiben  a  drop  in  the 
ocean;  bet  tommer  itte  an  paa  en  -  i  S.  there  * 
enough  and  to  spare.     9bffe|btaaet  a  saussge 
-shaped.    -tabe  end  of  the  sausage;  fe  $*tø 
-gift  allantotozlcon.   -glibe  sausage-feast.  -M*b> 
ler  fe  •trammer.   -børn  Aller,  -jørra  ^  bulb-iron 
•foae,  -fffOf ag  sausage- woman.  -Irøtaiater  dealer 
in  sausages.   -mab  stufflng  for  sausages,  pigmeat. 
-mager  sausage- maker.  -øna  sipunculus.   -pi** 
sausagepeg;   toge   Suppe  poo  en  .  spin  a  Ion; 
yarn  about  notbing.     -breåfc  sausage- machine 
-fliab  skin  of  a  sausage.    -fnat  nonsenøe,  bosb, 
balderdash.     -ftobper   fe  -presfe.     -rib  sausage 
seasoo.    -arter  herbs  for  sausages. 

9*'l|baab  o  fe  Dbngboob.    -boab  ditch  water 

^øn i  |  ten  fe  c  penltence.  •testia'rtaé  e  peni 

9bafer  eont  ^øafTe  vi  ponder,  muse,  mediiate, 
ruminate;  .  paa  (noget)  meditate,  think  on  >* 
thing;  bon  -be  beflanbig  paa,  booclfbe*  bon  ftulrx 
o(d.  he  was  constantly  revolving  in  bis  mln^ 
hpw  to  etc.;  .  (noget)  ub,  fe  tlbpønfe.  -a,  f#«^ 
aiag  c  pondering  etc.,  meditation. 

$0*  e  -e  bucket.  $øfe  et  ponr  (with  a  bucket); 
—  vi  bet  -r  neb  it  pours. 





«.  r  f(kV]  *  -rer  R,  r  [ar];  a66r:  R.  —  Ribber 
Knlght;  Reb.  —  Rebottør  Editor. 
9iaa  e  -er,  fe  Raabpt. 

ftsui  c,  pi  Råer  ^  yard,  fe  @torraa,  ftotteraa 

tRaa  a  (ufogt,  nitlberebt)  raw,  (meft  .fø  uforbøjet) 
c  rude;  (iffc  bearbejbet,  uopbragen)  rade;  (£uft) 
damp,  raw;  *(«eb)  green;  Ofeetøbet  er  polo  -t  the 
beef  is  very  much  underdone,  -  ©ilte  raw  slik; 
_  ©omalb  cottoD  wool;  .  Starmor,  Siamant  rough 
marble,  diamond;  -t  .Beir  raw  weather;  .  $ro* 
bulter,  6ut!er  raw  prodace,  sugar;  en  $og  i  - 
SWotetie  a  book  In  sheets;  et  t  Ubtrpf  a  coarse 
expression;  .  SRagt  brute  force.  *R*s*å  c  F 
vulgar  fellow. 

Maas  ii,  pi  =,  cry,  call,  shout;  i  -et  for  at 
ecrte  reputed  to  be. 

Rssbaanb  n  roband,  robln.  —  RaabaanbøJ< 
sjttller  eyelet  boles  for  the  robands.  -fnøs, 
-ffttttbe  reef-knot,  square  knot. 

9taa|bagt  a  doughbaked,  slack-baked,  water 
-streaked.  -barfet  a  imperfectly  tanued;  jig  raw; 
r<  logh-and-ready . 

ttsabe,  -te,  -i  vi  k  t  call  (out),  about,  sing 
out;  -  om  £jalp  call  for  belp;  -r  om  $aeon  o&er 
ealls  down  vengeance  on;  .  paa  en,  tt(  en,  efter 
en  call  el.  cry  out  to  one;  ~  til  et  Stift  bail  a 
snip;  .  Ravnene  op  call  over  the  names;  -  Sagt 
i  wevar  call  out  the  guard;  -  meb  noget  paa 
(Råben  cry  something  about  the  Btreets;  .  paa 
(forbre)  clamour  for;  pan  -r  altib  paa  bet  Xab  pan 
irb  be  slways  speaks  about  the  loss  he  suffered; 
.  op,  -  an,  fe  Opraabe,  Bnraabe.  Kassen  c  crylng 
etc.  Rssber  e  -e  (ben  fom  -r)  crier,  caller;  j, 

+R*sbjerget  u  housed  before  quite  dry. 
ftsssolt  c  ^  tabllng. 
Røsbsf  c  roebuck. 

Raab  «  (*ogfaa  c),  pi  «,  iSRibbel  til  at  opnaa 

noget)  means,  expedient;  (3Ribbel  til  at  afbialpe 

fl.  bfbc  paa  noget;  remedy;  (ttnflag,  $lan)  device. 

plan,  design;  (Wening,  fom  gioe*  meb  Aenfpn  til 

Ubførelfen  af  noget)  advice,  counsel;  'Roaoeforfam* 

ling)  oouncil;  fe  (øoberaab;  lommer  Zib,  tommer  - 

with  time  comes  the    remedy,   with  the  day 

comes  opportun!  ty;  jeg  par  ilte  _  til  bet  I  cannot 

affbrd  lt;  pan  par  gobe  (*gob)  .  berttl  he  can  well 

afTord  lt;  bet  er  ber  gobe  (*gob)  -  for  there  is  no 

difflculty  in  that;  ber  er  tntet  anbet  (»ingen  anben) 

_  there  is  nothing  else  for  lt;  ber  er  ingen  _  for 

bet  lt  needs  must  be,  it  can't  be  helped;  flnbe  paa 

anbet  ( 'anben )  .  devise  new  ways  and  means;  pan 

oeb  ifte  fine  (*fln)  arme  -  he  Is  at  his  wit's  end, 

ber  er  gobe  -  bQre  this  is  a  very  difiicult  case; 

polbe  til  -e  meb  be  chary  of,  husband;  $errene  . 

the  counsel  of  the  Lord;  ttørgmefter  og  .  mayor 

and  aldermen;   mange  gobe  -  a  great  deal  of 

good  advice;  et  -  a  piece  of  advice;  polbe  -  om 

dellberate  upon;  seere  en  bepjalpelig  meb  -  og 

$oob  assist  one  by  word  and  deed;  føge  -  bo* 

en  apply  to  one  for  advice;   fpørge   en   om  - 

coosult  one,  ask  advice  of  one;  tage  en  paa  ., 

gaa  paa  -  meb  consult  cl.  ad  vise  with;  falge  ene 

.  take,  adopt,  aet  on,  one's  advice;  følg  mit  - 

be  advlsed  el.  ruled  by  me;  ban  gjorbe  bet  efter 

mit  -  he  did  it  by  my  advice. 

Rssb'  n  pUB. 

*Raabamp  c  dampness  of  the  air. 

Rssbben  a  rotten,  putrid,  pntrefled,  decayed, 
foul;  -t  fBanb  foul  water;  ingen  ~  ©nat  6ibl  no 
corrupt  communicatlon.  -beb  c  rottenness, 

Rssbe  vt  (gioe  Raab)  advise,  counsel;  (perfie 
[ooer])  rule  (over);  (formaa,  osre  polten)  be  eqnsi 
el.  competent  to;  (ubtbbe,  fortolfe)  divine,  un* 
rlddle,  interpret  (frede);  .  en  fra  el.  til  noget 
advise  el.  recommend  one  to  do  a  thing,  dis- 
suade  el.  persuade  one  from  doing  a  thing;  lab 
big  -  take  my  advice;  lab  mig  tun  ~,  faa  .  .  .  lesve 
it  to  me,  and  .  .  .;  om  ieg  mastte  -  if  the  matter 
were  left  to  me;  nn  maa  ban  -  fig  frie  he  must 
aet  for  himself,  he  must  aet  on  his  own  acconnt 
now;  -  meb  manage,  be  a  match  for;  ban  Dit  - 
meb  he  wants  to  have  a  finger  in  tbe  pie;  ~  oser 
commaud,  dispose  of;  pun  par  tun  libt  at  .  oser 
she  does  not  possess  much;  pan  P«  mange  $enge 
at  .  ooer  he  possesses  a  great  deal  of  money,  he 
is  master  of  a  great  for  tune;  bet  -t  tø  ifte  for 
it  does  not  depend  on  me;  -  for  (i  fHlm.)  be 
master  of;  .  for  Riget  govern,  rule  the  realm; 
ber  -r  tfaa  ifte  he  has  no  command  el.  authoiity 
here;  .  ©ob  paa  remedy;  —  raabenbe  a  pre- 
dominant.  Rssbelig  a  advisable.  Rtobersm  n 
free  scope,  liberty  of  action. 

Raa  b|f«rbig  a  resolnte.  -føre  fig  vr  (meb)  con- 
sult, ask  advice  (of)-  -fsrelfe  consulting  etc., 
consultation.  -fører  adviser,  oounsellor.  -fsrfel 
fe  førelfe.  -gisevbe  a  advising,  counselling;  - 
6tcenber  consultattve  estates.  -giser  adviser, 
counsellor.  -giserinbe,  -siserfle  (female)  adviser, 
•bnft  town-hail,  council-nouse.  -bnftfal  council 
•hall.  Rssbig  a  oser  master  of;  er  fig  felo  -  is 
his  own  master.  Rssblgbeb  c  command,  author- 
ity,  baoe  -  ooer  have  at  one's  disposal  el.  com- 
mand; ooerlabe  en  noget  tit  fri  -  leave  a  thing 
entlrely  at  one's  disposal;  I)e  pat  fri  -  til  at  il 
is  competent  to  you  to;  par  $enge  til  fin  .  has 
the  command  of  money.  Resb|U*  a  fe  -Pilb. 
•løibeb  ff  .oilbbeb.  -mssb  alderman;  (gift)  dab, 
PlateiM  /letus.    -msnbftsb  n  alderman's  offlce. 

Rssb|se  01  rot,  putrefy,  decay.  -nelfe,  -aes 
c  pntrefaction.    -fast  n  uleer. 

Rsa  bfsl  o  councilrhsll. 

Raabd |  befaling  order  of  a  town-council.  -be« 
flntning  decree  of  a  council.  *-breng  foreman 
on  a  farm.  •førfamling  meeting  of  a  council. 
•forftanber  presldent  of  a  council.  -frue  fe 
-perreinbe.  -perre  benator,  couucillor.  -berre- 
inbe  c  -r  senaior's  lady.    *-!sr!  fe  -breng. 

Rasbflimmel  c  mucor. 

Ras  blflaa  vi  dellberate  el.  consult  together. 
•flag,  -flagning  consulting  etc.,  consultation, 
deliberatlon.  -flntning  resolution,  decision, 

RaabØjmanb  adviser,  counsellor.  •meblem 
councillor.    -msbe  fe  -forfamling. 

Rss'blfssr  a  ready  el.  quick  at  expedients. 
•fnarbrb  c  readiness  (of  resource).  -fslib  a 
shrewd,  ioventlve.  -fnilbbeb  shrewdness,  fer- 
tility  of  resource. 

Rssbdpenfløtt«r  c  pensionary. 

Raab | fpørge  vi  consult.    -fpsrgfel  fe  -førfd. 




- 1 

ftaabftue  fe  fflaabfcu*,  ffiaabfal.  -erflti  archives 
of  tbe  town- hall.  -bnb  beadle  of  a  town  councll. 
•toger  pi  book«  of  the  town  council.  -bog 
meeting-day  of  the  town  councll.  f-bom  deci- 
sion of  a  town  council.  -totlber  town -hall 
cellar.  -ret  court  of  the  town  council.  -fatter 
%>t  affairs  of  the  townball.  -fttf  fe  ftaab&utfal- 
•femling  meeting  of  the  town  council.  -ffrioer 
town  clerk.    -tjener  fe  -bub. 

ttaa'ftlfjgenbe  c  applicant  for  advice.  -bilb  a 
irresolute,  at  one's  wit's  end,  perplexed,  puzzled 
(how  to  aet);  albrig  -  qulck  at  expedients. 
•Pilb!)eb  irresolution,  perplexity.  -»W  a  wise 
in  counsel. 

Stacbttr  n  roe,  roedeer,  Cenm*  caprcoluå. 

9caa[emne  fe  -ftof.  -gong  (3æmft.)  irrcgular 

Range  c  -r  ($ugl)  rook,  Corvut  frugiltg**. 

Stange,  *Waag  c  -r  (liae  dunfe)  small  heap; 
cheaped  measure.    *-et  a  heaped. 

ttaafcaager  c  sling  of  a  yard. 

ftaaljeb  c  (Vejret*;  rawness;  fiv  rudeness,  rough 

ttaaQølt  c  -er  .1.  walst-rail. 

ftaaljugger  c  rough-hewer. 

Waafjnuer  pi  head-holes. 

diaajotrn  fe  SHujærn. 

*9laat  c  n  X  n,  pi  =,  låne  of  water  (in  the 
ice),  lead,  (bæltet)  cut  in  the  ice. 

*W«flt   n  spoondrift. 

HUafalb  c  roe-calf,  fawn. 

•«o«fe  vt,   i  rd  F   fe  Xræffe,  -s. 

•Wottfe  c  -r  (ftugl)  roller,  Coraciaa. 

WaajNb  fe  -Iqid. 

ttaa'ltlam  a  rlammy.  -folb  a.  -t  Sejr  cold 
raw  weather.    -fribt  grey  eb  alk. 

9taa|!ig  n  .£.  head;  ii!igtro»ffn  paa  ftaatig)  head 
-ropc.  -længe  yard-sling,  -manbing  cmanning 
of  yards,    -ma  at  te,  -matte  paunch(-mat). 

ffiaa|medjing  impure  yellow  brass.  -mælt 
biestlngM  pi.  -tncelfAfage  panrake  stir  red  aboul 
in  bicsiings 

Stnamocrfe  n  landmark. 

*9iaane  c  -r  »«oar. 

Waanof  c  4,  yard-arm. 

Bcaa'prøbutter  raw  products. 

91  aa  rafte  c  J,  yard-parrel 

'Waarnnb  c  watery  streak;  »røbet  bar  -  the 
bread  is  water-streaktd,  dough-baked. 

9tan,fejl  suuare-sail.  -fejler  c  square- rigged 
VfHscl.    -ffaltnger  lettens  for  u  yard. 

*9(aa .ffjoer  v  «plit  stockfish.    -frjarre  vt  split. 

Siaa'lff  rallet  a  -bt  ftaitoflrr  potatoes  peeled 
raw.  *-f  lag  raw  llesh  and  entrails.  -fmeltuing 
roasting  mf  metals;,  -final  raw  steel.  -ften 
coarse  metal,    -ftof  raw  mater  lal. 

fflna'iftørfrjl  square  mainj.aH.    -toftfejl  square 
p  lopsail. 

tKan.fnHcr  muscovado  Martet  a  imperfectly 
drled.  '-oaab  u  iom  Ira?.-  green,  -tattt  c 
trachitic  luf,  ranch  wucke. 

Staaoilbt  n  iSRaabbn  ruus;  (Døb  af  SRaa)  venison. 

Wabalber  »  f  nolsc,  bubbub,  sussurara.  +-f  jog 
h  husiling  fool. 

Wnbar'ber  c  rbubarb,  Jihtum.  -braaber  rhu- 
bnrb  tiuoturv.  -grab  rhubarb  fool.  -rsb  rhubarb. 
-ftilt  rbubarb  Malk. 

9iabar  <•  uD  pi  <'}Wla#)  abatemem,  deduction. 
diMount,  tradejallowaiice;  ipaa  Uniform )  facing 
u>f  a  uidfomi),  i.i  4paoe>  border;  .J.  ipaa  9iabat. 
jam  crease;  øioe  ."►  $rocmti  -  allow  a  discount 
of  .'1  percem.  -jdtnt  ^.  making  iron.  Mabatte 
vt  .1.  finish  otT  (the  seam>.  tRabattere  vt  abate, 
deduel,  allow  for  discount. 

•Stobb,  Wabbe  v  -er,  -r  barren  rldge. 

ØUMi,  -'»er  o  -e  rabbi,  rmb'bin.    -ni^'me  c 

rab'bini&m.    -nifl'  e  -er  rab'blniat.    -'nft  «  ab- 
bin'ic,  rabbin'ical. 

•Kabl  *  scribble,  pot-hooks.  HMt  *i  acribble. 

IKable  vi:  bet  -r  for  tøm  he  is  cxack-brainad, 
not  quite  right  in  the  opper  story,  has  a  bet 
in  his  head,  is  incoherent. 

Waonlifk  c  -er  pettifogger.  -eri'  n  pettirbg- 
ging.    -'tft  a  pettifogging. 

ØtabnnbttA  p :  gaa  «  go  to  rack  (and  ruml 

INace  c  -r  race.  breed.  -blonbimg  cromtng. 
interbreedlng.  -ejeubømmetifleb  peailiaiity  of 
race,  racial  characteristic.  -forbon  race-prVjn- 
dice.  -^efl  blood-borse.  •fcjøai  race-pooltry. 
-!amb  racial  Rtruggle.  -frig  war  between  meei. 
-mærle,  -brflrg  race-character. 

«ab'  c  F  (f.  tt».  wforttammet)  dnaolent)  Wknr 
el.  dog;  en  lana  .  a  tall  fellow,  skyacraper;  ei 
(fnu)  .  a  sly  fellow  el.  dog. 

9tab  c  -er  rank,  row;  (fioger  o.  X.)  tier;  fe  Bm» 
rab;  .  ftanoner  tier  of  guns;  en  -  Serier  a  string 
of  beads  or  pearls;  -en  lommer  faort  ril  Mg  lt 
will  soon  be  your  turn,  your  torn  will  soon 
comc;  i  el.  poa  -In  a  row;  tre  Stage  i  -  thite 
davs  running. 

Vta'bbrøiflle  vt  break  on  the  wheel;  hai-rbrt 
engelfle  Sprog  he  murders  the  Qoeen's  EngUsh. 
-ning  c  breaking  on  the  wheel. 

9la  bbttg  n  two-rowed  barley. 

Kåbe  vt  prov  place  in  a  row,  file,  range. 

9labe!o»  c  (?igar)  penny  Pickwick. 

Øtabetob  n  spleenwort,  Atpicnium. 

9iabe  re  vt  (en  Zegning)  etch;  (ubfrrabe)  tn*. 
-fernid,  -grnnb  etching-varnish.  -f«l»  scraptnf 
•knife,  eraser,  desk-knife.  -tanfl  art  of  etehing. 
-naal  etching-point  el.  needle,  drawlng-poinL 
•pnloer  pouncc.  -oanb  aqua  fortis.  -»tfleUeber 
ink  rubber.  Kaberinø  e  (af  en  Xegning)  etchinp, 
vUbffrabning)  erasing,  crasure. 

Wabefbge  c  cutaneous  disease  resembling  lep- 
rosy,  a  kind  of  constitutional  syphilis. 

9ia  bgaa^  c  liarnacle-goose,  Amter  bemida 

9iabifai  a  radical;  be  e  tlie  radicals;  -e  øer 
bolbdregler  sweeping  meanures;  -  n  -n  du* 
radical;  -t  udv  radically:  gaa  -t  til  Sart«  msk« 
root-aud-branch  work.  jRabiftl«  radical.  SU*«' 
faliø'me  c  rnd'icalism. 

Wabi'é,  Wabi  fe  c  -v,  fe  Stabbife. 

Wabind  c  -ier  radius,  semidiaineter;  .  Mttii 
c  u«t  radius- vector.  -aWel  (Smp.)  radlus-shafl. 
-flang  radius-tmr  el.  -rod. 

Wab, lægning  c  laying  in  a  row. 

Øtabmager  a  lean  as  a  rake. 

Wa'brrenfer  horsehoe.  -faa  vt  sow  In  raw». 
-faant afline  drilliug-machine.  -faaning  *owing 
in  rows.  row  culture,  drill-husbandry.  -bil  atfr 
in  a  row,  in  rows,  row  after  row. 

9iaffiu|a'be  c  refined  sugar.    -aberi'  n  refl'nery 

-abo  r  c    rr  (sugar)  refiner.    -emtnr  n  refl'ne- 

iiient.    -e  re  vt  reflne.    -e  ret  n  (ogfoa  fo  forfiwi: 

,  relincd;  (i  onb  JWet.jdeep,  studied,  accomplishei 

(^rueiuimmer)  sbarp.   -e  ring  c  rerlning,  -e  rtbrt 

i  c  rerlnement;  hharpness. 

!     Wafle  vi  (om;  rarlle  (for);  fe  Stable  2. 

9tafraid)idf«'r  [fr.l  o   er  sccnt-fountaln 

•iHaffe  vt  p   snatch,  grab. 

9laft  c  -er  rafter;  *eaves  pi.    9lafte  vt  rafter. 

+9caø  c  sea  vapour,  spoondrift. 

9tag  n  straight. 

9<age  vt  Se  i  (bebtomme)  concern,  regani;  - l 

Rlammeri  meb  en  get  into  a  s<iuabble  witb  one; 

-  utlar  af  et  Slib  run  foulof  aship;  -  pos  fe*** 

run  aground;  .  i  Drift  go  adriA;  bbab  -rbetbil? 

1  what's  thai  to  you? 

1  »age  vi  _  frem  Jut  out,  protrude,  stojt^ 
( (ooerbcrngenbe)  beetle;  .  op  ober  oveiiescn,  n* 
i  above;  -  ub  ober  orerhans;,  beetle  orer. 




Mage  vt  k  r  (tin)  stir,  itir  op;  (barbere)  shave; 
_  fammen  nke  up,  rake  together;  .  i  3Iben  poke 
the  fire;  -  Siben  nb  rake  out  the  fires;  .  flø 
shave.  Rage  c  -r  Olbrage)  poker.  Raaelbng 
»having  cloth.  -tat*  razor.  +Rageffe  c  fe  Rogen. 
Maatu  c  etirrlng  etc.  Ragfri'  n  -er  trumpery, 
trash.     Raget*|  shavlng  apparatus. 

*9tagg  *  nb.  p/  coarae  bair,  goat's  hair. 

tfRagle  vi  reel. 

~Wag«e  »»  unwind  itself,  get  loose,  give  way. 

fta'gving  c  stirring  etc. 

JRaaoa't  c  -er  ragout. 

ftafgaat  o  brent  goose.  Anas  torquatut. 


9tajgra#  n  rye-grass,  Z,o/»*in  perejine;  franH  - 
oat-grass,  Avena  elatior. 
WatØe're  vi  fe  Spotte. 

fltaifø«'  [ft.]  e  reason;  bringe  til  -  bring  (one) 
to  reason,  bring  (one)  to;  tage  mob  -  listen  to 
reason.    -na'bel  a  reasonable.    -aement'  n    er 
reason  ing,  line  of  argument,    -ne've  vi  reason, 
argue,   (owr)  crlticize,  find  fault  with;  jeg  -be 
faalebeft  this  was  my  argument;  jeg  -be  fom  faa, 
at  I  reasoned  that.    -aa'r  c  -er  fault-rlnder. 
Btojø'le  vt  fe  Reole. 
-HRaf  n  fe  RaRertøi. 
91  at«  bibl  raca. 

•»ateflfr  c  sUghtly  salted,  soft  and  half-fer- 
mented  fisb. 

Ralet'  c  -ter  (til  fcttrtwerterl)  rocket;  (i  fflerbolt« 

fpil)    battle-door.     -apparat  rocket -apparatus. 

-baab  r.-boat,   *bttlfttr  rocket-case,  rocket-paper. 

-farter    r. -cutter.     -Hat    rocket -line.     -mager 

rocket-maker.    -rar  r.-tube.     -fatå  rocket-com- 

position,    -flgaal  r.-signal.     -fr»b  discharge  of 

a   r.     -ffbbtttag  rocket- practioe.     -flot  rocket 

•stick  ti.  rod. 

Refli'lif  c  rachi'tis.    -ifl  a  rachl'tic. 

Kalle  ««  Hl  (mttymble)  111-treat;  (befuble)  foul, 

soli;  (fig  om  perfonlige  ttngreb)  out  up;  (i  ©frift) 

wiite  down;  -  neb  paa  »»get,  -  noget  ntb  de- 

preclate  a  thlng;  .  neb  paa  nogen,  -  nogen  neb 

run  (one)  down,  throw  dirt  on,  revlle,  abuse 

(one),  (i  ©rrift)  write  (one)  down. 

Rette  e  ^  parral,  parral-rope;  -  til  Unberrao 
truss-parral;  -  til  Gaffel  el.  Bom  Jaw-rope.  Rane 
vt  A,  rack  (a  tackle);  -  loft  untruss;  .  en  Roa 
til  ©tangen  parrel  a  yard.  Ratte|flaabe  parrel 
-truck.  -flampe  rolling  chock.  -fleoe  iron 
-parrel.    -lejoer  jack-stay. 

*Rattelf)ane  o  -r  bastard  between  a  black 
-cock  and  a  capercailzie  hen.  Tetrao  urogalloide*. 
Rattrline  o  <t  parrel-truas. 
»atter  c  -e  (fcnnbe«)  fiayer,  knaoker;  (»obbelen* 
J&iætøet)  hangman's  asaistant,  executloner's  man. 
ftaffaraaHg  a  lnnunous,  vlle.    Ratteri'  n  -er 
knackers  yard. 
Rettertag  o  ^  truss-boop. 
Ratter  |hurgt  flayer's  asslstant.   -ral«  p  place 
where  dead  carcaases  are  buried.    -matt  p  vlle 
jade.    -flnffe  hangman's  cart.    -pat,  -taj  robble, 
tag-rag  and  bob-tall. 

watfelfliatel  c  &  truas-boop.  -fpil  Spanish 
windlass.  -farriag  parrel  lasbing.  -talje  trust 
-tackle,  -tre#fe  parral-rope.  Raffiag  e  racklng, 

Kalle  o  -r  (paa  Xraer)  catkln,  Julus,  ament. 
R«fle|»*renbe   a    catkln  -bearing.     -formig   a 
amentaceous.    -flot!  bract.    -tr*  catkin-bearlng 
♦Rstoe  fe  Ragne.    Ra  lt  ado  dlrectly. 
Rale  vi  rattie  in  the  throat;  tym  -r  there  is 
a  rattling  in  his  throat.  tRatte  c  throat,  gullet. 
Rait(|b  rattling  sound.   Rallen  «  rattie  (in  the 
RaBtte  ø  -r  Jade,  nag. 
Ram'  a  (om  Smagen)  sharp,  aertd,  rank;  for 

-me  Wbor  In  good  el.  sober  eameet;  bet  er  mit 
-me  røbor  I  am  perfecUy  serious. 

Ram'  n  hit,  stroke;  bu  flal  ilte  gaa  .  forbi 
you  shall  not  escape  me;  faa  .  paa  en  get  one 
on  the  hip;  faa  et  .  be  hit;  faa  .  til  get  a 
chance  of;  fe  flt  .  til  at  see  one's  opportunlty  to. 

Ramtffrtg  »  outcry  (optofte  ralse). 

Ramaaf'e  e  weld-iron,  scrap-iron. 

Raatbnf  c  rammer,  plle-driver. 

Rambn'Ø  o  blind-hookey. 

Rambnø  fe  Raonbua. 

Rameqni««'  Ffr.]  (ftabi.)  ram'aklns. 

Ramlbeb  o  sharpness,  aoridness,  rankness. 
•Jnbfl  o.  \i.t  fe  Rao>. 

Ramié  e  china-grass. 

Ramtløb*  c  monkey. 

Ramle  vi  fe  Rumle;  tumble  down. 

Ramle  vi  (om  fytrtr)  buck.  -c  c  -e  buck  hare, 
male  hare,  Jack.    -tlb  bucklng-season. 

Ramling  c  tumbling  down,  crash. 

Ramme,  -te,  -t  vt  (traffe)  hit,  strike,  (run  fig)  beiall, 
overtake;  (-be,  meb  Rambul)  ram,  drive;  ilte  .  miss; 
SfQlben  -r  barn  the  blame  Iles  with  hlm;  .  af 
wedge  off;  -  en  $at  igennem  fig  demolish;  . 
neb  (oeb  ftiler)  wedge  down;  .  ep  wedge  up;  - 
ub  knock  out;  naar  man  flaar  imellem  en  %\ol 
^unbe,  faa  piber  ben,  man  -r  those  the  cap  fltB, 
let  them  wear  it. 

Ramme  c  -r  frame;  typ  chase;  fig  »etting;  i 
Glat  og  -  framed  and  glazed;  Soeile  i  fotgojbte 
-r  gilt-framed  mlrrore;  Ipaenbe  Stlctbe  paa  en  - 
tenter  cloth. 

Rammetile  c  set-wedge,  (wooden)  slioe. 

Rammetaie  e  cot. 

*Rantmel  o  rattling  el.  thundering  nolse. 

Rammcffnebler  frame -maker.  -flttfle  lintel« 
•iltning  frame-embroidexy. 

Rampe  c  -r  ramp,  ascent;  (Xeat.)  foot-lights. 

Rampone're  vt  spoil,  damage,  injure. 

Rams  e  nunson,  broad-leayed  garllc,  AUium 

*Ram<  n:  lære  paa  .  learn  by  rote. 

Ramfe  c  -r  rlgmarole,  rhapsody,  words  sald 
by  rote;  lære  paa  .  learn  el.  get  by  rote;  ol  (op, 
frem)  say  by  rote.  patter  out.  Ramfe«  c  (op) 
pattering  out.    +Ramfer  c  -e  patterer. 

Ramlfboiieb,  -fop  c,  -loppet  a  $eft  horse  with 
au  a robed  face,  roman-nosed  horse. 

Ramfag  *  fe  Ramflobi. 

RamiUg  e  fe  Rara*  c. 

Ramfttttfe  n  (lamt.)  breast-summer. 

Ran  n,  pi  -,  robbery,  depredation. 

Raab  c  -e  (*Ramber)  (Stribe)  strlpe,  streak; 
(paa  «lal)  brim,  rim;  (ttberfte  fimie  af  %b\.  $apir 
ofo.)  edge,  border,  margin;  (af  et  6aar)  Up;  ast 
llmb;  (paa  3Ront)  ring;  (paa  ©lo)  welt,  rand;  4> 
(paa  Ocarri)  rim;  oeb  Vfgntnben*  -  on  the  brink 
el.  verge  of  the  preclpice;  paa  Øraoenl  -  on  the 
brink  of  the  grave;  fom  flaar  i  -en  marginal, 
•bemgrlaing  marginal  note,  note  in  the  margin, 

Ronbe  vt  (fstte  Ranb  paa)  border,  edge;  (gore 
fhlbet)  streak,  strlpe;  (røont)  mill.  RavbeJJamt 
cheeks.  -maffiae  fe  -bart.  Ranbet  o  Craeb  Ranb) 
edged;  (fhibet)  striped  streaked.  Raabeoafrf 

Ranb  |  for  firing  arch  cartouch.  -fro  hedge 
-parsley,  Ghceropkyllum  tyl  f  tre.  •fnmmel(5tom.) 
polishlng-tool.  -fttlbt  o  brlmfhl.  -glofe  marginal 
gloss.  -baat  pi  $  cilla.  -baaret  a  >  cillated, 
ciliate.  Ranbing  c  (9Xønt.)  milling.  -trone 
marginal  flower.  -faol,  -faale  rand  sole,  welted 

Ranbfaie  fe  Ronfoge. 

Rtubfelfe  Ranfel. 

RanbftirringA|meifel   groove-  cuttlng    chisel. 




•ffø  øhoe  wlth  s  welted  Bole.  -ffrift  marginal 
wriling;  (p.  SRønt)  legend  on  the  border,  -fim 
curb-stone.  -frrintmet  list,  border,  edgfng. 
-Jtfpfe  boot  witb  a  welted  sole.  -fttuing  welt- 
ing.    -tegning  bord er-dra wing. 

tRane  c  -c  perch. 

Rane  ve  rob,  plunder.    Kaner  c  -e  robber. 

Rang  c  rank;  (forrang)  precedence;  af  førftr  - 
flrst  rate;  et  Crlogeffib  af  følfie,  anbeit  -  a  firet-, 
second  rate  man  of  war;  bade  •  meb,  bare  i  . 
meb  rank  with;  føive  -  nctft  efter  rank  next  below. 
-tren  patent  conferring  rank. 

Rang(e)  c  -r  J,  strake. 

"Range!  e  disorderly  habits,  revelry;  darepoa 

-  be  on  the  spree. 

Rangere  vt  rank;  —  vi  take  precedence  (foran 
of),  rank. 

Ranglførørbning  ordinance  respecting  rank 
and  precedence.  -følge  order  of  precedence. 
-fføgfe  rank. 

9) angle  vi  (twlle)  totter;  •rove,  ramble,  lead 
a  rambling,  disorderly  11  fe,  keep  late  hours  etc. 

Mangle  c  -r  rattle,  bells  pi    Rangle  vi  rattle; 

-  for  et  Com  meb  et  Snippe  Røgler  amnse  a  child 
by  rattling,  jingling  a  bunch  of  keys.  -bjttlbe 
béll  of  a  rattle. 

+Ranglefaut  c  one  who  leads  etc.  (fe  Rangle*), 
an  idler. 

Rangle|!laug,  -lbb  rattllng.  Kan  gled'  n 
bawble,  babery.  +R«agte|ffange  fe  »lopper.. 
-flen  eagle-stone.    -tøj  fe  {Rangle. 

Rangmarfe  symbol  of  rank.  RangftforfTel 
dfstinciion  of  rank.  Rang)  flat  taz  paid  by 
persons  endowed  with  title  el.  rank.  -f!ib  ship 
of  the  line.  Rangftprrfon  man  of  titular  rank. 
Ran  g )  flige  hierarchy.  -frrlb  dispnte  abont  rank. 
-flig  a  lDordlnately  fond  of  rank.  -ftjge  rage 
for  rank.    -titel  titular  rank. 

Ranf  o  Btraight,  erect;  &  crank,  cranky. 

Ran  fe :  ribe  -  ride  on  the  knee. 

Ranfe  c  -r  tendril;  vine.  Ranfe  vt  bind  el. 
tie  up;  —  vr  .  flg  op  ab  cling  to,  twlne  round. 
-føbbebe,  -føbber  pi  cirripeds.  -rniP  pruning 
knife.  -pal,  -flage  vine-prop.  -Pafft  climber, 

Rantyeb  c  straightness,  erectness;  <t.  crank- 

Ranfag |e  vt  search  thoroughly,  ransack,  over- 
baul;  jeg  er  ben,  fom  -er  Rbrer  oo  fjerter  I  am 
he  wbfch  search eth  the  reins  and  hearts;  -  flg 
felb  examlne  one's  own  heart.  -er  c  -e  searcher. 
•elfe,  -«fng  c  searching. 

Ra'ndbøber  pi  damages  for  robbery. 

Ranfri  c  -flet  knapsack. 

Rand | gerning  fe  Ran.  -nianb  robber,  de- 
predator.  s**^' 

Raufø'a  c  -er  (fiøfep.)  ransom;  fe  Ration;  4,  (p. 
6tib)  stem  frame.  Ranføne  re  vt  ransom.  Ran- 
fonfab  <t>  (t.  $robiant)  harnees  -cask;  (JBanb-) 

Ranfonl bolt  n  -er,  -tømmer  &  feshion-piece. 

Ra'nfag  action  for  robbery.  Ranføoren  a 
convicted  on  oath  of  rapine. 

Ranre  c  fe  ttramgaal. 

Ra'ntøg  n  predatory  expedition. 

Ranun'Iel  c  -Her  rauunculus,  erowfoot. 

Rak'  n,  pi  s,  rap,  smart  blow,  strip e. 

•Rap'  c  &  n:  paa,  i,  -pen  in  quick  succession, 
at  a  stroke,  in  a  trice. 

Rap'  a  quick,  swift,  briøk;  -  paa  fcøben  quick 
of  foot. 

Rap'  (tinbene  Støb)  quack! 

Rapé  c  rappee. 

Rapert'  c  -er  ^  gun-carriage,  carriage.  -nrøel 
carriage- axle.  -bjnl  carriage -truck,  -tange 
onrriage-cheek.    -»arg  bracket. 

Rapfobet  a  swift- footed.  -%tm  swiftne«  </ 

Rapgr**  n  meadow-grass,  Poa. 

Rapfbeb  c  qulckneøB,  swiftneøjs,  fleetaes 
•bombet  a  nlmble-handed,  qulckhanded 

*Rapbøne  c,  pi  -bøn«,  fe  ttgerftsme. 

Rapte'r  c  -er  ra'pier. 

Raple  vi  fe  Rable  2. 

Rappe  vt  rap,  slap. 

Rappe  vi  (om  Vnben)  quack. 
i     *  Rappe  vt  plaster,  render. 

Rappe  fig  vr  make  haste,  look  alive;  rap  fcg 
F  stir  your  stumps! 

Rappel'  c  rap'pel;  flaa  -  beat  the  rappel,  beat 
to  arms. 

Rappen  c  quncking. 

Rappenftralbe  c  -r  termagant,  catamnxan 
vixen.  scold. 

Rapport'  c  -er  report;  (gorbolb)  coonection. 
relation;  farte  i  ~  meb  put  in  communicatiot] 
wlth;  fig  oære  i  -  meb  be  in  touch  with;  Mb« 
flg  1  -  meb  keep  touch  of;  fomme  ub  af  -  «<* 
lose  touch  of.  Rapborte're  vt  report.  Rapport- 
ftift  guide-pin 

RappH'i  fe  Rambue. 

Rapg  c  rape,  Bra**ici\  Sommer'  summer  rape 
colza,  B.  ca»»jxwfn>:  Vinter«  wlnter  rape,  cole- 
seed:  B.  napua.  -aar.-  et  gobt  -  a  good  year 
for  the  rape. 

Rapfje  vt  pilfer,  fllch,  crib.  -e«  ef  -cri'  ■ 

Rapgfr*  n  rape-seed. 

Rapggøbg  n  pilfered  goodø. 

Rapøfjorb  rape -soli.  -fage  rape-c*ke.  -fn>* 
slckle.    t-marf  rape-fleld. 

Rapfobi'  o.  f!.,  fe  Rbapfobi. 

Rapeiolte  rapeoil.  -ftarlng  eattiof  (of)  tb« 
rape.  Rapfab  fe  Rap«;  Rapefrt .  Ra^fac»ra*(  fe 

RaØtnd  c  -er  flt. 

Rapnn  fel  c  rampion,  Campanmla  rapmm**b*> 

Rar  a  (+fj<rlben)  rare;  t(forrraf?eltg)  exqulsit«. 
good,  excellent,  nice,  flue,  pretty;  *(nnbcrtig: 
queer,  odd;  ^e  et  en  -  SXonb  at  fe  you  øre 
grown  quite  a  stranger;  t  bet  bar  en  -  fttfront 
thiB  is  a  pretty  piece  of  businees;  p  tbis  i*  • 
nice  go;  t  bet  »ar  i  o  -t  I  like  that  (now).  Rør* 
beb  c  rareness,  rarity;  tgoodneaø.  Rarire't  e  -er 
rarity,  euriosity,  noyelty;  for  -en*  €fplb  as  * 
curiosi ty.  Ra ritetlf amler  collector  of  oarlositief 

■"Rafi  n  sliding  down,  landslip;  (6txøm)  race- 
Rafe  vi  slide  down. 

Rafe  vi  foam,  fume,  chare;  (fare  trtlbt  affeo; 
rage;  (tage  øolbfomt  paa  Seje,  twere  nbe  af  Hg  \d*> 
rave;  (tage  grumt  affleb,  (arme)  storm;  (6tonøf«. 
3lben,  leflen  ofb.  r  the  storm,  fire,  plagne  etc. 
rages;  -  af  Brebe,  fiibenffab  ofn.  be  rarlous  witb 
anger,  passion;  -  nb  spend  one's  rage,  (om  u*' 
foæo  )  sow  one's  wild  oats.  Rafe«  c  ragin* 
Rafenbe  a  rarious,  røging,  in  a  rage,  infuriated, 
F  (ubbre,  ooerorbentlig)  prodigious,  extreme,  fss> 
.  as  one  in  a  frensy,  frenetically;  en  -  a  m«d 
man;  en  -  Storm,  et  -  Vngreb  ofo.  a  rariouf. 
violent  storm,  attack  etc.;  en  .  Smerte  a  hor- 
rible paln;  .  paa  mrious  with;  oste  -  oser  be 
in  a  rage,  mad  at;  bet  er  til  at  blloe  .  oter  it  i* 
enough  to  drive  one  mad,  »that  way  madnetf 
lies>;  blide  .  go  mad,  fly  out  in  to  a  rage;  bet 

Siorbe  bom  -  it  threw  him  in  to  a  violent  rage; 
in  megen  Sarbom  gør  big  -  bibl  much  learnio? 
doth  make  tbee  mad;  —  adv  _  fnlten  raveo 
ously  hungry;  -  forel ff et  i  paøøJonately  rond  of, 
ban  bar  flg  .  galt  ab  he  aoted  like  a  madman 

Rafe 're  vt  raze,  level  with  the  ground;  W 
Cinieffib)  razee;  -t  Stnieftib  raaee;  —  vi  gnue. 
ben  -nbe  Siftance  the  point-blank  range. 




9tafc*i'  n  rage,  fury,  frenzy. 
fltafrrlttig  c  razlng  etc.    -fngåtiAtel  angle  of 

9t  afetib  c  time  of  sowing  one's  wild  oats. 

tWoff  n  (løj)  serge. 

•»af!  n  refuse,  rubbish. 

Øtaft  a  (Jjurtig)  quick,  active,  brisk;  (fæ!) 
reeolute,  brave;  (funb)  well;  i  tie  -  unwell;  «.  igen 
recovered,  f  all  right;  en  -  $aanb  a  bold  band; 
et  t  ©»or  a  prompt  ri.  off-hand  answer:  sære  „ 
til  Øob#  be  a  good  walker;  -t  %xa*  a  brisk  trot; 
_  paa  bet  quick,  (nasoi*)  pert,  flippant,  (frem- 
fufenbe)  rash;  —  adv  fast,  quickly;  gaa  -,  føre  . 
til  walk  fast,  put  the  horses  to  a  brisk  trot; 
.  tæt  off  hånd;  følge  -  paa  btnanben  follow  in 
rapid  succession. 

tØUffe  vi  Se  r  (fig)  (om  fcejgj  rise,  sponge. 

'Kaffer*  n  fe  •Wafr. 

Maftyeb  c  quickness,  briskness,  smartness. 

fRaffmogerøarn  n  (fine)  worsted,  small-ware 

fRaffning  c  rising. 

ttaftøf'nit  c  -er  Russian  dissen  ter. 

»alle  vi  rattle,  datter,  (ftmgere,  fom  fløb, 
»læber)  rastle;  .  meb  (£<tntet,  Sabel)  clank.  -n 
c  rattling  etc. 

ttadmagergarn  fe  ttaftmagergatn. 

ftaftmnø  Erasmus;  vlrago,  termagant. 

ftafp  c  -ex  ra'sp.  Øtafpe  vt  rasp;  (meb  ffltøejarn) 

9iafpe  e  tøefteføg.)  malanders. 

tHaftoe|br*b  bread,  that  has  been  rasped.  -fil 
rasp-file.  -n  e  rasping.  -fpaaaer  pi  raspings. 
Btafptynd  house  of  correction.  ttafpning  c  rasp- 

tJRatfel  c  yellow  rattle.  Bhinantkut  criita  gaUi. 

otaft  c  (i  Vtatøbit)  boshes. 

tftaft  e  old  Norwegian  mile. 

fiafl  c  rest;  Ijolbe  .  (ffiaftbag)  halt,  make  a 
halt.  -bag  day  of  rest,  resting-day,  halting-day. 
Rafte  vi  (tyjile)  rest;  (opbøre)  cease;  leave  off. 
9taft|I*i  a  restless,  active,  never-resting.  -Uibeb 
c  activity,  restlessness. 

ffloftra  i  c  music-pen,  instrument  for  drawing 
mnslc  lines. 

tRaftfleb  n  halting-place. 

Hat'  n  <t  wheel,  (paa  ©aab)  joke. 

fiata:  pro  -  pro  rata,  in  proportion. 

Rata'fla  c  ratafl'a,  ratafee'. 

9iata'n(b)ia  e  rat'any,  rat'anhy,  Krameria  tri- 
mndra.    -mfffttnr  extract  of  rat  an  y. 

ftlat|bøm  J;  \t  -flamme. 

ftlaie  c  -r  instalment.  IR  atc|  betaling  payment 
by  lnst almen ts.    -*tø  acfo  by  instalments. 

ftatlbfnf  fe  Wot.    -|«*  wheel-house. 

W«ri|tfce  re  vi  rat'ify.  -fifatfø'n  c  ratiflca'tion. 
-tabe'ee  et  ratify,  tanction.  -babe'riag  c  »ane- 

ftati'tt  a  ratteen.    -e't  n  rattinet. 

BUtto'tt  c  -et  allowance,  -»ration;  ftttte  paa  - 
put  on  short  allowance.  ftatiønla  l  o  rat'lonal. 
-alifme«  c  rat'ionalism.  -alifl'  c  -er  ration- 
alist, -aftft'iff  a  rationalistic(al).  -el*  a  rat'ional; 
-t  £anborug  scientific  husbandry. 

ftatjfnag,  -Inoge  spoke  (of  the  wheel).  Mutte 
fe  -flamme,  -tettiag  &  wheel  -chain.  -Uwe 
wheel-rope,  tiller-rope.  -flan mel  stand  of  the 
wheel,  -flamme  wheel- barrel.  -ftang  wheel 
-spindle.  -fiol  fe  -flom mel.  -førring  twiddling 
•line.  -tapper  spindles  of  the  wheel,  -bifer 
axiometer,  tell-tale. 

Ratfft !  int  crack ! 

*9)ante  vi  (om  ftør)  bellow,  low. 

San'  [*ta't>J  (i  Smf.)  quite,  utterly. 

Stab'  rtRa'b]  n  amber;  dried  fin«  of  the  hall- 

but.    -arbejbe  amber -work.    -arbejber,  -brrjer 

turner  in  amber. 

ttaøe  vi  totter,  reel,  btagger;  -  i  BRørfe  be 
groping  in  the  dark.    -n  e  tottering  etc. 

9ta»|rlettrtcitet  e  resinous  electricity. 

Wabelin  c  -er  ravelin. 

9tob|farøe  amber  colour.  -fentiØ  amber-var- 
nlsh.    -fifleri  fishing  for  amber.  • 

fltflpgaf  a  (albele«  forrbft)  stark  mad;  (albeles 
feiO  completely  wrong,  quite  absurd. 

fRab|gul  a  amber.  -ftalSbaanb  amber  neck- 
lace.  -|a«bel  tråde  in  amber,  amber- tråde, 
-fcolbtg  a  containing  amber,  -hiap  amber  but- 
ton,   -løral  amber  bead. 

ftøbltøbf!,  -norfl  a  ofo.  broad  Jutland,  broad 
Norwegian  etc. 

Mabtt  c  -e  råven,  Corvut  corax-  ftjæle  fom  en  ~ 
steal  like  a  magpie;  ben  ene  -  baRer  itte  Øjnene 
nb  paa  ben  anben  dogs  don't  eat  dogs,  »c  hawks 
will  not  pike  hawk's  een;  ask  my  fellow  whether 
I  am  a  thief. 

fltatrabng  e  (raven's)  duck. 

Waonejagtig  a  raven-like.  -faber  unnatural 
father.  -ffeber,  -fjer  raven-feather;  (til  at  regne, 
flrioe  meb)  raven-quill.  -fob  swine's-cress,  Sene- 
biera  coronop**.  -farøtbfe  unnatural  parents. 
-føbe  food  for  ravens.  -talabne  calyptorhynchus. 
•frage  carrion  crow,  Corvui  corone.  -{røg  petty 
place,  Gotham,  rookery.  -mober  unnatural 
mother,  -mørle  Cimmerian  darkness.  -røcebd- 
ubbfftdteti  anat  the  coracoid  proces,  -rebe  ra- 
ven's nest.  -ffrig  croak,  croaking  of  råvens, 
-fort  fe  82abnfott.  -nrøge  young  råven;  viciouø 
child,  young  scapegrace. 

9tabnorfl  a  broad  Norwegian. 

ttøbtifort  a  raven-black. 

Kabjølfe  oil  of  amber,  amber-oil.  -perle  amber 
•bead.    -prnbelfe  fe  -fmbRe. 

Wøbret  a  f  bolt  upright. 

Wabrttflenbe  f  :  -  gal  utterly  absurd,  pre- 

Kaølfmbfre  amber-ornament,  -fnegl,  -futttfe 
amber-snail,  Succinea  jmtria.  -fpibØ  ($iftefpibl 
af  tt.)  amber  monthpiece;  meb  _  amber- tipped, 
amber-mouthed.  -flijlte  piece  of  amber,  -fur  o 
f.  (EM.  -t  9tarron  øuccinate  of  soda;  -t  6alt  suc- 
cinate.    -fbte  succinic  acid. 

Wa^ia  c  raid. 

9)ea|ge«A'  c  -er  rea'gent,  test.  -genøpopir  test 
paper.  -ge're  vi  react.  -Itio'tl  c  -et  reaction; 
ben  .  ber  fulgte  paa  ...  the  reaction  on  .  .  . 
-ffiøttåbfnl  reaction- wheel,  -tttøuim aflive  reac- 
tion-engine.  •ttiørøce'r  a  reae'tionary;  be  -e  the 
reactionaries,  the  reactionists. 

Wea'I  a  re  al.  JNea'l  c  -er  (SRønt)  re'al;  frø 
large  double  pica.  -befinitiø«  definition  of 
things,  technical  definition,  -bifcipel  pupil  of 
a  commercial  school. 

Wealfla't  »  real'gar. 

Wea  linjnrie  c  assault. 

Wealilfatio'n  c  realiza'tion;  (total)  clearance 
sale.  -fe  re  vt  reallze,  dispose  of.  -f 'me  c  re'al- 
ism.  -ift'  c  -er  re'aUst.  -ft'ifl  a  realistic.  -te't 
c  real'ity;  i  -en  in  reality;  Sagene  -  the  merits 
of  the  case. 

Neøilletdtføtt.  -ørbbøg  encyclopedla.  -regimer 
repertory.  -ftøle  middle-class  school,  commer- 
cial school. 

fReaftfume're  vt  ret*u'me,  reassu'me. 

Weadfurlan'ce  c  re-insu/rance.  -an'ceprajmie 
premium  of  re-insurance.  -aabø  r  c  -er  re-in- 
surer.    -e're  vt  re-insure. 

Web  n,  p!  =,  (Zoo)  rope. 

Web  n  (Slagt.)  ribs. 

Web  n  pi  «,  (i  SeiO  <L  reef;  førfte,  anbet  ofb. 
first,  second  reef  eta;  fritte  et  -  ub  shake  out  a 




reef;  tage  et  -  inb  take  in  a  reef;  Ijow  otte  -  inb 
be  close  reefed;  tage  -  i  Sejlene  (ogfaa  Ag)  shorten 
sail.  -baanb  reef-polnt.  -baaabftoøb  reef-knot. 
•bolt  reef -band.  -bonbfef  reef -point.  Webe  øt 

Webe  øf  f.  (R6.  Søg  string  onions.! 

Webec'  c  m«#  retiec,  re'beck. 

Webøtt'a  Rebecca. 

Webel'  e  -ler  reb'el.  Webel  liere  vi  rebel'. 
-Ho'«  c  -er  rebel'lion.    -ff*  a  rebelliouB. 

Webenbe  c  end  of  a  rope.  Weberbatte  o  rope 
-walk,  ropery. 

Web|bul  reefhole,  eyelethole.  -tabt  reef 
-hole  ttalmble.  -fmøb  reef-knot.  -ftttttog  reef 
•chain.  -line  reef-point.  -Ufert  reef-cringle. 
Webning  c  taklng  in  of  reets.  Web| fej fing  (reef ) 
point,  (til  Baab)  reef-knittle.  -ffiufel  reef-pen- 

We'b|  flager  c  -e  rope-maker.  -flagerbane  rope 
-walk,  ropery.  •fUfltrbn?  stake  post.  -flager- 
gaffel  stake-head.  -flageri  n  ropery.  -fHgc  rope 
-ladder,  ladder  of  ropes. 

We'b|ftreg  ^  reef -band.    -talje  reef-tackle. 

Webnø  c  -er  rebus. 

Wecea|fe*t'  c  -er  reviewer,  critic.  -fe're  vt 
reyiew,  critlcize.  -fiø'ii  c  -er  review;  (Ubgaøe) 

Wecepiffe  c  -r  receipt. 

Wecept'  e  -er  prescription,  recipe.  -bog  book 
of  prescriptions.  Wecepte'rfonfft  art  of  prescrib- 
ing  et.  dtspensing.  Weceptiotte't  c  receptivity. 
Weceptlfamfing  fe  -bog. 

Weceø"  e  -fer  recess,  statute. 

Wetban'b  [fr.]  c  cresset. 

Weclb|i'b  n  -er  relapse.  -ibift'  c  -er  previously 
convlcted  offender. 

Wecip|e'ret  a  recelved.  -ieitb  c  -er  candidate 
for  admission,  -ient'  c  -er  (ogf.  ehem)  receiver, 
reclp'ient.    -iSfe  e  -r  receipt. 

Weciprof  a  recip'rooal. 

Wecit|art'»  n  -er  recitative.  -ati'bifl  a  recita- 
tive.  -e  re  vt  reclte;  mu§  cantillate,  redte  (music- 
ally);  -nbe  6rneføil  drama. 

Wecn't  e  recoil. 

Web  e  er  road,  roads,  roadstead;  paa  -en  in 
the  roads  e(.  roadstead . 

Webaftiø'n  o  -er  editorshlp  el.  business  of  an 
editor,  edltorial  management;  editor,  (ben  fcte) 
tbe  edltorial  staff,  fcøab  ber  frører  til  -en  edltorial. 
—  Webartio'n*|artifel  leading  article,  amr  edl- 
torial. 'tontot.  -lofale  editor's  offlce,  edltorial 
offlce.  -fetretar  sub-edltor;  bore  -  beb  (ogf.) 
siib-edit.  -nbbalg  editing  commlttee.  Webattø  r 
c  -rr  editor. 

Webaa'  c  redan.     -batteri  indented  battery. 

Webbe  øf  save;  (befri)  rescue;  F  fe  ftapfe;  ftaar 
ifle  til  at  .  is  doomed. 

Webe  o  -r  (ftugle>)  nest;  (Robfuglerebe)  aerie; 
bugge  -  build  el.  make  a  nest,  nest. 

Webe  c  (+  n)  nb.  pi  (Orben)  order;  finbe,  tytte  - 
i  en  @ag  make  out  a  matter;  jeg  fan  ttte  finbe  . 
i  bet  I  can  make  nothing  of,  cannot  make 
(either)  head  or  tall  of  it;  gøre  .  for  render  an 
account  of.  Webe  a  (færbtg)  ready,  prepared, 
in  readlness,  handy;  (uben  Dmfotb)  plain,  clear, 
stralght;  $aoe  paa  -  øaanb  have  ready  at  band; 
bore  til  -  be  at  hånd;  -  6ølo  hard  cash;  .  $enge 
ready  money,  cash.  Webe,  -te,  -t  vt  (Garn  o.  1.) 
diøentangle,  unravel;  -  $aaret  comb  the  hair; 
(gøre  -  for)  account  for,  render  an  account  (of); 
~  en  ©eng  make  a  bed;  reb  mig  en  gob  Ret  bibl 
make  me  savoury  meat;  fom  man  -r  faa  (tager 
man  as  you  brew,  you  must  drink,  my  bed  is 
as  I  have  made  it,  he  has  made  his  own  bed 
and  has  to  lie  on  lt;  -  for  fig  answer  for  one's 
øelf,  clear  el.  acquit  one's  self,   pay  scot  and 

lot;  .  fra  fig  dispatch;  -  til,  fe  Ztlxcbe;  .  re 
ilbe  til  ill-treat  one,  use  one  lll;  —  vr  fig  comb 
one's  hair,  ~  fig  inb  i  get  involved  in.  _  fig  si 
af  extricate  one's  self  from,  make  one's  way 
out  of.  Nebel  bon  a  ready,  wiUing,  prompt: 
fltanben  er  -  men  Købet  er  frrøbeftgt  bibl  the  spiri; 
is  wiUing,  but  the  flesh  is  weak.  -btatøb  < 
readiness,  willlngness,  promptltude,  alsvcrity 

Webe|  bygning  c  nidlflcation.  -fmlb  c  nestroi\ 
oovey,  brood. 

Webe|gøre  vi  render  an  account  (for  of)-  ^t* 
relfe  c  account. 

Webebøne  o  brood- hen. 

ttebetam  e  comb. 

Webelig  a  upright,  honest;  F  (flor)  plain;  — 
adv  honestly;  bet  par  Ijan  ærlig  og  .  fortjent  serve 
him  right,  -beb  e  uprightness,  recUtude,  honesty, 
integrity,  good  faith;  F  bet  bar  en  bt\liq  . '  « 
niee  go,  thisl  faa  .  wa  noget  see  the  bottom  of 
a  thlng;  gioe  .  paa  noget  elucidate  a  thing^;  p 
^ele  -en  the  whole  concern,  the  whole  lot  of  it 

Weber  c  -e  shlp-owner,  owner.  Weberi'  n  -er 
owners,  company  of  ship-owners;  (©eb rift;  afaip- 
ownlng  business. 

Webelrøb  blrd's  nest,  Neotti«  nidtu  ovt«.  -«g 
nest  egg. 

♦Webig  a  clear,  lucid.  -beb  c  clearaess,  luci- 

Webige're  tt  edlt;  oel  -t  well  el.  ably  con 

Webntttg  c  (af  6eng)  making;  (af  $aar)  oonb- 

Webning  o  saving;  rescue;  ber  er  ingen  -  there 
is  no  hope,    no  help,   nothing  to  be  done;    bon 
er  uben  -  he  is  past  recovery,  he  is  irretrievablT 
lost,  he  is  doomed,  a  dead  man,  (mefl  joc)  paat 
praying  for;  bet  bleb  banl  ~  that  was  the  aavinr 
of  him.   —   Webniugø|anfU(t  estabUahment  for 
the    recovery    of   drowning   persons;    fe    -bu* 
•apparat    apparatus    for   recovering   drowninp 
persons,  (paa  3«)  ice-escape.    -arbejbe  ^  aairage 
service,  life-saving  duty.    -baab  llfe-boat.    -brltr 
life-belt.    -brigabe  llfe-brlgade.    -bøje  lifebuoy 
-brage  life-kite.    -flaabe  life-(saviiig)  raft.    -f»r 
føg  attempt  at  rescue  el.  to  rescue.    -gab*  goods 
rescued  (from  fire),     -bjfttp  sucoour  In  danger. 
•bnd  reformatory  (school).     -!ørp*  liie-brigade. 
•UØ  a  irretrievably  lost,  fe  Webning;  -t  fortabt  b.  S 
•manb  preserver;  (9efrier)  rescuer.     -manbfT«* 
life-boat  crew.     -maffine  life-buoy.     -mebalfe 
silver  medal  for  saving  (human)  life.     -mibbet 
meansof  safety.  -omtøfniiagCT  salvage  ezpenses. 
•planfe  plank,    -ralet  life-rooket.   -rebffaber  life 
-saving  apparatus  el.  appliances.     -felffsb  Life 
-boat  Society.    -ffib  llfeehlp.     -ftotiøn  life-boat 
station,    -flige  fire  escape.    -b«fea  aafety-eatab 
lishment,  Life  boat  Service. 

Webønt'e  c  -r  redoubt. 

Wfbfel  [éj  e  dues  (in  kind);  ^  rlgging. 

Webflab  [él  n  er  instrument,  tool,  imptement; 
fig  (om  ^erfoner)  instrument;  .  for  tool  of; 
flaaenbe  og  løbenbe  -er  ^  standing  and  running 
rigging;  *c  coll  implements,  outflt,  rigging. 
WebfVabbfifle  tool  chest. 

Webulce'rc  vt  reduce;  .  6tat9papirer  reduce 
ihe  rate  of  interest  on  stocks;  -  in  abnurdtm 
drive  into  absurdities;  ^an  fer  noget  -t  ab  be 
looks  rather  seedy  el.  dilapidated.  -ftiø'a  c  -er 
reduc'tion,  (fiian.)  depression.  —  Webattiø**)* 
palfer  proportional  compasses.  -tabff  table  of 

Webnplifatio  n  o  reduplica'tlon. 

Weel'  a  re'al;   genuine;    honest,    (air,   trust 
worthy;   -  Såre  genuine  article.     Weefite't  c 

Wefat'tie  c  allowance. 




9tefettø'ri»m  n  -ter  refec'tory. 
!Refer|«'t  n  -er  report.  -e»'ee  c  -t  reference. 
•ettba'r  c  -er  referen'dary.  -rut'  c  -er  reporter. 
•entbiltet  press-ticket.  -eutloge,  -eattribuue  re- 
porters' galler)',  press-gallery.  -e're  vt  report; 
_  fip;  til  refer  to. 

9tc1Cett<nt'  o,  fe  WefWterenbe  c 
Wcfleflrc're  vt  pky  reflect;  m  .  otier  r.  on, 
upon;  -  poo  attend  to,  pay  attention  to.  -tf 're« 
c.  rcflexion.  -te  reabe  a  reflec  tlve,  c  pi  intend- 
ing  purchasers;  intending  sellers;  „  behage  at 
Ijen&enbe  flg  .  .  .  apply  et.  address  to.  -te'ret  a 
(8elf-)conscioiifl.    -'tor  c  -to 'rer  reflector. 

ffitfitW  o  -er  reflection,  reflex.     .beøagelfe 
reflex  motion. 

Reffefdiø'n  c  -er phy  reflec'tion;  .fo  reflection, 
reflective  thought;  self-consoiousness.  —  8te* 
flef*io'»0|cfrtel  att  reflecting  circle,  Borda's 
circle.  -tafrritmeat  reflecting  Instrument,  -fif- 
tert  reflecting  telescope.  -fraft  reflecting  power. 
-linie  line  of  reflection.  -f»ejl  reflecting  mlrror, 
reflector.  tRefletftfø  o  reflez'ive,  reflec'tlve;  n 
-er  reflexive  verb. 
Reform'  c  -er  refo'rm. 

tteforoatio  n  c  reforma'tion.  —  Reforma* 
tionølfeft  annlversary  of  the  Reformation.  -t|i- 
ftorie  history  of  the  Reformation,  -tiben  the 
time  el.  period  of  the  Reformation.  fReførma'' 
tor  c  -o'rer  reformer.  Weforntato'rifl  a  refo'r- 

9teføna[bauzet  reformers'  banquet  el.  dinner. 
•beftrabelfer  reformatory  movement.  ftef omte're 
vt  refo'rm;   ben  -rte  IKrle  the  Reformed  church; 
be  -rte  the  Reformists,  Calvinists,  those  of  the 
Reformed  church.    9teform|fjenbe  an  ti  reformer, 
antireformlst.    -partiet  the  Reform  party,    -blå« 
plan  of  reform,   -»enlig  a  reformist,  reformatory. 
fltefraitt'  [fr.]  n  burden,  refrai'n. 
Stefraftfo'a  c  cut  refrac'tion. 
9tefa|Røere  vt  reftind.    -flø'«  c  reimbursement. 
Ølegft'jle  n  royal  prerogative.    -le  re  vt  regale. 
•'lier  pi  regalla.    ftegrlpaalr  royal  paper. 
9tegat'ta  c  -er  regatta,  boat-race. 
Steget   c  -gier    rule,   precept;   gram  rule;  pi 
montnly  courses;  gøre  ftfl  ril  -  make  it  a  rule, 
a  point,  make  a  point  of;  gøre  bet  til  -  for  fin 
Cpførfrt  make  it  a  rule  of  one's  conduct;  jeg  $ar 
gtort   mig  til  .  at  it  is  a  rule  with  me  to;  efter 
-en,  -gierne  according  to  rule;  efter  ftunftenS  -gier 
secundum  årtern;  bet  er  imob  -gierne  it  is  against 
rule,  i  -en  as  a  (general)  rule,   as  a  general 
thing.     -bttttben  a  tled  down  to  rules,  regular; 
-bne  gejfllige  regulars.     -bunbenbeb  o  regularity, 
orderlineas.     •fotttftftft  standard  compass.     -tøf 
a   not  amenable  to  rule,  disorderly.     -løøfceb  c 
irregularity,  disorderllness.     -ma&fig  a  regular, 
regulated;  adv  regularly.  -mal  figfjeb  c  regularity. 
•ret  a  regular,  according  to  rule.     -retljeb  c  re- 
gularity.   +-toang  constraint  of  rules. 

ftegenerføtio  »  c  regenera'tion.    -a'tør  c  -o'rer 
regenerator,      -a'tørobn   regen'eratlng  furnace. 
-c're  vt  regen'erate. 
ftegeaftbarg  n  Ratlsbon(e). 
Regent'  c  -er  ruier,  regent,    -la'be  c  re'gent- 
e»*.    -'flab  n  re'gency. 

Stege  re  vt  govern,  (Sfib)  work:  ftartøjft  funbe 
iffe  fanger  •%  the  vessel  had  become  unmanage- 
able;  —  vj  reign;  ben  -nbe  Rejfer,  ftonge  the 
reignlng  emperor,  king;  ben  -nbe  dronning  the 
reigning  queen,  the  queen  regnant;  ben  -nbe 
Stongeft  Øemallnbe  the  queen  consort;  frrenge 
$trrer  .  iffe  lange  tyrants  have  commonly  short 
reigns,  despots  seldom  rule  long.  IKegeriitg  e 
•er  (bet  at  regere;  SRonbigbebS  Ubøoelfe;  ben  fRagt, 
1Rirobtgf>eb  el.  Samling  af  Vtonb,  fom  ftnrer  Staten) 
goveroment;   ((ongelig  ©tnrelfe,  Xiben  i  bbilftn  en 

fiarfen :  $anfI<<Engelf!  Drbbog. 

ftonge  regerer)  retgn;  -en  (the)  Government,  the 
executive;  tiltrabe  -en  accede  to  the  throne;  fra* 
trabe  -en  resign  the  crown,  abdicate  the  throne; 
føre  -en  govern  (the  Ungdom),  exercise  govern- 
ment;  unber  benne  ironge«  .  during  et.  in  the 
reign  of  this  king;  befootift,  fri  oft>.  -  despotic, 
free  govern  ment  —  {Regering*  |a  ar  year  of  one's 
reign,  regnal  year.  -abøofat  Attorney  GøXieral, 
Solicltor  General,  -blab  official  newspaper,  Ga- 
ze t  te.  -bttgniag  government  house.  -bambfTib 
Government  steamer.  -fienbft,  -fjeabtlig  a  op- 
position, of  the  opposition,  -foravftaltntager 
pi  governmental  interference.     •form  (form  of) 

?;overnment.  -førflag  Government  bill.  -føl* 
eginnt,  -føntor  Government  office.  -frebfe 
Ministerial  circles.  -frnnft  art  of  governing. 
-U9  a  ungoverned,  anarchic&l.  -maabe  mode 
of  government.  -t-manb  minister,  -atuabtglfcb 
department.  -raab  council.  -faa  government 
affair.  -flib  Government  ship.  -ftt^em  system 
of  government.  -fabeseat  of  government.  -ttb 
reign.  -tittracbelfe  succession  to  the  reign. 
-bealig  a  minUterial.  tRege'rltg  a  ^  manage 
able.    fRegertigfteb  c  manageableness. 

ttegi'e  [fr.]  c  theat  management. 

Btegimeut'  n  -er  regiment.  9ff gisten  te  n  rule; 
føre  et  fhengt  -  rule  wlth  an  Lron  rod.  —  Regi« 
ment9|abinba«t  adjutant.  -d)ef,  -fontniaKb^r 
chief  of  a  regiment,  colonel.  -bttrffltge  veteri- 
nary  surgeon  in  the  aroiy.  -fane  regimental 
colours  pi.  -tadfe  regimental  chest.  -fintrg 
army  surgeon,  surgeon  in  the  army.  -Ib  ar  ter« 
mefter  paymaster  of  a  regiment,  -lage  fe  -firurg. 
•tantbnr  drum-major. 

ttegiøn  c  -er  region. 

9tcgt9f«'r  o  -er  stage  manager,    -bab  call-boy. 

Kegtft'er  n  -ftre  (3nbbotb£fortegne(fe)  table  (of 
contents),  (alf ab.)  index;  (ftortrgnelfe;  typ)  reg'is- 
ter;  (i  et  £rgel)  stop;  t-frre  (Danffe  ftancetltS) 
Patent  Rolls.  forfinet  meb  .  Index  ed;  uben  - 
unindexed;  bolbe  .  typ  make  register,  be  well 
registered;  bolbe  -  o  eet  keep  a  register  of;  inb« 
føre  i  -firet  register;  f  et  langt  .  as  long  as  to 
-day  and  to-morrow,  a  maypole,  grenadier.  — 
)Reaifter|certtfitat  certlficate  of  registry.  -brag« 
tigqeb  register  tonnage,  -ton  register  ton.  — 
Wegtftlrant  c  -er  calendar,  register,  (9iigø*)  ca- 
lendar  of  state  papers.  -ra'tør  c  -o'rer  reg'i- 
strar,  abstracter.  -ratur  c  fe  -rant.  -rc're  of 
register,  enroll,  calendar,  record,  (fort)  docket, 
inventory.  -re'rlng  c  reg'isterlng  etc.,  regi- 

9cegle|mettt'  n  -er  regulations  pi;  (Unber^ufete) 
stand  i  ng  orders;  -et  mit  the  (Queen's)  regulations. 
•mente  ret  a  regulation. 

9ttqUt'  e  -ter  typ  regiet. 

tt  eg  tid  fe  c  liquorice-lozenge. 

ttega  e,  c»  rain;  en  .  af  $ile.  Stene  a  shower 
of  arrows,  stones;  øfenbe  -  a  heavy  downpour 
of  rain;  bet  fer  ub  til  -  it  looks  like  rain;  efter 
~  rommer  Sotffin  after  a  storm  comes  a  calni, 
after  rain  comes  fair  weather.  9iegn|aar  ralny 
year.  -bab  shower-bath.  -bringenbe  fe  -førenbe. 
-bne  rainbow,  iris.  -buefarøer  colours  of  the 
rainbow.  -buefarøet  a  irised,  irlsated,  rainbow 
-tinted.  -buefif!  fe  ^abjunfer.  -bnebinbe  iris. 
-bgge  shower,  storm  of  rain;  fomme  ub  for  en  - 
be  caught  in  the  rain,  in  a  shower.  -baf  torrent. 
-bag  rainy  day.  -braabe  rain  drop.  -brtob  drJp- 
plng  of  rain.  Stegne  vi  rain;  -  neb  poa  pour 
down  upon;  bet  -r  fiærft  it  rains  hard  el.  heav- 
ily;  bet  -r  tæt  it  rains  fast;  bet  -r  fint  it  drizzles; 
bet  -r  Sfomogerbrenge  it  rains  cats  and  dogs;  bet 
regnebe  meb  ttutetter  ooer  .  .  .  bouquets  were 
showered  on  .  .  .;  laber  .  ober  retfarbige  og  ooer 





uretfcerbige  sendeth  rain  on  the  just  and  on  the 

ffiegne  vt  k  i  reckon,  compute,  count,  calcn- 
late;  fan  far  Icert  mig  at  .  he  has  taught  me 
ciphering  ri.  arithmetlc;  fan  fan  Iafe,  ffrioe  oa  - 
he  can  read,  write  and  sum  (do  sums);  _  fejl 
misreckon,  miscount,  miscalculate;  man  -r  it  is 
computed;  mit  Vrbefbe  -r  jeg  itfe  I  don't  take 
my  palns  into  account;  uben  at  -  without  taklng 
into  account;  bl  -  bet  itfe  faa  nøje  we  are  not 
so  particular,  we  don't  reckon  so  nicely;  man 
Fan  -  at  fan  fortjener  100  ftr.  you  may  estimate 
his  earnings  at  100  er. ;  laot  -t  at  a  low  estimate; 
.  blanbt  class  el.  count  among;  .  eftet  count 
over;  (f.  (Ett.  et  6tt)tle)  reckon  over  again;  .  en 
fflegnina  rftet  examine  au  account;  bet  -Øfor  fan* 
bebfte  SBcert  this  is  considered,  account  ed,  his 
best  work;  bet  -r  \t%  iffe  for  noget  it  is  of  no 
consequence,  it  does  not  matter;  bet  -r  jeg  ilfe 
for  noget  Vrbejbe  that  is  no  work;  jeg  -r  bet  for 
en  flor  Ulnlfe  I  consider  el.  look  upon  it  as  a 
great  misfortune;  naar  man  -r  100  SRanb  for  faert 
étib  allowing  100  men  to  each  snip;  «  fra  en 
bi*  Zib  count  el.  reckon  from  a  certain  time; 
.  fra  deduct,  subtract;  «  i  fiouebet  reckon  el. 
calculate  by  the  head,  mentaliy;  -  noget  meb  i 
en  Sum  Jnclude  In  a  sum;  ®inen  er  iffe  -t  meb 
the  wlne  is  not  included  in  the  account;  jeg  -r 
bet  meb  til  bet  øbrige  I  reckon  it  among  the  rest; 
fan  -*  meb  til  be  fornemme  he  is  ranked  with 
persons  of  dis  tin  etion;  -  om  (.  efter)  reckon 
over;  bet  Stoffe  maa  bu  ~  om  you  must  perform 
that  sum  once  more;  fan  far  -t  bet  fale  om  he 
has  made  a  new  calculation;  -  op  recount, 
enumerate;  -  o  o  er  calculate;  -paa  (ftole)  count, 
calculate,  depend  el.  rely  upon,  (tage  $enfan  til) 
take  count  of;  -  f ammen  sum  up,  reckon  up; 
fan  -*  til  digterne  he  is  numbered  among, 
ranked  el.  classed  with  the  poets;  bet  Meb  -t  fam 
til  fiaf)  it  was  laid  to  his  charge;  bet  61et>  t  fam 
til  tøetfarbigfab  bibl  it  was  counted  unto  hlm 
for  righteousness;  .  fig  til  Sfortjenefte  take  merit 
to  one's  self  for:  -  u  b  calculate;  -  en  Opgaoe  ub 
i  $ot>ebet  work  a  question  by  the  head.  —  {Regne- 
»og  reckoning  el.  ciphering  book,  handbook  of 
arithmetlc;  efter  ©er en  SRatrøifen*  .  according 
to  Gunter  el.  Cocker.  -bræt  abacus,  ciphering 
board,  -fejl  fe  ftegningtfejt.  -fnnfl  arithmetlc. 
-rnnfrner  arithmetlcian.  -tynbig  a  up  to  arith- 
metlc. -Icerer  ciphering  master,  teacher  of 
arithmetlc.  -maabe  mode  of  calculation.  -ma- 
ffine  calculating  machine.  -m efter  arithmetlcian. 
•vtaat  fe  tøegning*mønt.  -opgave sum,  arithmetical 
problem,  -penge  (card)  counter.  Wegner  c  -e 
calculator,  computer,  reckoner.  tKeaueiffote 
ciphering  school,  s.  of  arithmetic.  -flor  sliding 
ru  le.  -ftptte  fe  -opgaoe;  et  fimpelt  -  a  simple 
arithmetical  process.  -tabel  arithmetical  table. 
-taple  (ciphering)  slate.  -time  lesson  in  arith- 

ftegafaaø  fe  Keinfan. 

ffirguiflob  torrent  of  rain  water.  -førQølb  pi 
rainfall.  -fra tf e  water-proof  coat.  -fri  a  -  $ag 
dry  day;  fa*  tan  man  ftbbe  -  here  you  are 
sheltered  from  the  rain.  -fagl  fe  -fpooe.  -falb 
a  rainy.  -førenbe  a  rain-bearing.  -gag  yellow 
billed  American  cuckoo,  Coccytut  amerteanus. 
-bat  water-proof  hat.  -bjarne  rainy  quarter. 
•pnllet  *f,  the  doldrums.  -$<ftte  hood.  -Dajbe 
depth  of  rain. 

Regning  c  -er  (Øern.  at  regne)  ciphering,  arith- 
metlc; (Wegnffab)  account,  reckoning;  (paa  Ȍrer, 
Str&ejbe)  bill,  note  of  account;  (»eftemmelfe  af 
Xib  ofo.  efter  ftormøbning)  calculation,  computa- 
tion;  løbenbe  -  running  account,  account  current; 
efter  ben  -  by  that  calculation;  efter  min  -  maa 

fan  boere  far  i  $ag  according  to  my  calcnla&øa 
he  muft  be  here  to-day;  paa  fin  egen  -,  fot  e§r: 
.  on  one's  own  account,  at  one's  ownexpen«*:, 
Streg  i  en  disappointment;  bet  »ar  fam  en  €rr^ 
i  -en  his  proJects  were  thwarted  et  crosset 
•»■bringe  i  -  put  to  account;  finbe  fin  _  ©eb  fir  1 
one's  account  in;  føre  _  ooer  keep  an  sveeocc; 
of;  føre  noget  til  -  put  down  to  one's  aocour^ 
gennemfe  en  -  look  over  an  acconnt;  gttc  p4i 
.  give  on  credit;  gøre  -  paa  lav  one's  account 
with,  reckon  el.  calculate  upon,  place  depes- 
dence  on;  gøre  -  uben  fBoert  reckon  without  U  e 
(el.  one's >  host,  reckon  one's  chickens  befor? 
they  are  hatched;  Ijolbe  -  ooer  keep  an  aoconnt 
of;  inbgibe  en  -  send  in  an  account;  føbe  i  *eS 
-  buy  right  out;  opgøre  en  -  settle  an  aocouct, 
opfatte  en  -  make  up  an  account  el.  bill;  fltitr 
paa  -en  put  down  in  the  bill;  ffrioe  paa  en*  _  put 
down  to  one's  account,  charge  against  el.  to 
one;  flutte  -en  balance  an  account;  bet  fwxn  ittt 
.  it  won't  answer,  It  does  not  turn  to  accouiit; 
tage  paa  -  take  on  credit.  —  Wegaiagijart 
branch  of  arithmetic.  -bøg  account-book.  -bab 
collector.  -fejl  mlscalculation.  -ftøtfb,  -lra» 
book-debt.  -atant  counter.  -fbarenbe  a  paying, 

9tegn  taabe,  -tappe  water-proof  (coat  el.  cloak), 
rain-cloak.  -flceber  waterproof  clothes.  -U# 
a  rainless,  dry.  -maoler  raln-gange,  ombrometer. 
•maaneb  rainy  month.  -noeagbe  rainfall,  amount 
et.  quantity  of  rain.  -val  rainy  night.  -om 
earthworm,  earth-bob,  Lumbrtc**.  -Jribrr  fe 
-fpobe.    -fejl  (til  ©aab)  tilt. 

blegnflab  n  -er  account;  føre,  bolbe,  opgør;, 
flutte  -,  fe  Stegning;  gøre,  afloigge  -  for  render  ød 
account  el.  account  for;  forbre  -  af  en,  træt*  es 
til  -  call  one  to  account,  F  bring  one  to  book; 
ftaa  til  -  for  answer  for,  be  accountable  for.  — 
9iegnffabØ|aar  financlal  year.  -aføMClfe:  vob< 
tage  ~  for  receive  a  statement  of  the  account* 
for.  -bøg  account  book,  reckoning- book.  -bat 
day  of  reckoning.  -clØtraf  t  abstract  of  an  ae 
count.  -fejl  error  in  an  account.  -ffrelfe,  -farfet 
keeping  of  accounts,  book-keeping.  -fam 
keeper  of  accounts,  accountant.  -aaft  item  of 
an  account.  -fag  matter  concerning  accounts. 
•poefen  keeping  of  accounts,  book-keeping;  ac- 

9legn|frnr  n  pent-house.     *-ffnr   c  fe  -bpge. 
-ffb  rain-cloud.    -ffp(  heavy  shower,  torren ts  of 
rain.    -ffcerm  umbrella.     -flag  rall  of  rain,  rain 
-fall;  fe  -toppe,    -fommer  rainy  summer,     -fpøøe 
curie w,    Numenius   arquata;    lille    _,    fe    6mac< 
-ftnrte  fe  -toppe,    -ftæut  drops  of  rain.    -fvcager 
fe  -førenbe.    -tib  rainy  season.    -rrneabc  a  threa- 
tcnlng  rain,  rain-threatening.     -t&tfc,  •tpraiitl 
thick  with   rain.      -tort    a    water-proof.     -tø] 
water-proof;  water-proof  clothes.     -taabe  barrel 
for  rain- water.     -H-tarfrig  a   droughty.     -mb* 
rain-water.    -oarølenbe  a  foreboding  rain.    -vejr 
rainy  weather.     -vejrfbag  wet  el.   rainy  day. 
-ølttb  rainy  wlnd. 

Dtegreø'  c  remedy;  fan  tan  føge  -  ^of  he  hu 
his  remedy  against. 

Wegulaberri'  (el.  be'tri)  e  rule  of  three.  -tptfe 
rule  of-three  sum. 

9iegn|fati'o  n  et  regnla'Uon,  regulationf. 
-la  tor  c  -er  governor;  Æmp.)  regulator,  conical 
pendulumgovernor.  •latorbrcritber  bnrner with 
a  regulator,  -le're  vt  reg*ulate.  -le  risf  e  re- 
gulation.  -leringøfrraber  4,  sprit,  spur.  -lertntl« 
fam  eatimated  revenue.  -leringdtop  A,  control- 
ling  line.    .l«'r  a  reg'ular. 

glcba'bcani  Rehobo'am. 

«ebabiliter|e  vt  rebabil'itate.   -Ina  c  rehablli- 

ta  tion.  • 




*Mci  c  (Xømr.)  rule-staff. 

Mcjber  c  &  rider,  brace. 

-*9ceje  c  -r  (i  »ribere  ©et.  og  nabnl.  om  fcefierejen, 
Cranøon)  alirimp;  (ben  alminbeltge)  prawn,  Pala- 
i  /ow;  ftroge  -r  catch  shrimps;  pine  -r  peel  shrimps. 
-f anger  fe  -manb.  -fangift  catching  shrimps.  -lug 
shrimp-net  -manb  shrimper.  -net,  -tab,  -rnfe 
fe  -bug.  -Hal  shell  of  a  shrimp.  -ftrttger  fe 
-manb.     -*bt  a  eaten  by  shrimps. 

Slrjf  c  boop.  -flo(tt)  vice-clamp.  -fa*  back 
-saw.  -fiempei  .stamp  for  obtalning  tbe  sbarp 
ed  Re. 

tteinrcfan'be  c  green  gnge. 

ffleinere  ($08)  Renard,  Reynard. 

ttrinet'te  c  -r  plppin. 

ttejnfan  c  tansy,  TunacetMm. 

•«ei»  ii  ^  (poo  ©unben)  dead  ri  sin  g. 

Melton'*:  [t.)  tage  -  take  Frencb  leave. 

ttrffc,  -te,  -t  øt  raise,  set  up,  erect;  retf  Horerne  l 
tos*  your  oars !  -  Sugfprbbet  steeve  the  bowsprit; 
-  Srrfter  bristle;  jur  ~  en  t)om  confirm  a  sen- 
tence;  -  et  ftortøj  righten  a  vessel;  -  et  $u#  (of 
9tnbing»barf)  raise  a  house;  -  en  $o»r  raise  an 
army;  .  3nbbenbinger  raise  objections;  .  ftegler 
set  up  tbe  plns;  ^  -  fianb  raise  tbe  Und;  - 
SRaflen  raise  tbe  mast;  -  et  VKnbetmcerfe  erect  a 
monument;  -  et  Oprør  stir  up  a  rebellion;  - 
Almuen  til  Opftanb  stir  up  tbe  common  people; 
_  $enøe  raise  money,  F  raise  tbe  wind;  -  en 
Sag  i  mob  en  bring  an  action  against  one;  -  et 
5 ag  o:  fcømmerbarlet)  raise  a  roof;  -  en  Xrætte 
stir  up  strife;  -  Iblbl  raise  a  doubt  el.  doubts; 
.  Silbt  start  game;  -  op  raise  up.  —  Wejfe  fifl 
rr  rise,  arise,  gøt  up,  stand  to  one's  feet;  (om 
fortøj;  righten,  right  (hereelfy  .  fig  i  Sengen  sit 
up  in  bed;  en  Storm,  et  Ubejr  -fte  fig  a  storm 
arose,  came  on;  $eflen  -t  flg  paa  Bagbenene  tbe 
horse  rears;  $oarene  fle  flg  paa  mit  $ooeb  my 
h»ir  stood  on  end;  fig  -  fig  igen  recover;  -  flg 
af  arise  from. 

»øffe,  te,  -t  vi  travel,  Journey,  go;  (fro  et  ©teb) 
leave;  .  ubenlonb*  go  abroad:  føn  -fte  t  Qaax  he 
departed,  left  (bere),  started  on  his  journey, 
yesterday;  -  bibere  proceed  onward,  pursue  one's 
journey;  -  fin  ©ej  take  one's  departure;  -  of 
fiv  die,  drop  off,  P  pop  off;  -  bort  go  away, 
set  off;  ieg  -fle  efter  from  I  went  after  him;  Jeg 
-fte  fra  bom  i  S.  I  parted  company  with  bim 
at  A.;  bon  fle  fra  fin  ftuffert  he  left  bis  trunk 
tehind  him;  .  i  forretninger  travel  on  business; 
.  en  i  røøbe  set  out  to  meet  one;  -  meb  Damp« 
ffib,  garnbone  travel  by  steamer,  by  rail;  -  fine 
$cnge  op  spend  one's  money  in  travelling;  . 
o oer  ©anbet  cross  tbe  water;  ~  ober  røori«  go 
by  way  of  Paris;  .  paa  Sanbet  go  in  to  the 
country,  leave  for  the  country;  -  ti!  $ari*  go 
to  Paris;  -  til  ftob*  travel  on  foot;  -  ril  ©•*, 
fianb*  go  el.  travel  by  sea,  by  land;  rei«  ub!  <t 
turn  out!  —  »ejfe  c  r  (i  Blu.  og  mej*  i  pi) 
travel;  (en  enfelt)  Journey;  (raeft  om  tengere  6»« 
reife)  voyage,  (Tun  om  ben  ene  $olbbe! :  $en-  eller 
fciemreifen)  passage-  (fort)  excursion,  trip;  fe 
Benbing;  fri  -  (til  €••)  a  free  passage;  foretage 
m  -  undertake  a  journey;  foretage  flg  en  tang  . 
take  a  long  journey;  begibe  fig  paa  et.  ttlrrabe  n 
set  out  et.  proceed  on  one's  Journey;  tøor  gælber 

n?  whitber  are  you  going?  (om  ©øreife)  whither 
bound?  infTelig  -  a  pleasant  journey  to  you  l 
9aa  mine  -r  tør  ieg  fet  I  have  seen  in  my  travels; 
bon  ligger  paa  -n  til  he  is  about  to  depart  for; 
bare  paa  en  -  el.  paa  -r  be  on  a  journey,  be 
travelling  el.  on  one's  travels;  fortøret  for  -n 
engaged  by  the  ran.  —  9cejfe|oar  year  nf  one's 
travels.  -apotef  medidne-chest.  -beretninf 
account  of  travels.  -beftribelfe  (book  of)  trav- 
els; (om  ©ørejfe)  narrative  of  a  voyage.    •**• 

ffrioer  writer  of  travels.  -bibliotef  travelling 
library.  -biHeber  travelling  sketch  es.  -biotbn* 
portable  inkstand.  -boa  traveller's  manual, 
ltinerary,  guide-book.  •»«»  traveller's  letter, 
letter  from  abroad;  +  =  $aft.  -brober  fe  -fælle. 
•bnrean  Tourists  Agency.  -bblt  bundle  of lug- 
gage.  -ban  prayer  to  be  used  on  travels.  -bag 
day  of  the  journey;  (fcfreife)  day  of  departure. 
•bagbøf  travelling  diary,  itinerary.  -bragt  tra- 
velling dress,  -erinbringer  pi  recollecttons  of 
travel,  -eoentlir  travelling  adventure,  adven- 
ture on  a  Journey.  -ftaflc  travelling  flask,  case 
bottle.  -fonwbenb'ber  pi  travelling  requisites. 
•fratfe  travelling  coat.  -falle  fellow-traveller, 
travelling  companion.  +-fa?rb  Journey.  -fcerbif 
a  ready  to  set  out  on  a  journey  el.  voyage, 
ready  to  start,  -følge  travelling  suite;  fe  -felffob. 
-gilbe  parting-treat,  farewell-dinner. 

Wejfegilbe  n  roofing  supper. 

tteifeløøb*  fr  -tøj.  -gobtg<re(fe  travelling  ex- 
penses.  -baanbbog  fe  -bog.  -Hat  travelling  hat. 
-^cft  roadster.  -biftorie  traveller's  tale.  -boo« 
mefter  travelling-tutor,  -bne  travelling  cap. 
-bbnbe  travelling  cushion.  -batte  travelling 
hood.  -inbtrtjt  travelling  impressions.  -tom- 
merat  fe  -fceUe.  -lappe  travelling  cloak.  -ttJfe 
travelling  casb.  -tiffert  fleld-glass.  -Hfie  trav- 
elling cbest.  -tjole  travelling  gown  el.  dress. 
-flceber,  -nabniufl  travelling  clothes  el.  dress, 
-flffbt  a  in  travelling  dress,  -fort  travelling 
map.  -foft  travelling  provisions,  -tran  &  trav- 
elling crane.  -fnffert  travelling  trunk.  -føtfeu 
travelling  kiteben.  -lifte  railwayguide.  -Up 
travelling  life,  ltinerary  life.  -Il)fl  love  of  trav- 
elling. -Upften  a  fond  of  travelling;  anxious  to 
go.  -lage  travelling  physician.  -mab  fe  -loft. 
-minber  fe  -erinbringer.  W  ej  fen  c  travelling. 
Wejfenbe  c  pt  =,  traveller;  *tramp,  gipsy. 
Weifc|omtofriii«ger  travelling  expenses,  (for  enlelt 
Keffe)  journey  expenses.  -optegnelfer  pi  itine- 
rary notes,  -ooerfrafte  (fobfib)  ulster,  -paf 
passport;  fig  fe  Søbepa«.  -pel#  rarred  travelling 
coat.  -penge  money  for  travelling;  travelling 
cash.  -pibe  travelllng-pipe.  -plan  travelling 
-scheme  -pnlt  travelling  desk.  -refoiflter  fe 
-fomøbenbeber.  -rem  t-avelling-strap.  -ro« te 
route,  road;  skeleton  tour.  -fager  fe  -tøj.  -fet* 
fTab  travelling  company.  -fraø  travelling  bed. 
-flo  travelling  boots.  -ffriu  travelling  box. 
-ttipenbinm  travelling  scholarship  el.  fellowsbip. 
-ft<»  dust  of  travel,  "-fup  parting  glass,  stirrup 
-cup.  -fbge  passion  for  travelling,  -fat  port- 
manteau,  carpet-bag.  -tafle  travelling  pouch, 
wallet.  -tib  time  passed  bi  travelling,  -tjener 
travelling  servant.  -tog  expedltion;  company 
el.  troop  of  travellers,  caravan,  -toilette  fe 
-bragt,  -tappe  travelling  blanket  el.  rug,  cbaise 
-wrapper.  -t«|  luggage,  amr  baggage,  F  plunder. 
-nbflift  fe  -omtoft ninaer.  -vant  a  used  to  trav- 
elling, -bejr  travelling  weatber.  -bogn  trav- 
elling carriage.    *-baffe  fe  -taf!e. 

WejØitiita  c  (03em.  at  rejfe)  raising  eta,  erec* 
tion;  (Opfanb)  rising,  revolt,  rebellion;  teehn 
elevation;  &  t  rigglng;  benne  fiefl  bor  en  gob  - 
this  horse  carries  bis  head  well;  ©uofptbbct«  - 
the  steeve  of  tbe  bowsprit;  £unbfioffeneft  -  *I* 
tbe  dead  rising  of  the  floors.  *Wei9b«rt  ancient 
kind  of  wood  structure  (of  timbers  raised  on 
end,  not  lying  horizontally). 

Rcfelt  a:  gaa  .  be  plougbed,  mil,  be  sent 
back.  ftejefttø'a  c  failure.  Rejicere vt plougb, 

fetet'  o  (0)bmn.)  the  horisontal  bar. 

øtefapitttllamt'  o  -er  reenlisted  el.  reengaged 
soldler.  -latio  «  o  recapitula'tion;  mil  reengage. 




ment,  reenlistment.  -le're  vt  recapit'ulate,  gom 
up;  mil  re-engage. 

Øtefaptø'r  c  -er  ^  recap'tor. 

flte|tUatatiø'tt  c  -er.  fe  Ziltagexaibelfe;  reclama'- 
tion,  clalm,  (ftrtftl.)  notice  of  claim.  -tfa'nte  c 
•r  tråde  advertisement,  puffing  advertisement, 
self-advertisement,  puff;  gøre  -  for,  tjene  fora  . 
for  advertise.  -ftameagtig  a  paffing.  -Home* 
mager  c  -e  advertising  puffer,  -flame're  vt  re- 
claun,  clalm. 

Wetøgnitio*  c  -er  conslderation. 

8tcføg«øfee'r|e  vi  k  t  mil  reconnoit're.  -tog 
c  -er  reconnolt'ring,  recon'naissance.  -lag gboab 
spy-boat.    •ingøøartt  reconnoitring  patty. 

Wefømmen|batio'n  fe  Hnbefaling;  (©reoe«)  re- 
gistration.  -be're  vt  recommend';  -t  ©reb  regi- 
stered  letter. 

ttefønftrae're  vt  reconstruct. 

9teto«»ale£|cen6'  c  convales'cence.  -cent'  c 
-er  convales'cent;  »cere  -  be  recoverlng. 

8tefre|øtio'ii  c  recrea'tion.  -e  re  vt  (fig)  recreate 
(one's  self). 

Wetrat'  c  -er  recrui't.  -e're  vt  (ogf.  .fo)  re- 
crul't.  -e'rittg  c  recnil'ting.  -flole  drill.  -tibea 
the  training  time.  -nbbannetfe  drllling  el.  trådn- 
ing (of)  tbe  recruits. 

IR  ett  laugel  n  -gier  rectangle.  -angttUe'r  a 
rectan'gular.  -afcenfiø'n  c  a*t  right  ascen'sion. 
-afcenfiø'nøcirtel  circle  of  right  ascension  (o.  fl.). 
-ifiee're  vt  (ogf.  ehem)  rec'tify.  -tfUatio'n,  -itfee'. 
ritt  c  rectifica'tion. 

tKeftør  c  -o 'rer  head  master  of  a  grammar 
school;  Uniberftteteti  -  {Rector  magnific**)  rector 
of  a  university,  principal,  ttcftøra't  n  head 
masterehtp.  fReftor|embebe  b.  f.  -!o«be  rector'* 

IRefttr*'  c  recou'rse. 

fRe'ttiem  n  requiem. 

Wefbl|re  re  vt  request.  -fit'er  pi  req'uisites; 
(leater •),  (stage)  properties,  F  props,  -fltbnb 
teat  property-man.  -fitio'n  c  requisit'ion;  tage 
i  -  lay  under  r.,  put  in  r.  -fit'øøgtt  waggon 
with  supplie8.     -fitø'r  c  -er  teatr  property-man. 

fRet'øøelfer  exerclses  on  the  horizontal  bar. 

Nelai*  n,  pi  =,  relay.  —  -batteri  teleg  relay 

Welatio  u  c  -er  rela'tion. 

fRelatiø  a  relative;  et  -t Ubtrttf  a  comparative 
term  (relative  terms  =  forrelate  Ubrrnf);  et  -t 
Begreb  a  matter  of  degree;  alting  er  -t  all  things 
are  by  comparison;  t  ad  c  comparatively.  —  n 
-er  relative  (pronoun). 

Relief '  n  relie'f,  relie'vo.   -traf  tissierography. 

Wf  legere  vt  expel;  (for  en  £ib)  rusticate;  -  fra 
Umoerfftetet  expel  the  univers! ty. 

{Religion  c  er  religion;  betenbe  fig  til  en  - 
profess  a  r.;  ben  naturlige,  aabenbarebe  -  the 
natural,  revealed  r.:  ben  berftenbe  .  the  estab- 
lished  church  el.  religion.  —  9trfigiø'nd|aiitig< 
genbe  fe  -fag.  -begreb  religions  conceptdon. 
-betenbetfe  fe  2ro*'.  -øøa,  religious  book.  -eb 
religious  oath;  (t  ttngl.:  $rø»eeb)  test.  -ebift 
religious  edict  •fattatiØwe  religious  fanaticism. 
-fifofofi  philosophy  of  religion,  -føragt  con- 
tempt  of  religion,  -føragter  contemner  of  reli- 
gion. <før*ebri«g  fe  fReformatlon.  -førbragelig* 
|eb  tolerance,  -førføigelfe  religions  persecution. 
-førfølger  religious  persecutor.  -fornægtelfe 
denial  of  religion,  -f øntffgter  denier  of  religion, 
•frafalb  apostacy.  -freb  peace  as  to  religion  el. 
religious  differences,  -frtycb  religious  liberty. 
-f*fle  coreligionist.  -f*Be«f»ab  community  of 
religion,  -bob  religious  hatred.  -banbiiiig  aet 
of  religion,  religious  aet.  -iøer  religious  zeal. 
-Jrig  religious  war.  -!»nbf»ab(er)  knowledge  of 
religion,  religious  knowledge.  -l*e»øm  religious 

doctrine.   -Urre  religious  system,   -tørrer  teac£*-r 
of  religion.     -M  a  religionless.     -I«d%ct  wan 
of  religion,     -meainf  religious  opinion.     -#«rti 
religious  party  el.  sect.    -fag  matter  ofreligiot: 
•fantfnnb  religious  society  el.  community.    -fast 
tale  religious  discourse.  -f aak|e»  religions  trutb 
-ftit  religious  rite.     -føalhiiag   ecbism.     -fMt 
scoffing  d.  mocklngof  religion,    -frørtrr  sooffe: 
of  religion.    -fHfter  (bunder  of  religion.    -Jrrrs 
-frribigbeb   religious    controversy,    r.     disputc 
-fø«rmer  (religious)  fanatic.  -ftornBcri  (religion 
fanaticism.    -tøoiig  constraint  in  religions  mat 
ters.    -rttittl  religious  doubt.    -msøcsvlteiaf  re- 
ligions instruction  el.  teaching.    <#Mf fe  exerriæ 
of  religion,  public  worship;  fri  -  liberty  ot  vcr- 
ship.     fteligiø'Ø  a  religions,  piously  incline«^ 
»eligiøflte't  e  relig'lousness,  pie  ty.     9rfi§iø# 
*ølttif!  a  religio-poUtical. 

fRelit'Die  c  -r  rel'ic.  -bUrtelfe  worahip  of  rélii*. 
-gemme,  -ffri«,  -atffe  rel'iquary. 

Rem'  e  -me,  -mer  strap,  (fmol)  thong;  (i  STr 
latchet;  arck  regiet;  (SriB*)  belt;  ffste  øtebe  -m< 
af  en  anben  VtanM  ^ub  cut  large  thongs  of  an 
other  man' s  leather  el.  snives  of  another  man  > 
loaf,  be  free  with  another's  purse;  ba»e  en  _  a- 
(t  ubi)  Auben  have  (a  touch  of)  the  amme  defeu 
el.  foible,  føre  faa  hurtig  fom  -mer  og  %M  Far. 
bolbe  drive  at  a  furious  rate.  Wem«ffrilis| 
throwing  off  the  belt,  belt-shifUng. 

Wemebinm  n  -ier  (Wibbel  intob)  rem'edy. 
(SRønroj  allowance,  tolerance,  remedy;  -m 
(KebfE.)  appliances. 

ttem^nt  n  hole  in  a  strap. 

ttemtttifce«*'  c  -er  reminis'cence. 

ttemi'd  [fr.]  a  drawn,  a  drawn  game,  a  dran 

Wemife  c  -r  coach-house,  (for  ffilbt)  cover. 

WemU'fe  e-r  mere  remittance.  —  (Remititriib 
c  -er  unsold  book.     -tenbe^Øttara  account  of 
returned   publications.     -tent'  c  -er  remittor. 
-te're  vt  remit. 

9lemme|famfe¥  belt-coupling.  -ftiøe  sheave 
sheave-drum.  -flo  laced  boot.  -fniber  c  girdler 
harness-maker.  -frrammer  belt-stretcher.  -fet 
bearded  seal,  Phoca  birbata. 

fNemøvftrattt'  c  -er  Remon'strant. 

Slemøa'te  c  remount.    -|eft  horse  for  remount 
ttemøHte're  vt  remount. 

fKemøtttaHterøfe  c  hybrid  perpetnal  rose. 

fltemorm  c  strap  worm,  LigvUa. 

8tenM>e  vt  baste.     Wem^e  c  -r  prov  wrinkle 
8lenM>et  a  wrinkled. 

DQemølacere  vt  repla'ee. 

Ølemfe  c  &  vt  fe  Wamfe;  'strip,  slip. 

NemftljHe  n  arck  summer. 

flleii  c  -er  ofb.,  fe  Wenlbpr. 

Men  c  -er.  fe  »ger«. 

9ten  a  (fri  for  6mub8,  ogf.  Aff  ubefmtrtet,  ufrplbifl! 
clean;  (fri  for  al  fremmeb  Xilfcetning,  ogf  fy)  pure; 
mu*  in  tune;  -  for  (+  fra)  pure  from,  free  from. 
P  ben  »ar  jo  -  that  is  a  good  one,  I  like  that; 
for  ben  -e  er  alting  -t  for  the  pure  everythlng  is 
pure;  fio  oabffe  fig  -  exculpate  one's  ælf;  frrire 
-t  copy  fair;  gøre  -t  (i  et  »ærelfe)  tidy  (a  room  , 
clean  up;  tage  -t  paa  take  on  clean  linen;  bring? 
paa  bet  e  clear  up;  tomme  paa  bet  -e  meb  en  come 
to  a  clear  understand! ng  with  one;  jeg  et  poa 
bet  -e  meb  mig  felb  om  I  have  made  up  my  mind. 
bi  ere  enbnu  iffe  paa  bet  -e  meb  Qenfpn  til  we  are 
not  yet  out  of  the  wood  with  regard  to;  bet  f 
Wfguben  rank  idolatry;  Sonbøn  er  en  -  ØegerøM 
nn  L.  is  a  perfect  gridiron  now;  et  -t  ©ara  a 
mere  child;  -e  Qlabe  blank  pages;  fig  bon  bar 
fil°tt  -t  ©orb  he  has  made  a  clean  house  of  it; 
-t  5)anff  correct  Danish;  gare  -t  3>«f  (om  Cnta* 
feer)  sweep  the  deck;  -t  P  F  natural;  -  fcorbei 
clear  profits;  ban«  -e  3nbiægt,    debinft  his  net 




profit(s);   en  ~  ftbint  a  perfect  flfth;  en  .  ftbft  a 
clear  coast;   et  -t  Søb  a  clear  channel;   -  Watt* 
matil  pure,  abstract  mathematics;  af  -  Webliben« 
oeb,  tjejøfrb  ofo.  from  sheer  compas&ion,  cowar- 
dice  etc.;  bolbe  ~  SRunb  keep  one's  own  counsel; 
en  -  Cttoo  a  perfect  octave;  meb  -f  Crb  plalnly, 
roundly,  in  so  many  words,  in  set  terms;  -e  Orb 
for  pengene  plain  speaking;  en  -  røb  ffiepublitaner 
a  veritable  red  republican;  F  ben  Sag  er  -  there 
is  no  doabt  of  that;  .  Sambittiglpb  a  clear  con- 
science;  -  ©anbfceb  plain  truth;  gøre  -t  ©rib  clear 
ship;    00te  Sfibet  -t  clean  out  the  snip;  en  - 
efri&enoabe  a  pure  style;  en  -  6temme  a  clear 
voice;  .  af  Sæber  of  pure  morals;  en  ~  Xatterfen 
a  clean  plate;  et  -t  lr«f,  Zilfaelbe  a  mere  accid- 
ent;   en  -  Umuligbeb   a  sheer  impossibility;   - 
U;anbheb  sheer  falfiehood;  bet  -e  Sanbib  an  aet 
of  ntter  insanity;  jeg  brifter  bet  -ne  Xtøfen  I  take 
my  brandy  neat,  —  rent  adv  cleanly  etc;  nu« 
in  tune;  (ganfte,  db  c  le*)  qulte,  coxnpletely,  clean; 
t  fteint  in  perfect  tune;  bar  bu  -t  glemt?  have 
yon  clean  forgotten?  brifte  (et  ®la#)  -  nb  exnpty 
ei.    drink  off  a  gi  aes;  ffribe  -  copy  fair;  tale  et 
Crb  -  nb  pronounce  a  word  distinctly;  tale  .  ub 
(af  $ofen)  tell  a  tbtng  bluntly,  speak  one's  mind 
plalnly;  nægtet  -  ub  at  refuses  pointblank,  de- 
clines  flatly,  to;  bet  er  -  forbi  Qam  it  is  all  over 
with  him. 

Xeaatøfaa'ce  c  renais'sance. 

MtuaPl  c  breeding  in-and-in. 

*9e'ttøløBi  c  glacier  crow-foot,  Ranunculut 

ttentraf  c  naked  fallow. 

8tea»  n,  pi  *=,  run;  F  ber  bar  faabant  et  -  efter 
be  Søger  there  was  such  a  run  on  those  books; 
ber  bar  et  forfærbeligt  ~  ben  $ele  Sag  there  were 
so  many  people  coming  and  going  the  whole 
day;  bolb  nu  op  meb  bet  -  (meb  Sørene)  stop  that 
running  in  and  out !  P  jnHe  i  -  take  to  one's 
heels,  make  off  at  a  scamper. 

Stente  c  -r  (fBanbr.)  conduit,  pipe;  (lagr.) 
gutter;  (Sbbet  i  et  garbanb)  channel;  (i  3fen)  cut, 
channel,  låne  of  water;  (®røft,  Jcanol)  canal, 
drain;  (til  Stprtegobt)  spout,  (aaben)  shoot;  Sot- 
bpbning  groove. 

ftenbe  vt  (om  9arn)  warp.  Rente  c  -r  warp- 

vtenbe,  -te,  -t  vi  k  t  (løbe)  run;  (om  Si)*)  sweal, 
ewale;  *vt  pour,  run;  -  Sæbbeløb  race;  -  gal  be 
ialways)  gadding  about;  .  paa  en  run  against 
one;  .  en  inb  paa  fiibet  closo  with  one,  press 
one  hard;  -  en  omfulb  knock  one  down  (by 
running  against  him;;  -  en  ftaarben  igennem  fiioet 
run  the  sword  through  one's  body;  -  $obebrt 
mob  Steggen  fig  run  one's  head  against  a  stone 
wall;  -  en  op  overtak e  one  (by  running);  -  fiioet 
af  fig,  .  flg  ibiel  run  the  breath  out  of  one's 
body;  .  en  paa  Sørme  importune  one;  .  fin  ®ej 
run  away,  take  to  one's  heel's,  run  off,  de  camp; 
j,  -  Stagene  snake  the  stays,  -  op  i  tiinben  luff 
up.  —  Øfenbebane  race-course. 

Weabebom  c  beam  el.  yarn  roll. 

ftenbebor  n  pump-borer,  pump-bit. 

ffleabebnt  c  fe  Dcurbrætter. 

9tenbc|gant  warp.    -bage  hook  on  a  loom. 

JRenbeøefr  c  p  errand-boy. 

fltenbejorn  n  iron  support  of  a  wa ter-pi pe. 

Øteabel  tante  running  knot,  sllp-knot.  -rnøle 
slag.  -falllng  P  telitale,  talebearer;  fe  -moffe. 
-Uffe  fe  -fnare.    -maffe  gad-about. 

9te*bem*He  c  warping-mlll. 

btenben  c  running. 

ftenbepenge  pi  warping-penny. 

JMeube're  vt  yield;  -nbe  a  paying,  remunera- 

ftenbert'  n  fe  Wenb.  9tenbe|fnare  running 
noose.    -fpinbel  upright  drill. 

Wenbeften  c  gutter,  kennel.  —  ØtenbeftenØibrat 
board  laid  over  a  gutter,  -f nager  ragman. 
-fnoøØ  dirt  from  the  gutter. 

9tenbe|fng  *  &  backsweep  (of  the  waves). 
•øje  fe  Søbe«. 

ttenbe&bøn'Ø  [fr.]  n  ren'dezvous. 

ttenbing  c  warp.  —  9tenbinøØ[ fltte  fe  flabe«. 
-tob  ^  swifter. 

9tenbbrhting  c  (af  ©arterier)  pure  cultivation. 

Wenega't  c  -er  renegado,  ren'egade. 

Wenlgtre  vt  clean,  make  clean.  -gøren, 
-øfring  c  cleanlng  (up);  Saftet«  -  cleansing  the 
deck.  -førtagøbag  cleanlng  day.  -gørinf  dfone 
charwoman.  -gøri  ngér  eb  flabe  r  ^  gear  for 
cleansing  decks.  Weaqeb  o  cleanness,  pureness, 
purity.  8ten|Bjjertet  a  pure  of  heart.  -bolbetfe 
c  keeping  clean,  cleanlng. 

9tenitent'  c  -er  recusant. 

«e  u|toge  vt  whiten  (Bilver),  -fultnr  fe  -bnrl* 

We  nUb  fe  vcentbtrnnoS. 

We'nlig  a  cleanly.  -beb  e  cleanliness.  Wen« 
livet  a  chaste.    8tenlibctl|eb  c  chastity. 

91  en  om  |  mé'  n  character,  reputation,  -me'ret 
a  well-known;  notorious.  -mlfl'  c  -er  bully, 

9cenen'ce  c  (i  ftortfpil)  renounce;  —  a  were  ~ 
have  a  renounce,  have  none  of  a  sult.  -'re  rt 
declare  off;  -  paa  give  up,  dispense  with,  re- 
nounce; vr  ..  flg  throw  away,  discard. 

ttenøvario'tt  c  renova'tion,  renewal;  nightsoil. 
—  «enobarto'né|farl  night-man.  -plab*  night 
-shoot,  night  yard,  laystall.  -bogn  night-cart. 
9te«obe're  vt  ren'ovate. 

Nenøbbr  n  relndeer,  amr  cariboo,  Cervtu  ta- 
randuM.  Vfeaftbipr|abl  breeding  of  reindeer. 
•brentft  reindeer  gadfiy,  Oftrua  tarandi.  -fatb 
r.  calf.  -fo  r.  cow.  -løb  r.  flesh,  venison.  -lab 
fe  mos.  -mæl!  r.  milk.  -mød,  •-mofe  r.  moss, 
Cladonia  rangiferina.  -ølfte  r.  ox,  male  r.  -flinb 
r.  skin.    -flabe  r.  sledge. 

fteafe  vt  clean  (out),  cleanse,  purify;  (9ifl) 
dress;  -  ftorn  winnow,  fan  corn;  -  Aåotnt  for 
Søreoere  scour  the  seas  of  pi  rates;  .  for  Smitte 
purify;  .  for  gjenber,  for  WWtante  clear  of  ene- 
mies, ofsuspicion;  -  for  en  ©eftplbning  exculpate 
from  a  charge.  Wenfe|bigel  coppel,  cupel.  -|n( 
(Smp.)  mud  hole.  -(bnle)bør  mud-hole  door. 
-far  vessel  for  cleansing.  Wenfelfe  o  cleanlng 
etc.,  puriflcation;  ben  maaneblige  .  the  courses, 
menses.  —  9cenfelfe£|bage  ^  days  of  puriflca- 
tion. -eb  oath  of  purgation,  -feft ;  TOoriot .  the 
Puriflcation  of  the  Holy  Virgin,  -mibbet  deter- 
gent, purgative,  cathartic.  -øffer  lustration. 
-peøeeé  cleanlng  process.  —  Wenfelmafllne  win- 
nowiug  machine.  -bcerf  (i  SRøDe;  cleansing 

»enlfTrift  c  fair  copy.  -ftriøe  re  copy  fair, 
(air.  -{Trioer  copying  clerk.  -flriøniag  copying 
fair.  -fturet  a  clean  ncrubbed.  -fløøc  vt  rinse. 
-ffttøcv  rinsing.  -fmaaenbe  a  pure-flavoured. 
Kenø'ttint  c   et,  fe  KenTelfe. 

8lenta'|bel  n  profitable,  remunerative.  -bili- 
tt't  e  profltableness,  remunerativenes. 

»ente  c  -r  intereøt;  (aarfig  ftnbtomft  i  Vlm.) 
income,  revenue;  -r  interest;  (eoe  af  fine  -r  live 
upon  the  interest  of  one's  money;  ••  .  com- 
pound interest;  meb  -•  -  fiø  (ogf.)  with  accumu- 
lated  usury;  fatte,  ublaane  $enge  paa  -  put  money 
out  at  el.  to,  lend  money  on,  interest.  +8ee*te 
vt  fe  ftentere.  -afbrag  discount,  -beregning 
calculation  of  interest.  -bcerenbe  a  bearing 
interest.  -bag  term  (for  paying  interest).  -føb 
rate  of  interest.   -fri  a  free  from  interest.   -fri* 




fteb  exemptlon  from  interest.  -atter  payer  of 
intereet.  f-tommer  exchequer.  -fraø  claim  for 
Intereet.  -tttpøu  coupon.  t-mefter  treasurer. 
ftententft'  c  -er  fundholder,  gentleman  of  property, 
Independent  gentleman.  9tenie|npber  c  -e  an- 
nuitant;  fe  -tager.    -penge  fe  Rente,    Kenie're  vt 

Seld.  ttRenteftriøer  clerk  of  the  exchequer. 
enteSregntng  percentage,  calculation  of  inter- 
eet. W eaie | taft  loss  of  intereet.  -taftet  table  of 
intereet.  -tager  receiver  of  interest.  -øæfen 
mattere  conceming  interest  and  usury.  fltentie'r 
c  -er  fe  fRentenift. 

Wentre're  vt  finedraw,  renter. 

fte'nltrftt  *  clean  proof,  fair  impression. 
-trntte  vt  work  off;  et  -rrtjft  (Enemplar  a  fair  im- 
pression, clean  proof.  -trpfning  working  off. 
•babfte  <t  fio  exe ul pate,  disculpate,  whitewasb. 
•babftuing  exculpating  etc,  excalpation. 

Weø'l  c  -er  shelves  pi,  (book-)case;  typ  stand. 
-fcbjbe  book-shelf. 

éteøte  vt  trench.  tfteø'ljpløb  trench-plough. 
-pløje  fe  fReole.    -pløjning  trenching. 

fteørgouiifatio  n,  -fe'rtag  c  reorganisation. 
-fe're  vt  reo'rganize. 

9iepir|atio  n  c  -er  repair(s).  -atiø'u&ba&fin 
repairing-basin.  •atiønSømtoftninaer  cost  of 
repairs.  -atør  c  -er  repairer,  mender.  -e're  vt 
repair,  mend,  reflt. 

9tepar|te're  ve  distribute,  apportion,  allot. 
-tttio'n  c  distribution,  allotment. 

{Repertoi  re  n  collection  of  stock  plays,  stock; 
taolbt  flg  paa  -t  kept  (its  place  on)  the  stage. 
-ftptte  stock-piece.     Weperto'rtum  n  rep'ertory. 

9tepet|eut'  c  -er  coach,  -e're  vt  k  i  (ogf.  om 
Ur  ofo.)  repeat. 

Wepete'rjfjeber  repeating  spring,  -flag  re- 
peat i  ng  signal,  -geøar,  -riffet  repeating  rifle, 
repeater.  -metantøtte  (i  $iano)  check-action. 
-frib  repeating  ship,  repeater.  -ur  repeater. 
-Døcrf  works  of  repeater. 

ftepet|itio'ii  c  er  repetlt'ion.  -ttiø'nØftøg 
cram-book.  -itiø  nfltegn  mut  repeat.  -itø  r  c  -er 
repeater;  fe  fflepeterfttb. 

HepH'  c  fe  -poft. 

{Replicere  vt  reply.  ttepli!'  c  er  jur  replica- 
tion;  teat  speech. 

ttepli'pøft  c  rallying-point. 

JRepø'd  c  landing. 

Øtepredfaiier  pi  repri'sals;  tage,  øbe  -  make 

Weprimau'be  c  -r  rebuke,  rep'rimand,  f  wig- 

JReprife  c  -r  repetition. 

bteprøbn|ce're  vt  reprodu'ce.  -ttto'n  c  repro- 
duc'tion.    -ttiø'HØørganer  reproduc'  ti  ve  organs. 

ftrpnrfentant'  c  -er  representative,  deputy; 
member  (of  parliament).  -m*be  meeting  of 
deputies,  of  the  committee,  -flab  n  committee. 
—  Wfprcefentati  ø  a  represen'tative;  -er  pi  notes. 
{Reprafentati'øfbftemet  the  represen'tative  sys- 
tem, tøeprorfente're  vt  represent,  stand  for; 
($ar(.)  be  member  for. 

ttepft  fe  »tp«. 

tteptii  n  -ier  rep'tile. 

ftepublif  e  -fer  re  pub '11  c,  commonwealth. 
-a'ner  e  -e  repub'lican;  (&irgl)  sociable  gross- 
beak,  PhiUtrmu  »ocius.  -anii'me  c  repub  lican- 
ism.    •awfl  a  repub'lican. 

fReput|atføn  c  reputa  tion.  -e'rlig  a  creditable. 

ttefeba  c  mlgnonette,  Reteda  odoruta;  øilb  ~ 
base  roenet,  Reseda  lutev. 

fReferøage  c  (Støfbeibfe)  resist. 

IRefcr'øe  c  -r  (ogf.  mil)  rese'rve;  i  -  in  reserve, 
in  store,  -arter,  •førraab  o.  fl.  spare  anchor, 
stores  etc.  -effabre  reserve  squadron.  -fønb 
reserve  fund.     -gøbd  J,  spare  sails,   spars  and  i 

rigging.  -ftfal  change  wheeL  -isftewtcriaa  •!• 
inventory  of  spare  stores  el.  articles.  -tatps 
body  of  reserve.  -tøb§  second-class  pilot;  de- 
puty pilot,  -loge  assistant  physician  (to  * 
hospital).  -moBbffab  spare  hånds.  -■Mfrise  & 
duplicate  engine.  -officer  supernumermir  omeer, 
J,  officer  of  the  Royal  Naval  Reserve.  Krfer 
øe're  vt  reserve;  -  ftg  noget  reserve  aometbio* 
to  one's  self;  .  flg  imob  gnard  againat.  fllcfrrfte  - 
rør  reserve  rndder.  -ft^rfr  -trøjer  r.  force*. 
Øteferbøir  n  -er  reservoir,  basin.  fiefer»øir>es 

Weflblenr(ftab)  c  -er  res'idence.  *ew9'|Ut  ca*tle 
of  residence.     -enf  c  -et  resident   (minister 
-e're  vi  reside;  -nbe  ttaptUan  perpetnal   carate 
-nbe  ftaøeaani   perpetual  caracy;    -nbe    fRiiriftf: 
resident  minister. 

Wefi'bnnm  n  chem  resid'uum. 

flleflglttatiø'H  o  resigna'tion.  -«e're  vi  resign 
-ueret  a  resigned  (i  to). 

WeWo  fe  dcifito. 

»effriøt   n  -er  re'script. 

flteføljitt'  a  prompt,  unhesltatini;,  bold.  deter- 
mined.  -utiø'n  c  -er  resolu'tion;  longelig  -  royal 
letter,  order  in  council.  -øe'rt  vt  resolve  (upon  i. 
-be  ret  fe  -ut. 

fReføHO«*'  e  mut  res'onance.  -ftttmfc  aound 
-board,  -bal  sound-hole.  -tr*  sounding- board 

9)efpett'  e  respect,  regard;  fatte  ftg  i  .   m&^ 
one's  self  respected;   meb  -  at  melbe  with  reve- 
rence  el.  under  favour  be  it  spoken.     Blrfprt 
tabel  a  respec'table.     Stefftefte'rc  er   respe« i 
»efpetrio  a  respektive,   several.     Rcf^'etriøc 
adv  severally.    Øtefftrltftribig  a  disrespectrul. 

Wefptra'tør  c   er  inhaler,  respirator. 

Wefbit'  c  res'pite;  ^  (beb  fapfetling)  time 
allowance.  -bage  mere  days  of  grace.  -tabel 
scale  of  time  allowance. 

ttefftøtt'lben*  c  the  respondent,  -ben'riaftrtb 
mere  respondentia  bond.  -fø'rinm  n  -ter  r^ 
spoDæ.    -fnat  n  -fa  opinion. 

Wefo  rt  [fr.]  c  province,  department. 

Weøfønr'ce  c  -t  reso'urce. 

Kcft  c  er  rest,  remainder,  remnant,  amr  bal- 
ance; (af  Xøj)  remnant;  for  -en.  fe  ^orrefren;  %\*t 
en  fin  .  do  for  one;  faa  fin  ~  be  done  for;  ttaa 
til  .  be  still  due;  ftaa  til  ~  meb  be  in  arreax  of. 
Keftan'ce  c  -r  arrears  pi.  WefUraceltf«  list  of 

fReftanrlaiit'  c  restaurant,  -atiø'n  e  -er  iet 
S&nafrid,  ©pgning*  o.  I.)  restora'tion;  (SfiifebulJ 
dining-rooms  pi,  refreshment-house ,  eating 
-house,  restaurant,  -atri'cc  e  -t  «J/  stewarden 
-atø'r  c  -er  tavern-keeper,  master  of  an  ordlnary, 
restaurant-keeper;  J,  steward,     -e're  vt  re*« tore 

fteftjbebolbning  stock  in  nand  balance,  -fte« 
løb  remainder.  Wefte're  (+Wefte)  vi  rest;  nt>t 
Sratter,  ^nlleie  arrears  of  taxes,  rent;  -nbe  &*n 
back  pay. 

tRefHt«|c'rc  vt  restore;  -eret  (om  $e(br.)  recor- 
ered,  restored  to  health.  -ti o'«  c  restltu'tion; 

fteft i  (åbningen  the  remainder  of  the  cargo. 
-oplag,  »parti  remainder. 

Wefntta't  n  -er  result,  upshot,  outcome;  -et  af 
beree  Vrbejbe  bleo  their  work  issued  in.  -U*  a 
resultless.    Wef nlte  re  vi  result'. 

Wefnmé  n  summing  up,  resumé,  -'re  ve  sum 
up,  recapitulate. 

{Ret'  c  -ter  (9Rab)  dish,  bibl  mess,  pottage. 

Wet  c  -ter  (t  bibl  -te)  (mobf.  Uret;  ttettigbcb) 
right,  righte;  (3)omftol)  court  of  iustice,  oourt  of 
judicature;  (3nbbegreb  af  bet,  fora  et  trift  Slag« 
Soøe  flger  at  oare  ret)  law;  •(Cprejlning)  satis- 
factlon,   compensatton;   ben  tømerfte  .   Bonitu 




law;  ben  tanonijte  ~  caaoa  law;  ben  polUioe  - 
positive  Uw;  (olbe  en  -  hold  a  court;  ffaffe  en  . 
see  one  righted;  Iabe  beberfareft  -,  Iabe  tomme  til 
fin  -  do  Justice  to,  do  one  Justlee;  gøre  en(oer . 
og  6W  give  every  one  his  due;  .  f!al  Mere  - 
fair  play  is  a  Jewel;  (abe  ~  be  right,  be  in  the 
right,  (abe  fulbftænbia  .  be  perfectly  right;  bet 
fan  bu  pave  -  i  true  for  you;  beri  giber  jeg  Dem 
.  there  I  grant  you  are  right;  faa  -  carry  el. 
gain  the  point;  bet  tør  (ambe,  De  faar  -  you  may 
turn  out  el.  prove  right;  tbi  tenbet  for  .  the  de- 
cision of  this  court  is;  fe  9Ragt,  9laabe;  *(an  gør 
(gob)  -  for  fin  Søn  he  earns  his  salary;  ban  er  i 
fin  gobe  -  he  Is  perfectly  in  his  right;  bet  ftriber 
i  mob  al  -  og  ©inig(eb  lt  is  quite  contrary  to 
justice  and  equlty;  meb  fulb  -  with  perfect  ju- 
stice; meb  (bab  .?  by  what  right?  (abe  -  til 
Dronen  have  a  right  to  the  throne;  (abe  -  til  at 
have  a  right  to;  gibe  .  til  entitle  to;  -  til  at  ocere 
til  justiflcalion  in  ezistlng;  —  fatte' 9i  etten  set 
the  court;  talbe  en  for  -ten  sammon  one  before 
a  court;  (abe  -ten  (aoe  fin  (Bang  el.  Gange  let  the 
law  take  its  course;  gaa  -ten«  SBej  go  to  law; 
-ten«  Betjente  the  officers  of  justice;  møbe.  gioe 
3Røbe,  for  -ten  appear  in  court;  ftbbe  i  -ten  sit  in 
judgment;  Talbe  for  -ten  summon;  bringe  en  Gag 
for  -ten  bring  an  action;  oberoioe  fig  i  -ten«  $anber 
deliver  one's  self  up  into  the  hånds  of  justice; 
(aoe  -ten  paa  fin  Slbe  have  reason  et.  Justlee  on 
one's  side;  —  folbe  i  fRtttt  come  before  the 
court;  gaa  i  -te  meb  en  (til  Domftolene)  go  to  law 
with  one,  (bcbrejbe)  upbraid  one,  call  to  account, 
expostulate  with;  fcette  en  i  -te,  fe  3rettefatte; 
meb  -te  Justly,  deservedly;  bet  tiltommer  miq  meb 
-te  it  belongs  to  me  by  rights;  finbe  fig  til  -te 
*ee  one's  way;  gere  noget  til  -te  adjust,  set  right; 
(jalpe  en  til  -te  lend  one  a  helping  nand;  tomme 
til  -te  (igen)  come  to  rights,  come  to  hånd,  turn 
up;  tomme  til  -te  meb  noget  find  out  the  proper 
way  of  a  thing;  Tomme  til  -te  meb  en  come  to 
an  understanding  with  one;  ftaa  en  til  -te  answer 
one;  fatte  til  -te  set  right;  tage  fig  fe(o  til  te 
take  the  law  into  one's  own  hånds;  tale  en  til 
-te,  tale  fig  til  -te  meb  en  bring  one  to  reason; 
vtfe  en  til  -te  show  one  the  right  way,  set  one 
right;  fe  Dilretteoife. 

Mer  o  (lige)  right,  straight;  (rigtig)  right,  right- 
ful,  true,  legitimate,  proper;  ~  Støje  straight  el. 
right  line;  en  ~  $intel  a  right  angle;  ftaa  .  op 
htand  erect,  bolt  upright;  -  op  09  neb  upright, 
perpendleular;  itfe  mere  enb  -  og  bitligt  only  fair; 
bet  vat  - !  that's  it;  en  -  Støber  &  true  father; 
ben  -te  ttrbing  the  rightful  heir;  ben  -te  Såre  the 
true  doctrine;  til  -te  Dib  in  due  time;  et  Grb  i 
-te  %ib  a  word  in  season;  naone  tingen  beb  fit 
-te  9tabn  call  a  spade  a  spade;  (an  griber  6agen 
an  paa  -te  TOaabe  he  gæs  the  right  way  to  work; 
(olbe  inben  fine  -te  Qranfer  keep  within  legitim- 
ate bounds;  ban  er  jujt  ben  -te  9lanb  he  is  the 
very  man;  bet  -te  what  is  right;  bet  ene  -te  the 
(only)  right  thing  to  do.  —  Met  adv  right, 
straight;  (temmelig)  rather,  pretty;  _  fom  om  Just 
as  if;  ~  fom  jeg  bilbe  til  at  ftnbe  Just  as  I  was 
going  to  fire;  *  ~  fom  bet  bar  suddenly,  unex- 
pectedly;  ~  nu,  .  ftratø  dlrectly,  anon,  presently; 
-  faa  I  right !  good !  that's  it!  just  so  t  J,  steady ! 
a«  you  go!  fejle  -  i  9torb  sail  due  north;  .  forub 
si,  right  ahead;  -  ud  for  abreast  of;  bet  er  -  ril 
$aø  lt  sults  exactly,  it  is  the  very  thing;  De 
tommer  -  til  $af  you  come  in  the  very  nlck 
of  time;  De  (ar  if  fe  -  forftaaet  mig  you  have  not 
understood  me  rightly;  berfom  Jeg  buffer  -  if  I 
recollect  right,  to  the  best  of  my  recollection; 
jeg  oeb  iffe  .,  (oor  (an  bor  I  don't  know  exactly 
wnereabout  he  lives;  (an  er  itte  -  tlog  he  is 
not  in  his  right  senses;  i  Øaar  bar  (an  -  i  fit 

gobe  Sune  yesterday  he  was  quite  in  hlgh  spir- 
Its;  i  Dag  oiøe  bi  -  fornøje  o*  to-day  we  wlll 
enjoy  ooreelves  indeed;  bet  bar  -  ilbe,  at  (an 
iffe  fom  it  was  very  unlucky  that  he  did  not 
come;  bet  er  -  en  fmut  $ige  she  is  really  a  pretty 
girl;  bet  er  en  -  fmuf  $ige  she  is  a  rather  pretty 
girl;  bet  er  -  en  9tar  he  is  an  arrant  et.  egregious 
rool;  _  bel,  -  gobt  pretty  well;  bet  (ar  (an  iffe  - 
betantt  he  has  not  duly  considered  that;  bet  er 
itfe  -  g  lort  that  is  not  rightly  done;  —  rettere 
fagi  rather,  more  properly;  tBer  -tere  or,  to  put 
it  more  exactly;  iffe  -tere  enb  jeg  beb  as  far  as 
I  know,  to  the  best  of  my  knowledge;  itte  -tere 
enb  jeg  fan  forftaa,  jeg  fer  itte  -tere  enb  at  to  the 
best  of  my  understanding. 

ttetable're  vt  reestab'ltsh. 

tftetarbattøn  c  retarda'tion. 

ftetbaareu  a  legitimate;  .  til  ftongebømmet 
lawful  heir  to  the  throne. 

9tctentlø'n*ret  c  (right  of)  retention. 

9let|finbettbe  mere:  efter  -  lf  found  correct,  if 
found  free  of  errors.  -f«rb  c  fe  -farbig(eb. 
•fcer'big  a  just,  righteous.  -farbiggø're  ve 
justify,  warrant;  -  fig  exculpate,  disculpate, 
exonerate  one's  self,  set  one's  self  right,  •fer* 
blggorelfe  c  Justincation.  -fa'rbif(eb  c  Justice, 
righteousness ;  bolbe  ober  wet  og  ~  malntain 
Justice;  Iabe  bcberfareø  -  do  justice  to.  -farbig« 
(ebØfølelfe  (a)  sense  of  Justice.  -(abcri  n  cavilling, 
spedal  pleading.  +-(aøerft  a  cavilling.  -(ølt 
c  straight -edge.  -(»al  right  whale,  Balæna 
myBticetu*.    -(øble  vt  plane  smooth. 

Weti|ra'be  c  retreat;  privy,  convenience.  -ré 
a  F  reserved.    -re're  vi  retreat. 

9tet|f(*bet  a  freely-grained.  -løbet  a  straight 
•pastern'd.  -(ebe  vt  lead  into  the  right  way, 
direct,  guide,  -lebning  c  guidance.  -Icbl  adv 
straight  on. 

WetHfl  a  legal,  judicial. 

Metlltnjet  a  rlghtllned,  rectlllnear,  rectllineal. 
-Iderenbe  a  orthodox.    -Ubenbe  a  a»tr  direct. 

Met|UØ  a  (looløø)  illegal,  lawless,  unlawful; 
(ubenfor  Soben)  beyond  the  pale  of  the  law. 
-t-nuaS  Just  measure.  -ntadfig  a  lawful,  legit- 
imate, right.    -mcrdfig(eb  lawfulness,  legality. 

9tetning  c  -er  (baabe  egentl.  og  fio)  dlrection, 
(foranbret;  tum;  ftbftenø  -  the  trend  of  the  coast; 
Xanfen«,  Sinbete,  Vanbenø  ofb.  .  the  tendency 
of  thoughts,  of  the  mind;  t  -  mob  fJQen  in  the 
directlon  of  the  town,  citywards;  fig  i  -  af  in 
the  way  of;  i  .  af  Ojargoartøbrtft  In  the  mining 
way;  gaa  i  .  af  fig  tend  to w ards.  —  9ictttiltga|* 
traft  directive  power  el.  force,    -robe  marker. 

•fcetn«  adv  fe  IR  et  (adv)  nu. 

{Retor  c  -er  rhetorlc'ian.  ttetørif  c  rhet'oric. 
«f to  riff  a  rhetor'ic(al). 

Wetorlfoere  vt  Se  1  reto'rt.  -flø'K  c  -er reto'rt. 

Retort',  ftetørt'e  c  -er  chem  reto'rt. 

fRctønnVe  c  retouch.    -'re  vt  retoueh. 

Wetrbgget  a  straight-backed. 

9*  et  rat  e  c  retreat.  -ørbett  order  of  retreat. 
•pøft  retreat. 

«et«|ifftaaelfe  cession  (of  a  right),  -aft  legal 
document.  -anftion  judicial  sale.  -begreb  notion 
of  right,  -beffuttelfe  legal  protection.  -betjent 
officer  of  justice.  -beøibft(eb  sense  of  justice. 
•brub  violation  of  justice.  -brng  judicial  usage. 
•bnb  process-server.  -bag  court-day.  -evne  legal 
rights.  "-efterfølger  asslgn.  -ferie  recess.  -for* 
bring  legal  claim  el.  demand,  -forfølgning  legal 
procedure.  -for(anbli«g  proceeding  in  the 
courts  of  law.  -for (o Ib  legal  relations,  -form 
judicial  el.  legal  form.  -følelfe  sense  of  justice. 
-gobe  privilege.  -grnnb  (Otunbf.  om  bet,  fom  er 
ret  ofo.)  priuciple  of  Justice;  (Oetmgelfe  for  Sob« 
lig(eben  i  en  ^orbring  ofo.;  juribiff  9x.)  legal  title. 




-g^lbig  a  good  in  law.  -øtfbigbeb  valldity  in 
law.  -qaanbljaoetfe  vindication  of  justice.  -tytvb- 
Ung  judicial  aet.  -biftørte  hiatory  of  law,  legal 
hiatory.  -bjemwel  legal  title.  -tøeøøetfe  vindica- 
tion  of  one's  right. 

fRet[fibc  right  gide,  face.  -flub  uprightness, 
rectitude.  -fitt'biø  a  upright.  -fhTbigbeb  fe 
•ftnb.  -fTttfTe«  a  upright,  righteous.  -ffoffevtycb 
o  integrity,  uprightness,  righteousness,  rectitude. 
•ffaffenft  f  o  real,  honest,  bona-fide.  -f!e(be)  c 

Wetdltenbetfe  Judicial  decision.  -ftlbe  source 
of  the  law.  -troft  legal  force,  valldity.  -frebØ 

fRrt|frri»iii«g  orthography,  spelling.  -ffrio- 
ningfttørc  system  of  orthography.  -ffritmi  nød- 
reform  spelling  reform. 

WeiS|tramrelfe  (Obrrrræbelfe  af  fiobbub)  infringe- 
ment  of  law;  (Jhænfclfe  af  en  anbenl  ftet)  vlola- 
tion  of  rights.  -Hpnbig  u  fe  fiøbtbnbfg.  -ttysbia« 
(eb  fe  fioofynbtgpeb.  ftetØHfl  a  legal,  judicial; 
ftøinberneø  -e  Stilling  the  position  in  law  of 
women.  fRetØ|foQCbibe«fraD  medical  jurispru- 
dence. -forb  a  jurisprudent,  learned  in  law. 
•forb  c  Jurist,  jurisconsult,  lawyer.  -lort  fe 
fioofbnbigijeb.  -forer  professor  of  jurisprudence 
•mibbel  legal  means  el.  rem  ed  y.  -morb  judicial 
murder.  -orben  rules  of  court.  -pleje  admini- 
stration of  ju8tice.  -regel  rule  of  law.  -fa« 
lawsuit,  process.  -fol  court(-room).  -fifterljeb 
public  security.  -fil!  Judicial  practice.  -ffraule 
bar.  -fpørgSntaal  question  of  law,  legal  ques- 
tion.  -ftoøning  summons  (from  a  court),  sub- 
pæna.  •fttfltng  position  in  law.  -ftrib  litiga- 
tion,  lawsuit.  -frribig  «  contrary  to  law,  illegal. 
•frrlbiøbeb  c  illegality.  -ftjftem  judicial  system. 
•forbDane  (general)  custom ;  r  common  law;  fe 
-JTil.    -tater  forensic  orator. 

+9fetftiHe  vt  set  right. 

fRetØjtilftanb  state  of  the  law  el.  of  jastlce. 
-tratte  fe  -ftrib.  -tvang  judicial  constraint.  -nb* 
trnt  legal  term.  -«)itlrr||eb  want  of  public 
security.  -pcbtøøt  custom,  customary  law. 
•øibrnfrab  jurisprudence,  science  of  law.  -ptben- 
ffebeliø  a  jurisprudential.  -bibur  assistant  (in 
a  court  of  jus  tic  e).  -pirfatng  legal  effect,  -øafen 

•lette  vt  &  r  (gøre  lige)  straighten;  (gioe  en 
Retning)  direct,  point ;  (et  Slib)  right ;  (forbebre, 
forrigere)  correct;  tøenrette)  execute;  ret!  mil 
dress  (your  racks) !  bolbt !  ret  (eoer) !  halt !  dress ! 
.  fifl  come  to  rights,  (om  Slib)  right;  bet  -r  fifl 
nof  that  will  be  all  right;  .  Staben  an  dish; 
bet  er  -t  an  dlnner  isserved;  -  efter  proportion 
to-,  ret  $em  efter  mig  fol  lo  w  my  example;  _  flg 
efter  en«  Shiner  accommodate  one's  self  to  one's 
humour,  humour  one;  »i  maa  rette  o*  efter  San* 
betfi  Stifte  we  must  conform  to  the  customs  of 
the  country;  bet  -r  flg  efter  that  is  regulated  by; 

-  fine  6fribt  imob  direct  one's  steps  towards; 
.  Øjnene  paa  direct  one's  eyes  towards;  olie« 
pjnc  vare  -be  paa  mig  all  eyes  were  turned  to- 
wards me;  .  en  ftanon  el.  ftittert  (paa,  imob) 
point  el.  level  a  cannon  el.  telescope  (at,  agalnst); 

-  al  fin  ftraft  |>aa  bend  el.  direct  one's  energies 
to;  .  fine  Xanfer  paa  noget  direct  one's  thoughts 
to  a  thing;  -  paa  (noget;  arrange,  adjust,  set  tie, 
set  to  rights;  ~  paa  en  criticize,  een  sure  one; 
ban  -be  ftg  til  fin  fulbe  $øjbe  he  drew  himself 
up,  raised  himself,  to  his  full  height;  t>an  -be  et 
fpar  Crb  til  mig  he  addressed  a  few  words  to 
me;  -  ub  straighten;  strctch.  Slette [jant  straight- 
ening  rod.  -ffobft  rule.  {Rettelig  a  (fom  fan 
gøre«  Uge)  capable  of  belng  stralghtened;  (fom 
Fan  forbebre«)  corrigible. 

fRertelig(en)  adv  rightly,  correctly.    {Rettclfc  c 

-r  correctlon.    emendaUon;   (WÉnbrrag)  amecd 
ment;  til  -  for  Sejfarenbe  for  the  dtrection  tf 
wayfarers.    {Retten  de/  the  right  ride,  the  fes 
fRettepia«  ($mp.)  dressing-plate,  ftattener    Set 
terbamf  c  dresser. 

Stettcr|aang  e  (Sagførelfe)  judicial  proceedinp 
pi,  procedure;  ($roce*)  process;  ligge  i  -  mti  r. 
be  at  law  with  one;  ben  engelfle  -4  $ijtortf 
HIstory  of  Procedure  in  England,  -gtagiwatit 
form  of  process. 

{Retter |  plabd,  -fteb  place  of  execatlon.  -fwtrt 
executloner's  sword. 

fflettertfng  n  fe  Zing. 

ftetterøtøe  o  executloner's  axe.  Stettefmør  <• 
line;  fio  level,  rule,  golde;  fan  tjene  Seu  HI  -  may 
serve  for  your  government.  Øcettetrør  n  straight 
ening -board. 

+9tettibtø  a  k  adv  in  due  time. 

Wettigbeb  c  er  right,  title,  privilege. 

9cet|troenbe  a  orthodox.  -trøesbe*  c  ortbo- 
doxy.  -Iffntenbe  a  consclentiouø,  honourable, 
right-mlnded.    -tømnter  straight  timber. 

Blettt'r  c  return;  ^  return  passage,  home 
passage;  tur  og  -  J,  passage  out  and  home 
out  and  back;  bare  paa  -  fa  be  going  down 
hill:  f  tore  -  say  «tu  quoque»,  give  one  tit 
for  tat.  -biOet  return -ticket.  -fragt  return 
-frelght  o.  fl.  -ue're  tri  &  t  return.  -»etteJ  re- 

Ketjuenbt  a  turned  the  right  way.  -Btnget  o 
straight  -  winged.  -vift  a  fe  -foerbtg.  -tHatict  a 
rectangiilar,  right-angled.  -øifevbe  a  pointinf 
the  right  way;  <£,  true;  -  Stfort  true  chart 
(o.  fl.);  -  9corb  the  true  north. 

9teunta  t|ifT  a  rheumat'ic.  -i8'«e  c  rheu- 

9leb  n,  pi  s,  reef. 

#«e»  fe  »eb  (i  Sejl). 

*9tep  c  -er  swaddling-clothes. 

9te»acci|natto  n  o  revaocina'tion.  -ne'rt  ri 

Meoan'o)e  c  revenge;  faa  .  have  one's  revenge. 

S  årti  return -match.    9teva»ø)e're  ftg  wefw 

*We  øbam  n  baby,  child  in  swaddling-clothes. 

ttteøe  c  -t  twig,  tendril;  bunch. 

fReve!  fe  «eol. 

fRcøerjc  c  mil  reveille;  flaa  -n  beat  the  reveille. 

flteøerøe'rob«  c  reve'rberatory  furnace. 

Krpereuø'  c  obeisance.  Weberea'ter  adv  talt 
with  reverence  be  it  spoken,  saving  your  pre- 

*«eøerftttb  c  f  fe  fteb. 

fReøcrft'  c  -er  revene  side;  (•eelbtbrrt)  (single) 
bond.  IReøerfere  vt  (TOaffinen)  reverse  (the 

*9tebernKøe  c  fe  ffleobarn. 

9tebcte|me«t'  n,  -mentffmar  revet'ment.  -'re 
øf  revet'. 

ftevibe're  vt  revise,  audit. 

fflebte'r  n  shootingground ;  ^  stream.  ftf- 
bic're  vi  (om  ^unb)  beat  (for  game),  tfletic'r* 
jager  quarter-ranger. 

WfOilfio  n  c  et  revl'sal,  revis'ion.  -flø*«#irf 
revise,  clean  proof.  *-fio'nlbepartnaent  audit 
department,  audit  office.  -'før  e  o'rex  reviser, 

t9teb(  n:  •  og  ftrat  bag  and  baggage. 

9teb(e  c  -r  shoal,  bar,  sand-bank;  lath;  fstrfp 
of  land;  round  of  meshes. 

t9teblingbcrr  n  (Srrafling)  cxowberry. 

9teb«e  vi  crack,  (fliOei  ab)  split,  part,  rive. 
separate,  break  in  two,  (om  $ub)  chap;  .  af 
Sattet  split  one's  sides  with  laughing.  btebft 
c  -r  crack,  chink,  cranny,  flssure,  crevice,  (i 
tøj)  rent.    -forbiø  a  ncarly  bursting. 




Wepøl'te  e  -r  revo'lt.  -'re  vi  revo'lt;  vt  stir 
up  to  rebellion. 

tWepolution  c  er  revolution.  Weøohtttone  re 
et  revolu'tionlze.  —  9ieoølutfø'tt3|aanb  c  revolu'- 
tionary  ep  i  rit,  spirit  of  revolution,  -friø  revolu- 
tion ary  war.  -mattb  revolu'tioniat.  IReoølntiø- 
neex  a  revolu'tionary. 

flftepol'per  c  -e  revolver. 

SRetofc  vt  chastise,  correct,  punish.  -(fe  c  -r 
chastisement,  correction,  cas  ti  gation,  -r  e  -e 

♦Bcc'biørf!  deep-sea  cod. 

Slebne,  9tepp  e  -er  mil  review,  muster;  tølbe 
_  ooer  muster;  labc  perifere  .  pass  in  review. 
-boa  c  fieldday.    •ntard)  march  post. 

9*babarber  c  fe  Kabaroer. 

ttføfø' ibc  c  -r  rhap'sodist.  -bi'  e  -er  rhap's- 
ody.    -'blft  a  rhapsod'Ic(al). 

9tlpeb  ofo.,  fe  Web. 

fWbeber,  jRQeberl  fe  «eber,  »eberi. 

mt)\ntu)  c  the  Rhine.  «lji«|.©ojem  Rheniah 
Ba varia,  -brfb  bank  of  tbe  Rhine.  -bro  bridge 
over  the  Rhine.  -falbet  the  cataract  of  the 
Rhine.  -forbuubet  the  Rhenlsh  confederation, 
the  Confederation  of  the  Rhine.  -grene  Rhine 
-grave,  -gromfen  the  Rhine-border.  •ianbene 
the  Rhine-countries.    -lanbfl  a  fe  -fl. 

SRbJnø'cerøØ  o  fe  9tefe$orn. 

9ibt'n|.$rcu3fen,  -proølnfeu  Rhen'ish  Prussia. 
-rejfe,  -tmr  voyage  on  the  Rhine,  tour  up  el. 
down  the  Rhine.  flt^i'nft  a  Rhen'ish.  ttbjnf!'- 
btn  Rheniah  (wine),  hock. 

Rbøbøam  Rehobo'am. 

9lbøb|tt*  n  Rhodes,  -ro'frr,  -i'fer  c,  -ifl  a 
Rho'dian.    -iferribber  knight  of  Rhodes. 

9tl|øtte  c  (ftloben)  the  Rhone.  -mnnbingen  the 
estnary  of  the  Rhone. 

Wbatilen  n  RheUa.    -fl  a  Rhetian. 

»i  vt  baste,  fix;  i  lash. 

"*H  e  ^  fe  »et. 

*«l  e  -er  F  spell,  flt. 

•Wtbbe  vt  (ftugle)  pluck,  pick. 

tftibbe  fig  vr  p  look  sharp,  look  all  ve. 

»ibbe  c  r  rib;  &  rib;  (fcæffr)  ledge,  (langs 
9laa)  jackstay,  (fcplbmgi.)  aliver,  (Dmp.)  feather; 
$•  ridge,  rib.  -bolt  <£,  jackstay- bolt.  -gople 
beroe.    -t*0  a  ribless. 

Wibben  n,  pi  =,  rib.  —  Wtbbeu«|brnfl  costal 
cartilage.  -bjnbe  pleura.  -fteg,  ••fpar(fteg)  roast 
-rib,  sparerib  (of  pork).    -ftptte  rib. 

Ribbet  a  ribbed. 

*9Hbe  c  k  vt  fe  Ripe. 

tftibte  c  -r  weal,  wale. 

Hil*  (løj)  fe  Rip«. 

Rløtf  n,  pi  ra  currant;  rtbe,  bbioe  -  red,  white 
currants.  -bnfl  currant- bush,  Hibtt  rubrum. 
•bar  fe  Rib*,  -gelé  currant  jelly.  -røb  a  red 
currant-jelly  colour.  -faft  currant-syrup.  -tcerte 
currant-tart.    -bi«  currant-wine. 

Ri  cam' bio  c  re-exchange. 

Wfcbarb  Richard,  F  Dick. 

RiciauØotte  c  castoroil. 

Rleøfttt'  n  art  rlc'ochet.  -flab  ricochet. 
•frpbnittg  ricochet  firing.  Ricøftetre're  vt  ric'o- 

Ribber  c  -e  knight;  oanbrenbe  -  knight  errant; 

-  af  fflefanten,  Dannebrog,  $ofebaanbet  el.  -baanb*- 
orbenen  oft>.  Knigh  of  (the  order  of)  the  Elephant, 
Danebrog,  the  Oarter  etc.;  .  af  6atborbenen  com- 
panion  of  the  Bath;  arme  el.  fattige  -e  French 
nightcaps,  poor  knights'  pudding;  flaa  HI  -  dub, 
knight,  nreate  a  knight;  flaa  flå  tit  -  paa  en 
make  a  bat  of,  make  game  of;  show  one's 
superiority  over,  break  one's  small  wlt  upon, 
bully  one,  opfatte  flg  til  -  for  enter  the  lists  for. 

—  Ribber|aaab  chivalrous  spirit,  spirit  of  chiv- 

alry.  •afabemi  academy  for  young  noblemen. 
•baanb  fe  Orbenøbaanb.  +-bog  fe  -roman,  -borg 
castle.  -baab  feat  of chivalry,  chivalrous  achieve- 
ment.  -bigt  poem  of  chivalry.  -bragt  knight's 
dress  el.  robes,  -eb  knightly  oath.  -frne  knight's 
lady,  dame.  -frøfen  damsel.  -gøbf  baronlal 
estate.  -bttØ  house  of  nobles,  -feter  army  of 
knights.  -faabe,  -lappe  knight's  cloak  el.  mantle. 
•før*  cross  of  an  order  of  knigh thood.  -(en 
knight's  feoff.  UHbberUg  a  chivalrous,  knightly. 
ttibberllgbeb  c  gallantry,  chivalrousness.  gibber |< 
løp  law  of  chivalry.  -ørb  word  of  a  knight. 
-ørben  order  of  knighthood.  -ptlgt  duty  of  a 
knight.  -roman  romance  of  chivalry.  -fat 
knights'  hall.  -flab  n  knighthood,  chivalry,  (i 
Sberiøe  oa  Zoftlanb)  the  nobility;  +  knightly 
accomplishments.  -flit  customs  of  chivalry. 
-flag  aubbing,  knigh  ting;  tøm  fif  .  he  was 
knighted.  {RibberØfltanb  (SbeWmonb)  nobleman; 
(Ktbber)  knight.  KtbberlfpU  chivalrous  sport. 
-fpore  lark-spur,  Delphinium.  -f porer  pi  knight's 
spurs.  -floab  knighthood,  chivalry;  (^oé  SRomenie) 
equestrian  order.  -fpenb  knight's  page.  -ftebe 
knightly  seat.  -tegn  fe  Orbenstean.  -tibeu  the 
days  el.  age  of  chivalry,  the  chivalrous  ages. 
•ijenefte  knight's  service,  -tog  chivalrous  ex- 
p edition,  -poerbigbeb  knighthood.  -ttfffen  chiv- 
alry.   -ære  the  honour  of  a  knight. 

ttibe,  reb,  rebet  vi  k  t  ride,  go  on  horseback; 
(for  fut  Snnbfjeb)  take  horse-ezercise;  ~  en  Zur 
take  a  ride  (on  horseback);  en  -nbe  $atrol  a 
mounted  patrol;  -nbe  ttrtium  horse  -  artillery; 
ganben  -r  barn  the  devil  is  in  him;  .  en  Storm 
af  ^  ride  out  a  gale;  .  for  fine  flnfeie  el.  til' 
anferø  ride  at  anchor;  .fra  en  (burtigere)  out- 
ride  one;  .  i  Sfribt,  Xrao,  9alop,  tort  Øalop 
pace,  trot,  gallop,  canter;  -  et  Zoo  neb  ^  ride 
down  a  cable  el.  rope;  -  en  o  Per  ride  one 
down;  .  paa  en  (el.  noget),  ($aoe  til  bebfie,  gore 
92ar  ab)  make  fun  of  one,  quiz  one;  (bable,  rioe 
neb  paa)  cut  one  up,  censure  one;  bet  er  en 
SRaterie,  ^an  altib  -r  paa  that's  what  he  is  al- 
ways  harping  on;  -nbe  paa  en  fort  $zfx  mounted 
on  a  black  horse;  .til  quicken  one's  pace;  jeg 
ffal  -  barn  Hl  »anbft  P  1*11  give  it  him,  111  blow 
him  up;  -  en  $efx  til  break  in  a  horse-,  -  Jcltob« 
fene  unber  ^  ride  hawse-full;  .  en  §a\i  unber 
^  board  a  tack.  9cibe|bane  riding-ground  el. 
-place.  -Pib  riding-bit.  -brug :  fieft  HI  -  saddle 
-horse,  horse  flt  for  riding.  -butøer  riding-trow- 
sera,  overalls,  -bragt  riding  dress,  (tun  om  Stamrft 
riding  habit,  habit,  -bhr  mount.  -batten 
saddle-cloth.  t-fogeb  bailifr  on  an  estate.  -fritte 
riding-coat.  -før  a  rit  for  riding.  -gantaffer  leg- 
gings,  spatterdashes,  stlrrup-stockiugs.  -baubfte 
riding-glove.  -beft  Baddle-horse,  riding-horse, 
hackney,  haclc;  gøre  Zjenefle  fom  .  hack.  -boppe 
riding-mare.  -bnl  riding-school,  manege,  -bbube 
pillion,  pad.  -jafte  riding-jacket.  -toppe  riding 
•cloak.  -tjole  (riding)  habit,  -tnflfgt  groom. 
•funft  horsemanship.  -lærer  riding-master.  -n 
c  riding.  -pif!  horsewhip.  -plabØ  riding-ground. 
•pøft  mounted  post.  Riber  c  -e  J,  rider;  (til 
$ert)  stirrup.  «ibf|  (tafter  leggings.  -fløle  rid- 
ing-school, manege,  -fnor  (ftqtP.)  choking-lace. 
-ftalb  stable  for  riding-horses.  -ftøPler  pi  riding 
-boots,  jockey-boots.  -trøje  riding-jacket.  -tur 
ride.  -tøj  horse  trappings  pi,  riding  equipage. 
-tømme  rein.  -pej  bridle-road.  ftibnfug  c  riding. 
9iibningØflobfer  ^  wlndlass-chocks. 

btibd  n,  pi  -»,  plan,  diagram*  (Ubtaft)  rough 
•draught.  Wlbfe  c  -r  scratch.  Wibfe  vt  scratch, 
(tegne)  draw.  —  9Nbfc|b!øt  scriver-block.  -bip 
black-lead,  plumbago.  -bør  tracer,  -bræt  draw- 
ing- board,  -fjeber  fe  -pen.  -jam,  -fniP  rasing 
-knlfe,  cutter,    -tribt  crayon.    -tttl  blue  black. 




-tnnft  art  of  drawlng.  -mol  surntce-gauge.  -pen 
drawing-pen,  bow-pen.  -pren,  -fipl  scriber, 
marking-awl.  -b«rt  cutting- frame.  Wibøning 
c  scratch ing;  (bet,  at  tegne)  drawing;  road-draln; 
(i  fceftefto)  groove. 

ftibt  n,  pi  =,  ride. 

9tie  vt  fe  »i. 

«if  n  fe  «eb. 

fRiffcf  c  -flet  rifle,  rifle-musket.  -ban!  rifling 
-bench.  -baftfe  fe  9KffeI.  -fif  rifler,  -form  rifle 
bullet-mould.  -gang  rifle,  groove.  -tanou  rifle 
gun.  -fugle  rifle-bullet,  -haft,  -snot.  -lab  barrel 
of  a  rifle.  -patron  rifle  -cartridge.  -f?ub  rifle 
-shot.  -ffbbning  rifle -shoo  ting.  -ffbt§  rifl  ed 
ordnance.  -fftitte,  •-fftotter  rifleman.  *Wifle  c 
-r  (og  6mf.)  fe  Wiffel. 

ttijle  c  -r  groove,  flute,  fltiftc  vt  rifle;  -be 
6øj(et  fluted  columns;  -t  Stanon  rifled  el.  rifle 
cannon  el.  gun.  -gang  fe  ffitffel-.  -maffine  flut- 
lag-machine  -ftang  rifling-rod.  -rr*  (Sabelm.) 
tracer.    Rifling  c  rifling. 

Stift  c  -et  (f.  SfS.  i  løj)  tear,  rent;  (Spalte) 
crevice;  (paa  fttoppen)  scratch;  bec  er  megen  -  om 
.  .  .  there  is  a  great  demand  for,  run  on  .  .  .; 
bet  biet)  .om  $labfer  there  was  a  rush  for  seats. 
+9ttfte  vt  scratch. 

•«lg'  c  J,  rigging. 

9tig  a  rich,  wealthy,  opulent,  affluent,  of 
fortune;  et  -t  Sprog  a  copious  language;  en  . 
$øfi  a  rich  harvest;  -  paa  rich  in,  aboundlng 
in;  gøre  et  -t  $arti  marry  a  fortune;  ben  -e  the 
rich  man;  ben  -e  SRanb  the  rich  man,  Bi  ves;  be 
-e  the  rich;  i  -t  3Raa(  abundantly;  -t  forgplbt, 
forfiret  richly  glit,  decorated.  ffligbont  c  (gplbe, 
Oberfløbigbeb)  richness,  abundance;  (naonT.  om 
grormue  o.  b.)  wealth;  pi  -me  ri  enes;  .  paa  rich- 
ness in. 

dtige  n  -r  kingdom,  re&lm,  empire;  Øubft  . 
the  kingdom  of  God;  bet  banfte  -  the  kingdom 
of  Denmark;  bet  tuøftffe  .  the  Russian  empire, 
ftantaften«  -  the  realm  of  fancy;  etflare  i  -en« 
Wtt  put  under  the  ban  of  the  empire,  publish 
the  ban  of  the  empire  against;  fe  Xiltomme; 

fltiøet  c  -gier  bolt.  -borb  erpanding  table. 
-fjeber  bolt-spring. 

ttigetig  a  (tig)  rich;  (obetfløbig,  mere  enb  not) 
plentiful,  abundant,  ample,  liberal,  unstinted; 
ber  er  -t  ©nnb  there  is  plenty  of  water,  there  is 
a  rich,  copious  supply  of  w.;  §an  b,at  qaft  -  Xib 
o  fe.  he  has  had  ample  time;  ban  bar  fit  -e  Ub* 
lomme  he  is  well  off;  i  .  SRangbe,  i  -t  Staal 
abundantly,  in  abundance,  unstintedly;  —  adv 
richly  etc ;  ber  er  -  not  there  is  more  than 
sufficient,    -beb  c  abundance. 

ttigcflaaø  c  dead-lock.  , 

Kigge  vt  &  rig.  Kigger  c  -e  rigger.  Kigger* 
arbefbe  rlgger's  work. 

9ci  gbolbfg  a  rich,  copious;  matterful.  -fceb  c 
richness,  copious ness. 

ftigtappc  &  hood  (for  the  rigging). 

tti'gntanb  c  rich  man. 

Stigning  c  <t  rigging.  fhMgntngdrib*  rigging 

9tigor|iØ'me  c  rig'orism.  -if*  c  -er  rlg'orist, 
F  square-toes.    -ift'lff,  ••'•  <*  rig'orous. 

9ttgd|abel  nobles  of  the  empire,  t-abmiral 
High- Admiral  of  the  realm.  -aften  the  (Swedish 
and  Noiwegian)  Aet  of  Union,  -antitbar  Royal 
Antlquary.  -artib  archives  of  the  kingdom, 
public  record  offlce  et.  department,  state-ar- 
chives.  -arfibar  keeper  of  the  public  record  s. 
-armé  imperial  army.  -arbing  heir  to  a  Ung- 
dom, -banf  bank  of  the  kingdom.  t-banfbaler 
(Danish)  rixdollar.  -banner  banner  of  the  em- 
pire el.   kingdom.     -bag   diet,   parliament  etr* 

•bagfbiftter  parllamentary  vrages,  -bagømtsfe 
memoer  (of  the  diet,  parliament  etc.)-  -boa> 
nubr  sltting  of  the  diet.  -bagftfal  house  af 
parliament,  hall  of  the  diet.  -bagiribeitbe  par 
liamentary  gazette.  -bagøbolo;  parliamentarT 
election.  -baler  rixdollar.  -broft  Lord  Steward. 
•entbebe  offlce  of  state.  -embebémosb  sux 
funcUonary.  »fane  imperial  banner,  •fefffrerre 
generallissimo  of  the  kingdom.  -forfarmlng  cod 
stitution  of  the  kingdom.  -førf  aatltmg  national 
aasembly,  congress,  parliament.  3orftaxber 
regent,  -forftanberftab  regency.  -ftrfrr  prince 
of  the  Empire,  -grebe  couat  of  the  Empire 
-grebftab  feoff  of  a  count  of  the  Empire,  -grub' 
lob  fe  tørunblob.  -granfe  frontiers  of  the  Ian? 
dom  cl.  empire,  -gliben  imperial  florin  et 
guilder.  -beralbltfr  king  at  arms.  -bervl) 
herald.  -ftiftoriograf  Historiographer  Royal. 
-tøbmefter  High  Steward.  -b«r  imperial  arm> 
•infignier  insignia  of  the  empire  el.  kingdom 
•tanmerret  imperial  chamber.  -tandler  chan- 
cellor  of  the  kingdom  el.  empire,  -ctevobier  & 
regalia.  -frebS  circle  of  the  empire,  -frig  war 
of  the  empire,  -len  fief  of  the  empire.  -la» 
law  of  the  kingdom.  -waol  fe  -fprog.  -marfl 
fe  røorft.  -mønt  coin  of  the  realm  el.  klne 
dom,  etp  Danish  el.  Swedish  currency.  t-ørt 
50  Øre,  6*/s  pence,  -ooerbotteb  head  of  the 
Idngdom  el.  empire,  -raab  n  council  of  tht* 
kingdom,  senate.  -raab  c  member  of  the  coun- 
cil. -regalier  pi  fe  -tlenobier.  -ret  supreme  court 
of  the  kingdom,  (Cngl.)  court  of  the  king  in 
parliament.  -retøfag  state  trial.  -ribber  knig!.: 
of  the  empire,  -fceptet  sceptre  of  a  kingdom 
el.  empire,  -fegl  great  seal  of  the  kingdom. 
-fprog  the  written  language,  -flab  imperial  city 
-ftanb  state  of  the  empire  el.  kingdom.  frarrlfe 
government  of  the  kingdom,  imperial  govern 
ment.    -fboerb  sword  of  state. 

09<iaftopper  c  &  rigging-stopper. 

9ligø |  tropper  pi  imperial  troops.  -nasbrs 
arms  of  the  kingdom.  -«ble  (imperial)  orh, 
globe  ri.  ball. 

9tigt|blomftrenbe  a  rich  in  flovrers,  multiflor- 
ous.  -berrenbe  a  fruitful,  productive.  -forfir« 
a  richly  decorated. 

Wlgttg  a  right;  (fejlfri,  fortelt)  correct;  .  fRaal 
og  Sagt  just  weight  and  measure;  en  -  Slpngcl 
(o.  fl.)  a  perfect,  regular,  thorough,  unmitigated, 
villain;  %an  et  tRe  -  i  $ooebet  he  is  not  in  his 
right  senses;  fyin  tommer  altrig  til  -  Zib  he  nerer 
comes  in  due  time;  -t  Ubtrtjt  correct  expression. 
~  befunben  found  correct;  træffe  bet  -e  hit  it,  hit 
the  right  nail  on  the  head;  bet  bifte  fig  at  vart 
-t  (fanbt)  it  turned  out  to  be  the  faet;  iganfte>  -' 
(quite)  right,  quite  so,  just  bo,  that's  It;  bet  et 
ganfte  -t,  men  that  is  true  enough,  but;  —  «dc 
right,  rightly,  correctly;  exactly,  quite;  Uret 
gaar  -  the  watch  el.  clock  goes  right  el.  keep^ 
time;  bet  gaar  itte  .  til  ^et  there  is  somethiog 
wrong  here,  there  is  witchcraft  in  it;  gribe  en 
ting  _  an  go  the  right  way  to  work;  .  mobtoøet 
duly  received;  ffrtbe,  tale  .  write,  speak,  cor 
reet  ly;  tante,  bømme  -  have  a  Just  ldea  (of  a 
thing),  judge  soundly;  flutte  -  come  to  a  ju^t 
conclusion;  jeg  fluttebe  -  my  conclusion  wa* 
right;  bun  forftob  mig  itte  -  she  did  not  cxar-tly 
understand  me;  jeg  beb  bet  itte  .  I  hardly  know, 
I  don't  know  exactly,  I  don't  know  for  certain, 
can  scarcely  tell;  bet  beb  jeg  -  itte  I  really  dont 
know,  I  am  sure  I  don't  know;  og  ban  tom 
ganfte  .  and  come  he  did  sure  enough;  bet 
glabebe  mig  -  I  was  really  (F  real)  glad;  -.  gobt 
very  well,  well  enough.  9tig.Hg||eb  c  rightne**. 
correctness;  justice;  bringe  t  .  put  to  right"; 
tomme  til  -  meb  come  to  an  understanding  with, 




Qøxt  Mebe  og  -  for  give  a  satiafactory  aocount 
of;  inbtømme  -en  af  adxnit  the  Justlee  of;  tingen 
har  fin  •  it  is  qulte  correct;  it  is  a  fået,  it  is 
avll  right,  -nol  adv  certainly,  to  be  sure,  indeed, 
it  must  be  admitted;  jeg  ønftet  •  !  don't  I  wlsh! 
ttHgtigfhtbenbe  fe  tterflnbenbe. 

Wiforb  fe  Wi^atb. 

-rtttttelfe  c  fe  laarnfnale. 

*Wittet  a  veiny,  velned. 

Wil  c  -er  reel. 

Stille  e  -t  groove,  chamfer,  agr  drill.  -maffine 
drill-barrow.  -faaet  a  drilled.  -faaning  driiling. 

tRim  e  hoar  frost,  white  frost,  rime  (frost); 
toer  fattet  .  it  rimes;  ber  er  falbet  .  inat  there 
wm  a  white  frost  lut  night. 

Mim  n,  pi  or,  (i  ©er*)  rhyme;  bet  gaar  paa  . 
it  rhymes,  reads  like  rhyme.  -art  species  of 
rhyme.  -bogftao  alliterati ve  letter,  -tren  rhymed 
eplstle.  -bnnben  a  rhymed,  in  rhyme.  "*ipg» 
niua  stracture  of  rhyme.  -bigt  poem  in  rhyme. 

9ttme  vi  k  t  (ogfaa.-  rime  fta)  rhyme;  -  paa 
rhyme  to;  fig  bet  -r  fifl  itfe  meb  it  does  not  tally 
wlth;  bet  fan  jeg  itte  ~  fammeit  I  can't  recondle 
ttaese  things. 

"Mime  vi  (falbe  Stim)  rime. 

SRimernnft  c  art  of  rhyming. 

Stimelig  a  (billig)  reasonable;  (fanbfijnlig)  prob- 
ahle,  likely;  brt  er  itte  mer  enb  -t  it  is  only 
reasonable  r(.  fair;  til  -  $rit  at  a  reasonable 
prlce;  bet  er  -t  not  it  stands  to  reason;  ban  gforbe, 
font  -t  bar  ...  he  did,  as  well  he  might  .  .  . 
91  imetigbeb  c  reasonableness;  probability,  likell- 
bood;  bet  far  ingen  .  there  is  no  lik elihood;  ber 
er  ingen  .  for  at  ban  he  is  not  likely  to;  efter  al 
-  in  all  likelihood,  according  to  all  reasonable 
presumption;  man  tan  meb  ~  antage  it  may  rea- 
sooably  be  taken  for  granted.  tRimetigolft  adv 
probably,  in  all  probability,  most  likely. 

Stimer  c  -e.  fe  9i  Imfmeb.  Wimert'  n  er  rhyming. 

ttimed'fe  fe  Wemtsfe, 

»i'mfalb  fe  ttim  c. 

«i'nt|falb  cadenoe.    -fri  a  («er*)  blank  (verse). 

Wmlfrøøfe«  a  f.  <Et«.  en  -  ffng  a  meadow 
covered  with  rime  el.  hoar  frost,  -froft  fe  9tim. 
-fsilb  i  rimy. 

Wiujtltng  euphony  of  rhyme.  -franife 
rhymed  chronicle.  -tnnfter  pi  rhyming  tricks. 
-ftmftncr  rhymer.  -linie  rhyming  line.  -US  fe 
•fri.  •«#»:  af  -  for  want  of  a  rhyme.  -orb 
rhyming  word  (of  a  verse). 

tStimpe  fe  ftempe. 

9tim|  tintning  rhyming  termi nation,  -fmeb 
rhymster,  rhymer,  rnymist.  +-fprog  proverb  in 
rhyme     -ftanelfe  rhyming  syllable. 

Sli'mtaage  o  frosty  fog. 

9tt'm|  toang  constraint  of  rhyme.  »ser«  rhymed 
verse.    -vom  rhymed  work. 

fttnbe,  ranbt,  runbet.  vi  ran,  flow;  fig  (om 
Itbett)  fly,  pass,  elapse;  (om  et  fil)*)  run,  gutter, 
swale,  (om  et  ftar)  leak;  bet  ranbt  mig  i  $u,  i 
Sinbe  it  occurred  to  my  mind;  Solen  r  op  the 
wd  rises;  poet  fe  Oprinbe;  (aoe  -be  Pine  be  blear 
■eyed.    Wiaben  c  rnnning. 

tiltag  c  -e  ring;  (Jlrrbft)  circle;  OBeflag)  hoop, 
(minere)  ferrale;  (i  Stcttt)  link;  (til  ftingtafrning) 
grace  hoop;  (om  Waanen)  halo;  A«r  annulet; 
éarurnu«'*  -  the  ring  of  Saturn;  Slangen  lagger 
Hg  i  -e  the  serpent  Is  coiling  ltself  up;  fibbe  i  . 
sit  In  a  ring;  banfe  i  -  dance  in  a  ring  el. 
round;  fcrre  en  i  ~,  føre  i  -  meb  en  lead  one  a 
life;  fatte  -e  paa  fyingrene  ring  one's  Angers; 
flaa  paa  -en  cat  after  mouse,  kiss  in  the  ring; 
tafte  .  play  at  graces;  ribe  til  -en  run  at  the 
ring.  9tiug|bane  suburban  connectlng  railway. 
-be«  fe  -fob.  -beflag  fe  bring,  '-blom  marigold, 
calendula.    -btontfter  pi  rotate  flowers.    -bolt 

ring-bolt.  -tom  ^  wrain-staff,  stower.  -artjnje 
chain-inail.  -ban!  ring  dance.  -bannet  a  shaped 
like  a  ring,  annular.  -broéfel  ring-ousel,  Turdut 
torquahu.  -bar  ringdove,  cuahat,  Cotumba  pa- 
lumbu*.  -bpft  rnnning  at  the  ring.  Winge  vt 
(Sbin,  træ,  $oppe;  $jsrn)  ring;  ($iul)  rim;  . 
(neb,  ub,  frraøe  o.  1.)  bollow;  ~  en  Jriole  ub  i 
$alfen  cut  low  the  body  of  a  dress;  *.  fammen 
coil  fup). 

*9ll«gc  c  -r  milk-pan;  milk  pail. 

ØliMe  vi  k  i  ring;  -  paa  el.  meb  Morten,  -  paa 
ring  the  bell,  (om  Dsttlofte  ogfaa)  ring  at  the 
bell;  -  paa  (en)  ring  (the  bell)  for;  .  inb,  -  ub 
ring  in,  out;  -  tit  JcitTe,  -  fammen  toll  el.  ring 
for  church;  .  til  fiiø  toll  the  funeral  knell;  bet 
-r  there  is  a  ring  at  the  bell,  at  the  door;  nu 
-r  bet  til  Wtbbag  there's  the  dinner  bell;  bet  bar 
•t  (for  anben  (Bang)  the  (second)  bell  has  gone; 
bet  -r  for  mine  Pren  my  ears  tlngle;  fig  ~  (Xolo) 
for  enf  Øren  take  one  to  task. 

Klage  a  (ubetnbelig)  small,  inconsiderable; 
(foag)  slight;  (ubigtig,  ubetbbelig)  insignificant;  - 
røoengbe,  ^orbel,  ©arbi,  ^ortjeneile,  ftunbffab  ofo. 
little  el.  small  quantity,  profit,  value,  merit, 
knowledge  etc.;  .  $rit  low,  cheap  price;  -fte 
$ri8  lowest,  nearest  price;  -  Jcofl,  $abe,  Srl03b* 
ning,  Stening  of».  poor  food,  dress,  opinion  etc.; 

-  Vnftrengelfe  slight,  faint  effort;  .  3nbt«^t, 
Jbaab,  (foner  slender  income,  hope,  parts:  -  føl, 
Sotfeelfr  slight  fault  el.  offence;  ~  ffsbfel,  Aerfomfl 
low,  mean,  humble  birth;  .  étonb  humble 
station;  .  yfolf  common,  mean  people;  en  - 
Zina  a  trifle;  -  Zib  little,  short  time;  agte  (noget) 
~  thlnk  el.  make  light  of,  hold  cheap;  jeg  er 
for  ~,  agter  mig  for  -  bertil  I  am  not  worthy  of 
it;  ban  (ar  itte  -  3nbbilbntnger  om  fig  felb  he  has 
no  small  conceit  of  himself;  (an  tan  gøre  det  i 
ringere  (Zib)  enb  to  $age  he  ran  do  it  In  less 
than  two  days;  -re  enb  (flaaenbe  unber)  inferior 
to,  second  to;  ingen  -re  enb  no  less  a  person 
than.  intet  -re  euo  nothing  short  of;  b«n  oil 
itte  (alge  bet  -re  he  will  not  sell  it  for  less;  et 
-re  Stagft  an  inferior  sort;  (an  gab  (am  itte  bet 
ringefte  he  gave  him  nothing  at  all,  not  a 
whit;  itte  i  fte  Waabe  not  in  the  least;  not  in 
the  slightest  (degree);  beb  ben  -fle  ttnlebning  at 
the  slightest  provocatlon;  i  bet  -fle  at  least. 
Winge | agt  c  contempt,  disdaln;  (fom  bifes)  slight, 
disregard,  disreapect;  nære  .  for  hold  in  con- 
tempt. »agte  vi  despise,  look  down  upon;  (trife 
91.  for)  slight,  disregard;  -agtenbe  a  con- 
temptuous;  adv  in  contempt. 

Ringeapparat  n  chimes,  ringing-apparatus. 

Wingcbøit  c  ^  ring-bolt. 

Ringet  c  -gier  ringlet,  coil.    -bne  fe  9iingbue. 

Wingelebnina  c  bell-wire. 

Ølingelgaa«  fe  »aul. 

Wingen  c  ringing. 

Wingepcngc  pi  &  ring-money. 

Winger  c  e  ringer. 

•Wtngerle  c  wagtail,  Motacilta  alba. 

-t-Ølittget  a :  .  $anferfarf,  fe  9itngbrbnie. 

Wtngetai  n  ringing  apparatus,  bellpull. 

fltinglfafan  ringed  pheasant,  Phatianua  tor- 
quattu.  -finger  ring- finger,  marriage- finger. 
-fjeber  (p.  Oleoar)  bolt-spring,  -fob  ring-bone 
(in  horses),  -forlabning  grummet-wad.  -form 
annular  form.  -formet  -formig  a  fe  -bennet. 
-gaad  fe  Waigaa«;  9agergaa#.  -gulb  ringgold. 
-(af  small-spotted  dogflsh,  Scyllmm  canicula 

Wingbrb  c  littleness,  smallness:  (Ubetbbelig(eb) 
inconsiderablene^s ,  insignificance ;  (unberorbnet 
9effaffenbeb,  -re  Stanb  el.  $arb)  inferlority;  (af 
$ri«)  lowness,  cheapness;  (^sbfflen*)  meanness, 
humbleness;  min  .  my  own  humble  self;  lene  i 

-  live  under  a  cloud. 




Rlnglbfnl  bucket-wheel.  -tPirPet atlas,  -taft- 
tting  graces.  •Hu?  rlng-dle.  -tltabft  J,  annular 
scupper.  -tnip  annular  knife  el.  tool.  -trape 
gorget.  -faaø  ring-lock.  Rinøte  vi  &  r  (flange 
Hø  i  Ringe)  coil,  curl;  be  forte  Sorter  -b  fom 
Slanger  om  &enbcØ  ftinb  her  blæk  tresses  coil  ed 
like  serpents  round  her  cheek;  brt  forte  trollebe 
$aar,  ber  -b  fig  om  Aalø  og  Rafte  her  blæk  curly 
halr.  falling  in  ringlet«  down  her  neck. 

Ringle  vi  (gioe  en  flingrenbe  Sbb)  ring,  tinkle. 

+Rinølef*rl  c  fe  Rtnøbrbnie. 

RinøjUb  n  fe  -bbft.  -maal  ring-measure.  -mur 
circular  wall. 

Ringning  c  rlnglng. 

8tinø|ern  ringworm.  t-ørntørøeø ,  oruønlb 
sparge,  Euphorbia.  -øøn  annular  fnrnace. 
•renben  fe  -bpft.  -rep  lagoon  reef.  -fat*  pipe 
-shear*.  -flrttt  ring  ornament.  -fløjlet  a  fe 
IrarnefraDet.  -flo  (til  $efl)  bar-shoe.  -flavøe 
annullated  snake,  Sipkonop*  annulata.  -fpilgrace 
hoop  and  sticks;  fe  -tafrning.  -fpivber  lackey 
imoth),  CUtiocampa  neustria.  •ftempel  annular 
piston,  -ftcmpetmaffine  annular  engine.  -flopper 
A*  cat-stopper.  -fpøe  fe  $reje*.  -fffl  ringed  seal, 
Fkoea  annulata.  -tanø  round-nosed  pliers.  *-trøft 
fe  -brotfel.  -bentil  annular  valve.  -#  atoll, 
lagoon- Island.  -*Jet  o  having  a  ring  round  the 
e  ves. 

Rininø  e  basting,  J,  lashing. 

Rint  c  -er  coil.  Rinfe  vt  coil;  F  ~  flø  op  get 

Rio  le  vt  fe  Reole. 

♦Rip,  Ripe  e  -r  (paa  ©aab)  sheer  strake. 

•Ripe  c  -r  scratch.   Ripe  o/  scratch  (glass  etc.) 

Ripøft  (e)  c  repartee.    -e  re  vt  retort. 

Rippe  vi  meb  d«  (om  ttnteret)  come  home;  - 
efter  J,  clear  (a  rope);  -  op,  fe  Dprippe. 

RipØ  n  rep. 

RiplrapØ  n  riff-raff. 

Ri*  n,  p/  •=»,  (røapir)  ream. 

Ri«  r,  pi  «,  fagots  pi;  (til  at  ftraffe  en  meb) 
rod,  bi  reb;  gioe  -  whip,  birch;  drengen  fif  -  the 
boy  was  whipped;  binbe  -  til  fin  egen  ©aø  make 
a  halter  to  one's  own  neck;  er  bowet  fra  -et  has 
outgrown  the  rod,  has  passed  the  age  of  correc- 

RtØ  e  (leornart)  rlce,  Oryza  sativa,  (uffaUft) 
pod  dy.    -aøer  rice-field. 

Rl'0  »inber  fagot-binder,    -branbe  fagot«  pi. 

Ri'Ø  branbebt«  arrack.  -bttbbtng  rice-pudding. 

Ri  Sbuitbt  n  bundle  of  fagots. 

Rl'ØbpØ  n  winter-barley,  Hordeum  tcocriton. 

Ri'ØPøg  c  young  beech. 

Rt'ØbttrfviNg  c  culture  of  rioe. 

Rife  vt  F  birch. 

Rife  c  -r  giant. 

81  i  fen]  ør);«  rice.  -ørøb  rice-porridge.  -bffllinø 
rice  boiled  in  milk,  rice-milk.  -fletning  watt- 
Ung,  wicker-work.  -fletter  maker  of  hurdles, 
(Jturbemager)  basket-maker. 

Ri'Øfnøl  c  rice-bird,  Java  sparrow,  Emberixa 

Ri'&øro?*  n  cut-grass,  Leer$ia  oryzoide*. 

Ri'ØØffrbe  n  hurdle,  wattle,  stake  and  rice. 

Ri  Ibarb(e)  o  bush-harrow. 

Ri'ØQøft  c  rice-harvest;  rice-crop. 

Rifilta'Pet  a  risky.  -fe're  vt  risk;  Se  -r  intet 
peb  barn  you  run  no  risk  with  him.  Rifttø  c 
-er  risk,  peril;  paa  egen  -  at  one's  own  risk;  for 
$ereft  Regning  og  -  on  your  account  and  at 
your  risk;  Løbe  Ben  .  run  the  risk,  stand  the 
chance  'of);  løbe  flor  -  run  a  great  risk;  unber 
-  af  on  peril  of;  naar  -en  ubløber  at  the  termina- 
tion  of  the  risk. 

Ri'Øfaøe  c  rlce-cake. 

*Rli!e  c  -x.  fe  røceltebat. 

Rl'Øllib  n  »budes. 

Ri'*|tntppe  fe  -minbt.  -feft  [6]  broom  ofrings 
-Iplfr  twig. 

RiØle   vi  purl,   murmur,  ripple.     ftiølra  < 
purling,  etc. 

Ri  6 1  mart  fe  -aøer.     -mel  ground  rice,  ri« 
-flour.    •møfle  rice-mill. 

WiSp  c  -er  shoemaker's  thread. 

fRi  dpoøir  rice-paper.     -plante   Chinese  ri«.v 
•paper  plant,  Aralia  papyri/era. 

Øtitøe  vt  (frabfe)  scratch;  agr  rafter,  balk. 

*9Hø>e  vt  strip  (leaves  etc.  off). 

Widpeøørb  fe  »attenlborb. 

m^plautt  e  rice- plant. 

fRtøJPttinø  c  scratching  etc. 

Mélpopptl  fe  9braaube>. 
8urmounted  by  a  broom. 


fe  SiBpe. 
-prif  c  4, 


IfTaDer  pi  husk  of  rice. 

DH'ØftøP  c  copse,  coppice. 

flli'd  ftibelfe  c  rice-starch.    -fsppe  rice-soup. 

Wift  e  rest:  ^an  bar  boerlen  .  eQer  Sto  he  h&s 
not  a  moment's  quiet. 

*9tift  c  oø  n  scales  pi  (of  flab). 

Stift  c  -e  (beb  dlbfteb,  oøfaa  Smp.)  grate;  (aabrr 
Steber)  grating;  (til  at  rifre  paa)  gridiron.  -bi*lfc 
bearing-bar  'for  furnace).  -bærer  c  (Smp.)  grate 
-bearer.  Wifte  vt  (fteøe)  broll,  grill;  (ftaffebenscx: 
roast;  fe  Sftøfte;  -  ©reb  toast  bread;  -t  SrvbffiK 
toast;  -t  iiaf*  fried  salmon. 

fflifte  vt  (ffcere)  cut,  alash;  -  Runer  cut  Runes. 

SHfteftarrø  c  roasting-bed. 

°Wlftel  c  -er  coulter. 

Riftflabe  e  (Dmp.)  (fire-)grate  surface. 

Ri  ftinø  n  basting-stitch. 

Riftninø  c  broUing  etr.  (fe  Rtfte  1  k  2). 

Riftor'jno  e  cancelling.    -nere  vt  canoel. 

ttiftlpmbel  gridiron  pendulum.  -fhnig  (Smp  i 
fire-bar.  -oentil  gridiron-valve.  -Pert  grating 
-PflcrtØluøc  hatch-graUng.  -PcertØmorr«  gratiug 

Ri'Sooitb  n  rice-water. 

Ri '0 1 Peb  fe   brænbe.    -pørtftt  fe  ©nftt»æffi. 

Rit'  e  -tee,  fe  Ritte,    -titter  reed  maker 

Ritmeftet  c  captain  (of  horse). 

Ri  torner  c  -ler  ritornelle,  ritornello. 

Ri'traab  c  basting  thread. 

Ritrarte  o  -r  redraft. 

Ritte  o  -r,  -blab  reed. 

Ritna  i  n  -er  rit'ual,  service.  Rtt'nØ  c  rite-s) 

Riøaf  c  Orettefættelfe)  reprimand;  (^aøtrlfe) 
chastisement;  øtbe  en  -  reprimand;  chastise. 

Ri  bal  e  broach,  openlng  bit. 

Riøal  o  -er,  -i«  be  c  -r  ri'val;  fe  TOebbejlct. 
•ife're  vi  ri'val.    -Ite't  c  ri'valry,  rivalship. 

RiPe,  reo,  rebet  vt  (oøfaa:  fønberriøe)  rend, 
tear,  lacerate;  .  ©røb,  $eberrob  grate  bread, 
horse- radish;  rebet  ©røb  grated  bread,  bread 
-raspings,  (bread)  crumbs;  bt)ppe  i  reøet  ©rød 
crumb;  ~  garver  grind  colours,  -  &9  rake  hav; 
~  en  GJanø  (i  en  £abe)  rake  a  walk;  -  Zømaer 
rase  timber;  ftatten  bar  renet  Qenbe  she  has  been 
scratch  ed  by  the  cat;  —  .  fiø  scratch  one's 
self,  fig  F  open  one's  purse -« trin gs,  —  rioei 
oø  flQQ*  quarrel  and  fight;  .af  tear  orT;  rev 
Gbatrbet  af  6teben  plucked  his  sword  from  tbe 
scabbard;  .  noget  af  ene  Aaanb  snatch  a  thing 
out  of  one's  hånd;  .  en  Zanbfrtfte  af  strike  a 
match,  •  F  bet  -r  af  it  rubs  on;  6rummen  rro 
barn  bort  the  current  carried  him  away;  .fra 
ftø  (Krbejbe)  hurry  off,  make  short  work  of;  .  fig 
løt  fra  tear  one's  self  from,  disengage  one's 
self  from;  -0  ben,  labe  fiø  -bo*  af  be  carried 
away  by;  -  t  (noaet)  pull,  tear;  .  oø  fltbe  i  rug 
(at);  -  en  i  Knftøtet  scratch  one's  face;  -  fig 
i  $aaret  tear  one's  halr;  •  -  1  F  (fpenbere) 
stand;   -  itu,  i  Stbffer  tear  up,  tear  to  pieces; 




.  lø«,  fe  £ølrtoe;  reb  $ublifum  meb  fig  carried 
the  house  (with  her),  carried  her  andlenoe 
with  her,  carried  away  the  aadience;  -  Wt» 
ttgtøber  af  Hø  crack  jokes;  _  neb  og  .  neb 
paa,  fe  ftebribe;  .  omfulb  knock  over;  -8  om 
noget  fight  for  a  thing;  golf  bide  -*  om  Bogen 
t tiere  wlll  be  a  great  run  on  the  book;  -  o  bet 
tear  asunder;  .  oberenbe  knock  over;  Strømmen 
tru  bam  oberenbe  the  cnrrent  swept  him  off  his 
legs;  .paa  tungen  blte  el.  burn  the  tongue;  - 
ftg  paa  noget  scratch  one's  self  on  a  thing;  . 
noget  til  ftg  seize  upon  a  thing;  f  ~  ub  (gaa 
odct  Sttir)  oome  to  nought  el.  nothing;  bet  er 
rroet  ub  imellem  bem  they  have  qoarrelled;  .  ub 
af  Silbfarelfen  undeceive,  disabuse;  —  ribenbe 
<t  rapid;  i  .  gart  at  a  rapid  el.  farlous  rate;  ~ 
ttftetning  a  rapid  sale. 

9ti»e  c  -t  rake.    Stine  vt  rake;  fe  obenfor. 
9tl»cftr«t  (ftpro.)  board  on  which  the  materials 
of  fireworks  are  moulded;  (SRurere)  fioat. 

9<ipe|brag  pull  wlth  the  rake.  -bon  eb  head 
of  a  rake. 

9H»c|io*ra  grater,  rasp;  (Zømr.)  raclng-knlfe; 
fig  dragon,  rasper,  -fugle  muller  (for  grinding 
coloursj     -tøfle  brayer. 

tfltivelig  a  p  clear,  evident. 
t9lt»effe  c  rakings  pi.    »iøemaftine  rasping 
-mill.    Øtittcn  e  tearing  etc.:  -  i  Semmerne  rheu- 
raatic  palns  in  the  limbs.    9iiner  c  -e  raker;  (til 
garuerioning)  muller;  $>  madwort,  Atperugo. 

9ti»e|ffaft  handle  of  a  rake,  rakestale.    -flen 
small  stones  that  can  be  taken  with  a  rake. 
gtlbeften  c  grinding-stone. 
ftitejtog  fe  -brag.    -tant  tooth  of  a  rake. 
9ti»ejtr«  (jjbre.)  rubber,  grinder,  -tørt  rubber. 
Stiøiøjef  e   f   slapdash  workmau.     Ribning  c 
tearing  etc.;  fig  collislon,  frietion;   fe  fRioetfe. 
mttt  fe  Stift. 
fif  Ude  e  r  rail,  Rallut. 
*flø  c  -er  (paa  Stnib  o.  I.)  burr. 
»ø  c  (Waft,  $bile,  etilbfb;  fio  S)øb)  rest;  tøbile) 
repose;  (Stil&eb,  greb)  qulet;  (Wolig^eb)  tranquili- 
ity;   ophøjet  ~  serenlty;   (p.    Øeoærlaas)    catch, 
notch;  ban  bar  ifte  -  førenb  he  wlll  never  rest 
before;  fomme  i  el.  til  .  get  el.  obtain  rest;  lab 
bet  tigge  i  -  don't  meddle  with  that ;  i  9to  (om 
Øtocertoaft)  at  hatf-cock,   (om  Vnb)  moultlng;  i 
gob  _  qulte  at  his  ease,   very  quietly;  lab  mig 
ooete  i  ~  don't  trouble  me;  ban  funbe  ifte  labe 
barn  bære  i  -  he  could  not  let  htm  alone;  tag 
bet  meb  -,  take  it  coolly,  easy;  ban  Ijar  ingen  . 
paa   fig  he  is  never  at  rest,  he  cannot  settle 
down  to  anythlng;  flaa  fig  til  ~  (i  en  bi*  Stilling) 
settle  (down),  rest,  (opføre  at  batte  i  Uro)  com 
pose  one's  self,  (opføre  at  oære  i  Oeoægelfe)  be 
quiet,  (tratte  fig  tilbage  fra  fin  Birffomljeb)  retlre 
from  business,  retire  from  active  llfe;  flao  fig  til 
.  meb  be  el.  rest  contented  with;  logge,   begibe 
fig   til  -  compose  el.  betake  one's  self  to  rest, 
retlre  to  rest. 

9to  vt  &  %  row,  pull,  (meb  $araarer)  scull;  - 
en   %ut  take  a  row;  -  en  9tare  pull  an  oar;  . 
fterft  pull  hard;  .  fmaat  pull  easy;  .  to  røono 
paa  een  tofte  double  bank  the  oars;  fætte  fig  til 
at  .  take  to  the  oars;  .  bat!  pull  away!  .  raft 
øeef,    TOannef  give  way,  my  lads!  oel  -et!  way 
enongh!  .  StQtbotb,   feagborb!   pull  starboard, 
port!   •-  ftiffe  go  afisning;  en  fom  -r  gobt  a 
good  oar  el.   oarvnan;   be,   fom  -ebe  mig   my 
rowers;  •  en  op  overtake  one. 
SUanbrif  c  moultlng  mallard 
ttoaflbeef  c  sirloin. 
»0§  n  (6flft)  rob'. 

Wøjbaab  row -boa  t,  ro  wing- boa  t.   -bane  course 
for  racing  row  boats. 
fltobbe  c  -r,  fe  SaUbunb. 

Robe  e  -t  robe. 

ftøb'eet  Robert,  F  Bob.  Øtoberttart  herb 
robert,  dragon's  blood,   Geranium  robertianum. 

ftobl'uie  c  -r  locust-tree,  Robinia. 

ftobiufona'be  c  -r  history  of  singular  adven- 
tures after  the  manner  of  Robinson  Crusoe. 

ttøøørattøbraater  pi  (a  kind  of)  tlncture  of 

ftøbørb  n  the  starboard  side  of  a  boat. 

ftøbuft  a  robust. 

Wøbøjlc  e  crutch. 

Køø)ea  c  *  garden  ooral,  R.  eoccinei. 

Støb  c  vløbber  (egentt.  og  fio)  root;  F  ("at,  for* 
forent  Vlennefte)  scamp,  rough,  lamb;  f«fte  -  take 
root;  flaa  Kobber  strike  root;  flaa  bQbe  vlobber 
root  el.  take  root  deeply;  falge  paa  -en  sell 
standing;  rotte  op  meb  -e  tear  up  by  the  roots, 
fig  abollsh  root  and  branch;  fio  ubrpbbe  bet  onbe 
fra  -en  root  out,  extirpate  an  evil;  ubbrage  -en 
eztract  the  root;  Orb  af  fremmeb  .  words  of  a 
foreign  stock.  Mob|baaren  a  $  proceeding 
from  the  root,  radical.  -bl ab  root-leaf,  radlcal 
leaf.    -bløbe  soaking  raln. 

btøbe  vt  (op  i  f.  (Ett.  forben  el.  robe  forben  op 
[om  €oin])  root  (the  ground);  Drengen  ligger  og 
-r  i  forben  the  bov  lies  raking  up  the  ground; 
.  (om)  i  gamle  ©aget,  papirer  ofb.  rummage 
among  old  things,  papers  etc.;  .  i  en  Jruffert, 
fturo  o.  b.  rummage,  tumble  over  the  contents 
of,  a  trunk,  basket;  ^an  ligger  og  -r  efter  ben  ©og 
he  is  rummaglng  for  that  book;  .  op  i  en  Sag 
rip  up  a  matter;  -  fig  inb  i  noget  embrotl  one's 
self  in  a  thing. 

Købe  e  -r  (i  $b)  ward,  quarter;  (Sotbatet)  file; 
party,  band;  fDantsh  rood  (12  feet).  -i Ib  file 

btø'bletdpøiicttt  number  denoting  the  rool. 

btøbclntarø)  marching  in  files,  -atelier  tax 

WøbCM  o  rooting  etc. 

Øcobenbe  c  root-end,  ^  heel. 

IRoberi'  n  disorder,  disturbance,  muddle. 

tbtøøet  a  F  scampish. 

KøbeniØ  adv  in  el.  by  files;  in  parties;  .  til 
benftre !  left  file ! 

fllo'blfaft  a  rooted.  -faftbeb  c  rootedness  -fly 
arches,  Xylopkari*.  -frugt  (edlble)  root;  UbftOIing 
af  -er  root  show;  $bttning  af  -er  =»  -frngtb^rtning 
culti vation  of  root-crops.  -ferfte  n  rooting. 
-fflefte  vt  root;  vr  fig  root,  strike  root;  -t  rooted; 
ban  ftob  fom  -t  he  was  root-bound;  et  -t  Qab  a 
deep-rooted  hatred;  et  mrre  -t  $ab  a  deeper 
•rooted  h.  -faftelfe,  -ftrftning  rooting.  -gnaoe 
vt  gnaw  off  to  the  root.  -grev  radlcal  branch. 
-b,aar  root-hair.  •binbebetcrnbelfe  (i  Xanb)  peri- 
odontitis.  -booeb  head  of  the  root.  -Ijitgge  vt 
cut  off  by  the  root.  stub  up.  ••tjngger  f ,  le- 
veller,  radical,  root  and  branch  man  el.  reformer, 
F  rad.  -batte  root-cap.  -taal  SwediBh  turnip. 
-tappe  fe  bugge.  -tl**e  vt  cleave  to  the  root. 
•tnolb  tuber,  t-tctble  the  stump  of  a  tree.  -lød 
a  rootless.    -net  tissue  of  roots. 

fltobømønta'be  c  -r  rodomontade. 

9tob|ørb  radix,  radical,  root-word.  -perfitte 
large  paraley.  -plante  plant  yieldlng  an  eicu- 
lent  root.  -pø  bet  a  root -grafted.  -pobniug  root 
grafting,  -regn  fe  -bløbe.  -eefler  pi  rests  of 
roots.  -ffub  sucker,  ground  shoot.  •ffttbeabe  a 
rooting.  -ftæremaffine  root-cutter.  -flagning  c 
rooting.  -fRblter  root  pareslte.  -fpfbø  apex. 
•fpire  radicle.  +-fprøg  parent  language,  -ftaoelfe 
radical  syllable.  -ftiff  radical  8 talk.  -ftot  root 
-stock,  rhlzoma.  t-ftøb  stump,  -ftorrelfe  radical 
auantlty.  -tal  arith  root  (of  a  number).  -talfe 
vi,  heel-tackle.  -tegn  arith  radical  sign.  -tøp 
j,  heel-lashing.    -trevl  rootlet.    -ubbraguing  c 





evolution,    -nrt,  -øaMt,  fe  -frugt,    -agte  a  an- 

fRøe  c  (Sforpe  paa  Baaz)  scab,  crust;  fatte  - 
form  a  scab. 

ttøøe  e  -r  turnip,  beet.  -ager  turnip  fleld. 
-ø^rfaing  cultivation  of  turnips.  -fr*  turnip- 
seed,  -frftemafftne  beet-extractor.  -niarf  fe 

Køen  c  rowing. 

9toe[ø(ie  rape-oil.  •optagningftmafftne  beet 

9ioer  o  -e  rower,  oarsman,  boatman.  tRoerfte 
c  -r  boatwoman. 

9tøe[rap*  fe  ffiutabaga.    -r*øf  fe  Sntnip*. 

IRoefuffer  n  beet-roo;  sugar. 

9fto|  fartøj  row-boat.  -flaabe,  -fløtiHe  fieet  of 
row-boats;  flotllla  of  rowing  gunboats.  -følt 
rowers.  -forening  rowing  dub.  -gaffet  crutch. 
-galej  row-galley. 

9iøgn  c  (hard)  roe,  spawn;  gbbe,  fafte  -  spawn. 

*9tøgn  o  -er,  fe  9Un.  -flfttlb  hybrid  beam-tree, 
Horbut  hybrida. 

tRøgnlfiffspawner.  -gtybnivgspawnlng.  *-N«tfe, 
-fjølfe  lump-flsh,  lump-sucker,  sea-owl,  Cyc/op- 
tenu  tumpus.  -rig  a  full  of  roe.  -ften  oolite, 

ftøl'  (ftualen)  o  roe,  rukh. 

*ttøf  n  fe  JRaaf  n. 

9tøf  o  -fe  spinning  wheel. 

IRøia'øe  c  (©fa!)  castling. 

(Røfambø'le  c  roc'ambole,  AUium  »corodopra- 

tRøfanonbaab  c  rowing  gunboat. 

tRofe  re  vi  castle. 

fRofte  c  -i  ray,  Raja;  $lat*  scate;  Søm«  thorn- 
back; elettrift  .  torpedo. 

»ofte  vi  &  i  rock ;  tt,  fo  (Unib,  ©eflutning) 
shake;  ben  retfatblge«  fflob  ffal  iffe  -g  the  root 
ol  the  righteous  shall  not  be  moved;  6tenen  bil 
iffe  løbe  ftg  -  the  s  tone  cannot  be  moved.  fRøtte* 
afftet  c  ($mp.)  rocking-shaft. 

9tøfte|breø  paper  wrapped  round  the  distaff. 
-øre jer  turner  of  spinning-  wheels,  turner  in 

tRoffebntte  c  tumbler. 

Slof fe|  ty  jul  spinning- wheel.  -tyoøebrock,  distaff. 

Koften  o  rock  i  ug  eto.  fe  fRøfte. 

{Rotter  e  -e  (i  Ur)  needle. 

•9toffe|fnelbe  c  fe  -ten. 

ftofteften  c  rocking-stone. 

tvtoffetrn  c  spindle. 

ftø'ftuø  c  rowing  club. 

Kølning  c  rocklng  etc. 

ttøfø'Iø  c  roco'co. 

flUøfia  a  tranquil;  (øgfaø:  frille)  qulet,  calm; 
(fagtmobia.  Ølib)  placid;  (fat,  finbig)  composed, 
sedate;  (fattet)  collected;  Ijolbe  flg  _  keep  quiet; 
boer  -  be  qulet;  bær  $e  fun  -  make  yourself 
easy,  be  easy;  bi  fan  bære  ganfte  -e  for  at  we 
may  rest  assured  that;  bet  fan  bu  tære  _  før 
tron  I'll  warrant  you;  -t  Qejr,  £ab,  -  $immel 
calm  weather,  tranquil  sea,  serene  sky;  -  €ø  a 
smooth  sea;  -  ©øøn  sound  sleep;  -t  Qføletfer 
tranquil  el.  undisturbed  feelings;  -i  Sinb  tran- 
quil mind;  _  6inbtf)emning  quiet  frame  of  mind; 
«  Sambittigtyeb  clear  conscience;  tybø  mig  Ibbet, 
ffal  bo  trtrøgelig  og  øate  .  for  ftrtrøt  whoso  hearke- 
neth  unto  me  shall  dwell  safely,  and  shall  be 
quiet  of  fear;  at  øi  maa  lebe  et  -t  og  frille  fietmet 
that  we  may  lead  a  quiet  and  peaceable  life; 
jeg  fan  bare  -  beb  faabanne  Qeftølbninger  I  need 
not  care  for  such  accusations.  -tyeb  c  tranquil- 
llty;  quiet,  calm;  placid  i  ty;  composedness;  com- 
posure;  forfttjrte  ben  offentlige  -  commit  a  breach 
of  peace.  -tyebéferflørrer  c  disturber  (of  the 
peace).    -tycMførftiprrcIfc  breach  of  peace. 

Kølle  vi  (om  IRaø,  Ønrølinft,  Obber)  rut. 
(Rolle  o  -r  (i  Sfnefptl)  part,  character;  Aø  part. 
Miøe  i   en  be  in  character;  føibe  ub  af  -n  be  oat 
of  character,  lose  one's  cue;  fptlle  fin  _  play  ri. 
aet  one's  part;  fio  b«n  fpiQebe  en  meget  tynttttg  - 
he  cut  a  very  pitiful  flgure;  baøbe  foaet  3)o!t»tea4 
.  bad  been  cast  for  the   Puysician;    bet  føiSer 
ingen  .  it  is  of  no  conseqnence;  ^an  bar  ubfbiEfl 
fin  .  he  is  played  out.    •befotatsg  emst  (of  the 
characters).  -børniug  exchange  of  parta.  -kaueabc 
pi  acting  playera.  -lefrepart.  -omøørnUm  chance 
in  the  cast. 
ttøffetib  e  rutting-time. 
{Rolling  c  -er  little  one,  toddler. 
øløm'  [*6]  c  (Spiritu«)  rum. 
Støn'  [*6j  n  Rome;  i  bet  gamle  -  in    anden t 
Rome;  .  bleb  iffe  bøgget  paa  een  Steg  Rome  wt< 
not  built  in  a  day.    ttøntsftrrr  c  -e  pilgrim  to 

fRova'n  c  -er  novel,  romance;  bet  et  en  øel  _ 
it  is  quite  roman  tic.  -agtig  a  roman  tic.  9tø* 
man  ce  c  -r  romance.  ftoman|bigter,  -forfatter- 
(Ittbc)  novellist,  romance- writer,  writer  of  fiction 
el.  novels.  -Ijelt,  'tpitintt  hero,  heroine  at 
fltømanifl'  e  -er  ro'manist. 
fRøman|lUeratnr  prose  Action.  -løtfer\tmb«^ 
norel-reader.  -ladning  novel-  el.  romance  read- 

fltoma  nff  a  Roman'ic,  Romance,  (ftnnf!)  Ro- 
mHnesque.    •germaniff  a  Romano-Germøunic 

9loma  nlffrløer  fe  -bigter.  -ffriøertabe  c  -r  (lady) 
novelist.  -ftrlønlng novelwriting.  -finger greedy 
novel-reader.    -fnat  romance. 

9iøman't|tff  a  roman  tic;  bet  -e  øeb  Soarn  tbe 
romance  of  the  thing.  -II '  c  romance;  (&treratnr< 
retning)  roman' ticlam.    -'iler  c  -c  romaaticist 

9løm|øc  (R^ombuS)  c  -r  niath  rhomb.     -eifl  i 
rhombic;  bet  -e  6øftem  (Rtø^.)  the  right  prismatic 
system,    -øi'be  c  -r  rhomboid. 
9tømbubbing  c  rum-puddlng. 
Wø'wer   [6]  e  -e  Roman;  F  a  glass  of  rom. 
-følt  Roman  people.     »omerin'be  e  -c  Roman 
(lady).      Kørner |  f irren    the    Roman    (Cathoiic) 
church,  the  Church  of  Rome.  -reife  Journey  to 
Rome.    -retten  Roman  Law;  Civil  Law.    -rige 
Roman  empire,     -ff  a  Roman;  -  ©ab  Tarkish 
bath;  .  fi&*  Roman  candle.  -ffbritiff  a  Romano 
-British,     -fffato'tfr   a   k  e  Roman  Gath'olic 
-fprøget   the  Roman  language,     -flot   Roman 
state.     -tal  Roman   number  el.    numeral;   R 
indiction.    -tøg  expedition  to  Rome. 
fltomfab  [*6J  n  rum  caøk. 
*9tomme  [6]  o  bog  asphodel,  Jfarthtcimm  o**i- 

9)øm|bnbbing  [6]  c  rum  pudding.   -^nad)  rum 
punch,    -æter  rum  ether. 
fRoøbe  [6]  fe  Wunbe. 
♦IRone  le  fflaane. 

9toning  c  rowing,  pulling,  (for  9omøieIfe>  boat- 
ing.   fRøpørt  rowport.    *Wør  c  rowing. 

JRør  n  %>l  —,  rudder,  helm;  tønge  -et  snip  fl. 
hang  the  rudder;  ftao  øeb  -et,  ftoa  til  -i  (ogfaa 
fig)  stand  el.  be  at  the  helm;  TOanben  øeb  -et 
the  man  at  the  wheel;  fomme  til  -et  come  in  to 
power;  Itjftre  -et  answer  the  helm;  érørborb  meb 
-et!  starbord  the  helm!  ©agborb  meb  -et  port 
the  helm!  -  i  £æ!  helm's  a-lee!  op  meb  -et!  up 
with  the  helm!  lette  paa  et  ease  the  helm;  logge 
•et  ober  shift  the  helm;  ftøt  øeb  -et  steady  tie 
helm;  føre  la  ~  carry  a  lee  helm.  Sø'r)øefløg 
rudder-irons.    -øjøm  helm-port. 

0«ø'rbøb   e  flshermen'ø  booth  (at  a  fløbinf 
Wø'rørøg  c  rudder-coat. 
8tø'r|bonK  o  thwart.    -følt  rowerø. 




9to'rlfl{f  fe  -biørn.   -gat  rudder-hole.  -gomaer 
belmraian.    -baøe  plntle;   -r  og    tøffer  nidder 
-irons.    -hanøer  nidder -pendant,    -tut  fe  -gat. 
-Wo'rfarl  fe  Mor*. 

Slo'rjttle  nidder- chock.     -fifle  nidder -case, 
-trunk.     -Kampe,   -flobfl   nidder -chock.     -føp 
nidder  head.  -trave  rudder-coat.  -tatttnø  nidder 
-cliain.  -foa*  key  ofa  nidder.   -tøffe  goodgeon. 
-mal  rudder-mould.    -pinb,  '-ptnbe  tiller. 
SRo'rØlfølt  rowers.    -Jarl  rower,  boatman. 
9t»'rlfxaft  rudder-stock.     -frinfet  rudder-pen- 
dant.  -fpiger  ruddernail.  -flabe!  fe  -løffe.  -ftanø 
fe  -uinb.  -Ramme,  -fHIf, -ftøf  rudder-stock.  -ftabn 
nidder  post.  -f  nøde  damb-chalder.  -talje  nidder 
-tackle,   -top  rudaer-pintle.   -tøm  trick  et.  spell 
at  the  helm.    -Dauge  sweep  of  the  tiller. 
'ttø'rbar  fe  fttffeøcer. 

Støt  c  prøJse,  commendation;  til  fywf  .  in 
his  praise. 

tvcøft'  n  chips,  shavings  of  wood. 
TØtøé'  c  &  n  horse,    -baare  horse-lifter. 
Stofa,  ftøfc  Rose. 

Wøfe,  rotte,  roft  vt  praise,  commend,  land; 
_  for  flsrft  overpraise;  -fig  af  noget  glory  in, 
boast  of;  funne  .  fig  af  boast;  uben  at  -  mig 
without  vanlty,  tho'  I  say  it  (that  shonld  not); 
-r  fig  af  at  qabe  tak  es  credit  to  himself  for 
havtng;  —  rofenbea commendatory,  laudatory, 
(i  boj  Grab)  panegyrical,  eulogistic. 

fRøfc  c  -r  rose;  art  rosette;  ingen  -c  uben  tome 
no  rose  without  a  tborn;  banfe  paa  x  Ile  on  a 
bed  of  roses;  banfer  iffe  paa  -r  has  no  easy  life 
of  it.    ttøfefriøeae  the  wars  of  the  Roses. 

9iøfen  c  (6babom)  St.  Anthony's  fire,  erysipelas, 
the  rose.    -artet  a  erysipelatous. 

fNøfeu|baanb  rose-coloured  riband.    -beb  bed 
of    roses,    rosary.      -bt   leaf-entter,   Megaekile 
centvncularis.    -btab  rose-leaf.     -blob  pott  rose 
bod.     -blomme  rose.     -bluf  poet  rosy  glow. 
<M>b)ø  pott  rosy  nest.    -brnb  girl  who  won  the 
rose  of  the  Tillage  for  good  condnct.  -bnff  rose 
-bush.    -brolfel  pastor,   Orocula  rotea.    -ebbife 
ozyrrhodine.     -effen*  fe  -olie.     -familien  the 
rose  fcmily.    -farve  rose-colonr,  pink.    +-farbe 
vt  gire  a  rosy  colour  to.  -farbet  a  rose-colonred, 
roseate,  rosy,  pink.    -feber  fe  ftofen.    -fejt  feast 
of  roses,     -nager  rosy  finger,     -finøret  m  rosy 
-flngered.    -før  bloom  of  roses.    -øaarb,  -Qabe 
rose-garden,    +-øtøbe  vi  glow  crimfon.    -beøn 
hedge  of  roses,    -dønning  honey  of  roses,  mel- 
rose. -bblb  fe  ff  ©alf beb.  -paf  rose- hedge.  -jørb» 
batr  fe  Vart*,    -taal  Brnssels-sprouts,  Bratrica 
gemmi/era.    -fartøffel  rose  (potato).    -tinb  rosy 
cheek.  -ruøp  rose-bud.  -fønferve  rose-conserye. 
-rraud    garland    el.   wreath   of  roses;   (fatolp) 
rorary,   beads;   tefe   fin  .  count  one's  beads. 
-trevler  c  -e  Rosicrncian.    -fbartø  rose  quartz. 
•leje  bed  of  roses.    -Ingt  odoar  of  roses.   -Innb 
rose-groye.     -læbe  rosy  Up.     -lamle  chain  of 
roses,   -mnnb  fe  -lab«. 
ftøfeuo'bel  c  -bier  rosenoble, 
»øf en  | ølle  roee-oll.  otto  (el.  attar)  of  roses. 
-verfe  rose-bead.    -pil  fe  $urpur-.  -pomabe  rose 
-uniment.     -punfef    rosace-puncheon.     -porre 
roøe-(water)  peør.  -røb  rosewort,  roseroot;  Rko- 
diola  roéea.  -røb  a  roay,  rose-colonred,  rose-red. 
+-ffitt  rosy  light,     -fftf  rosy  cloud.    -fifler  rosy 
hue.    +-f!øu  a  beautiful  as  a  rose.     -fntyitet 
a  decorated   with   roses,     -fptritul    splrit   of 
roses,     -ftest  rose-diamond.     -ftøf  (paa  $Jort) 
cabbage.    +-#rø  vt  strew  with  roses,    -ftøtr  fe 
-brotfel.    -futter  conserve  of  roses.   -fvomp  rose 
-gall,  bedeguar.    •rib  rose-seøson.    -tøm  thorn 
of  a  rose.    -tr*  roøe-tree;  fe  -beb.    -ubfrtlliug 
rose-ihow.    -vaab  roøe-water.    -beb  rose-wood. 
•vin  rose- wire.    -*ble  rote-apple. 

ttøfe'ring  c  roøing,  pinkdyeing. 
ftøfefkbett  a  (Diamant)  rose-cut. 

ftøf  et'  c  -ter  rosette,  (i  Zag)  ceillng-plate. 
ftofetteføbber  roso-copper.  ftøfetftiøet  a  $  ros- 

ffløfiflcn'øliaø  Mr.  Puff.    -eri'  n  log-rolling. 

ttøji'tt  e  -er  ralsln;  fe  $ølfe.  -toge  plum-cake. 
-ferne  ralsin-stone.     -ftilfe  pi  (Vffalb)  rapes  pi. 

-tftø'ftib  n  rowing-vessel. 

ttøfmar  c  walrus. 

ftødntari'n  e  ro'semary.  -blømft  flower  of  r. 
-Iipnø  andromeda.  -olie  oil  of  r.  -vanb  Hungary 

tftødmc  c  fe  ffluftme. 

Wofolfbre  o  rosol'ic  acid. 

+Øtøføm  a,  -qcb  o  fe  SRorfom. 

*8tøøfe  c  -r  puff  of  wJnd,  eddy-wlnd. 

tftødfc  et:  .  meb  get  the  better  of. 

Wøfte  vt  (Vcalt)  mash.  Kofte  c  -r,  -far  mash- 

tttøfttiencfle  c  equestrian  service. 

ftøftninø  o  mashlng. 

ftøftra'l  e  -er  music-pen. 

ftodoarr'biø  a  praiseworthy.  commendable, 
laudable.  -qeb  c  praiseworthiness,  commend- 
ableness,  laudableness. 

9totangbalme  c  rattan  cane,  Calamu$  rotang. 

ftøtatiø'n  o  -er  rota'tion,  revolution,  agr  rota- 
tion of  crops.  —  ftøtatiø'nl|beb«øelfe  motion 
of  rotation,  rotatory  motion,  -maffine  rotary 
el.  rotatory  engine.  -fan  rotatory  saw.  v%9ta* 
tø'riff  a  ro'tatory,  rotary.  ftøte'rc  r»  ro'tate, 
revolve.    ftøte'renbe  a  ro'tatory,  rotary. 

ttotib  e  (tSnbeTø)  moulting  season. 

*Kotffjorr  fe  ftaaffcer. 

ftottc  ør:  .fig  fammen  conspire,  complot  (to- 
ge ther). 

ftøtte  e  -r  rat  (brun  -  brown  el.  Norwegian 
rat,  Mu$  decumamu;  fort  -  black  el.  old  English 
rat,  Mut  rattu$);  (i  Bolbføif)  base;  ban  er  til  -rne 
he  is  gone  to  the  dogs.  -falbe  rat- trap.  -f om- 
øer  e  -e  rat-catcher.  -sjift  ratebane.  -pale  rat's 
tail;  cat's-tail-grass.  Fkleum  pratens*;  naw  in 
cloth;  fe  -rumpe,  -qnl  rat-hole.  -bnnb  terrier. 
•jagt  rat-hunting,  -ffføer  rat-catcher.  -loger 
ratsbane.  -fonøe  rat's  king.  -ffrnbt  ratsbane, 
arsenic.  -rebe  rat's  nest.  -rumpe  (6ab)  com- 
pass  saw;  (gil)  rat's  tall,  rat-tail  file.  -fafØ  rat 
-trap.  -fflnb  rat's  skin.  -flnr  ^  rat- hole. 
•nnøe  young  rat. 

ftottinø  o  -er  ratan. 

ftøtva'øe  c  -r  rotunda,  rotundo. 

ftøtnr  o  row,  boating  ezcursion. 

ftø'tbclff  n  thieves'  cant,  gibberish. 

ftøné  o  -er  roué,  rake. 

ftønlta'be  c  -r  roulade,  -e'rc  vi  circulate. 
-tt'tt  o  roulette. 

ftønt'e  c  -r  route;  ^olbe  .  ^  keep  time;  inb- 
frille  fin  -  cease  running.  -foraubriuø  cbange 
el.  alteration  of  route.    -tørt  «£,  track  chart. 

ftøttfi've  e  routine,  -ntftiflg  a  according  to 
routine,  conventional,  Jogtrot.  Møtttine'ret  a 

ftøb  [aa]  n  prey,  spoil,  plunder;  (fRøøeri) 
rapine,  robbery;  et  .  for  a  prey  to;  briøe  paa  - 
eihaust,  waste,  manage  with  reckless  impro- 
vidence,  with  spollation  of  the  niture;  gaa  paa 
.  go  plundering,  (om  Styr)  prowl  about  for  prey: 
inbenttf  ere  be  fulbe  af  .  og  Uretfftrbia^eb  bibl 
within  they  are  ftill  of  extortion  and  exoess; 
bolbt  bet  iffe  for  et  •  at  oare  «ub  (ia  bibl  thought 
it  not  robbery  to  be  equal  with  God.  ftøv|> 
beøøirliø  a  rapacious.  -beøøtrliøbcb  rapaclty, 
rapacionsness.  -ben  raptorlous  leg.  -bi  thiev- 
lng  bee.     -bille  tiger  beetle,   Carnivera.     -brift 




exhausting  farming  cl.  management,    -bor  beast 
of  prey. 

♦IRooee'r  n  ^  river,  channel. 

9t  øø  I  fifl  rapacious  fish.  -fifleri  wasting  flshery. 
-Hue  hornet-fly,  A*tfu*.  -fob  raptorious  foot. 
-fugt  bird  of  prey,  raptorial  blrd,  •gerrig,  -ger* 
rtgfieb  fe  -begærlig.  -QbebØ  ichnenmon  fly.  -luft 
fe  begærligljeb.  -luften  fe  -begærlig,  -maage  arctic 
skaa,  Leetrit  paraeiticus.  -mørb  robbery  attended 
with  morder,  -næb  raptorious  beak.  +-ribber 
knlght-robber.  -tøg.  -foge,  fe  -begærlig,  -begær' 
ligbeb.  -tanb  raptorious  tooth.  -terne  Gaspian 
tern,  Sterna  caepia. 

fRøjtal|tø'ine  c  roy'alism.  -ift'  c  -er  roy'alist. 
-fft'iff  «  roy'alist. 

tbln  c  -er  fold,  plait. 

MRn  c  fe  «oe  l. 

9ln  a  rough;  $  scabrous. 

»nb'  og  Stub  bag  and  baggage. 

tRnbanl(bøol)  «  -er  Jointer,  jointing-plane. 

9lnbbe  vt  rub,  scrub;  —  vi  af  P  pack;  bet  er 
nof  bebft,  ieg  -r  ttf  I  had  better  pack;  —  vr  fig 
f  look  sharp. 

dubber  c  -e  rubber. 

{Rubbet  a  f  rugged, 

{Rubel  c  -bier  ruble. 

JRnben  Re u ben. 

tfRnbite  c  fe  Vcarrube. 

fRnbltøtt:  gaa  o  o  er  -  pass  the  Ru  bi  con. 

fRnH'n  c -er  ru'by.  -faroe  ruby  colour.  -faroet 
a  ruby.  -gtaØ  ruby-flaor.  -fmojle  ornamentet, 
set  of  rubies.  -fbtncl  spinel-ruby.  -føøøl  ruby 

9fn  blabet  a  $  asperifoliate. 

»ttbrice're  ør  ru'bricate.  ftnbrit'  c  -er  m'bric, 
head,  tltle,  article,  column. 

9tnbe  c  -r  $  rue,  Buta. 

{Rnbe  c  -r  pane  (of  glass);  (gtrtont)  square, 
diamond,  (Slat)  square;  her  fusU.  -bannet  fe 

fRubecbbite  c  vinegar  of  rue. 

IRnbel  formet,  •formig  i  square-shaped,  dla- 
mond-shaped;  $  rhomboidal.  -g(aft  fe  SSinbueé« 

fltnbcl  c  flock. 

{Rubetnønfter  n  chequered  pattern. 

ftttbeølic  c  oli  of  rue,  Ætheroleum  rutæ. 

fRnber  c  (ftort)  diamond,  (garden)  diamonds. 
•longe,  -bante  oio.  king,  queen  of  diamonds  e te. 

9tubera  pi  ruins. 

ftnbejfljotb  lozengy  shield.  -flattet  a  (gfifl) 
ganoid,  ganoidian.  -fiol  gauglng  rod.  Stnbet 
a  chequered,  tessellated,  check,  ker  lozengy. 
fRubejøift  adv  lozenge-wise,  in  squares.  -bfltrt 
arch  checker  work. 

9f  ttbiintent'  n  er  ni  di  ment.  -menta'r  a  rudi- 

ftubolf  Rudolph,  Ralph. 

fRn  bret  a  fe  Skubet. 

tWtt'bflaØe  e  roach,  Ci/prinu«  erythrophthxlmtu. 

9tne  vt  ralse,  tease. 

ttneCfe  c  ruing,  repentance,  contrition. 

fRnentafline  c  ralsing-gig. 

ftuf '  c :  i  en  -  in  a  trice,  in  a  twinkllng. 

9* uf'  n,  pi  b=,  d,  round  house,  deck-house; 
(til  Sogn)  front  head  (of  a  vehicle). 

fRttffe  vt  &  "tart;  .  fig,  -8  start. 

fRnffe  vi  bawd,  pro  c  ure.  9tnffe|r  c  -e  pimp, 
pander,  procurer.  -ri'  n  pimping,  pandering. 
-rfle  c  -r  bawd,  procuress. 

{Ruller  pi  rugositles.    {Ruflet  a  rugate.    - 

ØtnfØbJttttc  c  &  round-house  beam. 

9tttg  c  rye,  SecaU  cereale.  tRugjaar  year  for 
rye.  -ager  rye-fleld.  -ab!  cultivation  of  rye. 
*-aøling  cultivation  of  rye;  rye  crop.  -aW  ear 
of  rye.    »brøb  rye-bread,  brown  bread. 

tfRngbe   c   -c   woodcock,    HeUopax    rueHeoia 
•ttcet  cock-shoot. 

Knge  vi  brood,  hatch;  ~  ooer  el.  +&4M  (peiré 
boa)  noget  brood  over  a  thing;  ben  gerrige  -r  oser 
fine  $enge  the  miser  boards  his  monev;  peet 
VRørfet  -r  ooer  TOarl  og  tng  darkneas  ahrouds 
both  field  and  meadow;  .  ub  hatch.  -w|iii 
hatching-house.  -bøue  brooding  hen;  fe  -t. 
-ta*fe  cote.  -luften  a  broody.  -mafft»e  batch- 
ing- machine,  lncubator.  Stngen  c  brooding  ete. 
9tngc|obn  hatching  oven.  -blab#  hAtchin^-plai-e. 
9tnger  c  -e:  gob  .  good  sltter;  flette  -e  noa 
•sitters,  non-slttlng  breeds.  -rib  brooding  fi 
hatching  season.  -btrute  hatching  hest,  -«S 
brood-egg,  egg  for  hatching. 

*9tngge  vt  rock;  vi  rock,  vaciilate,  -frcn  fe 

tttt'gl^alm  thrashed  rye-straw.  -barn  fe  fR£< 
brøje.  -b^ft  rye-harvest;  rye-crop.  -jørb  rye-*o»I 
^-taoring  fe  -toebal.  -Ntb  rre-bran.  -førm  gnun 
of  rye.  ••C«ft  tillering  rye.  t*»«rl  rye-ficld 
-ntel  (flgtet)  rye-flour;  (ufigtet)  rye-meal.  -ntelå- 
grøb  rye-meal  porridge.  -meléfnøbe  rje-rnea] 
g  ru  el.    -neg  sheaf  of  rye. 

(Rugning  c  brooding  eta,  (process  of)  incu- 

tRu  glbril  price  of  rye.     -ftraa  strnw  of  un- 
thrashed  rye.    -ftnb  rye-stubble.    -f«b  rye-croi1 
•toebal   rye-biscuit.      -bang    enclosed   rye-fleld. 
-øiooe  fe  -als. 

Stnlbanret  a  rough-haired.  -b«nbfrer  Swedish 
gloves.  -bcb  o  rough ness.  -bugge  vt  rough-hew. 
-tnOO^r  rough-hewer.    -b.øOl  rough-plane. 

Wuln  c  -er  ruin;  et  Slot  (fom  ligger)  i  -er  & 
ruined  castle.  -agat  brecciated  agate.  ftninrrr 
vt  ru'in. 

Wttjabnfl  c  fe  $arpttra. 

Wttjarn  n  pig-iron. 

•Wttle  c  -r  heap,  lump.    fRttte  vt  heap  up. 

*»nl'  c  -ler,  fe  «uHe  (i  be  to  førfte  ©et.);  ff 

btnØe  vi  Se  t  roll,  (trille  paa  fijul)  trnndle;  ( om 
6Iib,   6«,   Xorben)   roll;   (om  Biobet)   circalate; 
(Sinneb)  mangle,  caiender;  -  Sigarec  roll  cigar?; 
bet  -S  mangling  done  here;  -be  meb  Pinene  rolled 
his  eyes;  -  fammen  roll  up;  .  op  el.  af  unroU,  - 
»arbinerne  op,  neb  draw  el.  pull  the  blind  s  up. 
down;  fig  b,oibe  Soller  -be  neb  fra  fyraft  bøie  ?anbf 
whlte  locks  streamed  down  from  his  high  fore 
head;   -  fig  (om  éeften)  roll.     8tnØe  e  -r   (Øaffe.i 
roll,  roller,  cylinder;  (unber  ©orbfob  el.  I.)  caster; 
(2og-)  reel;  (noget  fammenrutlet)  roll;  (ril  fitnneb> 
mangle;   (pergaments   $abir<    ofb.)    roll,    scroll; 
(^ortrgnelfe)list;  ^  staUon-blll,  staUon-Ust;  (fSiloti 
flock,  herd;   en  -  6ei(bug  a  bolt  of  canvaas;  en 
.  $enge  a  rouleau  (of  money);  ftage  en  9ogn  pao 
-n  take  a  post  chalse.     WnBe|aal  collared   eel. 
pickled  eel.  -bane  waggonway.   -bln  sbeet-lead. 
-bør  fiddle-drill,   drill  with  ferrule.     -bro  roll 
-bridge,     -bnt  buckram.     -b««l  roller,     -befg 
dough  flattened  by  rolling,    -fabritant  caiender 
-maker.     -fører  keeper  of  the  roll;    registrer 
•føring    reglstration.      -garbln   (roller-)   blind, 
sun -blind.     *garn    cotton    on    reels.     -b«ro  e> 
Norwegian  harrow.     -lammer  maagllng  room 
-Købe   mangl ing-cloth.     -fnib    chopping-knife 
-lobber  sheet-copper  in  rolls.     -tone,    -mønb 
mangler,     -tcrlber   mangling  cellar.     -mafftne 
caiender,    -meéfing  sheet-brass  in  rolls.    -mnflel 
trochleary  muscle.     -n   c  rolling  etc.     -nøffe 
collared  beef. 

ØtnOere  vi  fe  vloulere. 

WnOelflittlr  collared  ham.  -fløjter  pi  rollers, 
roller-skates;  6tøjtetøbning  poa  -  roller-akating, 
rollering.  -foag  ^  roller-handsplke.  -fb«abc 
roller-buckle.     -ften    (HQe    ritnb   Sten)    pebble, 




<fterre)  oopple-stone,  boulder;  oeol  erratlc  gravel, 
rubble-Btones,  boulders.  -ftenØførmøHønen  the 
drift,  -ftentfer  boulder-clay.  -frit  rolling  hitch. 
-flot  mangling  cylinder,  -fiol  wheelchair.  -ftne 
te  -tommer,  -tin  roll-tin.  -tøbøt  roll-tobacco, 
pigtail  (tobacco).  -ton  &  parbuckle.  -tr*  fe 
-Hot.  -tøj  mangled  linen:  linen  to  be  mangled. 
-»øf«  trundle,  truck,  Kutling  c  rolling  etc.; 
none  (af  Søen)  roller,  ro  il.  ftttlffifte  brick-course 
la  id  on  edge,  edge-course. 

fRulteber  n  scraped  leather. 

9tnm'  c  fe  ftom  1. 

fRnm'  a  large,  wide;  4,  large;  i  ~  Sø  in  the 
open  sea,  in  blue  water;  føge  -  60  stand  out 
to  nea;  lomme  ub  i  -  Sø  get  an  offlng;  ben  tør 
IBinben  to  Streger  -t  sbe  bas  the  wind  two  points 
large;  for  en  -  Xib  flben  a  good  while  ago. 

99 nm'  »,  pi  «,  room,  spaoe;  (afbelt)  compart- 
ment;  (i  en  $ult  et.  talbr;  fiebite)  pigeon-hole; 
-met  i  et  Stift  the  hold;  et  lufttomt  -  a  vacuum; 
tomme  -  yacant  spaces;  Xtben  og  -met  time  and 
spaoe;  forfbtnbe  i  brt  tomme  -  disappear  lnto 
s  pace;  fip  Bi  maa  iRe  gtae  flige  Xantet  .  i  tore 

fjerter  we  must  not  suffer  our  mind  to  be  in- 
uenced  by  such  thoughts  el.  we  must  not  be 
influenced  by  such  thoughts;  gioe  .  for  give 
way  to,  make  room  for;  gtøer  iRe  jetter  $ja>belen 
.  tieither  give  place  to  the  devll.  Øtnmbclcnbc 
a  &  loculicidal. 

9tnme'l|ten  n  Rumelia.  -let  c,  -iff  a  Rume- 

<Rnm|fang  capaclty,  volume,  bulk,  contents. 
-førliøtø  proportion,  -foraemmelfe  space  per- 
ception,   -laft  cargo  in  the  hold. 

étnmfe   øt   rumble,   roll.     -taøfc    lumbering 

vehicle  et.  charlot.    Øtnmlrn  c  rumbling  (in  the 

bo w els).    {Rumlepotte  hnmming-top.    tituntfer  o 

.  -e  demagogue.     ttnmlerter  pi  revolutionary  at- 

tempts,  intrigues. 

fttnmllg  a  of  space,  relating  to  space.  Wnm- 
mani  measure  of  capaclty,  solid  mea»ure. 
tRnnunc  vt  contain,  hold;  ftufet  fan  itte  .  alle 
btéfe  JRennefter  the  house  wlll  not  contain  all 
theae  people;  $bor  meget  Ian  ber  -•  i  ben  Sat? 
how  much  wlll  th*t  bag  hold;  jeg  Ian  iRe  -  faa 
mange  I  cannot  find  room  for  so  many  people; 
»t  funbe  itte  -8  i  ©aaben  there  was  no  room  for 
iu  in  the  boat. 

Kamme  vi  &  r  (om  ©tuben)  veer  aft. 

Rummel  o  rumble,  rumbling  noisej  ri  ©itet) 
point;  en  -  £øg  a  bunch  of  bulbs;  F  tøfte  fcele 
-en  buy  the  whole  lot;  F  forftaa  e(.  lenbe  -en 
understand  one's  business,  be  up  to  it,  be  np 
to  snuff.  know  what's  what. 

Øtnmmelig  a  roomy,  spacious,  capaclous,  com- 
modions.  -|eb  c  roomlness,  spaciousness,  capa- 

Øtnmo'r  o  uproar,  nolse. 

fttumpc  e  -v  rump,  breech,  bottom,  bum, 
backaide,  fundament,  ane,  posteriors  pi;  ($ale) 
tail.  Rumpe  vt  op  tie  up  the  tail  of  (a  horse). 
fcnønpc|»atter  pi  buttocks.  -ben  rump-bone. 
-brøi  a  large-rumped.  blg-bummed.  -finne 
caudal  fin,  anal  fin.  -fjeber  fe  $alefjeber.  -tøf 
anus.  -laber  crupper  dock.  -Wt  a  tailless. 
•rens  crupper,  breeching.  -ftljtte  rump-piece. 
-tamt  rectum.    -trolb,  -tnbfe  tadpole. 

ttnmftlbjatfe  hold-beam.  -biefteøefcr  hold 
-beam  clamp.    -bbbbe  depth  of  hold. 

9l»m|f  ejløbft :  i  .  when  øailing  large  el.  free. 
-ftø»#  &  adv  large;  fejle  .  sail  with  flowing 

ttnwf|(et»er  hold-ladder.  -flitter  pi  hold 

Wumfre'r|e  vi  (robe  omtring)  i  rammage;  $oor 

Sarfen:  $anff«(Eiige(ff  Otbftog. 

bu  -r!  what  a  nolse  you  are  maklng!  -ing  o 
rammagi ng,  disturbance,  hurly-burly. 

Wumfftørrelfe  quantlty  of  space.  -btntel  solid 

fltnmg'nilen  n  Roumania.  -er  c,  -ff  a  Rou- 

Ølnnb  a  (gabmilb)  liberal,  munificent,  bounti- 
ful.  bounteous. 

Ølnnb  o  round;  —  runbt  adv  round;  -t  om, 
omtting  all  round;  f natte  en  -t  argue  one  out  of 
his  wita;  bet  floor  el.  løfter  -t  for  mig  my  head  is 
all  in  a  whlrl,  my  head  beglos  to  swim.  +fRnn» 
c  poet :  paa  bele  jforberiaø  .  on  the  face  of  the 
earth.  -ag rig  a  roundish,  rotund.  fRmiba'f, 
»nnba'r  c  f  fe  «unbe.  «nnb|b tabet  a  round 
•leaved,  rotundifolious.  -brdtnber  annular  burner. 
•bue  round  aren.  -bnebbdtløing  semi-circular 
arch.  •bneftil  round  el.  circular  stvle.  -bnet  a 
round-arched.  -bngtet  a  $  re  pand.  •bngning 
round  el.  circular  building,  rotunda  -botlg  ^ 
lady's  finger,  AntkyUit  vulnerari«;  (©læfe-)  biow- 
ing cylinder,  -bøjet  a  curved.  •bøjning  curve. 
•ban«  round,  roundel,  roundelay.  -bel  e  circ- 
ular space,  roundel.  -bbøfe  round  barrow  el. 
cairn.  Wimbe  c  -r  round,  Circuit,  ($oIittftetjentl) 
beat;  goa  -,  gøre  fin  ~  go  the  round(s),  (om 
politi b.)  be  on  the  heat;  (i  ©labene)  go  el.  make 
the  round  of  the  papers;  ro  -  row  the  round. 
Wnabe  vt  round;  .  af  round;  —  vi  ~  om  en  $nnt 
round  a  point;  -  inb  vl>  brace  to;  —  vr  -  fig 

9tattbe(fg  a  abundant,  liberal. 

Kunbeøej  c  way  of  the  rounds. 

ftnnblfll  round  file.  -file  vt  file  round.  -fifl 
round- flsh.  -fliget  a  $  sinuate.  -fugl  dotterel 
plover,  Charadriut  morinellM*.  -gaaenbe  a:  - 
Satt  belt-saw.  -gang  circular  movement.  -gattet 
a  round-sterned. 

ftnnbbaanbet  a  fe  »unb.  -|eø  c  generoslty, 
openhandedness,  liberality. 

Wttttbbage  c  (Drej.)  hooktool. 

Wunbbeb  c  (ØabmilbQeb)  liberality,  munlfloenoe, 
bounty;  (Oberf[øbigbeb)  abundance. 

Wnabbeb  c  roundness,  rotundity. 

ttttttbøølt  c  vl>  (fom  ©are)  rough-tree;  -er  spars. 
—  Wnnbbolt*|arbejbe  sparmaker's  work.  -ar- 
bejber  spar-maker.  -emne  rough- tree.  -gaffel 
crutch  for  spare  spars,  -galge  gallows.  -tTcøer 
covers  for  the  spars,    -flnr  mast-house. 

9innb|boøeb  round-head.  -|øneact  o  round 
•headed.  -tøøge  vt  hew  round.  -|ul  a  concave. 
-|u<  vl>  wheel-house.  -|n«løct  a  convez.  -%*vl 
e  rounder.  ttnnbiif  o  -er  (ttfrunblng)  roiinding; 
(Øcunbbel)  circular  space.  -Jotra  round  bariron. 
-jule  P  beat  to  a  mummy.  »tant  moulding 
edge.  *-faft  cartwheel;  gøre  -  tumble  c.-e. 
-firfc  rotunda.  -flippet  a  clipped  round  about. 
*-fop  *V  saucer-head.  Mom  pulse,  -tørnet  a 
iound-grained.  -trebø  oircle.  -tronet  a  round 
•topped.  -tngte  spherical  shot.  *-laft  round 
timber.  spars,  -løbenbe  a  running  round. 
-maleri  panorama,  -mnnbe,  -mnnbebep/  cyclo- 
stomes.  -nocbbet  a  round-beaked.  -orm  round 
•worm.  -øøn  annular  fhrnace.  -ønOet  a  round 
-crowned.  -rejfe  cIrcuit,  round;  (^omøielfet«) 
circular  tour;  fongeltg  .  royal  progress.  -rejfe« 
billet  circular  tioket.  -rtjggct  a  round-backed, 
round-shouldered.  *-faltet  a  aalted  whole. 
-fang  round,  roundel,  roundelay.  -fan  droular 
saw.  -ffaarcn  a  cut  round  about.  -ffjølb  round 
shieldf  -ff rift  a  round  hånd.  -ftriøelfe  circular. 
-ftøre  c  circular  crevices  (in  a  tree).  -flag  <&  ^ 
-tørn.  -fnit  circular  cut.  -fnor  round  cord. 
•ftøal  round  tool,  scraper;  (Xraab)  round  steel 
-wire.  -ftaø  arch  astragal;  (nebenom  Søjle)  tore. 
•fritte  round  graver,     -ftøt  round  stick,    -tøffe 





roll.    -f amter  swage.    -fra  round  seaxn.    -tinet 

Q.    &    CFGIlfttfi 

9tnnb|tale«be  a  loquacious.  -tøleabtb  o  lo- 

9tnnb|ta«g  round  pilen.  ftaabtcuom  adv  all 
round;  t  c  -mer  whole  slice  of  bread,  round  (of 
bread).  •toftfet  o  mad  aø  a  March  bare.  -tørn 
<k  round  turn.  -HøtSet  a  burly,  plump.  •øæ»9- 
majtfne  drcular  stocking-frame. 

Wmic  c  -r  Rune,  Runic  character,  -alfabet 
Runlc  alphabet.  -bogftaø  fe  Rune.  -bøatate 
sorcerer's  drum  (among  the  Laplanden).  -før« 
fler  runologist.  -(nager  engraver  of  Runes, 
Rune- cutter,  -iabfrrift  runlc  In  scription.  -la* 
lenber  runlc  calendar.  -tbnbfgbeb  runology, 
rune-lore.  -fæbte  wooden  block  inscrlbed  wlth 
Runes.  +-Ieg  wltchcraft  (performed  by  the 
means  of  Runes),  -mefter,  -rifler  le  dugger. 
•minbe£mærte  runlc  monument,  -røfftc  rathorc. 
-ffrift  Runio  wrlting  fl.  cbaracters;  Onbffrift) 
Runic  lnscription.  -fprøg  runlc  language,  1.  of 
the  Runes.  -flab  Rune-stave;  runlc  wand.  -firs 
Runlc  s  tone,  Rune  stone.  -tegn  runlc  symbol. 
•øer*  Runlc  yerse.  -part  runic,  runologic  el. 
runish  work. 

Knuge  vi  ring  (again),  resound.  Kuugeu  c 
ringing  etc. 

Kuufng  c  teasing,  teaseling. 

Kuuteiroe  o  -r  red  beet,  beet-root,  Beta  rapa- 
ceo.    -fatter  beet-sugar. 

Wattten  a  wrinkled,  shrivelled.  -(eb  o  quality 
of  belng  wrinkled  etc.    Kuufne  vi  shrivel. 

Kuple  c  -x  rupee'. 

Kuppe  fig.  fe  Rubbe. 

Kuptu'r  c  -et  rup'ture. 

♦Kur  fe  Koe  1. 

Kur  e  centre-shell,  balanus. 

Kureguiug  c  ^  rough  reckoning. 

Ku*  c  (*n)  intoxication,  inebrlation,  debauch; 
fig  intoxication,  transport;  faa  fig  en  -  get  drunk; 
babe  en  liOe  -  be  fuddled,  disguised  in  llquor, 
In  one's  cups;  fobe  -en  nb  sleep  one's  self  sober, 
sleep  off  one's  debauch. 

*Ku* :  paa  en  ~  at  random;  froate  set .  freight 
by  the  great;  Salg  paa  -,  fe  fflugfatg. 

tKuf :  trætte  -  meb  make  game  of. 

Kub"  c  -fer  (ung  Stubent)  freshman,  «recentior». 
-oor  freshman  year. 

Knfd)  c  -er  ruche. 

Kafe  vi  rush. 

+Kufe  vt  fe  ©erufe. 

Knfe  vt:  &  -  inb  rouse  in. 

Knfe  c  -t  bow-net,  weel;  jfø  heap,  pile.  -f  ørn, 
-tarb  b.  f. 

Kufeube  a  fuddled,  intoxlcated. 

Knft  o  k  n  drizzle,  drizzling. 

♦Knft  a  F  out  of  one's  senses,  not  in  one's 
right  senses. 

*Kuft  e  (ftot)  bouncer,  thumper. 

Knft  n,  pi  ■=,  pull,  8hake,  twltch;  rubbish. 
Kuffe  vt  k  i  pull,  8hake;  .  $øx  pull  flax;  ~  en 
i  $aaret,  ftlæberne  pull  el.  tear  one  by  the  hair 
el.  clothes;  Øinben  -t  i  laget  the  wlnd  shakes 
the  roof  el.  makes  the  r.  shake;  -  en  op  af  Søbne 
rouse  one  from  his  sleep,  *~  paa  stir,  move. 

Kuffe  v  impern:  bet  -r  lt  drlzzles,  mizzles. 

Ku  Ten  o  pulllng  etc. 

KufTet  a  drizzly. 

+Kuffle  c  -r  ruff,  Perea  eerwua. 

Knftontfnnft  n  hodge-podge,  gallimaufry,  får- 
rago,  balderdash,  jumble;  (Ket)  hodge-podge, 
olla  podrida. 

KufT|regn  fe  Knft.    -Pe|r  drizsly  weather. 

Kuelaab  n  Russia;  bet  eurøpætfte  .  Russla  in 

«Ku*lc  vi  jog  (on,  along). 

Kailæber  n  Russla  (leather),  Moscory  leather 

tWniate  o  -t  ear  of  oats. 

Kii'Sfafø  n  sale  by  bulk. 

ttnftfe  vi  J,  (om  toti)  rush,  tear. 
.  fRttt  enabtr«  n  fe  ttemorafbt. 

tRnØfer  c  -t,  -inbe  c  r  Russian;  8eI»l)rrfBer  nn 
alle  „JRutfet"  emperor  of  all  the  Russia*.  -»cmttf 
a  pro-Russian. 

WttSfiabHg  o  (Russla)  duck.  9l«SfMicr'rc  tf 
rus'sianize.  Wnéflft  a  Russian;  bet  -e  Bpro%  the 
Russian  language,  (poet)  Russ.  ttmtflff*fbj1l  s 

9»tt*«ft  ftabaflcri  (Dan*)  Roger  de  Ooveriey 

9tttifø|føbl'  o  RusBopho'bia.  >na's  c  -rr  Russo 

fRitft  e  ub  pi  rust;  (baa  leom)  ruet,  smut;  ben 
æble  (grønne)  ~  (paa  gamle  frobbecmønter)  patina; 
jætte  .  rust;  3«m  fortæres  af  -  lron  is  oorroded 
by  rust;  famler  ebec  itte  Stggenbefee  post  Serbe«. 
^bor  IRøl  og  .  forbarbe  bibllkj  not  up  for  your- 
selves  treasures  upon  earth.  where  moth  and 
rust  doth  corrupt.  flVuftjagtig  a  rusty.  -bram 
a  rusty  brown.  Klifte  tn  rust,  become  rrtstv;  - 
af  be  eaten  away  by  rust;  .  foft  get  fixea  br 
rust;  gammel  ftærlføeb  -r  itte  old  love  never  dies. 
old  love  lies  deep. 

fRnftc  vt  arm;  (ShigMoIt  el.  et  6ttø  equip. 
(munbere)  accoutre;  (forfbne  meb  b^ab  bet  er  nøb> 
oenbigt  el.  paSfenbe)  fit  out;  i  Srantrig  -r  ma* 
France  is  arming  for  war  el.  Is  making  prepara- 
tions  for  war;  ber  S  baabe  tit  Sø*  og  til  Saab* 
they  are  preparing  for  war  both  by  sea>  smd  by 
land;  —  vr  fig  arm;  -  fig  til  tttia.  til  en  Dteik 
make  prcparations  for  war,  for  a  journey. 

fRttften  a  rusty;  .  Stemme  hoarse  voice.  -brma 
fe  8tuft'.  -|eb  c  rustiness.  —  fRHflifariie  rust 
colour.  -farbet  «  rust-coloured.  *-ftet  fe  -plet. 
•gnl  a  rusty  yellow. 

»nfHflce'ret  a  countrified. 

Øtttfrfovswer  n  armory. 

Wttfttit  n  lron  putty. 

Kttfrmefter  o  armorer. 

ftnftne  fe  Kufte  ti. 

IRnfrning  c  (Ubrufrning)  equlpping  etc,,  equip 
ment,  accoutrement;  (til  at  tage  paa)  armour; 
-er  warllke  el.  mllitary  preparatfons. 

fiufllpapir  rust-paper.  -plet  spot  of  mat,  rust 
-spot,  (paa  Sinneb)  iron-mould,  fatte  -ter  paa  lron 
-mould.  -plettet  a  spotted  wlth  rust,  rusty. 
-røb  a  rusty-red.  -fførpe  coating  el.  incruatation 
of  rust.    -tæret  a  corroded  (by  rust). 

ØUftøogn  e  ammunition-waggon. 

Kataba'ga  e  Swedish  turnip,  rutabaga,  Bra'- 
»iea  camputri*  napobratøica. 

ttute  fe  ttoute. 

»nti'I  n  ru'tile. 

Wntt  ne  fe  Koutine. 

Wntt'afbre  c  rutinic  add. 

Wntfdjbane  c  glidlng  hill,  swltchback.  timtf ø)e 
vi  glide,  slide. 

Kutte  ri  meb  spend,  squander  away.  Ratten 
c  spending  etc.    {Ratten  a  lavlsh. 

*9)nøe  vi  look  el.  be  large  el.  bolky,  bulk. 

Kb  n  (Kbgte)  rumonr,  report;  (»atmfnnbigbe^' 
renown,  farne;  ber  git  -  om,  at  .  .  .  a  report 
was  current  et.  it  was  rumoured  that  .  .  •  ber 
git  meget  -  af  bentes  Stønføb  report  has  been 
very  busy  with  her  beauty.  much  has  been  said 
of  her  b.;  babe  .  for,  fiaa  i  -  før  be  zenowned 
for;  tomme  i  .  get  into  repute;  tym  Par  i  -  før  at 
tunne  fpaa  he  was  said  to  be  a  sooth-aayer. 

tftb  c  åc  n  rug. 

+Kp  a  rude,  coarse. 

•Wp  a  wild,  bleak,  waste. 

9tpbi  e  a  variety  of  rape,  summer-rape. 

Vtpbbe  vt  (i  Hlm.)  clear,  (Sonb)  clear,  grub  up; 




-_  af  v3ejen  romove.  clear  away,  (en)  malte  away 
with;  -  op  (i)  put  in  order,  clear,  (90*  ftøbmonb) 
aell  off;  -  orbentlig  op  make  a  good  clearance. 
-Isatte  mattock.  -fmtti  plece-basket,  rubbish-  el. 
waste- basket.    -U»b  fe  Kfibningølanb. 

gl&bbeltg,  *rpbbig  a  orderly,  tidy,  clear;  Mie 
_,  fe  Ølpbbe  op;  »otterne  gjorbe  fMabfen  _  for  Sfolf 
tfie  troopera  cleared  the  ground  of  people. 
-fl*re  vt  clear,  arrange.  -gørelfe  c  clearance, 
netting  to  right«. 

ftsjbbepofc  o  pieoe-bag. 

-tfRtjbe  [t]  a  rade,  coane. 

Støbning  c  clearing  etc.  —  Rpbtti»aø|arbejbe 
ve  ork  of  clearing,  -wmb  clearing-land.  -mottb 
clearer,  grabber,  -pfab*  cleared  space.  -ret 
right  of  clearing,    -tib  season  for  clearing. 

•flltoe  o  -r  rug. 

Milt'  *  9«  back;  (»jarg«,  3ørb«,  5Tog»)  rldge; 
tage  paa  -gen  take  on  one's  back;  laa  paa  -øen 
was  lying  on  bis  back;  følbt  om  poa  -gen  ftell  on 
riis  back;  ftaa  ~  imob  -  stand  back  to  back;  fatbe 
frjenben  i  -gen  attack  in  the  rear;  benbe  en  -aen 
turn  one's  back  upon  one;  \aa  fnaxt  fom  Jeg  penber 
Dem  -gen.  uenber  -gen  til  as  soon  as  my  back  is 
turn  ed;  pate  noget  i  -gen  be  in  easy  circumstances; 
ftape  en  breb  ~  Åo  have  a  strong  back;  ffttbe  . 
{on  Hat)  aren  the  back,  set  up  her  back;  for  at 
fjase  -gen  fri  to  seenre  one's  retreat;  fatte  nJj  ~ 
i  el.  paa  (Bog)  reback;  fe  Søbe.  9tpg|aa#  Hdge 
of  a  house,    -sen  backbone,  spine. 

fRttfe,  røg,  røget  ••  (fare)  rush,  dart,  fly;  .af 
fly  off;  F  -  af  $inben  (fortrænge«)  lose  el.  be 
turned  out  of  one's  place,  (øbelagge*,  goatilttr.) 
Ko  to  pot;  .  i  Spfet  come  to  nothing;  .  i,  .  løg 
paa,  -  i  $aareae  el.  Xoppen  paa  fly  at  one;  en 
Storm  røg  op  a  gale  sprang  up;  _  fa  mm  en  fall 
to  loggerneads. 

Stage,  røg,  røget  vi  k  tmpør«  (om  Storflen, 
Supw  ofto.)  smoke;  (bampe)  reek;  (ulme)  smoulder; 
-  i  (et  Sarelfe)  fumlgate  (a  room);  -  meb  (JRøgelfe 
ofo.)  bum  (incense  etc);  ©øen  røg  the  sea  was 
all  in  a  foam;  —  vt  (lobot)  smoke;  (et  fpgt  Bern, 
ftlsber  ofo.)  fumlgate;  -  en  $ioe  ril  blacken, 
brown  el.  season  a  pipe;  ~  nb  (f.  ttts.  en  fftat) 
smoke  out.  ttpger  o  -e  smoker.  fRpgeparelfe 

9fttø|fl.*«e  dorsal  fln.  -f  feber  dorsal  feather, 
Faddle-feaiher.  -flafl  chine  of  pork.  -føbffrtbfte 
sponge-crab,  Dromia  tmlgari*. 

9t*tifle  *<  (f-  **•■  en  Sogn)  back. 

fjtpøge  **  abake,  change,  alter. 

ØtkjggeøUft  a  profllgate,  reprobate,  abandoned. 
-s)e*>  c  profligacy,  depravity. 

*fl*to§rtaø  *  wrestling;  tage  -  wrestle. 

StpgTgaftct  a  dorsibranchiate.  -ianrift  back 
-piece  +-fcøfber  supporter.  -iPirøel  dorsal 
vertebra.  -tam  dorsal  crest,  (P.  $efl)  wlthers. 
-le*  fe  (birbel.  -lig  &  (t.  ©oiletf)  awning-ridge. 
-forne  n  back.  -Itf  a  backless.  -marP  spinal 
marrow,  spinal  cord.  -marPitPfnA  oerebro-splnal 
fever.  -m*r*4taring  dorsal  consumption  el. 
phthisis.  -maffef  muscle  of  the  back.  Kogning 
e  -er  ridge. 

fttt'anint  e  -er  smoking  etc. 

9tpg]p*sfer  fe  -barnift.  -pibe  spinal  cavlty. 
-pine  pain  in  the  back,  back-ache.  -røb  chine, 
spine.  -rabibpr  backboned  animal.  -rabfttrnm' 
aing  curvature  of  the  spine.  -rem  crupper, 
ridge-band.  -for  wound  in  the  back.  -fab 
back  saw.  -flbe  back.  -ff jolb  scutellum.  -fmerter 
pi  fe  -pine.  -fmibig  a  fawning,  cringing.  -tøm* 
pel  (bo*  Øogbinbere)  backtool.  -ftriie  spinal 
stripe,  -frtfmmcl  hide  of  backs.  -Utofte  back- 
bone; sirloin  (of  beef;,  chine  (of  pork);  fe  -ftøb; 
goroe  ens  -r  curry  one's  hide.  -ftøb  support  for 
the  back;  Ag  backing,  support,    •fPømmer  boat 

-fly,  water  boatman,  Notonccta.  -føømnittg  swim- 
ming  on  the  back.  -forte  fe  oogfabe.  -føjte 
spinal  column,    -fra  ^  dorsal  suture. 

+9lbgtbar  a  fiuned. 

fRpgte  n  -r  (løft  Sno!)  report,  ramour;  ($aafagn) 
farne,  repote,  reputation,  character;  -t  gaar  at  a 
report  is  current  el.  it  is  rumoured  that;  -t  liger 
report  says;  falfle  -r  false  rumours;  en!  gobe  92aon 
og  .  one's  reputation,  character,  fair  farne;  et 
gobt  .  a  good  name;  ben  9Ranb  bar  et  baarligt  - 
that  man  is  held  in  bad  repnte.  -Hiarrcr  spreader 
of  the  report,  -mager  coiner  el.  spreader  of 
reports.  +-mørb  detamatlon.  Stbgred  vd  be 
rumoured,  get  wind.  fRtogtejfmeb  fe  -mager.  -Pift 
adv  bet  berette!  -  it  is  rumoured;  jeg  (ar  ~  (ørt 
I  have  heard  it  rumoured. 

Rpøltitcf  lettering;  meb  .  lettered;  fatte  -  paa 
letter,  -tørring  fe  -marMtærmg.  -bart  fe  -pine. 
-ag  o  back-edge. 

Itpr  «,  pi «,  tug,  jerk,  wrench;  f  eet  -  gjorbe 
ban  meget  af  (enbe  he  was  onoe  very  fond  of  her, 
for  some  time  he  was  v.  f.  of  her;  F  bet  er  et 
-  berfra  it  is  some  way  off. 

wbfborgett  [t.]  c  counter-surety. 

fRPti«b'  n  f  run  of  visitors. 

Kl|tte  vi  k  t  (træffe  flortt)  pull,  Jerk,  pluck; 
(fnebe)  dun;  .  bort  t  pull  off,  i  move  away;  . 
(frem)  i  adrance;  t  draw  forward;  -  frem  meb 
noget  (fremføre  noget)  come  out  with;  -  i  SRarfen 
take  the  fleld;  -  en  i  $oaret  pull  one  by  the 
hair;  -  inb  i  et  Sanb  march  into  el.  invade  a 
country;  .  inb  i  en  Sbiø  insert  in  a  newspaper; 
.mob  Qfjenben  advance  against  the  enemy;  - 
nar  mere  approach,  (f.  (SI*,  meb  en  6to()  draw 
(one's  chair)  nearer  (to);  -  op  t  pull  up;  *  ad- 
vance, rise;  -  f  am  men  close;  sit  doser,  move 
up;  -  tilbage  retlre,  retreat,  draw  back;  ~  ub 
march  out;  .  ub  meb  come  out  with;  ban  maatte 
.  ub  meb  pengene  he  was  foræd  to  come  down 
with  the  money;  berfom  (an  ifte  -r  ub  meb  pengene 
if  the  money  is  not  forthcoming.  vtntfm  o 
pulling  etc.  Wpffer  o  -e  dunner,  dun.  Rifter* 
brep  dunning  letter,  dun.  9tpt«liig  o  fe  Støtten. 
fRPtPti  adv  by  jerks,  by  (flts  and)  starts;  fltrally ; 
-Ki  broken,  interrupted. 

Kple  e  -r  sandpiper,  Tringa,  *ring  plover, 
Ckaradriut  hiaticula. 

fRpmp  n  pucker,  puckering. 

tfRlimpc  vt  pucker. 

ttbttte  e  r  (t  ^uben;  poa  Itlaber,  uorbentlig  gfolb) 
wrinkle;  (&olb)  pucker,  fold;  (Sag)  tuok,  gather; 
floa  -r  i  $anben  knlt  the  brow,  frown;  Ifjolen 
flaar  -r  the  coat  is  puckered.  fRnnte  vi  wrinkle, 
pucker;  (lagge  i  Sag)  gather;  -  $anben  kult  the 
brow,  frown;  ~  (paa)  ftafen  (ab)  turn  up  one's 
nose  (at).  W pate)  furet  a  furrowed  by  wrinkles. 
•mmøfef  corrugator.  -flange  cæcilla.  KPutet  a 
wrinkled,  furrowed,  corrugated,  rugose.  Kant- 
ning  c  wrinkling  etc. 

fRppe  e  -r  ptarmlgan,  whlte  grouse,  Lagopm 
(mutui);  (ben  engelfte)  red  grouse,  Lageput  »coti- 
cm».  -bar  bear-berry,  Arbuhu  alpinus.  *-folf 
fe  3ogt'.  -gro!  knot-grass,  bread-wort,  Pclygo- 
num  viviparum.  -jagt  grouse-  el.  ptarmlgan 
-shooting.  -!png  fe  -bar.  -tttttc  young  grouse, 
cheeper.  flVppørre  c  bastard  oetween  a  black 
cock  and  a  ptarmlgan  hen. 

tWpft  a  mad,  enraged. 

•Wbfte  vt  (4>ør,  fiomp)  pull. 

«j»laber  fe  8hi!Iaber. 

+«bft  n,  pi  — ,  shake. 

fipfic  vt  k  i  shake;  be  -be  6tøbet  af  berrt  ftøbber 
they  shook  off  the  dust  of  their  feet;  .  af  flg 
shake  off;  -  ttarott  af  Wrnnet  be  no  longer 
childish;  fio  .  noget  af  tftrmet  do,  make  etc.  off 
hånd;  -  paa  el.  meb  ^ooebet  shake  one's  head; 





tym  -r  paa  $oanben  his  band  trembles  el.  shakes; 
ineb  -nbe  Qoanb  with  a  trembllng  band;  «.  af  ftulbe 
shake,  Bhiver  with  cold;  ~  af  Sfræt  tremble, 
quiver,  quake  with  fear;  -  af  Ubmattelfe  shake, 
totter  with  exhaustion;  ingen  SRobgang  -be  fyun 
niere  enb  føtbet  Søb  no  advereity  affected  him 
more  than  herdeath;  —  rbftenbea  harrowing, 
heart-wringing.  fRpfftelfe  c  -r  shaking,  shake, 
concussion,  tremor.  øtyffttB  c  shaking.  Btpfteper 
e  f  coward.  Rifter  c  -e  (i  SRøHe)  shaking  ap- 
daratUB.  fRttfte|fo(b  swing  sleve,  -tobbli  brandy 
(or  rum)  and  well-water.    -totn  a  shaky. 

«ttt|me  (fRfiptmus)  c  -r  rhythm.  -mil'  c  rhyth' 
mics.    -'mtff  a  rhythmical. 

Klitter  c  -e  horseman,  rider,  equestrian;  mil 
horse-eoldier,  trooper;  et  Regiment  -e  a  regiment 
of  horse;  en  gob  ~  a  good  horseman;  -e  F  fingers 
(sandwichescuttoshreds).  Wtttterl fine  standard. 
•fttgrning  cavalry  fight,  t-gaarb  farm  belonging 
to  t-gob*  e-tates  appropriated  to  the  support 
of  cavalry.  -tyiitbffe  riding-glove.  -Ijeft  cavalry 
el.  trooper's  horse,  -Ijob  body  el.  troop  of  horse, 
•feølb  furnishing  of  troopers.  Wptierr  n  horse, 
cavalry.  {Rutter  |tiarbe  cavalry  gabre.  -toppe 
horseman's  el.  trooper's  cloak.  •møuftring  re- 
view  of  cavalry.  -officer  cavalry- officer,  -pal* 
Uft  fe  taarbe.  -plfkøl  horse-pistol,  -regiment 
regiment  of  horse,  -fabel  trooper's  saddle. 
•fatbe  fe  ftbiffølo.  -flore  fe  -$ob.  Wbtterffe  o  -t 
horsewoman.  fRtatter|ffUb»agt  sentinel  on  horse- 
back, vedette.  -ftitue  equestrian  statue.  -ftøøte 
Jack-boot.  -tag  open  roof.  -tjeneftc  cavalry 
duty.  -bagt  guard  of  horsemen.  mounted  sentry. 
-beffel  accommodation-biU  (of  ezchange). 

Wfltbe  vi  belch;  p  (prale)  brag.  -u  c  belchlng, 

fRo?b'  a  frightened,  afraid;  (af  fig)  timorons; 
bare  -  for  noget  en  (*ogf.  ~  en)  be  afraid  of  a 
thing,  of  one;  -  SRonb  plejer  ej  gruer  at  fajfte 
faint  heart  never  won  fair  lady;  *-  om  careful 
of.    -tttffbbettg  a  fearful. 

tttcebber  pi  p  testicles. 

Stebbei  vd  fear,  dread. 

fRttbbife  c  -r  radish;  fort  -  Spanlsh  radish. 

fftotbe  o  -r  scarecrow. 

fRabbare  c  coward. 

Stebfel  c  -fler  horror,  terror;  inbgbbe  .  strike 
the  mind  with  awe.  -»etagen  a  selzed  with 
terror.  —  Rabfelf  |aar  year  of  terror,  -bnbffab 
terrible  news.  -bag  day  of  terror,  -fnlb  a  horrld, 
dread  ful,  appalling,  terrific.  -t-forb  terrific 
journey.  -^errebømme  reignof  terror,  fRobfet' 
flage«  a  struck  with  terror,  horror-struck,  awe 
•struck,  awe-Btricken.  fRffbfe(f|utt  night  of 
terror,  -optrin  terrible  scene,  -pertobe  fe  -rib. 
-regering  reign  of  terror,  -fpfte*  terrorism. 
•rib  time  of  terror. 

fRffbføm  a  fe  »cebfeUfuIb.  -t>eb  c  horridness, 
fearful  ness. 

•««ge  c  fe  »eje. 

*fl«gle  c  -x  long  series  of  words,  rigmarole, 

9tfff '  n  stretchtng. 

•»totte  c  fe  «eje. 

•9t«tc  vi  drift,  float. 

ftfffef  c  -Her  fhound;  (SfaiWørb)  lout;  lang  . 

*W*tefprtug  n  start-up      .     f      . 

Katte  (ogf.  rotte,  taft  *•»  ogf.  rat,  ruffet)  vt 
(fltt)  reach,  hånd,  (fhraffe)  stretch;  —  vt  reach; 
bisfe  ftanoner  -  langt  these  guns  carry  to  a  great 
distance;  .  en  $aanben  hold  out  one  s  hånd  to 
one;  .  $aonb  til  lend  a  Land  to;  -nbe  efter  bet 
føm  er  foton  bibl  reaching  forth  unto  those  things 
that  are  before;  -  frem  put  out;  .  »ungen  ub 
thruflt  out  one's  tongue;  b^an  rafte  $aanben  ub 

he  stretched  out  his  hånd;  bette  Sæbet  laber  ftg 
iffe  -  thiB  leather  ean  not  be  stretched;  -  fis  i 
Sengen  stretch  one's  self  in  bed;  ban  -r  mig  tflt 
til  Stulberen  he  does  not  oome  up  to  my  ahoulder; 
pengene  .  iffe  til  the  money  won't  go  so  lar, 
jeg  fif  $engene  tit  at  ~  langt  I  made  the  mane:, 
go  a  great  way;  jeg  fon  iffe  -  (noa)  faa  langt  I 
cannot  reach  so  far;  bet  -r  iffe  ril  o«  it  does  noc 
reach  us;  *-  op  unknit,  ro  ve. 

fRøtffe  e  -r  row,  series,  range,  succession;  wtatk 
series,  progression;  (Xøjs  SaBftfen-  o.  b.„  i  Ur 
rack;  bxbl  (Wæfbærf)  battlement,  stay;  i  .  in  a 
row;  en  .  gføtelatninger  a  course  of  lectures.  : 
førfie  .  in  the  front  rank.  Øttrtfciøft  ^  bold 

ttetfeebne  c  reach. 

Wcttel  følge  ø  series,  succession,  consecotive 
order.    -faife  &  skids.    -rraoM^e  ^  rail  dog. 

ftoftenaglc  c  tenter-hook. 

Watfelplaurning  planting  in  rows.  -panrn  .^. 
bollard(-head).  -fenter  &  the  uppermoct  bow 
•ribband.    •ftønuert  ^  bulwark  stanchion. 

Øtøcfteltr«  stretcher.  -bibbe  (ogf.  Ae)  reach. 
range:  Aff  grasp,  compass,  (wide)  bearing,  seope. 

fRøtrfePif  adv  in  rows. 

^Wcflfng  c  dried  strips  of  the  halibut. 

(Retning  c  reaching;  (af  et  Stub)  range;  nibea 
for  -  within  range  el.  gunsbot;  enbelig  .  (af  ftuglt) 
utmost  random. 

•flt«  fpeb  e  driftwood. 

WfftbArt  n  -er  railing,  rail,  hand-rail,  (om  ©ro, 
Xroppe)  balustrade,  banistera;  ((Bitter)  trellis. 
WafotrrføUø  a  unrailed. 

Wftlisg  c  -er  ^  gunwale,  gunnel,  rail.  Wc 
Ung#|anfer  spare  anchor,  walst-anchor.  -ftatt« 
bulwark  stanchions. 

Kaufe  c  -r  intrigue,  machination.  plot;  fpinbe 
-r  intrigue,  cabal,  plot.  «omfe|fri  a  fe  -løl. 
•ftttb  a  intriguing,  designing,  artrui.  -fulbbeb 
artnilness.  -US  a  guileless.  -»ager,  -faub 
intriguer,  machinator,  plotter,  -fpiub,  -fpil 

tWotppe  vi  (om  ©flrt)  screeoh. 

««fe  of  salt  slightly  (for  smoking). 

Øtoføiirre  o.  ft.  fe  blaifonere. 

8t«P  c  -e  (ogf.  Jh)  foz,  Cania  vulpe*;  ^un*  she 
-fox,  bltch-fox;  SHffel  .  Renard  the  Fox;  fatte 
-en  tit  at  bogte  ©æ«  set  a  fox  to  keep  the  geese: 
^abe  en  -  bag  f&ret  play  an  underhånd  game.  — 
fRttbelaøe  lemur,  -aau  bait  for  foxes.  -agtig 
a  foxlsh,  foxlike,  vulpine.  -bjaclbe  fbxglove, 
Digitalt*  purpur**,  -ittr  cage  for  foxes.  -i«l| 
fox's  skin,  fox-case;  +goa  i  -,  fe  -flo.  *-gaspe 
lynch  of  a  certaln  oolour  (reaembllog  the  fox). 
-grab  (Mit)  fox's  den,  fox-earth;  (til  at  fange 
W.  i)  pit  for  catching  foxes.  -ars#  fe  -førte. 
-b;agl  Ibx-shot.  -b,aj  fox  ehark,  Aeopiat  vuhx* 
-dale  fox'B  tail  et.  brush;  («rart)  fbx-tall,  Alope- 
eurtu;  love-lies-bleeding,  Amarantku*  camdatms. 
-balesbe  fox-tailed  monkey,  saki,  Pitheein.  -|ulc 
fe  grab.  -bunb  fox-hound.  -jagt  fox-hunting, 
fox-hunt,  fox-chase.  -ferger  fox-hunter.  -fager 
vomlc-nut.  -f(ø  fox's  claw;  goa  paa  -Hør  play 
an  underhånd  game.  -løø  fe  Snerle,  -pell  fe 
-ffinb;  fio  old  fox.  -rumpe  fe  -bole.  -røb  a  foz 
-coloured.  -fafi  fox- trap.  -friitb  fox's  skin. 
-fturø  alopecy,  alopeda.  -fofter  fe  -Ho.  -fpør 
track  of  a  fox.  t-ftompe  fe  -fat«,  -frret  wily 
trick,  -nnge  fox's  cub.  +fte*lRb'e  c  -r  she-fox. 

tblfltbling  fe  ftrænina. 

8Ube  vt  (en  el.  nt)  betray,  tøemmeltgbeb)  <tt* 
dose,  let  out;  (loeoge  fot  Dagen,  i  gob  ©et.)  etinoe; 

-  Aemmettgbeben   f  let  the  cat  ont  of  the  bag; 

-  m**tnj  om**  self.    SUben  c  discloslng  etc. 
»øb  o  red,  (tormofln)  crlmsoa;  kmr  gules;  Hioe 




_  torn  red,  redden;  Mit*  -  (i  ftotebet)  blush, 
colour  (up);  Mibe  Muefenbe  .  blush  el.  fluøh  very 
red;  Mibe  Hb-  blush  scarlet;  gøre  en  ~  make  one 
blush;  bet  -e  $at>  the  Red  sea;  -e  j&jne  bloodshot 
eyes;  tabe  ben  -e  tytne  gate  ober  set  fire  to;  i  $aø 
-,  i  SRoraen  bøb  here  to  day  and  gone  to-morrow. 
8løb|aQttg  a  reddlsh.  -arte  pimpernel,  Anagallit 
arvenn*.  -borte  vt  tan.  -bebe  beetroot,  red 
beet,  beet-radish,  beet-rave.  -be*  (Mire)  red- 
shank,  Totømi*  calidris.  -blaa  a  reddlsh  blue. 
*-blat  o  red-yellowlsh.  -blattet  a  dapple-bay. 
-tliab  a  red-blind,  -bliabfteb  red-bUndness. 
-ftfif  fet  a  ($eft)  sorrel  horse  wlth  a  blaze.  -blom* 
aaet  a  red-sprigged  el.  flowered.  -blomftret  a 
red-flowered.  -oloøb  o  (om  fiaar)  sandy.  -broget 
a  red-brindled.  -trav  a  redaish  brown,  maroon, 
(om  $eft)  bay.  t-bbate  dock,  Bum  ex.  -tog 
commoD  beech,  Fao%s  tylvatica. 

tttøbbe  fe  tRøbne. 

Siø'b|tbraget  a  red  wlth  a  dark  stripe  along 
the  back.  -brø#fet  red  wing,  Turdvs  iliaeut. 
ffUmt  c  (gorberøbe),  fe  Strap.    +9UU  vt  redden. 

tttøbe  vi  suppurate.  matter.  Købe  o  (ftorroab- 
nelfe)  putrefaction;  (Vcaterie  i  6aar)  matter,  pus; 
logge  §»i  i  .  steep  e(.  water-ret  flax. 

øtøbleg  red  oak,  Quercu*  robur.  t-el  common 
alder,  Alnui  glutinota.  ftøberailattb  n  Red 

tØtøbefotalng  c  suppuration,  purulency. 

Stø'bjfalt  kestrel,  Faleo  vetpertiniu.  -fart*  vt 
colour  el.  dye  red.  -fattet  a  dyed  red;  red- 
coloured.  -fartning  dylng  red.  -finte  fe  -toH. 
-fisset  a  havlng  a  red  pimpled  face.  -fifl  sea 
-perch,    Sebaste*    Norvtoicui.     -garte    vt    tan. 

tortning  tanning.  -gløeabe.  -gløbenbe  a  red 
ot.  -gløbtebe,  -gløbntng  red  heat.  -oobi  red 
metal,  -gran  red  pine,  Åbie$  excéUa.  T-f  rittet 
a  wlth  a  red  stripe  on  the  head.  -grobt  a  red 
with  weeping.  -grøb  currant  juice  thickened 
wlth  sago-flour.  -gal  a  reddlsh  yellow.  -gblbca* 
eet*  pyrargyrite.  t-gøre  vt  redden.  •bairet  a 
red-haired.  carroty.  -lj«J  sea  cat,  Scyllium  cani- 
cuia.  -tale  fe  6trnbtø§fet;  Søaefpinber.  -tal*  fe 
-talt.  -bcb)  c  redness.  t-tfofmet  a  red  wlth  a 
white  head.  -tøtetet  a  red-headed.  -|«b  red 
-skin.  -(»bet  a  red-akinned.  -fcoctte  (ben  ItiTe) 
(little)  Red  Rldinghood. 

Støb  in  g  o  J,  oakum  for  plugging  the  touch- 
hole  of  cannon. 

SUblJarnftta  red  iron  stone,  red  hematite. 
•ffaal  red  cabbage.  -foiot  red-headed  pigeon. 
-flabet  a  red-cheeked,  rosy-cheeked.  -tjøle  red- 
coat,  -tlobt  o  dressed  in  red.  -fløter,  *-fott 
red  clover,  purpie  clover,  Tri/olium  praten$e. 
-fa«  sheep's  sorrel,  Bumex  acetotlla.  -tribt 
red  chalk,  ruddle;  morte  meb  -  ruddle.  -tribt« 
ftift  red-chalk  pendl,  •tribtfttegning  red-chalk 
drawlng.  -ral  red  charcoal.  *-tbetfet  a  car- 
buncled.  -talt  c  redbreast,  robln,  Sylvia  rube- 
coia.  -løbet  a  red-fleshed.  -tabe«  a  reddlsh. 
•ler  red  day.  ttøbltg  a  reddlsh.  ttøblliggeabc 
»,  -liggeren  new  red  conglomerate,  the  Lower 
New  Red  8andstone.  Kablinger  pi  roteola. 
9Ub|Ubet  a  bibl  dyed  red.  -lag  onion,  AUium 
cøpa.  -malet  a  painted  red.  Øtøbme  vi  redden, 
blush,  colour  (up)  (af  wlth);  +c<  redden.  ØUbme 
c  blush.  Røb'men  c  blushlng  etc  9tø'b|mørt 
fe  ØtnbftaOe.  -»øffet  fe  -muftiet.  -mnlb  rot  in 
oakwood.  -»af  rustic  mouse,  field  vole,  Arvi- 
cola  agretti*.  -maffet  a  ruddy  (-cheeked),  ru- 
blcund.  -nette  fe  Zaffeldnb.  Wa'bne  vi  be  red, 
shine  red;  or  redden. 

t9U'b|ne  vt  (om  &bt)  steep,  water-ret,  water 
-rot.    -ning  c  steeping  etc. 

9Ut\mtt9  red  wrasse,  Labru§  mixtut.  -nffbet 
a  red-billed.     -ttotfet  o  red-nosed.     -bil  fe  føur« 


pur-,  -blettet  a  spotted  wlth  red,  red-flecked 
-trittet  a  dotted  wlth  red.  -råbet  fe  ternet 
fait  pyrolignate  of  soda.  -faab  red  sand.  •-flire 
nirple  saxifrage,  Saxi/raga  oppotiti/oiia  t-ftaØe 
e  RubftaHe.  -ftimlet  a  roan.  -fflmmel  roan 
horse,    -ftiolbet  a  pied  red  and  white. 

*8Ubffknr  fe  Kotrøar. 

Wa'b|*fti«re  Siberlan  jay,  Garrulus  in/a%»tu». 
-grotte  fc  -*"«  'Wvt  a  (om  pjne)  bloodshot. 
-ffoa  hUt  Barbarossa;  red  mullet,  surmullet, 
MuUmm  barbatu*.  -ftogget  a  red-whiskered,  red 
-bearded.  -flor  a  red-short,  hot-short.  -ftar^eb 
redshortness.  -nflagen  a  blowzy.  -føt  dysentery. 
-fbotc  red  godwit,  Limoøa  ru/a.  -føraglet  a 
spotted  el.  streaked  wlth  red.  -fbrovgt  a  florld, 
blowsy.  -ftottc  plaice,  Pleuronectf  piateua. 
-ftottet  a  red-speckled.  -flår  slender-spiked 
sedge,  Carex  aaUa.  -ften  fe  tribt;  (rab  9turftat) 
red  brlck.  -Henftfattct  a  brick-coloured.  -frjemet 
a  ($t$)  sorrel  (horse)  with  a  star.  -frjort  red- 
start, Lusciola  titkw.  -ftribet  a  strlped  with 
red.  -|rrabefanger  fe  -tolt.  -ftofe  barn  swallow. 
Cecropt*  ru  fa.  *-ftre  fe  -tno.  -ternet  a  red 
-chequered.  -tjøra  pink-nowered  hawthorn. 
red  may,  Cratægw  oxyaoantÅa  rotea.  -tot  red 
-haired  fellow;  $  hen-gorse,  red  eye-brlght, 
Odontitei  rubra;  fe  3rift.  -tro  redwood.  -tin 
dåret.  * -tinge  fe  -broSfel.  -tinget  a  red- winged. 
-tiuStobbt  mulled  dåret,  -titte  fe  itobberfnopbe. 
-tiet  a  rea-eyed. 

tUffel  ø  F  hlow  up.    ØUfc  vt  f  blow  up. 

9Ug  e  smoke;  ber  gaar  itte  .  af  en  ©ranb,  nben 
ber  er  31b  i  ben  there  is  no  smoke  without  fire; 
F  bet  git  fom  en  -  it  was  done  in  a  trice;  tage 
Ag  en  -  enjoy  a  smoke;  gaa  op  i  -  be  consumed 
by  fire;  fig  come  to  notbing,  end  in  smoke, 
melt  in  to  thin  air.  Wtg|agrig  a  smoky.  -alter 
incense  altar.  -iliab  a  bllnded  by  smoke. 
•tttté  smoking  compartment  el.  car(rlage). 

Stege  vt  smoke;  smoke-dry,  (ifor  for  Smitte) 
fumigate;  -t  6ttb,  fe  ftagefUb;  -t  ftfbbtlfe  polony; 
vi  .  meb  SRagelfe  bibl  burn  incense.  8Ugc|ctbile 
fumlgating  vlnegar,  thieyes'  vinegar.  -foff 
smoked  bacon,  -fri^eb  liberty  of  smoking. 
-faté  fe  Stag>.    -tob  smoked  meat. 

Øctgelfe  o  incense,  frankincense.  -fob,  -tmt 
ænser.  -IttS,  -pafril  pastil,  -totir  fumlgating 
paper.  -piab  (ftina)  joss-stick.  -talter  fuml- 
gating powder.    -tv}  pastil. 

9Uge|!ntaf  smoklng-room.  -moab  smoker. 
•mibbel  fumlgatory.  -ttlfe  smoked  sausage. 
Røger  c  -e:  en  flært  -  a  great  smoker.  Øiøgeri' 
n  -et  smoking  place.  Wøgefilb  red  herring,  red, 
kipper;  (let  faltet  og  raget)  bloater,  bloat-herrlng. 
Køjet  o  smoky;  f  fig  Bly. 

Wø'glfang  n  flue,  uptake;  chlmney-hood. 
-fartet  a  smoky,  smoke-stained.  -forbrænbing 
fe  fortæring,  -forbrit rabe  a  smoke-preventing. 
-f orbriber  c  -e  smoke-doctor.  -f orbritniug  smoke 
-doctoring.  -førtarenbe  a  smoke-burning  el. 
•consuming,  fumivorouB.  -ftrtoret  o  smoke 
-consumer.  -førtoriag  c  conHuming  of  the 
smoke.  -fri  a  smokeless.  +-fnlb  a  smoking. 
•gang  smoke-channd.  -goagøtebel  flue-boiler. 
-glof  gray  glass.  *|at  chlmney-hood,  turn-cap. 
-tae  smoking  cap.  -tal  vent  for  smoke.  -tal, 
-ttttc  smoking  house,  -totte  fe  -bat.  -tammer 
room  for  smoking  meat:  ($mp.)  smoke-box. 
-taaalflue.  -taSfc  smoke  box.  -trtftal  fe  -topas. 
•leb(ning)  smoke-Joint.  -Ingt  smell  of  Bmoke, 
smoky  smell.  +-løft  adv  without  smoke.  -maab 
fe  Støgemanb;  fe  WagelfelqS.  -malfe  volume  of 
-fang.    -balter  fe  Øiøgelfé'.    -ram  ($mp.)  smoke 

otøgemano;  ]c  ocageneiq«.  -matte  voiume  oi 
toke.  9iøgniag  c  -er  smoking;  fumigation. 
»atagllaalte  fumigation  lamp.  ttøgløffe? 
H  gøre  et  .  af  burn  (upon  the  altar).    -pibe  fe 



•box.  -fejl  smoke-sail.  »ftp,  cloud  of  smoke. 
*-(•*  fe  Ooflft.  -frae  ancient  bulldlng  wlth  an 
openlng  In  the  roof  for  the  escape  of  smoke; 
(Stue,  (»ori  bet  raget  Xofaf)  smoking- room. 
-ftattc  fe  -Mie.  -foamp  fe  ©oflft.  -Mie  column 
of  smoke. 

Bagt  c  care,  tending,  keeplng. 

flta'gtag  n  chimney-nood. 

ttagte  trt  tend,  look  to,  take  care  of;  .  fin 
$ont  mind  one's  business;  _  et  WErinbe  execute 
a  commission.  Slagter  o  -e  tender,  herdsman, 
cowman.    ØUgterbreag  cowboy.    Ragtniag  o  fe 


a?*'g  |f  oftat  tobacco.  -tf  pat  amoky  topaz. 
•Urret  a  smoke-dried. 

•ttei  c  -er  capercallxie  (el.  capercali)  hen. 

*8UtC  c  -c  red  char,  Salmo  aipinut. 

Rajel  c  J,  royal. 

♦Kaieri  e  -er  tide-waiter. 

*fltat  c  <k  n  shock,  tbrave. 

flUtttt(e)  e  (olm.  W. j  milfoil,  yarrow,  nosebleed, 
soldler' 8  woundwort,  Aehillea  militfolimm. 

ØUmling  c  -er,  fe  ftomningftmanb. 

Ramme  (oaf.  -te,  -t)  ©»  decamp,  run  away; 
desert;  vt  quit,  flee  from;  -  fra  fil  ©fib  desert 
(from)  one's  snip;  ~  en  $Iabft  vacate  a  seat; 
menben  bleo  nebt  til  at  .  ©toben  the  enemy  was 
lbrced  to  evacuate  the  city;  &jrnben  maatte  . 
Starten,  Salplabfen  the  enemy  was  obllged  to 
retreat;  -  op  art  prlck  the  cartridge;  t-  op  i  en 
6nie,  fe  ftttbbe  op;  —  vr  -  fifl  clear  one's  throat, 
hum  and  haw. 

'flamme  o  old  cream.  -grab  old-cream  por- 

Kammejarn  n  scraper. 

*9t*mmefaHe  c  pan  of  old  milk  wlth  the 
cream  on. 

ftammenaal  c  &  priming-lron. 

Kantning  c  -er  ffight,  escape,  decampment; 
desertion;  evacuation;  clearing  one's  throat, 
humming  and  hawing.  —  9tamnfngg|forf*g 
attempt  at  desertion.  -meab  runaway,  fugl  ti  ve, 

tflta*'  e  -net  J,  reef,  rocky  ledge. 

ttøan'  c  -net  mountain  ash,  roan-tree,  service 
-tree,  sorb,  Sorbtu  aucwparia. 

+9Une,  te,  -t  *t  &  «'  .  el.  _  paa try,  test,  strain, 
put  to  the  test;  bet  -r  paa  .  .  .  there  is  a  strain 
upon  .  .  .:  bet  -r  paa  it  is  hard  work,  a  hard 
rub;  naar  bet  .t  paa  at  a  pinch  el  rub. 

Ranae  c  -r  hovel,  dllapidated  building. 

t9Unne|bær  berry  of  the  mountain  ash,  serv- 
ice-berry.    -rwr  fe  flan. 

•Rar  c  fe  Raie. 

Rar  n,  jtf  s,  (ubotonifl  SceQeinaøn  for  mange 
ffjanbpfanter)  reed;  alin.  .  oommoo  reed,  Arwuto 
PhmgmMt*-  (HI  $tbe,  Banb  of».)  pipe,  tube, 
tunnel;  (t  SJampfebel)  tube;  (0»n#.)  pipe;  (®tot« 
flen*.)  flue;  et  -,  fom  beoæge*  (ib  og  bib  af  ©tnben 
a  reed  shaken  wlth  the  wind.  Rar  |  bro  tubular 
bridge,  -»rart  fusee-setter.  -bnnbt  fe  -trippe, 
-gttff  tuft  of  reeds.  -bannet  a  flstular,  flstulous. 
-brøgfef  reed-sparrow ,  Emberita  seKoeniclut. 
-brum  bittern,  Ardca  rfelfart«.  -batte  covering 
of  reeds.     Rare  vt  cover  el.  thatch  wlth  reeds. 

•Rare,  -te,  -t  vt  (furre)  whip. 

Rare,  -te,  -t  vt  k  i  (el  r.  oeb)  touch;  (bebojge, 
fætte  i  ©eoogelfe)  move;  *vi  babble,  prate,  rave; 

-  (peb)  Ørunben  touch  (the  ground);  -  Gtamben 
og  tomme  Har  igen  touch  and  go;  -  en  6eft  air  a 
horse;  -  floret  humour  the  snip  wlth  the  helm; 

-  flaben  i  shackle  the  chain-cable;  -  Xrotnmen 
beat  the  drum;  rør!  mil  stand  at  ease!  i  barn 
feoe  og  -»  og  ere  bi  bibl  in  him  we  live  and 
move  and  have  our  being;  blibe  -rt  af  61ag  be 
øtruck  with  pal  sy;  flfte  i  -rt  ftonbe  flsh  in  troubled 

water;  -t  Snor  butter-aauoe;  bet  -rte  (ani  tøeæ 
it  touched  his  heart;  lob  Dem  -  be  mov«d;  per 
•r  (am  itte  he  is  el.  remaina  unmoved,  —  vr  h  j 
stir,  move;  rar  Mg  itte  of  6tebet !  do  not  stir 
(an  -rte  fig  ilte  he  did  not  badge,  did  not  wng 
a  hair;  at  -  fig  er  bet  bebfte  SRibbel  mob  Rnlbe  to 
take  exercise  is  the  beat  means  of  getrhux  warm. 
(oab  bet  -t  Ag  t  nrit  dnbre,  ofo.  the  feeOlngs  of 
mv  heart;  ber  -rte  fig  en  Berben  i  bani  3nbre  be 
felt  a  world  of  emotion;  bet  gamle  $ab  -rte  fig 
atter  i  (am  he  felt  again  the  old  hatred;  .  em 
op  (i)  stir  about,  up;  .  op  i  en  6og  revire  a 
subjeet;  -paa fig  stir,  take exereiae;  .  faatveE 
mix  up,  sar  about;  -  ub  rub;  ti  trille  itte  _  »et 
ben  Sag  we  won't  hint  at  that  subjeet;  —ro 
renbe  a  touching,  affecting,  pathetic.  flUte  c 
batter;  c  k  n  muddle;  stir,  oommotion.  fRtfrelfe 
c  (inboenbig)  emotion,  agitation;  (ttpopleftt)  palsy, 
paralvsis;  traffic.  tråde.  9Urr|  apparat  agiutor. 
•bdrnt  slaklng-tub.  -|«fe  stirrer.  -|rtiib  stirriru: 
-pole.  -fte  pot-ladle.  -fhrag  stiriing-pole.  -awrt 
fe  -apparat. 

ØU'rlfalf  marsh-harrier,  Oirctu  rnfn».     -flet- 
ning cane-platUng;  mat  of  reeds,     -f  etter  cane 
■worker.    -flet  fe  -gro*.    *MJtc  reed;  orv  reed 
-flute,  -pipe.   -forgrening  branch-plpe.  -farvet 
•formig  a  tubular,  cannular.    -gopte  stphonifer. 
•groet  a  overgrown  with   reeds.     -gror*   reed 
•grass,    Phalarit  anmdinace*.     -(asset  a  >  ?r 
nantherous;  be  -(annebc  pi  syngenesla.     -liat  fe 
-foamp  .  -(nol  rorqual,  round-lipped  whale.  Bm- 
lænoptera  mttoea/ae.    -(»eae  small  reed,  CaUm* 
ffrottu.     -|#ne  water-hen,  moor-hen,  (ra/tamfa. 
vUrig  a  active,  brisk,  alert;  dlmoult  of  dige- 
tion, heavy,    -(eb  c  activity,  briakneas,  alertne«. 
ØUring  c  ^  puddening. 
ØUrlicrm  bar  for  raking  and  soning.    -fa*fia 
purging  cassia,  Ca—ia  fiøtula. 
9U'r|tebcl  (Smp.)  tubular  boller,  tube-boiler. 
8Ur(en  c  -er  (p.  OHfe)  rod-ring,  pipe. 
fUritnippe  bundle  of  reeds.     -tante  joint  of 
a  reed.     -tn<r  bend  of  a  pipe  et  tube.     -farat 
tubipore.    -trat  thleket  of  canes.    -trave  (5>buj.» 
plpe-flange.    -trone  tubular  corolla.     -teaaing 
plplng,  tublng.    -libelle  air-level. 

VU'rlig  a  movable:  -t  og  u-t  ©obt  real  and 
personal  property.    -(eb  e  movablenesn. 

Wa'r|lorgge  drain.  -Iflfgg er  pipelayer,  gas-fltter. 
•legaiag  o  draining.    -umgbe  length  of  pipe 
•maatte,  -matte  reed -mat.     -nwfe  reedy  bog. 
-mniling  tubicole.    -nagle  sooket-key.     -aner' 
flabe  (t)mp.)  tube-surlace.    -orm  tubicole.    ->lbe 
fe  -flojte.     -Plobe  tube-plate.    -pal»p  tubularian. 
•fanger  reea-warbler,  reed-sparrow,  OxIowumU* 
arundinaeruå.  -ftrober  (S)mp.)  tube-acraper.  -fhrr, 
-ftotring  cutting  of  reeds.     -fmnttc  ie  -fanget. 
•fneppe  reed-snipe,  Scolopax  oaHmmia.     -fa»  fe 
-foamp.    -fplger  tack.    -fpnrb  reed  bunting.  E+ 
berita  tehoenielu*.     -frittet  a   havlng  a  flstalou- 
stalk.     -ftaP  cane.     -frof  cane;  (srotberfm.)  rod 
for  hammering  the  piates  round.     -fleamer  pi 
reed-stops.     -fiol  cane-  el.  ruah-bottomed  chair. 
-fhraa  dry  reed.     -w»b   reed   stubble.    -futter 
canesugar.   -foamp  boletus.  -f abe  oaoe-bottom 
-fa  reedy  lake.     -fam  tack,  square  naIL    -tag 
roof  of  reeds.      •rratttemaffiae    tabe-drawinir 
machine.    -rrotaing  tube-drawing.    -af  le  waio- 
scot-moth.  Nonagria.    -nag rel  gallinule.    +*& 
reed-stops.    -oærling  fe  -fpnrn. 

9Ur<rg  o  buttered  eggs,  egg  toast,  rumbled 
eggs,  scrambled  egga. 

VU«,  Kafe  c  -er  heap  of  stores.     •fUf tot  fe 
♦flløglig  a  stately. 

»tRailbng  n  Ung,  heath,  beather,  Calirnm  rvi- 




fltøft  c  yolce;  mrb  (øj  -  in  a  load  voice. 

Hsfk  n  <£,  chains,  channels.  •amter  waist 
•aochor.    •beffag  ohain-plates.    -bolt  chain-bolt. 

*9U*f  (Wøfl)  n  -t  gable. 

Øtøfte  t*  mtn  roast.    -øø*  roasting-furnace. 

fH*ft|far«tt,chain-plate.  -!«be,  -nrtting  chain 
-links.  -IHte  Bhank-palnter.   -fifl  guard-board. 

ØUfrning  c  roastlng. 

9Uft|plaiiter  J,  channel-wales.  -ffinne  chaln 

fHøftlbart  n  -er  «t,  grating.  -»tcrtfatart  grat- 

*vtøte  vf  A  i  tøaor)  moult,  sned;  (Sin)  water 
-ret,  water-rot. 

9U»  c  P  fe  Rumpe. 

9Umc  ttf  (noget)  selze  (upon)  (a  thing),  steal; 
JUf  han  (ar  -t  mig  min  Wfte  he  nas  robbed  me 
of  my  honour,  vi  be  -bc  fra  (f.  Sti.)  Atrierne  they 
plundered  the  churches;  _  paa  Btfarbej  rob 
people  on  the  bigbway;  -t  (Bobl  plunder.  -Ifå 
lov«  of  plunder.    -n  c  robbing. 

Støber  o  -e  robber,  thlef,  highwayman,  brigand; 
(60 •)  pirate;  fe  $alofhiberet.  -agttg  a  robber-llke, 
predatory.  •agtigbeb  c  rapacity.  -oafører  Cap- 
tain of  robbers.  -bottbe  gang  el.  band  of  robbers. 
•borg  robber's  castle.  -ebbite  tnieves'  yinegar. 
-flot  fe  -oanbe.  -ffolf  predaoeoas  people.  -farb 
robber-like  conduct.  -gobft  plunder.  spoil. 
-(aanbtertna,  -(aanbbart  fe  -ftaub.  -(iftorie  F 
cock-and-bull  story,  flshy  story,  -(uf  F  rookery. 
-(ttle  den  of  tnieves  el.  robbere.  Øiøberi'  n  -er 
robbery,  depredation;  plracy.  SUberjfaptajn  fe 
-anfører,  -fule  fe  (ule;  gøre  en  .  af  flt  $jerte  be 
double-hearted,  inslncere,  a  hypocrite.  -tab: 
i  eg  fil  bet  for  -  I  got  it  dogcheap,  dirt-cheap,  a 
(hollow)  bargain,  for  an  old  song.  -lim  life  of 
brigandage.  -pal  pack  of  robbers.  -rebe  tnieves' 
nest.  ØUberff  a  robberlike,  predatory.  piratical, 
rapacious.  9U*er|frib  pirate  (snip),  -flot  fe  -borg 
•ftaub  robber's  tråde,  -flat  piratical  state,  com 
munity  of  robbers.     -tag  piratical  expedition 


•ttOfltfettet  brigandage. 

« :  paa  ~  like  robbers 


0,  f,  *  [Sal  n  -fer  S,  s  [ess];  abbr:  6.  =  6al 
«tøry,  ©ibe  page,  fe :  @bb;  f .  =»  fe  vide;  f.  $.  — 
famme  $ato  the  same  day;  S.  E.  k  O.  ■=  »alvo 
-erroreet  omi&nomt  errors  and  omlsslons  excepted, 
E.  &  O.  E  ;  6.  ft.  =  ©torfor*  Grand  Cross.  G.  C; 
Stp.  •»  Slappe  (half  a  bushel):  fml.  -»  fammen* 
(ion  com  pare,  ep.;  6mf.  »  éammenfatning(er) 
<sompound(s);  ©t.  «=  ©tuen  the  groand  floor, 
etorc  Great,  Grand;  6t(f).  —  6t(!Te  piece;  6.  u., 
1e  ©bar. 

Cfea  e  er  cowl,  prov  soe. 

€fe*  fe  Saab  2. 

€taa  vt  sow;  (bab  et  9Remtef!e  -r  bette  ftal  (an 
eg  (ofte  bibl  whatsoever  a  man  soweth  that  shall 
be  also  reap. 

©«a(e)  imp  af  Se. 

€taa  ado  (faalebeø,  paa  ben  SRaabe)  bo,  thas; 
_  faabe  (an  he  spoke  thas,  he  said  so;  -  gjorbe 
tym  he  did  so;  -  er  bet  so  it  is,  it  is  bo;  naar  - 
«r  such  being  the  case;  uben  -  er  at  anless 
<indeed);  om  -  bar  lf  such  were  the  case,  tf  so; 
U)  font  -,  .  ~,  .  Iala  so— so;  -  og  ~  ftal  bu  tale 
til  (enbe  bibl  thus  and  thos  shalt  thou  say  unto 
lier;  fom  herren  er,  -  følge  (am  ©uenbe  like 
xnaøter  like  man;  .  at  fige  as  it  were,  so  to 
speak;  fornaftigrre  enb  fom  ~  more  reasonable 
than  that  comes  to;  be  bar  tfogere  enb  fom  .  they 
were  wiser  than  all  that;  (ja)  .?  lndeed?  joc 
yes?  -  (abjettibiff)  i  .  »alb,  i  -  Xilfalbe  In 
thU  el.  that  case,  if  so;  i  •  SRaabe  that  way;  — 
(«a  berpaa):  førft  be  ftore/  .  be  fmaa  flrst  the 
great  then  the  little;  (oab  .  (mere)?  whatthen? 

-  »il  ban  et,  .  et  anbet  now  he  wants  one  thing, 
now  another;  —  («=  i  (bor)  -  gerne  jeg  enb  taler 
meb  (am/  •  Ian  (an  albrig  binbe  min  9ortrolig(eb 
mach  as  I  like  to  speak  with  him,  he  can  never 
gain  my  confldence;  Søger,  -  (pperlige  be  enb 
tzt,  fnnne  bog  ej  gøre  (ørfaring  ooerfløbig  books, 
howevex  excellent,  can  never  render  experience 
euperfiuoas;  —  (ttbraab)  -,  nu  er  bet  not  there 
now,  that's  enongh,  that  will  do;  fe  ~!  there! 

-  (ør  bog.  (bab  jeg  figer  only  hear  what  I  say; 

-  (foran  Hbj.  og  Sbo.)  for  -  og  -  meget  $unbet 
•at  so  much  the  pound;  (an  er  -  f(g,  at  .  .  .  he 
is  so  111,  that .  . .;  (an  er  -  fbag,  at  (an  itte  fan 

rejfe  he  is  so  weak  as  not  to  be  able  to  go; 
.  galt  er  bet  bog  ilte  it  is  not  so  (el.  as)  bad  as 
that;  -  langt  so  far,  p  that  far;  .  nogenlunbe,  - 
temmelig  rather;  ~  nar  well  nigh;  f  -  oel  et  flat 
rat  her  more  than  a  year;  -  fmaat  a  little;  -  fagte ! 
not  so  fast!  (an  rejfer  itte  -  fnart  he  does  not 
go  very  soon:  (bi  lunbe  nappe  tro  bore  egne  Øjne) 
.  oberraftebe  bar  bi  such  was  our  astonishment: 
.  rig  en  ^ige  such  a  rich  girl;  en  Sfanb  af 
.  flor  grortienefte  a  man  of  such  great  merit;  — 
faa  mange,  ~  ftbt,  .  f aa  fom  muligt  as  many, 
as  little,  as  few  as  possible,  .  lange  (fom)  (an 
leber  as  long  as  he  is  al  i  ve;  ~  gobt  fom  ae  good 
as,  vlrtually,  next  thing  to;  Set  er  •  gobt  fom 
afgjort  it  is  all  but  settled;  -  bibt  jeg  beb  as  far 
as  I  know;  -  nftblbig  fom  et  Oarn  as  lnnocent 
as  a  child;  ben  er  iffe  .  gob  fom  ben  burbe  bare 
it  is  not  so  good  as  it  ought  to  be;  -  fanbt  jeg 
leber  as  I  live;  .  bijt  jeg  er  en  ærlig  Vtanb  as  I 
am  an  honest  man,  on  the  faith  of  au  honest 
man;  bar  •  gob  at ...  be  so  kind  as  to  . .  .;  — 
((Efterfatntna)  naar  jeg  fer  barn  igen,  .  ftal 
jeg  ifTe  glemme  bet  when  I  see  him  again  I  shall 
not  forget  it;  gib  mig  Qogen,  -  ffal  jeg  lafe  for 
big  give  me  the  book,  and  I  shall  read  to  you: 
—  conj:  jeg  bliber  .  albrig  gift  (alligebel)  I  shall 
not  be  married  anyhow;  om  faa  Ir  (e ven);  faa 
at  so  that;  -  (at)  bet  bleb  ubift  om  rendering  it 
uncertain  if. 

Saab'  n  broth. 

Saab  nAe-et  (eolt)  bran. 

Øaaban  a  such;  .  en  SXanb  such  a  man;  -ne 
fyolf  such  people;  .'er  (an  that's  his  way;  $innnc 
riges  Mige  (ører  -ne  til  bibl  of  such  is  the  kingdom 
of  heaven;  -t  bar  ilte  (anbet,  berfom  .  .  .  this  would 
not  have  happened,  it  could  never  have  taken 
place,  lf  . .  .;  -t  noget  such  a  thing;  etter  noget  t 
or  something  like  that,  or  something  of  the 
sort;  .  noget  fom  (omtrent)  something  like;  — 
ado  (faalebet)  so,  thus;  .  er  bet  (altib)  meb  .  .  . 
that's  the  way  with  .  .  .;  -  for(olber  bet  fig  F 
that's  what  it  is;  -  gaar  bet  i  8erben  that's  the 
way  of  the  world;  bet  er  nu  nt  fom  man  .  ftaer 
it  is  a  conventional  expression;  F  -  en  ti  nar 
a  matter  of  ten  years. 




6aab(e)ftrøb  n  bread  made  of  bran.  Ctaobet  a 

6aaerte  fe  Qhtlerte. 

Ctaalfremt'  conj  provided.    -ga'r  [i]  even. 

*6aagj0g  c  wry  neck,  Fim*  torquilla. 

Ctaagobt',  -fon,  fe  6aa  ad«. 

6aaan' !  F  fWth !  for  sure,  indeed. 

Ctøabaorc  c  seed-oats. 

Ctaatatbt  o  so-called,  as  it  is  cailed,  what  Ib 
(ri.  are)  cailed. 

6aa|ta9fe  drill-box.    -font  n  seedcorn. 

fjtaalb  n  6ølb. 

6aal(e)  c  -t  sole;  &  (paa  ftøl)  Bhoe;  ($lante* 
paalag)  shole(-plece),  (p.  ttgterfiæ&n)  false  post. 
Gaalt  tt  fe  ftorfaaie.    -bamf  areA  slll. 

6aal  rbct  adv  so,  thue,  in  this  matter,  like 
this,  like  that,  thuswlse;  men  -  for^olbt  bet  fifl 
but  tbe  faet  was  so;  naa,  .!  Oh!  1  see;  that's 
bow  it  is,  is  it? 

6aale|gaager  c  -e  plan  ti  grade,  -feber  sole 
•leather.    -re«  sandal  thong. 

6aa|libt'  adv  as  little,  bo  little.  -Innbe  adv 
in  this  wise.  -Ismg'c  adv  as  long,  so  long;  jeg 
blioer  $er  -  I  shall  stay  here  the  while  cl.  for  a 

6aantaab  c  sower. 

Gtaamana/e  so  many,  as  many. 

CtaamafttMC  e  sowing-machlne. 

fjtaame'get  so  mach,  (pegenbe)  thus  much;  . 
beHet  so  mach  the  more;  -  mere  .  .  .  fom  (all) 
the  more  .  .  .  from  the  faet  that;  ~  mere  fom  the 
more  bo  because;  «  minbre  so  much  the  less. 

Ctaamamb'  adv  indeed,  really. 

CtaoaittQ  e  sowing. 

'Ctaapoø  fe  $af . 

6aar  n  pi  =,  wound;  aabent  _  running  sore, 
uleer;  flubte  .  gunshot  wounds,-  fttufte  .  bruises, 
contusions.  *6aor  a  sore.  éaar|balfam  vul- 
nerary  balsam,  -bor  a  vulnerable,  -beat  a 
foot-sore.  -bob  fine  for  cutting  and  malming. 
Cfaote  tt  wound;  hurt,  injure;  fig  hurt  one's 
feelings;  fs(e  fifl  b$bt  -t  feel  deeply  hurt  el. 
mortified;  —  foarenbea  palnful,  cruel;  harsh, 

Ctaare  adv  very,  greatly;  sorely;  \aa  ~  jeg 
tommer  tøem  as  soon  as  (ever)  I  get  home. 

6aa'r|  feter  wound -fever.  -flabe  surface  of 
the  wound.  -fri  a  unwounded.  -føbbet  a  foot 
•sore.  -gate  vt  wound,  hurt.  -bombet  a  having 
Bore  bands.  6aar(tg  fe  Gaarbar.  6aor|tebe 
fe  -tenb.  -Urne  Burgeon.  -tttgetnnft  surgery. 
-Ittgenbe  o  vujnerary,  healing,  -ntnnbet  a  hav- 
ing a  sore  mouth.  -norrfe  scar.  -plaffer  wound 
-plaster,  -rattb  edge  (of  the  wound).  -oanb 
arquebusade,  vulnerary  water.    -tat  stupe. 

tiaalfna'rt  conj  as  soon  as,  on  -ing.  •'font 
conj  slnce,  whereas,  seeing  that;  adv  as  for 
instance;  t  ■»  ligefom. 

Soaftang  c  cowl-staff. 

6aafceb  c  fe  6aaTorn. 

*6aatc  o  -r  (hay-)cock.  6aat|e  vt  cock.  -tillig 
c  cocking. 

6oo|rib   sowing  season.     •Hejr   weather  for 


6aa|bel'  ...  fom  as  well  ...  as.  -blbi'  conj 
as  far  as;  for  -  in  so  much  as;  -  muligt  as  far 
as  possible;  -  min  ttbne  ftrojWer  to  the  best  of 
my  ablllty,  as  far  as  in  me  Iles;  —  adv  bet  et, 
-  leg  fan  fe  bet  I  can  barely  el.  just  see  it. 

Qåba  n  Sheba. 

SobabiØelfrø  (seeds  of)  sabadilla,  Veratmm 
tabadilla.    -fljre  sabadillic  acid. 

6abba't  c  Sabbath.  eabbata'rier  pi  Sabbat- 
arians.  6abba't9|aar  sabbat'ical  year,  Sabbath. 
-bog  sabbath  (day).  -(bile  quiet  el.  rest  of  the 
sabbath.    -nej  sabbath-day's  journey. 

tCfeftel  c  fe  6obeI. 

Ctaftef  c  -bier  sabre,  sword,  cutlasa.  —  Gabel  - 
angel  tang,  tongue.  -baloaet  sword -baront: 
-ben  crooked  leg.  -flabe  flat  (of  the  sword 
-fotfte  fe  -$efte.  -getotng  sabre-belt.  -frco  sword 
•handle.  -gra»g|oppe  sabre  talled  tocost.  -Irfit 
hilt  of  a  sword.  -terrcbomme  sword-law.  -bag 
sabre  cut.  -Hinge  blade  of  a  sabre.  -tltrrrs 
clank  of  sword b.    -tbafl  sword- tassel. 

SabelTe  c  -r  (Orm)  sabella. 

eabeDia'ner  pi  Sabell'ians. 

6abe(|rem  fe  -geftomg.  -ffebe  acabbftrd.  -taih 

6abier  pi  Sabians,  Sabe'ans. 

Babi'utt  c  t,  -in'be  c  -r  Sabine;  -mbemrt 
fftov  the  rape  of  the  8abine  women. 

6a  ble  vt  (neb)  fe  ftebfable. 

Øaci^arilnie'ter  n  -tre  uaccharom'eter.  -metri' 
o  saccharim'etry. 

6ad»f  |  en  n  Saxony;  (i  6mf.)  Saze-  Cf.  *».  Sodaen« 
fBeimat)  Saxe-  Weimar),  -er  e  -e.  -Iff  o  Saxon; 
-tft  blaat,  grønt  Saxon  blue,  green. 

6abbttctr  |er  c  -c  Sad'ducee.   -iff  a  Saddnceas. 

Cabfl  c  bier  (ogf.  p.  Saar  og  J,)  saddle;  (gfnfrft .) 
bed;  mu»  nut  of  the  flnger-board;  ^olbbefen  af  - 
(p.  ftalb,  gear,  €»ln)  loin;  fibbe  faQ  i  -en  have  s 
firm  seat,  (ogf.  fio)  be  flrmly  seated;  lafte.  Tode 
en  af  -en  unhorse  one;  fbinge  fig  i  -en  sprin* 
into  the  saddle,  spring  to  one's  saddle.  Gabet 
baanb  fe  -gjorb.  -blif  wither-band.  -bast  saddle 
-tree.  -brnb  saddle  -gall.  -brnbt  a  galled  by 
the  saddle.  -bne  saddle-bow.  t-bre»g  groom. 
-borffe,  -bffReti  saddle-  cloth,  bousine.  -faf  a 
firm  in  the  saddle.  -formig  a  saddJe-sbaped. 
•far  a  able  to  bear  a  saddle.  *f|av%  saddle 
-glrth.  -^eft  saddle- horse,  -bttlfter  bolster, 
-qjjnbe  padding  of  a  saddle.  -lammer  saddle 
-room;  (p.  Sabelen)  crupper- loop.  •Haml*  w 
saddle.  -flem  sitfast.  -ffasbe  fe  -bæften.  -Nap 
pommel  of  a  saddle.  t-rn«at  fe  -breng.  -fømae 
saddle -bag.  -mager  saddler,  -atagerarbelbe 
saddlery.  -magerbreag  saddler's  apprentice. 
•atagerbaanbbdtrf  saddlery.  -magmnefler.  -ota- 
gerfoenb  master-,  journeyman-saddler.  -pfabl 
OBsbbel.)  paddock.  -Plabifort  Ucket  for  the 
paddock.  -pobning  saddle-grafling.  -pofc  saddle 
•bag.  -pttbe  saddle  -pad.  -rem  strap,  -ring 
saddle-rlng.  *-rbgget  a  saddle -backed.  -teb 
saddle.  -florf  Jabiru,  Mvcteria  tntvalemrU.  -frrap 
<t  spån.  -fbebbaeffen  saddle- blanket,  -ferf  barp 
seal,  PAoca  groenlandiea.  -tag  span-roof,  com 
pass-roof.  -tafte  saddle -flap.  -trbf,  -trnhriag 
pressure  of  the  saddle.  -trat  fe  -bom.  -tomater 

6a'ble  vi  saddle;  ~  af  unsaddle,  off-eaddle;  - 
op  saddle;  p  .  om  cbange  one's  opinion  el.  be- 
haviour,  turn  coat,  come  ronnd;  tym  riber  iffe 
ben  Sag  (an  -t  he  is  a  slow  coach.  Sabling  c 

6affo  Sappho.    €affifl  a  Sapphic. 

6afia'n  n  Morocco-leather;  uægte  .  abeepskin; 
imiteret  -  moroquine  leather.  -bereaniag  mo- 
rocco  tannlng.  -game?  morocco-tanner.  -tyanbd 
morocco-trade.  -papir  morocco-paper.  —  6afi' 
andjbinb  Morooco-binding.  -fro Morocco-leatber 

Caflr  c  -er  sapph'ire.  -agtig  a  sapphirine. 
-blaa  a  Bapph'irine. 

6afIor  c  safflower,  bastard  saflron.  -blovit 
safflower.    -robt  carthamine. 

Cafran  c  saflron.  -blomft  saffron-flower.  -farve 
saffron-colour.  -gnl  a  saflron-coloured,  saflron. 
-fpirittti  usquebaugh. 

€aft  e  er  (i  $Ionter  og  bbrifBe  8egemer)  juice; 
(i  Xraer)  sap;  (af  Urter  ofb.  inbfogt  meb  Snflrr) 
syrup;  (af  jlegt  el.  fogt  Irob)  gravy;  bet  er  ingen 




_  ri.  Kraft  i  bet  there  Is  do  pith  el.  lubstance 
in  it;  uben  .  et.  Jhaft  staie,  flat.  Saft  |  dåre  fe 
-rør.  -farne  sap-colour.  -flob  exudation  of 
sap.  -fnlb  a  juicy,  succulent,  sappy.  -fnlb|eb, 
-fttbe  fe  -rigfyb.  -gang  fe  -rar.  -gemme  nectary. 
-grøn  a,  -grønt  n  sap- green,  -gåring  fermenta- 
tion of  tbe  juices,  -qua  felling  wood  in  the 
sap.  Saftig  o  fe  -fulb;  fig  coarse.  Saftigbeb  c 
fe  -rigbeb.  Saft  I  far  fe  -rar.  -Cab  circulation  of  the 
sap.  -løi  a  juiceless,  sapless;  in  si  pi  d.  -løø}eb 
c  saplessness ;  insipidity.  -plante  succulent 
plant,  -rig  a  fe  -fulb.  -rlgfteb  julciness,  succu- 
leuce,  sappiness.  -ror  sap-ve&sel.  -{rigning  rise 
of  tbe  sap.  -tib  time  of  tbe  sap's  rising  in 

Søg  c  -er  (i  Win.)  thing,  matter;  («et*f.) 
cause,  case;  (^forretning)  affair,  business;  (Om* 
fhsnbtgfcb)  matter,  concern;  anlægge  ~  mob  en 
bring  an  action  against  one;  tale  ens  ~  plead 
one's  cause;  gore  fælle*  -  meb  en  side  with  one, 
make  common  cause  with  one;  ban  fom  tilbage 
meb  uforrettet  -  be  returned  without  effecting 
his  purpose;  et  {Bjebtif*  -  the  work  el.  business 
of  a  moment;  ben  gobe  -  the  good  cause;  bømme 
i  egen  ~  be  judge  in  one' s  own  cause;  tøbe  ~ 
meb  en  be  at  issue  with  one;  t  gtbe  en  -  show 
just  cause  of  complaint  against  one;  at  tale 
meget  er  iRe  ban*  -  he  hates  much  speaking; 
bet  bliber  ban*  .  it's  his  (own)  business,  aflair, 
look-out;  bet  bliber  tøm*  ~  at  it  lies  with  him  to; 
bet  er  iRe  min  -  that's  not  my  business,  it  is  no 
concern  of  mine;  bet  er  iRe  en  Crbbog*  -  at  it  is 
not  the  place  of  a  dictionary  to;  bor  -  er  bet  at 
ours  is  to ,  bet  er  faa  fin  -  it  is  an  awkward 
thing;  bi«  i  fin  ~  certain  that  one  is  right;  bet 
er  en  anben  -  that's  another  matter,  a  dJflerent 
thing;  bet  er  ingen  (bet  er  en  let,  fmal)  .  at  .  .  . 
it's  an  easy  matter  to  .  . . .;  for  ben  -•  Sttjlb  for 
the  matter  of  that;  tabte  Sagen  lost  his  cause 
el.  sult;  bet  er  (netop)  -en  that's  the  thing;  bet 
tiører  ej  til  -en  it  has  nothing  to  do  with  the 
matter;  lab  o«  tomme  til  -en  let  us  come  to  the 
point;  bolbe  fig  til  -en  stick  to  the  subject  in 
nand;  bet  gør  intet  til  -en  that's  nothing  to  the 
purpose,  that  makes  no  odds,  is  immaterial; 
gør  mtnbre  til  -en  makes  less  matter;  til  -en!  (i 
fUrrl.)  questionl  aaar  ubenfor  -en  strays  from  the 
subject,  is  not  in  order,  is  out  of  order;  ba 
-en  for^olber  fig  faalebe*  such  being  the  case;  -en 
ex  at  føm  the  faet  is  that  he,  as  a  matter  of 
faet  he;  bborlebe*  -en  fiaar  how  matters  stand; 
-en*  Cmlojtninger  costs;  Sbn  for  -en,  fe  Sagn;  jeg 
benter  mine  ©ager  meb  Sanpflibet  I  expect  my 
thingB  by  the  steamboat;  trutte  -er  printed 
matter;  gsre  fine  -er  gobt,  baarligt  do  one's 
work,  acquit  one's  self,  well,  poorly;  forfioa  fine 
-er  be  up  to  one's  business;  blanbe  fig  i  anbre* 
-er  intermeddle  in  other  people's  concerns;  bet 
er  iRe  ftore  -er  it's  no  great  affair;  ban*  -er  fiaar 
tfle  jobt  his  aflairs  do  not  look  well. 

*€cø,  Søge  og  Smf.  fe  Sab,  ©abe.  • 

Gaga  c  -er  Saga;  er  fnart  en  .  blot  is  but  dimly 
tradiuonal  now,  is  almost  traditionary;  is  a  thing 
of  the  past,  has  been  swept  into  the  havebeens. 
Øaga|  »rub  tøffe  fragment  (of  a  saga),  -monb, 
-ffrwer  historian,  sagaman.  -frtfen  the  style  of 
the  sagas,    -riften  tbe  time  of  the  sagas. 

Søgte  fe  Sige. 

Sagefatb  n  amercement,  tine.  —  Søge*  |(ø*3  o 
unoffending,  blameless:  Coerfalb  paa  -  vianb  an 
unprovoked  assault.  -løibeb  blamelessness,  in- 

Sø'glførttaring  statement  of  facts,  -fotlbet  a 
cast  at  law.  -førelfe  pleading  (of  a  cause). 
•farer  (i  Ølm.)  lawyer;  (i  courts  of  common 
law),  attorney,  (i  courts  of  equity)  solicitor; 

(bajere,  bibenffoielig  bannet)  barrister,  counsel, 
(i  bi*fe,  fcerltge  Herter)  advocate.  -førerbeftoBina 
calling  to  the  bar;  bar  faaet  -  has  been  cailea 
to  the  bar.  -førerfnlbmotgtig  sollcitor's  clerk. 
-førrrbonorar  solicitor's  el.  attorney 's  fee.  -fører* 
-Føntør  solicitor's  office.  -førerftønben  the  bar. 
-førrrftilling  solicitor's  el.  attorney 's  profession; 
opgibe  -en  leave  the  bar.  -føring  fe  -førelfe. 
-aftc  øf  fe  -føge.  -giøclfe  fe  Røgning,  -giøer  fe 
-føger.  -gblbia  a  relevant,  -nnfammetfc  memory 
for  things.  -InnbfføB  knowledge  of  the  subject, 
competence.  -fbnbig  a  conversant  with  the 
subject,  oompetent,  a  k  c  ezpert.  -fljnbigfteb 
fe  -funbflab. 

Sagt  n  drivel,  slaver,  slobber.  Søgle  vi 
drivel,  slaver,  slobber.  —  Sagle'bng,  •fmactte 
bib.    -grif  slaver-chops. 

Saglig  a  real.    Sagtøf  a  fe  Sagettø*. 

Sø«,  tradition,  legend,  myth;  (8folfe- 
fnat,  fttrøte)  report,  rumour;  <5hn  for  -  ocular 
proof;  nu  er  ber  Sbn  for  -  this  tells  its  own 
tale;  ber  git.  Sagn  af  it  was  rumoured;  -et  for* 
tafler  tradition  Bays.  Søgnjøgtig  a  mythic(al). 
-alber  fe  tib.  -bønnelfe  formation  of  legeods. 
•bigtnittg  legendary  el.  mythic  poetry.  -figur 
legendary  personage,  -førtffUing  mythic  tale. 
-^ctt  mythic  hero.  -Wøric  tradiUonal  history; 
myth-hlstory,  legendary  history.  -trebe  cycle 
of  traditions,  -tøøb  mythic  poem.  -mceftg  a 
tradltlonal,  mythic.  -mffifigbeb  c  mythic  char- 
acter, -nertøbe  fe  -tib.  -rig  a  rich  in  traditions. 
-ftriber  recorder  of  traditions.  6agn<ntonb  in- 
informant,  autbority.  6agntib  mythical  age, 
herole  era. 

CkiØØ  c.  -øtbn  sago.  -mel  sago-powder.  -balme 
sago-palm,  Sågu*,  -fuppe  sago  gruel.  -PdtQing 
sago  boiled  in  milk,  sago-milk. 

6a  g|regif»er  index  of  subjects,  subject-index, 
index  rerum,  -rig  a  full  of  matter,  matterful. 
6a  geonltzg  action,  legal  proceedings.  t6ag|> 
fhptbig  a  guilty.  -føge  vt  flue,  proeecute.  action, 
proceed  against,  take  the  law  of;  for  Ijbwet  nian 
fan  -8  for  which  an  action  will  Ile.  -føger 
plaintiff,  proeecutor.    -føgning  prosecution. 

6agt  part  af  Sige. 

Sagte  a  soft,  gentle;  slow;  adv  softly,  gently; 
slowly;  gaa  .  walk  softly  el.  slowly;  Uret  goar 
10  SRinuter  for  -  the  watch  is  ten  minutes  slow; 
tal  - !  speak  low !  %<xn  talte  •  be  spoke  in  a  low 
voice,  below  el.  under  his  breath;  faa  .1  soft! 
gently !  fair  and  softly !  (frommanboorb  til  9amp* 
maftine)  easy;  ooa  an,  .!  go  ahead,  easy! 

tSogtc  adv  fe  Sagten«. 

Sagtelig  adv  softly,  gently. 

Sagtenø  adv  easily,  (formobentlig)  I  dåre  say; 
^an  fan  -  gøre  bet,  ba  .  .  .  he  may  easily  el.  very 
well  do  it  as  .  .  .;  jeg  (an  •  føje  .barn  beri  I  may 
safely  indulge  him  in  that;  fcn  Ian  -  it  is  all 
very  fine  for  him. 

6øgt|fa'rbig  a  gentle,  quiet.  -foc'rbigbeb  c 
gentleness,  quietness.  +-beb  c  softness.  ^mob 
fe  -mobigtjeb.  -møbig  a  mild,  meek,  gentle. 
-mø'bigqeø  o  mildness,  meekness,  gentleness. 
Sagtne  vt  k  d  moderate;  -  fin  Sang,  fine  Sfribt 
slack en  one's  pace;  .  fin  ftart  slacken  one's 
speed;  Stormen  -9  the  tempest  is  abating;  Qinben 
-*  the  wind  is  subsiding;  31ben  -be  the  fire 
slackened.    Sagtning  c  slackening;  abatement. 

Sagnnt'  n  Saguntum. 

Sa  g|»ifer  fe  -regifter.    -bolber  e  -e  defendant. 

Sahara  n  the  Sahara. 

Saffon'  [fr.]  c  -er  season. 

Safgre  vt  liquate.  Safgriag  c  liquatlon. 
Sajgcrøbtt  liquation-furnace. 

Sat  (le  vi  &  have  sternway;  (meb  ^enfbn  tit  en 
anben)  drop  asteni;  -  af,  agtrrub  (i  Vfm.)  drop 




behind;  begbnbe  at  -  fetch  stemway.  -ttimg  c 

6atra|me*t(e)  n  -er  aac'rament;  mebbele  en  Strø 
-et  administer  the  sacrament  to  a  sick  person. 
-mental  a  sacramen'tal, 

Satrifta'n  c  -et  sac'ristan. 

Salrifti'  »  -er  vestry,  sac'risty. 

Satø  c  -e  (a  pair  of)  scissors,  (flor)  shears;  (til 
Srangft)  Steel-trap;  (af  Sut)  cross;  (fcrein.)  horse 
-shoe;  (t  ftorrfpii)  tenace;  -en  the  scisaors. 

Satebafnn  o  saxotromba. 

SeMe|fkgl  scisaor-tall,  MUvuIh:  -troge  J, 
elove-hooks,  clip-hooks.    -final  shear-steel. 

6af9Qørtt  n  sax-horn. 

Sattaeb  c  scissor-blll,  sea-crow,  Rhyneepe. 

6a!  c  -e  (i  tttm.)  (large)  room,  hall;  (6eljfaD*> 
borelfe)  drawlng-room;  (flor  Salon)  saloon;  tførfte, 
anben  -  first,  seoond  fioor  (amr  second,  third 
story);  ttrebje  -  til  »aben  the  third  floor  (el. 
three  pair)  front. 

Safomaitber  c  -bre  saTamander.  -flff  lepldo- 

Salaman'ta  n  Salamanca;  fra  -,  Beboer  af  - 

fjatanga'tt  o  -er  esculent  swallow,  Colloealia 

6ala|rere  **  sal'ary.  -'rtam  a  -ier  sal'ary, 

Salat  c  -er  ($lante)  lettuce,  Laetuca  tativa; 
(«et)  sal'ad.  -aes  lettuce-bed.  -fab  salad-dish. 
-fra  lettuce-seed.  -ijobeb  head  of  lettuce.  -olie 
salad  oil.  -ftaal  salad-dlsh.  -fte  salad-spoon. 
-urter  pi  saladlng. 

Saibaanb  n,  min  wall  (of  a  lode). 

Salbe're  vt  mere  balance.  Salbo  c  mere  bal- 

Satrp(rob)  c  salep,  salop,  saloo'p,  (QefHnb.) 

G«lg  n,  pl  »,  sale,  vendltion;  til  -  for  sale, 
on  sale.  -bar  a  saleable.  —  Satga|beti»getfer 
pl  terms  el.  conditions  of  sale.  -Ub  selUng 
•race.  -prtf  selling  price.  -fnat  purchase 
money.  -barer  merchantable  goods.  •bfttaar 
fe  -betingelfer.    -batrbt  commercial  value. 

Sali|ci»  *  sal'icine.  -ca/l »  sal'icyle.  -cttlfpre 
salicyl'lc  acid.  -cblfabe  salicylic  soap.  -etji« 
tonbpulper  salicylic  tooth-powder. 

Salig  a  bibl  blessed,  blest;  saved;  (Ibffaha) 
blissnil;  f  (bruffen)  glorious,  elevated;  -e  ere  y 
blessed  are  ye;  be  -e  the  blessed;  500  fan  ba  blibe 
-?  who  then  can  be  saved?  -t  er  bet  VtennefCe, 
lom  Sub  ftraffer  happy  is  the  man  whom  God 
correcteth ;  bet  er  -ere  at  gibe  enb  at  tage  it  is 
Bore  blessed  to  give  than  to  receive;  min  . 
føber,  TOobet  my  late,  poor,  sainted,  la  te  la- 
men  ted,  ($e  umqahile)  father,  mother.  Sa(ig|' 
-gate  vt  save,  make  eternally  happy,  beatify. 
-garelfe  c  salvation,  beatification;  beres  -S  Stifter, 
ftørfte  bibl  the  captain  of  their  salvation; 
•garenbe  a  saving.  -garer  Savlonr.  -(eb  c 
salvation,  eternal  happiness;  (Stjffoliø^b)  blessed- 
ness,  bliss,  feliclty;  ben  etrige  -  eternal  happiness; 
(beb)  min  -  as  I  hope  to  be  saved;  nei  min  _  om 
ieg  gør  no,  upon  my  word,  I  won't  do  it;  -» 
<Éb  bible  oath;  jeg  bil  gsre  min  -s  (Eb  paa  at  I 
swear  to  God;  nøbbenbig  til  ~  neoessary  to  salva- 

Saline  e  -r  saline. 

Saling  c  er  &  (Stongf.)  tressle-trees ;  Ubærf.) 
crosstrees;  (Stængef.)  top-mast  cross- trees.  — 
Saltngélbora  horns  of  the  cross-trees.  -r»<er 
cheeks,  hounds.  -pnber  bolsters  on  the  trestle 

Salinaae'ter  n  -tre  sallnom'eter.  Salinff  a 

Saltft  a :  be  -e  fcronfer  the  Salian  Franks;  *t 
-e  Sob  the  Sal'ic  law. 

Sallb|aris*  c  aaliva'Uon.    -c're  vi,  »ea'wl. 

Salmagan'bt  c  salmagnndl. 

Satmana6'fer  Shalmaneaer 

6alme  c  -r  hymn,  (meft  om  Sarribft  og  Sericv 
tationer  beraf)  psalm;  Dc&ib*  -er  the  Book  of 
Psalms.  6atme|bog  psalm -book,  hymn -bæ*, 
hymnal;  third  stomach,  manyfbld.  -bigtn 
psalmographer,  psalmlst,  hvmnographer.  -bitt- 
ning  psalmography.  -meiobi  fe  -ras«  -fat$ 
psalmody,  psalm  -stnging.  -fttages^e  a  pfala 
singing,  oont  psalm-smiting.  -fbager  c  -c  psåha 
-slnger,  oont  paalm-smiter.    -tone  paalm^tns« 

€a(mi'  c  salmls. 

GalmW  o  sal-ammo'niac,  ammoniac  chloride 
-fait  sal  volatile,  -tøirttti*  spirit  of  aal-ammi- 

GoiMift'  c  -er  psalmiat.  Sotau'aifaa  ■  mon* 

6oloao(tt)  Sol'omon;  *  Segl  ^  Solomon- 
seal ,  Vonvallaria  polwanatmm ;  -4  Crbførag  tht 
Proverbs  (of  Solomon).  6alamo'nifI  a  Solo 
mon'ic.    éatOKonMeme  the  8alomon  Isles 

©alott'  [fr.]  e  -er  saloon.     Safsmjftorb  centre 
-table.    -baafc  parlour-gun.    -birf  saloon-deck 
-belt  carpet  knight.   -^aifager  saloon  paaaenjrer 
•blab*  saloon  accommodaUon.  -ftsTfter  fe  Jfofr 
-bog«  saloon  carrlage. 

CTaløWe)  e  -r  (lady's)  doak. 

Cfetyc  c  -r  aalpa,  pl  salpæ.  -locbe  aggre«»o?J 

ealøe'ter  n  saltpeter,  nitre,  potaaaic  nitrau; 
olanbet  meb  .  nitrated;  forbonble  ril  .  nltrifr 
•agtig  a   nitrous.     -baml  artificial    ni  tre -M 
•bamb  nitric  vapoar.     -fabrif  saltoetre-mana 
factory.     -gaf   nitrons  gas.     -gmae   saltpeter 
-mine.    -|olbt«  a  nitrous,  nitrie.     -totte  sal' 
peter-house.    -Jorb  nitrous  earth.     -tsgte  ^5 
petre-losenge.     -tab  saltpeter- ly e.    -aael  po« 
dered  saltpetre.     -ObUøning  solution  of  salt 
petre.    •btoatage  nltre-bed.    -rig  o  aboundiof 
with  saltpeter.    -fur  a  nitric;  -t  Salt  nitrate;  ■'■ 
Salb,  9latron  ofb.  nitrate  of  silver,    soda  etr 
•fbber  manufaeturer    of   saltpeter,     -tøben  * 
-bar!,     -fare  nitric  acid.    -fareaatabrtb  nitr:< 
anhydride.  -fbreQbbrat  hydric  nitrate,  -tørltaf 
nitrous  anbydride.    -boert  saltpeter  work. 

Sa'Iilbar  drawlng-room  door.  t-iassfra  cour 
teaan.    -ainbne  upper  window. 

G*U  n  -e  salt;  Jtog«  common  salt;  eogelft  - 
(Epsom)  salts;  fpife  en  Stoppe  -  meb  en  be 
tboroughly  familiar  with  one.  Salt  «  mK< 
poet  -en  ^ab  the  salt  sea.  6alt|aart  fe  -filt« 
-afgift  fe  -ftat.  •agtig  a  saltish,  saUne.  *<rt 
species  of  salt.  -blomfteT  saline  efiloresceiH^ 
•brambt  a  over-salted.  -broab  fe  -Ribe.  -mb- 
uelfe  salification.  -bannenbe  a  saliflable.  -banarr 
c  -e  balogen.  -bel  saline  particle.  -bsall  ^l 

6a(te  of  salt,  powder;  (nebf.,  logge  i  Saitlsfle 
plckle;  (nebfalte)  corn;  -t  DIJetab  oorned  beef 
-far  powdering-tub.  -t  e  -e  curer.  -ti'  n  saltins 
-house,    -trng  salting  trough.    -UKbe  fe  -far 

©altlfabrif  fe  fnberi.  -fabritaat  salt -mater 
-fabritation  manufteture  of  salt.  -fok  fe  -far 
•flob  salt-rheum.  -glafrret  a  salt-glaxed.  -igfsfar 
salt-glaze.  -gmbe  salt-pit.  -|aBbrI  salt-trade. 
-banbler  salt-man.  6alt|eb  o  saltness.  eaUbeb«* 
grab  degree  of  saltness.  6*ltlt otbig  a  saline 
-^olbigbeb  o  degree  of  saltness.  -|b*  salt-ma|a- 
aine.  -tøttc  salt-house.  -Jorb  saline  earth.  4n 
salt-cellar;  -et  b«ltebe  the  salt-cellax  was  knocked 
over.  -rebel  salt-boller,  -filbe  salt-spring,  sailn? 
spring,  brine-spring.    -toger  fe  -fbber.   -togeri  f( 




-fnberL  -røgning  inaking  of  salt.  -fotm  graln 
of  Balt.  -trbftcl  salt-crystal.  -tøb  salt  meat, 
<tiIfKH)  iunk.  -lage  brine,  pickle  -togø' 
j>«m»t  A  brine- pump.  -tig««  salt  lagoon, 
oilne-pond.  -lab  salt-lye.  -maaler  (2>mp.)  salt 
-gauge,  -mab  salt  meat.  -monopøl  monopoly 
of  salt.    Saltning  e  salting. 

tSattømørra'tc  »Ao-t  summenet. 

€talt|opføg  store  of  salt.  -øpløiaing  sallne 
solution.  -Mate  salt-pan.  -ørøøe  salt- test. 
-fcraøer  salt-gauge,  -bnmøe  (Drap.)  brine- pump. 
•flat  salt-tax.  -ffe  salt-spoon.  -fførpe  sallne 
incTustatlon.  -fløøl  salt- sno  vel.  -fraøs  salt-scum. 
-føsag  sallne  taste,  -føle  brine.  •fiilnbel  salt 
-gauge.  -MritstA  spirit  of  salt.  -fbromgt  a 
eorned.  -fre*  rock-salt.  -ftøtte  pillar  of  salt. 
-fm*:  a  -t  Salt  murlate;  -  ftalf  ofb.  muriate  of 
lime  etc.  -  og  fbøblfar  a  muriosulphuric. 
-f  nber  søltmanumcturer.  -føbcri  n  salt-making. 
-føre  muriatic  acid.  -fttrelnft  muriatic  acid 
gas.  -fa  salt-lake.  -føea  the  (Great)  Salt  Lake. 
-faftøbea  Salt  Lake  City.  -tølb  salt  duty.  -tøabc 
salt-barrel.  -ttrt  salt-wort,  ScUieomia  herbacea. 
-aaab  salt-water,  sea-water.  -øaabftflfl  salt-water 
fi&h.  -b«lb  fe  -ttlbe.  -b«rt  salt-work,  saltern. 
-ørtrr  muriatic  ether. 

Ctatat'  e  -er  a  salu'te.  -»age  saluting-days. 
øBalate're  vt  &  i  salute,  fire  a  salute. 

Stolte  c  -r  (meb  Støbebaaben)  volley,  salvo; 
<mrb  iranoner,  fra  et  Slib)  broadside;  (Qifalbø') 
xound  (of  applause). 

Ctaløe  e  -r  salve,  ointment,  unguent.  Søtøe 
vt  anoint;  $men*  -be  the  Lord's  anointed;  ~  en 
til  Sronge  anoint  one  king.  Salbe|  trutte  oint- 
ment pot.  -tremmer  perfumer.  Satbetfe  c 
anointment,  un etion;  ptobtte  meb  -  preach  with 
iin etion.  Søløelfeffalbaiullofunctlon.  Satbe> 
alle  c  anointing  oli;  tøo«  fratoliler)  chrism. 

Ctaløe're  fifl  vr  save  one's  self;  see  to  one's 

eSatftc't  o  -er  p ,  napkJn;  p  ft^be  i  -en  hide 
one's  self,  creep  In  to  a  corner. 

Stalbi'c  o  sage,  Salvia.    'ti  sage-tea. 

Sølbing  c  anointing,  anointment  —  Satøing6|> 
aft  ceremony  of  anointing  at  a  coronation. 
-ølle  fe  Solbeolie. 

6ølbø  bill  baulk;  in  ~  safe,  bill  in  baulk. 

Sfete'r  fe  Solarium. 

Stonfalbrenbe  c  contemporary. 

Stam'lørøcfbe  vi  work  together,  cooperate. 
-ariejbc  n,  -arbefben  o  working  together,  oo-ope- 
ration,  collaboration. 

Samarie  c  -r,  fe  $r«fte!iole. 

Stomarita'n  c  -er  Samaritan. 

5ambaonb  n  bond,  link,  connexion. 

f  Sambaaren  a  (af  famme  ftorælbre)  bom  of  the 
same  parents;  (boa  famme  Zib)  born  at  the  same 
time,  connate. 

Sambefibbelfe  c  joint-possession. 

Soutbtabet  a  $  (ftrone)  gamopetalous;  (©ojger) 

Sambo  c  Sambo. 

Sam|bo  c  -er  fellow-lodger.  -boenbe  a  living 
together;  ben  øbrige  -  familie  the  rest  of  the 
family  living  together. 

Saatborgen  c  joint  security. 

'Sømbttgbing  c  -er  fellow-parishioner,  fellow 

Sambøgøet  a  built  together. 


Sam|børb  c  (famtibig  føbfet)  connascence; 
+  as  3nbøbt.   -bttrbig  a  born  of  the  same  parents. 

Sambrcrg'tig  a  agreeing,  unanimous.  -(eb 
c  harmon  y,  concord,  unanimlty. 

Sam'leje  c  Joint-property  el.  -possession,  joint 
-ownership,  co-ownership.  -ejer  joint-possessor, 
joint-proprietor,  joint-owner. 

Samel  c  brook-weed,  Samolut  valerandi. 

+6amforbrtng  o  joint  claim. 

€amfrttgt  o  syncarplum. 

6am[frantber  pi  joint  relations,  -ftfcnbeffifte 
n  division  of  succession  among  relations. 

6a»ftt!b  a:  i  ti  -e  Var  these  ten  years,  (for) 
ten  yeare  in  succession;  -e  fem  $age  five  clear 

6amfnab  n,  pi  =»,  community,  association, 
society;  bibl  fellowship;  -et  society;  brn  $eBtgi 
aønbi  -  the  fellowship  el.  communion  of  the 
HolyGhost.  6amftt»b4|aa*b  social  spirit.  -bøøab 
social  bond.  -begreb  social  idea.  -biOebe  social 
picture.  -iggntag  social  edlfice.  -farlig  a  dan- 
gerous  to  the  community.  -fjeabc  enemy  to 
society.  -fjcabfl,  -fjettbtlig  a  antisocial.  -før« 
fatning  social  polity.  -for^otb  pi  social  condl 
tions.  -flaife  class  of  society.  -lag  stratum  of 
society.  -legemet  the  social  body.  -llb  social 
liie.  -løtrc  sociology.  -onbe  social  evil.  -øø- 
tofenbe  a  tending  to  disorganize  society;  - 
ttrunbfoerninger  disorganizing  principles.  -ørbea 
social  order.  -øligt  social  duty.  -rftøb  council 
(of  the  society).  -rtfteabe  a  shaking  the 
foundations  of  society.  -føj  social  questJon. 
-frilling  social  position,  -tilffanb  social  condi- 

tØamfoelb  a  fe  €amfutb. 

*6a«fømat  a  unsorted. 

Camfarbfel  c  communication ,  communion, 

+6amføtrnbe  o  sympathetic. 

+6amføre  vt  fe  ^fabnføte. 

6amgromfenbe  a  contiguous. 

6am|olb  n  fe  6ammen^oIb. 

éawbøriglebSfølelfc  c  feeling  of  belonging 

Øamflang  c  harmony,  unison. 

6amfnlb  n  children  of  one  bed. 

Gomtbem  n,  pi  —,  intercourse,  communion. 
•f)aøenbe  a  communlcating. 

6awlancbc  fe  Sfoftfæbebe. 

éøm|tob  n  joint  purchaøe.  -løbere  pi  joint 

6amtag  n  association,  fellowship;  company. 

€>amle  vt  collect,  gather;  (Xømr.)  join;  .  ^efken 
keep  the  horse  collected;  ^oa  -be  be  abfprebte  og 
flbatenbe  troppet  he  rallied  the  broken  and 
flying  troops;  (Beøaret  -r  gobt  the  gun  shoots 
cl  ose,  makes  good  pattern;  -  tilfttafteligt  9Rob 
sum  up  sufficient  courage;  -  Kigbomme  lav  up 
el.  heap  up  riches;  tynib  be  talte,  funbe  ieg  itfe  . 
I  could  not  make  out  what  they  said;  ~  tnb, 
fe  ^nbfamle;  -op  pick  up;  -  paa  (noget)  collect; 
-  fa m men,  fe  6amle;  —  vr  fig  collect;  fe: 
famlet;  ~  TOob  ttl  en  traftig  Øefluhung  nerve  one's 
self  to  a  bold  resolution;  -  tig,  fine  lanfet  ofo. 
collect  one's  self,  one's thougnts;  —  famlet  vd 
gather  (together),  assemble,  meet,  congregate; 
bi  *  for  igen  at  flillei  we  meet  to  separate 
again;  -f  til  fine  ^cebte  be  gathered  to  one's 
lathers;  forblioe  -t  remain  together;  mebenø  Wig#» 
bagen  er  -t  while  parliament  is  sitting;  — 
famlet  a:  -t  ftørbt  aggregate  value;  -t  Sum, 
ttntal  aggregate  amount,  grand  total,  eutire 
total;  -t  Optraben  joint  action;  en  -t  Vefoltning 
af  a  nnited  el.  joint  population  of ;  -be  Bønfer 
complete  et.  entlre  works;  bette  8crrt  fælge«  tun 
-t  this  work  is  sold  in  sets  only;  meb  -be  9en 
close-legged;  —  famlet  adv  together,  jointly, 
in  the  lump.  Samle |brønb  cistern.  -gløj  col- 
lective  glass. 

•fSawlefc  c  joint  hire. 

Samleje  n  copulation;  Ijabe  ~  copulate. 

Ckmlelinf  e  c  convergent  lens.  Samlen  c  collect- 
ing.   Samler  c  -e  colleetor;  gatherer;  (leompitatorj 




compiler.  —  Sømler|flib  industry  in  coUecting. 
-»art  repertory,  magazine.  Samletfcxb  o  col- 

Samllene  vi  meb  cohabit  witb.  -tebenbe  a  fe 
Samtiblg.    -Iriraet  fe  -lio. 

Samling  c  -er  amembling,  coUection;  (af  golf) 
meeting;  (Xømr.)  joining;  cone  (af  planter  o.  1.) 
coUection;  en  Samling  (af  ttiaftbagen,  Stortinget) 
a  session;  Borget  -  ril  eet  wige  the  unification 
of  Norway;  narurbiftorifl  .  (ogf.)  cabinet  of  nat- 
ura! history;  fio  bet  betog  mig  min  -  it  deprived 
me  of  my  senses;  gaa  fra  San*  og  .  lose  one's 
senses  entirely;  faa  fin  .  igen  be  restored  to 
consciousness ,  recover  el.  regain  one's  senses; 
seere  béb  fin  fulbe  -  be  In  one's  right  senses.  — 
Samling»|»ott  joint-bolt.  -tøjle  shackle.  -bag 
day  of  meeting,  -fag  rendezvous  flag.  -før* 
btnbelfe  coupling.  -bet*  joining  shackle.  •muffe 
coupling-box.  -orb  collective  noun.  »ftlabi 
place  of  meeting,  rendez-vous.  -bnnft  rallying 
-point,  -fteb  fe  -plob*.  -rib  (ftigftbagenS  ofo.)  ses- 

Samlfb  n  living  togetber,  cohabitation,  com- 
panionship,  association. 

Samjlttb  c  simnltaneous  sound;  (Samtlang) 
harmony ,  unison.  -labe  vt  sound  slmultaneously; 
-nbe  ©ogfraoer  consonants;  -nbe  Zoner  consonant 

Samltb  fe  Sammenløb. 

'Sammalet  a  unbolted. 

Samme  a  the  same;  bet  _  the  same  thing;  - 
Vtanb  the  same  man;  .  .  .  bat  nøje  unberføgt  - 
has  closely  examined  the  same;  et  og  bet  ~  one 
and  the  same  (thing);  l  el.  meb  bet  -  at  the 
same  time;  as  he  did  so;  bet  gør  bet  .  it  is  all 
one;  bet  er  mig  bet  -  it  is  the  same,  It  is  all 
one  to  me;  ben  felb  -  (f.  Cft.  ©og)  the  very  same 
(book);  bet  fan  røre  bet  -  never  mind;  nu  fan  bet 
røre  bet  -  meb  Orebet  never  mind  the  letter 
now;  bet  fan  røre  big  bet  -  that  is  nothing  to 
you;  Jeg  »ilbe  ønffe,  jeg  funbe  flge  bet  -  I  wish  I 
could  say  as  much;  bet  utlbe  o«re  bet  _  fom  at 
lt  would  be  equivalent  to  -ing;  bet  er  bet  -  fom 
at  nge  it  is  as  much  as  to  say;  (an  er  »eb  (meb) 
bet  -  there  is  no  change;  bor  .  Smag  fom  jeg 
has  the  same  taste  as  I  fl.  with  myself. 

Gommen  adv  together;  (i  forening)  jointly; 
fomme  .  meet,  (i  røgteffab)  come  together,  be 
joined  (in  wedlock);  falbe  -  o.  fl.,  fe  Berberne; 
be  (aoe  ftaber,  men  itfe  9Rober  -  they  have  the 
same  father  but  not  the  same  mother. 

Sammenarbefbe  vt  work  together;  -  meb  . . . 
til  .  .  .  work  up  with  ...  to. 

Sammenaøtet  a  jointly  begotten. 

Sammentage  vt  bake  together  (lnto  a  mass). 

Sammeabetle  vt  collect  by  begging. 

Sammenbibe  vt  (Æcenber)  clench;  meb  -te  Zænber 
witb  clenched  teeth;  with  his  mouth  set  hard. 

Sammenlbinbe  vt  bind  el.  tie  together.  -bi«, 
bing  c  binding  together. 

CTammcttlblabe  vt  scarf,  join  by  means  of  a 
scarf,  balf.    -blabaiag  scarfing  etc. 

Sammen  (blanbe  tt  mix  together,  mingle  to- 
gether, blend  el.  jumble  together,  commix, 
intermix,  commingle;  (for&eMe)  confound.  -øla». 
bing,  -blaaben  c  mixing  etc.  commtxtion,  com- 
mixture;  con  fusion. 

Sammen  I  blatfe  vt  blow  together;  solder  by 
the  blow  pipe.    -blaentng  c  biowing  etc. 

Sammenbringe  vt  bring  together;  -bragte  ©om 
children  of  different  maniage. 

Samnten|brbgge  vt  fiø  concoct.  -»rt»  n  con- 

Samme«|vr*»be  ve  cement,  -brombtng  c 
cementing,  cementation. 

Samme«|b«tre  vt  bend  double,  -»vrat«*  ' 
bendlng  etc. 

Samntevbnnbte  vt  bundle  up. 

Santmenbnafc  vt  pile  up,  heap  up. 

Sammenbbbe  vt  invite  together. 

Sammenbygge  vt  build  cloee  together. 

SammenbanbPe  ve  &  seise  togetber. 

Samme« | batte  vt  carry  together.  -totriag  - 
canying  etc. 

Sammen  I  bøje  vt  bend  together,  bend  doub]* 
-bøjning  c  bendlng  etc. 

Sammenbigte  vt  fabricate. 

Sammenlbrag  n  drawing  together;  (noget,  *: 
er  fattet  i  Srortbeb)  abstract,  summary,  compend. 
epitome,  digest,  precis.  -brage  vi  draw  together 
collect;  (en  Sag,  fortælling  ofo.)  epitomize.  mmkt 
an  abstract  of.    -bragataf  drawing  etc. 

Sammeabreje  ve  twist  together. 

Sømmenbriøe  vt  drive  together. 

Sammea|bttnae  vt  heap  together,  amass,  aece 
mulate.  -bbngtttng  o  heaplngetc.,  accumuUtioD 

Sammenjfntb  n  falling  in,  coUapee.  -falbe  «-. 
fall  in  el.  down,  coUapse. 

Sammenfalfe  ve  join,  groove,  rabbet. 

+Sammc«farc  vi  fe  §are  fammen. 

Sammen | fatte  ve  comprise,  sum  up.  -fattteffe 
•fatning  c  comprising,  comprehension.  -fat 
ningitegn  typ  brace. 

Samntenfeie  ve  sweep  together. 

Samntenfilte,  -filtre  ve  entangle,  mat  togetber, 
($aar  ogf.)  elf.    -fllrrtaa  c  entangling. 

Sammealflette  ve  braid  el.  plalt  together.  M 
interweave.    -fletning  c  braldlng  etc 

Sammen  | fURe  ve  patch  togetber.  -tftfaiag 
patching  etc. 

Sømmen  Iffbbe  vi  flow  together;  -nbe  «  con 
fluen t.    -{løbning  flowing  etc.,  confluence. 

Sammenfatning  c  moving  together. 

Sammenlfolbe  ve  fold  up.  -følbetig  a  eollar* 
able.    -føtbntttg  folding  up. 

Sammen | fr^fe  vi  freese  together.  -frtt#«imj 
freesing  etc. 

Sammeniftoge  vi  drift  together.  -f%g«i>g 
drifting  etc. 

Sammen  | falbe  vi  (i  Snebferarbejbe)  mortis« 
together;  (Sbntng)  renter.  -fa;ib<n)iag  c  mor 
tising  etc. 

Sammen | føje  vt  join,  put  together.  -Wntng 
c  joining,  junction;  ck\r  synthesis;  cvmc  (Steøet) 
joint,  jointing. 

Sammmlførc  ve  bring  togetber.  -ført«*  c 
bringing  etc. 

Sammenlgro  vi  grow  together;  ckir  coalesce. 
•groning  growing  etc.,  coaleacence. 

Sammengttbning  c  pouring  together. 

Sammen|g«ret  c  (Zømr.)  mltred.  -gørri«g  c 
joining  by  mitre-jolnt. 

Sammen |  bage  vt  hook  togetber.  •tegatsg  e 
hooking  etc. 

Samraenlbefte  ve  stitch  together.  •tefttttog  <* 
stitching  etc. 

Sammenbeffe  ve  ^  shackle  togetber. 

Samme«be»te  ve  bring  el  fetcb  together. 

Sammenbjnffe  fe  Sammenjafre. 

Sammen  |  bobe  vi  crowd  (togetber),  heap  op, 
amass.    -bobaing  c  crowding  etc. 

Sammen | bølb  n  coheaion,  coherenoe;  fio  union, 
harmony,  concord.  -bølbe  ve  hold  together,  fy 
compare,  confronL  -bølbelfe  c  comparison  -|øl- 
big  o  cohesive,  coherent.  -bølbiabeb  c  coberion 
-bolbning  c  comparison.  •bølbirraft  cohetiTe 
power,  tenacity. 

Sammenbocgte  ve  clasp  el.  book  together. 
*    /£? m»e  v1?,*"*   n  Se  e   coherenoe,   cohesion; 
mJ&2r< :nbrtfø.  connectlon;   en  ørom  the  oontext; 
wangei  poa  .  mcoherence;  uben  .  InooherenUr; 




uben  -  meb  unconnected  with;  bringe  nt  i  -  raeb 
make  st  flt  in  to;  bringe  -  i  introduoe  some  order 
in  to ;    bettr  rr  Sagen«  rette  -  thia  is  the  real 
state    of  the  case;  ban  forflarebe  mig  bele  -en 
he  explained  the  whole  affair,  the  right«  of  the 
case,  to  me.   -bongenbe  a  connected,  coherent, 
continuous,  consecutive;  adv  coherently.  -bange* 
fraft  power  of  cohesion,  cohesive  power. 
Stantmenbarenbe  o  belng  of  one  pieoe  el.  set. 
Sammenlage  vt  (8ilbt)  beat  up. 
Sammentalte  vt  jumble  together;  huddle  up. 
•Sammenftalbe  vt  call  (together),  convoke,  con- 
yene.     -totbelfe  o  calling  etc. 

3ammen|  tofte  vt  cast  together,  fling  together, 
throw  together.    -fatning  c  casting  etc. 
6amntcnNfe  vt  secure  by  wedges. 
Gommenfitte  vt  cement. 
Stamflnenjllojtelig  a  oollapaable.     -Ilojntng 
rol  lapse. 

&ammen[tlemme  vt  pren  el.  squeeze  together; 
-  Tumpen  wire-draw  the  steam.  -tlentnlttg  o 
pressing  etc. 

Sammen|ttinc  vt  paste  et.  glue  together.  -Hi' 
wing  c  pasting  etc. 
Stammenfllnf  c  vi  sound  in  harmony. 
Samtttentfinfe  vt  rivet  together. 
3ammen|tliftre  vt  paste  together.    -tttftrtng  c 
paating  etc. 
Santmenltlotrc,  -nubre  vt  patch  up. 
•3ammrn|tinm»e  vt  conglomerate.  -HnnMmlng 

Sammen|fl1jnge  vt  crowd   together,    throng 
together.    -flnngning  c  crowding  etc.) 
Sam  mrn|  flabe  fe  -fline. 
Santmentnajnc  rt  button  up. 
Sammen  I  fnibe  vt  pinch  together;   -   Øjnene 
hal  f- close  the  eyes;  -fneben  a  contracted.   -fnib- 
ning  c  pincblng  etc. 
Sammentnobe  vt  &  bend  et.  knot  together. 


fnugning  pressing  etc 


tange  vt  press  el.  squeeze  together. 

taljtte  vt  knit  el.  tie  together.   -tast- 

ning c  knitting  etc. 

Gammen  tobie  vt  fe  leoble.  -f obltng  coupling. 
-toblingdtabel  &  travene  table. 

Sammentage  vt  boil  together;  boil  in. 

Sammen!  tomme  vi  come  together.  -fomfl  c 
meeting,  interview. 

Sammeutrnmme  vt  bend  together. 

Sammentapm*e  fe  ftrømbe. 

Sammentræffe  vt  squeeze  together. 

Sammentføben  part  crouching. 

Sammentrøllc  vt  crumple. 

Sammen |  tabe  vt  chain  together,  link  together, 
concatenate.  -I åbning  c  chaining  etc.,  con* 

Sommenfamme  vt  (tømt.)  clamp  together. 

Sammenløb«  vt  colleot  by  purchase,  buy  in. 

Sammenføre  vt  carry  el.  cart  together;  gobt  -i 
well  trained  together. 

Sammenlaaftning  (Xømr.)  locking  together. 

Sammen llagbe/  -lagt  fe  -lægge;  -lagt  SRaft  made 

Sammenlage  vt  patch  up.  -(amning  patching 

Sammenlafle  vt  scarph  together. 

Sammenlebc  vt  gather,  couect. 

-  Sammen  j  lene  vt  live  together.  -lennet  n  fe 

Sammenjttgne  vt  (meb)  compare  (with,  to), 
uken  to;  tunbe  ifTe  -g  meb  could  not  compare 
with,  be  compared  to.  -lignenbe  a  comparative. 
*"fl«ing  c  -er  compaxison,  parallel;  onfUQe  - 
°>ake  el.  inititute  ae;  i  -  meb  in  c.  el.  (as) 
compared  with,  to;  uben  .  withoutc,  incompa- 
**%,  immeasurably,  (neb  Stt*erl.)  by  far,  by 

many  degrees,  far  and  away,  F  out  and  out, 
out  of  sight.  -llgningftgrab  c  gram  degree  of 

Samme«!  lime  vt  glue  together.  -Iim(n)ing 
gluing  etc. 

Sammen | labbe  vt  solder  together.  -løbning 
soldering  etc. 

Sammentalte  vt  close. 

Sammcnltjøe  vt  (abricate,  concoct. 

Sammenl lagbar  a  collapsable.  -tegge  vt  put 
together;  (folbe)  fold  up;  (tal)  add  up,  sum  up. 
-logning  o  foldlng  etc ;  addition. 

Sømmenlomfc  fe  Sammentabe. 

Sammen | Lab  n  concourse,  confluz;  (om  ftlober) 
confluence.  +-Ubc  vi  fe  SJobe  f ammen.  -Ubenbe 
a,  math  converglng.  -Uben  a  (Vtalt)  curdled 
(milk);  .  $ob  crowd,  mob. 

Sammenmatfe  fe  ffltatre  femmen. 

Sammennagle  vt  nall  together. 

Sammenneftc  vt  baste  together. 

Sammennitte  vt  rivet  together. 

Sammcnnøfte  vt  connect  by  xnortise  and 

Sammen |  orbne  vt  arrange  (together).  -orbning 
arranging  etc. 


bolte  vt  pack  (up);  fio  crowd.    -nat« 

ning  c  packlng  etc 

Sammen  parre,  vt  match,  pair  together.  ->or« 
ring  c  matching  etc. 

Sammeu|naifc  vt  sult  together,  adapt  to- 
gether, flt  together.    -nafntng  o  suiting  etc. 

Sammenslutte  vt  gather;  fio  compile.  -pint' 
ning  e  gathering  etc. 

Sammenlpløfe  vt  join  by  slit  and  tongue. 
-pUJning  joining  etc. 

Sammenrulle  vt  peg  together. 

Sammenrotte  vt  »»  proffe  {ammen. 

Sammeninreftfc  vt  preas  el.  squeeze  together. 
•»redning  c  pressing  etc.,  compression. 

Sammenbragte  vt  stuff  el.  cram  together. 

Sammenpnge  vt  (f.  (Efs.  $enge)  hoard  up 

Sammen  |  raab  »  calling  together.  -roabe  vt 
call  together. 

Sammenragc  vt  rake  el.  ocrape  together. 

Sammen rayfe  vt  scrape  together  by  pilfering. 

Sammen]  regne  vt  cast  up,  sum  up,  add  up. 
-regning  c  casting  etc. 

Sammenri(e)  vt  baste  together. 

Sammenrimnc  vt  baste  together. 

Sammenrittbe  fe  Sammenfinbe. 

Sammenrinae  vt  call  together  by  ringing. 

Sammenrinfc  vt  coil  up. 

Sammen|ri»e  vt  rake  together.  -rivning 
raking  etc. 

Sammenrøet  a:  gobt  .  rowing  well  together. 

Sammen  |  rotte  fig  vr  conspire,  plot,  en  ter  in  to 
a  conspiracy.    -røttclfe  e  -r  conspiracy,  plot. 

Sammen  I  rnfle  ve  roll  up,  roll  together;  -rullet 
a  $  convolute.    -mlning  rolling  etc. 

Sammentræffe  vt  move  together,  close.  -ret- 
ning movlng  etc. 

Sammen | rttnlc  vt  gather.  -rtjntaing  gathering. 

Sammenrnfft  vt  shake  together,  hustle. 

Sammenrare  vt  mix  up,  stir  up  el.  together. 

Sammenfamte  fe  6ammenfante. 

Sammenfang  c  chorus,  chorus-singing. 

Sammeufantje  vt  gather,  get  together.  -ning 
e  gathering  etc. 

Sammenfat  a  compound;  (inbbiflet)  complex; 
(Qtomfi)  composite;  (©lob)  compound;  flere  Sange 
-  decompound,  deoomposite;  -  af  compoaed  of, 
made  up  of;  -  Orb  compound;  -  Slof,  ttunbfrot, 
TOaft  ^  made  block,  floor,  mast. 

Sammenftnrre  vi  concrete. 

Sammenfrrabe  vt  scrape  together;  fig  amaas. 




©ammenlffrift  c  Join -nand,  joining  band. 
-ffrftie  vt  complle,  cont  scribble,  huddle  up. 
•ffribning  c  compilation. 

©ammen  Iflrne  vt  screw  together;  -t  3*  elosely 
packed  ice.    -frrnning  screwlng  etc. 

©ammenlfrrnmbe*  vd  Bhrlvel  (up),  -fTrnmpet 
a  shrivelled  (up). 

©ammen  |ffnb  n  collection,  contribution,  sub- 
scriptiou.  -flnbifeng  telesoopic  bedstead.  -ffybe 
vt  dub  together,  suDscribe;  -  en  Itapital  raise  a 
sum  of  money  by  subscription. 

©ammenfftbe  vt  push  ri.  ahove  together. 

©ammen  IfnMIe  vt  wash  together  In  a  heap. 
-ffblning  washing  etc. 

©ammrnlffaa  vt  knock  together;  (farterne  af 
et  Zoo)  lay  up.  -flag  knocking  etc.  -flagning 
(af  lob)  laylng  up. 

©ammenffibe  vt  grind  in. 

©ammenjflntte  vt  join  close  together;  -  Øe* 
lebrxne  close  the  ranks.    -ffntning  c  unison. 

©ammcn|jlbttge  vt  interweave,  intertwine;  -t 
ker  (om  to  »touter)  fretted,  (om  flere)  interfretted. 
•flttagning  c  interweaving  etc. 

©ammen  Iflatbe  vt  drag  together.  -flfltbnlng 
dragging  etc. 

©ammen  |fmeb(b)e  vt  forge;  fig  forge,  fabricate, 
trump  up;  clap  up  a  match  between.  »fmebntng 
forging  etc. 

©ammen|fme(te  vt  k  i  melt,  fuse  el.  burn  to- 
gether et.  into  a  mass;  fig  amalgamate,  (lun  0 
coalesce.  -fmelrnlng  c  melting  etc,  fusion;  fig 
coalescence,  amalgamation. 

©ammenfmergle  vt  flt  on  by  emery-grinding. 

©ammenlfnure  vt,  -fnuring  fe  flrite,  -ffcttv 
ninø.    -fnwrer  compilator. 

©ammtnlfnerbe  vt  constrlnge,  constrlct,  con- 
tract;  en  -nbe  Smog  an  astrlngent  taste;  -nbe 
(abfrringerenbe)  TOfbbel  »stringent,  -fnerpning  c 
constriction,  contraction. 

©ammenfno  vt  twist  el.  twine  together. 

©ammen|fn*re  vt  lace  together;  -  tøflen  paa 
en  strangle  one,  fig  $alfen  -S  paa  mig  I  feel  a 
tightenlng  on  my  throat,  I  have  a  choking  sen- 
sation; mit  fterte  *  my  heart  shrlnks.  -fiuring 
lacinff  etc 

©ammen  |f  bore  vt  save;  -be  fjenge  savlngs. 
•fbaring  c  saving. 

©ammenfbtgre  vt  nail  together. 

©ammen  Ifbft  n  ensemble;  bet  bleb  ubført  meb 
ypperligt  .  it  was  performed  with  excellent 
harmony.  -fpiOet  a.  gobt  .  playing  well  to- 

©ammcnlfbinb  n  (f.  CtS.  af  Opbigteifer)  fig  tissue 
of  tolsehood).  -fblnbe  vt  spin  together;  fig  hatch, 
brge,  trump  up. 

©ammenlfblebfe,  -fblejfe  vt  splice  together. 

©ammenfbimbe  vt  buckle  together;  (i  Sag) 
yoke  together. 

©ammenftablr  vt  pile  up,  heap  up  el.  to- 

♦©ammenftambe  vt  stamp  together. 

+©ammenffabe  vt  spell  out. 

©ammen|fremme,  -ftenrning  fe  ©am.. 

©ammenifrUIe  vt  place  ef.  put  together;  gronp; 
parallel,  compare.  -ftiBing  e  pladng  etc.; 
juxtaposition.  collocation;  comparison. 

©ammenlftimle  vi  fioek  el.  crowd  (together); 
+  t«  crowd.    -flimling  c  gathering;  crowd. 

©ammenftobbe  vt  (l  «tt.  en  6ttømpe)  dam  (a 

©ammenftrfinme  vi  fe  -flimle. 

©ammen  Iftnbe  vt  stow  together.     -Jnbning 

stowing  eto.  .^m-x 

6ammen|fH»ffe  vt  piece  together.    -frbntlng  c 

plecing  etc. 
©ammen  Iftbr  te  vt  mil  In  el.  down;  fall  to 


ruins,  collapse.    -frbrtniBg  c  alling  in  el.  dova, 
breakdown,  collapse. 

©ammen  Iftanne  vt  convoke,  convene,  summe* 
together.  -ftttbntng  convoking  etc,  convocs 

©ammenlftøbe  vt  cast  together.  -Iteftmiai 
casting  etc. 

©ammen  fftøb  n  (mellem  to  øenHmmbe)  coo- 
cussion,  collision,  conflict;  ^  coUision,  fouU 
(fienbtligt)  encounter;  (af  Dmfftanbtgfcebex  o*»..- 
coincidence,  conourrence.  -ft»be  vt  pound  up 
together;  fe  6t#be  fammen;  -enbe  a  coneoReni 
-enbe  Siber  gtom  coterminous  sides.  •ftataHaf 
fe  -fl»b. 

©ammenfnnget  o :  gobt .  singing  well  together. 

©ammenfttttfet  pari  sunk  down;  sunk  into 
ruin;  fig  prostrate,  unnerved. 
©ammenfn'rinm  n  -er,  fe  ttuftomfnnp. 

©ammenlfbejfe  vt  weld  together.    -ftetøsriBf 

weldlng  etc. 

©ammrnlfbarge  fig  vt  conspire  (om  at  to):  be 
-f  Dorne  the  conspirators.     -fb<rrgelfe  c  -r  con 
spiracy,  plot. 

©ammenfbtbe  vt  roll  together. 



sewing  together;  (Søm,  ©tyihtg)  se*m 

©ammen  [fb  vt  sew  together,  seam;  .   £*fl* 
alle.  " 

bibt  forge 

•fnning  c  -er  (bet  at  fo  f 

©ammenfbnfning  o  settllng. 

©ammen (farne  vt  compose,  compound,  pat  el. 
join  together;  et  -fat  Orb  a  compound  (word), 
fe  Sammenfat,  -facttfflg  a  compoundable.  -f «rttrt 
(Urm.)  watch-holder.  -fdttning  c  -er  compoa- 
tion;  coftc  compound. 

©ammenfsge  vt  gather. 

©ammentage  vt  take  together. 

©ammentaipe  vt  mortise  together. 

©ammentigge  vt  collect  by  begging. 

©ammentone  vi  sound  in  harmony  el.  unison 

©ommentrttte  vt  wheel  together. 

©ammenrromme  vt  drum  el.  call  together, 
summon,  convoke. 

©ammen|trbtte  vt  compress,  iqueese  together; 
laber  fig  -  mav  be  compressed;  -ft  eojftab  U«a- 
ture.  -rrbffe«g  a  compressible.  •rr^tfetig|e»  c 
compressibility.  -trtotaing  ecompreoion.  -rr^t- 
ningøprsbe  o  compression  test. 

©ammen|tr«be  vt  tread  down,  stamp  together, 
vi  (f.  «».  om  9or(amIinger)  meet,  assemble 
-trcebelfe,  -trffben  c  meeting. 

©ammen|trfff  n  coincidence.  •rrsrffc  vi  fe 
træffe  fammen.    -trfltffen  fe  -traf. 

©ammenltraJtfe  vi  contract;  (famle)  drmw  to- 
gether, collect,  assemble;  -  fig  contract,  shrink. 
•trotrtelig  a  contractile.  -rroctltnbe  o  9Kbbel 
astrlngent;  ~  SRuftel  constrictor.  -rrarhilag  c 
drawing  etc.,  contraction. 

©ammen|rramge  vt  crowd  el.  preas  together, 
(ogf*  fig)  condense,  compact  -tromft  a  con 
densed,  compact,  concentrated,  concise,  sne- 
elnet;  $  congested.  -trsnifltajck  c  conoentration, 

6ammevt»inbc  vt  twine  el.  twist  together. 

©ammentbinge  vt  force  together. 

©ammenltdtOe  vi  sum  up.    -taBing  c  sum 
ming  up. 

©ammenlUmre  vt  construct.    -ttmrtng  con 

©ammenbant  a  (om  Irbag)  aocustomed  to  be 

©ammenbie  vt  join  in  wedlock. 

©ammen|bitle  vt  roll  together,  wrap  up.  -bil« 
Uttj  e  rolling  etc. 

©ammenjbtrfe,  -birfenbe  fe  ©ambirte. 

©ammenlbofAe  vi  grow  together,  smo?  coalesce; 
•t  ^  connate,  (oeb  (Ørnnben)  coadunate.  •swUci, 




-»øfbntng  c  ooncretion,  accretlon,  coalescence, 
ornat  symphysfs. 

Gamwenbribc  vt  twist  together. 

Samntenbrøøle  vt  muddle  together. 

®antme*|tKetft  e  fe  -bofftning. 

€>anunenb*nnci  vp  get  accustomed  to  be  to- 

#3ammen|bttb  n  fe  -fpinb.  -bøtte  vt  weave  to- 
gether.   -bebntng  o  weaving  together. 

Sammentalte  et  knead  together.  -altning 
kneadlng  etc. 

GammelfUgft  o  the  same  kind  of.  -peb*  ad© 
in  the  game  place.  -ftebftfrø  adv  from  the  same 
place.    -ftebdtyen  ad«  to  the  same  place. 

Øammøbre  a  of  the  same  mother. 

@amøfe'b  c  -et  Samo'yed. 

Sam'lørbnc  vt  coordinate.  -ørbntng  coordina- 

+#3*mraab  »  clamour,  outcry. 

@øm|røøb  n  joint  dellberation;  i  -  in  concert. 
•-raabe  flg  vr  deliberate,  consult  (together). 

*€>amft  a  unsorted. 

Samfang  c  fe  6ammenfang. 

®amfibig  a  on  the  same  side. 

GamfTole  mixed  school. 

Ctamftffgrntng  c  congener. 

Ctantfon  Samson.  -|iofl,  -ftøtte  ^  Samson'i 

*3ømfplt  fe  €ammenfpil. 

Garn  pernitne  ri  harmonize,  be  in  unison,  fig 
agree.  -mente,  -mig  a  agreeing,  ooncordant; 
tlfe  -  discordant;  -  Øembtter  congenial  minds. 
-ning  c  agreement,  accordance,  harmony. 

+ØjamfHBing  c  apposition;  a$t  con jtm  etion. 

Samføflenbe  pi  full  brothers  and  sisters. 

Cfemt  prosp  together  with;  meb  -  b.  f.;  conj  as 
al  so,  and  (at  the  same  time). 

Gamtalt  o  -t  conyersation,  converse,  disconrse, 
colloquy,  dialogue;  (let)  talk,  confabulation ; 
føre  en  -  hold  el.  carry  on  a  conyersation ;  tnb» 
lebe  nt  -  meb  enter  into  conyersation  with. 
6amttlc  vi  converse,  disconrse,  talk,  confabu- 
late.  -emne  topic  (of  conyersation).  -form  the 
form  of  a  dialogue. 

6am|tib  c:  fon«,  bor  ofb.  -  el.  -en  his,  our 
con  temporaries;  the  age;  -en*  Wenneffet  the 
people  of  the  age  in  which  he  (she,  we  ofb.) 
lives  el.  lived.  -Hblg  a  contemporary,  cotem- 
porary,  ooeval,  coezistent,  contemporaneous, 
synchronous;  (-t  inbtraffenbe)  simultaneous,  (meb) 
coincident  with;  bore  -e  onr  con  temporaries;  — 
adv  (-t)  at  the  same  time;  contemporaneously. 
•tibtgbeb  o  contemporarlhess,  contemporanelty; 
simultaneousneøs,  simultaneity. 

Cfemtlfge  a  all  together,  one  and  all,  eaeh 
and  all  of  them;  .  80  Srenge  the  whole  90  boys-, 
of  bsilfe  .  fim  een  ...  of  alf  of  whom  only  one 
.  .  .     CtamtHg  adv  in  a  body. 

6*mtøae  vi  sound  togetber. 

Samtbbig  a  synonymous.    -beb  c  synonymy. 

fjant  tbffc  vi  i  (+t>0  consent  el.  agree  to;  +  - 
meb  agree  with;  nirfe  -nbe  nod  assent;  fmilebe 
•nbe  smiled  adhesion.  6amtbtte  n  consent, 

6amnel  Sam'uel. 

Gamnm  c  simoo'm,  simoo'n. 

Ckrmbanbring  c  ramble  in  Company. 

+6antbtben  c  consciousness. 

€øm|øirfe  vi  co-operate,  aet  in  concert;  -  ti! 
contribute  towards;  _  til  at  concur  el.  conspire 
to.  -btrtenbc  o  co-operative.  -bitten,  -bfrtafng 
c  co-operatlon,  united  action,  conjoint  action, 
concurrence,  concert. 

6øm»it'tigbeb  c  -er  conscience;  -en*  Røfl  the 
voice  of  conscience;  en  gob,  ren  .  a  quiet,  clear 
conscience;  en  rummelig,  elaflift  -  a  large  el. 

aooommodating  c,  a  Iawyer's  c.;  meb  gob  - 
conscientiously,  in  conscience,  honestly;  bet  fan 
bu  gøre  meb  en  gob  .  you  o&n  do  it  with  a  safe 
c,  without  (much)  compunction;  bet  ftriber  mob 
ban*  -  it  goes  against  his  conscience;  bon  gjorbe 
ftg  ingen  -  af  ot . . .  he  did  not  scruple  to  .  . .; 
banø  .  flaar  barn  bis  c.  smites  him;  \  tage  paa  responslble  for,  dispose  of,  set  tie,  give 
(a  good)  account  of;  bbab  bar  bu  paa  -en? 
what  have  you  on  your  mind?  5)e  bat  nt  paa 
-en  there  is  something  on  your  conscience ;  paa 
Vttt  og  -  upon  my  soul  and  honour;  faa  faar 
bu  bet  paa  btn  ~  you  will  have  that  to  answer 
for.  —  6am»itrigbeb£|axgfi  anguish  of  con- 
science. -btb  twinge(s)  of  conscience.  -fri|eb 
liberty  of  conscience.  -ftttb  a  conscientious, 
scrupulous,  religions,  -fnlbbeb  c  conscientious- 
ness,  scrupulosity.  -gerning  fe  -fag.  -fbal  pangs 
of  conscience.  -tø*  a  unprlncipled,  unconsdenti- 
ous,  unscrupulou8,  void  of  conscience.  -nag 
remorse,  compunction.  -pligt  duty  in  con- 
science, bounden  duty.  -prø*e  test  of  con- 
science. -ro  peace  of  c.  -fag  matter  of  c. 
•ftrnpel  fe  tbibl.  -fpørgømaal  question  of  c, 
Indiscreet  question.  -tbøng  restraint  of  c,  in- 
tolerance,   -tbibl  scruple  of  conscience. 

Ctontbfftøt  c  simultaneous  growtb;  fe  ©ammen- 

6am|  baren  c,  *-øar,  -bare  n  being  el.  llying 
togetber;  meeting. 

eønato'rinm  n  -ter  sanatorium,  sanatarium. 

6«ub  a  true:  (birfe(ig)  real;  t  k  bibl  very;  - 
Xib,  SRibbag  ofo.  apparent  Urne,  noon  etc.;  bet 
bar  en  -  fitjfTe  it  was  a  piece  of  real  good  luck; 
en  -  Zriumf  a  real  el.  perfect  trinmph,  quite  a 
triumph;  bet  -e  the  truth;  -t  at  flge  to  say  el.  tell 
the  truth;  Jeg  fiflet  for  -  I  tell  you  for  certain; 
\aa  -t  jeg  leoer  as  I  live;  faa  -t  bu  elffer  mig  as 
you  love  me;  faa  -t  bjcelpe  mig  ©nb  so  help  me 
God;  -t  nol !  bet  er  en  bbr  ^omøielje  indeed !  ti. 
in  truth !  it  Ib  an  expensive  amusement;  bet  øar 
bog  t  it  proved  true;  bet  er  -t!  by  the  bye!  iffe 
et  -t  Orb  not  a  word  of  truth;  bet  er  oobt,  iffe  -t? 
it  is  good,  isn't  it?  5)u  tom  ber,  tffe  t?  you 
came  there,  did  you  not  (didn't  you)?  ban  faa 
bet  iffe  t?  he  saw  it,  eh? 

Sonb  n  (t  A  *c)  sand,  (groft)  gravel;  befttø 
meb  ./  ftrø  -  paa  sand,  fiø  bDndly  endorse;  fofte 
en  .  i  Øjnene  throw  dust  into  one's  eyes;  fig 
løbe  ub  i  -et  come  to  nothlng,  end  in  smoke. 
6onb|aol  sand-eel,  Ammodyte*  ianeea.  -nat  fe 
-boffe.    -ager  fe  -motf.    -agrig  a  sandy. 

CtenbaTe  -er  san'dal. 

6anbaraf  o  sand'darac. 

6anbort  c  pike-perch,  Perca  lueioperea. 

Ckinbjart  species  of  sand.  -arne  sandwort, 
Arenarta  »erpyltifolia.  -baab  sand-boat.  -bob 
sand-bath.  -baffe  sand-hill.  -baSaft  sand  bal- 
last, -bante  sand-bank,  sands  pi.  -barre  bar. 
•bille  tiger  beetle,  Cicindeia.  -bing  sand-cbest. 
•bjeerg  sand-hill.  -biørn  carcajou,  American 
badger,  Jlfe/«t  labradorxea.  -btabfe-oob*.  -btanbet 
a  mixed  with  sand.  -borb  &  limber  board. 
•børbigang  limber-strake.  -børbblem  limber 
-board,  -børbfplanfe  limber-strake.  -breb  sandy 
bank;  sandy  beach.  -brint  steep  sand-bank. 
-bnnb  sand  bottom.  -bnnfe  fe  -bob.  -btrøt  sand 
-squall.    -bribe  drift  of  sand. 

6anb|brn  a  veracious.  truthful.  -bmbeb  c 
veracity,  truthfulness.  *-brømt  a  true-dreaming, 
whose  dreams  prove  true. 

6anb|bbne  (sand)  dune,  down.  -bbnge  fe  -bob. 
Ckinbe  vi  drift  sand;  -  til  be  filled  with  sand; 
—  +  vt  sand. 

€tanbe  vt  attest  the  truth  of,  verify;  own. 

6anbegn  c  sandy  region  el.  country. 




6aubelig(en)  adv  indeed,  .  traly,  verily,  in 
truth,  of  a  truth,  in  all  conaclence. 

Ganbeltro;  n  sandal-wood. 

6aubet  a  sandy,  aanded,  sabulous.  —  6anb|< 
flabe  fe  -flette,  -flat  n  sand-flat.  »flugt  sand 
-drift.  -Konter,  -fKaubrc  flounder,  Pieuronecu* 
Jfenu.  -fog  drifUng  sand.  -formmould  ofsaad. 
-formning  sand-castlng. 

6<tnblfær'btg,  -fcrr'bigteb  fe  -btu,  -brubeb. 

Saab]  gang  sand-walk.  -gobl  scrubs,  Mary- 
land tobaooo.  -gran  sand-pit.  -graner  sand 
-digger.  -grnnb  sandy  bottom.  -gral  gravel. 
-grad  lyme-grass,  Elymut  arenaritu.  -granting 
fe  -aa(.    -ban  immense  sandy  waste. 

Ctaabtcb  c  -er  truth;  ben  rene  -  the  real  el. 
exact  truth;  flge  -  speak  (the)  truth;  ftge  en  -en 
tell  one  a  bit  of  one's  mind,  give  it  to  one;  i 
-,  fe  Sanbelig;  blib  beb  -en  stick  to  the  truth; 
naar  jeg  flat  ftge  -en  to  tell  the  truth;  bringe  Hl 
•*  ttrfenbelfe  bring  to  see  the  truth;  ttæbe  -en  for 
nær  violate  the  truth. 

Gaabftebe  c  sandy  heath. 

6anbbebft|brift  instinct  of  truth.  -foruagtelfe 
denial  of  the  truth.  -farlig  a  veraoious.  -far« 
UgQeb  veracity,  love  of  truth.  -orb  word  of 
truth.  -firmate  voice  of  truth.  -fageabe  a  seeker 
of  truth.  -ben  friend  to  truth.  -btbne  one  wbo 
bears  witness  to  the  truth;  confessor,  martyr. 

6aab|  Malme  marram,  bent,  Ammopkiia  are- 
naria.  -Qob  heap  of  sand.  -Qngsrm  sand- viper, 
Vipera  ammodyte*.  -tyn!  sand-box.  -tøf  sand 
-hlll.  -bane  sand-grouse,  Pteroelei  arenariut;  fe 
ttratfbale.    Gaublg  a  fe  Sanbet. 

6aubir  »  sandix. 

6aab|forb  sandy  soli.  -tage  sponge-cake. 
-fopel  sand-cupel.  -fifle  reposltory  for  sand. 
-Hit  down.  -frabbe  sand-cmb,  Ocypoda.  -Irab 
black  salwort,  sea  milkwort,  Olaux  maritima. 
•-tnerb  fe  $igftbar.  -lul  anthracltlc  slate-coal. 
-frater  eryx.  -lag  layer  of  sand.  -ler  sand 
mixed  wlth  clay.  -lilje  St.  Bruno's  llly,  Anthe- 
ricum  liliattrum.  -loppe  jlgger,  ohigoe,  Pul  ex 
pmetratu.  -lotte  Alpine  lark,  Alauda  alpøttru. 
-larreb  sand-cloth.  -laber  sanderling,  CUidrU 
arenaria;  fe  -bille,  -mabbll  fe  -orm.  *-male  vt 
sharpen  (the  mill-stones)  by  grinding  gravel. 
-manb  sand-man.  t-mart  sandy  fleld.  -mergel 
sandy  marl.  *-mige  fe  -muftling.  -mile  drift  of 
quicksand.  -mulb  sandy  loam.  -mnlbet  a :  -be 
Sorbet  sandy  loams.  -musling  sand-gaper,  Mya. 
*-mal(e)  steep  sandy  bank.  -aeBtl  maiden  pink, 
Ditnthu*  areniriut.  -orm  lug,  Lumbricu*  mari- 
nt*, -papir  sand-paper.  -alf  downy  willow, 
S*li$c  arenaria.  -plabe  (p.  ©ogn)  dirt- board, 
•pram  sand-lighter,  -pranger  fe  -manb.  -pumpe 
pump-scraper.  -reb,  -reble  shoal,  bar,  ridge  of 
sand,  (lange)  sand  spit.    -rør  fe  -tøælme. 

Ganbfagn  n  true  saying. 

éaubftfjaf  c  sangiac. 

6anb|figenbe  o  prophesying.  -figer  c  -e. 
-Rgerffe  c  -r  soothsayer.  -ftgertunlt  art  of 

eanbjfflfer  schistous  sandstone.  6anb§toru 
grain  of  sand.  6aub|fl  rubbe  fe  -flonbec.  -ffube 
sand-boat.  -flag  club-grass,  Corynephonu.  -flette 
sandy  plaln. 

"Ganbfpaabb  a  a  true  prophet. 

£aub|fpaan  (p.  Sinter)  biil,  pea.  -fpor  4, 
limber.  -f partern,  -fporplaute  llmber-  board, 
•ftar  sea-sedge,  Oatex  areaarta.  -ften  sandstone. 
-Penabrnb  sandstone  quarry.  -ftenttlippe  cliff 
of  sandstone.  -fttrm  sand-storm,  -fnate  fe 

GanbfB'utlg  a  likely,  probable;  bet  -fle  er  at 
the  chances  el.  odds  are  that.  -$eb  e  likelihood, 
probabllity,  verislmllitude;  efter  al  •  in  all  likeli- 

hood el.  probabllity;  ber  er  megen  -  for  ot  ti 
chances  et.  odds  are  that;  ber  er  meget  ringe 
for  the  odds  are  long  agalnst;  go*  tftbgtet  n  ri 
•  gave  some  colour  to  the  rumour.  -pebllrrc 
the  doctrine,  theory  ofprobabllitles.  -peb&bc 
regning  calculatton  of  probabllitlea.  -bi*  mi 
probably,  in  all  likelihood. 

Saubjfaae  sand-soap.  -fe!  sand-bag.  -nj 
sand-pit.  -tange  sand-spit.  -togt  c  taking  sad* 
-ur  hour  glass,  wateh-glass.  -banner  fe  -an 
-»ej  sandy  road.  -bogn  sand-cart.  -natøt  p\*i 
requiring  a  sandy  soil.  «nrt,  -orten  aandy  desei 

eang  c  -e  song;  (Gerningen)  singing:  (Bfbflii 
i  et  ftørre  $igt)  canto,  -bar  a  adapted  for  *ioi 
ing,  melodious.  -barfjeb  c  melodiousness.  -b< 
book  of  songs;  (meb  9cober)  singing  book.  -bal 
sound-board,  soundlng- board,  -cif abe  cicad 
-bigt  lyric  poem.  -bigter  lyric  poet.  -bro*f 
song  thrush,  Turdtu  muticuå. 

6anger  e  -e  singer,  vocalist,  songster,  (fr°fi 
warbler,  Sylvia;  fø  poet,  bard,  minstrel  -bal 
poetlc  work,  minstrelsy.  -brat  king  of  poet 
-feft  choral  tete.  6angeriab'e  c  -r  alnger,  vo<-« 
ist,  songstress,  eont  singing  girl.  GangerjUa 
singing-match,  poetlc  tournament.  -tnejpe  m' 
aic-hall.  -for  chorus  of  slngers.  -freb#  ciro 
of  poets.  -lib  singer'8  et.  poet's  life.  -rp  r 
nown  as  a  singer  el.  poet.  -felflob  companr  e 
band  of  slngers.  Sangerffe  c  -r  songstress,  6»i 

6ang| forening  singing  dub,  choral  uniøi 
glee  society.  -fugl  singing  bird.  -gnben  th 
God  of  song,  Apollo,  -gnbinbe  muse.  *b* 
singing  hawk,  Fulco  muricu*.  -Natter  fe  -t»«r 
-for  chorus.  -trebl  cycleof  songs.  -tarrerCiabi 
singlng-master,  professor  of  singing.  -l*rfe  sk 
•lark,  Alaudi  arotntu.  -mefter  singing  maste 
-m*  fe  -gubinbe.  -nobe  singing  note.  -rig  j 
melodious.  -rigbom  richness  in  melody.  -f>' 
fe  Snngefplt.  -ftemme  fe  ©bngeftemme;  voice-part 
•fbane  hooper.  whistling  swan,  Cvgnu§  muiir*' 
-time  singing- lesson.  Mroft  fe  -brolfrl.  -nn>n 
bifalng  teachlng  of  singing.  -aaberPifningi 
metobe  method  of  teachlng  singing.  -»er£  vers 
of  a  song.    -bart  chime  of  bel  Is. 

6ang|biniter  c  -e  sang'ulne person.  -Pinff * 
sangulne;  nære  -e  førbentninger  be  sanguine  (of 

6an  ifel  c  sanicle. 

Gaultæ't  a  san'itary. 

©anfc  vt  gather,  oollect,  cull,  pick;   -  W 
glean;  .  gloenbe  Irul  heap  ooals  of  fire;    *  vd, 
fta  vr  assemble,  gather.     6ante|aU   gleaning 
pi.    -brænbe  stteks,  faggots  pi.    -barn  reserroii 
•-teine  recetving  hulk.     6anrnina  c  gatherin« 

Bantt  a  Saint,  St.;  .  Oern^arb  Graat  8t.  Bern 

6anft^anft|  aften  Midsummer-eve.  'baai.  -btm 
fire  of  Midsummer-eve.  -bag  St.  John  the  Bap 
tlst's  day,  Mldsummer-day.  -itb  8t.  John's  nre 
-Ug  livelong,  orphlne,  Sedum  teUpkium.  -ara 
glowworm.  -art  perforated  St.  John's  wort 
Hyoericum  pw/oratmm;  fe  -tag. 

6anttio'n  o  sanction,  assent;  ftongeni  .  thi 
royal  assent.  6anfrione're  vt  sanc'tion;  giv« 
one's  assent  to;  nagtc at  -  withhold  ones assen 
from,  veto. 

eanfraeitl'baal  fe  Seitft*. 

Banv  e  -er  sense;  gob,  funb  -  plaln,  good  sense 
bet  er  tlfe  funb  .  i  bet  it  Is  nonsense;  (ape  .  fo' 
have  a  sense  of;  \pn  fytr  ingen  .  fot  Wuflit,  $øtf 
he  has  no  taste  for  music.  poetry;  uare  beb  • 
og  Samling  be  in  one's  right  senses;  nære  fra  - 
og  6.  be  out  of  one's  senies;  (omme  til  -  øf 
Gamling  igen,  faa  fine  -er*  Orug  igen  recover  one'* 
senses;  falbe  i  -erne  be  percepttble  by  (to)  tbc 
senses.     6aufe  or  (bemaeife)  percelve,    notice, 




trnet  oegQnbcr  at  _  the  child  begins  to  notice 

jerts,    to  take  notice;   bu  -r  tffe  ljbab  Subt  er 

[>l   thoa   savourest  not  the  things  that  be  of 


Sanfe  of  ^  haul  Uut. 

Sanfe)  bebrag  illusion   el.   deception  (of  the 

nses).     -foruemmetfe  sense-perception.     -fr*b 

nsual  pleasure.     -tnbtrtjf  impression  on  the 

r^es,    sense-impression,   sensation.     -tage    F 

Tresher.     Sanfelig  a  of  the  Benses,  belonging 

el.  affecting  the  senses,  sensuous,   (legemlig) 
ly^ical,    materlal,    (meft   i  flet   ©et.)  sensuel 
aufettafjeb  o  senses;  sensuousness,  sensualism. 
attfelto  sensnal  life.    -(*§a,  -l*§teb  c  fe  Son 
Ma8.     -nemer  sensitive  nerves,    -ntjbelfe  sen- 
lal  pleasure.     -organ,  -rebflab  organ  of  sense, 
mse-organ,   sensory.     -tttl  intoxication  of  the 
»ises.     SanfeMad  a  senseless,  insensible;  fig 
loughtless,  heedless.     SoufeftUlteb  c  gense- 
»sness  etc.     Sanfe  {troet  a  whose  Bensos  are 
c-aried,  jaded.  -trtttfeeb  weariness  of  the  sense«. 
lerbrn  sensnal  el.  external  world.    -batfen  sen- 
ent  being. 
San&frit  n  sanscrit. 
Sanefnløt'  e  -ter  sans  culotte. 

Sauftuiuf  c  -er  perception,  sensation. 
Santentiug  c  J,  gammoning.     Souterntng«« 
n«  gammonlng-knee  (o.  fl.). 
Sapafa'  e  -tt  sap'ayon,  Ccbu*. 

Bapanttct  n  sapan'-wood. 

Sappe  c  x  sap.    Sabjw'r  c  -er  sap'per. 

Sar  c  savory,  Satureta. 

Sara  Sarah. 

Sarabau'be  c  -t  sar'aband. 

Sara|ce'ner  c  -e,  -ce'nlff,  -ce'nff  a  Sar'acen. 

Saritgøø'fa  n  Zaragossa. 

Sarbr  o  fe  ftorbfaper. 

Sarbel ,  Sarbin  o  -er  sa'rdel,  sa'rdlne,  Clu- 
*«  nardina. 

Sarbcr  c  (Sten)  6*6/  sardius. 

Sarbi'n|ieu  n  Sardin'ia.  -ier,  -ferinbe  c  -e,  -r 
►i;f!  o  Sardin 'ian. 

Sårbo  af ff  a  sardon'ic. 

Sarbo'nbS  c  sa'rdonyx. 

3argaø'fo|baafe  sargassobank,  bank  of  gulf 
n»ed     -tang  sargassum,  sargasso. 

SarfaØ'jme  c  -r  sa'rcasm.    -tiff  a  sarcastic(al). 

Sarfofa'g  c  -er  sarcoph'agus.  Sar to 'm  n  sar- 

Sarma't  c  -er,  -tf!  a  Sarmatian.  -te«  n  Sar- 

Saron  ti  Sharon. 

Sart  n  serge. 

Sa'rt  a  delicate. 

Sarb|e  øf  J,  keckle.    -ing  c  keckllng. 

Sadfafraft  o,  -re*  sassafrastree,  Laurus  taø«a- 

SaØfabariK'a  c  sarsaparilla. 

Sat  part  af  Satte.  Sat  a  sedate,  steady, 
stnid,  (om  Bafenj  demure,  grave;  af  -  Viber  of 
mature  age.    -(eb  c  steadlness  etc,  gravity. 

Satan  c  Satan;  fe  ogfaa  fganben,  potter,  mat*'- 
ntff  a  satan 'ic(al). 

Satin|e're  ri  glaze,  hot-press.  -ermaffine 
glHzing-machine.  -ering  c  glazing  etc.  -et'  n 
sarinet.    Satt'nir*  sat'in-wood. 

Sati  r|e  c  r  sat'ire.  -Ker  c  -e  sat'irist.  -tfla 
tatir'ical.    -ife're  vi  ober  sat'lrize. 

Satidf  afrim  c  satisfaktion. 

Satra'b  c  -er  satrap. 

Satl  c  -er  assertion,  proposition;  mixture, 
romposition,  (F  compo);  morA  theorem;  typ 
form,  romposition,  matter  (in  type);  mm«  com- 
poiition,  (Øfbel.)  movement;  (paa  XambfHfTe)  head. 
•forbolb  proportion  of  ingredients.  -fngle  bell 
metal  ball. 

Sarfeii   $anf!«$flgetfr  Drbbog. 

SatnraU'r  c  -er  oilperfumer. 

Satnre|'  c  savory. 

Saturn'  8at'ura.  -alier  pi  Saturnalia.  -tfl  a 

Satbr  o  -er  satyr,  -agt! g  a  satyr-like.  -f^pil 
satyr'ic  tragedy. 

*San  e  -er,  fe  ftaat.    -bnt  ram. 

San(floben)  c  the  Save. 

Sauce  c  -r  sauce;  .  til  Salat  salad-dresuing. 
-ffaal  sance-boat. 

•Sanjfaj  sheep-shears.  -frjæl  edible  cockle, 
Cardium  edule. 

Cteb  o  -t,  *Sag,  -er  saw;  *saw-mill. 

Sabau'uer  pi  savannas. 

Sa'b|blab  blade  of  a  saw.  -brug  sawmill  el. 
-work.  -bne  saw-frame;  saw-bow.  -but  Jack. 
•baaaet  a  saw-shaped;  serrate. 

*Sa»e  e  sap. 

Sabe  vt  saw.    -lab  fe  Sabbuf.    -nulte  fe  Sab>. 

Sa'blfifl  sawfish,  Pri»ti$.  »-fil*  fe  -fpaan.  -fsr- 
mig  a  fe  -bannet.  -gitter  saw-grate.  -grube 

Sabl,  Sable  fe  Sagl,  Sagte. 

Sa'b|*mugg  fe  -fpaan.  -malle  sawmill,  amr 

Sabn  n,  pi  s,  want;  (lob)  loss,  privation, 
bereavement,  regret;  afhjælpe  et  -  meet  a  desi- 
deratum;  efterlabe  et  .  leave  a  vold;  libe  .  Buffer 
privations.  Sabne  vt  want,  feel  the  want  of, 
(bbab  man  Ijar  ^aft)  miss;  ber  -9  to  two  are  miss- 
ing; be  -be  the  missing  men,  people;  -r  al  »runb 
is  devoid  of  all  foundation.  —  Sabn |  fri,  -Ud  a 
feeling  no  want,  lacking  nothing.  -fnib  a  re- 

Sa'buiug  e  sawing. 

Saboj'eu  n  Sav'oy.  Sabojarb'  c  -er  Savoya'rd. 
Sabo|arblire  c  hurdy-gurdy.  Sabb|faal  sav'oy 

Sa  p|rotte  fe  -fifl.  -flaaret  a  sawn.  *-ftnr 
sawing  of  tlmber.  -ffærer  c  -e  sawyer.  -fmnlb 
fe  -fpaan.  -fult  saw-notch,  kerf.  -fpøan  sawdust. 
^•ftol  fe  but.  'taltt  serrature.  -taflet  a  serrated. 
-taub  tooth  of  the  saw;  (^o*  $t)r)  saw-tooth. 
-tømmer  plsnk-timber.  -ublffgger  saw-set,  saw 
-wrest.    -bffrt  saw -work. 

Sar^fra  ga  c  sax'ifrage. 

Sabet'garu  fe  Raftmagergarn. 

Scammø'uium(rob)  c  scam'mony. 

Scene  c  -r  scene;  -n  (teatret)  the  stage;  fatte 
i  .  get  up;  bringe  paa  -n  place  on  the  boards  el. 
scene;  gaa  ober  -n  (Stbffe)  be  aet  ed,  perform  ed, 
(Sfuefpiuer)  cross  the  stage;  bet  font  til  en  -  there 
was  a  scene.  Scene |arranaentent  stage  dlrec- 
tions.  -ftraubriug  scene  shlfting.  -mftrufUr 
stage  manager,  -bantftcb  c  stage  practice  el. 
experience.  Seeniff  a  scenie  (el.  scen'lr),  thea- 
trical,  stage-. 

Scepter  n  -tre  sceptre;  fore  -et  bear  the  sceptre. 

Sdyatferffbe  c  street-Jew,  Jew-hawker. 

Sd)af|re  vi  chaffer.    -ren  c  chaffering. 

Sdjaft  e  -er  (Oieergb.)  shaft;  (i  SRalobn)  fire 
-room,  tunnel,    -obu  shaft -furnace 

SAamaulcrpiSha'mans.  -ismen Sha'manlsm. 

Sojatte  |re  vt  shade,  shadow.    -ring  c  shade. 

Saebcf  c  -fer  xe'bec. 

Snjeibe  vt  fe  Sfebe.  -ertø  o  bucking-ore.  -ftnø 
parting  workshop. 

Sa)elbeHoben  the  Scheldt. 

SibeØal  c  shellac,  gumlac. 

Scjema  m  -er  form,  sohedule.  Sa)ema'tiff  a 

SAenfel  [t.]  -f(er  leg. 

Scqilt  c  -er  layer,  stratum;  (Ørbejbétib)  shift; 
(Smeltn.)  batch. 

S$ipbe  fe  Sjippe. 

Sele  fl | en  n  8ilesla.    -er  c,  -ff  a  Sllesian. 





S4nibeljagt  o  paper-chase,  hare  and  hounds. 

Sftofct  ofb.,  fe  Sjofel. 

6*1!  mi  Stat)  scat! 

Sdrabffiab  [t.]  racoon's  skin. 

Ctøupprr  [t]  pJ  (paa  $jælm)  scales. 

Sdmmbatfter  Sfrift  German  Italica. 

Sd)ma»|eil  n  Suabia.    -If!  a  8  u  ab  Ian. 

Stimaraimafb  the  Black  Forest.     -malberur 
Datch  clock 

SftmeU  n  Switzerland.     -er  c,  -iff  a  Swiss; 
fe  oøfaa  Sbeftfet. 

6e,  faa,  fet  »<  A  i  we;  (ffue)  behold;  fe !  look ! 
(b'itib.,  >!a)  lo!  beholdt  .  gobt,  baarligt  have  a 
good,  bad  sight;  .  langt  be  far-slghted;  ber  et 
intet  at  -  nothlng  i*  to  be  seen;  there  Ib  nothlng 
apparent;  fan  bu  -  noget?  nej,  bet  et  intet  at  - 
can  yon  see  anything?  no,  I  can  aee  nothlng; 
om  |eg  -t  rigtigt  if  I  see  right;  faab  man  ifte  x. 
fat  man  iRe  onbt  af  what  the  eye  sees  not,  the 
heart  ruea  not;  tabe  .  show;  Ube  fig  -  put  in 
an  appearance,  make  one's  a.;  fan  laber  fig  albrig 
.  he  never  makes  his  appearance;  lob  fifl  itfe 
mere  -  was  seen  no  more;  tabe  fig  -  fot  $enae 
exhibit  one's  self  for  money;  faa  btbt  man  tunbe 
.  to  all  seeming;  fe!  fe!  -t  man  bet!  indeed! 
bless  my  soul!  otl  man  -1  see  now!  only  see! 
tb  - '  why !  tør  man  -t !  only  think !  did  you 
ever !  ban  -t  mange  QfoR  bo*  fifl  be  sees  many 
people;  bet  -r  jeg  gerne  I  Uke  that,  feø  faa  lige 
faa  gerne  I  had  as  llef  (as  not);  Jeg  -t  barn  gerne 
I  am  very  fond  of  him;  Jeg  -r  gerne,  at  bu  tommer 
I  shall  be  very  glad,  if  you  will  come;  gobt,  bi 
faa  at  -l  well,  we  shall  see!  i  eg  ftat  -,  tyoab  jeg 
fan  gøre  I  will  see,  what  I  can  do;  bu  maa  .  at 
tomme  you  must  try  to  come;  naar  man  -r  fam, 
ftutbe  man  tro  to  see  him  one  sbould  believe; 
bet  faa*  (man  ]aa)  ingen  ftolt  no  people  were  to 
be  seen.  we  saw  no  people;  bi  -g  fjælben,  faa« 
ofte  we  Beldom  meet,  often  met;  .fig  ftuffet 
find  one's  self  disappointed;  —  (m  eb  præp  k  <»dv)  ■. 
.ab,  om  pengene  ete  ber  see  if  the  money  is 
there;  jeg  ftat  -  ab  I  will  see  (what  I  can  do) 
ber  af  -t  man  hence  it  appears;  -  tlben  an  wait 
norne  time,  bide  one's  time,  (wait  and)  see;  - 
fine  golf  an  know  whom  one  has  to  deal  wlth; 
naar  man  -t  bott  fta  not  considering,  apart 
from,  independently  of;  -  efter  noget  look  for 
a  tbinff;  fan  ftob  og  faa  efter  mig  he  stood  iook- 
ing  after  me;  fan  faa  eftrr  ane  Begne.  om  ban 
funbe  finbe  bet  he  looked  for  it  every  where  in 
order  to  find  it;  .  efter  (pal  paa)  Børnene!  look 
to  the  children !  ban  faa  efter  i  Bogen,  paa  fin 
Cifie  he  consulted,  referred  to,  the  book,  his 
list;  fan  faa  ifte  {Regningen  efter  be  did  not  exam- 
ine  the  account;  -  etter,  om  see  If;  -  fig  for 
look  before  one;  -  big  for,  (bær  paa  bin  $oft) 
look  about  you!  -  big  for,  at  bu  ifte  falber!  see 
that  you  do  not  fall!  -ben  til  consider;  naar 
man  -r  fpn  HI  considering;  -  ben  til  en,  fe .-  -  inb: 
-  t  Spejlet  look  in  to  the  glass;  -  en  i  Vnfigtet 
look  into  one's  face.  -  igennem  look  through, 
look  over;  -  inb  til  en  call  upon,  look  in  upon, 
go  el.  come  and  see  one,  look  one  up;  -  neb 
paa  look  down  upon;  .om  <føge)  noget  look  for 
a  thing;  .  fig  om  (omtring)  look  about  one,  (til« 
bage)  look  round,  -  big  om  look  behind  you. 
.  fig  om  paa  et  Steb  take  a  view  of  a  place, 
view  the  curiosities  ot  a  place;  fan  faa  fig  om  i 
ttcerelfet  he  looked  about  the  room  fan  bar  -t 
ftq  om  i  Verben  he  has  seen  the  world;  _  fig  om 
efter  noget  look  for  a  thing,  ieg  maa  .  mig  om 
eftrr  en  anben  limer  I  must  look  out  for,  cast 
about  for,  another  servant  bet  fan  falbe,  før  man 
-r  fta  om  li  may  fall  before  you  expect  it  el. 
dream  of  it;  .op  til  en  look  up  to  one;  fe:  . 
inb;  .paa  look  at,  regard;  -  paa  fit  eget  ttebfte 

look  to  one's  own  interest;  fan  -t  ilte  9««  &~~ 
money  is  no  object  wlth  him;   bet  tril  ieg  -  b. 
I  defy  you  to  do  it;  bet  fan  ieg  .  paa  %em  I  et 
see  it  by  your  looks;   fan  faa   fifl    øanffe  fc- 
berpaa  he  looked  at  it,  till  he  was  qulte  daxzlti 
man  fan  .  fig  g(ab  paa  fam  it  Kladdens  ene« 
heart  to  look  at  him;   fan  faa  ftg  gal  paa  fer? 
SRenneffe  the  very  sight  of  this  man  made  kis 
angry   .  fig  feb.  meet  paa  noget  get  tired.  we*T 
of  looking  at  a  thing;  .til  look  on,  he  a  lonkr 
-on;   .  nsie  til  look  sharp;   -t  man  nøjere  hl  ts 
a  doser  inspection;  .  tK  wirftre!  eye*  lerV   k? 
•t  intet  til  ©ben  you  see  nothlng  of  the  tov: 
ieg  fat  ifte  -t  noget  Hl  bom  I  have  seen  oothi- 
or  him;  .  bu  bertil  bibl  see  thou  to  that;   .  ~. 
en  give  one  a  call,  go  to  aee  one;  -  oritbr  til  c 
look  klndly  upon  one,   cast  a  mild  look  upne 
one;  .  btebt  til  en  frown  on  el.  at  one,    nast  si- 
angry  look  upon  one;   .  ftøot  til    n^qet    loct 
black  el.  blue  at  a  thing;  .  ti!  at   ba  iffe  farte: 
take  care  you  don't  fall; .  Hl  ftteatutfnte.  Betro? 
aee,  look  to  et.  after  the  cattle,   the  childres. 
bi  maa  .  Hl  at  ocere  be  farfie  we  must  manarr 
to  be  the  firet;  jeg  ftal  .  Hl  I"  11  see  about  t 
ieg  ftal  .  til  at  ffaffe  fam  bet  I  will  try  to  obts-'j 
it  for  him;   .  fig  tilbage  look  back;    .nb  Icb 
look  like;  .  gobt  ilbe  ub  look  well.  111;   ..  bw: 
bun  be  faa  ub   f  see  what  they  looked  like   ba 
-t  tæbfom  ub  he  looks  an  awfnl  figur«;  ty>or  ^ 
faa  ub!  what  a  sight  he  was!  what  a  flgure  b* 
looked !  faot  bet  fet  ub !  what  a  sight  the  rocc 
is!  .  ub  (af  ©inbuet)  look  out  (of  the  wiod<>*  . 
bet  -t  galt  ub  fot  8anbmanben  the  farmers   nrv 
spects  are  bad;   bette  faa  galt  ub  thls  was  a  b*^ 
lookout;  bet   t  unbetligt  ub  it  haa  an  odd  loot 
jeg  gab  bibe,  faotban  $ufet  r  ub  I  wonder  irha: 
tbe  house  will  be  like;   .  ub  til  promise;    bet  - 
ub  til  fflegn  it  looks  Uke  rain;  bet  -t   ub    til  £ 
blibe  et  gobt  Vat  it  bids  fair  to  be  a  good  ye*~ 
.  ub  efter  Gejlere  *£,  keep  a  good  look-out  (or 
sails;  -  fig  ub  pick  out,  fix  upon;  bcere  oef    i:>? 
fet  fat  be  In  good,  bad,  odonr  with:   bet  -tt  o* 
fatnger  af  Øjnene  ber  .  «how  mnch  depends  up., 
our  mental  eye-stght  what  we  see!* 

6ebati»  n  sed'atlve. 

6ebbel  [t  ogf  ubt  6«bel]  c  biet  allpofpaper 
(lille  $reø)  note,  billet  (9antofebbeO  (bank-)noie 
fe  fiotteriv  6temme>;  fttibe  -biet  (£eg)  play  a: 
conseguences,  play  at  who,  when  and  where. 
6ebbel|baut  bank  of  issne.  -eatldWait  issue 
•tatalog  card-catalogne ,  catalogne  on  slip»* 
-ma*U  amountof  notes,  nbflebelfe  iasue.  -ab* 
ftebenbe  ©anf,  fe  -bant. 

6ebe'A  c,  -format  seztodedmo,  16mo. 

eebiluteut'  n  sed'lment.     -meura'r  a   ædi- 

6eeu  o  seeing.     Seer  o  -e  seer.  —  Seeriblif 
prophctlc  eye,  eye  of  a  prophet.     -epne,  -gear 
-traft  gift  of  divination  el.  prophecy,  propheti« 

6egl  n,  pi  =,  seal,  signet 

©egl  o  e  (fttumfnio)  sickle. 

♦Cegl  fe  Gejl. 

6e'gla§  n  eye-glass. 

6egl  |  bebarer  keeper  ot  the  Beate,  -brub  • 
break ing  the  »enl. 

6egl|banaet.  -fannet  a  ^  falcate. 

Cegljorb  e  sphragide,  seal  el.  Lemnlan  earth. 

6egl|rrnmmet  n  fe  -formet 

Segl | laf  sealing  wmz.  »oblat  wafer.  -pra|r 
fees  for  appending  official  seal«.  ->te*fe  totter 
•sealing  press.  -ring  rignet-ring.  -famliiig  col- 
lectlon  of  »eals.  -ften  engraved  gem.  -treer  (t 
Stenfut)  sigillarla.    -»ot*  fe  -laf. 

Segment'  n  -et  segment. 




Ckgne  vi  sink  down,  droop,  drop;  .  om  b.  f. 
•<«*    e  Hinking. 

^ebajeae  pi  the  couche*  of  the  optic  nerves. 
&t\\  interj  hollo!  I  aay! 
^fj  o  -er  coal-flsh,  Oadut  viren$. 
«r|  a  fe  ©efg. 

i^Srj  <t  free-and-easy,  jaunty,  devll-may-care. 
€ejb  c  witchcrait,   soroeiy.     -fane.    -fPinbe 
soiveren,  witch.    -manb  sorcerer,  wlxard. 
©rjbrifter  e  hard  drinker. 
+©fje  e-tF  sinew. 

©ejer  c  -jre  victory;  oinbe  -,  goa  af  meb  -en 
>?«in  et.  win  the  victory,  be  victorlous,  rome 
otT  (the)  victor;  ptnbe  en  let  -  (ogf.)  f  walkover 
x,r»e  oourse;  have  a  walk  over;  -en  er  oot  fogf ) 
tlie  day  is  ours.  6ejrr|bm!?e*  a  intoxicatcd  cl. 
els&ted  wlth  victory.  -berre  victor,  conqueror, 
oonqnering  hero;  (i  Xtøbbeløb  o.  I.)  wlnner  -n 
t»eb  fBaterloo  the  victor  of  W.  -bue  fe  -fliorte. 
-fa-anet  a  crowned  wlth  victory.  -(*#  o  who  is 
not  victorioas,  vanquished.  -Hg  o  victonous, 
conquering,  trinmphant;  gaa  .  ub  af  prove  vic- 
torlous  in,  come  off  victorious  from.  -falig  a 
triumphant,  fe  brnffen     -falfgbrb  trinmph 

Øtferijbnb  messen  ger  of  victory.    -bnb(frab) 
n^ws  of  victory.     -bag  day  of  victory.     -fane 
»tandard  of  victory.     -feft  rejoicings  for  a  vic- 
tory. -faleffe  victorioaa  feeling    -gfffbe  trinmph. 
-Iselt  conquering  hero.     -tabtog   triumphal  en- 
trance,    -fabel  trlumph  of  victory.    Cteferflfarte 
<-ttul.     Sejer*  |  flabet  triumphal  robes,     -trang 
wreath  el.  crown  of  victory.    -mtnbc  monument 
of  victory.   -muliabeb  chance  of  victory.   -antog 
triumph.     -palme  palm  of  victory.    -pri§  prlze 
of  victory.    -raab  fe  -ffrig     -rab  intoxiration  of 
victory.    -røgte  rumour  of  victory.     -fang  song 
of   victory.      -fifterbeb    ronfldence   of  victory. 
•ffrig  shout  of  victory.    -ftolt  a  fe  ©ejer«,    -ftatte 
triumphal   column,      -tegn    token   of  victory, 
trophy.    Sejerften  astrlte.    6ejerbt»g  triumphal 
procession.     6ejerftolt  o  elated  wlth  victory 
■+  Sr  jerft  or  a  victorlous    6ffr4|*tØbeb  confidence 
of  victory.    -pøgn  triumphal  rar. 

€kjer|f«I  a  fe   rig      -f«rl  fe  fflorte.     -pant  « 
ar>cusiomed  to  victory.     »taber  victor.    -btaber* 
ittbe  r  -x  ♦victress.    -ptabing  fe  ©ejet.    +-Puaben 
n  victorlonsly  won. 
fGeferparrf  n  pendulum-clock. 
Sej  g)  a  tough  -  flRobftanb  stubborn  resistance. 
-fceb   c   toughnem.     -tipet  «  tenacious  of  life, 
teoacity  of  life.    -pil  purpie  wiUow,  Salix  pur- 
jmren.     -ptne  vt  torture  slowly.     -piaert  n  slow 
erfare  o.  ff..  fe  ©ajare. 

€kfg|trfftte  vi  haul  slowly.  -tarre  vt  dry 

©ejt  n,  pi  -*,  sail;  (paa  røalleften)  rynd;  belle 
et  -  hoist  a  sail;  fatte  .  set  sail;  bjærge  .  take 
in  »all;  beflaa  -  furl  the  salls:  flaa  et .  unbfr,  fra 
hend,  unbend  a  sail;  Mere  unber  .  be  under  sail; 

fioa  unber  -  get  under  weigh  (ri  wayj;  unber 
maa  .  under  easy  sail;  forttr  alle  -  til  crowd 
sail.  fejle  for  ful  bf  .  be  under  a  pressof  sail.  go 
with  all  sails  set.  ©ejfab't  c  saillng,  navigation. 
—  ©rjf|  areal  spread  of  canvas.  -baab  sailing 
U>nt.  -bar  a  navigable.  -barbeb  c  navigableness. 
•barm  clue.  -betroet  cover  for  a  sail.  -bjorrg 
nlag  c  taklng  in  sail.  -brig  sailing-brig  (o.  ff.). 
•reatram  centre  of  effort  of  the  Mils.  -bug  c, 
+«  sall-cloth,  canvas.  -bngfrfabrit  canvas  manu- 
fartory.  -bngftpofe  canva*  bag  (o.  ff).  -bug** 
mBr  bolt  of  canvas.  -bbb  i  (deep)  channel. 
♦bngtig  a  a  good  saller.  -b^gtigbrb  saillng  qua- 

éefle  vi  k  t  sail;  go,  proceed;  F  (om  (Vang) 
jog;  reel;  -  et  6Nb  op  overtake,  overhaul,  a  sbip; 

~  et  6fib  oner  run  down  a  shin;  _  langt  meb 
Jtnften  coast;  .  bibeotnb  sail  by  the  wlnd;  .  Hob! 
bibeninb  sail  close  hauled;  -  rnmt  aall  large;  - 
plat  run  before  the  wind;  -  feft  6trrøer  rnmt 
sail  quarterlng;  .  i  Jtonooi  sail  in  Company;  _ 
fra  outsall;  .  en  6tong  onerborb  carry  away  a 
topmast.  -  paa  (et  anbet  6Kb)  run  into;  labe  en 
.  fin  egen  6»  leavp  one  to  bis  own  device*. 
CJeften  c  saillng.  ©ejler  c  c  (6fib  i  ©sen)  tafti 
(frugO  swlft,  Cvp*elu»;  10  -e  10  aall;  en  gob  .  a 
good  miler. 

6e)l|ffabe  fe  -areal,  -fregat  saillng  frigate. 
•fcrrbig  a  ready  to  sail.  ready  for  sea.  Mfltfle 
ballast,  -faring,  -farfel  quantity  of  canvas. 
-gam  twlne,  pack-thread.  -gaHbffc  palm.  -bom 
grease  horn.  6ef!tog  c  saillng.  6ef(|ioOe  fe 
-baab.  -lamme?  fe  -fsje.  -fantning  canvass-band. 
-Rar  fe  -fcetbiø  -fraft:  peb  -  by  sails.  -frog 
sail  hook.  -faje  sail-room.  -leb  o  feirway, 
channel.  -loft  salMoft.  -Ub  fe  leb.  -mager  o 
-e  sail- maler  -magerbonbfle  palm.  -magrri  n 
sail-making.  -magerpren  prlcker,  stabber.  -ma*fe 
fe  faring,  -noal  sail-needle.  -orben  order  of 
saillng.  -orbre  saillng  orden,  -pafet  saillng 
packet,  -pofe  sall-bag.  -raa  sail -yard.  -rebe 
fe  -farbia  -reger! na  tiimming  the  sails.  -ring 
ring  of  a  sail.  -ffib  saillng  verael.  -ffnb  part- 
ing gun.  -fTæring  cutting  salls.  -ffibt  a  with 
sails  torn.  t-Hmloadstone.  -fHn  n  stiff  -far 
sail  water-party;  tage  fig  en  -  take  a  sail;  tage 
en  meb  paa  en  ~  take  one  a  sail.  -tørring  dry- 
ing  salls.  -brj  salling-route.  -Pejr  sailing 
weather.  -piab  wind  for  sailing.  -Pirfaing 
eflect  of  the  sails. 

6cfr  fe  Geler  Gcjre  vt  triumph,  galn  the 
victory,  be  victorlous;  -nbe  a  victorlous.  +6ejrer 
c  victor. 

6ejf|e  vt  X  nipper;  (banbfle)  selze.  -tog  c  -er 
(olm  )  seizlng;  (Oeflag)  gasket. 

k6eiaf§  c  large,  full  grown  coal-flsh. 

6rf|antf  e  secant     -ant'  c  -er  se'cant. 

6ffcl  n  -Iler,  fe  Vorbunbrebe. 

6elef  c,  pi  >=,  (8ægt)  shekel. 

©rfonb'-  fe  Sefunb*. 

ét' fraft  c  (eye)sight,  vlsive  (aculty. 

©firet  n  -er  privy  seal:  (9ffonbr.)  secretion. 
—  @efre|taria  t  n  -er  secretariat,  secreta'riate; 
•t«  r  e  -er  (ouf  røsbiet)  seere tary.  (fun  Woblet) 
chiffonler,  scrutolre,  secretalre,  cablnet.  -torr« 
(faal)  secretary(-bird),    Ovioger  nw  ttrptitUiriu*. 

Ckfft  slx.  en  iom  ffger.  f  astunner,  atrump. 
GtWa  '■  supper.  6eU|oarrt «  slx-oared.  -aarig 
a  six  yeaix  old.  -aaring  (om  Sroæg)  a  six  year 
old.  Sefiagefima  Sexages'ima.  6rf«jbfn  fe 
Sut  -benet  u  six- legged.  -bfabet  a  (mtt  6  ftronbl.) 
hexapetalous  (meb  6  Smaobl.)  hexaphyllous;  ^ 
(6  rue)  slx-bladed  -bobbeft  n  slx-fold.  »>extuple. 
-taber  o  e  stag  with  six  antlers.  éetfter  e  -e 
slx  'i  Xamrinafpil)  sire.  .  alle  twoslxes.  6ef$|* 
fobet  a  sixfnoted,  hexapod;  .  Bert  hexameter. 
-fotb  fe  bobbelt.  -fabbct  fe  -fobet.  -garabline 
six-thread  line.  -bannet  a  k  e  hexandrian. 
•bnnnrt  a  hexagynian.  -Font  hexagon.  -faatet 
a  hexagonal.  -tabet  n  slx-barreled;  .  Keoofper 
six-shooter  -ottenbebelt  taft  measure  of  six 
qua  vers.  -punber  c  c  six-pounder  -pnnbig  a 
of  Rix-pounds  -punbing  e  fe  -punber  -råbet  a 
slx-rowed:  .  iBbfl  bcre,  bear,  six-rowed  barley. 
Øefåifibet  a  six-sided,  hexahedral  -fpambt  a 
(Vogn)  carrlsge  and  six.  -ftapetfef  of  »<ix  syl- 
laMes.  -flemmlg  *  for  six  volofs.  6eftt  e  -er 
pixth.  6efttal  six.  6efatant'  <•  -er  ««t  sex'tant. 
6etgtantfagfc  sex  tant  case.  6efbtantfpe|I  vi 
gla«^es  of  the  sextant;  bet  ftore  -  the  index  glam. 
6efttenaarg  a  of  stxteen  years.  GrKtenbe  *ix- 
teenth;  for  bet  -  in  the  sixteenth  place.    6efi« 






tenbebet  slxteenth  (part);  -*  Wobe  semlquaver, 
demiquaver;  -8  $aufe  semlquaver  rest.  GtMttt' 
c  -ter  ses'tet,  sex'tet,  sextuor.  6efftl  sixty. 
©etttlben  :  »eb  _  about  six.  6e!dtienbe  a  six- 
tieth.  CeMtimettrfelen  ^  the  six  o'clock  bour 
circle.  6etøtø't  e  sextole,  sextuplet,  sextolet. 
Serøtraobet  a  six-thread. 

6ef6*a'(fn{temet  the  sex'ual  system. 

Geft  o  -et  sect,  denomination.  —  6e!|te'ret  c 
-e  sectarian.  -te  riff  a  sectarian,  denominational. 

6efttø'n  c  -et  sec'tion.  —  6eftiøK6|arbeibe 
sectlonlzing.  -m*be  sectional  sittdng  el.  meeting. 
•frne  dissecting-room. 

6eftør  c  -o'tet  sector. 

Seftøofeu  n  sectarianlsm. 

6efnla'rgeiftUg  c  seo'ular  priest.  —  6etntari|* 

8;tlo'tt  c  seculariza'tion.  •fc're  øt  sec'ularise. 
etulnm  a  -flet,  fe  ttarbunbrebe.  eetute'r  a 
sec'ular.    6etnlarrføranbriKg  secular  change. 

Sefnnb'  c  &  n  -et  (i  aDe  eet.)  sec'ond.  6e> 
Tunbaforot  typ  inner  form.  GetnnbaRørb  o  cbord 
of  the  second.  6efnnbant'  e  -et  sec'ond.  6e> 
tattb'abcfftet  second  of  exchange.  ©etunbere 
trt  sec'ond.  —  €>ernnb  I  løjtnant  sublieotenant. 
•nlfer  second-hand.    6ehtnba'r  a  sec'ondary. 

6etøea8'  c  -et  se'quence. 

6e!øeft'|er  n  sequestra'tion.  -ra'tør  c  sequest- 
rator.  -ratiø'n  o  sequestra'tion.  -rc're  vt  se- 

•6el  [ee]  n  fe  Sætettøtte. 

Selabøngrønt  n  sea-green. 

©elbfbnf  |er  pi  Sel'Juks.    -ifl  a  Seljukian. 

Sele  c  -t  (t  Seletøj)  borse-collar;  swimming 
•helt;  *(>tøj)  harness;  fe  ©uttfefele.  *6cle  vt  .  paa 
harness.  -tammer  harness-room.  -!«ab  brace 
button,  suspen der-button.    -Ud  a  braceless. 

6ele'n  n  selenium.  -tyolbiø  a  seleniferous. 
Setenit'  c  sel'enite.    ©ele'nfbre  selen'ic  add. 

6eteaøerfober  [t.]  c  kidnapper,  -i  n  kidnap- 

6ele|**fnb  barness-pin.  -JPttbe  horse-collar. 
*t§\  harness. 

6etibø'aie  c  rgreat)  celandine,  Ckelidonium 
m<rjua:  lille  -  lesser  celandine,  Ficarxa. 

©eline  c  caraway-leaved  milk-parsley,  Stlinum 

©elje  [é]  c  -t  (great)  sallow,  palm-tree,  palm 
willow,  Saiix  oaprcea.  •fLøfte,  -*tbe  willow 
-whlstle.  -r*n  Swedish  service-tree,  Sorbus 

6efle  o  -r  lad,  swain. 

GeØerl  c  (Stil!-  el.  Xop<)  celery,  Apium  gra- 
veolcni;  (ftnop>  et.  tøob«)  celeriac,  A.  c.  ropacewm. 

Gelning  fe  Sanbløøet. 

Getftab  n  -et  (Omgang)  company,  Bociety;  (fel* 
flabelig  ©ammenfomft)  party,  company;  (ftotening) 
society,  (flftie«  o.  I.)  company;  t  -  meb  in  (the) 
company  of;  gøte  en  ~,  tølbe  en  meb  -  keep, 
bear  one  company;  gøre  -  meb  join  the  party; 
gøre  et  .  give  a  party;  gøre  et  -  fot  give  an 
entertalnment  to;  gaa,  fomme  i  ~,  -et  mix  el. 
mlngle  in  society;  føge,  tyotbe  ~  meb  associate, 
company,  with;  flet  -  føtbarøet  gobe  Sæber  evil 
Communications  corrapt  good  manners;  loetbe 
-er  learned  societies;  optage«  i  et  .  be  admitted 
member  of  a  society;  melbe  flg  ub  af  et  -  with- 
draw one's  name  from  a  society.  6etfYft'belig 
a  (fom  flet  t  6.)  social;  (fom  pnbet  S.)  sociable; 
(om  Støt)  gregarioos;  -  tiannetfe  manners.  6cl' 
ffo'bellgbeb  o  sociablUty.  -^6elffaber(iitbe)  c 

6elftab6|ba«itb  social  tie.  -bi  social  bee. 
-brøbet  companlon.  -børnc  Oady'fl)  oompanion, 
ladv's  help.  -bragt  evening  dress  el.  clothes. 
-brtft  social  propensity.  -bljr  gregarious  animal. 
•fnfil  company   blrd,   love-bird,    Prittacula;    fe 

-manb.    -frøfe«,  -fømfttt  fe  -bome.     -slirbe  «*  - 
joy.     -lappt  dress  cap.     -treb*    social  ti*- 
-leg  social  play  el.  game.     -tilset    social  l 
society,   social   intercourae.     -«øml)    diner-- 
society  man,  man  about  town;  con vematioo*! « 
-»oøegø|e  fe  -fugl.     -regniaa   fellowship     •« 
drawing-room.     -fflttg   convivial   song.     -ft$  • 
sby  of  company,  averse  to  society.     -f)sll  mri 
game,  family  game,  parlour  game.     -f«iteT  «-c? 
panion.     -tone   tone  of  society,    aodal   wrf 
•øerbeaen  society.     -blfe  fe  -fang.     •ørmt  i: 
Society  Islands. 

%6eldncebe  c  water-hemlock,  cow-bøuie,  CSe*\ 

Celterå',  6eltfet|b«nbn8eltrer(  wmter).  -»«■*♦ 
mafYiae  seltsogene. 

Gelb  pron  self;  jeg  tom  -  I  came  myself;  bc 
fom  .  he  came  himself;  øi  .  .  .  -  we  .  .  .  o.- 
selves  etc.;  mig  -  myself.  benbe  -  heraelf  ^'" 
ban  bat  .  øøtn  he  bas  children  of  his  on 
beflem  -  en  2)ag  name  your  own  daj;  tot  b&Qfi  • 
bore*  Støb  we  bake  our  own  broad;    b«t  Ion  *. 

-  øæte  yon  are  another;  ban  lom  -  anbrn,  tre" 
he  came  with  another,  with  two  other«,   riN*  - 
anben  ride  double;  ben  .  famme,  fe  Setofamvr.  - 
et  gob  $teng  self  do,  self  have;  om  jeg  -  Bal f'-" 
bet  though  I  say  it  tbat  should  not;  Jpn  ex  %£:: 
beben  .  he  is  honesty  itself,  the  soul  of  taonesv 
tage  fig  felø  af  J)age  commit  suicide,    f  nu» 
away  with  one's  self;  ban  et  iRe  mere  ftg  -  fr- 
is no  longer  his  own  self;   bette  er  et  Sfrrt  ? 
fig  -  tbis  is  n  separate  work;   i  og  for  fig  -  - 
el.  of  itself;  bette  oitbe  i  fig  -  bane  txttet  net  tU- 
would,  of  itself,  have  been  enough;   naax  ts-' 
betragtet  bet  i  øg  fot  fia  .  looking  at  it  on  '• 
own  merits,-  ban  giotbe  bet  af  fig  _  be  did  it  • 
his  own  accord,  spontaneously;  ftan  tsar  ube  <r 
fig  -  he  was  beside  himself;  fomme  tit  fig  -  t;*« 
come  to  one's  self,  (eftet  en  ©eføimelfe)   record 
from  a  swoon;  feløe  Irongen  the  klng  bims*" 

—  felø  (+feløe)  adv  even;  -  ban«  $jenbrr  ev»: 
his  enemies,  his  very  enemies.    6ct»|*fUeøff** 
SReiemaffine  self-raker.    -agtelfe  self-respect;  fpa 
bat    (nogen)    -    self-respectlng ,    self-regardire 
•anben  fe  obft.    -angiøelfe  eelf re velation,  :*s'. 
-appralsement.     -anflage  self-accnøation.     -** 
flagenbe  a  self-accusing,  self-accusatory.     -«« 
føarlig  a  responsible.    -antambelfe  spontaneou« 
lgnition.     -antænbt  a   ignited   spontaneousK 
-arbeibenbe  (om  TOafTiner)  selfacting.    -aøl.  -c» 
ting  spontaneous  generation,     -beøreibelfe  &r->t 
-reproach,  -upbraiding.    •bcbottelfe  sel  fin  fa  tu* 
tion.     -bebrag  self-deluslon.     -bebrcgtTfr  a  sti* 
•deceiving.     -bebømmetfe  jadgement   of  on.  < 
self.    -befrngtelfe  self-fecandation,  self-fertilL/a 
tion.    -befrngtenbe  a  self  fertilizing.    -begrør«* 
ning    self-limitation.      -bebag    self-saUsfactioD. 
self-complacency.    -bebageltg  a  self-complacert 
•bebageligbeb  fe  bebag.  -be1|ctfteUeself-commaDi. 
-possession;  -control,  -restraint,  »dominance.   -be 
b^erffenbe  a  selfrestraining.     -beberffet  s  *K 
-possessed.     -beffenbelfc   self-confesaion.     +-*< 
tomring  selfmade care.   -bef Mtting sélf-sowlnc. 
gemination,     -beffataiag  o  self-taxatlon,  vol  au 
tary  assessment.      »bejftRet    a    aélf*appointed. 
self-constituted.    +-befraelfe  self  contemplation 
-befmittelfe  self-abuse,  -pollution,  onanism.    -*<■ 
Haltet  a  fe  -befttRet.  -beftemmelfe  self-detensin« 
tion.  -beffemnielfcåebuc  self  determining  power. 
•beftemmelfeftret  right  of  free  action.    -befUø* 
ning  fe  -befrugtning,     -betragtning  sel/commu 
nion.     -bennbring  self-admiration.     -beølbt  <r 
conscious;  arrogant,  self-asserting.     -bttibftlf) 
consdousness.     -beøørgelfe    self-motlon,   spoo 
taneous  motion,    -beoørgetig,  -bfiøpgenbe  a  se't 
-moving,  automobile,    -blnbenbc  a  (fReiem.)  se!f 




tinding,    -biografi  autobiography.    -bjarget  a 
-tiinlptn.    -tlantenbe  a  self-polishing.    -bnben 
self-invited.     -bbggerføretitttg   (co-operatlve) 
welllnga'    Company,     -banneffe    ffetoerQoeroet 
snbelig  D.)  self-education;  (af  organtfle  Segemet) 
pontaneous  formation,  -vannet  fe -gjort,  -brejenbe 
self-tarnlng.     -bprtelfe  self-worehip.     -bøb  a 
>ra  fttxsg)  dead  (a  natural  death,  without  being 
laugfatered).  -bøtnt  a  self-doomed,  -condemned. 
-egcit  a  original,    -eje,  -efenbøm  freehold  (prop- 
rtyj.      -ejer,  -ejerbønbe  yeoman,  freehold  pro- 
»rietor,  peasant  proprletor,   freeholder.     -ejer- 
laarb   freehold  farm,  peasant  property.    -ejer« 
tanb    peasant  proprletary.     -efertij,  -ejerbøgn 
>rivate    caniage.      -erbperP    self-maintenance. 
crfttocrbet  a  self-acqulred.  -crtenbelf  e  self-knowl- 
sdge.    -føragt  Belf-contempt.  •forbrarcbing  spon- 
Aaeous  combuBtion.  -f ørglemmclfe  self-oblivion, 
forgetting  oneeelt.     -førglemuenbe  a  self-for- 
getting,    self-forgetful.      -førgnbeffe    self-wor- 
ship.      -førUltttng    self-delivery.     -førnebrelfe 
aelf-abasement,    Belf-humiliation.     -førttorgtelfe 
self-denial,    self-abnegation,    self-rennnclation. 
-førnfrgtenbe  a  self-denying.    +-føm«jeftg  a  fe 
-tilfrcb*.     +-forr*bert  self-betrayal.     -førfagelfe, 
-f  arf aaenbe  fe  -fornaatelfe,  fornagtenbe.  -førfralbt 
a    eelr-inflicted.      -førfiaaelig    a    self-deflning. 
•torftaaelfe  self-knowledge.  -forfpar  self-defence. 
•f  ortørrenbc  a  self-consuming.    +-frembrtngelfe 
original  production.      -føbenbe  a    ($mp.)  self 
•feeding.     -følelfe  feeling  of  one's  own  worth, 
self-esteem.     -følge  neoessary  oonsequence,  na- 
tural  result,  matter  of  course;   bet  er  en  -  it 
follows  of  itself,  is  a  m.  of  c.     -følgelig  a  a 
matter  of  course;  —  adv  as  a  m.  of  c,  of  course. 
naturally,  as  a  natural  consequence,  by  neces- 
sary  consequence,  in  the  nature  of  things,  ine- 
vitably,  necessarily-,  en  SRinifter  bat  -  Wet  it  is 
ihe  nature  of  ministers  to  be  right,     -gibet  fe 
-f  algelig.    -gjort  a  selfmade,  of  one's  own  mak- 
ing;  fio  of  one's  own  creation;  -  $prtelfe  bibl 
wiU-worahip.     *-gsb  a  self-sufficient.     *-gøb|eb 
self-importance.  -groet  o  of  spontaneous  growth. 
-øQlbiø  a  self-valld,  valid  in  itself.    -tjOb  hatred 
of  one'a  self.    -tenfpn  selflshness.   -terrebømme 
self-command,     -mastery.      -berfter    autocrat. 
-tjerfrertnbe  autocratrix.    -bjnlpen  a  self-alded, 
-sustaining,  independent;  øatre  -  keep  one's  self, 
shift  for  one's  self.     -bjcrlp  self-help.     -bjoplpa- 
f otcning  beneflt-society.  -$J oUpbmanb  selfmade 
man.    -qatrbelfe  hardenlng  of  one's  constitution. 
-bebbeffe  self-assertion.     -tøpenbe  a  (røfl)  self 
-raising  (flour).     -bom«  private  revenge.    -iagt- 
tagelfe  personal  observation,    -inbbnben  a  self 
-invited.   »inbbpbclfe  self-invitation.   -tnblbfeube 
a  self-evident,  -explainlng.     Selbift  a  selflsh. 
Seluiffbeb  c  selflshness.     6elb{tatbet  a  self-in- 
vited, -appointed.    +-tenbftab  fe  •funbftab.    -Hor 
o  self-evldent.     -tlarbcb  self-evldence.     -Høg  a 
self-conceited,  self-wise.     -tlogfTab.  +-tl*gt  self 
-•-onceit.   -Foger  tea-kltchen,  tin-kitchen.    -tritit 
lelf-critique,  self-criticlsm.  -fnBbffab  self-knowl- 
edge.   -tær  a  selflsh,  self-loving.   -faerbeb  selflsh- 
ness, self-love.    -fatrltg,  -Iierugbeb  fe  -fat,  -tør- 
beb.     -(abet  fe  -gjort.     •løbgibning  autonomy. 
•laffenbe  a  self-closing.     -tbb  vowel.     -tbf««be 
o  selMuminous.    •lftgenbe  a  self-bealing.    -l«r> 
Ung,  -f-Icrb  self-taught  person.     -Icrrt  a  self 
laught.    +-Uå  a  Belfless.    +-tøft^eb  selflessness. 
•marlbrinnt  self-martyrdom.     -mat  (Sfaf)  self 
-mate.     -mobfigelfe    self-contradiction.      -mob- 
fige«be  a  (self-)contradictory.  -mørb  selfmurder, 
suicido.     -worberff  a  suiddal.     -morberffe  fe 
-motber  -mørbdebibcati  suicidal  mania.  -«orbd< 
forføo  attempt  at  suicide.     -mbnbig  a  of  mil 
age;  (egenmsgtig)  arbitrary.     -nebbcrrbigelfe  self 

-degradation,  -obbrageffe  self-culture.  -føbftn* 
belfe  one's  own  invention,  -øpfiittbt«  a  self 
-devised.  -øbb;ø(beffe  self- preser vation.  -øblol- 
belfeftbrift  instinct  of  self-p.  -objøjelfe  self 
-exaltation,  -aggrandizement.  -øbUfcttbe  a  self 
-dissolving.  -obofrelfe  self-sacrulce,  -devotlou, 
•lmmolation.  -obofrenbe  a  self-devoting,  s^lf 
-sacrlfidng.  -øbrttgtdfe  self-discipline.  -ober« 
(ebelfe  livlng  too  long.  -ouerblnbelfe  self-con- 
quest,  resignation.  -btt09V<8Ctt  a  selflnflicted. 
-baalagt  a  selfimposed.  -btaetfe,  -btitfel  self 
•torture.  -pintt,  -piweri  fe  -plager,  -plageri. 
-plagelfe  fe  -pinelfe.  -plager  selftormentor. 
-plageri  fe  -pinelfe.  -plogerfl  a  selftormenting. 
-prøbelfc  self-examination.  -raabtg  a  self-willed, 
wllful.  -raabtgbeb  c  wilfulness.  -rebe«be  a  self 
•reeflng.  -regering  fe  -ftyre.  -regiftrerenbe  a 
self-recording,  selfregistering.  -regnlerenbe  a 
selfregulating.  -rejfenbe  a  (Saab)  self-righting. 
•rerfatrbig,  -retfarbig^eb  self-righteoua,  -righte- 
ousness.  -tøl  self-praise,  self-laudation;  -  flutter 
self-praise  Is  open  disgrace,  is  no  honour,  no 
recommendation.  -faøet  a  self-sown.  *-fagt  a 
a  matter  of  course,  self-evident.  -f  amme  a  the 
self-same,  the  very  same,  the  identical.  -filter 
a  F  cocksure.  -f-ftabelfe,  -frabnittg  c  fe  -aolitig. 
-ffabt  a  8elf-created,  selfmade,  of  one's  own 
creating.  -ffilbring  description  of  one's  self. 
-{Treben  a  autograph;  entitled  to  something  as 
a  matter  of  course,  the  very  man.  -ffab  spring 
-gun.  -ffnffelf e selfdelusion.  -ftblbner security, 
surety,  bondsman.  -ffblbnerfatitlon  security, 
surety.  -fmørenbe  a  self-lubricating,  self-oil 
-feeding.  -fpiegelfe  self-mortlflcation.  -flnbinm 
selfapplication.  -fibre,  -ftt^relfc  self-government; 
home  rule.  -fJociibig  a  self-dependent,  inde- 
pendent, (fora  befloar  oeb  flg  felo)  self-existeut; 
tjar  Iffe  en  ~  Zanfe  has  not  one  idea  of  his  own. 
-ftøtt'bigjcb  e independence.  -f børttenbe  a  ( »einn  ) 
self  reeflng.  -fng  a  selflsh,  self  seeking.  -fbge 
selflshness.  -fbnautopsy.  -tage«  a  self-assumed, 
self-allotted.  -tilbebeffe  self-worship.  -tilfrebft 
a  self-satisfled,  -approving.  -tilfrebKyeb  svlf 
satisfaction,  -applause,  -approval.  -tilintet* 
gørelfe  selfdestruction.  -HØlb  self-confidence, 
•reliance;  SRangel  paa  -  diffldence,  self-distrust. 
-tittibØftttb  a  self-confident,  -relying,  -rellaiit. 
-tilfkaaelfe  fe  -befenbelfe.  -tnjf  autotype.  -Htbang 
self-restralnt.  -tiegt  taking  the  law  into  one's 
own  nand.  -tanitenbe  a  thlnklng  for  one's  self. 
-tomter  independent  thinker.  -tanit«ing  inde- 
pendent tbought.  -tdtntt  a  devised  by  one's 
self.  -tømmenbe  u  self-emptylng.  -nbbltfing 
self-development.  -nnberbUning  self-instruc- 
tion,  -tuition.  -balg  self- ele etion.  -Palgt  a  self 
-elected,  self-chosen.  -bigtig  a  self-important. 
-birtenbe  a  self-actlng,  automatic.  -pirtføm  a 
self-active.  -birtfom^eb  own  el.  independent 
energy,  self-activity,  self-action.  -bi*  a  self-wi^e. 
-potlcnbe  a  of  spontaneous  growth.  -bølbt  a 
caused  by  one's  self.  -bnrberivg  self-estimation. 
-Pbmbgelfe  self-humiliation,  -abasement. 

Gem'  Shem. 

6em«fø'r  o  -er  sem'aphore.  -flatiøn  sema- 
phoric  station. 

eemeft'er  n  fhe  (peb  Unioerflt.)  semester,  term 
(of  six  months). 

Gemltø'løn  n  sem'icolon  (;). 

6em  ilor  n  similor. 

Cemiiila'rivm  n  -iet  sem'inary,  training  school, 
t.  college,  e*p  teachers'  semlnary.  -arielærtr 
teacher  in  a  semlnary.  -arift'  o  -er  pupil  at  a 
seminary  etc. 

€rmipelagia  nere  pi  Semi-Pela'gians. 

©emitift  <i  Semitic,  Shemitic 

©emoa'legrbn  semoule,  semoli'no,  semoli'na. 




Semperri  n  c  fe  TOarietibfel. 

SemperPt'b  c  sempervive. 

Semøjgarber  shamoy-dresser.  -garbntng  sha- 
moy-dressiug.  Seméte  vt  shamoy.  Semftlaber 
wash-leather,  shammy. 

Sen  a  (tangfom)  slow,  tardy,  slack,  dilatory; 
(rubig)  la  te;  .  til  fit  Htbeibe  slow  at  (his)  work; 
i>an  »at  iffe  .  til  at  tomme  he  was  not  long  in 
coming;  i  en  -  lime  at  a  late  hour;  i  e  fcat 
late  in  life;  i  f  ene  te  Slat  in  after  years;  i  be 
-ete  Vat  of  late  years;  i  ben  -ete  Zib,  i  -ete  Xibet 
of  late,  latterly,  lately,  ueb  en  -ete  Scjligtyeb  on  a 
subsequent  occasion;  i  et  -ete  ftopitel  in  a  toture 
chapter;  bani  -ete  8ib,  Opførfel  ofb.  his  after  life, 
co u duet  ete.;  en  -ete  Uboitling  an  after  develop- 
ment;  -ete  (Efterretninger  later  news;  f enef  t  latest; 
—  fent  adv  late;  -tet  bebte  enb atbrig  better  late 
than  never;  that  is  not  lost  which  comes  at 
last;  -ete  later,  subeequently;  hereafter,  anon, 
libt  -ere  $en  a  little  later  on;  -t  og  tiblig  at  all 
hours;  tomme  for  t  be  late;  bet  (étibet)  tom  to 
Ximet  for  -t  she  was  (el.  arrived)  two  hours  late; 
tom  10  SRinutet  fot  -t  til  Sampftibet  missed  the 
steamer  by  10  minutes;  -ete  en  (Bang  at  some 
fli ture  day,  on  some  future  occasion;  -efi  fytebag 
on  or  before  Friday,  not  later  than  Friday. 

Senat  n  et  senate.  Senator  o  -o'tet  sen'- 

Seube,  -te,  -t  vt  send,  forward,  transmit;  - 
iBub  til  en  send  one  word;  -  ©ub  efter  en  send 
for  one.  Senbe|breo  missive,  -bnb  messeager. 
-f«tb  mission,  -gob§  goods  sent.  Senbelfe  c 
-t  sending,  mission.  Senbemanb  fe  -bub.  Scnbing 
c  -et  thing  el.  present  sent,  e«p  provisions  sent 
a*  a  present,  (ttl  Sfibs)  shipment;  +=»  Senbebub. 
SeubiagøgobØ  goods  sent. 

Senbræg'ttg  a  slow,  tardy,  dilatory.  -Ijeb  c 
tardiness,  dilatoriness. 

Sene  c  r  sinew,  tendon.  -baanb  llgament. 
-Øt*  sesamold  bone.  -faft  a  wiry.  -fttlb  o 
sinewy.    -fnlb^eb  sinewiness. 

Senegatfngf  c  Senegal  bird,  Scopu*  umbretta. 

Senegatob  c  rattlesnake-root,  Polygala  §eneQa. 

Seuegra*  n  t  fe  éanbtøalme,  llbitgtaø  o.  fl.; 
•bladder  sedge,  Carex  vcttcuria. 

Senelbjnbr  fascia.  -poppen  convulsive  motion 
of  the  tendons.  -fnnbe,  -tntttning  ganglion. 
-traft  sinewiness.    -øøerftartng  tenotomy. 

Sene|ffebe  sheath  of  a  tendon.  -ftort  a  fe 
-fulb.  -traab  sinew-thread.  -tætning  contrac- 
tion  of  the  Blnews,  spasm.  -tømme  xrænum. 
••«ø  tendinous  tisaue. 

Sen  |  far  big.  -færbigfteb  fe  -brægtig 

Seng  c  -e  bed;  *  A  pr«?  «=  ©eb;  Sarelfe  meb 
to  -e  double-bedded  room;  i  -  in  bed;  rebe  -en 
make  the  bed;  paa  -en  in  bed;  føge  .  meb  Ile 
with,  fe  ©orb;  gaa  i  .  el.  til  -8  go  to  bed,  turn 
in,  (naat  man  et  fog)  take  to  one's  bed;  ligge  til 
-*  af  be  in  bed,  el.  laid  up,  with;  b,olbe  -en  keep 
one's  bed,  be  conflned  to  bed;  tøm  fan  enbnu 
itte  ocere  oben  -e  he  cannot  leave  bis  bed  yet. 
-bont  settle-bed,  turn  up  bedstead;  bunk. 

Sengel  baanb  bed-tassel.  -betrat  fe  D^neoaar. 
-brat  bed-board,  -bnnb  bottom  of  a  bed.  -batten 
warmiug-pan.  -bnne  feather-bed.  -fte(be;t  bed 
-feathers;  bed-spring.  -fjfltl  fe  -bt*t.  -fob  foot 
of  a  bed.  -forligger  c  e  bedside  carpet  el.  rug. 
+-gaaea  going  to  bed.  •aarbl«  bed-curtaln. 
-gjorb  bed-girth.  -balm  bed-straw;  bor  ftrurt  ~, 
fe  grue.  -fceft  bedstaff  himmel  tester  ofa  bed. 
-fammer  bed-room,  bed-chamber.  -ttmmerat 
bed-fellow.  -lab  airer.  -logen  bed-sneet,  -leje, 
-liggen  conflnement  to  bed.  -liggenbe  a  con- 
fiued  to  bed.  laid  up.  -marra*  mattress.  -om. 
bang  fe  -gatbm.  -pnbe  bed-pillow.  -reber  bed 
-maker.    -ro  nigbt-rest.    -mm  bed  accommoda- 

tion.  *-ft«  bedside  (side-board  of  the  be: 
stead).  -fteb  bedstead.  -fiol  t  fe  -ftolpt,  *fe  -ftet 
•ftolpe  bed-post.  -fine  fe  -fammer.  -tf  b  bed  tixsr 
-top  top  of  a  bed.  -tage  bed-bug,  G»<*er  /«^> 
iariu9.  'tæppt  (f om  btebei  ooer  Sengen)  coveri;  i 
coverlet,  quilt,  counterpane,  (i  Sengen)  blank*; 
fe  -forligger,  -tøj  bedding,  bedclothes.  -»er»t 
bed-heat.  -»armer  fe  -batten.  6cKøHae»er  y 

6engf»in  n  half-&ttened  hog. 

6e  nlbeb  c  slowness,  slackness,  dllsuormes' 
tardiness.    *-b^fte#  adv  late  in  the  svutumn 

6enior  c  -o'tet  senior.  Seniorat  n  senior  itj 

Genaegrad  fe  Senegræ*. 

6enn'ep  c  mustard,  Sinapi*.  —  €e«tte^#.B«i| 
slnapism.  -fabrif ont  mustard-manu&cturvr  -fra 
musiardseed.  -tage  slnapism.  -taab>e^  -Itmlte 
mustard-pot.  -1001  grain  of  mustard 
•tborn  mustard-mill.  -tfie  oil  of  mustard. 
flag  ainapism.    -fance  mustard-sauce. 

éenne«|blabe  pi  senna.  -balge  seDiua-pod- 
-te  decoction  of  senna. 

6enfa|tiø  n  c  sensation.    -HonWnie  c  senisa  - 
tionalism,  sensualism.  -tisnd-sensatioiiaJ.  -riaajf 
oattenbe  a  sensational. 

6enf|i  bel  a  sen  si  ti  ve.  -nalid'me  c  (i  to  9«  > 
sen'suallsm.    -nafifi'  e  -et  sensualist. 

6e  ntalenbe  a  slow  of  speech. 

6enten|A*  c  -et  sen'tence     -H«'8  seoten'tiou- 

6enter  o  «!•  ribband.  -linie  ribband  lin* 
•marter  surmarks. 

6entimen|tai  a  sentimen 'tal,  (latterlifl)  mand 
lin.    -talite't  e  sentimental  i  ty. 

•©e'ntantt  a  slow. 

Genara't  a  sep'arate.  -afrrttt  reprint,  excerpt 
-freb  separate  peace.  —  @epara|tion  c  (tborai 
separation,  -ttd'cie  c  sep  aratism.  -rift'  c  ei 
Bep'aratiat.  -tift'tff  a  separatistic.  €epm*mt9r 
c  -oret  separator.  6eparat»otuat  separate  Tc»Le 
o.  fl.  6eporere vt (røgtefolt)  separate  (from  bed 
and  board). 

Gepia  o  sepia. 

©epta'rier  pi  septaria  (tinø  septarium). 

6cptem  ber  c  September. 

Geptet'  o  -tet  sep'tet,  septette,  septuor. 

6epttnte  ø  -t  seventh;  ben  ftore,  lille  .  the 
major,  mlnor  seventh.  -atforb  chord  of  the 

Geptnage'fima,  Sønbag  .  septuagesima  (sun- 

eeptnagitt'ta  the  Sep'tuagint  (version). 

6era  f  c  -et  ser'aph.    -ift  a  seraph'ic(al). 

6eratr  n  seragllo. 

Btxattitr  c  seraskier. 

Ser b  lien  n  Se'rvia     -er  o,  -ift  o  Se'nrian. 

Serebffab  n  organ  of  sight. 

Gerena'be  c  -r  serenade;  opoatte  en  meb  en  . 
serenade  one. 

Sergent'  c  -et  se'rgeant;  *£,  master  at  arms« 

Serie  c  -t  series;  (af  Oblig.  o.  b.)  emission. 

Serin  fe  Sqten. 

Seriod  a  se'rious. 

•Jer o '»  o  -et  seron,  seroon,  ceroon. 

Serpent'  c  -er  se'rpent. 

Serpenti  n  o  se'rpentine. 

Serrabel'  c  serradella,  serratella,  OmiiAop** 

Serba'l  o  -et  se'rval,  Folit  »erval. 

Scrbante  o  -t  wash-stand. 

Setbe're  vt  serve  (up);  ~  noget  for  en  serve  one 
with  some  thing;  .  @uppen  (f.  «f#.  om  ©attinbe 
belp  the  soup;   ber  et  -t  dinner  is  on  the  table 

Ckrbice  c  se'rvlce,  set. 

Serbien  fe  Serbien. 

Serolet'  o  -tet  napkin,  (minbre,  »rtfert-)  doilv 




-rtnø  napkln  holder,  n.  ring.  -preife 
a&pkin  præs. 

Ccrfei'I  a  se'rvile.    -tte'i  c  servil '1  ty. 

&crvitnt'  e  -er  se'rvltude,  easement. 

+Ser«r  n  fe  JHItert. 

Ser«  #  a  se'rous. 

Gcfam  c  $  sesame.  -fr*  gingerly-seed.  -olie 

Gcftfie'B  e  -et  ses'sion,  sittings;  mt7  meeting 
of  the  officers'  board  for  the  conscription. 

®  efter  tø'  e  -er  seste'rce. 

e>e»enkømo  savin,  sablne,  t/aniperu«  eabtna. 

Ge»ea  »erne  W  the  Cevennes. 

*3eniH'a  n  Seville. 

*©e»Je  e  sap. 

Gevø'Sttf  fe  Geoenbøm. 

eeoreøpøreettam  n  Sevres  porcelain. 

Genarrbiø  a  worth  seeing,  worthy  of  inspec- 
tion.      tjeber  p{  curiosities,  slghts,  lions. 

en  f<  6e». 

°€&ex,er  c  -e.  :  en  unberliø  -  an  odd  dog. 
«€ks|rfttg  fe  -trinø. 

*©erj  trinø,  -string  o  -er  six-oared  boat. 

©fint*  c  Sphinx. 

Cfotrje  c  -t  sphere.  -tff  o  spher'lcal.  -oi'be 
•c  -r  ephe'roid 

6ini  fe  6oaøu. 

etat/  o  Shah,  Schah. 

Gbelt  e  -er  sheik,  sheikh. 

Gberbet  c  sherbet. 

eterif  o  -fer  (ar ab.)  sher'if,  scher'if. 

Gterrb  c  sherry  (wlne). 

epettanbMerne  the  Shetland  isles. 

Sniffer  c,  j>J  — ,  Shi'ite,  Schiite. 

Spirtinq  n  shirting.  CpirttnøØbtnb  cloth 
•(-boards);  utbbunben  i  .  cloth-bound. 

t©l  o  -er  strainer,  filter.  Gi  of  strain.  filter, 
percolate;  -  SRpøøen  at  men  ne&fluae  ftamelen 
atrain  at  a  gnat  and  swallow  a  camel. 

6iant  n  Slam.    -efer  o,  -e'flfl  a  Siamese. 

6i«maag'  o  si'amang,  Hylobate*  nmdaetyliu. 

6ibe«  n  ethmold  bone. 

Gibenfafter  [t.l  pi  thlngs,  traps. 

etbe  rjien  «  Siberia.    -tff  a  Siberlan. 

Øibano  c  sieve-bottom. 

6ib«t'|le  o  r  sib'yl.    -li'nft  a  sib'ylline. 

©ibotte  c  milk  pail. 

6tci'lt|m  n  8ic'ily;  ©egge-erne  theTwoSicllies. 
-aner  o,  -anff  a  Sicll'ian. 

Gib  a  (om  Måber)  long  (and  loose);  (om  Sanb) 
low-lying  (and  swampy).  *6ibbe  c  (om  Jtlæbcr) 

gibbe,  fab,  flbbet  vi  sit,  be  seated;  graften  -r  ifte 
døbt  the  coat  does  not  flt,  sit  well,  is  not  a  good 
flt,  -r  meøet  ftramt  is*  very  tlght;  ben  -t  ilte  faa  øobt 
fom  lt  has  not  the  sit  of;  -  faft  stick;  -  af  dis- 
moont;  fe  Vfflbbe;  -  for  en  SRaler  sit  for  one's 
picture,  sit  to,  give  a  sitting  to,  a  painter;  bet  -r 
mig  for  Ørnflet  I  have  an  oppression  on  the  chest; 
ban  fab  tre  Var  i  Qfauiøfet  he  was  kept  in  prison 
for  three  years;  -  øobt  i  bet  be  well  off;  bi  -  net 
i  bet  f  we  are  in  a  nice  plckle;  Wfet  -r  i  ©ag« 
paanb  the  ace  lies  to  the  left  of  me;  -  iøen 
remain,  be  left,  behind,  (i  6fo(e)  fe  -  ooer;  - 
inbe  meb  have  on  hånd;  retain  in  one's  hånds; 
ban  r  oarmt  in  ben  ©agge  he  is  a  warm  man; 
-r  meb  flor  familie  has  a  large  faml  ly;  -neb 
tit  down;  pon  bob  mig  ilte  enøanø  at  -  neb  he 
did  not  even  olier  me  a  chair;  .op  mount;  bet 
bl&fUt  til  at  -  op  horse  was  sounded!  -oppe 
sit  up;  _  ober  (i  Ian«)  not  to  stand  up,  getno 
partner,  (en  Don«)  sit  out  a  dance,  (i  Stole)  be 
kept  after  school,  be  kept  in,  detained,  (i  ©pil) 
stand  out  (of  the  game);  -r  beftanbiø  ooer  Boaerne 
is  constantly  poring  over  his  books;  -  paa  ©anb 
og  Crob  be  incarcerated  on  bread  and  water; 

labe  en  .  paa,  op,  meb  fiø  give  one  a  lift;  -  paa 
en  Øaarb  hold  a  farm;  labe  .  paa  fiø  pocket, 
brook,  sit  down  under;  (abe  gatten  -  paa  keep 
one's  hat  on;  -til  $eft  be  on  horseback;  -  øobt 
til  $eft  sit  a  horse  well,  have  a  good  seat  (on 
borseback);  -  til  Dom!  ooer  sit  (in  judgment) 
upon;  bun  -t  tilbage  meb  mange  ©om  sne  Is 
left  a  widow  wlth  many  children;  —  fibbenbe 
a  Bitting.  $  sessile;  ker  sejeant,  (om  gfuøl)  close; 
blibe  -  (faft*  stick;  blib  -nbe!  keep  your  seat!  pan 
bleo  -nbe  pjemme  he  remained  at  home;  -nbe  fiio, 
«rbejbe  sedentary  llfe,  work;  i  -nbe  SriUinø  in  a 
altting  posture.  CUbebab  sitz  bath.  6ibben  o 
sitting.  6ibbe|pUbi  o  sitting.  -pabe  cushion 
(for  sitting  on).    -ftanø  perch. 

6ibe  o  -r  side;  (øm  $or,  bet  ttjnbe  af  Sioet) 
flank;  (af  ©og)  page;  (af  &alb)  flaok,  face;  (i 
Zrianøel)  leg,  side;  (af  Sten)  face;  (ftani,  af  *r«t) 
edge;  (af  en  Sag)  aspect,  point  of  view,  feature, 
phase;  en  -  Qflcrft  a  side  of  bacon;  ban  bar  fine 
gobe  -r  there  are  good  points  in  him;  ©iflebet 
par  fin  mtrte  -  there  is  a  dark  side  to  the 
Picture,  føtni  fbaøe,  ftatte  .  his  weak,  strong 
point,  his  forte  (e  ftumt);  llonoerfation  er  itte  tøm« 
ftsrte  -  he  is  not  a  great  fellow  for  talk;  $ore< 
toøfom^rb  bar  netop  pan*  fioerte  .  (oaf.)  he  was 
nothing,  if  not  enterprising;  angribe  ^jenben  fra 
•n  charge  the  enemy  in  flank;  fe  noget  fra  ben 

fiobe,  onbe  -  view  a  thing  In  a  good,  bad  light; 
e  a(t  fra  ben  morte  _  see  everything  on  the 
dark  side;  fe  fra  alle  -r  examlne  a  thing  In  all 
its  bearings;  fer  bet  fra  ben  -  takes  it  in  that 
point  of  view;  fra  poitfen  .  man  enb  fer  Saøen 
in  any  view  of  the  matter;  fra  .  .  .8  Sibe  on  the 
part  of .  .;  fra  begge  -r  (om  $erfoner)  mutually; 
mrb  Vrmene  i  -n  wlth  arms  akimbo;  -om- 
side by  side;  -  om  -  meb  alongside  of,  side  by 
side  by;  paa  ben  anben  -  on  the  other  side;  fiø 
on  the  other  nand.  again;  paa  ben  anben  .  af 
©aben,  Bejen  over  the  way;  paa  bin  .  on  that 
el.  yonder  side;  paa  min  -  on  my  part,  on  my 
side;  oasre  paa  en«  -  be  on  one's  side,  side  with 
one;  ligge  paa  ben  labe  -  be  idle;  QarUjrt  laa  paa 
•n  the  ressel  lay  on  her  broadside;  læøøe  Qooebet 
paa  -n  cock  one's  head;  lægge  til  .  put  a  side, 
put  on  one  side,  put  by;  fafte  til  -  throw  on 
one  side ;  tage  en  til  en  .  take  one  aside  el.  on 
one  Bide;  læg  til  -u!  *£*  come  alongside  I  beboøe 
fiø  Hl  -n  move  sideways;  oeb  -n  af  beside,  nexf 
to ,  fiø  along  with ,  collaterally  with ,  lndepen- 
dent  of,  (tyet)  Iiøe  oeb  -n  af  next  door.  —  Øtbej* 
aabnina  lateral  openlng,  aperture  in  the  side. 
•afniøelfe  lateral  deviation,  -allé  side  alley. 
-art»  oollateral  succession,  -nroiaø  collateral 
heir.  -balance  (Dmp.)  side-lever,  -bane  branch 
•line.  -barbnner  J,  breast  backstays.  -ben  rib. 
-berraøtninø  irrelevant  remark,  -beootbninø  ^ 
broadside  guns.  -bebftøelfe  lateral  motion,  side 
-movement.    -binb  ekir  auriga.    -blll  side-look, 

Slance,  sldeloog  glance;  lafte  et  -  til  gi  ane  e  at. 
lit  side-plate.  -bolt  A  leech-lining.  -borb 
sldetable, sideboard,  -bufgat ^ mooring chocks. 
•bbøatnø  slde-bulldlng.  wing.  -bal  side  vallev. 
-bnø  ^  side  cloth.  -b«f  side  deck.  -bor  side 
-door.  -fartøj  quarter-boat.  -flabe  lateral  super- 
flcies.  -floj  side*  wing.  -øobe  side  street,  by 
•street,  off- street.  -øalleri  lateral  gallery,  & 
quarter  gallery.  -aanø  side-passage,  -øabl  side 
•gable.  -øeoorr  side  arms.  •tre«  side-branch, 
lateral  branch.  -baar  side-hair,  front -hair. 
-bamnter  side-hammer,  cross-hammer.  -brofb* 
by-conslderatlon.  *bnø  slde-blow,  backstroke, 
Ag  by-stroke,  oblique-stroke,  fllng;  ban  øao  et  . 
Hl  Dem  oøfaa  he  had  a  fllng  at  you  also.  -buøøe 
vt  (tommer)  side.  -fen*  fe  -bpøninø.  »tycettrceer 
^  side  counter-timbers.     -loøebom  ^  guesa 




-waip  boom.  -tam  side  oomb.  -tamme?  side 
-rooxn,  adjoinlng  chamber.  -fammcfat  neigh- 
bour.  -febel  (kitchen-)boiler.  -toop  axillary 
bud.  -frnmntng  lateral  curvature.  -foi  side 
el.  bllge  keel.  -(angl,  -tang!  adv  sideways, 
sidewise.  -fonterne  side -light,  -le|e  lylng  on 
the  side.  -linie  collateral  line;  ttittinger  i  -n 
collateral  descendents.  -Uge  side-bos.  -lotter 
pi  side  curlfl,  ringlets.  -lomme  side-pocket.  -Ib* 
Bide-light.  -longe  wing.  -lang*  (+-lanb«)  fe 
-tang«.  -Ug  clove.  -mans  neighboar.  -margen 
lateral  margin,  -mor orne  lateral  moraine.  -mnr 

6tbea  adv  since;  (fiben  efter)  afterwards,  sub- 
seqnently;  (om  Orben,  følge;  berpaa,  bernafl) 
then;  (fenere  $en)  by  and  by;  lige  .  ever  since; 
(for)  lange  -  long  since;  itte  længere  .  enb  igaar 
only  yesterday,  but  yesterday;  forft  Iafle  ban,  . 
(efter)  gif  ban  i  flaben  fint  he  read,  afterwards 
he  took  a  walk  in  the  garden;  forreft  i  Xoget 

811  $rinfen,  _  (berpaa)  tom  Qofmanbene  the  prince 
eaded  the  procession,  then  came  the  courtiers; 
jeg  ffol  f omme  -  (fenere  ben)  I  shall  come  by  and 
by;  om  tyoem  mere  «  of  wbom  more  anon  el.  by 
and  by;  —  prop  &  oonj  since;  -  fjant  $ob  ofo. 
since  his  death;  .  ban  onfter  at .  .  .  since  lt  is 
his  wish,  that .  .  .;  bet  er  tre  Var  .  it  is  three 
years  ago  el.  since;  bet  er  lange  -  .  .  .  it  is  long 
since . .  .;  for  to  $age  -  two  days  ago;  ban  er 
gaaet  for  to  Ximer  -  he  has  been  two  hours 
gone;  for  minbre  enb  en  halo  lime  .  withln  this 
half  hour;  for  ilte  mange  Var  -  withln  recent 
years;  +  -  |en,  fe  ©enere. 

6ibenf0anå  [t.]  e  -er  waz  wing,  chatterer,  Am- 
pel** øorruhu 

6tbe|orbse  rf  co-ordinate,  make  co-ordinate. 
•orbnet  a  co-ordinate;  adv  co-ordinately.  -orb« 
Bing  co-ordlnating,  co-  ordination.  -ooerftrift 
running  ti  tie.  -pansring  &  side-armour.  -{»tabe 
side  plate.  -plan  J,  sheer-  draught.  -plante 
side  plank,  -pobning  cleft  grafting  -Kørt  & 
side  port.  -probntt  by-product.  -puf  thrust  In 
the  side.    -ronb  side-margin. 

Sibe'HfY  a  <ut  sidereal. 

6ibe|rob  lateral  root.  -mf  side-house,  -mm 
side-room.  -ror  serrice-pipe.  t-fal  (flrst,  second 
etc.)  floor  in  the  side- wing.  -ffib  side  aisle. 
•flnb  lateral  shoot.  -fUt*  4,  broadside  ord- 
nance.  -fmerte  pain  in  the  side.  +-fmut  digres- 
sion, -faring  side-leap;  fiø  double;  shlft;  aber- 
ration, -fiang  ($mp.)  side-rod.  -trillet  a  lateral. 
•fHØing  JuxU -position,  -fting  stitch  in  the  side; 
(Styning)  side-stitoh.  -frrom  sidestream.  -fine 
side-room.  -ftffe  side-piece;  fio  pendant,  fellow, 
parallel,  oounterpart,  companlon  (plece);  (i  TOaft) 
side-tree;  nben  -  unequalled;  bor  flt  -  i  is  paralelled 
by.  -fUb  side-blow,  lateral  thrust.  -U  beam 
sea.  -taftet  &  side- tackle,  -tal  (Hntal  ©iber) 
number  of  pages;  (Slummer  paa  Siben)  pagina! 
number;  forfpne  meb  -  page.  -tap  (p.  Jtanon) 
trunnlon.  -tegning  fe  -plan.  -titel  fe  -ooerftrift. 
•trappe  side-Btairs.  -tro*  body  of  flankers,  -trbt 
lateral  pressure.  -Paabe*  side -arm.  -bange 
cheek.  -bej  slde-way.  -Otnbt  a  turned  side- 
ways. -0inb  side -wind.  -Pinte!  side -angle. 
-birfning  lateral  action,  -bag  side-wall,  (p.  $00) 
quarter.  -barelfe  side-room.  -borge  side-arms. 
-bort  o  pains  in  the  side.  -bor I  n  slde-work, 
flank.    -bovtg  adv  fe  -langt. 

6i'b|beb  o  length;  swampiness.  -lambet,  Mambt 
a  (om  3orb)  fe  ©tb. 

6ibfe(l)  Cecilia. 

6ibfl  a  last;  ben  -e  (af  to)  the  latter;  for  -e 
Øana  for  the  last  Urne;  til  -e  Vconb,  Sraabe 
(0.  n)  to  the  last  man,  drop;  bet  -e  fto«  one  last 
kJss;  i  ben  -e  Xib  lately;  i  bet  -e  ftoarter  this 

quarter  of  an  hour;  ban  par  ben  -e  fom  gfl  b* 
was  the  last  to  leave  el.  who  lefl;  bo  bos  ft*n#tt 
Dsren,  fom  bar  bet  -e  ban  gjorbe  om  Stienen  wbei 
he  locked  the  door  the  last  thing  at  night;  :•: 
bet  -e  to  the  last;  be  -e  Dage«  geBiae  the  latier 
-day  saints;  han«  -e  (bberfte)  Qaab  his  final  hu^t 
be  c  9tobebex  the  latest  news;  i  et  af  be  -e  Sss- 
mere  af  in  a  recent  number  of;  ben  -e  i  Wacnedn 
on  the  last  day  of  the  month;  gine  ben  -e  C<j 
administer  extreme  unction;  ban*  -c  Orb.  for  bra 
b«be  his  dying  words;  min  -e  Bilje  my  last  »il 
and  testament;  bife  en  ben  -e  Bkre  do  the  fusen: 
honours  to  one;  —  c  6  i  b  f  t  e  n  (Seg)  toug^h(-wot-i , 
lege  -en  play  at  touch;  —  fibft  odv  last;  f.i  - 
at  last;  gemme  bet  bebfie  til .  keep  the  beat  thicg 
for  the  last;  .  paa  Sommeren  in  the  lauex 
part  of  the  summer;  _  jeg  faa  ham  the  !*»t 
time  I  saw  him ;  ba  jeg  -  faa  barn  when  1a#i  I 
saw  him;  ben  ler  bebft  fom  ler  -  better  the  la* 
smile  than  the  flrst  iaugh,  fe  Se;  lal  for  -  I 
thank  you  for  the  last  time  we  were  together. 
6ibfl|«fbigte  a  last  past.  -f«bt  a  youngnt. 
-leben  adv  lately,  the  other  day;  a  last.  6ibf> 
ning :  paa  el.  i  -en  at  the  end.  at  the  concluskm. 
at  last.  6fbf!|nobate  a  the  last-mentioned,  *at 
to)  the  latter.    -pro(bi)len  the  last  service. 

©ie  9t  fe  6i. 

eiebenbftrgcn  n  Transylyanla. 

©iefl  a  c  siesta. 

Ciffer  fe  Siffer. 

etfo'it  e  -er  si'phon. 

6ig  pron  rtfi  one's  self  (oneself),  himaelf,  her 
self,  itself,  themselves;  man  9«ber  .  one  hans 
oneself  el.  you  will  hart  yourself ;  han  fts-bte  . 
he  hart  bimself;  bnn  fiobte  .  she  hurt  herstrlf; 
elfter  -  felo  loves  bimself,  fe  6eU;  gobmobtg  af  . 
0.  fL,  fe  «f. 

*6igb  c  -er  slckle,  reaping-hook. 

*©ige,  feg,  feget  vt  sink,  settle,  glide  el.  ad- 
vance  slowly.    €ig  n  sinking  etc. 

Sige,  fogbe,  fagt  tt  say,  tell  (say  alrib  meb,  teli 

ferne  nben  to);  ^an  faabe  bet  til  mig  boa  føonft 
for  at  be  omfringflaaenoe  ilte  ftnlbe  b>te.  boab  ti 
agbe);  ban  fagbe  (fortalte)  mig,  at  bang  venner 
baobe  raabet  barn  til  ilte  at  omtale  €aaen  til  nogen, 
bbilfet,  fom  be  fagbe,  trilbe  oare  ufotflgrigt:  bettr 
oar,  bbab  tyxu  peb  ben  Seiligbeb  fagbe   mig  he 
spoke  to  me  in  french  (that  the  bystanders 
might  not  understand  whatwe  said);  he  told 
me  that  his  friende  had  cautioned  him  not  to 
mention  the  subject  to  any  one,  which  they 
said,  would  be  impradent;  this  was  what  be 
stated  to  me  on  that  occasion;  fnnbe  rnopt  fpvt 
bnab  ieg  felo  fagbe  could  hardly  hear  myself 
speak;  .  \a  say  yes;  .  |a  til  noget  consent  10 
something;  -  en  gob  9tat,  garoef  wish  el.  bid 
one  good  night,  goodbye;  -  Ganbbeb  speak  the 
truth;  fig  mig  Ganb^eben!  tell  me  the  truth!  - 
%at  thank  one;  6agnet  -r  at  tradition  bas  it 
that;  -r  intet  I  never  mind!  no  matter!  -r  09 
ffrioet  say;  bbab  fa'  Jeg?  didn't  I  tell  you  sd? 
I  told  you  so ;  *Ja  gn'  fa'  Jeg  bet !  over  my  lefl ' 
man  -r,  bet  -g  they  say,  it  is  said;  fom  mos  -r 
as  they  say,  as  the  saying  is;  fom  ieg  -t  big, 
ban  er  bob  I  do  tell  you,  he  is  dead;  betle  t  $r 
nu  bare  faaban  you  are  pleased  to  say  so;  )eg  bar 
bort  -  I  have  heard  say  el.  heard  it  said;  ieg 
par  labet  mig  .  I  have  been  told;  jeg  lob  barn  - 
beb  min  Zjener  I  sent  him  word  by  my  servant; 
Iabe  fig  -  listen  to  reason,  hear  ad- 
vised;  bet  mas  jeg  -,  ban  er  en  bbgrig  Vtanb  he 
is  a  elever  man,  I  must  say,  I  declare;  non  bet 
maa  jeg  .!  I  declare!  bbab  jea  fralbe  -  what  I 
was  going  to  say;  bbab  Pil  (fra!)  bet  f  ige?  what 
does  it  mean?  what  is  the  meaningof  it?  bto& 
bil  ban  -  bermeb?  what  does  he  mean  by  that? 




bet  oil  .  that  ii  (to  say);  prøoe  tøab  bet  bil  .  at 

try  what  It  Is  to;  SalgSprtfen,  bet  oil  -  ben  Sum 

boorfor  the  selling-price,  the  sum,  that  Ib,  at 

wbich;  bet  toti  -  meget  tbat  is  saying  much;  at 

f  i  g  e  berfom  .  .  .  that  is  to  say,  if  .  .  .;  faa  at  - 

so  to  say,  so  to  speak,  as  lt  were;  bet  &>r  tlfe 

meget  at  .  it  is  no  great  matter,  tells  for  little; 

bet  bar  intet  at  ~,  bet  -r  intet  it  is  of  no  oonse- 

quence;  bet  fyw  minbte  at  -  om  it  does  not  so 

much  signlfy  if;  betfom  jeg  b^wbe  noget  at  -  if  I 

had  anythlng  to  say  in  the  matter;  for  (bog)  at 

_  noget  by  way  of  saying  something;  fom  f agt, 

leg  fan  ifte!  as  before  said,  as  I  sald  before,  I 

repeat,  I  cannot;  fom  fagt,  faa  gjort  so  said  so 

done,  no  sooner  sald  than  done,  he  sulted  the 

action  to  the  word,  he  was  as  good  as  his  word; 

mellem  øt  fagt  between  you  and  me;  bet  er  meget 

fagt  that  is  saying  something  el.  a  good  deal; 

faa  et  bermeb  ogfaa  fagt  it  follows;  of  course;  bet 

er    iffe  fagt  it  does  not  follow,  it  is  not  qaite 

certojn;    f   føut  b,ar  ifte  mrget  at  flal  b>oe  fagt 

he   has  not  much  to  say  for  bimself ;  jeg  oeb 

irte,   &>orlebei  jeg  ffal  faa  bet  fagt  tøm  I  don't 

know  how  to  put  lt  to  him;  —  (meb  prop 

&    adv):  .af  countermand,   renounce,   give 

up ;   ban  oeb  iffe  af  ®t)øbom  at  .  he  has  never 

known  what  slckness  is;  -  efter  repeat;  -  gob 

for   en  be  answerable  for  one;  -  forub,   fe 

Eotubfige;  _  fig  noget  fra/  fe  graftge;  -  fra  prov 
•  a  „  rif;  .  frem,  fe  fyreufige;  fig  frem! 
say  on,  p  fire  away!  fym  f>at  meget  at  ~  fjo* 
røinifieren  he  has  'great  influence  with  the 
minister;  _  imob,  fe  9tobf!ge;  ~  om  (igen)  repeat; 

*  bet  -r  jeg  iffe  om  I  can  t  blame  nim  there; 
-op  give  notice  el.  warning,  fe  Cpfige;  tym  tyar 
intet  at  -  ober  mig  he  has  no  authority  over 
me;  %ox  bu  noget  at  .  paa  b>n<  Dpforfel?  do 
you  find  fault  with  his  behavlour?  bec  er  intet 
at  -  paa  bet  he  can  hardly  be  blamed  for  that; 
-  en  noget  paa  lay  (a  thing)  to  one's  charge; 
-til  say  so,  drop  a  hint,  give  notlee;  bu  be» 
bøtter  tun  at  ~  til  you  need  only  say  the  word; 
~  flq  ub,  fe  røelbe;  .  oeb  fig  felo  say  to  one's  self. 

CHøef  n  -gier  logogram  for  shorthand,  sigla  pi. 

-tetgelia  a  speakable.  Stgeube  n  report, 
rumonr;  efter  -  accordlng  to  report,  as  it  is  said, 
if  rumour  may  be  belleved;  efter  fjani  _  accord- 
lng to  him;  efter  allei  -  er  ban  by  everybody's 
account  he  is,  he  is  unlversally  sald  to  be. 

6ig*«'(  n  -er  slg'nal ;  gøre  -  make  a  signal; 
meb  -er  oppe  with  signals  flying.  Signal  |  af  pantt 
signalling  distance,  -apparat  signal  apparatus. 
-Mtt*  fe  -ilb.  -tog  signal  book,  code  of  signals. 
•*ø§ tratter  signal  letters  (o.  ff.)     Signalement' 

*  -er  descrlptlon  (of  one's  person).  Signalere 
fe  -ifere.  6ignal|falb  signal  halyard.  -flag  signal 
-flag.  -ftorn  bugle.  -ilb  signal  fire.  fjtgualt* 
fe're  vt  sig'nalize,  slg'nal;  vi  make  signals. 
Øigmaljlonieme  signal  lantern  el.  light,  -liner 
signal  halyards,  -matt)  (3arn&.)  flagman.  -pibe 
steam  whistle.  -ratet  sky  rocket,  signal  rocket. 
-flitte  &arnb.)  disk.  -frnb  signal  -gun.  -ftang 
signal-post  et.  -staff.  -ftonbere  &  royal  back- 
stays.  -føttiou  signal  station,  -fttftem  signal 
-code,  code  of  signals,  'tromme  orderly  dram. 
GignaU'r  o  -er  bugler;  Ootnb.)  signalman. 

eignoiur  c  -er  (Unberffr.,  mus)  slg'nature;  frø 
(p.  ttrf)  fignatnre,  (p.  Xttøer)  kern;  (p.  røebtcin) 
medical  label,  -magterne  the  Slgnatory  Powers. 

Signe  vt  (gore  Srors  ober)  make  the  sign  of 
the  cross  upon;  (oelftgne)  bless;  vi  (brioe  lefleri) 
use  charms,  incantatlons.  -formular  formula 
of  incantation.  -tone,  -ttttutte,  -faOiug  wltch, 
sorceress.    -Ife,  -n  c  incantatlons,  sorcery. 

Signet  n  -er  seal,  sig'net.  -ring  signet-ring. 
-tilter  seal-engraver. 

Sigt  c,  mere  sight;  tre  Dage  fra  «  at  three 
day's  sfght;  betale  beb  -  pay  at  sight;  fort  ~ 
short  date,  sbort  sight. 

Gigt  t  (og  ©agefalb)  fines  (contlngent  in  a 

•Sigt  fe  Sigte  o. 

Sigioar  a  clear.    -t>eb  o  clearneas. 

Sigte  vt  (beftblbe  [for])  accuse  (of;,  charge 
(with);  .  en  paa  qani  Mfre  impeach  one's  bonour. 

Sigte  n  (Wual,  ftborefter  bet  Jtate«;  aim;  fip 
object;  (Sbnligbeb)  sight.  view;  (étgteforn)  sight, 
(p.  Cftant  el.  Setftlant)  sight- vane;  fig  %at>t  i  - 
have  in  view,  tage  ~  paa  take  aim  at;  tabe  af  - 
lose  sight  of;  ube  af  .  out  of  sight;  faa  i  .  get 
a  sight  of,  come  in  view  of,  sight;  bi  oare  i  . 
af  Sanb  we  were  within  sight  of  land;  bi  fif 
fianb  i  .  we  aighted  land.  6igte  vi  (paa)  aim, 
point,  (at);  -  til  refer  to,  p  be  drivlng  at;  .  paa 
el.  {fio)  til  en  meb  nt  level  st  at  one;  bet  -be  til 
mig  it  was  aimed  at  me. 

eigte,  *6igt  c  -er  (^aanb>)  sleve,  (6tgtebarf> 
bolter.  Sigte  vt  slft;  bolt  (begge  ogf.  fig)\  t  -t 
fulb  =  propfulb.  -krab  bread  made  of  bolted 
rye.  -bug  boltlng-cloth,  tamls,  (af  ^efte^aar) 
halr-cloth  for  sleves,    -flor  silk-gauze. 

6igtebnl  n  sight. 

Cigtefage  c  fe  Sanbfage. 

©igte|f(af  block- sight.  -lom  sight.  -tertt 
notch.    -linie  level. 

6igt|elfe  e  -r  accusation,  charge,  -elfeåeb 
suppletory  oath. 

etgtelmel  bolted  flour.  -mane  bolting-mill. 
-pofe  bolting -bag. 

6i|te|tttttttt  point  aimed  at.  -ffnre  notch. 
•ttifir  sight. 

éigtepefåel  o  bill  payable  at  sight. 

6igtettcrt  n  bolter,  digtning  e  bolting,  sift- 
ing etc 

*6tt  c  -er,  fe  $elt  (gift). 

6tf  e  -er  ($(itTenfi.)  seam.  -jammer  seam 

6iiien  a  f  such  a,  what  a. 

Gitter  a  secure,  sure,  (farefri)  safe;  (i  £p> 
træben)  confldent;  et  -t  Steb  a  safe  place;  bare 

-  paa  be  sure  of;  ~  paa  3foben  sure  of  foot;  jeg 
er  ifte  .  paa  om  I  am  not  satisfled  whether;  jeg 
er  ifte  -  paa  mit  Sib  I  do  not  consider  my  life 
safe;  -  for  Jhtgleme  safe  from  the  balls;  .  (ftftrt' 
retning  certaln  intelligence;  en  .  TOanb  a  trusty, 
reliable  man;  bet  oil  oare  bet  trefie  that  will  be 
the  safest  plan;  jeg  far  bet  fra  en  .  $aanb  I  have 
it  from  good  authorlty;  vent  ~  i  fin  6ag  be 
quite  sure;  for  at  bare  albele*  -  i  min  €ag  to  make 
surety  doubly  sure;  —  flffert  adv  surely,  cer- 
tainly,  assuredly,  to  a  certainty.  -fe)eb  c  safety, 
security;  (8it|eb)  certainty;  (@orgt* Vfjto)  «ecurity; 
(©elettnib)  assurance,  confldence,  coolness;  ftiUe 

-  flnd  security;  for  -#  ®fplb  for  safety's  sake, 
as  a  matter  of  prndence;  for  ^berligere  -i  Sfblb 
to  make  surety  doubly  sure;  ^pilten  ~  ljar  man 
for  at  wbere's  the  safety  that;  bringe  i  -  secure, 
make  safe. 

Sitterfc/ebilforanftaltntng  precautionary  meas- 
ure,  measure  of  precaution.  •fttrftitfe  safety 
match,  -(yattu  harbour  of  retuge.  -toeffieient 
factor  of  safety.  -tabe  safety-chaln.  -tal  safety 
keel.  -laa*  safety-lock,  stop-lock.  -lampe  safe 
•lantern,  safety-lamp.  -naat  safe  pin,  safety 
pin,  baby -pin.  -platte  ($mp.)  fusible  plate. 
-prop  (5)mp.)  safety- plug.  -fHØelfe  e  security. 
-oentil  ($mp.)  safety- valve;  (SampcttlinberS)  escape 

6itterlig  fe  oofr.  ©iffert. 

♦Cille  vi  fe  6agle. 

6lfliug  (t.  Sterling)  o  -er  scraper  blade. 

6i  flabe  n  strainlng  cloth. 




®ifttiag  c  seaming. 

6ttre  vt  secure,  inøure,  guarantee  (en  nt  st  to 
one);  ~  fin  (imob,  for,  +fra)  shelter,  screen,  shield 
one  s  self  (agalnst);  -  fig  nt  øecure,  make  sure 
t>f.  Gttrlng  c  securing,  securlty.  6ifrtng«' 
mfbbel  preservative. 

6tlf at  n  zigzag;  gcernb.  back- switch.  -Hinftting 
z.  ri  ve  ting  (o.  fL). 

6tt|fttft  creasing-tool.    -ftot  seam-set. 

Sil  e  -er  (8ftf!)  launoe,  Ammodytw  lancea. 

•CII  fe  ©i. 

*6ilanb  o  redbreasted  merganser,  Mergui  §er- 

6ilb  c,  *>/  =,  herring;  (font  Såre,  fiørfte)  fulls, 
(minDte)  matties,  (ringefie)  miied,  (gbbt)  spent, 
<meb  officielt  Braaermærte)  crown  fulls  etc:  fattet, 
(peget,  røget  ~  ealt,  pickled,  red  herring;  \aa  bøb 
fora  en  -  as  dead  as  a  herring  el.  a  door-nail; 
ilte  en  fur  -  bærb  not  worth  a  straw;  pattet  font 
~  i  en  Xønbe  dosely  packed,  crowded  to  Buffoca- 

Gtlbe  adv  late. 

6itbe|affa(b  offal  of  the  herring.  -baab  her- 
ring- boat.  -bjærg  enormous  shoal  of  herring. 
•blini  glimmering  light  of  the  herrings  *-bøi! 
herring  -  buss.  -faagft,  -fifleri  herring- fishery. 
-flflerfartøl  herring  smæk,  (ftbiftj  herring-buss. 
+»fjø»b  flord  wbere  berrlng-flshery  Is  gotng  on. 

©ilbc|røbtting  late-born  animal  el.  child.  -fabt 
a  late-born. 

©ilbejgant  herringnet.  -glimt  fe  -blini;  fe 
Jrornmob.  -|a|  porbeagle,  1/amna  cornubica 
»Ijbal  fin -flan,  Balamoptera  laticept.  »lange  rib- 
bon-flsh,  Gymnetrua.  -(age  herring- pickle.  -leg 
herring -spawn.  -moagr  yellow-  legged  gull, 
herring -gull,  Lnrru  argentahu.  *-not  fe  -bob. 
••rar  fe  -$bal.  -falat  salmagundi.  -fatter  her- 
ring-packer,  curer.  -falsning  salting  el.  pickling 
of  herrings,  herring  -  curing.  -frime,  -fHmmel 
shoal  of  herrings.  *-ftttng  n  shoal  of  berring 
locked  in  by  the  seine.  ••fUrje  tunny.  Scomber 
tkynnut.  -tran  herring -oil.  -tnft  fe  -longe. 
•tønbe  herrlng-barrel.  *-øaag  fe  -fiorb.  -bob 

6ilblg  a  k  adv  late.  Cllbiag  o  -er,  fe  6tlbe- 
f åbning. 

©ilbing  o  -er,  fe  »rifling. 

*GUbre  c  saxifrage,  Saxi fragå. 

*6ile  vt  fe  Si.  Gi'røaar  n  strainer  (made  of 

CUbouet  o  -ter  sllhouette.  6trøønette're  vt 
take  a  Bilhouette  of. 

SUic'tnin  n  sil'icon.  -fluorib  sillcic  fluoride. 
-fnlRb  slliclc  aulphide.    SUtfa't  »  -er  Bll'icate. 

€tt|e  fe  6elje. 

©ilte  c  (t  n)  ub.  pl  slik;  af  -  silken;  ban  fpanbt 
ingen  -  berbeb  he  did  not  profit  very  largely 
by  that.  -abe  squlrrel  monkey,  tiapale  -afralb 
waste  slik.  -agtig  a  sllky.  -anb  grebe,  Podieept. 
-abl  rearing  el.  breedlng  of  silkworms,  culture  of 
slik,  sericulture.  -atter  silkworms-grower.  -taaab 
slik  ribbon.  -baft  blambonees.  -blaar  waste-silk. 
•blonbe  silk-lace.  -blab  a  soft  as  slik,  sllky. 
-bomalbetra*  silk-cotton  tree,  Bombax.  -bort 
ailk  edging.  -bamaft  dik  damask,  -fabrif  slik 
-manufactory,  silk-mlll.  -forøer  silk-dyer.  -far« 
Heri  Bilk-dyeing  factory  -flor  tiffany.  -flod 
slik  shag.  -Ml  slik  velvet.  -fobtr  silk-lining. 
-ftyafer  stlk-fringes.  -glan!  slik-glose,  -tøarct 
a  sllky-halred.  -}ate  fe  6ibenfban§.  -tantet  øilk 
-tråde,  mercery  line.  -tøre  Angora  rabbit, 
Leptu  eunieutwf  angorennt.  -Qftt  silk  bonnet  el. 
hat.  -Ijejre  llttle  egret  heron,  Herodias  garxttta. 
•bas  cocoon.  -tøfl  crop  of  cocoons.  -laabe  slik 
cloak.  -tjøle  slik  dress,  -trommer  slik  meroer, 
silk-man.  -ffobt  a  clad  in  ailk.  -arm  Bilkworm. 

-papir  sllk-paper,  tissue-paper.  -plante  ailk 
•weed,  Aiclcpian.  -plnbf  fe  -nos.  -prtbel  silkj 
-haired  dog.  -bang  ailk  purse,  -faa,  -f«f  buhl 
-saw.  -flrub  silken  garb.  -fnor  silk  string  el. 
cord.  -fpaaa  fe  affalb.  -fplnb  silken  tissue. 
-ftof  fe  -løj.  -ftrømbe  silk  stocking;  -c  silki. 
-flyet  a  silk-embroidered.  -traab  silk-thread. 
-tange  smooth  tongue.  -tbtt  silk-net.  -t#f  silk 
(stuff).  -alb  silk-cotton.  -aarer  sliks,  -»at 
silk  waddtng.  -bom  silk-loom.  -vamcr  silk 

6itteri  fe  Selleri. 

6ttø  e  silo. 

*€N'lblabe  o  rose,  strainer. 

•Cilre  vi  trickle. 

Cila'rift  a  Silurlan. 

6ime  c  -r  seton,  (grobere  til  3>br)  rowel. 

6imei  Shimei. 

6im  Uor  n  aimllor. 

Gimle  c  -r  roll  (of  bread). 

*6imle  c  -r  female  rein-deer. 

Gintmer  o  anemone. 

Simmer  n  timber  (40  skins). 

6imont'  c  sim  ony. 

6tmbel  a  (ligefrem,  jcebn)  simple,  plain;  (almin* 
belig)  common;  Iringe)  ordinary,  inferior,  bad; 
humble;  .  (Solbat  common  soldier;  -  £øflig%eb 
common  co artes y;  ben  -pie  IRanb  the  common 
people;  -  Siorente  Immediate  annulty;  -pie  ©am 
inferior  goods,  ban  er  en  -  (raa,  plump)  frarf  he 
is  a  vulgar  fellow;  bet  er  -t  it  is  bad  taste;  af 
ben  -pie  ©runb  for  the  plaih  reaaoa  that,  — 
fimpelt  adv  (liaefremt)  slmply,  plainly;  (ajraiert. 
laot)  meanly,  shabbfly-,  -t  ^en  simply.  eiaapel 
c  (CBljifi)  single  game.  -beb  c  Bimplictty,  plain- 
ness:  commonness;  vulgarity. 

6impltfl|ce're  vt  sim'pUfy.  -totiø«  c slmplifi 

6imøbøØl  e  rabbet  plane. 

6imn(|a'Ire  c  -r  sham  fight,     -ant'  -et  simu 
la'tor,  malingerer.    -atio'n  o  simulation,    -ert 
vt  sim'ulate,  felgn;  -  Sbflbom  be  sblrking;  -be 
papirer  colourable  papers. 

6imnIta'nfIole  ø  school  frequeuted  by  diflferent 
denominations,  mixed  school. 

©i«  [ogf.  fin']  pron  pon  rejl,  n  fil,  pl  fine. 
fbaabe  oonj  k  *b»oi)  his;  (fonhrntt.)  her;  (abfol»t> 
hers;  (bruges  fan  fon  i.)  1te,  one's;  ^an  (tøn)  bar 
fin  §at,  og  tøm  (^an)  -  he  (she)  has  his  (her) 
(own)  hat,  and  she  (he)  has  hers  (his);  i  -  2ib 
sometlme,  once;  at  the  time;  (&remnb)  in  due 
time;  bi  tog  faer  fin  (el.  fit)  each  of  us  took  one; 
bore  ^atte  ere  ber;  lab  os  tage  boer  -  our  bau 
are  here;  let  each  of  us  take  the  one  that 
belongs  to  hlm  el.  her;  tym  bleb  beb  fit  he 
inslated,  he  stuck  to  his  text;  bibrager  fit  con 
trlbutes  somethlng;  enhver  fit!  every  one  his 
own  is  all  fair!  ttrbrjbet  bleb  belt  faalebea,  at 
enboer  fif  fit  the  work  was  divlded  øo  that 
every  one  had  his  part;  gøre  fit  til  noget  do 
one's  beat  for  a  thing;  gibe  entøer  fit  give 
every  one  his  due,  his  own;  tyøer  gi!  til  ftt 
every  one  went  to  his  home;  enftber  larger  for 
-e  everybody  takes  care  of  his  own  el.  of  his 
family  el.  relations;  paa  -e  Stebei  in  piaces,  til 
•e  Ziber  at  timeø ;  af  -e  ©runbe  for  reasons  of 
my  own. 

6iab  n,  pl  »,  mind,  temper,  disposition;  et 
roligt,  flemt,  bafligt,  pirreligt  .  a  oalm,  bad,  baøty, 
fretful  temper;  mange  .,  fe  $obeb;  et  let  -  a  light 
heart;  meb  let  .  with  a  light  heart;  flifte  .,  fatte 
et  anbet  -  cbange  one's  mind;  flaa  noget  af  fit  - 
dismlsB  from  one's  thoughts;  af  bit  ganfte  alerte 
oa  af  bht  ganfte  Sjæl  og  af  bit  ganfte  -  bibl  with 
all  thy  heart  and  with  all  thy  soul  and  with  all 
thy  mind;  bet  gil  ilte  efter  mit  .  it  (the  result) 




was  not  to  my  mind;  font  netop  oor  rftet  b>nft  - 
who  exactly  hit  hia  fency;  i  -  og  ©tinb  through 
and  through;  i  Rt  ftiHc  .  mentally,  privately, 
with in  htmself ;  faa  i  -e  take  into  one's  head; 
Ijodc  i  -e,  vare  til  -i  intend,  design,  purpose; 
ban  bar  Cnbt  i  -c  he  is  bent  upon  el.  means 
miacbief;  vta  t,  fe  fjerte;  tør  lange  ligget  oft 
XMxa  -e  has  long  been  uppermost  in  our  mind«; 
bl  i  oe  onberlebe*  til  -8  cbange  one's  mind.  Gittb|* 
biflebe  emblem,  symbol.  -biØebtig  a  emblemat- 

tGinbe    benne  .  this  time. 

Giubclag  n  disposition,  temper. 

Gtnber,  Ginner  pi  ($ammerflæl,  Glatter)  cin- 
ders, (tun  i  forfie  ©et.)  scales,  (Tun  i  flbfte)  slag, 

Ginbrt  a  (mob  el.  imob)  minded,  disposed, 
affected  (towards);  berbtlig  -  wordly-  minded; 
banft  -  of  the  Danish  party;  fongrlig  -  loyal,  of 
the  royal  party;  be  tongelfg  -be  the  royalists; 
far  or  ir  bf«  er  b>n  ~?  what  are  his  sen  timents? 
Gtnbtg  a  temperate,  considerate;  sedate  Gin« 
frtgfc/cb  c  temper,  considerateness,  composure;  * 
ffanb  bibl  the  spirit  of  a  sound  mind.  Ginbrig 
a  ingenious.  Ginbrigtyeb  c  ingenionsness,  in- 

6tnb«|abfbrebelfe  recreatlon  of  the  mind. 
•ftcfraffenteb  disposition,  temper.  -tebttgelfe 
emotion,  (heftig)  exdtement,  agitation,  -foran* 
•ring  cbange  of  mind.  -forfatning  fe  -beftoffen« 
fceb.  -forttimt  a  deranged,  distracted.  -for* 
»trefag  derangement  (of  intellect),  insanity, 
un sound  mind.  -freb  peace  of  mind.  -frtft  a 
of  sound  mind.  -fraft  streng th  of  mind.  -tibelfe 
affection  of  the  mind;  f  =  Sibenflab.  -tfgeborqt 
eqaanimity.  -oprør  agitation,  ezcltement,  tumult 
of  the  mind.  -ro,  •rotigtyeb  peace,  tranqullllty 
el.  serenlty  of  mind.  -rut  rapture,  ecstacy. 
-rorelfe  fe  -bebægelfe.  -ftemttina  mood,  temper, 
hnmour,  frame  of  mind.  -ftørte  fe  -traft.  -fbag 
o  dlsordered  in  mind,  deranged;  en  .  an  insane 
perton,  a  madman,  a  lunatlc.  -fbagfceb  mental 
derangement.  -foatlelfe  mental  debility.  -f»g 
a  diseased  in  mind,  deranged.  -fftgbom,  -tøne 
mental  disease  el.  malady.  -fngeanftalt  lunatlc 
as ylum.  +-ftgelig  a  morbid,  -fbgelæge  allenist. 
•tilftanb  fe  -forfatning.  -Kro  anziety  of  mind, 

Ginefn  |re  c  -t  sin 'ecure.  -rifl'  <r  -er  sinecure 

Singafe'fer  o  -e  Slnghalese;  -ne  the  Slnghalese. 

Gtngebnft  fe  Ginfebu*. 

Singcl(é)  c  shlngle.  -ftaflaft  shingle  ballast. 
-tout  shingly  bank,  bank  of  shlngle. 

Gingelton  c  -er  single  card,  singleton;  ttbføif 
af  .  cont  Whltechapel. 

•Glngte  vi  jingle. 

Gingot !  F  your  good  health  I 

tGtngrøn  n  (Bintergrønt)  perlwinkle,  Vinca. 

Gingalari*  c  <fc  »,  gram  the  singular  (number). 

Glnt  fe  Qinl. 

tGinte  o  -r  (mnflt.  Sfnftr )  cornet. 

tGinte  o  -r  (ril  Gtobler  ofb  )  heel-tip. 

Gittte  c  -r  lag,  backward  child.  Ginte  vt 
retard,  detaln,  delay;  —  w  fig  lose  time. 

Gittte  te  (falbe)  dovetail.     -bør  coun ter-sink 


Gintebu'l  c  (ttrætføtt)  cinque-deuce ;  F  box 
on  the  ear. 

Giute)tettte  lowest  form,  booby  form.  -Ife  c, 
•*i  n  retardlng  etc.,  delay,  detention. 

Grutning  c  dove-taillng.  Gint|*nøb  dovetailed 
coraer-Joint  (of  a  log-house).  -fab,  -fag  dovetail 
•saw.    -tab  tenon. 

•Ginne  i»  F  anger,  choler,  passion,  temper. 
-tog  F  Bpltflre. 

Ginner  fe  Gtnber. 

Ginno  ber  c  cin'nabar. 

Gtuølog  c  -et  Chinese  scholar,  sin'ologue. 

*Gtnt  a  F  tngry,  mad.  Glutetagg  fe  Ginne« 

Ginter  c  sinter,  -tul  clod  cool.  Sintre  vi 
petrlfy,  concrete. 

Gina*  e  -er  sine;  .  totu*  the  whoie  sine;  ~ 
vernn  versed  sine.  -linie,  -ffala  line  of  sines. 
-tabel  table  of  sines. 

♦Gi*'  a  fe  éibpet.    6i^e  c  -r  prude. 

•Gibbe  vi  chirp. 

Gibbet  a  prudish,  namby-pamby.  -b;eb  c, 
6ibbtri'  n  prudery.  Biptfttuitf  e  prudish  el. 
flnical  creature. 

Gir  c  adornment,  ornament.  Gira't  o  -er 
ornament,    -tal?  ornamental  shrub. 

Gire'«  e  -er  lilac,  Syringa  v*lgari*. 

Gire  ne  o  -r  Si'ren;  rønftrutn.)  slre'ne;  *o  siren, 
mud  iguana,  Siren  lacertina.    -fang  Siren-song. 

Gi'nlff  e  ornamental  fish. 

•GlrU  e   er  cricket,  Oryllui. 

Giritt*  o  Sirius,  the  Dog-star. 

Gi  rllg  a  elegant,  graceful;  (i  flet  ©et.)  flnical. 
-tyeb  e  elegance;  flnlcalneas. 

Giroc'eo  o  sirocco. 

Gi  rtolante  c  ornamental  plant. 

Glrtft  n  -er  chintz,  prlnted  calico. 

Glrn^P  e  treacle,  (sugar-house)  molasses;  (Vpo* 
tefer*Gj  syrup.  -agtig  a  treacly.  —  Girn^åjtage 
treacle- cake.  -ImKe  treacle -pot;  t(le«lenaon) 
honey,  darling 

tGife  e  fe  tttcife. 

Gifel  e  sisel ,  snslik ,  Spérmophiliu  citillui. 
-egern  gopher,  Xeru*. 

^Giflf  e  fe  Giften. 

Gi  flaa(  o  colander. 

+Gif!e  [t]  vi  whlz. 

Gitflctt  c  -er  siskin,  Fringilla  tpinut.  -gro*  a 

#Gi*fc(rob  e  common  polypody,  Polypodium 

Sifbfnlarbejbe  n  Slsyphe'an  labonr. 

Git   pron  po*a  rifl.  fe  fein. 

Gitgnlt  «  Dutch  pink. 

Gitre  vi  tremble,  q uiver.  -n  c  trembling. 
Gitterjaalelectrlceel,  &vm*otu*  eiectrieui.  -rotte 
eleotiic  ray,  Torpedo. 

Gitter«  o  *l,  flrst  futtock.    -ftob  futtock-head. 

Gttti«  n  Shlttim. 

Gitmatio'«  e  -er  sltua'tion;  -en  boMen  equal  to 
the  occaslon;  rebbf  be  -en  retrieved  the  lost  game. 
—  Gitnarlo'nflf  ort  map  of  situation,  -linie  line 
of  situation.    GitKe'ret  a  sit'uated. 

Gib  n,  pi  «=■,  rush,  Juncu$  (f  ogf.  club-ruah, 

*Glbaab  a  wringing  wet,  drenched. 

Gi  b|breb  rushy  margin,   -banb  rushy  bottom. 

Gibe  vi  oose. 

+Glbet  a  rushy. 

Gi  blgroet  o  rushy.  -|o(oi  rushy  islet.  -tranfet 
a  encircled  with  rushes.  -fnrb  rush -basket, 
-maarte  rush-mat.  •plante  rush.  -fanger  bo« 
•thrusb,  Calamoherpe  »ekoenobctnut.  -f^nrb  reed 
-hunting,  Embtrina  tchoeniclu$.  -flot  rush(-bot- 
tomed)  chalr. 

0GJ«ber  a  f  seedy,  out  of  torts. 

Gjatal  e  -er  jack'al,  Canit  amreus. 

GUtre  fe  Sd>atre. 

•Gfofre  vi  (om  fyiQlt)  chatter. 

Giato'  e  -er  shak'o. 

GJol  n  -er  shawl. 

*  Gf angle  vi  reel. 

Giab'if  c  brash. 

Gjaff  n  sloppy  (state  of  the)  road.    GJafte  vi 

Gjaril  c  brash.    +Gja^bet  o  sludgy. 
dabble,  puddfe,  paddle.     Gjaffebobeb  n  slut, 




slattern.  6jaff  et  a  sloppy,  splashy,  muddy  and 
wet;  bet  er  -  fjøre  it  Ib  Bloppy  walking;  t  . 
gøre  on  a  sloppy  ri.  miry  road.  6jafft>ejr  dlrty 

t©fot'  c  -ter  drop  (Lefl). 

teiattet  fe  Glattet. 

*6fegte  o  r  whale-boat,  skiff,  fanny. 

*€jene  fe  6t]ene. 

©fette  num  sixtb;  .  ©nb  seventh  command- 
ment  (forbi  oort  førfie  ©ub  t  ben  engetfte  Støte« 
tiSmus  gøre*  til  to),  -bel,  -part  sixth  (part); 
fem  -bele  flve  sixths. 

6Hp|pe  vi  skip.    -tot  skipplDg-rope. 

Gjøfei  a  (ogf.  Æø)  shabby,  mean.  -Ift'  o  -et 
ragamuffin.    ffyø'jle  vt  treat  ignominlously. 

(Bjøfte  c  -r  slattern.  ØJøIte  vi  tradge,  Jog, 
■huffle;  -nbe  ©ang  shuffling  el.  slouching  galt. 
-bue  letz.  6iff| betlet  a  Bhuffllng.  CfoHen  c 
shuffling.    ©JoHelt'  -»øm  a  draggle-tailed. 

Sjob  e  og  n  (fiøjer)  fan,  lark;  (Støj,  gfor- 
ftbrrelfe)  kick-up,  row;  (tilfalbigt  fcrbejbe,  font  be- 
tale« ftbttebt«)  work  by  the  job;  tilfælbig  - 
occasional  jobs;  gøre  -  make  fun,  kick  up  a 
row;  Ijaoe  -  have  a  lark;  gøre,  tøve,  Ijolbe  .  meb 
en  have  fun  with  one;  ber  bar  en  forfarbelig  - 
there  was  a  horrible  kick-up;  %\aai  -  &  waft, 
waif;  tjejfe  $lag  i  -  hoist  a  waft.  efobe  vi  toil. 
Øjøber  o  e  labonrer;  &  lamper.  —  6iøber|fnøb 
Matthew  Walker  knot.  -Un,  -penge  labourage, 
1  um per' s  wages. 

Siunge  t  &  poet  fe  6nnge;  fe  ©ammet. 

SjnS'  c  p,  fe  6ioo. 

6i«ffe  pi  slight  over.  SJnffe  c  r,  -t)ø»eb, 
•Stålene  slattern,  Blut,  trollop.  -ri'  n  slovenli- 
ness.  -t  a  (afiaflet)  slighted  over;  (om  $erfoner) 
slatternly,  slovenly. 

©Joel  c  -e  soul;  (i  $ennepofe)  pith;  (i  ftabel) 
core,  (i  ftanon)  bore;  (i  Stlb)  swim,  sound;  en 
gob  .  a  good  soul  (o.  fl.);  ben  .!  poorsoul!  paa 
~  og  fiegeme  in  mind  and  body;  lægge  tyele  fin  . 
i  put  one's  heart  and  soul  into;  oære  -n  1  be 
the  (life  and)  soul  of ;  to  t  og  een  Xanfe  two 
souls  with  but  a  single  thought. 

6jo;tben  n  rare,  scaroe,  unfrequent,  infrequent; 
i  en  -  ©rab  exceptionally,  to  an  exceptional 
degree;  en  -  (Bang  for  once  in  a  way;  bet  er  -t 
at  it  is  rare  et  rarely  that;  men  bette  oar  -t  but 
those  were  rare  occasions;  -bnere  less  frequent; 

—  adv  (+-t)  seldom.  rarely,  unfrequently;  (i  en 

-  ©rab)  exceptionally;  .  eller  albrig  seldom  (el. 
rarely),  if  ever.  -beb  c  -er  (S9ef!affenljeben)  scarce- 
ness;  (©enftonb)  rarity,  curiosity;  bet  er  ingen  . 
(at  ofb.)  It  is  no  rare  el.  uncommon  thing;  brt 
er  ben  fltørfte  -  at  it  is  the  rarest  thing  to. 

6fffte|abe(  nobility  of  soul.  -angfl  agony  of 
soul,  anguish  of  mind.  -bob  penitence.  -ebne 
faculty  of  the  soul,  mental  ability.  -fanger 
proselytizer.  -freb  fe  Stnbsfreb.  -n-frø  fe  -gtab. 
-frtpb  fe  -glæbe.  -føbe  food  for  the  mind.  -gabe 
frankalmoigne.  -gift  poison  for  the  mind.  -gfab 
a  delighted,  overjoyed.  -gfabe  dellght,  transport 
ofjoy.  -bbrbe  fe  -førger.  -bøtøeb  fe  ©jætø«.  -tamp 
struggle  of  the  soul,  mental  struggle.  -fritter, 
-ftonbtg  c  psychologist.  -fbal,  -fbibe  agony  of 
mind.  Sjælelig  a  (=*  @jat«.  el.  Sjaie-)  mental; 
-e  fiibelfer  mental  Buffering«;  (ptød)ift)  psychical; 
bet  -e  the  psychical  element.  éj«(e|Ub  life  of 
the  soul,  soul'8  life,  spiritual  life.  -læge  psyebi- 
ater,  spiritual  physician.  -lære  psychology, 
philosophy  of  the  mind.  -melfe  requlem,  mass 
for  a  departed  soul.  •ntorb  killing  the  soul. 
•mørber  destroyer  of  souls,  -morberif!  *  soul 
•killing,  -nbbelf  e  intellectual  enloyment.  -narring 
fe  -føbe.  -nøb  mental  el.  spiritual  distress.  -»lage 
torment  of  the  soul.  -pleje  care  el.  cure  of  souls. 
-prøve  trial  of  the  mind,  test  of  the  disposition. 

-ro  fe  6htbsro.  -mi  transport,  ecstacy.  -rø)gt  fe 
•pleje.  -fTilbrisg  portraiture  of  souls,  -forg 
deep-felt  sorrow;  fe  'pleje,  -fnab  a  healthy  in 
mind)  -fnnbbeb  spiritual  health.  -fisfr  joc 
dellght,  treat,  feast  (to  the  soul),  -fug  a  eoal 
-siok,  soul-diseaBed.  -f^gbøm  fe  Sinbf*.  -f«Tgrr 
pastor,  clergyman,  spiritual  guide,  -føb«  aleep 
of  the  soul.  -trang  craving  of  the  soul.  -rxøt 
consolation.  -boanbe  fe  -nøb.  -benbring  trans- 
migration  of  souls,  metempsychoeis.  •Danser  e 
-e  comforter.  -bm  bosom  friend.  -birtstisg 
operation  of  the  mind.  -P«Mmbe  a  soul-stirTtng, 
soul  reviving.  &\cttfntb  a  instinct  with  feeling, 
full  of  animation,  animated,  expresslve.  Gf*l> 
fnlbbeb  expresslveness,  animation,  spirit. 

ejørØanb  n  Sealand.  6ja*IIaitb#far,  G\<tUttw*€T 
e  inhabitant  of  Sealand.    6ja*na«bff  a  Sealand. 

G\ct'Vi$&  a  80ulle88,  llfeless,  inanimated,  vavcant. 
•beb  o  vacancy. 

6iør  (£|bebffge(fe  emotion,  -egmftai  mental 
quality.  -ebne  fe  6jæle>.  -friqeb  fe  Hanb**. 
•bøjbeb  elevation  of  soul,  high-mindedness. 
•rraft  fe  -ftttrfe.  -Ubelfe  agony.  -ftemntsg  fe 
6inM>.  flør^fb  magnanimity,  greatnesa  of  a 
mind  el.  soul.  -ftyrfe  strength  of  mind,  forti- 
tude,  -rilftanb  mental  state,  state  of  one's  souL 
•btring  manifestation  of  mind. 

*6Jø  F  fe  6ø.    -orre  c  velvet-scoter,  (Hdmmkia 


6lM  fla  vr  prov  demean  one's  self. 

•etaabbe  c  fe  *@fobbe. 

6taabe  vi  fe  6!obbe. 

*  Staal  c,  pi  S  tjærer  shaft  (of  a  sledge,  gig 
etc.),  thill. 

6faal  c  -er  J,  fish. 

Btaal  c  -er  bowl,  (ogf.  Ao)  cup;  ^  cupule; 
©nb«  8rrbe#  -er  (3ø$.  9ab.)  the  vlals  of  the 
wrath  of  God;  brifte  ens  -  drink  one's  health; 
~ !  your  good  health !  to  you !  forefloa  en  -  rive 
el.  propose  a  toast;  *gibe  i  -en  (i  QonbebrfiUup) 
give  a  present  to  the  new-married  coaplc. 
•bærere  pi  Z(  cupuliferous  trees.  -brifning  toast- 

*®taaU  e  -r  »hed,  pent-house. 

6faale  of  *£,  fish. 

Btaall formet  a  cupshaped;  -be  Sorbttbningrr 
archæ  cupshaped  depressions,  -fmgtebe  pi  \t 
-bærere.  *-g*be  present  to  the  new-married 
couple.  -topper  chicken-pox,  the  chickens. 
*-pmge  fe  -gabe.  -pnub  pound.  -tale  toast; 
Ijolbe  en  -  toast,  give  a  toast,  -taler  e  toaster, 
-tø«  a  ^  flying  light.    -b«gi  scale  weight. 

Btaant  vt  spare,  treat  with  lenlence;  -  fig 
be  careful  of  one's  self. 

®taan|e  n  Scania,  -ing  c  -er  inhabitant  of 
Scania  (in  Sweden).    -ft  a  Scania. 

6toanfel  o  mercy,  lenlence,  forbearance.  -lai 
a  unsparing,  merciless,  without  mercy,  remorse- 
less.  Gfaø/ttfønt  a  lenient,  forbearing.  6taan* 
føatbeb  c  lenlence,  forbearance. 

Btaar  n,  pi  —,  (af  ftrufte)  shard,  aherd;  (6nit) 
cut;  Onbfnit)  incision;  (i  en  Jrnio  ofb.)  hack; 
(©rcte  el.  ftorn)  swath;  gøre  -  i  fig  impair, 
dlminish;  bet  bar  et  -  i  that  was  a  draw-baek  to 

*6!aare  e  r  cut,  noten.  6faare  vt  notch;  ent, 
fell  (trees).    *-fl»  chip. 

Btaaztt  part  af  6fare. 

Gfaaret  a  (f.  ©».  ©wetb)  hacked. 

6faar(øgt  a  in  swaths. 

•etaatiz  c  fellingaxe. 

6fab  n  -e  (til  Xøf,  Sinncb)  press,  ward-robe; 
rftnere)  cabinet;  (bagfaft)  locker;  (ril  2etøj  ofb., 
@pifeoarer)  cupboard;  f  ({Rul)  brick  in  the  hat; 
bun  oeb,  ^oor  -et  flal  flaa  she  has  a  liule  will  of 
her  own. 




8tø»'  (paa  %aat)  scab;  (poa  $efle  og  $unbe) 
manire;  (&aa  SRenneffer)  itch,  psora. 

tSlatag'tig  a  F  affected.    -Ijeb  c  affectation. 

6t«'b|briffer  c  tippier.    -fejt  cupboard -door. 

Gtabe,  -te,  -t  ør  (frembringe)  create,  make;  (banne) 
form,  fiuhion;  boer  2)ag  ©ub,  laber  ~  every  blessed 
day;  JMæber  -  wolf  fine  feathers  make  fine  birds; 
øobt  ffabt  well-made,  -ahaped;  F  ber  er  ifte 
wcening  -bt  i  boab  bon  flået  what  he  says  is 
sheer  nonsense;  ban  er  bt  til  at  he  was  made 
for  -ing;  —  vr  fifl  (*-  flg  til)  deport  one's  self; 
e»n  give  one's  self  fndlculous)  airs,  behave 
aiTectedly:  _  fifl  om  transform  el.  change  one's 
self  (til  in  to);  _  fifl  Sorger  create  troubles,  worry 
one's  self  with  self-created  troubles;  —  ffabenbe 
a  creative.  Stabe  |bt)r  -bøøeb,  -tratte  lump  of 

GUbelo's e -er (SRobel,  til  Xegning  ofo.) templet; 
art  gauge,  (til  ftortabning)  former;  (Bøjning)  J, 
sweep;  (ftorm  i  Him.)  mould,  shape.  -b^gge  vt 
mould,  bevel.  -ntaøfig  a  conventlonal.  -fwfe- 
moflfne  designing-machlne. 

étabelfe  c  creation,  formation;  -ni  ©og  the 
book  of  Genesis.  —  6tabelfeå|att  aet  of  creation. 
-kag  day  of  creation.  -tffiøric  history  of  crea- 
tion, genesis.  +6tabrn  c  creation.  Gtaøtr  e  -e 
creator,  maker.    Sfaberaanb  creative  genius. 

etaberaf  n  -ler  housing,  saddle-clotb.  -tapir 
Indlån  tapir,  Tapiru*  malayanu*. 

6!abtr|bttb  command  of  the  Creator.  -e»«e 
creative  power  el.  feculty.  -tyaønb  creative 
band.  tetabtrt'  n  affectation,  airs.  Glaøetifl 
o  creative.  Staber  j  traf  t  creative  power,  t-manb 
creator.  -nabn  name  of  creator.  -øtb  word  of 
the  Creator.  -bftlbe  fe  -fraft.  -vært  work  of 

6fabl(b)et  a  scabby,  mangy.  -tatø  rap-scallion. 

€!abil  f«  n  fig  frlght,  hag.  -tjøbeb  coif-stock, 
milllner's  stock. 

€fabiø  fe  c  -r  scabious. 

Cfabmanb  c  «£,  boatswain's  yeoman. 

Gttbmibe  c  itch-insect,  Sarcopte*  »eabiei. 

Støbning  o  -er  (Sotfen)  creature;  (bet  at  flabe; 
noget,  font  er  frembragt)  creation;  ($annelfe)  shape, 
form,  make;  -en  (alt  bet  ffabte)  creation;  -en  er 
unberlagt  ftorfangetigtøb  the  creature  was  made 
subject  to  vanity.  StabntngØræffe  c  scale  of 

Stølnøgfe  e  key  of  a  pren  et.  cupboard. 

Sfabraf  fe  Slaberal. 

Sfabftoge  c  fe  Stab. 

Stabe  c  -r  (fttft)  skate,  Ra$a  bati§. 

tStabe  c  -r  føugl)  magpie,  pie,  Piea  vuløttri*; 
fe  -bue. 

Alle  o  -r  hart,  Injury,  damage,  harm,  pre- 
judice,  detrlment,  disadvantage;  gammel  -  deep 
-rooted  evll;  libe  -  (beb  ubborteft  ®olb)  sustaln 
injury  el.  damage,  be  damaged  el.  injured,  (libe 
tab;  sustain  loss;  tilføje  .  do  damage  to,  damage; 
faa  -n  gobtgjort  recover  damages;  ban  maa  betale 
•n  he  must  pay  the  damage;  til  fin  egen  -  to  his 
own  loss  el.  cost;  fomme  til  -  receive  harm,  hurt 
one's  self,  be  hurt  el.  injured;  tomme  for  ~  el.  i 
-  for  at  have  the  ill-luck  to;  lomme  i  .  for  (et 
fruentimmer)  go  wrong  with ;  bet  er  ~  for  ben 
nne  $at  lt  is  a  plty  the  new  hat  should  be 
spollt,  I  am  sorry  for  the  new  hat;  til  .  for  to 
the  Injury  of;  ban  bar  baft  .  af  he  is  the  worse 
for;  tage  -  be  damaged  el.  inlured;  om  ban  .  .  . 
taget  -  paa  fin  Sjæl  if  he  shall  .  .  .  lose  his  own 
soul;  bet  er  ingen  -  ffet  there  la  no  harm  done, 
F  no  bones  broke;  bet  er  flor  -  it  is  a  great 
plty;  bet  er  evig  -  it  is  a  thousand  pitles;  .  at 
qan  ifte  lom  før!  what  a  plty  he  did  not  come 
sooner  I  af  -  bliber  man  Kog  bought  wit  is  best, 
once  bitten,  twlce  fly;  Spot  og  -  følge«  ab  losers 

are  always  laoghed  at.  Stabe  vt  hurt,  injure, 
damage,  harm,  impair,  prejudlce;  tøn*  upopularitet 
-be  Ijam  he  was  a  sufferer  by  his  popularlty;  bet 
-r  ifte  lt  does  no  harm,  there  is  no  barm  in  it; 
bet  -r  barn  itfe  l  it  serves  him  right  1  Qbab  -r  bet ! 
what  harm  is  there  In?  where  Is  the  harm? 
boab  -r  btg?  what  alls  you?  bet  -r  tøm  intet  there 
is  nothing  amiøs  with  him.  tSlabebøb  fe  Stabe** 

Stabcøne  c  magpie,  Columba  pieata. 

Stabe  |btor  noxious  an  1  mal.  -fri  a  unhurt, 
uninjured.  -frø  a  dellghting  In  mischlef,  mis- 
chievous,  mlschlef-loving.  -fvøljeb,  -frbb  dellght 
in  mischlef.  mischievousness,  splte.  -fugl  noxious 
bird.  -gøub  fe  Sfabeøerftatning.  -gørenbe  a  fe 
S  tåbelig,  -llb  fire,  a  house  on  fire.  -llbenbe  a 
sustaining  loss.  -libt  a  damaged,  Buffering;  be 
-e  the  Bufferen.  Stabelig  o  hurtful,  Injurious, 
miscbievous,  harmful,  detrimental;  (meget  fTabel.) 
pernlcious;  (forbarbelig,  giftig)  baneful,  baleful; 
(om  Dpr)  noxious;  (^inbrenbe)  prejudiclal.  6tabe< 
ligbeb  c  burtfulness,  harmfulness,  pernlciouRnes^, 
mischievousness,  banefulness.  6(abe|ll|fl  love 
of  mischlef.  -luften  a  dellghting  In  mischlef, 
mischievous.    t-mattb  perpetrator,  malefactor. 

6taberebe  c  magple's  nest. 

6ta bed | erftatnin g  lndemnlfication,  indemnity, 
compensatlon ;  jur  damages.  6fabeflnbt  u 
wounded.  6tabeé|løg  a  indemnified;  tøtbe  . 
indemnify;  tølbe  fig  .  recoup  one's  self.  -Utf* 
breb  bond  of  indemnity.  -tød^olbelfe  c  indemni- 

Sfabeorg  n  magple's  egg. 

6taffe  vt  procure;  -  en  procure  for  one, 
provide,  fhrnlsh,  supply  one  with,  get  one 
something,  (forbolbe)  cause,  give;  Ian  $e  -  mig 
at  oibe  can  you  learn  for  me;  -  en  af  meb  noget 
take  a  thlng  off  one's  hånds;  .  afoejen,  bort 
remove,  put  out  of  the  way;  Ijabe  at  -  meb  have 
to  do  with;  •  tilfibe  put  out  of  the  way,  sup  pr  es  s; 
.  ttlftebe  produce;  -  tiloeie  procure;  vr  fig 
Becure;  ~  Afl  $ ienber  make  enemies;  —  vi  J,  eat, 
mess.  -talte  c  mess-kld.  -borb  mess  table. 
-borbdbø|le  crowfoot  ©tøffer  c  e  pnrveyor, 
caterer.   6taffe|tib  mess- time    -tøj  mess  things 

6fafot  n  -ter  scaff  old;  beftige  -tet  mount  the 

©taft  n  -er  handle,  haft;  (af  Gøile)  shaft; 
(6tøole-  og  Strflmpe«)  leg;  (ptøe>)  helve;  (ftnappe- 
naal<)  shank;  (Seebn.)  leaf;  ^  scape.  CNafte  øl 
haft,  furnish  with  a  handle,  »tøfle  |bn  tf  flag 
helved  punch,  t-ftaure  unthrashed  oats;  joc  a 
thrashing.  -fTo  tail  vioe.  -før«  unthrashed 
grain.  Mime  long-bandled  broom.  -ftøøle  long 
boot.  Btafttt  n  hafted,  helved.  —  ©taft | but 
eye;  handle-hole.  -ting  ferrule.  -tøt  socket. 
•tnnge  tang. 

©lage  vt  shake;  fe  ogfaa  Statte;  d>  (om  talje) 
(ofo.)  shift,  tteet;  (el.  .  fig  fom  Sinben)  shlft,  veer, 
haul.  -blaar  last  quallty  of  tow.  -toet  flax 

6fagen  n  the  Skaw.  ©fagerraf  n  the  Sleeve, 
the  Skager  Rack. 

Gtagle  c  -r  trace;  flaa  HI  -me  (ogf.  fig)  klck 
over  the  traces,  -reb  rope  for  traces,  -tern 
leathem  trace,  -ftebe  trace  -bearer.  -fløKget 

6lø!'  c  cbess;  .t  check  I  btjbe,  fige  -  check, 
give  el.  Bay  check;  ^olbe  i  -  fig  hold  one's  own 
agatnst,  keep  one  at  bay,  keep  one  in  check. 
-øøbning  chess-openlng. 

©fatlbriffe  chess-man.    -br«t  chess  board. 

©fatjtlub  chess-club.  -mat  check-mate;  gøre 
-  checkmate,  fio  bare  _  be  knocked  up. 

6Iat  lobgaøe  chess  problem,  f  chess  nut. 
-Jpatti  cbess  match. 





6fat|fpi(  game  of  cheas;  (©rifler)  set  of  chees 
-men.  -friller  cheas -player.  f-tafct  fe  -(reet. 
•tablet  a  her  checky. 

6fof  a  sloplng,  slanting.  •!**(  lnclined 
plane.  -tørtc  vt  bevel.  -Fe  rt  slope.  *-te  e 
obliqulty;  paa  -  awry,  asjant;  meb  $obebet  paa  . 
wlth  his  head  on  one  side.  Mff  rt  a  p  mis- 
directed.    -fadet  a  loaded  on  the  aide. 

6fatre  vi  fe  ©d)a!re. 

6tatfei(  n  fore-and-aft  sall. 

©foft  fe  €d)ah\ 

6faC  e  *»,  -let  shell;  (af  ftnifit)  peel,  rind; 
$  teata. 

Cffll'  prctt  of  ©tulle. 

®ta(a  o  -er  scale.  -ege«  a  belonglng  to  the 
■cafe  (of  a  key). 

Gfall+batfe  fe  ©Tårn«.  *-berg  shivery  rock. 
*-brrgbonnelfe  foliatlon.   -bocrenbe  'i  testaceous. 

Cfalb  e  fe  Stjalb. 

6falbe|munf  tonsured  monk.  -Jumbe  c  bald 
-pate.  tCffllbf*  »d  become  bald.  CHafbet  a 
ba)d(-headed;;  -ebe  Starter  bare  flelds;  -ebe  træer 
naked  trees     Qtalbetfceb  c  baldnew. 

etatlbtonge  heap  of  shells.  -bttr  testaceous 
animal.    -battet  a  testaceous. 

6tole  ol  <t,  Put  a  scotchman  on  (the  rigging); 
batten  (batches);  flab  (a  *par). 

©tal  | -tue  fe  fcefte  .    -frugt  achene. 

Cfalf  c  -e  beel  (of  a  loaf),  crust. 

Cfolt  c  -e  rogue,  wag ;  ban  bar  en  •  bag  jBtet 
he  is  a  sly  fellow.  -ag 'tig  a  roguish,  wagglah; 
rt  -t  Smil  an  arch  smile,  -agtigfc/cb  o  rogulsh- 
nes8.  arcbness,  wnggery. 

©fal|tappe  (»labber«)  mantle.  -tafrnlng  chang- 
ing  of  the  crust 

Glatte  vt  4,  Sugerne  batten  down  the  hatches. 

tCFalferi  n  villauy. 

6falte|frjnt  blind,  false  pretext,  stalklng-horse. 
-frbtfe  piece  of  roguery 

&taltaing  c  &  battenlng;  conc  battens.  Sfolf* 
niitaf  lift  e)  batten. 

Gfatfoieni  c  hulling-mlll. 

Gtafle  o  r  scull,  brain-pan;  gibe  en  paa  -n 
knock  one  on  the  head;  tbritfe  en  en  .  bunt  at 

GtaKe  c   r  roach,  Leuciøcu*  rutiiuø. 

©fatte  vt  shell,  hull;  .  af,  -i  pell,  scale  (off). 
-t»a»rn  fe  ©faltbærn. 

tCfotteflnger  c  fe  ftifteanb. 

6fauuø  c  chiton. 

6talmef'e  c  -r  sbawm,  ahalm. 

Sfalnfttg  c  shelling 

Stalot  fog  o  escbalot,  shallot,  scallion,  AUium 

®ta(p  e  -er  scalp. 

Stolpet'  c  -ler  scal  pel. 

8fal*ere  vt  scalp. 

Sfatffotte  e  (ljo«  ©falbbr)  columella 

Blaltt  vi  -  (og  »ofte)  meb  noget  do  el.  deal 
with  a  thlng  an  one  likes. 

6tam  c  Hhame,  disgrace,  Ignominy,  rep roach; 
ftaa  til  -ine  be  put  to  sbarae;  gøre  til  me  shame, 
put  to  shame  el.  to  the  blush;  f  put  one'*  nose 
out  of  joint;  (beregning  o.  1.)  belle,  falsify,  (fcnflaq) 
frustrate,  foil;  gøre  -  paa  shame,  put  to  »hame: 
gore  en  -  be  a  d1«grace  to  one;  bu  kar  .  af 
bet  it  is  a  dlscredlt  to  you;  faa  -  til  tal  be 
rewarded  with  lngratitude  bon  bar  bibt  $ot>ebet 
af  a(  -  he  ban  swallowed  shame  and  drunk  after 
it,  be  is  lost  el.  dead  to  all  (ænse  of/  shame; 
flaa  en  til  -me.  fe  stamflaa;  gib  bn  faa  .!  shame 
on  you  I  out  upon  you '  .  faa  ben  fom  shame  on 
htm  that,  .  at  tale  om.  m  b  -  at  tale  to  my 
shame  be  it  spoken;  -  og  ©tombfeli  shame  of 
Fhames;  for  -#  SfQlb  for  honour's  anke,  in 
decency;  bet  oeb  jeg  .  iffe  I  don't  know,  I  am 

sure.     6fa«|ben    snare   bone.     -bibc    tf  bus 
severeJy;  fig  revtle.    •broembe  vi  bum  severely 
•bab  disgmcefully  low  offer,    -btjbe  vt  make  a 
disgracefully  low  offer.    ~vctul  seat  of  diagram  e 
-bel  fe  llantbel.    Sfamfere  vt  f    spoil,  deface 
6Iamfile  ^  et  chafe,  gall     -fllisg  ^  chafin« 
-fliing«fUfer  chaflng-pieces.   -fHiag*aaH  X  top- 
man.    -filingøgobø  chaflng-gear     -jtliKiØfafff 
skid.     -fUlngØftaat  cbafing-  board      -Ulrrrr  p>' 
affronts.   -fnib  a  shamefaced,  ashamed.  abaebt^l 
•fnlb^eb  e  shame.    t-f«rb  111,  miachief.   *f«Ie!fe 
sense  of  shame.    -bugge  vt  cut  severely,  malm 
-bngning  c  maiming.    -lopfel  cod-piece.     -treg 
fe  6famme«.     -fob  a  dead  bargaln,  do?-cheap 
-lofbe  llp  of  the  pudenda.     -foø  a  shaonele^*, 
impudent,  unblusblng;  fhonest,  decent.    «l«#f|eb 
c  shamelessness,  impudence.     Sfawaae    rt  od 
scold  sharply;   -   fig   vr  (ooer,    Mb   noget;  i*e 
aahamed  (of  a  thlng);  ban    r  fig  ilte  engang  for 
fin  Irone  he  is  not  even  abashed  by  the  pxe«esre 
of  his  wife;  ftam  big !  for  shame  t    Cffauiwrtrog 
corner  (of  diagrace). 

6(antmel  c  -mier  (foot-)stool ;  (^obpnbe)  foot- 
cuuhfon;  (®at»n.)  treadle. 

6(a«metfg  a  shameful,  disgraoeful,  aoandadous, 

6tant«onia  o  seam'mony,  Cowoolvoln*  øcam 

6fantpio'n  fe  Sbampignon. 

6(am|plet  stain.  -pri#  absurdly  low  prioe. 
-pari  pillory.  -ribe  vt  ride  to  death,  spoil.  -raff 
bepraiae.  -rab  *  blushing  with  shame.  -r«bme 
e  blush  of  shame.  -t-ffrift  fe  ©fanbffnft.  -ftVbe 
vi  wound,  malm.  -ffotnbe  vt  maltreat,  mar. 
damage.  -frarre  vt  spoil  in  the  cutting.  -flaa  rt 
hurt  severely,  malm.  -ffotte  monument  of  in- 

Ctanba'lje  c  -r  scan 'dal;  seandaloua  scene;  fe 
•biftorie.  -qiftorie  scandalous  story,  -ife'rt  >r 
fig  ober  be  scandalized,  at,  pass  censur«  on.  -#  * 
a  scan  dalous. 

6fanber|e    tscan.   -ing  c  scanning,  scanriou. 

Clanbinab  c  -er  Scandinavian;  (^Jarri) Scan<li 
navian,  8can'dlnave.    *ien  n  8candinaviav.    -ift 
a  Scandinavian.    -i#'me  c  (Pan-)8can#dinaviam. 

etaubfTrift  n  libel,  lampoon. 

BUnvttf  n  -fe  X  plank -sheer.  —  8f anbttf é  • 
linie  top-timber  line.    -planfe  fe  Stanbai. 

6!onf  c  -er  shank;  bruge  fine  -er  p  stir  one' s 
stumps,  ftrpge  -  interfere,  cut. 

6fanfe  e  -r  mil l  redonbt;  ^  quarter-derk, 
($q  l  lugar)  forecastle.  Clonfe  vi  throw  up  re- 
doubts.  -bericrbning  fe  -ftøbning  -b|crlfe  ^ 
quarter-deck  beam  (o.  fl )  *fiaabe  vi,  fioatlng 
stage,  -graa  trench.  -graber  pioneer  -tamoa 
^  quarter-deck  gun.  -tl«ber  pi  &  qnarter 
-clotbs  -florbning  i  bulwarks.  -lam  gabion 
-fottttlag  .1,  quarter-rail.  -»art  quarter-detk 
port  -pst  pal1*a<1e.  -retlng,  -rcefte  quaxter 
-rail.    -barrf  intrenchment. 

6fanfio  n  c  scan'sion,  scanning. 

6fan6ning  c  throwlng  up  (of)  redoubts. 

6tapn(a'r  n  -er  scapularty). 

*Sfar  n,  pi  =,  cut,  notch;  (i  ftiælb)  gien,  gap. 

*6tor  M  ub.  pi  snuff  (of  a  candle). 

6far  imp  af  6 (ære. 

©fare  c  -r  host,  crowd.'  -«-8tarc  fig  ør  crowd 

•Cfare  c  hard  snow,  crust  on  the  snow.  -fore 
the  Btate  of  the  snow  when  it  bears  walking  or 
sledging     -rttpe  ptarmlgan 

6tarebid  w»  In  crowds 

©tarifilcereptsoar  ify.  -farlo'n  cscariflca'tion. 
•fa  tor  c  -tv  Hcarifi^tor, 

6farlagen  n  sca'rlet;  f-t  scarlet.  -far^e  scarlet 
cdIout.    •farvet  a  scarlet.    ^tfocbt  a  In  scarlet 




clothee  -lal  scarlet  lac.  -r#b  a  scarlet.  Star* 
fagenftfeberscarlatina,  scarlet  fever.  Starlattnfft 
f#  *rarlat'inous. 

Star  lej 'C  c  clary,  Salvia  »dåren. 

Stars  n,  ab.  jtf,  dirt,  fllth,  muck,  ord  ure;  fig 
{pi  =)  good-fornothing,  wreteh;  fafte  .  taa  fio 
throw  dirt  on;  bet  *  Vtennefle!  the  wreteh! 
-ager  scavenger,  dustman.  -agerbogu  dustman's 
cart.  -ag'ttg  a  dirty,  vlle,  mean.  -ag  t tg  b  tb  c 
dirtiaess,  vileness,  meannesa.  -baftfe  scarabee, 
srarab,  Scarabcnu.  -babbel  (ftnf.)  aphodius. 
-b#tte  dust-tub.  -btjnge  dust-heap.  -fjerbtug 
duat-tub.  -fine  dung-fiy,  Mu»ca  ttercoraria. 
-tøffe  duet-hole.  -fifle  fe  -talte ;  (@lamfifte)  oess 
-pool.  -fnle  fe  -falfe.  -pøl  dirty  puddle.  +-renbe 
sewer,  drain.  Stantfttblube  wreteh  ed  woman. 
Sfarnftmeuuejte  wreteh.  Starnftføtte  (pieoe  of) 
vlllany.  Starnftunge  c  vicioua  child,  young 
scapegrace.  Starnlttbe  hemlock,  Coatu*  macu- 
latum;  wild  cberwil,  .An/Å-t#cw*  §ylvtttri*.  -Hoøn 
duat-cart,  scavenger's  cart. 

Starp  a  sharp;  keen;  (natmf.  om  fitjben  og  om 
VanbSeoner)  acute;  (om  Sfib)  sharp,  clean:  *(om 
$0*  og  3orb)  lean ;  (om  fjorb)  barren ;  -e  Baaben 
sharp-edged  weapons;  .  Zrht  bold  type;  ~  $arron 
shotted  cartridge,  ball  cartridge;  en  .  fttnfet  a 
sharp  el.  acute  angle;  -  Smag,  fiugt  a  pungen t 
taste,  smell,  acrid  taste;  en  .  3retttfattelfe  a 
sharp  rebuke;  -e  gfcbfler  acrid  humors;  i  -t  trao 
at  a  quick  el.  smart  trot;  -t  ftortør  strict  exami- 
nation ;  .t  Shn  sharp  sight ;  -t  pie  keen  eye; 
.  førelle  sharp  el.  quick  hearing;  bofbe  -t  tilfbn 
keep  a  strict  watch;  .  $ufommelfe  a  retentive 
memory;  -  Sommetraft  an  acute  judgment;  -t 
93ib  trenchant  wit;  botbe  -t  Ubfig  keep  a  bright 
look-out;  botbe  -t  Pie  meb  have  a  bright  eye  on; 
-t  imob  -t  a  Rowland  for  an  Oliver;  —  f farpt 
wlv  sharply;  Iabe  -t  load  wlth  ball -cartridge; 
fe  -t  paa  en  look  hard  at  one;  ftbbe  -t  fire  wlth 
snot;  -t  forfulgt  closely  pursued.  Starp  e  edge. 
»I,  -en  i  Øooen  the  fore-peak,  -en  agter  the  after 
-peak;  i  -erne  in  the  fore  and  after  peaks.    Starp 

n  &  c  &  snot;  tab*  nteb  -  Bnot  the  guns,  Iabe 
met  bobbei  -  double-snot  the  guns.  taae  -et  bort 
fra  en  Kanon  unshot  a  gun.  Starp  |b  lir  penetra- 
tion, -bnnbet  a  ^  sharp-bottomed.  -btrøget  a 

Starpe're  vt  mil  escarp,  slope. 

Starp  jammer  hammer  for  rtretching.  Starp' 
fejet  c  sharpness,  trenchancy,  keenness,  ae u te- 
nes; (bet  bibenbejSp)  textness,  pungency.  Starp  |« 
|*renbe  a  quick  of  hearing.  -tantet  a  sharp 
-edged;  (meb  fpibfe  Snitter)  acute-angled.  -t-laben 
a  gaunt.  -labet,  -tabt  a  loaded  with  ball  el. 
shot,  shotted.  -langulng  c  J,  handing  shot  and 
•heil.  -næfet  a  Bharpnosed.  -ranbet  a  sharp 
-edged.  -retter  fe  Vobbel.  -rpgget  a  sharp 
-back  ed.  -fanbet  a  sandy  and  barren,  -feenbe 
a  fe  -fonct.  -fejlenbe  a  sailing  very  fast.  -fejler 
very  fast  saller.  *-fllb  sprat.  -flnb  n  fe  -flnbigbeb. 
•fiubig  a  acute,  sharp-wltted,  penetrating.  -fin'« 
bigbeb  u  acuteneas.  acumen.  -ffo  vt  rough,  calk, 
sharneu.  -ftoet  o  rough-shod.  -fflybtting,  -ftDb* 
ning&tbelfe  (ezerdse  in)  shooting  at  a  target 
ti.  mark,  mil  ball-pratlce ;  art  target- practtre. 
-ffarte  sharp -shooter.  -firben  a  sharp -edged. 
-fttn  clear  -stghtedness.  -f linet  »  sharp -sighted, 
keen*ighted ,  sharp  -eyed.  -flinet^eb  c  sharp 
-aightedness,  keenslghtedness. 

*6farre  vt  (paa  r)  burr. 

6farre  vt  scarf.    -tftti  fe  $loobot>(. 

Star*  e  -er  (ftugl)  cormorant,  Carbo. 

•6farb  c  -er  F  scamp. 

Øfarbe  fe  ©farre  2. 

•6farbe||ente  f  good-fornothing  girl.  -merr 
F  useleas  Jade. 

6far(b)«fØe  o  adse. 

Stat'  e  te  (ftofibarbeb)  treasure;  (fun  fio)  pri«e; 
Oorraab)  fund,  stock;  min. I  (ftsrligbeM^tr.)  my 
love!  Stat  c  -ter  tax;  (fommunal)  rate;  (Xribut) 
trlbute.  fatte  en  i  -  tax  one;  paalogge  .  lay  el. 
impoite  a  tax;  -tenl  Vcsnt  bibl  the  trlbute  money. 
Sratbar  a  taxable,  ra teable. 

•State  o  -r  (gift)  skate.  Rva  batia. 

Statjfri  fe  ©fartefri.  -gben  fe -ftqlbig.  -tantnter 
treasury,  exchequer.  -tammerbePiØ,  -tammer* 
biHet  excheouer  bill  -tantmerret  Court  of  Ex- 
chequer. -fifle  fe  $engetifte.  .|anb  fe  6tatte*. 
•længe  fe  -fætte.    -mefter  treasurer. 

Statof  n  -ler  scrutolre.  cabinet,  bureau. 
-taøfe  privy  purse. 

Statjffrtbe  fe  -fatte,  -ffplbig  a  liable  to  pay 
taxes;  (til  en  Ofterberre)  tributary  -ftblbigbeb  o 
tributarlness.  -fatte  vt  assess  Statte  vt  estim- 
ate,  value,  appreclate,  prize,  treasure;  jeg  r  barn 
tyojt  I  value  bim  highly.  Statte  vt  pay  taxes; 
.  til  (ogf.  fio)  pay  trlbute  to.  —  Statte)  beUb. 
amount  of  taxes.  -betjent  tax-gatherer.  -bebil- 
ling  granting  of  supplies  -leniBingf  ret  right 
of  granting  el.  voting  supplies.  -biOet  fe  -febbcL 
-bog  tax-book.  -bonbe  tax-paylng  farmer,  -borger 
tax-  el.  rate-paying  citlzen,  rate-payer;  joo  cit. 
•breft  royal  warrant  for  levying  taxes.  -bljrbe 
burden  el.  amount  of  taxes  el.  taxation.  -ebne 
tax-paylng  ability.  -fob  rate  of  aaseasment. 
-føgeb  collector  of  the  revenue.  -fororbning. 
ordinance  regardlng  the  imposition  of  taxes. 
-forpagtning  tax-farmlng.  -fri  a  tax-free,  un- 
taxed.  -frtyeb  exemption  from  taxes.  -gaarb 
farm  liable  to  pay  taxes.  -graner  c  digger  after 
hidden  treasures,  treasure-seeker.  -grabning  e 
d^gging  after  hidden  treasure«.  -Jorb  taxable- 
land,  -flage  complamt  about  taxes  -fomntid* 
fion  commission  for  the  assesament  of  taxes. 
-longe  tributary  king.  -tontor  Inland  Revenue- 
Department,  -torn  corn  patd  in  taxes,  tax-com. 
-fræber  tax-gatherer,  tax-collector.  -tnfrterlng 
receipt  for  the  taxes,  fe  -febbel  -lanb  tributary 
country.  -len  tributary  flef  -tettelfe  reductlon 
el.  remission  of  taxes.  -ligning  assessment  of 
taxes.  -lob  Taxation  Aet.  -manbtal  list  of 
tax-  el.  ratepayers,  asaessment-roll.  -notgtelfe 
refusing  the  supply,  refusal  to  pay  taxes.  -ob« 
jeft  object  of  taxation.  -øppeb*rfef  collecting 
the  revenue.  -paabnb,  -paaleg  imposition  of 
taxes,  taxation.  -pligtig  a  liable  to  pay  taxes, 
taxable,  rateable.  -regning,  -febbel  bill  of  taxes, 
demand-note,  tax  paper;  rates  bill.  Mbing: 
Sage  og  .  a&sizes  for  administering  Justice  and 
collecting  taxes.  -nbffrlbning  imposition  of 
taxes.  -norgring  fe  -ncegteife.  -wrfen  (system  of) 
taxes  and  rates,  taxation.  -bbelfe  tax.  -bbenbe 
a  tax-  et.  rate-payiug.    -tober  tax-  el.  rate-payer. 

*Sfaut  n,  pi  am,  linen  hood. 

Sfabant'  n  -er  (6tabe)  hurt,  damage;  (St)be> 
fault,  defect. 

Sfane  or  scrape;  (til  Sfabe)  chafe  Sfab Ol- 
groft  Bhave-grass,  scourlng-nish,  Dutch-rush, 
Eq»i*etum  hyemalt.  -jern,  -fnlb,  Sfaoer  c  -e 

'Stabl  e  -er  (steep)  snow-drift  (Qølge)  comber. 

Sfe,  -be  el.  -te.  net  vi  k  imp  happen,  oecur, 
come  to  past;  be  done;  faa  eibt  .  fan  as  far  aa 
practicabl«*;  ban  talebe  oa  bet  -be  be  spake  and 
it  was  done;  bet  er  -t  pam  Uret  he  bas  been 
wronged,  an  injustfee  has  been  done  hira  btg. 
-r  bin  Wet  you  are  rightly  se  ned,  bia  -  fom  bu 
bil  be  it  unto  thee  even  as  thou  wllt;  brrmeb 
-r  mig  en  flor  Xienefte  that  wlll  be  doing  me  a 
great  wrvice;  .  ®uM  Silfe  God'a  wlll  be  done; 
.  bin  Silje  thy  will  be  done.  bet  tral  .  it  sbail 
be  done,  Sub  _  fiob !  thank  Qod !  God  be  praised } 




bet  meb  :r  SBor  JBilje  sucb  is  our  wlll  and  pleaa- 
ure;  labe  nt  ~  suffer  8t  to  be  done,  let  st  pass; 
-  Ijoab  ber  bil  it  is  all  one  to  me,   never  mind. 

*©fe  c  -et  fe  Sæoffe. 

Ste  c  -er  spoon;  en  .  globe  a  spoonful  of 
cream;  gtøe  bom  bet  mb  meb  -er  beat  it  into  him; 
tage  -en  t  ben  anben  $aanb  chance  one's  tactics; 
Tom  bet  og  bib  -et  itu  I  he  caught  a  Tartar.  -onb 
shoveller,  Ana*  clvpeata.  -biab  bowl  of  a  spoon; 
*fe  -fulb;  $  we  ter-plan  tain,  Atitma  plantago. 
-bor  spoon-auger. 

©febe  vt  (SRet.)  part,  separate. 

©febe  c  -t  scabbard,  sheath,  case;  fKfte  i  -n 
sheath,  put  up;  tratte  af  -n  unsheath.  -bjinbe 
$  llgule.  -hornet  a  staeath-boraed.  -tuet  knot 
»grass,  Polvøonum.    -mut Ung  razor-flsb.  Solen. 

©tebebanb  n  aqua  fortis,  nitric  acid.  ©teb- 
wing  e  parting. 

©lelfnlb  c  -e  spoonful.  -gaaf,  -bejre  spoon- 
bill.  Phtalea. 

©feje  vi  turn  aslde,  deviate,  swerve;  ~  ub  fly 
out,  strike  out,  d>  knock  off  (duty),  fio  lead  a 
dissolute  life;  J,  flej  ub  nu  1  knock  off  tbere ! 

©tejern  n  vet  scoop. 

t©fel  a  fe  ©teløjet. 

©ter  n,  pi  =,  (©reenfe)  boundary,  bound, 
limit,  term;  (Orunb  ofb.)  reason,  justice;  uben  - 
witbout  reason;  gote  ffiet  og  -  give  every  one 
bis  due;  gote  noget  uben  Slet  og  _  do  a  thing 
contrary  to  justice  and  equity;  gøre  en  famme  ~ 
retallate  upon  one;  fomme  til  -8  ttøt  og  Ølbet 
come  to  (tbe)  years  of  discretion,  attain  to 
man's  estate.  ©te(|bige  boundary  dyke.  -grøft 
boundary  ditch.  ©f  eu*tg  a  reasonable,  Justiflable. 
©teQigbeb  c  reasonableness. 

©tele  vi  squint,  have  a  cast  in  one's  eye 
(meb  Sfotfcet)  look  askaunce.  -briller  pi  goggles. 
©telen  c  squlnting,  med  strabism.  ©fefeøpera> 
tion  strabotomy. 

©felet'  n  -ter  skeleton.  ©f  el  et  te  re  vt  skel'- 
etonize.  ©felet|  grab  skeleton-grave,  -ffriftthin 

©telebtp  c  p  squinter.  —  ©tel|øjet  a  squint 
-eyed.    -øfetbeb  c  squlnting,  strabism. 

©tema  n  fe  Sdjcnta. 

©fefnterte  n  boundary  mark. 

©tefne  vt  distingulsb,  discern,  make  out,  dis- 
criminate;  _  fro  tell  from;  +  -  flg  fta  dlffer  from. 
»eune  power  of  discrimination.  -merte  dtøtinc- 
tlve  mark,  characteristlc.  ©felneltg  a  distinguish- 
able,  discernible.  ©felnelirieb  e  distinguish  - 
ableness.  ©fe(ne|u  c  discrimination.  -tegn  fe 
-m  *rfe. 

@tel|ften  mere-stone.  -flot  (SBæbn.)  separator. 
-fatning  setting  a  boundary. 

©tema  n  fe  6a)ema. 

©femab  c  spoon-meat. 

@feb|ttci*'me  c  scep'(skep)ticism.  -'tifer  o  -e 
sccpCskepjtic.    -'riff  a  scep(skep)tic(ai). 

©fe '  |  flaf  t  handle  of  a  spoon.  -ftamper  c  spoon 
-punch,  -urt  spoonwort,  sourvy-grass,  Coch- 

©febanb  fe  ©tebeoanb. 

©true  o  fe  ©læbe. 

"©ti  c  -er  billet,  split  stick,  prøv  sbide. 

©fi  o  -et,  el.  n,  pi  s,  snow-skate. 

©fib  n  -e  ship,  veasel;  (i  ftirle)  nave;  typ 
galley;  -e  coll  tonnage,  bottoms;  fmaa  -e  small 
craft(s);  bet  ligger  mange  -e  i  $aonen  tbe  harbour 
is  crowded  wlth  shipping;  fig  btcenbe  fine  -e  bum 
one's  boats;  felge  fra  -et  sell  ex  ship;  til  -*,  fe  : 
til  ©øl. 

*©fibaffe  o  hill  for  runnlng  on  snow-skates. 

©Hb|*baab,  -bro  fe  6 fiol«,  -brnb  shipwreck; 
libe  -  be  shipwrecked,  be  cast  away;  fig  libe  - 
paa  lose.     -brnbben  a  shipwrecked.    -bbgger  fe 

Sfibftb&gnteftet.  -bttggert  fe  6rtb*bbggeri.  ©file 
vt  (inbft.  afff.)  ship;  ♦  vi  =  Sejle;  -  ub.  |e  u> 
flibe.  ©tib|ntanb  yeoman;  captain  of  the  hold 
-ntanbe  vi  do  sundry  work  about  the  ship  and 

©IibmanbØ|garn  spun-yam.  -gafrer  holder? 
-gobf  junk.  »felter  fish-room.  -vifte  spua 
-yarn  winch.  ©tibning  c  shipping.  ©tib{e}nuB 

©fib«  |  afgifter  harbour  dues.  -agevt  shippin? 
agent,  -auliggeuber  shipping  matten,  -løotct 
dlspensary.  -arbejbe  ship's  work.  -arwotar 
ship's  armament.  -alfnrance  marine  insuxmnoe. 
•baab  ship's  boat;  (J)pr)  nautilua.  -befragraimg 
freighting  a  veasel  el.  vessels.  -bemaHbiMgflttf 
crew-Ust,  muster-roll.  -beflgtelfe  ship  survej 
•befetning  (ship's)  crew.  -borbe .-  inben  .  on- 
board  ship,  on  shipboard;  fra  -  from  onboard; 
gaa  fta  -  leave  the  ship.  -bro  boat-bridge, 
pontoon  (-bridge);  tpier.  -brng :  til  -  for  ship's 
use,  for  nautlcal  purposes.  *-br1)gge  quay, 
pier.  -brøb  shlp-bread.  -bbgøer  ship-builder 
•bnggeri  (Storft)  shipwright's  yard,  dock  yard 
(Obgning  af  ©f.)  shlpbuildlng.  -b^gnefrer 
master  shlpwright,  naval  architect.  -bbgnelter 
fbenb  journeyman  shipbuilder.  -bbøniitgAhiBlt 
art  of  ship-building,  naval  architecture.  -bø- 
gerne the  ship's  books.  -^ef  officer  in  command. 
-bøf  dock.  -breng  ship  boy.  -bel  deck  of  a 
ship.  -efterretninger  shipping  intelligence.  -e|er 
ship-owner.  -etofyeringtbaHbrt  ship-chandler>- 
-etoi|ieringdbanbler  ship-chandler,  marine-store 
dealer,  (seaman's)  outfitter.  -fort  navigation 
•fartØførbolbcne  the  state  of  the  shipping  tråde. 
-flag  nag.  -følt  seamen,  sailors.  -fømø^ni|rbrr 
marine  stores,  -føroalter  purser,  -fragt  freight 
ofaship.  -fragter  freighter.  -fragtving  freight- 
ing. -fører  master  of  a  ship,  snip-master,  -fører 
forening  Captalns'  Association,  -gut  fe  -brena- 
-banbltr  fe  -efoiberingøbanblet.  -bann  harbour 
for  snips,  -bølber  remora,  Echineie  (remon\ 
-bnggert  cutlass.  -bb«  fe  &bre.  -inbcntaHnvi 
shlp-stores.  -føøe  jolly-boat,  yawl.  -|ønrnøl 
ship's  Journal,  -to  ntnt  er  at  shlpmate.  -tanøl 
ship  canal.  -tanon  naval  gun;  ahlp's  gun. 
-tobtajn  master  el.  captain  ofaship.  Mnftriag 
fe  -tbcbat.  -fifleri  naval  teiescope.  -tifre  ses 
-chest.  -flarerer  shipping  agent,  -ffølfe  ship  s 
bell.  -Reber  seaman's  clothes.  -flebning  plank- 
ing of  a  ship.  -fof  ship's  cook,  aea-cook.  -fon- 
ftrnttion  naval  architecture,  constxuction  of 
ships.  -tønftrnttgr  naval  architect,  constructor 
of  ships.  -toft  sailor's  fare.  -Urten  fe  Irabob* 
-føl  keel.  -labning  cargo,  ship-load.  -lanterner 
vessel's  Ughts.  -lejligbeb  (shipping)  opportunity, 
sailing.  -lim  marine  glue.  -fifle  list  of  ship- 
ping. -Inge  hatch,  hatch-wav.  -læge  surgeon. 
-lengbe  ship's  length.  -lerling  apprentice  to 
tbe  sea.  -løb  shlp-channel.  -maal  ship-measure 
•maaler  ship  measurer.  -maafing  measuring  of 
ships.  -magt  steerage-way.  -nunbffab  crew  (o( 
&  ship).  -maft  ship's  mast.  -materiaficr  ship 
bullding  stores  -møbel  model  (of  *  ship* 
•mægler  ship-broker.  -meftfig  a  shlp-shape. 
•ørben  routine  of  the  ship.  -orm  ship-worm. 
Teredo.  -papirer  ship's  papers.  -bart  share  of 
a  ship.  -plante  plank,  -preft  chaplain  of  a 
ship.  -pumpe  ship-pump.  -raob  sea-oouncil 
♦•raat  låne  in  the  ice  svallable  for  ahlppln,: 
-reber  ship-owner.  -reberl  shlpowning  busine»> 
el.  tråde,  -rrbffaber  ship's  gear.  -reglfrer  re- 
gister of  shipping,  -ret  courb-martial.  -rør 
ship's  rudder.  -rulle  muster-roll.  -rum  noM 
of  a  ship;  fe  Stibtum.  -mftning  fltting  out  of 
a  ship.  -rute  track.  -f«mmenft*b  coUision  of 
ships.    -feng  hammock,  berth.    -frrgent  v*esta 




at  arms.  -fløe  ride  of  a  ship.  -ftrøg  hall  (of 
a  snip).*  -frnt*  naval  ordnaace.  -ftabe  deed  of 
sale  of  a  ship.  -fnafcel  roet  rum.  -følbat  sea 
aoldier,  marine,  -fpejl  stem.  -fprøg  naval 
language,  -fprøjte  marine  flre-engine.  -fatning 
orckct  ship-setttng.  -føm  splke-nails.  -tjenefte 
duty  on  board  ship.  -tunge  typ  galley-sllce. 
-tnefrat  ship-biscult,  sea-biscuit.  -tømmer  tlmber 
for  ship  bullding  -tømntermanb  ship -Carpenter. 
-«bgi  f  ter  shipping  expensea  -abraftiringØt>anbler 
fe  -eftnp«.  -ntbtfer  shipping  casaalties.  -»rag 
wreck  of  a  ship.  -øegter  ship's  watchman; 
ship-keeper.  -øærft  wharf,  dock-yard,  ship-yard. 
-øarftdbille  ship- tlmber  beetle. 

©fib  e  p  fart.  -ager  c  -e  P  scamp.  ©tibe. 
freb.  fftbt  vi  p  shite.  6rtbef)tt*  privy,  neceasary. 
Slib  en  a  dirty,  filthy;  -  tale,  -ne  Drb  coarse, 
gross  language  el.  words;  en  -  TOunb  a  foul 
tongue  en  .  Bane  a  nasty  habit;  -t  Sinnrb  foul 
ri.  soiled  linen;  -t  gfonb  flutter  ogfaa  en  Øranb 
foul  water  will  quench  fire.  ©tibenlfa  rbig  a 
fllthy,  dirty,  slovenly,  sluttlsh.  -farbigfteb, 
-fteb  e  dirtlnees,  fllthiness  etc.  -gut  a  dirty 
-yellow.  -torritt  a  stingy,  niggardly.  -pøfe  dirty 
clothes  bag.  -fø.  -terne  slut.  *-f*nbag  sunday 
before  Christmas.  -tøj  foul  (el.  dirty)  linen,  -øanb 
dirty  water.  -eg  hard  boiled  eggs  wlth  mustard. 
€Hbne  et  dirty,  soil.  ©ttbt  n  dirt,  fllth;  fig 
trash,  rubblah;  t  .  meb  bet!  *-  i  bet!  P  never 
mind  that!  p  .  eller  Stanel  one  or  the  other; 
—  a  <k  adv  (flet)  bad,  badly;  bet  gaar  ~  it  is  but 
«v  bad  aflair!  jeg  Uger  biø  brt  goar  .  I  tell  you 
it  won  t  do,  bet  gaar  -  meb  tam  he  is  badly  off; 
en  .  ftnogt  a  scamp.  ©tiøtefugl  fe  6arfugl. 
etifctert'  n  rubbish. 

©fifer  c  -e  alate,  schist:  toctf*  meb  -  slate. 
-agtig  a  slaty.  -art  species  of  slate.  -øferg 
aUte  moiintatn;  slate  rock.  -Haa  a  slate-col- 
oured.  -brnb  slate- quarry.  -batter  slater.  -farvet 
a  slate-coloured.  -ffifr  tablet  of  slate.  -Qnibt 
flake- white.  -tnl  slate-coal.  -lag  stratum  of 
slate.  -ler  slate-clay,  s  hale.  -olie  schlst-oll. 
-papir  slatepaper.  -plabe  (slab  oO  slate.  -ført 
suining  mould.  -fnat  slate-spar.  -ften  slate 
-stoae.  -ftlft  slatepencil.  -tag  slate-roof.  -raøte 
slate.  -tætfer  slater.  -teltet  a  slated.  ©fifret, 
©fiffig  a  like  slate,  slaty,  foliated.  ©tifriug  c 

©fifte  n  -r  (Cmffiftn.)  change.  alternation; 
($eltng)  partitfon,  division;  (fcolb)  division,  relay; 
agr  division,  fleld;  (TOtirb.)  course;  *fe  6fob*fKftf ; 
f)o  ibe  ~  di  vide  an  inheritance:  flutte  et  -  conclude 
the  aet  of  dividlng  an  inheritance.  ©fifte  of 
k  i  (ombbtte.  føranbre.  foranbre  fig.  fritte  om) 
change,  (foranbre,  flifte  [iiar  fiinneb])  shift;  (bele) 
divide,  partition:  j,  answer  the  helm:  -  Xjenefte* 
fo'.f,  »læber,  $(abi,  ftaroe,  fcefte  ofo.  change 
servants,  one' 8  clothes,  plaoe  colour,  the  horses 
eu-.;  .  Sornbec  rut  one's  new  teeth;  -  ©reoe  meb 
en  exchange  letters  with  one;  -  Rug  (er  ex  change 
shota;  -  {Ret  ad  min  ister  jusiice;  —  f  fif  te«  vd 
taice  turns,  do  a  thing  by  turns;  be  -bel  til  el. 
om  at  bare  Sarnet  they  carrled  the  child  by 
tirna,  relleved  each  other  in  carrying  eto. 
©flftejaft  fe  breb.  -nefianblina  legal  division 
of  an  inheritance.  -løg  record  of  the  division 
of  inheritance*.  -øret  deed  of  partition.  -bag 
d*y  on  which  servants  change.  -forretning  aet 
of  dividlng  an  inheritance  et.  bankrupt's  estate. 
•fsrfamting  fe  -femling,  -førøalter  authorized 
divider  of  inrteritances.  trustee  -gang  (i  Vtur) 
course.  -inbtatbeffe  summons  to  a  ©fiftefamting. 
•lenbelfe  decision  of  the  6rifteret.  -tømmUføir 
member  of  a  board  for  the  dividing  of  inheri- 
taoceø  and  bankrupts'  estates.  -føøginnlng  le- 
gi^latioQ  relative  to  the  division  of  inherltances. 

Sarfen:  SanfMEngelfl  Orb6og, 

-mibler  trnst-money.  -måbe  meeting  of  the 
6tifteret  -n  fe  Stiftning,  -nagle  shifting-spanner. 
-key,  -wrench.  -narttttøn  fe  -forretning.  -Jirøtø« 
fol  fe  bog  -ret  oourt  for  the  division  of  inheri- 
tance« and  bankrupts'  estates,  oourt  ofprobate, 
dealing  court;  opgibe  flt  *o  til  ten«  Sefømbling 
surrender  to  a  rommission  of  bankruptcy.  -fag 
cause  relative  to  the  division  of  Inheritance*. 
•famling  meeting  of  heirs  to  an  inheritance;  m. 
of  the  creditors  of  a  bankrupt.  -fttør  points. 
-rib  time  for  changlng  servants.  -øU  adv  by 
turns,  in  turn,  alternately.  -o* fen  matters  re- 
lative to  the  division  of  inherltances.  ©fif  tin  g 
e  -er  changeling,  oaf.  Stiftning  e  changlng, 

Ø€lif*re  n  state  of  the  snow  for  running  on 

♦Ctiganrb  o  fence  of  split  stlcks. 

©fif  e  (<*  -mi)  -le  custom,  habit,  usage,  prao- 
tlce;  ub.  pi  f  Dan  n  el  fe)  shape,  form;  .  og  Qntg 
use  and  wont,  precedent,  common  practice; 
tjaoe  for  .  be  in  the  habit  of;  fatte  .  paa  fashion, 
form,  put  In  to  shape,  fia  polish;  fan  fat  ingen 
.  paa  fig  he  has  no  mannera;  faa  bet  b,at»be  (gob) 
.  to  good  purpose,  effectually:  'meb  .  properly; 
Ijbert  fianb  |ar  fin  ~  so  many  countries,  so  many 

©fiffe  vt  (fenbe)  send;  -  ©ub  efter  en  send  for 
one;  .  i  Ønen  send  on  errands. 

©titte  vt  (banne)  form,  fashion,  shape;  (otbnO 
dispose,  arrange;  —  fig  vr  (paftfe  ftg  [for])  be  flt 

S  for),  beseem,  befit,  be  proper  el.  suitable  (for); 
opfore  fig)  behave,  con  du  et  one's  self  (well);  - 
ig  i  et.  efter  conform  et.  aecommodate  one's  self 
to;  bet  -r  fig  iffe  lt  Is  not  flt  and  becoming. 
©tiffetig  a  honest,  well-behaved;  inoffenslve; 
bet  er  en  meget  .  $tge  she  is  a  very  decent  girl; 
laber  faa  .  looks  qulte  innocent.  ©fiftellgtjeb  c 
good  behaviour.  Stittelfe  c  -r  (ftotm)  form, 
shape,  figure;  (©nbl,  ^orfpnrt«)  decree,  dispen- 
sation; i  eg  faa  en  -  i  OUrfet  1  saw  a  figure  in 
the  dark:  en  b.oib  .  bifte  ftg  i  bet  frierne  a  white 
figure  appeared  at  a  distanoe;  -n  ftob  beftanbiø. 
for  mig  the  figure  was  constantiy  before  ae;  t 
_  af  in  guise  or,  in  the  form  of;  tog  en  tjener* 
_  paa  fig  took  the  form  of  a  servant;  fRibberen 
af  ben  orbrøoelige  -  the  knlght  of  the  woful 
countenance,  of  the  rueful  visage.  ©tittet  a 
(bannet)  formed,  fashion  ed;  (palfenbe  [tit])  flt, 
qualifled,  fltted,  adapted,  suitable  (for). 

©filberljn*  n  sentry-boz,  watch-box. 

©titbrri'  n  -er  pie  ture.  -ramme  plcturo-frame. 
-nr  wall-dial. 

©tilber  I  tappe,  -rjole  sentlnel's  cloak. 

©filbpabbe  c  -r  tortoise,  Teitwio.  (6ao-)  turtle, 
Cheionia,  (Searette-)  loggerhead;  (=  S-ftaO  shell; 
vt,  flzed  block,  (p.  ttaano!)  cheek-block;  forloren 
_  mock-turtle.  -fangft  ahe)  catching  of  turtle. 
-ftal  tortoise-shell.  -fnppe  turtle-soup.  -øgte 

©ti  Ib  re  of  paint,  portray,  picture,  deplct,  de- 
Hneate,  describe;  -  tioagtigen  paint  to  the  liie; 
fan  i  fom  he  is  descrlbed  as.  ©tilbrer  c  e 
portrayer.  ©tilbring  c  -er  picture,  description, 
word-painting,  -picture. 

©filbøaat  c  -er  sentry,  sentinel,  post,  (til  ^eft) 
vedette,  vldette,  mounted  sentinel;  ftaa  .  stand 

©fifle,  »te,  -t  vr  separate,  part,  se  ver,  put 
asunder;  t  =  ffelne;  -  X  ratten  make  peace,  re- 
store harmony;  —  vi  bet  -r  tun  Iibet.  at  be  ere 
lige  ftore  there  1^  but  lit  tie  difference  in  their 
size;  .ab.  fe  Stille;  .  en  af  meb  noget  rid  one 
of  a  thing,  take  a  thing  off  one's  hånds;  .fra 
binanben  take  to  pieces,  disunite,  disjoin;  .  fra 
©orb  og  ©eng  separate  from  bed  and  board;    « 





fiø  fra,  labe  fig  .  fra,  fin  $uflru  be  dlvorced  from 
one's  wife;  bttfe  SCbt  -  fifl  fra  anbre  berbeb,  at  . .  . 
these  anlmals  are  distinguished  from  othera  by 
.  .  .;  _  imtlltm  separate;  .  en  beb  noget  de- 
prive,  rob,  one  of  a  thing;  tmn  -te  bom  beb  fiiect 
she  killed,  slew  him;   .  fig  beb  part  with,   dis- 

rose  of,  (bel,  baorligt)  manage,  perform;  — 
lille*  vd  separate,  part;  -§  font  Senner  part 
friend8;  -*  fra  part  from  el.  with;  -*  ab  part 
company;  Støtten  -*  el.  er  ftilt  ab  the  milk  is 
turned.  *©tiUe  n  fe  Stel;  distinctkm.  -linie 
line  of  separation,  -mar  partition  wall.  -mærle 
dlstingulshing  mark,  criterion.  -mønt  small 
coin,  (small)  change.  -bnntt  point  of  separation. 
-mm  partition.  -tegn  punctuation-mark,  point, 
-tragt  chem  separatory.  -&ej  cross-way,  parting 
of  the  ways;  ftao  paa  -en  have  to  make  one's 
choice.    -»«g  partition-wall;  $  dissepiment. 

©fitting  e  -er  skilling  (t  little  more  than  a 
farthing;  *nearly  a  half-  penny);  itte  en  .  not  a 
fartbing;  for  en  .  Snu*  a  halipenny-worth  of 
snuff;  tytbe  -er  P  have  the  rhino;  ban  ejer  itte  en 
-  he  is  not  worth  a  fiurthing;  en  føn,  fmuf  -  a 
good  round  sum;  en  famlet  ~  a  small  capital; 
til  flbfte  -  to  the  last  fartbing;  fer  paa  -en  looks 
twioe  at  his  money;  fpare  paa  -en  og  labe  Saleren 
gaa  be  penny- wise  and  pound-foolish;  ben  bet  er 
flaaet  ril  en  ~  bltoer  albrig  en  Saler  he  that  was 
bom  under  the  three  halfpenny  planet,  shall 
never  be  worth  twopence,  Jack  will  never  make 
a  gentleman;  gibe  fin  -  meb  i  Sabet,  fe  $efbb. 
©tiOinge  o*  (fammen)  club  together.  ©riHinge« 
bi$  adv  by  the  farthiag.  —  ©fiHingf  jbant  penny 
savings-bank.  -blab  penny  paper.  +-føb :  for  - 
dirt-cheap.  -ty£,  -praad  fartbing-candle.  -bi* 
fe  ©tiaingebit.    -*l  small-beer. 

©tilning  c  ($aarft.)  parting  (of  the  hair). 

©tilØmiSfe  c  -r  parting,  separation;  (røgteffabt*) 
divorce;  (fra  ©orb  og  Seng)  thoral  separation; 
en  lang  -  a  long  absence;  fætte  en  .  imellem  set 
a  distinction  between.  -breb  bill  of  divorce. 
-bom  divorce.  -grnab  ground  for  divorce.  -fag 
divorce  case. 

©tilt  n  -er  &  -e  (f.  SM.  en  $  o  li  ti  betj  en  ti)  badge; 
(til  Qættftbuft  ofb.)  sign,  signboard;  (paa  fiaal) 
scutcheon.  Stiltc  vi  meb  fig  hang  out.  ©filte' 
bogn  advertising-van.  ©tit  tm  åler  sign-painter, 

©tilløber  snow-skater.  -løberforening  snow 
-skating  club.    -løbning  snow-skatlng. 

©fijmanb,  -manbe  fe  ©tib«. 

©lim  |  le  vi  get  mouldy  el.  mus  ty;  +  vt  mould. 
-let  n  mouldy,  musty.    -mel  c  (Vtug)  mould. 

©ttmtnet  c  -mier  (GfcaafT)  grey  horse;  (9tøbfl.) 
roan  horse. 

©tlmmelfbamp  c  mould. 

©fimt  n,  pi  =,  glimpse,  gleam,  glimmering. 
©ttmte  vt  see  faintly,  catch  a  glimpse  of;  —  vi 
.  frem  gleam  el.  glimmer  forth;  +  -  efter  peer 
el.  gaze  after.    ©fim ten  c  glimmering. 

©lin'  n,  pi  «,  (Sb«)  light,  (flaertt)  glare,  shine, 
fig  show,  appearance,  colour;  -net  bebrager  ofte 
appearances  are  often  deceitful;  bomme  efter  -net 
judge  from  appearances;  for  -netl  ©tplb  for  the 
sake  of  appearances;  unber  Senffabft  -  under  the 
cloak  of  friendship;  fan  føir  net  imob  flg  appear- 
ances are  against  him.  ©fin-  pretended,  fe  i  gned, 
mock,  sham,  false.  ©ffn'|*aar  year,  when  the 
corn  is  burnt  up  etc.  (fe  ©finne),  -angreb  mock 
•attack,  teint,  -barlig  a  &  ado  bet  forefom  mig 
(t)  lom  jeg  faa  barn  felb  it  was  exactly  as  if  I 
»aw  him  personally;  bet  er  )o  lige  fom  bu  faa 
benbe  flinbarlig  it  is  exactly  as  if  you  saw  her 
own  self;  ben  -e  fcjæbel  the  devil  incarnate,  the 
verv  devil.  -bebiØ  seeming  el.  specious  argument. 

€tøinb   n,  pi  =»,  skin,  '«»    &*  «Mbne  -  the 

golden  fleece;  frelfe,  tøtte  Rt  -  save  one's  bacon 
garoe  ens  -  curry  one's  hide;  boibe  fig  i  -a  keep 
quiet;   oære  nær  beb  at  gaa  nb  af  flt  gobe  .   lose 
all  patlence,   get  quite  beside  one's  self;   Dage 
ooer  belt  -  cry  out  famine  on  a  full  •tomach: 
et  gobt,  ærligt  -  a  good,  honest  soul;  ban  er  tn> 
anbet  enb  ~  og  Øen  he  is  nothing  but  skin  and 
bonefs);   baab  til  -et  wet  to  the  skin;  t  bet  - 
poor  body!    poor  soul!      ©ttnbjbaab   boat  of 
hide.      -binb    leather  binding,      -bog   vellojn 
-breb  fe  pergament,     -bræmmet  a  fur-margined. 
-bulder  leather-breeches.     -bnnbe«  a  boond  in 
leather.     ©finbe  vt  &  tt  St\l  op  i  »ugen  hum 
a  sail.     t©!inber  c  -e  tanner,  fig  extortåooer, 
usurer.    t©tinberi'  n  extortion,  usury.    ©tinb 
•fattig  miserably  poor.     *-frt»  bed-cover  made 
of  skins,     -fober  lining  of  leather.   fe  $ei» 
-fobret  a  fur  lined.  -banbler  pelt-monger,  furrier, 
skin  merchant.     -bowbfff  leather-glove.     -b«e 
fur-cap.      *-|ftre  (flsherman'B)  leathem   outni 
'tant  fur-edge.    -frabe  ftir  cape,  victorine.    4a* 
bit  of  skin.     -mager  a  skinny,  lean  as  a  rake 
•mær  lean  jade.     -ptlt  fur  overcoat;   P  fætte 
£u8  i  -en  sow  dissension,  set  them  together  by 
the  ears;    p  brioe  -  meb  make  a  fool  of.     ->ofc 
leatherbag.  -bnbe  cushion  covered  with  leather. 
-bnng  leather-purse.    -flag  fe  -frabe.    •-fioi  long 
leathern  jacket.     #-tr^tc   marah   whortleberrr. 
Vaccinium  uliginotum.     -trøje  leathern  Jacket. 
-t«r  fe  -mager,     -nlb  slaughter-wooL     -»iMCt  a 
stralght-winged,  orthopteroua.  -bært  fur,  peltry. 

©rin|bbb  sham  virtue.  -bøb  a  apparently 
dead,  asphyxlated;  en  .  one  apparently  dead, 
one  in  a  state  of  asphyxy.  -a*b  c  apparent 
death,  asphyxy.  -forbnnb  sham  alliance,  -freb 
hollow  peace  el.  truce.  -fri^eb  mock  fxeedom 
-fægtning  fe  -tamp. 

©tinger  a  shrill. 

©finjglæbc  feigned  joy.  -gobe  n  aeeming 

©tinglre  vi  ring,  dang,  resound.  -rem  <* 
ringing  etc.,  clang,  clangor.  -re»be  a  shrill; 
t  ~  ^rofl  hard  frost. 

©tin i gmnb  specious  reason.  -^ellig  a  bypo 
critical.    -beHigqeb  e  hypocrlsy. 

©tint  e  skink,  scinque,  Scincuå. 

©tintamb  c  sham  fight. 

©tinfe  c  r  ham,  gammon,  leg.  -gribe  ham 
-k  et  tie. 

©tintet  c  flet  J,  pendant;  fe  ©d)enfrl.  -blot 
pendant-block.    -fager  can-hooks. 

©tiitte|mitflittg    perna;     wing-shell,     Pinm 
*'VUl   fe   9luflebølfe.     -fteg    roast  leg  of  pork. 
-ærmer  pi  legof-mutton  sleeves. 

©tin|triften  false  Christian.  -Itv  seeminglife 
-Ibtte  seeming  good-fortune.  -mibbel  palliative, 
©finne  vi  shine;  *(om  ©æben)  be  burnt  up. 
parched,  scorched;  t  -  op  crack  (with  heati; 
Solen  -r  mig  i  tlnflgtet  the  sun  shines  in  my 

©finne  c  r  iron-band;  (^julft )  tire;  Oætn 
banefl )  rail,  pi  rails,  metals;  surg  (til  brættet  ©ctp 
splint;  (93enftinner  pi)  greaves  pl\  fe  ^latinr; 
tomme  af  -me  run  off  the  rails  el.  metals,  -ica 
shin,  shin-bone;  bbab  ber  ^erer  til  et  tibial.  -fob 
rail-foot.  -gang  fe  -oej.  -lægger  plate-layer 
-rubber  fe  ftofanaer.  -fiol  fish-chair.  -Mb  nsh 
-joint,  -føm  railway-spike.  -tang  round-nosed 
plyers.    -nej  tramway. 

6tin|fbg  a  jealous.    -fbge  jealousy. 

©tin  |  ben  seeming  fri  end.  -venftai  seeming 
friendship.  -næfen  sham,  make-bellere.  -ægte- 
ftab  mock  marriage. 

©tibpcr  e  e  master  of  a  vessel,  shipmaster, 
master  mariner,  skipper;  en  tøbtø  -  a  lucky 
dog.    -bcøitting  master' s  oertiflcate.     -kørga  ^ 




S  rimper,  -efterretning  F  false  report,  -ef  ftamen 
moster's  examination.  -tjiftørie  flsh-story.  -tøt* 
«hipma.ster's  boarding-  and  lodgin  g -house,  -tybjre 
master's  wages.  -tone  shlpmaster's  wlfe.  -lag, 
-Ian  corporatlon  of  shipmasters.  -løgn  fe  -tyfiorie. 
•patent  fe  -be  trilling,  -nagten  the  starbowlines. 
*ferve  Navigator' s  Islands. 

ettnnetnn  fe  Stippf'. 

©tippnnb  n,  pi  =,  weight  of  20  Danish  stones 
fgtøpunb),  about  350  pounds. 

*8(i|renb  rannlng  on  sno  w- sk  at  es.   -fpør  track 
of  snow-skates.    -flan  snow-skater's  staff. 

Stift  Ima  n  Bchism.    -ma'tifer  c  c  schJsmat'ic. 
-ma'rtfl  a  schlsmat'ic(al). 

©firfe  c  -r  sketch,  -nag  sketch-book.  -'re  ve 
sketch,  outline. 

Sfloe  c  -r  (f.  (Hø.  ©olen*.  TOaanen«)  disk;  (til 
Stbbning)  target;  (af  ©tøb,  Køb  ofb.)  slice;  (9tem<) 
pulley;  (SfrueO  washer,  (paa  Ur)  face,  dial; 
(»orb«)  top,  (tø*  til  fdotb)  leaf;  O,  sheave;  ftttbe 
ril  -  shoot  at  a  target  el.  mark;  en  -  for  the 
butt  of.  gøre  til  en  .  for  expose  to.  ©fine  vt 
slice;  .  Varerne  feather  the  oars.  ©(tnejblomft 
flow  er  of  the  disk.  -navnet  a  discoldfal).  -»reje« 
baml  surface  lathe.  -fifl  discoboll,  pi.  -formet, 
-formig  fe  -Dannet,  -glat  thin  window-glass. 
-gonle  Jelly-flsh.  -trone  flower  of  the  disk. 
~la*é  round  lock.  -manat  fe  -gople,  -patvon 
universal  chuck,  screw-face  plate.  -rnnb  a 
orhicular.  -fall  ciroular  shear.  -fan  fe  Gittel*. 
-ffnbntng  target  shooting,  mil  ball-practice,  art 
target-proctice.  -fstegl  planorbis.  ©tipet  a  fe 
bannet;  -be  ©ugter  <t,  Flemish  coil.  ©fioe|tap 
nut  ''of  a  potter's  wheel).  -treffebotnt  dram 
-bench.    ©ttogat  n  4/  sheave- hole. 

©fialb  c  -e  scald,  bard.  ©fia(be|bigt  poem. 
-fnnft  mlnstrelsy,  bardism.  -foab,  -fang  lay. 
©f  jalbftab  n  mlnstrelsy. 

61  j  alter  e  yellow  rattle,  Rhinanthua  erieta 

•Ctfcfttf,  frjelle  ^  fe  fteift,  $ett> . 

♦©tjene  vt  (Varerne)  feather  the  oars. 

•©tjene,  t©tfenne  vi  gad,  run  madly  about. 

©fjolb  c  -er  ($(et)  stain,  discoloration. 

©fføtb  n  -e  shield,  buckler,  target;  (abeligt) 
vliield,  escutcheon;  so  (p.  ©filbpabbe  o.  1.)  cara- 
i>nce;  (p.  (Braoftttte)  cannel;  (p.  taarnflib)  s  Meld; 
f  føre  i  fit  ~  be  up  to;  ljoab  Ijan  forer  i  fit  . 
what  his  designs  are.  ©tjøtb|bUIe  tortoise-beetle, 
Otntida.  -biUebe  device  on  a  shield.  -borg 
u-tudo.  -bregne  shield- fem,  Aepidium.  -brun 
thyroid  cartilage.  -brnfRirtel  thyrold  gi  and. 
•bngle,  -bu((el,  -bule  boss  on  a  shield,  umbo. 
•boaset  a  scutiform,  shaped  like  a  shield;  $ 
peltate.  -brager  shield  bearer,  squire;  $  skull 
-rap,  Scuttltarin.  -bne  shield.  -bljr  glyptodon. 
©tjølbeflang  clangour  of  shields.  ©tjøfbemffrtc 
fe  Sfjolbbillebe.  ©fJotb|et  j  stained,  discoloured; 
en  .  Jlo  a  brindled  cow.  -formet,  -formig  fe 
-bannet.  -gatOebe  pi  scutibranchians.  -tyafeuro- 
pt'ltis.  -bjøfber  supporter,  -booeb  her  chief. 
•ftamgt  a  hung  with  shields.  -tirret  fe  -bruff- 
ftrtef.  -tnab  fe  -buglc.  -frebø  podophthalmic 
crustacean.  -Inf  scale-lnsect,  coccus.  -mfltrCe 
fr  -bidebe.  -mø  female  warrior,  amazon.  -n«b 
Se  ftropanb.  -ranb  margin  of  a  shield,  her  bor- 
dure,  -rem  strap  of  a  shield.  -tegn  fe  -billebe. 
-tufiubben  glomeris,    -nagt  poet  fe  Sfttbbagt. 

©tjø'rte  («Sfjor  te)  c  t  shirt;  (©tøbn.)  thick- 
ne«;  i  bar(e)  .  in  his  shirt,  with  nothing  on 
t»iit  his  uhirt;  fjan  ejer  i!fe  -n  paa  ftroppen  be  has 
rio  ab irt  to  his  back;  flæbe  en  af  til  -n  (oaf.  fio) 
»trip  one  naked  el.  to  the  skin.  -brbft  fe  -inb« 
la»g.  -bnl  body  of  a  shirt.  *-bntte  a  spare  shin. 
-fabrtf ant  shirt-maker,  shirt  tallor.  -flip  fe  -traoe. 
•tnbfeg   shirt  front,      -fnap    shlrt-button,    (lol) 

-stud.  -(rane  sbirt-collar.  -IHttting  wristband. 
-lorrreb  linen  for  shirts.  -orrnte  shirt-sleeve;  i 
-r  in  his  shirt- si ee ves. 

©ffttl  n,  pi  =.  (bet,  fom  ff  juler)  cover,  shelter; 
(Stjulefteb)  hiding-place,  place  of  eoncealment; 
lægge  .  paa  noget  make  a  secret  of  el.  conceal 
a  thing;  ligge  f  ©Qn!  be  hid;  frbbe  i  .  hide  one' s 
self;  lege  ~  play  at  hide  and  seek,  (harry-racket, 
hoop  and  hide).  Stjnle,  -te,  -t  vt  (for)  hide, 
conceal,  secrete  (from);  —  vr  ~  fig  hide  one's 
self,  abseond;  —  ffiult  a  mysterious,  reoondlte, 
(om  $erfon)  reserved,  not  open,  not  frank;  ^olbe 
fig  .  be  in  hiding.    ©ffntefleb  hiding-place. 

*©f  ssfte,  etjftftcgrftft  fe  Sfaogræ«. 

<■©!  ssfer  fe  éfaaf. 

*©f  «ttc  c  -r  small  sailing-boat. 

•©f  «lm  c  -er,  fe  ©folm. 

*©f  arre  e  -r  magple,  Corvus  pica. 

•©f  otring  c  -er  pot-hook. 

0©fJ«  rføte  c  gentian. 

*©tinb  c  -er  eking-piece,  lap;  junction. 

*©t  nbe  vt  eke  (out),  lengthen,  tall. 

*©f|ø'bning  e  eking  ete.  (fe  *SrJ«be). 

•©fiøtfet  e  care,  tending,  management. 

*©ffie  vi  gilde  on  the  ice. 

©tø  o,  pi  =,  shoe,  («nfel<)  boot;  .  til  at  (nappe 
button-over;  fio  oner  en  lao  .  Wholesale,  in  a 
Wholesale  faahlon;  oeb,  fy»r  -en  trbfter  knows 
where  the  shoe  pinches,  where  his  pinch  Ues; 
ben  fnurrigfte  Qrpr  fom  (an  gaa  i  to  .  the  oddest 
fish  going,  t.  o.  f.  that  ever  stepped  in  shoe 
leather.  ©(o  vt  shoe.  ©to  |baonb  shoe-string, 
shoe  tie,  latchet.    -bøTfte  shoe-brush. 

©fob'  »,  p/  =  A  -er  &  bulkhead;  frafrille  beb 
.  bulkhead  off. 

©tobbe  vi  ^  back  asteni,  back  the  oars,  back 
water;  ftob  ooeralt!  back  all  asteni. 

©føbbe  vi  for  &  sheet  home,  haul  home  the 

©tobbe  e  -r  (for  ttinbue)  shutter;  (for  J)ør)  bolt, 
bar,  catch;   -rne  er  for  the  window  is  shuttered 
up;  flao  -n  for  bolt  the  door;  træffe 
the  door,  draw  back  the  catch. 
shutter  up. 

♦©føbbe  e  x  fog. 

©tobfefie  n  J,  stem  fast. 

©tobftif  n  J,  sheet-bend. 

°©tøbng  c  nether  linlng  of  a  lady's  dress. 

©to|febt  grease  for  shoes.  -fteber  side  spring. 
-fli(ter  c  -e  cobbler.    -fft(ntng  cobbling. 

t©fofte  e   t  ooarse  ryebread. 

*©tog  e  F  fe  ©fob. 

©føggerlbne  laughlng  dove,  laugher,  Colwmba 
rieoria.  -latter  loud  laugh,  roar  of  laughter, 
F  guflfaw(s),  (rao)  horse- laugh.  -le  ri  roar  with 
laughter,  f  gnfinw.  ©togre  vi  (om  ftuøle) 
chatter,  cackle;  fe  ©foggerle.  ©røgren  c  chatter- 

©tølbammer  shoemaker's  hammer,  -børn 
8hoeing-horn,  shoe-lift.    -b*f  heel  of  a  shoe. 

©fof  c  le  threeacore;  fe  Xrabe;  fig  host,  crowd, 
flock.   -  ©fofteltal:   i  .  b.  f.  f.     -ni*  adv  in 
*6fofle  fe  ©faaf. 

©fø'ldem  plnchlng  shoes.   -fnin  paring-knife. 
©folaft|if  e  scholast'icism.     -'Ker  c  -e  scho- 
lastic.    -iff  a  scholastlc(al). 

©tølbe  vt  scald.  -blegn  blister,  f-tage  a  kind 
of  bannock.  -(ar  scalaing-tub.  —  ©to(b|b,eb  a 
scalding  hot.  -topper  fe  ©taolfopper.  -røm 
blighted  corn.    -nfng  c  scalding. 

©fole  e  -i  (baabc  egentl.  og  fio)  school-  fig 
training;  (Kurfu*)  coune  of  study;  (pianoforte« 
o.  fl.)  tutor;  ^olbe  -  keep  a  school;  gaa  i  el.  paa 
.  go  to  school,  be  at  school;  gaa  af  -  leave 
school;  fatte  en  i  -  put  el.  send  one  to  school, 


-n  fra  unbolt 
+©(obbe  vt 




ploce  one  at  a  s.:  tage  ub  af  -n  take  from  ochool; 
tage  en  i  -  school  one,  take  one  to  task;  flabre 
af  -  tell  tales  (out  of  scbool);  forfømme  -n  miss 
school  el.  one's  lessons;  fhilte  af  -  el.  fra  -n 
shirk  school,  piay  the  truant;  -n  bar  Son  there'B 
no  school  to  day;  fttfte  -  found  a  school;  Qag« 
taielfenft  ~  the  s.  for  scandal.  ©fole  vt  traln. 
-aar  school-year;  -ene  the  school- days.  -arbejbe 
school-task.  -bam  child  that  goes  to  school. 
•beb  nursery-bed.  -betenbtftab  school-acqualn- 
tance.  -beftprer  principal  of  a  s.  -beftprertnbe 
head  mlstress  of  a  school.  -beføg  visiting  schools; 
school-attendance.  -betjening  employment  at  a 
school.  -betjent  school-servant.  -bibliote!  school 
library,  -binb  school- binding,  -bog  school-book. 
-borb  school-table,  -desk,  desk-table.  -brug 
custom  of  a  school;  til  -  for  the  use  of  schools, 
for  school  use.  -br*bre  Ignorantines.  -bagning 
school -house,  -bænl  form.  -bwbe(r)  flne  for 
missing  school.  -bannelfe  (classic)  edncation, 
schooling.  -bannet  a  school-taught,  school-bred. 
-birefttou  board  of  education.  -bireftor  s.  di- 
reotor.  -blfeipel  pupil  (of  a  school),  scholar. 
-breng  schoolboy.  -bnfS  fe  $ufl.  -efterretninger 
pi  programme.  -entbebe  teacher's  place  in  a 
school,  mastership,  tutorship.  -ef&amen  exam- 
ination  at  a  school.  -embebSmaub  school  officer, 
-fag  branch  of  knowledge  taught  at  school. 
-ferie  school  holldays.  -fefl  school  festivity. 
-flib  diligence,  application  (at  school).  -fororb* 
ning  ordlnance  regarding  schools.  -fontanber 
inspector  of  a  scbool.  -fregat  school -frigate. 
-fut$  pedant,  -fnfderi  n  pedantry.  •forne  fe 
•Tommerat.  -gaarb  play-yard,  play-ground  (of  a 
school).  -gang  going  to  school,  schooling,  school 
attendance;  toningen  -  compulsory  el.  obligatory 
education.  •gerning  school  business.  *-gnt 
schoolboy.  -qaanbbøg  school  manual,  -herre 
patron  of  a  school.  -heft  trained  horse,  trick 
horse,  -bolb  keeping  of  a  school.  -bolbrr  keeper 
of  a  school,  schoolmaster.  -btt8  school-house. 
-infpettiøn  educational  council,  overseers,  -in* 
fpeftør  school-lnspector,  overseer,  inspector  of 
schools.  -innestarium  school  plant,  -f  ammer  at 
school-fellow,  -mate.  -taftferer  treasurer  (of  a 
school)  -tfaflfe  class,  form;  (Boerelfct)  class-room. 
-fUgt  school- pedantry.  -tømmiøfiøu  school 
•board,  -tmnbflaber  school-learning.  +Stofella 
a  school.  ©tøfe|Ub  school  llfe.  -lob  school 
gro  and.  -totale  scbool  rooms.  -ton  o  educational 
code.  -Ion  n  a  holiday.  -lørrb  a  learned  in 
scholastic  lore.  -tørrbom  learning  taught  at 
schools.  -lorrer  usher  el.  teacher  at  el.  to  a 
school,  school-teaoher.  •lerrrfentiuarinm  normal 
school,  teachers'  seminary  el.  training  college. 
-Un  school  fees,  schooling.  -ntanb  teacher, 
school  man,  pedagogue.  -materiel  educational 
api »aratus.  -mefter  schoolmaster.  -mefter e  re 
vt  censure,  critlcize  inamagisterial  way.  -mefter • 
inbe  c  -r  school-mistress,  school-dame.  -meøflg 
a  scholastic  t-noron  fe  -tommitflon.  -opgabe 
school- task.  -orb  school  word.  -pebling  fe 
-brrng.  -pebel  school-servant.  -penge  fe  -Isn. 
-pige  school-girl.  -plan  plan  el.  system  of  in- 
struction, -pligtig  a  bound  to  go  to  school. 
-pog  fe  breng.  -program  programme.  -prøtotot 
journal.  -pr*oe  fe  -eftamen.  -raab  meeting  of 
the  masters  of  a  school;  fe  -tommiftfion.  -reben 
n  trained  in  the  riding-scbool.  -reform  reform 
of  the  schools.    -refnifiter  fe  -materiel. 

"Støle'ret  a  schooled. 

6fo(e|ret  c  ftaa  .  be  flogged.  -ret.  -rigtig  a 
according  to  rule.  -fag  school-affalr.  -flat 
educational  rate,  school- rate.  -ffib  training 
ship,  school -sh lp.  -flit  fe  -brug.  -ffrift  school 
work.     -fprog  school-language.     -flraf  punish- 

ment  in  schools.    -frue  school  room.     -fU*  col 
lege-dust.     -f*genbe  a  (f.  8f*.  Børn)  (children* 
who  go  to  school,  attending  school.     -tefre 
satchel.     -tlb  scbool-time,  school  hours;  (Stole 
bage)  school-days;  efter  -en  alter  school.    -rlbemae 
school  intelligence,  -rUfton  inspection  of  school> 
-time  lesson  (in  a  school).    -trenfe  brake.    -tugt 
discipline  of  a  school.    -toang  educational  coer 
cion,  compulsory  education.    -U*  fe  -pige.    -nb 
gane  school  edition,  -nbtrtjt  school  term.  -nnber 
ntSning    school   education,    schooling,    school 
-teaching.    -nngbøm  children  that  attend  schoo'. 
-nej  way  to  school;  teacher's  career.    -nem  frieitd 
to  schools;   (Øen  fra  ©foletiben)  friend  of  one's 
schooldays.    -nerben  world  scholastic.    -gibbon 
school-wisdom.   -bittlgfeeb  school  joke.   -børxelfe 
school-room.      -»ttfen    the   School-departmeui. 
public  instruction  el.  education. 

©toliaft'  c  et  scho'llast. 

♦©folie  fe  Stade. 

'©folm,  Sfolme  c  -er  pod,  cod.  -frngter  pi 

©fotøpenlrr,  ©tølornt  c  soolopendra. 

•©følt  c  -er  F  scull. 

*  ©følte  |  fin,  -lop  c  Lapp  belonging  to  the  Greek 

€to|Idtft  shoe-last.    -maal  n  shoe-measnre. 

©føtn'ager  [6;  *  ogf.  ma'ger]  e  -e  shoemaker, 
bootmaker.  -artiflrr  grindery.  -breng  ehoe- 
maker'B  apprentice;  bet  regner  -e  it  rains  cat* 
and  dogs.  -fifl  oobbler-flsh,  Blepkarit  tutor 
-baaubborrt,  -i'  n  shoemaker' s  tråde,  -tone  shoe- 
maker's wife.  -tngle  (shoemaker' s)  globe.  -Ion 
oordwainers'  company.  -mefter  master-shoe- 
maker.  -ffilt  shoemaker's  sign.  -f  øenb  journey- 
man  shoemaker. 

©toning  c  (at  fto)  shoelng;  Ure  of  a  aledpe 
-ninner;  fe  6fobug. 

©tonnert  c  -er  schooner.  -bom  foresail  boom 
•brig  brigantine,  hermaphrodite  brig.  -rigget 
fe  -taflet,  -fejl  boom  foresall.  -ffib  three-masted 
schooner.  -tatttt  a  schooner- rigged;  .  ©aa5 

dtottrog  e  -ger  rye  biscuit. 

€to|n«fe  toe.  -ptnb,  *-plig,  °-ptnø,  -plot 
shoemaker's  peg.    -pUS  tongue. 

6toptifere  vi  scoff  (over  at). 

Sfopnbfer  c  shoeblaok,   bootblack,   nhoe-bov 

©torbnt'ift  a  scorbu  tic. 

*®fore  vt  shore,  prop.    €tore  o  -r  shore. 

6forem  c  shoe-tie,  string,  latchet. 

Øforpe  e  -r  crust,  (p.  Saat)  soab,  (p.  Sronbfoar: 
eschar.     -agtig  a  crusty,  sourfy.     -bannelfe  in 
crustation.    -bnb  scurf.    -t  a  fe  -agtig.     -rfftelfc 
thickness  of  metal. 

Øforpio'tt  c  er  sco'rpion.  -ebberføp  scorpion 
•spider,  Solpuga.  -fine,  -bale  c  Onfett)  soorpioo 
-fly,  Panorpa. 

©torften  c  -e  chimney;  (ooenpaa  taget)  fe  -pibe; 
(2)mp.)  tunnel,  amr  smoke-stack;   tænbe  3Q>  pM 

-  en  light  a  fire  on  the  hearth.  —  ©forftenl  jantet 
mantle-tree.  -barbnn  ^  funnel-stay.  -fejer 
chimney -sweep  el.  -sweeper,  -fejerbreng  chim 
neysweeper's  apprentice.     -fejerfrarft  chimney 

sweep's  cancer.  -b*tte  chlmney-pot.  -itb  fire 
in  a  flue,  a  chimney  on  fire.  -opgang  aptake 
-pibe  chlmney-top.  -plabe  hearth  plate,  funnel 
plate.  -r#gen  the  smoke  of  the  tunnel.  -r«r 
funnel  el.  shaft  of  a  chimney,  flue.  -fint  chim 
neyraoney.  -fob  chimney-soot.  -fpjoelb  damper, 
register,  -fnale  chimney-swallow,  Hirwvio  n 
utica.    -trajf  chimney  draught. 

©torte  o  imp  bet  -r  paa  there  is  a  want  of; 
bet  -r  barn  paa  he  wants,  is  wanting  in;  —  vtj, 

-  ^rooifioner  ahorten  allowanoes. 




Slørftøue'r  c,  -røb  vlper'a  grass,  Scortonera 

Slofaat(e)  c  sole  of  a  shoe. 

Sføfe  c  -c  rub,  wipe,  taunt,  gibe.  Støfe  vt 
taunt;  —  vi  .  paa  taunt. 

Stø'IfUffe  shoe-rosette.  -f>tr  &  pump-spear. 
-fvornbe  shoe-buckle. 

StoSfe  o  -r  (af  38)  hummock  (of  ice). 

Stø'lftalb  trave,  -ftift  sparrow-bill,  sparrable. 
-fil!  vt-  sheet  bend.  t-fbrub  valet.  -fvorte 
(shoe-)blacking.    -f#m  clout  (nall). 

*61øt'  n  fe  Slob. 

*6føt'  o  -ter  end  of  a  boat,  stem  el.  stem. 

Sløtbue  e  Scotch  cap. 

SlotbØVf  e  jack-plane. 

Støt|fanb  n  Scotland.  -ta?nber  c  -e,  fe  ©lotte. 
-t<ntberfnbe  c  t  Scotchwoman. 

Gfø'traab  c  shoemaker's  thread. 

Slotrenbc  c  gutter. 

Sløtrot  o  large  splnning- wheel . 

6(0 tfl  a  Scottish,  Scotch;  -  %ai  tartan;  —  c 
(^and)  Schottisch;  bet    e  O:  Sprog)  the  Scotch. 

Støtfvarr  n  sleeper  of  the  gutter. 

Slotte  e  -t  Scotchman;  -tne  pi  the  Scotchmen, 
the  Scotch. 

Slotte  vi  (til)  glance,  steal  a  glance,  cast  a 
sly  look  (at).    Støtten  c  glancing  etc. 

Slø  Itøinge  fe  -rem;  b>il  .  jeg  ilte  er  toærbig  til 
at  løfe  the  latchet  of  whose  shoes  I  am  not 
worthy  to  unloose.  -tøj  ahoes  and  boots.  -t#jb« 
nbffttg  shoe-seller's  shop. 

©løv'  (••aa'b)  c  -e  wood;  (bilb,  ftot)  forest; 
lUtflov,  i  Dftinb )  jungle,  (t  Wir.  o.  fl.  St.) 
bush;  en  -  af  SKafxer  a  forest  of  masts;  ril  •* 
woodwards;  fonmnble  til  -  forest;  t  tage  i  -en 
take  a  trip  out  of  town;  font  man  raaber  i  -en, 
faat  man  Svar  measure  for  measure,  the  biter 
is  bit.  as  the  question,  so  the  answer;  lunbeitle 
fe  -en  for  bare  Xrceer  could  not  see  the  wood  for 
trees,  «could  not  see  the  town,  there  were  so 
many  houses*.  SføV|aaub  wood-demon.  *aø9 
wooded  ridge.  -abilb  crab  apple-tree,  Pyrue 
malu*  *vlve*tri*.  -afbribnlng  lumbering.  -ane« 
støtte  wood  anemone,  Anemone  nemorota.  -angelit 
pround  ash,  Angelica  eylvwtrie.  -anlflrg  fe  -StyrN 
nina.  •areal  forest- land,  expanse  of  forest. 
•balle  (©.  i  en  Stoø)  hill  in  a  wood;  (©.  bevottet 
meb  ©.)  wooded  hUl.  -bal  tete  champétre,  garden 
-party,  -bar  a  woodless,  destitute  of  wood. 
•begroet  a  fe  -beøofSet.  -bellafiu  wood-cock, 
Scoiopax  rwtioola.  -beflvttelfe  fe  -frebntng.  -be« 
franb  amount  of  timber;  fe  -areal,  -betjent  forest 
-officer.  -bevøfftet  «  overgrown  with  wood, 
wooded.  -bi  wood-bee,  Hylceu*.  t-blaffe  fe 
$ranbmut.  -blømft  wood  flower.  -blottet  fe 
-bar.  -bø,  -boer  inhabitant  of  a  forest.  -branb 
conflagratinn  of  a  wood,  forest  fire,  an*tr  bush 
fire.  -brøler  herrait,  anchorite.  -brng  cultiva- 
tlon  of  wood  s,  planting  -brtytt  fe  -ranb.  -bul 
biishbok,  tfylricapra;  (§nf .)  horned  beetle,  Spån- 
dvlu».  -bnnb  (3orb6.,  bbor  ©fol)  Ian  øotCe)  soil 
fit  for  plan  ting;  3otbenS  Oøerflabe  i  en  S.)  ground 
in  a  wood.  -btygb  woody  district.  -vugger  fe 
•boer.  -bal  forest-brook.  -befte  belt  of  wood. 
-barr  wood-berry  -bøber  flne  for  trespasses  in 
wood«.  -bal  woody  date.  -barn  pond  in  a  wood. 
•biftrirr  division,  part  (of  a  wood).  -brtft  fe 
-bnrfning.  -bne  stock-dove,  cnshat,  Columba  rena$. 
•bnft  fragrance  of  the  wood.  -bvrlning  cultiva- 
tion  of  woods.  -bvrtninggfore  woodcraft. 
tSløVe  vt  fell  el.  hew  trees;  fiø  f  -  inb,  f ammen 
amus;  -  af,  fe  ttfftooe. 

Slooe  c  -r  scraping. 

Støvl  egn  woody  country,  -ejeubont  wooded 
property.  -ejer  proprietor  of  a  wood.  -eng 
meadow  in  a  wood.   -enfømbcb  wooded  solitude, 

s.  of  the  woods.  *-fflft  a  ~  TOart  hard  wood- 
land, -fattig  a  fe  -bar.  -firben  wood-lizard. 
-flaat  fe  Ølobmibe.  t-føgeb  under-ranger,  game 
•keeper,  -førørbning  forest-ordinance.  -frebning 
preservatlon  of  woods.  -fTø  seeds  of  (wild) 
trees.  -fugt  wood-bird.  -fnlb  fe  -rig.  -fotlb 
damage  to  wood  by  tempest.  -føtlbning  felllng 
of  woods.  -galtetanb  archangel,  Stackye  tylvi- 
tiea.  t-gftttg  outlawry.  t-gثgbtnattb  outlaw. 
-grøet  fe  -beøolftet.  -grnnb  wooded  ground. 
-gratf  grass  of  the  woods.  -gror* tøppe, 
LocuMta.  -gr<rbning  wood-pasture.  -gnb  sylvan 
god,  wood- god,  faun.  -gnbinbe  wood-goddess, 
wood-nymph.  -^amnter  woodman's  hammer. 
-terre  fe  -ejet.  -bønnina  wild  honey.  -børnngte 
fe  hornugle,  Ittte.  -tjuaft  felling  of  trees,  forest 
exploitation.  -bug  lodge  in  a  wood.  -bttbbolb- 
ning  forest  economy.  -ttøaetnt  harebell,  Hya- 
cinthua  non  *cripttu,  -bblb  fe  leoalløeb.  -bfttte 
wood-hut.  -bøj  fe  -balle,  -bøné  grouse.  -tlb  fe 

Sløbiff  c:  fig  agte9  for  en  -  go  for  nothlng. 

Sløbjlørb  (jorb  beøot»et  meb  6.)  woodland; 
(begetabtlfl  ^orb  i  Slobene)  vegetable  mould  of 
woods.  -tantønerne  the  four  Cantons.  -lat 
wild  cat.  -Ilorbt  a  wood-clad.  •ILøber  oval 
-headed  clover,  Tri/otium  atpettre.  -longen  the 
king  of  the  forestå,  -trabbe  crab(-app1e).  -tranfet 
a  wood-encircled.  -trat  thicket.  -Inltnr  fe 

Sloølo  -e  shovel,  scoop;  ($mp.)  (paddle  )float; 
(paa  ^>iul)  lad  le,  float- board;  -eme  inb!  &  reef 
your  floats!    -anb  shoveller,  Ana*  clypeata. 

Sløøllanb  n  wood-land.  -lanbflab  forest  scene. 

Sloøl|blab  pan  of  a  shovel.  -bolt  (2>mp ) 
paddle- bolt.  Sløble  vt  shovel.  Sløollførmig  a 
sho  vel-forme  d.  -fnlb  c  shovel  lul.  -b)ørt  fallow 
-deer.  -b)nl  (5)mp.)  paddle(-wheel).  -børnet  a 
shovel-  an  tlered. 

Sloøllilje  helleborine,  Cephalantheru.  -Utoft 
forest  life. 

Sløblnorb  c  white  spoonbill,  fiatnlea  teuco- 

Støbllob  wood-lot.    -lovgivning  forest  laws. 

Sløbllflaft  n  handle  of  a  shovel. 

Sløbjinft  air  of  the  woods.  -lærte  wood-lark, 
Alanda  arhorea.  -lorb  load  of  timber.  t'løber 
keeper  (of  a  wood).  t-løg  star  of  Bcthlehem, 
Ornithoø'tlum  lutevm;  roccambole,  Allium  tcorn- 
dopraeum.  -løg  a  woodless,  untimbered.  -ntaar 
pine  mårten,  Muateln  martet  -nianb,  -mennefle 
wild  man  of  the  woods,  Pitktcu*.  -ntttlb  fe 
-}orb.  -mnb  wood-mouse,  field-mouse,  Mut  $yt- 
vaticvH.  -ntbnte  horse  mint,  Mentka  »ylvertrie. 
•mvre  wood  ant,  For  »tic*  ru/a.  -matrie  n  mark 
on  trees  to  be  felled.  f'mctttt  c  wood-roof, 
A*perula  odoruta.  -naturen  forest  nature;  wood- 
land scenery.  -neOile  fe  Sng>.  tSloønlng  o 
felling  etc.  (fe  Slobe).  Støbnbmfc  wood-n>-mph, 

Sløøølb  n  blacklng. 

Slobiparti  piece  or  woodland  scenery.  »pH 
fe  Sflje.  -blantning  planting  of  wood.  -viet 
dump  of  trees.  -Vlttttbring  ravaging  of  the  woods. 
•plæne  glade,  -brøbnftrr  forest  et.  woodland 
p rodnets,  -ranb  edge  of  a  wood.  -ranleclem 
atis.  t-riber  (wood-)ranger.  -rig  a  wooded, 
woody,  well  tim  bered,  -rilée  fe  tf  anb«.  -rofe 
wild  rose.  -rotte  je  -mul.  -rttbtting  clearing  of 
woods.  -røøer  robber  that  infeste  a  wood.  -fag 
forest  matter;  case  concerning  a  wood.  -falat 
wall  lettuce,  Luctuca  murali*.  -fav  cross-eiit 
saw.  -flabe  injury  to  the  wood.  t-fløbe  jay, 
Oarruluø  ølandariu*.  -flel  boundary  ofa  wood. 
-ffifte  fe  -lob.  *-flrile  fe  -flabe,  -flette  glade. 
•florbe    timber- sledge.     •-fnar  thicket.     -fnegl 




wood-snail,  Limax  ater.  -fnorppc  fe  -betfafln. 
•fpnrP  tree  sparrow,  Fringilla  montana.  -ftenie 
stile  in  the  wood.  -fri  path  in  a  wood.  -ftferne 
starflower,  wln ter-green ,  Tricntalit  europcea. 
-ftrimmel  strip  of  wood.  -frrtttning  tract  of 
wood.  -fnale  (i  flføftratien)  wood  swallow,  Arti- 
mua,  -flige  rot.  -flyre  wood-sorrel,  Oxalia  aoeto- 
øeila.  •(•  lake  in  the  forest  -trolb  satyr,  -rr* 
forest-tree.  -tildan  wild  tulip,  Tulipa  »ylvettri*. 
-tnr  excurslon  to  the  wood,  picnic,  -ttttning 
thicket.  -tno  forestthief.  -tyveri  stealmg  in 
woods.  -nbbtytte  produce  of  the  woods.  »nb« 
biØning  marking  of  trees  to  be  felled.  -n(b 
pine-needle  wool.  pine- wood  wool,  forest  wool, 
tree-wool.  -urt  wood-plant.  -nej  road  through 
a  wood.  -bitte  wood  vetch,  Vicia  &ylvatiea. 
-bøgter  fe  -Løbet  -oubbe  fe  tyerfugl.  -boctftt 
growth  of  the  wood.  -paf  en woodcraft.  -orble 
crab;  funger  gøt  -r  føbe  hunger  makes  hard 
bones  sweet  beans.  -øbcfeggelfe  dee  tru  etion  of 
forests.  -øgle  viviparous  lizard.  -*fØe  wood- 
man's  axe. 

tStraa  c  -et  statutes  pi. 

Straa  n  bruised  grain;  art  grape,  canister, 
langrel.  Straa  c  (lobat)  guid  (of  tobacco). 
Straa  vt  cut,  dip,  shred;  (Rom)  rough-grind, 
bruise;  vi  chew  tobacco. 

Straa  a  sloping,  slanting,  oblique,  inclined; 
paa  -,  f!raat  adv  aslope,  aslant,  slantlngly; 
ftraaS  adv  -  ooer  for  nearly  opposite.  Straa 
vt  slant,  slope;  vt  .  (ooer)  cross  el.  pass  (obliquely). 
-baanb  (Xomr.)  feather,  truss.  -tjatte  Aer  bend, 
bar  sinister,  -bett  a  obliquely  divided.  -gabt 
sloping  gable.  -beb  c  obliquity,  declivity.  -tant 
chamfer,  bevel.  -targ  St.  Andrew's  cross,  saltier. 

Straal  n,  pi  =,  squall,  bawl,  roar.  Straal  |e 
vi  squall,  bawl,  roar;  -  flø  fjæS  shout  one's  self 
hoarse.  -en  c  squalllng  etc.  -er  e  -e  squaller, 
bawler,  roarer;  poltriff e  e  polltical  ranters.  -ftalø 
fe  -et. 

+Sfraa(ig  a  somewhat  slanting. 

Straal  Hggenbe,  -Ubenbe  fe  Sfraa.  -lag  cross 
-bind.    -meffef  be  velled  chisel. 

Straameffet  c  hot  chisel. 

Sfraa  |  ne  vi  (+  .  fig)  slope,  slant,  -nlng  c  -er 
slope,  slant,  declivity,  (opab)  acclivity.  -plan 
inclined  plane,  -pult  sloping  desk,  slope-desk, 

Straafatø  c  plate-shears  pi. 

*Sfraafltter  a  cock-sure. 

Straa  Iftrtft  italics.  -ftana  sloping  bar.  -frren- 
get  n  with  oblique  chords.  -ftræber,  -ftøtte 
prop,  spur-shore. 

Sfraafat  c  langrel-bag. 

Sfraataa  n  sloping  roof. 

Straatøbat  e  chew-tobacco. 

Straauinbae  n  abatjour,  skylight. 

Sfraabart  n  bruising-mill. 

Sfrab  n  scrapings;  fig  trumpery,  trash,  refuse. 
Sfrabe  vt  Se  i  scrape,  scratch;  (om  £unbe,  ftugle) 
scratch;  (om  $efjte)  paw;  -  af,  ub  scrape  oft,  out; 
_  ub  i  make  a  leg,  scrape;  -  tømmen  scrape  to- 
ge ther.  Strabe  c  -r  (JRrbf!a&)  scraper;  (Saar) 
scratch;  *shear-water,  Puffinu*.  —  Strabe|graf 
fe  Staogra*.  -jorn  scraper.  -tage  cake  made 
of  the  scrapings  of  dough;  fig  you  rigest  c  hild, 
the  baby  of  the  famlly,  dilling.  -tnib  scraping 
-kul fe.  -maner  mezzotinto  engraving.  -net 
dredglng-net.  -nofe(fpii)  spiliklns,  jack  straws. 
•r  c  -e  scraper;  drag;  f  nap;  faa  fig  en  -  take 
a  nap;  fltbe  en  ~  sleep  and  snore,  -fiaal  scraper. 
-unab  trawl-net.  Stra'bning  c  scraping  etc.; 
(6aar)  scratch;  (paa  $abbunb?n)  (deep-sea)  dredg- 
iug.  Strabfam'men  n  medley,  fe  Strab.  Strabn'b 
»i,  pi  =,  scrape. 

fStrabe  vi  crackle.    tStrabr  c  fe  Stader. 

Straffe're  fe  Startere. 

Straf  a  poor,  scan  ty;  ^  (om  Smben)  scan;; 
.  £p!!e  bad  luck,  hard  lines;  bet  ex  -t  meb  bas 
he  is  poorly. 

Stralb  n,  pi  =,  clap,  peal,  crack;    p  merry 
-making;   Zrombetend  -  the  clangour  eL  biray  of 
the  trampet.    Sfrafbe  vi  peal,  rattle;  Zromverea 
•r  the  trampet   brays;   .  op  rattle;    meb    -nbe 
Stemme  in   a    loud    el.   high-sounding    voke 
Øfralbe  c  -r  rattle;  mech  ratchet.  —  6fralb>e;bor 
ratchet-drill,  cat-and-rat-brace.    -a^bning  swerp 
ings,  dust.     -stattb  dustman.     ©fralben  c  ran 
Ung.     6fralbe|fttflb$  fe  -asbnina.     -nogn   dust- 
man'B  cart  el.  waggon.    +6tralbie  vi  fe  SloggfTle 

6fraHe  vi  ^  haul  forward,  draw  ahead  ri 
forward,  scant. 

tSfraUe  c  -r,  fe  SfrceHmg. 

etram'  c  (Sergo.)  trench. 

•Ørramle  vi  fe  Sfrangfe. 

Sframleri'  n  fe  Sftammel. 

Stramme  c  -r  slash,  scratch;  scar. 

Strammel  n  lumber,  trumpery. 

Strammere  ret  a  bespangled,  braided. 

Strammet  a  scarred. 

*Strang|ei  c  &  n  rattling,  lumberlng  noise 
-le  vi  rattle,  rumble,  lumber,  jolt  -let  a  lanky, 

Strattte  c  -t  bar,  barrier;  fatte  -r  for  aet  bound« 
to;  træbe  i  n  mob  en  enter  the  lists  against  one 
pit  one's  self  against;  træbe  i  -n  for  en  take  up 
the  cudgels  for  one;  bolbe  fig  i  rne  keep  withia 

Strante  vi  be  ailing,   be  in  delicate  health 
fStrantc  c  fe  Stranting.     Sf ranten  a  sickly, 
weakly,  delicate.    Strantenlpeb  sickliness,  weat 
liness.    Sfrant(n)ing  c  -er  valetudi narian. 

Strop'  a  smart,  active,  quick,  sharp,  ke^n. 
se  ve  re. 

♦Sfrope  fe  Strabe  c  *. 

+Stra01et?irustle;*p  giggle,snigger.  ^Stra^len 

tStratabel  c  prov  snobs. 

Stratte  vi  give  a  cracked  sound;  *(ff*Qgerle> 
roar  with  laughter;  en  -nbe  Stemme  a  narsh 
voice.  tSfratte  c  ^  fe  ^brbetafte,  Srjalln. 
Stratten  c  cracked  sound. 

Strabe  c  -t  trestle,  horse. 

Strab|e  re  vt  hatch.  -eritrg  c  hatchtng,  line 
-engraving.  -erentaftine  hatching- machine,  en- 

*Strabl  n  rattle,  jabber;  t  prov  fogey,  crone. 
*Sfraølc  vi  rattle,  jabber.  *Sfra»U|aatte.  -top 
chatter  box. 

Streb  n,  pi  ■■,  slip,  slide.  Streb  imp  af 
Stribe.  tSfre(b)  «  sloping,  slanting,  (glat) 

Streg,  ftreget  fe  Striae. 

•Sfret  c  -er  cod,  Gaau*  morrkua. 

^Sirene  c  thread-moss,  Bryutn. 

Streb,  ftrebet  fe  Strioe. 

Stribent'  c  -et  writer,  author.  -In'be  c  -r 
penwoman,  author,  -t-authorees.  Srribler  c  t 

Stribe,  ftreb,  ftrebet  vi  slide,  advance,  proceed, 
-  (igennem,  ub,  om  Rom)  ear;  -  forbi  pass;  - 
frem  advance;  .  frem  ab  progress,  advance;  - 
i  n  b  interfere,  interpose;  -  inb  meb  SRagt.  Streng> 
beb  take  strong  measures,  take  the  matter  in  lo 
one's  own  hånds;  .  inb  mob  en  ab  fRettent  $ej 
take  legal  proceedings  against  one;  .  f ammen 
collapse;  .til  proceed  to;  .  til  Scerfet  go  to 
work,  take  action;  -  ub  slip,  silde  down;  vcgen 
•r  u  n  b  e  r  the  day  is  drawing  to  a  close.  Stribe 
bane  c  slide.  Striben  c  advanclng.  *Strib' 
Jøtet  c  glacier. 




©trtbt  n,  pi  — ,  pace,  (ogf.  fa)  step,  (i  Senil.) 
fork;  gore  et  .  (ogf.  JS?)  take  a  step;  gaa  i  . 
pace,  walk;  gaa  meb  ficérfe  -  go  el.  walk  at  a 
great  pace;  gaa  meb  longe  -  stride,  s  talk;  gaa 
meb  fagte  .  walk  softly;  meb  rafte  -  with  rapid 
strides;  ftolbe  .  meb  keep  pace  with,  keep  up 
with,  be  level  with;  gøre  bet  ferfie  _  take  the 
firet  step,  make  the  advances;  bet  førfie  -  et  bet 
txrrftr  the  fint  step  is  all  the  dlfficolty,  it  is 
only  the  firet  step  which  gives  trouble;  -  for  - 
step  by  step,  at  a  foot's  pace;  tibe  i  .  ride  at  a 
foot-pace,  walklng-pace;  botbe  tre  -  fra  flibet 
keep  at  arm's  length,  at  a  distance,  make  one 
keep  his  distance;  tre  -  fra  flibet!  keep  your 
distance;  tog  -et  fulbt  ub  went  the  whole  length, 
did  not  do  the  thing  by  halves.  ©trtbte  vi 
pace;  -  fammen,  fe  ljoIbe®tribt;  -  ub  step  out 
€  trtbt  |  gang  walking  pace;  i  .  at  a  walk(lng 
pace),  -mnal  pace.  -manier,  -telter  pedometer. 
-ning  c  pacing.    -»il  ado  step  by  step. 

©trift  c  -er  (mobfat  Xrtjfj  writing;  typ  type, 
letter,  fount ;  (ftnbffrifi)  inscription ;  -en  the 
Scriptures,  Holy  Writ;  trtjft  meb  ftaaenbe  .  stereo- 
typed.  ©trift  n  -er  writing,  book,  publication, 
work;  minbre  .  paper,  tract,  treatise;  pampblet; 
periobifte  -er  periodical  publications.  ©frtft|- 
ahwrtt  grouper,  Serranua.    -art  sort  of  type. 

©trifte  n  confession;  gaa  HT  -  go  to  confes- 
sion; ftaa  aabenbare  -  do  public  penance.  ©trifte 
ri  &  t  (en  &  nt)  confess.  ©frfftejlarn  penltent. 
-frøn  prayer  before  confession  -bag  confession 
-day.    -faber  (father-)confessor. 

©trtftefenbømfret  c  llterary  property,  copy- 

©trifre|ntaat  fe  Sfrifte  n;  nemmeligt  -  auricular 
confession;  mobtage  en*  -  confess  one.  -penge 
shrove -raoney.  -prabiten  communlon-sermon 
+-ri'  n  cont  confessing.  -febbel  certiflcate  of 
betag  a  communicant.  -fegl  seal  of  confession. 
-frol  confessional.    -tale  fe  -prabifen. 

©Wriftl  forfatter  interpreter  of  the  Scriptures. 
•fortøltntng  exegesis.  -granit  gniphic  granite, 
pegmatite.  -grnnbet  a  founded  in  Scripture. 
-faøfe  frø  box.  -ttog  c  scripturist,  bibl  scrlbe. 
-ffcnbiø  a  versed  in  the  ttcriptures.  ©frifttfg  a 
written,  in  writing;  .  Bffiemntng  poll,  polling; 
forlange  -  Vfflemning  crave  a  poll;  .  Opgabe  paper; 
-e  Opgaver,  Ørbejber  paper-work;  bet  -e  the  papers; 
—  adv  in  writing,  by  letter;  opfatte  .  reduce  to 
writing.  ©trtft|lerb  fr  -flog;  ♦  a  llterary;  book 
-learned.  -lefniug  manuscript-readtng;  readlng 
the  Scriptures.  +-U*  a  letterless.  -møtofig  a 

©triftaing  o  confession. 

©trift|orb  scriptural  word.  -prøve  speclmen 
of  penmanship.  -rige  li  tera  ture.  -f  pr  og  written, 
book  ri.  llterary  language ;  scriptural  sentence. 
-fteb  test  (from  Scripture),  scripture.  -flitter 
letter-engraver.  •fftribig  a  unscriptural.  -Mb er 
type-  el.  1  etter- founder.  -ftafreri  type-foundlng; 
type-  ri.  letter -foundry.  •ftøbermetal  fe  -tøj. 
-ftffcning  foundlng  of  types,  -fnftent  system  of 
writing.  -tegn,  -tra!  character.  -Uf  type 
-metal.  -betftltng  correspondence.  -bær!  written 

©frtg  n,  pi  ■»,  cry,  scream,  sbriek,  screeob; 
*  c  crylng  etc.  -anb  red-necked  grebe,  Podicep* 
rubricolli*.  ©trige,  ftreg,  ftreget  vi  cry;  (af 
<Sfr«D  scream.  shriek,  screech;  -  tyøjt  cry  aloud, 
bawl;  -  om  djcelp  cry  out  for  help;  *  .  ooer  flg 
cry  out  (at  the  top  of  one's  voice);  —  fTrigenbe 
a  fa  glaring,  flagrant;  (om  $arøe)  loud.  — 
©trige  |  barn  squalling  child.  -benet  the  funny 
bone.  -brotfet  timalia.  -ontle  squeaking-doll. 
©trtgen  c  crying  etc.    Sfrlger  c  -e,  Strigtølø 

screamer.     ©frigør*  screaming  eagle ,   Aqvila 
natvia.    *  ©frite  c  -r,  fe  ©tooftabe. 

t©trttte  vi  (om  ftugle)  chatter. 

©trimmelftrammet  n  fe  ©tramleri. 

©trin  n,  pi  =,  (i  «lm.)  case,  box;  (HDe,  til 
3uoeter  0.  b.)  casket;  (til  ftelifoier)  shrine. 

*6trinb  o  lean,  poor,  barren. 

Øtrinfelben  fe  Stonfelben. 

©f  rinlcgl  ge  vt  enshrine;^  consign  to  oblivlon . 
•ning  c  ensnrinlng  etc. 

*etrinneblomft  c  rock-cross,  Arabit 

etribe.  ftreb,  ftreoet  vt  write;  (bogftaoere)  spell; 
~  rent  (renftribe)  copy  fair;  l)bab  -r  t»i  ibag?  what 
day  (of  the  month)  is  this?  what's  the  day  of 
the  month?  tyrab  jeg  ffreo,  bet  ffreb  jeg  bibl  what 
I  have  written,  I  have  written;  bet  ftøb  ffrebet  at 
lt  was written  in  the  book  of  fate  that;  -  af,  fe 
Vfffribe;  -  fig  bag  f£ret  keep  in  mind,  make  a 
(mental)  note  of;  ~  efter  write  for;  -r  fig  for 
Hbbofat  writes  hlmself  advocate;  ftreo  flg  for  1000 
ftr.  put  down  his  name  for  1000  er.,  at  the 
rigure  of  ( F  at  the  tune  of)  1000  crowns ;  1)0 or 
-r  tym  fig  fra?  from  what  plaoe  does  he  come? 
bet  -r  flg  fra  it  is  owing  to;  bet  -r  fig  fra  ben  Xtb 
it  dates  from  that  time;  -  i  et  ©lob  contribute, 
be  a  contributor,  to  a  paper;  .  i  nb  enter;  - 
meb  hoften  write  by  post;  ftabnet  -«  meb  b,  the 
name  is  spelt  with  an  h;  .  neb  write  down, 
take  down;  .om  rewrite,  write  over  again;  - 
om  el.  ooer  nt  write  upon  a  subject;  .op  write 
down,  make  a  note  of;  føm  -r  poa  en  (Brammattt 
he  is  writing  a  grammar:  -  til  en,  -  en  til 
write  to  one,  communicate  with  one;  .  ub  af 
en  ©09  extntet  from  a  book;  -  unbet,  fe  Unber> 
ffriee;  —  ffrieenbea ttrbejbe desk-work.  6 trine ^ 
bl«t  writing  ink.  -bog  copy-book.  -borb  writ- 
ing table,  davenport.  -brng  usage;  til  -  for 
writing.  -fribeb  llberty  of  the  press.  -førbig' 
beb  readiness,  fluency.  -lUe  itch  of  scribbling, 
rage  for  writing.  -trampe  writer's  cramp.  -tribt 
common  chalk.  -tngle  Malling -Hansen  type 
•writer,  +wrltlng-bowl.  -tnnft  art  of  writing. 
-fljnbiø  a  up  to  writing.  -labe  writing -case. 
Øfrioelfe  c  -r  letter,  communication;  memorial; 
min  arbobige  ~  my  respects.  6tribe|lpft  passion 
for  writing.  -liften  fe  -føg.  -(arrer  writing 
-master,  -waabe  mode  of  writing,  style  (of 
writing);  8pelling.  -mabpe  portfolio.  -maffine 
type -writer.  -matertalter  fe  -fager,  -ntefler  fe 
•Icerer.  ©friben  c  writing.  ©fribe|pen  writing 
pen.  -pnlt  writing -desk,  desk- table,  (Wejfe) 
wri ting-case  ©trioer  c  -e  writer,  scribe;  (paa 
ftontor)  clerk,  *  f  fe  ©orenflrioer.  +©trioera  d 
n  scribbling.  ©trioerbreng  coun ting-house  lad. 
©frioerebflaber  pi  fe  -fager. 

©fribcrlembebc  clerk's  offlce.  -daanb  clerkly 
nand,  round  hånd.  ©frioeri  n  -er  writing;  cont 
scribbling.  ©trioer  |  far  I  qnill-drlver.  -Un  (Søn 
ril  Strieer)  clerk's  salary;  (&øn  for  at  ffrioe)  fee 
for  writing.  -penge  clerk's  fees  -fhie  counting 
-house,  offlce.  -tjeuefte  clerkship.  -t-aefel  office 

©tribej fager  pi  writing  materials,  stationery. 
•falig  a  fe  -fpg.  -ftole  writing-school.  -ffrift 
typ  script,  -fine  scriveners  offlce;  law-station- 
er('s  offlce).  -f^g  a  fond  of  scribbling,  scriba- 
tioua.  -foge  fe  -tioe.  -tabte  slate.  -time  writ- 
ing lesson.  -tøj  ink -stand,  standish.  -#betfe 
writing  exercise.  —  ©tribifeft  error  in  writing, 
slip  of  the  pen,  clerical  error,  -ning  c  writing. 
-poper  writing-paper,  brief.  +-fammen  n  cont 

©trøber  pi  waste  cuttings  (of  coin). 

Strofe  c  -r  (%uql)  fe  flire. 
©tro'fiter  pi  -nlø'fe  c  scrof'ula.     -nt*'*  a 




Strøg  [aa]  *,  pi  «*,  (af  6Kb)  hull,  body;  (af 
Xbrj  carcass;  et  naftelt  .  a  poor  wretcb  el.  devll; 
bet  ftaltel*  gamle  . !  poor  old  soul  I 

tStrøUe  c  r  old  worthless  book. 

StrøHr  vi  take  up  a  large  space,  be  bulky; 
J,  loom. 

©frot   c  -ter  P  mav,  belly,  *body,  carcase. 

©frot  n  -er  cut,  shred. 

©frot  n  weight  (of  coins). 

•©frot  n  rubbish. 

Sfrø'tlmejfel  chisel.    -fat*  large  wire-shears. 

♦©fru  fe  ©true  c. 

Strnb'  pi  a  drubbing,  a  bidlDg;  a  scolding. 

*Strnb'  c  fe  ©frubbe  (1,  2  &  3);  Ulb;  ftoniebar. 

©frttbbe  c  -r  flounder,  Meuronecte«  fleatu. 

©frubbe  c  -r,  fe  TOrlbtHe. 

©fntbbe  vt  scrub,  vi  fftub  af  I  get  you  gone ! 
i  r  fifl  F  look  quick;  make  off,  decamp.  ©frubbe 
c  -r,  -børfte,  -toft  wrubber,  Bcrubbing  brush. 
•utaftine  seribler.  ©f rubber  c  -e  (®q*d.)  scrub- 
ber.    ©(rubbet  a  rough,  rugged,  scabrous. 

*Sfrubbar  c  fe  $ønfebar. 

Strnb|gal  fe  -totfrt. 

Strablfeøbl  Jack  plane,  fore-plane,  old  wom- 
an's  tooth.    -tøble  vt  Jack,  rough-plane. 

Strub|føge  vi  boll  violen tly.  -fulten  a  raven- 
ously  hungry.    -tøøfet  a  mad  as  a  March  hare. 

©trttbtubfe  c  toad,  Bvjo  vulgaru. 

Strnb  c  k  n  attire,  canoulcals. 

©frue  c  -r  screw;  ($mp  )  screw(-propeller),  pro- 
peller; (SBifl.)  screw,  twist;  mva  peg;  (ttlrbeibdneb* 
laggelfe)  strike;  -  uben  ttnbe  endless  el.  perpetual 
screw,  fatte  fine  Crb  paa  -r  lise  ambiguous 
language;  baoe  en  -  le*  be  crack  -  brained,  have 
a  soft  place  in  one's  head,  have  a  tile  el. 
(Hufrra(.)a  shingle  loose;  en  (far.  unberltg)  ©frue 
an  odd  fellow,  a  quicr  chap  ©True  vt  screw; 
(iøto)  Hack;  -  ai  unscrew;  -  for  close  (by 
serewing;;  -  fta  screw  ofT;  -  holt  inb  *crew 
home;  _  £ampen,  tøadfrn  neb  turn  down  the 
lamp,  the  gas;  -  op  wrew  up,  dø  magnify; 
(aabne)  unscrew;  -  fctifen  op  screw  up  the  price; 
•  font  men  »crew  up;  -  flg  iammcn  fom  3«)  pack. 
©frue| apparat  J,  screw  steeriug  gear.  -af* 
ladys  trenses,  b'piranthe*.  -atéel  screw-sbnft. 
•baab  screw  boat,  serew-steamer.  -bafterter  pi 
surew-bncteria.  -blab  blade  of  a  screw,  screw 
Made.  -b(if  screw  plate.  •bolt  screw  bolt.  -bor 
screw-auger,  screw-tap,  worm-bit.  -bratfer  rat, 
blackfoot,  knobstick,  snob,  suobsiick,  black 
j.heep,  black  leg.  -bratterl  n  ratting.  -brønb 
{■orew -well.  •beeubler  twilled  libbons.  -bernf  i 
vlce-bench.  -ctolinber  fe  -ipinbel.  -hamper, 
-bampffib  screw  s  team  er.  •bannet  a  screw 
-lorroed.  -bo!  screw  dock.  -flabe  propelling 
surface.  -førm  screw-form.  -fregat  screw  frig- 
ate, -gang  -gebinb,  -gauge  (serew-)thread  el. 
worm.  -gaugøb^fbe  pitch  (of  the  screw  thread). 
-bage  (p.  £rfteff0)  movable  calkin.  -bel*  »crew 
shackle.  -bobeb  screw -head.  -Ijøbebfab  hack 
-saw.  screw -hole.  -fcblfe  ($mp.)  screw 
-casing.  -iøpack-ice.  -jam  screw- tap;  fe  -træfler. 
-tanonbaab  screw  guuboat.  -tlup  dle-stock, 
s«Tew-«tock.  -laaø  screw  shackle.  -Ilnle  helix. 
-lta(t)et  «  hellcoid.  -Unteftlb  screw  line-of-battle 
ship.  -ntobrr  -møttrif  feinale  screw,  nut,  screw 
->K)x.  -nab  screwboss.  -nøgle  spanner,  screw 
•key,  wrench.  -palme  screw  pine,  hxndanw. 
•panbe  bearing  of  the  screw.  -parrøn  screw 
-i-huck.  -pofertang  slidlng  tongs.  -preøfe  screw 
-press.  -prop  screw  plug.  -pube  netting-vice. 
-pumpe  Archimede«  screw.  -pal  screw  pile. 
-ramme  ($mp.)  screw  frame,  banjo  -  frame;  typ 
screw  •  chase.  -rat  screw -wheel,  -reglfter  (p. 
Xreiebant)  set  of  screw-boxea.  -ring  screw-hoop. 
-rulle  (Trejn.)  screw- ferrule.     -ffib  screw  ship. 

•flaring  screw  -cuttlng.  -flagprfgfc  fly -pren. 
•fuegl  screw- snail,  Terebra.  -fnit  screw -plate 
•fnor  gimp(-lace).  -fpinbel  screwrod,  cy Under 
of  a  screw.  -tafll  (Xrein.)  screw- tool.  -ftstou  ^ 
body-post.  -fritte,  -flot  vloe.  -flttleboml  vie? 
•board,  -fiol  swivel  (library)  cfaair.  ©trnet  a 
fig  strained.  ©frue|taug  fe  -fritte,  -ton  serev 
-tap.  -føl  screw  plug.  -tøbe  4,  parbucklp* 
-tratter  c  -e  turnscrew,  screw -driver,  -tunrart 
screw-tunnel.  -røiuge  cramp,  cramping-rxame 
-banbet  the  wake  el.  eddy  of  the  screw.  -utugt 
fe  -b'ab. 

t©trnggr  vi  fe  ©trutte. 

©trntbTøne  c  clucklng  hen.    ©trnftc  et  cJuc-t 

^©trutte  c-rf  wrinkle.   ©truttet  o  wrinkJrd 

©frulfrtrolb  n  woodlouse,  0»»'#cw#. 

©frnBe  vt  fe  ©Iroue. 

T©frufle  c  -r  whim,  craze.  •©trnllet  a  craxy, 
crack- brained. 

©trnutmel  n  bulky,  shapeless  object.  ♦Stram- 
met a  bulky.    ©trnmle  vi  jolt,  rumble. 

©trampe  vi  (+  vd  -H),  .  inb,  fammen  shrink, 
shrivel  (up).  Strampen  a  &h  ri  velled,  ahrank 
©frnutpenpre  renal  atrophy. 

tCfrup'  fe  ©frub  1. 

Strap'  c  corky  bark. 

©trup  el  c  -pier  (i  begge  ©rt )  sera 'pie;  gørefq 
-pier  obf  r  make  a  se  ru  pie  of,  (otter  at)  scruple  to 

tSfrup  gal,  -fulten  o.  ft\,  fe  ©frub«. 

Strnt'(te)  c  maw,  belly. 

Strntlte  vi  stoop.  -rbg  c  hunchback,  hump- 
back.    -rbgget  a  hunchbacked,  humpbeicked 

t©trnb  c  hopper;  •  fe  ©frue. 

Strpb  n  (om  9ftfel)  bray;  (praleri)  brag,  boast 
Sfrbbje  (♦ffujt),  flrbbt)  vi  bray;  brag.  boast.   -en 
o  bruylnif  etc.    -er  c  -e  braggart.    -eri'  *  brag- 
ging.    *©?rnbbalé  c  braggart. 

tetrbUe  vi  fe  ©rroOe. 

♦Strbt  o.  fi.,  fe  Strpb. 

©frab(bjer  c  -e  tailor;  (3nf )  vine-beettle. 
Ltthru*  ceph'iioteå ;  l)oab  forflaor  en  -  i  *£)dOfte? 
what's  a  pound  of  butter  amongat  a  kennel  of 
houndsV  femten  -e  til  et  $unb  nine  tailors  make 
a  man.  -orbefbe  lailor's  work.  -ben  spind  le 
-legs.  -børb  Lailor's  shop-board,  -bntit  tailors 
shop.  -breng  tailor's  boy.  ©trabbere  re  ri 
tuilor.  Strabbcrlfngl  tallor-bird,  Svi'  m  nrforui. 
*-gut  fe  breng.  -b;aanbbart  tråde  of  a  t. 
Sfrabberlnb'e  c  r  ulloress.  Strabberltøne 
tailor's  wife.  -friot  Bpanish  chalk.  -Ian  tailors' 
corporatiou.  t-liberi  fe  gttat.  -lare:  wtt, 
oare  el.  ftaa  i  -  apprenlice  oue  to,  be  ap prent 
iced  to,  a  tailor.  -løn  money  paid  for  tbe 
uiakiug  of  clothes.  -maal  tailor's  measure. 
-mefter  fe  ©trabber.  -muftel  tailor's  muscle, 
Har  tor  i  u  s.  -naale  blunts.  -regning  tailor  s  biil 
-ring  tailor's  thlmble.  -falé  tailor's  scissor*. 
•fbenb  journeymau  tailor,  workmg  tailor.  -to- 
ning. *-føm  drei4 -  making,  mantua-makin«. 
-talje  vL  watch  tackle,  -bartfteb  tailor's  shop. 
+Slrabre  vt  tailor. 

Straf  c  terror,  fright,  dread;  boo«  ,  forstand 
In  tenor  el.  dread  of;  fatte  en  i  .  for  noget 
give  oue  a  fright  of  something;  fon  en  .  i  iJiwt 
get  a  fright.  t-fnlb  a  dreadful.  -iubjageubc  a 
terrifymg,  formidable. 

tSfratfe  o  fe  ©ranefluger. 

©tratte  vt  frigbteii,  terrify,  scare;  -f  .  op,  fe 
Cpfframmr;  +  vt  fammen  start. 

^tvctttt  m  J,  i  Sangf pillet  surge  the  oapstan. 

©trattrbiUeb(e)  frightful  image.  Strottelui  •• 
tetrible,  terrinc,  dreadful.  —  ©trati  flagen  « 
terror  struck.  t-fom  a  fe  ©tcattelig.  ^•lømleb 
o  dread fulness. 

©tral'  o  -ler  peel. 




*6trelb  n,  pi  =»,  crack,  crash,  clap.  Gtrafbe 
vi  crash.  clap,  thunder. 

6fraue  vt  peel,  pare;  -  Stollen  af  &nigt  pare 
off  the  rind  of  fruit.  -«  e  peeling  etc.  -|Plo» 
paring  plough.  SfrorBiMg  c  paring;  e  -er  (fpgelig 
«Berføn)  sickly,  puny  perron.  —  6tralpl*j|e  vt 
}>are.    -»lug  c  paring. 

Stramme  vt  scare;  ftighten,  fplubf.)  startle; 
_  iiiDrt  af  rn  frigbten  one  out  his  life;  .  09  (en 
ftuøl)  flash.  -biBebe  fe  S  trætte.,  -ffwb  empty 
threats,  fhlmen  brutum.  Gframfel  c  &  h  -fier 
scare- crow,  bngbear. 

6tr«*fe  vt  (en  ©at))  set. 

6frenfe  vi  sorge,  start. 

Bttant  e  -et  Blope,  declivity,  (opab)  acclivity. 
<+-Minø  c  b.  f. 

6frantØ|  flabe  pf  rags  of  packcloth.  -papir 

Gtrappe  c  -r  dock,  Rum  ex;  fburdock,  Lappa 

6!rappe  vi  (om  Iffnber  og  (Bart)  quack,  cackle, 
fom  ftrser)  croak;  fig  (op)  brag.  -m  c  quacking 

»etrappe  o  c  wallet,  scrip.  -Ransler,  -far! 

6treb  n,  p*  ■*,  interstice  between  the  legs, 
fork.  (Sfribt)  stride;  F  bet  gaar  oper  -et  that's 
potng  too  far,  that's  too  bad;  oeer  el.  paa  -I 
« stride,  astraddle  ©traPe  vi  ntride,  straddle. 
5frft*4  orfr  fe  Sfrab. 

6tr«belig  a  (let  braHeltg,  ffør)  fragile,  brittle; 
Mpaøi  frail,  infirm,  feeble,  rickety,  shaky;  fig 
(om  Jtacofteren)  frail;  ttanbrn  er  Del  rebebon,  men 
Støbet  er  t  bibl  tbe  spirit  indeed  is  willing,  but 
the  flesh  is  weak.  -beb  c  brlttleuess,  fragility; 
fig  irallnefts,  frailty,  fragility,  bibl  weakness,  in- 
firm!  ty.    -ftebefljab  sin  of  inflrmity. 

•©frjtnt  n  ghoRts  pi,  hobgoblins  pi. 

gfromt  c  feint,  dissimulation;  uben  -  un- 
feignedly;  rofe  en  paa  ~  praise  one  lronically. 
Strøm  te  vt  k  i  feign,  dissemble,  »ham,  simulate. 
—  6fr«mtr|graab  feigned  tears.  -r  c  -e  d  is- 
tem bier,  hypocrite.  -ri'  n  dissimulation,  hypo- 
crisy.    6tr«tniPtØ  adv  feignedly,  lronically. 

*6fr*ne  c-t  p  romanre,  fib,  crammer.  sell, 
c-ock  -  and  -  bull  story.  ©trfae  vi  tell  storles, 
romance,    -mager  c  -e  romancer,  taradiddler. 

*©fna  c  skua  (gllll).  Leitrit  cntarrhacte*. 

©tab  *  push,  thrust.  6fab|be  etshove,  push; 
.  ttl  en  give  one  a  push;  .  fig  fra  »link  sway 
from,  shirk;  .  fra  fig  shift  off"  -farre  wheel- 

©tab'  n,  pi  es,  (af  plante  ofo.)  sboot,  Hprout, 
(afftaaret)  cutting,  (meft  fig)  scion;  (meb  Sttjbf« 
oaaben)  »hot;  (SJabnina)  charge,  round  of  ammu- 
nition; fe  Stob,  Sfobbe;  fe  -rigel;  fe  3flcet;  ber  gif 
et  -  a  gun  was  flred;  ber  b>rte4  rt  .  the  report 
of  a  gun  was  heard;  en  Salut  paa  101  -  a  sal u te 
of  101  guns;  -  paa  -  shot  after  shot;  f  f  gaa  fit 
_  jog  on ;  et  -  Jtrubt  a  charge  of  gunpowder ; 
iffe  et  -  Jtrubt  ooerb  not  worth  shot  and  powder, 
tomme  paa  -  come  within  gunshot;  get  a  shot 
at;  nare  i  -et  be  in  luck,  a  fa vo urite.  ©fnblaar 
leap-year,  bissextile.  -bag  bis*extile  el.  i  nier - 
calary  day. 

©tab  ber  mnb 'ber  n  p  gaa  t  .  go  to  rack  and 

tGtabbe  vt  shake.    ©tabbet  a  bibl  fe  lenuge. 

©tabe  c  -r  vt»  vessel;  barge,  sloop,  smack. 
-fliptier  bargee,  barge-man,  smncksman. 

©fnblfaft,  -fri  a  shot-proof,  bullet-proof  -faft 
c  om  $unb)  not  gun-shy;  gaa  -fri  Hg  past<  scotfree. 
-garn  fe  3flæt.  -Ijnl  shot-hole.  -linie  line  of 
fire.  -maal  mark  for  shooting  at.  -maaneb 
interrAlary  month.  »umt  attv  within  gunshot. 
-port  portcullis. 

t6!ttbre  vi  shudder.  ©fnbreit  e  shuddering, 

6f«b|rige!  slide- bolt,  sliding-bolt.  -faar  (gun-) 
shot  wound.  -fifterfyeb  accuracy.  -ftibe  fe  ©fobf • 
ffipe.  -ffbj  a  (om  $unt>)  gun-shy.  -ffp|eb  gun 

étutémaal  *  pi  =,  (w rit  ten)  character  (of  a 
servant),  testimonial;  jur  demurrer;  tømt  et  pobt 
.  bear  a  high  character.  6tnb9maalØ|bog 
character- book.    -fafff  forging  a  testimonial. 

6fnb|fkoI  e  lace-maker's  loom.  -ft«rt-a  bard 
to  kill  (by  shooting). 

6tirbt  fe  Sfobe  vt. 

tSfnbte  fig  fe  Snitte. 

6fnb|t*rP  common  peat.  -uge  intercalary 
week.  -øaaben  pi  flre-arms.  **uut  a  trained  to 
stand  fire.  -Pibbe  reach  el.  range  (of  gunshot); 
paa  .  within  gunshot.  ubenfor  -  out  of  gunshot, 
out  of  reach. 

©ftte  n  sight,  show;  frille  el.  fatte  til  -  expose 
to  view,  exhibit,  display,  show  up;  bære  til  - 
make  a  display  of.  bcere  fine  &slelfer  til  -  carry 
one's  heart  upon  one's  sleeve.  €ft«e  vt  view, 
behold,  contemplate;  vi  -  ub  look  out.  -br«b 
show-bread,  loaves  of  proposition,  -brtbøborb 
show-bread  table.  -lljft  passion  for  seeing  sight«, 
curiosity.  -Ufffen  a  desirous  of  seeing  sights, 
curious,  inquisitive;  be  -fine  the  sight -seers. 
-mab  fe  -retter,  -mønt  med  al.  -m  c  vlewing. 
•penge  medal.  -plabé  stage  (of  a  theatre) ;  fig 
scene;  ftrigenå  ~  the  theatre  el.  scene  of  (the) 
war.  -retter  pi  show-dishes.  -fpil  play;  .Hg 
spectacle,  sight.  -fpilbigter  play-writer,  play- 
wright,  dramatist,  dramatic  author.  -fpil- 
birettar  manager  (of  a  theatre ».  -fpUbnØ  play- 
house.    -e-fplflenbe  a  30c  histrionic. 

6tnefpiSer  c  -e  actor.  (stage-)player,  performer. 
-in  be  e  -r  actress.  •funft  dramatic  art.  -pro« 
fe#fion  stage-player's  el.  histrionic  profession. 
-felffab  company  of  actors.  -telen t  histrionic 

6htffe  c  -r  (f.  <R*.  i  «orb)  drawer;  (fterttfi) 
shovel,  en  -  ^orb  a  shovelful  of  earth;  f  af 
forfle  .  flrst-rate,  tip- top,  crack;  af  lamme  _  fig 
a  leaf  out  of  the  same  book.  ©fttffe  vt  (ffuffe 
lommen)  shovel;  (renfe  meb  Sfuffefarn)  hoe;  .  bort 
clear  away. 

6fnffe  vt  (fbige)  disappoint,  deceive,  (Sorbtnt* 
ninger)  fall  short  of;  -nbe  a  delusive;  en  -  iftg« 
t>eb  a  striking  likeness;  —  ndv  -nbe  efterligne 
imltate  to  nature;  bet  rr  tjberft  -nbe  gjort  it  is  a 
splendid  illusion. 

t6fnffe|bam  n  foundling.  -bebrtwer  joc  fe 
•tpo.    -t-biUebe  illusion,  pbantom. 

6fuffecabenre  c  deceptive  radi-nce. 

6fnfte|fant  thrust-hoe,  breast- plough.  -tadfe 
drawer-ca*e.    -laa#  tlll-lock. 

@t»ffef|bfort  c  fallowdeer.  -frebfi  mantis 
crab,  JSquilla  mantit. 

Øtnffelfe  c  -r  illusion,  disappointment. 

®f»ffe|norbfe6tebeire.  .pioPhowe-ahoe  Sfnffer 
c  -e  large  buck. 

+©fttffcfpll  n  dehision. 

®tnffe|tpp    ►hop  lifter,     -tljperi  shop-liftlng. 

Øfnlber  c  -bre  shoulder;  trcetfepaa -bteneshrug 
up  the  shoulders,  shrug  one's  shoulders;  Oefctr 
paa  -en !  shoulder  arms !  fe  en  ooer  -brene  look 
down  upon  one;  tage  paa  -brene  shoulder;  rette 
•brene  draw  in  one's  shoulders;  tage  noget  paa 
ben  lette  -  take  something  easy.  6tulber|baanb 
nhoulderbelt.  -ben  shoulder  bone.  -btab  shoulder 
•blade,  scapula.  -bfof  shoulder-block.  -breb  ri 
broad-shouldered.  -baft  slap  on  the  shoulder. 
-flabe  scapulary.  -feb  shoulder -joint,  -puffer 
pi  shoulder-pufls.  -rem  shoulderstrap.  -ftpffe 
shoulder- piece.     -f«m   shoulder -seam.     -traf, 




•treratng  shrugging  of  the  shoulders,  shrug. 
-o  Intel  mil  angle  of  the'epaulement.  -værn 
epaulement.  ©fntbre  vt  shoulder;  f  gobt  -t  well 
done.    ©tutbriug  c  shouldering. 

©tule  vi  cast  down  the  eyes,  scowl;  -  til 
scowl  at;  -nbe  ©Hf  scowl.  •»  c  casting  etc., 

Stolte  vi  slink,  sneak,  skulk;  ~  fra  ©folen,  af 
8  fole  play  (the)  truant,  play  hookey;  —  vr  _  fig 
fra,  igennem,  inb  i,  til,  fe  Snige,  -k  c  slJnklng 
etc.  -pofe  c  F,  -r  c  -e  truant.  -tøfl  a  sham 
sick;  oerre  .  feign  illness,  malinger,  be  shirking. 
-flige  sham  siokness,  malingery. 

©futte,  ffal',  ffulbe,  ffullet  «i  &  aiunV  be  obliged; 
i  eg  (bi)  ftal  (ffuHe)  rejfe  imorgen  (bet  et  faalebe* 
b''ftemt,  aftalt)  I  am  (we  are)  to  depart  to-morrow, 
(=  maa)  I  (we)  must  depart  to-m.;  (lobenbe)  I 
(we)  will  depart  to-m.;  jeg  (bi)  flat  ftraffc  barn 
(truenbe)  I  (we)  will  punish  him;  bu  Ijan,  9,  be) 
ffal  gaa  (befalenbe),  blibe  belønnet  (lotten be),  blibe 
ft  rafte  t  (truenbe)  you  (he,  you,  they)  shall,  go,  be 
rewarded,   be  punished;   ber   ffal   intet   mangle 
there  shall  be  nothing  wantlng;  jeg  ftulbe  (butbe) 
gøte  bet  I  ought  to  do  lt;  |eg  btbfte  iffe  Ijbab  jeg 
ffulbe  gøre,    tro   I  didn't    know   what   to   do, 
belle  ve;  man  ftulbe  tro,  at  .  .  .  one  would  think 
tbat  .  .  .;  Ijbie  jeg  nogenfinbe  ftulbe  træffe  barn  if 
ever  I  chanced  to  meet  him;  bet  ftulbe  øvre  mig 
onbt  I  should  be  sorry  for  lt;  bet  ftulbe  ieg  mene 
I  should  think  so;  (jbab  ftal  jeg?  what  do  you 
want,  what  is  your  pleasure?  fjoab  ftal  jeg  ber? 
what  am  I  to  do  there,  why  should  I  go  there  ? 
fcoab  ftal  jeg  meb  bet?  what  am  I  to  do  with 
that?  ijbab  ftal  bet  til?  what  is  the  use  of  that? 
t)tmb  ftal  bet  bettjbe?  what  is  the  meaning  of 
that?  tjoor  ftal  De  tjen?  where  are  you  golng? 
Ijoor  langt  ftal  bu?  how    far    are   you  golng? 
jeg  ftal  til  røtbbag  tjo*  I  am  to  dine  with;  Sfibet 
ftal  til  gfranfriø  sne  is  bound  to  (el.  for)  France; 
jeg  ftal  ub  (f.  »16.  at  fpabfere)  I  am  golng  to  take 
a  walk;  Qunben  ftal  ub  the  dog  wants  to  get 
out;  Sttjrbotb  ftal  ostet  port  it  isl  o.  fl.;  naar 
bet  ftal  faa  bare  if  there  is  nothing  else  for  it; 
bet  ftulbe  iffe  faa  bare  it  was  not  to  be;  ftulbe 
b,an  bø  inben  ben  Xib  if  he  were  to  die  before 
tbat  time;   ftulbe  ban  blibe  fattig  if  he  came  to 
be  poor;  ftulbe  bet  bare  fanbt?  can  this  be  true? 
jeg  ftulbe  forraabe  min  Ben?  I  betray  myfriend? 
ffulbe  bet  tjat»e  baret  Jtattcn?  could  it  have  been 
the  cat?   ftulbe  bet   bitfeiig    bare    Zilfatbet?    I 
wonder  if  lt  is  really  the  case?  Ijbotlebeft  ftulbe 
jeg  tunne  .  .  .?  how  should  I  be  able  .  .  .?  jeg 
ftal  itte  funne  ftge  bet  I  cannot  tell;  Ijbab  ftulbe 
Kfl  gøre?  how  could  I  help  it?  what  was  I  to 
do?  bctte  ftal  bare  .  .  .  this  is  intended  to  re- 
present .  .  .;  bet  barfie  ftulbe  enbnu  tomme  the 
worst  rem  al  ned  to  c  orne;  bet  ftulbe  not  bore  en 
fBittiqbeb?  it  was  meant  to  be  a  Joke,  I  *up pose; 
bu  ffulbe  tun  bibe  if  you  but  knew;  ban  ftal  bare 
bemmelig  gift  he  is  said  to  be  privately  married; 
jeg  ftulbe  fjobe  baret  ber  I  was  to  have  been 
there;  -  til  be  needed,  required.  indispensable; 
bet  ftal  mange  $enge  til  at  it  takes  a  good  deal 
of  money  to;  bon  ftal  til  he  shall  not  escape,  he 
is  in  for  it;  ban  ftulbe  til  at  he  was  in  the  aet 
of;  ber  ftal  tun  libt  til  at  it  takes  but  Ilt  tie  to. 

tCfnfle  c  -r,  fe  ftlpnber. 

*©fuUermaub  c  waterman. 

©tut*  c  -er  (TOeifel)  gouge. 

©tulpe  c  -r  silique. 

©fum'  n  scum,  froth,  foam,  spume;  (af  ©beb 
el.  ©abe)  lather;  (om  Vlunben)  foam;  (paa  Ol  o.  1.) 
froth(-head);  £abet  ftob  i  et  -  the  sea  was  all  In 
a  foam.  ©htm|agtig  a  froth  like,  frothy.  -be- 
batfet  a  covered  with  foam  el.  lather.  -blomft 
Bpeck  of  foam.     -batte  belt  of  foam.    -citat* 

frog-hopper,  flea-locust,  Oicada  qwimaria.  -fete 
skimming  of  bolled  meat  -flabe  sneet  of  foar. 
•fulb  a  frothy.  >)nie  J>  skimming-cock,  surfe? 
•cock.  -Ijbib  a  white  as  foam.  «toat  (fbas- 
crest.  -ttttbt  a  fe  -bebæftrt.  -tage  vi  boil  vb.- 
ently.  -trait  fe  -bane.  -tabe  water-chain.  *4øfi 
fe  -bebatlet. 

©tumle  vi  be  spiteful,  make  spftefal  et  / 
-natured  remarks;  (ober)  cavil,  carp  (at),  trådte 
(one).  -il  c,  -ri'  n  cavilling  eta  -r  c  -e  cavilkr 

©fumme  vi  foam,  froth,  (fnn  om  Qin  o  ; 
mantle;  ©aben  -r  the  soap  lathers,  makes  lather 
fig  _  af  ftaferi  foam  (at  the  mouth),  chafe;  .  stz 
foam  over;  —  vt  skim;  -t  SRælf  skim  milk 

©tummel  a  gloomy,  dismal,  lowering,  sinktrf 
•beb  c  gloominess,  gloom 
©tummen  c  foaming  etc. 
©turnuser  (t  Se  •)  o  dusky,  gloomy;  fe  Sruastl 
©tummel  fte,  -følb  fe  6fum>.    -f|pa«m  sweanc 
•iron.      Stttntmetntaltdøft    skim -milk    chee$c 
®tumning  c  skimming. 

etnotb  n,  pi  =,  shake,  jolt.  6tnm^c.  Btum$U 
vt  shake,  jolt. 
@rum»elftttb  n  F  outcast,  scapegoat. 
6tnm|ierle  c  bubble  (of  foam). 
6 rumre  vi  grow  dusk. 
+8famrig  a  foaming. 
Gfamrivg  c  dusk,  twillght,  «e  gloamlng. 
6tum|rør  ^  scum-pipe.  -famler  ($mj>.)  >e:^ 
ment-collector.    -ffe  skimmer,  sklmming-spoo" 
-folb  skimming-sieve.  -ftang  bottom  bar.    -fMbr 
streak  of  foam.     -fbeb  lather;  i  -  in  a  lathet 
•fabe  lathering  soap.  -tøb  fr  -tam.  -»i«  sparklis^: 
wine.    -breb  o  foaming  with  rage. 
etn*',  Cfttbbe,  fe  Sfub,  (Stubbe. 
©fur  n,  pi  —,  sned;  (ffiegnO  penthouse. 
*©tur  c  -et  (©pøe)  shower. 
^Øfur   c   cutting   (of  wood   in  to   boards  "•" 
planks);  reaping  (of  the  oorn).  harvest. 

©fure  c  -r  noten,  nlck;  fig  t  ben  gamle  -  m 
the  old  groove. 

©ture   vt  scour,    (meb   Sfurtften)   holystooe 
(blanft)  polish;  *rub,  scrape,  chafe;  —  vi  ibec 
obet,  om  fartøj)  grate,  grind;  *  labe  bet  .  let  it 
pass  (for  better,  for  worse),  let  matten  rub  on 
anyhow.  ©fttre|baljescouring-tub.  -ir«t(«hir. 
float.  -banf  scouring-bench.   -tone  charwoxnan 
-Ittgt  smell  of  scouring.    -laber  galllng-leatber 
-nuØe  (tRaalem.)  scouring  mill.     -fanb  soouriiu? 
sand.     -frem  holyatone.     -t^ube  poliahing-tu!' 
•blft  wisp  for  scouring. 
t©turgub  c  carven  image,  idol. 
©tnriug  c  scouring.    ©tttrtagftmarter  pi  peo* 

©turf  c  -e  scoundrel,  villaln,  knave.  -agttg 
a  vlllainous,  scoundrelly,  knavish.  -agtig^eb  r 
villainy.  —  ©turfej  fjoØ  hangdog  faoe  ^gtrrg 
knavish  trick,  villainy. 

^Øtn'rllaft  sawn  tim  ber,  deals,  -on«  c  harvest, 
reaping  season. 
©fn  rbram  c  ^  covered-in  lighter. 
©turre  et  grate,  jar;  .  i  C  rene  grat«  el  & 
npon  the  ear. 
©htrremnrre  c  6«7/  the  losing  game. 
©furreu  c  grating,  jarring. 
©furrl  l  a  scur'rilous.    -Ite't  c  scurril'ity. 
^©tu'r |  tømmer  »  fe  -lafl. 
©turb  c  scurf,  scald-head.     -et  a  scurfy;  ^r^ 
ftal  ftarp  Sub  til  -be  ^obeber  desperate  diseaw* 
need  desperate  c  ures,  a  reetive  horse  must  have 
a  sharp  s  pur.    -bat  mushroom. 
*©tug(e  vt  bort  fritter  away,  waste. 
^©tntrbgget  a  fe  ©trutr^gget. 
©tutte  vr  fig  give  one's  self  a  twist,  shake 
one's  self. 




'€to'bftrttbcr  c  ^  outrigger. 

*Stbabrø|ne're  •*  talk  big,  bluster,   vapour. 
i'r  c  -er  blusterer. 

Staatber  c  clamour,  nolsy  talk,  verbiage; 
-K  »agtaletfe)  slander.  -totte  fe  -pofe.  -}øbeb  fe 
^ftoalbrer.  -faal  gout-weed,  ground  ash,  Ægo- 
tpnctium  podnøraria.  -pøf e  tale  •  bearer,  scandal 
-monger.  Stbalbrc  vi  clamour,  rant.  6tbat< 
bren  c  (Sarnft)  crowlng.  Staalbrer  c  -e  ranter, 

Sfbalp  n  fe  Slbulp.  Qfbatpe  vt  sbake,  agitate; 
ri  (i  el.  paa  Banbet)  plasb;  fe  Sfbulpe. 

t6t»at'  c  &  n  splash,  little  drop.  6tbat!  «nt 
•  lap'  plump!  Gftiatte  «•  plump  down;  øt 
>I>lash;  ytø  ~  boet  squander,  dissipate. 

-#Jf»ip  n  wisby-washy,  slip-slop. 

Gtbnlp  n  rlpple.  etonlpe  vi  (om  ©ølger) 
rlpple;  vt  (rtjfte)  sbake.  Staulpen  c  rlppllng, 

•Stadet'  c   ter,  fe  Start,   -børb  n  X  wash  board. 

-flanfl  wash-strake,  wash -board.    Måber  splash 

leather.    *6fb«tte  tf  splash,  spurt,  spatter;  vi 

b     f  ;   M  -  (til)  get  a  (sudden)  start,   jump. 

Sftotttte  c  -t  chat,  Saxicola.  *6tbetten  a  skittlsb. 

Wl  [fr.]  c  gravy. 

Ch)  c  (ftrbgt)  fear,  dread  (for  of).  ©Ib  or 
shun,  avoid,  eschew;  -r  ingen  TOøje  spares  do 
pairis;  tjan  -r  itfe  nogetfomfcelfl  be  sticks  at 
nothlng,  notbing  comes  amlss  to  blm.  ®lti  o 
(om  $ef!)  sby,  ekittiah;  fig  shy,  tlmorous,  shrink- 
hig;  blide  -  take  fright,  sby,  start  (at). 

Gib  c  -er  cloud;  pøjt  i  -.  i  otlben  .  with  all 
one's  might,  at  tbe  top  of  one's  volce,  wildly; 
bofoe  til  -rne  extol  to  tbe  skies;  jeg  ftob  fom 
falben  fra  -rne  I  was  struck  with  amazement, 
F  yon  could  have  knocked  me  down  with  a 
feather.  etbjbanle  bank  of  clouds.  -bebortlet 
a  fe  -ballet,  -orttb  sudden  torrent  of  rain,  heavy 
downpour  of  raln.  -bøtlt  cloud-belt.  -bannelfe 
formation  of  cloud. 

Stabe,  fftfb,  ffubt  vt  k  i  (puffe)  push,  shove; 
(om  SDprt  ^om)  cast,  sbed;  (om  planter)  shoot; 
typ  lead;  (meb  @tbbet>aaben)  shoot,  fire,  mil  (ogf.) 
practise;  -#  fight  with  pistols;  fire  ftanoner  ^bor* 
meb  ber  bleb  ftubt  til  bet  flbfte  four  pieces  of 
fannon  which  were  worked  to  tbe  last;  - 
'rafle)  langt  carry  far;  .  fratpt  fire  with  ball;  - 
iBlomft  put  forth  flowers;  -  en  gob  Sart  make 
good  way;  -  fiara  cast  the  slough;  .  3fen  thaw; 

-  Knoppet  bud,  put  forth  bude,  -  9tpg  raise  el. 
arch  the  back,  Bet  up  one's  back;  -  Bubber  strike 
(root);  .  Solen  ^  Joe  floor  the  sun;  .  Satler 
*hed  tbe  boms;  .  SBanb  repel  water;  —  -  of, 
bort,   fe  Vfflbbe,   ©ortffpbe:  .  efter  shoot  at; 

-  efter  £oM  fire  gun«  for  a  pilot;  -  f  or  &  (Sejl) 
*heet  borne;  -  Slaaen  for  draw;  slide  el.  slip 
the  bolt;  -  en  en  ftugle  for  $anben  blow  out 
one's  brains,  brain  one;  -  forbi  (om  førtøj) 
"hoot  past;  shoot  ahead  of,  shoot  by;  .  forbi, 
ff il  miss  (the  mark);  fig  ftubt  forbi !  not  a  bit 
of  it!  -  forooer  J,  shoot  ahead;  .  fra  flø 
<Wline,  refase,  shift  off,  -  (fig)  frem  vi  proJect, 
"  push  forward;  -  i  %xø  run  to  seed;  flubt  i,  fe 
nbnfr. ;  .  ibiel  shoot  dead;  -  inb,  fe  3nbfrttoe;  - 
JHutaar  inb  fire  in  honour  of  tbe  new  year;  -  fig  inb 
unber  throw  one's  self  upon,  unber  en  anben  Som- 
ftol  appeal  to  another  tribunal;  fføb  meb  aUc 
f»ne  ftanoner  fired  all  ber  guns;  .meb  S  olen  »L 
•'"ti  with  the  sun;  .mob  Solen  ^  coil  against 
t>:e  sun;  .  neb  poa  pounce  upon,  swoop  upon, 
make  a  swoop  el.  stoop  at;  .  om  i  en  ®abe  strike 
off  into  a  street;  .  (fig)  op  shoot  (up),  spriug 
up,  crop  up:  .  en  Cnoe  op  ^  coil  a  rope;  . 
ovtx  Stsbn  sboot  ahead;  -  paa  shoot  at,  paa 
ti  ©Ab  into  a  snip,  blioe  fhtbt  paa  be  shot  at; 

-  Stplben   paa  lay   the  blame  on;  .  fa  mm  en 

($enge)  subscribe,  dub;  .til  contribute,  add; 
.  til  en  give  one  a  push;  .  til  ftuglen,  til  SfiDe 
sboot  at  the  popinjay,  at  a  target;  .  u  b  (i  ^rem* 
tiben  put  off  (into  the  future);  —  ftobenbe  a 
%aUt  spring-bolt;  —  flubt  a  f  (i)  smitten  (with). 
spoony  (on).  Stttbelbane  shooting  gallery;  milt 
practice-ground.  -banle  butt.  -bomnlb  gun 
-cotton,  pyroxyline.  -bro  rolling  bridge,  -bref 
slider,  -bør  sliding-door.  -aebcer  gun.  -beft 
shooting -horse,  -fful  loop -bole,  embrasure. 
•bunb  sporting  dog.  -bn*  shooting  -box.  -lem 
slidlng  shutter.  -tinte  typ  lead,  white  line. 
-løb  sliding-weight.  -Inge  slide,  aliding  batch. 
-Ittft  a  light  enough  for  shooting.  -løsre  slide 
gauge,  -mat  standing  ber  el.  Ctøjben  c  shoot- 
ing. GtbbelpfabØ  fe  -bane.  -port  <£  sliding  port. 
-brøbe  firing  trial.  6føber  c  t  slider.  Stabel« 
rigel  slide-bolt.  -fefftab  shooting  club.  -fiaar 
fe  -bul;  meb  .  loopboled.  -ffibe  target,  (til  at 
prøoe  Stubrtø  Ihraft)  butt.  -fføte  sbooting-school. 
•fTorfitcn  telescope-funnel.  -fpjarlb  sliding  damper. 
-ftang  d?  sliding  gun  ter- mast  -tabeQer  range 
-tables.  'tau^  sliding  tongs.  -øaaben  fire-arms. 
-binbne  sash-window.  -bølbbutt.  -borgt  sliding 
weight.  -øbelfev  gun  practlce,  shot  practice. 
Ctbbning  o  shooting;  mil  practising;  typ  leading. 

*6fbbØ  e  conveyance  by  carrlage  and  horses 
or  boats,  relays,  (oftinb.)  dawk;  rejfe  meb  .  travel 
in  a  post-chaise;  otte  SRanb  i  .  eight  oarsmen, 
rowers;  .  og  Sicet  indemnity  for  travel! ing 
ezpenses.  -beregning  scale  of  charges,  -bøg 
travellers'  book.  -bønbe  peasant  liable  to  cnn- 
vey  travellers,  -blyrbe  fe  -pligt.  Gfbbfe  vt  convey 

t6fbbfet  c  -fler  peel. 

*6fpbd|gnt  postillion,  post-boy.  -beft  post 
-horse,  -rart  fe  -gut.  -fatrre  post-chaise.  -løb 
Conveyance  of  TravellerB  Aet.  -penge  charge 
(for  conveyance)  -pligt  burden  of  convey  ing 
travellers,  -ftaffer  station-keeper,  post -master. 
-ffafjeri  fe  -fiation.  -fTifte  stage,  -fiation  posting 
•station,  post-house,  coach- offlce,  coacbing-inn, 
•o  t  change  house,  (Oftinb.)  dawk  bungalow. 

€fb|bftlfe  cover  el.  canopy  of  clouds.  -betlet 
a  cloud-oovered.  6lbe  v  %mp  bet  r  (poa)  lt  is 
getting  cloudy,  clouds  are  gathering;  -i  vd 
become  cloudy.  ©toet  a  cloudy.  Cffbjfølb  fe 
-brub;  falry- butter,  Tre*  el  la.  -farbct  a  cloud 

©fbffel  c   flet  thrust-hoe.    ©Ipfle  vt  hoe. 

eib'rftofe  cloudlet.  -fri  a  cloudless,  un- 
clouded,  wlthout  a  cloud.  -fribeb  cloudless- 
ness.    -fnlb  a  cloudy,  overclouded. 

6fbgae  e  -r  (mobfat  f.  SI«.  &&»)  »bade;  (Slag* 
flbgge  af  en  Øenftanb)  shadow;  (p.  €>Qt)  brim  (of 
a  bat);  (p.  ^ue)  visor,  cap-peak,  neb;  Solfltn  og 
.  sanshine  and  shade;  en  ren  .  (mager)  a  mere 
shadow;  mrt  IRige  the  realm  of  shades.  ifTe  . 
af  Opftanb  not  the  ghost  of  an  insurrection ;  en 
.  af  b&ab  ||an  før  bar  ocerrt  the  ghost  of  his 
former  self;  -n  af  et  Xræ,  en  92anb  the  shadow 
of  a  tree,  a  man;  lab  o*  lægge  o*  i  -n  af  bette 
Xræ  let  us  lie  down  under  the  shade  of  this 
tree,  ligge  i  -n  lie  in  the  shade ;  ftiDe  i  -en  fio 
throw  el.  cast  into  the  shade,  dwarf ;  rrabe  i  -n 
be  eclipsed,  thrown  into  the  shade;  fofte  .paa 
throw  a  slur  on.  Øfpgge  vi  shade;  .  for  ob- 
scure.  mask;  .  for  en  stand  in  one's  light.  . 
for  linene  shade  one's  eyes;  vt  (flattere)  shade; 
f  I  ^  g  g  e  t  Xegning  shadowdrawing.  6rpflge|  agtlg 
a  shadowy.  -bille  stinking  beetle,  Tenebrio. 
•billebe  shadow,  phantom.  -blanbing  shading 
(in  draw  ing).  -bal  snady  vale.  -brønt  day 
-dream.  -fifl  umbra,  -fri  a  free  from  shade. 
-fngl  timbre,  Scopua  umbretta  -fnlb  a  sbndy, 
umbrageous.  -fegtning  flgbting  with  shadow*. 




-gang  shady  walk.  -Ijflt  broad-brimmed  bat. 
-$fft  poet  army  of  shadows.  -longe  rnock-klng. 
-li*  life  of  a  shadow,  lmaglnary  el.  Impotent 
li  fe.  -In nb  shady  grove.  -Icete  Bciagraphy. 
-løg  a  withont  shade,  shadowless,  shadeless; 
be  e  the  aacii  el.  ascians.  -morener  morellos. 
-parti  sbady  part.  -planter  shade-loving  piants. 
-riM  outline.  -rige  realm  of  shades.  -r«»  a 
afraid  of  a  shadow.  -fibe  sbady  side;  fig  dark 
el.  unfavourable  side,  blemlsh,  drawback.  -fUr 
jwef  sbadowy  vetl.  -fpil  raagic  lantern,  scioptics; 
shadowy  images,  -tegning,  -traf  fe  -rib«  -til* 
»cerelfe  life  of  a  shadow.  -toerben  (inbbtlbt  8  ) 
shadowy  el  imaginary  world;  itl.  br&oet  af  5tDflgerj 
world  of  shades.  -parf  shadow.  ©tbguing  c 

©Ttobao  n  sea  of  clouds. 

Cftpjeb  c  shyness. 

Sfblbimmel  region  of  the  clouds.  -i«j  a 
roaching  to  the  clouds,  towering. 

8tb  (flapper  pi  blinkers,  blinds,  winkers,  for- 
finet mcb  -  blinkered. 

€W  n,  pi-  =,  del  uge  of  rain,  drencher. 

6tplag  n  stratum  of  clouds. 

Øfblb  c  (©rebe)  guilt,  offence;  'frorfeelfe)  blame, 
fault;  (bet  man  ffnlber  bort)  debt;  (afgift)  rent, 
tAxes;  forlab  o«  bor  -  bibl  forgive  ns  onr  tres- 
passes;  bet  er  iffe  min  -  it  is  not  my  fault;  bet  er 
bereø  egen  -  it  is  their  own  faultfs);  bet  oar  min 
egen  -  I  had  myself  to  blame,  bet  rr  altfammen  bin 

-  it  is  all  along  of  you,  all  your  doing;  bære  - 
be  in  fault;  ban  tyar'ben  ftørfte  -  he  is  most  to 
blame:  faa,  ^abe  -(en)  for  nt  bear  the  blame  of 
something;  gtbe  en  -  for  nt  lay  somethlng  to 
one's  charge,  charge  st  upon  one;  for  ©ube  • 
for  Gods  sake,  for  the  love  of  God;  for  min, 
ban*  -  for  my,  his,  sake;  for  bere«  alle«  -  for 
all  tbeir  sakes,  for  min  -  maa  b,an  gerne  fomme 
he  may  eome  for  anght  I  care ;  for  ben  Sag«  - 
for  the  matter  of  that,  if  it  comes  to  that ;  for 
fiøjerø  -  for  (the  sake  of)  fun,  for  the  fun  of 
the  thing;  -en  ligget  bo 8  b,am  the  fault  lie*  at 
his  door,  he  is  in  fault;  bære  -  i  be  the  cause 
of;  jeg  bar  ingen  .  i  bet  it  is  no  fault  of  mine; 
ftaa  §øjt  i  -  be  heavily  taxed;  tage  -en  paa  fig 
take  the  blame  (on  one's  self),  take  the  thing 
on  one's  self,  take  the  fault  to  one's  own  door; 
u ben  .  blameU'ss,  innocent.  ©ttjlblbrlabt,  -be» 
ttlltget  a  guilty.  -beoibft  a  couscous,  gu  i  Itv. 
•beoibftfceb  consciousness  (ot  guilt).  -bog  fe 
^orbebog.  -b  reb  bon  d.  *-baler  »tandard  of  taxa- 
t'on  in  Norway.  -beting  fe  -fætning.  Stylte, 
-te,  -t  re  fe  røefftolbe;  (bære  i  tøælb)  owe,  be  in 
debt,  be  indebted  for;  (boere  ffblbfat)  be  taxed 
for;  -  ©ub  og  b,oer  SWanb  be  over  head  and  ears 
in  debt;  jeg  -r  meqet  I  owe  mach,  jeg  -r  barn 
meget  fig  I  am  deeply  indebted  to  him,  he  has 
s  tron  g  claims  upon  me;  jeg  -r  big  at  I  owe  it 
to  you  that  el.  (meb  3nf.)  to;  jeg  toeb  boab  ber 
-8  ...  I  know  what  is  due  to  .  .  .;  ben  Ubmærtelfe 
bet  -«  ...  the  distinction  due  to;  —  m  -  paa 
lay  the  blame  on.  ©ttjibfoft  pi  relations,  -fri 
a  guiltless,  blameless.  -frlfjeb  guiltlessness, 
blameles«ness.  -grunb  reason  of  indebtedness. 
•herre  oreditor  Sftolbig  «  (fagffblbifl)  guilty; 
Oom  er  i  ©ælb)  indebted,  owing;  .forpligtet  til) 
liable,  bound;  bære,  gere  fifl,  -  i  b*  guilty  of; 
gøre  fig  -  i  en  ftejltagelfe  fall  into  an  error;  blioe 
en  nt  ~  remain  one's  debtor  for  st;   blibe   S  bar 

-  return  no  answer;  bleb  barn  ttfc  ©bar  -  gave 
bim  tit  for  tat ;  fturben  fenbte  b,am  ~  tbe  jury 
fonnd  him  gu  i  Itv,  brought  in  a  verdict  of 
guilty.  @fbibigb,éb  o  duty,  obligation;  (bet  at 
pære  forpligtet)  liabllity.  ©fplbner  e  -e  debtor; 
fom  bi  fortabe  eore  e  bibl  as  we  forgive  them  that 
trespass  against  us;  gøre  en  til  fin  -  lay  one 

under  obligation.  6fPlb|  øffer  bibl  trespass  o£e 
Jng.  -fcette  rt  tax,  assess  (land);  •eDeuafc.- 
with  debt.    -fatning  taxation,  assessment. 

Cfbligljt  n  &  skylight.  -Inge  s.  hatch.  -frriitt 
s.  gratlng.    -ftøtter  s.  crutches. 

©ftjfle  vt  rinse,  wash,  (meb  en  9Ro-ngbe  Sos* 
flush;  -  SBunben  rinse  one's  xnoath;  _  bon  rr 
wash  away,  sweep  away;  -  ober&orb  wvh  o*>- 
board;  Bølgerne  -be  b^inl  £ig  op  poa  6rranbbrt*>-; 
his   dead   body   was  washed    aahore     ty    \l- 
waves;  -  i  fig,  neb  swill  (down;,  wasb  do-  - 
—  vi  røanbet  -be  igennem  Mobningen   the  «-• 
rushed  through  the  opening;  .  imob  wash ;  :" 
-be  neb  ben  b,ele  Wat  it  poured  down  all  ni?  • 
SfbDe  o  -t  fe  €!bl.     €ftttte|b«b   shower  be 
-bat  torrent.  -da(9  guzzler.  -far  rinsing-troy-  -^ 
•top   slop-basin.     -ffaal  rinsing- bowl.     •pfnfe 
scouring-sluice.  -fleii  gutter-stone.  -trm§  rio«: :  4 
-trongh.    -t^j  clothes  to  be  rinsed.    -»«mA  rii  *t 
-water,  dish-water.    6ttolning  c  rinaing 

&n\p  fe  Stiølp. 

Øftjliregn  heavy  downpour  of  rain,  min  i*lli- ; 
in  torrents.    -regne  vi  pour  down. 

6tt)|l«#  '«  cloudless,  -raaéfe  fe  -6anfe.  --m»l« 
fe  -mørfe.  -mangbe  quantity  of  clouds  -sørl 
a  cloudy,  clouded.    -mørfe  clondiness. 

Sfbnbe,  (meft)  -te,  -t  vi  paa  en  urge  ti.  hurri 
one  on;  fe  $aaftbnbe;  —  +vt  fe  Xilftpnbe;  —  rr  «lj 
hasten ,  ha^ie ,  hurry,  make  haste ;  fftjnb  t«  ! 
make  haste,  be  quick,  look  sharp!  (mtb  ^ 
about  it);  ban  -bte  fig  b,iem  alt  $t>ab  ban  funbe  ti 
made  the  be*t  of  his  way  home.  *6t*nXti| 
tCftjnbigt  adv  hastily,  fe  Stbnbfoint.  6foa>iBI 
c  baste,  hurry.  Sftonbføm  o  hasty,  hurried  ' 
ado  hastily,  in  haste,  -ft  in  the  greatest  daf:£- 
with  all  possible  speed 

tSftjne  c  -r  pron  pen  tb  ou  se,  lean  to. 

Sfhinar  a  reaching  to  the  clouds.  -p'.t 
cloudlrt.  -pumpe  water -spout.  -ranb  boro  * 
of  a  clotid.  -rift  rent  in  the  clouds.  -rafte: 
tree  of  heaven,  Japan  varnish-tree,  AH«*™ 
ffl<md>do<m  -famler  p<xf  eloud-compeller  -fejl 
-ffrabcr  &  skysail.  -fejtefalb  sky«ail  tæk  ro  ? 
-fpætter,  -ftanf  cloudlets  -frribe  narrow  itu:  i 
of  cloud.  -ftøtte  pillar  of  clond;  -n  the  pil  -J 
of  the  cloud. 

t€fnt'  n  fe  6tbt«. 

@ttttgnlt  n  Dutch  pink. 

©ftotbjer  c,  pi  «=,  scythian.  -ien  n  Scrtbj*. 
-iff  n  Scythian. 

e>fbt[lanteroe  flghting  lantern.  -ntfle  stadon 
blll  for  quarters. 

©fbt§  n  oidnance,  artillery;  et  StbtTe  _ a  pieti 
of  ordnance;  foært  -  heavy  ordnance. 

€tttté  o  protection,  guard.     -aons   gnardi^ 
spirit,  tutelary  genius,    -engel  guardian  am?« -i. 
•gub  tutelary  god  el.  deity.  patron-deity.    -gs> 
inbe  tutelary  goddess.     -tpefgeis   tutelary  sai:i' 
patron  saint. 

©futdtabe  c  gnn-carriage. 

6tntØ| magter  pi  protecting  powers  -parres 
fe  -belgen. 

6fbtd|bram  floating  battery.    -nUlf  fe  Sti: 
-pogn  artillery  waggon. 

Cftttte  c  fe  6fpttel 

©ftjtte  [t.l  e  -r  sash-gate. 

Sftjtte  c  -r  (*F  ©ftttter  c.  -e)  marksman,  shot; 
(atrat  ^æger)  huntsman,  gamekeeper;  fe  -W. 
-n  n»t  Sagittarius,  the  Archer,  -fefl  ahootirs: 
match,  -fifl*  archer-flsh,  TVwcof«  jaemfator.  -f»r- 
uting,  -gilbe  rlfle-corps,  company  of  voluntee-5 
-grav  riflepit.  -bnnb  fe  3agK  -|né  gao'- 
keeper's  lodge.    -lorPl  fe  -forening. 

©tbttel  e   er  shuttle. 

©f  titte  [lag  fe  -forening.     *6r»rter  fe  Sfbtrr  •• 
*Sft|ttrri  n  F  (ogf )  t  prov)  shooUng 




~6t**e  ve  fe  Stubbe,  Sfnbe. 
&tor'bnt  c  -r  fate,  destiny,  for  tune;  -n  fate 
Id.;  finbe  fig  i  fin  .  be  resigned  to  one's  fate; 
aan  maa  finbe  fig  t  -n  what  cannot  be  cured 
mist  be  endured,  ocetc  ttlfreb*  meb  fin  -  be  con- 
euted  witb  one's  lot;  -n  bitbc  bet  anberlebe«  the 
ktes  ordalned  otherwise;  Xal  . !  that's  like  my 
uck!  I  like  that  now!  -gnbinberne  pi  tbe 
fatal  el.  weird  Sisters,  the  Destinie«.  -rig  a 
eventful.  -ffifte  change  el.  vicissitude  of  for- 
fortune.  -ftpreube  u  fate  controlling.  -fbanger 
a  eveutful,  xateful,  fatal,    -tro  fatalism. 

&æftt  n  -r  stock  (of  a  gnn),  butt-end.    Stafte 
vt    om  tB«*ie)  stock;  (f.  (tf*,  om  85t*e)  haft. 

6t<rfte|frptte  piece  for  meuding  the  stock  of 
a  eun.     -tra  wood  flt  for  gun-stocks. 
eføeø'  n  (%b\)  shag. 

etfltf  (♦©ijæg')  n  beard;  $  barb;  (fltlef.)  awn; 

(£anef.)  wattle;   (paa  fDfter«)  beard;  (Jag»)  eaves; 

(p.  $at)  curtaln;  (p.  Vrtiflof)  choke,  J/  cutwater; 

*(paa  «R»gle)  bit;  .  ober  bele  Knflgtei  a  full  beard; 

ftru^  fig   om  -aet  stroke  one's  beard;   mumle  i 

-get  mutter  indistinctly,  murmur  in  one's  beard; 

le  i  -get  laugh  in  one's  sleeve;  t  tale  rent  ub  af 

•aet  speak  out.  Stag  |  abe  (fort)  wanderoo  monkey, 

Macacu*  »iUntu.    -ojrfte  brush  for  the  whiskers. 

-fugl  barbet,   Bueeo.  —  Stagge|grib  fe  iiamme-. 

-gra§    beard-grass,    Andropogim.      -Irpniug  fig 

heeltap.     -ftraber  shaver,     -forte  shaving-soap. 

©lægget  a  board  ed.     Slagge  |traab,  -tror  bl  (paa 

^tfg  barbel. 

Stag|g*g  fe  fugl.  -baar  hair  of  the  whiskers. 
-tam  comb  for  the  whiskers,  -farpe  barbel, 
Cvprinua  bar  bu*.  -lao  neck-lace  moss,  Utnea 
barbata.  -U#  u  beardless,  unbearded.  -l##teb 
c  be&rdlessness.  -manb  bearded  fellow.  -utejfe 
bearded  titmouse,  Puru*  biarmicw.  -neUif  sweet 
•William,  Dianthu*  bar  ba  tus.  -fpge,  -pefl  pityri- 
a*is.    -traab  fe  Sfægge-. 

Stal'  n,  pi  =*,  scale;  *pl  muscles,  shells;  bet 
falbt  font  -  fra  ban*  pine  the  scales  fell  from 
his  eyes.  -agtlg  a  fe  bannet.  -bante  bank  of 
shell.  -bnnb  bottom  of  shell.  -bannet  a  scaly, 

Stalbe,  -te,  -t  vt  (ub)  scold,  abuse,  rail  at, 
rerfie;  .  en  for  en  Zbb,  ftibbing  call  one  a  thief, 
villain;  .  en  $uben  fulb  abuse  one  like  a  pick 
-pocket;  ♦  -i.  fe  Stonbef.  '  Stalbeu  c  scolding 
etc.  Sfafbtørb  abusive  term,  (term  of)  abuse; 
betale  -  meb  ~  bibl  render  railing  for  raillng. 

Staljbpr  manis,  -battet  *  covered  wlth 
s<  Åles,  scaly.  -finnebe,  »fUneflffe  pi  squamipena. 
etatit  vt  scale;  vi  .  af  desquamate.  Stallet  a 

Stalm  c  -er  rogue;  bin  -  you  rogue;  jo  ftorre 
-,  jo  bebre  fipffe  the  more  knave,  the  better  luck; 
bnoe  en  -  bag  Øret  be  up  to  some  mischieC. 
Statm|agHg  a  fe  Sfalmft.  ©falm  er  i'  «  roguery, 
roguishness,  waggishness.  Sfalmft  a  roguish, 
waggish.  Sfalmftbeb  c  -eti.  —  Stalin*  |  metier 
rogne.  -frreg,  -ftptte  knavlsh  el.  rascally  trick. 
Stall  mergel  shell  marl.  -panfer  scale  anno  ur. 
•punfel  scollop  puncheon.  -p«!fe  fe  Sø',  -rob 
toothwort,  Latkræa.  -rtog  rough-scale  back, 
Lepidonotus.    -fonb  shelly  sand. 

©torlpe  (ogf.  ftiolb,  *f!alb)  vi  tremble,  shake. 
-n  c  trembling,  tremble. 

Sf«l|bittgc  scaly  wing.  -binget  a  lepldop- 
terous,  soaly-winged;  -ebe  pi  lepldoptera.  -Pottet 
ci  .£  overgrown  with  mussels.  -<gle  scaly  llzard. 
6t«mme  vt  (forbarrbe)  disflgure,  deform,  spoil; 
(gste  ©fam)  disbonour;  *-  bort,  ub  spoil;  t  -  fig 
f*U  away  el.  off,  t-s  Stamme  fig;  *  —  fifl  ub  dis- 
grace  one's  self. 

Stemt  c  (ta)  sport,  mlrth,  leet,  Joke,  pleas- 
antry,  banter;  i  .  in  jest;  brtDe  .  meb  en  jest 

with  el.  make  ran  of  one.  Stotmte  vi  joke,  iest. 
banter.  —  Statmte|bigt  facetlous  poem,  satire. 
-fulb  u  facetlous,  sportive,  jocose.  -fulbbeb  fe 
SIcemtfombeb.  -n  c  joking  etc.  -Pift  adv  Jok- 
lngly,  jestingly.  -Plfe  comic  song.  Sftemtfom 
a  Te  -fulb.  etonntfombeb  c  jocularity,  facetioua- 
ness,  jocoseness. 

Btænp  n,  pi  s,   (*ogf.  -er)  scolding,  chiding, 

rating;   fyin  fif  mange  -  he  got  a  good  scolding. 

Stenbe  vt  spoil,  deface;  destroy,  ruin;   ~  en 

$tge  violate  a  maiden;  ~  og  brcenbe  ravage  with 

fire  and  s  word. 

Stombe,  -te,  -t  vi  paa  scold,  chide,  rate;  — 
ftanbeS  vd  scold,  brawl,  squabble,  wrangle, 
bandy  words.  -breb  scolding  letter,  -gorjt 
scolder,  brawler.  -k  c  scolding  etc. 
Stønbeu  c  destroying  etc.  (fe  Stanbe  1.). 
Stcenbeprfften  c  rating,  étonberi'  n  brawl- 
ing:  Bquabble,  quarrel. 

Stamblg  a  disgraceful,  infamous,  nefarious, 
opprobrious.    -Ijeb  e  -er  dlsgracefulness.  in&my, 
opprobrium;  infamous  deed.     Sfambfel  o  -flet 
infamy,  disgrace,  dishonour,  ignominy.   6fomb> 
feldgerning  infamous  deed. 
6lænbd|maat  fe  Sfsnberi.    -orb  fe  ©lænb. 
St<rne  c  bog-rush,  tSchoenu*. 
Stocnt  c  -e  (Sfcenteborb)  sideboard,  buffet;   (i 
Sfrofhiej  bar. 

Gtænt  c  (Øabe)  gift,  present,  donation.  Storate 
vt  (giDe)  present  (with),  make  a  present  of,  give; 
.  en  @ag  fin  Dpmcertfombeb  bestow  one's  atten- 
tion upon  a  thing;  -be  pam  min  gfotttoltfltjeb  ad- 
mitted  him  iuto  my  confldence;  ieg  ciffer  betn, 
fom  -be  mig  Sioet  I  love  those  who  gave  me  life; 
man  -be  \)am  SJtoet  (af  9laabe)  he  was  pardoned; 
®ub  -be  barn  et  langt  £io  God  granted  him  a  long 
life;  ffieften  -r  }eg  Xem  you  need  not  trouble  your- 
self  about  the  rest,  never  mind  the  rest. 

Stotute  vt  (Sin,  Øl  ofb.  j  pour  (out)  (wine,  ale); 
>  %t  pour  out  the  tea;  ~  fulb  flll;  —  vt :  ban  -be 
i  ®la*iet  he  filled  the  glass,  he  poured  wine 
(etc.)  into  the  glass;  .  for  en  flll  one's  glass; 
flsn!  i  (Ølaifet)!  fill  tbe  glass!  Ctentelbørb, 
-bift  fe  @ton(.  -tanbe  jug.  can.  +6f«n(en  o 
(i)  Alling  of  the  glasses.  Slanter  o  -e  tanter. 
Storntelnne  taproom.  -fnenb  fe  flcelbetfoenb. 
Slotntniug  o  pourlng  etc. 

Stappe  c  -r   half  a  bushel  (Vs  X*nbe);  bibl 
bushel;  fe  Up8,  Salt.     Slappe  vi  yield.     -maal 
half- bush  el  measure.    -pofe  bag  containing  half 
a  bushel.    -Plé  adv  by  the  half-bushel. 
Sfar  a  sheer,  pure,  (ft*b)  solid,  meaty. 
Stat  c  common  saw-wort,  JSerratula  tinet oria. 
Star  n,  pi »,  (2pfi)  gleam,  glimmering;  (9aroe) 
cast,  tinge,  tint. 
Star  n,  pi  s,  (af  $lob)  share;  *(p.  92sg(e)  bit. 
Star  n,  pi  ss,  rock,  skerry,  (umibbelbart  unber 
©anbfloben)  shelf;   et  blinbt  -  a  sunken  rock;  en 
ffioette  af  .  a  ledge  el.  ridge  of  rocks.   Star|anb 
golden-eye,  Ctangula. 

Stare,  fTar,  flaaret  vt  cut;  fe  Silbe;  ,£,  (fipre) 
sheer;  ~  ttnfigter  make  faces;  .  $enne  make  pens; 
.  Xsnber  grind  (F  grlt)  one's  teeth;  -  binanben 
Qtom  intersect;  -  fig  (om  Wctll)  turn:  -  Sampen 
af  cut  off  the  steam;  .for  carve;  -  i  Xra  carve 
in  wood;  fipfet  r  mig  i  Pfnene  the  light  hurta 
my  eyes;  .  fig  i  fingeren  cut  one's  finger;  -  i  to 
Sele  di  vide;  bet  -r  mig  i  ^jtrtet  it  cuts  me  to 
the  heart;  ben  flor  igennem  Sanbet  she  cleaved 
through  the  water;  .  en  ffnbe,  Sober,  i  nb  el.  i 
J,  reeve  a  rope,  fall;  .  fig  inb  i  cut  Into,  .  (en 
^ængt)  neb  take  down;  -  op,  fe  Dpflære;  t  talk 
big;  *~  op  en  $en  make  a  pen;  .  obet  cut;  - 
$alfen  ooer  paa  lig  cut  one's  throat;  -  aQe  ooer 
een  Stam  measure  all  with  the  same  ell,  judge 
all  by  the  same  rule;  -  fig  paa  en  ftnib  cut  one's 




self  with  a  knife;  .ti!  cut  out;  -  ub  cut  out; 
.  en  (Enbe,  Søbet  ub  J,  unreeve  a  rope,  fall;  - 
ub  (f.  «0.  Sitb)  cut  out;  Saaben  f!ar  unber 
mrb  ©oden  the  boat  was  towed  bows  under;  — 
f  f  *renbe  a  cuttiog;  fio  (Stemme)  harsb,  (IRobf.) 
gliirlng;  -  3nfrruutent  edge-tool;  *f  toeren  Saft 
cut  timber;  »ffaaren  fRalf  turned  milk.  Starre  |> 
brat  cutting-board.  -bomt,  -Mfte  fe  tøflelfetlfte. 
-fnib  cutter.  +6tøre«  c  cuttlug  (sensation). 
Starre|bøØfer  cutting-compasses.  -rømme  warp- 
ing-mlll.  -fti»e  cutter,  -tanb  indsor  (tooth). 
-tør»  fe  mob«*,    -»«rt  slitting-roller. 

8f«rf  »,  jrf  =,  scarp,  saah,  (til  $alfcn,  »ejfe«) 

$ter|gaarb  c  belt  of  rocks  and  Islands  gird- 
mx,  the  coast.    -gaarbøfartøi  gunboat  for  home 
defence.  -gaarbøpaabe  flotilla  for  home  defence. 
•gøwg  ^  strlnger. 
Sfe'rtyeb  c  purenes«. 

Storring  c  cutting.  —  SfieriwgØI  linie  line  of 
intersection.    -bnutt  point  of  intersection. 
Stø'rline  c  ^  hammock  clueline. 
Stø  rliuie  c  ^  rislng  line. 
Stemt  c(+n)-eA  -er  (for  Binben,  fiffet,  Jraffel. 
oenen  ofb.)  screen;  (for  øjnene,   Stampe*)  shade; 
(p.  $ue)  front-8hade;  ($mp )  casing;   S  umbel; 
>tø  cover,  screen.    -M  dew-grass,  Setmrta.    -arne 
jagged  chickweed,  Holotteum  umbellaium.  -Kom* 
firet  o    umbelliferous.     -brat    folding-screen. 
-bonnet  a  umbrella-shaped,  umbellate.    Stamae 
vt  screen,  shield,  shelter,  guard;  (befrptte)  pro- 
tect  (mob  from).     Sfdtrmelfe  c  screening  et«, 
ercermlbat  fe  5alb«.   -plante  umbelliferous  plant. 
•tøj  roof,  cover,    -telt  mil  tente-abri. 
Ste'rmnØ  e  shrew-mouse,  Sorex  araneus. 
Sfærmuag  c  screen. 

Sforrmbb'fel  c  -flet  skirmish,  passage  at  (el. 
of)  arms.    Stermbbf  e  re  vi  skirmish. 

Sfarp  n  claim,  prospecthole,  place  where 
metal  has  been  trled  for.  Sforrpe  m  search 
for  ore,  try  for  metal,  prospect,  costean. 

Sforrpe  vt  sharpen;  (om  $eft)  rough  shoe, 
(Sttøllefien)  edge;  (Straf)  aggravate;  -  Hppetiten 
give  an  edge  to  el.  whet  the  appetite;  —  vi  & 
brace  up,  «  ttobø  brace  sharp  up;  —  ftoerpenbe 
o  (Cmftønbiglpeber)  aggravatlng  rcircumstances); 
f  farpet  a  (ftonrrol  o.  1.)  more  rigorous  e(.  strict. 
Sferpjelfe,  -ning  c  sharpening  etc,  ^  brac- 
ing  up. 

Sf«'r|piber,    -piplorrte    shore    plpit,    Aruhua 
uQvaticu*.     -fat  a  thrown  on  a  rocky  lee- shore. 
Sfæ'rØMb  c  purgatory;  i  -en  in  purgatory. 
Sfarfli'ber  c   e  (knife-,  scissor)  grinder. 
Sfirirfom  mer  c  the  month  of  June;  poet  early 
Stø'rftøf  c  J,  (i  Dat)  carling,  (i  Suge)  ledge. 
StffrtorØ  bag  c  Maundy-Thursday. 
Sforrulb  c  flocks. 
Sfarb  c  -e  mlte,  portion. 
Storøer  pi  broken  stones;  (af  Vhirfien)  brick- 

tStotte  vt  swingle,  scutch.  -blaør,  -falb 
swingling-tow.  Stfttntng  c  swingling.  Støttet 
c  swingle. 

Støb  o  (binb,  forbrejet)  wry;  (b>lbenbe;  fftaa) 
oblique;  (trommet,  frurn)  crooked;  (ftifte^ale) 
heterocercal;  en  -  (flabe,  tBtnfel  an  oblique  plane, 
angle;  en  _  toom  a  perverse  Judgment;  en  -  ©til* 
ling  a  false  el.  wrong  position;  bet  -e  laarn  i 
$lfa  the  leaning  tower  of  Pisa;  fin  -e  Gang  any- 
how;  gaar  fine  ©toolet  -e  wears  his  boots  on  one 
side;  —  ffæbt  adv  awry,  aslant,  on  one  side, 
aslope,  obliquely;  fe  -t  ril  look  on  with  an  evil 
eye,  look  askance  at,  have  a  dislike  to,  torn 
up  one's  none  at;  bet  goor  t  matters  are  going 

legged.  .Mabbegonia.  -bUbet  o  oblique  leav^l 
8t«be  et  til  look  askance  at;  4  (ftioanr)  sUci.  - 
+  vt  slant. 

eiotbe  c  -r  (f.   (RØ.  of  ^»t)  abive;    -b  i  tr 
»rober«  JCje  bibl  the  mote  tn  thy  brother's  ey 

teræb  er  c,  prov  fe  Ihrtelfijøe.     -tnwttr  &  •> 

6tot  b|b,alØ  med  wryneck,  tortlcollU.  -b.alfn 
a  wry-necked.  -^eb  c  wryneas,  obllqulty.  <— 
liqueness;  curvature  of  the  spine;  jb  obliqni:} 
perversity.  -muttbet  a  wry-mouthed.  -acfci  * 
having  a  wry  nose.  -rigget  a  having  a  d  - 
torted  spine.  -f^tt  warped  judgment.  -feistta 
a  oblique-angled. 

8t*b  ntpl  =  k-n  (afftiole,  Utaftt)  tafl,  ftap. 


6!*b  n,  pi  s,  lap,  knees;  fio  bosom;  tog  barn 
paa  -et  set  him  on  his  knees;  i  fin  familieø  .  ia 
the  bosom  of  one's  family;  fioffenø  -  the  lap  of 
fortune;  i  ttftrafcm«  .  in  (into)  Abraham's  bosom; 
i  ftirtenø  .  wlthin  the  pile  of  the  church,  lagt* 
ganberne  i  et  sit  idle,  do  nothlng,  let  thir^ 
take  their  coune,  fold  one's  hånds,  atand  alooT 
6f#b  imp  af  6fpbe. 

8Ub(e)  n,   -er   ^  sheet     GU*\*vm   spider 
-larm  due.    -blaf  sheet-block.    -b»U  clne-piere. 
BUbt  n  -r   deed   of  conveyanæ;    tinaiacfr   - 
(omtr.)  reglstered  title,  judidal  dedaration  of 
title,  land  certiflcate.    8tobc  vt  convey. 

6røbebaro  n  infant,  baby;  fio  darling  chfJd, 
favourite;   SbttenØ  .  the  spoilt  child  of  fortuu--. 
Stabebreb  n  fe  Stabe. 

6tøbelb.uub  lap-dog,  toy  dog.     +- 1%#  darUn? 

€t*be  (og  $ante)prototol  register  of  estat«> 
and  titles. 

StabeØløØ  a  careleai,  heedless,  negligent    int> 
of  el.  about);  (f.  StØ.  Stil)  slipshod.    -^r»  <  caro 
lessness,  heedlessnesa,  negllgence. 

6føbef^nb    c    besetting    sin,    favourite    si  1 
bofom  sin,  darling  foible. 
+6føbetrøje  c  lapelied  bodlce. 
8tab|befØ  &  spectacle  shackle.  -ftam^c  thnnit» 
•cleat    -fuorgte  sheet-bitta.  -lap  lAp<-plAte).    -tig 
clue-rope.    -UJert  clue. 
%\9  biting  c  transfer  (of  land), 
8r«'b|plobe  vL  lap-plate.     -fHl«|PCvb)c    check 
(block).    eUbØblof  sheet  block. 

6tø  bftinb  n  leathern  el.  leather  apron.  -et  « 

efø'bffiufel  ^  sheet  pendant.  eiøMMBffgtt 
sheet  bitts.    6t*bfHf  sheet  bend. 

erøffei  fe  er&ffei. 

6tage  e  -r  prostitute,  harlot,  strumpet.  -tenaet 
harlot  s  life.  -lait  wages  of  prostitution,  lutU 
the  hire  of  a  whore. 

*6føi  e  fun,  sport,  mlschief.  8f#)ier  c  e  rogite. 
vagabond.    6t*terba!  c  &  monkey  forecastl«? 

8tajte  c  r  scate,  skate;  '(ftartøj)  small  amark. 
løbe  paa  -r  b.  f .  f .  Sføjte  v%  scate,  skate  -bane 
skat  i  ng  ice,  (lunfrtg)  skating-rink.  -førre  skadng. 
ice  (for  akating).  -j«rit  runner.  -Ub,  -løb** 
-løbning  skating.  -løber  skater,  acater.  -fala« 

8Følp  e  -e  score,  groove,  gonge,  -»ør  no«e 
bit,  Kpoon  bit.  -Jern  gouge.  Støtte  vt  nb 

BUn'  n  opinion,  Judgment,  eetimate;  optage 
et  .  obec  estimat©;  efter  et  løft  -.  at  a  rougb 
estimat©;  t>ar  bet  paa  et  -  has  it  by  rule  of 
thumb;  tønble  efter  -  aet  at  discretion,  as  one 
thinks  proper;  efter  bebfte  .  to  the  best  of  my 

&Un'  a  beautiful,  beauteous;  ben  -ne  the  fair 
one;  be  -ne  the  fair  (sex);  bet  -ne  the  beaotifu!. 

hobo  »*;  us»  h«»»   VTu«--7  Vt*    vuc»  or  '"r  "*e  ,air  isex);  bet  -ne  the  beanttfui. 
6fon»|øenet  a  crookedlegged,    bandy  I  en  -ne  Dag  one  Ane  day,  øome  fine  morning;  m 




-ne  $oben  a  goodly  lot;  be  -ne  ftuitftet  the  fine 
arts;  ben  -ne  Siteratur,  be  -ne  ©ibenffaber,  fe  Aiteta* 
turen.  ©tøn|aa»b  wit.  -farver  dyer  in  high 
colours.    -tyeb  c  -er  beauty. 

Sf*nl)eb§|bbrtclfe  worehip  of  beauty.  -form 
form  of  beauty.  -gnbinbe  goddess  of  beauty. 
-linie  line  of  beauty,  curve  of  beauty.  -løb 
lnw  of  beauty.  -liere«  æsthetics.  -Hibbet  cos- 
metic.  -Hiet  beauty- spot,  (face-)patch.  -rige 
kingdom  of  beauty.  -fanØ  sense  of  beauty, 
beauty- sense.  -btnb  beauty  water,  beauty  wash. 
-9«txl  work  of  beauty. 

6t*n  litteraturen  polite  el.  light  literature. 
•lodning  elocution. 

Stønne  vt  perceive,  discern;  foo  bibt  i  eg  Ian  - 
a>  far  as  I  can  see  el  judge;  ©arnet  begbnber  at 
.  the  child  begins  to  notioe  objects,  to  take 
notice;  -bed  at  beløbe  flå,  til  was  estimated  at;  . 
paa,  fe  ©aaflønne;  man  -r  ilfe  paa  bet  gobe,  før 
man  $ar  mtfiet  bet  a  good  wben  lost  is  valued 
mofit.    -nbe  n  fe  Sien  n.    -r  c  -e  Judge. 

+BUnpUt  fe  ©tønbebftplet. 

©I«** :  paa  -  aslant.  ©lønf(t)e  vi  af  bevel, 
taper;  -  neb  paa  el.  imob  &  edge  down  on;  — 
vt  af  ønape. 

fftønøfomtning  c  survey,  estimate. 

©r\øn|frrift  c  fine  handwritlng.  -flriber  calli- 
grapher.    -ftribntflg  calligraphy. 

SffnØnwnb  c  surveyor,  esttmator. 

St*nØ(i)ning  c  slope,  slant,  bevel. 

©Unføm  o  (fora  bat  Sone  til  at  ftønne)  judi- 
ciouø,  dJscreet,  diacrlminating,  sensible;  (font 
fTvnner  paa)  regardnil,  grateful.  -beb  e  discre- 
tion,  discernment,  Judlciousness;  gratefulness, 
thankfulnesø,  regardnil  disposition.  —  St*nØ|> 
fag  matter  of  judgment.  -btØ  adv  at  a  rough 

©tønt  eonj  though,  althougb. 

©tøntrtyf  n  flrst  form. 

©før'  n  old  milk,  loppered  milk,  (bonny-) 

©tør  a  brittle,  fragile,  frangible,  (let  fmul* 
bienbe)  friable;  .  i  goeebet,  fe  -bobebet. 

©føring  c  scurvy;  libfnbe  af -  scorbutic;  Vtibbel 
mob  -  anti-scorbutic.  ©tørftngØgroØ  scurvy 
-grass,  Cochlearia. 

©Ure  o/  make  friable;  ^  (gejl)  split,  read, 
(JRunbbolt)  spend.     ©fø re  c  shake,  rent,  fissure. 

—  ©tørlgltnømalni  brittle  silver-glance.  -beb 
(  brittleness;  friability.  -bjernet,  -bobebet  a  weak 
-head  ed. 

©tørl  e  min  shorl. 

©tør|lebncr  c  -e  fornicator.    -levnet  lewd  el. 
profligate  life. 
©fornagle  c  ^  stop-water. 
©tørne  o«  become  brittle;  J,  (om  Gejl)  split; 

—  vt  render  brittle  el.  friable. 

©tørne  vi  turn,  coagulate.  ©tørøft  c  old-milk 

©tø'rbtt  e  crack-willow,  A'atøe  fragili*. 

©fort  n  er  (i  Ulm.)  petticoat,  (mefi  om  ftjole*) 
pkirt;  F  (■»  Srbinbe)  petticoat;  fungere  fom  bet 
forte  .  play  the  Utilities,  be  a  general  Utility 
man.     ©førte  vi  (op)  fe  Gpftørte;  —  vt  &  ride. 

—  ©førtcjflftbt  a  petticoated.  -regimente  petti- 
coatgovernment.  -bejen :  gaa  .  use  femafe  in- 

t©rø'rtibfel  c  sowthistle,  Sonektu. 

Støtte  vt  mind,  take  care  of,  attend  (to);  — 
xr  ftg  felo  take  care  of  one's  self,  shift  for  one's 
M-lf;  lobe  en  -  fifl  felb  leave  one  to  his  own  de- 
vice*; —  et  om  want,  like,  care  for;  leg  -r  ifle 
om  at  barre  ben  flbftc  I  don't  want  (like,  choose) 
to  be  the  last. 

©laa  c  $  fe  Siaaen. 

©laa  c  -er  bolt  (of  a  door);  *cross-bar;  floa  -en 
for.  fra  bolt,  unbolt  the  door. 

©laa,  flog,  flaart  k  flagen  vt  k  i  beat.  strike, 
smite,  knock,  hit;  (om  §ugle)  warble,  sing;  (om 

Siertet)  beat,  throb;  (om  Ur,  fipnilb)  strike;  (om 
eft)  klck;  (meb  fir)  cut  grass,  mow;  £toften  -r 
the  clock  strikes;  -  to  ©las  I  ,h  fctrike  two  bells ! 
bet  flog  mig  it  struck,  impressed  me;  -  faft  fasten, 
fio  establish:  -  ©larm  beat  the  alarm;  -  en  ©ritte 
take,  capture,  fork,  a  man;  -  ©ugter  turn,  bend; 
.  en  Sirfel  descrlbe  a  circle;  -  $otber  pucker; 
.  ©raeft  mow  grass;  ~  et  ^ul  make  a  hole;  .  rn 
fyzx  beat  el.  defeat  an  army;  .  $Ib  strike  a  light; 
_  JMarfrib  ^  beat  to  quarters;  ~  en  ftnob  ^  make 
a  knot;  .  en  lenube  tie  a  knot;  .  en  ftTebø  descrlbe 
a  circle;  .  en  fiinje  draw  a  line;  -  en  Webalie 
strike  a  medal;  ~  et  rraftigt  Slag  strike  a  vigorous 
blow;  .  taft  beat  time;  .  Zobbart  lay  rope;  - 
SSonb  throw  el.  pour  water;  —  vr  fig  hurt  one's 
self,  be  hurt,  injured;  (om  %xct)  warp,  twist, 
•(om  Jtulben)  abate,  cease;  -  fig  løft  (more  fig) 
enjoy  one's  self,  (brbbe  løft)  break  loose;  —  meb 
prop  k  adv,  .  af  (om  $rift)  abate,  deduct;  (itu) 
break;  fe  Wfflao;  .  en  ^aftfiar,  ©labber  af  have  a 
gossip,  be  chatting  together;  .  en  tymbel  af 
strike  a  bargain;  $efien  flog  W») tieren  af  the  horse 
threw  his  rider;  .  af  ©inbet,  Zanfeme,  fiooebet 
banish  from  one's  mind,  thoughts;  fe  Vtart;  .an 
(om  ^unb)  give  tongue;  (om  ©accinarion,  ©obelbift 
ogfaa  fio)  take  (paa  with);  bet  flog  ftratft  an  l)0#  cl. 
paa  ©ublihim  the  audience  took  to  it  immediately ; 

-  Zonen  an  (ogf.  fio)  give  the  key-note;  .bort 
throw  away;  fe  .  af  6tnbet;  -  efter  en  strike 
at  one,  aim  a  blow  at  one;  .  efter  i,  fe  -  op; 

-  taft,  fe  ftafiflaa;  -  for  vt  fe  ©tobbe;  ©rtjft;  t» 
(fit  Sanb  o.  I.)  strike  a  blow  for,  fight  for;  .fra 
fig  defend  one's  self;  .  et  ©eil  fra  unbend  a  sail; 
.  fig  fra  ©etben  renounoe  the  world;  ^an  flog  bet 
ben  i  fiaiter  he  turned  it  off  with  a  laugh ;  _ 
Støren  i  slam  tbe  door;  .  i  ©orbet  strike,  thump 
the  table:  .  et  ©om  i  ©ceggen  drive  a  nall  lnto 
the  wall;  .  ©anb  i  throw  el.  pour  water  inlo, 
.  igen  return  the  blow;  ©apiret  -r  igennem 
the  paper  sinks,  runs,  strikes  through;  *bet  -r 
igennem  the  road  does  not  bear  the  horse; 
flog  ubmærfet  igennem  was  very  sucoessAil;  .  fig 
igennem  make  shift  to  live,  make  both  ends 
meet,  pay  one's  way;  .  fig  igennem  5ienben  cut 
through  the  enemy;  -  imøbe  meet;  .  inb  knock 
in,  beat  in,  (ogfaa  om  ©ttabom)  strike  in;  .  ©in* 
buerne  inb  smash  the  windows;  ©anbet  flog  inb  i 
Jtatøttfn  the  water  dashed  into  the  cabin;  bet 
-r  ifte  mb  i  mit  %aq  that  is  not  in  my  line;  . 
inb  paa  en  ©ej  take  a  road;  -  mb  paa  et  ftag,  en 
Sebebei  take  up  a  line,  tråde,  profession;  bet  flog 
inb  meb  blegn  it  set  in  raining;  bet  flog  inb  fom 
ban  tøbbe  forubfagt  it  turned  out,  came  true,  as 
he  predicted;  min  $røm  ^ar  -et  inb  F  my  dream 
is  out;  .meb  %a!fen  toss  the  head;  flog  meb 
©ingerne  flapped  her  wings;  -  meb  ©linbbeb  strike 
with  blindness ;  flog  bem  meb  ftorfeerbelfe  struck 
dismay  among  them;  -  neb  (om  Sonet)  strike, 
(om  ftuglf)  fall,  swoop:  .  fig  neb  set  tie;  .  Slsret 
neb  drop  the  veil.  -  jMnene  neb  cast  down  one" s 
eyes;  fe  .  op;  .  om  wrap  about  el.  round;  (om 
©ejret)  change,  alter;  .  ©løbet  om  turn  over  the 
leaf;  .  ©rutene  om  throw  one's  arms  around;  .  et 
Zob  om  pass  a  rope  round;  .  om  flg  lay  about 
one;  fio  .  om  flg  meb  spout,  air;  .  op  paa  en  ©oeg 
stick  up,  post;  -  op  i  en  ©og  turn  up  in,  refer  to, 
a  book;  .  op  meb  $annben  wave  one's  band;  . 
op  meb  en  break  off  a  marriage  engagement 
with  one,  throw  one  over;  .  et  3fab  op  broach 
el.  start  a  cask ;  .  et  Zob  op  unlay  a  rope;  . 
9fen  op  break  the  ice.  .  Søren  op  fling  the  door 
open;  .  et  45orb  op,  neb  put  up,  let  down  the 

:• - 


rur    «  fcaa    _  9  ftnas  3  iu    aes  pos  to    >ii  o*.— 

n^  *  -sy^*.    Lai  at  ^jrtrr:  aa  «k  i:,  i  i  e-t  -A.x-n.  Smbcc 

*^v  *   -c  ffl   "-i«»    r  »é^»    >*~  ol**    aat**.  •«•  Jir  -»s  Istrsr.   •utt  xr  si 

*■      jsk  _  *4   jo   -.    ^aacrr  t  rs  ■*!  r  -«i  cin.  _  jcx  -c    ss^rx*      .-'• 

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rr»  »•    a~  *r*n>      _  3  n  r.  J'a  ae   *»»»i      •*   rr-ira. 

r  -  -   »tie  *  »*.i    .«•-•=_  jb£  *i :  i-i-  •    ~?  4  -  w-     *   *tui    «; 

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»bfce    fe  -ffaabe.     -ftygac    (caHt-)shadow;   teckn 
idow  projected.  Slagømaal n,  p/  =,  flghting, 
ht,    fray;  ftort  -  a  battle- royal ;  bet  !om  til  - 
ey  got  to  blows.   Sta'glfaør  chalk-line.   -flot 
ak  iron,  hånd  an  vil.  -footrb  two-handed  sword. 
*®(agt  n.  pi  ss,  beast  (to  be  kil  led). 
Slagte  vt  kill,  butcher,  slaughter.     -forrbtg  a 
vdy  for  belng  kllled.     -bud  slaughter-house. 
Atf  fattenlng  el.  fat  calf.    -fob  butcher's  meat. 
kcii  nat  tie  to  be  kill  ed.     -maaneb  the  month 
November,    -maffe  frontirupter.    -nob  ox  to 
k  i  lied. 
Slagter  c  -e  butcher.   -lob  b  's  shop,  shambles 
— bæut  s  hambles  pi.    -breng  butcher's  boy. 
tanbmrrf  b.'s  tråde,     -bttttb  butcher'«   dog. 
&4    slaughter  -  house.     Slagteri'  n  -er  (Steb. 
ox  bet  flagte«)  slaughter-house,  laniary;  (Slagt* 
xq)  butchering.   Sf  agter  |fnib  b.'sknife.    -tone 
toher'nwife.  -I tb,  -fang  b.'s  company.  -metier 
Slagter,    -foeab  journeymau  b.    -tom  fe  ft»b* 
m.     *af§e  cleaver. 
Stagtetib  «  butchering  season. 
Sfa'gitlforlbe  n  flt  of  apoplexy. 
Slagtning  c  butchering;  t(5lag)  battle.   Slagt' 
fer  n  vie  tim. 

Sla'gitnmmel  tumult  of  battle.  -ar  (striking-) 
xik.  -urt  ground  pine,  Ajuoa  chancepitv*. 
anb  bilge- water.  -vant  a  used  to  war.  -bibbc 
•rcuwdve  distance.  **bof  c  fe  Slaget  -bajrt 
Ur)  striking  work,  striking  train,  clock-work; 

S(af '  a  &  slack.  -fe  vt  slack.  -ae  pi  slacken. 
Staffer  vi  stag,  scoria.  —  Staf  fe|  ag  tig  ascoria- 
ous,  sla?gy.  -bannetfe  scoriflcation.  -tyoftheap 
Klag;  (©ergo.)  taiUng. 
Statvanbe  n  J,  slack  water. 
Slam'  c  ie  $t?nb.  -bab  mud  bath.  -bul  ($mp.) 
od  hole,  sludgehole.  -fifle  cesspool.  Slam* 
rag  c  foullng. 

*Stant»  c  -er  slovenly  lout. 
Stampam'per  c  wishy-washy. 
Stang  [e]  n  slang. 

Slange  c  -r  serpent,  snake;  (til  $umpe,  Sprøjte) 
*e  Slange  vt  J,  French-fake;  -be  Bugter 
■ench  fakes.    -agtig  a  serpent-  et.  snake-like. 

tinrf  serpent  cucumber.  -art  species  of  s. 
b  bite  of  a  s.  -bagt,  -bugtning  serpentine 
inding  el.  meanderlng.  -bugtet  -banaet,  -formet 

serpentine,  -fait  serpent-eater,  Oypogerantu 
rpe*t  irius.  -gang  serpentine  walk.  -gift  venom 

werpent«.  -baløffarb  snake-bird,  darter,  Plot*«. 
iam  slough,  skin  of  a  serpent.  -tyølberen  att 
ibiucbUH.  -tyoocb  snake's  head;  $  viper' s 
iglos«,  Echium  vuloare.  -tab  fe  barn.  -faftn« 
ihinocactus.  -fort  snake-headed  cross,  -frubt 
ragon  arum,  brook-leek,  Arum  Dracuneulut. 
iofe  wavy  braid.  -linie  serpentine  line.  -lift 
»rpent-wile.  -mttrber  fe  Storjonere,  -rob  birth 
vort,  nerpentaria,  snake-root,  AriHohehia  $er- 
enttria.  -rftbbife  rat-talled  radish,  Raphantu 
tudatu*.  -rar  winding  tube  el.  pipe.  -ften 
irpeatlne  stone.  -Hjerne  sea-star,  Ophiura. 
ajle  serpentine  column,  -trat  snake -wood, 
trychno*  colubrma.  -tange  $  adder's  tongue, 
'phioølmun  vuløitum.  -t  atm  mer  tamer  of  ser- 
ent«,  snake-charmer.    -art  snake-weed,  adder's 

ort  Poiyøonum  bittort  i.  -tynget  brood  of  ser- 
ents.     -fltg  snake's  egg.    -agte  sop*. 

Slanf  a  fe  Smæffer.  -bfegget  a  i*  lean,  clcan 

*6lattt  o  -er  cont  copper. 

6t«|p  a  slack,  relazed,  loose,  fiaccid;  en  - 
)ue  a  olackened  bow. 

6ia|Pgaarbing  c  -et  ^  slab-line. 

Stappeb  c  slackness;  apathy .  6laj»be  vt  slacken . 
elax,  loosen. 

fiarfen :  £anft>(htgeifl  Orbbog. 

Slappera'*  fe  Slabberas. 

Slapping  c  ,1,  (Srlabning)  roundlng. 

Slapjffoet  a  shod  In  the  ordlnary  way  (not 
sharpshod).    -tib  alack  water.    -bom  a  loose. 

61  araff  enlanb  n  cocagne,  fools'  pa radise. 

*©lart>  c  -ec  a  loose-tongued,  reckless,  un- 
reliable  fellow.  Slaroe  vi  ~  i  Sejen  blunder 

Slaff,  Slaffe,  fe  Sjaft,  Siafte;  Irlffberne  -ebe  om 
ham  his  clothes  hung  flapping  about  hlm. 
Slaffet,  Staffeborn  a  slovenly. 

Slat'  c  -ter  (Skoning,  i  Ola«)  heeltap,  drop 
(left);  ber  er  en  -  enbnu  i  ftaffeloppen  there  is  still 
some  coffee  left  at  the  bottom  of  the  cup;  ber 
er  en  -  Sin  i  ®lo*fet  there  is  wine  left  at  the 
bottom  of  the  glass;  inaotte  oente  fange  paa  ben 
.  ftajfe  had  to  wait  a  long  time  for  that  smack 
of  coffee. 

Slat',  -ten,  "ttt  a  loose,  flabby. 

Slaba'fe  c  joc  fe  Sløjfe. 

Slabe  c  -r  slave,  bondman;  t  &  *  oonvict; 
gøre  til  .  enslave,  reduce  to  slavery;  -  af  a  slave 
to  el.  of;  gøre  fla  til  .  af  make  one's  self  the 
slave  of.  Slabcfaag  yoke  of  slavery;  paatage  ftg 
et  -  don  the  yoke  of  slavery,  -aanb  slavish 
spirit.  -orbejbe  slave' s  work,  drudgery.  -baanb 
pi  bonds,  fettera  (of  slavery),  -binbe  vt  enthral, 
tie  hånd  and  foot.  -ejer  fe  berre.  -fanger  slave 
-catcher.  -fogeb  overseer  of  slaves;  convict 
-warder.  -fri  n  young  gallows-bird.  t-f*ngfcl 
convict-prLson.  -fobt  a  bom  a  slave,  -banbel 
slave-tråde,  -banbfer  slave-tråder,  slave-mer- 
chant,  slave-dealer,  -bjerre  slave-owner.  -bjolber 
slaveholder,  -jotm  shackles.  -fa  ar  con  dition 
of  a  slave  -flaber  dress  of  slaves,  -fnftea  the 
Slave-coast.  -lib  slavish  llfe,  the  li  fe  or  a  slave. 
-lceate  slave' s  chain.  -marfeb  slave- market. 
•motrte  brand  of  slavery.     +-natte  slave's  neck. 

Slaoer  c,  pi  ■>,  slav,  8clav  (pi  ogf.  8(c)lavi). 

Sfaberi'  n  slavery;  tpenal  servitude,  tconvict 

Slabclfergeat  convict-warder.  -flab  fe  -aanb. 
-ffib  slaver,  -ftanb  slaver>r-  -ftat  slive-holdlng 
state.  -focn  Oreat  Slave  Lake.  -torb  fe  -marfeb. 
-bogter  fe  -fogeb.  Slaoln  be  c  -r  (female)  slave. 
Slabiff  a  slavish,  servile;  -  Ooerfattelfe  slavishly 
literal  translation.    Staoifffjeb  e  servil  i  ty. 

Slabjiff  a  Slav,  Slav'ic.  -o'nica  n  S(c)lavonia. 
-o  ni  er  c,  -o'niff  a  S  c)lavonlan,  S(c)lavon'ic. 

Sleb,  fieben,  fe  Slibe.  Slebenbeb  c  polish, 

Sleb  fe  Slibe. 

Sleb«  [é]  e  slit. 

Slebffe  [é]  fe  ® lifte. 

Slcgfreb  c  -er  concubine.  -barn  bastard. 
-toae,  -foinbe,  -oib  fe  Slegfreb.  -«t  bastard  off* 

tSlege  fog  prov)  vi  fe  Slefte. 

*6leib  [e. )  e  slide;  Smf.  fe  03ltber>. 

Slem'  e  (Store  ~)  slam;  gøre  en  -  slam  one; 
blioe  .  be  slammed;  gøre  lille  _  get  all  the  tricks 
but  one. 

Slem'  a  bad,  111,  awkward,  sad;  comp  worse, 
•uper  woret;  bet  er  -t,  en  .  fiiftorie  it  is  a  bad 
thlng,  awkward,  f  a  bad  job;  en  -  Qfør  a  sad 
dog;  en  .  $ejt  a  grave  fault;  ben  -me  the  evil 
one;  fp  for  ben  -me  Sbgel  fle  upon  lt!  .  til  at 
deucedly  given  to,  an  awful  band  at;  —  flemt 
ado  badly.  sadly.    Slembeb  o  badness. 

Slembolt  n  UV  deadwood-knee. 

•f  Slemme  vi  re  vel,  carouse. 

Slemme  vt  wash.  -falfe  trunk.  -fribt  whiten- 
ing.    Stemning  c  washing. 

Slenbrian  c  old  custom,  ancient  rontine.  ben 
gamle  .  the  old  blundering,  jogtrot  way. 





leaf  of  a  tab  le;  _  rn  Strømme  op  begin  s  stock- 
ing;  fe  ©reb,  _  en  $araplp  od,  neb  put  up.  put 
down  an  umbrella;  _  ftaledjen  op,  neb  let  up, 
let  down,  the  head  el.  hood;  ~  Øjnene  op  open 
one's  eyes;  flaa  en  Batter  op  set  up  a  loud  laugh; 

*  tie  eet  -t  op  the  roads  become  impassable  for 
sledges;  _  fig  op  til  Euoart  work  to  windward; 
~  ftj  op  better  one's  droumstances,  rise  in  the 
world;  .  en  ©ro  o  o  er  throw  a  bridge  across  el. 
over;  -  ooer  i  fall  in  to;  Qanbet  flog  inb  ooer 
$at!et  the  water  dashed  over  the  deck;  -  ooer- 
borb  knock  overboard;  -  Vrmen  oberfor* 
cross  the  arms;   -  paa  Xromme  beat  the  drum; 

•  en  Xalje  paa  clap  on  a  tackle;  .  en  Jltampe  paa 
nail  on  a  cleat;  .  fig  paa  Saaret  smlte  one's 
thigh;  .  fig  paa  noget  go  in  for;  -  fig  paa  (om 
@tmb.)  fasten  one,  fe  ftafte.  .  fig  paa  et  $arti,  fe 

-  ftg  til;  -  paa  at  hint  that  ~  fig  felo  paa  wtunben 
give  one's  self  the  lie;  -.  paa  Slugt  put  to  fllght, 
rout;  -  ftort  paa  cut  a  great  dash;  .  f ammen 
lamp  togethex,  unite;  -  $a>nberne  fammen  clasp 
one's  hauds;  ~  fig  fammen  combine,  join  together; 

-  to  Xing  fammen  incorporate  one  thing  with 
another;  -til  (om  ftøb)  strike  a  bargain;  (bare 
not)  aufflce,  answer;  (©paab }  fe  -  inb;  -  (Døren, 
gftnbuet)  til  bang  el.  clap  to,  slam;  bet  -r  lige  til 
that'a  just  it;  faa  3nbta>gterne  til  at  flaa  til  make 
both  eads  meet;  bet  flog  til  meb  gobe  ttar  prosper- 
oiifi  years  supervened,  turned  up;  -  til  Ribber 
knight;  ~  til  en  strike  one,  let  drive  at  one;  - 
til  Sorten  knock  down;  -  fig  til  Sri!  take  to  drink; 

-  fig  til  £btle  betake  one's  self  to  rest.  -  fig  til 
$0  fig  rest  satisfied;  .  ftg  til  et  $arti  join  a  party; 
bet  flog  ftg  til  Bungebetænbelfe  pneumonia  super- 
vened ;  -et  til  noget  ftort  bom  to  greatness,  to 
great  things,  cut  out  for  great  thlngs,  fe  S  fifl  in  g; 
t-  en  til  happen  to  one;  •  tilbage  beat  el. 
strike  back;  throw  back;  (Mngreb)  beat  off,  repel; 

-  u  b  (f.  Sft.  om  fiubføgbom)  oreak  out,  (om  $efi 
ofo.)  kick,  fiing,  (meb  Hrmene)  spar;  .et  øorb  ub 
extend  a  table;  -  Sanb  ub  throw  el.  pour  out 
water;  .  Piet   ub  paa  en  knock  one's  eye  out; 

-  et  Sejl  unber  bend  a  sail;  —  flaa(e)é  vd 
fight;  .  paa  $ifioler  fight  with  pistols;  -  meb  en 
fight  one,  F  have  it  out  with  one;  -  om  fjoem 
ber  fiol  fight  as  to  who  shall ;  —  flaaenbe  a 
(f.  tft*.  fiigbeb)  striking  (resemblauce):  .  (JMempel 
crucial  Instance;  —  flaaet,  flagen  part  &  a  af 
gorbaofelfe,  ftccbfel  struck  with  amazement,  terror 
-h truck;  par  rent  flaaet,  flagen  i  ftenbe  was  qulte 
smitten  with  her;  5  i  en  ben  bleu  flaaet,  flagen  the 
enemy  was  beaten:  ben  flagne  ttanbebej  the  beaten 
track;  en  flagen  Vtanb  a  broken-down  man. 

Slanftrøt  c  -fer  dressing  el.  sitting-gown,  night 
-gown,  mornin*-gown.    -ftil  slip-s  hod  style. 

Biaatn,  +61tape  c  sloe.  -*nf!  blackthorn, 
Prn*uA  9piw«a.  -bær  sloe.  -torn,  -tjørn  fe  -&uft. 
-Pin  sloe  wine. 

Slaajtlart  mower.  -maffine  mowing  machine. 
6(aaninø  c  (af  £00)  lay. 

*Blaapt  0.  fi ,  fe  Slaaeit. 

teiaalfTaft  -fUge  fe  SSefraft.  *8(aaølf«mpe  c 
btilly,  flghtingman,  »flghtist..  *61aat'  c  -ter 
mowing;  hay  fleld;  tune,  strain.  +01*ataann  o 
hay-making  season.  6la*tib  b.  f.  —  *@laattc|> 
blom  fe  Itongrpen.  *-følf  mowers.  Mari  mower. 
*-marf  hay -Tand.  -maffine  fe  Slaa«.  *-mb;r  hay 
bog.    tStaattj  mowing  apparatus,  scythe. 

6tabbera'ø  n  wishy-waahy;  noasense. 

Blabber  c  tattle,  tittle-tattle,  gossip,  twaddle; 
(af  Sfole)  tale-bearing:  fe  Staa  af.  -ngtlg  a  gos- 
siping,  tattling,  babbling.  -agtigfceb  c  gosslpiag 
el.  tattling  propensity.  -b,anf  babbler;  informer, 
tell-tale;  &  fe  -fompaø  -bul  place  for  scaudal. 
-Mftøric  gossiping  story,  scandal.  -firften,  -f«l- 
Ung,  -maren,  -mnnb  gassip,  tattler,  talebearer, 

whisperer.  -fompaft  J,  tell-tale,  hanging  con 
pass.  -rljgte  Idle  report,  -felftob  oompany  c 
gossips.  -føftev,  -tafrc  fe  -faeQiug.  -torn  M**ndi 
mark  et.  -born,  -vornfceb  fe  -agtig,  -agttgbel 
6(abre  vi  k  t  < prate)  prate,  talk,  jabber,  go^if 
(føre  »noter,  flabre  af  Sfole)  blab,  tattle,  tell  tale> 
-  paa  tell  on,  (bagtale)  blow  on;  -  bort  en  %xm 
prate  away  an  hour. 

61  ab  ren  c  prating  etc.     6(obrer  e  -e  blåt 
tattler,  tell-tale. 

*Slaffe  ni  k  t  slabber. 

®t ag',  6iaage  n  k  c  fe  61aRer. 

*6tag  fe  Slags. 

^eiag  a  fe  Slat. 

61ag  n,  pi  =»,  ((Berningen)  blow,  stroke,  hM 
(af  $irt)  cut,  lash;  (af  $eftj  kick,  fiing;  (meb  fi«1 
$aanb)  cuff;  (^fertetø)  beating,  throbbing:  <$<x 
flag)  battle,  action,  engagement;  (af  Ur)  t>es*: 
stroke;  (af  ftugl)  warbling;  (paa  ftappe)  cape.  ,1 
Vtenter)  coinage;  ^  (©out)  tack,  (i  Kumme: 
wing,  (af  ©ejl;  flapping,  shaking.  (Ombrejmiuj 
turn;  med  apoplexy;  (paa  ttoæg)  fleshy  parts  v 
the  belly  of  cattle,  flank;  (ti  Sej)  hole;  et  ■ 
ftort  a  game  at  cards ;  f maa  -  <k  go  slow '  t\ 
steady !  meb  eet  -  at  a  blow;  to  gierter  og  eet  ■ 
two  hearts  which  beat  as  one;  -  i  -  blow  upofl 
blow,  without  intermlssion:  *flere  Øange  i  ■ 
several  times  running;  ^alben  i  .  (om  Ur! 
warning;  tætte  i  -  (Stof)  place  in  prise;  et . 
meb  $nmpen  a  stroke  of  the  pump;  *giøre  et  . 
eller  to  om f ring  $labfen  take  a  turn  or  two  rounJ 
the  square :  fif  , ,  blev  rørt  af  et  -  was  rtnici 
with  apoplexy;  »lotten  er  paa  -et  12  the  clock  v 
on  the  stroke  of  12;  flår  til  -  J,  ready  fol 
action ;  i  -et  beb  VJBaterloo  at  the  battle  of  W 
ubljotbe  -rtø  6ebe  bear  el.  sustain  the  brunt  ol 
the  battle:  5«  flob  -et  here  the  battle  w* 
fought.  Slaølaarc  artery.  -anfalb  apoplecr. 
nt,  tit  of  apoplexy.  -bar  a  (Stoo)  fit  for  felline 
•beb(b)ing  Rlidiug  bilge-block.  *-b|«m  larg 
full-grown  bear.  -bom  turnpike.  -bor  hammer 
•punch,  -borb  folding  table.  -vant  ^  sten 
•board,  -bro  draw-bridge.  -onr  fowler's  cage 
-bænt  turn -up  bedstead.  -bag  day  of  battk* 
♦Ølage  vi  &  k  fig  beat.  tfctagel  o  -er  beate: 
Slagen  part  af  Slaa.  6Ug|fa(C  laaner,  Fal* 
laniariu«.  -ffeber  main  spring;  ($uglø)  beau 
feather.  -flob  (sudden  stroke  of;  apoplexy.  -feltt 
trap.  -fotrbig  a  ready  el.  prepared  for  battl 
fig  quick-witted,  ready  witted.  -fatrbigbeb  read? 
wit.  -garn  fowler's  net.  -grarafe  (ftritf  et)  poppiu^ 
-crease.  -b,  ammer  book-binder's  hammer,  -tjfftu 
hood  for  a  hawk.  -tnftrnment  percussion  in^tru 
ment.  Mern  (carpenter's)  chlsel.  -IW  beatinij 
-vat  -føl  bilge-keel.  *laa*  percussion  look 
-linie  line  of  battle.  -lob  (hard)  solder;  (til  Ur 
leaden  weight  of  a  clock.  -I»9  strong  light 
-maleri  battle- piece  -mart  fleld  of  battle;  -<r 
beb  SuQoben  the  fleld  of  C.  -mafliue  battbig 

*6lagne  vt  slacken. 

©iaglorb  shibboleth.  -ørben  order  of  battle, 
battle  array;  fttUe  i  -  draw  up  in  etc  -plan 
plan  of  battle.  -preéfe  fly-press.  -pnmpe  biU?e 
-pump.  -paft  *l>  canvass-bucket.  -regn  heavy 
shower  of  raln. 

©lag*  n  k  c,  p/  s,  sort,  kind,  descrlptio-i; 
et  ....  a  kind  of;  aUe  -  all  kinds  of,  all 
manner  of;  forfteQige  -  ting  a  varlety  of  thintrs 
i  fli  -  of  its  (his,  their)  kiud. 

Slagabrobcr  c  fighter,  brawler. 

Øla'gflbe  e  <t  list. 

6(a  glfibe  e  roaa  Irrearur)  flank. 

*Bl*  giffflte  folding-slght  -fftabe  bolt  (of  a 
door).  -ffat  minUge.  -ffine  (i  Ur)  pallet  0/ 
escapement.    »eiagé  fjotmpe  fe  $laa§*.    6ia  g 




HTobbe  fe  -ftaabe.  -ffipøae  (cast-)shadow;  teckn 
;  r\a.dow  projected.  Stagi'maat  n,  pi  =,  flghtlng, 
riuht,  fray;  ftort  .  a  batt le  royal ;  bet  lom  til  ~ 
ttiey  got  to  blows.  Sta'olfnor  chalk-line.  -ftøf 
l  »eak  iron,  hand-anvil.  -fborrb  two-handed  sword. 
Slaøl  n,  pi  =,  beast  (to  be  kil  led). 
Slagte  vt  klll,  butcher,  slaughter.  -ferblg  a 
ready  for  being  kJ  lied.  -tynd  slaughter-house. 
-f  alu  fattenlng  el.  fat  calf.  -tab  butoher's  meat. 
-tboeg  cattle  to  be  kil  led.  -maaneb  the  month 
of  November,  -muffe  frontirupter.  -nøb  ox  to 
b«  killed. 

Slagter  c  -e  butcher.  -lob  b  's  shop,  shambles 
x>/.  —  fromt  shambles  pi.  -breiig  butcher' h  boy. 
-Itaaitbbatrf  b.'s  tråde.  -fcnnb  butcher's  dog. 
j*fpitd  slaughter-house.  Slagteri'  n  -er  (Steb. 
boor  ber  flagte«)  slaugbter  house,  lanlary;  (Slagt- 
ning) butcherlng.  Slagter  I  fnio  b.'sknife.  -tone 
Imtcher'«  wife.  -tab, -tang  b.'s  company.  -mefter 
fe  Slagter,  -fbenb  Journeyman  b.  -tørt  fe  Itøb« 
torb.    -øffe  clearer. 

3  (agtet ib  «  butcherlng  season. 
Sta'gtilfatbe  n  flt  of  apoplexy. 
Slagtning  c  butcherlng;  t(5lag)  bat  tie.   6(agt« 
offer  n  vlctlm. 

Gta'gltnmmet  tumult  of  bat  tie.   -ar  (striking-) 
<Iock.     -urt  ground   pine,   Ajuøa  chamcepity. 
-banb  bilge-water.   -vant  a  used  to  war.  -bibbe 
percussive  distance,     •-bol  c  fe  Staget     -batrf 
<i  Ur)  Ktriklog  work,  striking  train,  clock-work; 
fe  -bresfe. 
Stat'  a  &  slack.   -Ic  vt  slack.    -ve  t>»  slacken. 
Slatter  pi  slag,  scoria.  —  Statfelagtig  a  scoria- 
ceous,  slarøy.  -bannelfe  scoriflcation.  -b,øb  heap 
of  slag;  (©ergo.)  tailing. 
Stafbanbe  n  J,  slack  water. 
©tam   c  fe  $dnb.  -lab  mud  bath.  -b,nt  ($mp.) 
mud-hole,  sludge-hole.    -flfte  cesspool.    Slam* 
ning  c  foullng. 
•Slamp  c  -er  slovenly  lout. 
Stampant  per  e  wishy-washy. 
Stang  [c]  n  slang. 

Slange  c  -r  serpent,  snake;  (tit  $umpe,  Sprøjte) 

t    hose.     Slange  o(  ^  French-fake;  -be  Sugter 

French  fakes.    -agtlg  a  serpent-  et.  snake-like. 

-aonrt  serpent  cucumber.     -art  species  of  s. 

•bib  bite  of  a  h      -bngt,  -bngtning  serpentine 

„  winding  el.  meanderlng.  -bugtet.  -bannet,  -formet 

a  serpentine,    -fait  serpent-eater,   Gypogeranu* 

'erpetttritu.  -gang  serpentine  walk.  -gif  t  venom 

of  >erpenta.  -QatØfcarta  snake  blrd,  darter,  Plotu*. 

f/   -barn  hlough,  skla  of  a  serpent.     -tyotberen  art 

'   ophiuchus.     -{yøbeb   snake's   head;    $    viper's 

.     hugloss,  Eckium  v uløar e.   -tjub  fe  -tøm.    -tattn* 

e  :hinocactus.   -tør*  snake-headed  cross,    -trnbt 

dragon  arum,   brook-leek,  Arvn  Dracuncnlu». 

•libfe  wavy  braid.    -Ifnie  serpentine  line.    -lift 

serpent-wile.    -utbrber  fe  Storjonere.    -røb  blrth 

.    -wort,  serpentaria,  snake-root,  Arirtolochia  ter- 

penttria.    -rftbbite  rat-talled   radlsh,   Rapkanut 

omditu*.     -rør   winding  tube   el.   plpe.     -fttn 

,#   Nerpeutine  stone.     -frøerne   sea-star,    Ophiura. 

^  -føjte  serpentine   column,     -tro?  snake  -wood, 

':    tStryehnot  eotubrina.    -tnnge  $  adder* s  tongue, 

y    0,)hioglo»tun  vulgitum.    -tømmer  tamer  of  ser- 

pents,  snake-charmer.    -nrt  snake-weed,  adder's 

wort  Polygonum  bittort*,    -tynget  brood  of  ser- 

\    penu.    -æg  snake's  egg.    -øgle  seps. 

.-       Slant  a  fe  Smatter,    -»tagget  a  ^  lean,  clcan 


•Slant  c  -er  eoni  copper. 

Stab    a  slack,  relaxed,  loose,  flaccid;   en  . 

9ue  a  ilackened  bow. 

t:,      Øldbflttarbing  c  -er  &  »lab-line. 

Stapieb  c  slackness;  apathy.  Slambert  slacken, 
,:    rvlai,  loosen. 

fiatfen :  £anft>(hifle(fl  Orbboø. 

Stabbera'Ø  fe  Slabberas. 

Slabbfng  c  ^  (Klæbning)  roundiag. 

Slablftøct  a  shod  In  the  ordinary  way  (not 
sharpshod).    -tib  slack  water.    -børn  a  loose. 

Staraffentanb  n  cocagne,  fools*  paradise. 

♦Slarb  c  -ec  a  loose-tongued,  reckless,  un- 
reliable  fellow.  Starbe  p»*  .  i  Sejen  blunder 

Slaft,  Stafte,  fe  Sjaft,  Siafte;  ftlæbcme  -ebe  om 
ham  his  clothes  hung  flapping  about  hlm. 
Stoffet,  SlaVfetaorn  a  slovenly. 

Stat'  c  -ter  (fteoninø,  i  ®la«)  heeltap,  drop 
(left);  ber  er  en  -  enbnu  i  ftoffcfoppen  there  is  still 
some  cofiFee  left  at  the  bottom  of  the  cup;  ber 
er  en  ~  Sin  i  ®la*fet  there  is  wine  left  at  the 
bottom  of  the  glass.  maatte  bente  lange  paa  ben 
.  Jtaffe  had  to  wait  a  long  time  for  that  smack 
of  coffee. 

Slat',  -ten,  -tct  a  loose,  flabby. 

Slaba  fe  c  joc  fe  Slojfe. 

Stabe  c  -r  slave,  bondman;  t  &  *  convict; 
gøre  til  .  enslave,  reduce  to  slavery;  -  af  a  slave 
to  el.  of;  gøre  flg  til  -  af  raake  one's  self  the 
slave  of.  Stabefaaø  yoke  of  slavery;  paatage  flg 
et  -  don  the  yoke  of  slavery,  -aanb  slavish 
spirit.  -orbejbe  slave's  work,  drudgery.  -baanb 
pi  bonds,  felters  (of  slavery),  -binbe  vt  enthral, 
tie  hånd  and  foot.  -ejer  fe  tørre,  -fanger  slave 
•catcher.  -føgeb  overseer  of  slaves;  convict 
•warder.  -frø  n  young  gallows-bird.  t-fotngfet 
convict-prison.  -føbt  a  born  a  slave,  -b.anbct 
slave- tråde,  -tyanbler  slave-trader,  slave-mer- 
chant,  slave-dealer.  -Ijerre  slave-owner.  -b,otber 
slaveholder.  -f«rn  shackles.  -taar  condition 
of  a  slave  -ttotber  dress  of  slaves,  -fbften  the 
Slave-coast.  -tib  slavish  li  fe,  the  li  fe  or  a  slave. 
-totnle  slave's  chain.  -marfeb  slave-market. 
-marte  brand  of  slavery,     -t-natte  slave's  neck. 

Staber  c,  pi  =,  Slav,  Belav  (pi  ogf.  S(c)lavt). 

Staberi'  n  slavery;  tpenal  servitude,  tconvlct 

Stabel  fergent  con  viet- warder.  -flnb  fe  -aanb. 
-ftlb  slaver,  -ftanb  slavery,  -flat  slave-holdlng 
staie.  -føen  Oreat  Slave  Lake  -tørb  fe  -marteb. 
-bogter  fe  -fogeb.  Stabin'be  c  -r  (female)  slave. 
Stabtft  a  slavish,  servile,  -  Oberfsttelfe  slavishly 
literal  translation.    Stabtftb,eb  c  servility. 

Stab| ift  a  Slav,  Slav'ic.  -ø'ntcn  n  S(c)lavonia. 
-o  nier  c,  -ø'ntft  a  S,c)lavonlan,  S(c)lavon#lc. 

Sleb,  fieben,  fe  Slibe.  Stebenb^eb  c  polish, 

Sleb  fe  Slibe. 

Sleb«  [é]  c  slit. 

Stebfte  [é]  fe  Stifte. 

Stegfreb  c  -er  concubine.  -lam  bastard. 
-tone,  -toinbe,  -btb  fe  Stegfreb.  -*t  bastard  off- 

tSIeøe  fog  prov)  vi  fe  Sfefte. 

*Steib  [ej  c  slide;  Smf.  fe  Sliber*. 

Stem'  c  (Store  -)  slam;  gøre  en  -  slam  one; 
blioe  .  be  slammed;  gøre  lille  -  get  all  the  tricks 
but  one. 

Stem'  a  bad,  111,  awkward,  sad;  comp  worse, 
•uper'  worst;  bet  er  -t,  en  .  Åiftorie  lt  is  a  bad 
thing,  awkward,  F  a  bad  Job;  en  -  Støt  a  sad 
dog;  en  .  %t\\  a  grave  fault;  ben  -me  the  evil 
one;  fo  for  ben  -me  Strøe!  fle  upon  it!  -  til  at 
deuoedly  given  to,  an  awful  band  at;  —  f  lemt 
ado  badly.  sadly.    Stemtyeb  e  badness. 

St<mb,ott  n  J,  deadwood-knee. 

-»-Stemme  vi  revel,  carouse. 

Slemme  vt  wash.  -falfe  trunk.  -fribt  whlten- 
ing.    Stemning  c  washing. 

S  lenbrian  o  old  custom,  ancient  routine,  ben 
gamle  .  the  old  blundering,  jogtrot  way. 





Slent  c  -er  stratum,  -et  a  stratified.  -ntttø 
c  stratlflcation. 

Slent  |  re  w*  saunter,  lounge  about.  -rinø  c 
sauntering  etc. 

Sleff  [é]  a  oily,  wheedling,  coaxing,  fawning, 
mealy-mouthed.  SIcffe  pi  (for)  wheedle,  coax 
(one),  fawn  (upon),  SleffQeb  c  fawning,  obse- 

Sleffe  e  fe  Sllfle. 

Sleøbiø  [é]  n  Sleswic,  Slesvig,  -er  c  c  In- 
habitant  of  S.    -ff  a  Sleswic,  Slesvig. 

©let'  a  bad,  111;  comp  worse,  taper/  woret;  - 
Wennefle  bad  man;  -te  $enge  base  coln;  —  adv 
ill,  badly. 

Slet'  a  (jæbn)  level,  plain;  .  og  ret  plaln, 
common,  pure  and  simple;  -  $apir  unstamped 
paper;  —  adv  ~  b«t  simply;  .  iffe  not  at  all;  . 
intet  nothing  at  all;  iffe  -  faa  not  quite  so  .  .  .; 
t  =  albele*.  Slet  |  bag  Greenland  whale,  right 
whale,  Balæna.    ••btinb  flat  el.  level  tract. 

tSletbalct  c  =  4  røarf  (c.  l  s.  6  d). 

Sletifil  smooth  file.    »-flijttbre  fe  Slette  2. 

Sletførf  bnet  a  ill-found. 

Sletbage  c  (Stein.)  plane. 

Slettes  «  badnees,  (moralft)  baseuess. 

Sletlbnøøe  vt  chip  fair.  -bbarre  kitt,  species 
of  turbo t,  Pleuronectt*  lervit  -tønt  smooth(lng) 
plane.  -j«re  smoothtng  plane-iron.  Menbt  a 
(ttotb,  (Egn)  flat,  flatUsh.  -rdffe  skate,  Raja  forts. 
Sletning  c  smoothing  (Ubfl.)  ezpunction;  (8anm.) 
sining:  (©lit.)  planisbing. 

Slet«  P  adv.  .  iffe,  fe  Slet. 

Sletfejienbe  a  that  Bails  badly,  a  dull  sailer. 

Stetflaal  n  flat  tool. 

Sletfftttrenbe  a  that  stærs  badly. 

♦Slette  c  -r  (©etgb.)  flssure. 

Slette  c  -r  plain.  Slette  o  dab,  Pleuronecte* 
limanda.  Slette  c  (©æon.)  size.  Slette  vt 
smooth;  fub)  expuage;  (fBaon.)  size;  ^  (meb 
Slarøtte)  dub  fair.  Slettejbo  c  -er  inhabitant 
of  a  plain.  -innb  level  country,  -maffine 
dressing  machine. 

SlettereftiOet  a  worse  si  tu  at  ed,  worse  off. 

Sletteftne  c  sislngroom. 

Slet | nar  fe  -tjoarte.  •øføe  broad  Carpenter' s 

Sleb  c  -e  ladle,  skimmer. 

Slib  n  fe  Sltbegtu«. 

Slibe,  fleb,  fiebet  .f  grind;  (WSbelftene,  Sla«) 
cut;  -  ffluflen  of  (ogf.  fia)  rub  off  the  rust;  F  - 
en  Struber  sleep  and  snore;  Satte  og  Jrnibe  -9! 
scissors  to  grind!  —  fieben  a  ground,   (ogf.  fio) 

g  Vished;  -  ftaraffel  cut-glass  decanter;  flebne 
aber  polished  el.  pollte  mannere;  -t  ©oefen 
polishcd  address;  -  Xunge  glib  tongue.  Slibe|< 
brott  knl fe-board,  -grnø,  -fr«t§  slip.  -fnl 
charcoal  of  soft  wood.  -maffine  (Uttn.)  instru- 
ment for  polishlng  steel.  -mølle  grindingmill. 
-pnlber  polishlng  powder.  Sliber  c  -e  grinder, 
polisher.  Slibe | froal  basin.  -flibe  grindlng 
•plate.  -ften  grindstone;  (grob,  ©jargart)  rag 
-stone.  -ftenØbrnb  grindstone  quarry.  -trug 
grindstone  trough.  -æg  ground  edge.  Sli'b* 
ning  c  grindlng 

Slibrig  a  slippery,  lubricous;  en  .  éaq  a  tick- 
lish  affair;  en  .  ©og  an  obscene,  indecent  book. 
-beb  c  sllpperiness,  lubricity;  obscenity. 

Slib  n  (paa  Xing)  wear  and  tear;  (baarbt  ftr> 
bejbe)  toil,  dnidgery;  +(9Rennefle)  drudge;  bet  er 
intet  -  beb  bette  Xa\  this  stuff  does  not  wear 
well.  has  no  wear  in  it.    -arbefbe  drudgerv. 

Slibberflabber  c  fiddlefoddle,  flddlededeé. 

Stibbatfe  n  road-way. 

Slibe,  fleb,  fltbt  vt  &  i  (ogf.  -  i  nt)  pnll  (at), 
tear;  (Ziben  ben,  ftlceber)  wear;  (og  flæbe)  toil  (and 
moil\  drudge,   fag;   flib  bem  meb  $elfen  I  wish 

you  may  live  to  wear  them  out;  *-  onbt  suffe: 
great  hardships,  much  exposure,  rough  it;  -  a' 
bort  wear  off,  away;  -  af  rober,  i  Staffer)  break, 
tear  asunder;  .  fra  binanben  tear  apart;  -  i  poll 
at;  .  (baarbt)  i  bet  work  hard;  -  op  wear  om, 
et  frtrøtelig  ftcerft  at  -  »aa  has  a  tremendou* 
amount  of  wear  in  it;  -  fig  ør  igennem  keep 
the  wolf  from  the  door;  .  fig  t^jel  kill  one  * 
self  (with  work);  .  fig  lo*  break  looee;  tear  one  - 
self  away;  •-  fig  break  loose;  —  flibel  vft  wear 
(out);  —  fltbt  a  worn  (out),  the  worse  fbr  wear. 
Slibelig  adv  f  gaa  faa  .  jog  on,  rub  on  wp'J 
enough.  Sliben  e  tearing  etc.  —  Stib|H*»r 
rubbing  part.    -Itfl  fe  -baffe. 

Slibfc  c  -r  (p.  Størt  o.  I.)  placket. 

Sliø  c  ((EttS)  slich. 

Sliø  prnn  such;  en  -  Wanb  such  a  man;  e 
^oll  such  people;  *-t  Slag  F  all  the  amme;  — 
adv  F  so,  in  that  way,  In  such  a  way. 

SUgtningc  (Stsb.)  cinder-paste. 

SUr  o  F  trlfle;  bu  fan  faa  bet  for  en  ~  you 
may  have  it  for  a  trifle,  for  an  old  song. 

SUT'  c  ooze. 

Slif  e  fe  Slig. 

SHf  n  stroke  with  the  tongue;  +  ■«  SltrXeri. 
•afpargeØ  full-grown  asparagus. 

élitlbttnb  oozy  bottom.  -bannelfe  formation 
of  ooze. 

Slifle  vt  lick;  .  ©olffin  bask  in  the  sun;  -  fig 
om  Shinben  lick  one's  lips;  Ao  -  fiø  om  SRunbcn 
efter,  -  ftingtene  eftet  cast  a  sheepa  eye  on;  - 
fig  inb.  fe  Snbfmigre.  Slif  fe  n  something  (salt 
etc)  to  lick.  Sliffen  e  licklng.  Sfifte«  * 
lickerish,  fond  of  sweets,  sweet-toothed.  Sttfte«' 
beb  e  lickerishness,  fondness  of  sweets.  Sliffr 
pot  sweet-tooth.  -ri'  n  -et  licklng;  (fabe  Sagen 
sweets.  -rt  c  -et  (tanner's)  scraper.  -t  a  over 
-laboured,  over-wrought.  Sliffetbeb  c  over 
-elaboration  of  detail. 

Sliflag  n  layer  of  ooze. 

SIif|mnnb  sweet-tooth.  -mnnbet  a  dainty 
-mouthed,  sweet-toothed.  SHfninø  c  lickine. 
Slitbom,  -^eb,  fe  6Htfen,  -beb. 

Slim  n  mucus,  (^ofle>  o.  I.)  phlegm,  (af  planter} 
mucilage,  (af  Snegle,  ^iff)  slime.  Sltm|a*l  hag, 
Myxine.  -affonbring  discharge  of  mucus  el 
phlegm.  -agtlø  o  mucous,  (om  planter)  mucils- 
ginous.  -bannelfe  formation  of  mucus.  -fcrtønbc 
a  phlegmagogue;  .  Wibbel  phlegmagogue.  -bpr 
rhisopod.  Slime  vi  produce  mucus,  cau$e 
phlegm;  pkarm  form  a  mucilage;  (ftogn.)  become 
slimy.  Slimet  a  mucous;  slimy.  Stim! feber 
mucous  fever.  -flob  n  blennorrhoea.  -ømbe 
pituitary  sinus,  -binbe,  -(nb  mucous  membrane 
•bofte  cough  attended  with  a  discharge  of 
phlegm.  -firtel  mucous  gland.  -aptofeabe  <* 
ezpectorant.  -pofe  mucous  bag.  -ftebe  vaginal 
mucous  bag.  -ftof  muclne.  -fbre  mucio  acid. 
•f<ef  mucous  bag.    -pcebfte  pitultous  humour 

t Slinge  <t  square,  rough-hew. 

Sllnøcr  c  fe  Slingring;  fio  (i  »alfen)  dilly 
-dallying,  shillishalli.  Slingre  vi  reel;  dangle. 
swing  to  and  fro;  <L.  roll.  —  SUnørtjbarbnnrr 
breast  -  backstays;  bowsprit  backstays.  -br<rt 
rack  for  the  cabin  table.  -bajler  gimbal^ 
-Flampc  rolling  chock.  -lampe  swing  lamp- 
Slinøren  fe  Slingring.  Slingrelffab.  -flot  pi 
fore-and-aft  boards,  -talje  rolling  tackle.  -Mrnb 
bilge-water.  Slingring  c  reellng  etc.;  ^  rolling; 
roll,  heel. 

♦SHntre  c  -r  fibre,  flbril. 

Slip'  n :  flice  -  paa  nt  let  go,  let  go  one? 
hold  of  a  thfng. 

Sliper*  [e]  pi  sleepers. 

Slipbdge  o  ^  slip- hook. 

*Slip$<enbt  a  butter-  flngered. 




©tipliue  c  J,  snotter. 

©tippe,  flap,  fluppet  et  let  go,  leave  hold  of, 
let  go  the  hold  of,  relax  one's  hold  of,  release; 
_  Xflflrt  release  one's  hold;  .  \øi  let  loose;  .  en 
"break  wind;  —  «  (unbfltj)  escape;  (tomme  fri) 
get  off  el.  away;  jeg  -r  iVt  foo  let  I  shall  not  get 
off  so  easlly;  bu  -c  itfe  you  are  In  for  lt:  labe  en 
_  fri  let  one  off;  labe  en  _  let  let  one  off  easy; 
qobt  fluppet  a  close  shave;  beqqnbte  boor  ben  anben 
flap  began  where  the  other  left  off,  b>or  bar  bet 
t>i  flap?  where  did  we  stop?  —  meb  prop  &  adv: 
Ctbet  flap  barn  af  Vhinben  the  word  slipped  out 
of  his  mouth;  .bort  escape;  ~  (fri)  for  befree 
from,  be  spared  «t;  -  for  at  (*-  at)  be  spared 
from,  escape  -lng;  jeg  funbe  itfe  -.  fra  (am  I  conld 
not  get  away  from  htm;  .  fra  bet  get  off;  -  bel 
fra  get  well  out  of;  -  berfra  meb  8ibet  escape 
with  one's  life;  -  igennem  get  through  el.  off; 
t_  igennem  3fen  fall  through  the  ice;  -  i  n  b  vi 
eet  el.  »Up  In;  vt  let  in,  admit;  U  meb  ©tratten 
get  off  for  the  fright;  flap  berfra  meb  Sibet  escaped 
with  bis  life;  -  neb  vt  drop,  let  fall;  .  op  be 
ns  ed  up  el.  consumed,  run  short,  give  out,  run 
out;  .til  get  acces«,  get  a  chance;  .  ub  t><  let 
out;  vi  get  el.  slip  out,  '$emmetigbeb)  ooze  out; 
flop  bet  berub?  was  that  lt?  ~  nb  meb  (manage 
to)  make  something  suffice.  ©tippe  c  -r,  fe  ©bbe. 
€Hppc|b,Piroel  <t  slip-shackle.  -tao*  <t  slip 
-knot  (o.  IL). 

©lippert  e  -er  coarse,  broad  brush. 

©flpbefHt  n  J,  slippery  hitch. 

©tips  n,  pi  s,  (neck-)  tie,  scarf.  • 

©fire  vi  glide,  rub. 

©fire  e  -r  flong  s  word;  *(ogf.  Sitr)  sheath, 
soahbard,  case.    *-taiP  sheathknife. 

6Ufte  c  r,  ©liffea  c  -er  skide;  (Hflsbnfngl-) 

©fit(t)«'ge  c  wear  and  tear. 

•©lo  c  entrails  (of  fish). 

©føbrot  fe  ©taabrot. 

t©lofb;  e  k  n  raking  of  corn  in  the  fleld. 

*6tobbe  e  -r  a  kind  of  rude  sledge. 

61  of  c  f  bed-fellow. 

*©toat'  f6]  c  -mer,  fe  Smelt. 

©lot'  n  -te  palace,  castle.    -figaeabc  o  palatial. 

t©lotbaup  e  flmble-hemp. 

©føt*|  batte  palace  hi  11.  -berfeat  domestic  of 
h  pålage,  -tro  palace  bridge.  -btl  town  with 
a  castle.  -bpgalag  palace  buildlng.  -fog eb  fe 
foroalter.  -f tit  domestics  of  a  palace.  -fortalte? 
keeper  of  a  palace,  castellan.  -gaarb  palace 
yard.  -grab  castle-moat.  »bane  palæe-garden. 
-  herre  castellan.  -fantor  choirmaster  of  the 
palace  chapel.  -firfe  palace  chapel.  -mcaigbjcb 
congregatiou  of  a  palace-chapel.  -mur  castle- 
et.  palace  wall.  -nttØfig  a  palatial.  -ptab* 
piare  in  front  of  a  palace.  -port  castle-  el. 
palace-gate.  -protft  chaplain  of  a  palace-chapel. 
-ffrioer  palace-clerk.  -taara  castle-tower.  -tag 
palace-roof.  -oagt palaceguard;  ($ogfb,ué) palace 

©loba't|er  c,  pi  =,  Slowak.    -ift  o  Slowak. 

©lo Pen |er  c,  pi  -»,  Slovene.    -tftaSlovenlsh. 

©I«  a  sly,  crafty,  cunnlng. 

©lubbe  vi  (Spinb.)  slub.  -borb  travelling 
tftble.  -autftiac  slubbing- billey.  ©iabaiag  c 

©Inbbrrt  c   er  scarap. 

©labre  vi  make  a  slobbering  noise  in  eating 
or  drinking;  -nbre  ©tøDler  slobbery  boots. 

©(nb  c  &  »  sleet.    -bttae  shower  of  sleet. 

©lubber  c  (An)  stuff,  radge,  gammon,  balder - 
da^h;  aa  .!  stuff  and  nonsenset  bet  flaar  -  for 
barn  his  tongue  trips;  Benene  flaar  -  for  barn  he 
is  rather  shaky  on  his  legs,  sbambling  in  his 
gait;  gibe  en  en  _  for  en  Slabber  talk  a  lot  of 

moonshine,  say  nothing  to  the  purpose.  ©tab« 
berjagtig  a  nonænsical  -agtigbjcb  c  nonsensical- 
ness.  -batte,  -^obcb,  -ffotol  rattle-braln,  chatter- 
box.  Poru  a  jabberlng,  prating,  proslng.  -Pont- 
beb  e  loquacity,  prosiness. 

©Inbe  tti  sleet     61«  bf« Ib  a  sleety. 

©labre  vi  jabber,  prate. 

+©ln'btib  c  sleety  season. 

©l«f/e  o  -r  sled,  sledge. 

•©Inffet  «  plashy. 

©(ag  a  fe  5 lu. 

©lag  n,  pi  =,  (-»•)  mouthfnl;  (Smp  )  uptake; 
(Hl  Wfieri)  tin-bait;  *(6balg)  ravine,  ©luge,  -te, 
-t  vt  swallow,  devour,  (uben  at  tbgae)  bolt;  - 
Orbene  swallow  the  words;  .  en*  Crb  drink  In 
one's  words;  .  meb  £inene  devour  with  one's 
eyes;  -r  fipben  Is  a  bad  room  for  sound;  -r  meget 
%ø\  takes  a  lot  of  stuff.  ©lagea  a  gluttonous, 
voraciou8.  6fageabcb  c  voraclty.  ©lager  e  -e 
swallower.  6lualbald  glutton,  gormandizer. 
-Pora,  -Porabeb.  fe  « lugen,  -beb. 

+©lngt  [t]  c  -er  ravine. 

©labcb  e  slynen,  cunning,  craftiness. 

©Intef'ter  n  f  finish. 

©fatte  (ogf  -te,  t)  vt  extinguish,  quench,  put 
out;  .  Irrflen  quench  the  thirst,  (fm  xårft) 
quench  one's  thirst;  .  ©atfen  turn  off  el.  down 
the  gas;  flnfteftgoout,  expire,  become  extinct. 
©fattelig  a  extlngulshable.  ©fatter  c  -e  extln- 
guisher.  *©latae  vi,  (+»«  vd)  fe  6luReJ.  ©fat* 
alag  c  extinguishlng  etc.,  extlnction.  —  ©fat* 
aiagØlapparat.  -rebftaber  fire-extlnguishing  ap- 
paratus.  -forfag  attempt  at  extinguishlng  the 

©fat'arct  a  chap-fellen,  crestfallen. 

t©(am'  c  fe  ©lummer.  t©(anejc  vi  fe  ©lumre. 
t61anmea  o  bibl  drowsiness. 

©lammer  c  slumber,  doze.  -f-bblfe  vt  lull 
to  sleep,  send  to  sleep.  -falb,  -tang  a  sleep 
-charged,  heavy  with  sleep. 

©Inmp  c  -er  (ubeflemt  Vniaf)  lot,  portion,  (Weft) 
remainder,  (t  ©laS)  heeltap. 

6(«mp  c  chance,  liazard;  paa  .  at  random,  at 
bap-basard;  t  af  en  .  by  chance,  ©lumpe  vi 
(HI)  stumble,  light,  chance  (upon);  -  Hl  at 
chance  to.  —  6lnmpe|(ptte  chance,  luck;  a 
lucky  hit.  -ftab  random  shot.  -fattt  random 
shot.    -fpil  chance-game.    -trotf  fe  -Iptte. 

©lumpatef  n  thirds. 

©fnatre  vi  slumber,  doze;  fip  Ile  dormant;  - 
inb  fall  asleep;  -  ipn.  fe  $enflumre.  -nbe  Sibenftaber 
dormant  passions,  -n  c  slumberlng.  +-r  c  -e 
slumlierer.    -totppc  couvre  pied,  rug. 

t©(ant  c  bully,  rufflan 

©laatca  a  lank,  gaunt.  -beb  c  lankness, 

©faatle  vi  idle;  F  bet  -r  af  it  gæs  on  tole- 
rably.  *-re  vi  .  unbaf,  .  flg  fra  Mink  el.  skulk 
away  from,  shirk. 

©lup-  fe  ©lub>. 

©lap'  e  -per  r©tib)  sloop;  (fartøj  i  Orlog*manb) 
plnnace;  (ttt^efSflup)  barge.  -roer  bargeman,  one 
of  the  boat's  crew,  rower. 

©fare  vt  ^  slip.    -ftit  slippery  hitch. 

©fart  c  -e  draught,  swig,  gulp,  (minbre)  nip; 
briffe  en  -  af  friaften  take  a  pull  at  the  bottle. 
©(arte  vt  gulp.    ©fartealå  adv  in  gulps. 

*6luro  c  -er  »loven  ©furae  c  -r  slut.  ©lurae 
vt  -  fra  flg  hurry  off  perform  in  a  elovenly 
man n er.  ©luroerl'  n  carelessness,  slovenUness. 
©farpet  a  slovenly,  careless. 

©fafe  c  r  look;  (tocertxeggen)  sluice;  ^imfenl 
-r  the  Windows  of  heaven.  ©laf c  vt  (op,  neb) 
lock  (up,  dawn).  -baab  bottom  of  a  lock.  -barn 
regulatlng*welr.  -faf  b  fall  of  the  lock.  -tommer 
lock  chamber.    -flap  paddle-valve.     -tam  lock. 





-mefter  lock- keeper,  -mur  side-wall  of  a  lock. 
-penge  lockage.  -port  look-gate;  (øperfle)  flood 
-gate,  slulce.  -trappe  flight  of  lock  s.  -tørfTel 
lock-sill.  -vogter,  -»agter  lock-gate  man.  -p«rt 

*Slnff  c  -rr  careless  fellow,  sloven;  shabby 
-looklng  fellow;  scamp,  rough. 

Stnftr  o.  fl.,  fr  Siufle. 

Slnt'  n  close,  end;  (til  Saa»)  oatch;  til  -  at 
last.  »Støt  a  at  an  end.  Stnt|  beretning  final 
report.  -bfalte  ridge-piece.  -Mil  bolt-nab, 
locking-plate.  -gat  &  fid-hole.  -bolt  t,  fld. 
-tappe  box-staple.  -trampe  catrh.  -leb  end 
•link.    -nagle  main  pin. 

Slutning  c  -er  (bet,  at  en  Zing  flutter  tæt  til  en 
onben)  closeness,  connectlon;  ((Énbe)  termina- 
tion,  conclusion,  close,  wind-up;  (Iogiff)  inferenoe, 
conclusion:  til  -  in  conclusion,  to  conclude.  — 
Slntntngøfiemttrrtting  conoluding  el.  closing 
remark,  -bom  final  decision,  -følge  course  of 
argument,  -taftigtyeb  terminal  velocity.  -tøbe 
chain  of  reasoning.  -leb  link  of  an  argument. 
-maabe  mode  of  reasoning.  *prPbetfe  crowning 
ornament.  -rafte  fe  -tabe.  -fang  concluding 
song.  -fcene  concluding  el.  closing  scene,  -fat- 
ning concluding  sentence.  -talt  concluding 
speech.    -bred  concluding  vene. 

Stntlptabe  washer.  -ring  ferrule.  -febbel 
broker's  contract,  contract  note.  -fpil  (Stat) 
end  game.     -flen  keystone,  closer.    -fatte  nut. 

Støtte  vt  (lutte)  close;  (bringe  i  6tonb)  conclude, 
bring  to  a  conclusion;  floaiff)  infer,  conclude, 
judge:  -  falfl  (uloglff)  misinfer;  -  ttrbejbet  knock 
off  work;  _  et  ©reb  conclude,  wlnd  up  e(.  finish 
a  letter;  .  et  fyorfhinb  contract  an  alliance;  . 
Øelebberne  close  the  ranks;  _  et  Jrob  conclude  el. 
strike  a  bargaln;  .  en  Jlrebt  form  a  circle;  - 
Xoget  bring  up  the  rear;  —  vi  conclude,  close; 
(toet)  fit  (tightly);  —  meb  prcep  og  adv:  -  af  el. 
fra  conclude  from;  fe  ttfflutte;  .  i  fine  ttrme  fold 
in  one's  arms;  -  en  i  Santer  put  one  in  irons; 
•  in  bf,  fe  3nbeflutte;  -  rat  op  om  close  around; 

-  paa  mil  close  the  ranks,  lock  up;  -  ub  typ 
justify;  —  vr  fig  fantmen  unit«;  .  fig  til  (en) 
attach  one's  self  to  one;  go  with,  side  with, 
follow  one,  (en  røening  ofo.)  subscribe,  (noget) 
infer,  draw  a  conclusion  as  to.  Slnttelig(cn) 
adv  flnally,  in  conclusion;  t  =  formobentlig. 
Støtte*  c  e  jailer,  turnkey.  Stutteri'  n  -er 
debtor's  prison.  Sluttet  a  close,  serried,  fig 
concentrated;  -  Selftab  private  company;  et  -t 
©orb  a  private  dining-club.  Sluttettyeb  c  con 

tSlttbe  c  -r  hay-loft. 

Stange  vt  fling,  hurl,  pitch,  sling;  ffno)  wind, 
twine;  -  ttrmrn  el.  fcrmene  omtring  en  twine  one's 
arm   round  one,  encircle  one  with  one's  arms;  i 

—  +©»  swing;    -nbe  o   twlnlng,    vr   fig   wind.  ! 
Stange  c  -r  sling,     -taft  (§anbl.)  thrnwing  with 
a  sling;  (Hfftanb)  sling'«  throw.     -tafter  slinger. 

Sttyngel  c  -gier  raseal,  scoundrel.  -aorrue  the 
hobbledehoy  age.  -agtig  *  rascally,  scoundrelly. 
-agtigbeb  c  rascaltty.  *-alberen  fe  -aarene.  -ftreg 
ra^cality,  scoundréllsm. 

Slnugelprpbelfer  twine.  -flab,  -flot  sllnglng 
•suff,  -stick,  -ften  sling-Ktone.  Stttng|traft 
centrifugal  force.  Slbngning  c  slinging  etc, 
wiading.  Stttngl  plante  creeper,  climber.  -rofe 
runnlng  rose.  -traab  tendril.  -bart  (©bgn.) 

tStø  c  prov  change  from  frost  to  thaw. 

Støb  n,  pi  =,   train,   trail;   (Slib  og  ~)  toll, 
drudgery.    toiliog  and  moiling;    F  (om  røerfon)  ! 
drudge;   baoe.  tage  paa  -   have,   take,   In  tow; 
tt\o\t  meb  _  trained  dress,     -barrer  train-bearer. 

Stabe,  -te,  t  vt  &  i  drag,  trail;  (arbejbe  tjaarbt) 

toil,  drudge;  J,  tow,  tug;  (meb$efte)  truck;  -t: 
&  tow  off;    -  af  meb  noget  drag,  draw  a  thin: 
along  el.   away;  bet  -t  af  it  rubs  on;   -  ©enes- 
efter  fig  trudge  along;   -  fig  frem.   Ijen  drt. 
one's  self  along,  move  heavily,  (f.  CH.  om  ^c; 
tale)  drag  its  slow  len  gib  along;  ban  -r  altib  bf- 
8og  meb  fig,   r  altib  om  (trin  g)  meb  ben  9cg  'r 
always  carries  that  book  along  with  hixn  ever 
where;  -  paa  noget  carry  a  thing  heavily;  fe- 
git  og  -te  paa  Qarnet  she  was  encumbered  wii 
the  child;   -  en  Scef  paa  ftbggen  carry   a  .-^f -k 
on  one's  back;  -  ubenborbft  tow  overbo*-- 1. 

—  Ucebenbe  a  slow,  mu*  dragging,   drawliru 
-nbe  ©ang  heavy  el.  shuming  galt;   en  -nbe  Sti' 
el.  ftorebrag  a  heavy  e(.  drawling  style.     ©la?if  ■ 
baab  tug,  tow-boat.     -bebbing  (omborb)   towixc 
-bitts.    -bampbaab,  -bamper  steam  tug.     -fjeKi 
spring  between  the  cover-plate  and  bolt.     •golft 
S,  traverKing  beam.     -tf tie  dress  with  &  trair« 
-Tibfe    ordinary    braid.      -line    tracking    line 
Siffben  c  dragging.   6l«be|net  drag(-net),  tfttrtr 
trawl-net;  fiffe  meb  -  trawl,    -pram  dumb  b&r«v 
-pnKert  to  wing- post.     Slabrr  ni   F    slipj^r-. 
slipshoes.     Slatber  c  -e  tug,  tow-boat;  towline 
Sfceberbom  guess-warp  boom.    Ølojberi'  n  drud 
gery.     6(«fte|ftø  shoe  of  a  cavalry  scabbani 
•fteb  slip.    -fH  towing-path.    -tang  wire-drawis^ 
tongs.    •tangtrceftebcent  draw-bench.    -t»P  to« 
ing  line;   (beb  luftballon)  guide- rope:   taqe  paa  - 
take  in  tow.   -Paab  trawl-net.  —  6l«'b!b«lone 
who   has   a  shuming  galt.     -tfole    fe    Slette 
Støbning  o  towing,  towage,  etc. 

Støbe  c  -r  sledge,  sleigh;  art  slide;  >V  -t  <txi 
gartsjer*  Vflobning)  sllding  planks;  f  ber  tom  m 
Vtanb  meb  en  -  i  Sejen  there  was  an  obetacle  in 
the  way,  a  lion  in  the  path.  Støbe  rr  sled 
-fare  fe  Jlane».  -tarm  <t>  ribbands  secured  to 
the  sliding-ways.  -førfc!  sledging.  -mebe  runne^ 
of  a  sledge.  -fpor  sledge-track.  -tø\  sledge 

•Støgge    e    -r    sledgef-hammer),    (ftot^    fore 
-hammer,  (lille)  quarter-hammer. 

Støgt  c  -er  (familie)   race,   tamil y,    lineage. 
(Øeneration)  generation;  (i  narurtjift   Set.)  genu- 
narmefte  -  the  next  of  kin;   bare  i  -  meb  en  t* 
akin  to  one,  be  a  relation  to  one;  i  net  -  near 
related;  be  ere  i  .  fammen  they  are  kin^men 
kinswomen;  be  ere  i  .  meb  mtg  they   are  mv 
kindred;   tomme  i  -  meb  come  into  relation^hi^ 
with;  f logere  mob  (el.  i)  bereS  -  bibl  wiser  in  their 
generation.    Støgtlarb  heir-loom.    -(e)bog  gene 
alogical   book.     Støgte  «»'  paa  take  after;   •' 
taberen  paa  rogf )  is  a  chip  of  the  old  M^k 
Støgt|fe|be  family  feud.     -forljolb  family  rela 
tions.    -f^lge  succession  of  generation«;  gener* 
tlon.    -ttftørie  genealogy.     -b^Pbing  chief  of  ^ 
family  el.  of  a  elan.     -leb  generation,     -ligbeb 
family   likeness,    generic   resemblance.      -linie 
line.     -motrte  generic   mark.      -nopn   generl«- 
name;   family  name.     Slægtning  c  -e  relation, 
relative,    kinsman    (et.    kinswoman).      Støgt 
regifter  pedigree,  genealogy.     -rcefte  fe    foløe 
Støgtdbegrrb  generic  notion,   notion  of  genu- 
Støgt AbejTriPelfe  generic  description.     Støff- 
flab  n  reUtlonship,  consanguinity;  ektm  afflnlty 

—  StøgtftabålaPl  breeding  in-and  in.     -forbin 
belfe,    -forbofb    connection.      StøgtØnnpn   (t 
5(oegtnaon.    Støgtftottbeb  family  pride.    SUrgt 
taPle  pedigree.     StøgtPaaben  Cam  11  y  coat  of 

Støt'  a  fe  Stat. 

Støtte  vt  vL  (en  Snbe)  check. 

tStøne,  Støaing,  fe  Slot. 

Støttg  n,  pi  =,  crowd,  train.     'Støttg  a  *t  c 

er  fling,  toss.    Stønge,  -te.  t  vt  fling;  *vi  dangle. 

lie  about  (in  a  disorderly  manner),  knock  aboui, 




i  die,  loiter;  Tabe  noget  ligge  og  .  leave  s  thing 
about.  ©langen  c  flinging.  *©l«ugeoane  idl- 
ing  habit.  ©Icengj  tappe  8panlnh  cloak.  -fa« 
O;  diagonal  hanging  knee.  -toft  blown  kiss. 
~-na*m  nlckname.  *-ørb  taunt,  fling. 
eianttt  fe  Slentet. 

©leet'    c  mowing;  fe  friotte-,     t-fatt  goshawk, 
Falco   palumbariw.      t-følt    mowers.      t-UMttb 
mower.    t©l*itetib  mowlng-season. 
61*0  e  fe  Staalorm. 
t@Uj  a  Black;  lazy. 

&l#jb   c  bandicrafl,    handwork,   home   arts. 
-forening  Home  Arts  Association. 

©løje  øs  be  slovenly  in  one's  dress  el.  at  work. 
Sløje  c  fe  Sjufte  c. 

©løjen  c  af  slovenliness,  neglige  nee. 
Sløjfe  c  -r  (tø*)  bow,  (tnottet)  (bow-)knot. 
©løjfc  trtraze,  demolish,  level  wi tb  theground, 
mut  slur;  ./S?  drop,  discard,  (ojfloffe)  discontinue. 
_  ^orftaoelfen  dock  the  initial  syllable.  -bue  mut 
tie,  bind,  slur.  Sløjfning  c  razing  etc;  mu* 

+6Uj'frafte   c  gown.      -fjole    child's   frock. 
•In«  &  head-knee,  check- knee. 
*6Ufe  c  fe  ftoanne. 

©Ur  c  leadlng  wind,   for  en  -  when  sailing 

©ler  a  ti,  slack. 

©Ur  n,  p/  =,   veil;   $  indusium.     ©Ure  vt 
©Ure  r»  sail  large. 

©Ure  ri  (om  tøolt)  become  slack,  fetch  way. 
SU'rjfrt  a  veilless.    -tot  veil  net.    -ugle  barn 
owl,  JStrix  flutnmea. 

©Ufe  vt  &  i  (Xib  og  $enge  bort)  waste  (time 
and  money);   gaa  og  ~   be  Tdling  about.     -ri'  n 
t©Ur  c  fe  Sleb. 

©UV  a  blunt,  (ogfaa  fig)  obtuse,  fig  dull, 
stupid,  imbecile;  -  Sanfe  blunted  lance.  ©Ub|c, 
-fiøre  øf  blunt,  dull,  hebetate.  -elfe  c  hebeta- 
tion.  -gørenbc  a  hebetating.  -|eb  c  bluntness, 
etc;  stupidity,  imbecility.  -ftnb  imbecility. 
-ffoet  a  smoothshod. 

©ntto  a,  pi  af  Siben,  £iHe  (F  og  beb  eoll  ogf. 
ting)  small,  eotnp  minbre  smaller,  less,  tuptrl 
minbft  smallest,  least;  (liben,  ringe)  little,  pet  ty, 
diminutive;  be  -  the  little  ones;  ben  -  the  little 
one;  bu  - !  little  one !  be  fmaa  profeter  the  Leaser 
Prophets;  fta  -  af  from  childhood,  from  ehildren; 

-  Slag !  steady !  gently !  Store  og  ~  great  and 
small;  t  bet  -  on  a  small  scale;  banble  i  bet  . 
deal  in  retail;  bet  er  -t  for  tjam  he  is  in  straitened 

circumstances;  bet  er  -t  om  el.  for is 

»carce;   i  -t  font  ftort  in  great  and  little  things; 

—  <>dv  fmaat,  faa  -t  adv  by  little  and  little, 
slowly,  gradually;  mildly;  faa  -t!  handsomelyl 
jeg  b,or  faa  -t  fibft  til  at  I  have  half  a  mind  to, 
man  taler  faa  -t  om  .  .  .  it  is  whispered  .  .  . 
6ntaa|  afgifter  petty  charges,  -af*  spikelet. 
-baabe  small  boats.  -battet  a  hummocky.  -baabe 
pi  mutter  curses.  -betl  afin  Jack  snipe,  Scolopax 
ø'xllintUa.  -bitte  a  yery  little  el.  s.,  minlkin, 
pygmean.  -bfo?f  pi  little  barks,  -blab  leaflet. 
-blflbet  u  small-leaved.  -blommet,  -blømftrrt  a 
small-nprigged  el.  -flowered.  -blomft  floweret, 
floret,  -borger  petty  trådes  man.  -brøb  buns, 
mullins,  tea-cakes,  spieed  wheaten  bread.  -bnfte 
low  fhrobs.  -bo  country  town;  provincial  town. 
•boagtig  a  provincial.  -boger  small  showers, 
shon  squalls.  -boget  «  showery.  -bøger  book- 
lets,  booklings.  -bølger  waveleus,  ripples.  -børn 
little  ehildren.  -cirtler  less  circles.  -barniere 
small  steamers.  -belt  a  finely  divided.  -bigtr 
minor  poems,  s.  ly  ries.  t-breng  page.  -brenge 
pi  little  boys.    -brille  vt  quiz,  chaff.    -bor  ani- 

malcule.  -bottblab  ^  bractlet.  -fartøjer  pi  »mail 
craft.  -fejl  pi  small  el.  slight  errors.  -f efter 
small  tetes,  -fifl  small  fry.  -flag(er)  (af  3«) 
patche«  of  ice.  -følt  common  people;  (©øm) 
small  people,  little  ones;  (ironift)  bet  er  ilte  for  . 
it  is  notbing  for  a  poor  devil  like  you  el.  me, 
him  ofo.  -forfattere  authorlets,  authorlings. 
-forfeelfer  small  offences,  indiHcxetions.  -fugle 
little  birds.  -fOrfter  princelets,  princelinga. 
*-f«  fe  -toæg.  -fotgtniuger  skirmishe».  -gaber 
by-streets.  *-fljrb  codlings.  -glimt  pi  short 
giimps&s.  -grif c  little  pig*,  -grunbe  petty  rea- 
sons.  -gronet  a  granulated.  -gronte  vi  give 
little  grunis.  *-gnt  little  boy.  -gotlb  small  debts. 
•bøttbel  retail-business.  -banbler  retailer ,  huxter. 
-beb  c  littlenes.s  -bcbøaoub  mind  given  to  trines, 
frlvolity.  -Ijerrc r  lordlings,  fops,  dandies.  -bjer» 
uet  a  microceplialous.  -Ijøfte  vi  cough  slightly. 
•bngge  vt  chop  small.  -Ijuube  little  dogs,  toy 
-dogK.  -bbifle  vi  whiNper  softly.  -bOtter  little 
huts.  -bære  small  armies.  '  -jenter  little  girls. 
-Faardfolf  poor  people.  -tager  pt  pastry.  -la« 
bbtter  state-rooms.  -tueb  petty  artifice«.  -htnber 
nodules.  -fnurre  tn  mutter,  -føgc  vi  simmer. 
-tølft  Kmall  coke,  coke-dust.  -tøuge  petty  king, 
kingling.  -too^er  pi  Kmallpox;  be  mobificerebe  . 
the  varioloid.  -tørn  pi  gral  ns,  partiel  es;  n  fe 
fortorn,  -tørnet  u  small -grai ned.  -tørt  plain 
cards.  -tram(barer)  smallware,  pedlary-waren 
-frat  fe  -bufte.  -treaturer  pi  t  poultry;  *fe  -loag. 
-freb«  entomostracann.  -trOb,  -træ  Termin. 
-tugter  spherules.  -tul  small  coal,  slack.  -ttoag 
small  cattle.  -laben  a  smallish.  *-laft  small 
timber.  -le  n'  laugh  slily.  ©maalig  u  u^iagtig) 
minute;  (ubetpDelig)  petty,  trilling;  (nøjeregnenbe, 
intetftgenbe,  tom)  narrow-minded,  petty,  frivolous. 
©maaligbeb  c  narrow-mindedness,  smallminded- 
ness,  frlvolity,  litlleness,  pettiness.  ©maa|*lom 
redthroated  di  ver,  Colymbu*  teptentrionali«. 
-Inger  scuttles.  -Ion  falnt  flash  of  llghtulng. 
M«nbing  o  er,  fe  -manb.  -læuaté  vd  (efter)  feel  a 
faint  longing  (for).  -Ug  bulbule,  bul  biet.  -Ujer 
small  jokes,  t-vtonb  small  farmer  el.  freeholder. 
-ntenncfter  pigmies.  -nteftere  chamber-masters, 
garret-masterh,  mastermen,  single-handed  ma- 
sters, -mønftret  a  small-pattemed.  -mønt  small 
coin,  change.  -nonne  tn  bum  softly.  -nonnen 
low  humming.  -nodle  fe  yittfU.  -ømtøfrninger 
petty  expenses.  -omftornbigbeber  in  cl  den  te,  little 
matters,  -orb  pi  particles.  -gatter  s.  parcels. 
-penge  pi  change.  -piger  pi  little  girls.  -pletter 
little  spots,  -pint  miscellaneout)  trifles;  i  „  adv 
by  Uttle  and  little,  in  dribleta.  -pølttit  vestry 
politics,  -prittet  a  with  small  dot«,  -pnbfig  a 
drollish,  rather  funny  (in  a  Kmall  way).  -pu9> 
linger  little  toddlers.  -rebfel  duen  in  kind  to 
a  country  clergyman,  s.  tithes.  -regn  drizzle. 
-regne  vt  drizzle.  -rejfer  pi  short  el.  easy  jour- 
neys.  -riger  petty  kingdom.s.  -mb  et  a  small 
-chequered.  -fager  trifles.  -falg  retail.  -febler 
little  slips,  -fejl  small  sails.  -ftnb et  a  small 
•minded,  -ftaaren  «  cut  small,  -ffibe  small 
ships.  -ftiUinger  fe  -penge,  -ftøo  copse-wood, 
underwood.  -ffrift  small  hand-writing.  -ftrifter 
pi  tracts.  -ftulpe  ^  silicle.  -ftflfl  ^  lodicle. 
•fftrnbe  vi  grumble.  -ftærni  ^  partial  umbel. 
-(mile  tn  smile  faintly.  -fnafte  vt  mutter. 
-fnatten  c  muttering,  -fnapfe  vi  take  a  whet 
now  and  then.  '-fpøøe  whimbrel,  Numenius 
phæoput.  ^-fpringc  tn  run  leisurely,  with  short 
steps,  trot.  -fiab  fe  -bp.  -ftabØ  trinkets,  nick- 
nacks.  -ftater  petty.states.  -ften,  -ftene  pebbles. 
•ftenåbanfe  bank  of  pebbles.  -ften*frnbt  pebble 
powder.  -ftilet  a  small  type.  -ftj<rle  vi  pilfer, 
filen,  -ftorme  pi  petty  storms,  -ftribet  a  narrow 
-btrlped.    •ftnmper/  -potter  small  pieces  el.  bits. 




-ftobe  vt  pound  fine.  t-fnenb  page.  -fbob  $ 
involucel.  -tange  t»  hum.  -fat  light  grain. 
-f*et  pi  lakelets.  -tfttenbe  part  chatting;  a  fe 
gfaaorbig.  -tarme  pi  small  guts.  -ternet  a  small 
-chequered.  -ting  little  thing,  trifle,  small  mat- 
ter; trlfling  article;  bet  er  itte  -  at  it  is  do  light 
thing  to.  -tienefter  pi  little  services,  -torff 
codling.  -tøftfet  a  not  quite  right.  -trappe 
little  bustard,  OtU  tctrax.  -trobenbe  a  short 
•trotting.  -traf  pi  little  traits.  Smaatteri  n, 
-er  pi  trines,  small  matters,  minutlæ.  Smaa|< 
ture  p/  short  trip«.  -tt|l>eri  pilfer  i  ag,  petty  lar- 
ceny.  -tarenbe  «.-  Dåre  .  be  a  small  eater. 
-tnj  fe  Smaatteri.  -nbgifter  pi  petty  expenses, 
petty  charges,  petties.  -nejr  £  short  and  fre- 
quent  sbowers  of  rain  alternating  with  fine 
weather.  -per*  pi  versicles.  -btlbi  small  game. 
-bittigbtber  pi  jokelets.  -bom  a  smallish. 
-pafener  little  creatures.  *er  islets,  small  is- 

Smabber  n :  gaa  i  -  be  s  mathed;  flaa  i  -  smash. 
6mabre  vt  smash. 

Smag  c  (i  ttlm.)  taste;  (naonl.  Selfmag)  flavour, 
relish,  savour;  (Sanfen  00/ Jfo)  taste;  ($ienbouime< 
ligljeb  for  en  ftunflner,  Xibéolber  ofb.)  mariner, 
style,  way;  en  ilbe  .  i  Vtunben  a  bad  el.  unpleas- 
ant  taste  in  the  mouth,  uben  -  tasteless;  jeg  tyxt 
tabt  -en  (o:  (fonen  ril  at  f.)  my  mouth  is  out  of 
taste;  i  fflubenft'  -  in  Rubens'  style;  -en  (.  og 
©efjag)  er  forfteOig  tastes  differ,  every  man  to 
his  taste,  what  is  one  man's  meat  is  another 
man's  poison;  om  -en  laber  ber  ftg  itte  ftribe  there 
is  no  accounting  for  taste;  fatte  .  paa  give  a 
flavour  to;  faa  ~  paa  contract  a  taste  for;  _  for 
a  taste  for,  a  relish  for,  a  liking  to  el.  for;  ftnbe 
.  i  have  a  taste  el.  mind  for,  find  something 
to  one's  taste;  efter  min  .  to  my  taste,  fjaoe  gob 
~  have  a  good  el.  fine  taste;  i  famme  -  (font)  in 
keeping  (with).  Smage,  -te,  -t  vt  k  i  taste;  bet 
-t  gobt,  ilbe,  føbt  ofo.  it  has  a  good,  bad,  sweet 
etc.  taste;  bet  -r  itte  ilbe  it  is  not  unpalatable; 
bet  -r  bebre  (ogf.)  it  eats  better;  r  fortræffelig  (om 
en  bu)  fiRet)  is  excellent  eating;  inaen  9Rab  -r  mig 
I  have  no  relish  for  food  ofany  kind;  boorlebe« 
tyn  SRibbagimaben  -t  $em?  hov?  have  you  relished 
el.  enjoyed  your  dinner;  ben  Zone  tyoori  ...  -te 
mig  itte  I  did  not  relish  el.  enjoy  the  tone  in 
which  .  .  .;  bet  -er  mig  itte  I  do  not  like  it,  it 
is  not  to  my  liking;  labe  ftg  bet  -  eat  el.  drink 
with  good  appetite;  booriebe*  -r  benne  ©in  how 
do  you  like  this  wine?  ~  af  flavour  el.  smack 
of;  benne  ©in  -r  af  ftabet  this  wine  has  a  tang  of 
the  cask;  bet  -r  af  ingen  Xtng,  r  itte  af  nt  it  is 
quite  tasteless,  tastes  like  a  chip  in  porridge; 
bet  -r  af  ftrarøeb  it  is  suggestive  of  audacity; 
tybab  fral  bet  -  af  what  do  you  mean  by  that; 
bet  -r  efter  mere  it  tastes  morish;  ~  paa  taste, 
take  a  taste  of.  —  Smagefbtb  taste  specimen, 
sample,    -rebftab  fe  S  magiorgan. 

Sma'glfornemmelfe  perception  of  taste,  -fnlb 
a  tasteful,  ta*ty,  in  good  taste,  elegant.  -fnlb< 
Ijeb  c  tastefulness,  elegance,  good  laste,  -inbtrttt 
fe  -fornemmelfe.  -fnøp,  -Ug  gustatory  papllla. 
-Ug  a  (fom  tffe  fmager  af  nt)  tasteless,  having 
no  taste,  flat;  fia  in  bad  taste,  (om  $erfonj  with- 
out  taste.  -Uåfceb  c  tastelessness;  bad  taste; 
want  of  taste,  Smagning  c  tastiug.  —  Smagø> 
bommer  arbi ter  of  taste,  art-critic.  -emne  object 
of  taste,  -eone  faculty  of  taste,  -fortabt  a 
devoid  of  taste,  -forffet  difference  of  laste. 
-loren  æsthetics.  -nerve  gustatory  nerve,  -organ 
organ  of  taste,  -fag  matter  of  taste.  -fanS 
sense  of  taste.    -bart  work  of  taste. 

Smat'  c  sumac,  Uhus  conaria. 

Smat  (te)  c  -r  smack. 

Smattnge  c  4,  scuttlt-hatch. 

Smal'  (*fma1)  a  narrow;  .  om  iSioet  alendt: 
-waisted;  •  ftoft  Xaring  scanty  fare,  abort  con 
mons;  twere  paa  -  Jrofl,  (epe  -t  live  on  sbort  ooia 
mons;  bet  er  -t  meb  el.  om,  fe  ttnap  a;  bet  r. 
en  •  Sag  that  is  quite  easy;  bet  er  en  -  6*a  fn 
barn  that  is  an  easy,  a  small,  matter  for  hin? 
Smal  |  ben  small  of  the  leg.  -benet  a  spindk 
-shanked.  -Måbet  a  narrow-leaved,  angusii- 
foliate.  -bringet  a  narrow-chested.  -trommet 
a  Sunita  angusticlave.  -butte  pi  wasp-beetk? 
Leptura.  -bljr  one  year  old  hind.  *  Satair  e  r 
proo  sheep,  goat.  Smal|*enbe  narrow  ei> 
-folio  small  folio,  -fftlget  a  nmrrow-feUieu 
-tøf et  u  narrow-necked.  -bone :  i  Dog  er  - 
Itøttenmefter  we  are  on  short  commons  to-day 
Smal  i)  eb  c  narrowness.  Smalibinb  te  -csx 
-taftet  a  ((Jtletlo)  dog-nose  (hand-vice);  -  Stb^ 
tang  slide-plyer.  -linet  a  slender-walsted.  *-ln| 
fe  -ben;  &  small  round.  Smalne  n,  f valne**  ^ 
narrow;  taper.  Small  naf et  a  (9lbe)  catarrhia? 
(monkey).  -ran  fe  -otte.  -ftnlbret  a  narrcm 
-shouldered.  -ftttggetanarrow-brimmed.  -fnnbet 
a  with  pointed  toes.  -f noret  a  uarrow-guut,^, 
small-gauge.    -frribct  a  narrow-striped. 

Smtlte  c  blue-glass. 

Smal 'tæge  needle-bug,  Hvdrometm.  -ntnger 
pi  fe  -butte.    -*t$e  wood-cutter's  aze. 

Smaragb'  c  -er  emerald.  -grøn  a  e  mere  Id 
-green,  -mober  pellucid  agate.  -fSmnrngnne  * 
de.f  poet  emerald. 

Smaft  n  k  c  smack,  boss.  Smnffe  vi  smack 
the  lips  wheu  eating.    Smaffen  c  smacking. 

Smafter  pi  skins  of  new-born  lambs. 

^Smatte  vi  fe  @mafte. 

Smattet  u  dirty  and  slippery. 

*Smang  n,  pi  =,  fe  Smsge. 

Smang  e  feast,  treat,  junket.  Smanfe  n 
Junket.    +Smanferi/  n  junketing. 

Smeb  imp  af  Smibe. 

Srøeb'  (*Sme'b>  c  e  smith,  («roo-)  blatk- 
smith,  pære  fin  egen  Sbtte*  -  be  the  architect  of 
one's  owu  fortuue,  the  carver  of  his  own  for- 
tunes; a  self-made  man;  F  en  bel  -  quite  a  dab, 
a  very  dragon  (t,  til  at);  paftfer  paa  fom  en  . 
keeps  a  sharp  look-out,  sleeps  with  one  tye 
open.  Smrbbar  n  mail ea ble.  Smeb(b)e  vt  forge, 
.  et  tinflag  lay  a  plot;  .  en  fiogn  forge  a  lie,  . 
flftænfer  scheme;  —  t?i  work  in  the  smithy,  ham- 
mer; (om  J^eft)  overreach;  «  men*  garnet  er  Daiat 
strike  while  the  iron  is  hot,  make  hay  while 
the  sun  shines.  —  Smeb(b)eiarbejbe  smith's 
work.  -balg  forge-bellows.  -brcng  smith's.  ftp 
prentice.  -egfe  fe  SSfe.  -gang  fe  Wlbgaaft.  -gobl 
smith's  tools.  -baanbnært  tråde  of  a  smith. 
-bommer  sledge-hammer.  -j*rn  wrought  iron. 
•jftroéplaber  wrought-irou  piates.  -tone  blaok 
smith's  wlfe.  -tnl  small  coal.  Black,  culm 
Smebeltg  a  malleable.  Smebe|l«re :  goa  i  .  tie 
apprenticed  to  a  smith.  -ntrfter  master-smlth 
-Obn  fe  ®8]e.  -plet  forge-mark,  hammer-mark. 
-rebftab  smith's  tool  el.  implement.  -regning 
blacksmith'8  bill.  -ftotl  pi  scales  of  iron.  -fbenb 
Journeyman  smith.  -tang  tongs.  -Døgn  travel- 
ling-forge,  forge- waggon,  -borrrftcb  smith's  forge. 
Smcbje  c  -r  forge,  smithy.  Smebiefngl  fe  h\* 
ftjart.    Smrbnina  c  forging;  overreaemng. 

Srøel',  fmetfe  \t  Smat. 

Smetfer  a  fe  Smatter. 

Smelbe,  Smelle  fe  Smalbe. 

Smelt  c  euamel. 

Smelt,  Smelte  c  smelt,  Ormen**  «p*r{amu. 

Smeltbar  u  fusible. 

Smelte  vt  &  i  melt,  dissolve,  fuse,  llquefy; 
dun  om  <£rtft)  smelt;  fio  melt;  .  bort  melt  awny; 
-  b,en  i  taaret  melt  into  el.  in  tears,  be  dissolved 
in,  melted  to,  tears,  -  ooer  i  melt  into,  .  tommen 




tneb  merge  In  el.  into;  .  fammen  til  be  reduoed 
to;  -nbf  fio  melting;  -t  ©Ib  molten  el.  melted 
lead.  Smelte|bigel  cm d ble,  melting-pot.  -glaS 
enamel.  -grube  sump.  -bebe  melting-heat. 
-tutte  ameltlng-house.  -fcbel  pit.  -hmft  art  of 
smeltlng.  Smeltelig  a  fusible.  Smelteltgbcb  c 
fuslbility.  Sme(te|øbn(smelting-)furnace.  -pnnft 
melting  point,  -rum  heartb.  -fle  ladle.  -ftaai 
natural  steel,  German  steel.  •turne  fe  -Ijebe. 
Smeltning  c  melting  etc;  fusion,  liquefaction. 

©mergel  c  emery.  •bug  fe  -Iarreb.  -{llfe-fpaan. 
-lin*  emery  vice.  -fugle  emery-ball.  -fierreb 
emery  cloth.  -papir  emery-paper.  -pinb  fe  -fpaan. 
-fttoe  emery-wheel,  buff.  -fpaan  emery-stick. 
©mergle  vt  mb  with  emery. 
tSmerfing  c  grounding,  loach,  Cobitit. 

Smerte  vt  &  parcel. 

Smerte  c  r  paln,  ache,  smart:  (Sorø)  grief, 
affliction;  Ijan  Ijar  ftote  -r  be  is  in  great  pain. 
Smerte  vi  smart,  ache;  vt  pain,  (fJaleUø)  grieve; 
bet  -r  mig  bnbt  it  grieves  me  to  the  heart. 
-bUabet  a  not  unmixed  with  pain.  •bntmenbc 
fe  -ftiQenbe.  -fri  a  free  from  pain.  -frtbeb  pain- 
leBsness,  absence  of  pain.  -fnlb  a  painful. 
-fulbfteb  painfulness.  Smertelig  a  painful. 
Smerteltgbeb  c  painfulness.  SmertenØleJe  bed 
of  pain.  Smerteneffrig  cry  ofpain.  Smerte|rig 
a  poet  fe  -fulb.  -ftluenbe  a  soothing  el.  allaying 
pain,  anodyne,  anodynous;  -  SRibbel  anodyne. 
-fnf  groan. 

Smerting  c  parcelling.  Smcrtingdbng  caovass 
for  parcelling, 

*Smt'bbar  a  malleable.    Smi(b)e  vt  fe  Smebe. 

Smibe,  fmeb,  fmibt  vt  fling,  pitch. 

Smibig  a  limber,  supple,  agile,  actlve,  pli a ble. 
-gøre  øf  sotten.  -tyeb  c  suppleness,  pliability, 

*Smie  vt  k  i  fe  Smebe;  (fnitte)  whlttle. 

Smig  c  bevel-angle.    Smige  c  fe  ©migftof. 

Smiger  c  flattery,  adulation.  -bigt  adulatory 
poem.  +-fnlb  a  coaxing.  +-fnnfrner  artful  flat- 
terer. -ørb  fiattering  word.  -fang  nattering 

Smigre  vt  natter;  —  vi  for  flatter;  —  -  fifl  meb 
flatter  one's  self  witb,  -  meb  at  that  el.  to,  lay 
the  flattering  unctton  to  one's  soul  that;  .  flø 
meb  bet  £aab  at  flatter  one's  self  with  the  hope, 
indulge  in  a  hope  tbat;  .  flg  inb,  fe  $nbfmiøre. 
-n  e  fe  -ri.  -abe  a  fiattering;  libet  -  hardly 
flattering,  uncompllmentary.  -r  c  -e  flatterer, 
adulator.  -ri'  n  -er  flattering,  flattery.  -rfle  c 
-r  flatterer,  adnlatrcss. 

Smi'øftøf  c  bevel,  folding-rule. 

Smil  n  (t  c),  pi  =,  smile;  •brage  paa  en  smile. 
Smile  vi  (oøf.  -te,  -t)  smile;  -  ab  smile  at;  -  til 
smile  on.  —  SmUefbattnb :  træffe  paa  -et  smile. 
-fterbia  a  prepared  to  smile,  -bul  dlmple.  -nbe 
a  (om  Sanbffab  o.  I.)  smiling,  lovely. 

Sminfe  c  t  paint,  rouge,  faoe-powder;  fætte 
~  paa  fip  varnlsh,  glose  over.  Sminfe  vt  paint, 
rouge.  Smittfc|b«r  fe  3otb«rfpinat.  -boa fe  paint 
-box.  -bbibt  pearl- white,  blsmuth-white.  -f  opper 
paint  cups.  -trnlfe  fe  boofe.  -tapper  eolouring 
rags.  -ptaber  fe  -toppet,  -røb  \t  Salomon«  Seøl. 
•btnb  cosmetic  (water),  wash  for  the  face. 

Smiffe  vi  for  coax,  wheedle;  -  ab  en  smirk 
el.  smile  at  one.  -n  c  coaxing,  wheedling.  -r 
c  coaxer. 

*6mit'  c-  fjoer  -  oø  Smule  every  partlcle. 

Smit|føp»er  pi  small-pox.  -f øm  a  contaglous, 
infectious,  catching,  communlcative.  -fømtieb  c 
contagiousness,  infectlousness.  -fot  contaglous 
diiease,  infectious  distemper.  -ftøf  contaglous 
raiom  el.  matter,  virus,  con  tagion,  miasma. 

Smitte  vt  infect;  fe  »efmitte;  bliøe  -t  catch  the 
infektion;  blioe  -t  af  catch,  take,  —  vi  be  infec- 

tious ti  contaglous,  f  catch;  benne  Strøbom  -r 
ilfe  (oøf.)  this  disease  wlll  not  spread;  •  af  rub 
off;  .  an  typ  set  off.  Smitte  c  -r  infection, 
con  tagion.  Smitte|ftæreube  a  fe  -førenbe.  -fria 
free  from  contagion,  uninfected.  -førenbe  a 
communlcative  of  infection,  susceptible  of  con- 
tagion.    -gift  fe  Smitflof.    +-renfe  vt  deodorize. 

*Smof'  c  -fer  (ftinøertøtte)  staU. 

tSmøtt  n  prov  lard. 

Smabl  n  k  c  fllth,  dirt,  tafte  .  paa  throw 
dirt  on.  -aftrbt  waste  sheet.  -blab  low  paper; 
(i  ©øg)  fly-leaf.  -bigt  libellous  poem.  Smnbfc 
vt  soli,  dirty,  foul;  .  flg  til  dirty  one's  self. 
Smnbfiø  a  soiled,  (oøf.  fio)  dirty,  foul,  smutty, 
(eøennpttiø)  sordid.  Smnbftg^eb  c  dirtiness,  filth- 
Iness,  foulneas,  smuttineas;  -er  foul  el.  dirty 
language.  Smnbffe  vt  fe  Smubfe.  Smnbffet  u 
fe  ©mubffø  (iffe  fip).  Smnb*|ptet  dirty  spot, 
stain.  -ffrift  libel  lampoon.  -titel  typ  outer 
title-page,  bastard  el.  half  title. 

*Smng  n  fe  Smoøe. 

Smng :  i  -  secretly,  privately,  clandestinely, 
(up)on  the  sly,  on  the  quiet,  by  stealth;  .  (Sfrab.) 
cabbage.  -brcenberi  uulicensed  distillery.  -gøbft 
fe  Smugle«,  -banbel  smuggllng  el.  contraband 
tråde.  -t)anbler  contraband  tråder,  -frø  hedge 

Smngle  vt  smuggle,  run  goods.  -gøbø  smug- 
gled  el.  run  goods.  Smngler  e  -e  smuggier. 
Smngleri'  n  -er  smuggllng;  smuggling  trans- 
action;  greben  i  .  caught  smuggling.  —  Smng* 
lerlffib  smuggler.  -trofifen  the  smuggling  tråde. 
Smngling  r  smuggling. 

Smnglfføle  clandestine  school.  -trbfferi 
clandestine  printing-offlce. 

*Smnf  fe  ©mof. 

Smut'  a  handsome,  pretty,  flne,  fair,  comely; 
^ilip  ben  -fe  Philip  the  Fair;  bet  -fe  Støn  the  fair 
sex;  -t  Bejr  fine  weather,  (Borom.)  set-fair;  en  - 
^iftorie  a  pretty  business;  fifle  en  -fe  Zinø  say 
civil  things  to  one,  pay  one  compliments;  bet 
et  -t  af  $em  it  is  very  good  of  you,  —  fmuf  t 
ad  o  handsomely,  prettily,  nicely;  flribe  -t  write 
a  good  hånd;  bu  fibber  -t  i  bet,  bet  fer  -t  ub  for 
btø  nu  tron  you  are  in  a  nice  mess,  you  are  in 
for  it  dow,  here  Ib  a  pretty  kettle  of  flsh,  things 
have  come  to  a  pretty  pass;  ieg  maatte  -t  blioe 
ftemme  I  had  to  stay  at  home  like  a  good  child. 

Smn(  a  smooth;  -t  Sanbe  smooth  sea. 

Smnl(b)'  n  dust;  falbe  tyn  i  -  crumble  into 
dust.  -»-Smnlben  a  crumbling.  Smn((b)ne  vi 
k  t  fe  Smulte.  Smnte  c  -r  partiel e,  (ttrøb*) 
crumb;  en  -  a  little,  a  trifle,  a  bit,  slightly;  ben 
.  ^nbflbbelfe  b,an  Ijaobe  such  influence  as  he  had; 
iffe  en  .  Smør  not  a  particle  of  butter;  iffe  en  . 
bange  not  a  bit  afraid;  be  -x,  fom  falbt  fra  ben 
rige*  ©orb  the  crumbs  whlch  fell  from  the  rich 
man's  table;  r  et  oøfaa  ©røb  better  half  a  loaf 
than  no  bread.    Smnlc  vt  crumble. 

Smuibtb  c  smoothness. 

Smnlib)r|e  vi  k  t  crumble,  moulder.  -ing  o 

*Smn'ming  fe  Smøtelfe.  Smnrningåfrtn 
grease  cock. 

Smnrt,  fmn'rte  fe  Srarre.  Smn'rtteber 
leather  greased  with  train-oil. 

Smnffet  a  fe  Smubftet. 

tSmnt'  n:  flaa  el.  fafte  .  make  ducka  and 
drak  es. 

*Smnt'  fe  @mot. 

Smnt'  n  fe  @ibe».  Smnt|  hiding  et.  lurking 
•place,  (ene  fcrbbanlige)  haunt.  -ftbepd  ichneu- 
mon -fly. 

tSmntftcn  c  drake-stone. 

Smutte  vi  slip,  gilde,  slink,  steal;  .  inb  (om 
8tao  o.  I.)  take  earth.     Smntte  c  -r  secret  en- 




trance  ri.  paseage.  Smut[fti,  -»ej  by-way. 
-►-trappe  back-stairs. 

*Smljge  vi  fe  Smutte. 

Stttytie  n  r  ornament,  trinket.  Smt)tfe  vt 
ornament,  adorn,  deck,  decorate;  +  -  ub,  fe  Ub« 
fmtifte.  -fugl  ornamental  bird.  Smitten  c  orna- 
menting,  adorn  ment.  Smpttejftrtn  jewel-box, 
casket.  -ften  precious  s  tone.  -art  ornamental 
plant,    -otffe  fe  -ftrin.    Suttttninø  fe  ©mntfen. 

Smorbe  vt  abuse,  revile.  Smabe|biøt  libellous 
poem,  lampoon.  -naøn  opprobrious  uame,  nick- 
name.  -orb  pi  invective,  abuse.  -fanø  fe  -bigt. 
-ffrift  libel,  lampoon.  -ffrtber  libeller,  -øerø" 
libellous  verse.    -bife  libellous  song  el.  ditty. 

Smægte  vi  Languish,  pine.  -n  c  languishing 
etc.  -nbe  a  languishing.  +Smaøtig  [tja  slim, 

Smae!'  n,  pi  =,  rap,  smack,  flick;  fe  §(ue;  F 
faa  .  for  ©lifltngen  get  the  full  value  of  one's 

Sntftt|fcb  a  plump,  very  fat.  -flU'ifc  c  F 
hussy,  minx.  -fntb  a  fe  fcrop«.  Smatte  (ogf. 
fma!)  vi  &  t  smack,  rap;  -  en  ober  fingrene  give 
one  a  rap  on  the  knuekles;  ~  en  S)ør  i  slam  a 
door;  •  meb  Xungen  smack  wlth  the  tongue;  - 
meb  rn  røift  crack  a  whip;  -be  Ijam  en  paa  fret 
dealt  him  a  box  on  the  ear.    Smatte  c  -r  (f.  (Jf8. 

S^luef .)  flap;  (til  »arn)  blb;  («rbft«)  »tomacher. 
matten  c  smacking  etc. 

Smatter  a  slender;  slim.  -beb  c  slenderness, 

Smat|ft)0  fe  ©mælb«.  -Iaa8  catchlock,  spring 
-lock(-lateh ,  snap),  -la  al  nøgle  latchkey,  cllcket. 
-oreb  a  very  an  gry. 

Smalb  n  (ogf.  c;,  pi  =,  crack,  smack. 

Smalbc  vi  &  t  (meb  røtft)  fe  i  malte;  -  en  $tftol 
af  snap  a  pistol;  -  ©øren  i,  -  meb  $»ren  slam 
et.  bang  the  door;  ffælbe  og  -  scold  and  make 
a  noi*e.  Smoelbe  c  fe  ©mælber.  Smalbe  c, 
Smafbeibtømft,  -gro?«  bladder-campion,  Silene 
infiata.  Smalben  c  craeking  etc.;  S  fælben  og  - 
pcolding  and  abuse.  Smalber  c  -e  snap-bug, 
skip-jack,  click-beetle ,  *pring-beetle ,  Etater. 
*Smalberter  pi  knackefs.  Smalb  |f  eb  fe  ©mat«. 
*-gnntmt  chawing  gummi,     -ttjl  smacking  kiss. 

Smalc  vt  (om  tfaabbr)  bray,  bell. 

'Smatte  vi  fe  Smutte;  vt  slip  (through),  pass, 

tSmøge  o  -r  narrow  passage. 

6 møge  vt  (af)  slip  off,  pass  off;  .  op  tuck  el. 
truss  up;  -  paa  slip  on;  £  put,  Blip,  pass  over. 

Smøg  n  &  c  smoke  (of  tobacco),  whiff.  Smøge 
vt  (rbge,  røge)  smoke,  (TOurften)  heat.  6møgen  c 
smoking.  Smiger  e  -e  smoker.  Smøgntng  c 
smoking;  heating. 

*Sntøje  fe  ©mætte  vt. 

tSutøt  n  slowback,  slug.  Smile  vi  dawdle; 
-  meb  et  Srbejbe  have  a  work  long  In  hånd;  fjan 
-r  meb  flt  Strbejbe  he  Is  slow  at  work;  -  fin  tib 
bort  ldle  away  one's  time.  —  6møte|f)øbcb  fe 
Smøl.  -rt'  n  dawdling;  slowness,  tardiness. 
-Børn  a  slow,  tardy,  dilatory. 

Smør  pi  a  drubbing:  ban  fif  .  (ogf.  fio)  he  was 
pltched  In  to,  (nogle)  orbentlige  «  a  regular  drub- 

Smør'  n  butter;  brunet  -  browned  el.  burat 
butter;  fmeltet  .  clarified  el.  melted  butter;  f 
fbnge  meb  -  sing  as  if  one  had  a  hot  potato  in 
his  mouth.  Sntør|agtlø  a  buttery,  butyraceoua. 
•beftrøget  a  buttered.  *-btib  o  smirklng,  simper- 
ing.  •blomft  butter-cup,  BanunctUu*.  -bøtte 
butter-tub.  -bannelfe  formation  of  butter.  -bejg 
puff  paste.  -brøj  a  yielding  much  butter. 
•btoppflfe  melted  butter. 

Smøre,  fmu'rte,  fmu'rt  vt  smear;  (meb  ftebt) 
grease;  (meb  Olie)  oil;  (SRaffinert;  lubricate;  (meb 

Salbe)  salve,  anoint;   (meb  Sotbe)  soap;   (foftE?; 
bribe,  tip,  grease  one's  fist;  (brugte.)  lick,  thirn^t. 
(flrice  flet)  scribble,  scrawl;   (male  flet)  daab;  . 
enø  Kbg  curry  one's  bide;  .  £afrr  take  to  o»r* 
heels,  give  leg-bail;  ben  fom  -r  gobt.  tører  øøb:  li 
you  grease  a  cause  well,  It  wiU  stretcb;    f  in 
Sif,  fom  bet  bar  fmurt  it  went  on  swimming'y; 
•-  i  en  noget  make  one  belleve,  palm  eomethii:? 
off  upon;  .  fig  meb  Xaalmobigb^eb  arm  one's  &t-If 
wlth  patience,  possess  one's  soul  in  p*tiencf 
_  en  om  9Runbm  gull  one,  impose  upon   one- 
coax  one;  *~  oi>  lick,  thrash;  -  Smør  paa  9rr* 
butter  bread;  fip  ~  tbft  paa  lay  it  on  thick;   *- 
t  i  l  en  let  drive  at  one.    Smøre  c  fip  &  f  r$n4 
el.  Saar)  cut;  wound;  (lab,  Stabe)  loss,  daznaf  € 
Smøre  |  gang   oli -groove,   -track.     -|ame  (Twx  ) 
grease-cock.    -tammer  grease-box.    -tanbc  lu  bh 
rating  can.    -tørt  oiler.    -lop  lubricator,  oil-eup 
•tran  fe  -b,ane.    Smørrffe  c  grease.   Smøjrrmibøel 
lubricaut.    Smøren  c  smearing;  greaslng;  ollin* 
etc.;    licking    etc.;    se  rib  bl  in  g   etc.     fe    Smøre. 
Smøreolie  lubrirating  oil.     Smører  c   t  scrfb>- 
ler;  (baarlig  røa(er)  daulier.    Smøreri'  n  scraw; 
in  g  etc.,   scrawl,   scribble;   (flet    SH  alert)    daub 
Smøreftøf  lubricant. 

Smørlfarue  annatto.  -fjerbiug  butter  firkin 
-form  butter-print,  -stamp,  -fugt  yellow  wa< 
tail,  Motacilla  /lava.  -fttftaøe  butter-barrel 
■f-føbr  fig  supply  one's  own  consumption  of 
butter.  -grøb  fe  grløjie«.  -baubel  butter  tråde. 
•banbtrr  dealer  in  butter,  butter-man.  -bønb- 
terftc  butter  woman,  -wife.  -lyøtbig  «  rich  m 
butter.  •b/olbigb/eb  amount  of  butler  (In  the 

Smøring  c  greaslng,  oiling,  lubricatlng. 

Smør | tage    paste  -cake.     -tanbe    butter  -poi; 
butter  dish;  (ril  fmeltet  S.)  butter-boat.     -(øst 
fe  -b,anblerfTe.     -tringle  ring-twisted  paste  cake. 
-trutte  butter-crock  el.  -pot.    -trirmmer  fe  b^inr. 
ler.    -tårne  churn.     -tøler  butter-cooler.    -Ccab 
J,  cape-fly-a way.    -luu*  «i,  allowance  of  butter. 
-marteb  butter-market.  -øttivø  butter-keg.  ^tié 
price  of  butter.    -brobuftiø*  produce  of  bntter. 
-pnlber   butter-powder.      -pære  burrel,    butter 
pear.     SmørrcDrøb  n,  pi  =,  bread  and  butter; 
et  (Stpfte)  -  a  piece  of  bread  and  butter,  (bobbrit. 
meb  $aa(æg)  a  sandwich;  brt  er  tun  et  .  tbat  L« 
an  easy  matter.     tSmørret  «:   le  faa  .  smile 
slyly.     Smørlfance  melted  butter,  butter-sauce. 
-fibe   buttered   side.      -ftaal   butter- bowl.     -1te 
butter  spoon.    -fttjlb  rent  of  land  pald  in  butter 
-ftftter  i  Jack  of  the  bread -room,   yeoman  of 
the   s  tore -room,    fe   -føger;    cont  rapier,    pamp. 
•flire  butyric  acid.  -føger  butter-searcher,  piercer. 
-tienbe  tithe  of  butter.     -trug  kneading-trougb. 
•troc,  -tønbe  butter-barrel.    -nbbbtte  produce  of 
butter.      -bøgs    butter- waggon.      -orltemaftiae 
butter-worker.      •arltuiuQ    working    of    butter 
•defte  butter- box;    f  Snat  for  bin  -!  fiddle<tick: 
•atter  butyric  ether. 

*Snøal  a  queer,  funny. 

*6uaat>e  vi  stumble. 

+©nab'  e  bit,  mor&el. 

Snabel  c  -bier  snout,  nozzle;  (paa  Clefant) 
trunk,  proboscis;  (p.  Snfett  og  joc)  proboscia; 
(p.  Sto)  point;  (p.  tøf  bær)  fore-end;  ^  beak. 
Snabel! bjørn  sloth-bear,  Umu  labiattu.  -fif! 
beaked  bandoleer-fish,  CAelmon  tonpirwtri*.  -fer- 
mig  a  proboscidiform.  -fto  point  ed  ahoe,  peaked 
shoe.    -ftøf  J>  round  bead.    -^Snaitet «  beaked. 

♦Suabbe  c  -r  cutty(-pipe),  (af  Xræ)  brier;  (©aab) 
cock-bill  boat. 

Snab|ber  c  fe  Snabren.  *-anb  fe  Jhtaroflb 
Snabrr  vi  cackle,  (om  rønber)  quack;  fip  gabble, 
jabber.    Snabren  c  cackling  etc. 




C  nage  et*  rummage,  snuff  about.     Saaøen  a 

3naf    c    twaddle,    fudge,    stuff,    nonsense, 
talkee-talkee;   aa  .  i   nonsense!  bet  et  bare  -  lt 
is   all  my  eye,  all  moonshine;  føre  -  tell  tales, 
i^ossip.   fjer  bjafyer  ingen  -  there  la  no  help  for 
i  t ;   uben  otbere  -  wlthout  farther  ado  el.  nonsense; 
flioc   ftg  i  -  mrb  enter  into  conversation  with; 
flitoe  en  -  for  Sengene  give  one  fair  words  instead 
of  money.    Snalfc  vi  chat,  prate,  talk,  chatter; 
bu  fan  Jagten*  _  it  is  all  very  fine  for  you  talk- 
ing;  fjan  Ian  -  Qanben  et  £re  af  he  can  talk  any- 
r>ody  over,  talk  the  leg  oft'an  Iron  pot;  fe  SRunb; 
_  en  noget  for  make  one  belleve  something;  - 
en  noget  fra  wheedle  one  out  of  something;  - 
ftg  fra  nt  gloss  over  st;  -  en  fra  noget  dissuade 
ooe  from  el.  talk  one  out  of  something;  -  frem 
og  tilbage  om  ring  the  changes  on;  .  o  Der  fig 
rave,  talk  wildly.   —  Snalfebjørnet  f  :   i  .  in 
the  conversational  humour.     Snatten  c   talk. 
Snatter  c  -e  talker.     Snafferø/bø  c  f  fe  Snaf. 
&ttatte|fafig  a  loquacious.   talkative,  garruloos. 
-fatiøbcb  loquacity,  garrulity.    -fbø  a  excessively 
talkative,  open-mouthed.    -fuge  passion  for  talk- 
ing,   -faftcr  gossip,  pratJng  wdman.     -tt\.  babe 
gobt  -   have  the  gift  of  the  gab.     Sna!|føm  u 
talkative,   (mere  foragt.)  loquacious,    garrulous; 
nat  meget  -  had  a  great  deal  of  eonversation, 
et    meget  -t  SRennefte  a  great  talker;  gøre  en  « 
draw  one  out.     -fømlicb  c  talkativeness,  loqua- 
city, garrulity. 

éuup  bane  c  r  freebooter,  partizan.  -laa* 
«.pring-Iock.  Snappe  tt  snatch,  snap,  (efter  at); 
_  efter  Sejret  gasp  for  breath,  catch  at  one's 
breath;  +.  op,  fe  Opfnappe. 

Bnapi  c    t  dram.   —   Snapfelbrtften  dram 

drinking.  -briller  dram-drinker,  tippier.  Snobfe 

vi  drink  drams,  tippie.    Snabfcr  c  -e,  fe  -britter. 

Snapfrlflaffe  dram- boule,    -g  løj  dram-glass,  pi 


Snap!  ffUbpabbe  snapper,  snapping  turtle,  Cke- 
lydra  »erpentina.  -flab  snap  »hot.  -ffijbntnø 

Snapsting  n  (f)  term-time  (in  summer  at 
Viburg  in  Jutland);  p  joc  drinking- party. 
•©nar  n,  pi  mm,  thlcket. 
Snav  a  quick,  swift,  flect;  —  fnart  ado  soon, 
quickly,  shortly,  (nu  -i;  presently;  (naflen)  al- 
most;  -t  eder  fent  sooner  or  la  ter;  -t  op,  -t  neb 
now  (el.  sometimes)  up,  now  (el.  sometimes; 
down;  -t  fagt  not  far  from;  ilte  (ret)  faa  -t  not 
in  a  hurry;  tf  fe  faa  -t  .  .  .  før  no  sooner  .  .  . 
tban;  fnarere  sooner;  rather;  fjor  -ere  bunbet 
enb  tabt  i  Starte  has  increased  in  strength,  if 
anything;  fnareft  muligt  as  soon  as  possible;  at 
your  earliest  convenience;  bet  er  -tft,  (maa  -eft 
talbe«)  .  .  .;  it  is  .  .  .  if  anything. 

Snare  c  -r  snare ,  gin,   springe;   lægge  -r  for 
lay  snares,   spread  toils  for;   falbe  i  -n  fio  fall 
into  the  trap,  swallow  the  bait. 
*  Snare  tt  twist,  twine. 
Snarebbife  c  quick* vinegar. 
Snare  ifnlb  a  full  of  snares,     -garn  net  (for 
catching  deerj.     -rl)be  snared  ptarmigan.    -f«i» 
toinø  trapplng.    'fatter  trapper. 

Sna'rfføbet  a  swift-foottd.     -beb  c  swiflness, 
Snarjarn  n  blckern. 

Sna'rltg  a  speed y;  adv  quickly,  soon.  — 
+ Snar  j  malet  a  quick  of  speech,  voluble. 
-raabig  a  quick  in  emergencien,  ready,  present. 
-raabigbeb  readlness  at  need,  quickness  at 
expedlents,  presence  of  mind,  resource. 

tSnarrer  c  -e.  Ssarrcbroøfcf  field&re,  Tyrdtu 

pilaru:   flor   .   misselthruKh,  Turdut  viscivoru*. 

Øna'r | finbet  a  mhort-tempered.  -fti  Nhort  cut. 

•tatenbe  a  voluble.  -talenbeb  c  volubility.  -tnr 
short  el.  flying  visit,  pop  vlMt.  *-i*nft  a  q^ulck 
(of  thought).  *-oei  short  cut.  *-veabing:  ten- 
in  a  twinkling,  at  a  moment's  notice. 

Sntff  c  p  manger,  crib. 

8naffe  vt  &  i  champ  one's  food  with  a 
smacking  nolse.    6naffcn  c  s  macking. 

6natteri'  n  pllfering. 

6nan  o  fe  Snob. 

°Snan  a  bare,  bald;  de.stltute;  J,  (om  Winb) 
shy,  (om  ^artøi)  snug.    6naue  vt  bare. 

*enaøl :  p  bolb  - !  hold  your  jaw ! 

6naod  n  dirt,  rllth,  muck;  fig  tras>h,  rubbiah; 
tratte  en  op  af  -et  ruise  one  out  of  the  mire;  jeg 
agter  bet  tf  fe  mere  enb  bet  -  jeg  tracer  paa  it  Ih 
no  more  than  dirt  to  me,  I  value  it  no  more 
than  the  dirt  on  my  *hoe*.  6naofe  vt  dirty, 
soil.  6na*feri'  n  fe  SnaoS.  6nabfet  a  foul, 
dirty,  filthy,  solled. 

Sne  e  Rnow;  faa  ^bib  fom  -  (as)  white  as 
snow,  white  as  driven  el.  newfallen  snow;  ben 
-  fom  falbt  tf  i  or  last  year's  »now.  Sne  v  imptr* 
snow;  -  neb  be  snowed  up,  be  buried  in  snow. 
-bar  a  snowle**.  -bebattet  a  snow -cover ed. 
•bjarg  snowy  mountain.  -bllnb  a  snow  blind, 
dazzled  by  the  snow.  -blfnbbcb  snow-blindness. 
-blømft  flower  that  bloa^oms  under  the  snow. 
-bolb,  t-lølbt  snow-ball;  tafie  -  play  at  snow- 
balls;  rafte  -  paa  hnow-ball.  -bolbfafrninø  nnow 
-balling.  -bolbe,  -boller  pi  gelder  rose,  snow-ball 
trce,  Vibumum  opulu*;  laurbarblabet  -  laurestine, 
Viburnum  t inuit,  -brub  n  thawing  of  frozeu  snow. 
-bræ  nevé,  snow -fleld.  -bbge  Niiow-squall.  -bælte 
region  of  snow.  -barbuf!  snowberry  shrub, 
Hymphoricarpue  racemom*. 

Sncb  n  (twile);  paa  -  aslant.  Snebiø  a  wily, 
cunning,  crafty.  enebigbeb  wilinesM,  craft,  cun- 
ning,  Hubtlety. 

Snebier  [tSne'ter,  *6nétter]  c  -e  joiner,  (JlunftO 
cabinet-maker.  -arbejbe  Joiner's  work,  joinery. 
-breng Joiner' s  apprentice.  Snebf ere're  f e  Snebfre. 
Snebferlbaanbbart  joiner's  tråde,  -tone  joiner's 
wife.  -!rø  joiner«'  hall.  -Ub  Joiners'  Corpora- 
tion, -lim  (joiner's)  glue.  -(art:  bare  i  .  be 
apprenticed  to  a  joiner.  -meftcr  ma-ster  joiner. 
-f benb  journeyman-joiner.  -oarfMf  joiner's  tool 
el.  implement.  Snebtre  vi  do  joiner's  work. 
Sneblrrn  c  joinery. 

•fSne'bUbc  vt  fig  steal  a  march  upon. 

SneTbreb  fe  -fog.  -bribe,  -bbnge  suow-drift. 
-batte  cover  el.  coat  of  snow.  -battet,  -bart  a 
snow-covered,  snowy,  (om  Sialb)  snow-capped. 
Sneet  u  snowy.  Sne|falb  fall  of  snow.  '-fane, 
-fann,  -fonn  fe  brioe.  -ffalb  fe  -bjotrg.  -flage, 
-fiol,  *-flofe  flake  of  snow.  -fnug  fe  flage,  -fog 
snow-storm.  t-foøeb  overseer  of  the  snow 
-shovelling.    -fnlb  a  snowy.    -ffre  fe  ftanefvre. 

Sneg,  fneget,  fe  Snige. 

Snei øaaø  snow-goose,  Atuer  hyperboreut.  -garn 
net  for  catching  birds  on  the  snow. 

Snegl  c  -e  (meb  $u«)  snail,  Helix  (uben  ^ui) 
slug,   Limux,  (i  Ur)  ftasee;  (i  Pret)  cochlea;  f 
gammel  .  old  fogy. 

Snc'ølanØ  c  glare  of  the  snow. 

Snegle  vi  .  affteb,  frem  move  away  at  a  snail's 

Snegle | ben  pi  spiral  legs.  -bør  screw-auger. 
-balg  $  snail  trefoll,  Medie  go.  -bønne  snail 
flower,  Pkcueolu*  cantoalla.  -baaact  a  spiral, 
cochleary.  -brejet  a  spiral,  -fart,  -fjeb  a  snail'B 
pace.  -fjeber  spiral  spring,  -gang  a  snail's 
pace;  (boa  Strue)  worm  of  a  screw;  (paa  Søjle) 
vol u te;  (f.  dli.  i  ^aoe)  serpentine  el.  windlng 
walk;  (i  £ret)  cochlea.  -børn  feeler.  -bnft  snail 
-shell.  -bbalbinø  spiral  vault.  -linie  spiral 
line.    4-fen  a  snail-slow.    -f!al  fe  -rju«.     -flribt 




fe  -gang.  -trampe  cockle-stairs,  Winding -stairs. 
•traf  fe  -linie.  -ba(fe  (i  tti)  fusee.  -ve)  serpen- 
tine path,  spiral  road.    -bnnben  a  spiral. 

Sne'  Igranfc  limit  of  perpetual  snow,  snow -line, 
snow-level.  -Ijare  Alpine  bare,  Lepue  variabilu. 
•bob  heap  of  snow.  -btti  house  of  snow.  »tøib 
a  snow-white. 

*Snei  fe  Sneb.    Sneie  vt  af  bevel,  chamfer. 

Sne'fling  c  passing  shower  of  snow. 

*6nei|feu  fore-and-aft  sail.  -feiler,  -feiW« 
fartfri  fore-and-after.  -fritfftonnert  fore-and-aft 

Sne]  tafter  snow-shoveller.  -løftning  shovelling 
of  the  snow.   *-fott  sludge.   Mane  snow-storm. 

Btte'irtoffe  snow -drop,  Oalantku*  nivalu. 
-flatbt  n  snow-clad.  -løl  fe  -fpurb.  -(rage  Alpine 
crow,  Pyrrhocorax  alpin*«. 

tSneC  a  quick. 

Sne|(ag  »  coat  of  snow.  -lagen  sneet  of 
snow.    -lanbflab  snow-scene. 

*Sne(be  fe  Snælbe. 

Sne  (linie  fe  granfe. 

SncUer  c  hair- trigger.   -laaft  hair-trigger  lock. 

Snel|løb  soft  solder,  tin-solder,  -fttttte,  -ffbitel 
fly  shuttle. 

Sne)  taft  snowy  atmosphere.  -lag  n  fall  of 
snow.  -larfe  Alpine  lark,  Alauda  alpertri*.  -tøS 
o  snowless.  -manb  snow-giant.  -marf  field 
covered  wlth  snow.  -tnaéfe  mass  of  snow. 
t-«o8  trlfle.  *-nttt*  weasel,  Muitela  vulgært: 
-ploo  snow-plough.  t-plnbber,  -pløre  snow-broth. 
•pløjning  snow-ploughing. 

Sne|regn  sleet.    -regne  m  sleet. 

Snerpe  vt  f ammen  contra«,  draw  togetber  el. 
up;  .  Vtunben  fammen  purse  up  the  mouth;  — 
vi  be  too  narrow;  med  be  astringent;  —  «nbe 
a  astringent.  Snerle  c  -r  prude.  Snerperi'  n 
p ruden'.  Snerpet  a  prudish,  precise.  Snerpning 
c  contractfon,  astriction. 

Snert,  Snerte,  fe  Snoert. 

Sned  c  -e  score;  -e  Sange  scores  of  times.  — 
Snefe|«fUb  large  herring.  -tal :  i  -.  b.  f.  f .  -bi« 
udv  by  the  score,  by  scores,  -babfl  washing  by 
the  dozen. 

Sne|°jilrc  alpine  el  clustered  sazifrage,  *S'»x»- 
fraga  nivalu.  -flabe  damage  by  snow.  *f!ab( 
large  and  steep  snow -drift,  snow  cornice. 
•ftimmel  snow  monld,  Lanota  nivalu.  -{farm 
Ujærnb.)snow-shelter,  snow-shed.  -fro  snow  shoe. 
•fførpe  crust  el.  coat  of  snow.  -ffreb  snow-slip, 
snow  slide,  avalanche  of  snow.  -fTh  snowy 
cloud.  -folie  snow-sock.  -fpnrb  snowbird. 
snow  -  bunting,  Emberita  nivalu.  -ftømt  snow 
-storm.  *-fiøp  fe  -Fad.  -taage  fe  -tntle.  »-ti ting 
fe  -fpuro.  -tulle,  -ttttaing  thick  wlth  snow. 
•tappe  sheet  of  snow.  -ugle  snowy  owl,  Strix 
nyetea.  -banb  Bnow-water.  -nejjr  snowy  weather. 

Sneøer  o.  fl.,  fe  6næoer. 

Sne  |  øer  Ung  fe  -tputo.     -vinter  snowy  winter. 

tSnibbe  c  -r  set  down,  blow  up.  Snibbc  vt 
blow  one  up,  rate. 

*Snibet  c  joc  fe  SpibMjole. 

Snibe  vt  fr  Snitte. 

tSnibfer  c  -e  draw-knife;  blunder,  error,  tøi&e 
en  -  læ  fuddled. 

Snige,  fur  g,  fneg't  vt  smuggle;  vi  sneak;  vr 
fig  sneak,  slink.  skulk;  -  fig  mb,  fe  ^nbinige,  - 
fifl  inb  poa  ftjtnben  steal  upon  the  euemy,  _  flg 
om  i  Wørret  walk  by  owl-light;  -nbea  insidious; 
-nbe  fteber  slow  el.  low  fe  ver.  —  Snig  |  feber  b.  f. 
-Ijanbel  stnuggllng  el.  contraband  tråde,  -banbler 
smuggler,  contrabandist.  -fcaøn  cove  el.  harbour 
for  smuggling.  -løbe  fe  Snrb*.  -mørb  assaesi na- 
tion, -ntørber,  -mørberfle  assassin.  -ntorberfl  a 
assassin-like.  -mtirbe  vt  assassiuate.  -bej  secret 
path;  ab  -e  by  underhånd  means. 

Snitf nat  n  nonsense,  flddle  faddle,  fiddtesti:. 
(Tun  i  Ubraab>  prittle-prattle. 

•Snlt'(b)  o  kind,  good-natured. 

Snitb  a  shrewd,  ingenlous,  sag»ciou>;  - 
fnilbelig(en),  fnilbt  adv  ingenionsly,  artfab: 
-Ijeb  c  ingenuity,  sagacity.    -løbe  vt  fe  @nefe» 

Snitte  n  genius.    Snil(b)rig  o  ingeniou.« 

Snip  c  -per  snip,  tip,  end;  *fe  Slip;  -.,  Sss 
Snub«,  mit  Sbentpt  er  ube  snip,  snap,  snout.  n 
tale  is  out. 

Sttlpfte  c  -r  pipe-flsh,  Syngnatku*  ægn&rcw 

Snirtel  c  -tier  (Sneglelinie)  spire,  spiral  \xaf 
(paa  Søjler)  volute;  (meb  ^en)  flouri«h;  ^  (Z^ 
^allenterø)  worm.    SnirKct  a  full  of  flounsh« 

Snit'  n,  pi  s,  (meb  flarenbe  3nfrr.;  cut.  ^ 
cision;  (paa  *og)  edge;  (meb  Sao)  kerf;  (Xrar 
seotion;  (^aanbelog  o.  I.)  knack;  tøn  \aa  fir  -  i- 
saw  his  chance,  seised  the  opportunitT.  Snit 
bør  fe  Shue*.  -»romber  split  bumer.  -feørnl  - 
Snitte*,  -flabe  surface  of  the  cut.  -tøtl  paro.- 
-knife.  -Iaa(  summer  cabbage.  -flnb,  -flnp  du 
-stock.  -Inib  paring  -  knife  -laa#  match-lorc 
Snitling  c  -er  cutting,  slip.  Snit  i  Ug  chivec 
-fatat  prlckly  lettuce,  Lactuca  »cariola.  Snitfc 
fe  Snibfer.    Snittap  (Drap.)  Up. 

Snitte  vt  cut,  chip;  (om  træer )  prune,  lop 
(i  Ira)  carve;   (talge)  whittle     -botnl  oooper '» 
bench.   -btfnne  French  bean,  Pk  fetdut  vul&tru 
-j«rn  carving-iron.    -fnttt  (Sart.)  pruning  knift 
Snitter   c  -e  sickleman.     Snittefløle   cavrnn« 
•school.    Snitøarl  carved  work,  sculptnre. 

Snioe  c  glanders.  tSnibe  et  snirT,  snuf 
(fmaatoge)  simmer.  -f(øb  n  discharge  of  glanden 
-pntber  powder  against  the  glanders.  -fa« 
uleer  from  glanders.  -finitte  coniag/ion  of  tht 
glanders.  -ftatb  stable  for  glandered  ,hore«s 
Snibet  a  glandered,  aflected  with  glanden 

•Sno  e  frosty  breeze,  biting  wind.  Snø  r< 
blow  cold  (etp  down  the  valleys  in  winter;. 

Snø  tt  twist,  twine;  —  vr  fig  twist,  twine. 
wind;  fig  shift  and  turn;  Sejen  -r  fig  rnnbt  om 
$ø\en  the  road  winds,  wends  its  way,  round 
the  hill;  .  fig  fra  souffle  off,  shirk.  -abe  K 

Snøb'  c  -ber  snob.    Snobbet  a  snobblsh. 

Snog  [ofteft :  aa]  c  e  snake,  Cduber  —  Smøge 
bib  bite  of  a  snake.  -fyrai  slougb.  -^nt  anakeV 
nest.  -boidlen  hiss  of  a  snake.  -panbe  cowry. 
Ovprarn  moneta.  -rebe  snake' 8  nest.  -fpttt  ffotb 
-spit.  -unge  young  (of  a)  snake.  -fcnget  brood 
of  snakes.  -ag  snake's  egg.  -øgle  sk  Ink. 

Snohale  prehensile  tail.  -abe  sapajou,  CV6«# 
-bf*m  kinkajou,  Cereoleptee  caudi^olvoiu* 

Snoibet,  -fnoKet  a  puny,  mlnikin,  stumpy 

Snoning  c  twistlng;  Winding. 

Snør  c  -e  line,  cord,  string,  (ifar  flab)  lace. 
braid.  —  Snore |  befat  a  braided.  -frallc  bralded 
el.  laced  coat.  -løft  theat  loft  for  scenical 
machiuery.  -majer  c  -e  lace-maker.  Snøret  a 
laced,  corded.    Snørebart  lace- work 

Snørle  [*6]  vi  snore.  Snørlen  c  Rnoring,  snore. 
Snørler  c  -e  snorer.  Snørlenagten  J>  the  idlers 
Snørtføøe  vi  lie  snoring,  sleep  and  snore 

Snø'r|(ige  a  straight  as  a  line.  -løb  groove 
-orm  looper,  -ret  a  fe  -lige.  -flibe  string  sheare 
•flag  lining  out. 

•Snort  [6]  a  fe  Snurten. 

Snot'  n  snot,  snivel,  rheum.  Snøftet  o  snotty; 
>  Dreng  (Sf^lbéorb)  greenhorn. 

Snøø'  o  &  suow.    -maft  trysail-mast. 

-fSnøbfl  a  droll. 

Snønagt  c  torsion  •balance. 

tSnn  c  fe  ftp*. 

Snn  n  cunning,  crafty,  shrewd. 

Snnb'  c  p:  i  en  -  in  a  trice  el.  twinkllng. 




Gnubbe  vt  af  snub  off,  nip  off;  .  en  af  snub 

Snuble  vi  stumble  (ober  over,  against);  ligget 
-nbe  nar  Iles  on  the  surface.  Snnblen  c  srum- 
blingr,  stumble. 

Gnnbc  c  -r  snout,  muzzle,  noze,  nozle,  nozzle, 
(paa  Sfotøj)  toe;  rn  paa  -n,  fr  Snubebrag.  Snnbe|- 
biUe  weevll-beetle,  Ourculio.  -brag  facer,  slap 
ou  the  face.    -boor  whiskers,    -flag  fe  -brag. 

&nue  vi  sniff.  snuff,  snort;  f  ligge  og  .  (fobe) 
lie  snoring.  Snne  c  cold  (in  one's  head), 
catarrh,    -feber  catarrhal  fever. 

SnulKb  c  cunning,  shrewdneas,  finesse. 
6nnp'  fe  Snub. 
Snuppe  tt  hook,  nab. 

6nur'  c  Blight  intoxicatlon;  *twist;  fatte  $uen 
paa  -  throw  one's  cap  on  one  side  of  the  head. 
c@nurpe  vt  fe  Snerpe. 

©nnrre  vi  buzz,  hum,  whir,  (om  ftatten)  pur; 
(om  Rebel)  siug;  -  runbt  whirl  round  and  round. 
-  paa  „r"  trill  the  r;  bet  -r  i  mine  fingre  my 
fingers  tingle,  are  numb;  —  vt  whirl;  (Smør, 
&ebt>  fty;  -nbe  a  f  fuddled,  foggy.  6nnrre  c 
r  (paa  ©angfti)  turnstile;  fe  -potte.  *-baé  fe  -potte. 
-bro  fe  Somg<.  -n  c  buzzing  etc.,  hum,  buzz. 
-pibe  <t,  running  eye.  -piberi'  n  -er  gimcrack(s), 
gimcrackery,  nlcknacks.  -potte  whirligig,  hum- 

6  n  ur  rig  a  droll,  lud  i  c  rous,  queer,  whimsical. 

•beb  c  drollery,  exoentricity,  oddlty,  queerness. 

•©«nrt(en)  a  f  piqued,  cross,  sulky. 

Suuå   c  snuff,    f"   a  wigging,  a  rap  on  the 

knuckies;  en  -  a  pinch  of  snuff;  jeg  agter  bet  itfe 

en  ~  »<erb  I  don't  value  it  a  rush      Snuåbaafe 

snuff-box.     Snnfe  vi  k  t  snuif,  sniff;  (Xobat) 

take  snuff;   goa  og  .  omfring  go  pokiug  one's 

nose  everywhere;  .  efter  fig  nimmage  for,  pry 

in  to,    _    op   soent  out,   discover.     6  nu  fer  c   c 

snofTtaker.     Snnfet  a  snuffy.     Sn«d|fornnft 

commonplace,  prose.  -fornuftig  awould-bewise, 

wisely  stupid,  sage,  sapient,  senten tious; .  $erfon 

w  i  fieacre.    -tyane  prylng  fellow. 

Snuftet  a  f  shabby. 

Snu'dltrttlfl  a  cavilling.     -mølle  snuff-mill. 
-tobat  snuff. 
Snut'  c  (galen.)  duck,  honey. 
Sn&be,  fnob,  fnpbt  vt  (tøcefen)  blow  (the  nose); 
ffcpiet)  snuff  (the  candle);  fig  cheat,  take  in, 
\i  c  tim  Ise;   .   en  for  nt  cheat  one  (out)  of  st, 
P  wipe  one's  nose  ol  st;  -  vt  fifl  blow  one's 
nose;   -nbe  gal   in  a  passion.     +Snbbe  c  -re- 
prlmand,  snub.     Supbrfulb  a  maudlin,  qulte 
drunk.  6ttbber  c  -e  cheat,  rogue,  f  fe  Snqbe  c. 
Snttberi'  n  -er  imposition,  fraud,  swindle.  Snbbej> 
♦fint  fe  -breb.    -fraft  f  snout,  pro  boscis.    -breb 
n  F    in  a  passion. 
*Subg'  a  quick,  active. 
Snpfte  vi  sponge,   be  a  parasite:   vr  flg  inb 
insinuate  one's  self:  -  flg  til  cog.    Snplie|agtig 
a  parasitic(al).     -bi  cuckoo-bee      -bbr  parasitic 
auimal,  parasi  te.    -fine  parasitic  fly,  uiwtbotca. 
•gflrfi  parasite,   sponger,  hanger-on,  tOHd-eatør, 
ttvneher-friend,    trencher-mau,     led-captain. 
•boepØ  ichneumou(-tiy».     -trebd  para&itic  crab. 
•liv  parasitism.   -lpb  parasi  tic  el.  spurious  sound. 
-orm  parAHiiic   worm.     Snylter  c   -e,    fe  -bor, 
-plante.     Sttttiteri'    n   parasitism,    load  -eatiug. 
Snblte'røb  yellow  bi rd '.s-nest,  MnnoUapa.   -ftnb 
parasitical  »hoot.    -foamp  parasi  lie  fungus. 
Buabti  c  lavaret,   Coregonu*  oj-yrrhgnchun. 
Snftffe  c  -r  bark;  *sniling-boat. 
Snotte  c  -r  le  Snegl,    -bor  screw -auger.    -bjnt  I 
lUrm.)  maiu  wheel.  ; 

•Snotlbe  c  -r  (til  Mol)  splndle;  (til  Zraab  ofo.) 
Snappe  c  -r  snipe,  8coU>pax\  *gambet,  Totanus, 

"ribbenet  .  redshank  gambet ,  Totanu*  calidrii ; 
•grtnbenet  .  wood  gambet,  T.  glareoia,  *groa* 
benet  -  green  gambet,  Totanu*  ochropus.  -f  avgft 
catching  of  snipes,  -fifl  snipe -nsh,  Ccntriicu*. 
-jagt  sDipe-shooting. 

Gnsppert  c  -er  scarificator. 

6nsppe|frrnbd  wingless  emu,  apteryx.  -traf 
passage  of  woodcocks  el.  snipes. 

6nctre  vt  bind  up  tight;  vi  be  too  tight; 

•©nærf(e)  c  skin  on  bolled  cream.  •6nærle 
flg  vr  feather. 

6nsrtr  o  bindweed,  Convolvolu«;  climbing 
buckwheat,  Polygonum  convolvolu*. 

6norrre  c  bed-straw,  Oalium;  esp  goose-grass, 
cleavers,  harriff,  Galium  aparin«. 

6nsrre  vi  snarl,  growl.  -n  c  snarling,  growling. 

Snsrret  a  bitter  from  boiling  too  long. 

6nært  (*Snært')  c  -er  (paa  *ifT)  lash,  cracker; 
(i  Selabe)  stripe,  unevenness;  fig  (ogf.  n,  pi  — ) 
wipe,  sneer,  sarcasm;  ^abe  en  -  be  a  little  tlpsy. 
6nsrte  vt  lash;  fiø  sneer  at,  have  a  fling  at. 

*6næP  c  touch,  taste,  sprinkling,  dash,  spice. 

6«croer  u  narrow,  strait;  (om  ftlæber  ofb.)  tight, 
a  tight  flt;  i  -brere  gforftanb  in  a  more  restricted 
sense;  ben  -bre  *ort  the  strait  gate.  6nffber|fjeb 
c  straitnes8,  narrowness,  tightness.  -bjertet  a 
close,  narrow -minded,  Uliberal,  -bjertetøcb  c 
narrow  -  mindedness,  illlberality.  -fpnet  a  of 
narrow  views.  -føuetfteb  c  narrow  views.  6n(TPre 
vt  s  tral  ten,  narrow,  tlghten ;  vr  flg  inb  narrow. 
6nffbriitg  c  -r  narrow  pass;  ^  narrow  s  pi. 

+6n*bel  c  jackanapes. 

©mb  fe  6nqbe  vt. 

6iwfte  vi  snuff,  sniff,  (om  ^efie)  snort.  -n  c 
snoriug,  snuffing.  -bentil  (Smp.)  snifting- valve, 

*&u*t'  n  fe  Snot. 

6n«re  c,  *n,  -r  cord,  string,  (iicer  OTe-)  line; 
flfte  meb  .  fish  with  hook  and  line.  entre  vt 
lace;  (3ftfl)  catch,  -  op  unlace;  ~  til,  fammen 
draw  together;  —  vr  flg  lace  one's  stays,  til 
Stabigbeb)  wear  stays.  6nare|baanb  lace.  -bop, 
-bup  tag.  *-flf!e  fe  -fifleri,  -lifter  hand-liner. 
•fifleri  (hook  and)  llne-flshing,  hand-lining.  -bnl 
eyelet-nole,  eyelet  -fcebe  lace  of  silver.  -libfe 
lace  -lånte  fe  -tabe.  -naal  bodkln.  -re«  strap. 
-fttbler  pi  lace(-up)  boots,  (Samer!)  balmorals. 
Snøring  c  lacing. 

BustM,  ftwrflet,  fe  Snirkl. 

6 nor | lib  stays,  jump;  et  -  a  pair  of  stays.' 
-rotting  ratan. 

6n*bl  n  fe  Smøl.  6n*Ple  vi  snuffle,  talk 
with  a  snuffle;  fig  fe  Smole.  Snøblen  c  snufning, 
snuffle.  6n*Plelbooebn.  -per  c  fe  Smole.  Snøbler 
c   f  snuffler.    Snøbleri'  n  fe  Smøleri. 

fSntoft  c :  p  goa  fra  -en  go  out  of  one's  sendes. 

So  c  Søer  sow;  fpiHe  .  i  $ul  play  at  chuck 

Sob  c  ,1.  afterpieces  of  the  rudder;  (paa  Kgter« 
ftccDji)  false  stem  post. 

Sobel  c  -bier  sable,  Muttela  zibellina.  -ftinb 

+6ober  [fe]  a  sober. 

So  Iblare  sow 's  bladder.    -bøber  c  sow-geldcr. 

Social  a  so'cial.  -bemøtrat  Socialist  and 
Democrat,  Social  Democrat.  -iå'nte  c  so'cialUm. 
-ift  c  -er  ho'ciallst.  -ift'ift  a  socialistic.  -ton« 
tratt  social  coutract. 

Societe  t  n  -er  soci'ety,  mere  partnership. 

Sodniia  ner  c  -e  Sociirian.  -anU'men  c  So- 
cin'    -a'nft  a  Sociu'iau. 

Sob'  (t  &  *)  n  bro  Ih,  soup. 

Sob  c  soot. 

Soba  c  soda.   -afte  soda-ash.    -tage  soda  cake. 




•ønfber  bicarbonate  of  soda.  -forte  soda-soap. 
-urt  saltwort,  JSaltola.    -baub  soda-water. 

©o'b|brnn  a  sooty,  soot-coloured.  Søbet  a 
s oo ty,  fuliginous.  -flage  flake  of  soot.  -ty*ne  fe 
Sanbbøne.    -tuf  sootcoal     -olie  bircb-oil. 

6obo|nta  n  Sod'om.  -mi'  c,  -mi  tf  ri'  nsod'omy, 
buggery.    -mit'  c  -er  sod'omite,  bugger. 

©ø'b|ftang  scraper.    -ftiøertc  c  bistre. 

©øfa  e  -er  ro  fa,  couch,  lounge.  *-bonbe 
squireen.  -borb  sofa-table.  -bjørne  corner  of 
ihe  sofa.    -bube  sofa-cushion. 

©o Hi  ter  pJ  soffits,  flies,  heaven. 

©øfl'e  Sophia,  So'phy.  -ttrteit  the  church  of 
St.  Sophia. 

©øfifl'lme  c  -r  goph'ism.  -t  c  -er  soph'ist. 
•teri'  n  -er  sopb'istry.    -t'lff  a  sophlstic(al). 

©øgu  n  -e  parish;  -et«  Sottip e  the  parish  poor; 
tomme  paa  -etcome  on  the  parish,  become  charge- 
able  to  the  parish.  *©øgne  vi  til  belong  to  (a 
parish).  —  ©øgue|baaub  obligation  to  use  one's 
own  priest.  -baanbéføfer  one  who  has  released 
himself  from  the  „©ognebaanb".  -baanbflUfluing 
declaratiou  of  release  from  the  „Sognebaanb". 
-barn  parish  louer.  -bub  parish  messenger;  'visi- 
tation of  the  sick,  sick-  visit,  -bt)  vil  lage  of  a 
parish.  t-begn  parish  clerk.  f-føgeb  bailiff, 
constable  of  a  -fød  pi  parishioners. 
•forfcølbet  the  relations  of  parson  and  pa- 
risbioners. -førftanber  parish  couneillor.  -for« 
ftanberftab  fe  -raob  -fritjeb  liberty  to  leave 
one's  own  parish  priest.  -grotnfe  fe  -ftel.  -terre 
fe  -precft.  -bf  *lb  parish  relief,  -tafb  living.  -firfe 
parish  church,  parochial  church.  -menigt)  eb 
parish  congregation.  -pratt  fe  $rsft.  -raab 
parish  council,  local  board,  -raabflmøbe  meeting 
of  the  local  board.  -ffel  parish  boundary.  -fløle 
parish  school.  -ftcroce  parish  el.  parochial 
meeting,  -ttoang  fe  -baanb.  «bej  parish  road. 
-btbne  certificate  from  a  parish.  -bid  adv  by 
the  parish,  by  parish  es. 

©o 'grifl  c  so w- pig. 

©oigne'ret  a  well  taken  care  of,  well  looked 
after;  finished. 

©øiré  c  -r  soiree,  evening  party;  mu  fif  alf!  - 
musical  evening. 

©øj'a  c  soy.  -bønne,  -plante  soy-bean,  -plant, 
Dolichos  sojm. 

6of  c  -fer  (ogf.  theat)  sock. 

+©øf!e  vi  fe  éjotte 

©øtfebue  c  plumiped  pigeon. 

©øffet  c  -tier  socle,  plinth. 

éotttt  a  wearing  socks;  (om  fyugle)  plumiped. 

*©øfn  [6]  n  dredge.  ©ofne  vi  dredge,  drag 
(efter  for),    ©øfaebrag  creepers. 

©o  tra|te3  Soc'rates.    -'tifl  «  Socrat'lc(al). 

©ol  c  -e  sun;  'frurc)  Catherine- wheel ;  -enå 
obferoerebe,  fanbe  $*|be  the  sun's  observed,  true 
altitude;  -en  fiaar  op  the  sun  rises;  -en  gaar  neb 
the  sun  sets  el.  goesdown  -eni  Opgang  sun  rise, 
rising  of  the  sun ;  -end  9?ebgang  simset ,  setting 
of  the  sun ;  ubtat  for  -en  exposed  to  the  sun ; 
ftaa  i  -en  stand  in  the  sun;  meb  -en  (JKetning) 
sunwise,  with  the  sun,  mob  -en  against  the  sun; 
flaoet  meb  -en  right  -  han  ded,  right -band  laid 
(rope);  naar  man  taler  om  -en,  faa  flinner  ben 
speaking  of  angels,  one  often  sees  their  wings, 
fe  San  ben;  ingen  fRanb  unber  -en  no  man  under 
heaven;  ben  forbringftløfefte  røonb  unber  -en  the 
least  pretentlous  of  men;  fritte  -  og  Binb  mellem 
be  tæmpenbe  di  vide  the  sun  between  the  com- 
batants.  ©otjaaben  u  exposed  to  the  sun.  -aar 
solar  year.    -afftanb  distance  of  the  sun. 

©ølani'n  c  sol'anine. 

©øla'rlmilrøfiøt)  n  solar  microscope.  -olie 
solar  oil. 

©øhrSetfel  c  mere  sole,  single  el.  only  bill. 

©otjbab  sun-bath.  +-babe  ftg  vr  bask  in  ti? 
sun.  -batte  sunny  hillside.  -bane  orbit  of  tv* 
sun,  ecliptic.  -bar  a  sunny,  exposed  to  the  sna 
-beboer  inhabitant  of  the  sun.  -tet&jt,  -fcefttBsrt 
a  sun-lit.  -biOebe  image  of  the  sun.  t-bjorj 
simset,  -bjørn  helarctos.  -bl out  a  sanshixij 
-bleg  c  sunbleaching.  -blinb  «  blinded  by  tb: 
sun.  -blint  glimpse  of  the  sun.  *-blom  moes 
tain  tobacco,  Amiea  montana.  -bløntft  fe  -n£: 
•brømbt  a  sun-burnt,  tanned.   -brcenbt^eb  c  u^ 

©o  l børn f  c  arch  Bill. 

©o  l|bær  black  enrrant.  -botrbnf!  black-curr^ 
bush,  fiibea  nigrum.  -cirfel  solar  cycle,  cycl^ 
of  the  sun. 

©olb   c  pay;  fjalo  .  half-pay;  €»jnben#  -  r. 
Søben  the  wages  of  sin  is  death. 

*©olb  e  broken  bread  in  milk. 

t©ølb  n  (Xnftegtlbe) 

to  on  the  spree. 
»olb  n  og  *c,  pi 

P  spree,  carousal;  gaapo: 

coarse  sieve. 
-bafing  setting  of  th? 

©o 'l  I  bag  solar  day. 

©olba't  c  -er  soidier;   bare  -  be  a  soldirr 
tiene  Tig  op  fra  fimpel  -  rise  from  the  rank*   - 
©ø(bater|aanb  military  spirit.    -barn  soidier- 
child.    -bølig  soidier' s  dwelling.     -»røb  muci 
tion- bread.     -eb  military  oath.     -baanbxrrf  'i 
-ftaub.     -tjerrebøwme   military   government  et 
despotism,    stratocracy.     -tone    soldier's   vil'- 
-toft  soldier's  fare.    -litt  soldier's  life.    -momrr 
manner  of  soldiers.     -mffØfig  a  soldierly.  htr: 
.  unsoldierly.   -flab ;  flet  -  uusoldierly  condur; 
-ftanb  military  profession,   -tfenefte  military  ser 
vice.    -bid .  paa  -  after  the  manner  of  soldie" 
-bife  soldier's  song.    -b«f en  military  matters/' 
soldierly  manners.    ©olbatefl  e  c  soldiery,  mo* 
of  soldiers,  rabble  soldiery. 

©ølblbtnber  c  fe  -mager. 

©ølbr  vi  go  on  the  spree,  carouse,  tippl-:- 
tope.  ©olbejbrøber,  -wefter  tippier,  toper.  ^ 
rouser.  -n  c,  -ri'  »  caroustng,  tipplisg,  topin^ 
-rift'  c  -er  F  fe  -brober. 

©ølb|mager  c  -c  sleve-maker el.  manufactur-r 
-ramme,  •ftlmmel  sieve-frame.  -fætningéatafliae 
min  sifting  machine. 

©ø '  1 1  b ng  sun-dew ,  Drotera .  -btorfer,  *bl| rtdf e. 
fe  -ttlbeber.  ©øle  ve  sun;  -  ftg  bask  in  the  sun- 

©øle  c  salt-water,  salt-spring. 

©ø(e|!lar  a  clear  as  noon-day,  as  the  sun  *' 
noonday).  -tlar^eb  obviousness.  -maerte  fe  é^ 

©of en'  a  stately,  ceremonious,  formal,  ©ølf« 
ni | te  t  c  -er  ceremony.    -te'tflfat  festival  hall. 

©oilfatler  faculæ.    -falb  n  sunset. 

©ol|feg;gier  pi  solfeggi.    -fegge  re  vi  sol-fa. 

©o  ijfiff  dory,  doree,  John  Dory,  Zcu*  /aber 
-fjerne,  -fjembeb  aphelion.    -fortabt  a  sunless- 
-formørtelfe  eclipse  of  the  sun,  solar  eclipse 
-fnlb  a  sunny.     -gaarb   halo  round  the  sun 
*-gang  the  sun's  motion.    *-gangt»cir.  -§anf^ 
binb  wind   that  alters  in  the  direcdon  of  the 
sun's  motion,  solar  breeze.    -ttlamfl  radianoe  of 
the  sun.   -glad  helioscope.   -glimt  gleam  of  the 
sun.     -gran(b)  atom,  mote  (in  the  sunbeam) 
-grb  day  break. 

©ølate,  føfgt,  fe  Sælge. 

©øljgnb  Helios,  -ffat  sun -hat,  sun-bonnet.  -$eb 
a  heated  by  the  sun.  -tyebe  heat  of  the  sun- 
-l}t\xt  sun-bird,  Eurypyya.  -b»D  fe  -gaarb.  -bttrø 
solstice.  -bberbflbag  solsti tial  day.  *b*rrt# 
tølnren  the  solstitial  colure.  -tberb#^nntt  «ol 
stitial  point,  -bøjbe  alii tude  of  the  sun.  -tøjte* 
øbferbatiøn  observation  of  the  sun's  altitude. 

©øli'b  c  sol'id;  strong,  firm,  sobstantial,  sound; 
mere  safe,  trustworthy,  respectable;  fe  poa  bet  < 




have  an  eye  to  the  maiu  chance.  60 li ba' riff 
n  .  ttnftiar  unlimited  responsibility;  adv  Jointly 
and  separately.  ©oUborlte  t  csolidar  ity.  ©olibt- 
tt't  c  respectability,  stabllity.  60  libnm:  iu  ~. 
fe  Soltbattft  adv. 

Bolift'  c  -er  so'loist,  bo 'list. 
Solitce'r  c  -er  solitaire. 
Sø  l|tiffert  helioscope.  -ftor  a  sunbright, 
sunny.  -fort  heliographic  chart.  -trebå  orbit 
(of  a  planet),  -tronen  the  corona  of  the  sun. 
-taller  fe  -ftif.  -legemet  the  body  of  the  sun.  -Ind 
sun  litfbt.  -m$  a  fe  -flår.  -ntaaler  hellometer. 
-ntaaneø  solar  month.  -mttrofføb  solar  micro- 

€>olmfifatiø  «  c  solmiza'tion,  sol-faing.   -fe  re 
ri  sol  fa. 

Sølinuerfe  day  and  night,  24  hours.  -neb< 
gang  9unset,  sundown.  -nære,  -nar!)  eb  perl 

@olø  ad  o  og  c  -er  solo,  solus. 
Sol! omgang  o  sun-rise,  sun  up. 
Søløfanger  c  solo-singer,  solo  vocalist. 
8øløtfnirn  n  Soleure. 

60  1 1  par  all«  I6e  solar  parallax.     -plet  spot  In 
the  sun,  solar  spot,  sun-spot.   -tank  rim  of  the 
sun' s  disk;  <J,  limb;  Solen*  Unberraiib,  Ooerranb 
the  lower,  upper  limb  of  the  sun.    *-renbtng 
sunrise.     -ret  a  lylng   in    the   meridian,   due 
north   and  south.     -rig  a  sunny.     -ring  halo 
round  the  sun;  (Solur  t  fyorm  af  Wing)  rlng-dial. 
-røg  Bummer-oolt.    -røfl  n  prov  sunset.    -fejl  & 
awning.    -fej  l  Bøtter  stanchions  for  the  awning. 
•flbe  sunny  side,  side  exposed  to  the  sun.  -fifle 
sun-flower,  Helianthut  annuut,     -ffiit  sunshine; 
bet  ex  -  the  sun  shines.  -ffintanfigt  sunny  face. 
-ffinfbag  sunshiny  day.     -ffinøbejr   sunshine, 
•ffiøe  sun's  orbit;  sun-dial.    -ffolbet  a  scorched 
el.  parched  by  the  sun.     -ftQ  a  shunning  the 
light,     -flcrrm  Bun-shade,  parasol,    -fort  black- 
blrd,  Turdus  meruia.   -føeftrnm  solar  Spectrum. 
-føretfe  rent.     -fnatter    fe  fregner.     *-Heg   c 
(scorching)  heat  or  the  sun.    -ftegt  a  sun-burnt, 
tanned  by  the  sun,  (3ørb)  sun-baked.   -ften  sun 
»tone,    girasole.     -fttf  sun-stroke,   insolation, 
siriasis.     -ftraale  sun-beam,  ray  of  the  sun, 
sun-ray,  solar  ray,     -fftøn  fe  -gran.     -føeben  a 
bcorched  by  the  sun.   -fofftem  solar  system,    -fart 
sunset.    -tal  fe  -ctrfel.    -ta»le  sun-table.    -telt 
awning,  (i  Oaab)  tilt.  -tib  solar  time.    -tiloeber 
heliolater.     -tilbebelfe  heliolatry.     -tro ab  gos- 
samer,  alr-thread.     -tr^t  helio-engraving.     -to 
sun-thaw.    -tørre  vt  dry  in  the  sun.    -tørret  <i 
sun-drled.    -ur  sun-dial.    -nlb  fe  iBifot.    -barm 
a  sunny.   •bårne  warmth  of  the  sun.    *-øenbel 
fe  -fiffe. 
Sølnent'  a  sol 'vent.    Soloen*'  c  sol'vency. 
So  l|berben  solar  system,    -øifte  fan.    -øffer 
(Siler  boa   Solfftoen)  gnomon.     -bog«    car    of 
Apollo,    -bag  sunny  wall. 
Soføciø'me  c  sol'ecism. 
Soløje  o  frock-rose,  sun-rose,  Heliantkemum 
mlffore;  'crowfoot,  Banunculus,  fe  ftaboeleje. 

Som'  pron  rel  {non.)  who,  whlch.  that;  (obj.) 
whom,  whlch,  that;  ben,  -  itTe  ex  ttlftebe  he  el. 
she  who  is  not  present;  be,  .  ere  tilftebe  those 
(el.  they)  who  are  present;  bet,  -  bu  \aa  that 
which  you  saw;  jeg  bar  bum  font  troebe  tyam  I 
van  a  fool  for  belle ving  Mm  el.  to  believe 

6om'  conj  as,  ((igefom)  like;  t  *■  faafom;  en 
ttar  .  bu  a  fool  like  you;  tyrift  jea  bar  -  bu  lf  I 
were  yoa;  -  om  as  if;  -  om  pon  bilbe  fige  as 
touch  as  to  say;  .  ofteft  most  frequently;  «■  fom 
bebft  s  bebft  fom;  .  hnorgen  by  to-morrow,  bo  • 
Ooutfru  die  a  maid;  «  Søor  by  way  of  answer; 
jeg  Tenbet  Dem  -  en  TOanb,  bet  I  know  you  as 

el.  for  a  man  who;  $r.  ©.  -  ftongen  (i  Ir'*  Rotte) 
Mr.  B.,  In  the  king;  iffe  .  om  ifle  not  but  what; 
\aa  meget  ftørre  -  the  greater  as,  beeause  el.  in 
that;  fe  Vcere. 

Sømlttel  c  p  dirty  beast. 

6omme  pron  inde/  pi  some;  *fomt  some 

6øntmer  c  -mre  summer;  om  -en  iu  summer; 
i  -  this  s.;  til  -en  next  summer;  rtbe  -  i  ©0  go 
a  maying.  6øm  merl  aften  summe  r-evening.  -ar« 
bejbe  summer-work.  *-beite  fe  -gr^dnina.  -øeføg 
summer  visit,  -blømlt  summer-nower.  -00.  -bolig 
summer-dwelling  el.  resldence.  -braf  summer 
-fallow,  green  fallow.  +-branb  poet  summer 
heat.  -ørng :  til  .  for  summer  use.  -bøg  spring 
-barley.  -bag  summer' s  day;  *ie  -maal.  -bragt 
summer-dress;  ^out  Jugle)  summer  plumage.  -b«ft 
summer  fragrance.  -bbale  summer  sleep.  -eg 
common  oak,  Quercu*  peduncmlata.  -ferie 
summer-holldays.  -feber,  -føring  summer-fodder, 
s. -foddering,  -fornøjetfe  summer  amusement. 
-frotte  summer-coat.  -frifl  a  having  the  fresh- 
ness  of  summer,  -frugt  summer -fruit  -fugl 
butterfly,  -fngtetrøae  papilionaoeous  corolla. 
-fttgleøentil  butterfly-valve.  -fctlbet  n  cut  in 
summer  (om  Xømmec).  -gtoaå  summer  splendour . 
-gloeøer  summer  pleasures.  -grsdning  (summer) 
pasture.  -grøn  a  of  summer -like  greenness. 
•g«!  fe  6nefloRe.  -gftft  summer  visitor.  -balø> 
aar  summer  half-year  -fyat  s.  hat.  -fjate 
summer  garden.  -Ijaøn  summer-harbour.  *-(aøn 
fe  -graoning,  -b,ebe  summer  heat.  -himmel  sum- 
mer sky.  -ftwe  summer  cap.  -tyaø  summer 
house.  -(>bal  beaked  whale.  -bøebe  s.  wheat. 
-bblb  Dane-wort,  Dane's  blood,  dwarf  elder. 
Sambuotu  ebulu».  -tjøle  summer-dress,  -flæbe 
tweed,  -f laber  summer  garments.  -tlcebning 
summer  sult.  -Hffbt  a  In  summer  dress. 
•føælb  fe  -aften,  -fang:  en  -  Dag  a  long 
summers  day.  •lejllgqeb  summer -resldence. 
-leøtøj  annual  stock.  Sommerlig  a  summer 
•like,  es  ti  val.  Sømmer  |ltø  summer  11  fe.  -luft 
summer  air.  -løft  delight  of  summer.  •Ibftffné' 
arbour.  0-møal  summer- term,  14th  of  April, 
-maaneb  summer- month.  -meblem  summer 
member.  -nat  summer  night.  -oøf)0(b  summer 
-resldence.  •øbbolbftftrb  summer- residence 
•ølante  annual  (.plant),  -yletter  freckles.  -b;løje 
vt  plough  in  summer,  -pløjning  summer- plough- 
ing.  -bragt  glory  of  summer,  -præmie  summer 
premlum.  -pære  summer- pear.  -regn  summer 
rain.  -rejfe  summer  royage.  -rate  summer 
route.  -ræbbite  spring-radish.  -fejl  pi  summer 
salls.  -filb  herring  In  the  fifth  year.  -ffnb 
summer  shoot.  -ffb  summer  cloud.  -føi  summer 
sun.  -folljberø  nummer- solsti ce.  -folb,øcrøø 
pnnft  summer  soUtitial  point,  -føoctter  freck- 
les. -ftalbfobrina  stall-feeding  in  summer,  -fine 
summer  room  -fitrb  summer  crop.  -taWt  summer 
rate.  *-tbing  summer  asslzes.  -ttb  summer 
season.  -togt  summer  cruise.  -tørben  summer 
thunder-storm.  -tøj  summer-s tuff.  -tørte  drought 
of  summer,  -nbflngt  summer  excundon  el.  trip. 
-nlb  summer-wool.  -nanbring  summer-ramble 
el.  excuraion,  -øørme  heat  of  summer,  -øejr 
summer-weather.  -øinb  summer  wind.  -»få: 
paa  -  in  summer-like  fashion.  -vattt  annual 
(plant),    -btrrelfe  summer-room. 

6omme|ftebå  adv  somewhere,  in  some  place 
or  other.  -tiber  adv  sometimes,  at  times,  now 
and  then. 

Sømnamøn'l  a  somnam  bulle,  -iå'me  c  som- 

6ømred  vi  impér*  beoome  summer. 

Sonate  c  -r  sonata. 

6ønbe  c  -r  ehir  (naonl.  til  ®aar)  probe,  (nabnl. 




til  Øf  aren)  sound,  -'re  vt  (ogfaa  fig)  sound, 
probe,  amr  f  precognosce. 

Sønjbre  vt  separate;  distinguish.  'bring  c 
separation;  dlstlnction. 

601te  vt  expiate;  (fotfone,  forlige)  reooncile; 
+  -  ub,  fe  Ubfone. 

Sonet'  c  -ter  son'net. 

Sott|ing  c  explating  eto.,  expiation.  -(itigo> 
offer  propitlatory  offering  el.  sacriflce. 

Sotto'r  a  sonorous. 

*Sop'  c  -pet  toadstool,  mushroom. 

•Sope,  \6ptt,  fépt  vt  sweep.  S»p(e)lime  c 

Soptan,  Søpten  c  -er  dram,  whet. 

Soppe  tn  splash  el.  paddle  about. 

*®oppt  vt  rafter  (timber).  -maffiwe  raftering 

Sopra'n  c  -et  soprano,  treble.  -fanger  treble 
singer,  sopranist.  -ftemme  soprano  voice;  so- 
prano part. 

*Sopfnppe  c  mushroom  soup. 

Sorbet  c  sherbet. 

Sorbf'n  c  mut«,  sordine,  ($tanof.)  damper. 

•Sorenffriber  c  -e  (stipendiary)  judge  of  a 
district.    -i'  n  -er  district  of  a  country-judge. 

Sorg  c  -er  sorrow,  grief,  affliction;  (©efijmrtng) 
c«re;  anlaqge  -  go  into  el.  put  on  mourning; 
aflcegge  -  leave  off  el.  put  off  mourning;  bære  - 
be  in  mourning;  ben  Zib  ben  -  we  will  think 
about  that,  when  the  time  comes;  bet  et  min 
minbfie  -  I  am  quite  easy  about  that.  -befporebt, 
•betinget  a  sorrow-stricken ,  heavy  with  grief. 
•blanbet  a  mingled  with  grief.  -fri  a  free  from 
rare  el.  »orrow,  sorrowless:  ftaffe  en  et  -t  Ub» 
tomme  make  one  comfortable  for  life;  lebe  -t 
live  in  comfort.  -frtbeb  comfort.  -fttlb  a 
sorrowful,  sad,  afflicted,  doleful,  mournful. 
•furet  a  care-lined.  -gtben  a  oppressed  with 

Sorgbo,  Sorgbum  c  sorgo,  Sorgkum.  -r«bt 

©org|lo#  o  careless,  unconoerned.  -tjfbcb  e 
carelessness,  -nrbbøjet  "  oppressed  with  grief. 
-tung  a  fe  -betinget.  **aut  a  eare-worn.  tSørttø 
fe  Sorg. 

Sort  c  -et  sort,  species,  kind,  description, 
denomination,  grade;  bebfte  -  tøoflner  the  best 
kind  of  raisins;  af  forfte  -  flrst-rate. 

Sort  [6 )  a  black,  sable,  swarthy;  her  sable; 
en  -  (Hf ger)  a  negro,  a  black  (gentleman);  . 
ftrage,  fe  Sort«;  gtre  .  til  $bibt  og  $bibt  til  . 
make  b.  white,  and  wbite  black,  argue  that 
black  is  white;  tøoe  -  paa  $olbt  for  noget,  fabe 
nt  -  paa  $btbt  have  a  thing  in  b.  and  white; 
fnolfe  _  speak  in  riddles ;  ærgre  flg  -  be  pro- 
voked  beyond  measure;  bære  paa  ben  -e  Xable, 
bet  e  ©ræt  'Ijo*  en)  be  in  one's  black  book,  on 
one's  black-llst;  fatte  paa  bet  e  Brat  put  in  the 
black  book;  bet  bleb  ganfte  .  for  mine  $\nt  I 
turned  quite  gid  dy;  jig  f  bet  fer  .  ub  for  $am 
matters  look  111  for  him;  ben  -e  ftunft  the  black 
art,  necromancy;  bet  e  $ab  the  Black  Sea. 
Sort  |  ag  tig  a  blsckish,  swarthy.  -onb  black 
seoter,  Fuliguia  nigra.  -baanbet  a  black-banded. 
-bag  fe  gforfluefoale.  -bejbfe  vt  ebontze.  -blaffet 
<i  swart,  swarthy.  -bleg  a  dusky,  dingy.  -Mit 
bloom-plate.  -bliøfet  a  b.  with  a  blaze  on  the 
forehead.  -broget  (om  ftbag)  «  black-brindled. 
-brun  fe  Sorte*,  -broåfet  fe  Solfort.  —  Sorte  |' 
blaa  a  deep-blue.  -brober  Black  fri  ar.  -brnn  o 
dark  brown,  tawny.  -borr  fe  ftrcetling.  -graa  a 
dark -gray.  -gul  a  deep-yellow.  -ftutftner 

Sortere  vt  vort,  assort;  oel  -t  well  aiwoited; 
—  vi  unber  come  el.  range  under,  belong  to. 
Sortere|maftlne  sorting  machine.    -flgte,  -folb 

Reparating  .sleve.    Sorterer  c  -e  fe  -maffine.    €ot« 
tering  c  sorting,  assorting. 

Sort  |  farvet  [6]  a  of  a  black  colour.     -fobct  - 
black  •  footed,    black -legged.     -graa   fe    Scrt« 
t-grimet  a  black-headed.  -Qaarrt  a  black -haire>~ 
•b«f  dog-flsh,   Sfrinax  niøer.     Sørtfceb    c   bU<  i 
ness.     6ort|ojfftmet  a  fe  Aicelmet.     -M*ebct  * 
black-headed,  (Ofoar)  black-faced.    -|«ttte  .#*$! 
black,  Motacilla  atricapilla. 

Sortie  c  -r  exit. 

Sortilment'  n  -et  assortment.  -nmtdbogHxb 
ler  general  bookseller. 

Sort | tantet  [6J  a  blackedged.   -f jtte (ogf  ?? 
black   coat,   {fia)  black.     •flfltbt  a  (dres^ed1  in 
black.     -tobber   coarse  copper.     -torat    biar< 
coral,  Antipathc*.   *-traate,  -Trage  carrion  cro«r. 
gorcrow,    Corw*   corone.     -fribt    black    chalk, 
drawing-slate.     -rribtøtegnlng   drawing    in   b 
chalk.    -fal  black  charcoal.    -laben  a  swarthy 
dusky.   -tottet  a  black-locked.  -mejfe  colemon«*. 
Pir%u   ater      -mitlbet  a   black  mould       -aarr 
black  ant,  Formioa  nigra.    Sortne  vi  (om  £tat!e= 
black  en.  grow  dark,  lower;  (mottnef)  darken;  in 
•t  fot  mine  Øjne  I'm  turning  gid  dy.   Sort  iylettrt 
a  black -spotted.    -poppel  blaok  poplar,  /\>i*/m 
nigra.    -priffet  a  black  dotted.   -ranbet  a  blatk 
•edged.    -roco  black  fox.    -feer  peadmist.    -fibe 
fe   ®r«nlonb*bMl-     -ftoegget    a    black  -bearded. 
-whlskered.    -floret  a  veiled  in  black.    -fmabfei. 
•f nuttet  a  f  swarthy.    -f næppe  dusky  g*mbet. 
Totanu*    /wctu.      -fpraglet    a    black-specklel 
•fp«t(te)    black    woodpecker,     Picus    marttm* 
-f pattet  a  black-spotted.  -frribet  a  black-streaked 
-inppe  black  soup.     -tavlet,    -tersrt  a   bUrk 
checkered.    Mroft  fe  6oIfort.   -babftning  Mack 
wash.    -bittget  a  black -winged.    -tiet  "  bla<k 

Sot  c  si ck ness,  disease.    Sot(te)bOb.  bo  -  di*> 
in  one's  bed.    Sottefeng  sickbed. 

Sonbret  te  c  -t  abigail,  soubrette. 

Soniagere  vt  J>  ease. 

Soupe  r  [fr]  c  sup  per,  evening-party. 

Sooe,  lob,  fooet  [aa]  vi  sleep,  be  nsleep.  -  toft. 
tungt  el.  baarbt  sleep  hard;  be  a  heavy  sleeper. 

-  trtjgt  sleep  soundly  el.  securely;  -  let  Meei> 
lightly,  (ftabig;  be  a  light  sleeper;  -  fom  en  Sten 
sleep  like  a  post,  sleep  as  fast  as  a  top;  logge 
fig  til  at  -  go  to  sleep ;  .  Wibbagtføon  teke  * 
nap  after  dlnner;  min  $oo  -t  my  foot  ts  a^leep, 
I  have  pins  and  needles  in  my  foot;  for  od' 
I  wish  you  a  good  night's  rost!  ben  fom  -r  ffinber 
ifte  a  man  who  is  asleep  does  no  harm;  ben 
-nbe  the  sleeper;  -  bort  sleep away;  -  ljen  ex- 
pire,  die:  -  t)oé  sleep  with;  -  inb  fall  asleep: 

-  ob er  flg  oversleep  one's  self;  -  paafttgronne 
pre  be  fast  asleep;  -  paa  nt  sleep  on  el.  up»'i 
st,  consult  el.  take  counsel  of  one's  plllow;  . 
flg  til  nt,  tomme  -nbe  ril  nt  obtain  st  withont 
the  slightest  effort;  bar  t  ub  has  slept  hi>  fill, 
has  had  plenty  of  sleep;  -  Wufen  ub  sleep  one- 
self  sober,  sleep  off  el.  away  the  winc,  an  in 
toxication.  Sobe|brit#  stump  bedst ead.  -braobrr 
plt  -brlt  s  leeping  draught,  soporiflc.  -gemal  ie 
-lammer,  -bjerte :  baoe  et  gobt  -  be  i  good  ri 
sound  sleeper.  -tabinet  sleeplng  cabinet;  b.  f.  < 
-fabbt  state-room,  state  berth.  -fawttter  sleepine 
room,  bedroom,  dormitory.  -famnterat  bed 
•fellow.  -fnpé  nleeping  coupé,  -lbft  sleepines«. 
•mibbel  soporiflc,  hypnotic,  narcotic,  opiate 
•pofe  sleeping-bag.  -bnlber  narcotic  powder. 
Sober  c  -e  sleeper;  be  fpb  -e  the  seven  sleepen 
(of  Bphesus).  Sooerfte  o  r  sleeplng  fair.  fair 
sleeper.  -fal  sleeplng- room.  -falos  ^  sleeplng 
saloon,  -fofa  sofa  bed(stead).  -fteb  sleepin« 
•place,  dormitory.  -fiol  easy  chair,  long  chair. 
-frue  fe   -tommer;    (i  Vrbejblbut  el.  1.)  aleepio* 




-ward.  >fpg  a  somnolent,  lethargic.  -ftyøc 
lettiargy,  somnolence.  -tib  sleeping-tlme ,  bed 
-time;  sleeping  hours.    -pøgn  sleeping-carriage, 

car,  Pnllman'scar.  -pømlft  fe  tommer.  *Sob  ne 
iyi  fall  asleep. 

Øpaa  vt  prophesy,  predict,  foretell,  bode, 
augur;  be  prophetic  of;  vi  tell  fortunes;  -  en 
rell  one  his  fortune;  Iabe  flg  .  have  one's  for- 
tn ri  e  told;  .  af  fuglene«  ^lugt  augur  from  the 
tlif^ht  of  birds;  -  i  ftort  tell  fortune*  on  the 
c&rds;   .  i  Jraffegrum*  tell   fortunes   by  coffee 

K^ounds,  Wenneflet  -r,  ©ub  roa'r  man  proposes, 
(iod  disposes.   Spaabog  book  on  fortune- telling. 

®paabom  c  -me  prophecy,  divination,  vaticina- 
tion,  forecast.  —  Spaabønt0|aanb  gift  of  pro- 
phecy,  prophetic  ppirit ,  bibi  familiar  spirit. 
-cone,  -SMC,  -troft  gift  of  divination.  -tnnft 
art  of  divination,  (af  jamberne)  palmistry, 
chiromancy  -mibler  pi  means  of  divination, 
auguries.    -fagn  prophetic  tradition. 

tSpaalfngl  blrd  of  augury.  -f ælling,  'tiår* 
ring.  -føne,  -fpinbc  prophetess,  fortune -tefler, 
-ibyl;  -fbinbe  bibi  familiar  spirit.  -tnnlt  fe  Spaa« 
bom*-,  -toifl  divining  rod.  -manb  prophet, 
-ootbsayer;  (oeb  forte  flunfler)  necromancer;  (oeb 
at  puntterr)  geomancer;  (oeb  at  fe  i  Qænberne) 
eta  i  romancer,  palmister;  (oeb  at  tnbe  Stjernerne; 
astrologer,  (»eb  $rømme)  onelrocritic. 

Gpaan  c,  pi  et  k  =,  tøuggef.)  chip;  tøøolfp.) 
^havlng;  pi  (Saof.)  sawdust;  (Xagf.)  shingle; 
•$Hlf.)  filing«;  p  goa  i  -erne  come  to  nought. 
Spaaaefcape  chip-yard;  f  gaa  i  -n  come  to 
nought.  Spaane|buggerrough-hewer.  —  Spaa*|> 
fletning  plalting  of  chips,  ^at  chip-hat,  chip 
-bonnet.  -b**t,  -ftnggrr  fe  Spaane«  -baPtgøbØ 
vt,  rombowline.  -bul  plane-hole,  plane' s  mouth. 
-tnf 9  chipping-knire.  -tutti  chip-basket.  -ntaatte 
>>hip-mat.  -tag  shingle  •  roof.  -tapeter  wood 
bangings.  -tror  Wood  for  making  slips,  •tarifer 
shingle -roof  maker.  -part  chip-work.  -orfle 
fcpaa  Iftitfe  c  fe  -ttnft. 

Spabe  e  -t  spade.    Spabe  et  spade,  dig  with 
a  spade.   Spabe  |b  (ab  blade  of  a  spade,   -battet 
n  spade-cultivated.     T-bøfle  socket  of  a  spade. 
-formig  o  *  spatulate.    -fnlb  a  spadeful.    -taft 
fe  ftir.    -fnltnr  garden- tillage,  spade-cultivation. 
Spabel  fe  Spatel. 
Spabel  tnaal,  -mon  fe  -frit. 
Spabrr  pi  (i   ftort)  spades;    en  -  a   spade. 
Spaberlbawe,  -e#,  -fragt,  -tange  ofo.  the  queen, 
aoe,  knave,  king,  of  spades,     -to  the  two   of 
tpade*,  fio  fige  el.  flaa  -  til  defy. 

Spabe!  ftaft  handle  of  a  spade,    -flag,  -frit, 

•fart  spit  (of  earth).     *-Penbc  vt  turn  with  the 


Spabil'le  c  -r  (i  Stymbre)  spadille. 

Spabfere  vi  walk,  take  a  walk;  F  (gaa  lebig, 

om  Htbejber)  be  at  play;  be  -nbe  the  promenaders, 

the  walklng  public.     Spabferel  bragt  walking 

dress,    -gang  walking,  walk,  promenade,    -({ole 

walking  dress.  6pabf ercn  c  walkiog.  Spabferel  fH 

walk.    -fiol  walking  stick  el.  cane.    -tnr  walk, 

tam,  (for  Sunbty.)  constitutional;  en  fort  -  fra 

a  «hort  walking  distance  from.   -prj  promenade, 

walk.    -pejr  weather  for  walking.    Spabfering 

c  walking. 

6pag  d  tractable,  quiet,  gentle,  tame,  meek. 

Spag(e)  c  -r  handsplke;  fatte  me  i  Spillet  rig 
the  capstan ;  gør  paa  2>at  . !  handspikemen, 
ground!  ReferPentanbffabet  peb  -me  the  assistant 
handspikemen.  Spagefptl  J,  wlndlass  worked 
with  handspfkes. 

Spagfar  big  «  gentle,  quiet.    -(eb  c  gentle 
De««,  mansuetude.    Spa'gteb  c  tameness. 

Spa  gbuflrr  pi  &  holes  for  the  capetan-bart, 
holes  for  bandspikes. 

Spagt  rift  a  spagir'ic. 

6pa  gltlatnper  pi  &  fe  -rafte 

Spa  gne  vi  become  tractable  el.  tame. 

Spa  groft  fe  c  rack  for  the  capstan  bars. 

Spalier  fe  Sfpalier. 

Spaltbar  fe  Spaltelig. 

Spalte  c  -r  split,  slit,  cleft,  (tøure;  frø  column; 
fatte  i  -r  compose  by  slips.  Spalte  vt  split;  fe 
ftløve,  Splitte.  Spalte|aabning  ^  stoma,  pi 
stomata.  -fragt  separating  fruit,  cremocarp. 
•furet  a  furrowed  by  fissures.  -føbber  flssipeds. 
-f«be  fillfng-up  stnff,  padding.  -flinge  cleaving 
tool.  Spaltelig  a  oleavable.  6pa(te(tgteb  c 
deavage.  Spaitepobning  slit-gn  fting.  Spalter 
c  -e  cleaver,  cleaving- tool.  Spalte|fteg  typ  scale 
-board,  -fbampe  bacteria.  -førtning  composing 
by  slips,  -pert  slitting  rollers.  Spaltning  e 
splitting  etc. ;  fip  division,  schlsm,  nip  ture. 
SpatrningftfUbe  dividing  plane.  Spattningé' 
fpampe  bacteria.  SpaIt|pobnin§,  -fpampe  fe 

Spanb  c,  *n,  -e  t  pail,  bncket,  *tin-pail;  *old 
standard  of  taxation. 

Spanb  n.  pi  m*t  (Vlaal)  spån;  (Qtfit)  team. 
Spanblbag  soccage  day  with  horses,  -bag?* 
arbrjbr  soccage  with  horses. 

Spanbeaag  n  (mllk-maid's)  yoke. 

Spanber  c  -e  geometrician,  looper,  Oeometra. 

Spanbere  fe  Spenberr. 

Spanbct  a :  -be  ^anbfter  prick-stitched  gloves. 

SpanbelPfØ:  i  -  by  the  bucket,  by  el.  in 
buckets,  by  pailfuls.    •porrt  chain-pump,  noria. 

Spanblfnlb  c  pailful.    -forbe  pitch-chain. 

Spanbrem  c  snoemaker's  stirrup. 

Spanbricgel  c  (tømt.)  straining-beam. 

Spanbt  fe  Spinbe. 

Spang(e)  c  -c  clasp,  buckle. 

Spang  c  t  foot  bridge,  Stepping -stones. 
Spangebro  b.  f. 

Spange!  brpnfe  fe  Sfafpanfer.  -batltc  belt  with 
a  buckle. 

Spanien  «  Spain.  Spanier  c  -t,  -inbe  c  -r 
Spanlard.    Spaniol  c  -er,  b.  f. 

Spanjer  e  J,  dog  vane. 

Spante,  Spantnle're  vi  strut,  stalk.  -n  c  strut- 
ting etc.,  strut,  stalk. 

Spannc  vt  (ttlit)  stretch.  Spann(e)|batn«er 
stretching  hammer,    -flot  dressing  s  take. 

Spanfl  a  8panish;  fig  grand,  lofty,  super- 
cilious;  .  iBajonet  yucca,  Yucca  gloru**,  .  $lue 
cantharis  (pi  catuharldes),  8panlsh  fly,  Lytta 
t  ericatoria;  (^tafter)  a  blister,  blistering  plaster, 
vesicatory;  faa  -  5lue  paa  be  blistered;  .  ftus  ^ 
Spanish  fox,  -e  (Barbiner  joc  cross-bars;  .  Aumle 
liltle  hop-plant,  Origanum  Smyrnæum;  •  Itarfe, 
feftnbianff;  -  ftirfebcer  red-and-white-heart  cherry; 
-  ftøroel  sweet  chervll,  British  myrrh,  Myrrhi* 
odor«ti\  .  ftltb,  fe  Zonrabønner;  -  ftløoet  red 
clover;  .  Jtribt,  fe  S^tften;  -  $ebet  Guinea 
pepper,  Cayenne  pepper,  Cap*icum  arnituw;  -e 
^Ottere  chevaux-de-frise;  ben  e  Stoble  the  boots; 
ben  -t  Sø  tho  Spanish  Main ;  .  Zaffel  Spanish 
burton;  .  Zathng  hitching;  -e  Xoplentrr  standing 
lifts;  bet  tommer  mig  nogrt  -  for  that's  not 
exactly  what  I  expected,  appeam  to  me  rather 
strange  el.  odd.  Spanfl|anterifa'nfl  a  Hispano 
-American,  -engelff  a  Anglo- Spanish.  -fine. 
-flneplafter  fe  obfr.  -grønt  verdigris.  -gult  orpi- 
ment.  -(jbibt  Spanish  chalk.  -Vlanrifl  a  Hispano 
•Moresco.    -rør  cane.    -rørftftot  cane. 

Spant  n  -er  ^  frame,  frame-timber,  rib;  rejft 
i  .  in  frame.  Spante  vt  frame;  -t  fcerbig  in 
frame.  —  Spante) bolt  frame- bolt.  -but  sheers 
for  erecting  the  ship's  frames.    -bøjning  curva- 




ture  of  a  frame,  -biftauce  room  and  space. 
•euberne  the  tops  of  the  tlmbers.  -loft  mould 
-loft.  -møbel  bulkhead  model,  -paaloeg  chocks 
for  Alling*  to  tbe  tlmbers.  -plan  frame  plane. 
•rib*  t>ody-plan.  -pinteljotrn  angle- iron  frames. 
Spantfoerre  vt  fe  6 pante. 

Spar  F  fe  Spaber  pi. 

Sparbat  n  Jy  spar  deck. 

Spare  (ogf.  fpa'rt)  vt  save;  vi  (-  paa,  Ijolbe  til 
Staabej  spare;  (otonomifere)  economize,  save;  (Ijolbe 
gobt  Aud  meb,  „  paa,  husband;  (oace  fparfommelig 
meb)  be  sparing  el.  saving  of;  pan  -r  (perten  glib 
el.  Umage  he  spares  el.  grudges  no  pains,  he 
uses  his  utmost  efforts  el.  exertions;  fpar  btne 
formaninger!  spare  your  exhortations;  fpar  mig 
for  benne  nne  5°rbrqbelfe  let  me  be  spared  thts 
new  erime;  tjan  -be  perten  Staunber  el  ©orn  he 
Bpared  neither  women  nor  children;  betfom  9ub 
-r  mig  8tb  og  $elbreb  if  God  grant  me  llfe  and 
health;  ben  font  fpar'  ban  bar,  bet  fom  et  fpart  er 
tjent  a  penny  saved  is  a  penny  got  et.  gal  ned; 
waste  not,  want  not;  bebre  er  bet  at  .  paa  ©rebben 
enb  paa  £unben  it  is  too  late  to  spare  when  the 
bottom  is  bare;  $er  maa  ifte  *  paa  $enge  you 
must  spare  no  expenses;  _  paa  Stillingen  og  fabe 
$alerrn  gaa  be  penny  wlse  and  pound  foolish; 
_  femmen  lay  up  money;  ~  til  Viberbommen  put 
something  by  for  one's  old  age.  Sparc|bant 
savings  bank.  -bantbog  fe  -fatfebog.  -tøffe 
savings-box,  thrift-box,  money-box.  -forening 
cooperative soctety.  -ia*fe aavingsbank.  -ta*fe< 
bog  savlngs-bank  book,  depositor's  book.  -Innft 
art  of  saving,  economy.  -maØf  e  (ftorgtjfb.)  spar- 
ing, -øpn  economlcal  stove.  -penge  savings. 
Sparer  c  -e  saver,  economist:  (i  Sparelatfr) 
d'positor.  -ftifling  savings.  -ftiflingeoant  penny 
bank.    -fuppe  economlcal  soup. 

Sport  n,  pi  »,  kick.  Spar  fe  vt  k  i  kick; 
spurn;  _  efter  en  make  a  kick  at  one.  Sparlen, 
Spartning  c  kicklng. 

Spar | tagen  n  bed  curtaln.  -tagenøpratbiten 

Sparre  c  -r  rafter;  her  chevron.  -Dart  raft- 
ers pi. 

...Spa'rlfom  a  sparing,  scarce.  -fømfcb  c 
searcity;  fe  -fommeliglpb.  -fom'meltg  o  saving, 
tlirifty,  economlcal,  parslmonious;  Iebe  -t  F  live 
on  the  cheap.  -fom'meligfieb  c  economy,  thrift, 
thriftiness,  parslmony.  -føin'meUgQcb»b,enffen : 
af  -  from  economlcal  reasons. 

Spartl a'ner  c  -e,  -a'nft  a  Spa'rten;  -onft  Suppe 
black  broth  (of  the  S  partans). 

Spartle  vt  fe  Spatie. 

Spartogratft  n  esparto,  Lygtum  tpartum. 

Spad  c  jest,  joke.  (ttojer)  fun,  brioe  .  meb  poke 
fun  at  one,  chaff  one.  Spafe  vi  jest,  Joke;  be 
in  jest.    Spafen  c  joking. 

Spa  Ønsagcr  c  -e  jester,  joker,  wag. 

Spatttø'Ptfl  a  spasmod'ic(al). 

Spat'  c  (Stjgb.)  spavin. 

Spat  c  min  spar.    -agtig  a  sparry. 

Spatel  c  -tier  spatula. 

Spatb,  fe  Spat  2. 

Spatfjalt  a  lame  from  spavin,  spavlned.  -tyeb 
c  lamene&s  from  spavin. 

Spatiere  vt  space.  Spatium  n  -ier  space,  lead. 

Spat|  f  ff raften  sparry  iron  ore.  -tUf  e  c  aggrega- 
tion of  spar. 

Spat | lam,  -lamtcb  fe  -b.att 

Spatjle  vt  spread  witb  a  spatula;  putty.  -Ung 
c  spreadlng  etc. 

Spattet  a  spavlned 

Spe  c  derision,  mockery;  boere  tit  Spot  og  - 
for  tfolt  be  an  object  of  derision  to  all  people. 

Speceri'  n  -er  splce,  splcery. 

Speeia  1'  spec'lal.    Specia'(|ta  pi  partlculars 

-ift'   c   -et  spec'ialist.     -alite't  c  -er  spect*.r 

speciarity.  -aiført  chart  el.  map  on  a  Ure*- 
scale.  Spe'cie  c  -r  specie-dollar.  SyrcietaUt 
b.  f.  Speci|el'  a  spec'lal,  particular;  tit  *f 
(more)  especially  el.  particularly.  -c*  p/  sp**k- 
be  fire  -  the  four  rules  (of  arithmetic).  -jUc  xt 
vi  specify,  particularize.  -fil'  a  pMv*  specif  < 
-fttatlø'n  c  -er  specifica'tlon.  -f  ttnm  ■  '- 
specific.  -f  if!  a  fe  -fif.  Speci'wr«  n  m*-.. 
spec'imen  (pi  -s,. 

Spebalfl'  a  leprous;  en  -  a  leper;  ^ofpilalet  fr- 
-e  the  Leper  Hospital,    -(eb  c  leprosy. 
•    Spebett)*  n  dip. 

Speb|e  re  vt  forward,  send,    -itio'*  c  -tv  iraa- 
mission  el  forward  i  ng  (of  goods).  —  Sprbitt  »»* 
forretning  forwardlng  el.  transmission -bu-sine^ 
the  carrying  line.    -gebkrer  pi  charges  of  trm  j.- 
mlssiou,  forwarding  charges.     -b,anbel  carr>:a: 
-tråde,      -omtoftninger    fe    -geborer.      -reajniAf 
account  el.  bill  of  conveyance.    Svebittr  c  -et 
forwarding  agent,  commlssion-agent,  fonrar  der 

tSpege  vt  tangle. 

Spege  vt  salt  and  smoke  or  dry.  Spege4  ftog 
dried  shoulder  of  mutton.  -ftefl  rsmoked)  bacon 
-gaad  smoked  goose  -tab  smoked  el.  dré? 
meat,  hung  beef,  jerked  beef  el.  meat.  -laar 
dried  mutton-ham.  -latå  smoked  salmon.  -*#lft 
smoked  sausage.  -fitb  salt  el.  pickled  herrinj 
•flinte  smoked  ham. 

Spefbe  vt  k  i  spy,  watch;  (retognofcerc)  re 
connoitre;  .  efter  nt  search  for  a  thing,  -  t^n 
en  spy  after  one;  jeg  b^ar  ftaaet  fter  og  -t  en  tø 
Zime  I  have  been  on  the  look-out  here  for  an 
hour;  -  ub  ooer  fattet  scan  the  ocean.  Spefbe r 
c  e  spv,  mil  scout.  —  Spejber|blff  searcdiin^ 
look.  -t'  n  spying,  scouting.  -tog  reconnoiirin* 

Spefer  «  (©U)  Spire. 

Spejl  n  -e  (looking-)glass;  ^ogf.  fig)  mlrror,  .*. 
stem;  art  tompion;  (i  t)or)  panel;  (p.  ftnatø  -*P^* 
(on  the  wing);  (o.  tto)  escutcheon,  milk-mirror 
(paa  Xøj)  fag-end,  show-end;  (til  fragle)  wooden 
shoe;  (paa  Uniform)  facing;  fe  fig  i  -et  look  inu< 
the  glass,  look  at  one's  self  in  the  glass.    Ønefl  • 
beifltggeri  n  coating  mirrora.  -beloegn tag  foil,  tin 
-folling  of  a  mirror.     -nifleoe  catoptrlc  imace; 
(uegentlig)  refiection,  image,    -bf  Al  te  ^  traox>m 
•blant  a  glassy,  brlght  el.  smooth  as  a  mirror 
•borb  dresslng-table.    -bul  ^  sheers  for  raisin? 
the  stem- frame.    Spejle  +rt  mirror;  ^%ftg)  frr. 
-  af.   fe  ttffpetle;  —  w  fig  be  reflected  el.  mi"- 
rored,  ffe  fig  i  et  Spejl)  gaze  el.  look  in  a  glas* 
,  fig  i   en   take  an  example  by  el.  from  one. 
Spefljfabri!  looktag-glass  manufactory.     -fUbe 
glassy  surface.    -flor  tiffany.    -f«|ler  i  pointer, 
snake  pieæ,  brace.    -gaaå  red-breasted  bernicle . 
Bemiela  rufiolli*.  -garn  net  with  iarge  meshes 
•glane  polish   of  a  mirror.     -glai   plate-glas* 
•glaørube  window-pane  of  plate-glasa .  •glototnbif 
plate-glass  window.    -glat  a  (f.  Sti.  om  3#)  ex 
tremely  slippery  el.  smooth.  -tantet  looklng  gla- 
trade, 1  -g.  shop.    -J orm  specular  ri.  speculuiu 
iron.  -tommer  mirrored  room.  -tarpe  mirror carp 
•tf ar  a  bright  as  a  mirror.    -tonfol  pler-tablc 
-Ingle  globe  looking-glass.    -lifter  i  stern  rail- 
-toft  coved  celling.   -Ifltre  catoptrics  jv.   -mager 
c  -e  looking-glass  maker  el.  manufaotarer.   -su- 
ger! n  fe  -fabrit.    -metal  specular  metal.   -ob»tr 
Canada   otter,    Lutra    canadetuit.      -oboerfTiol 
shlning   otter -skins,     -opfat«   (p.   Buffet^  glas< 
back.     -pilte   pier.     -planter  4,   stem -plank« 
-porte  ^  stem-ports,    -ramme  frame  of  a  look 
ing-glass.    -feWtaut  Hadley's  sextant,  reflectiu? 
sextant.     -fenter  &  harpings.    -fjMrat  4,  steri 
-frame,   -fpat  specular  spar.   -relefrøp  reflectin  .• 
telescope     -tro  a  true  as  a  mirror.     -tommrr 




stern-tlmber.  -ø*g  mlrrored  wall.  -æg  poached 
et.    frled  eggs;  labe  .  poach  eggs. 

Spefttobalt  c  smaltine,  pyrites  of  cobalt. 
S**!'  fe  6pat. 

epttttt'tl  n  C  ogf.  c)  -flet  uproar,  hubbnb, 
row,  racket;  •  (noisy)  fan;  gøre  -  make  a  racket, 
kick  up  a  dost;  *  make  sport  el.  fun;  et  galt  - 
a.  madcap.  -mager  c -e  noisy ,  turbulent  fellow; 
*wag,  rogue.    -ftbttr  show-plece. 

@pettra(analbfe  spectrum  analysis.  6pcftrø> 
ffø'p  n  spec'troøcope.    6pettritm  n  spectrum. 

epetullant'  c  -er  speculator.     -atiø'n  c   -er 
«<pecula'tion,  venture;  paa  -  speculatlvely,  for  a 
speculative  purpose.  —  6petwlarlø'it*|aaitb  spirit 
of    speculation.     -banbef  tråde  of  speculation. 
-Hjft   spirit  of  speculation.     -roferi   mania  of 
speculation.   6pet'utatfb  [é]  a  speculative,  spec- 
ulatory.    Gpetnle're  et  speculate  (øber  on;  i  [en 
©are,  in,  [en  Wuliøbeb]  on);  .  paa  meditate. 
&petnt»m  n  cktr  spec'ulum. 
&ptlt  e  spelt,  German  wheat,  Triticum  ipelta. 
<Spc(tcr  fe  Spiauter. 
@pc(tmel  n  spelt-flour. 
Gptuctx  c  -t  spencer. 

&peitba'be(  a  F  liberal.  epewbe  rbnMer  F  .- 
tage  -ne  paa  open  one's  purse-strings.  ©pewbe're 
vt  ppend,  sacrlfloe;  vi  \   stand  treat. 

Gpntte  vi.  .  og  fpare  pinch  and  spare,  skin a 

Gptrget  e  (corn)  spurry,  Spergula  arvenriå, 
(ben  bbrfebe)  spurry-oil-plant,  Speraulh  »ativa. 

Gpermøcet'  c  spermace'tl.  -bbaf  spermacet!  - 
el.  sperm- whale,  Pkyncttr  macrocepkalut.  -fqå 
sperm  candle.  -olie  sperm  oil.  @permbøal  fe 

©pet',  6pette  c  fe  Spat,  Spætte. 
Gpian'ter  »  spelter. 

©pib'  n,  pi  ■,  spit ;  fatte  paa  -  put  on  the 
sjpit,  spit.  épibbe  vt  spit;  b>n  -be  barn  paa  (meb) 
Bajonetten  he  ran  bis  bayonet  through  his  body; 
.  paa  en  fyett  (Straf)  impale,  spit  on  a  stake. 
Spibbefb*  dip.  epibben,  Spibning  c  spitting 
etc.:  empalement. 

GpM  e  -er  point,  tip,  end;  (af  JJen)  nib;  (af 
ftMærg)  top,  summit;  (af  Sreøle)  apez:  (p.  Drej  eb.) 
center,  point;  ($unb)  Pomeranian  dog;  half  a 
pint,  half-ptnt  boule  el.  glass;  i  -en  for  .  .  .  at 
the  head  of  .  .  .,  in  the  front  of.  ftaa  i  en  for 
head:  meb  et  Vrnflttorpt  i  -en  headed  by  a  band; 
bqbe  en  en  make  head  e(.  a  stand  against  one, 
*et  one  at  deflanoe  fatte  paa  -en  carry  el.  drive 
to  extremitles;  fatte  Sagen  paa  -en  push  matters 
to  extremes;  er  pi  polnts  pi,  lace;  fio  taunts  ; 
-erne  F  the  big-wigB,  the  swells.  6plbt  u 
pofnted,  peaked,  (løbenbe  ub  i  en  .)  tapering;  fig 
pointed,  smart,  sharp,  cutting,  biting,  tart:  . 
S*  in  f et  acute  angle;  -t  Stub  rocketing  shot. 
@pibøTa(te  foolish  gulllemot,  Uria  troiU.  -o«b 
)>intail,  Anat  aeuti.  -baab  boat  pointed  at  both 
@pib#bergen  n  Spitzber'gen. 
8pibb|bølt  point  bolt;  pointed  soldering-stlck. 
•bor  bradawl,  scriber,  piercer,  spike-gimlet. 

Sptb#|  borger  cit,  snob.  -borgerlig  a  narrow 
-minded,  mechanical.  matter -of- faet,  underbred, 
snobbtsh.  -borgrrligdeb  narrow-mindedness, 
suobbishness,  snobbism. 
ØpibMnb  c  -er  pickpocket,  snarper,  rogue. 
®pib<|bne  pointed  el.  gothic  arch.  -bueftit 
pointed  style.  -buet  a  pointed.  -but  young 
buck.  -bjjib  furuncle,  boil.  -balg  pyramidal 
beliowa.  -b*je  fe  -tønbe.  -celle  long  cell.  -boRc 
sliding  puppet.  -brejebowl  center  lathe.  +6pibfe 
c  r.  .fe  Spibø.  ©pibfe  vt  point;  (©Ibant)  mend; 
($bebe)  hull;  -  en  $en  nib  a  pen;  .  Vlunben  draw 
up  the  mouth;  -  Rafe,  Pren;  fe  iRafe,  pre;  —  vi 

Sarfen:  $anff«(EngeIff  Orbbog. 

.  ti(  taper;  .  fig  til  taper.  6pibfer  c  -e  pointer. 
6pib9|ftf  sharp  file,  pointed  file.  -flnbig  a 
subtle,  captious,  sophintical.  -fin'bigbeb  c 
subtlety,  captiousne^,  sophistry.  -gab  Jagged 
chlck-weed,  Ifolotteum  umbellatum.  -gabt  pointed 

6pibf  [glan*,  -glad  antlmony. 

6plbd|gla#  tapering  glass,  common  wine  glass. 
-bage  point-tool.  -batte  pick-axe.  -bommer 
pick-hammer.  -barpe  wire-harp.  *1i*t  pointed 
hat.  -bjort  brocket.  -Ijobebet  a  havlng  a  pointed 
head.  -bue  pointed  cap.  -j*r*  fe  -mejfef.  -taaf 
early  dwarf  sugarloaf  cabbage.  -fjol e  (swallow- ) 
tail  coat.    -Hammer  point-clamp. 

SplbØføttmro  fe  Spittommen. 

@pibd|rronet  a  with  pointed  top.  -tttgle 
pointed  ball,  conlcal  hullet,  -tnttert  registered 
letter  envelope.  -farte  crested  lark,  Alauda 
crirtata,  f  saucy  body.  -Un  Norway  maple, 
Acet  platamoides.  -mejfef  pointed  chlsel.  -mor- 
te! pointed  morel,  MorcMella.  -mnnbet  a  hav- 
ing  a  pointed  mouth.  -mné  shrew-monse, 
Sorex.  6pib8nl«g  e  polnting  etc.  (fe  @pibfe  vt). 
6pibØ|«abbet  et  having  a  pointed  beak.  -nafet 
a  sharp  nosed.  -pofe  rlltering  bag.  -projettil 
cylindro-conical  projectile.  -prop  pointed  cork. 
•puffet  a  (Qat)  (hat)  with  a  conlcal  crown.  -ring 
(ftnapn.)  file- wheel. 

6pib*røb  ft.]  c  switch;  løbe  .  run  the  gant- 
lope  el.  gantlet.  8plbørobø(aben  c  runnlng  the 

6plbø|røtte  desman,  -ftog  pointed 
beard.  -ffnb  rocketing  shot.  -flabe  sledge  for 
one  person,  amr  cutter,  -fnubet  fe  -nafet.  -ftaal 
pointed  chisel,  point-tool.  -Hitte  spit-sticker. 
-ftatte  obelisk,  -tanb  pointed  tooth.  -tang 
pendulum-pliers.     -tap  taper  tap,  faucet,  spile. 

6pibfteg  c  joint  roasted  on  the  spit. 

6pib#|tønbe  nun  buoy.  -biutfet  a  acute-angled; 
-  triangel  oxygon,  t  ri  angle  having  three  acute 
angles.    -#ret  a  having  pointed  ears. 

•^epig  fe  ©piger. 

Spiger  n  &  e  -art  spike;  *(@øra)  nail.  -bør 
wimble,  anger  -fabrlt  nail-manufactory,  nail 
■works  -bøbeb  head  of  a  nail.  -bnb  ^  wood 
-sheathing.  -tøt  nail -hole.  -bnløprøp  spile. 
-mafter(t)  pin-maul.  -øfie  fe  Spifolie  -prop 
spile,  -»art  fe  -fabrif.  6plgre  vt  spike;  *natl. 
6pi'gring  c  spiking,  nalling. 

•epiffe  vt  whlttle.    -f)«l  cutting-board. 

epitølie  c  spike  oil. 

©pil  n,  pi  =,  (af  Zilfalbet,  @tabnen  oft».)  play; 
(meb  Sort.  terninger  ofo.)  game;  (Slomebief.)  play- 
ing,  acting.  (^anbl.  at  fp.  t)øjt)  gambling;  J, 
(Sang«)  capstan,  capstern,  (9rab>)  wlndlass, 
(mtnbre)  winch,  (flytbart)  crab;  et  .  Port  a  pack 
of  cards;  et  .  (Omgang)  a  hånd;  et .  Hegler  a  set 
of  nlne-pins;  gibe  frit  -  give  free  scope  el.  full 
play;  f pille  et  .  Stat,  BiHarb,  VBtjift  play  a  game 
of  cheNs,  billlards,  whist;  nu  bar  jeg  -let  gaaenbe 
now  I  am  sure  of  my  game,  have  the  game  in 
my  own  hånds ;  røre  -let  fio  be  doing;  opgibe  -let 
throw  up  the  game;  binbe  -let  win  the  game; 
babe  bunbet  .  be  sure  of  the  game,  have  the 
game  in  one's  own  hånds;  fe  Aftalt;  gøre  let 
tlart  rig  the  capstan;  føge  -let  man  the  capstan, 
the  windlas8;  Dåre  ube  af  -let  be  played  out; 
bare  inbe  i  -(et  attend  to  the  game,  be  up  to 
the  game;  tomme  meb  i  -let  come  into  play;  l)an 
er  meb  i  -let  fig  he  has  a  finger  in  the  pie,  he 
has  a  hånd  in  it;  tabe  Senge  i  -  lose  money  at 
play;  fatte  $o(!  i  el.  til  -let  man  the  capstan; 
bibe  (runbt)  i  let  heave  the  capstan;  tybe  meb 
ftraft  i  -let  heave  a-strain;  opgaa  i  -let  come  up 
the  capstan;  meb  tltngenbe  ~  drums  beating; 
brtbe  .  meb  make  game  of;  fatte  paa  .  stake, 





peril,  hazard,  put  to  hazard,  place  el.  put  in 
Jeopardy,  Jeopardize,  compromise;  ban«  8©re 
ftaar  paa  .  his  honour  Is  at  stake;  ber  ftaar  meget 
paa  „  for  fram  be  has  much  at  stake;  pære  paa  . 
be  playing  one's  pranks;  ffttbe  ttarfugl  paa  - 
shoot  black  game  at  pairing-time;  Øobfet  til 
-let  the  capstan  gear.  Sptfjatoter  windlass 
spindles.  -arm  windlass  lever,  -horn  capstan 

Gpilb  n  loss,  waste;  gaa  til  e  go  el.  run  to 
waste;  bet  er  tun  til  -e  that's  only  waste;  ~  of 
Srræfter  waste  of  power.  Spifbe,  -te,  t  vt  (om 
flqbenbe  Sager)  spill,  drop,  (forfoilbe,  f.  «!*.  om 
Jrrebtt  ofp.)  lose;  (bortsbfle)  w&«te;  bet  er  -bt  paa 
barn  it  is  thrown  away  on  him;  -bt  Hrbeibe  labour 
in  vain.  —  6ptfbe|bamp  exhaust  (steam),  waste 
s  team.  -bamp(ror)  waste-steam-pipe,  exhaust 
-pipe.  -føbcr  waste-fodder.  -fait  stray  salt. 
-oanb  waste-water.  -panbtfr*?  (3>mp.)  discharge 
-pipe.  -oanbåPentil  delivery  valve.  -Harme 
wast e-heat.    Sptlbolie  waste  oli. 

•Spflbre  c  -r  (thin)  splint,  splinter,  shiver, 
lath,  slat. 

Spilbfom  a  liable  to  waste,  wasteful. 

©pile  vt  (ub)  stretch,  distend;  -  Pjtiene  op 
open  one's  eyes  wide.  ©pile  c  -r  stretcher;  *-r 
(i  $araplp)  frame,  stretchers.  Spilen  c  stretch- 
lng.    Spilepinb  fe  Spile. 

Spil  I  fif!  &,  capstan  partners,  -fob  step  of  the 

Spillfflfgteri'  n  -er.  +-f  agten  c  humbug,  mock- 
ery,  shamming.    +-fftgtenbe  a  .s ham. 

Spilltooeb  A,  drum-head,  trundle-head. 
-ftPalpe  J,  whelps.  -inalpingen  the  windlass 
lining.  -jagt  shooting  (black  game  and  wood 
-grouse)  at  pairing-time.  -Hamper  &  whelps; 
windlass  chocks.  -tncrøt  windlass-bitt.  -toge 
boil  violently.  -(op,  -trone  ^  trundle-head. 
-trop,  *-fuboe  fe  -flamme  -fugle  proof-ball, 
forced  ball.    -laa*  windlass  chock s. 

Spille  vi  k  t  (om  alle  Slag*  Spil  og  3nftru» 
menter)  play;  (Homebie)  aet,  perform;  (om  HrtiHeri, 
Sprøjtet,  play;  -  (mobf.  paftfr)  stand  the  game; 
~  falft  play  false,  cheat  at  play;  ~  b»jt  gamble, 
play  hlgh,  deep;  fio  -  et  bejt  Spil  play  a  bold 
game;  -  Sanferot  become  bankrupt,  break,  fall; 
«  fcafarb  play  at  hazard;   -  ftomebie  aet  a  play; 

-  Stort,  ftegler  play  (at)  rards,  at  Dine  pins;  _ 
en  et  $ub8  play  one  a  trick.  -  en  ftoQe  aet  el. 
perform  a  part,  per>onate  el.  sustain  a  character; 

-  en  frem  tr«  ben  be  Stolle  bear  a  couspicuous  el 
prominent  part;  -  en  ftnfelig  Stolle  cut  a  sorry 
flgure;  -  ben  forurettebe  aet  the  part  of  an  in- 
jured  mnn;  .  (fngelffmanb  play  the  Englishman; 
labe  fin  ®ittigb>b  .  show  off  el.  make  a  display 
of  one's  wit;  b>or  Urnge  -r  famlet?  how  long 
does  H.  play?  fe  ©tab;  -  i  bet  ©lao  border  on 
the  blue,  have  a  bluish  tint;  Xiamanten  -r  i 
Solen  the  diamond  spark  les  in  the  sun;  pjnene 
-be  i  $ot>fbet  paa  benbe  af  QHcebe  her  eyes  beamed 
el.  sparklcd  with  joy;  .  meb  Crb  pun;  .  om 
$enge  play  for  money;  -  om  ingen  Zing  play  for 
love;  .op  strike  up;  _  fig  op  pick  up,  .paa 
fløjte,  Biolin  play  (on)  the  flute,  violin;  et  Smil 
-be  paa  benbe*  Støber  a  smile  hovered  on  her 
llps;  (aee  Jtanonerne  -  paa  bring  the  guns  to  bear 
upon;  -  ub  lead.  have  the  lead;  $e  {tal  -  ub  it 
i*  yonr  lead;    bbem  -r  ub?   whose  lead  is  it?  fig 

-  fin  fibfte  Irumf  ub  stake  one's  all;  -  unber 
$fftTe  meb 'en  play  booty  with  one,  colludewith 
one;  —  fpillenbe  a  fig  sparkling;  be  -  the 
player*.  ».»/*  the  execu tants.  Spittelaaoniug 
opening.  -aften  day  of  represeutation.  -baut 
bank.  -li oø  card-player,  handbook  of  cards. 
-bolb  ball;  ftp  sport,  plaything.  -oorb  cardtable. 
hazard-table.     -brober  fe   fugl.     -Irfft  marking 

-board,  -boa fe  musical  box,  mosic-box.  -fmi 
gambler,  gamester;  fbuflfoon.  -gaf  a  passioc 
ately  addicted  to  gambling,  -ffltlb  gmmblir.e 
debt.  -b^efPebe,  -^nå  gaming  house,  gnmbtise 
-house,  heil.  -Hvo  card-clnb.  -tort  eards 
-(ibrttflao  passion  for  gambling.  -UjfTe  Inck  in 
play.  -Ipft  love  of  gaming  el.  play.  -lonrr 
music-master.  -læreriube  music  mlstre#».  -maaPt 
manner  of  playing;  Onfrrumentl)  touch,  -omanb 
fiddler,  (low)  musiclan,  mii  bandsman;  ^er  - 
littleman.  -parti  card  party,  -penge  pi  pla? 
-money.  -probe  rehearsal.  6piner  c  -t  play  er. 
gamester,  gambler;  (i  frrictet)  batsman;  falft  - 
card  sharper.  6piUe|raferi  mania  for  gambling, 
rage  for  play.  -regel  rule  of  the  game.  -ras 
"H  windage;  meeh  play;  fio  scope,  margin, 
1  at  i  tude;  foa  .  rblioe  ui«)  fetch  way,  gioe  en  frit 
.  give  one  free  scope  el.  fnll  play.  -felffab  card 
-party,  -fnge  passion  for  play.  -farfon  theatrical 
season.  -fofter  female  gambler,  -tinte  mu«ic 
-lesson.  -nnbemUning  music  lessons.  -nr 
musical  clock. 

Spiflepenbe  a  all  altve  (and  kicking). 

SpiKeocrrt  n  musical  clock;  (Ubttpbeligbjeb)  to; . 

t6PiUina  e  -er  wild  plum. 

épilnaalo  &  splndle  of  the  capstan. 

Spi  Itting  c  stretchlng  etc.,  distention. 

Spflnot  c  windlass  end. 

6pllop'  n  k  c  -per  fun,  trick(s);  gore  -per  play 
tricks,  make  fun.    -mager  c  -e  rogue,  wag. 

Spil|panbe  &  saucer  for  the  capstan  spindle. 
•ring  capstan-rim.  -ffaal  fe  -panbe.  *fpnger 
capstan-bars;  handspikes  for  the  windlass  -fpor 
step  of  the  capstan.  -ftamnte  caDstan-barrel, 
main-piece  of  the  windlass.  *-fP«i»  emnk 
-handle,  -tib  pairing  season  (of  birds).  -t»gf« 
a  mad  as  a  March  hare. 

Spi  ItOP  *  stall. 

Spil | trumf  ^  windlass  end.    -tr*  fe  -jknnt 
•Paagen  a  wide-awake. 

Spinat  c  spinæh,  splnage,  Sgrinacia oieracea, 
engelfl  el.  romerft  .  patienoe,  Rumex  patiemtia 
-fro  splnage-seed.    -grøn  a  splnach  green. 

Spinb  n  that  which  is  spun,  yam;  (om  ttbber- 
Toppen«,  Saroerl  S)  web;   (Øetnrngen)  splnning 
Spinbe,  fpanbt,  fpunbet  it  spin;  (om  Iratten)  parr: 
-  Xobaf  twist  tobacco;  ban  bar  itte  fpunbet  Sil  te 
berueb  he  has  made  no  fortune  by  it;  -  en  ffnbc 
spin  a  yam;  fig  .  noget  op  trump  up  at;   .  fta 
inb  spin  its  cocoon,  fio  entangle  one's  self.  - 
tSOinbe|bud  house  of  correction  (for  females' 
-tone  spinner-,   (et  Slag*  £eo,e»i)  humming-top. 

Spinbef  c  -bier  spindle;  (t  Ur)  verge,  splndle. 
fusee;  (2)rfin.)  mandril,  (paa  Binbelrrappe)  newel. 

^Spiubel  c  fe  Sbberfop.  -ane  spider  mon  key, 

6pinbel|bot(te)  head-stock.  -formig  o  spindle 
-shaped.    -gang  nisee-escapement. 

Spinbcl  linie  fe   ftbe. 

Spinbel|lto  balance- vice.  -rafle  spindle  roll 
el.  roller,   -nr  fusee- watch.  -nenril  spindle  valve. 

Spinbef  |9ff0  n  cobweb.  -porno^npen  theararh- 
noid  membrane. 

Spiubejlon  wages  for  spinnlng.   -mafttne  spin 
ning-macbine,  spinning-Jenny.     -nieftrr  master 
of  a  spinning-mill.    -mibe  spinning-mite,  Tctm 
nyekué  telariut.     6pinben  e  spinnlng.     6pinbe 
plante  textile  plant.   Splnber  o  -e  (male)  spinner. 
too   bombyx.     Spinberi'  n   -er    spinning-mill. 
spinning-factory.      Spiuberot    spinning-wheel 
Spinberfte  c  -r  (female)  spinner.     SpinbejflPett 
the  spindle-slde,   the  distaff,  the  female  line; 
paa  -n  by  the  female  line.     -frof  textile  snb 
stance.    -ftae  spinolngroom;  (felftabrlig  Sammen- 
fomfij  spinning-bee.    -ten  spindle.    -rot  head  of 




flax.  -rraab  thread  fof  a  web),  -Pife  splnner's 
song.  -Dorle  teat,  nippie.  -ø*p  fe  SpinbelPab. 
3j>inbing  c  spinning.  Spinbplante  fe  ©pinbe« 

&p\ntV  c  -let  spinel,  splnelle. 

SpintV  n  -tet  spinet,  virginal. 

BUtnfe  ti  fe  ©pente 

&p\ntti  a  elender,  tiny.     *beb  c  slenderness. 

Sjpinø'l  c  -er  back  centre,  -bo!(te)  sllding 

t€>pint  c  sapwood,  sap,  alburnum,  album, 

&pio  n  c  -er  spy;  *fe  RefMtionSfpeil.  ©pione're 
ci   spy.    ©pion|e'ring  c,  -cri'  n  espionage. 

Spir  «,  pf  «=,  (p.  xaarn)  spire;  i  boom,  spar; 
flår  Peb  -ene  stand  by  the  booms!  f<*ng  op  ene! 
trice  op! 

&plr*'t  e  -er  spi'ral.  -tjener  spiral  spring, 
-f  ortnig  a  spiral,  helical.  -fcolber  (i  Ur)  regu- 
1» tor-spring,  -far  spiral  duet  el.  vessei.  -linie 
«t»iral  line.  -Rittet  a  arranged  in  a  spiral  manner. 
-traab  spiral  wire.  -Pinbtng  spiral  convolution. 
-ørenen  a  spirally  twlsted,  spirated. 

Spirant'  e  -er  spl'rant,  fricatlve  consonant.| 

®*i'rtraft  c  .J,  boom-brace. 

*  Spire  c   r  4,  fe  Spir. 

Soire  c  -r  germ,  spront;  fig  germ,  root;  fwele 
bet  onbe  i  n  nip  the  evil  in  the  bud;  goar  meb 
11  til  en  Spgbom  i  fig  has  a  disease  latent  in 
him.  ©pire  vi  sprout.  genninate,  burgeon;  . 
frem  sprout  el.  shoot  forth.  ©pire|bpgtig  a  hav- 
in?  the  power  of  germination.  -eone,  -traft 
eerminatiog  power,  power  of  germination.  -taal 
•prontø  pi.  -traf Hg  fe  -boglig.  Spiren,  ©»iring 
c  sprouting  etc  ,  germination.  —  ©piringftlbe« 
ttngelfer  condltions  of  germination.  -tab  læs 
d uring  germination. 

£»irit|t*'me  c  spir'itism.  -ifi'  c  -er  splr'itist. 
-nali*  me  c  spirit'ualism  -nallft'  c  -et  spirit'- 
uallst.  -nalifrifl  a  spiritualistic.  -nalite  t  c 
fHanbigfteb)  spiritual  ity:  (Hanbrigfcb)  brightness, 
t»rttlianry  -nel'  a  elever,  bright.  brilllant. 
-uo'fap/  fspirituous)  liquors,  spirits.  ©pirlino'fa> 
banbel  spirit-storø  pi  ©pir'itud  c  spirit  'of 
wine  etc ).  —  ©ptritttå  I  fernid  spirit-varuish. 
-IamPe  spirit-lamp.  'libelle,  -niPean  spirit  level. 
Spfritnø'd  a  spirit'uous. 

Spi  rlfofle  fe  -talje. 

Spirometer  *  -tre  spirometer. 

Spirreoip  c  -pet  little  bustling  person,  whipper 

©pi'rtatjr  c  boom-jigger,  boom-tackle. 

Spiret  a  c  spiræa. 

Sti*  li.]  c  tvp  plck. 

Spife  c  fe  røldfptfe. 

©pift.  tf,  -t  vt  &  i  eat:  -  ftrofofl  breakfnst;  . 
til)  røibbag  dine;  .  (til)  Hften  sup;  -  til  Wibbag 
r!  Sften  nod  en  dine  el.  sup  ban  -r 
qobt  be  plays  a  good  knife  and  fork;  ban  bolbfr 
af  at  .  gobt  he  is  fond  of  good  living;  man  -r 
flobt  ber  you  get  good  dinners  here;  man  -r  gobt 
bo*  barn  he  give.«  a  good  dinner,  keeps  a  good 
table;  jeg  -r  gernt  efterø  I  like  oysters;  .  fig  mat 
<>at  one's  fill  .  for  meget  eat  too  much,  overeat 
one's  self;  -  af  vi  clear  one's  plate;  vt  fe  fflffpife; 
-  op  vt  fr  Cpfptff ;  vi .  ban  b>r  -t  for  mig  he  has 
»at en  both  his  own  share  and  mine.  ©pife  c 
r  eating.  meat  food.  victuals.  @pife|a«ftalt 
faiLng-houHe.  -borb  diningtable,  dinner-table 
-for!lo?be  (t.  ©ørn)  feeder.  -bnft  eating-house. 
•rab*t  dlnlngcabin  -(ammer  larder,  pantry, 
buttery.  -tP arter  eating-house,  ordinary.  -tatlber 
'+,  provision-cellar;  (fteftauration)  low  eating 
house  6pifrlig  i  eatable,  ed  i  ble,  esculent. 
6pife(ig|eb  c  edibleuess  6pife|lpfl  appetite. 
•veflrr  purveyor,  caterer.    -olie  sweet  oil.    -pinb 

(tineflf!)  chop-stick.  +6pifer  c  -e  eater.  6pife|« 
reglement  dietary  scale,  scale  of  provisions. 
-rør  esophagus,  gul  let  -fol  dinner-hall,  dining 
-hall,  (i  ft lofter)  refectory.  -faloit  dining-saloon. 
-febbel  bill  of  fare,  menu,  amr  meat-bill.  -fel- 
flab  dinner  el.  supper-partv.  -ffe  dessert-spoon, 
(ftørre)  table-spoon.  -ffefnlb  spoonfnl.  -fteb 
eating-house.  -ftel  dinner  service,  -flue  dining 
•room.  -tip  meal  time;  dinner  time.  -rime  dinner 
-honr.  -Parer  ea tables,  victuals.  -potrelfe  ^ 
mess-room.  -Pcert  eating-house  keeper.  -Potrt* 
fttbc  landlady  of  an  eating-house. 

6ptølømme«  c  cumin,  Cuminum 

©pikning  c  eating.  6pi§ni«g»|r«r  o.  fl.,  fe 

Spielb  n,  pi  »,  (til  6forfirn  ofb.)  damper,  re- 
gister; (Smp.)  throttle,  damper;  (f.  «f*.  i  sfjorte) 
gusset     -formet  a  damper-shaped. 

♦Spiælf  c  er  splint,    epicrlfe  et  splint. 

tSpjott'  n,  pi  »,  start;  bet  gab  et  -  i  mig  I 
started,  got  a  start,  gave  a  start.  6pi*ttf  vi 
start;   kick,  struggle.     6pi a?t te«  c  starting  etc. 

epleife  vt  d,  splice.  6pleb*|ljorn  splicing-fld. 
-Ming  c  spliclng;  eone  splice.  *fjplelft  e  -er 
splice.    *6ple»fe  o.  fl.,  fe  eplebfe. 

6plenbi  b  n  grand,  liberal,  muniflcent. 

6plib  e  discord,  dissension;  fætte  -  imellem 
9oll  sow  dissenslon  between  people,  set  people 

quarrelllng.    -ag 'tig  a  disagreelng,  at  variance: 

*i  ------ 

contenUous;  b^pert  wFiae  fom  er  -t  meb  fig  felb  bibl 
every  kingdom  divided  against  itself.     -aa'rig* 

8 øre  vt  sow  dissenslon  between.     -ag'figqeb  c 

6plibfe  vt  fe  SpTebfe. 

©plint  c  -er  splint,  splinter;  fe  Gpint  <£,  (i  Bolt) 
forelock,  (^agefil)  gib.  -bolt  forelock  bolt. 
Splintenet  j,  splinter  nettings.  6pti«trr(nagenbe) 
ttp  n  bran-new.  spick  and  spån  new;  fio  alto- 

?;ether  new,  novel,  unheard-of.  6plint|fri  a 
tee  from  sapwood.  -bvgge  vt  chip,  cut  smooth. 
-b.ul  ,1,  forelock  hole.  Splintre  of  splinter, 
shiver;  —  ri  A  -é  vd  splinter,  shiver,  go  to 
shivers     ©plintren,  ©plintring  c  splinter! ng. 

©plit'  c  -ter  slit,  split,  rent;  (p.  ©fart)  placket; 
si  forelock,  (i  ftlog)  swallow-tall.  ©pli t| bolt 
forelock  bolt.  -bromber  split-bnrner.  -flag 
swallow-tailed  flag.  (minbre)  burgee.  -(ni  fore- 
lock hole.  -(ile  split-cutter,  ©plitning  c  split- 
ting, soattering,  dispersion;  disintegration,  ©plit« 
pinb(e)  &  split  pin.  Splitte  vt  Bplit,  slit;  fig 
dlslntegrate;  *  split;  -  Vtøngben,  %\tnbtn,  ab 
disperse  the  crowa,  scatter  the  enemy;  9Rcrngben 
-bet  ab  the  crowd  dis  pers  ed.  separated;  Iprø  -be 
fine  Wænb  i  flere  $obe  he  separated  hi*  men  in  to 
several  parties;  fforføenget  i  Xemplet  -be«  i  to  the 
vell  of  the  temple  was  rent  in  twain.  ©plittelfe 
cleavage,  schism,  disintegration,  split. 

Splitter! gal  a  stark  mad;  (om  Xing)  utterly 
wrong.    -nøgen  a  stark  naked. 

©pfitjtra,  -peb  laihwood,  laths.  -otrmer 
slaphed  sleeves. 

©plftaen  n  the  Splugen. 

•Spol  c  -er,  fe  Sporb. 

©pøle  c  -r  spool,  bobbin,  pirn,  cop;  (Qceoer*) 
shuttle,  tube;  fe  -ben  ©pole  vt  spool.  ©po(e|' 
affalb  cop-waste.  -ben  radius  -garn  spoollng 
yarn  -ladfe  box  for  pims  and  tubes,  -maffine 
ja<k  frame;  bobbin-frame.  -penge  spoollng 
-money.    ©poler  c  -e  x pooler. 

Spolere  vt  npoil,  ruin. 

©polelrol  c  spoollng  wheel,  -ten  »pindle  of 
the  l>obbins  Spoling  c  spoolin«.  ©pol orm  c 
-e  belly-worm;  vi  ascarides. 

*©pon  fe  6paan. 

©poRbaifl  a  spondalc.  ©pønbenå,  ©pønbc' 
c  -er  spondee. 





Bpouta'n  a  spontaneous.  -ette't  c  spontane'- 
ity,  Kponta'neousness. 

*Spor  c  fe  Sporb. 

Spor  n,  pi  =,  (fcøbfpor)  foot-print,  footstep; 
(3fagt)  track,  trall;  tøjulfpor)  rut,  track;  >£ø  (*enbe» 
tegn  paa  noget  fom  er  giort  el.  flet)  track,  vestige, 
trace;  (p.  3ærnbane)  railB,  (p.  Spotte  j)  tram-rails; 
(Sultng)  socket,  (til  lop)  mortise;  <J,  (gotftæon8») 
boxlng,  step;  (Wgterfiæbn«')  skeg;  (til  røaft)  step; 
fætte  i  -et  step,  løfte  af  -et  unstep;  tabe  -et  rom 
fiunbe)  lose  the  »cent,  b«  tabt  -et  is  at  fault; 
itfe  minbfte  .  not  the  least  vestige;  iRe  -  af  Tbivl 
not  the  sllghtest  doubt;  (er  bu  bange?)  f  ilfe  - 
not  a  bit;  fomme  (ub)  af  -et  ran  off  the  track; 
$ar  fat  ftt  -  i  has  left  its  mark  et.  trace(s)  on; 
fomme  paa  «.  efter  obtain  a  clue  to;  bære  paa  - 
efter  en  be  on  one's  track;  politiet  er  paa  et  the 
police  are  on  the  trall;  fatte  tøunbe)  paa  -  put 
on  the  scent. 

Spora  berue  pi  the  Spor'ades. 

Spora'bift  a  sporad'ic. 

♦Sporb  c  -er  tall  (of  a  flsh). 

6port  vt  trace,  track;  man  -be  fRøg  i  $ufet 
smoke  was  perceived  in  the  house;  wftertiben 
be  SSrrtnhtgen  af  fyra*  Stattfortattning  posterity 
experienced  el.  felt  the  effect  of  his  administra- 
tion; Ian  -s  may  be  traced;  ber  -•  ingen  §for« 
anbring  no  change  is  perceptible;  -  op,  fe  Opfpore. 

Spore  c  -r  (paa  ftrbptogam)  spore,  sporale, 

Spore  o  -r  (til  £eft  om  SHomft  og  fio)  spur;  fio 
stimulus,  incentive;  (paa  $eft)  ergot;  fp.  Bæbber* 
fttb)  beak;  f  (p.  gfjebertræ)  merrythought;  giøe 
en  $efl  af  -rne  put  el.  clap  spurs  to  a  horse; 
binbe  el.  tjene  fine  -r  gain  one's  spurs.  Spore  vt 
(f.  Sfe.  en  $eft)  put  el.  clap  spurs  to,  spur,  prick. 
Sporeagtig  a  spur-shaped. 

Sporr|bærenbe,  -banuenbe  a  $  bearing  spores, 
sporuliferous.    -rette  spore. 

Spore  [formet  a  spur-shaped.  -go«*  spurred 
goose,  Plectropteru*  Gambensi«.  -gøg  spurred 
cuckoo,  Centr  oput.  -f||ttl  •  rowel  (of  a  spur). 
-bug  prick  (with  the  spur);  spur-gall. 

Sporebu*  n  $  spore-case. 

Spor  ej  orm  n  Jagger,  jagging-lron. 

Sporetopfel  c  sporangium. 

Spøre|tnaft,  -fitægt  spur-bearer.  -taber  spur 
-leather,  spur-strap.  -mager  c  -e  (bit  and)  spur 
maker,  spurrier,  lorimer.  SporenftregØ  adv  f 
whlp  and  spur,  nill  gallop,  slap. 

Sporeplante  c  flowerlesø  plant,  cryptogam. 

Spore! rem  fe  -læber,  -fuætfe  spur-shell,  Gaioar. 
-frøf  fe  fnægt.  -ftæbig  a  made  restive  by  spur- 
ring,  over-spurred. 

Sporrfæ!  e  ascus. 

6pore|trbt  prick  with  a  spur.  -blnge  c  jacana, 
Parra.  -øærling  Lapland  bunting,  Emberita 

Sporbunb  c  slot-hound,  limehound.  Sporing 
c  tracklng.  Sporlig  a  traceable.  Spø'r|Ud  a 
trackless;  -løft  adv  tracklessly,  leaving  no  trace, 
without  leaving  any  track;  li  ben  er  iffe  gaaet 
-løft  ben  ooer  time  has  not  falled  to  leave  its 
traces  on.  -rrefer,  -rubber  cow-catcher.  -ffifte 
switch,  points;  (fcanbl.)  shunting  -fHfter  points- 
man,  switch-man,  rall-shifter.  -fue  new-fallen 
snow,  track-giving  snow. 

Sport  c  [eng.]  spo'rt. 

Spo'rtap  e  sh  tenon  of  a  lower  mast. 

Sportel  c  -tier  perquisite,  fee,  F  extra.  Sportel- 
tofØt  regulation  of  perqulsites.  Sporrule're  vi 
make  the  most  of  one's  perquisites. 

Spo  r|oej  tramway,  tramroad,  street-railway, 
nmr  horse-railroad.  -oefSUnte  tram  route.  -Dej*« 
fetfTab  street-railway  company,  tramway  Com- 
pany,    -bibbe   gauge,   gage.     -bog«    tram-car, 

tramway -carriage,  f  tram,  amr  horse-cax,  stree 
-car.  -Oog*«!ønbnrt*r  conductor  of  trmmf-var 
carriage).  -bognØfitfl  tram-car  driver.  -»*$■* 
torfelen  the  tram-car  service,  -bøgmormre  traia 

Spot'   c  mockery,    derision,   scoff,    floatir« 
Jeering;   bribe  -  meb  en  turn  one  into  ridiea>. 
bet  oil  bære  -  og  Slam  for  fceni  it  will  be  mat- 
to  your  discxedit;   o«re  ril  .  be  a  nrøckery.   & 
laughing-stock;  .  og  Stabe  følges  ab  logers  art 
always  laughed  at;  til  -  gao  be  bon  en  Streut  i  i 
mockery  they  gave  him  a  crown.     -biSig  dos 
-cheap.     -broøfel  fe  Spottefugl.     +-f«»  «  mo--k 
ing.     -priå  dead  bargain,   great  bargain,   åoz 
-cheap;  jeg  fi?  bet  for  -  I  had  it  a  dead  bargain. 
I  got  it  for  an  old  song,  for  a  mere  song. 

Spotte  øf  scoff  at,  deride,  rldicule,  mock,  jeer. 
flout;  fio  (f.  (Hl.  en«  ttnftrengelfer)  firustrat«?. 
defeat,  baffle;  -r  at  ©eftritjflfe  defles  de$cription 
®ub  laber  fig  iffe  -  bibl  God  is  not  mock  ed;  — 
øt  meb,  ober  (+af)  b.  f.;  —  fpottenbe  a  mocklM 
derisive.  Sbottejbigt  lampoon  (in  verse).  -tøl 
mocking-bird,  mocking-thrush,  MimuBpoiwlottm*, 
fio  mocker,  quizzer,  -glofc  gibe,  soofT,  jeer. 
-8*8  fio  fe  -fugl.  -Ipfl  love  of  mockery.  -Køn 
derisive  name. 

Spotfl  a  mocktng,  scofflng,  derisive,  deriding. 
sneering;  -  TOine,  ©mil  sneer;  fe  -  ub  have  & 
mocking,  scofflng  air;  tabe  -  om  nt  sneer,  mock. 
scoff  at  a  thlng:  |nn  er  meget  -  she  is  very  muor 
inclined  to  scoff,  sneer  etc.  -beb  c  propensity 
to  deride  etc. 

Spotter  e  -e  derider,  scoffer,  mocker.    Spotte 
fang  fe  -bigt.  -ffrtfi  lampoon,  pasoulnsvde.   -ffng 
derisive  shout,  hooting.    *-trofl  fe  -fugl.     €pøt 
blå  adv  mockingly,   sooffingly,   in  mockery,  in 
derision.    Spotøtfe  fe  Spottebigt. 

Spobe  e  -r  curlew,  Nt*mcniu». 

+Spraa  et*  become  brittle 

Spraaber  pi  (p.  $araplb)  frame . 

Sprabr  vi  t  (tage  lange  Stribt)  stride,  stølk; 
fio  rtrut,  swell.  Sprabe(ba8fe)  c  r.  Sprayer  r 
-e  fop,  buck,  coxcomb,  dandy,  s  well. 

Sprage  ri  crackle.    -n  c  crack! ing. 

Spraglet  a  variegated,   pied,  party -coloured 
motley;  -  Støbejærn  mottled  iron.     ^Spragle  vt 

Spraf  fe  Sprætte. 

Sprang  imp  fe  Springe. 

*Spra«g  n  fe  Spring;  lægge  paa  -  take  to  one's 

Spre'bbar  a  diffuslble.  *Sprebe  n  counter 
pane;  apron. 

Sprebe,  -te,  -t  vt  spread;  (til  oDe  Siber)  scatter, 
dia  perse;   .  for  ©inben  scatter  to  the  winds;    - 
ub,   fe  Ubfprebe;   -*  ab  scatter,    disperse;   —  vi 
ØøØfen  -r  the  gun  spreads  its  shot;  —  ør  fig  for 
meget  fio  be  too  diffusive;  —  fprebt  a:  -bt  fægt- 
ning skirmish,  skirmishlng;  -bt  Qarmoni  dispersed 
harmony;  ban«  Øobfer  ligge  øibt  -bre  his  esute- 
are  far  distant  from  each  other;   foa  og  -bie  feir 
and  far  between;  nogle  faa  -bte  fcufe  a  few  strajrg 
ling  houses.    SprebelgUA,  -liufe  divergeot  len*. 
—  Spre  b|bolt  n  J,  (til  «ant)  sheer-pole,  stre^her; 
(til  ©olfeil)  euphroe.    -lageu  connterpane,  cover 
let.    -nlng  c  spreading  et«.,  spread.    Sprrbtbr) 
c  sparseness. 

Sprib  fe  Sprbb. 

"Sprite  øt  spread  (asunder),  part  wide;  —  ri 
spread,  sprawl,  (meb  Uenene)  straddle. 

Spring  n,  pi  «,  jump,  leap,  spring,  skip, 
bound;  (om  $eft)  plunge;  (forring)  springing. 
cpupimg,  covering;  fio  («fbrttbelfe)  break;  ^.  (i 
6Kb)  sheei,  (p.  Wnfertoø)  spring;  *  (i  glo  o.  1.) 
(sidespring;  Banbeta  -  jet,  spouting  of  water, 
t  -  fio  by  flts  and  wtarts;  fio  ber  er  et  Hort  -  fta 




.  .  .  til  it  is  a  far  cry  from  ...  to;  p«o  paa  -et 
be  on  the  point  (til  of);  altib  paa  -et  always  in 
the  saddle:  &  gøre  -et  ftærfere  quicken  the  sheer; 
Qøxt  et  minbte  ftunit  straighten  the  sheer.  Spring]' 
abe  squirrel  monkey,  Catlithrix.  -batfamine 
touch-me-not,  /stpaftø**  nolt  me  tangere,  -ten 
»rikle  bone;  soo  saltatorial  leg.  -(net  spring 
-board,  -brønb  flowing  well.  -but  spring -buck, 
^InftfofM  euchore.    -ban*  fe  $0(f!ban8. 

Springe,  fprang,  fprunget  t»»  (gøre  Spring)  spring, 
leap,  jump,   bound,  frisk,  skip;    F   &  *  (løbe) 
run;   (Inatte,  brifte)   buret,  snap,  crack;  <J,  (om 
SBinben)  shift  (suddenly),  chop  round  e(.  about; 
(forring)  leap,  cover;  tabe  en  røine  .  spring  a 
mine;  labe  alle  Winer  -  leave  no  stone  umurned; 
_   ©uf  play  at  leap-frog;  ber  er  fprunget  et  ©lob- 
tår  i  fyxm  he  has  broken  a  blood-vessel;  ~  af 
fly  off;  .  af  »læbe  leap  for  joy;  -  forbi  fig  skip 
(over),  pass  by;  -  en  forbi  (Peb   ©eforbr.)  pass 
over  one's  head;  .frem  run  forth;  fig  protrude, 
project,  Jut  out;   jpring  \)tn  til  Urtefrcemnteren 
ran  to  the  grocer's  (shop);  Sfibet  fprang  i  Suften 
the  snip  blew  up;  man  fan  lige  faa  gerne  .  i  bet 
Som  trtybe  i  bet  it  is  needless  making  two  bites 
at  a  cherry,  it  is  no  use  beating  about  the  bush; 
fe  Sltnt;   .om  (bare  omflattaibe,  om  ©inb)  chop 
round  el.  about;   .  op  (af  Stolen)  jump  out  of 
the  chair,  spring  to  one's  legs,   (bltoe  lø«)  start; 
fjant  ftøfe  fprang  op  at  blsbe  be  began  suddenly 
to  bleed  at  the  nose;  Søren  fprang  op  the  door 
flew  open;  .  op  af  ©træf  start  up  from  terror; 
en   Storm  fprang  op  a  gale  sprang  up;  -  o  o  er 
jump  (ogf.  fig),  fig  skip  (over);  labe  -  otoer  Utingen 
put  to  the  s  word;  maatte  -  ooer  klingen  was  put 
to  the  sword;  .til  spring  forward;  ~  tilbage 
reboand;   -  ub  (om  Ira)  bud,  come  into  leaf, 
(om    ©lomft)   come  out,    blossom   out,    bloom; 
*  (om  $eft)  bolt,  run  away;  fe  Ubfpringe;   -  ub  (t 
Sanbet)  efter  jump  in  alter;  .  ub  paa  $ot>ebet 
take  a  header;  —  fptinaenbea  (om  ftremfttntng 
o    I.)  disconnected,  desultory;  her  salient. 

Søringebbe  c  spring  ebb.  Sprtngebanf  fe 
©prtngban«.  Sprinaebberfop  c  saltigrade,  Sal- 
tten*. Springeterbtg  a  (om  Itør)  capable  of 
covering.  Sprtngen  c  springlng  etc.;  bursting 
etc  Springeprnge  premium  el.  charge  for  the 
services  of  a  utal! Ion.  6priugrr  c  -e  (en,  fom 
fprmgerj  jumper,  leaper,  springer,  vaulter, 
tumbler;  fr  Springboaf;  Ztymfift;  (i  Staf)  knight; 
(i  Oft)  maggot;  *  a  kind  of  rustic  dance  or 
march.  Springertrat  knight's  move  el.  jump. 
eørtngeftof  fe  épringftot.  Springerib  covering 
-oeason.    +Sprtngeø*lb  fouutain,  well-spring. 

6priug!1iire  c  young  hare-brained  fellow. 
-fjeber  spring,  -flob  spring  flood  (tide).  -før 
spark,  fop,  beau.  -glad  Prince  Ruperts  drops. 
-Hale  apring-tail,  Podura.  -bare  jumping-hare, 
PedeUt  ciffer,  -tøt  stallion.  -Qttbe  hoppie. 
-tjolt  stretcher.  -b*al  grampus,  Npringer,  Del 
phinu«  orca.  -fllbe  fountain,  well-spring.  -file 
(p.  ©t#fe;  flyer,  scape.  -fifle  art  powder-chest. 
-flap  meadow  (bitter-)cress.  Cardamine  t^atenti«. 
-fnaø  i«llitory-of-the-wall ,  Parietaria.  -torn 
fe  -balfamine.  -line  &  rudder-pendant;  (til  Sar« 
tøjet)  rudder-lanyard.  -linie  J,  sheer  Hue  (of 
the  deck)  -ntabroø  spring-mattre^.  -møl  <k 
sheer  mould.  -mnø  jerboa,  Diput.  Springning 
c  springing  etc.  Spring  lom  fe  Soingom.  -orm 
asearis,  ($fftetøgbom)  gland*rs  pi.  -paffer  spring 
-divider«,  -pi nb  (i  ©ur)  perching-stick.  -pøjt 
spring  water  pump.  -pnngbttr  pi  Ju in  ping  mar 
j-uplab.  -rent  martingale.  -ring  split  ring. 
-rør  jet-pipe.  6pringfT  a  spry;  (parrelttflen)  rank; 
r  (faab,  ooergtPen)  wanton;  frolicaome.  Springff« 
fceb  e  wantonness.  6pring|*-ffo  sidespring shoe. 
-ftøb  *1,  out-haul.    -ftjfltrt  spring  tail.    -ftof  leap- 

ing-pole.  *-fU*ltt  side-spring  boots.  -tik  (time 
of)  spring  tide.  -ty?  bull  kept  for  covering. 
•panb  jet,  fountain.  -PeJ  sbort  run.  -Pi«  adv 
(-nx)  by  flts  and  starts. 

éprtnfel  e&nfe  -rørt.  -lage  &  hatch-grat- 
ing.  -Pfltrf  a  trellis,  lattioe,  wicker-work.  -P<rrtt< 
tngle  skeleton  ball. 

eprinfter  pi  peteochial  spots. 

6prit  e  spir'it. 

^eprit  n  fe  @prt)b. 

•Sprite  r»*  spirt,  spont. 

Sprog  faa]  n,  pi«=,  (ogf.  fig  k  uegentl.)  language; 
bet  ^ebraifre  >  the  Hebrew  tongne;  et  lepenbe,  bøbt 
-  a  living,  dead  l.;  -et  (i  Slim.)  language;  fore  et 
b»jt  .  use  high  language,  F  talk  big;  et  -  af 
©ibelen  a  scriptural  passage;  ub  meb  -et!  speak 
out  l  out  with  lt !  iRe  oiQe  ub  meb  -et  beat  about 
the  bush.  Sprog | aloer  fe  -periobe.  -art  dlalect. 
•baonb  tie  of  language,  -bentsrfnlng  linguistic 
remark,  -beflffgtet  a  havlng  affinity  of  language. 
-btanber  oue  who  interlards  his  speech  with 
foreign  words  or  ph rases,  -bfanbing  (Sammen* 
fmelrning  af  Sprog)  amalgamation  of  languages; 
(3nbb!anbtng  af  fremmebe  Orb  ofo.  i  et  S.)  mixture 
of  languages.  -bommert  solecism.  -brng  usage 
(of  1.).  -bagning  constitutlon  of  the  1.  -bon* 
nelfe  development  of  language;  (Sprogfynbigbcb) 
proflciency  in  (knowledge  o(,  languages.  -bel 
component  part  of  a  language.  -bPrter  linguist. 
-egenbeb,  -ejmbonttttelio^eb  idiom,  idiotism; 
banff .  danism  (ofo.).  -elfler  linguist,  philologist. 
-etrøe  faculty  of  speech;  talent  for  languages. 
-familie  family  of  languages.  -fejl  blunder 
against  gram  mar,  solecism.  -forbebrer  reformer 
of  the  1.  -forbebring  reform  of  the  1.  -for« 
bsrper  corrupter  of  the  1.,  m urderer  of  the 
Queen's  (King' s)  English.  -form  language. 
-forfler,  -forfrning  fe  granfler,  -granftning.  -for- 
Pirring  confusion  el.  corruption  of  languages. 
-fplbe  richness  of  language,  -f terbig^eb  fluency 
of  speech,  vol  u  bil  i  ty,  gift  for  languages.  -fø> 
lelfe  fe  -fan«,  -førina  style.  -gebet  [t.J  fe  -om* 
raabe.  -aranfler  philologist,  linguist.  -granff- 
ning  philology,  study  of  languages.  -gren 
branch  of  languages.  -grttnfe  boundary  line  of 
the  language,  -gplblg  a  correct,  legitlmate. 
-g^lbigbcb  correctness.  -bat  antipathy  against 
a  certain  1.  -biflorie  bis  torv  of  1.;  banff  ~  the 
hlstory  of  the  Danish  1.  -tyiftøriff  «  pertaining 
to  the  h.  of  language,  -tamp  war  of  languages. 
-tettber  linguist.  -fltag  (peculiar)  tone  of  a 
language,  -flaåfe  group  of  languages.  -tort 
language  map.  4-traft  raciness  (of  language). 
•f-trcbø  fe  -omraabe.  -fnnbflab  knowledge  of  el. 
skill  in  languages;  paoe  gobe  -er  be  well  versed 
in  languages.  -tnnfi  mastery  of  language,  -fnr« 
fnå  curriculum  o;  languages.  -fttnbig  a  skilled 
in  languages.  -fnnbig^eb  fe  -læcbom.  -laber  re- 
former of  the  language.  -lapning  neology. 
Sproglig  a  llnguistic(al);  bet  e  the  linguistic 
element.  Sprog |ligb*b  analogy  of  language. 
•lkB  sound  (of  the  language),  -terb  a  learned 
el.  erudite  in  languages.  -lotrbom  philology, 
philologlcal  eruuition.  -Icere  grammar.  -lærer 
teacher  of  languages,  language-master.  -lærer- 
inbe  language-mistress.  -manb  linguist.  -meb' 
bolbig  fe  -rigtig,  -mefter  fe  tæm.  -mønfter 
standard  el.  classical  work  (in  a  language). 
+-nemme  gift  for  languages.  -omraabe:  bet 
banfte  .  the  territory  of  the  Danish  language 
(ofo.).  -periobe  period  of  the  1.  -prøoe  specimen 
of  the  1.,  specimen -co m position,  -regel  gram- 
matical  rule,  rule  of  grammar.  -renbcb  purlty 
o.  1.  -renftr  purist,  -renønlng  puriflcation  of 
a  language,  -ret  a  fe  -rigtig,  -rettelfe  correc- 
tion  of  the  language,     -rigbom  copiousness  el. 




richness  of  a  1.  -rigtig  a  correct,  grammatical. 
•rigrigljeb  gTammatfcal  correctness.  -fa«f  lin- 
guistic(al)  sense  el.  genius;  (grenol.)  organ  of 
language,  -flat  vocabulary  -ffffgfftab  afflnity 
of  Ianguage(s).  -flamme  stock  of  languages. 
-fiøf  linguistic  matter,  -fir  Ib  linguistic  dispute. 
-ftribig  a  in  correct,  ungrammatfcal.  -ftribtgfceb 
incorrectness.  -frnbinnt  study  of  language(s). 
•talritt  talent  for  (acquiring)  language«,  gift  of 
tongues.  -tone  tone  of  a  language.  -nnbrrblø« 
ning  instruction  In  h»nguages.  -uenbing  turn  of 
speech.  -Dibenftab  Unguistics  pt,  phiiology. 
-ombring  cbange  of  language,  -o?i  family  of 
Unguages.  -øoelfr  exercise  ri.  practice  in  a 

Sprof  o  (Sarbe)  cad  dis,  cad-bait,  cadeworm. 

Sproffe  c  -t  cross-piece,  cross- bar. 

Sprot'  fr  Sprut . 

Sprnb  n  k  c  spurt,  jet.  Sprmbe  vt  k  i  spout, 
spurt;  ttjatget  -t  31b  the  mountaln  vomits  fire; 
ban*  pjnc  bf  3lb  his  eyes  shot  forth  el.  flashed 
fire ;  fibfet  -r  tbe  candle  snutters ;  fennen  -r 
the  pen  spurts,  »putters,  éprubettlbe  geyser. 
Sprnbelftrn  thermal  tuff.  eprnble  vi  gush, 
well,  bubble,-  +  vt  ub  sputter  out.  Sprublen  c 
gushing  etc.  *©prnbrøb  a :  blrb  .  turned  scarlet 
ri.  crimson. 

*6prungr  c  -r  rent,  crack,  chlnk. 

Sprnt'  c  (ftift)  sprat,  Ciupea  »prattu*. 

•Sprut'  c  Tr  Sprub. 

Sprutboftelfe  c  puff. 

Sprutte  fe  Sprubr. 

Sprttb  n  ^  fr  -ftaflf;  fr  ©ugfprbb.  -borbnn 
bowsprit  sbroud.  -Hamper  bees.  -fejl  spritsall. 
-flage  sprit,  spleet.    -ftrøp  snotter,  becket. 

Sprttt'  fr  Sprut'. 

•Spratf  a  active,  lusty,  strapping. 

'Spræt'  c  rent,  crack. 

Sprcrtfr  c  -t  crevice,  chlnk,  crack,  flssure;  (i 
$ubrn)  chap.  Sprottte,  fpraf,  f pruttet  vi  crack, 
burst;  Sorbrn  -r  ub  the  perspiration  bursts  out; 
fprutrte  $cenber  chappy  ri.  chapped  hånds;  fcerbig 
at  -  af  9tp»Qerrigqeb  bursting  with  curlosity; 
faerbig  at  -  af  Sattrt  ready  to  split  one's  sides 
with  laughing.  -bannelfe  cracking.  -forrbig  u 
fr  oDfi. 

epxaV  n  ($anbl.  at  fpr«He)  sprawllng;  (Støj) 
fuss,  coil,  pother;  gøre  -  (Støj)  make  a  fuss; 
(ocere  SRobeiuntrr,  flao  om  fiø)  cut  a  dash;  gore 
•  af  make  a  great  fuss  about.  Sprot  tie  vi  sprawl, 
flounder,  toss  the  body  about.  -manb  dancfng 
•Jack,  jumping-jack,  quockerwodger.  6pr«lfl 
a  f  boisterous,  unruly. 

46pr*ug  t.  lafr  paa  -  =  Sprænalafr. 

Sprang  ibaanb  (fcømr.)  strut  -bombe  c  per- 

Sprange,  -tr,  -t  vt  burst,  (i  to)  part,  break; 
(en  SJal  i  ©illarbfpil)  spring  (a  ball);  (en  troppe, 
afbeling)  defeat,  scatter,  put  to  flight  (a  body  of 
troops);  -  rn  ftlippr  blow  up  ri.  blast  a  rock;  - 
Xørru  burst  oi>en  el.  force  the  door;  -  rn  $efl 
break  the  wiud  of  a  horse;  -  fBanfrn  break  the 
bank;  -  ub  start;  —  vi  -  afftrb  ride  at  full  speed; 
~  inb  paa  ftienben  rusli  upon  the  enemy;  -gt  (om 
#eft)  broken-winded. 

Sprenge,  -te,  t  vt  (beftrø  meb  Sanb)  corn, 
powder,  sprinkle  with  salt;  gt  Støb  corned 
mcat;  -t  3ntt  (tøogb.)  marbled  cut. 

Sprang,  frøft   ie     futbe      -fblbt  o   fflled    to 
bursting     -granat  fr  -bombe,    Møtb  o  intensely  ' 
cold.    -fraft  bursting  power  rt.   force,   blastiug  " 
power,  -frnbt  blasting-powder.  -fugle  explosive 
ball;  fe -bombe,   -ful  Uowing-eoal.   °-tulbe  severe 
frost,     -(åbning  burstlng-charge.     -I«rb  a  ex-  ' 
cessively  learned,  crammed  with  leaming,  brim-  I 
ful  of  leaming.     *M«fe  vi  read  hard,  cram  (for  i 

an  ezamination).  Sprsngntng  c  -er  burstiiu 
biasting  etc.;  (©ogb.)  marbling.  &ptæuqnim%+ 
forfag  pi  fr  ftybntng.  6pomg|olie  nitro^lycehLe 
-projrftil  fr  -bombe,  -fat*  explosive  compoaitiot: 
-flnb  shot.  -ffbbning  bursting  trials.  -fløf  ei 
ploslve  stuff.  -t#sbe  powder-barrel.  -»ørrf  str:i 

6pr<rt'  %  kick,  bound,  start.  *6prort'  c  ir. 
dandy,  beau,  fop. 

6prsttr  or  (op)  rip  open  el.  up,  unsew,  un 
stitch,  unpick,  plck. 

6pr«ttc  vi  sprawl,  flounder;  *  (om  Smer 
shoot;  fr  Sprubr;  tyrn  -r  i  Søtmr  he  kicks  oui 
his  legs  in  his  aleep;  vt  _  SengfUeberne  af  tt« 
kick  off  the  bed  clothes. 

6pr(rttrtniP  c  rlpping-knife. 
6prattrn  c  sprawiing  etc. 
6prab  n  ^  o.  fl.,  fr  Sprpb. 

SVf'b  a  brittle,  friable,  fragile;  vant  -.  oa 
Spijroarrr)  eat  short;  Stagen  er  itfe  -  the  cake  -> 
not  crisp.  -glaSertå  brittle  silver-glance  -%ci 
c  brittle ness  etc. 

6prøjlie)  c  -r  k  -e  (ooer  6ogn#  p.  i01aefeb«rU 
o.  I )  hoop. 

6pr*f#  n  chips,  splints. 

*Sprait  n  fe  Sprub. 

6pr*ftr  c  -r  (HUe;  squirt,  syringe;  (9ranb*  > 
(flre-)euglne;  førftr  .  fio  leader,  bell-wether,  fir*; 
flddle.     Sprajtr  vt  squirt,  spurt;  mød  syringe 
inject,   vt  spurt,  spout;  -  noget  inb  i  rn*  Cu 
inject  something  lnto  one's  ear,  syringe  cme  ? 
ear  with  something;  -  SBanb  paa  rt  branbenbr 
£>uft   play  the  eugines  upon  a  burning  hou&e. 
^ølgrrnr  ~  op  paa  Stranbbrebben  the  waves  da>b 
upon  the  shore.    Sprajtelfifl  chaetodon;  archer 
-nsh,  Toxote*.    -floffe  squirting-bottle.     -følt  j<« 
flremen.    -fnlb  dead  drunk.    -gal  a   p   ravii.g 
mad.     -bnl  (p.  ^>oal)  blow -hole.     -tyng  (fire 
engine  house,     -tanke  watering  pot.     -maab 
flabier)  fe  -folt.     -mefrer  engine  -player.     -rar 
spout   of  a  fire-  engine.     -flat  fire-engine  tax 
-(lange  hose  of  a  fire-eugine,  flre-hoae.   6pr*jt 
nittg  c  squirtlng  etc. 

Spnle  vt  <i,  wash.    -pumpe  wash-deck  pump 
-pa*  washdeck  bucket.    6pnl(n)i«g  c  washiitie 

Spnnbing  c  -er  d>  rabbet;  ubb^uggr  rn  -  i  sink 
a  rabbet  in.  6puubi«g8|(t«ir  cutting-dowu 
line;  bearding-line.  -planterne  the  gaxttoard 

Bpuué  n  k  c  -et  bung;  (tnbfalbt  Stoftr)  goro 
•baattb  bung-boop.  -bor  bung- borer,  -bng  bun« 
-cloth.  Spnnfe  vt  bung.  epnnfrfnlb  a  de.n^i 
drunk.  @pnnd|gsr  yeast  torced  out  at  the 
bung  hole.  -bnl  bung-hole,  bung.  -pal  sheei- 
ing-pile.    -fab  bung-snw.    -btfg  pile-planking. 

Spurgte  fe  Spørge. 

Spnro  c  e  sparrow,  Fringilla  domestioa,  fmn- 
coek-8.;  ^»un>  hen-s.;  jælge*  itte  to  e  for  en  $<n- 
ning?  og  itfe  een  af  brm  faibet  til  forben  actn 
rberø  i^abrrø  8ii)e?  bibl  are  not  two  sparrows  soM 
tor  a  tarthing,  and  one  of  them  shall  not  fa- 
on  the  ground  without  your  father,  en  Spnro  » 
Xranebau*  a  minnow  among  tritons,  a  dwMrf 
among  giants.  —  Spnrbefugl  pasaerine-blrd, 
percher.  -bagel  ^mall  shot  -b^øg  sparrow 
-hawk,  Artur  ninu.  -tonge  willow-wren,  Syirti 
troehUu«.  -toibber  chirplng  (of  sparrowv 
-papegøje  love  bird,  Pfnttaculn.  -rebe  spaxron  '* 
nest  -trap  jogtrot.  -ngle  lit  tie  owl,  Strtj 
panterina.    -nnge  youug  s     -ag  sparrow 's  eg< 

6po  vi  k  t  spew.  dpt)  n  vomit,  puke;  bet  er 
.  i  Hobet  the  meat  is  fly-blown. 

©pub  n,  p/  =,  gpear,  lance,   (ftafte )  javel  i  u 
-bl ab   spearhead.      -blabet   a   hast&te-lea\i<l 




-bamiet,   -formig  a  spear-shaped,   lanceolate, 
hastate.    -brage?  spearman. 

Sbb/bglan*  c  anttmony.    -afle  oxide  of  anti 
mony.   -blommer  argentine  flowera  of  an  tim  o  ny. 
-gltå  glass  of  a.    -ilte  protoxlde  of  a.    -metal 
regulna  of  a.  -ftttbr  butter  of  a.  -fbøbl  sulphur 
of  antimony. 

Spbbig  o  sarcastic,  sarcastical,  caustlc,  satir- 
ical,  tart,  sharp.    -fceb  c  -er  sarcasm. 

Sbb'b|t«mp  oombat  el.  fight  with  spears.  -lig 
znarcaslte.    -rb,tter  mounted  spearman. 

Spbbf  o  F  sharp,  grim. 

Sp*-b|ffaft  fe  -flage.  Sptob*ob,  SpUbfplb*  spear 
-head,  head  el.  point  of  a  spear.  ebtybl ftage, 
-ftasg  shaft  el.  staff  of  a  spear. 

6?b/l jfa*  blue-bottle,  blow-fly,  meat-fly,  Mu»ca 
vomitoria.  -gab,  -gat  &  scnpper.  -gatitlab 
scupper-pipenap.  -gartmarmerisig  scapper-hose. 
•gattprop  scupper-plug. 

Spble  vt  o.  ff.,  fe  ©pule. 

Spljt'  n  spit,  spittle,  saliva;  flttte  -  for  cringe 
to,  truckle  to,  liok  the  feet  of.  -affottbring 
salivary  secretion.  -bribenbe  a  salivating;  - 
2Ribbef  sialogogue,  ptyalqgogue,  ptysmagogue. 
-fiflet  salivary  flstula.  -fføb  n  flux  of  saliva, 
sali vation,  ptyalism.  -ttrtel  salivary  gland. 
-frille  kiss-curl.  -fHttrnbe  a  toad-eating.  -flitter 
c  -e  p  lick-spittle,  foot-licker.  -flttteri  n  toad 
-eating,  toadyism.    -Ven  salivary  concretions. 

SPbtte  vi  &  t  spit;  (fprutte,  frotte  ibet  man 
taler)  sputter;  fe  ttøftfe.  -batte  spitting-box, 
Hpit-boy,  spittoon.  -gag  F  greenhorn,  spooney. 
-tlat,  Mlbfe  clot  et.  discharge  of  spittle.  -trutte 
spitttng  el.  expectorating  cup.  -fur  sali  vation. 
•siibbel  sialogogue.    Spbtteu  c  spittlng  etc. 

Spttb  a  tender,  delicate,  slender,  tiny;  et  -t 
Stam,  fe  ©arn;  ~  Stemme  feeble  voice.  -barn 
infant,  baby. 

Ctøffbe,  -te,  -t  vt  dilute,  thin;  .  $umpen  fetch 
the  pump;  .  til  add,  superadd;  fio  contribute 
(out  of  one's  own  pocket). 

Sbofblfteb  c  tenderness,  delicacy.  -iå  thin 
ice,  Ice-crust.  -tatb  sucking-calf,  baby  calf. 
-flintr  corafleld  gromwell,  Lithotpermum  arverne. 
•lemmet  a  fe  Sparlemmet. 

Spage  vt  mortify,  macerate,  chasten;  vr  flg 
mortify  one's  flesh.  -Ife  c  mortifying  etc.; 
mortiflcation,  maoeration. 

Sb«t'  n  blubber;  <t  (Hl  SWaatter)  thrums. 
Gbat|fcNgger  blubber -cutter;  (Dtjr)  grampus, 
Delpkinu*  orca  -tafter  provision-dealer,  cheese 
-monger.  Spalte  vt  pamper;  eulin  lard;  & 
thrtim,  -  en  SRur  rough  cast,  plaster  a  wall;  - 
en  $ung  line  a  purse;  rn  »el  -t  røung  a  long 
purse;  -  fin  Tale  meb  Sitarer  interlard  one's 
speech  with  quotations.  —  Spaftelbrat  larding 
board.  *-fJ*l  cutting-l>oard.  -flaff  bacon  (for 
larding)  -naal  lardlng-pin.  -ftrimmct  slip  of 
bacon.  Spartling  c  pampering  etc.  Spatpare 
lard-pear.    Spafftrb  lard  i  te. 

*Spal  c   er  short  tail,  bobtail,  scut. 

Spanb  n,  pi  =,  (JJangben  man  fan  fpanbe;  spån; 
fe  -oibbe;  ($efte)  team;  (Spart)  kick;  (fiejer)  fun; 
4,  et  -  ftantrr  a  pair  of  shrouds;  fatte  i  .  meb 
(nnanben  yoke  toget  her;  fio  aaa  i  .  fammen  pull 
together.    Spanbblit  vice  grip,  clamp. 

Spanbe,  -te,  -t  vt  (ftralte)  stretch,  strain, 
tighten;  (noa  beb  Ubfiratning  af  $anber  eller 
SIrme)  spån;  (oeb  Spanber)  buckle,  clasp;  (fparfe) 
kick;  -  en  ©ue  bend  a  bow;  fio  -  IBuen  for  bøjt 
carry  one's  pre  tensions  too  high;  _  $anen  paa 
en  wø&fe  cock  a  gun;  en  -bt  ©øéfe  a  cocked  gun; 
-  end  ftorbentntnger  strain  one's  expectations; 
6on  forftob  at  -  Gpnuerffombeben  he  knew  how 
to  engross  the  attention  (of  his  hearers);  —  vi 
(om  Stpbeoaaben)  recoll,  —  vd  i  \  be  to  funne 

itte  gobt  9  these  two  do  not  agree  very  well; 
cannot  endure  eaoh  other;  -  af  f  end;  ~  Oen 
el.  ftrog  for  en  trip  one  up,  trip  up  one's  heels; 

-  for  put  to  (the  horses),  .fra  take  out  et.  un- 
harness  the  horses;  ~  ^anen  neb  uncock  the 
gun;  .op  unbuckle,  unclasp,  unstrap;  •  ober 
fio  embrace;  ~  paa  $ine&centen  put  to  tbe  rack, 
stretch  on  the  rack;  -  ub,  fe  Ubjpænbe;  kick 
out;  —  fpanbenbe  a  exdting;  —  fpænbt  a 
meb  -bt  Opmoertfom^eb  intently;  be  flsrtt  -bte 
Werner  the  highly  tens.oned  nerves;  min  920«« 
gerriglpb  vat  -bt  paa  bet  bøjefte  my  curiosity  had 
reached  i  te  highest  pltch;  ^orbentningen  bat  -bt 
paa  bet  bjjefte  expectatlon  was  on  tenterhooks; 
i  -bt  ftorbentning  on  the  tlptoe  of  expectatlon; 
bære  -bt  be  excited;  on  the  strain;  -bt  boa  at  bibe 
on  the  tiptoe  to  know;  ^an  bar  -bt  paa  at  erfare, 
f^bab  ber  btlbe  fte  he  was  anxious  to  learn  what 
would  happen;  be  ere  paa  en  -bt  &ob  there  is  a 
coolness  l>etween  them,  tbey  are  on  bad  terms; 
&orb,olbet  mellem  bem  bar  mere  enb  -bt  the  rela- 
tions between  them  were  more  than  strain  ed; 
giorbe  ban«  ^orfjolb  til  .  .  .  -bt  strained  his  rela- 
tions with.  6b ambe  n  og  ^c  buckle,  clasp. 
6p*nbe|blit  fe  epcenb-.  -bog  book  with  clasps, 
clasped  book.  -bælte  belt  with  a  buckle  el. 
clasp.  -fjeber  spring.  -Gage  hook  of  a  chaln. 
•bjerte  core  (of  a  buckle)  -tappt  tong  end. 
-trog  tenterhook.  -latber  (shoe-)strap.  -mager 
c  -e  buckle-maker.  -muflei  tensor.  -rem  strap, 
braces.  +-feng  bedstead  with  strapa.  -fporer 
rough  ri  der"  s  spurd.  -fttjtte  near-side  neckstrap. 
*-tag  violent  effort,  spurt,  -tamp  (i  Qeft)  waist- 
coat  string,  -torn  tongue  of  a  buckle.  -tror 
rafter,  -troje  strait  -  waistcoat ,  strait-jacket. 
6pocnbbolt  stretch  er.  6p(rnbig,  -beb  fe  6pcenbfttg. 
6pørnbfng  c  -er  (Stramning,  ogf.  fio)  tension; 
(fp.  5orbolb)  estrangement;  (Sinbdftemning)  excite- 
ment;  fe  -oibbe;  b.olbe  i  -  keep  in  suspense,  on 
the  qui  vive;  bare  i  ftert  -  be  on  the  tenters. 

—  Spanblflob  sloping  clamp.  -traft  elasticlty; 
(Dampen*)  tension,  fio  tone.  Spaniftig  a  elastic; 
fio  buoyant.  epanbftigbeb  c  elasticlty;  buoy- 
ancy;  (aanbeltg  ogf.)  rer*ilience.  6panb|tob  braoe 
-cable.    -tro;  weaver's  stick,    -bibbe  spån. 

•©porne  c  -r  dug,  teat. 

©po?r  n,  ,  /  =,  (Spob)  spear,  lance;  (£<egte) 
rafter,    -fag  (i  %a%)  truss. 

@pa?rlbage  pawl,  ratchet.  hook  of  a  drag-chain. 
•Ijjul  ratchet -wheel,  -^fvlgtraab  click-wire. 
-^olt  strutting-pieoe.  -fjor«  biokern,  beck  iron, 
small  anvil.    -flab  stop- val  ve. 

Spaerlagm  n  fe  ©parlagen. 

Spar  ri  emmet  a  slim,  slender-limbed . 

*6pa?rre  c   r  spar;  fe  Sparre 

Sparre  vt  bar,  block  up,  close,  .  en  Bej  stop 
a  way  el.  road;  ~  iBeien  for  en  bar  el.  obstruct 
one's  passage;  .  £  julet  (paa  en  Sogn)  trig  el. 
lock  the  wheel  (of  a  carriage),  .  Ztlførfelen  cut 
off  supplies,  -  en  inbe,  fe  Onbefparre;  -  en  Ub- 
figten  obstruct  one's  view;  -ti  no  thoroughfare, 
•t  Strift  interspaced  letters  (itte  brugeligt  i  engelft 
Qogtrqt  mrb  jamme  Setqbning;  bet  tilfoareitbe  er 
JfurftD),  -  Wunben,  Ejnene  op  open  the  mouth, 
the  eyes,  wide  Sparreiffeber  (i  Ur)  click, 
stop.  -tabe  trigger,  drag-chain.  +6p«rrelfe 
fe  Sparring. 

Sparre|loft  raftered  ceiling.  -ftne  room  el. 
house  with  a  raftered  ceiling  el.  wlthout  a 

Sparretattb  c  ratchet. 

Sparring  c  barring  etc.,  stoppage.  Spar* 
rinaélbb  c  mute. 

6$pat|fttgle  pi  peckers.  -mcjfe  nut-hatch, 
woodcracker,  Sitta  europcta. 

Spatie  c  -r  (Jugl)  woodpecker,  Picua. 




6patte  c  -r  spot,  speckle.  +6pwtte  »t  spot, 
speckle.    6p*rtet  a  spotted,  speckled. 

@p«ttetonge  fe  «Jfenben«nceb. 

Spøg  « <A  »J  joke,  Jest,  fun,  sport,  pleasantry; 
uben  -,  -  tilftbe  without  joking;  i  ri.  for  -  in 
joke,  In  jest,  for  ftin ;  bet  et  ifte  .  at  it  u  no 
joke,  no  laughlng  malter,  to,  floa  l^n  i  .  torn 
off  witb  a  laugh ;  ben  Stanb  forflaar  ifte  -  tbat 
man  is  not  to  be  joked  el.  trifled  with,  does 
not  understand  a  joke;  bet  er  Xerei  behagelige  . 
70a  are  pleased  to  say  so ;  brioe  .  meb  en  joke 
one.  6*øge,  -te,  -t  n  (brioe  Spøg)  jest.  joke; 
ban  er  ilte  at  .  meb  he  Is  not  to  be  trifled  with; 
$e  -r  yon  are  joking. 

6p*ge  w  dom  6pøgelfe)  hannt  (the  bouse);  bet 
-r  i  Aufrt  the  house  is  haunted;  et  $n«,  froor  bet 
-r  a  haunted  house;  *  bet  -gtr  for  ban«  gift  his 
life  was  in  immJnent  danger;  —  ♦  vt  A  r  nb,  fe 

Cpsgelfagl  joker,  wag.  -fnlb  a  playful,  sport- 
ive, jocose,  Jocular.    »fnlbbeb  jocularity. 

•©pSgelig  a  awful. 

Spøgelfe  »  -1  spectre,  ghost,  apparition,  hob- 
gobliu;  spectre  insect,  Fimøwta;  fe  -r  oeb  Min* 
£og  be  easily  alarmed.  mie  tarsius.  -ftgtig  a 
ghostlike,  ghostly,  spectral,  weird,  eldritch. 
-frbgt  fearof  ghost*.  -bifftorit  ghost-  story,  »fanå 
haunted  house,  -tro  belief  in  ghosts.  epøgeri 
»  ghosts  pi,  hobgoblins  pi. 

*6psi  c  -er,  6pø(r  vi  fe  6pole. 

8pøl  u  draff,  swill.  Spøle  vt  wash,  ringe.  — 
Ctøsle  I  ar  rinsing-tub.  -stub  dUh-water.  6**!'* 
funi(me)  (slop-)basin.    6*øitønbe  swill-tub. 

6M*ft'  fpnrgtr,  fpurgt  vt  k  i  ask,  question, 
demand,  interrogate;  (Ijrre)  hear,  hear  of,  be 
told;  •  i  Ébombre)  ask  leave;  fe  (Eftaminere;  maa  jeg 
•  pray,  If  you  please,  please  to  tell  me;  jeg  bar 
fpurgt,  at  ban  ftal  gifte«  I  understand  that  he  is 
going  to  be  married;  bet  bil  fnart  *  it  will  soon 
transpire,  it  will  soon  get  wind;  og  bet  fpurgte«, 
at  bon  bar  bjemme  bibl  and  lt  was  noised  that 
he  was  in  the  house:  -  ab  inquire;  .  en  ab 
ask  one;  -  efter  en  inquire  for  one,  ask 
for  one,  make  inquiries  af  ter  one;  -  fifl  for 
make  inquiries;  .  ftg  frem  ask  one's  way;  ban 
fpurgte  mig  om  mange  Xing  he  asked  me  many 
que*tions;  .  en  om  Uaab  ask  one's  advice; 
^  -  om  care  for  el.  about,  mind;  ban  -r  albrig 
om,  bborban  Sri  ret  er  he  never  cares  how  the 
weather  is;  bet  -r  jeg  big  ttfe  om  1  don't  ask 
your  leave;  ber  *  om  the  qnestion  is  whether; 

-  en  op  find  one  out;  .  til  en  6 og  inquire 
atter  a  sick  person;  fe  iBeftnbenbe;  -  en  nb 
question  one  thoroughly,  put  searching  ques- 
tion« to  one;  -  en  bbgtigt  nb  pump  one;  — 
fporgenbr  a  inquiring,  interrogatlve;  .  $rono* 
men  interrogatlve  (pronoun).  6p*rte;ibft  in- 
quisiti  venes*.  •Ibfteit  a  inquisitive.  Spørgen  c 
question  ing.  Spørgeorb  interrogative.  6pørger 
e  -r  asker,  questioner,  interrogator,  lnquirer, 
querist.  epørge  fpil  asking  leave.  -fbf  a  ver>' 
inquisitive.  -fatning  interrogative  sentence. 
6p*rg«maat  n,  pi  s=,  question,  query,  tater- 
rogation;  nben  -  beyond  que*tion,  out  of  all 
question;  gøre  et  -  ask  a  question;  gøre  en  et 
-,  rettr  et  .  til  en  ask  one  a  question,  ask  a  q. 
of  one,  put  a  question  to  one;  bet  er  et  -  it  is 
a  question,  it  may  admit  of  some  question;  bet 
er  et  flort  -  it  is  very  questionable.  ber  er  intet 

-  om.  at  there  is  no  question  but  that;  ber  dot 
.  om  there  was  a  question  of;  ba  opftaar  bet  -  the 
inqulry  arises.  —  6p*rg*maal*  bog  catechism. 
-reg«  (sign  of>  interrogation  <?).  -»i*  adv  by 
way  of  question,  interrogatively. 

*6ta  a  =  Stabig. 

6taa,  Hob,  ftaaet  poet  Ranbet  rt  stand;  flob  oeb 

Sicbuet  was  standing  as  the  window;  SctxbV 
ftal  -  (for  min  Regning)  the  room  is  to  be  kef 
on;  9«ben  -r  iffc  »p  the  soent  does  not  Lfe;  -  m 
ffribe  write  standing;  bet  r  ftntt  it  is  writter. 
^t  .  btoe!  avast  heavingt  .  i  ørafeme'  arast 
hanUng!  lab  bet  .!  leave  el.  let  it  alone'  tabt 
et  6eil  -  keep  a  sail  set;  Uret  *r  tb«  wmteh  b*- 
stopped;  SRo^iaen  -r  the  engine  is  wtsnrtlnr«  ber 
flob  et  6lag  a  battle  was  tought;  i  ^os  fro*  ha 
Ørnb  abe  was  married  to-day.  ssor  flal  fhrftflsase; 
-?  when  is  the  marriage  to  oome  off?  .  6ft& 
bagt  stand  sentinel  el.  sentry;  .  osrcjft  star4. 
erect;  -  friOe  stand  still,  stop;  ftasbdew  -r  ftCt 
commerce  is  at  a  stand-still;  ørnene  ^©b  bsies 
prlces  ruled  higher;  bet  ful  tomme  big  sart  at  - 
yon  shall  pay  dearly  for  it;  boni  6o9er  -r  fir 
things  do  not  go  well  with  htm;  6aebrn  -r  Smat: 
gobt  the  crops  look  well,  are  promiains;,  ban  r 
bebfl  he  has  the  best  of  it;  ©orometcet  -r  lost 
the  barometer  registers  low;  Srjemes  -r  lost  psa 
^imlen  the  star  is  low  in  the  bes>Tens;  —  er 

-  ftg  gobt  be  well  off;  •  ftg  gobt  meb  ea  be  on 
good  terms  with  one;  ~  ftg  gobt  til  ttsasarn  pass 
an  ezamination  with  credit;  -  fig  (ril  (Hsaatro 
pass;  -  ftg  (t  Iramp  o.  b.)  hold  one's  own;  bwi- 
ban  -r  bet  ftg?  how  are  you?  how  goes  it°  -  H; 
poa  eDer  beo  oome  off  the  better  by;  bet  las  i*; 
ifte  .  mig  oeb  el.  paa  I  shall  be  a  loser  by  that 

—  (mrb  prop  k  adv):  .  af  (af  ^efl)  dismoant 
(et  éteb)  get  down,  aiigfat,  stop;  .  of  fisfet?  gK 
out  of  the  light!  .an  (fsmme,  beseem,  berome. 
beflt;  (bebage)  snit:  -  bags  eb  £9  be  at  the 
hottom  of;  -  en  bi  stand  by  one,  fe  Orfmo;  - 
en  efter  Hivet  seek  one's  life;  bon  Urcte  barn 
ban«  6ftlbigbeb,  faa  bet  tob  efter  he  taugbt  bim 
his  duty  with  a  yengeance;  .før  itfevrst  he 
at  band,  rast  approaching;  -  for  (om  $viuV>  point 
at;  bet  er  umuligt  at  .  for  it  is  irresistible;  -  (pc 
Stub  receive  ri.  stand  fire; .  for  noget  be  at  Ud- 
head  of  something,  have  the  managemeot  o< 
something;  -r  mit  ^us  for  bibl  is  the  steward 
of  my  house;  -  for  en  (i  manben)  be  in  on*  f 
mind  s  eye,  bet  -c  mig  for  ^osebet  it  hsnnts  my 
thoughts  el.  memory;  bet  -r  INnn  frtt  for  at  .  .  . 
you  are  free  to  .  .  .,  yon  are  at  liberty  to  .  . 

fr  $obmob;  .fra  abandon,  cede;  .frem  stand 
forth  el.  forward,  step  forward;  (rage  frem  >  stand 
out,  jut  out,  project;  lobe  en  Xmg  .ben  leave 
a  matter  in  abeyance.  for  atter  consideratton, 
bet  maa  -  brn  (notfl)  it  most  remain  doubtra). 
.  bo«  stand  by;  boab  -r  ber  i  Dogen?  whøt  says 
the  book?  bet  -r  t  ttoifen  it  is  in  the  paner;  -r  1 
ttttufatio  is  in  the  accusative;  .  i  IH  2m  be  all 
in  flames;  ban«  ftormne  -r  i  Sanbeienbomme  bi> 
fortune  is  vested  in  landed  property;  ns  -r  1«^ 
gobt  i  bet  I  am  in  a  nice  mess  now;  Jliolen  r 
barn  i  tsoe  9rig«baler  the  coat  stands  him  in 
twenty  rix  dollars;  Hornet  -r  bøjt  i  ^ri*  corn 
sells  at  high  price;  .  i  Vnfeeffe  enjoy  a  high 
repuUtion;  .  i  Oreonettling  meb  be  in  correspoo 
deuce  with;  ban  -r  i  Oegteb  meb  he  is  on  the 
point  of,  he  is  about  to;  -r  i  lomme  gorbolb  tit 
bears  tbe  same  relation  to;  .  i  €trib  meb  (noget 
fom  tibligere  er  mgt  el.  gjort)  be  at  variance  witb 
coniradict;  bet  -r  itTe  i  min  TOogt  it  is  not  in 
my  power;  faa  oibt  bet  -r  i  min  fRogt  as  mr  as  in 
me  lies;  boab  be  gif  og  frob  i  what  they  stood 
up  iu;  *bar  meget  at  -  t  has  much  upon  ti« 
hånds,  foareme  flob  brnbe  i  ejnnte  the  tear« 
were  in  her  eyes;  fe  »lomft,  Sortne,  8b«,  fast, 
d,  -  i  6por  step,  be  stepped;  .  i  mob  resist, 
withstand;  .  fig  imob  be  proof  agminst;  bold 
ones  own  against  el.  with;  futtne  ftoc  fig  imob  be 
a  match  for,  .  inb  mob  Sanb  d-  bear  in  with 
the  land,  stand  Inshore;  -  inbe  for,  fe  3nbrima. 
.meb  jjorce  af  Seil  fra  ...  &  stand  out  with  s 




press  of  tafl  from  .  . .;  -  neb  get  el.  step  down; 
dismount;  .  neb  paa  j,  bear  down  upon;  -op 
stand  up,  arise,  rise,  get  up;  (ftøa)  be  standing; 
Solen  -r  op  the  Biin  is  rising;  .  op  fra  be  bøbe 
rise  from  tbe  dead;  -  o  øer  be  abead  of,  out- 
rank;  -r  meget  ober  is  a  great  improvement  on; 
ni  ftob  ober  ©ttjrborb  4,  we  stood  upon  the  port 
tack;  -  paa  Ørunb  %!,  be  aground,  have  struck; 
_    paa  Stabelen   be  on  tbe  stocks;   $eftene   og 
jr  øerne  .  paa  6talb  the  borses  and  cows  are  in 
stable;  ben  fjenbtlige  $otr  ftob  paa  ben  anben  6ibe 
of   globen  the  enemy's  anny  was  station  ed  on 
the  otber  side  of  tbe  river;  -  paa  (om  ttarom., 
Xerm.)  stand  at;  barometret  -t  paa  ffiegnoeir  the 
barometer  indicates  rainy  weather;  leg  -r  paa  5 
I  am  Ave;  .  fom  paa  ftaale,  ©løber  be  standing 
on  hot  irons,  be  upon  thorns;  .  paa  fin  tøet 
stand   on,    stand   out   for   el.   vindicate   one's 
right;  b,oor  lange  bil  bet  -  paa?  how  long  will 
that   take?  men«  bet  ftob  paa  whlle  it  lasted; 
3  olen,  Staben  -r  paa  the  sun,  wind  is  el.  stands 
full  on  the  house,  is  on;  tnu  -r  bet  paa  now  it 
depends,  now  the  question  is;  fe$ooeb;  -  til  fad 
,±,   stand  out  to  sea;   lab  nu  -   til!  now,  fire 
away  P  !  lab  bet  bare  ~  ti! !  never  say  die !  Ijbor- 
lebe*  -r  bet  ril?  how  goes  Jt?  how  are  you?  bet 
-r  ifte  Hl  mig  it  does  not  depend  upon  me;  bet 
-r  til  Dem  at  it  is  competent  to  you  to;  Sagen 
r   til  Dem  the  matter  rests  with  you;  alt  mit 
$aab  -r  til  Dem  all  xny  hopes  are  in  you;  bet   c 
ttl  ©ub  it  depends  upon  provldence;  bet  ftaar  til 
Treti  Zjenefie  it  is  at  your  service;  tøn*  Støf*  -t 
til  he  bas  set  his  heart  upon;  ban  -r  itfe  til  at 
rebbe,   til   tøebning   he   is   past  recovery,    past 
saving,   he  is  not  to  be  saved  el.  cannot  be 
ml  ved;  .  til  konfirmation  be  conflrmed;  .  ftabber 
til  et  9arn  stand  godfather  to  a  chlld;  -r  (palfer) 
fnroft  til  goes  well  with;   fe  fcnfoar,  ttegnffab, 
fUeft,  tøor,   Stam;  -  tilbage  for  be  lnferior  el. 
second  to,  yield  to,  be  outdone  by,  be  behlnd, 
lag  behlnd;  .  tilbage  meb  (Betaling)  be  in  arrear 
tor;  jeq  maa  altib  -  tilbage  for  $am  I  must  aiways 
give  piace,  yield  tbe  precedence  to  bim;  bet  -r 
enbnu  meget  tilbage  much  still  remains,  much  is 
still  left;  .  ub  fra  Sanbet  &  stand  el.  bear  off 
from  the  land,  stand  offshore;  -  ub  fra  (om  JBue, 
9tog.  Damp)  issne  from;  -  ub  af  Sengen  get  out 
of  bed;  .  ub  (f.  ttf#.  af  3emtbaneoogn)  get  down 
el.  out;  -  ub  (rage  frem)  Jut  out,  protrude;  -  ub 
9t  (taale)  bear,  endure;  -  fin  ©traf  ub  und  ergo 
one's  pnnishment;  Srornrt  -t  enbnu  ubethecorn 
is  still  in  the  field;  -  unber  en  be  below  one, 
be  subject  el.  subordinate  to  ooe,  (tjene)  serve 
under,  (unber  ent  Qefaling)  be  under  tbe  charge 
of;  fe  Xoffel;  -  »eb  fit  Orb  stand  to  one's  word, 
be  as  good  as  one's  word;  .  oeb  Aanbelen  stand 
to  tbe  bargaln;  -  oeb  et  Xilbub  abide  by  an  offer; 
frøn  fan  ifle  -  beb  bet  ftob  he  can  never  find  bis 
account  by  that  bargaln;  tor  .  beb  fine  Steninger 
han  the  courage  of  his  opinions;  -r  oeb  $ufarerne 
is  in  the  hussars;  —  ftaaenbe  part  k  a  (ogfaa 
jig)  standing;  her  (om  Dpr)  statant;  ~  9anb  stand- 
ing el.  stagnant  water;  -  $ær  standing  army; 
.  Rrotoft  stand-up  lunch ;  paa  ~  &ob  off  band; 
.  »ebffab,  .  Øob«  A,  standing  rlgging;  -  Btttigfceb 
standing  joke;  -  Smil  set  el.  constant  smile;  - 
Zaleinaabe,  Senbing  set  phrase;  proverblal  ex 
pression;  blioe  -  remain  el.  continue  (standing); 
be   left  standing:   bbor  bleo  oi  -?  where  did 
we  stop?  where  did  we  leave  off?  bet   (Orbetj 
fan  blioe  -  it  may  stand ;  Srøbefummen  fan  blibe 
_  tbe  pnrcbase-money  may  remain;  blioe  -  oeb 
stop  with;  acqulesce  in;  jeg  Ijar  mine  $enge  .  i 
my  money  is  invested  in.  Gtaa  *:  i  ~,  fegftaa. 
tetaabi'  c  -er  belper. 
*Staa|et  c  f  turmoil. 

+6taa!  n  bustle,  turmoil.  6taafe  vi  bustle, 

6taat  »  steel.  -arbejbe  steel-work.  -arbeiber 
worker  in  steel.  -bab  chalybeate  bath.  -bcfiabt 
a  steel-clad.  -btaa  a  steel-coloured.  -btant  a 
bright  as  steel.  -blif  sheet-steel,  steel-plate. 
-brillanter  steel  brilliants.  -bron&e  steel  bronze. 
-bamaff  damask  steel.  6tatler  c  -e  steel-worker. 
6taal|ert*  spathic  iron.  -farne  steel-colour. 
•farbet  o  steel-coloured.  -fjeber  steel-spring. 
-graa  a  iron- gray.  -ljaarb  a  hard  as  steel. 
-(ammer  steel  hammer;  steel-work.  •fyonbfte 
gauntlet.  -bjerte  heart  of  steel.  -tøe  morion. 
-barbe  vt  steel;  (paa  Bberjlben)  case- harden.  -fcojr« 
bet  a  fig  steely.  -iø  Bmooth,  strong  and  trans- 
lucentice.  -Jømt  steel- iron.  -faarbe,  -tlinge  steel 
sword-blade.  -floebt  a  steel- clad.  -fnop  steel 
•button.  -fugle  steel  ball;  pharm  martial  ball. 
-foebe  steel-cbain.  -magnet  steel  magnet,  -malm 
fe  -ertd.  -ob  steel-point.  -orm  slow-worm,  blind 
-worm,  Aneuit/ragiliå.  -øøu  cementingfurnace. 
•panfer  steel  armonr.  -pen  steel -pen,  metallic 
pen.  -penneffaft  penbolder.  -perle  steel-bead. 
•pifle  steel-pill.  -plabe  steel-plate.  -pulber  steel 
-powder;  med  chalybeate  powder.  -rnftnlng 
steel  armour.  -fat  a  steel  ed.  -fpeil  steel-mlrror. 
-fpttnbe  steel-buckle.  -ftang  steel  bar.  -flen  fe 
erté.  -frit  steel-engravlng.  -foamp  vtt  capellet. 
-ffftning  steeling.  -fartte  vt  (ogfaa  fig)  steel. 
-traab  (lron-)wire.  >traabrig  c  wire  rigging. 
-traabtobbarrt  wire  rope.  -rraabtrarfferi  n  wire 
-drawing  mlll.  -tnage  poet  steel  tongue.  -balfe 
steel-cylinder.  -pani  chalybeate  water.  -bare« 
fabrif  cutlery-works.  -Ptn  steel  -wine.  -«g 
steel  edge. 

6taa|*man  clipped  mane.  -plaM  standing 
place.    *-fpil  a  drawn  game,  a  draw. 

6tab  e  staff;  (paa  ftanon)  astragal. 

Ø6tabbe  vi  f  trudge,  tramp. 

*6taooe  c  -r  (chopping-)block ;  t  prov  stump 
(of  a  young  tree).  etabbur  n  store  house  on 

6tabefØ'  e  -er  fogy. 

Stabel  e  -bier  pile;  (af  Xrælaftj  stack;  ^ 
stocks;  jur  boundary-stones;  (Døt>)  hfnge  (of  a 
door);  flaa  paa  -en  be  on  the  stocks;  waaen  af 
•en  launcb;  labe  et  @fib  tabe  af  en  launch  a 
shlp;  Stibet  lab  af  en  the  sbip  was  launch  ed; 
fe  et  ©Mb  lobe  af  m  see  the  launch  of  a  shlp; 
fig  f}aoe  paa  en  have  in  band.  -artitel  staple 
article.  -bio!  ^  (keel-)block.  -^anbel  staple 
-tråde,  -lomgbe  (Ulb)  length  of  staple.  -Ubntng 
launch.  -plabå  staple,  mart,  eraporium.  -ret* 
Hgbeb  staple- right  el.  privilege.  -feng  four 
-posted  bed.    -flab  staple-town,  entrepot. 

6tabii  a  durable,  -lie  t  c  durabillty.  — 
@tabiiltet*|fnrbe  rurve  of  stability.  -fp^em 
statlonary  system. 

6table  vt  pile,  stæk;  -  op,  fe  Cpflable;  f  -  fifl 
op  brave  it  out. 

Staøftjifief  chief  of  the  staff,  staff  commander; 
(Seneral  Vt.'d  .  the  chief  of  General  M.'s  staff. 
-bornift  bugle  major,  -inteubant  commissioner 
general  in  chief.  -toptajn  captain-lieutenant. 
-firnrg  staff-surgeon.  -toarler  head-quarters  pi. 
-large  staff-doctor.  -officer  staff-officer,  officer  of 
the  stafl',  field  officer,  -fergeant  eergeant  major. 
-trompeter  trompet  major. 

©tab  c  Stæber  city,  town.  -beboer,  -bo,  -boer, 
-bttggcr  inhabitant  of  a  city. 

©tabe  n  -r  stand,  station;  (paa  et  Xoro)  stall; 
(©i.)  hive;  tage  tf  af!)  .  take  one's  stand,  -penge 
pi  stallage,  stall-money,  board-halfpenny. 

6ta  bfff^e  vt  eatablish,  consolidate,  confirm, 
corroborate,  ratlfy,  bibl  establish;  —  vr  fig  be 




coDfirmed,  corroborated.     -Ifc  c  establishment, 
conflrmatlon,  ratiflcation. 

Stadig  a  steady,  (beftanbig)  constant;  (om  Sejr) 
settled;  (fat)staid;  —  adv  oonstantly;  .  b«f,  b.  f. 
-fteb  c  steadiness,  constancy;  staidneas;  HI  -  as 
a  constancy. 

etabium  n  -ier  (graf!  Wil;  ogfaa  med)  stadium; 
fi.g  stage,  phase;  et  tilbagelagt,  ooertmnbet  ~  a 
thing  of  the  past;  tnbrrsbe  i  et  npt  -  en  ter  upon 
a  new  phase. 

eta'bft  c  state,  parade,  show,  pageantry;  ($l)nt; 
flnery;  ber  bar  flor  ~  til  ©rofluppet  there  were 
great  doings  at  the  wedding,  the  weddlng  was 
very  grand  el.  splendid ;  bun  fonter  meget  p*a  ~ 
she  spends  much  in  flnery.  bet  er  blot  til  _ 
Jt  is  only  for  show  el.  for  making  a  display; 
flbbe  paa  .  sit  in  state;  i  fulb  .  (i  Qtolabragt)  in 
full  dress,  (meb  ftor  $ragt)  in  great  state;  gøre 
_  af  make  much  of;  ber  er  ingen  Pibere  _  øeb  bet 
F  it  is  no  great  shakes;  bele  -en  f  the  whole 

etabø|arfib  n  reeordB  of  the  town,  civic 

eta  bdbefag  n  visit  of  ceremony. 

etabåbbgmefler  c  city-architect. 

eta  bibragt  c  dress-suit. 

6ta  bf e  01  make  a  show  el.  parade;  vt  op 
smarten  up,  brush  up.  Stabfrlig  a  showy, 
splendid,  magniflcent. 

etabøembebe  n  civic  el.  municipal  offlce. 

Sta'bfen  c,  Ctabferi  n  parade,  ©tabfeftae 
(state)  drawing-room. 

$tab£|fribeb  municipal  privilege.  -fbfftn« 
town-physician.  -gran  moat.  -tjauptmanb  town 

eta'bøibcft  showy  horse,  horse  for  parade, 
t-farl  fine  el.  noble  fellow.  -fjøle  (til  $erre) 
dress-coat;  (til  Stame)  best  dress,  -f  taberne  F 
one's  Sunday  best.  -tlocbniiig  dress-suit.  -fone 
flue,  rare,  woman.  -liberi  state  livery.  -live 
£,  faney  line 

etabøjløb  municipal  law     -lage  fe  -føfifue. 

etabtlntanb  fe  -farl. 

etabå|  muflfant  town  musici  an.  -mur  town 
-wall.    •mergler  sworn  broker. 

eta'bøjm*  c  showy  damsel.    -pige  fine  gi  ri. 

Stabéjport   city-gates.     -ret   municipal   law. 

-feol  dty-seal. 

b*|feng  bed  of  state.  *-fttte  drawing-room. 
-taj  fe  -flaber. 
etab&baaben  n  city-arms. 
Stabø|oejr  a  beautiful  day.    -bøg«  state  car 
rlage  el.  coach. 
BtabØbølb  c  rampart  of  a  town. 
StabØoatrelfe  n  room  of  state. 
Stabøøbrtøbeb  c  municipal  authorities,  mag 
istracy  (of  a  city). 
Stafet'  c  -ter  estafette,  courier,  expre^s. 
Staffage  c  figures  in  a  landscape,  aceessories, 

Staffeli'  n  -et  (painter's)  easel.    -biOcbe  easel 
piece  el.  picture. 

©taffe'lre  vt  deck,   trim,   garnish;  (i   Violer* 
fimftpit)  enliveu.   -ring  c  trimming  etc.;  (Soning) , 
garnish  seam.  I 

-e  .1,  stay;  gaa  ober  -  tack,  go  about.  i 
•brøg  siay-collar.  | 

pole,   >take;   (iitjfe-)  candlestiek; 
l  til  iiobcrebflab)  staff;  (t.  røumpe)  \ 
perch,   stake;   renbe  fifl   en   -   i  , 

Stag  ii 
-bolt  stay-bolt 
etage   c   -r 

(*ager*j   peel; 
spear;   (Sftærfe) 

Jiioet  get  into  a  mess;  brænbe  neb  i  -n  burn  to 
the  sotkel  etage  vt  stake,  pole;  J/  (i  eet  te  Stage) 
stay.  Stormaften  er  -t  for  meget  the  main  mast  is 
stayed  too  much  forward;  -  en  ©aab  frem  pole 
a  boat,  shove  a  boat  aloug;  ~  ftg  frem  pole. 
8tage| (ambe  foot-lamp.    -ffob  perch- wood. 

eta'gføt  c  stay-fore-sall. 

•6tagge  vt  stay,  check,  restrain 

$ta  gbjerte  n  j,  bowsprit  heart. 

e t agt Ht'  e  Stag'irite. 

eta  gmvi  c  <t,  mouse  of  a  stay. 

Stagnation,  -c'rtog  c  stagna'tion'    -<Tt  -» 

eta  gnittg  c  BtaHng,  poling. 

etagre  vt  jwoo  fe  Staore. 

etaalfejl  stayaail.  -fejlifalb  stavsaU-halya^ 
•feflfigfotob  staysail  brail.  -fej Id W*  stap«. 
tack.  -fejlønebbaler  staysail  downhanler.  -fejlf 
net  staysail  netting,  -fejllffabe  staysail  «h^e: 
•fejliftanber  staysail  stay.  &t*t*ii  adv  a -*uy 
etag | taffel  stay  tackle,  -»enbe  vi  tack,  c 
atx>ut;  nægte  at  .  miss  stays.  -beubtaf  c  tack 
ing,  going  about,  staying.  -éjt  eye  of  a  *ta\ 

etaf  c   fe  (af  Jrorn,  §e)  s  tack. 

BtaV  e  -fe  $  awn,  arista. 

*€taf'  c  -ter  (nistic)  petticoat  el.  gown 

etat'aanbeta^hort  breathed,  asthmatic,  pursr 
-Ijeb  c  shortness  of  breath,  asthma,  p-.irsiness. 

etafa'be  c  stockade. 

eta  fif  n  -ter  paling,  railing.    -bar  door  in  a 
paling.    -laage  wicket  in  a  p.    -biifer    F   *  -e 
pedant,  precisian.    •piéferi  f  pedantry,   prei-i 
sianlsm.    -bort  gate  in  a  p.    -boerf  fe  Stafit. 

•Staftar,  Staffaré.  fe  Staffel.  S  taffel*. 

etaffe  vt  stack.  et  af  te  |  fob  stack-stand,  curn 
-stand     -(abe  stack-yard. 

etattel  c  -fler  poor  creature.  poor  wretch,  jtq 
. !  poor  I !  unfortunate  wretch  that  I  am !  mig  . 
poor  me. 

Staffel  lob  fe  -fob. 

etaffeld  a  poor. 

Ctaffet  a  short,  brief,  shorMived. 

tetatte  vt  cry  poor  fellow  to  one,  compa* 
sionate  one. 

etatlfffttemaflive  stacking-machine.  -tsfaiai 
co  ve  ring  of  stacks. 

etat'  e  vulva  (of  the  cow);  urine  (of  the 

etalofttt'  c  -er  stalac'tite.  -iff  a  stalartit 

etalbrober  c  -brsbre  companion,  comrade, 
fellow.  -ffob,  etafbrabretag  companionship, 

6talb  c  -e  stable,    -sgtig  a  stablr.     -brrjemt 
servaut  of  the  royal  stables,     -bbgataf  stables 
•breitg  stable  boy;  *fe  -tarl.    -baft  atably  odour 
-boeffenstable-cloth.  -bar  stable  door.   étalbecf 
(fatte  paa  -)  stable;  i'febe  paa  .)  stall-feed.   éralb  ■ 
tttit  stable  establishment,     -fobrc  vt  stall-feed 
-fobring  stall-feeding.     -foget  dairy-  manager 
-folf  pi  hel  pers   and   underst  rappers  at  royal 
stables,    -far  <  flt  to  be  stabled.    -grime  stable 
halter     -gabning  fe  -møg.     -bue  foraging-cap. 
-bunb  stable -dog.     -fttttfer  eqnerry.     -faab  o 
wanton   from   long  rest.   too  fresh.     -f ammer 
coachman'8  room  in  the  stable,    -farl.  -fiiargt 
^room;  (i  ©ærtStjn«)  hostler.   -t9*t  stabled  cattle. 
-leje  stable  rent.    '-(em,  -loft  siable-loft.    -lagt 
smell   of    the    stable.      -Ibøte    stable -Ian tern 
-længe  (range  of  stables,  -mefter  master  of  the 
hor^e,  equerry;  (i  en  frro)  hostler.     -mag  stable 
-dung.    -ofde  stabled  ox.   -peagr  stabling,  stall- 
age     -mm  stable-room,  stabling.    -frriacr  clerk 
of  the  stables,    t-fnar  new  milk  butter.    -froJ 
fe  ofée.  -foenb  fe  -farl.   *-trcb  n  fe  -lem.    -»iabnf 
lying  window. 
t  etat  fe  ri  stalk. 
Gtaftt  vi  k  t  (om  $efte)  stale. 
tetaller  c  king's  marshal. 
etaOtng  c  -x  gray  Ung,  Tåymaliu*  tm/pon* 




Stam'  (t,  pro©  &  *)  a  stammering ;  bare  - 

©tam'(6  tamme)  |  af  tie  original  share.  -aftiønar 
original  shareholder.  Stam | art  primitive  species. 
-fenne  trank  line.  -bo«  (for  en  Slagt)  book  of 
^enealogy;  (ttlfcum)  album,  autograph  book. 
-bogdblab  leaf  of  an  album.  -bogSberd  poetry 
in  an  album,  -bliv  parent.  -(Stamme)faber 
progenitor,  ancestor,  founder.  -fod  original 
tribe  el.  race.  -fortil  primitive  form.  -foralbre 
progenitors.  -gøbø  (entalled)  family  estate.  -gafl 
regular  frequenter  el.  customer  (of  an  lnn  etc.), 
o  Ids  ter. 

Stambeb  c  stammering. 

Stamherre  helr  apparent  to  an  entailed  estate. 
-IjiiS  fe  -gøb*.  -buftbeflbber  owner  of  an  entailed 

Stam'tøaf  c  p  stammerer. 

Stamtbag  n  original  stock  el.  breed. 

Stamme  vt  k  i  stammer,  stutter;  fiubblg  ben 
-nbe  Louis  the  Stammerer. 

Stamme  c  -r  (af  Ira)  stem.  trunk,  stock; 
(^olfeftamme)  tribe,  race;  (i  fcørtfpil)  stock:  3uba 
_  the  tribe  of  Judah;  en  .  af  Særbe  a  stock  of 
learned  men.  Stamme  vi  (fra)  descend,  be 
<lescended,  spring,  proceed,  originale  (from); 
-»--  neb  b.  f.  Stamme  bart  bark  of  the  trunk. 
-beflagtet  a  of  the  same  el.  kindred  race.  -borg 
ancestral  castle.  -franbe  cognate,  kinaman. 
•frornbfrab  samen ess  of  origin,  affiulty  of  race, 
k  i  udred  race.  -flttb  tribal  god.  -tjOVbing  chief- 
tftin,  chief  of  a  tribe,  tribal  chieftain.  -tanb 
or'ginal  home.    -tett  fe  9ta>e>. 

Stammen  c  stammering  etc. 

Stamme | navn  name  of  a  tribe,  family  name, 
•florgtftab  fe  -franbffab.  -flabe  parent  hive.  — 
Stamlmober  flrst  mother,  ancestreKs.  -orb  root 
-word,  primitive  word. 

*  Stanto  c  -er  tub. 

+ Stamp  n  fe  Stampen. 

Stampe  vt  k  i  stamp ,  beat ;  fftlabe)  mill ;  4, 
(t  Søen)  pitch;  -  i  forben  stamp  the  ground; 
Jprften  -r  af  Utaalmobidbeb  the  horse  paws  the 
ground  with  impatience.  fe  ©rob.  Stamme  c  -r 
(fHebflab  til  at  ftampe  meb)  stamper;  *stamping 
mill;  t(iRabefaf«)  fox-trap;  Hg  ftaa,  bcete  i  -  be 
at  a  stand  el.  stand -still  -farm  stamper,  -lo 
mill-puff.  -moOe  stamping  mill.  Stampen  c 
stamping.  Stamper  e  -e  (til  Snoning)  stamper. 
Stantpe|ftag  &  bobs  tav.  -f*  a  short  head  sea. 
-trug  mortar,  .stock.  -batrf  mach  In  e  ry  of  a 
stamping  mill.  Stampning  c  stamping;  <£, 

Stampnbltfnm  n  stock  of  spectators. 

Stautfcb&ferl  n  sheep-breeding  establishment 

Stamfitb  c  shad,  al  ose,  Clupea  alosa. 

Stautfitte  c  carded  wa«*te-silk. 

Stautlffogrfrab  fe  Stammefranbfrab.  -fprog 
pH  rent  language,  -fabe  ancestral  seat.  -taft 
art  Mm  pie  time.  -table  gencalogical  table  -tra 
pvriiirree,  genealogiral  tree. 

Stanb  c,  ub.  pi  (fcilfianb)  state,  condition, 
inder;  (©arøm.,  $erm.)  readiug;  (ftrottom.)  error; 
(  amfunb«ftiHtngj  stal»-,  station  in  life),  situa- 
tion, condition,  rank,  position,  degree;  tøaanb« 
tering)  calling,  tråde,  profession;  (Ijoj  St.)  rank, 
quality,  distlnction;  (pi  StanbeT)  rank,  elass, 
ortier;  be  fjøjere  Stanber  the  higher  orders;  9tiget3 
Stcrnber  the  state*  of  the  kingdom;  Siatur«, 
Ufoibiabebé-  the  suite  of  nature,  of  innocence; 
ben  ugtfte  -  the  unmarried  state ;  ban  er  i  ugift 
_  he  is  "ingle,  unmarried,  qolbe  -  keep  el.  stand 
one'B  ground,  make  head,  be  proof  (against), 
af  lao,  boj  -  of  low,  high  degree;  en  røanb  af 
•  t»oj)  .  a  man  of  rank  el.  quality,  Samer  af  . 
ladies  of  quality;  i  -  in  order,   iu  repair;  fætle 

el.  bringe  i  .  put  in  order,  fit  up;  faa  i  -  bring 
about,  set  afoot;  lomme  i  ~  be  brought  about; 
oore  i  .  repair;  gore  IBarelfet  t  -  do  the  rooni; 
qolbe  i  -  keep  in  repalrs,  in  order;  bare  i  gob  . 
be  in  good  condition;  i  baarlig  .  (om  $ufe  0.  I.) 
in  bad  repair;  fatte  i  fin  forrige  -  restore  to  the 
former  state;  afleoere  noget  i  uflabt  .  deliver 
something  undamaged;  oare  i  .  til  be  able  to, 
be  capable  of,  in  a  condition  el.  position  to, 
prepared  to;  bebre  i  -  tit  at  in  a  better  situation 
to;  ban  er  i  -  til  alt  he  sticks  at  nothin  g,  is  up 
to  everything;  fym  funbe  bare  i  >  ril  at  he  is  as 
likely  as  not  to;  fatte  i  .  til  enable;  fatter  od  t 
-  til  at  affbrds  the  means  of;  Jeg  fer  mig  i  -  til 
I  am  in  a  position  (condition.  situation)  to, 
find  myself  able  to;  jeg  fer  mig  ilte  i  -  til  I  am 
not  prepared  to,  I  don't  see  my  way  to;  pac  - 
at  once,  immedlately;  fatte  ub  af  ~  til  luca- 
pacitate  for,  disable;  ube  af  -  til  incapable  of, 
(til  at)  unable  to,  at  a  loss  to;  gifte  flg  unber 
fin  -  marry  beneath  one's  self. 

Stanbarb  c  standard. 

Sta 'ubart  c   er  stan'dard. 

Stanb|biØebe  n  pedestrlan  statue,  -bolt  bolt, 

Stanbe  vi  fe  Staa.  Stanber  c  -e  &  (Slaaf  jjlag) 
pendant,  (frommanboO  broad  pendant:  (til  Stag* 
fejl)  stay.  —  Øtauberlfarer  Commodore,  -tig 
fore  leech.    -manb  fe  -forer. 

Stanblfifl,  -fngl  statlonary  fish,  bird.  -tøf'tig 
a  constant,  firm,  staunch,  resolute.  -bof  tigbeb 
c  constancy,  firmness,  fortitude,  staunchness, 
resoluteness.  -barpe  screen,  -fiffer*  stationary 
telescope.  -f parter  (flxed)  q uarters,  station 
(of  troops).  -Uf,  -Ufe  bunk.  -lejr  permanent 
camp.  -linie  station-line.  -ptabé  stauaing  place, 
stand,  station,  -pumpe  upright  pump.  -pnnft 
station,  stand,  position,  point  of  vlew,  level, 
sphere,  standpoint,  standingpoint,  station-point; 
et  Iaot  moralft  .  a  low  tone  of  morals;  Vcorali* 
teten  ftaar  paa  et  tabere  ~  morality  is  at  a  low  er 
ebb.   -ret  summary  el.  drum-head  court-martial. 

*Stanbd  c  fe  -ning. 

Stanbftaaub  c  splrlt  of  caste. 

Stanbfe  vi  stop,  pause,  come  to  a  stand-still, 
(om  forenbe  el.  ribenbe)  pull  up,  bring  up;  (i 
Xalen)  stop  (speaking);  -be  i  fit  fcrbejbe  paused 
from  his  work;  Øvbeibet  maatte  -,  man  maatte  - 
meb  Vrbejbet  it  was  necessary  to  suspend  the 
work;  -  oeb  stop  at;  stop  with;  —  vt  stop,  put 
a  stop  to,  check,  stem;  (om  ©lob,  fom  ft&ber) 
staunch,  _  fine  betalinger  suspend  el.  stop  pay- 

Stanbfeng  c  four-posted  bed,  four-ponter. 

Stanbil  forbom  clasvprejudice.  -forffef  dis- 
tinction  of  rank,  difference  of  station,  -falle 
peer,  equal  in  station,  -benfttn  regard  to  posi- 
tion, -(pobmob  class-pride.  -tntereSfe  in  ter  es  t 
of  class.  -tigbtb  equality  of  rank  el.  position. 
-tnaøfig  a  suitable  to  one's  station  el.  condition; 
—  adv  in  a  way  aui  table  etc;  leoe  -  main  tal  u 
one'n  position,  -maftfigtycb  c  suitablene&s  to 
one's  station. 

Stanb&ning  c  stopping  etc.,  stoppage;  en 
plubfelig  ~  i  a  sudden  paise  to. 

Staubft|perføn  person  of  rank  el  quality. 
•rettigbeb  privilege  of  rank.  -t-oalbe  dominion 
of  a  cla^s. 

Staubbilbt  n  game  frequenting  a  certain  spot 

Stang  c  Stænger  bar.  (til  Sogn,  til  at  bare  meb 
ofo.)  pole;  (til  fifleri)  rod  (til  ©ibfel)  branch;  ^af 
@ulb  el.  Solo)  bar,  iugot;  (i  Quefelaad)  tumbler, 
sear;  (i  Åerne)  staff,  swape,  &  topmast,  [eStor. 
fioi-,  $}Tam>,  S9ooenbram*  ofo.;  paa  fjalo  >  half 
-mast  high,  half-staff,  />/  (p.  ©riller)  frame,  fbihf 
(SpQby  staves,  en  -  i>al  a  stick  of  sialing  wax, 




bolt*  n  ni  be  a  match  for  one,  hold  one's 
own  against  Staaglarm  shaft-bar.  -bibfel 
branch-blt,  curb-bit;  curb-reins.  -bltt  bar lead. 
-balt  pole-bolt.  -betler  pi  temple-spectacles. 
-tomer  pi  kidney-beans,  Pkateotu*  xmlgaru. 

Stange  vt  <£•  »"  poke;  (flabe  meb  $ooebet  el. 
$ornene)  butt,  bunt;  ( Sarte  j)  ran  batt  against; 
tom  ftoberfrtb)  ram;  ftoberen  bil  .  tbe  ram  will 
batt;  ban  bleo  -t  af  en  $jort  a  stag  struck  him 
with  hi*  horns;  ønnben  bleo  -t  af  Z&ren  the  dog 
vrås  gored  ri.  (taftet  iwjret)  toased  by  the  bull; 
.  Kai  spear  eels;  -  ftne  Xænbet  pick  one's  teeth; 
—  vd  -i  bunt,  bibl  -i  meb  push  at  Stavgeaal 
speared  eel. 

Staag!  fifler  angler,  -fifleri  angling,  rod-fishing. 
-f feber  s«ar- spring.  -gang  fe  -lebning.  t-garrbe 
fenee  of  stakes.  -bommet  pole-bar.  -jammer 
stamping -hammer.  -befl  thi  Iler,  thill-hon>e, 
wheeler.  -bjørt  spayad.  -jsmi  bar  iron,  rod-iron. 
rods,  iron  in  bars.  -løbbel  collar.  -tugter  p« 
bar-shot.  -lal  oolomnar  anthracite.  -t«|f  con 
ductor  of  an  ammunition-waggon,  -lotbe  chain. 
curb  -føl  keel  formed  of  iron- bars.  -lal  stick 
•lac.  -lebaiaf  connecting  rods.  -ataatiag  meas- 
uring  with  a  rod.    -»ile  fe  -bi  bf  el. 

Staagaiag  c  batting  etc.  (fe  Stange). 

Stang  baifer  beam-compasee*.  -boaube  flxa- 
ture.  -aaØ  pole-bucket.  -ragelfe  pastil,  -flange 
616/  crooked  serpent.  -ftnmb  <£,  stump  of  the 
topmast  etc.  -fbobt  roll-sulphur.  -f<rbe  soap 
in  bars.  -fala  si  Iver  in  bars  -tin  bar-tin.  -tøj 
nX.  pole,  head.  -torbrbeou trigger  el  spar-torpedo, 
ttow-spar  torpedo,  -tro?  perch-wood.  -tafle 
curb-reins.  -aiflrr  stafT- sponge.  -bttgt  steel 

©ton!  imp  fe  Stinff 

Staal  e  stencb,  stink;  (i  ttiner)  fire- dam  p(s\ 
-bar  ir  StuuV 

Steafefbea  e,p/=,  crane-fiy,  Tipula. 

Staal,  grsbliag  stinkard,  teledu,  Midaui  meli- 
cep*-    •-reafe  vt  deodorize. 

Stanniol  »  tin  foil    Steanifalt  a  stannic  salt. 

Staaaofalt  sbmnous  salt. 

8taate  pede  adv  there  and  then,  incontinently. 

Stande  c  -t  stanza. 

Stabel  o.  flL.  fe  Stabel. 

*6tab',  Stabbc  c  mash. 

*  S  tabte  et  stuff,  cram. 

Star'  c,  -groet  n  sedge,  Carex. 

Starbliab  fe  Steerblinb. 

Starte  ri  &  i  surt.    Starter  c  -e  sta'rter. 

tStat    imptr  fe  S  tao. 

6 tot  c  -er  state,  coramonwealth,  empire;  m  - 
1  -«n  an  empire  withiu  the  empire;  -en*  tjrncfte 
the  public  service;  -eii#  Srrebttorrr  the  public 
creditor.  gejftltø  -  list  of  the  elergy. 

Stata'rffl  a  slow,  thorough 

Statelig  '*  stately.    -beb  c  stateliness. 

Staten  (ftlaab  ■  Staaten  Island,  -lanb  Staaten 

Stater  <■  (SWtnn  stater. 

Statbalber  c  -e  governor,  vice-regent,  vice-roy. 
-flab  ■  governorvhip,  viee-regency. 

Statit   c  stat  ics. 

Starts 'u  r  -er  sta'tion,  i3crrnbane',  station,  awr 
depot",  'SoR ..  stage;  fri  -  board  and  lodping, 
all  found.  -e're  n  station  —  Starts  n*  bagning 
fe  -bu*  -ferftaaber.  -foraalter,  -meter  station 
•masirr.  -%ué  stat  ion -house,  nar  depot.  Sta> 
risnat  r  o  sta'tiouary.  Statifl  a  stat'ioai>. 
Start*  c  -er  <txxa  7 rater)  mute,  supernunierary, 
pro*  cssion-man,  walking  gentleman;  f  fe  Start« 
manb.  Startfil!  c  «tatis'tic*  pi.  Statiftifer  c  -r 
*tati$lic  fan  Statit  iff  a  statistical;  -e  Cl»lD*. 
ninger  ^tatistirs.  Statifriff  taaagrafifl  astatisiico 

-topographical.     Stati'n   •  -er  stand,   foot  s< 

any  mathematical  Instrument),  frame. 

•fSta  tlig  m  belonging  to  the  state,   imperial 

Stati|aarfaa  political  cause.    *-agra«aat  py 

vexnment  agnculturtst,  public  teacher  of  bas- 

bandry.  -alt  fe  -^onbluig.  -aaltegeabc  st*:^ 
affair,  buaineas  of  state.  -arbefbe  political 
work.  -baanb  political  band  el,  tie.  -bårne  * 
jærnbone.  -baxlrral  national  bankruptcy.  -be 
ginenbeb  polical  event,  -betjeat  public  ftmc 
Uonary.  -bibrag  subsidy,  subvention  from  tbe 
government;  government-ald,  government  aract. 
state  support;  unberflstte  meb  .  subsidiae,  Stoler 
fom  ntaber  -  state  aided  schools.  -barger  dtax^s.. 
subject  of  a  state.  -btrgerlig  m  political.  -bnagei 
financial  estimatea.  -bbfntng  political  fabr..* 
-bbrbe  public  burden.    -djef  head  of  the  ^taie 

1  -bel  part  of  the  kingdom,  province.  -brift  pub::-- 
management.    -efeabaai  public  ptoperty     -em 

1  bebe  public  office.    -eatbebfaMmb  public  fus«  - 
tionary,  placeman.  -eateb  political  body.    -favge 
prisoner  of  state,  stateprisoner.    -farlig  o  danaer- 
ous  to  the  state  d.  the  public  weal.    -fejl  poli: 
ical  blunder,  -fefl  political  festival,   -fareabriaf 
political  change.    -farbebring  political  reform 
state -reform,     -forbrbbclfe   crime  against  t: « 
state,   high-treaaon.    -farbrbber  aute  crimina- 
-forbrbberifT  a  treasonable.     -farbanb  albanr- 
(between  states).    -farbel  political  ad  van  lage  ri 
benefit.  -forfatning  constitution.  -farbolb  polr. 

I  ical  relations  (between  states).  -fona  form  1" 
government.  -ferataaf  fe  -benfigt.  -faraimr  publ.c 
property.  -forretning  public  businesa.  busines* 
of  state.  -farreber  traitor.  -famrberi  hurt 
treason.  -foraaltning  administration  of  XL*- 
state),  government  of  public  aflaln.    -famgfrl 

1  state-prison.  -araab  reason  of  state,  state  rea^^n 
•grnnblob  fnnaamental  law  of  the  state.  -gran* 
fatning  political  mazim.  -gorlb  public  det' 
national  debt.  -gfflbabentt  treasury  bill.  -f*D* 
laatar  National  Debt  Office  el.  Depanmect 
•baanbbog  fe  -talenber.  -baabliag  political  a> f 
•beaiaieligbeb  state-secret  -benfiat  political  pur 
pose  el.  design.  -|iflarie  political  bistory.  -|a#- 
gotbaiag  administration  of  the  public  revenne. 
finances.  -bn#bolbning«l«rre  political  economy 
-laerb  political  mission,  p.  dutles.   -tajbeb  sove 

'  reignty.  -inbretning  public  institution,  -tabfigt 
po'itioal  knowledge  el.  insight.  -tabtorgt  puhlu- 
reven ue.  -fffrabone  public  railway.  governmen* 
railway.  -laleaber  office-list.  -laife  excheqnvr, 
revenue.  -firfe  state-church,  establiahed  churth, 

1  establishment.  -Hog  o  politic.    -Haafteb  poller 
-tlagt   political   shrewdnee>is.     -faeb    stroke  f>t 
poltcy,  political  trick,    -tant  art  of  governinr, 
politic«,   statecraft      -lab   coup  d'État     -lata 
public  loan.    -legeme  body  politic    -li»  political 
life.    -lab  law  of  a  state.    -iorre  politics,  polit 
ical  science     -aiagt  supreme  power  of  a  state 
ezecutive;   power  in  the  state.    -nurab  staten- 
man,  politician.     -nianbgagtig  a  slatesmanlike. 
-aiaab#blif  eye  of  a  politician.  political  fbreright. 
•atanbafnnfl  fe  -runfr    •ataub*aur*flg  a  stat«^ 
manlike.     -alibier   political   mean^.     -aiiailer 
minister  of  state,  principal  secretary  of  staie 

•  -aibabigbcb  ezecatlve  power,     -abttfettoner  (f 
papirer,     -oatoøtltning  revolution,     -afbragelfe 
public  edtication.    •ablafeabc  a  destnictive  w 
the  su te    -balba#  government  warehouse    -M 
firer  p4  storks,  funds,  bond*     -aafl  fe  eabrk 
•raab  »  couwcil  «of  state \  cabinet  conncil,  conm  i 
of  the  crown,  bet  bolbteé  -  a  Cabinet  Council  wa* 
held;  c  (titeO  ix>uncillor  (of  s.)    *minUter,  seere 
Ury  of  state.  -regel  political  rule  et.  maxim,  rtau 
-maxim     -religion  eatablished  religion,    -regi- 
flab  public  accounts.     -ret   iVeMogter  hnrflnn 




Stationer)  international  law,  law  of  nations;  (fRetl- : 

tubenfrab  i  en  Stat)  constitutional  law.    -retlig  i  ' 

constitutional;  international,  of  i.  law.    -ret§» 

I  arrer  publicist,     -reøifør  auditor  of  the  public 

accounts,  Gommissioner  of  Audit,  Audit-com- 

m  i  saloner,    -rør  helm  of  tbe  state.     -fag  state 

el   politicai  affair.  •famfanb  political  community, 

t>ody  politic.     -fcg!  the  great  seal.    -fefretotr 

clerk   of  the   council;   (i  (fnglanb)  seere  tary  of 

Rt&te.    -femiitarintn  public  seminary.    •fenbebub 

fe    bub.    -flatter  imperial  taxes.    -flib  vessel  of 

the  state.    -fføb  public  wood  el.  forest.    -ffrift 

state- paper.   -føciftttØmen  State  Socialism.  -fprøg 

politicai  language.    -fpørgØmaat  politicai  ques- 

tion.     -flreg   fe  -fup.     -ftljrelfe   fe    -foroaltning. 

-frurer  governor  el.  ruier  of  a  state.    -tetegraf 

goverament  telegrapb.  -tttffnb  fe  bibrag.  -tjener 

public  servant.   -ijeneltc  public  serv'ce.   -nbgift 

public  ezpenditure.     •nnberfiørtrlfc  fe  -bibrag. 

-•el,  -ftelfaerb  public  weal,  p.  welfare.    -øiben- 

ffflb  fe  -Icere.    -øibenfrabetig  a  politic.    -biøbøm 

political  wlsdom.     -bært  political  machinery, 

state-machine.    •øarfen  state  concerns  pi,  politics 

id     -orreabe  political  mission,  -øfemeb:  i  .  for 

imperial  purposes,  -frøvom  (political)  economist. 

•øtonømi  political  economy.     •øtønomiff  a  of 

political  economy. 

Øtatne  c  -r  statue.  Statve're  vt  lay  down; 
.  et  Sftempet  set  an  éxample;  >  et  Sftempel  paa 
en  make  an  ezample  of  one.  Starnet'te  e  -r 
statuette.  Øtatv'v  c  stat'ure.  Gtatttø  c  state; 
(ffriftlig,  -oøerflgt)  statement,  balance -sheet.  Gta> 
tut'  c  -er  stat'ute,  regulation,  by-law.  ©tatnt'« 
tatcøflg  a  stat'utory. 

Gtanber  pi  perennial  piants.  6ta«beagtig  a 

*6taar  c  fe  Staber.  -(»linning,  -øagn  c  grampus, 
Delpkinut  orea. 

"Gttut  a  fe  ©tout. 

Stab  c  -e  (Stof)  staff,  stick;  Vlofes'  .  tbe  rod 
of  Moses:  (røbe  -en  oøer  condemn  (irrevocably), 
denounce.  6taø(e)  c  -er  stave;  falbe  i  -er  be 
st&ved;  /tg  fall  lnto  a  revery,  be  lost  in  thought. 
6t«ø  I  battede,  -b(r  bacillus.  *-bøgning  house 
built  of  „Weisbærf". 

Gtave  vi  A  t  spell;  -  fifl  HI  spell  out;  -  flø 
igennem  spell  one's  way  through. 

6taøe(fe  c  -r  syllable.  -accent  syllablc  accent. 
-beting,  -rabbcting  syllabication,  syllable  division 
el.  dividing.  -maa(  syllabic  measure.  -ffrift 
syllable  writing.  -ta(  number  of  syllables.  -tegn 
syllabic  symbol  el.  character. 

6taøemaabe  c  (way  of)  spelling,  orthography. 
Støtten  c  fe  Stødning. 

t  ©taber,  Stavr  c  -øre  stake. 

8ta'ø|  bø øl  round -plane,  -fart  beggar.  Mirfe 
church  built  of  „weiéøeerf".  -frnØ  n  hooped 

Staøn  e  -e  (Ørunb,  fom  en  bor  paa)  (native) 
soil.  glebe;  Jlg  dwelling.  homestead,  home;  fe 
ogtaa  ©teebn.    *6taønr  vi  fe  Stæone  ^. 

8ta  øaing  c  spelling. 

6taønd|baanb  villenage,  bondage;  -etl  Sølning 
emancipstion  from  villenage.  -bnnbena  bound 
to  the  »oil  el.  glebe. 

©ta'øpnbe  c  (til  Staotøj)  body  side,  after 

©taore  vi  tradge,  stumble. 

©taoreføflc  c  wooden  mallet. 

©ta'b|ret  a  straight  as  an  arrow.  -rim  aliit- 
erative verse.  *-fag  saw  el.  saw-mill  for  cutting 
staves,  -fcler  pi  collars.  -tror  wood  for  staves, 
-treer  0/  (til  ©taotøj)  hames.    -tøj  collar  harness. 

f€taøarr  n,  pi  =*,  braid  of  hair. 

©teart'a  c  ste'arine.     -1(1   stearine  candle, 

composlte  el.  composition  candle.  -fare  stear'ic 

©teb  [te;  t  »  ubeft.  Snr.  ©teb']  n  -er  place,  spot; 
t  ($ul)  house;  -etl  fBeboere  the  residents;  et  . 
somewhere;  et  eller  anbet  -  somewhere  or  other; 
ban  flger  et  -  he  says  somewhere  el.  in  one 
place;  anføre  et  .  af  en  forfattet  quote  a  passage 
from  an  author:  finbe  -  take  place;  come  off; 
bliøenbe  -  fized,  las  ting  dwelling-place  el.  abode; 
ban  fyar  atbrig  noget  bliøenbe  .  he  is  never  at 
rest  anywhere.  \s  nowhere  at  rest;  alle  -er 
everywhere;  øtlbe  iffe  af  -et  would  not  stir 
(from  the  spot);  tommer  iffe  af  -et  makes  no 
progress;  tør  $em  iffe  af  -et!  don't  budge  (an 
inch);  fra  bet  -  (bor  from  where;  i  -en  el.  -et 
for  instead  of,  in  lieu  of,  in  the  room  of;  boere 
en  i  Råbers  -  be  a  father  to  one,  be  to  one 
in  a  father's  stead;  antage  i  Warnt  .  adopt; 
i  bit  .  in  your  place;  øare  i  en*  -  be  el.  stand 
in  one's  shoes;  fenbe  en  i  fit  .  send  a  substltute; 
tage  en  i  fU  _  take  a  substltute;  paa  -et  on  the 
spot,  then  and  tbere:  paa  -et  9Rardj  (perpetual) 
goose-step;  (an  bor  paa  -et  he  is  a  resident  (of 
the  p.);  he  lives  on  the  premises;  gamle  goll 
paa  -et  old  residents;  paa  fit  .,  paa  (flt)  rette 
.  in  place;  paa  fine  -er  in  piaces;  paa  (øjere  -er 
in  high  quarters;  til  bet  .  (øor  to  where;  fe 
Xttftebe  aiv. 

Stebbarn  n  step-child ;  fio  øcete  *  be  left  out 
in  the  cold,  hid  under  a  bushel. 

6teb|begreb  notion  of  place.  -ieffrføelfe  topo- 
graphy.  -tefftemmelfe  flxing  of  the  locality. 
-øctegvelfe  local  el.  regional  designation. 

Øtebbatter  c  step-daughter. 

Øtebe,  -te,  -t  vt  admlt;  •  for  f.  (He.  ftongen  el. 
JrongrnB  Øaføn  be  admitted  el.  brought  iuto  the 
king's  presence;  I  til  Orbe  be  allowed,  per- 
mitted  to  speak;  (an  bleø  -t  til  ^aanbføs  (00 
Dronningen  he  was  permitted  to  kiss  the  band 
of  the  queen;  *  i  9?øb.  %axt  be  brought  lnto 
distress,  danger;  ••  til  forben  be  interred,  burled; 
—  ftebt  a  situated;  bære  ilbe  -bt  be  badly  off, 
in  a  sad  case. 

Øtebegen  a  local. 

Stebfaber  c  step-father. 

6teb|finbenbe  a  existing.  -foranbrina  locomo- 
tion,  change  of  place.  -før(ø!»  relation  of 
place,  local  relation,  -fortrorber  c  -e  deputy, 
proxy,  agent,  substltute.  *fnnben  a  that  has 
taken  place.  -ffltfte  vt  localize,  afflx  to  a  place. 
•(ntommelfe  local  memory,  -fenbt,  -flynbig  a 
acquainted  with  the  localities,  having  local 
knowledge.  -((nbig(eb  local  knowledge.  8teb> 
Ug  a  local. 

Steb  I  støber  step-mother,  step-dame.  -øsøbertlg 
a  St  adv  like  a  step-mother,  novercal;  (uegentl.) 
hard,  severe;  Staturen  (ar  be(anblet  (enbe  meget  . 
she  is  very  homely,  ill-favoured,  illlooking. 
-møberSblømft  heart's  ease,  pansy,  love-in-idle- 
ness,   Viola  trieolor. 

®teb|naøn  name  of  a  place,  place-name.  -ørb 
gram  pronoun.  -regifter  index  locorum.  -fagn 
local  tradition,  -{av*  local  sense,  head  for 

Stebfe  odn  ever,  always.  -grøn  a  evergreen. 
•øarenbe  a  everlastlng,  perpetual. 


ffifte  fe  -foranbring. 

Bttbémaal  n  fine  (on  rene  wing  a  leasej. 

Gtebføn  c  stepson. 

6teb  rib  c  local  time.  -*aut  a  acquainted 
with  the  place.  -oitb  a  bewildered,  at  fault, 
(t)  disorientated.    -øifer  fe  -reginer. 

©tefsn,  6teffen  Ste'phen  -  ©tefané|tir!en 
St.  Stephen,  -føm  seeds  of  Btavesacre,  Dtl- 
phinium  »taphiworia.  -urt  c  enclianters  night- 
shade,  Circæa  lutetiana. 




Steg  imp  fe  Stige. 

Steg  c  -t  typ  regiet,  pi  furniture;  (p.  ftatting) 
stav,  stud. 

Steg  c  f  roast,  joint;  penbe  -en  turn  the  spit; 
brnppe  -en  baste  the  roast;  en  feb  -  a  god-send, 
a  windfall.  Stege,  -te,  -t  vt  roast.  *  (©røb) 
bake;  .  paa  Hil!  broll,  grill,  (ttaf)  spitchcock;  . 
i  en  $anbe  fry;  „  i  Den,  i  ttflen  bake;  -  Ijel 
barbecue;  ~  en  i  b>n*  eget  ftrbt  fry  one  in  his 
own  greaae;  -nbe  $ebe.  Sot  broiling  heat,  san: 
-nbe  fyeb  broiling  hot;  libt  (iffe  meget)  -gt  under 
-done;  —  +  r»  be  roasting.  —  Stege' tnf  (spit-) 
rack.  -fttb  fåærnpanbe)  dripping-pan;  (gab  ti!  at 
fattte  paa  ©orbet)  dish  (for  «erving  up  the  r). 
-ffbt  drippings,  kttchen  stuff.  -grlft  roast- pig. 
roasted  pig.  -gr^be  pot  for  roasting.  -ili  fire 
for  roasting.  -telter  cook-shop.  -tugt  smell 
of  roast.  Stegen  c  roasting.  Stege'naat  skewer. 
-øs*  oven.  -pasfee  frying-pan;  (til  Steg;  dripping 
-T>an.  -frtlfe  roast  sausage  Steger!  n  kitchen. 
StegerØpige  cook-maid,  kitchen-maid.  Stege  !• 
fpib  spit.  -»ester  turnspit;  (frfbbirtenbe)  smoke 
-JHck;  fa  (Viz)  warming  pan.   -orøle  baking  apple. 

Ste'gltefe  <i  broiling  el.  pi  ping  hot.  -|efee 
broiling  heat.    Stegning  c  roasting  etc. 

Steiermart  n  Styria.    StetrifT  a  Styr'ian. 

Stejl  a  steep,  precipitous;  en  .  Jtftfi  a  bold 
shore;  .  $od  upright  hoof;  "q  (om  $erfon) 
brnsque.    t-fer  at  ab.  (.    -bpp  a  J.,  steep- to. 

Stejle  vi  (om  $efl)  rear;  fa  start;  f  te  j  le  nbe 
a  ker  rampant;  fa  -nbe  gal  fnrious. 

Stejle  c  -r  (ril  piltenet)  forked  Mako  to  hang 
fiVhing-nets  on;  bony  eore  of  the  horn;  (og  $jul) 
the  wheel;  læqge  paa  -  break  on  the  wheel; 
han  Meti  bumt  til  -  og  {»jul  he  was  sentenced  to 
bf  hroken  on  the  wheel;  flæbe  -  og  $jul  suffer 
death  on  the  wheel.  Stejle  vi  break  on  the 
wheol.    -gang  row  of  forked  stakes  etc. 

Stejles  c  rearing.    Stejterem  c  martingale. 

Stejte'rsfie  fe  -gang. 

Stejler*  c  steepness.  -l|0»et  a  with  upright 
hoofs.    t-niug  steep  acclirity  el.  declivity. 

'Stel  a  stlff,  rigid. 

Stel'  n,  pi  =,  set;  &  (Sejn  snit  el  set  of 
sails;  "arrangement,  management,  economy; 
matters,  concerns;  et  -  SJorcrllan  a  set  of  China 
-ware;  ©orb«,  Spile-  dinnerset;  Xe-  tea  service, 
teamet,  tea-things  p/;  (til  SaraplD  o.  1.1  skeleton, 
frame,  (CifteO  staves.  •  Stefle,  -te,  -t  vt  arrange, 
manage;  (ftoæg,  $efte)  tend;  -  til,  b.  f;  jeg  faar 
Sop  at  ~  ganffe  fom  teg  Dit  I  am  allowed  to  do 
things  just  as  I  like.    Stelfies  fe  Stimen. 

Stemme  vt  (ftanbfe)  stem,  stop.  -  gobberneimob 
thrnst  one's  feet  against.  -  fig  imob 

Stemme  vt  (§u\)  mortise. 

Stemme  c  -r  (p.  $julrge>  shonlder. 

Stemme  c  -r  voit-e;  (i  røufif)  part,  voice;  (oeb 
¥ilq«  vote,  suffrage;  (Orgel1  stop,  bon  er  tfre  beb 
.  he  is  not  in  voice;  oar  ubmarlet  oeb  .  was  in 
fine  el  splendid  voice;  IKet  til  .  the  right  of  a 
vote;  baoe  Scebe  og  -  have  a  seat  and  voice; 
har  ingen  .  has  no  volee  (in  the  matter);  afgipr 
fin  .  vote;  famle  -r  cnlleot  votes ;  tælle  -rne 
covmt,  tell  the  votes;  -ine  flob  omtrent  lige  the 
division  was  close;  mob  een  -  with  but  one 
dmemient  'vote\  Stemme  iogJ.  -te.  -t)  vi  (om 
Onftrumentet'  be  in  tune;  (peb  iBalg  o.  b)  vote. 
(i  loog.  gori.  di  vide;  bet  -r  iffe  it  does  not 
airree    —    c*    (om    3ni)Tument)    tune,    at  tune, 

-  en    gøitibelig    put   one   in   a   soleran   mood; 

—  meb  prerp  og  adv.  -  for  vote  for,  divide 
in  favour  of.  fa  be  for.  ieg  -r  for  at  I 
vote  thftt;  alle  be  fom  -  for.  Pille  rerffr  {Krnbeme 
ipejrrt  all  In  favour  will  raise  their  hånds; 
.  en  for  dispose  one  to,  tneline  one  for;  -  l 
(metf    je    3Wrnime;    -    en    imob   prepossess  one 

against;   .   meb  agree  el.   tally  with,  be  ren 
sis  ten  t  with;   iffe   at   -    meb   disagree,    not   w 
agree  with;    .om    put  to  the  vote;  .   09    ' 
fe  3ftenme,  vi  (om  3nftr )  tnne  up;  -  overes; 
agree;  .  fa  mm  en  (om   ^ntrram )  be  tnned   '■-> 
the   same    pitch,    accord,    hannonize;    -    t:: 
9emob  make  one   ifeeU  sad;   —  ftemt  a  b»« 
in    tune,   (fionfon.)  voiced.   bare  flet  -mt  for  be 
prejudiced   el.    prepos^essed    against,    be     ui 
favourably  disposed  to,  be  indlsposed  for;  Mer< 
pei.    gunftig    mt  for  be  disposed  In  favour  <-*' 
be  favourably  disposed  to  el.  towarda,  Cavoi*- 
able    to.      Stemme;antal    number     of     vou^ 
•fcaaut  voeal  ehord.    -terettiget  n  having  *  rigr.: 
to  vote;  #.  voter.     -Wjsivg  modulation  of  ih-- 
Stemmebigc  %  flood-dike. 
Stemme'p^gtig  a:  ubgvre  et  -t  Bntal  form  * 
quorum.    -fler^ei  majority,  plurality  of  vote« 
-Mjte  fe -pibe.   -friljea  liberty  of  suffrage.    -gaf  ri 
tuning-fork.   -g isesbe  a  voting.    •gi»e«»e,  -giprr 
c  voter,   -giftstof  voting.  -teammer  tuning-ham- 
mer.   *-|eft  bridge      -(Hersisg  canvassing  < "fi  r 
votes  i.    -fcjj»e  pitch. 
Stemmejern  n  mortise-chisel. 
Stemme' Hang  timbre,    -fugle  ballot     -f»«f 
voting  cattle     -lig^efe  a  tie.     -life  poll  -  book 
-l«t  a  (llonf.)  surd,  whispered,  breath.    -msfrlae 
voting  machine 
StemmemcfTise  c  mortising-machine. 
Stemme|mifeler  pi  compass  of  voice.    vor*? 

;  powers      -nøgle  clef,  cliff.     -arg an  fe  -rrbffab. 

i  -pi te  pitch -pipe,  tuning-pipe 

I     Stemmeport  c  mitre  gate. 
Stemmer  c  -e  tuner. 
Stemme  rebffafe  organ  of  voice,  voeal  orga-i 

,  -ret   right   of   voting;    almmbefig    .    universal 

1  sutflmge.   -f-rettiflefe  b.  f.  -retf farenisg :  ftmuv 

'lig  -  Woman  Suffrage  Association,  -rifefr  glottis. 
•famler  collector  of  votes.  -famlisg  eollwiinc 
of  votes.    -febbel  voting  paper.    -tsf  (i  **to!irt  ■ 

■  sound-post;  (i  $ianof  )  wre«t-plate,  peg-boarrt 

1  -taw  lo««  of  voice.    -rsl  number  of  votes    -tone 

,  pitch     -tffflisg  connting  of  vote«. 

Stemmepcrf  n  dam.    Stemning  c  steminine. 

,  damming  up 

Stemning    c    tuning,    tune;    (£nne>    roo«>l. 

',  h nm 011  r,  temper;  feeling,  spirit,  sentiment.  bolt' 

'  gobt  -  stand  well  In  tune;  P«re  i  baarlig  .  he 
out  of  lune  el.  sorts.     StrmningØjfnlb    -rig  •» 

'  full  of  warmth,  instinct  with  feeling.    -ralaleb 

!  warmth.    -mesnefle  impulsive  person,   -afefemi 

1  outburst  of  feeling.     -sfeflag  demonstration  ø( 

',  feeling     -»telfesfee  a  sympathetic. 

Stempel  n  -ler  (ogfaa  bet  paarrpfte  Stempel  0^  1 
fa  9etpbn  )  stamp;  (til  Sogbinberarbeibej  h*.^fe 
-tools  p/.  (til  Wønter)  die,  upper  die;  Xmr . 
%umpe>  pi«ton;  rtil  Saber)  pnnch.  'DTa>nbt>  branil 
Stempelafgift  stamp-daty.  •fe*ber  penalty  ,or 
unstamped  documeuts.  -b«ffel  (Dmp.)  cover  of 

.  the  pLoton.   -fri beb  exemption  from  stamp-dut? 
-Untor  stamp-offli-e.    -fr^feS^osefe  piston  cro^ 

>  head.   -lop  stamplaw,  stamp  aet.   -lo»g  tosisget 
the    Stamp   Laws.     -morrfe    stamp,     -patntnf 
piston -pftoki ug.   -papir  stamped  paper.    -papir« 
fomalter  stamp  dlstributor.    •pligtig  a  liable  t ' 
be    stAmwd    el.   to  pay  stamp -duty.     -p)rctfe. 
stamping- machine.   -flflrrer  c  -t  stamp-engraver, 
stamp -cutter,   die -sinker,     -florrisf  stamp  -en- 
gravlng.     -flag   (Tmp ^  stroke   of  (the)   piston 
-ftang  (Xmp  )  piston  rod.  -tilter  fe  -ftsrer.   -Mm' 
bring   piston -travel;  length  of  stroke.    -srstil 

%bucket  valve    Stemple  vt  (ogf .  fa)  stamp,  brand. 

S  eb  at  flaa  $ul  igennem)  nlck;  (Jrnappenaale)  head 
rempling  -.  stamping  etc,  tmachination.  ro<i 




c  -e  (ogfaa  i  Brugt,  teftifel,  Sbflbom)  stone; 

(Horn.    runbagtig)  pebble;  (TOut«)  brlck;  æble  -e 

preciotw   stenes,   gems;   bf   otfe*  -  the   philo- 

sopfaers'  stone;   tage  -ene  ub  af  (ftrugt)  stone; 

fjerte  of  _  heart  of  stone;  ber  falbt  mig  en  -  fro 

j£»iertet   a  heavy  load  was  removed    from   my 

heart,  it  was  a  weight  off  my  mind,  It  removed 

a     mountain  from  my  breast,  my  heart  grew 

li^ht;    borre  .  til  Sangen  furnish  one's  qnota; 

tbcere  _  af  ®ben  be  expelled  the  town;  Tob  tf  fe  . 

paa  ~  tilbage  did  not  leave  one  stone  standing; 

i  eg     btlbe   beHere  flaa  -  paa  Sanbebeien  I  would 

rat  ri  er  sweep  a  crossing;  fe  Stof;  funbe  røre  en  • 

would  touch  the  heart  of  a  statue;  fode  font  en  . 

Meep   llke  a  top  el.  post;  Iibe  af  -  stiffer  from 

the    stone;   ftaret  for  -  be   cut  for  the  stone. 

Sten |« irre  vein  in  a  stone    -af fatning  c  Incrusta 

tion.   -agtig  a  stony.   -afpl  hard  pan.   -alber  stone 

a#e;    ben  albre,   bngre  -  the  palæollthic  el.  old 

-stone,   neollthlc  el.  new-stone  age  el.   perfod; 

ben  tmøre  «  golf  the  neollthlc  peoples.  -alber*- 

f  olf   people  of  the  stone  age.    -art  species  of 

stone.     -«f?  ash-tree,   Fraxinuå  exceUior.     -affe 

calotned  ashes.     -btber,   *-btb  wolf-flsh,  An«r- 

ricMa»;    *lump-flsh,    Cyclopterua.     -bjergene  the 

Rocky  Mountalns.    +-btrbrn  a  petrifled.    -blinb 

a  s  tone-blind,  -blot  block  of  stone.   -bor  stone 

-bore.    -iorb  stone- table.    -brønb  bunt  fungns, 

Tiltetia  carie$.   -bro  (©ro  af  Sten)  stone-bridge, 

i  paa  ©abe)  pavement,  stones.     -brøffer  rubble, 

debris,  (af  $bgn.)  rubbish.     -brnb  stone-quarry, 

stone-pit.     -briter    quarryman.     -bræt    stone 

-break,  saxifrage,  Sax\fraga\  reb  -  drop-wort, 

Spirtea  JUipendnla,   -bat  ibex;  -fen  (©tfernebtllebe) 

Capiicorn;  -fen*  ttenbefreM  the  tropic  of  Capri- 

corn.    -bttttb  stony  soil  el.  ground,  stony  bottom. 

-bMHfe  fe  -bbnge.  -bygget  a  bullt  of  stone.  -btyg> 

ning  stone  el.   brick  buildlng.    -batten  stone 

-basn.   -bænf  Btone  bench.   -bobbe!  stone-borer, 

« ton  e-piercer,  Litkodomu*  lithophagu*.   -bannelfe 

petrifactlon.   -bige  stone-dike.   -brejer  fe  -benbet. 

•fcrftoenbe  «  lithontriptio.    -brøtfet  rock-throsh. 

Pttrocincla.    *-bnlp,  -b*Ip  fe  -piffet.   -bljnge  heap 

of  stones.    -btyØfe  cairn,  heap  of  stones,  archce 

barrow.  -bomning  dam  of  stones.  -bob  a  stone 

dead.   +-bøb  a  deaf  as  a  post.    ©tene  vt  stone. 

Steneg    sessile-flowered    oak,    Querctu  robur. 

Bttutt  a  stony,  pebbly     ©ten  |  fait  stone-hawk 

el.  falcon,  merlin.  Falco  n$alon.     -farne  stone 

-«>olour.     -flif  chip  of  stone.     -fiffe  flag- s  tone. 

.forbiabelfe  band.     -frngt  stone- fruit,  drupe, 

drupaceous  fruit.   -fro  gromwell,  Litho*p*r>n*m. 

-fugt  cushew  bird,   Vrax  pauxi.    -forer  stone 

•ranier.     -goorb  fe    l)uft.     -gobc  paved  street. 

-galle  qultter-bone.  bleyme.    •gool  stonegable. 

-geb    fe    -buf.     -g  o  bi    fe   -tøj.     -gran   «   stone 

-roloured.    -grab  stone  grave,    -grube  fe  -brub. 

-grnnb  fe  -bunb;  kibl  stony  piaces.   -grnØ  gravel. 

-gul*  stone -floor.     -gærbe  stone  fence,  stone 

hedge,  «c  stone-dike.   -fpaorb  a  hard  as  a  stone. 

stony,  flinty.  -ftoarbbeb  stony  hardness.  -barptfft 

dammar.  *-tang  fe  bob.   *-qeHe  slab,  flag  stone. 

-bferte  stony  heart.   -bob  heap  of  stones.    -bon* 

ning  sugar-honey.     -(tigger  stone-cutter.  stone 

•mahon.  -bn&  stone-house.   *-ty)lle  fe  -belle    -bor 

amianth,  asbestos.     4  ©ten  i  g  n  stony.     Stening 

<-  »toning,    ©tenjjeté  mole.    -talt  lime  (of  lime- 

•tone),     -tommer   stone -chamt>er.     -far  Btone 

•vessel;   fCtjøn.)  pier.     -far re  stone-cart.     -toft 

throw  with  a  stone-,  (flfftonb)  stone' s  throw  el. 

ca>t;  (tilff*)  biscnit-throw.     -foflafttg  throwing 

'of;   »tones,     -fifle   stone -draln;    stone  -coffln; 

archar  stone-clst.   -tft  Uthocolla.   -tlober  mclilot, 

MtHlohu.     -fnib    stone  -knife;    ehir    gorgeret. 

•fnnfemaffine  «tone-crusher.    -tnuønlng  (Cpera- 

tion)  lithotrity.     Mobbe  rommon  seal,    Pkoca 

vituiina.  -torol  stone- coral.  -fore  stone  cross. 
•freb*  circle  of  stones.  -frø*  kind  of  malignant 
strangles  (in  horses),  -frufte,  -fr»*  stone  jar, 

©te  nfnl  n  coal:  (til  Snapper  0.  b  )  jet.  -tamfer 
naphthaline.  —  ©tenfnld|affe  coal  ashes,  breeze. 
-brab  coal  mine.  -bamp  fe  -reø  -formation 
coal- formå  tion.  -gad  coal-ga.s.  -grnbe  coal  pit, 
coalmine.  -Ilb  coal  flre.  -fnab  jet  button. 
•lag  coal-stratum.  -lejer  pi  coaf-measures  pi. 
•maaler  eoal-meter.  -pram  coal-lightcr.  -rog 
smoke  from  coals.  -tlbe«  the  coal  perlod.  -tjære 
coal-tar.    -øejer  coal-meter. 

©te:n|laa*  flint  lock.  -lag  layer  of  stone. 
-lagt  a  paved.  -lab  fe  mod.  -lim  fe  rit.  -linb 
fe  Ulatern.  -Isgge  vt  pave.  -lægning  paving, 
pavement.  -lægte  lath  (to  support  tiles).  -læren 
lithology,  petrology.  -lobet  a  ftrubt  rotten 
powder.  *maar  rock -mårten,  Mwttela  foina. 
-marb  llthomarge.  -madfe  fe  -pap;  mass  of 
stones  el.  rock.  -mejfel  stone  cut  ter' s  chisel. 
-mole  mole.  -mørtel  turban  top,  Helvella  e«eu- 
lenta.  -møft  rock  -moss,  Lichen  taxafi/t*.  -møfoif 
Florentine  work  -mnr  stone-  wall.  -mærter 
pi  ^  marks  made  of  masonry.  -Mb  ivory-nut. 
©tenolgra  f  c  -er  stenog'raphist.  -grafe're  *-< 
sten'ograph.  -grafl'  c  stenog'raphy.  -grofift  a 

©ten|øtie    petroleum,    rock-oil      -operation 
lithotomy.  -pap  carton-pierre.  -parti(er)  rockery, 
rock-work.  -peber  stone-crop,  Sedum  acre.  -piffer 
white-tail,  wheat-  (el.  whlte-)  ear,  fallow-flnch, 
Saxicoia  oenatUh«.     -pille   stone-pillar      -pfabe 
slab.    -plante  coral,  lithophyte.    -pram  lighter 
(for  carrying  stones).  -ramme  stone  frame,  -regn 
shower  of  stones  el.  of  aerolites.    -renbe  stone 
-gutter,    -rep,  -reole  reef,  rocky  ledge.    -rig  a 
stony,  pebbly;  fig  very  rich.    -riget  the  mineral 
kingdom.  -ræb  fe  $olar*.  -ror  stone- pipe.  -roé, 
-rofe  heap  of  stones.    -foget  stone  implements 
el.    objeets.     -fait  rock-salt.     -fob  stone -saw. 
©ten«b«8  °H  el.  blow  of  a  stone.    ©ten | fritte 
course  (of  bricks).    -fir eb  avalanche  of  stones. 
-fføætte  chat,   Saxicoia.    -ffærer  c  -e  lapidary. 
-ffærerfunft,    -ftærlng    lapidaiy's  art,   art    of 
cutting  precious  stones.    -ffæroer  pi  fe  ©fsrber. 
-flag   macadam,    mettle.     -flagning  c  breaking 
stones.     -fliber   polisher    of   stones,   lapidary. 
•jtibninj    pollshing  of  stones,    lapidary's    art. 
-fliber  F  lounger,  saunterer,  idler.   -flnffe  small 
sledge    (for    carrying    stones).      -ffljttge    sling. 
-fmerter  pi   calculous  disease,  suffering  from 
the  stone;  fan  fiber  af  .  he  is  afféeted  with  the 
stone.  -fmni,  -fmntte,  '•(»«!  fe  -piffer,  -fnæppe 
fe  ^orfegoa.    -fnit  cutting  for  the  stone,  litho- 
tomy.    -fonbe    fe    -føger.     -fpurb    gray    finch, 
Petronia    rttpeåtri*.      -ftoberl     artificial    stone* 
manufactory.    -fager  fe    btber.     -fbamp  Politi 
mushroom,    Bolctun   eduli*.     -fbge   fe    -fmerter. 
-fatning  (tet  at  fatte  ©tene)  stone-setting;  (Sten* 
bpftfe  ofo)  cairn,  circle  of  stones,  stone-setting. 
-fatte  vt  inclose  with  s'ones,   wall  with  stones, 
pave.     -fætter  raiser  of  stone  -  fences.     -foger 
sound  (for  the  stone).  -føfle  stone  pillar.   -taarn 
stone   tower.     -tag   tiling,    tiled   roof.     -tabte 
table,  tablet  of  stone. 
t©  ten  te  c  -r  stile. 
©tentorftemme  c  stentorian  voice. 

©ten|trappe  fllght  of  stone -nalrs.  -tromle 
stone  roller  -trijf  (Itunften)  llthography ;  (et 
iiif oorapbt)  lithographic  print,  lithograph.  -trbf- 
fer  llthographer.  -trbtferi  Uthographer's  oftlcc. 
•trbf ning  llthography.  -to)  »tone-ware,  crockery, 
Delft-ware  -tofdfab  stoueware  dish.  -nglr 
horned  owl,  Strix  bu  bo.   *-nr  fe  Ur.   -art  stone 




-crop,  Sedum  (if«r:  bitter  „,  S.  acre.  -Panten 
stone  weapon.  -penbev  turn-stone,  titnptiicu. 
•oogn  stone-cart.  -*o(b  stone-rampart.  -botbfte 
fe  Banbgtaft.  -0*g  stone -wall.  -pgrft  plant 
growing  in  a  stony  soli.  -balter  fe  -benber.  -»Mer 
p*  cy  s  tideans.  -*rf  (en)  rocky  desert.  -*rn  golden 
eagle,  Aquila  fuloa.    -Orreb  fe  8«f«. 

Steppe  «(  famnten  renter. 

Steppe  c  -r  s&vannah,  steppe,  prairie.  -anti- 
lope saiga,  Cervicapra  ***igo.  -beboer  inhabitant 
ofa  steppe,  -formation  steppe  formation,  -tnnb 
corsac,  Cani*  cor«ac;  fe  $t)<tne«.  -tone  sand 
-grouse,  Pteroclea  (alchata).  -ni*  wolf  of  the 
steppes,  Gant«  mextoanit«. 

Sterbeni  [t.]  arfo  F  over  heads  and  ears. 

Stereo  |gra  fifl  a  stereograph 'ic(al).  -troml'  c 
stereoen 'romy.  -metri'  o  stereom'etry,  solid 
geometry.  -ffo'p  n  -er  ste'reoscope.  -W  e 
ste'reotype;  a  fig  ste'reotyped.  -tppe're  vt  ste'reo- 
type,  print  In  stereotype.  -tppi'  c  stereotypo- 
g'raphy.    -tpp'nbgabe  stereotyped  edition. 

Steriet'(fttr)  c  elops,  Aeipen§er  ruthentu. 

Sterling  c  sterling;  et  $unb  -  one  poand 
(sterling),  £  1  el.  1  /. 

SterrtbØ  n  &  pantry;  (paa  $a6fagerbampf.) 

Sterbbø  n  estate  (of  one  deoeased). 

Stctølftø'p  n  -er  steth'oscope.  -flopere  vt 
steth'oscope.  -ffopi'  c  stethos'oopy.  -flø'pifl  a 

•Stett  [é]  c  A  n  -er  foot,  pedestal,  base; 
s hank. 

*8teP  [a]  n,  p/  :s,  alternating  verse;  barden. 

Strioarb  c  &  steward. 

Steoebo'r  c  <£,  stevedore,  stower. 

*Ste»je8  od  dispute  el.  vie  with  each  other 
in  'impromptu)  verses. 

Stcpn,  Steone  fe  Statm,  (Stcebne. 

Stftenifl  a  sthen'ic. 

Sti  c  -er  (©binefti)  sty;  (til  %aat  et  c.)  pen; 
($ønfe>)  hen-rooet;  fatte  paa  -  fatten. 

•Sti  c  k  a  (paa  Øjet)  sty. 

©tf  c  -er  (Sangfti)  path. 

Stibørb  fe  Srigborb. 

Stia)ø|mantt'  c  stich  omancy.  -metri'  c  sti- 

*Stie  fe  *Sti. 

Stiflbarn,  -batter  o.  fl.,  fe  Steb«. 

Stifebe  vt  stall-feed. 

Stinnbcr  o  pathflnder. 

Stift  c  -er  pin,  tack,  flaw. 

Stift  n  -er  diocese;  asylum  for  ladies  (of  rank). 
-amt'manb  civil  governor  of  a  diocese. 

Stifte  vt  found,  institute,  establish;  -  et  Wtoe 
found  a  kingdom;  -  ftreb  make  peace;  -  Sforltg 
reconcile,  bring  about  a  reconcilation;  _  et  $for* 
bunb  form  an  alliance;  -  et  røgtefrab  make  a 
match;  .  Uenigtyeb  sow  dissension;  .UtptTemake 
mischlef;  tøm  fytr  -t  meget  gobt  he  has  done 
much  good;  .  Oprør  raise  seditlon,  stir  up 
rebellion:  ~  et  Stipenbium  endow  a  studentship. 

Stifte  I  bor  bred-a  wl.  -gang  hook  escapement. 
•Ho  fllrm.)  pin-vlce. 

Stiftclfe  c  -r  foundingetc.,  foundation,  estab- 
lishment, institution;  (VfbJ)  almshouse;  milbe  -r 
charitable  institutions.  Stfftclfei |bteb>  founda- 
tion  charter,  deed  of  foundation.  -bag  day  of 
foundation,  anniversary  (of  a  foundation).  -feft 
anniversary-feast,  commemoration.  Stifter  e  -e 
founder;  (OptøMmanb)  author.  Stifterinbe  c 
foundrew,  insti  tutrix. 

Sttftefttl  c  brad-awl.  StiftmØr  e  beam  with 

Stiftdlbefallngdmanb  fe  Stiftamtmanb.  -bame, 
-fraten  inmate  of  a  foundation  el.  asylum  for 
ladien.  -berre  canon.  •UpeHatt  assiatant  clergy- 

man  to  a  diocese.  -tirtc  chapel  of  a  la.ii 
asylum;  (Somftrte)  cathedral.  +-øb)erret  supe: 
court,  court  of  appeal,  -prooft  dean  of  a  dioc*1 
-proofti  deanery  of  a  diocese. 

Stiftnbflaaer  c  (t.  8«lfe)  pln-driver. 

Sti'giorb  n  sluice,  floodgate. 

Sri  gbojle  c  -r  sUrrup;  (i  fDret)  st&pe>. 

Stige,  fteg,  fteget  vi  mount,  rise,  a^rc? 
increase;  barometret  -r  the  mercary  i<  riO 
eanbet  -r  (»eb  ftlob)  the  tide  flow?,  (i  BUbr.  \ 
water  gains;  $riferne  .  prices  ri«e,  go  up.  I 
gettlng  up ;  ^fragterne  bife  Zttboieltø^eb  til  c 
freights  have  an  npward  tendency,  are  loo^i 
upwards;  fan  er  fteget  b»jt  he  has  risen  to  ffl 
eminence,  risen  high;  .  af  alight  (from  a« 
riage),  dlsmount  (from  a  horse);  -  frem  en 
fortn,  emerge;  ~  i  fianb  disembark,  go  asLc 
land;  9inen  fteg  mig  t  Aobebft  the  wine  i 
el.  flew  into  my  head;  benne  Sin  -c  i  Jpow 
this  is  a  heady  wine,  this  is  a  wine  w!u 
mounts  into  the  head;  -  i  nb  get  up;  -  * 
descend;  .  op  af  Sengen  get  out  of  bed.  - 
paa  et  Ojaerg  ascend  a  mountain;  -  op  pos 
@tol  mount  a  ohair;  -  otter  et  Sarbe  step  <n 
a  fence;  globen  er  fiegen  ober  fine  Brebbcr  ti 
river  has  overflowed its  banks;  .til  ^eft  moa 
(a  horse);  -  til  ^ooebet;  fe  -  i;  -  ub  alight; 
ftigenbe  a  rising,  increasing;  ~  3nbfomiH 
graduated  taxation.  Stige  c  -r  ladder.  Stig 
•bannet  a  in  the  form  of  a  ladder,  eoalarifon 
-bonf  ladder  dance.  Stiøen  c,  Stigenbe  • 
-ning.  Stiger  c  -e  master-miner,  surren 
mining- captain.  Stigel  ror  fe  6tig>.  -fhnil 
ladder  stitch.  -trin  rundle,  spoke,  round,  mo 
-tr*  side-piece  of  a  ladder.  -benrif  dL^bari 
valve.  —  StiøKfnl  (i  Sommeur)  balance- wh* 
i  Stueur)  swing- wheel.  -()nl#fil  balance- whe 
le.  -||nlStanø  balance- wheel  plyer,  protracto 
lorbcrf  bragt  stirrnp-bar.  Stigning  c  rising  et< 
rise;  (paa  Sej  ofo.)  gradient,  incline,  (upi  gral 
(Struet)  pitch;  txrrc  i  .  be  on  the  rise.  Sti 
nittøøllnic  pitch-line.  Stig|n«b  xenops.  -rr 
Ktirrup-leather.  -rerndframpe  stirrup-bar.  -ri 
rising-pipe,  fordng  plpe. 

Stil'  adv  direct,  right,  due;  8inben  oar  -  C 
the  wind  was  due  east;  -  t  Staon  dead  ahear 
-  SRobtmib  wind  right  ahead;  .  imob  (»inbr 
ogfaa  fiø)  in  tho  teeth  of  (the  wind  etc.);  banb 
_  imob  ny  in  the  teeth  of;  .  mobfat  dlametricall 

Stif  n,  pi  =  (meb  fptbfl  3nfhnm.)  stab; 
Srortfpil  trick.  &  hitch;  (©tie)  scheme-arch;  fa( 
gore  meb  .  J,  hitch;  ^olbe  -  hold  good,  hol 
true;  lobe  en  i  -fen  leave  one  in  the  lurel 
Stit|  ambolt  stake,  small  anvil.  -iejtel  parin 
chisel.  -bjfltlfe,  -bom  hammer-piece,  tlepieo 
-blab  guard  (of  a  sword).  -font  <£,  earin« 
-Ir eb  warrant  el.  writ  of  arrest;  fenbf  -t  efter  e 
pursue  one  publicly  by  a  writ  o  farrest.  -bdrffei 
bed-pan.  -flamme  thin  flame.  -fob  apoplezy 
-fine  stinging-fly,  Stomoxy.  -øam  fowling  nei 
•bfttl  (6 totn.)  closer'o  wheel  stitch  •  prick?i 
-bul  tap-hole.  -baoert  siphon.  -|o*rn  fe  bt\tt 
-tappe  arch  lunette,  ogive. 

Stille  o  -r  small,  slender  stick;  F  match. 

Stille,  flat,  fhirlet  vi  k  i  (f.  (Hl.  meb  Dol! 
stab;  (f.  CII.  meb  Slnappenaate,  om  Xorne)  prick 
(om  3nfelter)  sting;  (meb  fpibfl  3nftrj  prod.  .en 
Sopper)  bite;  (om  Solen)  bum;  (i  ttetal)  engrave 
(feljning)  stitch,  (fom  Sengetappe  o.  1.)  quilt.  . 
Itortfptl)  of  take,  cover,  (meb  trumf)  tramp,  ruiT 
pi  head  the  trick,  win  (the  trick),  fig  beat 
trump,  cap;  (meb  ©o Ib)  strike;  -  tffptrge«  cut 
asparagus;  .  Xorb  cut  peat;  •  et  €mn,  en  9z\i 
klll  el.  stick  a  hog,  pig;  -  9ifl  spear  el.  strike 
flsh;  .  Hatting  veer  cable;  -  en  Srjortertaoe  stitcli 





;c«irt-coIlar,  .  SJtaftoonen  Up  the  blast  furnace 
1t     t  meb  en  fRaal  faston  wlth  a  pin;  Sfibet  -i 
ob  tbe  sbip  draws  fifteen  feet;  SKbet  -t  for 
"__.  the  ship  bears,  the  snip  draws  too  much 
;.;'  r;  ban  -i  i((r  bbbt  he  is  no  great  luminary; 
1    jm  bet  -i  tøm  as  the  humour  takes  him;  jeg 
.  itte    bbab  bnr  -r  tøm  I  don't  know  whtt 
.  5S8eR  hl  ar;  bft  -r  tøm  unbertiben  he  sometlmes 
,   %  it  into  his  head;  bet  lunbe  -  tøm  he  is 
\y  enough  to  do  it;  bet  et  bberten  ffugget 
{tuftet  it  is  neither  flsh  nor  flesh,  neither 
\.  ■  nor  there;  -  Sin  af  et  ftab  paa  et  anbet 
r  wine  from  one  cask  into  another;  .  en 
:j.     af  drain  off  a  pond;  t  -  af  ■*  brifle  ub;  - 
u   etr  af  mark  out  the  place  for  a  camp;  bette 
imob  .  .  .  this  forms  a  contrast  to  ...;..  af 
1    im  en  (Enbe)  anbend;  -  ©aaben  af  push  the 
'•. .  .  off;  F  -  af  make  off,  cut  and  run,  levant, 
one's  self  off,  hook  it;  .  noget  bort  put 
:'  put  out  of  the  way;  .efter  en  thrust  at 
.  make  a  pass  at  one;  -  Bntettoettinøen  fia 
'*■  .slip   the  chain   el.  cable;  .  frem  jut  out, 
t  out,  project,  protrude,  be  consplcuous  el. 
'  .ninent;   -  flg  frem  put  one's  nelf  forward; 
•r  miø  i  Siben  I  have  a  stitch  el.  a  pain  in 
■ide;  ©olen  -r  miø  i  fBfnene  the  sun  hurts 
eyes;   bet  fiol  tønbe  i  Øjnene  it  struck  her 
i,  it  hit  her  fancy:  .  en  ftnappenaal  i  noøet 
1    i  a  pin  into  something;  .  Jtaarben  i  Sfeben 
...  up  one's  s  word,  put  one's  sword  into  the 
:   Uh,  sheath  the  sword;  .  en  Woøle  i  9lsøle> 
:   tt  put  a  key  in  the  key  hole;  -  en  Sal  i 
'.ben   fix  a  stake  in  the  ground;   -  noøet  i 
anen  put  in  one's  pocket,  (oøfaa  fio)  pocket; 
'-  n  noøet  i  Aaanben  put  something  in  one's 
id;  flat  min  Stm  i  ban*  sllpped  my  arm  through 
.i  ©ranb  set  on  fire,  set  fire  to,  fire;  9fc»ø» 
-t  i  Stien  the  key  is  (lefl)  in  the  door.  bltbe 
«  i  bet  break  down;  Soønen  bleb  -nbe  1 SJQnbet 
carriage  stuck  in  the  mud;  -  $enøe  i  invest 
?ey  in;  bft  -t  mange  $enae  i  benne  ©tygning 
;  building  has  cost  a  good  deal  of  money, 
in   SRafe  I  poke  one's  nose  into;  jeg  oeb  itfe 
ti  bet  -t  I  don't  know  how  it  comes,  know 
•  reason;  bfti  -t  bet!  that's  it!  -  i  Soen  put 
oea:  -  ftebfejfinøet  t  et  Sejl  point  a  sall;  -  i 
le,    gtcebe  (all  a  laughlng,  a  weeping;  •  en 
ipprnaal  igennem  run  a  pin  through;  +  -  en 
tnem  stab  one;  -  en  i&Jel  stab  one;  _  inb 
isert  into;  fraf  $alen  mellem  ©enene  wentoff 
•h  hin  tall  between  his  legs;  -neb  put  down; 
b.  vi  come  down;  -  (©in)  om  rack  off,  -  $* 
pitch   up  hav;   .  ©piben  op  open  el.  lance 
»  boil;  .  Stotetøtø  op  i  raise  malntack;  ftir 
$alfer!  raise  tacks  and  sheets!  -  op  vi  stick 
t;  f  .op  for  give  in  to;  ieø  -r  itfe  op  fot  .  .  . 
im  not  to  be  outdone  by  .  .  .;  .  $ul  paa  et 
,b  broach  a  hogshead;  -  paa  Spib  pnt  upon 
i  spit,  splt;  p  .  paa  Kæben  grasp  (one's)  nand, 
ake  hånds;   f   _  en  paa  Srmen  take  one's 
ta,    -   en  ftinø  paa  ftinøeten   pnt  a  ring  on 
€9  finger;  -  paa  et  Zoo  pay  out  el.  veer  a 
ble  el.  rope:  -  paa  (om  en  dnbe)  bend;  -  paa 
irerne  pass  the  bo t tie,  wet  one's  whistle;  -  paa 
.  fe  -  af;  *ftal  libt  paa  bet  bøtte  ©agben  walked 
lit  tie  lame  of  the  right  hind  leg;  ftaf  gobebetne 
-mmen  put  el.  laid  tneir  heads  together,  com- 
red  notes;  .til  Ringen  run  at  the  ring;  -  nt 
en  slip  st  into  one's  band;  -  til  Slbe  put  by, 
it  out  of  the  way;  .  til  flg  pocket;  .  Øjnene 
*  paa  en  put  out  one's  eyes;  .  en  flflafte  vin  ub 
Qpty  el.  crack  a  bottle  of  wine;  .  et  •loft  ub 
ss  off,  throw  off,  a  glass;  _  en  Sam  ub  drain 
pond;   -  en  ub  cut  one  out,   supplant  one; 
it  tøm  en  ub  struck  at  him,  fetched  him  a 
ow;  -  lungen  ub  thrust  out  the  tongue;  .  ub, 

liatfen:  Danfl'Snøelf!  Otbboø. 

fe  .  frem;  -  et  Søtument  unbet  Stol  suppress  a 
deed;  bet  -r  noøet  betunber  (unbet)  there  is  somo 
mystery  in  it,  something  at  the  bottom  of  it. 
Stitiefaern  puncheon. 

Stitfel  e  sea  holly,  En/noium,  maritimum. 

Stiffellbaar  (i  ttlb)  stltchei.  -tøaret  a  (om 
$eft)  gray-mottled,  rubican. 

Stiffelftbgr  n  gooseberry.  -bttff  gooseberry 
bush,  Ribe*  grotrularia.  -ar*b  gooseberry-fool . 
•maaler  magple  moth,  Abraxa*  gronulariata . 
-rift,  -torn  fe  -bufl.  -ften  (Sranat)  grossular.  -pin 
gooseberry  wine. 

Ctiffe«  c  fe  Stilninø. 

®Hf fen  a  irritable,  easy  to  take  offence.  -tøb 
e  irritabllity. 

etiffer  e   efe  Stilling  $. 

étifteftinø  n  qullting-stltch,  back  stitch,  (paa 
Sbmaffine)  lock-stitch. 

©tifte  vi  (paa)  taunt,  glbe  (one).  Stiften  c, 
Stifleri'  n  taunting,  gibing;  glbe,  taunt. 

Stifline  c  <£,  selzlng  line. 

Stiflinø  e  -et  (af  plante)  cutting,  slip;  *fe 

Stit|løg  bulb  to  be  planted.  •tttejfel  punch, 
-more  stinglng  ant,  Myrmioi.  SHfninø  c  stick- 
ing  etc.  6tit|orb  cue,  tag,  catch-word,  (i  ^arti- 
øjemeb)  cry.  -palme  fe  Srrifttotn.  -paffer  dividere. 
•penøe  pi  a  bribe.  -pifle  suppository,  dry  dyster; 
fio  wipe,  rub,  taunt.  -plabe  fe  -blab.  -replif 
cue.  -faar  wound  from  a  pointed  weapon, 
stab.  -fao  tenon  saw.  -flaal  parting  tool.  -f*nt 
stitch  in  g.  -o  aa  ben,  -batrøe  weapon  for  thrusting 
el.  stabbing.    -#f*e  cross -axe. 

Stil  o  -e  (Sfrioemaabe,  ^temftiHinølmaabe  i  en* 
tøet  leanfl)  style;  writlng;  (Sf olefag)  composition; 
(Opøabe)  ezercise,  theme;  bunben  og  ubunben  - 
verse  and  prose;  i  flot  .on  a  large  el.  grand 
scale.    -art  style. 

Stilbar  a  adjustable. 

Stilbil'  c  stll'bite 

Stile  vt  pen,  word,  compose;  t  (benabne)  call; 
.  til  address  to;  —  vi  atm;  .  tøft  alm  hlgh,  be 
ambitious;  .  paa  aim  at;  .  ben  imob  make  for. 

Stitejboø  ezerclse-book.  -rettelfe  correction 
(of  papers);  eono  corrected  paper. 

Stilet'  e  -ter  stiletto. 

Stiimff  o.  ff.#  fe  Stifie*. 

Sti  Ifnlb  a  stylish. 

Still ffltrbiø  u  gentle,  quiet.  -frrrbløbeb  c 
gentleness,  quietness.  -|cb  e  stillness,  sllence, 
calmness,  quietness;  i  (al)  .  secretly,  privately, 
(very)  quietly,  silently;  i  »atten*  .  in  the  dead 
of  night;  tøn  blro  beøtaoen  i  al  .  he  was  burled 
qnite  privately,  the  funeral  was  strictly  private. 

SHtjife  re  vi  fe  Stile,  -ift'  c  -et  one  who 
writes  well,  wrlter,  stylist,  -ifleri'  n  fine  writing. 
•Ifl'ifl  a  f.  (Ef9.  .  Vieftetbatf  masterpiece  in  re- 
spect  to  style;  -e  ftanfleliøbebet,  Sfontøber  dlffi- 
culttes  of  style,  beauties  of  the  style. 

Still  e  e  stem,  stalk,  (©lab*  oøf.)  petiole,  leaf 
stalk,  (©(omflet«  og  fltugt«  ogf.)  peduncle.  (paa 
Sfe)  handle;  .1  (vaa  Stag  o.  1.)  leg;  (paa  Stopellet) 
screw-shaft.  S  tuf  ta  ti  false  brome-erass,  Bmeky- 
podium,  -blabet  a  petlolate  Stiftet  a  stalky, 
petiolate.  Stilf|U*  a  stemless.  -omfattenbe 
a  amplexicaul.  -ftjeme  pentacrinus.  -#Jet  a 

Stifla'bf  c  k  n  -tt  scaffold,  scaffolding,  stag- 
ing.  Stiflab*|bom  scaffolding- pole,  imp.  -greve 

Stille  (*  oøfaa  fftftt,  n  fHlt)  a  k  adv  Rtill,  qulet, 
tranqull,  hnshed,  &  calm;  bet  bleb  øanffe  -  *V  H 
fell  a  dead  calm;  ftaa  .  stand  still,  fia  (om 
ftotretn.)  be  at  a  stand  still,  stagnant,  (om  et 
2anb  o.  I.)  remain  nnprogressive ;  ligge  -  be 
lying  still,  be  stationary;  bleo  flaaenbe,  liøøenbe  * 






remalned  stationary;  bolbe  -  stop,  make  a  stop, 
halt;  tie  ~  be  silent;  bet  .  $ab  the  Paclfto;  bane 
8oon  i  -  $t)ie  hi  re  a  carriage  by  the  month; 

-  Wrtfe  low  mass;  ben  -  Uge  boly  week,  Passion 
week;  bet  -  9anb  bar  ben  bijbe  Srunb  still  waters 
ran  deep;  en  -  totol  a  lurking  doubt;  .  ber! 
bush  there!  pcace!  silence!  i  mit  .  Sinb  men- 
tally,  privately:  mere  $  uf  Fer  -  sugar  quiet. 
Stille  »  stillness,  silence;  4,  calm;  i  .  in  a 
calm;  bi  faor  -  we  shall  have  a  calm;  bi  ftf  - 
tniber  Vtabeira  we  were  becalxned  off  Madeira. 
6HHr  vt  (ftanbfe)  still:  .  ©lobet  staunch  the 
blood;  .  et  Oprør  quell  a  rebellion;  -  Smerte 
alleviate  el.  soothe  pain;  .  fin  fitjft  satisfy  one's 
appetite,  gratify  one's  desire;  -  hunøer  appease 
cl.  stay  hunger;  -  af.  b.  f.  f.  ftille*  rp(om  vinb) 
lull,  sul>side,  abate. 

Grifle  rt  (Tætte  paa  $labl)  place,  set,  posit, 
post,  station;  (3nftram.  o.  I.)  adjust;  _  Vetinøelfer 
make  conditions;  .  ftotbrinøer  lay  el.  make 
claims;  fig  .  flore  ftorfytabninøer  HI  tax;  .  et fioro* 
flop  cast  a  horoscope  el.  nat  i  vi  ty;  .  en  ffanon 
point  a  gnn,  level  a  gnn;  -  ftaution  give  secu- 
rity;  _  en  et  Vtaal,  en  Gpøafte  place  an  aim,  a 
task  before  one;  benne  $robinft  ntao  .  10  000 
9Ranb  thi«  province  must  furnish,  supply,  put 
into  the  fleld,  10,000  men ;  -  Sejlene  trim  the 
►ails;  .  et  Ur  set  a  watch  (efter  by);  -  Øibner 
»•all  wltnesses;  —  vi  meet,  make  one's  appearance; 

-  fifl  (BaløubtrbD  f.  ffft.  i  fcelflnøar  stand  for 
Elsinore,  contest  Klslnore:  røriferne  .  Rø  baje 
prices  rule  high;  Sagen  -r  fig  faafebrt  the  state 
of  the  matter  is  thls:  fe,  boorlebeø  Sagen  -r  fig 
F  see  how  the  cat  jumps;  _  Stemmen  af  dis- 
engage the  strap;  -  fig  an,  fe  ttnftiHe;  .  efter 
(Vilbtj  stalk;  -  for  fig  find  a  substitute;  -  en 
nt  for  pje  place  st  before  oneC*  eyes);  .  flø  for 
Sletten  appear  in  court;  .  i  Vtarfen  put  into  the 
field;  .  en  i  en  anbenfi  Steb  substitute  one  in 
another's  place;  ber  er  itfe  nt  at  -  op  meb  barn 
he  is  qulte  impractlcable.  f  past  praying  for;  fe 
Cpfttfle;  be  -bf  barn  paa  £ooebet  tliey  stood  him 
on  his  head :  -  fig  paa  Xærrne  raise  one's  self 
on  tiptoe;  -  fig  paa  ben  ene  eller  anben  Sibe  range 
one's  self  upon  one  side  or  the  other;  -til  en« 
flraabiøfpb  leave  el  give  up  to  one's  disposal,  fe 
Sfue,  .  rt  Ur  tilbage  set  a  watch  back;  ~  til • 
freb«  content,  quiet;  -  ub.  feUbftiHe;  —  faalebr« 
er  jeg  ftillet  thls  is  how  I  am  circumstanced; 
er  bel  bi  g  -t  has  great  advantages.  StiBeapparat 

Stilleben  [t.]  n  still  life. 

SttOebatte  »  Calm  Belt. 

SHflcfifl  c  small  qnoin. 

Stifle|  banet  the  Pacific.  -fjanSrnfien  the  Pacific 

Stille  |oj«(  regulator,  -iubretnfng  fe  -apparat. 
-Mie,  -flab*  art  quoin. 

StiHe|lio  still  life.  •tiofltyffr  picture  of  still 

Slifle|maffi«e  contrivance  uscd  in  pointing 
rannon.  -paffe?  bow-compasses.  -pi nb  (paa 
Stolfn,  rfcrlbe)  stay,  pin,  peg,  sound-post.  -r  c 
-e  one  who  pro  vides  a  substitute  for  himself; 
(til  ftigftbogen)  proposer. 

Stine  labben  c  sedentary  life.  -flbbenbe  a 

Stittelffatmnet  &  bed-stool.  -fflbe  regulator. 
-flrne  regulating  screw;  adjustingsorew. 

Sttttelftaaen  c  stand,  stand -still,  stagnation. 
-fkaaenbe  «  standing  still,  stationary,  (om  Sanb) 

StiflclfHft  c  tel  wrench.    -batrt  fe  S  ti  Hob«. 

StWepanbe  » (mellem  Slob  og  Ubbt)  slack  water. 

Stiflibø  fe  Sttntt*. 

Stilling   c    er    (Segemettj    attitude,   posture, 

(oøfaa  fig)  position;  fip  status:  (Hnforttrlfe)  ntrj 
tlon;  (beb  frrigftrj enefie)  substitution  of  t  æfi 
for  one  liable  to  military  service;  (StilUv 
stage;  (tlnberlag,  Kamme  o.  I.)  frame;  (i  Ur>  f*> 
and  slow  regulatlon;  tnbtage  en  -  tuke  up* 
position:  tage.(&a*gtn.)  fall  intoguard;  i  Sagn*? 
ncerocerenbe  -  in  the  present  state  el.  posture  * 
affairs.  —  ØtiQittøfilmanb  snbstltnte.  -ret  r;r* 
of  providlng  a  substitute.  -»sfrm  (system  ^ 

SHOiti  e  -er  goldflnch,  Frinoilla  cardm+tit 

Sti'Hai  a  devoid  of  style. 

•Ctiine  vi  fe  SttOrt;  bet  -be  rent  af  it  fe  11  de»! 

Gti'lPrabe  c  specimen  of  rompo^ltlon. 

etillffanb  stand-still,  stand,  stagnation;  (&x 
benfiilft.)  suspension  of  arms.  -ftaabSmomto  frieui 
of  stagnation 

Stiiflea  c  (i  Vtalobn)  hearth-stone. 

Ctilltietibe  a  silent,  taclt;  ado  tacitly,  by  io 
pi  i  ration,  -tieabeb  c  silence,  secrecy,  tacituriut} 

6til*t  a  pathless,  trackless,  unpathed. 

6tiloeIfr  e  exercise;  (Ooø  til  at  frrioe  €t  efter 
book  of  ezercises. 

Stiw  c  -er  throng,  crowd,  (grff)  shoovl,  scbon!. 
fe  ©timen. 

6ti]manb  highwayman,  foot-pad.  -nankéf<rr> 
depredatlon.    -maabitoø  predatory  expediuoc 

6ttme  e  fe  Stim.  6ti«r  ri  (fteje)  make  » 
racket  el.  noise  el.  bubbub;  (ftimlt  famver 
throng,  crowd,  shoal,  swarm  (together).  fStiwei 
e  nproar,  racket,  hubbub.  6tiwer  c  -c  nob«- 
-maker.  6time»ii  adv  In  shoals.  ©ti  arift 
shoaling  flsh.  6tiaxle  vi  crowd,  thronjr:  -  fas 
men,  b.  f.  Stimlen  c  crowdlng,  throogini 
etimmel  o  -mie  throng,  crowd,  concourse. 

t6timme(  c  -mie  sleve-frame. 

®Hmu(| and  n  -an 'Ha  strmulam.  -««*  <• 
stlm'ulus.  -atio'it,  -e'rinø  c  stimnla'tion.  -e  rt 
vt  stim'nlate. 

Ctinø  n,  pi  =,  stitch.  6ti«øc,  ftaf.  frungn  * 
©titre.    ©tinøfilb  fe  fiunbeflejle. 

©tiufabor  c  -e«.  fe  Jroalraepinb.  —  6Hnf br 
skunk,  zoril,  Mepkiti*  amerioana.  -bUrffiab  ;•' 
skunks.  Gtlntt,  flan!,  ftinfet  vi  stink;  -nbe« 
stinklng,  fetid.  6tinf!flne  ie  ^lorølnge.  -ft)slr 
stinking  hole.  -fait  je  -ften.  -patte  stink  pot 
-ften  stink-stone,  swine-fttone.  -f>««p  stink 
horn.  Phallu*  impudicu$. 

©tint  c  fe  Smelt. 

Øtipm'blvtn   n  -ier  foundation,  (af  JroHeaift 
exhibitation,  presentation,  scbolarship,  student- 
ship,  »c  bursary;  (ftørre  af  Uniberfltetet  ril  Ørabn> 
erebe.  Docenter)  fellowship;  (tteife)  travelling-ai«! 
Øtipeabiat  c  -er  exhlbitioner,  scholar,  bur«ar. 
fonndationer,  portionist;  (Docent)  fri  low. 

Stiplet  a  dotted,  stippled.  Stippelform  dottinr 

Stipuf (atio'n,  -e'rius  c  -er  stipnla'tion.  -e  re 
vt  stipulate. 

Stirre  ri  stare,  gaae;  -  fig  bfinb  paa  srarr* 
one's  self  blind  on,  have  eyes  for  nothing  bnt. 
et  -nbe  9fit  a  fixed,  st åring  look.  •»  c  starine. 

Stirribd  n  ^  steerage. 

StiP  o  stifT,  rigid;  <af  at  flbbr  o.  \.)  cramped. 
fii  (eøenilnbig,  ftiofinbiø  ofb.)  stiff,  stubborn 
obstinate  (om  ttbfcrrb,  Cmøana  ofp.)  stiff,  for 
mal,  starched,  exclusive;  U,  (om  SH6,  ftulmg 
stiff;  ^..  rom  dnbe/  tant;  -  Srrabe  (paa  ftratre  ofv 
stand- up  oollar;  -  fom  en  9inb  stiff  as  a  poker 
jeg  bar  maottet  vente  en  ~  Zime  I  have  had  ro 
watt  a  good  hour,  a  mortal  bour;  fptt  ~t  WiJf 
ia)  good  seven  miles;  en  .  $rift  a  heavy  price. 
-t  Stpffe,  fe  Stcerl;  .  i  ^tapirerne  well  grounded. 
deeprend;   gøre  -  stiften,  (frramme)  ttghten;  — 




tot  adv  stiffly  et  c;  fe  -t  paa  en  look  hard, 
are  flxedly,  at  one,  fix  one's  gaze  on  one;  fe 

ben  for  ftg  stare  at  vacancy;  -t  pettet  in  boards. 
«l» larmet  a    stiff- armed,   having  stiff  arms 
»c net   a  stiff legged      -benetbeb  a  stiffness  In 
k«  legs.    Stine  vt  stiffen;  .  fiinneb  staren  linen; 

et  $u«,  fe  Wftitte.  ®H»c  c  -t.  fe  Stifter.  — 
cine;6j*ire  beam  to  prop  with.  -toft  ($mp.) 

*3ti»etet'ter  pi  galten,  spatterdasbes. 

^tioelfe  c  staren,  cMem  amyle.  -fabrit  starch 
øanufactory.  -fabrifant  starch-maker.  -falrt* 
i  »tø«  starch  -  making.  -gloni  glazed  starch. 
I  nm  mi  dextrine  -bolbig  a  containlng  starch, 
Lnylaceous.  -tiolbig^eb  c  amoant  of  starch. 
lifter  size  el.  paste  made  of  starch.  -tugter 
ran u les  of  Btarcb.  -net  starch -meal  el.  flour. 
ntfrr  starch -*ugar,  amylaceous  angår,  -tang 
eylon  moss,  Fucum  amylacm».  -nanb  starcbing 

Sti  »er  c  -e  snore,  prop,  stay;  (Dmp.)  stay;  (i 
-cettinq)  stud.    -ftang  stay-bar. 

S  tinet*  j  *  linen  to  be  starched;  starehed 

Sti'nfaber  ofp.,  fe  Stebfaber. 

@H  ftifrolfen  a  hard-frozen ;  (om  Semitter)  be- 
iixnbed  wltb  oold.    -g*re  vt :  (616/)  bu  ftol  ifte 

t>it  $irrte  thou  shalt  not  harden  tby  heart. 
baaret  a  bristly,  rough-haired:  $  hispid.  -bole 
r  riatil  taut  el.  tight.  -laffet  a  stlff-necked. 
lam  mel  splinter- bar.  -bamrc  vt  hammer-harden, 
olcl-hammer.  -beb  c  stiffness,  rlgidity;  fig  stiff- 
e«**,  formality,  starcb;  J,  stiffness,  tautness. 

6tt'»bcbé|tnrbe  curve  of  stability.  -moment 
loiuent  of  stability.  -pnntt  meta-centre.  -»Intel 
nsrle  of  stability. 

&ri'bltram»e  tetanns.  -lemmet  a  stiff  in  the 
imb«.  -mnnbet  o  bard-monthed.  -natte  stiff 
aeeked  el.  stubborn  person,  -nattet  a  stiff 
neckt'd.  Stinne  vi  stiffen,  grow  el.  get  stiff; 
am  fltobenbe  Zinø)  coagulate;  bringer  ttlobet  til 
t  -  i  mine  Barer  makes  rov  blood  run  cold;  — 
t  Miffen;  coagulate;  -t  (Ubtrbf  el.  1.)  set,  (i  «n- 
'uelf.r  0.  1)  fossilized.  Stiftning  c  stiffening. 
*tt  t>  ntng  c  stiffening;  starching  etc.  -flab  fe 
inbiqbeb.  -finbet.  -fhtbig  a  obstinate,  stubborn. 
fi  nb  et  beb,  -ftubtgbeb  c  stubbornness,  obstinacy. 
ftitfer  starcbed  fellow     -fbge  c  catalepsy. 

etfoolen,  ftjodlet,  ftjol  fe  6ti*Ie. 

Stjerne  c  -r  (ogfoo.  CrbenMtjerne)  star;  (i  $anben) 
laze;  (i  ©ftift)  asterisk,  star;  fig  (Jeorljfæ)  star, 
uminary;  en  fprfeltø  -  a  lucky  star;  læfe  i  -rne 
ead  the  stars;  baoe  en  bøj  ~  t)ol  en  stand  high 
nih  one.  6tiernc|aar sidereal  year.  -agat starred 
ieate.  -an i*  Chinese  anise.  -auiØtrae  badian, 
7/iWum  aniøatum.  -atlaØ  sidereal  atlas,  -tave 
»rhit    of  a  star.     -banneret  the  star-spangled 

an  Der.  -bebdcfttiug  ocoultation  (of  a  star). 
befnt  «  starred,  starry.  -biOcbe  eonstellation. 
binb  eiliary  ligament.  -bfint  twinkle  el.  twink- 
Irttc  of  stars  -blømft  fe  -urt.  -bor  rase  bit, 
o^>  drill.    -borg  poet  starry  castle.     -bne  poet 

*rry  vault.  -bælte  poet  starry  zone.  -bag 
idcreal  day.  -bannet  a  stellated,  asteriated. 
bqrlrlfe  worship  of  the  stars,  sabeism,  sabian- 
fim  -bbrter  Sabian.  -flof  fe  -gruppe,  -forntiø 
e  ^onTIet.  -forfter  astronomer,  -fnlb  c  starry. 
u-lliferous;  f  dead  drunk.  -gal  a  f  furious; 
nad    about   astrnnomy.     -glan#  lustre  of  the 

far«,  Marry  lustre.  -glimt  fe  blinf.  -granfter 
t  -forfler.  >ørubbe  cluster  el.  group  of  stars, 
ltar  cluster.  »-gutter  waits  -bimmel  starry 
•ky   el.    heavens,   stellar  beavens.     -i) Jul  spur 

wheel,  -bob  fe  -gruppe,  -bborlbing  fe  -bue.  -bsr 
ho«t  of  star«,  galaxy.  -fammcret  tbe  Star- 
1  l.ftmber.     -tiger   star  gazer   (oøf.   Sfiff,    Urano- 

•coput).  -file  cold  cbisel.  -flor  a  star- light  el. 
star-lit;  bet  er  -t  the  stars  are  out.  -Møtteflet  fe 
-tib.  -ftynge  cluster  of  stars,  -føral  madrepore. 
-tort  chart  of  the  stars,  celestial  chart,  star 
map.  -frand,  -frebfi  circle  of  stars.  +-tnuft 
a-"tronomy.  f-fure  observatory.  -Ibttbig  a 
versed  in  astronomy.  -tbnblgleb  (knowledge  of) 
astronomy.  -n-lig  a  starllke.  -loft  poet  starry 
vault.  -lttg  a  starllt.  -Ib*  n  starligbt.  -U9  a 
starlees.  -man  forelock  (of  a  bone),  -mtbbag 
sidereal  noon.  -mnlbborb  star-nose  mole,  Rkt- 
nn%ter.  -nat  poet  starry  night.  -obferbation 
stellar  observation,  -bar  palr  of  stars,  -bol 
celestlal  pole.  -preéfe  litbograpbic  rolling  press. 
-rab  row  of  stars,  -rig  «  fe  -hi Ib.  -faffir  fe  -ften. 
-famling  collection  of  stars.  *-filre  starry  saxi- 
frage,  kldney  wort,  S'sxi/raga  ttellaru.  -flanfe 
mit  star-redoubt.  -ffore  fe  b«t.  -fliv  fe  -in«, 
-ffnb  sbooting  star,  star-shoot.  -ffotr  fe  -lp*. 
•fffltrm  black  hellebore,  Aitrantia  major,  -fmbf tet 
a  star-spangled.  -fnegt  doris.  4-fbil  poet  twink- 
llng  of  the  stars,  -ften  star-stone.  opalescent  sap- 
phire.  -føpuna  botryllus.  6r|eruct  a  starry; 
(om  $br)  blazed.  6tjeme|taage  nebula.  -taarn 
observatory.  -tegn  fe  -biflebe.  -telt  poet  starry 
canopy.  -tib  sfdereal  time.  -tibfminnter  min- 
utes  of  sidereal  time  (o.  fl).  -tbber  o  -e  astro- 
loger, -tbbert  n.  -tbbuing  astrology.  -urt  star- 
wort,  Atter,  -nibenfVab  astronomy.  -»rimmel 
fe  -bar. 

Stjfltle,  ftjal,  fliaalet  vt  steal,  flleh;  .  fiø  bort 
steal  away  el.  off;  .  fiø  frem  steal  forward;  ~  fiø 
Hl  at  ao re  noget  do  sometbing  by  steal th;  -  ftø 
ril  at  fe  paa  steal  a  glance  at;  -  fiø  til  et  Pieblift 
^oile  snatch  a  moment 's  repose;  ftjaalen  a  fig 
furtive,  stealthy.  6tjo?ler  c  e  stealer,  filcher,  fe 
ferler.    Stførlefbge  fe  flleptoraam. 

Ctfrrrt  c  e  (ogfaa  J.0  tail;  (Zoo)  lanyard; 
(m  11-)  handle,  -anb  plntail  duck,  Ana*  acutt. 
6t(srteblot  tail-block.  fJMffrtetønd  lizard. 
8t|«rt|bale  spring- tail,  Podura.  -meffe  Ion  g 
-tailed  tltmouae,  Paru*  caudatu*. 
-jlgger;  art  train- tackle. 

t6tob  n,  pi  s=,  goblet,  pot  tie. 

Ctørfbolm  n  Stockholm,  -er  c  -e  inhabitant 
of  S.    -fl  a  Stockholm. 

6iob  m  stud. 

Øtob  imp  fe  ©too. 

Stobber  c  -e  beggar.  -agtig  a  beggarly.  -fogeb 
parlsh  beadle.  -gang  vagrancy;  gao  .  go  r 
begging.  -bonntøb  beggarly  pride.  -longe  fe 
-fogeb.  -pofe  beggar' s  wallet.  -praft  hedge 
•priest.  -ftabd  shabby  flnery.  -ftop  beggar » 
staff;  gribe  Hl  -en  take  to  begging. 

Stø'blfølb,  -|abe  inclosure  et.  paddock  (for 
borses),  -beft  stud-horse,  -bingft  stallion,  stone- 
horse.  -bobbe  brood-mare.  -mefter  (Stutmefler) 
magter  of  the  stud. 

Stof  n  -fer  (i  fnfiji  flforftanb)  matter,  substance; 
fig  matter,  subject,  subject-matter.  theme,  topic, 
argument;  rttarfaø,  Vnlebninø)  cause,  reason; 
i%8\)  stuff,  fabric.  (meb  ttlomfter,  ^tøurer  oio.) 
fancydoth,  Silteftof  silken  stufi;  ^  stuff,  (Xisre 
oø  $aar)  blair;  -fet  til  et  Sørøefpil  tbe  subject 
of  a  tragedy;  -  HI  Sot  ter  ofo.  cause,  reason  of 
laugbing;  aføiPe  .  Hl  fnrnish  matter  el.  material 
for;  bor  .  i  lig  HI  en  Dieter  is  tbe  stuff  poets 
Hre  made  of.  Støfbannelfc  production  of  matter. 
Stoffe  et  ^  stuff  6tøf|førblnbelfe  combinatlon 
of  matter,  -forbrug  expendlture  (of  matter). 
-forlegenbeb  deartb  of  subjects.  -bat  stuff- htt. 
Øtofllg  a  material.  6tøf|maØfe  mass  of  material. 
-msngbe  quantity  of  material.  -nabn  name  of 
a  substance.  -nijbannclfe,  -nrobnttiøn  produc 
tion  of  matter,  -rigbom  abundance  of  material. 
-ømbannrlfe.  -ffifte,  -nefficf  change  of  matter. 

•talje  J,  tail 




•ran  waote  of  matter,    -tiloatit  addition  el.  in- 
crease  of  matter. 

©toieiø'me  o  ato'icism.     ©tø 'i  ter  o  -c  stole. 
©toiff  a  stoic(al). 

©tot'  c  -Te  stick,  cane;  <T,  (ti!  Bnfer)  stock; 
•(Xentmerftot)  log,  stick;  *(ftott)  pack;  *(til 
guglefangft)  trap:  (til  Sorbrpbere)  stocks  pi;  (i 
jrridet)  stump;  long  building;  løbe  i  .  ran  to 
seed;  mire  af  -  og  Sten  have  a  heart  of  Rtone, 
be  stony-hearted;  otter  -  og  ©ten  over  stock  and 
Rtone,  at  full  speed ;  faa  af  -fen  get  a  caning; 
logge  en  i  -en  put  one  in  the  stocks;  ben  fafte  . 
the  regular  staff ;  af  ben  gamle  .  a  chip  of  the 
old  block.  ©tot|ai*bølt  stock -anvll,  round 
an  vil.  -anb  mailard,  Anat  botcha*.  -bllnb  a 
stone  blind.  -bob  a  fe  ©tenbøb.  -b#P  a  deaf  as 
a  post,  stone-deaf.  *-enbe  log-end.  -fil  i  ft  er 
arrant  snob.  -fiol  kit.  -ffff  stock-fish,  dried 
cod.  -tamp  (hunplanten  af  $amp)  carlehemp, 
carte.  -  (ni Jail,  convicta'  prlson.  -tarift  thorough 
lawyer.  -faarbe  sword-cane.  ©tøffe  vt  &  (et 
Bnfer)  stock  (an  ancbor) ;  ~  ub  (i  ftrid et)  stump 

©rotte|baanb  cane-string.  -brep  lantern-wheel. 
•fabrifant  stickmaker.  -fnap  head  el.  knob  of 
a  cane.  Mag  round  of  logs.  -moHe  disinte- 
grator.  »prttgf  a  caning,  cudgelling,  bastinado. 
©tøffer  e  (Jrrutet)  wicket-keeper. 

6fof|fniP  large  knife.  -f notat  fe  ©pfbrab. 
•fønferpatiP  a  strictly  conservative;  c  bigoted 
conservative,  a  Tory  of  the  Tories.  -Uf  stick 
-lack.  -mefter  jaller.  -mpre  migratory  ant. 
-proøe  essay-eoin.  -rofr  hollyhock,  rose-mallow, 
Althcea  rotea.  -fof*  large  shears,  stock-shears. 
4 -fiffer  a  cock-sure.    -part  story,  flat,  floor. 

©tol  e  -e  chair,  seat,  (uben  ftpa)  stool;  (i  frirfe) 
pew;  (Saoerflol)  loom;  (poa  Siolin)  bridge;  (paa 
©epatlaao)  bridle;  (paa  ttrtiffof)  bottom;  (i  Øfler«) 
abductor  muscle;  (©ifpepol)  see;  ben  paPelige  . 
the  holy  see;  Par  faa  gob  at  tage  en  -  please 
take  a  seat,  take  a  chair,  lf  you  please;  gaa  til 
*  go  to  stool;  fatte  flg  imellem  to  -e  come  to 
the  ground  between  two  stools;  fliffe  unber  -en 
hide,  cloak,  withhold,  cushion;  fatte  -en  for 
Søren  drive  lnto  a  corner. 

©tote  vi  (paa)  rely  el.  depend  upon,  trust; 
bu  fan  .paa  jeg  ffal  gøre  bet  you  may  rely  on 
me  for  doing  it;  iffe  .  paa  distrust. 

©to  le  |  arm  arm  of  a  chair.  -ben  leg  of  a 
chair.  -betraf  chair -cover.  -ftrcp  lease  of  a 
pew.  -ejer  pew-renter,  seatholder.  -tpnbe  chair 
-cushion.  -tone  pew-opener.  -leje  pew -rent. 
-mager  c  -e  ch  dr-maker. 

©tofeu  e  reliance,  trust. 

©tolelpnbe  chair -cushion.  -rpg  chair -back, 
back  of  a  chair.  -ram,  -ftabe  seat  in  a  pew, 
sitting.  -rør  chair-cane.  -ftabepenge  pi  rent  of 
a  pew.  -fabe  seat  el.  bottom  of  a  chair.  ©tøf* 
gang  stool,  motion;  tøorlebeø  et  -en?  how  are 
the  bowels?  peb  -en  in  his  motion. 

©tolibite  i  e  stolidity. 

©to-l|*fiarre  seat  cart.    -longe  chlef  king. 

©tofl,  ©tøfle  e  -er  level,  drift. 

©tolp  e  (i  floai)  lock-cramp. 

©tolpe  c  -r  poet;  (i  Starting)  stud;  fnaffe  op  ab 
•me  og  neb  ab  Saggene  talk  a  iot  of  nonsense. 
©tøtpr  vt  ralse  el.  set  posts. 

+©tølpe  vi  fe  Stolpre. 

©tølpe|*bøb  store-house  on  pillars  el.  posts. 
•fob  foot  el.  base  of  a  post.  -rafte  row  of  posts 
el.  pillars.  -feng  four  posted  bed,  four-poster. 
•part  posts  pi. 

StolPre  vi  f  stagger,  totter. 

©to  Irem  c  (lag)  strutt. 

©tøifoantp  fe  ©taalfoamp. 

©toft  a   proud,   haughty,  supercilious ;  .  af 

proud   of;   Pare   -   af  glory  in;    en    -  «riøf  - 
haughty   el.   supercillous  air;   en     -    fteferift  i 

florlous  deed;  en  -  $eft  a  noble  borse:  ft  . 
øgning  a  grand  el.  noble  pile.    -fteto   c  pr-d* 
(fioomob)  haughtiness;  benne  6øn     tmr    &nl 

this  son  was  his  pride;  fymi  -  Mrr  at  bis  boa 
was  that;  fatte  fin  -  i  noget  take  fa.)    pride   ia  . 
thing.  -pen'ritgroundsel,  Senecio  vtUøarti,  gc»o 
Henry,  Ckenopodium  bonus  Henricum. 

©to  ttrangf el  c  tenesmus. 

©toltfe're  vi  strut. 

©to'l|PiUt  [t.]  trimmer  of  a  roof .    -»ært  fran** 
work  of  a  roof 

©tompe  [6]  c  (Xegn.)  stump,  rubber. 

©top  lanfcr  stream  ancbor.  -far»c  potty  f-c 
Alling  out  chinks.  -fnlb  a  fe  $rop>.  -base  «t« 
cock.  -f lampe  stop-cleat.  ©topnfmg  -  filliK 
cramming,  stuffing;  stopping,  stoppa^e;  darniQi 
-en  er  oarre  enb  Riften  the  remedy  is  wor*e  tha~ 
the  dtøease 

©toppe  vt  (fnlbe)  flll,  cram,  staff.  (ftanbfe)  *t*T 
(f.  «f#.  Strømper)  darn;  4,  (et   fcob)    stopper 
_  et  Sartøj  (øeb  »nfer)  bring  a  vessel    up,    se* 
Wettenl  ^ialp)  stop  el.  detain  a   voss=el;  -  Jfe 
puner  stuff  capons;  «  en  flat  stop  a  leak,  -  ee 
$ibe  flll  a  pipe ;  .  en  nb  $ibe  replent<h  on« » 
pipe;  .  Xppenl  stop  thiefl  .  f&rerue  stop  one« 
ears;  —  vi  stop,  j,  (Peb  at  faHe  paa;    brins  to 
(peb  at  anfre)  bring  up ;  med  bind,  cooastlpate. 
render  costive;   flop!   hold!  stop!    stand!   ho 
soft!  fifle  ftop  make  a  stop,  stop;  nu  mao   pi  fir 
flop  (f.  «W.  iffe  britfe  mere;  we  must  stop  (drink 
ing)  now,   put  a  stop  to  our  drinklng   now 
+  bpbe  ftop  put  a  stop  to;  -  for  et  fftarpA-Bter 
bring-to  with  a  kedge;  .  i  stuff  et.   fiU   into: 
.  inb  (f.  *f«.  »laber)  tuck  in;  -   neb    ff.  «* 
Bagener)  tuck  down;  -  op  vt  k  t  stop,  bring  up; 
.  IRnnben  paa  en  silence  one;  .  til  flll  up;  — 
ftoppenbe  a  binding,  constipatlng.     ©toppe1* 
blaae  tow,  hards  (for  stuffing).    -øø#fe  stuAng 
-box.  -WfM  stuffing  (for  poultry).  -gaffel  bnke 
-garn  dlarnlng  yarn  el.  worsted.   -tflr  (t.  ttanon- 
stop  quoin.  -ffantpe  stop-cleat.  -f lobfer  wbelp* 
•tone  darner  of  stockings.     -tran   stop -cock 
•ntiff  tnr  constrpating  draught,  a  costive.    -nool 
darning  needta.    -plabe  break  iron,  top  plane 
-tron.    -plab«  fe  -fteb. 

©topper  c  4,  stopper;  ^  (9mp.)  cod;  (p.  Sogn- 
flang)  shaft-hook;  (i  SMAet)  wicket-keeper;  fottr 
en  _  for  noget  f  pat  a  stop  to-  a  thing.  ©toppert  • 
flobfer  windlass-chocks.  -føjtrfnf  stopper-  cbaui 
(o.  fl.).    -talje  deck  tackle. 

©toppelfignal  signal  to  stop  -fJrne  damping 
screw.  -fpoon  shavings  for  stafflng-  -freb  stop- 
ping place.  -fting  dartilhg  stitch.  *»t«ppt 
quilt.    -Pentil  fe  ©top*.    -PPflW  brakevan. 

©toppin  fe  ©tuptn. 

©top |  top  stream -cablé;  (til  ftølbolmg)  relier 
ing  tackle,    -pentil  ($mp.)  stop-Talve,  shut-on" 
valve,  communication  valve.' 

©tor  a  (baabe  egentl.  og  fa)  great;  (i  Cmfang> 
Ser^eb)  big;  (i  Dtmenfionet,  Ubftrotnint)  large; 
(af  ^ø]be,  SatM,  ©tatuc)  tall;  (potoén)  gtown  up: 

iOogflao)  capital;  (^nteroal)  major;  Sanbet  er  100 
tøabratmite  -t  the  country  is  a  hundred  sqnare 
miles  io  extent;  oare  .  paa  bet  carry  it  hlgn; 
baabe  -e  og  fmaa  both  great  and  small;  be  -e  the 
great,  (VJofdne)  the  grown  up  people;   et  -t  ff  s 
capital  A;   en  .  ®og  a  big  book;   min  -e  9réber 
my  big  bro t her;  for  en  -   Del  largely;  ben  -e 
Dreng  fan  enbnu  lege  that  big  boy  Ts  still  fond 
of  playing;  en  .  gfamiiie  a  large  family;  ftorbeltf 
i  bet  -e  taget  the  Targe-scale  relations;  en  .  *|ør 
nøjelfe  a  great  pleiisure.  til  -  gom* jette  for 
to  the  amusement  of;  ben  -e  $ob  the  multltudc, 
the  mob,  et  -t  $unbrebe  one  hundred  and  twenty, 




en  -  Wonb  (meb  $enfbn  til  $øjoe)  a  tall  man, 
;  Kang,  ©torbeb)  a  great  man;  -e  Ctb  big  words; 
e  Crb  09  febt  fjkeff  bange  ifte  i  $alfen  great 
lallcers  are  little  doers;  bet  e  $ublifum  the 
general  public;  en  ~  Sejr  a  great  el.  signal 
victory;  ben  -e  %aa  the  great  toe;  en  .  Xante  a 
grand  Idea;  fytbe  -e  Sanret  om  think  highly  of; 
i  fine  -e  Xt«I  in  its  broad  features;  en  -  UltitTe 
a  frxeat  calamlty;  ben  -e  tterben  the  great  world; 
flørr  -e  Pine  stare,  open  one's  eyes  wide;  i  bet 
{tort  (taget)  on  a  large  scale;  tønble  i  bet  -e  deal 
wholesale;  ifte  ftort  not  much;  iffe  t  anbet  enb 
little  more  than,  scarce  anything  but;  jeg  btbber 
mig  ilte  -t  berom  I  don't  care  much  about  it; 
Haa  -t  paa  live  in  great  style,  cut  a  dash.  ©t*r|< 
atomiral  High  Admiral,  -agtig  a  haughty,  super- 
rilious.  -agtigbeb  e  haughUaess,  supercilious- 
ness  -anfer  best  bower.  -artet  a  grand,  am- 
bitions, -artetfteb  c  grandness.  -arø  spike. 
-aldc  greater  azis. 

Storatø  c  storax;  ffybenbe  .  aweet-gum,  liquid 
»torax,  liquid  amber  -træ  storax-tree,  Stvrax 
officinalU;  fltibenbe  ~  sweei-gum(-tree),  Liquid- 
am  bar  étyraciftw*. 

øtorjbaab  &  long-boat.  -bcbrift  fe  -boob. 
-blafret  a  $  large-leaved ,  macrophyllous ;  . 
ftnio  knife  with  a  large  blade,  -((ornatet,  -bløm< 
firet  a  large  flowered  el.  -sprigged.  -btømfireube 
a  grandirlorous.  -bom  *&  mainsail-boom.  -bønbc 
well -to-do  farmer  el.  yeoman.  -borger  big-wig, 
s  well,  bloated  arlstocrat,  pi  great  folks,  -borger- 
lig  a  of  (the)8wells.  -tråd  J,  main-brace.  -ori- 
tavnien  n  Great  Britain.  •britanntft  a  Britaunic, 
British.  *-b«nbe*  a  large  meshed.  -cirtel  great 
circle.  -efrfelfejlabd  great-circle  sailing  (o.  fl.). 
-cønnetabte  Lord  High  Constable.  -b«ab  great 
achievement.  -bignitar  high  dignitary.  -braabet 
a    aftegn)  rich.    -britfer  hard  drinker. 

Støre«  <t  (»eb  lo6enbe  eller  ftaoenbe  (Bobl,  ber 
bruge*  faa&el  paa  ©tor«,  fom  paa  ftortoppen,  fan  man 
i  91  eg  len,  naar  man  bar  feloe  Ctbet,  fcette  «maln» 
foran,  b>»>*  paa  Sanf!  ftaar  „©tore";  t.  (K*.  ©tore- 
<8uø!ine  main-bowline ;  ©tore  •  Vterfeftobe  main 
topaail  sheet,  etc.).  ©tøre*|Bøoenbrans*  main 
-royal,  -©ooenbramraa  main-royal  yard.  -Øøne«' 
bramftjl  main -royal.  -Booevbramfiang  main 
royal  mast.  -©ram-  main-topgallant.  -©ram« 
ra«  xnaln-topgallant  yard.  -fJramftJl  main-top- 
gallant sail.  -©ramfiang  main-topgallant  mast. 
-(gaffel-  main-gnff-,  main-spencer-.  -røaffelfejl 
main-spencer.  -3R«rS-  main-top.  -flRotrfe*  main 
-top-,  ma'u- topaail.  -SWorrferaa  main-topsail 
yard.  Vtorøfefl  main -topaail.  -©ftiftrober 
main-skytail.  -©tbffraberraa  main-ekyaail  yard. 
-©tftffrsberftattg  main-skysail  mast.  -©tørage' 
falisg  main -topmast  cross- tre  es.  -©teenøeftagfejt 
main- topmast  staysail.  •©tængefUgfeJfe-  main 
topmast  staysail-.  -©tæugearfelbøbeb  main-top- 
maat  cap.    -KEferøobcb  main-mast  cap. 

&tø'r|'f  olf  pi  great  people,  the  quality.  -fraø« 
let  n  large-berried.  Mug  l  wood-grouse,  caper- 
cailzle,  Tttrao  *roøaltu&.  -fbrfte  grand-duke. 
-farftelig  a  grand-ducal.  -fbrftrnbøntme  grand 
-duchy.  -fbrftinbe  grand-duchess.  *-f«  (large) 
fttttle.  -gaffel  main  spencer-gaff.  -graagaat 
bean-goose,  Anaer  ieo*t*m.  *-grttbe  vi  weep 
loudly,  sob.  -grafen  (anb  Magna  Græcia.  -bonbel 
w bolesale  tråde,  -ban§  highflier  -tab  ocean, 
maiu.  -beb  c  greatness.  -bebøbaabib  •megalo- 
mania>.  -berre  (©ultonen)  Grand  Seigolor.  -ber- 
tag  grand-duke.  -btrtngb^mme  grand-duchy. 
-bertvgellg  a  grand-ducal.  -bertnginbe  grand 
ducheas.  -bjeme  cerebrum.  -bjertet  a  magnanl- 
mons,  noble-minded,  large-hearted  -iabufrrie« 
the  large  manufactories.    -iatbifitor  grand- in - 

auisitor.  -19  field-ice.  *-Jo  common  skua, 
Lestrii  catarrkaete*. 

Stort  c  -e  stork,  dconia;  f  -en  b>r  bragt  bet 
the  doctor  has  brought  it,  it  has  been  dug  up 
from  under  a  gooseberry-bush. 

©tor|fa«8ler  High  Chancellor.  *-fort  great 
man,  big  card. 

Jetorte  vi  stalk. 
itorfe|agtig  a  storklike,  -ben  pi  spindle 
-shanks.  -n«b  stork's  blll  el.  beak;  ^  crane's 
bill,  geranium,  Geranium;  fKntenbe  -  herb  Robert, 
bloody  crane's  bill.  O.  Bobertianum;  blob  . 
dove's  foot,  O.  molle;  fe  -fnabel.  -bar  pair  of 
storks,  -rebe  stork's  nest.  -fnabel  pantograph; 
(SRaftin.)  count er  -  balance ;  chir  crane's  bill. 
•unge  young  stork,  t-otnter  second  winter. 
-on  stork's  egg. 

éto  rjlirfe  nave.  Mjobe  fe  -jo.  -tfotfe  big 
bell;  ^  giant  bellflower,  Campanula  latifolia. 
-tnoflet  a  large-boned.  *-tobbe  fe  -fæl.  -fonbat 
Solomou's  seal,  Conmllaria  multiflora.  -tornet 
a  large-gralned.  -forø  (af  Orben)  grand-cross. 
-(aben  a  haughty,  arrogant;  (ftorartet)  grand, 
magnificent.  -labenteb  c  grandness.  -laft  ^ 
main-hold.  *-lr  vi  laugh  outright  el.  aloud. 
•lemmet  a  large- limbed.  ©torHg(en)  adv  greatly. 
6tor|lom  black-throated  dlver,  Colymbu*  arcticu*. 
-Inge  ^  maln-hatchway,  main-hatch. 

©torm  e  -e  gale  (of  wind);  (Ifbf.  af  Ubejr) 
storm,  (oolbfom)  tern  pest;  fig  storm,  tempest;  bet 
blæfer  en  b,el  -  F  it  blows  great  guns;  omtumlet 
af  -e  tempest- tossed;  ringe  -  ring  the  alarm-bel  1; 
inbtage  meb  -  take  by  storm,  carry  by  assault; 
lobe  -  storm,    ©tormabe  ^  mizen-trysail. 

©to  r| magt  Great  Power,  cbief  el.  principal 
(European)  kingdom.  -manb  grandee,  magnate. 
•manbdgalftab  fe  ©torbeb«oanbib.  -mattbSborfbe 
aristocracy.    -maft  main-mast. 

©torm|oaanb  arcA  prick-post;  (paa  ^at)  hat 

Suard.  -bro  storm-bridge,  -but  batterlng-ram. 
tige  heavy  squall.  -bolge  storm- wa ve.  -bag 
stormy  day.  -batter  fe  Sire.  -bort  hurricane 
•deck.  ©torate  vi  k  t  bet  -r  it  blows  hard, 
blows  a  gale,  (ile)  rush;  fio  (rafe)  storm;  (løbe 
©torm)  storm,  ©tornseube  a  (ogf.  fio)  tempest - 
uous,  stormy;  fig  tumultuous,  uproarious;  bet 
bar  bceret  meget  .  i  be  fibfle  14  Sage  it  has  blown 
very  hard  ri.  we  have  had  very  heavy  gales  for 
the  last  fortnight;  bet  git  ~  til  there  was  an 
uproarious  scene;  bet  gjorbe  .  fibffe  it  took 
immensely,  had  (el.  was)  a  tremendous  success, 
brought  down  the  house. 

©to  rmefter  o  Grand-Master. 

©torm|*flage  stormy  fit.  -fob  spring- tide. 
-fri  u  stormless;  storm-pr oof;  fig  calm.  -fttgl 
fulmar,  Procetluria.  -fnlb  a  stormy,  tempest- 
uous.  -fvlbbeb  tempestuousness.  -gab  fe  -bul. 
-gaffclfejl  storm-trysail.  -bat  morion,  steel-cap; 
«  monk's  hood,  aoonite,  Aoonitum  napellu*. 
-9ttb  stormy  sea.  -bue  fe  -bat;  (tibtl  Vlanbl) 
storm  cap.  -bvl  breach.  -bbi«  howl  of  the 
tempest.  -bbiroel  strong  whirlwind.  -Hofte 
alarmbell.  -flbber  Btormjib.  -tolonne  scallng 
el.  escalading  party,  -trabe  (til  Kor)  storm-coat. 
-lejber  <£,  sternladder.  -libt  a :  be  -e  the  sufferers 
by  the  tempest.  -lob  storming.  -maage  blue 
•footed  gull,  Lartu  canu§\  fe  -fugl.  -mefa«  storm 
•mizen.  -mibten  the  centre  ri.  heart  of  the 
gale.    'Uat  stormy  nlght. 

©to  r I  mobig  a  magnanimous,  noble- minded, 
•nsobigbeb  a  magnanlmity.  -mognlen  the  Great 
el.  Grand  Mogul. 

©torm  I  betret  fe  -ftrale.  -b«(  palisade,  fraiie. 
•rebffaber  pi  scallng  implements.  -region  region 
of  storms,  -fejt  &  try-sail.  -fignat  storm  (warn- 
ing)  signal,     -ffabe  damage  by  storm.    -ffrih 




double-quick  pace,  double-march;  gaa  meb  _ 
inb  paa  gKenben  make  an  onset  od  el.  rush  on 
the  enemy.  -fip  storm-boding  cloud;  -et  scud. 
•ftaøfcfl  storm  -staysoJi.  -Haag  storm -stump, 
-flige  scaling-ladder.  *-ftifte  vesuvian.  -ftorfejl 
main  tryBall.  -ftrag  region  of  storms,  -fpafe 
(storm(y)  petrol,  storm  •  flnch ,  mother  Cary's 
chlcken,  Tkalafidroma.  -fort  rudder-coat.  +-f* 
stormy  sea.  -tog  tortoise,  testudo.  -taljer  rud- 
der-tackles.  -tromme  alarm-drum.  -tænbftiffe 
vesuvian.    -t$\  fe  -rebftober. 

Gtørmnnbet  a  large-mouthed;  fig  impudent. 

6torm|Palfe  mil  herisson.  -Parfel  storm  warn- 
ing.  -toejr  stormy  weather,  tempestuous  el. 
bolsterous  weather.  -»tab  tempest,  gale  of 

6tormæQ'tig  a  hlgh  and  mighty,  most  pulssan  t. 
•peb  c  High-mightiness. 

8  tø 'r  |  mær  &  fe  Store-.  -maaftret  a  large-pat- 
terned.  -næfet  a  big-nosed.  -penfiønær  Grand 
Pensionary.  -|»ølittf  high  politics,  «la  haute 
politique«.  -polittft  a  high  politic.  -pralcnbc 
o  boasting,  braggiug,  swaggering.  -praler 
bragger,  braggadocio,  braggart.  -praleti  brag- 
gardism.  -rao  4,  malnyard.  -raabe  kitt:  Signb 
-  8.  the  Haughty.  »-regne  vi  rain  heavily. 
-rejfningen,  -rigge«  the  main  rigging.  -rubet 
a  large-chequered,  large  pan ed.  rnftlaub  Great 
Russia.  -Tøft  main  chains.  -feglbeparer  Keeper 
of  the  Great  Seal.  -fejt  <£,  main-sall.  -fciløblot 
mainsail  block  (0.  fl.).  *-fllP  herring  in  the 
sizth  year.  -flnb  magnanimity.  ••ffarp  cormo- 
rant,  Phallocrocorax  carbo.  *-ffrtge  vi  cry 
aloud,  bellow.  -ffrpber  fe  -praler,  -ftærm  $ 
umbel.  -ff«b(c)  i  maln-sheet.  -flaoet  (f.  tttt. 
*rænbe)  (wood)  cut  el.  cleft  iu  large  pieces;  fig 
grand,  -flage«  a  fig  grand,  -flagter  carcase 
batcher,  -fnubet  a  baving  a  large  snout;  fig  in- 
solent,  arrogant,  -fnnbetpeb  c  Tnsolence,  arro- 
gance. *'\p09t  curlew,  Numeniu*  arqwxtut.  -flag 
main  stay.  -ftang  J,  maln-topmast.  -ftilet  u 
(printed  in)  large  type;  fig  in  grand  slyle.  -flue 
beat  parlour.  -fhtmp  close-reefed  main  topsall. 
-futtau  Grand  Sultan,  -fp#  »  ty  involucre.  -fæl 
bearded  Heal,  Haiichceru*  grgpu*.  **tM  great 
toe.  -tatenbe  a  graudiloquous,  braggiug,  swag- 
gering. -talenpeb  c  grandiloquence,  braggard- 
ism.  -taler  boaster,  braggadocio.  -tåre  de*d 
man 's  toe,  ore-weef,  Laminart«  tligitnta.  -tarm 
colon,  great  gut.  "-tftlug  (Norwegian)  diet, 
parliament,  Storthing.  Mpiugåbpgning  legis- 
lative hall.  Mpingåmanb  member  of  parlia- 
ment (in  Norway).  -top  J,  main-rigging;  main- 
mast  head.  -topgafler  main  topmen.  -toppet  a 
iarge-crested.  -tromme  great,  big  el.  long  drom, 
bass  drum.  -trøje  (flshermau's)  large  jacket, 
great  coat.  Mnbe  vi  bellow;  sob  violently. 
•tprtrn  the  Grand  Turk.  -tot»  masterthief,  swell 
mob.  -tærenbe  a  gluttonous,  a  large  eater. 
-Pabft  a  washing-day.  •Pant  &  main  shroud, 
main-rigging.  -Peflr  c  grand-vizier.  -nllbt  big 
game.  -taxi  fe  -baab.  -aber  large  eater,  glutten , 
huge  feeder.  -et  aristocratic  family,  noble  race. 
•ærtet  a  high  barn  -*jet  u  large -ey  ed,  having 
large  eyes. 

♦©totte  vi  stut  ter. 

etøPt  u  fine,  noble(-looklng);  »  (Xøj)  stout. 

Straa  w,  pi  =,  straw;  fe  tttgfrraa;  ftorn  i  -ti 
corn  in  the  ear;  fælge  Hornet  i  et  sell  corn  in 
blade;  trætte  .  draw  cut\  fig  trætte  bet  tortffte  - 
come  orT  second  best,  go  to  the  wall,  get  the 
worst  of  tt,  come  off  a  luser;  oære  føjt  paa  .  be 
of  consequence  In  a  high  station,  at  the  top 
of  the  tree.  -aroefbc  straw- work.  -Paanb  straw 
-t*nd.  -Bolte  f<*  '"""  *-~*  «  of  the  breadth 
of  a  straw.  »f  straw.    -bnnbt 

truss  of  straw.  -Pætte  cover  of  straw,  sira* 
-cover.  -**b  a  natural  death.  -ente  fe  Øne4cck 
•farpc  ■traw-coloux.  -fartet  a  straw-oolourei 
-fil  straw-file.  -flerntag  straw-plaiting;  (en)  stra^ 
-plait.  -fletuiugøfabrfiaiiøtt  straw-  plait  xnam, 
facture.  -fletter  straw -plai ter.  -gaje  «tra« 

Øtraage  vi  look  out  of  wlndlng;  vt  af  algh: 
ascertaiu  the  straightneas  by  sight. 

@rraa|gn(  fe  -faroet.  -t-|alm  [t.]  straw.  -ae 
straw -hat  el.  honnet,  (italienf!)  Legharn  (hat  c. 
bonnet).  -|attefa»ritant  straw-hat  maker.  -tone 
straw-hut.  -fnnter  spark,  dandy,  -hilfe^e  tru&- 
of  straw.  'Ir and  wreath  of  straw.  -tor«  strå« 
-basket,  -tal  ^  false  keel.  -lagt  a  covered  c 
clad  with  straw;  (om  tag)  thatched. 

Øtraole  0  -r  (om  £q§,  ogf.  fig)  ray,  (om   flrrs 
^immed.  beam;  (om  8a nb)  jet,  shoot;  (om  ^pt 
flash  (of  lightning);  ty  zoo  ray;  (paa  frier)  ttart>. 
(i  Aanbfte)  forset;  (i  ^efte^oo)  irog,  firush;  talte   r 
emit  rays  of  light,  beam,  dart  rays  of  ligbt.  n 
-  af  poaf>  a  glimmering  el.   gleam   of   hop»- 
Straale  vi  radiate,  (ogf.  fig)  beam,  shine;  .  irr: 
be  resplendent  with;  diamanten  -r  the  diamon . 
sparkles;    fymft    Vnflgt  -r  af  (Slæbe   his   face  ;? 
beamiug  with  delight;  —  f  tro  alen  be  1  lieazu 
lug,  radiant.   Øtraalejben  radlus.   -tilt  radi&a* 
glauce.    -Plomfl  ray  floret.     +*bro  poet   bridge 
of  rays.    -brnb  fe  -brpbning.    -brubt  er  refract.d 
-brpbning   refraction.     -»vnbt   pencil  of  ra\< 
-bærer  iutei-spinal  bone     -bonnet  a  radial ^ 
-bpr  radlary,  radiate  el.  rayed  animal,    rad  i*-* 
pi.    -form :  i  -  in  the  form  of  rays.    -forvtig  - 
fe  -bannet.     +-fulb  a  radiant.    -gla«8  radiaixr. 
effulgence,  refhlgence.    -glimt  gleam  el.  glimp- 
of  light,    -pap  ocean  of  light. 

Ørrsaleje  n  .straw-bed. 

6traalejfafr  reflection.     -teole  cone  of  r&\* 
-fUft  clert  of  the  frog.    +-traft  power  of  radla 
tiou.  -tranf,  -trone  glory,  nimbus,  halo.    -træft 
thrush.     -legemet  anat   the  eiliary  body.     -tp« 
radiance,  radiant  light,    -mefrtr  engine-player 
-pragt  effulgence.    -puntt  radiant.    -regn  tlovi 
of  light,     -rig  a  radiant.     -rar  jet-pipe,  ho- 
-plpe.    -fti«  radiance.    -fprebenbe  a  dit>pei>irt- 
•Parme  radiant  heat.   -Plrtaing  radiation.    -»æ»» 
flood  of  light.  —  @traal|tlé  white-iron  pyriie> 
-flen  radiolite. 

6traa|lægre  thin  lath.  -maatte  9traw-mat 
•manb  man  of  straw  (ogf.  fig),  scarecrow.  *-matit 
straw-mat.  -moben  u  ripened  iu  hay  -papir 
8traw-paper.  -perle  bugle  Øtraaibreb  straw« 
breadth.  Øtraajftol  straw-  chair.  -fæbe  (om 
Stol)  straw-bottom.  -fæt  straw- maurer  -tag 
thatched  roof.  -taft  a  thatched.  -tætte  •' 
thatch.  -tætter  thatchcr.  -pin  vin  de  paillr. 
•piff  wisp  of  straw.    -æfte  straw-box. 

6rrababg  c  er  fatigue,  toil.   -e  re  tt  fnticuo, 

Straf  c  fe  punishmeut,  (iiown*.  men  om  2* »fa 
og  fia)  penalty;   (naonlig  2ugtrlie)  chasti^meur 
caMigalion,  correction;  iibe  -  undergo  el.  Mirter 
puuishment:  titbele  .  infilet  puni»hmcut  ou;  dc 
fortjent  >  condign  punishmeut;  til  -  in  puui»l 
ment,  as  a  p.,  unber  .  af  ou  e.  under  paiu  o;. 
bibl  ni  pæoner  til  -  ooer  a  revenger  to  execute 
wrath    upon.     6trafiarPe)Pe   peual  xervitude 
con  viet  labour.     -bar  n  punishable,   liable  (•• 
punlshment.    -ParpeP  c  punishablene>M     -fange 

Straffe  rt  punish;  (naonl.  tugte)  chasthe  o>r 
reet,  casiigate;  (beftære)  nip;  bibi  (irettffæm- 
rebuke;  -r  jig  'db  brinks  \\»  owtl  punishrneut  A 
paa  ^onge,  paa  fin  formue  be  fine  i,  be  amen t  4 
in  a  fine.  i  paa  iiiort  be  punlshed  capitallv  * 
paa   fin  2&re   be   branded  el.   *>tigmatized  W.'t 




infamy  (by  a  legal  sentence);  en  ttbligere  -t  $erfon 
an  old  offender;  ©ub  -  mig  by  Jingo;  —  ft raf- 
te nb  c  a  avenging;  -nb«  ©lit  menaciug  el.  reprov- 
ing  look.  Straffe  lonftalt  house  of  correction. 
-aufnor  llability  to  punlshment.  -beftemmctfe 
perial  clause.  -breo  letter  of  reproof.  -bober 
pi  fine.  -bag  day  of  punlshment.  -bom  penal 
sentence;  Sub«  -me  the  judgments  of  Ood. 
-fange  fe  ©traf-,  -gruub  ground  for  punlshment. 
-foton!  penal  settlement,  convict  oolony.  ©t taf- 
fel i  g  a  punishable.  Srraffcløp  penal  law.  -lob« 
bog  penal  code.  -løbgioning  penal  leglslation. 
•manne  mode  of  punlshment.  -mibbef  means 
of  punlshment.  -uttynbigbeb  right  of  punlsh- 
ment. -proce*  criminal  procedure.  -prabifrn 
'»evere)  lecture.  -ret  right  of  punishing;  (Jrri» 
ottnatret)  criminal  law.  -tale  fe  -prabifen;  philip- 
pic.  -teori  principle  of  punlshment.  -til  term 
of  punlshment;  bat  ubftaaet  fin  -  has  served  his 
time.  -trufct  threat  of  punlshment.  —  Straf  |> 
foragt  contempt  of  punlshment.  -fri  a  unpun- 
ishea.  adv  with  impunlty.  -fri|cb  a  impunity. 
•Isé  a  unpunished;  adv  with  Impunity.  -loSljrb 
c  Impunity.  -ffttlb  guilt.  -flttlbig  a  deser  ving 
punlshment;  gullty,  culpable.  -ftylbigbcb  c  culp- 
ability.  -boer'big  a  culpable.  -oær  bigbeb  ø 

Strag  a  (t  k  •)  straight,  erect,  tight,  taut. 
°6trag«e  vi  be  straightened  el.  ttghtened. 

Straf*  adv  directly,  immediately,  stralght, 
forthwith,  amr  right  away;  (GpoarterS  ®t>ar) 
coming,  Sir!  Ktoflen  et  -  tølo  it  is  nearly  twelve 
o'clock,  it  is  upon  the  stroke  of  twelve;  bet 
maa  -  ffe  it  must  be  done  immediately.  -  ber» 
paa,  ber  efter  the  moment  after,  presently;  - 
fftetat  immediately  after;  .  paa  Stebet,  paa  Ximen 
forthwith,  stratghtway,  without  delay,  thi  s  rthat) 
very  moment;  «  om  borgenen  (the)  flrst  thing  in 
the  morning;  .  bo  jeg  faa  bet  as  soon  as  I  saw 
It;  -  ubenfor  forten  Just  out  of  the  gate;  -  »eb 
$aoen  close  cl.  hard  by  the  garden;  f  forbi  man 
gerne  taler  meb  et  fruentimmer,  berfor  er  man  ba 
ittc  .  forelflet  i  $enbe  because  you  like  to  speak 
with  a  woman.  it  does  not  follow  that  you  are 
in  love  with  her. 

Straft,  Kratte  fe  Straffe. 

Stram'  a  tight,  strait,  close;  fig  starched,  stiff, 
preclse;  paa  ~  fiine  on  the  tight  rope;  en  .  Uugt, 
Smag  a  rank  el.  pungent  smell,  taste;  —  adv : 
bolbe  -t  ($efte)  ride  with  a  tight  rein;  fig  hold  a 
strlct  hånd  over 

Stramaj'  n  canvas.    -papir  canvas-paper. 

Stram  |buff  c  p  a  breeching.  -ftcb  c  siralt- 
nerø»,  tightoess,  closeness;  rankness. 

Stramiu'  [fr.j  n  fe  ©ttamai. 

Stramme  vt  tighten,  straiten,  stretch;  .  op 
fig  nerve;  .  ub  stretch,  distend;  vi  be  too  tight; 
■t  vp  become  tight;  fig  Jtnuben  -*  the  plot  thick- 
ens.  -evne  capabillty  of  tension,  Strantfmr)- 
rulle  expanding-  roller.  Stramning  c  stralten- 
ing,  tension,  strain.  Stramt  fibbenbe  a  tight 

Straab  c  -e  shore,  sea- shore,  sea-side,  beach, 
strand;  poet  sea;  fe  Sanb;  tage  -en  gobt  i  beach 
well.  -aborre  sea- per  ch  -arve  nand  wort,  Are- 
narim. -after  Michaelmas  daisy,  Atter  Tripoiium. 
-bab  bathe  on  the  beach.  -batte  hill  el.  hillock 
on  the  sea-side.  -batteri  strand -battery  -bebe 
seabeet,  Beta  maritima.  -bo  $»  shore-weed, 
Littarelln.  -boer  c  -e  iuhabitant  of  the  coast, 
•I-  longshoreman.  -brcb  beach,  water-side;  fe 
otranb.  -brint  bluff,  -bbgger  fe  boer.  -bige 
*ea-dlke.  -bilb  samphire,  sea-fennel,  Critkmum 
marttimum.  -bemniag  damming  of  the  sea;  fe 
-bige  Stranbe  vi  be  wrecked,  run  aground, 
Ktrand;  fig  mlscarry,  fail,  pro  ve  abortlve;  -  paa 

be  frustrated  by.  Stranbefer  fe  ^orftranbdejer. 
Stranben  c  fe  ©tranbing.  Strattblfennitel  fe  -bilb. 
-finte  sea-flnch,  Ammodromit*  maritimtut.  -fif! 
sea-fish.  -fifleri  coast  flshlng,  coast -flshery. 
-fogeb  coast-guard;  receiver  or  wieck.  -fngl 
sea-fowl.  -fbr  sea-side  pine,  Pinm*  maritima. 
•gaben  the  Strand,  -grnd  shingle.  -græd  sea 
-weed.  -bejre  lop-grass.  -|ng  fe  -roo.  -bugb< 
manb  fe  -røbet,  -ttønc  brown  hyæna,  Byaeni 
brunnem.  >b*g  skua,  Lestris  oatarrkictet.  Stratt« 
bing  o  -er  stranding,  runnlng  aground;  fig 
failure,  mlscarrlage. 

Øtranblngdlgobftstrandedgoods,  wreck.  -tom« 
mitffsr  wreck-master.  -tb*  wreck  light,  -fiebet 
the  scene  of  the  wreck.  -tilfotlbe;  i  .  if  the 
shlp  be  stranded. 

Stranbltaal  sea-cale,  Cnmbe  maritima,  t-fabet 
porter;  lumper.  -tant  fe  -breb.  -tarfe  broad 
-leaved  pepper-wort,  Liptdimm  lati/oiium.  MJ«* 
fe  -petecftae.  t-IUftnaal  fe  -faal.  -trabbc  com- 
mon  crab,  Carcinut  mæiwi.  *-trttb  fe  Sanb«. 
-langi  adv  along  the  coast  el.  beach.  -linie 
shore -line.  -lob  lot  of  ground  by  the  sea. 
-laber  sand -piper,  Tringa;  Kentish  plover,  Cfia- 
radriu*  Cantianu*.  -tog  squill,  Scilla,  sea-onion, 
Scilla  maritima.  -Ugebbife  squlllitic  vinegar. 
-mange  sea-mew,  sea-gull,  Larut  marinu*. 
-malurt  sea-wormwood,  Artemuia  maritima. 
t-manbdtro  fe  -tibfel.  t-marf  fleld  sloping  to- 
wards  the  sea.  -mulbbarp  coast- rat,  Bathyer- 
qu»  maritimu*.  -mfflbe  grass-  leaved  orache, 
Atriplex  liUoralin.  -ttellile  superb  pinkt  Diantkwt 

**perbui.  -obber  sea-otter,  Mwtela  lu  tru.  -peter> 
fiUc  Scottish  lovage,  haloteint  Scoticnm.  -piber 
ring- plover,  Charadriut  hitticuta.  -plante  sea 
-plant,  -mon  cormoratit,  J'eleoanu*  earbo.  -ret- 
ttgbeb  fe  Jorftranbtret  -ribcr  revenue-omcer  (on 
the  coast).  -roo  depredation  on  the  coast. 
*-mg  fe  Warefjalm.  -rtjle  purpie  sand  piper, 
Tringj,  maritima;  fe  -piber,  -rtttter  stilt  (plover), 
tiimantopue.  -rotbbtte  sea-rocket,  Gakile  mari- 
tima. -roer  depredator  on  coasts  -rooeri  fe 
-t)ug.  -farne!  com  mon  brook-weed.  tiamolu« 
vderandi.  -fanb  sea -sand.  -fennep  (e  -rabbife. 
-fibber  lnhabitant  of  the  coast,  flsherman.  -flbe 
sea-side.  -fin  saltmarsh,  clubrush,  S  irpu*  mart- 
tim*:  f-ftabe  oyster-catcher,  sea-pie,  Hatma- 
topuå  oitraltgtu.  -ftrsppe  golden  dock,  Jtnmex 
maritimui.  -fnegl  periwlnkle,  Lit  torina.  °-fnipe 
fe  ttobben.  *-fteb  sea-side  vil  lage,  fisbing-village. 
-fpnle  sand-swallow,  Hirundo  riparia.  -fbn 
survey  of  the  coast.  -fbre  fe  -fir oppe.  -fdttning 
beachiug.  -fstte  vi  run  aground,  beacb.  -tibfel 
sea-holly,  Erungium  marttimum.  -tredage  sea. 
-arrowgrass,  Triglochin  maritimum.  -tubfc  natter 
-jack,  Bu/o  calamita.  -ulo  fe  -tøame.  t-babffer 
corpse  found  cast  by  the  sea  on  the  shore.  -»agt 
coast-guard.  -nolmue  horned  poppy,  Olaueium 
luteum.  -banb  sea-water.  -nej  seaside  road. 
-bejbreb  sea-side  plantain,  Plantago  maritima. 
-Pibe  fe  -lober.  -binb  land-wind,  land-breeze 
-brag  wreck  found  on  the  beach.  -botrn  defence 
against  the  sea.  -o>rt  seaside  pea,  Lithvrus 
maritimt/s.    t**fe!  fe  -tabet,    -am  6*6/  osprey. 

♦Strange  c  -r  long  faggot,  pole,  branch. 

Strangtrcbe  c  trace-bearer. 

Srrangullatio'n,  -e  ring  c  strangula'tlon.  -e  re 
vt  s  Ira  ug  le. 

Stranguri'  c  stran'gury. 

'Strangbcb  c  faggou. 

Strå*   c  strass. 

Strat|egi'  c  sirat  egy.  -e'gifcr  c  -e  strat'egist. 
-c'giff  a  strateg  ic. 

Strå teu | raner  highwayman.     -robert'   high 
way-robbery;  btioe  -  rob  on  the  high  road. 

Streb  fe  Stribe. 




Streg'  [*  langt  s]  c  -ri  (f .  fflft.  malet  el.  tegnet)  line, 
streak,  str  ok  e,  stripe,  dash;  (Kneb,  $ub»)  trick, 
prank;  (pac  Jrompaft)  point;  (ooer  Vogftab,  f.  Ct* .  t) 
cross,  score;  (SRineralft)  streak;  flaa  en  .  draw  a 
line;  flaa  en  .  ooer  put  a  stroke  through,  run 
one's  pen  through;  fig  conslgn  to  obllvion, 
cancel;  Ijolbe  -en  keep  in  the  line;  gaa  ooer  -en 
go  beyond  the  line,  overstep  the  bounds;  bet 
o  ar  en  -  i  ban*  Regning  be  was  out  in  bis 
reckoning,  that  did  not  enter  into  bis  calcula- 
tions,  he  was  disappointed;  en  brifHø  -  a  bold 
stroke;  bum  -  stupid  trick,  folly;  gale  -er  mad 
pranks.  Strege  vt  k  i  rule,  draw  lines;  -  obet 
el.  ub  strike  out,  run  one's  pen  through;  _  unber 
underline;  -t  $apir  ruled  paper.  Strcgmaal 
mortise-gauge,  marking-gauge,  joiner'B  gauge. 

*Strelf  n,  ti  =-,  gleam,  ray. 

Strej|fett  (bersre  let)  graze,  glance;  (flaa)  skin, 
uncase;  •  af,  fe  fNfrreffe;  —  vi  -  om  paa  •aberne 
saun  ter  about  the  streets;  .om  paa  sanbet  stroll 
about  the  country;  -  om  i  (f.  UK.  Stown  el.  paa 
SKorten)  roam,  rove,  scour  (the  wood  el.  the 
field),  range  about  in,  ramble,  ioam,  tove,  stroll 
in  (the  wood  el.  the  field);  fig  ~  inb  paa  trench 
on.  -er i'  n  -er  roving,  rambling  etc;  (Gttejftog) 
incursion,  inroad.  -fugle  fe  @trøg>.  -tørpft 
tiying  el.  scouting  party,  -fugle  grazing  ball. 
•ltt#  gtlmmerlng,  faint,  unsteady,  fitful  light. 
•ornament  line  cbasing.  -parti  scourlng  party. 
•fa ar  light  wound.  -fTnb  grazing  shot.  -tog 
incursion,  inroad. 

Strejt(r)  c  -er  strike,  tuin-out;  gøre  .  strike 
work,  stop  work;  1)ar  gjort  -  (ogf.)  are  on  strike. 
Strejfe  vi  ■=*  gøre  €trejl;  be  -nbe  the  men  on 
strike,    -faøfe  Etrike-ninds. 

6  tren  g  a  severe,  rigorous.  strict,  austere; 
(ftrengt  btnbenbe)  stringent;  .  Jrulbe  severe  cold; 

-  fi&bigbeb  strict  obedience;  e  £ooe  rigorous 
laws;  -e  Serber  austere  morals;  i  -t  ftangenffob 
in  Glose  confinement,  a  close  prisoner;  i  -efte 
ftorflanb  in  the  strictest  sense  of  the  word;  bolbe 

-  txett  be  on  low  diet,  live  very  low;  .  imob 
hard  upon;  —  ftrengt  adv  severely  etc.;  naar 
oi  1)ar  arbejbet  -t  when  we  are  hard- work  ed;  -t 
taget  strictly  speaking,  to  speak  strictly,  in  strict 

Streng  c  -e  m«»  (ogf.  fig)  string,  chord,  (Oue>) 
string;  (af  too,  9ieo  ofo )  strand,  twist;  vL 
<$Iantegang)  strake,  (itj!  plante)  stringer,  sheif 

Strenge  fig  an  F  fe  fcnftrenge  fig. 

Strenge]  betroet  set  of  string*,  -bøtber  tail 
•piece.  -lnftruntent  stringed  instrument;  pi 
strings.  -(tang  sound  of  striogs  el.  stringed  in- 
strument; (Spillet)  performance  el.  playing  upon 
stringed  instrument,  -leg  c  (f  n)  pcet  music; 
t  lyre. 

Strengelig(en)  fe  Strengt.  Strenge«  vp  grow 
el.  become  more  severe;  ftagene  Ictngeø  og  ©in- 
teten  -  when  the  day  lengthens,  the  cold 

Srrengelfpil  fe  -Hang,  -leg.  Strenget  a  (8ue) 
stringed;  (9sllt) stringy.  Strengeting sea-laces, 
Chorda  fitwm. 

Streng  Iflttbenbe  a  difflcult  of  fusion,  refract- 
ory.  -tyet  o  severity,  rlgour,  rigorousness,  strict- 
ness,  austerity.  -maltelfg  a  haid-milked.  -fmel* 
telig  a  fe  -flubenbe. 

Stribe  e  r  stripe,  streak;  (nt  fom  er  fptebt 
tpnbt  i  en  fiinie)  trail,  (Srrubt)  train;  (breb  tbætO 
bar.  Stribeftøieue  the  corpora  striata.  Stribet 
«  striped,  streaked;  .  $aptr  laid  paper.  Strit« 
ling  o  -er,  Striborbte  red-streak. 

Strit*  F  a  fiogging. 

Strib  a  rough,  coarse,  brlstly;  *head8trong, 
hard,   rigorous;  en  •  Strøm  a  rapid  el.  strong 

current;  -t  Sulter  sharp-grained  sugar;  et  -t  sBrcb 
a  stubborn  lemper;  -e  Zaarer  ftst  flowing  tears. 
*  et  -t  ftoilangenbe  aD  eztraordinary  demand. 

Strib  c  strlfe,  combat,  contest,  struggle;  ant- 
agonism;  &  action;  (i  db)  quarrel.  contear, 
dispute,   brawl,  amr  ruse;  brage  i  ~  go  to   the 
wars;  begbnbe  en  -,  bppe  .  pick  a  quarrel;    lirøe 
i  ~  meb  he  at  varlance  with,  (i  $tocr»)  be  at 
law;  ban  ligger  i  -  ($rocrt)  meb  bem  they  are  at 
law;  flaa  i  .  meb  be  at  varlance  with;  brrage  i 
-  meb  buianben  set  into  antagonism.    Strib  I  kar 
a  warlike,  martlal,  bellicoae;  combative.    -Wr- 
beb  c  warlike  el.  martlal  disposition,  combat  iTe- 
ness.   Stribe,  ftreb,  flribt  vi  fight,  combat,  battle; 
(i  ©rb,  Sfrtft)  contend,  strive,  dispute;  t  pror 
«  rafte;  ~  imob  meb  ^anber  og  ^øbber  stm^gle 
most  manfully;  bet  -r  imob  it  is  el.  nins  contxary 
to,  is  a  varlance  with,  milltates  against,  got's 
agidnst,  is  opposed  to;  Snret  -r  for  at  rømme  l** 
the  an  i  mal  struggles  to  get  loose;  ~  Vinteren 
obet  el.  igennem  struggle  throogh  the  winter; 
jeg  bar  -t  i  mange  Var  for  at  opnaa  bet  I  bare 
striveu   many  years   to   attain   it;    .    fig    frem 
etruggle  onward;  -   meb  Søben  struggle  with 
death;  -  ben  gobe  Strib  bibl  fight  a  good  fight, 
war  a  good  warfare;  —   ftribel  vd  quarrel. 
wrangle:  be  ftrebe*  om,  boem  bet  ffntbe  goa  fetft 
inb  ab  Søren  they  were  disputing  about  wbo 
should  enter  firet;  —  ftrtbenbe  «  contendimr, 
confllctlng,  (mobftribenbe)  contradictory,  incoxn- 
patible,  antagonistic;  be  .  $artet  the  contendin« 
parties;  -  ftrab  interfering  claims;  ben  .  ftrrtr 
the  Church  militant;  ~  imob  contrary  to,   ant- 
agonistic to,  abhorrent  to;  —  c  combatant;  éi&- 
putant.    Striben  c  struggling. 

Stri'bbaarrt  a  rough- haired. 

Stribig  a  (i  Sinbet)  headstrong,  ohstinate, 
stubborn,  self-willed,  cantankerous;  (mobfat)  con- 
trary; -e  $unfter  moot  el.  debateable  points; 
gøre  rn  nt  .  dispute  a  thing  with  one.  -be*  c 
(daenfraben)  obstinacv,  stubbornness,  wilfulness; 
{pi  er)  contention,  dispute.  controversy. 

^Sfri  bregne  vi  rain  in  torrents. 

Stribd|bnlber  diu  of  war.  -hag  day  of  battle 
el.  contest;  alle  mine  -e  bibl  all  the  days  of  xny 
appointed  time.  -emne  fe  -fpørglmaal.  -folt  fe 
•manb.  -jammer  war-hammer,  pole-aze.  -lanbffe 
gauntlet;  tafte  -n  til  en  throw  the  gauntlet  to 
one.  -felt  hero,  warrior.  -lefl,  -Itagft  war 
•horse,  charger.  -Ijorn  war-horn.  -|«r  army, 
host.    -bøoebømanb  chief,  commander  in  chief. 

Stri'bftnbct  a  headstrong,  obstinate,  stubborn . 

Strib*|fratfter  pi  military  force,  -formpe 
warrior.  -følle  war-club.  -Ibft  love  of  combat. 
•luften  a  eager  for  combat.  -manb  (pi  -uurnb,  -folf  > 
combatant,  warrior,  flghting-man.  -møb  martlal 
courage.  +-møbe  encounter.  -pnnft  mooted 
point,  moot  case  el.  point,  issue,  point  in  debate. 
-ftrtft  polemical  pamphlet.  -fparg#maal  con- 
troversial  question,  point  In  debate.  -baaben 
bibl  weapon  of  war(fare).  -Pant  a  Inured  cl. 
trained  to  war,  veteran.  -POgn  war-chariot. 
-fltble  apple  of  discord,  bone  of  contention.  -*t#e 

Stri'bnlbet  a  ooarse-wooled. 

•Strie  e  An  tow-linen,  packlng-cloth. 

Strigle  e  -r  curry-comb.  Strigle  vi  enrry. 
dress.  -b«rfte  horse-brush.  Striglen,  Strigling 
c  currying. 

Strit'  c  rogue. 

Strife  [e.]  fe  Strejf. 

Stritte  o  -t  rope,  cord,  halter;  tal  ilte  om  n  i 
^eengt  WanbS  ^ul  name  not  a  rope  in  his  house 
that  hanged  hlmself. 

Stritte  rt knit;  *  -  paa  new-foot.  -bøg  knittisg 
•book.    -bnføer  pi  knitted  pantaloons.    -etni 




knitting-box.  -gat«  knitting-yarn  el.  stocklng 
-yarn.  (af  ttomulb)  knitting  cotton.  -trøg  knit- 
ting hook.  -(h«H  knitting.  -t*rp  knitting 
-basket,  -mafte  stitch.  -maffiae  knitting-ina- 
chine.  -Mtl,  -piab  knitting  -needle.  ->»fe, 
-pung  knlttlng-bag.  -flebe  caae  for  knitting 
-needles,  knltting-sheath.  ©trtfterfte  c  -x  kult- 
ter.    erriffriilfe  silk  for  knitting. 

©trtlttfrige  o  rope-ladder. 

Ctf  ittclftrønt^c  Btocklng  that  la  being  knltted. 
-\9\  (bet  man  tjat  i  ffcbefbe)  knitting;  (bet  for« 
nøbne  til  at  ftrifte)  knitting-things  pi. 

*3trit|møal,  -maøtt  fe  Streg*. 

©trtfaing  e  knitting;  (Prang)  parling. 

6ff  ttt  a  F  Btrict. 

©trirtn'r  e  stric'ture. 

*Gtri(  e  -er  peasant  In  the  nelgbbonrbood  of 

©trime  o  -r  Btripe,  streak.  strimet  a  striped, 

©trimmel  c  -mier  slip,  strip,  ribbon,  shred; 
(tnifet)  frill;  ($tbe>)  ruff;  en  -  £anb  a  Btrlp  of 
land.    ©trimle  vt  ub  shred  off. 

©tringeHt'  a  strin'gent. 

©trippe  c  -r  piggin. 

©trippe  vi  (om)  gad  el.  stroll  about. 

©trippe  tr  (tobe!)  strip. 

©trip*  fe  Strib«. 

tetritie  vt  k  i  (Tofte)  burl,  fling. 
itriite  vi  (meb  venene)  straddle.  .  imob  resis  t; 
$aoret  -r  ub  fra  Aøftebet  the  balr  bristles  on  his 
head;  -nbe  f)ber  distended  udder. 

Strofe  c  -r  stanza,  strophe. 

©troatta  n  c,  -jørb,  -orbb  strontian,  strontia. 
©troatiam  n  stiontium.  ©trøntinmør,pb  strontic 

©trop',  ©troppe  o  -per.  -r  (ogf.  ^)  strap,  strop; 
_  af  ©tibftmanbftgatn  selvagee;  (af  fammenfpleifet 
ton)  gi  ammet,  (meb  fCje)  snotter.  ©trøplange 
^  sling,  ©troppe  t><  strap;  -  af  F  fio  blow  up; 
-  op  F  nerve. 

©trøØfebrpbntng  c  mtn  mlning  by  banks. 

©trnbe  c  -r  throat;  gribe  en  i  n  seize  one  by 
the  throat;  fiste  u  otier  paa  en  cut  one's  throat; 
fatte  en  Stniøen  paa  n  put  one  to  the  last  ex- 
tremity.  ©trnbr|bøgftaø  guttural  letter.  -Batte 
fe  -loog.  -fianebe  pi  jugulars.  -Ipoflr  croup, 
cioop.  -løøeb  larynx.  -fang  epiglottis.  -ibb 
guttural  sound,  -bøfe  throat-pouch,  gular  pouch. 
•panfi  mil  centre  of  the  bastion,  -faar  wound 
in  the  throat.  -fpejl  laryngoscope.  -løae  gut- 
tural accent,  -tfrrtag  tubercular  laryngitis. 
-penti(  tbrottle-valve. 

*©ir»b  e  tube,  snout. 

©trnbel  c  -b!er  eddy,  whirlpool. 

©trubft  e  -er  ostrich,  Strutkio  oamelu*.  ©trub#|' 
agtig  a  ostrieh-like,  struthlous.  ©trttbf(e)fugle 
pi  struthious  birds,  coursers.  ©trnWlfjeber 
ostrich-feather.  -»ane  ostrich  stomach  -nage 
young  ostrich.  -tinge  ostrich-fern,  Struthiopteri* 
fftrmanica.    -arg  ostrich -egg. 

©rntma  c  struma,    ©trunM'Ø  a  stru'mous. 

©rrant  o  erect,  upiight.  + ©tran  te  t»  parade, 
flgure.    ©traatfteb  o  erectness. 

©trmntj jager,  -jaeger  o  e  arctlc  skua,  dung 
•hunter,  Lettrii. 

t©trnt'  ø  -ter  a  kind  of  blscult. 

©trutte  vi  strut. 

*©rrtt  e  tow,   hards;  narre  op  i  -  cheat  el. 
windle  with  a  vengeance. 

•©tr*g  n,  pi  ~,  rapid(s). 

©trbg  pi  beating,  thrashing,  drubbing. 

©trp'gtrort  »  (p.  Sueflag)  trap-door. 

©trpge.  ftrøg,  ftr«get  vt  stroke,  rub,  Bweep;  ^ 
lower,  launch,  strike;  -  Sinneb  iron  linen;  -  en 
$eft  rub  down  a  horse;  -  $Iafler  sprcad  plaster; 

.  Wejer  catch  shrimps;  .  Studien  make  bricks; 
.  en  8ceg  palnt  a  wall,  to  (Bange  ffoegen  meb 
Oliemaling  painted  with  two  coats  of  oli  palnt; 
.  et  Staal  strike  a  measure,  en  Bragen  Xefte  a 
level  teaspoonful;  -  en  Irnib,  Se  whet  et.  sharpen 
a  knife,  scythe;  .  en  IRagetnib  strap  a  razor;  . 
91oget  9caeme  ^  strike  el.  lower  the  colours, 
the  yards;  .  6efl  strike  sail;  -  (f.  dU.  en  $ata< 
graf)  strike  out;  .  en  (paa  en  £ifte  o.  I.)  scratch 
one;  -  glat  smooth  (down);  -  vr  .  flg  (om  ^rfle) 
lnterfere;  »atten  flrøg  flg  (op)  imob  mit  *en  the 
cat  was  rubbing  against  my  legs;  —  vi  (fore) 
run,  pass,  shoot,  fom  8inb  o.  1.)  sweep;  (til  Ctff< 
amen)  be  ploughea,  plucked;  gjenben  -r  (o:  glag) 
the  enemy  strikes;  —  meb  prop  <fc  adv  -.  af  sweep 
el.  wipe  off;  flrøg  Xaareroe  af  linene  brushed 
the  tears  from  his  eyes;  .  en  fttjrfntte  af  strike 
a  match;  frrøg  fioorrt  fra  9anben  brushed  the 
heir  off  his  fore  head;  min  Gtangen,  Sejet  -r  fra 
9toib  mob  6tjb  the  stratum,  layer,  runs  from 
North  to  8outh;  ftuglen  ftrøg  lang«  ben  ab  SRutett 
the  ball  grazed  the  wall;  .  gearet  i  Bejret  brush 
up  the  hair;  *.  meb  be  consumed,  spent;  die, 
go;  .  Sanbet  o  m  cl.  omfring  i  Sanbet  stroll  about 
the  country;  .  om  paa  ©aberne  gad  el.  saunter 
about  the  streets;  *-  op  thrash,  lick;  -  o  Per 
meb  Ziocre  pay  over  with  tar;  frrøg  flg  ooer  pjnene 
paased  his  hånds  across  his  eyes;  -  en  til  rogen 
whip  one  at  the  whipping-post;  -  ub  scratch 
out,  efface,  erase,  expunge;  iron,  smooth  by 
ironing;  -  unber,  fe  Unberftrnge;  —  en  ftr&genbe 
Sinb  a  smacking  breeze;  i  en  -nbe  ftart  at  a 
rattling  pace;  bet  gaar  -nbe  itgoeson  swimmingly, 
at  a  dashing  rate;  en  -nbe  Sfføttning  a  roaring 
tråde.  &trqge|bø(t  heater.  -børb  lron(ing) 
-table;  brickmaker's  bench.  -broer  ironing- board. 
-flabe  rubbing  plate  el.  surface,  friction  s  ur  face, 
card-match.  -grib,  -grtø  grate  for  smoothing 
-i rous.  •inftrument  strlnged  instrument,  •joern 
(smoothing)  iron,  flat-lron,  sad-iron.  -rlofbe 
ironing-cloth  el.  -blanket,  -tone  ironer.  -fpar« 
tet  string  quartet.  -lage«  iron(ing)-sheet.  -laf 
lacquer.  -naal  fe  ^robemaal.  -or f efter  string 
-band.  -øbn  flat-lron-heater,  Ironing  stove. 
6trbger  o  -e  Btringed  instrument  player,  pi 
strings;  ^  smart  breeze.  6trqae|rem  (razor) 
strap  el.  strop,  -fir  (9Rur.)  pointing-ladle,  flsh. 
•ffo  vet  cutttng-shoe.  -fpaaa  (t.  Se)  strlckle. 
•ftåai  tool-sharping  steel.  -flaag  fe  Store- .  -flit, 
-fritte  (lucifer-)match.  -flot  (t.  ftommaaling)  strike, 
strlckle.  -Unc  ironlng-room.  -flføie  boot  for 
horses,  -tror  fe  -ftof.  —  6tr9g|l|ølt  fe  6trbgefto(. 
-!*!  fe  ©troo«.  -maal  siricken  measure,  even 
full  measure.    -niag  c  stroking  etc.  (fe  étrbge). 

etrtofnt'n  o  strych'nine,  strych'nia. 

^©trqpe,  -te,  -t  vt  strangle,  throttle. 

Stræbe,  -te#  -t  c«  endeavour,  strive;  -  af  afle 
irrsfiei  strain  every  nerve,  strive  with  might 
and  main;  .  efter,  fe  (Efterftrabe;  -  imob  F  make 
resistance,  reaist,  struggle;  -  til  et  SRoal  pursue 
an  object;  -  en  efter  Sibet  seek  el.  attempt  one's 
lifte,  -pjalte  prop,  stay.  ©trarbe«  c  btriving 
etc.,  purs uit,  exertion,  endeavour  (efter  at  to). 
©trarbepille  buttress.  ©trerber  et,  fe  -bjoclle; 
vt.  outrigger;  stretcher.  6trccbe|raa  i  chaflng 
spar.  -fttnae  preventer-plate.  -ftinaebølt  pre- 
venter-bolt.  6trocbfoat  o  industrious,  hard 
-worklng,  hard-worked,  plodding.  ©trocbføm* 
beb  c  industry. 

©trocbe  n  -r  (lille  (ftabe)  narrow  street,  låne; 
(6unb)  strait(8);  -t  beb  Gibraltar  the  stralts  of 

6trart#  n  ^  (Slag  i  Øenbing)  Btretch,  reach; 
fatte  et  (6tntfe  $ob)  i  .  get  (a  rope)  upon  a 
stretch.    6tratt|bar  o  ductile,  extensible,  tract 
ible.   -bjorite  stretcher.    -lop  vt  the  good  boa 




-bammrr   stretch-hammer,   enlarging  hammer. 
-Ijolt  stretcher.    -Ipopeo  dra wing-head. 

Straffe  (ogf.  ftrafte,  ftratt)  trf  Btretch;  -  en  HI 
forben  fell  one  to  the  ground;  .  (Betxet  lay 
down  arms;  w  stretch  one's  self;  (i  en  Retning) 
stretch,  reach,  extend;  (forlange*)  stretch;  .  ftg 
i  Øroedfet  lie  down  on  the  grass;  —  vi  -  ril 
suffice,  be  sufficient  el.  enough;  »  ub  mend  one's 
pace,  &  ftr«f  nb  (paa  Harerne)!  give  way!  lay 
out  on  your  oars;  i  el.  paa  ftraft  Hrm  atarm's 
length.  Gtrortfc  [t.]  c  -r  min  thurl.  6  tratte  j< 
bcrn!  rack.  -ban  nurse-pond.  Straftelig  a  fe 
Strafbar.  Strattrligpeb  c  ductileness,  ductility. 
Straffri  muffe!  extensor.  -pinb  stretcher.  -rsume 
stretchlng- frame,  -feug  stretch-bed.  6trat|tine 
ram  line,  life-line.  -maffiue  drawing  frame. 
6rr<rfuing  c  -er  stretchlng  etc.,  Btretch;  (f.  (Efg. 
af  8anb)  tract.  range,  extent,  distance.  ©troet  |- 
øpu  spreading  oven.  -flen  spreading  plate 
-top  lifting-rope;  ^  life-line,  (til  Unberflaaning  af 
©ej  l )  Jack -ro  pe.  -»alf  e  steel-roller,  drawing-roller, 
flnisbing-roll.    -ootrf  stretching-machine. 

©trange!  c  (Spgb.)  strangles 

*  Strap  n  toil,  pains  p/.  ©træne  w  strive, 
toil.    ©tranfont  fe  Strabfom. 

Strn  c  -et  sleeper,  (ftlob*)  chock. 

©tr«  vt  strew;  .  SRel,  Salt  o.  1.  paa  sprinkle 
with  flour,  salt  etc.;  -  fcalm  unber  Kreaturer 
litter  cattle;  fe  Sanb.  ©tr«|oemarfniuger  de- 
sultory  remarks,  -blaat  (blue)  frost.  -oorafi 
pulverized  borax.  -borb  pi  J,  waste  boards, 
slabs.  -baafe  dredglng-box,  dredger.  -el fe  c 
litter.    ©troelfepalm  siraw  for  litter. 

Strog  imp  fe  Srrpge. 

©rr*g  n,  pi  s,  rmeb  S3ue  ofo )  stroke,  touch, 
dash;  (fletning)  direction;  (Sgn)  tract,  region, 
neighbourhood;  fe  ttnftrøg. 

©tr*g«ffel  c  litter- fork. 

S  tro  g  fugle  pi  birds  of  passage,  migratory 

Stro'gltuie  c  line  of  direction. 

©trjgobd  n  scattered  estate. 

©tr*'g|ffttb  fe  Strejfffub.  -Pi*  adv  in  patches, 
here  and  tbere. 

Strogobffe  c  top-dressing. 

©trobatm  c  straw  for  litter. 

©troffe  fe  Strejfe. 

©trom'  c  -me  (ftlob)  river,  stream;  (af  Drb) 
stream  (of  words),  profusion  of  language;  (Strøm* 
ning)  current;  (regetmaéfig,  fotn  peb  ttbbe  og  fttob) 
tide;  ftart  .  a  stroug  current:  tneb  -men  tmob 
with  a  contrary  el.  adverse  current;  baoe  Binb 
og  -  tmob  Hg  bave  wind  and  current  (el.  tide) 
against  one.  inbgaaenbe  .  lndraught;  Siben«  . 
the  tide  of  the  times;  $ønau-men  the  river 
Danube;  en  ~  af  Saarer  a  flood  of  tears;  en  .  af 
iip*  a  stream  el.  flood  of  light;  ligge  paa  -men  & 
be  lying  in  the  stream;  Stibet  ligger  opfoajet  for 
-men  the  vessel  is  riding  head  to  the  tide  el. 
is  tiderode;  -men  fætter  agtehnb  the  tide  (current) 
sets  from  asteni;  i  -me  in  torrcuts;  -men  oenbte 
fifl  fio  the  tide  (of  battle)  turaed;  gaa  el.  foømme 
mob  -men  fio  go  against  the  stream  el.  current; 
folge  -men  fio  fo'.low  the  multitude,  follow  in 
the  stream  of  people,  go  before  the  wind. 
©tromjaabnfng  drain.  -afbrpber  clect  interrup- 
tor,  rheotome,  cireuit  breaker.  -anb  harlequin 
duck,  A«a»  kitirinnica-,  *fe  ^riffeaitb  (ftor).  -anfer 
•i.  ytream-anohor.  -anfertøp  stream  eable. 
•baab  river- boat.  -bob  sea-bath,  bath  i  ti  the 
open.    -brag  current. 

Strømel  n  d  redglug  ineal. 

@trom|falb  full,  rapidis).     -fart  river-naviga- 
tion.   -farPanb:   i  -   in  a  tide- way.    -gang  cur- 
rent. -boirocl  whlrlpool,  eddy,  swlrl.  -fontring, 
•tring  turn  of  the  tide.     -fobling  race,  Ude 

•rip.  -fort  current  chart,  -freb*  elect  cireuit. 
-ram  weir.  -leje  bed.  -t*o  course  of  a  stream, 
river,  -sxaaler  eleet  rheometer.  ©tr*m»e  ti 
stream;  +  vt  pour;  Zaarer  -be  fra  (anl  Pine  tear« 
gusbed  from  his  eyea;  Qatxt  -be  igennem  %iat* 
brubet  the  sea  rushed  through  the  breach  in  the 
dike;  tanter  -be  tnb  paa  mig  thoughts  crowded 
on  me;  9legnen  %av  -t  neb  ben  (pie  9Utt  the  rmin 
has  been  pouring  down  (in  torrents)  all  night; 
.  op  er  af  overflow  with;  ber  -be  $o!f  t  i  1  i  tuf enb- 
Pi8  people  thronged  in  el.  flocked  to  the  place 
by  thousands;  ©lob«  -be  mig  til  £ooebet  the  blood 
rusbed  to  my  head;  ©lobet  -be  ub  af  Scoret  the 
blood  gushed  from  the  wound;  -  ub  (om  Damp. 
©aS)  escape.  6tr«mniC9iØ  ad*  in  torrents,  in 
streams.    6rr*iaatttg  c  -er  flow;  eone  current. 

6trømpe  c  -r  stocking;  fe  Hal.  -taemb  ganer 
•brott  s.  form.  -fob  foot  of  a  s.  •fani  worsted 
el.  yarn  for  stockings.  -b«l  heel  ofa  s.  *-l«ftrr 
stocklng-feet.  -U#  i  without  stockings,  stæk- 
ingless.  -faal(e)  sole  of  a  s  -floft  leg  of  a 
stocking.  -frrifntng  knitting  (of)  stocldngs. 
•f Piffej  clock.  -Pirtatug  fe  -weoeri.  -ur»  atock- 
i ng  frame.  •pac»er  stocklng-weaver.  -PotPeri 
stocking-  manufactory . 

6trøm|ps(  duc  d'albe.  »-ra«  fe  -fobling.  -ret 
adn  tlde-rode.  -retning  direction  of  the  current. 
-fejlsbé  current  salling.  -filb  argentine,  Arg** 
tina  «iiu$.  *ffaPl  tide  rip,  eagre.  -ffifte,  -ffift- 
ning  change  of  the  current  -tintning  eUct 
closing  (of)  the  current.  -flutter  cireuit  closer. 
-ftprfe  electromotive  power,  -flor  fe  8unb  . 
-foetning  ^  set  el.  Betting  of  the  current.  -f* 
fe  -fobling.  *6tr*mt  o:  tyer  er  -  the  current  is 
strong  here.  6tr*tn|tøfb  river-duty.  -pefiler, 
•penber  eleet  commuutor,  rheotrope. 

6trø| pulver  sprinkling  powder.  -fanb  sand 
(for  flirewing  on  w  ri  ti  ug),  wTiting  sand.  -ffc 
dredger,  sugar-sifter.  -fntfrr  powdered  sugar. 
-tanter  pi  apothegms,  desultory  thoughts. 

6tua'ge  c  sto'wage.    -Parer  stowage  goods. 

©tub'  c  -be  (Xrocftub  ofo.)  stub,  stump;  *  F 
bit;  (af  Storn)  stubble;  *  fpng  en  ~  give  us  a 
snatch  of  a  son  g;  ber  ffal  opgaa  et  Stil  af  3fai  . 
bibl  there  shall  come  forth  a  rod  out  of  the 
stem  of  Jesse.  *3tubafgr«be  white  crop.  °#3rnbbe 
c  -r  stub,  stump.  6tabbe  vt  dock,  curtail.  — 
6tubbejgaa#  stubble-goose,  g.  fed  on  the  stubble. 
-grocdning  feeding  on  the  stubble;  stubble-grass. 
-loft  flooring. 

@tnbi'n  fe  Stup  in. 

Stubljorb  stubble-ground.  -mart  stubble-field. 
-m«Oe  post-mill.  -pUfniug  ploughing  (in)  the 
stubble.  -ror  late  turnip.  t-f*«be  fe  Drolfel. 
•tocØing  counting  the  stumps  (of  felled  timber\ 

Stub  c  -e  bullock;  (ooer  fire  Har  gammel)  ox; 
♦bull;  (SfcelMorb)  rude  fellow;  ben  tommer  ogiaa 
frem,  fom  ager  meb  -e  fair  and  softiy  gæs  f*r. 
-agtig  a  fio  rude,  boorish.  -agtigpeb  c  boorish- 
ness.  —  StubelbrtPer  drover.  -febuiug  fatteu- 
ing  bullock««.  -paubel  tråde  in  bullocks  el. 
oxen.  -panbler  dealer  in  bullocks.  -Ijolb  feed- 
iug  bullocks;  stock  of  bullocks  -polber  bullock 
-feeder.  -fyorn  ox's  horn.  -bprbe  neat-herd. 
-falP  ox-calf.    -fob  (ox  )beef 

Stubel  e  -bier  (p.  $ø«fe)  hammer-bridle. 

Stubemarteb  n  ox-  el.  bullock-market 

Stubeut'  c  -er  (college-)student,  university 
student,  collegian,  u ti d ergrad ua te,  ban  blro  - 
he  was  entered  at  the  university,  he  was  msv- 
triculated;  Stub.  tb,  c  ol.  student  of  dl  vini  ty  (o.  fl ); 
^tub.  phil.  junior  soph.  —  Stubeuterlaar  p* 
college-years  -agtig  a  student- like.  -bolig 
foundation  for  students,  college,  -orob  sugar 
plnms.  -etdameu  matrlculation  examinatton. 
-forening  students'  club  el.  union,   ($pgn.ngen) 




the  clubhouse  of  the  student«.  -fjobre  raisins 
and  almonds.  -lime  student'*  cap,  college-cap, 
(engelft)  mortar-board.  -li»  college-life.  -ntætfig 
a  i  cwtø  student-like.  -neflife  sweet-wiUiam, 
Diantku*  barbahu.  -famfnvb  fe  -forening,  -fang* 
forening  Students'  Choral  Union,  -fprøg  stu- 
denfs cant.  -tøj  students'  excursion.  -pertenen 
college  land.  ©tnbentifo'o  F  fe  -mætflg.  ©in- 
bentmagerfttrnb  o  y<*>  «  ©tubent. 

©tnbepranger  c  cattle  dealer. 

©tabere  *f  Je  t  sludy;  (f.  Sti.  3ura)  read  law; 
.  flittigt  study  hard,  ply  the  books;  -  oeb  £t)d 
el.  om  Slatten  lucubrate;  labe  en  .  send  one  to 
the  unlveraity;  ban  -r  i  ftøbentøbn  he  studies  el. 
keeps  terms  at  Copenhagen,  he  is  at  the  unl- 
veraity of  C;  .  paa  meditate.  ban«  Xale  bat  meget 
-t  his  speech  was  very  siudied  el.  elaborate; 
©tuberenbe,  fe  ©tubent;  en  ftuberet  Vtanb  a 
man  of  classical  education,  a  university  el.  col- 
lege man;  en  bel  -t  Vianb  a  man  of  exteusive 
reading,  a  good  scholar.  ©cubere]  lammer,  -oo> 
relfe  study,  closet.  -lampe  reading  lamp.  ©tu- 
bertng  c  -er  studylng;  study. 

©tube  j  røgter  c  fe  tørbe. 

©tnbie  c  A  «  -r  study;  brioe  -r  canyon,  cou- 
duct,  studies,  -gaarben  the  University  building 
of  Copenhagen.    ©tabium  n  -ier  study. 

©tube  c:  paa  (♦  i)  en  -  on  (el.  of)  a  sudden. 
©tabt  a  gruff,  rough,  *piqued,  out  of  humour. 
©tubsbrttt  riser.  ©tubfe  vt  (aftorte)  crop,  dock, 
curtail;  (om  træer)  lop,  trim.  .  op  (fminlej  point, 
rouge;  -  til  make  trim.  ©tabfe  vi  (forbaofec) 
start,  be  start  led.  ©tnbfeu  c  starting,  amaze- 
ment.  ©tubfer  c  c  (©obt.)  spoke-shave  t©tubø> 
bane  fe  Sprabe.  -bare  cavy,  C« via.  ©tnbøbeb. 
©tubfigbeb  c  grufftiess.  ©tubfig  a  gruff.  ©tube« 
mad  vole,  UypwlatM.  ©tubøitiug  c  cropplng 
etc,  curtailment  etc.  ©tubdjrsfp  horn-rasp. 
•øret  a  crop-eared. 

*©tne  vt  sprain. 

©tne  c  -r  room,  apartmeut,  parlour;  (i  ©bge« 
tju*)  ward;  t  (<ttag*)  ground-tloor;  »small  dwell- 
ing-house;  t  -n  til  Gfaben  the  ground-floor  front; 
-n  til  Øaarben  the  ground-floor  back;  bo  i  -n  live 
on  el.  oocupy  the  grouud-floor.  -arreft  arrest 
in  one's  own  rooms.  -betrat  hangings  pi.  -porb 
parlour  table.  -brbtlup  private  marriage;  Ijolbe 
~  be  m  ar  ri  ed  privately.  t'butit  ground-floor 
shop.  »bø$fe  parlour  gun  -breéferet  o  tralned 
in-doors.  -bør  room-  el.  parlou r-door.  t-etage 
ground-floor.  (fcoor  ber  ilte  er  Jfolber)  basement, 
nmr  flrst  story,  -fange  prisouer  in  his  own 
rooms  -Une  house-fly,  Mu*ca  domettia.  -fugl 
cage-bird,  aviary  bird.  -famgfet  arrest  In  one's 
own  rooms.  -gang  visitation  of  the  wards. 
-gartneri  wlndow-gardening.  -grifl  stay-at-home. 
-gnlo  parlour-flour.  -gttmnaftit  parlour  gymna- 
stics.  -qett  carpet  knight.  -fjunb  chamber-dog. 
-bni  mansion,  dwelling-house  (in  the  country). 
•tammerat  chamber  fellow,  chum.  -tone  wards 
■woman.  -fultur  wiudow  gardeniug.  -lib  se  den - 
tarine&s,  tedeutary  li  fe.  -loft  teiling.  -luft 
(conflned)  air  of  a  room.  -lu  deller  (of  a  room). 
t-ldtngrdwelling-house.  -lotrb  closet  philosopher. 
-nøgle  key  of  a  room.  -orgel  »mail  portable 
organ,  -p(ge  hou&e-maid,  chamber-maid,  parlour 
-maid.    -politiler  closet  polltician. 

©tnert  c  -er  J,  steward,  -lngar  steward's 

©tuelfibbrr  scdentary  person.  -nr  clock. 
•Barme  beat  of  a  room.    -oiclfe  fe  -brpUup. 

©tuf,  ©luffe  c  -r  specimen  (of  o  re). 

©tuf'  ii  stucco;  ooertrcette  mrb  .  stucco,  over- 
lay  el.  coat  with  stucco 

©tute  vt  (3meb.)  jump. 

©tnttatf  o  stucco.  ©tutattn'r  c  stucco(-work). 
©tuffntø'r  c  -er  stuccoer,  worker  in  stucco. 

©tuttet  fe  ©titte. 

©rutto  »,  ©tntuaøfe  stucco. 

6rn'tning  c  jumping. 

*6tn0r  vi  be  toddling  about,  busying  one's 
self  with  trifles. 

6tnm#  a  mute,  dumb,  speechle%;  (om  ©in) 
flat,  unfermented;  -  I j ener  dumb  waiter;  . 
$erfon  theat  mute;  .  Scene  dumb  show;  -t  ©pil 
dumb  show,  bye  play;  -t  frort  skeleton  map; 
©  er  -t  B  Is  still;  ben  -me  (i  $ortici)  Masanlello. 
-b,eb  e  dumbness,  muteness,  mutism. 

-t-6tnmle  vi  totter. 

6tum*  a  blunt,  dull,  (Qinfel)  obtuse;  (leegle) 
truncated.  fitumø  e  -er  stump,  fragment;  f9teft, 
Sebning)  remnant;  *coarse,  brown  bread;  ^(Koele- 
nabn)  pet;  ^  (af  Vecrtieil*  close-reef;  ffære  en  - 
af  cut  off  a  plece,  floo  i  -er  og  6 tottet  knock 
to  pieces,  smash:  fammenflirtet  af  -er  og  6tbtter 
pieced  together;  qolbe  paa  -eme  save  something 
out  of  the  wreck.  6tampr  o  -r  prov  round  (of 
bread).  6tntnpcraa  lower  topsall  yard.  6rnm- 
pet  a  stumpy.  6tnmp|lyatc  bobtail.  -b^alet  a 
dock-tailed,  bob-tailed.  -beb  c  bluntness.  -jalte 
short  jacket.  -ndtfe  snub-nose.  -nofet  a  snub 
•nosed.  -ramper  a  fe  bålet,  -bintlet  a  obtuse 

#3tnnb  c  time;  enbnu  (paa)  en  ~  yet  a  while; 
om  en  liben  .Ina  little  while;  en  gob  -  a  good 
while;  i  en  ulbftelig  .  in  an  evil  hoiir;  i  Saren« 
_  in  the  hour  of  danger;  bet  ftete  i  ben  lomme  - 
it  happened  at  the  same  moment;  enbnu  i  benne 
.  to  this  hour;  al  ben  -  sluce,  inasmuch;  6 1  u  n  b  e  r 
pi  leisure,  time;  gibe  fig  gobe  -er  take  one's  time; 
bet  bar  gobe  -er  there  is  no  hurry  6tunbe  ø 
impert  &  •  filftenen  r  til,  bet  -r  ab  ttften  evenlng 
is  approaching  el.  drawing  near;  -  efter,  til, 
imob  aspire  to,  aim  at;  .  en  efter  Stbet,  fe  Stræbe; 
-  til  $oi(e  yearn  el.  long  for  repose.  6tnnben 
c  aspiriug  etc,  longing.  —  6tunbed|løØa  bust- 
ling,  fldgety;  en  -  a  buiy  trifler  el.  idler,  a  fidget. 
•la«beb  c  bustling,  busy  trilling,  fitnnbom, 
ftttttbnm  adv  sometloie.s,  at  times. 

*6tnp  n,  pi  •«,  preciplce.  6tnpr,  -te,  -t  vi 
drop,  fall  (suddenly). 

6tnp'(e)  c  fe  ®tompe.  ©tupere  vt  shadow 
with  a  stump,  tint  by  dubbing  with  rubbers. 

Cinpi'b  a  stu'pid.    -1te  t  c  stnpld'ity. 

6tnpi'n  c  -er  quick-match.  6tnpinrør  match 

*6turfen)  a  dejected,  in  low  spirits,  mopish. 
Øtnrc  vi  sit  moping. 

Øtnrto  [t]  c  fe  5  tir  (Vue). 

t ©tnt'  n  short.   -flag  square  flag.   -garn  stops. 

etutbingft  fe  6tot>>. 

étntiflamp  cleat.  -lag  c  ^  top-lining.  -matte 

fitu'tmefter  c  master  of  the  Ktud.  ©tutteri' 
n  -er  stud. 

*6tntt!ng  c  -er  short  timber-sledge. 

6t«b  e   er  remnant;  *  fe  ©tnb. 

©tu  obolt  c  ^  dump  bolt. 

*©tuoe  fe  "Stue. 

©tube  vt  (Wab)  stew. 

©t»oe  vt  (pattt)  stow;  ^  (om  iiaften)  stow, 
trim.    -gobi  stowage  goods. 

©tnbepanbe  c  stew-pan. 

©tuber  c  -e  ^  stevedore,  -løn  stevedore  s 

©tn  biflaabe  ^  floatlng-stsge.  -Ijattebolt  dump 
rag-bolt.  -bolter  pi  dun  nage  -tlamp  cleat. 
•taft  butt.  ©tu'bning  c  stowlng;  ^  stowitig, 

©tn'oning  fe  ©tiltning. 

©tu'oning  c  (af  Wa\>)  stewing. 




6tn'PningØ|maabe  J,  mode  of  stowage.  -put- 
foftntngrr  stowage  expenses.  -ram  stowage 
(room).  —  6tu»|fttb  butt  -totje  rolling  tackle; 
yard-arm  gny. 

6tWa($<rft!ig)  ugly,  ill-looking,  hard-favoured, 
ill-favoured,  (mtlbere  Ubrt.)  plain,  homely;  en  - 
(uortiø)  Sreng  a  nasty  boy;  en  -  fitjb  a  disagree- 
able  sound;  en  -  Bugt  a  nasty  el.  offensive  smell; 
•t  Bejt  foul  el.  nasty  weather;  en  .  6ag  a  nasty 
taste;  en  .  Bane  a  nasty  el.  odious  habit;  en  - 
Eaft  an  odious  el.  abominable  vice.  *6tlMgiag 
c  -er  ugly  fellow.  GtPgfteb  o  ugliness;  *abomi- 
nations.  horrors  jj^. 

Ctaøtff  a  Stygian. 

*fjtpgpeir  *  nasty  weather. 

fjtpr|«riejber  pieee  worker.  -tor  vent  bit, 
priming  wire.  -fob  large  cask,  tun,  butt.  -gøbø 
mere  general  goods,  plece  goods.  -gobftfarten 
tbe  general  tråde.  -gobø frugt  freight  by  parcels. 
-gøMlabntng  general,  assorted  el.  mixed  cargo. 
-ijeft  artillery- horse.  -janter  pupil  of  an  artillery 
•school;  non-commissioned  officer  in  the  artil- 

Gtfcffc  «  -r  piece,  bit;  (ftonon)  plece  of  ord- 
nance;  btpbe  i  -c  break  in  el.  to  pieces;  arbejbe 
paa  •  be  on  the  piece;  i  bet  -  on  that  score;  i 
nogle  -x  tør  lpn  {Ret  in  some  point«  he  is  right; 
et  .  SBilbt  a  head  of  game;  et  -  @«be  a  cake  of 
*oap;  100  -i  Stbag  100  head  of  cattlø;  et  -  af  en 
Solbat  a  piece  of  a  soldier,  somewhat  of  a 
soldler;  et  -  ttrbeibe  a  piece  el.  stroke  of  work; 
et  «.  (Bej)  a  little  way,  some  distance,  amr  a 
plece;  et  (ongt  ~  a  long  way,  a  great  way,  far; 
et  gobt  -  inb  i  ben  mobnere  Viber  well  on  in  to 
the  maturity  of  manbood;  bet  npe  .  (p.  Zeatret) 
the  new  piece  el.  play;  rt  flet  el.  nebrigt  -  a 
scurvy  trick;  at  bu  gjotbe  bette  -  bibi  that  thou 
hast  done  this  thing;  tyxn  lob  fine  -r  fpille  paa 
ttjenben  he  played  his  cannou  upon  the  enemy; 
jeg  bioefer  b>m  et  -  I  don't  care  a  flg  for  him; 
.  for  .  piece  by  piece;  b>or  meget  for  -t  how 
much  a-piece;  noar  bet  tommer  til  -t  atter  all; 
to  Drt  lom  til  -t  when  it  carae  to  the  point,  to 
the  trial,  p  to  the  scratch;  en  Wen  af  famme  - 
a  leaf  out  of  the  same  book.  Stttfte  vt  cut  in 
pieees;  -  ub  parcel  out;  .  fammen  piece  toget  her. 
-pift  adv  (el.  i  .)  by  the  piece,  piecemeal,  in 
detail,  by  instalments;  bibt  bi  forflaa  -  we  under- 
stand in  part;  —  +  a  piece-meal,  fragmentary. 
•part  patchwork,  ©rptlfnaøtgun-carrier.  -fugle 
cannon-ball.  -fnfl  artillery -driver.  -tabe  warp 
of  straight  threads.  -laber  gunner;  ($ebft.)  ram- 
mer, -linie  typ  brass  rule.  -medflnø  block-brass. 
6tptntng  c  piecing.  6tPt|port  <£,  port-hole, 
(gun-)port.  -talje  S  gun- tackle,  -traab  straight 
ihread.  -nlb  gare.  -Pog«  artillery- waggon. 
-Polb  land-battery. 

fjtplit  er  pi  Stylites. 

tCtPOepig  e  sand- piper,  Totanus  hypoleuco*. 

Gt&togrop'  c  stylog  raphy. 

©tplie  ø  -r  »tilt;  gaa  paa  -r  walk  upon  stilis. 
6tttltr  vi  walk  upon  stilts;  (gaa  langfomtj  walk 
slowly;  or  flg  op  fall  into  bombast.  -ban*  dance 
upon  stilts.  -gang  walking  upon  stilts.  -ganger 
c  -e  walker  upon  stilts;  fe  -laber,  -løber  (ftugl) 
stilt-plover,  still  (-blrd),  Bimantopu:  -ffribt 
long  stride. 

CTtpmper  c  -e  (u*lel  ©taffel)  poor  wretch; 
fftlobrian)  bungler.  -agttg  a  bungling.  -agtig* 
bfb  c  bungling.  fJtbmpre  vt  mutilale;  ~  fammen 
bungle,  botch. 

tØtttne  fe  Starmte  vt  (beftørej. 

Jetpr  c  (etat)  tax,  impost. 
Jtnr  «  F  (Staj,  Uro,  HJePægelfe)  hubbub;  øste 
-  (flejer)  make  fUD,  (Optøjer)  kick  up  a  row. 
»♦*r  n  4/  s  tee  rage;  bet  par  faa  {Mile.  at  ber  intet 

.  bar  paa  6Hbet,  Pi  ftaPbe  intet  .  paa  bet  it 
bo  calm,  that  she  had  no  steerage-way;  b>lbe  - 
paa,  b>Ibe  -  i  keep  one  in  check;  gaa  øpet  _ 
come  to  nought  el.  nothing;  farte  opct  -  squander, 
squander  away,  run  through.  6ttr|iørb  n  star 
•board;  .  meb  Roret!  star* board  the  helm!  tit 
Iaa  ooer  .  (el.  Pi  laa  meb  ttoøborbt  fialfe)  we  were 
on  the  port  tæk;  a,aa  meb  -*  $afle  be  on  the 
starboard  tack.    -børbf*  starboard. 

*€ttre  vi  make  a  noise,  kick  up  a  row. 

©tpre  vt  &  steer;  (Iebe)  direct,  guide,  conduct, 
manage;  (beb>rffe)  rule,  control;  •  ftg  Control 
one's  self;  -  en  Sture  steer  a  course;  -be  Storø  ^ 
course  steered;  -  efter  Stømpaøfet  steer  by  com- 
pass:  .  Rorb  stand  North;  b^oorlebef  -r  ben?  how 
does  she  carry  her  helm?  ben  -r  iffe  she  has  do 
steerage  way;  .  efter,  imob  make  el.  stand  for; 
-be  fhtrfen  til  shaped  his  course  to;  drengen  pif 
ilte  Irtbe  flg  -  the  boy  won't  submit  to  control, 
the  boy  is  unmanageable;  .  fin  ©rebe  ofp.  Con- 
trol el.  curb  one's  anger;  .  fit  6inb  curb  one's 
temper;  _  tilfreM,  tilrette  quiet,  calm;  .  fin  Sbft 
gratify  el.  satisfy  (ogf.  control)  one's  desire,  -c 
VRufatiP  governs  an  accusative  case;  ftorfpnet 
-be  bet  anberlebeft  Providence  ordained  otherwiae. 
©tpre  n  helm.  6tpre|aare  Bteer(ing)oar.  -ap- 
parat steering  apparatus  el.  gear.  -blol  guide 
•block.  -borb,  -brætter  rudder- boards,  -egen« 
ffaber  steering  aualities.  -fart  steerage-way. 
-fjeber  rectriz,  pi  rectrices.  -tøf  pilot-houae. 
-inbretning  fe  apparat,  -jolle  gny.  -Itob*  tap- 
pet, guide-block.  -tompai  fe  6tbr>.  -loftet  fe 
Stor«,  -liner  yoke-ropes,  (t.  Qaab)  tiller-ropes. 
Ctprelfe  c  rule,  management,  direction;  fe  I3e* 
flprelfe;  ftorfpnetft  .  God's  guidance,  the  direction 
of  providence.  *ØtpreIfe«faft  mode  of  govern- 
ment.  @tprelpinb  tiller.  -plabe  guide-plate. 
6tprer  o  -e  ruier,  di  rector;  fe  6tprefieber.  Øtprrh 
ramme  guides,  -rebftaber  steering  gear.  -reg- 
ler fe  ©tprino«'.  -renbe  (Drap.)  slotway.  -riMrr 
§  uides.  -fegment  yoke.  -fTrae  steering  screw. 
ItpreAmanb  (t)  boat-steerer.  fig  ruier,  chief. 
@tnre|ftang  (t.  Boøn)  splinter-bar  supporter; 
(2)mp  )  guide-rod.  -ftregen  tbe  lubber's  point. 
-taatn  4/  pilot  tower,  conning  tower.  -tab> 
guide,  -tror  ^  sheer-pole;  rack.  €tprittg  c  »f, 
steering;  (Smp.)  parallel  moUon.  6tttrtng3reglfr 
steering  rules. 

6tprte  e  strength;  (©inben«,  Irrig**)  force; 
praoe  .  meb  en  try  one's  strength  against  one; 
b>n  b>r  iffe  fin  -  i  Satin  Latin  is  not  his  forte, 
étttrfe  vt  strengthen,  for  ti  fy;  -nbe  Suft  bradna; 
air;  -nbe  TOibler  strengthening  medicine,  cor- 
roborants,  tonics,  restoratives.  6tprte|boavb  ^ 
cross-tlmber,  (i  Gejl)  strengthenlng-band.  -bPlt 
(p.  Sejl)  strengthening  piece.  -dtp  J^  sholes. 
-brit  pick-me-up.  -forb.o(b  relative  strength. 
-gang  yb  binding  strake.  -tab;  strengthenina; 
piece.  -lifte  mil  state.  fJtprtelfe  e  strengthening 
etc.  fitprfelprepe  trial  of  strength;  (f.  «Té.  p. 
Starting)  test-proof  of  strain.  -ftrewg  strengthen- 
ing band.    6tprfn*nø  fe  @tpr!elfe. 

etp'r|fompa#  ^  steering  compass.  -Uflet  a 
loaded  el.  trimmed  by  the  s  tern.  -lafrig^eb  o 
being  trimmed  by  the  stern.  6rprlig  a  manage- 
able,  oontrollable.  Stbrligbcb  c  manageablenees. 
fitprliner  W  <!,  yoke-lines. 

6tprma«b  c,  -manb  d>  mate;  anben  ~  second 
mate.  —  Ctttrmattbfjele*  navigation  pupil, 
-etternen  mate  s  examinatlon.  ben  fejere  .  mate's 
extra  ezaminatlons.  -empUj  a  situation  as  mate. 
-funft  navigation,  art  of  navigation,  -officerer 
navigatiog  lieutenants  and  tublieutenants.  -fa* 
tent  mate  s  certlflcate.    -ffole  navigation  school. 

♦fitprre  vt  fe  gorftprre. 

fitp  rflang  c  (t)mp  )  guide. 




Sr*rt  n  tøjuW)  diahing.   •Sttori  c  fe  Stnrtebab. 
-*nj  «  steep-to. 

Strør  t*  fall  do wn,  tumble  down,  toppie 
down;  banfer  til  tym  -t  dances  tlll  be  drops; 
^eften  -be  tbe  bone  fell  el.  dropped  down;  the 
bone  dropped  dead;  —  vt  precipitato,  hurl; 
(omftprte)  subvert,  overturn,  overthrow;  .  (en) 
overthrow.  ruin;  (et  £«*)  shoot,  tip;  —  meb 
prop  &  adv  .  en  fro  tronen  dethrone  one;  . 
frem  rush  forward,  make  a  rush;  -be  fig  i  mine 
4(rme  threw  bimself  into  my  arms;  -  fig  i  %ox* 
boroelfe  pi  unge  lnto  ruin,  run  headlong  into 
destructlon  el.  perdition;  ber  -be  en  Vtangbe  fjol! 
inb  a  crowd  of  people  rusbed  in;  .  inb  el.  ub 
bolt,  dart,  rusb  in  or  out;  Ijan  -be  meb  Qeften 
the  horse  fell  with  hlm;  Regnen  -be  neb  the 
•xain  poured  down  in  torcents;  .  omtutb  fall 
to  the  ground;  _  fig  ooer  fall,  rush,  pounce, 
upon;  -  f ammen  fall  el.  tumble  down,  fall  to 
ruin,  fall  in,  oollapse;  Xaarerne  -be  tønbe  ub  af 
Øjnene  tears  gushed  from  ber  eyes;  -  fig  (ub)  i 
Sanbet  pi  unge  into  the  water;  —  ftnrtenbe  o 
fe  Stormenbe  (fitoHe).  Stprtelbab  shower  bath. 
♦-falb  cataract.  +-flob  |e  Stobrub.  -farbtg  a 
Teady  to  drop  down.  -gobft  goods  stowed  in 
"bulk.  •gobøtabniag  cargo  in  bulk.  -tarre  tip 
-cart,  tilt-cart.  -plabø  place  of  deposit.  -f* 
heavy  «ea,  topping  sea;  faa  en  -  ooet  snip  a 
heavy  sea.  -»am*  falling  water,  water  fall. 
Stbrtaing  falling  etc.,  fall,  tumble,  overthrow; 

Strø*  ft.]  e  -er  (Cliff )  plate. 

Sti  molter  (el.  -borter)  pi  losing  el.  loose 

*Stto»  c   er  (bird's)  tail. 

Støver  e  -e  stiver;  (ringe  SRønt)  farthing.  -fan« 
ger  c  -e  skinflint;  catch-penny  writcr.  -fanger! 
n  catch-penny  work.  -fangerprøbatt  catch 
-penny,  pot  boller. 

Stobig  o  refractory;  (am  fiefte)  restive,  restiff. 
-ticb  c  refractoriness;  (en  -Qefit)  restiveness,  res- 

Stager  pi  saddle-tree  bars. 

tStafte  vt  (fatte  i  Staf)  stack. 

Stalle  vt  (Stagerne  paa  en  ftngl)  clip  el.  cut 
tthe  wings  of  a  bird):  Ag  .  Stagerne  paa  en  dip 
one's  wings.    Statuing  c  clipping  etc. 

tStatning  c  stacking. 

Stenter  pi  fe  Stanb.  Stanber|blab  parlia- 
mentary  gazette.  -beputeret  member  of  a  con- 
aultatlve  chamber,  deputy,  delegate.  -forfat« 
iiing  fe  -tabretning,  -forbanbtinger  debates  of 
the  states.  -fororbatug  statute  about  consulta- 
tlve  states.  •forfamliug  consultative  chamber, 
states,  estates.  -tøf  assembly-room  of  the 
states.  -iabretniute«  the  institution  of  consul- 
tative states.  -lav  fe  -fororbnina.  «nube  assembly 
of  the  states.  -fat  fe  -bu*.  Stauberfl  a  of  the 
•  states.  Stonbertibenbe  fe  Mab.  -Mig  parlia- 
jmentary  election(s). 

*Stanberbart  *  frame-work. 

Stanbig  (f  k  •)  a  constant. 

* #3 tang  n,  pi  »,  fe  Silbe«. 

tSiange  »  fe  Øaftange. 

.Stange  (ogf.  -te,  -t)  vt  (fatte  Stanger  beb)  pole, 
•atake,  (luffe  meb  Xøarftang)  bar;  (Taafe  af)  lock 
(up);  (meb  $angelaal)  padlock;  (meb  Staabe)  bolt; 
tøabn)  block  up,  close  up;  *.  ttirter  stick  peas. 
*-  af  for  Satfen  turn  off  tbe  gas;  -  inbe,  ube 
shut  in,  out. 

Storage'  &  top-mast-,  -barbun  top-mast  back 
•stay.    -bangere  burton  pendants. 

Stanget  c  -giet  stem,  stalk.  <baaren  a  cau- 
line.  -vlab  atem-leaf.  -formig  a  cauliform. 
-i*9  a  acaulous.  -fplre  plumule.  -flette  inter- 


e  sprinkling 

Stan  fr  egn 

tStaugerotte :  glo  fom  en  -  stare  like  a  stuck 

Stangefaling  c  4,  top-mast  cross-trees. 

Stangefitb  c  fe  $unbeftejle. 

Storage  I  flag  j,  top-mast  stay.  -flagfejl  top 
-mast  stay-sail.  -ftagfejføgtvtov  ofb.  top-mast 
8taysall-brails  etc.  -ttoat  top-mast  rigging. 
-binber,  -ttiaberet  top-mast  rope.  -«efrt|øipeb 
top-mast  cap. 

6t«tigleft  vd  shoot  lnto  stalks,  get  stalk. 

6tarugning  c  barring  etc.  (fe  Stange).   6tamg> 

J el  c  k  n  fencing;  fence;  bar,  barrier;  lock  and 
:ey.    *fe  Stæng. 

6tanf  a,  pi  =,  (Øemingen  at  ftanfe)  sprinkling, 
sprinkle;  (f.  SK.  (ftabeffont)  staln,  spot,  splash; 
(SøO  spray;  fig  touch,  taste,  sprinkling,  dash; 
tofte  .  paa  throw  a  slur  on.  Stornte  vt  (f.  (SK. 
X*j)  sprinkle;  (ooerflanfe)  splash,  spatter,  .  fkmb 
paa  en,  paa  ffluloet  sprinkle  water  upon  one, 
upon  the  floor;  bet  -r  lt  drizzles.  —  Stonfej' 
toft  sprinkle,  -laber,  -ffinnc  splash-board,  dash 
ing-board.  Stanfet  o  spotted. 
water  for  sprinkling.  Stænfning 
etc;  (flQbenbe  Wrtal«)  spattering, 
sprinkling  raln,  sprinkle. 

tStante  c  -r  stile. 

Star  [*Star1  c  -e  starling,  St*rnu$. 

Star   'Stcer'  e  ^  fe  Star. 

Star  rStæt'j  c  ub.  pi:  ben  graa  ~  (Sttgbom) 
cataract,  glaucoma;  ben  forte  -  amaurosis,  drop 
Berene;  operere  for  .  coach  a  cataract.  -blinb  a 
purblind.     -briller  spectacles  for  couched  eyes. 

Starlbrotfef  fe  Rofenbro«feI.    -bue  starling. 

Staretue  c  tuft  el.  tussock  of  sedge. 

StarjaraA  fe  Star>. 

Starfftnbc  o  film  of  the  cataract. 

Start  o  strong;  (foar)  stout;  -e  Driffe  strong 
el.  heady  ilquors,  ardent  splrlts.  .  Jhilbe  severe 
el.  intense  coid;  -  Barme  Intense  heat;  _  Regn 
heavy  rain;  -  Zorben  load  thunder;  en  .  Sinb 
a  violent  el.  high  wind;  en  -  Strøm  a  rapid 
current;  -  Sabning  high  charge;  et  -t  Slag  a 
violent  el.  severe  blow;  -  (ttnftgtt*)  ffarbe  deep 
colour;  en  -  Sriftert  a  powerral  telescope;  . 
gfeber  high  fever;  -e  Vanber  strong-minded  per- 
sons; er  meget  -  at  flibe  paa  has  a  great  amount 
of  wear  in  lt;  bet  er  et  -t  Stbtfe  that  is  going  it 
rather  far.  that  Is  rather  extraordinary,  rather 
too  bad;  pan  nar  mig  for  -  f  he  was  too  many 
for  me;  ftriftelfen  blev  mig  for  -  the  temptation 
was  too  much  for  me;  bet  bteo  mig  for  -t  it 
would  no  longer  go  down  with  me;  be  bare 
10,000  SRanb  -e  they  mustered  10,000,  they  were 
10,000  strong;  oare  -  i  en  fttbenftab  be  well 
vened  in  a  science;  et  3nbtrbf  fom  er  blenet  -ere 
og  -ere  bo*  mig  an  impresslon  that  has  grown 
upon  me;  ben  -ere4  fRet  the  law  of  the  stronger 
el.  Btrongest,  the  right  of  the  strong  band,  dub 
law;  —  ftcetft  a€h:  goa  .  walk  quick  el.  fast; 
bet  btafer  .  lt  blows  hard;  bet  regner  •  it  ratns 
very  hard  el.  fast,  lt  rains  apace;  bet  frnfer  . 
lt  freeses  hard;  blabe  .  bleed  fireely;  bolle  . 
grow  apace;  tante  -  paa  noget  think  seriously  of 
somethlng;  ^an  er  .  forfalben  el.  bengiben  til  vrit 
he  is  much  given  el.  addicted  to  drink  el. 

StartaAfe  c  starling-boz. 

Starttlbr faftet  a  strongly-fortlfled.  -iMget  a 
strong(ly)-built.  -ti  strong  beer.  Startn anb 
diluted  aqua  fortis. 

Starltnto  cataract  -knife.  -naal  couching 
•needle.     -operation  couching  for  tbe  cataract. 

Start  4,  fe  Stiart. 

tStatte  fe  Stante. 

Stab«  e  J,  (^orO  stem,   prow;   (8ag0  stern 

-post;   fra 

c  4,  (i 

from  stem  to  stem;  frpse  ooer 




.  make  headway;  Shb  meb  rejfenbe  -  blnff 
-headed  snip.  Storbnlbaanb  stem-band.  -be« 
tabuet  o  armed  with  bow  and  stem  gu  ns. 
Stttbae  oi  head,  stand,  steer;  .  i  mob  head  right 
on.  bear  towarda;  _  <Rorb  eftrt  stand  to  the 
northward;  bttøb  _  bi  nu?  how  is  her  head  now? 
—  ri  «■  _  imob;  .  Søerne  head  the  sea;  .  Strøm« 
men  stem  the  tfde  el.  current. 

Stttbne  vt  (nefCcere;  affappe)  prune,  poll;  trim, 

Stotbne  n  -r  appointment,  rendezvous,  assfgna- 
tion;  *e  fleet  of  coaøting  traders;  fætte  en  - 
make  an  appointment  to  meet  one.  Storø  ne  tf 
rinfcftøøne)  summon,  rite,  serve  with  a  writ;  ban 
bar  -t  mig  bertøn  i  flften  f  he  has  appointed 
me  to  meet  him  there  this  evening.  Siorbne|* 
bag  day  flxed  by  snmmons  to  appear  in  court. 
-maat  fe  Stabning.  -møbe  rendezvous,  asslgna- 
tion,  m  tryst.    -penge  pi  citation  fees. 

9t«»ne|tr«  n  poulard. 

Srcebneøibne  n  fe  Stsbningftmanb. 

Starøn  jfalb  J,  rake  of  the  stem.  -fob  stem 
•foot  (o.  fl.).    -ilb  end  on  flre. 

Stauning  a  ((gerningen)  summontDg  etc.;  ffrrift« 
Uq  ftnbtolbelfe)  summons,  eilation.  Stavning*' 
tnanb  o  Hummoner,  process-server. 

Stabn|rano«er  bow-and  stem  guns.  -fHnncr 
shoelng  piates.  -flnb  rake  of  the  stem  or  stem 
-post.  -ftøtter  skeg  shores.  -trar  stem  piece 
and  stern  piece. 

♦Stø  o  -er  landing  plaoe,  hard. 

*6tø\  fløb  a  Bteady,  firm;  fta<b)t  adv  fe  Støt. 
♦Stø.  ffløbe)  vt  steady,  support. 

*Srøb  n,  pi  —,  goblet 

Støb  (jrornetø  »Jløbntit(0  steeplng  of  grain; 
(ftorn.  fom  bat  txeret  i  Wøb)  steeped  grain. 

Støbt,  -te,  -t  vt  found,  cast;  (efter  en  bid  TOobel 
fl.  i  en  Sform)  mould;  (om  flow)  steep;  -t  3«rn, 
Staal  cast  lron,  steel;  -  Sranoner,  Slugter  ofo.  cast 
cannons,  balls  etc;  .  £b*  mould  candles,  f 
bob  (and  curtsey);  ftraflen  flbber  fom  om  ben  bar 
-t  paa  Dem  the  coat  flts  you  like  a  glove;  flbber 
fom  -t  paa  grftrn  sits  as  if  rooted  to  the  saddle. 
Støbe<arbeibe  work  of  cast  metal,  -ffaffe  flask. 
-form  mould.  -fnnb  archn  cast-flnd.  -gøbft  cast 
work,  cast-iron  ware,  castings  pi.  -bold  head. 
-bnf  funnel.  -$n#  foundry.  -faitt  casting  house 
el.  hnt.    -jam  cast-iron. 

Støbefar  n  steeper. 

Sføbe|fnølb  fe  -tap.    -(er  vitriflable  marl. 

Støbetab  c  cold  lye. 

Støbe  |  (tot  mould-candle.  -malm  casting  metal, 
•øbn  smelting  furnace.  Støber  c  -e  founder, 
ruster,  Støbe]  rønbseam.  -r  en  be  gutter.  Støberi' 
n  foundry.  Sføbc|fanb  sand  for  found ers. 
-frbbel  typ  hill  of  fount.  -fføif  outer-coating. 
-ffe  casting  ladle,  hand-ladle.  -fror^e  fe  -fla(. 
-fraal  cast-steel.  -ften  artificial  stone.  -to*  head. 
Støbning  c  founding,  casting  etc;  fig  af  een  - 
(all)  of  one  piece. 

Støb  n  support. 

"Støb,  Støbe  fe  Stø 

Støb  n,  vi  =,  tøanbltngen)  push,  tb  nist;  (meb 
fcooebet)  butt;  (meb  gobrn)  kick;  (meb  Vtbuen, 
|>aanben)  push,  shove,  nudge;  (meb  $oU)  stab; 
(i  ftcegtntng)  longe,  thrust;  (»eb  Sammenftob,  og 
fa)  *hock,  blow.  &  (mob  ©runben)  thump,  bump; 
(af  Cogn)  jog,  jolt;  (beb  Oørbrpflelfe)  shock,  con- 
oiwion;  (rifftrtff)  shock;  (Binb)  gust.  puff;  (i 
Trompet)  blast;  (om  £elbreben>  shock;  (»irfningen 
af  f.  8K.  tøæbeflag)  brui^e;  (Ujcebnbeber  i  $ej)  un- 
evenness  of  grouud;  (beb  $lanfer)  butt;  (Stub  af 
2ra»,  pi  ogf.  -e)  stub,  stump;  t  prov  (Stbflf, 
€tunb)  bit:  fio  (ti!  noget)  impulse;  tage  -  (i  en 
S?aab)  fend  off,  afoærge  -et  ward  off  the  blow; 
gioe  et  -  i  en  trompet  sound  a  trampet;  fa  bet 

bar  et  boarbt  -  for  $am  tbat  waa  a  hard  el.  sart 
blow  et  shock  to  him;  bet  førfle  -  the  flr>t 
shock,  (i  93 ifl.  the  lead);  tage  imob  bet  førfte  - 
take  the  first  brunt;  gioe  bet  ftbfte  -  put  the 
flnishing  stroke  to.  Støbla'f:  en  gammel  .  an 
old  fogy.  -bract  (i  Xrappe)  ii«er.  -bnnb  breecb, 
bottom.  -bnnbftflrnc  breech-pin.  •cenrrttm 
centre  of  percusslon. 

Støbe,  -te,  -t  vt  &  i  (puffe)  pash,  thrust;  Cfør- 
ncerme)  oflend,  hurt;  (oirfe  -nbe  paa)  jar  upon, 
(i  SWortfr)  ponnd,   pestle,  bray;  (om  Sogn)  Jolt. 
jog;  (om  ©etxtret)  kick,  recoil;  røm  Slib)  strike; 
en  ^efi  ber  -r  a  hard-trotting  horse;  .  en  Jrotøøtte 
make  a  summerset;  .  Piet  oflend  the  eye;  blttir 
t  be  offended,   take  offence;    -    fig  hurt  one's 
self;  •  af  knock  off;  .an  offend  (imob  agalnst): 
,  en  for  9rt)ftet  strike  one  upon  the  che*t,  hit 
one  a  blow  upon  the  chest;   .  en  for  $ottbet 
affroot,  offend  one;  -  fra  (fianb)  push  off,  shove 
off;  .  en  ftonge  fra  tronen  dethrone  a  king;  ttan 
-r  alle  fra  fig  beb  fin  ubtntige  Vbfeerb  he  repels 
everybody  by  his  unfriendly  demeanour;  .  ^nl 
i  knock  a  hole  in;  -  en  Iraaxbe  i  Sivet  paa  en 
run  a  sword  into  one's  body,   run  one  through 
with  a  sword;  .  i  en  Xrompet  blow  el.  sound  a 
trampet;  -r  i  røbt  ha«  a  shade  of  red;  jeg   bte 
meb  fro  ben  imob  el.  paa  ...   I  struck  my  foot 
agalnst  .  .  .;  .  imob  (ramme)  strike;  -  inb  knock 
in;   .  Søren  inb  break  el.  burst  open  the  door; 
-  neb  knock  down,  (meb  Stnio,  Swrrb)  stab;    - 
om  fil  Ib  push  el.  thrust  down,  overturn,  over 
throw,  (fun  fig)  subvert;   -  op  (lø«)  start;   -  op 
til  be  adjacent  to,  abut  upon,  adjoin;   -  Døren 
op  push  the  door  open;  bet  -r  op  i  tøm  he  1* 
belching;    benne   Stab   -r   op   this   meat  comes 
against  me;  -  en  $are  op  start  a  hare;   -  o  Der 
knock  over;   61ioe  -t  ober  noget  take  offence  at 
a  thing;  .  oberborb  knock  overboard;  .ober- 
enbe  overturn,  overthrow,  npset.  .paa  (noget » 
stumble  el.  light  upon,  come  across;   tøi<  jeg  -r 
paa  bet  if  it  ful  Is  in  my  way;   -  paa  øntnb  run 
aground,  strike;  .  paa  en  fall  In  with  one.  meet 
one  unexpectedly;   blibe  -t  paa  en  be  offende<1 
with  one;   .  fammen  come  in  contact,   ran  el. 
knock  together,   (f.  (Efe.  om  Sfibe)  ran   fonl  of 
each  other,  collide;   mat  meet;  .  fammen  i  eet 
$unft  converge  to  one  point;  bi  -te  fammen  af  en 
^eenbelfe  we  met  fortultously.  .  til  (f.  Ctf.  ^>aren- 
join  (the  army);   tøn  -te  Hf  mig  he  gave  me  a 
push,    he  ran  against   me;    .  til   (Utølb   o.  b.) 
happen,  snpervene;  .  ub  knock  out;  .  en  ub  af 
en  3orfam!ing  expel  one  from  el.  tara  one  ont 
of  a  meeting;   —   ftøbenbe  a  offensive,   barsh, 
(fe  obfr.);   —  ftøbt  part  k  a  fe   obfr.;   .  gtugt 
bruised   e(.   specked   fruSt.     Støbejbnf   beetle. 
-mafline  key-groove  engine,  slotting  machfne 
Støber  c  -e  (i  Vcorrer)  pestle;  F  rn  gammn  .  an 
old  fellow  el.  fogy. 

©tø  bjfnge  vertical  joint.  -Ijott  top  timber. 
•btrprrt  hydraulic  lever. 

'Støbig  a  steady. 

Støb!  j«m  (p.  ®øefe)  stopper  (for  the  rammer); 
(p.  Hf «el)  hnrter-plate.  -faarbe  rapier.  •flingr 
thrust  i  ng  blade,  -feber  bill  tip.  -mine  torpedo 
Støbning  c  pushing,  jolting  etc.  Støb|pn»e 
buffer,  -remme  pi  cheek-braces.  -flinne  Oamb  ) 
shin,  flsh  plate.  -ffibe  axle-tree-washer,  pole 
-plate.    -fMØe  r^ernb.)  joint  sleeper. 

Støbt  "do  fe  Stø,  Støt. 

Stø  b|t«nb  tusk.  -tang  tongs  with  to  and  fro 
motion,    -tonen  the  glottal  catch. 

Støbtbørf  adv  fe  Støt. 

Stø  bjøaabra  weapon  for  thrusting.  -»i*  adv 
by  (uts  and)  starts,  at  intervals,  (om  9uu>)  in 

*Støbeb  c  steadiness. 




Støj  c  noise,  racket;  gøre  -  make  a  noise. 
Støje  vt  make  a  noise;  —  ftøjenbe a  nolsy; 
i  frrigenbe,  raabe nbe)  vociferous,  clamorous.  Støjen 
«:  clnmour,  voct  fe  ration. 

tStøfen  porf :  fcoor  ban  et  -  og  fløjen  F  where 
he  has  gone  to. 

•Bittit  vt  start  (a  bolt). 

Støtter  e  soad,  horee  mackerel,  Oronx  tra- 

*Støl  c  -er,  fe  Serier. 

Stønnet?«  moan,  groan.  Stønnen  c  moaning, 
groaning,  moan,  groan. 

*  Stønner (t)  c  -er  stanchion. 

*Støp  »,  pi  »,   hole  in  the  road  (in  winter). 

Stør  c  -er  sturgeon,  Aeipenner  »turio. 

*Stør  c  -er  pole.  Støre  1 1  put  (the  corn)  on 
pol  es  (for  drying). 

Stø'rfangft  c  sturgeon-fishery. 

*Størf)uø  ncooking-,  brewing-,  wasbing-house. 

Stø  rboai  e  fe  Sparøugger. 

'Størje  c  -r,  fe  røofrelftøTje. 

Størt[nr  m  coagulate,  curdle,  congeal,  dot; 
t  glob  gore.  *uixg  e  coogealing  etc,  oongela- 
tion,  coagnlation. 

Større  eomp  af  Stor;  ben  .  ftatettømuø  the 
longer  catechism;  —  adv:  f  ilte  -  not  very 

Størrelfe  c  -r  (baabe  legemlig  og  inbbørtel  Stor« 
beb)  greatness,  magnitnde;  (i  Slmenfioner)  large- 
ness,  size;  fZt^ffelfe,  Omfang)  bigness,  bulk;  ($ø]be 
ofo.)  tallness,  helght;  math  k  art  (og  om  fftr) 
magnitnde;  (i  VIgebra)  quantity;  ($erfon)  nota- 
bi  U  ty,  otar,  person  of  note;  noturi ig  .  (om  Vtalerier, 
Statuer  ofø.)  fhll,  natural  size;  i  naturlig  -  as 
large  as  life.  Størrelfelocre  algebra;  geometry; 

Størrøgu  c  roe  of  the  sturgeon. 

Størft  åvperl  af  ©tor.  Størftrbrfen  the  greater 
part,  the  best  part,  the  major  part  el.  portion, 
the  generality,  most;  for  -  for  the  most  part, 

Støt'  adv  flrmly,  steadily;  Vonstantly;  -  faa 
ȣ,  stesdy  ras  she  goes) !  ftabet  ligger  -  the  cask 
is  home;  (ogf .  imper  af  Stolte);  .  oat  eonstantly; 

+Støt'  a  steady;  sure.    -beb  e  steadfness. 

Støtte  vt  stay,  (ogfaajSp)  prop,  support,  sustaln, 
hear  up,  fia  back  up,  bear  out;  J,  (ljale  tct)  baul 
tant;  flot  bet  (Moret)  steady  the  helm!  ftøt  ben 
meb  Rorrt  meet  her  with  the  helm !  -  en  Vtening 
paa  found  el.  rost  an  opinion  on;  — •  vt  ,  ftg  paa 
ef.  til  lean  upon  el.  agalnst;  fia  rely  on;  —  vi 
stand;  ftøt  for  Hffalb!  keep  her  to!  nothing  off! 
ban  fan  iffr  -  paa  fine  Ven  he  cannot  stand  on 
his  legs.  Støtte  c  -r  prop,  stay,  support,  »hore; 
(Søjle)  column,  pillar;  (»illfb«)  statue;  (Sttoer) 
nbore;  j,  (beb  bet  øpftoaenbr)  stanchion;  (imellem 
$<ettene)  pillar;  fig  supporter,  support;  ftaa  fom 
rn  .  stand  like  a  statue;  bon  bar  min  Wberbom« 
_  he  was  the  prop  of  my  age,  a  comfort  to  my 
age;  til  -  for  in  support  of.  Støtte|blab  stlpule. 
-boer  stylite.  -bat  stanchion.  -flabe  lowersnr- 
face.  -fob  pedestal,  foot  of  a  column  el.  pillar. 
-gang  colonnade.  -b*g*  side-hook.  -(jefgen 
Styliie.  -fcøbeb  fe  -tnap.  -http  capital  of  a 
column,  -tæp  fe  -flao.  -pille  pillar,  colnmn. 
•puutt  point  of  support,  -frage  stay,  •  prop. 
•flab  staff,  support,  -too  gny.  -bart  substruc- 
ture;  "horing,  snores. 

"etatting  fe  Stnttmg. 

©too  n  (ogfaa  fio)  dust;  (paa  Sommerfuglenes 
Singer)  scales  pl\  gore  .  raise  the  dust,  make  a 
dust;  -et*  Var  the  days  of  our  years;  fpo  Øange 
ti  er  -et«  Var  three  score  and  ten  is  the  mark; 
-et«  Oorn,  Sønner  the  children  of  clay.  Stø'OI- 
oab   ynpour  bath.     -bl ab   fe   -brager,     -blomft 

male  flower.  -bolb(t)  puck-ball,  puff-ball,  Lyco- 
perdon  bovitta.  -branb  burnt-ear,  smut  of  corn, 
Uredo  *egetum.  -briQer  goggles.  -bel  fe  -gran. 
•brager  stamen.  -»--bragt  poet  fe  -batte,  -barile 
coat  el.  layer  of  dust;  fiø  mortal  frame,  vessel, 
coil,  tenement  of  clay.  -battet  a  covered  with 
dust,  dusty. 

Stone  vt  track  el.  hunt  by  the  scent;  .  Silbt 
op  start  game;  -  op  (fia)  lerret  el.  hnnt  out;  . 
igennem  search  (through);  —  vi  -  efter  search  el. 
rake  for;  -  omtring  efter  hnnt  el.  rake  about  for. 

Støbe  vi  be  dusty;  +fe  Støbregne;  bet  -r  ftoerft 
Jt  is  very  dusty;  tf  -  af  dust,  wipe  away  the 
dust.    Støt>e|tlnb  duster.    -toft  dust-brush. 

Støber  c  -e  hound,  retriever;  *F  flrst-rate 
hånd,  dab. 

Xtøøengle  c  feather-brush,  whisk-brush. 

Stø  Olformig  a  in  the  form  of  dust,  pul  ve  rous. 
-frotte  duster,  dust-coat.  -fri  a  free  from  dust. 
-gemme  fe  -fnop.  -gran(b)  atom,  mote.  -boirbel 
eddy  of  dust.  -forb  dusty  soil.  -faabe  Mouse. 
•fanal  ^  pollen  tube.  -tappe  fe  -fratte.  -tnap, 
•tnop  $  antber.  -tor«  fe  9oQen>.  -ful  small 
•  coal.  -fag  layer  of  dust.  -(abine  drift  ava- 

Støbte  e  -r  boot;  (fang)  blucher,  Wellington; 
($umpe>)  barrel;  F  bftre  paa  -rne  be  on  the  move; 
be  drunk;  f  en  gob  .  with  a  difference;  en  gob 
-  er  bu  the  devil  you  are;  bu  fnatter  en  gob  - 
you  talk  nonsense;  ^  TOoften  fiaav  i  -  the  mast 
is  flshed  below  deck.  Støbte  c«  f  march.  trot. 
Støble|beftbtter  boot  protector.  -blot  boot-tree, 
set  of  boot-trees.  -børfte  blacking-brush.  -fob 
foot  of  a  boot.  -bal  heel  of  a  boot.  -tlem 
plnching  boots.  -tHorgt  boot-Jack.  -trabe  boot 
•top.  -frog  boot-hook.  -læber  boot-leather. 
-Kttfe  toe.  -pnbfer  shoe-black,  boot-cleaner. 
-faal(e)  boot-sole.  -finte  tip.  -ftaft  leg  of  a 
boot,  boot-leg.  -ftraber  (door*)scraper.  -fnabel 
long  toe.  -fnnbe,  -fplbft  boo^tip,  toe.  -Urop 
boot-strap,  boot-garter.  -frrømper  pi  boot-stock- 
ings.  Støbfet  a  boot  ed,  in  boots;  (om  Sug  I) 
Bbaggyfooted . 

Støolet'ter  pi  fr  SHoeletter. 

Stø  olmel  mlllduKt,  dustings;  $  pollen,  -naat 
>  stamen.  Støbning  c  dusting.  Støb; perle 
seed-pearl.  -plet  snot  of  dust.  -pnng  fe  -fnop. 
-regn  drizzling  raln.  -regne  vi  drlzzle,  mizzle 
-rør  $  pollen  tube.  -fanb  fine  sand.  -flgte 
flne  steve,  -flglning  (af  xrubr)  dusting,  winnow- 
ing.  -flto  cloud  of  dust.  -fpabe  dust-pau. 
-fbømp  fe  -bolb.  -fat  pollen  bag.  -taage  cloud 
of  dust.  -traab  filament,  -tort  a  dust-proof. 
-tør  a  dry  as  dust.    *bef  pistil,  pointal. 

Subalpinfl  a  subalpine. 

Subaltern'  abet  subal'tern,  subordinate, 

Subart'tifl  a  subarctlc. 

Sub  bad  e  sub-base,  sub-bass. 

*Snbbe  vi  dabble,  splash;  drag.  Snbbe  c  slut. 
Snbbet  n  sluttish. 

Snbblfag  »  sub-voucber. 

SubbomTuant  c  subdominant. 

Sab|eft'  n  -*r  sab'ject;  et  baarligt#  forlorent  - 
a  mauvais  sujet,  a  bad  lot,  a  black  sheep;  et 
ungt  -  a  youth,  a  young  man.  Snb'jettitø  u 
subjec'tive.    -ibltet  c  subjectiv'ity. 

Snb  fnnftib  c  the  subjunc'tive  (mode). 

Subtuta  n  o  subcutaneons. 

Subli  m  a  sublime.  ~a't  n  -er  sub'limate. 
-e're  vt  subiimate.    -e  ring  c  sublimation. 

Sublunarift  a  sublu'nary. 

Submarin  a  submarine. 

Sttbmti'  i  submissive,  hnmble. 

Submnrtipfnm  n  submultiple. 

Suborbinlation  o  subordlna'tlon.     -atiø'nø'* 




•fejl,  -atiouiforfeelfc  breach  of  diocipline,  dis- 
respect.    -c're  vt  subo'rdinate. 

6ubørb/b  n  subox'ide. 

©ttb|frbier  pi  sub'sidies  pi-,  a  subsidy.  -flbie« 
iruttat  cootract  of  subsidy.  -fibitt'r  a  subsid'- 

Subfifteuft'  e  subsist'enoe.  -mibter  means  of 

6ubftri|bc'rc  vi  (paa)  subscribe  (to),  -bent'  c 
-er  subscrtber.  -btio'n  c  -er  subscrip'tlon.  — 
6ubftrtfttiouo,|bai  subscription  ball.  -iubb*< 
belfc  prospectus.  -lifte  list  of  subscriberB.  -plan 

6ub|ftauo"  c  -er  sub'stance;  (ttoq.)  gelatine. 
•Ran  ti  el'  c  suhstan'tial.  -'ftautib  n  -er  noan. 
•'ftautibiff  n  substan'tlve. 

©ubfti|tue're  or  sub'stitute.  -tut'  c  -er  sub'- 
stitute.    -tttiio'u  c  substitution. 

©ubftra't  n  -er  substratum. 

©ubfuute're  vt  subsu'me. 

©ubtii  a  flne-spun,  over-reflned. 

©ubcrajljeub'  c  -er  subtrahend,  -fccrr  vt  sub- 
tract'.    -ttio'u  o  -er  subtrac'tion. 

©ubrrø'bift  a  subtrop'ical. 

6nb»eu|e're  o/  aid.    -tip'n  c  subren'tion. 

©ubau  n  the  Souda'n. 

©nbrr  c  -e  tench,  Cgprinue  tinoa. 

6uble  oc  tit  soli. 

Guffljfau'ce  c  self-sufflciency,  assertiveness. 
-fast'  a  self-suf&ctent;  substantial,  stout. 

6ufftg'  n  -er  surFix. 

©nffkre  vt  prompt.  GnffU'r c  -er  prompter. 
f3ttffUTr|bøg  prompt-book,  prompt-oopy.  -tul 
prompter'«  box     ©nfflofe  c  -r  prompter. 

©ttjjraga'u(-biffob)  c  -er  suffragan. 

"©u'gbraa  *  backsweep  of  the  waves. 

©uge  et  A  c  suck;  «,  op  suck  up;  -  i  fig.  til  fifl 
suck  In,  imbibe,  absorb,  .  lig  fofl  adhere;  fe  8a&. 
£uge|aare  absorbent.  -fifl  remora,  Eeheneie  re 
mora.  -fob  suctorial  foot.  -glat  breast-glass. 
•fob  Rucker.  -læber  sucker.  -mnnb  mouth 
adapted  for  suction.  6ugrn  c  suoking,  suction. 
©uge  |  orm  gourd-worm.  -bumpe  aucklng-  el. 
suction-pump;  tnjf«  og  -  lifting  and  fordng 
pump.  -rob  sucker.  -ror  sucklng-pipe  el.  -tube. 
•ftaol,  -flibe  (&o*  3gle,  Wæff.)  sucking-disc, 
sucker.  -fuabel  trunk  (of  insects).  -beuilt  foot 
valve.  -borte  nippie,  teat,  dug.  -boege  suction 
-wick.    -bart  pumping  apparatas. 

*©ngg  c  -er  big,  thumping  fellow. 

*©ngge  e  -r  sow;  <J,  dumb-cleat.  -tab  4>  dumb 

©uggefti'bfbørgftmaal  n  leading  question. 

©n'guiug  c  sucking,  suction. 

©nit'e  c  -t  fårølge)  retlnue,  attendance,  (ogfaa 
Watte)  suite;  (i  Jtortfptl)  sequence,  flush;  å  la  - 
tt <  il  unattached. 

©af  n,  jtf  =  <fc  -fe  sigh,  (tungt)  groan;  -tene* 
©ro  the  Bridge  of  Stghs;  *p  bi  foot  iRe  -  for  ol 
we  get  no  resptte. 

Guta't  e  Buc'cade,  candied  lemon-peel. 

©utce|bcre  vt  succeed.  -•'  o  success.  -tflou 
c  succes'sion.  —  6  ufceø'flø'uø'l  berettiget  a  inherit- 
able.  -trig  war  of  succession;  ben  l&anfte  _  the 
war  of  the  Spanien  succession,  -orbeii  order  of 
succession,  -bnlber  succession  powder.  -ret 
(right  o0  succession,  ©af'ceéfib  a  succes'sive. 
©ntceS  før  c  -o 'rer  successor. 

©uffe  vi  sigh,  (tungt)  groan;  -  efter  sigh  el. 
groan  for  el.  after;  -  for  adore;  -  ooer  sigh  over 
el.  for;  .  unber  groan  under.  $nffeu  c  slghlng; 
Stnbrnft  _  the  soughing  of  the  wind. 

6uffer  n  -e  sugar;  en  %op  .  a  loaf  of  sugar; 
raot  _  raw  sugar;  raffineret  -  reflned  sugar;  neb> 
lægge  i  -  preserve  in  sugar.  6utfer|  ag  urter 
cucumbers  preserved  in  sugar.     -aborn  fe  -Ion. 

-abt  cnltivation  of  the  sagar-cane.    -tager  oou- 
fectioner.  -bagerburif  oonfectioner's  shop,  candr 
-shop.    -bageri  confectionery.    -bagosri  confec- 
tionery.  -bebe  fe  -roe.  -brob  sponge-cake.  -b«m«e 
sugar-bean,    Pkweolu*   rmlgtrii.      -bO*fe   sngax 
-box.     -baofe  sugar-box.     -bauueHe  formation 
of  sugar.   -bejg  comflt-paste.   -f  abrif  ariou 
facture  of  sugar.    -fab  sugar-cask.    -for«  sågar 
-mould.     -gaft  sugar-mite,  LenUma  wcekarinn. 
-gobt  confectionery,  sweets.    -bjrfe  sugar  mlUet, 
Sorahum  **ccharatum.    -Ijolbig  a  saochariferoas. 
-bofbia|eb  c  richness  in  sugar;  amount  of  sugar. 
•bonutug  sugar-honey.    -b,«#  sugar-house,  sågar 
-reflnery.     -i«f  sugar-crop.     -fuge  sugar-oake. 
-tanbii  sugar-candy.    *-fabriug  fe  -tbebaf .    -Cilrr 
sucar-box.      -fiftetr«    Cuba   wood.     -flemaie. 
'•flttbe  fe  tang.    -logeri  sugarbollery.    -friagle 
sugar-cracknei.     -fugte  sugar-plum.     -talor  ca- 
ramel.     -Ion  sugar-maple,  -tree,   Acer  øacekari 
nu«,     -manbrt  sugar-almond,  sugarod  almond. 
-mart  sugar-fleld.    -melou  musk- melon,    -mefler 
overseer  in  a  reflnery.     -mnub  sweet-mouthed 
person.   -m«rfe  ^  sklrret,  Stum  «w«rttm.   -mo)Be 
sugar -mill.  -obUduiug  solution  of  sugar.  -falme 
sugar    palm,    Arena*   »icchtrifera.      -blautagt 
Bugar-plaolatlon.    -bleffe«  sweet  eake.    -pt*9cr 
sacoharometer.  -bare  sugar-pear,  blanket,  -raffl« 
uaberi  sugar- reflnery.   -rob  fe -merle,   -roe  sugar 
-beet.     -rofe  damask  roie.     -ror  sugar-cane. 
-faft  juice  of  the  sugar-cane.  -fager  confection- 
ery.    -fat«    sugax-nippers   pi.     -flrnb    syrup. 
-ffaat  sugar-basin.    -ffe  sugar-spoon.   -fwofl  t**t^ 
of  sugar.     -tof  saccharine  matter  e(.  principle. 
-fttbcr  sugar-boller.    -fbberi  sugar-boilery.    -fuge 
diabetes,    -fbfte  vt  oonserve,  candy.     -fbre  sac- 
charic  acid.    -fob  a  sweet  as  sugar.    -taug  sugar 
•tongs  pi.     -tang  ^  sweet  tangle,  honey-ware, 
Limiwiria  øacoharina.  -t0»  sugar  loaf.  -tobf orutet 
a  ftltbpe  sugar-loaf  rock.     -roebaf  sweet-bisouit. 
-to|  confectionery.     *-uuge   F  darllng,  honey. 
•banb  sugared  water.    -barer  fe  -to i.    -uarefabri- 
faut  confectioner.  -arter  sugar-peas,  sweet  peas. 
-ol  sugar-beer.     ©ulre  vt  sugar,  sweeten  wlth 

6ul  n  meat. 

eulamitb.  biål  8hulamite. 

6u(e  vi  f.  Sft.  ijlæff  -r  mere  enb  Hob  pork  goes 
farther  than  beef. 

6ule  ø  -r  gannet,  solangoose,  booby,  S*la 

©ulelfab  dish  of  meal  -mob  meat.  -barer 
pi  meat.  -bffOtug  milk-porridge  boiled  wlth 

6ulf|a't  n  -er  suTphate.     -i'b  n  -er  sul'phide 
-it  n  sulphite.  —  6nlfo|falt sulpho-salt.    -fbre 
«ulphur  acid.    ©ulfure't  n  sul'phuret. 

f3n(t  e  hunger;  fe  funger. 

fiuUou  e  -er  sultan,  -tub'e  c  -c  sultana.  #3ul' 
tanéboue  purpie  waterhen,  Parphvrio.   * 

©ulte  vi  hunger,  starve;  .  ibirf  die  of  starra- 
tlon;  vt  Rtarve,  famlsh;  .  irjfel  starre  to  death. 
klll  by  starvatlon;  .  ub  famish,  starre  (out). 
6ufte|fobre,  -fobe  vt  feed  III  el.  scantily,  under- 
feed,  starve.  -fobe  insufficient  food.  -funfteu 
the  art  of  starving.  -tuufrner  artist  in  starring. 
-tur  low,  strlct  regimen,  usting  euro.  -Itu 
starration  wages.  €nlteu  a  hungry,  sharp-set; 
naar  man  er  -.  f mager  alting  gobt  hunger  Is  the 
beat  sauce.    #3u(t i b.  jet  F  starvaUon. 

©atuoerne  the  Sooloo  Islands  el.  Archipelago. 

6unt'  e  -mer  sum;  ben  b^ele  -  the  sum  total. 

6umat  c  s  umach. 

6umbu(rob  c  sumbul-root,  Bmr^anoiwn  mnmbml. 

°©amle  vi  fe  6møfe. 

Øuututa  c  fe  ©um;  -  Saterif  corrled  forward; 
in  -  altogether,  In  short.     ©ammarift  a  sum'- 




mary,  sweeping,  wholesale;  adv  summarily. 
Gnmme  op  vt  sum  el.  cast  up,  total  up;  vi  bet 
-r  (fig)  op  It  runs  up  to  a  large  sum. 

Summe  fig  vr  compose  one's  mind,  colleot 
one's  self,  recover  one  s  balance. 

Summe  vi  buzz,  hum;  -nbe  Jtonfonanter  voiced 
consonants.    6nnmt«  o  hummtng,  buzz  In*. 

Snmme're  vt,  .  fammen,  fe  Gumme.  Sum* 
utering  e  summing  up. 

Sum*  e  -e  (fib  (Egn)  swamp,  fen;  fubgraoet  %ov 
bqbning)  pool.  Sum*|agtig  a  swampy,  fenny. 
-biener  coypu,  Myopotamuå  coypu*.  -cWre*  de- 
ciduous  cypress,  Taxodium.  -eg  swamp  oak, 
tree  horsetail.  Caiuarina  equueii/olia.  Sumbet 
a  fe  -agtig.  Sumpfeber  marsh  fever.  -firben 
eft,  Licerta  paludoøa.  -fugt  fen-fowl.  »aa9  fire 
-damp,  marsh-gas.  -gruub  ie-jorb.  -tøgharrier, 
Circu*.  -føne  (fmaopUttet)  spotted  gallinule, 
Gallinula  portana;  (r*bb!i6fet)common  gallinule, 
water-hen.  O.  chloropu*.  SumAtg  a  fe  -agtig. 
Sumpliofi  swampy  ground.  -laub  swampy 
land.  -tåubøfagbømme  paludal  dlseases.  -Io# 
booted  lynz,  Lynx  ckmu.  -luft  fe  -gat.  -mejfe 
marsh -tiimouæ,  blackcap,  ParutpalustrU.  -»tou- 
ter pi  marsby  piants.  »ril  marsh-rice,  Oryta 
tativa,  -fanger  marsh  warbler,  CtLamodut  pa- 
inttriå.  -ftilbpabbe  mud  tortoise,  Emy*.  -fnegt 
paludlna,    -ftrna  spike-rush,  Eleoekari*. 

Sumutua'rtobe  pi  sum'ptuary  laws. 

Smutugle  shorteared  owl,  £tr»x  brackyottu. 
-nanb  bog-water.    -»ej  path  across  a  swamp. 

Sunb  n  -e  sound;  *'gcergefleb)  ferry;  Sunbet  the 
Sound;  fig  otte  ~  ere  lufte  all  means  of  escape 
are  cut  off. 

Snub  a  (roft)  sound,  healthy,  hale,  healthful; 
(gavnlig  for  sunbljeben)  wholesome,  healthy, 
healthful,  salutary,  salubrious;  friff  og  -  hale 
and  bearty;  -t  Xxat  sound  el.  hearty  wood;  -t 
£egeme  sound  el.  hale  body;  en  -  Sjal  i  et  -t 
£egeme  a  sane  mind  in  a  sane  body;  -  gorftonb, 

-  vtennefteforfiaiib  sound,  common  el.  good  Benso, 
sound  understanding;  .  Dom  el.  Såre  sound 
reasoning,  doctrine;  .  Seliggenlpb,  Sttima,  8e« 
fteeftigelfe,  SRotton  healthy  el.  healthful  situation, 
climate,  employment,  ezercise;  -  ftøbe  whole- 
some food;  -  tfuft  (el.  ftlima)  salubrious  air 

Snuboterne  the  Sunda  Islands. 

Snnbe  fifl,  fe  Summe  fig. 

Sunbfteb  c  health;  (bet  ot  oære  gabnlig  for 
Sunblpben)  healthfulness,  salubrity,  wholesome- 
neas;  britte  en*  -,  paa  en*  -  drink  one's  (good) 
health;  fpabfete  for  fra  -  F  walk  constitutionally. 

—  Snubbet*!  autoriteterne  the  Health  Author- 
ities.  -bebi«  certificate  of  health.  -brønb  min- 
eral waters,  mineral  spring,  thermal  waters. 
•brif  sanitary  potion.  -flonel  Welsh  flannel. 
-forffrifter  sanitary  regulations.  -røbe  exuber- 
ance  of  health.  -fceufttu :  af .  from  considerations 
of  health.  -filbe  fe  -btønb.  -tøttegium,  -tommtf  > 
fion  board  of  health,  sanitary  ooard  el.  com- 
mission.  -lære  dietetlcs  pi.  -ia9  &  blll  of 
health.  -bteje  hygiene.  -politi  sanitary  police. 
-ftr*»e  qnarantine.  -roob  remedy  for  the  pre- 
tervation  of  health.  -regel  dietetic  el.  sanitary 
rule.  -rejfe  excursion  in  pursuit  of  el.  for  the 
recovery  of  health.  -tegn  sign  of  health.  -tit* 
ftoub  state  of  health.  -ubftifltug  Health  Exhibi- 
tion.  +-urt  medicinal  herb.  -bebtagter  fe  -for* 
ffrtfier.   -norfen  sanitary  system;  fe  -autoriteterne. 

Suub|*tarf,  -manb  ferry -man,  waterman. 
••matte  (flsh-)  sound,  flsh-maw,  swim.  *-ftengc 
ferrlage.    *-fcb  ferry.    -tøtb  (the)  sound  dues. 

Sunnbaub  c  sunn  el.  Bengal  hemp,  Orotalari* 

Suuuit'er  pi  Sun'nites,  Sunniahs. 

Sarfen:  $anf!*ffngetf!  Orbbog. 

6nb  c  sup',  sip.    f3nbe  vi  f  tippie. 

Gupttt'  a  superb. 

©tM>erflci*'r|bonbe  superflc'iary.  -fæfte  super* 

Guberlln  c  su'perflne. 

f3K»erfo8fa't  m  superphos'phate  (of  lime) . 

6tt»rrttttfnbent'  c  -er  superinten'dent. 

Øn^erle'r  c  -er  supe'rior  (officer). 

€tMiertor  go  o  -er  superca'rgo,  cap-merohant. 

Qupttlloa  a  overwise;  en  .  $erfon  a  wlseacre. 

Superlativ  n  -er  gram  superlative. 

6ubematnral|id'me  c  supernat'uraliam.  -if 
e  -er  supernat'urallst. 

@nberos&'b  n  perox'ide,  superoxlde. 

Bupi'uum  n  the  su'plne. 

Buppt  e  t  (mefl  om  Støb-)  soup,  broth;  (TOri-, 
9ri)n>)  porridge,  gruel;  (Sonb,  ^bori  Røb  el.  &ift 
er  togt)  boiling. 

ttab^eba'Ø  F  :  bære  i  en  flem  .  be  in  a  nioe 
pickle;  nu  flbbe  Di  raibt  i  -en  we  are  now  in  a 
nice  pickle,  indeed. 

Snbbejfab  soup-dish,  tureen.  -grnbe  soup 
-pot.  -faal  fe  Ssbetaal.  -lage  cake  of  portable 
broth.  -løb  (føorpaa  6.  er  logt)  meat  of  whlch 
soup  has  been  bolled;  (ftøb  til  at  foge  6.  paa) 
meat  flt  for  soup.  -totlen  soup-kltchen.  -mob 
spoon-meat.  -ffaal  porringer,  soup-basin.  -fle 
dessert-spoon.  -flcti  soup-ladle.  •taflerten  soup 
-plate.  -terrin  fe  -fob.  -urter  pi  pot-herbs. 
•bijt  bunch  of  pot-herbs. 

en*|p(e|ant'  c  -er  deputy,  substitute.  -ant« 
forteguelfe  (t.  3fur»j)  tales-book.  -ment7  n  -er 
supplement,  -ment,  -menta'rtft  -menta'r  a 
supplemen'tary,  supplemen'tal.  -'re  vi  supple- 
ment', eke  out.  6nWle'ringf»alg  bye-election. 

Cublblice're  vi  petition,  -ftlif  c  er  petition, 
•»tttanr  c  -er  petitioner,  sup'pllcant,  applicant. 

f3ub»o|nere  vt  suppose.  -fltio'n  o  -er  suppo- 

6njMmr|atiø'tt  o  suppura'tion.  -e'rc  vi  sup'- 

®ubrem| at,  -ati'  n  supremaey.  -a'tøeben  the 
oath  of  supremaey. 

6nr'  fe  ©urt. 

©nr  a  sour,  add;  ckem  acetous;  (og  bitter, 
fom  umoben  &rugt)  acerb,  sharp;  -t  tulfurt  Salt 
snpercarbonate;  »  foSforfur  Stalt  superphosphate 
of  lime  (o.  fl.);  .  Wæl!  sour  mllk,  (ttjl)  old  milk; 
•t  Vrbeibe  hard  work;  favt  -e  Ben  have  uleerous 
el.  uleerated  legs;  ^un  giorbe  ^om  2ioet  -t  she 
led  him  a  (dog's)  life,  she  led  him  a  sad  life 
of  it,  made  life  a  burden  to  him;  efter  ben  føbe 
flise  tommer  ben  -e  Soie  atter  sweet  meat  oomes 
sour  sauce;  ban  fer  faa  -  nb  fom  en  Sbbitebrfigger 
he  looks  as  sour  as  a  erab;  gste  -e  Winer  frown, 
look  surly;  bet  bar  et  -t  Iffble  ftan  maatte  bibe  i 
it  was  a  bitter  pill  he  had  to  swallow;  bet  falber 
mig  -t  it  is  hard  for  me ;  gvre  fig  Sioet  -t  em- 
bitter  one's  own  life;  be  ere  -e,  fogbe  Rceben  on 
SUnnebcerrene  foxes  when  they  cannot  reach  the 

rpes,  say:  they  are  not  ripe;  —  fnrt  adv. 
.  (til)  frown  (at);  -t  fortjent  hard  earned. 
Sn 'ribenet  a  fe  onfr.  -br#b  small  learened  loaf 
made  of  bolted  rye-meal;  *brown  bread.  -brønb 
•e  Sunb^ebåbrsnb.  -brtnbftbanbe  mineral  waters. 
•bejg  leaven;  fig  af  famme  .  fom  of  a  piece  with. 
**haa  ensilage.    -|eb  c  soumess,  actdity. 

Snrbolt  c  ^  port-bar. 

©n'r|b<  fermented  hay.  -taal  sour  crout;  typ 
advance  (on  weekly  wages);  aftjene  fin  -  olear 
an  advance.  -tUncr  oxalis.  -tUnerfalt  oxalate. 
•tUnerf&re  oxalic  add.  -tabcm  a  sourish.  -orale 
vi  look  sour  el.  sulky,  grunip.  -mulen  o, 
-ntnlcri  m  sulkiness.  -m«it  fe  Sur.  Snme  vi. 
turn  sour. 

Snmnmerae'r  a  supernu'merary. 


inftued;  brf  Itbtr  _  (di  mii 

T  am  qdlte  perplexed,  I  nm  at  my   wltfl'    end; 
*an  bf  -  t  »omme  be  conlc-m-led   the  tuunee; 

enm  ei.LlMh.secur«.  Simclajatlr  (BtoG.) 
raeking balk.  -(tit  J,  Unyard.  -#!l»  rack-atlck. 
■[«»  J,  laahlng,  topping.  Surring  c  laahlng. 
—  earriUff  |tT»|  J.  frapplng.    -fatltitg  crapper 

■hl«,  apology, 

Cm'ijtfl  beef  ateeped  in  vinegar  and  roeated. 
-flef  t»tm  oxygen.  -|a»  a  sour-sweet.  -tara 
barberry,   Berberis  trn/pari*. 

6urtarBt*»»  s  Biirtnrhrand. 

■jB'r|»jaitB.  crade  bran-vlnegar.    -t\lt  a  blear 

Sat  c  revel,  rlot;  (cm  t  ,  og  Sal  lead  a  lift 
o(  rlot  am]  ren*]. 

CaS  n  (Binbral)  whlrtllng,  bowling;  (sn  »ugler 
a|D )  whlatUng,  whlzz;  Udi  Eirnr)  hiunming, 
lli-kling  rin  one'n  etual, 

guf-må*  Su'aan,  Kunan'nii. 

*W<  logi.  le.  t)  si  (am  Bloom)  whlstle,  Marter; 
(om  ftujln,  <£l!t  o(o.)  whiitle,  whtn;  Od  -r  for 
mii«  pen«  my  en™  Hngle;  .  let  (om  Binom)  aigh, 
mnrmnj,  whliper.     8»(ra  e  |[  6ul. 

■Bufrt  ->  hair-wlttod. 

Cn»(tl'  »  mupk'lonii,  ntipecled, 

6a(ktnike'rt  ti  auapend,  -fio'n  c  miepen'itnn. 
■Snf'WniflD  a  aniipen'alve.  -lo'tiiim  »  »ti>  am- 
pentory,  tran. 

Sat'  c  racklng-bag 

eat'  e  aea-alde  plantaln,  Plantage  marilima. 

*Cat  s  whlne,  whlmpering. 

•Baitr  t  black  goby,  rock-flab,    ffoiiiu  mb«-. 

•Surre  si  wMmper. 

Sal«  si  rock.     enrleflafft  ancking  hottle. 

BBlH'r  c  -n  an'ture,  (team. 

eaBcrCH    c   n  soT'eielga.     -llt'I   c  eor'e- 

■Sujera-'n  c  -rr  ao'aereiD. 

6 Bal er  e  -t  J,  awab. 

'Caattrt  n  ateep  and  nnooth  mountain-alde. 

«Battr|i«a»(ci  J,  roaking.  -rakt  lag-end  (of 
a  rope).  -gafl  awabber.  -fe«  fa  Snooti.  ■«■!, 
-tara    tDaklug;   galt  .   Boa  anake.     6mbtc  ri 

•HM  e  flow  Of  Is  (!.]  si  pal 
t*M«Bfa  t>  loqnadoni 

6««g,  ion 'g  i  a  »a 
irinar)  laint  »light; 
■light,  elender  (iranc 
-  gatt 

■my,   i 


»U  ofB.  weak 
dnll   ti.  falnt 

Écldrtb  dellcate,  of  dellcate  heaUb;  btt  -m  Ran 

cariona,  In  a  precartoua  alate;  I  tt  -t  Bitbiff  In 
a  moment  of  weakneaa;  )rg  fetioei  butit  -t  6tbe 
1  know  bis  fulble,  I  know  bla  weak  point;  bon 
et  .  1  Sohn  be  la  deflrtent  In  Le-iln.  be  knowe 
but  ijttle  of  I*tln.  he  li  a  pool  Latin  acbolar; 
6otren  rr  for  _  (O:  rr  IHt  Ros  nol)  the  army  la 

orfs  weakly  etc.;  -t  btlolfft  thlnly  populated;  -I 
isIMt  mild  cuied.  Siagc  c  (II.  findel  i  falble. 
esagtllg  o  weakly,  Inflnn,  debcate;  _  6nn»brbl- 
titflatib  delloate  atate  of  health  taagtllgttb  c 
weakoen,  feebleneaa.  Caaa|r»  r  -tt  (leunllg) 
dcbillty;  (Itgtmltg  Dg  aanotltg)  weakneu,  feelile 

□en,  innrmllT.  (Icool  Simtt)  IndrialtJ.  foUrfe, 
weak  point;  t  ™  Sngbsm.  Caa|||eklfr|l  (moral) 
weaknea«,  Inflrmlty.  ■ttMlfMa  aln  from  natnral 
frallty.  -|t»#ll(»i»»  Mate  of  weakneaa  d  de- 
blllty,  proatratlon.  -»jerltt  o  falm  ■  h-aartad 
■  booekfl  a  weak-headed.  eiagna  tffer  e  -t  F 
jtn  weakllng.  esaglliajktt  a  Imbecile,  cniy. 
-fund  a  dlm-righted,  hailng  weak  eyea.  -taaet- 
gtk  c  amblyopy.  esagtktjlgel  a  weakly  con 
atnicted.     BaagtraTabe  a  weak  In  &Jtb. 

6oal  c  (tetroaljrti  bevel;  fruggt  jkd  -  bevel 
Son]  X-   ■'119'  paa  -  be  iwlnglng.    eaaltoai 

aboom;  (SIcebrC'l  gneaa-warp  boom; 
Ung)  oulifggrr.  Soaft  si  iwlag  to  and 
ro;  .1.  awlng;  _  op  los  Blndtn  tend  to  thewind; 
.  o«  (I.  twb  rart  SiremineB  tail  up  el.  down  the 

■Soolf,  fanfkagat  «  bevcl. 
e«a)en--ewlDgliig    esajtiaai^roomtoawlng. 
*a»«l  ir  Etralr  c  S. 
EbaC.  Ibnir  a  cool.    tCaali  a  cool.    CMlt  rt 

Hat',    tit!r- 

6oinmn  one  twallow  does  not  maie  a  anmmee. 
Caalt  st  (ntb)  doTetall,  scarf  wftb  &  swallow- 
■lall,  longue. 

6»ale  c  -i.  *6iai  -n  gallery,  baloony. 

Bsalt  lafft-kimf  cooler.  -»mcoolingdraajgbt. 
refrenhlDg  drink. 

SlatelbBt  »wallow  (plgeonl,  Col*mba  lawnai- 
Hato.  -tale  swallow'i  tall;  fart  ■wa.Uow-taJU 
iwallow-tall  biittprny,  Papilio  aaaataaai, 

Caaftltar  cooler,  cooling  sat.  -ntfttar(9R*[I.> 
bopper-boy.    -oan  loer. 

BUdleire 6e  svfu.llnw'8  neat     -rak  awaUow-wort. 


An.    -(fimn* dore- 

lallplate.   -faatape Bandplper,  ToUkw kvpotntc** . 

6oale(tna0  o  onollng-pail. 

C«al(]||tat>  pled  Qy-catcbei,  Mtaåa^n  atri- 
mptlla.    •flfnrrf  f(  -TuoiCf. 

EBDleftBr  c  coollng-TOOtn. 

e»alc|i»c»|Iake  wood-iwallow,  Artammi  ■fra-f 
(Zaair.)  tti Iver  tall      -ttotttf  st  culvertall. 

eoalttaaM  c  refrlgeratory. 

Caa(l|Baae  young  iwallow  -art  awallow 
■wott,  OulSlmmim. 

eaaltvaal  «  coollng-water. 

6tnleat»ftjiril  «  »wallow  tallod  thnuh,   £«•■- 

•eoo'laiiag  s  fa  fioole  S. 

6«a'(|e>  c  cooluesa 

Oallag  c  coollDg. 

6DDllag  c  dave-talllng,  tongnlrg. 

•CaalKr  e  J,  drunken  aollor. 

Bo  db  fa  Svemmt. 

6 Baml  c  -t  ipopge;  tf  4  iwf  ebngoa,  &  fbngi 
og  funguoea;  bon  britlei  lom  drlnka  Uke 
a  flab.  -agttg  a  apongy,  fungona.  -agttgtek  e 
fnngoBlty.  •kaaft  lower  part  of  a  tobacoo  plpe, 
receptacle  (of  the  lobacco-julce/.  Caaaaa*  n 
p  drink  Ilte  a  flah.  SoaaBebtllt  exotylns 
Soom|tl  a  iporjgy  tMMlllilHl  »ponge-corml 
.flaf  lungin. 

ennnM  fa  gtilnbf. 

swana-dovro.  -fftttr  awan'a  qulll  el  feather 
•laf  muk  or  awaua.  -gaai  Canada  trt.  mrat 
goone.  (V-moprit  coiwI-wh.  -*•!•  iwbii'i  neck. 
-  6  a  1* : k*J  1 1;  J.  gooseneck ,  -t  alfitf  le  pi  e-rtoaan  ni  s . 




-tam  swan's  skin;  poe*  swan's  wings  pi.  -tbib 
a  white  as  a  swan.  -Jagt  swan-shooting.  -ara*  ■ 
Hag  anodonta.  -fang  .fø  dying  stratas  (of  a 
swan).  -ffinb  swan's  skin.  -unge  young  swan, 
cygnet.    -Dinar  swan's  wing.    -agle  fe  -tøtlcøgle. 

©bang  tmple  ©binge. 

t©0«ng  a  (om  ftorn)  blighted,  empty. 

©bang  e  bollow  of  the  sole. 

©bang :  goa  i  -  prevail,  be  prevalent  el.  rife. 

*©bange  o  -r  groln. 

©Muger  a  fe  $rugtf ømmelig;  .  paa,  +af  pregnant 
with.  -flab  n  pregnancy.  -ftabåpcriobe  perlod 
of  gestation.  -ffabJtega  symptom  of  pregnancy. 

©bangbeb  o  emptineas. 

©baugre  of  (lun  fio)  impregnate. 

6»en#  o  fefcole;  (af  Savet)  trall.  ©ban»|blif  frie- 
tion-plate.  ©baafr  vi  wag  the  tall;  F  (om  $erfon) 
waddle.  strnt;  8ion«  Døtre  . . .  binfe  meb  {Djnene 
og  goa  frem  og  .  bibl  the  daaghters  of  Zlon  walk 
with  .  .  .  wanton  eyes,  walking  and  mindng  aa 
they  go.  ©baKfftammer  tilt-hammer,  U/ting 
-hammer.  -frtbi  mil  stock-cheek  clont.  -rigel 
trail-transom.  -ri«g  ring  of  the  trail-transom. 
-ffrae  e  (paa  ©ewer)  breech-pin,  thumb-nnt. 
-tøffe  tail-piece. 

©bar,  fbnre  a  fe  ©bær. 

©bar  n,  pi  ■*,  answer,  reply;  oetrcrftenbe  - 
answer  in  the  affirmative,  bencegtenbe  -  answer  in 
the  negative  (paa  to);  gibe  en  ~  return  el.  give  one 
an  answer;  gab  intet  -  offered  no  reply;  ber  lom 
intet  -  no  answer  was  return  ed;  foa  -  get  an 
answer;  til  -  paa  in  answer  of,  in  reply  to; 
Mibe  en  .  ffylbig  return  no  answer;  tøn  Miber 
albrig  -  ftbjbig  he  is  never  at  a  loas  for  a  reply; 
intet  ~  er  ogfoa  et  -  no  answer  is  an  assent;  . 
ubftebet  (5.  u.)  an  answer  is  reqnested  (R.  S.  V.  P.). 
©oarabreøfe  c  reply  to  the  address.  6b art  vt 
&  •  answer,  reply,  respond;  (om  næftbife  Xienere) 
answer  agaln;  bet  -r  ilfe  it  does  not  agree;  - 
©fatter  og  Vfgifter  pay  scot  and  lot;  -  itolb,  Seje 
pay  du  ty,  rent;  .for  (inbefloa  for)  answer  for, 
be  answerable  el.  responsible  for;  bn  -r  mig  for 
1  hold  you  responsible  for;  .igen  F  answer 
agaJn;  .paa  answer  el.  reply  to;  ~  til  (palfe 
til)  agree,  correspond,  be  of  a  piece  with,  in 
keeping  with,  answer  to;  -be  iRe  til  bore  ftorbent* 
mnger  did  not  (quite)  come  up  to,  was  (rather) 
short  of,  our  expectatlons;  —  fbarenbe  cor- 
responding;  og  bertil  nbe  .  .  .  and  ...  to  cor- 

©bare,  fbarlig  (+a),  foarligeu  adv  greatly, 

+©barelfr  c  payment. 

©»a'rJJrt  a  (fom  intet  -  faar)  unanswered;  (fom 
intrt  -  giber )  not  answering,  mute,  silent.  -falnt 
return  salute.  -figae!  reply  signal,  -ffribetfe 
written  answer,  reply,  letter  in  answer.  -ftaraber 
£,  answering  pendant 

©bart  a  ipott  &  *)  swarthy,  black.  -alf  dark 
elf,  black  elf.  -anb  black  duck,  Ann$  niøra. 
-kag  black-backed  gull,  blackback,  Larua  mart- 
nus.  -fuglene  the  auk  tribe.  *-or  common  alder, 
Alnué  glutinoøa.  -flbe  harp  seal,  Greenland  seal, 
Pkoca  groenlandica. 

*©barbe  vt  tara.    -r  c  t  turner. 

*©be  c  k  n  -er  piece  of  land  reclaimed  by 
b  tuning. 

©bebbe  c  -r  A  (i  ©pant)  shore. 

©oeb  *mp  af  ©oibe. 

©beb  c  perspiration,  sweat;  (omme  i  -  get  into 
a  p.  ri.  a  sweat;  borre  babet  i  -  be  in  a  (profuse) 
perspiration,  quite  in  a  p.,  in  a  bath  of  p.;  i 
bit  Vnfigtft  -  in  the  sweat  of  thy  brow,  bibl  in 
the  sweat  of  thy  face;  (Engelfl  ~,  fe  -fot.  *©bcb 
o  fe  ©bebt.  ©beb  (blegner  pi  prickly  heat.  -bamp 
profuse  perspiration.  -baatpenbe  a  smoking  (with 

perspiration).  -braose  drop  of  perspiration,  bead 
of  sweat.    -bribembe  a  diaphoretic,  sudoriflc. 

©bebe,  -te,  -t  vi  &  t  perspire,  sweat;  ^  steam 
(planks);  n>  bleed;  .  tron  F  be  in  a  muck  of 
sweat;  .  af  ffagft  sweat  for  fear;  .  ober  be 
sweating  at;  tage  inb  at  -  paa  take  a  sweat;  . 
ub  fig  unlearn;  -  ub  af  (f.  gtt.  et  træ)  exude 
from;  F  bet  ftar  jeg  rent  -bt  ub  I  quite  forgot 
that.  ©bebe|bab  sweatlng-bath,  sudatory.  -brif 
sudoriflc,  diaphoretic.  -bng  bibl  napkln,  hand- 
kerchlef.  -feber  fe  6bebfot.  pore.  -faåfe, 
fifle  Rtove,  klin,  Bteamer.  -fnr  course  of  sudor- 
ifles.  -totlbcr  damp  cellar  for  testing  gun  barrals. 
-Mibbei  sudoriflc. 

Gbebm  partic  af  Stribe,  fbie;  a  F  sly,  shrewd, 
knowing;  -t  Smil  shrewd  smile,  leer.  -b,eb  c 
cunnlng,  shrewdness. 

Soebcmeprgia'ncr  e  -c  Swedenbo'rgian. 

#3bebe|oon  reheatlng-furnace.  -bore  pore: 
•pnlber  sudoriflc  el.  diaphoretic  powaer. 

#3beber  o  -e  F  gammel  .  old  fellow,  old  fogey. 

Ctoebrlfit  te  sudatory.  -fbge  fe  ©oebfot.  —  ©bebj« 
fnW  light  bay  horse.  f3bebig  a  fe  6oebt.  Cbebf. 
firtel  sudoriparous  gland.  -lugt  sweaty  smell, 
-rem  hat-lining.  -fat  sweating  slckness.  6bebr 
a  sweaty,  moist  with  perspiration.  6bcbHllr 
wool  in  the  yolk. 

t6bej  o  lithe,  pliable,  springy.  *#3brt  e  -er 
switch.    6be|e  vt  bend. 

6be|f  [t.]  e  mil  tuft. 

Cbejfe  vt  curve.  sweep,  round  off.  -mafTine 
fe  -fab.  —  6brjf  |fil  file  for  key-holes.  jammer  fe 
9ob«.  Cbeffning  c  sweeping,  rounding.  —  6beif|* 
fab  sweep  -saw,  turning-saw.  -flot  warping 

Cføeirtogget  o  saddle-backed.  hollow  backed. 

6be)ø  [t.]  e  *p  blood.    6bejfe  [t.]  vi  bleed. 

©bejébar  a  weldable.  ©bejfe  vt  weld.  ©bejf(e). 
bebe  welding  heat.  ©bejlning  c  welding.  — 
6be|e|ob«  welding -furaace.  -ranb  seam.  -fanb 

©bcftfer  c  -e  fe  S^mdj  ofb.;  (portner)  porter; 
dairy-man,  cheeeemaker.  -forbnnb  Heivetian 
confe deration,  -garbe  Swisa  guard.  -b;at  Swiss 
hat.  -tmttt  Swiss  cbalet.  -tantos  Swiss  canton. 
-oft  Oruyére.    ©beitferff,  fbejrfifr  a  Swiss. 

*©beib  o  crank-handle.  ©beibe  vt  turn  round 
by  a  crank-handle. 

*©oef  n  rickets. 

©belle  c  -r  sleeper. 

©beab  Swain,  Sweyn. 

©benb  c  -e  (^aanbocerfftf)  journeyman,  working 
. . .  (©ulbfmebe*  working  Jeweller  ofo.);  (et  ungt 
SRanbfoff)  swain,  lad.  ©benb | barn  male  child. 
-bom  c  chastity,  pudicity;  bon  Jjor  fin  .  he  has 
never  known  woman.  —  ©benbel gilbe  feast 
given  by  mechanics  on  their  entering  a  Cor- 
poration of  Jouraeymen.  -herberge,  -fro  Jour- 
neymen'B  club.  -labe  Journeymen's  chest  el. 
fund.  -Ion  journeyman's  wages.  -prabe.  -fritte 
Journeyman's  probation  work. 

©bcttfl  a  Swedish.  *©benffc  c  -r,  fe  ©benfter; 
green  grossbeak.  Fringilla  cklorU.  ©benffer  e 
-e  Swede.    ©btnffbarb  scarifler. 

©Perrig  n  Sweden. 

©beffe  [é]  c  -t  prune,  dried  plum;  fom  en  - 
as  easy  as  kiss  hånd.  •blomme  damaseene, 
damson,  Prunut  damascena;  (line  fort)  damask 
-plum.  -trtttø  split-  flg.  -fuppe  barley-broth 
with  prunes.  plum  porridge.   -torrtc  prune-tart. 

©beb|er  pi  Suevi.    -ifr  o  Suev'ic. 

©bibel  c  -biet  bulb.  -fifl  r^p  pie,  pi.  -glai 
root-glass.    -marmor  clpolln. 

©oibe,  fbie,  fbeb,  (^fbiebe),  fbebet  vt  singe, 
Bcorch;  bun  tyiz  fbebet  Staben  ane  has  burnt  the 





meat;  -  af  set  flre  to,  vi  burn,  blaze;  —  føibet 
vd  burn  to.    6btbttittg  singelng  etc. 

©bie  c  smart,  sharp  pungen t  paln.  ©Ole, 
(+fbibe)  (od.  foeb,  fbebet)  m  smart,  paln,  ache; 
fig  bet  -r  til  from  el.  til  ban«  $nng  he  must  smart 
for  it;  bette  %al  -r  enbnu  til  mig  I  still  feel  the 
effect  of  this  logs. 

*6øtenuerfe  n  brand. 

etiift  n,  pi  «,  whiff,  puff.  Gøtfte  vi  whiff. 
6øtfte*  c  wbifflng. 

6big  c  fraud,  deceit.  -ag 'Hg  a  fraudulent, 
deceitful;  i  .  $enfigt  with  intent  to  defraud. 
•agt'igbcb  o  fraudulence,  deceitfulness.  Snige, 
føeg/  foeget  vt  deceive,  disappoint;  (bebrage,  beføige) 
defraud;  -  |lt  ftabtelanb  i  gaten«  @htnb  forsake 
one's  country  in  the  times  of  danger;  .  fit  fiøfte, 
fit  Crb  break  one's  promise,  one's  word;  -  en 
$ige  deceive  a  glrl,  (brnbe  røgteffabøløfte)  break 
a  promise  of  marriage;  -  gforoen  (i  ftorrfptl)  re- 
voke,  not  to  follow  sult;  benne  9taale  lunbe  let - 
this  nail  mlght  easily  give  way.  feøig(e)fttfb  a 
fe  6øigagtig. 

6øiger|b«tter  daughterin-law.  -fttber  father 
-in-law.  -førorlbrc  pi  father-  and  mother-in-law. 
•in'be  c  -r  sister-in-law.  -moser  mother-ln law. 
-føn  son-in-law. 

*6øtgt  c:  giøe  -  bend,  give  way.  6øigte  vi 
b.  f. 

SUløte  vi  (en)  mil,  forsake,  abandon,  desert, 
disappoint  (one);  ^  swift;  (et  Sejl)  balance  (a 
sail);  ilte  -  en  stand  by  one;  fym  -r  albrig  et 
gobt  Sag  he  is  never  absent  from  any  merry- 
making;  mit  Øje  t  mig  my  sight  failø  me;  min 
$ulommeIfe  -r  mig  my  memory  mils  me;  ban« 
gobe  fiumør  -bf  barn  his  humour  failed  bim;  - 
jtn  $Iigt  betray  one's  dnty;  tøn  -r  albrig  fin  $tigt 
he  never  fllnches  el.  Bhrinks  from  his  daty;  — 
vi  .  i  garenø  6tnnb  be  wanting  at  the  time  of 
danger;  bi  øentebe  barn,  men  føm  -be  we  expected 
him,  but  he  did  not  come;  bon  -r  tRe  i  et  gobt 
Sag  he  Is  a  Jolly  good  fellow;  meb  albi-ig  -nbe 
3oer  with  unfailing  el.  unflagging  zeal.  @øigte|< 
reb  vt,  balance  reef.  -rtug  spiderhoop.  -tøffe 
swifter-tackle.    -tøø  swifter.  -x^mr^i  **  *B**Hm 

Cøigtløg  e  £  catharping.  —  6øigtittg6|boli 
catharping-leg.  -reb  o.  ft,  fe  ©bigte«.  6øigt> 
flømbe  swifter. 

Gølf  e  -ter  splgot,  vent-peg.  -Bor  gimlet. 
-tømmer  tack-driver.    -finl  splgot-hole. 

Gøitte  vt  reef  (the  sails  of  a  mill);  trim  (the 
beard),  point  (a  horeeshoe  nail). 

Gøiftel  e  -flet  clock.  -ftrømber  clock-stockings. 
6bit1e  vt  clock. 

@øtfntølle  c  see-saw. 

*e»in  o  -er,  fe  Stjlb;  fe  ©belle. 

Ctoime  e  swoon;  i  .  in  a  swoon;  floa  i  .  stun 
(by  a  blow).    -flan  a  stunnlng  blow. 

6øim|te  vi  be  dizzy  el.  giddy;  jeg  -r  el.  bet  -r 
for  mig  I  grow  dizzy,  my  head  turns  el.  swlms. 
-le«  e  giddiness.  -frttbe  a  dizzy,  giddy.  -Hag 
c  darnel,  Lolium  temulentum-,  *a  flckle,  unsettled 
person,  -mel  c  giddiness,  dfzeiness.  vertigo, 
swimming  (in  the  head),  -mel  o  giddy,  dizzy; 
bliøe  .  be  taken  with  giddiness.  turn  dizzy.  — 
6øimmel|fri  a  free  from  giddiness.  -fteb  c  fe 

*6øimorfe  n  brand. 

#3ot»  n,  pi  =■»,  bog,  swine,  pig;  (i  SHQarb)  fiuke; 
fig  beast;  bore  fulb  fom  et  -  be  drnnk  like  a  pig; 
babe  -  paa  6toøen  be  crazy  el.  cracked :  tofte 
$erler  fot  -  throw  pearls  before  swine.  6bin|* 
øgt'iø  a  swinish,  hoggish,  piggish.  -ftgt'tgfteb  e 
hoggishness,  swlnlshness,  pfggighness. 

6øiub  n  fe  -tng.  ØJøinbe,  føanbt,  founbet  vi 
(førfoinbe)  vanlsh,  fadeaway;  (formmbffef)  dwindle 
(down),  diminish,  shrink;  .  ben  waste,  be  wasted, 

be  consumed;  i  be  fbunbne  Soge  in  times  pest, 
in  the  davs  gone  by. 

Goivbel  o  [t.J  giddiness,  frenzy,  fever;  bubble. 
[e.]  swindle.    *©Oi»bei  q  fe  Swmmcl. 

Ctotftbjctt  o  vanishing  eta  -i«g  e  shrinking, 
shrinkage,  waste,  loss,  ullage.  -fot  conanmp- 
tlon,  decline,  phthisls.  -foHg  a  oonaumptlve, 

eøine  vi  &  t  (til)  soli. 

#3binejabl  breedlng  el.  rearing  of  swine.  -%ittbe 
vt  tie  together  all  the  legs  of  an  animsvl;  et 
-Dunbet  6fib  a  snip  that  is  moored  head  and 
stem.  -biob  hog's  blood.  ••blomme  fe  ftComme. 
•blare  hog's  bladder.  -bob  hog's  shonlder. 
♦•brtte  fe  -trug.  -btolb  furunde.  -bort  dirty 
fellow,  beast.  -boitKe  hog's  bean.  -b#rfler  pi 
(hog's)  bristles.  -btlb  common  sow  thistle,  Son- 
ekuå.  •brioer  pig-driver.  -bnsB  ie  §eftt<.  -frbt 
hog's  lard,  pork  fat.  -fenxtff!  hog*«  formel, 
-flomme  fe  ftlomme.  -flnHe  prov  flitch  of  bacon. 
-fnifiM  phalanx.  -f»be  fbod  for  swine.  -^iCber 
Bow-gelder.  -o^bning  hog's  dung.  -baar  hog's 
halr.  -b«Je  pig's  tail,  ^  weld,  Reaeda  lute&a. 
-brlb  Strange  piece  of  good  luck,  windmll,  flake. 
-fjflbig  a  confoandedly  lncky;  tym  et  tiårig  -  he 
is  a  lucky  dog,  indeed.  -bføeb  herd  of  swine. 
-bolb  keeping  pigs.  -bobeb  head  of  a  hog.  -i*ab 
wild-boar  hound;  p  fe  -bcf}.  -fjttrbe  swine-bexd. 
-ifter  suet.  lard.  -Jagt  hunting  of  the  wild  boar. 
-las!  fe  -btlb;  fe  6føaiber*.  -tøb  fe  ftlæft.  •fcøer 
pig's  liver,  -løtte  fe  -belb.  •taber  hog-«kin  et 
hog-leather.  -møøe  hog's  paunch.  -mel  coaxse 
meal,  -miffel  hoggish  fellow.  •auelbe  common 
orache,  Atriplex  patula.  -øtffll  sow's  milk;  $ 
fe  -btlb.  -møg  hog's  dung.  -nørc  pig's  kidney. 
-bet  swine  fever.  -boltff,  -boliffbeb,  fe  6nebig, 
Gnebigbeb.  -bolitil  foul  play.  -pøtfe  hog's  pod- 
ding,  pork-sausage.  -ri'  n  -er  (Utenligbrb)  swinish- 
ness,  fllthiness;  (Stcb,  bbor  6oin  oøføbeø)  piggery. 
-røg  back  of  a  bog;  chine  of  pork;  i  marling 
-hitches;  (til  vinfer)  anchor-lining.  -fibe  fe  JrUøfre* 
flbe.  -ftittb  hog-skin.  -ffinfe  ham.  -fUoter 
pork-butcher.  -ftagtøing  slaughtering  of  swine. 
*-fm»lt,  -fmør  fe  -febt  -føiber  fe  -gifter,  -ftiaøc 
snout  of  a  hog.  -ftølb  fe  -fH.  -fteg  roaat  pork; 
typ  fat.  -fri  hog-sty,  hog-pen.  -fbite  fe  ^retfefølte 
-tonb  hog's  tooth.  -tibfel  fe  -btlb.  -to  hog's 
wool.  -trmg  hog's  trough.  -tr^me  snout  of  a 
hog.  •ittmge  hog's  tongue.  -tønbe  swiU'tub. 
-øøgter  fe  -p&rbe.  t-*be  fe  -føbe.  -øje  *  swine's 
succory,  Ammen*,  -øre  pig's  ear;  looøe  ti. 
dangling  ear. 

6øt«g  n,  pi  es,  (»øgf.  e  -er)  swing;  (i  Sfribtrina) 
flourlsh;  ({iaanbtag)  crank-handle;  fig  flight;  ($m< 
ning)  turn;  turning  point,  elbow;  rafft  -  stylish- 
ness;  fe  -om.  Gøing|bøjfc  swivel-gun.  -bom 
swinging-boom.  -bor  centrifugal  drill.  -br» 
swivel-bridge,  swing-bridge.  6bi«ge  (ogf.  føeng, 
fbnnget)  0/  i  t  swing;  (om  ftugle  [fø.  fig  oø])  øoar 
(up);  (frem  og  tilbage)  oscillate;  .  af  turn  øside; 
.  (breie)  om  wheel  about  el.  round;  .  (meb) 
gatten  el.  Sommetrrflabet  wave  one's  hat  et 
pocket-handkerchlef;  -  (meb)  6b«erbet  brandish 
el.  flourlsh  the  sword;  .  om  Qiomet  turn  (roond; 
the  corner;  -  fig  i  Sablen  vault  into  the  øaddle; 
.  f!g  obet  throw  one's  self  over.  vault  over:  - 
fig  føejcet  fig  raise  one's  self;  _  $9T  swlngle  flax; 
—  foingenbe  a  $umøe  osdllating  pump;  et 
-nbe  SæS  a  swinging  cartload.  6øivgebnr  am- 
plitude of  oscillation. 

6øinge(  a  p  fe  6øimmel. 

6øingel  n  feøcue-grass,  Feituca;  fe  6oimItaa. 

6ølngel  e  -gier  spllnt-tree;  (til  $um|>e)  brake; 
($rcegn.)  bar,  lever,  beam.  eøi«gel|bør  anger 
-fob  (t.  ^vx)  swingle-bench.  'Uppt  (p.  fiogn) 
swingle-tree  clasp.    -øum^e  brake  pump.  -rwg 




sw1ngle»tree  ring.     -tøftan  swingle,  iwlxigUng 
-knife  (-staff,  -wand). 

©binøe|rnm  rree-range,  scope.  -fra  fe  ©binøel* 

©binølfjebet  fr  6faøfteber;.fo  tage  »eb  -en  collar. 
•ful*  o  brimral.  -|m«el  swing-tree.  swingle 
-tree.  -bjnl  fly-wheel.  -faøfe  (t.  Stornraø)  shaking 
-frame,  -rebel  swing-kettle.  -tolbe  (boa  frlue) 
poiser.  -fraft  tangentiel  force,  -tagie  bafl  of 
a  fly-preas.    -tøffe  fe  -tolbe. 

©bfaøle  s*  (f.  SK.  om  en  truffen  9Ronb)  reel. 

©binø|Iøb  fe  -ooøt.  ©btaøainø  o  -er  swing- 
ing  ctc;  swing,  vibration,  oscillation.  ©bi«g- 
ninøé^lait  plan  of  oscillation.  ©blnøninøØtfb 
time  of  vibration  el.  oscillation.  ©biagløm  c 
tour,  clrcnit;  (Son*)  kickup,  step-out,  hop;  fas 
ftg  en  .  (meb)  be  dancing  (witb).  -bføb  swing 
-plongh.  -bte Øf e  fly-preas.  -rolle  patent-mangle. 
-t-fftimme  fe  Centrifuge,    -»argt  fe  feerbenbftel. 

©btttte  vi  wriggle.  ©btnfe  o  digression;  flaa 
en  -  digress,  meander.    -aerobe  by -errand. 

©»taft,  ©bittftfteb,  fe  ©bmoøtig,  -tøb.  *©bi'*fts, 
©bintag  c  badger. 

*©btat  a  &  odv  quick.  ©binie  fig  vr  make 
haste,  look  quick. 

©bib  e  lnstant,  moment;  Ijan  bar  en  IiQe  -  i 
Woin  he  took  a  trip  to  Rome;  i  en  -  in  a  trice. 

©btb'  *  smack,  crack.  ©bi*»e  or  (f.  (Rø.  meb 
JJrft)  crack;  smack,  flick. 

©bible  ø*  wbisk,  run. 

©bibftøt  e  switch. 

©bib  I  tur  trip,  flying  visit;  gøre  en  -  take  a 
trip.    -fltrenbe  hurried  errand. 

©bir  e  riot  and  re  vel,  disslpation,  caronsing; 
barre  pao  -  F  be  on  ihe  spree;  f  bar  en  ten  - 
for  $am  was  a  real  treat  el.  god-send  to  him. 

©bire  vi  re  vel,  riot,  carouse,  -nbe  a  fuddled. 
©bire|brøber.  -gafl  reveller,  rloter,  caronser. 
•glibe,  -(aø  drinking-bout,  carouse.  -ttb  life  of 

+©»irte  vi  (fbtbe)  bite,  plnch. 

©birre  vi  whlrl,  torn  round;  (fumme)  buu; 
(om  ffuøO  whlr;  bet  -r  for  mig  my  head  is  in  a 

©øifte  fe  ©befte. 

©btt'e  fe  6oite. 

*©bttfe  [t.]  vt  fry. 

©boaer  [aal  c  -gre  brother-in-law.  ©bøøerftab 
n  affinlty.    ©bøserfte  c  -r  Bister  in-law. 

•©bolt  e  -er  (heavy)  stick,  blndgeon;  F  big, 
thumping  fellow,  fe  $tbøl.  ©bolte  vi:  ligge  og 
.  paa  ©øen  be  buffeting  about;  —  vt  f  fe 

*©bor  e  fe  ©bær. 

©bør,  fboren  fe  ©barøe. 

©bøbet  [aa\,  ©bobl  r  sulphur,  brimstone; 
øebiøent  -  natlve  s.;  (i  ©tanger)  roll-brimstone; 
renfet  .  washed  sulphur.  ©bøbllaftrbfimpresslon 
in  sulphur.  -aøtiø  a  sulphureous,  sulphurous. 
•alfølløl  sulphuret  of  carbon,  carbonlc  dlsul- 
phide.  -anrimoninm  sulphuret  ofantlmony.  -bob 
sulphureous  bath,  sulphur-bath.  -talfas*  bal- 
sam of  sulphur.  -blaabet  a  sulphureous,  sul- 
phuretted,  mixed  with  sulphur,  combined  with 
sulphur.  -blomfter  pi  flowers  of  sulphur.  -Mb 
sulphuret  of  lead,  plumbic  sulphide  (o  fl.}. 
t-brlnt(e)  sulphuretted  hydrogen,  hydro-sul- 
phuric  acid,  hydric  sulphide.  -brønb  fe  -tube. 
-cnontaliam  sulphocyanlde  of  potassium.  -hamp 
sulphureous  vapour.  ©boble  vt  fumigate  with 
sulphur,  sulphurate.  ©bøbleriø  fe  -ti«,  ©boblet 
«  sulphurous,  sulphureous.  ©bob (| fri  a  free 
from  sulphur.  -grobe  brimstone-  el.  sulphur 
•pit.  -øn!  a  of  a  brimstone  colour,  brimstone 
-coloored.  -gttfbprotosulphur*tofgold.  -b/ølbig 
o  sulphureous,  sulphuretted,  sulphury.    -t&tte 

brimstone-house.  ©bobltnøesulphuring.  ©bøb(|< 
-font  sulphuret  of  iron,  iron  pyrites,  ferroua 
sulphide.  -Jorb  sulphureous  earth.  •falinm 
potassic  sulphide  (o.  fl.).  -fitbc  sulphureous 
spring.  -HØ  pyrites.  -tnlftof  fe  -aOotøl.  -titf> 
føtb  mercurio  sulphide.  -feber  liver  of  sul- 
phur. -Inøt  smell  of  brimstone,  sulphureous 
smell.  -metal  sulphide  -malr  preclpitated 
sulphur.  -ttttfel  hair-pyiites.  -olie  sulphurated 
oli.  -blafrer  brimstone -plaster.  -Ml  bke  of 
fire  and  brimstone.  -regn  rain  of  brimstone, 
sulphurous  rain.  -rob  sulphur -weed,  Peuce- 
danum.  -rag  fe  -bamb.  -falbe  sulphurated  oint- 
ment.  -frit,  -fritte  (brimstone)  match,  ludfer. 
-friftefatrtt  matchmanufactory.  -fritfefabritant 
match  -maker.  •frttfeoftc  match  -box.  -fmr  a 
sulphuric;  -t  ©alt  sulphate;  -t  811),  Ztn  sulphate 
of  lead,  tin;  plumbic,  stannlc  sulphate  (o.  fl.) 
•fttrc  sulphuric  acid,  hydric  sulphate.  -ivres«- 
^tfbrib  sulphurous  anhydride.  -firling  sul- 
phurous acid.  -fslb  sulphuret  of  silver,  -traab, 
•toaber  thread  dipped  in  sulphur,  match. 
-triogtb  sulphurous  trioxlde.  -nnberfbre  hypo- 
sulphuric  acid.  -nnberfbrtinø  hyposulphurous 
acid.  -tittberfbrtet  a  hyposulphurous.  -banb 
sulphureous  water.  -banbftof  fe  -brinte.  -bofØ 
paint  for  shoes.  •bort  sulphur-works  pi.  -gi«I 
zlnc  sulphide.    -ater  sulphuric  ether. 

*©»ttØ  e  -er,  fe  ©bulft;  fe  3*fbuH. 

©bnflen  ø  swelled,  swoln,  tumid,  turgid. 
©bnlme  vi  (oøf.  fig)  swell;  .  op  swell  (out). 
©bnlme«  c  swelling,  swell.  +©bul«e  vi  swell, 
become  swoln.  ©bnlft  c  -er  swelling,  tumor; 
fig  bombast,  turgidity,  turgid  style.  ©bttlfrig  a 
bom  bastic,  turgid.    ©bnlfrigb.eb  c  fe  ©onl^  fig. 

©bnb'  »  swap,  (e  fe  ©bip  c),  ©bttbbe  vi  swap. 

©batte  vt  weaken,  enfeeble,  debilitate,  im- 
palr;  fe  ©bitte;  -t  Autommetfe,  ©bn  an  impalred 
memory,  eye-slght.  -Ifc  o  weakening,  (oøf. 
fprogl.)  debilitatlon,  enervation;  inflrmity. 

©batbe  vt  (®art> )  swell,  ralse;  *w  fe  ©bulme. 
©balbninø  c  swelling. 

©balg  n,  pi  =,  (Strube)  throat,  gullet,  swal- 
low;  (Vfgrunb)  abyss,  gulf;  bunbløft  .  bottomless 
pit;  ©etanbelfe  i  -et  pharyngitis.  ©balge  vt 
swallow,  gulp,  gorge;  vi  fig  -i  revel  el.  luxuri- 
ate  in,  batten  on;  -  i  Oberflob  roll  in  plenty. 
et  -nbe  Dpb  a  yawning  abyss.  ©baløtstorrb. 
catarrh  of  the  pharynx.  ©balgning  c  swallow- 
ing  ete. 

*©batte  fe  ©milrne. 

•©balt(e)  c  (omtr.)  beggar-my-nelghbour. 

•*>©balte  fe  ©uite. 

©bor  c  rind;  (fteøt)  crackling. 

©bor  a  heavy,  ponderous ;  (om  $erfon)  big, 
hnge;  (om  Sin)  heady;  (om  %»i)  heavy,  strong. 
substantial;  -t  Vrbejbe  hard  work;  bet  e  Rbtteri 
the  heavy  cavalry;  -t  ©tbtl  heavy  ordnance  el. 
artillery,  et  -t  ftoretogenbe  a  laborious  task,  a 
difflcult  undertaking;  en  -  ©s  a  heavy  sea;  -e 
9enøe  a  lot  of  money;  —  fbart  adv  f  exceed- 
ingly,  immensely,  hugely;  -  rab  sore  afrald. 
©bocranter  best  bower. 

©ba'rb  n,  pi  ».  (+  -e)  sword;  <t,  lee- board, 
-bib  fe  -bnø.  -bibt  a  hacked.  -blab  sword 
•blade.  -Måbet  u  with  ensiform  leaves.  -brober 
fe  -ribber,  -bolte  sword-belt.  -barer  fe  -ribber. 
•bmtne  sword  bean,  Pktutolw  tunatus.  -bannet 
a  sword-shaped,  ensiform.  -ban*  sword-dance. 
•braøer  sword-bearer.  f  ©barbetløbbe  fe  ©barb> 
fafle.  ©bavblfejer  sword -cutler.  -flff  sword 
•fish,  Jiphiuø-  fe  ©batb^uøøer.  -formiø  fe  -bannet. 
•ffafre  hilt  of  a  sword.  -b.abre  Tartarian  oau, 
Avena  orientali*.  'k*Q  cut  with  a  sword.  -f«ssb; 
sword-flght.  -ntnge  sword-blade.  -tnob,  -taob 
pommel  of  a  sword.   -lilje  iris,  rain  bow  flower, 




flag,  Irir%  gut  -  fe  fttag;  Maa  .  fleur-de-luce, 
orris-root  plant,  /.  germmiea;  frmfenbe  .  (stink- 
ing)  gladwyn,  /.  /oetidierimm.  -ob  sword's 
point,  -ørben  order  of  the  sword.  -ve«  fe 
-batte,  -ribter  knlgbt  of  the  order  of  the  sword. 
CbarbØftng  fe  -$ua.  6barb|ftbe  male  Une.  -fftbe 
sword-sheath.  -fritte  Bword-flght.  -flag  stroke 
with  a  sword;  uben  .  wlthout  striking  a  blow. 
GborrbØab  fe  -ob.  Gbarrbfarg  edgeof  the  sword. 
€barb|  tange,  -range  tang  of  the  sword.  +-bont 
a  accustomed  to  sword-flght. 

6*orrgc,  foor,  fbotet  vi  i  c  swear;  .  og  banbe 
swear;  .  en  Øenftob  swear  el.  tow  friendship  to 
one;  -  $otbn  vow  yengeance;  -  til  ftanen  swear 
to  one's  colours;  -  falff  take  a  false  oath,  for- 
swear  one's  self;  Jeg  tar  foargc  paa,  at  .  .  .  1*11 
take  my  oath,  ril  be  swora  that  .  .  .;  labe  en 
.  XabSljeb  swear  one  to  secreoy;  f  borne  ftienber 
Bworn  enemies;  foønte  Senner  sworn  friends, 
firm  and  fast  friende.  Gbffrgen  c  swearing  etc. 

Gborrlcmmet  a  large-llmbed ;  mete  -  larger 

6b«rm  e  -e  swann;  (ebe  i  ©Dir  og  .  lead  a 
lift  of  riot  and  debanchery,  lead  a  diasipated 
life.  6bo?rme  c*  (f.  (Ets.  om  Bier)  swann;  (fotoe) 
revel,  riot;  .  omfrtng  i  fianbet  rove  through  the 
country;  f barre  begeifrret)  be  an  enthusiast,  rave; 

-  for  admire,  fancy,  ((terriere)  love,  be  an  en- 
thusiastlo  admirer  of,  rave  about,  (en)  worship. 
6b«rmrbnl  fe  ftlbbetyut.  6b«rmen  o  swarming 
etc.  6bctrme|beriøbe  fe  -tib.  6bo*rmer  o  -e 
(Sbirrgaft)  rioter,  reveller;  (begejfttrt  SRanb)  en- 
thusiast (for),  lover,  enthusiastic  admirer  (of); 
(Sonoritet)  (anatic,  visionary,  transcendentalist; 
(ifttjroatteri)  squib.  cracker.  serpent.  Gborrmert' 
n  enthusiaam;  (Tbutbetigt,  for  (tore  9Rænb  o.  b.) 
hero-worahip.  6b*rmrr(i)f!<i  visionary,  fanatical, 
enthusiastic.  6b«rmeriu'»e,  6barrnterfTe  o  -r 
(female)  enthusiast.  Gbctrmetib  (om  Qier) 
swarming  season.  6b«rm|faøre  moving  spore, 
-bnget  small  brood  (of  oysters). 

eborrbnbe  c  fe  6ppube. 

6bcrrte  vt  biack,  blacken;  fig  blacken.  aspene, 
tfeerte  c  blacking;  t  F  gøre  i  -n,  fe  Reelbe. 
©botrte|grbbe  black-pot.  *-grott  fe  -b*tb.  -lø* 
black  brush.  -botlb  gipsywort,  Lycopu*  ewo- 
pæu*.    Gborrtning  c  blacking. 

t©b«b  a  tail. 

•6b«b  c  fe  6beib. 

*6b«bf  o  fe  $**eurt. 

6bcrbe  vi  (i  uuften)  hang,  hover;  (paa  Sanbet, 
ogfaa  i  Suften)  float;  (om  $erfoner)  glide,  skim, 
fllt;  gugleu  -be  tøt  i  fiuften  the  bird  sailed  high 
in  the  air;  -  imellem  fyxab  og  ftrbgt  float  between 
hope  and  fear;  «,  mellem  Stb  og  $øb  be  in  a 
state  el.  be  hovering,  between  lim  and  death; 

-  i  føre  be  in  imminent  danger;  -  i  be  fyriere 
ftegioner  Aq  be  in  the  clouds;  ben  fctbgt  $bort  be 
olttb  -be  the  fear  which  they  always  had  be- 
fore them;  6bcerbet  be  ooer  tøm*  $obeb  the 
sword  hung  el.  was  suspended  over  el.  above 
his  head;  <øub#  Banb  -be  oben  ooer  Sanbene  the 
Splrlt  of  God  moved  upon  the  face  of  the 
waters;  fooebenbe  o  (om  en  6ag)  pending;  - 
fform,  ttbtrbftmaabe  vague  form,  style;  ben  . 
étatøgcelb  the  floatlng  national  debt.  *3øabe|* 
fhte  syrphus.  -tjnb  flying-membrane.  6bo?ben  c 

•Jbab  n,  pi  «*,  swaddle,  swaddling-cloth  el. 
•clout;  $  involucre. 

6Mbc  o  -r  whlp;  (ogf.  fio)  scourge;  gibe  §eften 
of  n  apply  el.  make  use  of  the  whlp;  føre  paa, 
men«  man  bar  -n  strike  while  the  iron  is  hot, 
make  hay  while  the  sun  shines. 

6bøbe,  -te,  -t  vt  (om  Som)  swaddle,  swathe; 
(om  en  fyritfenfomfclft  Øenftanb)  wrap;  -  inb  wrap 

up;  —  vi  sweep.    Cbabebora  infant  (in  arm» 
babe,  baby  (in  swaddling-clothea). 

@b*betrøbre  pi  flagellants. 

6a*  bebag  o  wrapper. 

Øaabcljaf  n  cut  el.  lash  with  a  whlp. 

ewbeiltC-Uflcswaddling-band.  ftøaielfctarm 
fe  6babeoatn. 

fibaber  c  4,  lanyard. 

eoabelrem  lash,  whlp-laah.  -fftft  fe  fifleHaft. 
-flag  fe  -føig.    -fnart  fe  ^ifttfnært. 

6Mbetof  swaddling-clothes  pi.  -  6br^lUjtt 
aswaddled.  -lift  fe  6»fbe».  6lWbmtsf  o  awmddl- 

•h6»ift  n,  pi  »,  fe  einbbnft. 

*6aaft  n,  pi  «  4,  fe  «eb  3. 

6»*mme  (poet  foom)  vi  (ogfaa  M  ewlm;  %vm 
-z  paa  Banb  wood  floats  upon  water;  9olDet  -r 
meb  8anb  the  floor  Is  deluged  with  water;  bu* 
-be  i  Zoom  sne  was  bathed  in  tears;  -  i  Ølab 
be  bathed  in  blood,  welter  in  blood;  -  o©et  en 
Sflob  swim  (over,  across)  a  river,  giften  flttl  - 
brandy  is  Latin  for  flan;  vt  ~  Qeflt  water  horses, 
take  horses  into  the  water,  —  -nbe  a  Bwimmtng 
etc.;  her  natant;  -nbe  ©om  boom;  -nbe  Sobning 
mere  floatlng  cargo,  -nbe  Oetmgelfer  floaOlng 
conditions  (o.  fl.).  6bammc|anflaXt  fe  -flole.  -tca 
natatory  leg.  -benllaber  fe  -tmttn.  -btSc  hydro- 
phllus.  -bum  ttoft  QtfK)  swim;  (til  BtanefTer) 
air-bladder.  -bnlfter  bathing-trowsen  el.  drawerv 
-bdte  swimming  girdle,  life-belt,  life-booy. 
Ufe-preserver.  -bbgrifl  a  able  to  swim.  •fcbjtffT 
diver.  -Rane  fin.  -flebet  fin.  Haabe  batbing 
•raft.  -fob  webbed  foot;  forfbnet  meb  -f ebber 
web-footed,  palmiped.  -fmgl  web-footed  bird, 
swimmer  •btttbc/  -^ttb  web;  meb  ~  webbed. 
uben  -  not  webbed.  -froftbc  fln-footed  ersvb. 
•fra«  ball-cock.  -Innft  art  of  swimming  et.  nata.- 
tion.  -forer,  -meter  swimming-master.  -l^Iabe 
(©triftft.)  floating-plate.  -patt  fe  -fob.  Cttamaacr 
o  -e  swimmer;  (i  Xampf.)  float.  -rtbffab  swim- 
ming-apparatus.  -frie  o  swimming-rope.  -ftole 
swimming  -sohool.  -fnabbe  phalarope,  Pkala- 
ropuM.  .fteb  swimming-place;  (6teb,  bbør  mon 
fbammer  $efte)  waterlng-plaoe.  -tag  stroke  (in 
swimming).  -trøje  cork-jacket  ébamsiag  c 
swimming;  .  gennem  Ørænbinger  surfriding. 

6b  vi  sew;  -  en  Irjole  make  a  gown  el.  coat; 
labe  fig  .  en  ftraRe  have  a  coat  made;  -  en 
frnob  i  sew  on  a  button;  -  et  ttfrme  inb  take  in 
a  aleeve;  tyin  fob  og  -ebe  sne  sat  at  her  needle 
•work;  b""  -r  gobt  she  is  a  good  needle-woman. 

6bborit'  c  -er  syb'arite.    -'Iff  a  sybaritioal. 

CbbiDe  fe  6tbbu>. 

Sbborb  a  work-table. 

6)b  e  A  adv  south;  -enS  IHima  the  cllmate  of 
the  South;  i  -  for  south  of;  Øinben  btefer  fra  . 
the  wind  blows  south;  ©tibet  frbrebc  rerbifenbe  . 
the  ship  steered  true  south;  .  ril  0%  6.  t.  C 
South  by  East,  8.  b.  E.;  6.  t.  9.,  S.  b.  W.;  S. 
O.  t.  O.  8.  B.  b.  E. ;  6.  O.  t.  6.  S.  E.  b.  S.; 
6.  0.  t.  S.  8.  W.  b.  W.  etc.  6bb|«mertf« 
South  America  ofb.  -banen  the  Southern  rattway. 
•bo  inhabitant  of  the  South,  -brebbe  latitude 

6bbe  vi  &  t  (t  fob,  fabet)  seethe,  boil.  -n  c 
eeethlng,  boiling. 

f5bb|efter  adv  south ward.  -enbe  south  end. 
6bbeT«er*c  the  Hebridee.  6bb|for  pnxp  (to 
the)  South  of.  -fra  adv  from  the  South,  -frug- 
ter fruits  of  the  South,  -gaaenbe  «  aoutherly. 
going  south.  —  *:  for  -  southward  bound;  paa 
_  on  her  way  south.  •aromfc  southern  limit 
el.  frontier.  -b^bet  the  South-eea.  -|a*#ftrcr 
South- sea  man.  -lianOemr  the  South  8ea  U- 
lands,  -lånt  fe  -fibe.  -f orfet  the  Southern  cross. 
-IttH  south  coast.     -Itnb  the  south,  southern 




country.  -laabft  a  southern.  ©ttblig  a  South, 
southerly,  southern,  merldional;  i  bet  -e  ffngkmb 
in  the  South  of  England;  .  ftrebbe  south 
latitude;  .  Seflination  south  declination;  —  ado 
towards  the  south,  to  the  southward.  ©bbtigft 
a  southernmost ,  southmost.  t©9bling  o  fe 
-kniber.  ©bbllb*  aurora  australis,  Southern 
Ugbte.  -lombrr  c  -t,  -lanbing  c  -er  southerner, 
southron.    •magnetisme  south  magnetlsm. 

©tt'bntng  c  seethlng,  boillog. 

Cnbjo'ft  south -east.  -o'fftlig  a  south -east, 
fiouth-eastern;  ado  to(wards)  the  south -east. 
-o  fro  tab  south -east  wind.  -ober  adv  south- 
ward. -paa  adw  south.  -pol  South  -pole,  the 
antarotic  pole.  -pol(ar)cir!elen  the  antarctic 
circle.  -pot(ar)egnrne  the  antarctic  regions. 
-polftrtøoet  the  Antarctic  Ocean,  the  South 
Polar  Sea.  -polarlattbene  fe -polaregnene,  -pnnttet 
the  South.  -Witt  south  point,  -ranb  southern 
edge;  (af  Solen  el.  SRaanen)  southern  limb.  -flbe 
aouthside,  southern  side.  -fpiM  South  point. 
•frranb  south  shore.  -ftregen  the  South  point, 
•ftoo'ft  8outh  South  East.  -fpbo'flllg  o  south- 
southeasterly.  -fpbPeft'  South  South  West. 
-fibbeft'ltg  *  southsouthwesterly.  -fpoaft  fe 
•foboft.  -trø,  -tafter  South-German.  -tnfrlaub 
South  Germany.  -Heil'  south- weet;  (Sømanbtyat) 
south -wester.  -Peft'ltg,  -oefl'rc  a  south -weet, 
eouth-westerly,  south-western;  adv  to(wards)  the 
south- west.  -beft'Iigft  a  southwesternmost.  -beft'» 
»tnb  South-wester.  -oft',  -oft'lig,  -#fl're  fe  -oft, 
-oftlig.    -aft'ligft  a  southeasternmost. 

©ttenit'  c  syenlte. 

©bjerfte  c  -r,  -jomfru,  -tone  needle-woman, 
seamstress,  sempstress. 

epf'UIUcsyphilis.  -t^er  pi  syphil'ides.  -i'tift 
a  syphilitic. 

©»fon  fe  6ifon. 

6u  a  (tun  fora  $rceblfat)  til;  (minbre  brugeligt 
I  ffngl.  enb  i  Vmer.)  slck;  (i  minbre  Grab)  indis- 
posed,  complaining ;  (naonl.  om  fiegemsbele) 
dlseased,  distempered ;  en  -  a  slck  person,  an 
invalid,  (patient)  a  patient;  be  -t  the  sick;  -e  og 
6aat«be  slck  and  wounded;  en  -  gob  a  bad 
foot;  -e  Startofler  dlseased  potatoes;  ligge  -  be 
oonflned  to  one's  bed  by  lUness,  Ile  Hl,  be 
laid  up  111;  ligge  -  af  be  down  in  el.  with;  Mioe 
-  be  taken  111,  (all  ill  el.  sick;  lægge  flg  -  lay 
up,  Invalid,  anfKOe  flg  -  sham  illness;  Mere  - 
paa  6Jcel  og  Seaeme  be  ill  el.  slck  in  mind  and 
body;  bore  -  efter  hanker  after;  .  for  ©psrgftmaal 
bibl  doUng  about  questlons;  $e  taler  for  Sereft 
egen  -e  SRober  that  Is  one  for  me  and  two  tor 

©ttgarn  n  sewlng  cotton. 

©pgbom  o  -me  illness,  sickness,  disease,  dis- 
order,  malady;  (minbre  brtbb.)  complaint:  (mefl 
om  $br)  dlstemper;  (om  planter;  om  ©inbet) 
disease;  en  (et  Pift  ©lag«)  ~  a  disease;  falbe  i  en 
.,  faa  en  -  paa  følfen  be  taken  ill.  —  ©bgbomø> 
aorfag  cause  of  (the)  disease.  -batterier  pi 
bocterla  of  disease.  -forfalb  Invalldlsm;  tøbe  . 
be  prevented  by  disease.  -form  form  of  disease. 
-Wtortr  fe  ©bge«.  -loere  pathology,  nosology. 
-periobe  perlod  of  illness  el.  disease.  -f  mitte  con- 
tagion,  lnfectlon  (of  disease).  -fpirr  disease  germ, 
morbid  germ.  -ftof  miasma,  malaria,  -tegn 
symptom  (of  a  disease).  -tib  time  of  a  disease. 
-tilfalbe  fit  of  illness;  case  of  sickness.  -oaf* 
tenbe  a  Øalterfer,  fe  -batterier.  ©uge  c  -r,  en 
fmitfom  -  a  contagious  disease;  ben  engelffe  . 
the  rickets;  fJj  for  ben  flemme  -  out  upon  it! 
tut!  ile  for  shame!  gib  fyrn  faa  ben  flemme  -  a 
pest  upon  him  l 

©bgelatteft  slck-certiflcate.  -taare  stretcher. 
-beretning  physidan's  report  (of  patients),    -be« 

fag  visit  to  a  patient  el.  to  an  invalid,  sick 
-visit,  doctor's  visit,  -barer  porter  (at  the 
hospital),  -brif  medicinal  potion.  -gbmnapit 
movement-cure,  kinesipathy.  -Ijiftørfe  history 
of  an  illness,  of  sickness.  -bjem  asylum  for 
invalids,  'kittip  medlcal  attendance.  -$no 
inflrmary.  -Journal  case-book.  -1  ammer  slck 
-room.  -taofe  sick-club.  -toft  food  for  patients, 
diet  for  the  sick.  -tiarter  slck-quarters.  -toi(c) 
sick-berth.  -leje  sick-bed,  bed  of  sickness;  ligge 
paa  -t  keep  one's  bed,  be  oonflned  to  one's 
bed,  stretched  on  a  bed  of  sickness;  bon  er  lige 
lommen  op  fra  flt  langbartge  .  he  has  just 
recovered  from  a  severe  illness.  ©ttgelig  a 
sickly.  inflrm,  morbid,  alling,  valetudmarlan. 
©ttgeligbrb  c  slckltness,  morbidness,  bad  health, 
ill-health.  ©ttae|ltte  sick-Ust;  fatte  paa  -n  put 
el.  enter  on  tue  sick-llst,  invalid,  -luft  slck 
-room  air.  -Itttaf  ^  sick-berth,  slck-bay.  -mab 
fe  -loft.  -meøfe  <t  rdek-mess.  -ba*fer(fle)  fe 
•bogter.  -pleje  nureing  of  el.  attendance  on  the 
sick.  -plejer(ffe)  fe  -bogter.  •rapport  report  on 
the  slck.  •rnm  ^  slck-bay.  -rogt  fe  -plr|e.  -fal 
fe  -frne.  -febbel  tlcket  of  admission  (into  an 
inflrmary).  -feng  fe  -leje.  -ffib  hospital  -ship, 
floating  hospital,  -ftotfc  fe  -toft.  -ftalb  stable 
for  sick  horses,  -pol  invalld-chalr,  bath-chalr, 
perambulator.  -frne  ward  (of  an  Inflrmary). 
•telt  slck-bay.  -trofter  comforter  of  the  slck. 
•Pog«  carrlage  el.  cart  for  transporting  the  slck 
or  wounded,  ambulance,  Invalid  carrlage;  fe 
-fiol.  -oøgter(fte)  attendant  on  the  sick,  (stok-) 
nurse,  hospital  nurse,  (ooerorbnet)  matron. 
-Ottrelfc  slck-room.  '©ttalittg  o  -er  invalid, 
valetudlnaiian.  6p'g«c  ih  sicken;  -  ben  Ian- 
gulsh,  droop. 

©tt  I  Jomfru,  -lone  fe  6berfle. 

Stttofant'  o  -er  syc'ophant. 

©bfomor  o  sycamore,  Fieu*  åyeomonu. 

6nt»rP  o  work-basket. 

©bl  e  -e  awl:  p  -e  (9enge)  tin,  rhino.  »Mab 
awlwort,  Subuloria. 

6blb  e  -er  slll,  groundsill. 

©ijlbaanet  a  awl-shaped,  ^  subulate. 

6plbe  or  put  aills  underneath.  —  6p(b|*««r 
foundation(-wall).    -fren,  -tre  slll. 

6plC| mager  c  -e  awl-maker.  -frlf  prick  with 
an  awl. 

©ttlfe  o  -r  sylph.  -let  a  light  as  a  sylph. 
-Hgnenbe  a  sylph-like.    ©plfl'be  o  -r  syl'phld. 

6p't|foraiet,  -formlg,  fe  -bennet.  -|po<  a  sharp 
as  an  awl. 

©Plje  e  -r  a  kind  of  broooh.  -torn  brooch 

6tt0  fe  6b(b. 

6pS<'otff  a  syllab'ic. 

6pflc  fe  Golje. 

©biler  pi  (Babn.)  heddles,  bealds. 

6ttHog!ø'|me  c  -r  sylloglsm.  -'riff  a  syllo- 

©b'llffaft  handle  of  an  awl.  -fplM  e  point 
of  an  awl.    -fpibft  o  pointed  like  an  awl. 

©ttlt  e  salt  mareh. 

©blte  vi  (i  0(m.)  preserve;  (i  6uRer)  conserve, 
candy;  (i  ©alt  el.  tbbtle)  pickle;  f  .  8aHe  fool 
away  time.  ©Plte  c  brawn,  souse,  pickled  pork, 
potted  ham.  ©blte|agnrt  cucumber  for  pickling. 
-flæfl  pork  (for  plckllng).  -glad  fe  -rruRe.  -grfo 
pickled  pig.  -febel  preserving-pan  el.  kettle. 
-fmfte  glass  el.  crock  for  preserves  el.  pickles, 
pickle -pot;  Jar.    -lage  pickle,  brine,  souse. 

©bttena  c  salt  marsh. 

©bltelttb  season  for  preserving  el.  pickling, 
pickling .  season.  -tai  sweet-meats,  conserves, 
preserves,  jam.    -tojsrrattr  jam-pot. 




69lt|gr«f  salt-maren  gran;  fe  6tranbtretøge. 
•%$  aalt-marsh  hay. 

6b(rni«g  o  preserving,  pickling. 

€$|U*  pay  for  sewing;  \ta  tør  betalt  4  Rtgffbaler 
i  .  I  have  paid  four  rlxdoliars  for  the  making 
•f  it    -mamut  sewing-machine. 

€tom|bo'l  n  -et  syrn 'bol.  -bøltf  e  aymbol'ogy; 
tkeol  Bymbol'ic(8).    -brlf!  a  Bymbol'ic(al. 

6tyR|fø*i'  o  -er  eymphony.  -fo'ntft  a  syrn- 
phon'ic,  sympho'nlous. 

€tø«|nurri'  o  sym'metry.  -vtetrif!  a  syrn- 

6bmpa|tt  c  -er  sym'pathy.  -<ie)'ii1*  a  sym- 
pathet'ic,  coDgenlftl.  -ti'raab  sympathetic  re- 
medy.  -tife're  vi  sym'patblse;  be  fom  -  meb  tøm 
his  sympathizers;  be  fom  -  meb  Oprøret  the  sym- 
patbixers  wlth  the  revolt. 

6tyRplega'berme  pi  the  8ymple'gades. 

6bvpio  vt  n  -er  gym'ptom.  -a'ttf!  a  symp- 

6t)tt  »,  p* «=  A  -er,  (6bn*ebne)  slght.  eyeslght, 
(faculty  of)  vision,  eye{B);  (noget,  mon  fer  eller  be« 
tragter;  slght,  spectacle;  (Synsforretning)  survey, 
vlew,  lnBpectlon;  (Øenfærb,  inbbilbt  6bn)  appari- 
tion; vision;  -er  pi  visions;  en,  bet  jcebnltg  fa  -er 
a  visionary;  ni  Uftønbling  om  -et  a  treatise  on 
eyeslght;  fat  et  ftorpt  .  be  sharp-sighted;  mtfte 
-et  lose  one's  eyeslght;  fat  et  tort  -  be  short 
-slghted  el.  near-Blghted ;  ~  for  lnsight  into;  oi 
tøbbe  .  for  6oa(e)n  we  had  ocular  demonstra- 
tion of  it;  tøbe  et  nwrft  .  paa  take  a  gloomy 
vlew  of;  F  tage  -et  fra  take  tbe  shine  out  of; 
tage  .  paa  take  a  survey  of,  survey,  vlew, 
lnspect;  et  polt  -  a  grand  slght;  for  et  -*  6tblb 
for  show,  for  the  take  of  appearances,  for 
appearance's  pake;  beb  -et  of  at  (the)  slght  of; 
tabe  af  Sone  loee  slght  of;  bør  albrig  tabe*  af  - 
shouid  never  be  lost  slght  of;  af  -e  out  of  slght; 
til  el.  i  -e  in  slght;  bi  fil  tøm  i  -e  he  caxne  in 

6b«aal  o  needle. 

Cbnago'ge  e  -er  syn'agogue.  -forftanber  ruler 
of  the  Bynagogue. 

€b'»bar  a  visible. 

€b«b  o  -er  sin;  -en  (i  Kim.)  sin;  bet  -en*  SRen- 
nefTe  that  man  of  sin;  ftorligtøben  pat  ffjule  -eti 
SRangfolbigtøb  charlty  shall  cover  the  mul  ti  tude 
of  si  ns;  bet  er  .  (Stabe)  it  Ib  a  pity;  bet  er  flor  . 
lt  is  a  great  pity,  a  thou^and  pi  ties;  bet  er  - 
for ,  om  (*i,  paa)  bam  he  is  to  be  pi  ti  ed  (pot  - 
greatly  to  be  pltied);  bet  er  >  og  ©fom  lt  Is  a 
Bin  and  a  shame;  tøab  meb  -en  tommer,  meb 
60  rgrn  bortgaar  111-gotten  goods  seldom  prosper; 
fe  $f ;  lob  tøm  itte  bf  i  -en  did  not  let  him  off 
so  easily,  made  him  pay  for  lt.  6b*be  vi  sin; 
tø  ab  tør  Jeg  -et?  what  sin  have  I  commltted?  — 
«bnbe|beib«aet  o  sin-oppressed.  -bob  penance. 
+  -brat  fe  -reguler,  -bul  s capegoat.  -bbrbe  weight 
el .  burden  or  sin.  -falb  fall  (of  man),  -fri  a 
free  from  sin.  -fri|eb  freedom  ftom  sin.  •ffnlb 
a  sinful.  -lebuei,  -lis  sinful  life.  -t*|  fe  -fri. 
•atb  fe  -bbrbe.  ••penge  a  »hameful  ex  tortion. 
6  bttber  c  -e  sinner;  (1  itte*religijv«  ©fttjb.)  cul- 
prit,  dellnquent;  <Bub  bor  mig  -er  noabigl  God 
be  merciiul  to  me,  a  sinner l  6bnberegifter  list 
of  sins.    Cbnberinbe  c  -r  (female)  sinner. 

€b«brrlig  o  A  adv  particular;  fe  Cefbnberlig; 
tør  ilte  _  £bft  have  no  great  mind ;  —  odv 
particularly;  itfe  -  very  lltUe,  not  greatly,  not 
particularly,  (beb  Wbj.)  not  very.  -)rb  c  -er  sin- 
gulaiity,  peculiarlty,  particularity. 

6*abe|W«l  cover  et.  cloak  for  sin.    -ftblb 
gnilt  of  sin. 
6lj*br*noipgi  c  syndesmol'ogy. 
6b«be|ftraf  punishment  for  sin.     -ftp*  un- 

concernednesa  about  one's  sins.  -tror!  »lave  u> 
sin.    -Hej  sinful  course. 

€tt«bffob  c  deluge,  flood. 

€»«b|fti,  -frt|eb  fe  6bnbe*.  €fi,abig  a  alrjful. 
wicked;  F  en  -  6taj  a  shocking  noise.  «B^r»if- 
beb  0  slnfulneas. 

€b«bita't  n  syn'dicate;  offlce  of  a  eyndic. 
€ft«bitnø  o  syndic. 

Cbnboffer  sin-offering.  —  6Hmbi|»t1iil)|htøb. 
•ertenbelfe  consciouaneaa  of  one's  slus.  -fat^ 
labelfe  remlssion  of  sins. 

€tø*e  vi  (tage  fia  ub)  look  well,  appear  to  ad- 
vantage;  vt  cbefigtige)  inspect,  vlew. 

€b«efl)i'  e  svne'chla. 

€b«e'briet  the  San'hedrim  et.  danliedxln. 

Cbnergiø'me  c  synergism. 

€b«e«,  fonte«  vd  b  impert  (finbe)  think,  find; 
(tøbe  Ubfeenbe  af)  seem,  appear ;+«sfel;  brt  . 
faa  so  it  seems;  bet  .  fom  om  lt  looks  as  it,  it 
would  seem  that;  fom  $e  -  aa  you  please;  .  oa 
llke ;  .  meget  gobt  om  like  very  much ;  tøab  - 
f)e  berom  ?  what  do  you  thlnk  of  it ;  itq  -  at 
tø  re,  erinbre  I  seem  to  hear,  remember.  fom  bet 
.  apparently;  •  F  -  €bnb  i  en  pity  one,   think 

pity  of  one;  mig  -  methinks,  I  think. 
Cbnge,  fang,  fungct  vi  k  t  slug,  (f, 
Wrtfe,  Sagterfang  0.  b.)  chant;  .  for  lead  off;  _ 

meb  Join  In  the  singing;  ~  op  sing  out;  -  efter 
Kober  sing  by  note,  from  notes;  jeg  tør  tynt  ea 
ftugl  -  om  a  little  blrd  has  whlspered  in  my 
ear;  jtal  -g  paa  een  Staoelfe  is  to  be  sung  to  one 
syllable:  fe  »er«;  tale  noget  -nbe  speak  with  a 
tone.  €b«g«|gabe  gift  of  song.  -ror  chorn* 
of  singera.  -Innft  art  of  singing.  6)tt|elig  a 
singable.  €pngejtbft  fondness  el.  love  of  sing- 
ing. -latter  singing-master.  -maabe  manner  of 
singing.  -mefter  singing -master.  6Hagev  c 
singing.  €bnaeiprabe  singing  rehearsa).  -ftale 
singing -BChool.  -fpit  opera,  musical  piece. 
•ftemme  singing  voice:  (i  mnfitnummer)  voeal 
part.  -ftøtte  fe  -fpil.  -fttfVtr  prompter,  -f^ge 
rage  for  singing.  -time  singing .  lesaon.  -t»ae 

Cføttlitg  c  (af:  €0ne  vt)  lnspectlon. 

69*i»g  c  (af:  6b)  sewing;  (6am)  eeam;  O«  rose 
lapning.    *6tjning*møtt  turningin. 

€bnt  n  (poa  f^iftefnore)  sinker. 

G\>ntt,  fanf,  funtet  vt  (foalge)  swallow;  fe  Somfe; 
—  «t  (falbe  neb)  sink;  (om  Sorb  o.  b.)  subside; 
(libt  ffttc  libt)  set  tie  (down);  om  8anbf)ano, 
©atom.)  fall,  go  down;  6fibet  er  funtet  the  ahip 
has  foundered  el.  is  gone  down;  .  i  dorben  sink 
into  the  earth;  .  om  paa  (Bulbet  fall  upon  the 
floor;  fall  down;  -  i  Jrnæ  sink  down;  lobe  f3i«Iten 
.  noget  lower  the  beam  a  litUe;  lobe  Stemmen  - 
lower  one's  volce;  lobe  $obebet  .  hang  one's 
head;  Bonbet  begbnber  at  .  the  water  beglns  to 
fall;  .  fammfn  settle;  bringe  til  at  -  f ammen  settle; 
fig  tønt  SRob  fant  he  beeame  dfeheartened;  tøn 
er  funten  bnbt  he  has  debased  himself  very 
much,  he  Is  fallen  very  low;  -r  i  $ri*  ta  falUsg, 

Soing  down;  -nbe  ^onb  sinking  fund.  6tpaVr|> 
ebbing  groundways.  -fri  a  unslnkable,  un- 
sinking,  unsubmersible.  •fonrbig  a  in  a  sinking 
state  el.  condltion.  -lob,  -bagi  sinker.  6b*rm, 
6ttttrnittg  c  sinking;  founderingetc.;  subsldence; 
swallowlng.  €bnflabe  vt  load  to  the  sinking 

6btt|tope  o  miM,  gram,  med  ayncope.  -foptre 
vt  syn'copate. 

Cbntretjie'me  o  syn'cretism.  -ifl'  c  -er  syn'- 
cretlst.    -ift'ift  a  syncretistie. 

€b«fronift  ift  a  syncronlstlc. 

*6b  nfberb|e  vt  hoodwink.  -lag  e  hocua 
-pocus,  Jugglery. 

Øb'ttlig  a  visible;  blibe  .  come  into  view. 




-o*te  øt  make  visible;  .  jto.  -  for  ftø  felt)  vira- 
alire,  reallie.  -b*b  c  visibility,  vlslblenesø,  per- 
ceptlbility,  (6tjerne#)  apparition. 

6»no'|bc  e  -c  syn'od.  -tal  synod'lcal.  -tal. 
lerret  syn'odal. 

6fcttjøMb  nt  o  synon'ymous;  -e  Ubtrbt  Id  ter- 
changeable  terms;  —  -er  syn'onym.  -ontjntft' 
c  synonym'ic.  -onb'ntifY  a  synonym'ic.  -ona- 
ni! te' t  e  synon'ymy,  synon'ymousness. 

6bttOp'ti|rerne  the  tbree  firet  evangelists,  the 
synoptists.    -ff  a  synoptic(al). 

6bttøbia'U)ittbe  c  syno'vial  membrane  (o.  fL). 
fen'tt*|aabntng  pupil.  -atie  optic  el.  visual 
azia.  -bebraø  optical  deception  el.  delusion. 
-cnne  (power  of)  vision,  slght.  -felt  field  of 
view.  -forretning  inspection,  survey.  69*11  a 
visionary.  60tt*jfraft  power  of  vision.  -trrbf 
horizon:  fig  range  of  vision;  »c  ken.  -lopperne 
fe  9irfyøjrne.  •linie  line  of  vision;  horizon.  -l«re 
optics,  -ntaabe  view.  -ntanb  surveyor,  inspec- 
tor.  -neme  visual  nerve,  -organ  visual  organ, 
organ  of  vlBlon.  -pnntt  point  of  view;  fra  tor- 
pen ige  -er  from  different  angles,  -ranb  horizon. 
•fanf  sense  of  sight,  eyesight.  -ftnffelfe  fe  bt- 
brøfl.  -ftraale  visual  ray.  -blbbe  range  (of 
slght  el.  vision),  -btlbelfe  (optic)  Illusion. 
-nivtet  visual  angle. 

6*n|ratg'  c  syn'tax.     -tat'tiff  a  syntactic(al). 

©tintbe  |fe  c  synthesis.    -'Hft  a  syntbet'icfal). 

6o|pige  fe  -Jomfru,  -plabe  (p.  St^mafline)  cloth 
•plate.  -pofe  work-bag,  reticule.  -pnbe  sewing 

€$ra|rn'»  n  Syr'acuse.  -tnfoner  o,  -fn  fifl  a 

6brantnte  c  work-frame. 

Cijre  c  -r  (i  Rifler)  groove. 

6$re  o  -r  add;  (plante)  sorrel,  Rumex  aeetora; 
*sour  whey;  .  i  SRaben  acidity  in  the  stomach, 
souiness  of  stomach.  Øbre  vt  sour;  .  Sejøen 
leaven  the  dough.  6pre|b«ntpenbe  a  antacid. 
-tolbig  a  acidlferous. 

©blretoiflier  fe  -fager. 

6b*e'n  o  -er  lilac,  Syringa. 

6tjre|falt  salt  of  lemons,  sorrel-salt.  -fTrffpbe 
fe  6^re  $.  -ftaøenbe  a  antacid.  €b«t  a  addi- 

6nri|en  n  Syr'ia.    -er  o  Syr'Ian. 

6bring  c  shield. 

©bring  fe  €bren. 

6brifl  a  Syr'lac.  8yr'ian;  -,  bet  -e  6proø 
Syr'iac.  the  Syriac  language. 

6b  rffg  a  sourisb,  tart,  subacld,  acidulated. 
•$c»  e  acidity.    6bmet  a  soured. 

6brte  e  -r  syrtls. 

Gprnp  fe  6hup. 

Cblfaøer  sewing  lmplementa.  -filte  sewing 
-gilk.  -ftole  sewing -school.  -ftrin  work-boz. 
•ftrne  screw-cushlon. 

6&41e  v%  faet)  be  busy,  occupy  one's  self 
(with).    6plien  ø  busyiog  one's  self. 

6ty# fel  e  -flet  avocation,  occupation,  business; 
^døenft  fcebbanliøe  -fler  the  usual  routine  of  the 
dav.  €b*fel  n  -fler  (p.  301.)  distrlct,  province. 
tCfrtfcljfonc  teetotum.  -ntanb  (paa  3«lanb  øø 
fortierne)  judge  and  revenue  officer  of  a  district. 
-fortie  vt  busy,  employ,  occupy.  -forttelfe  c 
occupying,  busying;  employment,  engagement; 
fe  6b«fel  c. 

6nftent  n  -er  sys'tem;  (Hobe«)  staff;  efter  et 
forbebret  .  on  an  improved  system;  brinør  i  ~ 
reduæ  to  a  system,  -atif  o  sys'tematJsm. 
-o/iitcr  e  -e  sys'tematist.  -atife're  vt  sys'tema- 
tlze.  -a'tlfl  a  sy6temat'ic(al);  adv  systematic- 
ally.  on  system,  -fabrilant,  -lr«M»tef  system 
-maker,  -monger.  -foranbrinø^  -flifte  cbange 
of  system. 

€b'|flen  sewing-stone,  sewing-cushion.  -fHnø 
stitch.    -frue  sewing-room;  fe  -flole. 

*€bt  n  whimperlng.    Btftt  vi  whimper. 

€bltob  ^  lasher,  låsning;  frapplng.  -traab 
sewing- thread. 

€btten  num  eard  se  ven  teen.  -bf  num  ord 
se  ven  teen  th.  €btri  num  card  seventy.  G)tti> 
aarig  o  septuagenary;  en  -  a  septuagenarian,  a 

6b**j  n  needle-work,  sewing. 

6bb  seven;  fnaRe  .  Sanøe  oø  ~  ©rebe  (om) 
spin  a  long  yarn  (abouO;  bet  barer  altib  .  Sanøe 
oø  -  ©rebe,  tnben  ban  bitbet  forbiø  he  is  sJways 
very  long  In  gettlng  ready.  Cbblaarig.  -aarg 
a  septennial,  seven  years,  seven  years  old;  en 
-aazi  Dtenø  a  boy  of  seven  'years).  •aarilriøett 
the  seven  years'  war.  -amtet  a  seven-armed. 
•bf abet  a  seven-leaved.  -bobbelt  fe  -folb.  €b« 
benbe  seventh;  bet  .  »ub  the  eighth  command- 
ment;  for  bet .  seventhly;  til .  oø  fibft  ultlmately; 
last,  not  least;  i  ben  -  Åimmel  in  raptures,  In 
bliss,  fe  ^immel.  6bbenbebel  c  seventh.  €bber 
e  -e  seven.  6)b|følb,  -folbig  sevenfold,  septuple. 
'ffunntt  a  heptandrous.  -ftnnnet  a  heptagynous. 
-lånt  septangle,  heptagon.  -tunttt  a  septangu- 
lar.  -tottet  <>  $  seven-fingertd.  -milefUbler 
seven-league  (-leagued)  boots.  -flbet  a  septi- 
lateral.  -foner  fig  great  sleeper,  li  e-a- bed,  slug 
-a-bed;  (Dpt)  dormouse,  Myoxxu  gfo-,  -ne  pi  the 
seven  sleepers  (of  Ephe»us>.  -foner bag  day  of 
the  seven  sleepers.  -Hjernen  the  Seven  Stars, 
the  Pleiad(e)s.  -frrenget  a  seven  stringed.  -tal 
the  number  seven;  (2)mp.)  sllce.  t-"  f*  6btti. 
-tiben :  beb  -  about  seven. 

€bl«f!e  fe  -frrin.    -ofe  4,  lashing-eye. 

Ø«be  e  -r  soap.  €«be  vt  soap;  .  inb  (fitnneb) 
soap  (linen),  (6tsø)  P ,  oøf.  fiq  lather;  -  af  wash 
with  suds.  -agHg  a  soapy,  saponaceous.  -boble 
soap-bubble.  -b«r  soap-berry.  -barlr«  soap 
-berry  tree,  Sapindua  toponaria.  -baafe  soap 
-box.  -fferbinø  soap-cask.  -iorb  fuller's  earth. 
-top  soap-dish.  -loft  shaving-brush  -tngle  soap 
-ball,  wash-ball.  •list  soap-slze.  -Inb  soap-lye. 
•mefter  overseer  in  a  soap-manufactory.  -plafev 
soap-plaster.  -prop  suppository.  -pnfber  soap 
-powder.  -rif  soap-whisker.  -rob  fe  -urt.  -frntn 
lather.  -fpiritnf  splrit  of  soap.  -ften  soap 
-stone,  steatite.  -fbber  c  -e  soap-boiler.  -fpberi 
n  -ex  soap-manufartory.  -ftaberlnb  caustic  lye. 
-tro?  fe  -bottra.  -toet  fe  -oabft.  -nrt  soap-wort, 
fuller's  herb,  Saponaria  offioinalu.  -babft  wash- 
ing  with  soap.    -bonb  suds,  soap-suds. 

€«b  e  -er  (£otbtmne)  custom,  usage;  rene,  øobe 
-er  good,  pure  morals;  -er  oø  Stifte  manners 
and  custnmfl;  man  fTal  .  folae  eller  fianb  \it)  you 
must  do  in  Rome,  as  they  do  in  Bome. 

0«b  c  (9rø)  seed;  (føsrørn,  €æbe!om)  grain; 
(ftom,  botlenbe  el.  (øflet)  crop;  (^oø  gRrnnefter  øø 
SDbr)  semen,  sperm;  bibl  (Cftertommere)  seed;  -rn 
ftoar  øobt  i  flat  there  is  a  fine  show  of  corn  this 
year.  6ab|art  species  of  grain.  -bille  corn 
•weevil,  CaUndm.  -bfirre  spermatic  el.  seminal 
vesicle.  -bbr  fe  -fim.  -batter  seed-barrow.  -boet* 
ninø  coverlng  in  the  seed. 

€«be  n  -r  (oøf.  fig)  seat;  -t  (Ooabelen)  the  seat 
(of  honour),  toge  .  take  a  seat;  brinøe  til  .  get 
seated;  faa  .  i  obtaln  a  seat  in.  6sbe|bab  sitz 
-bath,  hip-bath.  -ben  hip-bone.  -bengfnnbf 
condyle  of  the  bip-bone.    -br«t  seat. 

fjffbebbg  n  barley  for  seed  etc. 

6irbeøaarb  c  (privileged)  manor,  country  seat. 

6nbe|tøm  seed-com.    -(onb  corn -land. 

Gcrbeliø  a  of  good  morals,  moral,  -beb  o 
morality,  morals,  -teboatteft  certiflcate  of  char- 
acter,   -lebflop  moral  law.  —  64rbe|l<trbønt 




moral  doctrlne.    -l*re  ethics,  moral  philosophy. 

-lorrer  moralist. 
GfttORMttet  o  October, 
6ftbemaleri  n  plcture  of  mannere. 

6a£e|ma«b  sower,  seedsman.  -warf  corn-fleld. 

6*be|mbe  c  (p.  wbe)  calloslty. 

Gffbetib  fe  6aarib. 

6*be»entU  c  (Som.)  oonlcal  val  ve. 

€flfb|flnt  spermatozoid.  -flaab,  -ftob  pollu- 
tion, lnvoluntary  discharge  of  semen.  -fmrc 
last  ploughlng.  -ff  lge  o  succession  of  crops. 
-gaag  bean-goose,  Anser  »egetwn.  -Ipft  corn 
harvest.  -fan  al  spermatic  duet.  -Ur  spermatic 
vessel.  -firtel  spermatio  gland.  -tom  grain 
of  seed.  -levet  fe  tonal,  -legeme  fe  -fim.  -o«- 
ffribtting  regulatlon  of  wages  in  accordanoe 
wlth  the  prices  of  corn.  •rendttiagømaffitte 
winnowing-machine.  -r*g  rye  for  seed.  -ffffte 
rotation  of  crops.  -tøire  germ,  seed-bud.  -fraf 
corn-stack.  -frreng  spermatic  cord.  -|U»  pollen. 
•traab  $  filament.  -abtamnielfe  discharge  of 

6a>b»aae  c  -r  custom,  usage,  habit,  practiee, 
wont.  -ret  customary  law.  Gffbbaaltg  a  cus- 
tomary,  usual,  ordinary,  wonted,  habitual;  bet 
-e  the  usual  thing.  6«b»a'ttlig(titø)  adv  usu- 
ally,  generally,  as  a  general  thing;  font  -  as 
usual.  6<rbbatt9ntff*fig  a  customary;  conven- 

6*'btoffbffe  c  semen,  sperm. 

*6ffing  o  -er  herring  el.  Bilvery  gull,  Larui 

Bat*  c  -fe  sack,  bag;  f»be  jtatten  i  -len  buy  a 
pig  in  a  poke;  i  .  og  fcffe  in  sack-cloth  and 
ashes.  -bager  common  honesty,  satin-wort, 
Lunaria  ttiennb.  -tirrer  muslin  moth,  Piycke. 
-b*r  pi  tunicate  mollusks,  -førmig  a  bag-shaped; 
Zf  saccate.  -fnlb  c  sackful.  -binbe  Berous  mem- 
brane.  6«fte  vt  sack,  bag,  put  into  a  sack  el. 
bag;  vi  (om  ftlabex)  pucker,  be  baggy. 

6oefte|baanb  sack-Btrlng.  -brejf  crash.  -gabe 
turn-again-alley.  -gøb»  sack-goods.  -Iirrreb 
sack-cloth,  bagglng,  sacking,  -lab  Jumping  in 
sacks.  -|plbr  bag-pipe.  -friter  bag-piper.  -fpiaber 
fe  -bo»xex.  -tøj  fe  -laxxeb.  -bøg«  waggon  for 
corn-sacks.  —  Ctefjffft  cumulus.     -fbttlft  cyst. 

6*1  c  seal,  Phoca. 

Bal  n,  pi  =,  fe  Sæteitøite. 

t6fff  a  happy. 

BaVanh  fe  SjaHanb. 

6*lbe  vt  (Stel)  slft  (meal).  -»-fnlb  a  brimful. 
6slbning  c  sining. 

6*  ilfanger  sealer.  -fangerbambfflb  seallng 
stearaer.  -fangertur  seallng  voyage.  -fangjt 
sealing,  seal-fishery,  -fishlng. 

6<elge,  folgte,  folgt  vt  sell;  (nabnfig  Saxer  af 
en.  el.  anben  Slag«)  vend;  (igen,  ftbab  man  felo 
$ar  fabt)  resell;  .  i  bet  flore  sell  wholesale;  .  i 
bet  fmaa  retall;  .  ub  (realifexe;  sell  off;  -ø  for 
sells  at;  fælg  ifte  ©jørnen*  Aub  ofb.,  fe  ©jøxn; 
don't  eat  the  caifin  the  cow  s  belly;  «flrst  catch 
your  hare*.  6  alge  j  brev  bill  of  sale.  -føne, 
-fattting  basket- woman.  6ar(ariig  a  saleable, 
vendible.  6at(gctigbeb  c  saleableness.  6a>tgen 
c  selling.  Gonger  c  -e  seller,  vender;  (for  en 
Støbmanb)  town-tra veller.  6atgeri«Ve  c  -x 

6«  l|b«»b  fe  6*1.  -bnnbe«  fe  Seth.  •-flubbe 
bat  (for  clubbing  down  seals).  -føb  flesh  of  the 
seal,  seal-beef. 

Bctttaut  fe  SisQanb. 

6a»  llffinb  seal  skin.  -fTiabøfttffert  sealsktn 

6ttfføm  a  Strange,  singular,  odd.  -fteb  c 
strangeness,  singularity,  oddnesa. 

6ft'!|Wb  harpoon  el.  spear  for  killing  seals. 
•tø«f  seal-blubber.    -tran  seal-oll. 

Bttut:  i  ~  aground,  to  the  bottom;  tort  et 
6Kb  i  .  sink  a  snip;  ftøbe  i  -  sink  (by  a  sbot; 
6<rale  vt  sink;  let  down,  lower;  -  ftfSettni  de- 
press  the  telescope;  &  .  Sanbet  lay  the  land; 
-  ©liftet  cast  down  one's  eyes;  -  fa  sink  (down), 
»11,  (om  &ugl)  stoop;  meb  -t  PJe,  ©UF  wlth  down 
-cast  eyes,  look.  6*n!c  c  -r  swage,  bottom-die 
Ctenle  n  -r  sinker,  slnldng-weight,  lead.  — 
B€tnU\M[t,  -fifle  fe  Samt-.  Sanirer  c  meck 
countergink.  6eaterambolt  swage-anviL  S«slc  < 
fle«  sinker,  -tøffe  fe  S  cent.,  -øaab,  -bo*  seine, 
castingnet.  —  6amf|grttbe  ($<xrnb.)  slnk-hole. 
•faftfe  caisson.  -fife  stone-comn;  coflTerdam. 
•fo(b  bradawl.  Bæntnina  c  sinking.  6oeaf  jfrtfrt 
wattle-work.    -botrf  fascine-work. 

Bov  a  singular,  odd,  Strange;  *fe  -belea;  *cro^, 
peevish.  €<rr|aftr*I  fe  6epaxat<.  -bele*  a  par- 
tlcular,  peculiar,  spe  dal,  especial;  —  adv  parti- 
cularly,  peculiarly.  -be'Ief (eb :  i  .  adv  in  par 
tlcular,  (more)  especlally.  -eges  o  peculiar, 
speclal,  partlcular.  -cgen^eb  c  peculiarity, 
partlcularlty.  -eje,  •ejembom  excluslve  passes- 
sion,  monopoly.  -falelfe  nationalism.  -f^Ibig 
a  characteristic.    -beb  o  singularity,  oddity. 

6ocrt  c  -e  shift,  smock,  chemise;  ^  cover 
BcerttM  a  smockless,  shiftless. 

6«'rlfenbe  n  characteristic,  distinctive  feature. 
-f enbettg  «  characteristic.  -rnlbftaara  pi  chlldren 
of  different  beds.  -falrar  speclal  culture.  -Ub 
separate  purchase  (of  land),  -fannet  a  dlclinou>. 
6«r(ig  a  (tbbelig  obffilt)  separate,  distinct;  (fart- 
egen)  especial,  particular.  6ffrliag  c  -et  whim- 
sical  person,  excentricp.,  queerfellow,  oddity. 
6ar|l0b  by-law.  -mørfe  distinctive  mark,  dl>- 
tinguishing  character,  characteristic.  -nav« 
proper  name.  *>r«g  peculiar  stamp,  -ret,  -ret* 
tigbeb  privllege.  -flnb  singularity,  oddneæ. 
•finbet  a  singular,  odd,  opinionated.  -fla^ct%eb 
c  fe  -flnb.  -MftlHe  vt  distingulsh.  -ffUt  a  sepa- 
rated,  separate,  distinct,  pi  several;  et  -  fra&rtrl 
a  chapter  by  itself:  —  adv  separately.  -ffrift  ■ 
monography.  -flabe,  •ftanb^nnft,  -ftiflimg  pe- 
culiar position,  -ft«  phenomenon,  prodigy. 
-»-fttnt  a  rare.  -tegn  fe  -lenbe.  -trfet  fe  Separat' 
aftrbf.    -bfffen  lndlvidual. 

Cofo«'  [fx.]  o  -ex  sea'son.  €*fo«gfart  season 

Bat*  n,  pi  s,  (Spring)  bound:  (btwb  bex  fætteft 
frem  ofb.  paa  engang,  om  Xxrtfrtst  ^orceQam  ofbj 
set;  (Irleebei)  suit  (of  clothes);  (et  Slag«  £o*ebt«j) 
coiflure,  head-dress;  (9Raabe)  manner,  way;  bet 
gab  et  .  i  tøm,  ban  gao  et  -  he  started;  +poa  . 
og  ©tS  in  some  way.  6ttt|bø(t  set-bolt.  -aarb 
^  wash-board.    -brfft  fe  6ub>. 

*€o?ter  e  -e  mountain  pasture;  m.  dairy:  til 
-S  in  the  mountain  pasture.  -brmg,  -brift  dairy 
-farming  on  the  mountain  pastures,  -fcava 
mountain  pasture.  -b»nb  shepherd's  dog,  colley. 
•^ttttc  mountain  dairy.  -fcitte  girl  tending  the 
cattle  in  a  mountain  pasture.  -mab  produce  of 
the  mountain  dairy.    -|iigc  fe  -jente. 

6fft|gang  c  ^t  spirkettlng.  -Ijage  fe  Sæggt>. 
-bammer  set  hammer.  -Jaers  ^  caulking-iron. 
-linie  &  stepping-llne.    -mel  starch. 

6fftning  c  -er  »etting,  placlng  etc.;  (af  3orb; 
o.  1.).  seUling;  &  (om  Stxam;  setting,  (B«tt»il) 
pitching;  gram  sentence,  clause,  proposition.  — 
Sfttningdlafcent  phrase-accentuation.  -bDgntag 
constructlon  of  sentences.  -bel  part  of  the  sen- 
tence. -forbiabrlfe  connexion  of  6entence>. 
•l«re  syntax. 

B*tpt>xt  c  A,  half-port. 

♦6æ  tre  vi  be  with  the  cattle  at  the  ,6«ter . 

6at|fftwer  substitute  el.  deputy  master,  -ffme 




set-screw.  -tøffe  (Xtat.)  scene,  set.  -ftyraume 
deputy  mate. 

GttHt,  fatte,  fat  vt  set,  place,  put;  typ  compose, 
set  up,  put  in  type;  (farbig)  fat  typ  in  type;  <& 
(om  Strøm,  Sejl)  set,  (om  Hejsningen)  set  up; 
(i  $ant)  pawn;  (f.  fttl.  i  fiattit)  stump;  ~  fafl 
arrest,  fio  nonplus;  fort  at  bet  fler  suppose  that 
should  happen;  -  tø  set  ears,  ear;  -  onbt  ©lob 
xnake  bad  blood;  -  ©Iomft  put  forth  flowers;  - 
»la!  make  Ink;  .  §rugt  set;  -  en  Dame*  Aaar 
•do  a  lady'B  hair;  .  Øgler,  JtlQftér  apply  leeohes, 
a  dyster;  _  Itnopper  put  forth  buds;  be  fatte  barn 
en  ttinbeftøtte  they  erected  el.  raised  a  monument 
to  him;  .  6atfen  (fttjro.)  form  the  composition; 

-  StMbommen  arrest  the  dlsease;  -  et  Silfalbe  put 
«f.  suppose  a  case;  -  Xroer  plant  trees;  —  vi 
(f.  Cti.  om  $inb)  bring  forth  yonng;  ^  (om  &ar- 
iøj)  send,  (om  Strøm  o.  b.)  set;  tomme  -nbe  come 
full-drive;  —  er  -  flg  (fønte)  subside,  settle;  (om 
-Sejret)  become  settled;  fat  Deml  sit  down!  be 
seatedt  take  a  Beat;  fatte  ftg  igen  resumed  his 
chair,  (an«  Aibftg(eb  bil  fnart  -  fifl  his  passion 
will  soon  subside;  .  flg  foft  get  flxed;  .  ftø  et 
3Raal  propose  an  object  to  one's  self;  —  meb 
jmxp  oø  adv.  -  af ,  fe  affatte,  (Hl  en,  til  et  ©rug) 
leave,  set  aside;  (meb  ©aab)  push  off,  shove  on; 
fat  af  I  mil  recover  arms!  .  et  ©en,  en  Srm  af 
amputate  a  leg,  an  arm;  bi  fatte  tøm  af  unberoei* 
we  set  him  down  on  the  way;  -fttoaqtl  -r  af  the 
cattle  are  losing  flesh  el.  falling  away  (in  flesh); 
.  af  paa  TOalten  begin  to  give  less  milk;  -  a  f- 
f  teb  make  off,  dart  off;  -  an  art  ram  home;  *£, 
eet  up;  .  efter  en  go  el.  set  out  in  pursuit  of 
one,  ab*  gire  cbase;  -  efter  Pfl  leave  behind; 
ban  fatte  tøm  $iftolrn  for  ©rbftet  heclapped  the 
pistol  to  his  breast;  -  en  noget  for  set  one  a  task; 

-  onbt  for  en  (o*  nøgen  prejudice  one  agalnst  a 

{>erson;  .  flg  for  purpose;  -  en  Øranfe  for  put  a 
imit  to;  .  en  til  ftormbnber  for  make  one  the 
guardian  of;  .  for  gobt  <L  set  up  for  a  full  due; 
.fra  (meb  ©aab),  fe  -  af;  (en  SRafrmbel)  dlscon- 
nect,  throw  out  of  gear;  -  en  6tol  frem  place 
a  chair;  .ben  put  aside;  .  fine  ©enge  i  ©anten 
deposit  el.  lodge  one's  money  in  the  bank;  bon 
bat  fat  fin  ftormue  i  Sorbegobft,  Statipaptrer  be 
has  Tested  his  money  in  fanded  property,  the 
funds;  .  en  noget  i  $øoebet  put  a  thing  into  one's 
head;  .  fin  Ølabe  i  delight  in;  .  fin  røre  i  glory 
in,  pride  one's  self  upon;  .  i  Btbejbe  set  at 
work;  .  i  fianb  land;  .  i  fieb  set;  .  i  TOuflf  set 
to  mnsic;  .  i  6ibe  typ  make  up;  -  flø  i  ©etoft- 
ninø  put  one's  self  to  expense;  .  fig  i  Salb  run 
into  debt;  fe  ttefpett;  fat  Dem  i  mit  Steb  I  put 
yourself  in  my  place;  —  vi  -  i  Søen  &  pitch; 
.  i  Jtrbbben  bite  the  crib;  *.  i  cry  out,  shout; 
•-  i  et  6trig  scream,  give  a  cry;  •fatte  i  at  le 
borst  out  laughlng;  *fatte  i  at  øø  set  up  bark- 
ing; .  igennem  carry  through,  effectuate, 
achieve;  .  fin  ©ilje  igennem  carry  one's  point;  . 
onbt  imellem  make  mischlef  between;  .  imob 
fe  $aotb;  .  flg  imob,  fe  TOobfatte;  .  inb  (fremmeb 
Jtttag  o.  b.)  impound;  .  $eflen  inb  put  up  the 
horse;  (om  ©eir)  vi  come  on,  (om  Sttøm  o.  1.) 
set  In;  .  en  inb  i  put  one  up  to,  give  one  an 
idea  of;  .  fig  inb  i  make  one's  self  famillar  with, 
rtudy  up;  reallze;  identify  one's  self  with:  .  inb 
(Done)  stake;  .  neb  paa,  fe  ftebfatte;  .  fig  neb 
(nebfatte  fig)  settle,  establish  one  self;  .  fig  neb 
fora  tyinblrnbe  set  up  in  business;  .  om,  fe  Dut« 
fatte;  .  en  6tang  om(oug  &  send  up  a  top- 
mast;  .  en  Raa  om(oug  j>  cross  a  yard;  .  en 
©arbctfnib  op  set  up  a  razor;  .  en  Sao  op  set 
and  snarpen  a  saw;  .  op  $aar  do  hair;  .  op  til 
ttnttion  put  up  by  auction;  .  op  (flriftl.)  draw 
up:  .  et  albørltgt  Vnftgt  op  put  on  a  grave  face; 
.  flg  op  imob  set  one's  self  agalnst,  set  one's 

mee  agalnst,  rise  agalnst;  .  ober  (goa  ooet)  cross; 
(meb  et  $op)  leap;  (fcette  onbre  ooet)  eonvey 
across,  ferry  across;  .  en  ober  nt  give  one  charge 
of  st;  lob  leflen  .  ooet  vtefaertet  leaped  his  horse 
over  the  rails;  .  inb  paa  rush  on;  rush  in  among; 
.  (noget)  paa  ©in  steep  (something)  in  wine;  - 
paa  Søren  turn  out:  .  gfatoe  paa  colour;  fatte 
gatten  paa  put  on  his  hat;  .  dugt  paa  perfume; 
.  ftrbberi  paa  spice;  .  Smag  paa  flavour;  .  31b 
paa  put  fire  to;  .  ©anb  paa  set  water  over  the 
nre;  .  $ufet  paa  ben  anben  Cnbe  throw  the  house 
out  of  the  wlndow;  .  paa  Xantp  ^  set  up  on 
end;  *.  paa  (Jtalbe)  rear;  .  fammen  put  to- 
gether;  -  %oft  fammen  set  folks  togetber  by  the 
ears;  .ti!  waste.  spend;  .  Sfibet  til  lose  the 
ship;  fe  Sejl;  .  £tbet  HI  perlsh,  lose  one's  life; 
ben  gobe  $nrbe  -t  Sibet  ril  for  Sfaarene  bibl  the 
good  shepherd  giveth  his  life  for  tho  sheep;  . 
til  (en  ©ri«)  put  down  at;  .  9tufi!  til  set  to 
music;  .  fig  til  Aeft  get  on  horseback,  take  horse, 
mount;  .  en  til  at  make  one;  .  tilbage  (paa  fU 
Steb)  replace;  bette  Tab  (ar  fat  (am  meget  tilbage 
this  loss  has  greatly  reduced  him;  -  ub  (Søl) 
pawn,  (©arn)  put  out  to  nurse;  (et  ftbgte,  en 
Søgn)  set  abroad;  .  en  ub  ab  Døren  turn  one 
out  of  doors;  .  en  ©aab  ub  put  a  boat  out,  (fta 
$af)  lower  a  boat;  .  Srilboagter  ub  post  sentrles; 
fatte  to  Slagftfrrøbte  ub  paa  (am  set  two  bullles 
at  him;  .  ub  af  Spillet  send  to  Coventry;  vi  . 
ub  (affteb)  start;  fe  Ubfætte;  .  fig  ub  ooet  disregard; 
.  unber  Øfftanntng  put  to  the  vote;  .  unber 
Debat  bring  in  question.  Sat  te  |  bi  flop  bishop 
substitute.  -brart  typ  compositor's  board,  •be« 
store  pond.  -bommer  commissioned  judge.  -fif! 
nsh-fry.  t-folt  people  who  receive  pawns  for 
the  lombard.  -terpe  young  carp.  t-f one,  -manb 
receiver  of  pawns  for  the  lombard.  -fbift  slip, 
cutting.  t-tolbet  lombard's  receivlng-omce. 
-linie  typ  setdng-rule.  -Ug  fe  Stitløg.  -mafrine 
type-setting  machine,  type-setter,  composing 
machine.  -pil  slip  el.  cutting  of  a  willow. 
•plante  slip  of  a  plant.  *-potetee  pi  sets.  S*t- 
ter  o  -e  typ  compositor;  (fiobeft.)  drift;  (6are) 
doe-hare;  fe  Sotterbunb.  Sflftterfefl  error  of  the 
compositor.  Satterbnnb  setter.  Sætteri'  n  -er 
composing-room,  case-room.  SarterLøa  compos- 
itor's wages.  Sflttte|roboff-set(ofaroot).  -rmfe 
bow-net  (set  up  near  theshore).  -ffipper,  -frbr» 
meab,  fe  Sat.,  -flage,  -ftang,  »fiol,  fe  -rotft.  -rib 
breeding  time.    -bogn  spare  el.  reserve  waggon. 

Sob  o  Club-rush,  ticirpus  tactutri*. 

•Se  n  (©anb,  (oori  nt  er  togt)  boiling. 

Sø  c  -et  Onbfø)  lake;  (^aoet)  the  sea,  ocean; 
(©ølge)  sea,  wave;  (i  Sammenfatninger:  Sø«) ma- 
rine, naval,  maritime;  paa  -en  at  sea;  oeb  -en  at 
the  seaslde;  Ubfigt  obet  -en  see-view;  foar  el.  (øj 
.  a  heavy  sea;  (ul  -  a  hollow  sea;  bolbe  -en 
keep  the  sea:  ingen  ©aab  funbe  (olbe  en  faaban  . 
no  boat  could  live  in  such  a  sea;  funne  bolbe 
Søen  (om  førtøj)  be  sea-worthy;  til  -g  at  sea; 
rejfe  til  -e  go  by  sea;  goa  til  -i  take  to  a  sea- 
fariog  life;  fare  til  -#  follow  the  sea,  be  a  sea- 
mring  man;  (olbe  fig  langt  til  -g  keep  a  wide 
offing,  give  the  land  a  wide  berth;  qit  20  ftoart* 
mil  til  -i  made  an  offlng  of  20  miles;  fka*  til  -i 
stand  (out)  to  sea;  bort  Ouerberrebømme  til  -•  our 
maritime  supremacy;  i  aaben,  rum  .  in  the  open 
sea,  in  the  main  ocean,  in  blue  water,  (noget 
fra  Sanb)  in  the  offlng;  føg  rum  - !  get  an  offlng ! 
mellem  -exne  in  the  trough  of  the  sea;  ben  tager 
-erne  gobt  she  behaves  well  in  a  seaway;  Pi  fif 
en  fbar  .  ooet  o*  we  shipped  a  heavy  sea;  flirte 
i  -en  put  to  sea;  fatbigtil  at  fritte  i  -en  ready 
for  sea;  labe  (am  fejle  fin  egen  .  let  him  shift 
for  himself.  Søjagnr!  sea-cucumber,  Cucmmaria. 
-alperne  the  Maritime  Alps.    -anemone  sea-ane- 




mone,  Aetinin.  -auUggenber  maritime  matten. 
-armatur  naval  armament.  -orfenal  nayal  arse- 
nal, -artilleri  naval  artlllery;  naval  ordnance. 
•arttflerift  naval  gunner.  -odfnrance  fe  -førfMring. 
-atfa*  maritime  atlas,  -baab  sea-golng  boat. 
-bab  sea-beth.  -babeanftatt  sea-water  bath. 
•bagge  dredglng  macbine.  -barometer  marine 
barometer,    -batteri  seaward  battery. 

6*be  vt  eat  wltb  a  spoon,  sip;  fe  Staal,  -fob 
soup-diBh.  -tao!  cabbage-broth.  -mab  spoon 

6*jbe»:  fatte  -  wear  sea-legs.  -brfrbfning 
naval  armament.  -biørn  sea-bear,  Otaria  urtina. 
-blab  fe  Øafanbe.  -blære  physalia.  -bob  ware- 
house,  -bombarbement  naval  bombardment. 
•bomnlb  marine  cotton.  -borre  fe  -binbføin. 
•brag  roar  of  the  sea.  -breb  sea-side.  -»reb 
sea-letter.  -brtf  sea-breeze.  -brag  naval  et. 
maritime  custom;  •navigation,  fisbing,  -brttber 
breakwater.  -bagt  creek  of  a  lake.  -bnnb 
bottom  of  a  lake.  -bønne  sea-navel,  Turbo 
rvootu*.    -Cøntnme  fe  -fTit. 

6øb  a  sweet;  (om  $erfonj  dear,  charmlng;  foa 
et  bu  -  F  tbat'8  a  dear. 

6*bag  c  sea-day. 

6*bagtig  a  sweetlsb. 

fjobambntaffine  mari'ne  steam-eoglne. 

Søbe  vt  sweeten.  6øbeltg(en)  adv  sweetly; 
fooe  .  sleep  soundly. 

Søbermaulanb  *  Suderma'nia. 

6o'b|gra*  fiole-grass,  Olyeeria.  -grab  fru- 
menty.    »beb  o  sweetness. 

6*|biae  dike  (against  the  sea).  -bjabfl  sea 
-devii,  Lophitu  f/itcatoriuå. 

6*'blaben  a  bland,  -beb  c  blandness.  6oblig 
a  fe  Ssbagtig,  6øbme e sweetness.  6obmali9< 
oft  Rweet-milk-cheese     *6obb  o  tet  c  fe  ftatate. 

*6a|brag  beave  of  the  sea;  backsweep.  -breb 

6*'b|røb  fe  Sttfelrob.  -fT«rm  sweet  cicely, 
Myrrkiå  odoratn.  -talenbe  a  honey-mouthed  ri. 
-tongued.  -tatenbeb  c  sweet  woras.  6obtbnf> 
tenbe  a  sweet-smelling. 

Ga|bbgtig  a  (om  6fibj  sea-worthy.  -bljgtigljeb 
(om  Sftb)  sea-wortbiness.  -bbr  aquatic  el.  marine 

6a  I  ebber  fob  sea-spider,  M»ia.  -egenffaber  sea 
-going  qualtties.  -etfbebitiott  naval  ezpedition. 
•elefant  sea-elephant,  Oytophora  proboøcidta. 
-ctabttøfement  naval  establishment,  -ttat  Royal 
Navy.  -fare  peril  of  the  sea.  -fareabe  a  sea 
faring,  -farenbe,  -farer  c  sea-farer,  sea-faring 
man,  mariner;  be  -i  ptx  Navigators'  Islands. 
-fart  navigation,  -farteafgifter  navigation  dues. 
•fartfbog  sailor's  certiflcate.  •fartftføwnttffiøn 
Marine  Board,  -tartøløben  the  Merchant  Ship- 
ping Aet.  •fart*}  fe  -baab.  -faft  a  secured  for 
sea-service.  *-R«  Lap  fisherman.  t-ftff  f«sh 
•water  flsh.  -fjer  sea- pen,  Pennatvca.  -flaabe 
sea-golng  fieet.  -folf  pi  seamen,  mariners,  -for- 
ti art«  g  (maritime)  declaration;  (SDohim. )  eztended 
protest;  Iabe  optage  .  extend  the  protest,  -for* 
fUrittg  marine  insnrance.  -førfttrtngb>o(ice 
marine  police,  -førfitringffclftab  marine  el. 
sea  insurance  company.  -forf bar  naval  defence. 
•fort  sea  el.  maritime  fort. 

*«oft,  eofte  n  fe  »eb  8. 

6*  I  fugl  st-a-fowl,  sea-blid,  aquatic  fowl.  -for 
sea  light,  -fægtning  naval  combat.  -fæfrning 
maritime  foriress.  -gaaenbe  o  sea-going.  -gang 
(foraarfaaet  af  $inb)  heavy  sea,  high  sea;  (efter 
qoarbt  fBejr)  swell;  (Srænbtng)  surge;  i  -  in  a 

Goge,  -te,  -t  vt  seek,  search  for,  look  for,  be 
in  quest  el.  search  of,  (gaa  bbbtføt  til)  resort  to, 
patronize,  frequent,  affect;  (at)  endeavour,  try, 

seek  (to);  (oeb  »etten)  roe;  (amøge  om)  ene  for, 
solidt,  apply  for;  bære  ifærb  meb  at  -  be  on  tbe 
search;  feg  bar  -t  barn  flere  Gange  I  have  cailed 
on  him  several  times;  -t,  foa  fnifle  9  fhtbe  MM 
seek  and  ye  shall  find;  .  fcøben  court  demth; 

-  $abn  repair  to  port,  seek  port;  ~  2onb  stand 
in  for  land;  biftfe  Sarer  -i  meget  theøe  gooda  ave 
In  great  demand  el.  request;  fom  -i  betifx  Mb 
sought  to  be  proved  by;  bære  meget  -t  be  mach 
sought  arter;  -gt  (ttbtrta!  o.  I.)  far-fetched;  .af, 
fe  Vfføge;  .  efter,  fe  6oge;  .  en  for  0>a(b  sae 
one  for  debt;  .  ben  til  resort  to;  -  $jal»  bo« 
en  apply  to  one  for  assistance;  -  inb  paa  ma^ke 
up  to,  press  on,  try  to  close  with;  .  inb  til  es 
fyxtn  make  for  a  port;  -  Gelftab  meb  en  associ- 
ate  with  one;  .  neb  move  down;  .om  solidt, 
apply  for;  -  op,  fe  Otfoge;  .til  resort  to,  affect; 

-  ub  pick  out,  single  out,  select;  vi  move  out, 
make  off;  .  unber  £anb  make  for  the  land. 
6*gen  o  seeking,  searching  etc.,  search.  Øemcr 
e  -e  seeker,  (ogfaa  om  »ebflab)  searcher,  (XoIb> 
betjent*)  spear. 

eogn  o:  ^eQtgt  og  -t  weekdays  and  Sundavs; 
be  -e  S)Qge  on  weekdays.  Sognebag  c  -e  week 

#5o  gning  c  seeking,  searching  etc.,  search; 
(f.  tftft.  ril  et  ØJærtftlnift)  custom,  patronage,  ran 
of  customers;  ((Eftcrfoorgfel)  demand,  request; 
bar  gob  -  is  much  frequented,  has  a  good  run 
of  customers 

6« 'I græd  sea  weed.    -gro«  a  sea-green. 

Sogimaal  n,  pi  =,  prosecution,  lawsuit. 

€agtbeb  c  word-seeking. 

6ofgnt  Jack,  tar.  -baarb  a  ezposed  to  the 
sea.  -banbel  maritime  tråde,  -banbeliftab  sea- 
port  (town).  -bane  gurnet,  Trigta  gumardmg;  fe 
Bom;  fe  -helt.  -bare  sea-hare,  Aplvna.  -ba»m 
sea-port.  -beft  naval  hero.  -btfttøiff)  sea-borse, 
Hippocamjnu.  -borifoatc«  the  sea  horixon 
-bffber  naval  glory. 

*6oie  c  -r  ewe. 

Øojle  e  -r  pillar,  column;  (boltaiff)  pile.  -borb> 
pillar  and  claw  table.  -bbgnivg  colonnade. 
-fob  base  of  a  column  el.  pillar,  pedestal.  -for* 
«|g  a  columnar.  -gong  colonnade.  -b*l  co- 
lumnated  el.  pillared  hall;  portico.  -beiges 
Stylite.  -bobeb  capital.  -orben  order  of  columns, 
•bar  pair  of  columns,  -rab,  -rorttc  rowof  columns 
et.  pillars;  meb  en  .  omtring  peripteral;  meb  to 
-r  omtriug  dlpteral;  ~  tomn  Snbgangen  proatyle. 
-ftaft  shaft  (of  a  column),  -fatte,  -ftnmb  frag- 
ment el.  stump  of  a  column. 

Solinbrnflerebe  pi  men  belonging  to  the  mari- 
time lnscription.  -iabrttfleriaa  enrolment  of 
men  for  the  navy,  maritime  lnscription.  -ittoettåar 
mari'ne  engineer.  -i*  sea-ice.  -foariial  ship 
-journal,  -tabet  naval  cadet.  -tabet*ttfabCfiC 
>3ttflitnt  naval  academy  el.  college.  -lobeUiaber* 
officer  midahipman,  (meb  Offtcei«et*amcn)  past 
mldshlpman.  -tage  clypeaster.  -talember  naut- 
ical  almanac.  -tamb  naval  fight  et.  combat. 
-tanten :  oeb  -  at  the  sea-side.  -fabiafa  master, 
skipper,  Captain  (of  a  merchant  ship);  (i  TOoruwn) 
captain  of  the  Royal  navy.  -faroøie  gold  dnny, 
Crenilabm*  norrøpflew«;  +  =  Jtornøfe.  -lat  fe 
^ao>.    -tiffert  naval  telesoope. 

*60tt  n  fe  eonT. 

*6«tt(e)  o  dent. 

SolMima  maritime  climate  -tlorber  pi  sea 
-clothes,  ship-clothes.  -Inatlcr  mantis-crab, 
Squitla.  -fø  sea-cow,  manatee,  Manat**;  fe  Do* 
gong.  -Iømbad  mariner's  compass.  -foage  sea 
-king;  fe  9»n(onblbue.  -lørl  dead  man's  toe, 
Alcponium  dtgitatum.  -tørt  (sea-)chart.  -tortorfi* 
hydrographic  offlce.  -trabbc  fe  6ttanb>.  -treb* 
sea-crawflsh,  lobster;  lake  orawflsh.    -trtg  marl- 




-time  wm,  naval  war.  •fritter  naval  warrlor. 
-frigdarfenal  naval  arsenal.  -trigstyftørien 
naval  hlstory.  •Irigftjenefte  naval  service  (o.  fl.). 
-fnsrtntil  nautical,  sea  el.  geographical  mile. 
-rnsrlttnJ  fe  Jforfimi*.  -tnttbig  a  nautical;  -e 
nautical  men;  -e  Vceblemmer  nautical  assessors. 
-fnft  sea-coaat,  sea-margln,  seaboard. 

92*1  e  (lang)  dnlse,  ?«««  pa/matia. 

€#1  n  fe  Sele.  Søleri. 

6ø|lagnn(e)  marine  lagoon.  -Ion  fe  -fin.  Maj 
salmon  caught  in  the  sea. 

€nfe  c  A  n  mire,  mnd.  Gøle  «*  soil,  dlrty, 
befoul;  .  fifl  i  wallow  in;  -  tfø  til  dirty  one's 
self;  vi  dabble,  paddle;  fe  Smøle. 

6ø]teb  fe  -oej;  -en  (ogf.)  the  common  track  of 
veksels,    -leb*  adv  by  sea. 

€*te  Iføre  mlry  el.  muddy  walking.  -bnl  ($mp.) 
sludge-hole,  mud-bole. 

6*|fejligbeb  fe  6riM«.  -leøøorb  sea  leopard, 

Cøieri'  n  dirtiness,  uncleanliness,  fllthiness; 
fe  rmøleri     Gølet  a  mlry,  muddy. 

6« |  lilje  crinoidean.  -limiter  pi  fe  -tnbroHrobe. 
•lis  seafaring  life. 

6nl|e  e  -r,  fe  6plje. 

6*He  a  F  poor,  (p  silly). 

Sølle  «  ~r  («*bn.)  heddle. 

6ø|løbd  sea-gotng  pilot,  -løg  sea-log.  •fos 
maritime  law.    -luft  sea-alr.    »lugt  sea-smell. 

6*tn  n  silver;  Aer  argent;  fint  -  pure  silver; 
in  bf  at  te  i  .  set  in  silver;  beflaa  meb  -  tip  wlth 
silver.  6ø(b|aare  veln  of  silver.  -agtig  o  sil- 
very.  -alber  silver-age.  -amalgam  amalgam  of 
silver.  -arbejbe  silver-work.  -arbrfber  worker 
in  silver.  silver-smith.  *-afalb  fe  Vfalb.  -baanb 
silver-ribbon.  -balle  silver  tray.  -bantam  silver 
bantam.  -barre  sllver-bar.  -øeflag  sllver-mount- 
ing.  -beflagen  a  silver- mounted,  mounted  wlth 
silver.  -bfargbart  bliver  mine.  -blaa  a  of  a 
sil  ve  ry  bue.  -blab  leaf-silver,  sllver-leaf;  anteri* 
faitft _  sllvery-leaved  oleaster,  Elæagnnu  »rgentea 
•blant  a  silvery,  bright  as  silver.  -blif  silver 
In  thin  piates.  •bregne  rue- leaved  fem,  Oyrnno- 
fframma.  -brotabe  silver- brocade.  -brømlb 
bromide  of  silver.  -brønce  silver  bronze,  -brøl* 
lun  silver  woddlng.  -cjanlb  cyanide  of  silver. 
•baafe  silver-box.  -bater  (Danish  or  Norwegian) 
silver-dollar  (fe  Saler).  Cfcøfner<  (i  6mf.)  Bilver. 
6*lnergt*b  c  litbarge.  ©øløera  a  silver,  ker 
argent.  6øtb|ertl  silverore.  -farne  silver 
-colour  el.  -hue.  -farnet  a  silvery;  argent 
•fafan  silver-pheasant,  Phananvt  nycthemeru*. 
•fifl  silver -flsh.  -flaabe  (Spanlsh)  silver-fleet,  fleet 
of  galleons,  -føb  silver-foot;  JSRønt.)  silver 
s  tandard.  -ftffle  fe  -befte.  -gaffet  sllver-fork. 
•gamma  gamma  moth,  Plwria  gamma,  -gevalt 
fe  -tølbiøfjeb.  -aibbøn  wow- wow,  Bgiobatet  agUi«. 
-øland  silvery Tustre;  (røetal)  silver-glance.  -glin- 
fenbe  a  sllver-shlning.  -øraa  silver,  silvery, 
silver-gray.  -gran  sil  ver-fir,  Picea.  -ambe 
silver-mine.  -grttffb  silver  ground  -gr«*  silver- 
weed,  Potenttita  awerina.  -(aar  sllver-hair, 
silver  el.  silvery  locks.  -balfet  a  silver-necked. 
-befte  sllver-bllt.  -røre  egret,  Ardea  egreUa. 
•bolbig  a  argentiferous.  -bøtbigbeb  amount  of 
silver.  -bornerte  murlate  of  silver.  -b»ib  a 
silver-whlte.  f-ilte  oxlde  of  silver,  argentic 
oxide.  •jobib  lodide  of  silver.  •tantnter  plate 
-room  (in  the  royal  household).  -tanbe  silver 
jug  el.  tankard.  -far  sllver-vessel.  -Ifang  silver 
el.  silvery  sound,  -flor  a  (©*t  el.  Vtanb)  fimpld, 
pellucid;  -  Stemme  silver(-toned)  voice.  -flørtb 
sllver-chioride.  »{nap  silver  button.  -tnannet 
a  si  1  ver-bu Uod ed.  -tniø  silver  knife.  -lom 
grainof  silver.  -fort  silver  cross,  -trftlepisma. 
-Ingfc  silver  ball.    »-tneite  fe  Baaømar.    -tabe 

silver  chain.  -lignenbe  a  silvery.  -lallet  « 
silver-locked.  -Ijfeftage  silver  candle-stlck. 
-tone  puma,  Fel%»  concolor.  -n  alnt  fe  -ertø. 
-øjcbaljc  silver  medal.  -mine  sllver-mine.  -mør 
silver-tissue.  -ntnnb  shark  moth,  Cucullia.  -mønt 
silver-coin.  •naal  silver  pin.  -nitrat  argentic 
nitrate.  -øntøøning  solution  of  silver.  -ognb 
fe  -ilte.  -nanir  silver-tissue  (paper).  -penge  pi 
silver-money.  -penninge  bibt .  rrebioe  -  thirty 
pieces  of  silver.  t**il  le  tyiotoni.  -blobe  plate 
of  silver.  -pletterer  silver  piater.  •»let(teriMg) 
sllver-platlng.  -nøn  keeper  of  plate  in  the  royal 
household.  -•  obbel abeletree, white poplartree, 
PcpnUt  alba.  -nrillet  a  ailver-dotted.  -»røbe 
assay  of  silver.  -ranbet  o  silver-edged.  -rig  a 
rich  In  silver.  -rnbcl  silver  ruble.  -r«b  silver 
-fox,  Cani*  argentatus.  -fager  silver  things. 
-falpcter  nitrate  of  silver.  -fernice  service  of 
plate.  -fraol  Bilver  basin.  -flab  plate  preas. 
-fle  Bilver-spoon.  -flib  (Spanlsh)  silver-ship, 
galleon.  -fhrin  Bilver  casket  -frnni  scum  el. 
dross  from  Bilver.  -flcrg  silver  beard.  -fistr 
silvery  lustre.  -flanet,  -flagen  a  silver-mounted. 
-fmeb  Bilversmith.  -fnør  silver  cord.  -fbtnb 
spun  silver.  -fnmt  scattering  (of  the  silver 
grain).  -fnotnbt  a  wlth  silver  buckles.  -fnattet 
a  Bilver-speckled.  -ftaal  silver-steel.  -flage  fe 
-Ibfeftaøe.  -ftang  fe  -barre.  -IHft  Silver-pendl, 
sil  ver-point,  -ftraale  silvery  ray.  -ftribe  silver 
stripe.  -ftbWe  piece  of  silver.  -fnlfib  fe  6bobI* 
følb.  -focbe  silver-soap.  -tone  silvery  note  el. 
tone.  -traab  (Craab  af  Sslo)  sllver-thread;  (meb 
6ø1d  ombunben  Xroab)  silver-wire.  -trinnelfe 
polisbing-slate.  -tøf  plate,  silver.  -nr  silver 
•watch.  -nrt  fe  -flræ«.  -nsrgt  silver-weight. 
-n«rrbi  real  valne,    -øserl  sllver-mine. 

Ctøjlftgb  district  for  naval  cotiscription.  -løa 
f  •  6tranbløg.  -Inlrnant  lieutenant  of  the  Royal 
navy.    -løbe  sea-uon,  Otaria  jubata. 

6øm'  n  (*  oøfoa  c),  pi  =,  nail;  flaa  -met  poa 
$osebet  hit  the  (right)  nail  on  the  bead. 

6ønt'  c  -mc  seam;  *sewing;  t(leanminø)  hem; 
$  suture;  fr  efter  i  -mene  examine  the  seams  of, 
fig  go  over,  examine  narrowly,  inquire  into  the 
ins  and  outs  of. 

6ø|maøt  naval  force  el.  strength;  (9tation) 
naval  el.  maritime  power,  -ntaab  sailor,  sea- 
man,  mariner,  seafaring  man. 

©ømanb»|arbeibe  sailor' s  work.  -ofnl  sailors' 
home.  -bibliøtel  seamen's  library,  -bbøtiøbeb 
nautical  sklll.  -fønb  merchant  seamen's  fund. 
•forening  sailors'  club.  -gang  sailor's  galt. 
•garn.  •gønå  fe  6ribmanb4>.  -øjent  sailors'  home. 
-(øfnitai  seamen's  el.  marine  hospital,  -tyst 
seamen's  boarding  house:  fe  -Mern.  eømanbfTab 
n  seamanshlp.  6ømanbt|liadfen  fe  -flanben. 
-tlfltber  seamen's  clotbes;  slops;  en  fom  faløer  - 
slop-seller;  Stifte  til  -  slop-chest.  -lin  seaman's 
life.  -mftffig  a  seamanlike;  ship-shape.  -ørb 
sailor's  word.  -natent  reglster-ticket.  -flll 
maritime  usage.  -fnrøg  fe  6øfproø.  -ftonben 
the  seafaring  class  ri.  community.  -tøf  seamen's 
trap  el.  kit.  -nbtrbl  fe  ©subrrot.  -nif :  naa  . 
seaman-like.  -b«few  sailor's  mannere.  -øfe:  et 
øoet  .  the  eye  of  an  experienced  seaman. 

6ø|maffine  fe  -bampmaftine. 

f5øm|bor  gimlet.    -fabrlf  nailery. 

6ømfølber  c  -e  folder. 

€øm|øneb  n  head  of  a  nail. 

6ø|mil  sea-mile;  'ben  enøelffe  er  1  TOinut  ben 
banfce  oø  norffe  4  Vcinnter).  -mllit«r  a  naval. 
•tttine  submarine  mine,  torpedo,  •mlneftatløn 
torpedo  station,  -ntinebftfenct  submarine  min- 
ing;  the  torpedo  system,  •ntlniftcr  minister  of 

6øntiJ*rn,  -1100  heading-tool. 




Søvxtogger  e  (p.  Sbmoftine)  hemraer.  tSøntme 
vt  &  «  (f.  (Efs.  et  Xørflabe)  bem. 

Sømme  trt  nail. 

Sømme  o  tsrørt  A  r  (fifl)  be  becoming,  be 
proper,  be  decent;  .  fig  for  en  become,  beseem, 
befit  one.  Sømmelig  a  becoming,  beseeming, 
decent,  decorous,  befltting.  Sømmetigteb  c 
decency,  decorum,  propriety,  sultableness,  fit- 
ness. —  Sømmelirfebøjfølflfr  (a)  sense  of  de- 
cency.   -teuton :  af-  for  decency'i  sake. 

*Sømmerffe  o  -r,  fe  6t)piae. 

tSømntefting  n  hem-stitch.  Sømntag  c  hem- 

Søm|rofte  thornback,  /fr»/a  clavata.  -fmeb 
nailer,  nail-maker.  -fpibft  point  of  a  nail.  -jtlt 
pricking.    -ten  nail-rod,  slit-rod. 

Sø|mnr  sea-wall.  -mn*  heart-urohin,  $w- 
tøMøv*.    -merle  beacon,  sea-mark;  buoy. 

Søn  c  -iter  son. 

Sønaal  pipe-fish,  åynønatta«. 

Sønbag  e  -e  Sunday,  Sabbath:  om  -en  on,  of 
a  S.,  on  Snndays,  on  the  Sunday;  poa  ~  on  Sun- 
day,  nest  S.;  i  •«  last  8unday.  —  Sønbagø|>an< 
bagt  Sunday's  devotion.  -anfigt  Joyful  counte- 
nanoe.  -arbefbe  Sundaywork.  -bar«  Sunday 
-child.  -blob  Sunday  paper.  -øøgftaø  dominical 
letter,  -bragt  J-føbgomgrr  fair 
-weather  pedestrian.  -fornøjelfe  Sunday  amnse- 
ment.  -tøile  Sunday  rest.  -i  arg  er  make-believe 
et.  would-be  sportsman.  -tyste  Sunday  gown 
el.  coat.  -flotber  pi  Sunday-clothes,  holiday 
-clothes.  -tfobt,  -pyntet  o  in  S.  el.  holiday-dress, 
in  her  Sunday  best.  -retter  unskilful  rider, 
•felftab  Sunday-party.  -frøte  Sunday-school. 
-ftanf  F  Sunday  best. 

Sønben  o  South,  southern,  southerly.  tSønben 
c  bfbt  the  south.  *  Sønben  |  tf  elb#  adv  south  of 
the  Dovrefjeld.  *-fjetbf!  a  lying  south  of  the 
D.;  bet  -e  Korøe  the  South  of  Norway.  -fjorøf 
adv  south  of  the  bay.  -før  south  of;  adv  to  the 
south.  -fra  adv  from  the  south.  Manbø  adv 
in  the  south  of  the  island.  -øm  south  of. 
-ftorm  southerly  gale.  -ftrøm  (a)  southerly  cur- 
rent  e(.  stream.  -binb  south-wind.  -øinblftørm 
southerly  gale.    Sønner  a  south,  øonthem. 

Sønber :  i  ~  adv  asunder;  .  og  fammen  to  bits, 
to  fragments,  F  to  Jelly,  to  a  mummy.  Sønber  |* 
bibe  bite  to  pieces.  -brnbt  a  fractured,  broken; 
et  .  09  fønberfiøbt  fjerte  bibl  a  broken  and  a 
contrite  heart.  -ørøbe  vt  break  (asunder).  -ørt* 
belfe,  -brbjøttivg  c  breaking  asunder.  -bele  vt 
decompose.  -beting  c  decomposttion;  subdivi- 
sion, 'filt  file  to  pieces.  -ftorage  vt  tear,  lace- 
rate,  mangle,  -gnaøe  gnaw.  -gnabetfe  c  gnaw- 
ing.  -gnibe  ri  rub  to  pieoes;  grind,  trlturate. 
•bøffe  vt  hack  el.  chop  to  pieces.  -bugge  ør 
cut  el.  bew  asunder.  -bagning  cutting  el.  hew- 
lng  etc. 

Sønber|jpbe  8outb-Jutlander.  -JbHaub  South 

Sønber  Klemme  vt  squeeze  el.  crush  to  pieoes. 
+-tløne  vt  cleave.  -fnnfe  vt  crush  (to  pieoes); 
ben  famme  fTal  _  bit  $oøeb  bibl  it  sball  bruise 
thy  head;  et  -ft  fjerte  a  contrite  heart;  bem  fom 
baøe  et  -fet  Ojerte  bibl  the  broken  hearted.  -fu«» 
f  clfe  c  contriteness,  con  trition.  -hinfer  o  crusher. 
-tiitttatng  crusbing  etc.  -Iøre  drive  to  pieoes; 
break  by  driving  over. 

Sønbertonb  n  south,  south  side,  southern 

Søuberjlemme  vt  (anatømece)  anatomize;  (fønber- 
ribe,  oøfoa  fig)  dismember.  -lemmelfe  c  dis- 
membering,  dtsmemberment;  fig  (f.  Sti.  Oeare- 
Bert)  analyse,  -reøetbeb  c  distracted  state,  dis- 
traction.  -riøe  vt  tear  asunder,  rend  asunder, 
di)lacerate;  fig  affect  deeply  with  grief;  meb 

-tebne  fjerter  broken-hearted,  with  lacerated  el. 
broken  hearts;  -nbe  Smerte  heait-rending  pain. 
•røfle  vt  pull  asunder.  -fase  vt  saw  up,  saw  io 
pieces.  -fføbt  o  shattered  (by  shot).  -flere  vt 
cut  asunder;  cut  up.  -fløø  vt  break  el.  smash 
to  pieces,  shatter.  -flise  vt  tear  asunder;  fig 
lacerate;  -nbe  92aø  heart-piercing  compunction; 
-bte  &s(elfer  laeerated  feelings.  -føUarrc  vt  shiver 
to  pieces,  shatter.  -følttte  vt  split  cf.  rive 
asunder.  ffcllrteffe  dismemberment.  ^roråge 
burst,  split  asunder;  blow  up.  >^1|ffe  vt  cut 
up,  parcel  out.  -ftøbe  vt  crush,  knock  to  pieces; 
fe  -ørubt;  ^»0  fom  falber  paa  benne  6ten,  Hal  -i 
whosoever  shøil  fall  on  thls  stone,  shøil  be 
broken.  -rraøspc  fe  -troebe.  -rrøffe  vt  crush  to 
pieces.  -tr«be  vt  crush  with  the  foot,  tread 
under  foot.    -Orffte  vt  wring  asunder. 

Sønbre  a  southern,  south. 

6ønbre  vt  sever.  f  6ønbrig  o  broken.  6øn» 
bring  c  diBunion. 

6ø|ne(be  sea-nettle,  Actima.  -neDifr  plumo* 
anemone,  Actinoloba  diantku*. 

Sønlig  a  filial.  —  6ønne|bøTnpZ  sons  ehildren. 
grand-children.  -batter  son's-daughter,  grand 
-daughter.  6ønnete  c  cont  little  son.  Sonne!  • 
f  one  son's  wife,  daughter-In-law.  -I00  a  sonless. 
-føn  grandson.  -fønibottrr  great-granddaughter. 
-føngføn  great-grandson. 

60 lobber  fe  6ttønbobbet.  -offlerr  naval  officer, 
-orb  sea-term,  nautical  term.  -orbbøg  nautical 
dictionary.  -ør«  sea  serpent  "-ørre  black 
scoter,  Awu  futea.  -papfgøir  puffln,  Mormm 
fratercula.  -parti  øen  view.  -paf  sea-brief,  «* 
pass.  -pattebbjr  pi  marine  mammaHa  -pinbfoiø 
sea-egg,  Maurchin,  Eckinut. 

*6øpl  n  sweepings. 

60  Plante  o  aquatic  plant. 

*6ø*Ie|brfft  dust-pan.  -bljnge  dust-heap.  -loåfe 

6ø(poHti  marine  polloe.  -proteft  (sbip's)  pro- 
test, sea  protest;  melbe  .  noUfyaverage.  -pnng 
ascidian.    -pølfe  sea  slug,  trepang,  Hoiotkttria. 

*€ør  «  F  (meft  i  ®mf.)  South. 

6ø|*raat  spoondrift.    -raøn  fe  Slaro. 

*6øre  fig  or  haul  round  to  the  south. 

Solreøffaber  fishing-tackle.  -rejfe  (sea  )voyage. 

6øren  Severinus;  fe  IReaneboa;  t  flaa  til  -  F 
wet  one's  whistle.  Sørenfen:  $r.  -  F  the  Dåne; 
t  TOatam  >  F  Mrs.  Jones. 

Sø|referbe  naval  reserve,  -ret  (DomftoO  mari- 
time court;  (Soøfamling)  maritime  law.  -ret*» 
befiøtelfe  survey  held  by  a  maritime  court. 
•retøiabtalbelfe  summons  to  appear  before  a 
maritime  court.  -retålenbelfe  maritime  dedsdou. 
-retdfag  maritime  cause,  m.  law  case.  -retl- 
ftsøning  fe  -retginbfalbelfe.  -rettigbeb  maritime 
privilege  et.  right. 

Sørge  vi  (føle  Sorø  oøer  el.  før)  grieve  (at  el. 
for),  sorrow,  mourn  (for);  (bflrre  6orø)  go  into 
mournlng,  be  in  mournlng  (for);  lobe  gfiolen  - 
give  dull  care  the  go-by  (fe  84ol);  .  for  (tage  fig 
af)  take  care  of,  provide  for;  bet  Ral  ifø  nol  - 
for  I  will  take  care  of  that,  see  to  thai;  -  for 
ban«  gfomøbenbeber  administer  to  his  wanta;  - 
for  Rø  felb  gain  one's  own  livelihood,  shin  for 
one's  self.  .  for  at  see  that,  (meb  Snf.)  take  care 
to;  —  vt  *-  en  mourn  one,  be  in  mournlng  for 
one;  -  b?n,  fe  $enføtge.  Sørgelaør  year  of 
mournlng.  -beføg  mournlng  visit,  -ønbffab 
(tibenbe)  sorrowful  mesage.  -bag  day  of  sorrow. 
-bigt  funeral  elegy,  dlrge.  -bragt  mournlng 
-sult  el.  -dress;  (en  wnfeø)  (wldow's)  weeds.  -bajfle 
pall.  -fattet  funeral- torch.  -fane  black  flag. 
•feft  fe  -bøjtib.  -Hor  mourning-crape,  black  band. 
-fine  anthrax.  -gttbftieaefle  funeral  service. 
•bat  funeral  hall.     -b^eft  moumlng-horse.    -b»» 




house  of  mourning.  -bøjtib  faneral  feast  ri. 
solemnities.  -lappe  mourning-cloak;  wlllow 
-butterfly,  Vanefa  antiopa.  -faret  mourning 
-coach,  -Hong  mournfal  soand,  doleful  sound, 
doloroas  soand.  •Ilotfc  mourning -bell.  -flabe 
tuneral  pall.  -tiaraer  pi  mourning-clothes.  -flab* 
■ing  fe  -bragt,  -tlarbt  a  dressed  in  mourning. 
t-tone,  -toinbe  mournlng-woman.  Ctørgelig 
a  sorrowful,  mournful,  sad,  traglcal,  distressing, 
distressful,  doleful,  doloroas;  i  en  .  Ørab  sadly. 
Cargellpb  mournfal  sound,  -ntagafftt  mourning 
shop.  -muret  funeral  march,  dead  march. 
•minbe  cenotaph,  monument,  -mufti  funeral 
muslc.  Sargenbe  c  mounier.  6arge|  optrin 
mournful  scene.  -papir  black-edged  pap  er. 
-par  couple  of  mourners.  -pH  weeping  wlllow, 
Salix  babylonica.  -pragt  faneral  pomp.  -ranb : 
mrb  .  edged  In  black.  -fang  funeral  song  el. 
dirge.  -ftarr  funeral  train  el.  procession,  -ffraal 
wail,  wailing.  -flrig  mournful  cry.  -ftør  mourn- 
ing-veil.  -fnip  mourning-band.  -fpil  tragedy. 
-frie  funeral  oration.  -rib  mourning-time.  -ri* 
benbe  mournful  news.  -tog  funeral  procession. 
-t»nc  mournful  tone,  doleful  tone,  dolorous 
tone.  -t*J  mourning  apparel.  -bogn  mourning 
-coach.  6argmøb  n  fe  Gørgmøbiafcb.  6ørgmø'big 
a  melanchofy,  sad,  sorrowful.  6argmø'bigb,eb 
c  melancboly,  sadness,  sorrowfulness. 

6a  |  rige  fe  -flat.    -riflto  sea-risk. 

*6«'rlambing  c  -er  southerner. 

©•|*rol  m  spoondrift;  sea-spray.  -robbpr  pi 
marine  carnivora. 

*6*'rpaa  adv  in  the  south. 

*6arpe  e  mash. 

6*1  ralle  roll  of  the  navy.  -mm  sea-room. 
•rnfrning  fittlng  out  el.  equlpment  of  a  naval 
force,    -rute  sea  route. 

*6*rb  e  -er  rudd,  red  eye,  Cvprinua  erytkrcph- 

6*1  rar  serpula.  -taber  pirate,  corsalr.  -raberi 
piracy.  -Tabtrff  a  piratical.  -ratterffib  pirate. 
-rabertog  piratical  expedition.  -fag  naval  el. 
maritime  cause.  -faiat  sloke,  Ulva  lactuca. 
-fait  sea-salt,  bay-salt.  -fejer  naval  victory. 
-ftbe :  paa  -n  seaward;  fra  -n  from  (the)  seaward. 
•flabe  damage  at  sea,  sea-damage.  -flabet  a 
water-damaged,  sea-damaged. 

6*fteabe  pi  brother  and  Bister,  brothers  and 
slaters;  f  em  -  a  •family  of  five.  •bom  couain, 
german  cousin,  flrst  cousin. 

e^lfMb  (jftanb  til  at  bolbe  6øen)  sea-worthy 
thip;  (meb  feenfpn  til  ©Hbets  gobe  el.  flette  Caen* 
ffaber)  tea-boat.  -ffif  maritime  usage.  -ftub« 
pabbe  turtle,  Ckelonia.  -fiolen  the  Lake  scbool. 
•flabe  sea-boat.  -fra«  spray,  sea-foam.  -flnp 
Ret  of  the  sea.  *-ffbart  fe  -ftænl.  -flaaet  o  da- 
maged  by  sea-water.  -flag  sea-battle,  naval 
engagement  el.  battle.    -flange  sea-serpent. 

+6**itng  c  farthlng. 

6a  |  følbat  marine,  -fprog  sea- language,  -fprajte 
floating  englne.  -ftaa  seaport  et.  seaboard  town. 
•ftat  maritime  state  el.  power,  naval  power. 

6*fter  e  -fhre  ulster,  -blot  J,  sister-block. 
•barn  pi  slster's  children,  nephews  and  nieces. 
-batter  slster's  daugbter,  niece,  -tab  hatred 
between  sisters. 

6*ftertage  c  dough-cake. 

6ajter|t«rliab;eb  sisterly  love  el.  affection. 
-talfbin  sister  keelson,  bilge  keelson.  6*fterltg 
a  k  adv  sisterly,  +slsterish.    6*frer|(i(  o  f  UtUe 

sister.  t-tob  jur  slster's  snare  of  an  inheritance. 
•monb  brother-in-law  (slster's  husband),  -ma* 
rinen  the  sister  Service,  -morb  sororicide. 
-morber  sororicide.  -par  couple  of  Bisters.  -f eng 
sbakedown.  -flab  n  -er  sisterhood.  -fprog  sister 
town.    -fan  slster's  son,  nephew. 

6*'|frjerae  star-fish,  Aiteruu.  -ftorm  storm  at 
sea.  -ftrotfning  tract  of  the  sea;  sheet  of  water; 
extent  of  ocean,  -tøfle  marine  el.  sea  picture, 
sea-piece,  seascape.  -ftprte  naval  force,  -frbrt« 
ning  heavy  sea.  -Haml  (sea-)spray.  -Harri  a 
(om  Sftbe)  sea-worthy;  (om  Vtennefler)  a  good 
sallor,  sea-8tomached;  meget  .  a  capital  sallor. 
•flatter  pi  sea-boots.  -fbale  sea-swallow,  com- 
mon  tern,  iSterna  hirundo.  -fpamp  sponge.  -fpa 
a  sea-sick.  -fpge  sea-sickness.  -tattit  naval 
tactlcs.  -tanb  tooth-shell,  DtntiUum.  -terminn* 
nautical  term,  sea  term.  -termometer  mari'ne 
thermometer.  -terne  fe  -fbale.  -territorium 
maritime  Jurisdlctlon  el.  territorial.  -tjenefte 
Bea-service,  naval  service,  -tog  naval  expedition. 
-togt  cruise.  -tolb  customs.  -træfning  naval 
engagement,  -traje  pea-Javket,  (lort)  greggo. 
•tulipan  balanus.  -rar  sea  voyage;  marine  ex- 
cursion.  -tatøu*  naval  arsenal,  -tanbe  buoy. 
-ubtrpl  nautical  phrase  el.  term.  -nbbgtig  a 
unseaworthy;  gøre  .  disable.  -nbbre  sea-monster, 
sea-beaat.  -nit  salt,  sea-dog;  (mft)  sea  scorpion, 
Cothu  tcorpio.  -u(b  sea-wolf,  Anarrhicha*  Input. 
-ttfbtfe  shipping  casualty,  disaster  el.  casualty 
at  sea.  -nr  chronometer,  ship's  chronometer. 
-bonb  sea-water.  -pant  a  used  el.  accustomed 
to  the  sea;  blibe  .  get  one's  sea-legs  on.  -pant* 
|eb  o  seaworthlness.  -bej  passage  by  sea,  way 
by  sea;  sea-route.  -befrfbag  sea-day.  -bej ro- 
nat  sea-nlght.  -befrir egleme  the  rule(8)  of  the 
road  at  sea.  -bibenflab  navigation,  nautical 
science.  -Pifte  sea-fan,  Goroonia/labeUum.  -Pinb> 
sea-wind,  seabreeze. 

6aan  c  sleep;  en  let .  a  light  sleep,  a  slumber; 
-en«  9Hge  slumberland;  falbe  i.  falfasleep,  drop 
asleep,  fall  off  to  sleep;  tønge  en  i  -  alng  one 
to  sleep;  ougge  en  i  ~  rock  one  to  sleep;  oaxfe 
en  af  -e  awaken  one  out  of  his  sleep;  i  6øone 
asleep,  sleeping,  in  one's  sleep;  tale,  gaa  i  -e 
talk,  walk,  in  one's  sleep.  6abn|ag'tig  a  sleepy, 
drowsy.  -ag'tiabeb  c  sleepiness,  drowsiness, 
somnolence.  -oetnnget  o  heavy  with  sleep. 
-brinaenbe  a  soporiferous,  somnlferous,  narcotic. 
-brnlfen  a  drowsy,  sleep-charged.  -bp»f e  vt  lull 
asleep.  -bpØfenbe  a  fe  -bringenbe;  .  Vcibbel  so- 
poriflc.  4 fjannc  vi  fall  asleep.  6abnerrpne  n 
cont  sleeper,  dormouse.  6abn|*-gr retten  a  cross 
from  sleepiness.  -garnger  o  -e  somnambulist, 
sleepwalker.  -gornaeri  n  somnambulism,  sleep 
walking.  -gomgerife  fe  -gænger.  6abnig  a 
sleepy,  drowsy,  somnolent.  6aoaigbeb  o  sleepi- 
ness, drowsiness.  6abn<gper  c  F  sluggard. 
6apn|(ad  a  sleenless;  leg  Itgger  meget  .  lama 
bad  Bleeper.  -toapeb  o  sleeplessness,  want  of 
sleep;  insomnia.  -tnng  o  drowsy,  overcome  by 
sleep.    -panbrlng  fe  -gangeri. 

6a|bcrbningen  the  naval  service,  -pftføt  ma- 
rine et.  aquatlc  plant,  -barm  defence  on  the 
sea-side;  (Sømagt)  naval  force;  fnavy.  -porrne* 
pligtige  fe  -inbruaerebe.  -parrtf  fe  -teM.  -Pfffcn 
navy,  naval  establishment;  maritime  matters, 
nautical  affairs;  Sibtftrift  for  .  Nautical  Magazine. 
-arg  fe  -ptnbfom.  -are  ear-shell,  sea-ear,  Hatioti: 
-am  sea-eagle,  Haliaettu  albieilla.  -arreb  fe 




X,  t  [Se]  ii  -er  T,  t  [tee];  a66r:  t.  —  til  to; 
Xt.  «=  tonbe  barrel. 

Xoo  c,  p{  Zæer  toe;  gaa  paa  tæerne  walk  on 
tiptoe;  treebe  en  paa  Jaerne  tread  on  one' s  toes; 
flg  trifle  wlth  one;  .  paa  et  ftn*  ^  the  short 
tail  of  a  knee. 

Xaaht  c  -r  fool,  simpleton.  Saabefig  a  Billy, 
foolish,  fatuous.  stupid.  Saabefigfteb  <:  silline&s, 
stupidity,  foolisnness,  folly,  fatulty.  Saabenatfe 
fe  taabe. 

Saaojttlte  c  J,  pointer,  snake-pieoe,  brace. 

Saag  n :  fnaRe  tyn  i  -et  talk  at  random;  at  gaa 
i  -et  not  to  have  one' 8  wlta  about  one,  to  be 
thoughtless  el.  heedless. 

*3taag  o,  pi  læger,  fibre,  root-flbre;  rootlet. 
-b«r  stone-bramble,  Rubu»  åaxati'i*. 

Saage  c  -r  fog,  (lettere)  mist.  -agrig  a  mlsty. 
-pante  fog-bank.  -biUebe  (taaoet  SrøTetfe  el. 
XaagefHHelfe)  misty  form,  (uflart  ©tflebe  i  Sjælen 
ofb.)  airy  vision;  pi  dissolving  views  el.  figures. 
-bamp,  -bttttft  mlsty  vapour,  mlsty  exhalatlon, 
haze.  -Paffet  a  covered  wlth  fog.  -fri  a  free 
from  mist  el.  fog.  -fwlb  o  misty,  foggy.  -tør« 
fog-horn.  -fa  non  fog-gun.  -flotte  fog-bell. 
-Ians  foggy  country,  -let  a  light  as  mist.  -Inft 
misty  el.  foggy  air.  *-l«r  fe  bom.  -mørt  a 
obecured  by  fog.  -««t  foggy  night.  -plet  (a»t 
k  med)  nebula;  (p.  røbelfien)  cloud.  -flgnai  fog 
-signal,  -ffittetfe  fe  -biOebe.  -flab  (firing)  a  fog 
-gun.  -ffy  foggy  clond.  -»-fTpgge  foggy  darkness 
el.  obscurity.  -fUr  foggy  el.  misty  veil.  -fUret 
a  veiled  in  mist.  -fne  drizzling  snow.  -frferne 
nebula.  -flrlbe  narrow  band  of  fog.  -fp«  fe 
•biUebe.  Saaget  a  foggy,  (ogfaa  flg)  misty,  hazy, 
dim,  nebulous;  flg  vågne.  Saagel  trompet  fog 
-trampet.    -øejr  foggy  weather. 

So*' (gonger  e  e  digltlgrade.    -tøttt  toe-cap. 

Xaal  n  patlence;  gioe  -,  flaa  flg  til  -§  have  el. 
take  patleuce.  Zaalt,  taa'lte,  taa'lt  vt  (ubtyolbe; 
ubftaa)  bear,  stand,  support;  suffer,  endure;  (ftnbe 
flg  i;  forbrage)  bear  wlth,  brook,  put  up  witb, 
submltto;  tolerate;  (funne  bære)  flg  bear,  sustaln. 
jeg  fan  itTe  .  f.  Cft.  Sin  wine  does  not  agree 
with  me;  -r  gobt  at  gemme*  keepe  well;  bet  -r  itte 
®abff  it  won  t  wash;  benne  Sag  -r  ingen  Dpfættelfe 
this  business  admits  of  no  delay  el.  brooks  no 

Saateb  n  toe-Jolnt. 

Saatetig  a  (libelig)  tolerable,  supportable, 
bearable,  endurable;  (mtbbelm.)  passable,  toler- 
able, indifferent;  <*dv  pa&sably  eto.  +-beb  c 
tolerableness.    Saalig  fe  Zaalmobig. 

7aat|mob  n  (f  c)  patlence.  -mo'big  a  patient, 
long-sufferlng,  uncomplainlng.  -mo'bigbeb  c 
patlence;  -  ooeroinber  alt  patlence,  money  and 
time  bring  all  things  to  pass,  patlence  and 
perseverance  will  bring  a  snail  to  Jerusalem; 
fyioe  .  meb  bear  wlth;  mifte  -en  get  out  of  pa- 
tlence, lose  patlence,  (aibefef;  get  out  of,  lose, 
all  patlence.  -mobtgbebiarbejbe  work  of  pa- 
tlence. -wotigteMprtPe  trial  of  patlence.  — 
Xaa't|fom  a  patient,  tolerant,  -fomljeb  c  for- 
bearance,  tolerance. 

Xaa | negl  toe-nall.    -notfe  toe. 

Xaar  c  drop;  briffe  en  -  ooer  Xørften  take  a 
drop  too  much. 

Saorc  o  -r  tear;  fcelbe  -r  shed  tears:  fuømme  i 
•r  be  bathed  el.  dissolved  in  tears;  fmelte  tøi  i 

•r  melt  In  to  tears;  benbe*  Øjne  bore  ftdbe  af  -i 
her  eyes  were  suffused;  -rne  rriHebe  &enbe  neb  ab 
ftinberne  the  tears  trickled  dowu  her  cheeks; 
-rne  Fora  Ijenbe  i  pjnene,  tøn  ftf  -r  t  f&inene  tfae 
tears  came  into  her  eyes;  lo,  ril  jeg  ftf  r  i 
Øjnene  laughed  till  the  tears  came,  till  I  cried. 
Saare|ben  lachrymal  bone.  +-birf  fe  Aoenge . 
•blit  tearful  glance.  -blsnbet  a  blinded  witb 
tears.  +-boab  fe  -flob.  -bngget  a  wet  wlth  tears, 
teardewed,  tear-Btained.  -ffftel lachrymal flstola 
•ftaal,  -ftob  n  med  epiphora,  the  watery  eye. 
•flob  c  flood  el.  torrent  of  tears.  -fri  •  free 
from  tears.  -fntb,  -fljibt  a  tearful.  -gamg  lachry- 
mal duet.  -gmbe  lachrymal  pil  *ta»  ocean 
of  tears.  -lanaf  lachrymal  canal.  -fflse  sonrre 
of  tears.  -flrtel  lachrymal  gland.  +-f»afelfe 
joe  brushlng  away  of  tears.  -frotte  lachryina- 
tory.  -t»alt  a  f.  IH.  meb  -e  Orb  lu  words  lo  ter 
rupted  by  sobs;  meb  -  Stemme  in  a  voioe  stifled 
by  sobs.  •!*$  a  tearless.  -milb  a  easlly  moved 
to  tears.  +-offer  offering  of  tears.  -perle  po*t 
pearly  tear.  ->erfe  tear-distitllng  drama,  -pil 
weeping  willow,  Silix  babyiomica,  -prif.  -pavft 
lachrymal  point,  -rig  a  lachrymose.  -#t«m  fe 
-flob  c  -faet  lachrymatory  bag.  -Pottet  •  fe 
-bugget.  -Pfltbffe  lachrymal  fluid  el.  humor. 
-P«lb  fe  -flob. 

Xaar«  n  -e  tower;  (p.  IHrfe)  steeple;  (i  StaT) 
rook,  castle;  (paa  Slib)  turret.  Xaaralagtig  « 
tower-like.  -borg  turreted  castle.  -bpg«i«g  (bet 
at  btyjge  et  Xaatn)  bnllding  of  a  tower;  (Xaatn) 
tower.  Zaame  vt  (bonge  op)  pile  up,  heap  up; 
vr  flg  (+  vi)  tower.  +%aatntt  a  turreted,  towery. 
Saamjfalt  kestrel,  castrel,  windhover,  /Weø 
tinnuneulu*.  -farU}  fe  -ftib.  -fUj  vane  el.  weather 
-cock  on  a  steeple.  -fregat  turret  frigate. 
-famgfel  keep,  dungeon.  -ga«g  fe  9cgtergang. 
•gemmer  dungeon-keeper.  -wa  steeple-high, 
towerlng.  *-tage  fe  Srranfe«.  -lammer  tower 
-ro om.  -fason  tnrret-gun.  -Iløtte  tower-belL 
-fnap  ball  of  a  steeple  el.  spire.  •tø««a«Mr 
^  captain  of  the  turret.  -maffUie  (S)mp.)  steeple 
-engine;  (til  ftanontaom)  turret-engine.  -port  4r 
turret  (gun)  port.  *-fennep  fe  -urt.  -fH§  turret 
-ship.  -fncgl,  -fnafle  turritella.  -fpib*  tip  of 
a  steeple.  -fpir  spire.  -fPale  fe  IHrteftwle.  -mglc 
screech-owl,  Strix  flamme*.  -«r  tower-clock, 
turret  clock.  -«rt  tower  mustard,  Tmrritu. 
-pagt  (Sagten,  fom  Qolbet  i  Zaarn)  tower-guard; 
(ben,  ber  bar  Bagt  i  Zaarn)  warder.  -PinPae 
tower-wlndow.  -pogter  fe  -gemmer.  -Mtgter 
watchman  (on  a  tower). 

Saa'lfpib*  tiptoe.    -fUb  toe-piece. 

♦Xaate  c  -r  sucking-bag. 

*%åttt  c  -er  strand. 

%ab  n,  pi  «,  loss,  (D»Mfatb)  bereavement. 
Itbe  -  suffer  el.  sustaln  a  loss,  suffer  in  pocket; 
bar  libt  ftort  .  has  been  a  heavy  loser,  has  been 
heavily  hit;  arbejbe  meb  ~  work  at  a  loss:  fælge 
meb  -  Bell  at  a  sacrlflce;  meb  .  af  with  loss  of. 
-S  og  Sinbfngft  ffonto  the  account  of  losses  and 
profits;  bet  antage«  at  tøve  bragt  .  it  was  con- 
sldered  a  loslng  speculatlon;  unber  ~  af  onder 
pain  of  loslng.  Save,  -te.  -t  vt  lose;  .  TOobet 
lose  heart;  .  af  Sljne  lose  sight  of;  -  Sporet  (om 
^unbe)  be  off  (the)  scent,  be  at  fault;  .  en  ^roce« 
be  cast  at  law;  .  en  Vcaffe  let  down  a  etitch; 
%an  -r  $enge  he  is  sinklng  capital  el.  his  outlay; 




-r  peb  Oentagetfe  suffers  by  repetition;  .  i  S*gt 
lose  welght;  fyin  -6te  Jtoppen  paa  Qtalbet  sne 
dropped  the  cup  on  tbe  floor;  fe  9fo*fe;  Sejr; 
gaa  tabt  be  lost;  gibe  -6t  gibe  fig  -bt  give  in  el. 
up,  tbrow  up  tbe  sponge,  knock  under,  p  cave 
in.  knuckle  under  el.  down  (for  to);  -bt  i  Seun- 
bring  lost  in  admiration;  fe  Vogn;  —  w  m  fig 
(forfoinbe)  be  lost,  vanish;  (om  Smerte)  cease, 
pass  away,  subside;  (om  Zoner;  die  away;  (om 
3ar»er)  fade;  (blioe  baarligere)  deteriorate;  .  fig  i 
^Drømmerier  be  lost  in  reveries;  ftun  tøf  -bt  lig 
meget  sbe  has  fallen  off  very  much;  bet  bil  -  fig 
meb  Viberen  it  will  wear  off  witb  age;  ben  -nbe 
the  loser. 

XahtV  o  -Ter  table;  ben  lille  -  the  multiplica- 
tlon  table.    -form:  i  .  in  a  tabular  form. 

Sabeltg  o  liable  to  be  lost. 

2abeBa  riff  a  tabular,  tabulated;  >  Oberflgt 
table.  Sabel '»art  collectlon  of  (statlstical) 

Saven  e  losing  etc. 

Sabcrna'fcl  n  -tier  tab'ernacle. 

2a  bforbeling  e  apportioning  (of)  the  loss. 

tabltaW  n  -er  picture,  tableau;  -er  thent  spec- 
tacu'lar  scenes;  .  vivant  tableau  (vi vant). 

Tablt  b'ljo'te  n  table  d'hote,  ordinary. 

XabØUfte  e  list  of  kllled  and  wounded. 

Xåbm  n  taboo';  belogge  meb  -,  ernære  for  -, 

Xabttlatn'r  e  mut  tab'lature. 

Sabnret'  c  -ter  tab'ouret,  stool;  fig  seat  in  the 
cabinet,  place  in  the  mi  nist  ry. 

fXabber  c  (Sogboebe)  buckwheat.  -gaa*  ber- 
nicle  goose,  Arner  btrnicla.    -biffe  smooth  tåre. 

Zaferet'  c  -ter  stencil. 

Xaffel  n  -er  (dinner)  table;  flort  -  grand  dinner; 
ljolbe  aobent  -  keep  an  open  house  el.  table. 
2affel|  ant  pochard,  Fulioula  ferina.  -tal  Table 
Bay.  -bfarg  table-bluff;  -et  Table  Mountain. 
•batter  tabie-decker.  -formigt  $iano  square 
pianoforte,  -frugt  table  fruit.  *g(a#  fe  Sable«. 
-wttfif  muslc  at  dinner.  -olie  svreet  oil.  -penge 
table -money,  allowance  for  table  ezpenses. 
-*<rre  dessert-pear.  -fait  basket-salt.  -ferbice 
table-plate,  service  (of  plate  etc.).  -fte«  table 
diamond.  -«r  time-plece,  table-clock,  bracket 
-clock.  »Pagt  platform- balance.  -«Me  dessert 

*fcaf#,  Xa\\t  c  -er  tatter.  Saffe  vt  _  op  tatter, 

Saft  n  -er  taffeto,  taffety.  Saftet boanb  taflety 
-ribband.    Zaftbttber  taffeta-weaver. 

Sag,  n,  pi  «-,  (meb  tytanb)  grasp,  hold,  gripe; 
(doanbareb)  handle;  (meb  Ware)  stroke;  (flbfte 
vtanb  t  Saab)  stroke;  *wrestling;  *tage  -  wrestle; 
faa  .  i  get  hold  of;  tage  et  .  i  toke  hold  of; 
take  a  pull  of;  flippe  -et  let  go  one's  hold;  ilte 
flippe  -et  retain  one's  hold. 

Sag  »  -e  (til  $uft  ofb.)  roof;  *(t  Scerelfe)  ceiling; 
Straa«  thatch;  Segl*  tillng;  6Itfet'  slated  roof; 
befcegge  et  .  meb  Straa,  xegtften,  Slifer  thatch, 
tile,  slate  &  roof;  lægge  el.  fyocnge  -  roof;  bo  unber 
-  meb  en  live  under  one  roof  with  one;  be  baobe 
*  ooer  $obebet  they  had  a  roof  el.  a  house  over 
their  beads;  tfte  b,aoe  ~  ooer  $ooebet  have  no 
sheiter  el.  re  fuge;  unber  -  under  shelter  el. 
cover;  QKæben  flob  b*jt  i  -et  «the  fun  was  fast 
and  furlous«;  flat  fortqnbeft  paa  -ene  bibl  shall 
be  proclaimed  upon  the  house-tops.  Saglaaf, 
-tjatte  roof-beam  -blif  iron-plate  (for  roofing). 
•bro  covered  bridge,  -br*n  fe  -ftceg.  -braaber 
pi,  *br^p  drip  (rom  the  roof;  tomme  af  Regnen  i 
-brbppet  mil  from  the  fryiug-pan  into  the  fire. 
-barret  a  roofed,  covered  wlth  a  roof.  -bor Ising 
roofing,  covering,  plauklng.  -bafningtmateriale 

Sarfen:  Sanft'Cngelft  Orbbog. 

Sage.  tog,  taaet  vtki  take;  (i  Betaling)  charge; 
_  ftffteb  toke  leave;  -  Vrtium  matriculate;  . 
ffnbe  end,  come  to  an  end;  -  Cttamen  pass 
one's  ezamination;  -  ftart  make  way,  make 
progress;  .  Qrfugten  toke  to  one's  heels,  toke 
flight;  .  et  Bforbe^olb  make  a  reservation:  jeg  -r  mig 
ben  9ribeb  I  toke  the  liberty,  I  make  bold,  I  beg; 
fe  9Runb.  Orb;  .  Ooerbaanb  be  on  the  increase; 
gain  ground,  grow  (upon);  .  ^tab*  toke  a  seat, 
sit  down;  toke  up  room;  -  præmie  carry  off  a 
prize;  -  6Iabe  suffer  da  mage;  .  en  Stilling  carry 
a  position;  -  €a>be  toke  a  seat;  _  Sejen  go,  take 
one's  way.  take  the  road;  ftruflen  -r  tre  potter 
the  Jar  holds  three  quarts;  bet  toa  fire  timer  it 
occupied  four  hours,  took  us  f.  h.;  -  bet  roligt 
take  things  quletly;  |eg  beb,  bborlebe«  man  flal 
.  bam  I  know  how  to  deal  with  him;  —  vr 
.  fig  nar  take  to  heart;  .  fig  nt  let  take  st 
easy;  .  fig  (=*  tage)  take;  .  fig  (om  Dtjr)  conceive; 
tog  fig  meb  $aanben  op  ti(  $anben  ralsed  his  nand 
to  his  forehead;  *-  fig  improve  —  ri  (rejfe)  go; 
Stormen  tog  iffe  faa  meget  the  gale  was  not  so 
much  felt;  F  jeg  bil  .  og  gaa  berb^en  I  will  just 
go  there;  —  meb  prop  i  adv.  _  af,  fe  -  bort; 
(forrainbffrt)  decrease;  (i  Portfrtt)  cut;  (fra  Sejen) 
strike  off;  .  en  af  toke  one's  likeness;  (abe  fig 
-  af  sit  for  one's  portral t,  toke  a  sitting,  have. 
one's  likeness  token;  ~  af  Sorbet  clear  the  table; 
.  af  Dage,  fe  Dag;  ~  Øulbtapperne  af  toke  up 
the  carpets;  -  $atten  af  uncover  one's  head;  . 
Sioet  af  en  kill  one;  -  bet  Safte  af  en  make  one 
promlse;  .  af  og  paa,  *  .  fttffen  play  at  cat's 
cradles;  -  fig  af  interest  one's  self  for,  exert 
one's  self  in  behalf  of,  take  up;  take  charge  of; 
.  af  @teb  set  off,  start;  -  (noget)  bort  remove, 
take  off;  -  bort  (rejfe,  gaa)  set  off,  go  away, 
start;  .  go  there;  .  efter  lmitate;  fe 
ftat;  .  (antage)  for  take  for,  (fejlagtigt)  mistake 
for;  «  en  for  at  bære  Judge  one  to  be;  tog  Sarer 
for  Rrflen  took  tbe  rest  out  in  goods;  .  ftg  noget 
for  busy  one's  self  with  -something.  be  doing 
something;  .  (en)  for  fig  take  to  task,  take  in 
hånd;  -  for  fig  help  one's  self,  F  firti  to;  -  for 
fig  af  Retterne  help  one's  self  to  what  is  on  the 
table;  -  fra,  fe  fratage;  -  fra  ttnanben  take  to 
pieces,  (et  Ur)  take  down;  -  frem  bring  el. 
take  out,  produce;  .  tyen  go;  *  -  I  take  hold; 
exert  one's  self;  .  fig  i  ttgt  heed,  take  care. 
.  i  Seffyttelfe  take  under  one's  protection;  fe 
2ef;  .  en  i  (tb  swear  one  (in),  put  one  on  his 
oath;  •  i  Qforfbar  defend;  .  i  flforoar  take  into 
one's  custody;  -  i  $aanb  shake  hånds  with;  - 
tøanb  i  meb  lend  a  nand;  .  en  i  Ratten  seize 
one  by  the  neck:  fe  Stole,  Stob;  -  i  fig  revoke, 
rctract;  tog  fig  i  bet  stopped  himself,  thought 
better  of  it;  -  igen  take  back;  *  make  resist 
ance,  show  fUht,  (i  Ocb)  retort;  .  i  mob,  fe 
Vcobtage;  bilbeltte  tage  imob  b^am  would  not  see 
him;  -  imob  Ornnbe  listen  to  reason;  -  inb 
(ogf.  om  Jtleeber,  6ej()  take  in,  (i  Stritning)  nar- 
row, (TOebicin)  take;  .  inb  at  fbebe  paa  take  a 
Budorific;  .  inb  i  en  ftro  put  up  at  a  country 
-inn;  tag  Varerne  inb!  unship  your  oarst  .meb 
toke  along  with  one;  take  in  addition,  add;  bet 
maa  *  meb  i  Seregnlngen  it  must  enter  into  the 
calculation;  •  meb  fig  bring;  ~  Senene  meb  fig 
find  one's  len;  .  meb  $tmpboaben  go  by  the 
steamer;  .  meb  diligencen,  Sampbaaben  til  $.  take 
the  coach,  the  steamer,  for  H.;  -  Øffteb  meb 
take  leave  of;  .  $arti  meb  take  side  witb,  side 
with;  .  bet  ftrengt  meb  stand  upon;  -  mob,  fe  . 
imob;  .  Vtajten  neb  unship  the  mast;  .  (noget) 
omborb  i  et  élib  ship;  .  op,  fe  Optage;  (Ijoab 
bet  er  falben  til  forben)  pick  up;  (bbab  ber  er 
funtet)  recover,  (Sfib)  raise,  lift;  -  fin  ftiole  op 
tuck  up  one's  dress;  .  en  Vlafte  op  pick  up  «. 





stitch;  _  pel  op  take  in  good  part;  -  ilbe  op  take 
amiss,  take  unkindly;  .  (en  Same)  op  take  out; 
fon  ~  bet  op  meb  is  a  match  for;  -  op  paa  fine 
Snbtæøter  anticipate  one's  Income;  *  -  tig  op 
improve,  pick  up;  .  rn  Stoppe  ober  fifl  put  on 
a  cloak;  .  flg  nt  oøer  undertalte  st;  .  oPcr  fBetlin 
go  via  Berlin:  $<m  tog  fin  Søb  btrobcr  it  was  the 
death  of  him;  .  paa  'en  ©ogn)  take  up;  -  paa 
flg,  .  fine  JMæber  paa  put  on  one's  clothes,  take 
on  one's  things;  .  paa  (Brie)  take  on;  f)un  tog 
paa  el.  til  at  greebe  sne  began  to  weep;  bet  r 
paa  Strafferne  it  is  very  exhausting;  benbei  fibne 
Strøbom  bar  -t  foajrt  paa  benbe  she  Is  very  much 
exhausted  afler  her  last  illness;  her  last  illness 
has  told  on  her;  -  ftaorbt  paa  handle  roughly; 
.  en  paa  Drbet  take  one  at  his  word;  .  fig  paa, 
fe  $aatage;  -  paa  Sanbet  go  into  the  country;  fe 
$øf  e,  Bare;  -  fig  f  a  m  m  e  n  pull  one's  self  together; 
.til  increase;  Qinben  tog  tit  the  wind  lncreased; 
ban  tog  tit  $etfingør  he  went  to  Elsinore;  .  til 
8enft  take  to  one's  heels;  .  tit  ganoe  take 
prisoner;  -  HI  $uftru  take  for  one's  wife;  ~  til 
gatten  touch  one's  hat;  -  til  Safte  meb  (t  -  nt 
til  Saffe)  put  up  with,  he  satlsfled  with:  .  til 
Totte  meb,  boab  $ufct  formaar  take  pot-luck;  bet 
•?  tit  totte  it  goes  down:  tog  til  at  began  to;  . 
til  fig  (TOab)  take,  (en  ©tring)  take  home  to 
one's  self;  fe  Wob;  *  .  6mub*  til  fig  catch  the 
dirt;  «  ftne  pjne  til  fifl  withdraw  one's  glance; 
-  Tig  til  fjerte  lay  to  heart:  .  fig  til,  fe  -  fig  for; 
.  tilbage  take  back,  (Orb)  revoke,  retract, 
(Slnføgning)  withdraw;  .  ub,  fe  Ubtage;  -  ub  paa 
fianbet  go  into  the  country;  tog  ub  font  ©ouoernante 
went  out  as  governess;  .  ub  (af  Qanfen)  with- 
draw; -  fig  frauft  ub  look  el.  show  well;  -r  fig 
meget  ubelbtgt  ub  is  seen  to  great  disadvantage; 
_  fig  ub  fom  look  like;  -  unber  Sebanbfing  take 
in  band;  -  unber  Doerpeielfe,  -  o  eb  9tøfen,  ætnge« 
benet,  fe  b.  D. 

Sagetage  c  attic. 

Saøfat'.-  lege  -  play  catch. 

Sa'ølfette  c  rib,  purline.    -filt  rooflng- felt. 

*Saøø  c  -er,  fe  %at.    -rt  fe  Saltet. 

Sa'gløefinti  cornice.  -balm  thatch.  -bul 
aperture  el.  opening  in  a  roof.  -lammer  garret. 
-føitftruttiøn  kind  of  roof. 

*Saøl  n  horse-halr.  -orm  hair-worm,  Gordiu*. 

5a' ø|  lagt  a  imbricate,  imbricated.  -luge 
shutter  on  the  roof.  -lajgte  lath.  -tog  fe  $u*< 
løø.  -løS  a  rooness.  -maar  fe  fcu*-.  -mø* 
thatch-moss,  Bryum  rurale,  -mønning  top  of  a 
roof,  ridge.  -panbe  pantlle.  'pap  carton-plerre 
(for  roofing),  rooflng  paper,  asphal  tic  roofing 
•felt.    -plabe  sbingle. 

Sa'ø|raft  fe  -fparre.  -rejfning  raising  of  a 
roof,  rooflng.  -renbe  roof-gutter.  -r^g,  -rtjøninø 
fe  -mønning,  -retter  ridge  turret.  -rør  fe  -renbe; 
reed,  PhrogmiUt.  -fflfer  roofing  slate.  -fffltg 
eaves  pi.  -fpaan  shingle.  -fporre,  -fpa?r  rafter. 
-ftentile.  -friøe  slater's  ladder.  -ftøl  roof-timber. 
-ftraa  thatch.  -fPale  fe  $u#«.  -fattte  vt  roof  in. 
-tafter  slater.  -tirffuiaø  thatching;  slating. 
•øinbue  donner-window,  (i  fjluøt  meb  taget)  sky 
•light.    -»intet  angle  of  the  roof.   -øatrt  rooflng. 

XalUe  fe  Salje. 

Saføfloben  the  Tågus. 

Sat  el.  Satte  c  -fer  (fremfiaaenbe  ®plb«)  jag; 
(paa  $jort  o  Jo.)  branch,  an  tier;  (paa  $jut)  tooth, 
cog:  'let  pi  ($a>morT$oiber)  blind  piles. 

Sat'  c  tbanks;  .!  thanksi  thank  you!  mange 
-!  many  thanks!  thank  you  very  much!  ja  .! 
jo  . !  ves,  (I)  thank  you;  nej  - !  do,  (I)  thank 
you!  thank  you,  I'd  rather  not;  faa  -!  that 
will  do,  thank  you;  Pibe  en  .  for  be  much 
gUiged  to  one  for;  fiøe  en  -  thank  one,  give 
el.  render  one  thanks;  jeg  tiger  .  for  mig  I  dcciare 

off;  meb  ~  (mobtage  noget)  gratefully,  thankfnlly: 
©ub  fTe  . !  thank  Qod  el.  thanks  be  to  God;  . 
flaf  Se  batte  thank  you;  bet  Ifal  bu  ifte  baw  .  for 
thank  you  for  nothing;  fda  ©tam  til  _  get  blame 
el.  reproach  instead  of  thanks;  bet  rt  -ren  (mav 
barU  there  is  gratitude!  tage  ril  -fe,  fe  Sage. 
Sat|abrctfe  address  el.  vote  of  thanks.  +-f«ib 
a  grateful.  Safte  re  thank,  give,  render  eL 
return  thanks;  jeg  bar  tøm  at  -  for  bet  I  have  to 
thank  him,  may  thank  him  for  that,  I  am  in- 
debted  el.  beholden  to  him  for  that;  bet  tos  ba 
-  big  felo  for  you  have  (only)  youreelf  to  thank; 
-t  txere  thanks  to,  owing  to;  .  af  resign;  .  tit 
be  thankfhl. 

♦Safte  c  -r,  fe  ©agftebelle. 

Saffelbrep  letter  of  thanks.    -hsn  prayer  of 
thanksgiving.      -feft    (feast    of}    thanksgiving 
•ønbf tjenefte  thanksgiving  service. 

Sal tefla|l  c  ^  hill  mustard,  Bunim  orientali*. 

Satte!  n  -er  i,  (runner-)tackle;  lenfe  for  -  og 
tot?  scud  under  bare  poles.  Sattefa^d,  Sat« 
telaae  c  rlgglng.  Safte! ] blot  tackle -block 
•bsubfel  whipping.  -garn  whlpping  twine. 
-JoHe  glrtline.  >Ioft riggingloft.  -»eter master 
•rigger.    -POffen  matters  relative  to  rigging. 

Saffelfatwe  thanksgiving  hymn.  -fang  song 
of  praise  and  thanksgiving. 

Saftet  a  antlered;  toothed,  jagged,  indented. 
^  dentated. 

Sofie  vt  &  rig;  -  et  6fib  rig  a  snip;  -  en 
tamp  whip  a  rope;  -t  fom  Slonnert  tchooner 
-rigged  (o.  fl.);  -  a«,  fe  «ftatle.  Satlimø  e  rlg- 
glng.   Satlinalflaa  whipping  turn. 

Sat | Ud  a  thankfess.  -nemoielia  a  grateiul. 
thanknil;  et  -t  $ub!ifum  an  appreei&tlve  audience; 
pære  en  .  be  grateful  to  one.  -nem  auliojeb  c 
gratitude,  thankfulness.  -nem'meliøbeb^føUlff 
feeling  of  gratitude.  -«em'meliøs;eb*i«lb  in- 
debtedness;  ftoar  i  -  til  ffam  owes  him  a  debt 
of  gratitude. 

Satnorbbebe  pi  dentirosters. 

Sat '|  offer  thank -offering. 

SatØ  c  fe  taf*tra. 

Sat9|atio'n  c  -er  valuation,  appraisemeni;  esti- 
mate.  -atio  ntfforreininø  b.  f.  -atiø'n*«Mb, 
•a  tor  c  -er  appraiser,  valuer.  -attø'ttø>ri£  esti- 
mated  value.    -e're  vt  value,  rate,  appraise. 

Sat Ifi'øelfe  thanksgiving,  expression  of  thank? . 
-ftrioelfe  letter  of  thanks  el.  acknowledgment. 
-ffnlbiø  a  obliged,  in  debted. 

Salinaat  c  yew-needle. 

SaMt  e  -er  rate,  estimated  value;  set  prioe; 
Orøbtaføt  assise  of  bread. 

Sarøtra?  n  yew,  yew-tree,  Taxut  baccata. 

SatØtfnm  c  estimated  value. 

Saft  c  -er  (i  Vtuflf,  Sani.  Kontna)  Ume;  **♦ 
(VIfbelinø)  bar,  meaaure;  (fin  %bU\U)  Uct,  dis- 
cretion;  bel  »  9cobe  semibreve;  bel  -i  9amfe  har 
of  rest;  b,olbe,  floa  Saften  keep,  beat  time;  •/»  - 
*/s  measure;  tomme  ub  af  -en  break  time;  i  -  meb 
in  time  to.  Saft  I  art  species  of  time.  -bel  divi- 
sion, count.  Saltere  vi  beat  time.  Sttte'rf«| 
c  beating  of  time.  Sattlfaft  a  ezact  el.  steady 
in  keeping  time,  rhythmlcal.  -faftbeb  steadiness 
in  keeping  time.  -fnlb  a  dtscreet.  -fttf^bjeb 
diiBcernment,  tact,  discretlon. 

Saftif  e  tae'tics  pi.  Sat  Mer  c  -e  taetician. 
Saftiff  o  tactical. 

Soft|løl  a  lndiscreet,  tactless,  bavingno  tact. 
•løåbeb  want  of  tact,  indiscretlon.  -mæler 
metronom e.  -mørøffø  a  measured.  -fUø  beat 
•ftof  baton.    -ftrcø  bar(-llne). 

Safvinøe  c  peacock  butterfly,   Van—*  lo. 

Sal'  n,  pi  «»,  number;  aritk  nuinber,  cipher, 
flgure;  lige  ..  even  numbers;  ulige  .  odd  numbers; 
uben  -  out  of  number,   numberless;  face  i  -let 




foar  in  nnmber,  four  of  them;  tage  -let  &  (f.  dtt. 
peb  fioimng)  keep  tally;  i  $unbrebe*,  i  Xuflnb«,  i 
Snefe«  by  hundreds,  by  tbousands,  by  scores. 
Xatjabberbinm  nnmeral  adverb.  -augtbelfer 
fi  fimres. 

Xata'r  c  -er  robe,  gown. 

Sal|beteønetfe  designation  by  figures.  -bøgfta* 
nnmeral  letter.    -ttjnittg  plural  Inflection. 

Sale,  talte,  talt  (oøf.  -bf,  -t)  et  k  t  speak;  (i 
Samtale)   talk;  (famtale)  converse,   discourse;  . 
faøte,  (ojt  speak  low,  loud  el.  alood;  t  Ølminbe- 
ligbeb  -t  speaking  generally;  vt  .  $anff.  (inøelft, 
ftranff  speak  Danish,  Engllsh,  French;  i?r  .  fiø 
trcet  weary  one's  self  with  talking;  —  meb  prcep 
&   adv:   .   efter   rn   mimic  el.    imitate   one's 
manner  of  speaking;  .  en  efter  Vhinben  coax  el. 
wheedle  one;  .  for  en  (oøf.  tig)  speak  et.  plead 
in  one's  favour  el.  in  one's  behalf;  fiø  tell  in 
one's  favour;  .  for  (anbefale)  advocate,  recom- 
mend;  -r  for  (ttjber  paa)  goes  to  show  et.  prove, 
eives  el.  lends  (somei  countenanoe  to  the  notion 
that,  favours  the  belief  tbat;  alt  -r  for  a  great 
deal  might  be  sald  in  favour  of;  bet  -r  (sjt  for 
u  speaks  volumes  for;  bet  -r  for  fiø  fe(b  it  tella 
irs  own  story;   (an  fan  .  for  fiø  be  has  some- 
thing  to  say  for  himself;  ban  -r  øobt  for  fia  he 
i«  a  fine  speaker;  -  ben  l  SWnb  oø  Sejr  speak  at 
random,  to  no  purpose;  -  i  Vtunben  paa  (ber* 
enbre  talk  against  each  other;  fe  TOunb,  Sstm, 
Xone;  bette  -r  i  mob  this  tells  et.  makes  against; 
-  meb  en  (t  tUm.)  see  one  ri.  speak  to  one;  frø 
maa  -  et  $or  Orb  meb  (am  I  must  have  a  little 
talk  with  blm;  }eø  maa  -  unber  fire  pine  mrb  barn 
I  must  speak  in  private  with  Mm;  jeg  (ar  iffe 
talt  meb  (am  i  be  fibfle  fjorten  Saøe  I  bave  not 
teen  hlm,  to  speak  to,  this  fortnight;   jeg  bar 
ingen   at  .  meb  I  have  nobody  to  talk  to;  meb 
f^am   fan   man   iffe   .   fiø   tit  SRette  there  is  no 
reatoning  (argning)  with  hlm;  bet  er  en,  fom  bil 
.  meb  Xem  you  arewanted;  .  meb  ftø  fetb  speak 
to  one's  self;  ban  fan  flffett  .  meb  berom  I  think 
re  has  a  word  to  say  about  that:  fob  bu  bare 
rcere*  at  .  meb  b>r  don't  you  interfere  here  et. 
don't  you  put  in   your  oar  here;  man  -r  (øjt 
berom  lt  Is  a  thing  much  talked  of;  (ele  ©ben 
-r  berom  it  is  the  talk  of  the  whole  town;  man 
-r   iffe  mere  berom  there  is  no  more  talk  of  it; 
aa,  tot  albrtø  om  bet  don't  mention  it;  tab  o«  iffe 
.  mere  om  bet  we  will  say  no  more  about  lt: 
bet  er  iffe  bcerbt  at  -  om  it  is  not  worth  men- 
rioning;  iffe  at  ~  om  to  say  nothing  of,  not  to 
mention,  let  al  one,  letting  al  one;  fiben  oi  -r  om 
talking  of;  (øre  -  om  hear  tell  of;  jeø  (or  iffe 
bort  .  berom  I  have  not  heard  of  it;  naar  man 
-r  om  ftanben,  er  ban  narmefl  talk  of  the  devll 
and  he  will  appear;  (an  -r  ober  fiø  he  talks 
vvildly.  .  f ammen  talk  together,  converse;  tiUab 
mig  at  .  ub  allow  me  to  finish;  bi  bille  *  beb 
om  benne  6aø  rn  anben  (Bang  we  will  talk  over 
that  matter another time;  —  tatenbea  expres- 
>ive,    signlficant,  suggestive;  en  -  Sabftbeb  an 
eloquent  et.  pregnant  silence;  bet  er  et  -  ©rtotfi 
cofl   lt  speaks  volumes   for;  be  .  fierfoner  the 
interlocutors-,    ben   -    the  speaker.     Sale  c  -r 
'$anbHnøen  at  tale,  (ionen  tit  at  tate)  speech;  (bet. 
fom   ftøf«)   speech,   talk,   discourse;   bette  er  en 
haorb  .  bibi  this  is  a  hard  saying:  eber*  .  ffol 
txere  ja,  ja.  nej,  nej  bibl  let  your  communicatlon 
hc,  yea,  yea-,  nay,  nay;  bolbe  en  -  make  a  speech, 
deliver  an   address,   oration,   (qeiftliø)   sermon; 
bolbe  en  -  offentlig  speak  in  public;  bon  bolbt  fin 
fsTfte   «   (om   Siqftbaøftmamb)    he  delivered   his 
raaiden  speech;  faa,  forlonge  i  «  obtain,  demand, 
speech  with;  fan  man  faa  (am  i  -  nu?  is  he  to  be 
">en  now  ?  (an  rr  Danffflig  at  faa  i  -  he  is  difflcult 
of  access,  it  is  difficult  to  gain  access  to  him; 

fønen  er  iffe  at  faa  i  .  the  lady  is  not  visible; 
ftttbe  i  -n  lnterrupt;  (bab  er  -n  om?  what  are  you 
talking  about?  ber  er  -  om  there  is  a  questlon 
of;  for  ber  er  •  om  before  there  is  any  questlon 
of;  -n  er  iffe  berom  that's  not  the  matter  in 
questlon,  that  is  not  the  questlon,  that  is  beside 
the  questlon;  berom  fan  iffe  boere  ~  that  is  out 
of  the  questlon,  not  to  be  thought  of;  gjotbe,  at 
ber  iffe  funbe  btibe  .  om  at  fobe  rendered  sleep- 
ing  out  of  the  questlon;  femme  paa  .  be  men- 
tioned,  discussed;  bringe  et  ttmne  paa  -  start  a 
subject;  bragte  -n  tit  at  falbe  paa  Introduoed  the 
mention  of.  +Sale|baanb  fe  lunge-,  -braø  usage 
of  language,  +-bpøttiiig  construction  of  sen- 
ten c  es  -bel  part  of  speech.  -bp;gtig(eb  fluency. 
-cit(eb  speech-unlt.  -ebne  faculty  et.  power  bf 
speech.  -fejt  defect  of  speech.  -form  mode  of 
expression  «fri(eb  freedom  el.  Uberty  of  speech. 
•forrbiøbeb  fluency. 

SaleøalTa  c  -er  talegalla,  Megapodium. 

Sateføaber  oratorical  powers  et.  endowments, 
rhetorical  gifts,  -gitter  grate  (in  a  nunnery). 
+»fascp  debate.  -fnnft  art  of  speaking,  oratory. 
•funftner  rhetorician.  -litb  sound  of  speech, 
epoken  sound.  *l(ft  talkattveness.  -maabe 
mode  of  expression,  phrase;  locutlon;  blotte  -r 
mere  words  of  course.  -maffine  speaklng-ma- 
chine.  -metobe«  the  articulation  system,  xaten 
e  speaking;  talking. 

£at'en(cb  c  nnmeral  unit. 

Xafeitt'  e  -er  (røønt)  tal'ent. 

Salcnt'  n  -er  tal'ent,  faculty,  natural  gift, 
natural  endowment;  accomplishment;  bet  er  en 
SRanb  af  .  he  is  a  talented  man,  he  Is  a  man 
of  talent(8)  et.  parts;  (an  (ar  intet  -  for  .  .  .  he 
has  no  talent  for  .  .  .  Safeatlfntb  a  tal'ented, 
gifted.  -U*  a  without  talents).  -Uf  (eb  want 
of  talenUs). 

Xate|orøan  fe  -rebftab.  Saler  e  -e  speaker, 
orator.  Xalerebffab  organ  of  speech.  Xaler« 
fneb  oratorical  artifice.  Salrrttmfl  rhetorical  et. 
oratorical  art.  Zalerftol  pulpit;  (paa  bet  gamle 
romerite  Zorb)  rostra  pi.  Xafe|rt r  (i  en  Øbgninø) 
8peaking-pipe  el.  -tube,  whlsperingtube;  (Kaaber) 
speaking-trumpet.  -ffole  deaf  and  dumb  school 
on  the  speaking  system,  -fprog  spoken  lan- 
guage; bet  enøefffe  -  spoken  Engllsh.  •ftemme 
speaking '  voice.  •ftttm  flow  of  words.  -fhie 
parlonr.  -faet  phraseology.  -f(a,  -traraøt  a 
eager  to  speak,  dying  to  speak,  -rime  conversa- 
tion  lesson  *-bft  f :  iffe  flsrf  i  -en  not  con- 
spicuous  for  oratory.    -éHelfe  practise  in  speak- 


t|flønr  fe  -tegs.  •for(ofb  numerical  propor- 
tion,   -forffel  numerical  difference. 

Salg  c  ullow,  (ftbreO  nuet.  -aøtiø  o  tallowy. 
Salge  vt  tallow.  SalgfabHtant  tallow-manu- 
factnrer.  t-grcbcr  pi  greaves.  -(inbe  membrane 
of  the  tallow.  -flub  tallowing-cloth.  *fop  grease 
cup.  -fran  <f,  tallowcock.  »W  tallow-candle; 
(^onnlD*)  mouldcandle;  (Spebet(i)  dip.  ••oje, 
-tit  fe  ftobmejfe.  -ptafter  greased  patch.  -praaA 
dip.  -prop  J.  shot-plug.  -fpre  sebacid.  -fror 
tallow- trec,  Stillinøia  æbifera. 

2at(a$pe  reel  which  marks  the  number  of 

Xatipot'palme  c  shreetaly,  Corypha  umbraeuli- 

XaliAtttan  c  -n  tal'isman. 

Xatje  e  -r  (8to)  waist;  (&iøut)  figure. 

Xatje  e  fe  Parbeilot.    Satyr  vt  (flbebuøae^  side. 

Xatje  c  r  J,  tackle;  fatte  en  -  paa  et.  (uøøe  tn 
-  (an;  hook  on  a  tackle;  bugge  en  .  ub  unhook  a 
t.;  enfett  .  gun-tacle  purchase;  treffoaren  -  luff 
-tackle  purchase:  firffoaren  -  twofold  purchase. 
fefftffaaren  -  threefold  purchase;  Strabber*  jigger; 





%a\\t  vi  d,  purchase,  bowse.  Sal fej  blot  pur- 
chase-block.  -tage  tackle-hook.  -laber  tackle 
-fell.    -reb  laniard. 

Safie|piab  fe  Srorøefløf.    -*t*e  squaring  axe. 

Saft  e  tale,  talk.  -jørb  magnesia.  -friter 
talc-slate,  talcose  schlst.  -fpatft  magneslte, 
magnesian  spath.    -ften  fe  Xatt. 

*%aU  o  -er,  fe  fftr  (Ira). 

XaBerf  at  c  -er  plate;  bob  -  soup-plate;  flab  - 
flat  plate;  en  -  6uppe  a  plateful  of  soup;  (ab 
barn  faa  bet  paa  fin  -  put  that  in  his  pipe. 
SaØerteafførmig  a  plate-shaped.  -tøanaer  swell- 
ing-hammer.  -tår*  plate-basket  -rift  fe  -normer. 
•tetttt  dish-shelf,  dlsh-catch,  plate  rack.  -fEilfer 
c  -e  lick-plate,  llck-platter.  -aarmer  c  -e  plate 

Xaljlotteri  lottery  wlth  numben.  -tal  a 
numberle&s  countless.    •atajeftæten  King  Mob. 

Salwa  e  talma. 

Satmigntb  n  talmy-gold,  Abyssinian  gold. 

Xalmab  c  talmud.    -tft'ifT  a  talmudistic. 

Salon'  [fr.]  e  (p.  Shriø)  heel;  (p.  Obligation) 

Xal'|ørb  numeral.  -perle  big  round  and  even 
peaxl.  -paafel  flgure  punch.  -regning  arith- 
metfe.  -rig  a  numerous;  »otte  -ere  enb  out- 
number.  -rigbeb  e  numerousness.  -ræfle  nu- 
meral series,  -faa*  facultyofnumeration.  -fH»e 
dial  plate.    •frriøning  wrlting  of  figures. 

Xattaaab  o  spokesman,  advocate,  ezponent; 
-en  rel  the  paraclete,  bibl  the  comforter. 

Zeflftarreife  number,  numeric  quantity.  -fp» 
flem  numerlcal  system,  -tegn  numeral  char- 
acter el.  flgure.    -aærbi  fe  -flørrelfe. 

X««'  a  tame;  (tun  om  ©pr)  domestlcated;  ben 
-me  fltoa*  the  domestic  goose,  etc.;  gøre  -  jtø 
make  tractable,  manageable. 

Sawaria'be  c  -r  tam'arlnd.  -nøl  pulpof  the 
tamarlnd.  -træ  tamarindf-tree),  JTamarttMfa« 

Samartft*  c  -er  tam'arlsk,  TVimarta:  galliea. 

Saatbnr  c  -er  drammer. 

Samba'r  c  /orf  tam'bour.  -e're  or  tam'bour. 
—  Santbnre'r|aflal  tambour-needle.  -raatwe 
tambour  frame.    -friug  tambour-stitch. 

Xantbnri'n  c  -er  tabour,  tambour,  tambourlne. 
•brobeH  tambour(-work).  -aoaf  fe  Xambnrernaaf. 
•fptfier  tabourer. 

Tamburmajor  c  dram-major. 

Saatlbeb  c  tameness.    -frø  domestic  fowl. 

Santlå  n  tammy,  tamlny. 

Saatp  e  -e  rope's  end;  £  (Cnben  af  et  ©tutte 
lob)  rope-end,  end  (of  the  rope),  (Straffe* 
rebflab)  colt;  faa  -  get  flogged;  fig  en  flor  .  a 
big,  thumping  fellow;  -en  brænber  (Seg)  hot 
boiled  be&ns.  Stampe  vi  beat  wlth  a  rope  s  end, 
rope's  end;  flog  wlth  a  colt.  Snttpebæabfel  J, 

$amper]baø  c  Ember-day.  t-cet  court  held 
abont  the  Émber-days  for  adjudging  matri- 
monial  causes.  t-retlfag  matrimonlal  cause. 
-age  Ember-week. 

xaatPnfnø  c  beating  wlth  a  rope's  end. 

SawffPaaea  the  tame  swan.  -føinet  the  do- 
mestic hog. 

Sama'fiff  a  Tam'il. 

Saab  c,  pi  Xænber,  tooth;  (paa  «tøe.  Jcam, 
taffel,  {»arte)  tooth;  prong;  tine;  (paa  fiiul)  cog, 
tooth;  faa  Xænber  cut  teeth;  bar  faaet  ftn  førlle  . 
has  cut  his  firet  tooth;  træffe  en  -  ub  draw  a 
tooth;  fig  flaa  ben  .  ub  give  it  up;  2Hben8  .  the 
hånd  el.  ravages  of  time;  noget  for  -en  some 
dainty  bit;  fjolbe  .  for  Xunge  keep  one's  own 
counsel;  ~  for  lunge!  F  mum's  the  word;  fe 
©lob;  føle  en  paa  Zænberne  feel  one's  pulse, 
sound  one;  oifr  Zænber  show  the  teeth  e(.  one's 

teeth;  ©arnet  tør  onbt  for  Zcnber  the  child 
suffers  from  teething;  imellem  Zombmte  onder 
his  breath;  ^ar  $aar  paa  Zænberne  is  not  to  be 
trifled  wlth;  bevæbnet  Hl  Xanbeme  armed  oap-s 
-pie,  to  the  teeth;  frcere  Zænber  grind  the  teeth. 
gnash  the  teeth,  mine  Zænber  Ube  i  ftaib  my 
mouth  waters.  Zavbjbev  dentine.  -frefetsiBf 
set  of  teeth,  den  tition.  -bøgftat  dental  (letter 
-bmb  cutting  of  the  teeth,  dentltlon,  teething 
•br«Rer  c  -t  tooth-drawer,  tooth-breaker.  -bbf 
ning  dentitlon.  -bl|lb  gum-boll.  -bølger  hore 
hound,  BaUota  nigra.  -bælg  heath-grmss,  Tri 
odia  decumben*.  -børfte  tooth-brush.  •bosnrlfe 
formation  of  teeth,  dentation.  -b«e  tooth-biUed 
pigeon,  Didmnculu*  »trigiroHrU. 

Zonbe  e  -r  (paa  &9«)  snuff,  cabbage-hemd. 

Sanbjet  a  toothed;  tf  dentote,  dentated.  -føtb 
fe  -fælbning.    -feber  teething  fever,  fever  from 
dentitlon.  -fil  equalling-file;  (Zanblaeoe«)  rugine. 
sera  per.   -fiflet  fistnla  in  the  gum.   -fftf  splinter 
of  a  tooth.    •førbøf b  dentitlon.    -føratet  a  den 
ticulate,  denticulated,  dentate,  dentated.    -fdb- 
nittfl  shedding  el.  changing  of  teeth.    -grøci  ic 
ftnaoel.     -ønncme    gum.     •gorrbe   jaw.      -IpsW 
neck  (of  a  tooth).    -baMbaavb  anodyne  neck- 
lace.    -bfnt   cog -wheel,  toothed  wheel.     -4*1 
hole  in  a  tooth.    -bnle  socxet.    -bPøi  toothed 
el.  dentlcete  whale,  dolphin,  Delphi***,    -bønl 
toothlng-plane.    -(4<Ht)l«rtt  toothed  plane  iron 
-farpe    toothed    carp.      -ferne    pulp    (of   the 
tooth).     -ti«  fe  -ferne.     -lit  filling   for  teeth 
-frotte  crown  of  a  tooth.    -ftyfte*  the  Coast  of 
Ivory.  -t*b  gum.  -Hjb  dental  sound.   -læge  den 
tist,  dental  surgeon.  •lægehtnft  dentlstry.  -læge- 
ftnberenbe  student  of  dentlstry.   -toø  a  toothle^, 
be  -e  soo  the  edentates.    -tø«beb  toothlessness 
•mtbbel  dentifrioe,  remedy  for  the  tooth-ache. 
•nerøe  nerve  of  the  teeth.     -lUgle  key-instra 
ment.  -operation  dental  operation,  -paita  tooth 
paste.  -perler  teething  corals.   -pine  tooth  ache. 
•pttlper  tooth-powder,  dentifrice.    -røb  root  of 
a  tooth;   tf  tooth- wort,  tooth-violet,  Demt*ria. 
-rørffe  row  of  teeth.    -ffifre,  -ffifrning  fe  -fæfr 
ning.     -fliøe   ratch«t.     -ffraber    tooth  •  scraper. 
-flib  wear  of  the  teeth.   -ftnerter  fe  -pine.    -fait 
areh  den  til,   indentatlon.     -fpibS  tooth- point, 
-ftattg  raok.     -fHffer  c  -e  tooth-pick.     -frnap 
stump  of  a  tooth.   -ftørrt  a  having  strong  teeth. 
-fabftonf  dentine.    -ført  set  of  teeth.    -færnini 
dentitlon,  teething,  cutting  of  the  teeth.   -tang 
tooth-key.    -tromle  clod-crusher.   -trætter  (Sleb- 
ffab)  tooth-drawers  pi,  tooth-key;  ($erfou)  tooth 
-drawer.    -t^rtiå  occidental  turquols.    -abrræf' 
ning  tooth-drawlng.  -urt  fe  Irnaøel.   -basb  tooth 
-water.    -øærf  fe  -pine. 

"Saae  fe  Xanbe. 

Sang  e.  pi  Xænger,  (dlbtang)  (pair  of)  tong»; 
(lille  Sang,  røiptang)  (pair  of)  nippers,  (pair  oO 
pincers;  cAir  force p«. 

Sang  e  sea-weed,  tangle,  (sea-)tang,  Fncma: 
©rebtang  notched  wrack.  °-aal  blenny.«  -art 
specie«  of  sea-weed.  affe  kelp.  -brømbrag 
burning  of  sea-weed.    -bige  fe  -gærbe. 

Sange  c  -r  (Sanbtunge)  spit  el.  tongue  (of 
land);  (poa  Ihtio  o.  1.)  tang.  £angefæra  tang 

XangjeaS  c  tangent,  -ent'  c  -er  math  tan'geot; 
(poa  fortepiano)  key,  note;  efter  -en  at  (el.  In)  s 
tangent,  -entta  Itraft  tangen'tial  force,  -e're  t* 
touch,  be  tangent  to;  -nbea  tangent,  -e'ring* 
panft  point  of  taction. 

langer  n  (©i))  Tangier. 

Xangførmig  a  having  the  form  of  a  pair  of 
tongs,  foreipated,  forceps-like. 

Xaaglgærbc  dike  of  sea-weed.  -gabning 
manure  of  burnt  el.  rotten  sea-weed.    -rtæbt  a 




overgrown  with  sea-weed.  -lafe  rock -Ung, 
Motella.  -loppe  sand-skipper,  flea-lobster,  Garn- 
marus.  -naal  needle-flsh,  Syngnatkua.  -plante 
*lg»,  j>/  algæ.  -fait  salt  obtained  from  trarnt 

Xangfronfe  ø  tenaille. 

Sang  |f  narre  c  fifteen -spined  stickle-back, 
Garteroatevå  tpinackia.  -fprørf  e  blenny.  -ftitflttg 
fe  -fnat«. 

Smit  e  4,  tank. 

Sante  c  -r  thought,  idea;  bt)be  -r  deep  thoughts; 
famle  fine  -r  compose  el.  collect  one's  thoughts; 
bet  bar  min  -  at  teife  imorgen  it  was  my  inten- 
tion to  depart  to-morrow;  -r  ete  tolbfri  thoughts 
go  free,  out  thoughts  are  our  own;  ftøbet  (ar 
rn  -  the  meat  is  touched;  ben  frie  .  free  thought; 
$f  maa  flaa  bet  af  -rne  you  must  banlsh  el.  dis- 
miss lt  from  your  mind;  en  .  af  a  suspicion  of; 
iRe  .  af  not  a  suspicion  of;  i  mine  -r  er  bet  rig* 
ligt  in  my  opinion,  to  my  thinking,  it  is  right; 
i  -n  In  idea;  fatbe  i  -r  fall  into  a  revery;  flaa  i  -t 
stand  musing,  be  in  a  brown  study;  bragte  (am 
til  at  falbe  i  b&6e  -r  threw  him  into  deep 
thoughts;  flaa  i  ben  -  at  believe,  be  of  opinion, 
under  the  impression,  that;  (ab  mig  i  -mel  re- 
member  mel  (an  (ar  bet  altib  i  -me  be  is  always 
thinking  about  it;  (an  (ar  -rne  meb  fig  he  has 
<all)  his  wits  about  him;  (an  (ar  ilte  -me  meb 
fig  he  is  inattentive,  he  is  absent;  (oab  er  -n 
meb  .  .  .  ?  what  is  the  meaning  of  .  .  .  ?  (an  (ar 
meget  (øje  -r  om  fig  felb  he  has  a  very  high 
opinion  of  himself;  -n  om  the  idea  of;  alene  -n 
(øm)  the  mere  idea  (of);  -n  om  $øben  the  thought 
el.  idea  of  death;  jeg  giorbe  mig  ingen  .om  I  did 
not  think  of;  bætfe  -n  om  suggest;  Jeg  tom  boa 
ben  -  the  thought  struck  me;  tomme  paa  anbre 
-r  change  one  s  mind;  bringe  en  paa  anbre  -r 
induce  one  to  change  bis  mind;  t  (abe  .til 
rn  $ige  fancy  a  girl.  Sanfe|øcflemmelfe  term. 
-nenotgelfe  train  of  thought,  association.  -oittebe 
image.  +-blit  thoughtful  glance.  -bagning 
*tructure  of  reasoning.  -bbbbr  profundity, 
depth.  -rfftperiment ;  fom  et  -  for  argument's 
sake.  +-folftner  soph'ist.  -faft  a  hard-headed. 
-fattig  a  jejune,  shallow.  -flttgt  flight  of  thought. 
-forntnbelfc  association  of  ideas.  -før«  form  of 
thought.  +-forf*g  fe  -etsperiment.  -forbirring 
<>onfusion  of  ideas  el  thoughts.  -føfter  olrspring 
of  the  mind.  -frn  suggestion,  -falb  a  thought- 
ful, pensl  ve,  thought-Tadon.  -fnlb(eb  thought- 
falness,  pensiveness.  -fnlbe  riohness  of  thoughts 
cl.  ideas  -fttlbig  a  rich  in  ideas  el.  thoughts. 
•følge,  -gang  train  of  ideas,  chain  el.  train  of 
reasoning.  •glimt  flash,  -inbginelfe  suggestion. 
•inb(o(b  store  of  ideas.  »!lor(eb  clearness  of 
reasoning,  perspiculty.  -fraft  intellectual  power. 
-treof  range  el.  sphere  of  thought.  -leg  fe  -fpil. 
-lin  meditative  el.  contemplative  life.  -tyn  flash, 
-lerfer  thought- reader.  -lodning  thought-read- 
in  g.  -tø*  a  thoughtless,  un  thinking,  unreason- 
ing,  scatter-brained.  -lø#(tb  thoughtlessness. 
»magt  fe  -fraft.  -net  fe  -fpinb.  -overforing 
thought- transference.  -rem  phylactery.  -ret  fe 
rigtig,  -ret  ni  ag  school  of  thought.  -rig  a 
teeming  cl.  abounding  with  thought.  -rigbom 
abundance  el.  richness  of  thoughts.  -rigtig  a 
logicai.  -rigtigleb  logic.  -ringe  pi  tiring-irons. 
-rttffc  train  of  thoughts  el.  Ideas.  -flab  o  im- 
beclle;  fatuous.  -fpaaner  pi  aphorisms.  -tøf! 
witty  conceit,  wltticism,  joke;  linefift  .  Chinese 
puzzle.  -fpinb  net  of  reasoning,  subtle  reason- 
ing. -fprcbt  o  absent,  abstracted.  -f bring  skip 
of  thought,  abrupt  el.  sudden  transition  of 
thought.  -fprog  apothegm,  device,  -ftof  sub- 
Ject  of  thought  el.  meditation,  -ftreg  dash  (— ). 
•ftribig  a  contradictory,  lllogical.     -frrøm  cur- 

rent  of  thought.  -ftyrfe  fe  -troft.  -tøffel  intel- 
lectual occupation.  +-f*t  way  of  thinking. 
♦•tegn  representation  of  an  idea.  -tøm  a  void 
of  thought,  fatuous.  -tom(eb  fatuity.  -tetab 
thread  of  thought  el.  of  one's  thoughts.  -tr*l- 
bom  slavery  of  thought.  -ftong  restrøint  on 
thought.  -nbøefsUtag  commeroe  of  thoughts. 
•berben  ideal  world.  -birffom(rb  action  of 
thought,  of  the  mind.  -nrimmel  crowd  of 
thoughts.  -n*gt  weightiness.  -børgrig  a  welghty, 
profound,  fall  of  thought.  -batftrnbea  suggest- 
ive, full  of  suggestion,  thought -producing, 
thought-  compelling.  -tttring  expression  el. 
utterance  of  thoughts.  -ønetfe  exerdse  of 

Sanni'n  c  tan'nin. 

Sont  o  &  n  trumpery,  vanity,  nonsense;  fare 
meb  -  be  trilling,  talk  nonsense. 

Santa'!  n  tan'talum.  Santolit'  c  tan'talite. 
Sonta'ffttre  tantal'ic  acid. 

Soni|aiifere  vt  tan'talize.  -a'lif!  a  e  ftbaler 
et.  Sontalnøtbaler  the  torments  of  Tantalus. 

Xante  c  -r  aunt. 

Xoniej'(e)  c  -er  fe  Xbunftft 

Santie'me  c  -r  percentage. 

Xap'  e  -pt,  -per  (Sønbetap)  tap,  faucet,  spigot; 
(i  6nebter>  el.  Xømmerarbejbe)  tenon;  mecÅ  journal, 
(paa  Xrceatftel)  gudgeon,  (paa  ftaaenbe  Sifftri)  pivot; 
(paa  ftanon)  trunnion;  (til  Zapriffd)  pillar,  tlge; 
anat  process;  famle  beb  -  tenon  together.  3ap|« 
anfati  (i  Ur)  pinion-plate.  -baonb  art  trun- 
nion-hoop.  -bor  tap-bore,  pivot  driU.  -br(p 
(tap-)droppingB.    -bfftfel  art  cap-square. 

Xape't  n  -er  (meb  inbb«bebe  gigurer  el.  UHUebrr) 
tap'estry;  (8etræl)  hanging;  ($opir»bettæt)  poper 
-hangings,  wall-papers  pi;  bringe  paa  -et  bring 
upon  the  carpet  el.  tapis;  boere  paa  -et  be  upon 
the  carpet  el.  tapis.  Xopetjborb(t)  paper-border. 
-aør  jib-door.  -fabrif  manufactory  of  paper 
-hangings.  -fobritant,  -mager  (ben,  fom  gør 
Xapeter)  paper-stainer,  (ben,  fom  betroetter  Bagge) 
paper-hanger.  -nunfter  pattern  of  hangings  eL 
tapestry.  -naal  tapestry-needle.  -papir  paper 
-hanginga,  wall-papers  pi.  Zopetfe'rbi  fe  ©lob- 
flettet.  Sapetfe're  vt  hang  with  tapestry,  tap- 
estry; (meb  $opir)  paper.  Xoperf e'ret  o  -e  paper- 
hanger;  upholsterer.  Xapetfering  o  papering. 
Xapet|f«mbullen-nall.  -norner  weaver  or  tapestry. 

Xaplfil  pivot -file.  -forbinbelfe  tenon  and 
mortise  joint,  -formet  a  tenonlike.  -frifrion 
azle-friction.  -(ane  faucet  and  spigot.  -||nl 
wheel  turning  on  a  pivot,  -(ni  tap-hele,  mucet 
-hole;  (for  fmeitet  SRetal)  shuttle,  sprue;  (6nebt.) 
mortise.    -(birbel  anat  axis. 

Xopio'Ia  o  tapioca. 

Xapi'r  e  -er  ta'pir,  Tapirtu. 

XapiØferi'  n  -er  (gobelin)  tapestry. 

Sap|tar  mash-tub.  -Mie  fox-wedge.  -leje, 
•-lager  bearing,  pillow-block,  (joumal-)box;  (til 
lobret  Xop)  step.  Xopning  « tapping  etc.  Soppe 
vt  (flbbenbe  Qorrr)  tap,  draw;  (Snebf.)  tenon, 
mortise.  —  Xappe|bor  fe  Xop*.  -brefeftol  pivot 
-lathe.  -(on  underback.  -far  fe  %a$*.  •tran 
fe  Zap(ane. 

Sappenftreg  c  tattoo,  drumbeat;  flaa  -  beat 
the  tattoo. 

Sopper  a  brave,  valiant,  valorous,  gallant;  (olbe 
fig  -  f  stand  to  one's  guns.  -(eb  c  bravery, 
valour,  gaUantry. 

Xoppelftong  plug-beam.    -rrnn  underback. 

Sop | riffel,  ••riflé  pillax-breech,  rifle-musket. 
-ring  trunnion-coil.  -rinal  pivot-broaeh.  -fNne 
trunnion-shoulder.  -frrue  pivot-screw.  -fforre* 
mofTine  tenon  cutUng  machine.  -frrøhnool 
mortise-gauge.  -frille  art  reinforce,  trunnion 




Sara  e  mere  tåre. 

Soran'tel  o  -ler  tarantula,  Lyooea  tarøntula. 

Sorantet'  e  tarantella. 

Sararegntag  c  tare-account. 

Såre  c  -r  aigu. 

Sarent'  n  Taranto. 

Sare're  ol  tåre. 

♦Saretorfl  o  ood  taken  in  shallow  water. 

Sartf  e -er tariff.  -beftemmelfer  tariff ratings. 
•farfer  pi  tariff  rates. 

Sartbi'nia*  Ta'rquin. 

Sorlatan  n  tarlatan. 

Sorm  o  -e  gut;  •«  intestines.  -bat  injection. 
-betenbelfe  enteritis.  -brøt,  -brab  fe  -Løb.  -fiflel 
nstula  of  the  anus.  -gigt  iliac  passion,  ileus. 
-fttnbe,  -tnb  peritoneum.  -fcinbrbetsabetfe  peri- 
tonltis.  -inbtyolb  oontents  of  the  guts.  -tonales 
the  intestinal  canal  ri.  tube.  -tatarrb  catarrh 
of  the  intestines.  -ttrtel  intestinal  gland.  -traf 
mesentery.  -Ub  enterooele.  »net  caul.  -r*r  fe 
-tanat.  -Joot  sore  in  the  guts.  -foft  enteric 
juice.  -flUtta,  -Ringning  twlsting  of  the  gut, 
miserere,  -fait  euterotomy.  -fa  or  fe  -flreng. 
•ften  enterollte.  -flreng  cat -gut,  gut-Btring. 
-ftreugfabrit  catgut  -  manufactory ,  gut  -  works. 
-ftrengfabritant  gut-spinner,  catgut-maker.  -fat 
fe  -tynbc.  -trrblcr  intestinal  villi.  -»rib  colic. 
t-brtb-ttan  wild  service-tree,  Sorbu*  tor/ninali*. 

Sarø  c  $  taro,  Caladium  esculcntum. 

Sarø't  n  tar'ock.    -tort  tarock  card. 

Xarpe'tft:  ben  -t  Slippe  the  Tarpeian  Rock. 

Sarre  fe  Xare. 

Sarfe  c  -r  tarse,  tarsus. 

Xorton  a  ta'rtan. 

Sarta'r,  -i'et  fe  Xatar. 

Sartarn*  n  Ta'rtarus 

Sarb  c  k  n  behoof,  requirements;  good,  bene- 
flt;  Ȍretage  eni  .  look  aner  el.  attend  to  one's 
interests;  fremme  ©toten«  .  promote  the  public 
good;  inbrettet  efter  Begtynbeteft  -  prepared  to  meet 
the  wante  of  beginnere.  Sarbelfg  a  (i  fiebf« 
maabe)  frugal;  (i  ftlæbebtagt)  plain,  homely, 
modest:  fig  scanty,  meagre.  Xarbeligbeb  c  frugal- 
lty:  plainness;  scantiness;  tom  og  fpU  til  Stibbag 
Ijo*  oi  i  al  -  come  in  a  niendly  way  and  dine 
with  ub.    +Sarbt*#  a  needless. 

Safte  c  -r  (lille  $ofe)  pouch,  wallet;  (til  6fole« 
bom)  satchel;  ($ige)  wench,  mini,  baggage;  r  paa 
$umpefpi(  nipping-cheeks;  jeg  ubfenbte  eber  uben 
Sjtang  og  Xofte  og  6to  bibl  I  sent  you  without 
purse,  and  scrip,  and  shoes.  -baelie  belt  with 
pouohes.  -gr«t,  -«rt  fe  gbrbetafte.  -trabbe 
pungar,  crab-flsh,  Cancer  pagurut.  -taaå  large 
padlock.    -lomme  outside  pocket,  flat  pooket. 

SaftenfpiHer  o  -e  Juggler,  conjurer.  -i'  n 
juggllng,  jugglery.  -tnnft  Juggling  el.  conjuring 
trick,    -pøfe  jaggler's-bag. 

Xafteboti  n  currier's  black. 

"Saff  e  paw;  wolf. 

Safft|e  c  -r  key.    -atn'e  o  keyboard. 

Xata'r  c  -rr  Ta'rtar, Tatar,  -let Ta'rtary.  -tff 
a  Tartarean. 

Såter  o  -c  glpsy.     -banbe  gang  of  glpsies. 

3ao#  fe  Oaut.  -tbinbe  gipsy  (woman).  -pige 
pey  girl.    SaterfTe  c  -r,  fe  -tbinbe. 

Xatooe  r|e,  tattne'r|e  vt  tattoo;  tattow.  -tag 
e  tattoo;  tattooing. 

Satte  vt:  .  Val  catch  eels  with  worms  on 

*Sang  fe  Xoo. 

Sanrten  n  Tauris. 

Santo  (logi '  c  -er  tautol'ogy.  -lo'gift  a  tauto- 

Sab  imp  af  Xie. 

Xabe  c  -t  fibre. 

Sabl  n,  pi  — ,   (Xoboært  paa  ©fib)   rigging; 

Sti  bet  foigit  meb  Xop  og  -  the  ship  was  totally 

Sabl  n,  pi  s,   square;   (Xræ>)  panel;    (øiv< 
slab,  flag;  (i  Øinbingoboeriftbbgning)  brick-nogginp 
f  (Wrcetjpil)  ubles  pi;  fptUe  .  play  at   table- 
Sabllborb,    -bra?t   draught- board,    chequered 
board,    t-brit  draught-  el.  chess-man. 

Sable  o  -r  (af  9Rar»or)  table  (of  marblej;  ;af 
Kobber,  ttfy  ofo.)  plate,  sheet;  (af  Xra)  board: 
(til  at  ftrioe  paa)  slate;  (i  ©toleftoej  black -board, 
fe  ogf.  IHrtes  Sogaritmetaole  table  of  logaritbm^ 
SooenS  -r  bibl  the  tables  of  the  law;  be  tolo  r* 
fiobe  the  laws  of  the  Twelve  Tables.  Sa»fr,bU 
lead  In  slabs  el.  piates,  sheet-lead.  -bog  lab'.e 
•book.  -barrer  alms-collector.  -for»e  topical 
colour.  -glaf  plate-glass.  -(af  fe&fteflat.  -mtr#fia| 
sheet  brass.  -penge  money  collected  in  churvj 
during  sermon.  -regning  reckonlng  el.  figur ld^ 
on  the  slate.  -ffifer,  -ften  slate,  amilJaceou- 
Bchist,  graphoUte.  Sablet  u  chequered;  (Oulo 
parqueted.  Sabletrbt  block  printing.  —  Savl  - 
•gmnb  chequered  ground.  -nt^nfter  chequensl 
pattern.    -råbe  square.   -bart  chequered  work 

Sabf  a  silent,  hushed;  (af  ©ane)  tacituru. 
silent,  retlcent;  ((om  ifte  rober,  $t>abtym  ittemao< 
discreet;  en  -  Con  a  silent  el.  mental  prayer 
•^eb  e  silence;  ubcobelig  -  in  violable  t*ecrec>, 
unber  -«  Eoftc  under  the  promise  of  secrecy;  tu 
foroentntngftfuib  .  a  hush  of  expectation;  tnxa^ 
til  .  sileuce,  still;  beoare  -en  keep  Filenot;  forbi« 
gaa  i  el.  meb  -  pass  over  in  silence.  -tyeMtttfkemef 
the  silent  system. 

Saftet'  e  -ter  yellow  hyacinth,  fiarcifus  toi*ttu. 

Se  vr  -  ftg  fom  en  brao  ttaxl  behave  Uke  a 
gallant  fellow;  forftaar  at  -  fifl  knows  bow  w 
comport  hlmself. 

Se  c  -ex  tea;  brilte  -  take  tea;  ftotnfe  .  pour 
out  tea;  laoe  .  make  tea;  en  ftop  -.  a  cup  oi 
tea;  -en  er  paa  9orbet  tea  is  ready. 

Seattr«  n  teak,  teaktree,  Ttctonia  ptkmui«. 

Xea'ter  «  -tre  the'atre,  play-house;  (Gtueplabé- 
stage;  ocere  i  -tret  be  at  the  play;  gaa  i  -tiet  gu 
to  the  play;  gaa  ril  -tret  go  on  the  stage;  forloft 
-tret  leave  the  stage.  Seaterjabié  theatric*) 
newspaper.  -bane  theatrical  career.  -befagenbe 
o  playgoing;  c  playgoer.  -billet  ticket  (for  tbe 
play).  -renfor  examlner  of  plays.  -o)ef  fe  -bi«!- 
tor.  -coup  clap-trap.  -blgtcr  dramatic  author, 
Btage-wrlter.  -birettar  manager  of  a  theatxv. 
-bbgtig  <i  fit  for  the  stage,  -effett  stage-offeci 
-ferien  the  off  season.  -gal  a  stage  -struck. 
-garager  c  -t  theatre-goer,  play-goer.  -bat  opera 
-hat,  crush-hat.  -^ctt  hero  of  the  stage,  -bnt^fea 
stage  whisper.  -tagfe  treasury  ot  a  theatrv, 
theatrical  fund(sV  -taiferer  treasurer  to  a 
theatre.  -ttttert  opera-glass.  -tneb  stage-trick, 
-tøtttroflar  boz-keeper.  -tap  clap-trap.  -taa 
big^eb  theatrical  knowledge.  -lib  theatrical 
life.  -tage  boi  in  a  theatre.  -maler  scene 
•painter.  -maleri  stage-paintlng.  -ntarfe  stage 
darkness.  -ptab*  seat  in  tho  theatre.  -plafat. 
-program  play-bill.  -refencent  dramatic  critic. 
-ftrtrbbrr  stage -tailor.  -ftnrt  stage  villain 
-ttntte  (stage)  play,  plece  for  the  theatre.  -foefo« 
theatrical  season.  -føgenbe  u  playgoing.  -rjc 
nette  stage  duty.  •berbenen  stageland.  -noxfen 
theatricals  pi. 

Seori'ner  c  e  The'aUn,  The'atine. 

Seatraifl  a  theatrical,  stagey. 

Sejabl  cultivation  of  tea.    -batte  tea-tray. 

Xe'lblab  tea-leaf.  -borb  tea-table.  -br«t  tea 
-board,  -brab  tea-cake.  -baft  tea  shrub,  tea 
plant,  tea-tree,  Thea  viridit,  Thea  bohea.  -baafe 
tea-caddy.  -bng  cloth  for  a  tea-table.  tf-ftb 




Segl  e  -e  (tit  Sage)  tile;  (Hl  røurartfibe;  brick; 
ftrpge  .  make  el.  mould  tiles  el.  brlcks.  SeglJ* 
ørbrjbe  brick  work.  -broaber  brlck-maker,  tile 
•maker.  -broaberi  brick  -manufactory,  brick 
-field;  (bet  at  (rombe  Z.)  burning  of  tiles  el.  bricks. 
-øraubermeficr  master  brlck-maker.  -øøgget  a 
brick -built.  -baaaet  a  shaped  like  a  brick. 
•fartet  a  of  a  brlck-colour,  testaceous.  -før« 
tile-  el.  brick-mould.  -gal*  brick-floor.  -b«* 
sbed  for  drying  bricks.  -tftttt  fe  -branberi. 
-(dragt  a  tiled.  -Jørb  tile-  el.  brick-clay.  -løbe 
brick-sbed.  -lagt  a  paved  with  bricks.  -let  fe 
-jorb.  -lagte  tile  lath.  -mel  brick-dust.  -mnr 
brick- wall.  -ø»n  tile-  el.  brick-kiln.  -røb  fe 
-foroet.  -Hen  fe  Zeaf;  tao  .  adobe.  -ftenS«  fe 
Segl*,  -ftenfte  brick-tea.  -ftrbger  fe  branber. 
•ftrttgntng  forming  of  bricks.  -tag  tile  roof. 
•taft  a  tiled.  -tafter  tiler.  -tørn  moulded  peat. 
-øag  fe  -mur.    -bær!  fe  -branberi. 

Segn  »,  pi  »,  sign,  mark,  token,  iudication; 
al  g,  mut,  aatr  sign;  (i  @ttøb.)  symptom;  (ftor* 
øarfel)  presage,  forebod e,  omen;  (QefltO  badge; 
(Billet)  ticket,  (Ubgong«.)  check;  .  poo  el.  til 
sign  etc.  of;  rt  Ziberned  .  a  sign  of  the  times; 
ber  er  oHe  .  (Ubfiøter)  til  tbere  is  every  promise 
of;  gøre  .  ttl  en  sign  el.  make  signs  to  one, 
make  one  a  sign;  ojorbe  -  til  bam,  at  fan  ftulbe 
fatte  fiø  motioned  nim  to  take  a  seat;  tale  i  . 
Ulk  In  dumb  show;  be  tolø  himmel*  the  twelve 
celestial  signs;  leorfetf  .  the  sign  of  the  cross; 
.  og  unberliøe  Øerninger  signs  and  wonders; 
Pare  et  -  paa  be  lndicative  of,  ttl  -  poo  at  as  a 
proof  that,  in  token  that;  Pife  -  til  show  symp- 
toms of.    Scgabiflebe  symbol. 

Segne  vt  k  i  (meb  ttlpant  ofø.)  draw,  delineate, 
design;  (teøne  et  Ubtaft)  sketch;  (matte)  mark;  . 
en  $olice  effect  a  police;  -t  Kapital  subscrlbed 
capital;  .  efter  ftaturen  draw  from  life  el.  nature; 
—  vr  fiø  subscribe,  sign,  give  in  one's  name, 
put  one's  name  down;  (unbeiflribe  fiø)  sign, 
underwrite;  -  fiø  for  6  6$.  til  .  .  .  subscribe  5 
Bh.  towards;  .  ftø  for  10  ffttemplarer  engage  to 
purchase  10  copies;  -be  fiø  i  tjente*  ttnflgt  was 
depicted  in  her  face;  -be  fiø  tobelig  i  mob  .  .  . 
stood  sharply  outllned  agalnst;  ■-  fiø  til,  fe 
nbfi.  _  til;  —  vi  -be  til  at  promised  to;  oet  -r  til 
en  øob  $øfi  there  is  every  appearanoe  of  a  good 
barvest;  tøn  -r  til  at  bttøe  en  øob  Sanbmanb  he 
bids  fair  to  become  a  elever  husbandman. 
Segnei  befHI  (case  of)  drawing  instruments,  -bog 
(til  at  trane  i)  drawing-book;  (Sommebøg)  pocket 
•book;  (ttl  Døieønelfer)  memorandum-book.  -øørb 
drawing-table.  -brat  dra wingboard,  -formanb 
head  el.  eblef  draughtsman.  -føntør  drawing 
•offlce.  -fribt  drawing -chalk.  -lul  charcoal 
-crayon.  -Innft  art  of  drawing.  Segnelfe  o 
regiatry;  subsorlptlon;  t  -c  eopy-books  (ol  royal 
letten).  Segne  |  forer  fe  -meftrr.  -mappe  drawing 
-portfolio.  -mefter  drawing -master,  -mønflcr 
drawing-pattern.  Segnen  c  drawing.  Segne|- 
papir  drawing-paper,  vellum-paper.  -pen  draw- 
ing-pen.  -penge  entrance-money.  Segner  e  -e 
drawer,  designer,  draughtsman.  Segnet  føl  de- 
signlng-room.  -flifer  blæk  chalk,  graphic  slate. 
-fføle  drawing  school,  school  of  design.  -fHft 
diawing- pin.  -ftønupc,  -flnb,  'ftap(e)  stump, 
rubber,  -tinte  drawing -lesson.  -nnberøtfning 
drawing  lessona  pi.  -øøelfe  drawing-exerdse. 
Segntng  c  -er  (bet  at  tegne)  drawing,  sketching 
etc.;  draughtsmanshlp;  (noget,  fom  er  tegnet) 
drawing,  design,  sketch,  draught;  subscriptlon. 

Segn |  (ar e  semlology,  symptomatology.  -flrlft 
hleroglyphic8  pi.  -fprøg  language  of  signs, 
(flnger-and-)sign  language,  -fttftem  system  of 
signs  el.  signals,    -fatning  punctuation.    -tpber 

interpreter  of  signs.  -åbning  interpretation  of 
signs.    -ablagøer  fe  -ttjber. 

Se|fcanøcl  tea-  tråde;  (ttøtiten)  tea-shop. 
•ianbier  tea-merchant;  (i  bet  fmaa)  tea-dealer, 
teaman.    -(onbfte  mltt. 

•Sete  al:  .  Sreø  tease  oakum. 

*Setebar  fe  Zaaøbar. 

•Seig  c  -er  ridge;  pieoe  of  land. 

Sei'n  e  the'ine;  thei'na. 

♦Seine  fe  Zene. 

*Seinefnøa  c  overhånd  knot  on  the  bight. 

Seittt  [fi.]  e  complezion,  colour. 

Sei6'|men  Tbe'ism.  -t'  c  -et  the'ist.  -t'ift  o 

Sejfi,  Xejfte  c  -er  black  jniillemot,  tystey, 
Uria  grylU.    *-flfl  gunnel;    Gunneilui  wdgaru. 

Se|fanbe  fe  potte.  -tøJfe  tea-chest.  -rebel 
tea-kettle.   -fop  tea-cup. 

Sefinif  o  tech'nics  pi;  technicalities.  -'niff  a 
technic(al).  -nølø'g  o  -er  technol'ogist.  -nøløgi' 
c  technoi'ogy.  -nølø'gifl  a  technolog'ic(al). 
-tonit'  c  tectonlcs  pi. 

Setit  e  -er  text;  (i  TOnflf)  words;  (mobf.  90u* 
ftrationer)  letter  press;  narrative;  lafe  en  -en 
rebuke  one,  read  one  a  lecture;  lafle  barn  orbent* 
liø  -en  took  biui  flnely  to  task;  pibere  i  -en!  go 
on !  øaa  fra  -en  be  put  out;  Hnmattning  unber  -en 
footnote;  beffrioenbe  .  letter-press  descriptlons; 
Mufirationer  i  fclbe  -en  letter-press  engravings. 
Sef«t|bøg  text  book.  -forbebring  emendation 
(of  the  textt. 

SeWti  iiabnftri  c  tex'tile  industry. 

Serøttrtti!  c  textual  crlticism. 

Sefdtn'r  c  tex'ture. 

Selamø'ner  c  telamones. 

Scleiføn'  o  -er  tel'ephone.  -fone're  vt  tel'e- 
phone.  -foai'  o  telepb'ony.  -fo'aifl  a  tele- 

Scfegrø'f  e  -er  tel'egraph;  wire:  per  -  by  tele- 
graph. Xelegrøfløøflfrent  telegraph 'ic  clerk.  -be« 
-ftttrer  head,  manager,  of  the  telegraph  offlce.  -bnb 
telegraph  boy.  -bampffib  telegraph  steamer. 
•bepeo)e  telegraphlo  despatch,  massage,  -efterret* 
ning  telegrapbic  news  el.  Intelligence;  (telegram) 
telegram,  message.  Sclegrøfe're  vt  tel'egraph, 
message;  f  wire,  (meb  unberføif!  Z.)  cable.  Sele* 
graf  |  flag  signal-flag.  -førøinbelfe  telegraph  com- 
munlcation.  Selegrøfl'  o  teleg'raphy.  Selegra* 
fifl  a  telegraph'lc.  Selegrafift'  c  -er  teleg'raphlst, 
amr  (telegraph-)operator.  Selegraf! fabel  fe  *toø. 
-føntør  telegraph  offlce.  -lebatng,  -linie  line 
(of  telegraphs),  telegraph.  -pa(4  -ftaaø,  -ftølpe 
telegraph  pole.  -ffib  telegraph  ship.  -ftation 
telegraph  station,  -tjenefe  telegraphy.  -tøø 
telegraph-cable.  -traab  telegraph-wire.  -øafea 
telegraphy,  telegraphic  service. 

Selegram'  n  -mer  (telegraphic)  message,  tele- 
gram. Selegram-  telegramic.  Selegranibefor* 
bring  transmission  of  telegrams. 

Selemaf  Telem'achus. 

Seleøjløgi  oteleol'ogy.  •lø'giffateleolog/ical. 

Scleffø'p  a  -er  tel'escope.  -fff  a  telescopic(al). 
-fnaffe  telescope(-shell),  Trocku*  teieaeopium. 

ScSn'r  n  tellurlum.  -førøinbelfe  telluride. 
•bolbig  a  containing  tellurlum.  •iff  a  telluric. 
-fttre  telluric  add. 

Selt  n  -e  tent;  nebtaøe  et  .  strike  a  tent;  en 
Sel  af  Stopperne  er  i  -e  part  of  the  force  is  under 
canvas.  -bob  tent  used  as  a  shop.  -boer  dweller 
in  a  tent.  -bø  camp.  -balle  tent  cover.  Selte 
vi  k  t  (opfatte  Zelt)  pitch  a  tent;  (øebalfe  meb 
Zdt)  cover  with  a  tent.  Selt | gabe  street  of  tents. 
•farre  baggage-cart.  -rasp  knob  of  a  tent-pole. 
-lejr  camp  of  tents.  -line  tent-rope.  -liø  living 
in  tents.  -lorreb  canvas  for  tents,  tent-cloth. 
•mager  c  -e  tent-maker.    -pal,  *-plngg  tentpin. 




-reb  ten  trope,  -feng  tent-bed.  -ftang, -ftøf  tent 
-pole.  -tag  pavillon- roof.  -Høg«  (til  at  føre 
telte  paa)  tent-waggon,  baggage-waggon;  (meb 
telt  ooer)  covered  waggon,  tilt- waggon.  -nag 
tent  wall. 

tema  n  -er  tbeme,  subject. 

temofrine  c  tea-urn. 

temmelig  adv  tolerably;  .  lølbi  rather  oold; 
.  ftramt  rather  tlgbt;  -  gobt  pretty  well;  -  meget 
pretty  much;  en  -  flor  ftlob  a  falr-sised  river;  -. 
boorliøe  Ubfigter  rather  a  bad  look-out;  foo  . 
pretty  well;  pretty  much;  —  fa  tolerable, 

tempel  o  (Babn.)  temple. 

tempel  n  -plet  temple;  (poet)  fane.  -ligning 
buildlng  of  the  temple;  fe  tempel,  -bør  door  of 
the  temple  (o.  fl.),  -øjal  portleo  of  a  temple. 
-Il  er  re  (Knight)  Templar,  Knight  of  the  Temple; 
-r  Knlghu  Tempiars.  -ørken  order  of  the 
Tempiars.  -ribber  fe  -$erre.  -flctnber  sacrilegist. 
-ffanberf!  a  sacrilegious.  -foon  sleeplng  in 
the  temple.  -itnbe  plnnacle  of  a  temple.  -tic« 
nefte  service  in  the  temple. 

tempera  o  distemper,  tempera;  a  •  in  dis- 
lemper,  -maleri  distemper  painting;  picture  in 

temperament'  «  -et  tem'perament,  temper. 
temperament!  fejl  constitutional  fault. 

temperatur  c  -er  temp'erature;  mu$  tempera- 
ment; oeb  fy»j  -  at  a  high  temperature,  -foran* 
bring  change  of  temperature,  temperature 
change.  -førtøjelfc  elevation  of  temperature. 
-iøgttagelfer  observations  of  the  temperature, 
-ført  temperature  chart.  tempcre'rtnlø  pallet 
-knife.  temperere  vt  temper;  -t  ftlima  temper- 
ate  cllmate. 

trnipli'nøUe  c  oli  of  the  mountain-pine. 

tempo  n  -er  ».tw  time,  measure;  mil  move* 
ment,  time;  tabe  .  (i  ©tal)  lose  time.  tempo* 
rife're  vi  tem'porize.  tempørar  a  temporary. 
tentpui  n  -pora  tense. 

temnrte  c  Captain  Cook's  tea  tree,  Mannka 
•Kerub.  Leptotpermum  icoparium. 

ten  c  -e  tspindle;  blender  rod. 

tenaitte  c  jort  tenaUle. 

tena'fel  n  -tier  frø  visorium. 

te  nbannet  a  fusiform. 

tenbent'  c  -er  ten'dency,  bias,  drift;  tøenflgt) 
purpose;  baoe  -  til  at  have  a  tendency  to,  tend 
to.  -roman  novel  with  a  purpose.  tenbentiø'ft 
u  biased,  warped,  purposeful.  tenbe're  vi  tend. 

tenber  o  -e  tender. 

tenbre  [fr.]  a  delicate. 

tene  c  -t  bow-net,  weel. 

teneriff'a  n  Ten'eriffe. 

te'nl  formet,  -førniig  a  fusiform.  -fnlb  c 

tenø'r  c  -er  ten 'or.  -nafnn  tenor  trombone. 
tenørift'  c  -er,  fe  -fanger.  tent  r|  Habit,  -nøgle 
tenor  clef.  -parti  tenor  (part),  -fanger  tenor 
-singer.    -Remme  tenor-voice. 

tenøtømi'  c  tenot'omy. 

tenre!  c  tenrec,  Centetf  ecaudatus. 

tenta  Her  pi  ten'tacles,  feelers. 

tentamen  n  -mtna  examination. 

te'nøinge  c  (6pinb.)  heek,  flyer. 

teobromi'n  c  theobro'mlne. 

teobice'  c  theod'lcy. 

teøbølit'  o  -er  theod'oUte. 

teobør  Theodora,    teølørit  Theod'orick. 

trø'fllnt  Tbeoph'ilus. 

teøgøni'  o  theog'ony. 

teø|trati,  n  theoc'mcy.  -tra'tiff  a  theocrat'- 

teo|lo'g  c  -er  theologian,  di  vine.  -løai'  c 
theol'ogy,  divinlty.    -lø'gifl  a  theolog'lc(al). 

teo|re'm  «  -er  the'orem.     -re'rtter  c  -t  the 
orist.   -rettfe're  vi  the'orize.   -re  riff  o  thcoret  - 
ical.     -ri'  o  -er  the'ory;  fremfarte  en  -  fctart  * 

teøjfo'f  c  -er  tbeos'ophist.  -føfi'  c  theo*'opby. 
•fø'fif!  a  tbeosoph'ic(al). 

te  Iplante  fe  -6ufE.    -pøtte  tea-pot. 

terajpi'  c  med  therapeu'tlcs  pi.  -pen  rift  o 

terentt'  Ter'ence. 

terefe  Theresa. 

teria!  c  theriac,  theri'aca, 

termjer  pi  thermæ.    -<ff  a  thermal,  tbermic 

termin  c  -er  term;  (meb  tønfttn  ttl  frfbrog  i 
Betaling)  instøilment;  fatte  en  -  flx  a  rime. 
termin | id'me  c  ter'minism.  -ift'  c  -er  ter'min- 
ist.  -øløgi'  c  terminol'ogy,  technicologr.  ter*« 
minut  c  -ni  term.  terminnit  a  k  adv  by  in- 

termit'  c  -er  tøotb  TObre)  termite,  Terme*. 

termometer  n  -tre  thermom'eter;  ^not  (øjt 
ftaar  -rret?  what  is  the  beight  of  the  t  ?  bet  ftacx 
paa  lOo  it  is  el.  stands  at  10  o.  -røber  p4  ther- 
momet'rical  reading.  -tngle  ball  of  the  ther 
mometer.  -rør  tube  of  the  t.  -ftafa  scøJe  of 
the  t.    termometriff  a  thennomet ricaL 

terne  c  -r  (tienefteptge)  hand-mafden. 

terne  c  -t  tern,  sea-swallow,  Stena. 

terne  c  -r  (i  Sottertet)  trey. 

te'me  o  'Wubc)  square,  diamond;  (9obIe|e> 
step.    ternet  a  chequered. 

terning  c  -er  die  (pi  dice);  m»th  cube;  (fir* 
tantet  6ttj!fe)  square;  falfT  -  loeded  die;  fpille  -r 
play  at  dice;  rafte  -erne  throw  the  dice;  -en  er 
loftet  the  die  is  cut.  terning! teger  dice-box. 
•bannet  a  cubical.  -falb,  -taft  cast  el.  throw  of 
a  die,  of  the  dice.  -mønfrrr  chequered  pattern. 
•fpil  game  at  dice.    -øjne  pips  on  the  dice. 

Ze|rofc  tea  rose. 

terpe  vt  f  igennem  toil  through. 

terpenti  n  c  tur'pentine.  terpentin|feølbig  « 
terebinthinate.  -ølie  oil  of  turpentine.  -fpirimi 
spiiit  of  turben  tine.  -tror  turpentine- tree.  tere- 
binth,  Putacia  terebinthu$. 

terracot'ta  c  term  cotta. 

terrain'  n  -er  mil  country,  (ogf.  fié)  ground: 
afføge  -et  scour  the  country;  øinbe  -  gain  ground 
(on  one):  tabe  .  lose  ground  (with  one). 

terrai'fe  c  -r  terrace.  -førmig  a  in  the  form 
of  a  terrace:  terraced. 

terreft'rtff  a  terrestrial. 

terrin  c  -er  tureen.  -»roet  table-mat.  -lang 

territo  rinm  n  -ier  ter'ritory.  —  territørirtl- 
MJIjeb  territo'rlal  jurlsdiction.  -ret  territoriaUty. 
•rettig^eb  c  -er  territorial  right,  -tørernet  the 
territorial  system. 

terror jife're  vt  keep  In  terror,  ter*rorize(over). 
•ifnr  e  tem'rorism.    *ift'  e  -er  tenorist. 

teri  c  -er  &  toggle;  fatte  .  for  toggle. 

tertla  c  typ  great  primer,  tertia'nfeøer  ter - 
tian  ague.  terrta  øeliel  o  third  of  exchange. 
tertis'r  a  ter'tiary. 

tert#  c  er  (i  Øeegrning,  ftortfptl)  tierce,  m* 
third,  tierce:  flor,  lille  -  major,  minor  third; 
falbe  ub  i  -  thrust  in  tierce,  -ie'dme  thirteenth. 
•fløjte  third  flute,  -ntajø'r  tierce-ma'jor.  -U» 
series  of  thirds. 

terfteror  c  -er  pocket-pistol. 

ternet'  c  -ter  trio. 

tergi'n  e  -er  tenarima. 

telfelffab  tea -party,     -fi,   *-fU   tea-stminer 
•ftaal  fe  -lop.     -Jte  tea-spoon.    •frefnib  c  tea 
•spoonful.    -fronter  publican  who  keep«  a  tea- 
and coffee-  house,    -ftrin  tea-canister.    -forter 
pl  teas. 




Xeftpii  ftarre,  -Jtarrre  Thespian  cart. 

Xtft  c  cupel,  reflning-veasel. 

Xepaften  the  test-aet. 

Xeftamemt'(e)  n  -er  (lastt  wlll,  teatament;  gøre 
ftt  .  make  one's  will;  bet  gamle,  bet  nbe  -  the 
©Id,  new  teatament;  munbtligt  .  nuncupatlve 
wlll;  bø  uben  at  aote  .  die  intestate;  bø  og  efter« 
labe  -  leave  a  will,  die  teøtate.  Xeftantcmta'rift 
a  testamen'tary.  Xefkameatarbing  testamentary 
heir,  devisee.  Xeftamemte're  vt  bequeath,  leave 
"by  wlll,  wlll.  Xeftaauutjofer  legacy  -  hanter. 
Xeftamentftbibne  attesting  witnesa  (to  a  wlll). 
Xcfcritør,  -tris  c  -et  the  testator,  teatatrix. 

Xepet  tea-  service. 

XefHf'el  e  -fler  tea'ticle,  stone. 

XefHato'ninai  n  -iet  certlncate;  (Unib.)  testamur. 

Xrte  [fr.]  c:  toge  -n  take  the  lead;  .  a  _  tete 

^e  rib  tea- time. 

Xetra|e'beT  n  -bre  tetrahedron.  -torv'  c  -et 
tet'racbord.  -meter  n  t  tetram'eter.  Xrtrarø)' 
c  -er  te'trarcb. 

Xe  tøj  tea  thlDgB  pi. 

Xeuto'n  e  -et  Teu'ton.    -iff  a  Teuton 'ic. 

Xe  »anb  tea.  -oaubetarl  milksop.  -oanbf' 
tttargt  tea  punch,  lace  tea. 

Xerjae  *  Texas,    -aner  o,  -o'afl  a  Tex'an. 

Xfjara  fe  Xara. 

Xbauntatnrg'  c  et  thaumaturgus,  thauma- 

Xfjeb|en  «  Thebes.  -o'aer  c,  -a'nff  a  The'ban. 

Xtjemfe«  the  Thames. 

Xtjeofrtt'  Theoc'ritus. 

Xljeorbe  c  -r  theorbo. 

Xljeraø'bttldt  Thermop'ylæ. 

Xb>*fa'li|eu  n  Thes'saly.  -er  c,  -fl  a  Thes- 

Xfjeifalo  ni|ta  *  Thessalonica.  -ferne  the  Thes- 

Xl»i  conj  for,  because;  (betfor)  conrequently, 

Xbtbet  n  Thl'bet.  -a'aer  c,  -o  af!  a  Thlb'etan, 

Xbømoi  Thomas,  Tom;  .  af  Vquino  Thomas 
Aquinas,  -føftfat,  -flag  baslc  cinder.  -triftnep/ 

*Xt)orremaaneb  January. 

Xbø'rlfyoue  o  phalarope. 

Xbroci|cn  *  Thracia.    -er  c,  -ff  a  Thracian. 

XMg   c  -ger  Thug. 

Xljafa  c  thuja,  thuya,  arbor  vitæ,  Tkuja  occi- 

Xba'nfiff  c  thunny,  Tkynmw  vulgaru. 

Xøu'rgaa  n  Turgo'via. 

Xbtrlttgleu  n  Thurln'gla.  -er  c,  -f!  a  Tbu- 
ringian.     Xbftrinaerfføben  the  Thuringerwald. 

Xtbrfuiftab  c  thyrsus. 

Xi  card  num  ten;  c  (i  Stort)  ten.  -aar  de- 
cennium. *aarig,  -aar*  u  of  ten  years,  ten 
years  old. 

Xiber(flobett)  c  the  Tiber. 

Xi'jblabet  a  decaphyllous.    -cent  dlme. 

Xlb  c  -er  time;  ørom  time,  tenae;  &  (Xibeoanb) 
Ude;  fanb  -  a#<  apparent  (solar)  time;  Stibeti  _ 
the  time  at  shlp;  6tebet<  .  the  time  at  place; 
nu  er  bet  .  now  Is  the  time;  tør  S>e  -  et  £ieblit? 
have  you  a  moment  to  spare?  tøab  _  er  bet 
paa  Xagen?  what  time  of  the  day  Ib  il?  gib  . ! 
gio  tun  . !  fairly  and  softly !  gioe  -  give  time; 
gib  big  -l  take  (your)  time;  HIting  tøber  fin 
Stunb  og  entøer  3bræt  ...  fin  .  to  every  thlng 
there  la  a  season  and  a  time  to  every  purpose; 
bet  er  ingen  .  at  fpilbe  there  is  no  time  to  be 
lost  fl.  to  lose;  bi  tør  ingen  .  at  fpilbe  we  have 
no  time  to  lose;  bet  tør  gob  .  el.  bi  tøbe  gob  ~ 
there  la  no  hurry;  jeg  tør  tnap  -   I  am  pressed 

for  time;  bet  er  tnap  .  Ma  Gufler  sugar  is  scarce; 
lang  -  a  long  time;  fulb  -  full  time;  Urbejbet 
fom  arbejber  fulb  .  full-tlmer;  fe  Waab;  en  Xib 
one  time;  ber  bar  en  .  ba  time  was  wheu;  een 
.  tørte  man  meget  om  one  used  to  hear  a  good 
deal  of;  en  -  lang  some  time,  for  a  Urne;  bu  tør 
balot  en  faa  tølbig  -  you  have  tlmed  your  visit 
so  napplly;  ben  Xib  then,  at  that  time,  ben  - 
Bil  tømme  the  time  will  come;  jeg  erinbrer  ben  - 
ba  I  remember  when;  al  ben  .  all  the  time;  fe 
Sorg;  I  i  ben  time;  -en  og  Rummet  time  and 
space;  omftifte  -en  meb  Sbigqebrn  depart  this  life; 
tøle  -en  the  whole  time,  throughout,  all  along; 
-en  gaar  time  runs  fast;  -n  læger  alle  Saar  in 
the  end  all  things  will  mend;  naar  -en  tommer 
in  due  time;  foxbribe  -en,  flaa  -en  røjel  kill  time; 
tilbringe  -en  pass  ri.  spend  the  time  el.  one's 
time;  gøre  en  -en  lang  bore  one;  bet  bil  -en  lære. 
otfe  time  will  show  el.  prove,  time  must  be  lefl 
to  show,  lt  remalns  to  be  seen;  gamle  Xib  er 
ancient  times;  ntjere  -er  modern  times;  gobe  -er 
good  times;  trange  el.  flette  -er  hard  times ;  bet 
bar  baarlige  -er  times  were  bad;  bet  oar  anbre  -er 
times  have  changed;  —  (mebprap):  &  gaa 
glip  af  en  .  lose  a  tide;  gaa  op  beb  Qicetp  af  -en 
tide  (lt)  up;  gaa  neb  beb  Qjcelp  af  -en. tide  down; 
en  -  af  tre  Vat  a  space  el.  perlod  of  three  years; 
fe  -en  an  wsit  and  see,  fe  Se;  efter  nogen  * 
forløb  alter  some  time;  fort  -  efter  a  short  time 
afterwards;  for  (en)  lang  .  flben  a  long  while 
ago;  for  en  ~  ftben  some  time  ago;  oi  tør  -en  fot 
od  we  have  pien  ty  of  time,  time  enough  and 
to  spare;  for  lange  -er  for  a  loog  time  to  come; 
for  alle  -er  for  all  time;  fot  -en  at  present,  pro 
tern.;  fra  -  til  anben  from  time  to  time;  fra 
gammel  -  from  time  out  of  mind;  gammel  før 
-en  prematurely  old,  old  before  his  time;  i  -e 
in  time;  i  rette  -  in  due  time;  et  Orb  i  rette  ~ 
a  word  In  season;  i  nor  -  in  our  (own)  time  el. 
day;  1  lang  -  for  a  long  time  past;  i  fin  .  ($or< 
tiben)  sometlme,  (ftrrmtiben)  in  due  time  el. 
course;  i  ben  fenere  -  of  late,  of  late  times;  i  ben 
førfte  -  in  the  flrst  place,  for  some  time,  to  be- 
gin  with;  Iangere  l)cn  i  -en  at  some  later  time, 
furtber  on;  i  bitfe  -er  as  times  go;  ffifle  fifi  i  -en 
comply  with  the  times;  meb  -en  in  time.  in  the 
course  of  time,  in  prooess  of  time,  with  time; 
bet  oil  bife  fig  meb  -en,  fe  oofr.;  om  et  fLaxi  .,  en 
9Koaneb#  -  in  a  twelveraonth,  month;  om  fort  - 
shortly;  blive  o  ber  -en  Btay  behind  one's  time; 
paa  nogrn  -  for  some  time;  paa  lang(e)  .(er)  for 
a  long  time  past;  fælge  paa  .  sell  on  credit;  paa 
famme  -  at  the  same  time;  bet  er  paa  -e  lt  is 
(qulte)  time;  bet  er  paa  tøj(ej  -  lt  is  high  time; 
til  en  .  for  a  time;  til  eoig  .  forever,  eternally; 
til  fine  er  at  times,  til  entøer  -,  til  aOe  -er  at  all 
times;  lige  til  ben  -  ba  up  to  the  time  that;  ber 
er  ingen  •  til  there  is  no  time  for,  til  at  to;  gioe 
fig  •  til  at  tænte,  betamte  stop  to  thlnk,  pause 
to  consider;  ber  ffal  .  til  alting  lt  is  no  use 
hurrying  too  much. 

Xibr|bøa  (book  of)  hours  {catkol).  -boern 
perlod.  Xibenbe  c  -r  tidings,  news;  (Voi<)  news- 
paper.  Xibejpenge  journeyman's  fees  to  a  cor- 
poration-chest.    -banbe  fe  Xibøanbe. 

Xibbaøn  tlde-harbour,  tidal harbour.  tXibig 
a  timely,  seaaonable,  timeous.  tXibiojeb  o 
seatonableness.  tXi  bfort  c  fe  Xibftforbrib.  Xi  blig 
a  k  adv  early;  adt  (ogf.)  betimes,  in  good  time, 
at  an  early  period;  -  moben  precocious,  forward; 
for  -  a  pre mature;  for  .  tommen  (Varn)  prema- 
turely born;  faa  -  paa  tiåret  at  that  early  season 
of  the  year;  -ere  a  prevloUB,  former;  adv  pre- 
vlously,  forme  ri  y,  heretofore;  theretofore;  i  bet 
-  f te  at  the  eaillest.  Xibligtøb  c  earliness. 
+Xi'b|Iøe  a  not  subject  to  time.    1-ts*  c  meadow 




-saffron,  Coichicum.    -manier  fe  XiM*.    -marte 
sign  of  the  proper  time.    *2i'bniag  c  -er  news- 
Sibøbbelt  a  ten  fold,  decuple. 

Xtbft|aanb  spirit  fl.  genius  of  the  age.  -af« 
deling  period  el.  division  of  time.  -affnit  period;. 
•alber  age.  -aagioelfe  date.  -art  kind  of  time. 
-begreb  notion  el.  idea  of  time.  •beregning  cal- 
culaUon  of  time,  chronologlcal  reckoning.  -be- 
føarelfe  saying  of  time.  -betøarenbe  ie  -fparenbe. 
-biHebe  picture  of  the  time.  -billeblig  a  illu- 
strative of  the  time.  -branbrør  Urne-fuse.  -bel 
portion  of  time. 

Sibfe  e  -r  sea  buckthoru,  liippopkaé  rham- 

Xibfd  c  -fler  thistle,  Carduus  &  Circium,  -fnøf 
tbistledown.  -fugle  globe -thist le,  Echinops 

£tbS|enqeb  unit  of  time,  time  unit.  -forbrib 
c  Om)  pastime.  -for^olb  relation  of  lime,  pi  fe 
-omftænbigljeber.  -forffel  difference  in  el.  oi 
time.  -frtft  space  of  time.  '-falle  contemporary. 
-faløe  chronologlcal  order.  -grfltnfe  time  limit. 
•btftorie  history  of  the  time.  -taøb  fe  fiæbb. 
-faøning  fe  -atøatton.  -lebe  tedium,  wearfness. 
-længbe  length  of  time.  -tab  i>eriod.  -maal 
ineasure  of  time.  -maaler  time-keeper,  time 
•piece.  -miuater  minutes  of  time.  -mær fe 
charaoteristic  of  an  age.  -tnotSfig  fe  -føarenbe. 
-maSflgbeb  c  seasonableness,  opportuneness. 
-nøf  udv  in  time,  early  enough,  time  enough. 
-ømftombiøfcebcr  times,  circumstances,  juuc- 
tnre'sj.  -orb  verb.  -orben  chronologlcal  order. 
-brag  fe  -marte.  -pnntt  moment  el.  point  of 
time,  juncture.  -regning  chronology;  før  ben 
trtftelige  .  before  the  Christian  era.  -mm  period. 
•fetnnber  seconds  of  time.  -fignat  time-signal, 
(oeb  Stub)  timegun.  -fignaløtugle  time-ball. 
-flifte  change  of  time;  perlod.  -ffrift  periodical 
(publlcation  fl.  Journal),  inagazlue.  review,  se- 
ri  al.  -fparenbe  n  time-saving.  -fptlbe  (a)  waste 
of  time.  -fpilbcnbe  u  time-wasting,  -fpargø' 
maal  question  of  time.  -fbarenbe  a  sultable  el. 
suited  to  the  times,  adapted  to  the  spirit  of 
the  age,  seasonable,  opportune,  well-timed. 
-tab  loss  of  time.  -tabel,  -table  chronologlcal 
table.  -bilfaar  fe  -omflænbtgtjeb.  -attøøtion  cut 
eq nation  of  time. 

$ibt  adv  often,  frequently;  .  og  ofte  often 
and  often.  -anført  -nernnt,  -omtalt  a  oft-men- 

Sibbanbe  n  tide.  —  Sibbanbd|b*føe  tidal 
vave,  (meget  flor)  bore.  -maaler  tide-gauge. 
•flønat  tide  signal,    -ftrøm  tide. 

X\t,  tab  (tttebr),  riet  vi  be  silent,  keep  silence, 
hold  one's  peace;  -  meb  noget  keep  a  thing  se- 
exet,  keep  the  secret  of;  Ijan  tan  itfe  .  he  can't 
keep  a  secret;  faa  til  at  .  silence,  put  to  silence; 
-  til  say  nolhing  to,  pass  in  silence;  ben  ber  -i, 
famtpffrr  silence  is  consent;  $enge  for  at  .  bush 
money;  —  »#(+«  fortie);  -  itøei  klll  by  silence. 

Xienbe  ord  num  tenth;  for  bet  -  tenthly,  In 
the  tenth  place. 

Sienbe  c  r  ti  the,  tenth:  føare  ~  pay  tlthe  (af 
on).  Xtenbe  vi  pay  tlthe(8).  -afgift  money  paid 
In  lieu  of  Uth  es  in  kind.  •afUøntnø  oommuta- 
tion  of  tithes,  tlthe  commutation.  -ager  fleld 
subject  to  tithe.  -afført  fe  -forening,  -bareabe 
n  titheable,  tithe- paying.  -citron  shaddock, 
Citrus  deeumanus. 

Sienbebel  c  tenth  (part),  tithe. 

Sienbe  lejer  tithe-owner.  -forening  composi- 
tion  of  Uthes.  -fororbning  tithe  ordinance.  -fri 
a  ezempt  from  tithes,  tithe-free.  -frifceb  exemp- 
tion   from   tithes.      -gaarb    tithe-paying   farm. 

-goaf,  -far«  ofø.  tithe-goose,   -corn  etc.     -tabe 
barn  for  church-titheø.    -neg  sheaf  of  tithe-coru 

Slenbcjyart  fe  -bel. 

Xienbeibenge  Uthe  money.  -fligt  liabilhy  t> 
pay  tithes.  -yligtig  a  Utheable.  -rcttigteb 
right  of  demandlng  Uthes.  -famler  fe  -tager 
•ftttø  defraudation  of  tithes.  -tager  c  -e  tither. 
receiver  of  tithes.  -tagt  receiving  of  Uthe.-. 
-tøller  he  that  counts  the  tithe -shea veø.  -»orfra 
(matters  relaUve  to)  the  tithes.  -sjbrr  tithe 

Sier  c  -e  ten. 

Siere  oomp  (af  Zibt)  oftener,  more  frequeatly, 
bu  maa  irte  fomme  .,  gøie  bet  .  don't  oome 
again,  don't  do  it  any  more;  jeg  foa  tøm  ifle  - 
I  did  not  see  him  any  more.    Heft  s*p.  al  fon 

-  every  now  and  tb  en. 

Sijfølb  fe  -bobbelt.  -føbbet  a  decapodal,  d^ 

Xiger  c  -gre  tiger,  Felii  tigris.  Xiger|ogtif  a 
tlgerUke.  -blif  tiger's  look.  -bttr  fe  %i%et 
-finte  amadavade,  spotted  bengalist,  Pytelw 
umanduva.  -^efk  quagga.  -pjertc  heartof  stoor 
ligerin'be  c  -r  ti'gress.  Siger{fat  tiger-ca:. 
Fetu  pardaii*.  -ffittb  tiger's  skin.  -fUMge  spot- 
ted python,  Fython  tigris,  -faøtffe  tiger-sheU 
(h/prat*  tigris,  -træ  tiger-wood,  itaka-wood, 
Machctrium  Schomburgkii.  -ttttge  yoang  Uger. 
Uger  cub. 

Siøge  vt  Sl  i  beg;  gaa  om  og  -  go  a-begging. 

-  for  §oennanbi  Sør  beg  one's  bread  trom  doi»r 
to  door;  _  om  noget  beg,  lmportune  one  for  a 
thing;  .  fig  igennem  beg  one's  way  through.  - 
fig  inb  get  admission  by  begging;  .  fig  noget  tu 
obtain  by  begging.     Xigge|førbig  a  nemrly  r? 
duced  to  beggary,  penniless.    •faerbigbeb  im^ 
cuniosiiy.    Xtggen  c  begging.    Xlgger  c  <  beg 
gar,    mendicant.   —  Sløgerjagtig  a    beggarly, 
like  a  beggar.    -banbe  gang  of  beggars.    -barn 
(©arn  af  X.)  beggar's  child;  (»otn,   føm  tigger' 
beggar-child.     -breb    begging-    el.    mendicant 
-letter,     -^-b  røb  er  fe  -munf.     -brrng  beggar-  bov. 
-gang:   gaa  .  go  a- begging.     *-gat   fe  -oreag. 
•baanbbørt  Xiggeri'  n  begging,  beggary,  men 
dicity,    mendicancy.     -føne,    •torOiag    beggar 
-woman.    -lifte  fe  -bren.    -manf  mendicant  friar 
-orben  order  of  mendicant  friars,   mendicant 
order.    -yaf  lot  of  beggars,  beggarly  set.    -bi|t 
beggar-girl.     -pøfc  beggar's  wallet.     -raBaafcl 
celery-leaved   crowfoot,    Hanumculu*   •cslerat*' 
Ziøgerffe  c  -r  beggar-woman.    Siggerlftasi  beg 
gar 's  staff;  ^an  er  bragt  til  -en  he  is  utterly  min  ed. 
he  is  gone  to  the  dogs,  reduoed  to  beggary. 

Xigret  a  spotted  el.  speckled  (like  a  tiger . 

Xi|fa*t  decahedron.     •  tantet  a  decahedral 
•trone  coln  of  ten  Irroner.    -tronefebbel  note  of 
ten  Irroner. 

%itt*t  n  tioktack. 

Zl'ltta  n  teak. 

Sil'  prcep  (ofteft)  to:  rejfe  .  Sonbon  go  to 
London;  gaa  .  Seng!  go  to  bed;  gaa  -  WunM 
go  to  the  bottom,  go  down;  fenbe  -  send  to. 
fntge  fig  tøt  -  steal  off  to;  fra  ønerft  .  neberft 
from  top  to  bottom;  —  bibrage,  gine,  laane,  ooer> 
Iabe,  fælge  -  contribute,  give,  lend,  leare,  seU 
to;  ftrioe  -  wrlte  to;  fri  •  propose  to;  Iptte  - 
listen  to;  giøe  ftt  SamttjHr  _  consent,  gire  one  > 
consent  to;  bringe  -  bring  to;  bømme  -  sentence 
to,  opmuntre  .  encourage  to;  inbbobe  -  RroM 
in  vi  te  to  breakfast;  tøngioe  fig  .  addict  et.  devot* 
one's  self  to;  —  oant  .  accustomed  to;  forfatte* 
~  addicted  to;  —  banne  en  Vcobfsrninø  -  stand 
opposed  to;  fatte  ^ab  -  take  a  disllke  to;  —  W 

-  all  the  way  to;  10  .  20  ten  to  twenty;  -  mi« 
førbaøfelfe  to  my  astonishment;  .  ©tabe  for  to 




the  detriment  of;  .  gfoaoen  to  arms;  goo  .  SpUbe 
go  to  waste;  tage  .  8en#  take  to  one's  heels;  . 
at  to;  —  towards  ((eniotob,  i  ftetnmg  af):  (an 
flif  ab  ©ptn  .  he  went  towards  the  towu,  ©ejen 
©rejer  af  .  §(øben  the  road  turns  off  towards  the 
ri  rer;  toinb  -  big!  twist  towards  you!  oil  ilte 
forfloa  langt  •  at  betale  .  .  .  will  not  go  far  to- 
wards paying;  —  ti  11  (Zib):  .  ben  Zib  till  tben; 
»ent  .  tmorgen  wait  till  to-morrow;  fia  Bergen 

-  Wftcn  from  moruiog  till  night;  —  for:  bet  er 
VtJreo  «  big  tbere  is  a  letter  for  you;  #ogen  er 
tlfe  .  big  the  book  is  not  for  you;  (an  (at  Ubt 
eit  ©og  .  mig  he  has  bought  a  book  for  me; 
(oab  faa  bi  -  grofofi,  Wibbag?  what  are  we  to 
hare  for  breakfast,  dinner?  oalge  -  ttolbgifttmanb 
choose  for  au  arbiter;  tage  -  ftone  take  for  one's 
wife;  rufie  flø  -  ftrig  prepare  for  war;  .  ©alø(«) 
for  sale;  .  ttaon  for  for  the  beueflt  of.  —  min 
ftfrejfe  -  my  departure  for;  Signal  -  a  signal  for; 
ifufl  .  a  fancy  for;  naar  min  Xib  ex  «.  bet  when 
I  have  time  for  U,  —  for  ftor  -  too  large  for; 
flob  nol  -  good  enougb  for;  —  iii:  .  Stort,  fe 
Ziloart;  (er  .  Sianb*  in  this  country:  .  goitlaring 
cf  in  explanation  of;  .  $ialp,  Straf,  Zrobf,  Unb« 
ftQibning,  iQtt  for  in  aid,  punishinent,  spite, 
excuse,  honour  of;  .  drinbnng  om  in  remem- 
brance  of;  .  Segn  paa  in  sign  of;  fatte  fU  £aab, 
fin  fitb  -  place  one's  hope,  confidence  in;  — 
in  to:  foroanble  -  change  into,  fatte  -  Sags  drive 
into  a  coruer,  —  on:  -  gob*  on  foot;  -  $e\t  on 
horseback;  ~  SttM  onboard  snip,  .  aUe  Stbet  on 
every  side;  -  (øjre  on  the  right  haud;  —  at:  - 
en(oer  tib  at  all  times;  -  fine  Ziber  at  times; 
nare  *  tttyHup  be  at  a  weddlng;  inufe  .  smell 
ai;   trange  -  øunbi  i  get  at  the  boltom  of;   — 

-  of:  fr>*f  atter  .  author  of;  SJtuber  .  the  mother 
of;  Jlarligyeb  .  love  of,  Slonge  .  Sanmarr  klug 
of  Denmark;  Øreo  ft.  -  tii  ft  Couni  F.  of  K.; 
9t«glen  -  the  key  of;  greben  -  JRiétilbe  the  peace 
of  Roskilde;  —  by:  -  fcanb«,  6»4,  Sanbft  by  land, 
sea,  waier;  -  Øiotooene  og  (Baarbingerne!  hånds 
by  the  clue  garnets  and  buntlines !  .  anbefaling, 

-  et  gorfsø  by  way  of  recommeudation,  experi- 
ment;  jeg  maa  (aoe  bet  -  3ul,  $aaffe,  januar,  - 
paa  $rebagl  must  have  it  by  Christmas,  Baster, 
January,  Frlday;  —as:  bnbe  .  Qtøfx  invite  as  a 
guest;  tage  .  (Ettanpel  take  as  au  example;  (aoe 

-  (Ørunbfatning  hold  as  a  maxim;  —  with:  Oft 
at  fpife  -  ©rsbei  cheese  to  eat  with  my  bread; 
gio  mig  (ibt  Sauce  -  Staffen  I  want  some  sauce 
with  this  steak;  —  against:  baftebe  fcrofoft- 
borbet  .  ftaptafnenf  $iemtomft  was  laying  the 
breakfast-table  against  the  Captain's  return;  — 
beside:  fatte  fig  (en  -  (<»n  (went  up  and)  sat 
down  beside him;  —  (anbte  Wiaaber):  -  Uitjtle 
unfortunately;  t-  SRorgen  this  morning;  .  Stor« 
fføbet!  man  the  mainsheet !  gøre  en  .  ftonge  makc 
one  (a)  king;  blee  ubnaont  .  Øuoernsr  was  ap- 
pointed  governor;  (aoe  -  ©ebfte  make  a  fool  of; 
fe  inb  -  en  go  and  see  one,  look  one  up;  fiaa  - 
Sab*  bet;  fpife  -  SRibbag,  liften  dine,  sup;  tage 

-  Orbe  speak,  lift  one's  voice,  hold  forth;  traf 
$aanben  .  fig  drew  back  his  hånd;  oare  -  SinbS 
have  a  mind;  snfte  en  -  ttotle  wishonejoy;  iafe 
fifl,  gatte  fig/  flutte  fig  .  read,  gness,  condude; 
(fe  forretten  Beroer,  Subftanttoer  og  ttb- 
jeftioer);  —  ado:  gaa  .!  go  onl  bugge  -,  ftabe 
.  cut,  thrust;  flare  -,  ribe  -,  fe  Xilftare,  Ziiribe; 
oare  .  exist;  fom  Di  er  »rsbre  .  like  brothers; 
bet  er  ingen  Rotte  .  it  is  no  use;  bet  er  ingen 
Sfabe  .  at  forfoge  there  is  no  harm  in  trying; 
(fe  førrrften  Serberne);  af  og  .  now  and  then;  fra 
og  -  to  and  fro;  bet  gor  boerten  fra  eller  *  lt's  of 
no  moment;  en  -  one  more;  faaban  en  -  such 
another;  en  $eft  .  an  additional  horse,  another 
horse,  one  more  horse;  en  tyilo  Oang  .  faa  lang 

half  as  long  agaln;  meb  Salte  -  with  a  girdle 
to  it;  .og  meb  lncluding;  *even,  moreover;  — 
conj  till,  until.  , 

SU'aagre  fig  vr  obtain  by  usory. 

Xilaa'rå  ado  advauced  in  age  el.  in  years; 
blioe  .  get  old. 

Zillaø'terd,  -attttå,  -antee«,  fe  agter.,  ofo. 

XU'aroet  «  inherited. 

Xiibaat  adv  back,  backward(s);  b^n  bleo  .  he 
remained  behind;  r>an  maatte  blioe  -  i  ©toten  he 
was  kept  in;  labe  blioe  .  leave  behind;  oare  -  i 
Xiben  be  behind  the  day;  fcem  og  .  forward  and 
back  war  d;  ber  er  intet  anoet  -  for  (am  there  is 
nothing  else  (left)  for  him;  tanle  ~  paa  recall 
to  mind;  ftaar  enbnu  .  has  to  be  done  yet;  fig 
ligge  meget  .  be  iu  s  very  backward  sutte,  be 
behind-nand;  (an  (ar  intet  .  he  has  nothing  left 
(to  him);  .!  back! 

Zilba'ge|beiaie  u  pay  back,  repay.  -betaling 
repayment.  return. 

Silbs'gefeli!  n  retrospect,  retrospective  glance; 
Ag  \a\Xt  et  -  paa  examine  retrosptctively. 

%\\  iageblioenbe  a  f.  <t».  be  .  Olafter  the  guests 
who  (do)  did  not  intend  to  go,  who  inteud(ed; 
to  remain  behind;  be  -  Solbater  the  soldien 
who  are  el.  were  to  stay  behind,  who  were  not 
gone,  who  bad  been  left  behind. 

2Uia  gebrtnge  tt  brlug  back. 

Xiliagebjiet  a  bent  el.  inclined  back  war  db. 

Xilba'gebrtoe  vt  drive  back,  force  back,  repel. 

Xil9a'ge|cr(olbc  vt  recover,  -erfcoibelfc  c  re- 

Silba'ge|erobre  vt  recapture,  re  take.  -erobring 

Zilba'gelfalb  n  falling  back;  (om  ®t)gbom)  re 
lapse,  -falbenbe  a :  ~  $anbe  recedlng  fare  head. 
-falbgfeber,  -falbfttlyfud  relapsiog  fever. 

Xilba.gefart  c  return. 

Silbagefforbre  vt  reclaim.  -forbring  reclama- 

Xilba'gelgaaenbe  a  retrograde,  retrogressive. 
•gang  retrograde  movement,  retrogradation,  re- 
trogressiou;  dlsimprovement,  decline;  i  -  retro- 

SUoa'gcløioe  tt  give  back,  return,  restore. 
-gioelfe  c  returniug,  restoring,  return,  restora- 

liIbage|(oibe  vt  hold  el.  keep  back,  rctain; 
bun  Innbe  noppe  .  fine  Zaarer  »he  could  scarcely 
restrain  her  teare  el.  refrain  from  weeping. 
•(olbelfe  c  retentiou.  -(olbclfeøret  right  of  re- 
tention, -bolben,  -(olbenbe  a  reserved,  back- 
ward.   -(olbenljeb  c  reserve. 

2Uba'ge|ralbe  vt  call  back,  recall;  unsay, 
repeal,  revoke;  _  et  Signal  aunul  a  signal. 
-falbelfe  o  ecall,  revocation;  retractation,  with- 

liiba  ge|fafte  vt  throw  back;  reflect.  -tafrnina 
c  throwing  back;  (91eflet«ion)  reflection;  (af  &oben) 
reverberation;  (Zilbogefuib)  reperoussiou.  -taft' 
ningtointel  angle  of  reflexion. 

XUbagetomft  c  return. 

Silba  ge|leoere  vt  return,  restore.  -leoering 

$Uba'ge|lagge  vt  travel,  cover,  pass  over,  tra- 
vene, aavance;  ben  -lagte  IBej  the  Journey  el. 
distance  performed,  the  road  one  has  travelied; 
oi  (aoe  -lagt  10  SK  il  i  en  lime  we  have  done  10 
miles  in  an  hour;  et  -lagt  Stanbpunft  a  thlng  of 
the  past,    -laggelfe  c  travelling  etc. 

Xilba'gelonet  a  recumbent. 

2Uba'ge|Ub  n  runnlng  back,  return,  (Itanbt) 
reflux,  (Ranon*)  recoll.    -lobenbe  a  recurrent. 

Silbagemar^  c  march  back. 

^ilbageprefling  c  rebound. 

3i(fta'ge| rejfe  c  return,  Journey  el.   voyage 




back;  paa  -n  when  returning.     -rejfenbe  a  re- 

Stlbø/gernUet  pari  rolled  back;  a  $  revolute. 

Silba'gerøninø  c  pulling  back;  countermarch; 
unbcr  -en  on  our  march  back  el.  retreat. 

Silbagefeenbe  a  Aer  regardant. 

Silbc'gelfenbe  ti  send  back.  -fenbclfe  c  send- 
ing back. 

Silba'gelftribenbe  a  retrograde,  retrogresslve. 
-ffribt  n  step  backwards,  retrogradation,  retro- 
greaalon,  retrograde  step. 

+£Uba'grfTrnen  c  screwing  back. 

+SUbo'ge|frratte,  -fframnu  vt  frighten  back, 
de  ter. 

Xiltrgeiffnenbe  o  fe  -fecnbe. 

Xilbo'gejflaa  vi  repel.  -flag  »  rebound;  fof 
fianon)  recoil;  atavism;  fe  -fait). 

+$ilba'gefbor  fe  »agfpor. 

Silbagefprtng  n  leap  el.  leaping  back;  rebound, 
resilience,  recoil. 

Silba  geftoaenbe  a  remainlng,  in  arrear,  un- 

£ilba'ge|ft*b  n  back-thrust,  repercussion,  re- 
pulse,    -fttbt  a  repelled,  repulsed,  discouraged. 

Silba  gefnnfen  part  fallen  back. 

SUbagefbn  n  retrospect,  looklng  back. 

Silba'geføgning  c  revendicatlon. 

Xilba'gejtage  vt  retake;  recapture.  -tagelfe  c 
retaking;  recapture. 

Silba'getøg  n  retreat;  afficere  en  -et  cut  off 
one's  retreat;  blæfe  til  -  sound  the  retreat;  til« 
træbe  -et  beat  the  retreat. 

Xilba'gejtnttren  a  retired.  -trntfen^eb  c  re- 
tiredness,  seclusion. 

Silbø/grtrabelfc  c  retirement,  resignation. 

Sil'bage|ir«ttelia a (om ftfør) retractile.  •traf« 
ning  c  drawlng  back,  retraction.  -trncfningSetme 
retractility.  -trainlnagfraft  power  of retraction. 

Silba'getromge  ti  force  back;  fio  repress,  re- 
st ral  n. 

Sitba'geøcj  c  way  back,  return. 

Sifba'ge|brnbe  (+)  v*  return,  -oenbelfe,  -benben 
c  return,  (ftabig)  recurrence;  phy  reversion. 
-øenbeube  a  recurrent. 

XUba'genigenbe  o  retreating;  -  (Bang  (i  Ur) 
recoil  escapement. 

Silba'ge|birfenbe  a  reacting,  retroactive;  gram 
reflezive;  (2ob)  retrospective,  retroactive;  -  ftroft 
retroactive  effect.  -ntrtning  c  reaction,  retroac- 

Silba  gelbife  vt  show  back;  fio  repulse,  reject. 
»biftning  c  showing  back;  fio  repulsion,  rejec- 

?itba'ge|*nf?e  vi  wish  back. 

Sil  |  bebe  vf  (od.  fin)  adore,  worship;  tor  fig 
s  ©ebe  om.  -bebeife  c  adoration,  worship. 
•bebrlfeftbotrbig  *  adorable.  -bcber  c  e,  -beberffe 
•r  adorer,  worshipper,  cent  follower;  fio  (jenbel 
-c  her  admlrers. 

Silbebft'e  adv  fe  ©ebfte. 

Silbegc  vt  pltch  over;  (lutte)  pitch  up. 

SMbelpr  n  appurtenances,  adjuncts,  belong- 
iugs,  surrroundlngs,  accompaniment,  concomi- 

Xilben9  fe  »en. 

Xilbejrebe  vi  prepare.  -rebelfe  c  -r  prepara- 
tion.  -rebe;  c  -e  preparer.  -rebning  c  preparing, 
prepa  ration. 

Silbetlc  fig  vr  obtain  by  begging.i 

Silbinbe  vi  bind  up,  tie  up;  .  en*  Ejne  blind- 
fold  a  person;  meb  -bunbne  fejne  with  my  eyes 
bandaged,  blindfolded. 

Xil[blanbc  vi  admiz.    -btanbiag  admixture. 

Sit  blibelfe,  -biløen  c  coming  into  existence, 
genesis,    -blioelfeftmaabe  c  manner  in  which 

anything  originales,  genesis.     -Mintlfetyrncrø' 

Sillblobl',  -bog«,  fe  ©lob,  »og. 

SilbleKe  vi  besmear  el.  daub  with  ink,  ink. 

Silbø'rbe  adv  &  alongside;  fatte  en  ttnnøn  - 
run  out  a  gun.    -fatning  c  ranning  out. 

Silnø'rbft  ado :  gaa  -  go  to dinner (el.  supper) 
fibbe  -  be  at  dinner  (et.  supper). 

£i(|bringe  ti  bring,  carry  to;  -  Siben  spend 
(the,  one's)  time,  pass  (away)  time;  bjon  tilbragte 
Sagen  meb  at  læfe  he  spent  the  day  in  rending; 
$an  tør  tilbragt  tre  Sar  bemieb  he  han  spent 
three  years  on  it.  -bringelfe  bringing  etc.; 
delivery.    -bringer  c  -e  (flRønt)  layer-on. 

Xtlbnb  *  offer,  proffer,  tender. 

Silbnnb*',  fe  «unb,  Zil. 

Si  vi  ofter,  profler,  tender;  —  er  fif 
offer  one's  self;  offer;  jeg  -bsb  mxq  at  gørr  bet  I 
offered  to  do  it;  bet  -bsb  fig  en  Sejlta^eb  an  op* 
portunity  presented  itself,  offered. 

£HJ»*BB«  vt  add  (to  a  building).  -bnsninf  c 
•er  aading  etc.;  building  added  to  another. 

Xilbbtte  fig  ur  acquire  el.  obtain  by  wny  of 
exchange;  +vi  -  en  nt  acquire  st  for  one  by  ex- 

Xilfb^je  tt  (banne  beb  at  bsie)  form  by  bending, 
bend.  -nni'elig  a  (til)  inclined,  prone,  disposed, 
npt,  given  (to);  man  funbe  bare  -  ti!  at  tro  one 
would  be  apt  to  suppose.  -baj'elig|eb  c  -er  in 
clination,  propenslty,  disposition,  proneness, 
tendency,  leaning;  (for  en)  affectlon,  attachment; 
gifte  fig  af  >  marry  for  love;  fatte  .  for  form  an 
attachment  to. 

3ilb*  rlig  a  due,  proper,  sultable;  i  -  Sfflanb 
at  a  proper  el.  safe  distance;  ber  er  mere  enb  - 
there  is  more  than  necessary.  -b,eb  c  suitable- 
ness,  proprlety. 

XUbagg'  fe  S)ag. 

Siljbanne  vt  nshion,  form,  work.  •banneife 

2U|bele  vi  allot,  assign   (to),   confer  on  d 
upon;  (bele  førljølbftmæftfta)  apportion.-   .    Straf 
inflict  punlshment  on;   jpobebcollen  nar   -It  tbe 
principal  character  was  cast  to.     -bt(in§   c  al- 
lotting;  allotment;  infliction. 

Xilbe'l*  adv  partly,  in  part. 

3il|bigte  vi  (tilfnje  Cpbigtetfer  til  noget)  labri 
cate,  eke  out  with  false  additions;  (tilføje  et  Sigt » 
add.    •bigtniag  c  false  addition,  fabricaUon. 

SUbøHø'  adv  fe  Som. 

Zilfbrnge  +vl  draw  (togetber);  •«•.  en  nt  draw 
st  on  one;  —  vr  fig  (paafiie  fig)  draw  upon  one's 
self,  attrået;  (bflénbei)  come  to  pass,  happen. 
-bragelfe  c  -r  oocurence,  event  ad  venture. 

Xu|bre)et  o  ^  hove-to.  -brejning  c  henving 
•to,  laying  (the  ship)  to. 

+Iil|britte  vi  drink  one's  health;  -brnften  (øgf.) 
drunk.  "     ^ 

•hSllb^nnc  vi  en  nt  give  one  st  drop  by  drop. 

2ilbfft|te  vi  cover  (up),    -ning  c  covering  (up). 

Xilbttti'  adv:  rigge  el.  fenbe  -  send  down, 
send  on  deck;  flaa  .  knock  down. 

Sifbamge  vt  fe  Oberbange. 

Silnrbe  adv  fe  Søb. 

Silbnntnie  vt  (tilteibe)  adjudge,  adjudicate. 
award;  (paalcegge  øeb  Som)  sentence  (one)  to  do 

Silbnrd'  adv  to  the  door. 

Sil'legne  vt  appropriate,  (f.  (Hl.  en  ©øg)  dedi 
cate,  inscribe;  (tillsgge  fom  (fgenffab)  attribnte 
(aflc :  en  nt  st  to  one);  —  vr  fig  appropriate  (to 
one's  self),  make  one's  own;  acquire,  master, 
pick  up.  -egnelig  a:  let  -  eaaUy  mastered. 
•egnelfe  c  -r  dedication;  appropriation;  acquire- 

Silen  be  adv  fe  (Enbe.    -bringe  vt  bring  to  a 




oonclusion,  finish,  accompllsh.  •trtngetfe  c 
conclualon,  consummafcion. 

Xilfalbe  o*  fall  to  one's  lot,  devolve  on,  oc- 
crue  to. 

Xilfftll'  adv  for  sale,  venal,  buyable. 

Xilfouge  adv  fe  $fange.  »tcgelfc  c  capture, 
seizure,  apprehenslon. 

Xilfantafere  fifl  vr  dream  one's  self  pos- 
«essed  of. 

Xftifclt«'  adv  fe  fcett. 

XMffile  of  fonn,  fasbion  by  filing,  file;  fig  po- 
lish, finish.    -filing  e  filing;  finish. 

Xilfinbe  vt  jur  sentence. 

XUHfflbd'  adv  on  the  monntains. 

XilgiHe  vt  patcb  to  el.  on. 

Xilflngt  c  refuge;  toge  fin  -  ril,  fsge  «  bo* 
have  recourse  to,  take  refuge  in,  throw  one's 
self  upon,  fall  back  upon,  resort  to;   føgte  ~  i 

fotonen  put  In  to  the  port  for  refuge;  finbe  -  bol 
nd  an  asylum  with.  XilflngtØjpabn  port  el. 
harbour  of  refuge,  refuge  haven,  -ftcb  place  of 
refuge.  asylum. 

Xilgbbe  vt  flow  to;  tabe  nt  •  en  grant  el.  allow 
one  st;  ber  -r  tøm  mange  uoi*fe  Snbtcegter  he  is 
in  the  receipt  of  much  uncertain  income. 

Xillfltttte  vt  move  into;  ot'movein.-  -fletning 
remove;  immigration. 

XilffBoenbe  a  stray;  lomme  -  come  flying. 

Xilfob«'  adv  on  foot,  afoot. 

Xilfsrbanble  flg,  fe  Xtlfsbe  Hg. 

Xitforlabelig  a  to  be  relied  el.  depended  on, 
reliable;  -  (Efterretning  certain  Intelligence;  adv 
really;  bet  et  -  fonbt  it  is  undoubtedly  true;  jeg 
til  -  iffe  bente  longer  positively  I  won't  walt  any 
longer,  -beb  e  certainty,  authenticity;  ($erfons) 

Xilfo'rn  [qo]  ado  formerly,  before,  heretofore. 

Xilfororbne  vt  (in  law)  nomlnate,  appoint, 

XUfreb*'  [é]  a  content,  satisfied,  pleased;  ieg 
vat  -  at  I  should  not  be  sorry  if;  ado:  ban  bilbe 
ilte  labe  fig  ftifle  .  he  would  nol  be  satisfied; 
ban  oilbe  Iffe  gibe  fifl  -.  he  was  not  to  be  tran- 
qullized  el.  calmed.  -beb  c  content,  content- 
ment,  satlsfactlon.  -ftlBe  vt  content,  satisfy, 
gratify;  .  fin  funger  appease  one's  hunger;  - 
afle  ftorbrinøer  meet  all  demands;  -  fig  felo  please 
one's  self.  -MHtt'elig  a  satisflable.  -frittelfc  e 
gratlfication,  appeasement,  satisfaction.  •ftiflenbe 
a  satlslactory;  gratifying;  adv  satisfactorily,  to 

Xilfremi'  a  f  forward. 

*Xilfrift|«e  o»  recover,  rally,  -ning  o  recovery. 

Xilfroffen  a  frozen  (over),  covered  with  ice. 
Xilfrlife  vi  freese  over  el.  up. 

Xilfttlbe  ado  fully,  completely,  to  the  full. 

Xil|  faget  fe  tilføget,  -fftgntng  c  being  covered 
ti.  blocked  up  by  snow-drifts. 

Xiif»lb|e  vt  fill  up.    -ning  c  Alling  up. 

Xtlfagte  fig  vr  gain  (in  fight). 

Xiljftelbe  n,  pi  »,  case,  instanoe;  accident, 
occurence;  (Slump,  traf)  chance;  (6bgbomlanfaIb) 
flt,  attack;  for  bet  -,  at  tym  .  .  .  in  case  he  .  . .; 
t  )aa  .  in  that  case;  i  bette  -  in  this  instanoe; 
i  -  af  in  case  of,  in  the  event  of;  i  erøbert  .,  i 
cUt  ~  at  all  events,  at  any  rate,  in  any  and 
every  case;  i  tterfle  -  if  the  worst  comes  to  the 
worst;  bet  er  iffe  t  meb  tøm  this  is  not  the  case 
with  him,  is  not  his  case;  fom  -t  er  meb  as  is 
the  case  with;  ftole  paa  -t  trust  to  the  chapter 
of  accident«;  i  .  contingently;  i  paafommenbe  - 
on  an  emergency;  for  mulige  ~  for  an  emergency; 
i  bet  forubfofte  .  in  the  case  put;  i  bet  foreliøgenbe 
-  in  the  present  case;  -t  er  ligefom  ©toggen  af 
fornuften  chance  is  the  shadow  of  reason,  as  it 
were;  bet  bar  -t  fom  farte  bem  tommen  they  met 

by  chance;  beb  et  •  by  chance;  bet  bar  tun  beb 
et  (rent)  -  it  was  by  (mere)  chance;  beb  et  lufte« 
ligt  .  by  some  happy  accident;  tøii  bet  brrtelig 
er  -t  If  it  be  really  the  laet;  if  that  really  is  so; 
flere  .  af  Stoler*  several  cases  of  cholera;  ban  tør 
et  flemt,  farligt  -  he  has  a  bad,  dangerous  com- 
plaint;  bet  et  et  -,  ber  fer  ub  fom  en  Xante  it  is 
accidentally  done  for  the  purpose.  -fflflbig  a 
accidental,  casual,  fortuitous,  contlngent.  occa- 
sional,  chance;  .  ©æft  chance-comer;  -t  ©efenbt« 

S  ab,  Stabe  chance  acqualntance,  meeting;  . 
otrefponbent  occasional  correspondent.  -foc'I- 
btgbeb  c  -et  casualty,  accident,  accidental  cir- 
cumstance;  (ttgenft.)  accidentality.  -falbigvtt 
adv  by  chance,  accidentally,  casually,  fortui- 
touslv,  as  it  happened  el.  happens. 

Xlifall'cf  adv  in  common,  Jointly,  conjointly; 
tøpe  .  have  in  common;  fig  tøbe  noget  _  meb 
partake  of  (the  nature  of),  (om  Sigbeb)  have 
some  resemblance  to. 

Xilføget  a :  Qeien  er  .  the  road  is  blocked  up 
by  snow-drifts;  $ufet  er  -  the  house  is  buried 
in  drifts  of  snow. 

Xtlfsfle  of  add,  afflz,  append;  (f oraarfage)  cause, 
do,  bring  on,  infilet  on;  -  en  Stabe  do  one  an 
Injury;  -  en  øornærmelfe  offer  an  insult  to;  -be 
barn  et  fnufenbe  9teber!ag  gave  him  a  crushing 
defeat.  -clfe  c,  -enbr  a,  -tting  e  addition;  note, 
observation;  postscript;  codicil;  -r  og  IRettelfer 
addenda  and  corrigenda. 

XUf*Je  adv  fe  Øsfe. 

Xlifslge  ado  fe  Qfølge  c. 

Xilfsr|e  vt  cairy  to,  convey  to,  supply  with; 
•enbe  a  Jtot  afferent  vessels.  -fri  r  -flet  con- 
veyance  to;  supply;  (ftriftlig)  entry;  ($aategmng) 

Xilaaa  (+)  ot  happen;  *e<:  iffe  at  .  not  pro- 
curable,  not  to  be  had. 

Xillgang  c  («ei)  access,  approach;  (^orsgelfe) 
augmentatlon ,  increase;  *resource,  supply. 
•gangøliftc  list  of  accessions. 

Xilgabn*'  adv  completely,  effectually,  to  some 
purpose,  F  with  a  vengeance. 

Xilgift  e  something  given  into  the  bargaln, 
surplus,  surplusage,  over-measure,  make-welght; 
(^os  ©oøeien)  lnbread;  feg  fif  ftasfen  i  -  I  got  the 
box  into  the  bargaln. 

Xllgifte  fig  or  acquire  by  marriage;  -  fig  $enge 
marry  a  fortune. 

Xtljgifre  of  grate,  close  with  a  grate.  -girring 
c  grating. 

Xil[gioe  vt  forgive,  pardon  (en  nt  one  st  el. 
for  st);  tilgib  mig  for  benne  ene  Øang  forgive  me 
this  once.  -gi  oclla  a  pardonable,  forgi vable, 
venlal.  -gi'neUgbci  o  pardonableness,  venial- 
ness,  veniallty.  -giselfe  e  forglveness,  pardon; 
jeg  beber  Xem  om  -  I  beg  your  pardon. 

*Xiløjort  a  affected,  manutactured.  •teb  c 

Xilgobc  adv  due,  owing;  feg  %ox  enbnn  100 
Soler  -  bo*  ^am  he  still  owes  me  100  dollars; 
bu  bar  ben  ftornsjelfe  .  you  have  that  pleasure 
to  come,  to  look  forward  to;  gste  fig  -  enjoy 
oneseif,  gsre  ftg  -  meb  regale  one's  self  with; 
fe  -  look  after  the  comforts  of;  bolbe  en  nt  . 
excuae  one;  bet  fom  mig  .  it  stood  me  in  good 
stead.  -g*rc  vt  utilise,  -(atenbe  n  due,  what 
Is  owing  to  one,  outstandlng  debt;  mit  .  bos 
barn  what  he  owes  me.    •ffrfbe  of  credit. 

Xilgrifr  vt  dlrty,  soli. 

Xilgroet  a  overrun,  overgrown. 

Xilgrnn  be  adv.  gaa  -  be  ruined,  go  to  ruin; 
bu  oil  gaa  -  berbeb  you  will  ruin  yourself  by  lt; 
Stibet  git  .  the  snip  went  down  el.  foundered. 

Xtlgratnfrflbe  a  aajacent,  contermlnous,  bor- 
dering upon. 




Xifaæng'etiø  *  approachable,  (ogfaa  Aø.)  ac- 
ceFsible,  available;  let.  banftelig  -  easy,  dlfflcult, 
of  access  el.  approach;  .  for  open  to:  -  i  ©øg» 
banbefen  accessible  Jn  tbe  bookselling  tråde;  gøre 
Særfet  let  -t  for  engelftr  Sofere  brtag  the  work 
wlthin  easy  reach  of  English  readers.  -fpeb  c 
approachablenesa;  (ogfaa  >tø)  aocesslblllty. 

Silbftfttrbe  "dv.  gaa  en  -  aid  one,  assist  one. 

Stltyamre  vt  hammer,  feshion  wlth  the  ham- 

SHftdttMe  vr  fiø  acqnire  bv  purchase. 

£ilba»r»be  a  £,:  be  -  6efl  the  sails  that  are 
(were)  set. 

Xllfiatoe'  adv  at  sea. 

Sil  I  bf  f  te  vt  stitch,  sew  to.  -fieftnins  r  stitcb- 

*Sitbfl|eØ  op  heal.    -ntttfl  c  healing. 

Sftbfft'  adv  on  honebaek;  fHge  -  take  horse, 
mount  (one's  horse). 

Xiltjjftnlte  fiq  vr  legally  to  establish  one's 
title  to.  •lingdrb  oath  proving  one's  ti  tie  to  a 

tSifbfatye  vi  irfve  aid  el.  assistance  to. 

Silbo'be  ado  (fammen)  together;  (alle  fammen) 

SUIbofb  a  (f.  <H«.  af  røolitirt)  injunction;  (tit. 
flugtSftcb)  place  of  resort:  stronghold;  fif  -  om 
at  m*be  .  .  .  was  bonnd  over  to  appear.  »bolbe 
vt  enjoin.  -bo  Ib  er  c  -e  (i  fiaa«)  tumbler,  -bolber< 
fjer  spring  of  the  tumbler.  -Ijølberlflb  lift 
-tumbler.    -Ijølbøfteb  hannt,  plaoe  of  resort. 

XUbooe  <rd»  fe  fcof. 

Sitbttg'gt  vt  fa«hfon  by  hcwing,  rough-hew, 
beard:  (rettrinflet)  square;  -t  lemmer  wrought 
timber.  -ising  c  roughhewlngetc.  -tttngølittie 

Sllbn'fe  ado  fe  $u«. 

XilljBlffe  rf  whttper  to. 

XilbbUfe  vt  vell.  wrap  up,  muffle  up.  -ting, 
•ninø  «•  veillng  etc. 

Silbocøte  vf  hook  on,  clasp  on  (HI  to). 

Xilbom'be  ode  to  hånd.  -tømmen  a  come  to 

Sil'banø  n  (tillæg)  pppendix,  supplement; 
frøarts  party,  ad  herents  pi;  (befoærltgt)  incum- 
brance.  -b«nøerc-e  partfzan,  adherent,  follower, 
votary.    +-b<tnøt  a  (om  fBinbue)  enrtafned. 

Xitbttbbc  flg  vr  acqufre  a  prescriptlve  right  to. 

Xilbøf  re  adv  fe  $»Jre. 

Xillbør  ti  appurtenances  pi.  -børe  rt  belong 
to;  benne  Xjener  -r  mig  thls  is  my  servant;  Qogen 
-r  mig  the  hook  belongs  to  me.  -)ørenbc  o 
appertlnent;  companion.     -børenbe  n  fe  tilfør. 

Zilbtrer  c  -e.  -in'be  c  -r  auditor,  hearer, 
listener;  en  talrig  ©fare  af  -e  a  large  audieoce, 
bar  mange  -e  (om  Bralr)  is  much  run  after.  -frebø 
andience.    •plabfen  fe  Ztlffuer*.  ! 

£il'b*»|le  vt  plane,  fashion  by  planing.    -Hug  ' 
c  planing. 

Sffta'retløøTC  vt  annibilate,  destroy,  demolish; 
■giort  a  fiø  paralysed,  crushed,  overwhelmed. 
•øørelfe  c  annihilation,  d  es  t  ni  etion 

SU'itenøe  a  hastening  to  the  spot. 

Xfl'ifet  n  eovered  with  ioe,  frozen  over, 
frozen  up. 

Xtlfaffe  rt  soli,  dirt,  besmear. 

Sifje  c  -r  t  &  Po*t  board,  plank,  *(i  ©aab) 
bottom  board,  burden. 

Xilfabte  vt  (en  fltfa(b)  applaud  one  wlth  nies, 
eheer  one. 

Xiltøfbe  vt  call  (in),  summon.  -Ife  c  sum- 

Xilfafte  vt  tbrow  to,  cast  to;  (meb  3orb)  fill 
Tip  wlth  earth;  &  belay;  -be  barn  et  %ot  threw 
him  a  rope;  ban  -be  b«tbe  forelffebe  ©Htfe  he  east 
amorous  looks  at  her;   tørn  -be  bom  et  orrbt  pje«  i 

toft  he  darted  an  angry  glance  at  him.     -friaø 
r  Alling  etc;  <L  belaying.    'trtutitltmpt  &  be 
laying-clamp.    -ninøiitaøfc  belaying-pin. 

Xilfenbe  vt  adjudge,  award,  allot;  (en  nt  one 
st  el.  st  to  one). 

Xiftettb'c  ad»  ■  gine  -.  fe  -øibe:  øiøe  fia  -  di«- 
close  one's  self.  -øive  vt  notify,  øignify,  de- 
clare,  make  known;  show,  evince;  bet  -0  bern* 
aHe  øebfommenbe  notlee  is  hereby  given  to  all 
whom  It  may  concern.  -øiteffe  c  notification. 
nottre,  intimation. 

Xiffcnbeife  c  award,  adjudicatfon. 

Xiint|te  rt  putty.    -ninø  e  puttying. 

Xilflabbe  rt  ffjifafb  applaud;  (meb  Spobf 
smooth.  flat  ten. 

%\ltl attt  rt  blot  over;  (meb  Smub«)  be>patter; 
typ  mactile,  cloud. 

XilHinje   vt  fill   up  with  luting  el.    mortar. 

-ittø  e  Alling  etc. 

iiritel^e  rt  cut  out     -ninø  c  cutting  out. 

Xllffifrre  vt  paste  on,  to.  over. 

XII|fna»t»e  vt  button  up.  •fnakniag  c  bntton- 
ing  up.  •fnaWet  a  fiø  reserved.  <-f8«^|Ktbeb  r 

Xilfnobet  a  ^  knotted  together  wlth. 

Xil!nbt|te  vt  fasten  with  a  knot.  -nlaø  <* 
fastenlntr  etc ;  fia  connection;  i  .  ril  in  conner- 
tion  with.  -tti«øø>Btffr  n  connectlng  point;  i 
lalel  (point  oO  departure. 

Xf(fom|me  **«  (tomme  til)  superrene.  be  added; 
(oo?re  ot»er^n8f!emmenbe  meb  en«  9iettiø$eb)  be  due. 
be  owing  to;  (oare  en*  SUøO  be  one's  dutr; 
(paøfe  ftg)  be  flt,  be  snitable;  jeg  forbrer  ilte  mere 
enb  ber  -r  mig  I  demand  no  more  than  my  due; 
bet  -r  mig  meo  Htttt  it  is  Justly  due  to  me;  brt 
-r  barn  at  bolbe  Obaningeme  beblige  it  is  incum- 
bent  upon  htm  el.  It  is  his  duty  to  keep  the 
buddings  in  repair;  .  bit  fRige  bibt  thy  kingdom 
come:  bet  -r  iffe  o*  at  bømme  it  is  not  ours  to 
Judge.  »melfe  c,  fe  -ft.  -menbe  a  coming.  to 
come,  future;  dne;  bet  ~  the  future;  i  bet  -  Jfit* 
hereafter,  min  -  @boger  my  brotber-in-law  that 
is  to  be;  min  .  (©mb)  my  intended.  -meabe  » 
due.    -ft  c  coming.  advent. 

tilfort'  ndv :  tomme  -  (ifte  naa  bet  rftetrragtebe) 
be  worsted,  befoiled,  get  the  worst  of  it;  irø 
tom  -  (f.  (Efø  meb  pengene)  my  money  ran  short; 
vi  tom  .  vaa  Sabningen  .r.  the  cargo  tumed  out 
short.    "-fommrlfer  pi  shortcominga. 

Hit  rib  re  vt  chalk  over. 

+Xiltro»øe  rt  summon,  elte. 

Siftrølle  vt  cruraple,  rumpie. 

+Xitr»ibre  rt  chirp. 

^ilfamae  vr  ftg  gain  in  flght  el.  by  flghting; 
fiø  obtain,  gain;  .  Rg  6eiren  obtatn,  achlere, 
gain  the  vlotory,  gain  the  day;  .  fiø  Sriien  win, 
earry  the  prize. 

Silltøbe  vt  buy  in  addition;  -  en  nt  bur  ri. 
purchase  st  for  one;  —  vr  flg  acqnire  by  pnr- 
chnse.  purchase.    -føbø'  adv  fe  tilfal*. 

XiltøfØ'  adv:  tigqe  .  be  in  bed;  gaa  -  tårn  in, 
baoe  ©agt  -  sleep  in. 

li  i  tør  |  e  v:  (om  Qefte)  break  in;  gobt  -rte  ^efte 
well-broken  horses;  ban  fit  ©rambet  frit  -rt  he 
got  the  fuel  carted  to  his  house  free  from  ex- 
pen^e:  -tort  a  f  drunk.  -tørfri  c  cartlng  (home>. 

TiUaan't  *dn  fe  £aan  n. 

XiUaaU  vt  look. 

XiOøbe  vt  ^fblbe  meb  Sabning)  load,  proride 
with  a  full  cargo;  et  t  6tib  a  laden  reasel;  - 
paanb  reload. 

Xilllabe,  lob,  -Tabt  rt  permit,  allow,  give  leare; 
(om  pong^ben,  f.  «r*.  at  bolbe  ««rt«bu«)  licern*; 
tmob  mig  at  bemarte  allow  me  to  obserre;  jts 
ti  Bob  miq  at  b.  I  ventured,  presumed,  took  leare 
el.  begged  to  observe;  -r  J)e?  If  you  please;  om 




9ejrrt  -r  weather  permitting;  bet  -*  ingen  at  no- 
body  is  allowed  to;  titlob  fig  meget  ftørle  Ub* 
talelfer  indulged  in  some  very  streng  language; 
Crbene  «  ilte  en  faaban  gfortoltning  tbe  words  do 
not  ad  mit  of  such  a  construction;  —  ttllabt  a 
allowed,  permitted;  (efter  Sooene)  legal,  lawful; 
røeterftoftemrt  er  -  the  metric  system  is  permis- 
sive.  -Ift'beUg  a  allowable,  pennissible;  (loblig) 
lawful.  -tabeligbeb  c  allowableness;  lawfulneas. 
-laøetfe  c  permission,  allowance;  (ØebiDing)  11- 
oense;  nteb  bered  -  with  your  permission,  under 
vour  favour,  if  you  please;  tron  jeg  mener,  meb 
$r.  ft'fi  -  I  bold,  pace  Mr.  N;  b«  ~  til  at  is 
allowed  to. 

Xiflabntng  c  loading  (of  a  sbip). 

•Sinag«'  adv  fe  %\\pai. 

XiDagt  fe  XiHæage. 

Xlttanbing  c  al  luvion,  deposit. 

XtttanbØ'  adv  by  land;  on  land;  Stangens  ftrig<> 
magt  -  og  titbanbl  tbe  military  and  naral  forces 
of  tbe  king;  $er  -  in  this  country. 

Xittaoje  vt  dress,  prepare,  cont  concoct;  ~ 
SDtaben  cook  the  dinner.     -tting  c  dressing  eta 

Xtl|lebe  vt  (8anb)  let  on,  carry.  -tebningS- 
grøft  feeder. 

XiØebet  <t  articulated,  jointed. 

tiUtj't  fe  Seje. 

Xiflrmøle  vt  adapt  (to),  accommodate  (to), 
modify  (according  to),  -ising  c  -er  (efter)  adap- 
tation (to);  modification. 

ttntb  c  (til)  confidence  el.  trust  (in),  reliance 
(on);  fyibe  -  til  bave  confidence  in,  faith  in, 
rely  upon;  fætte  ftn  ~  til  put  et.  repose  confidence 
in,  place  reliance  on,  put  trust  in;  bar  ingen  - 
til  barn  distrusts  him;  tabe  -en  tit  lose  confidence 
in;  i  -  tit  irusting  to,  on  the  strength  of.  — 
SiflibØ  |  er  Harring  fe  -botum.  -førbotb  relations 
of  confidence.  -fntb  a  confldent,  confiding, 
full  of  confidence,  trustful,  trust!  ng.  -fnlbbeb 
r  confidence,  trustfulness.  -bøerb  (commission 
of;  trust  •manb  trusted  agent,  deputy.  -øoft 
place,  offlce  et.  situation  of  trust,  -tegn  token 
et.  proof  of  confidence.  -øotnm  vote  of  con- 
fidence. XiaibOfftfenbe  a  that  inspires  confi- 

SiUi'ge  ndo  also,  too,  withal,  moreover. 
•meb  prop  togetber  with,  along  with;  f  adv  = 

XiOigge  vt  belong  to.  -*bc  a  adjacent;  be- 
longlng.   -nbe  «  adjacent  grounds,  surroundings. 

XfOigning  c  *i,  sewing  on  tbe  bolt-rope. 

Stttitne  te  glue  on  el.  up. 

Xiflirte  fig  vr  manouevre  one's  self  lnto  the 
poesesslon  of. 

Xiflifte  fig  vr  acquire,  obtain  by  artifice  et. 

XiØi'øe,  SUM*'  adv  fe  8ib. 

XiØøbjbe  vt  solder  to  el.  on.    -ning  o  soldering. 

XtllløHe  vt  allure.  -løffetfe  c  x  all  uremen  t, 
enticement.  -løttenbe  a  alluring,  enticing, 

Ziflnt|!e  vt  close,  shut.     -tting  e  closing  etc. 

ZiSttre  fig  vr  (f.  (K8.  Unberretning  om  noget) 
gain  (information  ofatbing)  by  eaves- dropping. 

ZiUnfre  flg  vr  obtain  surreptitiously  el.  by 
undue  means. 

Xlflnoniug  c  »f,  lufflng  (up). 

-tXiObne  tr  flash  upon. 

tiflbt'fe  fe  fibffe. 

XiKbfle  vt  proclaim,  publish  (the  baos  [of 
marriage]).  -tting  c  publication  of  the  bans. 
•ningftatteft  oertifieate  of  publication. 

Xin&ve  fig  ir  ascribe  falsely  toone'sself;  tit- 
lo  i  et  «  facUtious,  *ham. 

Xiflfltg  n,  pi  =,  (i  «lm.)  addition:  (til  ®og  el. 
©tab;  supplement,  pi  t  titføjelfer)  addenda  pi; 

(©fræbber*)  furnishing;  (af  Jcbeg)  breeding  (of 
cattle):  -  i  San  increase  of  salary;  gøre  be$ortgt 
-  pflQ  Ørunb  af  .  .  .  make  allowance  for.  Sil* 
tagge  rt  (føje  tit)  add,  adjoin,  superadd;  (ooer- 
brage)  confer  et.  bestow  upon;  (tilregne)  ascribe, 
attribute,  assign  to,  (ffgenfrab)  predicate  of;  fejl« 
agtig  -  misassign  to;  -  $igtigbeb  attacb  import- 
ance to;  -  Jtøorg  breed,  rear  cattle;  6øen  er  til« 
lagt  the  sea  is  covered  with  ice  et.  frozen  over. 
Xtflæggelfe  c  adding  etc.  SiØ<rg6>  additfonal, 
supplemental,  supplementary.  —  ZiØagØI afgift 
surtax,  surcharge,  -artifel  additional  artlcle. 
•befremmelfer  additional  provisions.  -brftitttag 
additional  grant,  -blab  supplement,  -bbr  ani- 
mal  el.  cattle  for  breeding  el.  to  breed  from. 
-for«  participle.  -fragt  eztra  freight.  -talø 
calf  to  be  reared.  -fube  breeding  hive.  -Ion 
supplement  al  law.  f-maabe  gram  participle; 
t  -nc  92utib,  gøxnutib  the  present,  past  participle. 
•monifeft  <£,  supp»ementary  manifest,  -orb  oram 
adjective.  -ør« mie  additional  el.  extra  pre- 
mium.  -ror  false  rudder.  *  -traf  additional 
punishment.  -tolb  extra  duty,  surcharge,  -traf« 
tat  supplementary  treaty. 

Sittngt  a  healed  up  el.  over. 

XiUreri  a  acqulred;  noget  .  something  one 
has  been  taught  to  do  et.  say;  e  grafer  phra^es 
learned  by  rote,  second-band  ph rases. 

Si  1 1  tø b  a,  pi  «=.  (om  Sanb)  afflux;  (om  WennefTer) 
conflux,  concourse;  (tit  ^op)  run,  start,  fio  at- 
tempt,  eflbrt;  tage  -  take  a  run  (before  leaping); 
$ob  meb  -  a  running  leap;  b^an  bar  altib  ftærlt  . 
af  unqe  goll  many  young  gentlemen  flock  to 
him  every  day;  ban  bar  ftarft  .  (om  ftøbmanb) 
he  bas  a  run  of  c us tomers,  -lobenbe  a  running 
(to  et.  up  to);  -  $unb  stray  dog;  benne  $unb  er 
fommet  .  this  dog  came  running  to  my  house. 
•tøbøfsnal  feeder. 

%\U6\tt  a  fe  ZiObbe. 

ZHmaa'be  odv  fe  9Raabe. 

Silmaalle  vt  measure  (out)  to;  fio  (om  Ziben) 
allot  to;  Ziben  er  mig  fnaøt  -It  the  time  allotted 
to  me  is  very  short,  I  am  pressed  for  time. 
-Ung  e  measuring  etc. 

titmoa  f*  adv  fe  9Raat  2. 

$i!tnab  c  by-meat,  vegetables. 

litmonbi'  adv  fe  9Ranb. 

Xifneb  adv  moreover,  besides. 

Xillmetbe  vt  communicate,  notify,  state  to, 
inform,  give  notice,  apprize  of.  -metbetfe,  -mel- 
bing  e  notification. 

Xitmobe  adv:  oet  .  in  good  splrits;  ilbe  .  in 
bad  splrits,  uneasy,  uncomfortable;  oære  .  fom 
om  feel  as  if;  ieg  bleo  flet  ifte  bel  .  berøeb  (bet 
flob  mig  i!!e  an)  I  did  not  like  it  at  all;  mere  et. 
btioe  un betlig  .  feel  Strange. 

tXitmo'rgen  [aa]  adv  F  this  morning. 

Zit|m*re  vt  wall  up,  brick  up.  -muring  c 
walling  up. 

Xitnagjte  vt  nail  up,  spike  up.  -ting  c  nail- 
ing  etc. 

Xitnaøn  n  surname;  meb  -  surnamed. 

Xilttifle  vt  (en)  nod  to  (one);  -  en  ttifalb  nod 
approbation  to  one. 

Xil|noer  melig  a  approachable.  -nærmetfe  c 
-r  approach,  approxlmation;  fio  advance.  -nar* 
»etfetøi*  adc  approximately;  anything  like;  a 
approxlmate,  approxiraative. 

tilnotone  vt  jvr  nominate,  appoint  (alonfr 
with  others). 

Xilnø'b,  tiforbe  fe  ttøb,  Orb. 

Xifooer«  [aa]  ado  (mere,  enb  ber  er  brugt)  left, 
over;  (mere,  enb  ber  bruge«)  to  spare;  ber  oteb  et 
gobt  ©ttjfle  of  fttcebet  -  there  was  a  large  plece 
of  the  cloth  left;  %an  bar  ingen  $enge  -,  men  ban 
mangler  IjeQer  ingen  $enge  be  has  no  money  to 




spare,  but  he  does  not  want  money  elther;  bet 
Stylte  bet  bleo  ~  the  remaining  pleoe;  bet,  bet 
Meb  .  the  remainder;  tøbe  -  for  be  partial  to; 
tøn  tør  meget  .  for  $igen  be  is  very  fond  of 
the  girl;  jeg  fer,  at  ieg  er  -  tør  I  percelve  I  am 
not  wanted  bere,  tbat  I  am  one  too  many  here. 
-iteoen  a  remaining,  lefl,  bet  -ne  the  remainder, 
tbe  reat;  ben  enefie   ne  the  only  one  left. 

Xityatjfe  vt  pack;  -  en  meb  Srtaber  muffle  one 
up;  tap  fuddled,  top-heavy.  -ning  c  pack- 
ing  etc. 

Xitøa*'  adv  suitable,  aright;  font  .  came  in 
very  well,  oame  handy;  tøn  tom  rigtig  .  he 
came  just  in  due  time  el.  very  opportunely;  ~ 
fattet  properly  salted;  er  bet  -?  will  that  do? 
i  ej  fan  albrig  gøre  tøm  noget  -  I  can  never  do 
anything  to  please  him;  øore  flg  fe(b  -  please 
one's  self;  gøre  afle  -  F  make  things  pleasant 
all  round;  ieg  et  iffe  ganfle  bel  -  I  don't  feel 
quite  well;  bet  font  mig  bet  .  it  stood  el.  served 
me  in  good  stead;  *•  (til  tøm)!  serve  him  right ! 

XHpaé\\t  vt  flt,  sult,  adjuat  (a  thing  to  an- 
other).    -Ring  o  fitting  etc.;  adjustment. 

Sil|ilcttr  vt  spot,  s  tal  ti;  Skoten  er  ganffe  -t  the 
dress  is  s  tal  ned  all  over. 

XilbHgte  vt  oblige,  bind. 

Xttptølle  vt  plough  (a  fleld).  -ning  c  ploughing. 

+Xitpxatte  ftg  vr  obtaln  by  importunity. 

Xityroplpe  vt  cork;  plug  up.  -ning  c  corking 

Xil|raai  n  cry,  shout  (to),  hall,  acclamation. 
-raabr  vt  cry,  shout  (to  one),  hall  (a  ship). 

Xilraabe  ado  fe  ftaab  1. 

Xiljrøabe  vt  advise,  counsel.  -r aa  belig  a  ad- 
visable.    -raabelfe  c  advice,  counsel. 

Xtlroabft'  adv  -.  fpørge  -  consult,  ask  advice  of. 

Xtlraffe  ve  P  (Hlfmubfe)  befoul,  dirty;  (ral«, 
tønbfe)  damage,  spoil;  Ao  abuse,  run  down. 

Xf  trane  fifl  vr  seize  on,  possess  one's  self  of, 
usurp.    -Ife  c  usurpation. 

Xtlrebe  adv  ready,  in  readiness. 

Xitrebe  vt  prepare,  make  ready;  (betønble) 
treat;  ilbe  titrebt  roughly  håndled  et.  treated; 
badly  damaged. 

Xitreben  u  (om  $eft)  trained,  broken  (in). 

Xitrebning  c  preparation,  arrangement. 

Xtf|  regne  vt  impute,  attribute,  ascribe,  (en  nt 
st  to  one),  set  down  to  one's  aocount.  -reg'ne. 
Ug  a  imputable,  (om  $erfon)  accountable.  -rtg'ne- 
ligtøb  c  imputableness;  acoountableness,  accoun- 
tability.    -reanelfe  imputatlon. 

Xitrejfe  c  fe  Qenrejfe.  -nbe  o  (passenger)  ar- 
riving;  oor  tommen  -  hed  arrived;  jeg  føgte  tøn* 
9taon  btanbt  be  -  I  looked  for  his  name  among 
the  arrivals. 

Xitrette  adv  aright;  fatte,  lægge  noget  -  set, 
put  *omething  to  rigbts,  adjust,  arrange,  (igen) 
rearrange;  fatte  fifl  -  seat  one's  self  comfort- 
ably;  oife  en  -  direct  one,  give  one  direotions; 
fe  -trife;  ieg  Ian  iffe  tomme  -  meb  tøm  I  can't 
come  to  an  understandlng  with  him;  ftfalpe  _ 
set  right;  tale  en  .,  tale  flg  -  meb  en  make  one 
listen  to  reason,  reason  with  one;  finbe  flg  -  see 
one's  way.  Xitrette  |  tagge  vt  arrange  (conve- 
niently),  set  out,  marshal.  -taggelfe  (conve- 
nient)  arrangement,  -bife  vt  reprlmand,  rebuke. 
-visning  c  -er  reprlmand,  rebuke,  wigging. 

Xllribe  vt  (en  $efi)  break,  train  (a  horse). 

Xllriglgc  vt  rig.  -ning  c:  ben  er  unber  -  sne 
i*  l>eing  rigged. 

Xitrtbe  ftg  vr  seize  upon,  usurp,  engross. 

Xilror*  fe  Stor. 

Xilrnfte,  Xllrnftning  fe  UbruRe. 

Xitttrøe,  -røge  vt  make  smoky;  bet  fmuffe  89e« 
trcef  er  ganffe  -t  the  flue  banglngs  are  quite 
smoke-stalned,   smoky;   -   et   VterfhimtyibetøDeb 

season  a  meerschaui>»-bowl;  .  et  (almtnbelÉ 
røioetøbeb  coat  (the  inside  of)  the  bowl  of 
pipe  by  smoking. 

Xttfaa  vt  sow  (a  fleld).    -ning  c  sowioø;. 

Xilfagn  n,  pi  —»,  promise. 

Ztlfalgl'  fe  6atg. 

Xilfam'mett  adv  together,  in  all;  betwei 
them.  -f*|e  vt  bibl  tøab  Qtøb  tør  t,  Hal  TOeo! 
ffet  llfe  abftiOe  what  God  hath  jolned  togetbe 
let  no  man  put  asunder.  -rage«  a  aggregat 
-tutti  adv  altogether,  in  the  aggregat«. 

•Xitfamfe  vt  flt  together. 

Xillfanbe  vi  get  sanded  up,  blocked  up  wfl 
sand;  -t  a  sanded  up,  silted  up,  -fanøiog 
belng  sanded  up. 

Xilfat*  fe  Xilfatntng. 

Xilfe  vt  look  to,  attend  to,  inspect;  supe 

Xil|fejlenbe  a  sadling  up.  -fejt«'  adv  und« 
canvas,  under  way. 

Xi(fenb|e  vt  send,  transmit,  forward  (to).  «cl| 
o  sending  etc.,  transmission. 

Xtlfengft'  adv.  goa  .  go  to  bed;  ligge  -  be  i 

Xitfi'be  ado  aside,  on  one  side,  out  of  tb 
way.  -»-tagge  vt  lay  aside.  -fatte  vt  set  el  1« 
aslde;  (en)  pass  (one)  by,  neglect  et.  slight  (one 
put  (one)  in  the  background;  tøn  -fatte  ben  a! 
minbettge  $øfliatøb  he  neglected  common  poliu 
ness.  -fattetfe  c  setting  aside;  passing  by,  n< 
glect,  slight;  bet  bar  ganffe  bift  en  .  af  S>ent  c« 
tainly  he  slighted  you;  meb  -  af  to  the  neglec 
of,  in  violation  of. 

Xilflbft'  ado  at  last,  at  length;  (beb  Opregn 
lastly,  flnally;  (i  (Ørnnben)  arter  all. 

•Xtlfig  n  afflux  (of  water). 

Xitlfigc  vt  (lobe)  promise;  (befale  at  møbe)  sum 
mon,  order  to  attend;  fnnb  Vtennefrefoiftanb  fond 
at  -  common  sense  seems  to  suggest;  fjoi*  bit 
fjærte  -r  big  if  you  find  it  in  your  beart.  -ftyelfi 
o  summons,  order  to  attend;  fe  øgfaa  Xilfagn 
•figetfe£bret  written  summons  el.  order  to  at 

Xttflgte  vt  intend,  alm  at;  bet  -be  pjenteb  tbe 
object  aimed  at. 

Xil| fifre  vt  (en  nt)  secure  (st  to  el.  for  one.. 
($enøe)  settle  st  upon  one.  -faring  c  securine 

Xilfinbi'  ado  disposed  fe  Sinb. 

Xitffabetommen  a  hurt,  injured,  wounded. 

Xitffam'me  adv:  gøre  -  abash,  shame,  put  to 

XilfHM'  adv  on  shlpboard.  onboard  ship. 

Xilffifte  vt  allot  to  one  (out  of  an  inheritance); 
+  .  flg,  fe  Xiftbtte  fig. 

Xitffiffe  vt  fe  Xitfenbe,  (beftemme,  gtoe  en  tit  fiob 
dispense,  des  tine,  allot.  -Ife  c  -r  dispensation 
(of  providence). 

Xtllffrift  c  written  communlcatton.  -fhribe  vi 
(flrtw  til)  wrlte  to;  (tiOogge,  gibe  ©ftjlb  for)  attri- 
bute, ascribe,  set  down,  impute  (st  to  one);  er 
at  -  is  attributable  to;  .  ftg  6ejren  clalm  the 


XitfTrme  vt  sorew  on;  serew  down. 

XtlfTnb  n,  pi  =,  (Qibrog)  con  tribution;  (af  bet 
Offentlige)  subsidy,  grant;  tøn  tør  giort  et  not  - 
af  20  »r.  he  has  paid  an  additional  sum  of 
twenty  er.;  tøn  faar  et  aartigt  -  af  100  Jtr.  he  re- 
ceives  an  annual  sum,  grant  et.  gift  of  100  er. 
in  aid. 

Xitfln'e  ado  fe  6tue  *. 

Xilffner  o  -e  spectator,  beholder,  looker-on, 
on- looker;  tøn  bar  tun  .  he  was  a  mere  spet*- 
tator;  -ne  paa  jtomeblen  the  audlenee  at  the 
theatre.  -banfe  ri  seats  of  the  theatre.  XII- 
fTnerinbe  c  -r  specutress.    Xilffncr^labfen  the 




riaditory,  the  auditorium,  the  audience  part  el. 
„  .  portion  of  the  theatre,  the  house. 

Xilffybe  vt  coutrlbute,  add. 
, .-;    CSUffftfle  vt  wash  ashore,  deposit. 

Xtljftbnbe  vt  prompt,  lndte,  stir  up;  -nbe  a 

:>rompting  etc.,  incentive.     -ffb*belfe  c  -r  in- 

-    Jitement,    incentive,    prompting,    stimulus;    af 

' *  »gen  _  of  one's  own  accord;  paa  .  af|at  the  in- 

•  «tance  of.    -flhjnber  c  -e  prompter,  inciter,  insti- 

, .  -<ator. 

Sil  |  Iføre  or  cut  out.     -fterer,  -ftererffe  o  fa- 
ih  Ioner,  cutter  out.     -ffdrrerbørb  cuttlng  board. 
-ffcererfnib    paring-knife.      -ffæretfafS    tailor's 
-r*cis8or8.    -{forring  c  cuttlng  out. 

Tilftatpt  vt  whet,  sharpen  at  the  point. 
2i(ft*9|e  vt  convey  (rn  nt  st  to  one).     -tting 
^   «  conveyance. 

3t!|f(aa  ol  knock  down  (at  an  auction).    -flag 
,    •     knocking  down   etc;    (beb   Smeltning)    flux 
(powder).     -flager   c   -e  hammer-man.     -flag* 
sjamuet  two-handed  hammer. 

-t£i(flefte  flg  or  obtain  by  flattery  cl.  cajolery. 
Silttitje  vt  sharpen.    -tting  c  sharpenlng. 
lilflifntng  c  siltlng. 

XUjflntntttg  c  accession,  voluntary  submisslon 
and  union,  sympathy,  adhesion,  response;  (8uT* 
nirtø)  shutting.    -flutte  vt  shut. 
Xuffange  of  throw  el  fllng  to. 
Sif  fl*r|e  vt  veil;  Æø  veil,  gloss  over.     -ing  c 
;."  veiling. 
'-.,     TUfmiare  flg  vr  acquire  by  flattery. 

SUfmuc  vt  smile  upon;    ~   rn   ©ifolb  smile 
approvlngly  to  one;  føm  -be  mig  fBtfalb  he  smlled 
.  --  his  approbation. 

XUfmiibfe  vt  soil,  dirty. 
$ilfnwr|e  or  besmear,  bedaub;  fe  Zitfmubfe. 
.    -ing  c  besmearing  etc. 

•XiWnaalt  fifl/  le  Zilfnige  flg. 
Sitfnabfe  vt  soli,  dirty. 
„     XUfne  ol  cover  up  wlth  snow,  snow  up. 

Silfnige   fig  or  obtain  fraudulently,  surrep- 
;    titiously,  obtain  by  underband  practices.   -Ife  c 
fraudulent  acquisltion,  surreption. 
Sltfnit  n  cuttlng  out;  cut,  form,  gulse. 
Xflfnbbe  fla  vr  obtain  by  fraud. 
Xilfnjjfte   flg   vr  obtain  by  parasitlcal  arts, 

-  cog. 

*'      £Hfit#r|e  vt  lace  together  el.  up;  .  Struben 
paa  en  strangle  one.    -Tag  ladng  etc. 

XUjtøibfe  or  sharpen  at  the  point,  point  fogf. 
fio) .  Uper;  -fptbfr t o (ogf .  fig)  polnted.    -fptbtd* 
aina  c  pointing;  taper. 
$Tl|f»tgre  or  nail  up.   -fftigring  c  nailing  up. 
SiftøUVc  adv  fe  Spilb,  ©pilbe  c. 
~       ZHføiUe  fig  vr  galn  by  play  el.  gamlng. 

XWipW  adv  J, :  rafle  -  bring  to  the  capstan 
'  el.  windlass. 

+3ilf*rang  n  run,  fe  ZiQsb. 
.      SHtørfJtet  a  bespattered. 

-  Silfftnnfe  vt  bung  up. 
"      XUfnn  or  bespew. 

Zilfotttte  vt  bespit. 

Silfftftble  or  add.  superadd,  mix  with.   -»ing 
r  adding  etc.,  addition,  ad  mixture. 
■  «      Xlttø«r|re  or  bar,  barricade.    -ring  c  barring 
"J   etc. 

;,'      Zilf»*rg|e  or  questlon,  ask  a  question.   -f*l  c 
;»  questionlng,  interrogating. 

3Ufta«  or  (betenbe)  confess;  (bebaaa)  admit, 
own;  (beotlge)  grant,  accord  to;  ftorbrpberen  far 
t  the  crlmlnal  has  confessed;  jeg  -r,  at  leg  iffe 
.  fsr  inbfaa  bet  rigtige  beri  I  own  that  I  did  not 
,".  sec  the  truth  of  lt  before;  jeg  -r,  at  Jeg  et  træt 
.,  I  confess  that  I  am  tired  el.  I  confess  to  belng 
I  tired;  bet  moa  jeg  .!  upon  my  word!  in  all 
',    eorucienoe  I  .  $ribilegitt  grant  pririleges.    -elfe  I 

Sarfen:  Sanff'Cngelf!  Orbbog. 

e  r  confession;  admittance;  Onbtømmefle;  9e> 
biHing)  concession;  (af  Vtobtagetfe)  acknowledg- 

Zilftanb  c  state,  condltion;  i  ben  -  at  in  a 
state  to;  i  eu  baarlig,  flent  .  in  a  bad  way,  case 
el.  plight. 

ZHftebe  [et]  vt  allow,  grant. 

Xilfte'se  [«[  adv  at  hånd,  present;  fomme  . 
(igen)  come  back,  return;  be  found,  oome  to 
rights;  Softoren  tom  burtig  -  the  doctor  was 
promptlv  in  attendance;  bære  .  be  by,  be  at 
home,  (fortøanben)  be  forth-coming  ter  er  ingen 
$ate  .  there  is  no  danger.  -lomfl  e  arrlval; 

Zitfle'belig  [oe]  a  allowable,  permlssible.  -b«b 
e  a11owablenes8.  Zllftebelfe  e  allowance,  grant, 

$Ufte'be|»«retff,  -varen  c  presence.  -narenbe 
a  present;  In  attendance;  en  af  be  .  $errer  one 
of  the  gentlemen  present;  be  -  the  company; 
brr  fon  naturligbii  iRe  boere  Zale  om  be  «  the 
present  company  always  excepted. 

*ZUflelning  c  -et  arrangement. 

SMftifte  or  slip  into  one's  hånd. 

Xifftillte  or  remit,  send,  hånd,  wait  upon  one 
with     -ling  c  remitting. 

SUftimlenbe  part  crowding  in 

Zilfrfffle  fia  vr  (noget)  take  (a  thing)  by  theft, 
purloin,  steal  (a  thing). 

Silftø'f*  adv  fe  Stol. 

SitftøplPt  v*  "top  up,  fill  up,  plug  up;  choke 
up.    -»ing  c  stopping  etc. 

+ZUfrrifce  fig,  fe  tillæmpe  fig. 

+Zilftrtoge  vt:  rilfhrbg  betel  Øine  WMshuttheir 

Zilflraebe  ol  aim  at,  asptre  to. 

£il|ftr«Re  vi  sufflce.  -nræl'feHg  a  sufficient, 
adequate.  -fhraff eliglpeb  c  suffldency,  adequacy. 

Xilftr9m\mt  vi  pour  in,  rush  in:  ol  pour  in 
upon;  -menbe  part  b  a  affluent;  bet  qeftigt  - 
8anb  the  violent  flow  of  water;  ben  -  ffoRe* 
madfe  fptbte  fnart  $ufet  the  house  was  soon  fllled 
by  the  crowd  of  people  rushing  into  it.  -tting  e 
affliix,  affluxion,  influx;  ^af  %oXt)  concourse. 

Ziljnbfle  ol  trim.    -ning  c  trimming. 

Zilftsnbenbe  a  approach  ing. 

Silfrnoe  or  stow  full. 

ZHHamat  vt  shut,  lock,  fasten,  bar. 

Zilftamre  or  bespatter. 

Zi(|flab  n  mishap,  reverne,  -fttie  vt  k  i 
happen,  befall;  brr  maa  ba»te  -bt  tytm  et  Ubelb  he 
must  have  met  with  some  accident,  -ftobenbe 
a  adjacent,  adjolning;  (Omfkænbtg^eb)  unforeseen, 

ZilfUbe  or  cover  with  dust. 

t^ilfttble  ol  soli,  defile,  dirty,  foul. 

Zlllfoar  n:  paa  eget  Zn*  og  .  at  one's  own 
peril.  -føare  or  answer  to.  -fosreube  a  corre- 
spondlng,  to  correspond,  parallel,  fellow,  to 
match;    proportionate;    i   -   Øtab    correspond- 

lilfbine  or  soli,  dirty,  foul;  -  flg  soli  el.  dirty 
one's  self,  make  a  mess  of  one's  self. 

Zilfoatrgc  or  swear  to;  be  titfoor  fnnanben  ebig 
Xxoftab  they  swore  each  other  eternal  fidel  ity. 
•Ife  c  swearing. 

Sfffh  ol  sew  on  el.  up. 

XilfDtt  n  inspection,  superintendence,  oare, 
supervision;  bane  .  meb  see  to,  look  after. 

Xilfb'ne  «ao  in  sight;  fomme  -  (abe  fig  - 
appear,  come  to  light,  <f,  (%\)z,  Santetne)  open 
out;  fomme  .  iqen  reappear.  -fømfi,  -Isbeffe  c 
appearance;  phenomenon.  *(abenbe  a  apparent, 
seemlng,  ostensible;  adv  apparently  etc. 

Ziifttning  c  sewing  on,  sewing  up. 

ZiffttnØlemvebe  bibl  bishopric.     -|abenbe   a 





Jn  charge;  e  superintendent.  -fommiØfiøn  board 
of  inspectors.  -inanb  inspector,  aurveyor,  super- 
visor, superintendent,  careUker.  -»ørrge  guardian 
for  absent  hefr«. 

SHf*t|te  rt  (tilføje)  put  to,  add.  rom  ftørmue) 
loæ;  aquander  away;  ^  (Sej!)  net  (»11);  Hlfæt 
flfrr  Sejl  clap  more  aalls  on  her;  -  Sagerne 
(Smp.)  tighten  np  tbe  bearinga;  -  fiibft  periah, 
loae  one's  life.  -minø  c  er  addition,  admlxture, 
alloy  (alle  ogf.  /tø);  los«:  <J,  »etting  (of  sail), 
making  (sall;;  Iø#ne  en  (Smø.)  slack  the  bear- 

Silftfe  vt  soil,  dlrty. 

SUfømmr  of  uail  up. 

Sif  fød'  adv:  Mere  .  be  at  sea;  aoo,  fare  -  go 
to  æa:  rejfe  .  og  titlonb*  go  by  water  and  by 
land:  fe  Sø. 

Sfftaa'T*  adv  fe  laal  n. 

tiltag  n  energy,  enterprise. 

Sil |faøe  or  fifl  aasume  (to  one's  self):  **«  in- 
crea*e,  grow;  «  i  Viber  grow  older;  .  i  BiSbom 
grow  wlser;  -  i  Irrcrfter  gafn  strength,  get 
ai ronger;  -tagenbeo  increasing  etc.;  ker  cres- 
cent,  increscent;  ben  -nbe  SRaane  tbe  increasing 
moon,  the  crescent;  ben  til'  04  oftagenbe  Vtaane 
the  waxing  and  the  wanfng  moon.  -tagen  c, 
-taøenbe  *  increase;  barre  i  -  be  on  tbe  In- 

Siftaf'fe  adv:  tage  .  put  up  with,  be  satlsfled 
with;  tage  -  ftneb  (bab  Øufet  fotmaar)  take  pot 
-luck,  bu  maa  tage  -  von  must  do  as  we  do 

Siftaf|fe  »f  rig     -lina  o  rigging. 

Siftafe  of  accost,  aadress,  (en  SRangbe)  ha- 
rangne;  jvr  proaecute,  sue;  fia  attrår t;  commend, 
recommend  ef.  approve  itaelf  to;;  boere  -It  for  be 
el.  stand  accuaed  of;  (ben)  -te  tbe  accnsed,  the 
defendant;  bet  -r  mig  ifte  I  don't  fancy  el.  like 
it,  it  doea  not  take  my  fancy,  does  not  oom- 
mend itaelf  to  me;  fale  fifl  -It  of  take  kindly  to; 

nbe  o  pleasing,  pleaaant,  winning,  taking, 

engaging,  øympathetic;  libet  .  nnaympathetic 
Siftafe  c  addresa,  jvr  proaecution;  (an  er  fat 
lin  bf  t  .  an  action  has  been  brought  against 
him;  bon  bar  oarrt  unber  .  for  f^alfT  he  haa  been 
prosecuted  for  forgery;  (an  er  bleben  hifunben 
for  bibere  -  he  has  been  aoquitted  for  want  of 
evidence,  there  waa  a  verdict  of  Not  groven; 
piw  en  Simr  paa  «.  give  one  tit  for  tat,  return 
tbe  compllment 

Sifteftamentcre  of  beqneath  to. 

Siltiftøe  flg  ør  obtain  by  begging. 

Siltingr  fig  or  negotiate. 

SMtørbne  rt  rry  to  one  with  a  thnndering 

SUtørbft"  fe  lort). 

Siltratnbr  øf  t  ram  pie  (down). 

Sif  fra  vt  (rn)  give  one  oredit  for;  ieg  -r  (om 
alt  gobt  I  expect  nothing  but  good  from  him; 
m  faaban  Onbffab  funbe  jeg  irfe  -  barn  I  rould 
never  have  anspected  him  of  auoh  malice;  -  flg 
ot  feel  confldent  of,  make  an  re  of.  Siftro  c 
confldence,  trust,  faith;  finbe  -  flnd  credence; 
habf  -  Hf  place  (one's)  confldence  in,  put  one's 
tm»t  in;  man  fan  tfte  (abe  -  til  barn  he  is  not  to 
be  relied  on;  jeg  bar  ingen  ftmberiig  -  til  (am  I 
entertain  no  very  hlgh  opinion  of  him. 

SUtrøbfr  flg  or  obtain  by  tbreata,  bul  ly  (one) 

Siftrnmfe  ftg  b.  '. 

Siltrtiftle  'fig  vr  obtain  by  importunate  solicita- 
tion el.  begging. 

Si  (tratte  ot  (et  (hnbebe,  Bro)  atep  into.  enter 
upon;  »et  ftorbunb,  £fnteretffntfYab)  enter  into, 
join;  irøening.  $trinfl)  aubacTihe  to,  agree  with; 
-  m  Kejff  pft  out  upon,  8tart  on,  proceed  on, 
begin,  a  journey  el.  voyage;  .  et  ftorflag  second 

a  motion;  lom  Tan  -i  frrof«  with  immediate  pc*, 
aession;  ben  -nbe  (Oeft(rer  ofB.)  the  aucoeedin^ 
(manager  etc.);  -nbe  6u6ffri6enter  intending  m^ 
acribera.  -ffe  c  (af  (hnbrbe#  ©oM  ofo.)  uteppin? 
into,  en  tering  on  el.  upon;  (HI  Zronen)  avcws- 
sinn  (to  the  throne);  (of  en  Rejfe)  petting  om; 
bfb  ttrbent  -  on  (the)  taking  possessioii  of  th^ 
inheritanre.  —  Slttræbelfr*!gtlbe  admission  din 
ner.  •arabifen  inaugnral  ærmon,  entrance 
•aermon.    -tale  inaugural  addresa. 

SU|rr«ffe  of  attrået;  ($1anter)  raise;  -  f a  vr 
attrået,  draw  npon  el.  to  one's  self.  -trattfetiø  4 
attractable.  -trotffelfgbeb  c  attrået abili ty.  -tutt- 
fenbe  a  attractive;  .  ShaH  attractlve  force;  omi 
(ar  et  meget  .  8«fen  abe  has  very  engagin? 
manners.  -trsfMiMø  e  attraction;  ralsing.  -vinge- 
!raft  c  attractive  force  el.  energy,  (ogf.  fie) 
(power  of)  attraction,  fia  charm. 

SI  1  trom  g  e  vt  need,  stand  in  need  of. 

+Siftr«nøe  fig  or  obtain  by  violent  mean«, 
arrogate  to  one  s  self,  nsnrp. 

Siftaffe  fip.  fe  XiloQtte  flg. 

Siltaingr  flg  or  obtain  by  force,  force;  (an 
Hftoang  flg  SBogen  he  forced  the  book  from  me. 

Si(tael|ie  of  connt  out  to  one.  -li*ø  c  couni- 
ing  out  etc. 

Siffatnte  of  intend  for;  +  fe  tiltro. 

Silbanb*'  adv  by  water,  fe  Wibe;  ftrioimoøtra 
HllanM  og  -  the  Anny  and  tbe  Navy;  »ort  Hanbi 
f^orfbar  ttØanM  og  -  tbe  defence  of  our  country 
ashore  and  afloat;  gorbinbeffen  ~  the  water-com- 

Siloant  a  habitual,  arcustomed;  bet  -e  one's 
old  habit«;  the  old  groove. 

SU  neje  of  weigb  out  to  one. 

Sil  »ej 'e  adv:  bringe,  ftaffe  -  procure.  -(rin|e 
procure,  provide;  ($enge)  raise;  (bringe  iftaab) 
effen,  bring  about; «.  Crben  restore  order.  -tris* 
øeffe  c  procuring  etc.,  procurement;  restoration. 

Slibejr«'  adv  ,£.  aloft. 

Silbef »fe  flg  or  (f .  9iti.  (Bulb  for  Salv)  (ex)chance 
(sllver)  for  (gold). 

Siloenbe  of  procure,  (en  nt  st  for  one);  —  vr 
flg  acquire  el.  obtain  by  underband  meana. 
contrive  to  get  possession  of,  approprlate  to 
one's  self.    -Ife  c  appropriation. 

Silnenfrre  adv  to  the  left;  on  the  lefl  (hånd); 
mil  fr  . !  eyea  left ! 

Siftifte  of  waft  to;  -be  (am  mit  garbel  waved 
my  handkerchief  to  him. 

Sitoinbe  flg  tr  galn,  win.   -ffe  c  galning  etc. 

Slibinfe  of  nod  to;  -  en  fWalb  nod  approba- 
tion to  one. 

Silbirfle  of  manufacture:  -  ftfebe  of  Ulb  el. 
©omulb  work  wool  el.  cotton  into  cloth.  -aing 
c  manufacture. 

Silbit'fe  adv  certalnly,  asBuredly. 

Siloogné'  adv  by  carriage   drivlng. 

SilootØmbc  o  increasing;  ben  .  Ungbom  the 
riaing  generation. 

Stlorifre  flg  or  gain,  obtain  (by  force);  ban  bf 
flg  SSriffn  he  carried,  won  the  prixe. 

Silborbd'  adv.  flao  .  lay  a  wager:  jeg  tril  flaa 
.  mrb  big  om  (tab  bet  ftal  bare  I  will  bet  yon 
sny  aum. 

SiløfffØt  c  Increase,  augmentation,  acceasion, 

Siløatnne  rt  habituate,  inure,  accustom  to; 
tilnont  a  fe  ooenfor. 

Sif|»arelfe  (+-b(tr  c  b  n)  c  existence,  beine: 
Srompen  tor  -n,  Silvareffedlfamtom  the  struavle 
for  existence.  -løn  law  of  existence  -tilfUnl 
state  of  heing.  Si  Ib«  ren  o  being.  Sll»«rra>f 
o  exiMlng,  existent. 

Silbttrfé'  adv:  poo  .  go  about  it. 

SKorgte  adv  fe  røgte. 




Xftfttøe  vt  fe  tiltøage. 

Tll'suftt  rt  wish;  frø  -r  tern  fait  muligt  $e!b 
I  wish  you  every  success. 
Xfaria'l  c  ralsed  pie. 
Xime  e  -r  hour;  (llnberoilntng««)  lesson;  paa  en 

-  in  an  hour;  paa  -n  immediately;  øm  en  -  in 
an  hour;  om  en  -*  Zib  in  an  hour  or  bo,  for  en 

-  fiben  an  hour  ago;  ieg  benter  tøm  faer  ~  I  ezpect 
him  hourly;  bPer  ~  paa  tagen  every  hour  in  the 
day;  ban*  -  er  flaaet  his  hour  is  come;  -r  igen« 
nem,  tøle  -r  for  hours;  tage  -t  tøs  take  lessons 
from.  of  el.  with;  fe  Sebtg.  ttme|  betaling  pay 
for  the  hour.  -øret  hour-dial.  -bon  hourly 
prayer.  -cirtef  art  horary  circle,  hour-circle. 
-glo*  hour-glass,  sand-glans,  -pjat  hour-wheel 
of  a  watch,  count-wheel.  -flotte  clock  that 
strikes  the  hour.  -Urfel;  for  -  wben  hlred 
by  time.  -lang  «  f.  <Sf8.  et  -t  Optølb  a  pause 
of  an  hour;  -e  taler,  $ra>bifener  ofb.  speeches, 
sermon*  that  last  for  hours;  tølbe  -e  taler 
speak  for  hours.  Statelig  a  temporal:  bet  -e 
thi n gu  temporal;  fortabe  bet  -e  depart  this  life. 
ttwellgbeb  e  temporal  existence  tinte  |  linie 
honr-line  on  a  sun-dial.  •larver  private  teacher, 
teaeher  who  gives  lessons  by  the  hour.  -Ua  fe 
-betaling.  time*  vd  happen,  beftdl.  Siaulffeg 
honr-stroke  (on  the  clock).  -tot  sun-dial.  -tabel 
table  of  lessons,  tlme-table.  -tal :  i  ..  fe  -trit. 
-tavle  fe  -tabel,  -nnberoiftntng  instruction,  teach- 
ing  by  the  hour.  -»ti  adv  by  the  hour;  i  -  for 
hours  (together).  -»Intel  aet  horary  angle,  hour 
•angle,    -øifer  honr-hand. 

tim  ion  c  thyme,  Tkymu*  vuløari*;  øttb  -  wild 
thyme.  mother  of  thyme,  T.  »erpyllum. 

XtmøtøeJ'  c  tim'othyf-grass),  berds-grass,  cat's 
-tail-grafts,  Pkleum  praten**.    -grat*  b.  f. 

timo  tben*  Tlm'othy,  Tim. 

timnr  Timour. 

tin'  n  (rent)  tin;  (blanbet  meb  ©lp,  og  anbre 
SRetaØet)  pewter. 

tinamn  c  tin'amuø,  tinamou. 

tin'lafte  oxide  of  tin,  tln-putty.  -bitlorib 
stannous  chloride.  -Mab  tinfod,  -bli!  tin-plate. 
•beger  tin-  el.  pewter-cup.    -baafe  tin-box. 

ttnb,  ttnbe  e  -r  (tøalb*)  peak,  (ogf.  Ao)  sum- 
mit, plnnacle;  fio  acme;  (paa  SRur,  taarn)  bsttle- 
ment  (of  a  tower  el.  wall);  (i  $orø  el.  fHøe) 
tooth,  tine.  *tinbe  vt  tooth  fa  rake).  tinbe- 
beftiger  Alpine  climber.  tinbtngc  bibl;  paa  -n 
af  templet  on  a  pinnacle  of  the  temple. 

tinbing  e  -er  temple.  —  ttnbinge|ben  temporal 
el.  temple  bone  -tøar  halr  on  the  temples. 
-bnle  temporal  fosse,  -muffe!  temporal  muscle. 
thtbingftønløaare  temporal  artery. 

tinbre  vi  sparkle,  twinkle;  -nbe  a  sparkling 
etc  ;  F  -  gal  in  a  towering  rage.  ttabrea  c 

•ttuboeb  c  fe  tibfe. 

tine  e  -r  a  kind  of  round  wooden  box  el. 

'tine  vt  k  i  thaw. 

»tine  vt  (*tø)  hammel. 

tin  lerté  tin-ore  -fab  pewter-dish.  -fil  tin 
file  fUfpaan  tin-filings,  -folie  fe  -Mab.  -for* 
ilte  fe  -ogtøul.    -førenbe  a  Un-bearing. 

ting  c,  pi  =,  thing;  ben  (+bet)  lille  naløife  . 
the  pert  little  hussy;  tøn  tør  flet  ingen  .  he  has 
got  nothing  at  all;'bfonb  bu  big  ttte  i  anbreft  . 
don  t  you  meddle  in  wbat  does  not  concern  you; 
boab  ber  giorbe  en  enbnu  oarre  to  make  mattern 
worse;  tøn  forftoar  fig  Iibt  paa  mange  -,  men  fan 
intet  ttløaønø  he  is  Jack  of  all  trådes  and  master 
of  none;  fremfor  aDe  .  above  all;  bet  Par  ftore  - 
at  it  was  a  grand  thing  to;  it  was  a  wonder 
that;  ban  tør  ftore  -  i  Sinbc  he  forms  great 
itfhemes;  Padfe  fine  ~  mind  one's  business;  ben  - 

that;  -enr  (i  fclm.)  things;  -ene«  tilftanb  the  state 
of  things. 

ting  n,  pi  —  (<5teb,  tøot  »et  tølbeft)  court, 
assize;  teyre;  (repr.  ftørfaml.)  house;  tølbe  .  ad- 
minister  justice;  paa  -e  in  court;  in  parliament. 
tingjbog  minutes  of  assize.  -bnb  summons  to 
an  assize  -bag  assize-day.  -følt  those  who 
meet  at  an  assize.  -freb  peace  established  at 
assizes.  -Ipolb  holding  of  assizes.  -b»*  assize 
-house,  hall  of  Justice.  Mag  circult.  -lljfe, 
-loefe  vt  publish  el.  proclaim  at  an  assize,  register, 
record  (in  the  register  of  mortgages),  file.  -!•#• 
ning,  -lutalng  publication  el.  proclamation  at 
an  assize,  recording.  -laøningdprototol  register 
of  mortgages  -monb  one  who  meets  at  an 
assize.  +-reife  circuit,  teyre.  ting  tb  om  judg- 
ment  of  assize.  tingteb  oath  taken  at  an 
assize.  ting Iffri Per  clerk  of  assize.  -fteb  place 
of  assize.  -ftnb  pettifogger.  -ftae  justice-hall. 
tingtpibne  extract  of  the  records  of  an  assize. 

tinge  vi  bargaf n,  higgle;  vt  .  i  Seere  bind 
apprentlce;  .  i  Ifoft  put  out  to  board,  board; 
~  fig  i  ftoft  bo«  board  with;  *  .  contract  el. 
bargain  for,  bespeak,    tingen  c  bargaining. 

tingeft  c  -er  f  fe  ting.  tinglig  a  pertainlng 
to  things. 

tingning  c  bargaining. 

tingen be  c  tin-mine,  stannary. 

tlttttA|leJe  hlre  of  things.  -retten  the  Rights 
of  Things. 

tinltønbel  tin-trade.  -banbler  dealer  in  tin. 
•ilte  fe  -oftb. 

tintal  n  tinkal. 

tinlfait  fe  -affe.  -tanbe  tin  pot.  -fW  tin 
-pyrites.  -tloriP  stannic  chloride.  -tlorttr  fe 
-biflorib.    -fnop  tin  button.    -tmé  tin  Jug. 

ttinffmeb  c  wood  gambet,  Totarmt  glartola; 
fort  .  green  gambet,  T.  ockropu*. 

tinftn  r  c  -er  tinc'ture 

tlnllag  tin  deposlt.  -lob,  -lobning  tin  solder, 
-opn  furnace  for  smelting  tin.  -«jbb  stannic 
hydrate  el.  acid  -or^bnl  stannous  oxide.  -Plabe 
tin-plate.  -Pletter  (6tfbn.)  tin-stains.  -rnlleroU 
of  tin.  -rteffe  shelf  for  pewter-platei.  -fait  tin 
-salt,  murlate  of  tin.  -ffe  pewter-spoon.  -folbat 
tin  soldier.  -ftea  tin-stone.  -fUber  pewterer. 
•ftpre  fe  -ojijb.  -flyreanbbbrib  stannic  oxide. 
-1tt*tØtt»ttf  stannous  hydrate.  -talerten  pewter 
-plate,  tin-plate. 

tiate  c  -r  bladder-worm,  CyticartmB;  pi  0)0% 
Sotn)  measles.  -orm  fe  tinte,  tintet  a  measled, 

ttnltetraflorib  fe  -Horib.  -Uj  pewter- ware, 

tip'  o  -per  tip. 

tip'olbefaber  o  great-great-grandtatheT. 

tipolbemober  c  great-great-grandmother. 

ti|pnnber  tenpounder.  'pnnbig  a  of  ten 

tipPogn  c  tip-cart. 

tira'be  c  -r  tirade. 

tfrallje're  vi  sklrmish;  mere  draw  accommoda- 
tion  bilis,  -for  c  -er  skirmisher.  -Jo'rffltgtnhm 
c  skirtnish. 

tirlftaage  c  ^  fe  JfsOingetanb. 

tiro'nMI  a:  -e  ftoter  Tironian  notes. 

tirre  vt  tease,  irritate,  goad.  tirrea  e  teaslng 

tirtbag  e  Tuesday;  i  -«  last  Tuesday. 

tifa'ae  c  ptis'an. 

ti  ffe  vi  whisper. 

tidPe  e  -r  bitch. 

ttift  c  -er,  fe  $1op-.    tiftereat  flail-strap. 

•ttftel  c  -er,  fe  ttbfel. 

tifltrie  c  -r  F  chemise,  shift. 

tit'  ado  fe  tibt. 




Sit':  lege  -  play  at  bopeep. 

Xitél  n  ten.  -fbftemet  the  decimal  system  el. 

Xita'n  e  -er  Ti'tan.  Titan  n tita'nium.  -bal- 
big  a  titaniferous.  Uta'niff  Titan'ic,  Ti'tan; 
titan'ic.  XUa'n\\«tn  titanic  iron.  -fart  Galt 
ti'tanate.    -fure  titanic  add. 

Ytitt  e  -r  sandpiper,  Totanu*. 

*%itt  c  -r  titmouse,  Panu. 

Xit'el  c  -tier  title;  unber  .  af  under  the  tltle 
of.  nnrl  title-sbeet.  -bittebe  fe  -lobber.  -blab 
tltle-leaf,  ti  tie  page.  -bøgftab  typ  two-llne-1  etter. 
-tablet  frontispiece.  -rolle  title-oharacter,  title 
-role,  title  part.  -febbel  title-slip.  -flige  title 
-mania.    -bignet  fe  -føbber. 

Sirre'r|anat*fe,  -metøbe  c  titration. 

%\tte  vi  peep.    -leg  c  bopeep. 

Zttnlttinr  c  titles.  Zirule're  vt  title,  entitle, 
style,  name,  address,  (for  fait)  dnb.  Xitultt'ta 

Tint  e  -er  capercallzie,  wood-grouse,  cock  of 
the  wood,  Tetrao  urooallu* 

SUre  c  -r  coln  of  ten  „fDre". 

tSJabbrr  c,  tjabre  vi  fe  Stabber,  flabre. 

Xjalt  c  -et  4,  tjalk. 

tXiot'  n  F  tat,  pat,  rap.    %[*ttt  vt  tat,  rap. 

tZfaP6  c  tatter,  rag.    Sfapfct  a  tattered. 

tSjelb  n,  pi  «,  tent.  tSfelbe  vi  k  t  poet 
pitch  the  tent:  hang,  drape. 

*$jelb  e  fe  6tranbffabe. 

Zjtnt  [«].  tie'nte,  tfe'nt  vi  A  l  serve;  (fortjene) 
earn;  .  fom  Stuepige  be  a  house-maid;  fjun  maa 
ub  at  .  she  must  seek  menial  employment; 
bibl  er  iffe  lommen  for  at  labe  fig  -,  men  for  at  - 
came  not  to  be  mlnistered  nnto,  but  to  minister; 
.  $enge  make  money;  bet  er  noget  at  -  there  is 
money  to  be  made;  -r  gobt  has  a  good  income; 
makes  a  large  profit;  .  flt  ©røb  earn  one's 
living,  -  Iibt  s>aa  en  ffiffelig  SRaabe  turn  an  honest 
penny;  ban  -r  bo*  mig  he  is  in  my  service;  tjen 
mig  i  at  .  .  .  oblige  me  by  .  .  .  el.  do  me  the 
favourto. . .;  ff&ormebfan  ieg  . .  .  $em?howean 
I  be  of  service  et.  useful  to  you?  bet  fan  jeg  iffe 
bare  -nt  meb  that  won't  do  for  me,  that  won't 
serve  my  turn;  føm  bar  -nt  ftg  op  til  Øeneral  fra 
6olbat  he  has  served  up,  worked  bis  way  up, 
from  the  ranks  and  become  a  general;  .  faa  og 
faa  meget  paa  make  so  much  by;  ieg  tjente  20 
Saler  (paa  forretningen)  I  was  20  dollars  in 
pocket;  bette  ffaf  .  big  til  Hbbarfel  this  shall 
be  a  warning  to  you;  bbab  flat  bet  -  tit?  what's 
the  use  of  that?  bet  -r  tøm  til  Unbffbjbning  it  is 
some  exouse  for  him.  may  plead  his  excuse; 
bibl  bbab  bet  t  til  btn  greb  the  things  which 
belong  unto  thy  peace;  —  ti  en  en  be  o:  ben  -nbe 
JetoSfe  the  menial  olass;  bibl  -nbe  ttanb  minlster- 
ing  spirit;  joc  en  -nbe  Vanb  a  Jack-in-offlce. 
biener  c  -e  (man-)servant,  footman,  groom;  lille 
~  tiger;  Jrirfeni  .  minister;  Staten*  .  public 
functlonary;  ærbøbigfle  -  your  ser  vant,  your 
obedient  servant;  fom  $erren  et,  faa  er  -en  like 
master,  like  man,  bad  masters  make  bad  ser- 
vante. —  Zfenerlarbefbe  man-servant's  work; 
menial  work.  -brat  fe  -faebe.  -bragt  servant's 
dress,  livery.  -batb  keeping  of  servante.  Sfrner- 
in'be  e  -r :  Seref  aerbøbtge  -  your  humble  servant; 
bibl  £errent  -  the  handmald  of  the  Lord. 
£j  ener  jf  ammer  servante'  room.  -fjolr  livery 
-coat  -la*  (man-)servant,s  wages.  -perfonale, 
SJeuerffab  n  domesti  es,  servante  j>l.  Xjenerlffare 
host  of  servante,  -flabber  servante'  gossip.  -ftonb 
condition  of  a  servant.  -fæbc  (paa  en  ttagn) 

Zjenefte  [et]  c  -r  service.  (Jronbttton)  place;  fe 
Kongelig;  gøre  ~  serve;  gøre  -  fom  serve  for  el. 
as,  do  duty  for;  assist  et.  offlciate  as;  gør  gob  - 

works  el.  answers  very  well;  gør  -  boabe  fom  .  . 
og  fom  pays  the  double  debt  of  .  .  .  and  o(: 
gøre,  oife  en  en  -  do  el.  render  one  a  service: 
bit  $e  itfe  gøre  mig  ben  ~  at  .  .  .  please,   do  me 
the  mvour  to  .  .  .;  tilbøb  tøm  min  -  offlered  him 
my  services;  babe  -  mil  be  on  duty;  bat*  _  Det 
$offet  be  in  waiting;  opflge  -n  (om  XieneftefølT 
give  warning;   tage   -   go  into    service:    tak" 
service  el.  employ;  ban  tog  -  ljø*  mig  he  entered 
my  service:  tage  .  i  $aren  go  into  the  tnsv; 
tage  _  fom  Slatrod  enter  the  service  as  a  s&ilor: 
ber   er  en  gob  .  lebig  there  is  a  good   place 
vacant,   ben  ene  _  er  ben  anben  bærb  one  good 
turn  deserves  et.  asks  another;  i  -n  on  service. 
$an  er  gammel  i  -n  fom  Jrrigfttjenefte)  he  is  an  old 
soldler;  troebe  i  -n  enter  the  service;  ban  er  enbnu 
i  -n  he  is  still  a  soidier,  he  has  not  yet  served 
his   time;   i  nbentanbf!   .   on   foreign    service: 
er  i  afrito   -   is  on   the  active   list;    6Kb  i  . 
snip  in  commission;  bleb  tagen  i  bere#  .  wa? 
retained  by  them;  bbab  flaar  til  _?  what  arp 
your  commands?    what  is  for  your  service - 
flaar  til  -  for  is  at  the  disposal  of;  bet  flaar  til 
Serel  .  you  are  welcome  to  it;  jeg  er  el.  ftoar 
ganfte  til  2)ereft  .lam  entirely  at  your  service; 
til  .   at  your  service;  nb  en  -  out  of  place. 
Xjeneftelaar  pi  years  of  service,   -olber  seniority 
in  service  et.  office.    -anliggeaber :  i  _  on  ser- 
vice,  -otte*;  certiflcate  of  service,  -bolig  lodge. 
-breb  official  letter,     -bab  errand  man.     -bars 
servlng  chlldren.    -bag  day  of  service,    -brrng 
servant  lad,  boy;  *  fe  -fart.  -folf  servante,   -for 
bolb  relation(s)  of  master  and  servant.   -forret 
ninger:  i  vigtige  -  on  important  duty.   -førfeeife 
breach  of  duty.     -fri  a  free  el.  exempt  from 
service,     -fribeb  leave  (of  absence).     +-§ttt  fe 
•fart.     -beft  cavalry  et.  artillery  horse,      -toer 
zeal  in  the  service,  -farl  man(-servant).   -føinbc 
serving-woman;  bibl  bond*woman.     -tebigbeb 
vacancy.     -lifte  mil  liste.    -Uf  a  out  of  place 
el.   service.     +-ma«b  functlonary.     -pige   maid 
•servant.  -pligt  (service)  duty;  ifølge  .  by  virtue 
of  office.    •reglement  service  regulatlons.    -fag 
matter  relative  to  offloe  el.  service,  -ffribelfe  fe 
•breb.    -rib  time  of  service,    -telegram  official 
telegram,    -tbntbe  domesticB,  servante  pi.   -Uf 

Xfe'ntia  [at]  a  serviceable,  useful.  +-b«b  <■ 

Xfenft|og'tig  a  ready  to  serve,  obliging,  help- 
ful,  neighbourly;  altfor  -  offldous,  over-officiou6. 
-ag  rig b eb  c  readiness  to  serve,  obligingness. 
helpfulness;  altfor  flor  ..  offidousness,  over 
•offlciousness.  -bagtig  a  fit  for  service,  service- 
able, efflcient,  effective.  -bagtigbrb  (service i 
effidency.  -fatr'blg  fe  -agtig.  -ffltr'bigbeb  fe 
-agtig^eb.  -aarenbe  a  (peb  f>of,  om  Xiener  ofp* 
in  waiting,  In  attendance,  m\l  on  duty.  -gariag 
c.-,  unber  -en  while  on  duty,  -bateabe  «  in 
charge,  -iortg  a  assiduous,  indefatigable.  -iørig« 
beb  zeal  in  the  service,  -lebig  fe  Zfenenefn. 
Xjrnftltig,  -Hat  (i  TOebftt  af  Zienefte)  by  virtue 
of  office;  -ligt  t  adv  offidally,  as  in  duty  bound. 
Xfcnftlffplbig  a  owlng  duty  et.  service,  in  dutr 
bound;  adv  fe  -tigft.  -Pill'ig  fe  -ogtig.  -aifliglrb 
fe  -agtigbeb. 

*X)em  n,  pi  ■«,  tam,  small  lake,  merelet. 

*%\ot,  Zjore  fe  %b\z,  %a\rt. 

%\att  c  tar;  branbe  .  make  tar.  %\mtt  vt  ter. 
%\att\  beton  artificial  asphalt,  gas-tar.  *-br«be 
of  tar.  -broenber  manufacturer  of  tar;  &  fe 
-tugte,  -brcraberl  tar-manuntetory.  -barme  dre^ 
of  tar.  -galbe  tar-gall.  -grube  tar-pit.  -balbtg 
a  yielding  tar.  -bu«,  -butte  fe  -brenben.  -fovbe 
tar-box.  -febet  tar-kettle.  -tøfl  tar-brush.  -fugte 
vt  logger-head.   -neflite  German  catch-fly,  lime 




-wort,  LyeknU  vitearia.  -»tie  coal-oil.  -øø«  tar 
-kiln.  -pop  tarred  paper.  -pafriller  pi  pastilles 
of  tar.  -|iinb  fe  -fttflr.  -pø*  tar-bucket.  -fle 
tar-ladle.  -fritte  tarred  stick;  fom  en  8u«  paa  en 
-  like  a  fly  in  a  tar-box.  -f«øe  tar-soap. 
Slørret  a  tarred.  Sio>re|tønbe  tar-barrel.  -art 
Lobel's  catch-fly,  tftfen«  .Arner«*;  fe  -nefltte. 
•santo  tar-water.    -#fe  tar-ladle. 

Sfø'rn  c  -e  (meb  Kebtorne)  thorn,  thorn-bush; 
(meb  Qarttorne)  brier,  briar,  bramble.  —  SJ*rve|* 
buff  fe  Zjørn.  -fnlb  a  full  of  thorns  and 
brambles.  -gærbe  thorn  -fenoe.  -tørn  bush 
-barrow.  -^«rl  thorn-bedge.  -traf  thlcket  of 
thorns  and  brien.  -rt*  thorn-twigs,  twlga  of 
brambles.    -flot  brier-stick. 

tSø  c  hair,  coat  (of  hair). 

•Sø  e  kind,  nature,  mettle. 

Sø  vt  wash. 

Sø  card  mim  two;  en  •  (i  Stortfpil)  a  deuce; 
begge  -  both;  .  Gange  twice;  £Iab  fom  lommer  - 
(Bange  om  Ugen.  biweekly  paper;  -  og  -  by  twos, 
two  by  two;  eet  af  -  one  of  two  things;  Stubber 
og  Jeluober  er  -  there  are  dubs  and  clubs;  lob 
fifl  bet  iRe  flge  ~  (Bange  needed  no  second 
bidding;  bet  er  faa  flltert  fom  at  -  og  -  er  fire  it 
is  a  dead  certalnty;  bet  ffal  pi  oare  -  om  two 
c&n  play  at  tbat;  fe  Stening,  6fo.  Søjaortg, 
•aari  a  biennial;  et  -t  ©orn  a  chlld  two  years 
old.    -armet  a  two-armed. 

Søbat'  c  tobacco;  f  the  weed;  r&ge  -  smoke; 
bruge  -  (Snu!)  take  snuff;  ftraa  .  chew  (tobacco), 
irre  en  $tbe  -  txetbt  not  worth  a  button  el. 
fartbing;  ifffe  Purre  enb  .  for  en  GluTing  a  little 
dapperling.  —  SobafØjafTe  tobaceo-aahes.  -aølcul- 
ture  of  tobacco,  tobacco-growlng.  -blob  tobacco 
leaf.  -Mp  lead-eheet.  -Søb  tobacconist's  shop. 
-baafe  snufT-box.  -bamp  fumes  of  tobacco.  -borter 
tobacco  grower.  -bprtning  fe  -aol.  -fabrti  to- 
bacco- el.  snuff-manufactory.  -fabritatiøa  to- 
bacco-manufacture.  -baabel  tobacco-trade,  to- 
bacconist's  shop.  -tylftbler  tobacconlst,  dealer 
in  snuff  and  tobacco.  -l«ft  tobacco-crop.  -tamfer 
nicotianine.  -faff e  tobacco-box.  -fl^fkcr  tobacco 
tojection.  -Ingt  smell  of  tobacco.  t-morf  to- 
bacco fleld.  -olie  tobacco- oli.  -totbe  tobacco 
-pipe;  tobacco- pipe  flsh,  Fiitulartu  tabacaria. 
-plantage  tobacco-plantation.  -Plante  tobacco 
plant,  -plantning  tobacco-planung.  -pung  to- 
bacco-pouch.  -ral,  -mile  roll  of  tobacco.  -rag 
tobacco-smoke.  -rpger,  -røger  smoker  (of  to- 
bacco), en  ftært  -  a  great  smoker.  -regning, 
•røgning  smoking,  -foft,  -fance  tobacco-Juice. 
-ftp  cloud  of  tobacco-smoke.  -fpiabrr  tobacco- 
nist.  -fpinberitobaccd-manufactory.  -fUlt  tobacco 
-s  talk. 

Søjbafifl  a  bibasic.  *-ben.  ftaa  paa  -  rear. 
-benet  a  two- legged;  et  -  Zpr  a  biped. 

Søbi'aft  Tobias,  To 'by.;  bibl  Tobiah,  TCbit. 

Søbf'n  n  (løj)  tabby. 

Søbi'f  (fifl)  e  launce,  Ammodytea  tobianut. 

Sø' |  bf  abet  a  $  two-leaved,  dlphyllous,  (ftntø, 
6!iue)  iwo-bladed. 

Søccategtt  o  backgammon. 

Søbbp  c  toddy.  •Xanbe  toddy-jug.  -fle  toddy 
•ladle.    -Di*  toddy. 

Sø|belt  a  bipartlte;  -  Salt  duple  time.  -bøb« 
belt  a  double. 

Sø'btenfopf  [t.j  »  caput  mortuum.  Sø*bt. 
forlager  [t]  o  life-preserver. 

So| batter  c  -e  line-of-battle  snip,  two-decker. 
•berøfartøl  two  decked  vessel. 

Søen  o  washing. 

Søler  e  -e  two.  -etageø  a  two-storied.  -fje'rbe- 
bele  lait  time  of  two  crotchets  el.  of  two  fours. 
-fliget  a  $  bifld.    -tøjet  a  twowinged.    -folb 

adv  doubly,   two-fold.     -følbf  a  double,  two 
-fold.    -frøblabrt  a  fe  Zotimblabet. 

Soft  o  -er  encloeed  home-fleld. 

%ont  o  -t  &  thwart. 

Xøfteoaer  c  fe  Xoft. 

Softelborb  4,  fe  -ribbe,   -gang  landing  strake. 

Softejorb  c  fe  loft. 

Softcjrtbbc  thwart-clamp,  sea-craft.  -frreg  fe 

Xog  imp  fe  Xage. 

Søg  [aa]  n,  pi  -»  (+  -e),  expedltion,  march, 
progress;  procesaion,  array;  (Selttog)  campaign; 
(paa  dsrnbane)  train;  blanbet  .  mixed  train;  -et 
goar  the  train  starts;  flntte  flg  til  -et  fall  in; 
flntte  -et  bring  up  the  rear.  Zøgbcfina  division 
of  the  train.  Søge  vi  march.  Soglførftalelfe 
delay  of  the  train.  -fører  e  guard,  amr  con- 
ductor.    -perfønalc  men  attending  the  train. 

Zø  grenet  a  two-forked,  blfurcate. 

Sø'gftanbåning  [aa]  o  stopping  of  the  train. 

Søgt  n  -et  ^  cruise,  expedltion;  *  flt. 

Sogtabel  [aa]  o  railway  time  tables,  list  of 

Søgte  vi  cruise. 

*$øgte»tt  adv  by  flts,  by  intenrals. 

Solgblbig  a  ehem  fe  -mag tig.  -pantet  a  two 
•håndled,  two-eared.  -bannet  a  ^  diandrous, 
diandrian.  -beb  e  duality.  -(eftø  fe  -fpanbig. 
0-binler  c  -e  bicycle.  -binlet  a  two-wheeled. 
•bnnbrebaarøbog  bicentenary.  -banbet  a  two 
-handed.  -b*nbig  a  (TOuflf)  for  two  hånds, 
-bøjbe  ^  double  altitude. 

Søllet'  n  -ter  toi'let;  gøre  .  dress,  -borb  dress- 
ing-table.  -møbel  wardrobe.  -ftrin  dressing 
•box  el.  case.  -fpejl  dressing-glass,  toilet-glass, 
cheval-glass.    -fcebe  soap  for  the  toilet. 

Soilinet'  n  toilinette. 

Søtammtrftofleniet  the  bicameral  system. 

Sotaiy'er  c  Tokay  (wine). 

SoHmblabet  a  dlcoty ledonous ;  be  -be  the 

tSotte  vi  behave  like  a  fool;  .  til  noget 
blunder  upon  somethlng.  t-ftifte  n  random 

Søttøbil'ie  c  backgammon. 

•Sotn  [6]  o  -er  gill  (of  a  flsh). 

Søtrone  c  coin  of  two  „Jtroner". 

Søl'  c  -le  stopper,  stoppie;  <t  (VaretoQ  thole, 
pin;  fiø  faa  bet  peb  t  -lene  at  a  furious  rate. 

Solb  o  duty  (af,  paa  on);  (ttanb*,  ©ro-,  ^anol-, 
»ej-  og  SRøHetoIb)  toll:  -en  the  customs.  -afgifter 
customs  duties.  -angtøclfe  entry  at  the  custom 
-house;  (SotumO  (bill  of)  entry,  -anmelbelfe  entry; 
gøre  -  nor  et  6ftb)  report,  -anørbninger  customs 
regulations.  -aftfiftentcustom-house  officer,  -baab 
custom-house  boat.  -bor  o  dutiable,  liable  el. 
subject  to  duty,  customable.  -barbeb  liability 
to  duty.  -bebønblet  a :  -be  Baret  goods  examined 
andcleared.  -bebanbling  clearance.  -beffbttclfe 
protection.  -befrtuingimanb  subordlnate  custom 
•house  officer,  -betjent  fe  -af flftent.  -bøb  custom 
-house,  -bobbrttgge  custom-house  quay  (0.  fl.). 
-bom  toll -bar.  -bøgerne  the  Custom-house 
books.  -bepørtement  Customs  Department, 
-botnmenter  custom-house  documents.  Solbe  vt 
toll;  fe  gortolbe-  Sølb|etlpebitiøn  custom-house. 
-embebe  appointment  in  the  customs.  -embeb9> 
maab  officer  of  the  customs.  Søtber  c  -e  re- 
ceiver of  customs;  bibl  publican.  Sølb| etaten 
the  Customs.  -fag  the  customs,  custom-house  de- 
partment.  -fortøj  revenue  vessel.  -flag  custom 
•house  flag.  -forening  Customs'  League  el. 
Union,  -fortlaring  fe  -angioelfe.  -fororbning 
Customs'  order.  -førpagter  larmer  of  the  customs. 
•forfegttng  custom-house  seal.  -f ørtolter  receiver 
of  the  customs,  toll-gatherer.    -fri  a  toll-free 




duty-free;  Sanfer  ete  .  thoughts  go  el.  are  free, 
our  thoughts  are  our  own.  -friljeb  exemption 
from  duty.  -fnnriiøttttr  customs'  official.  •gobt> 
gøretfe  drawback.  -gobtgørelfeftbeøift  brawback 
-certificate.  -grørnfe  custom-boundary.  +-bttS  fe 
-bob.  -inbtttgter  pi  custom-house  recelpts.  -in- 
f  pef  tør  surveyor  of the  customs.  -lammer  custom 
•house;  Customs.  -far  toll-dish.  -tadferer  Col- 
lector  of  Customs.  -florere  make  eutry  el.  clear 
at  the  custom-house.  -florering  (custom-house) 
clearance.  -tlareringtbepi*  clearance.  -fontor 
custom-house.  -f  ontroIUr  Controller  of  Customs. 
-frbbfer  revenue  crulser.  -trbbi Pafenei  the  pre- 
ventive  service.  -lutter  revenue  cutter,  -tbtt- 
tering  clearance.  -linie  customs -line.  -lø»e,  -lån- 
givning customs'  laws,  customs'  acts.  -notrfe 
custom-house  mark.  -officio«*  fe  -embebftmanb. 
•opgipelfe  entry  at  the  custom-house.  -oplagt - 
bad  bonded  el.  bonding  warehouse.  -øppebørfel*. 
betfent  receiver  of  customs.  -opfpn :  ftoa  unber 
-  be  placed  under  the  surveillance  of  the 
customs.  -øpfon6bet}ent  custom-house  officer. 
•patbnd  custom -warehouse,  government  ware- 
house; fe  -optøgébu*.  -papirer  custom-house 
papere.  -paf,  -jpaiferfebbel  permit.  -perfønale 
staff  of  customs'  officials,  -pligtig  a  fe  bat. 
•plombe  lead(-cocket).  -regning  custom-house 
bill.  -rettigbeb  right  of  levying  duty.  t-riber 
mounted  revenue-offlcer.  -ror* farl  custom-house 
waterman.  -rnQe  tariff.  *-r«irrt  tide-waiter. 
-fotfer  rates  of  duty.  -febbel  cocket(-card). 
-fegl  seal  of  the  custom-house,  custom-house 
seal;  fe  -plombe.  -fegUbrab  breaking  the  custom 
-house  seal.  -ffriøer  clerk  of  the  customs.  -ftotion 
customs'  station,  -fteb  custom-house.  -ftempel 
custom-house  stamp,  -ftnrelfen  the  Customs 
(Department),  -foig  defraudatlon  of  the  customs. 
-tarif  tariff  (ofdutles).  -»agt  tide-waiter.  -Piflta- 
rion  the  Customs'  examination  -Pegt  customs' 
welght  -pøcfett  the  customs  (and  all  matters 
relative  thereunto). 

Solebbet  a  math  binominal. 

Solerlonce  c  toleration,  tol'erance.  -anceebift 
edict  of  toleration.  -ont'  a  tol'erant.  -ere  vt 

Snit  e  -e  interpreter;  fe  ffløbben;  &  flt-rod;  art 
former.  Solf|e  vt  interpret;  (ubtrotte)  ezpress. 
-ntng  c  interpretation. 

•Soli  o  -et,  fe  SaU. 

Sølle  fe  Sol  <t,.  Soflejgong  c  row-lock.  -gong*- 
ftampe  rowlock-chock. 

SøØetniP  c  sheath-knlfe;  (ftor)  dirk,  amr  bowle 

SøUe|  laber  leather  filling  of  the  rowlock. 
•Ptnb(e)  thole(-pIn). 

Søflerift'  p  fe  artiUerifi. 

SolnJ  balfan  c  balsam  of  Tolu.  -tre  Tolu- 
-tree,  Myroxylcn  toiui/erutn. 

SolP  card  nun  twelve;  p  ringe  -  for  en  call  one 
over  the  coals,  read  one  a  lesson.  -øortg,  -aarft 
a  twelve  years  old.  -belingtfpffemet  the  duodeci- 
mal system,  -fingertarm  duodenum.  -garn8(ine 
twelve  thread  line.  -fannet  a  dodecandrlan. 
-bnnnet  a  dodecagynous,  dodecagynian.  -font 
dodecagon.  -fastet  a  twelve-angled.  -protbifrn 
divine  service  at  noon.  -pnnber  twelve-pounder. 
•pnnbig  a  of  twelve  poundt ;  -  ftonon,  fe  -punber. 
•flbet  a  of  twelve  sides,  dodecahedral.  f  *-ftiØing 
coin  of  the  value  of  12  „©rining".  Søløte 
twelflh,  ben  ~  januar  the  twelfth  of  January, 
January  the  twelfth;  for  bet  -  twelfthly,  in  the 
twelfth  place.  —  So  tø  te  |  bel  twelflh  (part);  fem  -e 
flve  twelfths.    -port  fe  -bel. 

So  |  løbet  o.  .  StibmanbSgarn  two-yarn  spun- 
yam.    -løbig  a:  -  Sfrue  double-thread  screw. 

Som'    [6]    u    empty,    fig    vold,    (meningøløf) 

inane;  -  poo  empty  of;  -t  Rum  empty  plae*, 
void,  pkyt  vacuum;  fym  gif  bort  meb  -me  £«eabn 
he  went  away  empty-handed;  fpifle,  lcefe  for  -me 
Øocnfe  play,  read,  to  empty  benenes,  to  the 
walls.  bet  er  lutter  -  Snot  it  is  mere  idle  talk; 
fans  $oøeb  er  -t  he  is  addle-headed,  -me  Srnbei 
bnlbre  meft  empty  vessels  make  the  greate&t 

So|ma»b6$aattb :  paa-mebalonewlth.  -man** 
mbift  double-dummy,  -mofter  c  -e  two-masced 

Somat  c  -er  tomato,  Solanum  lycopcr«ic*i*. 

Sombof  n  tombac,  pinch-beck,  Bath  metal. 

Somboio  c  lottery,  tombola. 

Sone  c  -r  tome. 

Somjfteb  c  emptiness,  vacuity,  inanity;  fåøleliei 
void,  vacuum.  -fjernet  u  empty-headed.  -bombet 
a  empty-handed. 

Somling  fe  Zumling. 

Sonne  c  -r  inch;  t  &  •  thumb.  tommelfinger 
c  thumb,  master-finger.  Sømmet  i 'ben  Tom 
thumb;  fe  flkerbefmutte. 

Somme(|(ffber  finger-stall.  -tao  e  great  toe. 
-tot  (ftJornejpt.)  the  thumb. 

Somme  Ina  al  inch-measure.  -ffme  thumb 
screw.  -ftot  inch-scale,  foot-rule,  Carpenters 
rule.  -fom  one  inch  nail.  -tbf  «  one  inch 
thick.    -nU  udo  by  the  inch. 

tSompet  a  crack- brained,  crazy. 

*Somrebfi  [o]  adv  empty. 

♦Somfet  [6J  a  fe  Sompet.  ^Somfing  c  -n 

Somflibd!  linien,  -marfeme  the  light  -water 
line  el.  mark.    Sønffff  c  empty  sack. 

Sont  [*é]  c  -er  site  (of  a  building),  (grouud) 
plot;  yard. 

Sømtarm  c  jejunum. 

•Somte  o  -r,  fe  %i«fe. 

Sontegrn<  n  rubbish. 

Somtrnmfiben  (Smp.)  the  vacuum  side. 

Sømagtig  a  ^  didynamous;  cA««»  diatomic. 

Son'  c,  pi  =»,  ton. 

Sonalite  t  c  tonal'ity.    Sonort  fe  toneart. 

Sone  vt  J,  (&Iag)  show,  display,  tiy  (the  col 
ours);  vi  .  frem  loom. 

Sone  c  -r  (£nb)  sound,  tone;  (fflelobt)  tune. 
(dfterrtt)!)  aoceut,  emphasis,  (£eoemoabe)  ton, 
fashion;  (i  SRaleri)  tone;  mut  tone,  (musical) 
note;  b,alb  .  semi-tone;  anaioe  -n  give  the  tone; 
en  SRanb  af  gob  -  a  wellbred  man;  bet  er  iffe  gob  - 
it  Is  not  bon  ton,  not  good  form,  not  the  thing. 
en  befalenbe,  ooertaftei  .  a  tone  of  command,  sur- 
prise; i  en  rolig  -  in  a  calm  (tone  of)  voice;  høn 
taler  i  en  fjoi  -  he  speaks  in  a  hlgb  strain. 
Sone  vi  &  t  sound;  -nbe  u  voiced  (consonant;. 
Sone|offtonb  interval,  -ongioenbe  a  who  give« 
the  tone.  who  leads  the  fashion.  -art  key. 
•bannelfe  intonation,  -bigt  fe  -bigtnin«.  -bigtrr 
composer,  tone-poet.  -bigtning  compositloii, 
tone- poem.  -falb  accent,  emphasis.  -fjer  ræd 
-fornemmelfe  sensation  of  tone.  -fnlb  a  tune- 
ful, -f »Ibe  fulness  of  tone.  -følge,  -gang  sucoe>- 
sion  of  tones,  -atoenbe  o  fe  angipenbe.  -fefnlet 
the  phonic  wheel,  -bo Ib  emphasis.  -|nt  sound 
-hole.  -bajbe  pitch.  -fnnft  artofmusic.  -fnnft' 
ner  musician.  +-ffob  lyric  poem.  -fon  mode. 
•lag  accent,  -leg  muslc.  -Icere  acousiics.  -lob 
run  of  notes,  -mooler  tonometer.  -maleri  tone 
-picture.  -mefter  tone -master,  -papir  toned 
paper.  -rebffob  musical  instrument,  -rig  « 
Bonorous,  harmonious.  -rotte  series  el.  succes- 
sion of  tones  -rar  musical  tube.  -ffala  fe  -frtge. 
-ffifte  change  of  tone.  -ffralb  clangor.  -flntning 
cadence,  accentuation,    -fprøg  sound-languagc. 

-ttiac  scale,   gamut.     -frram   flow  of  melody 
-ftpffe  piece  of  music.    -fpftem  musical  system. 




•teua  mat  musical  note;  (Sftertrbtftt.)  accent. 
-tri»  interval,  -trafntug  intonation.  -beføling 
fe  -flifie.  -øacgt  empbaaiB.  -belb  wealth  of 
tones.  -øert  Te  -Digtning.  Xouita  c  the  key 
-note,  the  tonic. 

Soning  c  washing. 

Xouiug  o  ^  looming. 

Xouifl  a  ton'ic. 

Xøuta| bønne  tonquin-  el.  tonka-bean.  -graf 
fe  4}ulotft.  -tamfer  ooumarine.  -tre  tonquin- bean 
tree,  Divierix  odarata.    -urt  fe  ©tenflotor 

Xoutiu  «  Tonquin.    -e'flft  «  Tonquinese. 

Xø'ujlo*  a  (om  Snftaiment)  tuneless;  (om 
Stemme)  husky;  (uben  ffftertrbt)  unaccented. 
-øoøir  fe  tone«. 

Xoufli'  o  -ler  ton'sil. 

Xo'uftaøelfe  c  accented  el.  tonic  syllable. 

Xonfur  o  ton'sure. 

Xoutt'ue  c  -c  tontine. 

Xo'urrbt  n  tinted  im pression. 

Xoøgtrebibtebelt  IRobe  demi-semi-quaver;  - 
$aofe  demi-semi-quaver  rest. 

Xøø'  Mterj  done!  a  bargalnl 

%op'  -pe  (6pibi)  top,  aummit;  (poa  fcugle) 
tuft,  crest;  $  panlcle;  (til  at  lege  meb)  top,  peg- 
top; J,  (af  ttunbfjolt  ofø.)  head;  (af  SDtaft)  mast- 
head;  (om  Waflerne,  tteiiniitgen)  top.  rlgging; 
(«ølge<)  crest;  fe  -maal;  meo  -  (paa)  heaped;  en 
.  Sutter  a  loaf  of  sugar;  fro  -  til  Xaa  from  head 
to  foot,  from  top  to  toe,  from  the  crown  of  his 
head  to  the  sole  of  his  foot;  tage  en  i  -pen  take 
one  by  the  halr  el.  forelock.  Xøøanb  fe  loppet; 
tufled  pochard,  Fuiiguia  crutata. 

Xøøa  t  c  -er  topas.  Xoba'øXtotibri)  topaz 
•throated  humming-bird,  Topaua  peUa. 

Xoølbaoiau  crested  baboon.  -øtbe  tt  bite  the 
top  off,  top,  crop.  -bombfel  &  head-selzing. 
-eefle  top-cell.  -bue  fe  Xoppet.  -eube  top,  top 
-end,  head.  -flabe  upper  surface.  -flag  flag  at 
the  masthead.  -fornem  -frønnet  o  withered  at 
the  top.  -fnlb  a  heaped.  -gaft  fe  Xopf*.  -lejre 
crested  heron,  little  egret  heron,  Ardøa  »ar- 
zetta.  -Qottørnbcre  ($ønl)  polands.  -tue  polnted 
cap.  -fjngae  fe  ftaone.  -bøne  hoazin,  Opu- 
4hoeomtu  erwtafttt;  fe  loppet. 

Xøøiuambn  r  c  Jerusalem  artichoke,  Hsiianthu* 

Xøbift  o  top'ic(al). 

XøplJøflc  sheer-head  girtline,  masthead  girt- 
line.  -Uuterue  mawthead  light,  -lent  &  lift, 
toppinglift.  -leutøbløf  lift-block.  -lont  crested 
grebe,  Podictj*  crUtutu*.  Mue  fe  -bue.  -lorte 
crested  lark.  -løft  a  without  a  tuft  el.  top. 
-maal  heaped  measure.  -maalt  fa  f.  Sti.  -  Rar 
arrant  fool,  regular  el.  downright  fool;  .  ©rut! 
arch-villain,  paramount  villain,  pure  scoundrel; 
-  9«  arch-dolt  eto.  -mejfe  topet,  crested  tit- 
mouse,  Paru§  eriftateo. 

Xspolflraf  e  -er  topog'rapher.  -grafT  o  to- 
pog'raphy.    -gra'fifl  a  topograph'ic. 

Xøøye  vt  J, ;  -  en  ftaa,  ©om  top  (up)  a  yard, 
boom;  -be  Oterøfeil  whole  topsails;  —  vi  .  op 
top  up;  —  vr  -  ftø  rise  in  a  crest;  —  t  toppel 
vd:  tomme  op  at  -  F  quarrel,  (all  to  logger- 
beads;  f  -nbe  fulb  brimful;  -nbe  gal  In  a 
towerlng  passion.  Xøøøct  a  (om  ftugle)  tufted, 
crested;  (tobmoalt)  heaped;  .  Vnb,  Xue,  $øne 
crested  duck,  pigeon,  hen. 

Xøp|buutt  pinnacle;  math  vertex;  a*t  zenlth; 
Ji0  oulmlnating  point,  acme,  ollmax.  -ramme 
($mp.)  upper  frame,  -reb  .i«  pendant  *-ribe 
vt  bully.  -fejl  topsail.  -feøert  oelery.  -feng 
bed  with  a  polnted  top.  Xøb4faft  topman. 
XoølfTarO  shag.  Pkatlocrocorax  crutotu*.  -flab 
top-shoot.  -fnegi,  -fnatte  turbinate  shell.  -f»i- 
renbe  a  viviparous.    -ftcrøne  vt  pollard.  -futter 

loaf-sugar.  -fnrrlng  head  lasbing.  -fø  topping 
sea.    -tør  a  dried  at  the  top. 

Xo|ønnber  c  -e  two-pounder.  -ønnbig,  -pnnbd 
a  of  two  pounds'  weight;  -punbig  ftanon  two 

Xo^løange  A,  houndø  pi.  -oentil  head- val  ve. 
-»intel  vertlcal  angle.  -Pianet,  -Pi* fen  a  with- 
ered at  the  top. 

Xolrobaaret  a  fartøj  bireme.  -råbet  a  two 
-rowed;  (BtaHe)  double-breasted,  -buttoned. 

Xorbift  o  -er  scarab,  scarabee. 

Xorben  [6]  c  {+pi  -er)  thunder;  -en  vflog  neb"  i 
Xaamet  the  tower  was  struck  by  llghtning;  bet 
trætter  op  til  .  a  thunder-storm  is  gathering. 
fXørbeMjøfleber  fe  tton*.  +-bolt  fe  -file.  -brag 
crash  oi  thunder.  -bnb,  -bnbfTab  terrible  and 
unexpected  message  el.  tidingB.  -bnlber  rumbling 
of  thunder.  -bbg;  thunder-shower;  (poa  Søenj 
thunder-squall.  -brøn  fe  -bulber.  -gub  Thuuderer. 
•f-banmer  b.  f.  f.  -tile  thunder-bolt,  fe  Kattelps. 
-feber  fe  finnoffeber.  -Inft  heavy,  sultry  air. 
-lummer  a  sultry.  +-lbb  ihundering  sound, 
t-maal  fe  -røfl.  -regn  fe  -buge.  -røfl  voice  of 
thunder.  -flabe  damage  doue  by  a  thunder 
-storm,  -ftralb  clap  of  thunder.  -ftrap^e  bur- 
dock,  Arctinm  l*tppu.  -ftu  thunder-cloud.  -flalle 
fe  -boge.  -flag  fe  -ftralb.  -fremme  fe  -røfl.  -flen 
thunder -stone.  -ftørat  thunder-storm.  -tale 
th undertag  speech.    -oefr  thunder-storm. 

'Xorbl  oel  c  -er,  fe  Xorbift. 

Xorbne  16]  o  imptrt  thunder;  banbe  og  -  P  ourse 
and  swear;  ~  mob  denouuce.  Xorbneren  the 

Xo | rebet  -rebet  u  J,  double-reeftd;  -  Vlerlfejil« 
foling  double- reefed  topsail  gale. 

tXocjmaoneb  c  month  of  March,  -maonebtføl 
Msrch  beer. 

Xormentil,  c  to'rmentil,  Tormentilla  erteta. 

Xo'm  o  -e  (»ebtoto)  thorn,  splne;  (Oartt.) 
prickle,  (af  3æm  o.  I.)  pin,  spike;  (6meb)  triblet; 
$bib*,  ^age*  hawthorn;  ^bben«  wlld  brier;  fttongcr« 
bram  ble;  (poa  6panbe)  tongue  of  a  buckle;  bet 
er  barn  en  .  i  Piet  it  is  an  eye-sore  to  him,  a 
thorn  in  his  side,  obnoxious  to  him;  ingen  IRofec 
uben  -e  no  rose  without  a  thorn. 

Xornabo  c  -er  tornado. 

Xo 'rublab  furae,  whiu,  gorse,  UUx  europæu*. 

Xo'rue|bnfT  thorn-shrub,  bramble,  brier;  bibl 
bush.  -fri  u  thoinless.  -fulb  a  thorny,  prickly, 
-gsrbe  thorn- fence.  -I)*f(te)  thorn-hedge.  -trat 
bush  el.  (teet)  thicket  of  brambles  and  t horns. 
•trone  crown  of  thorns.  -trone  ol  crown  with 
thorns.  -lø»  a  thornless.  -rofe  dog-rose.  -fti 
thorny  path.  -frrøet  a  thorny.  Xornet  a  thorny, 
prickly,  spinous.    Xorneoef  fe  -fti. 

Xo  mljrbeu  fe  -øgle.    -gnøel  fe  -blab.   -irift 

linnet,  FringiUa  oannabinu. 

Xornift'er  o  A  n  -ftre  knapsaok. 

Xo 'r»| rotte  thornback,  dorn,  Maja.  -flabe, 
•-ftrite  butcher-blrd,  shrike,  Luniu*;  alminbelig 
(røbrpgaet)  .  red-backed  shrike,  flusher,  L.  ool- 
lur%o\  (tor  -  sentinel  shrike.  gray  cl.  clnereous 
shrike,  L  excubitor.  -tab  spinal  prooess.  -tibfel 
spear  el.  bur  thistle,  Cardutu  ianceoiatut.  -øgle 

Xorod'  o  -fer  towerlng  mass  of  ice. 

tXorø  «  -et  hamlet. 

Xorøe  bo  c  -er  torpedo,  -baab  torpedo  boat. 
•torp*  torpedo  corps.  -totbe  chaln  of  torpedoes. 
-flib  t.  snip.    -Pafenet  the  torpedo  system. 

Xorøbøg  c  -e  Thursday;  i  ••  last  Thursday. 

XorRo  u  c  to  rsion. 

Xørfl  c  -e  cod,  codflsh,  Qadu*  wtorrkua;  f  en 
paa  -en  a  slap  in  the  face.  —  Xørfte|fangft  cod 
•fishery.  -flfler(fartø))  cod  man.  -flab  fe  -munb. 
•garn  cod-selne.     -tøftcb  (ogf.   om  6falb*otb) 




cod's  head.  -Ictc?  cod-liver.  -lebertra*  cod 
•liver  oil.  -naab  toad-flax,  but  ter  and  eggs, 
Linaria  vulgaru. 

Sorflea  part  fe  Særfte. 

Sorfrejboabc  (StælMorb)  fe  -$obeb.  -røg*  cod 

Sort  e  F  injury,  diagrace.  Sortere  vt  acoff, 
mock,  scorn,  deride,  insult,  affront. 

Sortn  r  c  to'rture;  bruae  ~  imob  put  to  tor- 
ture,  -tommer  torture -chamber.  -rebftab  in- 
strument of  torture. 

Xornmntet  o  $  bilocular. 

•Sorb  c  fe  Sorø. 

Som  »  e  maiket,  market-place;  til  -i  to 
market;  fig  bringe  til  *  produoe.  tSorbe  vi 
market.  —  Sorbejbob  market  -booth.  -boabc 
peaaant  who  bringa  farm-produce  to  market, 
marketer.    -bag  market-day.    -brager  market 

r urter,  -freb  public  aecurity  at  marketa.  -grif 
fe  -broget.  -fraide)  market-hall.  -tone  fe  -tælling. 
•tar*  market-baaket.  -tæøiag  market-woman, 
atall-woman.  -Ub  (ftabmanbfrab)  purchaøe  (at  a 
market);  ($rit)  market-price.  -t*bc  vt  buy  at 
a  market.  -let  market-load.  -maab  market 
•man.  -»efter  clerk  of  the  market.  -orben 
market-regulattons.  -penge  market-feee.  -»lab* 
market-place.  -$rig  market  price.  -ret  right 
of  holding  marketa.  -fbanb  market-pail.  -flabe 
stand  at  a  market.  -ffgeabe  o  frequenting  the 
market.  -»agn  market-cart.  -bægter  policeman 
at  a  market.    •Soroforc  vt  carry  to  market. 

So  flallebe  pi  blvalvea. 

Sodta  n;a  n  Tus'cany.    -ff  a  Tuacan. 
v  fSofrrøiag   [6]  c  coin  of  the  yalue  of  two 
„etiatiiQ";  ftinnenbe  font  en  nbflaaet  -  bright  ae 
a  new  sixpence. 

So  Iffiøet  a:  .  ©Iof  double  block.  -ffbggebe 
$olt  amphiacil,  amphlscians.  -{boltet  a  of  double 
columns,  -fbanb  double  team.  -fbotaberfeag 
double  bed.    -tøanbtg  o  pairhorse. 

So*fe  o  -r  fool,  booby,  ninny,  aimpleton, 
blockhead.  Søgf  e  vi  behave  el.  aet  like  a  fool; 
fe,  tøot  ban  øaar  oa  -r  (om)!  look,  how  he  is 
fooling  about.  Sotfelagttg  a  foolish.  -faav 
Bimpleton.  -fnat  fe  Sule.  -glab  a  foolishly 
glad.  -gab  a  foolishly  kind.  -gobfreb  foolish 
kindneas.  -baøeb  fe  So*fe.  Sofiferf  a  er  foolery. 
SoSfei  a  (taobeltgj  fooliah;  (bum)  silly,  stupid, 
idiotic;  bære  fig  .  ab  behave  el.  aet  like  a  fool; 
bet  er  til  at  bltbe  -  obet  it  is  enough  to  drive 
one  mad;  -  6  not  nonoense;  bet  er  flet  iHe  faa  . 
it  is  not  half  bad;  gat  iHe  -be  Soørglmaol  don't 
ask  foolish  questions.    -vom  a  fe  Solfet. 

tSofi  c  (otlb  SDterianj  organy.  Origanum  vul- 

So'lftabelfe*,  -flabet  a  of  two  syllables,  dis- 
syllabic.  -ftabelfcéorb  diasyllable.  -ftemmig  a 
of  cl.  for  two  voices.  -ftrøgea  a :  -gne  C,  C  wlth 
two  strokea.    -fotbet,  -fæbig  o  for  two  persons. 

Sot  c  -ter  tuft;  *fe  Saatt;  en  -  $ør  omfring 
ffiotteftobebet  a  head  of  flax  around  the  rock; 
tage  en  i  -ten,  fe  top;  tomme  i  -terne  baa  binanben 
fall  toget  her  by  the  ears. 

XoV  a  &  taut,  tight;  førte  -  haul  taut,  tlghten 

Xotottet  a  two-toothed. 

Sotat  n  (the)  number  two. 

Soia'l  a  to-tal.  -afbaibembeb  tee-  totallsm. 
-belab  total  amount  (o.  fl.).  -labtrttf  general 
Impreaslon.  Sotaltttr  adv  totally.  Sotallte't  c 

Sotalgfaflemet  binary  el.  dyadio  arithmetic. 

Sota'Ijfnm  (sum)  total,  -tral  groas  pressure. 
•abfalg  general  clearance.  -øirtniag  general 

Xøjiibra  c  de/:  oeb  .  about  two  (o'clock). 

»Xorae  vi  &  tighten. 

So  |  tømmer,  -tøm*  a  two  inch.  -tapfejll« 
fløvaert  double- topaail  achooner.  -troabct «  of 
two  threada,  two-threaded.  -trætter  c  -e  two 
•move  problem,  -tvrig  a  Sao*  twioe  tuming 
lock,  double  lock. 

Soageatlig  a  bi-weekly, 

Søayé'  c  -er  toupee,  toupet. 

Sonr  fe  lur. 

Søaralaae 't  c  tour'niquet. 

Xoanitt're  c  deportment;  (paa  ftiole;  busUe, 
tournure,  dreaa-improver. 

Xob  n  t  rope;  (af  faærefle  6Iag«)  cable;  et  tre 
lomme  ~  a  three-inch  rope;  et  91/«  Somve  .  a 
nlne  and  a  half  inch  cable;  -ene  (VnCertobene) 
the  cablea.  Xoa|avf (etter  rope  rammer,  -bone 
rope-railway.  -bolt  J,  ahroud  stopper.  -btit# 
^  cable-tier.  -bro  rope  bridge.  Xoae  vi  (fioeber) 
taw,  dress.    Xabeabe  rope-end. 

Xooer  e  e  tawer,  skin-dresser. 

Xoblfenber    ^  rope -fender.     -g&Mge   swing. 

Xo|binget  a  two-winged,  dipteral,  dipterooa; 
be  -be  the  diptera. 

Xo»|fmebelbecket  -trmgropegrummet.  •-fbei! 
coil  of  rope.  -Uiert  ^  grummet.  Sobmer  fe 
Sober.  Xo»|farbing  keckling.  -ffagvimg  laying 
of  ropea.  -flige  rope-ladder.  -ftrob  strap,  -tal fiag 
whipping.    -bocrl  cordage,  ropo(s). 

Xooonrbig  a  ekem  fe  -mægtig. 

Sover  n  the  Tower. 

Søgtføiogi  c  toxicol'ogy. 

Sa|4 åring  c  pair-oar-boat.  «ore  c  coin  of  two 
«jBre".    -oret  a  two-eared. 

•Sraa  a  slow,  unwilling;  rancid. 

tSraab'  n,  pi  =*,  (Zrin)  thread;  (gobfpor)  foot 
•print;  (Srcebebtar)  treddle,  treadle. 

Sraab  c  -e  (af  ^or,  6ilfe  ofb.)  thread;  (©onwIM-) 
cotton;  (af  9Jlctal)  wire;  (i  Sne)  grain;  fig  thread, 
(lebenbe)  clue;  (ai  paa  -en  looae;  en  9taaiå  .  a 
needleful;  -en  i  enl  Sale  the  thread  of  one's 
dlscourae;  hænger  i  en  -  hangs  upon  a  thread. 
fe  fturre.  Sraab!  ag  tig  a  threedy.  -alge  con- 
ferva.  -orbe|be  wlre-work.  -batterier  pT thread 
-bacteria.  -bar  o  threadbare.  -bløaber  fe  -tnia* 
Itnger.  -bar  wire-cage.  -bannet  a  thread-eoaped, 
flliform.  Sroobet  a  thready;  (i  ©rubbet)  fibroua. 
Sraab  |  formet,  -forvalg,  fe  -bannet.  -frbxfer  pi 
thread  fringes.  -gitter  wire-grating.  •fiol 
flligree  glaaa,  reticulated  glaas.  -bonbel  haber- 
dasher's  shop.  -banbler  haberdaaher.  -baabfle 
thread-glove,  Berlin  (glove).  -bafbe  haap,  reeL 
-faaimerbaa  linen  cambric,  -tlinte  wire-gauge. 
-Uiap  ahirt- Sutton,  -f* Winger  thread  lace.  -før* 
reticle,  filament,  -feber  thread-guide.  -lebalag 
telegraph-wire.  -lære  fe  -tlinte.  -lob  wire- twist 
barre  1.  -målret  cobbler-flah,  Blepharit.  -motte 
wire-mill.  -aet  reticle.  -nogle,  ^-noffte  baU  el. 
clue  of  thread.  -orm  fllaria,  thread- worm. 
-pailletter  gpangles.  -ret  adv  straight  (aa  an 
arrow).  -ralle  reel.  -fatø  wire-drawen.  -fi» 
thread  rush,  J*n<mi  fityormi*.  -faor  cord  of 
thread.  *-f aælbe  fe  -rulle,  -folb  wire  sleve.  *-fl>iger 
fe  -ftift.  -fpiaber,  -faiaberftc  thread -apiunet. 
•fbfttberi  sewing- thread  manulactory.  -fM^e 
fragrant  orchls,  Oymnadenia.  -ftift  wire  tack. 
-ftrammer  (6bm.)  thread -tightener.  -frroaibt 
thread-stocking.    -font  fe  -ftift. 

Sraabt,  traabte,  fe  Sræbe. 

Sraa'bjtrætter  e  -e  wire  drawer.  -trætferi  n, 
•træfalng  wlre-drawing.  -tætter  thread-counter, 
weaver'8  glass.  -bante  fe  -banbfle.  -biabe  wire 
-drawlng  machine.    -binbfel  thread  paper. 

'Sraotjernet  a  (6max)  ropy  (butter). 

*Sraatte  vt  k  i  tramp,  trample. 

Sraatle  vi  baste,  tack. 

Srodjht   o  tra'thyte. 




+2r*bc'ret  o  tradJtlonal. 

Xrabiiiø'n  e  -er  tradit'lon.  -el'  a  tradlt'ional. 

Xtm^  imp  fe  Xiccffe. 

%v*W  c  trafl'lc.  -øjef ,  -btref  tør  trafflo-manager. 
Sraffic'renbe  a  trafflcking. 

Xragant'  c  gum-trag'acanth  plant,  goat's 
thorn,  Aitraøaluå  traøacantha.  -gnmMt  (gum) 

Xragebie  c  -t  trag'edy.  -bigter,  -ftribcr  traglc 

Soet.    -fpUtar  trage'dian.    Xragiter  c  e  trage'- 
ian.  —  Xragi|føme'bie  tragi-com'edy.   -!o  mtfl 
a  tragicom'ic(al).    Xragiff  a  Irag'ic,  traglcal. 

Srogt  c  -er  funnel,  tunnel,  -agtig,  -bannet,  fe 
formet.    Xragte  *  t  pour  through  a  funnel. 

Xragte  m  efter  alm  at,  aspire  to,  affect,  pur- 
sue;  -i  ilte  efter  b*ie  Xing,  men  kolber  eber  til  bet 
Iaøe  mind  not  high  things  but  condescend  to 
men  of  low  estate;  fe  Sib.  Xragten  o  aspiration, 
punuit;  fe  Sigten. 

Xragtepøfe  c  flltering-bøg.  —  Xragilformet, 
•førmtg  a  funnel-shaped ;  $  inrondlbuliform; 
et  -  Ret  a  tunnel-  el.  lunnel-net. 

Xrota  fe  Iran. 

Xr«!'  imp  fe  Xrælfe. 

Xrafaif  eri  er  pi  annoyances,  vexationa. 

Xraleøtømt'  c  tracheot'omy. 

•Xraffe  fe  Xraotfe. 

*Xraft  c  -er  region,  træt. 

Statut  c  -er  treaty,  (tiUe  6trift)  tract;  tarifer 
-en  the  treaty  of  Paris;  inbgoa  en  .  enter  into  a 
treaty.  Xralta  tjmatfftg  o  according  to  (the) 
treaty  el.  treaties.  -felftab  tract  society.  -frrtbig 
o  contrary  to  (the)  treaty  el.  treaties. 

Xratte  r|e  fe  ©epanble,  ©ewerte;  -  meb  treat  to; 
F  (fpenbere)  stand;  fjDrai  r  f  who  stands  treat? 
-Ing  c,  Xrattement'  n  entertainment;  Ag  (tron) 
treatment.    Xraftør  c  -er  restaurant 

°Xr«l'  o  F  tune;  humour;  paa  ben  .  in  that 

*Sralcport  o  barriergate. 

♦Xrafle  c  -r  (paa  Oærn&ane)  trolley. 

Xrallc  vt  k  i  troll,  hum.  XraQen  c  trolling 

SraØer  pi  trellis,  lattlce.  Xral|  »inbne  latticed 
window.  -»art  lattlce- work,  grating,  (af  6taal« 
rraab)  netting. 

*Sram'  o  door-steps  pi. 
'  Xrame  c  fe  Xramfille. 

Xrampe  vt  tramp,  trample;  -  neb,  til,  fe  9teb>, 
Xtltrampe;  vi  stamp  one's  foot;  .  i  (Bulbet  stamp 
the  floor;  -  paa  trample  upon.  Svampen  o 
tramping  eto. 

Srampelbbr  n,  pi  •»,  Bactrian  camel,  two 
-hunched  camel. 

Xrampeftøpte  c  heavy  boot. 

Xrampoli  n  c  -er  spring-board. 

Xram filte  c  tram. 

*Xrampfa£  e  steel-trap. 

Sran,  flran'  c  train-oil,  flsh-oil,  (WeblcinO 
codliveroil.  -irenber  train-oil  boller,  -brambert 
manulactory  of  train-oil.  -brørnbing  manufac- 
turing ol  train-oil. 

Xroao)«'  e  -r  trench.    Xrond^e're  vt  carve. 

Xraabur  n  anlmal,  from  whlch  oil  is  obtained. 
Xrtac,  ttranne  vt  grease  wlth  train-oil. 

Srone  c  -r  crane,  Gru*. 

Xraaebor  n  cranberry.  -taft  cranberry  bush, 
Vaecinium  oxycoceot. 

Xr«ae|fieber  crane* s  feather.  -balé  cmne's 
neck;  $  heron's-bill,  Erodium.    -nab  fe  Størfe. 

Sranet,  ftrannet  a  like  train-oil. 

Xrane|nnge  young  crane.  ••»itfe  bush  vetch, 
Vicia  étpium. 

Xranfiff  c  blubber-flsh. 

Svang  c  want,  need;  tomme  i  .  come  to  want, 

•  for  in  need  of;  føler  _  til  at  longs  to,  feels 

impelled  to;  lebe  i  flor  -  Uve  in  great  distress 
el.  indlgence;  ber  er  -  til  there  is  a  want  of. 

Xrang  a  narrow,  strait;  ben  ©ej  er  -  fom  fører 
til  Siort  bibl  narrow  is  the  way  which  leadeth 
unto  life;  -e  ftaar  narrow  el.  strmitened  drcum- 
stances  el.  means;  jeg  bleb  -  om  ^iættet  my  heart 
grew  mint;  -e  Ziber  hard  times;  —  trangt  adv. 
do  t  be  cramped  el.  pinched  for  room;  fibbe  -t 
beb  et  ©orb  be  crowded  (el.  straitened  for  room) 
at  a  table;  goa  -t  work  Ughtly.  Xrang  |bortt  a 
small-bore.  -irnflet  a  (fom  fyxz  trang  Or^ft^ul^eb) 
narrow-chested;  (fom  ei  fan  aanbe  frit)  asthmatic. 
-brbftigbeb  c  asthma.  -beb  o  nanowness,  strait- 
ness.    -qobet  a  hoof-bound. 

Xranlgreber,  *-grar^  *-gmgge  resldue  of  blub- 

*Xrangfelt  a  straitened  for  room,  cramped. 

Xrau  | fogeri  (omborb)  try-works.  -fogntng  fe 
-brsnbing.  -lampe  train-oil  lamp.  -Ingt  smell 
of  train-oil.  Xronne  vt,  Xrannet  a  fe  Zrone, 

Xranfiattlo'n  c  -er  tntnsac'tion. 

XrontatPt'nfT  a  transal'pine. 

Xrandanan'riff  a  transatlan'tic. 

Xrandfignratio  n  o  transngura'tion. 

Xranffnfio'tt  c  transfu'slon. 

Xranfit'  mare  trans'lt.  Xranfite  re  vi  pass 
through,  be  transmitted  through.  Xranfitlgobfi 
transit-goods.  -banbel  transit- tråde,  -infrmment 
transit-Instrument)  (o.  fl). 

XraaJitiP  a  oram  transitive. 

Xranfit'totb  c  transit- duty  el.  dues. 

Xranølatrr  c  -er  (authorized)  interpreter  and 
translator  of  forelgn  language«. 

Xrondmittar  o  -er  transmitter. 

Xrantpareat'  n  -er  transpa'rency.  -fompaft 
hanging  compass,  tell-tale.  -fabe  transparent 

Xrandpir|atio'n  c  perspiration.  -e're  vi  sweat, 
perspir  e. 

Xranåpone'rle  vt  transpose.  -ing  c  transposi- 

Xrandlport'  c  trans'port,  conveyance,  (Cbet« 
brag.)  tre.nsfer;  mere  (t  ©og)  (amount)  brought 
over  el.  forward,  -porta  bel  a  transpo'rtable. 
•portere  vt transpo'rt;  (oberbrage)  transfer;  (i  ©og) 
bring  over.  —  Xran*port|e»ue  carrying  capacity. 
•fart  transport  tråde  el.  service,  -mtbbel  means 
of  conveyance.  -omfofhtinger  (charges  of)  con- 
veyance. -pram  (til  6ft)t»)  ordnance  barge. 
-ffib  transport.  -ftoDe  futteril.  -tfeneiten,  -Pcefmet 
the  transport  service.  Xranfiportfr  c  -er  math 

Xrantoøfitlo'tt  c  transposlt'lon. 

Xran^fcenbent'  a  transcen'dent;  math  trans- 
cenden'tal.    -al  a  transcendental. 

Xrandfept'  c  -er  tran'sept. 

Xranéfnbftantiarioncn  transubstantia'tion. 

Zvan<fnmt'  t  -te  copy,  transumpt. 

Xranfløblet  boots  greased  wlth  train-oil;  -ne 
F  klng  Clog. 

Xranéoaalffe  IRepublif;  ben  -  the  Transvaal 

Xraaøøerfa'l  a  k  o  -er  transversal.  -m««(e* 
ftøt  diagonal  scale.  -naftinc  cross-shearing  ma- 

Xranlfabe  soap  made  with  train-oil.  -tønbc 
train-oil  barrel. 

Xrap'  e  ub.  pi  min  trap.    Xrop«  trappe'sn. 

Xrop'  c  fe  Xropgual. 

'Xrap'  o  -per,  fe  trappe. 

XraPe'A  n  -er  gymn  trapeze.  Xrttpe  *l»m  n  -in 
trapezium.  Xrapejtnnftner  trap'ezist.  Xrapejoi'b 
n  -er  trapezoid. 

Xrapejnnt'  n  Treb'lzond. 

Xrapgaag  o  bustard,  Oti: 




Xrappe  e  -t  sUircase,  Blairs;  (ubenfor  Dør) 
(door-)  steps;  (i  Jrlabe)  unevenness;  hemmelig  . 
private  stairs;  en  fmnt  -  (Opgang)  a  fine  flight 
of  stairs;  op,  neb,  ab  -n  up,  down,  stairs;  en  -  op, 
to  -c  op  up  one  el.  two  pair  of  stain,  one  el. 
two  pair  of  siairs  high;  Qat  paa  -n  staircase  gas. 
Xrappe|  affat*  landing,  stairhead.  -bannet  a 
formed  like  stairs.  -gang  staircase  (hall).  -gaøi 
serrated  gable.  -gelamber  basisters,  -tyni  well. 
•lob  flight  of  steps,  -opgang  stalroase  -rift 
step-grate.  -mm  spaoe  iu  a  building  for  the 
stairs,  well(-hole).  -fult  graduated  cut.  -fplnbef 
cockle  of  a  staircase.  -fien  stone  stalr,  door 
•step.  -ftige  set  el.  pair  of  steps,  portable  steps, 
step-ladder.  -tsarn  steeple  with  a  wlnd}ng 
staircase.  -trin  step  or  a  staircase.  -tæppe  stair- 
case-carpet.  -toft  kitchen-wench.  -vange  string 
•board.    -»tg  ado  in  the  form  of  stairs. 

Xropptft'  c  -er  Trap'pist.  -Hofter  convent  of 
Trappists,    -orben  order  of  la  Trappe. 

Xroo'  o  F  fe  Xrob*. 

Xrai'  e  min  trass. 

fXrafatte  vt  f  worry,  bait;  tflog. 

•Xrafe  o  -r  rag,  tatter. 

Xraffe  vi  trudge. 

Xraé  |f  a't  c  -er  mere  drawee.  -fem'  e  -et 
drawer.  -fere  vt  draw  (on),  value  on;  t  Betlel 

XraØfig  a  f  fe  Xrobfig. 

Xratle  c  -r  draft,  draught,  valuation. 

*Xrang  n,  vi  =,  fe  trug. 

Xrauma'tifT  <*  traumat'ic. 

Xranrig  [t.l  f  u  melancholy. 

*Xrauft  a  nrm,  stanch. 

Xraø  n  (+c)  irot;  i  -  at  a  trot,  at  the  trot;  i 
raftt  .  at  a  brisk  trot;  i  fulbt  -  at  full  trot;  fatte 
$eflen  i  -  put  the  horse  into  a  trot,  make  the 
horne  trot. 

Xraøal'fe  c  -r,  -fl*p  ^  pinuace,  launch. 

Xraøe  vi  trot. 

Xraøe  c  -r  score  of  sheaves  of  corn,  thrave; 
en  .  ftofte  a  thrave  of  brooms.  -1)0  s  shock  (of 
corn).  stook. 

Xraøtl  a  fe  trabl. 

Xraøer  c  -e  (match-)  trotter,  (high-)  stepper. 
Xraøerbane  trotting-track. 

Xraøer'fe  c  -r  trav'erse.    -re  vi  k t  trav'erse. 

Xraøerti'n  o  trav'ertine. 

Xraøeftje're  vt  trav  esty,  burlesque;  -er et  a 
travestied,  traves  ty.  -e'ring  c  travestying,  bur- 
lesquing.  -i'  c  -er  trav 'esty,  parody,  a  work 

Xraøefbge  c  staggeni. 

Xraøefatning  c  putting  up  in  shocks. 

Xra  »ItapUb  »  trotting-match.    -tore  %t  trot. 

Xraøl  a  busy;  baoe  -t  be  busy;  fit  -t  began  to 
busy  himself,  to  bestir  himself.  lost  uo  time; 
føin  tør  faa  -t  fom  en  9Ruft  i  Barfelfeng  he  is  as 
busy  as  a  hen  with  one  chlcken.  fXraøle  «  imp : 
brt  -t  itte  there's  no  burry,  +t>«  busy  oue's  self. 
Xraølbeb  c  bustle,  press  of  business. 

Xra'ø|Ub  n  trotting.    °-ribe  vt  trot. 

Xre  eard  nmm  three;  en  -  (i  Jtortfpil)  a  three; 
ben  -  og  tboenbe  the  twenty-thlrd;  .  (Bange  thrice, 
three  times;  alle  gobe  Vange  er  .  number  three 
is  always  fortuuate,  three  is  the  charm;  ©lob 
fom  tommer  .  (Bange  om  Ugen  triweekly  Journal; 
fe  $aar,  Stribt.  Xre|aarig  «  trlennial;  b.  f.  f. 
-acrO  a  three  years  old.  -armet  u  three-armed. 
•benet  a  three  legged.  -bl abet  a  three-leaved, 
triphyllous,  (ftione)  three-petaled,  tripetalous; 
(S  true)  three-uladed.  -beting  tripartition.  -belt 
u  tripartite;  -  Xaft  triple  time. 

+Xrebing  c  third  part  of  a  barrel. 

Xrcb'lPe  thlrty.    Xrebiøeaarttri™  *u~  **«rty 

years'    war.     Xrebibte  thlrtieth.      Xrr»l»rrb«t 
thirtieth  part. 

Xrebje  ord  num  third;  -  ftapitel,  JHotfe,  gerta 
the  third  chapter,  class,  person;  bet  -  ©nb  the 
fourth  commandraent;  et  .  flioel  ide  there  te  no 
middle  course.  Xrebfejbagifeberen  the  qaextau 
ague  et.  fever.  -bel  c  third  (part);  en  -  fLom 
one  third  larger.  -ma*b  a  third  person  ef.  party; 
jeg  foat  not  nu  bare  .  (ben,  bet  gaar  imeflem  to 
fmbenbe)  well,  I  suppose  I  shall  now  be  obliged 
to  go  between.  -part  fe  -bel.  -proft  subdeacosi. 
•fibfte  a  the  last  but  two;  gram  the  antepenul- 
timate:  .  étawlfe  the  antepeuult  (imate). 

Xrefbobbett  n  three-fold,  triple;  ben  -e  ftroat- 
th#)  tiara,  the  triple  crown.  Xrebg,  tre»flsb4rQiK 
fe  Xre«.  Xre|b«tter  (@tib)  three-decker;  fsoUtan 
snipe,  Scolopax  major,  -enig  a  triune.  -c'sig- 
beb  Trinity.  -enig  Jebdlaren  the  doctrioe  of  tb« 
Trinity,  Trinitarianism.  -er  o  -t  three.  -farvet 
a  tricoloured.  -fingret  u  ^  ternate.  -fif et  a 
trllobed,  trilobate.  -fob  tripod,  trevet.  -fobi* 
naft  tripod  mast.  -folb  adv  thrice(told);  +«  three- 
lold,  triple.  -fol'bia  a  triplicate;  (-enig)  triune. 
•fol'bigb.eb  Trinity.  -f o(  big^ebébag  Trinity.  -fsrf 
trident.  -frøet  «  three-seeded.  -grenet  a  three 
•pronged.  -gblbig  a  dum  fe  -magtig.  -^onc  ar- 
row-grass,  TnglocAin.  -fannet  o  V  trianarou», 
triandrian.  -beb  e  triad.  *-b|«ler  c  -e  iricyclc, 
sociable.  -hornet  o  three-cornered  -9o»eocta 
three-headed.  -bnn'brebe  three-hundred.  -bm« 
brebeaardbag  terceutenary.  -bnnvet  a  ^  trigv- 
nous,  trigynlan. 

Xrejfefl  n  trysail.    XreffrfW.  tryaail. 

Xr  ej  tant  triaugle.  -tantet  «  triangular;  three 
-cornered;  .  ^at  cocked  el.  three-cornered  hat; 
-  Oteø  cocked-hat  note.  -fontfll  three-w)uare 
file,  -fautøtal  pi  triangular  numbers.  -tapflrt 
a  tricapsular,  three-capsuled.  -teiferforPmaKt 
the  Triple  Alliaoce  of  the  Imperial  Powers,  the 
three  Emperors'  alliance.  -tUnp  triad.  -floft 
flea-baue,  flea-wort,  Conyta.  -tuftet,  -lUnet  « 
trind.  -tloPer  c  trefoil;  n  Ao  trio,  triumviraie, 
P  prlal.  -toblet  o  $  ternate.  -fort  e&i  (three 
-card)  loo.  -tro'ner  the  Crowns,  the  Crown 
batteries.  -iebet  a  matk  trinomial.  +-lfb*  « 
tripartite.  -linlet  a  three- lined;  .  Strofe  triplet, 
tiercet.  -toben  a  three-yarn.  -toktg  a  'élnut 

Xrenta  n  diæresis. 

Xre|manbd  (©^ift)  three-handed  (whist),  t-msrt 
coin  of  the  value  of  3  (Danish)  marks,  t-nurff* 
bob  infamous  fine  of  3  (Danish)  marks,  t-nmrlt 
manb  (one  sentenced  to  pay  the  infiunoua  fine 
of  3  marks),  Infamous  person,  person  branded 
with  iniamy.  -maft(er)  c  three-masted  vessel. 
•maftet  u  three  -masted.  *-menning  second 
con  sin. 

Xre  mm e  o  -r  (i  Binoue  o.  I.)  rross-pieoe,  -bar, 
(paa  Stol)  rung,  (i  Stige)  ro  and,  run  die,  rung, 
(i  ataTbe  o.  1.)  rail. 

Xremutlant'  o  -er  F  shake;  (i  Orgel)  tremolo, 
trem'olant.  -e're  t»»  sing  el.  play  vtbruto  ei.  trt- 

Xremagtig  a  ekem  triatomic. 

Xren  imp  fe  Xrine. 

Xrenbe  three.  i 

Xrcnb|e  vt  warp.    -ing  e  warp. 

Xrenfe  c  -t  suaffle,  bridoon.     -bib  snaffle-biL 

Xre«f|e  vt  &  worm.    -ning  e  worming. 

Xreot'tenbebetl  Xatt  time  of  three  quaver*.       , 

Xrepo'n  c  -er  trepan'.  -e're  vt  trepan'.  -crisg 
c  trepannlng. 

Xrcpang'  c  trepang,  Holuthuria  mimti: 

Xre|pnnber  (trepunbig  ftanon)  three-pounder. 
-pnnbig  a  of  three  pounds.  -rabaaret  -rtbetrig 
a  with  three  ranks  of  oars;   .  Stib   trireme 




-taftet  a  three  rowed,  trlfarlous.  -rebet  a  *t,  three 
-reefed,  close-reefed;  -  Vlersfejli  Jtuling  close 
-reefed  topsail-gale.  -ribbet  a  $  trinerve(d), 
trlnervate,  three-nerved.  Xre*'  [é]  f  je  XreftnM' 
tgoe.    Xrefibet  a  threesided,  trilateral. 

Xref'inbilttttte  sixty.  -tnoeaarig  a  Bixty  yea» 
old;  of  sixty  years;  .  $erfon  sexageuarian. 
-tpnenbe  sixtieth.    -rbttenbebef  sixtieth  (part). 

Xre'lftaaret  a  cut  in  three;  4,  three-fold. 
-ftaftet  a  woven  witb  three  treddles.  -flibet  a 
three-aisled.  -frittet  a  (SBlof)  treble,  three-sheave 
el.  three-fold  biock.  t-ffiUtag  coin  of  the  value 
of  3  „Stilling",  -flaaet,  -flaget  a  three-stranded, 
three-cord.  -fnattet  u  typ  with  three  columns, 
fe  -flettet. 

Xreftfe  o  -r  lace,  galloon. 

Xre£fe,  Xreéfe  re  vt  plait,  braid.  Xreduing, 
Xreøfering  c  plaiting,  bralding.  Xreøfa'r  c  -er 
plaiier.  braider. 

Xre'jftattelfed-  trisyllabic.  -fftanelfeåørb  trisyl- 
lable.  -Uanet  a  fe  -ftaoelf rft< .  -ftemnsig  u  for 
three  voioes  el.  parts,  -ftrenget  a  three-stringed, 
l$iano)  trichord.    -ftr«gen  >»  with  three  strokes. 

Xrefn'r  »  old-fashioned  cabinet;  jfy  et  gammelt 
-  au  old  hag,  old-fashioned  beldame. 

Xrejfabta,  -fartet  u  having  three  seata.  -taaet 
a  three-toed.  •taftet,  -måbet  a  with  three  prongs, 
trident(ed).  -tal  (uumber)  three.  *-ti  fe  Xrettt. 
•ttbes:  oeb  ~  about  three.  -tommer*,  -tom*  a 
three  inch.  -tonnet  u  three-pointed.  -traabet 
a  of  three  threads.  -traller  c  e  (Slat)  three 
-move  problem,  three-mover. 

Xretten  curd  mi«  thirteen.  -be  thirteeoth.  — 
Xrctteube|bag  twelfthday,  Epiphany.  -bel  thir- 
teenth  (part;.    Xrerti  thirty. 

Xreitttfinb  three  -thousand.  -tnanben  a  fe 

Treuga  Del  the  Truce  of  God. 

Xre|ngentlig  o  threeweekly.  t-ttang$brng, 
•ttangdbrift  system  of  three  years'  rotation  of 

Xreoev  «  slow,  slack,  backward,  loth;  sallen. 
-bcb  c  slowness,  slackness. 

Xrelnarbig  a  cå«m  fe  -mægtig,  -oegget  a  three 
-e  dg  ed. 

Xriangjel  o  giet  triangle.  -»le  re  of  trian'- 
gulate.  -nle'ring  o  triangula'tion.  -nW*r  a 

Xria  rierne  pi  the  triarii. 

Xriailføruatiøneu,  -grubbe*  o  the  trias. 
Xria«.  trias  sic. 

Xribometer  n  tribom'eter. 

Xribradtø*  c  tribrach. 

Xribn'n  e  -er  trib'une.  Xribnna'l  n  -er  tribu'- 
nul.  Xribn'ne  c  r  (XalexO  trib'une;  (XilfhterO 
grand  stand.  Xribunebttlet  ticket  for  the  grand 
t> land.    Xribut'  e  -er  trib'ute. 

Xricø't  [fr.]  c  tricote,  fleshings,  stockinet 
Xricøta'ge  c  b.  f.  Xricø  tbnWer  elastic  trousers. 

Xricttfle  c  -c  tricycle. 

Xribent  fe  Xrient.    -i  »er,  -i'uff  a  Trlden'tine. 

Xrtbje  fe  Xrilfe. 

Xriel  c  sione-curlew,  stone-plover,  Oedicttmu* 

Xrient  »  Trent. 

Xrier  »  Trier,  Treves. 

Xrieft  n  Trieste. 

Xriftøng'  o  -ec  triph'thong. 

Sriølbjf  o  -er  tri'glyph. 

Xrig  øao  Intet  ri  c  trigonometry.  -me'iriff  a 

Xriti'n  c  -er  trichina.  -fuøbom  trlchiniasiø, 

XriMl  niff  a :  bet  e  Sfiflem  the  doublyoblique 
prismatlo  system. 

Xritolø  ren  c  the  tricoloux. 

Xriftrat  o  backgammon. 

Xcitte  c  -t  mw  shake,  flaa  en  -  b.  f.  f.  Xriile 
vi  make  a  shake,  shake. 

XriØe  c  -r  (tunb  Xing>  disk,  trundle,  (p.  VJUbel) 
caster,  (©arn)  reel;  *iight  phæton,  pony-car- 
riage,  waggonette,  umr  buggy.  Xriue  vt  k  i 
roll,  irundle;  (om  Xoaret)  roll,  trickle;  (paa  XriUc« 
bsx)  wheel,  barrow.    XriQeber  c  iwheel-jbarrow. 

XriUeføtbe  c  chain  of  shakes. 

XriUcoogn  c  trundle-cart. 

XriOing  c  -er  (i  9iøHe)  trendle. 

XriUing  c  -er  three-twin  child;  -er  three  at  a 
birth;  nebtomme  meb  -r  be  delivered  of  three 
children  (at  a  birth).  XriUing | bom  fe  Xriaing. 
•n^b  trlple  nut.  -rige  three  united  kingdoms. 
-føftenbe  three  brothers  (sisters)  born  at  a  birth. 
•ocble  triple  apple. 

XriUiø'n  c  -er  Lrill'iou. 

Xriiobit  er  pi  tri'lobiies. 

XHUgi'  c   ec  tril'ogy. 

Xrimeft  er  n   t  trime»ter. 

Xrime  ter  «  -*  trim'eier. 

Xrimle  vi  fe  I  rille. 

Xrimørii'  c  trimo'rphism. 

Xrin'  m(  pi  «,  step;  (i  Stige)  round,  rung;  fig 
stage,  development;  (Ørob,  mus)  degree;  ftaa  paa 
et  frit  -  stand  high,  be  in  an  advauced  state. 

Xrinb  u  round,  plump;  —  trtnbt  udoaround; 
_  omtring  all  around. 

Xrinbal  c  terraced  valley. 

Xrinb |  ed  vi  grow  round.  -fceb  c  roundness. 
-manet  a  round-bellied. 

Xrine  Catherine,  Kate. 

Xrine,  tren  (+-bt),  trinet  vi  step,  tread. 

Xrinføtge  c  gradual  succession,  gradation, 
graduated  series. 

Xrinita'Jrier  pi  Trlnitarians.  -riff  o  trinl- 
tarian.    -tl#  c  Trin'lty-Sunday. 

Xrinlp(an!e  c  tread.    -rafte  fe  -følge. 

•Xrinfe  fe  Xrenfe. 

♦Xrlnfe  vi  roll. 

Xrin  1  ftibe  shirting- head.  -tti*  ado  step  by 
step;  a  (grabttit)  gradual,  successive. 

Xriø  c  trio. 

Xriø  l  c  -er  tri'ole,  triplet. 

Xrip'  [e.]  c  trip. 

Xrip'  n  short  step,  trip;  .,  trop,  XrofXo  tip 

Xrip  ei  fe  Xrippei. 

Xrip  ellaUiance  c  triple  alliance,  -fait  triple 
salt.    -taft  triple  time. 

Xripftøfl  n  imitation-velvet. 

Xriplif  c  surrejolnder.  Xripfifa't  n  er  trip'- 
licate.    Xripiø:  in  -  in  triplicate. 

tXripmabam  c  worm-grass,  tripmadam,  Sedumi 

Xrip  o,lW  n  Tripoli,  -lita'ner  c  -e  Tripol'ltau. 
-lita  nff  u  Tripol-itan,  Tripoline. 

Xrippe  vi  trip.  pick  one's  way,  mince. 

Xrippel  c  (©tjtft;  triple,  lurch. 

Xrijfpel  c,  -jørb  irlpoli.  rottenstone.  Xrippelfe 
c  brickdust  (for  polishing).  Xrippet|flifer  tri- 
poli  slate  el.  schist.    -flen  fe  Xrippel. 

Xrippen  c  tripping.  *Xrtppe|iaffe,  -U*  gad 

XriqnebaØe  [fr.]  c  truck  (for  cannon). 

Xriife  vi  f  -  af  trudge  along. 

Xriéfe  c  -t  pulley.  XrWfe  vt  hoist  el.  lower 
by  means  of  pulley«.  -blot  block  of  a  pulley. 
-iui  sheave  of  a  pulley.  -ttflfrt  mechanism  of 

Xrift  a  melancholy,  depressing,  dreary,  lugu- 
brious,  cheerless,  (ftristfulj. 

Xrit'  n  step,  tread;  mil  tjolbe  .  keep  time;  fio 
%Q\9t  -  meb  keep  up  el.  keep  pace  with;  tjau 




fiølber  iRe  .  he  is  out  of  Urne;  fa  fatte  i  -  set 
a  golng. 

trit'««  ø  -o'ner  Tri'ton.  Xritøaffcør*  %oo 

Xrinmf  e  -er  tri'umph;  i  _  triumphant(ly); 
føre  i  .  lead  (about)  in  triumph;  botbe  .  triumph, 
celebrate  a  triumph.  Xrtaatfa'tor  e  tri'umpher. 
Xriaufbae  trium'phal  arcb.  Xriantfe'rr  vi  tri'- 
umph, exult  (ooer  at  st,  over  one);  -erenbe  a 
triumphant,  elate;  ben  -be  ftirfe  the  Church 
triumphant;  et  -be  6 mil  a  smile  of  triumph. 
Xrinmflpørt  trlumphal  port.  -rats  cry  of 
triumph.  -føjle  trlumphal  column,  -tog  trlum- 
phal procession,    -»øg«  trlumphal  car. 

Xriau|0i'r    o    -er   trium'vir    (pi   triumvlri). 
•øirai  n  trium'virate. 
Xriøaleat'  a  fe  Xreøeerbig. 
•Xriae,  treo,  trebet  v(  catch,  grab,  clutch. 

Xribetig  a  plump,  well-fed.  -Ijeb  c  plumpness. 
Xrtoelfe  c  thriving.  Xrtoed  trf  thrlve,  succeed; 
*be  d.  feel  comfortable. 

Xriøia'l  o  fe  Xriøtel.  Xriøtalite't  c  -er  trlte- 
ness;  oonc  commonplace,  trulsm,  platltude. 
Xrt»ia'l|aaøa  popular  name;  (Hrt«0  trivial 
name.  -fjøfe  middle-class  school.  Xrtøtel'  a 
hackneyed,  tedlous,  obvious,  trite,  common- 

Xriø'r  c  -er  sorting-machine. 

•Xrø  c  -er  wooden  channel  el.  trough. 

Xrø  a  true,  faithful,  tnisty,  (Unberfaat)  loyal, 
faithful;  ($utommelfe)  retentive;  t  —  trof!bIbig; 
en  et.  noget  -  faithful  to;  ilte  -  false  to;  fe  ®ulb. 
Xrø  c  faith  belief;  (Xiltro)  credeuce;  fHelig ) 
faith;  ben  frifleltge  ,  the  Christian  faith  el.  reli- 
gion; qaa  øøer  ttl  ben  frtflelige  -  turn  Christian; 
frafolbe  fin.  turn  apostate-,  -en  paa  the  bellefin; 
babe  -  paa  have  faith  in;  fstte  .  til  credlt,  give 
credit  to;  ingen  .  til  no  confidence  in;  gibe  fin 
.  pledge  one' s  vow;  brnbe  fin  -  break  one 's 
vow;  jeg  fiob  t  ben  -  at  I  was  under  the  impres- 
sion  that;  paa  -  og  2oøe  on  trust;  i  gob  ~  in 
good  faith;  fil  -en  i  $a*nberne  had  conviction 
brought  home  to  him;  min  .!  upon  my  word! 
bet  er  min  -  at  my  belief  is  that;  ttage  -en  fra 
(en)  joc  beat,  rout.  Xrø  vt  k  i  believe;  (tænfe) 
think;  (fatte  Xro  til)  credlt,  believe,  give  credit 
to;  reliø  believe;  itfe  -  (en,  noget)  dlsbelieve;  bu 
tan  ttte  ....  you  cannot  imagine,  you  have 
no  ldea;  -  mine  egne  Pine  trust  el.  credit  my 
own  eyes  el.  senses;  efter  Ijoab  jeg  -t  to  the  best 
of  my  belief;  ttte  bet  jeg  Ian  -  to  the  best  of 
my  belief  not;  bet  fan  bu  -  you  may  be  sure  of 
that,  amr  you  bet!  brt  -r  jeg  not  I  belleve  you; 
ja,  bet  -t  jeg  yes,  I  think  so,  so  I  believe;  _  paa 
(Dub  believe  in  God;  be  fom  .  paa  the  believers 
in;  -  en  til,  fe  X  ilt  ro;  .  en  gobt  trust  one;  ~  en 
paa  fjant  Crb  believe  one's  word;  ttte  til  at  - 
not  to  be  trusted;  feg  -r  at  tunne  ...  I  believe 
myself  able  to  .  .  .;  man  -r  J)øab  man  ønfler  the 
wish  is  father  to  the  thought.  +Xrøbleøen  a : 
be  -ne  Sle&øigere  those  inhabitants  of  Slesvlc 
who  have  remained  loyal. 

XrøAiS'ttr  pi  troches. 

Xrøojft'  c  -er  trochee.    -iff  a  trochaic. 

Xrøbf  c  deflance,  contumacy,  obstinacy;  bbbe 
en  .  bid  deflance  to,  defy  one,  set  one  at  defl- 
ance; paa  -  in  sheer  deflance;  til  -  for  in  defl- 
ance of,  in  spite  of.  Xrøbø  præp  in  spite  of, 
in  the  face  el.  teeth  of;  -  nogen,  -  ben  bebfte  as 
well,  as  fast  etc,  as  any  one.  Xrøbfe  vt  defy, 
bid  deflance  to,  brave,  beard,  fly  in  the  faceof; 
•  igennem  carry  through  (in  spite  of  all  resi- 
stance);  -r  enboer  ©eftriøelfe  baflles  description; 
—  vi  be  refractory;  -  paa,  fe  $utTe  paa.  Xrøbflg 
a  defylng,  defiant,  refractory,  froward;  ~  TOtne 

air  el.  look  of  deflance.  Xrobflgbcb  c  xefractori- 
ness,  frowardness. 

Xroeabe  part  believing;  en  -  a  belierer;  be  - 
the  faithful.   Xroeabe  § :  ftaa  til .  deserve  credit. 

Xrøfaft  a  k  adv  faithful,  trusty;  fltab  er  - 
God  is  faithful.    -beb  e  fldelity,  trustliieas. 

Xrøf*'  c  -er  troph'y. 

Xrøgtobttt'  e  -er  troglodyte. 

Xrø  [bier  ri  g  a  open-hearted,  hearty;  f  fe  -ftal« 
bio.    -Qerttrfeb  c  open-heartedneas. 
Xrø  Ja  n  Troy.    Xrøja  |aer  n,  -'«ff  o  Tro-jan; 

ben  -e  ftrig  the  Siege  of  Troy. 

Xrøfa'r  o  -er  tro'car,  tro'char. 

•Xrotle  fe  Xraatle. 

Xrøtce  fe  Ziodxz. 

Xrolb  f  c  -e,  *  n,  pi ««,  goblln,  gnome,  troll, 
ogre;  *  fa  wlcked  person.  Xrolb) •»»  tufteå 
duck,  Fulioula  crutaU*.  *-i!øm  lady-fern,  A*pi+- 
nium  filix  femina.  *-90ET  fe  gttblab  (and  some 
other  unpalatable  berries).  -baafe,  -b|a»cl  ma- 
gic  boz.  Xrølbbom  c  witchcraft,  sorcery.  — 
Xrolbbomøltraft  magic  power,  -fraft  magic 
art.  -magt  fe  -fraft.  -ørb  magic  word,  speU. 
-^ftag  fe  IrnDe*.  Xrolbe  fe  Xrotte*.  Xrølbrri'  fr 
Xroaeri.    *Xrolbet  a  naughty. 

Xrølbjfølt    mountain-sprite8.      -bot    fly-bane, 
Aparicxu  mvcari*&;   •wolf  s-bane,    Aconttum  Ir 
coctonum.     -Ipeff  witch,  sorceress.    -bbal  cacha- 
lot,  Pkyttter  macrocephalu*.     *'t)*%  alder  buek 
thorn.  Rhamnu*  franoula.   -I«f I  fe  -manb.    *-f|crr* 
ring  fe  -fceUing;  great  weever,   Trnekimua  draco 
*-fjærringfptit  fe  -fmør.    -tøse  fe  -bet«,    -tuat  ^ 
-bomSfunft    »foiitbc  fe  -bff*.   -taMbig  a  versed  in 
witchcraft,  In  the  magic  art.    -tttabigbeb  witch- 
craft.    -tæQiag  fe  -bet8;  (af  Srrubt)  maroon,  den! 
-lanb  enchanted  land.     -Itigte  magic  lantem. 
-manb  sorcerer,  wizard.     -paf  lot  of  goblius 
-reben  a  elf-ridden.     'Xrolbflab  fe  -bom;  -pal 
*-nnge    naughty    chlld.     -art    fe    Snfeurt;    te 

Xrotig  a  credible.  Xrøtig(ea)  adv  truly,  faith- 
rally,    -beb  o  credibility. 

Xrølje,  Xrøfli,  XrøBtt  o  -er  trolly. 

Xro|lø'oe  betroth,  affiance.  -looelfe  c  betroth 
ment,  espousals  pi.  •tooelfedbag  day  of  etpou- 
sals.  -looelfe^riag  bridal  ring.  -toaet  c  affian- 
ced,  intended,  betrothed. 

Xrøi*9  o  faithless,  perfidious;  -e!  traitor! 
(traitoress!);  be  t*  Sej  er  boarb  biM  the  way  of 
transgiessors  is  hard.  -|eb  c  faithleasness,  pet* 
fidy,  bad  faith;  en  -  an  aet  of  perfldy. 

tXrom'  o  -mer  (af  Sao)  thrum,  warp-end. 

Xromber  c  water-pressure  blast  englne. 

Xrømle  [*6]  c  -t  (paa  ftaltelotm)  drum;  (til  ^orb) 
roller,  land-roll.  Xrømle  vt  roll.  XrøaUr|flgtt 
composition-sieve.  -fiol  barrel  loom.  Xrøatlii| 
c  rolling. 

Xrommc  [*6]  c  -r  dram;  ben  line  -  the  side 
-drum;  floa  paa  -,  røre  -n  beat  the  drum;  nnber 
-roet  fipb  with  drums  beating;  flaa  paa  bea  froce 
fa  blow  the  trompet.  Xrømate  vi  k  I  dram, 
beat  the  drum;  cont  (p.  $iano)  stnim;  .  mtb 
fingrene  paa  ©otbrt  drum  with  one's  fingers  on 
the  table;  -  fammen  drum  up.  Xrønnsc limbølér 
drum -s  trap.  -bea  drum-osslcle.  -bae  dram 
-pigeon,  Columba  datypu*.  -fifl  drum-fiah,  Pb 
gonia*  chromis.  -f øbcr  drum-case.  -blabe  mem- 
brane  of  the  tympanum,  dram  membrane.  -bale, 
-bittbfb  tympanum,  barrel  of  the  ear.  •balrøef 
roll.  -febel  barrel  (of  a  drum).  -Uae  drum 
-string.  -Ihb  sound  of  the  drum.  -rejf  hoop 
(of  a  drum;.  -figaal  beat  of  drum.  -fflab  drum 
•skin, -head.  -flag  beat  of  drum.  -flager  dmm- 
mer;  fe  -bue.  -fpab  vet  trocar.  -fNt,  -fiffe,  -fcef 
drumstick,  -ftot  ^  (paa  Xop)  (storm- )stiunp. 
-fbge  tympanitis,  tympany. 




Xvwpt't  c  -er  trum'pet;  J,  sheepshank;  ftøbe 
i  -en  (ogf.  fio)  blow  the  trampet.  Xrompe'r- 
Momft  trampet-flower,  Bignonia.  Xrompete  vi 
sound  el.  blow  the  trampet.  Xrømperer  e  -e 
trum'peter.  —  Xroøtpeter|bae  trampeter.  -gang 
trampeter's  roand.    -b,eft  trampeter' s  horse. 

Xrompetlflff  trumpet-nsh,  (WmeM.  -fnal 
trompeter,  Ptopkia  crepit***.  -frøac  fe  blomft. 
-ffralb  blast  of  the  trampet.  -faegt,  -fneeffe 
roaring  buckle,  Buccinum  undatum.  -faør  tram- 
pet-string.  «frlf  ^  sheepshank.  -fiøb  flourish 
(of  trampets),  -rr«  trampet-wood,  Cecropia. 
Xrøaa  n  trona. 

Xrønbtyem  n  Drontheim,  Tronhjem. 
Xrøne  c  -r  throne;  beftige  -n  mount,  asoend 
the  throne;  lomme  paa  n  come  el.  succeed  to 
the  throne;  førte  paa  n  place  on  the  throne, 
en  throne;  fcette  (en)  paa  n  igen  restore  (one) 
to  the  throne;  fløbe  fra  -n  drive  from  the  throne, 
dethxone.  Xrøne  vi  be  enthroned  el.  throned, 
throne;  -nbe  throned.  —  Xrøn|ar*ing  heir  to 
the  crown  el.  throne,  helr  apparent.  •øcfrigeffe 
accession  (to  the  crown).  -fraflgelfe  resignation 
of  the  throne,  abdication.  -følge  order  of  suc- 
cession (in  a  kingdom),  -følgcøft  aet  of  settle- 
ment, -følger  successor,  heir  to  the  crown,  helr 
apparent.  -)im«el  oanopy.  -fraøer  fe  -praten* 
bent.  -lebigfteb  vacancy  of  the  throne.  -præten« 
beat  pretender  to  the  throne.  -raner,  -taver 
usurper  (of  the  throne).  -fat  throne-room.  -feag 
canopied  bed.  -flifte  accession  of  the  new  king. 
-ftrlbigtycber  successiona!  troubles.  -tale  ■peech 
from  the  throne,  Royal  speech. 

Xrop'  c  -pe  troop;  tjolbe  .  keep  up;  Xrøpper 
pi  troops,  forces. 

Xvopt  e  -r  trope,  -{tabene  the  troplcal  coun- 
trlea.  Xrøpcrøe  pi  the  tropics.  Xrøptf'fngt 
trop'ic  bird,  Pkaeton.  Xropiff  a  troplcal;  bet 
-e  »frite  intertropical  Africa. 

Xroppe|baab  troop-boat.  -tnøtfe  force,  -fa«« 
iing  gatherlng  of  troops.  -ftbrte  force,  -tron* » 
port  conveyance  of  troops.  Xrop(pe)bi*  adv 
troop  by  troop,  in  troops. 
Xrøgne're  vi  truck,  barter. 
Xrøø'  a  baggage.  -Jeli  baggage-horse. 
2rø*|ørtifcl  artlcle  of  faith  el.  belief;  pi  cre- 
denda.  -befeabelfe  (©ef.  om  end  Xro>  confession 
of  faith;  (tort  ttegreb  af  en  bil  tteligiønMcere)  creed, 
symbol,  -befenber  confessor.  -bøg  book  of 
faith.  -ørøbcr  fellow-creedsman,  -believer,  (co-) 
religionist.  -eb  test  oath.  -førøabrtag  change 
of  faith,  reformation,  -fortn  form  of  faith. 
•formular  formula  of  belief.  -forbanbt  o  -e,  fe 
•btober.  -tjelt  champion  of  faith.  -faer  (reiigi- 
oas)  zeal.  -frøft  strength  of  faith.  -frøftig  a 
of  strong  faith.  -trig  religious  war.  -liø  reli- 
gions life.  -tcerboai  religious  tenet.  -Icere  reli- 
gious system,  creed,  faith.  -norm,  -regel  stan- 
dard of  belief.  -føg  matter  of  faith.  -føatfaab 
religions  commnnity.  -faab)cb  religious  truth. 
•f  terning  dogma  -tvang  intolerance.  -bibeafTab 
dogmatlcs,  theology. 

Xrø'jfab  e  fidellty,  faithfulness,  loyal  ty.  — 
Xroffabdjbrub  breach  of  faith.  -eb  oath  of  alle- 
giance.  -løfte  vow  of  fldelity.  •bHlttl  pledge 
of  fldelity.    -tegn  sign  of  fldelity. 

Xrøffbl'big  a  simple(-hearted),  conflding,  un- 
sujpectiDg,  unwary.    -b.eb  e  simpllcity. 
*rø*|førl,  -fncegt  baggage-waggoner. 
Jroøfe  c  -r  clay-mill. 

Trolfe  c  -r  rope,  hawser,  warp.    -flaaet,  -flaget 
«  (Zobbcrrf)  hawser-lald  (rope). 
*Xrofl  c  -er  thrush,  Turdu*. 
Xrøøøøga  c  baggage- waggon. 
Xrøttøir  (fr.)  n  -er,  fe  ftøitob. 
Xrønbabøa'r  c  -er  minstrel. 

XrølbiBig.  -biQtgteb  fe  fiettroenbe.  -bcer'big 
a  worthy  of  belief  el.  credit.  trastworthy,  (itte 
om  $erfon)  credlble,  authentic;  jeg  por  tjørt  af  -e 
ftoll  I  have  been  credibly  informed.  -øerbtg* 
b,cb  e  credibility,  authentldty,  (om  ^erfon)  trust- 

$rob  Sagt  troy-weight. 

Xtu't  vi  k  t  threaten,  menaoe;  fio  impend 
over;  »ab  shake  one's  fist  at;  -be  (ab)  %avn  meb 
©totfen  shook  his  stick  at  him;  -be  ab  pam  meb 
fingeren  held  up  her  foreflnger  at  him;  .meb 
threaten;  ben  Belejring,  qbonneb  ber  -brt  the 
threatened  siege;  bet  -t  meb  fRegn  it  looks  like 
rain;  .paa  £ibet  threaten  one's  life;  -  flg  noget 
til  obtain  a  tbing  by  threats;  -  en  ril  at  threaten 
one  In  to  -ing;  —  truenbe  a  threatening. 

Xraffet  fe  Xraffe. 

Xrug  n   c  trough. 

*Imge  fe  Xrnge. 

Xnt'globfelbittg  cross-vault.  -flrøoe  scraper. 
-tøt  stand  for  a  trough. 

Xraffet  fe  Itoefte. 

Xranf  e  -et  tramp;  fio  ifle  anbet  enb  en  .  only 
a  bit  of  bravado;  fnffe  meb  -  tramp,  take  wlth 
a  tramp,  rafl;  fbiHe  alle  fine  -er  ub  put  forth  all 
one's  strength;  fcette  nt  igennem  meb  en  .  carry 
st  with  a  high  hånd;  tage  en  meb  .  drive  one 
into  a  corner.  Xranfc  vi  lead  a  tramp;  -  ub 
tramp  out;  ~  otjet  overtrump.  Xraaif|ed#  -facegt, 
-foage  ofb.  the  ace,  knave,  king  of  tramps. 

txraate  c  -r  stub,  stump,  log. 

Xrap'  c  -per  band,  company. 

Xraøiø'l  c  troopial;  Camae,  leteru*. 

Xrnfel  c  -flet  threat,  uenace.  —  XrafeU|breo 
threatening  el.  comminatory  letter,  -t-fnlb  a 

Xrat  c  -et  F  chaps,  Jaw,  fcette  -  pout.  -aiaab 
pouting  lip;  gøre  -,  fcette  .  op  pout. 

*Xratae,  tteatte  swell,  bulge  out.  »Xrattea 
a  swoln. 

Xratte  vi  (i  ^orn)  toot. 

•Xrbbel  a  dismal. 

Xrøg'  a  secure,  safe  (for  from);  (i  6inbet)  con- 
flding, oonfldent;  self-reliant;  gøre  en  .  throw 
one  off  his  guard;  ligge  i  fin  -gejle  éavn  be  fa«t 
asleep;  —  trbgt  adv  safely,  with  safety,  se- 
curely;  oonfldently;  man  fan  -t  flge  it  is  safe 
to  say. 

*Xrøge  o  -t  frame  of  wicker-work,  snow-shoe, 

Xrbggcttg  adv  fe  oofr.  Xrbgt.  Xrøgljeb  c  secur- 
ity,  safety;  confidenoe. 

Xrigle  vt  beg,  importune,   solidt;    vi  beg. 
Xrnglebreø  begging  letter.     Xrqgler  c  -e  (im 
portunate)  beggar.    Xraglea  c,  Xrbgleri'  n  beg- 
ging, importunlng  etc. 

Xrøf  n,  pi  —,  preseure,  squeese;  plat  og  fio 
pressure;  (af  $rifer)  depression,  pressure;  (Vftr.) 
impression;  (i  Øogflab)  thick  stroke;  ubsbe  et  . 
ezerdse  a  pressure.  Xrbf  c  ub.  pi  print;  poa  . 
in  print;  unber  -fen  in  the  press,  passing  through 
the  press;  gob,  ffarp,  ofb.  -  good,  bold  etc.  type; 
teet  .  close  print;  labe  noget  ubgaa  i  el.  gioe  noget 
i  -fen  print  el.  publish  something.  Xrbflart 
sheet  of  letter-press.  -balbe  printing-ball.  -bør 
flddle-drill.  -eeatraat  centre  of  pressure.  -fejl 
erratum,  misprint.  -fe|lflifle  table  of  errata, 
-fjeber  detent.    -fob  (Som.)  presser-foot. 

Xrbffe  (ogf.  -te,  -t)  vt  k  t  press,  squeese;  (brioe) 
force,  thrust;  trø  print,  .  paunp  reprint;  (plage) 
opprets;  .  (t\.  .  fig)  (om  ^uflle)  sit  close;  labe  . 
print;  éfoen  r  mig  the  shoe  pinches  me;  ben 
beb  bebft  bbor  @(oen  -r  fom  bar  btn  paa  every 
one  knows  where  his  own  shoe  pinches;  ^efren 
er  bleven  -t  (af  Sabelen)  the  horse  has  been  gal- 
led (by  the  saddle);  -I  af  Sorger,  ftattigbom  be 




weighed  down  by  sorrow,  poverty;  (an  •»  fffe 
of  Ørnnbfterninøer  he  in  not  overbnrthened  by 
prindple;  frø  moo  ri.  fon  -9  for  press;  mebent 
bette  -•  as  we  go  to  pres*;  -bf  fcojer  printed 
froods;  .  fønbelen  paralyse  tråde;  „  TOarfebet 
mere  overstock  tbe  market:  -  noøet  af  i  $o'ft 
take  an  impression  of  a  thing  in  wax;  .  et 
StoftfterRif  af  tbrow  off  an  impressiou  of  a  eopper 
•plat«;  bet  -t  miø  for  ttmfht  I  have  an  oppres- 
sion of  tbe  chest;  fan  -be  mig  I  ftaonben  he 
squeesed  my  band;  -be  1jam  et  $enøefH)Re  i 
$oanben  sllpped  a  piece  of  money  into  bis  band; 
ban  -be  mig  i  fine  »rme  be  hugged  me  In  his 
arms;  -t  web  nt)  og  rbbeliø  SIrift  printed  in  a 
new  and  clear  type;  .  datten  neb  i  J&fnene  slouch 
one's  bat;  .  paa  en  fffeber  touch  a  spring;  .  flt 
Segl  ix  nb  er  put  one  s  seal  to;  —  vr  .  Hø  inb 
e.  tp  ril  ding  to;  -  fin  »eb  shrlnk  from;  .  ftø 
t»eb  at  be  loth  cl.  reluctant  to:  —  trbffenbe« 
heavy:  oppresstve,  grievous;  tro! f eto depressed; 
-rt  Silfranb  depreraed  state,  depression.  Xrnftel* 
nar  year  in  wblch  a  book  is  printed.  -form 
printing-block.  -frifteb  liberty  el.  freedom  of 
tbe  press,  a  free  press.  -forrblg  o  ready  for  tbe 
press.  -maftlne  printing-maohlne.  Stylten  c 
oppression  (for  ttrbftet)  of  the  chest. 

Tratter  ø  -e  printer;  (mobf.  ©ostter)  pressman; 
(boa  fcør)  handle  ri.  knob  (of  a  door).  -flff 
European  flle-flsh,  Balitte*  eapritew.  Srnttrrr 
n  -er  printing-house,  printing-offlce;  fenbet  i  -et 
goes  to  the  printer's.  SrbtterlUn  printer' s 
wages  pl.  •ptt&lt  prlnttng-press.  -fbfltrte  print- 
er'* ink. 

XrHTTefllrb  place  where  a  book  is  printed; 
<paa  Zttelbfab)  tmprlnt.  •røang  restraints  on  the 

Srtpflfefe  fe  -banbe.  -moater  pressure  gange, 
manometer.  Zrbfnlttg  e  tvp  printlng;  (neb  ttfføt) 
pressure.  Srvfatngfonitofrn  tager  expenses  of 
printlng.  Xri)t|  banbe  J,  (Dmo.)  thmst-bearing. 
•bapir  printing-paper.  -br*be  ($mb.)  pressure 
-test.  -pumpe  force-  el.  forcing-pump.  -fager 
pi  printed  matter,  prints,  -fettte«  c  f  euff, 
slap.  -f borte  printer's  ink.  -telegraf  printlng 
-telegraph,  -bfltrt  forcing-pump,  water-works 
with  pipes  for  high  service,  high-serviee  works. 

SrbØr  vt  enchant,  charm,  fascinate;  -  frem 
conjure  fbrth.  +$rl|lfe|agtig  «  magic.  +~biab 
msgic  bandage,  -tfffrg  enchant  ed  mountain. 
•Mit  fasclnating  glance.  -boeger  charmed  cup. 
-brit  enchanted  potion.  philter.  +-b«mft  magic 
vaponr.  -ffofte  magic  flute,  -formel,  -formular 
charm,  spell,  exordsm.  -batfel  witch-hazel, 
-tree,  flamometi*.  -flann  magic  sound,  -tnnbe 
magic  knot.  -fraft  magic  power.  -trebt  magic 
el.  charmed  circle.  -fnnft  magic  el.  fasclnating 
art.  -tbift  diviningrod;  (til  at  finbe  Sanb)  dow- 
ser,  dowslng-rod.  -tynbiø,  -ttøbigftrb  fe  Xrolb<. 
•ftogtc  magic  Ian  tern.  -magt  fe  -fraft.  -ntlbler 
pl  magic  means,  charms,  spells.  -tXrbflen  c 
charmlng.  XrbQe|ober*  fiaf  ry -opera,  -orb  msgic 
word,  word  of  conju ration.  -pil  msgic  arrow. 
Xrbfleri'  n-er  enchantment,  magic,  fascination. 
XrbUerinbe  c  -t  enchantress.  Xrnttertng  magic 
ring.  XrvØerlft  a  msgical,  enchanting.  Xrbl« 
terfte  c  -t  enchantress.  XruUe|rnnr  magic  rune. 
•fang  magic  song.  -fffolb  msgic  shield.  -•— fffut 
enchanted  cover,  -ftrift  magic  wrlting.  -flag : 
beb  et  .  in  a  msgical  way;  lom  beb  et  -  as  if  by 
magic.  -flot  enchanted  castle.  -{tommer  magic 
sleep,  trance.  -fUr  magic  veil.  -fpeft  magic 
mirror.  -ftaø  magic  el.  msglcian's  wand.  -fnn 
msgic  el.  fasclnating  sight.  -tale  fasclnating 
speech.  -nrt  msgic  herb.  -oerbeit  enchanted 
world,  world  of  wonders.  -»Ife  fe  -fong.  -oarf 
w~"*'     "  *»ment. 

Xrvne  e,  *n  -r  snout. 

Tta  n  -er  tree;  (Beb)  nb.  pl  wood;  (gab)  caslc. 
af  -  wooden;  bygget  af  .  wood-bnflt.  wood  en 
•built;  fcsble  tmob  -et  plane  across  the  grain 
botfer  iffe  paa  -er  are  few  and  far  between,  not 
to  be  found  every  day.  Zr«|aare  veln  in  wood. 
•offolb  waste  wood.  -agerb>ne  tree-partridj^, 
Arboriccln.  -aøtifl  a  woody,  ligneous.  -atlobol 
fe  -foiriruft.  -arbelbe  wood-work.  -att  specie« 
of  tree.  -artet  a  arboreous.  -atoefk  wood-rock. 
-affe  wood-ashes.  -baonb  wooden  hoop.  -b«r 
n  treeless.  -bart  bark  of  trees.  -baft  bast.  -br« 
wooden  leg.  -benet  a  wood  en- legged.  -beffut* 
ter  (iron)  tree-guard,  iron-cradle.  -benøfået  a 
wooded,  arboriferous.  -bi  wood-bee,  Xp/ooepa. 
•blot  wooden  block;  (fbert  6rbffe  %r<x)  læ 
-Msfeme  pl  tbe  wood-wind,  tbe  wood.  -boje 
wooden  buoy.  -borb  wooden  table.  -borer 
ship-worm,  Ttrtdn.  -branb.  -brbnbe  dry  rot. 
-brtfrte)  wooden  plate;  (t.  6bf0  wooden  man 
-•ri t8  wooden  pallet,  -bro  wooden  bridge 
•brofftøntag  wooden  pavement.  *b«t  Jack. 
trestle;  capricorn,  Cerambvr.  -bal  stem  of  a 
tree.  -bbgaere  pl  tree  nest-bailding  birds.  -bbg  • 
ttlug  wooden  buildfng.  -i#|e  wooden  buoy. 
•b amber  wooden  steamer. 

Srcrbe,  -te.  -t  vt  (en  ftaal)  thread. 

%ra%t,  traabtr,  rraabt  vi  k  t  (i  «Im  ;   oøf.  om 
bi»fe  ftuøle)  tread;  (trine)  step;   -  et  Orgel   Wow 
the  belfows  of  an  organ;   .  fejl  make  a  fafr« 
step;  -  nsrmere  approach,  draw  neox;  nat  rraabt 
fine  ©ørnefTo  is  past  the  spoon,  fe  Øomeffo;   — 
(m eb  præp  k  adv) :  -  af  reilre,  withdraw;  resign 
offlce;  mil  trtebof!  break  your  rank  s »  .an  take 
one's  position,  draw  up,  fall  in  rank;  .  fra.  fe 
-  af:  -  frem  advance;  (i  TOafeti  o.  1.)  stand  out. 
show  ont,  deflne  itself;  Vsnben  fefo  -r  frem  for 
o«  meb  uubfløeliøe  CuTTt  bibl  the  8ptrit   luelf 
maketh  intercession  for  ns  with  groanings  which 
cannot  be  uttered;  .  i  (f.  (Rt.   ©natjfrt)  step 
into,  walk  in  (the  mud);  -  i  en«  ftobfbor  follow 
one's  example;  -  i  en  anbenø  €teb  take  ^get) 
one's  place,  succeed  one;   .  iilebenfor  replace. 
take  the  place  of,  (forrrenøe)  so  persede;  .  i  frraft 
come  into  force:  .  i  Xienefte  take  service,  enter 
into  service,  enter  the  service:  -  i  Mttenø  XJeneftt 
enter  the  chnrch,  take  (holy)  orders;  fe  6tron!r, 
6tbøge;  .  imobe  come  forward  to  meet  one;  . 
inb   i   røøteftanben   marry.   enter  the   married 
state;  tra>b  inbenfor  walk  in,  step  in;   -  neb, 
fe  9?ebtræbe;  .om  fall  into  step;  -  ob,  fe  Dornebf; 
.  ob  paa  mount;   .   o  bet  go  over;   .  en  paa 
ffoben  tread  upon  one's  feet  el.  toes;   .  en  pca 
Siatomene  fig  tread  heavily  upon  one's  coros. 
.  f  am  men  meet;  .  f ammen  iøen  reassemble;  . 
til  step  up;  ioln;  -  MaMpenbe  til  step  in  to  one'« 
relief;  •  tilbaøe  draw  back,  stand  back.   (for 
Pift)  recede;  .  tilfibe  stand  aside;   -  ub.  fe 
Ubtræbe;  .  unber  jobber  trampleupon,  trample 
under  foot.     2r«be|blab,  -brort  treadle.     -bful 
tread-wheel.    -far  treading-vat.    -lab  treadle  (of 
a  weaver's  loom).    -m*Øe  tread -mill.    -baibe  (9 
Dt)r«  ftob)  pad.     -foal  sole  (of  (he  hoof ).     *ta% 
&  horse.     -t*r»  dragturf.     4-bog«  velocipede 

$ra>  Ibrtfer  turner  in  wood.  -brefning  tum- 
ing  In  wood.  -ebblfe  woodvinegar,  pyroligneons 
acid.  Xraret  a  woody,  ligneous;  (f.  *t*.  om 
Dtobbife)  stringy;  (om  Smør)  sided. 

Srocf  n  (*  oøf.  c),  pl  -■,  chance,  hit,  ooinci- 

Srffjfalb  biowing  down  of  trees.  -ftsg  wooden 
utenslls  pi.  -farU)  wood-veaseL  -farte  colotir 
of  wood. 

Xrorffe.  traf,  truffet  vt  (ramme,  oøf.  m«w)  hit; 
'møbf)  meet  (with),  come  across;  pkw  lmpinc<» 
upon;   -  en  bjemme  flnd  one  at  home;   benne 




Walrr  r  gobt  this  painter  faftn  off  a  likenes* 
well;  Sfubet  traf  the  shot  took  effect;  Jfuglrn  traf 
barn  iTfe  the  hall  missed  him;  ban  -t  gobt  he  is 
a  good  marksman;  traf  mine  prat  assalled  my 
eare;  fig  føle  fig  truffen  find  one's  self  hit,  feel 
one's  self  culpable,  be<*ome  confused  ri.  dis- 
conoerted;  ban  følte  fig  truffrn  the  cap  fltted;  ©e« 
ffplbningen  -r  .  .  .  the  charge  in  applirable  to 
.  .  .;  -  m  paa  bet  ømme  €trb  Ftrlke  home;  fiobbet 
traf  tom  lt  fell  tipon  him;  .  netop  bm  rette  Zib 
oome  in  the  very  nick  of  time;  -  ftorberrbelfer, 
en  Coerrnftfomft,  et  Salg  make  preparatlons,  an 
agreement,  a  cholee;  -  inb.  fe  ^nbtraffr;  .paa 
fall  in  with,  rome  acrosa,  hit  upon;  .  tommen 
meer,  (Dm  Brgio.)  colncide;  -  til  at  happen  to 

—  træffe*  meet:  ban  -*  paa  flt  ftonror  be  i«  to 
be  seen  at  his  offlce;  —  or  ftg  happen,  fall  out; 

—  træffenbea  (Sigfceb)  striktag;  (Semarfning) 
apprnpriate,  to  the  point,  pertinent;  et  -nbe 
Grfftrmprl  an  example  in  point;  —  odv  -nbe  be- 
tegnet happily  hit  off;  bet  er  farbelrt  -nbe  blrbrn 
fagt  it  ha«  been  mid  with  eminent  propriety. 
Irorffer  c  -e  hit.  Zraffrflfrerbrb  accuracy  (of 
thootlng).  Zrofuing  c  -er  bat  tie,  action;  divi- 
sion, line. 

2ra|flber  woody  fiber,  -flaabe  fe  Zømmer>. 
-førøinbeffe  bond,  joining(oftimber).  -forbnb- 
nivg  fe  -bnb.  -fragt  tree-fruit.  -fr*  seed  of 
trees.    -falbtttflg  fefllng  of  treea. 

Xttt%  o  sluggish,  tlow,  tardy;  —  odv  gaa  -t 
fig  hang  fire. 

Sralgaarb  orcbard  -g  al  o  o)  e  patten,  -gang 
walk,  alley.    -gartner  nunery-man,  arborist. 

Xra'glbeb  c  sluggishness.  -ftr børn  omen t  mo- 
ment of  inertla. 

Zr«'|  gruppe  chimp  of  trees.  -granfeu  the 
limit  of  trees. 

•Tragt  fe  Xrogt. 

Xralgvfp  wooden  floor  -fremmer  mallet; 
woodman's  hammer;  (t  $iano)  Jack.  -fjantet 
tråde  in  wooden  warea.  •boabier  dealer  In 
wooden  wares.  -frase  fe  -gaarb.  -brft  wooden 
home:  (t.  €traf)  tlmber-mare.  -bnb  wood  sheath- 
ing.  -fjut  timbered  house,  loghonse.  -fjPep*' 

£r«f '  [e.]  n,  pi «,  (i  røbift) :  -ret  the  odd  trick; 
to  -  two  by  tricks 

Træt  n,  pi  -*,  (»bf)  pull;  (f.  tf*,  ^eftrt)  trac- 
tion;  (mrb  fjrn)  stroke,  dash;  (Vnflgt«>)  tralt, 
feature;  (i  6faf  o.  1.)  move:  (gwgl«)  rodlng, 
roading,  passage,  flight;  (mrb  $rnfri)  touch;  (of 
Sraraftrr)  tralt  (of  character),  feature;  J,  fe  -penge; 
-Irbbrl;  bon  gjorbe  bet  S  Gange  i  .  he  did  it  three 
times  running  el.  three  times  in  succession;  10 
Stile  i  .  ten  xnflee  at  the  stretch,  on  el.  at  a 
stretch,  at  a  pull;  tre  Hætter  i  .  for  three  con- 
secutive  nights;  tre  Ximrr  i  -  for  three  hours 
at  a  spell  ri.  together;  en  fjrl  Uge  i  -  a  whole 
week  on  end:  gøre  be  farfte  -  til  en  SHflur  draw 
the  firet  lines  of  a  flgure;  p  gaa  paa  -  go  on 
the  loose.  %væt  c  ub.  pi  (Ctift)  draught,  current 
nf  sir;  ber  er  ingrn  .  i  Cbnen  the  stove  does  not 
draw;  nrbabgaarnbr  .  down-draught. 

Xr*|faa(  cesarean  cow-cabbsge.  -far  wooden 
ves.«el.    -faøfe  wooden  box. 

Xrat|baaub  fr  Xraifr>.  •iamdraw-beam.  -bro 
draw-hringe.  -brug:  til  -  for  draught.  -brøub 
draw- well.  -bbr  (SDpr,  fom  bruge«  til  at  t.)  draught 
-ratt'e;  (2br,  fom  fftfte  CpboIb*fieb)  migratory 
animals;  Jramelrn  bruge«  olbrip  fom  -  the  camel 
i«  nevor  uwd  for  rirsnght.  -flff  migratory  fluh, 
migrating  flsh.  -fri  a  free  from  draught.  -fngt 
hird  of  pawage  »fulb  n  draughty.  -large  ferry 
-bridge,  -barm  on  i  fa  accordlon.  -$eft  draught 
-hor»e,  (brb  Hanal)  track-hor*e.    -bjnl  wheel  (for 

a  draw-well).    *-boP  purse-net.    -bnj  vent;  wire 
-drawing  hole.    -b«bl  spoke-shave. 

Srfrirffc  wooden  wedge.  -Tirfrbortro?  frØngTe«. 

Jr«rfaffr  c  infused  coffee. 

Sra*Tfe(  tral,  truffet  vt  k  i  draw,  drag,  pull; 
(i  »rtetipil)  move;  (Sinter,  6tregrr;  om  $Iaftrr, 
Omt,  %t)  draw;  (en  Saab  langl  fe  tran  ben)  track; 
(f.  *t».  om  6robfno»ppen>  rode,  hoad;  ^bib  ffol  . 
white  to  play;  Sejlene  .  the  sails  draw;  bet  -r 
ber  there's  a  draught  (of  wind)  in  here;  fe  *fonf; 
^xjnbffe;  .  tulbt  ^ua  command  crowded  houses; 
.  Kort  draw  for  the  lead;  .  ttob  draw  lote,  cast 
lots;  .  gfonter  raise  plant«;  6tibet  -r  Sanb  the 
ship  mak  es  water;  *-r  fig  for  bvrtigt,  langfomt 
(om  Ur)  Is  galning,  loalng  (time);  —  (meb  pr<*p 
k  adv):  .af  meb  noget  F  carry  a  thing  off;  _ 
noaet  af  (i  en  Hegning)  deduct  (from  an  account); 
-  af  (Ur,  tvp  o.  fl.)  fe  VftrarfTe;  (OeDcer)  pull  the 
trigger,  (om  ftanon)  pull  the  trigger- line;  (om 
SRøbler)  polish;  (^at)  clean  and  polish;  -  fyraften, 
6tøplemr  af  pull  off  one's  coat,  boots;  .an 
tlghten,  draw  together;  (om  $unb)  point;  .bort 
vt  draw  away;  vi  (om  Rag  o.  I)  clear  away, 
disperse;  mange  Sngle  .  bort  om  ftinteren  many 
birds  ralgrate  towards  wlnter;  -  Øarbinet  for 
draw  the  curtain,  pull  tbe  blind;  .  fra  draw 
(the  curtain,  the  bolt);  (frabragr)  deduct,  snb- 
tract;  .  ttben  ben  procrastinate;  bel  -r  f)en  it 
takea  a  long  time;  -  en  i  $aarene  pull  one  by 
the  halr  el.  pnll  one's  hair;  .  i  et  Zoo  pull  (at) 
a  rope;  .  en  i  Wrrmet  pull  one  by  the  sleeve; 
.  i  Zajlen  rein  in,  draw  reln;  ~  i  (om  Dragt) 
don;  .  i  Sangbrag  spin  out;  ttegimmtrt  traf 
tgennem  ©ben  the  regiment  marched  through 
the  town;  .  meb  fig  drag  along  (with  one); 
Stuerne  traf  mob  Seften  the  clouds  paased  otf 
towards  the  weat;  .om  vi  alter  the  move;  . 
(fiob)  om  draw  for;  .  om f ring  roam  el.  wander 
about;  .op  draw  up;  .  Banb  op  draw  water; 
bet  -r  op  the  clouds  are  gatherlng;  bet  -r  op  til 
ttbefc  a  storm  Is  brewing,  coming  on;  fe  Gp* 
troifTe;  -  o  ber.  fe  Obertræfte;  Ubejret  btl  .  ooer 
the  storm  will  blow  over;  .paa  Ørnene  drag 
one's  Ilmbs  along;  .  paa  Crbene  drawl;  .  paa 
©rulbrene  shrug  the  shoulders;  .  (f.  <III.  $erler) 
paa  en  6nor  string  (beads);  -  paa  Sårerne  ^  tug 
at  the  oars,  pull  well;  traf  paa  Harerne,  Vtanne! 
pull  away,  my  lads!  .  paa  Sagt  mount  guard; 
.  paa  (fig,  ftlffbrr  ofo.)  put  on;  .  (en  Seriel)  paa 
draw  (a  hill)  upon;  .  f  am  men  draw  together, 
gather;  fe  .  op;  #eflene  .  gobt  lommen  the  hornes 
pnll  well  together;  .  fig  tommen  contract;  .  Gp> 
ma*rffomfjeb  til  Tig  attrået  attention;  .  Døren  tit 
shut  the  door;  .  fig  tilbage  draw  back,  retreat, 
rettre,  withdraw,  recede;  .  fig  tilbage  til  fall 
back  upon;  .  tilbagr  vt  draw  back,  (i  6taf)  re- 
treat; .  ub  draw  out,  extract;  fr  .  fcen;  (tlcebe 
ftg  af)  strip,  peel;  Røgen  traf  ub  the  smoke 
cleared  out;  .  fig  ub  af  witbdrew  from,  back 
ont  of;  —  traffes  vd  meb:  jeg  bar  en  tøarb 
9aber  at  i  mrb  I  am  troubled  with  a  hard 
father;  jeg  bor  bi«fe  Dørn  at  ft  mrb  I  have  these 
children  on  my  hånds;  jeg  maa  fo  -4  mrb  barn  i 
nogrn  Xib  I  shall  not  be  ahle  to  get  rid  ot  him 
for  some  time,  you  see;  -9  mrb  en  ébgbom  la- 
bour  under,  be  affected  with  a  dtsease;  brt  ffal 
bi  *  om  F  we  will  have  a  tussle  for  it.  $ra»ffei< 
boanb  running-string.  -bamf  (Xraabt.)  draw 
-bench.  -garn  drag-net.  -Jern  (t.  Wtetaltraab) 
draw-plste,  drawing-plate.  -fuib  spokeshave. 
-fnube  slip-knnt,  running-knot.  -fraft  drawing 
power,  trcrffelig  a  ductlle.  Xraffeligbeb  r 
durtility.  Xtctlttu  fr  Xrataing.  Xra*fFe|uaal 
bodkin,  dntwing-through  needle.  -penge  fr 
Zraf«.     -puufel   tracer.     Tratter  c  -r   p  street 




-walker.    Xrafte|febbel  fe  Xraf«.    -Hb  time  of 

Xraf|fli«ge  spokeshave.  -traft  fe  tratte«. 
•tabe  chain-trace. 

Xratlampcr  pi  slippers  witb  wooden  soles. 

Xræf|laft  (Xømr.)  hook-scarph.  •laffet  a  hook 
-Bcarphed.  -løftning  hook-and-butt.  -line  line 
el.  rope  for  drawing,  dragrope,  guess-rope. 

2ra'|fløb9  log  of  wood.  »-Natte  mallet. 
•ttabntng  (om  Damptebel)  lagging. 

Xraf|mtbbel  epispastlc.  -more  mfgratory  ant, 
Formica  cepkalote*. 

Xra'ltnaft  knot  in  wood.    -tnebcl  toggle. 

Xrafning  c  -et  drawing  etc.  (fe  Xraffe);  .  i 
Semmerne  spasm;  (i  Slnflgtet)  twitch.  —  Xrflrt« 
tting3|bag  day  of  drawing.     -lifie  list  of  prizes 

Xra'|tnop  bud  on  a  tree.  -fnnb  fe  -Ifob*. 
•Fn«  j,  wooden  knee. 

Xra!'|øp«  draught-furnace.  -papir  blotting 
-paper.  -penge  ^  allotment  money.  -flabe  fe 
Xratteiarn.  -p  lafter  blister,  vesicatory,  blistering 
plaster;  fig  attraction.  flotte  tea  pot.  -pu«fe(l) 
fe  tratte*. 

Xra  trone  c  tree-top. 

Xraf|rnbe  ventilator  in  a  wlndow.  •tulle 

Xra'|frpber  fe  -pilter. 

Xr«t|r*r  air-pipe,  air-tube.  -fab,  *-f*J  cross 
-cut  saw.  -f ebbet  J,  allotment  note.  -fele  traces, 
-fflb  canal-boat.  -ffibe  dram.  -ffrae  draw 
-screw.  -fløjte  track-boat.  -fpil  accordion. 
•fplebøning  drawlng-splice.  -tang  drawing  rod. 
•Hot  wad-hook.  -jtnb  draught-ox.  -frotte  at- 
traction. -fttble  long  boot.  -Hb  fe  trætte'. 
-top  fe  -line.    -tøfi  p  street-walker. 

Xra'tttl  charcoal.    -Jam  charcoal-Iron. 

Xratlbc)  towing-path,  (langt  Jtanal)  track-road. 
•biwb  draugbt.  -bob  drag-net.  •bog«  hand-cart. 
•bart  wire-drawing  machine.    -bao  draw-loom. 

Xra|faaøartt  tree-kangaroo ,  Dendrolagtu. 
•føHe  mallet. 

Xral'  c  (t  n)  -le  thrall,  serf,  bondsman,  slave. 

*2rel'  c  (ftiff)  dace,  <Wt«i». 

Xralaft  timber,  mmr  lumber;  (anble  meb  -  deal 
in  timber.  -baøfln  timber-basln.  -broøer,  -farer 
timber  vessel  el.  sbip.  -b,a«bel  timber-trade. 
-tjanbler  timber-merchant,  amr  lumber-man. 
-ataalfT  timber  meter. 

Xral[baarea  a  slave-born.  -otttbe  øf  enthrall, 
enslave.  -bonbe  serf,  soccager.  -barn  c  thral- 
dom,  bondage.  -bomiaag.  -bomtaaiib  o.  flL,  fe 
trane«;  bibl  en  -bomtaanb  tbe  splrlt  of  bondage. 
-bbr  fig  drudge.  *Xralfe  vt  enthrall.  XxttV 
tøtabe  bonds-woman.  tralle  vi  slave,  drudge, 
toll  like  a  slave. 

XraHe|aag  yoke  of  bondage.  -aanb  slavish- 
ness,  servility.  -arbefbe  work  fit  for  slaves, 
drudgery.  -baaubbondsof  slavery,  -blob  blood 
of  slaves,  -bbrb  slavish  blrth.  -baab  slavfsh 
deed.  -bønt  fe  -atbejbe.  -flot  crowd  of  slaves. 
•fabt  fe  Xtafoaaren.  -gentlag  fe -aroejbe.  -(aanb: 
for  .  at  tbe  hånds  of  a  slave.  -%*t  host  el. 
army  of  serfs.  -faa?  the  position  of  a  slave. 
-Hb  slavish  I  i  fe,  life  of  a  slave,  -tanter  chains 
of  slavery.  -marfe  brand  of  slavery.  +-marfe 
vt  put  the  brand  of  slavery  on.  -naon  (9enai>< 
wffe  af  tral)  name  of  bondsman;  (9tabn,  fotn 
fltbel  en  tral)  name  of  a  bondsman.  -Rub  slav- 
ishness,  servility.  -finbet  a  fe  tral«.  -f|«l  slav- 
ish mind.  -fftattb  state  of  thraldom  el.  bondage. 
-bl« :  paa  „  like  slaves,  -bart  fe  -arbejbe.  XralØ 
fe  Xralfom.  Xralfhtbet  a  servile,  slavish.  tral« 
Jjot  a  toilsome,  laborious;  adv  laborlously. 
Xraffomtjeb  c  laboriousness. 

Xttt \lu$  wood-louse,  Oni»etu  atellu*.  -farte 
woodlark,    Alauda   arborea.      -løber   fe   -bitter. 

•føg  tree-onion,  Canada  onion,  AUium  c*p* 
vivtparum.  -løø  a  treeless,  destitute  of  trees, 
-maleri  painting  on  wood.  -ntanb  fig  dry-as 
-dust.  -mangel  scarcity  of  wood.  -main  pith 
of  a  tree.  -madfe  wood-pulp,  wood-paste.  -ma- 
terialicr  wood  materials.  -mel  wood-dust.  -mtd 
tree-moss.  -mofalt  inlald  wood-work.  -mare 
pi  Hq  wooden  walls. 

iro?«  n,  plt=,  arftrain(ofartillety);  Oornb  • 

Xranaøfe  wooden  pin,  peg;  <i*  treenall. 

Xr«ne'r|e  vt  k  i  train.    -ina  c  tralning. 

Sraage,  -te,  -t  vt  &  i  pren,  force,  drive,  pusb; 
.frem  advance,  push  on.  (-  bao)  swarm  np;  . 
flg  frem  press  forward;  .  igennem  vt  penetrate: 
force  one's  way  through;  vi  Ao  prevail;  •  inb  i 
enter  (in to),  penetrate  into,  make  one's  way  el. 
inrtnuate  one's  self  into;  -  fig  meb  JRagt  inb  i 
et  $ut  force  one's  way  into  a  house;  .  tnb  po« 
en  fig  urge  one,  press  one  hard;  (an  -r  ftg  tnb 
alletegne  he  thrusts  himself  in  everywhere;  - 
paa  swarm  up;  hustle  each  other;  .  nb  t»i  å  < 
crowd  out. 

Xrange.  -te,  -t  vi  (HO  want,  be  in  want  d. 
need  (of),  need,  stand  in  need  of;  b^m  r  tfte  be 
suffera  no  want,  wants  nothlng;  —  trang  en  bf 
o  indigent,  needy,  nscessitous;  bltbe  .  eome  to 

Xrangen  c  hustling.  Xra»gfel  c  -fier  (af  ftoff 
crowd,  press,  pressure,  crash;  (SRobgang)  distreæ, 
bibl  tribulation,  affliction;  beb  mange  -fier  througfa 
much  tribulation.  —  XrangfclØjaot,  -bag,  -ttb 
ycar,  day,  hour  of  dlstress  el.  tribulation. 

Xraaing  c  fe  Xranering. 

Xra  n|tnft  baggage- waggoner,  -mil  mile  ran, 
traln-mile.    -f  olbal  train  soldier. 

tXranøbbe  c  wooden  olub. 

Xraaø  r  c  -er  trainer. 

Sr«|ølic  wood-oil.  -opal  semi-opal.  -ørm 
wood-worm,  timber-sow,  wood-fretter,  Amobi** 
(Sarbe).  -bioer  tree-piplt,  titling,  titlark,  Amtkm 
arbcreus.  -bitter  common  creeper,  Ctrtkia  /« 
miliartB.  -*inb  wooden  stick,  peg.  -»imbfois 
tree-porcupine,  Cercolabe*.  *-b£blarIe  fe  -piler, 
-plante  tree-plant.  -plan  ta  in  g  (^anbtingen)  plaov 
ing  of  trees,  woods;  (en  beplantning)  plantation. 
-prop  wooden  plug.  -pø*  wooden  barket, 
-reoler  battens. 

+Srflcri«g  c  -e  wily,  crafty  person,  old  for. 

Xra|rtag  annual  ring.  -røb  tree-root.  -ratt- 
part  wooa-fence,  wooden  railing.  -fabel  sword 
of  lath.  -fabel  wooden  saddle.  -faft  sap  of  t 
tree.  -fager  wooden  articles.  -falbe  cement 
for  trees. 

Xrafl  a  wily,  crafty. 

•Xraffe  vt  fe  Xarffe. 

Xralfte  wooden  spoon.  -ftebe  wooden  sheath. 

Xraftelig  adv  crartlly.   Xr«ftb,eb  c  cxait,  wili 

Xra'lftib  wood  ship,  wooden  snip.  -frø 
wooden  shoe.  -ffobaa*  clog-dance.  -frøbaafer 
clog-danoer.  -ftole  nursery.  -ftomager  maker 
of  wooden-shoes,  sabotmaker.  -ftomagerborr* 
fteb  wooden-shoe  manu&ctory.  -flømaab  fe  -po 
maqer.  -ftonab  shoe-blrd,  whale-headed  stork, 
Balopnicepi  rex.  -ftrne  wood-screw,  ocrew-nail. 
wooden  screw.  -ftarer  «  -e  (Iqiograf)  wood 
engraver,  xylographer;  (OtQebO  carver.  •fforrcri, 
•ftarerfnnft,  -ftaring  wood-engravlng  ef.  cnttinf . 
zylography;  carving.  -flange  dendrophis.  -ffiofri 
wood-grinding  manufaotory.  -fait  wood  cnt, 
engraving  on  wood,  zylograph.  -fttøg  fe  -flangf. 
4-f nappe  fe  $olt».  -ført  (descrlption  of)  wood 
•fpaaner  pi  shavlngs  el.  chips  of  wood  -fpaab 
wooden  pail.  -fpant:  ben  er  bpgget  paa  .  ber 
framlng   is   of  wood.     -fpiritnft   wood  spirit. 




pyroligneous  ef.  pyroxylic  Bplrlt,  methylic  alco- 
hol,  methylated  spirits  (of  winej.  -fbltnt  f plint 
of  wood.  -fy tit  fe  •fpirttu«.  -ftabel  pile  of  wood. 
-ftamau  stem  of  a  tree.  -fif*  petrlfled  wood. 
-Vige  wooden  ladder.  -flof  (ffeQalofe)  woody 
fibre,  woody  matter,  lignlne;  fe  -matfe.  -fiol 
wooden  chalr.  -frølfte  wooden  post.  -ftnft 
stump  el.  stab  of  a  tree.  -fht!  ligneous  stucco. 
•tøffe  piece  of  wood.  t-fUb  fe  -fhib.  -fhib 
wood-dust.  -fnt  a  pyroligneous.  -fbam*  ama- 
dou,  Bolet**-,  fe£u»*.  -fbte  ligneons  add,  wood 

Srstt'  a  tired,  weary  (af  of),  wearied,  fatigued 
<with);  (feb  of)  weary  (of).  tired  (with). 

SrajtaØcrten  wooden  plate,  platter,  -taab 
cog.  -taøletrbt  block-printing;  block-book. 
•ter*  &  toggle. 

Sratfccb  c  weartness,  fatlgne,  lassltade. 

Stal  tin  wood-tin.  -tjare  wood-tar.  -ts*  top 
<I.  head  of  a  tree. 

Svatre  vt  tire,  weary,  fattgue;  —  trætte«  op 
be  tired  etc.;  —  tratten  be  a  tireoome,  wearl- 
aome,  tedlons. 

%tættt  c  -r  dispnte,  qnarrel;  ($rocel)  litigatJon; 
tigge  i  -  be  quarrelllng;  tomme  i .  quarrel;  bf  mmri 
for  unøbig  -  be  flned  for  frivolons  and  vexatlous 
lltigation.  Srotte  vi  dispnte,  bandy  words;  - 
intob oontradlet;  —  trattelød quarrel.  St«rte| • 
»rober  quarrel-plcker,  lltiglous  person,  -teer  a 
quarrelsome.  duputatious.  •tetfteb  c  quarrel- 
someness.  diøputatiousness. 

Sr«|t*ffel  clog.  -tøj  wooden  utensils  pi. 
-nlb  wooa-flock.  -bagtel  American  quail,  Ortyx 
virffiniamu*.  -bareftonbel  fe  -tymbel.  -barer  pi 
fe  -fager;  fe  toft. 

Sraøen  fe  Sreben. 

Srabl  e  -et  fibre,  flbrU,  filament,  thread;  ifte 
en  -  not  a  button;  itte  en  tør  .  not  a  dry  thread. 
Srobte  vt  k  i  -  op,  ub  ravel  (out).  —  Sr«ble|< 
øtomftret  Jpragtftierne,  fe  -frone.  -bnubt  fe  -tnippe. 
-gib*  flbrous  gypsum,  English  tale.  -fait  fibrous 
limestone,  satin-spar.  -tatype  buncb  of  fibres. 
-trone  ragged-rown,  LpehnU  fim  oucuii.  -amab 
lancelet,  Atmphioxuå.  -tab  flbrous  root.  -flof 
flbrous  substance;  (fttørin)  fibrln.  Srotblct  a 
'flbrous,  fllamentous.  Stable*«**  n  flbrous  tissue 
el.  texture. 

Sr«|*»trfe  fe  •matertalter.  -bet*  fe  JØobebotl. 
-*«g  wooden  wall.  -batør  growth  of  trees. 
-bart  wood-work.  -aber  (3nf.)  xylophagan. 
-øgle  tree-llsard. 

*%X9  c  -et  small  enelosed  field,  fold. 

Srøff  et  e  -flet  truffle.  Lvooperdon  tuber.  -|««b 
truffle-dog.    -fager,  -føøer  truffle-hnuter. 

+Støg  fe  Sneg. 

Støje  c  -r  jacket,  jerkln;  (til  Same)  jacket; 
faa  en  bantet  -  get  a  thrashlng  el.  troundng;  fao 
en  oaab  .  get  thoroughly  drenebed;  bobe  fin  - 
look  danger  In  the  fsce. 

Srøjebn'Ø  c  trois-deuoe;  paa  es  .  at  hasard, 
at  a  venture,  at  random. 

Sr*fe|tønc  (Smp.)jacket-cock.  -tlttbt  a  dressed 
Ina  jacket.  -lomme  jaoketpocket.  -arme  jacket 

Srøffe  c  (boa  Sangen)  thrush. 

Srøfte  «  rotten  wood,  touchwood.  Srøfte  vi 
grow  rotten,  -branbe  flre-wood  partly  rotten. 
Srøffet,  »trtftev  a  rotten. 

Srgft  e  comfort,  consolation;  (ZiQib)  confid- 
ence;  bet  er  en  baarlig  -  that  is  a  cold  comfort. 
fStfft  a  firm,  staunoh.  Srøflc  rr  comfort,  con- 
sole;  »  fig  comfort  one's  self  take  comfort;  . 
fig  meb  (ben  Santej  at  take  comfort  in  the  thought 
that;  -  fig  til  (oooe)  venture,  dåre,  trust  one's 
self  (to);  (tro  fig  iftanb  til)  thlnk  one's  self  able. 
—  Srøfte)  »reb  consolatory  letter,    -fmlb  a  con 

Sarfen:  $anft*(tnøelf!  Crbbog. 


solatory.  -gmnb  ground  of  oomfbrt.  Srøftetlg 
a  (fom  tan  trøffel)  oonsolable;  (trøftenbe)  conso- 
latory. Srøfte(u#)orb  words  of  comfort.  Srøfter 
c  -e  comforter  (ogfoa  bibl),  oonsoler;  bolster 
cushion  el.  pillow  (for  chsirs).  ZrsHerig  a  full 
of  comfort,  consolatory,  consollng.  Xrsftermsttb 
c  fe  Ztefbn.  XttHeffrift  oonaolatorv  writing. 
Srsfleifsfi  a  inconsolable,  disconsolate:  (mi«« 
trøfleRbc)  disheartenlng,  dlstressing.  XtwfktéUi' 
beb  e  disconsolateness.  Sttftetaie  consolatory 
discourse  el.  sermon.  $r*fHg  a  of  good  oheer, 

Xfotarteø"|fet  c  Circassian.    -fifl  a  Circasslan. 

Zféttb|ev  c,  pi  a,  Chnd.    -ift  a  Chudic. 

Sfo)ntrfo)er  e,  pi  ■=  Chukch. 

Sfetfeftae  e  tsetse,  Øtomna  mortitan: 

%mba  e  -er  tuba. 

Znbe'rtcl  c  -Mer  tu'berole.  <bavnelfe  o  tuber- 
culisation.  —  Znber|fnlo'fe  o  phthisis.  -tnU* 
a  tuber'culous,  tnbercular. 

Zttberø'fe  e  -t  (garden)  tuberose,  Polianthe* 

Slbingem  n  Tabingen. 

+Z«b  n  howl. 

%u%  e  t  spout;  (aaben)  lip;  (p.  Blafebalg)  nose 
-pipe.    -btttfl  arytenoid  cartilage. 

tnbe  vi  (^bie)  howl;  (om  Ugle)  hoot;  (f.  wtft.  i 

orn)  toot;  oont  (grcebe)  whine,  pule;  -  en  ^rene 

Ibe  din  one's  ears ;  mon  moa  .  meb  be  ttlbe  man 
et  iblanbt  when  you  are  at  Rome,  do  as  Rome 
does.    Zabebom  tooting-horn. 

Sttbefrabe  c  jug  el.  mug  wlth  a  spout. 

2uben  o,  Snbeti'  n  bowling  eto.  (fe  Xube). 

Sttbfe  c  -r  toad,  Bu/o.  -fifl  angler,  flshlng 
-frog,  Lophimå  puoatorius.  -gtffi,  -ff»  toad-rush, 
Junou*  bufonius.    -fre«  toad-stone. 

^a'bffraale  vi  f  howl,  roar. 

♦Xae  o  -t  scouring-clout,  mop. 

Znt  c  -t  knoll,  llttle  hillock,  mound;  (af  ruef. 

Slante)  taft,  tnssock;  OtPre-  ant-hlll;  gøre  -t  til 
large  make  monntains  of  mole-hills;  liben  Xue 
øfo.  fe  8aø:  a  small  leak  wUl  sink  a  great  shlp. 
-formet  •formtø  ^  cespitose.  -ge«g  sedge, 
Oarex.  -mbrc  red-ant,  wood-ant,  Formica  ru/a. 
-bløb  plough  for  levelling  knolla. 

%mf  o  tnfa,  tuff. 

*%ufi  n  paltry  stuff,  a  poor  affkir.  XuH  e 
-et  muff.  Xufit  vi  bnngle,  fumble;  vr  fig  op  fag; 
-  fta  fammen  tangle.    Xutft  o  tangle. 

Zaffren  e  fe  Xnf. 

'Saften  Puck,  the  brownie,  Robin  good  boy. 

Sagt  o  (DifclpUn)  disdpline;  (Straf)  correction; 
et  -enl  ttil  a  scourge;  ^olbe  i  -  hold  under 
disdpline;  i  -  øg  Vin  in  all  chastity  and 
honour;  meb  -  at  melbe  wlth  reverence  be 
it  spoken.  +-bt«b  breaoh  of  disdpline.  Sagte 
vt  ehastise,  correct,  castigate,  chasten,  dlaci- 
pline;  •-(Sten)  boast;  -  op,  fe  Optugte;  ben  (om 
elfter  kam.  -r  fcm  riblig  bxbl  he  that  loveth  him, 
ohasteneth  him  betimes.  Saørclfe  c  -t  ohastise* 
ment,  castigation,  oorreotion.  Sngtemeftet  cor- 
reotor,  chastener;  bor  -  til  Irtifram  our  school- 
master  to  bring  us  unto  Christ.  %n%t\%ul  house 
of  correction,  bridewell;  bømme  Hl  -et  sentence 
to  hard  labour,  fibbet  i  -et  is  a  oonvlct.  -bn#- 
fange  prisoner  in  the  house  of  correction.  -|Mf  • 
tanbibat  felon.  -bnftfrraf  hard  labour,  penal 
servltude  Saglig  a  decent,  modest.  Sngrtg^eb 
c  modesty,  deoency.  Sngt|løø  a  undisdpllned. 
•lødbeb  e  want  of  disdpline.  -bant  a  disdpline d. 

Sttfa'n  e  -er  tou'can. 

•Satte  vi  fe  Itlubte. 

Sntntaf  tt  e  tucotuoo,  Ctemomw. 

Salametal  n  Tula-metal. 

Salu>a'«  o  -er  tu'lip;  p  labe  en  lugte  til  -en 
pitch  luto  one.  Saliba'a|bebbedof  tullps.   -Ug 





tulip-bulb.  -togen  the  tulip  mania.  -rro»  taUp 
•tree,  Liriodendron  tulipi/entm;  tulip- wood,  white 

*S«H  e  -et  roll,  bundle;  fool.  Snfle  o  -r  fool- 
isb,  silly  woman.  SttDe  vt:  .  tnb,  _  foiiraien 
bundle  up,  together;  -  flg  bort  go  astrav;  be 
pat  out.  %nU\tu,  -et  a  crazy,  foollsh.  -mg  o 
•et  fool,  Idiot. 

Salep  c  -per  top-coat. 

Snotte  vi  (falbe)  tamble,  toppie;  be  ©ørn .  for 
meget  tørinbe  these  chlldren  make  too  mucb 
noise  here;  -  tilbage  stagger  back;  .  meb  straggle 
wlth;  of  -  en  $eft  manage  a  horse;  —  er  -fifl 
disport  one's  self;  .  flg  i  oilbe  •læber  riot  in 
wild  pleasures;  b>n  (ar  t  flg  meget  om  i  Betben 
he  bas  seen  a  great  deal  or  the  world;  ban  b>r 
•t  flg  paa  6øen  be  bas  been  towed  on  the  waves; 
*  om  poo  $abet  be  knocked  aboat  on  the  ocean, 
be  bufleting  aboat  the  sea.  Samle«  c  tambling 
etc.;  nolse,  racket.  Snatfeptobe  plaoe  of  exer 
ciM;  fa  range,  field.  Samler  o  -e  dolphln, 
Delpkimu  phocoena;  (Due)  tombler,  roller,  Co- 
iumba  gyratrix.  Samling  c  -er  small  tumbler; 
fe  Xumler  (Due).  Summet  o  tumult,  bustle, 
uproar,  racket;  ©etben«  .  the  vortex  of  the 
world.    »Summelt  ø  -er  (Due)  tumbler. 

Sttmtttelamft'  a  f  bewlldered;  gøre  -  be- 

tS««mer«at'(att)  0  k  n  ease,  leisure;  i  min 
gobe  -,  i  mit  eget -  at  my  leisore;  ben  gamle  -  the 
old  groove. 

tSnmpet,  •Samfet  n  fe  tompet,  Somfet. 

Snmnlt'  c  tumult,  riot,  disturbance.  -110111' 
c  -er  rioter.    -ua'riff  o  tumul'tuous. 

*Sn»  n,  pi  —,  court,  farm-yard,  pro*  town. 

Snnejfe?  0,  -fifl  i  Tunia'ian. 

Sa  nftff  fe  tbunfiff. 

Sang  a  heavy,  ponderoos;  -t  Vrbejbe  weary 
work;  -t  Sinb  gloomy  disposition,  difficult 
temper;  -  6til  heavy  el.  ponderons  »ty le;  -t  6uT 
gToan;  en  -  Sfeebne  a  hard  iate;  et  -t  Remme 
a  dull  comprehension;  bet  er  -t  at  mifte  flt  enefie 
©am  it  is  hard  to  lose  an  only  child;  bjabe  en  - 
$aanb  be  heavy-handed;  Pære  -  i  $ooebet  rael 
one's  head  heavy,  feel  drowsy;  jeg  er  -  om 
fiirrtrt my heart  is  heavy;  —tungt adv heavily; 
ltgger  -t  t  Staben  is  heavy  to  digest;  fooe  -tbea 
sound  sleeper.  -blobig  a  thlck-blooded,  melan- 

Snage  0  -r  tongue;  (Sprog)  tongne,  language; 
(af  8anb)  tongue;  (paa  ©ægtftaal)  cock;  (&if!)  sole, 
8olm;  (lagfen)  flat  tile;  (p.  JtniPj  tang;  fyp 
(galley*)slice;  faa  -n  paa  Vang  give  a  loose  to 
one's  tongue;  faa  enl  -  paa  vang  set  one's 
tongue  a  going,  draw  one  out;  rotte  -  ab  en 
put  one's  tongue  out  at  a  person;  bet  ligger  mig 
paa  n  I  have  it  on  the  up  of  my  tongue,  at 
my  tongue's  end;  bet  Spønjtmaal  falbt  mig  paa 
-n  the  questlon  rose  to  my  Ups;  ban  bat  en 
flbbenbe  .  he  has  a  glib  tongue;  tør  to  -t  i  een 
Stnnb  is  double-tongued;  fe  Sanb;  meb  -n  ub  af 
Aalfen  panting.  Snnge|aart  lingual  vein.  -baonb 
ligament  of  the  tongue;  (Sejt)  tongue-tie;  borre 
gobt  ftoaren  for  .  have  a  well  oiled  tongue,  have 
the  glit  of  the  gab;  løfe  en*  -  fe:  faa  en«  Sunge 
paa  Gang.  -ben  byoid  bone.  -blegn  blister  on 
the  tongue.  -bogflap  lingual.  -bpfb  boil  on  the 
tongue.  -fil  tougue(-flle),  cross-file.  -ftøubre  fe 
Snnoe  (gift).  -formig  a  lingulate,  lfgulate. 
-forrotg  a  voluble.  rapid  el.  fluen t  of  words 
•focrbtgbeb  0  volubility.  -groft  (bo*  $efte)  hollow 
in  whfch  the  tongue  lies.  -infrrnmeni  reed  in- 
etrument.  -Nrtet  lingual  gland.  -frorft  cancer 
of  the  tongue.  -Ipb  lingual  sound.  -Uf  a 
tongueless.  -maal  language;  bibl  tale  meb  frem« 
mebe  .  speak  wlth  tongue«.     -muffe!  lingual 

muscle.  -«eme  lingual  nerve,  -pobntng  tongne 
-grafting,  -rap  o  volnble.  -rot  root  of  the 
tongue.  -flag  stroke  of  the  tongue.  -f)»«tcf 
spatula,  tongue-depressor.  -fpibi  tip  of  the 
tongue.  -fut*  tonguing.  Snaget  a  tongaed; 
fe  -formia. 

Sunglfdtrbig  a  slow.  heavy.  -fatrbigBjct  c 
slowness,  heaviness.  *-f*r  fe  -farbigj.  -ÉCa  e 
heaviness.  -Icnibct  a  heavy-handed.  -MT,  *-Mrt 

0  hard  of  hearing.  -berigb^eb  c  difficulty  ei. 
hardness  of  hearing.  •  -forb  barytes.  -tob>cs  a 
heavy,  -mslenbe,  -malet  a  havine  diflQculty  of 
utterance.  -nem,  •nemmet  a  lndocile,  Indocible, 
dull  of  comprehension,  a  slow  learner.  •ncnakeb 
indocillty,  indocibllltv.  -finb  fe  -ftnbig^eb.  4lv« 
big,  *-flnbt  a  melancholy.  -finbiglcb  c  meltn- 
choly.  -fmeltetlg  a  difficult  of  fusion.  -f|Mrt 
sulphate  of  barytes.  -ften  tungsten,  -fratfnrr 
tungstic  add.  »-fa  sweU.  -fapnet  n  tbavt  sleeps 
heavily.  —  Snnat|bePdtbaet  a  heavy  -armed. 
-labet  a  heavy  laden.  -opUfelig  a  diffioult  of 

Snagn'fer  pi  Tunguzes,  Tungooses. 

*SangPtnta  ponderous,  chzmsy,  impractksable. 

Snnifa  c  tunlc. 

Sanfer  c  -c  (6ett)  Tanker,  Dunkard. 

Snnnel  e  -er  tunnel. 

Snnnolif  o  rorqual,  BalænopUra  gigaa. 

SttpaJ'a  e  fe  ftlatrefpiMmnl. 

Snr  e  t  (UOe  Rejfe)  trip,  excursion,  run;  (Kab> 
turn;  (Sog)  expedltion;  (i  f)an«)  figure;  jeg  gtorbe 
-en  fra  lrobenb>pn  til  ...  i  made  the  tour  from 
Copenhagen  to  .  .  .;  tage  en  fctofte  i  enreft .  take 
a  cab  by  the  drive;  nu  er  -en  til  big  it  la  your 
turn  now;  flaa  for  -  til  stand  nezt  in  rotation 
for;  ftob  for  -  (til  at  gore  SJenefte)  was  nezt  for 
duty;  gaa,  rtbe,  løre  en  «  take  a  walk,  ride, 
drive,  go  out  for  a  walk  etc.;  er  fort  nb  en  - 
is  out  for  a  drive;  gaa  af  efter  -  rettre  by  el.  in 
rotation;  tomme  i  .  meb  at  get  into  a  habit  of; 
F  ban  et  bant  til  -en  he  is  inared  to  it. 

Snranff  o  Toura'nian. 

Sarban  0  -er  turban,  -formet,  -fanaifl  o 
turban-ahaped.  •Ife'rtt  a  turbaned.  -Itlfc  mår- 
tagon,  Tnrk's  cap,  Litium  martago*. 

Snrbi'ne  c  -r  tufbine. 

Snrbe,  tor,  hitbe,  tutbet  vi  dåre;  tor  et.  -  jeg 
fparge  may  I  ask;  {eg  -  fffe  gore  bet  I  dared  not 
do  it;  bet  tør  jeg  ilte  I  dåre  not  (do  it);  bet  -  bel 
banbe  fig  it  may  poaribly  happen;  bet  tor  bonbe 
at  it  may  be  that;  om  jeg  faa  tor  Uge  if  I  may 
(be  permltted  to)  say  so;  feg  tor  not  flge  I  thlnk 

1  may  safely  say. 

*Snre  c  -r  (til  Sop)  fauoet. 

Snre  vi  (omfringj  be  rovlng,  courslng,  about; 
*  be  on  the  spree,  on  a  round  of  pleasnres. 

Surfeflan  n  Turkestan,  Turoomania. 

Snrfi  6  fe  Sbrfi«. 

Surfoman'  c  -net  Tur'coman. 

Snrmalin  c  tour'mallne,  tur'maline. 

Snmer  0  -e  one  who  practises  gymnastics  el 
athletics,  gymnastic,  turner. 

Snme'rTe  vi  tilt,  joust. 

Snnte'rllefl  horse  used  at  tournaments.  -éng 
o  -er  tournament.  -fraPC  hør  label.  -losfcjoust- 
ing  lance.  »Iopc  pi  laws  of  tournaments.  -plab# 
tilt-yard.  -pri#  prise  of  the  tournament.  -fpil 

Snrnforening  gymnastic  el.  athletic  union. 
Snraing  c  gymnastic  ezerdses. 

Snmftunfl  gymnastic  art.   -flt  alhletio  shoe. 

Samip(fl)  e  #  turnip. 

Sumnft  c  -er  rotation. 

Surtelbne  0  turtle-dove,  Co^awba  turfw. 

Sv'rnif  adv  by  turns,  by  el.  in  rotation,  turn 
and  turn  about. 




Xnfo)  o  mut  flourlsh. 

Xftfoj  »  Indian  Ink,  China-ink;  trane  meb  - 
dnw  wlth  Indlån  ink.  2ttfo)e've  vt  &  i  wash; 
«■*»>  cauterize.  Xnf4|aian*r  cameo.  *btnfel 
broah  for  washing.   -tegning  Chlna-ink  drawing. 

Xvfivb,  rnflnbe  a  thonsand;  -  og  een  Dtat  the 
Arabian  Nighta;  _  Øonge  om  ftorlobeife  a  thonsand 
pardons;  en  blanbt  -  one  in  a  thousand.  Xnftnbl- 
aarig  a  thonsand  years  old,  bet  *e  fttge  the 
millennium;  ben  -e  £l>rfa!igtøb  the  miUennlal 
bappiness.  -nen  mlllepede,  Julut;  oentlpede, 
scolopendra,  ticolopendra;  &  racking  seising. 
-blab  water-milfoil,  MyriopkyUum.  -bel  thou- 
sandth  (part),  -boliclt  adv  a  thonsand  times. 
Xnfinbe  num  ord  thousandth  Xnfinblfarbet  a 
many-coloured.  -folb  ad«  a  thonsand  fold. 
-folbtg  o  thousandfold.  -frb>  daisy,  «o  gowan, 
Bellis  peremnie.  -fr*  all-seed,  Radioia  mille- 
arana.  -gbtben  red  centaury,  BrytAræa  een- 
taurium.  -nmfhief  man  of  many  arts,  Jack  of 
all  trådes,  -fton  amaranth,  Amarantui.  -fjern« 
mig  a  many-voiced.  -tal,  -»18:  i  .  by  ef.  in 

X«f!  n  fe  Xufdj. 

X«ff|e  vi  k  t  barter,  truck,  f  swap.  -fcoabel 
barter,  truck,  truckage. 

*Xn*le  vi  fe  $uftle. 

Xuimøttt  n  dusk,  twllight;  i  -t  in  the  twllight, 
between  the  lights.  -fbomner  hawk-moth, 

•Xnéfe  c  -v  goblin,  troll. 

~Xn#fe(abb  c  -er  ninoompoop,  moff,  whipper 

#X«fr  c  -er  tuft. 

*X«t  c  fe  Zub;  /oe  (pouting)  mouth,  lips;  gøre 
-  pout. 

Xfrt'  c  -in  cornet;  en  -  $enge  a  rouleau,  a 
roll  of  money  in  paper.  Xnite  vt  ($cnge)  roll 
up  money  in  paper 

Xnrta  c  tutty. 

Satte  vi  fe  trutte. 

Xnanbt  imp  af  Xbtnbe. 

Xbang  imp  af  Xotnge. 

Xbang  e  force,  compulsion,  restraint,  restric- 
tion,  coercion,  constraint;  af  -  on  compulsion; 
meb  -  by  constraint,  forcibly;  ubcn  -  without 
restraint,  unconstrained;  unber  Booen«  .  under 
a  penalty;  nnber  (Sttetutionl  -  under  pain  of 
execution;  lægge  .  baa  fifl  constrain  oneself. 
Xb*Mg|fri  a  unrestrained,  unconstrained;  Bcerfet 
ubfouuner  i  -e  $efter  the  work  will  be  published 
in  numbers  at  indeflnlte  periods;  bet  ~  6bftem 
the  no-restraint  system.  -fri|eb  fe  -lottøb.  -1*6 
fe  -fri.  -Uifccb  e  freedom  from  restraint.  — 
XbcsgftfaHofb  compulsory  composltion.  -flrbeibe 
compulsory  el.  hard  labour.  -orbejbØonftalt  fe 
-bu*,  -anhion  execution  sale.  -bftftb  compulsory 
baptism.  •Hjerte  despot,  tyrant.  -fttt*  work- 
house  for  vagrants.  -Honfnl  penalty.  -f»r* 
compulsory  rate  of  exchange.  -Ia«n  forced 
loan.  -fob  coercion  bill,  Coercion  Aet,  coerclve 
law.  -niibbel  compulsory  el.  ooercive  means. 
•mnllt  daily  fine.  t-m*tte  soe-mill.  -boi  com- 
pulsory passport.  -pligt  compulsory  duty.  -bofi« 
til  policy  of  coercion.  -mel  compulsory  rule. 
-ret  right  of  compulsion.  -fele,  -trøje  fe  6pænbe» 
trøje.    *bi#  adv  by  force. 

*X»cre  c  -t  twirling-stlck. 

Xbfbat  c  -fer  blscuit,  rusk,  top  and  bottom; 
(Ur)  turnip. 

Zbttftflft  a  blbasic. 

Xbe'llab  n  sarabacca,  Aåarum  europceum. 

Xbebo  e  $  dloecia.    -btante  dioedan. 

tXnebc-  e  peninsula. 

Xbe|beling  blpartition,  bisection.  -beltatwo- 
parted,  bipartite. 

Xwlbrogt  c  dissension,  disunion,  discord, 
-bragtf  aanb  splrit  of  dissension. 

Xbeegget  fe  Xbeeegget. 

Xøefarbet  a  bicofourfed),  twocoloured. 

2b«  fliget  a  9>  bllobed,  bilobate. 

Xoefølbig  a  double. 

Xbeforf  e  two-pronged  fork. 

tSoeføre  n  prov  collieion. 

tSbfgc  e  -t  forked  branch.    XbcgH  a  forked. 

Xbegren et a two-pronged.  -ing o bifurcation, 

Xbegrøb  tt,  -gv«big  a  ylelding  two  crops  in 
the  year,  biferons. 

Xbe^smet  a  two-horned. 

Zbeb>bebet  a  two-headed. 

Zbc|bøbri  a  fe  -Tlowt. 

SbCfbalbet  a  oonvexo-convex. 

Xbctyambet  a  (fom  bat  to)  bimanous;  (font  brager 

>eooe  liae  gobt)  ambidexter. 

-||eb  e  fickleness. 


■b,eb  c  double 

Ite  *  peroxide. 

XoeKamn  single  oombat,  wager  of  battle; 
(Duel)  duel. 

Xue'tfasrt  *  bisulcous,  cloyen-footed. 

Xve'tUftet  a  two-cleft,  bifld,  bifurcate. 

Zbf'fUbet  a  (fløbet  to  tange)  twice-cleft;  fe 

X*t'tnip}tt  a  ^  diadelphian,  dladelphous. 

*Zbe'frojrt  a  bent  double,  donbled-up:  be 
flob  -be  af  Satter  they  quite  doubled  themselyes 
up  with  laughter. 

Sbrtnlfnr  a  f.  (Kl.  Karton,  fe  Ratron. 

+3betaaMK  ti  duel. 

Tn'Unutt  a  of  both  sexes,  hermaphrodlte. 

Xbclbb  e  diphthong. 

ZbeUben  a  double. 

Zbenioben  a  unevenly  ripe. 

Zoenbe  two. 

Zoefinbet  a  flckle,  wavering. 

ZbCfTørt  n  divided  sklrt. 

Zbe'fbaltet  a  two-cleft. 

Xbefrjart  e  fe  prentbift. 

Zbefbnet  a  that  sees  double. 

Zbetanb  c  dead-nettle, 

Zberegn  a  digraph,  digtam. 

Zbetob  e  double  peak. 

Xbetnne  c  -c  hermaphrodlte. 

Xbetnnget  a  donble-tongued. 
-dealing,  du  plicity. 

XbctSjblf  a  (fom  Ian  tttbrt  paa  to  SRaabet)  eaui- 
▼ocal,  ambiguous;  (uirti,  mUtomfelia)  doubtful 
questionable;  (fttbtio)  indelicate,  indecent.  -b,cb 
e  amblgulty,  double  meanlng,  equiyocalness, 
equivocation;  -er  indeoeneles. 

Xbeotgget  a  two-edged. 

2*1  interj  fy!  -  big  (an)!  ile  upon  you!  out 
upon  youl 

tXbi'gaib  c  double  flne. 

XbiO  n  twill. 

Xbifling  e  -er  twln.  -beart«  a  twin-born. 
•brober  twin-brother.  -felt  pi  twln  nations. 
•f«bt  a  fe  -boaren.  -%$\tpi  twln  hillocks.  -rrb^tof 
twln  el.  hemitrope  crystal.  -f«mb  fe  -rige.  -«#• 
double-nut.  -bar  pair  of  twins.  -rige  realm 
oonsisting  of  two  unlted  kingdoms.  -rink  double 
-ring,  gimmal,  gemel-ring.  -fjoil  twln  soul. 
-frrae  twln  screw.  -frjeme  double-star.  -ffftar 
twln-sister.    -«ble  double-apple. 

Xbtsbe,  tbanbt«  tbnnbet  el  twine,  twist;  -  op 
nntwist;  .  fig  ob  untwist.  tXbtnbe  c  prov 
doubled  thread.  Xbinbenufle  twist-mlll.  Xbin- 
berXffe)  c  -e,  -r  twister.  Xbinbing  c  twisUng, 
*Xbinbtraab  linen  yarn. 

tXoine  vi  whine,  whimper.  Xbinen  c  whlning 

Xblnge,  ttnittg,  rbunoet  vt  force,  compel,  con- 
strain, coerce-,  ftrifH  merligb/b  -r  of  the  love  of 





Christ  constraineth  us;  •  fifl  Hl  at  le  force  a 
laugh;  bet  er  en  tbungen  6aø  it  li  compulsory  eL 
obligatory  (apon  one),  fe  Xbunøen;  -nbe  a  irre- 
slfltlble;  -nbe  »runbe  cogent  reasons.  Xbinge  c 
-r  (©tnietbinøe)  vice;  (til  ©to)  thoiig,  latchet. 
•bolt  wring-bolt.  -i««  wrlng-staff.  Xbtvget  o 
-e  (tømt.)  tie;  +  -»  8eUrtnger.  +2»t»gfel  o  fe 

Stift  e  dispute,  dlsagreement,  difference;  lid- 
gation;  lebe  i  .  (nteb)  live  at  yarianoe  (wlth); 
lene  i  ibelig  -  live  like  cat  and  dog;  -en«  Utble 
the  apple  of  discord,  bone  of  contention;  »$bo 
fifl  blanbet  i  anbteft  -*  thoie  who  in  quarrels 

Xoift  n  twist.    -affotb  white  waste. 

Xotfle  vi,  -*  vd  dispute,  contend,  contest. 
Xbifelraute  fe  -puntt.  -ft«  fe  Xbiflenl  9S6(e. 
•staal  *  fe  Xbifl.  -^n»ft  matter  of  dispute, 
point  at  issue.  Xbiftig  a  (uenig)  at  yarianoe-, 
(toibtfom)  disputable.  +2oiftiøagTe  vi  dlsunlte, 
set  at  odds.    Stlftfrieb  o  -er,  fe  Xbift. 

Xblbl  [*  ubt.  Xbttj  e,  pi  -»,  donbt;  bcere  el.  ftaa 
i  -  be  ei.  stand  in  doubt,  feel  a  doubt;  none  - 
om  donbt;  »i  none  inøenfonrøelfi  ~  we  haye  no 
manner  of  donbt;  .  om  at  doubt  that;  bore  i  -, 
om  feel  a  doubt  whether;  brage  i  -  questlon, 
call  in  questlon;  nben  -  wlthout  donbt,  doubt- 
less,  unaoubtedly,  no  doubt;  uben  al  ~  without 
the  least  donbt;  bet  opftob  ~  a  doubt  arose; 
fatte  ubenfoc  al  -  put  beyond  a  donbt;  bet  fan 
bare  .  unbertapet  it  may  admit  of  doubt;  bet  er 
tenet  ober  al  -  it  admlts  of  no  doubt  whateyer. 
Xbibte  in  (om)  doubt,  call  in  question,  questlon; 
|eg  -t  ilte  berom  I  make  no  doubt  el.  question 
of  it;  ieg  -t  iffe  om  el.  paa  at  I  haye  no  doubt 
but  that;  —  tbiblenbe  a  doubtful:  i  en  -nbe 
Sone  doubtrally.  +2»t»tem  c,  Xdtblert'  n  fe  Xbibl. 
Svibler  c  -e  doubter,  sceptio.  Xbtolefbg  a  haying 
a  passion  for  doubtlng.  XbiblefMe  passion  for 
raudng  doubts.  Xbttrt|raabiø  a  in  doubt,  in 
suspense,  doubtful,  irresolute,  in  two  minds. 
-raabigleb  o  irretolution,  hesitation.  X*ibl*» 
ataal  »  fe  Xbibl;  (tbibtfomt  Xiifælbe)  doubtful 
case.  Xbiblføm  a  doubtful.  dublous,  question- 
able.  Xoiolfoatfieb  c  doubtfulness,  dublousness. 
SblbtttilfaHbe:  i  .  in  case  of  doubt. 

Xbnnbet  fe  Xoinbe. 

Xonvøen  a  foræd,  strained,  oonstralned, 
laboured;  (i  Opføtfel)  stiff,  constralned. 

Xb*r  [*iwer']  a  aross-gralDed,  sullen,  surly, 
grumpy;  perverse;  *obtuse.  stubbed,  steep. 

Xbttraof  e  transyerse  ridge. 

Xooraøer  c  fleld  lying  transyersely  before 

Xtxrratte  c  transyerse  azls. 

Xberbaonb  n  transyerse  ligature,  cross-band; 
mat  transverse  ligament. 

XBcrrbavc  c  cross-line. 

Xbarbebblnø  o  cross-bitt. 

*2barbe*  n  spayin. 

Svoritbet  c  -e,  fe  Xbarbrtber. 

Zttarifelfe  c  cross-beam. 

*Xb*rbrat  a  precipltous. 

Xbarbrnb  n  transyerse  fracture. 

Xborbrart  n  &  thwart  board. 

Xbarrb^øninø  c  transyerse  building. 

Xoarbant  e  cross-benob. 

Xoarbal  c  cross-yalley. 

XoøTjbclinø  transyerse  partitlon.  -belt  a 
divided  across. 

Xborbiøe  *  crossdlke. 

Xoarbrtoev  c  self-willed  person,  obstinate  per- 
son, wrong-head,  snail,  slug;  ^  leewardly  yessel; 
(i  Spllblnina;  mlddle  strand. 

'Xoonrbob  a  steep-to. 

Xsarbormnlnø  o  fe  Xftevbige. 

ZtMtte  ol:  -  ub,  fe  Ubnxete. 

Sverc  vi  sulk. 

XbarfUrite  c  Qerman  flute. 

Xbflerfoib  c  transyerse  fold. 

Xbdmolio  c  oblong  folio. 

XbomortolMing  c  breast-Aut,  thwart-rope. 

Xboerlfnre  cross-furrow.  -filtet  a  croes-fur- 

Xbsetf^lbtMg  c  glutton. 

Xoargabe  c  cross-street. 

Xoanrgang  c  cross-passage. 

*X»«rgttttet  ^  fork-beams. 

Xbargroft  c  cross-ditch. 

Xodcrmiaiib  c  hand's  breadth. 

Xborqaoiibtafl  n  crutch. 

Xbarrlbarbe  vt  cross-harrow.  *|aiimiKg  cross 

Xborrbeb  c  surliness,  morosity;  peryerseneas. 

Xøøtrljobcb  n  T  nail;  *  cross -grained,  dis- 
obliging  féllow,  fe  Xbotbcibet. 

*Xb<erftttte  c  (Xsmr.)  bearer. 

♦Xoærfe  §:  poa  .  fe:  paa  tbeti, 

Xbatrflampe  c  cross-chook. 

Xoarhtaf  *  sudden  bend. 

Xoartnrb  e  pannier. 

Xbcrrlaot  a  laid  across. 

XbacrUjt  e  butt. 

Xoarleje  n  cross-birth. 

X»«rliøaenbe  a  transyerse. 

Xbonrliate  o  cross  line,  diagonal  line. 

Xdorstaai  n  diameter. 

Xbcrr|mn»b  o,  -atnnbet  a  ØifT  plagioatome, 
plaglostomous  flsh. 

Xotrrsmr  c  transyerse  wall. 

Z»crtM«flef  c  transyerse  musole. 

Xo«T|naab,  -nab  J,  butt. 

Xb<rrbU||e    vi    cross -plough.     -«i«g    cross 
Xoarpofe  o  knapsack;  fe  -btibet. 

Xb«rr9  adv  &  abeam;  -  af  abreastof;  agte  n> 
f oc  .  abaft  the  beam;  -  for  across:  abreast  ot 
forenfor  ~  ^  before  the  beam;  .iScton  the 
lea  beam;  -  igennem  right  through;  -  inb 
for  abreast  of;  _  o  m  fetttrbotb  on  (the)  starboard 
beam;  .  o  o  et  across,  athwart;  tatybe  -  obet 
break  right  through,  break  in  two;  -  Jtaa  J, 
athwart;  pao  -  across,  athwart,  cross-wise:  pos 
fttnbl  og  -  in  all  dlrections,  eyery  way;  fpstoe 
en  poa  Rtbbl  oø  -  cross-question  one;  paa  laaal 
oø  paa  ~  to  and  fro,  forwards  and  backwards; 
bet  tom  tøm  poa  •  it  put  a  spoke  in  his  wheel; 
-  til  Snbart  on  the  weather  beam;  -  »b  for 
abreast  of. 

Xbierfabel  c  side-saddle. 

Xbarfolittfl  o  cross-trees  pi. 

Xbarfeftiøtt  e  transyerse  seotion. 

Xbarfmt  o  ^  balk,  cross-spale. 

XnsrfUtbet  a  cross  grained. 

Xbttrjflaar  transyerse  lndston.  -ffaatettoent 

Xbcermb  n  transept. 

XbcrrPKb*  <*  k  adv  &  athwart-ship.  -ofte«  the 
transyerse  azls  of  rotation.  -Ugøembe  a  athwart- 
ship.  -linie:  i  6fibetØ  -  in  the  direction  of  her 

Xbarlffot  -fhib  athwarthshlp  bulkhead. 

Zbtttlfnit  fe  -flaat;  fe  -feftion;  i  -  in  section. 

Xoampalte  o  transyerse  fissure. 

Xoarflanb  e  mut  mlse  relation. 

*Xoorflambfe  vi  stop  suddenly  el.  abort,  pull 
up  short. 

Sborlfttag  fe  -tt«. 

Xoterflao  c  (Run.)  side-stroke;  (side)  bar,  (side) 


Xootrfri  c  cross-path.  cross*way. 




$»<r?|tref,  -trtte  ø  cross-streak,  cross-stripe; 
fttttc  _  oliet  t  cross  the  letter  t. 

£»erfhr«g  n  cross  cl.  transvene  dlreotlon  et. 

SlHsrftrtfm  ©  cross-current. 

Snertbtte  n  cross-pieoe. 

Sberfam  ©  som  or  the  diglts. 

3»<met  c  wallet. 

S»flrrf*m  c  cross-seam. 

Stotrrt  ode  across;  -  igennem  stralght  through; 
*  franbfe  ~  stop  suddenly,  pull  np  short;  *  btele 
-  af,  benbe  -  om  torn  sharp;  brbbe  obet  -  cut  the 
matter  short. 

2b<rrtab  c  anat  transverse  proæss. 

Sbcrrtimøb  adv  on  the  contrary;  ynrp  quite 
contrary  to,  right  agminst. 

Tttetttm  adv  fe  Xbarthnob. 

S»<rr|tøb  fe  -fortsjntng. 

Snertre  n  transom,  cross-bar. 

Sftsrrttmmer  n  cross-timber. 

"Xbttrtebfag  e  cross-cut  saw. 

Xbonrbej  ø  cross-road,  cross-way. 

Sbonrbotb  c  travene. 

3b<rrb*g  o  cross-wall. 

Sbonrstte  c  adze,  addlce. 

Xitet'  ø  washlng,  wash.  -King  ø  washlng. 
Xnstte  trt  wash.  —  Z*«tte|Itt  washing-tub. 
-tebet  washing-copper.  Snetterffe  c  -r  washer- 

7*  ri  (hen,  til)  take  el.  seek  refuge  (wlth), 
have  recourse  to,  resort  to,  take  to,  recur  to, 

*$bbaft  ø  fe  JtelbertyiM. 

Xbbe  vt  (ubtybe)  ezplaln,  expoand,  Interpret, 
declpher;  t —  ©ettobe;  —  et  paa  augur,  bespeak, 
be  suggestive  of,  argue,  go  to  show,  imply, 
suggest,  tell  of;  -  til  allude  to;  Vtorrter,  fom  - 
paa  (f .  Ctl.  en  øob  Segemlbeftaffen^eb)  marks,  whlch 
are  the  signs  of  (a  good  constitation  etc.);  ber 
er  intet  fom  -r  paa  at  there  is  nothing  to  show 

Sføbeftf  a  (at  forftaa,  aabenbar)  plaln,  (at  fe, 
bsre)  dtstlnct,  (run  om  fyremfHHinø)  expllcit;  meb 
•e  Orb  in  plaln  words;  .  ttbrale  distinct  atter- 
anoe;  F  ben  er  .  tbat's  a  straight  tip;  —  adv 
plalnly  etc.:  tale  -  speak  plaln;  Icefe  -  read 
dlstinctly.  Ztybelfglgtre  vt  explalo,  render  more 
apparent.  lllnstrate.  -beb  c  plainness,  distinct- 
ness.    ••<•  adv  obvionsly. 

Sbber  ø  -e,  fe  •laofNHe. 

Sbb'ning  ø  ezplaining  etc.;  interpretation. 

Sbenbe  n  servant;  coll  domestics,  servante, 
menials  pi.  -løb  8ervante  Aet.  -to«  servant's 
wages.    •narelfe  servant's  room. 

xttfo'n  ø  -er  typhoon. 

%W'né  ø  ty'phus  (fever). 

Slige  Qrafci  Sag  day  when  everything  gæs 

Strøge  vt  k  %  chew,  masticate;  -  paa,  b.  f.:  fig 
chew  the  end,  ponder  on.  -beoatgelfe  mastlcat- 
ing  motion,  -mnflet  masseter,  masticatory 
miiscle.  -eebftater  masticatory  organs,  taggen, 
Stagning  ø  chewing,  masUcatton. 

%W  a  (i  «lm.)  thick;  (om  $erfoner)  corpulent, 
stout;  (om  $optr)  stout;  (otoftnttmet)  swoln;  (om 
ffbbenbe  ting)  thick;  p  (frogtf.)  big  wlth  chlld; 
.  Walt,  fe  -mail;  ben  -te  Cnbe  the  batt  end,  the 
chnmp  end;  -  og  feb  stout;  blibe  -  grow  stout, 
(om  vtftlf)  curdle,  turn;  F  (l*te  fig  -  af  brag 
of;  en  -  Xaage  a  dense,  intense,  fog;  -t  flRsrte 
intense  darkness;  .  ttbibenbeb  gross  el.  dense 
ignorance;  ttaxl  ben  -te  Charles  the  Fat;  fig 
iaennem  -t  og  tnnbt  through  thick  and  thln, 
through  rough  and  smooth;  bet  -te  af  Saaret  the 
thick  of  the  thigh;  -t  Remme  dnll  comprehen- 
slon;  —  adv  thickfly);  fmsre    t  paa  lay  it  on 

thick.  Sbtjtrmet  a  thick-armed.  -benet  o  thick 
•legged.  -flabet  a  thlck-leaved;  be  -be  $  the 
crassnlacesB.  -biobet  a  thlck-blooded.  -*T»*et 
the  thick  brlsket.  -bag  colossus,  lump  of  flesh. 
-baget  a  big- bellled,  obese.  ••bng»  thlckly 
popnlated  dfirtrict.  *-e«g  thick- gro wn  grass. 
-ftfbev  a  stoutlBh.  -fingret  a  thick  flngered. 
•fHbettbe  a  thick.  Inspissate.  -fob  fe  Ztid. 
•Moret  a  thlok-haired.  -tjclfet  a  thlck-necked. 
•beb  ø  thickness.  -^øbebet  a  thick-headed,  thick 
-skolled.  -^nb  noo  pachyderm.  -bnbet  a  (ogf. 
fig)  thick -skinned;  noo  pachydennatons;  -be  Star 
paohydermata.  -fa«  chlne.  •^We  o  thick 
weather,  fog;  fe  Ujfntng. 

%)ttt  n  (Vtening)  opinion,  Judgment;  (Snft) 
will,  pleasure;  efter  eget  -  at  wiU,  cont  at  one's 
own  sweet  will. 

S^lfclfe  ø  thickness.  SUtfevt  o  -er  F  »tout 

Sljtfei  (ogf.  -trt)  vd  thlnk,  be  of  opinion, 
deem,  oplne,  ^bab  -  big  om?  what  do  yon  thlnk 
of?  tymb  .  eber  om  Itrtfhi*?  what  thlnk  ye  of 
Chris  t? 

$l)t|Hnbet,  -Ictttt  a  ohubby-cheeked.  -Hbet 
a  stout.  *-l«g  f  calf.  -Utott  a  thlck-leaved. 
-manet  a  big-bellied.  -mttlt  loppered  milk, 
(bonny-)c]abber.  -msttet  a  havlng  a  thick  utter- 
ance.  %)tnt  vi  (+-•  vd)  thlcken;  (om  VRcell)  cnrdle, 
turn.  XntittKg  ø  (bet  at  ttttne)  thickening;  (6tob*) 

3W»  fe  Zbge. 

^bUbanbet  a  thlck-skulled.  -fattet  a  thick 
•soled.  -ftt  ø  -ler  thickset  fellow.  -jfattet  a 
thlck-shelled.  -Hemmet  a  havlng  a  thick  trunk. 
-fleg  rump(-piece).  -ften  bralt.  -flUfet  a  thick 
•stemmed.  -f#m  raised  embroidery  -tæm  large 
lntestines.  -nlbet  a  thick -wooled.  -bommet  a 

Jblbe  vt  flU;  .  i  fig  gnzsle. 

Stj1I  ø  tulle. 

%i)U,  Xl^iPt  ø  -et  dozen. 

S^mnc'n  ø  tøp  tym'pan. 

%)u9  a  (i  VIm.)  thin:  (fbeeb)  slender;  (mobf.  tæt) 
thln,  sparse;  (om  %*i)  sleasy;  (om  Ihmbfuber) 
weak;  -bt  £1  small  beer;  en  .  Støtte  a  scanty 
success;  -t  ^nl  a  thin  house;  -t  fiio  diarrhea; 
—  tbnbt  adv  thlnly;  F  bebe  -t  ask  humbly. 
Xbnb| benet  a  thin- legged.  -bitbet  a  tenuifollous. 
-btit  sheet  iron  for  thln  piates.  -beUfl  thln 
brlsket  Stonbe  &  thln;  4  vd  grow  thln,  be- 
come  thlnner.  Zbnb|Rbbenbe  a  thln.  *-f*ngt 
a  thinnlsh.  -batret  a  havlng  thln  hair.  -|eb 
ø  thlnness.  -bnbet  a  thlnsklnned.  *-bngget  a 
(Ortebet)  dressed  thln,  (€too)  thinned.  -linie  øf 
plane  thlnner.  -tftthlnioe.  -jattn  fe -Mif.  -fUebt 
a  thlnly  dressed.  -libet  a  lank.  -natbbet  a 
tenulrostral;  be  -be  the  tenuirosters.  -faalet  a 
thin-soled.  -ffaHet  a  thin-shelled.  -f tbt  a  worn 
thin.  -fbrebe  vt  spread  thinly.  -fleg  sirloln. 
-fen  thln  matt.    -tarm  small  lntestines. 

*3niic  vt  >oø  murder,  dlspatch. 

Xttngbe  ø  gravlty,  heavlness,  welght;  -n  gravlty. 
-fraft  force  of  gravlty.  -Ian  law  of  gravitation, 
-bnntt  centre  of  gravlty.  -birtnina  eflect  of 
gravlty.  t^bnge  c  burden.  2*nge  vt  be  heavy; 
Vbrben  -r  mer  paa  benne  6ibe  enb  boa  ben  anben 
the  burden  is  heavier  on  this  side  than  on  the 
other;  bet  -r  for  meget  i  min  Somme  it  is  too 
heavy,  too  great  a  welght,  for  my  pocket;  bttfe 
Somler  -  ej,  be  lette  these  chains  do  not  feel 
heavy,  they  make  me  lighter,  as  it  were;  —  vt 
load;  -8  af  6orger  be  oppressed  wlth  grief:  -9  af 
tUirenel  Sagt  be  weighed  down  by  age;  bet  -be 
mit  Sjette  it  weighed  upon  my  heart;  ben  9ieb* 
flagenbeb,  ber  fbnef  at  -  Uaa  the  depression  that 
seems  to  alt  upon  hlm;  fe  Oetbnge.  Xnngning  o 




gravitation.    *%)Uftt,  tlrøgft  comp  k  twpvrl  af 
Znitg.    Zbngfel  c  baiden. 

Zip'e  c  -r  type;  -r  ftp  typefs),  letten.  -frrtbt' 
nurfftne  type-writer.  Zbp'ifl  a  typic(al),  repre- 
sentative  (for  of).  —  Znpø|gra'f  o  -er  typog'rapher. 
-arafl'  o  typog'raphy.  -g rø/flff  a  typograph'ic(al). 
fbp'n*  e  fe  5tWe. 

X*f  o  -e  (ogfac  aorr)  bull. 

+W  •  F  *  llcklng. 

Xøran'  c  -net  ty'rant  (ogf.  fcugl  ZVraimat); 
SttifrUin  .  Christian  the  Cruel.  -mørb,  -morter 
tyran'nicide.  Xftramtf  «  tyr'anny.  Zbrøn|nt- 
fe'tt  øl  tyrannise  (over),    -'srtff  a  tyrannicai. 

fZbre  vt  get  through,  dispatch;  lick. 

Xirtlfaatning  bull-flght.  -føj  a  (om  ftøer)  in 
heat.  -i«l*  bull'8  neck.  -fa(b  bull-calf.  -tøpfnn 
bull-leader.  -mie  ball'a  pizzle.  -pif!  drover's 
whip.  —  tZbr|gi(bing  gelt-bull,  ox.  -tclfet  a 

•Xprt  n  resinous  wood,  lightwood.  -fatte! 
torch  of  reslnoui  wood,  pine- kno t  torch. 

SUrf  c  -er  Turk;  banbe  føm  tn  .  swear  like  a 
trooper,  porter.  —  Zbrte|blaa  a  Turklsh  blne. 
•bobeb  Saracen's  head.  -frit  war  with  the 
Turk«,  Turklsh  war.  -tro  Mohanimedanism, 
Turklam.  -benlig  a  pro-Turkish.  Xbrlt'et  Tur- 
key;  bet  aflatiffe  -  Turkey  In  Asta,  Asiatic  Tur- 
key.    Xbrftnb  e  c  -r  (female)  Turk. 

Xipft'i  c  -er  turquois. 

Zprttft  a  Turklsh;  -e  ©aftener  cymbels;  -e 
Sønner  harloot  beans;  -  glonel  stout  flannel; 
-  $ue  fez;  .  $øebe  Indlån  corn,  maize,  Turklsh 
wheat;  .  frnob  Turk's  head;  -  $ibe  chibouk, 
(meb  8onb)  hookah;  .  Zappe  Turkey-carpet. 
Xfertift|røbt  Turkey-red.    -finbet  a  pro-Turkish. 

tXb  rløben  a  with  calf. 

Zyrøl'  n  (the)  Tyr'ol.  Strofer  c  -e,  -inb'e  c  -r 
Tyrole 'se.  xyrøtrr|wct,  -f««g,  -bal*  Tyrolese 
hat.  aong,  dance.  Xbrolff  a  Tyrolese,  Tyrolean. 

Xtyrrte'nff  a :  bet  -ffe  $ab  the  Tyrrhenian  8ea. 

Xbrvø  n  Tyre,  Tyrus. 

XJø"!  »wtetf  huah! 

*X»ftafl  fe  ftee(berba». 

Xttff  a  Oennan;  bet  -e  9orbunb  the  Oermanic 
oonfederation;  ben  -e  Orben  the  Teutonic  Order, 
be  -e  fttbbere  the  Teutonic  knlghts;  -e  ftutmprr 
dumplinga;  -  flao«  German  opring-look;  ~  Riget 
spring  bolt.  Xlft|øgrig  a  Oerman-like.  -agtig* 
)eb  c  Oermaniam.  -bovnet  o  educated  In  Ger- 
man. Xbff  e  vi,  tbflei  od  speak  German.  Xbften 
f  the  Germans;  the  German  language,  German. 

Xbftenbat  »  fe  Vteuembat. 

Xbfter  c  -e  German.    Xbfteri'  n  Teutomanla. 

Xbft]|eb  e  Germanism.  -lanbnGermany.  -flnbet 
a  or  tne  German  party,  pro -Ger  man.  -tølenbe 
a  German-speaking.  -øflerriafl  a  Austro  German. 

Xbøaing  c  hushing.  Xbøntngiraab  cries  of: 
silenoel  Xbtfe  vt  huah,  ailence;  vi  _  paa  en 
tell  one  to  be  silent. 

Xbfr  c,  Xpfterr«  fe  Zørftetra. 

Xftfl  o  hushed,  silent;  adv  silent.  -b,eb  o 
sllence.    Zuffite  vi  grow  silent. 

*%\ft  n  whimpering.    Zbte  øt  whimper. 

♦Zbte  ri  nb  ooze  el.  trickle  out. 

Zbrtebotr  n,  pi  -«,  red  wortleberry,  cowberry, 
Kaoetniam  w>m  »ckea. 

Zbb  e  -e  thlef,  robber;  Onbbrubl*)  burglar;  (i 
fiffet)  thief,  waster;  ftop  -en!  stop  thief!  -  tror, 
feber  VRanb  fljeefer  a  thief  thlnks  every  man  a 
thief;  be  fmaa  -e  ^ænoer  man  op,  be  pore  laber 
man  aaa  laws  catch  nies,  but  lets  hornets  go 
rree;  fe  fieilig^eb.  Zbb|agtig  a  thievlsh,  thleving. 
•ag 'Hg (eb  c  thievlshness.  thleving  disposition. 

tZbb,  ^bbe  e  -er  pltchfork. 

Zbbe  eard  irtun  twenty;  (an  er  enbnu  ilte  .  flår 
gammel  he  is  not  yet  twenty  (years  old);  f  b<~ 

s  still  in  his  teens,    -atrig  a  twenty  years  old, 
of  twenty  years. 

Zbbefbanbe  gang  of  thieyes.  -feronifet  a  br&nded 
(for  theft);  F  oonfounded.  *øømf :  paa  -en  iu 
the  felons'  dook. 

ZbbebobbeU  a  twenty  fold;  bet  -e  twenty  timet 
as  much. 

'ftjbelfant  fe  -fnoegt. 

Zbbelfølb  fe  -boboeit. 

Zbbelgobi  fe  -Kofter,  -tyaanb :  bet  er  bortfommet 
beb  -  it  has  been  stolen.  -|aombø«rf  thief  s 
profession,  -(ni  prison  e(.  cell  for  thteves;  fe 
•rebe.  -fnægt  thief.  -lofter  stolen  goods  ei. 
stolen  property. 

Zbbefrøne  o  coin  of  twenty  Jetoner*. 

Zbbe|lbinb  thievlsh  quean.  -llpftc  dark  Ian- 
tern,  -motrfe  brand  for  theft.  -natsr  thievfeh 
nature,    -nabn  name  of  thief. 

Zbbenbe  num  ord  twentieth.  -bel,  -port 
twentieth  part. 

Zbbenøgle  skeleton  key.  -paf  set  el.  lot  of 

Zpbe|pnnber  twenty-pounder.  -psmbiø  a  of 
twenty  pounds'  weight. 

Sbbe|rab  fe  -htagt.  -røbe  den  el.  nest  of 
thieves.  Zbberi'  «  -er  theft.  Zbøe|felff«b  gang 
el.  band  of  thieves.  -fprog  slang,  -frreg  thief? 
trick,  -rrotller  thief-oatcher, -taker.  -tøj  fe  paf. 
-øerne  the  Ladrones  —  Xbb|b,ambet  a  light 
•flngered.  *-|ø  skua,  Lettrit  parantiau.  -Irsbt 
vt  aecuse  (one)  of  theft. 

Zbbl|bom  sentence  for  theft.  -bømt  a  cou- 
victed  of  theft.  -fafl  a  burglar- proof.  -bjøtfrr 
receiver,  -løb  law  relative  to  theft.  -motrfe  fe 
Zbbe*.  -fag  action  for  theft.  -frraf  penøity  for 
theft.    X)*ft\*it  vt  steal.    Zbbte  fe  Zoofenbe. 

*%*1t  o  scent. 

Zorge  o  -r  bug,  Oimex. 

*Zotger  pi  af  Zaag. 

tZorøt  e  take,  taklng;  bibl  prey.  —  tSørgtei' 
beg  e  flzed  day  for  the  hearing  of  a  eauøe,  day 
in  coart.    t-føi,  -føorg  stny  oattle  arrested. 

Zorlfe  n  (9nbe)  graoe. 

Zorffe  vt  (ogf.  totte,  talt)  roof;  (meb  6traa) 
thatch.  tZtttle  n  (Satte)  roof,  cover,  -farm 
thatcher's  twine.  -bølm  thatch.  -t«p  stick 
used  in  thatohlng.    -lab  thatcher'ø  stand. 

Zffftelig  a  agreeable,  sweet,  attractive,  win- 
ning,  pleasing.    -b,eb  c  attraotiveneøs. 

Zatffe|(bng  heather  for  thatching.  -saosb 
thatcher.  -«*«!  thatcher's  needle.  •ivr  thatch 

Zøtttøf  vd  please;  *(taae  tiltalte)  take  pot-luck 

Zotllelfpøan  shiogle.  -frøl  fe  -tab.  -tamg  tongs 
with  thick  jawB.  xottning  c  rooftng;  thatching. 
Zotfningémaabe  rooflng  method. 

*tt«lbøY  a  countable. 

*%tt\t  o  frost  in  the  ground,  frocen  ground. 
•grøp  n  hole  in  the  frosen  road  raused  by  the 

%*l%t,  t*Ut  (ftare)  vt  whittle.  -Inib  whlttle. 

tZatle  c  fe  Zolg. 

IctUt,  talte,  talt  vt  oount,  number;  .  noget 
paa  gfinarene  check  something  off  on  one's  fing- 
ers; -  efter  count  over;  -  op  add  up,  sum  up, 
cast  up;  .  en  blonbt  Sigterne  nnmber  one  among 
el.  rank  one  with  the  poets;  tøni  Doge  exe  talte 
his  days  are  numbered;  -  mange  Vat  number 
many  years:  —  vi  -  til  tboe  oount  (U>)  twentj-; 
bet  -r  ilte  that  gæs  ti.  counts  for  nothing. 
Zftlleapparat  counter;  turnstile  and  countar. 
Zffllelig  a  numerable,  that  may  be  counted. 
^ajQelmaftine  fe  -apparat.  Zsaer  e  -e  (i  Oanf> 
teller;  (i  ølegnelnnflen)  numerator.  Z«tf  erpøfl  (i 
««Mrt  ♦oiierahip.    ZaHtng  c  counttng  etc. 




Somme  vi  tame,  domesticate;  tøefl)  break 
<In);  (om  oitbe  Dpr)  reelaim;  .  line  Sibenftober, 
v9ea«rttg$eber  oontrol  (c(.  cnrb)  one's  passions, 
•desires.  Sømmelig  a  that  may  be  taxned;  (om 
irilbe  Dor)  reclalmable.  Xommcr  c  -e  tamer. 
Xontntng  ø  tamlng  etc.,  domeatication. 

Xonabar  a  lnflammable,  tgnitlble.  -te»  ø  ln- 

Xonbe,  -te.  -t  ol  kindle,  light,  ignite;  .  en 
*Saoplfftif  strike  a  match;  -  op,  fe  Optonbe;  -  gib 
paa  aet  fire  to;  —  vi  f-ft.  -  fip)  take  fire,  Ignite, 

—  op  light  the  fire;  fPtøet  -9  the  new  moon  ap- 
peara.  Xonbe  |ammantttoa  priming.  -Inffe  fire 
-bor.  -mtbbel  meana  of  ignltlon.  Sataber  c  -e 

Xonber  pi  af  Xanb  teeth.  -ftarenbe  a  griading 
bio  teeth. 

Xanb  (batte  percussion  cap.  Xonbtng  ø  light- 
ing,  ignition.  Xanb  |  (åbning  bareting -charge. 
-anal  igniting  needle.  -naaløgeoar  needle-gun, 
needle-rifle,  needle-prime  masket.  -?*r  qaick 
-match,  -fat*  priming(-compoaitJon);  (paa  Zanb* 
ftiffe)  head.  -fnn?  match-cord.  -frit(te)  (lucifer-) 
match,  -friffabrifont  o.  fl.,  fe  6Pobl&ifte*.  -frit« 
ftattø  match-boz  stand. 

tXone  ø  x  yoong  shoot  of  a  tree,  scion. 

Xaagfel  e  -flet  adze,  addloe. 

Xonfoer  a  fe  Xontelia. 

Xante,  -te,  -t  vi  k  t  think;  (tro,  formobe)  think, 
euppose-,  (fiaa  i  »Begreb  meb,  (aoe  i  Ginbr)  be 
going  to;  bet  -r  Jeg  I  think  so;  bet  -fte  jeg  nof 
I  thoaght  as  xnuch;  tctnl  engang  only  think;  tale 
uben  at  -  speak  wlthout  renecttng;  tant  fsr  bn 
taler  look  before  yon  leap;  bet  tunbe  jeg  -  I 
thoaght  as  much;  bet  Ian  itte  -#  el.  laber  fifl  iRe 

—  it  cannot  be  coacelved  el.  imagined;  foa  fattig 
fom  -#  fan  as  poor  as  poor  can  be;  —  vr  -  fig 
lmagine,  ftincy,  conoeive;  bn  fan  .  (big)  yoa 
may  lmagine;  at  -  fig  (til) ...  i  the  idea  of .  .  .  I 

—  (meb  prop  k  adv):  ~  efter  conalder,  _  fig 
i  nb  i  make  real  to  one's  self.  realise;  .om 
think  of;  -  fig  om  reflect;  -  o  »er,  fe  Oøertante; 
_paa  noget  think  of  et.  on  something,  reflect 
on;  bet  er  en  Xrsfl  at  .  paa  at  it  is  some  con- 
solatton  to  reflect  that;  jeg  tom  til  at  -  paa  I  be- 
thoaght  me  of,  It  occurred  to  me;  bringer  mig 
altib  til  at  -  paa  is  associated  in  my  mind  with: 
bringer  en  til  at  -  paa  suggests,  is  suggestive 
of;  oet  er  itte  at  -paa  it  Is  not  to  be  thoaght 
of;  *  pare  -ft  paa  at  intend  to;  -  fig  til  gaess; 
*  -  fig  til  at  intend  to;  —  tantenbe  a  thinklng, 
reflectlve,  thoughtrul;  -  Øafen  rational  being. 

Xontejepne  power  of  thinklng.  -farm  fe  Xante* 
form.  -frtfKb  flberty  oftbinking.  -frnfi  fe  etme. 
Santelig  a  imaginable,  conceivable.  Xontetig* 
ten  o  conceivableness.  Xante) (or e  logio.  -maabe 
way  of  thinklng,  mind.  Samler  ø  -e  thinker, 
specalator,  reasoner.  Xoatejfot  fe  -maabe.  X«nf< 
»ing  «  thinklng,  thought.  Xantfom  a  thoaght- 
ful,  meditative,  refleetlng.  Sontf omfceb  ø  reflec- 
tion,  considerateness,  thoaghtralness. 

Xappe  n  -r  (til  *3ufo,  Xrapper)  oarpet;  (til  ©orb) 
cover;  (nlbent  X.  i  6eng)  blanket;  (til  at  logge 
øber  en  6eng)  coverlid,  coverlet,  coanterpaoe; 
(ftuffet  6engetoppe)  quilt;  (paa  Xeater)  curtain. 
5tappe|grtt*>  water-hair  grass,  Oatabrova  mqvatiea. 
•fofl  carpet-broom.    -Uj  carpeting. 

Sorte  ø  a  kind  of  ray,  Raia  radiata. 

Xare  vt  consume,  waste;  vi  paa  waste;  ban  -r 
paa  flt  Gmtrreorøb  he  is  walklng  into  his  bread 
and  batter;  6øen  -r  the  sea-atr  gives  an  appe- 
tite;  -i  ben  waste  away;  -nbe  6pgbomme  wastlng 
diseases.  Xarepenge  money  to  live  upon;  fttejfe> 
penge)  viaticum. 

+Xorge  vt  exasperate,  irritate. 

Xafrtng  ø  tøanbt.  at  tåre)  oonsuming;  (Spgbom) 

consamption,  deellne,  phthisis;  fatte  -  efter  3te» 
ring)  cut  your  coat  according  to  your  cloth. 
Xoringlpatient  consumptive  invalid. 

Xarae  o  fe  Xerne. 

XarPe  fe  Xerpe. 

Xarø  fe  Xerl. 

Xarft  pi  a  thrashing.  Xorfte  vi  (ogf.  i  Oet. 
prygle)  thrash;  .  igennem  carry  ones  hide, 
thrash  one  soondly,  (en  *9og)  wade  through;  - 
nt  inb  i  en  beat  st  into  one;  bn  ftol  ilte  binbe 
SDcunben  tit  paa  Clltn.  fom  -r  bibl  thoa  shalt  not 
musxle  the  oz  that  treadeth  out  the  corn. 

tXarflet  o  -Iler  (til  fiinneb;  baUet,  beetle,  bittle 
(for  beating  linen). 

Xorftel  e  -Mer  (Dør«)  threshold. 

Xorftejlo  thrashing -floor.  -to«  thrasher's 
wagea.  -maabe  mode  of  thrashing.  -manb 
thrasher.  -maftine  thrashlng-machine.  -atafle 
thrashing-miU.  -penge  fe  -Ian.  -ptejt  fe  *Ieit. 
Xarfter  e  e  thrasher.  Xorftel  rebftab  thrashing 
-implement.  -port  fe  maftine.  Xarftning  c 

Xo'rte  (*Xor'te)  ø  -r  taxt;  turnover;  t  (Ørnen* 
timmer)  prude.  Xorte|bejg  paste  for  tarts.  -panbe 
tart-pan.  *-pen  a  prudlsh,  precise.  -ri'  n 
prudery.    Xortet  a  pradtsh. 

tXofe  vt  (om  Ulb)  tease. 

tXoft  p  fe  Xarft. 

%at'  a  tight,  close.  dense,  compact;  (itte  lat) 
tight;  rom  6tob)  thlck;  *  (om  flRalt)  ropy;  *  blide 
.  (om  Vtettt)  rope;  en  -  Jtam,  fe  -tam;  en  -  Xaage 
a  dense  fog;  gare  .  tighten;  —  adv  close.  closely; 
ligge  .  fammen  be  close;  -  nbenfor  *9tten  Just 
oatslde  the  town;  .  Peb  close  by,  close  to;  -  Peb 
bhianben  close  together;  fejle  .  tit  9inben  hng 
the  wlnd;  -  til  Øtnben!  keep  her  close  1  Ijolbe  . 
be  tight;  Ho  be  silent,  keep  one's  own  counsel; 
britte  .  drink  deep.  Xot|befottet  a  densely 
-peopled,  thickly  inhabited.  '-gronbt  a  popul- 
ons.  -freb  o  tightness,  closeness,  density,  •lam 
small-tooth(ed)  comb.  -flippet  a  cloee-cropped. 
-liggenbe  a  mus  close.  Xotne  +  vt  fe  Xotte;  *c* 
tighten.  Xotning  0  tightenlng.  Xatjpeflet  o 
closely  packed.  -rebet  n  fe  Klo««,  -ffrepen  a 
close,  closely-wrttten.  -ftnttenbe  a  tight,  close, 
tight-fltting.  -flnttet  a  (RoRe)  close,  serrled 
(rank).  %*xH  vt  tighten.  *Xotre  0  something 
added  to  milk,  to  make  it  hold,  prevent  coagula- 
tion.  —  Sottel  »groft  batterwort,  Pinøwcula. 
t-fam  fe  Xottam.  -fniP  (Oobt.)  stopper.  *-melf 
ancoagalated  old  milk,  ropy  milk. 

♦Xop  0  fe  Xaft. 

tXaoe  p  fe  ««»e,  ftaft. 

Xaoe  0  -r  (ogf.  fig)  bitch.  -tytnb  bltoh.  -bP<(P 
bitch-pnppy.  -fat  tib-cat.  -mpnbe  greyhound 

%9  v  impv,  vt  k  i  thaw;  -  op  vi  &  t  thaw. 
Xa  0  thaw.    -bmb  sudden  thaw. 

Xabbel  0  -bier  jot,  tlttle.  lota;  itfe  en  -  not 
one  lota:  fta!  enb  itte  bet  minbfle  ØogftaP  eOer  en 

-  forgaa  af  Sooen  bibl  one  jot  or  one  Utle  shall 
in  no  wiae  pass  from  the  law. 

•Xabber  0  -e,  fe  Xinr. 

Xaf el  o  -flet  slipper:  flaa  unber  -flen  be  hen 
•pecked  et.  wifé-rldden.  Xajfetjbtømfl  calceolaria, 
sllpperwort.  -banfer,  -pelt  fe  -tral.  -tes  hunt 
-the-slipper.  -mager  allpper-maker.  -regimente 
pettlooat-government.  -fro  (t.  $eft  panum-ahoe. 
•trot  hen-pecked  husband.  Xifle  vi  f  trudge; 

-  of  take  one's  self  off,  wag. 
*S#t  0  stretch;  gioe  •  stretoh. 

Xaj  n  stuflf,  cloth,  fabric;  (ttebftaber,  Xilbetor) 
thlngs,  gear;  (tte)fegobl)  laggage;  (fttober;  Øabft) 
clothes;  eont  staff,  trash;  ^  traps,  effects,  kit; 
t)nn  oat  i  -et,  flob  meb  -et  paa  she  had  her  thlngs 
on;  fig  goa  i  -et  be  taken  In;  gammel  i  -et  an 




•mefter  Master 

old  nand;  bumi  -  stuff  and  nonsens«,  trash;  fe 

Sø famler  n  J,  small  bower-anchor,  stream 

Sø  Jlølømft  artificial  flower.  -tømt  cloth-beam, 
weaver's  beam. 

ttlfc  c  proo  fe  Sot. 

*Søtc  t*  itretch,  draw  out;  vr  fig  stretch. 
Søfeltg  o  extensible. 

Søjeri'  »  stnff,  trash,  trnmpery.  —  Søflffyttet 
c  (6btn.)  feeder.  -(et  dik-hat.  velvet-hat,  tulle 
hat  eto.  -%;«•  arsenal.  -tyiftførøølter  Director 
of  Artillery  and  stores. 

Søilttemme  fe  fclæbt«. 

|t«be,  -(årring  stream-cable. 
tie  o  -r  »in;  tætte  i  -n  draw  rein,  tein  in; 
gioe  £eften  -n  give  the  reins  to  one's  horse,  give 
the  horse  his  head  el.  the  head;  noar  mon  aiMi 
ben  -n  when  he  gets  his  head;  gibe  fine  Siben* 
flabet  -n  give  a  loose  to  one's  passions;  gaa  ban 
-n  balk,  Jib;  6efx  fom  gaar  bag  -n  balker,  jibber: 
tjolbc  fort  i  -  hold  tigbt  in  nand;  fig  tølbe  en  i 
fhamme  -r  hold  a  tight  hånd  et.  rein  over  one. 
Søjle  vt  (baabe  egentl.  oa/ig)  bridle.  Søjlerimg 
bridle-rlng,  bit-ring.  Søjlcftløé  a  unbridled, 
licentioufl.  Søiteéløtfteb  c  licentionsness.  Sø|* 
limg  ø  bridllng. 

SøJ  Imager  o  -e  cloth-weaver. 
of  the  Ordnance. 

Søfr  ii,  pi  -■,  tether.  Søfre  vi  tether.  — 
Søjrelgraé  gram  where  cattle  are  tethered. 
•^ilbe  hoppie.  -tøBe  mani.  -n«l  tether-peg. 
Søjrfmg  c  tetherlng. 

Søflreaøaing  cloth-cleanslng.  -rmlle  (clothes-) 
mangle,  -fto  cloth-shoe.  -fmeb  tool-smlth. 
•fnor  clothes-llne.  -Hive?  clothes-prop.  -frriai* 
mel  strip  of  cloth.    -ftøPle  cloth-boot. 

Søite  ø  -r  hussy,  minx. 

Sø  tav  ii  %k  stream-cable. 

Sø(|rraméaøriør  fe  -flottet,  •porter  lnspector 
of  an  arsenal. 

Søl*er  e  -e  churl,  lout,  boor.  -agtig  a  churl- 
ish,  loutlsh.  -agtlgfceb  c  churlishness,  loutish- 

Sø|t*ft  c  fe  Søbefr. 

tamme  (•  ogf.  Søm')  c  -r  rein,  bridle;  &  (til 
Håbet)  scope;  føre  fine  $efle  unbet  een  «.  drive 
four  in  hånd;  Ijolbe  en  i  -  keep  one  in  check, 
put  a  onrb  on  one.  Sømme  vt  (poalægge  Sømme) 

Sømme,  -te,  -t  vt  (f.  (Sti.  et  Øfol)  empty,  drain; 
-  en  ftlofte  finish,  f  floor,  a  bottle. 

Sømmer  «  timber,  amr  lumber;  (i  Sfibe) 
tlmber,  frame,  -arbefbe  carpenter's  work,  car- 
pentry,  timber-work.  -bi  carpenter-bee,  Xyio- 
eopa.  -biablng  joining  of  timber.  -blot  block 
of  timber.  -blbant  carpenter's  pencil,  -tagget 
a  timber-built.  -bbgning  timbered  house,  log 
•house,  -bat  camber  dock.  -flaabe  raft.  *-flab» 
ning  rafting  el.  floatlng  of  timber.  -folf  Carpent- 
ers, -tøambtønger  assistant  Carpenter,  -bjaeiib' 
part  Carpenter  s  craft.  -baabel  timber-trade, 
•tenbler  timber-merchant.  Jagger  hewer  of 
timber.  -MgH  hewing  el.  fellfng  of  timber. 
*-fc«ngfel  fe  $*ngfel  *.  -imfpettør  J,  vtsiting 
ttmber-lnspeotor.  -tlør  J;  timber  dogs.  -(åbning 
cargo  of  timber.  Memf  e  floatlng  boom  of  timber, 
fe  $angfel  •  Mnnn  o  pile  of  timber.  -!«re : 
bære  i  .  be  apprentloed  to  a  Carpenter.  -letting 
carpenter's  apprentice.  -maal  tlmber-measure. 
-maatina  measurlng  of  timber.  -manb  Carpenter; 
-ntsnb  (i  Qooebet)  hot  ooppers,  headache  next 
morning,  -meter  master  Carpenter.  *-m«rfer 
timber -marker,  -»lab*  timber -yard.  -renbe 
fiume.  -f«b  long  saw.  -frøn  foreet  of  timber 
-trees.     -(teler   timber -ship.     -flabe!  pile  of 



timber.    -frit  J,  timber-hltch.    -tøf  log, 
of  timber,  stick,    -frnmarr  tlmber-enda. 
journeyman  Carpenter,  -tro?  timber-tree. 
fe  -arbejbe.  •Pemtøi  carpenter's  toom.  -ørøc  axe 
for  hewing  timber. 

Sømmtmg  e  -er  emptying. 

Sømre  vi  Carpenter,  do  carpenter's  work;  er 
frame,  bnlld,  make,  timber,  Carpenter.  Søasrrr 
e  -e  Carpenter. 

Søwbe  o  -r  barrel;  (Woal  for  tstre  Saxer)  fonr 
bushels,  half  a  quarter,  comb;  ^  bnoy;  en  . 
•ulb  100,000  Rix-doUars  (a  plnm  —  100,000 
pounds  sterling);  en  .  8onb  t  measure  of  land 
of  56,000  sqnare  feet;  *acre  (40,000  square  teet); 
nebiogge  i  -c  barrel;  fmager  af  -n  has  a  tang  of  the 
cask;  af  ben  famme  -  of  the  same  sort;  fcu),  Sap  - 
tip-tap-toe.  Sanbe) baonb  hoop.  -bnab  bottom 
el.  head  of  a  barrel;  -e  barreis'  heads.  -iøfc 
cask-bnoy.  -bfltffel  cover  for  a  barret  -fjar* 
fe  -boanb.  -gab#  barrelled  goods.  •tMeunsa 
barrel  vault,  full-  center  vault  -terme  barrel 
•churn.  -lab  stand  for  barreis.  •lomae  *t  bott 
-sling,  -møal :  efter  -  by  the  barrel,  in  barreis. 
-benge  buoy-money. 

Sønber  n  tinder. 

Sønbelfnartte  dolinm.  -flap  stave,  -fptrmet 
the  tub  system,  -fort  fonr-bushel  sack.  -ta» 
tap.  -Pager  buoy  beacon.  -bi*  adv  by  the 

Sør'  prcet  af  Zmbe. 

Sør  (•Ur/)  a  (baabe  egentl.  og  fio)  dry;  (•■ 
6til  ogfj  barren,  Jejune;  ^cw  ftt  boa  bet  -re  be 
well  off,  safe;  Di  fab  meb  -re  9hinbe#  fil  Ibeihn 
baabt  eQer  -t  we  got  neither  bite  nor  sup;  .  i 
golfen  parched;  -t  ©rtb  bare  bread;  -re  ^ng  a 
caning;  fe  9bbe.  Sør|*aar  dry,  rainleas  year  eL 
summer,  -a  fe  reprtmand;  faa  en  -  be  repri- 
manded.  -aftlnb  rubber.  *-bante  vt  dry-beat, 
beat  severely.  -bet  dry  dock.  -fifl  dried  flab. 
drledcod.  -b,  alf  et  a  dry.  -|eb  c  drynesa.  -|iabet 
a  scarious.  -t^otbe  vt  keep  dry.  *Sørte  tt  k  % 
feSsrre.  Sørte  e  drought.  Sørtefnlb  a  droughty. 
Sørtlabe  n  -r  kerchief,  handkerchief;  neck-cloth; 
shawl.  tSørtne  vi  dry  up.  Sar  Hægge  vt  drain, 
(i  ftor  Vcaaleflof)  reclalm.  -latgning  draining, 
(i  flor  TOoalefio!)  reclamatlon.  Mombto  (om  3orb) 
dry.  -m«b  dry  food.  -malt  dried  malt  -mas* 
bet  o  getting  neither  bite  nor  sup.  -maring 

Sara  «  *  o  ^  (Ombrejiring;  Snr)  torn;  (beb 
Srbefbe  ofb.,  £bn)  ipell;  (i  Snlerlaberne)  cross  in 
the  hawse;  (6tsb)  shock,  blow;  fio  toge  -et  af 
ward  off  the  blow,  stand  the  brunt.  Sørme  vi 
imob  strike  against;  •  inb  turn  in;  -  ob  foc  finfem 
bring  up;  .  fanimen  collide;  -  nb  turn  out. 
Sørnenbe  c  ^  guy.  —  Sørme|nlab#  anchorage. 
•tab  stream-cable. 

Sørre  (fom  vt  ogf.  -te,  -t)  vtki  dry,  destecate; 
(om  fc»b  ogf.)  Jerk;  F  M  cheat;  -t  dry;  —  vi 
dry;  —  vr  flg  wipe  one's  aelf;  -  Ro  i  Vafigtet, 
om  Wunben  wipe  one's  face,  mouth;  .af  wipe 
up  el.  off;  .  inb  dry  up  el.  in,  fio  come  to 
nothlng;  -  ob  dry  up;  wipe  up.  Sørre  •:  til  - 
to  dry.  Sørre|brat  drying-board.  -gmlP  fe  -toft. 
•bni  drying  house,  -tamme?  arving -plaoe. 
-tlnb  clout  for  wlping,  rubber,  -taft  drying 
•loft.  Sørrelfe  c,  Sørre j olie  drying-oil.  -øpa 
kiln.  -Plab*  drying- ground;  (»lob«,,  ^oot  ftlsbe 
ofb.  tsrre*  ubfbilet  paa  *oramet)  tenter-ground. 
-fnor  clothes-line.  -frae  drying-room.  Sørrteg 
o  -er  drying,  deslccation;  til  .  to  dry. 

Sørlftøct  a  dry-shod.  -faimbtmg  dry-spinning. 

Sørft  e  thirst.  «Sørt  a  fe  Sarftig.  Sørte  vi 
be  thirsty;  fio  (efter)  thirst  (for).  Sørtclffamgc 
dipsas,  Colubvr  dipaat. 

tSørftetr«  n  black  alder,  Rhamnua  /hoaøals. 




2*rfHg  a  thirtty.    -*eb  c  thirotinem. 

%9t Iftøf,  -f«b|Un4  dry  staff  el.  matter. 

fZ*?»,  •XøW  e  peat;  tvf.  -tgtig  a  turfy. 
peaty.  -øffe  o.  fl.,  fe  Zørbe«.  -bbrtntng  artificial 
production  of  turf. 

3ørbe|aflfe  tnrf-ashes  pi.  -bønbe  peat-earrier. 
•frrambfel  peat-fael.  -bnnb  boggy  ground.  -bt*> 
■elfe  fonnation  of  peat.  -gløb  turf  embers  pi. 
•g«?iiig  e  maklng  of  turf.  Sørbegn  boggy 
country.  Xørbelørøb  turf-pit.  -ørabniag  dJg- 
ging  of  peat.  -gnt*b  fe  -bnnb.  -bn*  turf-nouøe. 
-fil  peat-flre. 

Sørbejr  »  dry  weather. 

Sørbclforb  turfy  el.  peaty  soil,  peat-soil.  -J«m 
implement  for  cottlng  tarf.  -lemmet  tarf 
-room.  -f«l  peat-coal,  charred  peat.  -Ug  layer 
of  peat.  -løb  ahare  el.  part  of  a  peat-bog.  -løft 
rarf-loft.  t-lnbe  peat-ehed.  -Inøt  smell  of  peat. 
-mel  turfdust.  -mø*  sphagaam.  t-mofe  peat 
-bog,  turfmoss.  -f amme  frame  for  making  turfc 
in.  -?*(  peat-smoke,  -reek.  -ffffte  fe  -lob. 
-fter  (bet  at  ffcete  JEørb)  turf-cutting;  (Xørbe* 
mofe)  peat-bog,  (oøfaa  Wet)  turbary.    -fmnl  peat 

-dait  -fbabe  turf-Bpade.  -frat  pile  el.  etack  of 
turf.  •titler  peat-cutter.  -ftaa  turf-roof.  -rjatre 
peat-tar.  t-trfSee  fiø  F  bompkln.  —  Stri|gf«»« 
ning,  -Jotb  o.  fl.,  fe  Støbe*.  *-mij?  fe  Xørbemofe. 
-btonte  plant  foand  in  peaty  soli.  •betøt  growth 
el.  formation  of  peat. 

°SrøeYt#gt*ft  n  small  meadow-rue,  Tkalio 
trum  /Unmm;  twln-flower,  llnnæa. 

X* røjet  a  dry-eyed. 

2*0  c  -e  «m*  wench,  hussy;  (ung  SanbØbbbige) 
lam;  min  egen  (fare)  -  my  darling,  my  dear 
glrl;  en  fnobø  -  a  baggage.  Søfebreag  c  molly, 
mollyooddle    Søfet  a  wanton. 

Zø'jfjab  snow  broth.    -f»e  tbawy  snow. 

Zøfle  vi  p  fe  løtfle. 

*S*»  n  fe  Brøbl. 

Søm  vt  felt;  *  ot  fe  Btøble. 

Zøbe  vi  tarry,  loiter,  Unger;  •  meb  delay;  bet- 
meb  maa  itte  -i  tbis  »offers  no  delay;  tøb  libtf 
stop  a  little,    Zøbe*  c  tarrylng,  delay. 

Zølbejr  thawing  weather,  open  weather,  thaw. 
-blnb  thawing  wlnd. 


Ut  n  n  -tz  U  n  [yon];  abbr\  U.  ■■  Uge  week; 
u.  -■  unbec  under;  ug.  -■  ubnutrfet  øobt  optime. 

II!  fe  Ub. 

ttaabenbar  a  not  manifest. 

Uaåbntt  a  unopen  ed. 

+ttaanb  o  a  narrow  mind,  shallowness. 

tUanbbar  a  irrespirable. 

ttaar  «  year  of  scarcity. 

tUbet  e  commoners  pi.  Uøbelig  a  plebeian, 
not  noble. 

tUbfHIl'eUg  a  inseparable;  (uobløfelig)  indis- 
soluble;  -e,  fe  6elf!ablfug(e.  -fteb  c  inseparability. 
ttabftitt  a  inseparate. 

tUbfbsrgt  o  unasked. 

ttebbøret  o  unwarned,  UDadxnonished. 

+ttafbebeltg  a  nnpardonable. 

ttafbrnbt  a  uninterrupted,  unintermitting, 
unlntermittent,  unbroken,  continual,  Incessant; 
adv  incessantly  etc.,  without  intermissfon.  +-b.eb 
c  incessancy,  unceadngnem. 

ttafbelt  a  undMded. 

naflgjørt  a  anøettled,  andedded,  unadjusted, 
undetermined,  pendlng.  •gørenbe  a  lndedslve, 
inconcluslve,  (Spil  6laø)  drawn.  -førliø  a  un- 
decldable,  that  cannot  be  deelded. 

ttafljentet  a  anclaimed. 

ttaflojnlbena  unalleviated;  unsupplied.  -bi«J'- 
»elig  o  irremedlable. 

tUf^ølbes  a  lntemperate;  (nabnl.  t  løbel.  ^enf.) 
incontlnent.   -}eb  c  lntemperance;  inoontlnence. 

ttaflbam'belig  a  lnaUenable.  -(ambclig^ei  o 
inallenablenem.  -•jdnibct  a  unsold;  untrans- 

tUffjongff  a  independent.  -(eb  ø  independ- 
ence.  •bjcblertla?fimt  declaration  of  independ- 
ence.  •^ebfftflelfespiritoflndependenoe.  -beb*« 
frigen  the  War  of  Independence. 

ttafflffbt  a  not  undressed. 

ttifførtei  a  unabated,  nncurtailed. 

ttaifaofet  a  unlocked,  on  the  latch. 

ttafta'bclig  a  incessant,  unceasing,  uninter- 
mitting, unlntermittent,  without  intermission; 
adv  incessantly.    -b.eb  e  incessancy. 

ttftfffl  a  unrelieved. 

tlafrettet  a  untrained. 

-f-ttoffe'eUg  a  incalculable,  immeasurable. 

ttaffenbt  a  not  sent. 

ttafffaaren  a  not  cut  off. 

ttaftfaftt  a  unabolished. 

ttaffø'nllø  o  inexpiable,  that  cannot  be  ex- 

Uaff«r/(te)lig  a  unsaleable,  unmarketable,  not 
vendible,  a  drug  in  the  market;  (fra  ttmbebe) 
that  cannot  be  dismissed,  irremovable. 

ttaf ta(t  a  uncounted;  adv  without  counting 

ttaf  talt  o  not  previously  concerted  (el.  agreed 

ttnfrreUen  a  (om  Ur)  not  set  right. 

ttttftbat  telig  a  indelible. 

ttafben'befiø  a  inevitable.  -^eb  e  lneritable- 

ttafbi'benbe  adv  unknowingly,  nnwittlngly, 
unintentlonally;  bet  er  mtø  aanffe  .  I  know 
nothing  at  all  about  lt;  miø,  btø,  ffam  ofb.  .  un- 
known  to  me,  you,  him  etc.  el.  without  my, 
your,  his  knowing  it. 

ttafbtfeHg  a  oot  to  be  rejected,  that  cannot 
be  refused;  Inevitable,  peremptory,  imperative. 

ttaf  Mrr'øelig  a  not  to  be  warded  off  el.  pre- 

tUg'tet  ctmj  though,  although,  albeit;  .  ^an 
bar  abbaret  (although)  being  warned;  prop  not* 
withstanding,  in  spite  of. 

*)  3  en  flor  S)el  af  be  meb  tt>  fammenfatte  Øbieftibet,  ^bor  Zonen  %n  er  laøt  paa  førfte  €tabrife# 
Ian  ben  oøfaa  ofte  batre  paa  $obebftobelfen. 




Utgt'baagibenteb  e  inattention. 

Uagt'føm  a  inattentire.  negligeet,  careleas, 
heedfess.  -beb  o  Inattention,  negligenoe,  care- 
lessness,  heedleesness,  inadvertency. 

Uaffnrat  a  unpreclse.  -b)cb  o  want  of  preoi- 

tUtmtnbeltg  a  uncommon,  rare;  (ufsbbanttg) 
unusual,  extraordlnary;  adv  unoommonly.  -b)eb 
c  unoommonnesa. 

tun  |  kroat  a  undlsposed  of.  unprovided  for, 
($engc)  uninvested.  -bring  elig  a  not  to  be  dis- 
posed  of;  -e  Sreoe  dead  letten. 

Uanborgtig  a  iadevout,  deroutless.  -beb  c 

tlaiirt  a  unsuspected,  undreamt  of. 

Uan|f<egt'e(ig  a  undlsturbable,  unaasallable; 
i*r  incontestable,  Indisputable.  -fagtetigQeb  c 
incontestableneas.  -fægtet  o  uuaffected,  un- 
moved  (af  by). 

Henført  a  not  quoted. 

ttangtoe*  a  not  stated;  (om  Borer)  unentered. 

Ban  [grebe*  a  unassalled.  -grtbelig  a  unas- 
sallable,  unimpeachable.  -grt'bettgbeb  c  unas- 
aailable nature. 

ttonoret  a  unrepented. 

Uanfet  fe  Upaaanfet. 

Uanmetbt  a  unannoanced,  usherless. 

Uaumobet  a  unrequested,  unsoliclted. 

Uanfe'tig  a  plain-looking,  insigniflcaut,  un- 
slghtly.    -peb  c  insignificance,  unslghtllness. 

Uanfet  a  humble,  mean,  unrespected;  præp 
without  regard  to,  notwlthstanding. 

Uonftøn'big  a  indeoent.    -beb  c  indecency. 

Uanfto'betig  a  Inoflfenslve.  -|eb  c  inoffensive- 

ttanfbo'rlig  a  irresponsible;  ftøngen  er  -  the 
king  can  do  no  wrong.    -beb  c  irresponsibllity. 

Uonfogt  a  unBollcited. 

Uantagelig  a  lnadmissible;  (om  $erfon)  inell- 
glble.    -beb  o  inadmissibility. 

ttonltoft'eUg  a  unasaailable,  unattaekable.  that 
oannot  be  touohed.  -toft'etirfeb  c  unassailable 
nature,  -taftet  <*  unassailed,  unattacked,  un- 

Uan|tora'belig  a  un-inflammable.  -tarn'belig' 
beb  e  uninflammable  nature,  -totttbt  a  un- 

Uanoen'belig  a  inappllcable  (paa  to),  -beb  c 
Inapplloability.  Uanoenbt  a  unused,  unem* 

Uanbift  a  unassigned,  not  paased  for  payment. 

Uappetitlig  a  uninriting,  unsaroury.  -beb  c 

Uarbejbfont  a  not  industrious. 

Uar'tig  a  impolite,  rude,  undyil;  (om  ©ørn 
o.  b.)  naughty.  -beb  c  impoliteness,  incivllity, 
rudeness;  naugbtiness. 

Uatfnreret  a  uninsured. 

Uantoriferet  a  fioM  unlioensed  pilot. 

ttbaareu  a  unborn. 

Ubagt  a  unbaked. 

Ubagtalt  a  uncalumniated. 

Ubalanceret  a  unbalanced. 

Ubanet  a  unbeaten,  untrodden. 

Ubarberet  a  unshaved. 

Ubortet  a  untanned;  fig  rough. 

ttbarmbiertig  a  unmerciful,  merciless,  re- 
morseless,  unoompassionate.  -beb  c  unmercl- 
fulness,  mercllessness,  remorselessness. 

Ubearbeibet  a  crude;  -  ftelt  untrodden  fleld. 

Ubeboelig  a  uninhabitable.  -beb  o  uninhablt- 
ableness.  ubeboet  a  uninhablted,  unocoupied, 

ttbebbrbct  a  unencumbered. 

ttbebragelig  a  infalllble.  -beb  c  infaUibility, 

+ttbe'brettg  a  fe  Uforbebertig. 

Ubeb(e)t  a  unasked,  unlnrlted. 

UbebaRet  o  uncovered. 

ttbebotrbet  a  sound. 

ttbecbiget  o  unsworn. 

ttbefalet  a  without  order. 

ttbe|fare«a  aaexperieaced,  uuseasoned.  -foret 
a  not  narigated,  (8e|)  untrodden. 

ttbefolfet  a  having  no  population,  thinlr 

ttbeforbret  a  unforwarded;  (^erfon)  unpro- 

ttbefrtgtct  a  unfrelghted,  nnengaged. 

Ubefrugtet  a  unimpregnated,  nnfeeondated. 

Ubef<engt  a  uninfeeted. 

ttbeførrbet  a  unfrequented. 

Ubeføftet  a  unfortified;  Ao  unateadfaat,  un- 
stable,  unsettled.  -beb  c  instabillty.  (om  ^erfon) 
unsettled  state  of  mind. 

Ubefo|et  a  unauthorixed,  incompetent;  (f)triaj 
o.  I )  nnwarranted. 

Ubegttuet  a  not  gifted,  incapable. 

Ubegranet  o  unburied. 

ttbegri'belig  n  incomprehenaible,  inconoeiv- 
able,  unintelligible.    -beb  c  incomprehensibllity. 

Ubegroet  a  fe  Ubeootiet. 

Ubegrnnbet  a  fe  ttgntnbet. 

Ubegrcrbt  *  unwept,  unmourned. 

Ubegrotnfet  a  unbounded,  illlmitable. 

ttbeåfltret  a  unrequested.  unsoliclted. 

Ubeqaaret  a  hairless. 

Ubelbag  n  dislike,  disgust.  -bja'getig  «  uo- 
pleasant,  disagreeable,  dlspleasing,  unaccepiable. 
-bjn'gclfgbcb  o  disagreeableness,  unpleaamntnes«; 
annoyance,  vexatlon,  pi  disagreeablea. 

ttbebeftet  a  unencumbered. 

Ubebittbret  a  fe  Ubinbret. 

ttbcblertet  a  faint-hearted,  oowardly.  «|cb  c 

ttbe|bj«fb'e(ig,  -bJ«M»'fow  a  awkward,  help 
less.  -bjaMP'eitg^eb,  •b)f«Mi'f0BUpeb  c  awkward 
nem,  helplessness. 

Ubebanbig  a  clumsy.    -beb  c  olumsines. 

UbebOOfet  a  unpolished,  unreflned,  rude,  ud- 
eMllsed,  uumannerly;  .  Qrmlp  unllcked  cnb. 
•b)eb  c  rudeness. 

Ubetenbt  o  unknown;  en  .  an  unknown  per 
son;  •  meb  unaoqusinted  with,  ignorant  of. 
•flab  n  (meb,  HO  ignorance  (ot). 

Ubefltbbet  a  uncurtalled. 

Ubellocbt  a  unclothed. 

Ubetranfet  a  ungarlanded,  uncrowned. 

Uberr<eftet  o  unconflrmed. 

ttbe|h»em  a  (ufMrtet)  unfit,  unsuitable,  inoon- 
renient;  (umagelig)  unoomfortable;  bet  er  mig  -t 
it  does  not  snit  me;  fole  fig  -  feel  out  of  sorts, 
-toembeb  o  unfltness,  inaptitude.  -tbemmefigbcb 
c  lnconrenlency,  diacomfort. 

Ubetbmret  a  unconærned;  ocer  -  for  keep 
your  mind  at  ease  about.  -b^b  e  unooncerned- 

Ubelagt  a  (meb  Xinfolie)  unquicksilvered. 

UbelaHet  a  unburdened,  unloaded. 

Ubelooet  a  unprepared. 

Ubelejlig  a  inconvenient,  Inopportune.  -|cb 
o  inconvenlence. 

Ubeleben  a  iU-bred,  ill-mannered.  -beb  e  iU 
-breeding,  rudeness. 

Ubelotit  o  not  much  read  in  books,  illiterate. 
-b)eb  e  want  of  reading,  illlteracy. 

UbeUnnet  a  unrewarded,  unrequited. 

ttbentanbet  a  (om  6fib)  without  (her)  crew, 

Ubemiblet  a  without  fortune,  poor,  unpor 
tioned,  unmoneyed. 

Ube|m<r'rtellg  (+)  a  fe  Umættelig,    -vurrtet « 




unperceJved,  unnotlced,   unobserved,  obscure; 
odv  secretly,  furtiyely.    -mertetbeb  c  obscurlty. 

Ubenfcttet  a  not  used,  unused,  unemployed. 

ttbe|««mettg  (+)  o  not  to  be  named.  -notint 
a  anonymous,  unnamed;  aritk  indeflnite,  ab- 
stract;  Vbbition  ofto.  i  -e  tal  rimpie  addition  etc. 

ttberaab  a :  meb  .  $u  indeliberately,  without 

ttberommet  a  not  fixed,  not  appolnted,  un- 

ttttrebe*  a  (om  ^efte)  unbroken,  untrained. 

ttbmbt  a  unprepared. 

Itterebnillia  a  unwlUing,  unwilling  to  oblige. 
-^e»  e  unwilllngness  (to  oblige). 

ttbe|rrø'nelig  a  incalculable,  beyond  compu- 
tation;  fickle,  capri  clous,  -rrg'nettøbeb  o  incal- 
culableness;  capriciousness.  -regnet  a  unanti- 
cipated,  unlooked  for;  exclusive  of,  excludlng. 

ttberejft  a  ($etfon)  untravelled;  (Sanb)  un- 
vislted,  unfrequented. 

Uberettet  a  without  receiving  the  sacrament. 

Uberettiget  a  (røerfon)  unauthorised,  not  en- 
titled,  unentitled;  (f.  tø.  til  at  banble)  not  11- 
censed;  ($aaftanb  o.  1.)  unwarranted,  unauthor- 

ttbertgtiget  a  unoorrected;  unpald. 

Uberygtet  o  of  unspotted  reputation,  of  good 
character,  unimpeachable.  -beb  c  good  cha- 

ttbe|r«stme(ig  a  inglorlous.  -rømt  a  not-re- 
nowned,  nimeleas,  obscure. 

Uberørt  o  untouched,  unaflfected,  tabe  -  leave 

ttbrfaaet  a  unsown. 

ttbefat  a  anoccupied;  vacant,  unfllled. 

Ube|fej'lelig  a  innavigable.  -fejlet  a  unnavi- 

Ubefejret  a  anconqnered,  unvanquished. 

Ubefet  a  unseen,  without  seeing  lt. 

ttbefittbig  a  inconslderate,  imprudent,  heed- 
less,  rash.  -beb  inconsiderateness,  imprudence, 
beedlessness,  rashnees. 

Ubefjølet  a  lnanlmate. 

Ubefraaren  a  uncut;  fig  uncurtailed,  unabrid- 
.ged,  unimpaired. 

Ubeftabiget  a  unhurt,  undamaged,  uninjvired, 

ttbeftattet  a  untaxed,  having  no  contributions 
to  pay. 

Ubefteben  a  immodest,  indlscreet;  immoderate, 
pretentioas;  intrusive,  impertinent.  «beb  o  im- 
modesty,  want  of  delicacy,  indlscreUon,  lmper- 

UbefHMet  a  uncalled  for,  uncommissioned, 

Ubefftnnet  a  not  shone  upon,  unlighted. 

Ubeffre»en  a  not  written  on,  (ogf.  Ag)  blank. 

Ubeffri'ftetiø  a  indescrlbable,  unspeakable. 

Ubeffyttet  a  unprotected;  unsheltered. 

ttbeftoftiøet  a  unoccupied,  unemployed,  dis- 

ttbfffatnunet  a  unshamed,  undisgraced. 

Ubeffømnet  a  unprotected. 

ttbe|j(aaet,  -flagen  a  not  mounted,  tøeft)  un- 
sbod,  føuftage)  unhooped. 

Ubefmtttet  a  unstained,  unblemlshed,  unpol- 
luted,  immaculate;  ben  -e  Unbfangelfe  lmmaculate 

Ubeftanbig  a  inconstant,  flckle,  changeable. 
•|eb  e  lnconstancy,  flckleness,  levity,  variable- 

ttbefteøen  a  uncllmbed,  never  cllmbed. 

ttbelftem'melig  o  indeterminable,  nondeacript. 
•ftem'mcliflbcb  c  indeterminable  nature,  -ftent 
a  undeclaed,  undetermined,  indeflnite,  un- 
deflned,  not  flxed;  math  (fiigning,  Jtoefficient  ofo.) 

indetermlnate;  (om  ©eatebet)  vague:  (af  Jratatter) 
irresolute,  ben  -t  Vrtilél  the  indeflnite  article; 
paa  bet  -e  vaguely;  paa  .  Zib  indeflnltely;  ubfeette 
paa  -  Zib  defer  sine  die;  fiejc  paa  -  Zib  hlring 
at  will;  en  Xiener  fora  er  fæffrt  paa  -  Xib  a  ser- 
vant  at  will.  -ftemtfteb  c  lndecision,  uncer- 
tainty;  vagueness,  irresolution. 

ttbefH'øelig  a  inaccessible.  -$eb  c  inaccessi- 

ttbeflif'fefig  a  incomiptible.  -beb  c  incorrup- 
tiblenera,  inoorruptlbility. 

ttbeftribedg  a  incontestable,  indisputable, 
unquestionable.  -beb  e  indlsputableness,  in  con - 
testability.  ttbejrribt  a  undlsputed,  uncon- 

UbeftHfteit  a  incorrnpt. 

ttbefnblet  a  unpolluted. 

nbefmigeM  a  unsung,  not  celebrated  in  poetry. 

ttbelfoaret  a  unanswered.  -ftttt'rlig  a  un- 

Ubefoceret  a  unoppressed,  un  burden  ed. 

UbeUgt  a  unvisited,  (§o«l«8ning)  unattended. 

ttbeUrget  «  undone,  unattended  to,  unper- 
formed;  -ebe  Orebe  dead  letters;  leontoret  for  u. 
©.  the  Dead  Letter  Office. 

ttbetagen  a  open,  allowed. 

ttbetaieliø  o  invaluable,  above  all  price,  in- 
estimable.  -beb  c  inestimableness.  Ubetalt  a 

ttbetfbd  adv  un8easonably,  inopportunely. 

Uberi'melig  a  unseasonable,  Inopportune,  un- 
timely,  ill-tlmed,  intempestlve.  -(eb  unseason- 

Ubetinget  a  (uben  Qetingelfe)  onconditional; 
(abfolut)  unqualifled.  absolute;  •  liltro,  Spbigbeb 
implicit  faith  el.  confidence,  obedience;  et  - 
Onbe  an  unmitigated  evll;  adv  decidedly,  ab- 
solutely,  uncondltionally.    -beb  c  absoluteness. 

ttbetitlet  a  un  titled. 

Ubetonet  a  unaccented,  unemphasized. 

Ubetraabt  a  untrodden. 

Ubetrntfen  a  unpapered. 

UbetOiH'gelig  a  invinclble,  unconquerable,  in- 
domitable.  -beb  e  lnvincibleness.  Ubetonngen 
a  unsubdued,  unconquered. 

Ubetb  belig  a  inslgniflcant,  inconsiderable, 
mediocre;  unimportant,  trilling,  trivial,  sllght. 
•beb  e  insigniflcanoe,  inconsiderableness;  trivial- 
ity:  en  «  a  trine. 

Ubetbnget  a  unencumbered,  unweighted. 

^Ubetotnrelig  a  safe. 

ttbetanl'foni  a  inconslderate,  unthinking, 
heedless,  rash.  -beb  c  lnoonslderateness,  heed- 
lessness,  rasbness,  indlscretion. 

ttbeianbret  a  unversed,  unconversant. 

ttbenant  a  unaccustomed,  unused,  unhablt- 
uated  (meb  to),    -beb  o  want  of  pracUce. 

Ubencreft  a  unpreserred. 

UbeøibU  a  unconscious;  instinctive;  twere  fig 
felb  .  be  unconscious;  bet  oor  mig  .,  at  bet  ffete 
I  was  qulte  ignorant  of  it;  fplP  .  sub-conscious, 
—  adv  instlnctively.    -beb  c  unconsciousneai. 

Ubeftilaet  a  not  granted  el.  {part)  voted. 

Ubeii'f  lig  a  that  cannot  be  proved,  indemon- 
strable.  -beb  c  incapability  of  being  proved, 
lack  of  evidence.    Ubrtift  o  unproved. 

Ubeøoøtet  a  unguarded. 

Ubenotbnet  a  unarmed;  for  bet  -ebe  Pie  to  the 
naked  eye,  to  the  unassisted  vision. 

Ubena'geUa  a  (lom  ilte  fan  beweae*)  immov- 
able;  (uboieltg)  Inflexlble,  inexorable;  (fom  iRe 
beoæger  fig)  motionless.  -beb  o  ImmobUity. 
Ubetoøget  a  unmoved. 

ttbibelfl  a  unscriptural. 

UbiKtg  a  unreasonable,  unfair,   unjust,   in- 




equltable.    -$eb  ø  uiireasonableness,  unfalrneas. 
+•*!#  adv  unreasonably. 

Ublanbet  a  unmixed,  unmlngled,  unalloyed. 

Bilenet  a  unbleached,  brown. 

U'btib  a  inclement,  harah,  nyere,  ungentle. 
-beb  e  harshneas,  (om  Sejret)  lnclemency. 

U'btøbig  o  bloodless,  unbioody. 

tt'bln  a  shameless,  impudent,  barefaeed;  en 
.  9til  an  exorbitant  prioe.  •farlig  a  un- 
chaste,  bold.  -førr'bigbeb  e  boldness,  uncha- 
stity.  -(eb  «  shamelesaness,  lmpudenoe,  bare- 
facedness;  exorbitance. 

ttbo'betlg  o  irreparable.    -|ck  c  irreparability. 

tUbøbemaal  n  case  which  cannot  be  atoned 
for  by  money,  felony. 

Ubøbførr'btg  «  Impenitent,  ancontrite.  -b)eb 
c  impenitence. 

Ubønet  a  unwaxed. 

Uborgerlig  o  undtizenlike. 

ttbro'bertig  .  a  nnbrotherly ,  unbrotherlike. 
-beb  e  unbrotherlineas. 

Uørnbben,  U'brnbt  a  unbroken. 

ttbra'gbar  a  unserviceable,  unsultable,  unflt 
for  use  el.  service,  -bjeb  c  unserviceableness. 
Ubra'gelig  a  useless;  not  in  ase,  out  of  use, 
diøused;  gøre  •  disable;  Mibe  (giort)  .  become 
disabled.  Ubrn'getigbeb  c  uselessness;  unusual- 
ness,  rarity.    Ubrugt  a  unused. 

+Ubrl)  belig  a  unbreakable;  fe  nbrøbellg. 

ttbrortfet  a  unbroken. 

Ubrorab'bar,  nbrambetig  a  incombustible. 
•beb  e  incombustlbleness. 

Ubrø'belig  a  inviolable.    -|eb  c  InviolabiUty. 

ttbnben  a  uninvited,  unbidden,  self-invlted; 
.  Øæfi  intrader. 

Ubunbra  a  (løg)  unbound,  unfettered;  (uinb- 
ftramfrt)  unrestrained,  unrestricted;  -  Stil  prose. 
•fyeb  c  unrestraint,  freedom  from  restraint. 

*ttbbgb  o  uninhabited  region,  desert. 

Ubnjgget  a  unbuilt. 

Ubørabig  a  indomitable,  untamable,  un- 
manageable,  unruly.  -Jeb  c  unmanageableness, 
unruliness,  refractoriness. 

Ubaft  n  beast,  brute. 

Ubøfetiø  a  inflezible,  unyielding,  unbendlng. 
-beb  c  inflexibility. 

Ub*nb*'rltg  a  deaf  to  all  prayera,  inezorable, 
inflezible.  -(eb  c  inezorableness,  inezorability, 
inflexibility.    Ubønb*rt  a  unheard. 

ttcløltlferet  a  uncivilized. 

Ub  adv  out  (of),  forth;  brage  -  go  fortb;  tale 
rent  -  unbosom  oneself;  lab  mig  tale  -  let  me 
finish  gpeaking;  Ugen  -  to  the  end  of  the  week; 
fe  Sfribt;  en  .  af  bor  TO  i  b  te  one  from  amongst 
ns;  bragte  barn  «  af  fig  felø  made  bim  beside 
hlmself;  -  for  &  off;  toårs  -  for  abreast  of; 
.fra  starting  from,  taklng  one's  departure 
from;  fiaa  -  fra  Sanb  stand  off  shore;  Var  ., 
Var  inb  year  by  year;  gaa  .  og  inb  i  et  fin! 
have  the  run  of  a  house;  ieg  beeb  bberlen  -  eller 
inb  I  am  quite  bewildered,  at  sea,  perfectly  in 
the  dark;  tøn  maatte  .  meb  he  had  to  pay;  fe 
Sprog;  -  ober  beyond;  -  baa  Sagen  later  in 
the  day;  til  langt  .  paa  Slatten  till  late  in  the 

Ubaab  o  mlsdeed,  enormity,  atrodty,  outrage. 
Ubaabltnanb  evii-doer,  malefactor. 

Ub|aanbe  vt  breathe  forth;  vi  (bø)  expire. 
-aoabca,  -aaabing  c  breathing  forth. 

ttbab  adv  outward.  -bøjet  a  bent  outwards, 
o.  fl.    >gtaenbe  o  out-going. 

Ubab'lelig  a  unblamable,  irreproachable. 

Ubab|  fir  abeabe  a  outward.  -til  adv  outwardly. 
-•eabt  a  turned  outward,  everted. 

Ubaf  prop  out  of. 

Ubtgle  of  cart  out.    •King  c  carting  out. 

tilbager  c  outiying  fleld. 

Ubaaaet  a  undvihted,  unpolished,  rade, 
underbred,  uneducated.  -|eb  ø  want  of  ednca- 
tion;  ill-breedlng,  bad  manners. 

Uboaff  o  not  (el.  bad)  Danish,  un-Danish;  nå- 
national.     •*)€*-  o  want  of  Danish  feellng,   want 
of  patriotism;   (fbtogl.)  incorreetness,  eomc  bar 
barism,  soleckm. 

Uborbejbe  vt  compose,  prepare,  (gøre  fonbq) 
finish;  en  -t  Sale  an  elaborate  speeeh.  -tfe  e 
composing,  finisbing;  (en  fWftlig)  cømposltioo, 
written  exerdse,  paper;  (6tøtefag)  compositioiL 

Ubarntet  a  impoverished. 

Ubortle  vi  degenerate;  -t  degenerate.  -dfe, 
-en,  -ning  c  degeneration. 

Ubarøing  c  distant  hedr. 

Ubafet  a  knoeked  up,  dead  beat,  Jaded,  tofl 

Ubatterltg  a  undaughterly. 

+U'bbaøbe  vt  boat  out. 

U'bbage  vt  bak©  guffldently. 

ttbboOøtete  vt  blackball. 

U'bb«nf|c  vt  beat  out,  knock  out;  (Jtlø-bex> 
beat  thoroughly,  beat  the  dust  out  of.  -aiag  c 
beating  etc. 

U'bbarl  c  outer  bark. 

U'bbof  n|«e  vt  trampet,  blaion  (forth  d.  abroadX 
-be  bete«  egen  Stol  blew  their  own  trumpetF. 
-ning  c  -er  trumpeting  etc. 

tt  bbebe  fig  ør  request;  6bor  -I  the  favour  of 
an  answer  is  requested. 

U'b|bebre  vt  repair,  mend;  (flffoleri)  restore. 
•bebring  c  repair,  reparation,  mending,  restora- 
tion.  —  ttbbebring*|ljaøn  repairing-port.  -øs* 
tofhtinger  coat  of  repalrs. 

U  bbene  vt  (9ngle)  bone. 

U'bbetalle  vt  pay  (out),  disburse.  -lag  c  -er 
disbursement,  outgoing;  forfalbe  til  .  fafl  due; 
.  (beb  ftøb  af  Øaatb)  2000  ftconcr  possecsioD 
wlth  2000  er.  cash.    -tagétør«  (i  &ant)  run, 

U-bbibe  vt  bite  out;  loee  (a  tooth)  by  biting. 

U'bbinble  vt  typ  tie  up;  t(Jrreatnrer)  turn  ont 
-lag  tving  etc. 

tt'bbianbe  vt  dllute. 

U'bblonifhre  vi  be  in  full  bloom,  be  mil 
blown;  fe  ttfblomnre. 

U'bblarfle  vt  blow  out;  ($mp.)  blow  off;  tpaV 
lish  (by  biowing  a  trampet),  -niag  ø  btowing 
etc.  —  UbBtøø«ina»|b)«ae  (fems.)  blow-off-eock. 
-bombe  (Dmp.)  brine-pump.  -rar  (JJmp.;  blow 

tt  bblable  vt  soak,  steep,  macerate;  (fait  gift 
o.  I.)  freshen.    -atag  ø  soaking  etc. 

U'bborle  øf  bore  (out,  up),    -fag  c  boring. 

U'bbrebe  øf  spread,  eztend;  (f.  <ftt.  Vtmene) 
stretch  out;  (et  fRtrøte)  spread,  divulge,  circulate; 
(Særbomme  ofo.)  diffuse,  propagate,  disaeminate; 
—  vr  fig  spread,  extend;  -  fig  øøer  en  Sag  ex 
patiate,  descant,  dllate  upon  a  matfeer;  -  fig 
(font  et  Wbøte)  spread,  get  abroad;  —  abbrebt 
a  ftro,  Ktjgte  o.  b.)  wide-spread,  (©lab)  widely 
•circulated;  -e  Jhinbffober  extensive  knowledge. 
-tfe  e  spreading  etc,  spread,  eztenaion;  (sat 
Scerbomme  ofø.)  propagation. 

tt'bbringle  vt  bring  out;  OBrebe)  deliver;  . 
meget  af  en  wjenbom  make  muoh  (money)  by  a 
property;  -  f.  9H.  Honoen«  6foal  propose,  give, 
drink  tbe  health  of  the  king.  -clfe#  -atag  c 
bringing  etc.;  (Orebeg)  delivery. 

Ubbrnb  n,  pi «,  outbreak,  breaklng out;  (on 
fBuITan)  eruption;  (om  Bibenffabet)  burst,  outbiust; 
et  ftartt  .  af  flatter  a  peal  of  laughter;  tømate  til 
~  break  out. 

U'bbmniBte  øf  growl  forth. 

nbbrbbe  vt  fe  Ubbtceffe;  vi  (øm  ganger,  31b, 
ftrig  ofø.)  break  out;  (brbbe  ftem)  burat  (forth); 




<beb  birette  Unfsrfe!)  exclaim,  cry;  -  t  en  Strøm  i 
af  ©IcelWorb  give  vent  to  a  torrent  of  abuae; 
ban  -brøb  i  Satter  he  broke  out  lnto  laughter; 
ban  -brsb  i  bsj  Satter  he  bant  out  into  s  loud 
l&ugh;  bun  -brsb  i  Sraab  she  buret  into  tears; 
bet  -brsb  3lb,  ftrig  a  fire,  a  war  broke  out. 
tt'bb?ørt|fc  vt  break  out.  -ning  o  breaklng  out. 
tl'bbr*nb|e  vi  (brombe  til  (ftibe)  bum  out;  vt 
barn  out;  (reitfe  »eb  Øroutbing)  cleanøe  by  bum- 
ing;  ckir  caaterize;  -bt  fBnltan  extinet  volcano. 
•tal  c  burnlng  etc. 

tVbtWtc  vt  roar  out;  vi  bot  -t  has  done 

tt'bbab  ii  summona  el.  call  to  arms;  offer  (for 
sale);  .  og  (Efterfpørgfel  supply  and  demand. 
tttbbnbSfolf  levy. 

tt'bbaet  a  bowed  et.  bent  out,  convex. 
tt'bbngje  vt  emboss.  -ning  c  embossing;  eono 
bnlging,  art  swell,  (».  Søjle)  entasls. 
tl'bbngferlng  o  towing  ont. 
ti  »bugtet  a  wavy. 
tt'bbnlning  c  swelling. 
It'bbnnbc  vt  bottom. 

tl'bbbbc  vt  (til  Salg)  offer,  display  (for  sale); 
(inbtalbe)  summon. 
*tt'btbgbing  c  -er  stranger,  non-parisbloner. 
It'bittgge*  e  -e  (ben,  fom  bor  boa  en  afflbef  3orb« 
(ob)  cottiger  Uving  in  remote  parts;  (ben,  fom  er 
flbttet  ub  til  et  onbet  6ogn)  one  removed  into 
another  parish. 

ffbingget  a  projecting,  overhanging.  tt'b- 
fcbgning  o  addltional  structure;  projecting  part 
(of  a  building),  Jut-room. 

ttb|b»tte  n  clear  profit,  proceeds,  earnings, 
yield;  (af  ©ont,  ftttieforetagenber  of».)  dividend; 
fig  result,  outcome,  gain.  -bitte  vt  make  the 
most  of,  utillze.  -tbttelfe,  -•faring  e  utilis«- 
tlon,  inaking  the  most  of.  -batter  c  -e  extor- 
tioner.    -bbiicrig  a  profitable,  valuable. 

Ifbbtt? |e  oc  bear  out,  carry  out;  (©rebe)  de- 
liver,   -fng  c  bearing  etc,  delivery. 

tt'»asb|e  vt  repair;  tøuubor)  spay.     -ning  c 
repairlng  etc. 
tt'bb*  fe  vt  bend  outwards. 
B'bbanMHe  vt  evaporate;  (f.  ««.  Stnneb)  air 
(linen),    -ntng  o  evaporation;  airing. 

tt'bbaane  vt  form,  finish,  perfect;    (aanbel) 
cultlvate,  train,  improve;  -  ftfl  (til  ni)  traln, 
prepare  one's  self,   serve  an    apprenticeshlp. 
-Ifc  e  perfection,  finish;  oultfvation,  improve- 
ment:  training. 
tttbtnfet  a  knocked  up  by  dancing. 
1fbbcf|e  vt  (til  el.  ibUmbt)  distribute  (among), 
deal,  portion  el.  parcel  (out);  serve  out,  issue 
(tU  et.  iblanbt  to),  dlspense  (to);  .  Slag  deliver 
blows;  -  Befalinger  give  orders;  -  Satramentet 
adminlster  the  sacrament.    -tog  o  -er  distribu- 
tion, dispensation,  issue;  (om  Safranientet)  ad- 
tt  bbie  fe  ttbbotte. 

tfbibrsg  n  extract;  tort  -  abstract,  summary; 
t  —  vnbe.  -brage  vt  draw  out,  vt  educe  (ogf. 
ctan  k  arithm)  extract;  -  en  Slutning  draw  a 
conduslon;  —  vi  fe  Brage  nb.  -bragnina  ø 
drawlng  etc.,  extraetion;  departure.  -bragftié 
adv  by  extract. 

tt'blbrefe  vi  get  out  by  turning;  hollow  out 
by  turning.  -brtjcftaol  inside  tool,  side  tool. 
-brejerbintel  sUdlng-square. 

tt'bbrif|te  vt  drink  out,  drink  off.  -ntng  c 
drinklng  etc. 

Ubbri»|e  vt  drive  out,  expel,  displaoe;  - 
$ia»!e  cast  out  devils;  (om  brebet  Brbéjbe)  em- 
boss,  chase;  -cnbe  o  expulslve.  -clfe,  -ning  o 
drlving  out;  (i  Vtebicinen)  expulslon;  (af  Diable) 

+tt'bbr«ntme  vt  dream  out;  dream  to  the 

tt'bbaft|e  vt  exhale  (perfume).  -wing  c  ex- 

tt'bbatttje  vt  exhale;  vi  evaporate,  (igennem 
$uben)  perspire.  -ning  e  -er  exhalation,  evapo- 
ration, effluvia;  perspuation. 

Ifbbbbje  vt  deepen,  make  deeper.  -ntng  c 
deepening.  -aiagtarbejber  deepening  opera- 

1T»btort|e  vt  fig  cultlvate  (to  perfection),  per- 
fect.   -ning  e  (perfect)  c  ol  ti  vation. 

tt'b|b*  vi  become  extinet.  -b*b  a  extinet. 
•b#en  o  extinctlon. 

tt'bbor  c  outer  door. 

ttbc  adv  out;  (ube  af  Qufet)  abroad;  (ubenfor  i 
bet  $rte)  out  of  doors;  (forbi)  at  an  end,  flnished, 
over;  bet  -  out  there;  Ⱦre  -  be  (away)  from 
home,  be  out,  gone,  (brobucere  fifl)  be  In  the 
field;  bet  er  -  meb  bam  lt  is  all  over  wlth  hlm, 
he  is  a  lost  man;  -  af  Øje,  ~  af  ©inb  out  of 
sight,  out  of  mind;  fe  6tanb;  bon  er  -  af  fifl  felø 
(af  Slæbe)  he  is  beside  hlmself,  out  of  his  mind, 
(wlth  Joy);  langt  -  beftøgtet  distanUy  related; 
nn  er  ^unbrebe  og  eet  -  there's  the  devil  to  pay 

tlbe|bU»e  vi  stay  out  el.  away,  feil  to  come 
el.  appear;  jur  make  demult,  suffer  a  default; 
en  -bleben  a  defaulter;  ©ubet  er  -blebet  the  mes- 
senger  has  not  made  his  appearance;  Betalingen 
-b!e»  payment  was  not  forthooming;  ban  er  -bleoen 
meb  vetalingen  ober  Ziben  he  has  passod  the 
time  of  payment;  be  -bteøne  9ReMemmer  the  ab- 
sent  memoers;  ban  er  -bleben  i  flere  Uger  he  has 
absented  hlmself  for  several  weeks;  ber  er  flere 
^ofler  -b(e»ue  there  are  several  mails  due;  6ti»et 
er  -bleoet  (ooer  Ziben)  the  snip  is  overdue.  -bit' 
nelfe,  -buoen  o  staylng  out,  non-appearance, 
absence,  non-a*rival,  non-attendance;  (fra  Sletten) 
default.    -biibelfcAbom  Judgment  by  default. 

ttbefrev  adv.  fraa  ~  &  stand  off-shore,  stand 
for  the  offlng. 

ttbea lemme  vt  forget,  omlt. 

ttbefiamineret  a  passed;  certificated. 

ttbefibeblere  vt  clear  outwards.  -ition  e  olear- 
ing  outwards. 

ube|labe  vt  leave  out,  omlt.  -lobelfe  o  -r 
omisslon;  meb  -  af  omittlng,  leavlng  out. 

ttbeiog'rig  a  not  partiolpating,  havlng  no 
snare  el.  part  In.    -|eb  e  non  participation. 

ttbe'lbor,  nbc'felig  a  indlvlrible.  -b^b  e  in- 
divislblllty,  indlvisibleness.  tt'belt  a  undivlded, 
entire;  -  Oifalb  unanimous  applause.  tt'bel« 
tagenbe  a  indifferent  to,  unfeellng. 

ttbe|lnlfe  vt  shut  oat,  lock  out;  fig  exclude, 
debar;  -  fra  Srranten  dlsbsr;  ble»  t  -af  Jttubben 
was  expelled  his  dub;  -r  Vtuligfjeben,  tanfen 
precludes  the  possiblllty,  the  idea.  -Inflelfc  o 
exclusion;  expulslon;  meb  -  af  excludlng,  to  the 
exclusion  of.  -Intfenbe  a  ezclusive;  ado  exclu- 
slvely,  entlrely,  wholly. 

ttben  a  prcep  without;  +  (ubenfor)  outside,  . 
nogen  Varfag  without  any  cause  whatever;  - 
^at  wlth  no  hat,  without  a  hat;  »cece  ~  be  out 
of;  jeg  fan  not  Ie»e  -  bet  I  dåre  say,  I  can  do 
without  it;  ingen  -  none  but,  nobody  but;  intet 
~  nothlng  but;  —  +a<fo  wihout,  oatwardly;  — 
conj  without;  -  at  »ibe  bet  without  knowing  it; 
_  at  Iabe  fig  forfltjrre  af  undteturbed  by;  .  at  |eg 
»ibfle  bet  without  my  knowing  it;  -  faa  er  (oat) 
except  in  the  case  that,  unless  perchance. 

ttbenob  adv.  l«te  noget  -  learn  something 
(off)  by  heart,  oommit  to  memory;  tnnne  -  know 
by  heart,  by  rote.  be  letter-perfect  in.  -Uret  a : 
noget  .  a  thlng  of  rote.  —  ttbeaabt|(ettic  lesson 




to  learn  by  heart.  -l«rbom  cram.  -letten, 
•løftning  getting  by  heart. 

Ubenbørbd  a  outboard;  —  adv  outside  the 
»hip,  on  the  outside;  (oberborb)  overboard,  -fra 
from  the  (el.  her)  outside.  -Høbntttø  outside 

Ubenbbt  adv  oat  of  town;  a  not  resident  in 
town;  .  Weblemmer  coantry-members.  -tøevbc 
pi  people  not  resident  in  town. 

ubenb*ré  adv  out-of  doors,  outdoors;  a  out 

-tUbenenrobøif!  a  out  of  Burope. 

nbenfor  ado  outside*  without;  (Saren)  at  el. 
before  the  door;  føtte  -  turn  out;  jeg  tril  ^elfl 
børe  .  I  would  rather  have  nothing  to  do  with 
it;  —  præp  out  of,  outside;  .  ©ben  out  of  town; 

—  fiufet  outside  the  house;  .  ©tren,  Sinbuerne 
before  the  door,  the  Windows;  inaenftebt  .  <Enø< 
Ianb  nowhere  out  of  England;  i  dnølanb  (-  Os* 
forb  Stift)  in  £.  (other  than  the  diocese  of  Oj; 
Qoønen  holbt  .  $nfet  the  carriage  stopped  before 
the  house;  er  .  Sagen  is  beside  the  questlon;  • 
al  Ibibl  beyond  all  doubt.  -ftaaenbe  o  outside; 
e  outsider,  impartlal  spectator. 

ttbenfra  adv  from  without,  from  (the)  outside. 

Ubeagørbt  adv  outside  the  fence. 

Ubenflanb*  adv  abroad.  -lanbfT  a  foreign; 
outlandish.  -lanbtrejfe  journey  abroad;  -r  ooll 
foreign  travel. 

Ubenont  prop  round  about,  outside  of;  goa  -. 
Sagen  elude  the  subjeot,  beat  about  the  bush; 
goa  .  Sanffeligbeben  shirk  the  difflculty.  ttben* 
oml  a  tt  -  ttetenbtftab  a  chance  acquaintance. 

—  Ubenont«  IbetneninteHgbeber,  -fejttrtrb  offioes. 
-løftning  desultory  readlng.  -fnat  desultory  el. 
irrelevant  talk.  -fb*rgtntaal  secondary  questlon. 
-nbgiftrr  extra  expenses. 

Ubenjøbcr  adv  k  prap  over.  >naa  pnxp  out* 
side;  (om  ftløber)  above;  adv  on  the  outside. 

Uben|retUg,  -ret*  a  extrajudicial. 

Ubenrig*  adv  abroad,  out  of  the  kingdom. 
•fart  -bnnbcl  foreign  tråde,  oversea  tråde. 
UbenrigfT  a  foreign.  Ubenrigéjmintfter  minister 
of  foreign  affairs.  •minifterinm  mlnlstry  of 
foreign  affsirs,  foreign-offlce,  -bolitif  foreign 

Ubenftør*  adv  outside  the  (range  of)  rocks, 
in  the  open  sea. 

Ubenfogné  a  extra-parochial;  adv  extra-paro- 

-tUbenftsaenbe  fe  Ubenfotflaaenbe. 

Ubcnttl  adv  outside. 

Ubentnint  fe  tbibl. 

tlbennerben  c  outward  world. 

tlben|no(b  exterlor  rampart.  -botbé  adv  out- 
side el.  without  the  walls. 

Ubennølt*  a  (i  ftortfnil)  not  trump,  plain;  fa 
irrelevant;  adv  f  abroad. 

ttbenbørter  pi  outer  works. 

Ubebige  c  outdoor  servant. 

Ubeftaarobe  a  (om  (Bølb,  gorbringer)  outstand- 
ing;  Jeg  bat  -  $enae  I  have  money  owing  to  me; 
ieg  bar  -  Øølb  I  have  outstanding  debts;  fjabe 
noget  -  meb  en  be  at  odds  with  one. 

ttbeftenge  vt  shut  out. 

ttlfalb  n,  pi  *»,  (ffiefultat)  issne,  result,  up- 
shot;  mil  ually,  sortie;  (i  frxgtefunftj  pass;  Iplbigt 
_  success;  ultjHeligt  -  failure,  failing,  miscarri- 
age;  fda  et  baartigt  -  mil;  alt  faar  et  gobt  -  for 
barn  everything  succeeds  with  him;  gare  et  ~ 
mil  sally  out,  make  a  sally,  (^øgtehinft)  make  a 
pass.  Ubfalbe  vi  fe  fcalbe  ub;  -nbe  ©øo  aflaring 
bow;  -nbe  Qanbe  the  ebblng  el.  receding  tide. 

—  Ubfa(b#|9ørt  c  sally-port.  -banbe  fe  onfr. 
•ninfel  angle  of  reflexion. 

U'bfare  vi  ge  forth;  bibl  bet  ubfor  dlb  there 

rose  up  fire.     U'bfart  o  -er  (Ubfaxt,   Bortgang 
exit;  (tur.  Ubflugt)  excursion 

tUtfaftet  a  starved,  emadated. 

*U'bfatHg  a  destitute. 

tt  'bfef  |e  vt  sweep  out.    -ning  c  sweeping  oat. 
clean  sweep. 

U'bfU|e  vt  file  out.    -Ing  c  filing  out. 

U'bftnbe  vt  find  out,  make  out;  ellert. 

Ubflrtngtmafrine  c  paying  out  maehine. 

U'bflfie  vt  fish  out. 

U'bjftaab,   -Hob   n    (fianblinaen)  flowing   oi.\ 
efflux;  (bet,  fom  fføber  ub)  discharge,  flux. 

tt'bffngt  c  (terningen  at  finne  nb)  rlight;  (tst 
excursion,  outlng,  trip;  (Ubnei)  escape;  (Uubftnft- 
ning)  shuffle,  evaslon,  shift,  subterfage;  bet  er 
en  baarlig  -  that's  a  poor  (shuffling,  lame)  ex 
cuse;  foge  -er  shuffle;  ban  neb  not  at  fnfec  en  - 
he  is  sure  to  find  a  hole  to  creep  out. 

U  blflbbe  vi  flow  out,  issue,  emanate.  -ftøtrlfe, 
-tøben  c  flowing  out,  out-flowing. 

U  bjfftotte  of  k  i  move  out.  -fttfttttg  morte* 
out,  exodus.  t-ffbtler  c  -e  peasant  who  mores 
his  house  out  of  a  village.  -f ntrergaarb  pea- 
sant-house  moved  out  of  a  village. 

U'bffnne  vi  fly  out;  leave  the  nest. 

Ubf  øbre,  Ubfobring,  fe  ttbfore. 

U'bfølble  vt  unfold;  (f.  (Hft.  %*ne)  unfarl, 
(f.  Cfft.  Olabe)  expand;  matk  (en  ftlabe)  deretop. 
fa  (oabenbare)  unfold;  (Iagge  for  t)aøen  ofn.)  .dis- 
play; (ubbifle)  develop.  -ning  c  unfolding  etc.; 
expanslon;  development;  display. 

tl'bfor  prasp  in  front  of,  fe  Ub  for. 

U'bfor|bre  vi  (til  ttamp)  chaUenge,  call  out; 
(ttobfe)  defy,  dåre;  (tcøM)  require,  call  for 
•brenbe  a  defiant.  -bret  c  -e  chaUenger.  -briag 
e  chaUenge.    >bringibrcn  chaUenge. 

tt'bforle  vt  Une.    -ing  c  llning. 

U'bform|e  vt  form.    -ning  c  formlng. 

n'bforflie  vt  find  out,  trace,  (9gn  o.  I.)  explore; 
(en)  sound,  -er  c  -e  explorator.  -snig  c  ex- 
ploring  etc.,  exploration. 

ttlfragt  c  outward  freight 

U'bfri  vt  deliver,  set  free,  liberate.  -clfe  c 
deliveranoe,  liberatlon. 

U'bfritte  vt  (en)  auestion  dosely;  (nt)  pump 
out,  worm  out.  -frttninf ,  -fritte*  c  pumpisg 

n  bfnøje  vt  pin  up,  rejoint.  -nhig  c  pinning 

^Ubfnjle  pi  blrd8  that  breed  on  outlying  rocks 
and  cllns. 

Ubf^lble  vt  flll  up,  flll  out;  (6o)ema)  fiU  Id; 
fa  («labi)  flll;  -enbe  a  expletive.  -hig,  «•»! 
Alling  up.  —  Ubftt(bningØ|bogc  (fr.  ffaleatn) 
complementary  days.  -forter  complementaiy 
colours.    -valg  bye-election. 

Ubføøtic  vt  fight  out.    -ntmg  c  flghting  out. 

tU'bføneb  c  outlying  oommon. 

U'bførb  o  departure. 

U  bførbiøe  vt  draw  up,  prepare,  expedito,  di^ 
patch.  -Ife  c  drawing  up  etc.,  preparation,  ex 

U  b|f<rc  vt  carry  out,  (©oret)  export;  (Mejbe 
ofb.)  execute,   accomplish,    perform;    (OcfoJiso, 
o.  1.)  carry  out;  iw,   tkaat  execute,  play;  (et 
dmne  o.  I.)  work  out,  foUow  up;   -  et  San  rno 
el.  put  out  a  warp;  ban  bil .  ^oftoceni  IroQe  (bas 
Zeatr.)  he  wUl  sustafn  the  character  of  tbePht 
sician;  bibl  -te  onbt  ftlrøte  om  brought  op  an  evil 
name  upon:    bibt  -  berei  Aet  malntain  their 
cause.    -forbar  a  practicable.     -foretfe  o  carry 
ing  out,  execurjon,  accomplishment,  perfonn 
anoe.     »forer  o  (af  Barer)  exporter;  (af  %xbe\K 
ofb.)   executer.     -faringtaa«ø    anat   excretory 
duet.    -farliø a  practicable,  performable, achle 
vable;  (fulbftønbig)  full,  copious,  detalled,  ex- 




Plicit;  —  adv  ftilly  eta,  at  length,  in  extenso; 
meget  -  at  great  length;  nogenlebet  .  in  some 
detail.  -førligtøb  c  practicability,  possibility; 
fulness,  detail,  explicitness;  meb  megen  -  with 
great  ruinen,  in  great  detail,  at  great  length. 
-fønrfel  e  exportation,  export:  f  =  -førelfe;  Hl  - 
for  ezportation.  —  ttbførfeldl  ar  titel  (staple  of) 
export;  pi  ezport  goods.  -forbnb  prohibition 
of  ezportation.  -banbrl  ezport  tråde,  -brørmie 
bounty.  -febbel  permit.  -ftcb  place  of  depar- 
ture;  market.    -talk  ezport-duty. 

tt'bgaa  vi  issne;  (nbelabes)  be  omitted,  strnck 
out;  lob«  noget  -  i  Xtytten  publlsh  something; 
råbe  -  en  8efaling  issne  an  order;  et  -et  Ir*  a 
decayed  tree.  •«•€  a  outward;  -  føret  ezports; 
Strømmen  bar  -  the  current  was  »etting  out. 
•enbe  •  departnre;  advance  money;  for  ~  out- 
ward-bound.  -nittgdbenge  ad vance- money;  Vn* 
tridning  paa  -  advance  note. 

-rtttgaarb  ontlying  farm. 

U'bgabe  o  ontlying  street. 

ttbgang  o  -e  tøanbtingen)  going  ont,  departnre; 
(Slutning)  issne,  end;  (étuéfpillerl;  typ)  exit; 
(©ieb)  ontlet,  issne,  passage  ont;  Boret«,  Vtaone* 
benl  -  end  (ri.  ezpiration)  of  the  year,  month. 
—  ttbgangftl  billet  check,  pass-check;  tage  -  joc 
vanish.  -bag  Sunday  out.  -bar  onter  door. 
-tpafttt  port  of  sailing.  -befl  (SrrtHe)  jade.  -linie 
typ  rest.  -lab  ($mp.)  eductlon  passage,  -pnnft 
starting-point,  (point  of)  departnre.  -reptil  ezlt. 
-rar  (top.)  ednction-pipe.  -ftben  ($m&.)  the 
eductlon  side.  •top  eductlon  trunnlon.  -riUS' 
belfe  leave  of  absence,  -tøtb  export-duty.  -tur 
Sunday  ont.  -bentil  (Snip.)  eductlon  valve. 
•ointel  art  elevation.    -øg  fe  -tøft. 

ttbgabe  c  -c  edition. 

tTbgeaae  vt  drive  out. 

tt'bgerning  c  outdoor  work. 

tl'bgift  e  -er  expense,  expendlture,  ontgo,  out- 
going;  bcette  -eme  pay  expenses:  føre  til  .  carry 
to  the  expendlture;  jætte  fig  i  .  for  go  to  the 
expense  of.  —  ttbgifie|bUag  voucher,  -bøg  ex- 
pense book.  -bøf  item  o?  expendlture. 

tt1|gt»e  vt  give  out,  expend  (til  in);  (Kationer 
o.  I.)  issue;  (©øger  øfb.)  publlsh,  issne,  (om  Ub* 
giber)  edit,  Jorn  forfatter)  bring  ont;  -  paant)  re 
•publish;  (befalinger)  issue,  give  out;  -  parolen 
give  the  parole;  -  mange  $enge  speed  much 
money;  -  folfTe  $enge  pass  el.  utter  counterfelt 
coin,  forged  notes;  —  ør  -  fig  for  noget,  for  en 
anben  $erfon  pass  one's  self  oflf  as  something 
for  another,  purport  to  be;  -n  efter  ^forfatteren* 
Døb  posthumou8.  -gibctfe  e  expendlture;  pu- 
blicatlon;  utteranoø;  unber  -  in  course  of  publi- 
cation.  -giver  o  -e  publisher,  (fom  beførget  Ub* 
gibelien:  Hebaftør)  editor. 

tt'b  gjort  a  F  haokneyed. 

tfbglatlte  vt  smooth.    -ning  c  smoothlng. 

ttbgltbntng  c  slide,  slip. 

tt'bgt#b|e  vt  heat  thoroughly,  glow  out;  ehem 
caldne.    -wing  c  heating  etc. 

tt'bg«ib|e  vt  rub  out.    -ning  «  rubbing  out. 

tfbgrøiiffe,  1fbgra*ff*tng  fe  Hbforfte. 

tt'bgrabc  vt  (af  forben)  dig  out,  exhume,  ez- 
humate;  (en  Jranal  o.  I.)  excavate. 

tt'bgraber|e  vt  (f.  <Efø.  i  ftobbertable)  engrave. 
•Ina  c  engraving. 

trbgrabning  c  -er  digging  out,  exhumation, 

ttt  »grine  vt  f  laugh  at. 

U  bjgrnble  vt  think  out,  excogitate.  -grnblen 
c  excogitatlon. 

tt'bgrnab|e  vt  penetrate,  fathom.  -rlfe  e  pene- 
trarJng  etc. 

tt'bgrcrbe  vt:   fine  Pine  cry  one's  eyes  out; 

-  fin  6org  weep  one's  fili;  —  vi  tør  -t  has 
ceased  weeping. 

tt'bgrøfte  vt  drain  (by  dltches). 

tt'bgbbe  vt  pour  out;  ~  Xaarer,  ©lob  shed  tears, 
blood;  -  fin  $arme  ober  vent  one's  spleen  el. 
anger  agalnst;  -  flt  6|erte  (for)  unbosom  one's 
self  (to;;  -  fig  (om  fclob,  fttanb)  flow,  empty 
itself;  -bt  (om  gift)  spent.  -Ife  o  -r  pouring  out> 
effusion,  outpouring;  -r  (paa  Xrbt)  lucubrations. 

tTbgørtb  ø  debt(s)  owing  el.  passive. 

tt'bgorrbe  n  boundary  fence,  ring-fenoe. 

tt'bgar|c  vi  ferment  sufflciently.  -i«g  c  fer- 

tt'b  gøre  vt  constitute,  compose,  make,  form, 
(om  «ætb,  ftabital  ofb.)  amount  to,  oome  to;  ub- 
gør  et  ringe  (tintal  ofb.)  i  ©ml.  meb  bears  but  & 
small  proportion  to. 

tTstøflte  vt  pick  out;  (Heale)  hole.  -King  c 
picklng  out;  holing. 

tt'blialc  vt  haul  out;  ^  (ubrufle,  om  et  6(ib> 
flt  out;  delay,  put  off.  -baler  e  -e  (6birebrober) 
rake,  dlssipated  fellow,  old  rip;  J,  outhauler. 

—  ttbbalerffoOe  heel-roope.  -fhrob  ^  head-earing 
strop,  -talje  outhaul  tackle,  ttbbsling  c  haul- 
lng  etc.;  equipment,  outflt. 

tt  blbamre  vt  hammer  out,  beat  out;  fom  Ian 
-é  malieable.    -bamring  e  -er  hammering  etc. 

tt'blbsbn  e  out-port.    -babnilobe  outport-pllot. 

ttl  bbegle  vf  fe  <Bennem|egle. 

tt  bbegn  n  fe  Ubgcerbe. 

H'bbeføt  vt  &  unshaekle;  ~  Knlertettingen  un- 
bend  the  cable. 

U'btevte  vt  fetch  (ont). 

tt'bfMbntng  c  heaving  out  el.  off. 

ttbbiotMie  vt  help  out. 

tt  bqiørne  «  remote  corner. 

tt  blqolb  n  mu*  pause;  ber  er  intet  «  meb  tøm 
he  is  past  endurance.  ttbbølbe  vt  bear,  stand, 
endure,  support,  sustain,  go  through  with,  bear 
up  against;  .  en  ©eleiring  stand  a  Blege;  -  en 
6traf  snffer  a  punishment;  .  ^røben  stand  the 
proof  el.  test;  .  en  Storm  (om  et  6fib)  weather 
a  storm;  ton  iffe  -  ben  XanU  cannot  brook  the 
thought.  -bøl'belig  a  endurable,  supportable. 
-bølbenbe  a  perseverlng.  »Ijølbettteb  e  persever- 
ance,  endurance,  staying-power(B) ,  staying. 
-bolbit  egn  »  atti  pause. 

ttbbølm  e  remote  islet  el.  holm. 

tt'bqoret  o  wasted  by  lewd  llving. 

tl'blbng  i  brushwood.  -Ingge  vt  hew  out, 
cut  (ont);  ($abtr  o.  I.)  pink;  ~  et  Ørabmonument 
hew  out  a  sepulchral  monument;  .  et  SiUebe 
cut  out,  sculptnre,  carve,  an  image;  -  6Her  i 
en  6tob  cut  out  paths  in  a  wood;  -  en  €fob  cut 
an  openlng  in  a  wood;  cut  down  a  wood,  (for< 
tbnbe)  thin  a  wood.  -bngniag  c  hewlng  out, 
cutting  out  etc.;  (i  6fob)  opening.  -bnggejotrn, 
•bngéjonrn  stamp,    -bngfr  fe  -bug,  tøgning. 

U'b|«t|c  vt  hollow,  scoop  (out),  excavate. 
-<«)tng  o  -er  hollowing  (out),  excavation. 

ti  blbnngre  vt  starve  (out),  famish,  subdue  by 
hunger,    -bnngring  o  starvlng  eic. 

tlbbns  n  ont-house,  out-building,  (out-) Office. 

tt'blbbtlc  vi  &  -  fig  vr  rest  el.  repose  (one's 
self);  -ftbilet  a  rested.     -b»lle(n)  o  relaxation. 

ttbbbirble  vt  roll  out;  spin  out. 

tl'bbbiSle  ve  hlss  out. 

Ifb^bølbet  a  convex;  -  tit  begge  Gibet  bicon- 

tt'bfibre  fe  Sorbbre. 

tt  blbbøfe  vt  hlss.    -bb^fen,  -tjuåniiig  c  hissing. 

tt  b[b«nø  n  any  thing  hanging  out.  •fiønige 
øf  hang  out;  -ftængenbe  a  ©o»  a  flaring  bow. 
-botngning  c  hanging  out.  —  ttbb*ngi|art  fyp 
proof-aheet,  advauce-sheet,  early  sheet.  -eWem« 




plør  early  copy.     -ffsb  street  show-case.     -ffilt 
sign-lx>ard,  sign. 

tt'b|l«»eof  ilgnalize,  dlatlnguish;  frø  ltalicise; 
(fogge  ©cegt  poa)  lay  emphasis  on.  —  -Ijorøelfe 
signalizing  etc.;  -tne  ere  af  o*  the  itallcs  are  ours. 

tt  bltøtre  of  retail.    -tørring  e  retailing,  retail. 

+tt  btørt  vi  fe  $øre  ub. 

tttbl  pro*  ff  9. 

ttblptøntatift  a  undiplomat'ic. 

ttbifctnlfnerct  a  undis'ciplined. 

ttb|ife  oi  get  out  of  the  ice,  cut  out  (through 
the  ice.)    -tlntag  o  cutting  etc. 

tt'bjage  of  drive  out,  expel.  -Ife  e  expulsion, 

tt'bjørb  c  distant  grounds  el.  fieids. 

tt  bjnble  of  sing  fortn  Jubilantly. 

ttbjeøale  of  (platte)  smooth;  (janrne)  make  even 
el.  level,  even,  level ;  (øøre  lige,  frille  paa  lige  gfob) 
equallse;  ^p  (©tribigtybCT  o|b.)  adjust,  settle. 
•ing  c  -er  smoothing  etc.:  equalization;  settle- 
ment, adjustment.  -tngéptigtjtir  oollation,  hotch- 

tt'btaare  of  choose,  eleot,  select;  tønl,  tønbef 
-be  the  woman  of  his  cholce,  the  man  of  her 
ohoice.  -Ife  c  choloe,  seleotion,  election;  bibl 
ben  {tidige  -  the  adoption;  ben  f.  -8  Banb  the 
splrit  of  adoption. 

ttbfalbe  øf  oall  out. 

tt'btont  0  outskirt,  out-of-the-way  part. 

ttttaplpe  of  &  cut  out  el.  off.  -ning  c  cat- 

tfbjtaft  n,  pi  =,  draught,  sketch,  design  (til 
oO-  -ttfre  of  cast  out,  throw  out,  eject,  art 
proJect,  (ooerborb)  throw  overboard;  (tegning  ofb.) 
sketch,  make  a  draught;  ($hm  o.  b.)  devise,  lay 
down:  -t  dobl  goods  jettisoned,  jetsam.  -tafceife, 
•tapning  0  easting  out,  ejeotion;  projection;  - 
af  Dobl  Jettison  of  goods. 

trittene  of  extraot  by  churning. 

tt  bjftg  n  look-out;  tølbe  ~  look  out;  base  - 
have  the  look-out;  flaa  paa  .  be  on  the  look-out; 
tøtb  gobt  .  keep  a  good  look-out  (efter  for,  meb 
on).  -Hg,  •tiger,  -ttgdmsnb  0  look-out  man, 
balker.  —  ttbflgftlpøfi  look-out  (station),  -mm 
look-out  bo*,  -tønbe  crow's  nest.  -Urn  look 

tt'bltile  of  wedge;  (tøi)  insert  a  gusset  in. 
•titen  c  min  dwindllng. 

Vblfcrje  of  fe  Vfflare.    -ing  o  clarifying. 

ttlttørerle  of  (om  6tto)  clear  out,  clear  out- 
wards,  enter  out(wards).   -hig  o  clearanoe  (out). 

-tngéfteb  port  of  clearanoe. 

btlintning  ø  (tømr.)  thlnning. 

tt1|t(lp  n  slip  (cut  out  of  a  paper),  outting 
(from  a  paper),  snipplng.  -tlipning  0  catting 
oat.    -fuppe  of  cut  out. 

tTbfuppe  o  outlying  rock. 

tt'bttinøtøg  o  scrap-book. 

tt'btteblc  of  dress  out  e(.  up,  disguise.  -ning 
c  dressing  etc. 

tt'bt!«t|le  of  (f.  «W.  om  ©fomfter)  bring  out 
(om  KEg)  hatch  (»c  cleck);  fio  batch,  plot.  -ning 
c  hatohing.  .  ttbflaraingØ|ø*parat  hatching  ma- 
ohin©, inoubator.    -oøn  natohing-oven. 

tl'btog|e  of  botl  oat.    -ning  0  boillng  out. 

tføtønman|bere  of  oall  out  for  service,  -bo  o 
order  to  join  the  army. 

tt'b|tømme  vi  come  out,  (om  ©og  o.  I.)  be 
published;  netop  -t  Just  out;  alt  bet  ubtomne  all 

Sublished;  -mne  ©øger  publications;  er  -t  i  anben 
bgaoe  has  reaohed  a  second  edition,  -tomme 
*  competenoe,  oompetenoy,  subslstence,  liveli- 
hood;  ban  bar  flt  (anftanbige)  -  be  has  a  compe- 
tency, flt  gobe  .  an  easy  competency,  flt  rigelige 
-  an  ample  competency;  ber  er  intet  -  meb  bom 

there  is  no  deallng  with  him.  +-tøøn|i  c  ooming 
out;  outcome,  result;  t  ■■  ttbtomme. 

tt'b|trab#  «  saraping.  -trøbfe  of  serape  out 
(fHbe)  unstop;  -  enl  Pine  tear  et.  scratch  one* 
eyes  out.    -trcbéntng  0  scraptng  etc. 

tfbrragle  of  corbel.    -ning  0  corbelllns;. 

tfbframlme  of  display,  make  a  parade  of 
-ning  e  displayfng  etc. 

tt'bttyble  vi  creep  out.    -ning  e  creeplng;  oat 

tfbtrnftje  of  squeeze  out.  -ning  c  sqaeeong 

tfbtramget  a  turned  inside  out. 

tt'bfrøm  of  require,  demand. 

tfbfømme  of  comb  out. 

tt-btirmpe  of  (en  6trib)  fight  out.  -Ife  c  tkgbx- 
lng  out. 

tt  stsbje  of  buy  out.    -ning  e  buytng  out. 

tt'b|ttfc  of  cart  out;  -ført  a  (om  ^eft)  jaded. 
-torfet  c  (^onbi.)  carting  out;  departare;  (6te&) 
passage  out. 

tt 'bjtann  n  loan.  -lønne  of  lend  (oat).  -fnnacr 
c  (money-)lender.  -løsning  e  lending.  -lnnn# 
rente  interest  on  loans. 

tfbtab|e  of  pAyt  discharge;  fe  £oife;  -  fin  *Jxt»r 
vent  one's  anger;  ~  flg  or  ezpress  one'i  sel£ 
^an  nbtob  flg  meb  at  .  .  .  he  asserted  that  .  .  , 
bn  maa  ifte  «  big  for  nogen  berøm  you  must  not 
say  a  word  about  it ,  to  any  one;  -  fig  ntbt  og 
brebt  om  ezpatiate  on.  -etfe  c  -t  exprvss1r>n 
•er  e  -e  pkv*  discharger,  discnarging-rod.  -ning 
c  discharge;  areh  projection. 

tt'b|tagbe,  •tant  af  ttbteggr. 

ttblaife  of  babble  out. 

tt'bianbrt  n  <Uf  forelgn  eountrlea,  f.  parts;  i  - 
abroad;  fra  .  from  abroad;  fenbe  tit  -  tand  abroad, 
Aanbet  meb  .  Ibrelgn  tråde;  befre mt  til  -  ^  foretgD 
-bound,  bound  forelgn;  forfajrbfget  i  .  foreiga 
-made;  bQgget  i  -  foretgn-built. 

tl'bU  of  laugh  at,  derlde,  ridioule. 

tfbllcbe  of  (flutte)  lnfer,  deduoe;  (Dtb,  ^ectsstt 
0.  I.)  derive,  deduce;  -  fra  (tiiftribe)  refer  el.  attri- 
bute  to;  fan  -4  fro  is  dedadble  from.  -tener  <■ 
ekem  cathode.  -lebning  e  dedaction;  derivatioa, 
(3>mp.)  eduotion. 

tfbieøet  o  (9iff)  spent  (ftsh). 

ttblfejc  of  let;  (fremleje)  sub-let.  4rler  e  les 
sor.  letter,  hlrer  oat;  (af  frøtetøjer)  Job-master, 
•lejning  0  letting  etc. 

+tt1lefteife  0  deorepltude,  decay,  dilaptdation. 

tt'btenerje  of  deliver  up,  give  up,  surrender. 
(Smmunition  o.  (.)  serve  out;  yltntt  -*  plans  any 
be  had;  tør  faaet  flt  ©o  -t  has  obtalned  his  dis- 
charge, -ing  0  delivery,  reddltion,  lestltarjoa. 
6f  ftorbrnbere)  extraditiou;  .  af  ©o  discharge  - 
b!eftertngft|ør»re  delivery  order.  -febbet  blll 
of  deUvery.  -Hb  time  of  delivery.  -rrnttat  UU 
of  eztradltion;  (om  Itciglfanger)  cartel. 

tt'blenet  a  wasted  (in  constitutåon),  super- 
annuated,  decrepit,  decayed. 

tl'biibe  vi :  tøn  tør  -bt  his  sauterings  are  orer 

tt  bliiggenbe  a  outlying.  -tigger  e  •«  ^  Ir  »■ 
logger;  UbflDtter;  tråder  in  an  outof-thewaj 
place;  guard-shtp.  —  ttbttggerjnøm  outrigger. 
•gaørb  fe  Ubfftjtter«.  -freb  fe  UbfiBtter;  out-of-tbe 
-way  tradtng-statlon. 

tt  biignle  of  assess.  -ing  o  assessment.  —  u> 
ligning! |»arrl  n  (6raf)  handicap  match,  •ta^ 
nering  handicap  touroament. 

tt  blinie  0  -r  outline. 

ttt'btøb  o  outlying  pleoe  of  land. 

tt  btøblbc  of  portion  (out);  Oorb)  parcel  ont, 
-ning  0  portioning  eto. 

U'blobf |e  of  pilot  out(ward8).  -ning  e  pllotag« 

U'bløtfc  of  (en)  lure  out,  (nt)  wonn  out,  elicit; 
fsge  at  .  nt  af  en  pump  one. 




tt'bløf  |fe  vt  discharge,  unshlp,  land;  bet  -be 
SU  tKUitum  the  output;  bor  -t  has  compLeted  the 
discharge,    -ning  c  discharge. 

tt'b(ob|e  v*  promise;  ~  en  ©etønning  offer  a  re- 
ward.    -ning  c  promise. 

-ttt'bfabe  v»  jut  out,  project. 

tt'blnbfe  vi  (nbblabe  i  £ub)  steep  in  lye;  (ub« 
»abfCe)  elutriate.  -ning  c  steeping  in  lye;  elu- 

tt'b(nft|e  vt  air,  ventilate;  —  vr  fig  f  take  the 
air.    -ning  c  -er  airing,  ventilation. 

tt'bingje  vt  weed  out.     -»lug  c  weeding  out. 

ttbinRe  vt  let  out. 

tt'blntre  vt  fe  Sutte. 

tt'b|lab  e  final  sound;  i  -  at  the  end  of  words, 
when  final.    -Itobfttbe  a  final. 

tt'blttfe  vt  fe  Sofe  ub;  —  vi  shine  forth;  %ax  -t 
has  ceased  to  shine;  bet  bteo  -t  for  bem  their 
banns  were  read  for  the  last  time. 

ttllttftning  e  thinning. 

tt'blbtte  vt  learn  by  hstenlng. 

tttjUrg  n  (af  $enge)  oatlay,  advance,  disburse- 
xnent;  jur  execution;  20  $unb  fontant  .  20  pounds 
out  of  pocket;  etftatte  en  ban!  -  reimburse  one; 
faa  fine  .  bcelfebe  recover  one's  expenses;  gfte  - 
advance  the  money,  pay  the  expenses;  gsre  -  i 
take  in  execution,  distrain.  -logge  vt  (om  $enge 
ofp.)  lay  out,  advance,  (en  til  (fienbom)  assign; 
(fotflare)  explaln,  interpret,  construe;  (Sat)  fe 
ficegge  ub;  -  et  ftartøj  paa  bets  Station  plæe  a 
▼essel  on  her  station;  ~  en  fom  ©arnefaber  father 
a  chlld  upon  one;  -  alting  tit  bet  bcerfle,  bebfle 
put  the  wonrt,  the  beat,  constructlon  on  every 
thing.  -lotggelfe  c  interpretation.  -fogger  c  *e 
expositor,  interpreter;  &  ou  trigger;  fe  Scégge$age; 
(i  Staglefpil)  Jack.  -ning  c  explanation,  interpre- 
tation; (af  ©ao)  setting;  (af  fJojer,  ftørfrlb)  placing. 

—  ttbtøgll  forretning  aet  of  execution,  fieri  fa- 
das.    -tage?  distrainor. 

ttbløflfe  et  leak  out.  -ning  c  leakage;  (bet 
ttbteflebe)  ullage. 

ttb|(<rn  big,  -IflWbiff  a  fe  Ubenlanbff.  -Iflm'big. 
fceb  e  exile.  -Isubing  o  -e  foreigner,  allen;  6tu» 
Iing  fom  ~,  bet  at  borre  .  alienlsm,  allenage; 
Øoefler  og  -e  paa  forben  bibi  strangers  and  pil- 
grims on  the  earth. 

tttWongc  c  block  of  out-houses. 

tttlart  o  havlng  served  one's  apprenticeship; 
en  -  6Iælm  a  consummate  rogue. 

tt'btøfe  vt  read  to  the  end. 

tt'b]t«b  n  runnlng  out,  flow;  (gflobi)  outlet, 
issne,  mouth.  (forløb)  expiration;  $ar  intet  fønitgt 
.  has  no  visible  discharge;  bat  -  igennem  Is 
drained  by.  -Ube  vi  (fortabe)  explre;  (Tomme  til 
(fribe)  end,  come  to  a  close;  (om  eonb  i  timeglas 
ofo.)  run  out.  -Mer  c  $  runner,  sucker,  stole, 
off-shoot;  (af  ©i  arg)  spur,  counterfort.  -løbning 
c  runnlng  out.  —  ttbløbs|  grøft  drain.  -Jane, 
-fra«  dlscharge-oock.  -bnf  (Støbn.)  tap-hole. 
-rente  gutter,  -rør  discharge-pipe.  -rib  expira- 
tion.   -øentU  discbarge-valve. 

tt'btøfie  vt  (friløbe)  ransom;  (frigøre)  release; 
(banifotte  Sager)  redeem,  take  out  of  pawn; 
(ftebarbinget  o.  b.)  pay  off;  mech  disconnect. 
sting  c  -ti  ransoming;  releasing;   redeeming. 

—  ttb(ø4aittgi|  apparat  disconnectinggear.  -greb 
stop,  lever,  -bjnl  (Urin.)  ratchet- wheel,  -lob' 
ting  clutch.  -ret  jur  right  of  purchase.  -fnat 
price  of  redemption. 

,  Ytt'ømaal  n  parcel  of  land. 

ttbatoalje  vt  measure  (out);  (om  Sfibe,  gfabe) 
gauge;  .  i  Wenoil  measure  by  the  ell.  -er  c 
measurer.    -ing  c  measuring;  gauelng. 

tt'b|magre  vt  exnaciate.  •ntagring  c  emacia- 

Satfen :  t)anfM*ngelft  Otbbog. 

U'bmajle  vt  dress  out,  deck  out,  fig  out, 
bedlzen.    -ning  c  dressing  out  etc. 

tt'bma(|e  of  fmeb  Sfarber  ogf.  fig)  colour,  psint; 
(i  ©rb)  depict;  (paa  TOøtte)  grind  out;  _  Sanbet 
af  en  S)am  drain  a  pond;  ~  fig  picture  (to  one's 
self);  —  vi:  bar  -t  has  ceased  palnting.  -ing  c 
colouring;  grinding  out;  drainlng. 

-rtt'bntaltc  vt  milk  dry. 

ttbmane  vt  exorclse. 

ttbjmara)  emarchlngout.  -markere  vi  march 

tt'bntarf  o  t  distant  fleld;  •  wood  pasture, 
hill  pasture. 

+tt'bmarrre  vt  torment,  torture. 

tt'bmarbe  vt  emaciate,  enervate,  enfeeble; 
Qorben)  exhaust.    -Ife  o  enervation. 

tt'bmafet  a  mashed;  *\t  Ubafet. 

tl'bmatte  vt  exhaust,  fktlgue,  prostrate.  -Ife 
e  exhaustion,  prostratlon. 

tt  bmc|d|le  vt  chisel  (out).    -Iing  o  chlselling. 

tt'bmeibe  vt  (af  Sfole)  take  out;  (ubnaone)  nomi- 
nate,  appoint;  —  vr  fig  (af  et  Selffab)  withdraw 
one's  name  (from  a  society).  -Ife  e  withdrawat. 

•tl'bmelfe  fe  UbmoITe. 

tt  bntnbre  vt  clear  of  mud,  cleanse. 

ttbmnnb|e  vi  disembogue,  debouch;  fig  ~  i 
result  in.    -ing  c  disemboguement. 

tTbmnr  c  outer  wall. 

•tl'bntbntle,  -ning  fe  Ubmønte. 

tt'b|ntarrfe  vt  (g#te  fenbelig)  mark  out;  fig 
distinguish;  —  vr  fig  dlstinguish  one's  self, 
make  one's  mark;  -  fig  Peb  be  dlstlnguished 
by,  characterized  by,  remarkable  el.  eminent 
for.  -ntørfelfe  c  distinction;  (t.  Cflomen)  a  flrst 
class.  -mørfet  a  remarkable,  dlstlnguished,  of 
note,  (fortræffelig)  excellent,  flrst-rate.  high-olass; 
—  adv  remarkably,  emlnentlv;  .  gobt  (ftatatter) 
optime.    +-m«r!étbeb  o  excellency. 

tt'bjmanftre  vt  reject  at  a  muster  (as  unflt  for 
service);  vt  &  sign  artlcles.  -manfrring  o  reject- 
ing  etc,  rejection. 

ubmontle  tf  coin.    -ning  eolning. 

*ttbnabn  n  nickname. 

•tt  bnift«  vt  fe  ftifte  ud. 

tt'bnbrte  vt  turn  to  acoount,  utilise;  exhaust, 
use  up,  wear  out.    -(fe  c  utilisation. 

tfbnaone  vt  nomlnate,  appoint;  bleo  -t  ti! 
9Kinijrer  was  aptK>inted  minister.  -Ife  o  -r 
nomination,  creatlon,  appointment;  (ttbnorHnelfet- 
bteo)  letters  of  creation,  patent;  betenbtgste  eng 
~  gasette  one;  bo«*  ~  til  Vciniftet  his  appoint- 
ment as  a  minister  el.  to  the  mlnlstry.  —  ttb» 
n«»ne(fef|bre*  fe  obft.  -ret  right  of  præsenta- 

ttbooer  adv  out,  outward,  ^  offward,  sea- 
ward,  off;  —  pnxp  beyond. 

tt'bjpattc  vt  unpack.  -paffer  e  -e  unpacker. 
•pafning  c  unpacking. 

tt'bbtntle  vt  distrain.  -er  o  dlstrainer.  -ning 
t  -er  dlstraining,  execution,  distress. 

tt  bpircrflerle  vt  parcel  out  (into  lots).  -ing 
o  parcelling  etc. 

tt  bpatte  vt  suck  dry. 

tt  bpeg|e  vt  point  out,  indicate,  designate. 
-ning  pointing  etc. 

ttbpenlne  vt  thin.    -ning  e  thinning. 

tt  b|penfle  vt  pencil  k  paint  with  (too)  great 
mlnuteness,  elaborate.  -penfting  e  elaboratlon 
of  detail. 

tt'bperfe  fe  ttbpreSfe. 

tt  b^ibjc  vt  hiss;  -  et  ®fnefpi(  damn  a  play; 
blioe  -pebet  (om  ©fuefptUet)  get  the  goose,  be 
goosed.  -ning  o  hisslng;  (af  et  6tuefpl()  damn- 

-t-tt'bplge  e  outdoor  servant. 

ttbptnfe  vt  pick  out.    -ing  pioklng  out. 





tt totale  vt  ($enøe)  extort;  (en)  impoTcriih, 
gtrip,  fleece;  Oorb)  exhaust.  -mø  c  extorting 

tt'bbiff|e  vt  whip  out,  laah  out;  Oorben)  ex- 
haust, scourge.    -King  e  whipning  etc. 

tlb»(sat|e  vt  plant  ont;  (af  fjotte)  unpot. 
•tttag  e  plantag  etc. 

tt  bbtabre  vt  blab  ont,  let  ont. 

tt'bbtatte  ol  fiatten. 

tl'b|*»lat  cnlling.  -»(nfte  vt  select,  cull. 
-biatatag  c  -et  selectlng,  cnlling. 

tlbjbltabre  vt  plunder,  pillage;  (om  en  tab- 
taget  Bty  sack.    -plbabring  c  -er  plundering. 

tt'b|bø(frrc  vt  itnff,  pad.  -bollrrtag  c  stufflng 

tfobøt  c  out-poet. 

Urette  vt  pot  out. 

ttfbbrattge  vt  hawk. 

1l'b*rc*|fc  vt  preai  out,  expreaa;  -  $enge  ox- 
toit  money  (from);  fiø  (teater  o.  I.)  wxing  (ont), 
force  (ont),  draw;  (lej)  take  the  mases  out  ot 
•tttag  ø  -er  preaalng  etc.;  (af  $enge)  eztortion. 

tfiftTififf  vt  prick  out.   -stag  c  pricking  ont. 

tt'bbritic  vt  prick  ont. 

tTbbroniatttfrct  a  prorlaloned. 

ttbbragte  et  beat  out. 

n  b[»re*ge  ef  (HT)  coin  (lnto);  jtø  ea  fcoTfottert 
ftaxoltec  -r  fifl  t  føil  6H1  the  character  of  an 
anthor  ia  impreawd  on  his  style.  •frrofget  a 
flhrtfi)  -  (atrongly)  marked,  well -marked, 
emphatic,  pronounced.    -brogntag  c  coinlng. 

tfbbttaib|e  vt  pump  out.  -tttag  o  pumping 

tfb|børre  vi  rouae,  call.  -tttrrtag  o  ronalng 

tfbbnfe  vt  blow  out. 

tfebbnt  e  far  projecting  point  of  land. 

lfbbbnt|e  vt  dress  ont,  deck  ont;  fig  embellifih. 
•tttag  c  -te  dreselngetc 

IfbftJttfc,  ttMaaffe  vt  discover  by  pondering, 

tt'baafe  vt  bale  ont  by  bnckets. 

tl'b|raeb  n,  pi  «,  outcry,  exclamatJon,  ahont; 
femme  i  -  becoxne  notortona.  -reale  vt  k  i 
cry  ont,  ezclalm,  ejaculate;  (bejtibeligt)  proclalm, 
biet  -t  HI  stange  waa  proclaimed  king;  boere  tlbe 
•bt  be  in  bad  repnte.  -reale?  o  -e  proclaimer, 
herald,  (public)  crler.  —  ttbreai*|erb  interjec- 
tion.  -tegn  exclamation,  e.  point,  note  of  ez- 
clamatlon d.  of  admiration. 

tt'breber|e  vt  eraae.    -tag  o  eraaion. 

tfbrege  vt  rake  ont. 

tfbramatlff  a  undramat'ic(al). 

tt'braabct  o  emarglnate. 

tt '»rangere  vt  discard,  reject. 

XL'wt*p\p€  xt  rough- cast.  -tttag  e  rough-cast- 

tt'brefe  vi  spend  one's  rage  el.  fury;  tø*  bat 
-t  (©rebe)  hii  rage  is  spent;  he  haa  rown  his 
wild  oata. 

•tt'brafet  part  alidden  el.  fallen  ont  el.  down. 

tt  bjrebe  vt  furnish,  anpply;  (ubntfle  Gtibe  ofe.) 
flt  ont;  *  (bringe  Rebe  i)  nnravel;  -  $enge  raiae 
el.  p roenre  money;  bon  fan  ilte  ~  Dmtofrainaertte 
he  is  not  able  to  furnish  the  expensea;  -  fta  af 
extricate  one's  aelf  from.    -rebetfe  e  fe  -rebanig. 

ti  »reben  a  (on  AefO  fonndered,  knocked  np. 

tt'b|  reber  c  furnisher.  -rebning  c  -er  laiaing, 
procoring;  levying;  fltting  ont.  ••rebfel  c  -fler 
tax,  contribntion. 

tt'brrgit|e  vt  calcnlate,  compnte.  -tag  e  -er 
calculation,  computation. 

tt'brejfe  c  Journey  el.  yoyage  ont;  ontward 
passage  el.  route. 

tt'bre«f|e  re  clean  (out),  cleanse,  purify. 
-tttag  e   et  deaning  etc. 

tfbrrite  vt  fe  flette  nb. 

II  brette  vt  do,  eflect,  perform;  -  et  tffnabe 
execute  a  commisaioii;  (en  foa  intet  _  he  can 
do  notbing,  cannot  get  on,  makea  do  proajreea, 
(imob)  cannot  prevail  agamst.  -Ife  e  perform- 

tt'briber  c  -e  mil  ocout. 

tt  b trigger  c  -e  outrigger.  -rigget  m  Beew  ont- 
rigger  (boat). 

ttbrif  telig  a  undrinkablc 

tt  brinblr  vi  flow  out,  isene;  (fortabe)  elapse. 
expire.    -tag  c  flowing  etc 

11  bring | e  ti  hollow,  sweep;  (f.  (Ri.  en  Cftrttrife; 
cut  low.    -tttag  hollowing  etc. 

tt  brittgjc  vt  (meb  JttoKe)  ring  out.  -ttimg  c 
ringing  ont. 

trbrible  rt  teer  out,  snatch  ont;  (abnibe) 
broach.    -clfe,  -ttittg  c  tearing  etc 

tt  btobe  root  out. 

tt  brevtag  e  rowing  ont  el.  off;  (i  tattr.)  atart. 

ttbrvgle  vt  (ogf.  jKe)  hatch.  -atag  e  hatefaing 
itagg  Te  UbnierninQi-. 
tt  brale  vt  (i  flere  ©et.)  roll  ont;  (noget 

tullet)  nnroll. 

tt  bntm  a  sned. 

tt'branbc  vt  (rnnbe  fttbbenbig)  scoop;  +(afmmbe) 

tfbrafl|e  vt  (om  ©hbe)  flt  out,  equlp,  (boamb) 
re-eqnip,  (om  eolbatet)  equlp,  acooutre;jG*  (aub) 
eqnlp,  fnrnlah  (with);  -t  (af  Smtsxni)  meb  en 
dowed  with.  -tttag  e  -er  fltting  ont,  eqnlpping 
etc;  eqnipment,  accontrement,  outflt.  -atagf  • 
lab«  c  port  of  fltting  out. 

tt'birbbbc  vt  eradlcate,  root  out,  extirpate, 
exterminatc   -rlb'belig  o  eradlcable.  -rbbbctfe 
c  eradlcaUon,  extirpation,  exterminatton.  -rttb- 
belfeltrig  war  of  extermination.    -ribber  c  ex 

tt  brbge  fe  ttbrage. 

tt'bjniffc  vt  pluck  et  pull  out;  —  vi  march 
out.  -ratten,  -riratag  e  plucklng  etc;  march 
ing  ont.  •rttttrrgaffel  o  meck  lifttng-lerer.  «cttt* 
tttagforbrc  fe  flRata)*. 

ttbrbUlc  vt  sbake  out.    -atag  e  ahaklng  ont. 

tt  bratte  vt  extend,  stretch  out. 

tt  brag  |  e  vt  (brioe  nb)  smoke  out;  (Vibe)  amoke 
out,  finish;  (meb  ttagelfe)  fumigate,  -tttag  e 
smoking  etc 

tfbraj  a  not  laating,  not  holding  out,  that 
does  not  go  a  great  way. 

tt'bramlmc  tt  evacuate,  clear  (out),  -tttag 
evacuat  ng  etc,  eracuation. 

tt  brar|e  tt  i  mlz  up  with,  rub  lnto.  -tag  e 
mixing  etc. 

tt  bfaa  vt  fow.    -atag  c  aowing. 

tt  blfagn  ».p^o,  saying,  statement,  aaser* 
tion,  averment.    -fagnlorb  praai  Tcrb. 

tt'bfafg  ■,  pi  v,  sale;  shop;  -!  ælling  off! 
—  ttbfalg*|brf*  aelling-price.  -fHt  shop,  store, 

tt  bfanfc  vt  pick  ont,  select. 

tt'bfat  a  exposed,  open,  liable,  anbject  (for 
toj;  typ  finished;  fe  ttbfætte.    -beb  e  liability. 

tfbfaa|e  vt  saw  ont,  cut  out.  -atag  e  aawing 

tt'bfo)«tte  vt  tøjerne.)  sink. 

tt  bfe  tt  select,  mark  (out),  pitch  upon,  .  en 
Cffirer  til  .  .  .  designate  an  officer  for .  .  .;  -  fø 
fix  upon. 

tt  bfeenbe  n  appearance,  exterior,  look,  aspect, 
complexion,  face;  b«be  .  of  have  the  appearaoc« 
of;  bon  fltoet  fiø  et  vigtigt  .  be  glvea  hhnself 
airs;  gibe  fig  et  bonbigt  .  aasume  an  air  of  dig- 
nity;  jeg  feaber  bom  af  -  I  know  hlm  by  ilgbt; 
at  bomme  efter  -t  to  Judge  by  appearancea;  af  et 




rontantift  .  roman  ti  c-looking  (ø.  fl.);  gtoe  fifl  -  of 

tttfrjljct  a  run;  _  $tftance  distance  ran.  -lug 
c  leavlng  the  port,  patting  to  sea. 

tt  bfeub|e  vt  send  (off,  ont),  dlspatch;  (8$#, 
Storme,  Møg)  emit,  send  forth.  -elfc  c  -r  send- 
ing etc.;  emission,    -ing  c  -e  depnty,  emissary. 

-fil  bflbber  c  -e  outside  passenger. 

tt  øjlbe  c  -t  outside. 

tt'b|flge  vt  assert,  state,  pronoonce;  log,  grum 
predicate;  (opfige)  give  notlce.  -f-flgclig  a  eflable, 
pronoanceable.  -ligclfe  c  assertlng  etc.  -figenbe 
*  assertion,  statement. 

tt1|figt  o  -er  pros'pect,  view,  look-out,  out- 
look,  openlng,  vista;  (6teb)  ontlook;  fe  Ooerflgt; 
meb  .  til  fadng;  fig  gibe  -  til,  frøe  i  nbflgi  hold 
out  a  prospect  of;  $at  rimelig  .  til  stands  a  fair 
chance  of;  tjat  nogen  .  til  wfll  ran  some  chance 
of;  bet  et  al  -  Hf  there  is  every  prospect  of; 
bermcb  far  bet  lange  -et  that  will  not  be  for  a 
long  time  yet.  -figttbftnt  bench  from  which 
there  Is  a  fine  prospect.  -flgtftpnnft  point  of 
yiew,  outlook. 

tt'bftrc  ri  adorn,  decorate. 

tføftnle  vi  oose  el.  trickle  ont.  -ning  c  ooting 

ttlffaoren  a  cat  out;  (i  Zta)  carved;  bibl  -tt 
ØiOebe  graven  image;  fe  ttbftere. 

tttlffsoe  ol  trick  out,  bedizen,  make  a 
fright  of. 

ttt'ølfral,  -ffa««gO?«i  (outside)  slab,  flaw 

tttfrantme  vi  chide,  pat  down,  reprove,  re- 

ttftftatte  vi  impoverish  by  extortionate  tøjtes. 

It'bffm  vt:  -be  bøibe  étteget  paa  bem  bibl 
pilled  whlte  strakes  in  them. 

tt'ø|freje  vi  øwerve,  devlate;  (opftote  meb  Vt* 
ofjbe)  4,  knock  off;  (i  talen)  dlgress;  (i  fietmet) 
commit  ezcesses,  lead  a  dissolute  lift.  -ftejelfe 
c  -t  deflation,  aberration:  digression;  pi  fig  ex- 
cesses. -freienbe  a  dlssolute.  -fletning  e  (fta 
wtbeibe)  A  knocking  off. 

+tt'bfrel  n  border,  boundsxy. 

tt'tfHIe  vi  (Bortføre  i  6hb)  snip;  (Mfe)  anship; 
(lanbfartte)  dlsembark,  debark.  -ning  o  -er  ship- 
ment;  disembarkation;  dlsembarkment,  debarka- 
tion.  —  ttbftiøning*|ørø  wharf.  -Ijasn  shipping 
port.  -pram  lighter.  -fUnb:  i  -  flt  for  shlp- 
ment.    -ftei  place  el.  port  of  shipment  etc. 

U'øfHftlc  vi  (bele)  parcel  ont;  (tfat  om  3orb) 
allot.    -liflig  o  -et  parcelling  out;  allotment. 

tt  bfrtKe  vt  fe  ttbfenbe. 

tt  PlfTiOe  vi  separate,  lay  off;  mtd  secrete: 
ektm  disengage,  (ounbfalbe)  precipitate;  .  6ølv 
af  OItt  part  silver  from  lead:  —  vr  fig  separate; 
precipitate.  -ffiflelfe,  -frilning  o  separation; 
secretinn;  disengagement;  precipitation. 

ttt  bfftnre  c  fe  Ubffol. 

*ttbff|amt  a  spollt. 

*tt  bf!jølp|e  ti  groove.  -ning  c  -et  groovlng; 

tt'bffoi  o  -e  straggling  wood. 

tt'buøøfe  vt  sbovel  ont. 

tt  bftribje  vt  scratch  out,  erase.  -ttittg  c  -er 
øcratching  out,  erasure. 

tt'bffrebeit  a  font  flora)  in  ear. 

ttiftregen  a  famed,  noised,  bepraised;  In  bad 

tt  bffrift  e  -et  (Sfftrift)  copy,  transcript;  (paa 
©reb  ofo.;  saperscription,  addiess;  (p.  fclafTe  o.  1.) 

tt'bffrige  vt  fig  cry  up,  extol;  (i  flet  ©et.)  cry 
down,  decry;  —  vi  tør  -t  has  done  crying. 

U^ffr1ti|c  vt  copy,  transcribe;  (Slottet  o.  1.) 
levy,  impoøe;  (6olbaiet,  Søfol!)  ralse,  enlist;  fe 

fyutbfftiøe;  .  en  frigibog  issne  wrlts  for  oonvening 
a  diet;  —  ubf  Treben  a  copied  etc.;  ■  fulbfrteøen; 
(fra  Qofpitalet)  dlscharged;  tøm et -n (om ftorf .)  he 
has  wrltten  himself  out;  J,  -n  til  et  beflemt  Sftb 
drafted  to  a  partlcular  shlp;  et  Sntol  -ne  Søfolt 
a  draft  of  men.  -ning  c  -et  levying  etc.,  con- 
scrlption,  enlistment.  —  ttøffri*ning*|trebt  re- 
crulting  dlstrlct.  -festet  discharge,  -øftfenet 
the  recruitlng  service,  the  oonscription. 

tt'sffroe  vt  screw  out. 

tt'bftnb  n  (af  Såret)  retase;  (notngbat  Zfng) 
rabbish,  trash;  (af  %ottet)  refase,  scum,  dregs. 

—  tt*f¥«bø|art  waste  sneet,  -gøbi  fe  -ootet. 
-papir  waste  paper.    -Harer  refase  goods. 

tfbffiir  n  pent-house. 

tt  bjflpbe  vt  push  out;  (meb  6ft)be*aaben)  shoot 
(out),  discharge,  proJect;  (stage)  reject;  typ  im- 
pose;  (opfertte)  delay;  —  -før  fig  Jut  out. 
-Mbelig  a  protruslle.  -ft|ketfe  fe  Qbfoittelfe. 
-fhfbning   pushlng   etc.;    decharge   rejfection. 

-  nøtoWngølWrlgyeb  initial  velodty.  -froft 
projectile  foroe. 

ttbfttilllc  vi  (ft^ne)  rinse;  (fnjlle  bort) wash out 
e(.  off;  (Ulb,  ^ubet)  scour.  -Hag,  -øing  o  -et 
rinslng  etc. 

tt'bjftelse  vt  abase  groesly,  oall  (one)  names. 
•Hfl«ls#ø?»  fe  6falMotb. 

•ftt'blftemne  vt  disflgure. 

tt  blffomf  e  retali  of  splrlts  etc.  -ffomfe  øf 
pour  out;  (fælge  oIo«»i*)  retail.  -ftømtning  c 
pouring  out,  retali(ing). 

tt'øjførr  u  outlyiiig  rock. 

tfbjpanre  vt  cut  out;  (i  Ira  ofv.)  carve,  oculp- 
tare;  ekir  (ogf.)  extlrpate;  d, .  en  Søber  unreere 
afall.  -flatremafrine  punchlng-machine.  -ftem 
e  -e  carver.  -ffotring  o  cutting  etc.;  sculpture; 
excision,  extirpation. 

ttblflaa  vt  fe  €Iao  nb.  -ftatt  a  (f.  CII. i  Vn- 
figtet)  plmpled,  having  an  eruptton  el.  efflores- 
cence;  (ffeeHei)  scurfy.  -flataing  c  breaking  out 
etc.  (fe  6Iao  nb).  *-fUot  o  outlying  hay-neid. 
•flag  n  (i  B«gt)  torn,  torning;  (ftaibntft)  oscilla- 
tion; (Wefu(toi)outoome,  outcrop:  fe  ttoftagHab* 
ning;  gtøe  el.  gøre  -et  turn  the  øcales  el.  balance, 
declde  the  matter;  bette  glotbe  -et  i  ftampen  thls 
determined  the  issne  of  the  bettle;  ben  6temme 
fom  gør  -et  the  casting  vote,  caøtmg  voice. 
•ftøgen  o  (om  $aat)  floating,  dlshereued;  ben 
^e(e  -ne  $ag,  Kat  (all)  the  live-long  day,  nlght, 
all  nlght  long.  -ffagmafflne  punchlng-machine. 
•fUgntng  o  cuttlng-out;  fe  -flaaning.  -fUigéfeøet 
exanthematio  fever.  -ftagélabttntg  (BfOtø.)  chasse, 
•ffagporrt  (TOønt.)  blank-cutting  maohlne. 

tt  Blflette  vt  blot  (out),  eflkce,  obUterate.  ex 
punge,  wipe  out  el.  away,  do  away;  (ØliSat) 
plane  inside,  -fletning  c  planine  inside,  -ffet* 
ielfe  o  blotting  out,  efladng,  obuteration,  wip- 
ing  out  etc. 

tt  bftibje  vt  grind  out.    -ning  c  grindlng. 

ttbffibe  vt  wear  out. 

ttbflipøe  vt  let  out. 

tt'bflntlfe  vt  extinguish.    -ning  o  extlnction. 

tt'bQatlte  vt  løp  justlfy.    -ntng  ø  Jnstiflcation. 

tt'sfl«nge  vt  huri,  fllng  out,  dart.  -mafrtne 
centrifugal  machine. 

tt'bfl«øe  vt  (flabe  ub)  drag  out;  (ofttatfte)  wear 
out,  jade. 

tt'bftet  n  eruptton,  tetter,  raah;  (bog  fyfa) 
fercy.    ttbførtifener  fe  Ubflogi«. 

tt  bfmebfe  vt  forge;  (frtotfe)  beat  out.  -ning 
e  forging  etc. 

tt  øfmeit|e  vt  melt,  (TOetol)  fuse;  vi  melt  out. 
•niug  e  melting  etc. 

tt'blfmiøe  vt  turn  out.  •fmiøer  c  -e  chucker 

tt  bfminfe  vt  gloss  over,  colour. 





UlfnrMlle  vt  smuggle;  fio  juggle  el.  spirlt 
way.    -Itng  c  smuggllng  etc. 
rrbfmptlte  vt  embellish,  set  off,  deck.    -*t*f 
e  -et  embelllahment.    -*i*g*flg»rer  hm«  orna- 

ttllftttt  n  cut,  cutting;  (i  Støtten)  noten,  (paa 
©atoerbætien)  neck;  matk  sector.  -fmttte  vt 
carve  in  wood. 

tt'bfølgt  «  sold  off,  sold  out;  (om  ©øg)  ex 
hansted,  ont  of  the  market,  out  of  print;  ben 
er  netop  .we  tre  just  out  of  it;  tkeat  alt  er  - 
all  issued! 

tfbfønlbre  vt  separate,  pick  (out),  single  out; 
fe  Kffonbre.    -brtag  e  separation  etc. 

Ulf 9*|e  vt  atone  for,  expiate;  -  flg  be  recon- 
ciled;  fan  -*  meb  føenge  is  atonable  wlth  money. 
•Ing  e  -er  explation;  reoonciliation. 

tt'bfobe  vi  sleep  enough,  sleep  one's  flll;  — 
vt  sleep  off  el.  away;  -  Rufen  sleep  off  intoxica- 
tion,  sleep  one's  self  sober. 

tt'bfpeib|e  vt  spy  out,  ezplore;  (en)  watch;  - 
Sonbet  scour  the  country,    -*i*g  c  spying  etc. 
Ifbfpetnleret  fe  ttb|hiberet;  en  ttbfpetttierei  Søgn 
a  circumstantial  Ile. 
tt1fpU  »  lead. 

UlfpUle  vt  stretch  out,  distend.  -tag  e  -er 
stretching  out  etc. 

tt-bfPitfe  vt  (i  ftortfytl)  lead,  play  fint;  (fprøe 
til  dnbe)  play  to  the  end;  .  et  Spil  finish  a 
game;  ban  tør  -t  fht  Rolle  ^er  it  is  all  over  wlth 
nim  here,  he  is  played  out. 

tfbfptable  ol  spin  out;  —  vi  tyn  -fpunbet  has 
done  spinning;  —  vt  bet  -fponbt  fip  en  Samtale 
a  conyersation  ensued,  this  gave  rise  to  a  con- 
versation.    -i*g  o  spinning  out. 

tfbfpiøae're  vt  (en)  be  a  spy  upon;  fe  Ub* 

tfbfpirt  vi  germinate,  spring  fortn. 

tfbfptfe  vt  eat  out,  eat  up. 

U  bfpøre  fe  Dpfpote. 

tt-bfprebje  vt  spread,  scatter,  dissemlnate; 
(Rpgter)  drculate,  spread,  divulge;  (Binger) 
stretch  out.    -elfe,  -Ming  spreading  etc. 

tfblfpring  n  (ftilbe  ofb.)  source,  head-waters; 
(Dpoaø)  origln;  (om  fMomftac)  budding;  fe  f$rem- 
fpring;  $ar  ftt  .  takes  its  rise;  fig  originates  (in). 
-fpringe  vi  (om  glob)  spring,  rise.  take  its  rise 
(from,  out  of);  en  -fprungen  Rofe  a  rull-blown 
rose;  Snemonecne  er  -fprungne  the  anemones  are 
out;  Støtten  er  -fprungen  the  woods  are  (out)  in 
leaf,  fulbt  n.  in  full  leaf. 

tt'bfprabe  vt  spout. 

+tt1fpratrc  vi  burst  out. 

tttfpromgt  a  blasted1. 

tføfprøjte  vt  eject,  squirt  out.  -*t»g  o 
ejection.    -nixgfr*r  (p.  Sprøjte)  nosxle. 

tt'MW  vt  vomit  forth;  -  ®tft  og  Øalbe  sputter 
one's  gall.    -vtag  o  vomiting. 

tt1fWtt|e  vt  spit  out.    -mtng  c  spitting  out. 

tt'bfpebe  vt  fe  Spæbe. 

tTbfp*t|tt  vt  plaster,  rough-cast.  -vivg  c  -er 
plastering,  rendering. 

trbfp«mb|e  «l  stretch.  extend,  distend.  -tag 
e  -er  stretching,  extension,  distension. 

tt'bfPacrret  a  spread  (out). 

U-blfpargf  of  (noget)  find  out  (by  inquiring); 
(en)  (close-)que8tion.  pump.  -fp#*B**  c  question- 


JbfU«  »#  (libe,  gennemgoo)  undergo,  experi- 
ence;  (taate)  bear,  support;  (ttbe,  forbrage)  bear, 
abide;  .  en  Straf  surfer  a  punishment;  -c  nn  fin 
Straf  is  now  working  out  his  time;  -  en  Opera« 
tion  go  through  an  operation;  -  fin  floererib  serve 
one's  time;  baøbe  -et  fin  Sacetib  was  out  of  his 
time;  —  vi  stand  over. 

tfbftcceabc  a  protrudinr.  spreading;!  fe  «*e» 

ffSf£iff«r|e  vt  garnish,  trim  (up);  (naPnl-  imft 
rig  (out),  caparlion,  dress  up.   -Hig  e  ruxniture. 
trimming  etc. 
♦H  bftflge  vt  stake  out,  mark  by  stakes. 
tfbftcmme  vt  stutter,  stammer  out. 
+tt1ft«mpe  vt  stamp  ont. 
ttt'bftoitb  e  a  quarrel. 

tt  bfrarlo*er|e  vt  station.    -ta|  c  stationiiig. 
tt-blftebe  zt  (©efoluig,  $enge.  Buletter)  læne;  - 
en  Ooligation  enter  into  bond;  -  en  WW   tow 
el.  give  a  bill;  -  en  Regning  make  out  a  MU;  - 
en  ftoittering  giv«  *  reoelpt;  -  et  Dohwait   exe 
cute  a  deed.   -ffeielfe  c  issne,  issuln*;  ^T*11^ 
making  out;  executlon.    -ftebelfetbaf  aøvte  or 
issne,    -fteber  o  -e  issuer;  drawer. 
ttlftcmme  vt  blackball. 
tt'bftig le  vi  step  out,  alight.   -»tag  c  Stepping 
out,  aUghting;  Peb  -en  in  el.  on  alighting. 

ttSlfrtKe  vt  fe  6ti«e  ub;  Ubftege;  -  Øf  tut  paa 
ol  put  out  one's  eyes;  ♦-  i  ©*«d ^euPFT*!11 
steel;  -fttflenbe  a  projecting.  -pttKtBrttfr 
pier.    -IHhling  o  engraving,  

U'blftifle  vt  exhibit,  place  on  exhibition;  ocve 
-t  be  on  exhibition;  .  Ȍrer  ttt  Salg  expose  el 
set  up  goods  for  sale.    -frittef  exhibltor. 

ttbftiOing  c  -er  exhibition,  exposition.  —  U'»- 
fHOittgØlbrfroeiibe  c  ibow-goer.  -»Jjjtm«  ex- 
hibition building.  -b«g  day  of  the  Exhibition 
-gemfhrab  exhibit,  objeot  of  exhibition.  -tastt* 
Gommission,  -lølale  showroom(s),  exhibition 
room.  -mebolie  prise-medal.  -fw  abow-cs»e. 
-sutrelfe  showroom. 

■fttbfrimle  rt  swarm  out. 

tt'blfbppe  ol  stuff.  -fløpMiMg  e  -ec  stnffing; 
(Ihinnen  at  .  gngle  ofb.)  taxidermy.  -ftop^er  c 

tfbftraallc  vt  k  i  radlate,  emit  ravs,  beam 
forth;  +  or  fla  radlate.  -tag  o  radiation,  -rat?- 
paalt  point  of  radiation.  ,     .      ^ 

tt'bfrratt  a  (oib,  flot)  extensive,  wide;  \  ~  ©e 
tpbnina  in  a  larger  sense;  fe  Ubfrræffe. 

tfbframlmc,  -ning  fe  Ubfpcenbe. 

ttbftregle  vt  strike  out,  blot,  score  el.  cross 
out,  dash  (over),  erase,  put  out,  expunge,  draw 
a  pen  through;  -  eng  Ratm  paa  en  Sifte  etmse 
one's  name  from  a  list,  line  one's  name  out  of 
a  list;  -et  Sttb  erasure.  -ning  e  erasure,  ex 

U  bfrribe  ol  fight  out;  -  vi  b<m  ^ar  -bt  his 
struggles  are  ended. 

U  b^rpgle  ol,  -ni»g  c  fe  Ubfrctge;  Strege  nb. 
•viwgetegtt  typ  dele. 

Ubfrrocflfe  vt  stretch  out;  (ogf.  Ao)  extend, 
—  or  flg  extend.  -ning  e  (U^bibelfe)  extension. 
(Omfang)  extent;  i  fulb  -  to  the  full  extent,  i 
flot  .  extensively,  to  a  great  extent,  largely. 

tt'bfrr«  vt  strew,  scatter,  sow;  (lun  M)  dis- 
perse, disseminate. 

tfb|ftr«mme  vi  stream  forth,  emanate;  fe 
Strømme  ub;  +  ol  pour  forth.  •ftrøiaoiem,  -trtm' 
ning  e  8treamlng  forth,  outflow,  flow,  emuenos: 
(af  SUS)  emission;  (af  5Dan>p,  »al)  escape;  (of 
Samp  beb  fronbenfation)  exhaustion,  eduction.  — 
ttbfrr*muina*|r*r  eduction  pipe.  -fUen  the 
eduction  side.    -bentil  eduction  valve. 

tt'bfhibere  of  (ubtctnfe)  devise,  contrive;  -fto« 
beret  a  studied,  elaborate;  (meget  Itftig)  crafty 

tfbfhie  e  outer  room. 

tt  bhtttTrs,  af  UbfHRe. 

tt'bfotlte  ol  parcel  out,  subdivlde.  -ning  r 
parcelling  out,  subdivision. 

tt'bifrpr  n  endowment,  dowry,  portion:  ;of 
VRøbler  og  fttober  til  9ntb)  trousseau;  (naonl.  til 
Rejfe)  outfit,  equipment,  (f.  tt*.  ©og#  »g  tW 




øjet-up,  make-up.  -{tyre  vt  (t)øtre)  portion,  en- 
dow;  (Sønner)  establish;  ©oretfet  er  fmuft  -t  the 
room  is  handøomely  farnished;  tøn  er  praatigt 
-t  he  is  splendidly  equipped;  rigt  -t  (af  ftatnrrn) 
richly  endowed,  highly  gifted:  Bogen,  Srijffet  er 
pnrgtigt  -t  the  book,  piece,  Ib  splendidly  got 
up,  mounted,  sumptaously  produced.  -tørelfe, 
-ftnrtng  e  etting -up,  deooration,  fdrnlture, 
eqnipment  etc.;  get-up,  make  up,  finish.  — 
tt»**rft|føre1Hat«f  fe  -flnrrc.  -forretning  furni- 
tnre  establishment,  -ijanbfer  forniture-dealer. 
•tøffe  spectacalar  play  el.  drama. 

tt'9ftyrt|e  vt  hurl  (out),  (Sal  o.  I.)  shoot;  — 
vi  rush  out.    -ning  c  hurllng  etc. 

tfbtfø|c  vt  cast.    -iti]t|  c  castlng. 

tl'bftøbe  vt  ({løbe  nb)  cast  out,  thrnst  out;  (af 
©eljfab)  ezpel;  (©ogftab)  suppress;  (©ofol,  Staoelfe) 
elide;  .  et  ©friø  set  up  a  cry,  atter  a  shriek;  . 
en  tb  rap  out  an  oath;  -  en  afftnelig  db  dis- 
charge a  horrible  oath;  .  ftorftonbelfer  ase  im- 
precations;  .  et  6ut  heave  a  sigh.  -Ife  e  cast- 
ing out   etc.,  expulsion;  suppression,  elision. 

u'bfUnne  vt  groan  out. 

II  b|fnge  vt  suck  out;  fig  fleece;  shear,  (Sol!) 
overtax.  -fagetfe  o  -r  extortion,  exaction.  -fager 
c  -e  fleecer,  extortioner,  blood-sucker.  -ning  c 
-er  sucking  out. 

tTøfnfte  vt  sigh  out. 

tttfftft|e  vt,  -nina  o  fe  ttbpungre. 

tt'bfnajning  c  Bwinging  out. 

ttbføeb|e  vt  &  i  sweat,  ezude;  fig  forget,  un- 
learn,  lose  the  remembrance  of.  -ning  c  exuda- 

tt'bfveiøning  e  reheating,  weldlng. 

•tt'bfbtnet  a  dirtied,  grimy. 

ttlfting  «  (fienbutt)  oscillation. 

tt'bføingniag  e  mil  wheeling. 

+tt'øf»nime  vi  swell  out. 

tt'bfbarnte  vi:  tøn  tør  -t  he  has  sown  his 
wild  oats. 

tttlfvaøetfer  pi  debanch,  debauchery,  -fHoe« 
»enbe  a  debauched,  dlssolute,  lioentious;  (liberlig) 

tttta  vt  embroider.    -wing  o  embroidering. 

tt'ørøage  vt  ting;  vi  tør  tøn  iffe  fnott  -fnnget? 
hasn't  he  soon  done  singing? 

tt  bf  ab  o  seed  (sown);  tøn  tør  noppe  løftet  fin  ~ 
be  has  scarcely  reaped  as  much  as  he  sowed. 

tt'blfalge  vt  sell,  seU  off;  -  i  fntaat  retail; 
-folgt,  fe  obfr.;  -•!  selllng  out!  sellingoff!  -f alger 
c  -e  vendor. 

tttlfette  vt  fe  Satte  nb;  (f.  *tl.  for  tørre, 
£nften*  3nbfftjbelfe  expose  (to);  (Sftlbbagter)  set, 
post,  station;  (afmorte)  set  off,  set  out;  ($eft) 
discard;  (opfatte)  put  off,  defer,  postpone,  ad- 
journ;  (boble)  find  fault  with,  censure,  crltidse, 
blame  (something  in  el.  somebody  for);  ($enfion, 
Sum)  settle,  fix  (for  on);  (JSrflopgaber)  propose, 
set  out;  (©elønnhtg,  <Øril)  offer;  typ  finish  (setting); 
mwt  transcribe,  adapt,  arrange,  -  paa  ubeflemt 
Zib  defer  sine  die;  berpaa  er  intet  at  .  no  fault 
can  be  found  with  it;  .  lig  for  lay  one's  self 
open  to;  tøn  tør  -fat  fig  for  føre  he  nas  exposed 
himself  (to  danger);  .  fig  for  at  run  the  risk 
of;  bet  er  -fat  en  ©elønntna  there  is  a  reward 
out;  nbfatte  plejebørn  boarded-out  children,  — 
part  ubf  at,  fe  obfr.  -fatning  c  mu§  transcrip- 
tion,  adaptation,  arrangement,  -fatteffe  c  -r  (for 
$are  ofo.)  exposure;  (Cptølb)  delay,  postponement; 
(Sabel)  anJ  mad  version,  strlcture,  censure;  (af 
»ejligtøb  o.  I.)  ejectment.  -  tt  bf  atter  |befl  dis- 
carded  el.  supernumerary  cavalry  horse,  -to, 
-fø  cow,  sow,  no  longer  used  for  breeding. 

Ub|føge  vt  fig  select;  -Ugt  a  choice,  select, 
exquisite,  picked,  recherché.  -ffgning  e  selec- 

ttlftrge  vi:  bor  -t  has  done  mourning. 

♦H'fUg  *  withdrawal. 

tit  |  tage  vt  take  out;  .  Stauning  mob  serve  a 

Sfnbbølbene  of  gat,  (af  $are)  hulk;  -  Øenene  af 
bone;  -tagen  (f.  wtl.)  JtbBing  drawn  chlcken. 
•tcgelfe,  -tegning  c  taking  etc. 

tf'øtftle  vt  pronounce;  (nbftae)  enunciate;  ~  et 
JBnfte,  en  Stening  express  a  wisn,  an  opinion;  - 
at  declare  that;  (  -g  iffe  h  is  not  sounded;  boor 
-g  bore,  boor  is  epoken  bore;  .fig  express 
one's  self,  deliver  one's  self;  -  fig  omfianbelig 
be  expliclt;  tøn  -te  fig  iffe  pibere  he  did  not  ex- 
plain  himself  any  further;  .  fig  for  reoommend, 
advocate;  —  (abe  -t  have  done  speaklng;  — 
ubtalt  a  fig  pronoanced.  Itbtaie  e  (f.  (Ki.  i 
fremntebe  Sprog)  pronanciation;  (Vtotlt)  articnla- 
tion,  utterance.  -betegnetfe  system  of  notation, 
-lore  orthoepy.  ttbtnfetfe  o  expression,  declara- 
tlon,  observation;  ^relfenl  -t  opinions  of  the 

tt'øtaplpe  vt  (om  Driffe)  tap,  draw  (off  el.  out); 
(tømme)  draln.    -ntng  c  -er  tapping  etc. 

tt'øtegnle  vt  (tegne,  morte)  mark,  note.  -effe, 
•ing  c  -er  marking. 

tfbHIbeng  fe  «en. 

Wø  I  tjene  vi  serve  one's  time.  -tjent  a  haring 
served  one's  Urne,  time-expired;  (nffiffet  til 
Zjenefte)  unflt  for  service,  superannuated;  garn« 
mel  .  Solbat  veteran. 

tt'bto  vt  wash  out. 

tt'b |  tog  n,  pi  ■>,  (Ubmard))  oat-march;  (f.  9ti. 
af  en  ©og,  fammentrangt  fjremfrining)  abstract, 
epltome,  compend,  precls,  summary,  syllabus. 
-togibii  adv  compendiously. 

tl'btoltje  vt  interpret;  (om  Drømme)  expoond. 
-ning  e  -er  interpretation;  expounding. 

tt'tone  vi  k  t  sound  forth. 

tt'btøning  c  washlng  out. 

tt'btorbne  vt  thunder  forth. 

U  btraabt  fe  Ubtrabe. 

tførriOe  vt  wheel  out. 

tfbtromme  vt  publish  by  beat  of  dram;  tøn 
tør  -t  (fortalt)  bet  i  tøte  ©tjen  he  has  cried  it 
about  the  whole  town. 

Wbtmffet  fe  ttbtrafTe. 

tt'b | trut  n,  pi  — ,  (i  ofle  tiet.)  expression;  (om 
Stil)  dlction;  (tCnfigtl*  ogf.)  look;  (Orb  ogf .)  term; 
(Zalemaabe  ogf.)  phrase;  meb  et  forflibt -In  hack- 
neyed  phrase.  -rrntfe  vt  (oeb  Orb,  Zegn  øf  to.) 
express;  tell  of;  (foa  nb  toeb  at  trutte)  sqaeeze 
out,  press  out;  fom  ^forfatteren  -r  bet  as  the 

writer  pats  it  el.  phrases  it;  —  vr  fig 
one's  self;  —  -trbtt  a:  (en»)  -fte  WOebe  the 
exact  el.  very  plcture  of,  the  express  image  of. 
-tnitfefig  a  express;  adv  expressly,  dlstlnctly, 
on  purpose,  in  set  terms.  —  UbrrttW|fnIb  a  ex- 
pressive,  suggestive,  meaning.  -tøi  a  havlng 
no  expression,  expressionless.  -(føfteb  want  of 
expression.    -moabe  mode  of  expression. 

ffbltrabe  vt  tread  out;  wear  out;  —  vi  (om 
^nboolbe)  come  out;  (af  et  Selffob)  retlre  el.  with- 
draw (from  a  society);  (af  Øoltetfrtnri  secede 
(from  the  established  church);  (af  Smbebe)  retire 
(from  office);  en  -ttoabt  a  seceder.  -rrobelfe  o 
coming  out;  retirement,  withdrawal;  secession; 
(af  ©lob)  extravasation.  -trabning  o  treadlng 
out;  wearing  out. 

tt'bltral  n,  pi «,  (af  Borter*)  drawlng;  (Cfltraft) 
extract,  decoctton;  (paa  Jtiffert)  draw.  •troffe 
vt  draw  out,  (ogf.  ekem  k  math)  extract.  -traf* 
ning  drawlng  etc.,  extraction.  —  ttbtrofg|borb 
telescope-table,  expandlng-table,  extending  el. 
extension  table.    -feng  teleøcope  bed. 




+1t'brrellet  a  worn  out. 
tfbrronge  vt  crowd  out. 
ttttrettc  s*  fatigue,  knock  up. 
tfbtranple  ri  raveL 
Ifbtange  «*  indeni,  scallop. 
tfbtbinge  tx  force  out. 

It'bjtbam  vt  rub  out,  dilate;  fig  spin  out. 
•rbaret  a  prolix,  tedious,  redundant.  -rbønring 
c  -er  dllution. 

ttttbfttte  fe  ttbtø. 

tfbl^|e  vt  interpret,  ezpound;  eonstrue  flom 
Into).  -ning  o  -er  interpretation,  exposition; 

tfbtbgget  e  J,  (»atf)  unaeamed  (oakum). 

n  bt)|vi|e  vt  thin.    -lag  c  thinning. 

tfbtellte  vt  oount  out,  reckon  out  -Hag  c 
-er  countlng  etc.;  diaburaement. 

tt'btsfnfe  vt  imagine;  excogitate,  invent,  con- 
trive,  devise,  think  out. 

Wmt*t\t  vt  emaciate;  waste.  -tag  o  emada- 

Wht*tfl\t  vt  thrash  out;  vi  baM  -t  have  done 
thraahing.    -ning  c  thraah  etc. 

U'vt$mnt  vt  exhauat;  med  evacuate,  deplete; 
-  fifl  apend  itself;  globen  -r  fig  i  the  river  emp- 
tiea  its  waters  into;  .  fig  i  Unoffblbninger  be  lost 
in  apologiea;  min  Xaolmobigfteb  er  -mt  nu  I  have 
loat  patienæ  now;  tym  bor  -mt  mfn  Xoolmobigbeb 
he  has  put  me  out  of  patience,  made  me  lose 
my  temper.  -tfe  e  -t  exhaustion;  evacuation. 
-Bie  a  fio  exhaustive,  full;  sted  evacuant,  evac- 
uative;  -  9HbbeI  evacuant.  —  ttbUatningø|baKe 
($09.)  eduction  oock.  -rap  eduction  trunnion. 
•ftenrit  eduction  valve. 

tt'b|t*rre  vt  dry  up,  exsiccate,  desiccate;  (om 
6umpe)  drain;  ••  vd  dry  up;  -nbe  a  med  desic- 
cant;  -nbe  SHbbel  deaiccant,  desiccative.  -tørring 
c  drying  up,  exaiccation;  dralning. 

ttba'elig  a  incapable,  unable,  unqualifled;  ban 
et  ~  til  at  beftbre  et  vmbebe  he  is  incapable  of 
holding  (an)  offlce;  b>ui  bor  giort  mig  -  (ufHRet) 
ril  ...  he  has  made  me  unflt  for ... ;  ban  er  - 
ril  alt  he  is  a  good-for-nothing.  -(eb  e  incapa- 
bOity,  incapacity,  diaqualincatlon. 

+1lbnlgt  a  undiaguised. 

tt'bbaaget  a  spent  with  watching. 

tfbbabflle  vt  waah  (out);  (om  6oar)  bathe. 
-Iltap  e  washing  out  etc. 

tt'btagt  e  outpost. 

tfbbtig  n  aelection,  choioe.  pick;  t  (i  ftigabag 
ofb.)  (ælect)  committee;  benmfe  HI  et  -  refer  to 
a  (aelect)  committee.  ttbbatgøbetfrotning  re- 
port of  the  committee.    ttbbafgt  a  fe  nbbælge. 

tt'bbalfle  vt  roll  out.    -ning  c  rolling  out. 

tt'bbaabje  vt  steep  in  water,  (ogf.  fio)  dllute; 
(fait  Srøb  o.  I.)  unaalt.  -ing  o  -er  steeping  etc., 

tTblbanbre  vi  emigrate.  -banbrer  o  -e  emigrant 
-»anbrerffib  emigrant-ahip.  -»anbring  c  -er  emi- 
gration, exodua.  —  ttbbenbringøl  agent  emigra- 
tion agent,  -gatftat  emigration  manla.  -tontor 
Emigration  Office,    -lob  Emigration  Aet. 

tt'bborbe  vt  warp  out. 

+tfb»e  c  longing  to  go  abroad. 

Vbbei  c  (Ubrejfe)  ub.  pi  way  out,  outward 
journey  pi  -e  (Vttbbel  tit  at  lomme  ub  af  gor» 
Iegenbtber)  way  out  of  (a  difflculty),  meana,  ex- 
pedient,  resource;  compromise;  fjan  (ar  ingen 
enben  -  enb  has  no  alternative  but;  gore  -e  for 
el.  til  $enge  raiae  the  wind. 

tCbbeJle  vt  weigh  (out),  -ning  c  weighing 

tt'bbetø|te  vt  exchange.  -Ung  c  exchange;  meok 

tttbenbia  a  outward,  external,  exterior;  - 
6ibe  out8ide;  bet  -e  the  exterior;  .  Vtntel  ex- 

ternal  el.  exterior  angle;  —  ode  exteraaUy,  (on 
the)  outslde. 

trb|bibe  vt  widen,  enlarge,  extend,  amplify, 
dilate,   expand;   ©linet,   nbflgten   -ø   the   vfew, 

grospect  widens:  .  tøertet,  éinbet  enlarge  the 
eart,  the  mind;  fjertet  -•  the  heart  expand« 
-  til  extend  to;  -  fifl  expand,  dilate;  widen, 
broaden,  develop  (til  into);  enlarge  one'a  pos- 
aessiona;  -bibenbe  a  dilative,  expanaive;  -bibenbe 
»taffel  dilator.  -bibetatø  fe  bibnutafttraft  -»ibefi* 
a  extenaible,  expanaible,  dllatable.  -bibcfiabeb 
o  expansibility,  dilatabiUty.  -bibelfe,  -niesisg 
c  enlargement,  extension,  dilatation,  expaxudoa. 
-bibeifel(bibningØ)traft  dilatabiUty,  extenaible 
el.  expanaive  power.  -btbelfe#>øllitf  forward 

tt'bbigning  c  mim  modulation. 
tfbbif|lc  vt  (binbe  noget  op,  fotn  twr  mbfo*bt 
et.  inbbttlet)  unwrap;  fio  (nbfolbe)  develop,  evolve, 
(rbbeliggfre)  explain,  aet  forth,  propound;   fnlb^ 
jtænbia   t  rall-grown;  —  vr  fig  develop,  erolve; 
dum  be  set  free.   -Iing  o  -er  development;  pkge 
evolution;  ekem  emission,  escape;  growth;  ex 
pianation,  explication.expoaition.  —  obbitthig«!' 
låne  course  of  development.    -bbgrig  a  capable 
of  development.    -ebne  power  of  development 
•gang  procees  of  development.  -(iflorie  develop 
mental  hiatory.    -l*ren  the  doctrine  of  evolu- 
tion,   -nsanb  evolutionist,    -beriobe  period  of 
development;  -n  puberty.    -broce*  developmen- 
tal  proceaa.    -ræfte  aerles  of  evolutions  el.  derel- 
opmenta.    -flabinm  developmental  stage,  phas« 
of  development.    -teorien  the  theory  of  evolu- 
tion,   -tib  (fmitfom  6bgboml)  period  of  incaba- 
tlon.    -trin  fe  -flabium. 

tt'bbibbe  vt  pick  out  (the  light  coin)  by  means 
of  scales. 

tfbbirt|e  vt  effect,  obtain;  (om  ^ejleboø)  pare; 
vi  (opberr  at  oirte)  cease  operaong.  -elfe  c 
effeoting.    -ning  e  paring  (of  the  hooO- 

tt'b|btfe  vt  (bortiage)  show  out,  turn  out;  (trife) 
show;  (loegge  for  Sagen)  ahow,  exhibit,  evince. 
manifest,  put  forth;  .  Zraer  mark  trees  to  be 
felled.    -btfenbe  m  efter  ....  as  shown  el.  in 
dicated  In  .  . . 

tfb|btffe  vi  wipe  out,  eflace,  rub  out,  (nub 
6bamj>,  oaf.  om  ftanon)  sponge.  -biftet  wad 
-hook.    -btffning  c  wiplng  out,  rubbing  out. 

tt  bbi§nlng  c  turnlng  out,  expulMon;  marking 

tt'bbitre  vt  effloresce. 

n'bboføje  vi  grow  up;  bare  -n  be  full  grown. 
-ning  e  full  growth. 

tt'bborteø  a  exterior,  outslde,  extemal;  tfl  . 
fBrug  for  outward  application;  —  adv  outwardly. 
ttbbørteø  %  exterior,  extemala  pi.;  ^on«  .  his 
exterior,  bis  person,    -beber  pi  extemals. 

ttbbøtere  vt  blackball. 

tfbbrib|e  vt  wrlng  out.    -ning  c  wriuging. 

Ifbbrifke  vt  wrest  et.  wrench  out. 

trbbss  e  outwall,  outer  wall. 

U'bbæfning  o  cutting  a  vessel  out  (through 
the  ice). 

tt  bbotføt  e  -er  excreacence,  ontgrowth,  protu- 
berance;  (føbogtig  og  ^)  carunde;  (©en-)  exo~ 

tfbbslbe  vi  spring  forth,  issue,  well  out  el. 

tt'bbttlge  vt  choose,  Belect,  elect,  pick  out;  — 
ubbalgt  a  choioe,  select,  plcked;  be  -te  the 
elect;  faa  ere  -te  few  are  chosen;  be  fan  -te  the 
choæn  few;  -t  Stange  ofo.  king  etc.  elect;  $oHrt* 
-te  the  elect  of  the  people;  Sorfbnetfl  -te  the 
chosen  of  Providence.  -Ife  o  selection.  (oafaa 
bibl)  election. 

tl'bbanrtø  adv.  gaa  -  turn  one'a  toes  out  in 




tlbttb  a  shallow. 

Itbftb  c  -er  vice,  bad  habit,  fault.  Ubtoblg  a 
unvirtuous,  vtatous.    ttbttbtgtjeb  o  yiciousness. 

llb(gttg.  -(eb  fe  nbuetig;  gøte  *  HI  incapac- 
itate  et.  disable  from.  -bebtbaø  discharge  as 
nnflt  for  military  service.      • 

Itbbjr  n,  pi  ■>,  noxious  anlmal,  monster. 

tlblprfe'lig  a  irreclalmable.  U'blprfet  a  uncnlti- 

ttbabe  vt  eat  out. 

tUbft'biff  a  nemrious. 

ttbattet  a  nnoovered;  unpald. 

ttbarntbelig  a  unquenchable. 

tlb*f!|e,  -et-  -nlng  fe  Ubfocbte  (HI  Stamp). 

HM  o  -er  remote  el.  outlylng  Island. 

ttbott  a  unchristened,  unbaptized. 

ttb*b  c  shocklng  death. 

1tb*'be!ig  a  immortal;  (ar  en  ~  Sjal  (ogf.)  has 
a  soul  to  save.    -(eb  o  immortality. 

ttb*rf,  ttborten  c  remote  desert,  waste. 

ttbff  |e  vt  ponr  out;  (meb  |Z>fetar)  bale  out;  - 
»lob,  Stater  shed  blood,  tears;  -  $enge  scatter 
money,  »  flt  fjerte  (for)  unbosom  one's  self  (to); 

-  fin  ©rebe  vent  one's  anger,  -stag  c  pourlng 

Ub|*oe  of  exercise,  practiae;  (om  noget  onbt) 
perpetrate;  ~  Bolb  commit  ylolence;  ben  -nbe 
fJtagt  the  executive  (power),  •tftclfe  e  exereise, 
practice,  diacharge;  perpetration,  commission. 
-øøer  e  -e  practlser;  perpetrator,  commltter. 

ttejfe«  a  odd;.  bet  er  tfte  fao  -t  that's  not  amiss; 
en  iRe  -  Ørmsrfning  a  not  impertinent  remark; 
{pille  effen  eller  ~  play  at  even  and  odd. 

tteftergi'oelig  a  irremlssible. 

tleftergo'rlig  a  that  cannot  be  counterfeited; 
(nefterJiaitelig)  lnimitable.  -(eb  o  inimitability, 

tlefterttg'nelig  a  lnlmltable. 

Uefterrettelig  a  not  to  be  relied  ri.  depended 
on,  not  to  be  trust  ed,  untrustworthy,  unrellable; 
negligent.  -(eb  o  untrustworthiness;  negligence. 

Ueftertttntfom  a  inconsiderate,  unthinklng. 
•(eb  c  inconsiderateneaf. 

ttegem  a  allen  (to,  from),  foreign  (to). 

ttegra|n(tte  fe  -n(tHg(eb.  -ntot'itg  a  dis- 
fnterested.    -«(t'tig(eb  c  dlslnterestedness. 

Uegentlig  a  improper;  figurative,  tropical;  et 
meget  -t  Ubtrtjf  a  term  far  (rom  llterally  strlct; 
bet  -e  beri  the  impropriety  of  it.  -(eb  e  lmpro- 

lletiamineret  a  uncertlflcated. 

Uelftoerbig  a  unlovely,  unamiable,  dUagree- 
able.    -(eb  o  unloveliness  etc. 

tten'betig  a  lnflnite,  endless,  interminable; 
Matt  infinite;  i  bet  -e  ad  lnfinitum,  lndeflnltely: 

—  adv  Inflnitely,  exceedingly;  bet  -  lille  the 
inflnitely  little;  .  belt,  .  lille  Infinitesimal,  -(eb 
c  lnfinlty,  endlessness;  (u((ce  ftoengbe)  inflnity, 
inflnltude,  no  end  of. 

ttrsgetff  a  un-Eng/llsh. 

tte'nig  a  of  a  different  opinion,  at  varlance, 
at  odds;  Mere  -  meb  en  disagree  el.  differ  with 
one,  differ  from  one  in  opinion,  be  at  Issue 
with  one;  blibe  -  quarrel,  fall  out;  jeg  er  ~  meb 
mig  felo  I  hesltate,  I  cannot  make  up  my  mind. 
-(eb  c  disagreement,  disunion,  dlasenslon,  differ- 

ttevø  a  unlike;  fe  Uenig:  adv  dlfferently.  -ttttt 
o  heterogeneous.  -artetbeb  o  heterogeneous- 
ness.    -oingebe  pi  heteropters. 

♦ttet  e  sea-perch,  roseflsh,  northern  sebastes, 
Norway  haddock,  Sebcutt*  norveffi cu*. 

Uerfaren  a  lnezperienced.  -(eb  c  inexperl- 

tterlol'belig  a  unattainable;  (gtølb)  irreoover- 
able;  -e  fjorbrtnger  bad  debis. 

Uerboer'oelig  a  not  to  be  acquired. 

tterlenbtlia,  -(eb  fe  Utamemmrfig. 

tterftat  telfg  a  irreparable.  -|eb  c  irrepara- 

ttf'l  inttrj  ryl  *oh!  fezclamatlon  of  pain). 

ttfaberltg  a  unfatherly. 

ttfalwet  a  unfaded. 

ttfartar  a  impassable,  lmpracticable;  (ølob) 
unnavlgable,  innavigable.  -Jeb  c  impassable- 

Ufarlig  a  undangerous.    -(eb  o  safety. 

ttfamet  a  not  dyed,  undyed;  fig  uncoloured, 
nnbiassed;  X*i  af  .  6ilfe  raw  cloth. 

ttfat'telig  a  Inconceivable,  lncomprehenslble. 
•|eb  o  incomprehenslbillty,  incomprehensible- 
ness,  inconeeivableness. 

ttfei'llbar  a  inmlllble,  unerring,  unmiling. 
-|eb  e  lnfalllbllity.  infaUibleness.  -ba'rtig  a 
unfaiUng;  adv  infalllbly,  unfailingly,  undoubt- 
edly,  without  fail,  to  a  certainty. 

ufeflllg  a  work-a-day. 

ttfUofoflfl  a  unphllosoph'ical. 

Ufin  a  unreflned,  unmannerly,  indelicate, 
vulgar,  in  bad  taste.  -|eb  e  bad  taste,  indell- 
eacy.  vulgarity. 

tt'flebret  a  unfeathered,  unfledged. 

U'Mfl  o  pr&o  unfledged. 

nfollclig  a  unpopular. 

Uforanderlig  a  unchangeable ,  immutable, 
unalterable,  invariable.  -|eb  e  unchangeable- 
ness,  immutablUty.  U  foranbret  a  unchanged, 

ttforartejbet  a  unwrought,  unmanufactured, 

nforar'gclia  a  inoflenslve. 

ttforie'berltg  a  incorrlgible ,  irreclalmable, 
inveterate,  conflrmed,  joe  past  praying  for. 
•|eb  c  lnconigibillty.  ttforbe'bret  a  unimproved, 
uncorrected,  unreformed. 

Uforbe^otben  a  open,  free,  unconoealed.  -|eb 
e  openness,  sincerity,  unreserve. 

Uforberebt  a  unprepared;  —  adv  off-hand,  on 
the  spur  of  the  moment,  -beb  o  unprepared- 

Uforblommet  a  unamblguous. 

ttforbri/bella  a  unforfeitable. 

Uf orbtffn  belig  a  inoombustlble.  -beb  c  in- 
combustlbllity,  incombustibleness.  tt'forbr*nbt 
a  unburned,  unburnt. 

ttførbelagtig  a  disadvantageoas,  unprofltnble; 
(Ubfeenbe)  nnprepossessing;  man  oibfte  intet  -t  om 
bem  nothing  was  known  against  them;  bet  -e  beb 
the  disadvantage  of.  -|ei  o  disadvantage,  un- 

ttforbra'geltg  a  lnsupportable,  intolerable, 
insufferable,  quarrelsome;  -fintolerant.  -|eb  e 
insupportableness,  intolerableness;  -fintolerance. 

Uforbnlgt  a  undisgulsed. 

nforbnnftct  a  undlmmed,  unclouded. 

Uforboer  oelig  a  incorruptible.    -(eb  c  inoor- 
raptibllity.  —  tt'forbaroet  a  lncorrupted,  un- 
corrupted,  unspolled,  untainted,  unsophistloated, 
unyitiated,  innocent.    -|cb  e  incorruptneas,  in 

ttforbjf'elig  a  indlfestible.  -beb  e  indlgesti- 
blllty;  +  (6^øbom)  indigestion.  tt  forbolet  a  un- 
digested;  (meft  fig)  crude.  -(eb  e  undigested 
state,  crudeness. 

ttfore'aelig  a  incompatible ,  irreconcilable, 
inconslstent  (with),  abhorrent  (to);  ere  e  fod.) 
cannot  stand  together.    >|eb  e  incompatibility. 

ttforet  a  unlined. 

Uforfarffetig  a  that  cannot  be  adulterated. 
—  n  f orfalffet  a  unadulterated,  unsophistloated, 
genuine,    -(eb  c  genulneness. 

Uforfaren  a  unpractised,  inexperienced. 




ttførfolgt  a  unpursued;  not  persecuted. 
ttførfcmgeUg  a  free  from  vanity,  unostenta- 


ttføffønrøet  a  undaunted,  intrepid,  dauntless. 
-beb  e  lntrepldlty,  undauntedness. 

tlforg (em'meUg  a  unforgotten,  not  (ti.  nevet) 
to-be-forgotten,  ever-memorable.  -beb  c  Im- 
perishable  memory. 

Uforgribelig  a :  min  c  SRening  my  humble 
opinion;  my  most  settled  opinion. 

ttførgtett'aelig  a  imperlshable,  undying.  -|eb 
c  imperishableness. 

UforbaCbeattig  adøunexpectedly.  U'f  ør|cabet 
a  unhoped  for. 

Uforbalet  fe  ttfortøbet. 

ttforbaftet  a  unhurrled. 

ttførbin'berlig  a  that  cannot  be  prevented, 
inevitable.    U'førbiabret  a  unprevented. 

ttførbø(b#m«tflg  a  disproportlonate,  lnordl- 
nate;  adø  disproportionately,  out  of  all  propor- 
tion,   -tyet  o  disproportion. 

ttfartafk'eltg  a  not  to  be  rejected,  unexoep- 
tionable.    -tf*  unexoeptionableness. 

ttfør|lUret  a  unexplained.  -Uartig  a  inex- 
plicable,  unaooountable;  paa  en  albelef  -  IKaabe 
most  nnaooountably.  -tf a'rligbeb  c  inexplicable- 

nførftebt  a  undisguiBed. 

ttførhtbt  a  undismayed. 

ttførtørtet  a  nnabridged 

Uførttarolellg  a  imperlshable,  indestructlble. 
bibi  IncorruptlbTe.  -beb  o  imperishableness;  6t'M 
inoorruptlon.  tt'førlrcnttet  a  unimpaired,  in- 

+ttfor!egftt  a  unembaraated. 

Uførli'gelig  a  irreooncilable;  fe  Uforenelig.  -t;eb 
c  irreconcilableness;  lneompatibility. 

Uforlignelig  a  incomparable,  matchleas,  peer- 
leas,  unsurpassed. 

»Ufarligt  a  fe  Uenl. 

Ufortovet  a  unbetrothed,  disengaged. 

ttfør'melig  a  shapeless,  amorphons,  anshapely; 
Informal.    -ljeb  e  deformity;  lnformallty. 

ttføraent  o  allowed,  permltted;  bet  ftal  Mere 
Sen  ~  at  you  are  free  el.  at  liberty  to. 

Uformet  a  shapeless. 

ttførmitbet  a  unmitigated. 

UførminbfYet  a  anabated,  undimlnished,  un- 

uføraøbcvtlig  a  unexpected,  nnlooked  for. 
-beb  o  unexpectedness.  tt  f ørmobet  fe  Ufor« 

tUformne  c  inabillty. 

nførwnen|be  a  fortnneless,  portionlesB,  poor. 
-beb  c  (Stanget  paa  ^formue)  want  of  means; 
(røangel  paa  (nme)  inabllity. 

Ufør|marft  (+-mær!et,  -mærTeligt)  adv  unper- 
ceived,  unnotlced,  unobserved,  imperoeptibly. 

ttføraørtet  a  unclouded. 

ttføntttft  o  (Stanget  paa  fornuft)  irrationality; 
(tilftbefættetfe  af  gfornuftenl  ©rug)  absurdity,  un- 
reaaonableness,  unreaton.  -ig  a  irrational;  un- 
reasonable,  absurd,  -tgfcb  c  absurdity,  un- 

ttførabet  a  unrenewed  etc.  (fe  ©omtje). 

ttforøøben  a  nnnecessary,  needless,  unoalled 
for.  gratnitoufl.    -beb  o  needlessness. 

ufornøjelig  a  not  to  be  oontented  el.  satisfled, 
insatiable,  hard  to  please:  unpleasant.  -|eb  o 
insatlability.    ttfønujet  a  fe  Utiftfornoiet. 

Uforpligtet  a  free  from  obligation. 

Uførraabnetig  a  not  liable  to  decay,  im- 
putrescible,  incorraptlble.  -beb  o  lncorruptibil- 
ity.    tt'førraabnet  a.  undecayed. 

Uforrettet  a  undone,  unperformed;  bon  lom 
tilbage  meb  -  6ag  he  retarned  wlthout  having 

effected  his  object,  accompliabed  hk 

nfør|ri|tret  a  nnmoTed,  fixed,  flxm.  -r^'lctig 
a  immovable. 

ttførfagt  a  nndaunted,  undismayed;  *wr  -! 
keep  up  a  good  heart!  -|eb  e  undauntedBesa, 

ttførfegtet  a  unsealed. 

nførfigHg  a  incaution8,  imprudent,  anwary, 
anguarded,  improvldent.  -}eb  c  impradencc. 
lncautiousness.  improvideuee,  unwaxinesB,  in- 
dtscretion.    -Uti  adv  incautiously. 

ttforfitrct  a  uninsured. 

nførframmet  a  (atoo)  insolent,  (framl#g)  im- 
pudent,  shameless,  harefaced.  -beb  c  inaolcnee. 
impudenæ,  shamelessness,  efErontery,  bare- 

ttforflanfet  a  unintrenched. 

Itrorff&lbt  a  undeseryed,  unmexited,  «øJe  nn- 
desenredly;  innocentty. 

ttførføBlig  a  implacable,  irreooncilable,  nn- 
forgiving,  uncompromising;  (polit )  intranaigenL 
-beb  e  implacabillty. 

ttførftaa'eltg  a  unintelligible.  -btb  «  unintel 
ligiblllty.  UførflaaeMbe  a  wlthout  compreben- 
sion,  in  the  aark,  a  Btranger. 

Uf  ør  |  danb  e  want  of  sense  el .  judgment.  -fteM« 
big  a  lndiscreet,  injudicious.  -U««bii%rt  c 
(^ianblingl)  InjudieiousneBs;  (VerfønS)  want  of 
sense  et  judgment. 

Itførfttlt  a  unfelgned,  undisguised. 

ttførirbrrelig  a  (rolig)  lmperturbable,  cooL 
-beb  o  imperturbability.  ttforfturrtt  o  ealm,  un- 
di6turbed,  unvexed;  (fffe  foruroliget)  untroubled. 

tlforfbo'rlig  a  inexeusable,  unwarrantabte, 
unjustiflable,  indefensible.  -b«b  c  Inexcosabto- 
ness,  unjustlflableness. 

nforfbnet  a  unprovided. 

ttforflp'nUg  a  improvldent.  ^et  c  Improvi- 

nførfstttlg  a  unintentional,  undesigned,  in- 
yoluntary.    -|eb  undesignedness. 

nforføgt  a  untrled,  unattempted;  ($erføn)  is- 
experienoed.     *beb  e  inexperienee. 

ttførfmet  a  unprovided  for. 

ttførtabelia  a  not  to  be  lost,  not  kismble; 
(gtet)  inah'enable.'  -beb  e  inalienableness, 

nfortalt  a  wlthout  disparagement  to. 

ttførtianet  a  untinned. 

ttforijrat  a  undeserved,  unmerited. 

ttfortolbet  a  unentered,  dnty  off,  not  duty 

ttførtmbt  a  unregretted. 

Uførtrøben  a  unwearied,  indefatigable.patient, 
assiduous.  -beb  c  indelktigableness,  patlenoe, 

nførtømri  fe  Ufortalt. 

Itførtarret  a  unconsumed,  entire. 

Ufortøbet  a  immediate;  adv  wlthout  delay, 
wlthout  loss  of  time,  immediately,  fbrthwith, 
promptly,  inoontlnently. 

Ufornbanet  a  undreamt  of. 

+ttførnbfottet  o  unprejudiced. 

Uforabfelig  a  unforeseeable,  that  cannot  be 
forenen;  -  $ambe!fe  ^  aet  of  God.  -beb  o  un- 
foreseeable nature,  ttførnbfet  a  unforeseen, 
unlooked  for. 

Uforoanffet  o  inoorrupt,  unadulterated,  un- 
sophiBticated;  (beb  htbfnibte  Orb  ofo.)  uninter- 
polated.  -beb  incorruptness.  UfortMraffelig  • 
incorraptlble,  unalterable. 

Uf øroarenbe  a  unawares,  inadvertently;  ttmmt 
ober  en  -  F  catch  one  napping. 

Uforoentet  fe  Ubentet. 

Uforoinbeiig  a  irrecoyerable,  irretrierable. 
-beb  o  IrrecoTerableness,  irretrieyableni 




ttforttf'aelig  a  unfading,  undying. 

ttfortattbeit  a  not  reoovered  el.  got  over. 

ttfareblet  a  raw,  unwrought;  (om  Race)  un- 
improved;  (om  %m)  ungrafted. 

Ufragaa'etiø  a  undeniable. 

tt'fraateret  a  not  post-paid,  nnpaid. 

tt'fraitft  a  not  French,  un-French. 

ttfrafttt'lefig  a  inseparable. 

ttfroaeabt  a  intent,  flxed;  ad«  intently. 

Ufrabi'gelig  a  not  to  be  deviated  from,  un- 
alterable.  Invariable;  -  Beflntning  flxed  resolu- 
tion; -  Betingelfe  absolute  condltton;  adv  invad- 
ably.    -|et  e  invariableness,  flxedness. 

tt'freb  e  war,  trouble*  pi,  disturbancea  pi; 
(Xftebrogt)  dissension;  teoe  i  -  be  at  varlanoe; 
pifte  -  imellem  set  at  varlanoe  el.  loggerheads. 

UfrCbelig  a  nnpeaceable.  -|eb  o  quarrel- 

U'frebet  o  unprotected. 

UfreMmaab  c  fighter,  rough,  bally. 

Ufrtbfom'meHg,  -beb  c  fe  Ufrebelig. 

U'frcbØlftifterfe  fcreblfotfibrrer.  -tib  Ume  of 
troables  el.  war. 

Ufreattom'mctig  a  impassable,  Impraottoable. 
•beb  o  lmpassableness,  impracticableness. 

tt'fri  a  not  free,  unfree;  en  -  Vtanb  a  bonds- 
man:  en  -  Xtlftanb  a  state  of  bondage.  »beb  o 

tt'frfflet  a  (ej  friflet)  untempted;  (ej  profet)  un- 
tried,  inexperienoed. 

U'friOiOtg  o  involuntary,  unlntentlonal. 

tt'frønt  o  irreligious,  undevout. 

H'fvøØfen  a  nnfrosen. 

ttfragtbar  a  nnfruitful,  barren,  sterile,  (om 
dorb)  infertile,  unferttle;  fio  falbt  iffe  i  .  3orb 
was  not  thrown  away.  -(eb  c  unfrultrolness, 
barrenness,  sterllity,  infertillty,  unfertHenese. 

ttfrttgtfom'meUg  a  unpregnant. 

♦Uf*  fe  6einfi. 

ttfnlbboares  a  embryonic,  abortive. 

ttfnlbbbrbet  o  unflnished,  unaccomplished, 
unperfonned,  nnezecuted. 

uftttbesbt  a  ixnperfect,  unflnished,  unaccom- 
plished. -beb  o  unflnished  el.  unaccomplished 

ttftttbtøataten  a  ixnperfect.  -beb  c  -er  imper- 

Ufnlbfttrabig  a  inoomplete,  defective,  imper- 
fect.   -|cb  c  lncompleteness,  defectiveness,  im- 

UfttlbtaBig  a  inoomplete  (in  number),  not  a 
quornm.    -beb  c  lncompleteness. 

Ufattberet  a  unfunded. 

ttfalbeflgmttbe  a  unsatlsfactory. 

*Ufattbig  a  nnmetallic. 

»Uftafeltg  a  unsavoury,  nasty. 

Uforb  e  misfortune,  dlsaster;  bu  ftol  f aa  en  - ! 
woe  betide  you ! 

ttterbtg  a  unflnished.   -beb  c  unflnished  state. 

Uffbt  a  unborn. 

Uf*  f'efig  a  uncomplylng,  uncomplaisant,  un- 

ttfflelig  o  imperceptlble. 

Uf*  lg  rrfgtig  a  inconsistent. 

Ufrffom  a  insensible,  apatbetic,  impassible; 
(bootbbiertet)  unroellng;  -  for  insensible  to.  -beb 
c  insensiblllty,  apathy,  want  of  feellng. 

Uf#r  a  dlsabled  (til  for);  fe  Ufarbot. 

Uføre  n  impassable  road,  slough.  mire;  fio 
mess;  lomme  i  et  -  make  a  mess  of  it. 

ttforbeb  o  dlsability  (to  labour). 

ttgalattt  a  ungal'lant,  uncomplimentary. 

ttgattgbar  a  not  current,  uncurrent. 

Ugaranteret  a  unguar'anteed. 

Ugarbrret  a  (6!a!)  unprotected. 

ttgaroct  a  untanned. 

a  unmarried,  single,  unwedded;  -  Stanb 

+Uga»tt  n  mischief. 

Uge  o  -t  week;  om  en  -  in  a  week;  tbag  om  en 
.  thls  day  week;  to  Øange  om  -n  twice  a  week; 
bele  -r  weeka;  bab«  -  be  on  duty  (for  the  week); 
bber  fin  -  week  (and  week)  abont.  ttie|arbeibe 
weekly  work;  a  week's  work.  -blab  weekly 
paper.  -bag  day  of  the  week;  (6ogneb.)  week 
•day;  ttøooeribag)  cottager's  soccage  day.  -bag*' 
gabftjenefre  week-day  service,  -fdl  (3*bemrt) 
thefeastofweeks.  -MHb  weekly  festival,  -toft 
weekly  provision.  -Ulig  a  a  week  long,  of  a 
week.  4*»  weekly  pay  el.  wages.  •msoaeb 
four  weeks.   •marteb  weekly  felr. 

Ugenert  a  free-  and«  easy,  at  one's  ease;  cool, 
unconcemed;  pao  en  temmelig  -  IKaabe  in  a 
rather  cavaller  fasbio  n;  gore  en  .  Brug  af  make 
free  with;  —  adv  coolly,  quietly,  unconcernedly, 
cavallerly.  -|eb  c  ease,  unconstraint,  free -and 
-easy  behavlour. 

Ugentlig  a  weekly,  hebdomadal;  adv  weekly. 

Uaclbettge  weekly  allowance  of  money.  -pige 
maid  engaged  by  the  week.  -prffbiten  week 
-day  sermon.  -regaing  (Vfregning)  weekly  settle- 
ment of  accounts;  (ugentl.  Reaning)  weekly  bill. 
•rente  weekly  interest.  -flrtft  weekly  (paper 
el.  periodlcal),  hebdomadal.  *-fUbt  adv  every 
(blessed)  week.  -tal  number  of  weeks.  -tjenefle 
week's  service.    -Oli  adv  by  the  week. 

tt'geme  adv  unwillingly,  reluctantly,  grudg- 
ingly,  with  a  bad  grace;  jeg  fer  tun  .  at  I  object 
to,  set  my  fece  agalnst. 

U'gemiag  o  -er  enormity,  outrage,  gross  mis* 
deed.  UgerttiKgtwattb  perpetrator  of  an  enorm- 
ity etc.,  e vil-doer,  malefactor. 

♦ttgg  F  :  fatte  -  bristle  up. 

ngger  o  caddis,  cad-bait. 

cellbacy,  joc  single  blessedness. 

Ugilb  a  jur  lncompetent  to  give  evidence. 

Ugilbet  a  not  castrated,  entire. 

U'gfort  a  unmade,  undone,  unperfonned;  labe 
.  let  alone,  leave  undone,  fiail  to  do;  giort  Øer* 
nina  Ian  ilte  blibe  .  what  Is  done  cannot  be 

U'glab  a  joyless,  cheerless. 

U'gla(«)feret  a  unglazed. 

Ugle  vt  ub  bedlzen,  rig  out;  bun  bftt  ~  ftg  ub 
fom  en  6ælgetøumg  she  is  dressed  up  like  a 
basket- woman. 

Ugle  c  -r  owl;  (Stafl)  duster;  -rne  (3nf.)  the 
noctuidæ;  fange  en  -  ^  chapel,  broach  to;  t  (ogf.) 
catch  a  crab;  ten  er  fom  en  -  imellem  en  Slof 
Kroger  he  Is  thelr  butt,  thelr  laughing-stock;  -n 
tutter  benbel  Bom  er  be  tonnefte,  enbber  mener 
ban!  .  er  en  Øaff  every  one  thinks  his  geese 
swans;  bet  er  -r  i  TOofen  mischief  is  brewing, 
there  is  a  snake  hid  under  the  gnus.  Uglelagttg 
aowlish.  -bittebe  a  fright.  -fangning  ^  chapel- 
lng.  -babeb  ugly  face.  -b«fg  hen-harrler,  OirevM 
citanvut.  -rebe  owl' s  nest.  -fe  vt  f  look  at  one 
with  an  evil  eye,  stare  one  out  of  countenance. 
-ffrig  hooting  of  an  owl.  -fMle  podargus,  more 
•pork.    -»age  owlet;  young  owl. 

Uglfbil  e  Howleglass;  fiø  wag,  rogue.  -frreg 
rogulsh  et.  mischievous  trick. 

U'grammarltalff  a  ungrammat'ical. 

-t-ttgran'ffelig  a  lnscrutable. 

♦ttgrei'  o  en  tangled,  (om  £ob)  foul.  ^ttgreie 
c  entanglement;  i  .  out  of  order  el.  gear,  wrong. 

n  griff  a  Ugrian. 

->n'grtt*b  e  fe  Ugrunbetbeb. 

U'granbet  agroundless,  unfounded,  gratuitous. 
-beb  o  groundlessness,  want  of  foundation. 

U  griti  n  fe  Urrubt. 

Uga'beflg  a  impious,  ungodly,  wicked,  an- 




boly;  p  (oberorbentlig)  precioue,  roaring.   -Jeb  e 
impiety,  wlckedneas,  ungodliness. 

tlgnttft  c  disfavour,  dJspleasure;  oeb  Xibetuef 
-  owing  to  the  frowns  of  fortone,  havlngfldlen 
on  evll  days.  ttganftig  o  unfavourable,  un- 
toward,  unpropltlous,  ad  vene;  unbet  meget  -e 
Cillaat  under  great  disadvantages;  unbet  faa  -e 
JDmfiambigfcber  {om  muligt  under  every  disad- 

ttgbTbig  a  Invalid,  (nuil  and)  vold;  gøre  . 
make  vold,  vitiate.    -beb  c  invalidlty,  nuulty. 

tt'gangø  a  uneommon,  unuøual. 

tt  g  året  a  unfermented. 

ttgoftfri  a  inhospitable.  -|eb  e  Inhospitallty, 

tlgø'rtig  a  impracticable,  lnfeaslble.  -bcb  c 
impracticabllity,  impracticableness,  infeasibillty. 

Ul»!  tUbo!  int  (Smerte,  ftorfTranelfc)  oh! 
(Øbfen)  ugh !  (Scemmelfr)  pugh  l 

•t-ltlaattbgri'bcUg  a  impalpable. 

ttbaanbte'r  lig ,  ftbanbeltg  a  unhandy,  awk- 
ward,  unmanageable ,  unwieldy.  -beb  e  un- 
handiness  etc. 

ttbarmøttiff  a  inharmonious,  dlscordant. 

ttbegnet  a  unfenced. 

ttbelbre'bellg,  -beb  fe  Ulægelig;  -e  incurables. 

ttqetb  ii,  pi  =,  (entelt)  mlsfortune,  mischance, 
mishap,  accident;  (Stange!  pwx  $elb)  bad  luck; 
(fflliølblfelfe)  failure;  til  -  for  unfortunately  for; 
til  alt  -  as  bad  (111)  luck  would  have  it.  -brtngenbe 
a  mlschievous,  unlucky.  ttbet'big  a  unfortunate, 
unlucky,  untoward;  (af  fjbte)  ungalnly,  (ube« 
boøelig)  awkward;  (miftlfg)  objectlonable;  adv  - 
frinet  placed  at  a  dlsadvantage.  nbelbtgbi« 
adv  unlucklly,  unfortunately.  ttbelb|ft>anger  a 
ill-omened,  fatal,    -øarøleube  a  111-boding. 

^ttbeQig  a  unholy. 

tl|enfl|tA««#{lg  a  lnexpedlent;  inadequate  to 
the  purpose.    -I)eb  c  inexpediency. 

tlljilbet  a  unbiassed,  unprejudiced,  unin- 
fluenced,  lm partial;  —  adv  impartially.  -beb  o 
unprejudlcedness,  impartiality. 

ttbiu'berlig  a  not  hindering. 

ttfinbret  a  unhindered,  unlmpeded,  unob- 
fltructed;  -  Vbgang  free  access;  ganfle  -  without 
let  or  hindrance. 

tt|tftetifl  a  unhistorical. 

tt'bjemtet  a  unauthorlzed,  unauthentioated;  - 
tteflboelfe  illegal  possession. 

Wb\ulptu  a  unaided. 

ttbjaeryelig  a  unaidable,  past  help,  (hin  om 
Tina)  irremedlable.  -beb  o  lrremediableness. 
tt'bjartyføm  a  unwllllng  to  help. 

ttbla'n  e  -er  Uian. 

ttqøtbbar  a  not  durable,  perishable;  fio  un- 
tenable,  unmalntalnable.    -b)cb  o  untenablllty. 

ttftnntff  a  fllthy,  nasty.  -beb  e  fllthlness, 
nastlness;  -er  fllth. 

ttbogge  c  discomfort,  uncomfortableness. 

ttpuø  gelig  a  (Ufe  tøagelig)  uncomfortable, 
cheerless;  (fæl  of».)  dlsmal;  (tlbefpoaenbe)  sinister; 
(overnaturlig)  weird,  *c  uncanny;  Mibe  -  tilmobe 
reel  uncomfortable;  bet  -e  i  Stillingen  the  horror 
of  the  situation,  -beb  c  uncomfortableness; 
(Sfoetyeb)  dismalness. 

ttbbtlet  a  unfelgned. 

Uføre  a  enormous,  tremendous,  huge,  pro- 
digious;  adv  enormously  etc.  tt|tare  «  -r  mon- 
ster, prodigy.  ttbb'rllg  a  monstrous.  tlbb'rlig- 
beb  c  -er  enormity,  monstroslty. 

ttbæberlig  a  (uberømmelig)  inglorioas;  (ærrlo«) 
dishonourable.    -beb  c  dishonourableness. 

ttbttbnet  a  un  re  ven  ged,  unavenged. 

Hb#flig  a  uncivll,  impolite,  discourteous, 
rude.  -beb  c  lnoivlllty,  lmpoliteness,  disoourtesy, 
rudeness;  en  -  an  aet  of  dlscourtesy. 

tlto  rllg  a  inaudlble.    -bfb  c  Inandibloaem. 

tt|«ffa«  o  disobedlent.  +-bfb  e  diaobedienee. 
XU$øvi  a  (fom  ilte  brat)  unheard;  (fom  afbrig  rt 
erfaret  el.  tyrrt)  unheard  of,  unpreoedented. 

ttbaulff  a  indecent,  indecorous.  -%d)  c  in- 
decency,  indeoorum. 

ttb«9let  a  rough,  unflnlshed. 

tttberegmet  a  not  included,  exdasive  of. 

niges|bre»eii  a  unreftited.  -tari#»clisj  a  Irre- 
fatable,  irrefragable,  unanswerable.  -fcritdig- 
beb  o  unanswerableneas,  lrrefragableneaa. 

ttlge«f*bt  a  unregenerate(d). 

ttigenifflbt  a  unrequited. 

Itigeiiral 'belig  a  irrevocable;  —  adv  irrevoe 
ably;   .  tabt  lost  beyond  recall.    -|el)  «  irre- 
vocableness,  Irrevoeabllity. 

nigente«  belig  a  irrecognisable,  unreoogniz 
able.    -beb  c:  rtt  -  past  reoognitlon. 

ttigemU'felig  a  unredeemable. 

ttigemtembrb  belig  a  not  to  be  broken  throogh. 

n(i)genne»f#  rlig  o  Impracticable.   -bjebj  e  im 

ttigennemflgrig  a  intransparent,  opaque.   -|ct 
c  opaquenesa,  opaelty. 

ttlgeKKevfmcitg  o  Ag  impenetrable.     -!)ۥ  c 
lmpenetrableneas,  lmpenetrabllity. 

ntgemaeattrocKgelig  a  Impenetrable,  imper- 
vious,  impermeable.  -beb  c  lmpenetrabllity 

ttimoblfcgt  a  uneontradlcted.  -flgelig  a  In 
contestable,  lncontrovertible,  indisputable,  -(tø- 
ligbeb  o  lndisputableness. 

UimobfUaelig  a  irrealstlble,  resistlesB  beb 

+ttimøbftri'belig  o  incontestable. 

ntmobta  gelig  a  insusceptible  (før  of);  •  fer 
Ørunbe  proof  agalnst   argument     -b)cb    c  in 

niHbbnbe«  a  unlnvited. 

ninbbunben  a  unbound. 

ninbfriet  a  (uinbløft)  unredeemed;  (»ettel  o.  I. 

ninbbegnet  fe  ttyegnet. 

ninblf'felig  a  irredeemable.  tt'tebfeU  a  f« 

ttittbfTreøev  a  not  registered. 

ttinbffrsBtet  a  unlimited,  unrestrlcted ,  un 
bounded,  uncontrolled,  (9Ragt)  absolute; .  frm 
sovereign  lord;  tøffer  -  relgns  supreme.  -bjeb  r 

ttinbta  gelig  a  impregnable.  -beb  o  impregn 
ableness,  lmpregnablllty.  tTittbtaget  a  not 
taken;  (u|ilbet)  unprejudiced,  unprepotsessed, 

ttinbøiet  a  (f.  9U.  9otb)  unconseerated;  fa  un- 
initlated,  unlnltiate;  en  -  an  outsider. 

ttixtere*|fant  a  unintereating.  -feret  *  un- 
interested;  (uegennbttig)  disinterested.  <fertbeb 
e  diainterestedness. 

ttibatrtfiet'tcllg  a  Impracticable,  tnfeasible. 
-beb  e  Impracticabllity,  infeasibillty. 

ttiørbet  a  unburied. 

tt|«b*  a  uneven  (ogf.  Aff),  rough,  -beb  c  un 
evenness,  rousrhness,  inequality. 

tltalbet  a  uncalled. 

titallet  a  unplastered. 

ttfanM>bbgtlg  a  dlsebied;  gøre  -  put  Aer*  dt 
eombat,  disable. 

nta'é  e  -er  ukase. 

tttenbelig  a  not  to  be  known (agaln),  not  to 
be  recognlsed,  unknowable,  undisUnguiahable; 
gøre  ~  disguise,  (Vcønt)  defaoe.  -beb  e  impo*- 
sibiUty  el.  dlmculty  of  being  known  again. 
nfenbftab    n    fe    Ubefenbftab.     U  feiibt    a  un- 




Jcnown;  ignorant  (meb  of),  unacqualnted  (wlth). 
«n  i  Bøiøpresjen  .  ©til  a  style  unknown  to  the 
newspaper  press.  +tt'teitbtteb  o  belng  unknown, 
novelty,  uniamiliarity. 

Hf  trfrlig  a  secular. 

-^ttfUn'bertig  a  unexceptionable. 

tt  far  a  not  clear,  (plumret)  turbid,  muddy; 
(om  <Ilas)  dim;  fig  indistinct,  obscure;  (foroirret) 
conrused;  ^  foul;  -  grorefliSing  dim  el.  vague 
idea;  -t  $ot>eb  clouded  perception;  rage  .  meb  ^ 
ran  foul  of,  foul,  fia  fall  foul.  fall  out;  fkU  at 
odds  el.  to  loggerheads  (wlth).  -beb  o  -er 
turbidness;  dimness;  contuslon;  lndlstlnctness, 

tt'flareret  a  unpaid. 

VLtlipptt  a  uncut,  unshorn. 

tt  flot  a  unwlse,  imprudent,  lndlscreet,  ill 
-advisea.  -flab  c  imprudence,  indiscretion,  un- 
wisdom,  impolicy. 

ttfla'belig  a  (ogf.  fig)  unbecoming;  fig  in  bad 
taste,  offensive,   -beb  c  bad  taste,  offensiveness. 

tt'flafet  a  &  (Sejl)  uncovered. 

tTfUtet  a  unsplit. 

ttfogt  a  unboiled. 

ttfømøenferet  a  uncompensated. 

tttomplet  a  incompiete,  defective,  deflcient. 

ttføngetig  a  uDkingly. 

ttføMtant  a  F  unrellable. 

tt  frlgerff  a  unwarlike. 

titrift  elift  a  uiichristian.  -|eb  c  unchristian- 
Deffi.    tt  triften  a  uncbristlan,  lnfldel. 

tt'fritlff  a  uncrlt'ical. 

ttTrnbt  n  weed,  weeds  pi;  .  forgaat  iffe  weeds 
trrow  apace,  evil  weeds  never  wither;  he  always 
comes  back  like  a  bad  shilling. 

tt'trbftøUiferet  a  uncrystaUlzed,  amorphoua. 

tttr«  «e  n  the  Ukraine. 

tttram'tetta  a  inviolable.  -beb  c  inviolability. 
tt'frornfet  a  inviolate. 

tt  franet  a  uncalled  upon,  not  dunned;  un- 

ttfnltiøeret  a  uncal'tivated;  uncivilised. 

tttanftlet  a  artless,  lnartlnclal,  unaffected. 
-beb  c  artlessness,  simpllclty. 

ttfanftaerlff  a  inartlstic,  bad  art. 

tthtront  a  uncur'rent. 

ftlføemø  a  uDsuitable. 

tt'tbem*|ørb  pi,  +-tale  abusive  words  el.  lan- 
guage, bad  language. 

tt'tftiabetig  a  unwomanly;  gøre  .  unfeminize. 
•|eb  c  unwomanly  condact  el.  manners. 

ttfbKbig  a  ignorant  (of),  unskilled  (In),  not 
conversant  (wlth).  -|eb  c  ignorance;  unskilful- 

ttfbff  a  unchaste.    -|eb  c  unchastity. 

tt'faattttet  a  not  oombed,  joc  unkempt. 

VL'Xctt  a  anacceptable,  unpleasant;  bet  er  mig 
•t  I  am  Borry  for  that;  bet  er  mig  iffe  -t  at  børe 
I  am  glad  to  hear  it.  -lig  a  unkind.  -ligbeb 
c  unkindness. 

ntøunei  a  fe  ftønftløi. 

mi  a  tainted. 

tttøbet  a  (om  @tt)bei>.)  un  c  harged,  unloaded; 
(om  fiartsi)  unladen. 

*mage  fe  Ulabe. 

tilaget  a  otol  not  stratifled. 

ttlaft'tlfg  a  unblamable,  blameless,  irreproach- 
able,  irreprehenslble.  -bcb  c  blamelessness,  lrre- 

lllabe  *  disorder;  bringe  i  -  put,  throw  into 
disorde r,  upset;  lomme  i  -  get  out  of  order, 
become  deranged. 

ttlb  c  wool.  -agrig  a  woolly.  -arbejber  fe 
-taber,  -blaør  nolls.  -bcrrenbe  a  bearlng  el. 
produdng  wool,  laniferous.  -bamaff  (worsted; 
damask,  -batten  woollen  blanket  el.  rug.  ttlbrm 

awoollen.  ttfblfaarwool-bearingsheep.  -farter 
wool-  el.  woollen-dyer.  -fartet  a  wool-dyed, 
dyed  in  graln;  -  Xøj  cloth  In  graln.  •fløjl 
worsted  velvet.  -føret  a  wool-lined.  -fnrøe 
woollen  fringe.  -gant  woollen  yarn,  wonited. 
•gobø  woollen  goods.  -|«ar  woolly  halr.  -baaret 
a  laniferous,  lanlgerous,  ^  lanate.  -bavbel 
woollen  tråde,  -baabler  dealer  in  wool,  wool 
man.  woolstapler.  -tøfe  fe  -ftrømpe.  -t»b»frri 
woollen  manufacture.  -fa«  wool-oomb.  -farbe 
wool-card.  -flibKiHg  shearlng  of  aheep.  -f tøf  fe 
woollen  pettlcoat.  -frabfer  wool-carder.  •fæm- 
iiiag  wool-combing.  -løf  look  of  wool.  -marfeb 
wool-market.  -ntnø  chinchilla,  Eriomvt  lanigera. 
•maøfelin  mousseline-laine.  -ølbb#worsted-shag. 
-rig  a  woolly,  fleecy.  -røf  wheel  for  spinning 
wool.  -fait  shears  pi.  -fflab  wool-fell.  -ffjorte 
woollen  el.  flannel  shirt.  -ffb  fleecy  cloud. 
-fførl  woollen  pettlcoat.  -føf  woollen  sook. 
-førterer  wool-sorter,  -picker.  -fbi*ber/  -fbin- 
berffe  spinner  of  wool.  -f^iaberi  wool-aplnning, 
woollen  mlU.  -trøm^e  woollen  stocklng.  -fort 
(@«f  Ulb)  wool-sack.  -fcrffe  (til  ©tpfhxrrn)  wool 
•packs.  -taøe  filament  of  wool.  -tølb  duty  on 
wool.  'ttt  tuft  of  wool.  -rr«  fe  Silfeboraulb*«. 
-trøje  woollen  Jacket;  flannel  shirt  el.  vest. 
•tctppt  woollen  blanket,  -to)  woollen  stuff, 
woollen.  -tølffsrm  A,  (woollen)  screen  bulkhead. 
•babffentaffitte  wooTwashlng  machine.  -øabff« 
niag  wool-washlng.  -øøKte  woollen  mitten. 
-barer  woollen  goods,  woollens,  worsted  ar- 
ticles,  hoslery.    -ootøer  woollen  weaver. 

*1tle  vi  howl. 

ni  eb  er  c  non-conductor. 

tlleb(b)et  a  not  Jointed,  inarticulate. 

ttlegemlig  a  incorporeal.  -bcb  c  incorporelty. 

1tlejrlia|e  vt  trouble,  incommode,  Inconveni- 
ence;  .  (ta  meb  at  take  the  trouble  to,  be  at  the 
trouble  of;  «  fig  et  @tebø  ben  be  at  the  trouble 
of  going  somewhere.  -beb  c  inconvenience, 
trouble;  gøre  ~  give  trouble;  gøre  en  -  put 
one  to  inconvenience,  give  one  trouble;  gøre 
fig  ben  -  at  take  the  trouble  to,  be  at  the 
trouble  of;  gør  $em  ingen  -  don't  put  yourself 
out  (of  the  way);  fomme  til  -  come  at  an  incon- 
venient  time,  give  trouble;  i  eg  inbfer  jeg  lommer 
til  -  I  feel  I  am  lntrudiog;  tomme  i  .  get  into 

tttenMie  e  detriment,  inconvenience,  drawback, 
objection,  take-off,  *  ^  6tgnal  for  -  signal  of 
distress;  be  gjorbe  os  ingen  .  they  offered  us  no 

llli  belig  a  intolerable,  lnsufferable,  excruclat 
lug,  ezquTsite  (paln).    -beb  c  iutolerableness. 

tttibenffa'betig  o  dlspassionate. 

tilig  a  unlike,  pi  (inbbbrbesj  dlssimilar. 

Ulige  a  unequal;  et  .  %ai  an  uneven  el.  odd 
number;  lige  eaer  ~  odd  or  even;  —  »dv  -  lange 
of  unequal  length;  .  ftore  unequal,  of  unequal 
size;  .  ftørce,  bebre  far  greater,  better.  Ulige |> 
armet  a  wlth  unequal  arms.  -artet  u  heteroge- 
neous.  -artetbeb  s  heterogeneousness.  -baaitet 
a  gtom  dlssimilar.  -belenbe  a  arith  aliquant. 
•finnet  ^  imparlpinnate.  -flbet  a  unequal-sided, 
(triangel)  scalene. 

ttligbeb  e  dissimilarlty,  dissimili  tude,  dis- 
pari ty. 

ttlimet  a  ($aptr)  unsixed. 

ttlibilfaar  n  mortal  wound;  fig  gioe  nt  et  . 
strike  at  the  root  of.    -fag  capital  offence. 

Ulf  e  -e  sea  scorpion,  Cottut  tcorjriu*,  (SRatcol) 

llUn  Ulrica. 

lllme  vi  smoulder;  længe  -nbe  9Kt#fornøie(fr 
long  smo uldering  disaffectlon. 

ttlnti'K  c  ul'mlne.    -fbre  ulmic  aoid. 




*W'ae  vi  beoome  tainted. 

Uløttet  a  not  ourly. 

Wøbf  ør'vtclia  a  informel,  irregular,  bad  in  law. 
tltøb'lig  a  unlawral,  illegal,  contrary  to  law. 
ttløbligbeb  e  unlawralneøa,  illegality.  tttøb< 
mst'fla  a  Illegal. 

Ufrit  Ulrich;  p  fige  -  shoot  the  cat.  MHI'a, 
Writ'fe  Ulri'ca. 

ttlrima'tvm  »  ultimatum.    tMtimo  the  last. 

ttlrra  adv  &  c  nltra.  -(c)tø'me  c  uTtraiam. 
•tønferbfltib a ultra-conservative (o.  fl.).  -mart'« 
n ultramarine,  -mønt an a ultramon'tane; eultra- 
mon'tanist.    -moittatttø'ueit  ultramon'tanism. 

tilaget  a  unweeded. 

Hin  c  -e  wolf;  (Sptnb.)  devil,  wllly;  ben  ene  . 
abet  ifle  ben  anben  don  do  not  eat  dogs,  fe 
Saatetlsbet,  Zube.  —  ttfnelagrig  a  wolfish.  -art 
species  of  wolf.  -ebbertøø  wolf  spider,  Lyeota 
ingen*,  -flø  fe  SBoffft.  -føb  club-moss,  wolf  s 
-claw,  Lpeopodium.  -fslbe  wolf -trap.  *-gaape 
large,  full-grown  lynz.  -groa  «  wolf-colonred. 
•grab  plt  for  catohing  wolves;  -e  mil  wolf-holes, 
trap -holes,  trous-de-loup.  -fjnle  wolf  s  den. 
•bnnb  wolf-dog.  knager  wolflsh  el.  yoraclous 
appetite,  med  bulimy,  bulimia.  -jagt  wolf-hunt- 
ing.  -|crger  wolf-hunter.  f-lttattmtfktt  master 
of  the  wolf-hounds.  -leje  wolf  s  lair.  -uøttf 
wolf's  milk,  Euphorbia  (ifsr  E.  he/io»oopia). 
-ram  fe  ftbalteeb.  -faW  wolf- trap.  -fffnb  wolf  s 
skin.  *-f*9  fe  ©oRfl.  -fine  fe  -grab.  -foslg  fe 
Qtanefpalte.  -tanb  wolf  s  tooth,  (paa  ©od)  brlar 
•tooth.  -nage  wolfs  cub.  -»eb  fe  ftaltøeb. 
ttlbln'be  o  she-wolf. 

Itlbjb  e  noise,  clamour. 

ttlb'btg  o  disobedient  (imob  to):  bære  en  - 
disobey  one.    -beb  c  dlsobedience  (imob  to). 

ttlbtte  c  -r  misfortune,  calamity,  disagter; 
bringe  .  bring  fil  luck;  gib  bu  faa  en  .!  a 
plague  upon  you;  fe  8anb;  en  -  tommer  fisiben 
olene  misfortune  never  comes  single  el.  singly, 
it  never  rains  but  it  pours;  -n  er,  at  . .  .  the 
misfortune,  the  worst  of  it  (F  the  mischlef)  is 
that  .  .  .;  fo  for  en  -t  fle  for  shame!  out  upon 
lt!  tyrab  -  er  ber  i  bet?  where  is  the  harm?  i  -n 
under  misfortunes;  bringe  i  -  be  the  cause  of 
one's  misfortune,  bring  trouble  el.  calamity 
upon  one;  anfte  .  ober  en  wish  one  111:  ljan 
giorbe  en  .  paa  flg  felo  he  made  away  with  him- 
self;  lugter  fom  en  .  stinks  like  heil;  til  -  un- 
lucklly,  unfortunately;  til  al  .  as  111  luck  would 
have  it;  bet  bar  til  ~  for  $am  it  was  his  mis- 
fortune; tomme  til  -  meet  with  an  accident;  1jun 
tom  ril  .  og  flog  Spejlet  itu  she  had  the  mis 
fortune  to  break  the  glass.  ttlbftebriugeube  a 
fatal,  bringing  misfortune.  ttlbt'telig  a  (ogf. 
om  frslelfen)  unhappy;  (uljelbifl)  ulucky,  unfor- 
tunate;  (bemt  til  Unbergang)  ill-fated,  hapless, 
devoted;  tøsnbelfe)  disastrous,  calamltous;  gøre 
-  ruin;  pabbe  ostet  -  i  ftsrliatyeb  had  been 
crossed  in  love;  —  adv  enbe  .  falf  out  unlucklly. 
tttyMcligalØ  adv  unfortunately,  unlucklly.  — 
nytteø | aar  year  of  misfortune.  -aftfnrance  fe 
-forfttring.  -barn  child  of  evll  destlny.  -bnbftab 
fatal  news,  bad  news.  -bag  day  of  misfortune. 
•forfirriag  Insurance  against  accidents.  -fagl 
bird  of  ill  omen.  -falle,  -tammrrat  fellow 
sufflerer,  companion  in  misfortune.  -bsnbelfe 
accident,  -profet  prophet  of  evil,  croaker. 
-fiebet  the  scene  of  the  disaster.  -tegn  sign  of 
misfortune.  Uttftrfrtfter  breeder  of  mischlef. 
tttøffef  Itttfslbe  (disastrous)  accident,  casualty. 
ttlttffa'lig  a  disastrous,  infelicitous,  unhappy. 
tUbtf«  ligbfb  o  infelicity,  unhappiness. 

ttlpft  e  dlslike,  disincllnation,  disrellsh,  dis- 
gust,  dlstaste;  gøre  noget  meb  .  do  a  thing 
reluctantly,   with  reluctanoe,  with  little  heart; 

tøbe  .  til  have  a  dlslike  of;  .  til  at  ftrffe  wast 
of  appetite. 

ttlvjfk'eltg  a  unpleaøant.  -p,eb  c  nnpleaaantnes* 

ttls'getig  a  lnourable.  -|eb  c  Incormttlenejv, 

ttlegt  a  nnhealed. 

»Illsttbe    n    rough,    rugged,    impsacticafcfe 
ground.     tltsttbt  a  rough,  rugged,    Impracti 

♦ttlsarelig  a  fe  fiebetøl. 

ttlorb  <i  unlea'med,  unlettered,  illiterate. 

nisrbiSig  a  indocile.    -beb  c  indocility 

ttls'fettoabtgbeb  c  iUiteracy. 

ttlft'fetig  a  Tllegible.    -|eb  c  Hlegibility. 

ttlafft  a  unread. 

nisftefig  a  unquenchable.  ttlørfftt  a  (om  øtoil) 
unslaked,  quick. 

Ulaaaet  a  unpaid;  gratuitous. 

nU'fellg  a  iuBolvable,  (ConfWig^eb)  inextric- 
able.  -|eb  c  Insolvable  nature.  H1aH  «  nn- 

Unsaabe|ølben  a  immoderate,  intempetate. 
-beb  lntemperanoe. 

ttntaa'befig  a  (i  9tbbelfer)  immoderate,  intem- 
perate;  (ooerorbentlia  ftor)  immense,  enormons; 
—  adv  immoderately  etc.  »beb  e  immoderate- 
nei»,  lntemperanoe,  exoess. 

ttataaielig  o  immeasurable,  immensurahle> 
immense.  -b«b  c  immensurabillty,  immensitT 
Q'maalt  a  unmeasured. 

nntag(e)  c  pains,  trouble;  fpttbt  -  labour  in 
vain;  ban  fparebe  ^berten  9enge  eller  -  he  spared 
nelther  labour  nor  expense;  gøre  en  -  put  ane 
to  trouble;  gøre  flg  -  take  pains;  gør  flg  negea 
.  fot  at  is  a  great  pains  to;  giorbe  flg  al  araltg 
«  fot  at  took  every  pains  to;  giorbe  flg  ingen  føn* 
berlig  -  for  at  was  at  no  great  pains  to;  føtø 
man  giorbe  flg  rigtig  ~  if  the  proper  trouble  were 
taken;  bet  er  ifle  -n  bsrbt  lt  is  not  worth  while, 
for  Sem  it  is  not  worth  your  while.  Hauge  vt 
trouble,  incommode;  —  ør  flg  take  (the)  trouble, 
be  at  the  pains;  $bi!  $e  øii  •  3>em  ^en  til  mig 
if  you  will  be  at  the  trouble  of  calling  on  me. 

nmage  a  not  matchlne,  odd. 

ttttta'getig  a  incommodious,  inconvenient,  un- 
comfortable,  uneasy,  (om  6tib)  laboursome,  un 
easy;  —  adv  fibbe  -  be  uncomfortably  aeated; 
ligge  -  titonfrrø  ride  hard.  -beb  e  incommodious- 

tttmagfom  a  troubletome,  harasaing. 

Umalet  a  unpainted. 

ttmanbtg  a  unmanly,  effeminate.  -b;cb  c  us- 
manliness,  efféminacy. 

Umanerlig  a  (uben  SRanerer)  unman*neTly, 
mannerless;  (umaabellg)  immense,  enormous;  mdv 
enormously.    -Ijeb  o  unmannerlinees. 

ttmafteret  a  unmasked. 

tlntberfifl  c  maigre,  Soiama. 

nnsbra(iørb)  c  umber. 

tlmbrer  pi  Umbrians.  ttmbries  n  Umbria. 
ttmbrtff  o  Umbrian. 

nmebbe'lelig  a  incommunicable.  -|rb  c  in- 

tlmebbe'lføm  a  incommunicative.  -beb  c  in- 
communicatl  veness . 

tlmebga'rlig  a  unmanageable,  intractable,  un- 
tractable,  unnegotiable,  heavy  on  band.  -frb 
c  intractableness,  perverseness. 

timebb ol  belig  a  contrary  to  law.  -|eb  c  con- 
trariety  to  law. 

tlmeblibtnbe  a  incompassionate. 

nmrføbiff  a  unmelodious. 

tlmtnnefre  n  monster,  inhuman  wreteb.  — 
nmrnnefteltg  a  Inhuman,    -beb  e  inhumanity. 

tlmeat  a  not  meant,  feigned. 

nmetøbtf!  a  unmethod'ical. 




Umibbelbar  a  immediate,  dtrect;  spontaneous, 
unconscious.  -(eb  o  immediateness;  spontaneity, 
spontaneousness,  unconsciousneas. 

ttmitb  a  harsh,  nnkind,  (8eir)  inclement, 
CJtlima)  ungenial.  .(eb  o  harshneas,  unkindnen, 

ttmUttfltriff  o  unmil'itary. 

tlmia'belig  a  immemorial;  i  el.  fro  -e  Dibet 
time  out  of  mind,  from  Urne  immemorial. 

tlmidførftaa'etig  a  not  to  be  mlsunderstood, 

tlntUtenbetig  a  evident,  unmistakable,  not 
to  be  mistaken. 

ttmifft'elig  a  indlspensable,  absolutely  neces- 
saxy;  fe  Ufortabelig.    -(eb  c  IndlspensablenesB. 

tfmiøtCbelig  a  unequivocal. 

ttmtøtceirreitg  a  (i  begge  8et)  unsuspicious. 
-(eb  e  unsuspiciousness. 

ttmUtfent'fø«  a  unsuspiciouB,  unsuspecting. 
-Jeb  e  unsuspectingness. 

ttntiøtantt  a  unsuspected. 

ttmifnnbt  a  unenvied. 

tlntoben  a  unripe,  (mefk  fig)  immature.  -(eb  e 

ttntøberliga  unmotherly. 

ttmoaartift  a  antlmonaroblcal. 

ttmøralft  a  immoral. 

ttntoriørret  a  gratuitous,  uncalled  for. 

ttntn'lig  o  imposslble;  jeg  Ion  iRe  gate  bet  -e 
I  cannot  do  Imposalbilities;  forfor  ftutbe  bet 
»ære  -t  at?  wbere  is  the  impossibility  of?  —  adv 
bu  (An  -  øoa  ub  you  cannot  posslbly  stir  out. 
-gare  vt  render  imposslbie,  forbid.  -(eb  o  -et 

umnfifalfT  a  unmu'sical;  (om  ftacfon)  no  mu- 

ttnt(abig  a  not  of  age,  under  age;  ffan  er  - 
be  la  a  mfnor,  be  is  not  of  age;  Bar  ffiult  bette 
for  be  bife  og  forflanbige  og  aabenbaret  bet  for  be 
-e  bitd  bast  bid  these  things  from  the  wiae  and 
prudent  and  bast  revealed  tbem  unto  babee; 
gate  -  ■■  -gøre  vt  declare  one  incapable  of 
managing  bis  affaire.  -(eb  c  minority,  nonage. 
-(ebøtilftanb  b.  f.:  fætte  i  .,  fe  Umtytblggfre. 

ttmnnteft  a  uncoined. 

ttutalenbe  a  not  having  tbe  power  of  epeeeh, 
dumb;  -  Dbr  dumb  animal,  brute;  be  -  D(r 
the  lower  animals. 

ttntorrteltg  a  imperceptible,  insenaible;  un- 
remarkable;  adv  imperceptibly.  -(eb  o  imper- 
ceptibility.    tt'nuerfet  a  unmarked. 

ttmet'tctig  a  insatiable,  unsatiate,  ca«m  in- 
aaturable.    -|eb  c  insatiableness. 

ttaublerei  a  unfurnished. 

Uwunttt  a  uncoined. 

ttntar  a  (ftatt)  not  sufflciently  burnt. 

tinaabe  c  disgrace,  disfavour,  falbe  i  -  be  dis- 
graoed,  incur  disgrace;  folbe  i  -  (ol  lncur  tbe 
diagrace  of;  boire  i  -  be  in  disgraoe,  under  a 
cloud;  bore  i  -  (oft  be  out  of  Javour  witb;  bare 
i  -  beb  hoffet  be  in  disgraoe  (disfavour)  at  court. 
ttaaabig  a  ungracious. 

Unational  a  antinational. 

ttnatnr  c  fe  ttnaturtig(eb.  —  ttnatnrfig  a  un- 
nat'ural,  contrary  to  nature,  preternatural;  (om 
Stilen)  forced;  tøoataøet)  aflected.  -(eb  o  un- 
nat'uralness,  contrariety  to  nature;  foroedness; 

ttaaa  o  unau,  two-toed  slotb,  Bradypm  di- 

ttaebnl  ginen  a  not  named,  anonymous;  en  - 
an  anonymous  writer.  "tugtig  a  renownless, 
unrenowned,  fameless,  obscure.  -Innbig|eb  o 
want  of  renown,  lncelebrity. 

Uncial  e  -er  uncial  (letter). 
*Unba(f)  ado  aslde,  away,  back. 

ttnbbrage  vt  &  r  (en  [noget])  withdraw,  take 
(away  [from]),  deprlve  (of);  .  en  fra  Sttaf  screen 
one  from  punisbment;  —  vr  ~  fig  (fra)  avoid, 
sbun,  (fin  $Iigt  o.  I.)  shirk,  evade.  -Ife  e  with- 

Unbe,  -te,  -t  vi  not  grudge  el.  envy,  be  pleased 
with;  (forunbe)  allow,  grant;  iRe  -  grudge;  jeg 
-x  (am  ban<  fipRe  I  do  not  grudge  el.  envy  nis 
good  fortune,  I  am  pleased  witb  bis  good 
fortune;  •  en  bet  bebjie  wish  one  eyery  succes«; 
•r  fig  ingen  $bi(e  gives  himself  no  rest;  bet  tx 
Drat  bel  *bt  you  are  welcome  to  it. 

ttnbe'cime  o  x  eieventh. 

ttnbentag  n  fe  Vftargt. 

ttnber  *  -e  (+pl »)  wonder,  marvel,  prodigy; 
bet  er  intet  -  it  is  no  wonder;  beb  et  -  by  a 

ttnber  præp  (i  Kim.)  under:  .  20  Var  under 
twenty;  .  Oefaliua  af  under  the  command  of; 
~  2)oø*  Dato  under  tbis  date;  .  15be  8e6ruar 
under  date  February  15,  .  Øirma  .  .  .  under  the 
firm  of  .  .  .;  -  Soifcnbling  under  deliberation; 
.  9orm))nber1fa6  under  guardlansbip;  troebe  . 
Øebber  tread  under  foot;  -  Qaanb  og  @eg(  under 
(my  etc.)  band  and  seal;  -  $immelen  under 
neaven;  -  3orbm  underground;  .  SaaS  oø  fiuRe 
under  lock  and  key;  -  ©enfCatø  TOofte  under 
tbe  mask  of  friendabip;  (an  ftttber  .  fit  eget 
92abn  be  writes  under  (amr  over)  bis  own  signa- 
ture;  .  bisfe  Omf)ombig(ebet  under  tbese  circum- 
stances;  boere  _  Sejl  be  under  way;  -  Sengen 
under  the  bed;  traf  (am  frem  -  Sengen  dragged 
bim  from  under  the  bed;  bet  er  .  fttanb  it  is 
under  water;  —  (tun  om  Steb)  underneatb;  — 
(Steb,  Slang,  fortrin)  beneatb,  below;  _  9tul 
below  zero;  (an  er  -  mig  (i  Sang,  Rummer  ofb.) 
be  is  below  me,  he  is  inferlor  to  xne;  bet  er  . 
min  8arbig(eb  it  is  beneath  me;  gifte  ftø  -  ftn 
Stanb  marry  beneath  one's  self;  —  (om  Zib) 
d uring:  -  ftrigen  durlng  the  war;  .  SNbbogØi 
maaltibet  during  dinoer,  .  ftonø  greberif  ben  3bje# 
Reøerinø  during  el.  in  the  relgn  of  Frederik  the 
Third;  —  in:  .  $relfen  in  the  press;  -  aaben 
^immel  in  the  open  air;  (abe  ~  jamber  have  in 
band;  -  ©aaben  in  arms;  .  Obgning  in  (the) 
course  of  construction  el.  erection,  being  bullt; 
—  amids t:  -  SMoRemei  ftlanø  amidst  tbe  ring- 
ing  of  belle;  .  golfrt«  Subelroab  amidst  the 
acclamation  of  the  people;  —  by:  (an  gif  ~ 
92abnet  91.  he  went  by  the  name  of  N.;  —  on: 
•  *b(«)  Zilbnb  on  (el.  upon)  oath;  meb  ftone  og 
Datter  ~  Vrmen  with  wlfe  and  daughter  on 
bis  arms;  .  ben  Qeringelfe  at  . . .  on  condition 
that  . . .;  -  Straf  af  on  pain  of;  —  to:  iottte  - 
Boterinø  put  to  the  vote;  tomme  -  *uftion»- 
(ammeren  go  to  the  hammer;  tilftribe  en  et  Breo 
.  Vbrelfe  .  . .  write  one  a  letter  to  the  addres* 
of  .  . .;  —  at;  .  en  fBintel  af  at  an  angle  of;  — 
(anbreVfaaber):.  ftorfttrhtøec  om  fin  ttft(Ibiø(eb 
protesting  his  innocence;  .  en  Stram  af  Snarer 
(while)  sheddiug  a  torrent  of  tears;  -  eet  col- 
lectively,  together;  —  adv.  qaa  -  belost,  founder; 
ber  Uøøer  noget  .  there  is  something  behiud,  at 
the  bottom  of  this;  —  (fe  berberne). 

ttnberafbelinø  c  subdivision,  subsection. 

ttnberaøeut  o  sub-agent,  under-agent. 

ttnberanfiøt  n  lower  part  of  the  face;  (3nf.) 

ttnber | arm  o  foreann,  lower  arm.  -tmaøbolb 
(9ri(tet)  underhånd  bowling. 

ttnberart  o  sub-species. 

ttnberbalance  o  deficit;  en  .  af  a  deficit  of. 

ttnber|barawonderful,  wondrous,  marvellou^, 
miraculouB.  -barn  wonderful  chlld,  wonder  el. 
prodigy  of  a  chlld,  infant  phenomenon. 

♦ttnber | befal  «  —  -6efalinø*manb. 




ttnbertefattngftinanb  c  subordinate  el.  petty 

ttnberbenrTeber  fe  Unberbufter. 

ttnberbcriber  c  rough-rider. 

nnberbrtjeat  e  onder -officer,  inferior  func- 

ttnbertitttotefar  c  sub-llbrarian,  asslstant 

ttnbrrbib  *  the  lower  teeth  Juttlng  out  beyond 
the  apper. 

+ttnbertilleb  n  ptet  wonderful  picture  el. 

tt«brrbinb|e  vt  tie  (up),  take  up.  -ing  c  liga- 

ttnbertloatft  c  marvel  of  Peru,  Mirabilu 

ttnberiiøf  o  lower  block. 

ttttberbons  c  (p.  8oan)  thiU. 

ttnbrrJomtet  c  ^  drabler. 

ttaberborb  »  (to.  fUafebæla)  bottom-board. 

ttnbetbrafer  p*  &  lower  biraces. 

•ttnberbrng  «  appurtenance,  appendage. 

ttnbertnb  n  offer  below  the  price  flxed;  lower 
offer  el.  bid. 

ttnberbitaaatTbittgeT  pi  lower  buntlines. 

ttnbrrbnffer  pi  drawers. 

ttnberbbbe  vt  underbid'. 

ttaberbnglge  vt  (f.  9fl.  et  Utonnmevt)  build  a 
substructure  for,  build  ander  (a  monument); 
fig  gronnd.  -nlng  c  substructure,  underbuildlng, 
under  Alling. 

nnberbafet  « :  meb  -ebe  Øen  croas-legged. 

tttnbrrban  c  fe  ttnberfoat. 

ttnbrrba'nig  a  submissive;  ttetH  -fte  Xjenet 
your  most  humble  el.  most  obedient  servant; 
gøre  fig  en  -  reduce  one  to  subjection-  3  Jftrtnber, 
bcerer  eberft  tCgtemsnb  -e  bibl  ye  wives,  be  In 
subjectlon  to  your  own  husbands.  -|eb  o  (tinbet« 
aibenteb)  subjection;  (tybmbgbeb)  submlsslon,  de- 

ttnberbfjlig  a  admlrably  beautiful.  wonder- 
fully  flue,  (Tun  om  ftruent.)  paasing  fair. 

ttnberbfl  fe  fteberbel;  -  af  6ejl  &  foot  of  a 

ttnbcrbeling  o  subdivision. 

ttttbrrbønsinant  c  aub-dominant. 

ttnberbommer  e  inferior  judge. 

ttnberbømftot  c  lower  court. 

+ttabtrbrag  n  fe  nnberbønning. 

-tttnberbragt  c  under  garments. 

ttabrrlbrejeret  ^  Jeer,  jear.  -brejercbftMøf 
Jeer  block  (o.  £.).  -brejet  a  hore-to;  ligge  -  lie 
-to,  be  hove-to.    -bredning  hearing-to. 

+ttnberbrøt  c  fe  ttnbertonge. 

tlaberbtne  c  under  featherbed. 

nnberbe?  *  lower  deck. 

ttnberb*nning  c  ground-swell. 

ttaberbar  c  lower  door. 

ttnbercfgtremitfter  pi  nether  extremitles. 

nnbrrenbe  o  heel. 

ttnber|fa(b  n  water  passing  beneath  the  wheel. 
•falbi*  undenhot.  —  ttnberfalbg |||nl  undenhot 
-wheel.  -ttt*Hff  undersbot-mill.  -toa»b  fe  ttnber* 

ttnberfawilie  c  sub-mmily. 

ttnberfangle  vt  (Cpøn.)  underpin.  -»tag  c 

ttnberfeft  n  (fBæb.)  bottom  of  the  warp. 

ttnberfeUberre  c  second  In  command. 

ttaber fUbe  o  under  el.  lower  surmce,  base. 

ttnbrrfober  n  lining. 

ttnberføgefe  c  under-baililf. 

ttnbrrforc  rt  line. 

ttttbfrfsratanb  e  (f.  Srb.)  second  foreman. 

ttnberførjlaa  tt  understand,  supply,  imply, 
bet  -•  at  fRanben  enbnn  feber  lt  must  be  under- 

stood  that  the  man  Is  still  alire.  -effc  c  nb- 
audition,  implication;  meb  -  af  at  with  a  sul- 
audition  that. 

ttnbrrførbattcr  c  submanager. 

ttnberfrafte  c  under  coat. 

ttnberfnlb  a  wonderful,  maryelloua,  wondrous. 

-^ttnberfaab  c  fe  ttttberfuitbtgteb. 

ttnberfan'big  a  crafty,  cunning,  distna^eanons 
•|eb  e  craft,  cunning. 

ttabergaa  tt  undergo',  sufler,  pass  through; 
t«t  fe  Qtaa  unber. 

ttabergaarbingcr  pi  4,  lower  buntUnes  and 

HnbeVgang  o  destmction,  ruin,  (om  6tf>)  los; 
»tet  til  .  doomed;  bære  fht  .  watt  be  on  the 
verge  of  ruin;  ile  fin  -  imabe  go  to  min. 

ttnbergotbin  n  outside  curtain. 

ttnbergarhier  o  under-gardener. 

ttnbcrgebalHg  a  below  the  standard. 

nnbCTlgeming  fe  -bar!. 

ttnberlgibe  vt  subject  (to);  baece  noget  et.  sages 
•n  be  subject  to  somethlng  el.  somebody.  -gfM 
o  -bne  Inferior;  øæte  mtlb,  baatb  mob  fhte  -b«r  be 
kind,  harsh  to  one's  inferiors.  -gibes|rb  c  sub- 
jeotlon,  submisaion. 

nnberaib|tøb  n  4,  clew-gamet.  -tobJftlsf  due 
-garnet  block. 

tlnbcrgførb  e  girth. 

ttnbcrgøbg  n  lower  rigging. 

ttnbergrab|e  vt  undermine,  aap,  underpinion; 
-  Ørnnbbolben  sap  the  foundation;  -enbe  a 
destructive.    -nlng  c  underminlng. 

ttnbergraber  c  under-sexton. 

ttvbetlgniKb  o  subsoil.  -gm«bs>Iøb  subsoil 
plough.  -grnnbgplajning  subsoil  ploughing,  sob- 

ttnbcrgrapbe  c  sub-group. 

ttnbergnb  c  inferior  god,  under-god. 

ttnbergnmb  o  lower  part  of  the  rump. 

H*ber|gen  c  under  yeast.    -gatret  a  ptodueed 
by  sedimentary  fermentation,    -gceriaf  c  sedi 
mentarr  fermentation,  fermentation  from  below, 
•gotgal  beer  fermented  from  below. 

ttabtr|g*Teabe  a  wonder-working,  minoulous. 
-gåret  o  -e  miraole-worker. 

ttnberb^ian'ben  ode  prlrately,  under  nand;  bet 
ftal  fslgel  .  it  is  to  be  dlsposed  of  by  tender. 

ttuberbale  vt  ^  underrun;  .  golfer  og  SCsbet 
board  tacks  and  abeeto. 

n*berb)ali  c  lower  part  of  the  neck;  ■£,  lower 

ttnberlaable  vi  negoclate,  treat,  mako  tema 
(with).  »tåstier  c  negodator.  -|smkfim{  e 
negociation;  floor  i  •  om  Skort  af  is  in  treaty 
for  the  purchase  of. 

ttnberbsbfnbe  p/  inferiors. 

ttnbrr|abØIcbuing  o  submarine  oable. 

ttnbcrllølb  n  support,  maintenanoe,  subsistence; 
.  i  fattighus  in-maintenanoe;  rjrnet  ftt »  eams  his 
livelihood.  -bølbe  vt  support,  maintain,  suatain, 
subslst;  (more)  entertain;  -  fig  meb  en  conTerse 
with  one;  -nbe  a  entertaintng.  -bolbatna  c  fe 
ttnberbolb;  entertainment,  contersation.  -|alb< 
ningibibrag  subsistence-money,  (til  fcafKtt^nirni) 

ttnberbøbtb  n  (poa  6Infe)  tail-bay;  Onf.)  under 
side  of  tne  head. 

tlnberlnb  c  under-skin. 

ttnberdng  n  (p.  %it)  flrst  course. 

ttnberbngU  o  (Xsmt.)  under-bevelling. 

ttnberlni  n  Lower  House,  (Sngt)  House  of 
Commons,  amr  House  of  Representatives. 

tlnberilte  n  subozide. 

ttnberiagt  c  chase  of  small  game. 

nuberfamfm  o  under  housekeeper. 




Haner  |  forben  fe  Unberoerben.  -forbiø  o  subter- 
r&nean,  subterraneous,  underground;  .  $&æltring 
el.  ftirre  crypt;  be  -e  Øuber  the  infernal  deities; 
be  -e  the  elves,  the  good  people.  -forbi  a 

ttnberlabbt  c  cuddy. 

ttnberfanønér  c  ^  gunner's  mate. 

ttnberfant  c  under  side;  under  el.  lower  edge. 

ttnberlafte  vt  k  r  (tøifHOf  til;  finbe  fig  i)  sub- 
mit  (to);  -  fifl  (rn,  nt)  subject  one's  seli  (to); 
nette  -t  be  subject  el.  subjected  to;  fcbibl  -t  open 
to  doubt;  er  ingen  Ibiol  -t  admits  of  no  doubt. 
-Ife  e  robjection,  submisBlon. 

ttnbertenbe  vt  revene  el.  quash  (a  sentence), 
overrule,  dlsaffirm.    -Ife  c  reversal. 

UaberTlrarg  c  assistant-surgeon. 

Unbert  jøte  c  undertkirt,  gown. 

ttnbertlagfe  o  lower  class;  (ftaturb.)  sub-class. 

ttnberflotfc  c  under-petticoat. 

ttnberrtørlfbre  perchlorlc  oxide.  -f^prttag  hypo- 

Unber  |H«brr  pi  under-garmests.  -ftabning  o 
gult  of  under-garments. 

ttaberto!  c  under  cook. 

ttnbertonae  c  petty  el.  subject  klng. 

Uttbertøttfrrntt*r  o  asøjøtant  constructor. 

Uabertop  c  saucer. 

Unbertorbøral  c  corporal. 

Unbertraft  c  miracuious  power. 

Uaberlrabe  c  stomacher. 

ttabertrøp  «  lower  part  of  the  body. 

ttnberrrbbi  *  ($m»~)  croso-tail. 

Unbertne  vi  subdue,  subjugate;  (i  8ce!*t)  stunt. 
-Ife  e  suJection,  subjugatlon. 

nnberlnwte  o  false  collar. 

Unber|t<ebe.  -!«be  c  lower  el.  nether  jaw. 
.fabelen  inferior  maxlllary  bone. 

UnberUte  vt  (befrHie)  bribe;  (folffe  Bibner) 

nnbertørfel  c  (b.  teater  o.  t)  veranda. 

ttnbertabet  a  (røtoe)  undercharged  (mine). 

UnberUg  »  (*W  noget)  underlaver,  support;  (af 
3orb  oto.)  substratum;  (t.  Stribning)  writing-pad; 
(unbet  fiøbning)  dunnage;  (nnber  t)amsm.)  sleepers 
pi;  (t.  fclbbebrø)  floatlDg-pier,  (unbet  $anfer)  back- 
ing; (i  JBørnefeng)  bedguard;  (unber  Ørcetftang) 
glut,  fulcrum;  typ  underlay;  fe  Unbergrunb;  Unber« 

Unberlagea  n  bottom  sneet. 

ttnber(agf|*labe  typ  imposing-stone,  press 
-■tone,  fundament,  -frrø  stocks.  -trenfe  bri- 

Unbertegea  a  Inferior  (to) .  overmatched,  (i  Øntal) 
outnnmbered.    -|eb  c  inferiority. 

Unberlent  «  nether  llmb. 

Unberfen  «  arriere-flef. 

ttnberltg  a  Strange,  sJngular.  odd,  queer;  t  — 
forunberlig;  en  -  fcbt  *  queer  cnap;  bor  noget  -  af 
fig  seemed  Strange  In  his  ways;  -t  not  for  a 
wonder;  Segn  og  -e  Øerninger  signs  and  wonders; 
fe  fcilmobe. 

Unberlig  «,  pi  — ,  ^  (af  Sejl)  foot,  (lob)  foot 

-tUnbcrttgge  vi  fe  Sigge  unber. 

Unberlliggenbe  part  (nrbenfoc  ttagenbe)  subjn- 
cent;  (fom  porer  til)  belonglng  to,  dependent  on. 

•ligger  e  nether  millstone. 

tnbrrligf)eb  c  strangeness,  singularity,  oddlty. 

Unbertib  n  belly,  abdomen;  (Srtøbningiftblfe) 
slip-body.  QnberlibA'  abdominal,  hypogastrlc. 
Uaberfiblbetaabelfe  gastritis. 

Unberlaie  c  under  lip;  Onfeft«)  labium;  (». 
Crfibé)  labellum. 

Uabei  laber  n  under-leather. 

Uuberlcrge  c  assistant  surgeon. 

Unberlagge  vt  underlay';  subject  to,  assign 

to;  -  et  JDtb  en  fBetbbning  put  a  constructlon  on 
a  word;  .  fig  subdue;  øste  en  -lagt  be  subiect 
to  one;  Glatningen  er  -lagt  Qforfangeligfcb  6**6^ 
the  creature  was  made  subject  to  vanity.  -(fe 
e  underlaying  etc.;  subjection. 

nnberloerer  o  -e  usher,  assistant-teacher. 

ttnberlotfejl  %  &  lower-studdingsall.  —  Unber* 
(otfejld | agterboler  c  lower-studdingsall  boom. 
•falb  lower-studdingsall  halyard.  -forbøler  lower 
-studdingsail  boom  fore-guy. 

UnberUb  «  covered  channel. 

Unber|Ube  vt  become  eztravasated;  -t  (iBlob) 
extravasated  blood;  -t  meb  ©lob  livid  from 
extravasated  blood;  -nbe  o  ^jul  wheel  paaslng 
under  the  body  of  the  carrlage.  •Ithtt  (sfttxnb.) 

ttnberUftnant  c  sublieutenant. 

Unber|ntaal  n  urder  measure,  not  full  meaaure, 
short  measure,  deflciency  (in  measure).  -mader 
c  one  who  li  below  the  standard;  Inferior  person, 
second-rate  nand,  understrapper. 

Unbermanb  c  inferior,  underllng. 

ttnberlntaffintfl,  J,  -ntafWnntefler  c  aasiitant 

Unbermail  c  ^  lower  mast. 

Unbernteterifk  c  assløtant-manager  of  a  dairy. 

Uttberateiftr  o  &  under-master,  master's  mate. 

Unbemtiner|e  vt  undermine,  sap.  -ing  « under- 
mlning  etc. 

Unberwnle  e  [p.  91intelaa<)  lower  lip  of  the 

Unbemittttb  e  lower  part  of  the  month,  under 

nnberwnnberittg  o  kit. 

ttabcraoTØfctl  n  lower  topøail. 

ttabemebea  adv  {*præp)  below. 

Unbemab  n  under  part  of  the  bill. 

Unbcr|øfficér  o  non-commiisloued  officer,  ^ 
(opj)  petty  officer.    -øfflcér§fn»r  chevron. 

Unberøftab  o  sub-octave. 

nnberorben  o  sub-order. 

Unber|ørbne  vt  (fig)  subordlnate  (one's  self)  to; 
•orbnet  o  &  o  subordlnate,  a  (ringe)  humble; 
(nbigrig)  minor,  Becondary.  -ørbnen,  -ørbnelfe, 
-ørbning  o  subordination. 

Unbcrbant  n  mortgøge. 

Unber^art  fe  ftebrrbel. 

Unber^iante  vt  plant  under. 

nnber jtri*  o:  til  .  at  a  sacriflce. 

Unberraa  e  lower  yard. 

nnberraffr  c  -t  ^  trasa-paml. 

nnberranb  o  lower  edge,  (Solen«)  lower  llmb. 

Unberrebet  part  d>  (QaU)  boarded  (tack). 

Unberrejf  o  under-hoop. 

Unberret  o  inferior  el.  lower  court  of  law  el. 

Unberrerning  o  -er  intelligence,  information; 
intimation;  Hl  .  for  for  the  information  of. 

ttaberretøbønsmrr  o  judge  of  an  inferior  court. 

Unberrette  (om)  vt  Inform,  acquaint,  apprise 
(of);  .  fejl  misinform,  neget  fejl  -t  greatly  mls- 
lnformed;  -  en  om  at  Inform  one  that. 

Unberriber  o  ^  rider. 

Unber|rnnt  n  room  on  the  ground  floor;  <k 
lower  hold.    -mntéfUtUr  ^  hold-stanchloni. 

Unberlfaat  c  -ter  subject;  joc  -terne  the  under- 
standings,  supporters,  -faatlig  a  f.  *t«.  mine  -e 
pligter  my  du  ties  as  a  subject;  fyin  er  Meoen  loft 
af  ftt  -e  ftorQolb  til  ffongen  af  ofø.  he  has  been 
absolved  from  his  connection  as  a  subject  with 
the  king  of  etc. 

UnbeTfalbrtrrfftre  c  nitric  peroxide. 

Unber  (fejl  n  £,  course,  lower  sail.  -fejWgobfet 
the  gear  of  the  courses. 

ttnberfetrrtar  c  under-secretary. 

Unberfibe  c  under  side. 




UnberffMl  c  saucer. 

ttabtrffaare*  a  typ  kerned. 

ttnberftibf  t  n  the  immersed  part  of  the  shlp's 

body  el.  hull. 

ttaberfflbølæge  o  asslstant  surgeon. 

ttnterffiørte  e  under  shirt. 

ttaaerffortoe  c  under  cruit. 

Unberffob  c  underwood. 

Baser  Iftrift  e  signature;  eoenfoenbig  -  sign 
manual;  uttrn  -  unBlgned.  -flritoe  vt  sign,  fia 
endorse.  -Uriner  c  signer,  -ffritmiag  c  slgning, 

ttnberflnb  *  deficit  (paa  of). 

ttaberfftobe  vt  fe  Unberfttne;  +-  flg  slip  in, 
creep  in. 

ttaberflføOe  vt  undermine. 

ttnberfiøbe  n  lower  sheet. 

ttaberftan  a  fe  -bejltg. 

ttnberfUrt  »  petticoat. 

ttabcrifla«  vt  appropriateunlawfully,  embexile; 
J,  (et  6ejl)  bend  (a  sail).  -flag  «  (Xømr.)  travene; 

ttnberflatogaarbtng  c  J,  slab-line. 

ttnberffob  n  embezzlemeut,  peculation,  mal- 
versation,  defalcation;  J,  barratry. 

ttaberftoil  «  4,  lower  capstan. 

ttaberfi  a  k  adv  undermost,  lowermost,  lowest, 
(af  to  lower);  -e  Batteri  lower  gun-deck;  —  adv 
at  the  bottom. 

ttnberftas  flg  vr  presume,  dåre,  have  the 

ttaberfag  n  lower  stay.  -fejl  lower  stay- 

ttnberftalbmefrer  c  under-equerry. 

ttaserjlantme  c  stæk. 

ttnberfiang  o  topmast. 

nnberftatbolber  o  deputygovernor. 

Unserftattfetretar  c  under-secretary  of  state. 

ttRberftea  c  nether  mlll-stone. 

ttnberftiaer  c  min  underground  manager. 

ttaaerftirte  vt  lnsert  surreptitiously,  fbrge; 
•{tuttet  ©ret),  Dofuraent  a  supposititious  el.  sub- 
■tltuted  letter,  deed. 

ttttberfrregle  vt  underline,  underscore.  -Bing 
c  underlining  etc. 

ttnberfrrtogle  vt  coat,  give  a  coating.  -«t«g  e 
coating  etc. 

ttaberftram  c  under-current,  under-tow. 

ttKberftramtoe  o  under-stocking. 

ttaberftaftet  o  fe  -fritte. 

ttnøertmtfe  n  bottom  piece. 

ttnbertørmaKø  e  second  mate. 

ttaberfiatlte  vt  (ftøtte)  prop;  Aff  support,  suc- 
cour,  assist,  second,  back,  (meb  »enge  ogf.) 
substdize;  -be  Zeatre  subventioned  tneatres. 
»*i»g  c  -er  propping;  prop,  support,  -telfe  c  -r 
support,  aid,  assistance,  succour,  supply;  offentlig 

-  a  grant  in  aid.  —  ttnberfUttelfe* aaftalt  ohari- 
table  institution.  -fon*  beneflt  fund.  -forening 
beneflcent  society,  oharlty  orgauisation  society; 
(geaftbig)  beneflt  society,  provident  Institution, 
•»nnft  fulorum.    ttnbrrfUtter  c  -e  supporter. 

Unberf&o»l|ftore,  -fnrttng  fe  Soo&lunber«. 

+ttuberfbft  a  marveMovIng. 

ttnberffltbig  a  $  inférlor,  hypogynous. 

ttaberfalge  vt  undersell'. 

ttaberffftaing  o  minor  (proposition). 

ttaberfetftg  a  square-built  el.  set,  square. 
-Des  e  squareness  of  flgure. 

+ttaberf*  o  fe  nnberbøimtng. 

ttnberfage  tt  examine  (into),  investigate,  in- 
auire  into,  search  into,  look  lnto;  (fonbere)  probe; 

-  poanp  re-examine;  .  n»|e  seratlnLse,  scan,  over- 
haul;  (uletibte  Sgne)  explore;  (om  Zolbb.)  search. 
-ffc  c  -r  examlning  etc.,  examlnatlon,  investiga- 
tion,  inqulry,   scrutiny,   search;   anftitte  -  om 

inquire  into;  foretage  en  .  set  on  foot  an  inqui 
el.  investigation.  —  ttaberfagelfe*!  barn  mer  i 
quisitor.  -cWtoebttiø«  explorlng  expeditio 
-tantmtåflOK  investigation  committee,  commi 
sion  of  lnquiry.  -rejfe  explorlng  Journey  « 
(Hloanbl)  voyage.  ttaberfager  c  -e  inquire 
ezamlner;  ($attigo.)  dlstrict  visltor. 

Unberfsift  a  submarine. 

ttnbertag  «  grasp  under  the  arma  (In  wra 


ttabertaKb  c  lower  tooth. 

tinaer | regne  vt  fe  Unberftribe;  -be  the  und« 
signed;  -t  signed.    -tegner  c  signer,    -tegniag 

ttnberti  be«  adv  aometimes,  at  times. 

UttbertUel  o  sub-tiUe. 

Uabertolblfrjeat  c  Customs*  officer  of  an  10 
ferior  degree. 

nnberto^Ienter  pi  %t  lower  lifts. 

nabertraab  c  (6bm.)  lower  thread. 

ttnbertreafe  c  bridoon. 

ttKaertrtoRe  vt  (tbæle)  stifie:  (HlboøeQotbe,  tvin%t 
restrain,  repress;  (»reb.  »og  o.  I.)  snppres* 
(Opror)  crush,  suppress;  (fortælle)  oppreas.  -«! 
telfe  c  x  suppression;  (af  en  mægtigere  ofp.)  op 
pression,    -tratter  e  -e  oppressor. 

+nn»ertr*ffe  ti  &U  short  of. 

ttnbertraje  o  -t  under-jacket. 

naberltbiagc  vt  subdue,  subjngate,  (ogf.  fig. 
fiøfl  o.  I.)  conquer.  -tbingelfe  o  subdning  etc . 
subjection,  subjugation.  -tbtaget  c  -t  subduer, 

tinbertf  f  n  under  garments,  under-clothing. 

ttnberbanbø'  submarine.    -ff«r  sunken  rock 

ttnbervant  n  J,  lower  rigglng. 

n«ber»arme  o  bottom  heat. 

nnberbei*  adv  on  cl.  by  the  way,  on  the  road, 
(om  Ȍbning)  on  the  water. 

ttnberverbe«  o  lower  el.  infernal  regions  pi. 

n«ben»eft  o  under-waistcoat. 

ttnbertittbae  n  lower  part  of  the  window. 

Unberoifle  vt  instruct  (oue  in  st),  teach  (one 
st);  ab$  give  lessons;  -  i  Stoler  teach  dasses. 
•King  ø  instruction;  gtbe  -  give  lessons;  inbbtjtbrt 
.  mutual  Instruction.  —  tt«ber»i»ttittg*|flttf»iU 
edncational  establishment,  -fag  branch  of  learn- 
ing.  -in\ptlt$x  inspector  of  schools.  -iotale 
class-room.  -maabe.  -metobe  methodof  instruc- 
tion, -materiel  edncational  apparatus.  -mini« 
fterittm  mlnistry  of  instruction,  -totalt  course 
e(.  system  of  instruction.  «fl|ftefK  system  of  i. 
•tine  hour  of  instruction,  lesson.  -bKfeaet 
education,  educational  matters. 

ttnberbogtt  e  under-carriage. 

nnberøoibøbige  n  small  dike  in  front  of  a 

larger  one. 

ttnber»nrber|e  or  underrate,  under-estimat e, 
undervalue.  -ing  o  underrating,  undervaluation, 

ttttberlbægt  c  under -weight,  short  welght, 
light  welght.    -b*g«g  a  being  underweight. 

ttnberøArt  n  wonder,  miracle;  »etben!  fø&  er 
the  seven  wonders  of  the  world. 

ttttberanbriag  o  amendment  of  an  amend- 

ttnberttrmc  n  under-sleeve. 

ttttbtrabrig^eb  o  lower  magistrate. 

Unbfalbe  vt  (all  from,  escape;  forsake,  abandon. 

nabfange  vi  &  t  conceive.  -Ife  c  -t  concep- 

UubfCto  (+«nbfitogte)  vt  k  i  escape;  vt  (subgu) 
evade,  elude;  (ftp)  8 hun,  avold. 

Ilttbfttttoe  vt  escape  (by  filght). 

Htib|gaa  vt  (fltt)  shun,  avoid,  esebøw;  (unbflD^ 
escape,  evade,  elude;  (itte  6emcertrl  of)  escape; 




i«  ieø  fan  -  bet  if  I  can  help  it.    •gtt'elig  a 
oidable.    -gaa'eligbeb  c  possibility ofavoidtng. 
ttnbøøf  fa>c  ©f  pay,  suffer,  smart  (for),  pay  the 
»naltv  of;  —  vi  for,  b.  f.    -ffe  e  retrlbution. 
ttnbt'mc  c  -t  undine,  ondine. 
Hnbtom|«e  os  escape  (af  from),  make  good 
ie'ø  eecape.    -fl  c  escape. 
ttablafcc  of  omlt,  forbear;  fail  (lun  meb  to). 
(e  c  -r  omission. 
ttubtitte  vt  klll,  slay. 
Unbløfc-c  vi  escape,  nm  away. 
tinøre  vt  surprise,  astonlsh;  bette  -be  mig  this 
arprised   me;   —  +o»   fe  -  flg ;  —  *  imp  bet  -r 
lig  at  I  wonder,  I  am  astonlshed  that;  bet  maa 
fe  .  $em  you  must  not  be  surprised;  _  fig  or; 
i  vd  fouer)  wonder,  marvel,  be  surprised  (at); 
et  et  tf  Te  at  -i  over  it  is  not  to  be  wondered  at; 
-    -nbe  a  wondering,  astonlshed.     ttnbren  c 
ronder,  astonishment. 
-+ftnørtoe  vt  snatch,  rescue  from. 
ttnbjfe  fifl  or  (oeb,  for)  be  ashamed  (of),  blush 
at,  for);  .  flg  beb  at  be  ashamed  to.     -fe'lig  a 
mohful,   shy,  shamemced;  .  over  ashamed  of. 
'fetlfe,  -fe'ltgbeb  e  bashfulness;  ubeit  -feelfe  un- 

ttubflge  vt  defy,  threaten  with  deadly  reyenge. 
»Ife  c  deflance,  etc. 

Uablflblbe  of  excuse  tøo*  ef.  for  en  to  one), 

sxculpate;   ~  flg  excuse  one's  self,  apologize, 

make  an  apology  el.  make excuses;  -  fifl  for  nt  (font 

man  tør  gjort)  excuse  one's  self  for  st,  (font  man 

iffe   ønftet   at  gøre)  from  st;  -  flg  meb  plead; 

-tabe,  tyolbe  en  -bt  hold  one  excused;   Jeg  bil 

4a*e  Dem  -bt  poa  Ørunb  af  ...  I  excuse  you  on 

account  of  .  . .;  unbftblbl  I  bes  your  pardon; 

•ftnlbenbe   a   apologetioal;    (formilbenbe)    ex- 

tenuatlng.      -fWbcftg    a    excusable,    venial. 

-ffbtbning  o  -er  excuse,  apology;  exculpation; 

baarlig,  tom  .  poor,  lame,  excuse;  til  .  for  in 

excuse  of;  bebe  om  .  beg  one's  pardon;  anføre  til 

ftn  -  plead  (as  an  excuse). 

Unbflaa  flg  vr  (for)  excuse  one's  self  e(.  beg 
to  be  excused  (from),  reluse,  decline. 
\    ttnbflippe  vi  At  escape;  -flab  meb  ftøb  og  næppe 
.  had  a  narrow  escape. 
.     ttnbfliRe  flg  or  abscond. 
J     Unbfætlte  vt  succour,  relleve.    -ning  o  relief, 
'  Buccour;  tie  ...  til  -  hasten  to  the  rescue  of.  — 
\  Unbf«fni«|»|ef*pebiriøM  relief  expedition.  -far« 
*  Uf  relief  vessel.    -b«r  relieving  army. 

Uttb|tagt  vt  except.    -tagelfe  c  -r  exoeption; 

.  meb  .  af  with  the  e.  of;  en  -  fra  an  exception 

f  from  el.  to.   -tageffei*  excepUonal.  -taoelfeøfri 

a  free  from  exceptions.    -tagelfcøbiø  adv  rarely, 

,   by  exception,  as  a  rare  exception;  a  exceptional. 

Unbta'gen  prcep  except,  exoepting,  exoepted, 

save,  barring,  bar,  (efter  ftægtelfe)  but. 

Unbnlttis'KØteørte«  c  the  undulatory  theory. 

Uabbiøe  vi  k  t  escape;  vt  (f.  (Et*,  et  Slag)  elude; 

.  (fip)  avoid,  (»eb  ttbflugter)  evade.    -ffe  o  escape. 

'   -tfefførføg  attempt  at  escape,    -nbe  a  evasive. 

-fpor  slding,   turn-out  rails.     -fteb  (i   Banal) 

'  slding. 

Unbjbanre  tf  -r.  -be,  -t  do  without,  dispense 
i   with.    -»a'rlig  a  that  mav  be  dispensed  with, 
dtøpenmble.  -b*'rligb*b  edispensableness,super- 
Une'ret  e  united;  -be  Ørætere  Greeks  that  have 
:    Joined  the  Roman  Cathollc  church. 
f      Ung  a  young,  youthful;  i  mine  -e  Dage  in  my 
younger  days,  when  I  was  young;  bet  e  Damnat! 
:'    young  Denmark. 

ttmja|tt  «  Hungary.    -et  c  -e  Hungarian.  -fl, 
ttttjrrf!  o  Hungarian;  -e  Støbler  Hessian  boots; 
i     .  fknb  Hangary  water. 

Ungbo*  c   youth;    (unge    SRenneffer)   young 

Sarfen:  $anff<(Engetff  Orbbog. 

people;  i  lin  blorafrtenbe  .  in  the  flower  of  his 
age;  -  og  Bilhorn  følget  fjælben  ab  we  cannot 
expect  old  heads  on  young  shoulders.  -bøm'> 
melig  a  youthful,  Juvenile,  -bom'meligbeb  e 
youthfulness.  —  ttngbont§|aar  j>/  early  el.  young 
years,  youthful  days.  -alber  youthful  el.  juve- 
nile age.  -arbeibe  juvenile  work.  -øaarlfgteb, 
-baarfui  the  folly  of  one's  youth.  -bage  youth- 
ful days.  -blot  Juvenile  poem.  -brøm  youthful 
dream,  dream  of  one's  youth.  -elffebe  the  love 
el.  sweetheart  of  one's  early  years.  -eriabring 
youthful  remembrance;  -er  reoollection  of  (my) 
youth.  -fejl  youthful  error,  -forbilbelfer  youth- 
ful vagaries,  -fviff  o  vouthfully  fresh.  -friftoeb 
freshness  ef.  bloom  of  vouth.  -frø  a  young  and 
joyous.  -fbrigbeb  araour  of  youth,  youthful 
ardour.  -glæbe  youthful  joy.  -|ibflg|cb  fe  -fbrig* 
beb.  -I)jem  the  home  of  one's  youth,  early 
home.  -ilb  fire  of  youth.  -inbtrbt  youthful 
impresslon.  -fflbe  fountain  of  youth.  -fraft 
youthful  vigour.  -fraftig  a  in  youthful  vigour, 
young  and  vigorous.  -færligbei  youthful  love. 
-Unb  land  of  one's  youth.  -fin  youth.  -føffc  youth- 
ful glee  el.  dellght.  -løfte  early  el.  youthful  pro- 
mise.  -mob  youthful  courage,  -ftnb  youthful 
mind.  -ffHft  youthful  el.  juvenile  writing;  -er 
books  for  the  young.  •fløabeb  youthful  beauty. 
-fbnb  sin  of  one's  youth.  -tib  (time  of)  youth. 
-oamt  a  youthfully  warm.  -barme  youthful 
warmth  el.  ardour.  -øen,  -beninbe  early  friend. 
-b«rf  juvenile  work. 

Unge  c  -r  young  one;  F  imp,  urchin;  føber 
lebenbe  -r  brings  fortn  living  young. 

ttttgefar  [t.]  adv  fe  Omtrent. 

ttngerfbevb  c  -e  young  man,  swain. 

ttaglflff  young  fish.  -fttgt  young  bird.  *-f* 
young  cattle.  *-g«t  youngsier.  *-s>rft  young, 
unbroken  horse,  -bøbeb  fe  -nøb.  -fotf  bachelor, 
-tarle«  fe  Unglartt*. 

nngtarlø|bolig  bachelor'«  apartments.  Mobber 
unmarried  sponsor,  -atlbe,  -tag  bachelor's  party, 
•fejtigleb  fe -bolig.  -Itblifeofa  bachelor,  -flattb 
bachelordom,  bachelorhood. 

ttnglo  e  ungka-puti,  Hylobatm  agilU. 

n«a|?o  young  cow,  heifer.  -føæg  young  cattle. 
-møMø  &  ordinary,  light  hånd.  -mø  young 
maiden.  -søb  young  ox  el.  heifer.  -flob  young 
wood.    -fnia  young  hog. 

Ilttilførm'  e  -er  u'nlform,  regimentals  pi;  (til 
AoerbogftbnxQ)  undress  uniform,  -forme're  vt 
dress  m  uniform;  ban  er  fmnft  -t  he  weaxs  a  fine 
uniform;  be  ere  eni  -be  they  wear  the  same 
uniform,  -forme'rhtg  o  clothins;.  -føraite'tøaft 
Aet  of  Uniform!  ty.  —  Uniform*  |fr  af  fe  regimental 
coat.    -bne  soldier's  cap.    -flbner  regimentals. 

ttttif  a  uni'que.    tt'mfnnt  n  uni'que. 

ttttiRet  a  (Zbr)  unhobbled  (bull). 

nnio'n  c  -er  u'nlon.  -metal  union  metal.  — 
nniøttøløft  Aet  of  Union,  -føg  union-flag,  (meb 
blot  Unionsfarberne)  union-Jack.  -morte,  -tegn 
union,    -traftat  treaty  of  union. 

ttttif ø'tt  a  unis'onous.    -t  adv  in  u'nison. 

nnita'ri|er  c  -t,  -ff  a  Unitarian. 

ttniøalettt'  a  ektm  monatomlc. 

ttnilberé'  n  n'niverse.  -berfai  a  univer'sal. 
-berf n'l«  universal.  —  ttniøerf a  ilamin|  residuary 
legatee,  heir  general;  (ifølge  felogtftab)  heir  at 
law.  -føber  universal  fodder.  -geni  universal 
genius,  ttniberfaliø  me  o  univer'salism.  Uni- 
berfallft'  o  -er  univer'salist.  Uniberfalite  t  c 
univereal'ity.  Uniberfal|tobling  universal  clutch. 
-teb  universal  joint,  -leføiton  encyelopedla. 
-mibbel  sovereign  remedy,  catholicon,  panacea, 
cure-all.  -nøgle  universal  sorew-wrench.  -piller 
cureall  pills.    ttniberfel'  a  univer'sal. 

ttniberflte't  n  -er  unlver'sity;  ligge  beb  -et  be 





at  college.  —  ttniberftteiolaar  year  at  the  uni- 
versity.  -bibtiøtet  univeraity  library.  -bibliø' 
tetar  llbrarian  of  the  univeraity  library.  -bbg- 
itlitg  univeraity  building.  -banuelfe  univeraity 
education.  -bauaet  a  unlversity-taught;  en  . 
SRanb  a  univeraity  man.  -lammcrat  fellow 
•student;  (i  (Eambribge)  fellow-Cantab.  -liø  college 
-life.  -tercr  u.  teacher  el.  professor.  *-frfyeitbtat 
substitut«  to  a  professor. 

ttnlberfnnt  fe  nniber*. 

ttnøbe  c  -i  bad  habit. 

ttnørbift  a  unnor'thern. 

ttnørft  a  not  Norwegian. 

ttnfe  c  -t  Oafluot)  ounce,  FelU  onca. 

Unit  e  -r  ounce,    -nit  adv  by  the  ounce. 

ttnbtte  o  uselessness,  inutillty,  unprofltable- 
neas;  til  .  uselessly,  to  no  purpose.  Unittet  a 
not  used,  unemployed.  ttftbjrrig  o  useless,  un- 
profitable.    ttnbjit'igftcb  e  fe  Urørte. 

ttnttg'relig  o  undenlable. 

Unowføm  a  unsparing. 

ttnaø'uelig  a  that  cannot  be  named,  not  to 
be  mentioned;  (ufigettg)  Inezpressible;  f  ban*  -e 
his  inezpresslbleB,  inexplicables,  unmentionables. 
tt'nteøut  a  unnamed,  not  named,  anonymous. 

ttitø'big  a  unnecessary,  needleas.  -ftcb  o  need- 
lessness;  til  -  needlessly.    tt'wøbt  fe  ttfioHrt. 

ttmøbbenbig  a  unnecessary,  needless;  (obet» 
flobtg  Buperfluous.  -beb  o  needlessness;  super- 

Ilftajagttg  a  inaccurate,  incorrect.  -|cb  c  in- 
accuracy,  incorrectness. 

ttaajføm  a  not  content  with  little,  hard  to 
satisfy,  greedy.    -ftcb  c  greediness. 

ttømbebet  a  unasked,  unsollcited. 

ttøttgeng'cHg  a  (oanftelig  at  omgaaft)  un- 
sociable,  incon  versable;  (uunbaaaelig)  unavoid- 
able;  —  adv  .  nabøenbig  absolutely  necessary. 
•beb  c  unsociableness. 

Uømftaaren  a  uncircumclsed. 

ttomfftfteUa  a  immutable.  -|eb  o  immut- 

ttømftri'belig  o  fe  UomtbijWig. 

ttomfta'brtig  a  irrefragable,  incontestable,  in- 
controvertible.  -|eb  o  incontestability,  incon- 

ttømfcrttelig  a  unnegociable,  unsaleable.  -|eb 
c  unsaleablenes8. 

ttaatiaaget  a  unclouded,  unobscured. 

ttømcalt  a  unmentioned,  not  epoken  of. 

ttonttbift'elig  o  Indisputable,  incontestable,  in- 
con tro  verii  ble.    -Ijeb  e  indiBputableness. 

ttøntøeubt  a  unconverted. 

tUbbbg'gellg  a  unedifying.  -|eb  c  unedifying 

ttøblbagctig  a  lndiscoverahle,  undiscoyerable. 
•baget  a  undlscovered. 

tftybir'teltg  a  unpickable,  not  to  be  picked. 

ttøbbrøge*  a  uneducated,  ill-bred,  ill-mannered, 
unmannerly,  underbred.  -|eb  o  nnmannerliness, 

ttøBbri'bettg  a  not  to  be  had  el.  procured. 

ttøjtbbrlet  a  uneultlvated. 

ttøbftabfont  a  uninventtve. 

ttøbførbret  a  unsolioited,  uninvited,  of  one's 
own  accord. 

tUbfsmben  a  uninvented. 

HoblfbI'bcIig  a  that  cannot  be  realized,  that 
cannot  be  gratifled.  -fbjlbt  o  uniulfllled,  un- 
accomplished,  ungratifled. 

ttobfti  øelig  a  never  to  be  relinquished. 

Uobpol  belig  a  not  to  be  delayed,  immedlate; 
adv  fe  Ufortøvet. 

ttøøbø'rlig  a  incessant,  unoeasing,  unlnter- 
mitting,  unremitting;  —  adv  incessantly  etc. 

ttøbltfaret  a  uncleared,  obscure.  •ffftttg  • 

Uoplagt  a  Jndisposed,  dislnclined.  -%d)  c  ir 

ttobio^fct  a  unlanded. 

ttoblnttet  a  unopened. 

Hob(bfk  a  unlighted;  unexplained;  unenlight- 

ttob(«'fetig  o  insoluble,  indissoluble,  irresolT 
able;  en  -  woabe  an  inextricable  riddle;  ex  - 
Jrnube  an  inextricable  knot.   -tjeb  c  insolubflitr 
ttebUft  a  undissolved. 

ttobntaalt  a  unmeasured;  unsurveyed. 

nobmirftfo«  a  lnattentive,  unobserrant.  -fro 
e  inattention. 

Uopntta'elia  a  unattainable,  unreachable,  an 
touchable.  -feb  e  unattainableneas.  tt'ø^maaxr 
a  unattained;  unrivaUed. 

ttobrebt  a  (om  6eng)  not  made. 

ttøbret'telig  a  irreparable,  irremediable,  irre- 
trievable.  -beb  irreparableness  etc.,  ineparm- 

ttobvigrig  a  uncandid,  inaincere.  *s)eb  c  wam 
of  candour.  insincerity. 

UøbH'gtitg  a  irrevocable,  that  cannot  be  called 
in;  .  Obligation  unredeemable  bond.    -Ijcb  r 
meb  fiete  tUtl  -  not  to  be  caUed  in  for  aevermi 

ttoblffttaren  a  (©og)  not  cut  open,  uncut;  ■* 
9(sit  terry  velvet.  •ftetllg  a  (ZsrMnofc)  in 

ttøblli'beUg  a  never  to  be  worn  out,  impexish- 
able;  unfaillng.    -bjeb  c  imperiahableneas. 

tlobfbØ'tUg  a  untraoeable. 

tlobfbHngenbe  a  ^  indehiscent. 

ttømftt'tefig  a  admltting  of  no  delay,  nzgent. 
pressing.    -beb  e  urgency. 

ttorben  c  dlsorder,  derangement;  ontidimess 
i  -  in  dlBorder,  out  of  order,  (butter  til  Gutter  • 
helter-skelter,  (^et)  in  confusion,  (Effæxvc)  de- 
ranged;  lomme  i  -  get  out  of  order,  beoome 
deranged;  bringe  i  -,  bringe  *  i  put  out  of  order, 
derange,  throw  into  confusion.  ttorlemtltf  « 
disorderly;  untidy;  -t  Bio  irregular  life.  -%rt  e 
dlsorderliness,  want  of  order. 

ttorbbolben  a  apt  to  break  promlse,  untrast- 
worthy,  a  promise- breaker.  -ftcb  c  habit  of 
breaking  one's  word,  untrusrworthineai. 

ttorbnet  o  unordered,  nnarranged. 

ttorganifl  a  inorganic(al). 

ttørtøbøfd  a  uno'rthodox. 

ttortøarafifl  a  unorthograph'ic,  misspelt, 

tløøerbragelig  a  untransierable,  inalienable 

ttøberen§|fteinttielfe  c  -r  disagreemeot,  incon 
grnity,  dlscrepancy;  i  ~  meb  out  of  barmony 
with.  -ftemmembe  a  disagreeing,  inoongnioas. 

ttøoergaøelig  o  unsurpassable. 

Uoberføm'melig  a  (fBonfEe(ig$eb)  insuperable, 
inextricable,  insurmountable;  (umulig)  imprac- 
ticable,  impossible,  exorbltant  -|eb  e  imprac- 

ttøberlagt  c  unadvised,  inconsiderate,  111-ad- 
vised,  unpremeditated,  raah. 

ttoøerlfeellg  a  fe  Uooerjlneiig. 

ttøberfat  a  untranslated. 

ttøbrtffri'belig  a  Insuperable,  impaatable. 

nøøerffn  e(ig  a  interminable,  exceeding  the 
range  of  vision,  boundleas;  lncalculable.  -|cb  c 

HoberHl'geIig  a  insurmountable.    «|eb  e  in 
surmoun  tableness. 

ttoberfoet  tetig  a  untranslatable.  -|eb  e  on- 
tran  s  la  tableness. 

ttoøerto/Iflig  a  unpersuadable. 

UoøertrnfTen  a  unsurpasBed. 




ttøorrtrffff'etig  a  nnsurpaaaable.  -(eb  c  un- 
rivalled  auperiority. 

ttdUer|  »in  belig  a  invincible;  (uotoerfhgeKg)  in- 
surmountable,  insuperable.  -btobeftg(eb  e  in- 
viDCibleneae,  lnvinciblllty;  insuperableneas,  in- 
superabllity.  -fcanbeu  a  unconquered,  unvan- 
quished,  unbeaten. 

tt  paaaotet  a  unheeded,  unnoticed,  diaregarded, 

ttyaaan! et  a  not  complained  of,  nnlmpeached. 

ttpaafalbet  a  uncalled-for. 

ttjyaaMa  gelig  a  unexceptionable,  creditable, 
irreproachable.    -(eb  c  unexceptionableneaa. 

ttjrøaftabt  a  undreaaed. 

ttyaali'belia  a  not  to  be  relled  on,  untruat- 
worthy,  unreliable.    »(eb  c  unrellableneaa. 

ttyaojaø'felig  a  inattentfrve,  heedlesa.  -(eb  e 
inattention,  heedlessnesa. 

Upåregnelig  a  not  to  be  reckoned  upon. 

ttyaafet  a  unheeded,  overlooked. 

tt*aaf!*u«et  a  unappredated. 

Tlpaatait  a  unceusured,  unlmpeached,  not 
complained  of.  unchallenged. 

ttnaattrinleliø  a  unquestionable,  indubltable; 
ad*  indubitably,  unqueitlonably. 

ttnaatenft  a  unthought  of. 

ttyaafttirfet  a  uninfluenced.  -ntr'lelig  a  lu- 
sensible  (af  to),  impaaslble. 

tt|ia«»if'(e)Uø  a  untraceable. 

Upauittt  a  unarmoured. 

ttyorlamrotarifl  a  unparliamen'tary. 

Xtpatxtt,  *upat  a  not  matebed,  odd. 

ttyartifl  a  impartial,  unbiaaaed.  -(eb  c  im- 

Uftagfelig  a  indisposed,  nnwell.  -(eb  e  in- 

ttyagfcttbe  a  improper,  unbecoming,  unseemly, 

Upa9tvct  n  upas(-tree),  ilattarw  tøriearta. 

Uftatriøtif!  a  unpatriot'ic. 

Ufterf  onlia  a  impe'nonal;  (itfe  flgtenbe  hl  nogen) 
not  persona!,    -(eb  o  impersonality. . 

Uplettet  o  unstalned,  unblemished,  immacu- 
late.    -(eb  o  immaculateneas,  immaculacy. 

tt'bligt  c-  tit  .  unduly,  injurioualy. 

tt'ølnHet  a  unpluck'ed. 

U'pUjet  a  unploughed'. 

U&oertfl  a  unpoet'ical. 

Upoleret  a  unporisbed. 

Uøolittf*  a  impoiitic,  unpolit'ical. 

VLpopu\lctt  a  unpop'ular.  -fortiet  c  unpopu- 

U'&raftift  a  not  practical,  unprac'tical. 

U  prioriteret  a  unaecured. 

U'jiribUføeret  a  non-privileged. 

tt'brøbitttib  a  unproduc'tive. 

tt'jirøpartiøae'ret  a  disproportioned. 

U'jtroøianteret  a  unproviaioned. 

tt'ørffcii  o  unpreci'ae. 

tt'lirftøet  a  uncolned. 

U'brtbet  a  untried,  unteated,  unproved. 

ttynnftlig  a  unpunc'tual.  -(eb  o  unpunctu- 

Uøqatet  o  $at  untrimmed  hat. 

•ur  e  -er  incline  of  debris,  tract  covered  with 
loose  stones,  talus. 

Ur-  fint,  primitive,  original,  primordlal,  pri- 

ttr  n  -e  (Somme-)  watch;  (meb  $erbenbt!el) 
clock;    efter    mit  -  by  my  watch. 

Uraab  «  (flet  Raab)  bad  counsel;  (gore)  mia- 
chief,  danger;  ber  er  -  paa  ftætbe  there  la  mia- 
chief  brewing;  morte  -  take  tbe  alarm,  f  amell 
a  rat. 

Uraa'beltg  a  unadvisable. 

Uraabig(ebØ|itHlaitb  fe  Umttnbiøteb*. 

Uraffineret  a  unreflned. 

UraftrøJ  n  flrat  lmpreuion. 

Uraget  a  unahaved. 

ttrftlbjferøeiie  the  Ural  (Oural)  mountaina. 

Ura  nglinuaer  c,  ttranit'  c  u'ranite,  uran-mlca. 
Ura  niant  n  uranium.  llra'ttosbb  n  uran'lc  oxlde. 

ttrattfa'øeliø  a  lnacrutable,  unaearchable. 

•Uranet  a  unplaatered;  -be  SRnre  visible  brick- 

ttrbojtnb  watch-atring,  ribbon. 

Urban  a  urbane,    -itet  o  urban'ity. 

U'rbeboere  pi  aborigines. 

n'rbiøebe  n  -r  prototype,  archetype. 

U'rbjcerg  n  -e  primitive  rock. 

tt'rceUe  o  primitive  cell. 

ll'rbbr  n  protozoan. 

ttrebe  n  disorder,  confualon,  entanglement. 
lntricacy;  bringe  i  .  throw  into  confuaion,  en- 
tangle,  embroil;  tomme  i  -  get  lnto  confualon, 
become  confuaed  el.  en  tangled.  ttrebe  a  fe 
Urebiø.    Urebet  o  fe  Urebt. 

ttre'beliø  a  dishoneat,  unfair,  -(eb  c  dls- 
honesty,  unfairneaa. 

ttrebelia  o  tangled.  Urebt  a  (i  Uotbcn)  dia- 
ordered,  In  disorder;  (om  $oar)  tangled,  matted, 

ttreøelwsffiø  a  lrregular;  anomalous;  en  . 
(b(øøet)  ©p  a  rambling  town.  -(eb  o  -er  irre- 
gularity,  anomaly. 

Uregerlig  a  ungovernable,  unruly,  intract- 
able,  unmanageable.  -(eb  o  intractableness, 
intractablllty,  unrulineaa. 

Ureai^reret  a  unregistered,  unreoorded,  un- 

Ureglementeret  a  non-regulation. 

Uregnet  a  not  Included  In  the  aoeount,  not 

Uregalerrt  a  not  regulated,  unadjuated. 

Uren  a  unclean,  (btanbet  meb  noget  urent)  im- 
pure,  foul;  (funbiø)  unhallowed;  -e  t)i}T,  tuinber 
unclean  beasta,  apirita;  typ  k  &  (garbonb  ofo.) 
foul;  (Xone)  out  of  tune;  false;  (Vibelften)  cloudy, 
flawy.  -(eb  o  uncleanneaa,  Impurlty.  Urenlig  a 
uncleanly,  fllthy.  ttre»Hø(eb  c  uncleanlineas, 
fllthinesa;  .  frooebf*  commit  no  nuiaanoe;  -et  pi 
imparities,  fllth.    Urrmfet  a  uncleaned. 

Urepaterlig  a  dlsreputoble,  bad  form. 

•Uret  a  fe  Urlænbt. 

Uret  c  injustice,  wrong;  baoe  -  (i  en  SSentng) 
be  wrong,  (i  en  6aø,  moralff)  be  in  the  wrong; 
(aoe  flor  -  be  very  wrong:  $abe  fnlb^oenbig  -  be 
altogether  wrong;  meb  -te  unjuatly;  meb  Rette  el. 
-te  right  or  wrong;  bet  er  -  of  £am  at  ...  lt  ia 
wrong  in  him  to  . .  .;  man  (ar  giort  mig  •  I  have 
been  wronged;  gøre  .  imob  en  aet  unjuatly 
towards  one;  beri  maa  jea  gibe  (am  -  I  must 
differ  from  him  in  that,  thare  I  find  he  la  in 
the  wrong;  erfenbe  fin  -  acknowledge  one's  aelf 
In  the  wrong;  bringe  -ten  poo  fin  Stbe  put  one's 
aelf  In  the  wrong.  Uret  a  k  adv  wrong;  paa 
-te  6teb  in  the  wrong  place,  out  of  place;  (an 
bar  lommen  til  ben  -te  F  he  had  got  the  wrong 
sow  by  the  ear;  ben  -te  SRommon  the  mammon 
ofunrighteouaness.  -f otr'big  a  unjuat,  iniquitoua, 
unrighteoua.  -fer'btgleb  e  injuatioe,  iniquity, 
unrighteouaneas.  -mǤfa  a  unlawrul,  illegal, 
unjust.  wrongful.  -«otø(tg(eb  e  unlawfulnees, 
illegality.  ttretttltg  fe  UrigHø.  UretbiØ  a  un- 
Urenen  a  unground;  t(<Bang)  unraked. 
Urfabrit  watch-making  establishment,  -fabri« 
fatton  watch-making  tråde. 
U  rf aber  c  flrst  parent,  firet  progenitor. 
UrfU  equalllng-flle.  -f  feber  watch -spring, 
-foberal  watch-caae. 
U'rfolf  n  primitive  cl.  aboriginal  people. 





tt'rfomt  c  original  el.  primitive  form. 

tt'rførmatiott  c  primitive  formation. 

tt'rføralbre  pi  fint  parents. 

tt'rgøauø'l  a  very  old,  primeval,  pristine. 

Hrge*r|e  vt  arge,  Inslst  upon.  -ing  o  insistence 
(af  upon). 

ttrgtøJ  watoh-glaøs,  cryBtal.  -gløitttbførfting 

tt'rgnmb  c  fint  el.  primeval  cauie. 

U'rf  røaften  c  diabase. 

fU'r(ane  c  black  cock,  heath-cock,  Tetrao 
Utrix.  -(øne  e  heath-hen,  grey-hen.  -(fa* 
black  grouse,  black  game. 

U'rbleai  n  primeval  home. 

Ur(|al  watch-  et.  clock- wheel,  •(otter  clock 
-frame;  watch-stand. 

Urtøn  $r.  _  Mr.  what  d'ye  caU  him,  my 
(fine)  gentleman,  the  fellow.  the  rogue. 

Ilrtøø  Uri'ah.  -øreø  perfidlous  letter  (deøtruc- 
tlve  to  the  bearer).  -bøfk  forlorn  pott  (such  as 
Joab  assigned  to  Uriah). 

Uribbet  a  not  ribbed. 

ttrib'berlig  a  unchivalrous. 

ttrigtig  a  wrong,  inoorrect.  -(eb  e  incorrect- 

Urt'meHg  o  absurd,  preposterous.  lncongruous; 
(ubillig)  unreasonable,  unconsdonable.  -peb  e  -er 
absurdlty,  preposterousness;  unreasonableness. 

Urimet  a  not  rhymed;  -be  ©er*  blank  vene. 

Url'n  o  u'rine.  ttri'tt|agtig  a  urinary.  Urinal 
»  -er  u'rlnal.  Urt'n|bUrre  urinary  bladder.  -ørt« 
beabe  a  diuretlc,  urinatlve. 

Uriabøaanere  pi  aboriginee. 

Urinere  vt  u'rlnate.  ttdrnflflel  c  urinary  fiatula. 

Uriaøet  a  not  ringed. 

Uri'nøta*  urinal,  -frog  urinal.  -løbning 
urination.  -r*r  urethra.  -ffcanbf  »lug  ischury. 
•ten  urinary  calculus  el.  calculi.  -Jtøf  urea. 
-fart  ©alt  urate.  -fbgbomme  urinary  affections. 
-fire  uric  acid.  -trang  urgency  ofmakingwater. 

ttrfaftfe  watch  el.  clock-case. 

U'rHlbe  e  fountain-head. 

Urfføtfe  clock  glaas. 

U'rtrøft  primitive  force. 

U'rrriflrabømmra  primitive  christianity. 

Urtabe  watch-ehaiu,  watoh-guard;  (om  Aalfen) 
guard-chaln.  -tebeftab*  watch-trlnketø.  -lømøe 
caroel  lamp.  -løb  clock-welght.  -tomme  watch 
•pocket,  fob. 

U'rtøb  c  primitive  sound. 

*ttr'urabt  a  stony,  covered  with  loose  stones. 

U'rmøger  o  -e  watch-  et.  clock-maker.  -breng 
watch-maker'a  apprentice.  -fil  watch-flle.  -i'  n, 
•fanffc  art  of  watch-  el.  clock-maklng.  -bøffer 
adjustlng-compasses.  -føeab  journeyman  watch 
•maker.    -tang  watchmaker's  pliers. 

U'rmeaaefle  n  primitive  man. 

tt'rmøbet  c  flrst  mother. 

Ilmc  c  -r  urn. 

U'raøb  n  MM  wild  ox,  wild  bull. 

U'r|nøgle  watch-key.     -nøgtebibe  watch-key 


trø  e  disturbance,  disquiet,  disquietude,  un- 
rest;  (t  Ut)  balance;  fio  uneasiness,  anxlety, 
alarm;  bringe  -  i  Sejren  alarm  the  camp;  (abe  ~ 
i  Benene  have  pins  and  needles  in  one's  legs. 
-brejefftol  arbor-engine.  *ttrøe  vt  disquiet,  dls- 
turb.    +llrøf*(b  a  fall  of  anzlety. 

Urøt'felig  a  not  to  be  shaken,  firm,  Immov- 
able,  unshaken;  determined;  fe  Uforfrørrelig.  -(eb 
c  firmness,  fixedness.    U'roffet  a  unshaken. 

Urølf  e  c  -r  uniB,  Bo*  ara«;  aurochs,  Bob  bison. 

llrøtt  fe  Urtib. 

Urolig  a  turbulent;  (om  Ginblbeøagetfe)  restless, 
uneasy,  anxious  (for  for,  about),  joc  exercised; 
($øø)  roagh,  tempestuous;  flBejt)  stor**-  *- 

boisterous;  en  -  9tat  a  restless  nlght;  -  Satra  -• 
&rømme  troubled  el.  perturbed  sleep,  dresuns;  ±r 
-e  fcotftib  the  stormy  season;  jeg  er  -  otter  bcr 
ftrabccrelfe  I  am  uneasy  at  his  absence.  +ltr*liat 
vt  disturb,  alarm.  UrVtlø^b  e-er(Ura)commoti.::: 
disturbance,  trouble.turbulence;  (Betømrrng,  &rr. 
ofb.)  anzietv,  uneasiness,  resUessneøa. 

Urøøurarif!  a  unroman'tic. 

ttrøft  a  unpraised,  uncommended. 

ttrøfrifter  c  -e  (Xrottebxober)  quarreller;  (fftti* 
forfrbrrer)  alarmist,  disturber,  noter. 

ttrøf  bfltrblg  a  undeøerving  of  praiøe,  illa.adal>  V 

tt'rbøbbe  c  labvrinthodon. 

ttrfnøe  dial-plate,  face  of  a  watch,    cloc«. 
-fivce  el.  -dial.    -fnør  fe  -bøanb. 

Il'rfføb   c  -e  primeval  el.   primitive    fore?: 
(cturtr)  primitive  bush. 

tt'rfli«  c  protoplasm. 

tt'rfbroø  "  primitive  language. 

llrftøttb  error,  -fltøtiø  watch-øtand.    -flift  pii. 

nrfalinerittbeme  pi  the  Ursulineo. 

Urt  o  (pi*)  wort. 

Urt  o  -er  herb,  plant;  (Scege*)  simple;   *gr«n=? 
-er  greens.    ttrte|agrtg  a  herbaoeous.   -tab  baL 
of  simples,     -beb  garden -bed  for  vcøretable« 
t-bøb  grocer's  shop,  ostr  grocery.  t*bøg  herb«: 
•brildecoction,aposem.  -gaarb  garden,  -øjøwrb^ 
atøab  gårdener,    -(ane  fe  -gøørb.    -tøfl  nosegty 
posy.  t-rraw«  -framøører  grocery,  a»r  grocerw 
t-tnrmmcT  grocer.  -fanbfføb  knowledgeofheri> 
-fur  herbal  course  of  medldne.  -føabtg  o  akille«! 
in  the  knowledge  of  herbs.   -øft  sapøago.    -»øfc 
poultice  of  boiled   herbs.     -kørte  flower-pot 
•kørtefab  flower-pot  saucer,    -»ørtrflfttlrr  cache 
-pot.     -famler  collector    of   herbs,    herbølist 
-famling  collection  of  piants.    -fnbøe  vegetahie 
soup.    -bøvb  water  distilled  from  herbs. 

Urrib  clock-tlme. 

tt'rrtb  e  remote  antlquity. 

tt'rrilfhnib  c  primitive  condition. 

nrrrøø  c  diorite. 

Qraab  a  out  of  centre,  untrue.  -(eb  e  -er 

tt'røerbe*  c  primeval  world. 

Urølfer  hånd  of  a  watch  el.  clock. 

K'røwlger  o  -e  original  elector. 

Urløtrii  (Ur)  watch;  (C*rf  i  Ur)  watch-  el.  clock 
-work,  -movement.    -bofr»Um*e  carcel-lamp 

U'røcfen  n  primordial  belng. 

Urøb  n  lumber.  litter.  Urbb  belig.  *«'r(bbig 
a  disorderlv,  untldy.  Hr(b/bellg(cb#  nt'rttbbigles 
c  disorderiineøs,  untldlness.  —  Ur(bé|fømmrr 
lumber-room.    -farø  fe  Røbbe*. 

Hr('geliø  a  unømokeable. 

Urbøgeltg  o.  fl.f  fe  UrofMia  ofb. 

Uraib  a  undaunted,  intrepld. 

ttrg'rlig  a  Immovable,  øtatlonary;  -t  Øtobf  im- 
movables  pi,  real  estate;  .  Crjenbom  real  propert) . 
Urørt  a  untouched,  intact;  (ttbeøeMet)  unmoved 

Ufaø'rbar,  -(eb,  fe  Ufaørlig.  Uføøret  «  ud 
wounded,  unhurt.  ttføa'rlig  a  tnvulnerable, 
(om  ftriolftib)  impregnable;  øcete  .  (ofø.)  bear  t 
charmed  llfe.  ttfaa'rlig(eb  e  invulnerableness, 

tUfønttef  adv  on  bad  terms,  fallen  out 

U fablet  a  unsaddled,  bare-backed. 

Ufaøfbttbig  a  incompetent. 

Ufagt  a  unsøid,  not  said;  bet  ftal  jeg  løbe  »ørt 
-  I  shall  øay  nothing  about  that,  I  can't  tel'. 
bet  er  fogt  og  .  føn  bet  iRe  bliøe  it  is  søid  øcl 
you  can  not  unsay  it. 

ttfa'Hg   a  (mobfat   faltg)  unblesøed;  (ofrfotj 
bøleful,  woful.    -(eb  e  unblessedness. 

Ufølret  a  unsalted. 

Ufømbrotg'Hø  a  dlsagreelng,  at  variance,  dis 




cordant,  diøunited.    -(eb  c  dlsagreement,  dis- 

-»-Uf  amifte*(tt*ø  c  disoonnectedness. 
Uf  «m«e*|(*nae»beainooherent,  unoonnected, 
disconnected,  disjolnted.   -(<e«øe*(cb  c  discon- 

tHaatmenbørenbe  a  not  belonging  together. 
Uf  avtmeniig  nelig  a  incomparable. 
Uicænenfat  a  uncompounded,  simple. 
Ufatt'tt  e  -r  (commercial)  uøage,  custom. 
Jørab  a  untrue,  false,    -(eb  e  -er  nntruth, 
falsehood,  falaity;   fige  -  tell  a  falsehood,  lio. 
-f crr'big  a  not  veradous;  fe  oøfaa :  ttfanb.  -fflnr'« 
bi§|el  c  untrath.    -ffstig  a  lmprobable,  un- 
Ukely;    ilte  ~  as  likely  as  not.    -f('»Hø(eb  ø 
tmprobability,  unlikelihood. 
ttfanft  e  nonsense. 

tttatt'felig  a  Imperoeptlble  by  the  senses,  In- 
corporeal,  immaterial,  unbodled. 
ttføttmet  o  not  mlssed,  nnregietted. 
ttftftefer  pi  Uz'becks. 

nfej'Ibar  a  unnavigable,  innavlgable.    -(eb  c 
Ufel,  ttjelig,  fe  ttøfel. 

ttfefftft'øeltø  a  unsociable.  -(eb  e  lnsodabllity, 

ttfelbftsmbig  a  dependent,  snbordlnate;  (Srarott.) 
pliant,  yieldlng.    -(eb  e  dependency;  want  of 
iudependence,  pllancy. 
ttfet  a  unseen. 

Ilfl'aelig  a  nnspeakable,  unutterable,  ineflable, 
llffgtbar  a  thick,  hazy. 
ttfiøtet  o  not  bolted. 

nflffer  a  unsafe,  insecnre,  precarlous;  (totDlfom) 
doubtful,  uncertaln;  (©Hf,  $aanb,  Ganø)  nnsteady; 
gøre  -  (om  {Rotere)  Infest.  -(eb  e  nnsafety,  In- 
securlty;  unoertainty;  unsteadlness. 

nffaa'ttf om  a  unsparing,  unmerciful,  mercUess. 
-(eb  c  unmercifulness. 
ttt'flaaren  [t.]  a :  labe  en  -  let  one  alone. 
tt'ftabt  a  uncreated. 

ttflrbelig  a  harmless,  innocuous,  innoxious. 
-(eb  c  hannlessness,  innocuousness.    tt'ftabt  a 
unhurt,  nnharmed,  nninjured,  undamageid,  un- 
seathed,  scathless.    ttft*bt(eb  o  nninjured  con- 
ditlon  el.  state. 
tt'fte8et  a  not  peeled. 
ttffatte'rHg  fe  ttøurberliø. 
tt'ffet  a  undone,  not  happened. 
ttfftbøttøftfig  a  nnshipshape. 
+ttfrtf  tellg  fe  UomfWfteliø. 
tt'fftftet  o  undivided;  fe  »o. 
tl'ffit  o   bad  habit,  bad  custom;    nuisanee. 
ttffil'tettg  a  unmannerly;  (*ora  ©øm)  naughty. 
nflil'!elig(eb  c  unmannerlinesB;  *naughtiness. 
tt'fftftet  a  (til)  unfit,  unqualifled,  onsuited  (for); 
øste  -  til  unfit  for,  dlsable  from.    ttfHf!et(eb  e 
+ttfW'leHø  a  fe  nabftinelig. 
ttt'ftyel  c  wrong,  injustice.   ttflfeOig  a  unjust, 
+tt'ftynlt  a  unconcealed. 
VL'fhtt  a  unshod. 
tt'frteøeit  a  unwritten. 
tt'(trtøef(itbiø  o  unable  to  write. 
n  {trallet  a  not  peeled;  -be  Slartofler,  $oteteft 
potatoes  in  their  jackets;  -  3ngefær  coated  ginger. 
tt'ffrømtet  a  sincere,  unfeigned. 
tt'jtammet  a  Vtæl!  new  mllk. 
+U'f!tt  a  fe  Urceb. 

tt'rølb  e  lnnocenoe,  gulltlessness.  ttflttlbiø 
a  InDooent,  gulltless  (of);  unoflending;  faa  - 
font  et  nuføbt  ©arn  innocent  as  a  sucking  dove. 
Uftb('»lf(eb  c  fe  ttftylb;  i  al  -  qulte  innocently. 
ttffyl»iø(eb3ttMkaitb  state  of  innocence. 

+tt'ftegget  a  beardless. 

ttffombet  a  unviolated. 

tt'fU«  o  unbeautirul,  ungraceful,  lnelegant, 
unhandsome.  -(eb  o  ineleganæ,  ungracelalnesø. 

Hfl#n'f o«  a  ungraterul,  unthankrul,  insensible 
of  klndness.  •(ebeunthankiulness.ungnterulness. 

Ifflebem  a  not  ground,  not  polished;  fig  un- 
poliabed,  unreflned,  rude;  en  -  Sianont  a  rough 
diamond  (oof.  fio  =  ~  ftacfon).  -(eb  c  rudeness, 
roughness,  impoliteness. 

ttni'betig  a  that  cannot  be  worn  out. 

lliUita  c  -er  wretch. 

ttftiif'reliø  a  inexonguishable,  unquenchable. 

UfUret  a  unveiled. 

'tt'fwag  e  disagreeable  taste. 

ttfataøelig  a  (uben  6ntog)  Insipid,  tastelees; 
(ttbefm.  oø  fig)  unpalatable,  (for)  to  the  distaøte 
of.    tt'ftttagt  o  untasted. 

Ufntet'tellg  a  infusible.  -(eb  o  infusibllity. 
tt'fweltei  a  unmelted;  unfused. 

U'fntibia  a  lnflexible. 

trtwtatei  a  unpainted;  (iffe  forfTønnet)  un- 
yarnished,  unembelllshed;  (obriøtiø)  unaflected, 
sincere,  genuine,    -(eb  c  genulneness. 

U'fw(!!et  a  unadorned. 

tU'ftttlbe  e  folly. 

U  fnøret  a  unlaced. 

ttfo  e  mere  usance. 

ttføeial  a  antisocial. 

Ufolat  o  unsold. 

ttføltb  a  unsafe,  unsound. 

tt  otibortfl  a  limited. 

U  onet  a  unezpiated,  unatoned. 

tt  ørtetei  a  unsorted. 

ttfbal  tetia  a  unoleavable. 

Wfaattt,  u'f^Mtrt  a  unspared. 

U  f^ibfet  a  unpointed. 

ttfbt'felig  a  uneatable,  lnedible.  -(eb  o  lnedi- 

ttfbo'rlig  a  untraceable;  inscrutable.  -(eb  o 

tt'fbttttben  a  unspun. 

Ufbttrgt  a  unasked. 

tlffel  a  poor,  wretched,  miserable,  paltry, 
piUful.  *-bø«  fe  -(eb.  -(eb  c  misery,  wretched- 
ness,  paltriness.  -?(g  F  «  weak  person;  wretch. 

ttflabig  a  nnsteady,  unstable,  unsettled,  change- 
able,  inconstant.  wavering,  (ogf.  om  Sejr  oø  ©inb) 
variable;  -  oø  fi(øtiø  ftol  bn  bflere  paa  forben  bibl 
a  fhgitiye  and  a  vagabond  shalt  thou  be  in  the 
earth.  -(eb  e  instabillty,  inconstaney,  change- 
ableness,  unsteadlness. 

*tt'9tattb  c  disorder,  disrepair,  bad  repair,  i  - 
out  of  order,  out  of  repair. 

U'ftflttbbafirfø  a  unsteadfast,  inconstant. 

ttflaitb'feltg  a  not  to  be  checked  el.  arrested, 
checkless,  irrestible.  impetuous.  -(eb  e  irre- 
sistlbleness.  U'ftanbfet  a  uncheeked,  unstopped. 

ntftel  n  disorder.    ttfteli  o  in  disorder. 

tt'ftenti  a  untuned,  out  of  tune. 

tt'fcenttlet  a  unstamped. 

+UfHøelig  a  wa  UoefHøeliø. 

tt'fHøet  a  unstarched. 

ttt'ftøffet,  ubloRet  oø  unøbt  a  uncompelled,  un- 

Ufhraf^elig  a  (ffblbfri)  lrreproachable,  blameless; 
(fom  itte  Ian  proffe*)  unpunishable.  -(eb  e  irre- 
proachableness,  blamelessness;  ezemption  from 
punishment,  impunity.  U  fttflffet  a  unpunished, 
adv  with  impunity.    ttHraffetbeb  e  Impunity. 

tt'fhribig  a  lncontestable ,  indisputable,  in- 

tt'ftrttttelig  a  not  eztensible,  lnductile.  -(eb 
c  inductility. 

U'fhrøøen  a  not  ironed. 




U'frsberet  a  not  unlversity-taaght;  (iffe  om 
*3erfon)  unstudied. 

•U'ft(fte  n  injury,  wrong. 

It'frbjY  n  uproar,  tumult. 

Uftb'rttg  a  ungovernable,  unmanageable,  un- 
ruly,  (hm  om  $erføn)  lntractable,  out  of  hånd. 
-(eb  e  unruliness,  intractableness,  intracUiblllty. 

♦Ufhjr'teltg  a  F  enormous.  immense. 

•tt'ftjf,  U'fUb  a  unsteady.  -(eb  c  unsteadiness. 

Uf  nnb  a  (iffe  fatff)  unhealthy,  unsound;  (fnbeftg 
for  6nnb(eben)  unhealthy,  unwholesome,  in- 
salubrious,  insanatory.  -(eb  c  unhealthinesg, 
unsoundnesa;  unwholesomeness,  insalubrlty. 

Uf«ty|a'tor  c  -er  usurper,  -c're  vt  usurp. 
-c'ring  e  usurpation. 

Ufbefgbar  a  unweldable. 

H'fbenf?  a  not  Swedish. 

Ufbi'gelig  a  faithful,  unfailing. 

tt'f  taftet  a  unimpairéd; .  Sfntereffe  unflagging, 
unabated  interest. 

ttfbwwetriff  a  unsymmet'rical. 

ttjtombatrtifl  fe  ttfompatilt 

Uhjmjiatif!  a  uncongenlal. 

Urt'ttlig  a  lnvlslble,  unseen.  -(eb  c  invl- 

Uf(ret  a  unleavened,  azymous;  be  -be  ©røb* 
Sage  the  days  of  unleavened  bread. 

Ufbftrotatifl  a  unsystemat'ical. 

Uf«  betig  a  immoral,  licentious.  -(eb  e  lxn- 
morality,  ucentlousness.   tt'fabcr  pi  bad  habits. 

Ufotbba'nltg  a  unusual,  uneommon;  bet  et  iffe 
-t  It  Is  no  unusual  tbing.    -|eb  c  unusualness. 

ttfttf'getig  a  unsaleable,  unmarketable,  un- 
merchantable.    -(eb  e  unsaleableness. 

Uf*be*  a  unsodden;  gioe  en  raat  for  -t  give 
one  tit  for  tat,  a  Rowland  for  an  Oliver. 

ttf*b(gtig  a  unseawortby;  giort  -  dlsabled. 
-(eb  c  unseawortbiness. 

Ufagt  a  unsought;  unaffected. 

Uf*ft(nbig  «  non-nautical.  -woiib*m**fig  a 

Ufawntelfg a unseemly,  indecent, indecorous. 
•(eb  c  unseemliness,  indecorousness,  lndecenoy. 

Itfaflerlig  a  unsisterly. 

Utallig  a  unfllial. 

Ufabant  a  unaccustomed  to  the  sea,  not 
tralned  to  the  sea,  joe  unseaworthy;  (an  er 
enbnii  -  be  has  not  yet  got  sea-legs;  en  -  (Sxatroft) 
land's-man,  fresh-water  sailor. 

fUtaal  e  fe  tttaaImobtq(eb. 

Utaaleliø  a  Intolerable,  insufferable,  insup- 
portable,  aggravating,  past  endurance,  unlndur- 
able.    -(eb  c  lntolerableness. 

Utaa'liø.  Utoatmobig  o  lmpatient  (ober  at, 
efter  for,  efter  at  to);  olibe  -  lose  patience,  lose 
one's  temper.    -(eb  e  Impatience. 

Utålelig  a,  -(eb  c  fe  Ufortaøelig,  Umiflelig. 

tltaf  c  reproach,  blame;  jeg  fif  fun  ~  til  Søn 
I  only  got  oen8ure  for  my  pains. 

Utaftet  a  tamp,  Xooenbe  fag-end. 

Utafarmmelig  a  ($erfon)  ungrateful,  unthank- 
ful;  (Urbejbe  o.  i.)  thankless.  -(eb  e  ingratitude, 
unthankfulness;  thanklessness.  *tt'tatfom  a 

Utal  n  awful  number,  no  end  of.  Utallig  a 
innumerable,  numberless,  unnumbered,  oount- 
less;  -e  Øange  times  out  of  number.  Utat'Uabeb 
c  innumerabillty,  innumerableness;  en  -  af  an 
Inflnitude  of.    utalt  a  uncounted,  untold. 

Ute'rMg  a  impure,  obscene,  unchaste.  -(eb  e 
impurtty,  obscenity,  (i  tale)  ribaldry,  bibl  las- 

ttttb  c  unseasonable  time,  uneeemly  hour;  tit 
el.  i  -e  unttmely,  unseasonably.  out  of  time; 
i  Xibe  og  -e  In  season  and  out  or  season.  Ittibig 
a  untlmely,  unseasonable,  premature,  ill-timed, 

mlsplaced;  (borff  ofb.)  dull.    tttibif  (ek   c  ttn*e* 
sonableness;  dullneas. 

Utitbajelig  a  dlsincllned,  indispoaed;  g»tt  - 
til  disincline  from.    -(eb  c  disinclinattati 

nttlbøtltg  a  lmproper,  undue;  adv  improperlj 
(i  -  ©tab)  unduly.    -(eb  c  lmpropriety. 

tWtlforU'belig,  -(eb,  fe  npaafibefig(cb. 

ttrilfrcM  a  dissadsfied,  dlscontentad;  -  ss- 
Pg  felb  111  at  ease  with  one's  self.  -  neb  at  d> 
pfeased  that.  -(eb  e  dlssatlafaction,  disoemteni 
-fHAelig  a  not  to  be  satlsfled.  +-ftUUff e  c  d& 
satiafaction.  -frUteabe  a  dissattofactory,  ooaax^ 
metory.    -Miet  a  unsatlsfled. 

tttilgibeiig  a  unpardonable,  unforgi vable,  -(eb 
e  unpardonableness. 

tttitgarageiig  a  Inaoæasible,  nnappmavrri  ■  ti*» 
impenrlous;  -  for  unconsultable  by.  -te*  c  is 
aooesslbllity,  unapproachableness. 

Uri((aaget  a  unout,  unsquared,  rou^b,  kstz 
©ten)  unhewn. 

Hrtl((net  a  unveiled,  undisguised. 

tttUiltariaiiU'me  c  utlUta'rlanism.  -ta'ricr  < 
utllitarian.    -tarif!  a  utilltarian. 

UtiØaafrt  o  unlocked. 

ntiKabelig  a  illiclt,  inadmlssible;  —  adv  (i  . 
Ørab)  beyond  excuse,  beyond  measurel  extra- 
vagantly.    -(eb  o  illicitness. 

ntiOatfet  a  unshut. 

ttttlnamnelig  a  unapproachable. 

Utilbof  o :  mere  .  feel  111  el.  unwell.  -(eb  c 

Urilraa'betig  a  unadvlsable.  -(eb  e  inadri 

ttrilrebea  a  unbroken,  unbacked,  unmanaged. 

UtitregneHg  a  unimputable,  Irresponslble.  -»rt 
e  irresponslbility. 

tttiluaret  a  unveiled. 

tttitne  belig  a,  -(eb  c.  fe  UHEabdig. 

tttilftrttReltø  a  Insufficient,  inadequate.  -(eb 
o  insufficiency,  Inadequacy. 

Uriltatlet  a  unrlgged. 

Utiloont  fe  Uoant. 

+Qtil»ejebring'elig  a  not  to  be  procured. 

tttri'weltg  a  untlmely.  unseasonable. 

Uting  o  absurdity,  nulsance,  non-entlty. 

Urje  nlig  a  unservlceable,  unsuitable.  -(eb  c 

ttrjenft|agrtg  a  disobllging,  unaoeommodatlng. 
-«gtig(eb  o  disobUgingness.  -b(grlg  a  unflt  for 
service,  unservlceable;  (paa  ©mnb  af  6aar  of«.' 
dlsabled;  gore  ~  dlsable.  -b(gttg(eb  o  unfltnes> 
for  service.  • 

U'rjflcret  a  untarred;  .  Xobbcert  white  rope. 

Uto'blien  n  Utopia,  -t'  c  -er  uto'pianism.  -Iff 
a  utopian.    -ift'  c  -et  uto'pist,  uto'pian. 

ftttorffev  a  prev  unthrashed. 

Uttei(t  n  Utrecht.    Utred)ter1Ufl  U.  velvet 

ntri'betig  o  unhealthy,  withered. 

Utro  a  unfalthral,  false  (to). 

Utrolig  o  lncredlble,  past  all belief;  tfl  bet  -f 
to  an  lncredlble  degree,  to  a  degree.  *(eb  c 

tt 'te affat  c  unfaithfulness,  inndellty. 

U'rrobonrbig  a  unworthy  of  belief,  not  to  be 
credited,  apocryphal. 

U'trbg  o  insecure,  unsafe.    -(eb  c  insecurlty. 

Urr(g  let  a  unBolicited. 

U'trbtt  a  unprlnted,  unpublished.     ♦ 

-t-U'rratngenbe  a  not  lndigent.  not  In  wani. 
°Utrcng9ntaal  n:  i  .  needlessly. 

Urrocttelig  o  Indefatigable.  unwearied,  un- 
tlred,  untiring,  (iRe  om  $erfon)  unremitung, 
unflagging.  -(eb  e  indefatlgableness,  unwearied- 

Utraftelig  a  inconsolable,  disconsolate  (o*r 
at),    -(eb  c  disconsolateness. 




Utttgt  e  unehastity,  lechery,  lewdnesa;  begaa 
—  commit  fbrnication.  tttagttg  a  lewd,  un- 
ohaste,  indecent.    tttugrig(eb  o  fe  tttuat. 

ttttmff(e)  n  jwoø  wretch.  -agtig  a  vile,  mean. 
-agtta(eb  e  -er  meanness,  båsene«. 

u'tøetttblfl  a  unequlvocal,  unmistakable.  -(eb 
unequlvocal  character. 

tttnilil'fø«  a  undoubted.  unquestionable,  in- 
clubitable.    -t  adv  undoubtedly,  beyond  a  doubt. 
-(eb  c  indubitableness. 
IS'tbmitbet  a  untwiøted. 
tl'tttttttge*  a  (frtbi&ig)  unforced,  tmoompelled, 
spontaneous;  (naturlig,  fri)  unconstrained,  un- 
»ffected,  easy,  free,  informal.    -(eb  c  freedom 
from  conatraint,  ease. 

Utålelig  a  indistinct.    -(eb  o  lndiøtlnctness. 
tttfcfY  a  not  Oerman. 
tttyffc  n  -r  sprite,  hobgoblln,  ogre. 
tttøet'tettg  a  dlsagreeable.    -(eb  c  dlsagree- 

Utøm'meUg  untameable,  irreclaimable ,  in- 
domltable,  tameless.  -(eb  o  untameableness 
etc.    tt'temmrt  a  untamed. 

tUent'teltg  a  unimaginable,  inconcelvable.  -(eb 
c  inconcelvableness. 

tttømff  øwa  unthinking,  inconsiderate,  thought- 

less.    -(eb  e  inconaiderateneas,  thoughtlessness. 

tttøtrffet  o  unthrashed. 

VLtttV  a  (Isn  leaky;  (om  3fæm)  flawy:  Søren  er 

-  the  door  does  not  join  well;  -  ©teb  leak, 

leakage,  (ifcer  om  ©o«)  escape,   -(eb  c  lealdness. 

tLim  n  Termin. 

tltøjlet  n  unbridled,  unchecked. 
+Ut*aTmeltg  a  inexhaastible. 
titømt  a  undried. 

•tttørft  a  not  thirsty;  bdfle  fig  -  quench  one's 
tlabbattnet  a  undeveloped;  unedacated. 
ttnbebUbelig  a  unfaillng,  lnevltable,  oertain. 
tlnbfotbet  a  not  unfolded. 
ttttbfoeffelig  a  unsearcbable,  insorutable.  -(eb 
c  inscrutableness. 

ttabføtllf  a  impractlcable.    -(eb  e  lmpracti- 
cability.    ttubført  a  uneffected, 
tUbgibtn  a  unpublished. 
Itttbgninbelig  a  unfathomable.    -(eb  c  un- 
fathomable  nature.  Ilabgnmbet  a  unfathomed. 
ttubbølbelig  a  intolerable,  unbearable,  unin- 
durable.    -(eb  c  intolerableness. 
Uabrbbbelig  a  ineradlcable. 
ttabffgelig    a    unutterable,    unspeakable;    -e 
©Uffe  btbl  groans  that  cannot  be  uttered.    -(eb 
c  unspeakableness. 

ttabftettefig  a  ineflfoceable,  indelible.    -(eb  e 
Unbffaffeitg  a  fe  Uflufteiig. 
ttubforangeit  a  unblown. 
ttabftaaelia  a  unbearable,  past  endurance. 
+ttttbta'lelta  a  unutterable. 
ttnbtømauUg    a    inexhaustible,    exhaustleas. 
•(eb  c  inexhaustibility. 

ttabtørrelig  o  not  to  be  dried  up,    inex- 
Uubbittet  o  undeveloped;  rudimentary. 
tUnberføgt  a  unexamined;  unexplored. 
naabaaaeUg    a    unavoldable,    never-to-be 
•avoided,  ine vitable;  fanbt  fifl  i  bet  -e  yielded 
to  the  ine  vitable.    -(eb  o  inevltableness. 

ttMMbffttlbelig   a  inexcusable.     -(eb  e  inex- 

ttunbbarrUg  a  indispensable.     -(eb  c  tndis* 
pensableness,  indispensability. 
ttbeabeaøbet  a  undrilled. 
ttbøbffet  a  unwashed;  -  Ulb  wool  in  the  yolk. 
Ubsldbar  a  ineligible.    -(eb  e  ineligibiUty. 
Uodtet  a  not  fulled. 

tttba*,  Ubane  a  vicious,  furious. 

Ubane  e  -r  bad  custom,  bad  habit;  -fwant  of 
practice;  bat  ben  ~  at  (ogf.)  has  a  triek  of. 

Uba'alig  a  unusual. 

ttbant  a  unæcustomed,  unused  (meb  to),  -(eb 
e  want  of  practice. 

+lt»arig  a  not  durable,  -(eb  c  want  of  dura- 

Ubarfon  o,  -(eb  fe  Uforfigtig. 

ttbeber(ttftig  a  insolvent,  not  to  be  trusted 
in  money  matters;  irresponsible.  -(eb  e  inability, 
insolvency;  lrresponsibillr/. 

1!  peber  tb  ttgntbe  a  unrefreshing. 

naeblontnteitbe  a  not  relating  to,  not  con- 
cerning;  en  mig  .  6ag  an  affair  in  which  I  am 
not  concerned;  bet  er  Sagen  .  this  is  irrelevant 
to  the  subject,  foreign  to  the  purpose;  -  ($er« 
foner)  persons  not  concerned,  strangers,  intruders; 
-  forotybe*  Øbgang!  no  admittanoe,  except  on 
business  I 

Ubeibar  a  fe  Ubejfom. 

ttbejr  n,  pi  s;  storm,  rough  weather,  hard 
weatber— ttbejrf  jbebnber,  -fagl  storm-presaging 
bird;  etp  storm-petrel.  »nat  stormy  nlght.  -fJftp 
thunder-cloud.  -ftorm  tempest.  -fbauger  a 
storm-presaging.    •traenbe  a  storm-menacing. 

ttbej'foat  a  trackless,  pathless,  impervious. 
•(eb  c  imperviousness. 

•Ubel  adv  unwell. 

Ubetfomasen  a  unwel'come. 

ttbea  e  -ner  enemy,  (-»-unfriend);  be  ere  blebne 
-ner  they  have  milen  out,  they  have  quarrelled. 
ttbenlig  a  unfrlendly,  unkind.  ttben'ligbcb  c 
unfriendlinees,  unkindness.  Ubenjlab  n  enmity. 
Ube»|ftabeUg  a  unfrlendly.  -ffabellg(eb  e  un- 

Ubenlenbe  adv  unexpectedly.  ttbeatet  a  un- 
expected,  unlooked-for. 

tUbib  »  imbeoility;  falbe  i  ~  swoon. 

ttbi'ben|be  a  ignorant  (om  of);  -  i  (ogf.)  abroad 
in.  -(eb  o  ignorance,  -(ebtfejl  c  mult  ti.  mls- 
take  from  ignorance,  •ftabelit  a  unsdentinc, 
unphilosophical,  unscholarly.  •ftabetig(eb  e  un- 
scientiflc  character. 

Ubigtig  a  unimportant,  immaterlal.  -(eb  c 

U»HØ  a  unwise,  lnjudlcious. 

ttbilbig  o  jur  impartial. 

Ubitje  c  (onb  BUje)  111-wiU,  malevolenoe;  (Ulbft) 
reluctance,  aversion;  (9RiS(ag)  displeasuze,  dis- 
gust,  indignation.  Ubtlfaarltg  a  Uivoluntary, 
beyond  one's  own  control.  ftaUlaa'flig(eb  c 
involuntariness.  Ubillig  a  unwilllng;  adv  grudg- 
ingly,  wlth  a  bad  grace.  ttbU'lf g(eb  c  unwilling- 

UbiDig  a  fe  Ubilbig. 

Qbingei  a  wlngless,  apterous. 

ttblrleUg  a  unreal,  unsubstantial.  -(eb  o  un- 

Qbirffont  a  (iffe  arbejbfom)  inactive,  inert, 
idle;  (fom  ingen  Birrning  gør)  inefncadous,  in- 
effective,  inemcient,  lnoperative;  gøre  .  render 
inert  el.  lnoperative.  -(eb  c  inactivlty,  inaction; 
idleness;  inefflcacy,  inefflciency. 

llbiø  a  uncertain,  doubtful,  undedded;  paa  bet 
-fe  at  a  venture;  -t  af  (bab  ©runb  for  some  un- 
known  reason.  -(eb  e  uncertain  ty;  (olbe  i  - 
keep  in  suspense. 

ttøifeltg,  ttbifeiigen  adv  unwiøely. 

ttbiø'neliø  a  unfading,  imperlshable.  -(eb  c 

Uoitterlig  o  (ubefenbt)  unknown;  (ubebibft)  un- 
conscious;  mig  ~  unknown  to  me. 

Uvittig  a  unwitty,  dull,  stupid;  *senseless, 
impertinent;  bet  bar  iffe  -t  it  was  rather  wltty 
el.  not  unwitty. 




+tt»øtf  en  a  not  full-grown. 

tinor*  a  naughty,  mischievous,  unmannerly, 
petulant,  -rude,  rough.  -b)eb  c  naughtiness, 

ttbarberftg  a  invaluable,  inesthnable,  inap- 

ttoabaet  a  unarmed,  fe  ttbetxebnet. 

Uborgerlig  a  not  to  bo  rerused  el.  decllned; 
en  -  $ngt  an  absolute  duty;  ode  without  oppo- 
sition, unheaitatlngly. 

tUorrb  «  worthleseness.  ttoorr'big  a  (ilte  txtrbig) 
unworthy,  undeserving  (til  of);  (fammelig)  un- 
worthy,  unbeoomlng,  base.  ttøorrbigbeb  c  un- 

ttbttfen  *  diiorder,  dlsturbance,  nuisance. 

ttttonnitUø  a  unessential,  Immaterial.  -|eb  e 
lmmaterialness;  cono  unessential,  thing  of  mlnor 

ttUxrtte  e  -c  evil  ipirit,  ogre. 

ttabel  a  ignoble,  base. 

ttabetaiøbig  a  uDgenerous. 

flagre  a  not  genuine,  spurious,  bastard, 
tatlon,  amr  bogus;  .  ©ara  naturel  child,  U)e*rit- 
imate  child,  bastard  child,  by-blow;  -  9te! 
hnproper  fraction;  _  Diamanter  false  dtenundf, 
paste;  et  -  ^om  Støtte)  does  not  wa&h;  ~  3a#sria 
mook-orange,  Philadelphia  coramxriui;  -  tak- 
linger imitation  lace;  -  ftade,  Rubin  moek  peari 
m.  ruby;  -  6fit  natural  ete.  son  (fe  -  ØotB). 

+ttttflfl}eb  e  spuriousness;  illegitimacsy. 

Uonnet  a  disregarded. 

ttorrbøbig  a  disreøpectftil,  irreverent.     -ftefre 
dlsrespect,  irreyerence. 

tttare  e  fe  JBanære. 

ttotrlig  a  (utebelig)  dishonest;  (Pancecenbe)  in 
famous,  dishonourahie,  ignomlnlous.  -V*  * 
diahonesty;  ignominy. 

tUi'neltg  a  out  of  sight. 

tUøet  a  unexercised,  unpractised,  untralned, 
raw.    -Jeb  c  want  of  practlce  el.  trådning. 


8,  b  [8e]  n  -et  V,  v  [vee];  abbr.  ».  —  «efl 
West;  Øeflerbro  (the  western  suburb  of  Copen- 

©aaben  n,  pi  o,  weapon;  mil  arms  pi;  &  (€>l. 
$umpe)  weejee;  fe  -art;  gfamitie*  arms,  coat  of 
arms,  escutsoheon;  bære,  føre  .  bear,  carry  arms; 
jloa  unber  -  be  in  el.  under  arms;  gribe  til  - 
take  (up)  arms,  rise  (up)  in  arms;  bet  banfte  - 
tbe  Danish  (coat  of)  arms.  ©aabenjart  c  arm 
(of  service),  -baanb  her  fesse.  -biflebe  armorial 
bearings.  -bog  book  of  heraldry.  -borg  fio 
rampart  of  arms.  -brag  din  of  arms.  -brober 
brotherat-armB ,  companlon  in  arms;  -btsbre 
brethren  in  arms.  -brug  tbe  use  of  arms. 
••viber  fe  -brag.  -fttyrb  poet  be&rlng  arms.  -baob 
martial  el.  warlike  achievement  el.  exploit,  feat 
of  arms.  -band  sword-dance.  -bforro  a  valiant, 
valorous.  -bjarttteb  o  valour.  •brager  armour 
-bearer,  anniger,  (e)squire.  -bttgtig  a  capable 
of  bearing  arms,  able-bodied.  -bbgttgbjeb  capa- 
billty  of  bearing  arms.  -btoft  fight,  battle. 
•falrtl  manuiactory  of  arms.  •fabritoat  sword- 
•cutler;  gunsmith.  -felt  quarter,  fleld.  -frotte 
coat  (of  arms),  tabard.  -falle  fe  -brober.  -fcerb 
warfere.  -farbigbeb  dexterity  el.  skill  in  arms. 
•far  fe  btrøtig.  +-gtem  fe  Hang.  -glan*  splen- 
dour  of  arms.  -gat  fe  -tlang.  -bat  fe  -fat. 
-tanbler  dealer  in  arms,  armorer.  -belb  success 
in  war.  -fterølb  klng  at  arms.  -bjatlm  her 
helmet,  -bolber  supporter.  •$«•  armory;  (øeb 
ftirte)  porch.  -tyrtfe  fe  fHlfianb.  -lammer  armory. 
•tanbe  fe  -fjote.  -feitber  herald.  -lifte  arm-chest. 
-tiøie,  -tjortet  coat  of  arms.  -Hang  clash  el. 
din  of  arms.  -Kirren  rattle  of  arms.  -Håber 
armour.  -tfobt  a  armed.  -tonge  klng  of  arms. 
-taaft  heraldry.  -Ibnbtg  a  Bkilled  in  heraldry. 
-larm  fe  -brag.  -lea  military  exercise.  -Iljb 
sound  of  arms.  -tylle  success  in  war,  fortune 
of  war.  -Iirre  system  el.  science  of  arms.  -M 
a  un armed,  weaponless.  -Uibcb  defencelesa- 
ness.  -nager  c  -e,  fe  -fmeb.  -magt  military 
power  et.  force;  meb  -  by  force  of  arms.  -maler 
Diazoner,  -mrfter  armorer.  -ntcerfe  device, 
■f-ma  amazon.  -manfrriag  muster  of  arms. 
•plab§  place  of  arms;  (Øuannjrfabs)  alarm-post. 
-raflet  a  armed.   -rnflMtMg  armour.   -fal  armory. 

armorial  hall.  -falbe  weapon-salve.  -faatltag 
collection,  depot,  museum,  of  arms.  -fffolb 
coat  of  arms,  shield  of  arms,  t*{f«e  review.  *c 
wapinschaw.  -fweb  armorer.  -fritter  hexaidic 
engraver.  -ttlftaitb  trace,  armlstioe,  ceeaation 
of  arms.  -frbjrfe  fe  -magt.  »fUert  a  well  armed. 
•f»eab  fe  -brager,  f-taa  wapentake.  t-t|ing  fe 
-frue.  -rraje  coat  of  mail.  -»amt  fe  -bbgria.  -arre 
military  renown.  -anelfer  pi  military  exerdses. 
-øaet  a  exereised  in  arms,  tralned  to  arms. 

©aab'  n  fe  Cob. 

Qaab  a  wet;  perten  -t  eQer  tsrt  neither  bite  nor 
sup  (el.  sip);  en  .  •tao  a  watery  grave;  en  . 
%xs\t  a  wetting;  -c  SSoorer  liqulds;  gøre  .  wei; 
.  fom  en  brutnet  9Rul  wet  as  a  drowned  rat. 
Øaabsgrig  a  moist. 

Saabe  danger,  peril;  accident;  beb  el.  af  . 
by  accident.  $aabe|bøb  fine  for  aocidental 
mischlef.  -brab  homleide  by  misadventure. 
-ilb  acddental  fire.  tøaabelig  a  perflou*. 
8sabe|faar  acddental  wound.  -fag  action  for 
aocidental  mischlef.  Øaabef  grmuig  fe  weti. 
Qaabelftab  chance  shot.  -Ofltrt  chance  aet  el. 

Baaljbeb  e  wetness.  Mambt  a  (om  9otb)  wet. 
-ftoet  a  wet-shod. 

CBaabt  n  Vaud.    -Iteaber  c  e  Vaudois. 

Vaabajet  a  having  molst  ti.  wet  eyes. 

tøaag  a  weak. 

8aag  e  fe  TOuSoaag. 

*8aag  e  fe  $og. 

*8aag  o  fe  Sot. 

+8a*g  e  -er  (small)  bay,  inlet. 

8aag,  9aage  o  -t  opening  in  the  ioe. 

Oaage  vi  wake,  be  awake;  -  ooer  watch 
(over);  -  ober  at  take  care  el.  see  that;  -  bo*  en 
©pa  sit  up  with  a  sick  person;  -  oeb  et  £tg 
wake  a  oorpse;  -  for  el.  ooer  Stateni  gtø  watch 
over  the  welfare  of  the  state. 

*Vnagebt»al  c  beaked  whale,  Byp*rood*n  ro- 

8aage|tone,  -tbinbe  slcknurse.  -to«  wages  of 
a  sicknurae.  »flagen  c  weJdng.  Qaaaen  a  awake, 
waking;  -gne  Kætter  wakeful  (el.  sleeples) 
nights;  -gne  Srsmme  day-dreams,  waking  dreams; 
i  Katten*  -gne  timet  in  the  silent  watches  of 




the  nlght;  tabe  et  -t  Øje  meb  keep  a  watchfal 
eye  on.  ©aagevbeb  c  watchfalness,  wakerul- 
ness.    Qaogelaat,  -fine  lich-wake. 

*ØMg(e)«ftl  c  glut,  fulcrum. 

©aa'gmarr  c  deal-nsh.  Traekyptenu  aretious. 

©tagne  m  (t  A  P  of )  wake,  awake  (af  from). 

*8aal  n,  pi  mm.  fe  ©aage  c. 

tØMlcn  a  fe  Bolen. 

©aanb  e  wand,  rod. 

*Qaanb  e  et  water-rat,  water-vole,  Artneola 

©aonbe  c  (Køb)  dlstresfljperplexlty, embaxrass- 
ment;  (6mette)  pain.  ©oaabe  fig  vr  groan, 
xnoan.  -falb  a  amlcted,  dlstressed,  anguished. 
-flage  walling.  -fltig  cry  of  pain.  -ful  moan 
(of  anguish). 

©aaaing  e  -er  dwelling,  habitaUon.  —  8oo* 
aing*|bnø  dwelllng-house,  mansion.  -m«,  -frae 

©oor  n  (til  6engtlæber)  cover,  case,  bed-Uck; 
(Zøiet)  Uck. 

©isat  e  (ftoraot)  spring;  i  -  this  spring;  om  -en  in 
the  spring;  *t  -e*  last  spring;  til  -en  nest  spring, 
in  the  spring.  ©aarlblomft  spring  el.  vernal 
flower.  -blontfrrmbe  o  flowering  in  the  spring. 
-bab  harbinger  of  spring,  -bM  spring-barley, 
Hordøum  vutøarø.  -I«!  sprlng-brook,  *-bort  a 
calving  in  the  spring,  -bag  spring-dav.  Saareø 
v  imp  (+  ©aare  ot)  become  spring,  -flfferi 
ftpring-nshlng.  -flagrer  c  fe  -flue.  *•( øm  spring 
freonet  el.  flood.  -flfee  caddice-fly,  Pkrvoonea. 
-forglemmigej  creeping  forget-me-not,  Ompha- 
lodt*  verna.  -frlff  a  fresh  as  spring,  -froft 
spring-frost,  -grøn  a  light-green.  -bare  March 
hare.  -bonning  spring -honey.  -baabetnnge 
Venus'  navelwort,  Omphalodo*  linifolia.  -tjbebe 
spring- wheat,  Triticum  aitivum.  -tyribblømme 
spring  snow-flake,  Leueojwn  vern*m.  -jttbttb* guf • 
»ttitttet  the  vernal  eqinoctial  point.  +-taal  fe 
©orterob.  •-fonten  fe  -potten,  -tfoffe  fe  Sne-. 
-Kdrbt  a  in  spring-dress,  •-fntben  dmf  the  scar- 
city  of  food  for  the  cattle  in  spring.  -lom 
spring-oorn.  -lagt  a  spring-ploughed.  ©aarfig 
vernal.  Saar|laft  spring-air,  vernal  air.  -lffgntng 
spring-ploughlng.  •nooneb  spring-month,  vernal 
month,  *  March,  -nat  spring  night.  *-onn 
ploughing  and  sowing  season,  spring  work. 
'-totten  dtf  the  spring  season.  -pløje  vt  spring 
plough.  -pløjning  spring-ploughlng.  -regn 
ppringrain,  vernal  showers pi.  -rug spring-rye. 
-falat  corn-salad,  Vaierianelia.  -fllb  spring 
•herring,  herring  in  the  sizth  year.  -ffo  spring 
cloud.  -fol  vernal  sun.  -ftrønt  vernal  torrent. 
•fotb  fe  -torn.  Mljing  spring  assizes.  -tlb  spring 
-time.  -tørff  spring-cod.  -tojet  pi  spring  stuflh. 
•Mjt  sprlng-weather.  -»tab  spring  wing.  -trio! 
March  violet,  sweet  violet,  Viola  odorota. 

©aof  n  nonsense,  balderdash,  moonshine, 
nibblsh.  Coofe  vi  talk  nonsense.  ©aofebobeb, 
©aofet  c  -e  rattle.    ©aafet  a  nonsensical. 

*©aott,  ©aatte  e  -er,  fe  ©ante. 

©a'bte,  +©obel  o  r  blister,  vesicle.  Vablet  a 
blistered,  bllstery. 

*©a»  n,  pi  — ,  fe  ©ob. 

©ab  »,  pi  **,  ford.    ©a'bbar  a  fordoble. 

*Qa  bben  »  -et  winch. 

©abe  vi  wade:  ~  obet  ford,  pass  by  fordlng. 
pass  on  foot.  ©obclfob  grallatory  ioot.  -fagl 
wading-bird,  wader,  grallatorial  bird. 

©aberne!**  n  vademecum,  companion. 

©sbelftrb  ford.  -fløbler  pi  waterproof  boots, 

©abmel  n  wadmal,  frieze,  russet.  8obmet6> 
tofte  frieze  coat  (o.  fl.). 

©o  bning  e  wadlng,  fording. 

©obfl  c  (brt  at  babffe,  Xøj)  wash,  washing; 

laundry-work;  Sø|  til  -  olothes  ir  Ahe  wash; 
atbe  i  ef.  til  -,  fenbe  poo  ~  send  to  l^Mwash;  er 
F  -en  is  being  waohed,  is  in  the  wasP,  ^oot  af  i 
-en  won't  wash,  washes  off.  ©obfl  o  -er  (i  Uef- 
fen) sink;  f  ooo  i  -en  come  to  nought  el.  nothing, 
go  to  the  dogs.  Sobfle  vt  A  «  wash;  (t  ftott) 
cut;  -  op  wash  up  (the  dinner  service);  font  fon 
•8  waahable;  f  en  ftatl  el.  noget,  bet  $ax  -t  fig 
a  stunner,  bet  er  en  %rt.  en  mt  ofn.,  bet  bot  -t 
flg  sne  is  a  stunning  glrl,  that's  a  stunning  hat; 
-  en  ren  Ag  whltewash  one;  jeg  -t  mine  jamber 
(i  Uflttlbigtøb)  I  wash  my  hånds  of  lt;  ben  ene 
$oonb  -r  oen  anben  one  good  turn  deserves  an- 
otber,  daw  me  and  I'll  claw  thee,  you  scratch 
my  back  and  I'll  scratch  yours.  —  ©abflejanfiatt 
washing-establishment.  -balje,  -balle  washing 
•tub.  -bjarn  racoon,  Proeyon  lotor.  -btoot 
Queen's  blue.  -brcet  washboard,  buck- stage; 
typ  wettlng-  board,  -borffen  fe  -fob.  -barfre 
scrubbing  brush.  -boa  washing  dav.  -fob  (wash 
-hånd)  basln.  *-fUe  fe  -flnb.  -gnlb  waah-gold. 
•bonbffer  waah-leather  gloves,  washing  gloves. 
-baf  wash -house,  laundry.  -Jolle  4,  clothes 
-line.  -jorb  fe  ©oRejorb.  -far  washing -tub. 
-febel  wash-ketUe  el.  -copper.  -fjole  washing 
dress,  -flab  dish-clout.  -tone  fe  ©obfferfone. 
-tttlber  wash-cellar.  -lab  lees.  -manb  washer 
-man.  -moffine  washing -machine,  (faregne 
©log*):  dolly,  cylinder  washing -mill.  -neafel 
long-handed  brush.  -blobf  washing -place, 

Sobffer  c  -e  washer.  -botnf  washing-bench. 
Sobfferrgning  washerwoman's  bill.  ©abfferbnf 
wash-house,  laundry.  ©obfleri'  n  -er  wash-house, 
washing-establishment.  ©obffer|fone  washer- 
woman,  laundress.  -Un  wages  for  washing. 
-bige  laundry-maid.  Sabffer«  n,  pi «,  laundry, 

Qabffelf ebbel  list  of  things  to  be  washed.  -fer* 
oonte  wash-stand.  -ffinb  wash-leather,  (femffet) 
shammy-leather.  -fHttbManbfrev  fe  -banbfler. 
-floffer  pi  washing  fabrlcs.  -fbom^  sponge. 
•fotbe  common  white  soap.  -ti«  stream-nn. 
-trug  washing  -trough,  buddle.  -to)  washing; 
washing  fsbric.  -nonb  water  for  washing. 
-bolle  fe -fob.  ^-bonbf  mngge  ewer,  Jug.  •HOoiibi- 
fftol  fe  ferbante.  -atgte  a  washable.  Sobffgnlb 

Bobffning  o  washing. 

©obfsf  e  -fe  portmanteau,  knapsack,  travelling 

*©obtrct  fe  ©obbrog. 

©af!  wowwowi 

Vaffel  c  -flet  woffle,  wafer;  barme  -flet  joo 
bozes  on  the  ear.  -baget  wafer-maker,  waferer. 
-i«m  waffle  el.  wafer-iron  el.  tongs.  -tocbpe 
honey-comb  counterpane.  ©afle  vt  boz  one's 

©ag  a  vogue. 

©oaabonb'  o  -er  vag'abond,  vagrant.  -e're  »« 
vag'abondlze.  -e'ring  o  vag'abondage,  vagrancy. 

©age  vi  (om  ©sje)  watch;  (om  ©aab)  live. 
©aget  c  -e  4,  (6ømærte)  beacon,  buoy;  (paa  9Rafte« 
top)  vane.  ©ogrr|boje  beacon,  buoy,  floatlng 
beacon.    -penge  beaconage. 

*©aggc  vi  waddle. 

zBogaon'  o  -et  reilway-carriage. 

Qogqeb  e  vagueness. 

*8ag!  n,  pi  mst  ©agle  o  -t  perching  stick. 
©aale  flg  vr  roost. 

Oagnetia'net  e  -e.  zBagnerff  o  Wagne'rian. 

*©ognbnnb  §  grampus,  Dtlphinu*  oroa. 

©agt  c  -er  watch,  guard;  ^  watch;  (Otonb)guard, 
sentinel;  (Sotole)  guard  el.  watch-house;  »cete  el. 
floa  poa  .,  baoe  -  be  on  guard  el.  duty;  ftillc, 
jætte  pao  -  put  on  guard;  tølbe  •  keep  watch 




fl.  guarcV  Afte  paa  .  mount  guard;  tratte  af  ~ 
go  off  £Vl;  afUfe  -en  relieve  guard;  fym  biet 
ført  i  -fløjrae  was  brought  to  the  station-  el. 
watch-honse;  unber  ft«tt .  under  a  strong  guard; 
floa  ~  om  form  a  guard  ronnd.  Sagtjbaal,  -blaf 
fe  -ilb.  -o)efeit  &  the  officer  In  charge  of  the 

Sagte!  c  -tier  quail,  Perdix  coturnix.  -føngft 
quallcatching.  -garv quall-net.  -ftnnb  pointer. 
t-Iøltge  corncrake,  landrail,  Crexprateiuu.  -pibe 
quall-pipe.  -flag  call  el.  note  of  the  quail. 
•tr*t  migration  of  quails. 

Sagtjfrt  a  free  from  guard,  off  guard,  off 
duty.  -gl«0  watch  glass.  -gørenbe  a  ftolf  men 
on  watch.  -baøenbe  a  on  guard,  on  watch; 
ben  .  Officer  the  officer  on  guard  (el.  duty); 
<t,  the  officer  of  the  watch.  -tyølb  mounting 
guard;  keeping  watches.  -Qanb  watch -dog. 
•tøf  guard-house.  watch-house.  -ilb  watch-flre. 
•tawmerat  watch -mate.  -flotte  watch -bell. 
-ntanbftab  men  on  watch  el.  guard.  -meftet 
sergeant;  *  keeper,  door-keeper.  -parabe  parade 
of  the  Boldiers  on  guard.  -pøft  watch  sentinel. 
-røle  &  watch-bill.  -ftlb  guard  snip,  watch 
-vessel.  -ftifte  changing  el.  relleving  guard; 
conc  watch.  -ftrtøer  garrison-clerk.  -ftub  watch 
-gun,  gun-fire.  SagtØøfficer  officer  of  the  watch. 
Sagtføm  a  watchful,  vigilant.  Saatfømbeb  c 
vlgilance.  Sagtfprøfte  guard-house  nre-engine. 
SaøtØrsHe  fe  Saøt«.  Sagt  |  fine  guard- room. 
-taarn  watch-tower.  -tfettrftr  guard  duty.  -tur 

Saiabit'er  pi  Wahabees. 

Safb,  Sejb  ø  woad,  Itatit  tinctoria.  -afte 
woad-ashes.  -farøer  woad- dyer.  -tage  woad 
-cake.    -mølle  woad-mill. 

Cafe  9t  fly,  float,  wave.    Saje*  c  flying  etc. 

Sajfenf)ttØ  n  orphans'  asylum,  orphan  house, 
orphanage.  -barn,  -breng,  *-gui,  -pige  orphan 
-house  child,  boy,  girl. 

Satance  c  -r  vacancy.  -titfatbe:  i.on  a 
vacancy,  in  case  of  vacandes.  Satant'  a 
va'cant;  opflaa  -  declare  yacant. 

Satci'lne  e  vae'cine  matter,  lymph.  -ne're  øf 
vae'cinate.  -nation  c  vaccina'tion.  -ttattø'nØ' 
attefft  vaccination  certlflcate.  •notø'r  c  -er  vacci- 
na'tor,  vaccinlst,  vaccination  officer. 

Satte  c  wacke,  wacky. 

Satter  a  *  (tun  om  Ubfeenbe)  pretty,  handsome, 
fine;  ttønøøeliø,  „flint")  pleasant,  nice,  amiable, 
amr  elever;  *en  -  $aø  some  fine  morning;  *en 
-  Stillinø  a  pretty  penny;  -t  adv  nicely;  *-!  <& 
handsomely !  *  bebe  -t  bag  hard.  -beb  e  amlable- 

Safte  v»  (rotte;  shake,  totter;  (sone  uøift)  waver, 
fluctuate,  vacillate;  -  i  fin  Seflutninø  talter  in 
one's  resolution;  —  satlen be  a  shaking  etc.; 
be  -nbe  the  waverers.  Sattebnfte  tumbler.  Sat« 
ten  c  (Rotten)  shaking,  tottering;  (UbeftemtQeb) 
vacillation,  fluctuation.  —  Sflfleøør«  a  waver- 
ing,  vacillating.    -Ijeb  vacillating  disposition. 

Saft,  9attt  fe  Satte. 

Satnnnt  n  vacuum.  -pumpe  v.  pump  (o.  fl.)- 
SatMttmølgoMexhaust-passage.  -moaler  vacuum 
gauge,    -øentil  snif  ting  el.  vacuum  val  ve. 

+8al'  e  (ftyft;  coast. 

Sal  c  fe  SalplabS. 

Salbirt  c  maple,  sycamore,  Aeer  ptcwdopla- 

Saibørg  Walpur'giR. 

Salbrnferoe  W the  Waldenses.  $etru«  Satbu* 
Peter  Waldo. 

Satbjbøra  n  French-hom,  bugle.  -bornblorfer, 
-børnift  e  -er  player  on  the  bugle.  -børn(e)tla»g 
the  sound  of  bugles.    -føsppe  fe  Stobfnojppe. 

Såten  a  benumbed,   numb  (wlth   cold);  fig 

feeble,  half-hearted;  —  adv  togt  -t  paa  nt  ro 
about  st  in  a  half-hearted  mønner. 

Salen?'  c  chem  atomicity. 

Sai'enltin  Valenttne.  -tt'ne  c  -r  val'entine. 
-tinøbreø  valenttne. 

Saleria'tt|a  c  vale'rian.   -føre  ▼aler'ic  acwL 

Sale«  n  Wales,    »ale'flft  a  fe  SaStfift. 

Sallfatt  c  -er  pilgrimage.  -f«rt  w  makea 
p.,   go   on  a  pilgrimage.     -fortSfteb   plaee  et 

Salg  n,  pi  es,  cholce,  option,  seleetion:  <iaé> 
lem  to  Itnø)  alternative;  (af  gøtfte  ofø.)  elecriai. 
(af  deputeret)  election,  return,  poll:  (»eb  tnøl« 
ballot(ing);  af  frit  -  from  choice;   fil  -et  tmeSs 
was  left  to  choose  between;  t>oi*  ^øn  ^aøbe  -fl 
(imettem  to  ting)  if  he  were  to  choose;  tneffe « 
-  make  a  choice;  træf  S>etrt  .  make  your  choice 
el.  election;  bn  b^ar  -et  take  your  choice,  thr 
is  optional  to  you;  ber  er  intet  Salg  there  is  no 
choice,  it  is  Hobson's  choice;  boere  paa  -  be  * 
candldate   (for  election)  jtftte  Hg    Hl  -  stand; 
tøoa  -  nbt  choose  between.    Salg | agent  elec- 
tioneering  agent,     -att  election.     -bar  a  eur 
ible.  -ba?bebceligibllity.  -barbeb»ce«f»*  prop^ 
erty  quallflcation.   -beretrlgelfe  right  of  votang 
•berettiget  a  entitled  to  vote.     -berettiget  c 
voter,  elector.    -beftittelfe  bribery  In  elections 
-befrørelf e  committee.  -beftører  returning  officer 
-bcøttgelfe  stir  of  election.    -breø  ærtincate  or 
election.    -eenfn*  electoral  quallflcation.    *b«l 
election-day.    -bifrritt  fe  treb«.    ^fterrei«i«g« 
election  intelligence  el.  news.  -embebe  electit« 
offlce.     -fif  fe  -tneb.     -forfaøilittg   meeting  or 
electors,  amr  caucus.    -fri  a:   «t  %a$  0^,S21 
el.  discretionary  subjeot,  amr  elective.     •fnl« 
freedom  el.  liberty  of  choice;   (i  politi*  Set- 
liberty  of  voting,  freedom  of  elections.    ••!«» 
flraud  at  elections.     -førfle   elective   monareb. 
+-f«t*tr  adoptive  cousin.     -^anbling  elecaon 
-terre  elector.  -intriger  electioneertog  Intrigues. 
-tamp  contest  of  the  election,  conteøted  elec- 
tion, election eering  struggle.    -fampaøøe  elec- 
tioneering    campaign.      -tanbibat     cøndidate. 
-topitttlatiøM  charter,    -tløge  election  petinon. 
-ttaAfe  class  of  electors.    -tneb  electioneeriD? 
trick,     -tøwmitté  committee;   •committee  of 
elections.    -lønge  elective  klng.    -trebl  wara. 
electoral  division,  electorfal)  dlstrict,  constini- 
ency,  (parliamentary)  borough.     -Itfle  regW*J 
of»  electors  el.  voters;  (oøer  Vfflenininøen)  pou 
•book.    -loø  law  of  elections.    -nuiabe  manøer 
of  election.    -ntoab  elector.    -masøvre  fe  -tneb 
-mevigfteb  free  congregation.   -møMorli  elective 
monarchy.    -øtøbc  fe  -forfamlinø.    -nørUfer  p*  i< 
-efterretninger.     -owtøfrniMger  pi  electoral  ex- 
penses.   •optøfer  electoral  disturbances.  -periøbf 
electoral  period.    -program  electoral  platform. 
•propaganba  electloneerlng.  -protøtol  poll-book 
•prfffft  elective  parson.  -reform  electoral  reform- 
•ret,   -rettigteb   (elective)  f ranchise,   electoral 
rights  el.   prlvileges,  suffirage.     -rige  alectlT* 
kingdom.     -rigdbag    fe  -tinø.     -febbel   vodnp 
-paper,  written  vote.    -fejer  electoral  victory- 
•floigtflab  elective  affinity.    -fprog  motto.   -pj» 
elective  state.     -fteb  place  of  election,  Pp£- 
-ftemme    vote.     -frne    election -room.     *fbtesi 
electoral  system,     -tale    candidate's    addre® 
-tilig    elective    assembly.     -tribnne    hustin^ 
-trøt  pressure  on  electors.     -nrne  ballot-boi 
-øorfen  elective  system. 

Salibe're  vt  be  equivalent  to. 

Salt  c  -er  roll,  (til  2)amet)aar)  halr-pad. 

Salte  vt  full,  mlU.  Salte  o  -r,  fe  -møfle.  -f»° 
false  fold,  wrinkle.  -^awmer  fnlling-hammer. 
-førb  fuller's  earth.  -tor  fulling  vat;  tøattc*' 
battery.     -ntøUe  fulling  xnill,  glg-mill,  tullerr 




»Iler  taller,  ©alfer  c  -e  folier,  galleri'  n  fe 
røaltning;  -mølle.  Øalle|ffo  jtf  shoes  for  fulling 
leaiher.  -fløf  fuller's  hammer.  ©olljorb  faller' s 
e&rth.    ©allntng  c  fulling. 

QalrYrierxe pi  tbe  Valkyries,  battle-nymphs. 

Bøjttfll  e  -ler  geldlng. 

«all«t|i'ei  n  Walla'chia.  -'er  c,  -ifl  a  Walla'- 

ItomUanb  n  France. 

Balle  c  whey;  +  ftjlte  .  ldle,  do  nothing. 
-ag  tig  a  wheyey.  -far :  bruge  -  drink  whey  for 
one'shealth.  -øftcheese  made  of  whey.  -øniaøe 
whey-pump.  -futter  sugar  of  mllk-  -far  a  acid 
from  containlng  whey.  t-fbin  hog  fed  on  whey . 
Sollet  a  wheyey. 

SBalliØ  n  (Ranton)  Valais. 

ftott'fer  o  -e  Welshman;  «ne  the  Welah.  -tnb'e 
c  -r  Welah woman.    ©aØififf  a  Wel&h. 

Salo'tt  e  -er  Walloon. 

JBalttt  o  ardl  bip.    -Ug  hlp-roof. 

Salmve  o  pojppy;  Papaver;  (toilb)  corn  poppy, 
P.  rkoear.  (barret)  opium  poppy.  white  poppy, 
P.  9omn%ferum.  ©atmae|  familie«  the  papa- 
veraceous  planta.  «frø  poppy -seed.  -trone 
garland  of  poppies.  -Iranfet  a  crowned  wlth 
poppies.  -olie  poppy  oil.  -faft  poppy-juice, 
opium;  pkarm  meoonium.  -flangel  poppy-stalk. 
•fore  meconlc  acid. 

Oflltte  vi  grow  numb  (with  cold). 

Øahtøb  e  -bet  walnut;  Stinerummet  i  en  - 
zest.  ©alnøb(fte)ølte  nu t- oli.  -flal  walnut-shell. 
-tro?  walnut-tree,  Juglan*  (regia);  ameritanfl  - 
hickory,  Carya.    -tr«,  -øeb  walnut  wood. 

ftolø'nier  pi  valonla. 

Salølab*  o  battle-fleld,  fleld  of  battle,  betølbe 
-en  remain  master  of  the  field. 

9alra*  c  <fc  n  saddle-cloth. 

»a'lraø  fe  $balrøb. 

fjalø  c  -t  &  -et  waltz;  banfe  .  cl.  ©alfe  w 

©alfe  c  -r  cylinder,  roller;  mech  (til  Sribremme) 
drum.  ©alfe  ol  roll.  -Mb,  sheet-lead.  -formet, 
-førntig  a  cylindrical.  -bf«!  wheel  turning  a 
cylinder;  (Urin.)  oentre-wheel.  -Mier  sneet 
•copper.  -utaftine  rolling-machine.  -mølle  roller. 

©alfer  o  -e  waltzer. 

©alfefnalte  c  volute,  Vduia. 

©alfetrtx  n  waltz-step. 

©olfelrrttfntag  cylinder- printing.  •trbtmafline 
cylinder-printlng  machine.  -bart  rolling  ma- 
chine el.  mill. 

©alft  o  (f)  fe  ©alfl;  -e  Bønner  cl.  -bønner  garden 

©aiflbitge  c  catapolt. 

©alte  vi  fe  Slalte. 

•»airre  fe  »talte. 

©alat'a  c  valne;  -  for  fine  $enge  his  money's 
worth,  the  worth  of  his  money;  .  mobtaget  for 
yalue  received;  -  i  Hegning  value  on  account. 

©omle  vi  &  imper§  nauaeate,  loathe,  become 
squeamish;  Staben  -t  mig  I  loathe  my  food,  my 
food  palls  upon  me.  Bantmel  a  mawkish, 
nauseous,  slckly.  —  ©ammelifceb  o  mawkish- 
nesa,  nauseousness.  -føb  a  nauseously  sweet, 
sweetly  mawkish. 

©aøiøb/r  c  -er  vamplre -bat,  Phyliottoma,  (ogfoa 
fig)  vam'plre. 

©«t  a  wont;  tbleier  -  is  wont,  is  in  the 
habit  of. 

©anobi'n  »  vana'dium.  -føre  van'adous  acid. 

©aa'lart  c  wickedness.  -arte  fe  ©anflagte. 
•artig  a  wicked;  ben  onbe  og  -e  Slægt  bibl  an 
evll  and  adnlterous  generation,  -arrigf^eb  o  fe 
©anari;  fXunbf  -  bibl  a  froward  mouth. 

©ønbnrbig  a  lowborn.  -beb  c  low  birth  el. 


er;  UyjA-  treah 

*»•**  a  fastidious. 

Qoitb  n  -e  water;  *tarn,  lake; 
aquatlc;  fait  -  salt  water,  sea  water; 
water;  rmbenbe  -  runnlng  water;  fHBeftaaenbe  - 
stagnant  water;  bet  ftiUe  .  tør  ben  bpbe  Ømnb 
still  waters  run  deep;  -et  bliber  bqbete,  grunbere 
(nnber  ©ejloM)  the  water  is  deepening,  shoaling; 
•et  ftaar  bejt,  Iabt  the  water  is  high,  low:  -et 
(Zibøanbet)  fHget  ^urtig  the  Ude  is  flowing  fast; 

—  ftlbe,  inbtage  -  ^  water.  take  in  water;  bi 
begtyibe  at  mangle  -  we  are  getting  abort  of 
water,  water  is  runnlng  short;  bet  $oIber  iffe  - 
fig  it  won't  wash,  won't  hold  water,  labe  ftt  - 
make  water;  tralle  ~  make  water;  rræbc  -e,  -et 
tread  (in  the)  water;  —  (meb  prctp  og  ado):  af 
bet  renefte .  of  the  firet  water;  en  lort),  Sfonferbatib, 
af  bet  renefie  •  a  Tory  of  Tories;  løbe  fulb  af  ~ 
(øm  Slib)  become  water-logged;  gaa  i  -et  bathe, 
go  bathing,  fiø  F  go  wrong,  come  off  second 
best,  be  sold;  ftob  i  .  (til  Irnseme)  was  above  his 
knees  in  water;  fifle  i  rørt  .(e)  flsh  in  troubled 
waters;  en  Storm  i  et  ©la*  .  a  tempest  in  a 
teacup  el.  teapot;  fymt  Zanber  løbe  i  -  his  teeth 
water;  tønft  iRnnb  løber  i  .  his  mouth  waters; 
ber  maa  løbe  meget  -  i  Stranben  ferft  it  cannot 
be  for  a  long  time  yet:  meb  .  i  tyifet  wlth  water 
laid  on;  -  i  ^oøebet  hydrocephalus,  water  on 
the  brain;  floa  (lølbt)  -  i  ©Iobet  take  it  coolly; 
bore  -  i  et  6oIb  carry  water  in  a  sleve;  ftlbed 
meb  -  og  fqnle  (om  ©oab)  be  swamped;  bu 
barer  iffe  .  i  mob  you  are  not  flt  to  hold 
a  candle  to  him.  forfqne  et  Slib  meb  -  water 
a  snip;  Saren  om  -et  hydrology;  bale  -  oø 
draw  water;  o  ben  -e,  o  ber  -et  above  water; 
^olbe  fig  oben  -e  fio  keep  one's  head  above 
water;  tage  .  oøer  sbip  water,  take  water  on 
board;  *iage  fig  .  ober  ^oøebet  get  out  of  one's 
depth;  paa  -et  on  ei.  In  the  water;  bi  lom  ølub* 
felig  paa  bbbere  .  we  deepened  our  water  sud- 
denly;  ligger  tøjere  paa  -et  is  higher  out  of  the 
water;  paa  20  ftob  .  in  20  feet  water;  fatte  paa 
-et  launch;  løbe  paa  -et  be  launched;  ben  ligger 
gobt  paa  -et  ane  sits  well  on  the  water;  føengfel 
paa  ~  og  ©røb  lmprisonment  on  bread  and 
water;  bet  er  -  boa  tøn«  IRøfle  that  is  griøt  to 
his  mill;  bliøe  til  .  come  to  nothing;  rejfe  ril  -g 
travel  by  water;  ribc  til  -#  ride  to  water;  fig 
ribe  el.  tralle  til  -  abuae,  worry,  drive  from 
pillar  to  post;  nnber  -  under  water;  fatte  nnber 

-  flood,  (nebfanle)  submerge,  lmmerse;  »eb  -et 
at  the  water-side.  Saanb|aare  vein  of  water. 
•aflebning  dralning,  drainage.  -afUb  drainage. 
-agtig  a  watery,  aqueous,  waterlsh.  -agtig^eb 
e  wateriness,  waterishnees.  -afø  pond-weed, 

©auba't  c  -er  (oglaa  fig)  Vandal,  ©anba  I|ifl 
a  vandal'ic.    -if'wc  e  van'dallsm. 

Saab  I  aloe  water  soldier,  knight's-wort,  Strå- 
tiotei  aloide*.  -angelit  wild  angellca,  ground 
ash,  Angelica  wivettria.  -anler  &  breaker. 
-areal  ezpanse  of  water.  -orøe  brook-llme, 
Veronioa  Btccabunga;  chickweed,  Alrint  media. 
-9Mb  water-tank.  -bab  (oaf.  cÅem)  water  bath. 
-balje,  -balle  water-tub.  -øattafl  water  ballast. 
-boifitt  water-basln.  -be^ølber  reservoir,  cistern, 
tank.  •betyolbning  stock  el.  supply  of  water.  -bi 
drone;  ^  -erne  the  idlers.  -bttte  aquatic  beetle. 
•binbenbe  a  retentive  of  molsture.  -bjarg  water 
-mountain.  -blaa  a  seablue.  -nbleg  a  wan, 
pallid.  -blegn  blister,  -blomft  aquatic  flower. 
-bltt  molybdena.  -bløfttrt  Salt  molybdate. 
-blare,  -boble  water  -bubble.  -børbdbøfbe  ^ 
freeboard.  -brøl  bydrocele.  -©runrob  water 
betony,  Sero/ularia  uquatioa.  -brbnet  the  waters 
edge.  -brønb  bibl  well  of  water.  -bbgmefter 
hydraullc  architect  el.  engineer.   •bogntng  sub- 






water-basin.  -b*rer  water  curler.  -bølae  wave. 
-riflcme  water-tank.  >bttt  bapttsm  with  water. 
-barn  pond.  -bomp  (aqueous)  vapour.  -bel 
particle  of  water.  -braabe  drop  of  water,  water 
-drop.  -brag  water-course,  river-course,  water 
-chain.  -brager  fe  -forer,  -brttfer  water-drlnker. 
-•røffel  water-ousel,  Cinclu*  aquatiau.  -btnlfcn 
a  saturated  with  water.  -bnnt  breaker.  -bttl' 
ben  the  depth  of  water.  -bbr  aquatic  animal. 
Sonbe  n  water;  a  heavy  (all  of  rain;  F  bet  er 
et  »fettbe  -,  bet  øfer  .  neb  it  is  ponrlng  down; 
bojt,  labt  -  high,  low  water;  bogligt  ~  the  com- 
mon  helght  of  the  water;  Hæfte  -  next  tide. 
Sonbe  vt  water;  lrrigate;  (ftbæg  o.  b.)  water; 
*  .,  -  ub  (fait  fttff  el.  ftøb)  freshen;  vi  (om  Hanen- 
fugle)  graze  the  water,  ricochet;  (om  $efl)  stale. 

*Sanbe  vt  reject,  refnse. 

Sanbebbertop  c  water-spider,  Arpyroneta. 

Sanbel  c  conduct;  $anbel  og  -  tråde  and 
commeroe,  business,  common  interconrse. 

Sanbern  c  -er  (fcbe)  wanderoo,  Macacu*  r»- 

Sanben  c  watering.  Sanbet  a  watery;  fio  in- 

Sonblfab  basin;  4,  water-cask.  -folb  water- 
fall,  (meget  ftort)  cataract;  (minbre)  cascade;  (iffe 
lobret)  rapids.  -fartøj  tank-vessel.  -farne  water 
-colonr;  male  i  -  paint  in  water-colours.  -fafliae 
fascine  for  pools,  -fattig  a  waterless.  -fattigbom 
scarcity  of  water;  aridity..  -fennifet  fe  Stttebo. 
-filter  (water-)fllter.  -fiol  fe  -roHife.  -firben 
water  newt,  Triton,  -flipe  sarface  of  the  water; 
sheet  of  water:  i  -en  at  the  water's  edge. 
-flagrer  fe  Saarfiue.  -flaffr  water-bottle.  -flob, 
-flom  inundation,  flood.  -line  fe  Saarfiue.  -før« 
binbetfe  water  communication.  •forbrug  con- 
sumption  of  water.  -f  ørraab,  -f  ørf bning  supply 
of  water.  -fri  u  free  from  water;  ckem  an- 
hydrous;  -  ©bre  anhydride.  -frø  water-frog, 
edlble  frog,  •Bmna  escvlenta.  -fngl  water-fowl, 
aquatic  bird.  -fnre  water- furrow.  -f Ribning 
watering.  -fptbttingffab  gang-cask.  -fblbnlngf' 
fteb  watering-  place.  -fbrbarferi  water -fire 
-work.  -fsrbfel  communication  by  water. 
-føler  dowser.  -føleri  bletonism.  -førenbe  a 
containing  water.  -gang  ^  water- line;  fio  blon- 
der, failure,  defeat;  f -en  at  the  water- line,  about 
the  water's  edge;  Glibet  fif  et  Stub  i  -en  the  ship 
recelved  a  shot  between  wind  and  water;  unbet 
-en  under  water.  -gaf  water-gas.  +-gemme  fe 
•bebolber.  -glaf  (<Bla8)  tumbler;  (6tof)  water-glass. 
•grab  ditch,  trench.  -gren  water-shoot.  '-gro 
fe  éobttoab.  -grøb  grits  boiled  in  water.  -grøft 
fe  -grad.  -tyaar  conferva,  pi  confervæ.  -(ammer 
water- hammer,  -fenne  water-cock.hydrant.  -binbr 
amnioD.  -fejnl  water-wheel.  -bøtbenbe  a  reten- 
ti  ve  of  mol sture.  -faotbig  a  watery,  aqueous, 
hydrous.  -bølbigbeb  c  amount  of  water  (con- 
tained  in  st.).  -bøfe  water-spout.  t-bøb  water 
-trough.  -bnl  pool  (of  water).  -bMttb  water 
•dog.  -bnf  privy,  neceroary.  -fabirbel  eddy, 
whirlpool.  t-ftttlb  fe  ftralfbeb  -babetfe  ædema. 
-ftøjbe  waterlevel.    -bone  wa ter-hen,  Fulica. 

Saabiemenflanb  n  TarananJa. 

Sanblnbtag  intake,  Sanbing  c  watering,  ir- 
rigation;  t  pool.  —  Sanbingf  Ifteb  watering-place. 
-trug  watering-trough.    -bogn  water-cart. 

Sanbiinfett  aquatic  insect.  "-jomfru  fe  -ntjmfe. 
•falb  water  -beetle,  Dy*tie*».  t-fam  cistern, 
tank.  -tonal  canal.  -fanbe  ftil  Settmnte)  water 
-jug.  ewer;  (Hl  $abe)  watering  el.  water -pot. 
-tanbentnf  ting  waterlng-pot,  Atpergilium.  -tanbe« 
ftimmet  blue  mould,  Atptrgillu*.     -fanten  the 

water's  edge.    t-foppe  saddle.    -far 
cistern,  vat.   -fara#e(l)  (water- )decanter,  water- 
bottle.    -tom  water  -eart.    -forfe  bitter -ere«. 
Cordaminé  pratensi*;  f  water-creas,  SUywtbrum 
naturtium.    -toffe  i  tank.    t-Hget  tom-eoek. 
-tiffert  water-telescope.    -ftlbe  fe  irtlbc.     -H*r 
reservoir.  -Har  a  clear  as  water,  Umpld.  -fUr^rb 
llmpidity.     -fløfet  water -closet.     -tøfl)  a  rav 
and  chllly.    -fønøaf  fluid  eompass   cf.  card 
-lob  (p.  Sftof)  water -can.    -tøftc*  wavter-pox. 
chicken-pox.    -froft  water-power,   Sømx  om  . 
hydrodynamlcs.     -tran   (3«tnb.)  water    cnae; 
(i>mp.)  gange-cock.    -franf  horned  pondweed, 
ZannicheUia  paluøtrit.  •trnlte  water-jnar.   -frsrft 
norne,     -fnm,    -tnmme   basin.     -Cnnp    water 
-works,   fountain.     -fnr  hydropathle    regimen 
el.  enre,  water -enre.    -fnronfhiit  hydxopathic 
establishment,  water-oure  (establishment).  -Isrni- 
met  a  water-combed.    -tæt  e  water-derfl,  Bpdrt^ 
philua.     -lort  n  fe  ttttx.    -ler  a  fond  of  water 
•føler    alcarraza   (vesael).     -loof    stench-tmp. 
water-trap.    -langning  handlng  water.    -latriac 
water  closet.  -lebning  aqnednct,  conduct    -teb- 
ningfrøt  conduit-pipe.    -libt  a  snfferer  by  the 
flood.    -Hager  leagner.    -lilje  fe  Salanbe.   -linie 
J,  water-line;  -n  meb  lobet  6flb  the  load  water 
Tine.  -lobbe  water-flea,  Oyclat*,  Dapknia.    -Inge 
(i  glbbebof)  scuttle-hole.    -laf fe  fe  -loaf.    -laf 
water-palmer,  A*ell\u  aqttaticu*.    -tøtgefmn^rn 
hydropathy.  -løb  stream  of  water,  water-coor&e. 
-Uftntngfrebffab  water-raising  engine.    -4af  a 
water-less,  arid.  -løf  (eb  want  of  water,  aridity 
-maa!  water-gauge.  -maaltng  gauging  of  water. 
-mabraf  water-bed.  -maleri  water-eolonr  (paint 
ing).    -manb  (-forer)  water-carrier,  (^immeltemi: 
water-bearer;  ^  second  captain  of  the  hold;  jelly 
-fish,   Medu»a.    -mangel  scaroity  of  water;  gtf 
inb  til  .  .  .  paa  Ørunb  af  -  put  into  . .  .  ahort 
of  water.  -manøber  aquatic  manoeuvre.  -naoffe 
body   el.  vol  orne  of  water.     -mejeri  dairy  on 
the  cold  water  system,     -melon  water-melon, 
Cncurbita  eitrullnt.     -meftev  master-  tnmeock. 
-mibe  water-mlte,  Hydmckna.  -mnlbbatn  water 
-mole,  shrew-mole,  Soalot*.     -mnre  pi  watery 
mountains.     -mbg  water -gnat.     -mttnte  water 
-mlnt,   Mentka  aqttatioa.     -moengbe  qnantity  of 
water.  -matrte  n  (i  alle  Set.)  water-mark.  -nurrte 
o  celery,  Apium  øraveoletu;  milk-parsley,  Pemce- 
danum  paluatre;  celery-leaved  erowfbot,  Rmmm- 
culua  iceierattn;  fe  -bafKnal.     -mølle  water- mil] . 
-møller  water-miller.  -mørtel  hydraulie  mortar. 
-nable  pennywort,  white  rot,  BydrocttvU  vmi- 
gari».     -neg   wheat-sheaf  jet.    -nibeon  water 
-level,    -nbmfe  water-nymph;  dragon-fly,  Libti- 
lula.    -notfe  drip-nose,  spont.    -nøb  fe  -mangel, 
-omflag  pi  water-dressings.   -øpal  aqneons  opal. 
-øttftaaber  upright  waste-pipe.     -orgel  water 
-organ,  hydraulicon.  -orm  water-worm.  -noitinaf 
water -parsnip,  Stum  iatifoiium.    -bcber  water 
-pepper,  Polygonum  hydrvpiper.   -beftrrrøa  water 
radiah,   Narturtium  ampkibium.     <-pttlt  fe  a>tø. 
perle,     -bed  wather-thyme,   Elodea  cam*den*it 
-bibe  hookah.     -piber  sea  tltling,  rock  pipit, 
Anthus  nquaticuB.  t-plabber  puddle,  plash.  -plabf 
<£,  waterlog-place.  -plante  aquatic  plant.  -pørta< 
laf  water  purslane,  Peplit  portula.  -politi  water 
-police,    -port  J/  fe  -luge.    -pofl  pump.    -prø»e 
water-ordeal.  -pnbe  water-bed.  -ppt  -pal  pool, 
puddle.     -paf  water -bucket.     *-rolIe  fe  -riffe. 
-rannnfel  water  crowfoot,  Batraekimm,    *-satiøn 
allowance  of  water. 

Sanbre  vi  wander,  walk,  roam,  perambulate; 
bibl  walk;  mech  travel;  .  inb  immigrate;  -  ub 
emigrate;  -  berfra  depart  this  life;  -  i  Sapit* 
furoen  go  into  the  waste-paper  bakket;  —  w  f  i  s 
tuet  tire  one's  self  with  walking;  —  oonbrenbe 




a  Itinerant;  erratic;  et  -nbe  ftofcftaft  (o.  I.  a  leoenbe) 
a  perambulating  broomstlck  etc.;  en  -  ffiibber 
a  knlght  emnt;  -nbe  $inb  spectreinsect,  Pkatma- 
fe  ©lab.  8anbrr[aar  travelling  year.  -Mor 
erratic  block.  -tog  a  kind  of  passport  for  trav- 
elling journeymen.  -brift  mlgratory  lnstinct. 
-»•e  passenger-pigeon,  Columba  migratoria.  -f  til 
paseenger-  el.  pelerine-faloon,  Falco  peregri*ut. 
+*fla«|  promenade,  -gr *9%tppt  mlgratory  locust, 
Aeridtum  mioratorium. 

ftanbrejoxing  e  rising  of  the  water. 
ftonbrelfønØ  J,  lizard;  (til  6!øber)  traveller. 
-frem  travelling  crane.  -lin  Itinerant  life.  -1*11 
roamlng  propensity.  -tarer  itinerant  teacher. 
•atøre  wandering  ant,  Anomona  areent.  Qanbren 
c  wandering. 

9«ab|reabe  water-pipe.  -renlntngømafrtne 

ftanbrer  c  -e  wanderer,  way-farer,  rambier, 
roamer.  —  8anbre|rofen  erratic  erysipelas.  -fpir 
A,  waist-tree,  rough- tree.  -ftao  fe  ©anbring*. 
•ftjcme  erratic  star.    -rib  travelling  time. 

Vtanbjret  c  right  to  water;  property  in  water. 
•ret  a  horixontal,  level,  -rettjeo  horizontallty. 
-renen  a  groand  witb  water. 
*&aabre*en  a  badly  managed. 
9anb|rig  a  abounding  witb  water,  well 
watered.  -rigbom,  -riglet  abundancy  of  water. 
-rite  watery  kingdom.  Øanbritle  water-rail, 
BaUtu  aquaticuå. 

Qanbring  c  -er  wandering  etc.  (fe  Banbre) 
ramble,  peregrination ,  perambnlation ;  mech 
travel.  —  Bonbring»|atr,  -bne  o.  fl.,  fe  Sonore-. 
-MBanbringflab  n  travelling.  8anbrtngS|f*p  fe 
-ftaD.  -manb  wanderer,  way-farer,  traveller. 
-rotte  brown  el.  Norwegian  rat,  Mua  deeumanus. 
-fto»  walking-staff,  pilgrim's  staff.  -fttffe  fe 
Rejfe*.    4-oeJ  journey. 

ftanbirofro  erythema.  -rotte  water-rat,  Aroi- 
cola  amfibiet,  -rnm  water-space  ^  water-bold. 
•røoaina  water-retting,  watering.  t-røllf  fe  water 
violet,  feather-foil,  Bottonia  paluttri*,  fe  »lære« 
rob.  -rør  conduit-pipe;  (i  ttørfebet)  water-tube; 
•  $  fe  tagrør,  -røretene!  tubular  boller.  -f*a 
water  tub.  -fofflr  water-sapphire.  -foW  sbears 
moved  by  water,  ahearing-machine.  •falamtnber, 
flor  great  water-newt,  Triton  crirtattu;  liHe  amooth 
water-newt,  T.  tmnetatma.  -ftnttittg  collection 
of  water.  -ftmtingf  bofln  catchwater  reservoir, 
-f tager  fe  -brøffef  -fab  mill-saw  moved  by 

fBanbfoetf  a  treoø ;  bet  gælber  Hl -  that's  neither 
here  nor  there. 

Sonblfeit  save-all.  -feag  water-bed.  -fennep 
mustara-nour  mixed  with  water;  J  great  water 
-crees,  Ncutwtium  ampkibium.  -flabe  damage 
by  water.  -flamttobe  fe  0Kftn)be.  -fftt  water 
-tax.  -ffel  water-shed,  water-partlng,  dividing 
ridge,  dlvide  (o.  Jtanat)  summit -level,  -fri 
double  canoe,  podoscaph.  -ftiftninglbane  ($mp.) 
change-  water  -cock.  -fliftntagotran  two-way 
cock.  -fttftningf  pumpe  brlne-pump.  -flifx« 
niagørør  change -water-pipe.  *-frtfle  n  fe 
-ffel.  -fttno  water  -tight  skin  from  Green- 
land, -flloe  hydraulio  dram.  -ftolbet  a  scalded. 
-fførpe  surface  of  the  water;  i  -n  at  the  water's 
edge,  a-wash.  -ffor|»iott  water-scorpion,  Ntpa. 
•frrne  water-screw,  spiral  pump.  -firet  hydro- 
phobia.  -{Trappe  water-dock,  itumex  aquaticu$. 
-flab  water-shoot.  -ffø  a  afraid  of  water.  -fftt 
c  watery  clond.  -ftftbenbe  a  water- proof.  *-ffPbe 
conveyance  by  water.  -flttbeb  dread  of  water. 
•fWle)  heavy  shower,  bibl  storm,  tempest. 
•ff«t  scissor-bill,  Bkynoopt,  *fe  Sptbømn«.  -juitet 
a  damaged  by  water,  water-damaged.  -flange 
(pøfaa   ast)    water  -snake;    (tit    Sprøjte)    water 

-hose.  -ffl»e  wt  grind  with  ^ter.  -fliW  a  water 
-worn.  -fmag  watery  taste.  M£jnoeie  •*  -«'8c- 
•(negl  (©pr;  water-snail.  -ftteg^lfaceife  fe  -ffaie. 
-fitog  fe  -flange,  -fot,  -fotrtg  fe  -Batetfot.  -fb«nb 
water  -pail.  -flieil  snrface  el.  mirror  of  the 
water,  expanse  of  water;  level  of  the  sea. 
-ftttbinttø  water-ahrew,  Sorex  fodien*.  -f^ilb 
waste  of  water.  -f>ir  mare's  tall,  bottle-brush, 
Hippuri&  tmlgari*.  -faring  jet  of  water,  foun- 
taln.  *-f>r*t  Jc^smtægc.  -ffrejte  squirt,  syringe. 
•flab  bibl  city  of  waters.  -ftaab  height  of  the 
water;  ($mp.)  water-line;  %»i  -  high  water;  lao  - 
low  water. 

»tnbftattbljgla*  water  glass.  -btne,  -frtit 
water-gauge  cock.  -mtater  water-mark;  (Smp.) 
water -gange,  -merrte  water  mark.  -regulator 
owerflow-valve.  -f  ømraHig  lowerlng  of  the  water 
level,    -sifer  fe  -maoler. 

Saablfteb  wateringplace.  -ftesmtng damming 
np  of  water.  -ften  water  stone.  -ftenbrcef  tubular 
dropwort,  Oenantke  fittuloea.  -ftieme  water-star, 
starwort,  Callitrichevema.  -ftof  hydrogen,  -flof* 
sjMerornb  hydric  peroxide  (flere  Smf .  af  Canbftof, 
fe  Brint),  -ftofle  water-conduit.  -ftraale  jet  of 
water.  -frri^e  water-bucket.  -frront  torrent  of 
water.  -ftcrr  fe  -brolfel.  -ftooler  pi  water-proof 
boots.  -fngenbe  a  absorblng  water.  Juppe 
water-gruel.   -fonlft  oedema.    -fbttlg  fe  -tøtroel. 

aa  swampy.  -fton  inspection  of  watercourses. 
depression  In  the  roof.  -følger  water-seller. 
bibl  standing  water.  -(øger  spring-finder, 
•tofte  column  of  water.  •f«jlemafTiae  pressure 

Øonbt  imp  fe  Cinbe. 

Sanb|taam  water-works.  -termometer  water- 
et.  marine  thermometer.  -rom  a  waterless.  -trenfe 
watering-bridle.  -tmt  watering  trough.  -tmften 
a  water-soaked.  -trto!  pressure  of  water,  hydro- 
statlc  pressure.  -trceber  phalarope,  Pkaiaropui. 
•trctfenbe  a  fe  -fugenbe.  -tab  water-spout.  -i*ge 
water -bug,  Hvdroeoriia.  »tæt  a  waterproof, 
water -tight;  gøre  -  waterproof;  .  %*\  water- 
proof; -  Wum  water-tight  compartment.  -teet^eb 
impermeability,  waterproothess.  -tonbe  water 
•cask.  -nr  water-dock,  clepsydra.  -pagten  4, 
the  idlers.  -vej  water-way;  (ab)  -en  by  water. 
•Oefbreb  water  plantain,  Aluma  plantago.  -vogn 
water-cart.  -sove  bibl  wave.  -0*bffe  (i  Øjet) 
aqueous  humour.  -ocegt  level.  -ocgtiUere 
levelling.  -ocOisg  water-gruel.  -Dart  water 
works  pi.  -oorrtf  a  -  Sotoinbelfe  communica- 
tlon  by  water;  adv  by  water.  -oorfen  establish- 
ment for  the  supply  of  water.  -#gte  water-newt. 
-«rfen  watery  waste.    -#fe  ladle. 

Øtne  c  -r  custom,  habit;  af  -  from  habit;  -n 
er  ben  anben  Statur  use  is  second  nature;  «how 
use  doth  breed  a  habit  in  a  man>;  gammel  - 
bioer  bebfi  habit  is  everything;  fomme  i  .  meb 
get  into  the  habit  of,  lall  Into  a  habit  of;  tomme 
af  -  meb  get  out  of  el.  lose  the  habit  of;  gøre 
flø  noget  til  .  make  a  habit  of  something;  paoe 
til  et.  for  -  at  have  a  habit  of,  be  in  the  habit 
of;  bet  er  bteoet  barn  til  en  -  it  has  grown  into 
a  habit  with  him;  paa  Ørunb  af  -ns  IRagt  from 
a  (el.  the)  force  of  habit;  foa  flor  er  -ns  TOagt 
such  is  the  force  of  habit.  Qtnr|briffer  habitual 
drunkard.  -bt|r  fig  creature  of  habit;  slave  of 
custom.  -fejl  fe  -fonb.  -getngeri  n  routine.  -Iriften 
conventlonal  Christian,  -lis  life  of  habit  et. 
routine,  -mennefre  fe  -bor.  -maffig  a  habitual, 
of  routine,  -fag  (matter  of)  habit,  -fljnb  habit- 
ual sin,  besetting  sin. 

Sanføbfel  o  abortion. 

Qanfør  a  crlppled,  lame,  disabled.  -beb  c 
lameness,  inflrmlty. 

Sang  o  -e  (enclosed)  fleld. 




Bang/  o  r  (paa  trappe)  strlngboard,  bridge 
-board  f  n&k  cheek;  (paa  Stige)  cheek,  uprlght; 
(9tapert<)  bracket;  (Hor«)  sweep  of  the  tiller;  -r 
(paa  fcrejerb.)  bed.    -(øvl  rabbet  plane. 

Bøttgefeb  n  gate  to  a  field. 

Batt[(e!b  n  misfortune ,  dlsaster.  -(efbe  v# 
disngure,  deform,  defaoe.  -(elbelfe  c  delace- 
ment,  disflgurement. 

Ban  |  (enig  a  profane,  hellige  vt  profane, 
desecrate.  •(eBtgelfe  o  profanation,  desecration. 
-(eKigfteb  c  profanity,  profaneness. 

gaaqjemmel  o  defective  titte. 

Sanftagge  vi  spoil  by  cutting,  mangle. 

B*n|(fføer  disgrace,  -(*bre  vt  dishonour, 

Baalll'e  e  vanilla.  -Aotølaøe  vanilla  choco- 
late.  -tø  vanilla  ice.  -fnug  vanilla  pod.  -tro? 
vanllla-plant,  Epidendrwn  vanilla. 

Qattfant  c  -er  wane,  bad  bevel,  sap,  flaw, 
dull-edge.  -et  a  backsided,  flawed,  sappy, 
flawy;  .  Zømmer,  £fante  wane-wood. 

Banfe  vi  stroll,  roam,  wander,  rove;  •  -  i  et 
$ui  vidt  a  house,  (ftabiqt)  have  the  run  of  a 
house,  be  a  frequent  visitor  at  a  house;  v  tmp 
ber  -r  albriø  anbet  enb  $ug  I  am  always  sure  of 
a  drubbing;  ber  -r  $ug,  tøfl  .  .  .  you  mav  expect 
a  drubbing,  if;  ber  -be  Aug  there  fell  some 
blows;  ber  -t  gpb  Vtab  og  »ritte  there  wlll  be  a 
treat;  ber  -be  Btn  og  Hage  we  were  treated  With 
wine  and  cakes;  ber  -r  tfte  noget  ibag  you  won't 
get  anything  to-day;  I  shall  not  give  you  any- 
thing  to-day. 

Bantelmobig  o  flckle,  inconstant.  -(eb  e  flckle- 
ness,  Inconstancy. 

*Banf(abe  of  misbecome. 

Bantnn  big  a  ignorant.    -(eb  e  ignorance. 

Ba'nttg  a  usual,  customary,  habitual;  paa  - 
Bi*  in  the  usual  way,  as  usual.  -»if  ado 

San  I  magt  c  impotence.  -margcig  o  impotent. 
•mttgttg(eb  c  impotence. 

Ban|pr(b  disflgurement,  blemish.  -pr(be  v 
disfigure.    -prbbelfe  fe  -prnb. 

8*M|r(,  -r(gte  n  ill  repute,  dlsrepute,  diø- 
credit;  bringe  f  .  bring  a  bad  name  on:  lomme  i 
-  get  into  bad  repute.    +-r(gtet  a  of  ill  repute. 

Banlrøgt  bad  tending,  neg  leet.  -røgte  vt 
tend  ill.  neglect. 

Banlfir,  -jlre  fe  -røb,  -prbbe. 

Basiffabe  vt  deform,  disngure,  misshape. 
•ftabnlng  c  monster,  -flaot  a  deformed,  dls- 
figured,  misshapen,  monstrous.  -ftabt(eb  e  de- 
formity,  monstrosity. 

tBønfte  e  bibl  blemish,  corruption. 

Banftelig  a  dlfflcult,  hard:  røerfon)  hard  to 
please;  -  paa  Aefte  hard  to  please  in  a  horse, 
.  at  bebife  dlfflcult  of  proof;  (abe  -t  peb  el.  for 
at  have  (some)  difflculty  in;  —  adv  with  diffl- 
culty,  not  easily,  (næppe)  hardly.  -gøre  vt 
impede,  render  dlfflcult.  -(eb  o  -er  difflculty; 
-en  beb  the  difflculty  of;  lægge  -er  i  Sejen  for 
throw  difflculties  in  the  way  of;  gjorbe  ingen  -er 
meb  at  made  no  difflculty  in,  F  made  no 
bones  about;  rejfe  -er  raise  difflculties,  start 
oblections;  (abe  -  t>eb  at,  fe  Banftelig. 

*»a«frjoiie  fe  Banrøgte. 

Banffub  fe  Banbftub. 

Banftabne  c  unhappy  fate,  misfortune. 

Sanftøgt|e  vi  degenerate.  -ning  o  degenera- 

Banfmag  c  ill  taste. 

©au  |f  mægte  vi  languish,  faint,  grow  falnt. 

-t-fmægtig  a  falnt. 

Banftelt  a  ill  managed,  in  bad  order. 
Banfttne  vt  fe  Ban(elbe. 

Bøttt  a  k  part  aocustomed,  used;  pøø  fin  •? 
Bit  in  his  usual  way. 

B**t  n  -er  ^  shroud;  shrouds  pi;  et  ©pesi  - 
a  pair  of  shrouds;  i  -et  in  the  rigging.    «Mt 
*Baxte  vt  k  »  jeg  -r  el.  bet  -r  mig  I  want. 
Baste  e  -r  mitten. 

Baat|jær«  sheer  batten,  -rappe  hood  for  ttt 
rigging.  -ftaabe  shroud -truck.  -fsøfr  shroud 
-knot.    -(ejber  Jacob's  ladder. 

8a«|tri»eø  vd  thrive  ill,  pine  away;  •beæi 
comfortable;  $igen  -%  the  girl  is  stunted.    -tttws 
a  stunted.    -treue*(eb  c  stuntedness.   •trixffc. 
-rribfet  e  thrivlng  111,  pining  away.    -triøvtsg 
stunt;  fe  -rrtoelfe. 

9antro  a  (fom  ifle  tror  anbre)  inorednlooa 
disbelieving,  hard  of  belief;  (ilte  rettroenøe)  un 
bellevlng.  Øaitttø  clncredulousness,  increduUty, 
disbelief,  infldelity,  unbelief.    tkratrø,  -cab*  e 
infldel,  unbeliever. 

9øMt|lfme  rigging  screw.  -ftaott  a  shroud 
-laid.  -ftøpper  shroud-øtopper.  -tr«  sbeer-pole 
-øje  collar  of  the  shroud. 

Sonbare  c  inadvertenoe;  af  -  Inadvertentlr, 
from  inadvertence. 

Qanbib    n   lnsanity,    mental   deraogement, 
lunacy;  foretffet  ril  .  madly  in  love;  brtoe  en  ri! 
-  drive  one  mad.   —  8ftm»tb*|Utrer    insane 
laughter.     -vmf  frensy.     •fmit    insane    smik. 
SanoitHg  a  insane,  lunatic,  deranged.    ©«■« 
øitt1g(eb  c  fe  ttanbib;  t  k  bibl  ignorance, 
ttaabofte*  a  stunted,  undersiøed. 
•fianlb^rbe,  -børe  vt  neglect,  slight, 
Qance're  o  dishonour,  ignominy,  infamy,  dis- 
grace,   fbamatt  vt  dishonour,  disgrace.    -«be  a 
lgnomlnious,  dlsgraceful,  infamous. 
ftopeit'r  (ft.j  c  k  n  fine  muslin;  -i  pi  vapours. 
Oopit'i  e  wap'iti,  Cervtu  Canadennt. 
»ar  imp  af  8«re. 
*»ar  o  fe  Bor. 
*»ar  n  fe  fjaar  n. 

9ar  a  (t  k  *)  watchful,  wide  awake,  cau- 
tious;  Mioe  -  become  aware  of,  be  sensible  of, 
perceive;  +ftaa  .  stand  at  gase. 

Borag'tig  a  bibl  .  i  Bønnen  continuing  infftant 
in  prayer.  -(eb  c  bibl.  meb  al  -  with  all  per 

Barlbinb  (loose)  paper  cover.  -ø#r1ter  pi 

Barbe  e«r  cøirna,  beacon,  land-mark,  sea-mark; 
muret  beacon  of  masonry. 

Bore  s  (Boapa*fenb>b)  guard,  care;  tage  fløj  - 
el.  i  .  for  take  care  of,  beware  of,  be  on  ones 
guard  agalnst;  tage  -  paa  attend  to,  obeerve. 
watch,  have  an  eye  upon;  (ar  not  at  tage  -  has 
enough    upon    his    hånds;   +pca    en   .   as   a 
matter  of  prudence.    Bare  vi  .  paa  attend  to; 
—  vt  -  (ab)  warn;  .  fig  take  care,  take  heed, 
tBare  c  (^orbarfel  for  Søben)  wralth. 
Bare  vi  last,  endure;  bet  bil  itte  -  lange  it 
will  not  be  long;  bet  -be  itte  længe  før  it  was 
not  long  before;  bet  -be  noget  longe  før  (o«  tom 
he  was  rather  long  in  comlng;  i  be  fire  Sage 
fom  bereft  Op(olb  -be  during  the  four  days  of 
their  stay;  -  længere  enb  outlast. 
Bare-  ^  spare  fe  fReferbe-. 
Bare  «,  pi  »  k  -x,  (Xtna,  fom  falge«)  arUde, 
commodity,  ware,  pi  articJea  eto.,  merehandise, 
goods  pi;  F  tage  for  gobe  -  put  up  with;  tage* 
for  gobe  -r  pass  current;  tageft  for  gobe  -  af  pasi 
el.  go  down  with.    -øffember  consignor. 
Bareanter  spare  anchor  ofb. 
»arelartifel  article.   -bolle  bale  of  goods.  «ie- 
(olbaing  stock,   goods  on  hånd.     4m  store 
-book.     -ø(ttc    barter.     -forfølfter   adulterant 




-forfenbelfe  transmission  of  goods;  shlpment. 
-f ortegnelfe  list  of  goods;  (gattura)  lnvoice;  (HI 
Xolbtxefrnet)  report.  »ffrfel  carriage  el.  convey- 
ance  of  goods. 

ftovcgøbd  n  J,  spare  stores. 
Sareptanbel  business  el.  trafflc  In  goods.  -tøf 
ware-house,  store-bouse.    -lenbe?  one  versed  in 
the  knowledge  of  goods. 
ftarctfttber  pi  4,  slops. 
8«re|føHø  package  of  goods.     -totttø  goods 
aocount.  -tnnbflab  knowledge  of  goods.  -totlber 
store-cellar.  -lager  stockHn-trade),  store.  -feløi« 
tø«  oommercial  dlctionary.    -fifle  fe  -fortegnelfe. 
-loft  store-loft.  -toti  load  of  merchandise.  -mat* 
tager  receiver  of  (the)  goods,  consignee.   -mag« 
ler  broker.    -martr  tråde  mark,  merchandise 
mark.    -opfat  depot,  store,    -oplarggcr  bonder. 
-priå  price  or  goods.     -pttvt  sample,  pattern 
(of  merchandise),  tråde  pattern.    -tegning  ln- 
voice, bill  of  parcels. 
*Bareren  c  spare  reindeer. 
Bartffrner  v4  (r.  Iranoner)  preservlng  screws. 
Sarrført  commodity,  artlcle. 
ftareftang  o  spare  topmast. 
Bartftentyel  n  tråde  mark. 
+Saretaarn  »  fe  g&rtaarn. 
Sareltage  vt  attend  to,  take  care  of.   -tageife 
c  attending  to  etc,  care.    -tegn  fe  Sartrgn. 
Bar  e|  tog  fe  •ob*.    -tranlport  fe  -førfel. 
Sarctrat  »  cover. 

Barttatat    c    (Beffbttelfe)    care;    (Bebogtning) 
custody,  keeplng,  safeguard;  rage  i  (fin)  -  take 
charge  of;  jætte  nnber  .  take  into  custody;  lom 
nnber  -  was  placed  in  custody.  —  Såret  argt*  j> 
arrrft,  -fomgfef  custody;  (Soralet)  house  of  deten- 
Sarrtonbe  c  J,  buoy. 
BarenbfttBina  c  exhlbiUon  of  goods. 
°8arg  c  -et,  fe  IHb. 
Sa'tlliaar  fe  -børfler. 
Sarqeb  c  watchfulness. 
Sari  |a  bel  a  k  c  va'riable.   -ont'  c  -er  (various) 
reading,  va'riant.  -atio'n  c  er  varia'tion;  range, 
-atiø'ttøreøning  calculus  of  variations. 
BarlceØ  er pi  chicken-pox,  varicella. 
Bari[e'rt  vi  vary,  (imellem)  range;  vt  vary, 
diverslfy.     -ete't    c    -er    vari'ety.      -eré<Zeaier 
theatre  of  vartet  tes,  music-hall. 

Barig  a  durable,  lasting,  permanent,  abidlng. 
•$eb  e  duratlon,  durability,  permanence,  con- 
Saritf'f  a  var'icose,  var'lcous. 
Ba'rlig  a  cautious,  drcumspect. 
Barm  a  (ogfaa  om  9ø(rlfe)  warm,  (ftcerfere)  hot; 
•t  Banb  hot  water;  -t  »ab  hot  bath;  et  -t  Scerelfe 
a  warm  el.  heated  room;  -e  Sanbe  hot  countrles, 
warm  climates;  gaa  af  fom  -t  Brøb  go  off  like 
hot  rolls;  tale  fig  -  warm;  i  -e  Ubtrb!  in  feeling 
terms;  —  barmt  adv  warmly;  bet  gi!  -t  ril   lt 
was  hot  work.    8arm|øløbet,  -Møbig  a  warm- 
ri.  fiff  hot-blooded. 

fjarme  o  (ogfaa  om  fcølelfer)  warmth,  heat; 
(om  ftølelfe)  fervour,  ardour;  *  fire;  fri  -  sensible 
heat;  8  ©tabet«  .  50  degrees;  i  benne  .  in  this 
hot  weather;  to  -t  two  heats;  foa  -  i  restore 
warmth  to;  flbbe,  ligge  i  -n  sit,  sleep  in  a  heated 
room;  tage  -  (til  fig)  heat,  get  heated.  Barme 
vt  warm,  heat;  (beb  at  gnibe)  chafe;  ~  op  warm 
up,  F  -  en»  ttbg  el.  ffitogfttoWer  curry  one's  hide; 
warm  one's  jacket;  -  eni  pren  boz  one's  eara. 
Barme  |  apparat  warming  apparatus.  -øeb  hot- 
bed, -bornen  n  warming- pan.  -bnnt  fe  -floffe. 
-effeft  heating  power,  -enfteb  caloric  unity, 
thermal  unit.  -etne  heating  power,  -ftajle 
warming-bottle.  -førijolb  thermal  condition. 
•fblbe  speciflc  heat,  capaclty  for  heat.   -gibet  fe 

-!ilbe.  -grab  degree  of  heat;  *  bet  er  -r  the 
thermometer  is  above  the  freezlng-point.  •grøbr 
foot-stove.  -grorafe  limit  of  heat.  -fapacitet 
heat-capæity.  -faffe  heater.  -lilbe  source  of 
heat.  -Inrb  linen-warmer.  -lebrobe  a  heat-eon- 
ducting.  -feber  conductor  of  heat;  flet  -  bad 
conductor  (of  heat),  non-oonductor.  »lebning 
conduction  of  heat;  fe  -apparat,  -lebnf  ngf  cnne 
thermal  conductlvltv,  conductive  power  for 
heat.  -Irbninafførfflcient  coefflcient  of  con- 
ductivity.  -finter  pi  thermic  lines,  -lære  theory 
of  heat.  -waafet  calorimeter,  thermometer. 
-ntaaling  calorimetry.  •mamgbe  quantity  el. 
amount  of  heat.  -oberflabe  heating -surface. 
-ooerftnb  surplus  heat.  -rør  air-flue,  caliduct. 
-fPilb  loss  el.  waste  of  heat.  -{ten  warming 
-stone.  -ftof  caloric.  -ftraafc  ray  of  heat. 
-frraaling  radiation  of  heat.  -frrtmniag  current 
of  heat.  -frne  warming  room.  -tab  fe  -fptlb. 
-teori  theory  of  heat.  -nbfrraaling  fe  -jxraaling. 
-nboifling  development  of  heat. 

Banal  bfertet  a  wannhearted.  ^Jertetbeb  c 
warm-heartedness.  >^ni  hothouse,  »(jnftblaate 
hothouse  plant.  •Inft9abfarat  hot-air apparatus. 
-fnftSstajrine  hot-air-englne.  -Iptetfe  caiender. 
©armtfoienbe  a  fe  -pettet. 

©annrbanb*|beljolber  hot -well.  -ntéitb  hot 
-water  well.  -cifterne.  -faSfe  fe  -betjolbet.  »pmmpt 
hot-water  pump.  •robning  warm-water  retting. 
-ror  hot-water  pipe. 

©or>  n,  pi  ■■,  J,  warp;  fthrow  of  the  net;  *fe 
£a!8e>.  -anfer  kedge.  Øarpe  vt  ^  warp,  (beb  ^Jøtp 
af  ffnler)  kedge;  (rafle)  heave;  -  fig  tnb  warp  in. 
—  8ar»e|t*je  warping  buoy.  -gobfwarps.  -lliibø 
cat  hole.  -urngbe  warp's  length.  -rnue  fricuon 
roller,    -troffe  warp.    Øarbninø  c  warping. 

8arfo)an  n  Warsaw. 

Qarroga'l  c  fe  Singo. 

»arfef  n  (t  c)  -flet  (Vbbarfel)  warnlng;  (lo ol.) 
notice ,  summons;  (Sorbarfel)  omen ,  fore  bod  e; 
meb  et  PiebltM  -  at  a  moment* s  notlee;  aften*  • 
notice  given  the  day  before.  +-fnlb  a  ominous. 
-fang  warning  song.  —  8tarfe!6|falb  warnlng 
call.  -roab  warnlng  cry.  -raab  warning  ad  vie  e. 
-téft  warnlng  voice.  -ffrlg  ominous  shriek. 
-tegn  omen.  -tib  space  of  time  between  cita- 
tion and  appearance  in  court.  ©o'rffo  vt  warn 
(om  of);  vi  &  for  Koret  con  the  helm.  ©arfto ! 
tnterj.  look  out!  take  care  I  out  of  the  way! 
make  way !  Sarfto  »  warnlng;  gibe  en  et  .  put 
one  on  his  guard,  on  the  alert,  give  one  a 
notice,  the  alarm,  ftarfle  ve  (abbare)  warn; 
(bebube)  presage,  bode,  augur;  (flæbne)  sumrron 
fom  -x  .  .  .  ominous  of  .  .  .  +  -  en  nt  give  one 
warning  of  st;  —  vi  -  om,  f e  -  vt  (bebube);  -  gobt, 
ilbe,  for  bode  well.  111,  for  el.  to.  Sortier  c  -e 
(ftirben)  monitor,  Varanus;  *(9ngt)  butcher-bird, 
Laniu*  txcubitor.    ØarØlfttg  c  summons. 

Qarfom  fe  Sarlig.    -ijeb  c  caution,  cautious* 
ness,  drcumspection. 
Qarfobien  ne  c  t  Varsoyiana. 
Sarte  on  vi  &  t  walt  (upon),  attend. 

Sa'rtegn  n,  pi  «,  (Sarfel)  omen,  forebode; 
(Sømcerlej  sea-mark;  (IrenbemærKe)  mark. 

Sartpenge  [t]  pi  (CmbeMmanbg)  allowance; 
(Officerft)  half-pay;  fcette  paa  .  give  an  allowance; 
place  on  half-pay. 

Sarnlb  c  -e  were-wolf. 

Safaf  c  -ler  vas'sal.  -eb  vassal's  oath.  -for. 
ftolb  vassalage.  -pligt  fealty.  -flat  vassal  state. 
-tjenefte  feudal  service. 

*Ba8'.  i  nogle  6mf.  af  Sanb  f.  «W.  Baf'arb, 
-brag  fe  8anb>. 

Safe  o  -r  vase. 

tSafe  e  causeway  of  fascines. 




*8afe  e  (ogf.  fif)  tangled  mass,  tangle;  <t,  (Srofl) 
mop,  swab;  (Jtoi&er)  selvagee-nlppers. 

Sofefcjørx  n  anvil  for  beating  vessels. 

Øofett'ne  o  vaseline,    -olie  vaseline  oli. 

»afe|nta(eri  vase-palnting.  plante  vase-plant. 

tSafrbrj  c  fe  »afe  2. 

Htøgrø  c  $  fe  •obtraab. 

•»aJtjelb  c  dusky  gambet,  Totamu  /øjscim. 

»affmo'f  a  vas'cular. 

*»o#J*M>  fe  røuftøaage.  •>*•  puddle.  »aife 
vi  wade.  »aøfen  a  watery.  8a&|  tratten  a 
water-soaked.    -»alting  water-gruel. 

8ot'  h  Ae  -ter  waddlng;  et  -  a  sfaeet  of 
waddlng.    -ootig  a  llke  waddlng. 

Såter  [t.l :  t  -  horisontal;  fritte  i  -  level;  bringe 
nb  af  -  unlevel.  -borb  n  i  water-ways  pi,  (paa 
Saab)  water-board,  (øøer  Der  o.  I.)  water-opout, 
•shoot,  -table.  -tørt* la«  4,  chime  of  the  water- 
ways.  -elofet  water  •  closet.  -fait  a  <!,:  er  - 
has  sufficient  cargo  or  ballast  in  her  bottom. 
•Mer!  shipping  clerk.  -tine  J,  swlfter.  -lifte 
horisontal  tie.  -nagle  stop -water.  -paf  n 
(water)  level;  plumb-level.  •paøføobrant  qua- 
drant.  -paøftiDet  o  (om  Jtanon)  (laid  at)  point 
-blank,  -nro øf  waterproof  cloth.  -fejl  water 
-sail,  save-all.  -ftøat  e  shipping-master,  water 
•baillff.  -ftnb  firing  at  point  blank;  -i  Vfftanb 
point-blank  range,  -flove  lower  studdlngsall 
outhauler.  -floaeft  a  water-lald.  -føt  dropsy. 
-føtogrlg,  -førrio  o  dropsloal.  -flag  n  ^  bob 
-stay.  -ftaajøbøjle  bobstay  collar  (o.  f!.).  -fiol 
water-frame.    -tnift  water-twlst. 

»atlfoorU  waddlng  manufivctory.  -foøHtoot 
fe  -mager. 

»atitanet  the  Vat'lcan. 

9ot|moger  c  -e  mannfaetnrer  of  waddlng. 
•maftine  (i  6pinberi)  blower. 

»a'tre  vt  water;  -t  6HtetøJ  watered  slik. 
Ȍrring  c  waterlng. 

»atlfllfe  fe  »art«. 

»at i  te  re  vi  wad,  stuff  (wlth  waddlng).  •tering 
ø  waddlng. 

»otterføt  fe  »aterfot. 

Oarrfl  a  Samptebel  waggon  boller. 

»om  fe  »oooob. 

San  c  weld,  wold,  dyer's  weed,  yeilow  weed, 
Reteda  luteola. 

»ancanfonft'  a  Støbe  pitch-chøin. 

SaabroilTe  c  -r  vau'deville. 

»anlnnbae  fe  »ølunb. 

»aabaa  c  wou-wou,  silvery  gibbon,  Hylobatta 

»anstalt  n  vaaxhall. 

»e  c  k  n  (Smerte)  pain,  acbe,  angnlsh;  (Sorg) 
woe;  -er  pi  throes  el.  pains  of  chlld-birth;  %o\* 
tene«  -  og  Bel  the  welmre,  the  weal  and  woe, 
of  nations;  -ernef  »egbnbelfe  the  beglnning  of 
sorrows.  8e!  interj  woe!  .  mig  utbttelige!  o  øe! 
woe  is  me!  raabe  (al  og)  -  oøer  cry  woe  upon, 
throw  up  one's  hånds  at;  -  ben  fom  woe  to  him 

»eb  prctå  af  »ibe. 

»eb'  [é.  »Wbl  præp  (oftefl)  by:  ffrat«  ~,  tæt  - 
Glose  by,  hard  by;  ftob  -  Siben  was  standlng  by 
the  fire;  -  2b«  by  candle  light;  -  et  ttlfalbe  by 
chance  e(.  accident;  -  ftaøn  by  el.  of  the  name 
of;  føre,  tage  .  $aanben  lead,  take,  by  the  hånd; 
ban  bolbt  fifl  -  mig  (foft)  he  held  on  by  me, 
(i  ftar(eben)  he  kept  close  to  me;  -  (aaft  6iatp 
by  el.  through  his  aid;  -  glib  by  diligence; 
breebt  .  et  Slag  kllled  by  a  blow:  .  at  acbejbe 
by  working;  paa  Danft  .  tranloted  into  Danish 
by;  »  (Dingfxen)  «.  af  (poppen)  B.  by  . .  .  from  . .  .; 
-  ©ub !  by  God !  -  min  tvre  by  el.  upon  my 
honour;  øøab  forftaar  man  -  .  .  .  ?  what  is  meant 
by  . .  .  ?  what  is   the  meaning  r* 

-  Søren  at  the  door;  »rofevfor  -  et  ttnibtrfttrt 
professor  at  (in)  a  unlversity;  Qkfanbt  -  Døffrt  i 
ambaasador  at  the  jtxrart  of;  -  benne  Ztb  at, 
by  el.  about  thls  time;  -  Saggd)  at  daybreak; 

-  ban«  Søb  at  his  death;  .  »egonbelfen  af  at  th« 
oommencement  of;  -  6l)net  af  at  the  aight  of; 

-  bet  førfie  $uø  at  the  fint  blow;  -  fyuuxbea  at 
nand;  -on:-  lymfen  on  the  Thames;  ^elfhtafi 
ligger  .  Ørefunb  Elsinore  stands  on  the  Sound; 
»eiiggarøeb  -  ftembonen  situation  on  the  rallway; 
et  $otel  -  en  6ø  i  dftolien  an  hotel  on  an  Italian 
lake;  ban  er  -  (anfat  beb)  Xime«  he  is  on  the 
Times;  bet  er  en  SrapeOan  -  6tiftelfen  there  is  a 
chaplaln  on  the  Foundation;  .  benne  SeiUgbrl 
on  this  oocaslon;  -  9orefpørgfet  on  inquiry;  ieg 
bar  flere  (Øange  .  (ncet  beb)  at  I  was  several  times 
on  the  point  of;  —  through:  jeg  fil  bet  at  øibe 
~  tøm  it  came  to  my  knowledge  through  him; 

—  of:  Slaget  -  Setprtg  the  battle  of  Leipsig; 

—  to:  tyenge  fafl  -  adhere  el.  cleave  to;  2éqe  - 
et  fiofpital  physlcian  to  an  hospital;  boere  gøb  - 
en  be  kind  to  one;  bliøe  •  Boaen  keep  el.  stick 
to  the  point;  tante  .  Hg  felo  think  to  one's  self; 

—  in:  bet  bat  ben  (øjenbommrligbeb  .  Pg  there  Is 
this  peculiarity  in  el.  about  lt;  ber  er  intet  gobt. 
onbt,  ....  there  is  no  good,  harm  in  . .  .;  ftsa 

-  ftbtteriet,  be  lette  tropper  be  in  the  cavalry, 
the  light  troops;  ooire  .  gobt  ^elorcb  be  in  good 
health;  bare  -  $enge  be  in  caoh;  ieg  ©or  *  (tfarb 
meb)  at  ftribe  I  was  writing  el.  in  the  aet  of 
writlng;  —  agalnst:  fom  ftaaz  -  tøn«  Kaøn  (i 
Wegifler,  Øortegnelfe)  standlng  agalnst  his  name; 

—  (anbre  SRaaber):  ber  er  intet  -  tøm  he  i* 
not  good  for  muoh;  tøn  (ar  gobt  .  at  aore  bet 
it  is  an  easy  thlng  for  him  to  do;  (an  øcfanot  ftg 
bel,  ilbe  -  bet  it  agreed  wlth  him.  it  disagreed 
with  him;  gøre  -  (iflanbfatte)  en  ting  mend  a 
thlng;  jeg  htnbe  iffe  gøre  -  bet  I  could  not  belp 
it;  røre  -  noget  touch  a  thlng;  bore  -  (tilftoa)  own. 
acknowledge;  —  adv :  blib  .  go  on,  proceed;  bet 
tommer  itte  mig  -  it  is  no  business  of  mine; 
tale«  .  speak  together;  (olbe  -  contlnue,  go  on, 
perslst;  ftrat«  el.  tat  (ber)beb  close  by,  hard  by. 

»eb'  ré,  *»e'bl  t».  *cwood;  »firewood;  fafl  i 
-bet  hard-grainea.    -afte  wood-ashes. 

©eboenb(e)  c  ivy,  EecUra;  øøerøotlet  meb  .  lvled. 
-agtig  a  hederaceoui.  -blab  ivy  leaf.  -frost  Iry 
wreatb.  -foift  twlg  of  ivy.  -ramte  ivy-vine  el. 

*»'eb|øef*are(f e  savlng  of  fueL  -bef^ortnbe  a 

»eb | bliøe  vi  contlnue,  go  on,  keep  on,  per-e- 
vere; (an  -Meo  at  fpifle  he  kept  on  (el.  continuedi 
playing;  Meb  at  bare  »enner  ramained  friends; 
-bleø  at  løbe  kept  running;  —  vt  go  on  wlth, 
contlnue.  -bliøelfe,  -llloeo  c  continuanoe,  pet- 
severance.  -Wiøenbe  a  continued,  perslstent; 
adv  still;  er  .  contlnnes  to  be;  tror  -  perøists 
In  thlnking. 

»ebborer  c  goat  moth,  Ootwmt  litnipenU. 

»ebbo  rlig  a  due,  suitabie;  -  6traf  condign 
punishment;  —  adv  duly. 

SebceUe  c  wood  cell. 

»ebbe  fe  »abbe. 

»eoel  [t.]  c  «p  talL  brush,  scut. 

»eberbngtet  a  fe  »inbftab. 

»eberfa're*  od  happen,  befall;  bet,  fom  -  en, 
ton  ogfaa  møbe  en  anben  what  happens  to  one 
may  also  beCall  another;  ber  -forel  el.  er  -fatet 
barn  en  Ulbtte  he  met  el.  has  met  with  an  acci- 
dent; blg  ftal  intet  onbt  .  you  ohall  not  be 
hurt;  tabe  en  -  9tet  do  one  Justlee . 

»eberøaftig  a  solvent;  -  TOanb  a  mon  of 
credit;  (om  ftarafter)  responsible.  -(eb  e  solveney; 
credit;  responslbillty. 

»eøerjtøa  ge  vt  refresh.  +-tøagelig  a  retresh- 




ing.  •fbirgclfe,  -ffttt'gning  e  refreshment,  re- 

Beser  |  Ug  n  compensatlon,  reauital;  commuta- 
tion;  (Bbgn.)  abutment;  til  .  for  in  compensatlon 
cl.  return  for;  ubnt  _  gratis,  gratultously;  ty>ab 
fan  et  SRennefle  gibe  til  ~  fot  ftn  ©Joel?  what  shall 
a  man  give  In  exchange  for  his  soul?  -tftgffrt 
a  grataltous;  «t  ado  gratis,  gratultously.  -fagø* 
mnr  sprlnging  wall,  abutment.  -tagge  ol  com- 
pensate,  indemnlfy. 

tBcberbart  c  -et  opponent,  adverse  party. 

Brberftbggeltg  a  abominable;  alt  bet  fom  er -t 
HU  every  abomination.  -beb  c  -et  abominable- 
neas,  abomination;  pbelcegøelfenl  -  the  abomina- 
tion of  desolation. 

Bebet'  o  -ter  vedette,  vidette. 

Beblftftel  torch  of  flrewood.  +-fft*n  eord  of 
wood  (fe  gfabn). 

Beb  |  føje  er  annez,  subjoln,  affiz;  til  be  Briter 
at  tbe  prices  affized.    -føjning  c  annexing  etc. 

Bebga*  ol  admlt,  own,  acknowledge,  confesa, 
eonfess  to;  +  «=  Bebfomme.  -clfe  c  admission, 

Bebtyane  c  flrewood  yard. 

Bebljef  t|e  vi  attach,  annox,  affiz,  append.  -ning 
«  -attaching  etc. 

Bebtjølben|be  a  persevering,  continuous,  con- 
tlnued,  prolonged,  incessant.  -beb  o  persever- 

Bebllngge? woodentter;  fe  (Elfenbenlnttb.  -bng* 
gerøtde  wood  cuttor's  aze.  -sjngft  wood-cutting. 

Beb|b<rog  n  api^endage.  -|<rnge  ol  adhere, 
cleave  to;  (tilføje)  append.  -tangen  c  adherence, 
attachment  (beb  to;,    -bcengenbe  a  attached,  ap- 

rndent.  -b*ngenbeb  c  fe  -Sengen.  -banøfel  n 

tBeblaft  c  pile  of  flrewood. 

Bebtenbc  fig  or  own,  own  to,  acknowledge, 
reoognize  as  one's  own;  tfte  trine  -  fig  disown; 
-•  vd  b.  f.  -Ife  e  reeognltion;  recognlzance,  ac- 

Brbftebe  ol  adhere  to,  cleave  to. 

BebtUontng  e  wood-splitting. 

8eb|Iønune  vt  concern,  regard,  respect,  bear 
on;  fe  Komme  oeb;  (iRe)  -  6ogen  be  (ir)relevant 
to  the  matter.  -tonunenbe  part  concerned;  - 
forfattet  the  author  in  question;  -  gnføøer  the 
party  applying;  —  prap  fe  Vnoaaenbe.  -tonmenbe 
c  (be;  -  tbose  concerned;  Jeg  §ar  talt  meb  «.  I 
have  spoken  with  the  party  concerned,  with 
the  person,  the  indlvldual;  bøje  -  the  authorities. 
-fønunenbc  »:  for  mit  (perf onlige)  .  for  my  part, 
as  far  as  I  am  (personally)  concerned,  personally; 
for  Sanmarlft  -  as  to,  with  respect  to,  in  the 
case  of  Denmark;  on  behalf  of  D. 

Beblagt  part  af  Beblaeøøe. 

Bebli'ge  adv  jjolbe  -  el.  -tofte  ol  (f.  Cfft.  Btog» 
ninaer)  keep  in  repair;  (bebare)  preserve;  support, 
malntain,  keep  up;  (Brebbefftting  o.  I.)  carry  on. 
keep  up;  be  ere  gobt  -bte  they  are  well  preserved 
el.  In  good  condltion  el.  repair.  -bølbclfe  e 
keeping  In  repair:  preservatlon ,  maintenance. 
—  Bebligebolbelfeølomtøftninger  coate  of  preser- 
vatlon. -tilftanb  state  of  preservatlon  el.  repair. 
-nbgift  outlay  for  repairs. 

Bebliøgenbe  a  adjacent,  adjoining;  fe  Beblagt. 

8eb|Uegge  ol  append,  affiz.  annez,  (i  Breo) 
inclose;  -lagt  fenber  jeg  inclosed  etc.,  under  thi* 
cover,  I  send;  Beblaøte  the  inclosed;  ben  Cbet- 
flaget  -lagte  Seglring  the  diagram  affized  to  the 
estlmate.    -logning  appendlng  etc. 

Bebtet  c  right  of  cutting  flrewood,  flre-bote. 

Bebrtre  ol  touch,  concern,  affect;  -nbe  part 
&  prcep  fe  Beblommenbe. 

*Beb|ftt  fe  -træ.  -frøn!  wood-shed.  -flcrrer  c 
sawyer  of  flrewood. 

Sarfen:  &anf!'(tnøelft  Crbbog. 

Bebffribe  ol  Bebtegne. 

Bebjftaa  ol  malntain,  stand  by,  persist  in 
asserting;  fe  Bebgaa;  6taa  beb.  -ftaaetfe  c  main- 
taining  etc.    -fftaaenbe  a  annezed. 

Beb|ft*be(  pile  el.  stack  of  flrewood.  *-frnf!e 
fe  -ttce.    *-fortter  wood-measurer. 

Bebltngc  ol  agree  (on),  resolve,  adopt,  vote, 
sanction,  pass,  (en  vom)  acquiesce  in;  Beflut* 
ninøen  -toøeø  enftanmiø  the  resolution  was  carried 
unanimoualy;  .  at  agree  to;  -tagen  a  agreed, 
received,  recognised,  established,  conventlonal. 
-tagelfe  c  agreelng  etc.;  adoption;  (af  Sob) 

+Bebftete*  vd  fe  %a\ti  beb. 

8eb|iegne  vt  note,  mark,  sign.  -ning  c  note, 
annotation,  remark. 

Beb  |  tom  spine,  thorn.  *-torb  wood-market. 
*-rroc  billet,  stick  of  flrewood,  (flere  @mf.  fe 

Bebtttgt  o  -er  received  el.  established  custom, 
habit,  standlng  rule  el.  order;  efter  gammel  ~ 
according  to  old  observance;  -er  pi  by-laws  (of 
a  society).  —  Bebtatgttbenfttn  regard  to  estab- 
lished custom.  -wsøflg  a  customary,  established 
by  custom. 

+Bebbont  a  accustomed. 

Bebjoare  vi  endure,  continue.  -barenbe  a 
continual,  unceaain«,  constant;  —  adv  still;  er 
~  fqg  continue«  (to  be)  111.  -baren,  -»aeeufteb  c 

Beg  «mp  af  Bige. 

Beg  a  pllant,  flezible,  limber,  *weak.  tBegc 
ol  make  pllant. 

•Bege  fe  Boege. 

Beget|abi  l  n  -ter  veg'etable.  -nbilff  a  veg'e- 
table;  -  Scrsl^aar  alva  marina.  -arit'neT  e  -t 
vegeta'rian.  -artnntø'nucvegeta'rianism.  -ario'n 
c  vegeta'tion.  -art'*  (el.  oeg'-)  a  veg'etative. 
-c're  vi  veg'etate.    -eren  c  vegetating. 

Be'gbeb  c  pliancy,  flezibillty,  llmberness. 

Begne  of  bend;  -  et  6»m  turn  the  point  of 
a  nafi  over. 

Begne  pi:  paa  mine,  tymi,  ^enbei  .  on  my,  his, 
her  behalf  el.  acoount;  poa  ^r.  V.'t  •  on  the 
part  el.  behalf  of  Mr.  A.;  alle  -  everywhere; 
alle  bibe  -  here,  there  and  everywhere;  fomnter 
møen  -  makes  no  way,  no  progress,  cannot 
get  on. 

•Be'g  I  enggen  the  small  of  the  back.  -(ten  fe 

Bcbifef  n  -Ilet  (oaf.  fa)  vehlcle. 

Beonieet  c  vehmic  tribunal. 

Bet  e  -e  (tonfret,  feloe  Bejen)  road,  (mere  etoftz., 
Rerntng)  way;  (6(ibe#)  track,  route;  (Beilongbe) 
distance;  ben  tortefte  -  the  nearest  way,  the 
shortest  cut;  ben  bafbe  -  halfway;  gibe  fyilb  . 
break  the  way;  bele  -en  all  the  way;  ben  boabe 
-  eAøm  the  wet  process;  oenbte  ^obebet  en  anben  - 
turned  her  head  the  other  way;  fig  ben  anben  - 
(bet  TOobfatte)  with  a  difference;  et  StqHr  .  some 
distance;  en  tttitft  -  ^erfro  at  a  mile's  distance; 
si  bar  enbnn  lana  -  we  have  a  long  way  before 
us  yet;  ben  tilbagelagte  .  *£,  the  distance  run; 
ftnbe  .  find  one's  way;  bane  fig  -  make  et.  force 
one's  way;  rejfer  famme  .  (fom  Jeg)  is  travelling 
my  way,  in  my  direction;  2)bben»  .  the  path  of 
virtue;  goa  »etten*  .  go  to  law;  goa,  rtbe  fin  - 
go  off,  go  one's  way,  ride  off;  gaa  btn  -  get 
vou  gone,  go  about  your  business;  t^an  lommer 
ingen  -  bermeb  he  does  not  get  on,  he  makes 
no  progress;  ieg  ton  ingen  -  fomme  meb  barn  I  can 
do  nothing  with  him;  jeg  er  Bei en  og  6anb$eben 
og  Sibet  btol  I  am  the  way,  and  the  truth,  and 
the  life;  *boor  toø  ^an  -en?  where  did  he  go  to? 
*ber  er  ifre  mere  enb  Xiben  og  -en  there  is  no 
Urne  to  be  lost;  alle  Beje  fere  til  Kom  there  are 





more  ways  to  the  wood  than  one;  bet  fyit  gobe 
-e  there's  no  hurry,  it  is  no  matter;  eber*  -e  ere 
iffe  mine  -e  bibl  your  ways  are  not  my  ways; 
%attt  tabet  oQe  Aebninger  banbre  i  berei  egne  -e 
suffered  all  nations  to  walk  In  their  own  ways; 
gaa  mobfatte  -e  parsne  opposite  oonrses:  —  (meb 
pnxp):  ab  ben  -  (by)  that  way;  ab  fritten  ~? 
which  way;  af  -en  ont  of  the  way;  gaa  af  -en 
get  out  of  the  way;  bet  ligget  af  -en  for  mig  it  is 
out  of  my  way;  bet  bar  ilfe  af  -en,  om  it  would 
not  be  amiss  et.  inexpedient,  would  be  as  well, 
no  bad  thing;  er  itfe  (faa  rent)  af  -en  is  not 
(much)  amiss;  rt)bbe  af  -en  make  away  with,  fe 
ftbbbe;  fjoab  er  ber  i  -en?  wbat  is  the  matter? 
what  has  happened?  what  hinders?  ber  er  nt  i 
-en  meb  tøm  there  Is  something  the  matter  et. 
amiss  with  him;  fom  om  ingenting  bar  i  -en  quite 
nnconcerned;  bare,  ftaa  en  i  -en  be,  stand  in 
one's  way;  tagge  en  noget  i  -en  throw  something 
in  one's  way;  *lagge  i  ~  el.  -en  set  off,  set  out, 
fig  go  at  it;  fio  tøfle  fig  i  -en  for  militate  against; 
tfor  i  -en  «b  tfotbejen;  er  i  en  gob  -  has  a  good 
business;  fatte  en  i  -  start  one  in  Ufe;  gibe  fig 
paa  -en  set  out:  paa  -en  fortalte  ljan  mig  ofb.  as 
we  went  along  etc.;  &  paa  -en  til  on  her  passage 
to,  en  route  for;  bar  ttfe  Tommen  langt  paa  -en 
had  but  advanced  Ilt  tie  on  his  way;  paa  ~  til 
bound  for;  bare  paa  -en  til  at  . .  .  be  on  the 
point  of;  (gobt)  paa  -  til  at  Mibe  bet  (well)  on 
the  way  el.  road  to  It;  paa  gobe  -c  (om  ftblnber) 
in  the  family  way;  bære  paa  gobe  -e  til  be  in  a 
fair  way  to;  paa  rette  ~  on  the  right  road;  tomme 
paa  gale  -e  go  astray  el.  wrong;  tage  paa  ~,  -e 
take  on;  fomme  til  -e  come  to  light;  bringe  el. 
flaffe  til  -e,  fe  Xilbeiebringe.  ©ej  janlag  making 
el.  construction  ofroads;  new  road.  -anorbning 
regulations  of  the  road.  •oroejbe  road-work, 
road-mending.  -oroejber  road-labourer,  road 
-mender,  nawy.  -bone  roadway.  -itv  a  pas- 
sable, practlcable.    -øtrteb  c  practicability. 

"Beløor  a  ponderable.    -tyeb  c  fe  ©ejeligljeb. 

Bejl  betjent  overseer  of  roada.  -tres  way-bread, 
plantain,  Plantaøo.  -brtyber  pioneer.  -strøning 
fe  -anlæg,  -btyrbe  burden  of  maintaining  the 

»eid)fel(-floben)  the  Vistula.  -pif!  med  pUoa. 
•rø?  cherry-etick,  Weichsel-holz.     -tro?  mazard. 

©ejb  fe  ©ojb. 

©ejbe  vt  bag,  shoot,  catch;  -  en  $ore  hulk  a 
hare;  -  et  (Barn  empty  el.  unmesh  a  net.  *-bt«r 
whiskers,  -tul  fundament.  Mit  c  fe  Stenbenber. 
-t-øorf  sport. 

t©eje  vt  (itøelflaa)  slay. 

©eje  (+bog)  vi  &  t  weigh;  bog  mere  weighing, 
wt.  (weight);  Ian  itfe  .  og  brage  cannot  be 
choosers;  fom  fan  •«  ponderable;  .af,  fetlfbeje; 
.mob  fcinanben  poise,  balance;  man  Ian  iRe  - 
bet  o  b  meb  $enge  it  is  not  to  be  had  for  love  or 
money;  -  op  tmob  (+meb)  eounterbalanee ,  be 
equal  to;  bet  -r  gobt  til  it  is  rather  heavy;  -  ub 
weigh  out.  ©eJegøM  weight  goods.  Vejrlig  a 
ponderable.  BeJeiiøAeb  e  ponderability,  ponder- 
ablenes.  8eje|m«ftuie  weighing  machine;  weigh 
-bridge.  -ptab*  (b.  ©abbelsb)  paddock.  Sejer  c 
-e  welgher,  meter. 

©ejet  c  -e  *t  fe  ©ager. 

8ejer|«*flftrnt  weigWs  assistant.  -bob  weigh 
-house,  weighing  house.  ©ejerebffab  weighing 
implement.  8ejer|geøttr,  -løn,  -»eng e  welghage, 
metage;  t(for  Ulb)  tronage.  -febbel  weighing 
-certiflcate.    t©cjeftaal  scale. 

©ejjferenbe  a  wayfaring;  c  traveller,  passenger. 
-forbcbring  mending  of  the  roads.  -freb  (public) 
security  on  the  road.  -følb  road-metai,  road 
-covering.  -grøft  dltch  by  the  roadside.  •!«• 
f  pettør  roadsurveyor.     -fattt  roadside.    -fart 

•ført  road  map,  route-map.  -f  enbi  a  acquaJnted 
with  the  road.  -tort  cross  on  the  roadside. 
-tttnbig  fe  -fenbt.  -tøsøigtyeb  acquaintance  with 
the  road. 

tCeile  e  -r  ford. 

©ejflebe  øf  guide,  lead,  conduct:  instruct;  -nbe 
Orb  word  of  guidance  et.  instruction.  +-te*elfe 
fe  -tebnftig.  -lebet  guide,  conductor,  ©trabc  ere 
©linbel  -e  bibl  they  be  blind  leaders  of  the 
blind,  -lebning  o  guidance,  conduct;  Instruc- 
tion; (Bog)  guide;  til  -  for  for  the  guidance  ol 
•legeme  road- bed.  -tavabc  distance,  spswe. 
-forte  fe  top«.  -tø*  a  pathless,  trackleaa.  •øbøjø! 
fe  -langbe.  -matter  pedometer,  odometer.  -msi> 
ting  measuring  of  roads.  -metrer  inspectox  of 
roads.  -matte  track-mark.  -*3øbe  (TOsbe  of  fkie) 
meeting  of  roads;  (røøbe  paa  ©ei)  meeting  on  & 
road.    -net  system  el.  plexus  of  roads. 

©ejntaa  c  weighing. 

©ej|øpfbn  surveying  of  the  roads.  -øpf*«4> 
nttnb  fe  -infpettsr.  -oøergtng,  -øøertørfet  (Sfoxnb ) 
level  crosslng.  -penge  turnpike-money.  -<Mrt 
finger- post. 

©rir  n  (©ejrlig)  weather;  (*onbe)  breath;  (©råb) 
wind;  *(Sngt)  scent;  gobt  .  fine  weather,  a  fine 
day;  flemt,  fhjgt  -  bad,  foul,  weather;  booTbt, 
ftormenbe  .  heavy,  severe,  rough,  bolaterous, 
weather;  alle  61aal .  all  weathers;  om  -et  riHober 
weather  permitdng;  -et  blofer,  $bor  bet  bil  the 
wind  bloweth  where  it  liste  tb;  trnebe  -ene  og 
6sen  bibl  rebuked  the  winds  and  the  sea;  folbt 
i  -et  cold  weather:  i  -et  up,  aloft;  meb  ©unben  i 
•et  bottom  up;  meb  Korfen  i  -et  with  his  note  in 
the  air;  fio  fatte  ftøfen  i  -et  carry  the  note  high; 
faa  -et  igen  recover  one's  breath;  get  one's 
second  wind;  til  -•  <i,  aloft;  fbinge  fig  i  -et  riee; 
mifle  el.  tabe  -et  lose  breath;  bet  tog  miften  -et 
fra  mig  it  nearly  took  away  my  breath;  trætte 
•et  draw  breath,  trætte  -et  bpbt  draw  a  long  eL 
low  breath;  for  at  tratte  -et  for  breath;   fnotte, 

Kre  noget  ^en  i  -et  talk,  do  something  heed- 
wly;  flaa  noget  ben  i  -  og  Sinb  make  light  of 
a  thing;  bebe  om  gobt  ~  cry  mercy,  eat  humble 
pie;  tomme  unber  -  meb  noget  get  scent  of  a 
thing.  ©ejrlieftonbig  a  weather-proof.  -øiøi  fe 
-flagen,  -løg  journal  of  the  weather.  ©ejre  vi 
scent,  get  scent  of,  wind;  t(lufte)  air;  ~  ben, 
bort,  fe  ^enbejre;  -  nb  air;  —  •»  »cent;  —  w  fig 
op  soar.  ©ejren  o  scentlng,  smelling.  ©eirjfaag 
fe  ©inb'.  -ftfl  a  wind  bound,  weather-bound. 
-fløj  vane.  -for anbring  weather  change,  change 
of  el.  in  the  weather.  -førkøls  atmospheric 
conditions.  -fombflgelfe  (weather)  forecast.  -gab 
air-hole.  -gløJ  weauier-glass.  -Ijaar  pi  whiskers, 
tactile  hairs.  -baarb  a  exposed  to  hard  weather, 
unsheltered,  unprotected,  storm  vexed,  wind 
•loved.  -I^tne  ogf.  fig  weather-cock.  -btneri  * 
F  terglversation.  -I>at  hood  for  a  chlmney. 
•(••^entBing  respiration.  °-bo»eb  fragment  of  a 
rainbow;  weather-gall.  -bal  air-hole.  -alerte  fe 
-^at.  -iaattagelfe  meteorologicai  observation. 
*-fart  fe  -tort.  -tøøe  squall.  •-tøm  nose,  scent. 
•ført  weather-chart.  f-fmle  breese.  -flpnbi|  a 
weather-wise.  Mao  weather,  dimate.  ©ejrlig 
n  weather.  ©ejrjlbi  Saint  Blm's  light;  •auror* 
borealis.  -toremeteorology.  -mebbetelf  er  weather 
intelligence,  -marte  fe  -tegn.  -ssøSe  windmill. 
-møttepnmpe  windmill  pump.  -møBer  owner 
of  a  windmill.  -omflag  fe  -foranbrmg.  *pt9ftt 
weather-prophet,  weather-spy.  -fitatt  air-shaft. 
-ftabe  damage  done  by  the  weather.  -ftifte 
change  of  weather.  •flanet,  -flagen  <*  weather 
beaten,  bitten.  +-fmmlbre,  •fmntøriHg,  fe  $or> 
Ditte,  -fol  mock-sun.  -fpaabøm  prognostication 
of  the  weather.  -ftoBe  air-way.  *frrøg  directioo 
of  the  wind  el.  current  of  air.  -tøtte  portion  of 




a  rainbow  seen  in  tbe  horixoo.  -fbg  a  weather 
-sick.  -fsn  fe  Suftføn.  -tegn  sign  el.  prognostic 
of  the  weather.  -tf  legrant  telegraphic  weather 
Intelligence,    -tratning  respiration. 

»ej  | fenne*  hedge-mustard ,  Suvmbrium  o/fi- 
dnale;  (flnblabet)  flixweed,  S.  »opkia.  -frøer(cb 
saifety  of  the  roadB.  -flat  road-tax.  -ffcl  (éteb, 
(»or  Veje  bele  flg)  branching  off  of  a  road,  croas- 
road;  (©fri,  bannrt  af  en  B.)  limit  formed  by  a 
road.  -firti  road-scrapingB.  -ftarber  road-metel. 
-faegl  slug,  Limax.  -f*or  fe  $jnlfpor..  -ften 
road-metal.  t-fHn  a  (Bogn)  broad.  *-fiol»e 
road-pOBt  (to  mark  out  the  length  of  road  that 
each  landowner  is  bound  to  keep  in  repair). 
•frrtttning,  -frttffc  piece  of  (a)  road.  -ftstte  mile- 
stone.  -fle»  road-dust  el.  -drift,  -f»n  inspection 
of  roads. 

♦Bett  e  -er  ditch,  drain;  lame. 

Beitotb  c  duty  el.  toll  paid  on  a  road. 

Be  tromle  c  steam  roller. 

Be  tibanø  ø  8t.  Vitus'  dance,  chorea. 

Beftorittg  e  provisions  for  the  road. 

+ØH»  fe  Sen. 

Bejl  »ils  a:  bar  «  had  lost  his  way.  -»ifer 
(Sranb)  gnide;  {paa  Bej)  flnger-pqst,  direction 
-post;  (Bog)  directory;  J,  fairleader.  -»ifertrani 
leadingthimble.  -»if  ertro*  spuriing-line.  -»afes 
matten  conoerning  roads. 

Betlage  o  lamentation;  -h*  lament. 

Bette!  e  (Cmfttftning)  change;  (Bjalte)  trimmer. 

BetØel  ø  -»ler  (tratte)  bill  (of  exchange), 
draught,  draft;  (egen,  inben»(t  promiaiory  note, 
note  of  hånd;  ~  paa  tort  Xib  short  bill;  -  paa 
lang  Stib  long  bill;  trcettr,  ubftebe  en  .  draw, 
issne  a  bill;  attestere,  enboftfere,  »røteftere  en  . 
accept,  endorse,  protest  a  bill;  Jtg  trætte  -Mier 
paa  lay  under  con  tribution. 

Bettefl sager  nsnry  by  means  of  promlssory 
notes,  -ateest  acceptance  of  a  bill  of  exchange. 
-oafsor  liability  upon  bilis,  -arbitrage  arbltra- 
tlon  of  exchanges.  -erreft  seizure  for  a  bill  of 
exchange.  -ban!  bank  that  discounts  bilis  of 
exchange.  -»etaler  payer  of  a  bill.  -Ila*fet 
blank  draught,  bill -form.  -log  bill-book.  -bre» 
fe  8e!*el.  •irng  fe  -brift.  -conrtsae  biU-broker- 
age.  -»eliter  party  to  a  bill.  -»rift  rotation 
of  crops.  -bnjrfitat  duplicate  of  a  bill.  -b»r 
proteus.    -ejer  fe  -(oser. 

Betlefe'r(er)  c  -e  exchanger,  money-changer. 

Bctftetlfalf!,  -falftneri  forging  of  bilis,  -farsct 
o  shot  (-colouredj.  -feler  intermitten t  fever. 
•forbring  demand  arising  from  a  bill.  -forfalbs- 
»og  bills-due  book.  -fortals  mutual  el.  redpro- 
cal  relations,  correlation,  correlativeness.  -for« 
manb  preceding  indorser.  -forretning  banking 
bUBlness;  (en telt  forretning  meb  Betsel)  exchange 
matter,  -generation  alternate  generation,  -gibet 
drawer.  -g«l»  billdebt.  -(sabel  business  in 
bilis  of  exchange.  -(anbler  bill-broker.  -taber 
e  -e  bearer  el.  holder  of  a  bill,  bill-holder. 
-Ifnl  change-wheel.  -(erte  p/  revolving  heels. 
•tantion  endorsement,  surety  for  payment  of 
bilis,  -taniionift  endorser.  -tonto  account  of 
exchange.  -fsjpisog  bill-copy  -  book.  -tren  fe 
-forbring.  -trebtt  paper  credit.  -trebitor  fe 
•(aber.  -tnre  (rate  of)  exchange.  -fnrøberea- 
ning  fe  -arbitrage,  -lob(glbnlng)  law  of  bilis 
of  exchange.  •!»•  cbanging  light,  -magter 
bill-broker.  -nobe  pasaing  note,  appoggiatura. 
-obligation  bond  havtng  some  of  the  privi- 
leger of  a  bill  of  exchange.  -omgang  proceed- 
ing  in  the  case  of  bilis,  -outfatniag  drcula- 
tion  of  bilis  of  exchange.  -»te»0  plaoe  of  ex- 
change. -portefenlUe  bill  case,  bilis  and  accep- 
tances.  -»roteft  protest,  -»ro»ifion  exchange. 
-regning  calculation  of  exchange.  -rente  lnterest 

on  a  bill  el.  bond.  -ret  right  of  exchange:  fe 
•lob.  -rig  a  roliofvicissitudes.  -tint  alternative 
rhyme.  -riftomo  redrawing.  -rbjtter  blll-Jobber. 
-rStterl  cross -accommodation  el.  -acceptance, 
kite-flying  system;  brtbe  -  be  engaged  in  accom- 
modatlon-billB,  fly  the  klte.  -fag  matter  of  ex- 
change; action  abont  a  bill  of  exchange.  -fang 
alternative  song.  -fab  ordinary  el.  long  aaw. 
-fisig  a  reciprocal.  -fjri!  alternative  play.  -fteap 
»et  blll-stamp.  -frUlet  a  alternate.  -ftttttsg 
alternation,  -frrsm  eleet  alternate  current. 
•frrsututeftine  maohine  with  an  alternate  cur- 
rent. -fam  amount  of  a  bill.  -tager  taker  el. 
buyer  of  a  bill  of  exchange.  -n»fleber  drawer. 
-bilbt  game  frequenting  a  certain  plaoe.  -»intet 
alternate  angle,  -»irtntng  reciprocal  action, 
redprocity  of  action,  interaction.  -»is  a  alter- 
nate, alternating;  adv  alternately,  in  torns. 
-»*rt  wheels  that  turn  the  hånds.  Beføle  vt  k 
i  (b.  t?enge,  fttfte)  change;  (uboetile)  exchange; 

-  om,  fe  Ombetsle.  Beføling  o  exchange,  ex- 

Betelaber  fe  Bcetllaber. 

Bettorrabln*  c  radius  vector. 

Bel'  *  wellare,  good,  beneflt,  weal.  Bet'  adv 
&  oonj  well;  befinbe  flg  -  be  well;  Jeg  er  itte 
rigtig  -  I  am  rather  unwell,  out  of  sorts;  Jeg 
befanbt  mig  -  beroeb  it  did  me  good;  (an  ec. 
faren  he  is  well  off;  bet  gaar  (an  .  he  gets  on 
well;  bule  en  .  wish  one  well;  fob  .!  I  wlsh 
you  good  night;  gsre  -  do  good;  og  beri  gjorbe 
ban  -  and  he  was  right;  gib  bet  sot  faa  - !  that 
would  be  good  news,  I  wish  he  would  (etc.); 

8 »re  .  hnob  be  kind  to,  befriend;  .  ben,  font 
tappy  he  (el.  the  man)  who;  -  Mg,  at  it  is 
lucky  for  you  that;  -  msbt!  well  met;  ~t  -  ^ 
all  right!  -  roet!  J,  rowedoffall!  wayenough! 

-  i  aRafrinen  that  will  do  with  the  enginel  - 
beift!  high  enough!  -I  nn  -I  well  i  well  thenl 
ja  .1  certainly,  to  be  sure;  —  (riaelig,  for) 
ftiolen  er  -  bib  the  coat  is  rather  wide;  (gobt  og) 
.  otte  Xoauner  fully  el.  quite  eight  inches;  -  faa 
flor  fora  rather  larger  than;  (an  bar  ilte  -  tommen 
dem,  for  he  had  scarcely  reached  home  when; 
ba  be  -  bar  ube  af  B»en  once  out  of  the  town; 

-  (not,  formobentlig)  ton  (tnnbe)  -  wete  . . . 
may  (might)  be;  (an  as r  bet  -,  naar  man  beber 
(am  berom  I  dåre  say  he  will  do  it  when  he  is 
asked;  tror  bn  -,  at  (an  tilgiber  mig  do  you 
think  (indeed)  that  he  will  pardon  me;  bu  (or 
itte  gjort  bet,  ~?  you  haven't  done  it,  have  you? 
jeg  oe(»ber  boa  -  itte  en  nb  5u!bmagt  I  suppose 
I  sban't  require  a  new  power  of  attorney;  bet 
er  itte  .  muligt  it  is  hardly  possible;  bet  er  -  itte 
muligt?  you  dont  say  so?  (on  ton  -  bort  40  ttor 
I  fancy  he  may  be  about  40;  —  (biftnof)  bet 
. . .  men  certainly,  it  is  true,  indeed,  no  doubt 
.  . .  but;  though,  if;  .  finbet  man  bet  ofte,  men 
itte  altib  no  douty.  it  is  often  found,  but  not 
always.  tBel|ogtbar  a  right  worshipful.  -as'! 
irUerj  well  I  go  to  I  -anftcm'bia  o  proper,  de- 
corous.  -anftffB'biø(e»proprlety,aecorum.  -artet 
a  well-bred,  well  orought  up,  not  degenerated. 
•bsaren  a  wellborn;  (Xihilorur)  worshipful.  -»*»• 
ren(e»,  ^erec  -  your  worship  el.  honour.  -be- 
finbenbc  n  health,  healthfulneas;  healthlneas. 
-lefoftet  o  properly  el.  securely  faatened;  well 
fortifled.  -»efajet  a  well-grounded,  legitimate. 
•begabet  a  gifted,  talented.  -begrnnbet  fe  befalet. 
•be(ag  n  (f  o)  delight,  pleasure;  i  (bilten  jeg  baber 
.  bibl  in  whom  I  am  well  pleased.  -iesja'gellg  a 

? leasing,  agreeable,  gratifying;  (on  er  mig  -  (ogf. 
ibl)  I  am  well  pleased  in  (with)  hlm;  Øub  . 
accepuble  to  God.  -»eba'gelig(eb  fe  Belbebog:  i 
Wenneftene  en  .  bibl  good-will  to  men.  -le(ot»ea 
a  safe  and  sound.  -be(«ragt  a  (^unb)  with  fine, 





hanging  ears.  -betenbt  a  well-known,  ramiliar. 
-iefsm'me!  fe  »etomme.  -lemelbt  a  before  men- 
tloned.  -beraab,  -øeraebt  a:  meb  ~  4>u  deiibe- 
ntely.  »beregnet  a  well-calculated.  -befat  a 
well-fllled,  well-nirnlshed.  -beftatter,  -beftattet  a 
duly  appolnted.  -betjent  a  well-served.  -be» 
tanft  a  well  considered,  well-advised;  tør  ilte 
banblet  -  i  at  bas  not  been  well-advised  in  -ing. 
•bebeagea  a  gracious,  mvourable.  -bjerget  a 
well-ended.  -bttgget  a  well-built.  -bttr'bta, 
-oprbtgfceb,  fe  -baaren.  -oannet  a  well-formed. 
-bprtet  a  well-tilled.    -ba'big  fe  -gø'renbe. 

**ete  c  -t  (i  TOetal)  flaw. 

»et'rrtyøerørt  a  well-earned. 

»elf|er  e,  p/  =,  Guelf.    -ift  a  Guelph. 

»et|forfaren  o  praciised,  experienced.  -før« 
rettet  a  well-performed;  meb  -  HErmbe  with  tbe 
object  of  one's  mission  accomplished.  -forffplbt 
a  well-merited.  -førfteaet  a  well- und  erstood. 
-forfpnet  well-provlded;  well-Btocked.  -fortjent 
well-deserved,  (©traf)  condlgn;  npber  _  fpibeft  is 
deservedly  popular.  -farb  c  (+n)  welfare.  -forbi* 
tøntntttté  committee  of  public  safety.  -forbøfaø 
matter  of  vital  importance,  -farbitab  pecu- 
nlaiy  loss.  -fart  a  well-kept;  well-conducted. 
•geaenbe  n  (»elfarb)  welfare;  (fielb)  prosperity; 
brtrte  paa  en*  _  drink  (to)  one  s  health;  %an  er 
i  bebfte  -  he  is  well  and  comfortable.  -gerning 
beneflt,  benefaction,  cbaritable  deed;  bife  en 
-er  confer  benents  upon  one.  -gjort  o  well 
done;  t«  benefita.  -granbet  a  well-grounded, 
well-founded.  -gnrenbe  o  (fnnb)  beneflcial, 
salutary;  (brlbabig)  beneflcent,  benevolent,  cbar- 
itable; i  .  fBJemeb  for  benevolent  objecta,  for 
a  b.  object.  -garenfteb  c  benefloence,  charity. 
-gøreniebønnfialt  charitable  institution,  -garen- 
l>eb6felftab  benevolent  society.  -gorer  c  -e  bene- 
factor, -garertabc,  -garerfte  c  -r  benefactress. 
-peøenbe  a  wellto-do,  in  easy  drcumstances, 
warra .  •  paPenpeb  c  easy  circumstancea,  opulence, 
ample  means.  galper  c  -e  F  well-to-do  man, 
people.  -kolben  a  well-to-do.  -tnbrettet  a  well 

»eti'n(papir)  n  vellum-paper,  wove  paper. 
-form  wove  mould.    -parlament  vellum. 

»el|tleng  barmony,  melody,  euphony.  -!tin» 
genbe  a  eupbonic,  euphonious,  barmonious. 
-ttabt  a  weu-dressed.  -(ømme«  a  welcome;  ac- 
ceptable; bare  -  (om  »erfon)  be  welcome;  bpbe, 
tølfe  -  welcome,  bid  welcome;  bpbe  $am  .  bibl 
bid  blm  God  speed;  -tømmen  n,  -tømft  o  welcome, 
-tomftbager  cup  of  welcome.  -tømftbrit  draught 
of  welcome.  -lømftytlfen  welcome.  -tontftfang 
song  of  welcome.  -totnftftøat  fe  -tomftbaøer. 
-lonferberet  a  well-kept,  in  good  condltion,  in 
a  Btate  of  good  preservation;  er  -  (om  $erfon) 
carrles  his  age  well,  wears  well.  -tagret  a  well 
-seasoned.    -taftenbt  a  &  that  carrles  well. 

Belle  e  -r  axle-tree,  shaft. 

»elteønet  n  good,  higb  el.  luzurious  living, 
luxury.    elevner  c  good  liver. 

»filing  fe  »alltøø. 

»etjtnøt  perfume,  acent,  odour.  -tngtenbe  a 
odorous,  sweet-scented,  fragrant;  perfumed;  - 
©ager  perftunes;  gøre  -  perfume,  scent.  -lab 
pleasing  sound,  euphony,  harmony;  for  -en* 
Sfplb  euphonlously.  -Ipbenbe  a  it  -flinøenbe. 
-llpffet  a  successful;  felidtous;  (geflett  o.  1;)  bor 
meget  -  was  a  great  success,  was  attended  with 
conslderable  success. 

ØeUnfk  e  (^øj  Ørab  af  Selbe^ag)  luxury,  delight; 
(fanfeliø  Wtjbelfe)  sensual  rapture;  (Ztlbøjelia^eb 
bertil)  voluptuousness,  sensuality,  lust;  meb  . 
voluptuously.  -sasbenbc  a  voluptuous.  -bratten 
u  intoxicated  with  sensual  rapture.  +-fnlb  a 
voluptuous.     ØclllpfHg  a   (^enøtben    til    SBeObfi) 

voluptuous,  sensual;  (fom  baller  et.  røber  Qdlafr) 
lascivious,  wanton:  t  «  Cberbaobig.  fkSaJHg- 
bcb  e  lasciviousness.  8e01ift|!tttg,  -ning  c  a 
volnptuary,  sensualist,  -tante  fetters  of  sen- 

©et[tarb  o  erudlte.  -tønnrt  o  well  pald.  -magt 
vigour.  strength;  bar  i  fin  -  was  in  his  heyday 
•magtabage  days  of  vigour  el.  power;  i  ban*  - 
in  bis  pauniest  days.  +*mcaen  c  well-meanlng. 
-menenbe  a  well-meanlng,  -intentioned;  meH  . 
bestlntentioned.  -mening a well-meanlng.  -asen! 
a  well-meant  -intended.  -noret  a  well-red. 
-naretbeb  c  good  condition,  stoutneea. 

©eloci^e'b(e)  o  -er  velocipede,  (paa  to  &\uV 
bicycle;  ribe  paa  -  bicycle.  -ribning,  -rut  c 
bicycllng.    -retter  bicyclist. 

»et'lopbragen  a  well-bred;  bet  er  tWe  -t  (ogf.) 
it  is  not  good  form.  -ønbragenieb  c  good 
manners.  -oplagt  a  in  hign  spirits.  -erbnet  a 
well  arranged.  -ptafet  a  well-ploughed.  -nra< 
pørtioneret  a  well-proportioned,  well-poise*l. 
-rettet  a  well-directed,  -aimed.  -frjlenbe  a  that 
sallfl  well.  -fet  a  looked  upon  with  rnvour, 
popular.  -jig'ne  vt  bless;  Øub  .  $em!  God 
bless  youl  wub  -  SJein,  ^bor  ton  De  . .  .  my  dear 
Sir  (gu*l  etc.)  how  can  you  .  .  .  ?  -t  Sftutonnaeife 
of  bleased  memory;  en  -t  3bé!  a  capital  ides' 
en  -t  appetit  a  famous  appetite;  i  -be  Omftan> 
biø^eber  In  the  family  way;  fooban  en  -t  $iae 
such  a  dear  girl;  3  min  gaber*  -be  bibl  ye  blessed 
of  my  Father.  -fig'nelfe  e  -r  Messing;  (tun  i 
eg(.  »et.)  benedicUon;  «ub*  -  af  (f.  (Hl.  Soifer) 
any  amount  of,  no  end  of  (newspapen),  n. 
galore;  ber  er  ingen  -  berbeb  it  brinss  no  good 
luck.  -fia'ttelfeørtg  a  blessed,  rich  in  blesøJng, 
beneflcial.  -finbet  a  well-intentioned,  well-dis 
posed,  well-affected.  -ffalt  a  well-shnped,  well 
•made,  well-formed.  -frittet  a  well  qnallfied 
(til  for),  -fløtrt  a  well  schooled,  well  trained. 
•ffrenrn  a  well  written.  -fmag  fine,  agreeable 
taste  el.  flavour,  palatableness.  -fmaarnbe  a 
savoury,  palatable.  -fpotret  a:  en  -  9nnø  a 
long  purse,    -feaaenbe  fe  -^aoenbe.    -fhmb  pro«- 

Krity,  prosperous  drcumstances;  f  P  tuxmoil, 
voc.  -ftanbøtitbe  sonrce  of  prosperity.  -ftegt 
o  properly  roasted  el.  done.  *-ftelt  a  well 
-ordered,  -conduoted,  -managed.  -Hernt  a  fa- 
vourably  disposed.  -fHHet  o  ^  f6ejt)  well 
-trimmed.  -fhiberet  a  well-read;  en  -  TOomb  a 
good  scholar.  -talenbe  a  eloquent.  -talenbca  c 
eloquence,  (power  of)  oratory,  (ftunfl)  rhetoric. 
•talenttbirnnftrn  rhetoric.  -titfrcbi  a  well-satis- 
fled;  fe  6elb«.  •titfrebøb.eb  satisfaction;  Cmeb  fig 
felo)  self-oomplacency.  -Hitart  a  well-broken. 
-tjent  a  old  (in  the  service)  and  deaervlng,  of 
long  standing;  en  .  $at  a  seasoned  hat.  -tmfftn 
a  well  taken;  et  -  portræt  a  good  Ukenesa. 
•tontenbe  a  of  good  principles,  right-mlnded. 
•nbrnftet  a  well  eqnipped.  -nnberrettet  o  well 
iutormed.  •f-nnberrertetb.eb  c:  tøn*  -  the  au- 
thentlcity  of  his  Information,  -aolgt  a  well 
-chosen,  -selected.  -Pia  a  sapient.  -ait|c  bene- 
voleDce,  klndnesB,  goodwill,  -tptlig  a  bene- 
volent, kind,  kindly;  adv  benevolently  etc.;  - 
tømt  mob  favourable  to,  favourably  disposed 
towards.  -plHiøbfb  fe  -bil|e.  -P0»en  a  weU 
•grown,  well -set,  good-sised.  -Pare  n  &  e, 
■Hparen  o  well-being.  -pnber  well-wisher,  fa- 
vourer.  patron,  -pnberinbe,  -pnberfte  c  -r  well 
•wlsher,  patroness.  t-a'betaworehlpful.  f-arbet' 
^eb  worsbip.  -orDar'big  a  reverend.  -ariar* 
bigfjrb  e  reverence;  $an*  ~  ^r.  f3aftor  «.  91.  the 
Rev.  N.  N.    -anet  a  practised. 

»ej mob  c  &  n  sadness.  •mabUanbet  a  not 
unmixed  with  sadness.  -mobig  asad,  sorrowfol. 
melancholy.  -mabigbeb  c  sadness,  sorrowfUlness. 




—  ©enubSjbltb  a  sad  and  gentle.  +-l!tt  sorrow- 
Ail  glance.  -falb  a  fe  ©emobig.  +-f«na  melan- 
choly  song.  +-fabn  sad  regret  -fat  sigh  of 
sadness.  -taare  tear  of  sorrow.  +-toae  melan- 
choly  note. 

•©en  a  fe  ©«n. 

©c«'  c  -net  friend;  -neme  the  Friends,  Qnakers; 
t  the  Grundtvigians;  bare  en  ~  of  be  a  friend  to. 
(f.  <H8.  af  Jrunfrfaget)  be  a  lover  of  .  . .,  partial 
to  .  .  .;  en  of  mine  -net  one  of  my  friends;  en  . 
of  mig  a  friend  of  mine;  gobe  (con*  fine)  -net 
great  friends;  tære  gobe  -net  meb  be  (good) 
friends,  on  friendly  terms,  with;  ofre  fifl  gobe 
-net  el.  *til  -*  meb  make  friends  with;  paffe  fig 
-net  make  friends;  blibe  gobe  -ner  igen  make 
friends  again,  make  it  up;  {tittet  fom  -ner  part 
friends;  tølbe  fig  gobe  -ner  meb  begge  forter  keep 
on  good  terms  with  both  parties. 

©cna't  a  ve'nal.    -ite't  o  venal'lty. 

©enbe,  -te,  -t  vt  &  i  turn;  J,  (ftogoenbe)  tack, 
go  abont;  (fobenbe)  wear;  flot  til  ot  .!  about 
ship!  Stiftet  bil  iRe  .!  Bhe  will  not  stay;  nagtebe 
at  -  mi8sed  stays;  .  ttaabt  fig  turn  one's  coat, 
be  a  torn-coat;  bon  -r  en  fDre  tre  Qtange  he  looks 
twice  at  his  money;  -  en  ftpggen  turn  one's 
back  npon  one;  —  or  .  fig  torn;  (om  ©inben) 
change,  shift,  oome  round;  -  fio  plubfelig  torn 
short;  ©tabet  bor  -bt  fig  the  tables  are  turned; 

—  (meb  prop  &  adv):  -  unjlgtet  bort  turn  one's 
face  away;  -  enS  éjerte  fra  fig  estrange  one; 
ban  beb  iBe,  ljbor  pon  fiol  -  fig  $en  he  does 
not  know  where  to  turn;  boot  Jeg  -bte  mig  ben 
whereever  I  turned;  .  bjem  return  home;  ban 
•bte  fig  i  Senaen  he  turned  over  in  bed;  .  Ejnene 
i  $obebet  roll  one's  eyes;  bringe  fjertet  til  at  - 
fig  i  Sibet  make  one  sick,  make  one's  stomach 
rise;  -  fig  i  fin  Ørob  turn  in  one's  grave  e(. 
coffln;  ~  inbob  vi  fece  lnwards;  .mob  globen 
face  the  river,  front  (to)  the  river;  -bte  ©rebftben 
mob  presented  her  broadside  to;  ftoolen  -r  ben 
ene  vnbe  mob  the  needle  points  one  end  towards; 
ben  ene  of  Slæberne  -bt  mob  ftorb,  ben  anben  mob 
6t)b  one  of  the  sledges  heading  north,  the 
other  heading  south;  -  neb  turn  down(wards); 

—  om  vi  turn  (back);  ~  noget  om  turn  (over)  a 
thing;  fan  -bte  ©labet  om  he  turned  over  the 
leaf;  benb  om,  (neberft  paa  en  6ibe)  turn  over! 
over!  ~  ©ebagetfen  om  mech  revene  the  motion; 
•  Regelen  om  reverse  the  rule;  ~  fig  om  turn 
round;  ~  op  og  neb  paa  turn  topsy  turvy;  ber 
bat  -nbt  op  og  neb  paa  bet  it  was  turned  upside 
down;  ben  Stbe  -r  op  that  side  is  turned  up- 
wards;  mebent  ban  -btefttrøgen  til  while  his  back 
was  turned;  ban  fab  og  -bte  ftbggen  ril  ©inbuet 
he  sat  with  his  back  (turned)  towards  el.  to 
the  window;  bitfe  ©tabuer  .  (ub)  til  ©aben  these 
Windows  look  (out)  upon  el.  into  the  street, 
face  the  street,  give  upon  the  street;  -bte  ©reb- 
flben ril  presented  her  broadside;  -  fig  el.  -* 
(forbonbleft)  til  change  el.  turn  into:  .  fig  til  en 
turn  to  one;  -  tilbage  return;  .  bet  taabne  nb 
F  cut  up  rough;  -  bet  inbbenbige  ubab  p.  nt. 
tum  st  inside  out.  ©enbe|bntcro*s-head.  -cirfel 
fe  -trebl.  -fure  second  furrow.  -taae  cant  hook. 
•ftatt  wryneck,  long-tongue,  emmet-hunter,  Yunx 
torqvilla.  -faabe  turn-coat,  time-server.  -faaberi 
n  tergiversation.    -treb«  tropic. 

©enbetrob  c  fe  ©ateriana. 

©enbe|m<erre  turniug-mark.  -pfabft  turning 
-room.  -plov  turn-wrest  plough.  -pnaft  turning 
point;  mat*  point  of  inflection;  Iturbe  meb  - 
inflected  curve,  fio  tuming-point,  new  depar- 
ture;  -  i  en*  £ib  critical  moment,  turnlng-polnt, 
of  one'B  llfe. 

Beaber  c.  pi  —,  Wend,  Vandal. 

©enbelrejf  e  c :  gore  -  put  back  el.  turn  halfway. 

•ttt  versatile  toe.  ©eabiag  c  turning,  turn; 
•(en  af  flere  ©maarure)  trip,  journey;  4>  taoking; 
(i  Stil)  turn  (of  phrase),  mode  of  ezpresaion; 
i  en  fnceber  (+fmal)  ~  at  a  pinen,  on  the  spur  of 
the  moment;  F  mon  maa  fe  at  bjalpe  fig  i  en 
fnaber  ~  we  must  make  a  shift;  fnat  Ctørttg,  taft) 
i  -en  qulck  (in  emergencles);  pare  fen  i  -en  be 
slow,  a  slow  coach,  J>  Black  in  stays;  .ben  - 
6agen  babbe  taget  the  course  et.  turn  things  el. 
matters  had  taken.   +9eabiagil*i  a  irrevocable. 

©eabtft  a  Wendlsh,  Vandalfic). 

Snie  e  -r  vein.  -ietoabetfe  phlebitis.  -blob 
venous  blood. 

©enebig  n  Ven'ice. 

©eneratto'a  c  venera'tion. 

©ene'rtfl  a  venereal;  bare  -  have  the  venereal 
disease;  ~  6aar  venereal  sore; .  6pgbom  venereal 
disease,  fFrench-pox. 

©en'ern  o  the  Lake  Wener. 

eeaetila'ner  c  -e  Vene'tlan.  -onetinbe  c  -r 
(fair)  Venetian.    -a'nft  a  Venetian. 

Oeninb  e  c  -r  friend,  fair  friend,  lady  friend. 

©enlig  a  kind,  friendly;  (©b,  ©orelfe  o.  I.) 
pleasant.  -beb  o  friendllness;  kindnesB,  good- 
ness;  pleasantness.  -flnbet  a  (mob)  friendly 

©enae|anfigt  friend's  faoe.  -nblib  a  friendly. 
•breb  friend's  letter,  -faft  a  oonstant  in  friend- 
ship.  -faft^eb  constancy  in  friendship.  -fabn 
friendly  embrace.  -flot  lot  of  friends.  -gabe 
gift  of  a  friend.  -tyMnb  friendly  band.  -^ilfni 
friendly  greeting.  -bf* lp  friendly  aid.  -bnlb  a 
affectionate.  -bnft  house  of  a  friend.  -ttebi 
circle  of  friends,  friendly  circle.  -fo»be  ring 
of  friends.  -ter  a  friendly.  -tøt  a  friendly 
bargain.  -fog  party  of  friends.  -l*i  a  friend- 
less,  unfriended.  -nube  meeting  of  friends; 
tmeeting  of  Grundtvigians.  -ttaPn  name  of 
friend.  -orb  friend's  word.  -pligt  duty  of  a 
friend,  friendly  duty.  -raob  friend's  adviee. 
Haltfl,  -faligbeb,  fe  fal.  -felffab  fe  -lag.  -flnb 
friendly  disposition,  friendliness.  -fløb  bosom 
of  a  friend.  -ftttil  friend's  smile,  -fa!  a  liked, 
beloved;  kindly,  amiable.  -forl^cb  o  popularity. 
•tab  I08S  of  a  friend.  -tale  friendly  discourse. 
•tfenefte  plece  of  friendship,  friendly  turn.  -tro 
a  true  el.  faithful  to  one's  friends.  -tblft  dispute 
between  friends.  -POlb :  i  .  in  the  custody  of 
a  friend. 

©en | flab  «  -et  friendship,  amity;  flutte  .  con- 
tract  a  friendship,  become  friends;  nære  .  for  feel 
friendship  for;  flutte  -  meb  form  a  friendship 
with;  bebtø  mig  bet  -  do me  the favour.  -ffabelig 
a  friendly,  amicable.  -fta'belig^eb  e  friendliness- 

©enftabØ|baanb  bonds  el.  ties  of  friendship. 
-bebl#  proof  el.  mark  of  friendship.  -forbinbelfe 
bond  of  friendship.  -forljolb  terms  of  friend- 
ship, friendly  terms,  -forbnnb  friendly  alliance. 
•forfttring  protestation  of  friendship.  -prebe 
proof  of  friendship.  -raab  o.  fl.  fe  ©eime«. 
-tøf te,  -tjenefte  piece  of  frieDdship,  friendly  aet 
el.  turn.  -tegn  token  el.  mark  of  friendship. 
-øerne  the  Friendly  Islands. 

©eaftre  a  left;  her  sinister;  til  ~  (paa  .  Sibe) 
on  the  left,  ften  til)  to  the  left;  .om!  to  the 
left!  faoe  to  the  left;  boa  ~  6ibe  on  the  left 
•hånd  side;  -  $aanb  the  left  band,  (fRprterl)  the 
bridle  hånd;  -  &ob  the  left  foot,  (jRptterl)  the 
stlrrup  foot,  gifte  fig  til  .  $aanb  marry  with 
the  left  hånd;  Øiftermaat  til  -  ^aanb  left-handed 
marriage;  *nte  Hl  .  ^aonb  left-handed  widow. 
—  9  the  Liberals,  Democrats;  .  ttenrrum  the 
Moderate  liberals;  pberfle  ~  the  Radicals.  8eafhrc|' 
llab  democratic  paper.  -brefet  a  levogyrate. 
•forening  democratic  union,  -grappe  sectlon  of 
Democrats.    -gonget  a  ©frue,  fe  -ftrue.    -|o!P 




Democntic  quarters.  *-tymbt  a  left-handed. 
•feber  democratic  leader,  -manb  Democrat.  -mi* 
ntfterinm  liberal  ministry.  partiet  the  liberal 
party.  -pre#fen  the  democratic  press.  -ftaaren 
a  Sfrue  el.  -ffirne  left-hand(ed)  acrew.  -fnoet  a 
Binlstral,  sinistrorse,  staistrorsal.  -aenbt  a  mo 
with  eyes  on  the  left  side.  -Harlger  liberal 

Bente  vt  expect;  await;  }eø  «r  paa  ©bar  fra 
$am  I  expect  an  answer  from  him;  man  -r, 
at  ...  it  li  ezpected  that  . . .;  »i  -  tøm  iaften 
we  expect  him  this  evening;  fym  -r  ©teoe  he 
expecte  letters;  bet  -t  mig  et  fbcett  Btbejbe  a  diffi- 
cult  work  awaits  me,  is  before  me;  -i  &\m  dne, 
ben  tøbbe  txtvtt  -t  i  nogle  $age  she  had  been 
some  days  overdue;  —  or  flg  nt  expect  st,  {eg 
-r  mig  en  tig  $oft  I  expect  a  rich  harvest;  «t  fig 
la  near  her  conflnement,  —  vi  wait,  stay;  jeg 
bil  -  I  will  wait;  jeg  bil  iffe  .  langet  I  will  not 
etay  any  longer;  naat  man  blot  -i,  fan  man  blitje 
ftonge  af  Sbettig  everything  comes  to  him  that 
waits;  bet  Ian  .  there  la  no  hurry  about  that; 
bent  bu  bare !  1*11  be  even  with  you  yet!  flaa  (flbbe/ 
ligge)  og  -  be  waiting;  —  (meb  prop):  bent  ingen 
9caaoe  af  mig  expect  no  mercy  at  my  hånds; 

-  eftet  wait  for;  -  meb  noget  put  off,  delay  a 
thlng;  -  meb  Staben  wait  dlnner  (efter  en  for 
one);  -  paa  en  wait  for  one;  ieg  -r  paa  (oppebier) 
ban*  Øntomfl  I  await  his  arrival;  (abe  en  -  (paa  flg) 
keep  one  waiting,  (paa  noget)  keep  one  out  of; 

-  en  tilbage  expect  one  back;  —  bentenbe(ft) 
part  expected,  jur  expectant.  Bente  •:  i  .  in 
expectation,  in  prospect.  Bentelig  a  to  be  ex- 
pected; fom  -t  bat  as  might  have  been  expected; 
adv  probably,  likely.  Bente«  e  waiting  eta, 
expeotancy.  Beate | penge  fe  Bart*;  *fine  for  keep- 
ing  post-horses  waiting.  -fa!  waiting  apartment 
el.  room.  -ftnnb,  -rib  time  paased  in  waiting. 
•Potreffe  fe  -fol. 

Benri'l  c  -er  (HI  Suftbetll.)  air  hole,  scuttle; 
(Vtaffin.)  valve,  escape-valve.  -afie'n  c  ventila'- 

BentUatiø'nØl  apparat  ventilatlng  apparatus. 
•tanal  fe  -tot.  -nurffine  ventilator;  (til  Berelfe, 
CfHnb.)  punkah.  -obn  ventllating-stove.  -rat, 
•fd)att  ventilator-pine.  Bentfla'ror  c  -et  ven- 

Benti  l  (bruning  air-drainlng.  -beffef  valve 
-cover.  Bentlle're  ti  (ogf.  flg)  ven'tilate.  ©entill« 
fiebet  valve-spring.  -pane  aircock.  -borngfel 
vølve-hinge.  -lammer  valve- box.  -teøfe  slide 
•case.  -tofter  valve-lifter.  -potte  pi  brass  glasses. 
•fpinbel  valve -spindle.  -flopper  valve  -gnard. 
•titrer  valve-guide.   -fftbe,  -taaerten  valve-seat. 

Benni  |b|otrg  anat  mons  veneris;  -et  (€aan)  the 
Vennsberg.  -ifftte  (Øople)  cestum.  -gflnefuarftc 
Venus's  fly-trap.  -gennemgang  Venus  transit. 
-baar  fe  &rue«.  -mnøling,  -fnatfe  Venus,  -fpeff 
Venus'  looklng-glass,  Cmmpcmula  tpeeulum.  -flen 
needle-stone.  -tempel  temple  of  Venus,  -pifte 
Venus'  fan,  Gorgonia  flabeitum.  -bOgtt  c  wolf  s- 
bane,  Aconihan  napellus. 

Benaft  a  ve'nous. 

Betaab  n  wail  of  woe,  (loud)  lamentation. 

Beran'ba  c  -et  veranda. 

Beratri'n  c  veratrina,  vera'trlne. 

Berta'f  a  -ai-  ve'rbal.  -abfefriP  verbal  ad- 
ieotive.  -infnrtr  libel.  -note  verbal  note.  -fub- 
ftanrib  verbal  (noun). 

Berle'na  e  ver'vain,  verbena. 

Berbnm  n  -bet  ve'rb. 

Betben  c  -et  world;  $ele  .  all  the  world,  the 
whole  world;  en  tø  -  a  world  in  ltself;  ben  fiøre 
•  the  great  world;  bu  ftote  ~!  Good  gracious! 
ben  fine  -  high  life;  ben  onben  -  the  next  el. 

other  world;  bet  et  ben  forfertt  .  it  Is  qnlte  pre- 
posterous;  fe  grottett;  Goinenes  -  pigland  (o.  II.); 
toge  -,  fom  ben  et  take  things  as  tney  are;  bet 
et  ©etben*  Pjtatg  so  goes  the  world,  that's  the 
way  of  the  world,  that's  the  way  the  world 
wags;  at  -8  ttfgbom  all  the  riches  in  the  world; 
at  ••  £ib  no  end  of  time;  til  maen  -i  Rotte  to  no 
earthly  nse  el.  purpose,  perfectly  ueeleas;  inata 
~%  Xing  no  earthly  thlng;  fan  et  bet  oebfte  Brenneflt 
af  -  he  is  the  best  man  in  the  world,  the  beat 
of  men,  the  best  man  breathlng;  meb  ben  fbrrftr 
ttotigtøb  af  ~  with  all  the  coolness  In  Ufo;  iRe 
for  al  -«  $etlig$eb  not  for  all  the  world's  grsvn- 
deur;  ilte  for  alt  i  .  not  for  the  world,  not  for 
worlds,  not  upon  any  consideration;  intet  i  - 
nothlng  on  earth;  Ijwib  i  al  -?  what  in  the 
name  of  wonder?  what  on  (the)  earth?  what  in 
the  world?   o  bet  bele  -  all  the  world  over; 
bringe  til  -  bring  into  the  world.  bring  forth; 
fomme  til  ~  come  into   the  world,  be  bom, 
bringe  u  b  af  -  flg  expiode,  demolish;  brage  nb 
i  -  go  about  the  world;  tomme  ub  i  -  see  the 
world.    BerbenS|acnb  soul  of  the  world,  spirit 
of  the  unlverse.    -afie  axls  of  the  world.    -nit 
universo.    •anfTnelfe  vlew  of  the  world.    -fttsn 
worldly-mlnded  person,  worldllng.   -beainenbeb 
historical  event,     -betamt  a  far-amed;  world 
-fiimed,  world-famous,  very  celebrated,  of  world 
•wide  renown,  world-renowned.     -beramomelfc, 
-beramtbeb  world-wide  farne,  -beffripetfe  ooamo- 
graphy.  -beffrioer  cosmographer.  -aerragtning 
fe  -anfnielfe.    -borger  Citizen  of  the  world;  oos- 
mopollte.    -borgerlig  a  oosmopolitan.    -frranb 
eonflagration  of  the  unlverse.    -bbgning  fisbric 
el.  system  of  the  world.    -borne  woman  of  the 
world.  -bel  part  of  the  world,  contlnent.  -bigtrr 
world-poet.  -egn  region  of  the  world.  -erfaring 
experienoe  of  the  world.   -erobrer  conqueror  of 
the  world.     -foragt  contempt  of  the  world. 
-frcben  the  peace  of  the  world.    -gejMIg  a  A  c 
secular.    -|anbel  universal  traffio.    -pa»  ocean, 
main  sea.    -f-belt  world-famed  hero.     -berrr- 
bomme  empire  of  the  world.    -perifer  ruier  of 
the  world.    -biftorie  hlstory  of  the  world,  uni- 
versal history.  -biftorifl  a  of  universal  hlstory, 
in  the  history  of  the  world.   -bjnrnc  qnarter  of 
the  globe,   -font  region  of  the  world;  fe  -bjørne. 
-Hobe  fe  -legeme.    -Hoa  a  wordly  wise,  havtng 
knowledge  of  the  world.    -flogfna  knowledge 
of  the  world,  worldly  wlsdom.    -fort  map  el. 
chart  of  the  world.     -frebi  orb  of  the  world. 
-fnnbffab  knowledge  of  the  world.  -leb  fe  biorae. 
•legeme  heavenly  body.     -littratnr  universal 
literature.  -Up  wordly  llfe,  busy  life.  -Ian  uni- 
versal law.  -Ipfl  worldly  pleasure.  -Utrt  cocmo- 
logy.    -Ub  course  of  the  world.    -magt  power 
of  this  world.  -ntonb  man  of  the  world.  -martr* 
emporium.    -menneffe  worldllng.  -omf riter  cir- 
cumnavigator  (of  the  globe),   -omf efttag  elrcum- 
navigation.  -orben  system  of  the  world.  -pcriobe 
period  of  the  world's  history.    -pol  pole  of  the 
world.     -reformator  reformer  of  the    world. 
•rammet  (Uf  space.    -f|o»t  fe  -oanb.  -ffeber  cre- 
ator  of  the  world.     -flojbne  deotlny   of  the 
world.  -fprog  universal  language,  world-apeech. 
•flab  world-city.    -fpftem  system  of  the  world. 
•tearer  cosmorama.     -tr«t    a    woTld-wearled; 
worldworn.  -nbftilling  universal  exhlbition.  *«|c 

BerbMIg  a  temporal,  secular,  (ogf.  om  6mbet/ 
worldly,  muudane;  ben  e  ^iftorie  civil  el.  pro- 
fane history;  ben  -e  altagt  the  secular  power, 
-gate  vt  secularixe;  make  worldly-mlnded. 
•gorelfe  o  secularixation.  -|eb  c  temporality, 
secularlty,  worldliness.  -flabet  a  worl<Uyfminded. 
•Pif  a  worldly  wise;  o  phllosopher.       V 




©ertfl|ce'rettf  ver'ify;  (regulere)  adjust.  -ce'rrng, 
-lotion  e  veriflca'tion. 

Berttag  c  -er  hunting,  Emberiza. 

Bennett'  [fr.]  «  vermeil. 

Berni*  fe  grerni*. 

©erone'ftf!  a  Veronese. 

Bero'ttlta  o  speedwell,  F«ron«ca. 

©errt'nft  a :  be  -e  taler  the  speeches  against 

Berg  n,  pf  «-»,  vene;  F  fan  fanger  paa  bet  flbftc 
-  he  is  drawing  near  his  end,  he  is  upon  his 
last  legs;  tøm*  Xaalmobigbeb  fang  paa  bet  flbfte  - 
his  patience  was  drawing  to  a  close  el.  termina- 
tion;  paa  -  in  vene;  ftrioe  el.  gere  -  write  el. 
compose  poetry  el.  venes;  .  6  og  7  venes  6 
and  7.    +BerØagtfg  a  vene-like. 

©erfa'l  c  -er  capltal  letter,    -bogftab  b.  f. 

Berijart  kind  el.  species  of  vene.  -bnnben  a 
metrical,  verslned.  -6bgtiiMør  -bannelfe  versi- 
flcation.  —  ©erfe|falb  rbythm.  -fob  (metrical) 
foot.  -form  fe  Betfart.  •tttttH  fe  ©er«..  -lene  fe 
Bert',  -maal  metre,  -mager  c  e  verse-maker, 
vene-monger,  venifier,  verseman,  poetaster. 
-magert  n  verse-making,  rhyming. 

Beefe'te  vi  circulate,  be  abroad;  -r  for  netten 
Is  before  tbe  court,  is  pending. 

Berijf  ob  fe  ©erfe».  -form :  t  -  in  the  form  of 
vene.    -galftai  verslfying  mania. 

Berflfl[ce're vt ve'nify.  -ration c verBiflca'tion. 
•fa' tor  e  -er  ve'rsiner.  -taro'fift  a  versifying,  of 

Berflø'tt  e  -er  ve'rsion. 

BerØlfnnfl  (art  of)  verslfication.  -husfruer 
versifler.  -linie  line  of  vene.  -tørt  prosody, 
rules  of  verslfication.  -Mb  the  necessity  of  the 

XBerft  c  -er  werst,  vent. 

©ertebra't  c  -er  ve'rtebrate. 

Bertifa'l  o  ve'rtical.  -cirtet  vertieal  drcle 
(o.  fl.).    -linien  the  vertieal. 

Beferffoben  the  Weser. 

Beftf'|el  e  -Her  ves'icle.    -ntt'§  a  vesic'ulous. 

Bcfi'r  c  -er  vizier. 

*Bc#te  a  de/  Uttle. 

©efllett|a'ner  c  •*,  -o'nfl  a  Wesleyan. 

t©eø>e  c  -r  fe  $bept.    -fatt  fe  ©purbe&øg. 
lefner  c  vespers. 

Beftetebe  c  wasp's  nest. 

Bcf»rr|flot!e  c  evening-belL  t-tofl  c  after- 
noon  repast,  nunchlon.    -rib,  -rime  vespen. 

©efpeoaag  c  honey-buzxard,  Pemu  apivoru*. 

©eft  c  -e  walstcoat,  omr  vest;  (Dame«)  vest,  car- 
digan; F  flifle  nnber  -en  lay  in,  pnt  away. 

©efKen)  west;  lige  i  -  due  west;  .  t.  ».  W.  by 
N.;  B.  ».  B.  W.  N.  W.;  ».  B.  t.  8.  N.  W.  by  W. 
etc.;  fra  -  from  (the)  west;  i  -  (In  the)  west; 
ret  el.  lige  i  -  due  west;  i  -  for  west(ward)  of; 
mob  -  towards  the  west,  westward;  ©inben  er 
gaaet  om  Hl  ~  the  wind  has  shifted  to  the  west. 
©eft'  west,  western,  ©eftaber  pi  American  mon- 
keys,  Simia  plåtvrhinæ. 

Beftatinb'e  c  -r  ves' tal.    Beftaiff  a  ves'tal. 

Beftloflen  Western  Asia  (o.  fl.).  -bane«  the 
Western  (Railway).    -efter  ado  westward,  west. 

Brfre|raap  waistcoat-bntton.  -franc  walstcoat 
collar.    -tabe  Albert  chain. 

©eflen  c  the  west.  Beften  ad«  from  the  west. 
©eftrobe  c  west  end.  Bcften|*fi«tbi  adv  west  of 
the  Langfleld.  •-fffltlbf!  a:  bet  -e  ftorge  the  West 
of  Norway  (west  of  the  L.).  -for  prcep  west  of, 
to  the  westward  of.  -fra  ado  from  the  west 
el.  westward.  -om  præp  (to  the)  westward  ot 
-ftørat  westerly  gale.  -binb  west-wind,  westerly 
wind.  ©efler  «  fe  ©eft.  -  ©efrerjbotten  »  West- 
Bothnia.  -bro  n  the  western  suburb  of  Copen- 
hagen, -gfttfanb  WestGothland.  -himmelen the 

western  sky.  -font  fe  ©eft'.  -lonben  the  Occi- 
dent, -leben  the  western  regions  pi.  -libepoet: 
i  -  in  the  West.  -tambing  o  -er  inhabitant  of 
the  West,  westerner.  *pa*  ado  westward.  -port 
the  West-gate.    t-boøboø  n  fe  -tylbet. 

©efretøj  n  waisteoat-stuff,  amr  vestlng. 

»eftlf alen  n  Westpha'lia.  -falf! a  Westphalian; 
.  ©finte  Westphalia  ham;  ben  -e  ftteb  the  peace 
of  Westphalia. 

©efllfarer  o  -e  West-Indiaman.  •gaaenbe  a 
(Strøm)  westerly;  (gartøi)  boand  west.  -gaaenbe 
§:  for  •  westwara-boand;  paa  •  on  her  way  west. 
-goter  j>2  Vislgoths.  -gofifl  a  Visigothic.  -gribbe 
pi  American  vultores.  -gromfe  western  llrnit  el. 

©eftibnle  c  -r  hall,  ves'tibole. 

©eftlinblaner  WesMndian.  -iWbiefarer  West- 
indiaman.  -in 'bien  the  West-Indies.  -in'biff  a 
West-Indian,  West  India,  -tant  west  side; 
western  edge;  fra  -en  from  the  westward.  -tb(t 
west-coast,  western  coast.  -lanbet  de/  the 
western  part  of  the  country,  the  West,  *the 
West  and  part  of  the  8outh  coast  of  Southern 
Norway.  mefllig  a  western,  westerly,  west;  -fk 
westmost,  westernmott;  —  adv  towards  the 
west,  to  the  westward.  ©eftllangbe  west  longi- 
tude.  ^-Isenbing  o  -er  inhabitant  of  the  „©rjl- 
Ianb",  westerner.  -magterne  the  western  powers. 
-manlanb  *  Westmanik.  -norbneH  o.  fl.  fe  ©eft. 
-ooer,  -paa  ado  (to  the)  westward.  -|paifaten 
the  eastern  tråde.  -|pnnftct  the  West.  -ranb 
western  edge;  (Soleng,  SRaaneno)  western  llmb. 
Befire  a  western;  west.  Befrre  flg  or  haul  round 
to  the  west.  ©efl|r orner ff  a  Western,  of  the 
Western  empire,  -fibe,  -f^lbi,  -ftranb  west  el. 
western  side,  point,  snore,  -ftregen  the  West 

*Bet'  [é]  n  F  fe  ©ib  m. 

Betera'n  o  -er  vet'eran. 

©eterinot'r  c  -er  veterinarlan,  vet'erinary  sur- 
geon.  -laae  b.  f.  -flole  veterinary  school  el. 
college,    -ntbenflaben  veterinary  science. 

Beto  n  veto;  nebkegge  flt  -  imob  put  a  veto  on. 

Bette  e  -r  wight.  -ilb  (fire  supposed  to  burn 
at  nlght  in  the  cairns  of  heroes),  cairn-fire. 
-Itti  fe  Stygtemanb;  min  flnger-stone,  belemnite. 

Betrnri'n  e  -er  vetturino. 

*Bfb  c  -er  crank-handle,  wlnch. 

Bener  fæ]  a  agile,  nimble,  aotive,  dapper. 
-(eb  c  agillty,  activity,  nimbleness. 

tBenl,  Bente  c  -er  rope;  (^obebl)  hayband. 
Benle  ot  twist. 

©tole  vt  J,  rattle  down.  Bebling  c  -er  J,  rat- 

©ester  o.  fl..  giWér. 

©eii'r  e  -er  vizier. 

Wig'  c  -ger  whig.    partiet  the  Whig  party 


Bftiffy  ø  whiskey,  whisky. 

Stift  c  whist;  en  ~,  et  $artt  -  a  game  of 
whist,  »parti  a  party  of  whist-playen.  -fniSct 
the  game  of  whist. 

Bl  j>ro*  per«  we;  vi  .  . .  felb  we  . .  .  onrselves; 
-  alle  we  all,  all  of  us. 

Btabnrt'  o  -er  vi'aduct. 

©ibe  ø  -r  lapwing,  peewit,  Vanelhu.  t-febt 
butter-wort,  Ptnffuicula.  -æg  peewlt's  e^g;  $ 
nitillary,  snakeshead,  Fritiiiarta  meUaortt. 

Biblrotio'n  c  -er  vibra'Uon.  -re're  vi  vi'brate; 
•  nbe  a  vibratory.  -re'ren  c  vibration,  -rioner 
pi  vibriones. 

Bice>  vice-,  deputy-.  -abmiral  vioe-admiral. 
•birefur  deputy-manager.  -formanb  fe  -ptæflbtnt, 
(i  Unbrr^ufet)  deputy -speaker.  -gnberMr  deputy 
-goveraor.  -fonge  vlceroy.  -fongelig  vlceroyal, 
viceregal.     -fongeocerbigbeb  viceroyalty,  vioe- 




royship.  -taafnt  vice-consul.  -jnrolibent  ylæ 
•presldent,  deputy  •  chairman.  -brttflbent9ø1t 
-brocflbeurffab  vice-cbalr.  -»art  deputy- land- 
lord,  landlord's  surveyor,  house-agent. 

Sicont'tr  e  -t  vi'scount.  -#'fe  c  -r  vi'scountess. 

WV  n  (gorftonb)  wits,  sense;  OBtitigljeb)  wit; 
g  aa  fra  .  og  éamlhig  loee  one's  wits. 

Cib  •  wide,  ample,  large;  -  tymnoitt  open  cl. 
dlspersed  harmony;  ben  -e  ©etben  the  wide 
world;  i  -e  ftrebfe  extensively;  Søren  ftaar  boa  _ 
8aa,  Qab  the  door  la  wide  open;  oomp  -ere 
wider;  føberligere)  farther,  further;  i  -ere  Betbb* 
ning  by  extenslon;  uben  -ere  (Omftanbigfteber) 
without  further  eeiemony  el.  ado,  as  a  matter 
of  oonrse,  just,  at  onoe,  abraptty;  freely,  off 
hånd,  summarily,  amt  right away;  —  acfobtbt, 
bi  bete,  fe  nbfr.  Bibt.  Sibaabe*  a  wlde-open; 
•sprawling  on  one's  back.  Bibbe  o  ub  pi  width; 
(pi  -r)  wide  expanse,  vast  space.  extensive 
waste,  moor.  Bibe  adn  poet  far.  Cibe  vt  ub,  fe 

Bibe,  beb,  bibfte,  btbft  vt  know,  be  aware;  bet 
beb  iea  ilte  I  don't  know;  jeg  beb  bet  ilte  rigtig 
I  hardly  know;  bet  er  nt  fom  <8ub  og  $bermanb 
beb  at  everybody  knows  that;  bet  maa  <Bub  - 
God  knows;  uben  at  ~  bet  withoat  knowing;  bet 
beb  jeg  bebre  I  know  all  about  it;  bet  bibfie  jeg 
nol  I  thought  as  much;  ban  tommer  ifte,  at  bu 
beb  bet  (•  faa  meget  bu  beb  bet)  I  tell  you  he 
wlll  not  come;  (øern  beb  om  itfe  who  knows 
bat;  itfe  bet  Jeg  beb  not  that  I  am  aware  of, 
not  that  I  know;  faa  bibt  jeg  beb  as  far  as  I 
know,  to  (the  best  of)  my  knowledge;  ber  er 
noget  bffl,  ieg  beb  itfe  (bab,  beb  (am  there  is  an 
indescribable  somethlng  about  him;  f  beb  bu 
(bab!  I  tell  you  what!  upon  my  word  I  (oab 
man  itfe  beb,  bar  man  itfe  onbt  af  what  one 
does  not  know,  causes  no  woe;  .  en  %al  for 
be  obliged  el.  grateful  to  one  for:  faa  at  - 
learn;  I  abe  en  ~  noget  acquaint  one  with  el. 
inform  one  of  a  thing;  (an  lob  mig  _,  at  (gab 
mig  at  forftaa)  he  gave  me  to  understand  that, 
(fenbte  munbtlig  ©ub)  he  sent  me  word  that, 
(fenbte  ftriftlio  ©ub)  he  wrote  me  word  that, 
(gab  mig  Barfel)  he  gave  me  notlee  el.  warning 
that;  lob  ingen  ~  bet!  don't  tell  it  to  anybody; 
jeg  gab  -,  ieg  gab  gerne  bibft  I  should  llke  to 
know,  I  wonder;  man  ton  itfe  bibe  there  is  no 
knowing;  man  bil  bibe  at  it  in  sald  el.  under- 
stood  that;  man  bi(  ~  at  B.  (ar  fagt  B  is  under- 
stood  to  have  sald;  bibfie  at  fortaue  could  tell, 
asserted,  professed  to  know;  ban  beb  altib  at  tiåre 

flg  he  always  eontrives    to    find   a  way;  (an 
»eb  fig     -  *    —     - 
beb  mtg  uffbibig  beri  I  know  I  am  innocent  of 

oeb  fig  albrtg  filter  he  never  feels  secure;  ieg 

it;  —  (meb  prop  &  adv):  .  af  noget  know  of 
somethlng;  -  af  fia  felb  be  conscious;  (un  bibfie 
itfe  af  fig  felb  af  ©lab«  she  was  beside  herself 
with  joy;  -  af  (Erfaring  know  from  experience; 
(boraf  beb  bu  bet?  how  do  you  know  that? 
(an  bil  itfe  -  af  Sønnen  he  wlll  have  nothing  to 
say  to  his  son;  jeg  bil  itfe  .  af  ben  Støj  (at  fifle) 
I  won't  have  that  noise;  (an  øtl  itfe  -  noget  af 
bet  at  flge  he  won't  listen  to  it,  he  is  unwfillng 
to  hear  of  it,  he  turns  a  deaf  ear  to  it;  tør  beb 
man  itfe  af  6(gbomme  (at  fige)  diseases  are  un- 
known  here;  inben  (an  bibfie  (et  Crb)  af  bet  before 
he  was  aware  of  it,  in  no  time;  jeg  oeb  itfe  af 
at  I  don't  know  that;  -  forub  know  before- 
band;  -  meb  fig  felb  be  conscious  of;  -  om 
know  of  el.  about;  (an  beb  bberfen  ub  el.  inb 
he  does  not  know  whlch  way  to  turn;  — 
bibenbeparf  &  a.  et  -  ©lit  a signiflcant glance; 
bcere  -nbe  om  know  of,  be  cognlsant  el.  aware 
of,  privy  to;  bel  -nbe  at  conscious  that.  ©ibe|> 
begarUg   a   desirous  of   knowledge,    curlous, 

inqulsltl ve,  Inqulring.  -tfgartigle*  « (+  -beg«  «) 
love  of  knowledge,  (liberal)  curioeity,  inquial- 
tiveness,  an  inqulring  spirtt.  -brft  -ftplKa  fe 
-begorligtjeb,  -begærlig.  ©tøf«  o  knowledge, 

©ile*  adv  -.  bar  baret  -  onKfdng)  has  trarelled 
far  and  wide. 

©tbenbe  n  knowledge;  meb  mit .  (og  ©ttjc)  by 
el.  with  my  oonsent,  with  my  wlll;  aben  nrit  - 
(og  Øilie)  without  my  knowledge,  nnknown  to 
me,  without  my  privity;  against  my  wlll;  meb 
_  og  Øilfe  wittlngly,  deliberately;  meb  ef.  nb« 
fit .  wittlngly  or  un wittlngly;  mob  bebre  .  against 
his  own  better  consclenoe. 

CHaenønt  adv  fe  Siben. 

©ibenlftab  c  science,  knowledge;  t  ■■  Vibenbe; 
•er  sciences;  -ente  joe  the  ologies.  -ffateiig  a 
sdentlflc(al),  phJlosophical;  ban  ^ar  nnbt  em  . 
nbbanneffe  he  is  a  scholar;  .  Køloatig^eb  phJlo- 
sophical exactness;  —  adv  Bdentfecally,  en  - 
bannet  9Ranb  a  scholar.  -ftatefia fteb  c  (T^osb  ber 
(ører  til  Btbenftaberne)  matters  or  sdence;  (oibm- 

eibelig  $ngriglkb)  sdentlflc  aequlrementa.  — 
ibeaftabØ|bbrfer  cultivator  of  science,  -fag 
branch  of  knowledge.  -monb  man  of  sdence, 
philosopher,  sdentifio  man,  sdentist.  -famfrnxb, 
-felffal  sdentlflc  and  Uterary  soclety. 

»ibere  a  k  adv  comp  fe  Sib,  Bibt.  f»ib€Tf  1^ 
leforbring  forwardlng  on;  retransmission.  -•*»• 
nelfe  development 

fHberelbigrniag  [t.  Qieber*]  re-oomposition. 
-forbanbling  resale. 

©iberelforfenbeife  fe  -beforbring.  «fa«cai<  a 
further,  ulterior;  more  extenslve,  more  thorough 
-going.  -tommen  a  advanced;  -mne  •  pi  ad- 
vanced  pupils  e(.  learners.  -rejfe  further  jour- 

Siberetrbt  [t.  Weber*  1  n  second  el.  inner  form. 

sliberi  eg  n  [t.l  arck  abutment. 

Siberrift  c  [t.J  vet  withers. 

Øiberbeerbig  o  [t.]  nntoward,  dlsagreeable. 
-beb  c  -er  trouble,  perplezity. 

+©tbe|tørft  c  fe  -begcerligb^eb. 

*8lbft|tbt  a  full  of  wit  and  humour,  sparkling. 

Si'bbafet  a  slckle-shaped,  bow-legged. 

ei'bbeb  e  wideness,  amplitude,  largeness. 

eibim|ario'a  c  legalisation,  anthentioation. 
-ere  vt  legalise.    tHbift'fe  c  -r  legallaed  copy. 

9i'b|e  e  -r  willow,  Salix;  fe  -boonb.  -aaasb 
withe,  withy,  withy  band,  oder-band.  -fUtaiaf 
oiler-work,  wicker-mat.  -gff«  osier  twig.  -hmi 
osier-basket.    -bii  willow.    -rit  oders  pi. 

•Cibtjeubt  o  wtdely  known,  far-fsmed. 

•»ibUf'Hg  fe  »ibtløftig. 

tøtblav  a  wltless;  senseless.  -(eb  c  wltless- 

Cibne  et  A  t  give  evidence,  depose;  (on  -be 
at  babe  fet  he  deposed  to  having  seen;  .  (øm) 
6anbbeben  bear  witness  to,  bear  testimony  to, 
tesUfy  the  tru  tb;  (anft  Qrbejber  -  om  utrættelig 
giib  his  productions  evince,  speak  to,  indefatig- 
able  appllcatlon.  Cibne  n  -x  (ben,  fom  bibver) 
witness;  (ebfboret)  deponent;  (Sibneib^rb)  evi- 
dence; (frem)føre  -r  call  el.  produce  wittnesses; 
lalbe  til  -  call  to  witness;  tage  -r  paa  call  wit- 
nesses  to;  (aøe  -  paa  have  a  witness  to;  vare  - 
til  be  a  witness  of,  witness,  (til  at  that);  bore  . 
om  bear  witness  to;  i  -rt  $aa(ør  in  the  presene« 
of  witnesses;  uben  -r  privately.  BHbnrjbebtå  evi- 
dence. -eb  oath  of  witnesses.  •fait  a  fe  Bibneé'. 
•før|ør  ezamlnation  of  witnesses.  -førttariag 
deposition,  -førfel  production  of  evidence.  -Uge 
witness-box.  +-US  a  without  a  witness.  *øtitt 
obligation  of  givlng  evidence.  *-Jreo»  fe  -obfagn. 
—  »ibneslbbrb  n,  pi  «,  (Ubfagn  om  en  e«gf 
9or(olb  ofb.)  evidence;  testimony;  (ebeligt  ubenfor 




Kerten)  affidavlt;  (fcttefl)  testimonial,  certiflcate, 
attestation;  afaibe  ~  (for  Retten)  give  evidence, 
depose;  til  -  in  witness  (whereof);  aftoøøe  -  om 
bear  testimony  to;  øibe  en  et  øobt  -  give  one  a 
good  testimony  et.  character;  bu  jfal  ifle  fifle 
falfE  -  om  Mn  Øccefle  bibl  thou  analt  not  bear  false 
witness  against  thy  neighbour;  $on  (aber  iRe 
labet  fiø  felt>  nben  -  he  ieft  not  htmself  wlthout 
witness;  til  Jjbfrligew  .,  F  more  in  token.  -ftft 
a  that  can  be  proved  by  valid  witnesses,  legal; 
adv  in  the  presence  of  witnesses.  -før  o  ad- 
mlssible  eL  unobjectionable  as  a  witness.  ©ibne* 
ftørøning  (Aanbl.  at  inofkebne)  summonlng  of 
witnesses;  (JtalMfebbel)  writ  of  sammons.  ©ibne* 
Bbfsgn  evldence. 

©ilftni  n  fe  ©ibenbe;  t  —  ftunbfEao. 

•©ibffrørmt  a  terrifled  out  of  one's  wits. 

*©i'bfbnrgt  a  widely  known,  far-famed. 

©ibt  adv  fer,  widely;  ootnp  bibere  farther, 
farther,  tup  »ibefl  farthest,  furthest;  træerne  tre 
plantet*  fox  -  fra  binanben  the  trees  ara  planted 
too  far  apart;  -  og  brebt  far  and  wide;  tale  -  og 
brebt  speak  at  great  length,  expatiate,  enlarge; 
•ffløxe  .  og  brebt  af  noget  make  a  fuss  about  a 
thing;  Ijbor  -  ex  fym  lommen?  how  far  has  he 
got,  what  progress  has  he  made?  bet  er  tommet 
.  meb  barn  he  is  ar  gone;  fym  tørt  bragt  bet  -  i 
fin  fhinft  he  is  very  proflcient  In  his  art;  brite 
noget  for  -  carry  a  thing  too  far,  overdo  a 
thing;  breb  bet  faa  -,  at  carried  matters  to  such 
a  length  that;  bette  øaar  for  ~  this  is  too  bad, 
this  is  going  too  far;  gi!  albrig  faa  ~,  at  ban  never 
went  the  length  of  *ing;  et  bet  tommet  faa  -,  at? 
has  it  come  to  this  that?  føjebe  fiø  faa  -  at  fym 
faøbe  yielded  to  the  extent  of  saying;  for  faa  - 
font  in  as  far  as,  so  far  as;  bet  fan  for  faa  -  boere 
øobt  not  that's  very  well  as  fer  as  it  gæs,  so 
far  so  good;  faa  .,  fjbor  ~,  fe  6aa,  $bot;  —  oomp 
nibere:  fom  iRe  ftort  -exe  enb  til  did  not  advance 
much  beyond;  ljbab  faa  -ere?  what  more?  qaa 
-exe  go  on;  frø  fan  iRe  qaa  -txt  ibaø  I  can  go  no 
farther  to-day;  bi  tnaa  -ere  we  must  be  on;  faøbe 
•ere  went  on  to  say;  bf  fpørøe  -ere  we  prooeed 
to  ask;  læ*  -ere!  read  on!  ban  tøfle  -ere  uben  at 
befbmre  fiø  om  mig  he  continned  to  read  wlthout 
notidng  me;  og  faa  -ere  and  so  on,  et  cetera; 
and  what  not;  iRe  (faaban)  .  (■=»  fbnberfig)  not 
particalarly;  bringe  -ere  (fortælle  igen)  repeat;  ber 
er  intet  -ere  foretaget  nothing  farther  has  been 
done;  htbtil  -ere  ror  the  present,  so  far,  till 
farther  notice,  provisionally.  for  a  time;  nben  - 
fe  ©tb.  ©fbt|befenbt  a  widely  known.  -tereift 
a  travelied;  en  .  9Ranb  a  great  traveller,  -be* 
rttgtet  a  notorlous.  •berømt  o  far-famed,  fer 
-renowned.  -breben  fe  -gaaenbe.  -forgrenet  a 
widely  spread,  wide-branchlng.  -gaaembe  a  fer 
-going,  extreme.    -»-grenet  fe  -forgrenet. 

©ibtløftlø  a  (i  tale,  ©til  ofb.)  prolix,  diffuse, 
long-wlnded,  tedious,  lengthened,  protracted, 
proionged,  elaborate;  (ubfrraft)  extensive,  widely 
extended;  (bibt  mellem  Staterne  i  Xrøt  ofb.)  wide 
between  the  lines;  (ubfoæbenbe)  dissipated;  -e 
6tøgtninøe  distant  relations;  Gagen  er  meget  - 
the  case  is  very  complex;  bet  bilbe  boere  for  -t  at 
it  would  be  (too)  tedious  to.  -Qeb  c  prolixlty. 
diffhseness;  pi  -er  dlfficultles,  ad  o,  unnecessary 

©tbt|omfattenbe  o  eztensive.  -rattenbe  a  fer 
•reaching.  -ftaenbe  o  fer-looklng.  -ftrart,  -nb* 
fhraft  a  widely  el.  fer  extended,  fer-stretching, 
extenslve.    -fbffbenbe  a  diffuse. 

©tbnnber  n  -e  wonder,  prodlgy.  -børn  fe 
ttnberbarn.  -lanb  landof  wondere.  ©ibnn'bctlig 
a  wondrous,  prodigious,  wonderful,  marvellous; 
granfer  til  bet  -e  is  little  less  than  marvellous; 
adv  wonderfully,  to  a  miracle.  ©ibnnbertigfteb 

e  wonderfulness.  ©ibnnber|ftøn  a  wonderfully 
flne,  of  wonderful  beauty.  -tf  o  belief  in  mir- 

©ie  vt  (inbbie)  consecsrate;  (WrgtefoH)  marry, 
wed;  (en  ©tfj»  consecrate;  (en  ©roft)  ordain  (a 
clergyman);  fig  -  til  devote  to;  -  fiø  til  devote 
one's  self  to,  give  one's  self  up  to;  -t  til  UlbRen 
doomed;  +  .  inb.  fe  Snbbie.  -bifb  suffragan 
bishop,  -fbaft  fe  ©iebanbstbfl.  ©ielfe  o  -r  wed- 
ding  ceremony.  ©ielfebreb  fe  ftonøebreb.  — 
©ielfe#|atteft  certiflcate  of  marrlage,  marriage 
certiflcate.  -f  ormnlar  formulary  of  the  marriage 
ceremony.  -ring  wedding-ring.  ©ietfetole  nup- 
tial  addres8. 

Sien  %  Vien'na.  SBiener  e  -e  Vienne'se,  in- 
habltant  of  Vienna.;  -ne  the  Vlennese.  —  Stenet  |« 
br«b  (omtr.)  Bath  buns.  -grønt  parrot-green. 
-boffet  the  Vienna  court.  ©ienerinb'e  c  t 
Vlennese  (woxnan  el.  lady).  »iener|falf  French 
chalk.  -tongreifen  the  Congress  of  Vienna. 
-balft  Vlennese  waltz.  -»agn  phaeton.  fBienff 
a  of  el.  from  Vienna,  Vlennese. 

Ciermalbftftbfetfeen  the  Lake  of  the  Four 
-Forest-Towns  In  Swttzerland. 

Cieoonb  n  holy-water.  —  Cienanb*|!ar,  -fcbel 
holy-water  font  el.  basin.  -taft  holy-water 
Bprinkle,  asperglll. 

©ilt  n,  pi  ■>,  puff  el.  breath  (of  air  el.  wind). 

©ifte  vi  (flagre)  flutter,  (langfomt)  wave;  (om 
Stj«)  flicker;  .  meb  ^aonben,  meb  et  Xørtlcebe 
wave  one's  hånd,  a  handkerchief;  ^nnben  -r  meb 
fialen  the  dog  wags  his  tail;  vt  (beoceøe  øennem 
finften)  waft;  (meb  Sifte)  fan;  -  fiø  i  Vnfløtet  fan 
one's  face.  »tfte  c  -r  fen;  (Wofline)  fen(-blower); 
4>  spunyarn  winch;  (b.  Xob)  voyal,  viol.  »iftej- 
a}pat&t  fen.  -blabet  o  wlth  flabellate  leaves. 
•brcenbe?  fan-tail,  bat  wing.  -bbø  French  barley. 
•botlø  ventilator,  -barer  fen-carrier.  -bonnet 
fenshaped,  $  flabelllform,  flabellate.  -bne 
queen's  pigeon,  Goura  victoria.  -fabrifant  fen 
•maker.  •førmig  fe  -bannet.  -^anbter  fen-seller. 
Øiften  c  waving  eto.;  -  meb  fcarte  waving  of 
hat.  9ifte|palme  fen-palm,  Chamærop«  o.  fl. 
-bingebc  pi  rhipipters.    ©iftning  c  fe  Øiften. 

©tg  c  -e  k  -er  creek,  cove,  inlet. 

©ige,  beg,  beget  vi  (gioe  efter)  yield,  give  way 
(for  to);  (gioe  ©tab«)  cede;  -  af,  fe  rlfbige;  ~  af 
©eien  for  en  make  way  for  one;  -  bort  (Dig  boa 
mig)  Satan !  get  thee  hence  (get  thee  behlna 
me)  Satan  I  -  for  9jenben  retreat  before  the 
enemy;  -  fra  depart,  leave;  big  iRe  fra  ® rebet  I 
don't  budgel  .  tilbage  draw  back,  reoede,  re- 
treat (meb  gtøgt,  Vfflb)  recoil,  flinch  (for  from); 
.  tilfibe  step  aslde;  —  vt  -  fin  ©lab«  cede  el. 
give  up  one's  place;  tyat  beget  ©labfen  for  has 
been  replaced  by;  -  ftutft  give  way;  ~  flt  Sftbe 
resign  one's  seat;  *(6ab)  set,  (^eft)  guide,  turn; 

—  bigenbe  a:  ftnrfeme  er  ~  exchanges  are 
declining.    Ment  set.    -f^sr  slding,  shunt. 

©tgt'lfe  o  -r  vig'il. 

©iønet'  c  -ter  vignette,  -inbfatning  typ  flower 

♦©igfel  c,  ©igffe  vt  fe  ©ielfe,  ©ie. 

©ifltig  a  important;  (fom  gor  fig  -)  consequen- 
tial,  Important,  self-assertive;  (fom  er  af  ©agt) 
momentous,  weighty;  -fl  principal;  bet  -fie  the 
main  thing;  øsre  fiø  biøttø  affect  importance, 
be  consequentlal,  give  one's  self  airs;  put  in 
one's  oar,  thrust  one's  nose  in;  tym  er  altib  faa 

-  he  Is  so  consequentlal,  always.  -Ijeb  e  import- 
ance, consequence;  fe  -raogeti.  -mager  e  -e  cox- 
comb,  square-toes,  prig.  -mageri  n  consequen- 
tialness.  ->er#  *->flf»e  F  fe  -»aøer.  -ptttti  n  fe 

©igør  o  vig'our. 

©iti  a  wise,  sage,  sapient;  en  -  a  wise  man, 




a  sage;  be  -e*  Sten  the  philosopher's  stone;  et 
Crb  rt  nof  for  ben  -e  a  word  to  tbe  wise  is 
enough,  joe  a  nod  Ib  as  good  as  a  wink  to  a 
blind  horse;  bare  -  paa  be  aware  of;  bltoe  -  paa 
learo;  gere  en  .  paa  noget  initlate  one  into 
somethlng,  apprise  one  of  a  thing. 

Bifa'r(i«»)  c  -er  (ier)  substitute,  deputy.  -tt't 
n  vica'riate,  vic'arship.  -ie're  vi  aet  in  el.  fill  el. 
supply  the  place  of  another,  aet  as  sabstitute 
el.  deputy;  -  for  en  aet  as  one's  deputy. 
-te'renbe  o-  vica'rious.    -ie'ring  c  acting  etc. 

Biting  c  -er  Wiking,  pirate  (m  andent  times), 
freebooter,  fllibuster;  plracy;  tigge  i  -  be  engaged 
In  a  piratical  expeditlon;  brage  i  el.  paa  .  go  out 
on  a  piratical  expeditlon  —  Biting  e  lagrig  a 
piratical.  -ballen  tbe  law  of  tbe  Wikings.  — 
Bitiuge|,  Biting*|ffoabe  fleet  of  pirates.  -forrb 
fe  -tog.  -Hip  life  of  tbe  pirates.  -f  natte  wiking's 
bark.  -tiben  the  Wiking  age.  -tog  piratical  ex- 

Bille  e  -rvetcb,  Vicia.  -ager  fleld  of  vetches. 
-fober  vetches;  oats  and  vetches.  -balns  vetch 
•straw.    -tyr*re  oats  and  vetches. 

Bittet  c  -fler  (i  Cigar)  filler. 

•Bitte  vt  fe  »ritte  •. 

Bitle  vt  wrap,  twist;  -  inb  i  (f.  Sti.)  Bapir 
wrap  up  in  paper;  -  femmen  roll  el.  wrap  up; 


fe  ogf.  Afpille,  3nboi!le,  Cmbifle,  Opoitte;  vr  -  fig 
Is*  extricate  one's  self;  -  fig  om  twist  itself 
around;  +  .  fig  ub  unfold.  -baaub  roller.  Biller 
c  -e  soo  tortrix. 

Bitte  vi  wax.    -PofS  pouch  yarnish. 

Vift  o  Ha  Victoria;  raabe  .  cry  vic'tory;  ffpbe 
•  sboot  in  honour  of  the  victory.  -a'nft  a  vic- 

Biftna'lier  pi  provisions,  victuals.  Btttnatiel* 
banbel  cook-shop.  -bjanbler  provision -dealer. 
-tolber  underground  larder. 

Bitnn'je  e  -r  vicuna,  Auckenia  vicunia,  -nlb 
vigonia  wool. 

Bilb  a  wild;  (raa,  barbarifl)  wild,  savage,  un- 
civllized;  (grum)  flerce,  ferodous,  savage;  (ube- 
regnelig) flighty;  *(0reb)  angry,  in  a  passion;  en 
-  £reng  a  rompish  el.  unruly  boy;  en  .  Xss  a 
romp;  en  -  (o:  uregerlig)  $eft  an  unmanageable 
horse;  -e  (VtennefTer)  sa  vages;  -t  ftfb  proud  flesh; 
•e  $br  wild  beasts;  et  -t  £ib  a  dissolute  life;  . 
af  Ubfeenbe  wild,  haggard;  bolle  -  grow  wild  el. 
naturally;  i  .  Xifftanb  in  a  state  of  nature, 
under  nature;  i  .  Slugt  in  rout;  tafle  paa  -  flrlugt 
rout  completely;  fare  -  go  astray,  lose  one  s 
way,  stray;  farer  itte  -  bibi  be  not  deceived; 
Iebe  en  ~  lead  one  astray,  mislead;  ~  fremmeb, 
fe  -fremmeb;  f  ^  paa  Horeten  all  abroad;  i  -en 
6fp,  fe  ©ftj;  poet  i  ben  -ene  6tbb,  paa  ben  -ene 
$ebe  (o.  fl.)  in  tbe  wild  forest,  on  the  wild 
moor;  —  Pilbt  aøfowiidly;  botle -t  grow  wildly; 
tale  -t  talk  wildly,  rave.  Btiblønb  wild  duck, 
Ana9  boicku,  (ifeer  faunen)  mailard,  ($unnen) 
flapper,  -batte  (fongelig)  forest;  (prtPat)  ohase, 
(ogf.  fig)  preserve.  -Ia*fe  wild  boar,  fig  wild, 
hare-brained  fellow,  scapegrace.  t-brab  roasted 
venison.  -btor  wild  beast.  +BUbe  vt  mislead; 
-e«  vd  go  astray.  Bllbelfe  o  (fcejltagrlfe)  mistake, 
error;  (Ginbftfravaretfe)  delirium;  tale  i  -  be  de- 
lirious,  raving.  Bilb(e)rebe  c  k  n  perplexity, 
confusion;  {eg  er  tommen  i  .  becmeb  it  has  put 
me  to  a  stand;  bringe  en  i  -  perplex,  puzzle, 
confuse  one.  -•  Bilb  |  fare  vi  fe  oof.  fare  oilb. 
•farelfe  o  error,  delusion;  bringe  ub  of  n  un- 
deceive,  disabuse;  fp«oe  i  ~  be  under  a  delusion. 
•farenbe  (+-faren)  o  (f.  <H*.  Banbringlmanb)  (a 
wanderer)  who  has  lost  his  way;  (foroilbet,  om 
$pr)  stray;  fig  (fejlagtig)  erroneous;  bet  .  i  the 
follacy  of,  3  oare  font  -  ftaar  ye  were  as  sheep 
going  astray.  -fremmeb  o  utterly  Strange,  wholly 

unknown,  a  perfect  (urter,  entire,  total) 

(to),    -gcai  wild  goose,  Anter  cmwoi;    f  fe 

efter  -gaf fene  stand  gaplng.  -goofrjagt  wUd- 

chase.   -gang  labyrinth.  -geb  wild  goat, 

Capra  ægagrut.     -beb   e   wildness, 

ferocity,  flerceness;  (ttroligbeb,  Uftorligbeb;  __^ 

beb)  wildness,  unrulinesa;  rompishness.  -bstfrebct 

fe  -finbet.    -tuber  pi  American  hides. 

Bitbig  o  partial. 

BHbing  fe  Bitbfing. 

Bi!b|f«t  wild  cat.  Felt«  cahu;  fio  nmtipole, 
(ifar  Big«)  romp.    »Iebe  vt  lead  astray,  mislead, 
misguide;  -nbe  a  misleading.    -tefrelfe  mislead- 
ing  etc.    Biibiing(rob)  o  wUd  stock.     BUb|Ug 
fleld  garllc;  Allium  oleraetum.     -maab  savage. 
F    gaa  paa  en  .,  løbe  meb  en  .  lind  a  mares 
nest.     -morl  waste,  wilderness.     -mofe  moor. 
+8«b«e»  vd  go  astray.    Bilbntt  [t.j  n  wilder- 
ness.    SUblorur  wild  boar,  (i  treb|e  Bor)  bog- 
steer.   -raabtg  a  irresolute.  -raabigbeb  irreeolu- 
tion.  -ren  wild  reindeer.  -flabet  a  wild.  Bils^ 
ffab  n  k  e  wildness.  Bilblfrptte  fe  Btibt..   -fsaat- 
rer  pi  Jutland  ponies.    -fo  wild  sow.    Bilbfsm 
a  intricate.    Bilbfom^eb  c  intricacy.    Btlbjfrtr 
wrong  træk  el.  scent:  paa  -  at  fault,  off  the 
track;  fig  Mere  paa  .  go  upon  a  wrong  tack,  be 
all  abroad;  føre  el.  bringe  en  paa  ~  put  one  on 
a  wrong  el.  false  scent.  throw  one  off  the  scent 
-Hamme  fe  Bilbling.  -fri  wrong  path.   *-frra*  •. 
tomme  paa  .  fe    -fpor.     ••ftprimg  fe  -baftfe  Åg- 
-f»i«  wild  boar;  (ungt)  shoot,  shoat;  i  avbet  Bar 
hog.  -f»ineb*Peb  boar's  head.  -foincbaab  boar 
-hound.    -fPinefagt  boar  hunt.    -ffttaeteje  wild 
-boar's  lair.    -fpiaefppb  boar-spear. 

»itbt  n  (ogfaa  om  ftøbet)  game;  (mefl  om  $*tf 
Is b)  venison.  -aal  breeding  of  game.  -bane  fe 
Bilb*.  -beftanb  fe  -fianb.  -frebntng  fencing  eL 
preservation  of  game.  -gsrbe  fence  to  keep 
out  deer.  -ffoabel  dealing  in  game:  (ButHra) 
poulterer's  shop.  -banbler  game-dealer,  game 
-salesman;  poulterer  and  frulterer.  -lagt  game 
•smell;  antage  -  get  high.  -la»ber  deer -skin. 
•rig  a  abounaing  in  game.  -flabe  damage  done 
by  deer.  -ftinb  fur  (of  wild  animals).  -fTPtte 
gamekeeper,  -fmag  flavour  of  game;  fsv  btr 
.  gamy.  -flabe  preserve.  -ftanb  stock  of  deer. 
•tpp  deer-stealer,  poacher.  -tpberi  deer-stealing, 

Bilbtftøtftesbe  a  growing  wild,  indigenoos. 

Bllbltaffer  e  roisterlng  German,  German  bully. 
-tpfttri  n  German  arrogance.  -Pi«  Vlrginian. 
creeper,  American  ivy,  Ampelgpwiu.  HrfeC  wild 
ass.  koulan,  Eqvu$  hemionu*. 

Bilbelm  William,    -iae  wilhelmina. 

Btlje  c  -r  will;  tage  -n  for  Berntngen  take  the 
desire  for  the  performance!  Bubft  -  ffe!  God'5 
will  be  done!  bermeb  fter  oor  ~  such  is  our 
pleasure;  røanbl  .  røanb*  himmerig  my  mind  to 
me  a  kingdom  is,  a  wilful  man  must  have  his 
way,  wilful  will  do  it;  ben  frie  -  free-will;  mi« 
flbfrr  .  my  last  will  and  testament;  gob  -  brager 
tungt  B*S  nothing  is  impossible  to  a  willing 
mind;  bobc  ben  bebfle  -  have  the  best  intentions; 
brioe  fin  -  igennem  carry  one's  point,  foa  fin  . 
have  one's  will  el.  way;  tyin  fif  fin  .  sne  had 
her  own  way;  ban  fif  fin  .  meb  benbe  he  had 
his  will  of  her;  ban  bil  %ax>t  fin  .  he  will  have 
his  own  way;  o  f  egen  fri  -  of  one's  own  ftee 
will;  alting  gaar  %am  efter  ~  everythlng  suo- 
ceeds  to  his  wishes;  til  ?roM  for  ban*  gobe  - 
in  spite  of  his  good  intentions;  meb  .  on  pur- 
pose,  purposely,  meb  ben  bebfle  -  with  the  best 
intentions;  itte  meb  min  gobe  -  not  wiilingly, 
not  when  I  know  it;  mob  fin  -  in  spite  of 
one's  own  self,  agamst  one's  will;  psre  el.  gsrc 
en  til  -  oblige  one.     »itje|beftemmelfe  deter- 




mination  of  the  will,  volitlon.  -foft  a  firm,  of 
firm  resolution,  strong  of  will.  -f aftbeb  flrmnesB 
(of  mind  el.  purpose),  -fribeb  freedom  of  will. 
•I*§  a  having  no  will  of  one's  own.  -Uibcb 
want  of  will.  -retning  direction  cl.  bent  of 
tbe  will.  ©Iljeiatt  aet  of  tbe  will,  volitlon. 
©iljegfag  matter  of  rree  will.  ©itielftbrte,  -tarf 
fe  -fafltieb,  -fafl.  -foag  o  weak,  pliable.  ©tl|e*. 
ytring  expresBion  el.  manifestation  of  tbe  will, 

©tt|taar  n,  pi  s,  (fBetinøelfe)  condition,  terms; 
(Omfutnbigbeber)  eircumstances;  paa  el.  unber  bisfe 
-  on  these  terms;  +  fe  ©iltoaruglpb;  *fe  Bftogt. 
•taa'rlig  a  (fribiUig)  spontaneous,  voluntary; 
(egenmægtig)  arbitrary,  hlgh-banded;  (umotiberet) 
gratuitous;  (om  ftontratter)  conditional.  -taa'rlig- 
(es  o  spontaneousness,  voluntariness;  arbitrari- 
ne*s.    »©ittatrimanb  fe  Uftagttmanb. 

©IH«  c  -er  country -house,  villa. 

©file,  Hl,  øilbe,  billet  vi  &  t  be  wllling;  (ønffe) 
wish,  want;  ieg  bil  I  will;  ieg  bilbe  I  would;  jeg 
bat  -t  I  have  wished  (meant,  intended)  to;  ban 
fiat  albrig  -t  he  has  never  been  willing  to;  at 
jeg  ffulbe  -  that  I  should  wish  to;  ban  fan  gøre 
bet,  natr  ban  bil  he  can  do  it,  wben  he  will, 
chooses  el.  pleases;  ban  fanbe  not  gøre  bet,  men 
ban  bil  (bet)  ifte  he  could  do  it,  but  he  won't; 
fom  bu  bil  as  you  like  el.  please;  ban  fan  gøre 
font  ban  bil  he  may  please  himself;  bil  bu  lom 
jeg  if  you  are  of  my  mind,  if  you  like;  om  ©ub 
bil  if  it  please  God,  God  willing;  bbab  enten  ban 
nu  bil  euer  ilte  willing  or  not  willing;  bet  bare 
nu  fom  bet  bil  be  that  as  it  may,  however  that 
may  be;  ffe  bbab  bet  _!  whatever  may  happen; 
bet  bare  naar  eller  boor  bet  bil  whenever  el.  wher- 
ever  it  be;  (meb  O  bj  ef  t):  ftonaen  bil  bet  it  is 
the  king's  pleasure,  the  king  will«  it;  uben  at - 
bet  unintentionally,  unawares;  SRenneflet  fan  iffe 
alt  bbab  bet  bit  man  cannot  do  all  that  he 
pleases;  man  fan,  bbab  man  bil  where  there  is  a 
will,  there  is  a  way,  nothing  is  impossible  to 
a  willing  mind;  gør,  tybab  $e  bil!  do  whatever 
you  please!  gør  meb  mig,  boab  bu  bil!  do  your 
worst!  ban  beb  bbab  bun  bil  she  knows  her  own 
mind;  ban  baabe  bil  og  iNe  bil,  ban  beb  itte,  bbab 
ban  bil  he  is  waveriog,  he  does  not  know  his 
own  mind;  bbab  bilbe  ban  ber?  what  did  he 
want  here?  ban  Uge,  boab  ban  bil  whatever  he 
may  say;  ban  bære,  boem  ban  bil  whoever  he  may 
be;  ban  bar  -t  min  Støb  he  wished  my  death; 
($erfonftobj.):  ban  bil  mig  bel  el.  mit  ©el  he 
wlshes  me  well;  ban  bil  mig  ilbe  he  wishes  me 
harm;  bbab  oil  bn  (mig)?  wnat  do  you  want  (of 
me  el.  with  me);  ieg  forflob  iffe,  bbab  ban  bilbe 
mig  I  dldn't  understand  what  I  was  wanted  for; 
(meb  Ønfinitib):  ieg  bil  itte  gaa  I  don' t  want 
el.  choose  to  go;  Jeg  bilbe  juft  babe  gaaet,  ba  bn 
fom  I  was  just  going  away  when  you  came; 
jeg  bilbe  gerne  gaa  I  want  to  go;  ieg  bil  gerne 
gøre  bet  I  am  willing  el.  ready  to  do  it;  ieg  oil 
ifte  gerne  gøre  bet  I  am  unwllling  to  do  It,  I 
should  not  like  to  do  it;  ieg  bil  el.  bilbe  gerne 
babe  ben  ©og  I  should  like  to  have  that  book; 
jeg  oil  betlere  blioe  I  had  rather  stay;  ieg  oil 
(bilbe)  beflere  boot  %t  (enb  ftaffe)  I  shall  (should) 
prefer  tea  (to  coffee);  S)e  oll(le)  bebage  at  please 
to;  ban  bil  babe  100  Jtr.  for  bet  he  asks  100  er. 
for  it;  ieg  bil  rejfe  i  SRorgen  I  am  goiug  away 
to  morrow;  man  bit  babe  fet  barn  ber  it  is  under- 
stood  that  he  has  been  seen  here;  bbab  bil  bu 
ftge  bermeb?  what  do  you  mean  by  that?  bil 
bu  bcere  faa  gob  at  fige  mig  øfb,  please  te  11  me, 
tell  me,  if  you  please;  ber  er  nogen  fom  oil  tale 
meb  Dent  you  are  wanted;  jeg  bil  gerne  bibe  I 
want  to  know;  Xlbffrriftct  bil  bibe,  at  the  journal 
affed*  to  know  that  (fe  ©ibe);  ieg  bilbe  ønfte 

ofb.  I. wish  el.  would;  (meb  ttt):  ban  bil,  at  ieg 
ful  gaa  he  wishes  me  to  go;  bbab  bil  bn  (babe), 
at  jeg  ftal  gøre?  what  will  you  have  me  do? 
ieg  bil  (babe),  at  bu  {tal  gaa  I  want  you  to  go 

eg  oil  (ty 

m):  ieg,  bt,  bil  itte  lebe  longe  I,  we, 

shall  not  live  long;  bu,  3,  ban,  be  oil  itte  lene 
lange  you,  he,  they,  will  not  live  long;  (meb 
prnp  k  adv):  ieg  bil  af  I  want  to  get  off;  bon 
bil  itte  af  meb  bet  he  does  not  want  to  part  with 
it;  bil  affteb,  bort  wants  to  be  off;  bil  forbi 
wants  to  pass;  bil  frem  wants  to  get  on;  ©lob 
bil  frem  murder  will  out;  boor  bil  ban  ben? 
where  is  he  going?  fiø  what  is  he  driving  at? 
what  is  he  up  to?  bil  biem.  igennem,  inb 
wants  to  get  home,  through,  in;  bil  bu  meb? 
will  you  oome  with  us?  will  you  be  of  the 

n?  bbab  bil  bn  meb  bet?  what  are  you  going 
>  with  that?  bil  neb,  op  wants  to  get 
down,  up;  ieg  bil  til  ftnglanb  I  am  going  to 
England;  ban  oil  nn  til  at  gaa  he  is  now  about 
to  go;  ban  oil  nøbig  bertil  he  is  unwllling,  loth, 
reluctant,  to  do  it;  ber  bil  meget  til  much  will 
be  required;  bil  tilbage,  u b  wants  to  get  baok, 
out;  bil  nøbig  nb  meb  Øengene  is  not  very  willing 
to  come  down  with  the  money.  ©iflen  c  voli- 
tlon. »tilig  a  willing;  ready;  fe  »ilbtg;  fanbt  -e 
ftobere  met  with  ready  purchasers;  .(t)  adv 
willingly,  readily,  freely;  ^  apaoe,  roundly. 
©tttig(eb  c  ub.  pi  (Sbfl)  willlngness,  readlness; 
pl  -er  (Xjenefte)  favour,  service. 

Fitting  fe  ébiding. 

©ilter  a  giddy,  wild,  boisterous. 

©intmel  o  -er  brace,  (tun  ©oreiamet)  bit.  -bor 
wimble.    -ftaft  blt-stock,  brace. 

©tabel  o  -pier  &  pennant,  pendant,  streamer, 
-ftlb  pendant  halyards,    -flage  pendantstaff. 

©insft  a  nimble,  brisk,  quick;  +  -  i  fiooebet 
in  a  maze.  *©imi  c  -er  fussy  little  fellow. 
©imfe  ri  whisk,  fuss,  bustle. 

©in  o  -e  wine;  fe  -rante;  bilb  -,  Te  8i(b>.  ©fn|- 
aanb  spirit  of  wine;  (rettificeret)  alcohol.  -aar 
wlne  year.  -ag rig  a  vinous.  -anter  wine-anker. 
-antag  vineyard.  -abl  vine  husbandry.  -atrier 
wine-grower.  -Mit  fe  -bjærg,  -betlabt  a  vine 
-clad.  -bjærg  vineyard.  -bfærgfnegl  vineyard 
•snail,  Belix  pomatta.  -blab  vine-leaf.  •blomme 
queen- mother.  +-loube  wine-grower.  -bat 
grape,  -bartlofe  bunch  of  grapes,  -barme 
dregs  of  wine.  -barmeaffe  ashes  of  tartar. 
-bor olie  essence  of  cognac,    -canbel  caudle. 

©toten*  Vincent. 

©ind)  c  -er  winch. 

©inb  •:  lægge  .  paa  apply  one's  self  to,  lay 
one's  self  out  for,  study. 

©Inb  c  -e  wind;  &  breeze  wind;  gob,  føjelig 
-  fair  wind;  baarlig  .  adverse,  foul,  contrary 
wind;  ftorf  -  high  el.  strong  wind;  meget  flart  - 
heavy  wind;  fbag,  laber  .  light  wind;  floo,  løj  . 
light  air;  gøre  .  (©tæft)  brag,  boast;  bet  er  bare 
,  it  is  all  moonshine;  flippe  en  -  break  wind; 
bange  Stoppen  efter  -en  hang  one's  cloak  to  the 
wind,  fe  Hoppe;  for  -en  J,  before  the  wind,  fra 
-en  off  the  wind;  tage  -en  fra  becalm;  blafer  -en 
fra  ben  ftant?  is  the  wind  in  that  q uarter? 
benbe  gennem  -en  stay,  tack,  go  about;  løbe  op 
i  -en  shake  the  vessel  in  the  wind;  batte  i  -en, 
bare  belt  oppe  i  -en  be  all  in  the  wind  el.  in  the 
wind's  eye;  bare  i  -en  fio  be  in  hot  water,  °be 
much  sought  after;  faa  .  i  Sejlene  catch  the 
wind;  toarl  paa  -en  with  the  wind  abeam;  ligge 
gobt  op  til  -en  hold  a  good  wind;  tjclbe  Stibet 
til  -en  hold  the  ship  to;  tafte  til  -en  heave  to; 
tnibe  til  -en  ^  hug  the  wind;  oeb  -en  by 
the  wind;  fejle  tæt  oeb  -en  (bibebinb)  <£,  sail  close 
•hauled,  ©inbe  pi  med  flatulence,  windinesss; 
fom  foraarfager  -e  flatulent;  SRibbel  mob  e  car- 




minative;  plage«  af  -e  be  troubled  wlth  flatulence 
el.  wind.  8tub|aaben  a  exposed  to  the  wlnd, 
bleek.    -tave  vein  of  wind. 

+flH'nbamb  c  farnes  of  wtne. 

$i*b|bar  fe  -aaben.  -boble  air-bubble.  -»rot 
pneumatocele.  -brab  wind-shake.  -brat  panel, 
•tomten  a  wlndbonnd.  -bpøe  squall.  -bojtel  fe 
-maget;  (ttatfelfe)  puff:  &  puddlng-vane.  -boffe 
air-gun.  +«braabe  spray,  -brejnteg  shift  of  wlnd. 
•breve«  a  wind-beaten,  wind-tossed.  -briPenbe 
a  carminative;  -  VKbbet  carmlnatlTe.  -brtoer 
wind-bonnd  vessel.    fHnbr  v  imp  blow. 

gHnbe,  oanbt,  iranbet  vt  gain,  wln;  _  Qifolb  galn 
approbation;  ~  en*  $  Jette  wln  el.  gain  one's 
heart;  -  et  Saab,  en  »p  conquer  a  country,  a 
town;  -   $rifen   oarry  off   el.   wtn  the  prise; 

-  ©ejr  gain  the  victory  el.  the  day;  -  Slaget 
win  el.  gain  the  battle;  -  Spillet  win  the  game; 
10  $oint  et  iranbet  6pil  10  points  constitate 
game;  .  tib,  fMabft  ofb.  gain  time,  room;  .  ettft 
ZiUib  gain  el.  win  one's  oonfldence;  -  mange 
Sennet  make  many  friends;  -  Bobbetobet  win 
the  race;  *  -  noget  el.  at  come  to  an  end  with, 
get  done  with,  be  able  to  finish,  get  time 
enongh  for;  —  -  en  tot  become  fond  of  one,  take 
a  Uting  to  one;  —  gain,  win;  pan  tunbe  itte  ~ 
bjem  he  coold  not  gain  his  home;  bu  -t  iRe 
faa  langt  tbag  yoa  won't  be  able  to  go  so  far 
to-day;  pan  pat  Dunbet  (i  Spil)  he  is  a  winner, 
he  came  off  a  winner,  Uret  t  the  watch  gains; 

—  (meb  prcep  k  adv):  ~  en  for  en  6aq  gain 
one  over,  enlist  one  in  a  oause;  _  en  l*t  fig 
interest  a  person  in  one's  favour;  -  Staben  fra 
get  to  windward  of;  •  -  frem  til  reach;  pan  pat 
ounbet  i  f.  *fl  Snbflpbelfe  he  has  gained  el.  in- 
creased  in  infiuence;  -igen  win  back;  regain; 
.  Sabel  i  nb  igen  retrieve  one's  loss;  .  inb  paa 
gain  upon;  .meb  folio  w;  ♦master,  manage,  get 
through;  -  Sejt  o  bet  en  ftfenbe  get  the  better 
of  an  enemy,  conquer  an  enemy;  pan  banbt 
paa  ftotnet  he  had  a  profit  on  the  corn;  •«  paa 
beat,  get  the  better  of,  prevail  against;  .til' 
bage,  fe  -  igen;  pun  pat  minbet  Pcb  fit  Cppolb 
bet  sne  has  been  improved  by  her  stay  here; 
pan  -t  beb  natmete  ©erenbtffab  he  improves  upon 
acquaintance ;  —  oinbenbe  a  propossessing, 
winning;  ben  -nbe  the  winner. 

Øiabe  c  -t  windlass,  winch;  (ØarnO  reel. 
gHnbe,  »anbt,  ounbet,  vt  (Staab  ofb.)  wind;  (pejfe 
meb  en  ©inbe)  hotøt  up;  -  af,  op,  fe  Øfbinbe  2, 
Opbtnbe.  9Jtube|bom<Iscapstan-bar.  -botwimble. 
-bro  draw-bridge.  -brenb  draw  well.  -bjnl  wheel 
ofa  winch.  -jans  wrench.  Mnbbe  wlnch-barrel. 

Sinbelbnøt  spiral  bend.  -gang  Winding  way. 
-fnoet  a  winding,  spiral,  -ftolpe  newel.  -troppe 
cockle-stairs.  cork-screw  stalrs,  (bibt)  winding 
stairs,  (Jronxplie)  wen  tie -trap,  Scalaria.  »trin 

Btubelpft  o  desire  of  gain.  Staben  c  winning 
etc.  (fe  ©tabe  vt  1);  -s  og  Sao*  Stonto,  fe  %ab. 

Sinbepiub  0  winder. 

Binber  o  -e  gainer,  winner. 

Bittbelreb  »  cnpstan-rope.    -fptl  winch. 

Sinbeffpø  a  greedy  of  gain;  covetous.  -fuge 
cupidity,  lust  of  lucre,  covetousness,  thirst  of 

tHnbpfalb  fe  -falbe.  -fang  (amount  of)  sail; 
(Ur.)  flying- wheel;  $iultaØferne  tage  .  the  paddle 
-boxes  hold  the  wind.  -fanøer  &  cowl-shaped 
top.  -fottøibor  wind -screen,  *-ftaøe  fr  -taft. 
•ful  vane.  -foranbrfnø  change  el.  shift  of  wind. 
•forfcolb  state  of  the  wind.  -falbe  tree  blown 
down,  windfall.  -ping  air-hole.  -boorb  a  wind 
-lo ved,  fe  Beir«.  -parpe  æollan  el.  eolian  harp 
el.  lyre.  -bo«  ranter.  -bofe,  -botrbel  whirl- 

Sinbice're  vt  vin'dicate. 

gHubtø  a  (btafenbe)  windy,  blowy;  (pralenbe) 
windy,  bragjrtng,  boasting,  -beb  c  wlndiness, 
propenslty  to  brag  el.  boast. 

8tBbi|tatto'»  e  vindlcatlon.  -ttonfttlaae 

Bittbtnø  (af  ©inbe  vt  1)  c  gain,  profit,  lucre; 
fe  •ubfftpgt. 

CHnbinø  (af  Stabe  vt  2)  c  -et  winding,  twfct, 
ooil;  (fpitalfotmig)  spire;  (i  6ttue)  thread;  ^|munl 
-et  the  convoiutions  of  the  brain. 

Øtnbllnnfer  dandy,  -rommer,  -ftoffe  fe  -Ub. 
Mart  fe  -fort.  -taft  squall,  gust  of  wind.  -fane 
gust  of  wind.  *lebel  (£mp .)  air-chamber  el.  vessel; 
(til  Sptsjte)  pump-kettle;  (t  eiafemaltine)  bla»t 
-regulator,  -tegle  bird-clapper.  -Hap  clack-valve. 
-I oli!  windy  coUc.  •latoper  dry-cnpping;  fatte  . 
dry-cup.  -tørt  wind  chart,  -traåittsg  ripple. 
-fugle  eoUpile;  mil  baU  with  a  hole  in  it  -lab, 
•løbe  valve-  and  wind-box,  wlnd-chest.  -lagt  a 
«ftfl,  fe  -ag,  -CbS  port-fire.  -tpdgaffel  pin  of 
linstocks.  -rnatiet  wind -gange,  anemometer. 
•mager  c  -e  boaster,  braggart,  braggadocio. 
-magert  *  brag,  humbug.  -mafTiae  alting 
-machine;  air-compartment.  -motor  wind-motor. 
-m*Be  wlndmill.  -nwflepumpe  wlndmlll  pump. 
•nuller  owner  of  a  wlndmill.  ••**  wind 
-furnace.  -pibe  air-plpe.  -puft  breath  of  wind, 
cat's  paw. 

8M'n|braat  dregs  of  wine.  •brasfer  c  bM 

8inb|ret  a  In  the  direction  of  the  wlnd;  4, 
head  to  wind.    -retning  direction  of  the  wind. 

©t'ttbritler  c  wine-drlnker. 

Otabrofe  o  card  of  the  compass,  coxnpass 
-card,  (irre  bstenbe  til  Srompol)  dnmb-card. 

©i'nlbroJfel  wlne-thrush,  Tttrchuiliacu*.  -brae 
grape;  fan  man  oa  fante  -t  af  torne?  do  roen 
gather  grapes  of  thorns?  -brneflafe  bunch  of 
grapes,    -bmemoi  preserved  grapes. 

fmtblrar  n  air-plpe.    -fat  it]  c  fe  -maget. 

Otnbfel  n  -flet  (til  (Kant)  thread-paper,  winder; 
^  winch. 

»inblfibe  wind-ward;  Satefferne  paa  >b  the 
wind  ward  rooms;  ^  weatheraide.  -frabe  dam- 
age  done  by  the  wind.  -fre,  -{reb,  -ftt%tf  *-fti 
barge- board,  verge  board. 

tMabffi'ielig  a  industrlouB,  diligent.  -|eb  e 
industry,  industrlousness. 

Øinblfttfte  change  of  wlnd.  -ff»  dood  Indi- 
cative  of  wind.    -ffore  fe  -fle.    -fform  screen. 

etabffap  a  warped.  -beb  c  warping,  winding; 
fri  for  ~  out  of  winding. 

Øinblfrare  fe  -brub.  -anger  horse  that  champs 
the  air.  -fnat  a  swift,  fleet  as  the  wlnd.  -f piler 
greyhound,  -fpring  sudden  shift  el.  change  of 
wlnd.  -fprarfe  fe  -brub.  -fritte  *  &  o  catan; 
(fulbflanbigt)  dead  calm;  ligge  i  -  be  becalmed; 
bet  mbttoabte  -  it  fell  calm;  bet  .  Bolte  the 
calms  of  the  Cancer,  -frreg  point  of  the  com- 
pass. -frraber  areh  stay  against  the  wind. 
-frreg  direction  of  the  wlnd.  -flprfe  force  of 
wind.  -ftprtemaaler  fe  -maalet.  -Mb  gust  of 
wind.  -fpge  flatulence.  -trbt  pressure  of  the 
wind.  -Ur  o  air-dried;  gaunt,  shrivelled.  -toret 
vt  dry  in  the  air. 

Binbn(e)  n  -et  window,  (til  at  aabne  paa  Aongflrt) 
casement,  (til  at  ffpbe  op)  sash,  (lille  ronbt)  bull's 
eye;  fe,  rafte,  uo  af  -et  look,  fling  out  of  (the) 
window;  lafte  $enge  ub  af  -et  fa  play  ducks  and 
drakes  with  money;  fe  inb  ab  fine  egne  -et  Ag  get  a 
glimpse  of  ourselves  as  others  see  us.  fMabate)*:« 
aabntnø  bay.  -beflog  iron-mounUng  of  windows. 
-blb  glaxier's  leaa,  came.  -bolt  bolt  for  secming 
shutters.  -brpfruing  parapet.  -bue  areh  over  a 
window.     -ebbertop  domestic  spider, 




domeetiea.  -fløj  wing  of  a  window.  -fortoning 
embrasure,  window-recess.  -forftøjatttg  window 
-bench,  -Beat.  -garbln  wlndow-curtain.  -gitter 
greting  of  a  window.  -glaf  window-glass.  -tyage 
hook  for  fastening  a  window,  snacket.  -baagfei 
hinges  of  a  window.  -inbfotaiag  case  of  a 
window.  -tor«  window-frame;  (ben  tiebeilte  6tbe 
beraf)  (window)  Bill.  -tro  g  fe  -$age.  -le«,  -Uge 
fe-jlobbe.  -Ibitttag  bay.  -ptØe  window-pler.  -pøjt 
window  post;  (muret)  mullion.  -pabe  window 
-cushion.  -ramme  window-frame,  casement.  -rofe 
rose- window.  -råbe  window-pane.  -ftammel  fe 
-forøointng.  -{fat  window- tax.  -{lobbe  window 
-snutter,  -fprøøfe  fe  -tremme,  -flabet  pivot  for 
the  hingee  of  a  window.  -ftong  window-bar. 
-tremme  cross-bar  of  a  window. 

8H'a|baaf wine-jar.  -banfttr pi fumea of wihe. 

Siab|baage  hole  in  the  ice  made  by  the 
•wind.  -bifer  anemoscope,  wind-dial.  -btrrf  bel- 

Wajbørter  fe  -abter.    -bbrfniag  fe  -obl. 

Biablttg  wlnd-egg.    -øje  &  wind's  eye. 

fHabøfet  a  squint-eyed. 

8Ha[ebbife  vinegar.  -cg«  wine-country  el.  -dls- 
trict.  -ciffer  lover  of  wlne.  -fob  wine-cask. 
-ftofle  wine-bottle.  -forfatfler  adnlterator  of 
wlne.  -f orf alftalag  adulteration  of  wine  -fbr» 
raob  stock  el.  store  of  wine.  -aaarb  vineyard. 
-gaarbimaab  vine-dresser;  bibl  husbandman. 

Stage  c  -r  wing,  pinion;  4>  (paa  6ejl)  gore, 
(p.  Ihtlfeil)  wing,  (p.  »obfprbb)  bee;  t  F  hox 
on  the  ear;  $  wing;  -r  (paa  en  SKøHe)  (mill-)wings, 
sweeps  pi,  (paa  Sampfliblftaie)  fans,  blades,  vanes 
(of  the  screw);  flaa  meb  -rne  flap  el.  beat  the 
wingB;  gab  mig  -r  fio  lent  me  wings.  8Hage|- 
baflen  nuttering  of  wings,  -ben  wing -bone; 
tage  en  beb  -et  lay  one  by  the  heels,  collar  one. 
-bebatgelfe  fe  -flag.  -brebbe  fe  -ftrcetning.  -brabi 
a  having  a  broken  wing.  -balg  ventilator. 
•bafffer  pi  wing-coverts.  -bortle  ftoft  dnfetter) 
wing-shell  el.  -case.  -betlet  a  sheath-winged; 
-be  pi  coleopteroufl  el.  sheath-wlnged  insects, 
beetles,  amr  bugs,  -fang  fe  -ftrceming.  -fjeber 
wing-feather.  -fragt  winged  el.  alate  firuit,  sa- 
mara, »hat  winged  cap,  petasus.  -$efl  winged 
horse.  -rafl  fe  -flaa.  -håbe  poet  light  dress, 
-ftebt  apoet  winged.  -lam  a  with  lamed  wings. 
-let  a  poet  winged.  -løi  a  without  wings,  wing- 
less.  -ara*  wing-wall.  -parpair  of  wings,  -flabt 
a  winged.  -flttbe  vt  wing.  -flbgge  shadow  of  the 
wings,  -flag  stroke  of  the  wlng(8),  wlng-stroke; 
fig  winged  flight.  -flagen  fe  -brubt.  -fnegl 
pteropod.  -faatte  stromb.  -fptbt  tip  of  the 
wing.  -frrcetiting  stretch  of  a  bird's  wings,  ex- 
panse  of  wing,  alar  expanse.  -ftblle  wing  of  a 
(bolled  el.  roast)  fowl.  -fefltlfe  vt  dip  the  wings  of. 
-ftortfet  a  having  the  wings  clipped.  -ftærl  a 
having  strong  wings.  -{køn  dust  on  the  wings 
of  insects.  -fboatp  chantareUe,  Cantor ellus. 
Staget  a  winged.    Stagetap  fe  ©lab'. 

Si'nlgitbe  wine  party,    -glad  wlne-glass. 

+Siagler  e  -e  swindler. 

St'n|orøa  a  wlneaeasoned.  -gab  Bacchus. 
-gier  wfne-lees.  -gering  vinous  fermentation. 
-Htfe  hoe  used  in  vineyards,  -baabel  wine 
•tråde.  -tanbler  wine-merchant.  -tabe  vineyard. 
•bai  tavern;  wine-mercbants.  -|øfl  vintage. 
-Miler  bibl  grape-gatherer. 

Stat  n,  jtf  as,  sign,  signal,  beck  with  the 
hånd;  (meb  JDjnene)   wink;   (gentbbning)   hint, 


St'a|faabe  wine-can.  -far wine- vessel. -laraffel 

Siate  vi  k  t  beckon;  .  ab  beckon  to;  -  en 
bort  warn  one  off  (by  a  nod);  -  en  tilbage 
beckon  one  to  come  back;  -be  tøm  ften  til  mig 

beckoned  him  to  come;  -be  meb  tyumben  til  bem 
waved  my  hånd  to  them;  f  bet  er  -t  af  it  is 
no  go.     -frabbe  sand-crab,   Gelaeimue  vocan*. 

Stafet  e  -Iler  angle;  (Soerttøi)  square;  (t.  Dør« 
Rolle)  bell  crank;  (p.  $retfe)  cramp  lron;  i  - 
square;  ret  -  right  angle;  fptb«,  fhimp  -  acute, 
obtuse  angle;  unber  en  -  at  an  angle;  t  ret  - 
meb  at  a  right  angle  to.  8tatel|afftoKb  angular 
distance,  -irs  side  of  an  angle.  -Mimer  letter 
-balance,  -frne  arch  of  an  angle,  -bøjle  goose 
-neck.  -boa«et  -formig  a  angular.  -bage  square; 
frø  composlng-stick.  -QafHgbeb  angular  velocity. 
-bierne  angular  ooraer.  -j æra  angl e-iron.  -lineal 
square.  -maaler  goniometer,  circumferentor; 
(bebagelig)  bevel,  foldlng-rule.  -maaling  gonio- 
metry,  measuring  of  angles,  -ataffiue  (^mp.) 
diagonal  engine.  -ret  a  right-angled,  -ffrlber 
hedge-lawyer.  rfHOIng  angular  position,  -frreg« 
maal  square  marking-gauge.  -tag  right-angled 
roof,  span-roof,  compass-roof.  -bfltgrfltaag  crank 

Øiatea  c  winking,  nodding,  beokoning. 

891  nleaber  ludge  of  wine. 

einleraeolie  oli  extracted  from grape-etones. 

Stattet  a  angular. 

8H'a|!olbf!aa(  a  kind  of  cold  candle,  spiced 
wine  with  bread.  -fort  list  of  wine-prioes. 
-Ira*  wine-Jug.  -laift  twig  of  vine,  bibl  vine. 
•Ityabig  a  &  c  judge  of  wlne,  connoisseur  in 
wines.  -fbber  wine-cooper.  -Itrlber  (pribat) 
wlne-cellar;  (^borfra  Sin  falgrA)  wine-vaults. 
-lær  a  fond  of  wine.  -føler  wlne-cooler.  -tager 
store  of  wines.  -laab  wine-country;  Wlneland. 
-lagt  smell  el.  flavour  of  wine.  -lal  phylloxera. 
-Ub  vine-leaves  pi;  (©ttteb^.)  pampre.  -Ubblab 
vine-leaf.  +-Ubraale  vine.  -maal  wine-measure. 
-maaaeb  vintage  month,  October.  -mafl  grape 
-cake.  -m|ab  vine-mead,  vinous  hydromel. 
•moft  fe  Shntemofk.  -atabbet  wine-mother.  -oplag 
stock  of  wine.  -oft  slllabub,  wine-whey.  -palme 
wine-palm,  (ofHnbifl)  Caryota  urent,  Phoenix 
eylveetrie  k  Bonuma  fiabeUi/cemie ;  (afrtlanft) 
Raphia  vinifera.  -perfe  wine-press.  -pibe  wine 
•pipe.  -plantage,  -plantning  vineyard.  -plet 
wine-stain.  -pofe  wine-skln.  -probacerenbe  a 
wine-growlng.  -probalrloa  wine-produoe.  -prøbe 
test  or  wine;  wine- sample,  -prøbtr  (ogf.  Hpiwrat) 
wine-taster.  -p«l  vine-prop.  -pfltre  wlne-pear. 
-raate  vine,  VitU  vinifera.  -regning  wino-bill. 
-rig  a  abounding  in  wine,  viny.  -rofe  eglantine, 
Roea  eølanteria  et.  rubiøinoea.  -råbe  garden  rue, 
Rnla  øraveolene.  -taft  lntoxication  trom  wine. 
-faaee  wine  sauce,  -flat  wine -tax.  -flæaler 
vintner.  -fmag  vinous  taste  el.  flavour.  -fmager 
wine-taster.  -fort  sort  of  wine.  -fbirttw*  spirit 
of  wlne.  -flea  tartar.  -ftenlab  crab^s  eye  lichen, 
Leenwna  paUmeene.  -fteaiflafTt  ashes  of  tartar. 
-fteaftiorb  acetate  ofpotash.  -fteaøfara:  -t6alt 
tartmte.  -fteaåfb«  tartaric  acid.  -flot  vine, 
vine-plant,  grape-vine.  -ftae  wine-house;  wine 
-room.  -fappe  barley  gruel  flavoured  with  wlne. 
•fnr  a  having  vinous  acidity;  -t  Salt  tartrate. 
-Iboblfbre  sulphovlnic  acid.  -tør c  acid  contalned 
in  wine.  -fbrllg  a  fe  -fnr.  -f ørt  wine-bag.  -topper 

Stater  c  -tre  winter;  -en  er  begbnbt  for  lUbor 
the  winter  has  regularly  set  in;  i  ~  this  winter; 
om  -en  in  el.  during  (the)  winter;  til  -  next 
winter;  -en  ober  throusrhout  the  winter;  raibt 
paa  -en  in  the  depth  of  winter;  +-i  J)aø  in  (the) 
winter.  fHnter|aftta  winter-evening.  -aab  fe 
€>pib*>.  -arbejbe  winter  work.  -afterø  Indlån 
chrysanthemum.  -leftiSiag  winter  employment. 
-blomme  winter  aconlte,  Erantkm  hiemalii. 
•btomft  winter  -flower.  -bl«ft  wintry  blast. 
•bo(lig)  winter-dwelling.    -brag:  til  -  for  winter 




use.  -brombfel  wlnter-fuel.  -bbg  winter-barley; 
*-leet  a  (fto)  that  calft  In  winter.     -bag  wlnter 
day;  *the  141b  of  October;  (om)  -e  in  (the)  winter. 
•bragt  winter  dress:  (om  gugl)  wlnter  plamage, 
winter  dress,    -bbale  hypernation,  winter-sleep; 
ligge  i  -  hybernate.    -eg  chestnut  oak,  Quercus 
teenili flora,     -felttog  winter  campaign.     *"-flff« 
winter  flshlng.    -fobee  winter-fodder.    -fobre  vt 
winter.    -fobring  winterlng.    -forfttfltelfe,  -for. 
mfelfe  winter  amusement.    -foroobenfeber  pi 
necessaries  for  tbe  winter    season.     -forraab 
wlnter  supply.    -frafte  great-coat,  winter  over- 
coat,     -frojt  winter's  frost;   (Sfttbe)  froetbite. 
-fragt  wlnter  fruit.    -f«gl  snow  bunting,  Piet- 
tropkanee  nivali*.     -fattet  o  felled  in  winter. 
•fiefbtag  winter-felling.  -f«be  winter-food.   -fore 
state  of  tbe  roads  in  wlnter,  sledging;  *poa  -t 
on  sledgeø,  on  tbe  snow.    -gammel  a  a  winter 
old.     -gemt  a  kept  till  late  in  winter,  kept 
during  wlnter.   -gerning  winter  work.    -glober 
=  -fornoielfer.    -gran  poet  wintry  grave,    -groet 
a  grown  in  tbe  winter.  -grttSning  wlnter- pas  ture. 
•gren  a  evergreen.     •gr«n(t)  c  winter-green, 
Pyrola;  fe  6ingr»n,  Stobfrjeme,  ©ebbenbe.    -g«t 
snowdrop,  Oalanthut  nivalis.   -tyaar  winter-coat. 
•ftalbaor  winter  half-year.    -tøt  winter-bonnet. 
•jabe  wlnter -garden.     -Ijabn  winter  quarters, 
wlnter-barbour;  ligge  i  _  winter;  tøgge  fta  i  • 
take  up  one's  winter  quarter.    -tabte  winter 
oats.    -bjem  winter-home.    -tøi  winter-bouse. 
•(bebe    winter- wbeat.     -fcbife    winter- repose. 
•Kotern  Isocheim,  ieochimene.    -tanbe  winter 
-cloak.   -faal  winter-cabbage,  Brxvrica  aeepkala. 
•fapbe  winter   cloak.     -tarfe   yellow    rocket, 
Barbarea  vutøaru.    -fjole  winter-gown.    -Ilttber 
pi  winter -clotbes.     -ttoebning  suit  of  winter 
•clotbes.     -ftebt  a  in  winter -clotbes,  winter 
•dressed.    -Hober  cowgrass,  Tri/otimm  praten*« 
perenne.  -tolb  a  wintry  cold.   -font  whiter-corn. 
-loft  winter  fere.    -rnlbe  winter-cold.    -tnorte* 
wlnter-quarters;  gaa  i  -  take  up  one's  winter 
quarters.  -fbalb  fe -aften.  -ianbfTab  winter-scene, 
w.  landscape,  w.  prospect.  •!  egeabc  o  spawning 
In  winter.    -leje  winter  babitation  el.  -quarters, 
J,   winterlng  station;   ligge  i  ~  wlnter.    -leir 
winter-camp  cl.  quarters.   -lebtoj  queen's  stock, 
Matthiola  incana.    ©iuterl'g  a  wintry.   ©tmttr|» 
ligger  winterlng  shlp.   -lilje  false  winter-green, 
Pyrola  rotundi/olia.  -tib  winter-llfe.  -Inft  winter 
•air.  -le  winter  sbelter.  -I«gge  vt  fe  pløie.  -Ua 
cibol,  Ållium  eepa.  -maaneb  winter-month.  -mart 
poet  wintry  fleld.    -morgen  winter  morning. 
•marier  pi  &  winter  marks.    -malm,  -morte 
winter-darkness.    -nat  wlnter  nigbt.   -nattergal 
fe  3<eritfpurb.     -øpfjolb  (Sibftopftotb)  sustenance 
for  tbe  winter;  (OpijolMfleb)  winter -resldence. 
••oplag:   ligge  i  ~  winter.  be  laid  up  during 
winter.    -pleje  fe  -røgt.   -pible  vt  winter-plongb. 
-pløjning  winter-ploughing.  -p«te  wlnter-pear, 
keeper,     -ropanfel  corn-salad.     -regn  winter 
raln.    -rejfe  winter-Journey.     -rag  winter-rye. 
-r  ff  bbi!(e)  wlnter-radish .  -regt  tending  In  winter. 
-faaet  a  sown  about  winter.    -feflabf  winter 
-navigation,   -flip  wintry  cloud.  +-ftom  fe  -bbale. 
•f mor  winter- butter.  -fne  winter's  snow.  -fnappe 
fe  6tranbrt)le.   -fol  wlnter  sun.  -følfcberb  winter 
eolstlce.  -fpinat  fe  Spinat,  engelff.   -ftabe  winter 
•station,  -ftarion  winterlng  station,  -fkorai  winter 
tempest.   -fine  winter-room.   -f*b  winter-grain; 
winter-crop.  -fabefe-opljolb.  -fobn  winter-sleep. 
•tib  wlnter-time  el.   season;   oeb   -  in   winter. 
-togt  winter  cruise.    -tne  wlnter  voyage.     -Uf 
winter  atuff;  w.  garments.     -ttlb  spring  wool. 
-bej  winter-road;  uife  en  -en  send  one  about  bis 
business  el.  to  tbe  rigbt  about;  turn  one  out  of 
doors.     -toejr  wlnter  weather;   (binterfigt  ©e|x) 

wintry  weather.    -binb  winter  wind. 
perennial  plant,    -bærelfe  fe  -free.   -øtite  winter 
-apple,  keeper. 

SI'n|Hrnbe  titbe  paid  of  wine.  -tolb  duty  on 

Vintre  ober  vt  å  i  winter;  •*  vd:  bet  begDobrr 
at  -S  it  is  gettlng  wintery. 

©i  n|tra»  fe  -ftof.  -tonbe  wine-tnn,  wlne-cojak. 
-tonbefabril  tun-fectory  -nole  wine-whey. 
•bogn  wine-waggon.  -b*gt  wlne-gauge.  •otftle 
vinous  apple. 

Ciol  o  -er  *  vl'olet,  Viola.    -Ho«  «  violet. 

Bioiblot  &  fiddle-block. 

Stolet'  a  vi'olet,  purpie. 

Ciolt'n  o  -er  vi'olln,  fiddle;  ^  bee-block,  bee. 
•blot  fe  8ioI*.  -br*t  finger-board.  -*ne  violin 
-bow,  flddlestick.  -fabntottt  fe  -mager.  -4*1* 
neck  of  a  v.  Btolinift'  e  -er  vioUn'isi.  8io)Hai- 
toJfe  violin -case.  •mager  c  -e  violin  -maker. 
-ttøgle  treble  clef.  -flole  tutor  for  the  violin, 
-f bi!  violin  playing.  -fpitter  vlolin-plaver,  player 
el.  performer  on  tbe  v.  -Hol  bridge  of  a  violin, 
•ftreiig  string  of  a  violin,  flddle-string.  -birnio# 
virtuoso  on  the  violin. 

©iolonlcel'  t  -ler  violoncello,  bass-viol.  •ccKif 
o  -er  performer  on  tbe  violoncello. 

Bio'Irob  c  orrie-root. 

eio'Ijflrnb  sirup  of  violets.  -toitf  fe  Bombe*, 
•tre  violet  wood. 

©ip'  m  move  of  the  balance,  bob;  e  J,  bigbt; 
(^inb)  cat;  flaa  .  play  at  tip-cat 

©ippe  vi  &  t  see-saw,  bob  np  and  down,  rock; 
9nglen  fab  og  -be  paa  Oirenen  the  bird  was  swizudng 
on  the  branch;  Oomene  .  ^Hianben  paa  et  Start 
the  chlldren  are  see-sawing  on  a  plank;  .  op 
vt  raise;  Øinben  -r  Keben  op  og  neb  the  wind 
swings  tbe  nest  np  and  down;  ©tottet  -r  tbe 
board  tilts  up;  F  -  (of  ^nibenj  put  down,  worst, 
extlngnish.  ©ippe  c  -r  (f.  Ctt.  til  ©tonb)  swipe; 
(t.  ftnappenoole)  header;  ^til  $rejn.)  diill  bow;  (til 
farefangft  o.  I.)  spring;  (VU)  ear;  *  $  f e  Xop; 
frpbe  ~  ear;  Jig  flaa  paa  -en  hang  in  the  balance, 
•tjatte,  -bow  jib.  -bro  bascule  bridge,  -to«* 
8ee-saw(-board),  plank-tilt.  -brejetob  hand-tool 
la  tbe.  -galge  strappado.  -gbttge  fe  -bttet.  -ffobi 
lever-prop.  -leg  see-saw,  tetter- totter.  *-^i*b 
fe  ©ip  e.    ©tpntng  o  see-sawing. 

©ip«!  pop  I  whlpi 

©ipftjonrt  o  wagtail,  Motacilia,  bloa  el.  boib  - 
pied  wagtail,  water-wagtail. 

©ira!  o  (+  n)  frankincense,  incense;  Jig  lnænse; 
ftro  .  for  en  burn  Incense  to  one,  flatter  one. 
©traK*)|bart  incense-bark.  -bomp,  -bnft  (par- 
fume of)  incense.  -bnftrcbe  a  Incense-breatbing. 
•ffaal  censer.  -ftb  cloud  of  incense.  -trac  frank- 
incense- tree,  olibannm-tree,  BotwelUa. 

©ire  e  ribbon- wire. 

©iri'tflemme  o  single  vote. 

©irfe  vi  (tnbbixle  [paa])  aet  (upon),  work  (upon), 
influence;  (gøre  ©irfning)  take  eflect,  tell;  (om 
Skegemibler)  operate;  •  paa  Sanftrae  aflect  the 
senses;  bringe  Hl  at  -  paa  bring  to  bear  upon; 
.  for  en  make  interest  for  one;  .  tilbage  paa 
react  on:  —  vt  (arbejbe,  frembringe)  work;  (meor) 
weave;  *(&ifl)  prepare;  -  $oben  pore  the  hoof; 
—  birfenbe  a  acting  eto.;  -nbe  Varfoger  ope- 
rative causes,  *©irfe  n  material.  fjtrle|«ar 
year  of  ae  ti  vi  ty.  -bag  work-day.  -elme  effleacy. 
•felt  fleld  of  activity,  province.  -for«  form  of 
action.  -Jam  paring-knlfe,  butteris.  -traft 
power  of  action,  active  power,  -frebå  sphere 
of  action,  of  labour  el.  usefblneos,  district  of 
one's  labours. 

©irfetig  a  real,  veritable,  actual,  bona-fide; 
^emmenbc  meb  bet  -e  ftorøolb  in  accordance  with 
faet;  peeren*  -e  6tprte  the  eflecdve  strength  of 




the  army;  adv  really,  actually.  -gøre  vt  realize, 
actualtae.  -gerelfe  c  realization.  -tyet  o  reality; 
i  -en  in  reality,  In  effect:  Mitte  til  -  be  realized; 
gore  til  ~  realize.  -(eb&bftleber  plctures  of  real 
life.     -(ebftprag  actuallty.    -(ebØfanØ  realism. 

Birte  |ll)ft  desire  for  action,  activity  of  mind. 
-tøflen  a  active,  indefatigable.  •ntaabe  mode  el. 
manner  of  action  el.  operation,  -mibbel  means, 
agency.  Bitten  c  working.  Birternm  space  el. 
scope  for  action. 

Birtniug  c  -er  effect,  operation;  gire  ~  take 
effect,  telf;  uben  -  of  no  effect,  fe  Birfningct*«. 

—  Bfrfiring*|ce«rntm  centre  of.  effort.  -for(olb 
relation  of  cause  and  effect.  -fttlb  a  effective, 
telling.  -Uft  a  ineffective,  inoperative;  øore  - 
render  of  no  effect.  -UØ(eb  c  inefflcacy.  •waabe 
fe  Btrte«.    -pnuft  fe  -centrum. 

Blrtføm  o  active;  (traftig  [f .  <Sf8.  om  Sagemibbel]) 
effective,  successfui.  -qeb  c  ((Egenftaben)  activity; 
(Birtning)  agency;  (Birten)  operations,  effort«, 
labours;  bulfanft  -  volcanic  action;  i  fulb  -  in 
mil  activity;  begttube  fin  -  commence  operations; 
trabe  i  -  be  carried  into  effect;  come  to  any- 
thlng;  gaa  ober  i  anben  -  embrace  another  pro- 
fession; gaa  ooer  i  getjttig  -  take  (holy)  orders, 
enter  thecburch.  -(ebøbrtft,  -(ebørrang  activity, 

Birte  fe  $birre;  bet  -r  for  mig  my  head  swims, 
la  in  a  whirl;  ~  meb  $obebet  wag  one's  head. 

Birtno'ø  c  -er  virtuoso;  +a  masterly.  -Ite't  c 
virtnosoship,  mastership,  eminent  sklll.  -ttttåftg 
a  masterly. 

Sirbar  n  hnbbub,  conrasion. 

Oli  e  (•  ogf .  n)  way,  manner;  paa  ben  -  in  that 

Sif  a  fe  Bii*. 

Bil'  o  certain;  (fif fer,  forbiSfet,  paalibelig)  sure; 
.  dnbtagt  sure,  flxed,  regular  income;  bon  faor 
-fe  $enge  om  Waaneben  he  receives  a  certain  sum 
every  month;  (otbe  for  -t  take  el.  hold  for  cer- 
tain; bære  -  paa  be  certain  el.  positive  of,  (bore 
filter  paa,  forbiifet  om)  be  sure  of;  -t  Cp(oIb6fleb 
settled  abode;  flge  for  t  say  for  certain;  bet  er 
-t  oø  fanbt  and  that's  a  faet;  -t  er  bet  at  (an 
certain  it  is  that  he,  as  a  matter  of  faet  he; 
Ⱦre  ~  i  fin  Sag  be  sure  of  what  one  says;  bibe 
for  -t  know  for  certain  el.  for  a  faet;  en  -  SRanb 
a  certain  man;  en  -  Dr.  9*.  one  Dr.  N.;  noget  -t 
a  certain  something;  lab  bet  bare  -t,  at  bu  tommer 
be  sure  to  come;  bu  fan  bare  .  paa,  at  jeg  ftal 
tomme  I  am  sure  to  come;  bet  er  ben  -fe  Søb  at 
it  is  certain  death  to,  you  are  a  dead  man  tf; 
bære  ben  -fe  Ruin  for  bring  sure  destruction  on; 
til  -fe.  fe  Bttfefig;  —  bift  adv  fe  nbfr. 

SU**  Bi'*  adv  opposite;  o  .  a  vis-a-vis. 

SiØcaø)a  o  -er,  fe  $ampaft(are. 

Si'Øbøttt  c  wis'dom;  F  ubtramme  Rn  -  display 
one's  learning;  F  (bor  pat  bu  bin  -  fra?  where 
have  you  got  your  information?  Salomon*  -* 
Bog  Wisdom  of  Solomon.  —  BiØbom*|aanb  spirit 
of  wisdom.  -tflbe  source  of  wisdom.  -larve 
philosophy.  -ørb  word  of  wisdom,  wise  saying. 
-fprog  wise  sentence,  apothegm.  -tonb  wisdom 
-tooth,  wise  tooth;  foo  fine  -tonber  cut  one's  wise 

Sife,  -te,  -t  vt  show;  (tagge  en  (Egenftab  for 
Sagen)  exhibit,  evince,  display;  ~  Xanber  show 
the  teeth;  bon  -fte  mig  fin  $abe  he  showed  me 
abouthis  garden;  -  en  en  Sjenefte  do  one  a  favour; 

-  en  Dpmarffom(eb  pay  one  attention;  Uret 
-r  .  .  .  the  watch  points  to  .  .  .  termometret  -r 
8°  Barme  the  tbermometer  is  at  60°;  -  fftenben 
Brrbflben  present  the  broadside  to  the  enemy; 
Siben  bil  -  it  remains  to  be  se  en;  —  vi  ftattingen 
-r  Gtbrborb  the  chain  el.  cable  grows  on  the 
starboard  bow;  Srolfen  -r  mibtftibS  the  hawser 

bears  amidships;  —  vr  -  fig  appear,  make  one's 
appearance,  (tomme  for  Sagen)  become  apparent, 
come  to  be  se  en;  for  at  -  fig  to  show  off;  bet  bil 
.  fig  we  shall  see;  bet  -fte  fig  plubfelig  it  burst 
upon  the  eye;  bet  -fte  fig  at  bare  rigtigt  it  turned 
out  to  be  right;  Stjernerne  -fie  fig  paa  Simlen  tbe 
stars  came  out;  .  fig  fora  en  SRanb  play  the  man, 
show  one's  self  a  man;  .  fig  fom  ens  Sen 
prove  one's  self  one's  fri  end;  —  *  -*  vd  appear, 
be  visible;  —  (meb  prcep  i  adv):  .  bort  fe 
Bortbife;  -  fra  fig  refuse;  .  frem  show,  exhibit; 

-  en  nogenfleb*  (en  direct  one  to  a  place,  (til 
en)  refer  one  to;  -  igen  discover  stolen  goods 
(by  witchcraft);  ~  en  tnb  take  el.  show  one  in; 
-r  mob  9lorb  pointe  towards  the  North;  _  en 
neb  show  one  the  way  down;  -  en  om(tring) 
i  $ufet  show  one  all  over  the  house;  -  meb 
^fingeren  paa  noget  point  at  a  thing  with  the 
finger;  Uret  -r  paa  tolb  the  watch  points  to 
twelve;  -r  fig  meft  til  fin  Sorbet  shows  best,  to 
greatest  advantage;  -  tilbage  paa  (om  Refatib) 
reiate  to;  bear  upon;  ~  en  Søren  el.  -  en  ub 
turn  one  out,  show  one  the  door. 

Bif  e  e  -r  queen-bee  (fe  Sifer). 

©ife  c  -r  song,  ditty;  (Otabebife)  ballad;  forftaa 
en  (albtbabet  ~  take  a  hint;  ben  gamle  ~  the  usual 
song,  the  old  story;  (Snben  paa  -en  the  end  of  it. 
8tfe|boa  song-book.  -bfgter  writer  ot  songs, 
song-wnter.    -bigtning  writlng  of  songs. 

Wf  e|  trommer  ballad  •  monger,  ballad  -  singer. 
•taBtna  woman  who  seUs  ballada. 

©ifeltg(en)  adv  wisely  etc.  (fe  BiiS  a). 

eifefmager  c  -e  ballad-maker,  -monger.  -magcri 
n  song-writing.  -manb  fe  -teammer,  -melobt  air 
of  a  song. 

Cifer  c  -e  index,  (p.  Ur)  hånd;  queen-bee, 
mother-bee.    CiferceHe  royal  cell. 

Cifé'r  n  mil  sight.  -ittbftreg  notch.  -linie 
line  of  sight.  •ffnb  point -blank  shot  -flot 

»ifer|e  vt  (om  $ai,  ogfaa:  Iabe  bifere)  visa, 
vise;  (maale)  gauge.    -i«g  e  viséing  etc. 

»ifer*|gnt  c  errand  -boy.  -(fnl  dial-  wheel. 
•UØ  a  queenless.  -ftttte  way-post.  -tang  (Urm.) 
hand-pincera.  -bagt  bent  lever  balance,  -bart 

©ifelfamling  collection  of  songs.  -frnmp,  0-flub 
bit  of  a  song.    -tone  air  (of  a  song). 

Biitøb  e  certainty;  (Gifterbjeb)  sure  ty;  bibe  meb 

-  know  for  certain;  faa  -  om  ascertain,  get  cer- 
tain intelligence  that;  ftaffe  fig  -  (om)  make  sure 
(of);  (abe  ~  be  sure;  en  til  .  granfenbe  Sanb- 
f(n(tg(eb  a  moral  certainty. 

Ciflt'lei  a  to  be  seen.  -ion  e  -er  vis'ion. 
-føna'r  a  A  c  -er  vis'ionary.  -ir  n  -er  visor, 

»ifi'r  c  er  (Slini^er)  vizier. 

fHflt'  e  er  vis'it;  gøre  (en)  -  pay  a  visit;  gaa 
nb  i  er  go  visitlng.  Cifltatio'n  c  inspection, 
visit.  —  ©ifltatio  n#|betient  visitlng  officer,  -flag 
visitlng  flag.  -tofomotib  pilot-englne.  ©ifita  t* 
c  -er  visitation.  Ctfite  rtong  vtt  searcher.  9i> 
flie're  vt  lnspect,  search;  (om  en  8ifp  el.  $robft) 
vis'it.    Cifite  ring  c  inspection,  examination. 

Cifitlflttbt  a  in  visitlng  dress,  -tort  (visitlng) 
card,  address-card,  F  pasteboard;  (fotograferet) 
carte  de  visite.  -fortftaal  card-basket,  card-tray. 
•mttre  visitlng  ant,  Atta  cephalote«. 

Ciff  e  -t,  (af  ^alm.  be  ofb.)  wisp;  (Siftetlub) 
rubber;  .  paa  Suppen  bunch  of  herbs  bolled 
with  soup;  F  fom  en  -  in  a  trice. 

Vifte  vt  wipe,  rub;  art  sponge.  ©iftelflub, 
•lap  rubber,  -flabe  rnbbing-cloth,  dish-cloth. 
-laber  India  nibber.  -laber*bolb(t)  India  rubber 
ball  (o.  fl.).  Cifter  c  -e  art  sponge;  Orettefartelfe) 
rebuke;   (Sifletlub)  rubber;  (Con-)  maulkln.  — 




Btf!er|  folie  sponge-head.  -fnirlel  worm  of  the 
Bponge.  -Rage  sponge-staff.  8iffefh|t¥rcjcl  jack 
-towelling.    Btffefrbfte  fe  -nub. 

Biftnet  ii  vegetable-net. 

Bi'imonb  o  wise  man,  sag«;  (trontf!)  wlseacre. 

Biønuttt  c  bismuth.  -uland  bismuth-glance. 
-ftfttbt  pearl-white.  -ilte  Te  -ottbb.  -flørib  his- 
muthous  chlorlde.  •nitrat  bismuthous  nitrate. 
-øfinb  bismuthous  oxide.  -flire  blsmuthlc  oxide. 

BMne  vi  wither,  lade;  -  bort,  tyn  fade  away, 
4  vt  wither.  +Bi*ncltg  <i  liable  to  fode.   ©Ionen 

0  withering  etc.  BiØnelJpølittl  obstruction.  -|io- 
Ittiter  ohstructionist. 

Bi'inofet  a  fe  ftætbt«. 

♦Bifp  o  -er  whisk.  Bitøe  vt  whisk,  beat  (eggs 
etc);  vi  wag  (the  tail). 

Bttfe  e  dyer's  weed,  dyer's  greenwood,  waxen 
woad,  Oeniåta. 

B«f e  vt  fe  *>b#fe;  -  -  tulle !  luUaby !  lullaby ! 

Biif  elig(en)  adv  certalnly,  surely,  to  be  sure, 
of  a  surety,  of  a  certalnty. 

Biøfelnfie  e  luUaby. 

Btåfen  a  withered.  Bitfenjfeeb  c  witheredness, 
withered  state;  flaccidlty.    -Jpinb  fagot. 

Btfi  adv  ærtainly;  fym  bil  -  {Re  øvre  bet  mere 

1  am  sure,  be  won't  do  it  any  more;  bu  bibfte 
bet  -  iffe  you  did  not  know  it,  I  suppose;  fyrn 
er  12  fittpunb  fon  -  fom  et  he  is  twelve  stone 
if  he  Is  one;  -  Hle  (nei)  by  no  means;  io  .1 
dåre  sayl  indeedl  the  idea!  I  wl&h  he  may  get 
it;  fe  -  paa  en  look  signiflcantly  el.  intelligently 
at  one.  Btftnøl  adv  (bifl)  no  doabt;  (rigtignot) 
It  is  true,  no  doabt,  ærtainly. 

BiibeJ  n  nonsense;  .1  flddlestiokl  flddle-dee 

Bitatitc't  c  vital'ity. 

Bttte're  vt  vit'iate. 

Bttrtø'l  c  vit'riol.  -bram«  vitriol -throwing. 
-fe/Olbiø  a  vitriolic.  -tybtte  vitriol  house,  •works. 
•nafta  vltriol-ether.  -olie,  -Jnre  oli  of  vitriol, 
fmlphuric  acid.  -rø»i  oolootnar.  -banb  vltriolic 

Sit«  [t.]  c  -er  joke,  wittidsm. 

Bitterlig  a  known  publioly,  generally  known, 
notorlous;  beøoa  en  .  Gtytb  oommit  a  sin  know- 
ingly  el.  deliberately;  -  tihelb  acknowledged  debt; 
bet  er  -t  it  is  a  matter  of  notoriety;  bet  er  mig 
iffe  -t  it  is  nnknown  to  me;  mig  -t  as  for  as  I 
know,  to  my  knowledge;  tjeroeb  gøre*  -t  know 
all  men  by  these  presents;  —  adv  notorioualy. 
Bitterlig]  teb  c:  unberftrioe  til  -  sign  one's name 
as  a  witness;  til  ~:  witness  to  the  slgnature. 
•beb«btbne  witness  (at  signing),  (attestlng)  wtt- 

Bfitig  o  witty,  elever;  et  -t  £obeb  a  wit;  -t 
Snbfalb  joke,  sally;  jeg  fer  iRe  bet  -e  (i)  I  don't 
see  the  joke  (of).  Bfttigb)eb  c  -er  (CgentÉaben)  wit- 
tlness;  (en)  joke,  witty  saying  el.  thlng,  (føgt) 
wittidsm;  jtge  -er  say  witty  thlngs,  be  witty; 
F  ribe  -er  af  flg  crack  jokes.  —  Sittigbeb#|btab 
comlc  paper.  -jagt  seeking  for  wit,  affectation 
of  wit.  -fager,  -ttotmmer,  -utager  whvsnapper, 
would-be  wit    -tebibotrt  work  of  wit. 

©Ib  c  po*  wife. 

*Bi*ang  c  bitter-sweet,  Solamum  duloamarm. 

IMbat!  iong  live!  taabe  _  for  cheer.  -rttb  pi 

*Bi»enbef  c  woodbine,  (and  some  other  climb- 
ing  piants). 

Btner're  c  -r  clvet,  genet. 

Btbtfetriø'n  o  vivisec'tion. 

BUi'r  e  fe  »tfir. 

Bltei  n  fleece. 

Bltegfinaen  n  Flushing. 

Bob'  n  (fe),  pi  «,  (large)  flshing-net,  seine. 

hmI  eel  caught  in  the  seine.    -brag  sweep  of 
the  seine.    -fifleri  flshing  with  the  seine. 

Bøg  mere  fe  Befe. 

•Bøg  [aa]   o  -et  36  (Dan.  el.  Norw.)  pounds, 

»øge/ferne  pi  the  Vosges. 

Bøg*  o  -e  (i  Mm.)  carriage;  (ftrtfulet  ttrbeibl« 
el.  Saft-)  waggon,  wain;  (flor  beboeRet  Xronipørt« 
boøn)  van;  (totøulet  Øroejb**  el.  2aft»)  cart,  car, 
tøerflabi',  ftrbjulet)  carriage,  chariot,  drag,  phae- 
ton,  brougham,  brltshka,  barouche,  break; 
(gammelbaa*,  iraret)  coach:  (3<rrobane»)  carriage, 
amr  car;  («obl*)  waggon,  amr  freight  oar,  (fcrøfte) 
cab;  $eften  bar  albrtg  øaaet  for  -  the  horse  has 
never  been  in  harness;  -jueb  fefø  Qefkt  for  a 
carriage  and  slx;  ^efle  og  -  carriage  and  horees; 
fym  er  iRe  tabt  bag  af  en  .  he  is  no  fool,  he  is 
up  to  a  thlng  or  two;  til  -<  driving.  Bognj« 
-aWel  axle  of  a  waggon,  -beflag  iron-work  of  a 
waggon,  -bctrott  cover  for  the  seats  of  a  car- 
riage. •bom  perch.  -borg  rampart  of  waggons, 
-brentfe  brake.  -bro  carriage- bridge,  -bræt  foot 
•board,  -bnf  coach-box.  -bnnb  bottom  of  a 
carriage.  -Ifcgger  fe  -fobrifont.  +atU  (cart-  el. 
waggon-)  tilt.  -bør  oarriage-door.  -fabrif  car- 
riage -foctory,  coach  •mannfoctory.  -fairitast 
carriage  •  builder ,  coach  •  maker .  -f abritatiø« 
building  of  carriages.  -fabing  body  of  a  car- 
riage. -fjeber  carrlage-sprlng.  -H«U  slde-plece 
of  a  waggon,  -f orrbfel  carriage  traffic,  wheeled 
traffic.  -f«re  wheeling.  '-grinber  fe  -letter, 
-bantmel  splinter-bar.  t-|tber  fe  -lettet.  -#efl 
toach-  el.  carriage-horse.  -biwuiel  fe  ftoleo>e. 
-biml  wheel  of  a  waggon  el.  carriage.  -In* 
coach-house,  chaise-honse.  -t}nnbe  cushion  for 
the  seat  of  a  carriage.  *-tfttter  fe  -letter.  -teM 
waggon-boller,  •fifle  fe  -frrin.  -tort  a 
-pass.  -(nm  wicker-body  of  a  waggon, 
drag-chain.  -tot*  stad-stave,  -løbning  fe  -læ*, 
-la!  wood-filling.  -larm  din  of  carriages.  -U» 
fe  Bognnanbllab.  -leje  carriage-hire;  (for  «r*ejb*- 
tørfel)  oartage.  t-ietter  pi  rails,  rack.  -lifte 
carriage  Ian  tern.  -lort  waggon-load,  cart-load. 
•ntøgafhi  fe  -lifte,  -mtget  o  -e  coach-maker  el. 
builder;  cart-wright,  waggon -wright.  -rurab 
ooach-maBter,  hackney-man. 

Bøgnmanbglbeftcarter'shorse,  hackney(  -horse). 
-torl  carter's  man.  -tontor  livery-stable.  -tnfl 
cabman;  waggoner,  -lab  carters'  company. 
-I«g  waggon-load.    -bogn  waggon. 

Bøgn|mefler  cart-taker.  -b«rl  waggon-park. 
•aai  order  of  tree  conveyance.  -rebflab  carriage 
-rarnitnre.  -remife  fe  -frur.  -mf  front  head. 
•rummel  din  of  carriages.  -rojtte  row  of  carriages. 
•ffammel  stool  for  Stepping  into  a  carriage. 
-flifte  change  of  carriages.  -fif ni  fe  -frur.  -frrin 
chaise-box.  -flnr  coach-house,  cart -house, 
-floer  master-bar.  -f nwrelf e  cart-greaae.  -fmøxet 
(3«rnb.)  lubricator.  -fnanb  team  of  carriage 
-horses,  -fbør  rut.  -frang,  -frf«tt  pole  of  a 
waggon  el.  carriage.  -ftiae  fe  -trappe,  -ftol 
waggon-seat.  -frutteri  stud  of  draught-horees. 
-ftljrer  charioteer.  -føtbe  fe  Øgeftol.  -tag  train 
of  carriages.  ->tronø>ørt  mil  oonvoy.  -rr««pe 
steps  for  getting  into  a  waggon,  -trin  pi  car- 
riage-8teps.    -t*J  carrlage-farniture. 

Bogte  vt  watoh,  guard;  .  en  for  (+  fra)  noget 
guard  one  from;  -  thxta  tend  cattle;  —  vi  paa 
watch;  ane«  Øjne  -  paa  bia  bibl  the  eyes  of  all 
walt  upon  thee;  —  or  -  ftg  for  take  care,  take 
heed,  guard  against;  have  a  care,  beware  of; 
boøt  bia  for  at  take  care  not  to,  take  care  how 
you.  Bøgter  c  -e  (ogf.  bibl)  keeper:  (of  ftwet) 
herdsman,  oowherd,  shepherd.  —  Bogter}bolU 
keeper's  dwelling  el.  lodge.  -brent  shepherd 
boy.     -bnnb  shepherd's   dog.     -bn*    keepers 




lodge.  Bogterlnbe  6iM,  Bøfterftt  o  -r  keeper. 
Bøgtning  o  watching  etc. 

Bøibø'ø  o  -et  wai'wode,  vai'vode.  -flab  *  -et 

Bota  1  o  -et  vowel.  Botat  a  vo'cal.  -for* 
anbring  vowel-change.  Botalife're  øt  vo'calize. 
Bøtaltff  a  vocai'ic.  Bø!ai|tøncert  vocal  con- 
oert.  -lipb  vowel -sound,  -ntnfll  vocal  music. 
-bnnft  gram  vowel-point.  -fammenftøb  hlatus. 
-fat*  vocal  theme. 

Bøt'attn  c  -et  the  vo'cative. 

8oH  n  wax;  obetttoffe  meb  ~  wax,  cere.  Bøt#|» 
aftript  wax-impresslon,  squeeze  in  wax.  -afftøt' 
ning  wax-cast.  -bi  foundress  bee,  wax-bee. 
-bittene  waxen  image,  -bleg  c  bleaching  of  wax. 
-blege?  wax-bleacher.  -blegeri  wax-bleachery. 
-btøntft  honey-wort,  Cerinthe;  (tunflig)  wax-flower. 
-bløb  a  soft  as  wax.  -bønne  wax-bean.  -celle 
wax-cell.  -bng  ekn oil-doth.  wax-  (el.  waxed-) 
cloth,  American  cloth,  oil-ekin;  (ril  vulbe)  floor 
-cloth.  -bnaøpapir  oil-doth  paper.  -batte  wax 
•doll.    Botøe  vt  wax. 

Botøe  [ogf .  -te]  vi  grow,  wax;  (tiltage)  increase; 
.  ftøbig  luxuriate;  -t  buttig  (om  plante)  is  a  fait 
grower;  globen  -r  the  river  is  rislng;  Iabe  røou- 
ftaa)rn  .  grow  the  moustache;  i  bette  fianb  -t  ub> 
martet  Horn  thi«  country  grows  excellent  corn; 
tør  -t  fifl  ufenbelig  has  grown  out  of  knowledge; 

-  bet  af  fig  grow  out  of  it;  $an  er  -t  fra  mig,  er 
-t  mig  ober  $øbebet  he  has  outgrown  me,  1jan  er 
-t  fra  fhte  Butler  he  has  outgrown  el.  grown  out 
of  his  breeches;  be  ere  -be  fra  Wifet  they  have 
grown  too  old  for  whipping;  .frem  grow  out; 

Siort  til  at  -  i  made  for  me  to  grow  up  to;  fio 
an  -t  mig  ober  $obebet  (bitbet  for  mægtig)  he  is 
growing  upon  me,  getting  beyond  my  control; 

-  fammen  coaleeoe;  _  til  grow,  increase  In 
size;  Bebene  .  til  meb  ©to«  the  flowerbeds  are 
ovenun  el.  overgrown  withgrass;  —  botøenbe 
a  growing;  aer  issuant;  -nbe  Dele  J,  meridlonai 
part;  -nbe  ftort  ^  Mercator's  chart  el.  projection. 
feotøejbtrøttg  a  capable  of  growth.  -traf t  power 
of  growth.  -rrebø  zone  in  which  a  plant  grows. 
Bøtøen  e  growing.  Bøtten  a  grown,  fnll-grown, 
grown-up,  adult;  be  -ttne  the  adults,  the  adult 
persons;  en  .  ftbinbe  (quite)  a  woman;  bote  en 
-be  a  match  for  one;  jeg  et  $am  ilte  -  he  is 
too  much  el.  too  many  for  me;  oeete  en  Opgabe 
~  be  equal  el.  competent  to  a  task.  'Bøttenbe 
• :  i  .  on  the  increase.  Boføe|rnm  space  for 
growing,  -fitb  natiye  place  (of  a  plant),  habitat. 
-bart  e  growing  pains. 

Bøtølfattel  wax-torch.  -farne  wax-colour; 
waxen  el.  wax-like  colour.  -favnet  a  wax 
-coloured.  -flgnr  wax-flgure,  pi  wax-works. 
•fbrfiiffe  vesta.  -gal  a  yellow  as  wax.  -tarpifø 
cerine.  -)nb  cere.  -tablnet  wax-works  pi,  wax 
-work  show,  Tussaud  collection.  -tage  wax 
-comb.  -terte  fe  -tb«,  -tagen  cere-cloth.  -lampe 
wax-lampu  -I9Ø  wax-candle,  (minbte)  taper. 
-larreb  on- cloth.  •maleri,  -maling  encaustic. 
-ntaffe  wax -mask.  -mel  bee-bread.  -ntøt  fe 
Btmøt.  -nafe  wax-nose;  flo  fatte  en  en  -  paa 
humbug  el.  mystify  one.  -olie  oil  destllled  from 
wax.  -opal  white  opal.  -palme  wax-palm, 
Cereoxylon.  -papir  waxed  paper.  -perle  wax 
•bead.  -perfe  wax-press.  -plaffer  wax-plaster. 
-plet  wax-stain.  -porø  wax-mvrtle,  bay-berry, 
Mvrica  eeri/era.  -preftfe  fe  -perfe.  -falde  cerate. 
•flHne  cake  of  wax.  -flabet  wax-taper.  -fritte 
vesta.  -taft  oil-skln.  -tanle  wax-tablet.  -traab 
waxed  thread.  -tv«  fe  -pør«;  tallow-sumach, 
RhuM  ntecedanea. 

Bøf(a)  0  (i  Spil)  vole. 

Bølb  o  nb.  pi  (TOagt,  Utoft)  power;  (Oberlaft) 
riolence,   force;   meb  -.  by  force;  tage  meb  - 

Satfai:  SanfMBngelfl  Orbbog. 

J  ravish;  bragte  ilte  -  imob  tønbe  did  not  offer 
her  physical  violence;  gøre  .  poa  do  violence 
to,  put  violence  upon;  meb  .  og  ffltagt  with  all 
one's  might;  fftige  poa  -  call  out  for  help,   cry 

murder;  i  en*  .  in  one's  power;  gibe  fifl  i  enø 

>wer;  jibe  fig  ©1 
oommend  one's  self  to  God;  fe  fjfanben,  pottet; 

.  put  one's  self  in  one's  power;  jibe  fig  ©ub  i  - 

ban  bor  pottet  i  -  he  lives  at  some  out-of-the 
-way  place,  over  the  hills  and  far  away,  nobody 
knows  where. 

Bøtb  e  -e  (enqbet  3otbbolb)  mound,  dike;  (til 
ftefrningøocerf)  wall,  rampart;  t  A  *  sward,  turf, 
green  field.  Bolblarbejbe  work  on  the  ramparts. 
-avbejbev  excavator.  -batte  sloplng  ascent  to  a 
rampart.  -brnb  breach  of  a  rampart.  -bent 
banquette.    -bøøfe  wall-piece. 

Bølbe,  -te,  -t,  vt  cause,  occaslon,  be  the  cause 
of;  bet  -te  fyxm  en  SRangbe  ©rtjberiet  it  caused 
him  no  end  of  trouble,  entailed  a  lot  of  trouble 
upon  him;  bet  -t  at  ^an  et  fattig  that  is  owing 
to  his  poverty. 

Øøtbelig(en)  adv  fordbly,  by  force. 

BolberntiØfe  0  Walpurgis'  day  the  IstofMay. 

Bolb  I  føre  vi  carry  one  off  by  force,  -førelfe, 
-førfd  forcible  abduction. 

Oo(b|gabe  Wall-street.  -gang  walk  on  a  ram- 

Bølbgift  e  arbitration;  afgøre  beb  .  arbitrate; 
labe  ofgøte  beb  .  refer  el.  submit  to  arbitration. 
—  »olbgiftØ|bom  fe  -tenbelfe.  -bømftol  fe  -ret. 
-tenbelfe  award  (of  arbitrators).  -manb  arbi- 
trator.  -mceøflg  a  k  adv  by  arbitration  d.  arbi- 
trators.   -ret  court  of  arbitration. 

Oølb|gibe  vt  refer  to  arbitration;  leave  to 
one's  mercy,  to  one's  tender  mercies.  -gran 
moat.    -gafle  vt  assault  one  In  his  own  house. 

Bøtb|*liø  meadow-hay,  hay  ofnaturalgrasses. 
-tcelber  casemate.  -lontpe  parapet-lamp.  -lånet 
frame  of  a  garrison-piece.  -mefler  inspector  of 
ramparts.  •plabØ  site  (of  acasUej.  -pst  palisade, 
-reb  barrier  reef. 

BølbØlbøber  pi  fine  for  assault.  -baab  fe  -flet- 
ning, -farb  violence.  -gerning,  -Ijianbling  aet 
of  violence,  outrage.  -Ijerre,  -|erfler  usurper. 
-bjerrebøntnie  tyranny. 

Botb|ft>tØ  heavy  ordnance.    -ftb*ØC  catapult. 

BolbØ|magt  violence.  -manb  perpetrator  of 

Bolbfnegl  c  vine  snail,  Belix  pomatia. 

Øølbfønt  a  violent;  tagge  .  ^aanb  paa  lay 
yiolent  el.  forcible  hånds  upon.  -Ijeb  e  -et 
violence  (nb.  pi);  aet  of  violence. 

BolbØ|ret  right  of  the  stronger.  -fog  action 
for  assault. 

Bolbfteb  n  site  (of  a  castle). 

Bolb  I  tage  vt  ravish;  bibl  take  away  by  violence. 
•f-tager  e  -e  ra visher. 

Bølbtitttian  e  basil,  Calamintha  acino*. 

Bølb|t«gt  rape.    -tagtømanb  ravisher. 

Bølf  [t.]  c  (6pinb.)  devU,  willy,  twilly.  Bølfe 
vt  devil.    Bølfemaffine  fe  Bølf. 

Bolfram  n  wolfram.  «flaal  tungstic  steel. 
-f nr  a :  -t  6alt  tungstate.    -f bre  tungstic  acid. 

Bølie're  o  -t  aviary. 

SBøllaftønir  c  woU'astonite. 

Bølontar  c  -et  volunteet. 

Bølfterne  pi  the  Volsci. 

Bolta  ift  a:  ben  -e  ©øjle  the  roltaic  pile. 

Bøtte  o  -t  (i  Slibning  og  ftoptnfng)  volt;  (i  Stovt' 
fpil)  pass,  sllpping  the  card;  Ag  dodge;  flaa  - 
make  the  pass. 

Bølti|ge're  vi  practise  gymnastics,  vault.  -ge« 
ring  e  gymnastics.    -gen'r  e  -et  gymnast. 

Bølnnt'len  n  -raino  vol 'urne.    -inø'Ø  a  volu'- 

Bøln'te  0 

-t  volute. 





Bølberlej  c  mountain  tobaooo,  Amiea  mon 

Bøst'  o  -me  paunch,  bellv. 

Bømbat  e  -ter  wombat,  Pkatealom*. 

Bontiti'b  «  -et  emetio. 

*Bø»  c  iikelihood. 

*Bonb  o  -er  water  rat,  Hypndam  amphibiuå. 

•Bønb  [6]  a  angry.  -ørb  »/  angry  wordi,  a 

Bør  c  prov  matter,  pus. 

Bor  [ool  pron  jw*  (tonj.)  our;  (abf.)  oars;  e 
oar  people;  bi  fCal  gøre  -t  we  shall  do  our§; 
benne  .  dnbbtlbniitg  this  mncy  of  ours;  ((jern)  til 
•t  home. 

Barbe  vt  beoome,  wax,  be;  -  89*  I  let  there 
be  light!  -nbe  a  that  is  to  be,  future.  Børbe* 
c  genesis;  i  fin  -  in  au  embryo  state. 

Borljer're  heaven,  goodness. 

Børste«*  *  gut. 

Bornes  e  -e  serf,  villein  (regardant),  predial 
slave,  predial  tenant.  +4eate  poet  fetters  of 
vlllenage.  -ret  o  right  of  villeinage.  -flab  c 
bond  service,  serfdom. 

Bar*  o  A  transom. 

Bo'rfatalttg  c  suppuration,  purulency. 

Borte  [aol,  *8orte  [6]  o  -r  wmxt;  (Brbft*  og  p. 
Bifton)  nippie;  ver  horny  excrescence;  (p.  ftatet) 
button,  knob.  Borte  |  ag  tig  a  warty.  -biber 
verrucous  cricket.  Locutta  vcrrucivora.  -%ctttt 
nlpple-cap.  -malt  wolfs  milk,  £fepAor6ui.  -rob 
pilewort,  leaser  celandine,  Ficaria.  -fttitt  wart 
-hog,  /»Aooactamø.  -ubbatøt  (p.  Xinbtngen)  mast- 
oid  process. 

Bøte'rje  vt  b  i  vote.  -t«g  o  -er,  fe  Kfflemnina; 
fatte  unber  -  om  put  the  quesUon  that.  -tag!« 
tern«  voting  subject.  Botib«  TOtive.  Botnm 
«  -ta  vote. 

•Bott  fe  Boat. 

Bøb'  n  fe  Bobbob. 

tBøb'  a  fe  Boag. 

Bobe  [aa]  o  -r  (Bølge)  wave,  bribe  for  Binb  og 
..  be  adrift. 

Bobe  (aol  §  (gere)  peril,  jeopardy;  fatte  i  - 
put  in  peril  etc.,  risk.  Bobe  vi  (ogfaa:  bobe  flg, 
fatte  paa  6ptl)  Tenture;  (ubfatte  for  8farr,  fatte 
poa  ©pil)  risk;  tøo  intet  -r,  intet  binber  nothing 
venture,  nothing  have,  faint  heart  never  won 
fair  lady;  brifliø  -t  fyilbt  er  bnnbet  fortune  favours 
the  bold;  —  vt  .  (poa)  at  dåre  to,  venture  to; 
~  at  atbe  flg  af  meb  venture  at,  on  el.  upon; 
*  jeg  fiol  .  for  at  F  I  promise  you  that;  — 
vr  .  fia  til  venture  upon,  risk:  -  fia  ub  venture 
out.  Bøbe|*)eM  desperado.  Bobelig  fe  Bobfom. 
+Bøbe|i*fr,  -mob  darlng.  -fpil  hasard,  -tøtfc 
daring  el.  venturesome  deed.  Bøbet  o  hazarded, 
bold,  risky.  ♦Bøbetleb  e  boldness,  riskiness. 
Bo 'bf  o«  a  venturesome,  adventurous,  daring, 

Bobbøb!  bow-wow!  c  ($unb)  bowwow. 

Braa  o  -er  nook,  corner. 

Braabe  vi  bore  the  nave  of  (a  wheel). 

+BraaI  n,  pi  =,  bawl,  squall,  roar.  Braale  vi 
bawl,  squall,  roar. 

Braa'ftob  n  corner-press. 

Brag  n,  pi  =,  wreck;  et  futbfhenbigt  -  is  a 
total  loss;  tofte  el.  flaa  -  paa  reject.  Brag|*borb 
fe  -brat.  -brnbt  a  shattered.  wrecked.  -brat 
(outslde)  slab:  flaw-plece.  Brage  vt  (forfatte) 
reject;  (fortete)  sort;  fan  itte  balge  og  -  cannot 
be  chooserg;  føm  -t  intet  nothing  comes  amiss 
el.  foreign  to  him.  Brogrinaal  gauging-rod. 
Bragen  c  rejecting  etc.  Brager  e  -e  sorter;  gauger. 
Braaerbøb  sorter's  office.  ©roglfjal  fe  -brat. 
•gøbft  goods  of  inferior  quality;  wreckage.  -i«« 
fpettar  receiver  of  wreck.  -matte  wreck-buoy. 
Btagning  c  fe  Bragen.    ©raglplbjtbrer  wrecker. 

-plbttbring  pillage  el.  plunder  of  wreck,  wreck- 
ing.  -? et  right  of  jetsam  and  flotsam.  -fhuM, 
-fritte  bit  of  a  wreck.   -tommt  wrecked  timber. 

Bratte  vi  waddle.    Bratte«  c  waddling. 

tBrampet  a  warped. 

Brattg  a  wrong,  enoneous,  incorrect,  ♦Af 
perverse,  wayward,  untractable;  ben  -e  6ibe  of 
(f.  (Btl.  en  Strømpe)  the  wrong  tide;  .  Srritning 
purling.  Brangblflebe  fe  ©range-.  Bramge  c 
wrong  side,  seamy  side;  benbe  -n  ub  torn  the 
wrong  side  outward.  Br*nirftg(e»)acfo  wronajty. 
Bra«g|fuj«b?e  flat-fish  wish  eyes  on  the  wrong 
side.  -gang  (6tritn.)  purl.  -*)eb  o  wrongnesa. 
•lore  erroneous  doctrine,  heterodoxy.  -tercr 
heretic,  teacher  of  heretic  doctrine«.  HMfte 
close  stitch.  -flbe  fe  ©range,  •ftrnfte:  tomme  i  -n 
go  down  the  wrong  way;  foa  i  -n  swallow  the 
wrong  way.  •faie*  adv  against  the  son.  -HUft 
a  self  oonoeited.  -bii#b;eb  self-conceit  -»II 
perverse,  disobliging.  -bilje,  -biHlg|eb 

Brante  vi  be  morose,  peevlsh.  Braste«  a 
morose,  peevish,  churlish.  Branten|eb  ø  moroee- 
ness,  peevlshness,  churlishness.  Braatej^efe 
grumbler.    -bom  fe  Branten. 

Breb  a  angry;  blibe  .  ooer  get  angry  eL  fly 
lnto  a  passion  at;  blide  -  paa  en  get  angry  with 
one;  bltb  itte  .  don't  be  angry  (with  me);  gøre 
~  make  angry,  anger,  ezasperate;  i  et  -t  Øiebltt 
in  a  moment  of  anger.  Breb|ag'rig  a  prone  to* 
anger,  passionate.  cnoleric,  ixasclble,  bibi  angry. 
-ag'tiabeb  c  lrascibility.  Brebe  e  anger,  wmth, 
ire,  choler,  resentment;  -  obet  anger  etc.  at; 
nbgbbe  fin  .  obet  vent  one's  anger  against;  -■• 
©øm.  Stat  bibl  children,  vessels,  of  wrath.  +Brtbe 
vt  ang  r.    -fBrebelig  adv  angrily. 

Brebe«  a  twlsted  (fe  Bribe);  fia  cross-grained. 

Brcbcft  vd  get  angry. 

Brebe*|tnfalb  flt  of  anger.  -nf*Wf«  reelina; 
of  anger.  +-lb*  poet  flash  of  anger,  -erb  p« 
words  of  anger,  angry  word*,  -rabste  flnah  of 
anger,  -nbbrnb  fe  -anfalb.  BrebiobenfeBcebagtia; 
•bne  Btinet  angry  looks.  Breblaaes|eb  c  irasd- 

Brebfe  [é]  fe  Btibfe. 

tBrebt  n  (ntebt  Øarn  ofb.)  tangle;  fe  Btøvl. 
Brebfe  vt  tangle;  .  op  unravel;  vi  fe  Btsdte. 

Brib  »,  W  — ,  writhlng,  wrlnging;  (i  Unbetliact) 
griping  pain  In  the  stomach.  iBriblbtegtt  blister, 
•tor  gimlet,  (ftørre)  auger.  -bor  buckthorn-berry. 

Bribe,  breb,  btebet  vt  twist,  fogfoa  fflaber)wring; 
.  $alfen  om  paa  en  wring  off  one's  head,  wring 
one's  neok;  -  fine  Romber  wring  one's  hånds; 
.  ©aften  af  Bibi  wring  the  Juice  out  ofeurxsnts; 
.  Koglen  om  turn  the  key;  -  af  (loft)  wrench 
off;  —  w  -  flg  writhe.  (bliue  bteben)  twist;  -  Hg 
fta  wrlggle  out  of  -  fia  beb  at  gøre  noget  shrink 
from  doing  a  thing.  Bribe|baanb  twlsted  line 
el.  string,  •maftine  wringer.  Briber  c  -e  door 
-handle.  Bribaiage -et wringins; etc.;  twist,  tor- 
sion. Bribttittgftlfaftfteb,  •ftbrtetorsionalstrength. 
tBribfc  vt  F  fret,  snap,  make  a  peevish  gestore. 
Bribtorn,  Brietorn  buckthorn,  Jttastant  catkar* 


Britte  vt  A  i  wriggle;  (meb  Vare)  senil;  •sprein; 
.  meb  Aobtbet  wriggle  one's  head.  Britfte)|aare 
scull.  -qnl sculllng-notch, sternrowlock.  Brttte« 
c wriggllng.  Brittelpinb(e) sternrowlock.  -bor« 
a  shaky,  rickety. 

Brimle  vi  (af)  swarm,  shoal  (with);  bet  -t  af 
(+meb)  ^tft  i  føxxt  the  sea  teems  with  n>h; 
.  af  ufeil  swarm  with  errors.  Brimmet  e  swarm. 
shoal;  (f)oft  ^eft)  coltc. 

Bringelb.ornet  a  havlng  twisted  horns.  *BrUigt 
n  qulbbles.  ^Bringte  vt  entwlne,  twist;  *vt 
quibble.    •©ringlet  a  quibbling. 




tSrinfl  a  rank. 

Brtnjle  vi  neigh.  Srtnffen  e  nelghlng,  neigh. 
tSrtnffer  c  -e  Btallion. 

•8riøm|pei«  c  -er  pettlfogger.  -tiefferi *  petti- 

Slippe  vi  tlff,  be  pettish.  Brtppen  a  testy, 
toachy.    Brippenbeb  c  testiness,  touchiness. 

Stitfe  fe  «cU>fe. 

Stift  e  -et  instep. 

Stifte  «<  wrest,  wrencb;  -  noget  nb  af  enl 
$aanb  wrest  something  from  el.  out  of  one's 

Staf  n,  j>{  -»,  roar,  squall,  bawl.  Srale  (ogf . 
•te;  -t)  w  squall,  roar,  bawl.  vrælt*  e  squalling, 
roaring,  bawling. 

Sronge  (ogf.  -te,  -t)  vi  twist;  *turn  inside  out; 
_  (9Runb)  ab  make  mouths  (npon)  el.  at,  make 
a  wry  face  at;  .  Wafe  torn  up  one's  nose;  — 
vi  _  ab,  fe  -  Stanb  ab;  .  efter  mimic,  ridlcule; 
S?  aagebiOebe  caricatare.  Stangen,  Srangntng 
c  making  mouths  (at). 

SroPl,  SroPle,  fe  SrtPl. 

Srool  n  balderdash,  nonsense,  fiddle-taddle, 
stufT,  bosh;  f  absurd,  nonsensioalfellow;  fa  kind 
of  twisted  teacake;  bet  er  noget  -  that  is  all  non- 
sense;  F  ovre  -  ralse  needlen  objeotions.  -agrig 
a  nonsenslcal.  -agrigtyeb  c  absurdlty.  Srooic 
vi  prate,  twattle,  talk  nonsense.  —  SrøP(e|»øtte, 
-frøpeb.  vrøvler  o  -t  prater,  twattler.  Srøølen  c, 
Brøøleri'  n  pratlng,  twattling.  Sroø(e|0ørn  a 
twattllng.    -Pøraleb  c  twattling  propensity. 

Salter  e  hoopoe,  Upipa  epov. 

Sttgge  o  *r  eradle;  vat  ilte  funaet  for  min  .  was 
not  prophesled  at  my  birth.  Bagge  vt  (A  vi) 
rock;  .  paa  ttrmen  nurse;  .  i  6øbn  rock  to  sleep; 
~  fig  i  tomme  Qfortyaabninget .  lull  ef .  delode  one  s 
selfwith  vainhopes.  Sngge|baanb  cradle-band. 
-barn  infant,  baby  (in  the  cradle).  -Ine  head 
of  the  cradle.  -gane  christening  gift;  fio  dower. 
-garage  rocker  of  a  cradle.  -flabe?  pi  cradle 
-clothes.  -ruin  minclngknife.  -tab  trestle  of  a 
cradle.  Snggen  c  rocklng.  +Sugge|nør  fe  -barn. 
-penge  (sponsor's)  christening  present  to  the 
nurse,  -pabe  cradle  -cushion.  -føn*  lullaby, 
cradle  ditty.  -final  engraver's  cradle.  -ft»l 
rocking-chair.  -fine  infants'  asylum.  -Plfe  fe 

Sngt|e  [t.]  vt  op  raise  by  means  of  a  lever, 
-tløb*  fe  Sippe*,    -ning  o  ralaing  etc. 

Sale  vt  A,  woold;  gammon. 

Snif,  ønlfe,  fe  Solf. 

Snløø'tø  the  vulgate.    Snig«'?  a  yul'gar. 

Saling  o-et^gammoning.  Saltagøgat  garn- 
monlng-nole  (o.  fi.). 

Saltø'a  c  et  volcano.  -tfe're  vt  vul'canise. 
-tfe'riag  c  vulcanization.  -ift'au  c  the  Volcanian 
theory.  -Ift'  c  -er  vol'canist.  -malle  horned 
pout,  Pimelodus.    Salfø'ttff  a  volcan'ic. 

Snnbe  o  -r,  fe  6aar. 

Snnbet  part  fe  Sinbe. 

Sapti !  int  slap  dash ! 

Sarbe'rle  vt  (anflaa)  value,  appraise,  estimate 
(HI  at);  (frotte)  appreciate,  value;  .  efter  9fot> 
tjenefte  do  justice  to.  -iag  o  yaluation,  appraise* 
ment.  —  S  arbertagø  [forretning  appralsement. 
-tone,  -ntonb  valuator,  appraiser.  -faai  appraised 
value;  (ø.  ttuflion)  upset  price. 

Sar*  fe  Corp. 

Snrft  c  A,  puddenlng. 

Stoler  [t.T  c  -e  (actionlst,  revolutionist. 

•Bp'rbe  fe  Børe. 

Støje  vt  fe  D&lfe. 

Sa'ønle  vt  arm;  vr  fig  arm  (one's  self),  take 
arms;  meb  -t  $aanb  with  strong  hånd,  by  force 
of  arms.  t-ner  c  -e  esqulre.  -ning  c  -er  arming; 

8«b'  e:  floo  til  -I,  fe  Babbe.  Babbe  vi  k  t 
wager.  bet,  lay  a  wager  el.  bet;  .  om  en  oerbbelig 
Sum  lay  a  conslderable  wager;  jeg  tril  .  900b* 
fom^elft,  at  I'd  lay  any  wager  that;  jeg  -r  meb 
S)em  ti  mob  en  I'll  bet  you  ten  to  one;  mon  fan 

-  2  mob  1  it  is  two  to  one.  —  SabbelfajRp 
con  test  for  a  wager.  -førfef  driving-  match, 
chariot-race.  -leg  betting-game.  -Ub  race,  foot 
•race,  horse-race;  løbe  _  run  a  race,  race.  -Uber 
racer,  race -horse.  -(tMftoae  race-course  el. 
-groand.  -UbA|eft  fe  -løber,  -maal  wager,  bet; 
inbgoa  et  -  lay  a  wager.  Sttbben  c  wagering 

Sotbber  c  -e  (ogfoa  Srriglmafttne)  ram,  prov  tnp; 
(gilbet)  wether;  -en  tut  Aries,  the  Barn;  tøbraultff 
•  water-ram.  Sabbet|loo  projectlng  prow  of 
a  ram.    -tom  ram's  horn;  &  beak. 

S«bbe|rUea,  -ribt  rldlng-match,  race. 

Søtbber|Ub  ram-mutton.  -last  he-lamb,  tup 

Sorbberoaiag  o  rowlng-match. 

S«bber|ffib  ram(-ship),  steam-ram.  -ffiab 
ram's  fleece,    •ftorpn  beak. 

S*bbe|f aag  singing-match.  -fanger  oompetitor 
in  song.  -fejlab*,  -fe|ling  saiUng-matcb,  regatta. 
-frrib  fe  -famp.  -fMmning  swimming- match, 
-fnttgen  fe  -fana. 

Scebbr|e  vt  &  i  ram.    -ing  o  rammlng. 

Sabe  vt  wet,  moisten.  Sfltbe  o  wet,  wetness, 

Sttbffe  o  -r  liquid,  fluid,  moisture.  humor; 
(i  Slanter  og  bbriffe  Segemer)  Juice,  (i  Segemet) 
humor;  baarlige  -r  an  unhealthy  temperament. 
Sotbffe  vi  secrete  a  humor,  run;  Kbibi)  vt  water; 

—  vr  fig  Uquefy;  -nbe  o  6aar  running  so  re. 
Satbffejblaabtaa  mixture  of  different  liqulds. 
•form  a  fluid  form.  -fnlb  a  full  of  humors; 
røaroen  i  han!  Sen  bar  —  bibi  his  bones  were 
moistened  with  marrow. 

•Sfltft  o  woof. 

S«g'  fe  Scgge  c. 

Steg  (•Sag')  o  -ge  wall;  bvib  fom  en  (lallet)  - 
pale  as  ashes;  *-  i  -  (immediately)  adjoinlng; 
inben  fire  -ge  between  four  walls;  -gene  haoe  Pren 
walls  have  ears;  *bort  el.  $en  i  -gen,  -gene  pre- 
posterous,  absurd,  putting  the  cart  before  the 
horse;  farte  til  -o  drive  into  a  corner;  fe  gonben, 
Sanbe,  Stolpe,  oib.  Steg |  lefl abniag  hanglngi. 
-liSebe  wall-picture. 

Sørge  e  -r  wick;  ri  Spinbeti)  sliver. 

Sftgcllfinb  fe  -finbig^eb.  -finbet,  -flabia  a  fickle, 
wavering,  vacillatlng.  -flnbet^eb,  -flabigbeb  c 
fickleness,  vacillation. 

Steger(e)  pi  thick  stuff.  Stegergaag  strake 
of  thickstuff. 

*S*gef«P  e  fe  fibfefib. 

Sotalfaft  a  flxed  to  the  wall.  -fUtbe  suxface 
of  wall. 

S*g(ge)  o  -e  wedge. 

tScgge  vt  fe  Salte  vt  (3fen). 

Sagge|tort  wall-map.  -lab  wall  feather-moss, 
Eypnum  parietinum.  •laf  house-  el.  bed-bug, 
p  B -flat,  Cimex  lechdariu*.  -prPb  (Dame)  wall 
-flower.  -paMning  plastering.  •-relft  a  wall 
-sid ed.  -ffob  press.  •(meb  fe  Sobningcur.  -fBMret 
dauber.  -fPei!  pier-glass.  Mpraage  chink  in  the 
wall.  -rable  fe  Sag-,  -tage  fe  lu«,  -tæppe  hang- 
ings  pi.  -tøj  bed-bugs  pi  —  *S«g|tmeaeai  adv 
from  wall  to  wall.  -lampe  wall-lamp,  hanging 
lamp.  -maleri  mural  painting.  *-niøfe  feather 
moss,  Hypnum.    -pitte  pier. 

Sagre  fig  vr  (peb  at  gøre  noget)  refuse,  de- 
cllne  (to  do  a  thing).    Sajiring  c  -er  refusal. 

Sag  I  flab  fe  Sagge*.    -ftitfct  a  ^  parietal. 

Sagt  c  ub  pi  (TOaal  paa  Xbnabe,  ogf.  fo) 
welght;  (pi  -e  k  -er,  Sagtffaal)  balance,  (flot) 





weighing-machine;  cut  the  balance,  Libra;  efter 
-  by  weight;  (abe  -,  bate  af  -  carry  weight; 
Iagge  ~  pac  lay  stress  on;  attach  importance  fl. 
weight  to;  bexpaa  ligget  ingen  -  that  does  not 
signify;  (bob  .  ligget  bet  paa  .  . .  ?  what  signifies 
.  .  .  ?  gab  (anft  Gro  .  added  weight  to  his  words. 
Bagt|aagi»f  Ife  statement  el.  speciflcation  or  the 
weight.    -arm  fe  -ftangtatm. 

Bagtante  o  black-board. 

Bogtlftalance  beam.  -(fatte  beam  (of  the 
balance),    -en(eb  unit  of  weight. 

Bagter  e  -e  watchman;  (i  Saaft)  detector. 
Batter)  gana  watchman's  gallery  on  a  tower; 
&  stern-gallery,  (paa  ftote  @fibe)  balcony;  falft  . 
imitation  gallery.  -(nS  watchman's  box.  -ffole 
watchman's  coat.  -pt»e  watchman's  whistle. 
•rul  call  el.  cry  of  the  watchman,  watchman's 
call  el.  cry.  -fang  watchman's  song.  -ffilt 
watchman's  badge,  -ber*  pi  venes  rang  by 
the  watchman ,  watchman's  venes.  •*<*  bad 

Bagtlfaaritant  scale-maker.  -forbetfag  distri- 
bution of  weights.  -f  ørrtngelfe  loss  of  weight, 
(Vtøntetf )  wear.  -fulb,  -fotblg  a  weighty,  heavy, 
-røbe,  -f(tbig(eb  speciflc  gravity.  Bogttg  a 
weighty.  Bagtigbeb  c  weightiness.  Bagt|tob 
weight.  -toPglbutngen  the  lawB  about  weights 
and  measures.  -løg  a  welghtless,  lmponderable. 
•t*ø(eb  imponderability.  -naate  pi  pins  sold  by 
weight.  -nota  blll  of  weight.  -prøve  test  of 
weight.  -pnnb  pound  of  weight.  -ffaal  scale; 
bragte  -en  til  at  (albe  tit  (an*  Glbe  turned  the 
scale  in  his  favour.  -Hang  lever.  -ftongftorm 
arm  of  a  lever;  mech  leverage.  -ftongoforbinbetfe 
combination  of  levers,  •ftaagØf taft  lever  power, 
-fiatib  balance-stay.  -fttftent  system  of  weights. 
-iai  loss  of  weight,  shrinkage,  -tunge  tongue 
el.  cock  (of  a  balance). 

Bal'  adv  off,  gone;  gaa  nu  -  be  et.  get  oflf 
now;  tagge  ~  put  away;  -  meb  fingrene!  hånds 
off!  fnat  .1  speak  away  I  fire  away!  etc.;  mit 
Ur  er  .  my  watch  is  gone ;  (an  et  •  af  (Måbe 
he  is  beside  himself  with  joy;  jeg  et  -,  ganffe  - 
I  am  enraptured,  quite  enraptured;  (an  et  . 
(fortabt)  he  is  lost,  he  is  done  for;  (an  er  itte  . 
he  Is  not  amlss,  not  half  bad;  i  eet  -  inces 
santly;  _  meb  .  .  .  away  with;  fe  Ølatbat. 

Batte  vt  Ofen)  cut  a  passage  (in  the  ice);  .  ub 
cut  out;  .  inb  cut  in;  -  ftaabbetne  «k  reem  the 

Batte  (ogf.  batte,  baft)  vt  (fra  6wn)  wake, 
awake,  awaken,  (om  Btotgenrn)  call;  fig  create, 
raise,  ezclte,  route;  -  ftoreftitttngen  om  suggest, 
ben  %.  at  suggest  that;  -  en  ftoteflilling  convey  a 
notion;  .  fcppettten,  fR(fgettig(eben  whet  the 
appetite,  curiosity;  -  en*  3Jcebliben(eb  rouae 
one's  compassion;  fobenbe  Aunb  f!a(  man  ej  - 
let  Bleeping  dogs  lie;  —  bat  fe  nb  e  a  awakenlng, 

Baffenamaf  c  &  reemlng-iron. 

Battetfe  c  impulse,  stimulus;  revival,  (reli- 
gious)  awakenlng.  Balter  c  -e  awakener;  (i  tit) 
alarum;  (S)mp.)  check-alarum;  fe  ©onf etage. 

Batte|  rabat  c  ^  fe  -tlaraaj. 

Batle(r)|»r  alarm -clock  el.  -watch.  -bort 
works  of  an  alarm-clock.    Batnina  c  waking. 

Batning  c  cutting  etc.  (fe  Batte  i). 

tBafø|e  vt  wax.  -laber  wax-leather.  -iorreb 
fe  Bofl«.    Batftning  c  waxing. 

Batøt  c  ub.  pi  (bet,  at  ootee)  growth;  røoibe, 
©fittelfe)  stature;  (pi  -ec)  hero  plant;  ft&be  el. 
tage  -  grow;  Qub  fom  gibet  .  bibl  God  that  giveth 
the  increase.  Batfttlgranfe  line  of  vegetation. 
-(»g  conservatory,  green-house,  -tore  botany. 
-periobe  period  of  growth.    -riget  fe  Btante«. 

Balb  n,  pi  =*,   spring;  -  af  Sonet  flood  of 

harmony;  .  af  Jtartig(eb  mine  el.  wealth  of 

Balbc  e  &  w  power,  might. 

Balbe  vi  well,  spring  ef.  issne  fortn.  t-HIbc 
fe  Balb. 

Batitga  powerful,  mighty;  en  -  Sager  for 
$ertent  ftnflgt  a  mighty  hunter  before  the  Lord. 

Balb|møfe  quagmire.    -banb  n  spring-water. 

+Bale  c  lint. 

Balge,  batgte,  balgt  vi  choose,  select;  (til  en 
Boft,  til  Jtonge  ofb.)  elect;  (tit  ffligttagftmanb) 
elect,  return;  ~  beb  $aanMoptatning  elect  by 
show  of  hånds; .  fig  choose.  Balgen  c  choosing. 
Balger  e  -t  eleotor,  voter,  constituent.  —  Balgcri  > 
foliet  the  electorate.  -forening  voters'  associa- 
tion, -førfamling,  -måbe  meeting  of  electors  etc. 

Baltg  a  flery,  (high-)  spirited.  -(eb  c  spirit, 

Balling  e  milk-pottage,  frumenty;  Aø  medley, 

Balfe  vt  finish,  round  off.  -ntaftine  self-actlng 
engine  for  rounding.    BattfU  round -off  file. 

Balft  a  Italian;  -e  Bonnet  garden  beans;  .  Rot 
devil's  turnip,  Bryoma.  -ftinb  half-calf.  -lama 
Italy.    -nab  walnut. 

Batt  e  tramp;  bate  i  -en  be  in  vogue,  be  «H 
the  fashion;  (an  et  i  -en  he  is  a  rising  man. 

Balre  vt  (tulle)  roll;  (tofte  om)  upset,  tnrn 
over,  overturn,  overset;  fig  -  Sfblben  paa  cast 
el.  throw  the  blame  upon;  bu  (at  -t  en  6ten 
fra  mit  $ierte  you  have  lifled  a  weight  off  my 
heart;  en  tung  B(rbe  et  -t  fta  mit  Sinb  a  moun 
tain  is  ralsed  off  my  splrits;  -  at  B(tben  boa 
lay  the  whole  burden  on:  —  vi  tumble  over, 
cant,  be  overturned  el.  upset,  (tomme  -nbe)  pour, 
rush,  stream;  (an  -be  (meo  Bognen)  his  carrlage 
was  overturned  el.  upset;  ftuften  -be  (meb)  Bognen 
the  coachman  upset  the  carriage;  en  Blobfntm 
•be  ffttm  ub  af  JDatnben  the  blood  gushed  from 
his  mouth;  —  vr  .  fig  roll;  .  fig  i  Dpnbet  wallow 
el.  welter  in  the  mire;  -  fig  i  ftt  Blob  welter  in 
one's  gore;  -  fig  paa  fit  Seje  toss  about  in  (one's) 
bed;  fio  -  fig  inb  paa  en  pick  a  qnarrel  with 
one,  fix  a  qnarrel  on  one.  *Balte  e  -t  pfle« 
mass.  Balte|f|al  mould- board,  -fri  a  not 
liable  to  be  upset.  -neni  a  easily  upset.  Bolt* 
ning  o  rolling  etc. 

Baltitort  n  tramp. 

Battføm  fe  »altenem. 

Bammetig  a  nauseous,  disgustful,  disgusting, 
mlsome,  loathsome,  repulslve;  +»ote  .  Dtb  = 
Bammei  beb.  -|eb  e  nauseouBness,  fulaomeneas, 
loathsomeness.  Bommelfe  c  disgust.  nauaea; 
fatte  -  fot  take  a  loathing  to;  foraarfage  en  - 
make  one  sick,  nauoeate  one.  Bomme*  vd  (wb> 
be  dlsgusted  (with),  loathe. 

Ban  *  poet  fair. 

Bange  n  (-fe)  -t  enclosed  field. 

>Ba'n(eb  c  beauty. 

Sanne  (ogf.  oant,  bante,  bant)  vt  aocastom;  - 
•  en  af  meb  noget  break  one  of  a  thing;  -  fra 
(Brbftet)  wean;  —  vr  fio  af  meb  disaccustom  el. 
break  one's  self  of;  .  (tg  tit  accustom  one's  self 
to,  get  accustomed  el.  used  to.  familiarlae  one'« 
self  to,  tit  at  get  into  the  habit  of. 

•Bar  nt  pi  «,  5Dun-,  gifte-,  gugle«,  VSg>. 

Barb  a  (fom  (at  en  bi« Batbt) worth;  (barbig) 
worthy;  bet  et  ilte  mere  -t  it  is  not  worth  more; 
bet  et  ilte  -t  you  had  better  not;  fe  Umage;  ex 
(am  itte  -  is  not  worthy  of  Mm;  al  Mfee  . 
worthy  of  all  honour,  very  respectable  el.  cred- 
itable.  Borb  n  (+o)  worth,  value;  bet  ffol  ffg 
tabe  flaa  beb  fit  -  that's  a  thing  I  shan't  toke 
upon  me  to  decide,  it  may  go  for  what  it  is 
worth;  tillægge  ftort  -  attacb  great   value  to. 




Borbeligen  adv:  omgaaø  -  for  peeren  bibl  walk 
worthy  of  the  Lord. 

Borbi'  c  -er  valne,  price;  ftøre  -er  large  sums, 
a  large  amoant  of  property;  tit  en  .  af  of  el. 
(inbtil)  to  the  yalae  of.  Barbi|a«glbelfe  state- 
ment  of  value.  -beftemntelfe  valuation.  -tren 
letter  containing  money.  -eirøeb  standard  of 
valne,  -forrtngelfe  lessened  value,  depredation, 
deterioratlon.  -f  ørf evbelf  e  remittance  of  money. 
-forbøjetfe,  -forøgelfe  increased  value.  -falb  a 
valuable,  coatly.    -fntbtøb  c  value. 

Barlig  a  worthy;  (om  Bafen,  Waabe)  dlgnifled; 
-  til  worthy  of  (ogfaa  uben  of);  fom  bar  en  bebre 
Sag  -  deservlng  of  a  better  canse.  Borbtge  vt 
thlnk  worthy  of;  ban  -be  mig  ilte  et  Soar  he  did 
not  deign  el.  condescend  to  answer  me,  vouch- 
safed  no  answer;  tøn  -er  mig  ilte  fin  Jtørltgbeb  she 
does  not  vouohsafe  to  love  me,  sne  does  not 
thlnk  me  worthy  of  her  love;  —  vt  A  «4  vd  at 
deign,  condescend,  vouchsafe,  to.  Borbigbeb  c 
-er  (Bafen;  $o|l)  dignity;  (til  noget)  worthiness; 
unber  min  -  below  my  dignity,  below  el.  beneath 

Borbi' Igenfanbe  pi  article*  of  valne.  -lø#  o 
valueless,  worthless.  -Iøft|eb  o  worthlessness. 
-ntoaler  standard  of  value.  -papirer  pi  bonds, 
stocks  and  snares,  papers.  -tolk  ad  valorem 

^Borblffnlb  merit,  desert.  -fatte  vt  estimate, 
value;  .  for  bolt,  fabt  overvalue,  undervalue. 
-fatning,  -fatielfe  o  valuation. 

Bare,  er,  »ar,  oaret  vi  be;  i  tøm  leøe,  røre*  og  ere 
oi  bibl  in  him  we  live,  and  move,  and  have  onr 
being;  beifom  tøn  ilte  oar  if  it  had  not  been  for 
him,  but  for  him;  tøab  terre  er,  bar  to  make 
matters  worse;  noar  faa  er  such  being  the  case: 
tøis  faa  et,  at  if  so  be  that;  run  en  6fygge  af 
tøab  tøn  oar  but  a  shadow  of  her  former  self; 
rit  el.  af  et  forfie  førføg  at  -  for  a  firet  attempt; 
(Balfib)  ban  er  bleoen  bablet  he  has  been 
blamed;  bet  er  fogt  it  has  been  said;  bet  er  $am 
it  is  he;  faa  er  bet  so  it  is;  faa  bar  bet,  at  then 
it  was  that;  bet  bor  ret!  that  is  right  1  bet  bar 
morfomt!  that's  a  good  joke!  bet  bar  en  anben 
Sale  that's  a  different  affair;  ber  er  Vtennefler 
fom  there  are  people  who;  ber  er  bero  fom  there 
are  those  who;  ber  et  intet  at  gore  there  is 
nothing  to  be  done;  tøab  er  ber  at  gøre?  what  is 
to  be  done?  bet  er  at  Dente,  førerrolle  it  is  to  be 
ezpected,  preferred;  bet  er  mig,  fom  borte  Jeg 
...  1  fancy  I  hear;  3ngen,  bore  flg  fremmeb  el. 
inbfobt  no  one,  whether  foreigner  or  native; 
bet  oare  ba  unless;  bet  -  nu,  fom  bet  bil  be 
that  as  it  may,  however  that  may  be;  bet .  fogt 
engang  for  alle  be  it  said  once  for  all:  bet  faat 
faa  -  so  let  it  be;  bet  Ian  gerne  .,  at  it  may  be 
that,  f  bet  ton  nol  .  at  ban  ble©  forftaettet  he 
was  frightened  and  no  mistake;  bet  Ian  .  (bente) 
til  imorgen  that  may  be  lefl  tlll  to-morrow;  lab 
.  have  done;  don't;  lab  ~,  at  though,  albeit; 
lab  mig  -  let  me  alone;  lab  faa  .!  be  it  so! 
boab  ff  al  bet  -?  (tøab  oil  S5e  ntjbe)  put  a  name 
to  it;  ©tibet  frulbe  -i  bet  ben  16be  she  was  due 
on  the  sizteenth;  —  (meb  prcep  A  adv):  .af 
meb  be  rid  of;  -  efter  en  press  one  hard;  .  for 
like,  be  in  favour  of,  be  for  -ing;  tør  er  ilte 
onbet  for  there  is  nothing  else  for  it;  fan  ilte  - 
fra  tøm  cannot  be  away  trom  him;  -  fra  fifl  felb 
be  beside  one's  self;  fea  tør  -t  bo*  Dem  I  have 
called  on  you;  .  i  meb  be  intimate  wlth;  .igen 
remain,  be  left;  -  imob  object  to;  *ben  Xtb  er 
nn  inbe,  ba  the  time  is  now  come  for  el.  when; 
.meb,  fe  Sleb  adv;  tøorlebe*  er  bet  meb  $em? 
how  are  you?  tør  -t  meb  til  has  had  a  hånd  in, 
has  taken  a  part  in;  tøo  fom  ilte  er  meb  mig,  er 
imob  mig  he  that  Is  not  with  me,  is  against  me; 

bet  er  meb  at  britte  fom  meb  at  ftribe  drinklng  is 
like  wrlting;  .  lange  o  m  be  long  about;  fe  Om; 
tøn  gab  ilte  ~  o  o  er  at  he  would  not  take  the 
trouble  to;  ttoobe  at  .  paa  manner  of  being; 
.  til  exist,  be  in  being;  efteifom  Sejret  er  ttl 
aocording  to  the  state  of  the  weather;  F  bet  et 
til  tøm  there  is  something  in  store  for  him;  fe 
Xilbaoe,  ttbe,  Beb.  Barelfe  n  -r  apartment, 
room;  leg  git  tøa  mit .  I  went  to  my  own  room; 
8'Barefferl  Sefligtøb  eight-roomed  house;  l«Ba» 
relfelfet  Sejtigbeb  house  of  a  single  room,  single 
-room  house.  Borraaobe  way,  manner  of  being. 
Baren  o  being. 

Barft  n  -er  wharf,  dock-yard.  —  Sarftf|ø)ef 
dockyard  superintendent,  -{friøer  dockyard 
clerk  (o.  fl.). 

Borge  vt  (forfbare)  defend;  vi  .  for  defend; 
—  vr  lig  defend  one's  self;  ieg  tunbe  ilte  .  mig 
for  ben  Xante  I  could  not  get  rid  of  the  idea, 
could  not  help  thinking.  Barge  e  A  *  nb.  pi 
(gorbarina)  custody.  Borte  o  -t  (go rf baret)  de- 
fender;  (gormbnber)  guardian;  (Berører  af  røbnb- 
tings  Øobl)  trustee.  Borge  n  (Baaben)  weapon 
el.  means  of  defence;  sword;  (SRobøorge)  de- 
fence.  Bargel braab  venomous  sting.  -U#  a 
defenceless.  -tøfttøb  o  defencelessness.  -maat 
guardianship.    -penge  trustee's  allowanee. 

Baringer  pi  Warings. 

Bort  c  ache,  achlng;  (i  Semmeme)  rheumatlsm; 
*suppuration;  pus,  gathering;  jeg  tør  .  i  mit 
^ooeb  my  head  aches. 

Bart  n  (Xomxsrl)  oakum;  tiåret,  urioret  - 
black,  white  oakum;  pille  ~  plok  oakum. 

Bort  n  -er  work;  (gabril)  works,  factory;  -et  i 
et  'Ur  the  works  el.  movement  of  a  clock  el. 
watch;  -et  brifer  Scefteren  the  workman  is  known 
by  his  work;  bet  er  i  -  at  ...  it  is  in  contempla- 
tion  to  .  .  . ;  gaa  i  .  meb  set  about;  fatte  i  . 
set  on  foot;  aocomplish,  carry  into  action  el. 
execution;  gaa  til  -i  go  to  work;  bet  er  altfammen 
banl  -  it  is  all  his  doing;  ftribe  til  -et  set  to 
work;  tagge  fiaanb  paa  -et  set  to  work;  put  the 
shoulder  to  the  wheel.  Bartbfb  pig-lead,  raw 
lead,  workable  lead. 

Bortbmbben  a  palsical,  palsied.   -beb  c  palsy. 

Bart|brat,  -bant  work-bench,  working-bench, 

Borte  vi  ache;  *suppurate,  fester;  mit  6obeb 
-r,  bet  -r  i  mit  $obeb  my  head  aches.  *-ftnger 
swoln  finger. 

•Borten  n  linsey-woolsey. 

BortlfUb  industry.  -folie  fellow-worker.  -f#rer 
foreman.  -tøflig  a  pletistic.   -tøfligleb  pietism. 

Bortfref  v  &  rave  hook. 

Bcrtaeff er  c  manager  of  a  factory. 

Bortpiflerffe  c  -r  oakum-picker. 

BortØ|brift  factory  business,  -ejer  owner  of 
a  manufactory. 

BortljUte  slik  for  weavlng.  -fteb  workshop, 
•ftebtløtale  workshop.  -Ubrer  fe  -mefter.  -tøj 
implement,  tool.  -tøjøføberat  tool-holder.  -tøif* 
fifle  tool-chest.  -tølømøffitte  tool-engine.  -tøi#' 
pøfe  bag  of  tools. 

Borting  o  -r  (9ugO  buntlng,  Embtriaa. 

Bom  n,  pi  »,  defence.  Borne  vt  b  i  defend, 
protect;  .  om  b.  f.  —  Borne Ibbgtig  a  capable 
of  bearing  arms.  -fri  a  ezempt  from  military 
service,  -pligt  liability  el.  duty  to  bear  arms; 
compulsory  enlistment ,  conscription  for  the 
army:  almhtbelig  .  general  military  service,  uni- 
versal liability  to  service;  aftjene  fht  -  serve 
one's  time  in  the  army.  •pligtig  a  liabie  to 
bear  arms.  -pttgtMøø  Conscription  Aet.  +Borner 
o  -e  defénder.  Bometing  venue.  Bornlø*  a 




BorrJ*  (t  k  •)  vt  lay  eggi.  -tib  laylng  season. 
Btttyuing  laylng. 

Bonrre  a  i  adv  (oomp  af  iVbt,  onb)  worse; 
tør  forattbtet  fig  til  bet  barre  has  altered  for 
worse;  bet  bliber  -  og  .  it  gæs  from  bad  to 
worse;  man  tunbe  træffe  bet  .  yoa  might  go 
fiuther  and  fere  worse;  ifre  -?  nothing  worse? 
gøre  galt  -  make  matten  worse;  for  ine  at  fiøe 
noaet  .  to  say  nothing  worse;  af  føbgt  for  noget 
-  Test  worse  should  happen  to  hun;  fyrab  -  er, 
bar  worse  than  that,  to  make  matters  worse; 
F  ben  mt  -  that  beats  everything. 

Bcerf'go !  —  bor  faa  oob  (fe  Øob);  here  (lt  is), 
here  you  are.  there  (it  Is);  yes,  do,  by  all 
means,  all  right;  go  on;  come  in! 

Bor*  a  k  adv  (tup  af  ilbe,  onb)  worst;  &an  er 
ifle  -  he  is  none  of  the  worst;  er  fig  felb  -  (el. 
.  tmob  fig  felb)  is  his  own  worst  enemy;  i  -e  ftalb 
at  (the)  worst,  if  the  worst  came  (comes)  to  the 
worst;  gore  flt  -e  do  his  worst,  work  his  wicked 

Botrt  c  -er  (i  Boertlføil)  landlord,  host,  inn- 
keeper;  (i  Vtm.)  host,  entertainer;  (dier)  land- 
lord; uoo  host;  gore  Regning  nben  -  reckon  el. 
ooont  without  one's  host;  fungere  fom  -  do  the 

Bonrtføtt  pi  entertainers. 

Barttnb'e  o  -r  landlady;  hostess;  fungere  fom  - 
do  the  hooours.    8*rtblante  e  host. 

BcrrtAbnft  public  house,  inn.  -bo(b  keeplng 
of  a  public  house,  -tolber,  -manb  publlcan, 
innkeeper,  (Ucensed)  victualer.  -tone  landlady 
of  a  public  house,  mistress  of  an  inn.  -re  ttigieb 
licence  to  keep  a  public  honse.  tBærrflab  * 

Betel  c  -er  weasel,  Muttela. 

Ba*fen  n  -er  ((eoenbe)  being,  entity;  Onboegreb 
af  forffeBigt,  fom  banner  et  $efe,  f.  (Bto.  Jcrlgft' 
oafen  ofb.)  institution,  affairs,  matters,  system, 
department,  belonglngs;  (Starut)  nature;  (obre 
flufianbj  manners,  address;  efter  flt  -  essentially; 
jeg  marfebe,  ber  »ar  et  ufbnligt  -  i  Stuen  I  became 
aware  of  a  presence  in  the  room;  briber  flt .  ber 
haunts  the  place,  disports  hlmself  there;  gore  ~ 
af  make  a  fuss  el.  an  ado  about,  parade;  bet 
rene  -  hard  cash;  fe  Men;  alt  bette  -  all  thls  sort 
of  thing.    -beb  c  being.    -M  a  non-exlstent. 

—  B«fe»#|eu$eb  consubstantlality.  -firfTef  es- 
sential  difference,  -f  orfreff ig  a  essentially  diffe- 
rent  -morte  charaoteriBtic.  Bttfeurttg  a  es- 
sential;  i  bet  -e  substantially,  in  substanee;  i 
alt  -t  In  all  essenUals;  er  -  for,  er  noget  -t  Dtb 
is  an  essential  of;  bet  -e  Snbbolb  the  substanee; 
adv  essentially.  substanually;  (for  Storftebetat) 
in  the  main;  (faa  gobt  fom)  virtually.  Bo?fc*t» 
Ilttbeb  c  essentiality. 

•B«fle  o  -r  (small)  bag,  pouch. 

Batte  e  -r,  fe  Bette. 

B«»  e  -e  (Btofftne  HI  Banmtng)  loom;  (DanUrtKen) 
power-loom;  (bet,  ber  oaoef  el.  er  babet)  web, 
texture;  —  n,  pi  »,  (fcelle«  o.  b.)  tissue,  textare, 
fig  tissue;  F  (lo«  Snot)  idle  chatter,  twattle. 
Barbe  vt  k  t  weave;  fig  F  twattle,  prose;  F  - 
flirten!  Babmel  preachUy,  sermonize;  -be  tøjer 
textlle  fabrics. 

Borner  a  fe  Beoer. 

Bcroer  c  t  weaver;  fe  -fugl,  -(nægt.  -erteffce 
weaver's  work.  •lom  weaver's  beam.  -brcsg 
weaver's  apprentice.  -f«flj  weaver,  Ptoeeu*. 
•ba«ubb<rrf  weaver's  craft.  Borter!'  n  -et  weavliig 
manufactory.  B«ber|inbnfrri  textlle  industrr. 
-tant  (Kitter  p/)  weaver's  reed(s),  slaie(8).  -tftfcrr 
weaver's  starch,  dressing,  -fnnbe  weaver's  knot. 
•tnergt  (ftnfett)  harvest-man,  Phalanøtum  apilio. 
-lab  fe  Bao  c.  -labc  lay;  batten,  comb-tray. 
-mefier  master-weaver.  -penge  weaver's  wages. 
-flammet  treddle  of  a  loom.  Beetoerfte  c  -r  (fe- 
male)  weaver.  -ff^tte,  -førte!  weaver's  shuttle. 
•fpole  quill;  (ril  Opljafjming)  Winding- spool.  -ftesiø 
fe  -bom.  -fiol  fe  Bsb  e.  «frie  weaving-room, 
weaver's  work-room.  -foewbjourneyman  weaver. 

B«»t  o.  P.,  fe  Bebl. 

Ba'bWrren  histology.    Bæ'bning  c  weavins;. 

—  *B«/b|fle  fe  Baoertam.  •-ffeHnber  reed-cutter. 
Botbélatren  histology. 

Borst  fe  Bætit. 

•Bajterlig  a  in  full  growth,  growing  well. 
•BaWterffob  wood  in  full  growth. 

Solfangerne  the  Wolsungs. 

Botnnb  Wayland  (the  Smith), 

Solbe  c  sibyl. 

•Bore  re  heed.  regard. 

•Borter  o  k  n  (sweet-)  wort.  -Uge  wort-cake, 
sweet  cake. 


1,  x  n  -er  X,  x;  fatte  en  et  S  for  et  tt  throw 
dust  into  one's  eyes,  humbug  one. 

Xantbt'n  c  xan'thine. 

3tantiif!  a  Xanthian. 

Xantboge  n  n  xan'thogen.  -fnrt  Salt  xan- 
thate.  -f bre  hydroxanthic  acid.  Xoittbobrotei'tt' 
fttvc  xanthopote'ic  add. 

Xantippe  c  -r  xanthippe,  shrew,  vixen. 

lebef  o  -ret  xebeo. 

Iere#  c  sherry  (wine). 

Xb(o|gra'f  c  -er  xylog'rapher,  wood-engraver. 
-grafe're  vt  engrave  on  wood.  •gmff'  o  rylo- 
g'raphy,  wood-engravlng.  -grafiff  a  xylo- 



>  b  »  -er  Y,  y  Twy].  I  en,   ber  brioer  benne   ©port   yachtsman.     -flmå 

o :  flge  -  bray  (like  an  ass).  yachtlng-club. 

ao)t  e  -er  yacht;  GeJIab«  meb  -tt  yaohting;  |     ©af(oMe)  c  fe  ØrbnteoMe. 





Iam6(r*l)  c  yam,  Dioaeorta. 

tanter  c  -r  Yankee. 

jat'agon  e  -er  yataghan. 

lamt  (6tigbom)  yaws. 

)bc  vt  (gioe)  yield,  render:  (betale,  f .  dfl.  6fot) 
pay;  -  stnertenbelfe  do  Juatice  to;  .  Wobflanb 
offer  resutance;  •  Qblbefl  do  homage  to;  -  $J*lp 
lend  assistance  to.  f}be|eime  productlvy.  t-$*, 
-r-Iarm  ofb.  hav,  corn  eto.  payable  as  rent. 
f)belfe  e  -r  ytelding  etc.;  oone  prestation,  con- 
trlbution.    fjber  e  -e  contrlbutor,  payer. 

f)ber|abae  glome.  -bar!  outer  bark.  -bnnb 
^  outer  shell.  ••bntfer  overalls.  -toger  outer 
calyx.  -bel  exterior.  -bfr  outer  door.  -enbe 
outer  end.  *fatb  «J*  outer- hal  yard.  -Hiet  under 
-side.  -Hobe  outer  el.  external  surface.  -flig 
outer  lobe.  *-f?a!fe  top-coat,  greatcoat.  -gant 
i  Xobo.)  outside  el.  outer  yarns.  -gro*  outer 
bese  ef.  trench.  -gmnfe  outer  boundary.  -bnb 
fe  Obertøb;  (p.  TOonitot)  outside  skin.  -tant  ex- 
treme  verge,  outskirt.  -Ildner  outer  Jlb.  -ti*b» 
•ttittt  gouter  planking.  +-treb*  periphery.  -Uor 
outside  el.  roasUng  side  of  the  round.  -leb 
math  eztreme.    -lem  extremity. 

©berlig  a  extreme,  excessive;  -Kubbortei)  out- 
ward; adv  near  the  edge;  (i  tøj  ©røb)  extremely, 
excesslvely;  eomp  -ere  further,  addltional,  adv 
further,  In  addition,  -gaaenbe  a  extreme,  ultra; 
c  extremist,  ultra.  -|eb  o  -er  extreme,  extremity; 
brtbe  til  -  push  to  an  extreme;  lobe  bet  tomme 
til  -et  earry  thlngs  to  extremltles. 

9bev|llg  *b  leech;  leech-rope.  -linie  outline. 
•lomme  outer  pooket.  -l«re :  $eftenft  . :  the  oon- 
formation  of  the  horse,  -steve  adv  furthermore, 
moreover;  hereafler.  <aw  outer  wall.  -not  & 
outer  yard-arm.  -ptabe  outside  plate.  -plab& 
outside  place.  •-psf!  outpost.  -pantt  extreme. 
-roiib  outer  edge.  -reb  outer  road.  -fibe  out- 
side. -ff«l  outer  rind:  (Damp!.)  shell.  -flattfe 
outer  intrenohment.  -fYorpe  outer  crust.  -ffrne 
female  screw.  •ffabtorm  A  taok.  -fUbe  i  (tit 
8*fejl)  tack.  -flag  &  ridTng  turn.  -fpibø  ex- 

Øberft  np  outmost,  extreme;  (Grab)  utmost, 
extreme;  ben  fom  gaar  etter  ftaar  .  the  outside 
one;  ben  -e  ttrmob  the  utmost  poverty,  extreme 

Kverty;  ben  -e  Dog  the  day  of  Judgment;  ben  -c 
be  the  extremity;  ben  -e  gare  extreme  peril; 
i  -e  Ørab  in  the  last  degree;  bet  -e  TOørte  the 
outer  darkness;  ben  -e  $nt  the  outside  price; 
af  -e  Sigtigtøb  of  the  last  importance  el.  oonse- 
quence;  bet  -e  pjeblit  the  last  moment;  Pære  el. 
ligge  poa  ftt  f)berfte  be  at  the  last  extremity; 
bet  er  fommet  til  bet  -e  meb  tøm,  ban  er  bragt  til 
bet  -t  he  is  reduoed  to  extremity,  put  to  his 
last  shifts,  he  is  at  the  last  cast;  ban  tabet  bet 
tomme  HI  bet  -e,  før  ....  he  carries  things  to 
extremltles,  before . .  .;  til  bet  -e  to  the  utmost; 
forfoore  til  bet  -e  defend  to  the  last  extremity; 
—  tyberft  adv  tarthest  out,  on  the  outside,  at 
the  extreme  el.  very  end  el.  edge;  (Qrab)  ex- 
tremely, exceedlngly,  (bagefter  8bf.)  in  the  ex- 
treme; -  ttltøfce  farthest  to  the  right. 

f)ber  (Ration  out -station,  -{lemme  extreme 
part.  -ftiBftti  extreme  position.  *-fUPier  pi 
over-boots,  -f«m  outer  seam.  -toa  outer  toe. 
-tutter  pi  outside  strands,  -trappe  steps  before 
the  house,  -tøj  outer-stuff  (of  a  garment).  -Urn 
^  rlding  turn.  -Panb  outside  water.  *-»eb 
sap.  -oerbenen  the  outer  el.  external  world. 
-bnling  outer  gammoning.  -veg  outer  el.  ex- 
ternal wall.    -berelfe  outer  room  el.  apartment. 

9'bmng  a  humble,  lowly.  Øbntyge  vt  humble, 
humillate;  -  fig  for  en  humble  one's  self  el.  one's 
prlde  before  one;  nbe  a  humiliating.  Bb« 
mb'gelig  adv  humble.    fjbmbgelfe  o  -r  humiiia- 

tion.    ©b'mtrøtøb  o  humility,  humbieneas,  low- 

O'bre  o  outer,  outward:  exterior,  external;  ben 
~  viitflon  the  foreign  mission;  bet  -  the  out- 
ward appearance,  the  surface,  the  exterior. 
Sbve  n  $ufetft  -  the  exterior  el.  externals  of 
ie  house;  en*  -  one's  exterior,  (outward) 
appearance,  presene«;  tønl  tøle  -  his  tout  en- 
semble; tør  et  bifHngberet  .  is  distinguished 

Jm^e  o  -r  grail,  scion.     Jfmpt  vt  graft,  in- 
oculate  (on).    -tttfb  o.  fl.  fe  $obe*.    9ni>ning  c 

Slbe  op  vt  unknlt,  unweave^ 


9mte  vi  om  whisper,  talk  softly  el.  secretly 
of;  ber  -I  om  it  is  darkly  whispered,  it  is  hinted; 

-  vt  breathe. 

Ønbe  vt  llke,  be  fond  of,  be  partial  to,  affect; 

-  m  inb,  fe  3nbirabe;  —  ttnbet  a  liked,  favourite; 
en  -t  GraefniBer,  Sigter  a  popular  actor,  poet; 
gsre  lig  -t  af  ingratiate  one  s  self  with,  make 
one's  self  liked  with:  tym  er  -t  (beaunfHget)  af 
Kongen  he  is  nwoured  by  the  king;  %an  er  -t  af 
golfet  he  is  popular,  he  is  a  favourite  with  the 
people.  ©nbe  e  -r  grace,  charm.  Ønbe|fnlb  fe 
-rig.  tØttbelig  a  fe  flnbiø.  +f)nbel*»a  ungrace- 
ful.     Ønber  o  -e  lover.    Øttberig  a  charmlng, 

rteful.  Øiibefl  o  avour,  good  graces;  t  ™  ©nbe; 
tø<  en  In  avour  with  one,  in  one's  good 
graces;  fettc  Hg  i  -  tøf  ingratiate  one's  self 
with.  Dnbtg  a  graceful;  t(ubmærfet)  charmlng, 
delightful,  amr  elegant.  Ønbffbeb  c  -er  charm. 
Øttbliag  o  -er  favourite.  —  9abltng*<  avourlte, 
pet.  gnbiingdjbeftæftiaelfe  favourite  occupa- 
tion  el.  pursuit,  hobby,  -»b*  pet  anlmal.  -|erre> 
aømme  favouritism.  -ibé  crotchet.  +-Hpfl  hobby, 
-tilasieligbeb  predilectlon. 

9«gef  o  (ogf .  eont)  brood;  (Øiftei)  firy;  (Itømpiø. 
nonerl)  spawn;  (Ølterft)  spat.  -tnslb,  -tnop,  -Ug 
axillary  bulb.  -fom  a  prolific.  -fsmbeb  o  proli- 
fleness.  -ta»le  comb  that  contains  young  brood. 
•tørv  (dtømp.)  spawn  brlck. 

©nåle  vi  breed,  multiply,  propagate.  Øttgfel* 
bom  breeding  pond.  -evne  procreative  power. 
-!ar>e  brood-carp.  -tns>  fe  f)ngel'.  Øiigfe«  c 
breeding.  Ønglelptabf,  -deb  breeding  place. 
-rib  breeding  time,  (Bfuglei)  brooding-time, 
(BHftef)  spawning-season. 

ØMiling  c  -er  youth,  young  man.  ØnglingeL 
ØngltngdTalber  adolescence,  (age  el.  years  of) 
youth.    -forenina  young  mens  association. 

fjttgre  eomp  af  Ung  younger;  (af  fenere  Sato) 
later;  et  $ar  SRoaneber  .  enb  ieg  a  few  months 
younger  than  I,  a  f.  m.  my  junior  el.  junior  to 
me,  my  junior  by  a  few  months;  be  -  Steblemmer 
the  junior  members;  ben  -  @ten>,  3smatber  the 
later  stone,  iron  age;  $e  fer  -  nb  (enb  De  er)  you 
don't  look  your  age.    ØngH  «¥P  youngest. 

©n!  c  Oammer)  misery,  wretehedness;  (Web- 
tjnt)  pity;  bet  bar  en  .  at  fe  lt  was  a  pitiful 
sight;  foa  bet  Dat  en  -  pltifully.  mlserably.  ©n!e 
vt  pity;  bnteS  vt  ober  (■♦■  beb)  have  pity  on,  com- 
miserate,  pity;  *  -  fig  or  wall.  Ønfelia  a  piti- 
ful, pitlable,  miserable,  ©nteligbeb  opiofulness, 
mlserableness.  Ønffom  o  (eliénbig)  miserable, 
wretched;  (meblibenbe)  compasslonate.  Øntfom- 
'  eb  e  compasslon.  ØMtlberv'btg  a  pltiable,  piti- 
ll.    -»(er  blgleb  c  pitiableness. 

flnern  n  Ypres. 

tvptru  e  wych  elm,  Scotch  elm,  Ulmut  mon- 

Oppe  vt  raise;  -  en  Zr«tte  stir  up  a  quarrel; 

-  frlammeri  meb  en  pick  a  quarrel  with  one. 
ØpperUg  a  excellent,  capital.    -Ijeb  o  excel- 
lence, superiorlty.    ©pperft  a  supreme,  hlghest. 
chief;  er  ben  -e  holds  the  flrst  place.    Øpperftej 





ptaft  high  prlest,  pontiff;  -en*  Xtorbigbeb  the 
hlgh-priestshlp,  the  pontiflcate.  -br*ftelig  a 

DWia  a  (frobig)  luxurlant,  exuberant;  (ober» 
bcabig)  luxurious.  -feb  o  (Ctoetbaabtgljeb)  luxury; 
(9robig$eb)  luxurlancy,  exuberance. 

•Ore  m  swarm.  * 
*mtc  n  crafl,  tråde,  art. 
tØf?  a  brave. 
9f0^  c  hyssop. 

.*Me  vi  make  (cheese).  ©fred'  n  -et  cheese 
-maiing  establishment,  cheese-dairy  Øftntng  o 

•tørt  e  sap  wood,  blea. 

Ørre  re  titter,  express;  tøm  bat  engang  -t  for 
mig  he  once  sald  to  me;  fan  bil  iSe  -  ftø  berom 

for  nogen  he  wlll  not  tell  anybody  bis  opinion 
of  lt,  he  wUl  not  declare  el.  express  himself 
eoncernlng  this  matter  to  any  one;  be  flbfe 
Orb  -be*  Iangfomt  the  last  words  came  out 
slowly;  Sbgbommen  %ox  enbnu  iHe  -t  flg  the 
disease  has  not  yet  appeared  ef.  broken  out; 
bet  -be  flg  mange  Xegn  paa  sKUfotnsjeife  tbere 
appeared  many  symptoms  of  dlscontent;  rapoa 
ftraft  frraber  ioeligt  at  -  flg  any  power  is  oon- 
stantly  endeavouring  to  manifest  iteelf.  Ørri*6 
o  -et  utterlng;  expression,  saying,  remark;  («f 
ftraft  ofb.)  manifestation. — BrrUai|fri*eb  llbercy 
ef .  freedom  of  speech.  -nttobe  mode  of  expression 
ri.  of  manifestation. 

gtterjørb  ©  yttria.    Øtirtnni  n  yttrium. 
øer  n  -e  udder,  bag.    -betfltnbelfe  inflamma- 
tion of  the  udder. 


i]6«t']  n  -bet  Z,  i  [zed  el.  izzard]. 
art'«*  Zachariah,  ($rof.)  Zechariah. 
affrr  n  zsifre,  zaflfer. 
eb(|tamz*er,  -toJfe  pay-offlce,   -department, 

asier  GeneraTs  department. 
ambo  e  Sambo,  Zambo, 
art  a  fe  Sart. 

ebaøty  -.  ben  Aerre  -  the  Lord  of  sabaoth. 
,ebr«  c  -er  zebra.  EgwuMebra.   -agttga:  meb 
e  Stribet  zebra-striped.     -tr*  zebra-wood   (af 
Ompkalobtum  Lambertt).    -nlb  fe  $ung*. 

ebntotøe)  e  zebu,  Indien  ox,  Bo§  indictu. 
ebulon  bibl  Zebulun. 
eflt'n  c  -er  se'quln,  ze'chln. 
ea)ften  c  zechstein. 
>e  bea)tat  Zedechiah. 
eboa  rrob  o  zed'oary,  Cmcuma. 
efnr  o  Zeph'vr.   -garn  Berlin  wool.   -flabe 
zephyr  eloth.    -let  a  zephyr-llke. 

&tWt  o  -et  zeal'ot.  -ifT  a  passlonately  zeal- 
ous,  ianattcal. 

Bents}  nzen'ith;  i  .  in  el.  at  the  zenith.  -bi- 
ftonce  zenith  distance. 

Aesliib/  e  ze'olite. 
ibrttoi  c  zib'et,  Viverra  nibetha. 
tebiltng  fe  Sining, 
if/er  n  -fre.  fe  Siffer. 

jtgen'utr  o  -e  gipsy;  -ne  (ogf.)  Little  Ægypt. 
Btgenner|agtig  a  gipsy-like,  Bohemian.  -bsnbe 
set  el.  gangof  gipsies.  -bar«  gipsy-child.  -fottp/ 
gipsles.  BiQCttvertnb'e  c  -t  gipsy-woman.  Bioen* 
ner|lt»  gipsy  life.  -blge  gipsy-girl.  digennerffe  e 
-t  gipsy-woman.  3igettver|fbrog  gipsy  dialect, 
zingarree.    -telt  glpsy's  tent.    -bofen  gipsyism. 

Bitftot  n  zigzag,    -linie  zigzag  line. 

gi«!  c  zinc,  zink.  -agt  Ig  like  zink.  -amalgam 


amalgam  of  zinc. 

»efber  zlnc-worker.    -afle 

dross  of  zinc.    -btenbe  zinc-blende,  black-jack. 
-Hit  aheet-sinc.    -btontfter  zinc-bloom. 

Siute  c  -r  oornet. 
tnt|ertt  zlno-ore.  -glo*  calamine.  -belbig 
a  zlnkiferous.  -|»tbt  zink-white.  4>|br»gt|» 
sinc-hydrate.  t-ilie  fe  -ornb.  -larbonai  zinc  car- 
bonate,  calamine.  -ttorib  zinc  chloride.  -egttb 
zinc  oxide.  -btftbe  plate  el.  aheet  of  zink.  -^sl 
zincode.  -Mg  solidified  zinc-vapours.  -|3Mt 
sparry  calamine.  -{kitning  ztncography.  -ftoberi 
zink-works.  -fnlfat  zinc  sulphate.  -tag  sine 
•covered  roof,  zino-covering.  -bitriat  zinc-vitriol, 
whtte  vitriol.    -rstdttiM  fe  -jtifning. 

Binno'ber  c  k  n  dn'nabar.  -mb  a  vennflion. 
-råbt  n  cinnabar  red. 
Albo'ra  Zipporah. 
.  ir  o.  fl.  fe  Sir. 

,;  irbeltrae  «  Slberian  stone-pine,  Pin**  e&mbra. 
Sirton  n  zir'con.  dirto'ninni  n  zlrconium. 
jtirtønittss lifte,  -Jorb  zirconia. 
Aif el  o  zizel,  zisel,  suslik,  SpermopKlm*  dtiUw. 
Bitber  ccither,  cithem,  dttem.  -f)>Uler  player 
on  the  dther. 

irre  vi  o.  ff.,  fe  Sitre. 
•obel  fe  Sobel. 

obiata'llb*  n  zodi'acal  light, 
ona  e  (Sbgb.)  shingles. 
one  o  -r  zone. 

o|fbt'  c-etzo'ophyte.  -temiczooch'emy.  -log 
c  -er  zool'ogist.  -logi'  o  aool'ogy.  -la'giftazoolos/- 


ben  -eQaoe  the  Zoological  Garden,  F  the  Zoo. 
M*'*  e  -er  zouave. 
nibrrfaen  Zuyder  Zee. 
n(n  c  -er,  -laffer  Zulu.    -lonbet  Zululand. 
AriS)  n  Zurich. 

meibrftften  n  Bipont,  Deuxponts. 
tsibel  fe  6oibe(. 

ntø'ttft  a  zymot'ic. 


*m.,  <t  n  -er  diphtbong.  I  (e(.  father),  like  son;  like  mother,  like  child; 

tQf'ble  n  -t  apple;  t  folbet  irre  langt  fra  Stammen    otbe  i  bet  fure  .  make  a  virtue  of  necesaity 
Huch  as  the  tree  is,  such  is  the  fruit;  like  sire  |  swallow  the  (bitter)  pill;  gibe  et  -.  for  at  fon  en 




93cere  i  6tebet  throw  a  sprat  to  catch  a  herring. 
9ttble|aar  (gobt)  (good)  year  for  applee.  -agtig 
a  resembling  an  apple.  -ftlomft  apple  bloeaom. 
•frttgt  pome.  -aaorb  orchard.  -gelé  apple 
-jelly.  -grab  apple -fool,  (meb  riftebe  Øcøbfroer) 
apple  Charlotte.  -gram  a  apple -green.  -boae 
orchard.  -lege  apple -cake.  ♦•fort  codllng. 
-ferme  kernel  of  an  apple.  -terneb**  apple 
-core.  »tampet  atewed  apples.  -tøse  fe  -tsuing. 
-flabe  apple -qninoe.  -feKittø  apple  -woman, 
coater- monger.  -mei  apple  -sauce;  fe  -grab. 
-n»ft  cider.  -peflej  apple- pie.  -refe  fe  8in». 
-rnnb  a  apple-ahapéd.  -fiol  peel  of  an  apple. 
-trimmet  a  dapple-gray.  -flitte  (6fibe  af  twole) 
sllce  of  an  apple;  t(6Iagft  *«ge)  doughnut. 
•ftibeftene  pi  cup-atones.  -ftral,  -ffraBlitg 
parlng  of  an  applV  -ftift  apple  -stalk.  -flpre 
malle  add.  -rib  appra  season.  -tra  apple-tree, 
PvruM  malua.  -Herte  apple-tart.  -diller  codllng 
moth,  Carpocapm  pomonana.  -bitt  apple  wlne. 
-arter  malle  ether. 
fdbbfte  c  fe  ttbbife. 

Wbe,  aab,  abt  vt  eat;  (om  $pr,  let*  af)  feed 
upon;  (fortære,  om  flarpe  vabfter)  corrode;  gtoe 
at  -  feed;  -  i  ftø  (ogf.  fio)  swailow;  -  om  fig 
spread;  .  $ul  igennem  eat  a  hole  through;  — 
vr  -  fiø  tnb  i  eat  lnto;  .  fig  inb  d.  op  i  Btnben 
hug  the  wlnd;  -r  fig  igennem  eats  its  way  through. 
Bfbe  c  k  u  food.  f»be|boll  P  glutton.  -glibe 
F  feed.  -glo*  seed-glass.  -taffe,  -lob  seed 

Wbel  a  noble;  .  $ef!  blood  horse;  -ble  ttetaOer 
precious  (el.  noble)  metals,  bullion;  -t  ttetal 
perfect  metal;  bf  -blere  Sele  the  Tital  parts  el. 
organs;  -  $olbninø  gracerui  hearing;  -  ©in 
generous  wlne;  fe  flhift.  tSbel|a«geitt  garden 
angelica,  Archanaeliea  o/fieinali*.  -baaren,  -ipr* 
»ig  a  of  noble  birth,  noble-born.  -fait  noble 
el.  true  falcon.  -gran  silver-fir,  Pinu*  pieta. 
-tjeb  o  nobleness.  t-bjeriig)eb  c  generosity. 
tWbelig  a  noble. 
Hibella  a  eatable. 

ftlbel|teral  Isis.  -tbift  scion,  graft.  -maar  fe 
6foo*.  -web  fe  -mooigteb.  -tno'blg  a  nobie- 
xninded,  magnanimous,  generous.  -mebigbeb  e 
noblemindedness,  magnanimity,  generosity.  -rW 
fe  -tbift.  -roft  fe  Vhifl.  -flttb  fe  -mobigbeb.  -flabet 
fe  -mobig.  -Hen  precious  stone,  gem;  uægte  . 
patte,    -iamfenbe  o  noble-minded. 

tUbellifl  appetit«  for  food.   t-lbftai  a  hungry. 
Wben  c  eating.  ISber  e  -e  eater,  feeder.  tvbe* 
rebflab  organ  of  eating.  tøberi'  n  gormandiaing. 
Wbe|fpge  inordinate  appetite  for  food,  bulimla, 
bulimy.     -iib  feeding-time.    -rrag  trough  for 
feedlng.    -bare?  fe  9*beoarer. 
»bil  c  -er  e'dile. 
Wblfng  c  -c  noble  man,  worthy. 
Wbr«  a  sober;   blioe  _  sober;  gøre  -  sober. 
Stfbrnelig  a  sober,    røbrncfigbeb  c  sobriety. 
SSbmbeb  o  soberness. 
tSbfe  fe  Mrtfe. 

»g  [***g')  o  -ge  edge;  (p.  Zsi)  selvage;  fltbe 
.  vca  give  an  edge  to. 

*6g  rittg']  «,  jrf  —,  egg;  $  ovule;  fom  et 
pillet  -  as  a  new  penny,  neat  as  a  pin;  logge  ~ 
lay;  boppe  i  -  egg;  -get  bil  leere  $onen  Jack  sprat 
would  teach  his  grandam,  go  and  teach  your 
grandmother  (to  suck  eggs  el.  to  mllk  duets). 
føglborembe  a  egg-bearlng,  oviferous,  ovigerous. 
-bannelfe  egg-developmeut.  -battset  a  egg 
•»baped,  ovate.  *-bram  fe  ttEggefnopl.  -formet, 
•formig  fe  bannet. 

tUggc  vt  egg,  stir,  goad;  ~  Hl  ttaferi  stir  to 
frenzy;  .  til  at  goad  on  to,  —  -abe  a  stlmulat- 
log,  incitlng. 
Wgge|blomme  yelk  el.  yolk  of  an  egg.    -bor, 

-braob  ovipositor.    -bøtger  egg -cup.    -bæger' 

2otib  egg-stand.  -batti  dance  among  eggs 
Jd  on  the  ground.  -gnl  a  yellow  (as  the 
yolk  of  an  egg).  -banbter  egg -dealer,  egg 
-merchant.  -binbe  membrane  round  the  white 
of  an  egg.  -bbibe  white  of  an  egg,  oval- 
bumen,  gUlr.  -bbibeagtig  a  albumlnoid,  glairy. 
-bbibebolbig  a  albuminous.  -bbibefUf  albumen. 
-bbibefljgbom  Bright's  disease.  -b>f«e  brood-hen, 
layer.  -lage  omelet;  -  meb  fine  tlrter  savoury 
omelet;  .  meb  6i)ttet»j  sweet  omelet,  -loger  egg 
-glass.    -lap  egg-cup.    -leber  oviduct. 

VØggelf e  o  stimulation.  Incitament,  tøggelfe** 
mibbei  inoentive. 

t(Sgfle|mab  food  made  of  eggs.  -motlf  custard. 
-pohn«g  egg-packlng.  -piffer  egg-whisk,  egg 
-beater.  -rattb  a  oval.  -rare  fe  Korceg.  -fiol 
egg-shell.  -frnat  (rothed  eggs.  -fnapo  egg-flip, 
eggnog.  -fnottte  ovula.  -fpife  fe  -måb.  -ftab 
ctrck  ovum.  -flet  egg-stand.  -flot  ovary.  -f^g 
a  about  to  lay  eggs;  fig  cont  agog.  -fabe  egg 
•soup.  -tabbb  fe  «ftg..  •nbrngningomaftine  fe 
WngemafKne.  *b«rr  place  where  eggs  of  sea 
-birds  are  gathered.    -al  (egg-)fllp,  egg-hot. 

H&gi'be  c  æ'gis. 

f8f form  n  edge-tool,  edged  tool. 

♦tdgle  or  fig  inb  paa  en  pick  a  quarrel  with 
one.    -flpg  a  quarrelsome. 

9Qa|l<rggenbe  o  oviparous.  -Icegger  c  e  (gob) 
(good)  layer.  -fcegning  laylng.  -I«gnimg9apparat 

•»ane  vt  bait  (the  hook). 

V9g|net  egg  net.  -olie  egg-oll.  -ofl  custard. 
-plante  egg-plant,  mad-apple,  JSoiamum  melon- 
ffena.    -rttftb  a  oval. 

fffgflaal  n  cuttlng-tool. 

tffrgt  c  -et  (soccage)  drivlng. 

VØgte  a  (agteføbt)  legitimate,  lawfully  be- 
gotten;  (uforfolitet)  genuine,  true;  -  fønue  lasting 
colour;  -  5'bjcl  legitimacy:  -  gtatn  lawfully 
begotten  child;  -  Stene  precious  stones;  -  60I0 
real  sllver;  en  -  ^abana  a  real  Havana;  en  . 
Sngefftmanb  a  true(-born)  Bngllshman. 

Pigte  «:  til  .  in  marriage;  toge  til  -  marry. 
Hrote  vt  marry.  -lam  child  got  in  wedlock, 
legitimate  child.  -fait  man  and  wife.  -forbi«' 
belfe,  -forening  matrlmonial  eonnection.  -f*De 
spouse,  consort;  -r  fe  -»or.  -fabfel  legitimacy. 
•balbbef  better  half.  -berre  spouse,  lord.  -bn- 
ftrn  wedded  wife.  -lo*e,  -tbinbe  fe  -buftni.  -!«r' 
llgbeb  conjugal  affection.  -leje  fe  -feng.  -atage 
fe  -falle.  *aianb  married  man,  husband,  -pagt 
marriage  contract.  -bar  married  couple.  -per 
cent  goodman,  Benedick.  -feng  marriage  bed. 
-flal  n  -er  matrimony,  marriage,  wedlock;  (2io) 
married  llfe;  i  fit  forfie  .  ^aobe  ban  en  Satter  by 
his  fint  marriage  he  had  a  daughter;  -er  flnttet 
i  ^imlen  marriages  are  made  in  heaven.  -ftaiclig 
a  matrlmonial,  conjugal,  connublal;  bet  -e  2it» 
married  life. 

Ktgteftabgjbaanb  connublal  tie,  bondsof  ma- 
trimony. -brnb  adultery.  -brpber  adulterer. 
-brbberfte  c  -r  adulteress.  -binbring  obstacle 
to  marriage.  -lanbibat  marrying  man.  -ton- 
realt  maniage-contract  el.  articles  pi.  -ltjttc 
married  happiness.  -Ufte  promlse  of  marriage. 
•magter  matrlmonial  agent  -plas  project  of 
marriage,  matrlmonial  senerne,  -fag  matrlmo- 
nial cause.    -ftitfmtøfe  divorce. 

Watelftaiib  matrimony,   marriage,   wedlock, 

married  state.    -bie  vt  marry, 

tOfgtbeb  c  genuineness. 

ftlgrtarfel  c  fe  røgt. 

Wgtøbbn  c  eggnog,  egg-flip. 

Wgiftaaie«  edged  weapon. 
sides  to  middle. 

-bib  fe  -buflru. 

■benbe  vt  tnrn 




if!  a  Egyptian; 
•øls'g  o  -» 

Utttp't|e»  n  B'gypt.    -er  o, 
-if!   gRsrre  dmmerlan  darkness. 
Egyptol'oglBt,  Egyptol'oger. 

Wga'ifre  Qa*,  bet,  the  Ægesn. 

Nrfel  fWef]  a  disgustihg,  loathsome,  ful- 
some.  -#e»  ^  disgust,  loathsomeness.  +fj£neft 
«d  Mb,  fe  Somme*. 

Wste  w  (Zfmr.)  make  a  peg-shoulder. 

NKsal  o  e'qual  to. 

HHba'tor  o  the  eqnator,  the  line;  unber  -  on 
the  eqnator;  pas f  ere  -  cross  the  eqaator;  Sortens, 
Aimlenft  ~  the  terrestrial.  the  celestlal  eqnator. 
•ta'l  n  -er  equato'riaL  •ia1>  eqnatoTial.  -tal« 
ttHert  fe  -iol  ». 

HH»i|tisrift'  c  -er  eqnll'lbrist.  -«ottia'('  equi- 
noc'tial.     •Oalenf  n  -er  (ogf.  ekem)  equiv'alent. 

tClbe  ø  oldness,  old  age,  age;  antlqnlty. 
tClbe  v«  make  old;  «4  orf  grow  old,  age.  Wo* 
gammel  a  very  ancient,  very  old.  rølbre  oomp 
af  (Bammel  older,  elder;  «  Jforbringer  prior  cl. 
anterior  claims;  -  Slumre  (af  ©lab)  back  nnmbers; 
en  -  Same  an  elderly  lady;  (fnalonM  -  $iftorte 
the  early  hlstory  of  England;  ben  .  3arnalber 
the  early  (el.  earller)  lron  age;  jeg  er  to  Sar  . 
eub  (an  I  am  his  senior  by  two  years;  {eg  fslger 
fjælben  •  flfoltt  Raab  I  seldom  follow  the  advlce 
of  my  elders.  tOftbfl  avp  af  Øammel  oldest, 
eldest  (elder  og  eldest  tun  attributtet);  fra  be  -c 
Ziber  from  the  earliest  times.  Wbfte  pi  (i 
fteUaionlfamfunb  og  bibl)  elders. 

fQfllelfoII,  -longe,  -pige  øfo.,  fe  «0e». 

tHØing  e  er  duckling.  Vrøingeanb  duok  with 
a  brood  of  dncklings. 

Vita  o  elm,  Ulmui;  ben  (oft  ol  olm.,  fe  ftøent; 
ben  i  (Sngt.  olm.  common  d.  English  elm,  U. 
campettrit;  fformblomftret  .  Dutoh  elm,  U.  tfata. 
rø  (metra  elm;  elm  wood 

9BUe  vt  knead;  t  vi  plod,  trndge  (in  mnd). 
—      -  '    tateli     " 

•malle  clay-mlU.     tCltning  c  kneading. 

trøte  c  Sen  mud.   tWtejmafNite  butter-worker. 

ler  o  fe  (Emmert. 

9$m«e  n  -r,  fe  dmne. 

9(Hbre  vt  alter,  amend.  Kapring  o  alteration. 
røttbrtttgAførffog  amendment;  ftiae  et  -  move 
an  amendment. 

Sttueaftrøtre  cayopollin,  Philander  dornoer. 

Wnet'be*  the  E'neid. 

fdttg  a  fe  (Eng. 

tdngfre  vt  alarm,  frighten:  —  vr  flg,  -$  vd  be 
alarmed  el.  frightened.  fttngfteUg  a  (urolig) 
uneasy,  apprehensiye;  (benjraret)  anzions;  (øm« 
(pgødig)  scrnpulous,  solieltons;  +sJarming;  -  for 
uneasy  etc.  abont.  9(Ngfielig|eb  o  apprehen- 
sion;  anziousness;  diffldenoe.  røagflelfe  e  un- 
easiness;  anxiety. 

t$nfe  vt  regard,  heed,  notice,  pay  heed  to; 
uben  at  •  regardless  of. 

Wø'f|er  pJ  Æolians.  -if!  a  Æolian,  Eolian, 
Eol'ic;  n  (©prøg)  Eol'ic. 

tdøi(n)S(«rpe  c  Æo'lian  harp. 

tWr  c  fe  «born. 

fl$ra  o  era. 

tØ't|oov  a  modest,  (om  ttbfeenbe,  Oline)  demure. 
-bar(eb  c  modesty.  -ba'big  a  respeotral,  defe- 
rential;  $eres  -e  Denet  your  most  obedient  aer- 
vant;  min  -e  Sfriødfe  my  respects;  -ft  adm  (Øreo> 
ftil)  yonrs  (most)  respectfolly.  -M'btgleb  c  re- 
spect,  deference. 

Wrre  c  hononr;  (^«bec)  glory;  -  bare  Qhib 
glory  be  to  God;  -  ben,  bet  -  bor  hononr  where 
(el.  to  whom)  hononr  is  due;  at  .  oatb  very 
creditable;  bet  er  al  -  barb  it  is  not  to  be  re- 
rused;  bet  er  min  .  for  nar  it  is  below  my  dig- 
nity,  below  me;  berobe  en  *lge  ftenbeft  -  dlshonour 
a  midden;  gore  en  .  be  creditable  to  one,  be  a 
credit  to  one,  reflect  (much,  great)  credit  on; 


re  en  (tben  .  be  dlscreditable  to  one, 
ttle  oredit  on;  gor  mig  ben  .  at  do  me  tfce 
honour  to;  ieg  |ar  ben  .  at  bcere  ...  (i  Uteae;  I 
have  the  hononr  to  be  .  .  .;  ieg  ftal  ba*r  ben  - 
I  shall  do  myself  the  hononr;  ^ofte  Doobe  -  ag 
fforrienefre  obtain  hononrs  and  emolumentB;  ittt 
Umt  en  .  for  en  tøf*  6tUttng  abooe  one  like  a 
pickpooket;  mifte  fin  -  jvr  be  branded  with  ie 
sentence  of)  ignominy;  bife  en  ben  fifcfle  -  pay 
one  the  last  hononrs;  —  (m  eb  prop):  gore  .at 
make  mach  of;  en  Utanb  af  -  a  man  or  hononr. 
an  hononrable  man;  føn  TOanb  af  -  in  boaioar; 
^an  (ar  megen  -  beraf  it  does  him  great  honour 
el.  credit,  it  redonnds  muoh  to  hin  hononr; 
tragte  efter  -  purene  glory;  i  Zngt  og  -  in  all 
hononr  and  decency;  $eeel  Drb  i  -  with  your 
leave;  (oøx  i  -  hononr;  (an  6ax  ingen  -  i  Stort 
he  has,  no  feellng  of  hononr  abont  him;  faette  ni 
~  i,  oste  ftg  en  -  af  take  a  pride  in,  think  it  an 
hononr,  glory  in;  (an  fatter  en  .  i  it  is  his  am- 
bition to;  paa  -nt  Start  in  the  fleld  of  hononr, 
paa  (min)  -  upon  my  hononr;  paa  -  og  ©ajrøifc 
Hgbeb!  hononr  brlghtl  regne  ftg  bet  tt(  .  take 
credit  to  one's  self  for  -Ing;  rnar  6aaM  loxner 
til  -,  beb  bet  iWe,  (oorban  bet  oit  bare  pnt  m  beg 

Sr  on  horseback  and  he  will  ride  to  the  deri! 
ve  vt  honour;  or  bm  Øaber  og  fJcobrr  honour 
thy  father  and  thy  mother;  ben  -be  Safer  the 

igentle)  reader;  Serel  -be  your  nwour.     tøre  - 
legarttg  a  oovetous  of  honours.    -bigt  landa- 
tory  poem,  eulogy  in  verse.    -fomarnteffe  fe 
Sfniune.    -f rtpgt  awe,  veneration;  (aoe  .  for  reve- 
rence,  rovere,    -frtpgtbbbenbe,  -frngHntaabrnbe 
a  awful;  (oroarbio)  venerable,     -fåu  o  honour 
able,  glorious.    -nabnlng,  -Håber  state-dress, 
robe  of  honour.    -far  a  jealous  of  one's  hononr, 
ntce  on  the  point  of  honour.    -far#eb  c  Jealonsy 
of  one's  honour.    -iå§  a  Ignominiono,  innunon«, 
dishonourable.     -UA(eb   c  ignominy,   infamy, 
dishonourableness.    -ndnbe  monument  to  one's 

tCrcttbc  n  -r  errand;  commiasion;  gaa  -r  do 
errands,  run  (on)  errands,  be  sent  (on)  mesaages; 
giflen  biet)  fenbt  i  -  the  servant  waa  sent  on  (an) 
errand;  (an  (ar  ubrettet  fit  -  he  has  done  his 
errand;  meb  net  forrettet  -  with  the  objectofhis 
mission  aooomplished;  fe  Uforrettet;  (oob  er  Sete« 
-?  what  is  your  business  (with  me)?  (an  fogbe 
mtg  -t  he  told  me  the  errand;  ieg  (ar  et  .  I  have 
somethlng  to  do;  giorbe  flg  et  _  ber  found  some 
pretezt  for  going}  there;  gaa  enf  -  Jt#  pi*y  lnio 
one's  hånds.  «8renbeU#  a  -»  meb  ufonentt 
tdrenbe.  •WrenbåfST  a  flt  to  do  errands. 
Ærenpris'  o  speedwell,  Veronica. 
90re|port  trlumphal  aroh  el.  gateway.  -rig  a 
rlch  in  honour,  glorious.  -rarenbe,  -rsTig  a 
defiunatory,  injnrious  to  one's  honour,  Ubelloas. 
■rsrigbeb  c  denunatory  nature. 

filrcA|bebi#ning  demonstration  of  hononr. 
-borger  honorary  citisen  el.  freeman;  gsce  en  til 
-  af  6taben  present  the  honorary  freedom  of  the 
city  to  one.  -bag  day  of  glory.  -bårne  lady  of 
hononr.  -brift  innate  love  of  hononr.  -rmbebe 
post  of  honour.  -erUaring  apology,  hononrable 
amends.  -forfbar  defenoe  of  one's  honour. 
-fstelfe  (sense  of)  honour.  -gat«  fe  tCcefbsnt 
-grab  hononrs.    -gals  debt  of  hononr. 

«lre8 1  tlabnlng  dress  of  honour.  -fnroi  crovm 
of  honour.  Wreflub  salnte.  -  «irff|fr«msaise 
a  fe  rsria.  -ftanbe? defamer.slanderer.  -ffonf 
present  el.  gift  of  honour.  «rti|(egion  legion 
or  honour.  -nseblent  honorary  member.  -op« 
rejøning  (honourable)  satiafaction.  -ers  word 
i  ho£ouri  P<w  -  on  my  hononr;  on  parole;  itu 
Bteer  fem  mit  -  paa,  at  .  .  .  I  pledge  you  my 
honour  that . . .  -poft  post  of  honour.   -prantir 




prize  of  honour,  honorary  prise,  -prorfibeiit 
honorary  chairman.  -rebning  defenoe  of  (one'a 
own  d.  another's)  honoar,  rehabilitation,  -ret 
conrt  of  honour.  -faset  honorary  el.  memorial 
sword.  -fag  point  of  honoar;  aflalr  of  honoar; 
action  for  defamation;  bet  er  en  -  for  barn  at  he 
is  in  honoar  bound  to.  -falftt  salut«  of  honour. 
-fmOtle  honoorable  deooration.  -fif af  lgnornl- 
nlous  puniahment.  +-f«fee  fe  røre*,  -tegtt  badge 
of  honour.  -titel  title  of  honoar.  -rrta  degree 
of  honour.  tøreftoagt  guard  of  honour.  »ve« 
fuge  passion  for  honour.  tSvefabe  seat  of 

ttttverrft  fe  BJorn. 

9(?rc|tb0  fe  -jtenber.  -tørft  thirst  of  honour, 
ambition,    -Ofre  fe  -bigt. 

•W'vfaal  fe  Cberfual. 

flBvgevttg  o  vezatious,  provoking,  annpying, 
aggravating;'  (ærgret)  vezed,  annoyed,  nettled; 
bitae  -  ober  noget  be  vexed  el.  annoyed  at  some- 
thing;  b«re  -  paa  be  vezed  with;  i  m  -  Ørab 
lurtelig  aggravatingly  happy. 

SChrger  rig  a  ambitlous.    -(eb  c  ambition. 

9Chrgre  vt  vez,  annoy,  provoke,  fret;  .  tnberlig 
nettle;  —  vr  fig  be  vezed,  annoyed;  -  fig  ooer 
be  vezed  at,  fret  at,  be  annoyed  by,  ooer  at 
that;  .  fig  hemmelig  fret  inwardly.  -Ife  c  -r  vez- 
atlon,  annoyance,  chagrin. 

Wrfe.  fe  trre«. 

90'rltg  a  honest,  (kir,  upright;  naac  man  bil 
xxxxt  .  in  fairness;  bet  er  en  -  Sag  lt  Is  no  crlme; 
mit  -e  9taon  my  fair  name;  fe  <5tinb;  .  adv 
honestly;  brn  er  .  fine  10  Irroner  b«rb  it  is  worth 
10  er.,  If  one.  «  talt  honestly;  mene  bet  .  meb  en 
mean  well  by  one;  fom  ljan  -  fortienet  as  he 
axnply  el.  richly  deservea.  -s)cb  c  honesty,  fair- 
ness; .  dater  tengft  honesty  is  the  beat  policy, 
honesty  Is  best  at  el.  in  the  long  run. 

Wtme  n  -r  sleeve;  Wnbe  en  noget  paa  -t  palm 
a  falsehood  upon  one,  humbug  one,  throw  dust 
into  one's  eyes;  rufle  en  Sale  af  -t  make  an  oflf 
-hånd  speech;  ©onben  piffer  tøm  ub  af  -t  what 
is  bred  in  the  bone  will  never  be  got  out  of 
the  flesh.  -fobe?  sleeve-lining.  -fovnebe  pin- 
afore.  -aal,  -b)k(  bole  for  the  sleeve.  -taale 
cloak  with  sleeve«.  -rnob  sleeve-button;  bob« 
belte  -t  a  pair  of  sleeve-Unks.  •linaiag  wrlst- 
band.  -1*0  a  sleeveless.  -fpjfttb  gusset.  -tv* 
(Stræb.)  sleeve-board. 

tStt  c  -er  pea  (pi  peas  &  [coW]  pease),  Pitum 
vativum;  grønne  -er  green  peas;  groa  -er  gray  el. 
fleld  peas;  gule  -er  garden  peas,  (Suppe)  (old) 
pea-soup;  fe  More.  —  9Qrrte[agev  fleld  of  peas. 
-»eb  bed  of  peas.  -alomfft  papllionaceous  flower. 
•alamfrrebc  pi  papllionaceous  piants.  -balg 
peas-cod,  pea-shell.  -flbj  pea  moth,  Mame$tra 
pUi.  *-gra?*  fe  -b>lm.  -grøn  a  pea-green.  -ftalm 
pea-straw;  be  føenge  fanmen  fom  -  they  are  thick 
as  inkle-weavers.    Maal  fe  -fuppe. 

tdrtefafliag  c  molly-coddle. 

9dttt\tctp  pea- rod.  -1m#  pea  louse,  Apki* 
piai.  -oioft  peas-puddlng.  -ma*  fe  ©ranb>. 
t-*eoe  shoot  of  a  pea,  -rU  fe  tæp;  *fe  -tølm. 
-femj  fe  -beb.    *-flfe(m,  *-fto(m  fe  -bælg. 

Wvtefføt  fe  ttrtfffot. 

Wrrelftang  fe  -tæp.  -fte*  pea-stone.  -fuppe 
pea-soup.    -tro?  Siberlan  acacla,  Robinia. 

KfrOffr'big  a  reverend,  venerable;  (meft  cont 
om  Sttf  o.  I.)  time-honoured.  -(eb  c  venerable- 

W  n  fe  (tft. 

HHcutl'n  n  es'culine. 

«rfe  vi  (om  Biibt)  feed. 

*fSfer9i  ferment,  rise. 

tøf  el  ckn  -iler  donkey;  (mefMø)  ass,  Jackass, 
F  Ned,  Neddy.  -agtig  a  ass-llke,  asinine. 
-brtbe?  ass.  el.  donkev-driver.  -(#)fober  cotton 
•thistle.  Scotch  thlBtle,  Onopordon  aeantkwm. 
•følfoalof  anass.  -(•)bingft  male  ass.  -(#)|»oeb 
d/cap.  -bnb  fe  -flinb.  Wfellabe  o  -r  she-ass. 
We!]flBe(t  asses'  milk.    -rntter  donkey-rider 

VISfeU|a|Mrt  wlld  cucumber,  squirting-cu- 
cumber,  Momordioa  elaterium.  -tro  asses'  bridge, 
-fober  o.  fl.,  fe  Mrfel«.  »felfHnb  ass's  hlde. 
WfeWlfparf  fig  klcklng  the  dead  Uon.  -øre 
ass's  ear;  &  eyebolt  of  the  cap;  (i  ©og)  dog's 
ear;  gsre  -tren  i  dog'sear.  —  9Qrfe(|o<*bbeUb 
donkevraoe.    -øve  ^  fe  «fffel*'. 

*f01ing  c  -er  gunwale,  gunnel. 
f  fe  «flf. 

e  vt  demand;  -  til  Sbetomp  challenge;  4. 
ubjfe  Ubcefte. 

VEfte  e  -r  boz;  (ifær  ril  3ufteler)  casket.  90fle|- 
bnnb  bottom  of  a  boz.  •aarftcr  hog's  bristles. 
-form  box-form.  -ptlb  c:  en  -  JRinge,  9ulber  a 
boz  ofrings,  powder.  -la  og  Ild  of  a  boz.  -mager 
e   e  bandboz-maker. 

Wletfe,  SØffniag  c  claim,  claimlng. 

tøftetrff  fe  Vffetrs. 

løffnlap  Esculapius.  -fftttfe,  -fitog  Escula- 
pian  snake,  Elapku  Æécwajn%. 

*Wfle  vt  design,  mean,  intend  (for). 

tøfp  c  -er  aspen,  asp(-tree),  trembllng  poplar, 
Populu*  tremula.    tØfpeUb  aspen  leaf. 

tOfftletit'  c  esthet'ics  el.  æsthet'ics  pi.  -c'ttfer 
e  -e  a38thet'ic.  -e'rtfl  a  esthet'ic(al)  el.  aBsthet'- 

tøf  e  ter  (Cprinbelfe,  Bbrb)  origin,  blrth; 
(Stamme,  Slægt)  famlly,  race,  stock.  -gob  a  of 
good  family. 

Wta  l  n  e'thal. 

tOf'ter  c  ether.  -art  ether.  -beaøbe  vt  ether- 
Ize.  Wre'rifl  a  ethereal;  .  Ciie  volatile  essen- 
tlal  oil.    »rerfljre  lampic  add. 

WHo'pler  o  -e  E'thiop,  Ethio'pian.  -ie« 
Ethiopia.  -tft  a  Ethlop'ic,  Ethio'pian;  n  (Sproget) 

føtlbj'ln  e'tbyl,  e'thule.  «HI|ttli'a  n  e'thylene. 

WHtologi'  e  etiol'ogy. 

•Wtle  vt  intend. 

t0t|teb  generation.  +-lebe  vt  adopt.  +4ebtng 
adopted  child.  4-lebuing  o  adoption.  -Ung  c 
-er  descendant.    -maitb  kins-man. 

fffrna  n  (mount)  Ætna,  Etna. 

tOftøllavijt  caostio  baryte.  -øefbfe  chemlcal 

føtfe  of  chem  corrode;  mvd  cauterise;  (tegn.) 
etch;  en  -t  tegning  an  etching;  -nbe  a  caustlc, 
corroding;  -nbe  6ubflanfer  caustics,  corrodents. 
tøtfelgrnnb  etebing-ground.  -tanft  etching. 
-anal  etohlng-needle.  -ttanb  aquafortis.  —  Wt*)» 
talt  caustic  potash,  potassic  hydrate.  -talilab 
caustlc  lye.  -mtbbef  corrosive,  cauter.  -satf an* 
lab  etching-lye  of  soda.  WHftning  c  etching 
etc.    tøtftvcbfle  etching-lye. 

HHftov  a  hlgh-born.  —  t0tte|g««rb  family 
estate.  -fag«  fiunily  tradition,  -tal  genealogy, 
pedlgree.    -table  fe  6ttm*. 

WNeuttor  fe  flroentnr. 

tWbl  n,  WNlen  c  fe  8rsbl.  Wble  fe  fhwble; 
(tiDel|)  squabble. 

trtrPreb  n  rowen,  stubble  fleld;  opgipe  -  turn 
cattle  into  the  rovvens ;  fig  throw  up  the  game. 
Kloves! gvcftniag  pasture  In  rowens.  -fmøv 
stubble-butter.  •rib  time  when  the  cattle  are 
at  rowens. 





0,  *  n  er;  abbr :  |D.  —  øzt  (fe  b.  C).  Pft  Bast, 
Pftet&to  (the  eastern  suburb  of  Copenhagen). 

0  c  -er  Island,  isle;  (lille  0)  islet,  holm;  -en 
«$obn»,  en  »igbt  the  Lsle  of  Rhodes,  the  isle 
of  Wight.  ø|feø  c  -et«  •*•«  o  -e  lslander,  in- 

+Øbe  n  fate. 

Øbe  o  deserted,  desolate,  (ubijtfet) waste;  tagge 
~,  fe  Pbelægøe;  -  fot  devoid  of.  Øbe  n  desert, 
waste.  Øbe  (ogf. -te, -t)  vf  waste,  lavish.  Øbej* 
bienen  a  deserted.  -gaarb  untenanted  fiarm. 
-lanb  c  waster,  spendthrift,  squanderer,  prodigal. 
•ttggenbe  a  deserted,  (om  SRarf)  uncultivated. 
•tagge  vt  (forbcerbe)  ruin,  destroy;  (Iagge  obe,  om 
et  Sanb)  lay  waste,  waste;  (forarme)  ruin,  Im- 
poTerish;  ban  bar  -laat  alt,  bbab  bon  eiebe  he  has 
run  through  his  whole  fortune;  -Iceggenbe  o 
ruinous,  destructive,  devastating;  _  for  deatruc- 
tive  to  el.  of;  -lagta  ruined;  (tfbmattet)  knocked 
up.  -Urggelfe  e  -r  (gorbærvelfe,  Unbergang)  ruin, 
destruction;  (fcærjen  o.  I.)  havoc,  devastation, 
desolation;  Xibenft  -r  the  havocs  of  time;  -ni 
Beberffyggeligbrt  bibl  the  abomination  of  desola- 

Øbef*ggelfe#|brift  destructive  instinct.  -ebne 
destructlve  power,  -trlg  war  of  destruction, 
destructive  war.  •maftine  engine  of  destruction. 
-raferi  vandalism.  -bier!  work  of  destruction. 
Øbetegger  c  -e  destroyer. 

Øbe'm  »  oedema.  -a'tiff,  -at*'*  a  edem'atous, 

Øbe«  c  wasting,  waste.  Øber  o  -e,  fe  -lanb; 
efter  en  gob  llblet  tommer  en  gob  -  the  miser  saves 
for  the  spendhrlft  to  spend.  Øbfel  *  prodigal, 
lavish;  wasteful,  extrayagant;  (ooerflobig)  pro- 
fuse;  -  meb  prodigal  of;  -t  adv  prodigally  etc; 
omgaal  -t  meb  be  prodigal  of,  waste.  Øbfelbeb 
c  prodigality,  lavishment,  lavishness,  wasteful- 
ness,  extravagance,  proniseness;  (Oberflobtgbeb) 
profusion.  Øbflt  vt  ~  bort  dissipate,  squander; 
vi  be  wasteful  el.  prodigal;  -  meb  lavish,  be 
lavish  el.  prodigal  of.   Øbjlen  o  squandering  etc. 

♦Øbflig  a  desolate,  dreary. 

01  flot  fe  -gruppe,  -f  olf  insular  people ,  islanders . 
-fcrfrning  insular  fortress. 

Øg  n,  pi  <=,  (work-)horse,  jade;  prov  f  mare; 
fig  f  ass. 

Øge  (ogf.  -te,  -t)  vi  eke  (out),  -ttatra  nickname. 

Øgle  c  -r  small  lizard,  newt,  eft;  moo  (t  bibere 
Set.)  saurians,  saurla;  fig  viper.  Øg(e|bib  bite 
of  a  polsonous  reptile.  -pabbe  salamander. 
-rebe  nest  of  vipers.  -ftorgt  generation  of  viper b. 
-tnnge  foul  el.  slanderous  tongue.  -nage  fig  imp, 
young  viper,  scapegrace.  -bagel  brood  of  vipers. 
-<et  fe  -jlægt. 

Ø'gning  ø  eking;  eono  seam,  Join. 

Ø'lgrappe,  -tyin  cluster  of  Islands,  archipelago. 

Øje  n  -ine  (om  9taa(e  og  anbre  Genftanbe  ber  Tun 
bat  eet:  -r)  eye;  (©erraft)  sight;  (paa  ftort  og  lær« 
ning)  pip;  (paa  Sonort,  jammer,  Ølle,  SRoueften, 
$aafuglefieber,  i  Oft.  ©rob,  Suppe)  eye;  (ølabøje) 
eye,  gem;  ($oint)  point;  <£,  eye,  (Stag )  collar; 
(p.  gammel)  clasp-ring;  (p.  ftnap)  shank,  fcette  . 
paa  en  Jrnop  shank  a  button;  alle*  pjne  all  eyes; 
flaa  bjsjeft  Pine  throw  the  highest  number;  mine 
-ne  Isbe  i  Sanb  my  eyes  water;  jeø  tør  ifte  luftet 
et  .  bele  Watten  I  did  not  sleep  a  wlnk  last  nlght; 
ilte  et  ~  not  a  single  scrap;  gore  fiore  -ne  stare, 

be  all  astonishment,  open  great  eyes,  open  iil 
one's  eyes;  bbab  -t  ej  fer,  bet  gjertet  ej  rører  wktf 
the  eye  sees  not,  the  heart  ruee  not,  what  ose 
does  not  know,  causes  no  woe;  fire  Pint  fer  mes 
enb  to  two  eyes  see  better  than  one;  funbe  luu&t 
tro  mine  egne  Pine  could  hardly  credit  d.  bellere 
my  own  senses;  noget  fom  flaber  -t  an  eyeaore 
-nene«  fitjft  bibl  lust  of  the  eye;  —  (meb  prapk 
adv) :  ube  of  -,  ube  af  6fnb  out  of  sight,  out  oc 
mind;  Comme  ifle  mere  for  mine  pine  let  me  nerer 
see  you  agsin;  jeg  bar  albrig  fet  benbe  for  arme 
Pine  I  never  set  (p  clapped)  eyes  upon  ber; 
biifi  for  fine  egne  Øjne  bibt  wise  in  his  own  eoo- 
ceit;  tomme  en  for  -  meet  one's  eye,  come  betbre 
one,  come  under  one's  eyes;  ftoat  mia  alitb  før 
_  is  always  present  to  me;  for  aHe*  fSjne  In  tb« 
face  of  day;  ligge  Iiae  for  -nene  be  quite  obviocs; 
tfgøe  for  -nene  shade  one's  eyes;   btnbe  for  en* 
}jne  bllndfold  one;  ^abe  for  .  have  before  one, 
fig  keep  In  view,  have  in  one's  eye,   keep  et 
have  one's  eye  on;  -  for  .  og  Xanb  for  Xanb  an 
eye  for  an  eye  and  a  tooth  for  a  tooth;  baae  . 
for  have  an  eye  for;  fiq  lutte  -nene  for  snut  one's 
eyes  to,  wlnk  el.  connive  at,  blink;   foa  -note 
aabne  for  become  alive  to:  goa  bort  fra  mine  -ne 
out  of  my  sight;  htnbe  ilte  faa  mine  (Sine  fra  bet 
could  not  take  my  eyes  off  lt;  Øor  ^erre  mættet 
Wunben  før  enb  -nene  better  fill  a  glutton's  belly 
than  his  eyes;  onbt  i  -nene  (a)  pain  In  the  eye«; 
i  mine  -ne  to  my  mind,  In  my  eyes,  to  my  eye, 
in  my  opinion;  i  mine  aabne  -ne  to  my  face;  fclbe 
(el.  fpringe)  i  -nene  strike  the  eye,  be  consplcu 
ous;  le  en  lige  op  i  -nene  laugh   right  in  one's 
face;  fe  en  lige  i  PJnene  look  one  stralght  in  the 
face;  bet  er  føn  en  Zorn  i  -t  it  is  an  eyesore  to 
him;   jeg  fif  Zaarer  i  -nene  the  tears  came  into 
my  eyes;  putte  en  Oloar  i  -nene  cast  a  mist  be- 
fore, throw  dust  into,  one's  eyes,  frille  en  i  -sene 
strike  one's  fancy;   f  bet  fan  bu  bibe  big  i  -nene 
paa  over  my  lefl;  meb  blotte  -ne  with  the  naked 
eye;  man  fan  fe  bet  meb  et  tyilbt  -  you  may  see 
that  with  half  an  eye,  he  that  runs  may  read; 
nunffre  meb  -nene  eye  over;  fig  fe  meb  egne  -ae 
see  with  one's  own  (bodily)  eyes,  see  for  one's 
self;  fe  meb  anbre« -ne  see  through other people« 
eyes;  fluae  meb  -nene  gase  intently  at;   foge  meb 
•nene  look  for;  %att,  bolbe  .  meb  have  el.  keep 
an  eye  upon,  watch;  føbe  et  oaagent  .  meb  keep 
a  strict  eye  upon,  watch  closely;  bAn  bor  nene 
meb  fig  he  has  (all)  his  eyes  about  hun,  notbing 
is  lost  upon  him,  he  is  not  to  be  caught  nap- 
ping; flaa  nene  neb  cast  down  one's  eyes;  flaa 
•nene  op  lift  up  el.  raise  one's  eyes;  jco  fif  -nene 
op  my  eyes  were  opened;  ^olbt  ^iaanbtn  o  c  er 
Binene  shaded  his  eyes;  were  Minb  paa  bet  ene 
.  be  blind  of  an  eye;  fe  noget  paa  en«  -ne  read 
something  in  one's  eyes;  foa  -  paa  discover,  be- 
come aware  of,  set  eyes  on,  catch  sight  of,  make 
out;  aabne  -nene  paa  en  open  one's  eyes;  baæ  et 
~  paa  fy>er  finger  s  baoe  -nene  meb  fig;  |aoe  et 

8obt  -  til  look  with  favou  rable  eyes  on;  an  ber 
re  -ne  between  two  persons,  among  ounelves, 
privately,  in  private,  alone,  four  teet  upon  a 
fender;  en  Samtale  unber  fire  -ne  a  private  con 
versatlon;  |eg  bar  noget  at  flge  %tm  unber  fire  ne 
I  have  something  for  your  private  ear;  tore 
unber  fire  -ne  meb  be  closeted  with;  bet  ffete  unber 
ban*  -ne  it  happened  before  his  eyes  el.  In  his 
sight;  goa  en  unber  -ne  flatter  one;  fe  (en  el.  noget/ 




unber  -ne  face;  trcebe  unber  -nene  appear  before, 

eome  in  sight  of.    Øfe|aare  ocular  vein.    +-be» 

brag  optlcal  deceptlon,  illusion.    -blegn  blister 

In  tne  eye.   -bltl  twinkling  (of  an  eye),  moment, 

instant,  minute;   et  -S  Sag  the  business  of  a 

moment;   benbtte  -!et  take  time  by  the  forelock; 

om  et  .  in  a  moment;  paa  -let  in  a  moment,  on 

the  instant,   thls  el.  that  very  minute;  for  -Tet 

at  present;  for  et  -  ftben  thls  moment;  i  bette  - 

at  ibis  moment;  i  -let  on  the  spur  of  the  moment; 

i  bet  rette  .  in  the  nick  of  time;  i  fym*  fyfe  -te 

in  his  lucld  intervals;  $t>ett .  every  few  minutes; 

han  bentebeft  $bert  -  he  was  momently  expected. 

-blitfetig  a  momentary,  instantaneous,   imme- 

diate;  adv  this  moment  el.  instant,  immediately. 

-fctttteligftcb  o  instantaneousness.  -blitftfotografi 

instantaneous  photograph.     -bolt  4,  eye-bolt. 

-bqlb  sty.    -banbfet  ^  eye-seizing.    -banne*  a 

shaped  llke  an  eye,  ocellate.  -bonme  eye-douche, 

eye-cups.    -flftei  fistula  lachrymalis.    -fiob  n  fe 

£ien«.  -gtaft  eyeglass;  (i  StiUert)  eye-piece.  -tyinbe 

membrane  of  the  eye.    -ftttle,  -tynllng  socket  of 

the  eye.    -lammer  chamber  of  the  eye.    -taft 

glanee;  beb  forfte  .  at  firet  sight,  at  the  first 

blnsh,  on  first  being  seen.    -tirtel  lachrymal 

gi  and.     -Hap  blinker,  winker,  ey  e-flap.     -trtg, 

-trog  corner  el.  angle  (+tail)  of  the  eye,  canthus. 

-lang  fe  pien«.   -tignenbea  eye-like.   -linfe(cry- 

s talline)  lens.    -ntaat  measure  by  the  eye;  efter 

.  (om  tCrbeibe)  by  the  rule  of  thiimb.    -meb  n, 

pi  =  (+-er),  object,  alm,  end;  tør  rit  ~  has  for 

its  object;  i  bet  -  at  for  the  purpose  of;  -et  beBtaer 

SDciblet   the  end  Justifles  the  means.     -ntttfiet 

muBCle  of  the  eye.    -matte  mark;  fe  -meb. 

ØJenjbab  ophthalmic  bath.  -befatter  eye 
-shade.  -betanbelfe  inflammation  of  the  eye. 
-irtyit  eyebrow.  -brbnftftbttlbing  superciliary 
arch.  -brbttfttnnftelcorrugator,  corrugantmuscle. 
-bnnben  the  back  ,of  the  eye.  -bønø)e  fe  pie-. 
Øjcnerbe  optic  nerve.  Øfeaet  retina.  Øfenl* 
flob  *  watery  eye,  epiphora.  -forblinbclfe  Op- 
tical illusion,  -ftaar  pi  eyelashes.  -$nl  (f.  CII. 
i  en  Blaffe)  sight-hole.  *-ftbibe  white  of  the  eye. 
-II tb  f*  Pi*.  -Hittit  infirmary  for  diseases  of 
the  eye.  -taag  eyelid;  ftrampe  i  -et  nystagmus. 
-I øge  oculist,  ophthalmic  surgeon,  F  eye-doctor. 
-lagetnnft  ophthalmic  art.  -mibbel  ophthalmic. 
-operation  operation  on  the  eye.  -pine  pain  in 
the  eye.  -blafter  eye-plaster.  -falbe  eye-salve. 
Øfenåforbltnbetfe  opUc  illusion.  Øfenlftabe 
eye-affection.  -ftalt  fe  -tiener;  bibl  hypocrite. 
-ffafføeb  e  bibl  hypocrUy.  -ftarm  shade  for  the 
eyes.  Øienftlttft  delight  of  the  eyes.  Øfen!* 
fnteric  fe  -pine.  -fbejt  ophthalmoscope.  -fblcbf . 
ning,  -fbUJS  fe  Pie«,  -fbrog  language  of  the 
eyes.  -Ren  fe  Øje*.  *-ftitter  dragon-fly.  Libel- 
tula.  -fbog  o:  er  -  has  weak  eyes.  -fbagQeb 
weakness  of  the  eyes.  -ftygbont  disease  of  the 
eye.  -fø'tttig  a  apparent,  evident,  obvious;  f-t 
Sibne,  fe  -oibne.  -fb'nltgljeb  obviousness.  -tange 
mist  before  the  eyes.  -tanb  eye-tooth,  dog-tooth. 
-tiener  eye-servant.  -ticneri  n,  -tjenefte  eye 
-service,  -trfft  eyebrlght,  Euphratia;  stitchwort, 
Stellaria  holottea.  -bonb  eye-water.  -bibne  eye 
•witness.    -Oibber  pi  fe  -bryn.    -»art  fe  -pine. 

Øfejpar  pair  of  eyes.  -biet  speck  on  the  eye, 
slbugo,  leucoma.  -bnntt  point  of  distance,  point 
of  sight,  vanishing  point.  -fatø  eye-sedssors, 
cannula  scissors.  -f bolte  palpebral  flssure.  -fpeft 
fe  Pien-.  MbletS,  -fblfbgntng  4,  eye-splice. 
•ffcn  eye-ball,  apple,  pupil  of  the  eye;  fio  en*  - 
the  apple  of  one's  eye.  -ftit  loop.  -fHlt  tøo* 
ftrrto)  peduncle.  -fpn  eyesfght;  tage  i  -  view, 
iaspect,  take  a  view  of;  fortiener  at  tagel  i  - 
merits  inspection.  -bibne  fe  Pjen«.  -oabfle 
humour  of  the  eye.     -able  eye-ball.     Øfne  vt 

(bltbe  bar,  ftelne)  deocry,  spy,  espy;  (fe)  see,  be- 
hold; -  Sanb  sight  the  land. 

Ø'tlima  n  insular  climate. 

Øtø|ttø'nt  c  -er  (paa  $ofpital  ofb.)  steward; 
(fparfommelig  røanb)  econ'omist,  manager,  -nomi' 
c  econ'omy.  -nontife're  ti  econ'omlze.  -no'mtft 
a  econom'icai. 

ØtAe  c  -r  axe,  az,  (minbre)  hatchet.  -blob 
blade  of  an  axe.  -jammer  back  of  an  axe. 
-tyng  blow  with  an  axe. 

Ølden,  ØWne  pi  af  Crie,  oxen.  Øtgen|briber 
drover.  -|anbet  trafflc  in  oxen.  -bn#  fe  -ftalb. 
-marteb  ox-tair.  -ftalb  ox-stable.  -tolb  duty  on 
oxen.    -torb  ox-market.    -bogtt  ox-cart. 

Øttel jtaft  handle  of  an  axe;  (bobbag !  . !  I  talk 
of  chalk  and  you  of  cheese.    -øfe  eye  of  an  axe. 

*Øft  e  -er  spell  of  work  el.  time  between  two 

Øtnme'nift  o  ecumen'ical,  oecumen'ical. 

•01  c  (excessive)  heat. 

Øl'  (*fDI)  n  beer;  ttjnbt  .  small  beer;  engelfl 
r)t>ibt  -  ale;  bagefter  tommer  ttjnbt  -  an  after-wlt 
is  everybody's  wit;  F  oife  en  $oor  S)Qtiib  fobte  -let 
set  one  right,  give  one  a  lesson,  teach  one 
manners;  -let  af  Jlanben,  Sibbet  af  $anben  when 
wine  sinks,  words  swim.    Øltfgift  beer-tax. 

Ølanb  n  Island. 

Øllanter  beer-anker.  -bag  rough  bass-voice. 
f-bimbel  beer-keg.  -bob  beer-shop.  -brbgger 
beer-brewer.  -brbggeri  brew-house:  beer-brew- 
ing.  -brbgtttng  brewingofbeer.  -barme  dregs 
ofbeer.  -britter  beer-drinker.  -bnnt  beer-bottle. 
-bnnft  fume  of  beer.  -ebbite  ale  vinegar,  alegar. 
-fob  beer-cask.  -ftafte  beer-bottle.  -førfalfttting 
adulteration  of  beer,  beer-doctoring.  -glao 
tumbler,  -g ar  beer-yeast.  -l|«I(le)  ale-house. 
-banbel  (^anbel  meb  PD  beer-trade;  (Outifen) 
beer-vender's  shop.  -banbler  beer-seller,  beer 
•vender.  -b»*  beer-house,  ale-house,  beer-shop. 
•b«bl  F  beer-drinker,  ale-house  (rustomer,  -tonse 
beer-can.  -tor  beer- vat.  'tlppt  low  beer-shop. 
•tnefbe  fe  -$ul.  -tone  beer-woman,  ale-wire. 
-tro  fe  -buft.  -trttg  beer-mug.  Mbeife  delirium 
tremens,  the  horrors,  -talber  beer-cellar.  -lab 
gawntree,  gauntry,  ale-stool.  ØKebrob  n  beer 
-soup,  (sort  of)  ale-berry .  ØOebrab*'  Jig  maudlin, 
empty,  shallow,  weak,  soft.  Øllegrob  o  por- 
ridge  with  beer.  Øttet  a  tipsy,  beery.  01|moo( 
measure  for  beer  el.  ale.  -monb  potman.  -ofr 
beer-posset  el.  whey.  -brober  instrument  for 
testing  beer.  *-ret  ale-house  licence.  -rni  in- 
toxication  from  beer. 

♦Ø'lrog  c  summer-colt. 

Øllfalg  vending  of  beer.  -ftat  beer-tax. 
-ftnm  beer-froth.  -ffanfer  fe  -tapptt.  -ftomtning 
retailing  of  beer  in  a  beer-shop.  -fnat  beery 
nonsense.  -fort  kind  of  beer.  *-ftøb  beer-can. 
-fnbb*  fe  fDQebrob.  -iapptv  ale-house  keeper, 
keeper  of  a  beer-shop.  -træ  beer-cask.  -rnng 
a  heavy  with  beer.  -tunnel  beer-cellar.  -tonbe 
beer-barrel.  -nbfatg  fe  -^anbel.  -nrtwort.  -bogn 
beer-cart  el.  waggon,    -brager  ale-taster. 

Øm'  a  (ogf.  fio)  tender;  (fom  gor  onbt)  sore; 
toge  el.  rore  en  paa  bet  -me  (@teb)  touch  the  sore 
point;  er  .  ober  fine  tørn  dotes  upon  his  chlldren; 
er  .  ober  fin  røre  is  Jealous  of  his  honour. 

Ømfinbt  Ug  [t.]  o  sensitive,  thin-sklnned;  ~ 
imob,  ooer  sensitive  to.    -beb  e  sensiUveness. 

Øm J  fob  et  a  foot-sore.  -fobttbeb  c  foot-soreness. 
-foleabe  a  sensitive,  -(eb  c  soreness;  fio  tender- 
ness.  -Hljebflfnlb  a  tender,  -biartet  a  tender 
-hearted.  -tabet  a  tender-mouthed.  Ømme  c» 
ache,  smart;  +-i  vd  (om  Xanber)  be  set  on  edge; 
fio  -i  beb  feel  pity  for;  —  vr  flg  moan,  groan 
(with  pain);  wince;  fio  -  flg  beb  feel  reluctance 
cl.  be  reluctant  to.     +Ømme!tg  a  painful;  adv 




aaa  -  paa  &øbberne  walk  as  if  one  bad  sore  fteet. 
Ømjfftnbet,  -fftnbetføb,  fe  -tcalig.  -taatfg  a  de- 
licate,  (ogf.  >tø)  thin-sklnned,  sensitive.  -taaUg/ 
lieb  csensitiveness.  Ømtfølenbe  a  tender-hearted. 

Ønatnr  c  insular  character. 

Øttffe  n  -r  wlsh,  (finft)  deaire;  boere  efter  .  be 
to  one's  liklng;  alt  gaar  (am  efter  ~  everything 
succeeds  to  his  wishes;  jeg  før  intet  .  om  at  I 
have  no  wlsh  to.  Ønffe  vt  wlsh,  deslre,  be  de- 
slrous  (of  el.  that);  ~  en  nt  wlsh  one  st;  Jeg  -r 
(am,  at  I  wlsh  for  his  sake  that;  Jeg  -r  intet 
hellere  there  la  nothlng  I  should  llke  better;  ber 
er  en  font  -r  at  tale  meb  Dem  you  are  wanted, 
Sir;  bet  er  at  -  lt  Is  to  be  desdred;  laber  intet  til- 
bage at  -  leaves  nothlng  to  be  desired;  —  w  flg 
noget  wlsh  for,  wlsh  to  have  el.  Ret,  desiderate; 
-  ng  fri  for  deprecate;  -  fig  nt  tilbage  wish  some- 
thlng  back;  .  fig  tilbage  wlsh  one's  self  back; 
-n be  a  optatlve.  Ønffeltarn  long-desired  child. 
•bat  wishing  cap.  -tbift  divining  rod  el.  twig. 
Øttffellg  a  (fom  bør  ønfte*)  to  be  wished,  desir- 
able;  (belbig,  font  gaar  efter  |Dnffe)  lucky,  wished 
for:  minbre  -  undeslrable.  Ønffeligfjeb  e  deeir- 
ability.  Ønffejmaabe  the  optatlve.  -febbel  list 
of  desiderata,  -fatning  optatlve  proposition. 
-Paonb  fe  fbifx.  Ønf?|barbig  a  deslrable.  -bær« 
bigbeb  desirabiUty. 

*0r  e  -er  sands  (at  the  mouth  of  a  river). 

Ør  a  (i  gobebet)  confused,  glddy  in  the  head; 
jeg  bliber  ~  i  $obebet  berbeb,  bet  gør  mig  -  lt 
makes  my  head  swlm;  gøre  en  aanffe  -  (beb  Snaf) 
din  one's  ears,  make  one's  head  acne;  føn*  JBnffe 
før  fliort  (am  ~  his  good  fortone  has  turned 
his  head. 

Øre  e  -r  a  coln,  the  hundredth  part  of  a 
„Ihrøne*  (about  half  a  farthing).  Øre  vi  f ammen 
dub  together. 

Øre  n  -n  &  -r  (ogf.  $anf.)  ear;  (p.  bring,  Rør 
o.  I.)  lug;  ffubfe  -ne  paa  crop  the  ears  of;  fpibfe 
•ne  prick  up  one's  ears;  (olbe  -ne  flibe  look  sharp, 
have  all  one's  wits  about  one;  put  a  bold  face 
on  lt,  brave  lt  out;  barme  en*  -n  box  one's  ears; 
Mere  lutter  .  be  all  ear(s)  el.  attention;  tube  en 
ne  fulbe  din  el.  deafen  one's  ears;  fe  (Brbbe;  gaa 
inb  ab  bet  ene  -  og  ub  af  bet  anbet  come  in  at 
one  ear  and  out  at  the  other;  man  ftal  (øre 
meget,  før  -ne  gaar  af  en  that's  a  good  one;  fe 
f$anben:  flø  fig  bag  -t  scratch  one's  ears;  føn  før 
noget  bag  -i,  en  fRao  bag  -t  he  is  after  some  mis- 
chief;  ffribe  noget  bag  -t  note,  make  a  note  of, 
a  thlng;  Tomme  en  for  _  come  to  one's  hearing, 
reach  one's  ear,  reach  one;  følbe  fig  for  -ne  stop 
one's  ears;  prate  for  bøbe  -n  preach  to  an  in- 
attentive  audienoe,  preach  to  the  wind;  bet  er 
at  tale  for  bøbe  -n  it's  talking  to  the  wind;  bet 
maa  føbe  ringet  for  bine  -n  your  cheeks  must  have 
been  very  hot;  fe  Sufe;  føoe  .  for  have  an  ear 
for;  (abe  onbt  i  -ne  have  a  pain  in  one's  ears: 
bofffe  en  nt  i  -t  whisper  st  in  one's  ear;  trætte  i 
-t  pul!  by  the  ear,  pull  one's  ears;  følbe  en  i  -ne 
keep  one  In  order;  meb  føengenbe  -n  lap-  el.  flap 
-eared;  Meb  (eb  om  -ne  grew  very  nervous;  fufe 
en  om  -ne  din  el.  deafen  one's  ears;  boere  i  Øælb, 
forlibt  til  op  o  ber  -ne  be  over  head  and  ears  in 
debt,  in  love;  flaa  en  paa  -t  give  one  a  box  on 
the  ear;  faa  paa  -t  get  a  box  on  the  ear,  get 
one's  ears  boxed;  fooe  paa  flt  grønne  ~  be  fast 
asleep;  taane  .til  listen  to,  lend  an  ear  to; 
benbe  bet  bøtte  .  til  turn  a  deaf  ear  to  st;  ©ttbet 
Icegger  -t  til  she  heels  over;  lægger  -ne  tilbage 
lays  his  ears  back.  Ørejabe  galago,  Otolicnw. 
-balje,  -balle  mb  wlth  handles  el.  ears.  -feen 
pi  bones  of  the  ear,  ear-bones,  ossicles.  -be- 
toenbelfe  inflammation  of  the  ear,  otitia.  -brnfen 
fe  fufen.  -brnff  cartilage  of  the  ear.  -bttlb  boil 
lu  the  ear.    -bonnet  a  shaped  llke  an  ear,  auri- 

culate.  -baff  fe  -figen.  -bftenbe  a  deøXening. 
-fafan  eared  pheasant,  Oro—optilrm  mcritm**. 
-febt  fe  -bor*,  -lige«  n  &  c,  pi  ■=  A  -er  box  oo 
the  ear.  -flip  tip  el.  lobe  of  the  ear,  earlap 
-fløb  a  discharge  from  the  ear,  otorrhoea.  -førmig 
fe  -bannet.  -gang  auditory  passage,  -gnpfe  an- 
rella.  -grib  eared  vulture,  Ototrvp*.  -gtlpbe  pot 
with  ears.  -(ammer  malleus.  -(tabe  fe  Sromme* 
(tnbe.  -(ørn  ear-trumpet.  -(ml  oriflce  of  the 
ear.  -(nle,  -(nl(eb  concha,  alveary.  -(»eløing 
helix.  -(*ng  pendant  of  ear-rings.  -fatarrl 
aural  catarrh.  -f  tftert  aurlscope.  -Hrtel  parocid 
(gland).  -flap.  Mlnf  earlap.  -tnøftcr,  •fBøflrr. 
fe  -ben.  -trnffe  jug  wlth  ears.  *-fktt  fe  tiritfe. 
-lap  fe  -flip.  -(offer  pi  earlocks;  pendants.  -Utge 
fe  pren*.  -Iftp  fe  -flip.  -U*  a  earless.  -watt  ie 
-abt.  -ntibbel  cure  for  complaints  of  the  eax 
-maffel  mnscle  of  the  ear.  -nette  aurlcular 

♦Ørenbe  fe  Prliben. 

Ørcn|(aar  earlocks.     -(øffer  fe  Øre*,     -(»b 
audible  sound;  man  fan  ilte  (øre  -  for  al  ben  £tøj 
there's  no  hearing  a  word  for  all  that  noise 
•l«ge  aural  snrgeon.  -ring  earring;  pi  ear-drops. 
-tPtjt  earwig,  Forficula  auricularia. 

Øre|pU  round-eared  willow,  Salix  amrita. 
•pine  ear-ache.  -faar  wound  in  the  ear.  -fte 
earpick.  -frrtftemaal  aurlcular  confeasion 
-futan«,  -fntob*  F  feast  et.  treat  for  the  ears 
-fmerte  ear-ache.  -fneg(  ear-snail,  Btlix  amri- 
culata.  -fpejl  aurlcular  speculum.  -f^røitc 
syringe.  -fp(tffrre(  fe  -Hrtel.  -frem  ((øf  %tf) 
otolite,  otollth.  -fi(ffer  &  cheeks.  -Hm  med 

Ørefnnb  n  the  Sound.  —  ØrefsnbØltifre  Sound 
list.    -tølben  the  Sound  dues. 

Øre|fnfen  tingling,  alnglng  el.  lingtngin  tbe 

ear.  -fbin  blunttoothed  dolphin, 
fartio.  -f«(  fur  seal.  -fønberribenbe  a  ear 
•piercing.  Øret  a  eared,  $  auricled.  Ørc|> 
tromme  tympanum,  dram  of  the  ear,  ear-dnim. 
-tuber  c  -t,  -tnberffe  c  -r  øcandal-monger,  tale 
-bearer,  whlsperer.  -tnberi  *  scandal,  alander» 
tale-bearlng.  -tbifl  fe  Øren-,  -tern  fe  -figen, 
•banb  endolymph;  perllymph.  -bibne  eax-wit- 
ness.  -Pøf9  ear-wax,  cerumen.  -bo»ttrte(  certi- 
minous  gland.    -bcebffe  fe  -oanb. 

Ø'r|(eb  o  confuslon,  giddinest.  -(aKtct  a 
fe  Cr. 

Ølrig  a  full  of  Islands,  -rige  kingdom  of  te- 
lands;  lnsular  kingdom. 

Ørt,  Ørfen  c,  pi  prfener  desert,  wilderoess 
waste;  gøre  til  en  -  lay  waste;  jeg  er  føn*  ttøft 
fom  raaber  i  -en  bibl  I  am  the  voioe  of  one  ery- 
Ing  in  the  wllderness;  bet  bar  fan  en  Støff  i  -en 
it  was  preaching  to  the  wind.  Ørfenbebøcr 
inhabitant  of  the  desert. 

*Ørfe(n)bag  c  week-day. 

Ørfen|b(r  animal  of  the  desert.  -grørd  deeert 
grass.  -ftøfrer  o.  fl.  monastery  in  the  desert. 
-Uber  cream-coloured  courser,  Oør«orttu  løabel 
Itnus.  -plante  plant  of  the  desert.  -rejfe  joiu> 
ney  through  the  desert,  travelling  through 
deserts,  -rotb  fennec,  Canit  /emnec.  -fanb  sand 
of  the  desert.    >pe|  road  through  the  desert. 

ØrtetMerne  the  Orkneys. 

Ørfeøtøft  a  idle,  (om  Zing)  inoperative.  -(eb 
c  idleness. 

•Ørliben,  ørenbe  liben  a  f  diminutive, 

Ø'rn  e  -e  eagle,  Aguita.  —  Øme|oatig  a 
aquiline.  -blif  sharp  el.  eagle  eye.  -iregne 
brake,  braken,  Pien*  aquiiina.  -flff  maigre, 
Seiæna  aquila.  -ffeber  eagle's  ieatner.  -Mit 
eagle  fllght.  -arlb  fe  Samme',  -(am  eagle  s 
skin  (with  the  xeathers).    -ftø  talon  of  an  eagle. 




•nor*  eagle's  beak.  -notfe  aquiline  nose,  hook 
-nose;  meb  .  aquillne-nosed.  «vebe  eagle'b  nest, 
eyry.  -volte  eagle-ray,  sea-eagle,  Myliobate*. 
•ftvig  eagle's  cry.  -fint  eagle-stone,  aetite*. 
•tv«  eagle-wood.  -ngle  eagle  owl,  Strix  bubo. 
-nnge  eaglet.  -Hinge  wing  of  an  eagle.  -tittriol 
Roman  vitriol.    -*fe  fe  -blit. 

Ørreb,  Ørre  i  c  -er  trout,  Ai/mo  /ario;  Saft* 
salmon-trout,  sea-trout,  £a/mo  tntfta.  Øvvebj« 
lift  trout-itream.  -elb  troutriver.  -fimgft  fe 
-ftfferi.  -farvet  a  trout-coloured.  -fiffer  tront 
•fisher.    -fiffer!  trout-flahing.    -ftang  trout(-nah- 

lng)  rod. 

Jrff  a  diszy,  dozlng,  absent,  confused. 
•Øvffe  c  stupor,  doze,  absence  of  mind,  con- 

♦Ø'rfnua  pi  of  JDrttben. 

Ø'vnaagnet  a  half-awake. 

Øvøtfte  c  range  of  lalandi. 

Øfe,  -te,  -t  et  bele,  dip,  scoop,  (af  ©rønb  og 
fig)  draw;  ~  fconb  af  en  tirenb  draw  water  from 
a  well,  «  en  ©oob  bale  a  boat;  .  lenl  bale  out; 
.  Olie  i  3lben  add  fuel  to  the  flames;  .  op,  ub, 
fe  Opofe,  ttbøfe;  -  Senge  ub  squander  away  money; 
—  et  forfatteren  par  øft  af  gobe  Itilber  the  author 
has  drawn  (bis  information)  from  good  sources; 
Stegnen  ofte  neb  the  rain  poured  down,  feU  in 
torren  ts;  -  op,  +~  for  help  the  soup;  -nbe  a:  en 
•nbe  »egn  a  pouring  rain.  Øfe  o  -c  scoop;  *ladle; 
(©trøe)  heavy  shower.  Øf  e|  bf  ni  scoop- wheel. 
-far  scoop,  boat's  scoop,  baler.  Øfen  0  baling 
etc.  Øfelvnnt  well  room.  -fle  ladle.  -ftøtrf 
(long-handled)  scoop.  -ftvipne  dipper.  -bcert 
machine  for  baling  out  water. 

ØfTen  o  -er  small  ring  el.  eye,  lug;  (».  Uno*) 
shank.    Øftenftrne  eye-bolt  with  screw. 

Ø'tuing  c  bailing  etc.  Øtregn  torren  ta  of 
rain,  a  heavy  downpour  of  rain.  09 vegne  et 
bet  -r  the  rain  mils  in  torrents. 

Øft  t  4  adv  East,  east;  ~  HI  Rorb  Kast  by 
North  (ofo.);  fra  -  from  the  east:  i  -  in  the  east; 
ret  i  -  due  east;  (i)  .  for  east  of;  mob  -  towards 
the  east,  (to  the)  eastward;  gennem  -  by  east. 
Øft«  eaatern,  east.  Øft|abev  pi  monkeys  of  the 
old  world,  Simia  oatarhinæ.  -Sngelu  Bast 

0  fUt  e  fe  JDrfge. 

Øft|bane  Eastern  Railway.  -efter  adv  east- 
ward, east.     Øften  fe  Pft.     Øftenbe  o  east  end. 

Øftenlfov  prop  east  or;  adv  more  to  the  east- 
ward. -fra  adv  from  the  east(ward).  -»ni  prop 
eastward  of.  -ftonn  easterly  gale.  -frrom  easterly 
current.  -oanbe  current  from  the  east.  -fcefv, 
-nlnb  east-wind. 

Øftev  adv  k  •  fe  Pft;  i  .  og  Befter  fig  every- 
where.  Øfter|botten  *  Sast  Bothnia.  -fro  n 
the  eastern  suburb  of  Copenhagen,  -blpgb 
eastern  settlement,  -fra  adv  from  the  east. 
•gabe  East  street.  -i  adv  eastward.  -lanb 
eastern  country;  (Orienten)  the  East.  -UnbfT  a 
oriental.  t-teben,  -libe  poet  the  East.  -Jamber 
c  -e,  -tarabittg  o  -er  Oriental.  -bovi  the  East 
Gate.  -vtge  n  Austrla.  -viger  c  -e  Austrian; 
toft  -  Austro-German.  -vigfl  a  Austrian.  -vigff- 
vuftfifl  a  Austro-Russian. 

Øftrr*  e,  pi  ■»,  oyster,  Ortrea.  Øfter4|a0l 
breeding  of  oysters,  oyster-culture.  -noler  oyster 
-grower.  -bente  oyster-bank.  -fangft  -ftfferi 
oyster  flshing.  -gaffet  oyster-fork.  -glibe  oyster 
•feast.  -banbel  oyster- tråde,  -ftanoter  oyster 
•man.  -fnio  oyster- knife.  -tnv*  oyster- basket. 
•tolber  oyster  shop.  -leje,  -»art  oyster-bed. 
-I^oftef  oyster-patty.  -ffol  oyster-shell.  -ffrsber 
scraper.    -flrabning  dredging  for  oysters.    -ffcg 

beard  of  the  oyster.    -frne  oyster-room.    -tiben 
the  oyster-season.    -}ngel  oyster-spat. 

Øftevften  the  Baltic.  —  Øftevf*|favten  the 
Baltic  tråde,  -flaaben  the  Baltic  fieet.  -tabne 
Baltic  ports,  -ifl  a  Baltic.  -lanb.  -fcvobtnt  0.  fl. 
Baltic  country,  province  etc.  -fllb  herring  of 
the  Baltic. 

Øftlenvoba  Eastern  Europe.  -farer  c  -e  east- 
ward-bound  vessel.  -gaaenbe  o  easterly;  (8artsj) 
eastward  bound.  -gaaenbe  t :  for  -  eastward 
•bound;  paa  .  on  her  way  east.  -got)ev  Ostro- 
goth.  -gotljiff  o  Ostrogothic.  -gribbe  pi  vul- 
tures  of  the  old  world,  Vnlturxmæ.  -grorafe 
eastern  frontier;  eastern  limit,  -linrntelen  the 
eastern  sky.  -tant  east  el.  eastern  side;  fra  -en 
from  the  eastward.  -tnft  East  el.  eastern  coast. 
*-ianbet  the  East  country,  the  south-eastern  part 
of  Norway  (east  of  the  Langfjeld  and  south  of 
the  Dovre).  Øftlig  a  eastern,  easterly;  bet  e 
dnglanb  the  East  of  England.  *Øft|fømbiag  c 
•er  easterling,  inhabitant  of  ^ØfHanbet".  -norb- 
*ft  East  North  East.  -ooer  adv  eastward.  •}** 
adv  eastward;  in  the  east.  -baffat  East  tråde 
-wind.  -^venftfen  East-Prussia.  -nnnttet  the 
east.  -fttnt  east(ern)  point,  -ranb  eastern  edge, 
(6oIenl,  TOoanen*)  eastern  limb.  Øftve  o  def 
eastern,  east.  Øftve  fig  er  haul  round  to  the 
east.  Øftlvontevft  a :  bet  -e  Kige  the  Eastern 
empire,  -fibe  East  side.  -ftvanb  easUern)  shore. 
-ftvegen  the  East  point,    -f |b*ft  East  South  East. 

Øoe  tUr  (tåre  oeb  j&belfe,  nbooe)  practise; 
(ubbanne,  ubbifle  beb  ibelig  Drug)  ezercise,  train; 
-  Irolbom  practise  witchcraft;  -  Ziltrarningilraft 
ezercise  an  attractlon;  .  Bolb  ose  violence;  — 
er  fig  i  Sans  practise  dancing:  —  øbet  a  prac- 
tised,  skilled,  expert.  Øbeffe  c  -r  practioe, 
ezercise;  %ox  lang  .  i  is  an  old  hånd  at:  n  gør 
røeflecen  pracUce  makes  perfect,  ose  makes  per- 
feotness;  jeg  er  ube  of  -n  I  am  out  of  pracUce; 
my  hånd  is  out;  bolbe  fig  i  -n  keep  one's  nand 
in.  —  Øoelfe#|brig  training  brig  (0.  fl.)  -lefv 
camp  of  instruction  el.  ezercise.  -ntnft  training 
mast.  -bUb*  place  of  exerdse.  -riffel  prac- 
tialng  rille,  -frtb  training  snip  (o.  fl.).  -frøtte 
ezercise,  theme.  -tabel  ezercise  table.  -rib 
time  lor  practice.  -togt  training  orulse.  -tnv 
training  ezpeditlon. 

Ønevben  0  world  of  Islands,  Polynesia. 

Øberlig  adv  near  the  surface. 

Øbert  a  uppermost,  topmost,  top,  highest; 
fig  supreme,  highest;  bet  -e  the  top;  -e  Jtlaffe  the 
flrst  class:  be  -e  ^Ianetei  the  superior  planets; 
bet  -e  txtt  the  upper  el.  main  deck;  —  adv 
uppermost,  at  the  top;  .  beb  Qorbet  at  the  head 
of  the  table;  fibbe  -  i  Alalfen  be  the  head-boy, 
be  at  the  head  of  one's  form;  ftaa  -  paa  Siflen 
head  the  list;  -  ftaar  fig  chlef  among  these  ti, 
fra  .  til  neberfx  from  top  to  bottom;  from  head 
to  foot.  Øocrftbefalenbe  c  commander-in*chief. 
tØberte  c  -r  chlef,  leader,  captaln:  bibi  head, 
ruier.  0  ore  a  dtf  upper.  ønveitalien  o.  fl. 
Upper  Italy  etc. 

Ø'Orig  a  remaining;  bet  -e  the  rest,  remainder; 
mine  -e  vaqt  the  rest  of  my  days;  en  af  Sotrene 
er  gift,  be  -e  ofo.  one  of  her  daughters  has  mar- 
rled,  the  others  etc.;  for  -t,  i  -t  (as)  for  the  rest; 
besldes;  otherwise,  in  other  respects. 

Øvvigbeb  c  -er  magistrates,  authorltles;  ben 
aejftlige  -  the  spiritual  authorities;  be  -er,  fom  ere 
btbl  the  powers  that  be.  —  Øoriat»eb»J befaling 
magisterial  order  el.  mandate.  -leftilling  ma- 
gisterial  offlce.    -bevfon  magistrate. 

♦Øj  fe  P»e 


In  this  dictionary  the  syllabic  accent  is  marked  by  the  sign  ('),  whenever 
it  is  on  any  other  syllable  tban  the  tirst;  where  there  is  no  accent-sign  the  accent 
is  always  on  the  firet  syllable. 

When  the  accent-sign  is  placed  after  a  vowel,  this  vowel  is  long;  when 
after  a  consonanl,  the  preceding  vowel  is  short:  when  there  is  no  accent-sign, 
the  accented  vowel  is  long,  when  ending  the  word  or  followed  by  only  one  con- 
sonant;  short,  when  followed  by  more  tban  one. 

The  accentuation  of  Eng  lis h  words  is  not  marked  here,  except  when  the 
similarity  between  the  English  and  the  Danish  word  might  lead  to  a  false  accen- 
tuation, as  in  ttfcent'  ac'cent. 

As  to  pronunciation,  little  more  has  been  attempted  than  to  mark  the 
different  sounds  of  accented  e  and  o  —  the  pronunciation  of  the  other  vowels 
being  comparatively  uniform. 

(g,  when  long,  takes  a  sound  rather  similar  to  the  English  a  in  ole,  only 
a  little  less  open  and  without  the  «vanish»  in  e,  generally  heard  in  the  English 
vowel;  as  in  3Ren,  Oegre'b.  Exceptionally  it  takes  the  sound  of  et  (something 
like  the  English  a  in  caré) ;  this  is  marked  by  [æ]  after  the  word,  as  in  tjene  [æ], 
beb'rc  [æ]. 

(£,  when  short,  has  the  sound  as  the  English  e  in  set,  as  in  $eft,  men, 
beret'te.  Occasionally  it  takes  the  sound  of  the  long  e  described  above  (only 
short);  this  is  marked  by  [é]  after  the  word,  as  in  gebt  [é];  the  same  sound 
generally  occurs  (though  not  marked  here)  in  the  neuter  of  adjectives  and  the 
participle  of  verbs  witb  a  long  e,  as  in  feb,  n  febt  [é],  bere'be  part  berebt  [é]. 

O,  when  long,  has  an  intermediate  sound  between  the  English  vowels  in 
toe  and  too,  as  in  bo,  formo'be,  $o'nt.  Exceptionally  it  takes  the  sound  of  aa 
(English  o  in  more);  this  is  marked  by  [aa]  after  the  word,  as  in  o'tte  [aa]. 

O,  when  short,  has  the  sound  of  English  o  in  not  (only  a  little  less  open), 
as  in  ftoft  (food),  not',  befol'fe.  Exceptionally  it  takes  the  sound  of  the  long  o 
described  above  (only  short);  this  is  marked  here  by  [6]  after  the  word,  as  in 
8oft  [6J  (broom). 

The  inflection  of  compounds  is  not  given  here,  as  they  follow  their 

Whenever  no  conjugation  of  single  verbs  is  given,  they  conjugate  in  the 
regular  way,  by  adding  -be  to  the  infinitive  in  the  imperfect  tense,  and  -t  in  the 
participle  (corresponding  to  the  English  regular  conjugation  in  -d). 

Like  as  English  adjectives  form  their  ad  verbs  by  adding  -ly,  so  in  general 
do  Danish  by  adding  -t.  Gonsequently,  to  save  space,  such  adverbs  as  a  rule 
are  not  given  in  this  dictionary. 


»etterfer,  CORRIGENDA. 

8eb  en  føjttaørlfe  er  Hrttflen  Stitut  fat  unbet  Jterne. 



signifies  that  eitber  the  leading  word 

equal,  the  same. 

of  an  article,  or  that  part  of  it  which 


rare  fiælben. 

stands  before  the  vertical  stroke   ,  is 


obsolete  forætbet. 

to  be  repeated. 


colloquial  bagtig  Xale. 


replaces  the  Danish  word  in  question. 


popular,  valgår,  tabt,  ftmpett 


Danish  (not  used  in  Norway). 


naval  term  ©ømanbSfprog. 


Norwegian  (not  used  in  Denmark). 



a  adjective. 

abs  absolutely. 

ado  adverb. 

agr  agriculture. 

olm.  commonly. 

amr  American. 

anat  anatomy. 

arch  architecture. 

archæ  archæology. 

ast  astronomy. 

©et.  signification. 

bibl  biblical. 

c  common  gender  ftøttedtøn  (taking 

the  article  en,  ben). 

chem  chemistry. 

chir  surgery  ffirurgi. 

coll  collectively. 

comp  comparative. 

conc  concrete  ton!ret. 

conj  conjnnction. 

cont  con  tern  ptuonsly  forogtetigt. 

def  definite  bcftemt. 

(2)mp.)  steam-engine  StømpmafRne. 

b.  O.  this  word,  these  words. 

b.  f.  the  same. 

b.  f.  f.  the  same  as. 

[e.]  English. 

tal  properly. 

et  or. 

esp  especially. 

f.  ©tø.  for  instance. 

ftg  figuratively. 

fort  fortification. 

[fr.]  French,  and  keeping  the  French 


geol  geology. 

geom  geometry. 

gram  grammar. 

her  heraldry.  . 

i  tølm.  commonly. 

imp  the  imperfect  tense. 

int  interjection. 

iron  ironicai  ly. 

tftf.  instead  of  iftebenfor. 

joc  jocularly  føøgenbe. 

jur  law  term  juribiff  Ubtrtj!- 

jbf.  compare  jætmfør. 

log.  logic. 

m.  with  meb. 

mat  mathem  at  ics. 

med  medicine. 

mere  mercantile  fymbetøførog. 

met  metallurgy. 

mil  military. 

min  mineralogy;   mining  ttjærgMcrtø' 


mus  music. 

n  neuter  Qntetføn. 

nbf.  below  nebenfor. 

nt  something  noget, 

ogf.  even  ogfao. 

o.  t.  and  the  like  og  tignenbe. 

opt  optics. 

ord  ordinal  number  DrbenStal. 

orig  originally, 

ofo.  etc.  og  foa  bibere.